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Analytic geometi 

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The original of tliis book is in 
tine Cornell University Library. 

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the United States on the use of the text. 




Professor of Mathematics in Iowa State College 


Associate Professor of Mathematics in Iowa State College 



London: CHAPMAN & HALL, Limited 

Copyright, 1918, by 



Stanbope ipcess 



This book is the result of several years of experience in 
teaching mathematics to students of engineering and science. 

Since at the outset, analytic geometry opens to the student 
an entirely new method of approaching mathematical truth, 
much stress is placed on the first two chapters in which the 
student is building the concepts on which the future chapters 
rest. Emphasis has also been placed on those portions of 
analytic geometry in which experience has shown the student 
of calculus to be most frequently deficient. In this con- 
nection, in particular, polar coordinates have received more 
than usual attention and transcendental and parametric 
equations considerable space. The exercises are numerous 
and varied in character, and the teacher will thus be enabled 
to select from them those which best emphasize the points 
which he considers important. 

The book has been used for two years in mimeographed 
form in the class room both by the authors and their col- 
leagues, and many valuable suggestions arising from such 
use have been incorporated into the final form of the text. 

The material is so arranged that the first ten chapters 
together with a portion of Chapter XIII include those sub- 
jects ordinarily offered to such freshman classes as cover in 
the first year the three subjects, college algebra, trigonometry 
and analytic geometry. The addition of Chapter XIV will 
round out a good course of five hours a week for a semester. 
The entire book should easily be covered in a three hour 
course throughout a year. 


The authors take pleasure in expressing their thanks to 
their colleagues in the department of mathematics of the 
Iowa State College, for their assistance in reading proof and 
solving problems as well as for their many helpful suggestions. 


Ameb, Iowa, January, 1918. 



Art. Page 

1. Definition 1 

2. Directed lines 1 

3. Position of a point in a plane 2 

4. Rectangular coordinates 3 

5. Notation 3 

6. Distance between two points 5 

7. Inclination and slope ^ 7 

8. Point of division 11 

9. Area of a triangle 15 



10. Equation of a locus 18 

11. Locus of an equation 22 

12. Plotting the locus of an equation 23 

13. Discussion of an equation 27 

14. Points of intersection of two curves 40 

15. Locus by factoring >, 42 

16. Loci through intersections of two given loci 44 


17. Conditions which fix a line 47 

18. Equation of a Une in terms of point and slope 47 

19. Equation of a line in terms of slope and y-intercept 48 

20. Equation of a line in terms of two given points 50 

21. Equation of a line in terms of the intercepts 51 

22. Locus of equation of first degree 52 



A»T. Page 

23. Plotting straight lines 53 

24. Normal equation of a straight line 54 

25. Reduction to normal form 56 

26. Perpendicular distance from a line to a point 58 

27. Bisectors of the angles between two lines 61 

28. The angle which a line makes with another line 64 

29. Systems of straight lines 67 


30. Definition 73 

31. Equation of a locus: polar coordinates 76 

32. Locus of an equation: polar coordinates 77 

33. Equations of the form p = a sinks and p = a cos fee 82 

34. Di£Sculties arising from the multiple representation of points 

in the polar system 83 

35. Spirals 85 

36. Intersections of curves 87 


37. Definition 90 

38. Translation of axes 91 

39. Rotation of axes 92 

40. Degree of equation not changed by translation and rotation 94 

41. Simplification by transformation 94 

42. Transformation from rectangular to polar coordinates and 

vice versa 97 



43. Definitions lOO 

Equation of circle, center at Qi, k) and radius r 100 

Equation of circle, center at origin and radius r 100 

44. General form of equation of circle 101 

45. Radical axis 103 

46. Circle determined by three conditions 104 


chapter vii 
abt. the parabola P^,, 

47. Conic sections 110 

48. Equation of parabola, vertex at origin, axis on a;-axis Ill 

Latus rectum of parabola 113 

Equation of parabola, vertex at origin, axis on y-axis 113 

Equation of parabola, vertex at Qi, k) and axis parallel to the 

a>-axis 114 

Equation of parabola, vertex at (h, k) and axis parallel to the 

^-axis 114 

49. Construction of the parabola 117 

50. General equation of a parabola, axis parallel to one of co- ■^ 

ordinate axes 118 


51. Equation of ellipse, major axis on a>axis, center at origin.. . 120 

52. Second focus and directrix 123 

53. Latus rectum of ellipse ■ 124 

54. Equation of ellipse, major axis on y-asia, center at origin. . . 124 
Equation of eUipse, major axis parallel to the a>axis, center 

a.t(h,k) 124 

Equation of eUipse, major axis parallel to the 2/-axis, center 

a,t (h,k) 125 

55. Construction of an ellipse 128 

56. General equation of eUipse, axes parallel to coordinate axes 129 


57. Equation of hyperbola, transverse axis on a;-axis, center at 

origin 132 

58. Latus rectum of hyperbola : . . . 135 

59. Equation of hyperbola, transverse axis on y-ajda, center at 

origin 135 

Equation of hyperbola, transverse axis parallel to the avaxis, 

center a,t (h,k) 135 

Equation of hyperbola, transverse axis parallel to the y-axis, 

center at (h,k) • 135 


Abt. P*°= 

60. Construction of hyperbola 138 

61. General equation of hyperbola, axes parallel to coordinate 

axes 1"" 

62. Asymptotes to the hyperbola 140 

63. Conjugate hyperbolas 142 

64. Equilateral or rectangular hyperbola 143 


65. Definitions 146 

Equations of tangent and normal at given point on curve . . 146 

66. Equation of tangent to the curve represented by general 

equation of second degree 150 

67. Lengths of tangents and normals, subtangents and sub- 

normals 152 

68. The equation of the tangent when slope is given 155 


69. Harmonic division 158 

70. Pole and polar 159 

71. Diameters 163 

72. Conjugate diameters 167 

73. Conf ocal conies 169 


74. Removal of xy-term from general equation of second degree 171 

75. Test for distinguishing the type of conic when equation con- 

tains the xy-term 174 

76. Conies through five points 175 


77. Loci of transcendental equations 177 

78. The exponential curve y = a" 177 

79. Relation between natural and common logarithms 179 


Art. Page 

80. The logarithmic curve, y = logc x 179 

81. The sine curve, j/ = sin x 181 

82. Periodic functions 183 

83. The curve, y = asvuhx 183 

84. The tangent curve, y = tan x 184 

85. Loci of parametric equations ^ 186 

86. Derivation of parametric equations. ; 190 

87. The cycloid 190 

88. The epicycloid 191 

89. The hypocycloid 192 

90. The hypocycloid of four cusps 193 

91. The path of a projectile 193 

92. The witch of Agnesi 194 

93. The cissoid 195 


94. Rectangular coordinates in space 197 

95. Distance between two points 198 

96. Point of division 200 

97. Orthogonal projections 201 

98. Polar coordinates 203 

99. The angle between two directed lines 205 

100. The equation of a locus • 206 

101. Cylindrical surface with elements parallel to one of the co- 

ordinate axes 207 

102. Spherical surface 208 

103. Surface of revolution 209 

104. Equations of a curve 211 

105. The locus of an equation 212 

106. Quadric surfaces 214 

107. The ellipsoid 214 

108. The hyperboloid of one sheet 215 

109. The hyperboloid of two sheets 216 

110. The eUiptic paraboloid 217 

111. The hjrperbolic paraboloid 218 

112. The cone 219 

113. The normal form of the equation of a plane 220 

114. The general equation of first degree 221 


Abt. Page 

115. Plane determined by three conditions 222 

116. The equation of a plane in terms of its intercepts 222 

117. The angle between two planes 223 

118. The distance from a plane to a point 223 

119. The general equation of a straight line 225 

120. The equations of a straight line through a given point and in 

a given direction 225 

121. The equations of a straight line through two given points . . 226 

122. The projection form of the equations of a straight line 226 

123. Direction angles of a line 227 



1. Analytic geometry differs from other geometry mainly 
by the introduction of two new ideas : first, that a point in a 
plane is determined by its distances from two fixed inter- 
secting lines in that plane, and second, that an equation in 
two variables completely represents a geometric locus. 

These inventions are due to Rene Descartes (1596^1650) 
who published his discoveries in 1637. In honor of his 
name, this branch of mathematics is often called Cartesian 
geometry, and the system of coordinates here used, Carte- 
sian coordinates. 

2. Directed lines. — On a fixed line X'X, let a fixed point 0, 
called the origin, be chosen from which to measure distances. 

^ B' o B 

It is customary to call distances measured to the right 
positive, and those measured to the left negative. 

Let some unit of length be applied to OX, and suppose 
OB is 7 imits long, then +7 is represented by OB. If the 
same measure is applied to OX', and OB' is 6 units long, 
then —6 is represented by OB'. Moreover, while OB meas- 
ured to the right is 4-7 units, BO measured to the left is 
—7 units. 



From the above definition, it is evident that ii A, B, 
and C are three points on a line, then AB + BC = AC. 

A B C 

B [ C ^ 

c .4_J B 

Construct three other figures also showing that AB + BC 
= AC. 

Locate four points A, B, C, and D on a line and show in 
three different figures that AB + BC + CD = AD. 

3. Position of a point in a plane. Cartesian Coordinates. 
— If it is known that a point is located on a given fine, it is 
only necessary to know one nvunber in order to locate the 
point, namely, that nimiber which represents the distance 
and direction from the origin. 

If the point is located anywhere in a plane, its position is 
fully determined by two numbers. 

Let X'X and Y'Y be two straight lines intersecting at 0, 
and let the point P be the given 

P point. Draw NP and MP through 

// P parallel to X'X and Y'Y respec- 

_x J/'^ ^ tively. 

^'' X The position of the point P is 

ftilly determined if MP and NP 
are known. 
The fine X'X (usually horizontal) is called the x-axis. 
The Une Y'Y is called the 2/-axis and their point of inter- 
section is called the origin. 
X = OM = NP is the abscissa of the point. 
The abscissa of a point is its distance from the y-axis meas- 
ured parallel to the x-axis. 
y = ON = MP is the ordinate of the point. 
The ordinate of a point is its distance from the x-axis meas- 
ured parallel to the y-axis. 


The two intersecting lines are called the coordinate axes 
and the two numbers which locate the position of the point, 
the Cartesian coordinates of the point. 

Abscissas are taken as positive or negative according as 
they are measured to the right or left of the origin, and 
ordinates as positive or negative according as they are 
measured above or below the a;-axis. 

4. Rectangular coordinates. — The coordinate axes may 
intersect at any angle, but results are usually simpler if 
the axes are perpendicular, in which case, Cartesian coor- 
dinates are called rectangular coordinates. Cartesian 
coordinates when not rectangular are called oblique coor- 

Unless otherwise specified, rectangular coordinates will 
always be used. 

5. Notation. — The point whose coordinates are x = a, 
and y = b, is usually written P = (a, h) or P (a, b). This 
is read " P whose coordinates are a and b." 

Variable points are in general represented by P (x, y), 
and fixed points by Pi (xi, y,), Pi {x^, 1/2), etc. 

To plot a point in Cartesian coordinates choose any con- 
venient unit of measure, lay off from the origin on the 
X-axis a number equal to the abscissa, and from the extremity 
of this hne, and on a parallel to 
the 2/-axis, a number equal to the 

Thus to plot the point P (— 4, 5), 
lay off OM = -4 on OX and draw 
MP = 5 parallel to OY. 

The use of coordinate paper will 
be found to be of decided advan- 
tage in a rectangular system of coordinates. Such paper is 
constructed as in the figure in which the above point has 
been located. 


J y 

M. C 

__ " _i 



1. Plot accurately the points: (5, 6), (-2, -3), (0, 2), (-5, 0). 

2. Let the axes OX and 07 be inclined at an angle of 45°. Plot the 
points given in Ex. 1. 

3. Draw the quadrilateral whose vertices are (3, 2), (— 4, 2), (— 4, — 1), 
(3, — 1). Prove the figure is a rectangle and find the lengths of its sides. 

4. Where are the points whose ordinates are 07 Whose abscissas 
are 0? Whose abscissas are 2? 

6. On what line will a point lie if its abscissa and ordinate are 
equal? If equal numerically but opposite in sign? 

6. The origin is the middle point of a line one of whose extremities 
is (—2, —3). Find the other extremity. 

7. What are the coSrdinates of a point half-way between the origin 
and the point (2, 4)? Ans. (1, 2). 

8. In a rectangle whose sides are 4 and 3 one of the longer sides is 
chosen as the a;-axis and a diagonal as the 2/-axis. What are the coordi- 
nates of the vertices and of the middle points of the sides? 

9. An isosceles triangle has a base 6 and the equal sides each 5. The 
base is taken as the x-axis and the perpendicular from the vertex to the 
base as the 3/-axis. Find the coordinates of the vertices. 

Find also the coordinates of the vertices if the base and one of the 
sides are chosen as axes. 

10. What are the coordinates of the vertices of a square whose side is 
2 a if the origin is at the center of the square and the axes are parallel to 
the sides? 

What are the coordinates of the vertices if the origin is at the center, 
one axis is parallel to a siide, and the other is a diagonal? 

11. What are the coordinates of the vertices of an equilateral tri- 
angle each side of which is o, the base being chosen as the x-axis and the 
perpendicular to this base through a vertex as the j/-axis? 

12. Compute the lengths of the sides of the triangle whose vertices 
are (2, 1), (6, 4), and (7, 1). Ans. 5, 5, VlO. 

13. Plot the points A (-1, -2) and B (2, 3). Let the horizontal 
line through A cut the vertical Une through B in the point C. What are 
the coordinates of CI Find the area of the triangle ABC and the length 

14. Plot the points A (3, 2) and B (6, 6) and compute the distance 
between them. Ans. 5. 

15. If two points A (xi, 0) and B (%, 0) are located, show that 
AB = Xj — xi whether A and B lie on the same side of the origin or on 
opposite sides. 


6. Distance between two points. — The distance d be- 
tween two points Pi (xi, 2/1) and Pa (x^, yi) is given by the 


d = ^ixa-x,r + (ya-yir. (1) 

Proof. Let Pi and P2 represent any two given points, 
and let d represent the distance between them. 


Draw the ordinates MiPi and M2P2, and through Pi 
draw PiN parallel to the a;-axis, meeting at N the ordinate 
MiPi (produced if necesary). :^ 

In the right triangle PiPaiV, PiiV = M1M2 = OM2 - OMi 
= X2 — x\ and NPi = MjPz — MiPi = 2/2 — yi-_ 

Substituting in P1P2 = VPiiV' + NP^we get the formula 
d = V{x2-xiy+iy2-yiy. 

Note. — The student should notice that the above demonstration 
applies equally to the two figures given, and should satisfy himself that 
the proof holds good when the points are located in other positions. 
Since results remain the same if the positions of the points are changed, 
in future demonstrations points will be located in the simplest position 
(usually in the first quadrant). 


1. Find the distance between the points A (—2, 2) and B (3, 4). 
Solution. — Here Zi = — 2, ^1 = 2, % = 3, 2/2 = 4. Substituting in 
the above formula, we have 

AB = V(3 + 2)2 + (4- 2)2 = V29. 



2. Find a point equidistant from the three points A (0, 1), B (5, 1), 
and C (2, -3). 

Solviion. — Let Pi fe, yi) be the required point. 

From formula (1) 

PiA = V (0 - x,Y + (T^S 
PiB = V(5 - x{)^ + (1 - j/i)' , 
P,C = V(2-xi)2 + (3+j/,)2. 

Since these distances are all 
equal, we can make the two equa- 
Va;i2+2/i2-2 2/i + l = 













Vxi' - 10 xi + j/i" - 2 yi + 26, 
Va;i '+g/i'-2yi + l = 
Vxi^ - 4 X. + 2/1^ + 6 2/1 + 13. 
Squaring each and collecting, 

10 xi = 25, 
2 xi — 4 2/1 = 6. 

Whence Xi = I, 2/i = — i- 

It is evident that Pi is the center of the circle passing through the three 
points A, B, and C. 

After working each example, the student should examine his figure 
carefully and satisfy himself that his answer is reasonable. 


1. Find the lengths of the lines joining the following points: 

(a) (-1, -4), (2, 1). Am. Vsi. 
(6) (3, 2), (0, -2). 

(c) (o, 6), (-a, -6). 

(d) (o + 6, a), (6, a + b). 

2. Find the lengths of the sides of the following triangles: 

(a) (1, 1), (-2, 2), (-3, -3). 

(b) (4, 2), (-3, 4), (2, -6). 

(c) (a, 0), (0, -a), (a + b, a). 

(d) (c + d, 0), (d, c), (d, -c). 

3. Prove that the points (-3, 1), (3, 1), and (O, 1 + 3 Vs) are the 
vertices of an equilateral triangle. 

4. Prove that the points (4, 1), (—1, —4), and (3, 2 V2) are equi- 
distant from the origin. 


5. Prove that (3, 1), (2, 4), and (-2, 1) are the vertices of an isosceles 

6. Prove that the points (4, —3), (5, 4), and (—2, 5) all he on a circle 
whose center is (1, 1). Find the radius. 

7. Prove that (1, 1), (3, 4), and ( — 5, 5) are the vertices of a right 

8. Prove that (1, 2), (-5, -3), (1, -11), and (7, -6) are the ver- 
tices of a parallelogram. 

9. Prove that (0, -1), (3, 2), (0, 5), and (-3, 2) are the vertices of a 

10. Find a point on the ^-axis which is equidistant from (4, 0) and 
(-2, -2). Ans. (0, 2). 

11. One end of a Une whose length is five is at (4, 2); the abscissa of 
the other end is 1. Find the ordinate. Ans. 6 or —2. 

12. Find the point equidistant from (0, 2), (3, 3), and (6, 2). Ans. 
(3, -2). 

13. The point (x, y) is equidistant from (2, —1) and (7, 4). Write 
the equation which x and y must satisfy. Ans. a; + 2/ = 6. 

14. Express algebraically that the distance of the point {x, y) from 
the point (2, 3) is equal to 4. 

16. The angle between obhque axes is 60°. Find the distance be- 
tween the points (3, 5) and (5, 1). Ans. 2 Vs. 

Hint. — Locate the points, draw their coordinates and apply the law 
of cosines from trigonometry. 

16. The angle between oblique axes is w. Find the distance between 
the points Pi (ii, yi) and Pa (x2, 2/2). 

7. Inclination and Slope. — The angle which one line 
makes with another is the angle not greater than 180° measured 
counter-clockwise from the second to the first. 


Thus, the angle which the line Li makes with another line 
La is the angle <j> in the figure. 



The inclination of a line is the angle which it makes with 
the a;-axis. This angle is always measured from the posi- 
tive direction of the x-axis. Thus <^ in the figures below 
represents the inclination of the line AB. 

The slope of a line is the tangent of its inclination. 
Formula for slope. — The slope m of a line joining the two 
points Pi {xi, yi) and Pi (a^, y^ is given by the formula 

m = 

Xg — Xi 


Proof. — Let Pi (xi, yi) and P^ (xa, 2/2) be two points on 
a hne whose inclination is c^. It is required to find m the 
slope of the line. 

Draw the ordinates MiPi 
and M2P2 and through Pi draw 
PiiV parallel to the x-axis cut- 
ting MiPi in N. Then angle 
= NP1P2 (why?). 

From the figure, it is seen 
that m = tan </> = tan NPiP^ 
_NP2_ yi-yy 
PiN X2 — Xi 
Parallel lines. — If two lines are parallel, their slopes are 
equal, and conversely. 



v' /t 


■ /° 


1, N 

». ' 



Proof. — Let ^i and <^2 be the inclinations and mi and jwj 
the slopes of the parallel 
lines Li and Li. ^^^i 

Then <^i = 02 (why?) 
and therefore mi = mi. 

The proof of the con- 
verse is left to the stu- 

Perpendicular lines. — 
// two lines are -perpendic- 
ular, the slope of one is the negative reciprocal of the slope 

of the other, and con- 

Proof. — Let 0i and 
4>i be the inclinations 
and mi and rm the 
slopes of the perpen- 
dicular lines Li andZ/2. 
Then</.2 = 9O°-|-0i 

tan <^2 = tan (90° + <^i) = — cot <^i = , whence ma = • 

tan <^i mi 

A similar proof ap- 
plies when 01 is ob- 
tuse. The proof of 
the converse is left to 
the student. 


Prove that the line 
ioining A ( — 1, 1) and B 
(1, 5) is perpendicular to 
the line joining C ( — 2, 3) 
and D (2, 1). 
























5 — 1 
Solution. — From formula (2), the slope of AB = ^ , ^ = 2, and 

1—3 —1 
the slope of CD = „ - = -^ ' 

Since either slope is the negative reciprocal of the other, the lines are 


1. Find the slopes of the lines joining 

(o) (2, 5) and (-3, -3); 

(b) (3, 2) and (7, -7); 

(c) (4, 3) and (-2, 5); 

(d) (a, 6) and (-a, 2 6). 

2. Find the inclination of the Unes joining 

(a) (3, 2) and (-1, -2); 
(6) (V3, O) and (0,1); 

(c) (0,0) and (l, Vs); 

(d) (-4, 0) and (-5, Vs); 

(e) (5, 6) and (4, 7). 

3. Find the slopes of the sides of the triangle whose vertices are (3, 5) 
(6, 2), and (5, 7). Am. -1, 1, and -5. 

4. The inclination of AB is 40°. If CD makes an angle of 20° with 
AB, find the slope of CD. Arm. a/3. . . 

6. Solve Ex. 7 and 8 in Art. 6 by means of formula 2. • . 

6. Prove that the diagonals of the square in Ex. 9, Art. 6, cut at right 

7. Prove that (6, -5), (2, -1), (-3, -4), and (-2,-5) are the 
vertices of a trapezoid. 

8. What is the slope of the line joining (2, 6) and (2, —4)? What 
is the slope of any Une parallel to the y-axis? 

9. Prove that the Une joining (5, 2) and (6, 4) is parallel to the line 
joining (2, 5) and (4, 9) and perpendicular to the line joining (8, 1) and 

■ (6, 2). 

10. Prove that the triangle whose vertices are (0, 0), (3, 1), and (2, 4) 
is a right isosceles triangle. 

11. Prove by means of slopes that the figure whose vertices are 
(2, 1), (1, 3), (3, 4), and (4, 2) is a rectangle. 

12. Prove by means of slopes that the three points (1, 1), ( — 2, —2), 
and (3, 3) lie in the same straight line. 

13. Three vertices of a parallelogram are ( — 1, —2), (2, 0), and (8, 6) 
joined in the order named. Find the fourth vertex. Ans. (5, 4). 


14. A line with an inclination of 60° passes through the origin. If 
the ordinate of a point on the line is 6, what is the abscissa of the point? 
Am. 2 Vs. 

IB. A point is 4 units from the origin and the inclination of the line 
joinmg it to (l, V3) is 60°. Find its coordinates. Am. (2, 2 Vs) and 
(-2, -2V3). 

16. A point is equidistant from the two points (2, —4) and (4, 6){ 
and the slope of the-|line joining it to ( — 1, 5) is —2. Find its coordi- 
nates. Ans. (^,'-'#). ' ' 

8. Point of division. — If the point P3 is taken any- 
where on the line P1P2, P3 divides the line into two segments 
P1P3 and Pa-Pa- It will be understood that the segment 
P1P3 starts at Pi and terminates at P3 and that the segment 
P3P2 starts at P3 and terminates at P^. If both segments 
extend in the same direction, the segments are said to have 

Pi P3 P 


Pi P2 P a 

the same sign, if in opposite directions, opposite signs. 
Thus in the first figure above, the ratio of P1P3 to P3P2 is 
positive, while in the second figure the ratio is negative. 

The division is called internal or external according as the 
point P3 falls between Pi and Pa or on the line produced. 

Formula for point of division. — The coordinates {X3, yi) of 
the point P3 which divides the line joining the two points 
Pi {xi, 2/1) and Pi {xi, 2/2) into segments such that the ratio 

p' " = —, are given by the formulas 

*8 = — — 77— — > ya — _ ,_ — w 

Proof. — Let Pi and P2 be the two given points, and P3 
the point which divides the line joining Pi and P2 in the 
ratio of ri to r2. It is required to find the coordinates of P3. 



Draw the ordinates MiPi, M2P2, and M3P3. Then since 
the three parallels MiPi, MJPi, and MgPa are cut by the 

P^ two transversals Miilf 2 and 
P1P2, the corresponding 
segments are proportional. 

M1M3 P1P3 ^ n. 

.Ml M.8. Mi 


Solving for Xi, the abscissa of the point of division is 
found to be 

nxi + r-aXi 





- Xi 



~ X3 



n + : 

Similarly, by drawing the abscissas of the three points 
Pi, P2, and P3, the student is asked to derive 

rm + mi 
y'= n + n ■ 

Coordinates of the middle point of a line. — The coordi- 
nates (xs, 2/3) of the middle point, P3, of the line joining the 
two points Pi {xi, j/i) and Pa (xa, 2/2) are given by the formulas 

«^i + «a 
*3 n ' 


_ yi + ya 


Proo/. — These results are derived immediately from 
formula (3) by substituting n = ra. 


1. Find the coordinates of the point dividing the line joining ( — 2, 5) 
and (3, 0) in the ratio f . 

Here Xi = —2, a^ = 3, yi = 5, 2/2 = 0, n = 3, and tj = 2. 



Substituting in for- 
mula (3), 

3-3 + 2-(- 

Xi = 

yt = 


2 + 3 
•0 + 2-5 

= 1, 

2 + 3 

2. Divide the line 
joining the two points 
(-2,5) and (3, 0) in the 
ratio 2 : — 1. 

Here Xi = — 2, % = 3, 
















2/1 = 5, 2/2 = 0, i-i = 2, r-2 = —1. 
Substituting in formula (3), 
2- 3 + (-l)-(-2) 

2-0 + (-l)-5 

Xi = 


The figure shows that P1P3 is twice 
P3P2 and opposite in sign, or PiPa : 
P3P2 :: 2 : -1. 

3. Prove analytically that the line 
joining the middle points of two sides 
of a triangle is parallel to the third side. 
In examples of this class, all points chosen should be represented by 
literal quantities so that the proof applies equally to all figures of the 
class. The position of the origin and axes should be taken so as to 
simplify the work as much as pos- 

Let the base of the given triangle 
be represented by a and the altitude 
by 6. Taking the side a of the tri- 
angle as the a>axis and one extremity 
of this base as the origin, the figure 
is as shown, and the vertices are 
(0, 0), (a, 0), and (c, 6). Let D and 
E, the middle points of OB and BA 
respectively, be joined by the line DE. 



The coordinates of D, the 
middle pomt of OB, are found by formula (4) to be f |, gj, and those of 
E, the middle point of BA, to be ( — 5 — ' o ) " 


The slope of DE is shown by formula (2) to be 

2 2 

c -\- a c 

2 2 

Whence DE is parallel to the ataxia which coincides with OA the base 
of the triangle. 


1. Divide the line joining (3, —5) and (6, 2) 

(o) in the ratio of | ; 

(6) in the ratio of -^• 

Plot figure and discuss the position of points in the result. 

2. Find the coordinates of the point C which divides the line joining 
A ( -3, 4) and B (7, 9) in the ratio f . Check the work by showing that 
the distance from A to C is | of the distance from C to B. 

3. Find the middle points of the sides of the triangle ( — 1, 3), 
(—3, —5) and (3, —1) and compute the lengths of the medians. 

4. If the point Pj divides the line joining the points Pi and Pu in a 
negative ratio numerically greater than one, will the point Ps be nearer 
Pi or Pa? If the ratio is negative and numerically less than one, discuss 
the position of Pi. 

Find the coordinates of the point which divides the line joining 

(-1, 4) to (8, 1) in the ratio -^- Arts. (26, -5). 

6. Prove that in the parallelogram whose vertices are (1, 2), 
(—5, —3), (1, —11), and (7, —6) the diagonals bisect each other.. 

6. Prove that in the trapezoid whose vertices are (6, —5), (2, —1), 
( — 3, —4), and ( — 2, —5), the line joining the middle points of the non- 
parallel sides is parallel to the bases and equal to half their sum. 

7. Find the points of trisection of the line joining (—2, —2) and 
(7, 4). Ans. (1, 0) and (4, 2). 

8. In what ratio does the point (3, —2) divide the line joining ( — 1, 2) 
and (5, -4)? Ans. 2 : 1. 

9. The middle point of a line is at the point (3, — 2) . One extremity 
is ( — 1, —4), what is the other extremity? Ans. (7, 0). 

10. The line joining (—4, —2) and (4, 6) is divided in the ratio --^• 

Find the distance of the point of division from (2, —3). Ans. 7 Vs. 

11. Prove that the lines joining the middle points of the adjacent 



Bides oft he quadrilateral whose vertices are ( — 3, —2), ( — 1, 4), (3, 6), 
and (5, —4) form a parallelogram. 

12. One extremity of a line is at the point (—2, 3) and the Une is 
divided by the point (3, —2) in the ratio |. Find the other extremity. 
Am. (7, -6). 

13. Find the center of gravity of the triangle whose vertices are 
(-1, -2), (3, 4), and (5, -6). 

Hint. — The center of gravity is the point of intersection of the 
medians and was shown in geometry to be two-thirds of the distance 
from any vertex to the middle of the opposite side. Ans. (J, — f). 

14. The line AB is produced to C so that BC is equal to twice AB. 
A is (5, —4) andBis (3, —2), what are the coordinates of C? Ans.( — 1, 2). 

15. The Une joining Pi ( — 1, 3) and Pa (2, 4) crosses the 2/-axis at Pa. 
Find the ratio into which Pj divides P1P2. Find the ordinate of Pj. 
Ans. h; ¥■ 

16. Three vertices of a parallelogram are ( — 1, —2), (2, 0), and 
(8, 6), joined in the order named. Find the fourth vertex by drawing 
the diagonals and appljring the formulas of this article. Ans. (5, 4). 

17. Prove analytically that the middle point of the hypotenuse of 
any right triangle is equidistant from each vertex. 

18. Prove analytically that the diagonals of any parallelogram bisect 
each other. 

19. Prove analytically that the line joining the middle points of the 
non-parallel sides of a trapezoid is equal to half the sum of the parallel sides . 

9. Area of a triangle. The area of a triangle whose vertices 

are Pi {xi, yi), Pi (x^, yi), and P3 {xz, ys) is given by the formula 

Area triangle P1P2P3 = 

I [«i (ya - ya) + «a (ys - yi) 
+ xa(yi- ya)]- (5) 

Proof. — Locate the triangle 
whose vertices are Pi, Pi, and 
Pi, and draw the ordinates 
MiPi, MiPi, and M3P3. 

Then triangle P1P2P3 = 
MiPiPsMi - MiPiPiMi - MiPiPMz = i [MiMi {MiPi + M3P3) 
- MiMi (MiPi + MiPi) - MiMi (MiPi + ilfsPs)] (why?) 
= i [{xs - xi) (2/1 + 2/3) -{Xi- xi) {yi + yi) - {xs - Xi) (yi + 2/3)]. 



Expanding and collecting, this reduces to 

I [xi (j/2 - J/s) + Xi (2/3 - 2/1) + xs (2/1 - 2/2)]. 

l^J^ ■ 


p^"^ ^ 

-x: '^^of X 

• Pi 


Find the area of the triangle whose vertices are (1, —1), (2, 3), and 
(-2, 1). 

Denote (1, -1) by Pi, (2, 3) by P2, and (-2, 1) by P,. 

Then from formula (5), 

areaPiP^P, = J [1 (3 - 1)+ 2 (1 + D 
-2(-l -3)] =7. 

It will be noticed that in passing 
from Pi to Pi to P3 we go in a coun- 
ter-clockwise direction and that the 
area hes on the left. In this case 
the area is found to be positive. 
If the same three points had been 
lettered differently, thus. Pi (1, -1), P2 (-2, 1), 
and P3 (2, 3), the formula would have given 
the result in the form 

Area PiPjPs = i [1 (1 - 3) -2 (3 -|- 1) 

-|-2(-l-l)]= -7. 

That is, if we pass through the points in a 
clockwise direction, keeping the area on the 
right, the formula gives a negative value to 
the area. 

In any example, in order to obtain a positive result, the points should 
be taken in counter-clockwise order. 

It is of decided advantage in remembering the formula 

Area P1P2P3 = 5 fe {yi - ys) + xi {y,, - y{) 
+ xz{yi -2/2)] 

to notice the cyclic order of the subscripts. If the 
numbers 1, 2, 3 are arranged in a circle as shown in 
the figure it will be observed that the subscripts of x 
in the formula follow the cychc order, that is the order 
determined by following the arrow heads on the circle. 
Also the three subscripts in each term follow this order, starting how- 
ever with 1 in the first, 2 in the second, and 3 in the third. 



p^^ J 

/'^^o t X- 





1. Find the area of the triangle whose vertices are 

(a) (-1,1), (1,2), (-1,3). Ans. 2. 

(b) (0,0), (2, -1), (3, 4). 

(c) (a, 0), (a, 6), (c, d). 

(d) (6, 6), (-2, 3), (-5, -1). 

2. Find the area of the quadrilateral whose vertices are (2, 3), 
(-4, 1), (-5, -2), (3, -6). Ans. 42. 

3. Prove by means of slopes that the quadrilateral whose vertices 
are (2, 4), (3, 0), (5, 3), (4, 7) is a parallelogram and find its area. 

4. Prove that the area of the triangle whose vertices are (2, 3), 
(—4, —3), and ( — 1, 0) is zero and hence show that these points all lie 
on a straight line. 

5. The vertices of a triangle are (—2, —2), (4, 7), and (4, —1). 
Lines are drawn from the vertex (4, —1) trisecting the opposite side. 
Find the area of one of the three equivalent triangles formed. Ans. 8. 

6. Are the three points (1, 3), ( — 1, —1), and (3, 7) in the same 
straight line? 

7. Prove that the Unes joining the middle points of the adjacent 
sides of any rectangle form a rhombus whose area is one-half the area of 
the rectangle. 

8. In a triangle whose vertices are (1, 2), (3, —4), ( — 5, 6), Unes are 
drawn joining the middle points of the sides. Prove that area of the 
first triangle is four times that of the second. 

9. Find the area of the triangle whose vertices are ( — 1, 5), (2, 1), 
and (4, 5). 

Prove the triangle isosceles, compute the altitude, and determine the 
area as one-half the product of the base and altitude, thus checking the 
first result. 

10. Find the area of the trapezoid whose vertices are (0, 0), (a, 0), 
(6, c), and (d, c). Show that this area is the product of the altitude by 
one-half the sum of the parallel sides. 


10. Equation of a locus. — One of the most important 
functions of analytic geometry is the appUcation of algebra 
to geometry. 

The two fundamental problems are 

(1) To find the equation of a locus, having given certain 
geometric conditions. 

(2) To plot and discuss the geometric figure or locus which 
corresponds to a given equation. 

The first of these two problems will be considered in this 

The equation of a locus is an equation which is satisfied by 
the coordinates of all points on the locus and not satisfied by 
the coordinates of points not on the locus. 

Sometimes the equation of a locus can be written imme- 
diately from the above definition. 

Thus, if a line is parallel to the y-axis and 2 units to the 
right of it, its equation is a; = 2, for the equation is satis- 
fied by the coordinates of every point on the line and by the 
coordinates of no point off the Une. 


1. What is the equation of a line parallel to the ai-axis and 3 units 
above it? Parallel to the a^axis and 5 units below it? 

2. What is the equation of the x-axis? Of the 2/-axis? 

3. What is the equation of a line parallel to the j/-axis and 4 units to 
the left? 

4. What is the equation of a line half way between the lines y = 2 
and y = 81 




6. Find the equation of the Une half way between the hnes x = —1 
and a; = 6. 

6. Find the equation of a Una parallel to y = —2 and 5 units above it. 

7. What is the equation of the line joining (—2, 5) and (3, 5)? Is 
the point (7, 5) on the line? 

From the definition of the equation of a locus, it is evident 
that a point whose coordinates satisfy the equation of a locus 
lies on that locus, and one whose coordinates do not satisfy the 
equation is not on the locus. 

The steps in finding the equation of a locus are, in general, 
as follows : 

1st. Construct a figure in which all the given data is 
located and let P (x, y) represent the coordinates of any 
point on the locus. 

2nd. From the figure or from given data, equate two 
geometric magnitudes which are known to be equal. 

3rd. Replace the geometric magnitudes by equivalent alge- 
braic values expressed in terms of x, y and given constants. 

Ath. Simphfy the result. 

bth. Discuss why the coor- 
dinates of all points on the 
given locus satisfy the equation 
obtained and why the coordi- 
nates of all points off the locus 
fail to satisfy it. 


1. Find the equation of the 
straight Une through the points 
(4, 1) and (6, 7). 

tst. Plot the known points A 
and B and draw the straight Une 
through them. Choose P (s, y) any 
point on the required locus. 

2nd. Since A PB is a straight Une, it is evident that 

the slope of AP = the slope gf AB, 
























3rd. The slope of AP = 


- , formula (2). 

7 — 1 
The slope of AB = ^ = 3, formula (2). 




= 3. 

X — 4 

4th. Clearing of fractions and simplifying, 
5th. Since the point P (x, y) was taken as any point on the desired 
locus, it is evident that the first condition of the equation of a locus is 
fulfilled, viz., that the equation is satisfied by the coordinates of all 
points on the loousv 

To prove the second condition, viz., that any point not on the locus 
does not satisfy the equation, choose any point, Pi, not on the locus and 
draw its ordinate crossing the given fine at Pi. Since Pi is on the given 
line, its coordinates satisfy the equation, 3x — j/ — 11=0, and we have 
after solving for y and substituting, 

2/2 = 3x2 — 11. 
If the coordinates of Pi are substituted in the same equation we obtain 

2/1 = 3 xi — 11. 
The second members of these two equations are equal since Xi = xs, 
whUe the ordinate j/i is either greater or less than 2/2 according as Pi is 
above or below the Une. Hence the equation 3x — y — ll=Ois not 
satisfied by the coordinates of Pi (xi, j/i). 

Since we have shown that the equation is satisfied by the coordinates 
of every point on the locus and by the coordinates of no other points, 
it is the desired equation of the locus. 

2. Find the equation of a 
line through the point (3, —2) 
and perpendicular to the line 
joining (4, 1) and (2, 2). 

Is*. Plot the points A (4, 1) 
and B (2, 2) , and draw through 
them the line AB. Plot C 
(3, —2) and through it draw 
a line perpendicular to AB. 
Choose P (x, y) any point on 
this Une. 
2nd. Since the lines CP and AB are perpendicular, 
























3rd. Slope of CP = ^-i-^, formula (2). 

X -3' 

Slope of AB = l^ 
2 — 4 

Therefore ^-i-^ = 2. 
X — 3 

— J, formula (2). 



z s 

7 ^ 


A ^^ 

L. J 

jz_3,^ ^t T 

,, — ^__ ^ ^^, 

'=i ^^ 

4th. Simplifying, 

y-2x + 8 = 0. 

5th. The proof of this step is left to the student, being in general 
similar to that given in illustrative example 1. 

3. Find the equation of the locus of the point which moves so that it 
is always at a distance 5 from the 
point (1, 3). 

Ist. Plot the point A (1, 3). 

It is evident that the locus is 
a circle with center A and radius 
5. Let P {x, y) represent any 
point on this circle. 

2nd. Then AP = 5. 

3rd. By formula (1), 

AP = V(x - ir + iy- 3y, 

V{x - ly + {y~ 3r =5. 
ith. Squaring, expanding, and collecting, 

a?-2a; + ?/2-62/-15=0. 
5th. The proof of this step is left to the student. 


1. Find the equation of the locus of the point for which the ordinate 
is always three times the abscissa. 

2. Find the equation of the line through the point (2, 3) and with 
inchnation of 120° Is the point (5, 6) on the line? 

3. Find the equation of the line through (1,2) and ( — 3, — 4) . Check 
work by showing that the coordinates of these points satisfy the equation. 

4. A point moves so that its distance from the point ( — 1, 2) is 
always equal to its distance from the origin. Find its equation. 

6. Find the equation of the straight line passing through the middle 
point of the Une joining (2, —7) and (10, 5) and making an angle of 45° 
with the X-axis. 

22 LOCI 

6. Find the equation of the straight line through the point ( — 1, 5) 
and parallel to the hne joining (1, 3) and ( — 5, 5). 

7. Find the equation of the straight hne perpendicular to the hne 
joining the two points (2, 1) and (5, 4) and dividing the distance between 
them in the ratio of 2 to 1. 

8. Find the equation of the straight line through the point (1, 2) and 
with slope |. Find the ordinate of the point on the line for which the 
abscissa is 0, and thus find where the Hne crosses the y-ajda. Similarly, 
fiind where the hne crosses the a^axis. 

9. Find the equation of the straight hne perpendicular to the hne join- 
ing the points ( — 2, 1) and (6, —3) and passing through its middle point. 

10. Find the equation of the locus of a point which moves so as to 
be always equidistant from the two points ( — 2, 1) and (6, —3). Prove 
that this is the perpendicular bisector by showing that its equation is 
the same as that in Ex. 9. 

11. Find the equations of the following circles: 

(a) center (0, 0), radius 4; 

(b) center (3, 2), radius S; 

(c) center (a, 6), radius c. 

12. Find the equation of the circle whose center is (2, 3) and which 
is tangent to the x-axis. 

13. Find the equation of a circle whose radius is 5 and whose center 
is the middle point of the line joining ( — 1, —3) and (3, 7). 

14. Find the equation of the circle in the first quadrant which is 
tangent to both axes and whose radius is 2. 

16. Find the equation of the circle whose center is (1, 3) and whose 
circumference passes through the point (—3, 0). 

16. Find the equation of the circle of radius 3 which is tangent to the 
y-sjds at the origin. 

17. Find the equation of the circle whose diameter is the line joining 
the points (.5, -7) and (3, -1). 

18. Find the equation of the circle whose center is the middle point 
of the hne joining ( — 1, 6) and (5, 2) and whose circumference passes 
through (1, 1). 

11. The locus of an equation. — In the last article, 
equations of loci were derived from geometric data given. 
The second problem of analytic geometry, viz., to plot and 
discuss the geometric figure which corresponds to a given 
equation, will now be considered. 



This second problem divides itself into two parts, plotting 
the locus of an equation and discussing an equation. 

12. Plotting the locus of an equation. — A pair of coordi- 
nates X and y locate definitely one point in a plane. If, 
however, these two coordinates must always satisfy a given 
equation, then a series of points may be chosen, the coordi- 
nates of each of which satisfy the given equation, for to each 
value of one variable corresponds one or more values of the 
other and hence an infinite number of points may be located. 

Thus, if in the equation y = ^ > we give to a; a 

series of values 

differing by 

unity, we obtain 


2/ = 4; 

x= -1, 

2/ = i; 

x = 0, 

y = Q; 



x = 2, 

2/ = 0; 

x = 3, 

2/ = t; 


2/ = 4. 

Plotting, the points are as shown above. 

It will be noticed that these points are not located indis- 
criminately over the plane, but apparently all lie on a curve 
as drawn. 

More points on the curve may be obtained by giving frac- 
tional values to x, between those already used, and thus a 
more perfect approximation to the correct curve be obtained. 
This curve is called the locus of the equation. 

The locus of an equation is a curve which contains all the 
points whose coordinates satisfy the equation and no other points. 

In examples hke the preceding, it is generally best to 
solve for y in terms of x, but in particular examples, it may 
be convenient or even necessary to solve for x in terms of y. 

24 LOCI 

If two variables are so related that when the first is 
given, the value of the second is determined, then the 
second is said to be a function of the first. 

That variable to which values are arbitrarily assigned is 
called the independent variable and the other the dependent 

If the two variables are connected by an algebraic equation, 
that is, by one which contains functions which are the result 
of a finite number of algebraic operations, such as addition, sub- 
traction, multiphcation, division, involution, and evolution, 
either function is said to be an algebraic function of the other. 

An illustration is given by y = x* — 8x^+1 or by 
xY + 2xy^ = 7. 

In many cases of great importance, the equation con- 
necting the variables is not algebraic, in which case one 
variable is said to be a transcendental function of the other. 

Examples are, y = log x, y = e'', y tan~i x = 3. 

The present chapter will be concerned with plotting and 
discussing algebraic equations only. Transcendental equa- 
tions will be considered in a later chapter. 

The locus is sometimes evident directly from its equation. 
For example, find the locus of the equation x = 2. Since 
no mention is made of y, the ordinate is unrestricted. Our 
problem then is to find a locus for which x is always 2, while 
y may have any value whatever. Such a locus is the fine 
parallel to the y-aids and 2 units to the right of it. 


1. What is the locus oi y = 57 

2. What is the locus oi x = -8? 

3. What is the locus oi y = xt 

4. What is the locus oi y = — x? 

In general, the locus of an equation will be determined by 
the process called plotting. The steps are as follows : 



1st. Solve for one variable in terms of the other. 

2nd. Assign values to the independent variable and compiUe 
those of the dependent variable, expressing the results in the 
form of a table. 

3rd. Plot the points thus obtained and connect with a smooth 


1. Plot the locus of the equation x -{- 2 y = i. 
1st. Solving for y in terms of x, 

4: — X 

2nd. It is convenient when assigning values to x ana computing the 
corresponding values of y, to state the result in the form of a table. 






































3rd. Locating the points obtained 
and connecting by a smooth curve, 
the figure is approximately as shown. 

It will later be demonstrated that every equation of first degree be- 
tween two variables represents a straight line, a fact which corresponds 
with the appearance of this figure. 
' 2. Plot the locus of the equation 

4 x" + 9 2/« = 36. 
1st. Solving for y in terms of x, 

2/ = ± f V9 - xK 

2nd. It will be noted that for values of x numerically greater than 3, 
y is imaginary and therefore no points of the curve can be constructed 
for which x is greater than 3 or less than —3. In making our table, 
values are taken between —3 and +3. 



























±fV2 = ±1.8 

±|V5 = ±1.4 


±f V3 = ±1.4 

3r<2. Plotting the points and construc- 
ting a smooth curve through them, the locus is approjdmately as drawn. 
3. Plot the locus ofj/'-2a;-y = 0. 

\&i. While, in general, it is better to solve for y in terms of x, in this 
example it is necessary to solve for x in terms of y. This gives 

„ _t -V 

2nd. Assigning values to y and computing x, 










- 3 







It will be noticed that in the table above there are three values of y 
which give z = 0, and therefore three points are located on the ^-axis. 

In order to draw the curve more accurately in the vicinity of these 
points it is advisable to give to y the fractional values — \ and -f-J. Two 
additional points (j^, —J) and (— j^, 5) are thus determined. 



_^„ = = , 

iz i^ , 

_|. ^j. _|^ 


- — -==== 


Zrd. Locating the poi^its and drawing a smooth curve through them, 
the figure is as shown. 


Sometimes, as in the equation i? + y^ + 15 = 0, there are no^ 
values which satisfy the equation. In this case there are no real points 
on the locus. 

Again, an equation may be satisfied by the coordinates of one point 
only, in which case there is only one real point on the locus. Such loci 
are called point-loci. An illustration is the equation a? + y^ = 0, the 
locus of which is the origin. 

Plot the locus of each of the following equations: 

1. y+2x-S=Q. 

2. s2 + j^ = 4. 

3. a^ - j/« = 4. 
i. y = aS. 
6. ^ = x'. 

6. a? + 4j/2 = 16. 

7. 3? -\y^ = 16. 

8. 2:2 + 43/' =0. 

9. ia? +8x = iy -5. 

10. 2x-y = 12. 

11. 2/2 = 8a; + 8. 

12. a;2 + 2/2 = 16. 

13. y = x>>-2. 

13. Discussion of an Equation. — The method of deter- 
mining loci by plotting separate points is in general satis- 
factory in simple examples, but in those in which the equa- 
tions are somewhat complicated the work is often long and 
the results more or less inaccurate. These difficulties are 
lessened in many cases, by making a study of the properties 
of the curve by means of the discussion of its equation. 

The properties which will be discussed are as follows: 

1. Intercepts. 

2. Symmetry. 

3. Extent. 

4. Asymptotes. 

Intercepts. — The intercepts of a locus are the distances 
from the origin to the -points where it cuts the axea 


a2 = 82/. 




42/2 -9a? = 36. 




a;2 + 2/2 = 25. 




2 ^ = x* — a;. 


2/2 = (1 - a:) (x + 3). 


2S + 52/ + 2 =0. 


2/2 = a; (3 - a;). 


2/2 = 8-8a;. 


a;2 + 4a; + 3 + 42/ =0, 


2/2 = a? - 1. 



Thus in the figure, the a;-intercept is OA, which is the 
abscissa of the point A, i.e., of the point on the locus whose 
ordinate is 0. It is then evident that to find the a;-intercept, 

substitute 2/ = in the equation, 
and solve for x. 

Likewise to find the i/-inter- 
cept, substitute a; = and solve 
for y. 

a;2 + 4 a; _ 3 = 0. 

Find the x and y intercepts of the curve 2y - 
1st. Let 2/ = 0, then x^ - 4 a; + 3 = 0. 
Whence, x = 1 or 3. The x-intercepts are therefore 1 and 3. 
2nd. Let x = 0, then 2 y — Z = 0, ov y = \, the 2/-intercept. 

Symmetry. — Two 'points are symmetrical with respect to 
a line if that line is the perpendicular bisector of the line joining 
the two points. 

If A and A' are symmetrical with respect to the a;-axis, 
then if the coordinates of A are (x, y) 
the coordinates of A' are {x, —y). 
Similarly, the point symmetrical to A 
with respect to the y-axis is (— x, y). 

A curve is symmetrical with respect to 
a line if the curve is made up of pairs of points symmetrical 
with respect to the line. 

If a locus is sjmametrical with respect 

to the X-axis, there i s a point {x,—y)on the 

cm-ve corresponding to every point (x, y) 

on the cinrve. The coordinates (x, —y) 

must therefore satisfy the equation of 

the curve, i.e., y can be replaced by — y 

and the equation remain imchanged. 

The equation of the cmve here sketched is j/^ = 4 x. 

Replacing y hj —y in this equation, the result is (—yY = 

4 X, which is the same as the given equation, y^ = ix. 




By a similar discussion, it may be shown that whenever x 
can be replaced by — x without causing any change in the equa- 
tion, then the locus is symmetrical with respect to the 2/-axis. 

In the equation a;^ + j/^ = 9, a; can 
be replaced by —x, and y by —y, 

therefore the curve is symmetrical x" '-■-SI 

with respect to both axes. 

The method of replacing x hj —x 
and yhy—y applies equally well in testing for symmetry in 
either algebraic or transcendental equations. It is evident, 
however, that in case of algebraic equations, if there are no 
odd powers of y, then y can be replaced by —y, and the locus 
is symmetrical with respect to the a;-axis, while if there are 
no odd powers of x, then x can be replaced by —x, and the 
locus is symmetrical with respect to the y-axis. 

Two points are symmetrical with respect to the origin if the 
origin bisects the line joining the two points. 

If A and A' are symmet- 
rical with respect to the 
origin, then when the co- 
ordinates of A are {x, y) 
the coordinates of A' are 
{-X, -y). 
A curve is symmetrical 
with respect to the origin if the curve is made up of pairs of 
points symmetrical with respect to the origin. 

From this definition, it is readily seen that the curve is 
symmetrical with respect to the origin if the equation re- 
mains imchanged yhen x and y are replaced by —a; and 
—y respectively. 

An algebraic equation always represents a locus symmet- 
rical with respect to the origin if each term is of odd degree 
or if each term is of even degree. A constant term is con- 
sidered of even degree. 



Discuss each of the following equations for intercepts and 
symmetry and plot the loci: 

1. y-x = 3. 3. a;!' = 4 7/ + 4. 

2. 2/" = 4 a;. 4. y = x*. 

Extent. — In order to find how far the curve extends 
left and right from the origin, the equation is solved for y 
in terms of x and the values of x which make y real are then 
determined. If y is equal to an integral expression in x, 
or if the radicals involved are all of odd index, y is real for 
all values of x and the curve extends indefinitely left and 
right from the origin. 

For example, the loci oiy = 2x + l and y = 5 + "^5 x'^ + x 
extend indefinitely left and right from the origin. 

When y involves a radical with even index, values of x 
which make the quantity under the radical negative must 
be determined, as foi* these values y is imaginary, and conse- 
quently there are no points corresponding to such abscissas. 

Similarly, the extent of the curve above and below the 
a;-axis may be determined by solving for x in terms of y. 

The method of determin- 
ing the extent of a curve is 
made clear in the following. 


1. Discuss for extent 
2/» + 2j/+3z = 3. 
Solving for y, 

y= -l±V4-3a;. 
It is often helpful to make 
the coefficient of x in factors of 
first degree either +1 or —1, 

y= -l±V3(f-a;). 

It can now be readily seen that if a; is greater than i, yw imaginary 
and therefore there are no points on the curve to the right of the Une 












a; = f . Since y is real for all values of x less than f , therefore the curve 

extends indefinitely to the left of that line. 

Solving for z in terms of y, 

2/g + 2;/-3 
X ^ 

Since x is real for all values of y, therefore the curve extends in- 
definitely above and below the x-axis. 

Plotting a few points the curve is found as shown. 
2. Discuss for extent 2/* + 4 a;^ - 16 a; + 12 = 0. 
Solving for y, y = ±2 V— a? + 4a; — 3. 
Factoring the expression under the radical, 

2/ = ±2 V(a;-l).(3-a;). 

It is evident that the first factor is negative when x is less than 1, and 
positive when x is more than 1, also that the second factor is negative 
when X is more than 3 and positive when x is less than 3. 

The product then is positive when x is greater than 1 and less than 3 
and therefore y is real for 1 = a; = 3. The product is negative when x 
is less than 1 or more than 3 and y is then imaginary. 

The whole curve therefore lies between the Unes a; = 1 and a; = 3. 

Solving for x in terms of y, 

4± V4 - 2/2 

Since x is real when —2 = y=2 and is imaginary for all other values, 
therefore the whole curve lies between the lines y = —2 and y = +2. 

Y "■■■ 


X- Q X 



In plotting points it is only necessary to use values of x from 1 to 3. 
The figure is foimd to be as shown. 

3. Discuss for extent y' + iy - 2a^ + 6x + 1 =0. 
Solving for 2/, 2/ = -2 ± V2 a;^ - 6 x + 3. 



If the same plan were followed as in Ex. 2, the expression 2 x* — 6 a; 
+ 3 should now be resolved into factors. These factors are not evi- 
dent. From a theorem in algebra, aa? + 'bx -\- c = a(x — Xi) [x — xn), 
in which Xi and % are the roots of the equation ax^ + bx + c = 0. 

To apply this method here, solve 2x^ — Qx + B=0, obtaining 

X = ?-^^ = 2.3 + or .6 +. 

Whence, the factors are 2 (x — 2.3+) (x — .6+), an expression 
which can readily be seen to be negative for every value of x between 
.6+ and 2.3+ and positive for all other values. Hence y is imagi- 
nary when .6 + < X < 2.3 + and real when x = .6+ or x = 2.3+ . 

The fact observed here is universally true, viz., that a quadratic ex- 
pression has the same sign for every value between its roots, and the 
opposite for all other values. 

This fact is of importance as by its use the process of determining the 
sign of a quadratic expression may be shortened. 

In order, then, to determine the sign of a quadratic expression, find its 
roots, then substitute in it some value between the roots and determine 
the sign. The expression has this sign for all values between the roots 
and the opposite sign for all other values. 

Thus, in the above problem, substitute in2x2 — 6x + 3 any number 
between the roots .6+ and 2.3+ such as x = 1. The sign is found to be — . 
Hence the expression is negative for all values of x between the roots. 

Solving for x, 
„_ 3±V2j/'+8y + ll 
^~ 2 

The roots oi2y^ + 8y + 
11 = are found to be im- 
aginary. From a principle 
in algebra it is known that 
when the roots of the quad- 
ratic equation ax' + bx + c 
= are imaginary, the ex- 
pression ax^ + 6x + c is posi- 
tive for all values of x (if o 
is a positive niunber). 

Hence x is real for every 
value of y. 
That 2y' + Sy + His always positive can also be shown as follows: 
22f' + 82/ + ll =2{y' + 4:y+^) = 2 [(2/ + 2)« + f ], 
an expression which is always positive; 





t — 






















Discuss each of the following equations for intercepts, symmetry, and 
extent and plot the loci: 

1. x^+'f = 36. 

2. 4a? + 92/2 =36. 

3. 4a? -92/2 = 36. 

4. a;2-4a; + 42/-8=0. 
6. a?-2a; + 42/2-82/ + l=0. 
6. x2 + 2/i' + 2a; + 22/-l=0. 

Asymptotes. — If, as a point generating a curve recedes 
indefinitely, the curve approaches coincidence with a fixed 
straight line, the line is 
called an asymptote to 
the curve. 

At this time, only 
those asymptotes which 
are parallel to the axes 
will be considered. 

If OA = a, then the 
asymptotes in the ad- 
joining figure are a; = 0, 
X = a, and y = 0. 

It will be noticed that 
as X approaches either zero or a, y increases indefinitely; 
also, that as y approaches zero, x increases indefinitely. 
This fact leads readily to the method of finding vertical and 
horizontal asymptotes, viz., solve for one variable in terms of 
the other and determine those values of the second variable 
for which the first is infinite. 

Thus, find the vertical and horizontal asymptotes of 
xy + 2x — y = 0. 

Solving for y, 2 -^ 

y = T^x 

As X approaches 1, y approaches infinity, therefore a; = 1 
is a vertical asymptote. 
Solving for x, 

X = 


y + 2 



As y approaches —2,x approaches infinity, therefore 

2/ = —2 is an asymptote. 
In plotting the locus, care must be taken in determining 

points near the asymp- 
totes. Thus one or 
more points should be 
plotted between a; = 
and x=l, also between 
X = 1 and x = 2. It 
will be observed that 
in the locus of an alge- 
braic equation, there 
can be no asymptotes 
parallel to the axes, 

imless when one variable is expressed in terms of the other 

the result is a fraction with a variable denominator. 
The process of determining intercepts, symmetry, extent, 

and asymptotes involves the following: 

Steps in discussion of an equation 

\st. Let 2/ = 0, solve for x, thus finding the x-dntercept. 

Let X = 0, solve for y, thus finding the y^ntercept, 

2nd. In an algebraic equation observe: 

If no odd powers of y are present the locus is symmetrical 
with respect to the x-axis. 

If no odd powers of x are present the locus is symmetriOil with 
respect to the y-axis. 

If every term is of odd degree or if every term is of even de- 
gree the locus is symmetrical with respect to the origin. 

3rd. Solve for y in terms of x and find what values of x 
make y imaginary. Points hamng these values as absdssas 
are excluded from the locus. Find what values of x make y 
real. Points having these values as abscissas are on the 


Similarly, solve for x in terms of y and determine the valves 
of y which make x real or imaginary. 

Ath. Determine asymptotes parallel to the axes by finding 
those finite values of either variable which make the other in- 
finitely great. 


1. Discuss the equation j/^ = (a; + 2) (x + 1) (a; — 2) and plot the 

1st. Let 2/ = 0, then x = —2, — 1, and 2, the intercepts on the avaxis. 

Let a; = 0, ^ is imaginary and hence the curve does not cut the y-axis. 

2nd. No odd powers of y are present, hence the curve is S3nnmetrical 
with respect to the a;-axis. 

Odd powers of x are present, hence the curve is not symmetrical with 
respect to the y-axis. 

The terms are partly of odd degree and partly of even degree, there- 
fore the curve is not symmetrical with respect to the origin. 

3rd. Solving for y in terms of x, 

2/ = ± V(a; + 2) (a; + 1) [x - 2). 

Placing the quantity under the radical equal to zero, the roots are 
foimd to be —2, —1, and +2. For values of a; < —2, the quantity 
under the radical is negative and hence y is imaginary. Points to the 
left of the line x = —2 are therefore excluded. For values of x more 
than — 2 but less than — 1, the quantity under the radical is positive and 
hence y is real. Part of the curve then lies between the Unes a; = — 2 
and a; = — 1. For values of x more than —1 but less than +2, the 
quantity under the radical is negative and y is imaginary. Points be- 
tween the Unes x = —1 and x = +2 are therefore excluded. For 
values of x greater than +2, y is real and the curve extends indefinitely 
to the right of the hne x = +2. 

In attempting to' solve for x in terms of y, it is observed that the 
equation is of third degree in x. It is not usually convenient to solve an 
equation of third or higher degree. By remembering, however, that 
every equation of odd degree has at least one real root, it is seen that this 
curve extends indefinitely both above and below the a;-axis. 

4JA. There are no asjrmptotes parallel to the ^-axis, since the variable 
does not appear in the denominator of the equation in the third step. 

In plotting the locus, it is noticed that the intercepts have already de- 
termined three points of the curve on the a>axis. From the third step 



of the discussion, it is observed that it is only necessary to assign values 

to X between —2 and —1, and values greater than +2. 



















— X 










In every problem of this article, care should be taken to see that the 
locus agrees fuUy with the discussion. 

2. Discuss the equation (x — 2) j/* = a; and plot the locus. 

1st. Let y = 0, then x = 0, the intercept on the a>axis. 

Let a; = 0, then ^ = 0, the intercept on the y-snaa. 

2nd. No odd powers of y are present, hence the curve is symmetrical 
with respect to the avaxis. 

Odd powers of x are present, hence the curve is not symmetrical with 
respect to the 2/-axis. 

Terms are partly of odd and partly of even degree, hence the curve is 
not symmetrical with respect to the origin. 

3rd. Solving for y, 

= -v/A- 

It is seen that the numerator is positive when x is positive and nega- 
tive when X is negative, also that the denominator is positive when x is 
greater than 2 and negative when x is less than 2, and hence y is imaginary 
for values of x between and 2 and real for all other values. Therefore 
no part of the curve lies between the lines a; = and x = 2. 

Solving for x, 

x = ^^. 

Whence x is real for every value of y. 


4ih. In the equation 2/ = ± V 5, ii x = 2, y = infinity, there- 

1 X — ^ 

fore c = 2 is an asymptote. 

2 y' 
In the equation x = , _ . , H y = ±1, a; = infinity, therefore 

2/ = — 1 and y = +1 are asymptotes. 
Plotting the locus: 
















ta — 











■ ! 


Discuss and plot the following: 

1. a^ = 4 2/. 

2. a;2 + j/! = 6. 

3. y = 2a?. 

4. (a: -1)2/ =2. 

6. 25 a;2 + 9 2/" = 225. 

6. 9 a? -162/' = 144. 

7. a;2/ = 16. 

8. xy^ = 9. 

9. a? = 4 2/'. 

10. x'y — y = X. 

11. 2/2 = 3x-9. 

12. y = {x-2){,x- 3). 

13. 2/2 = a;3 + a?. 

14. y^ = x^ -3?. 
16. y = 3? — X. 

16. a:'2/ - 2/ + 6 = 0. 

38 LOCI 


^r^ —'f=X. 


xy — x^—y =0. 


y{x - 2Y = 1. 


t = x(x - 3) (a - 5), 


3? = yiM- 1) (2/ - 2) 


3? + 2x + lQy-S = 


(y - 1)» = (x- 2y. 


3?+xy + y'=3. 


y(Sx-2) =2x + 4. 


y(,x - 1) (X - 4) = 1. 


3/ + ya? = X. 


a?-4«2+4x = 0. 


a? + 2/2-4x =0. 


y^ = 12(4 - x). 


j/».= x(x-l) (a;-2)(x-3), 


x^ + Z = &xy. 


a? + 2x + y^+iy-20 = 0. 


!fi+2y'-^x+'ty-W = 0. 


y{x - 1) (X - 3) = X + 1. 


3^2/ - 2/ + 1 = 0. 


2/'(4 + x») = l. 


2, = (X - 1) (X - 2) (X - 3). 


x2_42/'-2x + 83^-7=0. 

40. ai!'-a^ + 2x-9 =0. 

In some equations, the constants are represented by 
letters instead of by figures. There will be a different locus 
for each value given the constant, but it will be seen that 
these loci have properties common to all. 

Discuss the equation ay^ = x{x — 2a)^ and plot the locus. 

\st. Let a; = 0, then y = 0, y intercept. 

Let y =.0, then a; = and 2 a, x intercepts. 

2nd. No odd powers of y are present, therefore the locus 
is symmetrical with respect to the a;-axis. 

Odd powers of x are present, therefore the locus is not 
symmetrical with respect to the 2/-axis. 

Terms are partly of odd and partly of even degree there- 
fore the locus is not symmetrical with respect to the origin. 

3rd. Solving for y, 

y = ±{x 


y is imaginary when x has a sign opposite to a, and real 
when X has the same sign as a, therefore the curve is entirely 
to the right of the y-axis when a is positive and entirely to 
the left when a is negative. 

It is not convenient to solve the third degree equation for 
X in terms of y, but as every equation of odd degree has at 



least one real root, the curve extends indefinitely above 
and below the a;-axis. 

4:th. There are no asymptotes parallel to the axes. 

In computing the coordinates of the points, it is best to 
assign to x values which are multiples of a, and to assign to 
a any convenient length when plotting. The figure for a 
positive and equal to 2 is shown. 









±4 a 





1. Discuss the following equations and plot the loci: 

(a) 2/^ = 4aa;. 

(6) 4a;2+93/' = 36aK 

(c) ay' = X*. 

(d) 2/2 = 4o(o -x). 

(e) 2/2 = a?(a2 - x"). 
(/) 2/ + (x-3o)' = 0. 
ig) a^ + 2/2 = 4 a2. 
(h) a? -2/2 = 4o2. 
(i) ^ = (a;-2o)(a;-3o). 

0') aV = o^a^ — x". 

(k) y^a? - x2) = o2x2. 

© aY =a;2(2a - x). 

(to) o'x = 2/^(2/ — 2 o). 

(n) 2/2(2 a - x) = x«. 

(o) 2/(x2 + 4a2) = 8 a'. 

(p) 9 02/2 = (x - 2 a) (x-5a)-. 

(g) 27a2/2 = 4(x-2a)'. 

(r) x2y2(a;z _ 0,2) = ajo. 

2. Show that the following equations either represent point-loci or 
have no loci. 

(a)x2 + l=0. (e) (X -2)2 + (2/ -3)2 + 1 = 

(6) 2,2 + 4 = 0. (f) (a: + 1)2 + (2/ + 3)2 = 0. 

(c) x2 + 82/2 + 2=0. (ff) x2+2x+2/'+6 2/+16=0. 

(d) a2 + 42/2 = 0. (^) (X- 1)2 +2/2 + 4=0. 



3. Find the equations of the following loci, and discuss and plot them. 

(o) A point moves so as to be always equidistant from the a;-axis and 
the point (0, 3). 

(6) A point moves so that the square of its distance from the origin 
is four times its ordinate. 

(c) A point moves so that its distance from the y-axis is equal to its 
distance from the point ( — 2, —4). 

(d) A point moves so that its distance from the line x = 2 is equal to 
its distance from the point (4, 1). 

(e) A point moves so that its distance from the point ( — 1, —3) is 
twice its distance from the point (2, 1). 

(/) A point moves so that the smn of its distances from (4, 0) and 
(—4, 0) is equal to 10. 

(g) A point moves so that the difference of its distances from (0, 5) 
and (0, —5) is equal to 6. 

14. Points of intersection of two curves. — If two equa- 
tions are given, the loci will, in general, be two distinct 

curves. These may 
or may not inter- 
sect. If the ciu-ves 
intersect, they have 
one or more points 
in common. It fol- 
lows from the defini- 
tion of the locus of 
an equation that a 
point hes on two 
curves if and only if 
its coordinates sat- 
isfy each equation. 
In order then to 
find the coordinates of the points of intersection, it is neces- 
sary to find those values of x and y which satisfy the two 
equations, that is, the two equations must be solved simul- 
If there are no real roots, the curves do not intersect. 


For example, find the intersection of the curves x^ — 
4 a; + j/2 = and x^ - y^ = 6. 

Solving simultaneously, a; = —1 or 3. When a; = 3, !/ = 
±V3, when x = — 1, y is imaginary. Thus, there are but 
two real intersections (S, +V3) and (3, — Vs). See figure 
on opposite page. r 


Find the points of intersection and plot the following curves: 

1. a;2 + y2 = 100 and 2 s - 2/ = 4. 

2. 3/2 = 4 a; and x^ + j/^ ,= 5. 

3. 4x+2/-5 = and 7a;-32/-4 = 0. 

4. a; + 2/ = 6 and '^ = %x. 
6. xy = 12 and x* + j/' = 25. 

6. 2/ = x* and y = x. 

7. 4 x" - 2/2 = 7 and 3 X + 2 y = 12. 

8. x2 = y + 2 and 2 X + 3 2/ = 10. 

9. x2 + 2/2 = 25 and 3 x^ - 2 2/2 = 30. 

10. y^ = x^ — x^ and 2 2/ = x. 

11. 2/^ = 4 ax and x + 2/ = 3 a. 

12. 62-C2 + a22/2 = 0252 and 6x + 02/ = 06. 

13. Find the distance between the points of intersection of x2 = 4 2/ +4 
and X = 2/ + 1- •A'^- 4-v'2. 

14. Do the curves 0? -\- y"^ = ^ and ^2 = a; — 4 intersect? 

15. Find the points of intersection of the loci x2 + 1/2 = 9 and 
2/ = X + 6. For what values of 6 are these intersections real and dis- 
tinct? imaginary? coincident? 

16. Find the area of the triangle whose sides have the equations 
22/ - 3x + l = 0, 42/ + 3x + 11 =0, and2/ + 3x - 4 = 0. Am. 9. 

17. Find the area of the polygon whose sides have the equations 
X = —4, y — 3, y = 2x + l, and y = —2. 

18. Show that the three loci x' + y^ = 25, y — x + 1 = 0, and 
2/ — 2 X = 2 pass through a common point. 

19. Find the slopes of the sides of the triangle formed by the hnes, 
x = 8, x + y — 3, X — 2y = 6. 

20. Prove that the quadrilateral whose sides have the equations 
2/ = 4, 2/ = —2, X — 2 2/ = 6, and x — 2y = —6 is a parallelogram. 

21. The equations of the sides of a triangle are 2 x + 4 2/ = 2, 
X — 3 2/ =p 6, and 12 y + x = Q. Find the lengths of the medians. 



15. Locus by factoring. — IJ an equation whose second 
member is zero has for its first member the product of variable 
factors, then the locus of the equation is found by setting each 
factor equal to zero and plotting the resvdt. 

Proof. — Let u and v represent any two functions of 

X and y. The given 
equation can be writ- 

uv = 0, (1) 

and the equations 
formed by setting the 
factors separately 
equal to zero are 

M = (2) 

and V = 0. (3) 

Assume the loci of (2) and (3) to be the figures as shown 

To prove the proposition it will be necessary to show: 

1st. that the coordinates of any point on the locus of 
equation (2) or (3) satisfy equation (1) ; 

2nd. that the coordinates of no other points satisfy 
equation (1). 

Let Pi {xij yi) represent any point on the locus of (2), 
then the coordinates (xi, yi) must satisfy the equation u = 0. 
If the same coordinates are substituted in the equation 
uv = 0, the equation will be satisfied, since one of the 
factors is zero and consequently the product is zero. 

Similarly, the coordinates of P^ (a^, j/a) any point on the 
locus of equation (3) can be shown to satisfy equation (1). 

Let Pi {xs, Vi) represent any point not on either locus. The 
coordinates of this point will not satisfy equation (1) since 
neither factor is zero and consequently the product is not 



It has therefore been shown that uv = has for its locus 
the combined loci of w = 0, and d = 0, since the locus of an 
equation is the curve which contains all the points which 
satisfy the equation and no other points. 


1, Plot the locus of the equa- 
tion 2x!'-3xy + x + y^-y = 0. 

Grouping the second degree 
terms together, the equation can 
readily be factored thus: 

(2x' - 3xy + t/') + {x - y) = 0, 
{x-y)(,2x-y) + (x-y) =0, 
(,x-y)(,2x-y'+l) =0. 

Plotting the loci represented 
by the equations x — y = and 
2x — y + 1 =0, the locus is found 
to be as shown. 

2. Plot the locus of the equa- 
tion2 a^ -3xy-2y^ + 5y-2 
= 0. 

Since the factors of this equa- 
tion are not readily found, the 
principle is used that ax^ +bx + c 
= a{x — Xi) {x — X2) where Xi and 
xt are the roots of the equation 
aa^ + 6a; -|- c =5 0. 

Solving for x, 

3j/± V252/2 -402/ + 16 
^= 4 

V I 4. 

X' ^f. X 

r/ \f' 

















= 2 w — 1 or 

-y + 2 

The equation therefore may be written 

2{x-2y^-\)(x~ -^V"^) = "' 
or (a:-22/ + l)(2x + 2/-2) =0. 

Plotting separately the loci represented by a; — 22/ + 1 =0 and 
2x + y — 2 =0, the figure is found as shown. 



Plot the loci represented by the following equations: 

1. y-' + Qy = Q. 

2. a;2 - 9 2/2 = 0. 

3. a? + 2 2:2/ = 0. 

4. 4 2;2 - lls!/ - 3 2/^ = 0. 
6. a;2 - 9 2/^^ + 2 a; - 6 2/ = 0. 

6. a;'' - S2/ - 2 2/2 + 3 2/ - 1 = 0. 

7. (a;' - 2 2/) (2/ + ? - 1) = 0. 

8. 2 a;2 - 7 X2/ + 3 2/^" + 5 2/ - 2 = 0., 

9. (a;2 + 2/'' - 9) (a;2 + 4 2/2 _ 9) = q. 

10. Write the single equation which represents: 
(a) the two coordinate axes; 

(6) the two hnes parallel to the a;-axis and at distances 2 and 4 

units respectively above it; 
(c) the two hnes which bisect the angles between the axes. 

11. Show that the locus of a;^ — 7 a; + 12 = is a pair of parallel 

12. Plot the locus of (2/^ - 2 !/ - 8) (a;' - 2 a; - 3) = 0, and show 
that the lines enclose a parallelogram. 

16. Loci through intersections of two given loci. — If an 

equation whose second member is zero is mvUiplied by any 
constant and added to another equation whose second member 
is zero, the resulting equation represents a- locus through all 
points common to the two given loci and through no other points 

on either locus. 
Proof. — Let 
M = (1) 
and v = (2) 
represent the 
equations of two 
given loci, also let 
Pi (xi, yi) repre- 
sent any point 
common to the two given loci and Pz (x2, 2/2) any point on 
one of the loci but not on the other. 



To prove that 

u -\- kv = 0, 


in which k represents any constant, positive or negative, is 
satisfied by the coordinates of Pi but not by those of Pj. 

Since Pi is a point on the locus of equation (1), its coordi- 
nates must satisfy the equation u = 0. Since Pi is a point 
on the locus of equation (2), its coordinates must satisfy the 
equation v = 0. Wherefore the equation m + fo = is 
satisfied by the coordinates of Pi. 

The coordinates of P2 will cause one term oi u + kv to 
equal zero, but not the other, therefore u + kv = is not 
satisfied by the coordinates of P2. 

Hence u + kv = represents a locus through the points 
common to w = and v = and through no other points 
on either locus. 


Find the equation of a system of loci through all the intersections of 
the two loci whose equations are x' + y'' = 18 and ix' — y^ = 27. 
Find the particular curve of the system which passes through the point 
(6, 0). Check the accuracy of the result by plotting the curves. 

Multiplying the first equation 
by k and adding to the second, 

(fc + 4)x2 + (S; - i)v' = 18fc + 27. 

Since the point (6, 0) is on the 
locus, its coordinates must satisfy 
the above equation, whence 

36 i; + 144 = 18 fc + 27. 

Solving, k = — Ss*. 

Substituting this value instead 
of k in the equation of the system, 
we get 

a;2 + 3 2/2 = 36. 

The three curves are shown in the figure above. 
































5 — 


■^ ' 
















46 LOCI 

Find the equation of a system of loci through the intersections of the 
following loci: 

1. x + 2y + l=0 and 3x - 4y -8 =0. 

Ans. (it + 3)a; + (2 A; - 4)2/ + fc - 8 = 0. 

2. a? + 3/2 = 9 and x — iy = 8. 

3. 2 x'' - 2/2 = 7 and a? + 3 2/! = 10. 

4. Write the equation of a system of loci through the intersections 
ot y^ + ix — and y — 2x = 0. 

Test the accuracy of the work by finding the coordinates of the points 
of intersection of the given curves and substituting in the resulting 

6. Write the equation of a system of loci through the intersections 
of the cirrves whose equations are a;^ _ j^ — g = o and x + y = 6. So 
determine k that the resulting curve shall pass through the origin. Fac- 
tor the resulting equation and plot. 

6. Write the equation of a system of loci through the intersec- 
tions of the loci whose equations are a? — 4 y = and y — x = 0. 
Give k such a value that the resulting equation shall not contain y. 
Ans. a;2 — 4 a; = 0. 

7. Write the equation of a system of loci through the points of 
intersection of a^ -|- 2/" — 4 = and x^ + y^ — ^x = 0, and by giving k 
the value —1, determine the equation of first degree, the locus of which 
passes through the common points of the two loci. Plot the loci of the 
three equations. 

8. Find the equation of first degree which represents a locus through 
the intersections ofa;2_2a;-l-^ = and 3? + y' = 1. 


17. This chapter will be concerned with a study of the 
equations and properties of straight Unes. Later chapters 
will consider other well-known curves. 

It was observed in plane geometry that a straight Hne 
was fully determined if two conditions regarding the line 
were known; for example, two points on the line or one 
point and the direction. 

Similarly, it is found that the equation of a straight line 
can always be found if the two conditions which fix the line 
are given. 

18. First standard equation of a line. In terms of point 
and slope. — The equation of a straight line passing through 
a given point Pi (xi, y-i) and having a given slope m is 

y -yi = m{x- «i). ' (6) 

Proof. — Con- 
struct the given hne 
AB whose slope is 
m and which passes 
through the point 
Pi {xi, yi). Let the 
point P {x, y) rep- 
resent any point on 
the line. 

The slope of the 
hne PPi = m, by 

hypothesis. From formula (2), the slope of PPi 







— v 





' X — Xx 


Hence, — = m ot y — yi'= m (x — Xi). 

X — Xx 

This is the equation of the line with slope m and passing 
through the point Pi {xi, yi), since it fulfils the two require- 
ments of the definition. For, P {x, y) was taken as any 
point on the line, therefore the equation is satisfied by the 
coordinates of every point on the hne. Moreover, that the 
equation is not satisfied by the coordinates of any point 
not on the Une, can be shown in a manner identical to that 
given in the first illustration of Art. 10. This step is so 
similar in all examples that the student will not be required 
to give it, unless called for, but he should never lose sight 
of the fact that this is one of the essential conditions in the 
determining of the equation of a locus. 

19. Second standard equation of a line. In terms of 
slope and y-intercept. — The equation of a straight line of 
slope m and y-intercept b is 

y == mx + b. (7) 

Proof. — Since the ^/-intercept determines the point whose 
coordinates are (0, 6), this is a particular case of equation (6). 
Substituting in that equation xi = and t/i = b, the equa- 
tion becomes 

y = mx + b. 

This equation can also be derived from a figure in a manner 
similar to that used in deriving equation (6). 

In deriving many equations, the student may either locate 
his given data in a figure and derive the equation according 
to the method outlined in Art. 10, or he may substitute the 
data in any standard equation previously derived. 

Since m and b may have any values, positive, negative or 
zero, the equation y = mx + b represents any Une which 
cuts the y-axis, that is, the locus of this equation includes 


all straight lines except those parallel to the y-axis. The 
equation of such a line has been shown in Art. 10 to be of 
the form x = a, in which a represents the constant distance 
of the line from the y-aids. The two equations y = mx + b 
and X = a represent all straight lines. 


Find the equation of a line through the point (2, 1) and perpendicular 
to the Une joining ( — 3, 1) and (1, 5). 

The slope of the hne joining the two points is 1 by formula (2), there- 
fore the slope of the required line is — 1 . Substituting m = — 1 , a;i = 2, 
and 2/1 = 1 in equation (6), the equation of the line through the point 
(2, 1) and perpendicular to the line joining ( — 3, 1) and (1, 5) is 

y — 1 = —1 (x — 2) or x + y = 3. 


1. Find the equations of the lines: 

(a) through (-2,-1), inclination 60°. Am. y= Vs x+2 Vs -1. 
(6) through (-3, -2), slope 2. Ans. y - 2 x = A. 

(c) through ( — 2, 5), inchnation 90°. 

(d) through (2, —5), inclination 135°. 

(e) through ( — 1, 1), parallel to the hne joining (2, 3) and (5, 2). 
(/) through (2, 6), and perpendicular to the hne joining (5, 5) and 

{g) through (4, 2), with equal and positive intercepts on the axes. 
(h) a>-intercept 5 and slope —3. 
(i) ^/-intercept —2 and slope —4. 

2. Find the equation of the line with Siope —2 through the inter- 
section of the lines 2y + x - S = and x — Zy + 2=0. Ans. 
2x + y = 3. 

3. In the equation y = mx + b, what is the relation between the 
lines if b remains constant and m changes? If m remains constant and 6 

4. What is the sign of m if both intercepts on the axes are positive? 
If both negative? If of opposite signs? 

6. Find the equation of a Une perpendicvdar to the Une joining 
( _ 1^ _2) and (3, 6), through its middle point. Ans. 2y + x-5=0. 


6. Find the equations of the perpendicular bisectors of the sides of 
the triangle whose vertices are (—2, —1), (4, 1), and (0, —3). Prove 
that these bisectors meet in a point. 

7. Find the equation of the line parallel to the 2/-axis through the 
middle point of the line joining (2, 3) and (4, —3). Ans. a; = 3. 

8. The vertices of a triangle are (5, -3), (3, 7), and (-3, 1). Find 
the equations of the line through the vertices and parallel to the sides. 

9. An isosceles right triangle has its hypotenuse along the x-axis and 
its vertex at the point (2, 3). Find the equations of its sides. 

10. The vertices of a triangle are (7, 1), (5, —3), and (—3, 5). Find 
the equations of the perpendiculars dropped from the vertices on the 
opposite sides. Prove these lines meet in a point. 

11. Two lines are drawn through (2, 4) with inclinations 30° and 60°. 
Find the equations of the two lines which bisect the angles between the 
two given lines. 

12. If tan e = 3, find the equations of the lines through the origin 
whose inclinations are 

(o) e - 45°; 
(6) e + 45°; 
(c) B + 30°. 

20. Third standard equation of a line. In terms of two 
given points. — The equation of a straight line passi,ng 
throiigh two given points Pi {xi, j/i) and Pa (a^, Vi) is 

y-yi = 72^'(*-*i). (8) 

Proof. — The slope of the hne through the two given 

points Pi {xi, j/i) and P2 (^2, 2/2) is, by formula (2), m = — — ; 

X2 — Xx 

also it is given that the hne passes through the point 
Pi {x\, j/i). Therefore, applying equation (6), the result be- 

As an exercise, the student is asked to derive the equation 
by the method outUned in Art. 10. 


21. Fourth standard equation of a line. In terms of the 
intercepts. — The equation of a straight line whose x^ntercept 
is a and whose y^ntercept is b is 

- + r = l. (9) 

a b ^ ' 

Proof. — The intercepts determine two points (a, 0) and 
(0, b) on the line. Substituting these results in (8), the 
equation is 

. b-0 , • , 


a b 

The student is asked to derive this equation by applying 
the method of Art. 10. 


1. Write the equations of the Unes through the following pairs of 

(a) (3, 2) and (4, 5). ! (c) (1, 6) and (-2, 4). 

(6) (2, -3) and (-3, -2). (d) (a, 2 o) and (3 a, - a). 

2. Write the equations of the lines which make the following inter- 
cepts on the X and y axes respectively: 

(o) 1 and 5. (c) —4 and —4. 

(6) Sand —3. (d) —a and +a. 

3. Write the equation of the Une through the points (5, —1) and 
(—4, —2), and check the result by showing that the coordinates of the 
given points satisfy the equation. 

4. Is the point (5, —6) on the straight line joining (2, 4) and (—3, 

6. Find the equations of the sides of the triangle whose vertices are 
(3, -1), (-4, 2), and(-l, -1). 

6. Find the equation of the line whose y-iilteroept is —5 and which 
passes through the intersection of the two lines 2x +y + 5 = and 
ix-y + 7=Q. 


7. The vertices of atriangle are (I, 3), (4, —3), and (—3, —2). Find 
the equations of the lines from ( — 3, —2) trisecting the opposite 'side. 

8. Determine whether the following sets of points lie on a straight 

(a) (2, 3), (-1, -2), and (3, 2). 

(b) (2, 4), (1, 2), and (-2, -4). 

9. Find the equations of the medians of the triangle whose vertices 
are (4, 1), (2, -3), and (-1, 5). 

10. Prove that the medians in example 9 meet at a point f of the dis- 
tance from any vertex to the middle of the opposite side. 

11. Find the equations of the hnes joining the middle points of the 
sides of the triangle whose vertices are (—2, —3), (4, 1), and (2, —5). 

12. Find the equation of a line whose a;-intercept is 4 and which 
passes through the intersection of the Unes x + y = Q and 3 x — 2y = 8. 

22. Locus of equation of first degree. — It was shown in 
Art. 19 that any straight Une can be represented by either 
y = mx + b, or by X = a, both of which are equations of 
first degree. It will now be shown that the converse is 
true, namely: 

Every equation of first degree represents a straight line. 

Proof. — If A, B, and C may have any values, positive, 
negative, or zero, then the equation Ax + Bi/ + C = in- 
cludes all equations of first degree. If B is not zero, the 
equation may be divided by B, and after transposing and 

A C 
solving for y, the result isy = — ^^ ~ n' 

B D 

This equation is of the form y = mx + h, in which m = 
—A/B and h = —C/B. Therefore the equation Ax + By 
-f C = represents a straight line of slope —A/B and 
j/-intercept —C/B. 

If B = 0, the equation becomes ^a; 4- C = 0, and may 
be written x = —C/A, a straight line parallel to the y-axis 
at a distance —C/A from it. 

Hence all equations of first degree represent straight hnes. 

The method just outlined of changing a general equation 
to a standard form is one of great practical use in analytic 


geometry, not only for the straight line, but also for all the 
other curves which follow. After an equation has been put 
into one of the standard forms, it is only necessary to com- 
pare the constants in order to write down many facts of 
importance regarding the locus which any given equation 

Thus, given the equation 2 x + 3 y = 6. 

Solving for y, 

2/= -ix + 2. 

This is in the form y = mx + b, in which m = — f = the 
slope of the line and 6 = 2 = the t/-intercept. 
Again, dividing the given equation by 6, 

^ + ^=1. 

This is in the form - + ? = 1, in which o = 3 = x-inter- 

cept and 6 = 2 = ^/-intercept. 

23. Plotting straight lines. — Siace every equation of first 
degree has been shown to be a straight hne, therefore in 
plotting the locus of a first degree equation it is sufficient to 
locate two points and then draw the indefinite straight line 
through them. The most convenient points are usually 
those determined by the intercepts on the axes. 

If the intercepts are both zero, the line passes through the 
origin and it is necessary to locate another point on the hne. 


1. Find the slopes of the following lines: 

(a) 2 a; - 6 2/ = 6. (c) 7 x + 4 j/ = 8. 

(b) x + Sy -5 =0. (d) Sy -x = 12. 

2. Find the slopes of the following lines and determine which of them 
are parallel and which perpendicular to each other. Plot the loci. 

(a) 3x + y -7 =0. (c) 3y -x = 2. 

(b) 6x + 2y -1 =0. (,d) 2x-6y = i. 



3. Find the equation of the line through the point ( — 1, 5) and per- 
pendicular to the line 2y — 3x = 7. Ans. 2 x + 3 y = 13. 

4. Findtheslopesof thetwoUnes As + Bj/ + C = Oand A'a;+B'2/ 
+ C = and show that if the lines are parallel, 

A' B'' 

6. Prove that if the lines in Ex. 4 are perpendicular, then AA' = 

6. Find the equation of a Une through (xi, yi) parallel to Ax + By + 
C = 0. Ans. Ax + By - (Axi + Byi) = 0. 

7. The equations of two sides of a parallelogram are y — x = 2 and 
2 a: + 2/ = 4. What are the equations of the other sides if they intersect 
at the point (0, —4)? Atis. y + 4 = a; and 2/-|-2a; + 4=0. 

24. Nonnal equation of a straight line. — As has been 
previously stated, whenever two conditions which determine 
a straight Une are known, the equation of the Une can be 

In the case now to be considered, the Une is determined 
by its distance from the origin and the incUnation of the 
Une perpendicular to the given Une through the origin. 

It wiU be recalled that incUnation is always taken to be 
less than 180° and consequently in Figs. Ill and IV, the 


line OC must be produced through the origin before the 
inchnation can be determined. 

The inchnation a in Figs. I and III, in which the hne AB 
crosses the first and third quadrants respectively, is seen to 
be acute, while in Figs. II and IV, in which the hne crosses 
the second and fourth quadrants, it is obtuse. 

In each figure, OC = p and is positive when above the 
cc-axis and negative when below it. 

The equation of the line which is determined by the con- 
ditions of this article is called the normal equation of a 
straight line. 

The equation of a straight line in terms of p, the length of 
the perpendicular from the origin to the line, and a, the inclina- 
tion of that perpendicular, is 

X cos a + y sin a = p. (10) 

Proof. — In each of the above figures, if a and b represent 
the intercepts on the a;-axis and y-asas respectively, then 

from the triangle AOC, p = a cos a, and 
from the triangle BOC, p = 6 sin /3 = 6 sin a, 

since j8 is either equal to a or to 180° — a (why?) and there- 
fore sin j3 = sin a. 

Computing the intercepts a and h,a= and h = -—■ — 

^ ° ^ cos a sm a. 

Substituting these in the intercept form of the equation, 
the equation becomes, 

V V 

cos a sm a 

X cos a + ysma = p. 




1. Write the equations of the lines, having given: 

(a) p = 3, a = 120°. (c) p = -i, a = 30°. 

(6) p = 5, a = 180°. (d) p =0,a = 60°. 

2. What system of Unes is given by x cos a + ysiaa — p = 0, when 
a is constant and p varies? when p is constant and a varies? 

3. Given p = 5 and <l) the incUnation of the hne = 120°. Compute 
a and write the equation of the hne. 

4. Write the equations of the hnes, having given: 

(o) ,f = 135°, p = 5. (6) <^ = 135°, p = -5. 

5. Draw each of the following lines, find p and a and write their 
equations : 

(a) intercepts each equal 3. 
(6) <^ = 120°, ^/-intercept = 3. 

(c) intercepts each = —3. 

(d) a;-intercept = 3, ?/-intercept = —3. 

(e) <l> — 30°, s-intercept = — 5. 

6. For what values of p and a will x cos a -{■ y sin a — p = be 
jiarallel to the a^axis? to the i/-axis? pass through the origin? 

7. Write the equation of the line 
through the point (3, 0) if a = 60°. 

8. For the equation y — x = 4:, find 
slope, incUnation, a and p. 

9. Derive equation (10) by the method 
of Art. 10, using the figure here given. 

Hint. — p = OK + KC. 

10. Derive equation (10) by computing 
m and 6 in terms of p and a and substitut- 
ing in equation (7). 

25. Reduction to normal form. — It is required to reduce 
the general equation of a straight Hne, Ax -{- By -{• C = 0, 
to the normal form x cos a + y sin a = p. 

Equating the a;-intercepts in each, 


cos a 




Equating the ^/-intercepts in each, 

sin a B '^^^ 

Dividing (1) by (2), 

tan a = -r- 

A B 

Whence, cos a = ± . and sin a = ± ■ 

/ aLL\X Dill U. 3Z • 

This is readily seen by drawing a right 
triangle with leg B opposite angle a and A 
adja cent to it. The hypotenuse is then 

— C C 

From (1), p = —V- cos a ~ 

■4 VA^ + B^ 

Since a is always less than 180°, sin a is always + and 
therefore the sign of the radical is always the same as the 
sign of B. 

Substituting these values of sin a, cos a, and p in the 
normal form, the general equation becomes, 

^ -g ^ -c 

Va^ + 52 Va^ + B^ Va^ + 52 

These results can be summarized as follows: 

To reduce an equation in the form Ax + By + C = to 
the normal form, divide the equation by ± Va^ + B^, in which 
the sign of the radical is the same as the sign of B. If B is 
missing, choose the sign of the radical the same as A. 

Example. — Reduce 4a; — Sj/ — 15 = 0to normal form 
and decide from the signs of sin a, cos a, and p, which quad- 
rant is crossed by the Hne. 
A = 4:,B= -3,C= - 15, ±Va^ + B^ = ± V16 + 9 = ±5. 

Dividing by — 5, 


Comparing with 

X cos a -\- y sin a — p = 0, 

it is seen that cos a is negative and sin a positive, therefore 
a is obtuse; also p is negative and thus the perpendicular 
falls below the a;-axis. The line then crosses the fourth 
quadrant. Check by plotting the line. 


and I 

Reduce the following equations to normal form and determine p 

(a) 3x - Ay = 25. 
(6) 3x + y - 10 = 

(c) 2/ + 2 = 0. 

(d) 3 a; - 4 2/ = 0. 

(e) 3x + Ay = 25. 

0. (/) ^ - 3 s + 4 = 0. 

(g) y-2=0. 

ih) X -2 =0. 

2. A line passes through ( — 2, — 1) and is perpendicular to 2 a; + ^ + 
3=0. Find its equation and distance from the origin. 

3. A line passes through (—4, —5) and has its intercepts equal and 
both negative. Find its equation and distance from the origin. 

26. Perpendicular distance from a line to a point. — The 

solution of a particular case of this problem will be illus- 
trated in the fol- 
lowing example: 
Find the dis- 
tance from the 
hne 3x — 4y + 
15 = to the 
Let Li in the 
figure represent 
the given line 
and Pi the given 
Through Pi, draw L2 parallel to Li and RPi perpendicular 

to Li. Then RPi is the required distance since it is meas- 





































ured jrom the line to the point. Draw the perpendiculars 
OB = ipi to Li and OA = pi to Li. Then from the figure, 
RPi = OB-OA = p2- pi. 

The slope of the given hne Li is f , whence the equation 
of the line Li through Pi and parallel to Li is by standard 
equation (6), 

i/-3 = f(a; + 4) or 3a; - 4z/ + 24 = 0. 
Reducing to normal form, the equations of Li and La become 

-f:c + |2/-3 = and - ix + iy - -%^ = 0. 

Whence pi = 3 and Pi = V, and therefore RPi = ^j*- _3 = |. 

It is observed that this resu t is positive. This checks with 
the figure as RPi has the same direction as OA which is posi- 
tive. The distance from a hne to a point is always positive 
if the point is above the hne, and negative if below the line. 

The point and 
the line may he on 
opposite sides of 
the origin as in the 
accompanying fig- 
vire. The same 
process as that used 
in the preceding ex- 
ample will lead to 
the correct result, 
but care must be 
taken to give the 
correct signs to the 

Thus, find the distance of the point Pi (-1, -3) from 
the line Li of the preceding example. 

Make the construction. as before. The distance required 

is i?Pi = AB = 0B-0A = p2- Pi- 










































The equation of La is 3 a; — 4 y — 9 = 0, or in normal 

-fx + |j/ + f = 0. 

Whence p2 = — f, Pi = 3, as in Ex. 1. 

RPi = V2-Vi= -1-3= -^. 

The minus sign indicates that Pi is below the line Li. 
The general formula for the distance from a Hne to a point 
will be determined in a manner similar to that used in the 
examples above. 

The distance d, from the line Ax + By + C = to the 
point Pi (xi, 2/i), is given by the formula 

± V^2 + B" ' 


the sign of the radical being taken the same as that of B. 

Proof. Let Li rep- 
resent the given line 
and Pi the given point. 
Through Pi draw Li 
parallel to Li and let 
pi and Vi represent 
the perpendicular dis- 
tances from to L\ 
and Li respectively. 

Then d — f^ — pi. 

Slope of Li = slope 

of Li = 


Whence the equation of Lj is 


y-yi = -^i^-xi) 


Ax + By- {Axi + Byi) = 0. 


Reducing equations of Li and In to normal form, 



Pi = 

P2 = 

±VA2 + 52- 
± VA2 + B^' 

where the sign of the radical in each case is the same as that 
of JS. 

Hence, d = 4E1+M±^, 

± Va^ + £2 

the sign of the radical being the same as the sign of B. 

Find the distance from the line 5 x 
— 12 2/ = 25tothepoint (-1, 3). 
Substituting in the formula, 

-5 - 36 - 25 ^ 66 
-13 13 


This positive value of d checks with 
the figure since it is measured upward 
from the line. 






-X- ot ^^^^ 

L ^^ 

- u^ 


1. Find the distance from the line Zx + iy = 5 to the point 

(-1, -1). 

2. Find the distance from the line 5 a; + 12 y = 13 to the point of 
intersection of the lines y — x + 1 =0 and 2y — x = 1. 

3. Find the altitudes of the triangle whose vertices are (1, 1), (—3, 4), 
and (-3, -2). 

jil. Bisectors of the angles between two lines. — Since 
the bisector of an angle is the locus of a point which moves 
so as to be numerically equidistant from the sides, the 
equation may always be readily found as in the following 



Find the equations of the bisectors of the angles between 
the lines 3 a; — 4 y = lO and 4 x + 3 y = 7. 

Draw the given 
lines Li and La. 
There are two bi- 
sectors Ls and Li. 

Let Pi (xi, j/i) be 
any point on the bi- 
x-l sector Li. 

Then the perpen- 
diculars AiPi and 
BiPi are equal in 
length. They are 
each positive, being measured upwards from Li and L2 re- 

AiPi = BJ>i. 

3 xi - 4 1/1 - 10 
























— ■ 











— 1 









and BiPv 



4x1 + 32/1-7 

-, formula (11), 

3xi-4j/i- 10_4xi + 3t/i- 7 

Since Pi (xi, yi) was taken as any point on the hne L3, 
the subscripts may be dropped and the equation of L3 is 
7x-2/- 17 = 0. 

Similarly, let P2 (xa, j/2) be any point on L4. Then A2P2 = 
—BnPi, since A2P2 is negative and B2P2 is positive. 

3 X2 - 4 j/2 - 10 ^ 4 X2 + 3 ^2 - 7 
-5 ~ 5 ■ 

Hence the equation of L4 is x + 7 y + 3 = 0. 



1. Find the equations of the bisectors of the angles between the lines 
4 a; + 3 2/ = 6 and ix — Zy = 6 and show that they are perpendicular. 

2. A line is drawn through (0, 0) perpendicular to 3 a; + 4 j/ = 6. 
Find the equations of the bisectors of the angles between these two Mnes. 


1. How far from the origin is the line through (1, 6) parallel to 
2/ + 4 a; = 7? Ans. 10/VI7. 

2. Show that a is the same for all parallel hnes. Find the equation 
of a hne parallel to 3 a; + 4 y = 25 and nearer the origin by two units. 
Ans. 3 a; + 4 2/ = 15. 

3. Find the equations of the lines halfway between the parallels: 

{ay ix-Sy = 15, {b) 5 x + 12y = IS, 

ix-Sy = -15. 5a; + 12 2/ + 39 =0. 

i. Find the equation of a Une parallel to 12 x — 5 ?/ + 13 =0: 

(o) at a distance of 3 from it; 
(6) at a distance of —3 from it. 

6. Find the equation of a line with slope 2 at a distance of 5 units 
from the origin. 

6. Find the distance from the line to the point in the following 
examples constructing a figure for each: 

(o) 4a; -32/4-6 = to (2,1). (c) 5a; - 122/ + 6 = to (3, 4). 
(6) 3a; + 42/-5=0to(-l, -5). (d) 6a; + 2^ + 7 = Oto(-1, 5). 

7. Find the area of the triangle whose vertices are the points (3,-2), 
(4, 3), and (—2, 1) by finding the lengths of a side and the corresponding 

8. Find the altitudes of the triangle formed by the Unes y + x =■ 3, 
y — 5x = 9, and y = —1. 

9. Find the point which is equidistant from the points (1, 3) and 
(5, 5) and is at a distance of 2 from the line 3x + 4:y — 10=0. 

10. Find the equations of the bisectors of the angles of the following 
triangles and prove that these bisectors meet in a point, the equations of 
the sides being: 

(o) 3 a; - 4 2/ = 12, 4 a; + 3 ^ = 12, 3 a; + 4 2/ + 12 = 0. 
(6) 5 a; - 12 2/ = 24, 12 a; + 5 2/ = 24, 5 2/ - 12 a; = 20. 
(c) 2/ = 4, a; = —4, 3x — iy = i. 



11. A triangle has sides 4 a; + 3 i/ = 24, 3 y — 4 a; = 24, and y = 
—4. Prove that 

(a) the triangle is isosceles; 

(6) the bisector of the exterior angle formed by the first two sides 
is parallel to the third side. 

12. Given the triangle whose sides are 4a; + 3j/ = 24, 4a; — 3t/ + 
12 = and 2/ + 4 = 0. Prove that the bisector of the angle formed by 
the first two lines divides the opposite side into segments which are pro- 
portional to the sides adjacent to the angle. 

13. Find the locus of all points which are twice as far from 3 x — 4 j/ 
+ 12 = as from bx -\2y = Z0. 

14. Find the distances between the parallel lines 
(a) 3 a; + 2 2/ = 13 and 3 3; + 2 2/ + 26 = 0. 
(6) a; + 2 2/ = 5 and a; + 2 2/ + 10 = 0. 

28. The angle which a line makes with another line. — 

In Art. 7, the ange which one straight line makes with 
another was defined as the angle less than 180° measured 
coimter-clockwise from the second to the first. 

Thus, in both figures 1 and 2, 6 is the angle which L\ 
makes with L^. 




// mi and rrh are the slopes of two lines and B is the angle 
which the first line makes with the second, 

tane = 

nil — wtg 


1 + mimz 

Proof. — Let <^i and 02 represent the inclinations of the 
two lines Li and L2 respectively, then tan <i>i = mi and 
tan <j)i = rn^ 


In Fig. 1, <t>x = (h + 6. (Why?) 

Whence B = 4>i — <i>i, 

therefore tan B = tan (<^i - <l>,) = tan ^i - tan <^-, . 

1 + tan 01 tan 02 
tan 01 = mi and tan 02 = mz; • 



tan 9 = 

lUi — 

mi — nh 


1 + mim2 
In Fig. 2, 02 = 01 + (180° - d). 
Whence d = 180° + (0i - 02), 

and therefore 

tan d = tan [180° + (0i - 02)] = tan (0i - 02) = ^ 

The student should not fail to fix in mind that the angle 
6 is always measured from the second hne to the first. 


1. Find the angle which the line y — 3x + 2=Q makes with the 
line 2y — X = 0. 

Reducing each equation to slope form, mi = 3, ma = J. 

3 — - 

Substituting in formula (12), tan 8 = 

Therefore 8 = 45°. 

2. Find the equation of the 
line through ( — 1, —2) making 
the angle tan"' | with the line 
2x + y-3 =0. 

The facts given are sufficient 
to determine the slope of the line. 
In the formula 


= 1. 

tan e = 

mi — Ml 

1 +mimi 
if any two quantities are known 
the third may be foimd. Here 
tan9 = §. Since the angle (tan"' i) 
is to be measured from the 
given hne to the required Une, 
and the slope of the given Une 
is —2, therefore vh = —2. 





s 5 

X' "s o\ X 

^ ^ ^ 

N V 

s 3 

^^ 5 




Sk ' 

± tr 



Substituting in formula (12), 
1 ^ ra, + 2 

whence mi = 

1 -2mi' 

The equation of Li may then be written by substituting in standard 
equation (6) and is • 

2/ + 2 = -I (X + 1) 
or 3 a + 4 2/ + 11 = 0. 

3. Compute the angles of the triangle formed by the intersection of 
the lines whose equations are x — 5 y = 10, 2 x + 3 y — 12, and 
11 a; + 10 2/ + 33 =0. 

Since the angles 
must always be 
taken in a covmter- 
clockwise direction, 
the angle A is meas- 
ured from Li to Li, 
B from Z/8 to L^ and 
C from Li to La. 

The slopes of 
la, Li, and La are 
respectively ^, -|, 
and — iJ. 

Substituting in 
the formula 

i*.B w 






N^ ^v. 

S -i^^ 

\ ^^ 

^^ ^!S 

^^ -P^ 

s ^^ 

V V 

\ -^ ^s M 

V X^ ^i^__„^=:=y 

^.., |^2j^„. ,,.X 

— ■^5^ s 


•^^ ^s 

s r 

i\i- t 

tane = 

■Ml — mi 
1 + mimi' 

being careful to use for mj the slope of the line from which the angle is 
measured, the results are: 

tan A = 

tanB = 

= 1. 


3 ^ TS _ 1 

1+M " 


tan C = — ^ 


Therefore A = 45°. 
Therefore B = tan-i i. 
Therefore C = tan"' (-|). 


1. Find the tangent of the angle which the first line makes with the 
second in the following: 


(o) 3a; -2/ + 4 = and 2x + 4:y + 5=0. 
(b)y-2x = 3 and y+3x = 5. Am. -1. 
(c) y — 2 = and x — y = 1. 
id) x + 2y = 3 and y -2x = 4t. 
(e) ax + by = ah and ax — by = ah. 

2. Find the equation of the Une passing through the point ( — 2, — 4) 
and making an angle tan-^ J with the Une y — 2x = 7. Am. 11 x + 
2 2/ + 30 = 0. 

3. Find the equation of the hne through the origin making an angle 
of 120° with the Une y = x/Vs. Prove that the s-axis bisects the 
angle between these Unes. 

4. Find equation of the line through ( — 2, —1) making an angle of 
135° with the Une x — y = 2. Atis. y = —1. 

5. A right isosceles triangle has the ejctremities of the hypote- 
nuse at the points (1, 2) and (—3, 4) and the vertex of the right angle 
below the line joining the points. Find the equations of the three 

6. Find the interior angles of the triangle whose sides are the lines 
x + y = 2, y — x='2, and y — 2 x = i. 

7. Given the triangle formed by the three Unes x — 2y = 2, x + 3 y 
+ 3=0, and y = 2. Prove that the exterior angle formed by the'first 
two Unes is equal to the sum of the two opposite interior angles. 

8. The vertex of an isosceles triangle is (2, 3) and the base is 
along the Une x + y =0. Given that the vertex angle is 120°, find the 
equations of the other two sides. 

9. Prove that the Une through the origin which makes the angle 
(tan"' I) with the Une 2y = x + 3 bisects the angle between the co- 
ordinate axes. 

10. Two opposite vertices of a rhombus are (2, 1) and ( — 2, —3). 
Find the equations of the sides if the interior angles at these vertices 
are 60°. 

11. Two opposite vertices of a square are (2, 3) and ( — 1, — 3) . Find 
the equations of the sides. 

12. The base of an equilateral triangle Ues in the Une y — 3x = 6. 
The opposite vertex is at (4, 3). Find the equations of the other two 

29. Systems of straight lines. — Each of the standard 
equations of a straight Une contains certain arbitrary con- 
stants. An arbitrary constant is represented by a letter 


to which different values may be assigned. For example, 
in the equation y = mx -\- b, m and b are arbitrary con- 

Often a fixed value is given to one of these constants 
while the other is left arbitrary. Thus, in the equation 
2/ = 2 a; + 6, 6 is an arbitrary constant and by assigning 
different values to b, an infinite number of Unes is obtained 
each having slope 2. Such a set of lines is called a system 
of lines, and the arbitrary constant is called the parameter 
of the system. Other illustrations are y = mx + 2 which 
represents a system of straight lines whose ^/-intercept is 2, 
and a; cos a + 2/ sin a = 5 which represents a system of 
hnes each five imits from the origin. 

The equation of a straight fine can always be foimd at 
once if the two facts determining the line give the values 
of the arbitrary constants in one of the standard equations. 
Thus, if slope = 2 and 2/-intercept = 3, the equation of 
the fine, by substituting in equation (7), is y = 2 a; + 3. 
When the two conditions determining the fine do not give 
the values of the arbitrary constants in any one standard 
equation, either of two methods may be used. 

First, from the data given, find the values of the arbi- 
trary constants in some standard equation, then substitute 
these constants in that equation; or second, write the equa- 
tion of the system of Unes satisfying one of the conditions 
given. This equation will contain one parameter. Deter- 
mine the value of this parameter from the other condition. 


Find the equation of the straight Une whose slope is — | and which is 
3 units from the origin. 

It is given that the Une L is 3 units from the origin, with inclination 
<^ = tan~' ( — f ) . The problem will be first worked by finding the con- 
stants for substitution in equation (10). 

Let a represent the inclination of the perpendicular from the origin 


to the line. Then <^ = a + 90° and tan <t> = tan (a + 90°) = — cot a 
= — J. Therefore tan a = f, sin a = 4, and cos a = |. 

Substituting in equation (10), 
the equation of L is 

ix+iy-S =0 
or 3 a; + 4 2/ = 15. 

The problem might also be , 
worked by finding the coordinates 
of the point A and substituting in 
equation (6). 

In the triangle ARO, OA = 
3 CSC (180° - 0) = 3 esc = 5. 

Substituting in (6), the equation of L is y — = — | (x — 5) or 
3 a; + 4 2/ = 15. 

The second method of solving problems of this class is to first write 
the equation of the system of lines satisfying one of the given conditions. 

Thus, in the equation 

y=-lx+h, (1) 

which represents the system of Unes with slope — J, the parameter b must 
be so determined that the line shall be 3 vmits from the origin. Reducing 
equation (1) to normal form, fx+fj/ — |6 =0. 

Whence, 4 6 = 3, or 6 = J^, and the equation of L is found to be 
3x + 47/ = 15. 

Another apphcation of the second method is to use 

a; cos a + y sin a — 3 =0, (2) 

which represents the system of Unes 3 units from the origin. Here a 

must be so determined that the slope of the line shall be — f. Reduc- 


ine (2) to slope form, y = —cot a x -\-—. — , whence, —cot a = —\, 
° ^ sm a 

sin a = I, and cos a = |. Substituting in (2), the required equation is 

found to be 3 a; + 4 2/ = 15. 


1. Write the equations of the systems of straight lines which satisfy 
the following conditions: 

(o) distance from the origin = 5. Ans. x cos a + ysiaa = 5. 
(6) x-intercept = 3. 

(c) slope = 5. 

(d) passes through (1, 4). 


(e) inclination of perpendicular from origin to line is 60°. 
(/) slope of perpendicular from origin to line is |. 
(jg) sum of intercepts on axes = 6. 

2. Write the equation of the system of lines 3 units from the origin 
and so determine a that a Une of the system shall pass through the point 
(2, 3). 

3. Find the equation of the line with slope 2 and which in addition 
satisfies the following condition: 

(a) distance from the origin = 5. 

(b) a;-intercept = 5. 

(c) simi of intercepts = 6. 

(d) distance from the origin = —3. 

4. Find the equation of the straight hne through ( — 4, —2) and sat- 
isfying in addition the following condition: 

(a) distance from origin = t/XQ. 
(6) parallel to 2 x — 5 2/ = 6. 

(c) sum of intercepts = 3. 

(d) inclination of perpendicular from origin to Une = 45°. 

(e) portion of hne intercepted by axes is bisected by given point. 

6. Find the equation of the straight line 4 units from the origin and 
satisfying in addition the following condition: 
(a) perpendicular to the line 2x — y = Z. 
(6) through the point (2, 4). 

(c) ^/-intercept = 5. 

(d) product of intercepts = 32. 

6. A Une through the point (3, 1) intersects the x- and ^-axes at A and 
B respectively. The Une AB is divided by the point in the ratio \. 
Find its equation. 

7. Find the equations of the two hnes through (1, 4) and making the 
product of the intercepts 18. 

8. Find the equation of the Une through (—3, —4) and making the 
j/-intercept twice the avintercept. 

9. Find the equations of the two Unes in which the incUnation of the 
perpendicular from the origin on the Une is 45° and the product of the 
intercepts 8. 

1. The equations of two sides of a paraUelogram are 2x — y = Z 
and 3x + 2y = 1. Find the equations of the other two sides if they 
intersect at (2, 5). 


2. Find the equations of the Unes through the point ( — 1, —2) tri- 
secting that portion of the line 2y + & = x which is intercepted be- 
tween the axes. 

3. A tangent to a circle with center (— 3, 5)is3a; — 42/ — 6 = 0. 
Find the length of the radius. Ans. 7. 

4. One side of an equilateral triangle has its extremities at (3, —4) 
and (3, 2). Find the equations of the other sides. 

6. The line joining A (1, 3) and B (3, 0) is cut by the line y — x+ 8 
= 0. In what ratio does the point of intersection divide AB1 Ans. 

6. Find the center and radius of the circle circumscribing the tri- 
angle whose vertices are (0, 2), (3, 3), and (6, 6). Ans. Center ( — 1, 10), 
T = V65. 

7. Find the center and radius of the circle inscribed in the triangle 
the equations of whose sides are 3a; + 4^ = 6, 4^ — 3a; = 6, and 
y = -2. Ans. Center (0, -|), r = V- 

8. An isosceles right triangle is constructed with its hypotenuse 
along 4 a; — 2 2/ = 3 and the vertex of its right angle at ( — 1, 3). Find 
the equations of the equal sides and the coordinates of the other vertices. 

9. Find the equations of the following loci. Prove that they are 
straight Unes and construct the lines. 

(o) A point moves so as to be always equidistant from the points 

(-1, 2) and (3, 4). Ans. 2x + y = 5. 
(6) A point moves so that the sum of its distances from j/ — 2 = 

and 5x + 12y — 26 =Ois equal to 7. 

(c) A point moves so that its distance from the hne 3 x + 4y — 

6 = is one-half its distance from the line 5x — 12y + 
13 =0. 

(d) A point moves so that the square of its distance from (—2, 3) 

minus the square of its distance from (1, 4) is equal to 10. 

10. A point moves so that five times its distance from the x-axis is 
three times its distance from the origin. Find the equation of the locus 
and prove it represents a pair of straight lines. 

11. The base of an isosceles triangle is the line joining (—3, 2) and 
(4, 3) . Its vertex is on the line y = —2. Find the equations of its sides. 

12. Show that 6a^ + 5xy — 6y'— x + 5y — 1 =0 represents a 
pair of perpendicular lines. 

13. The sides of a quadrilateral are given by the equations x' + ixy 
-|-4 2/''-l-3a;-|-6y = and y' + y — 6 = 0. Prove that the figure 
is a parallelogram. 


14. Prove analytically that the perpendiculars drawn from the ver- 
tices of any triangle to the opposite sides meet in a point. 

15. Find what relation must hold among the coeflficients in the 
general equation of a line Ax + By + C = Oin order that 

(a) the x-intercept shall = 3. 

(6) the given line shall be perpendicular to 2x -\- Sy = 5. 

(c) the slope shall = 5. 

(d) the perpendicular from the origin to the line shall = 5. 

(e) the line shall be parallel to the z-axis. 

(f) the line shall pass through the point (3, 5). 

16. Write the equation of the set of lines through the point of inter- 
section of the two hnes 3 x + 2y + 8 = and x — 3y = I and so de- 
termine the parameter of the system that the line shall pass through the 
point (1, 2). 

17. Prove that the two lines whose equations are xy-\-2x — iy — 
8 = are the bisectors of the angles between lines whose equations are 
a?-2/2-8a;-4j/ + 12 = 0. 

18. Find the equation of the line perpendicular to the line 2x -{-Sy 
— 12 = and bisecting the portion of the line intercepted by the 




30. Definition. — A second method of locating a point 
in a plane is by means of polar coordinates. These often 
lead to simpler results than those obtained by rectangular 
coordinates. A comparison of the two systems of coordi- 
nates is shown by the following illustra- 
tion. If in a country where roads follow 
section Unes, the question were asked w- 
how to reach R from 0, the answer 
would be of the form, go 4 miles east and 3 miles north. 
If the same question were asked in an open country, the 
direction would probably be pointed out and the questioner 
told to go 5 miles. in that direction. The first is an illus- 
tration of rectangular and the second of polar coordinates. 
In order to locate a point in any system of coordinates, 
two fixed things are necessary. In rectangular coordinates 
these are two intersecting perpen- 
dicular lines. In the polar system 
a fixed directed straight fine called 
the polar axis or initial line and a 
fixed point on that Une called the 
pole or origin are given. 

In the figure, OX is the polar 
axis or initial Kne and the pole 
p or the origin. 

The line OP from the pole to the point is called the radius 
vector and is represented by p. The angle which OP makes 
with the polar axis is called the vectorial angle and is repre- 
sented by d. In the figure, OP = p = radius vector, XOP = 




B = vectorial angle. These two quantities are called the 
polar coordinates of the point and the point is represented 
by P (p, 6). The radius vector is positive when measured 
on the terminal line of the angle and negative when meas- 
ured on that Hne produced through the origin. The vecto- 
rial angle is positive when measured counter-clockwise and 
negative when measured in clockwise direction. As in trig- 
onometry the angle d may have an unlimited nimiber of 
values differing by 2 7r, since it is any angle whose initial 
line is OX and whose terminal line is OP 

The position of a point in a plane is definitely deter- 
mined if its polar coordinates are given. The same point 
may, however, be expressed in many different ways. Thus, 
in the first figure above, if the least value oi d = 30° and 
p = 5, then P may be written (5, 30°) (5,-330°), (-5, 210°), 
(-5, -150°), (5, 390°), etc. 

The steps in plotting a point P in polar coordinates are as 
From the polar axis OX construct an angle equal to 6. 
If p is positive, lay off OP = p on the terminal Une of the 

angle. If p is negative, 
produce the terminal line 
through and lay off 
on it OP equal to the 
numerical value of p. 

Thus, locate the point 
P(-5, 150°). The an- 
gle XOR = 150° is first 
constructed in a positive 
direction from OX. 
Since p is negative, the 
terminal line of the angle is produced through to P making 
OP 5 imits in length. P then represents the point (—5, 
150°). Show that (—5, —210°) represents the same point. 



1. Plot the points (-3,30°), (3, -150°), (-5, 180°), (-2, Itt), 
(-3, -Itt), (-1, 330°). 

2. Write three other pairs of coordinates of each of the points 
(-3, 20°), (2, |,r), (-4, 240°), (3, 330°). 

3. A side of a square is 3 inches. A diagonal is taken as the polar 
axis and one extremity of that diagonal as pole. Find the coordinates 
of the vertices. 

4. Each side of a rhombus is 4 inches. One side is on the polar axis 
and a vertex is at the pole. Find the coordinates of the vertices if the 
angle at the pole is 60°. 

B. Prove that the three points (0, 0), (3, 30°), and (3, -30°) are the 
vertices of an equilateral triangle. 

6. Show that (2, 30°) and (2, —30°) are symmetrical with respect to 
the polar axis, that (2, 30°) and ( — 2, 30°) are symmetrical with respect 
to the pole and that (2, 30°) and (2, 150°) are symmetrical with respect 
to a perpendicular to the polar axis through the pole. 

7. What point is sjrmmetrical to (4, —30°) 
(a) with respect to the polar axis? 

(6) with respect to the pole? 

(c) with respect to the perpendicular to the polar axis through the 

8. What point is symmetrical to (p, 9) 
(a) with respect to the polar axis? 
(6) with respect to the pole? 

(c) with respect to the perpendicular to the polar axis through the 

9. Where do the points lie 

(o) for which 6 = 45°? (c) for which p = 5? 

(6) for which 9=0? (d) for which p = 0? 

10. Find the distance between the points (2, 30°) and (-3, 150°). 
Hint. — Use law of cosines in trigonometry. Arts. V7. 

11. If 9 is a positive angle less than 360°, in how many ways can the 
following points be expressed: 

(a) (3, 30)? 
(6) (-3, 240°)? 
(c) the pole? 



31. The equation of a locus: polar coordinates. — The 

definition of the equation of a locus in polar coordinates is 
the same as that given in Art. 10, and the steps in finding 
the equation are identical to those stated in that article 
except that p and d are used instead of x and y. 

Thus, find the equation of a Une such that the perpen- 
dicular from the pole upon it is p and the angle which the 

perpendicular makes with 
the polar axis is a. 

1st. Given the Une L such 
that OR = p and XOR = a. 
Let P (p, ff) represent any 
point on the fine. 

2nd. Cos ROP = ;;rn,from 



Zrd. Cos {d - a) = p/p, 

Aih. Clearing of fractions, the required equation is 

p cos {6 — a) = p. 


1. Prove that the equation of a line 

(a) perpendicular to the polar axis and at a distance of four units 

to the right of the pole is p cos 6 = 4. 
■ (6) parallel to the polar axis and two units above it is p sin 9 = 2. 

2. Prove that the equation of a line through the pole with inclination 
7r/6 is 9 = ir/6. 

3. Prove that the equation of the circle with center at the pole and 
radius 5 is p = 5. 

4. Prove that the equation of the circle which passes through the 
pole and has its center on the polar axis o units to the right of the origin 
is p = 2 a cos 8. 

6. Prove that the equation of the circle which passes through the 
pole and has its center on the perpendicular to the polar axis through 
the pole and 6 units above it is p = 2 & sin 9. 


32. The locus of an equation : polar coordinates. — It is 
required to find a locus which contains all the points whose 
coordinates (p, 6) satisfy the equation and which contains no 
other points. 

As in the case of rectangular coordinates, this can always 
be done by assigning values to one variable and finding the 
values of the other, then plotting the points and connecting 
by a smooth curve. It was found in that case, however, 
that the work was greatly facilitated by combining with 
the plotting a certain amount of discussion. The same is , 
true in the case of polar coordinates. 

The points in discussion which are particularly helpful 

1. Intercepts on the polar axis. 

2. Ssnnmetry. 

3. Extent. 

Intercepts. — Placing 9 = and solving for p, points 
are found at which the curve intersects the polar axis. 
Other intersections may be found by letting B = 180°, 360°, 
etc., and finding the corresponding values of p. 

The coordinates of the pole are p = 0, 5 = any angle. 
Even though the pole is on the curve not all such values 
satisfy the equation. Placing p = 0, and solving for B the 
particular angles are determined at which the curve passes 
through the origin. 

Thus, in the equation p^ = d?' cos 2 5, if = 0, p = ±a. 
Two points on the polar axis are thus located. If = 180°, 
360°, etc., no new points are found on the initial line. Plac- 
ing p = 0, is found to be 45°, 135°, 225°, and 315°, which 
shows the pole is on the locus. 

Symmetry. — The tests for symmetry ordinarily used, 
correspond closely to those of rectangular coordinates. It 
can be shown that in polar coordinates a curve is sym- 
metrical with respect to 


(a) the polar axis if d can be replaced hy —6 without 
changing the equation. Why? 

(6) the perpendicular to the polar axis through the pole 
if 6 can be replaced hy tt — 6 without changing the 
equation. Why? 

(c) the pole if p can be replaced by — p without changing 
the equation. Why? 

In general, the test for symmetry with respect to the polar 
axis will be the only one used. This is of particular prac- 
tical importance, since any part of the curve determined by 
giving d values from 0° to 180° can be reproduced from 0° 
to — 180° by the principle of symmetry. Points should be 
plotted until it is certain that any further points found are 
the same as those obtained by symmetry. 

While the above tests (a), (6), and (c) are universally 
true, their converse does not necessarily hold. A curve 
may, for example, be symmetrical with respect to the polar 
axis even though the equation is changed when 6 is replaced 
by —d. This point is discussed in Art. 34. 

The equation p^ = a^ cos 2 6 stands all the tests of sym- 
metry mentioned in this article and hence the locus is sym- 
metrical with respect to the perpendicular to the polar axis 
through the pole, to the pole and also to the polar axis. 

Extent. — Under this head will be considered: 

values of which make p imaginary; 

values of 6 which make p infinite; 

values of 6 which make p a maximum or miTiiTmiTn nu- 
merical value. 

In those problems in which p enters the equation in even 
degree, it is possible that certain values of 9 may make p 
imaginary. Such values of d are excluded. 

In some examples, there are values of 6 which make p 
infinite. Such values are important as they show that the 
Qurve extends to infinity in that direction. In such cases 



it is well to determine values of p corresponding to values of 
d a little less and a little greater than those which render 
p = 00 , as important changes often take place in the vicinity 
of such points. 

Other important values of d are those which give to p 
its maximum or minimum numerical values. 

Consider again p^ = o^ cos 2 9 or p = ±a Vcos 2 d. 

It is seen that values of 8 between 45° and 135°, also be- 
tween 225° and 315°, make p imaginary, and therefore these 
values of ^ are excluded. There are no values of 6 which 
make p = oo , hence this curve has no infinite branch. 

The greatest value of p corresponds to 6 = 0° or 180° for 
which cos 26 = 1 and p = ±a. 

It has already been shown that the curve passes through 
the pole, hence the least numerical value of p is 0. 

Taking into account symmetry and excluded values of 9, 
the curve can be completely drawn by assigning to 6 values 
from 0° to 45°. This curve is called the lemniscate. 



















When 6 in the equation has no coefiicient, it is usually 
sufiicient in plotting to take values of 9 differing by 30°. If 
9 has an integer coefficient as in this problem, smaller inter- 
vals should be used, and when 9 has a fractional coefficient, 



it is often sufficient to take much larger intervals between 
the values of 6. 

In plotting curves, the student is advised to use polar 
coordinate paper. Such paper is usually accompanied by 
tables which faciHtate the calculation. 


1. Plot and discuss p = 

1—2 cos 6 

Intercepts. — li 9 = 0°, p = -6. If 9 = 180°, p = 2. 6 = 360°, 
540°, etc., give no additional values to p. No values of 8 make p = 0. 
Hence the curve crosses the polar axis in two points only, one point 6 
units to the left, and the other 2 units to the left, of the pole. 

Symmetry. — The equation is unchanged if 8 is replaced by —9, hence 
the curve is symmetrical with respect to the polar axis. 

Extent. — There are no excluded values of 8, since the value of p con- 
tains no radical. 

When 1 — 2 cos 9 = or cos 9 = T, p = 00 , therefore the curve has 
infinite branches corresponding to 9 = 60° and 300°. 

p wiU have the least value when 1 — 2 cos 9 is greatest, which will be 
when cos 9 = — 1. Then p = 2 is the minimum numerical value. 

A table of values is here given in which the natural values of cos 9 are 
used. The figure proves to be an hyperbola. 






- 6 



- 8.2 













- .5 



- .707 



- .866 







If values of 8 greater than 180° were used, the same points would be 
obtained as those determined by applying the principle of symmetry 
with respect to the initial hne. 

2. Plot and discuss the locus of p = a cos' ^• 

Intercepts. — If 9 = 0, p = o; if fl = 180°, p = a/8; if 9 = 360°, 
p = -a/8; if 9 = 640°, p = - a. If p = 0, 9 = 270°. 

Symmetry. — Since 9 can be replaced by —9 without changing the 
equation, the curve is symmetrical with respect to the polar axis. 

Extent. — There are no excluded values of 9. p is never infinite. It 
is greatest when 9 = 0°, for which value p = a. 

Making a table of values and plotting, the figure is found to be as 
shown below. 

It should be noticed that in this curve it is not sufficient to plot from 
0° to 180° but that points up to 9 = 270° are necessary before the appli- 
cation of symmetry can be applied to complete the figure. 
















.65 a 




.35 a 








.02 a 



Discuss and plot the loci of the following: 


P = 5. 


p = 5 cos 9. 


p = 4 sin 6. 


p cos 9 = 4. 


p sin 9 = 4. 


•p2 cos 2 9 = 


11. The parabola p 

1 + sin 9 


9 = 10°. 

p = cos (9 + 45°). 

p2 = a' sin 2 9. 

'' l+2cos9' 



12. The cardioid p = a (1 + cos 6). 

13. The elUpse p = ■= 1 ■ 

^ 5 - 3 cos 9 

14. The hmason p = 4 (1 — 2 cos 9). 
IB. p = 4(2 - cosfl). 

16. p = a(l +sin9). 

17. p = osin'^- 

18. p2 sin 2 9 = o2. 



20. p = a sin" 5- 

19. p = a csc^ 

33. Equations of the form p = a sin fe9 and p = a cos fe6, 

where k is any integer, are of frequent occurrence. A 
sketch of these curves sufficiently correct for many pur- 
poses can be constructed by making use of the following 

Draw a radial hne corresponding to each value of 9 which 
makes p = 0, also a radial Une corresponding to each value 
of B which makes p a numerical maximum. Discuss the 
changes which take place in p as 5 increases through each 
interval determined by these radial lines. 

Thus, plot the locus of p = a sin 2 6. 

lip = 0,6 = 0°, 90°, 180°, 270°. 

p has a numerical maximum of ±a when 6 = 45°, 135°, 
225°, 315°. Therefore radial hnes are drawn at intervals 
of 45° beginning with the polar axis. 



P vanes 

rant oc- 

creasea from 


by curve 


Oto 45 

Oto a 


45 to 90 

a to 


90 to 135 

Oto -a 


135 to 180 

—a to 


180 to 225 

Oto a 


225 to 270 

a to 


270 to 316 

Oto -a 


315 to 360 




The plan here used will often be of advantage in other 
examples and should be kept in mind for use whenever 


Construct the following loci: 


P = o cos 2 e. 


p = 4 sin 5 8. 


p = 4 sin 3 e. 


P = a cos e. 


p = a cos 5 e. 


p = 6 cos 4 e. 


p = 8 sin 4 e. 


p = 4 sin 6 9. 


p = 4 cos 3 8. 


P = a sin' e. 

34, Difficulties arising from the multiple representa- 
tion of points in the polar system. — The fact that the 
same point may be expressed by more than one pair of co- 
ordinates often leads to confusion and sometimes to error 
unless great care is taken. In the rectangular system, where 
each point has one pair of coordinates, and each pair of 
coordinates corresponds to a single point, it is always safe 
to conclude that if the coordinates of a point fail to satisfy 
an equation then the point is not on the locus. This is not 
always the case in the polar system, for it often happens 
that if one pair of coordinates fails to satisfy an equation, 
another pair representing the same point may show the 
point to be on the locus. 

Thus, in the equation p = a sin 2 5, if the point be taken 
whose coordinates are (a/2, —15°) the equation is not sat- 
isfied; but the same point when considered as determined 
by (—a/2, 165°) is found to be on the curve. 

Care must be taken to hold this multiple representation 
of points in mind when considering the question of symmetry. 
If the curve is symmetrical to the polar axis, then corre- 
sponding to every point (p, 6) on the curve there must be a 
point (p, —5) also on the curve. It has been shown, however, 
that any point as (p, —B) may be on the curve even though 
its coordinates, in that particular form, do not satisfy the 



equation of the curve, and thus the locus is sometimes sym- 
metrical with respect to the polar axis even though the 
equation is changed by the substitution oi —6 for 6. This 
is shown in the case of the curve p = asin2B, drawn in Art. 
33, which is found to be symmetrical with respect to the 
polar axis, even though the usual test for symmetry fails. 

Another case where confusion sometimes arises is that of 
excluded values. It often happens that certain values of 
6 make p imaginary and therefore these values of 6 are 
excluded. It may be, however, that if the set of points 
corresponding to these values of 6 were expressed by other 
pairs of coordinates, these coordinates would satisfy the 
equation, showing that the curve is foimd in that area from 
which a too hasty conclusion would have excluded it. Thus, 
in p'' = 4 sin 6, p is imaginary for values of d between 180° 
and 360°. This might seem to indicate that there is no 

part of the curve be- 
low the polar axis. In 
plotting points, how- 
ever, it is found that 
for every value of 6 
in the first and second 
quadrants, p has two 
values, one positive 
and the other nega- 
tive, showing that the 
curve is found in 
each of the four quad- 
p = ±2. The coordinates (-2, 90°) 
Another pair of coordinates for the 
These do not satisfy the equation. 

Thus, when = 90°, 
satisfy the equation, 
same point is (2, 270°). 




1. Show that the point ( — i, 150°) is on the curve p = cos 2 9 
although its coordinates do not satisfy the equation. How may the 
given point be written in order that its coordinates shall satisfy the 

2. Determine whether the point (1, 210°) is on the curve whose 
equation is p = 2 cos 4 6. 

3. Discuss and plot p* = 4 cos 0. 

4. Discuss and plot p^ = cos 3 6. 

6. Discuss and plot p' = 1 — 2 sin e. 
6. Discuss and plot p = sin 4 0. 

35. Spirals. — A spiral is a curve traced by a point 
which, while it revolves about the pole, continually ap- 
proaches or recedes from this point. 
There are five principal spirals as follows: 
The spiral of Archimedes, p = ad. 
The reciprocal or hyperbolic spiral, p = a/d. 
The parabohc spiral, p^ = ad. 
The lituus or trumpet, p^ = a/d. 
The logarithmic spiral p = e"^ (e = 2.718+). 

Plot the locus p = ad (where a is positive). 
It is seen that when = 0, p = 0, and as B increases 
without limit, p also increases without hmit. The curve 



7r/2 = 1.67 


T = 3.14 


37r/2 = 4.71 


27r = 6.28 

6.28 a 

57r/2 = 7.85 


3ir = 9.42 





thus starts at the pole and winds around the pole indefi- 
nitely, receding from it with each revolution. 

In plotting these curves, B is expressed in circular measure. 
It is usually sufiicient to determine only such points as 
correspond to values of B differing by 7r/2 radians. In 
some examples it is more convenient to take the interval 
between the successive values of fl to be 1 radian. 

The curve sketched in the figure with the heavy line cor- 
responds to positive values of B and that with the dotted 
line to negative values of B. These two spirals constitute 
the complete locus of the equation. 

Plot the Iqcus p = 6°®. 

Some definite value must be assigned to a. Suppose a = 1, 
the equation becomes p = e*. Assigning to 6 values differing 
by 1 radian, the following table is computed. 







e»= 1 
e = 2.72 
e^ = 7.39 
e3 = 20.1 
e* = 54.6 



e» = 1 
e-i= .37 
e-'= .14 
e-»= .05 
e-'= .02 

It is seen that as 8 increases from radians to 4 radians, 
p increases from 1 to 54.6, also that as B increases indefinitely, 
p also increases indefinitely. 

As B decreases from to —4 radians, p decreases from 1 


to .02, and as 6 decreases indefinitely, p approaches as a 
limit. Hence the curve winds around the pole indefinitely, 
coming closer and closer to it with each revolution, but not 
reaching it until an infinite number of revolutions in clock- 
wise direction have been made. 


1. Plot the spiral p = a/$. 

2. Plot the spiral p« = aS. 

3. Plot the spiral " = a/0. 

36. Intersections of curves. — As in rectangular coordi- 
nates, if two equations are solved simultaneously, points 
are found whose coordinates satisfy both equations and 
hence such points are the intersections of the two loci. In 
polar coordinates, this process does not always give all the 
common points, for since the coordinates of a point may 
be written in a number of different ways, it may happen 
that one equation is satisfied by one pair of coordinates of 
the point of intersection, and the other equation by a differ- 
ent pair of coordinates of the same point. 

To make sure that all intersections are obtained, the 
curves should always be drawn. These will show any addi- 
tional common points. Care must always be taken to make 
sure whether the pole is on both curves. 


Find the points of intersection of the two curves p = — 1 — cos 9 
and p = 1 + cos 9. 
Equating the two values of p, 

— 1 — cos9 = 1 + cos 9. 

Hence 2 cos 9 = -2, cose = -1, 9 = 180°. 

Substituting in either equation, p is found to be 0. The pole then 
is a common point. 



Plotting the loci, taking account of symmetry, the figure is as shown 

p = -1 - COB e 

p = 1 + cos 9 










- .3 










The point marked A in the figure has coordinates (1, 90°) for the 
right hand curve and ( — 1, —90°) for the left hand curve. 

The point marked B in the figure has coordinates (1, —90°) for 
the right hand curve and ( — 1, 90°) for the left hand curve. 

The curves then intersect in three points. 


Find the points of intersection of the following pairs of curves and 
plot the loci. 

1. p = o. 4. p = V2, 

p =acos0. p = 2sin9. 

2. I? =0? sin 29, B. p = sin 2 B, 
p = o sin fl. p = sin 8. 

3. p = 1 + cos9, 6. p = 1 + sine, 
2p = 8ec4fl. p(2-sine)=2. 

7. p = 2 sin 3 B, 

p = 2smB. Ans. (0, 0), (V2, 45°), (VI, 135°). 

8. p2 = 2 a' cos 2 B, 

p = a. Am. (a, ±30°), (a, ±150°). 

9. p2 = a? cos B, 

p = a. 


10. p (3 - 2 cos e) = 1, 

p = 1 - cos 9. Am. (I, 60°), (I, 300°). 

11. p = 6 — cos 6, 
p(l -2cosfl) = 6. 

12. p =2 -2 sine, 
p = 2 cos 2 9. 

13. p =aB, 
p = a/d. 

14. p = 2 a sin 9 tan 9, 
p = a sin 9. 

16. Show that 9 = 60° and p = a. intersect in two points. 


Discuss and plot the following: 

1. p = 2 sec 9. 

2. p = o tan^ 9 sec 9 (semi-cubical parabola). 

3. p = a? sin 4 9. 

4. p = 2 a sin 9 tan 9 (cissoid). 

5. p = a sec^ 9. 

6. p = 1 + sin 2 e. 

7. p =a(sin29 + cos2e). 

_ 2 o sec 9 

'' ~ 1+ tans' 

{Hint. Change to sine and cosine when calculating for 9 = 90°.) 

3 o tan 9 sec 9 ,. ,. , _ . , 

9. p = , , , — 7-— (folium of Descartes). 
1 + tan' 9 

10. p2 =a?0. -cos 9). 

11. p = 2 sin fl + cos 9. 

12. p" = cos 4 9. 

13. p2 cos 9 = a^ sin 3 9. 

14. p = 4 sin 5 9. 

16. p« = "^^ 

a^ sm2 9 + 62 ^os* g 
9 , . 6 

16. p = cos s + sin s* 














37. If a point is referred to a given system of axes, its 
coordinates are fixed. If the axes are changed, the coordi- 
nates of the point are also 
changed. Thus, if the 
point P when referred to 
OX and OY is (5, 5), it is 
seen that if referred to the 
parallel system, O'X' and 
O'Y' through 0' (3, 1) the 
coordinates of P are 
changed to (2, 4). Simi- 
larly, the equation of the 
line O'P when referred to 
OX and OY is y = 2 x — 5) and when referred to O'X' and 
O'Y' is y = 2x. 

This example illustrates that an equation of a locus is 
sometimes simphfied by a change of axes and it is therefore 
often desirable to find the equation of the curve in a new 
system. To do this it is necessary to determine the laws 
which connect the coordinates of a point in the given system 
with the coordinates of the same point in the new system. 
Transformation of coordinates is the operation of chang- 
ing the axes. There are two principal transformations 
in rectangular coordinates. When the new axes are re- 
spectively parallel to the old through a new origin the 
transformation is called translation of axes. When the 
origin is unchanged but the axes are each rotated through 
a given angle, the transformation is called rotation of axes. 




38. Translation of axes. — Ij x and y are the coordi- 
nates of any point before translation to a new origin (h, h) and 
x' and y' the coordinates of the same -point after translation, 

X = x' + h, 
y = y' + k. 








— X 


- M 

to meet the a;-axis in N. 

Proof. — Let OX and 07 be the given set of axes. Through 
0' having coordinates (h, k) 
when referred to the given 
axes, draw a new set O'X' 
and O'Y' parallel respec- 
tively to OX and OY. Let 
P be any point in the 
plane. Its coordinates in 
the given system are rep- 
resented by X and y and 
in the new system by x' 
and y'. Draw the ordi- 
nate MM'P and extend O'Y' 


X = OM, x' = O'M', h = ON, 

y = MP, y' = M'P, k = NO'. 

From the figure it is seen that 

OM = 0N + NM = 0N + O'M' 
and MP = MM' + M'P = NO' + M'P, 

whence x = x' + h 

y = y' + k. 

In recaUing all formulas of transformation it is well to 
hold the figure in mind as an aid to the memory. 

To transform an equation referred to a given systern of 
axes to another system parallel to the first through the 
point (h, k), replace x in the given equation hy x' + h and y by 


y' + k and simplify the result. This gives the new equation 
of the given locus in which x' and y' are the variable coordi- 
nates in the new system. It is customary to drop the primes 
when the work of transformation is finished. 


1. What are the new coordinates of the points (3, —3), (—4, 2), 
(0, —2), (4, 0) referred to parallel axes through (1, 2)? 

2. Transform the equation 3x + 2y = 12 when the axes are 
translated to a new origin (—2, —3). Construct the two sets of 
axes and plot the locus of each equation, showing that they represent 
the same Une. Ans. Sx -\-2y = 24. 

3. Transform the equations y — x = 3 and 3y + 2x = i when 
the axesiare translated to a new origin at their point of intersection. 

4. Transform the following equations to a new set of axes parallel 
to the old, the new origin as indicated. In each case draw both sets 
of axes and the curve. 

(a) a;2-2x-2/2 + 42/ = 4, (1, -2). 

(6) 4a;2 -8a; + 9^-362/ + 4 = 0, (1,2). Ans. ii? +9y''=Z6. 

(c) x' -2hx + y^ -2ky + h' +¥ =0, (h, k). Ans. 3?]+ y^ = 0. 

(d) y + 2 = (,x + iy, (-1, 2). Ans:y = 3^. 

(e) y' + iy^ix-iy, (1, -2). 

G. The equation of a curve after translation to a new origin ( — 1, 2) 
is a^ + 2/' = 9. What was the original equation? 

Ans. (x + 1)« + (y - 2)^ = 9,; 

39. Rotation of axes. — If x and y are the coordinates 
of any point before rotation through an angle 0, and x' and y' 
the coordinates after rotation, then 

X = x' cos 6 — y' sin 9, . . 

y = «' sine +y' cose. ^^^ 

Proof. — Let OX and 07 be the given set of axes, and let 
OX' and OY' be the positions of the axes after they have 
been rotated about the origin through an angle 6. Take 
P any point in the plane whose coordinates in the given 




system are x and y, and in the new system x' and y'. 
the ordinates MP and M'P. 

Then OM = x, MP = y, 
OM' = x' and M'P = y'. 
Draw through M' the lines 
RM' and NM' parallel to 
the x and y axes respec- 
tively. The angle RPM' 
is equal to 8. (Why?) 

It is seen from the figure 

x = OM = 0N- MN = 0N - RM' = a;'cos0 - y'sinO, 

y = MP = MR + RP = NM' + RP = a;' sine + y'cosd. 


1. Find the coordinates of the points (3, 1), (—5, 0), and (0, —2), 
after the axes have been rotated through 45°, also through 90°. 

2. Transform the equation x^ + y^ = 16 when the axes are rotated 
through 60°. Ans. o? + y' = 16. 

3. Show that the equation x^ + y^ = a? will be unchanged after 
rotation of the axes through any angle $. 

4. Transform the following equations when the axes are rotated 
through the angle given. Construct both sets of axes and the curve. 

(o) xy = 4, 7r/4. 

(b) y'=4:x, 7r/2. 

(c) x^ +2xy + y^ - X -y =0, ir/4. 
id) 3a;2 - 4x2/ + 8x - 5 = 0, tan-' 2. 
(e) x/a + y/b = 1, tan"' a/6. 

(/) 3y' +Sxy - Sx^ = 0, tan"' i 

5. The equation of a locus after the axes have been rotated through 
—45° is 2/ — a; = 1; what was the equation before rotation? 

6. Through what angle must the axes be rotated in order that the 
new X-axis shall pass through (3, 4)? 

7. Transform the equation xy— y+2x — 6=0 to new axes 
whose origin referred to given axes is (1, —2) and which make an angle 
of 45° with those axes. Ans. a? — y^ = S. 

Hint. — First translate to the new origin, then rotate the axes. 


8. . Three sides of a triangle are x — y = i, x + y = 6, and y + 2x 
= 20. If the first two lines are chosen as axes, what will be the equa- 
tion of the third? Ans. 3x-y = 9V2. 

40. Degree of equation not changed by translation and 
rotation. — Since in each of the formulas of transforma- 
tion the values of x and y are of first degree in x' and y', 
therefore the transformed equation will never be of higher 
degree than the given equation. That it cannot be of lower 
degree is shown by the fact that if this were the case, a 
transformation back to the original system of axes would 
have to raise the degree in order to give the original equa^ 
tion. This has been shown to be impossible. 

41. Simplifications by transformation. — One of the 
principal advantages obtained from transformation is the 
simpKfication of equations. Some of these simplifications 
are best accompHshed by translation, others by rotation. 

By translation to a proper new origin it is often possible 
to remove the first degree terms, to make the constant 
term disappear, or to ehminate one first degree term and the 
constant term. 

The methods by which these results are usually accom- 
pUshed are illustrated in the following examples: 

1. Simplify the equation x^ — 2x + y^ — 6y= 15 by 
translation to a new origin. 
Substituting x = x' + h and y = y' + k in the equation 
x^-2x + y^-6y = 15 (1) 

and collecting terms, the equation becomes 
x'^ + y'^+i2h-2)x'+{2k- 6) y' 

+ h^ + k^ - 2h - 6k - 15 = 0. (2) 
It is readily seen that it is possible to so choose h and k 
that the coefficients of x' and y' shall be 0. Thus 

2h-2 = 0, h = l, (3) 

2 fc - 6 = 0, fc = 3. (4) 


Substituting these values back for h and fc, the equation 

a;'2 + 2/'2 = 25. (5) 

One advantage gained by the transformation is that the 
new equation shows that the locus is symmetrical with re- 
spect to both axes since there are no odd powers oi x ov y 
in the equation. 

Another method of accomplishing the same result is to 
complete the squares of all x terms and of aU y terms, thus 

(a;='-2a;+l) + (2/^-6y + 9) = 15+1+9, (2) 
or {x - \Y +{v- 3)2 = 25. (3) 

It is readily seen that if the axes are translated to a new 
origin at (1, 3) the equation will have no first degree terms. 

Although often desirable, it is not always possible to re- 
move the first degree terms. This is illustrated in the 
second example. 

2. Simplify by translation 2/^ + 42/ — 8a; — 4 = 0. 

Substituting x = x' + h and y = y' + k, in the equation 
2/2 + 42/-8x-4 = (1) 

and collecting terms, the equation becomes 

y"' + y' {2k + 4) - 8x' + ¥ + 4:k - 8h - 4: = 0. (2) 

It is evident that the coefiicient of x' cannot be made 
equal to zero. The quantities h and fc may, however, be 
determined so that the coefficient of y and the constant 
term shall be zero. 

Thus 2 fc + 4 = (3) 

and ¥ + 4:k-8h-4: = 0. (4) 

Whence k = -2, h = - 1. 

The equation then reads y'^ = 8 x'. (5) 

This locus is symmetrical with respect to the new a;-axis 
and passes through the new origin. 


This problem can also be solved in a manner similar to 
the second method used for the first example. 

By rotation through a proper angle it is possible to re- 
move the xy-term. from an equation of second degree as is 
shown in the following example. 

3. Remove the xy-term. from Sx' + lOxy + 3y^ = S. 
Substituting x = x' cos 6 — y' sin 9 and y == x' sinO -\- 
y' cos 6 in the equation 

3a;2+10a;2/ + 32/2 = 8, (1) 

x"^ (3 cos^ 0+10 sin cos 6 + 3 sin" d) 
+ x'y' (10 cos^ e - 10 sin2 6) 
+ 2/'2 (3 sin^ - 10 sm cos e + 3 cos^ 6) = 8. (2) 

The coefficients of all the terms can be changed to func- 
tions of 2 6. The equation then becomes 
x'^ (3+5 sin 2 e) + x'y' (10 cos 2 (9) + y'"^ (3-5 sin 2 6)=%. (3) 

Since the new equation is to contain no x'y' term, there- 
fore 10 cos 2 = 0, whence cos 2 9 = 0, 2 9 = 90°, and 6 = 45°. 
Substituting B = 45° in equation (3), 

8x'2-2 2/'2 = 8. (4) 


1. Simplify the following equations by translation of axes. Plot 
both pairs of axes and the curve. 

(o) a;2 + 4a; + 9^2 - 18 2/ + 4 =0. Ans. I'+O^ =9. 

(6) a? + 2a; -gj/! -363/ = 44. Ans. 3? -Qy^ = 9. 

(c) a;2 -6a; + ^2 + 62/ = 7. 

(d) 3/2 -82/ + 6a; -2 =0. 

(e) a;2+4a; = 2y + 6. 

2. By rotating the axes, remove the xy-ierai from the following. 
Plot both pairs of axes and the ctlrve. 

(a) x^ + 2xy + \^ = 9. 

(b) xy = 4. 

(c) 5a^ + 6a;2/ + 52/' = 8^ 

(d) a? + 2xy + 3/^ + 4 v'2 (a; - 2/) = 0. 


3. In the following, remove the xy-teim by rotation of axes. Con- 
struct the two sets of axes and the curve in each example. 

(a) 3? — xy + y' + 5x~y = l. 
(6) 2xy-2V2y = 4. 

4. To what new origin must the axes be translated in order that 
the two lines 2a; — y — 3=0 and x + 2y + 1 =0, when referred 
to the new system, shall have no constant term? Find the equations 
referred to the new axes. 

6. Through what angle must the axes be rotated in order that the 
new equation of the Une x — y = 4 shall have no a;-term? Check 
from the figure. Arts. 45°. 

6. Transform the equation x — y = 6to the form y = 0. 

Hint. — First translate the axes to a new origin located anywhere 
on the given line and then rotate the axes. 

42. Transformation from rectangular to polar coordi- 
nates and vice versa. 

If X and y are the coordinates of a point in a rectangular 
system and p and 6 the coordinates of the same point in a polar 
system, the origin and the x-axis coinciding respectively with 
the pole and the polar axis, then 

« = pcose, ,jg. 

y = p sin 6. 

Proof. — Let OX and OY represent the rectangular axes, 
then and OX are the pole and initial Hne respectively. 
Let P represent any point whose 
coordinates in the rectangular 
system are x and y and in the 
polar system p and 6. Draw 
MP perpendicular to OX. 
Then x = OM, y = MP, p = OP, 
e = angle MOP. 

It is readily seen from trigonometry that x = pcosd 
and 2/ = p sin d. 



It is seen from the following figures that if P is located 
in any other quadrant than the first, the proof is identical 
with that given above. 

7/ p and 6 are the coordinates of a point in a polar system 
and X and y the coordinates of the same point in a rectangular 
system, the pole and polar axis coinciding respectively with 
the origin and x-axis, then 

p= iV^a + y", 
e = tan~^y/*. 


Proof. — These results can be read directly from the 
figures. It is also seen that 

cos fl = - = , 

P zhVx^ + y* 

, sin e = - = 


P ± Va;2 + j/2 

It is particularly helpful in this set of formulas, as has been 
suggested before in this chapter, that the student keep the 
figures in mind when recalling formulas of transformation. 



1. Find the polar coordinates of the points (0, 3), ( — 3, 3), ( — 3, — 4) , 
(5, -12). 

2. Find the rectangular coordinates of the points (3, 7r/4), (4, v), 
(5, -x/6), (2, 5x/4). 

3. Transform the following equations from rectangular to polar 
coordinates. Plot each curve. 

(a) X = a. Ans. pcosS = a. (/) xy = 4. 

(6) 2/ = 6. (g) x^+y' + 4:x = 0. 

(c) y = X. (h) y'(2a -x) = x'. 

(d) 3?+^ = a". Ans. p' = a?, (i) (x^ + j/^)" = a? (x^ - y^). 

(e) a;2 _ 2/2 = 6. 0') a;^ + j/^ + 2 ox = o Va;^ + y''. 

4. Transform the following equations from polar to rectangular 
coordinates. Plot each curve. 

(o) e = 45°. 
(6) p cos e = 2. 
(c) /) = 2 a cos 9. 
ffinJ. — In (c) and similar examples it is sometimes best to multi- 
ply by p before transforming. 

(d) p2sin2e = 4. (h) p = a (cos29 + sine). 

(e) f^ = a*cos2fl. (i) p = 2atanflsine. 
(/) p = ocosfl +6sine. (j) p = 2 + 3cos9. 
(g) p = a (1 — cose). (A;) p = o (1 + cos29). 

6. Translate axes to new origin and then transform to polar coordi- 

(a) x' + j/' + ix + 8y - 20 = 0, new origin ( -2, -4). 
(6) «» - 2/« -H 2a; -1- 62/ = 24, new origin (-1, 3). 


43. A circle is a locus traced by a point which is every- 
where equidistant from a fixed point, called its center. 
The distance of any point from the center is called the 

A circle, therefore, is determined, and its equation can be 
written if its center and radius are known. 

First standard equation of a circle. Center and radius 
known. — The equation of a circle whose center is C {h, k) and 
whose radius is r is 

{x-hY+{y- kY = r". (17) 

Proof. — Let P (x, y) represent any point on the circle. 
By the definition of a circle, PC = r. From the formula 
for the distance between two points, 
formula (1), 

PC= V{x-hy+iy-ky, 
whence V{x — hy + (y — ky = r. 
Squaring, (x - hy + (y - ky = r\ 

Second standard equation of circle. Center at origin, 
radius r. — The equation of a circle whose center is at the 
origin and whose radium is r is 

x^ + y> = r>. (18) 

Proof. — Substituting h = and A; = 0, in equation (17), 
it reduces to equation (18). 






\ ^ 

J. /N 




1. Write the equations of the circles whose centers and radii are 
as follows: 

(a) C (1, 4), radius 5. (d) C (-4, 0), radius 2. 

(6) C (0, 0), radius 2. (e) C (-1, -2), radius 7. 

(c) C(-3, 4), radiusS. (/) C (5, -1), radius 3. 

2. Write the equations of the circles, having given: 

(o) Center at the intersection of the Unes 2a; — y — 3=0 and 

x + 3y — 5=0, and radius 5. 
(6) Center at origin and passing through the point (5, 6). 

(c) Line joining (1, 5) and (—3, 1) as diameter. 

(d) Center at (5, 6) and tangent to a;-axis. 

44. General form of equation of circle. — Equation (17) 
when expanded becomes 

x^ + y^ - 2hx-2ky + h^ + ¥ -r^ = 0. (1) 

It is thus seen that the equation of a circle is of second 
degree. If the constants are collected, equation (17) is 
seen to be of the form 

x^ + y^ + Dx + Ey + F = 0. (2) 

It will be shown that every equation of this form repre- 
sents a circle. 

Completing the squares of the a;-terms arid of the ^/-terms, 
equation (2) becomes 

[^+2)+[y+2) = — T — ' (^^ 

from which it is seen by comparison with (x — hY + 
{y — hy = r^ that equation (2) represents a circle whose 
center is at (— D/2, —E/2) and whose radius is 

I VD2 + jB2-4F. 

If D^ + B" — 4 F < 0, the radius is imaginary and no 
circle is possible. If D^ + -E^ — 4 F = 0, the equation rep- 


resents only one point, the center. The foregoing may be 
summarized as follows: 

The equation x" + y'^ + Dx + Ey + F = (19) 

represents a circle whose cente r is { — D/2, —E/2) and whose 
radius is J VW+W^^TF, providing D^ + E^ - iF > 0. 
It should be noticed that equation (19) is not the most 
general form of the equation of second degree, this being 

Ax^ + Bxy + Cy'' + Dx + Ey + F = 0. 

If, in this equation, B = and C = A, it is possible to 
divide through by A and thus reduce it to the form of the 
general equation of the circle x^ + y^ + Dx + Ey + F = 0. 

The general eqiudion of second degree Ax^ + Bxy + Cy^ + 
Dx + Ey + F = represents a circle if B = and A = C. 

In plotting loci of equations of second degree, the student 
should look for the presence of the conditions which make a 
second degree equation a circle, as when these exist, he can 
save himself all the work of discussion and of plotting 
points, since a circle can be readily drawn as soon as its 
center and radius are known. 

In determining center and radius, he can either complete 
the square of the a;-terms and of the ^/-terms or can make 
use of the facts learned in connection with the general 

Thus, plot the locus of 2 a;^ + 2 j/^ - 18 a; + 16 2/ + 60 = 0. 
Since the coefficients of x^ and y^ are equal, this can be put 
in- the form of the general equation of a circle by dividing 
by 2, giving 

a;2 + 2/''-9a; + 8y + 30 = 0. (2) 

Completing the squares, 

(a;-|)='+(2/ + 4)2=(f)^ (3) 



Whence by comparison with standard equation (17), the 
center is (|, -4) and radius f . 

Or, comparing (2) 
with the general equa- 
tion (19), ^:_^ 

h = -D/2 = I, 

k= -E /2 = -4, 

J" = i Vsi + 64-120 

= f, 
whence the circle is as 
shown. y' 

45. Radical axis. — In Art. 16, it was learned that if 
an equation is multiplied by any constant and added to any 
other equation, the result represents a locus through the 
points of intersection of the two given loci. If the equation 
of a circle is multiplied by k and added to the equation of 
another circle the resulting equation represents a system of 
circles, since for every value of the constant multiplier k 
the coefficients of x^ and y^ are the same. 

If the equations of the two circles are put into general 
form (19), the terms of second degree will be eliminated 
if the constant multiplier is —1, or if the equations of 
the two circles are subtracted. This result being of first 
degree represents a straight line. When the circles inter- 
sect, this line is their common chord. When the circles 
touch at one point only, it is their common tangent. 
Whether the circles have any common points or not this 
line is called the radical axis. 

This radical axis is the locus of points from which tangents 
to the two circles are of equal length as will be proved in 
Ex. 16 of the list which follows. 

In finding the intersection of two circles, it is best to first 
find the radical axis and then find the intersection of this 
with either of the given circles. 


Exercise. — Find the intersections of the circles: 

(a) a;" + j/2 - 6a; + 4 = and x* + 2/2 - 4a; - 41/ = 0. 
lb) x' + y^-y = &nd 2x^ + 2y^ + x = 0. 

46. Circle determined by three conditions. Since the 
equation of the circle in either of the two forms 

(x - ny + (2/ - kY = r\ 
or x^ + y^ + Dx + Ey + F = 0, 

has three arbitrary constants, therefore three conditions are 
necessary in order to determine its equation. 

Sometimes it is best to use the data given to obtain three 
equations in h, k, and r and sometimes in D, E, and F. From 
the three equations, the three constants can be determined, 
and the required equation obtained by substituting their 
values back in the corresponding standard equation. 

In other examples, it is better to determine more directly 
the center and radius by using the given data in connection 
with equations and formulas already derived. Thus, the 
center is often at the intersection of two lines whose equations 
can be found, and the radius the distance between two kno^yn 
points. Whenever the coordinates of the center and the 
radius are known or have been found, it is only necessary to 
substitute in standard equation (17). 


1. Find the equation of the circle through the three points (4, 6), 
(-2, -2), and (-4, 2). 

Let the required equation be 

'3? + 'f+Dx-\-Ey + F = Q, (1) 

in which Z>, E, and F are unknown constants. Since each of the 
points is on the circle, therefore the coordinates of the three given 
points must satisfy equation (1), whence 

16 + 36 + 4D + 6£? + f = 0, (2) 

4 + 4-2D-2£; + F = 0, (3) 

16+4-4D + 2JS + F = 0. (4) 


Solving (2), (3), and (4), for D, E, and F, 

D = -2, E = -i, F = -20., 
Whence the equation of the circle is 

a;2 -{- ^2 _ 2x - 42/ - 20 = 0. (5) 
Changing to form (17), (a; — 1)* + (y — 
2)2 = 25, from which it is seen that the 
center is (1, 2) and the radius is 5. The 
figure is as shown. 

This problem may also be solved by 
finding the equations of the perpendicu- 
lar bisectors of the Unes joinijig two pairs of the points. The intersection 
of these bisectors will be the center, and the distance from this center 
to any one of the given points will be the radius of the required circle. 
Substitution in standard equation (17) will give the equation of the circle. 
2. Find the equation of the circle whose center hes on the Une 
y — X = 1, and which is tangent to each of the lines ix — Zy = IS 
and 3 a; + 4 s^ = 10. 

Represent the three lines in the order given by Li, Li, and Lt. 
It is seen from the figure that there are two circles which fulfil the 
conditions mentioned, and from geometry it is known that the center 

of each hes on one of the bi- 
/'-i sectors of the angles between 
1/2 and Lt. Let the bisectors 
be represented by Lt and Li. 
The equation of that circle 
whose center C Ues on the bi- 
sector L4 will first be deter- 
mined. By the method of Art. 
27, the equation of Lt is found 
to be 7 a; + 2/ =25. The in- 
tersection of this line with Li 
determines the center, C (3, 4). 
The radius is the distance from 
either L2 or Lt to C, and by 
Art. 26 this is 3. Substituting 
the coordinates of the center 
land the radius in standard equation (17), the equation of the circle in 
the first quadrant is found to be {x — 3)^ + {y — AY = 9. The equa- 
tion of the other circle can be found in a similar manner to be (a: + 2)^ 
+ (2/ + 1)= = 16. 



3. Find the equation of the circle tangent to the Une ix + 3 y 
= 15 and passing through Pi (7, 4) and 
P2 (1, 4). 

Let C {hj k) represent the center of the 
required circle and r the radius. Also let 
L represent the given line. The three 
given conditions lead to three equations 
in h, fc, and r. Since L is tangent to the 
circle, the distance from line L to C is r. 
By formula of Art. 26, this distance is 

4;i + 3A;-15 

5 = '■• (^^ 

The points (7, 4) and (1, 4) are on the circle. Therefore their 
coordinates must satisfy the equation 

(x - hy + {y- k)' = r^. 
Whence (7 - hy + (4 - kY = r' (2) 

(1 - hY + (4 - ky = T^. (3) 

Subtracting (2) from (3), ^ = 4. (4) 

1 +3fc 

Substituting in (1), 


Combining (4) and (5) with either (2) or (3), fc = 8 or -'/ and r = 5 
or ^. The equations of the required circles then are 

(x - i.r + (2/ - 8)2 = 25, 
and (x - 4)2 + (^ - Y)' = W- 


1. Find the coordinates of the center and the radius of each of the 
following circles: 

(a) a;2 + 2/2 - 4a; + 8?/ + 4 = 0. 
(6) 3x2 + 32/'-6a; + 122/ = l. 

(c) 1? -^'f = ^x. 

(d) 2x2+22/2 + 4s + 82/ = 0. 

(e) x2 + 2/2 -I- 10 ax — 24: ay = 0. 

(/) x2 + 2 (o + b) X + 2/2 + 2 (o - 6) 2/ = 4ob. 

(g) 2a?+22/= = 32/. 

(h) x2 + 4x + 2/2 - 62/ + 13 = 0. 

2. Find the equation of a circle through the three points (3, 1), 
(6, 0), (-1, -7). Am. x2+2/2_6x + 82/ = 0. 


3. Find the equation of a circle ' 

■ (a) center at ( — 1, 4), tangent to 5 a; + 12 y + 9 =0. 
(6) center on y-axis, passing through the points (3, —1) and (3, 7). 

(c) center on s-axis, passing through (0, 0) and (1, 5). 

(d) passing through (5, —5), having the same center as 2 a;^ + 2 2/* 

+ 4x - 12 2/ + 3 =0. 

(e) having Une joining ( — 1, 6) and (5, 2) as diameter. 

(/) passing through (1, 0) and (6, 1) and having center on line 

2a; + 2/ + 4 = 0. 
(g) radius 4, tangent to a;-axis at (3, 0) and lying above it. 

4. Find the equation of that diameter of the circle 3 a;' + 3 j/' 
+ 12 a; — 12 y — 1 =0 which makes an angle of 45° with the x-axis. 

6. A diameter of the circle x' + y^ + 4:X + 6y = 3 passes through 
(1, —1). What is its equation and the slope of the chords it bisects? 

6. Find the equation of that chord of the circle a;^ + y^ = 25 which 
is bisected at (2, 3). 

7. Prove that a circle can be drawn through the four points (0, 2), 
(3, 3), (6, 2), and ( — 1, —5). Find its center and radius. 

8. Find the equation of the circle 

(o) radius 10, passing through (—2, —2) and (0, —4). 

(6) in the first quadrant, of radius 3, and tangent to both axes. 

(c) tangent to both axes, center on the line j/ — . 2 x = 3. 

(d) passing through (1, —3) and (2, —2) and tangent to 3 x — 4 ?/ 

= 15. 

(e) center on 2 x + y = 4 and tangent to y — 3 x = & and 

3x + 2/ + 6 = 0. 

(f) tangent to both axes, distance from center to origin = 4, 

and lying in the fourth quadrant. 

9. Find the equation of the circle inscribed in the triangle whose 
sides are the Hues y — d = 0, 12 x — 5 y = 21, and 12 x + 5 y + 21 
= 0. Ans. x2 + v^ - 2 2/ = 3. 

10. Find the equation of the circle circumscribed about the tri- 
angle whose sides are the Unes y + x = 0, 3y +x = 0, and 2y + x 

11. Find the equation of the circle tangent to the x-axis, through 
the point (4, 1) and center on the hne y = 5x. 

12. Find the equation of the circle whose center is on the y-axis 
and which passes through the points of intersection of the two circles 
xSi + yi -5x - 7 y + Q = a,nd x^ + y' - 4:x - 4:y + i =0. 


13. Find the equation of the common chord of the two circles 
a^+3/' + 6a;-4^ + 3 =0 and a;^ + j/^ - 2a; + 4 2/ - 5 = 0, _and 
prove that it is perpendicular to the line of centers. 

14. Prove that the square of the length of the tangent from Pi (xi, yi) 
to the circle x^ + y'^ + Dx -irEy + F = Qi9x{? + yi^ + Dxi + Eyi + F. 

Hint. — Join the center with the point Pi and with the point of 
contact. These Unes with the tangent form a right triangle. 

16. Prove that the point ( — 1, —1) is on the radical axis of the 
two circles a;2 + 62; + 2^-42/ + 9=0 and x'^ + 'f — ^x — 2y + l 
= 0, and show that the tangents from this point to the two circles are 

16. Find the equation of the locus of the point which moves so 
that the lengths of the tangents from this point to the two circles 
3? + T/^+Dx + Ey + F = Q and x^ -^ y^ + D^x + Eiy + Fi = are 
equal. Show that this locus is the radical axis of the two circles. 

17. Given the three circles s' + ex + j/^ — 42/ + 9 = 0, 3? + jf 
-4a;-2j/ + l=0, and x^ + y'^-Zx~y + l = Q. Taking the 
circles in pairs, find the equations of the radical axes and prove that 
they meet in a point. 

18. Prove analytically that every angle inscribed in a semicircle 
is a right angle. 

Hint, — Take the extremities of the diameter as (— o, 0) and (o, 0), 
thus making the equation of the circle a? + 2/^ = o*. 

19. Prove analytically that if a perpendicular is drawn from a 
point on a circle to a diameter, the length of the perpendicular is a 
mean proportional between the segments it cuts oflf on the diameter. 

20. Prove that the foUowing loci are circles and find the radius 
and the coordinates of the center in each: 

(a) A point moves so that the sum of the squares of its distances 

from (3, 0) and ( — 1, —4) is always 40. 
(6) A point moves so that its distance from (1, 3) ia twice its 

distance from (—2, —3). 
(c) A point moves so that the square of its distance from (2, 3) 

is equal to its distance from the line 4a; — Sj/ — 15=0. 

21. Prove that the following loci are circles: 

(a) A point moves so that the sum of the squares of its distances 
from two fixed points is constant. 
Hirii. — When no mention is made of axes or coordinates, it is 
always advisable to choose these in such a way as to make the work 


as simple as possible. Thus, in the above problem take the x-axis 
through the two points with the origin halfway between them. 

(6) A point moves so that the sum of the squares of its distances 
from the four sides of a square is constant. 

(c) A point moves so that the square of its distance from the base 

of an isosceles triangle is equal to the product of its dis- 
tances from the other two sides. 

(d) A point moves so that the square of its distance from a fixed 

point is proportional to its distance from a fixed line. 

22. A point moves so that its distances from two fixed points are 
in a constant ratio K. Show that this is a circle excepting when 
£ = 1, in which case it is a straight line. 


47. Conic sections. — The three curves next considered 
belong to a general class called conic sections. This name 
arises from the fact that each of these curves can be ob- 
tained by passing a plane through a right circular cone. 

Many of the properties of these curves were known by 
the early Greek geometers among whom the principal in- 
vestigators were Archimedes and Appolonius about 200 B.C. 
The former computed the area of a parabolic segment and 
of an elUpse. The latter discovered that all- three curves 
can be cut from the same cone and investigated many 
problems peculiar to the hyperbola. 

That the knowledge of conic sections could be made of 
great practical use in studying the laws of the universe was 
not learned until after the passage of many centuries. 
About 1600, Kepler in Germany discovered their importance 
in the study of the motion of the heavenly bodies, and, about 
the same time, Gahleo in Italy discovered that the path of 
a projectile is a parabolic curve. The field of their useful- 
ness has spread until a large group of problems in physics, 
mechanics, and architecture are now known to depend upon 
a knowledge of these curves for their solution. 

Although these conic sections differ very much in appear- 
ance, it is found that they can all be generated by the same 
law, viz., A conic section is the locus traced by a point which 
moves so that its distance from a fixed point bears a constant 
ratio to its distance from a fixed straight line. 

The fixed liae is called the directrix, the fixed point the 
focus, and the fixed ratio the eccentricity, represented by e. 




Equation of a conic section. — Take the directrix as the 
j/-axis and the perpendicu- 
lar through the focus on 
-the directrix as the x-axis. 
Let P {x, y) be any point 
on the curve. Draw PD , 
perpendicular to YY'. Call 
the distance OF = 2 p. 

•By definition, jyB = ^• 

By formula (1), FP = ^{x-2vY + y', DP 
V{x-2py + y^ 


= e. 


Clearing of fractions and collecting, 

(1 - e^) «® - ipx + 4p2 + y« = 


From this equation it is seen that the curve is symmet- 
rical with respect to the a^axis which is the perpendicular 
from the focus on the directrix. For this reason the line 
is called the principal axis of the curve. 

By letting y = 0, the intercepts on the principal axis can 
2P _^ 2p _ 

be found to be 



When e = 1, the curve is called a parabola. It cuts the 
principal axis in one finite paint, halfway between the focus 
and the directrix. 

When e < 1, the curve is called an ellipse.' It cuts the prin- 
cipal axis in two points on the same side of the directrix as 
the focus. 

When e > 1, the curve is called an hyperbola. It cuts the 
principal axis in two points on opposite sides of the directrix. 

48. Equation of the parabola. — Since, in the parabola, 
e = 1, the definition of this curve can be stated : 



A parabola is a locus traced by a point equidistant from a 
fixed point called the focus and a fixed line called the directrix. 

It was seen in Art. 47 that the parabola passes through 
a point halfway between the focus and directrix. This 
point is called the vertex. It is found that the simplest 
form of the equation is obtained when this point is taken 
as origin and the x-axis coincides with the principal axis. 

First standard equation of the parabola. — The equation 
of a parabola whose vertex is at the origin and whose axis is 
the x-axis is „ . 

p being the distance from the vertex to the focus. 



B P/ 







Proof. — Let DD' be the 
directrix and F the focus. 
Through F draw the a;-axis 
perpendicular to the direc- 
trix, meeting it in C. At 
halfway between C and F 
erect the y-axis. Let 
P (x, y) be any point on 
the curve and draw AP 
perpendicular to the direc- 
trix, meeting the j/-axis in 

B. Let CF be represented as before by 2 p. 
coordinates of F are (p, 0), also CO = OF = p. 
By the definition given above, 

FP = AP. 
From formtila (1), 

FP = Vi^ 

Then the 


p)2 + y\ 
AP = AB + BP = p + x. 
V{x — pY + y^ = p-\r X. 

Clearing of fractions and simphfying, 
2/2 = 4 px. 



The equation shows, as has been previously discovered, 
that the curve is symmetrical with respect to its axis and 
passes through the origin, that is, through a point half- 
way between the directrix and the focus. It also shows that 
when p is positive, the curve extends indefinitely to the 
right, while no part lies to the left of the origin. When p is 
negative, the curve extends indefinitely to the left, while 
no part lies to the right of the origin. 

A chord through the focus of any conic section is called 
a focal chord. 

The latus rectum is that focal chord parallel to the 

The equation of the latus rectum is x = p. Solving this 
simultaneously with the equation of the parabola 2/^ = 4 px, 
the ordinates of the intersections are y = ± 2 p. Whence 
the length of the latus rectum is 4 p. 

It is helpful in sketching a parabola, to locate the vertex 
and focus, then erect the latus rectum equal to 4 times the 
distance from the vertex to the focus. The parabola passes 
through the extremities of this latus rectum and the vertex. 

The second standard equation of a parabola. — The 
equcdion of a parabola whose vertex is at the origin and whose 
axis is the y-axis is 

x^ = ipy, 


p being the distance from the vertex 
to the focus. 

Proof. — Rotating the axes 
through (-90°), equation (21) be- 




= 4p[x cos (-90°) - y sin (-90°)], 

a;2 = 4 py. 



This equation may also be obtained directly from the 
figure by taking steps similar to those used in deriving 
equation (21). 

The third standard equation of a parabola. — The 
equation of the parabola whose vertex is at the point (h, k) 
and whose axis is parallel to the x-axis is 

{y-kY = 4p {x - h), 



p being the distance from the vertex to the focus. 

Proof. — Let the figure be drawn as indicated with the 
vertex V having coordinates {h, k) and principal axes VN 

parallel to X'X. The 
equation of the parab- 
ola, considering V as 
the origin and VN as 
-N the a;-axis, is y^ = i px. 
The equation with 
the origin at V is 
known, and the equa- 
tion with the origin at 
is required. The 
problem then is to translate the axes to a new origin. The 
coordinates of the new origin with respect to the old axes 
through V are {—h, —k). Hence the equation becomes, 
after translation of axes to 0, 

(y — ky = ip (x — h). 

The fourth standard equation of a parabola. — The 

equation of a parabola whose vertex is at {h, k) and whose axis 
is parallel to the y-axis is 

(x -hr = ip(y- k), (24) 

p being the distance from the vertex to the focus. 
The proof is identical with that used in deriving (23). 




1. Find the equation of the parabola with axis parallel to the 
2/-axis, vertex at ( — 1, 2), and passing through the point Pi (1, 3). 

The equation of a parabola whose vertex is at ( — 1, 2) and whose 
axis is parallel to the ^-axis is (a; + 1)* = 4 p (y — 2) by equation 
(24). Since the point (1, 3) is on 
this locus, its coordinates must 
satisfy the equation, whence 

(H-l)2 = 4p(3-2), or p = l. 

The equation of the parabola then 


(x + iy = 4{y- 2) 

or x^ + 2x -iy +i^= 0. ^" 

2. An arch is in the form of 
a parabola with vertical axis. Its ^ 
highest point is 18 feet above the base which is 36 feet wide. Find the 
length of the beam horizontally across the arch, 10 feet above the base. 

Let A'BA represent the given arch. If the origin is taken at the 
center of the base, the coordinates of the vertex are (0, 18), and the 

equation of the parabola is 
a;2 = 4p(y — 18), by stand- 
ard equation (24). The 
point A (18, 0) is on this 
parabola and its coordi- 
nates must satisfy the equa- 
tion, whence (18)^ = 4 p 
(0 -18), or p = -f. The 
equation then becomes x^ 
= -18 (2/ -18). 

Let D'CD represent the 
position of a beam 10 feet 
above the base. Then the ordinate of D is 10. , Substituting 10 for y 
in the equation of the parabola. 



C \ 




x^ = -18(10 - 18) = 144. 
X = ±12 or D'D = 24 feet. 



1. Find the coordinates of the focus, the equation of the directrix, 
and the length of the latus rectum for each of the following parabolas 
and plot the curves: 

(a) if- = &x. (c) 2/' = -4a;. (e) x^ = -&y. 

{h)Zx^ = by. id)x + ^y^ = Q. (J) 2'jf = -bx. 

2. Find the equations of the parabolas satisfying the following 

(a) vertex (0, 0), axis ^ = 0, a point on curve ( — 1, 3). 

(6) vertex (-2, -2), focus (-3, -2). 

(c) focus (0, 0), vertex (0, -3). 

id) directrix j/ = — 2, focus (1, 4). 

(e) vertex (0, 1), axis parallel to x-&Taa, and the point (1, 3) on 

(J) focus (1, -2), directrix 3 a; - j/ + 6 = 0. 
Hint. — Use the definition of a parabola. 

3. Find the equation of the Une joining the vertex and the upper 
extremity of the latus rectum of the parabola y'^ = —8 a;. 

4. The equation of 'a parabola is ^ = 8x. With center at the 
origin, and diameter equal to three times the distance from the vertex 
to the focus, a circle is described. Prove that the common chord of 
circle and parabola cuts the a>axis halfway between the vertex and the 

6. Find the equation of the circle through the vertex and the 
ends of the latus rectum of a;^ = 4 y. 

6. Find the equations of the parabolas with the axes parallel to 
the ^-axis and satisfying in addition the following conditions: 

(o) vertex (2, —5) and a point on curve (6, —1). 
(6) three points on curve (0, 3), (4, 3), and (—2, 6). 

7. Find the equation of the focal chord of the parabola 2/^ = 6 a: 
through the point on the curve whose ordinate is 4. 

8. A parabola has its vertex at the origin and axis along the j/-axis. 
A focal chord has one extremity at (3, —3). Find its equation and 
the coSrdinates of the other extremity. 

9. A trough whose cross section is a parabola with vertex down- 
ward is partly filled with liquid. The width of the trough one foot 
above the vertex is 4 feet and the width at the surface of the Uquid is 
8 feet. Find height of hquid. Ans. 4 feet. 



10. An arch has the form of a parabola with vertical axis. The 
width of the base is 36 feet and the height above the base at a point 
12 feet to the right of the center of the base is 10 feet. Find the height 
of the arch at its highest point. Ans. 18 feet. 

49. Construction of the parabola. — Having given the 

directrix and the focus there are two principal methods of con- 
structing the parabola mechanically. 
First method. — Let DD' be the 

given directrix and F the focus. Place 

a right triangle ABC with one leg BC 

on the directrix, the other leg lying 

on the same side of the directrix as 

the focus. Fasten one end of a string 

of length CA at A and the other end 

at the focus. With a pencil point 

against the triangle at P, keep the 

string taut and move the triangle 

along the directrix. The pencil point 

will describe a parabola, since CP = FP, and therefore P is 

equidistant from the focus and the directrix. 

Second method. — Lo- 
cate the focus and direc- 
trix as in the first case. 
Draw OX through F per- 
pendicular to the directrix, 
on it lay off a number 
of points, as Mi, Mi, Ms, 
etc., and erect ordinates 
MiKi, MiKi, M3K3 at 
these points. With F as 
a center and a radius equal 
to the distance from the 
directrix to the foot of 
any ordinate as CMi, de- 


seribe an arc cutting the ordinate in two points as Pi and 
Ri. Similarly, locate the points P2 and R2, P3 and R3, etc. 
These points all he on the parabola since they are equidistant 
from the focus and the directrix. Connect by a smooth 
curve and the figure is approximately a parabola. 

50. General equation of a parabola, axis parallel to one 
of the coordinate axes. — When equation (23) is expanded, 
it takes the form 

2/2 - 2 % - 4 pa; + fc2 + 4 pA = 0. (1) 

Similarly, equation (24) becomes 

x^ - 2hx - Apy + ¥ + Apk = 0. (2) 

These results show that every equation of a parabola with 
axis parallel to a coordinate axis contains one and only one 
term which is the square of a variable and no xy term. It 
will be shown that every equation of the form 

y^ + Dx + Ey + F = (3) 

or x^ + Dx + Ey + F = (4) 

represents a parabola. 

Completing the squares and collecting, equation (3) 

(»+f)■-(-f)^-^fI^o■ <^' 

which is in the form of equation (23) if D is not 0. 
Similarly, (4) becomes 

which is in the form of equation (24) if E is not 0. 

Comparing the general equations of the parabola (3) 
and (4) with the general equation of second degree Ax^ 
+ Bxy + Cy^ + Dx + Ey + F = it is seen that: 


The general equation of second degree represents a 'parabola 
with axis parallel to a coordinate axis if B = 0, and if there is 
only one second degree term, either x^ or y^, providing the first 
degree term in the other variable is present. 


Determine the vertex, focus, latus rectum, equation of the direc- 
trix, and of the axis for the parabola whose equation is x' + 6x + 8y 
+ 1=0. 
Completing the squares of the a>terms, 

{x + 3y= -8{y-l). 

This is in the form of the fourth standard equation of the parabola, 
{xYh? = ip(.y-k). 

Whence the vertex is at ( — 3, 1), p the distance from the vertex to 
the focus is —2, and the length of the latus rectum is 8. 

The facts just deter- 
mined are sufficient to 
roughly sketch the figure. 
Since the vertex bisects 
the distance from the focus 
to the directrix, that hne 
can now be drawn and its 
equation is seen to be 
y = 3. The equation of 
the axis VF can likewise 
be read from the figure, 
and is x — —3. 



















Determine the coordinates of the vertex and focus, length of latus 
rectum, and equation of the directrix and of the axis for the following 
parabolas. Also sketch the figures. 

1. x^ + 4:X-6y-8 = 0. i. ix' + 8x + 8y = 3. 

2. y' rr^y + Sx = IB. 5. y' - 5y = x -7. 

3. 3x2 + 6a; + 5j/ = 7. 6. Sy' -6y = 4:X. 


51. The ellipse has been defined as that conic section 
which is traced by a point which moves so that the ratio of 
its distance from a fixed point, called the focus, to its distance 
from a fixed line, called the directrix, is constant and less 
than 1. 

It was shown in Art. 47 that the ellipse cuts the principal 
axis in two points, both on the same side of the directrix 
as the focus. The simplest form of the equation of an 
ellipse is obtained by taking the principal axis as the 
X-axis and the point halfway between the two intersec- 
tions as origin. This point is called the center of the 

The first standard equation of the ellipse. — The equa- 
tion of an ellipse whose major axis is on the x-axis and whose 

center is at the origin is 




- :e 










■ oJ 




a"" ^ h" ' 


in which a and b are the 
semi^major and semi- 
minor axes respectively. 

Proof. Let the direc- 
trix of the ellipse be DD' 
and take the a;-axis on 
the principal axis which is perpendicular to DD' through 
the focus F, meeting it at Z. Let A and A' represent the 
two points at which the curve cuts the principal axis. 
These two points are called the vertices of the ellipse. 



At midway between A and A' erect the y-axis. Call 
the distance AO = OA' = a. Take P (x, y) any point on 
the ellipse and drop PB perpendicular to the directrix, cut- 
ting the 2/-axis at E. 

From the definition of an ellipse, 

^ = e. (1) 


In order to compute the values of FP and BP, it is first 
necessary to find the distances from the directrix to the 
center and from the focus to the center. In finding these 
lengths, use is made of the fact that A and A' are on the 
ellipse. Applying the definition, 

ZA = '' ^2) 


FA' .„. 

^ = e. (3) 

Clearing (2) and (3) of fractions and adding, 

AF + FA' --e{ZA + ZA'). 

Substituting from the figure, 

AA' = e [{ZO -a) + (ZO + a)]. 
Whence 2 a = e (2 ZO) and ZO = a/e. 

The distance from the directrix of an ellipse to the center 

is a/e. (26) 

Similarly, by subtracting (2) from (3), 

FA' - AF = e {ZA' - ZA). 
Whence (FO + a) - (a - FO) = e (AA') and FO = ae. 

The distance from the focus of an ellipse to the center 
is ae. (27) 


The coordinates of F are (— ae, 0), whence 

FP = V(x + aey + j/S by formula (1). 
BP = BE + EP = a/e + x. 

Substituting in equation (1), 

V{x + aey + y" ^ 

a/e + X 

Clearing of fractions and collecting, 

a;2 (1 _ e2) + 2/2 = a^ (1 - e'*), (4) 

or ^+ 2tf 2N = 1- (5) 

a^ a^ (1 — e^) 

If a; = 0, y = ±a Vl — e^ hence the ellipse cuts the 
2/-axis in two points equidistant from the center. This dis- 
tance will be represented by b, The equation of the elhpse 
then is 

S + P = l' (6) 

where b« = a^ {1 - e^). (7) 

This relation also shows that ae = Va" — 6". (28) 

The portion of the principal axis cut off by the ellipse 
is called the major axis. It is represented by 2 a. The 
portion of the perpendicular to the principal axis through 
the center, cut off by the ellipse, is called the minor axis. 
It is represented by 2 b. 

From the form of the equation, it is readily seen that the 
ellipse is symmetrical with respect to both axes. 

When the equation of the ellipse is solved for y, 

y = ±- Va^ - x\ 



from which it is seen that y is imaginary for values of x 
numerically greater than a, and hence the curve lies entirely 
between the lines x 
= —a and x = -{-a. 
Similarly, by solv- 
ing for X in terms of 
y it can be shown 
that the curve lies 
entirely between the 
lines y = —h and 

y = +h. 



When points are plotted and the curve drawn, it is found 
to be as here shown. 

52. Second focus and directrix. — It will now be proved 

that an ellipse has a. second focus and directrix on the right 

of the center and similarly situated with respect to the center. 

In the figure locate a second focus F', making OF' = FO 

= ae. Also draw a second 
directrix MM' parallel to 
DD' meeting the principal 
axis at N and making ON 
= CO = a/e. It will now be 
shown that the ellipse which 
has F' for focus and MM' 
for directrix has the same 
equation and therefore is the same ellipse as the one hav- 
ing F as focus and DD' as directrix. 

Let P (x, y) represent any point on the eUipse whose 
focus is F' and whose directrix is MM'. Draw PK perpen- 
dicular to the directrix meeting it in K and meeting the 

y-Bsas in L. Then by the definition of an ellipse, -p^ 


= e, 

F'P = ^/{x — aeY + y^, from formula (1), 
PK = LK-LP = a/e - x, 


, V(a; — oeY + y^ 
whence — ^^ — -, = e. 

a/e — X 

Clearing and collecting, 

a;2 (1 _ e2) +y^ = d?{l- e"), 

which is the same as equation (4) of the previous article, in 
which F is the focus and DD' the directrix. 

53. The lotus rectum of the ellipse is the chord throujh 
either focus parallel to the directrix. Its length is 2 ¥/a. 

Proof. — The equation of this chord is a; = ±ae. 

Solving simultaneously with the elUpse -5 + rj = 1, V = 

±b Vl -e" = ±¥/a, since b^ = a" (1 - e^). Therefore the 
latus rectum, which is twice the ordinate at the focus, 13 
equal to 2 b^/a. 

54. The second standard equation of an ellipse. — The 
equation of an ellipse whose major axis is on the y-axis and 
whose center is at the origin is 

& + P = l' (29) 

where a and b are the semi-major and semi-minor axes, re- 

Proof. — Rotating the axes through 90°, equation (25) 

(x cos 90° - y sin 90°)^ (x sin 90° + y cos 90°)^ _ 

a^ ■'" 62 ~ '■' 

The third standard equation of an ellipse. — The equa- 
tion of an ellipse whose major axis is parallel to the x-axis 
and whose center is at the point (h, k) is 

^^^" + ^^^^ = 1. (30) 


where a and b are the semi-major and semi-minor axes re- 

Proof. — The proof is identical to that given in deriving 
the third standard equation of the parabola. 

The fovirth standard equation of an ellipse. — The equa- 
tion of an ellipse whose major axis is parallel to the y-axis 
and whose center is at the point Qi, k) is 

^^ + ^^-1, (3.) 

where a and b are the semi-major and semi-^minor axes re- 
Proof as above. 


1. An ellipse with semi-minor axis equal to 5 and passing through 
the point (6, 4) has its center at the origin and its major axis on the 
a;-axis. Find the equation of the ellipse, the coordinates of the foci 
and the equations of the directrices. 

Substituting the value of 6 = 5 in standard equation (25), 

- + ^ = 1 (1) 

a2 ^ 25 ^ ' 

This is the equation of a family of eUipses all having 5 as semi- 
minor axis. 

This ellipse must pass through the point (6, 4) whence the coordi- 
nates of this point satisfy equation (1). 

Therefore, f + M"^- ^^^ 

Solving, a2 = 100. 

Substituting back in equation (1), 

.^4-^ = 1 

100 "^ 25 


Since 6^ = a^ (1 - e^*), therefore 25 = 100 (1 - e*) and hence « = "o"* 

The distance from the center to the focus is ae = 5 v 3 and from 
the center to the directrix is o/e = 20/V3, 



The coordinates of the foci are, therefore, (±5 Vs, O) and the 
equations of the directrices i = ±20/ Vs. 

2. Find the equation of the eUipse one of whose foci is at (0, 2), 
the equation of whose corresponding directrix is y = 5 and whose 
eccentricity equals |. 

The data given shows that the eUipse is in the fourth standard form 

(y - kY {x - hy 
a? ¥ 


Locate the focus F at (0, 2) and draw 
the directrix DD' 5 units above the ori- 
gin meeting the y-aids at E. Then CE 
= a/e, CF = ae, whence by subtraction, 

--ae = FE = 3. 

Substituting e = |, a is found to be 2. 
62 = 02 (1 _ e2) = 4 (1 _ 1) = 3. 

OC = OF- CF. Since OF = 2 and CF 
= ae — 1, therefore OC = 1. 
The coordinates of the center then are (0, 1) and the equation is 
{y -lY x" _ 
4 "^3 • 


1. Determine the vertices, foci, equations of directrices, and length 
of latus rectum for each of the following eUipses. Plot each curve, 
(a) 9x' + 25y'^ = 225. (d) 4:x' + 9}/^ = 36. 

(6) 3x2 + 42^2 = 48. (e) 4x2 + 3yi = 108. 

(c) 162/' + 25x2 = 400. 

(f) ±. J. w_ = 1. 
^' 36 ^ 64 

2. Find the equations of the following ellipses which have their 
centers at (0, 0), major axis along the x-axis. Construct the figures, 
(a) Semi-major axis = 6, e = |. 
(6) Distance between the foci = 6, e = J. 

(c) Minor axis = 12, a focus at (8, 0). 

(d) Equation of a directrix is x = 6, e = |. 

(e) A focus at (3, 0), the equation of the corresponding directrix, 


(f) Major axis = 16, and (4, 3) is a point on the curve. 

(g) Minor axis = 4, and (3, 1) is a point on the curve. 
(h) The two points (4, 2) and (V6, S) are on the curve, 
(i) Latus rectum = 3, e = |. 

(j) Latus rectum = 9, one vertex (8, 0). 

3. Find the equations of the following eUipses, the coordinates of 
foci and vertices and length of latus rectum. Draw each curve. 

(o) Center ( — 1, —2), major axis = 6 and parallel to y-asis, 
minor axis = 4. 

(b) Center (—4, —2), major axis = 10 and parallel to a-axis, 

minor axis = 8. 

(c) Center (0, 5), one vertex (0, 0), e = f . 

4. Find the equations of the following ellipses: 

(a) Center ( — 1, —2), major axis = 12, latus rectum equal to 

one haU of minor axis, principal axis parallel to x-axis. 
(6) Major axis = 10, foci at ( — 1, 3) and ( — 1, —5). 

(c) Minor axis = 6, foci (-3, 4) and (5, 4). 

(d) Center at (2, 1), major axis = 8 and parallel to a;-axis, and 

the center twice as far from the vertex as from the focus. 

6. By translation of axes reduce each of the following equations 
to standard forms (25) or (29). Draw both sets of axes and the curve, 
(a) x'-2x + 2if-4:y + l=0. 
(6) x'-&x + iy'-8y-S = Q. 

x^ ifi .1 

6. Prove that in the ellipse rs + ^ = 1, the line joining the posi- 
tive ends of the axes is parallel to the line joining the center to the 
upper end of the left hand latus rectum. 

7. Find the equation of the circle whose diameter is the major- 
axis of the ellipse 9 x^ + 25y' = 225 and whose center is at the center 
of the eUipse. Find the coordinates of the points where the right 
hand latus rectum produced, cuts the circle. 

8. Find the equations of the lines through the left hand focus of 

x^ tfi 

^r: + TS = 1 and the extremities of the right hand latus rectum. 

25 lb 

Find the distances of these lines from the origin. 

9. Find the equation of the locus of a point which moves so that 
the sum of the distances from the two points (0, 4) and (0, —4) is 
equal to 10. Prove that the locus is an ellipse. 



55. Construction of an ellipse. — A proposition which 
readily leads to the construction of the ellipse is as follows: 

The sum of the focal distances of any point on an ellipse is 
constant and equal to the major axis. 

Proof. — Draw the 
ellipse with foci F 
and F' and direc- 
trices DD' and MM'. 
From P {x, y), any 
point on the ellipse, 
draw PK perpen- 
dicular to the direc- 
trices meeting them 
in B and K respec- 





■ ~^P 












From the definition of an eUipse, 

F'P = e (BP) =e(^+x) = a + ex. 

FP = e (PK) = e(^-x) = a-ex. 

Adding (1) and (2), 

FP + F'P = 2 a = major axis. 



This fact leads to a second and important definition of an 

An ellipse is the locus of a point which moves so that the sum 
of its distances from two fixed points is constant. 

From this definition, an elHpse can be constructed as 
follows, if the foci and the length of the major axis are 

In a drawing board, fasten a tack at each focus F and F'. 
Tie about the tacks a string equal in length to the distance 
FF' -\-2a and with a pencil point hold the string taut 



while describing the curve. The locus will be an ellipse 
since the sum of the focal distances is always 2 a. 

By use of this property, it can be shown that the foci are 
at a distance a from the extremities of the minor axis. 
Hence, to locate the foci, take an extremity of the minor 
axis B as center and with a 
radius equal to the semi- 
major axis describe an arc 
cutting the major axis in 
two points F and F'. These 
points are its foci. 

66. General equation of an ellipse, axes parallel to 
coordinate axes. — When equations (30) and (31) are 
expanded, they become 

6V - 2 ¥hx + aY - 2 a^ky + b^h^ + aV - a'b^ = 


1/2-2 b%y + a^x^ - 2 a%x + aW + b%^ - aW = 0. 

Either of these equations is of the form Ax^ + Cy^ + Dx 
+ Ey + F = 0, in which A and C are positiye and different. 

It will be shown that every equation of the above type 
represents an elhpse. 

Completing squares and collecting, 


Aix + D/2Ay + Ciy + E/2 Cy = 

4. AC 

After dividing by the second member, this becomes 
{x + D/2Ay , {y + E/2Cy 

CD^ + AE^-4:ACF ' CD^ + AE^ - 4:ACF 

= 1, 



which is of standard form (30) or (31). 

Whether the major axis is parallel to the ic-axis or the 
2/-axis will depend upon whether the first or second denomi- 



nator is the larger. If A and C are equal, the axes of the 
ellipse are equal and the figure is a circle. If the denomi- 
nators are negative, the axes are imaginary and the elhpse 
impossible; if zero, it is a point-elUpse. 

It is seen from the foregoing that: 

The general equation of second degree, Ax^ + Bxy + Cy^ 
+ Dx -\- Ey ■\- F = 0, represents an ellipse with axes parallel 
to the coordinate axes, if B = 0, and if A and C have like signs 
but different numerical values. 

Determine for the ellipse 9 x' + 25y^ + 18x — 50y = 191, cen- 
ter, foci, vertices, semi-axes, latus rectum, and equations of directrices. 
Completing the squares, 

Q{x + 1)2 + 25 (2/ - 1)2 = 225. 
Dividing by 225, 

{X + D' (y 
25 "^ 

= 1. 















' ^ 






On comparing with standard equation (30), it is seen that the center 
is at ( — 1, 1), the semi-major axis is 5 and the semi-minor axis 3. 

The principal axis is parallel to the 
X-axis. Sketching in a figure and us- 
ing all the data obtained, it is seen 
that the vertices are at (4, 1) and 
(-6, 1). 

Since b' = a? {I - ^) and 6 = 3 and 
a = 5, therefore e = ^. The distance 
from the center to the focus is ae = 4. 
The coordinates of the foci then are (3, 1) and (—5, 1). 

The latus rectum = 2 V/a = ^. The distance from the center 
to the directrix is a/e = ^. Hence the equations of the directrices 
are x = ^- and x = —*i: 


1. Determine for the following ellipses, center, foci, vertices, semi- 
axes, latus rectvun, and equations of directrices, 
(a) 4x2 4-16a; + 32/2 -62/ = 29. 
(6) 7 2/2-1-142/ -1-16x2 -64 a = 41. 


(c) 4a;2- 8a; + 82/2 -642/ + 68 = 0. 

(d) x^ + 4:y' + &x-8y = 87. 

(e) 3a? + 6a; + 42/! + 24s/ = 69. 
Cf) 9a;2 + 54x + 8j/2 -Uy = 199. 

2. Find the equation of an ellipse whose foci are at (3, 0) and 
(—3, 0) and the sum of whose focal radii is 10. 

3. Prove that the point (4, 1) is on the ellipse to + q = !• Find 

the focal distances of the point and prove that their sum is equal to 
the major axis. 


57. The hyperbola is that conic section traced by a point 
which moves so that the ratio of its distance from a fixed 
point called the focus to its distance from a fixed line called 
the directrix is constant and greater than 1. 

It was shown in Art. 47 that the hyperbola cuts the prin- 
cipal axis in two points on opposite sides of the directrix. 
The simplest form of the equation of an hyperbola is 
obtained by taking the principal axis as the a;-axis and a 
point halfway between the two intersections as origin. 
This point is called the center of the hyperbola. 

The first standard equation of an hyperbola. — The equa- 
tion of an hyperbola whose transverse axis is on the x-axis 
and whose center is at the origin is 

E.-yl- 1 


in which a and b are the 
semi-transverse and semi- 
conjugate axes respectively. 
Proof. — Let the direc- 
trix of the hyperbola be 
DD' and take the x-axis 
on the principal axis which 
is perpendicular to DD' 
through the focus F, meet- 
ing it at Z. Let A and A' represent the two points at which 
the hyperbola cuts the principal axis. 







A If .; 

A - 




These two points are called the vertices of the hyperbola. 

At 0, midway between A and A', erect the y-axis. Call 
the distance A'O = OA = a. 

Take P (x, y), any point on the hyperbola, and drop PB 
perpendicular to the directrix, cutting the 2/-axis at E. 

From the definition of an hyperbola, 

Bp = e. (1) 

The values of FP and BP are found in a manner almost 
identical to that used in the case of the elUpse, use being 
made of the fact that the points A and A' are on the hyper- 
bola, and hence 


and jj^ = e. (3) 

Whence A'F + AF = e {A'Z + ZA) 

or (a + OF) + {OF - a) = 2 ae and OF = ae. 

The distance from the center of an hyperbola to the 
focus is ae. (33) 

Similarly, A'F - AF = e {A'Z - ZA) 
or 2a = e[{a + OZ) - {a - 0Z)\ and OZ = a/e. 

The distance from the center of an hyperbola to the 
directrix is a/e. (34) 

The coordinates of F, then, are (ae, 0), 

whence FP = V{x — ae)^ + y^, by formula (1). 
BP =.EP - EB = x- a/e. 

Substituting in equation (1), 

V{x - ae)' + y' _^ 
X — a/e 


Clearing of fractions and collecting, 

x" (f -1) -y^ = a^ (e^ - 1). 

If X = 0, 2/ = ±a Vl — e', which since e > 1, is imagi- 
nary, and the curve does not cross the y-axis. 
It is found convenient to make the substitution 

b'' = a'' (c" - 1). 
The equation of the hyperbola then becomes -j — r; = !• 

The portion of the principal axis which is cut off by the 
hyperbola is called the transverse axis. It is represented 
by 2 a. 

The segment on the perpendicular to the princip al axis 
through the center such that its length is 2 b = 2 a Ve^ — 1 
is called the conjugate axis. 

Since b" = a' (e^ — 1), it is readily seen that 

ae = Va^ + b". (35) 

From the form of the equation, it is evident that the 
hyperbola is symmetrical with respect to both axes. 

When the equation of the hyperbola is solved for y, 

y = ±- Va;" — o^ from which it is seen that y is imaginary 

for all values of x numerically less than a, and hence no part 
of the curve lies between the Hnes x = —a and x = a. 
For aU values of x numerically grea.ter than a, y is real, 

showing that the curve extends 

indefinitely both right and left. 

Similarly, by solving for x in 

^ a 

terms of y, a; = ± =- V 6* + y^, 

^ from which it is seen that for 

every value of y, x is real and hence the curve extends in- 
definitely above and below the a;-axis. 

When points are plotted and the curve drawn it is found 
to be as shown. 



It can be proved, as in the case of the ellipse, that the 
hyperbola has a second focus at (— oe, 0) and a second 
directrix whose equation is a; = — a/e. 

58. The latus rectum of the hyperbola is the chord through 
either focus parallel to the directrix. Its length is 2 b^/a. 

Proof. — The equation of this chord is x = ±ae. 
Solving simultaneously with the equation of the hyperbola 

^ _ ^ = 1, y = ±6 V?^^= ±¥/a, since b^ = a^{e^ - 1). 

Therefore the latus rectum, which is twice the ordinate at 
the focus, is equal to 2 b^/a. 

59. The second standard equation of an hyperbola. — 

The, equation of the hyperbola whose transverse axis is on the 
y-axis and whose center is at the origin is 

where a and b are the semi-transverse and semi-conjugate 
axes, respectively. 

The proof is left to the student. It is identical to that 
used in the case of the ellipse. 

The third standard equation of an hyperbola. — The 
equation of an hyperbola whose transverse axis is parallel to 
the X-axis and whose center is at the point {h, k) is 

(x - hr (y - fc)'^ _ ,„„. 

—^5 P 1' ^37) 

where a and b are the semi-transverse and semi-conjugate axes, 
respectively. The proof is left to the student. 

The fourth standard equation of an hyperbola. — The 
equatimi of an hyperbola whose transverse axis is parallel to 
the y-axis and whose center is at the point {h, k) is 

(y^.ii^ = i, (38) 

a o" 

where a and b are the semi-transverse and semi-conjugate axes, 
respectively. The proof is left to the student. 



An hyperbola in which the distance between the foci is 10 passes 
through the origin, has one focus at (1, 0), and its transverse axis on the 
s-axis. Find its equation. 

Locate in a figure the center C, the focus F, and the vertex 0. It is 
seen from the data given that the equation is in the form of the third 

standard equation, 

(X - hy (y 


^ = 




Here CF = 




= 1, therefore CO 

= 4 

= a, 

and the coordinates of C 

are (-4, 0). 

_ - 

Since CT 

s/a? + V, 

then 5 = 3. 

The equation 




{x + 4)» 


= 1. 

1. Determine lengths of axes and latus rectum, coordinates of ver- 
tices and foci and equations of directrices for each of the following hyper- 
bolas. Plot each curve. 

(o) 9 x! - 25 j/* = -225. 

(b) 3 a;2 - 4 2/2 = 48. 

(c) 9 y2 - 4 a;2 + 36 = 0. 

(d) 25 x2 - 16 2/2 + 400 = 0. 

(e) 4 a;2 - 3 2/2 = 108. 


■k = ^- 

2. Find the equations of the following hyperbolas having their cen- 
ters at (0, 0) and their transverse axes along the a;-axis. Construct the, 

(a) Transverse axis = 4 and conjugate axis equal to one-half the 

distance between the foci. 
(6) Transverse axis = 6 and (5, 3) is a point on the curve. 

(c) Latus rectum = 10 and e = |. 

(d) Transverse axis = 12 and a focus is at (8, 0). 

(e) Distance between the foci = 8 and e = f . 
(/) Latus rectum = 2 and a = 2 6. 

(ff) e = 2 and distance from focus to nearest vertex = 1. 


3. Find the equations of the following hyperbolas which have their 
centers at (0, 0) and their transverse axes along the y-ajds. Construct 
the figures. 

(o) Latus rectum = 3 and one vertex at (0, 2). 

(6) Conjugate axis = 8 and (4, 6) is a point on the curve. 

(c) e = 2 and the equation of a directrix is ^ = 3. 

(d) One focus at (0, 6) and the equation of the corresponding 

directrix is y = ^. 

(e) The two points (3, 4) and (6, 7) are on the curve. 

4. Find the equation of each of the following hyperbolas, determine 
the coordinates of foci and vertices and length of latus rectum : 

(a) Center ( — 1, 3), transverse axis = 8 and parallel to ^-axis, 

conjugate axis = 10. 
(6) Center (—2, —3), transverse axis parallel to a;-axis and = 8, 

conjugate axis = 12. 
(c) Vertices are ( — 1, — 1) and ( — 1, 7) and e = 2. 

6. Find the equations of the following hyperbolas: 

(a) Center at (2, 1), transverse axis = 6 and parallel to the x-axis 
and the center twice as far from the focus as from the vertex. 

(6) e = 2, one focus at ( — 1, —2) and the corresponding directrix 
2/ = 4. 

(c) 2 o = 6 and foci at (-2, -4) and (-2, 6). 

(d) Center ( — 1, —3), transverse axis = 8 and parallel to the y- 

axis and the latus rectum equal to one-half of conjugate axis. 

(e) Transverse axis = 4, one directrix is a; = 6 and the corre- 

spondmg focus (3, —1). 
(/) Vertices at (2, 5) and (2, — 1) and latus rectum = transverse 

6. Prove that the ellipse ok + q ~ ■'^ ^""^ ^^^ hyperbola -q- — y = 1 

have the same center and foci. Construct each curve. 

7. By translation of axes reduce each of the following equations to 
standard forms. Draw both sets of axes and the curves. 

(o) 9 a;2 - 36 a; - 4 2/2 - 24 2/ = 36. 
(6) x2 + 6 a; - ^ + 2 2/ + 12 = 0. 

8. Find the equation of the locus of the point which moves so that 
the difference of its distances from the two points (6, 0) and ( — 6, 0) is 
equal to 8. Prove that the locus is an hyperbola. 



9. Prove that the foci of the hyperbolas ^V9 - a;V16 = 1 and aV16 
— ^2/9 = 1 are equidistant from the center. 

10. By rotation of axes, remove the a;^-term from the equation xy = 
18. Show that the curve is an hyperbola and construct both sets of 
axes and the curve. 

11. Prove that the latus rectum of an hyperbola is a third propor- 
tional to the transverse and conjugate axes. 

12. Find the polar equation of the hyperbola i^/a? — y'^/l^ = 1. 

13. Prove that the point (4, 1) is on the hyperbola ai'/S — ^/l = 1 
and that the difference of its focal distances is equal to the transverse 

60. Construction of an hyperbola. — A proposition which 
readily leads to the construction of the hyperbola is as 
follows : 

The difference of the focal distances of any point on an 
hyperbola is constant and equal to the transverse axis. 

Proof. — Draw the hyper- 
bola with foci at F and F' and 
directrices DD' and MM'. 
From P {x, y), any point on the 
hyperbola, draw PK perpen- 
dicular to the directrices and 
meeting them in B and K re- 
From the definition of an hyperbola, 

FP = e (KP) = eix - a/e) = ex - a. (1) 


F'P = e (BP) = e{x + a/e) = ex + a. (2) 

Subtracting (1) from (2), 

F'P — FP = 2a = transverse axis. 

This fact leads to a second and important definition of an 

An hyperbola is the locus of a point which moves so that the 
difference of its distances from two fixed points is constarU. 



K P/^ 









From this definition, an hyperbola can be constructed as 
follows, if the foci and length of the transverse axes are given. 

In a drawing board fasten a tack at 
each focus F and F'. Let a pencil be tied 
to a string at P. Let one end of the 
string pass beneath F and then both ends 
over F' as shown. Adjust the string so 
that F'P exceeds FP by 2 a. By holding 
the strings together below F' and pulHng 
them in or letting them out, the point P 
will, if held firmly against the string, trace 
an hyperbola, for at each position F'P — 
FP = 2a. 

By reversing the process, the other branch may be drawn. 

61. General equation of an hyperbola, axes parallel to 
coordinate axes. — When equations (37) and (38) are ex- 
panded, they become 

¥x^ - 2 ¥hx + bW - ay + 2 d'ky - a^k^ - a^¥ = 0, 
by - 2 ¥ky + bW - aV + 2 a%x - a%^ - a?b^ = 0. 

Either of these equations is of the form 

Ax^ + Cy^ + Dx + Ey + F = Q, 

in which A and C have opposite signs. 

It will now be shown that every equation of the above 
type represents an hyperbola. 

Completing the squares and collecting, 

CD'' + AE^-4.ACF 

A{x + D/2 AY + C (2/ + E/2 Cy 


After dividing by the second memberj this becomes 
(x + D/2Ay . (y + E/2 CY 

CD^ + AE^-4:ACF ' CD^ + AE^ - 4:ACF 

= 1, 




which is of standard form (37) or (38), since A and C have 
unlike signs and hence the denominators have unlike signs. 

Whether the transverse axis is parallel to the x-axis or to 
the j/-axis will depend upon whether the first or second 
denominator is positive. 

It is seen from the foregoing that: 

The general equation of second degree, Ax^ + Bxy + Cy^ 
+ Dx + Ey + F = 0, represents an hyperbola if B = and 
if A and C have unlike signs* 


1. Determine for each of the following hyperbolas, the center, semi- 
axes, foci, vertices, and latus rectmn. Construct each curve. 

(a) 9a;2 - 18x - iy^ + 16y - AS = 0. 

(b) 4a;2-24a;- 16 j/^ - 64 j/ + 36 =0. 

(c) x' -&x-Qy' -18y + 9 = 0. 

(d) 3i/' + Gy-x^+2x + n=0. 

(e) 8a;2 - 8a; - 28y' - 28y = 61. 
CO 25 2/2 - 4a;2 - 50 1/ - 39 = 0. 

2. Find the equation of an hyperbola with e = v'2, the line x — y = i 
as one directrix and the corresponding focus at ( — 1, —1). 

3. By rotation of axes, reduce the equation a:^/ + 50 = to one of 
the standard forms of the equation of an hyperbola. Draw both sets of 
axes and the curve. 

4. Find the equation of an hyperbola whose foci are (0, 8) and 
(0, —8) and the difference of whose focal radii is 10. 

6. Find the equation of the hyperbola whose center is at (1, 1), 
whose transverse axis is parallel to the a;-axis and which passes through 
(6, 5) and (-7, -7). 

62. Asymptotes to the hyperbola. — The two lines rep- 
resented by the equation 

o2 b^ 


have a very important relation to the hyperbola ^ — Tj 

* The general equation of second degree will under these same con- 
ditions sometimes take the form of the difference of two squares, in 
which case it will represent a pair of straight lines. This will be the 
case when Ciy^ + AE? — 4 ACF in the equation above is zero. 



It will now be shown that as a point on the hyperbola 
recedes indefinitely, the curve approaches coincidence with 
these lines and therefore these are the asymptotes to the 

Let Li and L2 be the two 
lines represented by the equa- 
tion x^/a? — y^/W = 0, and take 
Pi (poi, j/i), any point on these 
lines, such that a perpendicular 
from it on the axis of x meets 
the hyperbola x^/d' — y^jW = 1 
in the point P% (a;i, 2/2). 



= ±.-V^F^^a\ 


2/1 - 2/2 = d= - (xi - ^xf-a^. 

Rationalizing the numerator, 


^' ^^ ^a Xi + Va;i2 - a? Xi + Vxi^" - a^' 

which approaches zei-o as xi recedes to infinity. 

This shows that as the curve recedes to infinity, it ap- 
proaches indefinitely close to the lines 

E! _ ^ - n 
which are therefore the asymptotes to the hyperbola 

a TO ^* 



If the distances A'O = OA = a and B'O = OB = b are 
laid off on the a;-axis and y-axis respectively, and parallels 
to the axes through A, B, A', and B' are drawn, the diago- 
nals of the rectangle thus formed will be the asymptotes. 
It is often found convenient in constructing an hyper- 
bola to first con- 
struct this rec- 
tangle and the 
asymptotes and 
then draw in the 
hyperbola touch- 
ing the rectangle 
at A and A' and 
approaching the asymptotes as it recedes to infinity. 

63. Conjugate hyperbolas. — If in two hyperbolas the 
transverse axis in each is the conjugate axis in the other, 
the hyperbolas are said to be conjugate. 

Thus, in the figure, if A'A {= 2 a) is the transverse axis 
and B'B (=26) the conjugate axis, then the equation of 
the hyperbola is Y 


If another hyper- 
bola is constructed in 
which B'B is the 
transverse axis and 

A' A the conjugate axis, the equation is 

In either case the equation can be written 
(Distance from conjugate axis)" 
(Semi-transverse axis)^ 

(Distance from transverse axis)" 
(Semi-conjugate axis)^ 

= 1. 


If the eccentricity of the first hyperbola is represented 
by ei and of the conjugate hyperbola by e^, then 

Va^ + ¥ , Vb^ + a" 
fii = and 62 = r > 

hence, aei = be^ = '\/aF+¥. 

This shows that the foci of the two hyperbolas are equi- 
distant from the center and thus the foci of an hyperbola 
and its conjugate lie on a circle about the center with a 
radius equal to the diagonal of the rectangle constructed 
as in the last article. 

The asymptotes to the conjugate hyperbola y^/¥ — x'/a^ 
= 1 are found to he y = ±. (b/a) x, from which it is seen 
that the hyperbola and its conjugate have the same asymp- 

64. Equilateral or rectangular hj^erbola. — If 6 = a in 
the equation 

it becomes x^ — y^ = a^. 

The equation of the conjugate hyperbola is y^ — x^ = a'. 
These are evidently equal hyperbolas. 

The asymptotes of these hyperbolas are y = ±x, two 
lines making angles of 45° and 135° with the a;-axis and 
therefore at right angles with each other. 

Since the semi-axes a and b are equal, these hyperbolas 
are sometimes called equilateral; since the asymptotes 
are at right angles to each other, they are sometimes 
called rectangular hyperbolas. 


1. Given the hyperbola 9x^ — y^ = 36, find the equations of the 
asymptotes and of the conjugate hyperbola. Construct the hyperbolas 
and the asymptotes. 


2. Find the equations of the asymptotes to the hsTperbola 9 a? — 
16 1^ = 144 and the tangent of the angle between them. 

3. Write the equation of an hyperbola conjugate to the hyperbola 
4 X* — 9 2/^ =36 and find the lengths of its axes and latus rectum, the 
coordinates of its foci and the equations of its directrices. 

4. Prove that the distance from an asymptote to a focus is equal to 
the semi-conjugate axis. 

6. Find the equation of an hyperbola whose foci are at the 
points (5, 0) and (—5, 0), the inclination of one of whose asymptotes 
is 30°. 

6. Find the equation of an hyperbola whose transverse axis is along 
the a;-axis, which passes through the point (5, 8) and whose asymptotes 
are given by the equation y^ — ^ x'. 

7. Write the equation of an hyperbola conjugate to the hyperbola 
x' -2x-i'f -8y = 7. 

8. Show by the method of Art. 62, that the equation of the asymp- 
totes to the hyperbola 4 1' — ^' = 4 is 4 a? = ^. 

9. Find the equation of the rectangular hyperbola a;^ — ^ = o^ re- 
ferred to its asymptotes. 

10. Find the equation of the asymptotes to the hyperbola x^—^ = 9. 
Prove that any line parallel to an asymptote meets the curve in only 
one finite point. 

11. If ei and ei are the eccentricities of two conjugate hyperbolas, 

prove that — : H — j = 1. 

12. In an hyperbola, if the value of e is very little more than unity, 
how does the value of 6 compare with that of at Discuss the slope of 
asymptotes and form of curve. As e increases, what is the effect on the 
slope of the asymptotes and the form of the curve? 

13. Prove that the distance of any point on the rectangular hyper- 
bola a;2 — ^2 = a' from the center is a mean proportional to its distances 
ffom the foci. 

14. Prove that the product of the distances of any point on an hy- 
perbola from its asymptotes is constant. 

15. Find the coordinates of the foci of the hyperbola a? — ^ = 9. 
By rotating the axes, find the coordinates of the foci and the equation of 
the hyperbola when its asymptotes are taken as axes. 

16. Find the equation of an hyperbola whose transverse axis is along 
the X-axis, which passes through the point (5, 2) and has the same asymp- 
totes as 4 x^ - 9 2/2 = 36. 


17. Prove that an asymptote and the perpendicular from the focus 
upon it meet upon the corresponding directrix. 

18. Prove that the directrices of an hj^ierbola and the circle whose 
diameter is the line joining the foci intersect on the conjugate hyperbola. 

19. Prove that the portion of the asymptotes intercepted between 
the directrices is equal to 2 a. 

20. Through the point Pi on the hyperbola x^/a? — ■fj}? = 1, a 
straight Une is drawn parallel to the transverse axis cutting the asjrmp- 
totes. Prove that the product of the distances of Pi from these points 
of intersection is equal to a^. 

21. If the crack of a rifle and the thud of the ball on the target are 
heard at the same instant, prove that the locus of the hearer is an hyper- 


65. A line which cuts a curve is called a secant. The 
Une P1P2 in the figure is such a fine. 

If one of the points of intersection, as P2, is made to 
move along the curve and approach the other point Pi, 
the line P1P2 will approach a limiting position PiR. This 
line is called the tangent to the curve. The point Pi is 
called the point of contact of the tangent line. The follow- 
ing definition may then 
be stated: A tangent to 
a curve at a given point is 
the limiting position of the 
secant line connecting the 
given point with a second 
point on the curve, as this 
second point moves along 
the curve and approaches 
coincidence with the given 

The line which is perpendicular to the tangent at the point 
of contact is called the normal to the curve. The line PiK is 
the normal to the curve at Pi. 

The equations of the tangent and normal to any curve 
at a given point on the curve. — A point on the tangent hne 
is given. If the slope of the tangent can be determined, its 
equation can be readily found by substitution in the stand- 
ard equation, 

y - yi = mix - Xi). 



The method of finding this slope will now be illustrated. 
Let it be required to find the slope of the tangent to the 
curve j/^ = 0? at the point Pi (x\, j/i) on the curve. 

Let Pi (xi + /t, 2/1 + A;) represent a second point on the 
curve. Then by the formula Y 

2/2- yi 

m = 

the slope 


Xi — X\ 

P1P2 is 

found to 



If the point P2 is now made to 
approach Pi, the values of h and 
fc each approach 0, and the slope 
takes the indeterminate form of 

r-. This difficulty arises from 

having failed to make use of the 
fact that the points Pi and Pj lie on the curve and thus 
their coordinates must satisfy the equation of the cvirve. 
Substituting these in the equation 'ip = a^, 
2/1^ = a;i', 
(2/1 + W = (^1 + hf. 
Expanding and subtracting (1) from (2), 

2 2/ifc + fc' = 3 Xi% + 3 xji" + W, 
or fc (2 j/i + fc) =/i (3x1^ + 3 Xi/i + J^^), 

Whence the slope of the secaftt, 

h_Zxi^ + ZxJi + h^ 




2yi + k 

If now h and k are made to approach 0, the slope of the 
tangent = 

li^it (1) = limit (3^!±3^lM^^) = 




{x - Xi), 

Consequently, the equation of the tangent is 


or 3xi^x-2yiy = 3xi^-2yi\ 

or 3 a;i'' X — 2 yiy = x-^ (since yi^ = Xi'). 

Answers will, in general, be simphfied by collecting all 
the variable terms in the first member of the equation and 
the constants in the second, and then reducing the second 
member to simpler form by making use of the fact that 
•Pi {xi, 2/i) is a point on the curve. 

The steps taken may be summarized as follows: To find 
the slope of the tangent to a given curve at a given point Pi {xi, yi), 
choose a second point P2 (xi + ^, j/i + k) on the curve. Sub- 
stitute the coordinates of Pi and P2 in the given equation and 
subtract. Find the value of k/h, the slope of the secant. The 
limiting value of this slope as h and k approach zero is the 
slope of the tangent. 

Where the point of contact Pi is given by numerical 
coordinates, the substitution of the coordinates of the 
second point Pa gives sufficient data from which to deter- 
mine the value of k/h. 

This is illustrated in the 
following example. Find 
the equation of the tan- 
gent to the circle x^ -|- 2 x 
+ 2/2 _ 4 y = 20 at the 
point (2, 6). 

Let Pi (2, 6) and Pj (2 
+ h,6 + k) he two points 
on the given circle. 

The substitution of 
Pi{2 + h,6 + k) in the given equation gives 

4: + 4:h + h' + 4: + 2h + 36 + 12k + ¥ - 24: - 4.k = 20, 


from which 

k''+8k= -{¥ + 6h) or k{k + 8) = - h{h + 6). 

I k h + 6 

Whence the slope of the secant = t = — : ■ Letting h 

and k approach 0, the slope of the tangent is found to be 
— f . Therefore the equation of the tangent is 

2/ - 6 = -f (cc - 2). 
or 4 2/ + 3 a; = 30. 

Since the normal to a curve is a line perpendicular to the 
tangent at the point of contact, therefore the slope of the 
normal is the negative reciprocal of the slope of the tangent 
at that point. The equation of the normal may then be 
determined by substitution in the equation 

y - yi = m{x- Xi). 

Thus, the slope of the normal to the circle given in the 
preceding example at the point Pi (2, 6) is +| and the 
equation of the normal isy — Q = ^(x — 2) or ix — Zy. 
+ 10 = 0. 


1. Find the equation of the tangent to each of the following curves 
at the point {xi, yi) : 

(o) xy = 4. Ans. Xiy + yiX = 8. 

(fc) 2/' = ipx. Ans. yyi = 2p (x -\- xi). 

(c) x' + y' = r^. Ans. Xix + yiy = r*. 

(e) y' + ay + bx + c = 0. Ans.' (2yi+a)y+bx+ayi+'bxi+2c=0. 

2. Find the equations of the tangent and normal to each of the fol- 
lowing curves at the indicated point. Draw the curve, tangent, and 
normal in each case. 

(a) y = x' at (1, 1). 

(6) y = |±|at(2,5). 


(c) f = 2 a;' at (2,4). 

(d) yx^ = lat (-1,1). 

(e) 9 ^2 ^ 25 2/2 = 225 at the positive extremity of the right hand 

latus rectum. 
(/) 2/ = a? — 4a; + 8at the point whose abscissa is 2. 
(S) 2/ = xMa: - 2) at the point (3, 9). 
ifC) y' = a;2 at the point whose abscissa is 8. 

66. The equation of the tangent to the curve represented 
by the general equation of second degree. — The most gen- 
eral equation of second degree is 

Ax^ + Bxy + Cy^ + Dx + Ey + F = 0. (1) 

In order to find the tangent at the point Pi {xi, j/i) on 
this curve, the same steps are followed as in the preceding 
article. Let a second point on the curve be Pa {xi + h, 
yi + k). Substitute the coordinates of Pi and Ps in equa- 
tion (1). 

Then Ax,' + Bx,y, + Cyi' + Dx, + Eyi + F = 0, (2) 

and A {xi + hy + B (xi + h) {y, + k) + C{yi + W 

+ D{x, + h) + E{y^ + k) + F = 0. (3) 

Expanding and subtracting (2) from (3), 

2 Axji + AK- + Byji + Bxik + Bhk 

+ 2 Cyik + Ck^ + Dh + Ek = 0, (4) 

which, on collecting, becomes 

kiBxi+2Cyi+Ck+E)= -hi2Axi+Ah+Byi+Bk+D). (5) 

k 2Ax^ + Ah + Byi + Bk + D .„^ 

^^^"^ A = Bx, + 2Cy, + Ck + E ^^^ 

Letting h and k approach 

*i, 1 t4.u ^ i 2Axi + Byi + D 

the slope of the tangent = - ^^^ ^2Cyi + E ' ^^^ 


The equation of the tangent is therefore 

Clearing this of fractions and placing the variable terms 
in the first member and the constant terms in the second, 
2 Axix + Byix + Bxiy + 2 Cyiy + Ey + Dx 

= 2 Ax^ + 2 Bxxy^ + 2 Cy^ + Bxx + Ey^. (9) 

From equation (2), the first three terms of the second 
member equal — 2 Dxi — 2 Ey^ — 2F. 

Substituting this value in (9) and transposing, 
2 Axix + Byix + Bxiy + 2 Cyiy 

+ D{x + Xx)+E{y + y,)+2F = 0. (10) 
Dividing by 2, 

» O 

Axix + ^ (aJiy + yix) + Cy^y + -^ (*+«i) 

+ 1 (y+yi)+F=o, (39) 

which is the equation of the desired tangent at Pi {x\, y\) 

on the curve Ad? + Bxy + Cy^ + Dx + Ey + F = 0. This 

result is very important and should be remembered. 

A convenient statement is as follows: The tangent to the 

curve represented by any equation of second degree is found by 

, ■ « , « 7 1 ^iV + Vi^ i_ X + Xi , 
replaang x^ by Xjx, y^ by yiy, xy by ^ ' > ^ "V 2 ' 


Find the equation of the tangent to x'+& xy+y^—2 x+i y+6=0 at 
(xi, yi). 

Applying the above rule, the tangent is 

,., + 6 (2^4^)+ 2..V - 2 (^) + 4 (^)+ 6 = 0, 


(.xi + 3yi - l)x + {3xi+yi+2)y = Xi-2yi- 6. 



A very convenient check on the correctness of the equation of the 
tangent at the point Pi {xi, yi) is to drop the subscripts in the equation 
of the tangent and to notice that the result should be identical with the 
equation of the given curve. 

67. Lengths of tangents and normals, subtangents and 
subnormals. — The tangent and normal lines are indefinite 
in extent, ,but it is customary to speak of that portion of 
the tangent between its intersection with the a;-axis and the 
point of contact as the tangent length and that portion of 
the normal between the point of contact and its intersec- 
tion with the a;-axis as 
the normal length. In 
the figure, TPi is the tan- 
gent length and PiN is 
the normal length. 

The projection of the 
tangent length on the 
X-axis is called the sub- 
tangent and the projec- 
tion of the normal length 
on the a;-axis is called the subnormal. In the figure, TM is 
the subtangent and MN the subnormal. 

There is Httle occasion to use the sign of the tangent and 
normal lengths and they are usually treated as positive, 
but in the case of the subtangent and subnormal the signs 
are important. The subtangent is always measured from 
the point where the tangent crosses the a;-axis to the foot 
of the ordinate of the point of contact, and the subnormal 
from the foot of this ordinate to the intersection of the 
normal with the rc-axis. These lengths are easily computed, 
for, from the figure, 

subtangent = TM = OM - OT, 
subnormal = MN = ON — OM. 


The abscissa OM of the point of contact is given, and 
OT and ON can be found since they are the intercepts of 
the tangent and normal respectively on the a;-axis. 

The tangent length is the hypotenuse of the right triangle 
of which the legs are the subtangent and the ordinate of 
the point of contact. The normal length is the hypotenuse 
of the right triangle of which the legs are the subnormal 
and the ordinate of the point of contact. 


Find the equations of the tangent and normal tpa;' + 2a; + 32/ = 17 
at the point (2, 3), and determine the lengths of the subtangent, sub- 
normal, tangent, and normal. Sketch 
the figure. 

Rearranging terms and collecting, 
the equation x^ + 2x + Zy = VJ be- 
comes (s + ly = —3(2/ — 6), which 
shows that the figure is as here sketched. 

From the rule in paragraph 66, the 
equation of the tangent to a;^ -|- 2 a; -|- 
3 2/ = 17 at Pi (2, 3) is found to be 
2/ -f- 2 a; = 7. The normal, which is per- 
pendicular to the tangent at Pi (2, 3), 
has for its equation 2y—x = ^. 

OT, the intercept of the tangent on the a;-axis = 1. 

ON, the intercept of the normal on the a;-axis = — 4. 

OM, the abscissa of Pi = 2. 

The subtangent = TJlf = OM - OT = 2 - | = -f. 

The subnormal = MN = ON - OM 4 -2 = -6. 















K, ^^ 







y' r 


The tangent length = TPi 
The normal length = PiiV 

' + AfPi' = V| + 9 = f Vs. 
--VmK' + MN^ = VT+ZG = 3 Vs. 


1. Determine the equations of the tangent and normal, and lengths 
of subtangent and subnormal to the following curves at the point given. 
Draw the figure in each case. 


(a) y = 23?aX (1,2). 

(6) x2 + 2/2 = 25 at (3, 4). 

(c) a;2 -4 a; = 42/at (4, 0). 

{d) xy = i a,t point whose abscissa is 1. 

(e) 2x2-2/!.= Mat (3, -2). 

X^ y2 

(/) ■=■ + rs = 1 at positive end of the upper latus rectum. 
( Id 

(?) 2/2-6j/-8x = 31at(-3,7). 

2. Find the equations of the tangents to 2/" = 4 x — 4 at the ex- 
tremities of the latus rectum. Prove that they are perpendicular and 
meet on the directrix. 

3. Find the equations of the tangent and normal to x' + 4 x + ^' + 
62/ = 12 at (1,1) and prove that the normal passes through the 

4. Write the equations of the tangent and normal to each of the fol- 
lowing conies at the point given. Draw each figure. 

(a) 4x2 - 16x + 9 v^ - 182/ = 11 at (2, 3). 
(6) x2 - 4x - 22/ - 1 = at (1, -2). 

(c) 3x2 + loxj/ + 32/2 = 3 at (-i^, 1). 

(d) x2 _2x2/-|-^ = 4x + 4^at (4,0). 

6. Prove that the tangents at the extremities of a latus rectum of 
the curve 7 x2 + 16 2/2 = 112 meet on the corresponding directrix. 

6. Prove that the tangents at the extremities of the latus rectum 
intersect on the directrix in the case of: (a) any parabola; (6) any 
eUipse; (c) any hyperbola. 

7. How far from the vertex are the tangents at the extremities of the 
latus rectum oi x' + iy + i = 01 

8. Find the angle formed by the tangents at the extremities of a 
latus rectum of the hyperbola 9 x2 — 16 2/2 = 144. 

9. Prove that the normal at one extremity of the latus rectum of a 
parabola is parallel to the tangent at the other extremity. 

X2 V2 

10. Given the ellipse ■„ + ^ = 1. Find the equations of the tan- 
gents whose intercepts on the axes are numerically equal. 

11. Prove that the tangents, at the extremities of the latus rectum 
of a parabola are twice as far from the focus as from the vertex. 

12. Prove that the tangent at any point of the parabola ^ = 4 px, 
the perpendicular from the focus upon it, and the tangent at the vertex 
meet in a point. 


13. Prove that the subtangent of the ellipse -; + ?t = 1 at (xi, vi) 

a' 0' 




and that the subnormal is (e^ — l)a;i. 

14. What is the point of contact of that tangent to the parabola 
j/2 = 4 s, whose intercepts on the axes are numerically equal and (a) of 
same sign; (b) of opposite sign. 

16. Prove that the perpendicular from the focus of an eUipse upon 
any tangent and the line joining the center to point of contact meet on 
the cortesponding directrix. 

68. The equation of the tangent when the slope is 
given. — The process used in finding the equation of tan- 
gents to curves of second degree, when the slope is given, 
will be illustrated by the following example. 

Let it be required to find for the circle x^ — 6x + y^ 
— 6 y + 10 = 0, the equations of the tangents of slope — 1. 

Let y = —x + b represent any one of the system of 
parallel Unes of slope —1. 

It is evident from the following figure that some of these 
lines such as AB cut the 
curve in two distinct 
points, and that if this 
Hne is moved parallel to 
itself, the two distinct in- 
tersections will approach 
each other and eventually 
coincide as at Pi and P2. 
In this position, the Hne 
y = — a;-l-f>isa tangent 
to the curve. The prob- 
lem then is to so determine b that the line y = — x + b 
shall meet the curve in two coincident points. 

If the equation of the line 

y = - x + b 
and the equation of the circle 

x''-6x + y^-6y + 10 = 


are solved simultaneously, in order to determine the co- 
ordinates of the intersection, the result, after eliminating y, is 

x'-6x+ i-x + by - 6 i-x + 6) + 10 = 0, 

or when expanded, 

2x^ - 2bx + ¥ - 6b + 10 = 0, 

from which the abscissas of the intersections of any line of 
the system y= —x + b with the given circle may be 

It was shown in the theory of equations, that an equation 
in the form 

Ax^ + Bx + C = 

has equal roots if 5' — 4 AC = 0. 

Applying this principle here, the equation 

2x'-2bx + b^-6b + 10 = 
has equal roots if 

4 &2 _ 8 (&2 _ 6 6 + 10) = 0, 
or if 62 _ 12 6 + 20 = 0. 

This last equation is true if & = 2 or 10, whence a line of 
the system y = — x + 6 meets the given circle in two coin- 
cident points if 6 = 2 or 10. 

Therefore, y = —x + 2 

and y = —x + 10 

are the equations of the desired tangents. 

1. For each of the following curves, find the equations and points of 
contact of the tangents whose slopes are as given: 
(a) a;2 + j/2 = 25, slope = - J. 
(6) yi = 4x + 4, slope = 1. 
(c) xy = 4, slope = — 4. 
Id) x' -ix-y^ -iy = S, slope = 2. 


2. For each of the following curves, find the equation of the tangent 
with slope to: 

(o) 3/2 = 4 Tpx. Ans. y = mx + — • 

(6) ^ + ^ = 1. Ans. y =mx± VaHn'^ + V. 

(c) ^ - ^ = 1. Ans. y = mx± ^dhri? - }fi. 
a' 0' 

3. Find the equation of the tangent to 4 a;^ + 25 j/^ = 100 parallel 
to3x + 102/ = 60. 

4. Find the equation of the tangent to a;^ = iy + i perpendicular 
to 2 ^ + a; = 7. 

X^ 7/2 

6. Find the equations of the tangents to the ellipse -5 + fj = 1 

which are parallel to the Une joining the positive extremities of the axes. 

6. Prove that the Une Sa; — 2y — ll=Ois tangent to 5 a? —20 x 
- 2 2/= + 4 2/ + 15 = 0. 

7. Find the equations of the tangents to9a;2 + 4j/2 + 6a; + 42/ = 
parallel to3x + 2y = 7, and the equations of the normals at the points 
of contact. 



69. Harmonic division. — If a line AS is divided in- 

A P B Pi 

ternally by the point P and externally by the point Pi in 
such a way that 


PB PiB' ^ ^ 

the line is said to be divided harmonically. 

Theorem. — If two points P and Pi divide a line AB har- 
monically, then conversely, the points A and B divide the line 
PPi harmonically. 

Proof. — If the proportion (1) above is taken by alter- 
nation, it becomes 









Reversing the members, 

P7? PA 

From the proportion -^^ = — 7-5- , it is seen that the 

line PPi is divided harmonically by the points A and B. 





1. Find the coordinates of the point P which together with Pi (2, 3) 
divides harmonically the Une joining A( — 1, 4) to B (8, 1). Ans. 
(-10, 7). 

2. Show that the points A and B in example 1 divide harmonically 
the line joining Pi and P. 

70. Pole and polar. — If through a fixed point Pi, out- 
side, inside, or on a conic, a secant is drawn to the conic 
meeting it in the points A and B, and if P is so chosen on 
the secant that the points P and Pi divide the Une AB 
harmonically, then the locus which contains all positions 
of P as the secant revolves about Pi is called the polar of Pi 
with regard to the conic, and the point Pi is called the pole 
of that locus. 

Equation of the polar for the ellipse -g + ^ = 1. — Given 

the ellipsis -5 + ?2=l, and the fixed point Pi{xi,yi). 

Through Pi draw any secant meeting the ellipse in the 

points A and B, and so locate P {x, y) upon it that the line 

AB is divided harmonically 

by the points P and Pi. 

It is required to find the 

equation of the locus which 

contains P in all of its 


By the theorem in Art. 
69, since AB is divided harmonically by P and Pi, then PPi 
is divided harmonically by A and B, and hence 




Let the segments PB and BPi be in the ratio n : rj (n 
and Ti will vary as the secant is revolved). 


The coordinates of A and B can now be found by formulas 
(3), Art. 8. They are respectively 

l r\Xx - nx nyi - r2J/ \ , / nxi + r2X nyi + r-g^ N 
\ ri - r-2 ' ri — Ti J \ n + r^ ' n + n J 

The points A and B are on the elhpse and their coordi- 
nates satisfy the equation 

&V + a^ = aW. (1) 

Therefore, . .„ . ., 

\ n-Ti J \ ri-Ti / 

\ n + ^2 / \ r-i + r-2 / 

Expanding equations (2) and (3) and clearing of fractions, 

b^ (ri'xi^ — 2 nnxix + TaV) + a^ (nW ~ 2 nviyiy + r2V) 

= a262(r-,2-2rir2 + r22) (4) 

b° (nW + 2 rir2a;ia; + r2V) + o^ (ri^j/i^ + 2 rir-iyiy + r^y^) 

= aW\r^ + 2nri-^ri). (5) 

In addition to the variables x and y, equations (4) and (5) 
contain ri and r^ which also vary as the secant is revolved. 
It is desired to find an equation, containing no variables 
other than x and y, which will be true for any position of P 
as the secant revolves. Therefore such equation must be 
independent of n and r^. 

Subtracting (4) from (5), 

b^ (4 nr^x-iX) + (^ (4 nnyxy) = a^¥ (4 nri). (6) 

Dividing by 4 rir^, 

¥xix + a^yiy = aW, (7) 


a" ^ y ' ^^> 

which is the desired equation of the polar. Since it is of 
first degree, the polar is a straight line. 


It will be noticed that equation (8) is of the same form as 
the equation of the tangent to the eUipse found in example 
1 (d) of Art. 65. In the polar, however, Pi may be inside, 
outside, or on the conic. 

If Pi is outside the ellipse, P must be inside the elhpse in 
order that the secant may be divided harmonically, there- 
fore only that portion of line (8) which lies inside the conic 
fulfils this condition. If Pi is inside the ellipse, Pi and any 
point P on fine (8) will divide AB harmonically, therefore 
the whole line fulfils the condition. If Pi is on the ellipse, 
the polar line is the tangent, the point of contact is the pole, 
and no point other than the point of contact itself fulfils the 

By the same method, the equation of the polar of the 

hyperbola -j — ^ = 1 is found to be 

xxi yyi 

^-^ = 1. (9) 

and the equation of the polar of the parabola y* = 4 pa; is 

yyi = 2p (« + *i). (10) 

The proof of the properties which follow is based upon 
the equation of the polar of the ellipse, but can be shown to 
hold for the hyperbola and parabola by using equations 
(9) and (10). 

Important properties of poles and polars. — 

1. // thR polar of the point Pi passes through the point Pa, 
then the polar of the point Pi passes through the point Pi. 

Proof. — The equations of the two polars for the elUpse are 


a^ "^ b^ ^ ' 

^ + ^ = 1. (2) 


2 > }fi 


Since by hypothesis Pi lies on the polar of Px, the coordi- 
nates of Pi satisfy (1), and, therefore, 


-2 "T >,2 ~ ■*•• 


If, however, the coordinates of Pi are substituted in 

equation (2), the equation is identical to equation (3). 

Therefore the coordinates of Pi satisfy equation (2) which 

shows that Pi lies on the polar of P2. 

2. If the pole Pi is outside the conic, the polar is the chord 

joining the points of contact of the two tangents drawn from 

Pi to the conic. 
It is evident from the figure that as the secant revolves 

about Pi there will be two positions, PiC and PiD, in which 

it will be tangent to the 
conic. As the secant ro- 
tates toward the position 
PiC, the points A and B 
approach each other and 
come into coincidence at 
C. But P lies between 
A and B, therefore P 

coincides with C and hence the point of contact C is on the 

polar. Similarly, the point D is on the polar, and the polar 

passes through the two points of contact of the tangents 

drawn from Pi. 


1. By the method of this article, find the equation of the polar of 
Pi (xi, Vi) 

(a) with respect to the hyperbola x^/a? — j/'/ft^ = 1. 
(6) with respect to the parabola y' = i px. 

2. Find the polar of the point 

(a) ( — 1, —3) with respect to the conic x^ -{- iy' = 16. 

(b) (2, 4) with respect to the conic ip = x. 


3. Prove that the directrix is the polar of the focus 
(o) for the parabola y' = i px. 

(b) for the ellipse x^a' + yyb^ = 1. 

(c) for the hyperbola xya' — y'/b' = 1. 

4. Find the pole of3x + 42/ = 4 with respect to the ellipse 6 x^ + 
8 j/i! = 16. 

Hint. — Let Pi{xi, yi) represent the pole of Sx + iy = A. The 
polar of (xi, yi) is 6 xsi + 8 yyi = 16, but 3x + iy = iis also the polar 
of {xi, yi). Since these equations represent the same hne, they will be 
identical if their second members are made equal. 

5. Find the pole oi5x + 6y = Z with respect to the conic 15 a^ — 
3 2/2 = 9. 

6. Prove that the line joining any point Pi (xi, yi) to the center of the 
circle x' + j^ = t^ is perpendicular to the polar of the point with respect 
to the circle. 

7. Prove that the radius of a circle is a mean proportional between 
the distance from the center to the point Pi {xi, yi) and the distance from 
the center to the polar of Pi. 

8. Prove that the polar of ( — 1, 2) with respect to the parabola 
^ = 4 a; passes through (2, 1). Verify the first property of this article 
by showing that the polar of (2, 1) passes through ( — 1, 2). 

9. Find the polars of the vertices of the hyperbola x'^/a? — ■jf/V = 1 
with respect to its conjugate hyperbola. 

10. Find the equations of the tangents to the circle x^ + y' = 25 
through the external point (10, —5). 

Hint. — Find the equation of the polar of the given point, then find 
the points of contact by use of the second property of this article. 

71. Diameters. — The locus of the middle points of 
any system of parallel chords of a conic is called a diam- 
eter of the conic. 

The method of finding the equation of a diameter is 
illustrated by the following examples: 

1. Find the equation of the diameter of the ellipse x^/a' 
-f- ^2/52 = 1 which bisects all chords of slope m. 

Let y = mx + k, in which m is fixed, represent a system 
of parallel chords. The constant k will have different values 
for different chords. 


Let Pi and P2 be the points in which any one of these 
chords cuts the elUpse and let P {x, y) be the center of this 


To find the abscissas of 
Pi and P2, y must be elimi- 
nated between the equations 

xya" + 2/76^ = 1 (1) 


y = mx + k. 


The resulting equation is 

(a'm' + &') x^ + 2 a^kmx + a%^ - a?W = 0. (3) 

Similarly, the ordinates of Pi and P2 may be found from 
the equation 

{d'm^ + ¥) 2/2-2 ¥ky + W¥ - al'VW = 0. 


It was found in the study of theory of equations that the 
sum of the roots of the quadratic equation Ax^ + Bx + C 
= is —B/A, therefore, from equation (3), 

a;i + a;2 = 
and from equation (4), 

2/1 + 2/2 = 
But by formula (4), Art. 8, 

— 2a%m 



Xi + Xz , 2/1 + Vi 

= — 2 — ^"^ y " 2 

X = 

y = 

— a?km 



In addition to the variables x and y, equations (7) and (8) 
contain fc which also varies as P moves along the diameter. 
It is desired to find an equation, containing no variables 
other than x and y, which will be true for any position of P. 
Therefore, such equation must be independent of k. 

Dividing equation (8) by equation (7), the equation of the 
diameter of the ellipse bisecting chords of slope m is 

y = - -^x. (9) 

2. Let the student show that the equation of the diam- 
eter of the hyperbola which bisects chords of slope m is 

From the form of equations (9) and (10), it is evident 
that every diameter of an ellipse or hyperbola passes through 
the center. 

3. Find the equation of the diameter of the parabola 
y2 = 4 pa; which bisects chords of slope m. 

Using a process identical with that used in example 1, the 
intersections Pi and Pi can be determined from the equa- 

mV - (4p - 2mfc) a; + fc2 = 


my'' — Apy + 4:pk = 0. 


4 M — 2 mfc 


2/1 + 2/.= ^- 


2p — mk 
1, X = -^ — ^ — ■ , 
' m^ 



y = .. • 




Following the plan of example 1, the next step would 
be to find from equations (5) and (6), an equation independ- 
ent of k. (6) is such an equation and therefore the equation 
of the diameter of the parabola which bisects chords of slope 
m is 

y = ^- (7) 


Its form shows that the diameter is parallel to the axis of 
the parabola. . 

Properties of diameters of central conies. — 

1. Any line through the center of an ellipse or hyperbola is 
a diameter bisecting some set of parallel chords. 

Proof. — Let y = miX represent any line through the 
center of the ellipse x^/a^ + y^/b^ = 1. The equation of 
the diameter of this ellipse which bisects chords of slope m 

is 52 

y = — J— X. 

These lines are identical if 


mi = ^• 


For a given ellipse, a and b are fixed, while m may have 
any value. Therefore, it is always possible to so choose m 

that mi shall equal 5— . Hence y = mix always bisects 


some set of parallel chords. 

A similar proof holds for the hyperbola. 

2. If one diameter bisects all chords parallel to a second 
diameter, then the second bisects all chords parallel to the first. 

Proof. — Let y = m^x (1) 

be a diameter of the ellipse x^/a^ + y'^/V^ = 1 which bisects 
all chords parallel to the diameter y = mx. 



The diameter which bisects chords of slope m has for its 


V = 

mi ■■ 




The equation of the diameter which bisects all chords of 
slope mi is 

from which it is seen that the slope of this diameter is 
— W/a?mi. 

Substituting the value of mi from equation (3), this slope 

and, therefore, y — mx is the equation of the diameter bisect- 
ing chords of slope mi. 

A similar proof holds for the hyperbola. 

72. Conjugate diameters. — If each of two diameters 
bisects all chords parallel to the other, the diameters are 
said to be conjugate. 


From equation (3) above it is seen that for the ellipse 
the relation which holds between the slopes of two conju- 
gate diameters is 

mmi= - ^- (1; 

In the case of conjugate diameters of the hyperbola, the 
relation between the slopes is 

mmi = — g- (2) 


The equation of the hyperbola conjugate to -5 — Ti = 1 



1. If the diameter bisecting chords of slope m 
for the second hyper- 
bola is found by the 
process of Art. 71, it is 

seen to be « = -;— as 

in equation (10) of that 

It is thus seen that 
the same line is a di- 
ameter of each hyper- 
bola, and bisects a sys- 
tem of chords in each. 


1. Find the equation of the diameter of the ellipse ix' + 9 1/' = 36, 
bisecting chords of slope 2. 

2. Prove that the lines 2y + Zx = and 2 2/ + a; = are conju- 
gate diameters of the hyperbola 3x^ — 4 j/^ = 12. 

3. Find the equation of the diameter of the parabola y' = 8x bi- 
secting chords parallel to the polar of (3, 4) with respect to the parabola. 

4. Prove by means of equations (1) and (2), Art. 72, that a pair of 
conjugate diameters of the ellipse he in different quadrants, and that a 


pair of conjugate diameters of the hyperbola lie in the same quadrant 
and on opposite sides of the asymptotes. 

6. Lines are drawn joining the extremities of the major and minor 
axes of an ellipse. Prove that the diameters parallel to these are con- 

6. Find the equation of the diameter of the parabola j/' = 4:x 
through the point (1, 2). Also find the equation of the chords which it 

7. Given an extremity of a diameter of the ellipse x' + 2y^ = 24: is 
(4, .2). Find the extremities of the conjugate diameter. 

8. Find the equation of the chord of the hyperbola x^ — 2 y^ = 4 
through (3, 1) which is bisected by the diameter 2y = x. 

9. Find the equation of that chord of the ellipse a;^ + 4 2/^ = 16 
which is bisected at (1, 1). 

10. Prove that the tangent at the extremity of a diameter of an 
ellipse is parallel to the conjugate diameter. 

Hint. — Let Pi (si, yi) be the extremity of a diameter. Find the 
equation of the tangent and of the conjugate diameter. 

11. Prove that the polar of any point Pi (xi, yC) on a diameter of 
an ellipse is parallel to the conjugate diameter. 

12. Write the equation of the diameter of the parabola ^' = 4 pa; 
which bisects chords of slope m. Prove that the tangent at the ex- 
tremity of this diameter is parallel to the chords. 

13. In the rectangular hyperbola x'^ — y'^ = a?, a diameter passes 
through the point Pi {xi, yi) on the hyperbola. If Pj is the point in 
which the conjugate diameter cuts the conjugate hyperbola, prove 
OPi = OP2. 

73. Confocal conies. — Consider the equation 

in which X is an arbitrary constant and a>b. 

1st. If X is positive, or negative and > —6', equation (1) 
represents an ellipse. 

From equation (28), Art. 51, the distance from the center 
to the focus is 

Via" + X) - (62 + X) = Va? - ¥. 


Therefore the eUipses have the same foci for every value of X. 
Y If X is positive, the 

ellipses lie without 

-' + ^' = 1, and if it 

is negative, they he 
^ within. 

2nd. If X is nega- 
tive and is such that 
— b^>'K> —a', equa- 
tion (1) represents an 
Let X = — Xi, then equation (1) may be written 


= 1, 

a" - Xi Xi - 62 
and the distance from the center to the focus is 
V{a^ - Xi) + (Xi - ¥) = Va' - ¥. 
It is therefore seen that the equation 
__£!_, _j1_^ 1 

represents a set of eUipses and hyperbolas all having the 
same foci. 

The curves of the system represented by this equation are 
called confocal conies. 


1. Show that through the point (2, 1), two conies of the system 


= 1 may be drawn. Find their equations and plot the 

1 + 1= landx'-y^ =3. 

2. Find the equations of the tangents at (2, 1) on the conies foimd in 
exercise 1. Prove that these tangents are perpendicular. 

7 + X ' 1 + \ 
curves. Ans. 



74. The general equation of second degree 

Ax^ + Bxy + Cy® + D« + £y + F = (1) 

represents a conic section whose axes are inclined at an angle 
6 with the axes of coordinates, 6 being the positive acute value 
determined from the equation 


tan 2 9 = -r r^- 

A — L 

Proof. — It will first be shown that it is always possible 
to so rotate the axes as to cause the xy-\^vm. to vanish. 

Making the substitutions from Art. 39, x = x' cos d — 
y' sin 6, y = x' sin 6 + y' cos d, equation (1) becomes 

A (x' cos e - y' sin ey + B {x' cos Q - y' sin %) 
\x' sin + y' cos 0) + C (x' sin Q -\- y' cos ffy 
+ D {x' cos % -y' sin S)-k-B {x' sin Q -\- y' cos 6) 
+ F = 0, (2) 

which when expanded and collected is 

x'^ {A cos^ + B sin e cos + C sin^ S) 

+ x'y' (-2 A sin e cos 9 - 5 sin^ Q ■\- B cos" 9 

+ 2 C sin cos B) + y'^ (A sin^ - B sin S cos 5 

+ C cos^ e) + a;' (D cos + S sin 0) 

+ 2/'(^cose-Dsin0)+/?' = O. (3) 

The x'y' term will vanish if its coefficient is 0, that is, if 

- 2 A sin e cos e - 5 sin^ ff + B cos^ e + 2 C sin cos = 0, (4) 



or if B (cos=i e - sin2 ff) = {A-C)2 sin cos d, (5) 

or 5 cos2e = (A - C) sin29, (6) 

or tan 2 = . _ ^ - (7) 

Since the tangent of an angle may have any value from 
— 00 to + 00 , it is therefore always possible to rotate the 
axes through such an angle that the xy-ieria shaU vanish. 

Moreover, since any number may be the tangent of an 
angle in the first or second quadrant, there is always a value 
of 2 < 180° and a corresponding value oi 6 < 90° which 
satisfy equation (7). The positive acute value of d will 
always be chosen. 

The xy-iercn having been removed, the general equation 

A V + Cy + D'x + E'y + F' = 0. (8) 

An equation of this form represents 

(a) a circle if A' = C (this case never arises when 

5 7^ in the general equation). 
(6) a parabola if A' and E' are present with C" absent 

or if C and D' are present with A' absent. 

(c) an elHpse if A' and C are positive and unequal. 

(d) an hyperbola if A' and C have unUke signs (except 

where the equation can be resolved into first 
degree factors). 

(e) a pair of straight Unes. When A' and C have 

unhke signs, the equation can frequently be 
factored and thus represents a pair of straight 
lines. When A' and D' each equal 0, or C and 
E' each equal 0, the equation always represents 
a pair of parallel lines, distinct, coincident, or 



By first removing the xy-tena, determine the nature and position of 
the curve whose equation is IQx' — 2ixy + 9 y' — S5x — SOy + 175 
= and plot the locus. 

Rotate the axes through an angle e, by substituting a; = a;' cos fl — 
y' sin e and y = x' siaB + y' cos 9, in the equation 

16 a;2 - 24 sv + 9 3/2 - 85 X - 30 2/ + 175 = 0. (1) 

This gives 

16 (x' cos e — y' sin 6)' — 24 (x' cos 6 — y' sin 6) (x' sin O+y' cos 6) 
+ 9{x'sia.e+ y' cos ey - 85 (x' cos 8 - y' sax 8) 
- 30 {x' sin 9 + 2/' cos e) + 175 = 0. (2) 


a;'" (16 cos2 9-24 sin fl cos 9 + 9 sin^ 8) 

+ x'y' ( -24 cos" 9 + 24 sin^ fl - 14 sin 8 cos 9) 

+ 2/'2 (16 sin2 9 + 24 sin 9 cos 9 + 9 cos^ 9) - x' (85 cos 9+30 sin 9) 

+ y' (85 sin 9 - 30 cos 9) + 175 = 0. 

The x'y'-teira will vanish if 

—24 cos2 9 + 24 sm2 9 - 14 sin 9 cos 9 = 0, 
or if 24 cos 2 9 = —7 sin 2 9, 

or tan 2 9 = -Y- 

If tan 2 9 = - Y> then sin 2 9 = ff and cos 2 9 = —i 

2 5* 

3 = 3 
! 5" 


TTTu • ^ 4 /l - cos 2 9 t/l 
Whence sm 9 = y ^ ^ V ~ 

„ 4 /i + cos 2 9 4 /r 
cos9 = y-^ii2 — = V- 

Substituting in equation (3) and 
clearing of fractions, 

y" + 2y' = 3x' - f, (4) 
or (y' + l)"* = 3 (x' - 2). (5) 

This is seen to be a parabola which 
when referred to the new axes has its 
vertex at (2, — 1), principal axis par- 
allel to the X-axis, and distance from 
vertex to focus f , Constructing both 
sets of axes and the curve, the figure 
is as shown, 

Y T X' 

i < 

^ A' 

3p I ji 

3s Z^ 

s, j/ ^ 

^v *l/ ,'' 

•s ^ _,7 


5 5' zL 


X,^^ 5^^ 

12- ^ : 




75. Test for distinguishing the type of conic when the 
equation contains the «y-terni. — Comparing equations (3) 
and (8), Art. 74, it is seen that 

A' = AcosH + Bsindcosd + Csm^e, (9) 

• B' = Bcos2d- {A-C)sm2e, (10) 

C = A sin^ e- Bsmdcose + C cos" 6. (11) 

Adding (9) and (11) and applying trigonometry, 

A' + C = A + C. (12) 

Subtracting (9) and (11) and applying trigonometry, 

A' -C = {A-C)cos2d + Bsm2e. (13) 

Squaring (10) and (13) and adding, 

(A' - Cy + B"" = (A - Cy + B\ (14) 

Squaring (12) and subtracting from (14), 

B'^-^A'C = B^ -'LAC. (15) 

If is so chosen that tan 2 = a _ p , then 5' = and 

-4A'C'=- B^-4:AC. 

It was shown in the previous article that if the given 
conic is a parabola either A' or C = 0. Therefore B^ 
-AAC = 0. 

If the given conic is an ellipse. A' and C have the same 
sign, therefore 5^ — 4 AC < 0. 

If the given conic is an hyperbola, A' and C have oppo- 
site signs, therefore B^ — 4 AC > 0. 

A + C and B^ — 4 AC can be shown to remain unchanged 
when the equation is translated to a new origin. Since 
these combinations of coefficients are unchanged by both 
rotation and translation, they are called invariants. 



1. Simplify the following equations by removing the xy-term. Plot 
both pairs of axes and the curve. 

(a) 9 x2 - 24 Ki/ + 16 2/2 - 80 X - 60 2/ + 100 = 0. 
(6) x^ + ixy + iy^ +x + 2y -2 =0. 
(c) 7 y' - iS xy - 7 x^ + 30 X - 40 y = 0. 

2. By rotation and translation, reduce the following equations to 
their simplest form. Plot the three sets of axes and the curve. Check 
the result by finding the nature of the conic by the method of this 

(o) 5x2 - 6x2/ + 52/2 - 2 V2 (x + 2/) - 6 = 0. 
(6) 7x2 -48x2/ -72/2 + 701 + 102/ + 100 = 0- 

(c) 2 x2 + 3 X2/ - 2 2/2 + 3 X + 2/ + 1 = 0. 

(d) 4 x2 - 4 X2/ + 2/2 + 8 X - 4 2/ = 5. 

(e) 16x2 - 24x2/ + 92/2 - 45x - 6O2/ - 400 = 0. 

76. Conic through five points. — Since the general equa- 
tion of second degree, Ax^ + Bxy + Cy^ -{■ Dx -\- Ey + F 
= 0, has six constants any one of which can be divided out, 
it is seen that only five of these are independent. There- 
fore five conditions are sufficient to determine the equation 
of a conic. In particular, this fact makes it possible to 
write the equation of a conic through five given points. 

Write the equation of the conic through the 5 points (0, 0), (0, 1), 
(1, 2), (1, -2), (5, 0). 

The general equation Ax2 + Bxy + Cy' + Dx + Ey + F = 0, after 
dividing by A, takes the form 

x2 + bxy + cy' + dx + ey +f = 0. 

Substituting the coordinates of the given points, five equations result 

as follows: 

/ = 0, 

c+e+f = 0, 

l+2b + 4c + d + 2e+/ = 0, 

l-2b + ic + d-2e+f = 0, 

25 + 5d+/ = 0. 


Solving these equations simultaneously, 6 = 1, c = l, d=— 5, 
e = — 1, and / = 0. Therefore the equation of the conic is 
x'+xy + y' — 5x — y = 0. 

If the equation of the conic through five given points is such that a? 
is not present, it would not be permissible to divide the general equation 
by A in the first step of the solution, and if such step is taken, the equa- 
tions determined lead to contradiction. This diflBculty can be avoided 
by dividing by some other constant. This is illustrated in Ex. 2 which 


1. Find the equations of the conies through the following points: 
(a) (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1), (-1, 2). 

(6) (0, 1), (2, 1), (1, 0), (2, 0), (1, f). 

(c) (-4, 0), (0, -2), (1, 0), (-5, -2), (1, 5). 

2. Find the equation of the conic through (0, -2), (0, 3), (-2, 0), 
(1, 3), (1, -3). 

Hint. — Divide the general equation by C. 

3. Find the equation of the conic through the point (3, 2) and 
through the points of intersection oi x' + y' = 25 and xy = 12. Plot 
all loci. 

Hint. — Use Art. 16. 

4. Find the equation of the conic through the point ( — 1, 1) and 
through the points of intersection oii3?-\-ixy + y^ — ix — 2y = 
and x'' + y'-ix-3y = 0. Plot all loci. 

5. What relation must hold between the coefficients of a:^ + bxy + 
ci/^ + dx -\- ey + f = in order that its locus shall be tangent to the x- 
axis. Find the equation of a conic passing through (3, 2), ( — 1, 2), (3, 8), 
and tangent to the ataxia at (1, 0). 

6. Find the equation of the conic through ( — 1, 0), (9, 0),-( — 1, 6), 
and tangent to the y-axis at (0, 3). Plot all loci. 

Hint. — Use oa^ + bxy + ■)/' + dx + ey+f = Oas the equation of 
the conic. 

7. Find the equation of the parabola through the four points (0, 0), 
(1, 0), (0, 1), and (2, 1). Make use of the fact that in the parabola 
^2 = 4 AC. 



77. Loci of transcendental equations. — Thus far the 
discussions have been largely concerned with algebraic 
equations, that is, with equations involving variables 
raised to constant powers. In this chapter, attention will 
be given to other forms of equations such as y = a", 
y = sinx, y = log x, etc. Such equations are called 
transcendental equations. 

Many of the steps taken in the discussion and plotting of 

such curves are the same as those used in algebraic equa- 

• tions, but there are some respects in which they require 

different treatment. A few examples will illustrate the 

method to be used. 

78. The exponential curve y = a", where a is a positive 
constant. In the following discussion, a will be taken as 
greater than 1. A similar discussion would result from 
taking o less than 1, in which case the figure would be 
changed in position, but not in character. 

1st. Intercepts. — Let x = 0, then y = a" = 1, whence the 
curve cuts the y-axis at the point (0, 1). Let y = 0, then 
a; = — 00. 

2nd. Symmetry. — If y is replaced by —y, the equation 
is changed, therefore the curve is not symmetrical with 
respect to the a;-axis. If x is replaced by —x, the equation 
is changed, therefore the curve is not symmetrical with 
respect to the y-axis. If x is replaced by —x and y by —y, 
the equation is changed, therefore the curve is not symmet- 
rical with respect to the origin. 



3rd. Extent. — It is seen that y is real for all values of x 
from —00 to +ix>, also that as x increases from to +<x>, 
y increases from 1 to + oo , and as x decreases from to — oo , 
y decreases from 1 to 0. 

Solving for x in terms oi y, x = log^i/, from which it is 
seen that x is real for all positive values of y. All negative 
values of y are excluded since there are no logarithms of 
negative numbers. 

4iA. Asymptotes. — In the equation y = a", it is seen that 
no finite value of x will make y infinite, therefore there are 
no asymptotes parallel to the 2/-axis. In the equation 
X = logo y, the only finite value of y which makes x infinite 
isy = 0, therefore y = is the only horizontal asymptote. 

In plotting the curve, it is necessary to assign some value to 
a. The following table of values is computed for a = 3, from 
which the curve y = S" is plotted. 


















The exponential curve of most frequent occurrence is 
y = e^, in which e = 2.718+. This mmiber, 2.718+, is of 
great importance in all higher mathematics. 

The student is asked to plot the three curves y = 2^, 
y = e", and y = 3"^, using the same set of axes. Discuss 
the effect of an increase in a on the form of the curve. (Use 
e = 2.7.) Plot the locus y = (|)^ 


79. Relation between natural and common logarithms. 

— A system of logarithms in which the base is 10 is called 
a system of common logarithms. 

A system of logarithms in which the base is e is called a 
system of natural logarithms. 

The common logarithm of a mmaber N is the exponent 
of the power to which 10 must be raised to give N. If 
X = common logarithm of N, then 

logioiV = a; or N = IQ'. (1) 

The natural logarithm of a number N is the exponent of 
the power to which e must be raised to give N. U y = nat- 
ural logarithm of N, then 

loge N = y or N = e". (2) 

Equating the values of N from equations (1) and (2), 

e" = 10^ (3) 

Taking the common logarithm of each member of (3), 

y logio e = X logio 10 (4) 

Therefore the natural logarithm of a number is equal to 
the common logarithm of that number multiplied by 2.302. 

For rough calculations of natural logarithms, a table of 
common logarithms may be used and each logarithm mul- 
tipUed by 2i 

In all higher mathematics when no base is expressed, the 
base e is understood. 

80. The logarithmic curve, y = lege x. — 

1st. Intercepts. — When x = 0, y = - oo ; when y = 0, 
X = 1, therefore the curve cuts the a;-axis at the point (1, 0) 
and has no finite intercept on the y-axis. 


2nd. Symmetry. — As in the exponential equation, it can 
be shown that the curve is not symmetrical with respect to 
the a;-axis, y-axis, or origin. 

3rd. Extent. — Solving for y in terms oi x, y = log« x, 
from which it is seen that y is real for all positive values of 
X, but that all negative values of x are excluded, since there 
are no logarithms of negative numbers. 

Solving for x in terms oi y, x — e", from which it is seen 
that x is real for all values of y from — oo to +00 , also that 
as y increases from to + 00 , a; increases from 1 to + 00 , and 
as y decreases from to — 00 , a; decreases from 1 to 0. 

4ih. Asymptotes. — In the equation y = loge x, it is seen 
that a; = is the only finite value which makes y infinite, 
while in the equation x = e", there is no finite value of' y 
which makes x infinite, a; = is then the only asymptote 
parallel to the axes. 

Computing a table of values, and plotting the points, the 
figure is as shown. 




— 00 

— 00 


- .301 

- .693 

















-J- - - - 


It will be observed that the logarithmic equation y = loge x 
or X = e" is the same as the exponential equation y = e"" with 
X and y interchanged. Hence the curve in this article might 
have been constructed in a manner identical with that used 
in Art. 78, except that values would have been assigned to y, 
and X computed. 


These curves are of very frequent occurrence in expressing 
the laws of physics, and especially in problems of electro- 
motive force. 


1. Construct the curves y — e^ and y = e~* with the same axes and 
show that these curves are symmetrical with respect to the ^-axis. 

2. Plot the locus oiy = loga x by changing to an exponential equa- 
tion and assigning values to y to find the coordinates of points on the 

3. Discuss and plot the loci of the following equations: 

(a) 2/ = e^^. 

(Jb) y = 3 er^. 

{c)y = e '\ 

ie) y = 2 log. (x + 1). 


(d) 2/ = 2 logic (a: + 1). 

(g) y = e"\ 

(i) ^=loge(l-2a;). 

(fc) y = e-^. 

Qi) y = 2 logio (1 + 3 a;) 
(/) y = log. (1 + e*). 

{ni)y = h (e- + e-). * (n) y = | (j ^ /-). 

(o) a; = He* + e""). (p) y = log. (1 - x^). 

e' — 1 
(g) X = log. (2/ + 2). (r) ^ = log. ^ ■^ - 

81. The sine curve, y = sin*. — 

ls<. Intercepts. — When x = 0, y = 0. When y = 0, 
X = mn~^ = 0, TT, 2 IT, Sir, etc., — x, — 2 7r, — Stt, etc. 
Therefore the curve intersects the y-axis at the origin only, 
but intersects the a;-axis at an infinite number of points at 
intervals of tt. 

2nd. Symmetry. — When y is replaced by —y, the equation 
is changed, therefore the curve is not sjnmnetrical with re- 
spect to the X-axis. When x is replaced by —x, the equation 
is changed, therefore the curve is not symmetrical with re- 
spect to the 2/-axis. When x is replaced by —a; and y by —y, 

* The locus of equation (n) is of frequent occurrence. It is called a 
catenary and has the form assumed by a heavy flexible cord suspended 
between two points. 


the equation is unchanged, therefore the curve is symmetri- 
cal with respect to the origin. 

3rd. Extent. — Solving for y in terms oi x,y = sin x, from 
which it is seen that y is real for every value of x from — oo to 
+ 00 . Moreover, it is seen that as x increases from to § t, 
y increases from to 1 ; as a; increases from ^ tt to ir, y de- 
creases from 1 to 0; as a; increases from x to | x, 2/ decreases 
from to —1; as x increases from ^ir to 2t, y increases 
from — 1 to 0. 

Since sin (x + 2 rnr) = sin x, where n is any integer, posi- 
tive or negative, it follows that if the curve is plotted from 
a; = to a; = 2 X, the remainder of the curve can be obtained 
by moving the portion already plotted, right and left along 
the a;-axis through successive multiples of 2 x. 

Solving for x in terms oi y, x = sin~' y, from which it is 
seen that x is real for aU values of y between — 1 and +1, but 
that points whose ordinates are > 1 or < — 1 are excluded. 

ith. Asymptotes. — Since no finite value of either variable 
will make the other infinite, there are no asymptotes parallel 
to the axes. 

In plotting curves of this type, it is customary to measure 
x in radian measure, using x = 3.1416 when laying off abscis- 
sas on the a;-axis. 

Plotting points in this way, the curve is found to be as 





x = 3.14 

1= -^2 


lir = 3.66 

- .5 

1 = 1.04 


f7r = 4.18 

- .86 

1 = 1.57 


1^ = 4.71 


f7r = 2.09 

It = 2.61 

IT = 3.14 


|ir = 5.23 

Vx = 5.75 

27r = 6.28 

- .86 

- .5 



82. Periodic functions. — The sine curve, discussed in 
the last article, is an illustration of a class called periodic 
functions. They are marked by the characteristic that 
when a definite constant is added to the variable, the function 
is unchanged. In the case of the sine function just discussed, 
this constant was 2 nx where n was any integer. The least 
positive value of this constant is called the period of the 
function. In this case the period is 2 x. 

In plotting periodic functions, it is necessary to construct 
only that portion of the curve belonging to one period. The 
entire curve can then be sketched by use of the fact that its 
values are repeated in each successive period. 

83. The curve y = a sin fe«. — Since sin kx = sin {kx + 27r) 

= sin fc (a; + -77 ), therefore the period is -r-- 

The values of sin kx vary between —1 and +1, hence the 
values of y vary between —a and +a. 

It is seen that the factor k divides the period and the factor 
a multiphes the function. 

Letting fc = 2 and a = 3, the following table is computed : 


sin 2 1 



sin 2x 







- .707 












- .707 





This table, together with a discussion similar to that used 
in the sine curve, shows the locus to be as follows: 

Exercises. — Plot y = sin^, y = sin x, y = sin 2 x, using 

the same set of axes for the three curves. 

Plot 2/ = I sin a;, y = sinx, y = 2 sin x, using the same 
set of axes for the three curves. 

84. The tangent curve, y = tan x. — Since tan x = 
tan (ir + a;), therefore the period of this curve is tt. 

Is*. Intercepts. — li x = 0, y = 0. li y = 0, x = 0, v, 
2ir,Zir, etc., — ir, — 2 tt, —3 tt, etc. Therefore the ciu^e in- 
tersects the j/-axis at the origin only, but intersects the x- 
axis at an infinite number of points at intervals of it. 

2nd. Symmetry. — When y is replaced by —y, the equation 
is changed, therefore the curve is not symmetrical with respect 
to the a;-axis. When x is replaced by —x, the equation is 
changed, therefore the curve is not symmetrical with respect 
to the 2/-axis. When x is replaced by —a; and yhy —y, the 
equation is unchanged, therefore the curve is symmetrical 
with respect to the origin. 

3rd. Extent. — Solving for y in terms o{ x,y = tan x, from 
which it is seen that y is real for every value of x from — oo to 



+ 00 . Moreover, it is seen that as x increases from to ir/2, 
y increases from to + oo and as x increases from ir/2 to ir, y 
increases from — oo to 0. Since the period of this curve is t, 
the values of the 
function are re- 
peated beyond this 

Solving for x in 
terms of 2/, a; = tan~' y, 
from which it is seen 
that X is real for 
all values of y from 

— 00 to + 00 . 

4ih. Asymptotes. — y = oo when x = ±ir/2, ±3 ir/2, 
±5 ir/2, etc. These lines are asymptotes to the curve. 




1. Discuss and plot the loci of the following equations: 

(o) y = cos X. 

(6) y = cot X. 

(c) y = sec X. 

(d) y = tan -J- 

, . . TX 

(e) y = sin y 

(/) y = tan^a;. 

(g) y = sin" x. 

(h) 2/2 = tan x. 

(i) 2/ = cot -g 

2. (o) Plot y = cosr 

' a; or a; = cos y. 

(6) In example (o), rotate the axes through — 7r/2 radians and show 
that the equation becomes y = cos x. Plot the locus oi y = cos x 
referred to the new axes and show that the same curve is obtained as 
in (a). 

3. Prove that the sine curve differs from the cosine curve only in 
position by finding the equation oi y = sin x when the axes are trans- 
lated to new origin (7r/2, 0). 

4. Plot the locus oi y = esc x. Draw ordinates at a; = ir/8 and 
a; = 3 7r/8, and thus compute the cosecant of ir/8 and 3 w/S. Check 
results from a table of natural functions. 

6. Find the equation oi y = sin (x — ir/4) when the axes are trans- 
lated to new origin at (t/4, 0). Draw both sets of axes and the curve. 


6. Find the period and the greatest value of the function in each of 
the following equations. Plot each locus. 

(6) 2/ = 4 cos 3 X. 

(a) 2/ = 2 sin 2 x. 


(d) 2/ = 4 sin 


(e) y = ooty 

(c) 2/ = 3 tan 2 x. 
(J) y = cos \x - Ij- 

(i) 2/ = tan 



(g) y = 5 cos -r- (/j) y = sec 2a;. 
Discuss and plot the loci of the following equations: 
(a) 2/ = tan-i a;. (6) 2/ = sec"' x. (c) 2/ = cot ( ^ + 1 ) * 

(d) y = log sec x. (e) y = log esc a;. (f) y = xsiax. 
85. Loci of parametric equations. — It is sometimes con- 
venient to express the coordinates x and y in terms of a third 
variable, thus a; = i', y = f. 

The third variable in such cases is called the parameter and 
the two equations are called the parametric equations of the 
curve. It is often possible to eliminate the parameter and 
thus derive the equation of the curve in rectangular coordi- 
nates. Thus, in the above example, from the first equa- 
tion t = '^. From the second equation, t = Vj/, whence 
Vy = ■^ ov if = x^. It is not always possible, however, 
to eliminate the parameter, and even when possible it is not 
always desirable. 

To plot the graphs of such equations, values are assigned 
to the parameter and the corresponding values of x and y 
computed. The points on the»eurve are then located from 
the corresponding values of x and y. The parameter does 
not appear in plotting the graph. Thus in the preceding 
problem, if values are assigned to t, the following table of 
values of x and y is obtained: 











- 1 






- 8 










The parameter usually represents time or some geometric 
magnitude, but may be any quantity whatever. 

It is often possible to obtain equations of curves by means 
of a third variable which connects x and y, when it would be 
extremely difficult to derive the equation directly, without 
use of this variable. A nimiber of important equations wiU 
be derived by this method in Art. 86. 


1. Plot the locus of 

a; = a (0 — sin (^), y = al^ — cos ^). 







i= -^2 



■.02 a 







^ = 1.57 



fir = 2.09 


- .5 



fx = 2.61 


- .86 



n- = 3.14 




J7r = 3.66 

- .5 

- .86 



|7r = 4.18 

- .86 

- .5 



^T = 4.71 



Jx = 5.23 

- .86 




V IT = 5.75 

- .5 




2x = 6.28 


6.28 a 


This is a periodic function of period 2 ir, since when the values of i^ in 
the above table are increased by 2 v, x Ls increased by 2 wa, and y re- 
mains unchanged. There are therefore an infinite number of arches 
like the one shown below. 

2. If a projectile is thrown with initial velocity V ft. per second, 
at an angle <t> with the horizon, it is found that the equation of its path 
is (resistance of air neglected), x = Vt cos <t>, y = Vtsin <^ — 16 P, where 
t represents the time in seconds. If 7 = 640 ft. per sec. and (ji = 30°, 
plot the locus traced by the projectile and show that the equation of 
its path in rectangular coordinates represents a parabola. 

The parametric equations are 

X = 320 VSi. 

2/ = 320 < - 16 <2 = 16 < (20 - 0- 


Compute a table of values and locate points as in the preceding 















Since u = when t = 20, the greatest value of x is at the end of 20 
seconds and is equal to 11,072 ft. This is called the range. The 
greatest height is when t = 10, and is equal to 1600 ft. 


In equation (1) above, t = ;= . Substituting. this value in (2), 

320 V3 

_ _s x^ 

^ ~ Vl ~ 19,200' 

or {x - 3200 Vs)" = - 19,200 (2/ - 1600), 

a parabola with vertex at (3200 Vs, I6OO), and passing through the 

In finding the locus corresponding to a pair of parametric equations, 
it is often convenient to eliminate the parameter before plotting. 


1. Plot the loci of the following equations by assigning values to t 
and computing x and y: 

(a) X = 4.P, y = 2t. (b) x = t - 1, y = tK 

Ic) X = t - 1, y = 3fi - 6t. (d) X = 6f, y = 1 + St. 

(e) 4 a; = <', 4 2/ = i^. (f) x = 5 cos t, y = Saiat. 

{g) X = 2 sin t, y = 3 cos t. (h) x = sect, y = tan t. 

(i) X = siat, y = sin2 t. (J) x'^ = t, y = log (t — 9). 

(fc) a; = sin 0, 2/ = cos 2 <^. (Z) a; = 1 + cos <i>, ^ = 2 cos § 1^. 

(to) a; = (k^, 2/ = a (1 — cos <^). (n) x = loge t, y = h P. 

2. Eliminate the parameter in Ex. 1 (c), (d), (/), (g), (h), (fc), and 
(/). Name the curve and reduce to a standard form in each case. 

3. A projectile leaves a gun with a velocity of 800 feet per second, 
the barrel of the gun being elevated at an angle tan~' J with the horizon- 
tal. Find the equation of its path, using the equations in illustrative 
example 2. Eliminate the parameter and show that the curve is a 
parabola. Find the range and the highest point reached. 

3 3 

4. Prove that 2a; = 3< + 7, 3y = 3t — j, and a; = 3 sec 0, y = 

t t 

2 tan 6 represent the same curve. Plot the curve. 
6. Plot the loci of the following equations: 

(a) x = a {e + sin e), y = a (1 — cos 9). 

lb) X = a (2 cos < — cos 2 t), y = a(2 sin t — Bin 2 t). 

{c) X = a cos' t, y = a sin' t. 

- 3a< _ 3aP 

W a; - ^_^^3, 2/ - i+ja" 


86. Derivation of parametric equations. — Many equa- 
tions of great importance in tlieir applications, as well as 
in historical interest, are most readily derived in the form of 
parametric equations. In some cases this parameter can in 
the end be easily eliminated, while in others the parametric 
is the only practicable form of the result. A few illustrations 
will show the value of the parameter in finding the equations 
of curves often used in higher mathematics. 

87. The Cycloid. — If a circle rolls along a straight 
line, the locus traced by a fixed point in its circumference is 
the cycloid. 





«X J 







The equation is derived as follows: 

Let the given straight fine be taken as the a;-axis, and let 
P [x, y) represent any point on the rolling circle of radius a. 
Take as origin the fixed point on the a;-axis from which P 
started to move. From the a;-axis erect perpendiculars NC 
to C, the center of the circle, and MP to P, any position of 
the generating point. Let B represent the angle NCP. 

x = OM =^0N - MN = arc FN - PR = ad - asm 6, 
y = MP = NC - RC = a - acosd. 

Therefore, the parametric equations of the cycloid are 

X = a{& — sine), 
y = a (1 — cos 9). 



88. The epicycloid. — If a circle rolls upon a fixed circle, 
a point on the circumference of the rolUng circle generates a 
figure called the epicycloid. 

Let a circle of radius b roll upon a fixed circle of radius a, 
and let P, a point on the rolling circle, generate the epicycloid. 
Take as origin the 
center of the fixed cir- 
cle and as a;-axis OA, 
A being the point at 
which P coincides with 
the fixed circle. From 
C the center of the 
rolling circle and from 
P {x, y), any position 
of the generating point, 
draw NC and MP per- 
pendicular to OX, also 
RP perpendicular to 
NC. Let angle NOC 
= 6 and OCP = 4>. It can be seen from the figure that 

NCP = <t>- (90° -e) = <j> + e- 90°. 

Therefore, sin NCP = -cos (0 + 6) 
and cos NCP = sin (<^ + S). 

But by hypothesis, arc AK = arc PK ot ad = 6<^, whence 

Therefore, sin NCP = - cos (y + (?) = - cos ^^y-^ 6 

and cos NCP = sin (^ + e\ = sin ~^ 8. 

x = OM = 0N + NM = OC cose + CPsinNCP 

= (a + b) cos $ — b cos — r — 6, 

y = MP = NC - RC = OC sine - CPcosNCP 

= {a + b)sm6 — b sin 

The equations of the epicycloid therefore are 


a + b 

X = {a + b) cos e — b cos 


y = (a + b) sin 6 — b sin — r — 0. 

When a and b are equal the curve is called a cardioid. 
Its equation is 

X = 2a cos 9 — a cos 2 6, 
y = 2 a sin 9 — a sin 2 8. 

89. The h3rpocycloid. — If a circle rolls within a fixed 

circle, a point on the 
circumference of the 
rolUng circle generates 
a figure called the hy- 
^ From the adjoining 
figure, the equation can 
be derived in a manner 
similar to that used in 
the preceding article, or 
the result may be ob- 
tained from the equa- 
tions of the epicycloid by substituting —b for b. In either 
case the results are 

X = {a — b) cos 9 + b cos [—^ — ) 9, 
y = (a — b) sin 9 — b sin ( — j- — j 9. 



90. Hypocycloid of four cusps. — A particular case of 
the hypocycloid in which 6 = J a is of frequent occurrence. 
Making this substitution in the equation just obtained, 

X = -; 


T a cos + T cos 3 6, 
4 4 ' 

T a sin 5 — 7 sin 3 5. 
4 4 

Changing sin 3 B and cos 3 to terms of 6, these become 
x = ja cos 5 + 2 (4 cos' — 3 cos 6) = a cos' 6, 

1/ = J a sin — J (3 sin fl — 4 sin' 6) = a sin' fl. 

From the foregoing, 

Adding, the result is 

x^ = a^ cos^ 9, 
y^ = a^ sin^ d. 

X' + y^ = a'. 

91. The path of a piojectile. — The path traced by a 
body which is projected at a given angle and with a given 
velocity is a curve of much im- 

Let 0, the initial position of 
the projectile, be taken as the 
origin and take OX and OF in 
horizontal and vertical posi- 
tions, respectively. Let Vo de- 
note the initial velocity, <^ the 
angle which the initial direction 
of the projectile makes with the horizontal, and t the time. 

If there were no force acting other than that which origi- 
nally projected the body, the path would be the straight line 
OR, the distance OR being Vot. 


The principal force tending to deflect the body from a 
straight hne is the action of gravity which tends to pull it 
vertically downward. Let P represent the position of the 
body after t seconds, gravity alone being considered. 

The ordinate of the point at which the body is found after 
t seconds is MP instead of MR, the difference being PR which 
is proved in mechanics to be 16 f. Then 

X = OM = OR cos (j> = Vot cos <^, 

y = MP = MR - PR = Fo< sin <^ - 16 <«. 


Eliminating t, the curve is found to be the parabola 


y = X tan <|> — 

Fo'^ cos'' <|) 

In the preceding problem, no account has been taken of the 
resistance of the air or of other forces of which careful account 
is taken in figuring the paths of projectiles in mihtary prac- 

Exercise. — Find the path of a body which is projected 
with an initial velocity of 300 feet per second, in a direction 
incHned 45° with the horizontal. 

92. The witch of Agnesi. — A circle of radius a hes be- 
tween two paral- 
lel tangents OX 
and RS. A chord 
is drawn through 
the point of tan- 
gency to the 
other tangent, 
meeting the circle 
at K and the tan- 
gent at Q. 

Perpendiculars are dropped from Q to OX and from K to 
OX and MQ. The locus of the intersection P is the witch. 



Let e = the angle XOQ. Then 

X = OM = RQ = 2acote. • 

y = MP = NK = OKsine = 2asiii^e 

(since the angle OKR is inscribed in a semi- 

Eliminating B, y = 

8 a' 

a;^ + 4 a^ 

93. The cissoid. — A circle of radius a passes through 
the origin and has its center 
on the line OA which is taken 
as the axis of x. A chord OR 
meets the tangent AN in the 
point N. If the point P on OR 
is so chosen that OP = RN, 
the point will describe the cis- 
soid. Let d = the angle AON 
and draw MP and QR per- 
pendicular to OX, and RS 
perpendicular to AN. Then 

x = OM = QA = OA 
y = MP = SN = AN 

OQ = 2 a - 2 a cos^ 6 = 2 asin^d. 
AS = 2a tan 9 — 2asmd cos 6 
= 2asmd (sec 6 — cos 8). 

The parametric equations of the cissoid are 

cos 6). 

X = 2asin''e, 

y = 2 a sin 6 (sec 9 

Solving the first for sin 6, sin 6 
Substituting in the second, j/' = 

V 2a 


2a — X 

Exercise. — Extend the vertical diameter CD to E mak- 
ing CE = 2 CD, and join E to A, Let F be the point where 


AE cuts the curve, and draw the ordinate GF. By means of 
the equation of the curve and similar triangles, prove 
GF' = 2 0^. 

This fact makes it possible to duphcate a given cube. For 
if ai represents the side of a given cube, and a fourth propor- 
tional 02 is found to OG, GF and Oi, then oa will be the side of 
the cube of double volume. 

The cissoid was invented by a Greek mathematician named 
Diodes about 150 B.C. His purpose was to solve the famous, 
problem of dupUcating the cube. 


1. Find the parametric equation of the 
circle with radius a and center at origin, in 
terms of 8, the angle between the a;-axis 
and the radius to any point P. 

2. A radius is drawn from the center 
O of two concentric circles, cutting the 
inner circle at Q and the outer circle at B. 
Perpendiculars are dropped from B to OX 
and from Q to OY. Find the equation of 

the locus traced by the intersection P in terms of the angle 9 = XOR. 
Prove this locus is an eUipse. 

Hint. — Draw the perpendicular NQ. 




94. Rectangular coordinates in space. — If a point is 
located in a plane, its distances from two fixed perpen- 
dicular lines in the plane are determined. If a point is 
located in space, its distances from three perpendicular 
planes are determined. In each case these distances are 
called the coordinates of z 

the point. 

Construct three mutu- 
ally perpendicular planes, 
intersecting in the three 
perpendicular Unes XX', 
YY', and ZZ'. 

The three perpendicu- 
lar planes are caUed the 
coordinate planes ; the 
lines of intersection, the 
coordinate axes; and ^ 

the common point of intersection of the coordinate planes, 
the origin. 

Let P be any point in space. Through P draw planes 
parallel to the coordinate planes forming with them the 
rectangular parallelopiped OLMN — P. The edges, ON 
= X, NM = y, MP = z, are the rectangular coordinates 
of P. These edges measure the distances of P from the 
yz-, XZ-, and xy-plsmes, respectively. It is often convenient 
in locating a point to draw only the lines ON, NM, and 
MP, taking x = ON on the x-axis, y = NM parallel to 



the 2/-axis and z = MP parallel to the 2-axis. Coordinates 
measured to the right, forward, and upward will be con- 
sidered positive and those measured to the left, backward, 
and downward, negative. The eight equal parts into 
which space is divided by the coordinate planes are called 
octants. That octant in which all coordinates are positive 
is called the first octant. There is no estabhshed order in 
numbering the other octants. 

The following suggestions are helpful in constructing 
figures on cross-section paper. Draw the x- and z-axes at 
right angles to each other and lay off units as indicated on 
such paper. Draw the j/-axis making equal angles with the 
other two, and lay off units equal to one-half the diagonal of 
a square whose side is the unit on the x- and z-axes. This 
foreshortening of y-iuiits aids in giving the figure the appear- 
ance of a soUd. 


1. Plot the points (0, 1, 2), (2, 3, 4), (-1, 4, -3), (1, 0, -5), and 
(2, -2, -3). 

2. Where are the points for which a; = 0? v = 0? z = 0? What 
are the equations of the coordinate planes? Where are the points for 
which both x and y = 01 

3. Where are the points for which a; = — 17 j/ = 2? z = o? 

4. Write the coordinates of the points sjmimetrical to the following 
points with respect to each of the axes and with respect to the origin: 

(o) (-1,2,3). (6) (a,fc,c). (c) (-1,0,6). 

6. Find the coordinates of the feet of the perpendiculars drawn from 
the point (2, —1, 3) to each of the coSrdinate planes. 

6. From a point (xi, yi, Zi) perpendiculars are drawn to each of the 
coordinate planes. Find the feet of these perpendiculars. 

95. Distance between two points. — The distance between 
two points Pi {xi, j/i, Zi) and P^ (a^, y^, z^ is given by the 

d = V(*i - *a)8 + (yi - y^r + («i - ^s)"- (40) 



Proof. — Let Pi and Pi represent any two given points, 
and let d rep- s 

resent the dis- 
tance between 
them. Through 
Pi and Pi pass 
planes parallel 
to the coordi- 
nate planes 
forming the 

rectangular , o 

QS of which the 
required dis- 
tance P1P2 is 
the diagonal. ^ 

Since P1QP2 is a right triangle, 

P1P2 = ^M' + QP^, 
also since P2QR is a right triangle. 

PiQ =PiR +RQ = NiN, + LM{. 

Substituting this value of P2Q , 

P1P2 = ^WWl + LMt + QPi'- 
In terms of the coordinates of Pi and P2, 

P1P2 = rf = V(a;i - Xif + (2/1 - ViY + (zi - ZiY- 
As a particular case, let p equal the distance from the origin 
to any point P (x, y, 2), then p = Vx^ + y^ + z^. 

1. Prove that the points (2, 1, 2), (6, -1, -3), (-2, 3, 7) are the 
vertices of an isosceles triangle. 



2. Prove that the points (5, 1, 5), (0, -4, 3), (7, -2, 0), and 
( — 3, 3, 5) lie on a sphere whose center is (1, 2, —1). 

3. Prove that the points (1, 2, 3), (-1, -2, 1), and (3, 6, 5) are on 
the same straight line. 

4. Prove that the points (6, 7, 3), (3, 11, 1), and (0, 3, 4) are the ver- 
tices of a right triangle. 

96. Point of Division. — // the point Ps divides the line 
joining the two points Pi {xi, yi, Zi) and Pi {x2, 2/2, 22) into 

segments such that the ratio p „ = —, the coordinates are given 

jTifi ri 

by the formulas 

ri -\- r2 ri -f- ra rj, + rg 

Proof. — Let Pi and P2 be the given points and let P3 be 
the point which divides the line joining them in the ratio 
n : ri. Draw the lines MiPi, M2P2, and ilf sPs perpendicular 
to the xy-plane. By plane geometry, 

M1M3 _ P1P3 ^ n 
MzMi P3P2 ri 

The hne M\Mi lies in the aiy-plane and the x and y coordi- 
nates of Mi which are also the x and y coordinates of P3 are 
found, as in Art. 8, to be 

rxXj -\- rjXi _ rjyi + r^yi 

ri + ri ' ^' n + ri 

Xs = 


By dropping perpendiculars from Pi, P2, and P3 on either 
of the other coordinate planes, the z-co6rdinate of P3 may be 


1. Find the coordinates of the point which divides the line joining 
(-1, 4, 3) and (-5, -8, 7) in ratio 1 : 3. 

2. One extremity of a Une is at ( — 3, 2, 7) and the middle point is 
( — 1, 4, 2). What are the coordinates of the other extremity? 

3. In what ratio does the point (2, 3, 4) divide the Une joining 
(-1, 4, 5) and (8, 1, 2)? 

4. Find the lengths of the medians of the triangle whose vertices are 
(2, 5,6), (3, -7, 4), and (-1, 1, 2). 

5. In what ratio is the Une joining (5, —1, 4) and (2, —4, —2) 
divided by the xy-pla,ne1 Find the coordinates of the point of inter- 
section with this plane. 

6. The Une joining A (1, 2, 2) and B ( — 1, 3, 1) is produced to C so 
that BC = 3 AB. Find the coordinates of C. 

7. Two vertices of a triangle are (2, 3, 0) and (—2, —3, 4) and the 
center of gravity is (0, 2, f). Find the third vertex. 

8. Prove that the lines joining the middle points of the opposite 
edges of the tetrahedron whose vertices are (0, 0, 0), (a, 0, 0), (6, c, 0), 
and (d, e, f) meet in a point. 

97. Orthogonal projections. — If through a point, a 
plane is passed perpendicular to a given line in space, the 
point in which the line pierces the plane is called the 
projection of the point on the line. 

If through the extremities of a directed segment of a 
line, planes are drawn perpendicular to a given line in 
space, the portion of this line measured from the projection 
of the initial point of the segment to the projection of its 
terminal point is called the projection of the segment on 
the line. 

Thus, in the figure of Art. 95, the projection of P2P1 on the 
a;-axis is NJ^i. 

The angle between two lines which dp not intersect is the 



angle between two intersecting lines respectively parallel to 

the two given lines. 
Thus, in the figure of Art. 95, the angle between the line 

P1P2 and the axis OX is the angle RP2P1. 

Theorem I. — The projection of the segment of a directed 

line upon another line in space is the product of the length of the 

segment by the cosine of the angle between the two lines. 

Proof. — Let 
P1P2 be a directed 
segment making 
an angle 6 with 
AB, any other Une 
in space. The 
planes KL and RS 
through Pi and P2 
perpendicular to 

AB determine the projection MiM^. It is desired to prove 

M1M2 = P1P2 cos e. 

Draw PiQ parallel to AB, piercing the plane RS in N and 
join NP2. By the definition above, the angle QP1P2 = 6. 
The triangle P1NP2 is right angled at N and hence, by trigo- 

M1M2 = PiN = P1P2 cos e. 

Theorem II. — 
The sum of the 
projections on any 
straight line, of the 
segments of the 
broken line joining 
the point A to the 
point B, is equal to 
the projection of the segment AB on that line. 

Given the broken line AEDCB and the straight fine AB 



joining the point A to the point B. Let the projections of 
the points A, B, C, D, and E on RS be A', B', C, D', and E'. 
It is evident that A'E' + E'D' + D'C + C'B' = A'B', 
that is, the sum of the projections on RS of the segments of 
the broken line AEDCB is equal to the projection of the 
straight line AB. 

98. Polar coordinates. — Using the same coordinate axes 
and origin as in the rectangular system, the line OP from 
the origin to the point P is called the radius vector and is 
represented by p. The 
angles which OP makes 
with the axes of x, y, 
and z are called the 
direction angles of the 
line OP and are repre- 
sented by a, 0, and y, 
respectively, p, a, /3, 
and y are called the 

polar coordinates of the point P. The cosines of these 
angles are called the direction cosines of the line OP 

The direction cosines of a Une are not independent but are 
connected by a very important relation, viz.: 

The sum of the squares of the diredion cosines of a line is 
unity, or 


cos'' a + cos^ p + cos** 7 = 1. 

Proof. — From theorem I, Art. 97, it is evident that 

X = p cos a, 

y = peos /3, 

z = p cos y. 

Also by Art. 95, x^ + y^ + z^ = p\ 
Squaring and adding, 

p'co&^a-'f p^cos^/S + p-'cos'y = x^ + y^ + z^ = pS 



cos" a + cos" /3 + cos" 7 = 1. 


The direction cosines of the line joining the points Pi (xi, 2/1) 
and Pi {Xi, 2/2) o,re given by the eqiiations: 

cos a = ^3^, cos p = 31^, cos 7 = ^i^, (43) 

in which d is the length P1P2. 
This is evident from the figure of Art. 95. Thus, 

PJi N2N1 Xi — X2 

cos a = cos RP2P1 = 

P2P1 P2P1 


Find the direction cosines of a line if they are proportional to 1, —2, 

and 3. 

T^ . . ,, ^ cos a cosjS cos 7 

It IS given that — z — = -^^ = — ^ — 


cos' a + cos' |8 + cos' 7 _ cos' a _ cos'g _ cos' 7 
l' + (-2)' + 3' 1 ~ 4 ~ 9 ■ 

But the nvunerator of the &st fraction equals 1, hence 

cos* a = T-T, 

cos a = ± —p=, 


'°'^ = ^vil' 

and «°^'>' = ±VIi- 


1. What are the projections of the point (3, 1, —6) on each of the 

2. A line makes an angle of 60° with the x-axis and of 30° with the 
j/-axis. What angle does it make with the z-axis? 

3. The direction cosines of a Une are equal. Find their values. 

4. The direction cosines of a Une are proportional to 3, —1, and 2. 
Find their values. 


6. Find the direction cosines of the line joining (6, 3, —1) and 
(—2, —1, 0), and the projection of the hne upon each of the axes. 

6. What are the direction cosines of a line parallel to the a>axis7 
to the 2/-axis? to the z-axis? of a line perpendicular to the x-axis? 

7. Abrokenhne joins (3, 1, -2), (3 ,4, 6), (-1, 2, 3), and (2, -5, -7). 
Find the projections on the a;-axis of the closing line and of each of the 
segments. Verify theorem II, Art. 97. 

8. Find the polar and rectangular coordinates of a point, given 
P = 4, a = 120°, and /3 = 135°. How many solutions? 

9. Where do all the hnes Ue which 

(a) make an angle of 45° with the j/-axis? with the z-axis? 

(b) make an angle of 45° with both the y-axis and the z-axis? Is 

there any line making an angle of 45° with each of the coor- 
dinate axes? 

10. What are the direction cosines of a line if a = ^ = 90°? Where 
are all the points for which cos -y = 0? 

11. In which octant is a point found when 
(a) cosa > 0, cos|8 < 0, COST > 0? 

(6) cos a < 0, cos ^ < 0, cos 7 < 0? 

(c) cos a > 0, cos jS > 0, cos 7 < 0? 

Name the octant by indicating the signs of the axes. 

12. If the projections of P1P2 on the axes are respectively 4, 2, and 
— 4 and the coordinates of Pi are (6, —3, 2), find the coordinates of Pa. 

13. Given p = 30°, 2/ = 2, z = — 3. Find the coordinates of the 
point in both rectangular and polar coordinates. How many solutions? 

14. Prove by means of direction cosines that the points (1, 2, 3), 
(—1, —2, 1), and (3, 6, 5) are on the same straight line. 

99. The angle between ^ 

two directed lines. — The 
cosine of the angle between 
two directed lines is equal to 
the sum of the products of 
the corresponding diredion 

Let ai, Pu 7i and a^, ^i, 
72 represent the direction 
angles of two given lines 


and let OPi and OP2 be two lines through the origin parallel 
to those lines. Also let d equal the angle P1OP2. Construct 
ON, NM, and MPi, the coordinates of Pi. 

If the broken line ONMPi and the straight Hne OPi are 
projected on OPi, from theorem II, Art. 97, 

Proj. OPi = Proj. ON + Proj. NM + Proj. MPi, 
or by theorem I, Art. 97, 

OPi cos d = 0N cos a2 + NM cos jSz + MPi cos 72. 

But ON = OPi cos ai, NM = OPi cos ;3i, 
MPi = OPi cos 71. 

Substituting and dividing by OPi, 

cos 9 = cos ai cos 02 + cos Pi cos % + cos yi cos 73. (44) 

It is evident that if two lines are parallel and extend in the 
same direction, on = a^, /3i = 182, 71 = 72; if parallel and ex- 
tending in opposite directions, ai = w — an, j8i = tt — (82, 
7l = IT — 72. 

If two lines are perpendicular, cos d = and, therefore, 

cos ai cos as + cos |8i cos 182 + cos 7i cos 72 = 0. 


1. Find the angle between two lines whose direction cosines are 
f, — f, f and f, I, f, respectively? 

2. Find the angle between two lines whose direction cosines are pro- 
portioiial to 1, 2, 5 and —1, 3, —2, respectively. 

3. Prove that the lines whose direction cosines are i, i, f ; — |, — f , 
f ; and f, — f, — i are mutually perpendicular. 

4. Find the direction cosines of the line joining ( — 1, 2, 4) and 
(6, 5, -3). 

6. Find the length of the projection of the line joining (1, 1, 2) and 
(2, —1, 4) upon the line joining (2, 1, —2) and (4, —5, 1). 

100. The equation of a locus. — If a point moves in 
space according to some law, it traces a locus which will, in 


general, be a surface. To find the equation of this locus, the 
same steps will be followed as in plane analytic geometry, 
viz., the discovery of some law which applies to the moving 
point in all of its positions and the translation of this law 
into an algebraic equation between the coordinates of the 

Thus, to find the equation of a sphere of radius 5 and center 
at the origin, it is seen that if P {x, y, z) represents any point 
on the surface of the sphere, OP = 5. Whence x' + y^ + ^ 
= 25 is the equation of the surface of the sphere. 

Again, the equation of a plane parallel to the j/z-plane and 
three units to the right of it is a; = 3, since every point in the 
given plane is at a distance 3 from the j/z-plane. 


1. Find the equation of the plane which is 

(a) parallel to the yz-plane and 4 units to the left of it. 
(6) parallel to the xz-plane and 3 units in front of it. 

2. Find the equation of the locus of a point which is equidistant from 
the points (1, 0, -2) and (2, -3, 0). 

3. Find the equation of the locus of a point which is equidistant from 
the xy- and j/z-planes. 

4. Find the equation of the locus of a point 

(a) whose distance from the x-axis is equal to 5. 

(6) whose distance from the y-a,ids is equal to its distance from the 

(c) whose distance from the a;-axis is equal to its distance from the 


6. Find the equation of the locus of a point whose distance from the 
point (3, 1, 0) is equal to its distance from the 2/-axis. 

101. Cylindrical surface with elements parallel to one 
of the coordinate axes. — The method of finding the equation 
of such a surface is illustrated by the following example: 

Find the equation of the cylindrical surface whose directing 



curve in the xy-Tplane is a;^ — 4 a; + 4 j/'' = 0, and whose axis 

is parallel to the z-axis. 

Let P (x, y, z) be any point in this surface. The x and y 

coordinates of P on the surface are the same as those of M 

on the directing curve, and therefore the coordinates of P 

satisfy the equation x^ — Ax 
-)- 4 2^2 _ 0. (Since z does 
not appear in this equation, it 
may have any value.) This 
equation therefore is the 
equation of the surface of the 

In general, the equation af a 
cylindrical surface whose axis 
-X is parallel to one of the axes is 
the same as the equation of the 
generating curve in the plane of 
the other two axes. 
102. Spherical surface. — The equation of a sphere whose 

center is at C {h, k, I) and whose radius is r is 

(x - hy +iy- fe)'» +{z- i)" = r8. (45) 

This equation results immediately from Art. 95. 


1. Describe the following surfaces: (a) a;^ — z" = 4. (b) x!' + ifi = 
4a;. (c) y = cosx. {d)4:^ + ^ + 8y = 0. 

2. Find center and radius of each of the following spheres: 
(a) 3?-2x + ^-6y+^ + 2z-5 = 0. 

(6) 4x2 + 42/i' + 4z2-4a;H-122/-20z= 1. 

3. Find the equation of the sphere whose center is on the z-axis, 
whose radius is 7, and which passes through the point (2, —3, 4). 

4. The axis of a cylinder is parallel to the a>-axis and its directing 
curve is a circle in the j/a-plane with radius 5, with center on the «-axis 
aiid tangent to the y-asda. Find the equation of the cylinder. 



6. Find the equation of the sphere whose diameter is the line joining 
(2, 4, -3) and (2, -2, 1). 

6. Find the equation of the sphere whose center is at ( — 1, 3, —5) 
and which passes through the point ( — 3, 6, 1). 

7. Find the equation of a sphere through the four points (0, 0, 0), 
(-3, 0, 3), (0, 3, 11), and (0, -8, 0). 

8. Find the equation of the sphere of radius 7 whose center is in 
the 2/2-plane and which passes through the points (—2, —3, 3) and 
(-3,6, -1). 

9. Find the equation of the sphere with center at the origin and 
which is tangent to the sphere x' — 12 x + i/^ + 4y + z^ — 6z + 24: = 0. 

10. Find the equation of the sphere concentric with x^ — 2x -{■ y^ + 
Qy + tfi — 8z + 1=0 and passing through the point (5, 1, —3). 

11. Prove that if a point moves so that the sum of the squares of its 
distances from (0, 0, 1) and ( — 1, 1, 0) is 7, its locus is a sphere. Find 
its center and radius. 

12. Find the equation of the locus of a point which moves so that its 
distance from (—3, —6, 3) is twice its distance from the origin. Prove 
that the locus is a sphere and find its center and' radius. 

13. Find the equation of the locus of a point which moves so that its 
distance from the s-axis is equal to its distance from the point (1, 0, 2). 
Describe and construct the surface. 

103. A surface of revolution is formed by revolving a 
plane curve about an axis in its plane. If the equation of a 
curve in one of 
the coordinate 
planes is given, 
and if the axis 
of revolution is 
one of the coor- 
dinate axes, the 
equation of the 
surface is readily- 

Thus, find the 

equation of the surface formed by revolving the ellipse 
ix^ + 9y^ = 36 about OX. 




Let the ellipse ABA'B' be revolved about OX. In order 
to avoid confusion of the coordinates of any point on the 
surface with the coordinates of the points on the generating 
curve, let P {x', y', z') represent any point on the surface. 
Then x' = ON, y' = NM, z' = MP. Pass a plane through 
P perpendicular to OX. This section PKRS is evidently a 
circle. In the triangle NMP, 

NM" + MP" = nP or y'^ + s'^ = NP" = Wt = y\ 

It is now required to express y^ in terms of the coordinates 
of P. From the equation of the generating eUipse, 

2/2 = I (9 - x2) = 1(9 - a;'"). 
Hence y"" + s'^ = | (9 - x'") 

or, dropping primes and simphfying, 





Again, find the equation of 
the conical surface formed by 
revolving the line z = 2x about 

Let P {x'j y', z') be any point 
on the surface of the cone. 
Then x' = ON, y' = NM, z' = 
MP- Pass planes DEFG and 
■X MNRP through P perpendicu- 
lar to OZ and OX respectively. 
Then CR = ON = x', RP = 
NM = ^'. 

But CR' + RP' = CP% or x"" ^ y"" = cf =C^ = x\ 
From the equation of the generating line, x = i z = ^ z'; 
hence ^,2 + y'^ = i z'^ 

or, dropping primes and simplifying, 
4a;=' + 42/2 = z\ 



1. Find the equations of the surfaces of revolution generated by re- 

(a) y = X about the a;-axis. 

(b) 4 a;2 -(. 2^ = 16 about the y-aToa. 

(c) X? = iz about the z-axis. 
{d) a;2 _ 22 = 4 about the z-axis. 
(e) y — X = 1 about the 2/-axis. 

2. Find the equation of the surface generated by revolving the ellipse 
3? /a? + 2/2/62 = 1 

(o) about its major axis. This surface is called a prolate spheroid. 
(6) about its minor axis. ' This surface is called an ohlate spheroid. 

3. Find the equation of the surface generated by revolving about the 
K-axis, the line z = 4 in the xz-plane. 

4. Show that the surface obtained by revolving the parabola ^ = 4 a; 
about the i-axis is the same as that obtained by revolving the parabola 
g2 = 4 a; about the x-axis. 

5. Find the equation of the surface generated by revolving the circle 
s' + 2/' = o2 around the j/-axis. What curve in the xz-plane would 
generate the same surface when revolved about the x-axis? 

6. A circle in the xz-plane of radius 4, with center on the z-axis at a 
distance 7 from the origin, is revolved about the z-axis. Find the 
equation of the surface generated. 

104. Equations of a curve. — Two surfaces intersect in 
a curve. The equations of two surfaces when considered 
simultaneously define the curve of intersection, since the 
coordinates of any point on this curve of intersection satisfy 
both equations. 

If the equations of the two surfaces are combined so as to 
obtain a third equation, this equation represents another 
surface through the curve of intersection, and this together 
with either of the given equations defines the curve of inter- 
section.,- It is thus seen that the same curve may be repre- 
sented in an infinite number of ways. In particular, if one 
of the variables is eliminated between the equations of the 
surfaces which define a curve, the resulting equation, con- 


taining but two variables, is a cyKnder with elements parallel 
to one of the axes, and passing through the given Curve. This 
is called a projecting cylinder. 

106. The locus of an equation. — It is evident from 
Art. 100 that every equation in one variable represents a plane 
or series of planes parallel to one of the coordinate planes. 

Also from Art. 101, it is evident that every equation in two 
variables represents a cylindrical surface, the equaiion of whose 
directing curve in one of the coordinate planes is the same as the 
given equation and whose elements are perpendicular to the plane 
of this curve. 

In determining the loci of most other equations, a discus- 
sion somewhat similar to that used in plane analytic geometry 
is helpful. The principal points in such a discussion are: 

1st. Symmetry. 

2nd. Intercepts on the coordinate axes. 

3rd. Intersections on the coordinate planes. 

Ath. Intersections on planes parallel to the coordinate 

Symmetry. — A locus is symmetrical with respect to 

(a) one of the coordinate planes, if the variable corre- 

sponding to the axis perpendicular to that plane 
can be changed in sign without changing the 

(b) one of the coordinate axes, if the variables correspond- 

ing to the other two axes can be changed in sign 
without changing the equation. 

(c) the origin, if all three variables can be changed in 

sign without changing the equation. 

The proof is similar to that in Art. 13. 

Intercepts on the coordinate axes. — These are found 
by setting two of the variables equal to zero and solving for 
the third. 



Intersections of a surface with the coordinate planes. — 

These intersections are found by treating the eiquations of the 
coordinate planes x = 0, y = 0, and 2 = simultaneously 
with the equation of the given surface. These curves are 
called the traces. 

Intersections of a surface by planes parallel to the 
coordinate planes. — Represent these planes by x = k, 
y = ki, z = ICi. These taken simultaneously with the equa- 
tion of the given surface determine the curves of intersection. 
By giving k, ki, ki different values, the general form and 
limits of the surface are determined. 

Frequently it is sufficient to discuss the set of planes parallel 
to but one coordinate plane. 


Discuss and construct the locus oi x' — y' — ^ = i. 

1st. This surface is evidently symmetrical with respect to the coordi- 
nate planes, the coordinate axes and the origin. 

2nd . Intercepts 
on a>axis are ±2. 
There is no inter- 
cept on y-ajds or 

3rd. Let x = 0, 
then s/i! + g2 = -4. 
Therefore the sur- 
face does not inter- 
sect the 2/g-plane. 
Let y=0, then x' — 
s^ = 4. Therefore, 
the trace is an hy- 
perbola. QARQ' A' B' 0- Y 
in the a;2-plane. Let z = 0, then x' — y'^ = 4. 
h3T)erbola BACB'A'C in the xy-plsme. 

ith. To find the intersection of the plane x = k with the surface, 
substitute a; = fc in the equation of the surface. The result is 'f + ^ = 
]fi _4j which is a cylinder whose trace in the 2/2-plane is the circle 

Therefore, the trace is an 



J/' + z* = A;^ — 4 and whose elements are parallel to the axis of x. The 
curve of intersection of the surface by the plane is the same as the curve 
of interse ction of the cylinder by the plane, that is, a circle of radius 
Vk^ — 4. If — 2 < /k < 2, the radius is imaginary and there is no in- 
tersection and if fc > 2 or < — 2, the intersection is a circle whose radius 
increases without limi t as k increases without limit. 

Without considering planes parallel to the other coordinate planes, 
the surface can be sketched as above. 

106. Quadric surfaces. — The general equation of second 
degree in three variables is Ax^ + By^ + Cz^ + Dxy + Eyz 
+ Fxz -\- Gx + Hy + Kz + L = 0. The surface repre- 
sented by this equation is called a quadric surface. Some 
special forms of this equation which are of frequent occurrence 
will be discussed here. 


Theempsoidf, + ^ + ^=l. 

,,. X' , y" . X' z^ 
ellipses -, + p=l,^ + -. 

1st. This surface is 
symmetrical with respect 
to the origin, the coor- 
dinate planes,- and the 
coordinate axes. 

2nd. The intercepts on 
the axes are x = ±0, 
y = ±6, z = ±c. 

Srd. The traces in the 
coordinate planes are the 

l,andg + 5=l. 

^th. The intersection with the plane a; = fc is the ellipse 


X = k, 

• = 1, X = k. 

^ {a? - ¥) -„ (o2 




It is seen that as k increases numerically, the semi-axes 

- Va^ — fc'' and - Va^ — k^ decrease from b and c respectively 

when fc = to when k = ±o. If fc > a or < —a the 
ellipse is imaginary. The ellipsoid then Ues between the 
planes x = ±a. 

A similar discussion shows that the sections made by planes 
parallel to the other coordinate planes are also ellipses, and 
that the figure lies between the planes z = ±c and j/ = ±6. 

108. The hyperboloid of one sheet 

1st. The surface is symmetrical with respect to the origin, 
the coordinate planes, 
and the coordinate axes. 

2nd. The intercepts 
on the axes are x= ±a, 
y = zhb. There is no 
intercept on the z-axis. 

3rd. The traces in the 
coordinate planes are 

the ellipse i + ^ = 1, 
the hyperbola -5 5 

u C 

= 1 and the hyperbola j^ — ^ = 1. 
4:th. The intersection with the plane 2 = fc is the ellipse 



= 1, X = k. 

^, {(? + ¥) ^(c^ + fc^) 
It is seen that as fc increases numerically from to x , the 



semi-axes of the ellipse increase without limit, and therefore 
the smf ace extends indefinitely in the direction of the z-axis. 

The intersections in planes parallel to the other coordinate 
planes are hyperbolas. 

109. The hyperboloid of two sheets 

1st. The smface is symmetrical with respect to the origin, 
the coordinate planes, and the coordinate axes. 

2nd. The intercepts on the x-axis are ±o. There are no 
intercepts on the other axes. 

3rd. The traces in the coordinate planes are the hyperbolas 

-t; — rj = 1 and -x ; = 1 



There is no trace in the 

a' ¥ 
ith. The intersection with the plane x = kis the ellipse 

p r^ ~ 1) X = k. 

If —a<k<a, the ellipse is imaginary. If k increases 
numerically from a to oo , the semi-axes increase indefinitely. 



The intersections in planes parallel to the other coordinate 
planes are hyperbolas. 

110. The elliptic paraboloid — + j^ = cz. 

1st. The surface is symmetrical with respect to the yz-plsme 
and to the a;0-plane, but not to the It is sym- 
metrical with respect to the z-axis only. It is not sym- 
metrical with respect 
to the origin. 

2nd. The surface 
intersects the three 
axes at the origin 

3rd. The traces in 
the coordinate planes 
are the point ellipse 



-„ + |j = 0, and the 
parabolas — ^ = cz and 

P = '^'- 

4th. The intersection with the plane z = k (where k has 
the same sign as c) is the ellipse 


a%c ' h%c 

= 1, z = k. 

As h increases from to oo , the semi-axes increase from 
to 00 and therefore the surface extends indefinitely in the 
direction of the z-axis, lying entirely above the a;2/-plane when 
c is positive and entirely below if c is negative. 

The intersections in the planes parallel to the other coordi- 
nate planes x = ky and j/ = A^ are parabolas whose vertices 
recede from the xiz-plane as fci and kz increase in numerical 



111. The hyperbolic paraboloid 

y - 


or b" 

The following discussion considers c positive. 
1st. The surface is symmetrical with respect to the yz- 
plane and to the xz-plane, but not to the xy-pla,ne. It is 
symmetrical with respect to the 2-axis only. It is not sym- 
metrical with re- 
spect to the ori- 

2nd. The sur- 
face intersects 
the three axes at 
the origin only. 

3rd. The traces 
in the coordi- 
nate planes are 
the intersecting 
straight lines x^/a^ — y^jh"^ = and the two parabolas x^lo? 
= cz and j/^/6^ = — cz. 
Mh. The intersection in the plane z = k'\s the hyperbola 

J^ t_^-> 

d'ch ¥ck ' 

z = k. 

If k is positive, the hyperbola in the plane z = k has its 
principal axis parallel to the a;-axis and its vertices on the 

parabola -5 = cz. These vertices recede indefinitely as k in- 
creases from to + 00 . If fc is negative, the hyperbola in the 
plane z = k has its principal axis parallel to the y-ajda and its 

vertices on the parabola t^ = —cz. 

In a similar manner, the intersection of the surface by the 
plane x = fci is the parabola ^ = —cz + — ,x = ki, which has 



its vertex on the parabola -^ = cz. The intersection of 

the surface by the plane y = ki is the parabola -^ = c + 

Tj , 2/ = fe, which has its vertex on the parabola -yA— ~ c^. 
The surface extends indefinitely along all axes. 

112. The cone 4 + 6-^ = 0. 
a^ Ir (? 

Isi. The surface is symmetrical with respect to the origin, 
the coordinate planes, and the co- 
ordinate axes. 

2nd. The surface intersects the 
three axes at the origin only. 

3rd. The trace in the x2/-plane is 

the point elhpse -^ + rj = 0, and 
in the a;z-plane the intersecting 

straight lines -j 2=0? ^nd iii the 

yz-plane the intersecting straight 

lines \- 

= 0. 

4:th. The intersection with the plane 2 = A; is the eUipse 

^27,2 ' h21„2 -^J * "'• 

As fc increases nimierically, the semi-axes of the ellipse in- 
crease and the surface extends indefinitely in the direction of 
the z-axis. 

The intersections in the planes x — hx and y = "ht are 

hyperbolas with vertices on the straight lines -5 — ;5 = and 

t* 1/ 

-5=0, respectively. 



1. Discuss and construct the surfaces represented by the following 

(o) 4a;2 + 92/24.2:2 = 36. 
(6) 4x2-9dj|^z'i = 36. 

(c) 4^2 ^ allM:j:., 

(d) ^ — a;2 — / i 4. 

(e) 4 x2 - 22 = 4 2/. 

(/) 93/2 -4x2 -z2 = 36. 
(ff) 4 s2 - 9 2/2 - 4 z2 = 0. 
W 2/2/62 - zVo2 - z2/c2 = 1. 

2. Find the equation of the locus of a point which moves so that the 
sum of the squares of its distances from the x- and z-axes equals 4. 
Discuss and construct the locus. 

3. A point moves so that the sum of its distances from two fixed 
points is constant. Prove that the locus is an ellipsoid. 

Hint. — Take the straight line through the two points as x-axis and 
the point halfway between as origia. 

4. A point moves so that the differaice of its distances from two fixed 
points is constant. Prove that the locus is an hyperboloid. 

6. Find the equation of the locus of a point which moves so that its 
distance from the x^-plane increased by 1 is equal to 1/V2 times its 
distance from the point (0, 0, —4). 

6. Prove that the sections of the paraboloid x'^/a? + ^/62 = cz by 
planes parallel to the 2/>pIane are equal parabolas; also those parallel 
to the iz-plane. 

^ «i2 02 

7. Discuss and construct the locus of — +^ := 1. Show that 

Or Or c^ 

sections parallel to the xy-TphxiB are circles. What curve revolved about 
the z-axis would generate this surface? 

8. A point moves so that the sum of the squares of its distances from 
two perpendicular lines is constant. Prove that the locus is an ellipsoid. 

113. The normal form of the equation of a plane. — A 

plane is determined in position if the length of a perpen- 
dicular from the origin upon the plane and the direction 
angles of this perpendicular are known. This perpendicu- 
lar from the origin to the plane is called the normal to the 


The normal form of the equation of a plane is 

X cos a + y cos p + » cos 7 = p, (46) 

where p is the perpendicular distance frorn, theoTjigin to the plane, 
and a, /3, and 7 the direction angles of tha^gf ^^ fjdicular. 

Proof. — Let ABC be any plane and^i*tfcffl^perp_endicular 
from the origin upon it be the Une OQ whi'(3i makes the angles 
a, ;3, and 7 with 
the axes of x, y, 
and z, respec- 
tively. The di- 
rection OQ from 
the origin to the 
plane is always 
taken as posi- 
tive, also a, j8, 
and 7 are con- 
sidered positive 

Let P (x, y, z) 
represent any 
point in the plane and draw its coordinates ON = x, 
NM = y, and MP = z. 

Project ONMP and OP on OQ. By theorem II, Art. 97, 
projection ON + projection NM + projection MP = pro- 
jection OP. By theorem I, Art. 97, this becomes 

X cos a-\- y cos /3 + z cos 7 = p. 

This equation is seen to be of first degree. 
114. The general equation of first degree ' 

Ax + By + Cs+D = 

represents a plane. 
Proof. — Consider the equations 

Ax + By + Cz + D = (1) 

and a; cos a -1- 2/ cos jS + 2: cos 7 — p = 0. (2) 


Equation (2) represents a plane. Equation (1) also rep- 
resents a plane if it differs from equation (2) only by a con- 
stant multiplier as K. If, then, 

KA = cos a, KB = cos/3, KC = cos 7, and KD = —p, 

it is desired to show that K can be determined. 

By Art. 98, cos'' a + cos^ /3 + cos^ 7=1 and, therefore, 


K^A^ + Km^ + K^C^ = 1 or X = 

itVA^ -H £2 -h C2 
This shows that equation (2) represents a plane in which 

A C 

cos a = , , cos 7 = 

±VA2 + B2 + C2' ± V42 + S2 _|_ (72 

cos/3 = — 7=======, V = 

± VA^ + 52+^' ± VA" + £2 _(- c=' 

Since p is always positive, the sign of the radical will be 
opposite to that of the constant term. ■ 

115. Plane determined by three conditions. — Of the 
four coefficients in the equation 

Ax + By + Cz + D = (1) 

only three are independent, and therefore three conditions 
are sufficient to determine three of them in terms of a 
fourth. After substituting these values, the equation can 
be divided by the fourth coefficient. 

116. The -equation of a plane in terms of its intercepts. 
— The equation of a plane in terms of a, b, and c, the intercepts 
on the axes, is 

^ + 1 + 1 = 1. (47) 

a b c 

Let the intercepts of a plane on the axes of x; y, and z be 
a, b, and c, respectively. The three points (a, 0, 0), (0, b, 0), 


and (0, 0, c) on the plane are therefore known and the method 
suggested in Art. 115 appUes. 

Substituting the coordinates of these three points in equa- 
tion (1) of that article, 

Aa + D = 0, Bb + Di=0, Cc + D = 0. 


a' b' c 

Substituting in (1), 

a c 


Dividing by D and transposing, 

a c 

117. The angle between two planes. — The cosine of 
the angle between two planes, whose equations are of the form 
Ax + By + Cz + D = and'AiX + B^y + Ciz + Di = 
is given by the equation 

cos = , — , ■ • (48) 

The angle between two planes is evidently the same as the 
angle between their normals. Substituting in the formula 
of Art. 99, the values of cos a, cos /3, and cos y found in Art. 
114, the above formula results immediately. 

If two planes are parallel, -r = s" = 7=^ > ^^^ */ ^^^V "'"^ 

Ai Bi Ci 

perpendicular, AAi + BBi + CCi = 0. The proof is left 
to the student. 

118. The distance from a plane to a point. — By finding 
the equation of a plane parallel to the given plane and pass- 
ing through the given point, and computing the difference of 


the distances from the origin to the planes, it is found that 
the distance from the plane Ax + By + Cz + D = to the 
point Pi {xi, j/i, Zi) is 

VAo + 3" + ^ 
in which the sign of the radical is opposite to the sign of D. 


1. Reduce the following equations to intercept and normal forms: 

(0) 7x-2y-2z + U =0. 
(6) 2a; + 62/-3z-42 = 0. 

2. Find the equations of the planes which satisfy the following con- 

(a) passing through the points (1, 1, 0), ( — 2, 1, 2), and (4, 0, 1). 

(b) parallel to the plane 7x + 2y + Wz + 25 =0, and passing 

through (3, 1, -2). 

(c) perpendicular to the plane 3x + 2y — z + 11 =0 and pass- 

ing through the points (1, 0, 1) and ( — 1, 1, 1). 

(d) a>intercept = 5, 2/-intercept = 3, and z-intercept = —7. 

(e) distance from origin to plane = 5, cos a = f , and cos P = —i. 
(/) passing through the point (1, 5, 6) and perpendicular to each 

of the planes ix — 5y + 2z = 5 and x — y + e = 3. 
(g) passing through the points (1, —2, 3) and (5, 0, 3) and at a 

distance of 3 from the origin. 
(h) at a distance of 2 from the origin, the normal making equal 

angles with the axes. 
(i) perpendicular to the line joining the points (4, 3, 1) and (1, 3, 5) 

at its middle point. 
(j) containing the z-axis and the point (xi, j/i, zi). 
(fc) passing through the line of intersection of the planes ix + y + 

2 z = 3 and 2x + y + z = 1, and perpendicular to the 

plane 3a; + 4^ — 2z = 7. 
Hint. — The equation of the plane through the line of intersection of 
the two given planes is4a;-)-j/-|-2z — 3 + \(2a;-l- y + z — 1) =0. 

(1) perpendicular to the Une through the points (4, 3, 1) and 

(2, 4, —1), and five units from the origin. 


3. Prove that the planes .x + y + z — 1=0, 2x + y — g=0, 
X + 6y + 4z + 1 =0, and 5x + y — i = meet in a point. 

4. Prove that the four points (8, 15, 4), (2, 1, 0), (0, 3, 2), and (2, 3, 1) 
lie in a plane. 

6. • Find the distance from the origin to the plane through (0, —3, 2), 
(2, 1, 2), and (5, 3, 0). In which octant does the foot of the normal lie? 

6. Find the angles between the following planes: 

(a) ix — 7y + iz = 5 and 3 a; + 4 2/ = 17. 

(6) Zx-2y + 6z = 7 and 4:X-Sy + 12z = 0. 

7. Find the equations of the planes bisecting the angles between the 
planes ix — 7y + iz + l5=0 and 2x — y — 2z — 5 =0. 

8. So determine K that the plane 3 a + Ky + 12 « = 26 shall be 

(a) two units from the origin. 

(6) perpendicular to the plane x + Qy — z = 5. 

119. The general equations of a straight line. — Two 
planes intersect in a straight line. It has been shown that 
the locus of an equation of first degree is a plane and that the 
curve of intersection of two surfaces is defined by considering 
their equations simultaneously, hence: 

The locus of two equations oj first degree 

Ax + By + Cs-\-D = 0, A^x + Biy + CiS + Di = 

is a straight line. 

120. The equations of a straight line through a given 
point and in a given direction. — The equations of a straight 
line parsing through the given point Pi {xi, yi, Zi) and having 
direction angles a, ;S, and y are 

^Lnj^^y-yi^^-^K (50) 

cos a cos p cos y 

Proof. — Let P {x, y, 2) be any other point on the line, then 
by Art. 98, 

X — Xi a y ~ yi Z — Zl 

cosa= — T — , COS |8 = " , " , cos 7 = , . 


Solving each of these equations for d and equating, 

X- xi ^ y — yi ^ z — zi 
cos a cos jS cos 7 

If instead of cos a, cos |8, and cos 7, numbers a, h, and c 
proportional to them are given, it is readily seen that the 
equation will take the form 

x^zJ^ _ y-yi ^ g-gi. (51) 

a o c 

121. The equations of a straight line through two given 
points. — The equations of a straight line through the two 
points Pi (xi, yi, Zi) and Pi {xi, ys, Za) are 

*-^^ = y-y^ = fjm. (52) 

xg - xi ya- yi ss - «x 
Proof. — Substituting cos a = 5LZ_E1 ^ cos ^ - ^' ~ ^' 

cos 7 = — T — ^, in equation (50), and dividing by d, the 
suit is 

X — xi ^ y — yi ^ g — zi 
% - a;i yi — yi Z2 — Zi 

122. The projection form of the equations of a straight 
line. — A plane through a Une perpendicular to one of the 
coordinate planes is called a projecting plane of the line. 

If between two equations in the form Ax + By + Cz + D 
= and Aix + Biy + Ciz + Di = 0, one of the variables is 
eliminated, an equation in two variables results. This from 
Art. 101 is a cyhndrical surface with elements parallel to that 
axis which corresponds to the variable eliminated, and with 
its trace in the plane of the other two axes. The equation is 
of first degree and the cyhndrical surface is therefore a plane. 
This plane is the projecting plane of the line. Two such 


planes will determine the line. By eliminating x, y, and z in 
turn, the projecting planes of- the hne x-\-2y + Zz = Q, 
2a; — 2/ — 3^ = 5 are found tobe52/ + 92 = 7, 5x — Ss 
= 16, and Z x -\- y = 1\. 

123. Direction angles of a line. — - If the equations of a 
line are given in the form Ax -{- By -\- Cz -\- D = Q, Aix -\- 
Bxy + Ciz + Di = 0, the direction cosines of the line may be 
foimd by a process illustrated in the following example. 

Find the direction cosines of the line x-\-Zy — 2z = 2, 
3x — 2y — 4:z = 5. Having determined two of the pro- 
jecting planes to be x — 8y = 1 and 11 j/ — 2 z = 1, the 
values of y may be equated, giving 

x-1 _y_ 22 + 1 ^j. x-1 _y _z + ^ 

8 1 11 8 1 V- 

This is in the form of equation (51) and therefore the direc- 
ti on cosines are p roport iona l to 8, 1, and V"- Dividing by 
V'8'' + 1" •+ (-y-)" = h "^381, the direction cosines are found 
to be ^^ 2_ 1]_ 

^ VSST' V38l' V381 


1. Find the equations of the hnes through the following pairs of 
points: (o) (0, 0, 0) and (1, 2, 2). (6) (1, 4, 0) and (3, -2, 3). (c) 
(1, 5, 1) and (-6, 1, 5). 

2. Find the coordinates of the points in which each of the above Unes 
cuts the coordinate planes. 

3. Find the equations of the Unes determined by the following con- 

(a) passing through the point (3, 0, 1) and having cos a = — ^ 

3 V 5 

J o 5 

and cos B = ;=• 


(5) passing through the point (5, —3, 1) and perpendicular to the 

plane Sjp - 6y + 3z - 7 = 0. 


(c) passing through the pomt (3, 0, -1) and parallel to the line 

X — 5 y + U ^ z_ 
3 4 12* 

(d) passing through the origin and perpendicular to the lines 

£ZLi = £±6 = ^ and X + 3 2/ - 2 - 3 = 0, 3 a; + 5 J, + 
z - 1 = 0. 
4. Prove that the following pairs of lines are perpendicular: 

. , x-1 y g + 2 , x + \ _ y-3 _ z + 5 

(b) 2x -y + z -2 =0,4tx + y - 4:z - 4: = 0&iidx + 7y — 
z + 8=0, x + 3y + 3z + i = 0. 

6. Find the angle between the following pairs of lines: 
. . X y + 1 2 + 2 ^, X _y _ z-7 

(b)x-4:y-3z-4 = 0, 2x-2y + 3z + l=0a,nd4,x + 
4:y + 3z-4:=0, ix + y-Qz-1 =0. 

6. Prove that the lines 5x + 8y-z + 20=0, 5x-8y + 3z- 
32 = and 4a;+2/ + z-2=0, 4a; + 22/ + 3z-l =0 meet in a 
point and find the angle between them. 

7. Prove that the points (1, 0, —3), (4, 1, — 1), and (7, 2, 1) lie on a 

8. Prove that the line 2a; + 6j/ + 8-2 = 0, 2a;-32/-2a-2 
= is parallel to the plane 2x — 3y — 2z = l. 

Hint. — Prove that the hne is perpendicular to the normal to the 

9. Prove that the three planes 4a; + j/ — z + 3=0, 12 a; — j/ — a 
— 5 = 0, and ix — 3y-{-z — 11 =0 meet in a common Une. Find 
its equation and direction cosines. 

10. Find K such that the lines x-3y + 3=0,x + y-z~l =0 
and(7 + X)a;-72/ + 7z-28-X=0, 6a; + 73-6 = 0are per- 

11. Find£suchthat (4, 15, K), (1, K, 2), and(-2, -1, -3) are col- 
' linear. 

12. Prove that the line 2a; + 62/ + z-2 = 0, 2a;-32/-2z-2 
= is perpendicular to the plane 3x — 2y + 6z = l. 

13. Find the projecting planes of the Une 3x + 2y + z = l, x — 
4 y - 2 z = 3. 


14. Find the equations of the planes satisfying the following con- 

/g ^ 1 7/ I 1 g 

(a) determined by the parallel lines — = — = = - and 

x + 1 _ y-3 ^ z + 1 
-2 4 -4 ■ 

(6) determined by the intersecting lines — ^ — ■ = T^ = y and 

a: + 2 ^ y + 4 _ s + l 

3 2 1 ■ 

(c) containing the points (1, — 1, 2) and the line 
a- 1 ^ y+2 ^ s-7 

2 4 2 ' 


Art. 10. Pages 21 and 22. 

2. y + V3x=3 + 2V3. 
4. 4,y — 2x = 5. 
6. X — y = 7. 

6. x + 3y =U. 

7. x+y =7. 
9. 2x ~y = 5. 

11. (b) x^ -Qx+y-Ay = 12. 

12. a;2 - 4a; + ^2 - 6j/ + 4 = 0. 

13. 3?-2x+y^ -4:y =20. 

16. a? -22; +2/! -62/ = 15. 

17. a?-8a;+3/'+8j/+22 =0. 

18. a? - 4s + 2/2 - 82/ + 10 = 0. 

Art. 13. Page 40. 

3. (a> 1? = 6y -9. 

(c) 2/^ + 8t/+4a; + 20 =0. 

(d) 2/2 -21/ -4x4-13 =0. 

(e) 3a;2 + 32/2 - 18x - Uy + 10 = 0. 
(/) 9x2 + 252/2 =225. 

(g) 162/2-9x2 = 144. 

Alt. 14. Page 41. 

1. (6, 8) and (-J^,-^). 

2. (1, ^ 2) . 

5. (4, 3), (-4, -3), (3, 4), (-3, -4). 

7. (2, 3) and (-y, i^). 

8. (2, 2) and (-1,^). 

10. (0,0), (^-2-. ^j and ^-^, — ^j- 

11. (a, 2 o) and (9 a, -6 o). 

17. ¥. 



19. h -1^00. _ 
„. 5 V85 5Vl3 

Art. 19. Pages 49 and 60. 

1. (fi)x + Zy = 2. {J)Zx + y = \2. {.g)x + y = 6. 
8.x-y==8, x + 2y = l7, and 5x + y + li = 0. 
9. X + y = 5 and y — x = 1. 

10. x-y = 6, 5x-2y = 31, and x + 2y = 7. 

11. y — X = 2 and x + y = 6. 

12. (a) 2y = x. 

(6) 21 + 2/ = 0. 

(c) 2/ (3 - Vs) + a; (s Vs + l) = 0. 

Art. 21. Pages 61 and 62. 

1. (a) 3x -y = 7. 

6,3x + 7y = 2, x + y + 2=Q, and y = - 1. 

6. 2x + y + 5 =0. 

l.'x — 6y = Q and 3x — 5y = 1. 

9. y = 1, 12x + y = 21, and 3 s + 2 j/ = 7. 

11. 2x-32/ = 12, 3a; -2/ = 4, and x + 22/ + l=0. 

12. a; = 4. 

Art. 24. Page 66. 
3. y + xVz = 10. 

A. (o) I + 2/ = 5 V2. (6) X + 2^ + 5 V2 = 0. 

6. (6) 2/+fV^=3. 

7. x + yV3=3. 

Art. 26. Page 68. 

2. X - 2 2/ = 0, p = 0. 

3. x+y + 9 = 0, p = - f V2. 

Art. 26. Page 61. 
1. -¥• 2. 2. 3. 4, ^, -^. 

Art. 27. Page 63. 
1. 2x = 3and2/ = 0. 2. 7x +2/ = 6 and 72/ - x = 6. 


Miscellaneous Exercises. Pages 63 and 64. 

3. (a) 4 a; - 3 2/ = 0. 

(6) 5x + 12y + 12 = 0. 

4. (a) 5y-12x = 52. 
(6) 12x-5y = 26. 

6. y -2x = 5 Vs. , 

7. 14. 

8. -^, 3 V2, and 5. 

9. (4,2). 

10. {a) x + y = 0, 7x-y = 24, and y = -3. 

(b) 17x-17y = i, 7x + 17y = 0, and 6a; = 1. 

Ic) x + y = 0, 3 X - 9 2/ + 16 = 0, and 2 a; - 2/ + 4 = 0. 

13. 11 a; - eSy = 456. 

14. (a) 3V13. (6) 3V5. 

Art. 28. Page 67. 

6. Zx+y=—5, 3y — x==5, and x + 2y = 5. 
6. 90°, tan-' i, and tan-' 3. 

8. 2^ - 3 = ^"^ \! (a; - 2) and 2/ - 3 = ^~ (a; - 2). 

1-^3 V3 + 1 

10. 2, - 1 = ^^^ (a; - 2), 2/ - 1 = ?^1^ (^ - 2), 

Art. 29. Page 70. 

3. (o) 2/ = 2a; + 5 Vs. 

(c) 2/= 2a: + 12. 

(d) 2/ = 2x-3V5. 

4. (a) 2/ -3a; = 10. 
(6) 2a; -62/ = 2. 

(c) y — 2x = 6 and a; — 4y = 4. 

(d) a; +2/ + 6=0. 

(e) a; + 22/ + 8 = 0. 
6. (a) x + 2y = iV5. 

(6) 4a; + 32/ = 20. 

(c) 42/ - 3a; = 20 and 42/ + 3a; = 20. 

(d) a; +2/ = 4^2. 


6. x + y = i. 

7. J/ + 2a; = 6 and y + 8s = 12. 

8. 2a; + 2/ + 10 = 0. 

9. a; + 2/ = ± 2 V2. 

Miscellaneous Examples on Chapter HI. Pages 70, 71 and 72. 

1. 3x + 22/ = leandy = 2x + l. 

2. x-5y = 9 and y + 2 = 0. 

i. The equations of two sides of one triangle are y — 2 = = (a; — 3) 


and 2/ + 4 = — ;= (x — 3), and of the other, y — 2 = —= (x — 3) and 
v3 V3 

8. a; - 32/ + 10 = and 3a; +2, = 0; (A, -A) and (fj, fj). 

9. (6) 5a: + 25^ = 143. 

(c) 103 a; + 44 2/ = 91. 

(d) 3x+2/ = 7. 

11. 42/ -7a; + 16 = and 292/ + 28a; + 26 = 0. 
16. (a) C = -3^. 

(d) O = 25 42 + 25 M 

(/) 3A + 5fi + C = 0. 
18. 3 a; - 2 2/ = 5. 

Art. 39. Page 93. 
4. (c) V2a;2 - a; = 0. 

(d) -5a;2 + 202/'+8V5a;-16V52/ = 25. 
6. 2/ V2 = 1. 

Art. 41. Page 97. 
2. (o) 2a;2 = 9. 

(c) 4x2 + 2/' =4. 
8. (a) a;2 + 32/* +4x V2 -6^ -\/2 = 2. 

(b) x^ -2/2 -2a; - 22/ = 4. 
4. (1, -1), 2x - 2/ = 0, and X + 22/ = 0. 

Art. 42. Page 99. 

4. (d) xy = 2. 

(e) (x2 + 2/2)2 = o2 (x2 - j/2 ). 

(?) x2 + 2,2 = a (Vx2 + 2/2 _ a;), 
(i) X (x2 + 2/2) = 2 02/2. 
6. (o) p2 = 40. 

(6) p2cos2e = 16. 


Art. 43. Page 101. 

2i (a) a? - ix + y" -2y = 20. 

(c) a;2 + 2a; +2/2 - 6^ + 2 = 0. 

(d) x' -10x+y^-12y + 25= 0. 

%fc Art. 46. Pages 106 to 109. 

3. (a) x' + 2x + t/'-Sy + l=0. 

(6) x^ + y<' -,6y = 16. 

id) x^ + 2x + y^ -6y = 90. . 

(f) 3a;2 -44a; + 32/2 + 1122/ + 41 =0. 

(ff) a2 - 6 a; + ^2 _ 8 2/ + 9 = 0. 
i. X — y + i = 0. * 

5. 2a; -3 2/ = 5; -f. 

6. 2 a; + 3 y = 13. 

8. (a) a;'' -12 a; + 2/" -8 2/ = 48 and a;' + 16a; + 2/' + 20^ + 64 = 0. 

(c) a;' + 6a; + 2/24.62/ + 9 =0 and a;« + 2a; +2/2 - 22/ + 1 = 0. 

(d) ^2 + 4a; + 2/2-22/ = 20. 

(e) 5a;2 + 52/^ + 20a; - 8O2/ + 308 = and 5a;2 - 20a; + 5y^ = 52. 
(/) a;2 + 2/2 + 4(2/-a;) V2 + 8 = 0. 

10. x2 - 6a; + ^2 - 82/ = 0. 

11. a;2-2a; + 2/2-102/ + l = and a;' - 34a; + 2/2 - 1702/ + 289 = 0. 

12. x2 + 2/2 + 82/ = 9. 

Art. 48. Page 116. 

2. (o) y^ = -9a;. 

(6) 2/2 + 42/ + 4a; + 12 =0. 

(c) a;2 = 12^ + 36. 

(d) a;2-2x-12 2/ + 13 = 0. 

(e) (2/ -1)2 = 4 a;. 

(/) a;2 + 92/2 + 6a;2/ -56a; + 522/ + 14 =0. 

3. 2/ = -2 a;. 

6. a;2 + 2/2 - 5 2/ = 0. 

6. (a) a;2-4a; = 42/ + 16. 
(&) a;2 -4a; = iy -12. 

7. 72/ = 24a; -36. 

8. 42/ + 3a; + 3 = 0;(-|, -A). 

Art. 60. Page 119. 

1. (-2, -2); (-2,, -i); 6; 2/ = -J; a; + 2 = 0. 

2. (3, 3); (1, 3); 8; x = 5; y = 3. 

3. (-1, 2); (-1, W, i;l2g = 29; a; = -1. 


4. (-1,1); (-1,1); 2; 82/ =11; a; =-1. 

5. (if); (1, i); 1; 2a; = i; 22, = 5. 

6. (-i, 1); (-1^, 1); f ; 12 X + 13 = 0; 2/ = 1. 

Art. 64. Pages 126 and 127. 

1. (o) (±5, 0); (±4, 0); 4x = ±25; ^s^ 

(b) (±4, 0); (±2, 0); x = ±8; 6. 

(c) (0, ±5); (0, =t3); 3 2/ =±25; ^. 



36 + 32 ^- ^^' 36 + 27 ^- 



!+¥-• <')S+^-- 

</) l+l-l- 


i+?-'- (« S+S- 

. «f+f=.. 



'■t"'+*r''-i. m 

(x + 4)» (2/ + 2)» 
25 ' 16 

'•' f + ^ = 




fe±a!+H^=i. <» 

{x + iy (n + iy 

9 ' . 25 ~ ^• 


^tf^+'s^-- » 

{x - 2)2 (2/ - 1)2 . 
16 ' 12 

7. x2 + 2/2 = 25; (4, ±3) and (-4, ±3). 

8. 152/ -8a; = 24 and 15;/ + 8a; + 24 = 0, ±ff 

9. 25a;2H-9 2/2 = 225. 

Art. 66. Pages 130 and 131. 

1. (a) (-2, 1); (_-2, 3) and (-2, -1); (-2, 5) and (-2, -3); 4 

and 2 VS; 6; 2/ = 9 and 2/ = -7. 
(6) (2, -1); (2, 2) and (2, -4); (2, 3) and (2, -5); 4, and \/7 
I; 3 2/ = 13 and 3 2/ = -19. 

(c) (1, 4); (1 ± 2_V2, 4); (5, 4) and (-3, 4); 4 and 2 Vl; 4 

X = 1 ±4 V'2. 

(d) (-3,1); (-3 ±5^3,1); (7, 1) and (-13, 1); 10 and 5; 6 

3a; = -9 ±20 Vs. 

(e) (-1, -3); (2, -3) and (-4, -3); (5, -3) and (-7, -3) 

6 and 3 VS; 9; x = 11 and x= -13. 
if) (-3, 1); (-3, 3) and (-3, -1); (-3, J) and (-3, -5); 6 
and 4 V2; ^/; 2/ = 19 and 2/ = -17. 

2. 16x2 + 25 2/! = 400. 


Art. 69. Pages 136 and 137. 

1. (a) 6 and 10; ^; (0, ±3); (O, iVsi); y = ±4— 
** V34 

(6) 8 and 4 VS; 6; (±4, 0); (±2 V7, 0); a: = ± 



„ . - i« 32/2 3.2 162/2 , 

2- (a) 4--4- = l; ('')9--8r = l' 

^''^ 16 20 ^' ^''^ 36 28 ~ ^' 

Ce) ^_f! = i. fn ^-2^'-l• 

(.)f-f = l. — 

4. (a) ^^'-^^' = l;(-l,3±V4i);(-l,7)and(-l-l);\^. 

(6) ^^1^'--^^^' = 1; (-2±2Vl3, -3); (2,-3) and 

(-6, -3); 18. 
(c) ^^4^ - ^^^ = 1; (-1, 11) and (-1, -5); 24. 

6. (a) — g 2^ 1, (6) -^g jg— = 1; 

(2/ - ly (x + 2)' _ (j/ + 3)' (a + ly . 

/o^ (^ - 7)' fa + D' n. (f. (y - 2)2 (x - 2)2 
(e) —4 12~ - ^' (■^ —9 9 1- 

*• 16 20 ^■ 

. /)2 cos2 e p2 sin2 9 _ 

02 62 

Art. 61. Page 140. 

1. (o) (1, 2); 2 and 3; (1 ± vl3, 2); (3, 2) and (-1, 2); 9. 

(6) (3, -2); 2 and 4; (3, - 2 ±2 Vs); (3, -4) and (3, 0); 16. 

(c) (3, -1); 1 and 3; (3, -1 ± Vio); (3, 0) and (3, -2); 18. 

(d) (1, -1); Sand V3;(l±2 V3, -1); (4, -l)and(-2, -1);2. 


(e) (i -i); Vr and V2; (1, -J) and (-f, -|); (J ± V7, -|); 

0) (0, 1); I and 4; (0, 1 ± i V29); (0, V) and (0, -|); 20. 

2. xy + 5x-3y = 7. 

3. X? -y^ = 100. 

25 39 

(a; - 1)!! 13 (y -!)' _. 
12 192 

Art. 64. Pages 143 and 144. 

1. ?/=±3x; g-| = l. 2.iy=^3x;^. 

3. 9y'- 4a;2 = 36; 4 and 6; 9; (o, ±Vl3); y = ±-^- 

6. 4x2-12 2/2 = 75. 6. i x" - y' = S&. 

7. 43/2H-82/-x2 + 2x - 1 =0. 16. 4x^-9^2 = 64. 

Alt. 66. Pages 149 and 160. 

2. (a) 3 X - 2/ = 2; 3 2/ + s = 4. 

(6) 2/ + 4x = 13; X-42/ + 18 =0. 

(c) 3x -2/ = 2; x + 3v = 14. 

(d) 2/-2x = 3; x + 22/ = 1. 

(e) 4x + 52/ = 25; 25x -20y = 64. 
(/) 2/ = 4; X = 2. 

(ff) 15x - 2/ = 36; X + 152/ = 138. 
(h) X-32/+4 = 0; 3x + ^ = 28. 

Art. 67. Pages 164 and 166. 

1. (o) 4x-y = 2; 4y+x = 9; i; 8. 

(6) 3x+42/ = 25; 4:x-3y = 0; —V; -3. 

(c) X - 2/ = 4; X + 2/ = 4; 0; 0. 

id) 4x + 2/ = 8; x-4y + 15 = 0; -1; -16. 

(e) 3x + y = 7; x-32/ = 9; f; 6. 

(/) 4x + 32/ = 16; 162/-12x = 27; -|; -4. 

(ff) y - X = 10; 2/ + X = 4; 7; 7. 

2. 2/ = a;; 2/ = -x. 

3. 3x + 42/ = 7; 4x-32/ = l. 


4- (a) 2/ = 3; a; = 2. 

(6) x + y + l=:0; x~y=Z. 

(c) 15a; + 4l2/= -9; 123a; -45^ + 455=0. 

(d) a; - 3 2/ = 4; 3 a: + j/ = 12. 

7. ;^. 8. tan-i(-^). 

10. a; + 2/ = ±V34; x-y = ±V34. 
14. (a) (1, -2). (&) (1, 2). 

Art. 68. Pages 166 and 167. 

1. (a) 4a; + 3y = ±25; (±4, ±3). 

(b) y = x + 2; (0,2). 

(c) 4 a: +2/ = ±8; (±1, ±4). 

(d) y = 2x-3;y = 2x- 9; (0, -3); (4, -1). 

3. Sx + Wy = ±25. • 

4. 2x -y = 5. 

6. bx + ay = zkdbV2. 

7. 3a; + 2^ = 0; 3a; + 22/ + 4 = 0; 2a; = 32/; 6a; - 9 2/ = 5. 

Art. 70. Pages 162 and 163. 

2. (a) a; + 12 2/ + 16 = 0. 4. (2,2). 6. (1,-6). 
9. a; = ±o. 10. y + 5 = 0; ix + 3y = 25. 

Art. 72. Pages 168 and 169. 

3. 2/ = 4. 6. 2/ = 2;,2/ - a; = fc. 


(±2 V2, T2 V2) 

8. X — y = 2. 9. 42/ + a; = 5. 
Art. 76. Page 176. 


(a) 2/' -4a; + 4 = 

= 0. (6) 5a;2 + V5a; = 2. 
(c) a;= + 22/-^2 = 0. 



(6) J - 1' = 1. (c) a? - j/« = a 

(d) 52/^! = 9. 

(e) 2/" = 3 a;. 

Art. 76. Page 176. 

1. (o) a;* - 2/2 — a; + 2/ = 0. 

(6) 3^ + xy + 2y'-3x-4:y + 2=0. 
(c) 7a;''-7a;2/ + 32/i' + 21a;-82/ = 28. 

2. xy + y'' — 3x — y = 6. 


3. x^ -2xy + y' = 1. 

4. Sx^ + 4:xy + y = 0. 

6. 4a;2 -82; + 2/2 _ 102/ + 4 = 0. 

6. 2/2 - 62/ - a;2 + 8s + 9 = 0. 

7. ix' — 4:xy +y^ — ix — y = 0. 

Art. 96. Page 201. 

1. (-2,1,4). 2. (1,6,-3). 

3. 1 : 2. 6. 2 : 1; (3, -3, 0). 

6. (-7, 6, -2). 7. (0, 6, 0). 

Art. 98. Pages 204 and 20S. 
3. ±|V3. 

4. ±^, t4=. ±-P=- 

Vl4 Vl4 Vl4 
6. ±1, ±i =Fi; -8, -4, 1. 

8. (4, 120°, 135°, 60°) or (4, 120°, 135°, 120°); (-2, -2^2,2) or 

(-2, -2 V2, -2). 
12. (10, -1, -2). 

Art. 99. Page 206. 


1. COS-'^f. 2. C0S-1±- ;=• 


4 ±— L= ±— !=• =F ^ • 5 V- 
V107' V107' Vl07 

Art. 100. Page 207. 

2. x-3y + 2z = 4. 5. 2/^ - 22/ - 6a; + 10 = 0. 

Art. 102. Pages 208 and 209. 

2. (o) (1, 3, -1); 4. (6) (J, -if); 3. 

3. a;2 + 2/* +Z2 + 42 = 45 and x" + 2/' + z2 - 203 + 51 = 0. 

4. 2/'' + z' - 10 z = 0. 

5. x'-ix+y' -2y + t!' + 2g = 7. 

6. a;'' + 2a;+2/2 -62/4-z2 + 10z = 14. 

7. x2 - 8 X + 2/2 + 82/ + z= - 14z = 0. 

8. x2 + 2/2 + z2 + 6z = 40 and x^ + (^ - ^^y + (s - W)' = 49- 

9. x2 + 2/2 + z2 = 4. 

10. x2 - 2 X + 2/2 + 6 2/ + z2 - 8 z = 55. 

12. x2-2x+2/2-42/ + z2 + 2z = 18; (1,2, -1); 2 V6. 

13. x2-2s-4z + 5 =0. 


Art. 103. Page 211. 

1. (O) y2 + Z2 = X2. (6) 4x^+y2 + igi = 16. 

(c) x2 + 2/2 = 4z. (d) x' +y' -^ = 4, 

(e) a;2+32_^2 + 22/ = l. 
_ , , a;' j/2 z^ 3:2 ,,2 ,2 

^ («)^2 + ^+P = l. (&)|+| + |i=l- 

3. 2/2 + z2 = 16. 6. a;2 + 2/2 + z2 - I4z + 33 = 0. 

Art. 112. Page 220. 

2. a;2 + 21/2 + z2 = 4. 6. a:' + 2/2 - z2 + 4z + 14 = 0. 

Art. 118. Pages 224 and 226. 

2. (o) 2a; + 9y + 3z = 11. 
(6) 7x + 2y + 10z = 3. 

(c) x + 2y + 7z = 8. 

(d) 21 a! + 35 2/ - 15 z = 105. 

(e) 2a; -y ±2z = 15. 
(/) 3a; + 22/-z = 7. 

(ff) z = 3 and 3x-Qy + 2z=21. 
{h) x-\-y + z = ±2 V3. 
(i) 8z - 6a; = 9. 
(j) xyi — xiy = 0. 
{k) 2x-y + z = Z. 
6. I. 

6. (a) cos-i H- 
(6) cos-^ If. 

7. x4-22/ — 5z = 15 and 5x — 5y— z = 0. 

8. (a) X = ±4. 
(6) K = l. 

Alt. 123. Pages 227, 228 and 229. 

^- (") 1 - 2 = 2 (^) -2- = ^:6~ = 3' 

W 7 - 4 - _4 ■ 

2. (6) (1,4,0), a, 0,2), (0,7, -f). 

3. (a) -2- - 5 - -^T' ^"^ ~1~ - "^2" ~ ~~T~' 

M ^~^ - ^ - g + 1 Ml ? _ M - -i_ 

W 3 4 12 ^'^^2 6 -l' 


6. (a) 45°. (6) cos-i— ^E=- 

10. 2. 

11. 7. 

13. 7a; = 5, 14^ + 72 + 8 = 0. 

li. (a) 2x + y = l. (b) x + y-5z + l=0. 

(c) 11 X — 5 2/ — z = 14. 


The numbers refer to the pages 

Abscissa, 2. 

Angle, between two lines, 7, 

between two planes, 223. 
Area of a triangle, 15. 
Asymptote, 33. 

of the hyperbola, 140. 

Bisectors of angles, 61. 

Circle, equations of, 100. 

Cissoid, 195. 

Cone, 219. 

Conic sections, 110. 

rectangular equation of. 111. 
Conic through five points, 175. 
Confocal conies, 169. 
Conjugate diameters, 167. 
Conjugate hjrperbolas, 142. 
Coordinate planes, 197. 
Coordinates, Cartesian, 2. 

rectangular, 3. 

polar, 73. 

rectangular in space, 197. 

polar in space, 203. 
Cycloid, 190. 
Cylindrical surface, 207. 

Diameter, definition, 163. 
of parabola, 165. 
of eUipse, 163. 
conjugate, 167. 
properties of, 166. 

Directed lines, 1. 
64, Direction angles of a line, 227. 
Direction cosines, 203. 
Directrix of conic, 110. 
Discussion of equation, 

rectangular coordinates, 27. 

polar coordinates, 77. 

in space, 212. 
Distance, between two points, 5, 

from a line to a point, 58. 

from a plane to a point, 223. 

Eccentricity of a conic, 110. 
Ellipse, equations of, 120-125. 

construction of, 128. 
EUipsoid, 214. 
Elliptic paraboloid, 217. 
Epicycloid, 191. 
Equation of a locus, 

rectangular coordinates, 18. 

polar coordinates, 76. 

in space, 206. 
Exponential curve, 177. 
Extent, 30, 78. 

Focal chord, 113. 
Focus of conic, 110. 
Function and variable, 24. 

General equation of second de- 
gree, 171. 



Harmonic division, 158. 
Hyperbola, equations of, 132- 

construction of, 138. 

equilateral, 143. 
Hjrperbolic paraboloid, 218. 
Hyperboloid, of one sheet, 215. 

of two sheets, 216. 
Hypocycloid, 192. 

of four cusps, 193. 

Inclination of a Une, 7. 
Intercepts, 27, 77, 212. 
Intersection of loci, 
• rectangular coordinates, 40. 

polar coordinates, 87. 

in space, 211. 

Latus rectum, of parabola, 113. 

of ellipse, 124. 

of hyperbola, 135. 
Locus of an equation, 

in rectangular coordinates, 22. 

in polar coordinates, 77. 

in space, 212. 
Locus by factoring, 42. 
Locus through intersections of 

two loci, 44. 
Logarithmic curve, 179. 

Multiple representation in polar 
coordinates, 83. 

Normal equation of a line, 54. 

reduction to normal form, 56. 
Normal to a curve, definition, 

equation of, 149. 

length of, 152. 

Ordinate, 2. 

Parabola, equations of, 112-114. 

construction of, 117. 
Parallel lines, condition for, 8. 
Parametric equations, 186, 190. 
Periodic functions, 183. 
Perpendicular lines, condition for, 

Plane, equations of, 220-223. 
Plotting, in rectangular coordi- 
nates, 23. 

in polar coordinates, 77. 

straight Unes, 53. 
Point of division, 11, 200. 
Polar coordinates, 73. 
Pole and polar, definition, 159. 

equation, 159-161. 

important properties, 161. 
Projectiles, 193. 
Projections, 201. 

Quadric surfaces, 214. 

Radical axis, 103. 
Rotation of axes, 92. 

Sine curve, 181, 183.. 
Slope of a hne, 8. 
Spherical surface, 208. 
Spirals, 85. 

Straight line, equations of, 47-51, 

in space, 225-227. 

systems of, 67. 
Subnormal length, 152. 
Subtangent length, 152. 
Surfaces of revolution, 209. 
Symmetry, 28, 77, 212. 

Tangent curve, 184. 
Tangent to a curve, definition, 

INDEX 245 

Tangent to a curve, equation in Transcendental equations, 177. 

terms of point of contact. Transformation of coordinates, 90, 

145-154. 97. 

equation in terms of slope. Translation of axes, 91. 


length of, 152. Witch of Agnesi, 194.