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John Henry Tanner 


Cornell University Library 

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Cornell University 

The original of this book is in 
the Cornell University Library. 

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the United States on the use of the text. 

®f)e StanUarti Series of JHatfjematics 









OopTBresHT, 1904, K.^^-UJ 



In the preparation of this book the authors have made 
an earnest effort to retain all the essentials of the older 
Algebra text-books, and to introduce and properly empha- 
size certain newer features which the mathematical studies 
of the present demand. 

The following are some of the special characteristics of 
the book : 

1. The Number System. The number system is pre- 
sented in the first chapter, and from the arithmetical 
system extension is made to the algebraic number system. 
In this way the idea of negative number is introduced 
and the fundamental operations are explained. 

2. Factoring. This subject is treated with particular 
fullness, and use is made of the factorial method wherever 
applicable in the study of Algebra. At the first reading, 
Sections 79, 80, and 86, covering certain details of factor- 
ing, may be omitted if thought desirable. The ordinary 
student, however, should have no special difficulty in 
mastering these sections. 

3. The Graph. The work with graphs is made an in- 
tegral part of the book. The graphs of simple and 
quadratic equations are used freely to aid the pupil's 
understanding of the solutions involved. Graphic illus- 
trations are given wherever it is thought they will make 
the subject clearer. 


4. Type Forms. Type forms play an important part in 
the study of Algebra. The work of the student is greatly 
simplified if he learns early in his course to recognize and 
to understand these types. Type forms are extensively 
used in multiplication, division, factoring, and equations. 

5. Exercises. The exercises have been selected with a 
view of clarifying the text and enforcing fundamental 
principles. They are numerous, and are difficult enough 
to call for effort on the part of the student. 

It is believed that the book contains sufficient matter 
to furnish a thorough training in the elements of Algebra 
and to meet the entrance requirements of American 




I. Introduction 1 

II. Definitions 14 

III. Addition and Subtraction 20 

IV. Multiplication and Division 39 

V. Important Identities 70 

VI. Factoring . 83 

VII. Divisors and Multiples 104 

VIII. Fractions 109 

IX. Equations in One Variable 125 

X. Linear Equations in Two Variables . . . 147 

XL Simultaneous Equations 157 

XII. Evolution 174 

XIII. Theory op Indices 187 

XIV. Radicals, Surds, and Imaginaries . . . 191 
XV. Quadratic Equations in a Single Variable . 207 

XVI. Simultaneous Equations involving Quadratics 229 

XVII. Ratio, Variation, and Proportion . . . 255 

XVIII. Permutations and Combinations .... 268 

XIX. Series 278 




1. The Integral Number System is that orderly succession 
by ones which we first learn by counting. We are familiar 
with it in the Arabic numeral form of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 
9, 10, 11, and so on. The characters 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., are 
symbols of number, but we shall hereafter, by the use of a 
common figure of speech, speak of them and other number 
symbols as number. 

2. Elementary Number Notions. We know that 3 + 4 = 7, 
because by counting 3 and then 4 more we reach 7. This 
may be seen by counting these groups, 

All the results of addition are primarily determined by 
counting. In practice, a number of simple addition results 
are determined by counting, and then these are made a 
matter of memory. 3x4= 12, because by counting 3 
groups of 4 each we reach 12. This is seen in the follow- 
ing arrangement : 

The truth of a multiplication table is also established by 
counting. The number system shows that 3+4 = 4 + 3; 


for by counting 3 and then 4 more, we reach the same 
result as by counting 4 and then 3 more. 

3x4 = 4x3 because 3 groups of 4 each make the same 
sum as 4 groups of 3 each. 

• • • 

• • • 

• • • 

Illustrations enough have been given to show that the 
integral number system is the real basis of the funda- 
mental parts of arithmetic. 

3. Fractions in the Number System. As long as no exact 
measurements are needed, nor accurate divisions attempted, 
the integral number system is sufficient. If a stick is 
more than 9 inches and less than 10 inches in length, we 
can not express its exact length by means of the integral 
number system. A similar difficulty arises in attempting 
to answer the question 8 -=- 3 = what ? To answer all such 
questions, fractions have been devised and made a part 
of the number system. The addition of fractions to the 
number system made possible many arithmetical opera- 
tions which were before impossible. The field of arith- 
metic was thus greatly enlarged. 

4. Incommensurables in the Number System. When the 
necessity for extracting roots arose in the development of 
arithmetic, it was found that many roots could not be ex- 
actly determined. For example, the square root of 2 lies 
between 1 and 2, between 1.4 and 1.5, between 1.41 and 
1.42, between 1.414 and 1.415, etc. We may extend this 


process of locating the square root of 2 between consecu- 
tive numbers of the number system as far as we please, 
but we can, never find its exact value. Such numbers as 
the square root of 2, and the square and cube roots of other 
numbers which can not be exactly found, are called incom- 
mensurable numbers or merely incommensurables. Although 
such numbers can not be exactly expressed, the number 
system now includes them. 

5. Numerical Arithmetic Complete. With the number 
system so developed as to include integers, fractions, and 
incommensurables, ordinary numerical arithmetic is com- 
plete. This means that in performing the operations of 
ordinary arithmetic no necessity arises for any other kind 
of numbers. 

6. Literal Arithmetic. In percentage we frequently 
represent the base by b, the rate per cent by r, the per- 
centage by p, the amount by a, and the difference by d. 
When we do this, we can transform the rules for the cases 
of percentage into the following forms : 

(1) p = b xr. 

(2) r =p-t- b. 

(3) b=p+r. 

(4) a=b +b xr. 

(5) d=b — b xr. 

The symbols b, r, p, a, and d may be considered as 
particular numbers of the number system. When thought 
of in this way, they are mere abbreviations of numbers. 
Since they may be the abbreviations of any numbers 
whatsoever, we may think of the symbols themselves as 


numbers. When a symbol, such as any of the above, is 
thought of in this way, it is called a general number. Such 
a number is frequently called a literal number. These 
symbols of general or literal numbers may have particular 
numerical values assigned to them. In order to find 8^> 
of 250 we take form (1), on page 3, and put 250 instead 
of b, and .08 instead of r. We then have 

p = b x r = 250 x .08 = 20. 

7. Substitution. The process of putting a particular num- 
ber in the place of a general one is called substitution. 

By substitution all the results of general or literal 
arithmetic become particular. The solution of a problem 
in ordinary arithmetic is a mere matter of substituting 
particular numbers for general ones in the proper literal 
form, as is illustrated in the percentage problem of 
Section 6. 

The area of- a rectangle is the product of its length and 
width. If we represent area by a, length by I, and width 
by w, we at once have the general form 

a = l x.w. 

If we wish to find the area of a lot 66 feet long and 
30 feet wide, we put 66 for I and 30 for w, and we have 

a = lxw = m x 30 = 1980. 

8. Algebraic Expression. Any combination of literal num- 
bers or of literal and arithmetical numbers by means of any 
or all of the signs of addition, subtraction, multiplication, 
division, involution, and evolution is an algebraic expression. 

x + y — z is an algebraic expression and is read x plus 
y minus z. The algebraic expression a x b— c-=-d-J-4is. 


read a times b minus c divided by d plus 4. The word 
function is frequently used instead of expression. The 
parts of an algebraic expression separated by either of 
the signs + or — are called terms. In ax + by — cyz, there 
are three terms ; viz., ax, by, and cyz. 

9. Signs used in Algebraic Expressions. The signs +, 
— , x, -h, and V are used as in arithmetic. They denote 
addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and root 
extraction, respectively. Multiplication is also indicated 
by a dot (•), and by writing the characters adjacent to 
each other, a xb, a -b, and ab mean exactly the same 
thing; viz., a multiplied by b. Between arithmetical 
numbers also the signs x and ■ are used to denote multi- 
plication. The multiplication of an arithmetical and literal 
number or of two literal numbers is denoted by writing 
them consecutively. 5 b means 5 x b. ab means axb. 
Qab = 6xaxb = 6-a-b. The first form (6 ab') is the 
only one in use and is read six ab. 

There are five forms of division sign in general use, 
6 -s- 2, 2)6, 6:2, &, and 6/2, all meaning exactly the 
same thing; viz., 6 divided by 2. In algebra the 
fourth and fifth forms are more frequently used than 
the others. 

Vx, ~s/a, Vb are read square root of x, cube root of a, 
and fourth root of b, respectively. 

a 2 , b B , at are read a square, b cube, and x to the fourth 
power, respectively. 


2 _ 

aa ; b z = bbb ; x^ = xxxx. 

In the above expressions the 2, 3, and 4 are called 



Read the following algebraic expressions : 

1. a + b — c + 4. 2. 4 a — 3 b + ab. 

3. ab — 4 ac + 3 ad 


- is read 6 divided by c, or b over c. 

The last term of (3) should be read minus the quotient b divided 

by c, or minus the fraction b over c. 

4. 2a + b + 5abc — 46c. 6. 5a 3 — 4aai 2 + Va6. 

5. a?-4ax+Vb. 7. 6 aft 4 - ||J + \/« 

8. 5aVS+ — -7a* 

5 a Vz is read 5 a times the square root of x. 

9. z«V + 8--r7V5y. 10. 3a?</y~z-^-+8a 3 l/x~. 

y ab 

10. Precedence of Signs in Algebraic Expressions. If only 
the signs + and — occur in an algebraic expression, the 
operations are to be performed in order from left to right. 

For example : 8-4 + 3 + 2-5 = 4. 

If only the signs x and -s- occur in an algebraic expres- 
sion, the operations are to be performed in order from left 
to right. 

For example : 6-=-3x4-i-2 = 4. 

If the signs +, — , x, and -s- occur in an algebraic ex- 
pression, the multiplications and divisions are first per- 
formed, and then the additions and subtractions. 


For example : 4+3x2- 12 + 6x3 + 2x4. 

Performing the multiplications and divisions in the above, 
we have 4 + 6—6 + 8. Now performing the additions and 
subtraction, we get 12, which is the value of the expression. 

11. Signs of Aggregation. The signs of aggregation or 
grouping are the parentheses ( ), braces { J, brackets [ ], 
and vinculum or bar . Each of these signs indicates the expression within or under it must be treated as 
a whole, (be — ad~) -+- b means that the difference between 
bo and ad is to be divided by b. The expressions (be — 
ad)-i-b, \bc — ad\^-b, [be— ad^-^b, and be — ad-i-b all 
mean precisely the same thing. The four signs of aggre- 
gation are all called by the general name parentheses. The 
different forms are necessary to avoid confusion when one 
or more groups are included within another group. 

For example: 5 x $12 -=-(7 x 6 + 2 -=-4 h-[2 x 3+ 1])}. 

This becomes 5 x {12 -=-(7 x 8 -=- 4 -=- 7)j, which in turn 
becomes 5 x {12 -=- 2}, or 5x6 = 30. 

Multiplication of a quantity within a parenthesis by any 
quantity is indicated by writing the multiplier before 
or after the parenthesis. 5(a + b) means 5x(a + b). 
(a + 6)5 means (u + i)x5. 

12. Coefficient. In the expressions 5 a, Sx, and 7 y, 5, 3 
and 7 are the coefficients of a, x, and y, respectively. 

In an indicated product any factor or factors may be 
considered the named part, then all the other factors con- 
stitute the coefficient. Thus, in 8 axy, 8 is the coefficient 
of axy, 8 a is the coefficient of xy, and 8 ax is the coefficient 


of y. In the first case axy is the named part, in the second 
xy, and the third y. 

When no numerical coefficient precedes a literal expres- 
sion, the coefficient 1 is understood. 

Read the coefficients of y 2 in the following expressions : 

8 if, 5 ay 2 , 17 axy 2 , 11 a 2 bxy 2 . 


Mnd the value of each of the following literal expressions, 
in which a = 4, b = 2, c = 3, d = 5, x = 6, y = l. z = 10 : 

1. a + b — c + xy. 

Substituting the values given to the above letters, this expression 

4 + 2-3 + 6x1 = 6-3 + 6 = 9. 

In a similar manner determine the values of the following 
expressions : 

/- 1 

2. a + x — y + 3d. 11. Va + yz + -• 

3. ax + by+c. 12. V6» + Vy. 

4. x + y + a. 13. 5 a + 6 b — 4 c. 

5. ax 2 + by 2 + d. 14. 3 a — 4 b + c. 

6 ®+° + z 15- 3a; - 4 2/ + 1 0. 

b d 16. (x + y)z + (y + z)x. 

7. x + y + z + d. 17 ahc + xyz . 

8. x 2 -y 2 + a. 18 aa . _ by + C2 , _ 3 abc 

9. z 2 +-2a: + l. 19. ^ + yS + z s _ 3 xyZ- 

10. a; 2 + 2 ay + y 2 . 20. y + ex + (d - Va) ■*- 4 6. 


13. Use of General Number in Arithmetical Problems. All 

the problems of ordinary arithmetic may be made general 
by the use of general or literal numbers in place of the 
arithmetical numbers involved. 

1. If John has 10 cents and Henry 12 cents, they together 
have (10 + 12) cents. This becomes general by stating it thus : 
if John has a cents and Henry b cents, they together have 
(a + 6) cents. 

2. If Mary is 10 years old and Susie is x years older, then 
Susie is (10 + x) years old. 

3. If a merchant sells a bushels of corn at b cents a bushel, 
and c bushels of wheat at d cents a bushel, and divides the 
money received equally among his e children, each one will 
receive \_(ab + cd) -=- e] cents. 

4. A man has a cents and b dimes. How many cents 
has he ? 

5. A man is a years old. His son is \ as old. What is 
the combined age of father and son ? 

6. I traveled 6 miles at c cents a mile, and d miles at e 
cents a mile. How far did I travel and what did it cost 

7. A rectangle is x rods long and y rods wide. How many 
acres does it contain ? 

8. A farm a rods long and b rods wide is sold at c dollars 
per acre. Find the amount for which the farm sold. 

9. How many hours will be required to travel x miles if 
one third the distance be traveled at a miles per hour and the 
remaining two thirds at b miles per hour ? 

10. A man has x dollars in cash; b men owe him each y 
dollars, c men owe him each z dollars. How much money 
would he have if his collections were made ? 



11. A rectangle is a rods long and b rods wide. Find the 
length of its diagonal. 

12. How many hours will be required for a train running 30 
miles per hour to travel x miles, if it makes n stops of b min- 
utes each ? 

13. Find the cost of excavating a basement a feet long, 
b feet wide, and c feet deep at x cents per cubic yard. 

14. A man sold from a flock of n sheep; the mth part of 
them for p dollars each. He then increased his flock by a sheep 
and sold the whole lot at x dollars per head. How much did 
he receive for the whole flock ? 

14. Opposite Numbers. On the scale of a thermometer, 
temperature is marked both ways from 0. On the centi- 
grade thermometer, temperatures above freezing 
read from up, and temperatures below freezing 
read from down. Longitude is measured both 
east and west from a fixed or prime meridian. 
Latitude is measured both north and south from 
the equator. We may consider direction along 
a line to the right or to the left. Rotation may 
be opposite to that of the hands of a clock, or 
it may be clockwise. Numbers which in some 
way indicate such opposites are called Opposite 
Numbers. The need of opposite numbers becomes 
apparent when we try to generalize the opera- 
tions of arithmetic, a — b indicates the sub- 
traction of b from a. 

If a = 10 and b = 9, a - b = 10 - 9 = 1, which 
shows that 9 is 1 less than 10. 
If a = 10 and b = 10, a — b = 10 — 10 = 0, which shows 
that 10 is less than 10, or that 10 is equal to 10. 


If a = 10 and 5 = 11, a- 1 = 10 — 11, which, what- 
ever it may be, ought to show that 11 is 1 greater than 

If a man has $500 and is in debt $400, he is worth 
$500 -| 400 = $100. 

If a man has $500 and is in debt $500, he is worth 
$500-1500 = 0. 

If a man has $500 and is in debt $600, he is worth 
$ 500 — $ 600. This statement harmonizes with the state- 
ments made in the other two cases. What does it mean ? 
We may interpret it by saying that he owes $100 more 
than he is worth, or that his liabilities exceed his assets by 
$100, or that he is worth $100 less than nothing. 

15. Negative Number. Such questions as the above are 
answered by the extension of the number system so as to 
include negative number. We may think of the arithmeti- 
cal number system as starting at and extending indefi- 
nitely in a horizontal line to the right. It is an easy 
matter to think of a similar system extending indefinitely 
to the left from 0. These appear as follows : 

200-100-60-50-4 3 2101234-50-60-100-200 

^__ q-> 

This extension doubles the scope of the number system. 
Integers, fractions, and incommensurables are all included 
in the extension to the left. 

16. Positive and Negative. That part of the number 
system to the right of is called positive. The positive 
character of a number is indicated by the use of a + sign 
before it. +4, + «, and + x 2 are positive numbers. In 


practice the + sign is frequently omitted, so that the ab- 
sence of a sign before a number shows that it is positive. 

That part of the number system to the left of is called 
negative. The negative character of a number is indicated 
by the use of a — sign before it. — 6 a, — a^, and — 11 a?y 
are negative numbers. 

The important idea in the two parts of the number sys- 
tem is that of oppositeness. When anything is represented 
by a positive number, its opposite is represented by a 
negative number. If time a.d. is positive, then time B.C. 
is negative. If distance to the right is positive, then dis- 
tance to the left is negative. 


1. If two points are on the same meridian in latitude + 30° 
and — 20°, respectively, how far apart are they ? This means 
that one is in north latitude 30°, and the other in south latitude 
20°. They are evidently 30° + 20° = 50° apart. 

Draw a diagram illustrating this. 

2. On a certain day the lowest temperature recorded was 

— /5° and the highest + 12°. What was the difference in tem- 
perature between the lowest and highest ? 

3. A man was born in the year — 31 and died in the year 
+ 43. How old was he ? 

4. A man travels + 45 miles from A, and his friend travels 

— 80 miles from A. How far apart are they ? 

5. Two places are in —63° and +87° longitude, respectively. 
How far apart are they ? 

17. Extension of Meaning of Negative. In the above 
exercises and illustrations we have thought of negative 
number as beginning at and extending in the opposite 
direction from that of positive number, which also begins 

+ 12 ml. 

— 4 mi. 


+11 ml. 


—15 mi. 


at 0. Beginning at zero is not a necessary part of the 
meaning. The necessary part is that of oppositeness. 
Number starting anywhere is negative if it denotes exten- 
sion in the opposite direction to that of positive number. 

A man travels east 12 miles, then west 4 miles, then east 11 miles, 
then west .15 miles. If we select east as the positive direction, then 
west is the negative direction. We may then say that a man travels 
-I- 12 miles, then — 4 miles, then + 11 miles, and then — 15 miles ; 
as shown in the following diagram. 


18. Double Use of the Signs + and — . The signs + and 
— in algebra retain their arithmetical sense, and denote 
addition and subtraction, respectively. When used in 
this sense they are called signs of operation. The signs 
+ and — are also used to denote the quality of a number, 
that is, to indicate that the number belongs to the posi- 
tive or negative part of the number system. In this 
sense, the signs + and — denote oppositeness, and are 
called signs of quality. Smaller signs slightly elevated are 
sometimes placed before a number to denote its quality. 

For example : + 5, ~5, + a, ~a, +15 b, ~18c. 

19. Algebraic Number. When the quality of a number 
is considered, the number becomes algebraic. The signs of 
algebraic number are + and — . The absolute value of a 
number is its value without regard to quality. + a, +b, 
+ 11, —7, are algebraic numbers, a, b,' 11, 7, are their 
absolute values. 


20. Identity. In the equality 5x — 2x=2>x we have 
merely the statement that 5 x diminished by 2 a; becomes 3 x. 
No question need be asked concerning the number or value 
represented by x. The equality is true, whatever value x 
may have. If x = 1, the equality becomes 5x1—2x1 
= 3x1. If x = 5, it becomes 5x5 — 2x5 = 3x5. If a; 
be any number a, it becomes 5a — 2 a = 3 a. 

An equality, true for all values of the letters considered, 
is called an identity. 

In an identity both sides of the equality may be reduced 
to the same form, x 2 + 2 ax + y 2 — 2 ax = x 2 + y 2 is an 
identity because the left side becomes x 2 + y 2 by uniting 
2 ax and — 2 ax. 

21. Equation. The .equality x + 3 = 7 is entirely dif- 
ferent from that considered in the preceding Section. If 
x be 1, the equality does not exist, for 1 + 3 is not equal 
to 7. Neither does it exist if x be 3, for 3 + 3 is not 7. 
If x be 4, the equality exists, for then we have 4 + 3 = 7, 
a numerical identity. We see that the equality x + 3 = 1 
restricts the value of x to 4. 

An equality which contains one or more restricted letters, 
is called an equation. 



An identity is usually distinguished from an equation 
by having its sign of equality written thus, = , while the 
equation retains the sign =. The sign = is read "is 
identical with" or "identically equals." The sign = is 
read " is equal to " or " equals. " 

5a + 3a = 8ais read 5 a plus 3 a is identical with 8 a. 
3 x + 4 = 20 is read 3 x plus 4 equals 20. 

22. Variables. The letters of an equality which are re- 
stricted in value are called variables. — 

They are generally, although not necessarily, represented by 
the last letters of the alphabet. 

In the equality x + y = 5, x and y are variables. 

23. Constants. The letters of an equality which are not 
restricted and all arithmetical numbers are called constants. . 

They are generally, although not necessarily, represented by 
the first letters of the alphabet. 

In the equality ax + by = c, the constants are a, b, and c. 


Distinguish between equation and identity in the following 
equalities ; also point out the variables and constants. 

1. 5x-ix + x = 2x. 9. x 1 -2ax+a i +2ax=a 2 +x 2 . 

2. 8y+x—4:y+6x=4:y+7x. 10. 8z — Sz = 12. 

3. 3 a; — 5 = 10. 11. ax+by = c. 

4. 12a-3a + 4&=9a + 46. 12. 3 x + i x= 5x+ 2x. 

5. 4 a + 10 = 18. 13. 7» + a = 12. 

6. 2 ax + 5 ax -3 ax = 4 ax. 14. a?x + 5 a?x = a 2 x(8 — 2). 

7. 5 y — 2 y = 15. 15. o x + 9 x — 7 x = 28. 

8. 4 xy + 6 xy — 2 xy = 8 xy. 


24. The Root of an Equation. A value of the variable^ 
which, when substituted for the variable, reduces an equation 
to an identity, is called a root of the equation. 

The equation x — 5 = 8 asks what number diminished 
by5 equals 8. The answer, £ = 13, is the root, for 13 — 5=8 
is an identity. 

The process of obtaining the value of the root is called 
solving an equation. 

25. Axioms. In solving an equation certain elementary 
facts are taken for granted; that is, their truths are ac- 
cepted without proof. Such self-evident truths are called 
axioms. The three following are of use to us at present : 

(1) Numbers equal to the same number, or to equal num- 
bers, are equal to each other. 

Ex. 4 + 2 = 6, 3 + 3 = 6 ; hence 4 + 2=3 + 3. 

If 3 a - 5 = 10, and 2 b + 4 = 10, then 3a- 5 = 26 + 4. 

(2) If equals be added to or subtracted from equals, the 
results are equal. 

Ex. 3 + 2 = 5; then 3 + 2-2 = 5-2. 

If a + b = e, then a + b — b = c — b. 

If x + y = 5, then a; + «/ + 4=5 + 4. 

(3) If equals be multiplied or divided by equals, the re- 
sults are equal. 

Ex. tf=3 + f 

Multiply by 3, Y- x 3 = 3 x 3 + i x 3, or 10 = 9 + 1. 

If 4 x = 20, then — = — , or x = 5. 
4 4 


26. Solution of Exercises. The algebraic equation can be 
used to advantage in the solution of many exercises found 
in ordinary arithmetic. The process consists in first ex- 
pressing the exercise as an algebraic equation, and then 
applying the axioms so as to find the root. This will be 
illustrated in the following exercises. 


1. A and B have $900; A has $100 more than twice what 
B has. How much has each ? 


Let x = B's money. 

2x + $100 = A's money. 
x + 2 x + $ 100 = both A's and B's money. 
$900 = both A's and B's money. 
By Axiom (1), x + 2x + 100 = 900. 

By Axiom (2), z + 2x = 900-100 = 800 (subtracting 100 from equals). 

3 x = 800. 
By Axiom (3), x = 266"'|, B's money. 

2 x + 100 = 533 J + 100 = 633}, A's money. 

2. A and B have $1500 ; A has $300 less than 3 times B's. 
How much has each ? 

3. What number added to twice itself will make 900 ? 

4. The sum of two numbers' is 84; the larger is 11 times the 
smaller. What are the numbers ? 

5. John has $ 300 more than Henry ; they both have $2100. 
How much has each ? 

6. A house and lot cost $3700; if the house is worth $700 
more than the lot, what is the value of each ? 


7. Divide $ 720 among three men so that the second shall 
have twice as much as the first, and the third 3 times as much 
as the first. 

8. Divide 440 into three parts so that the second part shall 
be 100 more than the first, and the third part as much as the 
sum of the first and second parts. 

9. A horse and carriage cost $ 288; the carriage cost f as 
much as the horse. How much did each cost ? 

Let x = cost of horse. 

$ x = cost of carriage. 
x + $ x = cost of both. 
$288 = cost of both. 
By Axiom (1), x + $ x = 288. 
By Axiom (2), 5 x + 4 x = 288 x 5, multiplying by 5. 

9 x = 1440. 
By Axiom (3), x = 1440 * 9 = 160, cost of horse. 

f x = | of 160 = 144, cost of carriage. 

10. What number increased by f of itself is 550 ? 

11. One third of a number increased by \ of the number 
is 455. What is the number ? 

12. A's money is f of B's money ; together they have $ 1300. 
How much has each ? 

13. Four times a number increased by f of the number 
is 475. What is the number ? 

14. Two numbers added together make 80 ; the greater is 5 
more than 4 times the lesser. What are the numbers ? 

15. If to my age you add its half and its third and 50 years 
more, the sum will be 3 times my age. What is my age ? 

16. If to the double of a number you add its half and 42 
more, the sum will be 4 times the number, What is the 
number ? 


17. One number is f of another; their sum is 156. What 
are the numbers ? 

18. 7 a; -5 a; + 11 a; = 390. Find a;. 

19. Divide the number 99 into three parts so that the first 
shall be 2 times the second and 3 times the third. 

20. A man bought two houses for $ 4400, paying 10 times as 
much for one as for the other. What did each cost ? 

21. A man. paid $ 700 more for one house than for another ; 
the cost of one being | of the cost of the other. What was the 
cost of each ? 

22. One seventh of a number exceeds ^ of it by 560. What 
is the number ? 

23. What number added to £ of itself will make 1000 ? 

24. What number diminished by -| of itself will make 60 ? 

25. What number increased by \ and \ of itself will make 



27. Arithmetical Addition. In elementary arithmetic, to 
add two numbers, 4 and 5 for example, is to find in the 
number system a number 9 by the process of counting, 
first 4 and then 5 more. The number so found is called 
the sum, and the numbers added are called the addends. 
The addition of any number of addends furnishes only an 
extension of the above process of continuous counting. 
If we think of number represented as heretofore upon a 
scale, then addition may be represented as follows : 


Let us add 5, 3, and 6. 
" First, we count 5 from 0, which takes us to A ; then 3 
more, which makes 8 and takes us to B ; and finally 6 more, 
which makes 14 and takes us to P- In this illustration 
is the zero point from which counting proceeds, and P is 
the terminal point. Hence, the sum represents the counted 
distance of the terminal point from zero. In practical 
addition elementary sums are remembered, and thus the 
actual counting is avoided. 

28. Algebraic Addition. We have already seen that 
ordinary algebra contains not only positive number (for- 
ward counting), but also negative number (backward 



counting). Part or all of the addends may therefore be 
negative. Hence, the definition of algebraic addition 
must be extended accordingly. 

Algebraic addition is the process of fending a number 
(surri) in the algebraic number system represented by the 
terminal point reached by the successive forward and back- 
■ ward countings indicated by the addends. 

Thus to add 4, 5, — 6, and 2 is to count 4, then 5 more, 
giving 9, then backward 6 to 3, then forward 2 to 5 ; 5 is 
the terminal point of the successive countings aud is the 
sum of the given addends. 


o 1 1 1 *— — i i ■ 


On the diagram the counting is from to A, A to B, 
B to G, to P. 

To add 4, — 6, — 3, and + 2 is to count 4, then back- 
ward 6 to — 2, then backward 3 more to — 5, and then 
forward 2 to —3. The terminal point of the successive 
countings is — 3, which is therefore the sum of the addends 
given. Show this by a diagram. 


Find as above the sum in each of the following, and illustrate 
by a diagram : 

1. 4, 5, -3. 6. -8, -9, -4. 

2. 6, -7, -3. 7. 4, -8, +6, -5. 

3. -4, 5, -1. 8. -6, +9, -10, +8. 

4. 8, -9, + 6, -4. 9. -4, -2, +8, +6. 

5. -7, -3, -1, +5. 10. 5, +6, -7, -10. 


29. Monomials and Like Monomials. Algebraic expressions 
consisting of single terms are called monomials. 

Monomials containing the same literal parts, each literal 
part having the same exponent, are called like monomials. 

§x, — 4 ab, 3 xy, are monomials. 4 a, 2 a, and — 3 a are like mono- 
mials. To add 4 a, 2 a, and — 3 a, is to count 4 a, and then 2 a to 6 a, 
and then backward 3 o to 3 a. 3 a is the terminal point of the suc- 
cessive countings, and is therefore the sum. 


Add the following monomials : 

1. 4 6, 5 6, -2 6, —3 6. 5. 11 abc, — 10 abc, — iabc. 

2. 3a?b, -6a 2 6, -5a 2 6. 6. 8 a; 2 , -5 a 2 , + 7 x 2 , -Ox 2 . 

3. —5xy, 7 xy, —2xy. 7. —2x*y, +ix 2 y, 3?y, —5x 2 y. 

4. 6 ax 2 , 3 ax 2 , — 10 ax 2 + ax 2 . 8. 9axy, — 5axy, — 7a,xy, iaxy. 

9. 3^/xy, —2y/xy, + 6 y/xy, — Vxi/. 
10. 4 a -yfz, + 5 aV^, — 9 a Vz. 

30. The Commutative Law. We know that in arithmetic 
3 + 4 = 4 + 3. This is known as the Commutative Law, 
and means that the addends may be taken in any order. 
The law is applicable to any number of addends. I This 

( law holds in the extended number system of algebra.A It 
is algebraically stated as follows : 

a + b = b + a. 

The following diagrams show the truth of this law : 

5 ' 1 •* 

a + b 


r • »P 

o a 

b +a 


That a — b = — b + a is shown as follows : 
.0 a 




<- b ° 


The distance from to P is the same in each case. 

31. The Associative Law. We know that in ordinary 
arithmetic, iii adding 2, 3, 4, 5, we may, if we wish, first 
add 3 and 4, and add their sum to 2, and then add 5. 
We may, in fact, associate the addends in any manner we 
choose. This is known as the Associative Law. This law 
holds in the extended number system of algebra. It is 
algebraically stated as follows : 

a + b + c = a + (6 + <?). 

This law, like the Commutative Law, applies to both 
positive and negative numbers. 

32. Addition of Monomials. Let us find the value of the 
expression v* 

3x — 2x + 4x—7x + 8x. 

By applying the Commutative Law we may write this 
expression in the equivalent form Bx + ix+8x—2x—7x. 
Now, by the Associative Law we may add all the positive 
numbers into the one sum of 15 a;, and all the negative 
numbers into another sum of —9x, and thus write the 
expression in the equivalent form 15 x — 9 x, which we at 


once know to be 6x. All this may be shown in the 
following scheme : 

3x-2x-t-4:x-lx + 8x 

= 3x + 4x + 8x—2x—7x, by Commutative Law. 

= 15 x — 9x, by Associative Law. 

= 6 x, by adding. 

The sum of a positive and negative number is equal to 
the difference of their absolute values with the sign of 
the greater prefixed ; e.g. 6 — 4 = + 2, while 9 — 13 = — 4. 

Rule. To add like monomials, add the positive terms, 
then add the negative terms ; to the difference of the absolute 
values of the two sums prefix the sign of the greater. 


1. Add 3a;, — 5x, —9a;, + lla;, —3a;, +7x. 

We may for convenience arrange the solution thus : 

+ 3a; — 5x 

11a; - 9x 

7x — 3x 

21 x —Ylx 
—17 a; 

-+- 4a; 

It will be noticed that we have arranged in the first column 
all the positive numbers, and in the second all the negative 
numbers. This is a mere matter of convenience. The stu- 
dent should early accustom himself to pick out and unite the 
positive numbers mentally, and likewise the negative numbers, 
merely writing down the results. Unless the coefficients are 
very large, a little practice will enable the student to do this 
with accuracy and rapidity. 


2. Add 5 xyz, — 11 xyz, 18 xyz, — 4 xyz, — 13 ai!/«. ' 

3. Add 15 a-bc, 10 a?bc, -2arbc, - 18 arbc. 

4. Add 10 a?, - 5 a; 2 , - 2 x\ 16 a; 2 , - 8 x*. 

5. Add | aa;, \ ax, — % ax, — %ax, — f ax. 

6. Add 3V2lc, -5V2a;, - 3V2as, -V2a;, 6V2i». 

7. Add 4(a + 6), -3(a + &), -4(a + 6), 2 (a + 6). 

Algebraic expressions containing like quantities within a paren- 
thesis may be added as monomials. Tims, in Exercise 7, the quantity 
a + b is common to each addend, hence the sum is — (a + b). 

8. Add &(a? + y% -3(a? + f), 7(<* + f), -%(a? + f). 

9. Add ^(ax + by + 2), — %(ax + by + 2), (ax+by + 2). 

10. Add 1(^-2^- 1(^-2 y), -1(^-22,). ^ 

11. Add 3(Vx + Vy), -8(VS + V^), 6(Vx + Vy). 

-^'(S+S- 1 )-'^- 1 )-^- 

33. Addition of Polynomials. ^4w algebraic expression 
consisting of more than one term is a polynomial. 

If it has two terms, it is called a binomial : and if three, 
a trinomial. 

If we desire the sum of 4 a + b and 3 a — 4 b, we may indicate that 
sum thus : 4a + 6 + 3a — 4 6. 

Now, by the Commutative Law, we may write this 4 a + 3 d -f J - 4 J, 
which by the Associative Law becomes 7 a — 8 b. 

However many polynomials we might have to add, the 
process would be an extension of the above. We have 
then the following rule for adding polynomials : 

Rule. Unite the like terms of the various polynomials 
into sums, and connect these by their proper signs to form 
the polynomial sum. 



1. Add 2ax + 3by + 5cz, 4 ax — 5 by, 7by — 3cz, 11 ax — 
4-by — Q cz. 

For convenience we may arrange these polynomials thus : 

2 ax + 3 by + 5 cz 

4 ax — 5 by 

7by — 3cz 
11 ax — 4 by — 6cz 
17 c!.c 4- by — 4 cz 

It should be noticed that in the arrangement like terms have 
been placed in columns. 

2. Add 5x+3y+4z, —3x—oy+z, 7 x—2y—z, 10x+y—2z. 

3. Add 5 ax— 6 by+cz, 3ax+by+3cz, — 4ax+3by—3cz, 

3 ax — 3 by + 3 cz. 

4. Add 4x? + 3y 2 -4, -3x> + 2y 2 -6, x 2 -y 2 + 7. 

5. Add 3ar + 43/ 2 + 3z 2 , - X 2 -4y 2 + 2z 2 , lltf-tf-z 2 . 

6. Add 4 xy — 3 yz + 7 zx, 4yz — 7xy, 3yz + 4zx, —4xy + 
3zx — 2yz, — xy — zx. 

7._AdA 4y/xy + 3 Vyz + y/zx, —2Vyz — 3Vzx, — 2Vxy — 

8. Add 3 abc — 4 xyz + 7 Imn, — 4 Imn + 12 xyz, 5 xyz — 

4 a&c + 3 ?mra, — 5 abc — 7 Imn. 

34. Identity. The sum of the addends is identically 
equal to the sum. 

Thus, 3x + 4x-5x=2x. 

Also, 2a+b+5a— 4b — 6a + 4b = a + b. 

Since an identity is true for all values of the letters involved, we 
may make use of the identity existing between addends and sum to 


verify our results in addition. If in the first illustration above we 
make x = 1, it becomes 

3 + 4 - 5 = 2, or 2 = 2. 

If in the second illustration we put a = 1 and b = 1, it becomes 

2 + 1 + 5-4-6 + 4 = 1 + 1, or 2 = 2. 

The use of 1 for each of the letters is convenient, but not necessary. 
We may use any value whatever. Thus, in the second illustration 
above, we may put a== 3and6 = 5. 

The identity then becomes 

* 6 + 5 + 15 - 20 - 18 + 20 = 3 + 5, or 8 = 8. 


Add the following quantities, and verify the results by sub- 
stituting particular values for the letters used : 

1. 3a+-4 6, 5a-6&, 7a-4c, 56+-llc. 

2. ix — 3y, 5x + 3y, — 7x + y, 3x — 2y. 

3. 2a?-3b 2 , 5b 2 + ia 2 , 7a 2 -5b 2 , -3a 2 -b 2 . 

4. 5x 2 + ±xy + 3y 2 , 2x 2 -5xy + 6y 2 , 3a?-8y 2 , 8xy. 

5. — 3ax + kby + c, 5 ax — 6 by — 3c, ax — 3 by +■ 2 c. 

6. 12x-3y + z, 6x-4y + 7z, -8x-3y + 3z. 
\ rf + if + z 2 , 3x 2 + ±y 2 + 5z 2 , -ix 2 -8y 2 + z 2 . 

8. x 2 -3y, 5a+-42/ + 3, x 2 + iy, y 2 -3x. 

9. 3V# — 4 V*/, 5V» + 8Vy, — 6Vaj+-Vy. 
10. 4a*-56* + 66, 3a*+-2^-46. 
Note, a? means Vo; 5 J means Vb. 

XL. 5i/a_-6-fyb + c, -3^/a + 4^6-4c,2^-3^6 + 2c, 
5^a-3-\/6 + 3c. 

12. 3axy + ibyz + 6czx, 2byz-5axy + 6czx, —<Laxy + 2byz 
— 7czx, 2 axy — byz — 7 czx. 


35. Subtraction. Subtraction is the process of finding 
one addend, when the other addend and the sum of the two 
addends are given. 

The given addend is called the subtrahend, the given 
sum the minuend, and the addend which is to be found 
the remainder or difference. 

Referred to the number system, we may say that to 
subtract a from b is to find the amount and direction of 
counting necessary to pass from a to b, both a and b begin- 
ning at the zero point. 

This is shown'on our number system diagram as follows : 

If P is the terminal point of the subtrahend a and Q 
that of the minuend 6, then the distance and direction 
from P to Q is the result of subtracting a from b. 

36. Cases of Subtraction. A consideration of the defini- 
tion of subtraction gives us the following four cases : 

(1) If we subtract a positive number from a positive 
number, the remainder is the arithmetical difference of the 
absolute values, positive or negative, according as the 
absolute value of the subtrahend is less or greater than 
the absolute value of the minuend. 

For example : 

7a-(+3«)=4a, 7 a -( + 10a)= - 2>a. 


(2) If we subtract a negative number from a positive 
number, the remainder is the positive arithmetical sum of 
the absolute values. 

For example : hx — ( — 3 x) =8 x. 

(3) If we subtract a positive number from a negative 
number, the remainder is the negative arithmetical sum of 
the absolute values. 

For example : — 6 ab — ( + 4 ab) = — 10 ab. 

(4) If we subtract a negative number from a negative 
number, the remainder is the positive or negative arith- 
metical difference of the absolute values according as the 
absolute value of the subtrahend is greater or less than 
the absolute value of the minuend. 

For example : 

-1x-(-llx)=±x, _18a!-(-9ar)=-43;. 

The student should verify the truth of these cases by 
testing them on the number system diagram. ^ 


1. From 19x'y subtract llarfy. 

2. From 7 ab subtract — 5ab. 

3. From — 9xyz subtract 12 xyz. 

4. From — 17 x subtract — 13 x. 

5. From —14 a; 2 subtract — 23 a?. 

6. From 27 a s y subtract 43 ay 

7. From 15 y 2 subtract 15 y 1 . 

8. From — 7 abx* subtract — 7 abx*. 

9. From 17 ^fxy subtract — 12^/xy. 


10. From 11 (a + b) subtract 15 (a + b). 

11. From — 6(x + y) subtract 9(x + y). 

12. From -ll(a 2 + 6 2 ) subtract -7(a 2 + 6 2 ). 

13. From 18 (xy + yz + zx) subtract — 7 (xy + yz + zx). 

14. From 23(ax + by + c) subtract 40(aas+ by + c). 

15. From - 16 (tf + 4 as) subtract — 21 (j/ 2 + 4 oas). 

37. Subtraction of Monomials and Polynomials. In the 

cases considered in Section 36 it may be noticed that the 
subtraction of any number is equivalent to the adding of 
an equal opposite number. 
Illustrations : 

7a-(+4a) = 7a + (— 4a)=3a. 

7a-(-4a)s 7 a +( + 4 a)= 11 a. 
-7a-(-4a)=-7a + (+4a) = -3a. 
-7a-(+4a)=-7« + (-4a)=-lla. 

Hence, we have the following rule : 

Rule. To subtract one number from another number, 
change the sign of the subtrahend and proceed as in addition. 

For example : The problem, from 18 ax 2 y take — 5 aa?y is 
equivalent to this problem, to 18 ax 2 y add 5 ax 2 y. 

In practice the change in sign should always be made men- 

Rule. To subtract one polynomial from another, change 
the sign of each term of the subtrahend and proceed as in 


1. From 9 x 2 + 3 xy - 11 y 2 + 7 

Subtract 7 x 2 — 5 xy — 17 y 2 + 9 

2x 2 + 8xy+ 6y 2 ~2 


In this we think of the 7 a; 2 as negative, and add it to 9 a; 2 , 
giving 2 a; 2 . The — 5xy is thought of as positive, and added 
to 3xy, giving + Sxy, and so on with the other terms of the 

2. From ( da? — lla? + 5y subtract 14 X s — 7 x 2 — 8 y. 

3. From 11 a 4 - 15 6 4 - 13 aV subtract 7 a 4 + 10 b 4 - 3 aW. 

4. From 4 <n/ + 3 a^ — 11 y 2 subtract 7 xy — 4 a; 2 — 13 y 2 . 

5. From 18 ax — 14 % + 11 c subtract 3 aa; + 19 6y — 5 c. 

6. From 5 Va; + 8 y/y — 13 a subtract 8 Va; — 5 \A/ + 3 a. 

7. From 19 a 3 + 7 a; — 5 subtract 4 aj 3 + 11 a; 2 — 8. 

Arranging for subtraction, we have 

19a? +7as-5 

4a« ! + lla: 2 -8 

15 a; 3 - 11 a; 2 + 7 a; + 3 

In the minuend there is no term in a; 2 , or we may say there 
is the term Oa; 2 . Hence the 11a; 2 is to be subtracted from a; 2 , 
and of course gives a remainder of — 11 x 2 . In the subtrahend 
there is no term in x, so there is nothing to subtract from 7 x, 
or the remainder is 7 x. 

8. From 5a; 4 — 3 a? + 3 a; + 6 subtract 6 a; 4 — 3 x* + x 2 — 5. 

9. From 4 x 2 y 2 + 6 xy 3 — 3 v?y + y 4 subtract 3 y 4 + 4 xy s — 6 x 2 y 2 . 

10. From 3 (a + b) — 5 (x + y) + 6c subtract 6 (a; + y) — 
5 (a + 6) — 5. 

11. From 14 Vtf^+13 f— 16 x subtract 15 f+17 y—12 Vxy. 

12. From iax + 5y 2 —6xz + 13 subtract 21 + 17 xz — 15 ax 
+ 11*/. 

13. From 18 j/ 8 - 27 « 3 + 42 y« subtract 18 yz - 36 f + 17 is 3 . 

14. From 36 a 3 - 27 a 2 b - 17 a& 2 + b s subtract 13 b s + 17 ab 2 
- 37 « 2 Z>. 

15. From 13 a; 2 + 17 a;y — 5 subtract 18 y 2 - 17 yz+ 32. 



38. Identity. Subtraction may be expressed as 
Minuend — Subtrahend = Remainder. 

This is an identity and will, therefore, be true for any 
values of the letters involved. This identical relation 
furnishes a convenient method for verifying the results 
of subtraction. 

For example : 7 ab — 14 a 2 + 11 6 2 
4a6-lla 2 + 19S 2 

Sab- 3a 2 - 8& 2 
If we put a = 1, b = 1, we get 

7_14 + 11= + 4 
4 -11 + 19 = + 12 
3-3- 8 = - 8 
which shows our result to be true. 





Perform the following subtractions and verify by putting 
the letters each equal to 1 : 

1. From 9 a 2 +11 ab - 13 a take 8 a- + 14 ab - 9 a. 

2. From 3 x — 4 y + 7 take x — 2y + 8. 

3. From 4 a? + 5 y- + 7 ay take 5 a; 2 — 4 xy + 3 y 2 . 

4. From 14 ax + 12 6y + 7 take — 3 ax + 2 by — 5. 

5. From 4(a: + y) + 7z-4take3(a; + 2/)-53-8. 

6. From 16(a; 2 + xy + f) + « 2 — w 2 
take 12(ar l + ^+j/ ! )-4« 2 + 3w ! . 

7. From 2(6 2 - 4 etc) + ar* + # 2 take 5(6 2 - 4 ac) + 5 jc 2 - 6 y\ 

8. From aa + by + c take a'a: + b'y + c'. 


9. From aa?+2hxy + by 2 + 2gx + 2fy 
take a'x 2 + 2 h'xy + b'y* + 2 g'x + 2f'y+ c'. 

10. From x 2 + y 2 + ax + by take 3 x 2 + 3 y 2 + Ix + my. 

11. From aVx + b^/y + c take aWx+ b'^/y + c'. 

12. From 5 VOF+f + 7-vV + z 2 take 3 Vx 2 + y 2 + 8 Vj^+i 2 . 

39. Removal of Parentheses. If we recall the principles 
of addition and subtraction already developed, we can by 
means of them remove parentheses preceded by the + or 
— signs. 

For a+(b — c + d)=a + b — c + d, 

and a — (b — c + d) = a — b + c — d. 

Hence, a •parenthesis preceded by a + sign may be omitted 
without any change in the signs of the terms inclosed- A 
parenthesis preceded by a — sign may be omitted if the sign 
of each term within it is changed. 

For example : 
ax + (3 ab — 4 cy — 3 az) = ax + 3 ab — 4 cy — 3 az. 
ax — (3ab — 4:cy— 3 az) =ax — iab + £cy + 3az. 


Remove the parentheses in the following and unite like terms: 
1. 3a-(2a + 4&-c). 2. 3x-£y-(2x + a-3y). 

3. 5a 2 -(6+3a 2 )-4&-(2a 2 -3&). 

4. 3 ax — [a 2 — 3ax + xy — (xy — 5ax + a 2 )]. 
Remove the [ ] first, and we have 

3 ax — a 2 + 3 ax — xy + (xy — 5 ax + a 2 ). 
Now since the parenthesis is preceded by a + sign it may 
be omitted, and we have, when we unite the like terms, ax as 
the result. 


5. 2a-36-[7a-(46-5o-6 + 26)]. 

6. 3 ax — 5 by — [7 by + 3 ax — (5 ax — 3 by)~\. 

7. 11 x — (7 y — 3 x) + 5 y — [3 x — (4 y + 5 a;)]. 

8. 5 x- \1 a -[3 x -(5 a- 2 x- a)] j. 

9. 17 a -12 «- {15 a- 11 a; + (3 a- 2 x)- 5 x -4 a}. 
10. 2x-\6y + [6z-(x-y+z)-2x] + 3yl. 

In exercise 10 and the following put x = 5, y = 4, and z = 2, 
and find the value of the expressions. 

11. 5y-3z+[x-y + 2z-(3x + 2y-4:z)]. 

12. 3z-\2x-[5z-(4 : y-7x-2y + z)-3x'] + 2yl. 

13. 2x + 3y-(4y-z + x)-\_5x-(7 y + 3x)~\. 

14. xy— (yz — zx — 2xy — 2yz). 

15. 3 xy - {Ax 2 -y 2 - [2 xy + 3 x 2 - 5y 2 1- (3 x 2 -iy^l 

40. Insertion of Parentheses. Many times it is just as 
important to insert parentheses in an algebraical expres- 
sion as it is to remove them. Evidently any number of 
terms may be inclosed in a parenthesis without change if 
the parenthesis is preceded by a + sign. Any number 
of terms may be inclosed in a parenthesis preceded by a 
— sign, if the sign of every term so inclosed is changed. 

For example : 

ax + by — cz + ah = ax + (by — cz+ aS), 
ax + by — cz + ab = ax — ( — by + cz — ab~). 

The number in the parenthesis is thought of as one quan- 
tity, and hence may be considered as one term. This gives 
an extension in meaning to the word term. In the illus- 
trations just given the expressions on the left have four 
terms, but those on the right have only two terras. 



1. 3a? + 4ab — 3c + d. Inclose the last three terms in a 
parenthesis preceded by — . 

2. ay + by — cy — xy. Inclose the last three terms in a 
parenthesis preceded by — . 

In each of the next four exercises inclose all the terms con- 
taining x in a parenthesis preceded by — . 

3. 5 — 3 x + ax — 4 abx. 4. 7y + 3z + zx — 3x-5yx. 
1 > 5. 13 — 5 ax + 11 x — 16 ax + 27 a. 

6. 27y-30y + 22xy-13bx + 2lx-30a + 16b. 

In the following exercises put all the terms containing a in 
a parenthesis preceded by — , and all the terms containing y 
in a parenthesis preceded by — . 

7. 15 — 3 a + 4 y — 5 ax + 7 xy + 3 ab — 5 by. 
Eearranging, we have 

15 — 3 a — 5 ax + 3 ab + 4 y + 7 xy — 5 by. 
Then 15- (3a + 5ax-3ab) - (-&y- 7xy + 5by). 

8. 25 x + 5 y — 3 x + 7 ax — 11 by + ex — 3 ac + 11. 

9. b 2 -ab + cy-2ac 2 -4b 2 y + lla-4:y. 

10. 3 x + 2 a — 4 y + 5 x — 6 ab + 3 yz — 5 ax + 11 by. 

41. Adding and Subtracting with regard to a Named Letter. 
7 a + 5 a— 6 a might be written (7 + 5 — 6) a. So if we 
had 7 ax + 5 bx — 6 ex, we might write it (7 a + 5 b — &d)x. 
In this, a; has been chosen as the element of likeness or 
the denomination in the three terms. We have added the 
coefficients, but in this case the coefficients are unlike and 
we can only indicate the addition. We can subtract 5 ax 2 
from 7 bx 2 if we consider x 2 as the element of likeness. 
The remainder is (7 b — 5 a) x 2 . 



1. Unite with respect to x, 5 ax + 7 xy — 3 xz. 

2. Unite with respect to a, 3 ax + 4 ay — 5 az. 

3. Unite with respect to k, &xk + 3 yk — 12 zk. 

4. Unite with respect to x and y, 4 ax + 6 ay — 5 &* + 12 cy. 

5. Unite with respect to x and y, 

3ax + iby-(2ax + 12 by). 

6. Unite with respect to x 2 , 

5x> + 16ax 2 -12bx?-x 2 . 

7. Unite with respect to x, y, z, 

3a; + 4y + 3z— (5 a: — 8y — 7z). 
(3-6)a; + (4 + 8)y + (3 + 7)8 = 2a! + 12y + 10sk 

8. Unite with respect to x and y, 

3x-2y + 7-(2x + 3y + i). 

9. Unite with respect to x, y, and z, 

— 5x + 8y + 7z + (3x-4 : y + z). 

10. Unite with respect to the powers of x, 

3a? _5 X 2 -8a^ + 7 a,- 2 -16 x + 20 a; 2 - 21 a; + 6. 

11. Unite with respect to the powers of x and y, 

ax 2 + by 2 + ex + dy + e — (a'a; 2 + &'y 2 + c'a; + d'y + e'). 

12. Unite with respect to x 2 , xy, and y 2 , 

4a; 2 -3a3y + 12y 2 -(2ar ! -4ax/ + 8y 2 ) + 16a;y. 

13. Unite with respect to powers of k, 

12 x + 16 yk - 6 x + 12 «A; + 8 x 2 k 2 + 12 k 2 + k 3 . 

14. Unite with respect to x 2 , y 2 , z 2 , and xy, 

ax 2 + 2hxy + by 2 + cz 2 - (a'x 2 + 2 h'xy - b'y 2 + c'z 2 ). 



1. A and B have $ 550 ; A has $ 100 more than twice as 
much as B. How much has each ? 

2. Add llax i +13bx z y+§cxy 2 -5dy i , 4bx 2 y-3aa?+16df, 
31bx 2 y — 2<lcxy 2 ! and 10 dy s — 8 cxy 2 + ax 3 . 

3. Remove the parentheses and simplify, 
13x*-{8y-5x-(3x + 7y)-2yl-(12x + 8y~+2x). 

4. Unite with respect to x 2 and y 2 , 

ax 2 — 5 x 2 + 3 y 2 — by 2 + ex 2 — dy 2 . 

5. From 5a s -6a 2 &-7a6 2 +ll& 3 take 10 6 3 -3a 3 + 5a6 2 
- 12 a 2 b. 

6. By means of a diagram show that the sum of 8 and 
- 10 is - 2. 

7. By means of a diagram show that — 10 taken from 8 
leaves 18. 

8. By means of a diagram show that 8 taken from —10 
leaves — 18. 

9. With x = 4 and y = 5, find the value of 

8y- \3 x - [4 y + 2x- (6 x -3y -5a;)] \. 

10. With the same values of x and y find the value of 

{8x-[3y + 2x-(5y-3x)-\\(8x-3y-x). 

11. A father's age is 10 years more than 3 times his son's 
age ; the sum of their ages is 82 years. Find the age of each. 

12. Add, 8 y + 3 xy + 11 x 2 , 7 y - 13 xy - 21 x 2 , -142/ + 
10 xy + 12 x 2 , and 2 y — 5 xy — 2 x\ 

Verify your result by putting y = 2 and x = 1. 

13. From 11a — 12 aft— 3 6 
take 8a 4- 3ab-10b + ll 

Verify your result by putting a = 1 and b = 2. 


14. Add 8(a + b) — 16 (x - y) + lWax, 5 (x — y) + 2y/ax — 
7 (a + b), and — 3 (a + b) + 11 (x — y) — 14Vaa>. (Regard the 
quantities in each parenthesis as a single term.) 

15; From 8 (a 2 - ft 2 ) — 17 (x + y) — 11 y/x* + f 
take 7 (a 2 - b 2 ) -20(x + y)+ 4 Vs 2 + y 2 

16. Show by a diagram that the sum of 8, — 6, — 3, + 2, 
and — 5 is — 4. 

17. Unite with respect to a and x, 

5a+3x— 4c a — 7 x — ba + bx + cx — dx. 

18. 8 x + 3 y — (x 4 2/) + 2 ?/z. Inclose all the terms after the 
first in a parenthesis preceded by a — sign. 

19. A farmer exchanged a bushels of wheat at b cents a bushel, 
and c bushels of corn at d cents a bushel, for a mowing machine 
costing e dollars, and for calves at / dollars each. How many 
calves did he get ? 

20. John, James, and Henry together have $216. John 
has one half as much as James, and Henry has as much as 
both John and James. How much has each ? 

21. Simplify 8 x 2 + 3 xy - 4 y 2 + 2 xy + 3 y 2 - 7 x 2 + 4 y 2 - 
2xy-7f + 5x 2 + 3xy--4:y 2 + 10x 2 . 

22. Simplify 17-13 a: + 4a; 2 - f- (3f + 2\x + 5a; 2 - 11). 

23. If x = 1, ?/ = 2, and z = 3, find the value of 

on/z — \x 2 — Q/ 2 + aiz — (2 z — 3 xy — 4 ?/)] + xz 2 \ . 

24. With the same values of x, y, and z, find the value of 
3 yz + 5 8 x - [4 y + z 2 — (5 a:?/ +• 4 ?/z) - 8 a:?/z] — 3 ?/ 2 } . 

25. Add 3 (a + ?/)- 4(a 2 -&) + 3Vy 2 -b 2 

-7(x + y) + 11 (a 2 - b) - 16 VjT^P 

4 (x + y)~ 8(a 2 -b)- Wy 2 - b 2 
5(x + y)- 3 (a 2 -6)- 9 Vj/ 2 - 6 2 




42. Integral Multiplication. To multiply 7 by 8 may be 
taken to mean that 7 is to be added 8 times. 

7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 = 56. 

In such an operation 7 is the multiplicand, 8 is the multi- 
plier, and 56 is the product. Similarly, to multiply a by b 
is to find the sum of a added b times : 

a + a + a + ••• (b times) = ah. 

In this, a is the multiplicand, b the multiplier, and ab 
(read, a multiplied by b) is the product. It is clear that 
this view of multiplication has no meaning when the mul- 
tiplier b is fractional or negative. We can not add a one 
half times, or three fourths times, or three and a half 
times ; neither can we add a negative four times to obtain 
the product of a by — 4. All this shows that if we are to 
have multiplication of algebraic numbers, we must extend 
our definition. No change is made in the meaning of 
multiplicand, multiplier, and product. 

43. Multiplication Defined. Multiplication is doing to the 
multiplicand what has been done to unity to produce the 



For example. To multiply 6 by 5 is to do to 6 what has 
been done to unity to produce 5. Unity has been added five 
times (1 + 1+1 + 1 + 1 = 5) to make 5, hence we must add 6 
five times to get the product 6x5. Or, we may say that 
unity has been taken five times to produce 5, hence we must 
take 6 five times to produce 6x5. The new definition is seen 
to agree with the arithmetical notion of multiplying one integer 
by another. To multiply 6 by | is to do to 6 what has been 
done to unity to produce |. Unity has been divided into 3 
equal parts and 2 of them taken to produce f. Hence to 
multiply 6 by | we must divide 6 into 3 equal parts and take 
2 of the parts. It is thus seen that the new definition includes 
multiplication of fractions. The application of the definition 
may be seen by considering the following simple concrete 

A water tank with a capacity of 1000 gallons contains at 
the present time 600 gallons. Let us consider the following 
four cases : 

(1) If it have a supply pipe carrying 10 gallons an hour, 
how much water will be poured into the tank in the next 
8£ hours ? 

Evidently the amount poured in is 10 x 8£. We must do to 10 
what has been done to 1 to make 8^. To produce 8J, 1 has been 
added eight times, then separated into 2 equal parts and one of the 
parts added. Hence we must add 10 eight times, giving 80, then 
separate 10 into two equal parts of 5 each and add the 5 to 80, giving 
85. Hence the amount poured in is 85 gallons. 

(2) With the same rate of flow, how many gallons must be 
added to find the amount in the tank 6 hours before the pres- 
ent time ? 

In this case the 6 hours is negative, as it is the opposite of the 
time used in the preceding problem, which we considered positive. 
Our problem now is to multiply 10 by — 6. We must do to 10 what 


has been done to 1 to produce — 6. — 6 is produced by subtracting 
1 six times. Hence to multiply 10 by — 6, we must subtract 10 six 
times, which gives — 60. Hence we must add — 60 gallons to 600 
gallons to get the contents 6 hours before the present time. 

(3) A discharge pipe is flowing at the rate of 5 gallons per 
hour. How many gallons must be added to give the contents 
10 hours from now ? 

Since the inflow rate was positive, the outflow rate is negative. 
Hence, our problem now is to multiply — 5 by 10. We must do to — 5 
what has been done to 1 to produce 10; that is we must add — 5 ten 
times, which gives — 50. So - 50 gallons is the amount to be added. 

(4) The discharge pipe has been running at the rate of 6 
gallons an hour for a number of hours. How many gallons 
must be added to give the contents of the tank 8 hours ago ? 

Tn this case both the. 6 and 8 are negative, and the problem is to 
multiply — 6 by — 8. We must do to — 6 what has been done to 1 to 
produce 8; that is, we must subtract —6 eight times, which gives 
+ 48. So we must add 48 gallons to get the contents of the tank 8 ^) 
hours ago. 

The results of the four cases may be arranged thus : 


10 x - 6 = - 60, 

-5x10= -50, 

(-6) x(-8)=+48. 

If we should make our reasoning perfectly general by letting 
the rate of flow be a and the number of hours be b, then the 
four cases would take this form : 

axb = +ab, 

ax(—b) = —ab, 

— axb = —ab, 



44. Law of Signs in Multiplication. From the definition 
and the above considerations, we see that the product is 
+ if the multiplier and multiplicand have like signs, and 
it is — if they have unlike signs. 

In multiplication, like signs in multiplicand and multiplier 
give a positive product and unlike signs give a minus product. 

45. Continued Products. Products produced by three or 
more multiplications are called continued products. 

If 6 boys buy 5 oranges each at 3 cents apiece, the total cost of the 
oranges is 3 x 5 x 6 cents. If 8 groups of 6 boys each should buy 
oranges as above, the total cost of the oranges is 3x5x6x8 cents. 
If instead of using arithmetical number we should use algebraic num- 
ber, and say that there were d groups, c boys in a group, and each 
boy bought b oranges at a cents apiece, then the total cost of the 
oranges would beaxbxcxd = abed cents. 

46. Factors. As in arithmetic, the numbers multiplied 
together are called the factors of the product. 

a, b, and c are factors of abc. 

5, a, b, and c are factors of 5 abc. 

In the latter case, 5 is considered a numerical multiplier 
or coefficient, and is usually so designated, instead of being 
called a factor. 


Point out the factors and numerical multipliers in the follow- 
ing products : 

1. obex. 4. 11 (2 x) (3 y) z. 

2. 3abdz. 5. (5 a) (4 a) (3 a). 

3. 17 x9(3z) = 51 x9z. 6. (3y)(iz)(2xy). 


47. Signs of Continued Products. 

(-3)x2x3 =-6x3 =-18. 

(-3)x(-2)x3 = + 6x3 = + 18. 

(- 3) x (- 2).x (- 3)= + 6 x (- 3)= - 18. 

If we use algebraic instead of arithmetical number, the above 
may be written: 

(— a) x 6 x c =(— ab~) x o = — abc. 

(— a)x(— J)xc =(+«J)xe = + abc. 

(— a)x(— J)x(— <?) = ( + ab) x ( — c) = — abc. 

We see that one negative factor produces a negative 
product, two negative factors a positive product, and three 
negative factors a negative product. Hence, 

Products resulting from an even number of negative fac- 
tors are + , those resulting from an odd number of negative 
factors are — . 


Give the signs of the following products : 

1. (-2 a) x (5a)(-x). 

2. (_a)(-&)(-c)(-d> 

3. a(-b)(-c}d(-e)f(-g)(-h). 

4. x <-(-a)(~b)(f)(-3x). 

5. 17(-5)(-3)(-2)(^)(-2)(-3). 

48. Commutative Law of Factors. In multiplying to- 
gether numbers in arithmetic, the factors may be taken in 
any order without changing the product. 

5x7=7x5 = 35. 

= 5x2x3 = 5x3x2 = 30. 



If we construct a rectangle of length 5 and width 3, the 
area is 5 x 3. If we construct another rectangle of length 
3 and width 5, the area is 3 x 5. 3 

These two rectangles are readily seen to be equal, for 
the second one is merely the first one placed on end. 

Hence > 5x3 = 3x5. 

The reasoning would be exactly similar if we should use 
the general rectangle whose length is a and width b, and 
the other general rectangle whose length is b and width a. 
In this case our conclusion is 

a x b = b x a. 

The product is the same whatever the order of the factors. 
This is called the Commutative Law of Factors. 

This law holds for all algebraic numbers. 

a x (— 5) = ( — b~)a = — (ba~)= — («6) = — ab; 
or, since —b =(—1)5, 

a x (— b) = a x (— 1) x b =(— l)ab = — ah. 


1. Commute the factors of 3 xy. 

Sxy = 3yx = xSy — xy3 = y3x = yx3. 

2. Commute the factors of — abc. (—1 is a numerical 


3. Commute the factors of ab(x + y). (The quantity in 
parenthesis is a factor.) 

ab(x + y)=a(x+y)b = (x+y)ab = (x+y)ba = b(x+y)a = ba(x+y). 

4. Commute the factors of (a + b)c(x + y). 

5. Commute the factors of (a + b)(c + d)(e +/). 

49. Associative Law of Factors. If 6 boys buy 4 oranges 
each at 3 cents apiece, the total cost is 3 cents x 4 x 6. 
We may think of this as each boy paying out 3 cents x 4 
and' the 6 boys as paying out (3 cents x 4) x 6 ; or we may 
think of total number of oranges bought, 4x6, and then of 
the cost of these as 3 cents x (4 x 6) ; or finally we may 
think of the six boys as buying 1 orange each, at a cost 
(3 cents x 6), and then the total cost of 4 oranges each is 
(3 cents x 6) x 4. Hence, we have 

3x4x6 = (3 x 4) x 6 = 3 x (4 x 6) = (3 x 6) x 4. 

If instead of the arithmetical numbers, 3, 4, and 6, we use 
the algebraic numbers a, b, and c, we have 

a x b x c = (a x V) x c = a x (6 x c) = (a x c) x b. 
The above is an illustration of the Associative Law of 
Factors, which may be stated as follows : 

The factors of a product may be grouped in any order. 
axbxcxd=(ab) x (cd) = a(bx c)d=a(bxcxd). 
x (-2)}= etc. 

50. Distributive law of Factors. The multiplication of 
4 + 5 by 7 may be indicated thus : (4 + 5) x 7. The opera- 
tion may be carried out in either of the following ways : 

(4 + 5) x 7 = 9 x 7 = 63. 

(4 + 5)7 = 4 x 7 + 5 x 7 = 28 + 35 = 63. 


In the first instance the 4 and 5 have been combined 
into 9, and the product of 9 by 7 taken. In the second 
instance the 7 has been distributed as a multiplier of the 
terms 4 and 5 of the multiplicand, and the sum of the 
separate products taken. If these arithmetical numbers 
4, 5, and 7 be replaced by the algebraic numbers a, b, 
and o, we have 

(a + J) xc = axc + bxc = ae + bc. 

The fact expressed by the algebraic identity 

(« + ?>) x c = ac + be 

is known as the Distributive Law. Since the multiplier 
and multiplicand are commutative, 

V^ c X (a + b) = (a + 6) x c = ac + be. 

It may be noticed that the Distributive Law harmonizes, 
as it should, with the definition of multiplication. To 
multiply a + b by c is to do to a + b what has been done 
to 1 to produce c. This would certainly mean that we 
are to do the same thing to a and b and add the results. 

In distributing factors the law of s.igns must be observed. 

(a — b} x 5 c = 5 ac — 5 be. 
(_ 2 «2 + }2) x (- 3 c) = 6 a 2 e - 3 b 2 c. 


Distribute the following factors: 

1. (a + b — c) x 2 d. 

2. (2a + 3 6-4c)x-(3d). 

3. (2 x + y - 3 z)(2 a). 

4. (12 a? - 5 f + 13 xy)(i b). 

5. (15 xy— 13 yz + 12 xz)(— 2 a&). 


6. (ab~5b 2 + 3c-a)(5xy). 

7. (ax 2 — bx* + cxy)(— 3 m). 

8. (4=lx + 5my — 3nz)(2ab). 

9. (- 6 a 3 + 5 a 2 6 - 3 a& 2 + 6 3 )(- 3 a?). 
10. (a:B 2 + 6a;+c)(-2 2/ 2 2). 

51. Index Law of Factors. In a continued product, abed, 
any two or more of the factors may become equal. To 
indicate the product when two or more factors have 
become equal, a convenient notation has been devised. If 
b should become equal to a in the above product, we would 
have aacd, and it would be written a?cd. The small 2 to the 
right of the a and slightly elevated is called the exponent. 
If b and c each equal a, we have aaad = a s d. If b, c, and 
d each equal a, we have aaaa = a*. It should be noticed 
that the exponents 2 , 3 , and i indicate in these cases the 
number of times a occurs in the respective products. 

a • a = a 2 , read a square. 
a • a ■ a = a s , read a cube. 
a • a • a ■ a = a 4 , read a fourth power. 
a ■ a • a ■ ■ ■ to m as = a m , read a exponent m, or a mth. 
It should be noted that a = a 1 . 

a h = a ■ a • a ■ a ■ a. 
cfix 2 = a ■ a ■ a ■ x • x. 

Write out the equivalents of 

(1) a 6 x 2 = 

(2) 5a s x 2 f = 

(3) 1 a • a ■ a • a • x ■ x • x = 

(4) aV(3) 3 = 

(5) 2-2 .2.2- 2-x-x-x-x-x = 


a s xa 2 =a-a-axa-a = a-a-a-a-a = a 5 = a 3+2 . 
a m xa* = (a ■ a ■ a ••• to m a's)(a • a ■ a ••• to n a's) 
= (a • a • a ••• to (m + n) a's) 
= a m+n . 
The result a m x a" = a m+n 

is the Index Law for positive integral exponents. It is read 
a with exponent m multiplied by a with exponent n equals 
a with exponent m + n. 

a? ■ x 2 = x 3+2 = x 5 . 

y* ■ y b = y i+i ' = f- 


1. X*-X 7 = 

2. a s -a*-a s = (a 3 • a 4 ) • a 5 = (a 3 + 4 ) • a 5 = a 3+4+s = a 12 - 

3. y 7 -f-y x = 

4. a 5 • a 2 • x* • a 9 = (a 5 • a 2 )(a; 4 • a; 9 ) = a 7 • a; 13 - 

5. 3 2 -3 3 -2/ 4 .^./.a^ = 

6. 2 4 -2 5 -3 7 -3 2 .5 4 -5 7 = 

7. a 12 • x 5 • y* ■ a 7 ■ x 12 ■ y 9 = 

8. (x + y y-(x + y) 7 -(x + y) 9 = 

9. (a + by-(a + by°-(x + yf-(x + yy = 

10. 7 3 -7 6 .(y + z) s - (y + z) n - (a-b) 5 ■ (a-6) n = 

52. The Multiplication of Any Number of Monomials. 

Rules : 

(1) Write the product of the numerical coefficients. 

(2) Attach the literal factors of the product, observing the 
Judex Law for repeated factors. 

(3) Prefix the proper sign, determined by the number of 
negative factors, + if an even number, — if an odd number. 

These rules result from observing the laws already developed. • 


Multiply together 3 ab, 4 ac, 5 be, - 3 abc. 

The indicated result is 

3 ab x 4 ac x 5 be x ( — 3 a&c) 
= 3 ■ 4 • 5 • ( — 3)a -a-a-6-6-6-c-c-c (by Commutative Law) 
= — 180a ■ a ■ a ■ b -b -b • c • c ■ c (by multiplying numerical 

factors and observing law of signs) , 
= - 180 a*bW (by Index Law) 

The above has been developed by an application of the laws, but 
the result is in exact accord with the rules on page 48. 

(2a) x (- 3a6)(-2Z>c)=+ 12 a 2 6 2 c. 


Multiply together the following monomials : 

1. 3 ax, 4 aft, — 5 axy. 5.-4 lx\ — 3 l s y 2 , — 8 x*f. 

2. 5 a 2 x, 3 b 2 y, 2 aVy*. 6. 2 abc, 3 b 2 <?, - atbc 5 . 

3. — 4m 2 w, 2mn s , — 5mW. 7. 3(« + 6) 3 , 42/(a+6) 2 ,5(a+6) 4 . 

4. -xyz,5x 2 f, -IxyW. 8. 8ax 2 , 5(a+b) s , -2a»(a+b) 2 . 

53. The Multiplication of a Polynomial by a Monomial. 
Rules : 

(1) Distribute the monomial as a multiplier of each term 
of the multiplicand. 

(2) Connect the results by the proper algebraic signs as 
determined by the law of signs. 

By the Distributive Law 

(a + 5) X c = ac + be. 
b can be any number, as d + e; then (a + b~)c = ac + be 

(a + d + e)c = ac + (d + e)c =ac + dc + ec. 

In general, „ 

(a + b + c + d+ -)m = am + bm + cm + dm H . 



1. (5 x + 3 y) x 2 a = 10 xa + 3 ya = 10 ax + 3 ay. 

It is customary to write the letters of a product in alphabetic 
order. This can always be done by an application of the Commutative 

2. (3a + 46)x2a = 6o 2 + 8a&. 

3. {3a 2 -4tab)xiab = 

4. Multiply 3 d*x — 2 ax 2 + 3 xy by 5 axy. 

5. Multiply -3l 2 x-\-±lx 2 -5lxy by -2JW. 

6. (aa + 3 ay — 5 bey) x 3 axy = 3 a 2 xy + 9 a 2 aw/ 2 — 15 abcxy 2 . 

7. Multiply a 3 - a 2 6 + a& 2 - b s by - a 2 6 2 . 

8. Multiply 3 a 4 - 4 a?b - 6 a 2 & 2 + 7 aft 3 by a& 8 . 

9. Multiply a 2 + & 2 + x 2 + y 2 + z 2 by 6 a6a; 2 . 

10. Multiply 5 ab -12 cd -3 fh by -6 6c. 

11. Multiply — 4 a; 2 ?/« + 7 xy 2 z — 3 xyz 2 by — 5 xyz. 

12. Multiply 3W + 7 6 2 c 2 - 14 c 2 a 2 by 8 aW. 

13. Multiply 3(a: + 2/) 2 + 4(ft + &) 2 by 2(x + y)(a + 6). 

3(z + 2/) 2 + 4(a + &) 2 

2Q + y)(a + &) 

6 (a; + 2/) 3 (a + 6) + 8 (x + y)(a + & 3 ) 

14. Multiply 

(x 2 + y 2 f-3x(x 2 + y 2 ) 2 + Ay(x 2 + y^) by 5 ^(^ + y*). 

15. Multiply («-6) 4 -3 a:(a-&) 3 +7 y(a-b) 2 by 2 a; 2 !/(a- 6) 2 . 

16. Multiply 

3(x + yf + 2a 2 (x + y) 2 -3b 2 (x + y) by - a 3 & 2 (a; + y)\ 

17. Multiply 

5(a^ + y) 3 - 3 a 3 (a; 2 + y) 2 - 7 a 4 6(a^ + y) by - 4(a,- 2 + y) 2 . 


18. Multiply 

10(a 2 + 3 by - 6(a 2 4 3 6 2 ) 2 + 12(a 2 + 3 6 2 ) by -5 (a 2 + 3 6 2 ) 3 . 

19. Multiply (a + b + c) 3 - 3(a + b + c) 2 by 5 (a + b + c) 4 . 

20. Multiply 

(ax 1 + bx + cf + 4(aa; 2 + bx + c) 2 by - 5(aa: 2 + 6a; + c). 

54. Meaning of x a and a x 0. 

(b — c~)a = ab — ae. 
If b = c, this becomes 

(c — c)a = ac — ac. 
But c — e=0 and ac— ac = 0. 

Hence, x a = 0. 

By the Commutative Law, 

Oxa = axO = 0. 

55. Multiplication of a Polynomial by a Polynomial. Rule. 
To multiply a polynomial by a polynomial multiply each 
term of the multiplicand by every term of the multiplier and 
take the algebraic sum of the results. 

This is a direct consequence of the Distributive Law. 
Find the product of (a + J) by (x + y). 
Let x + y be replaced by c. 

Then (a + 6) x (x + y~) = (a + b) x c = ac + be. 
But c = x + y, 

and so (a + b~)(ji + y) = ac + be = a (x + y) + b(x + y) 

= ax + ay + bx + by. 

This product consists of the sum of the products of each 
^erm of the multiplicand by each term of the multiplier. 


If three polynomials are to be multiplied together, two 
of them must be multiplied as above and their product 
multiplied by the third. 
(a +b~)(x + y)(r + s) = (ax + ay + bx + by)(r + s) 
(by multiplying factors one and two together). 
(ax + ay + bx + by)(r + s)= arx + ary + brx + bry 

+ asx + asy + bsx + bsy. 


Find the product of the following polynomials : 
1. (3a + b)(a + b) = 3a? + ab + 3ab + W=3a ! + 4 : ab + b 2 . 
The distribution may be arranged conveniently as follows : 
3a + b 
a + b 
3 a 2 + ab (the product of (3 a + b) by a) 

3ab + b* (the product of (3 a + b) by b) 
3 a 2 + 4 ab + b 2 (the total product) 

This is called long multiplication, and should only be used 
when the distribution can not easily be made in the straight 
line form illustrated above. 

2. (x + y){x — y) = x i + xy-xy-y 2 = a?-y 2 . 

3. (2x + y)(2x-y) = 4x>-y 2 . 

4. (ix + 3y)(Ax-3y). 8. (x + 5)(x-2). 

5. (ax + by) (ax -by). 9. (y 2 + 4) (y 2 - 3). 
• 6. ( x + i)(x + 2). 10. (ax 2 + b)(x + c). 

7. (a:-2)(a! + 3). 11. (3x + 5)(ix + 2). 

12. (ix s + 3x 2 + 5x-6)(3x s -2x 2 -3x + 2). 


Multiplicand and multiplier are both arranged according to 
the powers of a; ; that is, the exponents of x decrease uniformly 
from left to right. The arrangement will be just as good if we 
reverse both factors and have the powers of x increase from 
left to right. For multiplication we may arrange the work as 
follows : 

4a?'+3ar ! + 5x - 6 
$3?-2a?- 3a; + 2 

12 a; 6 + 9 ar>+ 15a: 4 -180? (product of the multiplicand by 3a?) 

-8af- 6a; 4 -10af ! +12a? (by -2a: 2 ) 

-12a; 4 - 9a?-15a: 2 +18a; (by 3 a;) 

8a?+ 6a^+10a;-12 (by 2) 

12a: 6 + a?— 3a; 4 -29a?+ 3a?+28a;-12 (the total product) 

The orderly arrangement according to powers of x merely 
insures that the terms of the product will come in an orderly 
way, thus making it easier to arrange like terms in columns 
ready for adding. When arranged in this way the highest 
power in the product appears first, and is the product of the 
two highest terms in the factors. 

13. (4a 2 -5a 3 + 3a-6)(3-a 2 + 2a). 

When these factors are arranged according to powers of a, 

we have 

(_ 5 a » + 4 o 2 + 3a - 6) (-a 2 + 2 a + 3). 

Now multiply as in Exercise 12. 

14. (tf-6y + 7tf-12)(4:-2y + tf). 
When arranged, this exercise becomes 

(y s + 7y 2 -6y-12)(f + 0y 2 -2y + 4 : ). 

Observe that in the multiplier the term y 2 does not occur ; 
in the arrangement according to y we write y 2 . 


15. (&«-5 + 66 2 -3& + 2& 3 )(& 2 -26 + 2). 

16. (a 3 -7« + 12a 2 + 6)(a 2 -3a-5). 

17. (3ar J + 12x 2 -10« + 4)(-^-5 + 8a;). 

18. (5 a?y» - 6 xy + 12 a?}? -4) (3 -43?!? + }f *?). 

19. (4z 3 -4 + 6z 2 -5z)(> 2 -4z + 3). 

20. (3a 2 + 4a 4 + a + 5a 3 -4)(a 4 -a 3 + a 2 -a + l). 

21. (2ar i + 3ar ! -4a;-l)(3a; + 4). 

(1) (2) 

2o?+ 3x 2 - 4x - 1 2+ 3- 4- 1 

3x + 4 3+4 

6a; 4 + 9 a 8 -12 a 2 - 3x 6+ 9-12- 3 

8^ + 12 a; 2 -16a;-4 8 + 12-16-4 

6 a 4 + 17 2? + a; 2 -19 a; -4 6 + 17+ 0-19-4 

In solution (1) the multiplication is carried out in the usual 
way, while in solution (2) merely the coefficients are used. 
In the answer on the right the x's should be inserted, beginning 
with x*. The method used on the right is called multiplying 
by detached coefficients. It is a device which saves time by the 
omission of all letters. 

In using detached coefficients the following directions should 
be observed : 

(1) The multiplicand and multiplier must be arranged 
according to the same letter. 

(2) must be used as the coefficient of every power of the 
letter of arrangement which does not occur. 

(3) The letter of arrangement is inserted in the product by 
beginning at the left with a power equal to the sum of the 
highest powers in the multiplicand and multiplier, and decreas- 
ing uniformly to the right. 

The following exercise illustrates this : 


22. (3ar i + 4ar J +5a 2 + 7a; + l)x(5ar i -3a;). 

3 +0 +4 +5 + 7 +1 


15 + +20 + 25 +35 + ~5 

-9 - -12 -15 -21 -3 

15O& + 0X 1 + llafi + 25x !i + 23as i -10sc s -2lx i -3x 

The highest powers of x in the two factors are 5 and 3, so 
the product begins with X s . 

In the following exercises use detached coefficients. 

23. (a 4 -5a 2 + 4a 3 -3 + 2a)(3a 2 -5a + 2). 

24. (a 4 - 4 a 3 + 5 a 2 - 2 a + 7) (a 4 + 4 a 3 - 5 a 2 + 2 a - 7). 

25. (afy*.— 4 aft/ 2 + 6 aiy — 5) (aft/ 3 + 4 aft/ — 6xy + 5). 

26. (3 ar> - 7 ar 5 + 4 a; -5)(2 a: 2 -3 a; + 4). 

27. (7 2/ 4 -5 2 / 3 + 3 2 /-4)(4 2 / 3 -8y+l). 

28. (a 3 6 3 - 6 ab + 7) (5 aft - 4 a 3 & 3 ). 

29. (4 a*b* - 7 - 6 a 2 & 2 + 3 ab)(ab - 5 + a 3 & 3 ). 

30. (3a; +4a;-5)(ar ! + a; + l)(a; 2 -3a; + 3). 

56. The Identity in Multiplication. The multiplicand 
multiplied by the multiplier is identically equal to the 

Multiplicand x Multiplier = Product. 

(a + b) x c = ac + be. 
Let a=.b = o=l. 

(l + l)xl = lxl + lxl. 
2x1 = 1 + 1. 
2 = 2. 


This furnishes a convenient method of verifying the results 
in multiplication. If in Exercise 22 above we put x = 1, we 

(3+4+5+7+1) X (5-3) = 15+ll+25+23-10-21-3. 

This merely verifies the coefficients. In order to verify the 
exponents, some value other than 1 would have to be sub- 
stituted. In case more than one letter occurs, numerical values 
must be given to each. 

(x + y)(x-y) = x 2 -y\ 

Let x = 1 and y = 2. 

Then (1 +2)(l-2) = l 2 -2 2 . 


-3= -3. 


Perform the following multiplications and verify by means 
of the identity : 

1. (a? + ab)(2a+'3b). 5. (ox 2 -3xy + 2y !! )(2x + 3y). 

2. (4 a + 6 6) (2 a - 4 b). 6. (3 x + 4 a) (3 x - 4 a). 

3. (7a; 2 + 3a; + l)(a; 2 -a; + l). 7. (5 ab - 7 cd) (5 ab + 7 erf). 

4. (5 a6 + 3 cd) (2 aft - 4 cd). 8. (6x i y-ixy 2 +f)(3xy-7y v ). 

57. Involution. In multiplication when the factors are 

alike, the operation is called involution, and the result a 

power. „ 

1 a • a • a = a 6 . 

a 2 • a 2 • a 2 = (a 2 ) 3 = aa aa aa = a 6 . 

(a 3 • a 3 • a 3 ) = (a 3 ) 3 = aaa aaa aaa = a 9 . 


58. Meaning of (a m )". 

(a m )" means a m ■ a m • a m ••• to n factors. 

Since each of the n factors, a™, contains m a's, there 
are in the product mn a's. 

But a mn means a ■ a • a • a ■•• to mn factors. 

Hence, (a m ~) n = a mn . 

■ More generally, (a m V) n = a mn ¥ n . 

The exponent n is- distributive as to factors within the 
parenthesis. ^ y = ^ 

The exponent n is not distributive as to terms within 
the parenthesis. 

O + y) 3 = (x + y} (x + y~)(x + y). 

(x + yY is not equal to x 3 + y z . 

The difference between the following forms should be 

noted: 2 ( «\ 

a? ! =a 9 . a m = a<» >• 

(«3)2 _ a 6_ ( a »)» = a mn - 


Eemove the ( ) and simplify : 

1. (a 2 ) 4 (a 3 ) 2 = a 8 • « e = a". 6. 3* ■ (3 2 ) 3 . 

2. (2y(fyY. ?• (a 4 a; 2 ) 4 (aa; 2 ) 3 . 

3. ((z + 2/) 2 ) 4 - 8- GW-WPWW- 

4. (4 s ) 5 (a^ 4 ) 6 . 9 - O 2 + ^ 2 ) 82 • C* 2 + ff- 

5. 2 32 • (2 3 ) 2 = 2 9 • 2 e = 2 15 . 10. (a& 2 c) 4 • (a 2 6c 3 ) 5 . 




59. Division Defined. — Division is the process of finding 
one number, when, the product of two numbers and one of 
them are given. The given product is the dividend, the given 
number the divisor, and the required number the quotient. 

Division is the inverse of multiplication, the dividend 
corresponding to the product, the divisor to the multiplier, 
and the quotient to the multiplicand. 

Since a x b = ab, 

ab -=- b = a. 

60. Law of Signs in Division. 

From multiplication we have 

(+«)(+ I) = + ab. 
(+a)(- b) =- ab. 
(- «)(+&) = — ab. 
(— a)(— b) = + ab. 

From the definition of division it follows that 
+ ab -f- ( + b) = + a. 

— ab -=- ( — b) = + a. 

— ab-h(+b) = — a. 
+ ab --(-£) = - a. 

Like signs in dividend and divisor give a positive quotient, 
and unlike signs give a negative quotient. 

61. Index Law. We already know that 

as" = a m+n - 
a" = a m = a" 

a 7 " x a" = a" 

-,ni+n _s_ «rc n m n m+n~n 


Suppose m + n = p, 

then a" -s- a" = aP~". 

More generally, aPb^C -*- a"b'c* = a"-"b"- s c''- t . 


For the present it is understood that the exponents of 
the factors of the dividend are not less than the exponents 
of the corresponding factors of the divisor. 

The above considerations show that the exponents of the 
factors of the divisor are subtracted from the exponents of 
the like factors of the dividend in order to obtain the expo- 
nents of the factors of the quotient. 

Illustrations : 

(1) a 7 -^ a* = a 7 ~ 4 = a 3 . 

(2) a 10 & 6 -=-a 3 6 5 = a 10 - 3 6 6 ~ 5 =a 7 5. 

(3) aWc 8 -=- a s b s c* = abW. 

(4) (x + y~) 3 (z + wy -=- O + y~) (s + w) 2 = (x + y)\z + wf. 

62. Meaning of and a . 

We know that a x = 0. 

Hence, - = 0. 


a"xl= a n . 

a n 
Hence, — = 1. 

a n 


-= a" 
a n 

But, by Index Law, 

Now by Axiom 1, a = 1. 

Any quantity with an exponent is equal to 1. 

63. Division of One Monomial by Another Monomial. 

Rules : 

(1) Divide the numerical coefficients as in arithmetic. 
.(2) Attach the literal part determined by the Index Law. 
(3) Prefix the proper sign determined by the law of signs. 
18 a?yhl -5- 6 xyh* = 3 a?y°z = 3 x*z, since y° = 1. 



Divide : 

1. 21 o 5 ^ 2 by 7 aVty. 

2. 72 a*xy 2 z n by 24 ay« 10 . 

3. 108 x 7 y*z 2 by 36 xYz 2 . 

4. 81 a 5 6 8 cd 2 by 27 a 5 b 2 d. 

5. 144 a 4 (a: + y)° by 48 a 3 (a; + yf. 

6. _63(o-6) 5 (a;-2/) 7 by 21(a-b)\x-yf. 

7. 45 aryCiB 2 + y 2 ) 2 by - 5 */(a; 2 + ?/ 2 ) 2 . 

8. 3 5 a*xSjz by 3 2 a 2 xY 

9. - 7 4 ZV/O - *) 5 by - 7 3 ZV(« - a;) 4 . 

10. 3 4 • 5%a - ») s (6 - y) A by 3 2 ■ 5 3 (a - ») 2 (6 - y) 4 . 

64. Division of a Polynomial. by a Monomial. From the 

Distributive Law of Factors we know that 

(a + b + c) xk = ak+blc + eh. 
Hence, (a/c + bk + ck~) s-k = a + b + a, 

which shows that k is distributed as a divisor to every 
term of the dividend. 

Rule. Divide each term of the polynomial by the mono- 
mial and add the results. 

10 a 2 x 3 + 5 ax 2 y — 20 a s x 2 y 2 n , , , 

-— s - ■■?- = 2 ax + y — 4 a 2 y 2 . 

5 ax* 


1. (12 ay - 8 a*xy 5 — 4 a 5 x*if) -=- 4 a 3 f. 

2. (9 abcx* - 18 a 2 bV + 27 a s b<?x) h- 9 abx. 

3. (30 x*y*z + 25 a?y*z 2 - 35 as>yW) -f- 5 x*tfz. 


. (x + y) s + 5 (x + y) 2 — a (x -f y) /T> , . 

4. * — — ** — I ^ — '-M-i i — ZLJLL . ( Regard x + y as a term. ) 

(?> + y) 

5. [4 (a -by -5 x(a - b) s + 11 xy (a - &) 5 ] -=- (a - &) s . 

6. Divide 5 xy (x + y)* — 10 a?y 2 (x + y) s — 15 xy 2 (x + y) s by 
5xy(x + y) 2 . 

7. Divide 11 a 2 b 2 (x 2 +a 2 ) + 22 a?b (x 2 + a 2 ) 5 - 33 ab^x 2 + a 2 ) 2 
by lla&(a: 2 + a 2 ). 

8. Divide 

7 a?y% (a 2 - 6 2 ) 2 + 21 xfz 2 (a 2 - 6 2 ) 11 by - 7 xyz (a 2 - ft 2 ) 2 . 

9. Divide 

24 a s b 2 c {ax + by - 36 aW (a» + b) 7 by - 12 (a 2 6 2 c) (ax + b)\ 
10. Divide 
-33(az 2 +&aj+c) 2 +44 a^atf+bx+c) 5 by 11 (aar'+ta+c) 2 . 

65. Division of a Polynomial by a Polynomial. The divi- 
dend and divisor should be arranged in descending or 
ascending powers of some common leading letter. This 
gives a quotient arranged with respect to the same letter. 

The first term of the quotient is found by dividing the 
first term of the dividend by the first term of the divisor. 
The process is illustrated in the following solutions : 

(1) Divide 

x 5 - x* - 11 X s + 16a 2 - 2x - 3 by a? - ±x + 3. 

a?-4x+3')x 5 -x i -llx s + 16x i -2x-3(3? + 3a?-2x-l 
^ x 6 -4:x i + 3a? =a^> 2 -4 z+3) 

3x i -14a? + 16a? - 2 x- 3 = 1st partial div. 
3s*-12s 3 + 9 a? = 3x%x*-4x+3') 

-2a? + 7x>-2x - 3 = 2d partial div. 
-2a? +8x 2 -6x = -2x(a?-4x + 3') 
— x 2 + 4x— 3 = 3d partial div. 


This scheme of division is merely a separation of the 
dividend into parts. In the example just solved we have 
separated x 6 — x* — llx 3 + 16x 2 — 2x — 3 into these parts: 

(a^-4a^+3a^) + (3a^-12a^ + 9a; 2 ) + (-2^ + 8a; 2 -6a;) 
+ (-a; 2 + 4a:-3). 

Now, regarding the dividend in this separated form, we 
have the division thus : 

afi-iat + Sa* 3 a; 4 - 12 x 3 + 9a? -2 x 3 + 8 x 2 -6x 

x % — 4 a; + 3 a; 2 — 4 a; + 3 a; 2 — 4 a; + 3 

- f + + x - S = 3 * + 3 x 2-2x- 1. 
a; 2 - 4 x + 3 

(2) Divide a^ - 16 by 2 + x. 

x + 2)x* - 16(a* -2a; 2 + 4a;-8 

a; 4 + 2 x s 
- '2 x 3 - 4 a? 

+ 4 a; 2 

+ 4 a; 2 + 8 x 

- 8a;- 


Divisions such as the above, which terminate without, 
any remainder, are called exact. 


Divide : 

1. o 4 -a? ! -9a; 2 + 13a;-12 by a;-3. 

2. x i -5x i -3x + l& by x-5. 

3. 6ar i + 7ar ! -18a; + 5 by 2a; + 5. 

4. 2 a; 4 -90? + 17 a; 2 -14a; by ar*-2a;. 

5. 3a 4 -6a 3 + 2a 2 + 14a-21 by o 2 -2a + 3. 


6. a 4 + 4a 3 & + 6a 2 6 8 + 4a& 3 + & 4 by a? + 2ab + b 9 : 

7. x s - a 6 by x 2 - a 2 . 

8. & 2 c 6 — a 8 by 7>c 3 + a 4 . 

9. m 6 -3m 4 + 3m 2 -l by m 2 -l. 

10. a 2 " + 2 a"6" + 6 2 " by a" + 6". 

11. o 2n — 6 4 " by a n — 6 2 ". 

12. a 3 " — 6 s " by a" — 6". 

13. a; 4 -13ar ! + 47a: 2 -31a; + 4 by a; 2 -6a + l. 

14. x* - 12 a; 3 + 54a; 2 -108 x + 81 by a 2 -6a; + 9. 

15. a"b 3 - 3 « 2 6 2 cd + 3 abc 2 d 2 - c 3 d 3 by ab - cd. 

16. 12 aft/ 6 - 17 *y + 10 arty 2 -3 by 4 a; 2 ?/ 2 -3. 

17. ar 5 -10a: 4 +40ar , -80a; 2 +80a;-32 by a; 2 - 4 a; + 4. 

18. 7 + 15 a; -21 3^ + 18 3^-4 a- 4 by 7 — 6 a; + 4 a; 2 . 

19. (a + 6) 2 -5(a + 7>)+4 by (a + 6) - 1. 

20. (aj + y)* + 7(ai + y)-18 by (as + y) + 9. 

21. (a + xf - (a + x) - 42 by (a + a;) — 7. 

22. (m + n) 2 — 7 (m + m) — 44 by (m + n) + 4. 

23. (a + b) s - X s by (a + b) — x. 

24. (»+ ?/) 3 - (a + 6) 3 by (a; + ?/) - (a + 5). 

66. Detached Coefficients^ When the dividend and divisor 
are arranged in descending powers of some common letter, 
the quotient is also thus arranged. We may then perform 
the division by the use of the coefficients only. 

(1) Divide x i + x s ~Sx 2 +7x^6 by x*-x + 2. 

1_1 + 2)1 + 1-3 + 7- 6(1 + 2-3 
1-1 + 2 


-5 + 7 
-2 + 4 

- 8 + 3 - 

-3 + 3- 



Since x i s-x 2 = x i , we know that the quotient begins 
with x 2 , and is x 2 + 2 x — 3. 

In the use of detached coefficients all powers of the 
letters from the highest to the lowest power must be 
present in both divisor and dividend. If any powers are 
absent, they must be inserted with zero coefficients. _ 

(2) Divide X s - 8 by x-2. 

In the dividend neither x 2 nor x appears. We insert 
them, writing the dividend x 3 + 0x 2 + 0x— 8. 

l_2)l + + 0-8(l + 2 + 4 

1 — 2 x 2 + 2 x + 4, quotient. 

2 + 




Divide, solving by detached coefficients : 

1. a; 4 — 5 a; 2 + 4 by a — 1; by a; + 2. 

2. a; 4 .— 7 a? + 11 x* + 7 x — 12 by a; — 1; by a; — 4. 

3. a; 4 -13a: 2 + 36 by a; 2 + a;-6. 

4. a^-18a;y-1752/ 4 by a?-25y*. 

5. 2m 4 -17m s m + 31mW-23mm 3 + 12ji 4 by2m-3n. 

6. a 4 - 256 by a 2 + 16. 

7. 6 8 -729 by 6 2 -9. 

8. 2/ 8 -4096 by */ 2 +8. 

9. a 8 + a 4 + l by a 4 — a 2 + l. 

10. 16a 4 + 4a 2 +l by 4a 2 + 2a + l. 

11. x 4 + 4 by a; 2 + 2 a; + 2. 

12. 13& + 156 3 -176 2 -3 by 5& 2 -46+3. 


13. a 6 -b 6 by a 3 + 2a 2 b + 2ab 2 + b s . 

14. at + f by tf-tfy + rftf-xtf + y*. 

15. 10 a*- 48 a 3 b + 26 a 2 b 2 + 2iab s by -5a 2 + 4a&+3& 2 . 

67. Inexact and Continued Division. 

(1) Divide x* + 1 by x + 1. 

a;+:L> 2 + 10-l 

3? + X 

— X+l 


In this example there is a remainder of 2, and the 
division is inexact. In such examples the division should 
continue until the largest exponent of the remainder is 
less than the largest exponent of the divisor. 

(2) Divide 1 + x 2 by 1 + x. ' 

l + x)l + x\^-x+2x-2a? 

— x + x 2 


j£x 2 + 2x* 


This division may end with two terms of the quotient 
and the remainder 2x?, or with three terms and the re- 
mainder — 2 x 3 , or with four terms and the remainder 2 z 4 . 
Evidently the division might be continued to any number 
of terms desired. When inexact division takes this form, 
it is called continued division. 



Find quotients and remainders : 

1. Divide a? — 7 x 2 + 11 x — 7 by x + 3. 

2. Divides 4 + 7 a 3 -8 a; + 13 by a; 2 + 3a;-2. 

3. Divide a 3 - 11 a 2 + 21 by a + 5. 

4. Divide & 4 - 14 b 2 + 11 by b 2 + 9. 

5. Divide o¥ + 9 aV - 7 by ax + 3. 

In the next five exercises continue the division to four terms : 
6: Divide 1 + x by 1 — x. 

7. Divide 2 + 3a; -4 a 3 by 2-x. 

8. Divide 3 - 6 x + 8 x 2 by 3 + 5 x. 

9. Divide 1 - 17a; + 13a; 2 - 8b 3 by 1 - 16a; + bx 2 . 
10. Divide 10 - 20 x + 25 a; 2 - 31 X s by 2-5a;. 

68. The Identity in Division. 

Dividend -=- Divisor = Quotient. 

(x 3 -l)-i-(x -l) = x 2 + x + 1. 

This is true for all values o# x. 
Let a; = 2, and we have 

(23-l)-(2-l) = 2^2+*lV 



= 4 + 2 + 1,- 


= 7, 



In this case, should we make x = 1, we get -=- on the 
left of the sign =. -r- is indeterminate. In using the 
identity to verify divisions, avoid substitutions that will 
produce this form. 



Divide and verify by substituting particular values : 

1. 6Z 3 -17Z 2 + 24Z-16by 2Z 2 -3Z + 4. 

2. y 5 — 1 by y — 1. 

3. a,- 5 + 1 by x + 1. 

4. a 3 - 12 a 2 + 48 a - 64 by a 2 - 8 a + 16. 

5. 625-500z + 150z 2 -20z 3 + z 4 by 5-z. 

6. 625 - z 4 by 25 + z 2 . 

7. 2/ 4 -3i/ 2 -154by2/ 2 -14. 

8. a 4 6 4 + 4 a 2 & 2 - 117 by a 2 & 2 + 13. 

9. a; 6 — y 6 by x* — y 2 . 

10. a 4 -4a 3 -34a 2 + 76a + 105 by a-7. 


1. Find the value of 6 a; 2 — \xy + 12 y 2 , when a; = 4, y = — 1. 

2. Find the value of X s — 64 ?/ 3 + 8 z 3 — 3 zi/z, when a; = 0, 
2/ = 2,z = 5. 

3. From 16 .r' - 4 / + 12 z 3 — 14 arty + 3 a;;/ 2 subtract 12 f + 
8x" + ixy-- 10 x 2 y + 11 z 3 . 

4. Remove parentheses and unite like terms : 

16 - { 12 a + [4 b - 3 c] + 8 - [8 a - 3 (4 - 2 6)] J . 

5. Remove parentheses and unite like terms : 
-3a; 2 +4[a;?/-a;(3a;-42/)-32/(4a; + 22/)]-Ja; 2 + 3(a;2/-!/ 2 )j. 

6. Unite terms in x, y, z: 

ax + by + cz — 4:(— a'x + b'y — c') + 3 (Ix + my + nz). 

7. Simplify x — 4 3/ — [z — y— (x + y — z)], and find value 
when x = y=z = 1. 


8. Simplify 4 (a - 5 \b - c\) - [3 b + \2 b - (c- a)}], and 
find value when a = 1, 6 = 2, c = 3. 

9. Find value of Va." 2 + t/z -f Vy 2 +2 «a; + V« a + a;?/ — ~\Zxyz, 
when a; = 1, ?/ = 0, z = 2. 

10. Find value of 3 Va * + ? -iVx 2 + f + z 2 - xy-yx- » 

a; + ?/ — a 
when x = A, y = 5, z = 6. 

11. Eemove parentheses and simplify : 

x(y-z)+y(z-x) + z(x — y). 

12. Eemove parentheses and simplify : 

x ' (y — «) + ?/ 2 (2 — «) + a; 2 (» - 2/). 

13. Multiply x 2 + x + 1 by x 2 — x + 1. • 

14. Multiply x 2 + y 2 + 1 — x — y — xy by x + y + 1. 

15. Multiply ar 2 - 4 ?/ 2 by x 2 + xy 2 . 

16. Multiply 12a; 4 -3ar ! +10z 2 -5a; + 4 by 3« 3 -a^ + 5a; 

17. Find the value of a? -Ax 2 + 3 x -5, (1) when x = 2; 
(2) when a; = — 1 ; (3) when x = 0. 

18. Find the remainder after dividing x 3 — 4 : x 2 + 3x — 5 
(1) by as-2; (2) by a> + l; (3) by z. 

iVote that the remainders are the same as the results found in 
Exercise 17. 

19. Divide 2 a 5 —3 a 4 6 - 6 a s b + 13 a 2 b 2 - 6 «6 3 by 2 a - 3 6. 

20. Divide 3 0^ + 14 a? + 9 a; + 2 by ^+5 a + 1. 

21. Divide 2 a 2 + a& - ac - 3 ft 2 - 4 6c - c 2 by 2 a + 3 b + c. 

22. Divide x 2 — (a + b)x+ abby x — a. 

23. Divide ar 5 - (a + & + c) x 2 + (ab + be + ca) x — abc by x-a. 

24. Divide z 3 - (I + m + n) z 2 + (Im + mn-\-ln)z — Zwjri by 
? 2 - (Z + n) z + Zvj, 


25. Multiply together (x n + a") and (x + a). 

26. Multiply x n — y" by x n + y n . 

27. Multfply 3 a: 2 " + 5 x n + 7 by 2 a" - 4 a; - 3. 

28. Divide 3 a; 2 " + 13 a; 2 "" 1 + 15 a?'- 2 + 9 a: 2 — 3 by x n + 3 a;"- 1 . 

29. Divide x m+n + y"x m — y m x n — y m+n + x"+y n by x n + y n . 

30. Multiply a 3 + ft 3 by a—b, and divide the product by a+b. 

31. Multiply 3x f + ix q -2x r by 2 a;* — 3 afl + x r . 

32. Divide a 3 " — 6 s " by a"— 6". 

33. Multiply a!" +2 + 3 x n+1 -5x n by ai n - z - 2 a;"- 1 + a;". 

34. Divide x 5 " — y 5 ' 1 by a; 4 " + arV + a; 2 Y" + x n y in + y 4 ". 

35. Divide a 6n —b V2n by a 2 "— 6*". 

36. Divide (a + ft) 2 " - x 4r by (a + 6)» + a*. 

37. Divide (x 2 + yf" - 1 by (x 2 + y)»- 1. 

38. ( VoaT+5) 3 + J/ 3 by Vaa; + 6 + «/. 

39. Simplify (a; 2 - xy + y 2 ) (x + y)(x- yf -=- (x* + y*). 

40. 5(a 3 + a 2 b + ab 2 + 6 3 ) X 4(a-6) 2 -^[2(a 2 -6 2 ) x lO^+fc 2 )]. 



Many expressions in algebra appear in standard or type 
forms. When this is the case, multiplications and divi- 
sions can be performed mentally by remembering certain 

69. Multiplication Identities. 

1. The Product of Two Binomials with a Common Term. 
This form is given by 

O + a) (* + b) = x 2 + (a + b) x + ab, 
or (a + x)(b + x) = ab + (a + b)x + x 2 . 

(1) (z + 10)0> + 5) = z 2 + (10 + 5>e + 50 

= x 2 + 15z + 50. 

To find the product of x + 10 and x + 5 it is only necessary 
to see that a is 10 and b is 5 and -make these substitutions. 

(2) ( a; _7)(a; + 8)=ar ! +(-7 + 8)a;-56 

= x 2 + a; — 56. 
In this a is — 7, and b is 8. 

(3) (5 + x) (11 -x)= 55 + (11 - 5) x - x 2 . 

In this exercise it is necessary to note the signs of the x's. 

(4) (3x + y-5)(3x + y + 7) = (3x + yy + 2(3x + y)-35. 

In this exercise the common part is 3 x + y. 



Write out the products of the following : 

1. (® + .10)(a>-2). 6. (ax-ll)(ax + 6). 

2. (3a: + 6)(3a; + l). 7. (3 xy -5)(3xy-6). 

3. (7a-5)(7a + 4). 8. (4 x 2 + 7)(4x 2 -5). 

4. (5+2a)(5 + 6o). 9. (3- <Lxy) (3 + 6 xij). 

5. (2 2/-6)(2?/ + 7). 10. ( a + 6-6)(a + & + 5). 

11. (a + 6 + 7)(a + 6-8). 

12. (a; + 2a6-3)(a; + 2a6 + 7). 

13. \4-(x + 2y)\\5 + (x + 2y)}. 

14. [(a + &) 2 -4x][(a + 6) 2 + 7a;]. 

15. [3a6-(«-2/) 2 ][5a6 + (a;-2/) 2 ]. 
2. 2%e Square of a Binomial Sum. 

If, in the identity 

(x + a~)(x + b) = x 2 + (a + b)x + ab, 
we let b = a, 

it becomes (2; + a) (z + a) = x 2 + (a + a~)x + aa. 
(jr + a) 2 = ^ 2 +2ajr + a 2 . 

The square of the sum of two quantities is equal to the 
sum of their squares increased by twice their product. 

(5z + 4y)2 = (5z) 2 +2(5:K)(4y) + (4 202 

s25 x 2 + 40 xy + 16 y 2 . 


Write out the results in the following : 

1. (x + yf. 2. (2x + a) 2 .. 3. (3* + 4 6) 2 . 

4. [(x + y) + ay=(x + yy + 2a(x + y)+a 2 . 

5. [>+(« + ft)] 2 . 7. [(a-3)+5yf. 

6. [3a;+(2a + c)] 2 . 8. [(a + b) + (x + y)J. 


3. The Square of a Binomial Difference. 
If, in the identity 

(x + a~) 2 = x 2 + 2ax + a 2 , 
we change a to — a, it becomes 

(jr — a) 2 = x 2 — 2 ax + a 2 . 
The square of the difference of two quantities is equal to 
the sum of their squares diminished by twice their product. 

(2 a- y) 2 = (2 a) 2 -2(2 a)y + y 2 
= 4 a 2 — 4 ay + y 2 . 


Write out the results in the following : 

1. (a -a) 2 . 5. [(a + 6) - xyf. 

2. (3 a-!/) 2 . 6. [(3a + 2/)-a&] 2 . 

3. (xy-4b) 2 . 7. \_( x + y)-(a + b)f. 

4. (3 a 2 -by) 2 . 8. [(2 x - y) - 3 x'yj. 

4. The Product of the Sum and Difference of Two Quan- 

If, in the identity 

(x + a)(x + b~) = x 2 + (a + b~)x + ab, 
we let b = — a, 

it becomes (x + a)(x — a) = x 2 -\- (a — a)x — aa. 
(x + a)(x — a)=x 2 — a 2 . 

The product of the sum and difference of two quantities 
is equal to the difference of their squares. 

(1) (7 x - 3 y)(l x + 3 y)= (1 x~) 2 -(3 ^2=49^-9^. 

(2) (ax + by-c) (ax + by + c) = (ax + by) 2 - c 2 . 



Write out the results in the following : 

1. (x-y)(x + y). 2. (3a-b)(3a + b). 

3. (lx + ab)(4:X — ab). 

4. [(a + x)+d] [(a + x)-a] = (a + x) 2 -a 2 =a 2 +2 ax+x'-a? 

= 2ax + x 2 . 

5. [(as + 2y)-ai][(sB + 2y) + a;]. 

6. (x 2 + 2x + 16)(x 2 + 2x-16). 

7. [(a + 6)-(a! + y)][(o + 6) + (<B + y)]. 

8. (ax 2 + bx + c)(ax 2 + bx — c). 

5. The Square of a Polynomial. 
If, in the identity 

(x + ay = x? + 2ax + a? 
we put a = y + z, 

it becomes (x + y + z~) 2 = x 2 + 2 x(y + 2) + (y + s) 2 . 

+y + zf = jr 2 +/ 2 + z* + 2 xy + 2 xz + 2/z. 

This may easily be extended to include the square of a 
polynomial of any number of terms, the result being that 

The square of a polynomial equals the sum of the squares 
of each term increased by twice the product of each term by 
every other term. 

(1) (x + y-a) 2 = x 2 + y 2 + a 2 + 2xy + 2x(-a)+2y(-a) 

= a? + y 2 + a 2 + 2 xy — 2 ax — 2 ay. 

(2) (3x + 2a-±b) 2 

= (3xy+(2ay+(-4 : by+2(3x)(2a)+2(3x)(-ib) 

+ 2(2a)(-4&) 
= 9 x 2 + 4 a 2 + 16 b 2 + 12 ax - 24 bx - 16 ab. 



Write out the results in the following : 

1. (a-x-y) 2 . 6. (x-y + a + b) 2 . 

2. (3x — y + b) 2 . 7. (m — n—p — q) 2 . 

3. (2a + 3b-y) 2 . 8. (2x + y- 3z + af. 

4 (3a-5x-2y) 2 . 9. (a? - ab + 2x-3yf. 

5. (2 + 3a-4&) 2 . 10. (2x-y 2 + xy-ay. 

6. The Product of Three Binomials. 

By actual multiplication, it is found that 

(r + a)(x + b)(x + c) = x s +(a + b + c)x 2 
+ (ab + be + ca) x + abc. 

The product is arranged according to the powers of the 
common letter x. The coefficient of x 2 is the algebraic 
sum of the second terras of the binomials, the coefficient 
of x is the algebraic sum of their products in pairs, and the 
term free from x is the product of the second terms of the 

(1) (Hl)(x+2)(x + 3) 

= x- + (1 + 2 + 3) a; 2 + (1 x 2 +1 x 3+2 x 3)as+l x2 x3 
= X s + 6 x* + 11 x + 6. 

(2) (aj + 2)(*-3)(a! + 4) 

= sr) + (2-3 + 4y+[2(-3) + 2x4 + (-3)(4)]a! 

+ 2(-3)(4) 

= x 3 + 3x 2 -10a;-24. 


Write out the results in the following : 

1. (x + c)(x + d)(x + e). 3. (6 + 2)(&-l)(6 + 3). 

2. ( a + x){a + y)(a + z). 4. (y -3)(y + 2)(y -1). 


5. (m + 5)(m-4)(m-3). 7. (as 2 - S).(a? - 3)(a; 2 + 8). 

6. (xy + 2)(xy-l)(xy-l). a (y* -4)(jf + ll)<y_ 7)- 

9. (» + y + 5)(a: + y + 3)(as + y + 2). 

10. (3as + y-2)(3a! + y-4)(3a; + 3/ + 6). 

11. (a* + 6 + 2) (aa; + 6 -f 8) .(a* + 6 — 5). 

12. (aa? + bx + 4) (aa^ + 6a; - 2) (ax 2 + bx- 1). 

7. 2%e Cube of a Binomial. 
If, in the identity 

(x + a)(x + b)(x + <?) = X s + (a + b + c~)x* 

+ Cab + be + ca)x + abc, 
we put b and c each equal to a, it becomes 

O + «)(> + a) O + a) = x 3 + (a + a + a> 2 

+ (aa + aa + aa)a; + aaa, 
or (* + a) 3 Es;r 3 + 3fljr 2 + 3a 2 ,r + a 3 

= * 3 + a 3 + 3ajr(* + a). 
If, in the above identity, we change a to — a, we have 
O - a) 3 = x s - 3 a* 2 + 3 a 2 x - a s 
= x s — a 3 — 3 ax(x — a). 

The cube of a binomial is the cube of the first term plus 
three times the algebraic product of the square of the first 
term and the second term, plus three times the algebraic 
product of the first term and the square of the second term, 
plus the algebraic cube of the second term. 

(1) (a+2 20 3 =z 3 +3O) 2 (2 J0+3(a!)(2 2/) 2 +(2 yf 

=s'+6 a?y+12 xy*+8 f. 

(2) (2 o-36) = (2 a) 3 +3(2 a) 2 (-3 6)+3(2 a)(-3 bf 

+ (-3&) 3 
= 8 a 3 -36 a 2 6+54 a& 2 -27 W. 



Write out the results in the following : 

1. (2 a + b) s . 9. (4 ab - 5 y)\ 

2. (a -3 b) s . 10. (-+-)*. 

3 - (3 * + 4) - ax. [(. + ,)-2j. 

4. (2 3-Sy)'. 12 [(a ._ y)+o] .. 

5. (3 a; + aft) 3 . 13 [2 (a + ,,) _ 3 a] 3 . 

6. (2mn-pq) 3 . 14 . [(«» + &) +c] s . 

7. (5a: 2 -l) 3 . 15. [(a + 6) + (* + y)]». _ 
8- (62/-£) 3 . 16. [(aa;4-6)-(ca; + d)] 3 . 

8. The Binomial Theorem. 

(a + b)" = a» + /la"" 1 * + fl( f "^ a- V + " ( "~ ^V 2) ""'^ 

+ +/ia6— 1 + 6"- 

The above identity is known as the Binomial Theorem. 
A generaljgroof^for it will not be given. For the present 
we will limit the exponent n to integral values. 

If we multiply both sides of the identity 

(a + by= a 3 + 3 a?b + 3 aJ 2 + b s by a + b, 
we have (a + 6) 4 = a* + 4 a 3 5 + 6 a 2 6 2 + 4 a& 3 + b\ 

If in the binomial theorem we make m = 4, we have 
(ffl + 5)^ ffl 4 + 4 a 3 6 + ^ a252 + 4^| a&3 + 4.3-2.1 54 

= a* + 4 a 3 J + 6 a 2 6 2 + 4 a& 3 + J*, 
a result which agrees with that found by multiplying. 


If we multiply both sides of the identity 

(a + 6>* = a* + 4 a 3 b + 6 a 2 J 2 + 4 a6 3 + b* by a + 4, 
we have * 

(a + by == a 5 + 5 a 4 6 + 10 a 8 6 2 + 10 a 2 £ 3 + 5 aV + ¥>. 
If, in the binomial theorem, we make n = 5, we have 

J. • Z 1 • ^ • o 1 • Z • o • 4 

= a 5 + 5 a*b + 10 a 3 5 2 + 10 a 2 6 3 + 5 a6 4 + 6 5 , 

a result which agrees with that found by multiplying. 

The identity 
(a + b y= a n + na n-i b + <±zl_V 2 5 2 + n(n-l)(n-2) ^^ 

+ +nab n - 1 + b n 

is often called the binomial expansion. 

The following Laws should be observed in regard to 
the Exponents and Coefficients of the successive terms of 
the binomial expansion. 

(1) Law of Exponents. The sum of the exponents of 
a and b in any term is always n ; the leading letter a ap- 
pears in the first term with the exponent n which decreases 
by unity in each succeeding term ; the letter 5 appears in 
the second term with the exponent 1 which increases by 
unity in each succeeding term to the last term b". 

(2) Law of Coefficients. If any term be taken, the 
coefficient of the next succeeding term is obtained by 
multiplying the coefficient of the given term by the ex- 
ponent of the leading letter a, and dividing this product 
by the number of the given terra in the series. 


Thus, in 

(a + by = a 4 + 4 efib + 6 aW + 4 ab s + J 4 , 

the coefficient 6 in the third term is obtained by taking the 
product of 4, the coefficient of the preceding term, by 
the exponent of a, 3, giving 4x3, and dividing by 2, the 
number of the term 4 a s b in the series. Hence, the coeffi- 
cient of the third term is 4 x 3 ■+■ 2 = 6. 

Pascal's Triangle. The coefficients of the terms in the 
expansion of 

(a + 6)1, (a + by, (a + by, (a + by, etc., 

may be arranged in a table forming what has been called 
Pascal's Triangle. The arrangement follows. 

Coefficients of (a + by are 



Coefficients of (a + by are 




Coefficients of (a + b) 3 are 





Coefficients of (a + by are 




4 1 

Coefficients of (a + by are 




10 5 


Each number appears as the > sum of the number im- 
mediately above and the one to the left. Thus, the first 
10 is the sum of 6 and 4 ; the second 10 is the sum of 
4 and 6 ; the last 5 is the sum of 1 and 4. By this simple 
arrangement the binomial coefficients for any power of 
a + b may be easily written out, provided we know the 
coefficients of the expansion of a + b for a power one 
lower. Knowing 

1 5 10 10 5 1 


to be the coefficients for (« + 6) 5 , the coefficients for the 
sixth power of a + b are 

1 6 15 20 15 6 1. 

(1) (a + 2 b)* = a 4 + 4 a 3 (2 b) + 6 a 2 (2 &) 2 + 4 a(2 6) 3 + (2 ft) 4 

ee a 4 + 8 a s b + 24 a 2 b 2 + 32 aft 3 + 16 b*. 

(2) (2x- yy = (2 a) 5 + 5(2 a) 4 ( - y) + 10 (2 a;) 3 ( - <,) 2 

+ 10(2af(-2/) 3 + 5(2aO(-2/) 4 +(-?/) 5 
= 32 k 5 -80 afy + 80 a?f - 40 aft/ 3 + 10 V - */ 5 . 


1. Extend Pascal's triangle to include the expansion of 
(a + b) 10 . 

Write out the following expansions : 

2. (a + ft) 6 . (Use Pascal's triangle.) / y\ s 

3. (x + y) 7 . 9. (3y-2x)\ ' \ V' 

4. (m + nf. 10. (2a + 6) 5 . 16. (3 s- 4 y )'. 
,(l + *)». ,,(,-3,), £[££* 

e. (,+i)- i2. (21 «+«.)• 19 . [3a _ ( ;_^, 

7. (2a: + a) 4 . 13. (x 2 -2yf. fx_2j L V 

8. (p-q) 8 . 14. (??-yy. ' \B 3/ 


By comparison with types wrrte dowm the following products : 

1. (x + 5)(x + 3). 5. (xy + a)(xy-b). 

2. (a! + 10)(a!-2). 6. (4 as + 2) (4 a; -5). 

3. (x-B)(x + 8). V- (a: 2 + 5)(a; 2 -10). 

4. (acc + 3)(a« + 5). 8. (» + a + 3)(x + a- 7). 


9. (3 + by)(i + by). 14. (3x + y)(3x-y). 

10. (x 2 + 3x + 2)(a^ ! +3x-5). 15. (2 x -iy) (2 x + 4 y). 

11. (3a + y)(3x-2»). 6 (2^+^ + 8)(2^+^-8). 

12. (a + & + 12)(a + &-6). ^ _ 

f s_l2V -*-2\ "■ (^ + 2/ 2 -4)(^ + 2/ 2 + 4). 

13. ^-5+^x ft -J- i8 {ax + hy + c){ a X + h y_ c) . 

19. (ar' + l + aOO^ + l-x). 

20. (xy + yz + zx — a)(xy + yz + zx + a). 

Perform the operations indicated : 

21. (x + y+z) 2 . 27. (x" + y n f — 4 x"y n - 

22. (3x + 2y + z) 2 . 28. (x + y + z + w) 2 . 

23. (as + &i/ + c) 2 . 29. (a; + 3) (a; + 5){x + 6). 

24. (a + 3) 2 - 12 x. 30. (x+3)(x-3)(x+5)(x-5). 

25. (x + 3 2/-4) 2 +16(x+3?/). 31. (a: + 3 a)(x 2 -3 ax + 9 a 2 ). 

26. 3x4-2y+6) 2 -24(3x+2y). 32. (x + 3yf. 

33. (a; + yf — 3 xy(x + y). 

34. (a 2 + 6 2 + c 2 — a& — 6c — ca)(a + &+c). 

35. (x 2 + 4?/ 2 + l — 2 a;?/ — 2y — x)(x + 2y + l). 

Show the truth of the following identities : 

36. (x + a) 2 — (x — a) 2 = 4 ax. 

37. (x ■+- a) 2 — 4 ax = (x — a) 2 . 

38. (x 2 + xy + 2/ 2 )0" — 2/) = X s — y s . 

39. (x 2 — xy + y 2 )(x + y) = a? + y 3 . 

40. (x 3 -)- x 2 y + xy 2 + y s )(x — y) = x* — y*. 

41. (x 3 — x 2 y + xy 2 — j/ 3 )(x + y) = x A — y*. 

42. (x 2 + xy + ^(a 2 — ay + 2/ 2 ) = x 4 + x 2 y 2 + y 4 . 

43. (x 2 + y 2 + z 2 — xy — yz — zx)(x + y + z) = x 3 + y s + z i —3 xyz. 


70. Division Identities. From the relation of division 
to multiplication, every multiplication identity gives rise to 
at least two division identities. The following division 
identities are of importance : 

1. [je*+(a + b)x + ab] + (x + a) = x + b. 

2. (x 2 + 2ax + a*) + (x + a) = x + a. 

3. (x 2 -2ax + a-)^(x-a) = x-a. 

4. (x 3 -a 2 ) + (x-a) = x + a. 

5. (jr s - f) -=- (x -y) = x - + xy +/. 

6. (x 3 +/) -h (x +/) = x 2 - xy + f. 

7. jr* -/ -=- (x —y) = x 3 + x 2 y + xy 2 +/. 

It should be noted that in each of these identities, the 
quotient might be the divisor, and the divisor the quotient. 

(1) (a; 2 -64) -(a; + 8) = ? 

This is an example of type 4. By a comparison with that 
type we see at once that the quotient is x — 8. 

(2) (x 2 - 11 a; + 30) -=- (x - 6) = ? 
This is an example of type 1. 

a = — 6 ; ab = 30 ; hence, b = — 5. 
The quotient is x — 5. 

(3) (27 - a 3 ) -;- (3 - a) = ? 

If we notice that 27 = 3 3 , we see that this is of the form of 
type 5. 

Hence, (27 - u 8 ) -h (3 - a) = 9 + 3 a + a 2 . 


Perform the following divisions by comparison with 

type forms : 

1. (a 2 -2a-63) + (a + 7). 

3. [(2aj) 4 -& 4 ]^-(4a; z -6 2 ). 


3. (9 +6 a + a 2 ) -=- (3 + a). 

4. (8a 3 + 6 3 )-=-(2a + &)- 

5. (81a 2 -25 6 4 )-=-(9a + 5& 2 ). 

6. (l-10a + 25a 2 )-^(l-5a). 

7. (y* + lly-26) + (y + 13). 

8. [(a + 6) 3 -64]-^(a + &-4). 

9. [ZIc?-(x-yY]+[3a-(x-y)]. 

10. [(as + 2/) 2 - 4 a 2 & 2 ] -=- (x + y + 2 a&). 

11. (^-M^-S^-^C^-IT). 

12. [(a + y) 2 + ll(a + 20-60]H-( a! + 2/-4). 

13. [0 + y) 2 - 16 (x + y) (a + b) + 48(a + &) 2 ] -=- [(a; + y) 

-4(a + &)]. 

14. (a; 2 " -9 a;" -112) -(a;" -16). 

15. (2/ 2n + 16 2/" + 64)^-(2/° + 8). 

16. [(a + 6) 2 - 6 x(a + 6) + 9 a; 2 ] -4- (a + b - 3 a;). 

17. (a;* 1 - 25 y 2 ") -=- (x* a + 5 f). 

18. [(x + yy n -(a + by-\ + [(x + y)"-(a + b) 2 "]. . 

19. [(aa; + b) s + 125 a?] -=- [(aa; + 6) 3 - 5 x (ax + b) + 25 a; 2 ] . 

20. [(aar 2 + 6a; + c) 2 — (Ix + m) 2 ] -*- (ax 2 + bx + c + Ix + n). 

21. (fn — x 3 *) -i-(y n — x"). 

22. j/ 4 " — K 4 " -s- G/ n — «")• 

23. [(V3 a; + yf - a 2 ] -*- ( V3 x + y - a). 

24. [(Vaa; + b) s — 64 y 8 ] -=- (Vax + b — 4 y). 

25. [( VaaT+ty) 3 + 125 a 6 ] -r- (VaaT+ty + 5 a 2 ). 


71. Products, Factors. Numbers which are multiplied 
together to form a product are called factors of that product. 

For example, in 5 x a x 6 = 5 aft, 5, a, 6 are factors of the product 
5 ab. Only expressions free from divisions and roots will be con- 
sidered in factoring. In 7 a (ft + c)(x + y + z), 7 is a numerical factor 
or numerical multiplier, a is a monomial factor, b + c is a binomial factor, 
andz + y + zisa trinomial factor. 

In multiplication, we have the factors given to find the 
product; in factoring, the product is given to find the 

72. The Degree and Number of Factors. The degree of an 
algebraic monomial is the number of letters composing it. 

Thus, a 2 b is'an expression of the third degree, being made up of the 
product of a x a x ft. aVy is an expression of the fftk degree in 
a, x and y ; it is an expression of the second degree in a, also in x ; 
it is of the first degree in y. 

The degree of an algebraic polynomial is the highest num- 
ber of letters found in any term. 

Thus, x 2 + 3 x + 4 is an expression of the second degree, containing 
a; x a; in its highest term. ax 2 +bx is an expression of the third degree 
in a and x, but is an expression of the second degree in x. 

The number of factors of an algebraic expression is not 
greater than the degree of the expression. 




Determine the degree of the following with regard to all the 
letters : 

1. x 2 + ax. 6. X s + y 3 + 2 s — 3 xyz. 

2. x + y + z. 1.x 2 — a 2 . 

3. x 2 + xy + y 2 . 8. a 2 + 2 aa; + a 2 . 

4. a? + 3a? + ix + 16. 9. abc + a? +b 2 + a 2 b\ 

5. ax 2 + bx -f c. 10. a 2 6c + 6 2 ca + c 2 a6. 

73. Monomial Factors. Factors of monomial expressions 
may be written down by inspection. 

Thus, a 2 bx 2 = a • a • b • x • x; 

also, 5 x 2 y s = b • x ■ x • y ■ y ■ y. 

Here, 5 is not an algebraic factor in the sense of determin- 
ing degree ; it is a numerical multiplier. 

Monomial factors contained in polynomials may be seen 
as the inverse of the distributive law. 

{a + b + e)rn = am + bm + cm. 

Reverse this identity, and we have the factors of 

am + bm + cm, namely m and a + b + c. 

Factor : 


1. 14 a 2 x 4 y. 


4 a 2 bc*. 

2. — 3 xy 2 z. 


4x 2 + 7a; = x(4a; + 7) 

3. -| x'yz 2 . 


ax 2 + ay. 

4. £aW. 


3 ax + 6 a¥. 

5. -10a 8 6c. 


5 a 2 + 10 ab + 5 abc. 

6. 12 ay 2 . 


3xy-&x 2 y 2 + l a?f. 


13. Sm + 4 rff 4- 2 mxy. 17. 5 x?yz 4- 30 aVz — 40 xyz 3 . 

14. _2fa + 4i«y + 6Jy. 18 - 7ffl! *+l«VH7aV. 

19. 3a 2 6cV»+2/— 6a& 2 cVa;— ?/. 

15. aay + o^+SaaY. 20l .6 *WS£+& 

16. 3 a 2 a*/ — 15 av?y 4- 21 a 3 ^. +10xy 2 zVax— b. 


A great number of algebraic expressions may be fac- 
tored by comparison with some known form of product. 
The identities of the preceding chapter are reversible ; 
when so written they become Types in factoring. 

74. The Type x 2 — a 2 , the Difference of Two Squares. This 
expression is recognized as the product of x + a by x — a. 


jr 2 — o 2 = (x 4- a)(z — a). 

The difference of two squares equals the product of the 
sum and difference of the square roots of the two numbers. 

Thus, a?-16=(a: + 4)(a;-4); 

also, (a + S) 2 - 16s (a + S + 4)<>4-&- 4). 


Factor : 

1. a 2 -4Z> 2 . 6. 25ary-36zV. 

2. 4 a 2 - 9 ft 2 . 7. (x + yf-a*. 

3. a 2 6 2 -c 2 . 8. (z + 3.y) 2 -s 2 . 

4. 16a 2 6 2 -25c 2 . 9. (3 a - 2 t/) 2 - (s + af. 

5. 4-9ar\ 10. 4(x + 22/) 2 -9(a + &) 2 
11. se* - y 4 = (s 2 - f) (o? + f) = (x + y) (x - y) (z 2 + f). 


In Exercise 11 we have two first-degree factors, x + y and 
x — y, also the second-degree factor, x 2 + y 2 . No factors of 
x 2 + y 2 can be found . unless radicals be employed. Such a 
factor may be called irreducible. 

Factor : 

12. 4a 2 -16(a:-34) 2 . 14. (x + y)* - 4 a?y 2 . 

13. 16-a 4 . 15. (3z-|-4?/ + 5) 2 -9. 

16. (-3x + 2y-5y-(x+yf. 

17. (Ix + my + nf — 4 (ax + by + cf. 

18. (ax + by) 2 — 4 (Iz + mw) 2 . 

19. (a"x n ) 2 — (&"2T) 2 . 22. (sk + 3) 2 — 42/ 2 . 

20. x 2n y 2n — z 2n w 2 *- 23. (3 a; + a) 2 - 9 6 2 . 

21. (w + l) 2 - a 2 . 24. (# + a) 4 — (a + &) 4 . 

25. ( a , + 3y) 2 -(3a; + 2 /) 2 . 

75. The Type x 2 + (a + b)x + ab. This expression is the 
product obtained by multiplying x + a by x + b. Hence, 

x 2 + (a + b)x + ab = (x + a)(x + b). 
Examples belonging to this type assume the form 
x 2 + sx+p, 
where p is the algebraic product of two numbers, and s 
is their algebraic sum. 

If * and p be integers, the factors of p may sometimes 
be found by inspection such that their sum shall be s. 

Thus, to factor x 2 + 6 x + 8, we must find two factors of 
8 whose sum is 6. These are seen to be 4 and 2. Hence, 

a? + 6 x + 8 = O + 4) (x + 2) . 

To factor a 2 + 10 a — 24, we must find two factors of 
— 24 whose sum is 10. These are 12 and — 2. Hence, 

a 2 + 10 a - 24 = (a - 2)(a + 12). 


It should be observed that if in x 2, + sx + p, p be posi- 
tive, the factors of p chosen must be of like signs, and if s be 
positive, both factors of p must be positive. If s be negative, 
both two factors of p must be negative ; if p be negative, one 
factor of p must be positive and the other negative, and the 
sign of s shows which is numerically the larger- 


1. Factor y 2 — 5 y — 24. 

Here the factors of — 24 are — 1, 24 ; - 2, 12 ; — 3, 8 ; 
— 4, 6 ; and also these numbers with their signs changed. A 
pair of factors must be chosen whose sum is — 5; this is seen 
to be 3, — 8. Hence, 

y 2 -5y-2i = (y + 3)(y-8). 

2. Factor {x + 2) 2 - 5 (x + 2) - 14. 

The two factors of — 14, whose sum is — 5, are — 7 and 2. 

(x + 2) 2 - 5 (x + 2) - 14 = (aT+2 + 2) (^+2 - 7) 
= (a; + 4) (x — 5). 

3. Factor {a? + 3 x) 2 - 8 (x 2 + 3 x) - 20. 

The factors of — 20, whose sum is — 8, are — 10 and 2. 
(a; 2 + 3 a;) 2 - 8 (a» + 3 x) - 20 = (a,- 2 + 3 x + 2) <V+ 3 x - 10) 

= \(x + l)(x + 2)}\(x + 5)(x-2)\. 

Factor : 

4. a; 2 +3a; + 2. 9. x>+ 5 xy + 6 y\ 

5. a; 2 - 3 a; + 2. 10. v?y 2 -3xy- 10. 

6. sc 2 +a;-2. 11. 1 + 3 xy - 10 x>y 2 . 

7. a^-a;-2. 12. G«?-5xy + y 2 . 

8. a 2 x 2 +5ax + 6. 13. (x + yf+9(x + y) +20. 


14. (a + 3 ft) 2 - (a + 3 b) -20. 

15. (6a; + 32/) 2 +10(6a; + 3?/)+16. 

16. (x>+ ff- 6 (x>+ y 2 ) - 27. 

17. (2x + 3y + 5)*+9(2x + 3y + 5) + 18. 

18. (a; 2 +5a;) 2 +10(a; 2 +5a;)+24. 

19. a; 4 - 13 ar>+ 36. 

20. (ax + by) 2 + 8 (ax + by) + 7. 

21. (ax + by) 2 — (I + m) (ax + by) + Irn. 

22. (a; 2 +6a;) 2 +17(a; 2 +6a;) + 72. 

23. (x 2 -5x + 4) 2 -(x 2 -5x + ±)-2. 

24. a; 2 "— 10 a;* 1 +16. 

25. (aa;) 2,l + (Z + m) (aa;)"+ i!m. 

76. The Types x 2 + 2ax + a 2 and * 2 - 2 a* + a 2 . These 
two trinomials are perfect squares of x + a and x — a, 

x 2 + 2 ax + a 2 = (x + a) (x + a) = (x + a) 2 . 

x 2 -2 ax + a 2 = (x - a)(x - a) = (x - a) 2 . 

The sum of the squares of two numbers, increased (or 
diminished) by twice the product of the numbers, equals the 
square of the sum (or difference) of the two numbers. 


1. Factor x 2 + 6 x + 9. 

Here a; 2 and 9 are the squares of x and 3. and 6 a; is twice 
the product of 3 and x ; hence, 

x 2 + 6 x + 9 = (x + 3) (a; + 3) = (a; + 3) 2 . 

2. Factor 9 x 2 + 6 x + 1. 

9 x 2 + 6 x + 1 = (3 a; + 1) (3 x + 1) = (3 x + 1) 2 . 


3. Factor 16 a 2 + 40 ab + 25 b 2 . 

16 a 2 + 40 ab + 25 6 2 = (4 a) 2 + 2 (4 a) (5 6) + (5 6) 2 

e= (4 a + 5 b) (4 a + 5 6) s (4 a + 5 b) 2 . 

4. Factor y 2 — 16 #z + 64 z 2 . 

y 2 - 16 yz + 64 a 2 = f - 2 (y) (8 z) + (8 z) 2 

= (y-8z)(y-8z) = (y-8z) 2 . 

5. Factor (a; 2 + 4 a;) 2 — 4 (a: 2 + 4 as) + 4. 

In this expression we may consider x 2 + 4 a: as a single quantity. 

(a; 2 + 4 a;) 2 - 4 (a; 2 + 4 *) + 4 = (a; 5 + 4a;) 2 - 2(x 2 + 4 a;) (2) + (2) 2 

= (a? + 4 x - 2) (a; 2 + 4 a; - 2) 

= (a,- 2 + 4 a; - 2) 2 . 
Factor : 

6. a: 2 -8 a; + 16. 

7. 4 a; 2 - 12 x + 9. 

8. a 2 a: 2 + 10 aa;?/ + 25 y 2 . 

9. 49 a 2 & 2 - 14 ab + 1. 

10. 100 - 20 ab + a 2 b 2 . 

11. (ax + b) 2 + 2 c (ax + b) + c 2 . 

12. (3 x + 4 wV - 6 (3a; + 4 y) 4- 9. 

13. 4 a^ + 9 2/ 2 - 12 an/. 

14. («a; + by + cf + 8 (ax + by + c) + 16. 

15. (a 2 + y 2 ) 2 - 2 (x 2 + f) z 2 + z\ 

The next three exercises are squares of trinomials. See page 73, 5. 

16. x 2 + y 2 + z 2 + 2xy + 2yz + 2 zx. 

17. a 2 + b 2 + c 2 - 2 ab + 2 be - 2 ca. 

18. ix 2 + 9 y 2 + z 2 + 12 xy + 6 yz + i zx. 


19. x> a + 12 x n + 36. 

20. y 4 " — 14 y 2n + 49. 

21. a 2 " + 12 art> 2 " + 36 ft 4 ". 

22 (a; + yf 1 — 6 a(a: + y) n + 9 a 2 . 

77. The Types jr 3 — / and x s +/. It has been shown by 
actual multiplication that 

M »- J ?=(,-y ) ( J * + jry+/), 
and jr 3 +/* = (* +/)(jr 2 — jr/ +/ 2 ). 


1. Factor 8 a 3 - 27 6 s . 

8 a 3 -27 ft 3 =(2 a) 3 (3 -ft) 8 

= (2 a - 3 ft) [(2 a) 2 + (2 a) (3 6) + (3 ft) 2 ], 
= (2 a - 3 6) (4 a 2 + 6 aft + 9 ft 2 ). 

2. Factor (a,- 2 + 2/ 2 ) 3 - 8 X s f. 

(x 2 + ff -8a?tf= (a; 2 + tff - (2 a*,) 3 

= [(x* + y*)-2xy][(x* + y*)>+(x* + y*)2xy 

+ {2xyf] 
= (*-y) 2 [(a? + y*) 2 -\-2xy(x l + y*)+4a~ 1 y 2 ]. 

3. Factor (a; + 5) 3 + 8 ft 3 . 
(x+5) s + 8 ft 3 = (x + 5) 3 + (2 ft) 8 

= + 5) + 2 6] |> + 5) 2 - (x + 5)2 6 + (2 ft) 2 ] 

= [a; + 5 + 2&]|> + 5) 2 -2&( a; + 5) + 4ft 2 ]. 
Factor : J 

4 - ^-8 6 s - 8. (a; + 2/) 3 - 125 z 3 . 

5. 8a 3 -27& 3 . 9. (3a; + 4) 3 + 8^. 

6. aV + 6i. 10. (a; 2 + 3a; + 4) 3 -64. 

7. a s x* - 27 fz*. ii. (ax+ft^-cV. 

12. (3a; + 4 2 /) :! + (2a : + 2/) 3 . 


Certain expressions may be transformed into the sum or 
difference of two cubes, and the factors then found. 

13. Factor a; 6 + y 6 . 

In this case we may write 

a« + y°=(??y+(yy 

= [a? + tf][x*-x>f + y i l. 

14. Factor a,- 6 — y 6 . 

As in Exercise 13, we may write 

= (f?-tf)[(x*y + xhf+{ y y-\ 

= {x + y){x-y)\_x i +x 2 y i + y A '] 

= (x + y)(x- y) (x 2 + xy + f) (x 2 - xy + f). 

(See Exercise 42, page 80.) 

Of course, the factors of X s — y e could have been obtained by 
comparing with the type x 2 — a 2 . Thus, 

x e -y s = (x 3 ) 2 -(y s f 

= (x + y) (af-xy + y 2 ) (x - y) {x 2 + xy + y 2 ). 

Other types of binomials, such as a* — b\ a 5 ± b 5 , and so on, 
may appear for factoring, but such special cases will not be 
considered at this time. 

Factor : 

15. 8a 3 -& 6 . 18. a 6 x"+(y + zy. 

16. (axy+(by) 6 . 19. (ax + byy-(cz) e . 

17. x* -1. 20. 64 a 6 + (6c) 6 . 

21. [(x + yyj-l(x-yyj. 

22. (a 3 + 3a?b+3ab 2 + b s y + c 6 . 


78. The Type Ax 2 + Bxy + Cy 2 or Ax 2 + Bx + C. If the 

first of these expressions is capable of separation into 
factors free of radicals, it must be composed of two 
binomials of the form ax + by and Ix + my, where a, b, I, 
m are algebraic numbers, i.e., they may be + or — , inte- 
gral or fractional. 

Multiplying these supposed factors together, we have 

(ax + by) (lx + my) = alx 2 + (am + bl) xy + bmy 2 . 

Hence, to factor Ax 2 + Bxy + Cy 3, we are to find four 
numbers, a, b, I, m, such that 

al = A, bm = 0, and am + bl= B. 

This method is illustrated by the following examples : 

(1) Factor 6 z 2 + 31 xy + 35 y 2 . 

The factors of 6 are 6, 1 and 3, 2 ; the factors of 35 are 35, 
1, and 7, 5. A good plan is to arrange the letters thus, 

x + y ^ 
x + y 

Now attach the factors of 6 and 35 to x, y, respectively, as a 
trial arrangement. ' Let us place them thus, 

3x + 7y- _ 
2x+5y J 

The square terms appear correctly, 6 x-, 35 y 2 , but the cross 
products, 3 x ■ 5 y and 2 x ■ 7 y, do not add so as to give 31 xy. 
Hence, our trial arrangement is not correct. Let us try 


3x + 5y}' 
This gives 6 x*+(2 x 5+3 x 7)xy+ 35 y 2 , the correct product. 
Hence, 6 x~ + 31 xy + 35 y 2 = (2 x + 7 y) (3 x + 5 y). 


The case in which y is equal to unity, giving Ax 2 + Bx + C, 
requires no special mention when the factors may be found by 
inspection as above. 

(2) Factor 3 a? + 16 xy + 5 y 2 . 

In this example we are to find the arrangements of the 
factors of 3 and 5 with the letters x, y in 

03 + 2/' 

® + y . 

such that the sum of the cross products shall be 16 xy. 
By trial, the arrangement is seen to be 

x + 5y _ 
3x+ y . 
Hence, 3x? + 16xy + 5y 2 = (x + 5y)(3x + y). 

(3) Factor 15 x 2 + 58 x + 11. 

The factors of 15 are 3, 5 and 1, 15 ; the factors of 11 are 1, 
11. Our trial arrangement may be 

93 + 11 

15a;+ 1 

But the cross products 11 x 15+1 x 1 do not give 58. Another 
trial may be S r 4- 11 1 

533+ 1 J 

which gives for the middle term 3 x + 55 x = 58 x. 
Hence, 15 x 2 + 58 x + 11 = (3 x + 11) (5 * + 1). 

Factor: exercises. 

1. 3 a; 2 + 7 xy + 2 y 2 . 4. 12 x 2 + 2 xy - 2 f. 

2. 6 x 2 - 5 xy - 6 y 2 . 5. 3 aa^ + (9 + <x)6a3 + 3 b 2 . 

3. 21 x 2 + 31 xy + 4 y\ 6. 20 y 2 - 22 yz + 6 z 2 . 

7. 24 y 2 - 26 yz - 8 z\ 


79. The Type ax 2 + bx + c. This expression is called 
the General Quadratic in a single variable x. For differ- 
ent values of a, b, e this expression represents every 
quadratic that may be written. Thus, with a = 5, b = 6, 
c = 2, we have 5 x 2 + 6 a; + 2 ; with a = 4, b = — 5, «? = — 1, 
we have 4 a; 2 — 5 a; — 1, etc. 

We shall illustrate the method of factoring the general 
quadratic by a few special examples. 

(1) Factor 2 ar> + 16 a; -20. 

By dividing out 2, we get 

2 a? + 16 x - 20 

= 2(a; 2 + 8a;-10) 

= 2|y+8 a;+16-10-16], adding and subtracting 16. 
= 2[(x + 4) 2 — 26], rearranging terms. 

26 may be written ( V26) 2 , and we have 

2 a? + 16 x - 20 

= 2 [(a; + 4) 2 — (V26) 2 ], the difference of two squares. 

= 2 [x + 4 + V26] • |> + 4 — V26]; the product of sum 

and difference. 

Note. Adding 16 is called Completing the Square of the first two 

terms. To complete the square of x 2 + 2 mx we must add m 2 ; i.e., we 

add the square of half the coefficient of x. To complete the square of 

/ 6 \ 2 
i 2 + 6 x we add - s3 J . To complete the square of x 2 + kx we add 


Complete the square : 

1. a; 2 + 5 x. 

Here (f) 2 must be added. 

If we wish the expression to remain unchanged, we must 
also subtract (|) 2 . 

Factoring. 95 

Hence, v? + 5 x = x 1 + 5 x + -\ 5 - — - 2 ^, 

= (^ + l) 2 --¥- 

2. x*-3x. 7. lla^ + 33a;. 

3. a 2 + 7*. 8. 5x* + 1x. 

4. a^-8a;. 9. 3^-83;. 

5. 3ar ! + 9a; = 3(ar ! + 3a;). 10. 7^-35^ 

6. 5a? -25a;. 11. 9a^-25a;. 
(2) Factor 5 ^ + 15 x -10. 

5 x 1 + 15 x — 10 

= 5 |y + 3 x - 2], dividing by 5. 

s 5 [ar + 3 x + (§) 2 — (f) 2 — 2], completing the square. 
= 5 [(a; + f) 2 — | — 2], rearranging. 

= 5 [(* + !)■-¥], 

= 5 [(as + |) 2 — ( V- 1 /-) 2 ]) difference of two squares. 

V17 ] 
2 J 

^[.+3 + ^ 

a; -) ^^- I , productof sum and 


2 2 

(3) Factor 4 as 2 + 6 a; + 2. 
4a? + 6a; + 2 

= 4 [a 2 + | x + %], dividing out 4. 

= 4 [a; 2 + f ^ + (I) 2 - (f f + $]> completing the square. 

= 4[(a; + |) 2 - 1 VJ, rearranging. 

= 4 [(as + f ) 2 - (}) 2 ], rearranging. 

= 4 [a; -|- 3 + i-] . [a; + | — y, product of sum and difference. 

£=40 + 1] -|> + i]. 

According to the method here illustrated we may factor 
the general quadratic. 


ax 2 + bx + c 

a a 

= a 

= a 

^ + -, + l - 

h V 

2 a) 

X 2 a) 4 a 2 

r , b , V& 2 -4, 
2a la 

4 a<A 2 " 

dividing out a. 

- I, completing square. 

combining terms. 

difference of two 

~ x b_ _ Vff 2 - 4 ac 
* 2a ' 2a 

Hence, to factor any quadratic in which a, 5, c have 
been replaced by numerical values, we need merely to 
replace those letters in the general factors above by the 
special values found in the given example. 

(4) -Factor 3 x 2 + 8 x + 2. 
Here a = 3, 6 = 8, c = 2; hence, we have 
3 a? + 8 x + 2 

= 3 

x + 



" , 4 , V40" 


3 6 

V64 -4-3^2" 

" , 4 V40' 


3 6 

' 8_ _ V64 -4-3 

2-3 2-3 


(5) Factor 5 x 2 — 7 x + 3. 
In this case a = 5, 6 = — 7, c = 3; hence, 
5z 2 -7a; + 3 

= 5 
= 5 

■ _7 V(_7 }! _4^3- 
2-5 2-5 

, + ^-M - - 5 - 3 l 

2-5 2-5 J 

-7 V(-7) 2 -4-5-3 ~ 

7 , V-ll" 

x \-~ 

10 10 

7 , V-ll" 
x \-— 

10 10 



Note. The factors in this case, involving the square root of a 
n egati ve numb er are called imaginary. Such numbers as V— 11, 
Y — 5' V— a 2 , etc., do not belong to the algebraic number system ex- 
plained in Chapter I. 

(6) Factor - 3 x 2 + 4 x + 2. 
Here a=— 3, & = 4,c = 2; hence, 

-3x 2 + ix + 2 = - 

* + .- 

V4 2 -4(-3)-2 ' 

2.(-3) + _ 2. (-3) _ 

4 V4 2 - 4( - 3) ■ 2" 

2. (-3) 

2. (-3; 
3 -6 

= -3|> 

3 -6 
j-lV40][.-| + JV40]. 

Factor : 

1. 5 a; 2 - 25 a; - 15. 

2. — 2 a; 2 + 14 x — 10. 

3. 3 or' — 5 a; + 9. 

4. 7^-35^ + 49. 

5. -a^-fll a; -3. 


6. 11 a; 2 -55 a- + 99. 

7. -4 ar -28 a; + 32. 

8. G .i' 2 - 30 x + 48. 

9. —8 a; 2 + 40 a; -8. 
10. 10 a: 2 — 70 x + 20. 


The method of factoring certain algebraic expressions 
will often be suggested by a proper rearrangement or 
grouping of terms. Two general plans of grouping are 
worthy of attention, 


80. Grouping with Regard to the Descending Powers of 
Some Letter. 

(1) Factor ix 2 + y 2 + z 2 + 4:xy + 4xz + 2yz. 

If this example is not recognized as a perfect square, we 
should proceed thus : 

4 x 2 +y 2 +z 2 +A xy+A xz+2 yz = i x'+i x(y+z)+y 2 +2 yz+z 2 

= ix 2 +Ax{y+z) + {y+zf 
= (2x+y+z) 2 . 

(2) Factor x 2 + 6 ax - 8 bx + 9 a 2 - 24 ab + 16 b\ 
Arrange with regard to the letter x, giving 

x 2 + 6ax-8bx + 9a 2 -24ab + 16b 2 

= x 2 + 2x(3a-4 c b)+9a 2 -24:ab + 16b 2 
= a^ + 2a;(3a-4 6) + (3a-4 6) 2 
= (» + 3a-46) 2 . 

(3) Factor a? + 7 ax + 6 bx + 10 a 2 + 21 ab + 9 b 2 . 
Here we may arrange with regard to the letter a. 

x 2 + 7ax + 6bx + 10a 2 + 21ab + 9b 2 

= 10 a 2 + 7a(x + 3 6) + x 2 +6 bx + 9 6 2 
= 10a 2 + 7a(a; + 3 6) + (a! + 3&) 2 
= (5 a + a; + 3 6) (2 a + a; + 3 &). 


Factor : 

1. 2a? + 3ax + x 2 + 7ab+3b 2 + 4:bx. 

2. 2a^-6 2 + 3y 2 + 6a;-26y + ra!2/. 

3. x 2 + iy 2 + 9z 2 -Axy-12yz + 6xz. 

4. 4a 2 + 96 2 + 16c 2 + 12a&-16ac-246c. 

5. 2x 2 -3y 2 -3z 2 -xy-5xz + 10yz. 


81. Grouping with Regard to Some Letter that Enters in 
One Degree Only. By forming a product of a number of 
factors, one of which contains a letter not found in the others, 
we shall see the purpose and application of this method. 

Let us multiply together the following : 

(x + 3 a + b~)(x + a + m). 
The product is 

x 2 + 4 ax + 3 a 2 + bx + ab + m(x + 3 a + b~). 

It will be noticed that m appears in but three terms, 
and that these terms when collected constitute m times the 
first factor of the product. Hence, if a literal expression 
contain a single letter entering to a single degree only, the 
coefficient of that letter contains a factor of the given expres- 
sion, if the expression has any factors. 

An example will illustrate this method. 

Factor 3 x 2 + 8 xy + 3 kx + 5 ky + 5 f. 

Here k enters to a single degree. 
Arrange with regard to k, and we have 

3a^ + 8a;?/ + 5 2/ 2 + (3x + 52/)fc. 

If the expression can be factored, 3 x + 5 y must be one of 
the factors ; hence, 3 x 2 + 8 xy + 5 y 2 must contain 3 x + 5 y as a 

3x 2 + 8xy + 5y 2 + 3kx + 5ky = 3x 2 + 8xy + 5y 2 + k(3x + 5y) 

= (3x + 5y)(x + y)+k(3x + 5y) 
= (3x + 5y)(x + y + k). 


Factor: 1. 4 x> + 4 xy — 35 y 2 + 5 ay — 2 ax. 

2. x 2 + zx — iyz — xy—12y 2 . 4. xy + 4 ay + x 2 — ax — 20 a 2 . 

3, 4 ac + be -b 2 + 12 a 2 -ab. 5.. 14 x 2 + 7 px- 5 xy +py -y\ 


82. Binomial Factors by Trial. Let us divide a; 2 +6 a; + 5 
by x — m in the ordinary way. 

x — m)x 2 + 6 x + 5 (a; + 6 + ra, quotient. 

(6 + m)x + 5 

(6 + m)x — m(6 + rn) 

m 2 + 6 m + 5, remainder. 

It will be noticed that the remainder found on dividing 
x 2 + 6 x -f- 5 by x — m is precisely the value that the divi- 
dend becomes when x has been replaced by m. Thus, if 
in x 2 + 6 x + 5, we put x = m, we get m 2 + 6 m + 5, the 
same as the remainder above. 

This remainder is, of course, true for any value oi'm. 
We make a few special illustrations for various values of m. 

(1) What is the remainder on dividing 

^ + 6x + 5byx — 4? 

Our result above shows the remainder to be the value of 
x 2 + 6 x + 5 when x = i; hence, the remainder after division is 

4 2 + 6 x 4 + 5 = 45. 

Verify by actual division. 

(2) Find the remainder after division of 

x^ + dx + Sbyx — 5. 

Replace x by 5, and the remainder is 

5 2 + 6 x 5 + 5 = 60. 
Verify by division. 

(3) Find the remainder when x 2 + 6 x + 5 is divided by x + 5. 
Here, m = — 5 ; hence, the remainder found by dividing by 

c5 + 5ls (-5) 2 + 6(-5) + 5 = 0, 


The remainder being zero shows that x + 5 is an exact divisor 
of x 2 + 6 x + 5. 

(4) Find the remainder on dividing x 2 — 8 x + 12 by x — 8. 
The remainder is (8) 2 - 8(8) + 12 = 12. 

Hence, x — 8 is not an exact divisor. 

(5) Find the remainder on dividing x 2 — 8 x + 12 by x — 6. 
The remainder is (6) 2 - 8(6) + 12 = 0. 

Hence, x — 6 is an exact divisor, i.e., a factor. 

In factoring by trial, the number of trials is limited to tlie 
number of divisors of the constant term. 

(6) To find the factors of a; 3 — 7 x — 6. 
The factors of 6 are ± 1, ± 2, ±3, ±6. 

When divided by x — 1 the remainder is 1 — 7 — 6 = — 12. 
When divided by x + 1 the remainder is— 1+ 7 — 6 = 0. 
When divided by x — 2 the remainder is 8 — 14 — 6 = — 12. 
When divided by x + 2 the remainder is — 8 + 14 — 6 = 0. 
When divided by x — 3 the remainder is 27 — 21 — 6 = 0. 

No other divisors need be tried, for we already have the 
three {x + 1), (x + 2), and (a; — 3), and an expression of the 
third degree can not have more than three factors. 


Factor each of the following : 

1. a^_ ar>_4 x + 4. 6. a? + 2 x 2 - 9 x - 18. 

2. & + 2X 2 -4 x -8. 7. a? + 9 a 2 + 26 a; + 24. 

3. 3? + 3 a? -13 a; -15. 8. ar 5 + 15 a: 2 - x - 15. 

4. a; 3 -6 a; 2 + 11 x- 6. 9. ar 5 + 12 a; 2 + 47 x + 60. 

5. x 3 - 10 a; 2 + 31 x - 30. 10. a? - 12 a; 2 + 48 x - 64. 



1. bx'—b. 13. 27 -64 a; 6 . 

2. 10 cm 2 -40 c 3 . 14. 16 x*y 2 - a?. 

3. x 2 + xy + xz + yz. 15. a 3 — 2a 2 — a + 2. 

4. Zm + mr— Zr — r 2 - 16. m 4 -4roW+4n , l 1 . 

5. 2a; 2 + 3a:y-2a;z-32/«. 17. (a + b + c) 2 — (a — 6 - c) 2 . 

6. 6-5a + a 2 . 18. 14a 3 - 8a 2 -21 a + 12. 

7. a: 4 + aft/ 2 - 72 ?/ 4 . 19. p 2 - 2pq + q 2 - r 2 . 

8. m 2 -4m + 96. 20. 25 a 2 - 10 a*/ - 9 z 2 + 2/ 2 - 

9. aZ> 2 + 2a 2 6 + a 3 . 21. 9 a 2 - 36 «6 + 36 b 2 . 

10. 3a^+4a;+l. 22. a 2 + 29a + 120. 

11. 2Z 2 -8(m + l) 2 . 23. a: 4 + 2a^-99. 

12. 64a 4 -81y 4 . 24. 24Z 2 + 18Z + 3. 

25. a 2 (a;-y)+3a(y-a;) + 2(a!-3f). 
1 i 6 ^ 28. aW-2aW + a 4 6 2 c 4 . 

81 y* 29. 9^-6^-1 + ^. 

27. m 5 + m 3 -m 2 -l. 30. 646 4 -126 2 -l. 


1. Eemove parentheses and simplify 

2x — 3y — \5x-[3y + 5x — (Ax + y — 3x — 4?/)]}. 

2. Put x = 5 and y = 1 in the above exercise, and find the 

3. From the sum of 3x — 8y + 2z and 5y — 7x—3z take 
their difference. 

4. Multiply out (a 4 + 4) (a 2 + 2) (a 2 - 2). 

5. Divide ar 1 " — 3x 2n y + 3x n y 2 — f by a;" — y. 


6. Factor ax- + bx i — a — bx. 

7. Simplify 

(a; + a) 2 - {x - a) 2 - [_{x + of +(x-a)(x-a)- x 2 ']. 

8. Divide x i + iy* by x 2 — 2 xy + 2 y 2 . 

9. Two numbers differ by 17. One third of the smaller is 
one greater than % of the larger. What are the numbers ? (Let 
x = smaller, x + 17 = larger.) 

10. Divide (x 3 + y 3 ) (x 3 — y 3 ) by X s — 2 x'y + 2 xy 2 — y 3 . 

11. Factor a; 4 - 10 x 2 + 9. 

12. Add with respect to x, a?x + a(b — c)x — y s x + 11 x. 

13. Find the value of 

x + yz — y \x> — (3 y + xz) (5 x + y — 6) — 2 x - y\, 
when x = 5, y = 2, and z = l. 

14. Find the value of ~"" ' ~ — =-> when x = — I. 

x(l + 3x) — a? * 

15. (2a 3 -3a; + 5) 2 =what? 

16. Divide a? m+1 — X 2 ™ y n+1 + x m+1 y 2a — y 3 "* 1 by « 2m + 2/ 2n . 

17. Multiply a m+3 b + a 2 &"+ 2 by a m ~ 2 b + ab n ~ 2 . 

18. Multiply (a" + l)(a"-l)(a 2n + 2a" + l). 

19. Verify a (a + 1) (a + 2) (a + 3) s (a 2 + 3 a + l) 2 - 1. 

20. From 

(x + y + z)(x + y-z) take x 2 - \y 2 - \_2y 2 - (-2xy + z*)]\. 

21. Find the sum, difference, product, and quotient of 

4x(y — z) 2 ™ -4 and x(y — z) 2m - i . 

22. Factor a 3 — 4a 2 + a + 6. 

23. Divide 8 a; 3 — j/ 3 + « 3 + 6 xyz by y — z - 2 as. 

24. From $(sc - 3y) - K 9 2/ - 2a5 ) take tW^" 9 ^- 

25. Divide ^a 3 -^a 2 + i«-| by |a-^. 


83. Highest Common Factor. 

A Common Factor of two or more numbers is a factor of 
each of them. 

a is a common factor of ax, a 2 y, and ab s . x — y is a 
common factor of x 2 — y 2 and x 3 — y s . 

The Highest Common Divisor of two or more numbers is 
the product of all their common factors. 

a 2 x is the Highest Common Divisor (H.C.D.) of a s xy, 
3 a 2 x 2 , and 5 a 2 xz. a 2 is common, and so is x. 

In arithmetic, the term Grreatest Common Divisor is fre- 
quently used. This term is not applicable in algebra. In 
the above example, a 2 may or may not be greater than a. 
If a is less than 1, then a 2 is less than a. Hence, in alge- 
bra the term Highest Common Divisor is used. 

84. Highest Common Divisor of Monomials. Rule. To 

the Greatest Common Divisor of the numerical coefficients 
affix each letter common to all the monomials, and to the 
lowest power it occurs in any one of them. 

ZaWfz*, iaWyW, 5a¥j%. 
The G. C. D. of 3, 4, and 5 is 1. 

The common letters with the proper exponents are 
a 2 , 3?, y 3 , s. 

Hence, the required H. C. D. is 1 aWyh. 



„. , , EXERCISES. 

Find the H. CD. of: 

1. 4a?y% 8xy s z 2 , 12 abyz 2 . 

2. 5a?bc 2 , 10 aWxy, 25 a?b 4 cx. 

3. 16aVy*z, 48a 4 6aryz 4 , 36 a 5 b 4 x*y 7 z B . 

4. 14 aWmW, 21 a 4 b 4 m 4 , 42a 5 & 2 m 6 » 8 . 

5. 22 p s q 4 afiy, Up 4 q 2 xY, G6pVxy. 

6. 14(a-&) 2 affy, 18(a-6) 3 a:y, 12(a-6) 2 a;y 

7. 15(as-y)V, 21 (as -y)*^, 33 (x-yfz™. 

8. 18 (a 2 -& 2 ) 2 *!/, 27(a 2 -b 2 fx 2 y, 36 (a 2 - ft 2 )^ 2 . 

85. Highest Common Divisor of Polynomials. The H.C.D. 

of polynomials may be found by factoring. If each factor 
is considered as a single quantity, the method is the same 
as used in finding the H. C. D. of monomials. 

' (1) The H.C.D. of a; 2 -8a; + 7, 3? -1, ar' + 3a;-4 is found 
asfollows: rf _ 8a! + 7 s (a! _ 7)(a! _ 1)) 

a; 2 ^l ==(a; + l)(a;-l), 

a? + 3x-i = (x + 4) (a; - 1). 

It is seen at once that x — 1 is the H. C. D. 

(2) Find the H. C. D. of 

X s + 5 x 2 — 14 x, x 4 — 8x, x 4 — 4a^ + 4«. 
^ + 5 & _ 14 » = x (x + 7)(x - 2), 
x 4 -%x =x(x 2 + 2x + ±)(x-2), 

<c*-4x* + 4:X* = x 2 (x - 2)(x - 2). 

Here we see that x (x — 2) is the H. C. D. 
The H. G. D. is sometimes used in reducing fractions to their 
lowest terms. 



Find the H. C. D. of : 

1. x 2 — y~, 3? — 2 xy + y 2 , x 2 — xy. 

2. a 2 ~b 2 , a?-ab 2 , a 2 + 2ab + b 2 . 

3. rf — y 2 , tf + y 3 , xP + xPy. 

4. x 2 -7x + 12, x 2 + 2x-lh, a^-9. 

5. a 2 + 8a + 15, o 2 -2a-35, a 2 + 3a-10. 

6. &2-146 + 49, b 2 + b-56, 6 2 -&-42. 

7. 3^-12:c + 12, (x - 2f, 3^-12. 

8. a 2 b 2 -b\ ab 2 + b 3 , ab-b 2 . 

9. x s — xPy 1 , x 2 (xy — y 2 ) 2 . 

10. (tf-Sx 2 ) 2 , af-x*-&3?. 

11. a? -2 ^-35 x\ afi-25x i . 

12. a^ + 2 ay + y 2 , a^ + y 3 + 3xy(x + y). 

13. m 2 — 3 to — 70, to 3 -11 to 2 + 10 m. 

14. r* — a;?/ + « — yz, xy — y 2 . 

15. a 3 -8, a*6 2 -4a 2 & 2 , 4 a 2 -16 a + 16. 

86. Lowest Common Multiple. 

When two algebraic expressions are so related that the 
first is an exact divisor of the second, the second is said 
to be a multiple of the first. 

6 a 2 bcx is a multiple of 2 ale, because 2 abc is a divisor 
of 6 cfibcx. 

A Common Multiple of two or more algebraic expressions 
is exactly divisible by each of them. 

12 a z 3?y z z z is a Common Multiple of 3 a 2 xy and 4 a 2 yz 2 . 

The Lowest Common Multiple (L. CMS) of two or more 
algebraic expressions is the expression of lowest degree which 
is exactly divisible by each of them. 


We use the term Lowest Common Multiple in algebra because we 
are concerned about the degree and not about the numerical value. 

a s x is the L. C. M. of a 3 and x ; a 4 x is also a multiple, and if a is less 
than 1, a 4 x is numerically less than a 3 x. 

87. Least Common Multiple of Monomials. Rule. To the 

Least Common Multiple of the numerical coefficients affix 
every letter found among the monomials, and to the highest- 
power it occurs in any of them. 

3 ax, 5 a 2 xy, 4 ay*. By the above rule we write 60 a 2 xy* 
at once as the L. C. M. of these expressions. 


Find the L. C. M. of: 

1. 2 ax, 3aVy, iabxy. 3. Spqr-, 2ip i q i r, 12 pq^r 2 : 

2. 3 a 2 xy, 5 aV, 15 ofuPy. 4. 10 ISnhi, 15 Z 8 mn 3 , 25 l*m 2 n. 

5. 7 ab s xy, 14 aWf, 21 ab*a?y. 

6. 3(a-b)xy, Q{a-bfa?y, 12 (a - 6) tff. 

7. A{x-yfab, 5(a;-2/)W, 10 (x - y)\abf. 

8. A0(a 2 -x)Yz, 60(a 2 -a;)V 2 , 120 (a 2 - xfyh 2 . 

88. Least Common Multiple of Polynomials. The L. C. M. 

of polynomials may be found by factoring. Consider each 

factor as a single quantity and proceed exactly as in the 

case of monomials. 

The L. C. M. of (x - yf, (z 3 - y s ), x*-6xy + 5y 2 is 

found as follows : 


(x 3 - y 3 ) = (x- y~)(x* + xy + «/ 2 ), 

(V _ 6 xy + 5 y 2 ) = (x - y) (x - 5 y). 

The L. C. M. is (x - y~)\x 2 + xy + y 2 )(x - 5 y). 


Iii general the L. C. M. should be left in its factored form ; 
that is, its factors should not be multiplied together. 

The L. C. M. is used to a limited extent in reducing fractions to a 
common denominator. 


Find the L. C. M. of : 

1. a 2 -b 2 , a?-2ab + b\ a?-ab. 8. r 2 -5r + 6, r 2 + 5r-24. 

2. ^-16, a; 2 -9a!-20. 9. x 3 + 4a: 4 , a) 4 -16a; 6 . 

3. p 2 -25, pt+p-30. 10. y 2 - 9 y + 14,/ -4 y- 21. 

4. Z 2 — 36, Z 2 -13Z + 42. 11. a 3 + 8& 3 , a 2 -4& 2 . 

5. a 3 - 4 ah 2 , a 4 - 2 a 3 &. 12. c 3 - 27 (f, c 2 - cd - 6 d 2 . 

6. 6a 2 , a 4 + 3a 2 , a s -3a. 13. 2 -a, 4-x 2 , i + x 2 , 16-a 4 . 

7. m 2 + m + l, m 3 -l. 14. 3 + 6, 9 - b 2 , 27 -b 3 . 

15. x — 3, x + 3, a? — &x + 9, a 2 + 6a: + 9, a? — 9. 


89. Algebraic Fraction; Numerator; Denominator; Terms. 

An algebraic fraction is an indicated division. 

a-i-b, ax 2 -=- by, (a + b) -+- c. 

It is usual to write these indicated divisions thus : 

a ax 2 a + b ,, , ,, , IN , 

-, — , — — , or a/b, ax 2 /by, (a + S)/c. 

- is read a over b, the fraction a over b, or a divided 

by b. The preferred reading is a over b. 

The dividend is called the numerator, the divisor the 
denominator, and the two together the terms of the fraction. 

In the fraction — , x is the numerator, y the denominator, 


and x and y the terms of the fraction. 

Any expression may be put into a fractional form by 

writing it with a denominator 1; a = -, x + y= '& . 
Since a fraction is an indicated division, we know that 

~ X b = a; for the fraction - may be regarded as the quo- 
b o 

tient of a -s- b ; but the quotient multiplied by the divisor 
equals the dividend. Hence, -xb=a. 



90. The Sign of a Fraction. The sign of a fraction is 
placed before the line which separates the numerator and 

denominator. is read minus the fraction x over y. 


Since a fraction is a quotient and the terms are dividend 
and divisor, the sign of a fraction is determined precisely 
as the sign of the quotient in division is determined. 

+ n _ n _ — n _ n _ — n _ _n % + n _ _ n 
+ d d' —d d' +d d' —d d 

A fraction preceded by a minus sign is equal to the same 
fraction preceded by a plus sign, provided either the numera- 
tor or denominator be preceded by a negative sign. 

Thus, _« = ^L = ^. 

b -b b 

If the sign of either term of a fraction be changed, the sign 
of the fraction is changed. 

Let - be a fraction. Change the sign of n, and it be- 

comes — —— = — — ; change the sign of d, and it becomes 
(t a 

— d d 

Jf the signs of both terms of a fraction are changed, the 
sign of the fraction is unchanged. 

If the signs of n and d are both changed, the fraction 

— becomes -^-^ = -• 
d — d d 

From the above it is evident that the value of a fraction 
is unaltered by changing the signs of both terms, or by 


changing the sign of one term, provided in the latter case 
the sign of the fraction is also changed. 

n_ — n _ n _ n . ~ n _ ~ n _ n 
d — d — d d d — d d 

The line separating numerator and denominator acts as 
a vinculum on both terms of the fraction. 

•; means (x + y) -=- (a + 5) . 
a + b 

a — b — a + b a a a 

c o a—x —a+x x—a 

91. Law of Signs. If the terms of a fraction are made 
up of factors, the signs of an even number of factors in 
either or both terms may be changed without affecting 
the sign of the fraction. If the signs of an odd number 
of factors in either term are changed, the sign of that term 
is changed, and hence the sign of the fraction is also 
changed. ffl f_ a;-)(_ y )( s ) = axyz 

c c 

(a-b)(b -c)(c-a) _ (b - a)(b - c)(c - a) 

(* -y)(y -»)(»-*) (*-y)(y -*)(*-*) 

(b — a)(c — b)(a — c~) 

92. Reduction of Fractions. A fraction is reduced when 
its form is changed without changing its value. 

Reduction of fractions depends upon the following 
principle : 

Multiplying or dividing both terms of a fraction by the 
same number does not change its value, 
n _ n x m 
d d x m 


Proof. Let -=/. 

Then n =fd, by multiplying both sides by d. 

nxm =fdxm, by multiplying both sides by to. 

n x to 
d x m 


by dividing both sides by d x m. 

Hence, - = 

n x 
d x 

m , since both — /. 


n n-k-m 

d d-i-m 

Proof. Let 

n j. 
d~' ' 




n^-m =fd -f- to, 

n-t-m _ /. 

n n-i- m 

d d -i-m 

Fractions are reduced to higher terms by multiplying 

both terms by the same number ; - = -sl_ (by multiplying 
both terms by y 2 z). * * 

Fractions are reduced to lower terms by dividing both 

terms by the»same number ; J 1 = -&— (by dividing both 
terms by cpzr). " a 

A fraction is in its lowest terms when its terms contain 
no common factors. 

To reduce a fraction to its lowest terms, divide or cancel 
all common factors out of its terms. 


(1 > a ^wr^vy hy dividin ^ out a2(a+b) - 

Selecting and canceling the common factors can gen- 
erally be done mentally. 

(2) x 2 - 5 x + 6 = (a; - 2) (x - 3) _ x - 3 
^ ' x 2 - 4 ~~ (x - 2) [x + 2) ~ x + 2 

,„. (a; — a) (x — b) __ (a — x)(b — x) _ 1 

^ (a 2 - a 2 )^ 2 - a?) _ (a 2 - x 2 )(b 2 -x 2 )~(a + x)(b + x) 


Cancel factors common to numerator and denominator in 
the following : 

a 4 b-x .ax — bx „ a n b n 


5aW abx " a'-^"- 

3 a 2 x 2 y ax 2 — x 3 8 x 2 + c kc 

' 15 <rV ' &ic 2 ' a; 2 -a 2 ' 

3 17 a&V 6 aa;" | 9 a?-f 

' 51 Vex 2 ' ' bx"- 1 ' ' a?-y 2 

x*-xY 16 <*-*> 

x i — y i x 3 + f 

11 ^-9 17 a^ + y 3 

' (a + 3) (x - 2) ' (x + yf 

a? -25a; 18 (a; + y)(a;-y)(g-a;) 

(a; -5) (a; + 5) a; 2 ' (x - z)(y -x)(-x-y) 

3a?-27x ' 19 a? + Sx + 2 


■*-6x 2 + 9 a^-1 

s 2 -! 20 a^-5a; + 6 

a* — l" ' 3* + a; -12 

rfy-xtf, 21 2a^ + a;y-y 2 

xHi-xtf (? + y)( x -y) 


22. ( a + y) 2 - z \ 27. ^ + x y + y 1 . 

(x — y + z) 2 X s — y 3 

23 ^ ~ ( x + 5 > 2 28 ^ + 6^ + 11^ + 63; 

2^+5* ' ' (x + l)Q^ + Sx + 6)' 

24 ar*- (a + &)«; + «& 2g x* — 6 ar 5 + 11 a? - 6 a; 
a; 2 - (6 + e)a:+ 6c' ' (a; - 3) (x 2 - 3 a; + 2) ' 

25 3»-7a; + 12 1 + a + b + ab 
^-9a; + 20' ' (1 - a 2 ) (1-6 2 )' 

26 a; 8 + (a — fr) x — ab a? — b 2 + c 2 +2ca 
x 2 -(b-c)x-bc' ' a 2 + b 2 + 2ab-c 2 ' 

93. Proper and Improper Fractions. A proper fraction is 

one whose numerator is of lower degree in a named letter than 

the denominator. 

x 2 + 2 x 4- 5 
« . q 2 — 7 1 * s a P ro P er fraction because its numer- 

ator is of second degree in x, while its denominator is of 
the third degree. 

An improper fraction is one whose numerator is of degree 
equal to or greater than the denominator. 

x3 + 3 x 2+F>x— 4. 

2 is an improper fraction. 

An improper fraction may be reduced to an integral 
expression and a proper fraction by dividing the numerator 
by the denominator. 

x i + 2x + l)x s + Sx i + 5x-4(x + l 
x 3 + 2x 2 + x 

a? + 4 x — 4 

a; 2 +2a; + l 


■ a g + 3a^ + 5 g-4 v , « . 2x-B 

■ — X -f- A. -f- 

a? + 2» + l ^ a* + 2f + l" 


The process is similar to the arithmetical process of 
reducing an improper fraction to a mixed number. 


Eeduce the following to integral or mixed expressions : 
, x* + x x* - 4a? + 3af-12x 

X. 5. ; . 

x ic — 4 

n x 2 — 4a; + 1 x 2 + 2 xy + f + z 2 

2. • 6. 7 — r-= " 

x (x + yf 

3 3 a: 2 — 5a; + l X s — y* — 3 xy(x-y) 

x+1 " x— y 

4 a: 4 — s 3 + a: + 5 4 a; 4 -6 :e 3 + 12g! + 5 | 

a^ + ar' + a; ' a; 2 + a: + l 

1 - J 

9. Prove — — == 1 + a; + a; 2 + ar s 4 

1 — a; 1 — a; 

10. ; divide as in Exercise 9 to four terms. 

1 + x 

11. 1 ■ " « 


1-a; 2 ' 


a " 

94. Reduction of Fractions to a Common Denominator. 

Since a fraction is not changed in value by multiplying 
both of its terms by the same number, we may make the 
denominator any number we please by properly selecting 

our multiplier. y ana 4 mav ^ e maae *° have the com- 
b a 

mon denominator bd. 

a _ a x d _ad 
b b x d bd 
c _ c x b __ eb 
d d xb bd 


The method of reducing fractions to a common denomi- 
nator is the same as in arithmetic. It may be stated as 
follows : 

Rule. Find a common denominator, in general the least 
common denominator (L. C. D.). Divide it by the denom- 
inator of each fraction, and multiply the terms of the frac- 
tion by the quotient. 

(1) Reduce a and — — to equivalent fractions having 
w 6-a; 6 + a: ^ 

the least common denominator. 

The L. C. D. is (6 - as) (6 + as). 

L. C. D. -j- 6 — 3; = 6 + x, 

L.C.D.-r-6 + as=6-as. 

a a(b + x) 

6-as~ (6-as)(6 + 3s)' 

C _ c(6 — 3!) 

b + x~ (b — x)(b + x) 

(2) Reduce -^—, -, ~ r-, ; 2 ~ x „ s to equiv- 

v ; a 2 -4' (as-2)(as-3)' (a; + 2) (a; + 3) M 

alent fractions having the least common denominator. 
The L. C. D. is (as - 2) (a; + 2) (as- 3) (x + 3). 
L. C. D. -=- (s; 2 - 4) = as 2 - 9, 

L. C. D. -=- (x - 2) (s; - 3) = (3; + 2) (3; + 3), 
L. C. D. -=- (3! + 2) (3; + 3) = (as - 2) (as - 3). 

3s(3! 2 -9) Q?-9x 

(as 2 -4) (a: 2 -9) (as - 2) (x + 2) (as - 3) (as + 3)' 

4 as (as +2) (a? + 3) = 4 as 8 + 20 3s 2 + 24 x 

(a; -2) (3! -3) (as + 2) (as + 3) (3s - 2) (3s + 2) (as - 3) (3s + 3)' 

(2 -as) (as -2) (as -3) = -ar^ + Tas 2 - 16as+ 12 
(as +2) (as + 3) (as -2) (as -3) (as - 2) (x + 2) (as -3) (as + 3)' 



Eeduce to equivalent fractions having lowest common 
denominators : 

.1225,1 3 n 4 

- 1 - ~ n > k> ^~> tt and - 3 - — r- and — . 

a b 3a 3b c x + y x — y 

1 1 ._._, 1 . a b c 

2. -, -, and 4. -, -, and 

x' y' x + y ' x x + 1' x + 2 

- a b c j d 

5 - r> 7) ~> and 

x + 1' x-1' x + 2 x — 2 

_ x> + x 3x , 5x 

6. , , and 

cc 2 -4 x + 2' x-2 

x , 3x 


:B2-6a; + 8 x 2 -9x + 20' 

8 1 1 and 1 

a; 2 + 5a; + 6' af + ix + S' &n af + 3x + 2' 

a b , c 

9 - ZT-. 7/ ZT-^i> and 

x 2 — jy 2 ' a; 4 — y*' X s — a;?/ 2 

io ^ y 2 and ^ 

xr — y' x' — xy — 2 y* xr + xy — 2 y' 

li 1 + ic 3a: 5x , 1 — x 

1 — x' 1 + x 2 ' 1 — x 4 ' 1 + x 

12. , , 5 , „ , , , „ 6 , „ , and 

2 + 5» + 6' a* + 6 a; + 8' ar ! + 7a; + 12 

12 3 

13. -r :, — -, and 

a; 2 — a;?/ + 1/ 2 ' a; 2 + an/ + ^ 2 ' a; 4 + aft/ 2 + ?/ 4 

,.. « j 3a ,_ 5 i 6 

14. and — -• 15. — and 

b n c m 6»+i c »+i ' x n (a+b) 3 a; n - 2 (a+6) 4 

95. Addition and Subtraction of Fractions. From division 
we know that 

a+b+c+d— e — / _ «,^,£,^_«_/ 
9~~ ~9 9 9 9 9 9 


If we read this identity from the right, we have the 
result of adding a number of fractions. Hence, we con- 
clude that ^ b_a + b 
c c c 

Rule. To add or subtract fractions, reduce them to the 
same denominator and then deal with the numerators accord- 
ing to' the rules for addition and subtraction, writing the final 
result over the common denominator. 

1 2 3x ,_ i0 

+ ^^-^-^=what? 

a — x a-\-x a? — x* 
The common denominator is (a — x) (a + x) 
1 a + x 

a — x a , — or 
2 2a-2z 

a + x a- — x 2 

3x 3x 

a 2 — x 2 a 2 — x 2 

Thus we have 

a + x 2a— 2x 3x _a-\-x + 2a — 2x — 3x 3a — Ax 

a 2 — x 2 a 2 — x- a 2 — x 2 a'- — x- ' a 2 — x 2 


Combine and simplify : 

1. x + —?— ■ 5. x 2 + 2x + 5+- 10 

x— 1 x—2 

2.3 a; ?-. 6. x + a + ^^ 

x + 1 ^ ^ (x + a) 

, K 5a; 2 5 3 

3. 5 a; — ■ 7. --I — 

x -\- 10 a; a; 

4. as + 1- 

ar' + Sa; 7a; , 5a; 3a; 

+ - 

a: + 2 " a;+a a;+a x+a a;+a' 


3x* + x 5 a; 2 - 3 a; + 4 6 a; 2 + 4 a; + 1 
' a? + a 3 X s + a 3 ar* + a 3 

10. ^J_ + _l_. 13 . « 6 3a& 

*+l w — 1 "' ' a + 6 a — 6 a 2 — 6 2 

11 2 5 3je + 5_ 5a; + 2 

x 2 + 2 a; 2 - 2 a; 2 - 9 a; 2 - 5 a; + 6 

12 3a?+1 5a;-2 1_ lg 2a;+l , 6a; 8a:+l 

a; 2 -l (x+iy x-1' ' a?+2x+l a?-l (x-lf 

5 . 3 


(a; - 1) (a; - 2) (x + 4) (x - 1) (a; + 4) 

17 _ 2z + x + 2 




(a; + 3) (as - 2) (» + 1) {x + 4) (a; 2 - x - 2) 


+ 2/) 2 

-3 2 


- (y + *) 2 




— 5 a; 

+ 6 

a; 2 - 

-6a: + 8 


- + - 


(x-y)(y- z ) (y-z}( z - x ) -»)(«- y) 

96. Multiplication of Fractions. 

To prove 

a c ac 
b X d~bd' 


a j. 
b~ Jv 




But from (1) 


and from (2) 

c=f 2 d. 





Now multiplying Equation (3) by (4), member by 
member, ~ j.j_, 

— =/j/ 2 , by dividing both sides by bd. 

But fxj-/i/r 

TT a c ac 

HenCe ' ft X 5 = M 

Rule. The product of two fractions is the product of the 
numerators over the product of the denominators. 

This covers all possible cases of multiplication involving 
fractions, for all integers can be put in fractional form. 

a a c ac 

b xc= b x i = r 

c _a c _ac 
d 1 d d 

Any number of fractions are multiplied together by 
placing the product of all the numerators over the product 
of all the denominators. 

In all problems in multiplication of fractions free use of 
cancellation should be made. 

x + y a—b a+b x—y 

a 2 —b 2 x — y x + y x 2 + l 

In this, if we cancel the common factors, our work 
appears thus: 

-*-t-ff x a-^T x ^H^ x -a^-y = 


(^HQ(^-^fT) aj— y x^r-y a^ + 1 a? + l' 





Perform the operations indicated, reducing the fractions to 
lowest terms : / 

1 3 s 10 y 

' by 12a? 

2 5x* 18 f 
' 3y 2 15 a; 3 

3 3(x + y) 6(x-yf 
' 2(x-y) 9(x + yf 

4 a(a?-y*) ^W ^x + y 
b(x + y)' i a s x — y' 

s 12 aa?y x 146V x f(^+f) 
16 bxy 2 6 a?a? x(x + y) 

6 . 5a(x + y) 2 x 




\b d)[b' 










.y ■>- 


y a 

+ 1 


a v 
b d 



16 (x + 3)(x + 4) x * + <Lx + 3 

3? + 5x + & (x + l)(x + 4)' 

(Cancel common factors.) 

17 a? + 7x + 12 z 2 + 6a: + 5 

x^ + Ax + S a? + 9x + 20 

18 a?-9x + 20 a?-4:X + 3 
' a?-7x + 12 X a?-6x + 5' 


x* n - 

- 4 a" + 4 w 2 ' 


tf m + 2y m + l a?" — 4 


97. Division of Fractions. 

To prove 

a . c a d 
b d b e 


a j. 
b~ Jv 



a . G -fi—f ■ f 
~b ' d~f- Jl - Jv 

But from (1) a =f-J), 

and from (2) 

c =f 2 d. 


" = fA=fl x L 

-xf=4 bymultipl; 

a d ad _-a d _f± 
c b cb b c f 2 


a . c a d 
b d b o 



Rule. To divide one fraction by another, invert the divisor 
and multiply. 

Since all integers can be expressed in fractional form, 
this rule suffices for all forms of division involving the 


/1X x x a x 1 x 

(1) --=-a = --=--- = -x- = — 

y V 1 y a ay 

This is dividing a fraction by an integer. 

(2) a + ? = ± + Z = ± x !l = « 

y 1 y 1 x i 

This is dividing an integer by a fraction. 


•o\ a? — b 2 a — 6 a 2 — ft 2 _ a; 2 — y 2 , , , w . 

W) s- -5 ; = X ~ = (a + b) (x — y). 

x + y x 2 -y 2 x + y a — b K yv SJ 

In this case the Common factors (a — 6) and (a; 4- y) are can- 
celed. The student should constantly be on the alert for 
common factors and cancel them as soon as they appear. 



3 ax . 6a 2 a; a +3b . ab + 3b 2 

5 a 2 y 10 a s y 2 a 2 + 5 b ' a s + 5ab 

4 a'tE 8 ^_ 8 aa; a; — 4y ___ 3 a; 3 — 5 aft/ 

15 &Y ' 36y ' 3 a? -5 a:?/ ^2 a; 2 -8 a;?/' 

12 a^yV . 4 aa;y 2 a; + y . (x + y) 2 

9 a^/z 3 3 aft/« x 2 — y 2 ' (x — y) 2 

4 x + y . (a; + ?/) 3 fl x* — y 2 . x + y 

(x — y) 2 ' x — y " 3? — f ' x 2 + xy + y 2 



x 2 — 9 y 2 a; — 3 y 
+ 3 y) 2 : aT+Ty"' 

(a; + ft) Q» — &) . a 2 + (a — 6) % — ab 
(x — a) (x + b) x 2 — (a — b) x— ab 

a? — y 2 . (x — y) 12 a 2 — (b + cf . a-b — c 

■ tf-tf " (a? + y 2 )' ' 6 2 -(c+a) 2 ' -a+6-c' 

98. The Complex Fraction. A fraction which has a frac- 
tional expression for either or both of its terms is called a 
complex fraction. 

all 1 

b x~~ X + ~ 

-, - — ^, — are complex fractions. 

c 11 a+x 

d x y y 

Sinoe a fraction is an indicated division, a complex 
fraction is simplified by performing the division indicated. 



m b _a c __a d _ad 
^ ' c~b ' d~ b c~ be 


11 y x y—x 


x y _xy xy • xy y — x y-\-x 
1 , 1 ~ y . x~y+x~ xy xy 

x y xy xy xy 

_y — x xy _y — x 

xy y + x y + x 


Simplify the following : 

* + l 5 . _f_ + _»_. 6-2 «_ 

a;^ fi 6 + 3 


j , __a_ a; ' 1 

a,_ a • — "g e' g' + 3g.y+ 2y' 

2 _ ^« xr x x 2y 

x+a x+a_x-a x ~+y x + 2 y 

3. * 7. a; - a X + a . 11. 3+* 

1 i « ± a + ; ^-a : 

a; + y 


1 — 8. 

^ +y 

x—a x+a 


y' 2 x 2 





I+A + l 



99. Identity; Conditional Equation. Distinctions be- 
tween an identity and a conditional equation have already 
been made in Chapter II. We have had illustrations 
of the identity in all the fundamental operations and in 

O + 2> + 4 = 3? + 2 x + 4, 

and (x + 1) (x — 5) = a? — 4 x — 5 

are identities ; that is, they are equalities that are true for 
all values of x. 

A conditional equation restricts the value of some one 
letter, the letter so restricted being called the variable^, 
The other numbers of an equation are called constants. 

(1) x = 5 restricts x to the value 5. 

(2) 3 x = 18 restricts x to the value 6. 

(3") ax=b restricts x to the value -• 


(4) a? = 4 # restricts x to the values and 4. 

Each of these equations becomes an identity for the 
restricted value of the variable. 

Thus, (1) becomes 5 = 5 for x = 5, 

(2) becomes 3 x 6 = 18 for x = 6, 


7 7 

(3) becomes a x - = b for x = -■> 

a a 

(4) becomes 2 = 4 x for x = 0, 
and (4) 2 =4x4 for x = 4. 

100. Root of an Equation. A value of the variable for 
which the equation becomes an identity, is called a root of the 

A root of an equation is frequently called a solution. 

Any root of an equation when substituted for the vari- 
able is said to satisfy the equation ; that is, an equation 
is satisfied by any value of the variable which reduces it 
to an identity. 

2 x + 3 = 15 has 6 for a root. Substituting 6 for x, 
this equation becomes 2 x 6 + 3 = 15, which is an identity. 
6 is the value of x which satisfies the equation 2 x + 3 = 15. 

101. Classes of Equations. A rational equation is one in 
which the variable is free from radical signs. 

Sx 2 — 72 + 11 = is a rational equation. 

An irrational equation is one in which the variable is 
affected by a radical sign. 

5x 2 — QVx = 12 is an irrational equation. 

An integral equation is one in which the variable appears 
only in the numerators of its terms. 

3« 2 + — =- + 3-r = — is an integral equation. 

J. i lo 11 

A fractional equation is one in which the variable appears 
in one or more denominators. 


7 = 3- 

x x' z — 4 x + 1 

3 x + - = — j — is a fractional equation. 

A linear equation is one in which the variable appears to 
the first degree only. 

3 re + 7 = 11 is a linear equation. 

A quadratic equation is one in which the highest power of 
the variable is two. 

baP + l x — 16 = is a quadratic equation. 

A cubic equation is one in which the highest power of the 
variable is three. 

x 2 — 6 x 2 + 11 x — 6 = is a cubic equation. 

It should be noticed that several of these terms may be 
applied to the same equation. 

Sx 2 — 7 X + 13 = is a rational, integral, and quadratic 


Classify the following equations : 

1. ax* + bx+c = 0. 5. ar' + lie 2 -! as = £f. 

2. ax + b = 0. 6. 3Va = H— x. 

3. atf+btf + cx + d^O. 3_5±l^ = io 

4. a; 2 + fa; + ! = 0. ' x a? + 1 

102. Equivalent Equations. It will be noticed that the 

equations (1) % _ 4=Q and 

(2) 3z-12 = 
have the same root, viz., x = 4. 


The equations 

(3) 5 x 2 - 10 x = and 

(4) 5 x 2 - 10 x + 6 = 6 

are satisfied when x = and when x = 2. Such equations 
as (1), (2), and (3), (4), having the same roots, are called 
equivalent equations. 

Equivalent equations are those having precisely the same 

Determine which of the following equations are equiva- 

(1) x — 1 = 0, whose root is 1. 

(2) 3 x — 6 = 0, whose root is 2. 

(3) 2 x — 2 = 0, whose root is 1. » 

(4) x 2 — x = 0, whose roots are and 1. 

(5) 2 x — 4 = 0, whose root is 2. 

(6) x 2 — 1 = 0, whose roots are 1 and — 1. 

(7) Zx— 6 + 5 = 5, whose root is 2. 

(8) x 2 — x — 4 = — 4, whose roots are and 1. 

(9) - — = 0, whose root is 2. 

v J 4 2 

(10) — — - + 1 = 1, whose roots are and 1. 

(11) x 2 + 3 = 4, whose roots are 1 and — 1. 

103. Solution of Linear Equations. To solve an equation 
is to find all of its roots. 

The solution of an equation consists in deriving one or 
more equivalent equations, the last of which is the value 
of the variable. 


Thus, to solve 

(1) 3z + 4-2 = 6 + 2:z, 

we bring 2 a; to the first member of the equation and 
(4 — 2) to the second member. This is done by subtract- 
ing these quantities from both members and gives us 

(2) 3z-2a ; + 4-2-(4-2) = 6 + 2 : z-2a;-(4-2), 

which becomes, by omitting the terms that destroy each 

(3) 3z-2a;=6-4 + 2. 

This process is called transposition. It is effected by 
changing the sign of a term when it is moved from one 
member of an equation to the other. 

We next unite the terms in each member of Equation (3), 
which makes 

(4) x = 4. 

This process is called combining terms. It is effected by 
addition. The last equation expresses the value of the 
variable x. Hence, 4 is the root or solution of the given 

It should be noticed' that Equations (1), (2), (3), and 
(4) are equivalent equations, each having the root 4. 

If 4 is put for x in these equations, they become 



3x4 + 4-2=6 + 2x4, 


3x4-2x4 + 4-2-(4-2) 



3x4-2x4 = 6-4 + 2, 


4 = 4. 

Each of the above is an identity. 


As another illustration let us solve 

(1) ix + 2-l = 2x-8. 

Transposing 2 and — 7 to the second member and 2 x 
to the first member, we have 

(2) 4:x-2x = -2 + l-8. 
Combining, we have 

(3) 2 x = -3. 

Dividing both terms of the equation by 2, we have 

(4) *=-§• 

The root or solution of Equation (1) is — |. Equations 
(1), (2), (3), and (4) are equivalent equations, each being 
satisfied by the root — | . 

Putting x — — §, they become 

(1) 4(-|) + 2-7 = 2(-|)-8, 
or -6 + 2-7=-3-8. 

(2) 4(-f)-2(-f)=-2 + 7-8, 
or -6 + 3 = -2 + 7-8. 

(3) 2(-f)=-3. 

(4) -!=-!• 

As a further illustration let us solve 

(1) £^ + 6 = 1-^=1 + 13. 

In order to get rid of the fractions in this equation, we 
multiply both members of the equation by the Lowest Com- 
mon Multiple of the denominators. Multiply both sides by 
30, the L. C. M. of 2, 5, and 3 ; the result is 

(2) 45a;-75 + 180=6a;-20:r ; + 10 + 390. 


This process is called clearing effractions. It is always 
brought about by multiplying both members of the equa- 
tion by the L. C. M. of the denominators. 

(3) 45 z- 6 z + 20 z= 75-180+10+390, by transposing. 

(4) 59 z=295, by combining. 

(5) x=5, by dividing. 
5 is the root or solution of (1). 

Equations (1), (2), (3), (4), and (5) are equivalent 

Show that each is satisfied by the root 5. 

104. Rule for Solving a linear Equation. 

(1) Clear of fractions. 

(2) By transposition bring all the terms containing the 
variable to one member of the equation and all the constant 
terms to the other member. 

(3) Combine the terms of each member of the equation by 

(4) Divide both members of the equation by the coefficient 
of the variable. 

Steps (1) and (4) depend upon the axiom that multi- 
plying or dividing equals by equals gives equals. Steps 
(2) and (3) depend upon the axiom that increasing or 
diminishing equals by equals gives equals. 


Solve the following equations : 

1. 3x-5 = 19. 4. 7»-12 + 3 = 5a; + 16-5. 

2. 7^-11 = 24. 5. 12-4a; + 2 = 13-7a! + 10. 

3. 3a:-5 = a; + 13. 6. 15-14a;-7 = 17-16a;-6. 


7. 7a;-ll + 4a;-7 = 3a;-8. 

8. ll-5a; + 17-3a; = 18-lla; + 23. 

9. •5x-16-6x-6 = US-7x-4:X-7. 

10. 2x-22 + 7x + U = 6x-8 + 4:X + ±2-5x. 

11. 10 (x — 3) = 8 (x — 2). (Remove the parentheses first.) 

12. ll(4a;-5)=7(6a;-5). 

13. 3(a;-2)+2(2a;-3) = 3(a;-4). 

14 §_x±l = x + 12 2Q 2a; — 1 Sx— o = 6a- + 2 

2 ~~ 3 ' 3 2 ~ 4 " 

5*-4 = 2x + 3. 3^-3 g = 4 « 

3 2 5 2 6 

16 . l±zl + 1 = lSL±5. a. 2 s-i^ + 5 = 2* + 3. 
2 3 5 3 3 

17 8a; + 5 _ 2 = 3a + 4 a; + l _ 2 a; — 5 a; = 1 

5 5 ' ' 8 9 ~*~7 ' 

18. 5 + * = 6_25_l. 24. ^l + 2a: - 6 = l + ^. 

2 3 3 6 5 2 

19 ^_E = 5+1 25 !B + 1 2a; + 1 I l- 3 -'- 9 

' 2 3 4 2' ' 9 7 + 8 

26 . 2x-l 3a ._5^+3 = 2^_ 

3 7 5 

27. 3 (a; - 2) - 2 (a; - 5) + 2 a; - 20 = 17. 

28. aa; + bx = a 2 + 2 a& + 6 2 . 

(a + 6)a;=(a 2 + 2a6 + 6 2 ). 
„ _ a 2 + 2 ab + b 2 

a + b 
x = a + b. 


29. ax + a 2 = bx + ft 2 . 34. ex — 3 x = c 2 — 9. 

30. ox — bx — a 3 — & 3 . 35. mx — 5 nx = 3 m 2 — 75 w 2 . 

31. <m + &a: = a 3 + 6 s . 36. - — - = 6 2 — a 2 . 

a 6 

32. a?x — abx + b 2 x = a s + b\ 

317 ^ & or 

33. a. 2 a; + & s = a 3 -& 2 a;-a&a. ' a+b a -b~ 

38. (>-3)(> + 5)-7 = (a: + 4)(a;-8). 

39. (2a;-5) 2 + 4 = (a;-6)(4a;-3). 

40. 14-(2-a:) 2 = 5-(a: + 3)(a;-2). 


1. One half of A's money is f 35 more than B's. They 
together have $ 280. How much has each ? 


Let x = B's money. 

x + $ 35 = one half of A's money. 
2 x + 70 = A's money. 
X + 2 x + 70 = 280. 

x + 2 * = 280 - 70. 
3 x = 210. 
a: = 70 = B's money. 
2 x + 70 = 210 = A's money. 

Verification. One half of $210 is $105, which is $35 more 
than $70. Also, $70 + $210 = $280. 

2. A has $ 10 more than 3 times as much as B, and they 
together have $ 250. How much has each ? 

3. Find two numbers whose sum is 81, such that one may 
exceed 6 times the other by 4. 


4. Divide 114 into three parts such that the first may exceed 
the second by 15, and the third the first by 21. 

5. Divide $ 176 among A, B, and C, so that B may have 
$ 16 less than A, and $ 8 more than C. 

6. Divide 440 into three parts such that the second is double 
the first increased by 10, and the third is the sum of the first 
and second. 

7. What two numbers have a sum of 861 and a difference 
of 221 ? 

8. Find a number that exceeds 31 by the same amount that 
£ of the number exceeds 1. 


Let" x = the number. 

x — 31 = the excess of the number over 31. 

- — 1 = the excess of \ of the number over 1. 

By the conditions of the problem, these are the same ; hence, 

x - 


= 5-1. 

6x — 


= x- 6. 


— X 

= 186- 

5 x 

= 180. 


= 36. 




= 5. 

&of 36 

- 1 

= 5. 

9. What number increased by \ of itself and 80 is 30 more 
than double itself ? 

10. Eight times the difference between the third and fourth 
parts of a certain number is 40 less than the number. What 
is the number ? 


11. If 10 be subtracted from a number, \ the remainder 
+ 40 is 30 less than the number. What is the number ? 

. 12. Find two consecutive numbers such that \ of one plus \ 
of the other is 44. 

Suggestion. Let x = one number, and x + 1 = the other number. 

13. Find two consecutive numbers such that \ their sum is 
34 less than the larger one. 

14. Find three conseciitive numbers such that \ the first 
+ \ the second + \ the third is 88. 

15. In 10 years John will be twice as old as Henry was 
10 years ago. John is 9 years older than Henry. Find their 
ages now. 


Let x = Henry's age. 

x + 9 = John's age. 
x + 9 + 10 = John's age 10 years hence. 
x — 10 = Henry's age 10 years ago. 
z + 9 + 10 = 2(>- 10). 
x + 9 + 10 = 2 x - 20. 

x - 2 x = - 9 - 10 - 20. 
- x = - 39. 
a: = 39. 
x + 9 = 48. 

16. A man's age plus that of his wife's is 95 years ; 40 years 
ago he was twice as old as she was then. What are their ages 

17. Eight years ago a father was 9 times as old as his son 
was at that time ; in 37 years the father will be 1\ times as old 
as the son is at that time. What are their ages now ? 

18. A man left £ his estate to his son, \ to a nephew, \ to a 
niece, and the remainder, amounting to $2600, to his wife. 
What .was the value of his estate ? 


19. A house is sold for $2280. This is a gain of 14%. 
What did the house cost ? 

Let x = the cost of the house. 

^ x = gain. 
x + tf e x = 2280. 
100 x + Ux = 228000. 
lUx = 228000. 
x = 2000. 

20. A horse sold at a loss of 7% brought $111.60. What 
did the horse cost ? 

21. A man invests ^ his capital at 4% and the remainder 
at 5 % ■ His income is $ 2800. What is his capital ? 

22. What number must be added to each of the terms of the 
fraction i^ to make it -§ -| ? 

23. What number must be subtracted from both terms of 
the fraction ^ to make it -§- ? 

24. Divide $ 5600 into two parts such that the income from 
one part at 3% may be equal to the income of the other part 
at 4%. 

25. Divide f 760 among A, B, C, and D so that A and B 
together shall receive $ 150, A and C together $ 190, and A and 
D together, f 580. 

26. $ 7.20 is changed into 36 coins. Each coin is either a 
dime or a quarter. How many of each are there ? 

27. A bill of f 10.20 is paid in an equal number of dimes, 
quarters, and half dollars. How many of each are used ? 

28. A man bought sheep at $ 4 a head, calves at $ 9, and 
cows at $35. He bought twice as many calves as cows, and 
twice as many sheep as calves. The cost of all the stock was 
$ 690. How many head of each did he buy ? 


29. Find three consecutive numbers such that the sum of 
the quotient of the first divided by 10, the second by 11, and 
the third by 61, is 25. 

30. Find three numbers such that the second is a times the 
first, the third b times the second, and their sum c. 

31. One half of A's money is equal to B's, and five eighths 
of B's is equal to C's ; together they have $ 1450. How much 
has each ? 

32. A man walks out at the rate of 4 miles an hour, and rides 
back at the rate of 10 miles an hour. How far can he go out if 
he must make the round trip in 7 hours ? 

33. A man sold 12 acres more than \ of his farm, and had 
2 acres less than ^ of it left. How many acres had he ? 

34. A train leaves a station at 8 a.m. and runs 30 miles an 
hour. At 11 a.m. another train leaves in the same direction 
running 45 miles an hour. When and where will it overtake 
the first train ? 

35. A and B are two towns 120 miles apart. A messenger 
starts from A to B at 7 a.m. and travels 10 miles an hour. At 
8 a.m. another messenger starts from B to A and travels 
12 miles an hour. When and where will they meet ? 

36. A man in traveling from New York to Buffalo, goes \ as 
far by boat as by train and ^ as far by carriage as by boat. 
If the distance to Buffalo from New York be 490 miles, how 
far does he travel in each conveyance ? 

105. The Linear Type. Every linear equation in a single 
variable may be reduced to the type form 

ax + b = 0. 

In this form a and b represent any positive or negative 
numbers whatever". 


For example, 3 x -7 + 5 ' * '~ X = 2 x -7 + '—-. 
Clearing of fractions, 

12 x - 28 + 10 x - 2 = 8 x - 28 + 3 x. 
Transposing all terms to the first member, 

12s + 10a;-8a;-3x-28-2 + 28 = 0. 
Collecting, 11 x - 2 = 0. 

This is in the type form. 
Comparing it with ax + b = 0, we see that a = 11 and 6 = — 2. 

The solution of the type form ax + b = 


is x = 


Hence, the solution of the above example is x = fa- 
Special roots of ax + b = 0. 
If 6 = 0, then the solution of ax + b = becomes 

*=-° = 0. 

If a = and b is not 0, then the solution of ax + b = 
becomes } 

We have here a new form whose value we must in- 
vestigate. _l_ J, 

~T = + b > 

i T = + 106 ' 
±|= + ioos, 

= + 100000000 b. 



It appears that, as we decrease the denominator, the 
value of the fraction increases. When the denominator 
of the fraction is very small, the value of the fraction is 
very large. When the denominator becomes 0, the value 
of the fraction is large beyond measure. We express this 
fact by saying that the value of the fraction is infinity. 
The symbol for infinity is co. 


Any number divided by is equal to co. 

3 15 a 1000 J 

- = oo, — = oo, - = oo, = co, etc. 

If a = and 5 = 0, the solution of ax + b = becomes 

- is the symbol of indeterminateness. - may have 

any value. 

(1) * = l =a;+ l. 

x — 1 

If in the above we put x = 1, it becomes 

If in this we put x = 5, it becomes 

« = 5 + 5,or£ = 10. 
5 — 5 U 


106. Equations of Second or Higher Degree which depend 
upon the Linear Type. 

If we have the equation 

x 2 - 5 x + 6 = 0, 

we may by factoring write it in the form 


We know that if one factor of a product is 0, the 
product is 0. The product (x — 3) (x — 2) may be by 
either factor being 0. If x — 3 = 0, then the product is 0, 
or if x — 2 = 0, then the product is ; that is, the product 
is if x = 3, or x = 2. 

This is called equating the factors to 0. 

A root is a value of the variable which satisfies the 
equation. Hence, in the above equation, 3 is a root 
because it satisfies the equation. .2 is likewise a root 
because it also satisfies the equation. Therefore, the equa- 
tion a; 2 --5a; + 6 = lias the two roots x = 3 and x = 2. 

An equation of higher degree than the first may be 
solved by the linear type, provided, after all the terms 
have been brought to one member, it may be factored into 
linear factors. Each factor equated to will give one root. 

Hence, the number of roots is equal to the degree of the 


1. x 2 - 5 x- 24 = 0. 

By factoring, this is written (x — 8)(x + 3)= 0. 
Hence, x — 8 = 0ora; = 8, 

also a; + 3 = 0ora; = — 3. 

The two roots are 8 and — 3. 


2. a; 2 -3a;-40 = 0. 13. 16z 2 -25 = 0. 

3. ar* + 6a; + 8 = 0. 14. ar 1 - 7 a; + 10 = 0. 

4. a; 2 + 10 a; + 16 = 0. 15. a? 1 + 3 a; -10 = 0. 

5. a; 2 -5 a: -14 = 0. 16. 3^ + 8 a; + 15 = 0. 

6. a; 2 -16a; + 48 = 0. 17. 4a; 2 -12 x + 9 = 0. 

7. a^ + 4=4a;. 18. x 3 — b 2 + 2 ax + a? = 0. 

8. 0^-1 = 0. 19. a^-12a; + 35 = 0. 

9. a^-25 = 0. 20. a; 2 -21 a; + 20 = 0. 

10. a; 2 + ll=36. 21. a^ + 28a; + 75 = 0. 

11. a; 2 -16 = 0. 22. a; 2 -7a; = 98. 

12. a?-{a-bf=0. 23. a^+7a;-98 = 0. 

24. 3a; 2 + lla;-4 = 0. 

25. 12(a; + l)- 3(0^-1)+^- 1 = 0. 
• 26. (ar ! -a5) 2 -22(ar ! -a;)+40 = 0. 

27. (a; 2 + 3a:) 2 -8(a; 2 + 3a;)-20 = 0. 

28. a^ + 5a^ + 6a; = 0. 

29. a? - 12 a? + 27 a: = 0. 35. « 2 - a 2 -2ab- & 2 = 0. 

30. (a;+4) 2 +(2a;-5) 2 =73. 36. z 4 - 13z 2 + 36 = 0. 

31. (2a;-5) 2 -(2a;+10) 2 =24. 37. (x + |) 2 - (2 x-\J = 0. 

32. (5a: + 4) 2 -(3a;-8) 2 =0. 38. (a? + 2 a;) 2 - (ar* - 4 a;) 2 = 0. 

33. y 2_^ = 0. 39. 4a; 4 -8ar i -5ar ! = 0. 

34. aV - (6 + e) 2 = 0. 40. a^-3sc 2 + 3a;-l = 0. 

107. Fractional Equations. Certain fractional equations 
may be reduced to the linear form or to the form dis- 
cussed in the last section. 


Fractional equations are made integral by clearing of 

The common multiple used in clearing of fractions will 
contain the variable. It may give an integral equation 
which is not equivalent to the given fractional' equation. 

(1) x - - = 0. 


Clearing of fractions by multiplying by x, we have 
a? - 1 = 0, 
or O-l)O+l) = 0. 

Whence, x = 1 and x = — 1. 

These roots both satisfy the given equation. 

When x = 1, x becomes 1 — -=1 — 1 = 0. 

x 1 

When x = — 1, x becomes — 1 = — 1 + 1 = 0. 

x — 1 

If in clearing of fractions we multiply by x 2 , the 
resulting equation is 

x s — x — 0, 

or x(x — l)(a; + l) = 0. 

Whence, x = 0, x = 1, and a; = — 1. 

We now have three roots, two of. which, 1 and — 1, 
satisfy the given equation, while the other one, 0, does not 

satisfy it ; for, when x = 0, x becomes — -, which 

is not equal to 0. 

The root which is here introduced by clearing of 
fractions is called an extraneous root. 

The root occurs because we multiplied by a multiple 
higher than the L. C. M. 


In integral equations any multiple whatever of the denorn^ 
inators may be used in clearing of fractions, but in frac- 
tional equations the L. C. M. should always be used. 

(2) 5 + HL+l 4. 

2T— 1 

5 re 2 -5+ a; + 1 = 4 a; 2 - 4. 

5a^-4a; 2 + a;-5 + l+4 = 0. 

x 2 + x = 0. 

x(x + 1) = 0. 

x = and x = — 1. 
When x = 0, 

5 + ^±4 = 4 becomes 5 + £±4 = 4, or 5 - 1 =4. 
x 2 — 1 — 1 

When x= — 1, 

5 + 4^ = 4 becomes 5 + ~ 1 + 1 = 4, or 5 + - = 4. 
#* — 1 1 — 1 

x= — 1 does not satisfy the equation and is therefore an 
extraneous root. 

The root — 1 occurs in this solution because the fraction 

x -4- 1 

was not reduced to its lowest terms. By reducing 

it to its lowest term the equation becomes 

5+^- = 4. 

5x — 5 + l=4a;— 4. 

5a;-4a;— 5+1 + 4 = 0. 

No extraneous root now appears. 

Before beginning the solution of a fractional equation, all 
fractions should be reduced to their lowest terms. The safe 


plan in all fractional equations is to test every root, retain 
only those roots that satisfy the equations, and reject all others 
as extraneous. 


1. ?-?=0. 3. ? + ^_ = o. 

3 x 


x—3 x—2 x+2 

6. The quotient of a number divided by 7 increased by "the 
quotient of 63 divided by the number is 6. What is the number? 

7. A number is increased by 82 and the sum divided by the 
number; the quotient is ^ of 1 more than the number. What 
is the number ? 

8. The sum of the squares of two consecutive numbers is 85. 
What are the numbers? 

Let x = one of the numbers, 

x + 1 = the other. 
x 2 + (x + l) 2 = 85. 
x* + x" + 2 x + 1 = 85. 
2 x 2 + 2 x + 1 - 85 = 0. 
2 x 2 + 2 x - 84 = 0. 

x 2 + x - 42 = 0, by dividing by 2. 

(x + 7)(x - 6) = 0. 
x = — 7 or x = 6. 
The numbers are 6 and 7 or — 7 and — 6. 

9. The sum of the squares of two consecutive numbers is 
41. What are the numbers ? 

10. Two numbers differ by 5, and their squares differ by 105. 
What are the numbers ? 

11. Three times the product of two consecutive numbers 
lacks 92 of being twice the sum of their squares. What are 
the numbers ? 


12. The area of a square field is doubled by increasing its 

length 12 rods and its width 5 rods. What is the length of 

one side of the field ? 


Let x = one side of the field. 

2x 2 = 0+ 12)0 + 5). 
2 x 2 = x 2 + 17 x + 60. 
2 x 2 - x 2 - 17 x - 60 = 0. 
X 2 _ 17 x _ 60 = 0. 
0-20)0 + 3) = 0. 
a = 20 and x = — 3. 
Both of these roots satisfy the equation, but only 20 can be used 
in this problem, as it would not be possible, to have a field one side of 
which is — 3 rods in length. 

13. The denominator of a fraction is 3 more than its numera- 
tor. If 7 is added to each of its terms, the value of the fraction 
is increased by T \. Find the fraction. 

14. A can do a piece of work in 10 days, B in 8 days, and C 
in 6 days. In how many days can they all do it working 

together ? 


Let x = the time required. 

- = part done in one day. 

— = part done in one day by A. 

- = part done in one day by B. 

- = part done in one day by C. 

— -| \- - = part done in one day by A, B, and C. 

■1 + 1 + 1 = 1. 
10 8 6 x 

12 x + 15 x + 20 x = 120. 

47 x = 120. 

x = 2|f, the number of days required. 


15. A cistern has two pipes; one will fill it in 8 hours, and 
the other in 12 hours. If both are open, how long will the 
cistern be in filling ? 

16. A cistern has three pipes ; one will fill it in 12 hours, one 
in 10 hours, and the other will empty it in 15 hours. If all 
three are open, how long will the cistern be in filling ? 

17. A number added to 22 times its reciprocal makes 13. 
Find the number. 

- is called the Reciprocal of x. 

18. A can do a piece of work in a days, B can do it in b 
days. In how many days can they together do the work ? 

19. The area of a square field is doubled by increasing its 
length a rods and its width b rods. What is the length of one 
side of the field ? 

20. A fraction whose numerator is 3 less than its denom- 
inator added to its reciprocal gives 2^. Find the fraction. 


108. Roots of a Linear Equation in Two Variables. The 

type form of the linear equation in x and y is 

ax + by + c = 0. 

a, b, and c may be any positive or negative numbers 

The equation 2 a; + 5 y — 10 = is a special form of 
ax + by + c = ; in which a = 2, & = 5, and e = — 10. 

If in 2 x + 5 y — 10 = 0, we transpose 5 y — 10 and di- 
vide by 2, we have 

J 10-5y 

* = — 2 

The value of a; depends upon y. It has owe, awe? only 
one, value for each value of y. 

If y = 0, x = 5. If y = - 1, a; = Jjf. 

y = 1, x = f . y = - 2, a; = 10. 

y = 2, x = 0. y = - 3, x = - 2 ^. 

y = 3, x = - f . y = - 4, x = 15. 

y = 4, a; = — 5. y = — 5, x — *£-. 

y = 5, x = — -y-. y = — 6, a; = 20. 



The equation 2x + 5 y — 10 = is satisfied by x =5 
and y = 0, for these values reduce the equation to 

2x5 + 5x0- 10 = 0. 

x = | and y = 1 also satisfy the equation, for they reduce 

lfct0 '2x| + 5xl-10 = 0. 

Therefore, x = 5, y = and a; = |, ^ = 1 are roots of the 
equation 2 x + 5 «/ — 10 = 0. 

In the set of values of x and y above, every y&lue of x 
and the corresponding value of y constitute a root. The 
number of such sets of values that are possible is evi- 
dently unlimited. Besidesthe roots (5, 0), (&, 1), (0, 2), 
(-!, 3), (-5, 4), (--«-, 5), (-V-, -1), (10, -2), and 
(■Sg 5 -, — 3), any number more could be worked out at 
pleasure. A root of an equation in two variables may 
be written (m, n); m is the value of x, and n is the 
corresponding value of y, the two together constituting 
a root. 

109. Graph of the Linear Equation. The coordinate axes, 
or lines of reference, are two lines perpendicular to each 

The axis of abscissas, or a;-line, is the horizontal line 

The axis of ordinates, or y-line, 
is the vertical line Y'OY. 

Abscissas, or ^-distances, are al- 

O ' x ways measured parallel to the a;-line. 

They are positive when measured to 

the right of the ^-line and negative 

Y' ' when measured to the left of it. 

Fig. i. Ordinates, or y-distances, are always 



measured parallel to the y-line. They are positive when 
measured above the a;-line and negative when measured 
below it. 

The coordinates of a point are its x and y distances. 
The x distance is the abscissa, and the y distance the 
ordinate. The coordinates of a point completely deter- 
mine it with respect to the lines of reference. 

A point is designated by its coordinates written (m, n). 
This means that m is the abscissa and n the ordinate of 
the point. 









P 4 (0,-3) 


Fig. 2. 

The point P l or (2, 3) is located by measuring from 
to M, a distance of 2, and from if to P v parallel to OY, 
a distance of 3. The point P 2 or (-4, 2) is found by 
measuring from to N, a distance of 4, and then from 
N to P 2 , parallel to OF, a distance of 2. The abscissa in 
this case is measured to the left of OF because it is nega- 



tive. The location of the points P 3 or (— 5 — 4) and P t 
or (6, — 2) is also shown on Figure 2. 




Fig. 3. 


In Figure 3 the side of each small square is a unit or one. 

1. Write the coordinates of each lettered point. Thus, 
A is (2, 2), if is (-6, -1). 

2. Locate on Figure 3 the following points : (5, 1), (— 2, 1), 
(3, - 4), (- 3, - 2), (6, 1), (- 1, - 4), (-3, 2), (0, 3), (- 3, 0), 
(0,0), (11,3), (2|,2|),(-3|,i). 

On Figure 4 are located the points (10, — 2), (7J, — 1), 
(5, 0), (21 1), (0, 2), (- 2J, 3), (- 5, 4), (7J, 5). 



It will be seen that these points are in a straight line. 
The points located on Figure 4 are some of the roots of the 
equation 2x+ 5y — 10 = 0, worked out in Section 108. 

















) ' 









Fig. 4. 

2%e graph of an equation is the line upon which are found 
all the points indicated by its roots. 

The line MN is the graph of the equation ! 

2z + 5«/-10 = 0. 

The coordinates of every point upon this line satisfy 
the equation 2a; + 5«/-10 = 0. The point P is (2, 1^). 
(2, 1£) is a root of 2 x + 5 y — 10 = 0, for when x = 2 
and t/ = 1£, the equation becomes 2 x 2 + 5 x \\ — 10 = 0, 
which is an identity. 

The graph of x — 2 y = 4. 
a; = 4 when y = 0. 
% = Q when y = 1. 
a; = 8 when y = 2. 

Here a; = 4 + 2 y. 
x= 2 when y = — 1. 
x = when ^ =; — 2. 
a = — 2 when y == — 3. 



The points represented by the roots above worked out 
are (4, 0), (6, 1), (8, 2), (2, -1), (0, -2), and (-2,-3) 
and are shown on Figure 5. 

The points located in Figure 5 lie upon the straight line 
PQ, which is the graph of x — 2 y = 4. 

The graph of x + y + 5 = Q. Here x = — (y + 5). 

x = — 5 when y = 0. x = when y = — 5. 

x= — Q when y = 1. a;=l when ^= — 6. 

a; = — 2 when y = — 3. 

The points represented by the above roots are (—5, 0), 
(-6, 1), (-2, -3), (0, -5), and (1, -6). 

Locating these points upon Figure 6, we find that they 
all lie upon the straight line RS, which is the graph 
of x + y + 5 = 0. This line passes through the points 



A(-4, - 1), 5(-3, -2), and C(-l, -4). Verify that 
these are roots of the equation. 

Fig. 6. 


Draw the graphs of the following equations : 

1. 3x — 2 y = 6. 3. 2x — 5i/ = 10. 5. a; + ?/ = 4. 

2. ix — y = S. 4. x— y = 4. 6. 2 a; — 3 ?/ = 0. 

TAe graph of every linear equation in two variables is a 
straight line. 

Since two points are sufficient to locate a straight line, 
we need but two roots of an equation to draw its graph. 



The graph of 3 x + 5 y = 15. 

Since x = when y = 3, one root is (0, 3) ; 
and since x = 5 when y = 0, another root is (5, 0). 

Fig. 7. 

■ Locate these two points upon Figure 7, and draw through 
them the straight line AB. This line is the graph of 
3 x + 5 y = 15. 

In general, the most convenient pair of roots for deter- 
mining the graph of an equation is found hy making x=0 
and solving for y, and then hy making y = and solving 
for x. These two roots give the points in which the line 
cuts the coordinate axes. ■ 


By the above method make the graphs of the following 
equations : 

1. 3x- 2 y = 6. 

2. 4 x — y = 8. 

3. 2y-5x = 10. 

4. 7x — y = 7. 

5. x + 7 y = 7. 

6. 3 x + 4 y = 12. 


110. Graphs of Two Linear Equations upon the Same 

Graphs of x — y = 6 and 2 x + y = 9. 

Fig. 8. 

The graphs of these lines are AB and CD, respectively. 
They intersect at the point P (5, — 1). This point P lies 
on both lines, and its coordinates constitute a root of each 
equation. By putting x = 5 and y= — 1, x— y=6 becomes 
5 — (— 1)=6, and 2x + y = 9 becomes 2x5 — 1 = 9. This 
verifies that (5, — 1) is a root of each equation. 

Since two straight lines can intersect in but one point, 
a pair of linear equations can have but one common root. 






By means of their graphs find the common root of each of 

the following pairs of equations : 

2x-y=l, ^ (x-2y = l, 

x + y = 5. \x + y = — 5. 

x + y = 4, (2x + 4y = 6, 

x — 2y = l. [x + y=l. 

■2x + y = 3, 6 p-y=l, 

x — 2 ?/ = 4. [2xi-2y = 9. 

7. Graphs of x + y = 1 and 2 x + 2 y = 9. 


The graphs of these equations are shown in Figure 9. They 
are parallel lines, and so do not intersect. The two equations 
have no common, finite root. It should be noticed that the 
coefficients of x and ?/ in the second equation are just double 
the coefficients of x and y in the first equation. 


f x-3y=6, 
[3x-9y = 9. 


f x + 2y = 6, 


y = 2. 


111. Definitions. Equations in two or more variables, 
having the same solutions, are called equivalent when any 
one of the equations may be changed to the exact form of the 

Thus, x + y = 5 

and 3 x + 3 y = 15 

are equivalent equations; each has a root (1, 4), and the 
first may be changed to 'the second by multiplying both 
members by 3. 

Equations not equivalent, but having the same solutions are 
called simultaneous equations. 

Thus, x + y = 6 

and Bx + y=12 

are simultaneous, having the common solution x=S, y = 3. 
These two equations are not equivalent, since the first 
can not be changed to the form of the second. 

Two equations in two variables form a set of simultane- 
ous equations; three equations in three variables form a 
set of simultaneous equations, etc. 

Elimination. To solve a set of simultaneous equa- 
te must so operate upon and combine the given 


tions, we must so 


equations as to produce a single equation containing a 
single variable. The processes of obtaining such a single 
equation are called elimination. 

In the operations of elimination the following principles 
are to be carefully noted : 

(1) For any expression in an equation an identical 
expression may be substituted. 

(2) When both members of an integral equation are 
multiplied by an integral expression containing the vari- 
able, the resulting equation is not equivalent to the 
original equation. 

For example : x + 3 y = 4. 

Multiplying both sides by x — y, we have 

(a; - y) (x + 3 y) = 4 (x -y), 

an equation which not only has all the roots of £ + 32/ = 4, 
but also all the roots of x — y = 0. 

(3) All the axioms heretofore given can be used in the 
processes of elimination, with the single exception noted 

113. Elimination by Substitution. This method will be 
understood by noting the following solution : 

1(2) 5^-2^=1. 

By transposing the 2y in Equation (1), we have 

(3) z=5-2y. 
Substituting this value of x in Equation (2), 

(4) 5(5-2*,)-2*,= l. , 

by transposing. 

by collecting. 

by dividing. 


Removing the parentheses, 

(5) 25-10y-2y = l. 

(6 ) -10y-2y = l-25, 

(7) -12y = -24, 

(8) y=2, 
Substituting this value of y in (3), 

(9) a;=5-2(2). 
(10) x=l. 

The root is (1, 2). 


Solve the following equations by the method of substitution : 


f x + y = 4, 
[3a; — 4 «/ = 5. 

f2a; + 3y = ll, 
2 ' J2x+ y = 9. 

a; + 4?/ = 10, 
3a;- y = 12. 

f2a!-7y = -5, 
L3a; + 2y = 7. 


2a; + 32/ = 2, 
a; + 3y = l|. 


f3a;-22/ = 5, 
\q x + y = 20. 

2" 5 ' 
6 15 3 


5 x + 6 y = 16, 
-8a; + 32/ = -13. 

-2 a; + 2y= 10, 
+ 3a; + 32/ = -15. 

Construct graphs for Exercises 4, 5, 6, and 7. 

fa:-f;*/ = -5, 
fas + $y=17. 



114. Elimination by Comparison. The following problem 
will illustrate the method : 

(1) 5z + 3y = 19, 

1(2) 4x- jf = b. 

By transposing 3 y and dividing by 5, we get from (1) 

/,x 19- 3 v 

(3) « = — j-*. 

By transposing — y and dividing by 4, we get from (2) 

(4) *=6±*. 

Equating the two values of x given by (3) and (4), 

(5) 19-3y ^5 + y 
v 7 5 4 " 

(6) 76 — 12 y = 25 + 5 y, by clearing of fractions. 

(7) — 12 y — 5 y = 25 — 76, by transposing. 

(8) — 17 y = - 51, by collecting. 

(9) y = S . 
Substituting this value of y in (3), 

(10) T = 19-3x3 = 10 = 2| 

5 5 

The root is (2, 3). 


Solve by the method of comparison : 


2x-Sy = 7, 
\2x + y = 3. 

ix + y = 3, 

[2x + 3y = 4 : . 

2 ( 5x + y = 3, 5 f3a;-4y = 4, 

L 2 x — 3 ?/ = — 4. : ' \2x + 5y = 10. 




6. -I 

' 5 x — 2 y = 4, 
Zx+ly = 2l. 

[x— y = a, 
[x + 2y = b. 

■5x-iy = 20, 
3x + 2y = 12. 




-4x-2y = l, 
— x + 5 y = 6. 

x + 2y = 4, 
5x+ y = 3. 

5x+ y = m, 
3x + Ay = im. 

Construct graphs for Exercises 3, 5, 7, and 9. 

115. Elimination by Addition or Subtraction. The two 

problems here solved will illustrate the method. 


r(l) 2z + 3*/ = 5, 
1(2) 7z-2«/ = 5. 

We first make the coefficients of the y's have the same 
absolute value. This is done by multiplying Equation (1) 
by 2 and Equation (2) by 3, thus giving us 

(3) 4x + 6t/ = 10, 

(4) 21 x - 6 y = 15. 

Adding Equations (3) and (4), 

(5) 25 a; =25. 

(6) x=l. 
Substituting this value of x in (1), 

(7) 2xl + 3y = 5. 

(8) 3^ = 5-2 = 3, 

(9) y = l. 
The root is (1, 1). 


j(l) 2z + 7#=38. 
2. bolve • n . _ , 01 
1(2) 3z + 4# = 31. 

We can make the coefficients of the #'s alike by multiply- 
ing Equation (1) by 3 and Equation (2) by 2, thus giving 

(3) 6x + 21y=lU, 

(4) 6 x + 8 y = 62. 
Subtracting Equation (4) from (3), 

(5) 13 #=52. 

(6) # = 4. 
Substituting this value of y in Equation (1), 

(7) 2z+7-4 = 38. 

(8) 2a;=38-28 = 10. 

(9) x = b. 

The root is (5, 4). 

The method of elimination generally used is that of 
addition or subtraction. The method by comparison is 
merely a disguised form of eliminating by subtraction. 
The particular method to be used must be determined by 
a careful inspection of the problem. 

116. Some Illustrative Examples. 

a) ;+!-«, 

(2) |-|=2. 

Here there is no need of clearing of fractions. By addi- 
tion, y is eliminated, and 



3a; „ 

(4) 3 a; =24. 

(5) a; =8. 

Substituting 8 for x in (1), we have 

(6) J + | = 4. 

(7) | = 4-2 = 2. 

(8) y=Q. 

The root is (8, 4). 


K J x y 24 

(2)^-I = a 
* 2/ 24 

In problems of this form never clear of fractions 

(3) — - - = — , by multiplying (2 


(4) — = 24, by adding (1) ai 

(5) 39 x =13x24. 

(6) x = 8. 

Substituting 8 for x in (1), 

(7) M = 17. 
S ' 8 y 24 

m 2_17_3_1_ 
(8) ^~24 8~3 

(9) y = 6. 

The root is (8, 6). 



j(l) x-3tf=10, 

1(2) 3z + 5y = 2. 

In this form, in which one equation has the variable with 
a coefficient 1, use the method of substitution. 
From (1), 

(3) a; =3 # + 10. 

Substituting the value of x in (2), 

(4) 3(8y + 10)+5y = 2. 

(5) 9y + 30 + 5y=2. 

(6) 14y= — 28, transposing and combining. 

(7) y=-2. 

(8) x= -6 + 10 = 4, from (3). 

The root is (4, - 2). 



l + 2z j 










In examples of this form it is best to clear of fractions. 

(3) l + 2z + 3y=3z, 


— x+ Sy = — 


x + y = 5, 


4y = 4, 




aj = 4, 

by clearing (1) of fractions, 
by transposing and collecting. 

by clearing (2) of fractions. 

by adding (4) and (5). 

by substituting 1 for y in (4). 

The root is (4, 1). 




Solve the following simultaneous equations : 

2. ] 

x + y = 5, 
[2x + 3y = 12. 

(2x-5y = 12, 
{ {3x + 5y = 8. 
Ax + 8y = 13, 
2x + 3y=7%. 



■#y = i, 

ii* + iy = 4. 

4*-| = 6, 



: 5' 

4 ' 3 

a; j/~ 

x y 

7. ■! 

f ax + by = c, 

(. Ix + my =p. 
, + -=5, 

3as-- = 7. 

3 + * = 7, 
a; y 

a; y 








2 - 3 - = ll, 



3 A 
x y 

= 22. 

a; + - = 5, 

3a;_? = 3. 

teH — = a, 






17. 1 

a 6 

la; ?/ 

a; + y = m + n, 
m + x n 
n + y m 

3x-7y = 0, 

ax — by = 0, 
mx + ny = q. 

( mx -{-ny = m 2 , 

I nx + my = n 2 . 



3y + 7ce + l 2,y-3a; + 8 _ g 

5 3 

5, y _7a; + 10 3y + 2a; + 6 _g 
3 5 

Construct graphs for Exercises 2 and 5. 


l. The sum of two numbers is 32, and one number is 3 
times the other. What are the numbers ? 

Let x and y be the numbers. 


by the conditions of the problem. 



s + 3f = 32, 



z = 3y 


3 y + ?/ = 32. 


42, = 32. 


y = 8. 
x = 24. 

2. Eight apples and 5 oranges cost 31 cents, and 5 apples 
and 10 oranges cost 40 cents. What is the cost of 1 apple and 
of 1 orange ? 

3. Three bushels of wheat cost 15 cents more than 5 
bushels of corn, and 2 bushels of wheat and 1 bushel of corn 
together cost $ 2.05. What is the price per bushel of each ? 

4. A fraction is equal to f. If both of its terms are 
increased by 12, the value is then |. Find the fraction. 

(Let x — numerator, y = denominator, - = fraction.') 


5. Find a fraction such that if 1 is added to the numerator 
it becomes £, and if 5 is added to the denominator it becomes \. 


6. The sum of two numbers is 75. The larger contains the 
smaller 5 times, with a remainder of 3. Find the number. 

7. There are two numbers ; 3 times the first is 8 more than 
the second, and their difference is 42. Find them. 

8. A man spent $ 225 for sheep at $3.50 a head and calves 
at $ 10 a head. H^e bought 42 head in all. How many of each 
did he buy ? 

9. Ten years ago a father was 5 times as old as his son. 
Twenty years hence he will be twice as old. What are the 
present ages of each ? 

10. A said to B, " Give me $ 60, and I shall have twice as 
much as you." B said to A, "Give me $90, and I shall have 
as much as you." How much had each ? 

11. Find two numbers such that \ the first and \ the second 
is 36, and \ the first and \ the second is 13. 

12. There are two numbers such that if each is increased by 
5, the sums are in the ratio 5 and 11, and if each number be 
decreased by 15, the remainders are in the ratio 1 and 7. Find 
the numbers. 

13. A farmer has two horses and an $18 saddle. If the 
saddle is put on the cheaper horse, the horse and saddle are 
worth \ of the better horse. The better horse and saddle lack 
$ 12 of being worth twice as much as the cheaper horse. What 
is the value of each horse ? 

14. If the greater of two sums be multiplied by 5 and the 
lesser by 7, the sum of the products is 140. If the greater be 
divided by 7 and the lesser by 5, the difference of the quotients 
is 0. Find the numbers. • 

15. There are two numbers which differ by 11. One sixth 
of the larger is 1 more than \ of the smaller. Find the 


16. A number consists of two digits whose sum is 13 ; if 27 

be added to the number, the order of the digits is changed. 

Find the number. 


Let x = units' digit. 

y = tens' digit. 
10 y + x = the number. 



x + y = 13, 




y + x + 27 = 10 x + y, 
9 y - 9 x = - 27. 
y -x = -Z. 

by conditions of problem, 


2y = 10, 

by adding (1) and (4). 


y = 5. 



z= 8, 

from (1) 

10 ;/ + £ = 58, the number. 

17. If to a certain number of two digits the tens' digit be 
added, the sum is 80. If the units' digit be subtracted, the 
remainder is 70. Find the number. 

18. A number is composed of two digits whose sum is 13. 
If their order is inverted, the new number is 4 less than double 
the original number. Find the number. 

19. A sum of money was divided equally among a certain 
number of people. If there had been 3 persons more, the share 
of each would have been $ 2 less ; but if there had been 2 per- 
sons fewer, the share of each would have been $ 2 more. How 
many persons were there, and what was the share of each ? 

20. A lost f of his money and then borrowed £ of B's money, 
when he had f 12. At first A had f as much as B. Find 
how much each had at first. 

21. The sum of a number of two digits and the number 
formed by reversing the order of the digits is 110. The differ- 
ence of the digits is 8. Find the number. 


22. A man has a certain number of silver dollars and quar- 
ters. He notices that if his dollars were quarters and his 
quarters dollars he would have $ 22.50 more than he now has. 
He also notices that if his dollars were dimes and his quarters 
half dollars, he would have $ 1 more than he now has. How 
much money has he ? 

23. In a certain school \ of the number of boys is equal to 
\ of the number of girls ; twice the whole number of pupils in 
the school is 100 more than 3 times the number of girls. 
How many pupils in the school ? 

• 24. A and B are 45 miles apart. If they walk in the same 
direction, A overtakes B in 45 hours. If they walk toward 
each other, they meet in 5 hours. Find their rates of walking. 

25. If the first of two numbers be divided by 12 and the 
second by 15, the sum of the quotients is 12; if the first be 
divided by 4 and the second by 3, the difference of the 
quotients is 12. What are the numbers ? 

26. Find two numbers such that the sum of their reciprocals 
is T \\, and the difference of their reciprocals is T |^. 

27. If the base of a rectangle be increased by 6 feet and 
the altitude by 4 feet, the" area is increased by 216 square feet. 
If the base be decreased by 4 feet, and the altitude increased 
by 4 feet, the rectangle becomes a square. Find the base and 
altitude of the rectangle. 

28. If B loans A $ 500, A will then have 3 times as much 
money as B has left ; but if A loans B § 200, B will have twice 
as much money as A has left. How much money has each ? 

29. A sum of money on interest amounted to $ 824 in 9 months 
and to $ 840 in 15 months. Find the principal and the rate. 

30. If the greater of two numbers be divided by the less, 
the quotient is 1, with a remainder of 8 ; if 4 times the less be 
divided by the greater, the quotient is 2 with a remainder of 
22. What are the numbers ? 


31. Sixty workmen, consisting of men and boys, did a piece 
of work in 5 days and received for it $ 430. The men were 
paid $ 1.75 a day, and the boys 80 cents a day. How many 
men and how many boys were there ? 

32. Find a fraction such that when the numerator is trebled 
and the denominator decreased by 4 the value becomes 3, and 
when the denominator is trebled and the numerator increased 
by 4 the value becomes £. 

33. In 10 years I will be 5 times as old as my son was 5 
years ago, and 2 years ago I was twice as old as my son will 
be 4 years hence. Find my age and that of my son. 

34. The lengths of two ropes are as 4 : 5, and when 20 feet 
is cut from each rope the remainders are as 3:4. Find the 
lengths of the ropes. 

35. A river flows 3 miles an hour; a boat going down the 
river passes a certain point in 12 seconds and in going up it 
takes 18 seconds. Find the speed of the boat in still water 
and the length of the boat. 

117. System of linear Equations with Three or More 
Variables. We have seen that in order to solve linear 
equations with two variables, we must have a set of two 
independent equations; in like manner, when we have 
three variables, we must have a set of three independent 
equations ; when four variables, we must have a set of 
four equations, etc. 

The method of solving. a problem in three variables 
will be understood by noting the following solutions : 
(1) x-2y + z=l, 

l. (2) 3z + */-z = 4, 

(3) 2z+?/ + 2 = 12. 

By looking at this problem we see that the s's can be 
easily eliminated. 



4 x - y = 5, 

by adding (1) 

and (2). 


5 a; + 2 «/ = 16, 

by adding (2) 

and (3). 


8a:-2# = 10, 

by multiplying ■ 

(4) by 2. 


13 a; = 26, 

by adding (5) 

and (6). 


a? = 2. 


2/ = 3, 


substituting 2 for 

x in (4). 



by substituting 2 for a;, 3 for 

V in (!)• 

The roof 

; is (2, 3, 5). 


\x— 3y + 2a = 


2. j (2) 

6a; + 2>y + 3z = 

= 7, 

1(3) 2a:-6# + 52 = 4. 
By adding (1) and (2), we eliminate y, and have 
10 a; +52 = 10, 
or (4) 2x + z = 2. ■ 

Multiplying (1) by 2 and subtracting (3), we have 

(5) 6 x - z = 2. 
Adding (4) and (5), 

(6) 8 a; = 4. 

(7) x = \. 
Substituting x = J in (4), 

(8) 1+2=2. 

(9) * = 1. 
Substituting a; = J and 2 = 1 in (1), 

(10) 2-3^+2 = 3. 

(11) -3y = -l. 

(12) y = f 
The root is (l J, 1). 






X + Z = 11, 
y + Z=6, 
2a + </ = 25. 

2a; + 3« = 54, 
7?/ + 5z = 106, 
3a; + 52/ = 76. 

2a — 5 */ + 4 z = 7, 
3x — 2y+ z = 5, 
5a: + 3j/ — 5z = 2. 

+ ^ + - = 2, 

2 10 


= 9, 

la; + 2/ + 3z = 0. 

1 + ^ + 1 = 9, 

x y z 

1-1 + 1 = 3, 

a; y 2 

1 + 1-1 = 1. 

a; ?/ z 




x y z 

x y z 

5 - + 1 — 3 - = l. 

x y z 

^ + ^ = r, 
m n 

x , z 
m I 

n I 

P , 9 
— + - = s, 

9 r 

': . ?= s . 






* , .V_£_i 
6 4 3 ° 

(Do not clear of fractions in Exercise 5.) 

x + y + z + w — 10, 
2» — 2/ + 3« + w = 13, 
z+3?/ — 2z — w = — 3, 
x — 2y + 3z-2w = -2. 



11. Three men have together $ 750 ; £ of A's and £ of C's 
is equal to \ of B's; twice A's is $ 150 more than both B's 
and C's. How much money has each ? 

12. The sum of three numbers taken two and two are 68, 
94, and 62, respectively. Find the numbers. 

13. There are three numbers such that the first with \ the 
second is 68 ; | the first with § the third is 73 ; and the second 
with | the third is 90. Find the numbers. 

14. A number consists of three digits whose sum is 17. The 
hundreds' digit is 3 times the tens' digit. If the order of the 
digits be reversed, the number is increased by 297. Find the 

15. A and B can do a piece of work in 6 days, B and C in 
7^ days, and C and A in 10 days. In how many days can each 
do the work separately ? 

16. A cistern has three pipes A, B, and C. If A and B fill 
while C empties, the cistern will be filled in 60 minutes. If A 
and C fill while B empties, the cistern will be filled in 24 minutes. 
If B and C fill while A empties, the cistern will be filled in 120 
minutes. In what time could each pipe fill it alone ? 

17. There are three numbers whose sum is 113; £ the sec- 
ond is 2 more than | the third ; f of the first lacks 3 of being 
\ the second. Find the numbers. 

18. Separate the number 180 into three parts, such that the 
second divided by the first equals 2, the third divided by the 
second equals 3, and the first divided by the third equals \. 

19. A, B, and C have certain sums of money. If A gives 
B $100, they will have the same amount; if C gives A $200, 
he will have as much left as A and B together then have ; if 
B's money were doubled and A's increased by $ 100, they 
would then have together as much as C. What sum has each ? 


118. Definitions. Square Root. One of the two equal 
factors of a number is called its square root. 

25 = 5 x 5, hence 5 is a square root of 25. 

Cube Root. One of the three equal factors of a number 
is called its cube root. 

64 = 4 x 4 x 4, hence 4 is a cube root of 64. 

nth Root. One of the n equal factors of a number is 
called its nth Root. 

a n = a x a x a x «••■ to n factors, hence a is an nth. 
root of a". 

Evolution. The process of finding roots is called evolu- 
tion. It is the inverse of involution. 

From the definition we see that the square root of a 4 is 
ai = a 2 , the cube root of a 12 is a* = a 4 , and the wth root 


of a m is an. 

The Radical Sign. When the sign V is placed before a 
number, a root is to be extracted. The number written over 
the radical sign is called the index, and denotes what root 
is to be extracted. Thus, Vl6 = 4, V125 = 5, Vl6 =' 2, 
V32 = 2, Va" = a ; the indices 2, 3, 4, 5, n, denote, respec- 
tively, the 2d, ,3d, 4th, 5th, and nth roots of the number 
before which the radical sign (-^) is placed. The square 
root sign (\/) is usually written V- 



The Radicand. The number whose root is to he ex- 
tracted is called the radicand. Thus, in V25, Vl25, 25 
and 125 are radicands. 

The root of an expression of two or more terms is 
denoted by the radical sign in connection with the vinculum 
or parenthesis. 

Va 2 + 2 ab + b 2 and V(« 2 + 2ab + b 2 ) each denote the 
square root of a 2 + 2 ab + b 2 . 

119. Even and Odd Boots. An even root has an even 
index, an odd root an odd index. 

V3, V8, V5, are even roots. V8, V32, Va 14 , are odd 

An even number of equal positive or negative factors 
multiplied together gives a positive product. Hence, only 
positive numbers can have real even roots. An even root 
of a negative number is called an imaginary number. All 
other numbers are real. All numbers are either real or 

5, V7, V21, a, b, are real numbers. V— 1, V— 5, 
V— 16, V— a 2 , are imaginary numbers. 

120. The Law of Signs. (1) An even root of a positive 
number is either + or — . 

V81=±9, for( + 9)x( + 9) = 81 

and (-9)x(-9)=81. 

Va 2 = ± a. 

(2) A negative number has no real even roots. 

(3) An odd root of a negative number is — . 

^/327=_3, for (-3)(-3)(-3) = -27. V-S2=-2. 




Extract the indicated roots : 

1. V25T 2 =±5a. 

2. y/aWc=±a 2 bVc. 

3. V16 a'W. 

4. V169 afyV. 

5. Vvmxhf- 

6. ■\/-8a 3 6 s c 9 = -2a6c 3 - 

7. Va*-4 a &+4 fc 2 =± (a-2 b). 

8. Va 2 + 6aa; + 9a^. 

9. v'-125a; l y. 

11. V625 aVc 2 . 

12. ^/1000 a W. 

13. V40Q aVc 18 . 
. / l44 a'y 

' V fo + y) 2 ' 

15. ^/-343a 9 6'V. 



'' *256 aW 

17. </l6 aW. 

18. V- 32 a 25 ^ 5 . 


19. ^eWc* 1 . 

20. -^-aVc 56 . 


121. The Square Root of a Polynomial. The square root 
of a polynomial is found by the reversal of the method 
used in squaring a polynomial. 

{A + B) 2 = A 2 + 2 AB + B 2 is the general type form of 
the square of the sum o'f any two quantities, and is the 
type form used in the reversal process. 

By comparing any perfect square, whose root consists of 
two terms, with this type, its root may be easily determined. 

02+102; + 25. 

This may be written x 2 + 2 x • 5 + 5 2 . 
It is at once seen that A = x and B -■ 
square root of x 2 + 10 x + 25 is x + 5. 

= 5. Hence, the 


The same method may often be applied to polynomials 
whose roots have three terms. 

* 2 + y 2 + 9 + 2 xy + 6 x + y. 
Arrange this in type form, according to x. 
x 2 + 2x(y + S) + y 2 + 6y + 9. 
This may be further arranged 

z 2 + 2:z<j, + 3) + G/ + 3) 2 , 
and the square root is at once seen to be x + y + 3. 


Find the square root of the following by comparing with 
the type form : 

1. ar ! + 16a; + 64. 

2. 9 x 2 + 24 x + 16. (Write (3 x) 2 + 2(3 x)l + 16.) 

3. a^-lSz + Sl. 5. 16z 2 + 56r!/ + 492/ 2 . 

4. a 2 -10 a*/ + 25/. 6. aW + 2 abxy + b 2 y\ 

7. x 2 + 2xy + y 2 + z 2 + 2zx + 2yz. 

8. a? + 9y 2 + z 2 + 6xy + 2zx + 6yz. 

9. a 2 -66c + 6 2 + 9c 2 -2a6 + 6ca. 

10. 4 a; 2 + y 2 + 9 z 2 — 4 xy — 6 yz + 12 zx. 

11. a 2 + 6 2 + c 2 + d 2 + 2a6 + 26c + 2ca + 2ad + 2&d + 2cd 

12. x 2 -6xy + 9y 2 + 16 + 8x-24 : y. 

122. Formal Extraction of Square Boot. When the root 
oan not be easily determined by inspection, we reverse 
the type form. A * + 2AB + B* \A + B 

2A + B 

2AB + B 2 
2AB + B 2 


The first term of the root A is the square root of A 2 . 
The second term, B, is contained in 2 AB, and is found 
from it by dividing by 2 A. 2 A is called the trial divisor. 
(2 A + B) is the complete divisor. "When this is multi- 
plied by B, the result is 2 AB + B 2 , which is the part of 
the square remaining after A 2 is subtracted. 

(1) Find the square root of 36 x 2 — 144 xy + 144 y 2 . 

36 x 2 - 144 xy + 144 y 2 \6x-12y 
36 x 2 


- 144 xy + 144 y 2 

- 144 xy + 144 y 2 

Here the square root of 36 a? is 6 x. 12 x is the trial 
divisor, which divided into — 144 xy gives — 12 y as the 
next term of the root. The complete divisor is 12 a;— 12 y, 
which multiplied by — 12 y gives — 144 xy + 144 y 2 , the 
remaining part of the square after 36 # 2 is subtracted. 
6x— 12 y is the required square root. This method is 
easily extended, as the following example will show : 

(2) Find the square root oi x i +6x 3 + x 2 —2ix + 16. 

x i + 62?+x 2 -24x+l6 \x 2 + 3x-4: 

2x 2 +'Sx 
2x 2 + 6x-4: 

6 X s + x 2 
6 x 3 + 9 x 2 

-8^-24 x+ 16 

Note that the polynomial is arranged according to 
powers of x. 

The square root of x* is x 2 . The trial divisor is 2 x 2 , 
which divided into dx 3 gives 3 a;, the next term of the 


root. The complete divisor is 2a? + 3x. When this is 
multiplied by Bx it gives 6x 3 +9z 2 , which leaves, when 
subtracted from the remaining part of the square, 
— 8 x 2 — 24 x + 16. (x 2 + Bx) is now regarded as the first 
part of the root, giving a trial divisor of 2 x 2 + 6 x. This 
gives — 4 as the next term of the root. The complete 
divisor is 2 x 2 + 6 x — 4. When this is multiplied by — 4 
it gives — 8 x 2 — 24 x + 16, which is the part of the square 
remaining. The root is x 2 + 3 x — 4. 

123. Rule for Extracting the Square Root: 

(1) Arrange the terms with respect to the powers of some 

(2) Extract the square root of the first term, place its root 
as the first term of the root sought, and take its square from 
the given polynomial. 

(3) Double the root already found for a trial divisor, 
divide the first term of the remainder by the trial divisor, 
placing the quotient as the next term of the root, and also 
annexing it to the trial divisor to form the complete divisor. 

(4) Multiply' the complete divisor by the last term of the 
root, and take the product from the first remainder. 

(5) Continue this process until the other terms of the root 
are found. 


Extract the square root of the following : 

1. x* + 14 x 2 + 4 a? + 20 x + 25. 

2. a^-4^ + 10a^-12a; + 9. 

3. 4 x* +25 x 2 + 12 ^+240; + 16. 

4. a; 6 + 1 + 12 x* + 42 x* + 6 x + 38 a? + 21 x>. 

5. 4 x* + 5 x 2 y 2 + y* + 4 a?y + 2 xf. 



6. 9 x 4 + 37 x>f + 4 y* - 30 x>y - 20 xy 3 . 

7. l-2x-6y + x 2 + 6xy + 9f. 

8. 4a 2 -12a^/ + 16Kz + 92/ 2 + 16z 2 -242/2. 

9. 4 + x 6 + 4z 3 -12a;-6:B 4 + 9ar ! . 
10 g + 2£ + 4|p + ^ + *. 

124. Inexact Square Boots. The following example will 
sufficiently show the method. 

Extract the square root of 1 + 3 x to four terms. 

l + 3a: |l + |z-| 3? + lJx* 

2 + f* 
2+3z- j 


3x + %a? 

_ 9 ~2 
— if X 


2 + 3a;-|a; 2 + f|^ 

w^+w^-hi* 6 


Extract the square root of the following to four terms: 

1. 1 + x. 5. 1 + 535 + a! 2 . 

2. 1+4 a; + 8^. 

3. 1 — x. 

4. l + a + z 2 . 

6. l-4a; + 3ar ! . 

7. l-Sa + Sar' + a?. 

8. l+s + ar' + ar' + aA 

125. Square Root of Arithmetical Number. The following 
principles may be easily verified by the student ; 



(1) The square of a number of one digit consists of one or 
two digits. 

(2) The square of a number of two digits consists of three 
or four digits. 

(3) The square of a number of three digits consists of five 
or six digits ; and so on. 

From these principles we can at once tell how many 
digits in the square root of a given number. The square 
root of 390625 will consist of three digits. 

The number of digits in the root may be indicated by 
separating the given number into groups of two figures 
each, beginning at the right. The left group may contain 
either one or two digits. 39 06 25 and 1 93 21. 

Now solve by using the same method as in algebraic 

Extract the square root of 390625. 

39 06 25 | 600 + 20 + 5 
36 00 00 

3 06 25 
2 44 00 

1200, trial divisor 

1220, complete divisor 

1240, trial divisor 


1245, complete divisor 
It is usual to put the work in the following shorter form : 

62 25 
62 25 

39 06 25 



3 06 
2 44 


62 25 
62 25 



Find: 1. Vl 04976. 2. V278784. 3. V57121. 

4. V61504. 5. V235225. 6. V1092025. 

126. Roots of Decimals. Group both ways from the deci- 
mal point, and solve exactly as in whole numbers. 

36 74.87 63 64. This shows the root to be made of two 
whole number places and three decimal places. 



1. V18.3184. 

3. V. 133225. 

4. V.00300304. 

5. V1.110916. 

2. V8.6436. 

6. V2. 

If the result of Exercise 6 is desired to three decimals, we may 
write it V2.000000, and then proceed as in the above exercises. 

7. VS to three decimals. 8. Vll to three decimals. 

127. Cube Root of Polynomials. The type form is 
(A + Bf = /»* + 3 A 2 B + 3 AB 2 + B s . 

All polynomials in this form may have their cube roots 
written by inspection. x 3 + 6 x 2 y + 12 xy 2 + 8 y 3 may be 
written, x 3 + 3 x 2 (2 y) + 3 x(2 yj- + (2 y) 3 . 

The cube root is readily seen to be x + 2 y. 

By exactly reversing the type form we can extract the 
cube root of any polynomial which is a perfect cube. 

^ 3 + 3 A 2 B + 3 AB 2 + B 3 \A + B 
A 3 

3A* + 3AB + B* 

3 A 2 B + 3 AB 2 + B 3 
3 A 2 B + 8 AB 2 + B 3 

The term B of the root is found in 3 A 2 B and is obtained 
by dividing 3 A 2 B by 3 A 2 . This shows 3 A 2 as the trial 
divisor, and 3 A 2 + 3 A B + B 2 as the complete divisor. 



Extract cube root of 
27z 6 -108z 5 + 198z*- 

208:c 3 + 132 a; 2 -48 x + 8. 





























1— I 























T— 1 












1» T» 




• I— I 



§ ^ a 

'C 1 ^ o 

£ + ° 

43 ' + 

*€ % 

t- s to 

CM jo CO 

II ^ I 

« CO ■* 

€ + ! 

CO » ^ 
CO CM o 














. — i 




























\~s tO 





+ + 






Tt< "* 


^ ^< 



128. Rule for Extraction of Cube Root. 

(1) Arrange with respect to some letter. 

(2) Extract the cube root of the first term for the first 
term of the root, and subtract the cube from the polynomial. 

(3) Use three times the square of the root found for a 
trial divisor, and by dividing the remainder by this divisor 
get the second term of the root. 

(4) Add to trial divisor three times the product of the first 
part of the root and the part of } the root last found and the 
square of the root last found. 

(5) Subtract the product of the complete divisor and the 
part of the root last found from the remainder of the 

(6) Repeat this process until the root has been completely 


Extract the cube root of : 

1. sb 3 + 6 3^ + 12 a; + 8. 

2. af i + 3tf + 6x i + 7x s + 6a? + 3x + l. 

3. a; 6 - 3 «?y + 6 x*y 2 - 7 x*y* + 6 x>y* - 3 xy 5 + y e . 

4. a 3 + 3a 2 (& + l) + 3a(& + l) 2 +& 3 + 3& 2 + 3&+l. 

5. « 3 + 3 a 2 b + 6 a 2 + 12 ab + 3 ab 2 + b 3 + 12 a + 12 b + 6 b 2 + 8. 

6. 27 X s - 64 J/ 3 -108 a?y + 144 xy 2 . 

7. X s - 9 3^ + 42 ib 4 - 117 0?+ 210 ^-225 x + 125. 

8. 8 a 6 6 6 - 36 a 5 6 5 + 78 a 4 6 4 - 99 a 3 6 3 + 78 a 2 b 2 - 36 ab + 8. 

129. Extraction of Cube Root of Arithmetical If umbers. The 

following principles may be verified as in square root: 

(1) The cube of a number of one digit consists of one, two, 
or three digits. 


(2) The cube of a number of two digits consists of four, 
five, or six digits. 

(3) The cube of a number of three digits consists of seven, 
eight, or nine digits ; and so on. 

From these principles we can at once tell how many 
digits in the cube root of a given number. 

If the given number is separated into groups of three 
figures each, each group will correspond to a digit of the 

For example : 95 256 152 263. There are four digits in 
the cube root of this number. The group at the left may 
contain one, two, or three digits. 3 365 791 and 871 625. 

An example will illustrate the method of solution and 
show that the same plan is followed as in the extraction 
of the cube root of polynomials. 

Extract the cube root of 262144. 

a 3 + 3 a % + 3 atf + J3 = 262 144 | 60 + 4 = 64 

a? = 60 3 = 216 000 

(3 a% + Sab+b 2 )b= 46 144 

3 a 2 = 3 x 60 2 = 10800 
+ 3 ab = 3x60x4= 720 

. + IP = 4 2 = 16 

(3 o?b + Sab + b 2 )b = 11536 x 4 = 46 144 
The above shows the similarity to the general type. 
In practice the solution should appear as follows : 

262 144 [64 
6 3 = 216 
Trial divisor 6 2 x 300 = 10800 
6 x 4 x 30 = 720 
4 2 = 16 

Complete divisor 11536 





Extract the cube root of each of the following numbers : 

1. 4913. 3. 753571. 5. 2628072.. 

2. 300763. 4. 614125. 6. 1:728. 

In Exercise 6, group both ways from the decimal point. If neces- 
sary, annex ciphers to fill the last group. If the root is not exact, by 
annexing ciphers the result may be carried to any desired number of 
decimal places. 

7. 130323.843. 9. .0081 to three decimals. 

8. 3 to three decimals. 10. 2.05 to three decimals. 


130. The Index Laws. The following laws for integral 
exponents have already been proved : 

1. a m -x a" = a m+n . 

2. a m -7- a" = a m ~ n , when m is greater than n. 

3. Qa m y = a mn . 

4. (ax6) m = a m x b m . 

5. f-r =c 


6. -\/a m = a n , when m is divisible by n. 

The laws of algebra should be general. Let us assume 

that the above index laws hold true for all values of m 

and n, and find consistent meanings for certain special 

forms, viz., a , a~ n , at. 

Any number affected by an exponent is called the base with 

respect to that exponent. 

In a n , a is the base. In (x + y) m , x + y is the base. 

131. The Form a°. The second index law is 

a m -=- a" = a m ~ n . 
Let m = n, and this becomes 

a" -=- a" = a . 
,,-But' a n + a n =l. 

Hence, a = a" ■+- a" = 1. 



Any quantity with an exponent zero is equal to unity. 
2»=1, for 2 + 2=1; 10° = ±^=1; 

t x + y) (x + yy ' \5+bJ 

132. The Form ar". The first index law states that 

a m x a n = a m+n . 
Let us assume that this holds for all values of m and n. 
Let m = —n, and we have 

ar n x a n = ar" +n = a = 1. 

Hence, a - " = — , hy division. 

a n 

a~ n means the reciprocal of a n - 

3" 5 = 4; 10-i = i-; <* + *)- = ■ 

3 5 10' v * y (as + y)" 

oar* = 4; «« _ "2/" m = — ; 3a- = - • 
a^ ay a" 

A factor may be removed from the numerator to the denomi- 
nator, or vice versa, if at the same time the sign of its exponent 
be changed. 

5 2 x~ s y 2 _ o 2 z 2 y 2 _ 5 2 x 6 4 z 2 a; _1 w -2 _ , 
6"*s-V ~ 6-Vic 4 _ x 2 y~ 2 w 2 -' e c ' 
133. The Form a". We know that (a m ) K = a mn - 

p v m 

Put m = — and n = q. Then (a m ) =(»)' = «' = a p - 
? p 

Now extract the <?th root of both sides of (a 9 ) ? = a p , and 

p . P 

we have ai = ^Ja p ; that is, ai means the qth root of the pth 

power of a. 

The numerator of a fractional exponent means the power 
of the base, and the denominator the root to be extracted. 


To extract the qth root of a", divide the exponent p by q. 

p v 

The qth root of a*"is at, or ai =-Va p . 

a^ x cfi = a* + * = a 1 . 

a? x a 1 = (a^) 2 - 

(a i ) 2 =a 1 . 

a* _ Va. 

a ¥ = V« 3 . a* = Va 5 . 

We find that by assuming the generality of the index 
laws we have consistent meanings for zero, negative, and 
fractional exponents. We will hereafter use the six index 
laws of page 187 for all values of m and n. 



3a~ 3 3 x 2 

5 x~' 2 y 5 a s y 
x 2 • X s 

VrfY.-Z/tf = x* -.y* _y l + i _y\ 
Vy-^X-s/aP y~i ■ x% x%~% x% 

Simplify the following by making all exponents + after 
combining like numbers: 

A s/aVb 3*af^M 

4, _ . y_ -Z . 

4 Va V& 3^ x~$y ~*~z^ 

5» x6^x 10 3 r<o , K , no 

5-- —7 Tl 773 a V ax v f5x±l. 

5-ix6+JxlO^ 8. — x^^ 

VoV x -v^&V 

VaWy 9 - (o^c*) + (a-*»*c-»). 

10. (^^-"c-") • (aVc) • (a*&M)°. 


Kemove the parentheses and simplify : 

11. S[(a 2 ) 2 ]" 2 ]i. 12. ([Kax + by^ff. 

13. (x + y-J = x 2 + 2xy-* + y~ 2 = x 2 + ^ + 1- 

14. (a?-y-y. 15. {a?-y- 2 f. 

It is to be noted that while (c&bty = ab, (a^ + b*) 2 does not 
equal a + b. An exponent is distributive to the factors, but not 
to the terms of an expression. 

(a* + bfy = a + 2 a^ + &. 
(a 2 + 6 2 )*=Va 2 + & :! . 

Perform the operations indicated in the following ; 

16. (x + y 1 )^ - y~'). 

17. (a; 2 + x + 1 + ar 1 + a;- 2 ) (a; — ar 1 ). 

18. (tf-y-^ + fx-y-i). 

19. (x 2 - 2 x + aP - 2 x-^x 2 - x + x°). 

20. (cr 2 + 2a~ 1 & 1 + 6- 2 )(a- 1 + fe" 1 ). 

21. (a VcM) 2 -T- (a* 6* c*a;^) 3 . 

22. (a"i& W*) 6 -=- (a' ft'c-'ar 2 )- 1 . 

23. (2 a- 3 &- 2 <f * + 3 a-^- 1 ^) -s- (6 a-^-V 1 ). 

24. (9a5^$ — 16a*&*)-s-(3aj*yi + 4a&*). 

25. (a;" 2 + a;-'?/" 1 + y- 2 )(x~ 2 - arty- 1 + y~ 2 ). 


134. Definitions. 

Radicals. A root indicated by means of a radical sign 
is called a radical. 

As noted in Chapter XII the quantity under the radical 
sign is called the radicand. 

VT, V 5, Va 3 , V*; 3 + y 3 are radicals, and 7, 5, a 3 , x 3 + y s 
are the radicands. 

These radicals may also be expressed in equivalent 
expressions by means of fractional exponents. Thus, 

VT = 7*, V5 = 5 J , .V? = a*, Vx 3 + y 3 = (x 3 + «/ 3 )l 

The laws of algebra apply to radicals, since radical signs 
may be replaced by exponents. All the laws of exponents 
hold for radicals. 

Thus, VaJ = Va Vfi, 

for Vab = (ab~)n = a n b>> = Va V&. 

This law may be extended to any number of factors. 

■y/abc = Va V6 Ve. 

Commensurable Numbers. A commensurable number 
is one whose value may be expressed as a fraction with 
integral terms. 

Thus, 49 = 4JL = 3g., is a commensurable number. 




Incommensurable Numbers. A number which can not be 
expressed as a fraction with integral terms is called an 

Thus, V2 = 1.4142 ••• is incommensurable. 

Surds. A surd is an incommensurable root of a com- 
mensurable number. 

Thus, V2 is a surd, for it is an incommensurable root of 
a commensurable number. 2 is commensurable, but V2 
is 1.4142-.-, an incommensurable number. 

\ 1 +V2 is not a surd in the sense of the above defini- 
tion, for 1 + V2 = 2.4142 ••• is itself an incommensurable 

Examples of Surds : \ r 3, -y/2, -\/5, V7, Va. The latter 
expression, Va, is a surd if a be not a perfect square. 

A surd is always a radical, but a radical is not always 
a surd. 

V5, -Va~\ V2l, Vl6, y/¥f are radicals, but Vl6, Vtff 
are not surds. 

135. Surds Expressed Graphically. Many surds may be 
expressed graphically. In doing this, use is made of the 
Pythagorean proposition. In a right triangle the square 
of the hypotenuse in equal to the sum of the squares of the 
two legs. 

If AB = BC=\, 

then AC= Vl 2 + l 2 = V2. 


If DE = 2 and EF = 1, 
then DF = V2 2 + l a = VS. 

If .X" is a cube whose volume is 5, 
then KL = V&. 


Represent graphically 

1. VlO. 2. V3. 3. Vl3. 4. VM. 5. VQ. 

136. Surd Forms. Radicals whose radicands are alge- 
braic numbers are generally considered surds unless the 
radicand is the wth power of an algebraic number, n being 
the index of the root. 

Va + b, V(« + by, Va + b + xy are surds. y 

V(a — x) s , Va*^ 8 , Va^ + 2 xy + y 2 are radicals, but not 


These latter expressions are frequently spoken of as 

being in the surd form. 

137. Irrational Numbers. An expression involving a 
surd or surds is an irrational. 

5 ■+- V6, 3 -)- V2 — V5 are irrationals. 


138. Kinds of Surds. The order of a surd is denoted by 
the index of the root. V5, -s/i, Vx are surds of second, 
third, and nth orders respectively. Surds of the second 
order are generally called quadratic surds, those of the 
third order cubic surds, etc. 

Surds are of the same order when they have the same 
root index. •\ / 'l6, -y/x, -y/a + b are surds of the same 

A monomial surd consists of a single surd term. 

A binomial surd consists of two surd terms, or a surd 
and a rational term. V5 + V2, 5 + VlO are binomial 

A trinomial surd consists of three terms, two of which 
at least are surds. 3+V2 — ^5 and VB + -v/2 — 4 V5 
are tFinomial surds. 

A mixed surd consists of a rational factor and a surd 
factor. 5VB, 4a/2, ay/x + y are mixed surds. 

A surd is in its simplest form when the root index is 
the smallest possible and the radicand the simplest possi- 
ble integral expression. 

V27 = V9x3 = V9x V3 = 3V3 (simplest form). 
V36 = V6 (simplest form). 

* a * a* V a 2 a 

Similar surds are those which, when reduced to their 
simplest form, have the same surd factor. 
5V4, 8V4 are similar surds. 
In this chapter only quadratic surds will be considered. 

139. Transformation of Quadratic Surds. A rational 
quantity may be put in quadratic surd form by squaring 



it and indicating its square root. Thus, 5 = VW= V25. 
This is readily extended to the case of reducing' a mixed 
surd to an entire surd. 

5V3 = V25x3 = V75; 4 Vz = Vl6x~2 = V32. 

A quadratic surd is reduced to its simplest form by 
factoring the radicand and removing to the left of the 
radical one of each pair of equal factors. 

(1) V72 = V2 2 -b 2 -2 = 6V2. 

(2) Simplify V75+V243-VT08-V27. 

V75 = V52x~3=5V8. 

V248 = VWx~S = 9 V3. 

VIM = VWxTz = 6 V3. 

V27=VJ?x~3 = 3V8. 

The expression now is 

5 V3 + 9 V3 - 6 V3 - 3 V3 = 5 VS. 


Simplify the following surd expressions : 

1. 2V3-4V3 + 6V3. 

2. VI2+V27-V75. 

3. V50-V32 + 2V18-5V8. 

4. V300+V108-VM3. 

5. 3VSy-2V«y + 13V«/. 

6. V25 a 3 6 3 - V81 ab + VlHW. 

7. V3 (x + y) 2 - 5 V27 (a? + 2xy + y 2 )+ V12 (x + y)(x + y). 

8. VaV(> + zf- V9aV(2/ + z)+ 3 V16 (y + «) 3 - 



^125 + V245 - V320 + V405 - V720. 

10. V8ar ! -24^+18a;-V2!« 3 - 12^+18*. 

11. V8 m s - 16 m?n + 8 mw 2 - V2 m 3 + 4 m 2 m + 2 mm B . 

12. (a;-y)V3+V3^f6^T37-(a! + y)VI08. 

13. V4 cc 8 + 4 afy + V4 a;?/ 2 + 4 y 8 . 

14. 5V9 a 2 b + 27 a 2 + 7 ay/25 & + 75. 

15. V48 xy 2 + yy/75 x + V3 x (x - 9 y) 2 . 

16. -VWa 3 - V3 a 3 + 27 a& 2 - 18 a 2 & + V27atf. 

17. V5(a-6) 2 -V20a 2 +40a6+20 6 2 +V20a 2 -40a6+206 2 . 

18. a/99-V176 + V539+4V275. 

19. VB2- 

-3V117 + 5V1573. 
20. (a + 6)V(a-&) 2 (a; + 2/) + (a-6)V(a; + 2/)(a + 6) 2 

(3 a - 4 &)V(3a + 4&) 2 + 2/). 

140. Product of Quadratic Surds. Products of surds obey 

the following law : r- ,-r ,—r 

(1) V27xV32 = 3V3x4V2 

= 12V3xV2 
= 12V6. 

(2) V3(a + 5)xV2(a-J) = V6(a 2 -62). 

(3) VTM-5- V48=5V6^-4V3 = 4V| = |V2. 


Multiply the following surds : 

1. V20xV80. 3. 5 V3 x V48 x V75 x V15. 

2. V32 X V200 X V50. 4. 3VaKxVT6AxV48«^; 


5. V(x — yf x V(x — yf. 

6. V60 a?f x -ViMxy x V36 aty 4 . 

7. V3 (a - b) 3 x V2 (a - b) x V6 (a - bf. 

8. V5 (a: — yf x V20(a; + y) i! x V3 (x - yf(x> +xy + y 2 ). 
Simplify : 

V5, aa: 2 x V72 g 2 (x + y ) a x V2 (* — y) 
V25 oV X V32a(a; — y)\x + y) 
10. (V32 + V48)h-(V2 + V3). 

141. Multiplication of Polynomial Surd Expressions. Such 
expressions as 

(a + Vb + Vc) x (a - V6 + Vc) 

are multiplied together in the same way as integral 
.expressions, the extended law for multiplication of radi- 
cals being observed. 


a + Vb + 


a — V5 + 


a 2 + a V6 + 


— aVb 




+ Vbc + o 

a 2 +2 a^/c —b +c 

(2) (l + V3)x(V2-V5) = V2 + V6-V5-VI3. 


Multiply the following : 

1. (1+V3)x(l-V3). 5. (3V2-4)(3V2 + 4). 

2. (2-V5)x(2 + V5). 6. (6V3-2)(3V3-1). 

3. (V2+V3)(V2-V3). 7. (V2 + V5) 2 . 

4. (2V3-1)(2V3 + 1). 8. (V2 + V3-1) 2 . 


9. (2V3 + l)(V3 + 2). 

10. (V5+v3 + 4)(V5-V3-4). 

11. (2V3-3V5 + 1)(5V3 + 2V5-1). 

12. ftV7-iVB)(iV7 + iV6). 

13. (V3 + 1)(V9-V3 + 1). 

14. (Va + Vb — Vc)(Va— Vb + Vc). 

15. (2VS-3-\4-5Vi)(2VS + 3Vy-5Vz). 
16 V5-V7 y 2V5 + 2V7 

2V3-4V5 3V3 + 6V5 

142. Conjugate Binomial Snrds. 

Two quadratic binomial surds differing only in the sign 
of a surd term are called conjugate surds. 

Va + V6 and Va — V6, or x + Vy and x — Vy, 

are conjugate binomial surds. 

( Va + V6) x ( Va - Vb) = Va 2 _ VP = a - i. 

(# + Vy) x (a; — Vt/) = x 2 — V«/ 2 = x 2 — y. 

The product of two conjugate binomial surds is rational. 

143. Rationalizing Factors. When the product of two 
surd expressions is rational, one expression is said to be the 
rationalizing factor of the other. 

For example : Va — V6 is the rationalizing factor of 
Va+V6, because (Va + V&)(Va — V3) = a — b, a rational 

x + s/y is the rationalizing factor of x — V#, because 
(a; -_VV) O + Vy) = a; 2 - y. 

V5 is the rationalizing factor of V5, because V5 x V5 = 5. 


Suppose the value of —= -= is required. It will 

V5— V3 

evidently be very much simpler if we first rationalize the 

V5 V5(v5 + V3) 5+VI5 5+V15 

V5-V8 (V5-Vi5)(V5 + V3) 5-3 2 

VT-V2 (VT-V2)V2 VI4-2 


V2 ~ V2V2 


Rationalize the denominators of the following fractions : 

! V|. 5 5 9 2±V3. 

V2 4-2V3 V3-1 

2 1±V2. 6 _^_. 10. 3+Vg - 

V3 5-2V6 3-V5 

3 V2+V3 ? 3V6 X1 4+2V3 

2V2 4-3V7 ' V5-V3 

2 „ 1+V2 12 3-4VB 

1+V2 1-V2 2V3-V2 

13 5 + 8V5 17 l+SVs-l 

2VS-V3 l-3Vas-l 

^ 4 3 + 2V2 + V3 , 18 V^ + Vy 

2V5 + 3V7 (x + y) + ^/2xy 

3 + 4 Vo" 19 _ a; - Va;y + y 

Va + V6 ^/x — Vy 

2 + 3Va + V& , 20 Vffl-2& + V2a-& 

2Va + 4V& Va-26- V2a-6 


144. Rationalizing a Trinomial Surd. A trinomial surd 
expression may be rationalized by two operations. 

(1) Rationalize Va+Vi+Ve. First multiply by 
Va + y/b — Ve. This gives a + b — c + 2 Vab. Now 
multiply by a + b — c — 2 Va5. This gives (a + b — c) 2 — 4 ab, 
a rational expression. Hence the rationalizing factor of 
Va + Vb + Vc is (Va +Vb— Vc) (a + & — c — 2 Vol). 

(2) To rationalize v'2 + VB + V5, we multiply by 
( V2 + V3 - V5)(2 +3-5-2 V6). This will give a 
product 24. 


Find the rationalizing factors of the following : 

1. 1+V2+V3. 5. V10-V2+V3. 

2. V3+V5 + V7. 6. Va + Vfc + c. 

3. V3+V2 + V5. 7. 1-2V2 + 3V3. 

4. V5-V2 + 1. 8. 2Va-V2& + 3Vc. 

145. Rational Numbers and Surds. 

TheoremI. If Vz and Vy be surds, then V» can not 
equal a + y/y, where a is rational. 

For, assuming Vx =a + Vy, and squaring, we have 

x=a? + y + 2a Vy, 

or a: - ffi2 --y = Vy. 

2a y 

But the left member of this supposed equality is rational, 
and therefore can not equal the surd Vy. 

Hence, Vx =£ a + Vy. 

The sign =£ is read, is not equal. 


Theorem II. If a + Vx = b + V«/, where a and b are 
rational, and if ~Vx and ~\/y are surds, then a = b and x = y. 

The proof of this theorem is similar to that of Theorem I. 

We have 1 ,— ,- 

a — b +Vz = ~vy. 

Squaring, (a — S) 2 + 2 (a — b} Vx + x = y. 

Transposing, — x + y — (a — J) 2 = 2 (a — V) Vx. 

Here, a rational number, — x + y — (a — J) 2 , is equal to 
2 (a — 5) times a surd. But this can not be true, except in 
the case a = b ; but when a = b the original equality says 
that x = y. 

146. Square Root of a Binomial Surd. The square root of 
certain binomial surds may be extracted. 

(1) Find the square root of 5 + 2 Vo. 

Let V5 + 2 Vti = Vx + Vy. 

Then 5 + 2 V6 = x + y + 2 Vxy, by squaring. 

x + y = 5, xy = 6, by Theorem II. 

The question now is to find two numbers whose sum is 
5, and whose product is 6. These are seen to be 2 and 3. 

Hence, V5 + 2 V6 = V2 + V3. 

(2) Find the square root of 8 — 2 Vl5. 

As in (1), let V8 - 2 Vl5 =Vx-Vy~. 
Then 8-2 VlB = x + y - 2 Vay. 

x + y = 8, a;y = 15, 
then a; = 5, ?/ = 3. 

Hence, V8-2V15 = V5 - VS. 




Extract the square root of the following : 

1. 10 + 2V2I. 7. 12-V80. 

2. 12-2V35. 8. 13+2V42. 

3. 11 + 2V24. 

4. 7- V40 = 7-2ViO. 
.5. 16 + 2V55. 
6. o + 6-2V«6. 

9. 49 + 12V5. 

10. y — 2 Vy — 1. 

11. 87-12V42. 

12. a + b + c+2Vac + bc. 

147. Imaginaries. An imaginary number has already 
been defined as the even root of a negative number. 

We shall have occasion to use only the square root of 
negative numbers. 

V^5, V^IO, V^16 = 4V^T, V^, 

are imaginaries. 

It is to be noted that every square root of a negative 
number may be expressed as a real number multiplied by 
the square root of — 1. Thus, 

V^16 = - 

V^o? = - 

/16 V-1 = 4V 
^a? V — 1 =a V- 

-1; V=6 = V5V-1; 

■1; V— a = Va V— 1. 

The V — 1 is usually denoted by i, and is called the 
imaginary unit. 

148. Some Properties of / = V^l. 

(1) ." = V=1. 

(2) i» = (V=l)»=-l. 

(3) i» = (V^l)» = t(i») = -i. 



i* = (fy* = l. 


v> =i(fi~)={. 


t» = i(i6) = ia=_] 


{i = i (i e ) = — i. 


t * = (#)> = !. 


i 9 = i(i 8 ) = i ; etc. 

This table shows that the powers of i repeat the values 
V — 1, — 1, — V — 1, 1, in cycles of four. 

149. Operations with Imaginaries. All the operations 
possible with surds are also possible with imaginaries. 
The properties of i must be observed. 

(1) V-36+V^81+V^100 

= V86(- 1) + V81(- 1) + V100(- 1) 
= 6 V^~I + 9V^1 + lOV^T 
= 6i + 9i+10i 
= 25i. 

(2) V-48 + V^75+V^243 

= Vl6(- 3) + V25(- 3) + V81(- 3) 
= 4iV3 + 5zV3 + 9iV3 
= 18 i VS. 
(3) y^Tg x V^7 = V5 i x VT * 

= V5VT« 

= V35i 2 

= -V35. 



(4) (V-3+V-2)(V^3-V^2)_ 

= (i V3 + »V2) (»VB - iV2) 
= i 2 ( V3 + V2) (V 3 - V2) 
= i 2 (3 - 2) 
= - 1(3 - 2) 
= -1. 

(5) (3 + zV2) 2 =9 + 6iV2 + i 2 -2 

= 9 + 6V2i-2 
= 1 + 6V2L 
,«n 5+V3z 

(6) 5~Vl7 

To rationalize and make real the denominator, multiply 
both terms of the fraction by 5 + V3 i. 
(5 + VSi) (5 + V3Q ^ 25 + 10V3i - 3 _ 22 + 10V3 i 
(5-V8t)(5+V30 25 -3J 2 25 -(-3) 

_ 22 + 10V3z 

_ 11 + 5V3^ 


1. V :r l8+V-128-V : 
(3i + V2i)x5V2i = ? 
(4-V3i) 2 =? 
(V^3 + V2) (V^2+3)=? 

50 = ? 




3 + 2V3i 


(Make denominator real and 

8. V-75-=-V^25 = ? 


9. (a;V— x + y\/— y) (a;V— x — y^J—y) = ? 
a + bi _ 9 



a — bi 

(- 1 - 

+ 2i 

V-58! 3 





150. Graphical Representation of Imaginaries. Complex 

Numbers. We are accustomed to represent real numbers 
upon a straight line, the positive numbers in one direction 
and the negative numbers in the opposite direction. 

4 3 2 10 1 

3 4 


0JL = 1, 

OA' = - 1, 
lxi 2 =-l. 



Hence, multiplying 1 by i 2 turns it so as to reverse it in 
direction. OA is turned about to the position OA' when 
it is multiplied by i 2 ; that is, OA is turned through a half 
circle. From this we conclude that, when OA is multi- 
plied by i, it will be turned half as far ; that is, to the 
position OB. If OA is multiplied by i 3 , it will be turned 
to the position OB'. It is customary to regard BB' as 
the line of imaginaries. 

A number like 3 + 2 i is called a complex number. The 
type form of such a number is 

a + bi. 



The following diagram shows how complex numbers are 
graphically represented. 

(,P S 1 -3+S( 





(IS 1-2 1 



Locate on a diagram the following complex numbers : 
1- i + i. 4. -3 + i. 

2. -3-3t. 

3. 2 -5s. 

5. 5-fi. 

6- i + ii. 


151. Definition. An equation in which the highest power 
of the. variable is two is called a quadratic equation. 

Thus, 3z 2 + 4a; + 5 = 0, a^-5ar + l = 0, ax 2 + b = 0, 
are quadratics. 

152. Type. Every quadratic in a single variable may 
be reduced to the type ax 2 + bx + c = 0, where a may be 
any quantity except 0, b may be any quantity, and c may 
be any quantity. 

3 a; 2 — 4x + 5 = 0isa special form of the type, in which 
a = 3, b = — 4, and c = 5. 


Eeduce the following equations to the form of the type 
ax 2 + bx + c = 0, and indicate the particular values of a, b, and 
c in each case : 

1. 13a 2 = 7aj-5. . at-ll 3x-2 


2. 6x = %-x>. g-4_ 7a?-3 
(Clear of fractions.) 5 - — j= — q 

3 2^7 = 2-^. 6 s+i-5-S. 

a; a; 



7 . t^ = 2x + 3 -. 9. 3 J*+± = 2x. 
x + 1 4 x 

8. *±| = . + 8. 10. **±l- 2 -*±*. 

k + 2 as + 1 * + 2 

153. The Pure Quadratic. If 6 = 0, the general quad- 
ratic ax 2 + bx + c = becomes ax 2 + c = 0, an equation 
sometimes called a pure quadratic. 

The solutions of ax 1 + c = are easily found. 

' Transposing <?, arK 2 = — c. 

Dividing by a, a?— — 


Extracting the square root, x = ± -v 

If a and c have like signs, the roots ±\j are both 

* a 

imaginary ; if a and c have unlike signs, the roots are both 

real. . — - 

Thus, 3 x 2 + 5 = has the roots x=± \/—jr- , which are 


imaginary; 3a; 2 — 5 = has the roots x= ±\/-, which are 
real. *> 

7%e roots are rea? and rational if a and c have unlike 

signs, and - is a perfect square ; the roots are irrational 

when - is not a perfect square, 


3 x 2 — 5 = has the roots x = ± a/- , which are irrational ; 


— = ± 3, which are rational. 



Keduce the following equations to the form of the type: 

ax 2 +c = 0. 
1 ^,11_q 4 a; — 5 3x 


7 3 
(Clear o£ fractions.) 
«-3 = _3_ 
5 x + 3' 


3 x 

ix + 5 

3a; + 4_ 

5 x- 


5* + 3 



4 a; — 5 


_ x , 2 x 2 — 5 A 

3. = + -71 = 0. x ix + 5 

7 14 a; 

cc-3 5-a; o ? , 4_5. 

4- = ^ ■ 5 ^ 7, ~~ 7 

a; + 5 * + 3 3 

a; a; 

3 a: 2 - 7 = x 10 3a;-7 = a; 

7a; 11 ' "a; 3as'+7' 


Solve the following equations : 

1. Ix 2 -112 = 0. 

First Solution. 
Transposing, 7 x 2 = 112. 

Dividing by 7, x 2 = 16. 

Extracting the square root, a: = ± 4, rational roots. 

Second Solution. 

The general pure quadratic 

ax 2 + c = 


has the solutions i = ±i 

' a 

Comparing 7 z 2 - 112 = with this general equation, 
a = 7,c = -112. 

Hence, x= ±^ -(~ 112 ) = ± y"g = ± V 16 = ±4. 


x-3_ J2_. , aj . + 3« zl 6 = 3 

2 ' 6 ~z + 3 + 2 2 

x-3 = rf-Gx + 49. JS*,. 3a; + 30 

2 ^5 ' 5 

5. 3 a; 2 -fa,- 2 = 21. 9. _^ + 5 + ^±i = f + 16a£ 

4. (as + 3) (x -3) = 2 a; 2 -45. 
la; 2 - 
5 a; 
a + 4 - 3a; ' 10. - ax 2 + 25 & = 0. 

154. Solution of the General Quadratic, ax 2 + bx + c = 0. 

Dividing through by a, we have 

x* + -x + -=0. 
a a 

Transposing, x 2 + -x = 


Adding — - (the square of half the coefficient of x) to 
both sides, we have 

, , b , b 2 b 2 c 

x -\ — x -\ = 

a 4 a 2 4 a 2 a 

J 2 - 4 ac 

4 a 2 
This is called completing the square, because it always 
makes the first member of the equation a square. 
Extracting the square root of both sides, 

, b , Vb 2 - 4 ac 

Transposing, x = 

_ -&± 


6 Vfi> 

! — 4ae 

2a ■ 


- 6 ± V6 2 - 

- 4ac 


This result shows that the quadratic ax 2 + bx + c — has 
two roots ; namely, 

-6 + V6 2 -4ac 



x = - 

■ b-Vb 2 -i 



This is the solution of the general quadratic and may 
be taken as the type solution for all quadratics. 

Solve 3 x 2 + 8^ + 5 = 0. 

First Solution. 
Dividing by 3, x 2 + | x + 1- = 0. 

Transposing, x 2 + f x — — J. 

Completing the square, 

<r2_i_j$.™i l_g._J_fi._l._l 

Extracting the square root, 

x= ~~5 ± S 
= — 1 and — |^. 

Verifying the Solution : Put x — — 1 in the equation 
3 x 2 + 8 x + 5 = and 

3(_l)2 + 8(-l) + 5 = 3-8 + 5 = 0. 
Put x = — f and 

3(-!) 2 + 8(-f) + 5=¥-¥ + 5-¥-¥ + ¥ = <>- 

Replacing the variable of an equation by a root reduces 
the equation to an identity. This process is called verify- 
ing the solution. 


Second Solution. 
Comparing 3a?+8x +5= with ax 2 + bx + c = 0, 

a = 3, 6 = 8, and e = 5. 
Let us substitute these values in the type solution, viz., 

and we have 

- b ± V6 2 - 









1 an 

It will be noticed that the substitution in the type solu- 
tion gives results identical with those obtained by carrying 
out all the steps of dividing, transposing, completing the 
square, extracting the root, and transposing. 


Solve the following equations by both processes in the order 
of the above illustration and verify your results : 

1. 2 a? -5 a; = 3. io. 11 a? ^ 39 x + 20. 

2. 4a3 2 +7ar=l5. u. 6^ + 7^-20 = 0. 

3. 3»a; 2 = 19a;+14. 12 6^-47 a; + 77 = 0. 

13. f a 2 + 4a; + 10 = 0. 

4. 5 a 2 -12 = 4a;. 

5. 6 3^ + 35-15 = 0. 

6. a? = |+18. 

7. 5 a; + 77 = 12 x\ "' * X ~12 = " 

8. 15 sc 2 - 8 = 37 a:. 16. l+£a; = -3a; 2 . 

9. 7a^ + 7=50a;. 17. a; 2 + 1 = - 2.9 a;. 




1 2i 3 

x-2 x + 2 5 

20. ?-l « 

a; ar 

21 ± -3 

21. 2 + a;- — = 0. 


5a; + 20 20-5a; 

« » x ~ 3 | 

x x+S_2 

a; — 3 a; 

a; + 3 x 3 

23. x 2 + 2 bx + c = i 


24. ar* — (m + n)x -f 

• mti = o. 

25. (a — 6)a; 2 — bx = 


26. (a 2 -6> 2 -(a ! 

' + b*)x + ab = 0. 

1 1 



b — x b + x b' — x 1 

28. Va; 2 — 5 x = 

29. V^ 2 — 8a; + 5 = 

Va^ — 5 x 


Va; 2 -8a; + 5 

30. V«a^ + ex = 

Vaa; 2 + ca; 

155. The Double Root. 

Solve 2a; 2 -20a; + 50 = Q. 

Comparing with the type ax 2 + bx ■+ c = 0, we have 
a = 2, 6 = -20, c=50. 


Hence, a; = ■ 


= 20 ± V0 


= 5±0. 


In this case the roots are 5 + and 5 — ; that is, 5 in 
each case. Hence, the equation has two equal roots. In 
the above example 5 is said to be a double root. The 
quantity under the radical, b 2 — 4 ac, is 400 — 400 or 0. 
Hence, the condition for a double root, or two coincident 

roots > is 12 a n 

b l — 4 ac = 0, 

where a, b, c are the coefficients in the general quadratic 

ax 2 + bx + c = 0. 


Solve the following equations, noting those which have double 
(coincident) roots : 

1. z 2 -4a: + 4 = 0. 6. 3?-\x + ^ = 0. 

2. 4^ + 403 + 1 = 0. 7. 5a^-4x-l = 0. 

3. 3^-23-1 = 0. 8. 25x 2 + 30a; + 9 = 0. 

4. 4^-12 0! + 9 = 0. 9. ^ t x i + ^x + l=0. 

5. 3a? 2 + 4a; + l=0. 10. -3 a; 2 + 4 x + f = 0. 

156. Irrational Roots. 

Solve 3 a; 2 -9a: + 2 = 0. 
Comparing with the type 

ax 2 + bx + c = 0, 
we have a = 3, b = — 9, ,c = 2. 

Hence, , = 9±V81-24 




Here it will be noticed that the roots are irrational. 
The quantity under the radical, 6 2 — 4 ac, is 81 — 24 or 56, 
and is not a perfect square. The roots are conjugate surds. 


Solve the following equations : 

1. ix 2 + x-l = 0. _ as 2 ix 1 _ n 

2. 3a; 2 -7x + 3 = 0. 6 (x-l){x-2) = l. 

3. 2z 2 + lla;-7 = 0. * 7 - 8a 2 -21 = 20». 

a 2 , 1 3 

4. 5x i -Sx-'3 = 0. ' x-2 3sc-l x-3 

9 . 20,-^-^ = ^-251. 
2 5 2 * 

10. 9 mW — w 2 = 6 m 3 n s x. 

157. Complex Boots. 

Solve 5z 2 -7a; + 3=0. 
Comparing with the type 

ax 2 + bz + c=0, 
we have a = 5, b = — 7, c = 3. 









In this case the roots are imaginary. The quantity 
under the radical, 5 2 — 4 ae, is 49 — 60 or — 11, which is 
negative and therefore its square root is imaginary. The 
roots in this case are conjugate complex numbers. 



Solve the following equations : 

1. x 2 -5x + 8 = 0. 5. - 3x 2 + 13 a; = 20. 

2. 2a; 2 + 9a; + ll = 0. 6. x 2 + .5x + .3 = 0. 

3. 3a,' 2 -10a; + 9 = 0. 7. - .3^+ .8x- .6= 0. 

4. 7a 2 -lla; + 8 = 0. 8. f^-f a + £ = 0. 

158. The Discriminant. The solution of the general 
quadratic ax' 2 + bx + c = is 

_ — b ± y/b 2 — iac 
*~ 2a 

From the examples just given we see that the character 
of the roots is determined by the quantity under the radi- 
cal. This quantity, 6 2 — 4 ac, is called the discriminant of 
the quadratic. 

159. Some Conclusions. 

(1) When b 2 — 4 ac = a square, the roots are real, rational, 
and different. 

(2) When b 2 — 4 ac = 0, the roots are real, rational, and 

(3) When b 2 — 4 ac = a positive number not a square, the 
roots are real and conjugate surds. 

(4) When b 2 — iac = a negative number, the roots are 
conjugate, complex numbers. 

(1) 4a; 2 - 7 x + 3 = 0. 

The discriminant b 2 — 4 ac = 49 — 48 = 1. 
Hence, the roots of this equation are real, rational, and 


(2) 2 z 2 - 4z + 2 = 0. 

The discriminant b 2 — 4 ac = 16 — 16 = 0. 
Hence, the roots of this equation are real, rational, and 

(3) 5 x* + 8 x- 2 = 0. 

The discriminant b 2 — 4 ac = 64 + 40 = 104. 

Since 104 is not a square, the roots are conjugate surds. 

(4) 7z 2 -5a;+l = 0. 

The discriminant b 2 - 4 ac = 25 - 28 = - 3. 
Since the square root of — 3 is imaginary, the roots are 
conjugate complex numbers. 


By means of the discriminant tell what kind of roots belong 
to each of the following equations : 

1. x 2 — 5a; — 9 = 0. 6. az 2 + 2 ax - (a - 4) = 0. 

2. 7ar ! + 3a;-l = 0. 7. 11 x 2 - 3x + ^ = 0. 

3. 5a; 2 + 9a; + ll = 0. 8. ar ! -3a; + £ = 0. 

4. 6a; 2 — 7a; + 4 = 0. 9. 4 a; 2 + 13 a; + 11 = 0. 

5. 9^ — 13a; + 4 = 0. 10. aa? + 5x — l = 0. 


Solve the following quadratics by comparison with the solu- 
tions of the type : 

1. 3a^ + 5a;-3 = 0. 7. 5 a; 2 - 500 = 0. 

2. 3a^-6as + l = 0. 8. -6a; 2 + 8a; = 0. 

3. -2a; 2 +8a; + 6 = 0. 9. 9a^-25a; + 50 = 0. 

4 . 6a^ + a;-2 = 0. 10. 3a? + 21 x -5 = 0. 

5. 24a; 2 + 14a:-5 = 0. 11. 7a 2 - 4a: + 3 = 0. 

6. a; 2 -.55 a; -.065 = 0. 12. -Ja: 2 -5a; + f = 0. 




-%xr - 

■ 6x-if- = 0. 

14. X 2 - 

■| = 0. 

15. lla^-|a; + I i r = 0. 

16. ^f-5!S + 8 = 0. 

The general 

160. Graphical Solution of the Quadratic, 
quadratic ax* + bx + c = 

is equivalent to the two equations 
y = x 2 , 

ay + bx + c = 0. 
For if in the second of these, we put the value of y from 
the first, we get the quadratic ax 2 + bx + c = 0. We know 
that y + bx + c = has a straight line for its graph. (Ses 
page 153.) 

Let us see what the graph of y = x 2 is. 
y can not be negative, because a square can not be 

Solving for x, we have 

x = ±y/y. 
y=Q, x = 0. 

y = % 
y = 4, 



x = + 1 and — 1 . 

a; =.+ 1.414 and -1.414. 

a; = + 1.732 and -1.732. 

x = + 2 and — 2. 


Representing these points with refer- 

(2J&6J4) ence to the coordinate axes and draw- 

(2,4) ing a smooth curve through them, 

we have the curve of the adjacent 

figure, which is the graph of y = x 2 - 

This curve is a ^-parabola and is 
the same for every quadratic. 

CU) _ x 


The line ax + by + c = can only be specifically repre- 
sented, when we give particular values to a, b, and c. 

If the quadratic becomes particular, then the line is 
specific, and we can readily draw its graph. 

Determine by means of graphs the roots of 
a? - x - 2 = 0. 

This equation is equivalent to 
y = x\ 
,y-x-2 = 0. 

In this a = 1, b = — 1, and c = — 2. 

In the equation y — x — 2 = 0, 

when y = 0, x = — 2, and when a; = 0, # = 2. 

Hence, the x-intercept is — 2 and the ^-intercept is 2. 

Now, drawing the graph upon the same diagram that 
contains the y-parabola, we get the result 
shown in the adjacent figure. 

It is seen that the line cuts the y-pa- 
rabola at P and Q. The x of P is OM, 
which is — 1, and the x of Q is ON, which 
is 2. 

The roots of the quadratic x 2 — x — 2 
= are — 1 and 2. 

Hence, we see that the intersections of 
the line ax + by + c = and the t/-parabola 
y = x 2 have for their abscissas the roots of the quadratic 
ax* + bx + o = 0. 

161. Graphical Solution of the Pure Quadratic. If the 

quadratic is ax* + e = 0, the .two equations to. which it is 
equivalent are 


+ c=0. 



Here again we have the same y-parabola. The line ay + 
e = is parallel to the z-axis, and so the abscissas of the 
two points of intersection will be equal 
in value but opposite in sign. 

Determine by means of graphs the 
roots of 3:c 2_ 12 = o. 

The equivalent equations are 

f y = * 2 > 

[3 y -12=0. 

The graphs show the two roots to be 
+ 2 and - 2. 

162. Graphical Solution in Case of Equal Roots. 

Construct graphs showing the roots of 

x 2 - 4 a; + 4 = 0. 
The equivalent equations are 
y = x 2 , 

.y-4x + 4 = 0. 

In this case the line just touches the 
parabola at P, whose abscissa is 2. 

The quadratic x 2 — 4 z + 4 = has equal 
roots, each of them being 2. 

163. Graphical Representation in Case of Imaginary Roots. 

Construct graphs showing that x 2 — 2 x + 5= has imagi- 
nary roots. 

The equivalent equations are 

,, _~2 

y-2x+5 = 0. 


This equation has imaginary roots. The line 
y- 2x + 5 = 
does not touch the parabola y = a; 2 . 

164. Certain Conclusions. 

(1) In the case of real different roots, 
the line ay + bx + c = cuts the parabola 
y = x 2 in two places. 

(2) In the case of real 'equal roots, the 
line ay + bx + c = touches the parabola 
y=x 2 , but does not cut it. 

(3) In the case of imaginary roots, the line ay + bx + c = 
is entirely outside the parabola y = x % . 


Using the parabola in the book, or a similar one of your 
own construction, solve by means of graphs the following 
equations : 

1. 2a?+x-l = 0. 

Notk. The line in this case is2y + x — 1 = 0. 

x = 0, y = \. 
y = 0, x=l. 

x and y intercepts are 1 and J. 

Merely lay a ruler across the parabola so as to 
make these intercepts, and note the abscissas of 
the points of intersection with the parabola. 

2. a! 2 -3a; + 2 = 0. 6. 5o^-6a;-8 = 0. 

3. 4a 2 +4a; + l = 0. 7. a^-4a; + 4==0. 

4. 5z 2 -8a; + 3 = 0. 8. 2a; 2 -5a; + 3 = 0. 

5. 10 tf-3 x -4 = 0. 9. 2a 2 -4a; + 3 = 0, 


165. Relations among the Roots and Coefficients of a 
Quadratic. The roots of ax 2 +bx + c = are 

_6 + V6 2 - 

- 4ae 


-J-Vft 2 - 

- 4 ac 


Here we use a (alpha) and /3 (beta) to represent the 
two roots. 

Adding these two roots we have 

, a — b+Vb 2 — 4ac , — b— V6 2 — 4ae 

« + £= ^ + o 

2a 2a 

-25 5 

2 a a 

Multiplying together these two roots, we have 

„ = f - b + Vfi 2 - 4ac V - S - Vft 2 - 4 ac\ 

_ b 2 —(b 2 — 4 at?) _ 4 ac _ c 
4 a 2 4 a 2 a 

If the coefficient of a? in the general quadratic 
ax 2 + bx + c = 

be made unity by dividing by a, the equation takes the 
form a r 

a a 

The sum of the roots a + /3 = , and the product of 

c ' a • 

the roots aft = — 

Hence, if a quadratic be written so that the coefficient of 
x 2 is unity, the coefficient of x is the negative of the sum 
of the roots, and the constant term is the product of the roots. 

This has already been seen in factoring, page 86. 


The roots of the equation 25 x 2 — 15 x + 2 = are -| and £. 
When this equation is divided by 25, it becomes 

The sum of the roots is £ + \ = f , and their product is ^. 
This sum and product are, respectively, the negative coeffi- 
cient of x and the constant term. 

166. Formation of Equations with Given Roots. If the 

roots of an equation are f and 1, what is the equation ? 

Here a = 

and /3 = 1. 

^ H 3 8 a 

«/3=(f)l = f = '- 

Hence, the equation is 

a^-fz-f f=0, 

or 3^-5^ + 2 = 0. 

In general, z 2 — (« + /3> + «/3 = is the quadratic 
equation whose roots are a and /3. 


Make equations which have the following roots : 

6. 3-iV2, 3 + «V2. 

7. 3-AV5, 3 + ^VS". 

8. a + hi, a — 6i. 

9. 31 + 5 Vmi, 3 Z — 5Vmi. 
10. V5 + fV3, VS-fVs. 


q 2 . K A . 2 


1+V5, 1-V5. 


3 + 5i, 3 — 5i. 


2-V7 2 + Vf 
3 ' 3 


5, -V- 


167. Generalized Quadratic. aX 2 + bX+c=0. 
The above is a quadratic in X. Its roots are 

X= ~ 6 ± ^ - 4 ag . 

X may be any algebraic expression. Whenever an 
equation may be arranged like the above type, it is said 
to be of the quadratic form. 

(1) 3z*+ 7^ + 4=0. 

Put s? = X, and the equation becomes 

3Z 2 +7Z+4 = 0, 

. , v -7±V49-48 

whence X= ■ 


= — 1 and — |> 


X=x 2 , 


x 2 = — 1 and — £, 


x = ± i and ± ^ V3 i. 

The roots of 

3x* + 7z 2 +4 = 


±i, ±|V3z. 

(2) O 2 -5) 2 -70z 2 -5)+12 = 0. 

Put x 2 - 5 = 

X, and the equation becomes 

X 2 -7X+12 = 0. 

(X-4)(X-8) = 0. 

X= 4 and 3. 


x 2 — 5 = 4 and 3. 

x 2 = 9 and 8. 


x=±2 and ±2V2. 


(3) 2a? + 5^/x 2 -5x+'6 = 10x + Q. 

Transposing, 2 x 2 — 10 x + 5 V:e 2 — 5x + '6 — 6 = 0. 
By adding 6 and subtracting 6, we have 

2 z 2 - 1 a; + 6 + 5 Vz 2 -5z + 3-6-6 = 0, 

or, 2(a; 2 -5a: + 3) + 5Va; 2 -5a; + 3-12=.0. 

Put Vx 2 — 5 a; 4- 3 = X, and the equation becomes 
2X 2 + 5X-12 = 0, or (2J-.8)(Z + 4) = 0. 

Since -X"= Va£ — 5x + 3, we have 

Va; 2 — 5a; + 3 = — 4 and |-. 

a; 2 -5a: + 3 = 16 and f. 

ai 2 -5a;-13 = 0anda; 2 -5a ; + | = 0. 


5±V25 + 52 





5±VTT and 




The roots are 


Solve the following equations : 

1. (» 2 + 3a;) + 3Va; 2 + 3a;-4 = 0. 

2. (a?-2xy-5(a*-2x) + 6 = 0. 

3. a; + 3o^ + 2 = 0. 

4. V5o 2 + 4a; + 3(5a; 2 + 4a;) = 24. 

5. (3a; + 5)+4V3a; + 5 + 7 = 0. 


7. 3(2a; + 4)-4V2a; + 4 + l = 0. 

8. ^ + 7^-18 = 0. 

9. : b 4 + 4^ + 4 + 5(^ + 2)-6 = 0. 

10. £^-5^ = 36. 

11. a; 4 -9 a: 2 = 400. 

12. 2x — 8+V2a; — 5 = — 1. 

13. a;— 5— V2x — 11 = 8. 

14. a; 2 -2a; + 2Var ! -2a;-5 = l. 

15. aj 2 + a; + V^ + a; + 5 = 25. 

16. x 2 + 5a; + 4 = 5Va^ + 5a; + 28. 

17. x> + 5x — Vx? + 5x + 14: = 42. 
18 3 Va + 7 ^ Vx+5 
■Vx + 3 Va; 

19. Va?-3^'a? = 40. 

20. 2a^ — 3a; + 6V2a^-3a; + 2 = 14. 


1. One half a number plus the square of the number is 150. 
Find the number. 

2. The sum of two numbers is 15 and their product is 56. 
Find the numbers. 

3. Find two numbers whose sum is 30 and whose product 
is 216. 

4. Separate 41 into two parts such that the product of the 
part is 330. 


5. Two numbers differ by 3, and the sum of their squares 
is 225. Find the numbers. 

6. The sum of the squares of three consecutive numbers is 
434. Find the numbers. 

7. A rectangular lot is 32 feet longer than it is wide. It 
contains 13200 square feet. What are the dimensions ? 

8. A man buys a certain number of chickens for $ 6. If 
he had paid 10 cents apiece more for each, he would have 
gotten 5 fewer for his money. How many chickens did he 

9. Find a number such that if its square be diminished by 
1, | of the remainder is 18 more than 10 times the number. 

10. There are two numbers whose difference is 8. If 540 
is divided by each of these numbers, the difference of the 
quotients is 18. Find the numbers. 

11. One side of a rectangle is 7 feet longer than the other 
and its diagonal is 13 feet. Find the area. 

12. The difference of the reciprocals of two consecutive 
numbers is t£w Find the numbers. 

13. The difference between the reciprocals, two consecutive 
odd numbers, is ¥ |^. Find the numbers. 

14. By increasing his speed 1 mile an hour a man finds that 
he takes 3 hours less than usual to walk 60 miles. What is 
his ordinary rate ? 

15. The larger of two pipes will fill a cistern in 6 minutes 
less time than the smaller. When both pipes are open, the 
cistern is filled in 13^ minutes. Find the time required by 
each pipe to fill the cistern. 

16. A and B have a distance of 150 miles to travel. B 
starts 10 hours before A and arrives 10 hours after A. A 
travels 2 miles an hour faster than B. What is the rate of 
each per hour ? 


17. A rectangular field is 4 times as long as it is wide. If 
the width is increased 20 rods, its area is doubled. Find the 
area of the field. 

18. What number increased by 4 and squared is equal \ of 
itself increased by 10 and squared ? 

19. A man sold a horse for $.144, thereby gaining as many 
per cent as the horse cost him dollars. What was the cost of 
the horse ? 

20. A boat's crew can row 9 miles down a river and back 
in 4 hours. The rate of rowing in still water is double the 
rate of the current. Find the rate of rowing and the rate of 
the current. 

21. The hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle is 5 feet 
longer than the base and 10 feet longer than the perpendicular. 
Find the sides of the triangle. 

22. The sum of two numbers is a and their product is 6. 
What are the numbers ? 

23. The perimeter of a rectangular field is 168 rds. and 
its area is 9 A. Find the length of the sides. 

24. Two men start at the same time from the vertex of a 
right angle and walk along its sides at the rate of 3 and 4 miles 
per hour, respectively. In how many hours are they 50 miles 
apart ? 


168. When simultaneous equations involve quadratics, 
they must be solved by methods which depend upon the 
form of the equations. The various methods are shown 
under the following cases : 

Case I. 

169. A Linear and a Quadratic. A simultaneous set of 
this kind may always be solved. The equations are of the 

(1) ax 2 + bxy + cy 2 — d, 

(2) lx+my=k. 

(3) x = ! ^=f%, from (2). 

(4) a ^^)\h(^fy)y + cf = d, 

by substituting in (1). 

(5) (am 2 - Mm + cP)y 2 + (bile - 2 ahm)y + ah 2 - dP = 0, 

by rearranging (4). 

Equation (5) is a quadratic in y, and' therefore has two 
roots. The substitution of these roots in (3) will give 
two values of x. Hence, the set of equations has two 
roots, and only two. 



In the above we have used general equations and we 
have found that the solution depends upon a quadratic in 
one variable. Such a quadratic can always be solved. 
Hence the simultaneous set can always be solved. 

I. Solve the following equations : 

(1) x 2 + y 2 = 25, 

(2) 7 y-x = 25. 

(3) x=7y-25, from (2). 

(4) 49 y 2 - 350 y + 625 + y 2 = 25, by substituting in (1) . 

(5) 50# 2 -350«/ + 600 = 0. 

(6) y 2 - ly + 12 = 0, by dividing (5) by 50. 

(7) (y - 3) (y - 4) = 0, by factoring (6). 

(8) y = 3 and 4. 

(9) x = 7 x 3 - 25 and 7 x 4 - 25, 

by substituting in (3). 
(10) x = - 4 and 3. 

The roots are (- 4, 3) and (3, 4). 

Care should be given to the proper association of the 
values of x and y. It should be remembered that a root 
is a properly associated value of x and of y. 

The graphs of x 2 + y 2 = 25 and 7 y — x = 25. 
From x 2 + y 2 = 25 we have 

y = ±V25-a; 2 - 

When £= % y = +5 and —5; 

(0, 5), (0, —5) are roots. 

When a;=+land -1, y = 2V6and -2V6; 

(1, 2V6), (1, -2V6), (-1,2 V6), (-1, -2V6) are roots. 


When a: =2 and -2, y = V21 and -V21; 
(2, V21), (2, - V21), (-2, V21), (-2, - V21) are roots. 
When x = 3 and — 3, y = 4 and — 4 ; 
(3, 4), (3, -4), (-3, 4), (-3, -4) are roots. ^ 

When x — 4 and — 4, y = 3 and — 3 ; 
(4, 3), (4, -3), (-4, 3), (-4, -3) are roots. 
When x = 5 and — 5, y = and ; 
(5, 0) and ( — 5, 0) are roots. 

Locating these roots and drawing a curve through them, 
we find the graph to be a circle. 

The graph of 7 y — x = 25 is a 
straight line. It is the line PQ. 
This line cuts the circle in the two 
points P and Q. The coordinates of 
the two points P and Q, where the 
line cuts the circle, are ( — 4, 3) and 
(3, 4). These are the two roots of 
the given equations. That they should be the roots 
appears from the fact that they are the only two points 
whose coordinates are the same for the line and the circle. 

II. Solve the following equations : 

(1) x 2 + y 2 = 25. 

(2) Sx + 4y = 25. 




x= ■ 


from (2). 

(4) 625-200y + 16y' + f= ^ by substitufcing in (1> 

(5). 625-200^+16 y 2 + 9 y 2 = 225. 
(6) 25 y 2 - 200 y + 400 = 0. . > 




y 2 - 8 y + 16 = 0. 


(y-4)(y-4) = o. 


y = 4 and 4. 


25 -4x4 , 25 -4x4 

x = and x = 3 


x = 3 and 3. 

The roots are (3, 4) and (3, 4). 

These roots are the same. Equations (1) and (2) are 
said to have a double, root. 

The graphs of x 2 + y 2 = 25 and 3 x + 4 y = 25. 
a^ + y 2 =25is the same circle as in (1) . 3 x + 4 y = 25 is 
a straight line. The graphs are 
shown in the adjacent figure. 

In this case the line PQ, which 
is the graph of 3 x + 4 y = 25, 
^-P does not cut the circle, but just 
touches it at the point Q. The 
coordinates of the point Q are 
(3, 4). (3, 4) is one of the two 
equal roots of the given equa- 
tions. In the case of equal roots the graph of the linear 
equation just touches the graph of the quadratic equation. 

III. Solve the following equations : 

(1) z 2 + j ! = 25. 

(2) x + y = 10. 

(3) s = 10-y. 

(4) 100-20 y + y»+y«= s 25. 



2?/ 2 -20y + 75 = 0. 
20 ± V400 - 600 


20 ±10- 

10±5V^2 10±5V2i 


as = 10- 


The roots are 
'10-5V2t 10+5 V2 1 

10 + 5V2i 10-5V2t 


2— / 

, and . 

2_ 2 7 V '2 

These roots are both imaginary. 

The graphs of a; 2 + y 2 = 25 
and z + y = 10 are shown in 
the adjacent figure. 

In this case the line P Q, which 
is the graph of a; + «/ = 10, neither 
cuts nor touches the circle. 
In the case of imaginary roots 
the graph of the linear equation 
neither cuts nor touches the 
graph of the quadratic. 

170. Graph of the Quadratic in x and /. From the pre- 
ceding discussion it must not be inferred that the graph 


of the quadratic equation in x and y is always a circle. 
It may be any one of the following curves : 

Circle Ellipse Parabola Hyperbola 

Graph of 4 3? + 9 y 2 = 36. 

t? 4.1 ■ - /-3b' — 4 x 2 
B rom this y =-y 


When x= 0, y = 2 and - 2 ; (0, 2), (0, -2) are roots. 

When a; = 1 and - 1, y = $ V2 and - |V2 ; 
(1, |V2), (1, -|V2), (-1, |V2), (-1, -|V_2) are roots. 
" When x = 2 and- 2, */ = |V5 and - f Voj 
(2, |V5), (2, -|V5), (-2, |V5), (-2, -J V5) are roots. 

When a; =3 and -3, y=Q; (3, 0), (-3, 0) are roots. 

Locating these points and drawing a curve through 
them, we have an ellipse like the following. 







11. { 

\3x-2y = 8, 
[ ixy = 32. 

x + 2y = 9, 
.rf-y 2 = 21. 

(x 2 + 3y 2 = 27, 


Solve the following sets of equations : 

' x + y = 5, 
x 2 + y 2 = 25. 

ix' + Qy^^Se, 
2 x + 3 y = 6. 

V + T/^lOO, 
I a; - y = 2. 

x + y = l5, 
xy = 56. 

'x~y = 6, 

xy == 27. 

la? + f = 106. 

3x + y = 9, 

xy=6. [x + 2y = 7, 

f 2 a; + 5 =5, 
8. i 

I 5 a^ — xy = 2. 

Construct graphs for Exercises 1, 2, 3, 5, 13. 





I x + y = 10. 

a^ + i/ 2 =26, 
a: + 5 2/ = 26. 

' 3 a; — y = 12, 
,x 2 — y 2 = 16. 

' 3 a; + 5 = 4, 
■ »W + f = 9- 

x y 

, Case II. 

171. Both Equations Quadratic of the Form ax 2 + by 2 = c. 

When the equations are of this form, one of the variables 
may be eliminated as in simultaneous equations of the first 
degree, and the resulting equation is a pure quadratic in 
the other variable. 



I. Solve 

f(l) z? + f = 16, 
1(2) 4z 2 + 25y 2 = 100. 

Multiplying (1) by 4 and subtracting from (2), 



21y 2 =36. 



*/ 2 = ±V^-=±2V|. 
a^ + ( ± V^-) 2 = 16, substituting in (1) . 

a? = 16 - \ 2 - = 10i. 

t 10 

"K-W(^ 2 4("f- 2 4 

( = , — 2-v- ). There are, as in all solutions under this 

case, four roots. 

Graphs of a? 

+ f = 16 and 4 z 2 + 25 z/ 2 = 100. The 
graph of the first equa- 
tion is a circle and of the 
second an ellipse. The}' 
are shown in the figure. 
The graphs of the two 
equations intersect in 
the four points P, Q, B, 
and S. The coordinates 
of these four points are 
the four roots of the set 
of equations. 


II. Solve 

(1) a 2 + f = 25, 

(2) 4z 2 + 25«/ 2 = :100. 

Eliminating a; 2 as in Example I, 

(3) 21</ 2 = 0. 

(4) f = 0. 

(5) y = and 0. 

(6) ^ + 2 = 25. 

(7) z=±5. 

The roots are (5, 0), (5, 0), (-5, 0), (-5, 0). 
set of equations has two pairs of double roots. 


Graphs of a? + y*=25 and 4a? + 25# 2 = 100. The 
graphs are a circle and ellipse. They are shown in the 
adjacent figure. 

The graphs of the two equations do 
not intersect, but they touch each 
other at the points Q and P. The 
coordinates of these points are the 
roots of the equations. As in Case I, 
when the graphs touch, the coordi- 
nates of the points where they touch 
are double roots. 

III. Solve 

(1) a? + f=l, 
1(2) 4z 2 + 25# 2 = 100. 

Eliminating x? as in Example I, 

(3) 21r/ 2 =96. 

(4) f=n- 

(5) «/=±V|f=±4Vf. 



^+(±V|f) 2 =l. 
x — x 21 — 21' 

(7) x=±5V}i. 

The roots are (5V|i, 4V|), (5Vji, -4Vf), 

(-5Vi*,4Vf), (-5V£t\ -lV|). 
These roots are all imaginary. 

Graphs of a: 2 + y 2 = 1 and 4 2 2 + 25 ?/ 2 = 100 are a circle 

and an ellipse, respec- 
tively. They are shown 
in the figure. 

The graphs of the two 
equations neither inter- 
sect nor touch. The 
circle is entirely within the ellipse. As in Case I, the 
roots are imaginary. 


Solve the following sets of equations : — 


x 2 + y 2 = 13, 
I2x> + y* = 17. 

2x 2 -y 2 = 2, 
ar 2 + 2 2 / 2 = 41. 

(x 2 + y 2 = 25, 
1 3 af + ltf = 180. 

(6x 2 -y 2 = 5 > 
\x 2 + 2y 2 = 107. 




| x 2 + 3y 2 = 52, 
[2x 2 + 5y 2 = 19. 
x 2 + y 2 = M, 
x?-y 2 = 16. 

x 2 -9y 2 = 0, 

I 3a; 2 + 4^ = 12. 




= 1, 


Construct graphs for Exercises 1, 6, 8. 


Case III. 

172. Both Equations Homogeneous in the Part involving the 
Variables. The equations are of the form 
ax 2 + bxy + cy 2 = k. 

The first step of the solution is the elimination of the 
constant terms of the two equations. 

I. Solve ' 

(1) 2x 2 -2>xy + y 2 = 2, 

(2) 2^-3^=3. 

Multiply (1) by 3, (2) by 2, and subtract. 


2z 2 -9a;y + 9«/ 2 = 0. 







. (7) 

x = 3 y. 


tg x = f y in (2), 


2 (¥) 2 - 3 ^ =3 - 


il!_3* 2 = 3. 
2 " 





y 2 = 2. 
y = ±V2. 

z = f(±2)=±|V2. 


lg a; = 3 y in (2), 

18 # 2 - 3 # 2 = 3. 
15 y 2 = 3. 

*/ 2 = f 

y = ±iV5. 

z = 3(±|V5)=±fV5. 

II. Solve 


The roots are 
(fV2, V2), (-|V2, - V2), (|V6,*V5), (-|V6, -|VB"). 

In this case there will always be four roots. There 
may be one or two pairs of double roots. Two or /owr of 
the roots may be imaginary. 

In this case the equations may be of the form 

ax 2 + bxy + cy 2 = dx or ey. 
They are solved precisely as the above. 

(1) 2s*-3ay + a =2y, 

(2) 2z 2 -3y 2 = 3y. 

Eliminate the right-hand members by multiplying (1) 
by 3, (2) by 2, and subtracting, 

(3) 2 x 2 - 9 xy + 9 y 2 = 0. 

(4) (2*-3yX*-3y) = 0. 

(5) a; = | y and 3 y. 

Substituting x= § y in (2), 

(6) 2(fy) 2 -3y 2 =3y. 

(7) ^=3y, y«-2y = 0, y(y-2)=0. 

(8) y=0and2. 

(9) x = and 3. 
Substituting x = 3 y in (2), 

(10) 9y 2 -3y 2 =3y. 

(11) 6y2=3y. 

(12) y(2y-l) = 0. 

(13) y=0andl 

(14) «=0and§. 


The roots are (0, 0), (0, 0)), (3, 2), (§, l). (0, 0) is 
a double root. 

In each of these examples, after finding the value of x in 
terms of y, the substitution might have been made in the 
first equation instead of the second. The second was 
selected because it was of simpler form than the first. 


Solve the following sets of equations : 

2j?-3xy + 2y 2 = 4, 
{a? + y 2 = 5. 

(x 2 - 

x 2 + 2xy-y 2 = 7, 
3 xy - 

= -1. 

x 2 +xy = 21 ) 
2xy-y 2 = 8. 

fa; 2 - 
tar 2 

-2/ 2 = 3, 

T 2xy + 2y 2 = 2. 

x? — xy + y 2 = 21, 
2 xy — y 2 = 15. 

■x 2 + 2 xy + 2y 2 = 17, 
. 3 x 2 - 9 xy-y 2 = 119. 





f 2 x 2 — xy + y 2 = 16, 

{x 2 + xy + 2y 2 = 4A. 

x 2 + xy = 40, 
y 2 + xy = 60. 

J 3/ -5 ^ = 70, 
[ f - 3 xy = 10. 

te 2 + my 2 = m, 
aa; 2 + by 2 = c. 

£ x 2 + 4 y 2 = 13 — A xy, 
8x 2 -12xy=ll-8y 2 . 

(a; + 2/) 2 = 73-ar , . 

Case IV. 
173. When Both Equations are Symmetrical in x and /. 

Equations are symmetrical in x and y when the interchange 
of these Utters does not change the equations. 


Examples : (1) a?- 3 xy + y 3 = 27. Interchange x and y, 
and we have y s -Zyx + x 3 = 27, which is the same as (1). 

(2) x 2 -2xy + y 2 = lQ, 

(3) as* + y*=12, 

(4) sy = 15, 
and (5) a; + «/ = 6, 
are all symmetrical equations. 

x z _|_ y2._ 25, 
xy = 12. 
2 a;?/ = 24 to (1), and we have 
v 2 + 2xy + y 2 = 49, 

x + y = ± 7, from (3). 
2 £«/ = 24 from (1), and we have 
2xy + y 2 =l, 
x — y = ± 1. 

From (4) and (6) we have, by adding and subtracting, 
x = 4, 3, - 4, - 3, 
# = 3,4, -3, -4. 

The roots are (4, 3), (3, 4), (-4, -3), (-3, -4). 

When both equations are general quadratics, the solu- 
tion depends upon a cubic or quartic. The investigation 
of such equations is beyond the compass of this book. 

I. Solve 




X 2 - 




X 2 - 


II. Solve 

(1) x 2 + 2xy-y 2 =l, 
I (2) x 2 - 2 y 2 + y =2. 
Solving (2) for x, 
(3) x = ± V2+2y 2 -y. 

Substituting in (1), 


(4) 2 + 2^-y±2yV2 + 2y"-y-y 

(5) , ±2y^/2 + 2y*-y = 5-y 2 + y. 

(6) 8y 2 +8z/ 4 -4y 3 =25+y 1 -9«/ 2 -2«/ 3 + 10y. 

(7) 7y 4 -2*/ 3 + 17y 2 -10y = 25. 

This equation is a quartic in y, and unless it breaks up 
into factors of degree not higjier than two it can not be 
solved by our present methods. 

Graphs of x 2 + y 2 = 25 and xy = 12. 
The graph of x 2 + y 2 = 25 is a circle. 
xy = \2. 

y = — 

When x == 0, y = oo ; (0, oo) is a root. 
When x = + 1 and — 1, y = 12 and — 12 ; 

(1, 12), (-1, -12) are roots. 
When x = + 2 and — 2, y = 6 and — 6 ; 

(2, 6), (-2, - 6) are roots. 
When x = + 3 and — 3, y = 4 and — 4 ; 

(3, 4), (-3, - 4) are roots. ^ 
When x = 4 and — 4, y = 3 and — 3 ; 

(4, 3), (-4, - 3) are foots. 
When a; = 5 and -5, y=2f and -2f; 

(5, 2f), (-5, - 2|) are roots. 
When a; = 6 and - 6, y = 2 and - 2 ; 

(6, 2), (-6, - 2) are roots. 



When x = 7 and - 
(7, L&), (-7, 

When x = 8 and ■ 
(8, 1J), (- 8, ■ 

When a; = 9 and ■ 

(Mi), (-9,- 

When a; = 12 and 
(12,1), (-12, 

When x = 24 and 
(24,1), (-24, 

— 7, y = If and - If ; 

— 1 j^) are roots. 
-8,^ = 1$ and -11; 

— 1J-) are roots. 

— 9, 2/ = 1| and -1J; 

— 11) are roots. 

— 12, y = 1 and — 1 ; 

— 1) are roots. 

— 24, «/ = \ and — ^ ; 

— J) are roots. 

The graph of a;^ = 12 is the above hyperbola intersect- 
ing the graph of x 2 + «/ 2 = 5 in the points P, #, i2, and 
S, whose coordinates are the four roots of the equations. 

In solving this example we get the equations x+y= ±7 
and x — y = ± 1. The graph of x + y = 7 is the line P§, 
and that of x+y=—l is the line RS. The graph of 
x — y = \ is the line #<S, and that of x — y = — 1 is the 
line Pi?. These four lines intersect in the four points 


P, Q, It, and S. The four lines have precisely the same 
intersections as the circle and hyperbola. This is why the 
set jz + y=±7, 

\x-y = ±\, 
is equivalent to the set 

"z 2 + y 2 =25, 

I ay =12, 
as was used in the solution. 


Solve the following sets of equations : 
ra* + jf = 13» 



4. •( 

a;?/ = 6. 

as» + »* = 34, 
xy = 15. 

a; + y — 11, 
*?/ = 24. 

f as + 1/ = 6, 


5 _^-2/ = 5, 
xy = 14. 

* + 2/ = 8, 
a; 2 + 2/ 2 = 34. 

x-y = l, 
x 2 + y 2 = 13. 



4^5 ' 

* + *=* 
16 25 


M = 7, 

x y 

ar y' 


a; j/ 
1-1 = 7. 

9 y 

. k 2/ 


- + - = H' 
a; y o 

11 13 

x 2 y 2 36 

t3x + 5y = 2xy, 
' \ xy = 15. 


x 2 + y 1 = 500, 
,x +y =30. 


[xy = \(a*-b*). 

Construct graphs for Exer- 

cises 4 

and 7. 


174. Special Methods; Higher Degrees. Simultaneous 
equations of higher degree than the second can frequently 
be solved by special methods. This is particularly true 
when they are symmetrical. 

A few of the special methods will be illustrated. In 
such problems the student is expected to devise his own 

I. Solve fCD *•-*•= 211, 
1(2) x-y=l. 

(1) -h (2) = (3) x* + x s y + x 2 y 2 + xy 3 + f= 211. 

(2)*= (4) z* - 4 x*y + 6 x 2 y 2 -ixyZ + y*^ 1. 
(3) - (4), (5) 5 afy - 5 x 2 y 2 + 5xy s = 210. 
(6) a?y — x 2 y 2 + xy z = 42. 
(T) xy(x 2 + y 2 )-x 2 y 2 =42. 
From (2), x 2 -2xy + y 2 =l. 

x 2 + y 2 = 2 xy + 1. 
Substituting in (7), 

xy(2 xy + i~)- x 2 y 2 = 42. 

xhj 2 + xy - 42 = 0. 

(asy + 7)(sy-6) = 0. 

xy = and — 7. 

x = - and 

y y 

Substituting in (2), 

6 1 j -7 

--y=l, and -y-V=U 

S-y 2 = y, -7-y 2 = y, 

y 2 + y-6 = 0, ^ + + 7 = 0, 

(y-2)(y + 3) = 0, -1±V^2 7 

# = 2 and - 3 ; 2 

The corresponding values of x are 3, — 2, — ~~ > ' 


The roots are (3, 2), (- 2, - 3), 



II. Solve 

1+V- 27\ (\ -V-27 -1-V327> 


ar y* 4 







(2)2==(3) I A+i: 

a;^ a;z/ ^ 

(l)-(3) = (4) - 2 - = §6. 
#2/ 4 

1 9 1 81 

(6)1 + 1-^- 

Combining (2) and (6) by addition, 
= 3 am rl 



- = 3 and 


= J and 
= i and 

III. Solve 


(1) ^ + ^ = 641, 

(2) x-y = l. 

X=!U + V, 

y = u — v. 
x — y = 2v = 7. 

v — 2* 

^ + / = 2m 4 + 12mV + 2w 4 =641. 


Putting in the value of v, 

2 u* + 12 y? (i ? 9-) + 2 (i ? 9 -) 2 = 641 - 

2 m 4 + 147 m 2 - -2^=0. 

m 2 = f and - &%i. 

3 , ^J-303 
u=±- and ±\— -j 

, „ 7^ 1-303 
u + v = b, 2, -±^/— — 

, 7 1-303 
^ = M - v = -2, -5, --±yj— — 

IV. Solve 

(1) z 2 + *, 2 =10, 

(2) xy-x-y = -\. 

Multiply (2) by 2 and add to (1), 

(3) xZ+2xy + f-2(x + y-)=8. 

(4) ( a; + y) 2_2( a; + ^)_8 = 0. 

(5) + 2/-4)<>+z/ + 2)=0. 

(6) a; + y = 4 or — 2. 

From (2) by substituting the value of x + y, 

(7) xy = 3, or - 3. 
Multiply (7) by 2 and subtract from (1), 

(8) x 2 -2xy + y* = i, or 16. 

(9) a;— y=±2, or ±4. 
Combine (6) and (9), 

x=S, 1, 1, -3; 
y = 1, 3, - 3, 1. 
The roots are (3, 1), (1, 3), (1, - 3), (- 3, 1). 



Solve the following sets of equations : 








x y 

10 ait/ = 1, 



-| = 3, 

a;?/ — j/ 2 = 4. 
.b + 7 y = 15, 

v? + f = % 

x + y = 3. • 
x s -y s = 19, 

a;-y = l. 

^ + 2/ 3 = 91, 

a; + y = 7. 

^ + ^ = 28, 
ai 2 — xy + y 2 = 7. 
x*y + xf = 30, 

x + y = a. 
(x + yf+4: (x + y) =45, 
a; - ?/ = 1. 

r(a-y)* + 30c-y)=18, 

a; + ?/ =7. 











a^-f-i/ 2 + ai + ?/ = 32, 
I xy = 12. 

■ «* + »* = 97, 
. x-y = l. 

p 4 + 2/ 4 = 82, 
1 ai + z/ = 4. 

fa; 2 + 22/ 2 = 54, 
1 xy + y 2 = 35. 

f 3a^ + 5?/ 2 =17, 

ia^ + 4ai?/ + 3?/ 2 = 15. 
' ai 3 + z/ 3 = 28 ail/, 

x + y = 12. 

x* + tf = %5, 

. a* + y = ll. 

a; 2 + ^ = 37, 
a; + y + xy = 13. 
a; 3 — t/ 3 = 7 xy, 
x — y = 2. 

0^ + ^ = 35, 
(a ; + 2/)(^ + 2 / 2 ) = 65. 


1. Find two numbers whose difference is 5 and the differ- 
ence of whose squares is 145. 

2. The difference of two numbers multiplied by the greater 
= 100, but multiplied by the less = 84, Find the numbers. 


3. The sum of two numbers is 7, and the sum of their cubes 
is 91. Find the numbers. 

4. The product of the sum and difference of two numbers 
is 96, and the sum of their squares is 146. Find the numbers. 

5. The sum of two numbers multiplied by their product is 
120 ; and their difference multiplied by their product is 30. 
Find the numbers. 

6. The difference of two numbers is 3, and the difference of 
their cubes is 117. Find the numbers. 

7. The sum of the areas of two square fields is 2500 square 
rods ; the sides of the fields are to each other as 3 to 4. Find 
the area of each field. 

8. If the length and width of a rectangular field are each 
increased 10 rods, the area is. increased 5 acres. But if the 
dimensions are each decreased 10 rods, the area will be 2\ 
acres. Find the dimensions of the field. 

9. The diagonal of a rectangle is 130 feet; the length 
of the rectangle is 2| times the width. Find the dimen- 
sions of the rectangle. 

10. Find two numbers such that their product is 16 times 
their difference, and one of the numbers is double the other. 

11. A rectangular lot containing 13200 square feet is sur- 
rounded by a walk- 6 feet wide. The walk contains 3336 
square feet. Find the dimensions of the lot. 

12. In a certain number of two digits the sum of the squares 
of the digits is one more than twice their product, and the dif- 
ference of the squares of the digits is 7. Find the number. 

13. The fore wheel of a carriage makes 12 revolutions more 
than the hind wheel in going 240 yards ; but if the circumfer- 
ence of each wheel, is increased 1 yard, then the fore wheel will 
make only 8 revolutions more than the hind wheel in the 
same distance. Find the circumference of each wheel. 


14. If a man had worked 5 days less and had received $1 
a day less, he would have earned f> 30. If he had worked 10 
days less, and had received $2 a day more, he would have 
earned $ 50. How many days did he work, and what were 
his wages a day ? 

15. If the numerator of a fraction be increased by 3 and the 
denominator be decreased by 3, the resulting fraction is the 
reciprocal of the first. If \% be added to the fraction, the sum 
is \ the reciprocal of the fraction. Find the fraction. 


1. Extract the square root of x 2 y 2 — axy 2 — (4 x — \ y)a 2 y 
+ 2 a s y + 4 a\ 
• 2. Find the roots by factoring : 
(a) a 2 -7 a; = 30. 
(6) a 2 + 7x = 60. 

(c) 2/ 2 -9c«/ + 20a 2 = 0. 

(d) (3y + 4)(2y-3)-39 = 0. 

( e ) 2/ 2 _(c-a)(c-6) = (a-6)a;. 

3. Determine whether 1, — 1, f , or any one of them, is a 
root of 9 x 2 - 3 x = 2. 

4. Make an equation whose roots are 3 + a/7 and 3 — a/7. 

5. Simplify 8 a/3 + 13 V243 - 5 Vl21 + 4 a/27. 

6. Multiply (x + Vx^) by af-Var*. 


7. Rationalize the denominator of 

8. Eationalize the denominator of 

3 + a/^4 

9. Divide a — b by a* 




10. Solve 

x y 

M = 4. 
x y 

11. Solve dx 2 — x + c = 0. 

12. By means of the discriminant, tell what kinds of root* 
each of the following equations has : 

(a) 3x>-5x + 2 = 0. (c) 5 x 2 - 5 x + 10 = 0. 

(6) 2 ik 2 + 11 a; -10 = 0. (d) - x 2 + ix + 2 = 0. 

13. Find two consecutive numbers whose product is 1260. 

14. A number consisting of two digits which differ by 3, is 
6 less than 7 times the sum of the digits. Find the number. 

15. What value must a have to make the roots of 5 x 2 — 11 x 
+ a = equal ? 

(3 2 



= o, 


x 2 y 2 2 

Find x and y. 


Find x and y. 

' a?+x — y = 10, 
3i/-a; 2 + 3 = 0. 

18. Two trains stait at the same time to go 320 miles. One 
goes 8 miles an hour faster than the other and reaches its 
destination 2 hours sooner than the other. Find the rate of 
each train. 

19 . Solve 5+1 + 5±2 + 5±| = 3 . 

x + 2 a; + 3 


x + 5 

20. Express x~ s y * + 2 *V* without negative or fractional 

21. 12^-17^ + 6 = 0. Find re. 

22. j/ 3 - 3^ = 88. Find?/. 


23. A number consists of two digits. If its digits be 
inverted, the sum of the new and original number is 77 and 
their product is 1300. Find the number. 

24. 36 a,- 2 + 29 era + 5 a 2 = 0. Find a. 

25. Make an equation whose roots are a + ^ 2 an a ft — V 2 . 

3 3 

26. Vx + 2-\/x = 8. Find*. 

x + a b — a x + c 6 — c -„. , 

2v. = - Find x. 

b-\-a x — a b + c x—c 

28. Find the roots of (y - 2) (tf - 12 y + 20)0/ - 1) = 0. 

29. 5V^x3V z ^x2V-9a 2 x3V" ::: T& 5 = what? 

30. Multiply V3 — -y/x — Vy by V3 + Vx — Vy. 

31. Perform the indicated operations and simplify the 
result : 


a + l 
j + bj {a — b 

32. Square a* + &* — cK 

33. Solve 11 x -U =<£+!. 


34. Solve 22 - 35 a; + 2 a; 2 = 0. 

q+5 2 a +3 
... a — 5 2 a — 3 
3?- Slm P llf y a + 5 q-5 - 
2a+3 2a-3 

36. A path around the outside of a rectangular garden is 6 
feet wide and 4224 square feet in area. The area of the gar- 
den is 28000 square feet. Find the dimensions of the garden. 

I 1 


37. Simplify 1 

y+JZ — l 



38. Solve ^t} 6 + 



25 ' a^ + 16 
3y 1 -5xy + 2a? = U, 
2y 2 -5xy + Sx 2 = 6. 

Find x and y. 

40. Solve ^ + A = ^ + - 

.-1 2 y-6 

41. Solve (a 2 - 6 2 )<V - 1) = 2 ic(a 2 + ft 2 ). 

a: — ^ a; ' 

42. Solve | 

i . 


X — 


= 53. 

43. What must be the value of x in order that 

Q + 3) 2 

3a; 2 + 9a;-5 
5 a? -12 ar* -13 x -7, when 

may equal — 1 ? 

44. Find the value of x* 

45. Two rectangular fields each contain 10 acres. The 
perimeter of one is \ longer than that of the other. One of the 
fields is a square. What are the dimensions of each field ? 

46. If ab + be + ca = 0, prove that 

(a) (a + & + c) 2 = a 2 + 6 2 + c 2 . 

(6) (a + b + c) 3 = a s + b 3 + c s -Sabc. 

(c) (a + b + c) 4 = a 4 + b 4 + c 4 - 4 abc (a + b + c). 




175. The ratio of a quantity A to a quantity B is the 
quotient of A by B. 

This quotient may be written in any one of the forms, 


A -5- B, — , A/B, or A : B, each of which is read, the 

ratio A to B. 

176. Ratio can exist only between two abstract num- 
bers, or between two concrete numbers of the same kind. 

The ratio 5 .to 7, or - , has a meaning, so does the ratio 

6 bushels to 15 bushels, but not so with 6 bushels to 15 
inches. Ratio merely expresses the part one magnitude is 
of another. 

177. The terms of a ratio are the numbers compared, 
the numerator being called the antecedent, the denominator 
the consequent. 

178. The ratio of antecedent to consequent is called a 
direct ratio ; the ratio of consequent to antecedent is called 
an inverse ratio. 

Thus, 14 : 28 is direct, while 28 : 14 is its inverse ratio. 

b ■ ,, t a 

- is the inverse ot -■ 
a b 



179. A compound ratio is the product of two or more 

single ratios. 

Thus, - x - x - is the compound ratio of the single 
b d f 


ratios, r , -, -■ 


180. Laws of Ratios. Since a ratio is a fraction, the 
operations which may be performed upon fractions may 
likewise be performed upon ratios. Below are enumerated 
the more important laws relating to ratios : 

(1) A ratio is unchanged by multiplying or dividing 
both antecedent and consequent by the same number. 

5_ 5x4 _ 5h-2 . A _ mA _ A-^m 
8 _ 8x4 - 8-5-2' B~ mB~ B + m 

This law shows that the ratio of two concrete magni- 
tudes of the same denomination is independent of the unit 

of measurement. The ratio of 2 miles to 5 miles is - ; the 

J 5 

ratio of 2 miles, expressed in feet, to 5 miles, expressed in 

feet, is — — - = -■ The introduction of a multiplier in 

5 x 5280 5 

numerator and denominator of a ratio merely changes the 
denomination of the terms, if they be considered as con- 
crete quantity, the ratio of the two magnitudes remaining 

(2) A ratio is changed by extracting the same root of 
each term of the ratio, or by raising each to the same 

This law is true except in the case when antecedent and 

A -VA 

consequent are equal. If — = m, then will — — = Vm, and 


A k i— 

-— = m k ; but Vffl + m, and m k =£ m. Hence, the ratio has 


been changed in all cases except that in which m = 1. 

(3) A ratio is changed by performing unlike operations 

upon antecedent and consequent. 

5 5x2. 

-=£= — „ 5 in which the antecedent has been multiplied 

by 2 and the consequent by 3. — ^= ^— , for ^— = ( — ) — . 
J H J B nB' nB \nj B 

(4) A ratio is changed by adding the same quantity to 
antecedent and consequent, except when the ratio is unity. 

2 2 + 4 . A A + x 
5^5 + 4 ; B*B + x 

The truth of this law may be easily proven. Take the 

A *\ I x 

two fractions, — and , where x is any number what- 

B B+x 

ever. By division, 

A + x = A x(B-A~) 
B + x B B(B + xy 

A A A- T 

which shows that — =£ ,, , except when A = B. 
B B + x 

(5) A ratio is made more nearly equal to unity by 
adding any positive number to each of its terms. 

Let — be any ratio, and x any positive number. Then 

A + x_i_ k A^-B 

B + x B + x' 

, A , A-B _ 

and 5 - 1-— g- 

The first of these two differences is seen to be smaller 
than the second. Why? Hence, the truth of the law 
js established, 


(1) Compare - and ^-±^- 

'2 = 20 2 + 3 = 5 _ 35 
7 _ 70' 7 + 3 10 70" 

35 . , , ,, 20 

— is more nearly 1 than — ~ 
70 J 70 

(2) Compare - and ^-±^. 

5 = 35 5 + 4 = 9 _ 27 
3 21' 3 + 4 7 21* 

27 35 

— - is more nearly 1 than — • 
21 J 21 

From these illustrations we may see that if a ratio be 
less than unity, the addition of the same positive number 
to the antecedent and consequent increases its value toward 
unity; and if the ratio be greater than unity, the addi- 
tion of the same positive quantity to both antecedent and 
consequent diminishes the ratio toward unity. 

181. The terms ratio of less inequality, ratio of equality, 
and ratio of greater inequality are sometimes employed to 
describe ratios less than unity, ratios equal to unity, and 
ratios greater than unity, respectively. 

182. Limit. The result shown above, 

A + x 1= A-B 
B + x B + x' 

indicates that the difference between — ^t-5 and unity 

A-B B+x 

is a fraction — whose value may be made as small 

B + x J 

as we please by making x sufficiently large. Hence, the 


value of the ratio — - 1 — , as x becomes infinitely large, 
B + x J 6 

approaches unity, which is called the limit of the ratio. 
The valme that any algebraic expression continually 
approaches but never reaches is called its limit. 


Write in their simplest forms the ratios of : 

1. 625 to 125. 4. a?-{y + zf to x + y + z. 

2. 480 x to 120 x 1 . 5. a?-tf to x 2 + xy + y 2 . 

3. x^+Sx^tox + S. 6 ( (a A +bf -l) to a-b. 

\ iab J 

a . X s + 3 x 2 xHx + 3") 2 

Suggestion. — — = — ^ — ! — - = x 2 . 

x+S x+S 

7. a 2 -12a+20 to a-10. 

8. 6z 2 + 23a:e + 20a 2 to 3z + 4a. 

9. x* + x'y 2 + y* to a? — xy + 2/ 2 - 

10. (x 2 + y 2 ) 2 - 4 x 2 y 2 to (a 2 - y 2 ) 2 . ' 

Write the compound ratios of the ratios : 

11. 3 to 5 and 10 to 15. 

12. x + y to x — y and x 2 — y 2 to (* + yf. 

13. 25 to a? and 3 a; 2 to 50. 

14. a 3_27& 3 to (a-3 6) 2 and a -3b to a 2 + 3a& + 9& 2 . 

15. (x + l) 2 :(x 2 + 2x + l),(x i + l):(x + l) ! 
and (»— 1) : (x'—x+l). 

Find the value of x for which the ratio of : 

16. 128 to x 2 is 2. 18. a; + 5 to a; — 1 is 7. 

17. 625 to x 9 is 5. 19. ce 2 + 12a; + 5 to * 2 + 5 is 3. 

20. (as + 4):(3as + l)=f 


Arrange the following ratios in descending order of magni- 
tude : ,, 021 15 16 14 8 4 1 
*"■■ TiT) 3 2' T5> TT> 2 5' TW> T5> Tf- 

a + 5 ct + 1 a + 3 a+7 a + i a 
' 6 + 5' 6 + 1' 6 + 3' 6 + 6' 6 + 4' &' 


183. The term variation has little use in ordinary alge- 
bra, but its use is so frequent in physics that a brief treat- 
ment of the subject will be introduced here. 

In physics we say " the weight of a uniform mass varies 
as the volume." This means that if W is the weight, and 
V the volume, then is W= k x V, where k is a constant, the 
weight of a unit volume of any given substance. 

In mensuration the circumference varies as the diameter. 
This means, that if be the circumference and D the 
diameter of any circle, then will 

k being a fixed constant for all circles. This constant is 
usually denoted by the Greek letter w ; its numerical value 
is an incommensurable number, 3.14159 

184. In general a variable y is said to vary as another 

variable x, when 


- = a constant. 

The phrase, y varies as x, is sometimes written 

but is to be interpreted to mean 

- = k, or y = kx. 

From this definition we see that a variation as here con- 
sidered is equivalent to an equation, 


185. Variations may be classified as follows : 

(1) Direct, y varies directly as x, when 

y = kx, k = a constant. 

The circumference of a circle varies directly as the 


C= kit, where k = 2 ir. 

(2) Inverse, y varies inversely as x, when 



The volume of a gas varies inversely as the pressure, 

V= — ,. where ~V= volume and n = pressure. 

(3) Joint, y varies jointly with x and z, when 

y = kxz. 

The weight of a rectangular parallelopiped of metal of 

unit height varies as the product of the length by the 



k = weight of unit volume of the substance, I = length, and 
i = width of the rectangular solid. 

(4) Quadratic, y varies as the square of x when 

y = kx 2 . 

An example of such variation is found in the law of 
falling bodies; i.e., the space fallen through by any body 
starting from Vest equals a constant times the square of 
the time expressed in seconds. 

S= kt 2 , k = \g, g= 32 feet, 2 inches. 

S= space described, i = time in seconds. 


(5) Direct and Inverse, y varies directly as x and in- 
versely as z when 


y = k~- 
3 z 

An example of this form of variation is found in 
Newton's Law of gravitation. If M, m, be the masses of 
two attracting bodies, D their distance apart, and Q- the 
force of gravitation, then 


a = k- 

D 2 


1. If yccx, and y = b when x = a, find the value of y when 
x = c. 


If y cc x, then is y = kx. But y = b when x= a; 

hence, h = ka, or k = -. 


.: y = -x for any value of x. 
Hence, y = - . c when x = c. 

2. If yoca, and if y = 10 when a; = 2, find the value of y 
when x = 12. 

3. If y ccx, and if a; = 16 when y = 64, find the value of x 
when y = 15- 

4. The circumference of a circle varies as the radius 
(Oocfi). If 0=3.1416 when B = \, find the circumference 
of a circle whose radius is 12. 

5. If xccy and wacz, prove -oc^. 

w z 

6. If xxy and vcct, prove xvccyt. 


7. If xecy, prove that x"ccy n . 

8. If xcc y and zazy, prove that (x^ — z^xy^. 

9. If y varies inversely as x 2 , and if y = 16 when x = 4, find 
a; when y = 10. 

10. The volume of a sphere varies as the cube of its radius. 
If the volume of a sphere whose radius is 3 be 113.1, find 
the volume of a sphere whose radius is 20. 


186. Proportion. The equality of two ratios is called 
a proportion. 

Thus, — = — is a proportion. 
B B 

Various forms have been employed in writing a propor- 
tion, the following being the ones more frequently used : 

A:B=O.B, A : B :: C : B, 

A + B=C+ D , | = | 

Each form is read A is to B as is to D. 

187. Proportionals. The terms of the ' two ratios are 
called proportionals. 

In the proportion A : B=C: B, the terms A and B are 
called extremes, the terms B and are called means, of the 
proportion. y 

In the proportion A : B = B : B, B is called the mean 
proportional to A and B; B is called a third proportional 
to A and B. 

188. Theory of Proportion ; Theorems. A Theorem is a 
statement of a truth to he proved. 

A Corollary is a truth derived from the proof of a theorem. 


The following theorems apply to proportions in which 
the terms of each ratio are considered abstract numbers. 

Theorem I. In any proportion the product of the ex- 
tremes equals the product of the means. 

Given A : B = O : D, or, more simply, 

A = C 
B B' 

Then is AB = BG. Why? 

Corollary. The mean proportional to two numbers 
equals the square root of their product. 

This corollary results from the above theorem by letting 

C=B, 4=1, or AB = W, whence B = VAB. 
B 1) 

Theorem II. If the product of two numbers equals the 
product of two other numbers, then either pair may be taken 
as extremes, and the other pair as means, of a proportion. 
(Inverse of Theorem I.) 

Given AB=BO. 

Divide by BB, (1) ^=-^. 

Divide by OB, (2) ^ =^. 

J < v J C B 

Divide by A C, (3) - = ^. 

J V J A 

In each of the proportions (1), (2), (3), we have taken 
one pair of factors, A, B, or B, 0, as extremes, the other 
a* means. 


Theorem III. If four numbers be in proportion, they 
are in proportion by inversion. 

Expressing this theorem algebraically, 

A . , • , B D 

- = -, from winch I = -. 

Proof is left to the student. Result is easily shown 
true from Theorem I. 

Theorem IV. If four numbers be in proportion, they 
will be in proportion by alternation; that is, the first is to 
the third as the second is to the fourth. 

Algebraically, if A : B = : D, then is A : 0= B : D. 
See (2) under Theorem II. 

Theorem V. If four numbers are in proportion, they 
are in proportion when taken by composition ; that is, the 
sum of the first and second is to the second as the sum 
of the third and fourth is to the fourth. 

This theorem stated algebraically is, 

., A C ., . A + B O+D 

lf _ = _,thBina_— p- 

Proof is easily derived by adding 1 to each member 
of the given proportion and reducing 5 each member to a 
fractional form. 

Theorem VI. In a series of equal ratios the sum of 
all the antecedents is to the sum of all the consequents as 
any antecedent is to its consequent. 

Proof. Let the equal ratios be 

A=C = l=<l-=...=r 
B D F H 

where r is the common value of the ratios. 


Then — = r, or A = r x B, 


— = r, or C=r X i>, 

— = r, or .#=r x F, 

— = r, or Gr = r x IT, 

Adding the equalities, 

A + C+H+&+ — = rx(B + D + F+ff+-). 

Hence A + C + E + a + - A _ 

if A = 1 = § = ± = A 

15 3 9 12 18' 
then is 

1 _ 5+1+ 3+4+6 _ 3 + 4 5+1+6 

3 15 + 3 + 9 + 12 + 18 9+12 15 + 3 + 18' 
and so on. 


Find the value of the variable for which each of the following 
proportions is true : 

1. 5:20 = x:45. 

2. x : 37 = a? : 26. 

3. a; : 45 = 5 : x. 

4. (Saj + 4):(!B + 5) = (5a! + l):(|x-4). 

5. (4a:-3):(2a: + l) = (7a;-4):(3a! + 2). 

6. Find a /cwrtfc proportional to 12, 16, and 40 ; also to a, 
b, and c. 


7. Find a mean proportional to 16 and 49 ; also to I and m. 

8. Find a third proportional to 25 and 35 ; also to x 2 and xz. 

Are the following proportions true for all values of the 
letters : 

9. (9-x 2 ):(B + x) = (3x-x s ):x? 

10. (^^-l\-.2xy(x-y) = (x-y):±x*tf? 

\ if / 

11. (Jx + yf -z*): (x + y + z) = {x + y -z):x? 
lx + mz x 

12. If x : y = 2 : w, show 

ly + mio y 

Suggestion. Let - = r, — = r, then x = ry, z = rw, also to = Iry, 
k = mi'io. Add, Za; + mz = r(my + mz), etc. 

13. If- = -, show - 1 JT_ i =_ = -. 

y w y + mt 2/io 2/ 

14. The rates of walking of two travelers are to each other 
as « to b. If one walk c miles in a given time, how far does the 
other walk in the same time ? 

15. The rear wheel of a wagon is a feet in circumference, 
the fore wheel is b feet in circumference. How often does the 
fore wheel rotate while the rear wheel makes m revolutions ? 




189. This subject can best be understood by introduc- 
tion through a few concrete examples. 

(1) How many different numbers of two digits each 
can be formed by using in every way any two of the five 
digits 5, 6, 7, 8, 9? 

By writing any one digit first and each of the remaining 
four digits after it, we have the following five rows, each 
composed of four numbers : 





















In all there are 5 x 4 = 20 different numbers. 

(2) How many different numbers of two digits each 
can be formed by using in every way any two of the four 
digits 5, 6, 7, 8? 

Here we select any one of the four digits as the first, 
and place after it successively every one of the remaining 
three digits. 



This gives the following numbers: 

56, 57, 58, 

65, 67, 68, 

75, 76, 78, 

85, 86, 87. 

In all there are four selections of the first digit, and four 
less one selections of the second, giving 4 x 3 = 12 different 

(3) How many different numbers of three digits each 
can be formed by using in every way any three of the five 
digits 5, 6, 7, 8, 9? 

The first digit can be any one of the five ; hence, the 
first place of each number can be filled in five different 
ways. Four digits remain to fill the other two places of 
each number. But we have just seen that two digits can 
be selected from four in 4 x 3=12 ways. Hence, with 
each of the five selections of the first digit, can be placed 
twelve selections of the digits filling the two remaining 
places. Hence, there are 5x4x3 = 60 different numbers. 

190. Definitions. (1) The number of ways of selecting 
three things from a collection of five things is called the 
permutations of five things taken three at a time. 

(2) The number of ways of selecting r objects from a 
collection of n distinct objects, regard being had for the order 
of selection, is called the permutations of n things taken r 
at a time. 

In this general case, n may be any number of objects, 
and r may be any integral number from 1 to n. 


191. Symbol. Instead of writing the permutations of 
n things taken rata time, the symbol n P r is generally- 

Illustrations. (1) 5 P 2 = 5 x 4, the permutations of five 
things taken two at a time. 

(2) 4 P 2 = 4x3, the permutations of four things taken 
two at a time. 

(3) 1& P 3 = 10 x 9 x 8, the permutations of ten things 
taken three at a time. 

192. Examples: Let the pupil construct tables, if 
necessary, to verify the following results : 

(1) 3 P 2 = 3x2. 

(2) 3 P 1= 3. 

(3) 4 P 3 = 4x3x2. 

(4) 4 P 4 = 4x 3x2x1. 

(5) 6 P 1 = 5. 


5 A = 

= 5x4. 


S ^3 = 

= 5x4x3. 


5^4 = 

= 5 x 4 x 3 x 



5^5 = 

= 5 x 4 x 3 x 




P - 

= 10 x 9. 

The above examples indicate that there is a law govern- 
ing the formation of permutations. It will be noted that 
the number of factors giving the permutations in each 
case equals the number of objects in each selection ; the 
highest factor is the number to be permuted, and each 
succeeding factor is one less than the preceding. This 


observation should lead one to some conclusion regarding 
the value of the general symbol 

p . 

We should expect the number of permutations of n things 
taken r at a time to be expressed by a product of r of the 
natural numbers beginning with n. Hence, we should find 

(1) n Pi = n. 

(2) n P 2 = rc(>-l). 

(3.) ,P,= n(»-l)(n-2). 

(4) „P 4 = »(n-l)(n-2)(»-8). 

(5) re P 5 = w(>- 1)0-2)0-3)0 -4). 

O) n P r = »(» - 1)(» - 2)0 - 8) - (» - r + 1). 

193. Value of „P,. To determine the number of permu- 
tations of n things taken r at a time, we may proceed as 
follows : 

(1) Let the n distinct things be represented by n letters 
of the alphabet. 

(2) Select any one letter to stand first in a set of words 
of two letters each. Then there would remain n — 1 letters 
to fill the second place ; but the first letter may be selected 
in n ways, and with each of these selections any one of 
the n — 1 remaining letters may be placed. 

(3) Hence, for the number of permutations of n things 
taken 2 at a time we have 

B P 2 = «0-1). 

(4) Let the first two letters of a three-lettered word be 
selected from the n letters ; this selection can be made in 


n(n — 1) ways, as shown in (3) above. Now we may- 
select any one of the remaining n — 2 letters to fill the 
third place. 

(5) Hence, the formation of a three-lettered word from 
n letters can be accomplished in 

n P s = n(n - 1) (n - 2) ways. 

(6) In a similar manner we may show that 

„P 4 = „P 3 x (n - 3)= n(n - l)(n - 2)(n - 3), 
A = ,^i x (»- 4)= n(»-l)(»- 2)(»- 8)(»-4), 
and in general 

n P r = „P r _! x(n-r + V) 

= m(« — l)(w — 2)(»— 3) ••■ (w — r + 1). 

This general result may not be understood at the first 
reading of this subject, but its truth may be assumed until 
the pupil has had more experience. 

Corollary I. Whenr = w,the general formula becomes 
„P, = n(n- l)(n-2)(»- 8) -4x3x2x1, 
a result easily remembered. 

194. The Factorial Symbol. In the value of „P n above, 
we have the product of the natural numbers from 1 to n. 
This product is often spoken of as " factorial »," and is 
written for brevity 

[n, or n\. 

Either \n or n ! is to be read factorial w, aDd means 
the product 

n(n - 1)0 - 2)(n - 8) •■■ 5 x 4 x 8. x 2 x 1. 



Find values for : 


l. [6. 

2 H 


5 ' M 



6. ^. 

115 14 

" |5 x |4 


4 ' -. . 


v ' — . 


[28 [2 



[16 x [2 ' [10 112 ' [16 

195. Corollary II. When n objects are permuted all 
together, but are not all different, the number of distinct 
permutations is given by n P n + \s, where s is the number 
of objects which are alike. 

Illustration. Required the number of different numbers 
obtainable from the five digits 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, taking five 
at a time. 

If all digits be different, the number of selections would 

clearly be 5 P 5 = [5. But the two sixes, when permuted, 

give no new numbers ; hence, all the permutations of the 

two sixes, i.e. |2, must be excluded (divided out) from 

the total. 

. J >_.J > K _[5_ 5x4x3x[g _ 

" [2 [2 [2 


1. How many different numbers of three digits can be made 
from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ? 

2. How many different permutations can be made by taking 
4 of the letters of the word working ? By- taking all of them ? 


3. Find the value of ]6 P 3 ; ^Pt ; 20^5- 

4. How many permutations can be made from the 26 letters 
of the alphabet, taking 4 at a time ? 

5. How many six-place numbers can be formed from the 
Arabic numerals ? (Include 0.) 

6. In how many ways can a class of 6 be seated in a row of 
6 chairs ? 

7. In how many ways can the front row of 6 chairs be 
filled from a class of 20 ? 

8. How many different permutations can be made from the 
letters of the word Indiana f Mississippi 9 

9. How many even numbers of 6 places can be formed from 
the digits 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 9 ? 

10. How many numbers between 50,000 and 60,000 can be 
formed from the digits 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ? 

11. In how many ways can 10 books be arranged on a shelf 
provided 2 particular books are always to be at the ends of 
the shelf ? 

12. In how many ways can 12 balls be arranged, if 5 are 
red, 4 white, and 3 blue ? 


196. (1) How many products of two factors each can 
be made from the five digits 5, 6, 7, 8, 9? 

We have seen that the number of ways of selecting two 
things out of five is the permutations of five things taken 
two at a time. But in the case of products, 5x6 = 6x5; 
hence, each arrangement of two digits is the result of a 
permutation of two things taken two at a time. These 
must all be excluded. Hence the number of products, is 

5 x4-r[2 = 5x 4-5-2 = 10, 


(2) How many products of three factors each can be 
made from the five digits 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ? 

Since any three factors may be arranged in 3x2x1 
different ways, each arrangement giving the same product, 
we shall have to divide out [3 of the permutations of 
five things taken three at a time. Hence, the total number 
of different products is 

5 x 4 x 3 -=- 1 3 = 20. 

197. Definition. (1) The number of ways of selecting 
three things from a group of five, no regard being had for 
the order of selection, is called the combinations of five things 
taken three at a time. 

(2) In general, the number of ways of selecting r things 
from a group of n things, no regard being had for the order 
of selection, is called the combinations of n things taken r 
at a time. 

198. Symbol. Instead of the phrase, combination of n 
things taken rata time, the symbol „C r is usually em- 

Thus, 5 C 2 is read, the combinations of five things taken 
two at a time ; 10 C 4 is read, the combinations of ten things 
taken four at a time, etc. 

199. Relation between „C, and „P r . It is easy to see that 
if we select from a given number of things any specified 
number, and do this in every possible way, having no 
regard to the order of selection, and then permute all the 
objects in each group in every way, we shall have the total 
permutations of the n things taken r at a time. The selec-i 


tions of the groups are the combinations, and the objects 
of each group are permuted r at a time ; hence, 

P — C v P 

n L r nyr ^ r L ?•• 

. /7 _ „P r _ n(w-l)(n-2~)-(n-r + l) 

■ • »W — -; — — ; 

\r \r 

A second form for n C r may be had by multiplying the 
numerator and denominator of the fraction on the right 
by \n— r . This multiplier makes the numerator \n, and 

the symbol JJ r becomes 

\r \n — 


C- ^ 


12 7 [7J12- 
From the first form 

7 [7|5 

n 12-11 

12°7 — 



- 10 • 9 • 8 - 7 - 6 -|5 



• 10-9-8-7- 6-5-4-3. 2-1 

LI [fi 


Note. When r = n, the second factor of the denominator \n-r 
becomes [0, a symbol whose value is to be taken as unity. To show - 

10 = 1, 

we take the equality [m = mx|m-l, 

and put m = 1 ; 


then [1 = 1 x 1 0, 

and a s II = 1, [0 must be 1. 

,.[0 = 1. 

The form „c„ = =L_ 

is more easily remembered than the form 

nCr = n(n - l)(n - 2)(n - S)...(n -* r + 1) 


but the latter is especially useful in many applications. 

1. How many combinations can be made from 9 things 3 
at a time ? 5 at a time ? 

2. Find the values of i„C 4 , 12 C 9 , 12 C 3 . 

3. In a meeting of 20 people, in how many ways can a 
committee of 5 be selected ? 

4. A school is composed of 19 boys and 25 girls. In how 
many ways can a committee consisting of 1 boy and 1 girl 
be selected ? 

5. From the above school, how many committees consisting 
of 2 boys and 1 girl can be selected ? 

6. From 15 persons, how many committees of 5 can be 
formed, provided one particular person is to be a member of 
every committee ? 

7. If out of 9 candidates there are to be 5 officers elected, 
how many different tickets can be formed ? 

8. From 4 vowels and 8 consonants, in how many ways can 
5 letters be chosen, provided exactly 2 of them are vowels ? 
Provided at least 2 of them are vowels ? 

9. How many even numbers of 4 places can be formed from 
the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8? 

10. „C 6 <=,Ao; findn. 



200. General Definitions. (1) Any set of numbers is an 
array, or succession. 

(2) A series is a succession of numbers arranged ac- 
cording to some law. 

Thus, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, •••, is a series, the law of formation 
being that any number is to be had from the preceding 
by adding 1. 

We may also define a series as a succession of numbers, 
the knowledge of two or more successive ones being suffi- 
cient to determine all. 

Thus, 5, 7, 9, 11, •••, form a series, since by inspection 
of any two we see their difference to be 2 ; hence, any 
number of the series may be had from the preceding by 
adding 2. 

(3) The numbers forming a series are called the terms 
of the series. 


What law of formation exists in each of the following ? 
i. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, .... 3. i, 1, f, 2, f, 3, £, 4, .... 

2. 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, .... 4. 3, §, f, |, JL .... 


SERIES. 279 

5. -1,1,3,5,7,9, .... 

6. a, a + d, a + 2d, a + 3 d, • ■•, a + (n-V)d. 

7. a, ar, ar 2 , ar 3 , •••, ar"~ l . 

8. 5, -15, 45, -135, 405, -1215, .... 

9. X -± + t-± + *!_... 

[3 |6. [[ |9 

(4) When the number of terms of a series is finite, the 
series is called a finite series. 

Thus, 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, is a finite series. 

(5) When the number of terms is infinitely great, the series 
is called an infinite series. 

Thus, if a series be formed by making any term the 
half of the preceding term and this process be continued 
indefinitely, as, 

1 l i l _i l 

x ' 2' 4' IT' 16' 32' ' 

we have an infinite series. 

(6) If the sum of n terms of an infinite series can be 
shown to approach some finite number as n is made to 
approach infinity, the series is called convergent. If this 
sum can not be shown to approach some finite quantity, the 
series is called divergent. 

In the discussion of the subject of series, we shall 
examine only three special forms, the arithmetical series, 
the geometrical series, and the binomial series. 


I. ARITHMETICAL SERIES (Arithmetical Phogkession). 

201. Definition. An arithmetical series is a series in 
which the difference of any two successive terms is a constant. 

Illustrations. (1) 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, •••, is an arithmetical 
series, since the difference of any two successive terms is 4. 

(2) 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, •■•, is arithmetical, since the 
difference is .5. 

(3) a, a + d, a + 2d; a + S d, a + 4 d, •■•, a + (n — V)d, is 
arithmetical, since the difference of any two succes- 
sive terms is d. In this illustration a is taken as any 
algebraic number, commensurable or not, and d likewise 
as any algebraic number. 

202. Notation. We shall denote by a the first term of 
any arithmetical series, by d the constant difference (com- 
mon difference} between any two successive terms, by I 
the last term or nth. term, and by S the sum of n terms of 
the series. 

203. Fundamental Formulas. 

(1) l=a+(n-l)d. 

(2) S=±±±xn 

= — — — xn. 

In these two relations five letters are involved, any two 
of which may be unknown. 

The first of the above formulas is easily seen to be true 
from the manner of formation of the general arithmetical 
series shown in illustration (3) above. 

SERIES. 281 

To derive formula (2), we write the series 

S = a + (a + d) + (a + 2 d) + ••• + (I - d) + I. 
Then reverse the series, 
S = I + (I - d) + (I - 2d) + - + (a + 2<T) + (a + d)+ a, 
and add the two equalities, giving 

28 = (a + I) + (a + I) + (a + I) + (a + I) + - 
+ (a + I) + (a + I) 
= n(jx + l~), since there are n terms in the series. 
a a + I 

The second form of formula (2) is derived by replacing 
I by its value from formula (1). 

204. Arithmetical Mean. If a, b, c be three successive 
terms forming an arithmetical series, b is called the arith- 
metical mean of a and c. 

b = |- (a + c), for by the definition of the arithmetical 

series, . , 

o — a = c — b ; 

(transposing), 2 b = a + e, 

or 5 = l(a + a). 

205. Arithmetical Means. In an arithmetical series a, b, 
e, d, e,f, ••-,?, the terms b, c, d, e,f, •••, are called the arith- 
metical means of a and I. 

206. To insert k arithmetical means between any two 

"Let a and b be any two numbers. After k means have 
been inserted, the whole series will consist of k + 2 terms. 


Hence, b is the last or (k + 2) th term of an arithmetical 
series of which a is the first, and d an unknown common 

Hence, b = a + (1c + 2 — 1) d 

= a + (k + 1) d, 
j b — a 

The common difference d being known, the series may 
be easily written thus : 

, b — a . 2 (b — a) , 

207. An arithmetical series is determined when two of its 
terms are known. 

Let a be the kth and b be the with term of an arith- 
metical series. Let x be the first term and y the common 

Then a = x + (k — V)y, 

b = x + (m — 1) y. 
By subtraction 

b — a=(m — k)y, 
or y = (the common difference), 

7YI — fC 

and x = a — (k — 1) 

b-a 1 = (m-Y)a-(k-V)b 
m — k) m — k 

The first term x and the common difference y being 
known in terms of a, b, k, m, the series may be written 

Determine the arithmetical series in which the 5th term 
' is 17, and the 12th term is 38. 

SERIES. 283 

Let x = first term, and let y = common difference. 
■Then i = a + (n — 1) d becomes respectively, 

rl7 = z + (o-l)y, 
l38 = z+(12-l)y. 
By subtraction, 21 = 7 y, or j? = 3 ; 

when y = 3, a; = 5. 

Then the series is 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, ••-, 35, 38. 


1. Find the 18th -term of 2, 5, 7, 10, etc. 

2. Sum 4, 7, 10, etc., to 9 terms. 

3. Insert 5 arithmetical means between 10 and 34. 

4. Find the 15th term of an arithmetical series whose 2d 
and 7th terms are 9 and 21, respectively. 

5. Which term of the series 1, 6, 11, 16 is 96 ? 

6. Find the sum of the natural numbers from 91 to 187. 

7. Show that if any four numbers are in arithmetical pro- 
gression, the sum of the 1st and 4th is the same as the sum of 
the 2d and 3d. 

8. Find the 18th term of 27, 21, 15, 9, etc. 

9. Find the sum of 12 terms of 3, 4|, 6, 7J-, etc. 

10. How many terms of 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., will make 465 ? 

11. How many terms of 7, 11, 15, 19, etc., will make 297? 

12. How many strokes does a clock strike in 12 hours ? 

13. Find the sum of all the even numbers from 100 to 200 

14. Find the sum of all the numbers from 48 to 135 inclu- 
sive which are divisible by 3. 

15. What debt could he paid in a year by the payment of 
10 f the 1st week, 40 ^ the 2d week, 70 ^ the 3d week, etc. ? 


16. Determine the series whose 10th term is 51 and whose 
20th term is 101. 

17. Determine a series whose 15th term is and whose 31st 
term is 64. 

18. Find the sum of all numbers from 105 to 361 inclusive, 
which, when divided by 4, leave a remainder of 1. 

II. GEOMETRICAL SERIES (Geometrical Progression). 

208. Definitions. A geometrical series is a series in which 
the ratio of any two successive terms is a constant. 

Illustrations. (1) 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, is a geometrical series 
in which the ratio 16-=-8 = 8-s-4=i32-j-16 = 2 is a constant. 

(2) 1, £, i, jj, ^L, •■•, is a geometrical series with ratio 
equal to ^. 

(3) 1, x,a?, X s , x\ ■••, is a geometrical series with ratio 
equal to x. 

(4) a, ar, ar 2 , ar 3 , ar*, •••, ar n ~\ is a geometrical series 
in which the ratio is r. 

209. Notation. The illustration (4) above- suggests a 
notation for the geometrical series. 

(1) a = first term. 

(2) r = constant ratio. 

(3) I = last term, or nth. term. 
(■4) S = sum of n terms. 

210. Formulas. 

(1) I =ar n -\ 

(3) S= - , when r <1, and n=ao. 

1 — r 

SERIES. 285 

The first of these formulas results from the law of forma- 
tion of the series as indicated in illustration (4) above. 
The second formula we may derive as follows : 

(1) S = a + ar + ar 2 + ar 3 + ••• + ar n ~ 2 + ar n ~ l . 
Multiply by r, 

(2) Sr= ar + ar 2 + ar 3 + ■■• + ar n ~ 2 + ar"- 1 + ar n . 
Subtracting (2) from (1), 

(3) S — Sr = a — ar": 

(4) S(l - r) = a (1 -?•"). 

(5) *-.xg=£) 

Another method of derivation is worthy of attention. 
By actual division we know that 


1-r 4 
1-r 5 


and so on ; for the general case 

= 1 + r+r 2 , 

= l + r + r 2 + r 3 , 

= l+r + »- 2 + r 3 + r 4 , 

. = ! + »• + r 2 +r 9 + r i + r 5 -{ \-r n 


Now by writing the value of S again, 

$ = a + ar + ar 2 + ar 3 + ar* + ••• + ar n ~ 2 + ar n ~ r , 

and factoring out a from each term on the right, we have 

S<= a (1 + r + r 2 + r 3 + ••■ + r n ~ 2 + j-*" 1 ). 

The value in this bracket is the same as the value of 

above ; hence, /^ _ r n 

S =a x 


211. Sum to Infinity when r < 1. If the ratio r be less 
than unity, r" < 1, and when n = go, r" = 0. Hence, s= --— , 
when r < 1, and n = oo. 

The sign = is read approaches. 

Illustration. Find the sum ofl + J + ^ + |- + etc. 

Here, a = 1, r = -, and S= -=2. 

^ 1 — ^ 

212. The Geometrical Mean. 7/" a, b, c, be three successive 
terms of a geometrical series, then b is equal to the square 
root of the product of a by c, and is the geometrical mean of 
a and c. 

By the definition of a geometrical series, 

- = - ; whence, b 2 = ac, or b = ^/ac. 
a b 

213. Geometrical Means. In a geometrical series the 
terms lying between any two terms are called the geometrical 
means of those two terms. 

Thus, 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, are six terms of a geometrical 
series with ratio 2. The terms 10, 20, 40, 80, are the four 
geometrical means between 5 and ISO. 

214. Insertion of Geometrical Means. Any number of geo- 
metrical means may be inserted between any two numbers. 

Proof. Let a and b be any two numbers, and let k be 
the number of means to be inserted. Then b is the 
(k + 2y h term of a geometrical series, whose first term 
is a. If r be the unknown ratio, 

b = ar(*+ 2 -« = ar ( * +1) . 

SERIES. 287 

Insert five geometrical means between 128 and 2. 
These means may be written down if we know the value 
of the ratio. This is given by 

r = ^-i where k = 5, b = 128, a = 2. 
* a 

e/128 _ f/S 

Hence, the series is 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, and the 
means are 4, 8, 16, 32, 64. 

215. A Geometrical Series Known. A geometrical series 
is known when any two terms are known. 

Proof. Let a be the &th, and I the rath terms of a geo- 
metrical series ; and let r be the unknown ratio, with x 
as first term. 

Then a = xr k ~ l , 

and I = xr m ~ l . 

These two equations are sufficient to determine the first 
term x and the ratio r. 

By division 



Also, (2) x = -^ = 

xr k 



r m 




r = 




-k\ a m ~ x 





Equations (2) and (1) give the first term and ratio, 
respectively, of the required series. 



1. Find the 10th term of 1, 2, 4, 8, etc. 

2. Find the sum of the 10 terms in (1) above. 

3. The 3d and 6th terms of a geometrical series are 27 and 
729. Find the 8th term and the sum of the 8 terms. 

4. Find the sum of 10 terms of 1, \, \, \, etc. 

5. Sum 3, - 3 2 , 3 3 , - 3" to 8 terms. 

6. A house with 8 windows was sold for $1 for the 1st 
window, $ 2 for the 2d, $ 4 for the 3d, etc. What was received 
for the house ? 

7. If you receive $ 5 Jan. 1, $10 Feb. 1, $ 20 March 1, and 
so on for each month of the year, what is the total amount you 
will receive during the year ? 

8. Find the sum to infinity of ^, -j-j^, T 3 , etc. 

9. Find the sum to infinity of 1, \, \, ^ T , etc. 

10. The arithmetical mean of two numbers is 13 and their 
geometrical mean is 12. Find the numbers. 

11. Show that the series of alternate terms of a geometrical 
series is also a geometrical series. 

12. If every term of a geometrical series is divided by the 
same quantity, the quotients form a geometrical series. 

13. The reciprocals of the terms of a geometrical series form 
a geometrical series. 

14. The difference between the 1st and 4th of four numbers 
in geometrical progression is 208, and between the 2d and 3d 
is 48. Find the numbers. 

15. The sum of 3 numbers in geometrical progression is 14 
and the sum of their reciprocals is |. Find the numbers. 

SERIES. 289 

216. Definition. The series defined by 

(a + by = a" + a- 1 * + n< ^ n ~ *) a n ~ 2 b 2 + ... 


+ »(«-l)(»-2)(n-3) - Q-r + 1) ^^ | _ 


is called the binomial series. 

Note. In higher algebra it is shown that this series gives a true J 
value of (a + i)™ for all values of a and b provided n is an integer. It 
also defines (a + b) n properly when n is a negative number, or a 

fraction, provided - be a proper fraction. The general proof of these 

assertions will not be attempted in this development. 


1. (1 + a;) 80 . In this n = 30, a = 1, b = x. 

2. Write out the first 6 terms of (1+a;) 18 ; (l-y) n ; (a+2/) 25 - 

3. Find the coefficient of a; 15 in (1+a;) 30 . (Eef erring to the 
binomial series, we see that r — 15.) 

4. (1 - xY = 1 + (- 3)(- a) + (-3K-3-1) ( _ ^ 


( _3X-3-l)(-3-2) ( _ a>y 

^ [3 ^ ; 

== l + 3 £( .+6a! 2 + 10a! 3 + etc. 

5. Write out the first 5 terms of 

(a) (I-*)- 1 ! (6) (l + *)*i («) (I-*)" 1 5 (<*) d+.aO - *- : 



1. Expand (x + 2 yf; {2x-yf; (2 a -3 b) 7 . 

2. Find the sum of 8 terms of 1, 2x, 4a; 2 , •••. 

3. Find the sum of 30 terms of 7, 11, 15, •■•. 

4. Find the 6th term of (1-2 aj)" 3 - 

5. How many arithmetical means must be inserted between 
10 and 40 so that the sum of the series may be 275 ? 

6. Divide 26 into three parts which are in geometrical pro- 
gression, and such that when 4 is added to the second part, the 
three parts are in arithmetical progression. 

7. Insert a geometrical mean between 5 and 45. Explain 
the double sign of the result. 

8. Sum to infinity f, f, ■£?, •••. 

9. Find the coefficient of ' afy 5 in (2 x — 3 y) w . 

10. Find the coefficient of w 8 in (1 — .2x)~\ 

11. In how many ways can 9 persons be selected from a 
party of 21 people ? 

12. How many committees consisting of 4 men and 3 women 
can be formed from 12 men and 10 women ? 

13. Each member of a baseball nine, except pitcher and 
catcher, can play in any position. In how many ways can the 
team be arranged upon the field ? 

14. In how many ways may a baseball nine be selected from 
16 candidates, if 2 are pitchers, 3 are catchers, and the remain- 
der can play in any position ? 

15. Expand (4 — 2)i to five terms, and thus get an approxi- 
mate value of V2. 

SERIES. 291 

16. Expand (100—1)* to five terms,, and thus get an approxi- 
mate value of V99. 

17. Expand 


18. Find the sum of all the even numbers between 205 and 


19. Find the sum to infinity of 1 + -==• + - + — — 4 . 

V2 2 2V2 

20. The sum of the first three terms of a geometrical series 
is 21, and the sum of their squares is 273. Find the series. 

21. A debt is to be paid by 10 payments which form an 
arithmetical progression. The third payment is $220, and the 
seventh is $ 360. Find the last payment and the total debt. 

22. How many consecutive odd numbers beginning with 11 
must be taken to make a sum of 759 ? 

23. Prove that the squares of the terms of a geometrical 
series also form a geometrical series. * 

24. (Va~+l-Va-l) 4 =what? 

25. Expand (l+x + x 2 ) 5 . 


Abscissas, axis of, 148, 149. 

Addition, 20-28, 35 ; identities, 26, 
27 ; of fractions, 117, 118 ; in 
elimination, 161. 

Algebraic expression, 4 ; signs used 
in, 5, 6 ; addition, 20, 21 ; sub- 
traction, 28, 29 ; fraction, 109. 

Arithmetic, numerical, 3 ; literal, 3, 
4 ; addition in, 20 ; square root 
in, 180, 181 ; cube root in, 184. 

Arithmetical mean, 281. 

Arithmetical means, 281. 

Arithmetical series (progression), 

Associative law, definition of, 23 ; 
of factors, 45. 

Axioms, 16. 

Binomial, definition of, 25 ; identi- 
ties, 70, 71, 74, 75 ; theorem, 76 ; 
factors, 100 ; series, 289. 

Coefficients, definition of, 7, 8 ; de- 
tached, 63 ; law of, 77 ; of a 
quadratic, 222. 

Combinations, examples of, 274 ; 
definition of, 275 ; symbol of, 

Commutative law, definition of, 22 ; 
of factors, 43. 

Constants, 15, 125. 

Coordinate axes, 148, 149. 

Cube root, 182, 184. 

Distributive law, of factors, 45. 
Division, 58-67 ; identities, 66, 81 ; 
of fractions, 122. 

Elimination, definition of, 157 ; in 
substitution, 158 ; by compari- 
son, 160 ; by addition or subtrac- 
tion, 161 ; illustrative examples 
in, 162-164. 

Equation, definition of, 14 ; sign of 
15 ; root of, 16, 126 ; conditional, 
125; linear, 125, 147, 148, 170, 
229 ; of second or higher degree, 
140 ; fractional, 141, 143 ; inte- 
gral, 143 ; simultaneous, 157- 
173 ; quadratic, 207-228 ; homo- 
geneous, 239 ; symmetrical, 241 ; 
in higher degrees, 246. 

Evolution, 174-186. 

Exponents, definition of, 5 ; law of, 
77 ; integral, 187. 

Factoring, iii, 83-103. 

Factors, definition of, 42, 83 ; laws 
governing, 43-51 ; degree and 
number of, 43; monomial, 84; 
by rearrangement and grouping, 
97-99 ; binomial, 100 ; rational- 
izing, 198. 

Fractions, in number system, 2 ; 
algebraic, 109; signs of, 110, 
111 ; reduction of, 111, 115, 116; 
proper and improper, 114 ;. addi- 




tion and subtraction of, 117, 118 ; 
multiplication of, 119, 120 ; divi- 
sion of, 122 ; complex, 123. 

Geometrical series, 284-287. 

Graph, the, iii ; of the linear equa- 
tion, 148 ; of two linear equa- 
tions, 155 ; of surds, 192, -193 ; 
of the quadratic, 218-221. 

Highest common divisor, 104, 105. 
Highest common factor, 104. 

Identity, definition of, 14, 125 ; sign 
of, 15 ; in addition, 26, 27 ; in 
subtraction, 32 ; in multiplica- 
tion, 55, 70-73 ; in division, 66, 

Imaginaries, 202 ; operations with, 
203 ; graph of, 205. 

Index laws, 47, 58, 59, 187. 

Involution, 56. 

Lowest common multiple, 106, 107, 

Monomials, definitions of, 22 ; addi- 
tion of, 23, 24 ; subtraction of, 
30 ; multiplication of, 48, 49 ; 
division of, 59, 60 ; H. C. D. of, 
104 ; L. C. M. of, 107. 

Multiplication, 39-57 ; of monomi- 
als, 48 ; of polynomials, 49, 51 ; 
identities in, 55, 70-73 ; of frac- 
tions, 119, 120. 

Notation, 280, 284. 

Number system, the, iii, 1-3. 

Numbers, incommensurable, 3, 192; 
general, 4, 9 ; literal, 4 ; oppo- 
site, 10; negative, 11; positive 

and negative, 11, 12, 13 ; alge- 
braic, 13 ; commensurable, 191 ; 
irrational, 193 ; rational, 200 ; 
complex, 205 ; ratio of, 255. 

Ordinates, axis of, 148, 149. 

Parentheses, 7 ; removal of, 33 ; in- 
sertion of, 34. 

Pascal's triangle, 78, 79. 

Permutations, examples of, 268, 
270 ; definitions of, 269 ; symbol 
of, 270 ; factorial symbol of, 272. 

Polynomials, definition of, 25 ; ad- 
dition of, 25 ; subtraction of, 30 ; 
multiplication of, 49, 51 ; divi- 
sion of, 60, 61 ; square of, 73 ; 
H. CD. of, 105; L. C. M. of, 
107 ; square root of, 176 ; cube 
root of, 182, 184. 

Proportion, definition of, 263 ; theo- 
rems of, 263-265. 

Quadratic, the pure, 208 ;see Equa- 

Radicals, definition of, 191. 

Ratio, definition of, 255 ; terms of, 

255 ; compound, 256 ; laws of, 

256 ; limit of, 258. 
Root, of equations, 16, 126, 140, 

147, 222 ; even and odd, 175 ; of 

decimals, 182 ; the double, 213 ; 

irrational, 214 ; complex, 215. 

Signs, algebraic, 5, 6, 13 ; of aggre- 
gation, 7; in addition, 20, 21; 
in subtraction, 28, 29; in multi- 
plication, 42, 43 ; in division, 58 ; 
in factoring, 87 ; in fractions, 



110, 111; radical sign, 174; in 

roots, 175. 
Square root, 174, 176, 177, 179-181. 
Substitution, i, 8 ; in elimination, 

Subtraction, 28-38 ; of fractions, 

117, 118 ; in elimination, 161. 
Surds, definition of, 192 ; expressed 

graphically, 192 ; forms, 193 ; 

kinds of, 194 ; quadratic, 194, 

196 ; polynomial, 197 ; conjugate 

binomial, 198 ; trinomial, 200 ; 

and rational numbers, 200 ; 

square root of binomial, 201. 

Trinomial, definition of, 25. 

Type forms, iv ; in multiplication, 

51, 57, 70-76; in. division, 59, 
81 ; in factoring, 85, 86, 88, 92, 
94 ; in linear equation, 137, 147 ; 
in square root, 176 ; in cube 
root, 182 ; in index laws, 187, 
188 ; in quadratic equations, 207, 
208, 209, 211, 216; in permuta- 
tions, 271 ; in combinations, 275, 
276 ; in arithmetical series, 280, 
281; in geometrical series, 284, 

Variable, definition of, 15 ; equation 
in one, 125-146 ; linear equa- 
tions in two, 147-156 ; quadratic 
equations in a single, 207-228. 

Variation, 260-263. 

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