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Full text of "History of the Jews in America, from the period of the discovery of the New World to the present time"

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E184.J5 Wm' """""">' '■"'"'T 
^iSlllMliiwteJSK'" America, 


Cornell University 

The original of this book is in 
the Cornell University Library. 

There are no known copyright restrictions in 
the United States on the use of the text. 

Ezrkiel's Statue of Rhigidus Liiierty 
IN Fairmount Park, I'hiladeit'Hia, 






The Jewish Press Publishing Company 

19 12 






There were l-^ss than ten thousand Jews in the New World 
three centuries after its discovery, and about two-thirds of them 
lived in the West Indies and in Surinam or Dutch Guiana in 
South America. While the communities in those far-away places 
are now larger in membership than they were at the beginning 
of the Nineteenth Century, their comparative importance is much 
diminished. The two or three thousand Jews who lived in North 
America or in the United States one hundred years ago have, on 
the other hand, increased to nearly as many millions, the bulk of 
them having come in the last three or four decades. On this 
account neither our conditions nor our problems can be thor- 
oughly understood without the consideration of the actual present. 
The plan of other works of this kind, to devote only a short con- 
cluding chapter to the present time, or to leave it altogether for 
the future historian, could therefore not be followed in this work. 
The story would be less than half told, if attention were not paid 
to contemporary history. 

The chief aim of the work — the first of its kind in this com- 
plete form — being to reach the ordinary reader who is interested 
in Jewish matters in a general way, original investigations and 
learned disquisitions were avoided, and it was not deemed ad- 
visable to overburden the book with too many notes or to provide 
a bibliographical apparatus. The plan and scope of the work are 
self evident ; it was inevitable that a disproportionately large part 
should be devoted to the United States. The continuity of Jewish 
history is made possible only by the preservation of our identity 
as a religious community; local history really begins with the 
formation of a congregation. Each of the successive strata of 


iv Preface. 

immigration was originally represented by its own synagogues 
and when the struggle to gain a foothold or to remove disabilitiei 
was over, communal activity was the only one which couk 
properly be described as Jewish. Economic growth couk 
have been entirely neglected, despite the present day ten- 
dency to consider every possible problem from the stand- 
point of economics. But the material well-being of the Jewi 
of the earlier periods was an important factor in the preparatior 
for the reception and easy absorption of the larger masses whicl 
came later, and this gives wealth a meaning which, in th( 
hands of people who are less responsible for one another thar 
Jews, it does not possess. The Marrano of the Seventeentl 
or the Eighteenth Century who brought here riches far ir 
excess of what he found among the inhabitants in the place; 
where he settled, would probably not have been admitted if h( 
came as a poor immigrant, and his merit as a pioneer of trad< 
and industry interests us because he assisted to make this countr} 
a place where hosts of men can come and find work to do. With- 
out this only a small number could enjoy the liberty and equalitj 
which an enlightened republic vouchsafes to every newcomei 
without distinction of race or creed. 

Still these absorbingly interesting early periods had to b( 
passed over briefly, despite the wealth of available material 
to keep within the bounds of a single volume, and to be able tc 
carry out the plan of including in the narrative a comprehensiv( 
view of the near past and the present. While no excuse is neces- 
sary for making the latter part of the work longer than the ear- 
lier, though in most works the inequality is the other way, thi 
author regrets the scarcity of available sources for the history o: 
the Jewish immigration from Slavic countries other than Russia 
There were times when German Jewish historians were re 
proached with neglecting the Jews of Russia. In those time: 
there was a scarcity of necessary "Vorarhciten" or- preparatior 
of material for the history of the Jews of that Empire. To-day 
as far as the history of the Jewish immigrant in America is con- 

Preface. v 

cerned, the scarcity is still greater as far as it concerns the Jews 
who came from Austria and Roumania. 

The principal sources which were utilized in the preparation of 
this work are : The Publications of the American Jeivish Histori- 
cal Society (20 vols., 1893-1911), which are referred to as "Pub- 
lications"; The Jewish Encyclopedia (Funk and Wagnalls, 12 
vols., 1901-6) ; The Settlement of the Jews in North America, 
by Judge Charles P. Daly, edited by Max J. Kohler (New York, 
1893), often referred to as "Daly"; The Hebrews in America, 
by Isaac Markens (New York, 1888) ; The American Jew as 
Patriot, Soldier and Citizen, by the Hon. Simon Wolf, edited by 
Louis Edward Levy (Philadelphia, 1895). Other works, like 
Dr. Kayserling's_ Christopher Columbus, Mr. Pierce Butler's 
Jiidah P. Benjamin (of the American Crisis Biographies, Phila- 
delphia, 1906) and the Rev. Henry S. Morals' Jezi's of Phila- 
delphia, were also drawn upon for much valuable material which 
they made accessible. All of these works were used to a larger 
extent than is indicated by the references or foot-notes, and my 
indebtedness to them is herewith gratefully acknowledged. 

Where biographical dates are given after the name of a person 
born in a foreign country, the date of arrival in the New World 
is often fully as important as that of birth or death. This date 
is indicated in the text by an a., which stands for arrived, as b. 
stands for born and d. for died. 

In conclusion I gladly record my obligation to Mr. Abraham' 
S. Freidus of the New York Public Library for aid in the gath- 
ering of material; to Mr. Isaiah Gamble for re-reading of the 
proofs; to Mr. Samuel Vaisberg for seeing the work through the 
press, and to my sister. Bertha Wiernik, for assistance in the 
preparation of the index. 

p. W., New York, July, 1912. 







The Jew of Barcelona who has navigated the whole known world — 
Jadah Cresques, "the Map Jew," as director of the Academjr of Navi- 
gation which was founded by Prince Henry the Navigator — One 
Jewish astronomer advises the King of Portugal to reject the plans 
of Columbus — Zacuto as one of the first influential men in Spain to 
encourage the discoverer of the New World — Abravanel, Senior and 
the Marranos Santangel and Sanchez who assisted Columbus — The 
voyage of discovery begun a day after the expulsion of the Jews 
from Spain — Luis de Torres and other Jews who went with Colum- 
bus — America discovered on "Plosannah Rabbah" — The Indians as 
the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel — Money taken from the Jews to de- 
fray the expenditure of the second voyage of Columbus — Vasco da 
Gama and the Jew Caspar — Scrolls of the Thorah from Portugal 
sold in Cochin — Alphonse d'Albuquerque's interpreter who returned 
to Judaism Page lo 




Children torn from their parents were the first Jewish immigrants — 
Jewish history in the New World begins, as Jewish history in Spain 


viii Contents. 

ends, with the Inquisition — Emperor Charles V., Philip II. and 

Philip III. — Lutherans persecuted together with Jews and Moham- 

■^.^ edans — Codification of the laws of the Inquisition, and its special 

edicts for the New World Page 19 



Impossibility of obtaining even approximately correct figures about the 
Inquisition — A few typical cases — The Carabajal family — Relaxa- 
tion for several decades — The notable case of Francisco Maldonado 
de Silva Page 24 



Less persecution in Portugal itself and also in its colonies — Marranos 
buy right to emigrate — They dare to profess Judaism in Brazil, and 
the Inquisition is introduced in Goa — Alleged help given to Holland 
in its struggle against Spain Page 28 





The friendship between the Dutch and the Jews — Restrictions and priv- 
ileges in Holland — Dutch-Jewish distributors of Indian spices — 
Preparations to introduce the Inquisition in Brazil — Jews help the 
Dutch to conquer it — Southey's description of Recife — Vieyra's de- 
scription p^g^ 32 

Contents. ix 



The "Kahal Kodesh" of Recife or Pernambuco in Brazil — Manasseh ben 
Israel's expectation to make it his home — Large immigration from 
Amsterdam — Isaac Aboab da Fonseca and his colleagues — First 
rabbis and Jewish authors of the New World — The siege and the 
surrender — The return, and the nucleus of other communities in 
various parts of America Page 37 



Jews in Brazil after the expulsion of the Dutch — The community ofPara- 
maraibo, Surinam, was founded when Recife was still flourishing — 
First contact with the English, whom the Jews preferred — David Nasi 
and the colony of Cayenne — Privileges granted by Lord Willoughby 
— "de JoodenSavane" — Trouble with slaves and bush negroes — Plan- 
tations with Hebrew names — German Jews — Legal status and ban- 
ishments — Jewish theaters — Literature and history page 41 



The community of Curasao — Encouragement to settle is followed by 
restrictions — Plans of Jewish colonization — Trade communication 
with New Amsterdam — Stuyvesant's slur — The first congregation^ 
Departures to North America and to Venezuela — Barbadoes — Taxa- 
tion and legal status — Decay after the hurricane of 1831 — Jamaica 
under Spain and under England — Hebrew taught in the Parish of 
St. Andrews in 1693 — Harsh measures and excessive taxation — 
Naturalizations Page 51 



Poverty of the first Jewish immigrants to New Amsterdam— Stuyve- 
sant's opposition overruled by the Dutch West India Company — 
Privileges and restrictions — Contributions to build the wall from 

X Contents. 

— -» which Wall street takes its name — The first cemetery — Exemption 
from military duty — Little change at the beginning of the English 
rule — The first synagogue after a liberal decree by the Duke of 
York — Marranos brought back in boats which carried grain to Portu- 
gal — Hebrew learning — ^Question about the Jews as voters and 
as witnesses — Peter Kalm's description of the Jews of New 
York about 174S — Hyman Levy, the employer of the original 
Astor Page 62 


The Old Testament spirit in New England — Roger Williams — The first 
Jew in Massachusetts — Judah Monis, instructor in Hebrew at Har- 
vard — Newport — Jews from Holland bring there the first degrees 
of Masonry — The cemetery immortalized by Longfellow — Jacob 
Rodrigues Rivera introduces the manufacture of sperm oil — Aaron 
Lopez, the greatest merchant in America — Immigration from Port- 
ugal — Rabbi Isaac Touro — Visiting rabbis — First Jews in Connect- 
icut — Philadelphia — Congregation Mickweh Israel — Easton's wealthy 
Jews — Maryland — Dr. Jacob Lumbrozo — General Oglethorpe and 
the first Jews of Georgia — Joseph Ottolenghi — The Carolinas-— 
Charleston Page 71 





Spirit of the Old Testament in the Revolutionary War — Sermons in 
favor of the original Jewish form of Government — The New Nation 
as "God's American Israel" — The Quebec Act — The intolerance of 
sects as the cause of separation of Church and State — A Memorial 
sent by German Jews to the Continental Congress — Fear expressed 

Contents. - xi 

in North Carolina tliat tlie Pope might be elected President of the 
United States — None of the liberties won were lost by post-revo- 
lutionary reaction, as happened elsewhere Page 80 



aptain Isaac Meyers of the French and Indian War of 1754 — David S. 
Franks and Isaac Franks — David Franks, the loyalist — Solomon 
and Lewis Bush — Major Benjamin Nones — Other Jewish Soldiers, 
of whom one was exempted from duty on Friday nights — The 
Pinto brothers — Commissary General Mordecai Sheftal of Georgia 
— Haym Salomon, the Polish Jew, and his financial assistance to 
the Revolution Psjgg ,^j 



England's special enmity to Newport caused the dispersion of its Jew- 
ish congregation — The General Assembly of Rhode Island meets 
in the historic Newport Synagogue — Moses Seixas' address to 
Washington on behalf of the Jews of Newport and the latter's 
reply — Washington's letters to the Hebrew Congregations of Sa- 
vannah, Ga., and to the congregations of Philadelphia, New York, 
Richmond and Charleston Page fls 



iabbi Gershom Mendez Seixas — Growth of the Jewish community of 
Philadelphia on account of the War — Protest against the religious 
test clause in the Constitution of Pennsylvania — Benjamin Frank- 
lin contributes five pounds to Mickweh Israel — Secession of the 
German-Polish element — New Societies— Jewish lawj'ers; Judge 
Moses Levy — Congressman H. M. Phillips — The Bush family of 
Delaware — New Jersey and Ne\v Hampshire — North Carolina: the 
Mordecai family and other early settlers Page 104 

xii Contents. 



Little change in the basic systems of State institutions — Patrick Heiirj 
Madison and Jefferson on religious liberty in Virginia — The simi 
larity between the Virginia statute and the conclusions of Mose 
Mendelssohn pointed out by Count Mirabeau — The first congregj 
tion of Richmond — Article 32 of the Constitution of North Caro 
lina against Catholics, Jews, etc.— How Jacob Henry, a Jewish 
member of the Legislature, defended and retained his seat i: 
1809 — Judge Gaston's interpretation — The first congregation of VVil 
mington, N. C. — Final emancipation in 1868 Page l; 




The Jewish community almost at a standstill between the Revolutio 
ard the War of 1812 — Stoppage of immigration and losses throug 
emigration and assimilation — No Jews in the newly admitted State 
— The small number of Jews who fought in the second war wit 
England included Judah Touro, the philanthropist — The Jewish dis 
abilities in Maryland — A Jew appointed by Jefiferson as Unite 
States Marshal for that State — The "Jew Bill" as an issue in Mar) 
land politics — Removal of the disabilities in 1826 Page 1; 




Noah's family; his youth and his early successes as journalist and < 
dramatist — His appointment as Consul in Tunis and his recall- 
His insistence that the United States is not a Christian nation- 
Editor and playwright. High Sheriff and Surveyor of the Port ( 
New York — His invitation to the Jews of the world to settle i 
the City of Refuge which he was to found on Grand Island — In 

Contents. xiii 

pressive ceremonies in Buffalo which were the beginning and the 
end of "Ararat" — His "Discourse on the Restoration of the Jews" — 
Short career on the bench — Jewish activities Page 1:^8 





npetus given to immigration to America by the reaction after the fall 
of Napoleon — The second period of Jewish immigration — First 
legislation about immigration (1819) — The first Jew in Cincinnati — 
Its first congregation, Bene Israel — Appeals to outside communities 
for funds to build a synagogue — The first Talmud Torah — Rabbis 
Gutheim, Wise and Lilienthal — Cleveland — St, Louis — Louis- 
ville — Mobile — Montgomery and its alleged Jewish founder, 
Abraham Mordecai — Savannah and Augusta — .New Orleans — Judah 
Touro Page 135 




icrease in general immigration — Estimated increase in the number of 
Jews — The natural dispersion of small traders over the country — 
Chicago — First congregations and other communal institutions — In- 
diana — Iowa: Polish Jews settle in Keokuk and German Jews in 
Davenport — Minnesota — Wisconsin — Congregation "Bet El" of De- 
troit, Mich. — The first "minyan of gold seekers in San Fran- 
cisco — "Mining congregations" — Solomon Heydenfeldt — Portland, 
•^■■egon Page 149 

xiv Contents. 




The first settler in 1821 — Adolphus Sterne, who fought against Mexic 
and later served in the Texan Congress — David S. Kaufman — Su: 
geon-General Levy in the army of Sam Houston — A Jew as the firi 
meat "packer" in America — Major Leon Dyer and his brother Is; 
dore — Mayor Seeligsohn of Galveston (1853) — One Jew laid 01 
Waco; Castro County is named after another — Belated commun; 
and religious activities — The War with Mexico, in which only 
small number of Jews served — David Camden de Leon and h 
brother Edwin, U. S. Consul-General in Egypt Page II 



Political liberalism and religious radicalism of the German Jewish in: 
migrant — The struggle with Orthodoxy hardly more than an ai 
imated controversy — No attempt made here by the Temple to swa! 
low the Synagogue, as was the case in Germany — The first Reforn 
ers of Charleston, S. C. — Isaac Leeser, the conservative leader, th 
first to make a serious effort to adjust Judaism to American sui 
roundings — Dr. Max Lilienthal — Isaac M. Wise, the energetic 01 
ganizer of Reform Judaism — Dr. David Einhorn — Dr. Samuel Adle 
— Bernhard Felsenthal — Samuel Hirsch Page 11 



"The poor Jews of Elm street and the rich Jews of Crosby street"- 
Rabbis Samuel M. Isaacs, Morris J. Raphall and Jacques J. Lyons- 
Sabato Morals — Kalish and Hiibsch, the moderate reformers — Ben 
jamin Szold — Dr. Marcus Jastrow's career in three countries- 
Alexander Kohut — Russian Orthodoxy asserts itself in New Yorl 
and the Bet ha-Midrash ha-Godol is founded in 1852 — Rabbi Abrj 
ham Joseph Ash and his various activities — Charity work which rs 
mains subordinate to religious work in the synagogue Page 11 

Contents. xv 



The Damascus Affair; the first occasion on which the Jews of the United 
States requested the government to intercede in behalf of persecuted 
Jews in another country — John Forsyth's instructions to American 
representatives in Turkey, in wliich those requests were anticipated 
— A discrimination in a treaty with Switzerland to which President 
Fillmore objected, and which Clay and Webster disapproved — The 
case of a Jewish-American citizen in Neufchatel — Newspaper agita- 
tion, meetings and memorials against the Swiss treaty — President 
Buchanan's emphatic declaration, and Minister Fay's "Israelite 
Note" about the Jews of Alsace — Question is settled by the eman- 
cipation of the Swiss Jews Page 193 





Pro-slavery tendencies of the aristocratic Spaniards and Portuguese — 
David Yulee (Levy) — Michael Heilprin and his reply to Rabbi 
Raphall's Bible View on 5/az'(?rji— Immigrants of the second period 
as opponents of slavery — Two Jewish delegates in the Convention 
which nominated Abraham Lincoln, and one member of the Elec- 
toral College in i860— Two other Jews officially participate in Lin- 
coln's renomination and re-election in 1864 — Abraham Jonas — En- 
couragement from the Scripture in original Hebrew Page 206 



Probable number of Jews in the United States at the time of the out- 
break of the Civil War— Seddon's estimate of "from ten to twelve 

xvi Contents. 

thousand Jews in the Southern Army" — Judah P. Benjamin, the 
greatest Jew in American public life — His early life and his mar- 
riage — Whig politician, planter and slave owner — Elected to the 
United States Senate and re-elected as a Democrat — Quits Wash- 
ington when Louisiana seceded and enters the cabinet of the Con- 
federacy — Attorney-General, Secretary of War and Secretary of 
State — His foreign policy — His capacity for work — When all is lost 
he goes to England and becomes one of its great lawyers — His last 
days are spent in France Page 218 




More "brothers in arms'' and a larger proportion of officers in the Con- 
federate Army than in that of the North, because most Southern 
Jews were natives of the country — Some distinguished officers — A 
gallant private who later became a rabbi — Paucity of Southern rec- 
ords — Generals Knefler, Solomon, Blumenberg, Joachimsen and 
other officers of high rank in the Union Army — New York ranks 
first, Ohio second and Illinois third in the number of Jews who went 
to the front — Two Pennsylvania regiments which started with Jew- 
ish colonels — Commodore Uriah P. Levy, the ranking officer of the 
United States navy at the time of the outbreak of the war, is pre- 
vented by age from taking part in it Page 229 



Ebb and flow of immigration between 1850 and 1880 — Decrease and 
practical stoppage of Jewish immigration from Germany — The 
breathing spell between two periods of immigration, and the prep- 
aration for the vast influx which was to follow — The period of great 
charitable institutions — Organization and consolidation — The He- 
brew Union College and the Union of American Hebrew Congrega- 
tions — The Independent Order B'nai Brith — Other large fraternal 
organizations and their usefulness — Important local institutions in 
New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, etc P^gg 242 

Contents. xvii 



PRIOR TO 1880. ^ - — 

Continued increase in the wealth and importance of the German-Jewish 
congregations — New and spacious synagogues and temples erected 
in various parts of the country in the "sixties" and the "seventies" 
— Problems of Russian-Jewish immigration prior to 1880 — -Econornic 
condition of the Jewish masses in Russia worse in the "golden era" 
than under Nicholas I. — Emigration from Russia after the famine 
of 1867-68 and after the pogrom of Odessa in 1871 — Presumption of 
the existence of a Hebrew reading public in New York in 1868 — 
The first Hebrew and Yiddish periodicals . page 250 





The country itself is well prepared for the reception of a larger number 
of Jewish immigrants — Absence of organized or political Anti- 
semitism — Increase in general immigration in 1880 and 1881 — Ar- 
rival of the "Am Olam"— Imposing protest meetings against the 
riots in Russia — Welcome and assistance — Emma Lazarus — Heilprin 
and the attempts to found agricultural colonies— Herman Rosen- 
thal Failures in many States — Some success in Connecticut and 

more in New Jersey — Woodbine — Distribution — Industrial workers 
and the new radicalism Page 260 



Congregational and social activities among the new comers— Ephemeral 
organizations— The striving after professional education— Syna- 

xviii Contents. 

gogues as the most stable of the new establishments — "Landsleut" 
congregations — The first efforts to consolidate the Orthodox com- 
munity of New York — The Federation of Synagogues — Chief Rabbi 
Jacob Joseph — Other "chief rabbis'' in Chicago and Boston — Promi- 
nent Orthodox rabbis in many cities — Dr. Philip Klein — The short 
period in which the cantor was the most important functionary in 
the Orthodox synagogue — Synagogues change hands, but are rarely 
abandoned Page 274 



The Jewish Alliance of 1891 as the first attempt to form a general or- 
ganization in which the immigrants of the latest period should be 
officially recognized — Some of the prominent participators — The 
new Exodus of 1891 — The Baron de Hirsch Fund — Various activi- 
ties — Decrease in the numbers and proportion of the helpless and 
the needy — The American Jewish Historical Society — The Jewish 
Publication Society of America — The Jewish Chautauqua — Partici- 
pation in the World's Columbian Exposition in 1893— The Council 
of Jewish Women Page 2SC 



Difficulty of securing data for the history of the Labor Movement 
among Jewish immigrants — John R. Commons' characterization of 
a Jewish labor union — A constantly changing army of followers 
under the same leaders — The movement under the control of the 
radical press— The leaders as journalists and literary men — They 
popularize the press and teach the rudiments of politics — The voter 
— The "Heften" — Neo-Hebrew periodicals — The Yiddish stylists— 
The plight of the Hebraists ; . p^g^ 097 



The normal rate of Jewish immigration is but slightly affected by the 
panic of 1893 — Oppressiveness of the Sunday Laws are felt by the 

Contents. xix 

new immigrants — The Extradition Treaty with Russia — Beginning 
of the struggle about the Passport Question — The first Resolution 
against Russia's discrimination, introduced in Congress by Mr. 
Cox in 1879 — Diplomacy and diplomatic correspondence — More 
resolutions — Rayner, Fitzgerald, Perkins — Henry M. Goldfogle — • 
John Hay's letter to the House — Alore letters, speeches and dis- 
cussions — The Sulzer Resolution and the last step to abrogate the 
Treaty of 1832 Page 30G 




Jewish interest in immigration — The first legislation on the subject^ 
The Nativists or "Know Nothings" — A Congressional investiga- 
tion in 1838 — President Taylor's invitation to foreigners to come 
and settle here — A law to encourage immigration passed on Lin- 
coln's recommendation in 1864 — The General Immigration Law of 1882 

The "Ford Committee" — Permanent Immigration Committees 

in Congress — Continued agitation and legislation on the subject — 
A bill containing the requirement of an educational test is vetoed 
by President Grover Cleveland in 1897 — The last Immigration Law 
of igo7 — The Immigration Commission of 1907 and its report in 
1910 — Sunday Laws and their significance for the Orthodox Jew — 
Laws of various States and Territories — Their effect on movements 
for municipal reform — Status of the problems Page 310 



Jews in the Spanish-American war — Commissioned and non-commis- 
sioned officers, privates and "Rough Riders"— Jews in the Navy: 
Simon Cook, Joseph Strauss and Edward David Taussig— The ca- 
reer of Rear-Admiral Adolph Marix— His part in the Inquiry about 
the "Maine" and in the war— The significance of the Dreyfus Af- 
fair—Its influence on the spread of Zionism— The American press 
almost as pro-Dreyfus as the Jewish — The Zionist movement in 
America— The rank and file consists of immigrants from Slavic 
countries, under the leadership of Americans Page B31 

zz Contents. 






Synagogues and other Jewish Institutions — General improvement and 
moderation — The Jewish Encyclopedia — Its editors and contribu- 
tors — The Roumanian situation and the American Government's in- 
terest in it since 1867 — Benjamin F. Peixotto, United States Consul- 
General in Bucharest — Diplomatic correspondence between Kasson 
and Evarts — New negotiations with Roumania in 1902 — The Rou- 
manian Note to the signatories of the Berlin Treaty — The question 
still in abeyance Page 3;J8 



The Kishinev massacre — Official solicitude and general sympathy — -Pro- 
test meetings and collections — The "Kishinev Petition" and its fate 
— Less publicity given to the later pogroms, whose victims were 
helped by "landsleut" from this country — The influence of pogroms 
on immigration — The frightful massacres in Russia in the fall of 
1905, and the assistance rendered by this country — A Resolution of 
sympathy adopted in Congress — The 250th Anniversary of the Set- 
tlement of the Jews in the United States — Relief for Moroccan 
Jews proposed by the United States — Oscar S. Straus in the 
Cabinet Page 353 



Formation of the American Jewish Committee — Its first fifteen members 
and its membership in 191 1 — The experimental Kehillah organiza- 

Contents. xxi 

tions — The re-organized Jewish Theological Seminary — Faculty of 
the Hebrew Union College — The Dropsie College of Hebrew and 
Cognate Learning — The Rabbi Joseph Jacob School — Other Ortho- 
dox "Yeshibot" — Talmud Torahs and "Chedarim" — Hebrew Insti- 
tutes — They become more Jewish because other agencies now do 
the work of Americanizing the immigrant — Technical Schools — 
Young Men's and Young Women's Hebrew Associations — Federa- 
tions of various kinds Page 300 



The legend about the Jewish origin of Chevalier de Levis — Aaron Hart, 
the English Commissary, and Abraham Gradis, the French banker — 
Early settlers in Montreal — Its first Congregation — Troubles of 
Ezekiel Hart, the first Jew to be elected to the Legislature — Final 
Emancipation in 1832 — Jews fight on the Loyalist side against Popi- 
neau's rebellion — Prominent Jews in various fields of activity — 
Congregation "Shaar ha-Shomaim" — Toronto — First synagogue in 
Victoria, B. C, in 1862 — Hamilton and Winnipeg — Other communi- 
ties — Agricultural Colonies — Jewish Newspapers Page .380 



The first "minyan" in Buenos Ayres, Argentine, in 1861 — Estimate of 
the Jewish population in Argentine — Occupations and economic 
condition of the various groups — Kosher meat and temporary syna- 
gogues as indications of the religious conditions — Communities in 
twenty-six other cities — The Agricultural Colonies — Brazil — The 
rumor that General Floriano Peixotto, the second president of the 
new Republic, was of Jewish origin — Communities in several cities 
— The Colony Philippson — Jews in Montevido, Uruguay — Other 
South American Republics — Isidor Borowski, who fought under 
Bolivar — -Panama — Moroccan Jews are liked by Peru Indiaits — 
About ten thousand Jews in Mexico — Slowly increasing number in 
Cuba, where Jews help to spread the American influence, page .387 

jsii Contents, 



ews who attained eminence in the world of art and of science — Moses 
J. Ezekiel — Ephraim Keyser — Isidor Konti — Victor D. Brenner^ 
Butensky and Davidson — Painters; Henry Mosler, Constant Mayer, 
H. N. Hyneman and George D. M. Peixotto— Max Rosenthal and 
his son, Albert — Max Weyl, Toby E. Rosenthal, Louis Loeb and 
Katherine M. Cohen — Some cartoonists and caricaturists — Musi- 
cians, composers and musical directors — -The Damrosch family, Ga- 
brilowitsch, Hoffman and Ellman — Operatic and theatrical man- 
agers and impressarios — Playwrights and actors — Scientists: A. A. 
Michelson, Morris Bloomfield, Jacob H. Hollander, Charles Wald- 
stein and his family— Charles Gross— Edwin R. A. Seligman, Adolph 
Cohn, Jaques Loeb, Simon Flexner and Abraham Jacobi — Fabian 
Franklin — Engineers: Sutro, Gottlieb and Jacobs — Some eminent 
physicians and lawyers — Merchants and financiers Page 394 



"uriosities of early American Jewish literature which belong to the 
domain of bibliography — Rabbinical works: Responses, commen- 
taries and Homiletics — Hebrew works of a modern character — Ehr- 
lich's Mikra Ki-Peshuto and Eisenstein's Ozar Israel — Neo-Hebrew 
Poets and literati — Jewish writers in the vernacular — "Ghetto 
Stories" — Writers on non-Jewish subjects — Scientific works — 
Writers on Jewish subjects and contributors to the "Jewish En- 
cyclopedia" — A. S. Freidus — Non-Jewish writers about Jews — ■ 
Daly — Frederic, Davitt and Hapgood — Journalists, editors and pub- 
lishers — The Ochs brothers; the Rosewaters — Pulitzer and de 
Young of Jewish descent — The Jewish denominational press in 
English — The "Sanatorium." Page 405 



fiddish poets of the United States equal, if they do not excell, the poets 
of the same tongue in other countries — Morris Rosenfeld — "Ye- 
hoash" and Sharkansky — Bovshoer and other radicals — Zunser — Old 

Contents. xxiii 

fashioned novelists — The sketch writers who are under the influence 
of the Russian realistic writers — Abner Tannenbaum — Alexander 
Harkavy — "Krantz," Hermalin, Zevin and others — Abraham Gold- 
faden and the playwrights who followed him — Jacob Gordin and 
the realists — Yiddish actors and actresses — The Yiddish Press — The 
high position attained by the dailies — Weekly and monthly pub- 
lications Page 418 


lSENt conditions, the number and the dispersion of 
jews in america. conclusion. 

persion of the Jews over the country and its colonial posses- 
sions — The number of Jews in the United States about 
three millions — The number of communities in various States — 
The number of Jews in the large cities — The number of the 
congregations is far in excess of the recorded figures — The process 
of disintegration and the counteracting forces — The building of syn- 
agogues — Charity work is not overshadowing other communal activi- 
ties as in the former period, and more attention is paid to affairs of 
Judaism — The conciliatory spirit and the tendency to federate — Self- 
criticism and dissatisfaction which are an incentive to improvement 
— Our great opportunity here — Our hope in the higher civilization 
in which the injustices of the older order of things inay never 
reappear Page 424 



Fkontispiece (Ezekiel's Statue of Religious Liberty) 

Col. Isaac Franks 91 

judah touro 145 

Rabbi Isaac Leeser 109 

Dr. Isaac M. Wise 173 

Rabbi Sabato Morais 181 

Dr. Marcus Jastkow 187 

Michael Heilprin 209 

Lewis N. Dembitz 213 

Judah p. Benjamik 219 

Hon. Simon Wolf 231 

Commodore Uriah P. Levy 239 

Julius Bien 245 

Kasriel H. Sarasohn 257 

Emma Lazarus 263 

Herman Rosenthal 267 

Chief Rabbi Jacob Josepi; 279 

Miss Sadie American 293 

Prof, Gotthard Deutsch 341 

Hon. Jacob H. Schiff 359 

Hon. Oscar S. Straus 363 

Judge Mayer Sulzberger 367 

Hon. Benjamin Selling opp. p. 370 

Prof. Solomon Schechteb 373 

Martha Wolfenstein 41I 

MoRDECAi Manuel Noah 415 




The ten centuries which passed between the fall of the Western 
Roman Empire and the discovery of the New World are com- 
monly known as the Middle Ages or the Dark Ages. They were, 
on the whole, very dark indeed for most of the inhabitants of 
Europe, as well as for the Jews who were scattered among them. 
It was a time of the fermentation of religious and national ideas, 
a formative period for the mind and the body politic of the races 
from which the great nations of the present civilized world were 
evolved. It was a period of violent hatreds, of cruel persecutions, 
of that terrible earnestness which prompts and justifies the exter- 
mination of enemies and even of opponents; there was almost 
constant war between nations, between classes, between creeds 
and sects. The ordinary man had no rights even in theory, the 
truths "that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by 
their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these 
are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" were not self-evi- 
dent then ; they were not even thought of until a much later era. 

The treatment accorded to the Jews in our own times in the 
countries where the general conditions are nearest to those pre- 
vailing in the dark ages, gives a clear idea of what the Jew had 
to undergo when the average degree of culture was so much 
lower than it is in the least developed of the Christian countries 
at present. The records of the times are so filled with pillage, 
expulsions and massacres, that they impress us as having been 
common occurrences, though they happened further apart to those 
who lived through the peaceful intervals which distance of time 


2 History of the Jews in America. 

makes to appear short to us. There were, of course, some bright 
spots, the most shining of which was the Iberian peninsula dur- 
ing the earlier part of the Moorish domination. Sometimes a 
kind-hearted king would afford his Jews protection and even 
grant them valuable privileges ; a clear-headed prince often found 
it to his own interest to utilize them for the advancement of the 
commerce of his dominion, and in a rare period of peace and' 
prosperity there also happened a general relaxation of the sever- 
ity which characterized the time. But if we view the entire 
thousand years as a single historical period, we find the condi- 
tion of the Jews slowly deteriorating; with the result that while 
the modern nations were welded together and came out of the 
medieval furnace strengthened and developed, the Jews were 
pushed back, segregated and degraded, ready for the numerous 
expulsions and various sufferings which continued for more than 
two centuries in Western Europe and are not yet over in other 
parts of the Old World. 

The favorable position of the Jews at the beginning of the 
Middle Ages is less familiar to the reading public, even to the 
Jewish reader, than the troublesome times which came later. As 
a matter of fact the Jews were, except for the lack of national 
unity and of the possession of an independent home, better sit- 
uated materially four centuries after the destruction of the Sec- 
ond Temple than before the last dissolution of the Kingdom of 
Judah. The instinct for commerce which is latent in the "Sem- 
itic" race was awakened in the Diaspora and, after an interrup- 
tion of more than a thousand years, we find, at the end of the 
classical times, international trade again almost exclusively in the 
hands of members of that race. The Sumero-Accadians or orig- 
inal Babylonians who were the earliest known internationar trad- 
ers on land, and the Phoenicians, who first dared to trade over 
seas, were of Semitic origin. As foreign commerce is the highest 
form of activity in regard to the utilization of human produc- 
tivity, so it is also the forerunner of mental activity and of the 
spread of an ennobling and instructive culture. The beginnings 
of both Egyptian and Greek civilization, according to the latest 

Introduction. 3 

discoveries, point unmistakably to Mesopotamian or Phoenician 
origin, with a strong probability that the latter received it from 
the former in times which we usually describe as pre-historic, but 
about which we now possess considerable exact information. Cul- 
ture followed the great route of the caravans to Syria and Egypt 
on one side, to Iran, India and as far as China in an opposite di- 
rection. And if we accept the wholly incorrect and un-scientihc 
division of the white race into Aryans and Semites, then this 
original and most fertile of the cultures of humanity was un- 
doubtedly Semitic. A more modern and more nearly correct di- 
vision would place these ancient inhabitants of the plateau of 
Asia as a part of the great Mediterranean or brunette race, which 
includes, besides all the so-called Semites, a number of Euro- 
pean nations which are classed as Aryans. Greece succeeded 
Phoenicia and was in turn succeeded by Rome in the hegemony 
of international trade as well as in that of general culture. Both 
commerce and culture declined when the ancient civilization was 
all but destroyed by the invasion of the blond barbarians of the 
northern forests, who were themselves destined to attain in a far- 
away future the highest form of civilization of which mankind 
has hitherto proven itself capable. (See Zollschan "Das Ras- 
senproblem," Vienna, iQio, pp. 206 ff.) 

It so happened that at the time of the downfall of the Roman 
Empire, or, as it is usually called, the beginning of the Middle 
Ages, another people of Semitic origin, the Jews, were for the 
most part engaged in international trade. There are records of 
Jewish merchants of that period shipping or exporting wine, oil, 
honey, fish, cattle, woolens, etc., from Spain to Rome and. other 
Latin provinces, from Media to Brittannia, from the Persian 
Gulf and Ethiopia to Macedonia and Italy ; there was no impor- 
tant seaport or commercial center in which the Jews did not oc- 
cupy a commanding position. Their prominence as importers 
and exporters rather increased than diminished by the downfall 
of the great Empire. The new nations of the Germanic king- 
doms which were founded on the ruins of Rome, knew nothing 
of international trade, and the position of the Jews as merchants 

4 History of the Jews in America. 

was accepted by them as a matter of course. Hence the first 
traces of Jewish settlements in modern European countries are 
almost exclusively to be found in the earliest records of commerce 
and of trading privileges. They are then known as traders with 
distant countries, as sea-going men, as owners of vessels and as 
slave-traders. The commercial note or written obligation to pay, 
which is accepted in lieu of payment and is itself negotiable as a 
substitute for money, is a Jewish invention of those times. They 
developed industries and improved the material conditions of 
every place in which they were found in large numbers. As late 
as 1084, when their position had been already much weakened 
and the coming Crusades were casting their shadows, Bishop 
Rudiger of Speyer began his edict of privileges granted to the 
Jews with the statement : "As I wish to turn the village of 
Speyer into a city ... I call the Jews to settle there." (See 
ibid p. 351.)^ 


Canon Law on one side and the rise of cities on the other shat- 
tered the position of the Jews until they were reduced to sore 
straits at the end of the Middle Ages. The church labored per- 
sistently and relentlessly through the centuries in which Europe 
was thoroughly Christianized, to separate the Jews as far as pos- 
sible from their Gentile neighbors. The ties which united the 
two parts of the population by a thousand threads of mutual in- 
terest, friendship, co-operation and beneficial intercourse, were 
slowly loosened and, where possible, all but severed. At the var- 
ious Church Councils, from Nicea to the last Lateran, there was 
laid down the theory of the necessity to force the Jews out of 

' A remarkable work by Werner Sombart, Die Juden imd das Wirt- 
schaftsleben (Leipsic ign), which appeared after the above was written, 
deals exhaustively with the important part which the Jews played in the 
development of business and finance in medieval as well as in modern 
times. While it is avowedly a partisan work written for a special pur- 
pose, it is a notable contribution to social-economic Jewish history 
which no student of the subject can afiford to neglect. 

Introduction. 5 

the national life of the countries in which they dwelt, and to seg- 
regate them as a distinct, inferior and outlawed class. The prin- 
ciples enunciated by the higher clergy were disseminated by the 
priests and the demagogues among the masses. Special laws and 
restrictions were often followed by attacks, sacking of the Jew- 
ish quarters and degradations of various kinds. In the twelfth 
and the following three centuries the ill-treatment was often fol- 
lowed by expulsions and cancellation of debts, while heavy fines on 
individual Jews or on entire communities were accepted on both 
sides as a lesser evil or as easy terms for escaping greater hard- 
ships. The climax of this method of dealing with the Jews, the 
greatest blow administered to the unhappy Children of Israel by 
Christian princes, was the expulsion from Spain in 1492, and its 
concomitant, the expulsion from Portugal five years afterwards. 

But the Church alone could never have accomplished the ruin 
of the Jews if the changing economic conditions and the rise of 
a large and powerful class of Christian merchants did not help to 
undermine the position of the erstwhile solitary trading class. 
The burgher classes were the chief opponents and persecutors of 
their Jewish competitors : they seconded, and in many cases insti- 
gated, the efforts of the clergy to exclude the Jews from many 
occupations. So when the city overpowered the land owner and 
began to exert a preponderant influence on the government, the 
cause of the Jew was lost, or at least postponed until a more hu- 
mane and liberal time, when the ordinary claims of the brother- 
hood of man were to overcome the narrow-minded mercantile 
and ecclesiastical policies of a ruder age. The great historian 
Ranke pointed out that the struggle between the cities and the 
nobility in Castille was decided in favor of the former by the 
marriage of Queen Isabella to Ferdinand of Aragon. It was 
also this marriage which sealed the doom of the Spanish Jews, 
as well as that of their former friends and protectors, the Moors, 
who had by that time sunk so low, that it was impossible for 
them to keep their last stronghold in Europe much longer. 

Though the outlook in Spain was very dark, it was much worse 
in all other known countries, which accounts for the fact that 

6 History of the Jews in America. 

there was hardly any emigration from the Christian parts of 
Spain in the time immediately preceding the expulsion. The 
Spanish Jew was then, and has to some extent remained even 
unto this day, the aristocrat among the Jews of the world. His 
intense love for that country is still smouldering in the hearts of 
his descendants, and not without reason. In other European 
countries the Jew could, during the middle ages, only enjoy the 
sympathy and sometimes be accorded the protection of the no- 
bility. In Spain and Portugal he actually belonged to that class. 
For, as Selig (Dr. Paulus) Cassel has justly remarked (in his 
splendid article Juden in Ersch and Gruber's Encyclopedia) suf- 
ficient attention has not been paid by Jewish historians to the im- 
portant fact that Spain and Portugal were the only considerable 
countries during the Middle Ages in which the Jews were per- 
mitted to own land. The statement, for which there is an ap- 
parent Jewish authority, that they owned about a third of Spain 
at the time of their exile, is doubtless an exaggeration, but there 
can be no question of their being extensive holders of land-prop- 

This largely explains why the Jew in Spain has not sunk in 
public estimation as much as he did in other countries, why his 
fate was different, and, in the end, worse than that of his more 
humiliated and degraded brother elsewhere. When the German 
or French Jew was forced out of commerce he could only become 
a money-lender at the usurious rates prevailing in those times. 
This vocation drew on him the contempt and hatred of all classes, 
as was always the case and as is the case in many places even to- 
day. But while the usurer was despised he was very useful, often 
even indispensable, especially in those times when there was a 
great scarcity of the precious metals and of convertible capital. 
This may explain why the exiled Jews were in other countries 
usually called back to the places from which they were exiled. 
The prejudice of the age may render their work disreputable, 
but it was none the less necessary ; they were missed as soon as 
they left, and on many occasions negotiations for their return 

Introduction. 7 

v/ere begun as soon as the popular fury cooled down, or when 
the object of spoliation was attained. 

Not so in Spain. The Jewish merchant who could no longer 
hold his own against his stronger non-Jewish competitor, could 
do what is often done by others who voluntarily retire from such 
pursuits, i. e., invest his capital in landed estates. We can im- 
agine that the transition did not at all seem to be forced, that 
those who caused it, and even its victims, might have considered 
it as the natural course of events. After the great massacres of 
1391, a century before the expulsion, many Jews emigrated to 
Moorish North Africa, where there still remained some degree 
of tolerance and friendliness for them, mingled perhaps with 
some hope of re-conquering the lost parts of the Iberian penin- 
sula. But later there was less thought of migration, least of all 
of emigrating to the parts of Spain which still remained in the 
possession of the Moors. The race which was, seven centuries 
before, assisted by the Jews to become masters of Iberia, and' 
which together with them rose to a height of culture and mental 
achievement which is not yet properly appreciated in modern 
history, has now become degenerate and almost savage in its 
fanaticism. The Jew of Spain was still proud, despite his suffer- 
ings. He could not see his fate as clearly as we can now 
from the perspective of five hundred years. He was rooted in 
the country in which he lived for many centuries. He was, like 
most m.en of wealth and position, inclined to be optimistic, and 
he could not miss his only possible protection against expropria- 
tion or exile — the possession of full rights of citizenship — be- 
cause the Jews nowhere had it in those times and had not had it 
since the days of ancient Rome. 

The catastrophe of the great expulsion, which came more unex- 
pectedly than we can now perceive, was possibly facilitated by the 
position which the Jews held as land owners. It certainly con- 
tributed to make the decree of exile irrevocable. The holder of 
real property is more easily and more thoroughly despoiled, be- 
cause he cannot hide his most valuable possessions or escape 

8 History of the Jews in America. 

with them. He is not missed wlien he is gone ; his absence is 
hardly felt after the title to his lands has been transferred to the 
Crown or to favorites of the government. When the robbery is 
once committed only compunction or an awakened sense of jus- 
tice could induce the restitution which re-admission or recall 
would imply. And as abstract moral forces had very little in- 
fluence in those cruel days, it is no wonder that the expulsion 
was final — the only one of that nature in Christian Europe. 

This peculiar position of the Jews in Spain and Portugal was 
also the cause of the immense number of conversions which gave 
these anti-Jewish nations a very large mixture of Jewish blood 
in their veins. The temptation to cling to the land and to the 
high social position which could not be enjoyed elsewhere was 
too strong for all but the strongest. Thus we find Marranos or 
secret Jews in all the higher walks of life in the times of the dis- 
covery of America. The more steadfast of their brethren who' 
were equally prominent in the preceding period assisted in var- 
ious ways earlier voyages of discovery, and even contributed in- 
directly to the success of the one great voyage, which did not 
begin until they were exiled from Spain forever. 

But we must constantly bear in mind, when speaking of the 
Middle Ages and of the two centuries succeeding it, the sixteenth 
and the seventeenth, that the Jews did not possess the right of 
citizenship and were not, even when they were treated very well, 
considered as an integral part of the population. This was the 
chief weakness of their position and the ultimate cause of all the 
persecutions, massacres and expulsions. Still they had many 
opportunities and made the most of them to advance their own 
interests and those of the countries in which they dwelt. We 
find them in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries in close touch 
with the current of national life in the countries which were most 
absorbed in enterprises of navigation and discovery. Alany of 
them were still great merchants, numerous others were scholars, 
mathematicians and astronomers or astrologers ; some had in- 
fluence in political life as advisers or fiscal officials at the royal 

Introductioii. 9 

:ourts. They accomplished much, as Jews and as Marranos, 
L'ven when the danger of persecution must have been ever-pres- 
ent, or later, when in constant terror of the Inquisition. Many 
Df them could therefore participate in the work which led to the 
discovery of a New World, where their descendants were des- 
tined to find a home safer and more free than was ever dreamt of 
in medieval Jewish philosophy. 






The Jew of Barcelona who has navigated the whole known world — 
Judah Cresques, "the Map Jew," as director of the Academy of Navi- 
gation which was founded by Prince Henry the Navigator — One 
Jewish astronomer advises the King of Portugal to reject the plans 
of Columbus — Zacuto as one of the first influential men in Spain to 
encourage the discoverer of the New World — Abravanel, Senior and 
the Marranos Santangel and Sanchez who assisted Columbus — The 
voyage of discovery begun a day after the expulsion of the Jews 
from Spain — Luis de Torres and other Jews who went with Colum- 
bus — America discovered on "Hosannah Rabbah" — The Indians a3 
the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel — Money taken from the Jews to de- 
fray the expenditure of the second voyage of Columbus — Vasco da 
Gama and the Jew Caspar — Scrolls of the Thorah from Portugal 
sold in Cochin — Alphonse d' Albuquerque's interpreter who returned 
to Judaism. 

In the days when Church and State were one and indissoluble, 
and when all large national enterprises, such as wars or the 
search for new dominions by means of discovery, were under- 
taken avowedly in the name and for the glory of the Catholic 
religion, it could not have been expected that governments will 
make an effort to protect international trade as long as it was in 
Jewish hands. We must therefore go as far back as to the first 


Juceff the Navigator and Judah, "the Map Jew". 11 

half of the 14th century to find a record of Jews who went to 
sea on their own account in an independent way. Accordhng to 
the great authority on the subject of this chapter (Dr. M. Kay- 
serhng, "Christopher Columbus and the participation of the Jews 
in the Spanish and Portuguese Discoveries," English translation 
by the late Prof. Charles Gross of Harvard University) Jaime 
III., the last king of Mallorca, testified in 1334 that Juceff Fa- 
quin, a Jew of Barcelona, "has navigated the whole then known 
world." About a century later we find again a Jew prominently 
identified with navigation; but in this instance he is a scientific 
teacher, in the employ of an energetic prince who considered 
navigation as a national project of the greatest moment. Prince 
Henry the Navigator of Portugal (1394-1460), who helped his 
father to capture Ceuta, in North Africa, and there "obtained 
information from Jewish travellers concerning the south coast 
of Guinea and the interior of Africa", established a naval acad- 
emy or school of navigation at the Villa do Iffante or Sagres, a 
seaport town which he caused to be built. He appointed as its 
director Mestre Jaime of Mallorca whose real name was Jafuda 
(Judah) Cresques, the son of Abraham Cresques of Palma, the 
capital of Mallorca. Jafuda was known as "the Map Jew," 
and a map which he prepared for King Juan I. of Aragon and 
was presented by the latter to the King of France, is preserved 
in the National Library of Paris.' He became the teacher of 
tlie Portuguese in the art of navigation as well as in the manufac- 
ture of nautical instruments and maps. In this work he had no 
superior in his day. 

While this Jewish scholar helped the Portuguese to many nota- 
ble achievements in their daring voyages, another one, at a later 
period, was almost the direct cause of their being overtaken by 
the Spaniards in the race for new discoveries. For it was Joseph 
Vecinho, physician to King Joao, of Portugal, considered by the 
high court functionaries to be the greatest authority in nautical 

^A fac-simile of this map is found in the "Jewish Encyclopedia," vol. 
III., opp. p. 678. 

12 History of the Jews in America. 

matters, who influenced the King to reject the plan submitted by 
Christopher Columbus (i446?-i5o6), and thereby caused the 
latter to leave Portugal for Spain in 1484. 

Columbus came to Spain when Ferdinand and Isabella, with 
the aid of the newly introduced Inquisition, were despoiling the 
wealthy Marranos, who were burned at the stake in large num- 
bers. The last war with the Moors had already begun. 

Another and more famous Jewish scholar was to make amends 
for whatever suffering was caused to the great discoverer by Ve- 
cincho's fatal advice. Abraham Ben Samuel Zacuto, who was 
born in Salamanca, Spain, about the middle of the 15th century 
and died an exile in Turkey after 15 10, was famous as an astron- 
omer and mathematician, and in his capacity as one of the lead- 
ing professors in the university of his native city was formerly 
the teacher of the above named Vecinho. He was more discern- 
ing than his pupil, and when he learned to know Columbus, soon 
after the latter's arrival in Spain, he encouraged him personally 
and also ga\'e him his almanacs and astronomical tables, which 
were a great help in the voyage of discovery. Zacuto was among 
the first influential men in Spain to favor the plans of Colmnbus, 
and his favorable report caused Ferdinand and Isabella to take 
him into their service in 1487. The explorer was then ordered 
to proceed to Malaga, which was captured several weeks before, 
and there made the acquaintance of the two most prominent Jews 
of Spain in that time — the chief farmer of taxes, Abraham Senior, 
and Don Isaac Abravanel, These two men were provisioning the 
Spanish armies which operated against the Moors, and were in 
high favor at Court. Abravanel was one of the first to render 
financial assistance to Columbus. 

Louis de Santangel and other Marranos interposed in favor 
of Columbus when he was about to go to France in January, 
1492, because Ferdinand refused to make him Viceroy and Life- 
Governor of all the lands \A'hich he might discover. Santano-el's 
pleadings with Isabella were especially efifective, and when the 
question of funds remained the only obstacle to be overcome he 

Santangel as the Financier of the Discovery. 13 

who was saved from the stake by the King's grace at the time 
when several other members of the Santangel family perished, 
advanced a loan of seventeen thousand florins — nearly five mil- 
lion maravedis — to finance the entire project. Account books 
in which the transfer of money from Santangel to Columbus, 
through the Bishop of Avila, who afterwards became the Arch- 
bishop of Granada, were recorded, are still preserved in the 
Archive dc India of Seville, Spain. 

"After the Spanish monarchs had expelled all the Jews from 
all their Kingdoms and lands in April, in the same month they 
commissioned me to undertake the voyage to India" — writes 
Christopher Columbus. This refers to the Decree of Expulsion, 
but the coincidence of the actual happening was still more re- 
markable. The expulsion took place on the second day of Aug- 
ust, 1492, which occurred on the ninth day of the Jewish month 
of Ab, the day on which, according to the Jewish tradition, is 
the anniversary of the destruction of both the first Holy Temple 
of Jerusalem in the year 586 B. C. and also of the second Temple 
at the hands of the Romans in the year 70 C. E. The day, 
known as "Tishah be'Ab," was observed as a day of mourning 
and lamentation among the Jews of the Diaspora in all countries 
and is still so observed by the Orthodox everywhere to this day. 
Columbus sailed on his momentous voyage on the day after — the 
third of August. The boats which were carrying away throngs 
of the expatriated and despairing Jews from the country which 
they loved so well and in which their ancestors dwelt for more 
than eight centuries, sighted that little fleet of three sailing craft 
which was destined to open up a new world for the oppressed of 
many races, where at a later age millions of Jews were to find a 
free home under the protection of laws which were unthought 
of in those times. 

Neither all the names nor even the number of men who ac- 
companied Columbus on his first voyage are known to posterity. 
Some authorities place the number at 120, others as low as 90. 
But among the names which came down to us are those of sev- 
eral Jews, the best known among them being Louis de Torres, 

14 History of the Jews in America. 

who was baptized shortly before he joined Columbus. Torres 
knew Hebrew, Chaldaic and some Arabic, and was taken along 
to be employed as an interpreter between the travellers and the 
natives of the parts of India which Columbus expected to reach 
by crossing the Ocean. Others of Jewish stock whose names 
were preserved are : Alfonso de Calle, Rodrigo Sanchez of Se- 
govia, the physician Maestro Bernal and the surgeon Marco. 

Land was sighted October 12, 1492, on "Hosannah Rabbah" 
(the seventh day of the Jewish Feast of the Booths), and Louis 
de Torres, who was sent ashore with one companion to parley 
Vvith the inhabitants, was thus the first white man tO' step on the 
ground of the New World. As the place proved to be not the ' 
Kingdom of the Great Khan which Columbus had set out to 
reach, but an island of the West Indies, with a strange liitherto^ 
unknown race of copper-colored men, it is needless to say that 
the linguistic attainments of the Jewish interpreter availed him 
very little. After he managed to make himself somewhat under- 
stood, he was favorably impressed with the new country and 
finally settled for the remainder of his life in Cuba. He was the 
first discoverer of tobacco, which was through him introduced 
into the Old World. It is also believed that in describing in a 
Hebrew letter to a Marrano in Spain the odd gallinaceous bird 
which he first saw in his new abode, he gave it the name "Tukki" 
(the word in Kings I, 10 v. 22, which is commonly translated 
peacock) and that this was later corrupted into "turkey," by 
which name it is known to the English-speaking world. 

It may also be remarked, in passing, that the belief identifying 
the red race which was surnamed Indian with the lost ten tribes 
of Israel, began to be entertained by many people, especially 
scholars and divines, soon after the discovery of America. It at- 
tained the dignity of a theory in the middle of the 17th century 
when Thorowgood published his work: "The Jews in America; 
or. Probabilities that the Americans are of that Race." (London, 
1650.) This view was supported among our own scholars by 
no less an authority than Manasse Ben Israel, who wrote on the 

Jewish Money for the Second Voyage. 15 

>ame subject in his "Esperanga de Israel" which was pubhshed 
in Amsterdam in the same year. 

Columbus wrote the first reports of his wonderful discovery 
o Louis de Santangel and to Gabriel Sanchez. The letter to the 
irst is dated February 15, 1493, ^nd was written on the return 
royage, near the Azores or the Canaries. 

It was decreed by a royal order of November 23, 1492, that 
;he authorities were to confiscate for the State Treasury all prop- 
;rty which had belonged to the Jews, including that which Chris- 
;ians had taken from them or had appropriated unlawfully or by 
violence. This gave Ferdinand sufficient means to provide for 
:he second voyage of Columbus (March 23, 1493). The King 
md the Queen signed a large number of injunctions to royal 
>fficers in Soria, Zamora, Burgos and many other cities, direct- 
ng them to secure immediate possession of all the precious met- 
ds, gold and silver utensils, jewels, gems and other objects of 
/alue that had been taken from the Jews who were expelled from 
Spain or had migrated to Portugal, and everything that these 
[ews had entrusted for safe keeping to Marrano, relatives or 
'riends, and all Jewish possession which Christians had found 
3r had unlawfully appropriated. The royal officers were later 
ordered to convert this property into ready money and to give 
he proceeds to the treasurer, Francisco Pinelo, in Seville, to meet 
he expenditure of Columbus' second expedition. 

One of the specific instances of these confiscations which de- 
;erves to be mentioned, is the order to Bernardino de Lerma to 
ransfer to Pinelo all the gold, silver and various other things 
vhich Rabbi Ephraim (who is sometimes referred to in contem- 
)orary documents as Rabi Frayn, also as Rubifrayn, and who 
vas perhaps the father of the great Rabbi Joseph Caro, author 
if the Shulhan Aruk, etc.), the richest Jew in Burgos, had before 
migrating left with Isabel Osoria, the wife of Louis Nunez Cor- 
mel of Zamora. Not merely the clothing, ornaments and val- 
lables which had been taken from the Jews were converted into 
noney, but also the debts which tliey had been unable to re- 
over were declared by order of the Crown to be forfeited to the 

16 History of the Jews in America. 

state treasury, and stringent measures were adopted to collect 
them. A moderate estimate places the sum thus obtained at six 
million maravedis, to which ought to be added the two millions 
contributed by the Inquisition of Seville as a part of the enor- 
mous sums which it wrested from Jews and Moors. According 
to another order, issued in the above-named date, it was from 
this Jewish money that Columbus was paid the ten thousand 
maravedis which the Spanish monarchs had promised as a re- 
ward to him who should first sight land.^ 

In the days of suffering and disgrace wdiich came to Columbus 
after his discoveries, Santangel and Sanchez remainecL- faithful 
to him and often interceded in his behalf with Ferdinand and 
Isabella. They both c ed in 1505, about one year before the 
great discoverer whose success they made possible. Their im- 
mediate descendants occupied high positions in the royal service. 

^ ^ ^ l}r ^ 

Columbus was not the only renowned discoverer of that time 
who was directly and indirectly assisted by Jews. The great 
and cruel Vasco da Gama, who did for Portugal almost as much 
as Columbus did for Spain, could hardly have carried out his 
important undertakings without the help of at least two Jews. 
One of them was the above-mentioned iVbraham Zacuto, who, 
like many of his unfortunate brethren, went from Spain to Por- 
tugal after the calamity of 1492. He was highly favored by 
King Joao and by his successor, Dom Manuel, and the latter con- 
sulted him on the advisability of sending out under Vasco da 
Gama's command the flotilla of four boats which was to reach 
India by the way of Cape of Good Hope. Zacuto pointed out 
the dangers which would have to be encountered, but gave it as 
his opinion that the plan was feasible and predicted that it would 
result in the subjection of a large part of India to the Portu- 

^ There is a record that it was not Columbus himself but a sailor from 
Lepe who first saw a distant light and cried "land!" and who, when he 
found that he had been defrauded of the gratuity, obtained his dis- 
charge, went to Africa and there discarded Christianity for his old 
faith. But the chronicler does not inform us whether the sailor's old 
faith was Judaism or Islam. 

Vasco da Gama aided by two Jews. 17 

^uese crown. Zacuto's works and the instruments which he in- 
'ented and made available materially facilitated the execution of 
he enterprises of Vasco da Gama and other explorers. As in 
he case of Columbus and Spain, da Gama sailed in the year of 
he expulsion of the Jews from the country which fitted out his 
;xpedition (1497). When he returned Zacuto was an exile in 
funis, though he probably could have remained in Portugal, just 
IS Abravanel could have remained in Spain. 

It was during his return voyage to Europe, while staying at 
he little island of Anchevide, sixty mils from Goa (off the 
ndian coast of iVIalabar) that Vasco da Gama met the second 
few who became very useful to him and to Portugal. A tall 
European with a long white beard approached his ship in a boat 
vith a small crew. He had been sent by his master, Sabayo, the 
VIoorish ruler of Goa, to negotiate with the foreign navigator. 
de was a Jew who, according to some chronicles, came from 
r'osen, according to others from Granada, whose parents had 
emigrated to Turkey and Palestine. From Alexandria, which 
;ome give as his birthplace, he proceeded across the Red Sea to 
VIecca and thence to India. Here he was a long time in capi- 
ivity, and later was made admiral (capitao mor) by Sabayo. 

The Portuguese were overjoyed "to hear so far from home a 
anguage closely related to their native speech." But he was 
soon suspected 01 being a spy and was forced by torture to join 
:he expedition and — as a matter of course — to embrace Chris- 
:ianity. The admiral acted as his godfather and his name came 
lown to us as Gaspar da Gama or Gaspar de las Indias. He 
,vas brought to Portugal, where he was favored by King Manuel 
md "rendered inestimable service to Vasco da Gama and several 
ater commanders." He accompanied Pedro Alvarez Cobral on 
he expedition in 1500 which led to the independent discovery of 
Brazil, which became a Portuguese possession. On the return 
/oyage Gaspar met Amerigo Vespucci, who received much in- 
iormation from him and mentions him as a linguist and traveller 
.vho is trustworthy and knows much about the interior of India. 

On another expedition in which he accompanied his godfather 

18 History of the Jews in America. 

in 1502, Gaspar found his wife in Cochin. She had remained 
true to him and to Judaism; since he was carried away by the 
Portuguese, but probably both of them considered it unsafe for 
her to join him. He again journeyed to Cochin in 1505 in the 
retinue of the first Viceroy of India, wliich also included the son 
of Dt. Martin Pinheiro', the Judge of the Supreme Court of Lis- 
bon. The young Pinheiro carried along a chest filled with 
"Torah" scrolls which were taken from the recently destroyed 
synagogues of Portugal. Caspar's wife negotiated the sale in 
Cochin, "where there were many Jews and synagogues," obtain- 
ing four thousand parados for thirteen scrolls. The viceroy later 
confiscated the proceeds for the state treasury and sent an ac- 
count of the whole affair to Lisbon. 

Another Portuguese commander and governor of India, Al- 
phonse d'Albuquerque, obtained much information and valuable 
assistance from his interpreter, a Jew from Castille whom he in- 
duced to embrace Christianity and to assume the name Francisco 
d'Albuquerque. His companion Cufo or Hucefe underwent the 
same change of religion and visited Lisbon, but soon found him- 
self in danger and escaped to Cairo, where he again openly pro- 
fessed Judaism. 




Children torn from their parents were the first Jewish immigrants — 
Jewish history in the New World begins, as Jewish history in Spain 
ends, with the Inquisition — Emperor Charles V., Philip II. and 
Philip III, — Lutherans persecuted together with Jews and Moham- 
edans — Codification of the laws of the Inquisition, and its special 
edicts for the New World. 

We have seen in the preceding chapter that the Jews were 
expeUed forever from Spain and Portugal at the time when these 
two nations, with considerahle assistance from professing and 
converted Jews, discovered the New World and took possession 
of it. Nothing could therefore have been farther from the 
thoughts and the hopes of the Jews of those dark days than the 
idea that America was to be, in a far-away future, the first Chris- 
tian country to grant its Jewish inhabitants full citizenship and 
absolute equality before the law. For nearly a century and a 
half no professing Jew dared to tread upon American soil, and 
even the secret Jews or Marranos were as much in danger in the 
newly-planted colonies as in the mother countries under whose 
rule they remained for a long time. 

The first Jewish immigrants in the New ^Vorld were children 
who were torn away from the arms of their parents at the time 
of the expulsions, and even they were persecuted as soon as they 
grew up. The Marranos who sought a refuge in America in 
these early days were soon followed by the same agencies of per- 
secution which made life a burden to them in their old home. 
We meet in America for more than a century after its discovery 


20 History of the Jews in America. 

almost the same conditions as in Spain and Portugal after the 
Jews were exiled. Where the history of the Jews in Spain ends 
— says Dr. Ivayserling — the history of the Jews in America be- 
gins. The Inquisition is the last chapter in the record of llie 
confessors of Judaism on the Pyrenean peninsula and its first 
chapter in the western hemisphere. The Nuevos Christianos 
concealed their faith, or were able to conceal it, as little in the 
New World as in the mother country. With astonishing tenac- 
ity, nay, with admirable obstinacy, they clung to the religion of 
their fathers; it was not a rare occurrence that the grandchildren 
and great-grandchildren of the martyred Jews sanctified the 
Sabbath in a most conscientious manner, by refraining from work 
as far as possible and by wearing their best clothing. They also 
celebrated the Jewish Festivals, observed the Day of Atonement 
by fasting, and married according to the Jewish customs. They 
clung to their faith and sufi^ered for it even as late as the eigh- 
teenth century, which means that the Jewish religion was handed 
down secretly and preserved in the seventh and eighth genera- 
tion after the exile. Many went to the stake or died in the pris- 
ons of the Incjuisition in the New World ; many others were 
transported in groups to Spain and Portugal and gave up their 
lives as martyrs in Seville, Toledo, Evora or Lisbon. Their re- 
ligious heroism will be apparent in all its magnitude wdien the 
immense documentary material which is heaped up in the arch- 
ives of Spain and Portugal, and other places on this side of the 
ocean, will have been sifted and worked up. ("Publications," 

II, P- 72>-) ^ 

Intolerance reigned supreme in America almost immediately 
after its colonization, and the secret Jews who settled there were 
not permitted to enjoy peace or prosperity. Juan Sanchez of 
Saragossa, whose father was burnt at the stake, was the first to 
obtain permission of the Spanish government to trade with the 
newly-discovered lands. In 1502 Isabella permitted him to take 
five caravels loaded with wheat, barley, horses and other wares 
to Espafiola (Little Spain, the large West Indian Island contain- 
ing Haiti and Santo Domingo), without paying duty. In 150.' 

Early Jewish and Indian Victims. 21 

; was again permitted to export merchandise to that country, 
ther secret Jews went to the new places and settled there, some 
/en obtaining positions in the public service. As early as 151 1 
e hear already of measures taken by Isabella's daughter, 0,ueen 
janna of Castille, against "the sons and grandsons of the 
irned" who held public office. The Inquisition was introduced 
lere by a decree of that year, and one of its first victims wa» 
'iego Caballera of Barrameda, whose parents, according to two 
itnesses, had been prosecuted and condemned by the same 
ibunal in Spain. 

The Inquisitor-General of Spain, Cardinal Ximenes de Cis- 
sros, on May 7, 15 16, appointed Fray Juan Quevedo, Bishop 
f Cuba, his delegate for the Kingdom of Terra. Firuia. as tlie 
lainland of Spanish America was then called, and authorized 
im to select personally such officials as he needed to hunt down 
id exterminate the Marranos. Emperor Charles V. (1500- 
558), with the permission of his former teacher. Cardinal Had- 
an (1459-1523), the Dutch Grand-Inquisitor of Aragon who 
ter became Pope (Hadrian or Adrian VI. 1522-23), issued an 
lict on May 25, 1520, whereby he ordained Alfonso Manso, 
lishop of Porto Rico, and Pedro de Cordova, Vice Provincial 
f the Dominicans, as Inquisitors for the Indies and the islands 
f the ocean. 

At first the secret Jews were not the only victims of the perse- 
jtions and not even the most numerous among them. "There 
ere many heathenish natives who were forcibly converted by 
le mighty clerical arm of the Spanish conqueror, but who never- 
leless remained at heart loyal to their hereditary belief and 
ractised their idolatrous customs with as much zeal as the fear 
E discovery and consequent punishment would allow." Fiend- 
h atrocities were committed in the name of religion against 
lose Indian Marranos, and the fearful persecutions depopulated 
le country to such an extent that the tyrants themselves per- 
;fved that they must desist. 

The Inquisition in Spain itself had, however, fallen more or 
ss into desuetude during the reign of the above-mentioned Em- 

22 History of the Jews in America. 

peror Charles V., who was the grandson of Ferdinand and Isa- 
bella, and had inherited their Spanish and American possessions. 
It was revived and invigorated under the more bigoted rule of 
his son, King Philip II. (i 527-1 598), who ascended the Spanish 
throne in 1556, after his father's abdication. Under the new 
reign the laws of the Inquisition were codified and promulgated 
at Madrid on September 2, 1561. A printed copy of the new 
code was sent to America in 1569. Another document, dated 
February 5, 1569, issued by Cardinal Diego de Spinosa, General 
Apostolic Incjuisitor against Heresy, Immorality and Apostasy, 
addressed "to the Reverend Inquisitors Apostolic ... in 
his Majesty's Dominions and Seignories of the P'rovinces of 
Piru (Peru), New Spain and the new Kingdom of Granada and 
the other provinces and Bishoprics of the Indies of the Ocean" 
consists of forty sections prescribing the rules of procedure. (See 
Elkan Nathan Adier, The Inquisition in PcVu, Publications XII, 

PP- 5-37-) 

A later document containing the general edicts to be read on 
the third Sunday of Lent and the fourth Sunday of Anathema 
in every third year in the Cathedral of Lima and all the towns of 
the districts, was printed in Peru itself shortly after 1641, and 
records the names of the places which were included in the juris- 
diction of those issuing it. It reads : "We, the Inquisitors against 
Heresy, Immorality and Apostasy in this city and Archbishopric 
of Los Reyes (Lima) with the Archbishopric of Los Charcas 
and Bishoprics of Quito, Cuzco, Rio de la Plata, Paraguay, 
Tucuman, Santiago and Concepcion of the Dominions of Chile, 
la P!az (Bolivia), Santa Cruz de la Sierra. Guamanga, Areguipa, 
and Truxillo, and in all the Dominions, Estates and Seignories 
of the Provinces of Peru, and its Viceroyalty Government and 
district of the Royal Audiencias thereto appertaining." In this 
document we find the name of a new Christian sect which is to 
be punished for heresy together with the unbelievers who were 
known to the Inquisition of the earlier period. Lutherans are 
now enumerated among heretics after the Jews and the Moham- 
edans. Among the books and engravings which are considered 

Lutherans are Added to the Heretics. 23 

IS heretical and indecent are mentioned the books of Martin 
Luther and other heretics, the Alcoran or other Mohamedan 
3ooks, "Biblias en romance" (Bibles in the vernacular) and oth- 
ers prohibited by the censorships and catalogues of the Holy 
3ffice, etc. llien follow lengthy descriptions of how to detect 
[ews, Mohamedans and Lutherans; and in the case of the first 
;ven the drinking of Ivosher wine and the making of a "berakah" 
Dr pronouncing a blessing before tasting it are not omitted from 
:he practices which characterized the secret Jew whom the In- 
quisition was to discover and punish. 

But it seems that the Marranos came to America in large num- 
Ders despite all the severity of Philip IL His son l^hilip HI. 
^1578-1621), who succeeded him in 1598, endeaNored to prevent 
;heir emigrating to the New World and issued in the beginning 
)f the seventeenth century, the following edict : 

"We command and decree that no one recently converted to our 
loly faith, be he Jew or Moor, or the offspring of these, should settle 
n our Indies without our distinct permission. Furthermore we forbid 
Host emphatically the immigration into New Spain of any one Iwho is 
It the expiration of some prescribed penance] newly reconciled with 
he Church; of the child or grandchild of any person who has ever worn 
he 'san benito' publicly; of the child or grandchild of any person who 
vas either burnt as a heretic or otherwise punished for the crime of 
leresy, through either male or female descent. Should any one [falling 
mder this category] presume to violate this law, his goods will be con- 
iscated for the benefit of the royal treasury, and upon him the full 
neasure of our grace or disgrace shall fall, so that under any circuni- 
;tances and for all time he shall be banished from our Indies. Who- 
loever does not possess personal effects, however, should atone for his 
ransgression by the public infliction of one hundred lashes." 

This characteristic specimen of anti-immigration legislation of 
:hree centuries ago, including what would in the collocjuialism of 
0-day be called a "grandfather clause," was the cause of much 
suffering; but it is not possible to state with any degree of cer- 
:ainty how far it was effective. It is probable that the number 
)f Marranos in the "Indies" which belonged to the King of 
Spain went on increasing until about the middle of the seven- 
eenth centurv, when certain territories ^\■ere for the first time 
jpened for them in the New World where 'they could practise 
udaism openly. 



Impossibility ot obtaining even approximately correct figures about the 
Inquisition — A few typical cases — The Carabajal family — Relaxa- 
tion for several decades — The notable case of Francisco Maldonado 
de Silva. 

The Inquisition, or, as it styled itself, the Holy Office, was an 
institution of tremendous power and iniluence which during its 
existence of more than three centuries deeply impressed the char- 
acter of the Spanish and Portuguese peoples. A great number 
of books were written about it, but the material to be dealt with 
is so vast that none of the works purporting to be histories of 
the Incjuisition really deserve that name. It has been mentioned 
already in the preceding chapter that an immense mass of docu- 
mentary material which is heaped up in various arciiives awaits 
to be sifted and worked up. An idea of the actual quantity of 
this material can be obtained from the statement made by Mr. 
E. N. Adler, in the monogram on the Inquisition in Peru quoted 
above, that thirty-three million documents, relating to the In- 
quisition, are preserved in 80,000 "legajos'' or bundles in the 
castiUc of Simancas, a small town, seven miles from Valladolid, 
in Spain. 

It is therefore next to impossible to attempt to give a general 
review of the work of that awful tribunal in the old world or 
the new ; it is even unsafe to quote figures as to the total number 
of trials, Autos da Fe or of victims, because most of the author- 
ities contradict one another or disagree in vital points. Many 
facts which are given at one time as reasonably certain, are soon 
disproved by the discovery of more authentic records, which ne- 


The Carabajal Family in Mexico. 25 

;essitates a constant changing of the time, the place and the iden- 
ity of persons spoken of in such descriptions. It is therefore 
:onsidered best to mention here onU' a few typical cases of vie- 
ims abont whose identity and Jewish extraction there can be no 
loubt. From these the reader may form his own opinion as to 
.vhat was constantly happening in the various places since the 
■nc|uisition's firm establishment in the New World in the second 
lalf of the sixteenth century, until its final disappearance at the 
;nd of the eighteenth and in some instances as late as the begin- 
ling of the nineteenth centuries. 

Several members of the Carabajal (Carvalho?) family suf- 
fered martyrdom in Mexico at the end of the sixteenth century 
md at the beginning of the seventeenth. Francisca Nunez de 
Z,'arabajal, born in Portugal about 1540', was among the mem- 
jers of the family seized by the Incjuisition in 1590. She was 
:ortured until she implicated her husband and her children, and 
:he entire family was forced to confess and abjure Judaism at a 
ziublic Auto da Fe which was celebrated on Saturday, February 
24, 1590. Later, after more than five years' imprisonment, they 
vere convicted of relapsing into Judaism, and Francisca, her son 
Luis and her four daughters were burned at the stake in Mexico 
City, December 8, 1596. She was the sister of Don Luis de 
Carabajal y Cueva (born in Portugal, 1539), who was appointed 
Governor of New Leon, Mexico, in 1579 and is said to have died 
in 1595. He arrived in Mexico in 1580, where, in consideration 
Df his appointment as governor of a somewhat ill-defined dis- 
trict, he undertook to colonize a certain territory at his own ex- 
pense, being allowed the privilege of reimbursing himself out of 
the revenue. There were many Spanish Jews among his colo- 
lists, and within a decade after their settlement more than a score 
were denounced and more or less severely punished for Judaiz- 
ing. He is the subject of a work, half romantic and half histor- 
ical, by Mr. C. K. Landis, entitled Carabalja the Jezu, a Legend 
of Monterey (Vineland, 1894). 

Another heroic martyr of Mexico was Don Tomas de Sobre- 
iionte, a Judaizer, who died at the stake April 11, 1649, without 

26 History of the Jews in America. 

uttering a groan, mocking "the Pope and his hirelings" and 
taunting his tormentors with his last breath. 

The Inquisition in Lima, Peru, is known to have solemnized 
thirty-four Autos da Fe at that place between 1573 (November 
15) and 1806 (July 17) and at ten or eleven of them there were 
Jewish victims, their numbers ranging from one or two to as 
high ,as fifty-six (January 23, 1639). From the earliest day ot 
its establishment it looked with suspicion upon the Portuguese 
who settled there. In this case as in many others, Portuguese 
was only another name for Marranos, and they were treated with 
great severity. There is a record of one David Ebron, who in 
1597 sent a memorial to Philip II. relating to his discoveries and 
services in South America, but it is not known how far his claims 
were recognized. About 1604 or 1605 a number of those who 
were accused in Peru of Judaizing sent memorials to the King 
of Spain in which they pleaded that life under such conditions 
had become unbearable. Relief was obtained in the form of an 
Apostolic Brief from Pope Clement VIII., commanding the In- 
quisitors to release, without delay, all Judaizing Portuguese in 
Peru. When this order arrived in Lima, only two prisoners 
were still detained in the dungeons of the Tribunal, Gonzolo de 
Luna and Juan Vicente. The others had either become recon- 
ciled or had suffered death at the stake. 

The liberal decree, which arrived too late for most of the com- 
plainants who were to benefit by it, still seems to ha^'e had the 
effect of securing the Marranos against molestation for several 
decades. But as soon as they had increased in wealth and in- 
fluence the establishment of a new Tribunal was ordered in the 
PVovince of Tucuman, it having been ascertained that quite a 
colony of Jews were domiciled in the Rio de la Plata. In con- 
sequence of this order, dated jMay 18, 1636, the Portuguese were 
again hounded and many of them lost life and fortune. Tlie In- 
quisition succeeded in ferreting out tlie fact that in Chili alone, 
at that time, there were no less than t\\'enty-eight (secret) Jews, 
most of them enjoying the rights of citizenship and living se- 
curely and at peace with their neighbors. It has now been prac- 

Maldonado de Silva, the Martyr. 27 

tically ascertained that a considerable number of Jews or Mar- 
ranos lived in Peru, Chili, Argentine, Cartagena and La Plata 
towards the end of the sixteenth century, that their number and 
wealth increased in the first half of the seventeenth, when the 
new era of persecutions was ushered in by attacks and denun- 

A notable instance, typical of the times, was the case of Fran- 
cisco JMaldonado de Silva. His sister Dona Isabel Maldonado, 
forty years old, on the 8th day of Jul}^, 1626, testified before the 
Commissioner of the City of Santiago de Chile that her brother 
had, to her horror and indignation, confessed to being a Jew, 
imploring her not to betray him and using all endeavors to con- 
vert her too. He was arrested in Concepcion, Chili, April 29, 
1627, and was transported to Lima in July of the same year, 
where he was imprisoned in a cell of the convent of San Domin- 
go. He is described in the records of the Tribunal as a bachelor, 
thirty-three years old, an American by birth, having been born 
of new-Christian parents in the city of San Miguel, Province of 
Tucuman, Peru. His father, the Licentiate Diego Nunez de 
Silva, and his brother, Diego de Silva, were both reconciled by the 
Inquisition at an auto held in Lima March 13, 1605. He con- 
fessed that he was brought up as a Catholic and that up to his 
eighteenth year he rigidly observed the tenets of the Christian 
faith. According to a circumstantial description of his case 
(Publications, XI, pp. 163 ff. ), he remained in prison for nearly 
twelve years, during which time he had many hearings and dis- 
puted with many priests who undertook to convert him. He also 
wrote much in defence of his views and at one time made a nearly 
successful effort to escape. In the last years of his confinement 
he fasted very much, thereby becoming so feeble that he could not 
turn in his bed, "being nothing but skin and bones." He was, 
with ten others, burnt at the stake in Lima, on January 23, 1639, 
at a splendid and gruesome Auto da Fe, for which the prepara- 
tions were costly and elaborate, involving fifty days of uninter- 
rupted labor, holidays included. 



Less persecution in Portugal itself and also in its colonies — Marranos 
buy right to emigrate — They dare to profess Judaism in Brazil, .and 
the Inquisition is introduced in Goa — Alleged help given to Holland 

in its struggle against Spain. 

While the expulsion of the Jews from Portugal, which took 
place five years after the great expulsion from Spain, was in 
many respects more cruel and accompanied by greater atrocities, 
notable among which were the forced conversions and the rob- 
bing of children from their Jewish parents to be brought up as 
Christians, the conditions in the Portuguese colonies, including 
Brazil, were somewhat more favorable for the reception of Jew- 
ish refugees than in the Spanish possessions of the New World. 
This happened because the conditions in Portugal itself were 
much more favorable to the Jews prior to the era of expulsions, 
and the sudden severity against the Jews in 1497, which was 
almost unexpected, was due to the influence of the Spanish rul- 
ers. It was Queen Isabella of Spain who prevailed on King * 
Manuel of Portugal (reigned 1495-1521), her future son-in- 
law, to exile the Jews of his dominion, ^-owing she would never 
set foot on Portuguese soil until the country was clear of them. 

In the preceding centuries the Jews, though they were recog- 
riized and treated as a separate nation in Portugal even more 
than in Spain, their condition when judged by the standards of 
the dark ages was much more favorable and well nigh secure. 
There are no records of systematic persecutions in Portuo-al be- 


Milder Treatment in Portuguese Colonies. 29 

fore the exile from Spain. The influence of the Church grew 
much more slowly in the former country, and its kings followed 
the old Spanish policy of protecting the Jews and Moors against 
the encroachments of the clergy long after it was abandoned by 
Spain. JMarranos and other Jews who escaped from the Inqui- 
sition to Portugal before the Spanish expulsion were — because 
the King did not want or did not dare to harbor them — permitted 
to go to the Orient but not to Africa, because in the latter place 
they could become dangerous to him as allies of the Moors. So 
it came to pass that while in the more extensive Spanish domains 
across the Atlantic we hear only of individual crypto-Jewish set- 
tlers and more of their misfortunes and the Autos da Fe of 
which they were the victims, than of their successes, we learn of 
considerable settlements of Marranos in Brazil early in the six- 
teenth century. 

But even the better conditions in the Portuguese territories 
must not be taken in the ^ense which such a term would imply 
to-day or even a hundred years ago. The Portuguese policy was 
cruel and vaccillating, only a little less so than that of its larger 
and more consistent neighbor. King Manuel forbade the neo- 
Christians, in 1499, to .leave Portugal, the prohibition was re- 
moved in 1507 and again put into effect in 1521. His successor 
John III. (reigned 1521-57) was even less favorably disposed 
towards the secret Jews who remained in his Kingdom, and in. 
1 53 1 the Inquisition was introduced there by the authorization 
of Pope Clement VII. The IMarranos bought from John's suc- 
cessor King Sebastian (reigned 1557-78) the right of free de- 
parture for the sum of 250,000 ducats. But there were other 
involuntary departures in the periods when the emigration of 
those suspected converts was prohibited. For a considerable time 
in the i6th century Portugal sent annually two shiploads of Jews 
and criminals to Brazil, and also deported persons who had been 

30 History of the Jews in America. 

condemned by the Inquisition. The banishment of large num- 
bers to Brazil in 1548 is especially mentioned. 

Jews or Marranos were soon settled in all the Portuguese col- 
onies, and the}' carried on an extensive trade with various coun- 
tries. "As early as 1548 (according to some, 1531) Portuguese 
Jews, it is asserted, transplanted the sugar-cane from Madeira 
tO' Brazil." Some of them began to feel so secure that they dared 
to profess Judaism openly. The result was the introduction of 
the Inquisition into Goa, the metropolis of the Portuguese do- 
minions in India, with jurisdiction over all the possessions of 
that country in Asia and Africa, as far as the Cape of Good 
Hope. It was therefore but natural for the hunted and despair- 
ing new-Christians to sympathize with the Dutch who were at 
that time (beginning at 1567) fighting for their freedom, and 
to help them later against Portugal itself in the New World and 
in the Far East. The charge that the Marranos of the Indies 
sent considerable supplies to the Spanish and Portuguese Jews 
in Hamburg and Aleppo, who in turn forwarded them to Hol- 
land and Zeeland, is probably not true. But the act would have 
certainly been justified in times when the Marranos were legally 
burned alive when convicted of adhesion to the religion of their 
forefathers. The charge also pro\-es that the Jews and Marranos 
of various and distant countries were then believed to be in com- 
munication, and to render assistance to one another or to their 
friends when the occasion required it. We may recognize in such 
charges the false accusations which were circulated about Jews 
from times immemorial to our present day; but it nevertheless 
tends to prove that the Jews retained some recognizable import- 
ance as international traders even in times when their fortunes 
were at the lowest ebb. 

Except for the brief period in the 17th centurv C which is dealt 
with more extensively in a subseque^it chapter), in which Brazil 
came under the domination of the Dutch, it remained almost en- 

The Approach of Better Times. 31 

tirely free of Jews until the present time. The time was ap- 
proaching when hberal and enterprising nations, pursuing a 
more enhghtened and more profitable policy, were beginning to 
grant tlie Jewish refugee not only shelter and security, but also 
the religious liberty and broad human tolerance which were al- 
most unknown in the Catholic countries in the Middle Ages. 
The dawn of a new era began for the Jews in Europe with the 
ascendency, first of Holland and then of England, and the Chil- 
dren of Israel were soon to share openly in the invaluable bene- 
fits which the discovery of the New World brought to mankind 
in general. 





The friendship between the Dutch and the Jews — Restrictions and priv- 
ileges in Holland — Dutch-Jewish distributors of Indian spices — 
Preparations to introduce the Inquisition in Brazil — Jews help the 
Dutch to conquer it — Southey's description of Recife — Vieyra's de- 

The United Provinces of Netherland, or, as it is commonly 
called, Holland, became a safe place for Jews as soon as the 
Union of Utrecht (1579) made its independence reasonably se- 
cure. When the liberator of these provinces, William of Orange 
("The Silent," 1533-84), was installed as Stadtholder in 1581 
he declared that "he should not suffer any man to be called to 
account, molested or injured for his faith or conscience." This 
implied, and actually resulted in, better treatment of the Jews, 
which led to their enjoying a larger degree of prosperitv and se- 
curity in Holland in the following century than anywhere else. 
The friendship between the Jews and the Dutch which com- 
menced at that period has never, unto this dav, been marred by 
systematic persecution or any retrogressive step. It proved mu- 
tually beneficial in various parts of the world, and has cost Spain 


Limitations under the Dutch Regime. 33 

and Portugal much more than is ordinarily known even to stu- 
dents of History/ 

But while the treatment was immeasurably better, the vicious 
principle of separation remained. The Jews in Holland were as 
much a nation apart, in theory at least, as in Spain and Portugal 
before the expulsion. They did not enjoy the full rights of citi- 
zenship (until they received it, somewhat against their will, dur- 
ing the French invasion at the end of the eighteenth century) 
and were not even free from other restrictions. They were not 
permitted to serve in the train bands or militia of the cities, but 
paid a compensation for their exemption therefrom. The prohi- 
bition of intermarriage with Christians could hardly be consid- 
ered a hardship for Jews of the seventeenth century; but the 
fact that they were not allowed any mechanical pursuit or to 
engage in retail trade has a much deeper significance. It ex- 
plains, at least partly, why the Dutch succeeded where the Port- 
uguese failed, notably in that Indian trade, whose interruption by 
toe Turkish conquest of Constantinople was the cause of search- 
ing new water routes to the East and of the discovery of the New 

Having exiled their best international traders and kept those 
remaining as Marranos in constant terror, the Portuguese could 
not derive the full benefit from that lucrative trade in spices 
which was to be the reward of their great discoveries. When 
the sixty years' captivity — as the domination of Spain over Port- 
ugal, from 1580 to 1640, is called — brought, among other disas- 
ters, the capture of the Portuguese Indian possessions by the 
Dutch, the superiority of the latter's methods were soon appar- 
ent. They succeeded with more ease "since, with true commer- 
cial spirit, they not only imported merchandise from the East to 

' This subject is treated extensively in the chapter headed "Services 
rendered by the Jews to the Dutch, 1623-44," in Mr. Simon Wolf's val- 
uable work "The American Jew as Patriot^ Soldier and Cilhen,'' p. 443 
&., and m the monogram "Damage done to Spanish Interests m Amer- 
ica by Jews of Holland," which is mcorporated in the "Publications," 
vol. XVII. 

34 History of the Jews in America. 

Holland, but also distributed it tbrough Dutch merchants tO' 
every country in Europe; whereas the Portuguese in the days 
of their commercial monopoly were satisfied with bringing over 
the commodities to Lisbon and letting foreign nations come to 
fetch them." It is not difficult to surmise who were those Dutch 
merchants who distributed the spices to every country in Europe, 
when we think of that class of wealthy Marrano immigrants in 
Holland who were not permitted to follow mechanical pursuits 
or to engage in retail trade. Holland's tendency was clearly 
apparent. The Jews, mostly Portuguese, were permitted to use 
their wealth, their abilities and their foreign connections to carry 
on and extend that trade which languished in the hands of those 
who banished them. The Jews were exceedingly grateful for 
the opportunity which Holland afforded them to be useful to 
themselves and to her, and the very effective results of the friend- 
ship between the Jews and the Dutch were soon apparent in the 
ensuing struggle between the latter and the Portuguese over the 
possession of Brazil. 

The Dutch commenced the realization of their ambitious 
scheme for the conquest of Brazil in the second decade of the 
seventeenth century, at a time when the large number of Mar- 
ranos who lived there were terrorized by rumors of the intro- 
duction of the inquisition. These rumors became current as 
early as 1610, when it was reported that the physicians of Bahia, 
who were mainly new-Christians, prescribeci pork to their pa- 
tients in order to lessen the suspicion that they were still adhering 
to Judaism. In connection with some of the earliest Brazilian 
intrigues in favor of the Dutch, mention is made of one Fran- 
cisco Ribiero, a Portuguese captain, who is described as having 
many Jewish relatives in Plolland. About 1618 the Inquisition 
in Oporto, Portugal, had arrested all merchants of Jewish ex- 
traction. Many of the victims were engaged in Brazilian trade, 
and the Inquisitor-General applied to the go\-ernment to assist 
the Holy Office to recover such parts of their effects as might be 
in the hands of their agents in Brazil. Accordinglv, Don Luis 
de Sousa was charged to send home a list of all the new-Chris- 

Capture of Brazil by the Dutch. 35 

tians in Brazil "with the most precise information that can be 
obtained of their property and place of abode." It seems highly 
probable that it was the Dutch war alone which prevented the 
introduction of the dreaded Tribunal in Brazil. 

The Dutch \\'est India Company, which was formed in 1622 
in furtherance of the project of conquering Brazil, had Jews of 
Amsterdam among its large stockholders, and several of them 
in its Board of Directors. One of the arguments in favor of 
its organization was "that the Portuguese themselves — some 
from their hatred of Castille, others because of their intermar- 
riage with new-Christians and their consequent fear of the In- 
quisition — would either willingly join or feebly oppose an in- 
vasion, and all that was needful was to treat them well and give 
them liberty of conscience." 

When the Dutch fleet was sent to Bahia all the necessary in- 
formation was obtained from Jews. The city was taken in 1624 
and Willeken, the Dutch commander, at once issued a proclama- 
tion offering liberty, free possession of their property and free 
enjoyment of religion to all who would submit. This brought 
over about two hundred Jews, who exerted themselves to induce 
others to> follow their example. Bahia was re-captured by the 
Pbrtuguese in 1625, and though the treaty for its deliverance 
provided for the safet)' of the other inhabitants, the new-Chris- 
tians were abandoned and five of them were put to death. Many 
ethers, however, seemed to have remained there for several years. 

Another foothold was gained by the Dutch when the city of 
Recife or Pernambuco, wdiich had a large Crypto-Jewish pop- 
ulation, was captured in 1631. Most of the Jews and new- 
Christians from Bahia and other Brazilian towns soon removed 
to that city. The conquerors appealed to Holland for colonists 
and craftsmen of all kinds, and many Portuguese Jews came 
over in response to that call. Robert Southey, the historian of 
Brazil, asserts that the Jews there made excellent subjects of 
Holland. "Some of the Portuguese Brazilians gladly threw off 
the mask which they had so long been compelled to wear, and 
joined their brethren in the Synagogue. The open joy with 

36 History of the Jews in America. 

which they celebrated their ceremonies attracted too much notice. 
It excited the iiorror of the CathoHcs; and even the Dutch them- 
seh-es, less liberal than their own laws, pretended that the tol- 
eration of Holland did not extend to Brazil." The result was 
an edict b)? which the Jews were ordered to perform their rites 
more privately. 

When in 1645 Vieyra was inciting the Portuguese to re-con- 
quer Brazil, he pointed particularly to Recife, calling attention 
to the fact that "that city is chiefly inhabited by Jews, most of 
whom were originally fugitives from Portugal. They have their 
open Synagogues there, to the scandal of Christianity. For the 
honor of the faith, therefore, the Portuguese ought to risk their 
lives and property in putting down such an abomination." The 
Portuguese, who had shortly before thrown off the Spanish 
yoke and regained their independence at home, responded to 
that call and redoubled their effort to reconquer their gigantic 
South American colony. But although the history of that first 
really Jewish settlement in the Xew World was brief, extending 
over less than two decades, it was so brilliant in itself and had 
such far-reaching consecjuences in the settlement of Jews in other 
parts of America that another chapter must be devoted to its 



The "Kahal Kodesh" of Recife or Pernambuco in Brazil — Manasseli ben 
Israel's expectation to make it his home — Large immigration from 
Amsterdam — Isaac Aboab da Fonseca and his colleagues — First 
rabbis and Jewish authors of the New World — The siege and the 
surrender — The return, and the nucleus of other communities in 
various parts of America. 

The rebuke to the joyful demoiistrations of the Jews in Recife 
did not pre\-ent the estabhshment there of the first real Jewish 
community in the New World. The Dutch Stadtholder of 
Brazil, John Alaurice, of Nassau, was a just and honorable of- 
ficial who encouraged the development of the community and its 
steady increase by immigration. The Jews of Recife, who were 
soon numbered by thousands, called themselves "Kahal Kodesh" 
(The Holy Congregation) and had a governing body consist- 
ing of David Senior Coronel, Abraham de Mercado, Jacob Mu- 
cate and Isaac Casthunho. One of the earliest settlers there was 
Ephraim Sueiro, a step-brother (or brother-in-law) of the fam- 
ous Rabbi of Amsterdam, Manasseh Ben Israel (1604-57). Do''' 
Francisco Fernandez de Mora, who had a grandchild in Amster- 
dam, held important offices; while another member of the com- 
munity, Caspar Diaz Ferrena, was considered one of the wealth- 
iest men in the country. Dr. Kayserling, in his paper on "The 
Earliest Rabbis and Jewish writers in America" ("Publications" 
III, p. 13 ff. ) quotes from the correspondence between the old 
Vossius and Hugo Crotius, in which they speak of the intention 
of their mutual friend, the above-named Rabbi Manasseh, to 
einigrate to Brazil in order to improve his material condition, 


38 History of the Jews in America. 

which was unsatisfactory in Amsterdam, notwithstanding tlie 
high communal position wliich lie held there. He dedicated the 
second part of his "Conciliador" to the prominent men of the 
congregation of Recife, probably in anticipation of the expected 
journey, which, however, was never made. 

But though the man who was later to induce Oliver Cromwell 
to admit Jews into England did not come, other reputable Hebrew 
scholars soon arrived to lend lustre to the new congregation. In 
1642 about six hundred Spanish-Portuguese Jews from Am- 
sterdam embarked for Brazil, accompanied by two men of learn- 
ing, Isaac Aboab da Fonseca (1605-93) and Moses Raphael 
de Aguilar (d. 1679). Aboab became the Chacham or Rabbi — • 
the first in America. Aguilar, who was also a grammarian, be- 
came the reader or cantor. A congregation was also organized 
at Tamarica, which had its own Chacham, Jacob Lagarto, the 
first Talmudical author in the AA'estern Hemisphere, A certain 
Jacob de Aguilar is also mentioned as a Brazilian rabbi of that 
time. Considerable numbers of Jews also resided at other places 
in Brazil, particularly at Itamarica, Rio de Janeiro and Para- 
hibo. But Recife was the great center, and its fame soon spread 
even into the Old AVoiid. NieuhofT, the historian, writes that 
the Jews there had built stately homes, that they had a vast 
traffic and purchased sugar mills. Several years later they raised 
large sums to assist the Dutch in defending the coast. 

The last and most important immigrants were barely settled 
when the sanguinary struggle between the Portuguese and the 
Dutch for the possession of the colon}? began in 1645. A con- 
spiracy into which nati\-e Portuguese entered for the purpose of 
assassinating the Dutch authorities at a bancjuet in the capital 
was discovered and exposed by a Jew, and a possible sudden 
termination of Dutch rule was averted. Open war broke our in 
1646 and Recife had to endure a long and costly siege. Jews 
vied with Dutch in suffering and in bra\erv, and there is a 
lecord of the fact that Marranos in Portugal used their influence 
to call the attention of the government of the Netherlands to 

The Siege and Capture of Recife. 39 

the gravity of the situation in South America. But the re- 
sources of the West India Company were exhausted by the 
possession of Brazil, and as the home government would not 
or could not give it proper support, the heroism and the self- 
sacrifice of both Dutch and Jews served only to prolong the 
struggle. It probably also served to cement the friendship be- 
tween the defenders, who were later to dwell together for longer 
periods in other parts of America. 

Aboab commemorated the thrilling experience of this war in 
the introductory chapter of his Hebrew version of Abraham 
Cohen Herrera's Porta Cocli (Sha'ar ha-Shomayim ). He also 
wrote a poetical account of the siege in a work entitled "Zckcr 
Rab : Prayers, Confessions and Supplications which were com- 
posed for the purpose of appealing to God in the trouble and the 
distress of the congregation when the troops of Portugal over- 
whelmed them during their sojourn in Brazil in 5406 (1646)." 
The Rabbi ordered fasts and prayers, while wealthy members 
of the community, like Abraham Coen, contributed material 
support. "Many of the Jewish immigrants were killed by the 
enemy, many died of starvation ; the remainder were exposed to 
death from various causes. Those who were accustomed to 
delicacies were glad to be able to satisfy their hunger with dry 
bread ; soon they could not obtain even this. They were in want 
of everything, and were preserved alive as if by a miracle.'' 

Among the instances of individual heroism which deserve to be 
iccorded is that of one of the Pintos, who is said to have manned 
the fort Dos Affrogades single-handed, until, overwhelmed by 
superior force, he was compelled to surrender. 

On the 23d of January, 1654, Recife, together with the neigh- 
boring cities of Mauritsstad, Parahiba, Itamarica, Seara and 
other Hollandish possessions, was ceded to the Portuguese con- 
querors, with the condition that a general amnesty should be 
granted. The Jews, as loyal supporters of the Dutch, were 
promised every consideration ; nevertheless the new Portuguese 
Governor ordered them to quit Brazil at once. Sixteen vessels 
were placed at their disposal to carry them and their property 

40 History of the Jews in America. 

wherever they chose to go, and they were also furnished with 
passports and safeguards. 

Aboab, Aguilar, the Nassys, Perreires, the Mezas, Abraham 
de Castro and Joshua Zarfati, both surnamed el Brasil, and many 
others returned to Amsterdam. Jacob de Velosino, (b. in Per- 
nambuco, 1639, '^- '" Holland, 1712), the first Hebrew author 
bom on American soil, settled at The Hague. Others went 
to Surinam, Cayenne and Curacao, and it is generally assumed 
that the first Jewish settlers who in that year arrived in New 
Amsterdam (the future New York) came directly — or at least 
indirectly — from Pernambuco. The community of Recife 
formed thus, by its dissolution, the nucleus of several of the 
oldesti and most important Jewish communities in the New 



Jews in Brazil after the expulsion of the Dutch — The community ofPara- 
maraibo, Surinam, was founded when Recife was still flourishing — 
First contact with the English, whom the Jews preferred — David Nasi 
and the colony of Cayenne — Privileges granted by Lord Willoughby 
— "deJoodenSavane" — Trouble with slaves and bush negroes — Plan- 
tations with Hebrew names — German Jews — Legal status and ban- 
ishments — Jewish theaters — Literature and history. 

The history of the Jews in Brazil practically ends with the 
termination of the Dutch rule, and there is a gap which extends 
until the new settlements at the beginning of the twentieth cen- 
tury. There was the usual aftermath of iVIarranos and persecu- 
tions which was almost a repetition of the happenings under 
Portuguese dominion prior to the short, liberal era under Hol- 
land's sway. Some new-Christians continued to reside in Bra- 
zil after the capitulation of 1654. Their number was largely in- 
creased towards the end of the seventeenth century, when Port- 
ugal again banished to Brazil the Marranos who had become 
reconciled. These transportations continued from 1682 to 1707; 
and the Jews again became to be known as a distinct class. They 
were closely watched, however, and many were sent back to 
Lisbon from time to time, to be tried by the Inquisition iVlany 
Jews from Rio were burned at an Auto da Fe at Lisbon in 1723. 
Several of these martyrs were men of great repute, the most 
promment being the famous Portuguese poet and dramatist, 
Antonio Jose da Silva, a native of Rio de Janeiro, who was 
burned as a Jew at Lisbon in 1739. In 1734 Jews appear to 


42 History of the Jews in America. 

have been influential in controlling the price of diamonds in 

The transportations to Lisbon of those accused of Judaizing 
had become so common at the middle of the eighteenth century, 
that "a wide ruin was produced and many sugar mills at the 
Rio stopped in consequence." The influential Marquis de Pom- 
bal, with all his power, did not venture to proclaim toleration 
for the Jews; but he succeeded in having laws enacted making 
it penal for any person to reproach another for his Jewish origin, 
and removing all disabilities of Jewish blood, even from the de- 
scendants of those who had suffered under the Inquisition. He 
prohibited public Autos da Fe, and required all lists of families 
of Jewish extraction to be delivered up. These statutes deprived 
the Inquisition of its most important means of accusation ; and as 
a result the Marranos were ultimately absorbed in the Catholic 
population of Brazil. 

The Jewish community which was founded in Surinam or 
Dutch Guiana, near Brazil, in the days when the community 
of Recife was still in a flourishing condition, and which soon 
rose to prominence after the dispersion of the latter, has enjoyed 
an almost uninterrupted existence until the present day. Ac- 
cording to the latest researches, the oldest indication in the 
archives of the Dutch-Portuguese Jews shows that the Jews 
had already settled in Surinam in the year 1639.^ As far as can 
be traced, the first Jewish marriage was celebrated there between 
Ilaham Isaac Mehatob and Judith IMehatob in 1643. The text 
of the "Ketubah," which has been preserved, proves that Suri- 
nam, or rather the city of Paramaribo, had already in that year 
a sufficient number of Jews to require the services of a Haham 
or Rabbi. 

Though the Dutch had claims on it, Guiana was at that time 

' Rabbi P. A. Hilfman of Paramaribo, Surinam, in "Publications"' 
XVI, p. 7 ff.. supplementing the chronology made by Prof. Richard Gott- 
heil in the same Publications at the begmnmg of \'ol. IV. See also 
Rev. J. S. Roos of the Dutch Congreg. in Paramaribo, Ibid Vol. XI 11, 
pp. 126 fi. 

Jews Prefer the English to the Dutch. 43 

practically British territory, and it was there that the Jew came 
first in contact with the Englishman in the New World, many 
years before they began to dwell together in North America. And 
while it was recognized that of all European nations the Dutch 
were then the most friendly to the Jews, many of the latter who 
had experience with both nationalities in that part of the world 
soon learned to prefer the English. Lord VVilloughby, who 
arrived for the second time in Surinam in 1652, brought with 
him- several Jewish families, and the community was thus in- 
creasing even before the influx of refugees from Brazil two years 

On September 12, 1659, the Jews were permitted, under 
the patronage of David Nassi, to found a colony on the island 
of Cayenne (French Guiana). According to the tenor of the 
eighteen articles contained in the letters patent of that date, all 
the land over which they exercised the rights of possession within 
iour years from that date, would become their property; and they 
would be allowed to administer justice according to the Jewish 
usages and customs. The colony was further increased by the 
arrival, in 1660, of one hundred and fifty-two Jews from Leg- 
horn, Italy. But the four years" limit was barely passed when 
the French took Cayenne in 1664, and all the Jews left the island 
for Surinam under the leadership of the above-mentioned David 
Nassi. The French of the time of "the Grand Monarch" Louis 
XIV would not suffer Jews to be settled in their colonies; a cen- 
tury and a quarter had to pass before France, shaken to its very 
foundations by the great revolution which began in 1789, was 
the first of modern European nations to grant its Jews the abso- 
lute eciuality which is implied in full citizenship. 

Even while the Portuguese Jews were still in Cayenne, they 
were given by Lord AVilloughby, in 1662, the same privileges in 
Surinam as the English colonists. A year after their return, on 
August 17, 1665, was issued the famous grant of privileges by 
the Governor, Council and Assembly of Surinam, of which the 
preamble reads as follows : 

"Whereas, it is good and sound policy to encourage as much 

44 History of the Jews in America. 

as possible whatever may tend to the increase of a new colony, 
and to invite persons of whatsoever country and religion to 
come and reside here and to traffic with us ; and whereas, we 
found that the Hebrew nation, now already resident here, have, 
with their persons and property, proved themselves useful and 
beneficial to this colony ; and being desirous further to encourage 
them to continue their residence and trade here, we have with 
the authority of the Governor, his Council and Assembly passed 
the following act : 

The provisions of the act (the full text of which is repro- 
duced in "Publications, vol. Ill, pp. 145-46; vol. IX, pp. 144-45, 
and vol. XVI, pp. 179-80) is extremely favorable to the Jews. 
The British Government of Surinam therein ratified all former 
privileges of the Jews, guaranteed them full enjoyment and free 
exercise of their religious rites and usages, and made void any 
summons served upon them on their Sabbaths and holidays. 
They were not to be called for any public duties on those days, 
except in urgent cases. Civil suits of less value than ten thou- 
sand pounds of sugar were to be decided by their Elders, and 
the magistrates were obliged to enforce their judgments. They 
were also permitted to bequeath their property according to their 
own laws of inheritance. They were given ten acres of land for 
the erection of a Synagogue and such buildings as the congre- 
gation might need ; and in order to induce Jews to settle there, 
it was decided that all who came for that purpose should be con- 
sidered as British-born subjects, in return for obeying all the de- 
crees of the King of England which did not infringe on their 

For Portuguese Jews of the seventeenth century, i. e., for ex- 
tremely conservative Jews whose relatives were at that \-ery time 
tortured and burned at the stake for adherence to their religion, 
these privileges were probably much more acceptable than an 
outright admission to full citizenship could have been. There 
was no desire or striving for assimilation on either side in those 
times. No especially organized movement was necessary to em- 
phasize the fact, which was then self-evident, of the existence of 

The First Synagogue in Surinam. 45 

a separate Hebrew nation. Nobody thought otherwise before 
the philosophers of the eighteenth century instilled in the minds 
of the civilized nations the idea of the modern assimilationisi. 
The frank selfishness of the preamble was, therefore, a better 
guarantee of good faith and more convincing than phrases about 
humanity and inherent rights could possibly be in those illiberal 
times. The English were thus less sentimental and more busi- 
ness-like in their dealings with the Jews than the Dutch, and 
were probably on that account more trusted. When Surinam 
became a Dutch province, July 13, 1667, the Jews were allowed 
all rights of citizenship. Still a number of them left with the 
English and went to Jamaica. Another declaration by the home 
government of Holland, made two years later, to the Jews of 
Surinam, that they would be allowed free exercise of their religion, 
tends to prove that there must have been cases, or at least fears, 
of restraint in that respect. Even if the "Documents relating to 
ihe attempted departure of the Jews from Surinam in 1675" 
(edited by Dr. J. H. Hollander, in "Publications" VI, pp. 9-29) 
in which the anxiety of many Jews to leave Surinam for British 
territory is described, should be considered as somewhat exag- 
gerated, it could not have been entirely an invention. The Jews' 
preference for the British rule was therewith clearly established, 
and so was their acknowledged usefulness in the newly founded 

The Jews of Surinam were then chiefly engaged in agriculture, 
the wealthy among them being large planters and slave holders. 
The chief men of the congregation were David Nassi, Isaac 
Perreira, Isaac Aries, Henriques de Caseras, Raphael Aboab, 
Samuel Nassi, Isaac R. de Pardo, Aaron de Silva, Alaus de 
Fonseca, Isaac Mera, Daniel Mesia, Jacob Nunez, Israel Calaby 
Cid, Isaac da Costa, Isaac Drago, Bento da Costa. The first 
Synagogue was built in 1672, on an elevated spot in Thorarica 
belonging to the Jews, da Costa and Solis. There are still some 
tombstones with illegible Hebrew inscriptions. We hear about 
that time of Rabbi Isaac Neto who was called from England as 
minister of the congregation of Paramaribo (1674 or 1680), 

46 History of the Jews in America. 

and later we find recorded the name of another rabbi, David 
Pardo, who also came from London and died in 1713 (or 1717). 
The last named wrote, while still in Europe, "Sefer Shulhan 
Tahor" (Amsterdam, 1686), extracts from the "Shulhan Aiuk," 
and is considered the most distinguished rabbi of Surinam. 

In 1682 the above-named Samuel Nassi, who has been de- 
scribed as capitein and as the richest planter in Surinam, gave 
to the Jews an island on the river Surinam, about seventy miles 
from the sea, where most of them settled and which was hence- 
forth known as "de Jooden Savane'' (Savannah of the Jews, 
the name originally meaning: a treeless region) and was the 
principal seat of the Jewish community of Surinam. It was there 
that the Congregation Berakah-we-Shalom (Blessing and 
Peace) built its splendid Synagogue in 1685. One hundred 
years later the centennial of the dedication of that Synagogue 
was appropriately celebrated on Wednesday, Heshwan 8, 5546 
(October 12, 1785), of which a record was printed in Amster- 
dam the following year, partly in Hebrew and partly in Dutch. 
(See Roest, Catalog . . dcr Roscnthalsclicn Biblioihek I, 

P- 738.) 

When a French squadron attacked Surinam in 1689, the Jews 
under the leadership of Samuel Nassi did good service in beating 
them off. Similar valuable service was rendered in 1712, this 
time under Capitein Isaac Pinto, against another French attack 
under Cassard. The unfriendliness of the French was demon- 
strated again in that year, when they took the Jewish Savannah 
and desecrated the Synagogue by slaughtering a pig on the 
"Teibah" or Ammud. The Jews, on the other hand, did not al- 
ways get the protection to which they were entitled. When the 
slaves on the plantation of M. Machado revolted and killed their 
master in 1690, Governor Van Scherpenhuitzen refused to as- 
sist the Jews. At a later period (in 1718), when there was con- 
tinual trouble with bush negroes, who destroyed the jjlantation of 
David Nassi, they were chastised by Jews under the leadership 
of Capitein Jacob d'Avilar. David Nassi (1672-1743) himself 
served under him with distinction, and hig praises were sung 

Planters, Slave-Holders and Fighters. 47 

by the Judeo-Spanish poetess Benvenide Belmonte. We also find 
traces of legal restrictions in such instances as the decree of i/^S' 
by which all Jewish marriages contracted in Surinam up to that 
year are confirmed, but henceforth they must be made in con- 
formity with the Dutch marriage law of 1580. Sunday-closing 
laws were also brought into force against them, but they were 
later repealed. 

A list of the names of about sixty-five plantations belonging 
to Jews at that period and the names of the owners has been 
preserved. ("Publications,'' IX, p. 129 fT. ) Some of the plan- 
tations bear Hebrew names like Carmel, Hebron, Succoth and 
Beer-Sheba. The number of Jews in Surinam was then (about 
1694) 570, consisting of ninety-two Dutch or Portuguese fami- 
lies, about fifty unmarried persons and ten or twelve German 
families. They possessed about nine thousand slaves. 

Difiiculties between the earlier settlers and the Germans, who 
arrived later, soon arose, and in 1734 the latter recjuested 
permission to form a separate community, which was granted. 
They were, however, prohibited to own any possession on the 
Jewish Savannah, nor were they allowed to have their own juris- 
diction. The act of the separation of the "Hoogduytsche" 
(High-German) Jews, who founded the congregation Nev/eh 
Shalom, is dated January 5, 1735. It is signed by A. Henry 
de Scheusses (Governor) and Samuel Uz. Davilar, Ishac Car- 
rilho, Abraham Pinto Junior, Jehoshuah C. Nassi, for the 
Portuguese; Solomon Joseph Levie, I. Meyer Wolff, Gerrit 
Jacobs, Jakob Arons Polak for "the German Jews. The Port- 
uguese thereupon built a new Synagogue, "Zedek we-Shalom," 
which was dedicated in 1737. But the Germans also stuck to 
the Portuguese iXIinhag or prayer-book, and we have it on the 
authority of Rabbi Roos of Paramaribo ( 1905) that there never 
existed a Synagogue with the Alinhag Ashkenaz in Surinam. 

Bloody conflicts with negroes continued for about forty years 
longer, and many valiant deeds of Jewish military leaders and 
their followers embellish the records of that period. David Nassi 
was killed in battle at the age of 71 (in 1743), lifter being sue- 

48 History of the Jews in America. 

cessful in more than thirty skirmishes, and was succeeded as 
capitein by Isaac Carvalho. In 1749 another Jewish capitein, 
Naar, won a victory against the Auka negroes: while in 1750 
young Isaac Nassi and three hundred of his men were kihed 
by an ox-erwhelming force of bush negroes. At last, in 1774, 
forts were erected and a miilitary line drawn from the Savannah 
of the Jews along the river Commoimber to the sea; and we hear 
no more of negro wars. 

The legal status of the Jews was undergoing some changes, 
as is ahiiost unavoidal^Ie so long as there is not the same law 
for Jew and Gentile alike. Some measures could be considered 
as improvements, like the law of 1749, which granted the Jews 
of Surinam their own judiciary in matters affecting less than 
600 gulden. On the other hand we hear of an unsuccessful at- 
tempt in 1768 to institute a Ghetto in Paramaribo, and in 1775 
Jews were forbidden to visit a certain amateur theatre of that 
town. At that time the two communities also began to make use 
of the right which was bestowed on them by the English Char- 
ter of Privilege (and later confirmed by the Dutch authorities), 
of "banishing troublesome people and persons of bad demean- 
our.'' The "Deputies of the Jewish Nation" had only to de- 
clare to the Governor the reasons why they wished to have 
these persons banished, and they were expelled. The above 
named Rabbi J. S. Roos has noted five cases of such banish- 
ments : 

Solomon Montel was banished in 1761 on the rec|uest of the 
Portuguese deputies, because he refused to restitute rents or 
usury "which is contrary to the Mosaic law." In 1772 Noach 
Isaaks was banished on the request of the German deputies, and 
m the following year Abraham Isaac Moses Michael Fernandes 
Henriques, alias Escarabajos, was, on the request of the Port- 
uguese deputies, made tO' quit the place. Elias Levin was ban- 
ished in 1 78 1 by the Germans and Abraham de Mesquita, the 
last of those exiled, belonged to the Portuguese part of the 

Tlie German Jews kept on increasing in numbers, and in 1780 

Jewish Theaters and Literary Activity. 49 

their Synagogue in Paramaribo was enlarged and two- burial 
grounds were procured. In 1 784 the Jewish theatre of that city, 
probably the lirst in modern history, was enlarged and em- 
bellished. The Savannah, of which only ruins remain now, was 
on its decline, and had only about forty houses in 1792; while 
the community in Paramaribo was growing and two Jewish play 
houses are mentioned in that year. The Portuguese were still 
the majority, numbering 834, but the Germans were gaining 
fast, and from the ten families at the end of the seventeenth 
century they rose now to the number of 477. There were also 
about ICO Jewish mulattoes in Paramaribo in that time. 

The Jews of Surinam in that period also commenced to dis- 
play considerable literary activity. J. C. Nassi and others wrote 
the Essai historiquc sur la Colonic dc Surinam avcc fhistoire de 
la nation juivc y ctahlic (Paramaribo, 1788), which is one of 
the principal sources of the history of the Jews of Surinam. A 
highly interesting correspondence between representative Jews 
of that community and Christian Wilhelm v. Dohm (1751-1820) 
relating to the latter's work favoring the Jews, is printed at the 
end of that Essa}'. (Reproduced in "Publications," XIII, pp. 
133-35). Various other works of historical, religious and poet- 
ical nature were written and published there in the following 
half century. 

The histor)' of the community of Paramaribo in the nineteenth 
century is une\-entful. In 1836, when the German congregation, 
which now numbered 719 souls, already exceeded the Portuguese 
portion, which had declined to 684, a new "Hoogduitsche of 
Nederlandsche" Synagogue was erected. In 1838 Rabbi B. C. 
Carrilon became the spiritual head of the Dutch-Portuguese con- 
gregation. Twenty years later M. J. Lewenstein (1829-64) was 
inaugurated as the Chief Rabbi of the congregation of Para- 
maribo and held the position for six years, until his death. In 
1900 the city contained about 1,500 Jews, who occupied an honor- 
able position and controlled the principal property of the colony. 
Even modern Antisemitism has not failed to invade this distant 
Jewish settlement, the oldest in the New World. 

50 History of the Jews in America. 

At present (1911.) there are about 4,000 Jews in Surinam, 
mostly in ParamarilDO, which has now about 50,000 inhabitants. 
The two communities, both strongly orthodox, are still in exist- 
ence, and each has its rabbi. The most prominent Jewish citizen 
in the colony is Mr. David De Costa, a former President of the 
Provincial Parliament, wdio was lately appointed by the Dutch 
Government to be the presiding judge of the Supreme Court of 
the colony. Mr. da Costa was for many years Parnass or Presi- 
dent of the Portuguese congregation. Another member of the 
Jewish community, M. Benjamin, is at the head of the educa- 
tional system of the province. Several families trace their de- 
scent from the original settlers who came there in 1639, and all 
of them, now fully enfranchised for several generations, have no 
other mother-tongue than the Dutch. Their staunch orthodoxy 
has saved them from being absorbed in the non-Jewish popula- 
tion, as happened A\ith most of the early settlers in the British 
colonies in North America. 



The community of Curagao — Encouragement to settle is followed by 
restrictions — Plans of Jewish colonization — Trade communication 
with New Amsterdam — Stuyvesant's slur — The first congregation — 
Departures to North America and to Venezuela — Barbadoes — -Taxa- 
tion and legal status — Decay after the hurricane of 1831 — Jamaica 
under Spain and under England — Hebrew taught in the Parish of 
St. Andrews in 1693 — Harsh measures and excessive taxation — 

Another early settlement on Dutch territory which is still in 
a flourishing condition is on the island of Curacao, Dutch West 
Indies. It is probable that Jews from Holland were among the 
first settlers in the island under the Dutch Government, whicii 
captured it from Spain in 1634; but there is no definite record 
until 1650, when twehe Jewish families — De Meza, Aboab, Per- 
reire, De Leon, La Parra, Touro, Cardoze, Jestu'um, Marchena, 
Chaviz, Oliveira and PIenric|ues Coulinho — were granted per- 
mission by Prince Maurice of Orange to settle there. Alathias 
Bock, Governor of the island, was directed to grant them land 
and supply them with slaves, horses, cattle and agricultural im- 
plements, in order to further the cultivation and develop the nat- 
ural resources of the island. The land assigned to them was 
situated at the northern outskirts of the present district of Wil- 
lemstad, which is still known as the "Jodenwyk" (Jewish cjuar- 
ter). But despite the favorable conditions under which they 
settled there, severe restrictions were put on their mo\'ements, 
and they were even prohibited in 1653 from purchasing addi- 
tional negro slaves which they needed for their farms. 


52 History of the Jews in America. 

By a special grant of privilege, dated February 22, 1652, 
Joseph Nunez de Fonseca (known also as David Nassi), who 
undertook to emigrate and take with him a large number of peo- 
ple under a Jewish patron named Jan de Ulan, two leagues of 
land along the coast were to be given him for every fifty families, 
and four leagues for every hundred families which he should 
bring over. The colonists were exempted from taxes for ten 
years, and could select the land on which they desired to settle. 
They were also accorded religious liberty, though they were re- 
strained from compelling Christians to work for them on Sun- 
day, "nor were any others to labor on that day." The pro- 
ject was, however, not carried out on any extensive scale. 

It was only after the re-concjuest of Brazil by the Portuguese in 
1654, and the consequent expulsion and dispersion of the Jews 
from the territory which was now again forbidden to them, that 
their effective settlement in Curacao began. The Brazilian Jews 
who came there in that period brought with them considerable 
wealth, and they laid the foundation of that prominence in the 
commerce of the island which they have since retained. 

Shortly afterwards (1657) regular communications for the 
purposes of trade were established between New Amsterdam and 
Curasao, and it was principally in the hands of Jews. An orig- 
inal bill of lading (in Spanish) and an invoice of goods shipped 
from Curagao to New Netherland in 1658 and addressed to 
Joshua Mordecai En-Riquez, includes Venetian pearls and pen- 
dants, thimbles, scissors, knives, bells, etc. An illicit trade was 
also carried on with Isaac de Fonseca of Barbadoes, which 
tended to undermine the trade monopoly enjoyed by the Dutch 
AVest Indies Company. But Fonseca's threat to abandon Cura- 
qoa and turn his trade towards Jamaica, kept the authorities 
from interfering. 

Peter Stuyvesant (1592-1672), the Governor of New Neth- 
erlands, complained to the directors of the AA'est India Company 
in the following year, that the Jews in Curasao were allowed to 
hold negro slaves and were granted other privileges not enjoyed 
by the colonies of New Netherlands ; and he demanded for his 

The Community of Curacao. 53 

own people, if not more, at least the same privileges as were 
enjoyed by "the usurious and covetous Jews." 

The Congregation Mickweh Israel was founded in 1656 under 
the direction of the Spanish and Portuguese community of Am- 
sterdam, and regular daily services were held in a small wooden 
building which was rented for the purpose. The Rev. Abraham 
Haim Lopez de Fonseca, who, according to one of the oldest 
tombstones on the Jewish burial ground in Curasao, died Ab. 
22, 5432 (1672), was the earliest hazzan or rabbi whose name 
l:as come down to us. The first regularly appointed Hakam 
was Joshua Pardo, who arrived from Amsterdam in 1674 and 
remained until 1683, when he left for Jamaica. A new Syna- 
gogue was erected in 1692 and consecrated on the eve of Pass- 
over of that year, the services being read by the Hazzan David 
Raphael Lopez da Fonseca (d. 1707). The building, which was 
enlarged in 1731, still stands. 

In the last decade of the seventeenth century a considerable 
number of Jews left the island for the continent of America, 
many of them, including the Touro family, going to Newport. 
A number of Italian settlers who originally came from the Jewish 
colony of Caj^enne, which was dispersed in 1664, went to Tu- 
cacas, Venezuela, where they established a congregation called 
'"Santa Irmandade." 

The prosperity of those who remained in Curagao went on 
increasing in the eighteenth century. A benevolent society was 
established in 1715; five )'ears later they responded liberally to 
an appeal for aid from the Congregation Shearith Israel of New 
York, and in 1756 met with an ecjual generosity a similar appeal 
from the Jews of Newport. By 1750 their numbers had in- 
creased to about two thousand. They were prosperous mer- 
chants and traders, and held positions of prominence in the com- 
mercial and political affairs of the island. By the end of the 
century they owned a considerable part of the property in the 
district of AVillemsted ; and as many as fifty-three vessels are said 
to have left in one day for Holland, laden with goods which for 
the most part belonged to Jewish merchants. 

54 History of the Jews in America. 

A new congregation, which called itself "Neweh Shalom" and 
occupied a tract across the harbor from Willemsted, was or- 
ganized about 1740, and its Synagogue in the "Otrabanda" was 
consecrated on Ellul 12, 5505 (1745). It was established chiefly 
in order to save those who lived there from crossing the water 
on the Sabbath to attend divine services, and for a time it was 
regarded as merely a branch of the older congregation and as 
under its direction. This led to a series of disputes which cul- 
minated, in 1749, in an open breach. It was settled by the inter- 
vention of Prince AYilliam Charles of Orange-Nassau, in a de- 
cree dated April 30, 1750, in which the original jurisdiction of 
the older congregation, subject to the regulations of the Portu- 
guese community of Amsterdam, was sustained. The arrange- 
ment lasted for the following one hundred and twenty years, 
when the younger congregation became independent (1870). 

The increase in numbers and material well-being continued 
during the nineteenth century, but the community was not with- 
out internal dissensions. It was due to one of these controversies 
between the Parnassim and the ministers that a society called the 
"Porvenir" was founded in 1862. In the following year it de- 
veloped into a Reform Congregation under the name "Emanuel," 
whose new Synagogue, in the cjuarter "Scharlo," was dedicated 
in 1866. About three years before a moderate change in the 
direction of reform was introduced into the liturgy of the oldest 

The congregations of Curagao now have more than one thou- 
sand members, nearly four-fifths of it belonging to Mickwch 
Israel. The Jews are among the leading citizens of the island, in 
business, as well as in the professions; they occupy executive 
and judicial positions, and are well represented among the of- 
ficers of the militia. Almost all of them, like in Holland itself, 
are true to their religion, and there are probably less apostasies 
and intermarriages than in any other free community in which 
the emancipation of the Jews has been fully carried out in theory 
as well as in practice. 

^ -K v -I* >r 

The First Jews in Barbadoes. 65 

The Jewish settlements in the British West Indies also en- 
joyed long periods of increase and prosperity ; but they declined 
when the English colonies of the North American continent, and 
later, the United States, offered a wider field of activities and 
better opportunities under conditions which were so similar to 
those prevailing in the older places as to make the change of resi- 
dence a matter of very little inconvenience. The oldest settle- 
ment under the English flag in the West Indies was probably 
on the island of Barbadoes, where, it is believed, Jews came first 
in 1628. On April 2.y, 1655, Oliver Cromwell issued passes 
to Abraham de Mercado, M. D., Hebrew, and his son, Raphael, 
to go to Barbadoes to exercise his profession. In 1656 the Jews 
were granted, upon petition, the enjoyment of the privileges of 
the laws and statutes of the Commonwealth of England and of 
the Island relating to foreigners and strangers. 

In April, 1661, Benjamin de Caseres, Henry de Caseres anil 
Jacob Fraso petitioned the King of England to permit them 10 
live and trade in Barbadoes and Surinam. Their petition was 
supported by the King of Denmark, which tends to prove that 
they must have been men of considerable importance. In the 
report made by the Commissioners of Foreign Plantations, to 
whom it was referred, it is stated that the whole question of 
the advisability of allowing Jews to reside in and trade with his 
majesty's colonies "hath been long and often debated." The 
merchants of England were opposed to the admission of Jews, 
because of their ability to control trade wherever they entered, and 
because they would divert it from England to foreign countries. 
The planters, on the contrary, favored their admission and ac- 
cused the merchants of aiming to appropriate the whole trade to 
themselves. The commissioners refrained from deciding the 
general ciuestion, but advised that these three highly recom- 
mended Jews, who had behaved themselves well and with gen- 
eral satisfaction in Barbadoes, should be granted a special license 
to reside there or in any other plantations. 

The Jewish community was soon increased to a considerable 
extent, partly by the arrival of former members of the dis- 

56 History of the Jews in America. 

solved colony of Cayenne (1664). It is recorded in the minutes 
of the vestry of St. Michael's Parish (July 9, 1666) "that the 
Jews inhabiting this Parish do pay the cjuantity of 35,000 pounds 
Muscovado sugar, to be levied by themselves and paid to Senior 
Lewis Dias and Senior Jeronimo Roderigos, who are hereby or- 
dered to pay it to the present church wardens." The order is 
repeated in October, 1666, and again in 1667; and in that year 
another order making the levy for the year 20,000 pounds was 
issued. In 1669 the order in January was for 14,000 pounds, and 
in March for 16,000. In 1670 it was again for 16,000, but the 
Tews sent in a petition declaring the amount to be excessive. 
This had the effect of reducing the amount of the tax to 7,000 
]30unds in 1671 and to "half of what was levied last year" in 
1672. For the following five years it was mostly 7,000 pounds 
a year, "levied for their trade." In 1680 it is 8,500 pounds, 
apportioned among forty-five Jews, some being made to con- 
tribute only twelve pounds, several others as high as 792 each, 
with David Raphael de Mercado heading the list with 1,075 
pounds. (See list of names in "Publications," XIX, pp. 174-75.) 

Antonio Rodrigo Rigio, Abraham Levi Regio, Lewis Dias, 
Isaac Jerajo Coutinho, Abraham Pereira, David Baruch Lou- 
zada and other Hebrews who were made free denizens by His 
Majesty's letters patent, petitioned in 1669 about the refusal to 
accept the testimony of Jews in the courts of the colony. The 
governor, in forwarding the petition, says, that "they had not 
been exposed to any other injuries in their trade or otherwise." 
But the privilege granted was only for cases "relating to trade 
and dealing." Special taxes continued to be imposed at various 
times until 1761, when all additional burdens were lifted, and 
afterward the Jews were rated and paid taxes on the some scale 
as other inhabitants. All political disabilities were removed by 
act of the local government in 1802, and by act of Parliament 
in 1820. 

The number of Jews in Barbadoes was never as large as that 
of Surinam. In 1681 the total Jewish population of the island 
was 260. They went on increasing slowly, the great majority 

Barbadoes and Jamaica. 57 

living in Bridgetown (where the first Synagogue was erected, 
probably prior to 1679) and a small number in Speightstown. In 
1792, at the beginning of the period of the greatest prosperity of 
the community, the congregation of Bridgetown had 147 mem- 
bers, and 17 pensioners were supported. The name of the con- 
gregation was "Kehol Kodesh Nidhe Israel," and its ministers 
were all selected by the vestry of the Spanish and Portuguese 
Synagogue in London. 

The decline of the Jewish community of Barbadoes dates from 
the great hurricane in 1831 which devastated the island, and also 
destroyed the Synagogue. Though a new edifice was erected 
and dedicated in 1833, and even a religious school was estab- 
lished several years later, the members kept on leaving the island 
for the United States, most of them going to Philadelphia. In 
1848 there were only 71 Jews left. In 1873, those remaining 
petitioned for relief from taxation of propertv held by the 
congregation. The census of 1882 showed 21 Jews, and the 
number was still smaller at the end of the nineteenth century. 

When England conquered the largest of its \\^est Indian pos- 
sessions, the island of Jamaica, in 1655, a considerable number 
of Jews, known as "Portugals," were living there. They dared 
not profess Judaism openly, or organize themselves into a con- 
gregation ; but they were less in danger on account of their 
faith than in any other Spanish colony. The proprietary rights 
of the island was vested in the family of Columbus until about 
1576, when it passed to the female Braganza line, and these ex- 
clusive rights exempted the island from the jurisdiction of the 
Inquisition, and prevented it from being included in the bishop- 
ric of Cuba. The British were careful to distinguish between 
the Portuguese Jews and the Spaniards, with the result that 
the Jews at once began to establish and develop the commercial 
prosperity of the colony. Sir Thomas Lynch, governor of Ja- 
maica, writing in March, 1672, to the Council for Trade and 
Transportation, mentions, as points in favor of the Jews that 

58 History of the Jews in America. 

"they have great stocks, no people, and aversions to the French 
and Spaniards." 

Several years before that time Jacob Joshua Bueno Enriques, 
a resident of Jamaica for two years, petitioned the King for 
permission to work a copper mine, and that he and his 
brothers, Josef and Moise, "may use their own laws and hold 
Synagogues." In 1668 Solomon Gabay Faro and David Gomes 
Flenriques were recommended by the King to the governor to 
remain and trade in Jamaica as long as they behaved well and 
fairly. There were considerable increases by arrivals from Bra- 
zil, later from the withdrawal of the British from Surinam, by 
direct immigration from England and even from Germany. But 
there must have been also considerable emigration of Jews, for 
at the end of the seventeenth century the number of Jews in Ja- 
maica is figured at eighty. While the inclusion of Hebrew in 
the curriculum of the free school which was established in the 
Parish of St. Andrews in 1693 — the earliest known instance of 
the teaching of Hebrew in an English settlement in the New 
World — may be taken as a concession to the Jewish inhabitants, 
there was no lack of harsh and galling measures. In 1703 the 
Jews were prohibited, under penalty of five hundred pounds, 
from holding Christian servants. In 171 1 they were prohibited, 
along with mulattoes, Indians and negroes, from being em- 
ployed as clerks in any of the judicial or other offices. 

The struggle of the Jews of Jamaica against heavy taxation 
forms an interesting chapter in their history at the beginning of 
the eighteenth century. (See "Publications" II, p. 165 ff. ) In 
1700 a memorial was presented to Sir William Beeston, Gover- 
nor-in-Chief of the Island of Jamaica, against the excessive spe- 
cial taxation of four assemblies, and against "being forced to 
bear arms on our Sabbath and holy days . . . without any 
necessity or urgent occasion (which is quite contrary to our re- 
ligion, unless in case of necessity, when an enemy is in sight or 
apprehension of being near us)." The reply by the governor 
and council begins with the admission of the truth of the state- 
ment about taxation ; but a counter-claim is advanced that "their 

Temporary Retrogression. 59 

first introduction into this island was on the condition that they 
sliould settle and plant, which they do not, there being but one 
considerable and two or three small settlements of the Jews in 
all the island. But their employment is generally keeping of 
shops and merchandise, by the first of which they have en- 
grossed that employment, and by their parsimonious living 
(which I do not charge as a fault in them) they have thereby 
means of underselling the English; that they cannot, many in 
them, follow that employment, nor can they in reason put their 
children to the Jews to be trained up in that profession, by 
vv-hich the English nation think they suffer much, both in their 
own advantages and what may be made to their children here- 

The governor then proceeds to explain that the Jews them- 
selves requested that "they might on any occasion be taxed by 
the lump," and that because of their controlling of trade, espe- 
cially of the retail trade, the Assembly have thought it but just 
that they should pay something in proportion more than the 
English. He continues ; "As for their bearing of arms, it m-ust 
be owned that when any public occasion has happened or an 
enemy appeared they have been ready and behaved themselves 
very well; but for their being called into arms on private times 
and that have happened upon their Sabbath or festivals, they 
have been generally excused by their officers, unless by their 
obstinacy or ill-language they have provoked them to the con- 

Traces of retrogression are also discernible in a document 
which was presented in 1721 to the Jamaica House of Repre- 
sentatives, entitled : "A petition of Jacob Henriques, Moses 
Mendes Ouixano and David Gabai on behalf of themselves and 
the rest of the Jews now resident in this island . praying 

that the House will take into consideration the great disparity 
there issbetween the numbers, trade and substance of the Jews 
now resident in this island in this and former times, and to 
mitigate the assessment of tax to be laid upon them." But it 
seems that there was an improvement and an increase of the 

60 History of the Jews, in America. 

community about the middle of that century ; for not less than 1 5 1 
of the 189 Jews in the British- American Colonies whose names 
have been handed down as naturalized between 1740 (under the 
act of Parliament of that year) and 1755 resided in Jamaica. 

Among the leading Jewish families which contributed most 
signally to the development of Jamaica's trade are : de Silva, 
Soarez, Cardozo, Belisario, Belinfante, Nuiiez, Fonseca, Gutte- 
rect, de Cordova, Bernal, Gomez, Vaz and Bravo. 

Kingston was from the time of its foundation (1693) the 
principal seat of the Jewish community; an earlier Synagogue 
which is mentioned in 1684 and 1687 was probably situated in 
Port Royal. There were also settlements in Spanish Town, 
Montego Bay, Falmouth and Lacovia. 

Here also, like in most other Dutch and English colonies, the 
local authorities were less liberal than the home governments, 
especially in matters of taxation. The assistance of the crown 
was necessary to abolish all special taxation, and also to check 
such attempts as were made during the reign of William III. 
to expel the Jews from the island. There is a record (see ''Pub- 
lications" XIX, p. 179-80) of a Mr. Montefiore who made an 
application to be admitted as an attorney in Jamaica in 1787, 
and produced a certificate of his admission in the Court of 
King's Bench, in London, in 1784; but the above-mentioned anti- 
Jewish law of 1 71 1 was cited to disqualify him- from acting as 
attorney in Jamaica. It is believed that the man who met with 
this refusal was Joshua Montefiore (1762-1843), an uncle of 
Sir Moses Montefiore (1784-1885). 

The community was in a flourishing condition in 183 1, when 
all ci\'il disabilities were finally removed, and the Jews immiC- 
diately began to take a leading part in the affairs of the colony. 
In 1838 Sir Francis H. Goldsmid (1808-78) was able to com- 
pile a long list of Jews who were chosen to civil and military 
C'ffices in Jamaica smce the act of 183 1, which was used by him 
as an argument in favor of removing the Jewish disabilities at 

Alexander Bravo was the first Jew to be chosen as a mem- 

Present Conditions in Jamaica. 61 

ber of the Jamaica Assembly, being elected for the district of 
Kingston in 1835. He later became a member of the council 
and afterward receiver-general. In 1849 eight of the forty-seven 
members of the colonial assembly were Jews, and Dr. C. M. 
Morales was elected Speaker in that year. Phinchas Abraham 
(d. 1887) was one of the last survivors of the body of mer- 
chants who contributed to the prosperity of the West Indies (see 
Jiii.'. Encyclopedia s. v.). 

The Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue of Kingston, situated 
on Princess street until the time of its destruction by the great 
fire of 1882, was consecrated in 1750. It was replaced by a new 
edifice on East street in 1884. The English and German Syna- 
gogue was consecrated in 1789, a third (German) was merged 
with the first in 1850. The Synagogue of the "Amalgamated 
Congregation of Israelites," which was consecrated in 1888, was 
destroyed by the earthquake of Januar}^ 1907. The United Con- 
gregation now worships at the East street Synagogue, which 
was enlarged for the purpose. The Eriglish-German Congrega- 
tion consecrated a new Synagogue in 1894. There is also a He- 
brew Benevolent Society and a Gemilut Hasodim Association 
which is more than a century old. 

Among the rabbis of Jamaica were : Joshua Pardo who came 
there from Curacao in 1683; his contemporary, the Spanish poet, 
Daniel Israel Lopez Laguna ; Hakam de Cordoza (d. in Spanish 
Town, 1798) ; Rev. Abraham Pereire Mendes (b. Kingston, 
1825; d. New York, 1893); Rev. George Jacobs; Rev. J. M. 
Corcos, and the present rabbi of the English-German Synagogue 
on Orange street. Rev. M. H. Solomon. The two Synagogues 
in Kingston are the only ones in the colony, which has about 
two thousand Jews, or nearly ten per cent, of the white popula- 
tion of Jamaica. 



Poverty of the first Jewish immigrants to New Amsterdam — Stuyve- 
sant's opposition overruled by the Dutch West India Company — 
Privileges and restrictions — Contributions to build the wall from 
which Wall street takes its name — The first cemetery — Exemption 
from military duty — Little change at the beginning of the English 
rule — The first synagogue after a liberal decree by the Duke of 
York — Marranos brought back in boats which carried grain to Portu- 
gal — Hebrew learning — Question about the Jews as voters and as 
witnesses — Peter Kalm's description of the Jews of New York 
about 1745 — Hyman Levy, the employer of the original Astor. 

The wealth which made the Spanish and Portuguese Jew wel- 
come, or at least insured him sufferance, in the other Dutdi 
and English colonies of the New World, was absent in the case 
of those who first settled in what is now New York. In Sep- 
tember, 1654, the year in which the Dutch lost control of Brazil 
and the great Jewish community of Recife was scattered, there 
arrived in the port of New Amsterdam (as New York was 
called by its Dutch founders) the barque St. Catarina, of Avhich 
Jacc[ues de la Motthe was master, from Cape St. Anthony 
(Cuba?), carrying twenty-seven Jews, men, women and chil- 
dren. These passengers, the first Jews to arrive in what is now 
the United States, were so poor that their goods had to be 
sold by the master of the vessel by public auction for the pay- 
ment of their passage. The amount realized by the sale being 
insufficient, he applied to the Court of Burgomaster and the 
Schoepens that one or two of them, as principals, be held as 
security for the payment of the balance in accordance with the 


The First Jews in New Amsterdam. 63 

contract made with him by which each person signing it had 
bound himself for the payment of the whole amount, and under 
which he had taken two of them, David Israel and Moses Am- 
brosius, as principal debtors. 

The court accordingly ordered that they should be placed 
under civil arrest, in the custody of the provost marshal, until 
they should have made satisfaction; that the captain should be 
answerable for their support while in custody, as security for 
which a certain proportion of the proceeds of the sale was di- 
rected to be left in the hands of the secretary of the colony. But 
as no further proceedings appear upon the records, the matter 
was doubtless arranged and was probably nothing more than a 
dispute or misunderstanding between them and the captain as 
to whether they were bound to make good the deficiency, which 
was probably enhanced by the forced sale of their effects by 
auction.^ It is more likely that their embarrassment was only 
temporary and was due to their being robbed shortly before or 
after they left their last stopping place or residence, which was 
probably Jamaica. (See Leon Hiihner, Whence came the First 
Jewish Settlers of Neiu Yorkf "Publications," IX, p. 75 ff.) 
It is mentioned that some of them were awaiting remittances, 
which must have come in time to enable the refugees to hold 
their own until the question of permitting them to remain in the 
colony was settled in their favor through correspondence with 

Peter Stuyvesant, the governor of the' colony, a man of strong 
will and strong prejudices, was hostile to the new arrivals, and 
he Soon wrote to the Directors of the Dutch West India Company 
in Amsterdam requesting that "none of the Jewish nation be 
permitted to infest New Netherland." He received a reply that 

' Daly, "The Settlement of the Jews in North America," p. 7 ff. The 
names of those early immigrants (some of them coming from Holland 
about the same time) as far as can be gathered from the records, are as 
follows: Abraham d'Lucena, David Israel, Moses Ambrosius, Abraham 
de la Simon, Salvatore d'Andrade, Joseph da Costa, David Frera, Jacob 
Barsimson, Jacob C. Henrique (.or Jacob Cohen), Isaac Mesa and Asser 

64 History of the Jews in America. 

such a course "would be unreasonable and unfair, especially be- 
cause of the considerable loss sustained by the Jews in the tak- 
ing of Brazil, and also because of the large amount of capital 
which they have invested in the shares of this company. After 
many consultations we have decided and resolved upon a cer- 
tain petition made by said Portuguese Jews, that they shall have 
permission to sail to and trade in New Netherland and to live 
and remain there, provided that the poor among them shall not' 
become a burden to the company or to the community, but be 
supported by their own nation." This is the end of the reply, 
dated, April 26, 1655, which began with the ominous sentence: 
"We would have liked to agree to your wishes and request, that 
the new territories should not be further invaded by people of 
the Jewish race, for we forsee from such immigration the same 
difficulties which you fear." But the influence of the Jews in 
Amsterdam overcame the predilections and the fears of the com- 
pany, and a special act was issued July 15, 1655, expressly giving 
Jews in New Netherlands the privileges contained in the above 
letter to the governor. 

Before the favorable decision could arrive from Holland, 
the position of the Jews was precarious. On the ist of March, 
1655, Abraham de la Simon was brought before the Court of 
Burgomaster and the Schoepens upon the complaint of the 
Sellout or Sheriff for keeping open his store on Sunday during 
the sermon, and selling at retail. The Sheriff on that occasion 
informed the court that the Governor and Council had re- 
solved that the Jews who had come in the preceding autumn, as 
well as those that had recently arrived from Holland, must 
prepare to depart forthwith. The Court, which was also a 
council for the municipal government of the city, was asked by 
the Sheriff whether it had any objection to make; whereupon, 
says the record, it was decided that the Governor's resolution 
should take its course. 

There is reason to believe that some Jews left on account 
of that resolution before the orders from Holland arrived. They 
presumably went to Rhode Island. Those who remained were 

Stuyvesant's Opposition. 65 

still objects of the Governor's aversion, and even the more 
friendly Company was not too liberal. A letter from the directors 
to Stuyvesant, dated, March 13, 1556, contains the following: 
"The permission given to the Jews to go to New Netherlands 
and enjoy the same privileges as they have here (in Amsterdam), 
has been granted only as far as civil and political rights are con- 
cerned, without giving the said Jews a claim to the privilege of 
exercising their religion in a synagogue or a gathering." 

But it must be said to the credit of the directors that they in- 
sisted on what they granted to the Jews, and in another let- 
ter, dated, June 14, 1556, they write to the self-willed governor: 
"We have seen and heard with displeasure, that against our 
orders of the isth of February, 1655, issued at the request of 
the Jewish or Portuguese nation, you have forbidden them to 
trade to Fort Orange (Albany) and the South River (Dela- 
ware), also the purchase of real estate, which is granted to 
them without difficulty here in this country, and we wish it had 
not been done, and you have obeyed your orders which you 
must always execute punctually and with more respect. Jev^'S 
or Portuguese people, however, shall not be employed in any 
public service (to which they are neither admitted in this city) 
nor allowed to have open retail shops; but they may quietly and 
peacefully carry on their business as beforesaid and exercise in 
all quietness their religion within their houses, for which end 
they must without doubt endeavor to build their houses close 
together in a convenient place on one or the other side of New: 
Amsterdam — at their choice — as they do here.'' 

These instructions came as the result of a petition sent to 
the directors by Abraham d'Lucena, Salvatore d'Andrade and 
Jacob Cohen, for themselves and in' the name of others of the 
Jewish nation, asking for a confirmation of the privileges, which 
was thus granted. These three and two other Jews, Joseph da 
Costa and David Frera, were in the preceding year, 1655, as- 
sessed each 1,000 florins to defray the cost of erecting the outer 
fence or city wall, from which Wall street takes its name. It 
was the same amount as was imposed upon the wealthiest of the 

66 History of the Jews in America. 

citizens, and the five adduced it as a reason for their being en- 
titled to the rights to trade and to hold real property. 

Abraham d'Lucena, who appears to have been the most promi- 
nent of the early Jewish immigrants, and several others, ap- 
plied in July, 1655, for a burying ground; but the request was 
refused with the reply "that there was no need for it )'et." There 
Vi'as need for it, however, about a year later, and on July 14, 
1656, a lot was granted to them outside of the city for a place 
of interment. This is the old cemetery on Oliver street and 
New Bowery, which was augmented by further purchases in 
the following century. 

The city was at that time exposed to attacks from Spanish 
cruisers and pirates, and to assaults from hostile Indians. The 
encroachments of the English on Long Island and Westchester 
was a subject of constant anxiety, England never having con- 
ceded the rights of the Dutch to settle New Netherlands. 
This caused all the male inhabitants capable of bearing arms 
to enroll in the Burgher Guard, and a watch was kept up night 
and day with the steadiness and vigilance of a beleaguered town. 
A few months after the arrival of the Jewish immigrants the 
question arose whether the adult males among them should be 
incorporated in the Burgher Guard; the officers of the guard 
submitting the cjuestion to the Governor and Council. It was 
duly deliberated upon and an ordinance was passed (August 28, 
1655), which, after reciting "the unwillingness of the mass of 
the citizens to be fellow-soldiers of the aforesaid nation" or 
watch in the same guard-house, and the fact that the Jews in 
Holland did not serve in the train bands of the cities, but paid 
a compensation for their exemption therefrom, declared that 
they should be exempt from that military service, and for such 
exemption each male person between the ages of sixteen and 
sixty shall pay a monthly contribution of sixty-five stivers. 

Jacob B'arsimson and Asser Levy (d. 1682) petitioned to be 
allowed to stand guard like other burghers, or to be relieved 
from the tax, which was refused by the Governor and Council 
with the remark that "they might go elsewhere if they liked." 

Beginning of the English Rule. 67 

But after the last order from Amsterdam favorable to the claims 
of the Jews was received, Asser Levy applied to be admitted 
to the right of citizenship, and exhibited his certificate to the 
court to show that he had been a burgher in Amsterdam. His 
request, as well as the one made for the same purpose by Sal- 
vatore d'Andrade and others, was not complied with. The 
matter was brought before the Governor and Council, and as 
the directions from Holland were controlling, an order was made 
April 21, 1657, that the Burgomaster should admit them to that 
privilege. Here the struggle virtually ended, and they were no 
longer troubled during the Dutch rule. 

When the British captured the city in 1664 and renamed it 
Nevi' York, the condition of the Jews remained practically un- 
changed. There is a record of at least one Jew who removed 
from Newport to New York in that period, and had difficulties 
with the local authorities because they enforced against him the 
regulation which did not permit a Jew to engage in retail trade. 
The Charter of Liberties and Privileges which was adopted in 
1683 by the colonial legislature declared that "no one should 
be molested, punished, disquieted or called in question for iiis 
religious opinion, who professed faith in God by Jesus Christ," 
which meant that the Jews and unbelievers were excluded from 
the privileges of religious freedom. A petition by the Jews to 
Governor Dongan, in 1686, for liberty to exercise their religion, 
I. e., to have public worship, was consecjuently decided in the 
negative. But James, Duke of York (afterwards King James 
IL, 1633-1701), to whom New York was granted by his brother, 
had previously sent out instructions, which arrived about that 
time, "to permit all persons of what religion soever, quietly to 
inhabit within the government, and to give no disturbance or dis- 
Quiet whatsoever for or by reason of their diiTering in matters of 

The exact date when the Jews took advantage of that liberal 
decree is not known, but it is presumed that the religious serv- 
ices, which had been heretofore conducted semi-privately, were 
soon performed in a house devoted to that purpose. It is certain 

68 History of the Jews in America. 

that there was a Jewish Synagogue in New York in 1695, prob- 
ably as early as 1691, while the restrictions as to trade were re- 
moved a few years before. The Synagogue, the first on the 
North American continent, was situated on the south side of the 
present Beaver street, 'between Broadway and Broad street. 
When it became too small for the community which was in- 
creasing in wealth and in numbers, a new edifice was erected in 
1728 on Mill street (about the present site of South William 
street), where the congregation, which now assumed the name 
of "Shearith Israel'' (Remnant of Israel), continued to worship 
for more than a century. 

A profitable commerce was carried on between New York 
and the West Indies at the beginning of the eighteenth century 
in which numerous Jewish merchants participated. There was 
also carried on, though for a short period, a considerable busi- 
ness of exporting wheat to Portugal, on account of the scarcity 
in Europe about the close of the French war. Abraham 
d'Lucena and Louis Moses Gomez, who engaged in that traflic 
to Portugal, not only became two of the most affluent of the 
Jewish residents of New York, but they also incidentally caused 
an increase of the number of their co-religionists in the com- 
munity. It is presumed that the vessels which carried grain to 
the Iberian peninsula brought Jewish or Marrano passengers on 
the return voyage. Most of the new Jewish names which be- 
gan to appear here about that time are of undoubted Spanish and 
Portuguese origin. But there were also in the city Jews from 
other countries. When the Rev. John Sharpe proposed the 
erection of a school-library and chapel in New York, in 1712-13, 
he points out among the advantages which the city afforded for 
that purpose that : "It is possible also to learn Hebrew here as 
well as in Europe, there being a Synagogue of Jews, and many 
ingenious men of that nation from Poland, Hungary, Germany, 

The abovp-mentioned Louis Moses Gomez (b. Madrid, 1654; 
d. New York, 1740) who arrived in America about 1700, was 
until the time of his death one of the principal merchants of 

First Struggle about the Franchise. 69 

New York. He had five sons, and his descendants have inter- 
married with most of the old-time American-Jewish famiUes. 

While the community was increasing in number and wealth, 
something occurred which sharply reminded the Jews that the 
tnne of complete emancipation had not yet come. In 1737 the 
election of Col. Frederick Phillips as representative of the Gen- 
eral Assembly for the County of Westchester was contested by 
Captain Cornelius Van Home. Colonel Phillips called several 
Jews to give evidence on his behalf, when an objection was made 
to their competency as witnesses. After arguments on both 
sides were heard, they were informed by the speaker that it 
was the opinion of the House that "none of the Jewish profes- 
sion could be admitted as evidence." It seems that Jews had 
voted at the election, for after again hearing arguments from 
the counsel of both parties, the House resolved that, as it did 
not appear that persons of the Jewish religion had a right to 
vote for members of Parliament in Great Britain, it was the 
unanimous opinion of the House that they could not be admitted 
to vote for Representatives in the colony. This decision has 
been described by a later historian as remarkable, and in ex- 
planation of it he says ; "That Catholics and Jews had long been 
peculiarly obnoxious to the colonists," that "the first settlers be- 
ing Dutch and mostly of the Reformed Protestant religion, and 
the migration from England, since the colony belonged to the 
Crown, being principally Episcopal, both united in their aver- 
sion to the Catholics and the Jews." (Quoted by Daly, The 
Settlement of the Jezvs in North America, p. 46.)' 

^ Judge Daly himself, however, sees no ground for inferring that the 
decision proceeded from aversion. He thinks it was simply a question 
of law. The law of New York colony was especially modeled upon that 
ot the mother country. New York was a conquered province, and wh-en 
it was taken from the Dutch, the English mode of procedure in all mat- 
ters of law and government was introduced bodily; and from this circum- 
stance English forms, precedents and modes of proceeding came into 
use to an extent that did not prevail in other colonies where the people 
themselves had been left to originate and frame such a system of gov- 
ernment and laws as was suggested by their wants and most conducive 
to their interests. The Legislative Assembly was therefore simply de- 
claring the law as it existed in England at that time. (,1. c.) 

70 History of the Jews in America. 

The general condition of the Jews of New York was, never- 
theless, highly favorable, as is attested by Peter Kalm (1715-79), 
the Swedish botanist and traveler, who spent a considerable time 
ni the colony in the following decade. He says : "There are 
many Jews settled in New York who possess great privileges. 
They have a Synagogue and houses, great country-seats of their 
own property, and are allowed to keep shops in the town. They 
have likewise several ships which they freight and send out with 
their goods; in fine, the Jews enjoy all the privileges in common 
to the other inhabitants of this town and province." 

The increase of the community between that time and the 
American Revolution was very slow in comparison with the 
fast growth of the general population of the city, which was 
less than 5,000 in 1700, about 9,000 in 1750, and nearly 23,000 
in 1776. The natural increase and the additions which the Jew- 
ish community received by immigration, chiefly from England, 
was barely sufficient to counteract the loss of others who went 
to Newport, Charleston and Philadelphia. But, though small, 
it continued to be a highly respectable and influential body, hav- 
ing among its members some of the principal merchants of the 
city. Of this number was Hayman Levy (d. 1790) who carried 
on an extensive business chiefly with the Indians, and by win- 
ning their respect and confidence became the largest fur trader 
in the colonies. Upon his books are entries of moneys paid to 
John Jacob Astor (1763- 1848), the founder of the Astor fam- 
ily, for beating furs at the rate of one dollar a day. Miss Ze- 
porah Levy (d. 1833), a daughter of Hayman, was married in 
1779 to Benjamin Hendricks, a native of New York, the founder 
of a well-known and long-maintained Jewish commercial house. 



The Old Testament spirit in New England— Roger Williams— The first 
Jew in Massachusetts— Judah Monis, instructor in Hebrew at Har- 
vard — Newport — Jews from Holland bring there the first degrees 
of Masonry— The cemetery immortalized by Longfellow— Jacob 
Rodrigues Rivera introduces the manufacture of sperm oil — Aaron 
Lopez, the greatest merchant in America — Immigration from Port- 
ugal — Rabbi Isaac Touro — Visiting rabbis — First Jews in Connect- 
icut — Philadelphia — Congregation Mickweh Israel — Easton's wealthy 
Jews — Maryland — Dr. Jacob Lumbrozo — General Oglethorpe and 
the first Jews of Georgia— Joseph Ottolenghi— The Carolinas— 

Although "tlie Puritans of England and America appropriated 
tlie language of our judges and prophets" and the spirit of the 
Old Testament was the most potent force in the foundation and 
the conduct of the early Commonwealths of New England, still 
it was not a typical or recognized leader of those who deemed 
themselves members of a new Hebrew theocratic democracy, but 
rather an outcast from their ranks, who first granted full relig- 
ious libert}' to the Jews and bade them welcome. This man was 
Roger AVilliams (i6go?-i684), the former clergyman of the 
Church of England, who later (1631) became a Puritan pastor 
in Salem,, and was expelled for denying the right of the 
magistrates to punish Sabbath-breaking, and was four years 
later "banished from the jurisdiction of the Puritans of America, 
and driven into the wilderness to endure the severity of our 
northern winter and the bitter pangs of hunger."' 

' Oscar S. Straus, "The Origin of the Republican Form of Govern- 
ment in the United States," p. 48. 


72 History of the Jews in America. 

There was at least one Jew in Massachusetts before the ar- 
rival of the first Jews in New Amsterdam, and he is mentioned 
only as being assisted — or forced — to quit the colony. The 
reference to him is dated May 3, 1649, when it is stated that 
Ihe court allows Solomon Franco, the Jew, six shillings per week 
out of the treasury for ten weeks for subsister.ce till he can get 
his passage into Holland (see Kohut, The Jczi's of N'c-lu England 
in "Publications," XI, p. 78). Several other Jews are men- 
tioned as having lived there in the latter part of the seventeenth 
and in the first three-c^uarters of the eighteenth centuries. But 
owing to the intolerance and religious zeal of the Puritans, they 
either moved to other parts or embraced Christianity. When a 
Jew named Joseph Frazon (or Frazier) died in Boston, in 1704, 
his body was sent to Newport for burial. 

The most distinguished among the early converts was Judah 
Monis (born in Algiers about 1680; died in Northborough, 
Mass. in 1764). He was baptized in the College Hall at Cam- 
bridge, Mass., on March 22, 1722, and was afterward active in 
the cause of his new faith, although he observed throughout his 
life the Jewish Sabbath. He was an instructor in Hebrew at 
Harva^rd University, from 1722 till 1759, when on the death 
of his wife he resigned and removed to Northborough. Besides 
some insignificant missionary pamphlets, he was the author of 
the first Hebrew grammar printed in America (Boston, 1735). 

It was in the smallest of the original colonies, which is now 
likewise the smallest State in the Union, Rhode Island, founded 
by the pioneer of religious liberty in the New World, that the 
Jews established their oldest congregation on the North Ameri- 
can continent. Providence was founded in 1636, Portsmouth 
and Newport about two years later, and the last named place, 
which soon became one of the most important cities in the 
colonies, excelling even New York as a commercial center and 
port of entry until after the Revolution, began to attract Jews 
soon after their arrival in these parts of the country. The earliest 
authentic mention of Jews in Newport is in 1658, when fifteen 
Jewish families are said to have arrived from Holland, bringing 

The First Jews of Newport. 73 

with them the first degrees of Masonry which they proceeded to 
confer on Abraham iVIoses in the house of Mordecai Campanall.' 
But there is reason to beheve that Jews from New Amsterdam 
and Curagao settled there a year or two before. A congregation 
seems to have been organized in 1658 under the name "Jeshuat 
Israel." The cemetery, immortahzed by Longfellow and Emma 
Lazarus, was acquired by Campanall and Moses Packeckoe, in 
1677, but it is possible that there existed an earlier Jewish 

AStill even in Rhode Island it was only tolerance; the recogni- 
tion of equal rights was yet to come with the Declaration of 
Independence. In reply to a petition of the Jews, the General 
/.ssembly of Rhode Island, in 1684, affirmed the right of the 
Jews to settle in the colony, declaring that "they may expect 
as good protection here as any stranger being not of our nation 
residing among us in His Majesty's colony ought to have, be- 
ing obedient to His Majesty's laws." 

More Jewish settlers arrived from the West Indies in 1694; 
but the great impulse to the commercial activity which raised 
Newport to the zenith of its prosperity was given by a number 
of Portuguese Jews who settled there about the middle of the 
eighteenth century. Most prominent among those were Jacob 
Rodrigues Rivera (died at an advanced age in 1789), who 
arrived in 1745, and Aaron Lopez, who came in 1750. The 
former introduced into America the manufacture of sperm oil, 
having brought the art with him from Portugal, and it soon be- 
came one of the leading industries; Newport, whose inhabi- 
tants were engaged in whale fishing, had seventeen manufactories 
of oil and candles and enjoyed a practical monopoly of this 
trade down to the Revolution. 

Aaron Lopez (died May 28, 1782), who was Rivera's son-in- 
law, became the great merchant prince of New England. (Ezra 
Stiles says of him, that for honor and extent of commerce he 

^ See Oppenheim, "The Jews and Masonry," in "Publications'" XIX, 
pp. 9 ff., for an interesting treatment of the discussion about the authen- 
ticity of this statement. 

74 History of the Jews in America. 

was probably surpassed by no merchant in America.) The ad- 
vantages of this important seaport were quickly comprehended 
by this sagacious merchant, and to him in a larger degree than 
to any one else was due the rapid commercial development that 
followed. He was the means of inducing more than forty Jew- 
ish families to settle there, the heads of many of which were men 
of wealth, mercantile sagacity, high intelligence and enterprise. 
In fourteen years after Lopez settled there, Newport had 150 
vessels engaged in trade with the West Indies alone, besides an 
extensive trade which was carried on as far as Africa and the 
Falkland Islands. The Jews were even then, nearly three hun- 
dred years after the expulsion, transferring to the liberal Eng- 
lish colonies the wealth and the still more valuable business abil- 
ity and commercial connections which they could not freely or 
safely employ as Marranos in Portugal. The emigration of 
secret Jews from that country increased after the great earth- 
quake at Lisbon (1755), and a considerable portion went to 
Rhode Island. One of the vessels from that unhappy city, 
bound for Virginia, was driven into Narragansett Bay, and its 
Jewish passengers remained at Newport. 

Isaac Touro (died Dec. 8, 1783) came from Jamaica to New- 
port, in 1760, to become the minister of its prosperous congre- 
gation, and occupied the position until the outbreak of the Rev- 
olution, when he returned to end his days in Jamaica. Until 
the time of his arrival worship was held in private houses, but 
in 1762 the congregation, which numbered between sixty and 
seventy members, decided to erect a Synagogue. The building, 
which is still standing, was completed and dedicated in 1763. 
There is evidence that the Jewish population of Newport, even 
before the Revolution, contained considerable German and Polish 
elements. According to one historian, the city numbered before 
the outbreak of hostilities 1,175 Jews — which was probably a 
majority of the Jews in all the colonies — while more than 300 
worshipers attended the Synagogue. 

Many Jewish rabbis from all parts of the world were attracted 
to Newport in those times. The above-named Ezra Stiles 

Connecticut and Pennsylvania. 75 

(1727-95), the famous president of Yale University, who was 
a preacher in Newport at that time, mentions several of them in 
his diary. He met one from Palestine in 1759, two from Poland, 
T771 and 1772, respectively, a Rabbi Bosquila from Smyrna, a 
Rabbi Cohen from Jerusalem and Rabbi Raphael Hayyim Isaac 
Carregal (b. Hebron, Palestine, 1733; d. Barbadoes, 1777), 
who preached at Newport in Spanish in 1773, and became an 
intimate friend of the Christian theological scholar. 

The arrival of a Jewish family from the West Indies to New 
Haven, Conn., in 1772, is noted by Stiles, who was a native 
of that place, in his diary as follows : "They are the first real 
Jews at that place with exception of the two brothers Pinto, 
who renounced Judaism and all religion." This is substantially 
accurate in regard to New Haven, although one David, the Jew, 
is mentioned in the Hartford town records as early as 1659 (or 
1650), and the residence of several Jews is implied in the entry 
which was made in the same records under date of September 
2, 1661 : "The same day ye Jews which at present live at John 
Marsh, his house, have liberty to sojourn in ye town for seven 
months." They are mentioned at a subsequent period, too, which 
proves that they were permitted to remain longer than the 
allotted se\'en months. But all trace of them is lost afterwards, 
and almost two centuries had passed until the first Synagogue 
Vvas erected in Hartford. 

The Jews of New Amsterdam who had difficuliies with Peter 
Stuyvesant in 1655 about their right to trade on the South River, 
which was subsequently re-named the Delaware (see above, chap- 
ter 9) were probably the first to set foot in what later became 
the colony and still later the State of Pennsylvania. This was 
twenty years before William Penn (1644-1718) became part 
proprietor of West Jersey, and more than a quarter of a cen- 
tury before he came over to America (1682) and founded the 
city of Philadelphia in the colony of Pennsylvania, which he 
received as a grant from the King of England in the preceding 

76 History of the Jews in America. 

The first Jewish resident of Philadelphia was Jonas Aaron, 
who was living there in 1703. A number of other Jews settled 
(here in the first half of the eighteenth century and some of 
them, including David Franks (172093), Joseph Marks and 
Sampson Levy, became prominent in the life of the city. Isaac 
Miranda came there earlier (1710) and held several State offices, 
but he was a convert to Christianity, and his preferment can- 
not be considered a Jewish success. A German traveler men- 
tions the Jews among the religious sects of Philadelphia in 1734. 
In 1738 Nathan Levy (1704-53) applied for a plot of ground to 
be used as a place of burial, and obtained it Sept. 25, 1740. This 
was the first Jewish cemetery in the city, and was henceforth 
known as the "J^ws' burying ground," situated in Spruce street, 
near Ninth street. It later became the property of the Congre- 
gation Mickweh Israel, which had its beginnings about 1745 
and is believed to have worshipped in a small house in Sterling 
alley. The question of building a Synagogue was raised in 1761, 
as a result of the influx of Jews from Spain and the West Indies, 
but nothing was then accomplished in that direction. In 1773, 
when Barnard Gratz (born in Germany, 1738; died in Balti- 
more, 1801) was parnas and Solomon Marache, treasurer, a 
subscription was started "in order to support our holy worship 
and establish it on a more solid foundation," but no Synagogue 
was built until about ten years later. Barnard Gratz and his 
brother, Michael (b. 1740), with whom he came to Amreica 
about 1755, were among the eight Jewish merchants of Phila- 
delphia who signed the Non-Importation Resolution in 1765. 
The others were Benjamin Levy, David Franks, Sampson Levy, 
Hyman Levy, Jr. ; Mathias Bush and Moses Mordecai. 

Jews were to be found in Lancaster, Pa., as early as 1730, 
before the town and county were organized, and the name of 
Joseph Simon was preserved as the best known of the first ar- 
rivals. Myer Hart (d. about 1795) and his wife, Rachel, and 
their son, Michael (b. 1738), were one of the eleven original 
families that are classed as the founders of Easton, Pa., about 
1750. Myer Hart heads the list of those furnishing material 

Jacob Lumbrozo in Maryland. 77 

for the erection of a schoolhouse in Easton in 1755. He is first 
described as a shopkeeper and later as an innkeeper, and Le was 
naturalized April 3, 1764. In 1780 his estate was valued at 
£2,095, ^'''d that of his son, Michael, at £2,261, these two being 
the heaviest taxed individuals in the county. At that period there 
were two other Jewish merchants residing at Easton, Barnard 
Levi and Joseph Nathan. 

There is a tradition that Schafferstown, Pa., had a Synagogue 
?nd a Jewish cemetery in 1732, but the facts have not been veri- 
fied, and there is a suspicion that the supposed Jews were Ger- 
man pietists who assumed Biblical names. 

To the south of Pennsylvania the older colony of Maryland, 
which was established in 1634, "adopted religious freedom as 
the basis of the State;" but this boon was reserved for Chris- 
tians only, although there is no record that the statutory death 
penalty for those who denied the trinity was ever carried out in 
practice. The physician, Jacob Lumbrozo (d. May, 1666), who 
hailed from Lisbon, Portugal, and came to Maryland about Janu- 
ary, 1656, and later became an extensive land owner, was com- 
mitted for blasphemy in 1658, but this did not prevent him from 
enjoying a lucrative practice and engaging in various mercantile 
pursuits in subsecpent years. He was even granted letters of 
denization on Sept. 10, 1663, which vested him with all the 
privileges of a native or naturalized subject. But his case seems 
to have been exceptional, probably owing to his medical skill 
and his wealth. But in general, colonial Maryland was no place 
for Jews, and even after it became a part of the United States 
it was one of the last to remove the civil disabilities of its Jewish 

Another Marrano physician from Lisbon, Dr. Samuel (Ri- 
biero) Nufiez, who escaped from the clutches of the Inquisition 
and arrived, in 1733, in the newly founded colony of Georgia, 
found a more congenial place of refuge. Georgia was in re- 
spect to the Jews the reverse of New Netherlands; the trustees 
of the colony in England were opposed to permitting Jews to 
settle there, but General James Edward Oglethorpe (1696- 

78 , History of the Jews in America. 

1785), the Governor, was very friendly disposed towards them. 
Nunez was one of forty Jewish immigrants who unexpectedly 
arrived at Savannah in the second vessel which reached the 
colony from England (July 11, 1733). The Governor, one of 
1he noblest figures of colonial times, bade them welcome, and 
considered them a good acquisition to the new colony. The 
first settlers were of Spanish and Portuguese extraction,^ but 
Jews who apparently came from Germany took up their resi- 
dence there less than a year afterwards. Both bands of set- 
tlers received equally liberal treatment, and they soon organized 
a congregation (1734). The first male white child born in the 
colony was a Jew, Isaac Minis. Abraham de Lyon, of Portugal, 
introduced the culture of grapes into Georgia in 1737, while others 
of the early settlers engaged in the cultivation and manufacture 
of silk, the knowledge of which they likewise brought with them 
from Portugal. A dispute with the trustees of the colony re- 
specting the introduction of slaves caused an extensive emigration 
to South Carolina in 1741, and resulted in the dissolution of the 
congregation. But in 1751 a number of Jews returned to 
Georgia, and in the same year the trustees sent over Joseph 
Ottolenghi (d. after June. 1774) to superintend the somewhat 
extensive silk industry of the colony. Ottolenghi soon attained 
prominence in the political life of the colony and was elected 
a member of the General Assembly, where he served from 1761 
to 1765. Several other Jews renderd distinguished services to 
Georgia, but they belong to the period of the Revolution, which 
V :l\ be treated separately in the following part. A new con- 
gregation was started in 1774. 

"Jews, heathens and dissenters" were granted full liberty of 
conscience in the liberal charter which the celebrated English 
philosopher, John Locke (1632-1704) drew up for the govern- 
ance of the Carolinas (1669), and the spirit of tolerance was 
always retained there. Still few Jews were attracted there at 
the beginning, and about thirty years later we know of only one 

' For a list of their names see "Publications" XVII, pp. 16S-69. 

The First Synagogue of Charleston. 79 

Jew, Solomon Valentiiu', as living in Charleston. A few others 
followed him, and in 1703 a protest was raised against "Jew 
strangers" voting for members of the Assembly. About the 
middle of the eighteenth century the number of Jews in Charles- 
ton suddenly increased through the above-mentioned exodus 
from Georgia, and the first Synagogue of the Congregation Bet 
Elohim was established in 1750. Its first minister was Isaac da 
Costa, and among its earliest members were Joseph and Michael 
Tobias, Moses Cohen, Abraham da Costa, Moses Pimenta, David 
de Olivera, IMordecai Slieftal, Michael Lazarus and Abraham 
Nunez Cardozo. The fit5t Synagogue was a small building on 
Union street; its present edifice is situated at Hassell street. A 
Hebrew Benevolent Society, which still survives, was also or- 
ganized at an early date. A German-Jewish congregation was 
also' in existence in the last quarter of the eighteenth century. 
Several prominent Jews of London purchased large tracts of 
land in South Carolina, near Fort Ninety-six, which became 
known as the "Jews' Land." Moses Lindo who arrived from 
London in 1756, became engaged in indigo manufacture, which 
he made one of the principal industries in the colony. Another 
London Jew, Francis Salvador (d. 1776), was the most promi- 
nent Jew in South Carolina at the time of the outbreak of the 
Revolutionary War. 





Spirit of the Old Testament in the Revolutionary War — Sermons in 
favor of the original Jewish form of Government — The New Nation 
as "God's American Israel" — The Quebec Act — The intolerance of 
sects as the cause of separation of Church and State — A Memorial 
sent by German Jews to the Continental Congress — Fear expressed 
in North Carolina that the Pope might be elected President of the 
United States — None of the liberties won were lost by post-revo- 
lutionary reaction, as happened elsewhere. 

The spirit of the old Testament which was prevalent among 
the early settlers of New England was perhaps still more mani- 
fest there at the time of the outbreak of the Revolutionary War 
of Independence. The ever-increasing antagonism which was 
aroused by the attempt of the Parliament of England to regulate 
and to tax the colonies, found expression in Biblical terms to an 
extent which can hardly be appreciated in the present time. The 
people in America had to fight over again the same battles for 
con.stitutional liberties which the English had fought before them, 
and George III., so far as his claims over the colonies were con- 
cerned, relied as much upon the kingly prerogative, the doctrine 
of "Divine Right," as ever did James I. All of these pretensions, 
all the questions of right and liberty had to be re-argued. To 
refute this false theory of kingly power it was not only expedient 


Arguments from the Bible. 81 

but necessary to rc\-ert to the earliest times, to the most sacred 
record, the Old Testament, for illustration and for argument, 
chiefly because the doctrine of Divine Right of a King by the 
Grace of God and its corollaries, "unlimited submission and non- 
resistance," were deduced, or rather distorted, from the New 
Testament, ha\'ing been brought into the field of politics with 
the object of enslaving the masses through their religious creed. 
"It is, at least, an historical fact — says the historian Lecky — that 
in the great majority of instances the early Protestant defenders 
of civil liberty derived their political principles chiefly from the 
Old Testament, and the defenders of despotism from the New. 
The rebellions that were so frec|uent in Jewish history formed the 
favorite topic of the one, the unreserved submission inculcated 
by St. Paul, the other."^ 

While there were many free thinkers or Deists among the in- 
tellectual leaders of the Revolution, the masses of the colonists 
were intensely religious, and an argument from Scripture carried 
more weight with them than any other. Education was limited 
at that period in the colonies ; there were not many newspapers, 
they were rarely issued more than once a week, and the number 
of subscribers was but few. The pulpit had their place, and the 
pastors in their sermons dealt with politics not .less than with 
religion. Sermons were for the people the principal sources of 
general instruction. These pastors, in the way of history, knew 
above all that of the Jewish people, and they were the first to 
bring before their audiences the ideals of the old Hebrew com- 
monwealth. Rev. Jonathan Mayhew (1720-66), whose discourse, 
in 1750, against unlimited submission was characterized as "the 
morning gun of the Revolution," declared in a later oration on 
the "Repeal of the Stamp Act" which he delivered in Boston on 
May 23, 1766: "God gave Israel a king in His anger because 
they had not sense and virtue enough to like a free common- 

' Lecky, Rationalism in Europe, vol. II, 168, quoted in Straus, Origin 
of Reptiblican Form of Government in tJic United States, pp. 19 ff., which 
see for an extensive treatment of this subject. 

82 History of the Jews in America. 

wealth, and to have Himself for their King — where the spirit 
of the Lord is there is liberty — and if any miserable people on 
the continent or isles of Europe be driven in their extremity to 
seek a safe retreat from slavery in some far distant clime — O let 
them find one in America." Rev. Samuel Langdon (1723-97), 
President of Harvard College, delivered an election sermon be- 
fore the "Honorable Congress of Massachusetts Bay" on the 
31st of JMay, 1775, taking as his text the passage in Isaiah I, 
26, "And I will restore thy judges as at first," in which he said : 
"The Jewish government, according to the original constitution, 
which was divinely established, if considered only in a civil \iew, 
was a perfect republic. And let them who cry up the divine right 
of Kings consider, that the form of government which had a 
proper claim to a divine establishment was so far from including 
the idea of a King, that it was a high crime for Israel to ask to 
be in this respect like other nations, and when they were thus 
gratified, it was rather as a just punishment for their folly. . 
The civil polity of Israel is doubtless an excellent general model, 
allowing for some peculiarities ; at least some principal laws and 
orders of it may be copied in more modern establishments." Al- 
most everybody at that time knew by heart the admonitions of 
Samuel to the children of Israel, describing the manner in which 
a King would rule over them. 

Sermons drawing a parallel between George III. and Pharaoh, 
inferring that the same providence of God which had rescued the 
Israelites from Egyptian bondage would free the coloiiies, were 
common in that period ; and they probably had more effect with 
the masses than the great orations of the statesmen or the philo- 
sophical essays of the publicists which came down to us in the 
literature of the Revolution. The success of the AVar of Inde- 
pendence was also accepted in that sense. The election sermon 
preached by the Rev. Dr. Ezra Stiles, President of Yale College, 
on May 8, 1783, at Hartford, before Governor Trumbull and 
the General Assembly of the State of Connecticut, mav be cited 
as an instance. Dr. Stiles took for his text Deut. XXVI, 19: 
"And to make you high abo\-e all nations which he has made, 

"God's American Israel". 83 

in praise, and in name, and in honor, etc." This sermon takes 
up one hundred and twenty closely printed pages, and assumes 
the proportions of a treatise on government from the Heljrew 
Theocracy down to the then present, showing by illustration and 
history that the culmination of popular government had been 
reached in America, transplanted by divine hands in fulfilment 
of Biblical prophecy from the days of Moses to the land of 
Washington; and discussing from an historical point of view 
"the reasons rendering it probable that the United States will, 
by the ordering of heaven, eventually become this people." He 
referred to the new nation as "God's American Israel" and to 
Washington as the American Joshua who was raised up by God 
to lead the armies of the chosen people to liberty and inde- 

The committee which was appointed on the same day the Dec- 
laration of Independence was adopted, consisting of Dr. Frank- 
lin, Mr. Adams and Mr. Jefferson, to prepare a device for a 
seal for the United States, at first proposed that of Pharaoh 
sitting in an open chariot, a crown on his head and a sword in 
his hand, passing through the dividing waters of the Red Sea 

^Another great American clergyman. Dr. Henry M. Field (1822- 
1907), who wrote about a century later, also found in the Jewish polity 
m.uch that was later adopted in the Constitution of the United States. 
In his work On the Desert (New York, 1883), he says: "Perhaps it does 
not often occur to readers of the Old Testament that there is much 
likeness between the Hebrew Commonwealth and the American Re- 
public At the bottom there is one radical principle that di- 
vides a republic from a monarchy or an aristocracy; it is the natural 
equality of men — that "all men are born free and equal" — which is 
fully recognized in the laws of Moses as in the Declaration of Inde- 
pendence. Indeed, the principle is carried further in the Hebrew Com- 
monwealth than in ours; for not only was there equality before the 
laws, but the laws aimed to produce equality of condition in one point, 
and that a vital one — the tenure of land, of which even the poorest 
could not be deprived, so that in this respect the Hebrew Common- 
wealth approached more nearly to a pure democracy." See a more 
extensive quotation in Simon Wolf's The American Jew as Patriot, Sol- 
dier and Citizen, pp. 494-98. 

84 History of the Jews in America. 

in pursuit of the Israelites : with rays from a pillar of fire beam- 
ing on Moses, who is represented as standing on the shore extend- 
ing his hand over the sea, causing it to overwhelm Pharaoh/ 

Great religious animosity was also aroused by the "Quebec 
Act," which was passed by the British Parliament in 1774, for 
the purpose of preventing Canada from joining the other colonies. 
It guaranteed to the Catholic Church the possession of its vast 
amount of property, and full freedom of worship. The object 
which it was intended to effect by the passage of this act was pure- 
\y one of State policy, and as far as Canada herself was concerned 
it was a wise and diplomatic step. But with the exception per- 
haps of the Boston Port Bill, it was the most effectual in alien- 
ating the colonies. It was construed as an effort on the part of 
Parliament to create an Established Church, and not that alone, 
but the establishment of ihat Church which was most hateful to 
and dreaded by the great majority of the people in the colonies. 

It was not due to lack of religious sentiment that the ultimate 
bond between the colonies was a strictly secular one, and that 
Church and State were forever separated in the Constitution of 
the United States. It was rather due to the great and insur- 
mountable differences in the religious beliefs among the various 
parties to the confederation; it may be said that it was strong 
sectarianism which forced upon them a non-sectarian govern- 
ment. The religious complexion of no two of the American 
colonies was precisely alike. The various sects at the time of the 
Pevolution were grouped as follows: The Puritans in A^fassachu- 
setts, the Baptists in Rhode Island, the Congregationalists in Con- 
necticut, the Dutch and Swedish Protestants in New Jersey, the 
Church of England in New York, the Quakers in Pennsylvania, 
the Baptists, Methodists and Presbyterians in North Carolina, 
the Catholics in Maryland, the Cavaliers in Virginia, the Hugue- 
nots and Episcopalians in South Carolina, and the Methodists 
in Georgia. Owing to these diversities, to the consciousness of 

'A drawing of this design is printed as the frontispiece of Mr. 
Straus's above-named work. 

Separation of Church and State. 85 

danger from ecclesiastical ambition, the intolerance of sects as 
exemplified among themselves as well as in foreign lands, it was 
wiseh' foreseen that the only basis upon which it was possible to 
form a Federal union was to exclude from the National Govern- 
ment all power over religion. 

The seperation of Church and State was therefore a practical 
necessit3^ based on causes which were deeply rooted in the life 
of the people. It was almost a forced step on the way of develop- 
ment, not an enthusiastic outburst in favor of an abstract prin- 
ciple. This is why the ground which was then gained was never 
lost again, why there was no reaction and no reversion to the 
former order of a religious establishment as happened in France 
after the great revolution which began in 1789. The moderate, 
self-restrained liberalism of the colonists held its own after the 
struggle was over and kept on progressing slowly. The 
violent radicalism of the older country went so far that many 
steps had to be retraced, and the fight of separating Church and 
State had to be fought out all over again in our own time, more 
than a century after all religion was abolished during the reign 
of terror. 

A letter sent by an unnamed German Jew on' behalf of himself 
and his brethren to the President of the Continental Congress, 
in which the wretched condition of the Jews in Germany at that 
time is depicted, and their desire to become subjects of the thir- 
teen provinces is expressed, appeared in the Dcutschcs Museum 
of June, 1783, and four years later a separate edition of it was 
published under the title, Schreibcii dues deutschcn Jiidcn an 
den Nord Aincrikanischen Pr'iisidenten} As there is no record 
of its reception or discussion in America, it probably attracted 
very little attention. The same is also true of the letter which 
Jonas Phillips (b. in Rhenish I^russia, 1736; d. in New York, 

' See Dr. M. Kayserling, A Memorial Sent by German Jews to the 
President of the Continental Congress, in "Publications" VI, pp. 5-8, 
where it is also stated that the letter was wrongly attributed to Moses 

Mendelssohn (1729-86). 

86 History of the Jews in America. 

Jan. 28, 1803), of Philadelphia, sent to the Federal Convention 
in relation to the removal of the test oath in Pennsylvania which 
discriminated against Jews and those who did not subscribe to 
Christian doctrines (Sept. 7, 1787). When the fundamental law 
of the land was adopted there were no exciting debates about 
the C|uestion of religious liberty. The clause abolishing religious 
tests in the Federal Constitution passed almost unanimously; 
the State of North Carolina a'one voted against it, and as there 
were hardly any Jews there at that time, the fear of the Roman 
Catholics was the only cause for the illiberal stand taken by its 
representatives. The extent of that fear can be understood from 
the fact that when the State Convention of North Carolina to 
adopt the Federal Constitution convened in Hillsborough, in 
July, 1788, pamphlets were circulated "pointing out in all seri- 
ousness the danger of the Pope being elected President should 
the Constitution be adopted." (See Hiihner, Religious Liberty 
iv North Carolina, "Publications," XVI, p. 42). The time for 
religious liberty as well as for independence in national affairs 
had come and was accepted as a matter of course, and it is the 
exceptional glory of the American Revolution that all the liberties 
won were retained and the young nation was enabled to continue 
on the way of progress unhindered by post-revolutionary reaction, 
and to devote its energies to the solution of the problems which 
the Revolution left unsolved, and to new problems which arose 
after that period. 



Captain Isaac Iileyers of the French and Indian War of 1754 — David S. 
Franks and Isaac Franks — David Franks, the loyalist — Solomon 
and Lewis Bush — Major Benjamin Nones — Other Jewish Soldiers, 
of whom one was exempted from duty on Friday nights — The 
Pinto brothers — Commissary General Mordecai Sheftal of Georgia 
— Haym Solomon, the Polish Jew, and his financial assistance to 
the Revolution. 

There were only about two thousand Jews in tlie colonies at 
the time when the war broke out, mostly well-to-do merchants 
of Spanish and Portuguese descent, of whom a considerable num- 
ber had formerly li\ed in England or had trade connections with 
the mother country and with its various dependencies. Class 
interest and personal predilection for old associations were there- 
fore in favor of their being in sympathy with the ruling power 
over the sea; still the number of Jewish loyalists was small. The 
largest number cast their lot with the colonists, and performed 
useful service in various ways — as merchants abstaining under 
non-importation agreements from buying English goods, as 
tradesmen furnishing supplies, as officials assisting the move- 
ments of the army, and as officers and soldiers in the line. In 
most of the colonies the Jews were then still barred from electi\'e 
office by clauses in the charters and restrictive laws ; but this 
did not prevent them from participating in the work of liberat- 
ing the country, while on the other hand there was no desire 
manifested to exclude them from doing their patriotic duty, from 
which they were excluded in the middle of the preceding century 
by the less liberal burghers of New Netherlands. 


88 History of the Jews in America. 

The names of more than forty Jews who served in the con- 
tinental armies of the Revolution have been preserved, and most 
of the data about them' is to be found in Mr. Simon Wolf's val- 
uable work."^ As they almost all belonged to the wealthier class, 
it is but natural that the number of officers is disproportion- 
ately large in this small band. Four of them reached the rank of 
Lieutenant-Colonel, three became Majors, and there were at least 
half a dozen Captains. Nor were these the first Jews to bear 
arms or to hold military rank in the colonies. As early as 1754, 
during the French and Indian War, Isaac Meyers, a Jewish citi- 
zen of New York, called a town meeting at the "Rising Sun" Inn 
and organized a company of bateau men of which he became the 
captain. Two other Jews are named as taking part in the same 
war. Both of them served in the expedition across the Allegheny 
Mountains in the year above named. 

Two members of the Franks family served creditably in the 
Continental army, while a third (they were probably cousins) 
became known through his sympathy for England. David Sal- 
isbury Franks, who is described as a "young English merchant," 
settled in Montreal, Canada, in 1774, and was active both in 
business and in the affairs of the Jewish community. On May 3, 
1775, he was arrested for speaking disrespectfully of the king, 
but was discharged six days later. In 1776 General AVooster 
appointed him paymaster to the American garrison at Montreal, 
and when the army retreated from Canada he enlisted as a vol- 
unteer and later joined a Massachusetts regiment. In 1778 he 
v/as ordered to serve under Count d'Estaing, then commanding 
the sea forces of the United States; upon the failure of the ex- 
pedition he went to Philadelphia, becoming a member of Gen- 
eral Benedict Arnold's military family. In 1779 he went as a 
volunteer to Charlestown, serving as aide-de-camp to General 
Lincoln, and was later recalled to attend the trial of General 
Arnold for improper conduct while in command of Philadelphia, 

■■ The American Jew as Patriot, Soldier and Citizen, by Simon Wolf, 
edited by Louis Edward Levy, Philadelphia, 1895. 

David S. and Isaac Franks. 89 

in which trial Franks was himself implicated. He was aide-de- 
camp to Arnold at the time of the latter's treason, in September, 
1780; on October 2 he was arrested, but when the case was tried 
the next day he was honorably acquitted. Not satisfied with this, 
Franks wrote to General Washington asking for a court of in- 
quiry; on November 2, 1780, the court met at West Point and 
completely exonerated him. In 1781 he was sent by Robert 
Morris to Europe as bearer of dispatches to Jay in Madrid and 
to Franklin in Paris. On his return Congress reinstated him into 
the army with the rank of Major. On January 15, 1784, Con- 
gress resolved "that a triplicate of the definitive treaty [of peace] 
be sent out to the ministers plenipotentiary by Lieut. -Col. David 
S. Franks" and he again left for Europe. The next year he 
was appointed Vice-Consul at Marseilles; in 1786 he served in 
a confidential capacity in the negotiations connected with the 
treaty of peace and commerce made with Morocco, and on his 
return to New York in 1787 brought the treaty with him. On 
January 28, 1789, he was granted four hundred acres of land 
in recognition of his services during the Revolutionary War. 

His relative, Isaac Franks (b. in New York, 1759; d. in Phila- 
delphia, 1822), was only seventeen years old when he enlisted 
in Colonel Lesher's regiment, New York Volunteers, and served 
with it in the battle of Long Island. On September 15 of 
the same year he was taken prisoner at the capture of New York, 
but effected his escape after three months' detention. In 1777 
he was appointed to the quartermaster's department, and in 
January, 1778, he was made foragemaster, being stationed at 
West P'oint untilFebruary 22, 1781, when he was appointed by 
Congress ensign in the Seventh Massachusetts Regiment. He 
continued in that capacity until July, 1782, when he resigned 
on account of ill-health. He settled in Philadelphia, where he 
later held various civil offices, and was in 1794 appointed by 
Governor Mifflin Lieutenant-Colonel of the Second Regiment of 
Philadelphia County Brigade of the Militia of the Common- 
wealth. It was at his house at Germantown (now No. 5442 

90 History of the Jews in America. 

Main Street) that President Washington resided during the pre- 
valence of yellow fever in 1793, when the seat of government was 
removed to that suburb of Philadelphia. His portrait, painted by 
his friend, Gilbert Stewart, is now in the Gibson collection of 
the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts in Philadelphia. 

The third and loyalist member of the family, David Franks 
(b. in New York, 1720; d. in Philadelphia, 1793), son of Jacob 
Franks, settled in Philadelphia early in life, and was elected a 
member of the provincial Assembly in 1748. He supplied the 
army with provisions during the French and Indian War, and 
in 1755 he assisted to raise a fund for the defense of the colony. 
On November 7, 1765, he signed the Non-Importation Resolu- 
tion; his name is also appended to an agreement to take the 
King's paper money in lieu of gold and silver. During the Rev- 
olution he was an intermediary in the exchange of prisoners, as 
well as "an agent to the contractors for victualing the troops 
of the King of Great Britain." Pie was twice imprisoned by the 
Colonial Government as an enemy to the American cause, and 
after his second release, in 1780, he left for England. He re- 
turned in 1783 and lived the last ten j'ears of his life in Phila- 

Solomon Bush, a native of Philadelphia, the son of Matthias 
Bush, was an officer in the Pennsylvania militia for ten years. 
In 1777 he was appointed by the Supreme Council of Pennsyl- 
vania Deputy Adjutant-General of the State militia. In Sep- 
tember of that year he was dangerously wounded during a 
skirmish and had to be taken to Philadelphia. When the British 
captured the city in December, 1777, he was taken prisoner, but 
released on parole. In 1779 he was promoted to the rank of 
Lieutenant-Colonel, and was pensioned in 1785. 

A Colonel Isaacs of the North Carolina militia is mentioned 
as "wounded and taken prisoner at Camden, August 16, 1780; 
exchanged July, 1781." (Wolf, /. c, p. 49.) 

Lewis Bush became First Lieutenant of the Sixth Pennsyl- 
vania Battalion on January 9, 1776, and Captain on Tune 24 of 

Col. Isaac Franks. 


Soldiers of the Revolution. 93 

the same year. He was transferred to Colonel Thomas Hartley's 
additional Continental Regiment in January, 1777, and was com- 
missioned Major March 12, 1777. He participated in a num- 
ber of battles, and at the battle of Brandywine, on September 11, 
1777, he received Avounds from which he died four days later. 

Benjamin Nones (d. 1826), a native of Bordeaux, France, 
emigrated to Philadelphia in 1777, and at once took up arms 
on behalf of the colonies. He served as a volunteer in Captain 
Verdier's regiment under Count Pulaski during the siege of 
Savannah, and on September 15, 1779, received a certificate for 
gallant conduct on the field of battle. He attained the rank of 
Major, and it is stated that he was with General De Kalb at 
the battle of Camden, S. C, on August 16, 1780. 

Jacob de Leon and Jacob de la Motta were captains under 
de Kalb; Captain Noah Abraham was called out with the bat- 
talion of Cumberland County militia of Pennsylvania, July 28, 
1777- Aaron Benjamin (d. 1829), who started as an ensign 
in the Eighth Connecticut Regiment January i, 1777, rose three 
years later to the rank of Regimental Adjutant. Manuel Mor- 
decai Noah (1747-1825) served under General Marion; Isaac 
Israel rose to the rank of Captain in the Eighth Virginia Regi- 
ment in 1777, and Nathaniel Levy, of Baltimore, is mentioned 
35 having served under Lafayette. There is a record of a cer- 
tificate issued by the New York Committee of Safety, in January, 
1776, which read as follows: "Hart Jacobs, of the Jewish re- 
ligion, having signified to this committee that it is inconsistent 
with his religious profession to perform military duty on Fri- 
day nights, being part of the Jewish Sabbath, it is ordered that 
he be exempted from military duty on that night of the 
week. . . ." (See "Publications," XI, p. 163.) 

Three, and probably four, brothers of the old Pinto family 
who resided in Connecticut, took an active part in the Revolu- 
tion. Abraham Pinto was a member of Company X, Seventh 
Regiment, of that State, in 1775; William Pinto (of whom it 
it not certain that he was a brother) appears as a volunteer in 

94 History of the Jews in America. 

1779 and 1 78 1. Jacob Pinto, who was in New Haven as early 
as 1759, appears to ha^■e been a member of a political commit- 
tee in that city in 1775, and his name is found among those of 
other influential citizens of the place in a petition to the Council 
of Safety for the removal of certain Tories in 1776. Solomon 
Pinto served as an officer of the Connecticut line throughout the 
war, and was wounded in the British attack on New Haven July 
5 and 6, 1779. Pie was one of the original members, in his State, 
of the Society of the Cincinnati, which at the beginning included 
only meritorious officers of the Revolutionary army. 

Mordecai Sheftal (b. at Savannah, Ga., 1735; d. there 1797), 
who was one of the first white children born in Savannah, being 
the son of Benjamin Sheftal, who came there in 1733, was the 
chairman of the Revolutionary Parochial Committee of his na- 
tive city. In 1777 he was appointed Commissary-General to the 
troops of Georgia, and in October of the following year he be- 
came Deputy Commissary of Issues in South Carolina and 
Georgia. His imprisonment after Savannah was taken by the 
British attracted much attention and the description of it forms 
an interesting part of the local histor}? of that period. In 1782 
Sheftal appeared in Phi'adelphia, which was then the haven for 
pariot refugees, as one of the founders of the Mickweh Israel 
congregation. In the following year, in common with other 
officers, he received a grant of land in what was called "The 
Georgia Continental Establishment" as a reward for services dur- 
ing the war. He subsec|uentl}' figures as one of the incorporators 
of the Union Society (1786), '\\-hich is §till one of Savannah's 
representative organizations ; and his name is also closely associ- 
ated with the early history of Freemasonry in the United States. 

Sheftal and the above-named IManuel Mordecai Noah, besides 
iheir acti\-e service in the army, also contributed large sums to 
the cause of the Revolution. Other Jews advanced considerable 
sums, some of them almost beyond their means. The list of 
tliose who rendered valuable and timely assistance includes Ben- 

Haym Salomon. 95 

jamin Levy, Hyman Levy, Samuel Lyons, Isaac Moses and Ben- 
jamin Jacobs. 

There \vas one, however, who gave more than all of them to- 
gether, who gave away practically all he possessed, and neither 
he nor his rightful heirs ever recovered the large debts which the 
new nation owed to him. This man was Haym Salomon (b. in 
Lissa, Poland, now a part of Prussia, in 1740; d. in Philadelphia, 
Jan. 6, 1785). Pie probably traveled extensively before coming 
to America, because he could speak German, French and Italian, 
besides Polish and Russian, an accomplishment which could 
hardly have been acquired by a Jew in Poland in that period. He 
settled in New York, and there matried Rachel, a daughter of 
Moses B. Franks (a brother of Jacob Franks). He was arrested 
by the British as an American spy soon after they occupied New 
York in September, 1776, and was kept in confinement for a con- 
siderable period. When his linguistic proficiency became known 
he was turned over to the Hessian General, Heister, who gave 
him an appointment in the commissariat department. He used 
the greater liberty which was now accorded him to be of serv- 
ice to the French and American prisoners, and to assist a number 
of them to effect their escape. On August 11, 1778, he escaped 
from New York and settled in Philadelphia. He soon became 
a prominent exchange broker, and did considerable business with 
Robert Morris (1734-1806), the financier of the American Rev- 
olution,^ who was Superintendent of Finance for the colonies in 
1781-84. He also became broker to the French consul and the 
treasurer of the French army which came to assist Washington, 
and fiscal agent to the French minister to the United States, 
Chevalier de la Luzerne. In these capacities large sums passed 
through his hands and he became the principal individual dt- 

' Aaron Levy (b. in Amsterdam, 1742; d. in Philadelphia, 1815), who 
was also of great assistance to the colonies in their struggle for inde- 
pendence, was a partner of Robert Morris in various enterprises in 
Pennsylvania. The town of Aaronsburg, Center County, Pa., was 
founded by Levy and is named after him. (See "Jew. Encyclopedia," 
S- v., Aaronsburg and Levy, Aaron.) 

96 History of the Jews in America. 

positor of the Bank of North America, which was founded by 
Morris. The latter, who Ivept a diary, mentions in it nearly sev- 
enty-five separate transactions in whicli Salomon's name figures 
in the negotiations of bills of exchange, by which means the 
credit of the government was maintained in this period ; Salomon 
practically being the sole agent employed by Morris for this pur- 
pose. Most of the money advanced by Louis XVI. to the cause 
of the Revolution and the proceeds of the loans negotiated in 
Holland passed through his hands. 

He advanced aid to numerous prominent men of this period. 
James Madison, in a letter (Aug. 27, 1782) urging the forward- 
ing of remittances from his State which he represented in Phila- 
delphia, wrote: "I have for some time been a pensioner on the 
favor of Haym Salomon, a Jew broker." On September 30 of 
the same year he writes : "The kindness of our little friend in 
Front Street, near the coffee house, is a fund which will preserve 
me from extremities, but I never resort to it without great mor- 
tification, as he obstinately rejects all recompense. The price of 
money is so usurious that he thinks it ought to be extorted from 
none but those who aim at profitable speculation. To a neces- 
sitous delegate he gratuitousl)- spares a supply out of his private 
stock." James Wilson (1742-98), another famous delegate to 
the Continental Congress, who sometimes acted as Salomon's 
attorney, relates that without his client's aid, "administered with 
equal generosity and delicacy'' he would have been forced to re- 
tire from the public service. 

Haym Salomon died suddenly, at the age of forty-five, leav- 
ing a widow and two infant children, named Ezekiel and Haym 
M. The inventory of his estate showed that he had lent to the 
government more than $350,000, but although these certificates 
of indebtedness were almost all that was left of his wealth, they 
were never paid, and all efforts of his heirs in later times to re- 
cover from Congress pa)'ment on these claims, or even to obtain 
a token of recognition for his great services, have thus far proved 

Salomon's Descendants. 97 

Salomon also took an active part in Jewish communal affairs 
in Philadelphia and was one of the original members of the 
Congregation Alickweh Israel. In 1784 he was treasurer of 
what was probably the first Jewish charitable organization in that 

His son, Hyam M. Salomon, lived in New York and was a 
dealer in powder and shot, occupying a store in Front Street in 
the time of the great fire of 1835. William Salomon (b. in 
Mobile, .-Via., Oct. 9, 1852) of New York is a great-grandson of 
Hyam Salomon. 



England's special enmity to Newport caused the dispersion of its Jew- 
ish congregation — The General Assembly of Rhode Island meets 
in the historic Newport Synagogue — Moses Seixas' address to 
Washington on behalf of the Jews of Newport and the latter's 
reply — Washington's letters to the Hebrew Congregations of Sa- 
vannah, Ga., and to the congregations of Philadelphia, New York, 
Richmond and Charleston. 

The breaking out of the Revolution put an end to tlie commer- 
cial prosperity of Newport. Its situation upon the ocean, which 
made it before so favorable for commerce, had now an opposite 
effect, and left it more exposed to attacks from the enemy than 
any other place of equal importance, in North America. Its in- 
habitants had especially provoked the hostility of the mother 
country, as it was one of the first places to manifest a spirit ot 
resistance to the British Goverrment by burning an armed vessel 
of war that came to exact an odious tax. It could expect no 
mercy and received none, when 8,000 British and Hessian troops 
occupied it in I77('\ Four hundred and eighty houses were de- 
stroyed, its commerce was ruined and its commercial interests 
never recovered from this blow, which fell with crushing effect 
upon the Jewish residents. 

The congregation was dispersed, the Synagogue was closed, 
and Ralibi Isaac Touro went with his family to Jamaica, where 
he remained until his death in 1782. Aaron Lopez, who was a 
heavy sufferer, accompanied by a majority of the foremost Jews 
of Newport, removed to Leicester, Mass., and their stay in that 
town had a favorable effect on its development. Others went 


Washington's letters to the Jews. 99 

to Philadelphia and other places. When Newport was evacuated, 
in 1779' after the enemy destroyed its wharves and fortifications 
and carried off its library and records, some of the ejiiles began 
to return, \\lien the General Assembly of the State of Rhode 
Island convened for the first time after the evacuation, it met 
in the historic Synagogue (Sept., 1780), Aaron 'Lopez was 
one of a number of the Leicester colony who set out for their 
former home, but he was drowned on the way, and his body 
was later recovered and buried in the old cemetery. 

But those who returned did not remain long. New York had 
become the great commercial center after the Revolution, and 
the important Newport merchants left one by one for that citj-; 
others went to. Philadelphia, Charleston or Savannah. The 
congregation was, however, still in existence when President 
AA'ashington visited Newport in August, 1790, and he was on that 
occasion formally addressed by Moses Seixas on behalf of the 
Jews of Newport as follows: 

Sir: — Permit the children of the stock of Abraham to approach you 
with the most cordial affection and esteem for your person and merit, 
and to join with our fellow-citizens in welcoming you to Newport. 

With pleasure we reflect on those days of difficulty and danger when 
the God of Israel, who delivered David from the peril of the sword, 
shielded your head in the day of battle, and we rejoice to think that 
the same spirit which rested in the bosom of the greatly beloved Daniel, 
enabling hiin to preside over the provinces of the Babylonian Empire, 
rests and ever will rest upon you, enabling you to discharge the ard- 
uous duties of Chief Magistrate of these States. 

Deprived, as we have hitherto been, of invaluable rights of free 
citizens, we now — with a deep sense of gratitude to the Almighty Dis- 
poser of all events — behold a government erected by the majesty of 
the people, a government w'hich gives no sanction to bigotry and no 
assistance to persecution, but generously afifording to all liberty of 
conscience and immunities of citizenship, deeming every one, of what- 
ever nation, tongue or language, equal parts of the great governmental 
machine. This so ample and extensive Federal Union, whose base 
is philanthropy, mutual confidence and public virtue, we cannot but 
acknowledge to be the work of the great God, who rules the armies 
cf the heavens and among the inhabitants of the earth, doing what- 
ever deemeth to Him good. 

100 History of the Jews in America. 

For all the blessings of civil and religious liberty which we enjoy 
under an equal and benign administration, we desire to send up thanks 
to the Ancient of days, the great Preserver of men, beseeching Him 
that the angel who conducted our forefathers tlirough the wilderness 
into the promised land may graciously conduct you through all the 
difficulties and dangers of this mortal life; and when, like Joshua, full 
of days and of honors, you are gathered to your fathers, may you be 
admitted into the heavenly paradise to partake of the water of life and 
the tree of immortality. 

To this letter, which bears unmistakable traces of having been 
originally composed in Rabbinical Hebrew, the Father of His 
Country replied as follows : 



Gentlemen: — While I have received with much satisfaction your ad- 
dress, replete with expressions of esteem, I rejoice in the opportunity of 
assuring you that I shall always retain a grateful remembrance of the 
cordial welcome I experienced in my visit to Newport from all classes 
of citizens. 

The reflection on the days of difficulty and danger, which are passed, 
is rendered the more sweet from the consciousness that they are suc- 
ceeded by days of uncommon prosperity and security. If we have 
the wisdom to make the best use of the advantage with which we are 
now favored, we cannot fail under the just administration of a good 
government to become a great and happy people. 

The citizens of the United States of America have the right to 
applaud themselves for having given to mankind examples of an en- 
larged and liberal policy worthy of imitation. All possess alike liberty 
of conscience and immunities of citizenship. It is now no more that 
toleration is spoken of as if it were by the indulgence of one class 
of people that another enjoyed the exercise of their inherent natural 
rights, for happily the Government of the United States, which gives 
to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance, requires only that 
they who live under its protection should demean themselves as good 
citizens in giving it on all occasions their effectual support. 

It would be inconsistent with the frankness of my character not to 
a-"0w that I am pleased with your favorable opinion of my adminis- 
tiation and fervent wishes of my felicity. May the children of the 
stock of Abraham, who dwell in this land, continue to merit and enjoy 
the good will of the other inhabitants, while everyone shall sit in safety 

End of the Newport Community. 101 

under his own vine and fig-tree and there shall be none to make him 
afraid. May the Father of all mercies scatter light and not darkness 
in our paths and make us all in our several vocations useful here and, 
in His own due time and way, everlastingly happy.' 


In the year following this correspondence the Synagogue wa.s 
closed for lack of attendance, and it was not reopened for nearly 
a century. The above-named Moses Seixas, who for many years 
was cashier of the B'ank of Rhode Island, was one of the last 
Jews in Newport of that period. Moses Lopez, the nephew of 
Aaron-, is reputed to have been the last one who remained there, 
and ultimately he, too, left for New York, where he died in 
1830. Sentiment caused the descendants of many of the original 
families to direct that their remains should be buried in the old 
cemetery, where tombstones show interments during the entire 
period down to 1855. Abraham Touro (d. in Boston, 1822), 
the son of Rabbi Isaac Touro, bequeathed a fund for perpetually 
keeping the Synagogue in repair, and also made provisions for 
the care of the burial ground. His brother Judah Touro of New 
Orleans replaced the old cemetery wall with a massive one of 
stone, with an imposing granite gateway (1843); ^"d, at his 
own rec[uest, he himself was buried there. The street on which 
the Synagogue is situated is known as Touro Street. The city 
also possesses a park known as Touro Park. Though the Touro 
fund provided for the support of the minister also, the Synagogue 
remained closed until 1883, when the Rev. A. P Mendes, on 
appointment by the Congregation Shearith Israel of New York 
( which became the legal proprietor of both Synagogue and ceme- 
tery of Newport), became minister and conducted services until 
his death in 1891. 

^ :{; ^ H: ^i 

There are extant two other letters written by George Wash- 
ington to Jewish communities which felicitated him upon his ad- 

'A fac-simile of Washington's repl}' is found in the "Jewish Ency- 
clopedia," vol. IX, between pp. 294-95. 

102 History of the Jews in America. 

vancement to the presidenc}'. One is in reply to an address signed 
by Levi Slieftal as president, in behalf of the Hebrew Congre- 
gations of Savannah, and is as follows: 


Gentlemen: — I thank you with great sincerity for your congratula- 
tion on my appointment to the office which I have the honor to hold by 
the unanimous choice of my fellow-citizens, and especially the expres- 
sions you are pleased to use in testifying the confidence that is re- 
posed in me by your congregations. 

As the delay which has naturally intervened between my election 
and your address has afforded me an opportunity for appreciating the 
merits of the Federal Government and for communicating your senti- 
ments of its administration, I have rather to express my satisfaction 
rather than regret at a circumstance which demonstrates (upon experi- 
ment) your attachment to the former as well as approbation of the 

1 rejoice that a spirit of liberality and philanthropy is much more 
pievalent than it formerly was among the enlightened nations of the 
earth, and that your brethren will benefit thereby in proportion as it 
shall become still more extensive; happily the people of the United 
States have in many instances exhibited examples worthy of imita- 
tion, the salutary influence of which will doubtless extend much fur- 
ther if gratefull}' enjoying those blessings of peace which (under the 
favor of heaven) have been attained by fortitude in war, they shall 
conduct themselves with reverence to the Deity and charity towards 
their fellow-creatures. 

May the same wonder-working Deity, who long since delivered the 
Hebrews from their- Egj'ptian oppressors, planted them in a promised 
land, whose providential agency has lately been conspicuous in establishing 
these United States as an independent nation, still continue to water them 
with the dews of heaven and make the inhabitants of every denomi- 
nation participate in the temporal and spiritual blessings of that people 
whose God is Jehovah. 


The third address AA'as from the Hebrew Congregations in the 
cities of Philadelphia, New York, Richmond and Charleston, 

Washington's Third letter. 103 

dated December 13, 1790, and signed on their behalf by Manuel 
Jcsephson, to A\hich the President returned the following: 

Gentlemen: — The liberality of sentiment towards each other, which 
marks every political and religious denomination of men in this coun- 
try, stands unparalleled in the history of nations. 

The affection of such a people is a treasure beyond the reach ot 
calculation, and the repeated proofs which my fellow-citizens have 
given of their attachment to me and approbation of my doings form 
the purest sources of my temporal felicity. 

The affectionate expressions of your address again excite my grati- 
tude and receive my warmest acknowledgment. 

The power and goodness of the Almighty, so strongly manifested m 
the events of our late glorious revolution, and His kind interposition 
in our behalf, have been no less visible in the establishment of our 
present equal government. In war He directed the sword, and in 
peace He has ruled in our councils. My agency in both has been 
guided by the best intentions and a sense of duty I owe to my country. 

And as my intentions have hitherto been amply rewarded by the 
approbation of my fellow-citizens, I shall endeavor to deserve a con- 
tinuance of it by my future conduct. 

May the same temporal and eternal blessing which you implore for 
me rest upon your congregations. 




Rabbi Gershom Mendez Seixas^ — Growth of the Jewish community of 
Philadelphia on account of the War — Protest against the religious 
test clause in the Constitution of Pennsylvania — Benjamin Frank- 
lin contributes five pounds to Mickweh Israel — Secession of the 
German-Polish element — New Societies — Jewish lawyers; Judge 
Moses Levy — Congressman PI. M. Phillips — The Bush family of 
Delaware— New Jersey and New Plampshire — North Carolina: the 
Mordecai family and other early settlers. 

While the Jewish community of New York was not entirely 
dispersed, like that of Newport, by the outbreak of the Revolu- 
tion, a great majority resolved to leave the city before it was occu- 
pied by the British (Sept. 15, 1776). The patriotic minister of 
the Congregation Shearit Israel, I-iabbi Gershom Mendez Seixas 
(b. in New York, 1745; d. there July 2, 1816), who was the 
spiritual head of the community since 1766, early espoused the 
cause of the colonies, and it was mostly due to his influence that 
the congregation closed the door of its Synagogue on the ap- 
proach of the British. Most of those who left went to Phila- 
delphia ; Rabbi Seixas himself first went to Stratford, Conn., 
where he remained about four years, and where several of his 
former congregants joined him. In 1780 he, too, went to Phila- 
delphia, but returned to New York after the war (March, 1784), 
when the Synagogue was reopened and he resumed his former 
position. He later (1787) became a trustee of Columbia College, 
and was one of its incorporators whose name appeared on the 


New York after the Revolution. 105 

There was, however, notwithstanding the statement of Dr. 
Benjamin Rush that "the Jews in all the States are Whigs," a 
sprinkling of Tories in New York Jewry, who remained at home, 
and some of them occasionally held services in the Synagogue 
during the British occupation, under the presidency of Lyon 
Jonas, and subsequently of Alexander Zuntz, a Hessian officer, 
who settled in New York. On the reorganization of the con- 
gregation at the close of the Revolution, Hyman Levy succeeded 
Zuntz as president, and the congregation presented an address 
of congratulation to Governor Clinton on the outcome of the war. 
Rabbi Seixas was one of the fourteen ministers who participated 
in the inauguration of Washington as President, in New York, 
on April 30, 1789. A list of the residents of New York in 1799 
whose residences were assessed at f2,oo0' or over includes the 
names of Benjamin Seixas, Solomon Sampson, Alexander Zuntz 
and Ephraim Hart. 

The community was still small — not quite half as large as that 
of Newport in the preceding period ; there were only about 500 
Jews in New York at the commencement of the War of 1812. 
But it was slowly growing and several of the first communal in- 
stitutions date from that time. A Hebrah Gemilut Hasodim, for 
the burying of the dead, was organized in 1785; the Polonies 
Talmud Torah was founded in 1802, with a fund which Myer 
Polonies bequeathed to the congregation for that purpose in the 
preceding year. The Hebrah Hesed we-Emet was organized in 
the same year. 

The Jewish community which gained most in the time of the 
war was that of Philadelphia. The little building in Sterling 
Alley, where the Congregation Mickweh Israel prayed at that 
time, soon became too small, and a three-story brick house, in 
Cherry Alley, between Third and Fourth Streets, was hired. 
But even the new place was soon too small, and a plain building 
was constructed on a lot in Cherry Street, west of Third Street, 
which was bought for the purpose. It was dedicated on Septem- 
ber 13, 1782, by Rabbi Seixas. A list of the members of the 

106 History of the Jews in America. 

congregation at that time contains 102 names^ and the percent- 
age of Ashkenazic (German and Polish) names is much larger 
than in similar lists of earlier dates. 

A year after the Synagogue was built the Jews of Philadel- 
phia for the first time appeared as an organized body in any 
public proceeding. On the 23d of December, 1783, the minister, 
Gershom Alendez Seixas ; the parnass, Simon Nathan ; and Asher 
Alyers, Barnard Gratz and Haym Salomon, as members of the 
Mahamad or Board of Trustees, in behalf of themselves and 
brethren, addressed the Council of Censors in relati(Mi to the 
declaration recpiired to be made by each member of the Assembly, 
which affirmed that "the Scriptures of the Old and the New 
Testaments were given by Divine inspiration," and also in rela- 
tion to that part of the Constitution which declared that "no 
other test should be required of any other civil magistrate in that 
State." They represented that the provisions deprived them of 
the right of ever becoming representatives. They did not covet 
office, they said, but they thought the provision improper, and an 
injustice to the members of a persuasion that had always been 
attached to the American cause. This memorial appeared to have 
iiad no immediate effect ; but it doubtless had its influence in pro- 
curing the ultimate modification of the test clause in the Con- 
stitution of Pennsylvania. 

Rabbi Seixas was succeeded in Philadelphia by the Rev. Jacob 
Raphael Cohen (d. Sept., 181 1), who was formerly a reader or 
hazzan in Montreal, Canada, and New York. The congrega- 
:;on was weakened by the departure of a considerable number 
of members after the war, and probably also by the death of 
J-faym Salomon, who was one of its most generous contributors, 
and found itself in financial difficulties about the year 1788. After 
an application to the General Assembly of Pennsylvania for per- 
mission to set up a lottery to pay the amount due on the Syna- 
gogue building was not granted, the congregation issued a gen- 

' See Hyman Polock Rosenbach, The Jews in Philadelphia prior to 1800, 
pp. 22-23, ff; Philadelphia, 1883. 

Philadelphia. 107 

oral appeal to citizens of all sects. Among the non-Jews who 
sent in contributions in response to this appeal was the great Ben- 
jamin Franklin (1706-90) and the astronomer, David Ritten- 
house (1732-96), the former contributing five pounds and the 
latter two. 

In April, 1790, the Legislature passed an act to allow the He- 
brew Congregation to raise eight hundred pounds sterling by a 
lotter}?. The managers were: Manuel Josephson, Solomon Lyon, 
Solomon Hays, Solomon Etting, William ^Vistar and John Duf- 
field. The last two were not Jews, but were placed among the 
trustees probably to give the project some influence with mem- 
bers of other denominations. 

The inevitable secession of the Ashkenazic element took place 
in 1802, when the "Hebrew-German Society Rodef Shalom," one 
of the earliest German-Jewish congregations in America was 
formed. It was reorganized and chartered in 1812. Among 
its earliest rabbis were Wolf Benjamin, Jacob Lipman, Bernhard 
Illowy, Henry Vidaver, i\loses Sulzbacher and Moses Rau. 

A Society for the Visitation of the Sick and for Mutual As- 
sistance was organized in October, 1813, with Jacob Cohen as 
its first president. In 181 9 several ladies organized the still exist- 
ing Female Hebrew Benevolent Society, of which Miss Rebecca 
Gratz (1781-1869), wdio was reputed to be the prototype of Re- 
becca in Walter Scott's "Ivanhoe," was the first secretary. Sev- 
eral other benevolent and educational societies date their origin 
from the first half of the Nineteenth Century, and have helped 
to give the Jewish community of Philadelphia that substantiality 
and compactness of organization wdiich is missing in other large 
cities of the United States. 

At the same time progress was being made in other directions, 
too. The aptitude of the Jew for the legal profession could not 
be displayed and utilized as early as his well known medical 
skill, which he exercised even in the dark ages. But as soon as 
the opportunity of emancipation was oiTered, good jurists ap- 
peared and soon occupied a prominent place at the bar and alsO' 

108 History of the Jews in America. 

on the bench. The earhest Jewish practitioner in Pennsylvania, 
of wliom tliere is a record, was Moses Levy (d. May 9, 1826), 
whose admission to the bar dates as far back as 1778, and who 
a year later was admitted to practice in the -Supreme Court of 
that State. He held various offices and finally became Pre- 
siding Judge of the District Court of the City and County of 
Philadelphia (1822), after having served twenty years as Re- 
corder. At least three other Jews were admitted to the practice 
of law in Philadelphia in the eighteenth century; Samson Levy 
(d. 183 1 ) in 1787, Daniel Levy of Northumberland county 
(d. 1844) in 1 79 1, and Zalegman Phillips (1779- 1839) in 1799- 
About a dozen more were admitted during the first half of the 
nineteenth century, among them being the latter's son, Henry 
Mayer Phillips, who was admitted in 1832, and was, twenty-four 
years later, elected to represent the fourth district of Pennsylvania 
in the 35th Congress. (See Henry S. Morals, The Jezvs of 
Philadelphia, index. ) 

'Jfi :)(: ■^ 'Jf: -Jfi 

The number of Jews in the remainder of the thirteen original 
colonies was at that time very small and they were mostly scat- 
tered. While there are, for instance, records of Jews who lived 
or traded in Delaware as early as 1655, there was no Jewish 
community in that State until about two cen'turies later. But 
there was at least one Jewish family in Wilmington, Del., im- 
mediately after the Revolution, several members of which par- 
ticipated in that struggle. David Bush joined the Washington 
Lodge of Freemasons of Wilmington on December 16, 1784.' 
He was its Senior W'arden in 1789, its Treasurer in 1791 and 
again Senior Warden in 1795. He was the father of Major 
Lewis Bush, who has been mentioned in a former chapter 
(page 90), and of three other sons, two of whom also held offices 

' See Oppenheim, The Jews and Masonry, in "Publications," vol. 
XIX, 1-94, for the sources of most of the references to Masonry in this 

Delaware and New Jersey. 109 

in the same lodge in the last decade of the eighteenth century. 
Joseph Capelle (Carpelles ?) was Master of the lodge in 1792. 

The colony of New Jersey, whose Indians, according to a de- 
scription by William Penn, closely resembled Jews, had very few 
real Israelites in Colonial times, despite its proximity to New York 
on one side and to Pennsylvania on the other. In the test estab- 
lished in AVest Jersey for office-holders in- 1693, the candidate had 
to declare on oath or affirmation that he "professes faith in God 
the father, and Jesus Christ his eternal son. . ." In the 

East Jersey Bill of Rights was inserted the provision "that no 
person or persons that profess faith in God, by Jesus Christ his 
only son, shall at any time be any way molested. . . . Pro- 
vided this shall not be extended to any of the Romish religion." 
But, as it is justly observed by Mr. Friedenberg (see "Publica- 
tions," XVII, p. 36), these provisions were not at all aimed against 
the Jews, of whom there were hardly any in the colony at that 
time, but against heathens, atheists, infidels and Catholics, espe- 
cially against the latter. No Jews were naturalized in New Jersey 
before the Revolution. David Hays is known to have resided on 
a plantation in Griggs Town, Somerset County, in 1744, when 
he offered it for sale; and Myers Levy, a Dutch Jew, is reported 
to have absconded from Spottsville, in East New Jersey, in 1760, 
leaving many debts behind. Another Jew, Nathan Levy, a shop 
keeper of Philipsburg, Sussex County, West Jersey, is mentioiiecl 
many years later. There was only, as far as it is known, one 
Jew in the New Jersey troops of the Continental Army : Asher 
Levy or Lewis, a grandson of the well-known Asser Levy of 
New Amsterdam. He was commissioned ensign in the first 
regiment, September 12, 1778. "The New Jersey Journal" was 
established by David Franks at Camden in 1778 and existed 
about four years. 

The first families with Jewish names which are mentioned in 
the records of New Hampshire, were the Moses and the Abrams 
family "descendants of Jewish Christians." The Abrams family, 
according to tradition, is descended from two brothers who came 

110 History of the Jews in America. 

from Palestine to New England at an unknown date, their names 
being William Abrams, who was a ship's carpenter and fell into 
the sea and was drowned, and John, the other brother, who set- 
tled at Amesbury, Mass. ("Publications," XI, p. 79). In the 
list of grants to settlers on the road, between Wolfsborough and 
Leavits Town (Ossipee), issued in 1770, on condition that eacfi 
settler had to give a bond for £30 that a house would be erected 
by him. within a year, grant No. 1 1 was made to Joseph Levy. 
In 1777 mention is made of William Levi, of Somersworth, as 
a private in the 2d New Hampshire Continental Re.eiment. 
Abraham Isaac settled in Portsmouth about the close of the Rev- 
olution and was active in Masonic afTairs. A local historian 
writes of him that "he and his wife were natives of Prussia and 
Jews of the strictest sect. They were the first descendants of 
the venerable Patriarchs that ever pitched their tents in Ports- 
U'outh, and during their lives were the only Jews among us. 
He acquired a good property and built a house on State street. 
Their shop was always closed on Saturday." Mr. Isaac died 
February 15, 1803, and on the stone which marks his grave in 
the North Burying Ground is an epitaph written by the poet 
J. M. Sewall, author of the popular revolutionary song "Vain 
Britons Boast No Longer." 

It has already been mentioned in a former chapter (page 86) 
that there were hardly any Jews in North Carolina at the time 
when its representatives voted at the Constitutional Convention 
against the abolition of religious tests. The provision of its 
State Constitution of 1776, which read "That no person who 
shall deny the being of God or the truth of the Protestant re- 
ligion . . . shall be capable of holding any office or place 
of trust or profit in the Civil Department within the State" was 
doubtless aimed primarily at Roman Catholics, though it neces- 
sarily included Jews, Quakers, Mohamedans, etc. Jews did not 
become directly interested in the struggle for religious liberty 
in that State until the first decade in the Nineteenth Century, 
and the description of it will be found in the following chapter. 

North Carolina. Ill 

The annals of Freemasonry, which usually disclose the earliest 
Jewish settlers in various localities in the eighteenth century, do 
not contain any Jewish names in the lodges of that fraternity 
until its very close. Jacob Mordecai (b. in Philadelphia, 1762; 
d. in Richmond, 1838), the son of Moses Mordecai (b. in Bonn, 
Germany, 1707; d. in Philadelphia, 1781), was Master of John- 
ston Caswell Lodge No. 10, of Warrenton, N. C, in 1797, 1798 
and 1799. He was the founder and proprietor of a female sem- 
inary in that city which enjoyed a good reputation. One of his 
sons, JMajor Alfred Mordecai (1804-87), was probably the first 
Jewish graduate of the United States Military Academy of West 
Point. ^ Zachariah Hart (also spelled Harte) was a member of 
David Glasgow Lodge, in Glasgow County, in 1798 and 1799. 
Abraham Isaacs was Senior Warden of St. Tammany Lodge No. 
30, of Wilmington, in 1798. Aaron Lazarus (1777-1841), who 
is mentioned as one of the first Hebrews to reach Wilmington 
and later became one of the first directors of the AVilmington & 
Weldon Railroad Company, was a member of the same lodge in 
1803. There were about half a dozen other Jewish Masons in 
the lodges of Wilmington, Newbern and of Beaufort County 
about that time. 

* A description of this highly interesting Jewish family, by Gratz Mor- 
decai, is found in "Publications, " VI, pp. .39-48. 



Little change in the basic systems of State institutions — Patrick Henry, 
Madison and Jefferson on religious liberty in Virginia — The simi- 
larity between the Virginia statute and the conclusions of Moses 
Mendelssohn pointed out by Count Mirabeau — The first congrega- 
tion of Richmond — Article 32 of the Constitution of North Caro- 
lina against Catholics, Jews, etc. — How Jacob Henry, a Jewish 
member of the Legislature, defended and retained his seat in 
i8og — Judge Gaston's interpretation — The first congregation of Wil- 
mington, N. C. — Final emancipation in 1868. 

The provision in Article VI of the Constitution of the United 
States (§3) that "no rehgious test shall ever be required as .1 
qualification to any office or public trust under the United States" 
settled the matter only as far as the National Government was 
concerned. Each of the independent and sovereign States could 
solve this problem in its own way, though most of them have 
already adopted full religious freedom. But it must be re- 
membered that the basic institutions of the States were not di- 
rectly changed by the Revolution, and in some of them they were 
not changed at all. In some instances Royal Charters remained, 
with some alterations, as State Constitutions; English common 
law remained in force even to this day, unless otherwise provided 
for by special enactment. The colonies were too free originally 
to require or desire a sudden radical change when they threw 
off the British yoke. They kept on progressing by the slow 
process of evolution, but not at an equal pace, each emphasizing 
the questions in which its inhabitants were mostly interested. 


Church and State in Virginia. 113 

Uniform or simultaneous action was not to be expected under 
such conditions. 

Virginia, the State of Washington and of Jefferson, the 
"mother of presidents" and the home of the framers of the Na- 
tional Constitution, began to consider the question of religious 
liberty seriously soon after peace was declared. It was not a 
new C|uestion even then, for as early as 1776, when a new Con- 
stitution for the Commonwealth was drafted, there occurred a 
significant discussion about the difference between toleration and 
rights. The Declaration of Rights, reported by a committee of 
which Colonel Mason was chairman, contained a provision rela- 
tive to religious liberty whose authorship is attributed to Patrick 
Henry (1736-99). It provided that all men should enjoy the 
fullest toleration in the exercise of religion. Madison strongly 
opposed the use of the word toleration, which recognized lib- 
erty of worship not as a right but as a favor granted to dissent- 
ing denominations. At his instance the provision was amended 
to read : "All men are equally entitled to the free exercise of re- 
ligion, according to the dictates of conscience." 

But even this was still far from actual separation of Church 
and State in Virginia. Even the annual assessments, which had 
been theretofore levied in favor of the Episcopal Church, were 
not abolished outright, they were simply suspended from year 
to year, until, at Jefferson's instance, the grant was defeated in 
1779. In that year he introduced a measure entitled "A bill 
tor establishing religious freedom," which, after two readings, 
was sent throughout the State to secure the sense of the peo- 
ple relative to it before taking final action at the next legislature. 
It was permitted to languish unacted upon for several years, and 
during that time an agitation was kept up against the spirit 
wdiich it embodied. Various measures were suggested, about 
1784, looking to establish Christianity in Virginia instead ot 
any single Christian sect, as before the Revolution, and for se- 
curing governmental support to all Christian sects. The theory 
of the advocates of such measures was, that while there should 

114 History of the Jews in America. 

be no actual persecution of non-Christian sects, the State ought 
to estabhsh Christianity as the rehgion of the great majority of 
the people, and that the Revolution had evolved merely the prin- 
ciple that no single Christian sect should be preferred over any 
other. On November ii, 1784, a resolution drafted by Patricia 
Henry was reported to the Lower House of the Legislature, pro- 
viding that "the people" of the Commonwealth, according to 
their respective abilities, ought to pay a moderate tax or contribu- 
tion for the support of the Christian religion, or of some Chris- 
tian church denomination or communion. . . ." In spite of 
i\Iadison's opposition, it was adopted by a vote of 47 to 32, and 
a special committee, of which Mr. Henry was chairman, was 
appointed to draft such a bill.^ 

It was clearly understood that this measure was intended to 
curtail the rights of Jewish and other non-Christian residents. 
Beverly Randolph, writing about this subject to James Monrot, 
says : "The only great point that has been discussed since the 
sitting of the Assembly has been a motion for a general assess- 
ment, upon more contracted ground than I could ever have ex- 
pected. The generals on the opposite sides were Henry and 
Madison. The former advocated, with his usual art, the estab- 
lishment of the Christian religion in exclusion of all other De- 
nominations. By this I mean that Turks, Jews and Infidels were 
to contribute to the support of a religion whose truth they did not 
acknowledge. Madison displayed great learning and ingenuity, 
v\-ith all the powers of a close reasoner; but was unsuccessful in 
the event, having a majority against him. I am, however, in- 
clined to think that the measure will not be adopted. . . . The 
supporters of this holy system wiU certainly split whenever they 
come to enter upon the minute arrangements of the business." 

"A bill establishing a provision for teachers of the Christian 
religion" was brought in December 23, 1784, and after it was 

'See Max J. Kohler, Phases in the History of Religions Liberty in 
America . in "Publications," XI, pp. 53-73, where the subject is 

extensively treated and the sources are given. 

Madison's Victory. 115 

amended, but without materially changing its substance, it passed 
its second reading. But on the next day (December 24) Madi- 
son was able to secure the passage of a resolution postponing 
the third reading till the following November, and copies of the 
bill were ordered to be printed and distributed in every county 
of the Commonwealth. The people were requested to signify 
their opinion respecting the adoption of such a measure to the 
next session of the legislature. An active and thorough discus- 
sion of the bill followed throughout the State. Madison pre- 
pared a "Memorial and Remonstrance" against the bill, which 
was extensively circulated and signed. 

i\Iadison made no mistake in suggesting this appeal to the 
people. AA'hen the Assembly met in October, 1785, the table of 
the House of Delegates almost sunk under the weight of the 
accumulated copies of the memorial against the bill which came 
from different counties, each with its long and dense columns of 
subscribers. The fate of the assessment was sealed. The mani- 
festation of the public judgment was too unequivocal and over- 
whelming to lea^•e the faintest hope to the friends of the meas- 
ure, and it was abandoned without a struggle. The declaratory 
act for the establishment of religious liberty, which had been 
drawn by Jefferson as one of the committee of revisors and pre- 
sented to the legislature in 1779, was then taken up and passed 
into a law. Madison's "Memorial and Remonstrance" had 
cleared away every obstruction. 

In a letter to Madison, dated December 16, 1786, Jefferson, 
who was then our Minister to France, wrote : "The Virginia Act 
for religious freedom has been received with infinite approbation 
in Europe, and propogated with enthusiasm. I do not mean by the 
governments, but by the individuals who compose them. It has 
been translated into French and Italian, has been sent to most ot 
the courts of Europe, and has been the best evidence of the false- 
hoods of those reports which stated us to be in anarchy. It is 
inserted in the new Encyclopsedia, and is appearing in most of 
the publications respecting America. In fact, it is comfortable 

116 History of the Jews in America. 

to see the standard of reason at length erected, after so many 
ages during which the human mind has been held in vassalage 
by kings, priests and nobles; and it is honorable for us to have 
produced the first legislature who had the courage to declare that 
the reason of men may be trusted with the formation of his owti 

In the following year Count Mirabeau (1749-91) the most 
distinguished of the advocates of Jewish emancipation in France, 
calls attention in his essay On Moses Mendelssohn and the Polit- 
ical Reform of the Jews (1787) to the striking similarity of the 
enactment of Virginia to the conclusions at which the Jewish 
philosopher of Berlin arrived by abstract reasoning; assuming 
that Mendelssohn never saw the preamble of the American law, 
which was drafted by Jefferson four years before the publica- 
tion of "Jerusalem" in 1783. It is clear, however, that about 
seven years later, when the great French Revolution, which was 
influenced by the American Revolution much more than is com- 
monly supposed, was in full swing, even the debates of the Con- 
stitutional Convention of Virginia of 1776 had become known 
to the friends of religious liberty in France. In the course of a 
petition in favor of their own emancipation, addressed by the 
French Jews to the National Assembly on January 29th, 1790, 
they said : "America, to which politics will owe so many useful 
lessons, has rejected the word toleration from its code, as a 
term tending to compromise individual liberty and to sacrifice 
certain classes of men to other classes. To tolerate is, in fact, 
to suffer that which you could, if you wish, prevent and pro- 

There were not many Jews in Virginia in the time when this 
momentous question was discussed and solved. Individual Jews 
are mentioned in the Seventeenth Century, but the first record 
of a congregation occurs in connection with the address to Wash- 
ington, mentioned above (page 102), which was sent by the He- 
brew congregations of Philadelphia, Richmond, New York and 
Charleston. The minute-book of the Congregation Bet Shalom 

Virginia and North Carolina. 117 

of Richmond, Va., dates back to the year 1791, and it is as- 
sumed that the first or Sephardic congregation was organized 
in that year. The first place of worship was in a room of a 
three-story brick Ijuikhng on the west side of 19th street, between 
Frankhn and Grace streets, -where one of the members resided. 
It later moved to a small brick building, erected on the west side 
of 19th street in the rear of the Union Hotel, which then stood 
on the corner of Main street. After some years a lot was purchased 
from Dr. Adams on the east side of Mayo street, above Franklin 
street, on which a commodious synagogue was erected, in which 
the congregation worshipped for up^\'ards of three-ciuarters of a 
century. The burial ground on Franklin street, near 21st street, 
which is now enclosed with a substantial granite wall, was con- 
veyed by Isaiah Isaac to Jacob I. Cohen, Israel I. Cohen, David 
Isaac, ]\Ioses A'lordecai, Jacob I. Cohen, Jr., Simon Gratz, Aaron 
Levy, Moses Jacob and Levy Myers, as trustees, on October 21st, 
1791. It was used until about 1816, when Benjamin Wolfe, 
then a member of the Common Council of the City of Richmond, 
made application on behalf of the congregation for a new piece 
of ground, which was granted by an ordinance passed on the 
20th day of i\Iay, giving for that purpose an acre of land be- 
longing to the City of Richmond lying upon Shockoe Hill.'- 

North Carolina, like Virginia, had an Established Church until 
a short time before the outbreak of the Revolution, all citizens 
being required to pay toward its support, and dissenting clergy- 
men being denied the privilege of performing even the marriage 
ceremony. But when the Dissenters won their fight against the 
Establishment, they took an uncompromising stand against the 
complete emancipation of Roman Catholics, Jews and others 
not belonging to a Protestant denomination. The opposition 
to Jews was mainly theoretical or academic, as there were prac- 
tically no Jews in North Carolina at that time. In happy con- 

' See Jacob Ezekie!, The Jews of Richmond . in "Publications," IV, 
pp. 21-27. 

118 History of the Jews in America. 

trast to some Old World countries of the present time, oppo- 
sition to Jews in the United States developed only in parts of 
the country where they were least known. In all the original 
States which had considerable Jewish communities, like New 
York, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island, full religious liberty was 
firmly established before the adoption of the Federal Consti- 

Like Virginia, too. North Carolina adopted a Constitution in 
1776. It provided for liberty of worship and even excluded 
clergymen from being members of the Senate, House of Com- 
mons or Council of State. But when it came to the question 0^ 
holding office, an exception was incorporated in Article 32 which 
read as follows : 

"That no person who shall deny the being of God or the 
tiuth of the Protestant religion or the Divine Authority, either 
of the Old or New Testament, or who shall hold religious prin- 
ciples incompatible with the freedom and safety of the State, 
shall be capable of holding any office or place of trust or profit 
in the Civil Department within the State." 

This article was doubtless aimed primarily at Roman Cath- 
olics; but the prohibition being a sweeping one, it necessarily 
included Jews, Quakers, Mohamedans, Deists, etc. While there 
was some opposition to the adoption of this section, it seems 
to have expressed the predominating opinion of the State on 
that point, for, as it was noted above (page 86), the dele- 
gates of North Carolina voted at the Federal Constitutional Con- 
vention of 1787 against the clause abolishing religious tests. 
The entire question was again discussed at the State Convention 
which was called in 1788 to ratify the Constitution of the United 
States, and the narrower view prevailed. The Convention re- 
solved neither to ratify nor reject the Constitution, but that a 
Declaration of rights be laid before Congress and twenty-six 
amendments proposed. North Carolina was therefore unrep- 
resented in the extra session of the first Congress which adopted 
the first amendment, "That Congress shall make no laws re- 

Laws Against Non-Protestants. 119 

specting the establishment of rehgion or prohibiting the free 
exercise thereof." This amendment was partly a concession to 
that State, impl)'ing a guaranty that even should a Papist or a 
Mohamedan be elected President, he should not be able to force 
his religion on those unwilling to accept it. After its adoption, 
North Carolina adopted the Constitution, in November, 1789. 

Despite all this prejudice, section 32 of the State Constitu- 
tion soon came to be regarded a dead letter. As a matter ot 
fact, a Catholic was elected Governor in 1781. It was not until 
1809 that the whole subject again came prominently to the front 
in the case of Jacob Henry, a Jew, who was elected a member 
of the Legislature for Carteret County. He had served through- 
out the year 1808 and had apparently been re-elected for i8og, 
and then a fellow member asked to have his seat declared va- 
cant on account of his faith. 

Henry delivered a notable address in the Assembly in defense 
of his rights to his seat. It made a strong impression at that 
time, and was later republished as an example of fine composi- 
tion in a work known as the American Orator} He was per- 
mitted to retain his seat, but the principle at issue was rather 
avoided than settled. It was decided that the article prohibit- 
ing non-Protestants from holding office in any civil department 
of the State did not exclude such persons from serving in the 
Legislature, because the legislative office was above all civil 
offices. The view was more pointedly defined by saying that 
Catholics and Jews could make the laws, but could neither execute 
nor interpret them. Actually, however, both executive and ju- 
dicial offices were held by non-Protestants, before and after 
that incident. 

When a distinguished Roman Catholic, Wilham Gaston (1778- 

' See Leon Hiihner. Religious Liberty in North Carolina, in "Pub- 
lications," XVI, pp. 37-71, for the facts and the sources, and also for 
Henry's speech, which is too long to be reproduced here. The speech 
IS also found in Selections for Homes and Schools, by Marion L. Misch, 
pp. 305-10, issued by the Jewish Publication Society of America in 191 1. 

120 History of the Jews in America. 

1844), was chosen Justice of the Supreme Court of North Caro- 
Hna {1834) a doubt arose, even in his own mind, whether he 
could accept the office. But he resorted to an even more in- 
genious interpretation of the Constitution, which was subse- 
cjuently followed in other cases as well. He argued that the 
word "deny" implied an overt act, and that "the Constitution 
does not prescribe the faith which entitles to or excludes from 
civil office, but demands from all those who hold office, that 
decent respect of the prevalent religion of the country which 
forbids them to impugn it, to declare it false, tO' arraign it as 
an imposition upon the credulity of the people." 

While the acceptance of this decision made it possible for 
every one to hold office, the efforts to abolish the religious test 
altogether did not cease. The question was again thoroughly 
debated at the Convention which came together in 1835 to amend 
the State Constitution. There were practically no Jews in the 
State even then, but some of the distinguished members of the 
Convention championed the cause of absolute religious liberty 
and worked for the abolition of the entire article which pre- 
scribed the test. Their efforts, however, were not successful, and 
the change which was adopted emancipated only the Catholics, 
by substituting the word "Christian" for "Protestant." 

The small Jewish Congregation of Wilmington, N. C, which 
was organized in 1852 for burial purposes, began about four 
years later to circulate a petition for the removal of the existing 
disability. A bill to that effect was introduced in the Legisla- 
ture in the same year (1858), but the committee to which it was 
leferred reported that while it considered the objectionable clause 
"a relic of bigotry and intolerance unfit to be associated in our 
fundamental law with the enlightened principle of representa- 
tive government . . . it is highly inexpedient to alter or 
amend the Constitution by legislative enactment in any particular 

When the Constitution of North Carolina was again changed 
by the Convention of 1861, which voted for secession and joined 

Final Emancipation in 1868. 121 

the Confederacy, the article in question was changed in phrase- 
ology only. The word "Christian" was omitted, but the clause 
still debarred from holding office a "person who shall deny the 
being of God or the Divine Authority of both the Old and the 
New Testament." The convention of the period of reconstruc- 
tion, which met in 1865, afforded no relief, but the Constitution 
which it framed was rejected by the people at the polls in the 
following year, though on other grounds. It was not until the 
Constitutional Convention of 1868 that Jewish emancipation was 
accomplished in North Carolina. The time was ripe for the 
abolition of all religious tests, and there appears to have been 
no debate on that point. Only "persons who shall deny the 
being of Almighty God" were, and still are, debarred from hold- 
ing office in that State, as no change has been made in this 
regard since 1868. 




The Jewish community almost at a standstill between the Revolution 
ard the War of 1812 — Stoppage of immigration and losses through 
emigration and assimilation — No Jews in the newlj' admitted Statej 
— The small number of Jews who fought in the second war with 
England included Judah Touro, the philanthropist — The Jewish dis- 
abilities in Maryland — A Jew appointed by Jefferson as United 
States Marshal for that State — The "Jew Bill" as an issue in Mary- 
land politics — Removal of the disabilities in 1826. 

The hopes of the Jews of western Europe were raised by the 
French Revolution, which gave the Jews of France full citizen- 
ship. The Napoleonic wars brought liberty and Jewish eman- 
cipation in the countries and principalities which were conquered 
by the great Corsican, and even where this was not achieved 
it became a probability for the near future. The disturbed state 
of Europe made foreign travel, and especially emigration over 
sea, hazardous, and there were hardly any new arrivals of Jews 
from the Old AVorld during the quarter century following the 
establishment of the United States Government. There were, 
en the other hand, numerous departures of Jews for England and 
its American colonies, especially Jamaica, during and after the 
Revolution, and the losses through baptism and mixed marri- 
ages, which account for the disappearance of a large number of 
colonial Jewish families, retarded the natural growth of the 
communities. As a result it is doubtful whether there were as 
many Jews in the United States at the time of the outbreak of 


Jews in the War of 1812. 123 

the second war with England, in 1812, as there were in the 
RevoKitionary period. Neither had their weahh or importance 
increased in those times ; it seems that there was even some de- 
terioration in hoth, caused no doubt by the lack of new blood 
which is indispensable to small communities. 

There were hardly any Jews in the three new States which 
were admitted to the Union in the eight years of Washington's 
administration. In Vermont, which came in in 1791, there was 
no Jewish Congregation until the last quarter of the nineteenth 
century. Kentucky (1792) and Tennessee (1796) had very few 
Jews until a later period, and the stray Jewish sounding names 
which are met with in various records in the first half century 
of their existence as States are not safe material for the founda- 
tion of a history of the Jews in these Commonwealths. Ohio, 
which was admitted in 1803, had very few Jews at that time, 
and the immense territory of Louisiana, which was purchased 
from Xapoleon in the same year, had practically none, as Jews 
never thrived in the French possessions in the New World, ex- 
cept in colonies like iMartiniciue,' where there was a Jewish com- 
munity prior to it being occupied by the French (1635). 

The number of Jews who took part in the War of 1812 was 
therefore smaller than that of the participants in the War of 
Independence, and the disproportionately large percentage of 
officers shows that they still belonged mostly to the wealthier 
classes. In the list which is enumerated in the valuable work of 
Mr. Simon Wolf, which was mentioned above, there are men- 
tioned thirteen officers, of whom one, Nathan Moses of Penrt- 
sylvania, achieved the rank of Colonel, and two, Mayer Moses 
of South Carolina and Mordecai Myers of Pennsylvania, were 
captains. (General Joseph Bloomfield of New Jersey, who is 
included in the list, was not a Jew, see "Publications," XI, p. 
190.) The balance comprises three lieutenants, one adjutant, 
one ensign, two sergeants, three corporals and twenty-seven 

^ See Jewish Encyclopedia, Ylll, pp. 353-54, s. v., Martinique; and 
also Oppenheim in "Publications,'' XVIII, pp. 17-18. 

124 History of the Jews in America. 

privates. Among tlie latter were Jacob Hays and Benjamin 
Hays of New York, father and son ; and Judah Touro, the phil- 
anthropist, who was dangerously wounded at the battle of New 
Orleans in January, 1815. 

The War of 1812 gave the impetus to a renewal of the agi- 
tation for the removal of the disabilities of the Jews of Mary- 
land, the only State which had a considerable Jewish community 
in such a disadvantageous position. The church establishment 
in Maryland teiTninated with the fall of the proprietary rule and 
the emergence into statehood. With it fell, too, the force of 
the legislation which for a century and a half had declared the 
profession of Jewish faith a capital offence, as was already 
mentioned in a previous chapter (page yy)-^ But part of the 
old spirit remained under the new conditions, and the new State 
Constitution of 1776, which granted free exercise of religion, 
provided for "a declaration of belief in the Christian religion" 
as a necessary cjualification for holding public office. But this 
did not prevent a gradual influx of Jews during and after the 
Revolutionary AVar, which is to be attributed to the commercial 
and industrial advantages of Baltimore. The first formal effort 
to effect the removal of the disability was made in December, 
1797, when Solomon Etting (b. in York, Pa., 1764; d. in Bal- 
timore, 1847), Bernard Gratz (b. in York, Pa., 1764; d. in Bal- 
timore, 1801) and others presented a petition to the General As- 
sembly at Annapolis in which they averred "that they are a sect 
of people called Jews, and thereby deprived of many of the valu- 
able rights of citizenship, and pray to be placed upon the same 
footing with other good citizens." The committee to whom 
this petition was referred reported the same day that they "have 
taken the same into consideration and conceive the prayer of the 
petition is reasonable, but as it involves a constitutional question 
of considerable importance they submit to the House the pro- 

^See J. H. Hollander, Cii'iV Status of the Jcwi in Maryland, in "Pub- 
lications,'' II, pp. 33-44; the article Maryland in the "Jewish Enci'clo- 
pedia" and Blum's History of the Jews of Baltimore. 

The "Jew Bill" in Maryland. 125 

priety of taking the same into consideration at this advanced 
stage of the session." This disposition of the petition put a 
quietus upon further agitation for the next five years. In the 
meantime (1801) Reuben Etting (b. in York, Pa., 1762; d. in 
Philadelphia, 1848), a brother of the above-mentioned Solomon, 
was appointed by President Jefferson United States IN-Iarshal for 
Maryland, which presented the anomalous condition of a man 
who could not be chosen constable under the State laws, holding 
a highly responsible Federal office. A second petition with the 
same object in view as the first was presented to the General 
Assembly in November, 1802, and this time it came to a vote, 
but it was refused, thirty-eight voting against it and only seven- 
teen in its favor. The attempt was renewed in 1803 and in 1804, 
when it was again defeated by a vote of thirty-nine to twenty- 
four. This fourth defeat disheartened the few determined spirits 
upon whom the brunt of the struggle had thus far fallen, and the 
formal agitation ceased for a time. 

The arrival in Baltimore from Richmond, Va., in the year 
1808, of the Cohen family, consisting of the widow and six 
sons of Jacob J. Cohen, a soldier of the Revolution fa native 
of Rhenish Prussia, who came to America in 1773 and died in 
1808), and other arrivals in that period, helped to increase the 
material importance and the communal influence of the Jews 
of Baltimore. After Solomon Etting and several members of 
the Cohen family served with distinction in the defense of Bal- 
timore and in subsec[uent military engagements, the injustice 
of the Jewish disabilities became more manifest. The sympathy 
of a group of men active in public life was enlisted, and these con- 
ducted the legislative struggle for full emancipation of the Jews 
in the General Assembly from 1816 to 1826. The most promi- 
nent figure in this group, which included Thomas Brackenridge, 
E. S. Thomas, General Winder, Colonel W. G. D. VVorthington 
and John V. L. MacMahon, was Thomas Kennedy of Washing- 
ton county. 

The "Jew Bill' became a clearly defined issue in Mar}'land 

126 History of the Jews in America. 

politics, and here we see again the American pecuHarity men- 
tioned above (page ii8), that those who' knew the Jew best were 
his most ardent defenders. Several representatives from country 
districts, where Jews were known by name only, failed of re- 
election because they had voted for the repeal of Jewish disabili- 
ties ; while, on the other hand, a disposition favorable to Jewish 
emancipation became at an early date a sine qua non of election 
from Baltimore. The successful effort of Jacob Henry to retain 
his seat in the Legislature of North Carolina, which has been 
described in the previous chapter, was effectively used by the 
friends of the Jews in Maryland. Speaking on the Jew Bill in 
1818, Mr. Brackenridge alluded to the incident as follows: "In 
the State of North Carolina there is a memorable instance on 
record of an attempt to expel Mr. Henry, a Jew, from the legis- 
lative body of which he had been elected a member. The speech 
delivered on that occasion I hold in my hand. It is published in 
a collection called "The American Orator," a book given to 
your children at school and containing those republican truths 
you wish to see earliest implanted in their minds. Mr. Henry 
prevailed, and it is a part of our education as Americans to love 
and cherish the sentiments uttered by him on that occasion." 
Six years later Col. AVorthington, in the course of a speech on 
the same subject, also recalled Henry's triumph in glowing terms. 
Some of the addresses delivered on that subject were considered 
of sufficient importance to be republished separately after the 
question was settled; one collection of them entitled "Speeches 
on the Jew Bill in the House of Delegates in Maryland" was 
published in Philadelphia in 1829. 

Finally, in 1822, a bill to the desired effect passed both houses 
of the General Assembly; but the Constitution of Maryland re- 
quired that any act amendatory thereto must be passed at one 
session and published and confirmed at the succeeding session 
of the Legislature. Accordingly, recourse was necessary to the 
session of 1823-24, in which a confirmatory bill was introduced 
accompanied by a petition from the Jews of Maryland. The bill 

Removal of the Disabilities. 127 

was confirmed by the Senate, but defeated in the House of Dele- 
gates after a stirring debate, and all formal legislation hitherto 
enacted was rendered nugatory. But the time was ripe for this 
act of justice, and on the last day of the following session of 
the Legislature (Feb. 26, 1825) an act "for the relief of the 
Jews of Maryland," which had already received the sanction of 
the Senate, was passed by the House of Delegates by a vote of 
twenty-six to twenty-five. The bill provided that "'every citizen 
of this State professing the Jewish religion" who shall be ap- 
pointed to any office of profit or trust shall, in addition to the 
required oaths, make and subscribe a declaration of his belief in 
a future state of rewards and punishments, instead of the dec- 
laration now rec|uired by the government of the State. In the 
following year a brief confirmatory act was passed and the battle 
for Jewish emancipation was won. Theoretically there still re- 
mained a discrimination, which was not eliminated until many 
years afterwards ; but practically there was no formal disability. 
Solomon Etting and Jacob I. Cohen, both of whom had been 
throughout the moving spirits of the legislative struggle, were 
promptly elected in Baltimore (Oct., 1826) as members of the 
City Council, and the former ultimately became president of that 
body. A number of Jews later occupied and still occupy im- 
portant political positions in Maryland commensurate with their 
individual ability and with the prominence of Jews in the busi- 
ness and professional life of the State. 




Noah's family; his youth and his early successes as journalist and as 
dramatist — His appointment as Consul in Tunis and his recall — 
His insistence that the United States is not a Christian nation^ 
Editor and playwright, High Sheriff and Surveyor of the Port of 
New York — His invitation to the Jews of the world to settle in 
the City of Refuge which he was to found on Grand Island — Im- 
pressive ceremonies in Buffalo which were the beginning and the 
end of "Ararat" — His "Discourse on the Restoration of the Jews" — 
Short career on the bench — Jewish activities. 

While the last vestiges of discrimination against the Jews 
were being removed in I\Iaryland, a grandiose plan for solving 
the Jewish problem through colonization in America was con- 
ceived by one of the most prominent Jews of New York. This 
man was JXJordecai Manuel Noah (b. in Philadelphia, July 19, 
'78^; d. in New York March 22, 1851). He was of Portuguese 
descent, a son of Manuel Mordecai Noah of South Carolina, who 
served in the Revolutionary army, and a cousin of Henry M. 
Phillips (b. in Philadelphia, 181 1; d. there 1884), who- was a 
member from the fourth district of Pennsylvania in the Thirty- 
fifth Congress (elected as a Democrat in 1856), and besides oc- 
cupying various positions of honor and trust, also served as 
Grand Master of Free Masons of his native State. Noah was 
left an orphan at the age of four, and was brought up by his 
maternal grandfather, Jonas Phillips (b. in Germany, 1736; d. in 
Philadelphia, 1803). Noah was apprenticed to a carver ana 
gilder, but his studious habits and abilities attracted the atten- 


Mordecai Manuel Noah. 129 

tion of some prominent men, and it is said that the financier, 
Robert Alorris, procured the cancellation of his indentures and 
obtained for him an appointment as clerk in the office of the 
Auditor of the United States Treasury. 

Upon the removal of the national capital to Washington, 
young Noah resigned his clerkship and accepted employment as 
a reporter at tlie sessions of the Pennsylvania Legislature at Har- 
risburg, where he acquired his first experience in journalism. 
Several years later he removed to Charleston, S. C, where he 
became in 1809 the editor of "The City Gazette" and became an 
ardent advocate of war with England. This was against the pre- 
^ailing spirit of the wealthy seaport town,- and it involved him 
in many quarrels and in several duels, in one of which he killed 
his opponent. It was also in this city that his first play, "Paul 
and Alexis," or "The Orphans of the Rhine," was performed for 
the first time. It was afterwards taken to England, where it 
v,-as somewhat altered, and with its name changed to "The Wan- 
dering Boys" was brought out in 1820 at the Park Theatre in 
New York with great success. 

After declining an appointment as Consul to Riga, Russia, in 
1812, Noah was appointed by President Madison a year later 
as American Consul to Tunis, with a special mission to Algiers. 
He sailed from Charleston in a vessel bound for France, which 
was captured by the British fleet off the French coast. He was 
brought to England as a prisoner of war, but being regarded as 
a person of importance he was allowed to remain at liberty upon 
his parole, and to utilize the time in travelling through the coun- 
try. After some months he was released and proceeded by the 
way of Spain to his post of duty. He was soon engaged in the 
work for which he was specially commissioned — to ransom the 
American prisoners then held in slavery by the Algerians. He 
was to endeavor to release the captured sailors in such wise as to 
lead the Algerians to believe that the relatives and friends of the 
captives, and not the American government, was interested in 
their ransom. Noah effected this in a creditable manner under 

130 History of the Jews in America. 

the circumstances ; but he was compelled to expend a sum exceed- 
ing the amount allowed him by his government. Noah's political 
opponents at home made use of this apparent irregularity to 
effect his recall. Mr. Monroe, then Secretary of State, wrote to 
him that it was not known at the time of his appointment that 
his religion would be any obstacle to the exercise of his consular 
functions, but that recent information, on which entire reliance 
could be placed, proved that it would have a very unfavorable ef- 
fect ; that the President therefore had deemed it expedient to 
revoke his commission, and that upon the receipt of this letter 
he should consider himself as no longer in the service of the 
United States.^ Noah finally extricated himself from all his 
difficulties, and later was thoroughly vindicated, his actions ap- 
proved and his advances remitted. 

One of his official acts as Consul deserves special mention. 
The war between the United States and England was still rag- 
ing, when one day an American privateer came into the harbor 
of Tunis with three English East Indiamen loaded with valuable 
cargoes as prizes. The prizes and cargoes were turned over to 
the American Consul to sell at auction. The British Minister 
protested against such sale on the ground of a clause in the 
treaty with England which provided that no Christian power 
should sell a B'-itish prize or its cargo in an Algerian port. Noah 
admitted the bona fides of the stipulation, but contended that 
under proper interpretation of international law the United 
States could not be held to be a Christian nation within the mean- 
ing of the treaty and hence was excepted from the inhibition. 
To prove his contention he exhibited the Constitution of the 
United States with its provisions against sectarianism and re- 
ligious tests, and finally cited the Joel Barlow Treaty with Tur- 
key of 1808, ratified by the United States Senate, which declared 
that the United States made no objections to Mussulmen because 
of their religion and that they are entitled to and should receive 

'Daly, p. 112, et seq.; see also Wolf, Mordecai Manuel Noah, Phila- 
delphia, 1897, and Jeuish Encyclopedia, s. v., Noah. 

Noah's Activities. 131 

all the privileges of citizens of the most favored nations. This 
arg'ument was sustained by the Bey and the prizes were accord- 
ingly sold in Tunis. Noah's contention thus became established 
as a principle of international law which has never since been 
challenged. It was perhaps this stand taken by Noah in de- 
claring the American nation to be non-Christian which convinced 
the government at home that his faith was "an obstacle to the ex- 
ercise of his consular functions." 

On his return to America Noah settled in New York (1816), 
v.'here he resided for the rest of his life in the enjoyment of many 
honors and great popularity. He was successively the editor of 
the "National Advocate," "New York Enquirer," "Evening 
Star," "Commercial Advertiser," "Union" and "Times and Mes- 
senger." In 1 81 9 he published in New York his "Travels in 
England, France, Spain and the Barbary States" in which he 
described his experiences abroad, the services he had rendered to 
his government in Tunis and the manner in which he was re- 
quited. His occupation as a journalist, which brought him into 
frequent connection with the theatre, led him to return to dra- 
matic autho-rship, and he was reputed to be one of the most 
popular American playwrights of his day. Most of his plays 
were based on American history, but some of them dealt with 
other themes, like his successful melodrama "Yousef Carmatti, 
or The Siege of Tripoli." 

He also took an active part in politics, and was appointed High 
Sheriff of New York in 1822; but when the office was made 
elective a short time afterwards he was defeated after an excit- 
ing campaign. He was a supporter of General Jackson, and was 
later appointed by him Surveyor of the Port of New York. 

But during all these varied activities he never forgot, as he 
was indeed seldom permitted to forget, that he was a Jew. He 
had strong convictions on the subject of Jewish nationality and 
devoted considerable attention to the Jewish question in general. 
Finally, in 1825, he turned to his long cherished scheme of the 
restoration of the Jews to their past glory as a nation. For this 

132 History of the Jews in America. 

purpose he acquired, with the aid of some of his friends, an island 
thirteen miles in length and about five miles broad, called Grand 
Island, in the Niagara River, opposite Tonawanda, not far from 
Buffalo, N. Y., and issued a proclamation to the Jews of the 
world, inviting them to come and settle in the place, which he 
named '"Ararat, a City of Refuge for the Jews." 

The plan had its practical side and attracted considerable at- 
tention. Noah was at that time perliaps the most distinguished 
Jewish resident in America, and could by no means be consid- 
ered a visionary. The tract was chosen with particular refer- 
ence to its promising commercial prospects, being close to the 
Great Lakes and opposite to the newly constructed Erie Canal ; 
and Noah deemed it "pre-eminently calculated to become in time 
the greatest trading and commercial depot in the new and bet- 
ter world." After heralding this project for some time in his 
own newspapers and in the press, religious and secular, generally, 
Noah selected September 2, 1825, as the date for laying the foun- 
dation stone of the new city. Impressive ceremonies, ushered 
in by the firing of cannon, were held, and participated in by state 
and federal officials. Christian clergymen, and even American 
Indians, whom Noah identified as the "lost tribes" of Israel, and 
who were also to find refuge in this new "Ararat." 

It was found on that day that there were not boats enough 
in Buffalo to carry to Grand Island all who wished to go there, 
and the celebration, in consequence, took place in Buffalo. A 
procession, headed by a band of music, was formed, composed 
of military companies and several Masonic bodies in full regalia, 
after which came Noah, as Governor and Judge of Israel, wear- 
ing a judicial robe of crimson silk trimmed with ermine, fol- 
lowed by fraternal officers and dignitaries. After marching 
through the principal streets of Buffalo, the procession entered 
the Episcopal Church, where exercises, including a long oration 
by Noah, were held; the close of the ceremonies being announced 
by a salvo of twenty-four guns. 

The celebration in Buffalo was the beginning and the end of 

"Ararat" and the "Discourse." 133 

the scheme. There was no resiDonse to the proclamation, the city 
was never built, and the monument of brick and wood which was 
erected upon the island on the site of the contemplated town fell 
to pieces, and in the course of time wholly disappeared. The 
only relic of the enterprise is the foundation stone of the pro- 
posed city, which is preserved in the rooms of the Buffalo His- 
torical Society, with the inscription of 1825 still legible. 

Noah's plan was to establish "Ararat" as a merely temporary 
city of refuge for the Jews, until in the fulness of time a Pales- 
tinian restoration could be effected. The failure of this pro- 
ject of a "temporary asylum" did not weaken his belief in the 
ultimate redemption of the Jews and their return to the Holy 
Land. Nearly twent}' years after the unsuccessful attempt to 
concentrate the Jews on Grand Island, Noah delivered the great- 
est oration of his life, "A Discourse on the Restoration of the 
Jews," which was soon afterwards published in book form ( New 
York, 1844), in which he urged the return to Palestine as the 
only solution of the Jewish question, which had become acute in 
Europe in the troublesome times preceding the upheavals of 1848. 

Noah resigned the office of Surveyor of the Port of New York 
in 1833, after having held it about four years. After eight years 
of intense journalistic and political activitj^, he was, in 1841, ap- 
pointed by Governor Seward an Associate Judge of the New 
York Court of Sessions. He had no sooner commenced to dis- 
charge his judicial duties than James Gordon Bennett, in the 
"New York Herald,'' began to assail and ridicule him. Noah 
nimself made no complaint, but others took up the defence of 
the court's dignity and Bennett was indicted for libel. Noah 
himself was not anxious to have the case prosecuted, asserting 
that the attack on him was the result of an old editorial quar- 
rel, in which he had been to a considerable degree the aggressor. 
Bennett came off with a small pecuniary fine. Noah shortly 
afterwards resigned from the bench, to avoid sitting upon the 
trial for forgery of a certain member of Congress whom he had 
known from boyhood. 

134 History of the Jews in America. 

He took an active part in Jewish communal affairs of New 
York City, and was in 1842 elected president of the Hebrew 
Benevolent Society. He was also president of the Jewish Char- 
ity Organization of New York, and remained at its head when 
it was merged into a B'nai Berith lodge. Among his works of 
Jewish interest deserves also to be mentioned a translation of the 
"Book of Jashar," which he published in 1840. 

He married Rebeccah Jackson of New York, and their off- 
spring numbered five sons and a daughter. He died in the 66th 
year of his age, and was the last Jew that was buried within the 
limits of old New York City. 





Impetus given to immigration to America by the reaction after the fall 
of Napoleon — The second period of Jewish immigration — First 
legislation about immigration (i8ig) — The first Jew in Cincinnati — 
Its first congregation, Bene Israel — Appeals to outside communities 
for funds to build a synagogue — The first Talmud Torah — Rabbis 
Gutheim, Wise and Lilienthal — Cleveland — St. Louis — Louisville — 
Mobile — Montgomery and its alleged Jewish founder, Abraham 
Mordecai — Savannah and Augusta — New Orleans — Judah Touro. 

The reaction in Western Europe after the fall of Napoleon 
in 1815 gave an impetus to emigration to America. This was 
especially true of Germany and more particularly of the German 
Jews. Those who had already tasted the sweets of freedom 
could not so easily endure the returning hardships of the galling 
exceptional laws and discriminations, as did their fathers and 
grandfathers who knew not the experience of better co'ulitions. 
While the struggle for political and religious liberty was car- 
ried on with increased intensity in the various Germa-i stales and 
principalities, many ventured to come out to the New World ni 
quest of more favorable conditions and better opportu'^ities. This 
new immigration, which continued for about half a century, until 


136 History of the Jews in America, 

the Jews in all the German states were emancipated, much ex- 
ceeded the immigration of the preceding two centuries, while it 
now appears almost insignificant in comparison with the large 
ir.'flux from the Slavic countries in the last thirty years. These 
Jewish immigrants of the second period, which is usually called 
the German period (though a considerable number came from 
Austria-Hungary, Russian-Poland and even Russia proper), were 
in one essential point more like the Slavic Jews who came after 
them than like the Sephardim of former times ; they came 
poor, and grew up with the country. The Spanish and Portu- 
guese Jews as a class were wealthy; some of them brought more 
capital with them than was found in the localities in which they 
settled. Their wealth and their business connections made them 
welcome or secured them sufferance at a time and at places — ■ 
in the Old World as well as in the New — where a poor Jew, 
coming to earn his living as a peddler or craftsman, would prob- 
ably never have been admitted. But better times had come; an 
immensely large country, which had now increased its territory 
by the Louisiana Purchase, and doubly secured its independence 
by the successful issue of the second war with its former masters, 
now needed men even more than mone}', and the immigrant who 
came to cast his lot with the new nation was welcome. A sub- 
stantial part of the Jewish immigrants of this new era remained 
in the older communities, which were thereby largely increased, 
liut many penetrated far into the South and the \\'est; new set- 
tlements were founded in scores of places, and almost in each 
case a congregation was formed as soon as there were a suffi- 
ciert numl^er of Jews to warrant such an undertaking. As there 
was no longer any struggle between the Jews, as such, and the sur- 
rounding non-Jewish world, the history of the Jews of a locality 
is mainly the history of its communal ir.stitutions and of its in- 
dividual members, who reflect credit on it by their distinction in 
various fields of activity. We shall now follow the formation 
of these new communities in various parts of the country, with an 
effort to understand the spirit which moved the early settlers in 

First Immigration Law of 1819. 137 

their Jewish activities, which helped them to^ rise to an eminent 
position in their new home and to be useful to their fellow citi- 
zens, as well as to their co-religionists who arrived at a later 

*!» •i* •i^ T* "i- 

There are no statistical figures for the number of immigrants 
who arrived in the second decade of the nineteenth century; but 
what may be considered as an official declaration (in the vo- 
luminous report of the Immigration Commission, issued in 1910) 
states that after the year 1816 "an ui'.precedented emigration 
from Europe to the United States occurred. It is estimated that 
no less than 20,coo persons arrived in 1817." The sudden de- 
mand for passage caused overcrowding, disease and death in 
the steerage of the sailing vessels, which resulted in the first 
"legislative interference" by a law which "became effective 
?ilarch 2, 1819, containing provisions intending to regulate the 
number of passengers on each vessel and proper victualing of 
each vessel." A provision of this law also marked the beginning 
of statistics relative to immigration into the United States. And 
as there was now a certain percentage of Jews among the arrivals 
of each year, it may be presumed that the Jews of that time 
were as much interested in these earliest provisions relating to 
immigration, as we are to-day in that perennial question. 

Some of the pioneers of this new Jewish immigration came 
from England, but as in the earlier period of the Spanish Jews, 
the Germans and the Polish soon followed, or came simultane- 
ously. A typical instance was that of Cincinnati, where the first 
Jewish congregation in the Ohio Valley was formed. The first 
Jew to settle there was Joseph Jonas (b. in Exeter, England, 
1792; d. in Cincinnati, iSlay 5, 1869), who came to America 
in 18 1 6 and lived for a short time in New York and in Phila- 
delphia. PTe left the latter city on the second day of January, 
:8i7, and arrived in Cincinnati on the eighth of March. He was 
a watchmaker by trade, and had little difficulty in establishing 
himself. He was a curiosity at first, as many in that part of the 

138 History of the Jews in America. 

country Jiad never seen a Jew before. Numbers of people came 
from the country round about to see liim, and he related in his 
old age of an old Quakeress who said to him : "Art thou a Jew? 
Thou art one of God's chosen people. Wilt thou let me examine 
thee?" She turned him round and round and at last exclaimed: 
"Well, thou art no different to other people."^ 

Jonas remained the only Jew in Cincinnati for about two 
}ears, when he was joined by Lewis Cohen of London, Barnet 
Levi of Liverpool and Joseph Levy of Exeter. These four, with 
David Israel Johnson of Brookville, Ind. (a frontier trading- 
station), conducted in the autumn of 1819 the first Jewish service 
in the western portion of the United States. Solomon Buck- 
ingham, Moses Nathan and Solomon Menken came there from 
Germany in 1820. The last named established the first wholesale 
dry goods house in Cincinnati. The six Moses brothers, one of 
whom, Phineas (d. 1895), lived to the age of ninety-seven, ar- 
rived in the following two years, and about this time Joseph 
Jonas was joined by his three brothers, Abraham, Samuel and 
George; their parents and a fourth brother, Edward, coming 
some time afterwards. Services were held only on Rosh ha- 
Shanah and Yom Kippur until 1824, whe-i the number of Jew- 
ish inhabitants reached about twenty. (See "Publications," IX, 
p. 155, for fourteen Jewish names from the Cincinnati Directory 
of 1825.) In the first month of that year the Congregation 
"Bene Israel" was formally organized, and at a meeting held 
some time thereafter it was resolved to build a suitable house 
of worship. 

There was not, however, sufficient wealth in the new com- 
munity to enable the congregation to undertake the work un- 
aided, and an appeal was sent to the older congregations in the 
United States and also to England, for help in the proposed un- 

' See Philipson, The Jewish Pioneers in the Ohio Valley, in Publica- 
tions, VIII, pp. 43 et, seq.; also Markens, pp. 100-104, ^"d Jewish En- 
cyclopedia, s. V. Cincinnati. 

An Appeal from Cincinnati. 139 

riertakinp-. A copy of this appeal has been preserved (in "Pub- 
lications," X, pp. 98-99) and reads as follows: 



Gentlemen : — Being deputed by our Congregation in this place, 
as their committee to address you in behalf of our holy Religion, sep- 
arated as we are and scattered through the wilds of America as children 
of the same family and faith, we consider it as our duty to apply to you 
for assistance in the erection of a House to worship the God of our 
forefathers, agreeably to the Jewish faith; we have always performed 
all in our power to promote Judaism and for the last four or five years 
we have congregated where a few years before nothing was heard but 
the howling of wild beasts and the more hideous cry of savage man. We 
are well assured that many Jews are lost in this country from not 
being in the neighborhood of a congregation, they often marry with 
Christians, and their posterity lose the true worship of God forever; we 
have at this time a room fitted up for a synagogue, two manuscripts of 
the law and a burying ground, in which we have already interred four 
persons, who, but for us, would have lain among the Christians; one of 
our members also acts as Shochet. It will therefore be seen that nothing 
has been left undone, which could be performed by eighteen assessed 
and six unassessed members. Two of the deceased persons were poor 
strangers, one of whom was brought to be interred from Louisville, a 
distance of near 200 miles. 

To you. Gentlemen, we are mostly strangers and have no further 
claim on you, than that of children of the same faith and family, re- 
questing your pious and laudable assistance to promote the decrees of 
our holy Religion. Several of our members are, however, well known 
both in Philadelphia and New York — namely Mr. Samuel Joseph, form- 
erly of Philadelphia; Messrs. Moses Jonas and Mr. Joseph Jonas, 
the two Mr. Jonas's have both married daughters of the late Rev. Ger- 
son Mendes Seixas of New York. Therefore with confidence, we solicit 
your aid to this truly pious undertaking, we are unable to defray the 
whole expense, and have made application to you as well as the other 
principal congregations in America and England, and have no doubt of 
ultimate success. 

It is also worthy of remark that there is not a congregation within 

140 History of the Jews in America. 

500 miles of this city, and we presume it is well known how easy of 
access we are to New Orleans, and we are well informed that had we 
a synagogue here, hundreds from that city who now know and see 
nothing of their religion, would frequently attend here during holidays. 
We are. Gentlemen, your obedient servants, 

S. Joseph Chan, 
Joseph Jonas, 
D. I. Johnson, 
Phineas Moses. 
I certify the above is agreeable to a Resolution of the Hebrew Con- 
gregation of Cincinnati. 
July 3, 1825. 

Joseph Jonas, Parnas. 

Both the congregation in Charleston and that in Philadel- 
phia sent contributions, and so did some individuals in New 
Orleans and in Barbadoes, W. I. It was some time, however, 
until the necessary amount was collected. The congregation was 
chartered by the General Assembly of Ohio in 1830, and the 
synagogue was dedicated in the year 1836. The first official 
reader was Joseph Samuels ; he was succeeded by Henry Harris, 
who was followed in 183S by f-lart Judah. In the same year 
was organized the first benevolent association. The first re- 
ligious school was founded in 1842, but it existed only a short 
time. A Talmud Torah was established in 1845, which gave 
way in the following year to the Hebrew Institute, of which 
Janies K. Gutheim (b. in Prussia, 1817; d. in New Orleans, 
1886) was the founder. This also flourished but a short time, 
for with the departure of Rabbi Gutheim for New Orleans m 
1848 the institute was closed. 

A considerable number of German Jews arrived in the city 
during the fourth decade of the nineteenth century. They were 
rot in sympathy with the existing congregation, in which the 
influence of the English Jews was predominant, and determined 
to form another congregation. The Bene Yeshurun congrega- 
tion was accordingly organized by these Germans in September, 
1841, and it was incorporated under the laws of the state in 1842. 
Its first reader was Simon Bamberger, and when Gutheim, who 

The First Jews of Cleveland. 141 

followed him, left it, he was succeeded by H. A. Henry and A. 
Roseiifeld. The assumption of the ofnce of rabbi in the Bene 
Yeshurun congregation by Isaac M. Wise in April, 1854, and 
in the Bene Israel co::gregation by Max Lilienthal (b. in Munich, 
1815; d. in Cincinnati, 1882) in June, 1855, gave the Jewish 
community of Cincinnati a commanding position and made it a 
Jewish center and the home of a number of movements which 
were national in scope. But their activity in general Jewish 
matters does not properly belong to the history of Jews in Cin- 
cinnati, and will be treated in a succeeding chapter. Three other- 
congregations were formed before the close of the period of 
German-Polish immigration : the Adath Israel, organized in 
1847; the Ahabat Achim, organized in 1848; and the Shearit 
Israel, in 1855. 

The first Jew who is known to have settled in Cleveland, O., 
was a Bavarian, Simson Thorraan, who came there in 1837. He 
was soon joined by Aaron Leventrite and by others of his coun- 
trymen, and the thriving city, which had then about 6,000 inhabi- 
tants, soon had twenty Jews, who organized the Israelitish So-- 
ciety in 1839. In 1842 there was a split, and the seceding part 
formed the Anshe Chesed Society ; but four years later these two 
again united and formed the Anshe Chesed congregation, the 
oldest existing congregation in Cleveland. The first services 
were held in a hall on South Water street and Vineyard lane, 
with Thorman as president and Isaac Hoffman as minister or 
reader. A burial ground was purchased in 1840. New dissen- 
sions arose in 1848 in the rapidly increasing community and re- 
sulted in the withdrawal of a number of members, who in 1850 
formed the Congregation Tifereth Israel, which from the be- 
ginning represented the reform element. Isidor Kalish (b. in 
Krotoschin, Prussia, 1816; d. in Newark, N. J., 1886) was its 
first rabbi until 1855, and he was followed by Wolf Fassbinder, 
Jacob Cohen, G. M. Cohen, Jacob Mayer, Aaron Hahn and the 
present incumbent, Moses J. Cries (b. in Newark, 1868), who 
assumed his position in 1892. The rabbis of the older congre- 

142 History of the Jews in America. 

gation were: Fuld, 1850; E. Hertzman, 1860-61; G. M. Cohen, 
1861-66; Nathan, 1866-67; Gustave M. Cohen, 1867-75; Moritz 
Tintner (b. in Austerhtz, Austria, 1828; d. in New York, May 
II, 1910), 1875-76; and M. Machol (b. in Kohnar-in-Posen, 
1845) since 1876. 

The first Jewish congregation in St. Louis, Mc, was or- 
ganized about the same time as that of Cleveland, though in- 
dividual Jews were living there more than thirty years before. 
The Bloch, or Block, family of Schwihau, Bohemia, settled there 
about 181 6, the pioneer being Wolf Bloch. Eliezer Block was 
an attorney-at-law there in 1821. Most of the early arrivals in- 
termarried with Christians, and were lost to Judaism. It was not 
until the Jewish New Year in 1836 that the first religious serv- 
ices were held, when ten men rented a little room over a grocery 
store at the corner of Second and Spruce streets. The Acliduth 
Israel or United Hebrew Congregation was organized in 1839, 
Abraham. Weigel (d. 1888) being the first president and Samuel 
Davidson the first reader. Services were held for many years in 
a private house in Frenchtown. The first building used as a 
synagogue was located in Fifth street, between Green and Wash- 
ington avenues. According to Markens (p. 108), Bernard 
Illowy (b. in Kolin, Bohemia, 1814; d. near Cincinnati, O., 
1871), one of the leading conservative rabbis of America in his 
time, a pupil of the great Rabbi Moses Sofer (1763-1839), of 
Presburg, Hungary, was elected to the rabbinate of the St. Louis 
congregation in 1854. Its temple on Sixth street, between Lo- 
cust and St. Charles streets, was dedicated in 1859. Rev. Henry 
J. Messing (b. 1848) held the position of rabbi for about thirty 
years. The B'nai El congregation, which was organized in 1852, 
moved into its own house of worship in 1855. Rabbi Moritz 
Spitz (b. in Csaba, Hungary, 1848), editor of the "Jewish 
Voice," has been at the head of this congregation since 1878. 
The third of the earlier congregations, Shaare Emet, was or- 
ganized in 1866, with H. S. Sonnenschein (b. in Hungary, 1839; 
d. in Des Moines, la., 1908) as its first rabbi. 

Kentucky and Alabama. 143 

The first Jewish organization of Louisville, Ky., is mentioned 
in the year 1832, and two brothers named Heymann, or Hyman, 
from Berlin, were known to have settled there as early as 1814. 
Several Polish Jews from Charlestown, S. C, and some Ger- 
man Jews from Baltimore arrived there about 1836, and were 
soon joined by new arrivals direct from Germany. They bought 
a graveyard, built a mikweh and engaged a shochct. A few 
wealthy Jews came from Richmond, Va., but they did not asso- 
ciate with the others and were soon absorbed by the non-Jewish 
population. The first regular minister was J. Dinkelspiel (1841), 
and the congregation, which was named Adath Israel, was in- 
corporated in 1842. B. H. Gotthelf was elected cantor and 
shochet in 1848 and later became Hebrew teacher of a school 
which was opened in 1854. In 1850 a synagogue was built on 
Fourth street, between Green and Walnut streets, which was 
consumed by fire in 1866. A regular preacher, L. Kleeberg, was 
then engaged and remained till 1878. Another congregation 
v/as chartered by the legislature in 185 1, but it was not prop- 
erly organized until 1856, when it changed its name from "The 
Polish House of Israel" to Bet Israel. 

Farther to the south congregations were organized about that 
time in Mobile, Ala., ar,cl in two other towns of that state. The 
most prominent among the early settlers of Mobile was Israel 
I. Jones, who arrived there from Charleston, S. C., and organ- 
ized the Congregation Shaare Shamayyim, the oldest in the 
state, in 1844. B. L. Tim, from Flamburg, in whose residence 
the first services were held ; I. Goldsmith, S. Lyons, D. Mark- 
stein, Solomon Jones and A. Goldstucker, all from Germany, 
were among the first members. The first synagogue was dedi- 
cated in December, 1846, with Mr. Jones as President and Rev. 
de Silva as minister. The latter died in New Orleans in 1848 
and was succeeded by Baruch ]M. Emanuel, who served for five 
vears. Mont.o'omery, which is said to ha\'e been founded by 
Abraham Mordecai, an intelligent Jew, who dwelt fifty years 
in the Creek Nation, and confidently believed that the Indians 

144 History of the Jews in America. 

were originally of his people (see "Publications," XIII, pp. 
71-81, 83-88), had its first Jewish society for relieving the sick, 
organized in 1S46. Its first twelve members were from Germany 
and Poland. In 1849 this Chevra, which held religious services 
on Rosh ha-Shanah and Yom Kippur, was enlarged into a regu- 
lar congregation called Kahal Montgomery or Temple Beth Or. 
Isaiah Weil was the first president and the number of members 
was about thirty. Mo rabbi was employed until about fifteen 
years later. There is also a record of a congregation which was 
organized in Claiborne, Ala., in 1855, and had an officiating 
rabbi. Most of the Jews, however, left the town and the con- 
gregation passed out of existence. 

While the older Jewish community of Savannah, Ga., which 
dated from the eighteenth century, was strengthened by the new 
immigration, a new community, in Augusta, grew up in the first 
half of the nineteenth century. A Mr. Florence and his wife 
came there from Holland in 1825. Isaac Hendricks arrived 
Avith his family from Charleston, S. C, in 1826, and it is believed 
that Isaac and Jacob Moise, also Charlestonians, reached Au- 
gusta about the same time. Jews from Germany began to ar- 
rive in 1844. Isaac Levy, who came there about 1840, was for 
many years City Sheriff, and Samuel Levy was for two year^ 
Judge of the Superior Court and for ten years Judge of the 
Court of Ordinary (Markens, p. 113). There is reason to be- 
lieve that the sixth Governor of Georgia, David Emanuel (d. 
1808), who assumed the office jMarch 3, 1801, and after whom 
the largest county in the state, Emanuel, was named, was a Jew, 
or at least of Jewish Descent.' The number of Jews in Au- 
gusta went on increasing until about 1846, when the congregation 
B'nai Israel, which is still in existence, was organized. 

The prominent figure of the philanthropist Judah Touro (b. 
in Newport, R. I., 1775; d. in New Orleans, 1854) looms large 
in the early Jewish history of New Orleans. Touro was edu- 

' See Leon Hiiliner, The first Jew to hold the Office of Governor of 
cue of tlie United States in "Publications," XV'II, pp. 187-95. 

Judah Touro. 


Judah Touro. 147 

cated by his uncle, Moses Michael Hays (1739-1805), who had 
become an eminent merchant of Boston, and was later employed 
in his counting house. Touro came to New Orleans about a 
year before Louisiana was purchased by the United States from 
France in 1803. He opened a store and built up a thriving 
trade in New England products, and soon became one of the 
wealthiest and most prominent merchants of the growing city. 
He gave liberally to many charities and public spirited enter- 
prises in New Orleans and elsewhere, at a time when large 
gifts for such purposes were not as common as they are now. 
When he donated $10,000 towards the erection of the Bunker 
Hill Monument in 1840, those interested in raising the necessary 
funds had almost given up their project in despair. Thougir 
the cornerstone was laid in 1826, on the fiftieth anniversary of 
the battle which it was to commemorate, Amos Lawrence's gen- 
erous offers of aid met with no material response, even when 
aided by the eloquent appeals of Edward Everett (1794-1865) 
and Daniel Webster (1782- 1852), until Touro privately offered 
to duplicate Lawrence's donation, provided the remaining neces- 
sary $30,000 would be raised. On the dedication of the monu- 
ment in 1843, v,lien Daniel Webster was the orator of the day, 
the generosity of the chief donors was praised in the lines read 
by the presiding officer, which became very popular at that time.^ 
At his death he left, among many other bequests, a large sum 
in trust to Sir Moses Montefiore (1784-1885) for the poor Jews 
of Jerusalem. His name is connected with the oldest and largest 
Jewish institutions in New Orleans, while Boston, Newport and 
other communities have benefited by his generosity. 

' The lines read as follows: 

Amos and Judah — venerated names! 

Patriarch and prophet, press their equal claims, 

Like generous coursers running neck and neck. 

Each aids the work by giving it a check. 

Christian and Jew, they carry out a plan — 

For though of different faith, each is in heart a man. 

148 History of the Jews in America. 

Alexander Isaacs and Asher Philips were also among the 
arrivals at New Orleans early in the last century. Morris Jacobs 
and Aaron Daniels were the Senior Wardens, and Abraham 
Plotz, Asher Philips and Abraham Green, the Junior Wardens 
of a benevolent society named Shaare Chesed. In that capacity 
they bought the first Jewish cemetery in New Orleans, which was 
located just beyond the suburb of Lafayette, in the Parish of 
Jefferson, fronting on Jackson street, where the first interment, 
that of Plyam Harris, took place on June 28, 182S. The first 
congregation adopted the name of the benevolent society, and 
worshipped in a room on the top floor of a building in St. Louis 
street. The oldest existing synagogue, the Shaare Chesed Ne- 
fuzot Judah, commonly known as the Touro synagogue, was or- 
ganized in its present form in 1854. The other congregations 
belong to a later period, which will be described in a subsequent 

Another prominent Jew, the greatest in American public life 
— Judah P- Benjamin — also lived in New Orleans in this period. 
But he took no interest in Jewish afi^airs, and his career belongs 
to the chapters in which the participation of Jews in the dis- 
pute about slavery and in the Civil War will be described. 




Increase in general immigration — Estimated increase in the number of 
Jews — The natural dispersion of small traders over the country — 
Chicago — First congregations and otlier communal institutions — In- 
diana — Iowa: Polish Jews settle in Keokuk and German Jews in 
Davenport — Minnesota — Wisconsin — Congregation "Bet El" of De- 
troit, Mich. — The first "minyan" of gold seekers in San Francisco — 
"Mining congregations" — Solomon Heydenfeldt — Portland, Ore. 

The tide of immigration, which began to rise still higher than 
before in the second quarter of the nineteenth century, now con- 
sisted to a considerable part of Germans, and a goodly portion 
of them were Jews from Germany and the surrounding coun- 
tries. The official figures for the number of immigrants who 
came to the United States in 1826 are 10,837; for 1832, 60,482; 
in 1842 it rose to 104,565. The rise was very unequal, with 
marked recessions sometimes to less than half in the interven- 
ing years ; but when measured by decades the increase was con- 
stant, and after 1845 there were only two 3'ears — 1861 and 1862 
— in which the number of immigrants fell below 100,000. While 
there are no figures obtainable as to the number of Jews which 
came in those years, it is certain that they soon outnumbered 
many times the few comparatively small cominunities which 
existed before that period. The estimates made by representative 
Jews at various times, giving the number of Jews in the country 
in 1818 as 3,000, in 1826 as 6,000, in 1840 as 15,000 and in 
1848 as 50,000, are merely guesses, but they give a fair idea of 


150 History of the Jews in America. 

the estimated ratio of increase in those thirty years. The ex- 
perience of to-day is that whenever actual figures are obtained 
they prove to be in excess of the estimate made by communal 
leaders, and it is probable that the same results would be dis- 
closed in the former times, too. On the other hand, care must be 
exercised to guard against exaggerated estimates, made for va- 
rious reasons, but mainly for political effect. 

As a large part of the Jewish immigrants then took to peddling 
or other forms of trade on a small scale, it was natural for them 
to disperse ovei all the states and territories, though, as we 
shall see farther on, many settled in the larger cities, in which 
the number of Jews soon rapidly multiplied. The problem of 
congestion never arose, or could arise, among business people, 
no matter how small their business mig'ht be at the beginning. 
It arose at a later period of immigration, which brought to our 
shores large numbers of laborers, both skilled and unskilled, with 
whom living near their centers of occupation was an economic 
necessity as well as a convenience. This is why no artificial aid 
or encouragement was at that time necessary to the scattering of 
Jewish immigrants o\-er all habitable places, and why many of 
themi became pioneers and early settlers in new c&mmunities. 
The same thing happens now, too, with that small part of the 
immigrants which still take to trading as their first vocation. 

Thus we find in Chicago, the future metropolis of the great 
Middle West, a Jew by the name of J. Gottlieb, arrived within 
a year after its incorporation as a town, in 1837. Isaac Ziegler 
(1808-93), 3- peddler, came there in 1840; in the same year came 
also the brothers Benedict (d. 1854) and Nathan Shubert and 
P. Newburg, tailors. The last named became a tobacco dealer 
and later rem-oved to Cincinnati. Eened'ct Shubert became a 
leading merchant tailor and built the first brick house in Chicago, 
on Lake street, where he carried on his business for a number 
of years. About twenty Jews from Germany, including Jacob 
Rosenberg (d. 1900) and the brothers Julius, Abraham (b. in 
Bavaria, 1819; d. in Chicago, 1871) and Moses Kohn, came to 

Chicago. 151 

Chicago between 1840 and 1844, and aoout as many in the fol- 
lowing three years. A "Jewish Burial Ground Society," of which 
Isaac Wormser was president, was organized in 1845, and bought 
from the city one acre of ground on the north side (now within 
the confines of Lincoln Park) for a cemetery. It was abandoned 
in 1857, when it was already within the city limits. 

The first religions services were held in a private room above 
a store on Wells street (now Fifth A^-enue) on Yom Kippur of 
the same year, Philip Newburg and Mayer Klein ofliciating as 
leaders. Only an exact minyan or ten men attended those serv- 
ices, which had to be discontinued whenever one left the room. 
The second services, with about the same number of attendants, 
were held on Ycm Kippur, 1846, also in a private room, above 
the dry goods store of Rosenfeld & Rosenberg, 155 Lake street, 
Pliilip Newburg and Abraham Kohn officiating. A scroll of 
the Torah which the brotJiers Kohn had Ijrought with them 
from Germany was used on both occasions. 

The "Kehilat Anshe ]\Iaarab" was organized wjth about 
twentv members in 1847. L. jNL Leopold (b. in W'urtemberg, 
1821; d. in iSTew York, 1889) was the first president, and Rev. 
Ignatz Kunreuther (181 1-84) was elected rabbi, shochet and 
reader. He held the position six years, when he retired to pri- 
vate life, and later engaged in the real estate and loan business. 
The first synagogue, which was built on Clark street, between 
Adams and Quincy streets (where the new post office now 
stands), was dedicated Friday, June 13. 1851. Rev. Liebman 
Adler ( b. in Saxe-Weimar, 1812; a. 1854: d. in Chicago, 1892), 
father of the prominent architect, Dankmar Adler (1844-1900), 
was the second rabbi of the congregation, and held the position 
for more than twentv j^ears. The Hebrew Benevolent Society 
was organized in 185 1 and is still in existence. The second con- 
gregation, under the name "B'nai Sholom," consisting mostly of 
natives of Prussian-Poland, was established in 1852. The 
"Tudische Reformverein," which subsequently led to the organ- 
ization of the Sinai Congregation, was organized in 1858, with 

152 History of the Jews in America. 

Leopold Mayer as president and Dr. Bernhard Felsenthal (b. 
in Germany, 1822; d. in Chicago, Jan. 12, 1908) as secretary. 
The Hebrew Rehef Association, which later built the Michael 
Reese Hospital, the first Jewish hospital in Chicago, was insti- 
tuted in 1859. Henry Greenbaum (b. in Germany, 1833) was 
its first president. Isaac Greensfelder became treasurer, and Ed- 
ward S. Salomon, who afterwards served with distinction in the 
Civil War, was brevetted to the rank of Brigadier-General, and 
later served for four years as Governor of Washington Terri- 
tory (1871-74), was its first secretary. Salomon was elected 
Clerk of Cook County in 1861.^ 

The oldest Jewish congregation in Illinois outside of Chicago 
is that of Peoria, surnamed Anshe Emet, which was organized 
in i860. 

In the neighboring State of Indiana, which was admitted to 
the Union in 18 16, Jews began to settle about the same time as 
ill Illinois, and there are four communities which date back to 
the period before the Civil War. The oldest Jewish congre- 
gation in the state is the Achdut we-Sholom of Fort Wayne, 
which was instituted in 1848. The Congregation Ahawat 
Achim of Lafayette is but one year younger, while the congre- 
gation of Evansville dates from about the same time. The first 
Jewish settlers in Indianapolis, the capital, which now had tlie 
largest community, were Moses Woolf, and Alexander and 
Daniel Franco, who came there from England in 1849. A fam- 
ily of Hungarian Jews named Knefler arrived soon afterwards. 
Adolph Rosenthal and Dr. J. M. Rosenthal came in 1854, and 
Flerman Bamberger, who later became a leading merchant, ar- 
rived in 1855. The first congregation was organized in 1856, 
but more than a decade passed until it was housed in its own 

Jewish immigrants also soon penetrated west of Illinois, into 

^ See H. Eliassof, The Jews of Chicago, in "Publications," XI, which 
also appeared separately. 

Iowa and Minnesota. 153 

that part of the Louisiana Purchase which was orofanized as the 
Iowa Territory in 1838. Its pioneer Jew was Alexander Levi 
(b. in France, 1809) who arrived to this country in 1833 and 
kept a store in Dubuque in 1836. He was the first foreigner to 
be naturalized in Iowa, and was a justice of the peace in 18^6. 
A Mr. Samuel Jacobs was surveyor of Jefferson County in 1840, 
and Nathan Louis and Solomon Fine are mentioned as peddlers 
in Fort Madison in 1841. They settled in Keokuk and later in 
McGregor, both of which places had a number of Jews in those 
early days. It is stated (see Glazer, The Jezvs of lozva, Des 
Moines, 1905) that about one hundred Jewish peddlers arrived 
in Iowa in the decade following its admission as a state (1846). 
Burlington and Keokuk were the centers for peddlers, who were 
mostly from Poland and Russia, while most of the German Jews 
preferred Davenport, which was largely settled by Germans. 
According tO' the above-mentioned authority, the first minyaii 
was held in Keokuk in '1855, on Passover, and in that year the 
Tews of that place organized a society which later became the 
Congregation B'nai Israel. In Davenport a congregation having 
the same name was organized in 1861, which is still in existence. 
Among those who participated in public affairs was William 
Krouse (b. about 1823), who arrived in Iowa in 1843, and fur- 
thered the movement to remove the capital from Iowa City to 
Fort Des Moines, where he resided. He was the founder and 
one of the directors of the first public school in that city. His 
brother Robert was one of the earliest settlers of Davenport. 

Farther to the north, there were only individual Jewish 
traders in Minnesota before the Civil War, and the three 
brothers Samuels, from England, who had an Indian trading 
post at Taylor Falls, on the Minnesota side of the St. Croix 
River, seem to have been the first Jewish settlers in that state. 
Morris Samuels, a captain in the Union army, was one of them. 
Isaac Marks, who resided in Mankato about that time, had a 
trading post near that place. About 1857 some Jews came to 
St. Paul and engaged in general business, which likewise con- 

154 History of the Jews in America. 

sisted mostly in trading with the Indians. But there was no 
communal organization there or in any other part of the state 
until about fifteen years afterwards. 

There is a record of one Jew who resided in Green Bay, Wis- 
consin, as early as 1792. His name was Jacob Franks (see 
"Publications," IX, p. 151, ff.). But we know little of other 
Jews there prior to the time of its admission to the Union in 
1848. Shortly afterward the Congregation Bene Yeshurun was 
organized in Milwaukee by Lobl Rindskopf, Leopold Newbauer, 
Emanuel Silverman and others. Alexander Lasker and Mar- 
cus Heiman were its first cantors, in the order named. Isidor 
Kalish, M. Folk, Elias Epstein and Emanuel Gerechter later 
succeeded one another as rabbis. 

Still farther to the north, Michigan, which became a state 
eleven years before AVisconsin, received its first Jewish settlers 
about the same time. About a dozen families of Bavarian Jews 
settled in Detroit in 1848. According to an account written 
by Dr. Leo M. Franklin (b. in Cambridge City, Ind., 1870; rabbi 
of Temple Bet El, Detroit, since 1899), it was due to Isaac 
Cozens, and more especially to his wife, Sophie, with whom he 
arrived in Detroit from New York about 1850, that the Bet El 
Society was established in that year. In April, 1851, steps 
were taken to incorporate the congregation by "the undersigned 
Isfaelites of the City of Detroit for the purpose of forming a 
society to provide themselves a place of public worship, teachers 
of their religion and a burial ground, and give such society the 
name of Congregation 'Bet El'." The signatures attached to 
the petition for incorporation are those of Jacob Silberman, Solo- 
mon Bendit (d. in St. Clair, Mich., 1902), Joseph Friedman, 
Max Cohen, Adam Hirsch, Alex. Hein, Jacob Long, Aaron 
Joel Friedlander, Louis Bresler and C. F. Bresler ; an exact min- 
yan, or the minimum number, required for the formation of a 
synagogue. Like most congregations of that period. Bet El 
was Orthodox in its ritual, but it was not long before the Re- 
form spirit began to create divisions in the community. In 1861 

California. 155 

n large number of the members withdrew because of the intro- 
duction of an organ and a mixed choir into the synagogue, and 
they formed the Congregation Shnare Zedek, of which Rev. A. 
j\I. Hershman is now the rabbi. The first rabbi of Congregation 
Bet El was Rev. Samuel Marcus, and he was followed by a 
number of well known ralibis, including Liebman Adler, Isidor 
Kalish. Kaufman Kohler, Henry Zirndorf and Louis Grossman. 
A large number of Jews crossed the continent or came by 
boats from various parts of the world, along with the heavy tide 
of travel towards the Pacific Coast, when the discoveries of gold 
in California in 1849 Ijegan to attract great multitudes. There 
was a miiiyan in San Francisco on Yom Ivippur of that year 
in a tent owned by Louis Franklin. Among those who partici- 
pated were H. Joseph and Joel Xoah, a brother of Alordecai M. 
Noah. The organization of the Jewish community was com- 
pleted between July and October of the following year, when 
two congregations came into existence about the same time. The 
Shearit Israel congregation, which comprised the Polish and Eng- 
lish elements, was organized in August, 1850, under the leader- 
ship of Israel Solomons. The Germans and Americans united in 
the Congregation Emanuel, the name of whose president, Eman- 
uel J\I. Berg, is signed on a contract dated September i, 1850, for 
the renting of a room on Bush street, below Montgomery, as a 
place of worship. About a dozen "mining congregations" 
sprang up in as many different places in California in the fol- 
lowing ten years ; Sonora had a Hebrew Benevolent Society as 
early as 185 1 ; Stockton, a Congregation Re'im Ahubim in 1853. 
In Los Angeles the founding of a benevolent society was brought 
about by Carvalho, a Sephardic Jew, who was a member of 
General Fremont's expedition. Religious services were held 
there in 1852. In Nevada City a Hebrew Society was organ- 
ized in 1855, which numbered twenty members about two years 
later. In Jackson a congregation was organized for the autumn 
holidays in 1856, and it erected the first synagogue in the min- 
ino- districts. The building still stands, but it is used for other 

155 History of the Jews in America. 

purposes, as the Jews have left the place long ago. Fiddletown, 
Grass Valley, Shasta, Folsom, Marysville and Jesu Maria all 
had temporary congregations which did not long survive the 
"gold fever." (See "Jewish Encyclopedia," s. v., California.) 
Sacramento is the only place in the state outside of San Francisco 
which has Jewish organizations — a congregation and two soci- 
eties, which originated in this period. 

A majority of the Jews from the mining communities who 
did not return to the East finally drifted into San Francisco, 
which from the beginning had the largest and most important 
Jewish community of the Pacific Coast. The foremost among 
the Jews who attained eminence in the new state, which was 
admitted into the Union in 1850, was Solomon Heydenfeldt 
(b. in Charleston, S. C, in 1816; d. in San Francisco, 1890). 
He removed to Alabama at the age of twenty-one, where he 
was admitted to the bar and practiced law for a number of years 
in Tallapoosa County. He was obliged tO' leave the state on ac- 
count of his views on the slavery question, and came to San 
Francisco in 1850. He was elected Associate Justice of the Su- 
preme Court of California two years later and held the office with 
distinction from 1852 to 1857. His brother Elkan and Isaac 
Cardozo were members of the Legislature of California in 1852, 
while another Jew, Henry A. Lyons, was also a member of the 
Supreme Court of the state about that time. A. C. Labatt, one 
of the pioneers, was an alderman of San Francisco in 185 1, 
v.-hen Samuel Marx was United States appraiser of the port and 
Joseph Shannon was county treasurer. Many Jews who began 
their careers in San Francisco later became eminent merchants 
and financiers, like the four brothers Seligman, the three brothers 
Lazard, the Glaziers ard the AVormsers, all of whom settled 
later in New York. Michael Reese, one of the extensive realty 
brokers ; Moritz Friedlander, who later became one of the largest 
grain dealers in the country; and Adolph Sutro, the engineer, 
were also among those whose modest beginnings belong to 
that period. To the same class belong also Louis SIoss and 

Portland, Oregon. 157 

Lewis Gerstle, who later founded the Alaska Commercial 

\A'hat may be considered as an overflow of the Jewish immi- 
gration to California reached Oregon about a decade before it 
attained statehood in 1859. Most of the first Jewish settlers, 
who originally came from various parts of Southern Germany, 
arrived in Oregon from New York and other eastern states by 
way of Panama and California, and settled principally in Port- 
land. Its first congregation. Bet Israel, was organized in 1858, 
the founders being Leopold Mayer, M. Mansfield, B. Simon, 
Abraham Frank, Jacob Mayer, H. F Bloch, Samuel Levy and 
others. Rev. H. Bories was the first Hazan and Rev. Dr. Julius 
Eckman the first rabbi and preacher. He was succeeded by 
Rev. Dt. Isaac Schwab, who later went to St. Joseph, Mo. A 
burial society, or cemetery association, was organized some time 
before and the first benevolent society about a year later. The Jew- 
ish community of Portland has practically remained the only one 
in the state to this day, and though not large numerically, it 
has been from the beginning one of the most influential and 
important of the Jewish communities of the country. A pro- 
portionately larger number of Portland Jews have been elevated 
to high positions in the service of the city, state and nation than 
those of any other community. But they mostly belong to a later 
period which will be treated in a subsequent part of this work. 




The first settler in 1821 — Adolphus Sterne, who fought against Mexico 
and later served in the Texan Congress — David S. Kaufman — Sur- 
geon-General Levj' in the army of Sam Houston — A Jew as the first 
meat "packer" in America — Alajor Leon Dyer and his brother Isa- 
dore — Mayor Seeligsohn of Galveston (1853) — One Jew laid out 
Waco; Castro County is named after another — Belated communal 
and religious activities — The War with Mexico, in which only a 
small number of Jews served — David Camden de Leon and his 
brother Edwin, U. S. Consul-General in Egypt. 

The history of the Jews of Texas begins at the time when the 
largest state of the American Union was still a part of ^lexico. 
The first Jewish settler of whom any record is preserved was 
Samuel Isaacs, who came there from the United States in 1821 
with Austin's first colony of three hundred. He received a Span- 
ish grant of land as a colonist, and is later mentioned once more 
as the recipient of a bounty warrant for 320 acres of land, lo- 
cated in Polk county, for services in the arm)' of Texas in 
[836-37. When Abraham Cohen Uabatt (b. in Charleston, S. 
C, in 1802; d. in Texas after 1894), who has been mentioned in 
the preceding chapter, visited Velasco, Texas, in 1831, he found 
there two Jews — Jacob Henry from England and Jacob Lyors 
from Charleston — who had been there for some years engaged 
in business. When the former of the two died without issue he 
left his fortune for the building of a hospital at that seaport 


Sterne and Kaufman in Texas. 159 

Adolphus Sterne (b. in Cologne, Germany, i8oi; d. in New 
Orleans, 1852) was one of the first settlers in Nacogdoches, in 
the eastern portion of Texas, where he came from New Or- 
leans in 1824. He knew several European languages and soon 
mastered various Indian dialects, which made him very useful 
to the insurgents against Mexican rule, whose cause he espoused. 
He was sentenced to death for his share in the Fredonian war 
against Mexico. He was saved by a general amnesty which had 
been declared by that time, and took an oath of allegiance to the 
INIexican government, which he kept faithfully until Texas be- 
came an independent republic in 1836. After having been Al- 
calde and official interpreter' under the old order, he served in 
both the upper and the lower houses of the Texas Congress. 
Dr. Joseph Hertz came with his brother Hyman to Nacogdoches 
about 1832; Simon Schloss (b. in Frankfort-on-the-Main, 1812) 
came there in 1836. David S. Kaufman (b. in Cumberland 
County, Pa., in 1813: d. in W'ashington, D. C, 1851), a grad- 
uate of Princeton College, came there from Louisiana in 1837. 
In 1838 he was elected a Representative in the Texas Congress; 
was twice re-elected and was twice chosen Speaker of the House. 
In 1843 he was elected to the Senate, where, in 1844, as a mem- 
ber of the Committee on Foreign Relations, he presented a 
leport in favor of annexation to the United States. When this 
plan was carried out he was elected one of the first members of 
the House of Representatives from Texas, serving from 1846 
until his death five years afterwards. Albert Emanuel (b. 1808) 
came there from Germany in 1834, and was one of the first vol- 
unteers in the Texas army, serving in the battle of San Jacinto. 
He later settled in New Orleans, where he died in 185 1. Samuel 
]\Iass (who married a sister of Offenbach, the composer) and 
Simon Weiss were two other natives of Germany who settled in 
Nacogdoches about that time. Four Jews are known to have 
fought at Goliad under Fannin (March 26, 1836), one of whom, 
Edward J. Johnson (b. in Cincinnati, O., 1816) was slain, to- 
gether with his chief, after the surrender to the Mexicans. 

160 History of the Jews in America. 

Moses Albert Levy served as surgeon-general in Sam Hous- 
ton's army throughout the Texas-Mexican war. Dr. Isaac 
Lyons, of Charleston, served as surgeon-general under General 
Tom' Green in the war of 1836. Among other Jews who ren- 
dered notable service to the Republic of Texas were the brothers 
Leon and Isadore Dyer, natives of Germany, who, at an earhr 
age, came with their parents to Baltimore, where the older 
Dyer founded a meat-packing establishment, which is said to 
have been the first in America. Leon Dyer (b. 1807; d. in 
Louisville, Ky., J883), who settled in New Orleans, was quarter- 
master-general of the state militia of Louisiana in 1836, when 
Texas called for aid in her struggle for independence. With 
several hundred other citizens of New Orleans, he responded, 
and, coming to Galveston, he received a commission as major in 
the Texas forces, signed by the first President, Burnett. The 
Louisiana contingent was assigned to the force of General Green, 
and saw much active service. Major Dyer also served on the 
guard which took General Santa Anna, the captive President 
of Mexico, from Galveston to Washington in the following year. 
His brother, Isadore Dyer (b. 1813; d. in Waukesha, Wis., 
1888), settled in Galveston as a merchant in 1840, and was one 
of its public spirited citizens. He was one of the earliest grand 
masters of the Order of Odd Fellows in Texas. The first Jew- 
ish religious services in Galveston were held at his house in 1856. 

Henry Seeligsohn (b. in Philadelphia, 1828; d. 1886) came 
to Texas in 1839, and was elected first lieutenant of the Gal- 
veston Cadets, an organization composed of young boys, which 
rendered efficient service. Plis father was Michael Seeligsohn 
(d. 1868), who was elected Mayor of Galveston in 1853. Levi 
Myers (sometimes also called Levi Charles or Qiarles Levi) 
Harby (b. in Georgetown, S. C, 1793; d. in Galveston, 1870), 
who was a midshipman in the United States Navy in 1812 and 
was taken prisoner by the British, also participated in the Texan 
war of independence. A. Wolf was killed in the battle of Ala- 
mo in 1836, and his name is inscribed on the Alamo monument at 

De Cordova and Castro. 161 

Austin. Jacob de Cordova (b. in Spanish Town, Jamaica, 1808; 
d. in Texas, 1868) removed to Galveston from New Orleans in 
1837 and was the founder of several newspapers, represented 
Harris county in the Texas Legislature in 1847, and laid out 
the city of Waco in 1849. Henry Castro (b. in France, 1786; 
d. in Monterey, Mexico, 1861), a descendant of a wealthy Mar- 
rano family, entered, in 1842, into a contract with President Sam 
Houston of Texas to settle a colony west of the Medina. Hous- 
ton also appointed him consul-general in France for the Repub- 
lic of Texas. Between 1843 ^nd 1846 Castro sent to Texas about 
5,000 emigrants from the Rhenish provinces, who settled in the 
towns of Castroville, Ouihi, Vandenburgh and O'Harris. Castro 
county, in northwest Texas, was named in honor of this early 
promoter of immigration to Texas, who sank large sums in the 

There was little communal and religious activity in the stir- 
ring times of the early development of Texas, and the first com- 
munal organizations appeared a considerable time after Jews set- 
tled in some localities. The first Jewish cemetery in Texas was 
established in Houston in 1844, where the first synagogue in the 
state was built exactly ten years later. The Jews of Galveston 
acquired their first burial ground in 1852 ; religious services 
were held since Yom Kippur 1856, but no congregation was 
organized until twelve years later. In San Antonio almost 
twenty years passed between the acquisition of a cemetery 
(1854) and the organization of the first congregation. All the 
other Jewish communities in the rapidly growing state date their 
foundation from a later period.' 

The war with Mexico, which began in 1846, was the least pop- 
ular of all the wars in which the United States has engaged, 

' See the papers contributed by Rev. Henry Cohen, of Galveston, 
Tex,, to the "Publications," Vols. II, IV, V, on the Jews of Texas (the 
last being on Henry Castro) and his article "Texas" in the Jewish En- 
cyclopedia, Vol. XII. 

162 History of the Jews in America. 

and this probably accounts for the small number of Jews who 
volunteered to participate in what was practically' an attack on a 
weak neighbor. The number of Jews in the country was now 
more than ten times as large as in the time of the wars with 
England ; but there are only about a dozen more names in the 
list of the Jewish soldiers of the Mexican war (in the above-men- 
tioned work of Mr. Simon \A'olf) than in the list of the year 
1812. New York now had the largest Jewish community, and 
was represented by no less than fifteen in that small band of less 
than sixty, in which there was only one from Pennsylvania 
(Gabriel Dropsie, Co. E, ist Regiment), one from New Jersey 
(Sergeant Alexander B. AA^einberg) and five from ^laryland. 
The others were mostly from the South, a large proportion of 
them having participated in the earlier struggle between Texas 
and Mexico. 

The most prominent Jewish soldier of the Mexican war was 
David Camden de Leon (b. in South Carolina, 1813; d. in Santa 
Fe, N. M., 1872). He graduated as a physician from the Uni- 
versity of Pennsylvania in 1836 and two years later entered the 
United States army as an assistant surgeon. He served with dis- 
tinction in the Seminole war of 1835-42, which was the 
most bloody and stubborn of all wars against Indian tribes. 
For several years afterwards he was stationed on the Western 
frontier. He served throughout the Mexican war and was pres- 
ent at most of the battles. At Chapultepec he earned the sobri- 
quet of "the Fighting Doctor," and on two occasions led a charge 
of cavalry after the commanding officer had been killed or 
wounded. He twice received the thanks of Congress for his dis- 
tinguished services and for his gallantry in action. He was after- 
wards again assigned to frontier duty, and in 1856 became sur- 
geon, with the rank of major. Like most Southern officers in the 
regular army, de Leon resigned his commission at the outbreak 
of the Civil war and joined the Confederacy, for whose govern- 
m.ent he organized the medical department, becoming its first 
surgeon-general. Edwin de Leon (b. in Columbus, S. C, 1818; 

Jews in the Mexican War. 163 

d. 1891), the journalist and author, who was appointed by Presi- 
dent Pierce consul-general to Egypt, and was later a confidential 
agent of the Confederate States in Europe, was a brother of 
David C. de Leon. 

Leon Dyer and Henry Seeligsohn, whose participation in the 
struggles of Texas was described at the beginning of this chap- 
ter, also served as officers in the war with Mexico. The names 
of Captain Michael Styfft, who served on the staff of General 
Zachary Taykir, and of Lieutenant-Colonel Israel Moses, who 
was promoted from the rank of assistant-surgeon, have also been 
preserved. Among those who were killed in action was Sergeant 
Abraham Adler of the New York Volunteers. 



Political liberalism and religious radicalism of the German Jewish im- 
migrant — The struggle with Orthodoxy hardly more than an an- 
imated controversy — No attempt made here by the Temple to swal- 
low the Synagogue, as was the case in Germany — The first Reform- 
ers of Charleston, S. C. — Isaac Leeser, the conservative leader, the 
first to make a serious effort to adjust Judaism to American sur- 
roundings — Dr. Max Lilienthal — Isaac M. Wise, the energetic or- 
ganizer of Reform Judaism — Dr. David Einhorn — Dr. Samuel Adler 
— Bernhard Felsenthal — Samuel Hirsch. 

The Jewish immigrants, who were penetrating into various 
parts of the country in that period, formed only a portion of the 
new arrivals. The bulk of them, as in later times, remained in 
the East, principally in New York City, where not less than ten 
new congregations were established in the second cjuarter of the 
nineteenth century. While the proportion of those unaffiliated 
with a synagogue was probably smaller then than it is now, the 
tendency to establish very small synagogues was also less, so 
that the existence of a dozen congregations in New York about 
the year 1850 may denote a larger Jewish population at that 
time than an equal or even a larger number would imply at the 
present time. It would also not be safe to insist that there were 
not at that time in existence several congregations whose names 
were not preserved on account of their insignificance or for other 

The German element, which predominated in this second period 
of Jewish immigration, was mostly under the influence of the 


Influence of German Liberalism. 165 

liberalism, which was then prevalent in Germany. But the polit- 
ical liberal of central Europe at that time found in the United 
States all, and in some respects more than, he was striving for 
in the Old Country, including- that national unity which was then 
only a pious dream in Germany. Aside from the question of 
slavery, which was not yet acute in the North at the beginning of 
that period, the German liberal found here all his ideals realized : 
perfect equality for all white men without distinction of creed or 
rationality; absolute freedom of speech and of the press; more 
individual liberty and better opportunities for work, for trade and 
for enterprise than could be thought of in the localities from 
which he came. It was natural for most of them to sympathize 
with the abolitionist movement, and later they were among the 
first to join the newly formed Republican party. But even the 
political radical or revolutionary of the other side of the ocean 
had little to object to in the democracy which he found here 
iaWy developed, and he soon became a patriotic, and to some ex- 
tent a conservative, American citizen. 

It was different in regard to the religious liberalism or radi- 
calism which was then occupying the minds of the Jews of Ger- 
many. The conditions in that country made religious reform one 
of the burning questions of the day among them ; some saw in 
its adoption a sure means of obtaining the much coveted political 
emancipation, while others thought it the only protection against 
the frightfully increasing number of conversions which were then 
occurring. Orthodox Judaism was certainly losing ground in 
Germany at that time, and it was difficult to foresee where it would 
stop or how much of it would remain. Wherever there was a strug- 
gle between the old order of things in religious matters and the 
new, the latter was certain to prevail. Within a few decades 
the real old style Orthodoxy almost totally disappeared from 
most parts of Germany, retaining a foothold only in the province 
of Posen and in isolated localities like Mayence a'xl Frankfort -on- 
the-Main. Elsewhere even those who did not join the extreme 
reformers adopted a conservatism which was far from the old 

166 History of the Jews in America. 

Orthodoxy. The bulwark of Orthodoxy — the poor Jewish 
masses — was itself disappearing : the old style rabbis who sur- 
vived were in despair, and when they died modern German 
preachers were chosen to fill their places. It seemed as if the 
temple was swallowing the synagogue, and the religious radical 
v.'as victorious decades before the political radical obtained even 
a part of what he desired. 

The conditions in this country were entirely different. Eman- 
cipation had been achieved, and there was practically no Jewish 
question as far as the outside world was concerned. There were 
no wholesale desertions from the camp of Judaism, but that slow 
drifting away of a part of- the wealthier class, which is not an 
unusual phenomenon wherever and whenever there is no legal 
restriction or stubborn prejudice to prevent gradual assimilation. 
There was also a steady replenishment, or rather an augmenta- 
tion, of the poorer Orthodox classes, among whom the Polish 
and Russian element was steadily increasing, a prejudice which 
is almost national keeping them apart from the Germans, who were 
rapidly advancing in wealth, social and political position, as well 
as in religious radicalism. The old American element which re- 
mained true to traditional Judaism, the considerable part of the 
Germans who would not accept reform, and the masses of later 
arrivals, gave to Orthodox Judaism in America a strength which 
it never possessed in Germany after the close of the eighteenth 
century. The steady increase in immigration from the Slavic 
countries easily filled up the places of those whose improved ma- 
terial and social condition caused them to drop out of the ranks 
cf the Orthodox; just as those who rose to wealth and joined the 
leformers filled up the places left vacant by those who advanced 
beyond Reform Judaism into that complete assimilation into 
which it must lead those of its devotees who emphasize its pro- 
gressive side and neglect the eternal and historical sides. 

These conditions reduced the struggle between Orthodoxy and 
Reform to something hardly above an animated controversy in 
the denominational periodicals, and its historical value consists 

Religious Radicalism. 167 

chiefly as an indicator of material progress. There was no class- 
struggle between the wealthy Jews and their poorer brethren who 
came after them in increasingly larger numbers, and there was 
no real conflict between the former's and the latter's religious 
views for the same reason. Accession to the ranks of wealth 
usually meant affihation with a Reform congregation, where the 
poor man could not afford to join and would not be welcome if 
he came. Whi)e several of the young enthusiasts who came over 
permeated with the fighting spirit of the German reformers 
might have thought at the beginning of continuing the struggle 
in the Old-World fashion until the "enemy" was annihilated, it 
did not take them long to discover the futility of such efforts. 
1 he task of Reform Judaism in America was plainly not to con- 
Cjuer the Orthodox synagogue or to win recruits from the ranks' 
of those who wished to remain faithful to traditional Judaism, 
but to enroll under its banner the affluent American or Ameri- 
canized Jews who were on the point of drifting away altogether. 
The view of the extremely conservative, who considered these re- 
formers as already lost to Judaism, has been shared by a large 
majority of the Jews of the United States for the last sixty or 
seventy years. But aside from condemning public declarations 
which were ofl'ensive to the Orthodox spirit and which were occa- 
sionally made by reformed bodies or by their conspicuous repre- 
sentatives, the Orthodox masses have, as usual, displayed more 
fortitude than aggressiveness in religious matters. This accounts 
for the presence of numerous leaders, agitators and organizers in 
the Reform camp, where newly assumed positions had to be de- 
fended to one's own satisfaction even if there was no formidable 
attack; while Orthodoxy easily held its own by force of increas- 
ing numbers, even if its tenacity was relaxed by the stress of 

The autonomy of congregation, whi:.! is a characteristic fea- 
ture of new Jewish settlements, and which remained permanently 
in a country where there are no general laws about religion and 
no special relations with the government to force on the Jews 

168 History of the Jews in America. 

official representatives, was also favorable to the spread of Re- 
fonu. Still, the first attempt which was made in Charleston, 
S. C, in 1824, to imitate the Reform movement of Germany wa.s 
a failure. The "Reformed Society of Israelites," which was estab- 
lished there in that year by twelve former members of the Con- 
gregation Eet Elohim, who left the latter religious body because 
a memorial for the reformation of the ritual was rejected by 
the vestry without discussion, had but a brief existence. But 
Charleston was losing its comparative importance and was at- 
tracting less Jewish immigration than the northern seaport com- 
munities. So there was a continual drifting away into^ indif- 
ference, and when a new synagogue was built to replace the one 
which was destroyed by the great conflagration of 1838, the pe- 
tition of thirty-eight members that an organ be placed in the new 
structure, was granted. There was again a split in the congre- 
gation, which did not become united until it was greatly reduced 
by the ravages of the Civil War. 

It was the rabbi of the Charleston congregation (Gustav Poz- 
nanski), a man imbued with the spirit of the Reform Temple of 
Hamburg, who decided, as an authority on Jewish matters, that 
an organ in the synagogue was permissible according to religious 
liuW. Tliis is typical of numerous later cases in which an autono- 
n:ous congregation, subject to no other religious authority and 
not connected with any other religious body, accepted the author- 
ity of its own rabbi to modify its ritual and its religious practices 
in accordance with his personal views or inclinations. Several 
other "Reform Vereine" in the East and the Middle West had a 
more lasting success, because they obtained able and energetic 
leaders from among the young German scholars who came over 
at that time, and who were, so to speak, in duty bound to con- 
tinue the spread of Reform in their new home. But curiously 
enough, and perhaps emblematic of the ultimate course of Ameri- 
can Judaism, the first real and successful attempt to adjust Ju- 
daism to its surroundings in the United States was not made 
by an adherent of the Reform movement, but by its strongest and 

Rabbi Isaac Leeser 


Rabbi Isaac Leeser. 171 

ablest opponent which this country has developed. Long before 
the new leaders of that movement arrived and began to spread 
tlieir ideas and ideals in the German language, there arose a 
vig-orous and diligent pioneer who introduced the English ser- 
mon in the American synagogue, who established the first in- 
fluential Jewish periodical, a man whose strong intellect and or- 
ganizing abilities left their impress on the Jewish community of 
the entire country — Rabbi Isaac Leeser. 

He was born in Neuenkirchen, Prussia, in 1806, and received 
his secular education in the gymnasium of Miinster. But he was 
i-lso instructed in Hebrew and was well versed in several tractates 
of the Talmud, when he left for the United States at the age of 
eighteen. He came to this country in May, 1824, and settled 
in Richmond, Va., being employed in the business of his uncle, 
Zalma Rehine, for the following five years. He went to a school 
for a short time, but studied much in his leisure hours, increasing 
not only his secular knowledge but also his acquaintance with 
Jewish lore. He early evinced interest in religious affairs, and 
was soon assisting Rev. Isaac B. Seixas (1782-1839), of the 
Portuguese Congregation of Richmond, in teaching religious 
classes. In 1828 an article in the "London Quarterly" reflect- 
irg on the Jews was answered by Leeser in the columns of the 
"Richmond Whig" and attracted considerable attention on ac- 
count of its excellence. This ultimately led to his being elected 
Minister of Congregation Mickweh Israel in Philadelphia in 

He came to Philadelphia in that year and resided there for 
the remainder of his life. Pie preached his first English sermon 
in 1830 and in the same year appeared his translation of Johlson's 
"Instruction in the Mosaic Religion." In the following ten years 
appeared several volumes of his articles and discourses, a Hebrew, 
Spelling Book, and a Catechism. In T843 he established "The 
Occident and American Jewish Advocate," which he edited for 
twenty-five years, until his death, when it was continued for one 
year longer by Mr. (now Judge) Mayer Sulzberger, who had 

172 History of the Jews in America. 

latterly assisted Rabbi Leeser in its direction. In 1845 appeared 
his translation of the Bible, which "became an authorized version 
for the Jews of America." Besides writing, editing and trans- 
lating, he visited various parts of the United States, where he 
lectured on divers topics relating to Judaism, always advocating 
and spreading that enlightened conservatism for which he con- 
sistently stood all his life. 

The Hebrew Education Society, the Board of Hebrew Minis- 
ters, and the Jewish Hospital of Philadelphia owe their founda- 
tion to his active efforts; and he also advocated a union of all 
the Jewish charities of that city, which was consummated some 
years after his decease. The Board of Delegates of American 
Israelites, the first American Jewish Publication Society and the 
Maimonides College (of which he was the first president) were 
also created mostly through his influence. 

After serving twenty-one years at the Mickweh Israel syna- 
gogue. Rabbi Leeser retired in 1850 and held no clerical positioa 
until 1857, when the Bet El Emet Congregation was organized 
by a number of his friends. He became its rabbi, continuing until 
his death, on February i, 1868. The opinion that he was "the 
n'ost distinguished of Hebrew spiritual guides in this country"^ 
IS hardly exaggerated. 

The first among the prominent leaders of the Reform move- 
ment to arrive in this country was Dr. Max Lilienthal (b. in 
Munich, Bavaria, 1815; d. in Cincinnati, O., 1882). He played 
an important part in the attempt of the Russian Government to 
spread secular knowdedge among the Jews of that country by 
drastic means; but when he seemed to be at the height of his 
career he suddenly left Russia under circumstances which have 
never been thoroughly explained, and came to the United States 
in 1845. Settling in New York he first became the rabbi of the 
Congregation Anshe Chesed on Norfolk street, and later of 
Sha'ar ha-Shomayyim, on Attorney street. These were Ortho- 

' Henry S. Morais, The Jews of Philadelphia, p. 45. 

Dr. Isaac M. "Wise. 


Lilienthal and Wise. 175 

dox congregations, and there was considerable friction between 
the religious members and the rabbi, who was inclined towards 
Reform. He gave up the rabinate in 1850 and established an 
educational institute, at the same time becoming one of the most 
active spirits in the "Verein der Lichtfreunde," a society formed 
in 1849 for the discussion and spreading of the teachings of Re- 
iorm. In 1855 ^^ was elected rabbi of the Congregation Bene 
Israel, of Cincinnati, O., and held the position until his death. 
He wrote many articles and several works of prose and poetry, 
both in German and in English, and was an active communal 
worker, a teacher, and even participated in the municipal affairs 
of Cincinnati, serving as a member of the Board of Education, as 
a director of the Relief Union and of the univci ^ity board. But 
he was eclipsed and practically reduced to the position of assist- 
ant to the man who surpassed him as a leader and organizer, and 
who became the recognized head of the reformed Jews of the 

This man was Isaac Mayer Wise (b. in Bohemia, 1819; d. in 
Cincinnati, 1900), who came to this country in the summer of 
1846 and after a brief stay in New York became the rabbi of 
Congregation Bet El of Albany (organized 1838), the first, and 
then the only, congregation of that city. He had received an old- 
fashioned rabbinical education at home, but he soon developed 
here into a radical reformer and introduced in his synagogue 
many novel features and practices, often in the face of strong 
opposition. A split in the community followed, in 1850, and his 
followers organized a new congregation, the Anshe Emet, of 
which he remained rabbi for four years. In 1854 he was chosen 
rabbi of Congregation Bene Yeshurun in Cincinnati, and held the 
position for the remaining forty-six years of his life. He estab- 
lished there "The Israelite" (now "The American Israelite") 
soon after his arrival in Cincinnati, and through this organ he 
advocated, with much energy, his ideas of Reform and the plans 
of organization which he succeeded in carrying out, after many 
failures and setbacks, about twenty years later, when the time 

176 History of the Jews in America. 

for unification and organization had arrived. He also established, 
in 1855, a German weekly, the "Deborah," by means of which he 
reached a part of the Jewish public which did not read English. 
He wrote much for his periodicals, and was also the author of 
numerous books on theological and historical subjects, and also 
several novels, and even two plays (in German). But his chief 
strength was his ability as an organizer. The Union of American 
Hebrew Congregations, the Hebrew Union College (opened 
1875) and the Central Conference of American Rabbis (organ- 
ized 1889) owe their existence to him. 

David Einhorn (b. in Bavaria, 1809; d. in New York, 1879), 
who came to America in his mature years, had played a some- 
what prominent part in the Reform movement in Germany, where 
he held several important rabbinical positions. His scholarly at- 
tainments were of a high order; but he was even more radical 
than Wise and Lilienthal, whom he strongly opposed soon after 
his arrival to this country in 1855. He became in that year the 
rabbi of Har Sinai Congregation in Baltimore, Md. (organized 
in 1843), '^''"i soon afterward he began to issue there a monthly 
magazine in German under the name of "Sinai," in which he ad- 
vocated his views of Reform. In 1861 Einhorn was compelled 
to leave Baltimore on account of his anti-slavery views, which 
he courageously expressed despite the local sympathy with the 
South. He went to Philadelphia, where he became rabbi of 
Kenesset Israel, removing to New York in 1866, where he became 
tl.e rabbi of Congregation Adath Yeshurun, a position which he 
held until a short time before his death. In later years he be- 
came reconciled to his former opponents in the Reform camp, 
and was the leading spirit in the rabbinical conference which was 
held in Philadelphia in 1869. 

Dr. Samuel Adler (b. in Worms, Germany, 1809; d. in New 
York, 1891) was a preacher and assistant rabbi in his native city 
until 1842, when he became rabbi of Alzey, Rhine Hesse, and 
remained there about fifteen years. He also participated in the 
rabbinical conferences in Germany, in which the Reform move- 

Adler, Gottheil and Felsenthal. 177 

ment was to some extent systematized; and he was considered 
one of its representatives there when he was called, in 1857, 10 
bcome rabbi of Congregation Emanuel of New York. This was 
the first avowedly Reform congregation in the city, and has since 
become the wealthiest Jewish congregation in the country. It 
was organized in 1845. Its first place of worship was a private 
house on the corner of Clinton and Grand streets, and its first 
rabbi-preacher, L. Merzbacher (d. 1856) began his duties at a 
salary of $2CO per annum. Dr. Adler was brought as his suc- 
cessor, and held the position until he was retired as rabbi emeritus 
in 1874, being succeeded by Dr. Gustav Gottheil (b. in Pinne, 
Prussian-Poland, 1827; d. in New York, 1903). Adler was in 
his time practically the only Reform rabbi in New York, and 
neither his disposition, which was that of a scholarly retired man, 
nor the local circumstances, which were influenced by the fact 
that the Poles and Russians had a large majority even in the 
supposedly German period, were favorable to the spread of Re- 
form. He was the possessor of a large library of rabbinica, 
which was after his death presented by his family to the Hebrew 
Union College. Dr. Felix Adler (b. in Alzey, 1851), the founder 
of the Society for Ethical Culture, is his second son. 

The last of the American pioneer Reform rabbis whose activi- 
ties date back to the time before the outbreak of the Civil War 
was Bernhard Felsenthal (b. in German}^, 1822; d. in Chicago, 
1908). ^^l^iIe originally intended for a secular career, he was 
a thorough Talmudical scholar, and for a decade before he came 
to this country (in 1854) he was a teacher in a Jewish congrega- 
tional school. After three years spent in Madison, Ind., as rabbi 
and teacher, he removed to Chicago, where he became an em- 
ployee of a Jewish banking firm. In 1858 the Jiidische Reform- 
verein of Chicago was formed, with Felsenthal as its secretary 
and guiding spirit. In the following year he published a pam- 
phlet in favor of Reform which attracted much attention : and two 
years later, after the Reformverein developed into Sinai Con- 
gregation, he became its first rabbi. In 1864 he took charge of 

178 History of the Jews in America. 

Zion Congregation, the second Reform congregation of Chicago, 
and held the position until he was retired as rabbi emeritus, in 
1887. While he was theoretically an extreme radical in religious 
matters, his extensive knowledge of rabbinical literature and his 
love for Jewish learning, added to his generous disposition and 
real affection for Jewish scholars of the old type, helped to make 
his relations with the Orthodox Jews more pleasant than in the 
case of other representative rabbis of his class. He was prob- 
ably the only Reform rabbi in this country who was really be- 
loved among the masses of the immigrants from the Slavic coun- 
tries, and he thus exemplified a possibility of a better understand- 
ing between the different wings of American Judaism, which was 
tlien, and partly still is, by many considered difficult of accom- 

Samuel Hirsch (b. in Rhenish Prussia, 1815; d. in Chicago, 
1889) belonged to this group, although he did not arrive in 
America until 1866, after having served as chief rabbi of Luxem- 
bourg for nearly a quarter of a century. He succeeded David 
Einhorn in Philadelphia, where he remained for twenty-two 
years. After retiring from the ministry he removed to Chicago, 
where he spent his last days with his son. Dr. Emil G. Hirsch (b. 
in Luxembourg, 1852), the eminent preacher and professor of 
rabbinical literature at the University of Chicago. Samuel 
Hirsch belonged to the extreme wing of radical reformers, and 
was one of the first to advocate the holding of special services in 
the Temple on Sunday. His chief work was written in Germany, 
"Die Religionsphilosophie der Juden" (Leipsic, 1842), of which 
only one part appeared. It is an effort to explain Judaism from 
the Hegelian point of view, but as it was written long before he 
arrived in this country, it has no interest for American Jewish 
history except, perhaps, as an instance of the influence of the Ger- 
man method of abstract theorizing on the uncompromising rad- 
ical pioneers of the American Reform movement. 



"The poor Jews of Elm street and the rich Jews of Crosby street" — 
Rabbis Samuel M. Isaacs, Morris J. Raphall and Jacques J. Lyons — 
Sabato Morais — Kalish and Hiibsch, the moderate reformers — Ben- 
jamin Szold — Dr. Marcus Jastrow's career in three countries — 
Alexander Kohut — Russian Orthodoxy asserts itself in New York, 
and the Bet ha-Midrash ha-Godol is founded in 1852 — Rabbi Abra- 
ham Joseph Ash and his various activities — Charity work which re- 
mains subordinate to religious work in the synagogue. 

In New York, too, it was not a radical appealing to a wealthy 
congregation, but a conservative in a neighborhood where the 
poorer Jews dwelt, who first introduced the English sermon in 
the synagogue. Reference is made by a correspondent from, New 
York (see "Orient," 1840, p. 371) to "the poor Jews of Elm 
street and the rich Jews of Crosby street" in that period; and it 
was; characteristically enough, in the synagogue of the Bene 
Yeshurun, then situated at Elm street, that the innovation was 
made. Samuel Mayer Isaacs (b. in Leeuwarden, Holland, 1804; 
d. in New York, 1878), the son of a Dutch banker who removed 
to England, was called to the rabbinate of that congregation in 
1839. When members who seceded from that synagogue formed 
the Congregation Sha'are Tefilah, in 1847, Rabbi Isaacs went 
with them and remained with his new charge until his death. 
He was an able exponent of conservative Judaism and was the 
founder of the "Jewish Messenger" (1857), which was continued 
after his demise by his son. Professor Abraham Samuel Isaacs 


180 History of the Jews in America. 

(b. in New York, 1852), until 1902, when it was merged with 
another Jewish periodical. Like Leeser, Rabbi Isaacs was a 
good organizer, and influenced the foundation of various Jewish 

His successor as rabbi of the Elm street congregation was 
Rabbi Morris Jacob Raphall (b. in Stockholm, Sweden, 1798; 
d. in New York, 1868), who was, like Isaacs, also the son 
of a banker. Raphall was a linguist and a good rabbinical 
scholar, and while in England he delivered lectures on He- 
brew poetry, and also began there the publication of the "Hebrew 
Review and Magazire of Rabbir.ical Literature," which was dis- 
continued in 1836. For some time he acted as secretary to Solo- 
mon Herschell (1762-1842); he also made translations from 
Maimonides, Albo and Wessely; he participated in the transla- 
tion of part of the Mishna, and began a translation of the Pent- 
eteuch, of which one volume appeared. After being for eight 
years minister of the Birmingham Synagogue, he sailed for New 
York in 1849, ^""J remained with the Bene Yeshurun un'il 
shortly before his death. Raphall was tlie only prominent North- 
ern rabbi who defended the institution of slavery in the pulpit, 
as well as in one of his works, entitled "Bible View of Slavery." 

Rev. Jacques Judah Lyons (b. in Surinam, 1814; d. in New 
York, 1877), who was a rabbi in his native city for several years, 
came to the United States in 1837, went to Richmond, Va., 
where he was minister of the Congregation Bene Shalom for 
two years, came to New York in 1839, and became rabbi of tue 
Spanish and Portuguese Congregation, which had removed from 
Mill street to Crosby street in 1834. He held the position thirty- 
eight years," successfully combating every movement to change 
the form of worship in his congregation." 

Leeser's successor in the pulpit of Mickweh Israel in Philadel- 
phia was also a prominent conservative, Sabato Morals (b. in 
Leghorn, Italy, 1823; d. in Philadelphia, 1897). After having 
spent five years in London as the master of a Jewish Orphans' 
School, he arrived in Philadelphia in 1851, and "until his death 

I'huto by Gutekunst, Pliila. 

Rabbi Sabato Morals. 


Morals, Kalisch and Huebsch. 183 

his influence was a continually growing power for conservative 
Judaism. . . Though his ministry covered the period of 

greatest acti\-ity in the adaptation of Judaism in America to 
changed conditions, he, as the advocate of Orthodox Judaism 
withstood every appeal in behalf of ritualistic innovations and de- 
partures from traditional practice," proving thereby how much 
the personality of the rabbi counts in this country in deciding the 
religious attitude of his congregation. When Maimonides Col- 
lege was established in Philadelphia, in 1867, Morals was made 
professor of the Bible and Biblical literature; and he held the 
chair during the six years that the college existed. He was the 
founder and the first president of the faculty of the Jewish Theo- 
logical Seminary, which was established in New York in 1886, 
Vidiich position, as well as that of Professor of Bible, he held until 
his death. Henry Samuel Morals (b. in Philadelphia, i860), 
the writer on Jewish historical subjects and the first editor of 
the Philadelphia "Jewish Exponent" (established 1887), is a 
son of Sabato Morals. 

Isidor Kalisch (b. in Krotoschin, Prussian-Poland, 1816; d. in 
Newark, N. J., 1886) was another scholarly' rabbi of that period, 
who came to the United States in 1849, after having studied at 
several universities. While he was more inclined tow- 
ard Reform, he is chiefly known for his literary works and 
translations, which cover a wide range of Jewish subjects in He- 
brew, German and English. He officiated as rabbi in various 
communities, beginning with Cleveland, O., and ending in New- 
ark, N. J., to which city he removed from Nashville, Tenn., after 
he retired from the ministry in 1875. Supreme Court Justice 
Samuel Kalisch fb. in Cleveland, O., 1851) of Newark is his so-^. 

Rev. Adolph Hiibsch (b. in Hungary, 1830; d. in New York, 
1884) was also a moderate Reformer with a good Rabbinical 
education. He came to New York in 1866 and became rabbi and 
preacher of the Congregation Ahabat Chesed, which grew con- 
siderably under him. He was one of those who yielded to the 
temptation of the time to tamper with the Siddur, and his edition 

184 History of the Jews in America. 

of it, which was adopted by several other congregations for a cer- 
tain time, was an addition to the curiosities of American Jewish 
h'turgical hterature. 

Henry S. Jacobs (b. in Kingston, Jamaica, 1827; d. in New 
York, 1893), who came to Richmond, Va., as rabbi of Co"grega- 
tion Eet Shalom in 1854 and later held similar positions in 
Charleston, S. C, New Orleans and New York (Shearit Israel, 
1873-74; Eer.e Yeshurun, 1874-93), also belongs to the group 
of conservative rabbis of that period, who did much to uphold Judaism as a living faith without treating it as a 
movement or considering themselves as agitators. His con- 
ciliatory attitude enabled him to act as president of the Board of 
Jewish Ministers of New York from its organization until his 

Benjamin Szold (b. in Hungary, 1829; d. at Eerkely Springs, 
W. Va., 1902), who came tO' Baltimore in 1859 as rabb' of Oheb 
Shalom congregation and remaired with it as rabbi until 1S52 
and as rabbi-emeritus until his death, was an opponent of radi- 
calism who influenced his congregation to adept a more con- 
sevative course relating to prayers. The changes in the con- 
tents of the Siddur, or traditional Prayer Book, are a character- 
istic of the extremely individualistic period in tl:e Reform move- 
ment, when almost every leader of prominence tried his hand at 
it, and when the aim seemed to be to make the services in each 
temple or Reform-synagogue as unlike tb.r.t c-f the other as 
possible. Most of those special "siddurim" have neither literary 
nor historical value, and deserve to be mentioned only as the 
curiosities or vagaries of an epoch of transition in American 
Judaism. Szold used the prevailing method for the purpose of 
inducing his congregation to retrace its steps ; and his "Abodat 
Israel." which closely followed traditional lines, soon displaced 
the more radical "Minhag America," r.ot only in his own syna- 
gogue but in a number of others. It was re-published several tim^s, 
once with an English translation. His commentary on Job (Bal- 
timore, 1886), written in Hebrew, is one of the best works of 

Mordecai Jastrow. 185 

that nature produced in the United States. Miss Henrietta 
Szold, the translator and writer on Jewish subjects, is his 

Of the same age, and to some extent imbued with the same 
views as Szold, was Mordecai or Marcus Jastrow (b. in Ragosen, 
Prussian-Poland, 1829; d. in Germantown. Pa., 1903), who 
had a remarkable career as rabbi in two countries before he came 
to America. Jastrow had a thorough rabbinical education, and 
also a degree of Ph.D. from the University of Halle. In 1858 
he became the preacher of the modern or "German" congrega- 
tion at Warsaw, Russian-Poland, and threw himself into the 
study of the Polish language and of the condition of the Jews 
of Poland. His work "Die Lage der Juden in Polen", which 
appeard anonymously (Hamburg, 1859), proves him to have 
possessed much valuable information and clear views on the con- 
dition of the Jews of Poland ; while a collection of Polish ser- 
mons which was published in Posen (1863) attest to his mas- 
tery of the language. He took the part of the Poles against 
their Russian oppressors, and participated in the demonstrations 
against the killing of five Poles in a suburb of Warsaw in Feb- 
ruary, 1861, which led to the beginning of the second Polish 
insurrection. Jastrow was imprisoned, together with the great 
Rabbi Berush Meisels, ■ and after being held more than thret 
m.onths, was expelled from Russia. His widely circulated pa- 
triotic Polish sermons, his efforts to bring the Jews and Chris- 
tians together in protest against the Muscovite tyranny, and his 
imprisonment, made him one of the most popular men in the 
old Polish capital at that time. He occupied the position of rabbi 
at Mannheim, Germany, for a short time in 1862, but his sym- 
pathy with Poland was too strong to permit him to remain there 
when, on the supposed pacification of that unhappy country, 
the order for his expulsion was revoked in November of that 
year. He soon returned to Warsaw, but a few months later the 
actual insurrection broke out, and, his passport being cancelled 
while he was visiting Germany, he could not return to Russia. 

186 History of the Jews in America. 

He then (1864) accepted a position as rabbi at Worms, Hesse, he remained until 1866, when he was chosen rabbi of the 
Congregation Rodeph Shalom in Philadelphia. 

In the first years of his American rabbinate, Jastrow ably sec- 
onded the efforts of Leeser to preser\'e conservative Judaism in 
the East against the advance of radical Reform, and continued 
to oppose that tendency after Leeser's death. Jastrow was one of 
the professors of Maimonides College, and later collaborated with 
Szold in the revision of the "Siddur Abodat Israel" and in its 
translation into English. Besides his activity in local Jewish 
affairs and in other Jewish matters of a more general nature, 
he contributed to many European and American Jewish period- 
icals and was for several years the chief editor of a new transla- 
tion of the Bible into English, which was undertaken under the 
auspices of the Jewish Publication Society of America. He also 
found time to compile his great work, "A Dictionary of the Tar- 
gumim,, the Talmud Babli and Yerushalmi, and the Midrashic 
Literature" (London and New York, 1 886-1 903), and in his 
last years was editor of the department of the Talmud in the 
"Jewish Encyclopedia." Two of his sons are renowned American 
scholars. The older. Prof. Morris Jastrow (b. in Warsaw, 1861), 
has occupied the chair of Semitic languages at the University 
of Pennsylvania since 1892, and is one of the foremost Oriental- 
ists in the country. The younger, Joseph Jastrow (b. in Warsaw, 
1863), has been prof, of Psychology at the University of Wiscon- 
sin since 1888, and a recognized authority on his special sub- 
ject. He was in charge of the psychological section of the 
World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago in 1893, and served 
as president of the American Psychological Association for the 
year 1900. 

The last of the important rabbis to come here from a Western 
European country was Alexander Kohut (b. in Hungary, 1842; 
d. in New York, 1894), the lexicographer and Orientalist, whose 
"Aruch Completum" (Vienna, 1878-92), to which he devoted 
twenty-five years of his life, is still the standard work on the 

I'lKplo b\ Giilekuijst, riiHa 

Dr. Marcus Jastrow. 


Alexander Kohut. 189 

subject. The first four volumes were printed during his resi- 
dence in Hungary, where he was rabbi first at Stuhlweissenburg, 
then at Funfkirchen, and lastly at Grosswardein (188084). The 
last four appeared during his sojourn in America, whither he 
came in 1885, when he was chosen rabbi of Congregation Ahabat 
Chesed in New York. He was at once recognized as an eminent ■ 
conservative leader, and was associated with Morals in founding 
the Jewish Theological Seminary, in which he became professor 
of Talmudic methodology. In March, 1894, while delivering a 
eulogy on Kossuth, he was stricken in the pulpit, and died after 
lingering several weeks. A volume containing memorial ad- 
dresses and tributes to his memory was published by his con- 
gregation in 1894. Another volume, containing essays by forty- 
four noted scholars in Europe and America, entitled "Semitic 
Studies in Memory of Rev. Dr. Alexander Kohut," was pub- 
lished in Berlin in 1897 by his son, George Alexander Kohut 
(born in StuhhA eissenburg, 1874), the bibliographer and writer 
on Jewish subjects. 

Extreme Russian Orthodoxy asserted itself in New York about 
the middle of the nineteenth century. There were numerous 
Jews from Russia in the country long before that, and the im- 
migration from Russian-P'oland increased heavily after 1845, 
when Jews in the Kingdom of Poland were first conscripted in 
the army, in violation of a promise made by the Government that 
this was to be postponed until they were granted equal rights with 
non-Jewish subjects. The first Russian congregation in America 
was founded June 4, 1852, with twelve members, which soon in- 
creased to about twenty-three, several of whom, however, were 
natives of Germany who were dissatisfied with the Reform tend- 
encies of the congregations to which most of their countrymeir 
belonged.^ The first place of worship was in a garret of the 

' The list of these members as given by J. D. Eisenstein in his 
History of the first Russian-American Jewish Congregation in Publica- 
tions IX, pp. 63-74, is as follows: Benjamin Lichtenstein, Judah Middle- 
man, Abraham Benjamin (of Hamburg), Abraham Joseph Ash, Joshua 

190 History of the Jews in America, 

house, No. 83 Bayard street, for which a monthly rental of eight 
dollars was paid. B. Lichtenstein was the first Parnass or presi- 
dent, I. Cohen the secretary, H. S. Isaacs the reader and Abraham 
Joseph Ash (Eisenstadt? b. in Semyatich, Russia, 1813; d. in 
New York, 1888), who came to America in that year and was 
a Talmudical scholar, acted as rabbi without compensation. 

The place on Bayard street was soon too small for the rapidly 
increasing congregation, and it removed in November of the 
same year to larger cjuarters on the first floor of a house on the 
corner of Canal and Elm streets, for which a monthly rental of 
twenty-five dollars was paid, although there was a carpenter- 
shop on the floor above. In another six months the continual 
increase necessitated another removal, this time to the top floor 
of a former court house at the corner of Pearl and Centre streets. 
There was a German congregation, "Bet Abraham," on the first 
floor of the same building ; but it soon moved out and, changing 
its name to "Sha'are Zedek," located in Henry street and was 
known as the Henry Street Synagogue, until it moved uptown 
several years ago. 

During the three years which the first Russian congregation, 
which called itself simply the Bet ha-Midrash, remained on Pearl 
street, Mr. Ash became the regularly appointed rabbi at a salary 
of two dollars a week, and Joshua Falk ha-Kohen., author of 
"Abne Joshua" (a commentary on Pirke Abot, New York, 
i860), delivered occasional sermons without compensation. 
About this time a quarrel between Rabbi Ash and Judah Middle- 
man, who was also a Talmudical scholar, about the recognition 
of a shochet, in which the rabbi would not submit to the decision 
of European rabbinical authorities, led to the first split in the 

Rothstein, Israel Cohen, Abba Baum, David Lasky, Leib Cohen, Baruch 
Solomon Rothschild, Elijah Greenstein, Feibel Philips (the scribe), 
Abraham Reiner, Tobias Schwartz, Abraham Levy (of Raczki), Hyman 
Harris, Leibel Raczker, Samuel Hillel Isaacs, Jerahmel Chuck (of Ber- 
lin), Isidor Raphall and Jacob Levy. The first twelve were the original 

Rabbi Ash and the Orthodox Jews. 191 

congregation. IMiddleman and his followers withdrew and 
formed a separate iiiinyan on Ba3rard street, which later became 
the congregation Bene Israel (Kalwarier, organized 1862), 
which now has its synagogue on Pike street. 

A Portuguese Jew by the name of John Hart, who visited the 
Pearl street synagogue to say kaddish on his Jahrzeit, or anni- 
versary of his parents' death, influenced his friend, Samson 
Simpson, the founder of Mount Sinai Hospital (b. in Danbury, 
Conn., 1780; d. in New York, 1857), to donate three thousand 
dollars, which formed the largest part of the fund with which 
the Welsh Chapel, No. 78 Allen street, Avas purchased and 
turned into a synagogue. It was dedicated June 8, 1856. New 
quarrels between the rabbi's adherents and the officers of the 
congregation led to a lawsuit, and later to another split; this time 
Rabbi Ash and twenty-three of his followers left the synagogue, 
and they formed a new congregation which they named "Bet 
ha-Midrash ha-Godol," which was dedicated August 13, 1859, 
the first location being the top floor of the house on Forsyth 
street, on the southwest corner of Grand street. Henry Chuck 
was the first president of the new congregation; Mayer Salwen, 
secretary; Israel Cohen, reader, and Nathan Mayer, beadle and 

About the time of the beginning of the Civil War, Rabbi Ash 
left the rabbinate and engaged in business, in which he was suc- 
cessful for a time. During these years he became one of the 
largest contributing members and acted for a time as the highest 
officer of the congregation. But reverses came and he again be- 
came a rabbi, which, with a short interruption in 1876, when he 
became a dealer in "Kosher" wine, he remained until his death. 
The congregation removed from Forsyth street to the corner of 
Clinton and Grand streets in 1865, and from there moved into its 
own new building at 6q Ludlow street, which was dedicated Sep- 
tember 27, 1872. This building was sold in 18S5 when the con- 
gregation purchased the Methodist church at Nos. 52-60 Norfolk 

192 History of the Jews in America. 

street, which has been known as the Bet ha-Midrash ha-Godol for 
the last quarter of a century. 

This synagogue, which was increasing in wealth and member- 
ship, made progress in true Orthodox fashion. A system of bak- 
ing strictly kosher matzoth for Passover was introduced in 1870. 
An extra shochet, Asher Lemil Harris, was engaged for the spe- 
cial meat market which supplied the members. A "Hebra Mish- 
nayot" for the daily study of the Mishna was organized in the 
same year and a "Hebrah Shas," for the study of the Talmud 
every evening after the services, was organized in 1874 by Rabbi 
Ash and Judah David Eisenstein (b. in Mesericz, government of 
Siedlce, Russian-Poland, 1855; a. 1872), who is now the editor 
and publisher and practically the author of the Hebrew Ency- 
clopedia "Ozar Israel." 

The congregation also did a considerable amount of direct and 
unorganized charity work, the money often being contributed by 
niembers or visitors who were called to the reading of the Torah 
on Saturdays or other formal occasions. Poor transients and im- 
migrants were assisted, some were taken into the houses of the 
more wealthy members for Sabbaths and festivals. Many of 
them were assisted to become peddlers, and were even instructed 
in the rudiments of the occupation. The poor of the Holy Land 
were also remembered by special donations once a year. But 
charity work never overshadowed the religious work. The Jiffairs 
of the synagogue remained paramount, which is one of the prin- 
cipal reasons why congregations of this kind retain their truly 
Orthodox character. The increase of wealth brought the em- 
ployment of the first professional cantor, Judah Oberman ( 1877), 
who was succeeded by Simha Samuelson in 1880. Other large 
congregations were now growing up on the East Side, where the 
Jewish population was increasing very fast; but the further de- 
velopment of its religious and communal life belongs to a later 



The Damascus Affair; the first occasion on which the Jews of the United 
States requested the government to intercede in behalf of persecuted 
Jews in another country — John Forsyth's instructions to American 
representatives in Turkey, in which those requests were anticipated 
— A discrimination in a treaty with Switzerland to which President 
Fillmore objected, and which Clay and Webster disapproved — Tlie 
case of a Jewish-American citizen in Neufchatel — Newspaper agita- 
tion, meetings and memorials against the Swiss treaty — President 
Buchanan's emphatic declaration, and Minister Fay's "Israelite 
Note" about the Jews of Alsace — Question is settled by the eman- 
cipation of the Swiss Jews. 

The Jewish community of the United States as a whole had 
no difficukies with the outside world and no serious internal 
problems in the period of expansion which is treated in this part. 
The results of the treaty between our Government and that of 
Russia, which was concluded in 1832, in which the rights of 
American Jews to enter Russia on the same conditions as other 
American citizens were not safeguarded as explicitly as ought 
to have been done in dealing with a power so unfriendly to the 
Jews, had not become apparent until nearly a half century after- 
wards, and must be ascribed more to oversight and ignorance 
of Russia's treatment of Jews than to wilful neglect. Several un- 
favorable local decisions against Jews as such, mostly in cases of 
violation of Sunday laws, or of exemption claimed by Jews from 
attending court on Saturday,^ were of an immediately more pain- 

' See A. M. Friedenberg, Pub- Calendar of American-Jewish Cases, 
l.ications, XII, pp. 87 et seq. 


194 History of the Jews in America. 

ful nature; but this question also did not become acute until a 
much later period, when there grew up communities containing 
large poor Orthodox masses, for whom the observance of two 
day's rest was a great economic hardship. An occasional objection 
to a public functionary's forgetfulness about there being other 
citizens than Christians, which was sometimes noticed in Thanks- 
giving Day Proclamations (see Dr. Lilienthal's correspondence 
about a case of that nature with Governor Salmon P. Chase of 
Ohio, in "Publications," XIII, pp. 30-36) would soon itself be 
forgotten by Jew and gentile alike. The Jews were occasioning 
and experiencing very little difiiculties, contributing to the work 
of developing the country, and thus unconsciously assisting in 
preparing themselves and the general population for the larger 
influx of immigrants which were to come later. 

The Jews of America were therefore prepared to participate 
with the Jews of Western Europe in arousing public sympathy 
and causing diplomatic intervention in the case of the thirteen 
unfortunate Jews of Damascus who were imprisoned and tor- 
tured under the Blood Accusation of 1840. While the distance 
and the absence of the present means of quick communication 
delayed the action taken by the Jews of America until after the 
n.ecessary assistance "\\'as rendered by European governments at 
the instance of the most influential Jews of England and France, 
the steps taken by the Jews here and the noble response of the 
Government under President Martin Van Buren (1782-1862) 
is of real historical value, and has been so regarded by Jost.^ It 
was for the firsi time that the Jews of the United States interested 
themselves and enlisted the interest of the government in the 
cause of suffering Jews in another part of the world, and thus 
participated in that consolidation of the Jewish public spirit 
which resulted from this memorable occurrence, and which jus- 

' Jost, Neuere Geschiclite der Israeliten, ii. pp. 360-6S. See also Jacob 
Ezekiel, Persecution of the Jezvs in -fS-/o, "Publications," VIII, pp. 141-45, 
and Joseph Jacobs, Tlie Damascus Affair of 1840 and the Jews of America, 
ibid X, pp. 119-28. 

The Damascus Affair. 195 

tifies the statement made by Mr. Jacobs that "in a measure, mod- 
ern Jewish history may be said to date from the Damascus affair 
of 1840." There were now emancipated Jews in some countries 
\\ho not only dared to come out in open protest against anti- 
Jewish outrages in other countries, but could also interest civil- 
ized governments to take official notice of such outrages — some- 
thing unknown in former times. The American government, on 
its part, did not even wait for the request of the Jews to inter- 
cede in behalf of the victims of barbarous cruelty; but of its own 
accord it sent instructions to its representatives in Turkey and in 
Egypt to do all in their power for the unfortunate Jews. 

The first meeting of Jews "for the purpose of uniting in an ex- 
pression of sympathy for their brethren at Damascus, and of tak- 
ing such steps as may be necessary to procure for them equal and 
impartial justice' was held in New York on August 19, 1840; 
and a letter containing the Resolution which was adopted tliere 
was sent to President Van Buren under the date of August 24, 
to which the following reply was received : 

Washington, August 26, 1840. 
Messrs. J. B. Kursheedt, Chairman, and Theodore J. Seixas, Secretary. 

Gentlemen: — The President has referred to this Department your let- 
ter of the 24th inst., communicating a resolution unanimously adopted at 
a meeting of the Israelites in the City of New York, held for the purpose 
of uniting in an expression of sentiment on the subject of the persecu- 
tion of their brethren in Damascus. By his direction I have the honor 
to inform you, that the heart-i ending scenes which took place at 
Damascus, had previously been brought to the notice of the President 
by a communication from our Consul at that place, in consequence 
thereof, a letter of instruction was immediately written to our Consul 
at Alexandria, a copy of which is herewith transmitted for your satis- 

About the same time our Charge d' Affairs at Constantinople was in- 
structed to interpose his good offices in behalf of the oppressed and 
persecuted race of the Jews in the Ottoman Dominions, among whose 
kindred are found some of the most worthy and patriotic of our own 

1£6 History of the Jews in America. 

citizens, and the whole subject which appeals so strongly to the uni- 
versal sentiment of justice and humanity was earnestly recommended to 
his zeal and discretion. I have the honor to be, gentlemen, 
Very respectfully, 

Your obedient servant, 


The letter by Mr. John Forsj'th (1780-1841) to the Consul, 
which is mentioned in the above communication, was as follows : 

Washington, August, 14, 1840. 
JOHN GLIDDON, ESQ., United States Consul at Alexandria, Egypt. 

Sir: — In common with all civilized nations, the people of the United 
States have learned with horror the atrocious crimes imputed to the 
Jews of Damascus, and the cruelties of which they have been the vic- 
tims. The President fully participates in the public feeling, and he can- 
not refrain from expressing equal surprise and pain, that in this ad- 
vanced age, such unnatural practices could be ascribed to any portion 
of the religious world, and such barbarous measures be resorted to, in 
order to compel the confession of imputed guilt; the offences with which 
these unfortunate people are charged, resemble too much those which, 
in less enlightened times, were made the pretexts of fanatical persecu- 
tion or mercenary extortion, to permit a doubt that they are equally 

The President has witnessed, with the most lively satisfaction, the 
effort of several of the Christian Governments of Europe, to suppress 
or mitigate these horrors, and he has learned with no common gratifica- 
tion their partial success. He is moreover anxious that the active sym- 
pathy and generous interposition of the Government of the United 
States should not be withheld from so benevolent an object, and he has 
accordingly directed me to instruct you to employ, should the occasion 
arise, all those good offices and efforts which are compatible with discre- 
tion and your official character, to the end that justice and humanity may 
be extended to these persecuted people, whose cry of distress has 
reached our shores. I am, sir. 

Your obedient servant, 


The Damascus Affair. 197 

The following letter was addressed to David Porter (1780- 
^843; the father of Admiral David D. Porter), who was then 
United States Minister to Turkej': 


Washington, August 17, 1840. 

Sir: — In common with the people of the United States, the President 
has learned with profound feelings of surprise and pain the atrocious 
cruelties which have been practiced upon the Jews of Damascus and 
Rhodes, in consequence of charges extravagant and strikingly similar 
to those, which, in less enlightened ages, were made pretexts for the 
persecution and spoliation of these unfortunate people. As the scene of 
these barbarities are in the Mahomedan dominions, and, as such inhuman 
practices are not of an infrequent occurrence in the East, the President 
has directed me to instruct you to do everything in your power with the 
government of his Imperial Highness, the Sultan, to whom you are 
accredited, consistent with discretion and your diplomatic character, to 
prevent or mitigate these horrors, — the bare recital of which has caused 
a shudder throughout the civilized world; and in an especial manner, to 
direct your philanthropic efforts against the employment of torture in 
order to compel the confession of imputed guilt. The President is of 
the opinion that from no one can such generous endeavors proceed with 
so much propriety and effect, as from the representative of a friendly 
power, whose institutions, political and civil, place upon the same foot- 
ing, the worshippers of God, of every faith and form, acknowledging no 
distinction between the Mahomedan, the Jew, and the Christian. Should 
you, in carrying out these instructions, find it necessary or proper to 
address yourself to any of the Turkish authorities, you will refer to 
this distinclh'e characteristic of our government, as investing with a' 
peculiar propriety and right, the interposition of your good offices in 
behalf of an oppressed and persecuted race, among whose kindred are 
found some of the most worthy and patriotic of our citizens. In com- 
municating to you the wishes of the President, I do not think it ad- 
visable to give you more explicit and minute instructions, but earnestly 
commend to your zeal and discretion, a sub'ect which appeals so 
Strongly to the universal sentiments of justice and humanity. 
I am, sir, your obedient servant, 


198 History of the Jews in America. 

The Jews of Philadelphia held, on August 27, a meeting for 
the same purpose in the^vestry of the Mickweh Israel Synagogue, 
at which were present, besides the prominent Jews of the city, 
several representative Christian clergymen — Dr. Ducachet, Rec- 
tor of St. Stephens, Dr. Ramsay, a Presbyterian minister, and 
the Rev. Mr. Kennedy — all of whom spoke. Isaac Leeser was 
the principal orator, and he argued that as both Christianity 
aiid Islam are derived from Judaism, if the last advocated ritual 
murder, the daughter-religions would equally be guilty of the 
same practice. He contrasted the position of the Eastern Jews 
with that of their brethren in this happy land, and declared that 
Vihile the Jews everywhere felt themselves true citizens of the 
lands in which they dwelt, they still retained full sympathy with 
their co-religionists throughout the world, especially when 
charges were brought against them which affected the honor and 
good fame of their religion. A series of resolutions were adopted 
and sent to Washington, whence Mr. Forsyth replied in similar 
terms to those he had used in his letter to the Jews of New 
York, and likewise enclosed a copy of his letter to Consul Glid- 
don at Alexandria. Another meeting was held in Richmond, 
Va., where a resolution was adopted thanking the President "for 
the prompt and handsome manner in which he has acted in ref- 
erence to the persecution practiced upon our brethren in Da- 

The Jews of the United States were also in open sympathy 
with the liberal movements in Central Europe, especially in Ger- 
many, which culminated in the revolutions of the year 1848. 
While there was no active co-operation or direct assistance in 
those times of slow communication, those who wrote from 
America described the conditions prevailing here as well-nigh 
ideal from the liberal point of view. A poem by Sigmund Herzl, 
entitled "Auf! Nach Amerika!" which appeared in the "Central 
Organ," published in Vienna in 1848 by Isidor Bush (b. in 
Prague, Bohemia, 1822; a. in New York, 1849; d- ''^ St. Louis, 
Mo., 1898), in which America is described as a place where true 

Switzerland's Discrimination. 199 

brotherly love reigns supreme, where ignorance and base prej- 
udice are entirely unknown, may be taken as an example of the 
expression of that sentiment. When the great Jewish champion 
of the liberal movement in Germany, Gabriel Riesser (b. in Ham- 
burg, Germany, 1806; d. there 1863), visited America in 1856, 
he was greeted by many former German revolutionary soldiers — 
both Jewish and Christian — and in New York they gave a pub- 
lic dinner in his honor. German Jews in Philadelphia formed 
a Riesser Qub, which existed for a number of years. (See Al- 
bert M. Friedenberg in "Publications," XVII, pp. 204-5.) 

The first diplomatic difficulties which the Government of the 
United States experienced on account of discrimination against 
its Jewish citizens occurred about this time, and — strangel}^ 
enough — it was not with Russia, but with the Swiss Confedera- 
tion. A general convention between the two republics was drawn 
and signed at Berne, November 25, 1850, by Mr. A. Dudley 
Mann, American Minister to Switzerland, on the part of the 
United States, and by Messrs. Druey and Frey-Herosee on the 
part of the Swiss Confederation. This treaty and a copy of the 
instructions under which Mr. Mann acted, together with- his 
dispatch of November 30, 1850, explanatory of the Articles of 
Convention, were transmitted to the United States Senate on 
February 13, 1851, by President Millard Fillmore (1800-74). 
Neither the treaty nor the papers accompanying it were ever 
made public, the ban of secrecy imposed by the Senate having 
never been removed. But President Fillmore himself, in the 
message transmitting the treaty, objected to it in the form in 
which it was presented. He said : "There is a decisive objection 
arising from the last clause in the First Article. That clause 
is in these words: On account of the tenor of the Federal Con- 
stitution of Szvitzerland, Christians alone are entitled to the en- 
joyment of the privileges guaranteed by the present Article in the 
Swiss Cantons. But said cantons are not prohibited from ex- 

200 History of the Jews in America. 

fending the same privileges to citizens of the United States of 
other religions persuasions. 

"It is quite certain [continues the President] that neither by law, 
nor by treaty, nor by any other official proceeding is it competent for 
the Government of the United States to establish any distinction be- 
tween its citizens founded on differences in religious beliefs. Any benefit 
or privilege conferred by law or treaty on one must be common to all, 
and we are not at liberty, on a question of such vital interest and plain 
constitutional duty, to consider whether the particular case is one in 
which substantial inconvenience or injustice might ensue. It is enough 
that an inequality would be sanctioned, hostile to the institutions of the 
United States and inconsistent with the Constitution and the laws. Nor 
can the Government of the United States rely on the individual Cantons 
of Switzerland for extending the same privileges to other citizens of the 
United States as this article extends to Christians. It is indispensable 
not only that every privilege granted to any of the citizens of the United 
States should be granted to all, but also that the grant of such privileges 
should stand upon the same stipulation and assurance by the whole 
Swiss Confederation, as those of other articles of the convention.' 

The two most prominent men in American public life at that 
time, Senator Henry Clay (1777-1852) and Secretary of State 
Daniel Webster (i 782-1852), strongly disapproved the discrim- 
ination which the proposed treaty provided. The former wrote; 
"I disapprove entirely the restrictions limiting' certain provisions 
of the treaty, under the operation of which a respectable portion 
of our fellow-citizens would be excluded from their benefits. 
This is not the country nor the age in which unjust prejudices 
should receive any countenance." Webster wrote about the 
same time to a Jew who addressed him on the subject (pre- 
sumably J. M. Cordozo) : "The objections against certain special- 
ties of the Swiss Convention concerning the Israelites which you 
urge in your letter to me have not escaped the attention of the 
Department, and I hasten to inform you that they will be laid 

' See Sol. M. Stroock Switzerland and the American lews, "Publica- 
tions" XI, pp. 7-52, and Cyrus Adler, Jnvs in American Diplomatic Cor- 
respondence, ibid XV, pp. 25-39, for ample treatment of the subject, in- 
cluding numerous documents and copious references. 

The Passport Question in 1851—2. 201 

before the Senate with the convention. (The letter is dated 
February ii, 1851.) 

In the meantime, ahhough it was asserted on behalf of Switzer- 
land that the discriminations which it insisted upon were only 
"a precautionary measure ... a safeguard against the im- 
mense itinerant (Jewish) population of Alsace," the two Can- 
tons of Basle ^•igorously executed a decree of banishment against 
the Jews which was promulgated November 17, 1851. The 
law was suspended for a few months because of a note sent by 
Emperor Napoleon III. to the Council of the Federation, in 
which he said "That France will expel all Swiss citizens estab- 
lished in France in case the two Cantons should insist on carry- 
ing out this law against the Jews." But while the negotiations 
were pending, the two Cantons carried out the law of expulsion, 
and no further steps were taken by France. About this time 
there was set on foot in this country a movement to procure re- 
ligious toleration abroad for American citizens generally. It 
appears to have been aimed at the persecution of American Prot- 
estants in Catholic countries, and the movement to secure re- 
dress in this direction culminated in a resolution introduced in 
the House of Representatives, December 13, 1852, by John A. 
Wilcox, of Mississippi, which declared "that the representa- 
tives of this Government at foreign courts be instructed to urge 
such amendments of all existing treaties between the United 
States and the other powers of the world as will secure the 
ssme liberty of religious worship to all American citizens resid- 
ing under foreign flags which is guaranteed to all citizens of 
every nation of the whole world who reside under the flag of 
our Union." 

Objection was made to this resolution as an encroachment upon 
the powers of the Executive, and action was delayed for a long 
time. A resolution of a similar nature, which was reported to 
the Senate from the Committee on Foreign Relations, February 
17. i8S3> ™^^ ^^^ same fate. But all these discussions had the 
effect of the Senate refusing to ratify the treaty with Switzer- 

202 History of the Jews in America. 

land in the form in which it was sent to it. Mr. Mann there- 
upon proceeded to negotiate another treaty which, while striking 
iiom it the clause objected to by the President and the other 
notable men mentioned above, yet in another form inserted a 
clause, the effect of which was the same as that of the clause 
Vvhich had been stricken out. Article I of this new treaty read 
as follows : 

The citizens of the United States of America and the citizens of 
Switzerland shall be admitted and treated upon a footing of reciprocal 
equality in the two countries, where such admission and treatment shall 
not conflict with the constitutional or legal provisions, as well Federal 
as State and Cantonal of the contracting parties. 

Despite the previous and many subsec^uent protests from num- 
erous Jews, and also despite the attention of the government, 
which was attracted to the case of A. H. Gootman, an American- 
Jewish citizen, who was ordered expelled from the Canton of 
Neufchatel in 1853, the treaty containing the above article was 
ratified by the Senate November 6, 1855. Ratifications were ex- 
changed two days afterward, and the treaty was proclaimed No- 
vember 9, 1855, by President Franklin Pierce (1804-69), when 
William Learned Marcy (1786-1857) was Secretary of State. 

In 1856 the above mentioned Mr. Gootman, who had re- 
mained in Neufchatel by special permission, again requested, 
through the American minister to Switzerland, Mr. Theo. S. 
Fay, the intervention of the United States Government against 
bis expulsion. In his letter to the State Department Mr. Fay 
states it as a matter of fact that the treaty between the two re- 
publics "does not grant to Israelites the right of domicile in 
Switzerland," and in a second letter he says "that it may be 
superfluous to repeat that the obnoxious clause in the treaty was 
unavoidable without a revision of the federal constitution of 
Switzerland." He also repeats "that the admission of Ameri- 
can Jews would necessitate that of Jews of other nations, and 
particular inconvenience is apprehended from the usurious Israel- 
itish population of the French province of Alsace." This second 

Buchanan's Promise. 203 

Gootman case became generally known, and public sentiment 
was aroused against the treaty. The result of the agitation was 
apparent even in the general press of the country, and many 
protest meetings were held, memorials drawn and forwarded to 
Washington and committees appointed to consider the matter. 
A delegation of prominent Jews went to the Capital in October, 
1857, and presented a memorial to President James Buchanan 
(1791-1868), who gave an explicit promise to remedy the wrong 
of which the Jews complained. 

The declaration of the President on the subject was so emphatic 
that most of the leaders and promoters of the agitation were 
completely satisfied that the question was already settled in their 
favor. Dr. Einhorn wrote in his "Sinai" : "We feel satisfied that 
the Israelites of the United States may feel implicit confidence 
in the Executive, and that their rights as citizens of the United 
States will be zealously maintained." Dx. Wise, in the "Israel- 
ite," wrote: "No doubt was left in the minds of the delegates, 
but that this matter is settled as far as we are concerned." Rabbi 
Leeser, however, was not so well satisfied, and he did not agree 
that all agitation ought now to cease, but thought it "advisable 
for all the congregations that have not yet acted to draw up 
memorials and send them to the President, to show at least that 
the interest in the question was not confined to the four States 
represented at Washington on the 31st of October." 

Another long diplomatic correspondence followed, with re- 
ciprocal requests for information about the condition of the Jews 
in both countries, with urgent requests from Washington that 
something be done, and with explanations from Mr. Fay that 
the Cantonal laws or constitutions would have to be changed be- 
fore favorable action could be expected. In November of the 
same year Mr. Fay wrote: "I would wish carefully to avoid 
cf?ering encouragement to the Hebrews." But he was now work- 
ing diligently to carry out the desire of the President, and was 
even collecting material to disprove the charges made by the 
Swiss against the Alsatian Jews. In November, 1858, he wrote 

204 History of the Jews in America. 

to Secretary of State Lewis Cass (1782-1866): "That the 
mouths of all foreign governments and preceding treaty makers 
have been until now closed by a plea about the Alsatian Jews. 
I think that after the renseignements which I am now collecting 
no Swiss authority will ever dare to advance that objection 
against us as an argument, and I am more and more of the 
opinion that it may become expedient to denounce our treaty 
until the exptmction of the offensive clause." The results of 
Mr. Fay's investigations were incorporated in his "Israelite 
Note," which was transmitted to the Secretary of State on June 
3, 1859, and to the Federal Council of Switzerland on the same 
day. It had a salutary effect on Switzerland, where the Fed- 
eral Council assisted in its circulation. A German edition of 
it was printed in St. Gall in i860. The cause of the Jews in 
Switzerland gained much from this intervention of the repre- 
sentative of a foreign government in their behalf; and the con- 
sequences were felt in other countries where the struggle for 
Jewish emancipation was then going on. According to a letter 
written by Mr. Fay in October, 1859, the Bavarian Minister told 
him that should he succeed in Switzerland, the Israelites of Ba- 
varia would also be emancipated. 

The case of the Jews was making considerable progress, and 
other enlightened governments also made representations to 
Switzerland in favor of the Jews ; still nothing definite was ac- 
complished under Buchanan's administration, either. In March, 
1861, Rabbi Leeser expressed, in the "Occident," his regret, that 
nothing was done, and wrote that he expected that nothing would 
be done until "Switzerland herself will render the laws harmless 
by repealing through her Cantonal Councils all inequality laws 
existing against us." This prediction proved correct ; for while 
the succeeding Secretary of State, William H. Seward (1801- 
']2') took up the matter with Mr. George G. Fogg, who was 
then minister to Switzerland, several years passed before an- 
other favorable report reached the State Department on the sub- 
ject. The appointment by the Government of the United States 

The Ultimate Solution. 205 

of a Jewish citizen, Mr. Bernays, as its Consul to Ziirich created 
a stir in both countries, and clearly indicated the favorable dis- 
position of the administration of President Abraham Lincoln 
(1809-65) towards the Jews. 

In 1864 Mr. Fogg wrote to Mr. Seward that the President of 
the Confederation, Mr. Dubs, had informed him that the Fed- 
eral Council were then disposed to so amend the treaty that no dis- 
crimination founded on religious belief should thereafter be made 
or endured by citizens of the United States within the limits of the 
Swiss Confederation. The remaining Cantons were remov- 
ing the Jewish disabilities one after another; but in some of 
them, as in Basle, the hotbed of opposition and prejudice against 
the Jews, full civil rights were not granted until 1872, although 
the right of residence was freely accorded ten years earlier. The 
new Swiss Constitution, which was adopted in 1874, at last estab- 
lished full religious liberty, and also made the c^uestion of treat- 
ments of aliens a Federal, as distinguished from a Cantonal, mat- 
ter. It was not until then that the question was solved, so to 
speak, automatically; but it is conceded that the efforts of the 
Government of the United States contributed to the result, al- 
though it could not attain its object by direct diplomatic ne- 





Pro-slavery tendencies of the aristocratic Spaniards and Portuguese — 
David Yulee (Levy) — Michael Heilprin and his reply to Rabbi 
Raphall's Bible View on Slavery — Immigrants of the second period 
as opponents of slavery — Two Jewish delegates in the Convention 
which nominated Abraham Lincoln, and one member of the Elec- 
toral College in i860 — Two other Jews officially participate in Lin- 
coln's renomination and re-election in 1864 — Abraham Jonas — En- 
couragement from the Scripture in original Hebrew. 

As almost all the early Jewish settlers in America belonged 
to the wealthy classes, and most of them were in everything, ex- 
cept as to their faith, aristocratic Spaniards or Portuguese, it 
was natural for them to accept the institution of slavery as they 
found it, and to derive as much benefit from it as other affluent 
men. There were numerous Jewish slave holders in various 
parts of the New World, including the West Indies, New York 
and New England, long before and down to the American Rev- 
olution. There are several early references even to American- 
Jewish slave dealers. The growth of democracy and changed 
economic conditions had gradually put an end to slavery in the 
north soon after the beginning of the nineteenth century ; but in 


The Jews and Slavery. 207 

the South slavery remained common, among Jews as well as 
among others. Public opinion in the South not only sanctioned 
slavery, but considered it the basis of its prosperity and pre- 
dominance; and the prominent Jew of that part of the country 
was simply acting and feeling like his non-Jewish neighbors and 
fellow-citizens when he owned slaves or defended the institu- 
tion at every possible opportunity. And those Jews who at- 
tained high political or social position in the South were by force 
of circumstances pro-slavery men. There was no lack of individ- 
ual instances of Jews who evinced special tenderness for the 
black man, and even went so far as to liberate the negroes of 
whom they were the owners. It is thus related of the philan- 
thropist Judah Touro, "that the negroes who waited upon him in 
the house of the Shepards — -with whom he lived for forty years 
— were all emancipated by his aid and supplied with the means of 
establishing themselves ; and the only slave he personally pos- 
sessed he trained to business, then emancipated, furnishing him 
with money and valuable advice." The American and Foreign 
Anti-Slavery Society, in its report in 1853, noted that some Jews 
in the Southern States "have refused to have any right of prop- 
erty in man, or even to have any slaves about them" and that 
the cruel persecutions they themselves were subjected to tended 
to make them friends of universal freedom.^ But these were 
exceptional, not typical cases, and not more common among Jews 
than among gentiles. 

It was therefore natural to find in a man like David Yulee 
(originally David Levy, b. in St. Thomas, W. I., 181 1; d. in 
New York City, 1886), who after studying at Richmond, Va., 
became a planter in Florida, a stanch supporter and defender of 
slavery. He was a Delegate to Congress from the Territory of 
Florida from 1841 to 1845, bearing the name of Levy. When 
Florida was admitted as a state in 1845, Levy, who had then as- 
sumed the name of Yulee, was elected a United States Senator 

' See Max J. Kohler in artictc Antislavery Movement in America in 
"Jew. Encyclopedia." 

208 History of the Jews in America. 

from that state, being the first Jew who was elected to the upper 
house of the American Congress. He served a full term and 
later he was elected for another term, beginning in 1855 which 
he did not finish, because he retired in January, 1861, to join the 
Confederacy, later serving as a member of the Confederate Con- 
gress. We find even a resident of the far West, Judge Samuel 
Heydenfeldt, of California — mentioned in a former part — 
who, as a native of the South, was a strong partisan of the 
Confederacy, going so far as to withdraw from a lucrative prac- 
tice in the courts, because he felt that he could not subscribe to 
the "iron clad" oath of loyalty required by law as a condition 
precedent to argument in every case (see Friedenberg, in "Pub- 
lications," X, p. 138). 

In the religious controversies which went on at the time when 
the question of slavery began to absorb the attention of the 
American people, the Jews also took part on both sides. It has 
already been mentioned that Dr. Einhorn was forced to quit Bal- 
timore on account of the strong stand against slavery which he 
took in his sermons and in his German monthly "Sinai." Rabbi 
Sabato Morals found in Philadelphia, and so did Rabbis Bern- 
hard Felsenthal and Liebman Adier in Chicago, more congenial 
surroundings for their work against slavery. Rabbi Morris J. 
Raphall, of New York, came out in i860 with a strong sermon, 
which later appeared in a pamphlet, entitled "Bible Vieiu on 
Slavery," in which he attempted to prove that since the Bible, 
which is the highest law, sanctioned slavery, it was futile to invoke 
an alleged "higher law" against it. There was, of course, no 
lack of replies and refutations to this argument, but none was 
so strong or attracted so much attention as one that came from 
the pen of a scholar who represented the very latest class of 
Jewish immigrants to the United States. 

This man was Michael Heilprin (b. in Piotrkow, Russian- 
Poland, 1823; d. in Summit, N. J., 1888), the son of Pinhas 
Mendel Heilprin (b. in Lublin, Russian-Poland, 1801 ; d. in 
Washington, D. C, 1863). His father, who was a scholarly 

Michael Heilprin. 


Mihcael Heilprin. 211 

merchant of the old Pohsh-Jewish type and the author of sev- 
eral works in Hebrew, was his only teacher, and brought him up 
in that spirit of enlightened Orthodoxy which was not antag- 
onistic to the acquisition of secular learning. Michael's almost 
phenomenal memory and diligence helped him tO' master many 
languages and to become proficient in numerous sciences, which 
enabled him later to become one of the associate editors and an 
important contributor to Appleton's New American Cyelopaedia. 
The Heilprins removed to Northern Hungary about 1843, where 
Michael established himself as a bookseller in Miskolcz. He 
soon mastered the Hungarian language, and his articles and 
poems in the cause of liberty attracted much attention during the 
stormy days of 1848 and 1849. He became the friend and con- 
fidant of Louis Kossuth (1802-94) and other leaders, and when 
the short-lived independent Hungarian government was estab- 
lished, he became secretary of the literary bureau which was at- 
tached to its ministry of the interior. After the suppression of 
the Revolution he spent some time in Cracow and in France, 
but returned to Hungary in 1850, and settled as a teacher in 
Satoralja-Ujhely, where his second son, the well-known Ameri- 
can naturalist, Angelo Heilprin, was born in 1853 (d. in New 
York, 1907) ; the elder son, Louis, the encyclopedist (b. in 
Miskolcz, 1851), died in New York in 1912. 

Michael Heilprin came to the L^nited States in 1856 and set- 
tled in Philadelphia, where for two years he taught in the schools 
of the Hebrew Education Society. He "saw but one struggle 
here and in Hungary," and his sympathies were actively engaged 
in the anti-slavery movement. In 1858 he settled in Brooklyn, 
where he resided until 1863, when he removed to Washington, 
returning to New York in 1865. On January 16, 1861, 
he contributed a fiery denunciation and an exhaustive schol- 
arly refutation of Raphall's views to the New York Tribune 
which commanded wide attention; and owing to this vehement 
but convincing repudiation of alleged Jewish pro-slavery views, 

212 History of the Jews in America. 

Heilpnn succeeded in arousing the public in a more marked de- 
gree than any other Jewish anti-slavery champion. 

The bulk of the Jewish immigrants who came from Germany 
in the forty years preceding the Civil War were almost unanir 
mous against slavery, because they were under the influence of 
the liberal movements of the Old World. These immigrants were 
intensely interested in the anti-slavery movement and were among 
the first and the most enthusiastic members of the newly formed 
Republican party. The two Jews who were chosen delegates 
tO' the National Convention of that party in i860, which nomi- 
nated Abraham Lincoln for the Presidency, and the Jewish 
member of the Electoral College which ratified the choice of 
the people in that year, were all natives of Germany. The oldest 
among them was Sigismund Kaufman (b. in Darmstadt, 1824; 
d," in Blerlin, 1889), who participated in the German Revolution 
of 1848-49, and coming to America, became a representative of 
the German Republican element in the United States. He took 
an active part in the leadership of German social and fraternal 
organizations in New York, was a director of the Hebrew Orphan 
Asylum, and held the position of Commissioner of Immigration. 
He addressed anti-slavery meetings in English, German and 
French, and was considered one of the influential politicians 
of New York in his time. He was chosen a Presidential Elector 
for the State of New York in i860. 

Moritz Pinner (b. in Germany about 1828), one of the mem- 
bers of the Republican State Convention which was held in St. 
Louis on February 12, i860, was elected a delegate to the Na- 
tional Republican Convention to be held in Chicago the follow- 
ing May. Fie was opposed to the Presidential candidate who 
v-as put forward by that convention, and when it adopted the 
unit rule, thereby forcing him to vote against his own favorite 
candidate (Seward), he offered his resignation; but the conven- 
tion adjourned without taking ac'"ion on it. He was at the 
Chicago Convention as a delegate, but abstained from voting, 
on account of his declination to be bound by the decree of the 

f'iiolo Ijy Kl£ii]bei, I.ouisrll]. 

Lewis N. Dembitz. 


Lewis N. Dembitz. 215 

State Convention, which is one of the reasons why his name does 
not appear on the official roll of the Missouri delegates. Pinner, 
who later removed to Elizabeth, N. J., was actively engaged 
for a number of years before the outbreak of the war in cir- 
culating anti-slavery literature in Missouri, and was for some time 
the editor of a German periodical devoted to the same cause.' 

The third and youngest of the three Jews who directly par- 
ticipated in the official part of the work of nominating and elect- 
ing Abraham Lincoln to the Presidency in i860, was Lewis 
Aaphtali Dembitz (b. in Zirke, Province of Posen, Prussian- 
Poland in 1833 : d. in Louisville. Ky., 1907) , who had been a prac- 
ticing attorney at Louisville since 1853. He was previously occu- 
pied as a journalist and had at a later time written several works 
on legal and general, as well as on Jewish, suljjects. Demljitz 
took an active interest in Jewish affairs and held various com- 
munal positions in local and national bodies. He was consid- 
ered one of the leaders of Conservative Judaism in America, and 
is best known as the author of Jnuish Scn<iccs in the Synagogiir 
and Home (1898). At the Convention of i860 he was a dele- 
gate from the city of Louisville, where he resided for more than 
a half centur)-, and where he held the position of Assistant City 
Attorney from 1884 to 1888. 

The one Jewish delegate to the Convention which re-nomi- 
nated Mr. Lincoln in 1864 was likewise a native of Germany, 
while the one Jewish member of the Electoral College which 
re-elected him was of German parentage. The former was 
Maier Hirsch ( 1829-76) , a merchant of Salem, Oregon, who 
was one of the six delegates from that state to the Republican 
National Convention of 1864. He settled in Oregon in 1852, 
when he came to the United States from Wijrtemberg. He set- 
tled in New York in 1874, where he died two years later. Maier 
Plirsch was a brother of Solomon Hirsch, who was LInited 

' See Markens, Lincoln and the Jews in "Publications," XVII, pp. 10-65, 
for a more detailed treatment of the subject of this chapter. 

216 History of the Jews in America. 

States Minister to Turkey from 1889 to 1892, and of Edward 
Hirsch, at one time State Treasurer and later a State Senator 
of Oregon. 

The Presidential elector of 1864 was A. J. Dittenhoefer (b. 
in South Carolirja, 1836), who came with his parents to New 
York when he was four years old, and has resided there con- 
tinually since. He served as Justice of the Marine (now City) 
Court, and held several positions of trust and honor in the Re- 
publican Party, of which he was one of the earliest members 
in New York. 

Among the personal friends of Lincoln was Abraham Jonas 
(b. in Exeter, England, 1801 ; d. in Quincy, 111., 1864), whose 
four sons, strangely enough, fought in the Confederate Army. 
Jonas, who first lived in Kentucky, was a member of the Legisla- 
ture of that State in 1828-30 and in 1833; and in the last named 
year he was also chosen Grand Master of Masons of the State 
of Kentucky. He removed to Illinois in 1838, and there also 
became Grand Master of the newly organized Masonic Grand 
Lodge, which was founded in 1839. He was elected a member 
of the Illinois Legislature in 1842, retiring from his mercan- 
tile pursuits on being admitted to the bar in 1843. He served 
as Postmaster of Quincy from 1849 to 1852. Jonas, with Lin- 
coln, was chosen by the Illinois State Republican Convention, 
held at Bloomington on May 29, 1856, a Presidential elector on 
the Fremont ticket. A confidential letter which Lincoln, after 
his first nomination in i860 wrote to Jonas, denying that he 
was affiliated with the American or "Know Nothing" party, is 
preserved in the authoritative Lincoln biography by Nicolay and 
Hay. During his last illness, when he knew that the doctors 
had no hope for his recovery, Jonas's only wish was to see his 
son, Charles H., a member of the Twelfth Arkansas Regiment, 
who was at that time a prisoner of vi^ar on Johnson's Island, 
Lake Erie. This wish was communicated by telegraph to Lin- 
coln, who issued an order, dated June 2d, 1864, to "Allow 
Charles H. Jonas, now a prisoner of war at Johnson's Island, a 

Lincoln's Jewish Friends. 217 

parole of three weeks to visit his dying father, Abraham Jonas, 
at Quincy, 111." Benjamin F. Jonas (b. in Williamstown, Ky., 
1834; d. in New Orleans, 191 1). who served in the artillery of 
Hood's Corps in the Army of Tennessee, and who, after serv- 
mg several terms in the Legislature of Louisiana, was elected 
a United States Senator from that state, serving from 1879 until 
1885, was one of the above mentioned four sons of Abraham 
Jonas who served in the Confederate Army. 

The admiration which Jews felt for Lincoln was probably 
best expressed by the silk flag which City Clerk Abraham Kohn 
of Chicago sent to the President-elect before his departure for 
Washington in February, 1861. It was painted in colors, its 
folds bearing Hebrew characters lettered in black with the third 
to ninth verses of the first chapter in Joshua, the last verse being : 
"Have I not commanded thee? Be strong and of good courage; 
be not afraid neither be thou dismayed ; for the Lord thy God 
is with thee whithersoever thou goest." 



Probable number of Jews in the United States at the time of the out- 
break of the Civil War — Seddon's estimate of "from ten to twelve 
thousand Jews in the Southern Army" — Judah P. Benjamin, the 
greatest Jew in American public life — His early life and his mar- 
riage — Whig politician, planter and slave owner — Elected to the 
United States Senate and re-elected as a Democrat — Quits Wash- 
ington when Louisiana seceded and enters the cabinet of the Con- 
federacy — Attorney-General, Secretary of War and Secretary of 
State — His foreign policy — His capacity for work — When all is lost 
he goes to England and becomes one of its great lawyers — His last 
days are spent in France. 

The highest estimate of the number of Jews in the United 
States about the time of the outbreak of the Civil War was about 
tour hundred thousand (Jonas P. Levy in 1858; see "Publica- 
tions," XI, p. 39), while the lowest, given by Mr. Simon Wolf 
in his work, which is the standard authority on the participation 
of the Jews in the war,^ thinks it "altogether doubtful whether 
there were more than 150,000, if that many, when hostiliticis 
commenced." But it is certain that even if the higher estimatt 
is nearer the truth, the Jews took their full share in the strug- 
gle and "that the enlistment of Jewish soldiers, N'orth and South, 
reached proportions considerably in excess of their ratio to the 
general population." Mr. \Volf has collected data to the effect 
that over seven thousand Jews took part in the conflict on both 
sides, but he has by no means been able to come near com-- 

' The American Jew as Patriot, Soldier and Citi::cn, p. 6. 



r / I 

From Pierce Eullei's "JuLiah P. lie: 


Judah P. Bon j a mi n. 


Judah P. Benjamin. 221 

pleteness. Neither the Government of the United States nor 
that of the Confederacy took notice of the rehgion of its sol- 
diers; a large number of the young German-Jewish volunteers 
v;ere far from being strict adherents of religion, while many 
^mo^g the native Jews had American names and could not be 
easily recognized as Jews. Mr. Seddon, the Secretary of War 
of the Confederacy, when requested, in the fall of 1864, to grant 
a furlough to Jewish soldiers who would like to keep Rosh ha- 
Shanah and Yom Kippur, is quoted as replying that he believed 
that there were from ten to twelve thousand Jews in the Southern 
Army, and that it would perhaps disintegrate certain commands 
if the request was granted. While this number is probably an 
exaggeration, it cannot be very far from the truth, and consid- 
ering the comparatively small number of Jews in the South at 
that time, this is a really remarkable showing. 

The number of Jews who distinguished themselves by their 
bravery and who attained high rank and other forms of recog- 
nition, was also correspondingly large, especially if we consider 
their inexperience in war. But before treating of the men who 
gained eminence on the field of battle, and of the others whose 
creditable record in the war helped them to attain positions of 
prominence in other walks of life afterwards, we shall speak 
cf the one man who occupied a really commanding position in 
this gigantic struggle, the greatest Jew in American public life — 
Judah P. Benjamin. 

He was the son of Philip (b. about 1782) and Rebecca de 
Mendes Benjamin, who emigrated from London, England, to 
St. Thomas, W. I., in 1808, shortly after their marriage, where 
the son was born August 6, 181 1. The Benjamins removed to the 
United States, where they originally intended to go, about 1818, 
and settled in Charleston, S. C. Judah Philip entered Yale Uni- 
versity in 1825, and left in 1827, without taking a degree. A 
year later he came to New Orleans, where he taught English, 
learned French and studied law as a notary's clerk. He was ad- 
mitted to the bar in 1832 and a year later married his former 

222 History of the Jews in America. 

pupil, Natalie St. Martin, who remained all her life a devout 
Roman Catholic. The marriage was not a happy one, and when 
their only child which survived infancy was about five years 
old, Mrs. Benjamin moved permanently to France to educate 
her, and Mr. Benjamin saw them only on his visits to Paris, 
which he made almost annually. 

Benjamin was associated with Thomas Slidell, who later 
became Chief Justice of Louisiana, in the preparation of the 
Digest of the Reported Decisions of the Superior Courts in the 
Territory of Orleans and State of Louisiana, which was published 
in 1834. He soon afterward became interested in politics, and 
was elected to the lower house of the General Assembly of 
Louisiana on the Whig ticket in 1842. When he was forced 
by weakened eyesight to relinquish his laAV practice for a time, 
he took up sugar planting, in which he likewise succeeded very 
well. The plantation, however, was ruined by a flood, and Ben- 
jamin removed to New Orleans, together with the members of 
his family, whom he brought over from South Carolina. They 
were his mother (d. 1847), his oldest sister, the widow of Abra- 
ham Levy (whom she married in 1826), and his younger sister, 
who later became the mother of Julius Kruttschnitt (b. in New 
Orleans, 1854), the railroad manager. As a planter Benjamin 
became a slave owner, and some of his slaves, who were still 
living at the beginning of the present century, "would tell visitors 
all sorts of tales of the master of long ago — none but kindly 
memories and romantic legends of the glory of the old place."^ 

He soon became one of the recognized leaders of the Whig 
party in his state, and "no small share of the flashes of success 
that came to it in the last decade of its existence in Louisiana is 
attributable to his energy and political sagacity." He was, ac- 
cording to the journalistic custom of that time, savagely as- 

' Pierce Butler, Judah P. Benjamin, Philadelphia, 1907, p. 62. This 

complete biographical work is the only one of its kind written of an 

American Jew, and practically supersedes all that was written about 
Benjamin before. 

Benjamin as a Senator. 223 

sailed by the newspapers which opposed him, and he was even 
charged, in 1844, with belonging to the "Know Nothing" party, 
despite the fact that he was himself foreign born. But he agreed 
Avith that party in his opposition to the granting of suffrage to 
immigrar.ts into the state, even to natives of Northern States, 
in whom he saw a source of danger to the South. 

His seat in the Constitutional Con\'ention of 1844 being con- 
tested, he resigned and was re-elected by a much larger majority. 
\\'hen he again took his seat at the convention which re-assem- 
bled in New Orleans, Benjamin was the recognized leader of 
the delegates of that city in its disputes with the representatives 
of the country districts. One of his speeches at that convention 
proved that he clearly foresaw the war in 1845, though he was 
then considered an alarmist. He was elected a State Senator 
in 1852, and soon became a leading candidate for the United 
States Senate. He received the nomination by an unexpectedly 
large majority and was elected in the same year, as a \Vhig. 
When that party was split by the antagonism between the North 
and the South, he came out openly m 1855 with the declara- 
tion that it did not exist any more as a national party. He 
urged the necessity of uniting in one great Southern party, on 
a platform ''on which we can all stand together to meet with 
firmness the coming shock." When the formation of such a 
party proved impracticable, he turned to the Democratic party 
and became more friendly to the administration. His first really 
powerful speech in the Senate was delivered May 2d, 1856, on 
the Kansas bill, in which he distinctly and calmly enunciated the 
right of secession. 

In 1859 Benjamin was re-elected to the United States Senate 
by a majority of one vote (that of the last "Know Nothing" in 
the Louisiana Legislature). He was now one of the prominent 
Senators, and chairman of the Judiciary Committee. He was in 
favor of secession only as a last resort ; but he thought that this 
last resort was reached after Lincoln's election in i860. He deliv- 
ered two powerful orations in the Senate in the following winter, 

224 History of the Jews in America. 

and a memorable farewell speech, February 4, 1861, on the 
right of Louisiana to secede. His last speech in the capital was 
delivered before the Washington Artillery on Washington's 
birthday, and soon after, in N,ew Orleans, he took leave from his 
family, whom he was never to see again. 

Louisiana had already seceded from the Union on January 26, 
t86i, and one month later, February 25, Benjamin was named 
by the President of the new Confederacy, Jefferson Davis (1808- 
89) as his Attorney-General. Benjamin assumed his new office 
at the new capital, Montgomery, Ala. ; but there was hardly any 
work for him to do as an Attorney-General to a government 
that practically had no courts. But he was often called upon 
by President Davis to perform other services which required 
tact and delicacy, and he soon gained the latters confidence to a 
marked degree. On September 17, 1861, Benjamin was named 
Secretary of War ad interim, to succeed Secretary Walker, act- 
ing also as Attorney-General until November 15 of that year. He 
proved unpopular in his new office, and was blamed by a Con- 
gressional committee for not sending ammunition to General 
Wise, who lost an important battle about that time. But as a 
matter of fact there was nothing to send, and the President and 
his Secretary of War preferred to accept official blame to dis- 
closing the dearth and scarcity of powder to a committee of the 
Confederate Congress, fearing that it might become known to 
the Yankees. Benjamin shouldered the odium, as usual; but he 
rose in the estimation of Davis and the other leaders who were 
conversant with the true state of affairs. Thus it happened that 
while almost everybody in the South expected Benjamin to be 
dismissed in disgrace, the surprising news was published on 
March 27, 1862, that he was promoted to the office of Secretary 
of State. 

His new Department was the one for which he was pre-emi- 
nently fit ; and while he could not, in the nature of things, accom- 
plish all that was expected of him, he earned the undying fame 
which was best expressed in the description of him as the "Brains 

As Secretary of State. 225 

cf the Confederacy." The great problem was to obtain assist- 
arce from a maritime power, the onl)' one who could help the 
blockaded Confederacy, which was prevented by the blockade 
from selling its chief staple article — cotton. Spain, though a 
slave power herself at that time, was unfriendly to the former 
persistent filibusters, and her distrust could not be overcome. 
France was too friendly with England and would not interfere 
without the latter's consent or co-operation, so that even if the 
South could send out a new Benjamin Franklin to Paris he could 
accomplish little. Benjamin, like almost all Southern statesmen, 
believed that England will be unable to get along without cot- 
ton, and ignoring or misunderstanding the moral forces which 
the cause of the North awakened in Europe, he displayed more 
independence at the beginning than was justifiable. Later, when 
he was in England, Benjamin declared : "I did not believe that 
your government would allow such misery to your operatives, 
such loss to your manufacturers, or that the people themselves 
would have borne it."' Benjamin believed that recognition (by 
England and France) even without intervention would end the 
war, and he might have been right if recognition came early. 

Mason, the Southern representative in England, made little 
headway, and even had his cause been stronger, he was no match 
for Adams, the minister of the North. Slidell, Benjamin's friend, 
was apparently more successful in France. Benjamin authorized 
him to offer France a cotton subsidy valued at over sixty million 
francs for breaking the blockade or even for simple recognition 
of the Confederacy. Emperor Louis Napoleon (1808-73) 
seemed to have been favorably inclined, and Mercier, the French 
minister at Washington, who visited Richmond with Lincoln's 
permission, was so influenced by Benjamin that he became al- 
most enthusiastic. But communications were unsteady and un- 
safe, and some dispatches came seven months after they were 
sent from Paris. As an instance : Benjamin received from Sli- 
dell on February 27, 1863, a message written December .27, 
1862, stating that the envoy to France was "without any dispatch 

226 History of the Jews in America. 

from you later than April 15th." The fall of New Orleans, 
May I, 1862, blasted the hopes of early intervention. 

Benjamin worked very hard as Secretary of State, although 
there were no ambassadors to be received and no social functions 
to be attended in Richmond. It has been stated on good author- 
ity that President Davis consulted with his Secretary of State 
more freely than with any other member of his cabinet, and 
finding him always willing and able, got in the habit of referring 
to the State Department anything that did not beyond any hope 
belong to some other department. Benjamin's assistant secre- 
tary, L. O. Washington, writes of him : "He was ever calm, self- 
poised, and master of all his resources. His grasp of a subject 
seemed instantaneous. His mind appeared to move without 
friction. His thought was clear." Mrs. Jefferson Davis wrote: 
"Mr. Benjamin was always ready for work; sometimes with 
half an hour recess, he remained with the Executive from ten 
in the morning until night. . . . Both the President and 
the Secretar)' of State worked like galley slaves, early and late. 
Mr. Davis came home fasting, a mere mass of throbbing nerves, 
and perfectly exhausted; but Mr. Benjamin was always fresh 
and buoyant." 

When New Orleans fell, his little family, after privations and 
misadventures, moved to La Grange, Ga., where he could again 
supply them with money. \Mien the fortune of the Confederacy 
began to wane, his unpopularity increased, and attacks upon the 
score of his religion and race, which were never neglected by his 
opponents during his entire career, were now redoubled. He 
was especially blamed for the desperate plan, which was carried 
cut through the desire and influence of General Robert E. Lee 
(1807-70) of enlisting negroes in the Confederate army. On 
February 9, 1865, Benjamin made, at a mass meeting in Rich- 
mond, the last public speech of his life. His power over his 
audience was still great, but all was lost. Richmond fell in less 
than two months. After an anxious week at Danville, he ac- 
companied President Davis to Greensboro, where the fugitive 

Benjamin's Career in England. 227 

government halted for a few days. Taking leave from Mr. 
Davis, to whom he could no longer be of any assistance, he es- 
caped to the West Indies, where he visited his native place for 
the last time, and after many dangers and adventiu'es he arrived 
in England, July 22, 1865. 

Although England did not recognize the Confederacy, many s}-m- 
pathized with it, and Benjamin, whose fame preceded him, was 
received in London with great friendliness, despite the order which 
he gave as Secretary of State, expelling from the Confederate 
States all British Consuls, because they persisted in acting under 
orders from their superiors in Washington. He was befriended 
by many of the important men of the time in Lcjndon, including 
both Benjamin Disraeli (Earl of Beaconsfield, 1804-81) and Will- 
iam E. Gladstone (1809-98). EIa\-ing been born in an English 
colony, the son of an Englishman, he simply returned to h.\s 
original allegiance, seemingly trying to forget his experience 
of more than forty years as an American. He never made a 
political address or a public declaration after leaving America. 
His subsequent career as an English barrister, as one of the 
greatest of barristers in his time, was wonderful, especially when 
we remember that it was begun when he was over fifty-five years 
of age; with a past history which was so crowded with activity 
and exciting experience to wear out any man. He wrote there his 
Treatise on the Lai^' of Sale of Personal Property, zvith Refer- 
ences to the Aiiierieaii Decisions, to the French Code and Civil 
Lazi' which became a legal classic on both sides of the Atlantic. 
His income from his law practice was for some years as high 
as £15,000 annually, which was much rarer then than it is now. 
In 1872 he received a "patent of precedence," which gave him 
rank above all other Queen's Counsels. About 1877 he be- 
gan to build a new house on .Vvenue d'Jena (No. 41), in 
Paris, in which city his wife and only child continued to reside, 
even after he settled in England. A bad accident caused by an 

228 History of the Jews in America. 

attempt to jump off a tram-car, in 1880, left him a sick man 
for the rest of his Hfe. Diabetes developed, and in February, 
1883, he was forced to announce his retirement from the English 
Bar. After a notable banquet given in his honor by the Bench 
and Bar — the first of its kind in England — he retired to his man- 
sion in Paris, where he died May 6, 1884, about seventy-three 
years old. He was buried according to the rites of the Catholic 
Church, although it is not believed that he was converted to 
Christianity. His wife survived him seven years. His only 
daughter, Ninette, who married Captain Henri -de Bousignac, of 
the French army, died without issue in 1898. 




More "brothers in arms'' and a larger proportion of officers in the Con- 
federate Army than in that of the North, because most Southern 
Jews were natives of the country — Some distinguished officers — A 
gallant private who later became a rabbi — Paucity of Southern rec- 
ords— -Generals Knefler, Solomon, Blumenberg, Joachimsen and 
other officers of high rank in the Union Army — New York ranks 
first, Ohio second and Illinois third in the number of Jews who went 
to the front — Two Pennsylvania regiments which started with Jew- 
ish colonels — Commodore Uriah P. Levy, the ranking officer of the 
United States navy at the time of the outbreak of the war, is pre- 
vented by age from taking part in it. 

The disproportionately large number of Jews who served in 
the Confederate army was already alluded to in the former chap- 
ter. Another proof of it is the preponderance among the Jews 
in that army of instances of "brothers in arms" (as Mr. Wolf 
calls them), i. e., of groups of several brothers who went to 
the front with their neighbors to fight the battles of the state 
and the section of the country in which they lived. Six brothers 
Cohen — Aaron, Jacob H., Julius, Edward, Gustavus A. and 
Henry M. — came from North Carolina. South Carolina contrib- 
uted the five brothers Moses — Percy, Joshua L., Horace, J. Harby 
and A. Jackson. The four brothers Jonas have been men- 
tioned in a former chapter, but they also had a fifth brother 
who, like their father, embraced the Union cause. Raphael 
Moses and his three sons were four Southern soldiers from 


230 History of the Jews in America. 

Georgia, while Alabama sent also three Moses brothers: Mor- 
decai, Henr)' C. and Alfred. Three brothers Cohen came from 
Arkansas, Virginia and Louisiana each sent three brothers sur- 
named Levy, while of the three brothers Goldsmith two came 
from Georgia and one from South Carolina. The reason for 
the presence gf so many brothers in arms in the Confederate 
srmy is given by the above named authority as due to the fact 
that the Jews of the Southern States were, in a much larger pro- 
portion than those of the Xorth, natives of the soil or residents 
of long standing. \A'hile the Jews of the North were much more 
numerous, they were, for the most part, immigrants of a com- 
paratively recent date, and therefore less intensely imbued with 
the spirit of the conflict. 

There were about twenty-three Jewish staff officers in the 
Confederate arm}^ \\hich is likewise a larger number than 
those who held similar positions in the L^nion army, and 
probably for the same reason given above. The most distin- 
guished of them were : Surgeon-General David de Leon, who 
participated in the Mexican war (see page 162) ; Assistant Ad- 
jutant-General J. Randolph Mordecai, and Colonel Raphael J. 
Moses, who served on the staff of General Longstreet and was 
chief commissary for the State of Georgia. Adolph Meyer 
(b. in New Orleans, 1842; d. there 1908), who later served nine 
terms as a member of the House of Representatives in Washing- 
ton from the First District of Louisiana (52d to 60th Congresses, 
inclusive), entered the Confederate army in 1862, and served 
until the close of the war on the staff of Brigadier-General John 
S. Williams of Kentucky. There were also about a dozen Jew- 
ish officers in the Confederate na\y, one of whom, Captain Levy 
Myers Harby (b. in Georgetown, S. C, 1793: d. in Galveston, 
Tex., 1870), who had previously served in the war of 1812, in 
the Mexican war and in the Bolivian war, and, after resigning 
from the service of the United States and joining the Con- 
federacy, distinguished himself in the defence of Galveston, and 
was in command of its harbor at the close of the Civil War. 

I'liolo bv Harris i ].;„i„e. „•„„, ^ 

Hon. Simon Wolf. 


Jews in the Confederate Army. 233 

Lionel Levy, a nephew of Judah P. Benjamin, served as Judge- 
Advocate of the Alihtary Court of the Confederate Army. 
Among those who served as privates in tlie ranks who deser\-e 
to be mentioned was Samuel Ullman of the i6th Infantry Regi- 
ment of Mississippi, who served gallantly through the war, being 
twice wounded, and later (1891-94) was rabbi of Emanuel Con- 
gregation of Birmingham, Ala. There have also been preserved 
the names of twenty-five Jews among the Confederate prisoners 
who died in Elmira. N. Y., during the time which they were 
detained there. A list of seventeen soldiers interred at the 
Jewish burying ground of Richmond, Va., contains the names of 
one captain, three lieutenants, and one corporal, which is an 
exceptionallv large ratio of officers for the Civil War on either 
side. Even in the South the Jews could at that time be num- 
bered by tens of thousands, with a much larger proportion of 
poor men, or immigrants, than in former times, and the relative 
number of officers was perforce much smaller than at the time 
of the Revolution or of the War of 1812. Still the Jews of 
the South were then, as it was stated above, much more as- 
similated or Americanized than those of the North, and the 
records of the Confederate army were less carefully kept or 
preserved. Thus it happens that, while judging from inference 
and some general statements, it may appear that the number of 
Jews in the armies of the Confederacy was almost as large as, 
if not larger than, their number in the LTnion Army, the actual 
records compiled by Mr. AVolf tell an entirely different story. 
His lists contain about six thousand names of Jews who sup- 
ported the Union cause, while among those who defended seces- 
sion and slavery there were only about a fifth of that number 
whose names and identity he ascertained. 

It is also to the Union army that we have to go to find Jewish 
officers who commanded regiments on the Ijattlefields. Brevet 
Major General Frederick Knefler, a native of Hungary, who rose 
to the colonelcy of the 79th Indiana Regiment and subsequently 
became a Brigadier-General, and was made Brevet Major-Gen- 

234 History of the Jews in America. 

eral for meritorious conduct at Chickamauga, is classed as a 
Jew. Edward S. Solomon (known also as Salomon; b. in Sles- 
wick-Holstein, 1826; d. 1909) emigrated to the United States 
after receiving a high school education in his native town, and 
settled in Chicago, where he was elected alderman in i860. At 
the outbreak of the war he joined the 24th Illinois Infantry as 
second-lieutenant, participating in the battles of Frederickton 
and Mainfordsville, Kentucky, and was promoted to the rank of 
major in 1862. He then resigned and assisted in the organiza- 
tion of the Eighty-second Illinois Infantry, in which regiment 
he became lieutenant-colonel, and afterwards became its colonel. 
He took part, under General Howe, in the battles of Chancellor- 
ville, Gettysburg, Chattanooga, Lookout Mountain and Mis- 
sionary Ridge. In 1865 he was brevetted brigadier-general. 
When peace was restored he returned to Chicago and became 
clerk of Cook County, 111. In 1870 he was appointed by Presi- 
dent Ulysses S. Grant (1822-85) governor of Washington Ter- 
ritory, and held the position about four years. After resigning, 
in 1874, he settled in San Francisco, where he was twice elected 
to the Legislature of California, and also held the office of Dis- 
trict Attorney of San Francisco. 

Leopold Blumenberg (b. in Prussia, 1827; d. in Baltimore, 
1876) served with distinction in the Prussian-Danish war of 
1848-49 and was promoted to the rank of first lieutenant. Pie 
came to the United States in 1854 and settled in Baltimore, 
■i\-here he engaged in a profitable business, which he abandoned 
at the outbreak of the war. He helped to organize the Fifth 
IMaryland Regiment, in which he became a major. His work 
for the Union cause excited the animosit)' uf local secessionists, 
who attempted to hang him, and he was forced to have his house 
barricaded and guarded for several nights. Blumenberg was 
acting colonel of his regiment near Hampton Roads. He was 
later attached to Mansfield's corps at the Peninsular campaign, 
and commanded his regiment as colonel at .Vntietam, where he 
was severely wounded. When he liad parti}- recovered he was 

Officers in the Union Army. 235 

appointed by President Lincoln provost-marshal of the third 
Maryland district, A\hich position he held for two years. Presi- 
dent Andrew Johnson (1808-75) gave him a position in the 
revenue department and commissioned him brigadier-general, 
United States Volunteers, by brevet. General Blnmenberg was 
a member of the Plar-Sinai Congregation and of the Hebrew 
Orphan Asylum of Baltimore. 

Philip J. Joachimsen (b. in Breslau, Germany, 1817; a. 1831; 
d. in New York, 1890) was appointed Assistant Corporation 
Attorney of the City of New York soon after his admission to 
the bar, in 1840, and fifteen years later he became Assistant 
United States District Attorney, being afterward appointed Sub- 
stitute United States Attorney under a special provision of an 
act of Congress. (Alarkcns 223.) During his term of office he 
secured the first capital conviction for slave trading, and also 
the conviction of some Nicaraguan filibusterers. He organized 
and commanded the 59th New York Volunteer Regiment 
and was injured at New Orleans. He was made brigadier-gen- 
eral by brevet. In 1870 he was elected a Judge of the Marine 
Court of the City of New York and served a full term of six 
years. Judge Joachimsen was active in Jewish communal affairs, 
and was the first president of the Hebrew Orphan Asylum 
(1859). Twent)' years later he organized the Plebrew Shelter- 
ing Guardian Society. 

General \\'illiam Mayer rendered valuable service during the 
Draft Riots in New York City, for which he received an auto- 
graph letter of thanks from President Lincoln. Subsecjuently 
General J\Iayer devoted himself to journalism and was the editor 
of several German newspapers. 

Marcus M. Spiegel, the son of a rabbi of Oppenheim-on-the- 
Rhine, enlisted in the 67th Ohio Infantry Regiment and 
was promoted step by step until lie became lieutenant-colonel, 
and for braverv manifested on the battle field, was appointed 
Colonel of the 120th Ohio Infantry. He was wounded at Vicks- 
burg, and after joining his regiment again, fell at Snaggy Point, 

236 History of the Jews in America. 

on the Red River, Louisiana. But for his untimely death, 
Colonel Spiegel would have been promoted to the rank of Bri- 
gadier-General, to which he was recommended by his superior 

Max Einstein (b. in Wiirtemburg, 1822; a. 1844) had con- 
siderable military experience prior to the outbreak of the war. 
He was a silk merchant, and became First Lieutenant of the 
Washington Guards in 1852, In the following year he joined 
the Philadelphia (Flying) Artillery Company and was chosen 
its Captain. He became Aide-de-Camp (with the rank of Lieu- 
tenant-Colonel) to Governor James Pollock of Pennsylvania in 
1856. In i860 he was elected Brigadier-General of the Second 
Brigade of Pennsylvania Militia. In the succeeding year he 
organized the 27th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment, which was 
mustered into service May 31, 1861, for a three years' term. 
This regiment, under Colonel Einstein's command, succeeded in 
covering the retreat of the Union Army in the first battle of Bull 
Run and won credit by its conduct. Einstein was subsequently 
appointed by President Lincoln United States Consul at Nurem- 
berg, Germany, and later served as United States Revenue Agent 
at Philadelphia. 

It is worth noting as an example that this one regiment had 
nearly thirty Jewish officers, most of them in n*inor positions, 
and about sixty privates in the ranks. This was, of course, an 
exceptional case, but Jews were represented in most of the regi- 
ments, especially those of Philadelphia, almost if not quite as 
much as in the regiments of those states which sent a larger con- 
tingent of Jewish soldiers to the front than Pennsylvania. The 
first of those states was New York, with nearly two thousand, 
■which had already at that time achieved the distinction of hav- 
ing the largest Jewish community in the New World. Ohio, 
which came second, with 1,134, and Illinois, with 1,076, clearly 
indicated the growing importance of the Middle West for the 
new immigration. Indiana contributed over five hundred — al- 
most as many as Pennsylvania — while Michigan had more than 

Officers in the Union Army. 237 

two hundred of its Jewish inhabitants in the Union Army. New 
England had the smallest representation, for the number of Jews 
there was very small at that time. 

There w»s still another Pennsylvania regiment, the 65th 
(Fifth Cavalry), known as the "Cameron Dragoons" (on ac- 
count of its being recruited under the authority of an osder 
issued by Secretary of War Simon Cameron (1799-1889) July 
6, 1861), which first went to the front under the command of 
a Jewish colonel. His name was Max Friedman (b. in Miihl- 
hausen, Germany, 1825), and he came to the United States in 
1848, settling in Philadelphia. He served as Major of a Regi- 
m.ent in the State Militia prior to the Civil War. Colonel Fried- 
man remained with his regiment in the field until a severe wound 
received at the battle of Vienna, Virginia, forced him to resign 
in the following month. He later (1869) settled in New York 
as the cashier of the Union Square National Bank, of which he 
v.-as one of the organizers. 

Abraham Hart (b. in Hesse-Darmstadt, 1832), who arrived 
in this country at the age of eighteen, was a captain in the 
73d Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment, and when Colonel 
Kolter, under whom he served, was elevated to the command of 
a brigade in General Blenker's Division of the Army of the Po- 
tomac, Captain Hart was detailed as Adjutant-Genera! of the 
brigade. Moses Isaac of New York attained the same rank, 
that of adjutant-general in the Third Army Corps of the Army 
of the Potomac, and participated in the battles of the Penin- 
sular campaign, subsequently serving under General Banks. 
Another New York Jew, of whom little else is known besides a 
brief notice by Mr. Wolf (p. 285), was Lieutenant-Colonal Leo- 
pold C. Newman, of the 31st Infantry Regiment of that 
state, whose foot was shattered by a cannon ball in the battle 
of Chancellorville (May 2, 1863), and he was taken to Wash- 
ington, where he died. President Lincoln visited him at his bed- 
side, and brought along his commission promoting him to the 
rank of Brigadier-General. 

238 History of the Jews in America. 

While the number of Jewish soldiers was proportionally large, 
and many of them became distinguished for bravery and were 
promoted to responsible positions, it was in the other branch 
of the service, the Navy, in which a member of the Jewish com- 
munity attained the highest rank up to that time. Commodora 
Uriah Phillips Levy (b. in Philadelphia, 1792; d. in New York, 
1862) held the highest rank in the United States Navy prior to 
the outbreak of the Civil War, though his age prevented him 
from participating in that struggle. Levy sailed as a cabin Doy 
before he was eleven years old, and at the age of fourteen he 
was apprenticed as a sailor, and also attended a naval school for 
one year, becoming a second mate four years later. He soon 
rose to be first mate, and was master of a schooner at twenty. 
While he was on a cruise on the "George Washington," of 
which he was part owner as well as master, a mutiny took place, 
his vessel was seized and he was left penniless; but he man- 
aged to return to the United States, and after obtaining the 
necessary means, he secured the mutineers, brought them to the 
United States and had them convicted. 

Levy received his commission from the United States Navy 
as sailing master in October, 1812, when the war with Eng- 
land had already begun. Until June 13 he served on the ship 
"Alert," doing shore duty ; then he went on the brig "Argus," 
bound for France. The "Argus" captured several prizes, and 
Levy was placed in command of one, but the prize was re- 
captured by the English, and Levy and the crew were kept as 
prisoners for sixteen months in England. In 18 16 he was as- 
signed as sailing master to the "I^ranklin," and in March, 181 7, 
he was appointed lieutenant in the Navy, which appointment was 
confirmed by the Senate. 

Levy had many difficulties in tire Navy, partly due to his 
promotion from the line, which is never popular among officers 
who receive their training at the Naval Academy, and partly, 
as he himself and many others thought, on account of his faith 
and descent. He fought a duel, in which he killed his opponent, 

Commodore Uriah P. Levy. 


Commodore Uriah P Levy. 241 

was court-martialed six times, and finall}' dropped from the list 
as captain, to which rank he had been promoted. He defended 
his conduct before a court of inquiry in 1S55, which restored 
him to the navy as captain. Subsecjuently he rose to the rank 
of commodore. 

Levy was the descendant of an old Philadelphia family, al- 
ways acknowledged his Jewish allegiance, and was one of the 
charter members of the Washington Hebrew Congregation. 
He purchased Monticello, the home of Thomas Jefferson, whom 
he greatly admired, and it is still owned by the family, the present 
owner being Congressman Jefferson M. Levy, a nephew of the 
commodore. A statue of Jefferson, presented to the government 
by Uriah P. Levy, is still standing in the Statuary Hall of the 
Capitol in Washington. Levy is buried in the portion of Cypress 
Hills Cemetery in New York which belongs to Congregation 
Shearit Israel (of which another nephew, Louis Napoleon Levy, 
a brother of the Congressman, is president), and on his impos- 
ing tombstone is recorded that "he was the father of the law for 
the abolition of the barbarous practice of corporal punishment 
in the United States Navy." 



Ebb and flow of immigration between 1850 and 1880 — Decrease and 
practical stoppage of Jewish immigration from Germany — The 
breathing spell between two periods of immigration, and the prep- 
aration for the vast influx which was to follow — The period of great 
charitable institutions — Organization and consolidation — The He- 
brew Union College and the Union of American Hebrew Congrega- 
tions — The Independent- Order B'nai Brith — Other large fraternal 
organizations and their usefulness — Important local institutions in 
New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, etc. 

The number of immigrants arriving in the United States 
increased in the middle of the last century, and reached its 
highest point of that period in 1854, when the new arrivals 
numbered 427,833. It then began to diminish, and fell to about 
150,000 in i860, and to less than 90,000 in each of the two 
first years of the Civil War, 1861 and 1862. In the following 
year it began to rise again, and in the two last years of the 
war, when the final outcome was already easily foreseen in the 
Old World, it was considerably above the three years preceding 
the beginning of the conflict. In 1865 there came 247,453; in 
1867 (when the present system of figuring by the fiscal year, end- 
ing June 30, was adopted) they numbered 298,967, and only a 
little less in 1868. In 1869 it rose to 352,569; in 1870 to 
387,203. After a slight relapse in 1871 to 321,350, it rose in 
1872 to 404,806 and in 1873 to 459,803, when the current re- 
ceded again on account of the slackening of all business activity 
which followed the panic of that year. It sank to as low as 


Decline of G-erman Immigration. 243 

138,469 in 1878, rose again to 177,826 in 1879, and to 457,257 
in 1880, when the country had fully recovered from the effects 
of the panic, as well as from the ravages of the great struggle. 

But while Germans formed a large part of those who arrived 
in the two or three decades after the war, the number of Jews 
who left that country was now very small, and sank to almost 
nothing about 1880. What was described by a Jewish traveler^ 
as the second German-Jewish migration to America, which began 
about 1836, and to which "Bavaria contributed the largest quota 
of (Jewish) immigrants, because of her peculiarly harsh (anti- 
Jewish) marriage laws and commercial restrictions," practically 
ended in the decade of the Civil War, when the Jews were 
emancipated in most of the German states. The progress made 
by these immigrants in less than one generation can be best illus- 
trated by cjuoting two passages from the same article by Mr. 
Kohler : "The early German settlers commonly arrived here 
without means, frequently without any education other than of 
the most rudimentary character." Subsequently (p. 102) he 
quotes a German-American politician, who wrote in 1869: "The 
German Jews in America gain in influence daily, being rich, 
intelligent and educated, or at least seeking education. They 
read better books than the rest of the Germans. . ." 

This progress was largely accelerated by the great business 
activity which followed the war. A large number of the Ger- 
man-Jewish immigrants amassed wealth, and the stoppage of 
the arrival of new poor immigrants, or rather of poor relatives, 
reduced the number of the needy and helpless among them to an 
insignificant fraction. It may be said that it was during these 
fifteen years ( 1865-80), between the preceding large German-Jew- 
ish immigration and the following incomparably larger Russian- 
Jewish influx, that the Jews of the United States succeeded in 
bringing their communal house to order, and in preparing for their 

^ See Kohler, German-Jewish Migration to America in "Publications" 
IX, 96 ff. 

244 History of the Jews in America. 

historic mission of receiving the great masses which were soon 
to be driven thither from the Slavic countries by the iron hand of 
persecution. Most of the large charitable institutions, which 
are the pride of American Judaism, and have served to reheve 
want and pain in various forms, actuahy date from that period. 
The date of organization or original foundation is in most cases 
much earlier. But at the beginning these institutions were more 
like the small charities which are now founded by poor immi- 
grants. There were very few great Jewish institutions in the 
United States prior to the Civil War, although most of the mag- 
nificent organizations in the older communities justly claim a 
continued existence from ante-bellum days. The largest number 
and the most important of them grew to their imposing size 
and vast usefulness in "the seventies," i. e., in that breathing 
spell which the Jews of America had between two periods of 

The tendency to organize, to consolidate and take up the work 
of American Judaism in earnest, which characterized that period, 
manifested itself in the conferences of the Reform Rabbis, al- 
though as occasions for squabbles about destructive innovations 
and for extremely radical declarations, they deserve to be classed 
as ephemeral sensationalism rather than events of historical im- 
portance. It was at the third of these conventions, held in Cin- 
cinnati in June, 1871, that it was decided to establish the Hebrew 
Union College and to organize the Union of American Hebrew 
Congregations. The last named organization, which was 
founded in July, 1873, with thirty-four congregations, number- 
ing about 1,800 members,' now comprises about two hundred con- 
gregations, with a total membership of nearly twenty thousand, 
and includes practically the entire American and Americanized 
German elements which are affiliated with Jewish religious insti- 
tutions. The College, which was established two years later, has 

^ Rev. Joseph Krauskopf, //a// a Century of Judaism in the United 
States, in "The American Jews' Annual" for 5648, p. 87. 

Julius Bien. 
Principal organizer of the Ind. Order B'nai B'rith, 


"Sons of the Covenant." 247 

educated nearly one hundred and fifty American Rabbis, some 
of whom have attained eminence as preachers and communal 

The Independent Order B'nai B'rith (Sons of the Covenant), 
which seems destined to be the great Jewish international organ- 
ization of the future, though founded in 1843, did not assume 
its commanding position until about a quarter of a century after- 
\vard. It had less than 3,000 members in 1857. Three years 
after the close of the Civil War its membership rose to 
20,000, which was probably a larger proportion of the Jew- 
ish population of the country at that time than it ever had 
before or after. It now has about 34,000 members, dis- 
tributed in the seven districts into which it has divided 
the United States, and in Germany, Austria and Roumania, 
where there are flourishing lodges. A lodge has also recently 
been established in England. The guiding spirit of the order 
was Julius Bien (b. in Hesse-Nassau, Germany, 1826; d. in New 
York, 1909), who was its president in the years 1854-57 and 
1868-1900. His successor was Leo N. Levi (b. in Victoria, 
Tex., 1856; d. in New York, 1904), who was in turn succeeded 
by the present incumbent, Adolf Kraus (b. in Bohemia, 1850; a. 
1865), an eminent attorney, who has resided in Chicago since 
1871, where he has served as President of the Board of Educa- 
tion, Corporation Counsel of the city and President of the Civil 
Service Commission. 

While no other Jewish fraternal organization succeeded in 
accomplishing as much as the B'nai B'rith in communal or 
charitable work and in representing general Jewish interests for 
a number of years, other organizations of the same kind, which 
kept more strictly to the activities for the benefits of their own 
members, also originated in that period. They are the Order 
Brith Abraham (organized 1859) and its offshoots, the Kesh- 
er shel Barzel (founded i860), the Independent Order Brith 
Abraham (1887), the Free Sons of Israel (1849), and the Free 
Sons of Benjamin (1879). The two Brith Abraham Orders, the 

248 History of the Jews in America. 

second of which was formed by a secession from the first, 
have grown very fast of late years, the former having about 
70,000 members of both sexes and the latter about twice that 
number. Like most of the other Jewish or-ders which originated 
later, the bulk of their membership consists of immigrants of the 
last period from the Slavic countries. Aside from the pecuniary 
benefits which members and their families derive from these 
organizations at lower rates than they could have obtained else- 
where, the educational value of these bodies is also great, for 
many obtain there the, first glimpse of the systematic working oi 
an organization which is amenable to its own rules. 

As much, if not more, progress was made in that time with 
the founding of institutions which are considered as local in 
their character, but which in large communities like New York, 
Philadelphia or Chicago ultimately helped more people at a 
larger cost than many of the national organizations. The United 
Hebrew Charities of New York was organized in 1874, two 
years after the incorporation of the Home for Aged and Infirm 
Hebrews. The Mount Sinai Hospital was originally the Jews' 
Hospital (organized 1857), but it was then a small institution, 
and its large structure (which was abandoned for a still larger 
one in 1901) which first bore the name of Mount Sinai was 
erected in 1870. The Hebrew Benevolent Orphan Asylum, which 
was organized in its original form in the first quarter of the last 
century, had only thirty children, in a rented house, in i860. Its 
first building, on the corner of Third avenue and Seventy-seventh 
street, was erected in 1862, and its magnificent structure on Am- 
sterdam avenue more than twenty years afterwards. The He- 
brew Sheltering Guardian Orphan Asylum Society was organized 
in 1879. The Hebrew Free School Association, which gave the 
impetus to the organization in later years of important educa- 
tional institutions, like the Hebrew Technical Institute, the Tech- 
nical School for Girls, and ultimately also to the Educational Al- 
liance (originally The Hebrew Institute, organized 1891), orig- 

Communal Activities. 249 

iiiated in that period and existed until about 1899. The Young 
Men's Hebrew Association was organized in 1874. 

Philadelphia likewise enjoyed much communal activity in that 
formative period of American-Jewish history. The first Jewish 
theological seminary in America, Maimonides College, was 
opened there in 1867 and existed for six years. The Hebrew 
Education Society, which was organized in 1848 and opened its 
school with twenty-two pupils in 185 1, opened a second school in 
the vestry room of the Bene Israel Synagogue on Fifth street 
in 1878, and a third school on the northwest corner of Marshall 
street and Girard avenue in 1879. The first Jewish Hospital 
Association of that city was incorporated in 1865. The Jewish 
Maternity Association was founded in 1873. The Jewish Foster 
Home, which erected its first small building in 1855, was or- 
ganized in its present form in 1874, since which time it has be- 
come one of the most important communal institutions there. 
The Young Men's Hebrew Association was organized in 1875, 
a year later than the one in New York. 

The first Jewish Hospital in Chicago was erected on La- 
salle avenue in 1868. It was destroyed by the great fire of 
1871, and eight years later the funds which made possible the 
erection of the Michael Reese Hospital were donated for that 
purpose. The United Hebrew Charities of Chicago, originally 
the United Hebrew Relief Association, was organized in 1859, 
and changed its name later. The United Hebrew Charities of St. 
Louis was organized in 1875. 



PRIOR TO 1880. 

Continued increase in the wealth and importance of the German-Jewish 
congregations — New and spacious synagogues and temples erected 
in various parts of the country in the "sixties'" and the "seventies" 
— Problems of Russian-Jewish immigration prior to 1880 — Economic 
condition of the Jewish masses in Russia worse in the "golden era" 
than under Nicholas I. — Emigration from Russia after the famine 
of 1867-68 and after the pogrom of Odessa in 1871 — Presumption of 
the existence of a Hebrew reading public in New York in 1868 — 
The first Hebrew and Yiddish periodicals. 

The charitable institutions which were founded or enlarged 
in this period were not the only indication of the improved and 
settled condition of the Jews who came here in the preceding 
half century. These institutions were later to be even more 
enlarged, and numerous others were to be established to meet 
the demands made upon them in the following quarter century. 
It is to the synagogues or temples which date from these times 
that we have to turn in order to gain a true conception of the 
general condition of the Jews. In this respect there is a strik- 
irg similarity between the condition of the Sephardim at the 
beginning of the nineteenth century and the German Jews at 
the end of its third quarter. In both cases the numerical growth 
almost stopped with the cessation of immigration from the home 
country. The small number of arrivals and the natural increase 
were barely enough to replace the losses through death and 
through estrangements which were caused by outright defections 
or by the slower process of mixed marriages. And just as the 


New and Enlarged Synagogues. 251 

Spanish and Portuguese element in American Judaism, wliich had 
barely held its own after the suspension of the Inquisition, per- 
mitted the surviving Marranos to remain where they were, and 
improved conditions in Western Europe obviated the necessity of 
the Sephardim of Holland, France or England looking for new 
homes, so did the much larger and more active German ele- 
ment practically stop growing numerically after the emancipa- 
tion of the Jews in the German States. The number of Jews 
who arrived here from Germany after 1880 is insignificant, and 
the same may be said of the relative number of German-Jewish 
synagogues which were established after that time. 

As a matter of fact the formation of German congregations 
stopped several years earlier. The better cohesiveness and dis- 
cipline among the Americanized Jews made splits a very rare 
occurrence. Only in large cities the removal of many members 
of a congregation too far from the location of its synagogue 
caused the formation of new congregations, consisting mostly of 
members of older bodies, with some accessions of immigrants 
from the Slavic countries. In the smaller cities there is even 
now only one German- American congregation, usually dating 
from before the Civil War or from the decade following it. Tn 
the larger cities there may be several of them of about the 
same age, except in some communities, like Charleston, S. C, 
where the Spanish and the Germans are fused in the one Re- 
form congregation, or in New York, where each section of the 
community is sufficiently large to have several congregations of 
its own. 

It is therefore not to the increase in the number of German- 
Jewish congregations, but to their increase in wealth and im- 
portance, as demonstrated by the increase in the size and 
splendor of the synagogues and temples, that we have to look 
for proof of the great progress which was made in that period. 
The most representative congregations of New York have been 
described in the preceding parts of this work. In Philadelphia 
a new, spacious synagogue of its oldest congregation, Mickweh 

252 History of the Jews in America. 

Israel, was dedicated in i860, and the new beautiful temple of 
the Congregation Rodef Shalom, "one of the earliest German- 
Jewish congregations in America," was built in 1870. Kehillat 
Anshe Maarab of Chicago had its first large synagogue ready 
(converted from a church) in 1868. The second oldest con- 
gregation. Bene Shalom, erected its first temple, on the corner 
of Harrison street and Fourth avenue, in 1864, "at that time 
the handsomest Jewish house of worship in Chicago." The 
third eldest, Sinai Congregation, purchased the site of its tem- 
ple in 1872 (after the fire of 1871 had destroyed its former 
house of worship), and t!ie structure was finished four years 
later. In distant California, Temple Emanuel, of San Francisco, 
was dedicated in 1866. In the District of Columbia (Washing- 
ton) the first synagogue was dedicated in 1863 and the second 
in 1873. The old congregation of Savannah, Ga., erected a 
new and much larger synagogue in 1876. 

Temple Achdut we-Shalom of Evansville, Ind., which was 
erected in 1856, was replaced by a more costly one in 1874. In 
Indianapolis, the capital and largest city of that state, a new 
temple was dedicated in 1868, about three years after the cor- 
nerstone was laid. The first temple of the Congregation Adath 
Israel of Louisville, Ky-, was finished in 1868; about three years 
later congregations were organized in Owensboro and Paducah, 
in the same state. Temple Sinai of New Orleans. La., of which 
Dr. Maximilian Heller (b. in Prague, Bohemia, i860), has been 
rabbi since 1887, dates from 1870. In Monroe, in the same state, a 
congregation was organized in that year, and in Shreveport, La., 
several years before. The synagogue of the Baltimore Hebrew 
Congregation, which was erected in 1845, ^^'^^ enlarged in i860, 
while the "Chizzuk Amoonah," which seceded from it in 1871, 
erected its synagogue on Lloyd street five years later. 

The older synagogues of both Boston, Mass., and Detroit, 

Mich., date from the same period. Mount Zion Congregation 

of St. Paul, Minn., was founded in 1871. Meridian, Natchez, 

Port Gibson and Vicksburg, in the State of Mississippi, have 

Albany, Rochester, Syracuse, etc. 253 

synagogues which originaied within the decade of the war. The 
same is true of Kansas City, St. Joseph and St. Louis, in Mis- 
souri, and of Temple Israel of Omaha, Neb. The first houses 
of worship of Hoboken and Jersey City, N. J., were established 
about 1870, while in the largest city of that state, Newark, the 
synagogue (built 1858) of the Congregation B'nai Jeshurun 
(organized 1848) was replaced by an imposing temple which was 
dedicated in 1868. 

lu the State of New York, outside of its chief city, the same 
cafl-'be seen. The first considerable synagogue of Albany, that 
of Congregation Beth El, was erected in 1865. The first con- 
gregation of BuiTalo, organized in 1847, built its own synagogue 
in 1874. In both of these cities, like in many others, larger and 
more costly temples were erected later; but there was much less 
wealth in the country in general after the Civil War, and a 
building costing fifty thousand dollars which was erected in the 
"sixties" or the "seventies" represented perhaps a further ad- 
vance from preceding times than one three times as costly in- 
dicated in the "nineties." In some instances, like that of Roches- 
ter, where the first Jewish community was organized in 1848, 
the purchase of a spacious church building early in its career 
(1856) postponed the necessity of a large edifice until later. 
It was not until Rabbi Max Landsberg (b. in Berlin, 1845; a. 
1871) had been with the Congregation "Berith Kodesh" of 
Rochester for nearly a cjuarter century that the present fine tem- 
ple was erected (1894). In other communities divisions or 
splits made it impracticable to build large houses of worship 
until a later time : so we find that in Syracuse, where the first re- 
ligious organization was formed in 1841, and the first synagogue 
■v^as opened in 1846, a building erected in 1850 sufficed for the 
needs of the congregation more than half a century afterwards. 
This was because a new congregation was formed in 1854; an- 
other secession took place in 1864 and one more congregation 
was founded in 1870. Brooklyn, on account of its proximity 
to New York City, could not develop a really independent com- 

254 History of the Jews in America. 

munal life until it had a very large Jewish population, and in 
some respects has not done so even yet. The Keap Street 
Synagogue, which dates from the period which we deal with in 
this chapter, was the largest of its kind in the city for many 

ii: :^ :^ ^ iji 

The marked diminution or practical cessation of Jewish im- 
migration from, Germany by no' means meant a stoppage of 
Jewish immigration. There was a steady flow of immigifa- 
tion from Russia, which, beginning with the exodus from Rifts- 
sian-Poland of 1845 (see above, page 189), has actually never 
ceased until this day, although it did not assume the immense 
proportions of the last thirty years. The "Aufruf" on behalf of 
the Russian-Jewish refugees, which Rabbi S. M. Schiller (Schil- 
ier-Szinessy, b. in Alt-Ofen, Hungary, 1820; d. in Cambridge, 
England, 1890) published in the Orient for 1846 (pp. 67-68), 
is a sufficient indication of the comparative antiquity of a 
problem which many suppose never arose until after the 
anti-Jewish riots in 1881. What is even less known in Western 
countries is that the economic condition of the Jews in Russia 
was much worse in the so-called "golden period" under Czar 
Alexander II. (1818-81) than under his more despotic predeces- 
sor. There was a popular saying among the Russian-Jews at that 
time — when it could not have occurred to anybody that these years 
of starvation would later be considered a golden age — that Czar 
Nicholas I. (1796-1855) wanted the persons of the Jews but left 
them their goods, while his son was less concerned about the per- 
sons, but despoiled them of their goods. This allusion to the pas- 
sage in the Pentateuch (Gen. 14, 21 ) , in which the king of Sodom 
says to Abraham "Give me the persons and take the goods to 
thyself," meant that Nicholas, who first began to enroll Jews 
in the Russian army and attempted to convert as many Jews 
to Christianity as possible, afforded the Jews in general better 
opportunities to earn a living than the more liberal Alexander. 
The fact that no proper provision was made for the Jews in the 

Immigration from Russia. 255 

re-adjustment which followed the emancipation of the serfs, and 
that even the slight concessions, like the permission to skilled 
artizans to live outside of the "Pale of Settlement," were never 
carried out honestly, is at the bottom of much of the Jews' 
trouble there. 

In less than five years after the emancipation of the Russian 
serfs there came a crisis, occasioned by the hard times which 
followed the crop failure of 1867, which caused "a state of dis- 
tress in East Prussia and a famine on the other side of the 
border."^ The Jews of Germany did much to alleviate the dis- 
tress of the large number of Russian Jews who lived at that time 
in East Prussia, and also to send relief to the needy co-religion- 
ists of Western Russia. But then, as now, the suffering was 
too widespread and the general condition too hopeless to be 
relieved by almsgiving, and the result was an exodus of consid- 
erable magnitude. This new exodus was treated in a series of 
articles in the Allgemeine Zcitung des Jndenthums of 1869 en- 
titled "Auswanderung der Juden aus den Westrussischen Pro- 
v/inzen" (Emigration of Jews from the provinces of Western 
Russia). M. Anatole Leroy-Beaulieu (in his Le."; Immigrants 
juifs et le Judaisme mix Etats-Unis, Paris, 1905, p. 5) tells of 
500 Jewish emigrants from Russian-Polland which the Alliance 
Israelite Universelle sent to the United States in 1869 from the 
famine stricken districts. The great anti-Jewish riot in Odessa 
on Passover, 1871, which shattered the hope of the Jews for eman- 
cipation in the then near future, and marked the beginning of 
the reaction which culminated in the reign of the following Czar, 
was also followed by cosiderable emigration of Jews. Many 
remained in Prussia, which was yet open for Russian subjects; 
but a large number proceeded to the United States, or went there 
after remaining for some time in England. 

The Jewish population of the United States, and especially of 
the City of New York, was therefore constantly increasing, 

^See Dr. Isaac Riilf (1834-1902), Die Russische Juden, Memel, 1892, 
p. 4ff- 

256 History of the Jews in America. 

though neither the number of Jews nor the relative proportion 
as to country of origin is possible to ascertain for that time. 
Judge Daly (p. 56) quotes Joseph A. Scovil, author of "Old 
Merchants of New York" as saying (in 1868), "There are now 
80,000 Israelites in this city, and it is the high standard of ex- 
cellence of the old Israelite merchant of 1800 that has made 
the race occupy the proud position it now holds in this city and in 
the nation." Daly himself thought the number to be somewhat 
smaller. He says (p. 58), "The Jews have now (1872) in New 
York twenty-nine synagogues, and as a proportional part of 
the population they are now estimated at about 70,000." 

Whether the lower estimate or the higher is nearer the truth, 
it is clear that there were already in New York a large number 
of Jews, and that a considerable portion of them were from Rus- 
sia. A rare little volume in rabbinical Hebrew, entitled Enick 
Rcphaim, against the heresy of the Reform Jews, which was 
published by the author, Elijah Holzman, a shochet from Cour- 
land, in New York, in 1868, is a good indication that there were 
already here at that time a sufficient number of readers of that 
language to warrant the publication of a work of that nature. 
As only the intellectual aristocracy among the Jews of the Slavic 
countries reads Hebrew and a large majority of the Russian- 
Jewish immigrants of that period belonged to the poorest and 
most ignorant classes, the belief in the existence of a Hebrew 
reading public, even if it proved to be a mistaken one, implies 
the presence of a large number of Russians. 

The first attempts to establish periodicals for this public soon 
followed. Hirsch Bernstein (b. in Wladislavov or Neustadt- 
Schirwint, government of Suwalki, 1846; d. in Tannersville, 
New York, 1907) arrived in New York in 1870, and in the 
same year established the first Judaeo-German or Yiddish paper, 
and also the first periodical publication in the Neo-Hebraic lan- 
guage in the United States. The Yiddish publication, called 
"The Post," had a brief existence ; but the second, ha-Zofch 
he' Erez ha-Hadashah, of which Mordecai ben David Jalomstein 

Kasriel H. Sarasohn. 


The First Yiddish Periodicals. 259 

(b. in Suwaiki, 1835; a. 1871; d. in New York, 1897) was 
editor for most of the time, appeared weekly for more than five 
years. His brother-in-law, Kasriel H. Sarahson (b. in Paiser, 
Russian-Poland, 1835; d. in New York, 1905), who arrived in 
the United States in 1866, and settled in New York, founded 
there, in 1874, the weekly "Jewish Gazette," which, with its 
daily edition, the Iczvish Daily News (established 1886), later 
became the most prosperous Jewish periodical publications in 
any country. Jalomstein was the principal contributor to these 
publications for about twenty years. Another Yiddish weekly, 
the Israelitische Presse, was founded in Chicago in 1879, by Nach- 
man Baer Ettelson and S. L. Marcus. It had a Hebrew sup- 
plement, and existed for several years. The Jewish press in general 
will be treated in a later chapter; but it deserves to be mentioned 
here that some of the best representative Jewish papers of the 
Country, like the A merican Hebrezu of New York and the Jezvish 
Exponent of Philadelphia (both founded in 1879) ^nd the Jezv- 
ish Advance of Chicago (founded 1878; existed about four 
years) contributed to place the Jews of the country in the proper 
condition for the reception of the large number of persecuted 
Tews which were soon to arrive. 





The country itself is well prepared for the reception of a larger number 
of Jewish iminigrants — Absence of organized or political Anti- 
semitism — Increase in general immigration in 1880 and 1881 — Ar- 
rival of the "Am Olam" — Imposing protest meetings against the 
riots in Russia — Welcome and assistance — Emma Lazarus — Heilprin 
and the attempts to found agricultural colonies — Herman Rosen- 
thal — Failures in many States — Some success in Connecticut and 
more in New Jersey — Woodbine — Distribution — Industrial workers 
and the new radicalism. 

The favorable economical and political conditions of the coun- 
try itself were, however, the best preparation for the reception of 
a larger number of Jewish immigrants from Russia, who came as 
the result of the greatest Jewish migration since the exodus from 
Egypt. The strong congregations, the well-organized charities 
and the considerable number of wealthy Jews who were able and 
willing to assist the refugees, as well as the numerous able, ener- 
getic and tireless workers who did their best to alleviate the suf- 
ferings of the new arrivals and to help them, to^ find their way in 
the new surroundings — all these were necessary and to some de- 
gree indispensable to solve as much of the problem as circum- 
stances would permit. But all would have been useless if there 


After the Russian "Pogroms." 261 

was not room for new immigrants to settle here, and work for 
them to do. It would also have been well nigh impossible to 
take full advantage of the opportunities which this country offers 
to willing workers, were it not for the absence of that organized 
or official anti-Semitism which is found in one form or another 
in almost all civilized countries outside of the English-speaking- 
world. Indi\'idual instances of social antipathy and personal dis- 
like, or even hatred, of Jews, were not rare in the United States, 
at that period or at any other. But the Jew baiter was never 
encouraged, or even approved, by the all-powerful public opinion 
of the country at large ; sympathy for the suffering Jew was 
easily aroused, and those who pleaded the cause of the victim of 
persecution were not hampered by open opposition or by covert 
political influences. 

There was a sudden increase in immigration in the two years 
preceding the Russian influx. The country was recovering from 
the panic of 1873 and from the effect of the contraction of the 
currency which was incident to the resumption of specie pay- 
ment by the government at the beginning of 1879. The number 
of immigrants who came here in 1876 was 169,986; in 1877 it 
fell to 141,857; in 1878 to 138,469. There was a slight rise in 
1879 to 177,826; but in 1880 it jumped to 457,257 and in 1881 
(in the fiscal year ending June 30, when there was as yet no in- 
creased immigration from Russia on account of the riots) to 
669,431. The people who came were needed, as is the case with 
the million or more who had come here in the three years pre- 
ceding the panic of 1907 and again in the last two or three years, 
which is proven by the fact that they are easily absorbed. Not 
only the general conditions, but even the times, were favorable 
for an increased Jewish immigration. There was neither eco- 
nomic nor national or racial cause for abstaining from giving 
those who fled from the pogroms the best public and open- 
hearted welcome that Jewish refugees ever received when com- 
ing in masses from one country to another. 

The first of the anti-Jewish riots of that period took place in 

262 History of the Jews in America. 

Yelisavetgrad, on April 27, 1881. Another outbreak in Kiev fol- 
lowed on May 8, and there were "over 160 towns and villages in 
which cases of riot, rapine, murder and spoliation have been 
known to occur during the last nine months of 1881" (Joseph 
Jacobs, "Persecution of the Jews in Russia, 1881," p. 13). These 
riots, and the relief which was afforded to its victims, and espe- 
cially to those who left Russia by way of Germany and Austria, 
have created a small literature of their own; but the subject in 
general belongs rather to the history of the Jews in Russia than 
to the present work, which can only be concerned with the emi- 
grants after their arrival here. The first to arrive as a direct re- 
sult of the riots, and among whom the new tendencies which were 
called forth by the calamities were prevalent to an appreciable 
degree, were included in a group of about 250 members of the 
"Am Olam" ("Eternal People") Society which came to New 
York July 29, 188 1. 

Unlike the time of the Damascus affair in 1840 (see above, 
p. 193), the Jews of America not only took the leading part in 
arousing public opinion against the outrages, but they could do 
much more than enlist the sympathies of their non-Jewish fellow- 
citizens : they collected money tO' aid the sufferers and bade them 
welcome to these shores. A call for "A meeting of the citizens 
of New York without distinction of creed, to be held on Wed- 
nesday evening, February ist, 1882, . . for the purpose of 
expressing their sympathy with the persecuted Hebrews in the 
Russian Empire," was signed by about seventy-five of the most 
prominent non-Jewish citizens of New York, headed by ex-Pres- 
ident U. S. Grant. The memorable meeting was held in Chick- 
ering Hall, and was presided over by Mayor William R. Grace; 
it was addressed by distinguished men in various walks of life, 
including three Christian clergymen, and had a marked effect on 
public opinion. It was on the same day that a similar meeting, at 
which the Lord Mayor presided, was held in London, at the Man- 
sion House. Two weeks later (February 15) a meeting of the same 
nature with the same excellent moral result was held in Phila- 

Rnima Lazarus 


Emma Lazarus. 265 

delphia, where four clergymen, two of them Protestant Bishops 
and one representing the Roman CathoHc Archbishop, were 
among the spealters. The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society col- 
lected over $300,000 for the new arrivals, and nearly two-thirds 
of that sum was contributed by residents of this country, the 
balance coming from Germany, England and France. Some 
groups .of immigrants were given a public welcome; temporary 
quarters were built for their accommodation on Ward's Island 
and at Greenpoint, L. I., where several thousand were housed 
and maintained until they found employment. 

There was one other voice raised at that time in behalf of the 
Jew and of Judaism, only to be prematurely silenced forever a 
few years afterwards. The most gifted poet which American 
Jewry has produced, Emma Lazarus (b. in New York 1849; d. 
there 1887) was aroused, and her noble spirit reached its full 
height, by the stirring events of the martyrdom of the Russian 
Jew. Like so many other intelligent Jews in various coun- 
tries, Emma Lazarus, the daughter of an old Sephardic family 
of social position, the friend of Emerson and other noted literary 
men, was up to that time mainly interested in general and classic 
subjects, and devoted to them her poetical and literary talents. 
"She needed a great theme to bring her genius to full flower, and 
she found that theme in the Russian persecution of 188 1 . . . 
Her poetry took on a warmer, more human glow ; it thrilled with 
the suffering, the passion, the exaltation of a nation of the Mac- 
cabees."^ Her family, though nominally Orthodox, had hitherto 
not participated in the activities of the synagogue or of the Jew- 
ish community. But contact with the unfortunates frorn Russia 
led her to study the Bible, the Hebrew language, Judaism and 
Jewish history. She suggested, and in part saw executed, plans 
for the welfare of the immigrants. The fruit of her latter lit- 
erary activity include "Songs of the Semite" (1882) ; "An Epis- 
tle to the Hebre^cvs" r poems like "The Banner of the Jezv," "The 

'Adele Szold in Emma Lazarus, a biographical sketch, in "The He- 
brew Standard" for December i, 1905. 

266 History of the Jews in America. 

Neiif Ezekiel," and "By the Waters of Babylon : Little Poems in 
Prose" (1887), her last published work. A collection of her 
works, in two volumes, appeared after her death (1889), and in 
1903 a bronze tablet commemorative of her was placed inside the 
pedestal of the Statue of Liberty in New York harbor. (See 
Jeunsh Encyclopedia, s.v. Lazarus, Emma, by Miss Henriette 

The number of those who received direct assistance was only 
a small fraction of the arrivals from Russia at that time. Ac- 
cording to the opinion of the author of the article United States 
in the "Jewish Encyclopedia," "The various committees and so- 
cieties assisted about five per cent, of the total Jewish immi- 
grants." One of the most active and self-sacrificing of the work- 
ers for the refugees, Michael Heilprin, who was himself brought 
up under the influence of the Haskalah movement, was, like all 
Maskilim of the old school, a strong believer in the theory that 
the Jewish problem was to be solved by inducing or helping the 
Jews to become agriculturists. Many of the immigrants who 
belonged to the class described as Intellectuals or Intelligents, 
whose dreams of political liberty and assimilation in Russia were 
shattered by the pogroms, also entertained fantastic notions 
about the virtue of agriculture. They fell in with all coloniza- 
tion plans, for which they had more enthusiasm than natural apti- 
tude, and this gave rise to a series of experiments in the coloniz- 
ing of Russian immigrants, none of which were immediately 
successful, though it contributed to> the inception of a small class 
of Jewish farmers which is slowly growing in the United States, 
and in which many see considerable promise for the future. 

The first Jewish agricultural colony of that period was founded 
on Sicily Island, Catahoula Parish, Louisiana. The settlers, in- 
cluding thirty-five families from Kiev and twenty-five from Yeli- 
savetgrad, had been partly organized in Russia. Its lead- 
ing spirit was Herman Rosenthal (b. in Friedrichstadt, Courland, 
1843; a. 1881), who is now chief of the Slavonic department of 
the Mew York Public Library. Before the colony was fairly 






Phnto by Schlll, 

Herman Rosenthal. 


Agricultural Colonies, Woodbine. 269 

started it was literally swept away by an overflow of the Mis- 
sissippi in the spring of 1882, and the colonists scattered; a few 
of them, however, settling as independent farmers in Kansas and 
Missiouri. In July, 1882, Rosenthal headed another group of 
twenty families which formed the colony Cremieux, in Davison 
county, in the present State of South Dakota. It led a precarious 
existence for about three years and was finally abandoned. An- 
other attempt, which was made by the Alliance Israelite Univer- 
selle, with the formation of a colony surnamed "Betlehem Yehu- 
dah," in the same region, was no more successful. Colonies 
founded in the same year in Colorado and Oregon met with no 
better fate. The colonies founded in North Dakota (one), in 
Kansas (five), in Michigan (one), and in Virginia (two) re- 
main but memories. Those founded later in Connecticut were 
more successful, and some of them are still in existence and even 
growing. The most successful were those established in New 
Jersey, where four of the nine which were founded there since 
1882 are still in existence and, considering the drawbacks of 
such enterprises, are in a flourishing condition. They are: Al- 
liance, Salem county, founded by the Alliance Israelite in 1882; 
Carmel, Cumberland county, founded by the aid of Michael Heil- 
prin in the same year; Rosenhayn, in the same county, which 
owes its origin to six families which were settled there by the 
Hebrew Emigrant Aid Society of New York in 1883 ; and Wood- 
bine, Cape May county, which was founded by the trustees of 
the Baron de Hirsch Fund in 1891, and is the largest as well as 
the most thriving of all Jewish colonies in America. Woodbine 
now has over two thousand inhabitants, and is an incorporated 
borough with a government of its own, which was instituted in 
1903, with Professor Hirsch Loeb Sabsovich (b. in Berdyansk, 
Russia, i860; a. 1888), the former superintendent of The Baron 
de Hirsch Agricultural and Industrial School of that place, as the 
first Mayor. He was succeeded by M. L. Bayard, who is likewise 
a native of Russia. 

While the assistance rendered to the needy immigrants, and 

270 History of the Jews in America. 

the large sums expended in the formation of colonies and in sup- 
porting them, attracted the most attention, a larger number were 
effectively helped by being distributed over various parts of the 
country where they could engage in trade or find work for which 
they were much better fitted than for farming. The largest num- 
ber received little, if any, assistance, except such as was rendered 
by their relatives or countrymen whom they found here. The 
least successful and those who became helpless or dependent from 
various causes were assisted by the old charitable institutions, 
which were enlarged or strengthened by the new demands made 
upon them, and by new ones which sprang up everywhere as 
the occasion required. But the bulk of the new comers succeeded 
remarkably well, and many of them were soon in a position to 
assist those who came after them, and to contribute to charities 
from' which they received assistance but a short time before, or 
to found new charitable institutions which were conducted in a 
manner more suitable to the character of the immigrants. 

The number of applicants to Jewish charitable institutions 
was increasing, and so was the number of people who crowded 
the districts in the larger cities where Jews live together. But 
in both cases there was going on a continual change, due to the 
steady inflow of new immigrants, on the one hand, and on the 
other to the steady rising in the social and economic scale, and the 
continued departure to other and better neighborhoods or to other 
cities. The same people did not apply for charity or dwell in 
tenement houses long. They soon made room for those who 
came after them, and what seemed to the superficial observer a 
solid, unmovable mass of poverty and helplessness which pre- 
sented a very difficult problem, was in reality in a state of con- 
stant flux. This transient, fleeting mass slowly spread over the 
country, until we find communities of Jewish immigrants prac- 
tically in every city in the Union, and hardly a place without 
some individuals of that class, Most of those Jewish immigrants 
living in smaller places, as well as almost all of them who' live in 
more comfortable quarters in the large cities or their suburbs, 

The New Immigrants as Workingmen. 271 

passed through the tenement house districts or the so-called 
"Ghetti"; which proves that the distribution considered by some 
as a desirable process which must be artificially accelerated, is 
actually being accomplished by the free movement of individuals 
and is hardly noticed. 

The number of those who remained, though temporarily, in 
the congested centers of population, especially in New York, was 
very large, and was constantly becoming larger, because more 
immigrants came in each year than the number of those M'ho left 
those centers. This mass was hardly affected by the small with- 
drawals from it for the purpose of colonization. It was too large 
and was replenished too fast to be able to disperse as small traders 
over the country or to go in business even on a small scale in the 
cities, as did the smaller number of Jewish immigrants who came 
in the former periods. And so, after all deductions are made, in- 
cluding those who went to become farmers and those who went 
to become peddlers, of those whose intelligence and the learning 
which they brought with them enabled them, sometimes with a 
little aid, to pursue their studies; and those whose business 
acumen or the small capital which they brought, enabled them 
to engage in trade and to^ prosper in a short time — after all these 
deductions, there remained a very large class, steadily increasing 
by the excess of arrivals over departures, which could do the 
only thing which poor people can do in a country where capital 
is abundant and industries flourish — go to work. The Jewish 
immigrants soon began to fill the factories and the shops, espe- 
cially those of the clothing trade, which was then to a certain 
extent already in Jewish hands. The trades to which they flocked 
began to extend fast; immigrant workers themselves soon ven- 
tured to open small shops, where they employed those who came 
after them. While wages were comparatively small and "sweat- 
ing" was common, the earnings were so much above what the 
poor man can make in Russia, and the standard of living so 
much higher than the one to which the laborer is accus- 
tomed over there, that even those who' worked under what an 

272 History of the Jews in America. 

American would consider the worst circumstances, soon saved 
enough money to begin sending for their famihes, their relatives, 
and even their friends. The great mass was solving its own 
problem by hard work and by thrift; it built up and multiplied 
the industries in which it was occupied, and thus made it easy to 
absorb the newcomers year by year and to become a part of the 
great industrial army which is doing the work of the country. 

Thus there arose a third and new class of Jewish immigrants, 
unlike the first or Sephardic small groups who came here usually 
with large means and took their position among the higher 
classes as soon as they arrived ; also unlike the second and larger 
groups of German, Polish and Hungarian Jews who came in 
the second period, most of whom began as peddlers and artizans, 
but ultimately became merchants or professional men. Among 
the immigrants of the third period, which began in 1881, there 
were many men of means and skilled men who at once joined the 
better situated classes. There were also among them a large 
number who took up peddling or petty trade with various de- 
grees of success. But the agriculturists and the industrial 
workers, or proletariat, are distinctive features of the new period. 
The colonist was mostly assisted and usually failed; then he 
joined the trading or the working classes in the cities. The in- 
dustrial classes took care of themselves and fared much better. 
Even their new problems presented difficulties which were more 
apparent than real. The seeming persistence in errors which are 
characteristic oi those who are here only a short time is easily 
explained when it is considered that in cities like Philadelphia or 
Chicago there are always thousands, and in New York there are 
always tens of thousands, of Jewish immigrants from Slavic 
countries who came to this country within the last year. So 
there is always at hand a mass which is not aware of what a 
similar mass — which to the outsider seems the same — did a year 
before ; and what seem to be repetitions year after year of the 
same actions which lead to the same results or to the same lack 
of results, are actually experiments made but once by each sue- 

Radical Tendencies. 273 

cessive wave of immigration and soon abandoned, only to be 
taken up later as a novel experience by those who come later. 

As the worker succeeded the trader, so the political extremist 
comes to the fore in this period, as the radical in religious matters 
did in the former. Many of the "intellectuals" sympathized with 
the revolutionary movement in Russia, and were infected by the 
Socialistic virus which is the bane of that movement and has made 
its success well nigh impossible. While the German or Austrian 
revolutionary of the "forties" or "fifties'' wanted nothing for his 
fatherland which the people of the United States did not already 
enjoy, the Russian theorist was dreaming of a social revolution 
and of fantastic victories for the peasantry and the proletariat 
which should put Russia far in advance of the civilization of the 
"rotten West." There was plenty of opportunity under the free- 
dom of speech and of the press prevailing in this country "to 
continue the struggle against capital" among the sweat-shop 
workers. For a while the Socialist agitator became the most 
active leader among the immigrant masses; the "maskilim," or 
half-Germanized, Hebrew scholars were forced into the back- 
ground, and the large Orthodox majority confined itself to the 
ever-increasing number of synagogues and kept C|uiet, as usual. 
But as the years went by and the immigrants of the beginning of 
the period became more Americanized and more conservative, it 
became clear that radicalism was a passing phase in the develop- 
ment of the Russian-Jewish immigrant, that the largest number 
outgrow it in several years at the utmost, and that the extreme 
movements depend almost entirely on the new arrivals who are 
attracted by its novelty, and on those who cater to them. Ex- 
cepting what may be described as a pronounced tendency to 
Socialism in the Yiddish sensational press — differing in degree 
more than in kind from the general press of that type — the So- 
cialist movement has not held its own proportionally among the 
Russian immigrants, and the fears of some of their friends that 
the neighborhoods where the noisy agitation was carried on 
would develop into politically Socialistic strongholds, were dis- 
pelled almost before the first decade of this period was over. 



Congregational and social activities among the new comers — Ephemeral 
organizations — The striving after professional education — Syna- 
gogues as the most stable of the new establishments — "Landsleut" 
congregations — The first efforts to consolidate the Orthodox com- 
munity of New York — The Federation of Synagogues — Chief Rabbi 
Jacob Joseph — Other "chief rabbis'' in Chicago and Boston — Promi- 
nent Orthodox rabbis in many cities — Dr. Philip Klein — The short 
period in which the cantor was the most important functionary in 
the Orthodox synagogue — Synagogues change hands, but are rarely 

A large majority of the Russian immigrants, like the over- 
whehning majority of the Jews in Russia, were Orthodo.x Jews, 
and the younger men who were temporarily attracted by the rad- 
ical movements which were, in Russian fashion, mostly anti- 
religious, began drifting back into the synagogues as soon as they 
grew older and became more settled and more Americanized. 
The older and the middle-aged needed congregational life from 
the moment of their arrival, and this gave rise to the establish- 
ment of a surprisingly large number of new synagogues in all 
places where the new arrivals settled. The situation in New 
York is again typical; the twenty-nine congregations in 1872 in- 
creased more than tenfold in about sixteen years, Avhich far 
exceeds the growth of charitable institutions, of labor-organiza- 
tions and of fraternal or self-education societies, all of which 
were springing up at that time in large numbers. The legal re- 
strictions which make the organization of any form of societies 
a difficult matter in Russia, were to some extent responsible for 


Organization and Education. 275 

the formation of numerous organizations here for the most va- 
riegated number of purposes. The ease with which a cliarter or 
papers of incorporation could be obtained, tempted many to form 
themselves into organizations to enjoy that privilege; while the 
equally novel experience of being permitted to form organiza- 
tions without obtaining charters, to hold meetings and elect of- 
ficers without fear of interference by the authorities, was another 
strong inducement to overdo things in the matter of organiza- 
tions. But that same lack of experience was also the cause of 
unfamiliarity with voluntary corporate existence and of inability 
to hold the organization together after it was formed. A large 
percentage of the societies formed existed only a short time; the 
same was true of all forms of organizations, especially of labor 
unions. Only those which were subject to the discipline of a cen- 
tral body — notably lodges which form part of the larger and bet- 
ter conducted orders — showed a better proportion of survivals. 

The conditions prevailing in Russia were also largely the cause 
of the disproportionately large number of young people who at- 
tempted, by their own efforts or assisted by their often hard 
pressed parents, to study for the professions. Under the educa- 
tional restrictions in Russia only the highly gifted or the children 
of the wealthy could hope to enter the higher institutions of learn- 
ing; here the same opportunities were open to all alike, with free 
education up to the universities. It was natural for the. poor to 
strive to make use of those opportunities, and to spare no efforts 
to enter the ranks of the college graduates, who are looked upon 
by the Russian populace as superior beings. 

But in the course of years, as the proportion of those who 
are more Americanized became larger, and the newer arrivals, 
though they kept on coming in' increasing numbers, were in a 
constantly diminishing minority as compared with the entire mass 
of immigrants, there was a decrease in the number of hastily con- 
ceived and immature organizations, and a larger proportion of 
those which were formed had sufficient strength to survive. Of 
late years there has been even a slackening of the rush for higher 

276 History of the Jews in America. 

or professional education among the children of the poorer 
classes; which is also partly due to the more exacting require- 
ments for entrance into the better class of colleges and universi- 

All these economic, fraternal and educational activities — the 
last, of course, only as far as it concerns adults who could not 
benefit by the public school system — and the agitation about 
political and economic questions, and, to some extent, even the 
occupation of the immigrants, were novel experiences and largely 
temporar)^. The only activity which might be considered as 
normal, and to which there was a constant reversion even among 
those who abandoned it abruptly — one may almost say, violently 
— was that relating to the synagogue. As compared with other 
institutions, a surprisingly small number of congregations formed 
by the immigrants succumbed; and the steady increase in the 
number and solidity of these religious establishments, as well as 
of the Talmud Torahs, or religious schools, and later of the 
Yeshibot or strictly Orthodox Talmudical academies, are the best 
proof of Israel's taking root in the United States. Most of the 
work of a public or semi-public character in the new Jewish set- 
tlements or communities, including even the work of numerous 
charitable institutions ministering to wants which are due to the 
exigencies of immigration, cannot in the nature of things be 
otherwise than temporary, even if they last for decades. It is 
only the building of synagogues which represents that continuity 
of Jewish existence throughout the centuries, which unites us 
with the Jews of other countries and other times, and demon- 
strates the ability and the willingness of the Jewish masses to 
support the old faith under all circumstances. 

These thousands of small synagogues all over the country, of 
which there are now about eight hundred in New York, bear also 
strong marks of Slavic, especially Russian, influence. The only 
place where it was safe for Jews to gather and have intercourse 
in that country was the synagogue, which for that reason served 
not only as a house of worship, but also as a meeting room, and, 

"Landsleut" Congregations. 277 

to some degree, as a club house. Here it served all these pur- 
poses for the old-fashioned Jew, to whom the new social organiza- 
tions which grew up here remained strange or became repugnant 
after a short contact. In addition to this, the — exceedingly un- 
churchlike — small synagogue is usually composed of members 
who come from the same town in the Old Country, or from: the 
same district. The "landsleute" meet there, receive the newest 
arrivals and the latest news from home; It is not unfrequently 
made the headcjuarters for extraordinary charitable activity when 
the home town is visited by a conflagration or a "Pogrom.'' 

The tendency is to break away from those little synagogues and 
to join larger ones in the more comfortable neighborhoods, as 
well as to enlarge them by admitting members who hail from 
other towns and even from other countries. But the changes are 
mainly accomplished by slow transition, the gaps which are left 
by departures are easily filled up by new arrivals; so that the 
transformation is much nearer to a slow process of evolution than 
to the "decay of Judaism in this country" of which many are 
complaining. The earliest manifestation of this new development 
was the first effort v/hich was made, less than a decade after the 
beginning of the new immigration, to consolidate the Orthodox 
Jewish community of New York under the leadership of a great 
rabbinical authority, and to raise the expense of the new insti- 
tution by the same method by which the Jewish communities of 
Russia are financed — by an income from the Kosher-meat 

In Russian-Poland, as in Germany or Austria, members of 
the Jewish community pay a direct tax for the support of the rab- 
binate and the communal institutions, and while the Jewish tax- 
payers elect the officers who assess them, the tax or "etat" 
is collectible by force, i. e., with the aid of the police authorities, 
if it is not paid voluntarily. Only those members of the com- 
munity who pay comparatively larger sums are entitled to vote 
for communal officers, so that the poorer classes are taxed without 
being represented in the governing body of the community, and 

278 History of the Jews in America. 

the very poor are not taxed at all. In Russia proper, mcluding 
Lithuania and the balance of the "pale of settlement,'' where the 
masses of the Jews dwell, the "Korobka" or tax on Kosher meat 
(more correctly a tax on the slaughtering of animals for Kosher 
food) takes the place of the "etat" of Poland and the "Kultus- 
steuer" of some western countries. This indirect tax, which rests 
more heavily on the poor, is less felt and therefore considered les3 
burdensome, though it is and always has been hated by the Jewish 
masses in Russia. The absolute separation of Church and State 
in this country made any form of enforced taxation out of the 
question. And when the want of a recognized religious authority 
for the large mass of Orthodox Jews of New York began to be 
seriously felt, and the question of providing for his salary and for 
other communal needs of a general nature, for which the individ- 
ual synagogues did not feel themselves bound to provide, became 
a subject for discussion among the public spirited Jews in the 
community, the plan of a control over the business of Kosher 
meat, over which the new rabbi should have complete religious 
supervision, suggested itself as the only practicable solution of 
the problem. 

A Federation of Congregations, comprising about fifteen of 
the more important Orthodox synagogues, was consequently 
formed in 1888, and one of the greatest rabbinical authorities of 
Russia, Rabbi Jacob Joseph (b. in Krozh, government of Kovno, 
Russia, 1840; a. 1888; d. in New York, July 28, 1902), who was 
at that time the preacher of the old Jewish community of Wilna, 
was brought over as Chief Rabbi of the Federation. He was re- 
ceived with great honor by the Orthodox masses, and was recog- 
nized by them as the greatest rabbi that ever came to this country. 
But the federation of synagogues soon fell to pieces; the scheme 
of controlling the supervision of the Kosher meat supply failed 
almost from' the beginning. There was too muqh prejudice 
against a form of "Korobka" even among the Orthodox masses, 
despite the fact that they continued to pay, as they still do, a 
higher price for Kosher meat, and a systematization of the busi- 

Chief Rabbi Jacob Joyeijli. 


Rabbi Joseph and other Chief Rabbis. 281 

ness could produce a large revenue for communal purposes with- 
out a further increase in the price. Many independent Orthodox 
rabbis did not submit to the authority of the great rabbi ; his in- 
fluence was weakened, and several years afterward he fell the vic- 
tim of a severe illness, which incapacitated him for hard work or 
for leadership. But the failure of the system was due to the im- 
possibility of conducting Jewish affairs in America after patterns 
designed in and for Russia. The chief rabbi personally was 
revered by the multitudes of religious Jews, and when he died 
after a lingering illness, his funeral (July 30, 1902), though it 
was marred by a disturbance in which a number of persons were 
injured, was one of the most imposing ever seen in New York. 

Several other attempts to choose chief rabbis, with the hope of 
uniting or solidifying under them the Orthodox congregations of 
a large city, were not more successful. The most notable of them 
was the selection, by a union of congregations which was formed 
for that purpose in Chicago, of another great Talmudical scholar. 
Rabbi Jacob David Wilowski (Ridbaz, b. in Kobrin, government 
of Kovno, 1845), ^s its chief rabbi in 1903. Rabbi Wilowski, 
Wfho was Rabbi Joseph's predecessor in Wilna, first came to the 
United States in 1900 in the interest of his great work on the 
Talmud Yerushalmi. It was during his second visit to this coun- 
try that the effort to detain him as the spiritual head of a united 
Orthodox community in the second largest city of the New 
World was made. But a strong opposition, which centered 
around Rabbi Zebi Simon Album, made his position untenable, 
and he resigned after holding it for ten months. After travelling 
for more than a year over the United States, he left (1905) for 
the Holy Land and settled in Safed, where he still resides. It was 
again seen in his case, and confirmed because it occurred fifteen 
years after the importation of the first and greatest chief rabbi in 
the greatest Jewish community, that both the rabbis and the re- 
ligious laymen are too independent here to submit to a chief rabbi, 
regardless of his importance as a Talmudical authority. The 
last to assume the title was Rabbi Gabriel Zeeh Margolioth (b. in 

282 History of the Jews in America. 

Wilna, 1848; a. 1906), who is considered the greatest rabbinical 
scholar among the Orthodox rabbis of the United States. Rabbi 
Margolioth held the office of Chief Rabbi in Boston about four 
years, until his removal (1911) to New York to become rabbi 
of the "Adat Israel." 

In most of the other large cities there are prominent Orthodox 
rabbis who are held in high esteem and recognized as spiritual 
leaders of the religious masses, although their actual jurisdiction 
extends only over the one or several congregations of which they 
are the appointed rabbis. The best known of that class in New 
York was the "Moscower Rab" Chayyim Jacob Vidrevitz (b. in 
Dobromysl, government of Mohilev, 1836; a. 1891 ; d. in New 
York, 191 1 ). Among the living, Rabbi Moses Zebullon Mar- 
golioth (b. in Krozh, 1851 ; a. 1889), formerly of Boston; Rabbi 
Abraham Eliezer Alperstein-(b. in Kobrin about 1854; a. 1881), 
formerly of Chicago; and Rabbi Shalom Elhanan Jaffe (b. in 
Wobolnik; government of Wilna, 1858; a. 1889), formerly of St. 
Louis, are among the better known of the numerous Orthodox 
rabbis of New York. 

Outside of New York Rabbi Abraham Jacob Gerson Lesser 
(b. in Mir, government of Minsk, 1835 ; a. about 1880), fomierly 
of Chicago, and for about the last ten years in Cincinnati, is con- 
sidered the dean of the O-rthodox rabbis in this country. He is 
the author of several rabbinical works, one of which was trans- 
lated into English by Mr. H. Eliassof. Of about the same age 
is the nestor of the Chicago rabbinate. Rabbi Eliezer Anixter, 
who occupied the rabbinical position there for about forty years. 
In Philadelphia Rabbi Bernhard Louis Levinthal (b. in Kovno, 
1864; a. 1 891) occupies a leading position and is perhaps the 
most Americanized of the strictly Orthodox rabbis in the coun- 
try. Rabbi Moses Simon Sivitz (b. in Zittawan, government of 
Kovno, 1853; a. 1886), formerly of Baltimore (1886-89), 3''"' 
Rabbi Aaron Mordecai Ashinsky (b. in Reygrod, Russian-Po- 
land, 1866), formerly of Detroit, Mich., and Montreal, Canada, 
are the foremost representatives of the Orthodox element in Pitts- 

Orthodox Rabbis. 283 

burg, Pa. Rabbi Asher Lipman Zarehy (b. in Kovno, 1862; a. 
1892), formerly of Brooklyn, N. Y. (1892), and of Des Moines, 
la. (1893-1903), is at the head of the United Orthodox Hebrew 
Congregations of Louisville, Ky. 

The number of prominent Orthodox rabbis among the immi- 
grants who came from other countries than Russia is compara- 
tively very small. The Hungarians, who belong to an earlier 
period, slowly draw nearer tO' the German and American element 
m religious matters. The Austrians or Galicians, who began to 
arrive in larger numbers somewdiat later than the Russians, took 
a longer time to settle down tO' local conditions, and being at 
liberty to return to their old home whenever they liked, the large 
number who went back, only to return again in a few years, re- 
tarded the gradual development of their communal life. They 
are, on the other hand, much more successful, relatively, in their 
social organizations, such as lodges and "landsleut" societies, on 
account of the larger liberty of organization which they enjoyed 
at home. Their leading rabbi in New York was Rabbi Naftali 
Reiter (born in Hungary, 1844; a. 1887; d. in New York, 1911), 
who officiated as rabbi of the Congregation Magen Abraham 
Dukler (Attorney street), the leading Galician synagogue of New 
York from 1893 until his death. The leading Hungarian rabbi 
of New York is Dr. Hillel ha-Kohen or Philip Klein (b. in Ba- 
raeska, Hungary, 1849; ^- 1891), who occupies a unique position 
in the Jewry of New York and of the country, being recognized 
as a Talmudical authority, and at the same time possessing the 
secular learning obtained by studying at the University of Ber- 
lin. Dr. Klein was rabbi of Libau, Russia, for ten years before 
he came to this country to officiate as rabbi of the Hungarian 
Congregation Oheb Zedek of New York, which position he still 

:li ^ :)! :{c ^ 

At the beginning of the period of development among the 
Jewish immigrants from Slavic countries it was, ho\vever, not 
the rabbi, but the hazzan or cantor who was considered the most 

284 History of the Jews in America. 

important functionary of the Orthodox congregation, especially 
of the larger ones. The number of wealthy members was insig- 
nificant, and while the smaller congregations holding services in 
rented rooms could subsist on the modest contributions and dona- 
tions from regular attendants and from those who came occa- 
sionally for the high holidays or on account of marriages, the 
naming of newborn children, "jahrzeiten," etc., the large syna- 
gogue with a building of its own, which was usually heavily mort- 
gaged, often had a hard struggle for existence. The rabbi, unless 
he was a popular preacher, was considered as a somewhat super- 
fluous burden ; he received only a small salary, or none at all, 
having to rely for a living on the emoluments of the rabbinical 
office. But a popular cantor attracted new members and also 
large audiences on the special occasions when a charge for admis- 
sion was made. His salary was therefore considered a profitable 
investment, and some of the best known cantors of Russia were 
induced to come to America, especially to New York. 

The most renowned among the synagogue singers who were 
brought over in that period were Israel Michalovsky (b. in Su- 
walki, Russian-Poland, 1831; a. 1886; d. in New York, 1911), 
Israel Cooper (b. in Alusenitz, government of Kamenetz-Po- 
dolsk, 1840; a. 1885; d. in New York, 1909), and Pinhas Min- 
kovsky (b. in Byelaya Tzerkov, 1859), who, after spending a short 
:ime in New York, returned, in 1892, to Odessa, whence he came. 
But the circumstances under which the influence of the cantor was 
predominant were abnormal and could not last long. The im- 
provement in the general material conditions, the increase in the 
number and proportion of wealthy members, and the growing 
sense of duty and responsibility in religious matters, helped to 
bring the rabbi nearer to the front, where he belongs. There are 
even now many excellent and well paid hazzanim in the large 
cities, and the Orthodox rabbis are yet far from the security of 
tenure and of income which is enjoyed by the rabbis in the Old 
World. But some sort of an equilibrium has been restored, and 
the rabbinate has gained, morally as well as materially. 

Changes in Synagogues. 285 

In the last few years many of the larger synagogues in the 
older Jewish neighborhoods of the great cities have been again in 
a precarious financial condition, which is due to the removal of its 
older and wealtheir members to the more fashionable quarters or 
to the suburbs. But no one would think now, as it was thought 
a quarter century before, of attempting to strengthen the position 
of a snyagogue by the importation of a famous hazzan. In many 
cases the well-to-do older members feel it to be their religious 
duty to keep up the large synagogues which they built in districts 
which are now inhabited mostly by the poorer and later arrivals, 
though they themselves now live too far to reach it, and have 
built new synagogues in their new neighborhoods and have even 
engaged English-speaking rabbis to deliver sermons. In other 
instances the immigrants of latter years are ready and willing to 
take over the synagogues, sometimes by the simple method of 
joining as members and obtaining control by becoming the ma- 
jority. It also happens that the synagogue itself is removed to a 
location to which most of the members have moved, and the old 
building is sold to a smaller or to a newly formed congregation. 
But, as it was stated above, the number of congregations which 
disbanded, and of synagogue buildings which are abandoned for 
other purposes, is small. The continuance of immigration and the 
steady increase among the earlier comers of the number who affili- 
ate themselves with the religious communitv obviates the neces- 
sity of giving up old religious organizations at the time when 
new ones are being established all over the country. 



The Jewish Alliance of 1891 as the first attempt to form a general or- 
ganization in which the immigrants of the latest period should be 
officially recognized — Some of the prominent participators— The 
new Exodus of 1891— The Baron de Hirsch Fund— Various activi- 
ties — Decrease in the numbers and proportion of the helpless and 
the needy— The American Jewish Historical Society— The Jewish 
Publication Society of America— The Jewish Chautauqua — Partici- 
pation in the World's Columbian Exposition in 1893— The Council 
of Jewish Women. 

In less than a decade after the first influx from Russia, an at- 
tempt was made to estabhsh some form of co-operation between 
the immigrants of the new period and the American or American- 
ized Jews who belonged to the former periods. The latter were 
complaining that the burden of charities was becoming too heavy, 
while from the former, especially from the more intelligent immi- 
grants who were interested in Jewish matters, there arose even at 
that early date a demand for recognition and a share of respon- 
sibility in communal work. The theory that the two elements, 
described respectively as the German and the Russian, must be 
brought nearer together, and that the latter element must be pre- 
pared to take over the hegemony of the Jewish community from 
the former, just as the German took it over from the Sephardim, 
was already then, as it is to some extent still now, a favorite with 
Ihose who consider themselves representatives of the immigrants. 
And it was the effort to apply part of this theory to practice, and 
perhaps, according to some, to put it to the test, that a call was 


The Jewish Alliance. 287 

issued for a convention of the Jewish Alhance of America, which 
met ir: Philadelphia on February 15, 1891. 

Nineteen cities were represented, some of them as far as San 
Francisco, Cal. (by Bernhard Marks), and Portland, Ore. (David 
Solis-Cohen). Boston was represented by David Blaustein (b. in 
Lida, Russia, 1866; a. 1886), who later became eminent as an 
educator and communal worker. The Hon. Simon Wolf (b. in 
Rhenish Bavaria, 1836; a. 1848), a recognized representative in 
Washington of the Jews of the country, came from the capital. 
There were twenty delegates from Baltimore, including Samuel 
Dorf and B. H. Hartogensis. Chicago sent six men, including 
Dr. A. P. Kadison and Leon ZolotkofT (b. in Wilna, 1865 (?); 
a. 1887). Among the seven delegates from New York were the 
Russian immigrants Nicholas Aleinikoff and P. Caplan, and the 
native American, Ferdinand Levy (b. in Milwaukee, Wis., 1843), 
who served in the Union army with his father and two brothers 
during the Civil War, and held various offices in New York City 
and in Jewish fraternal organizations. The largest contingent 
was, of course, from Philadelphia, its fifty-four delegates includ- 
ing many well-known men from both elements, like the inventor, 
Louis E. Levy (b. in Bohemia, 1846), Dr. Solomon Solis-Cohen, 
a native of Philadelphia; Blernhard Harris, who was chosen sec- 
retary, and Dr. Charles D. Spivak (b. in Krementshug, Russia, 
1861 ; a. 1882), who was president of the temporary organization. 

A constitution was adopted and a permanent organization 
formed, of which a well known local Jewish philanthropist, Simon 
Muhr (b. in Bavaria, 1845: d. in Philadelphia, 1895), was elected 
president; Simon Wolf, treasurer, and Bernhard Harris, secre- 
tary. The board of trustees which was elected included, as repre- 
sentatives of New York, the communal leader, Daniel P. Hays 
(b. in Pleasantville, N. Y., 1854), and the educator, Henry M. 
Leipziger (b. in Manchester, England, 1854). There was some 
enthusiasm in numerous communities for the plan which was "to 
unite Israelites in a common bond for the purpose of more efifect- 
ually coping with the grave problems presented by enforced emi- 

288 History of the Jews in America. 

gration . . ." and thirty-one branches were formed through- 
out the country/ But the entire plan came to nothing. In Feb- 
ruary, 1892, the Jewish Alhance was consolidated with "The 
American Committee for Ameliorating the Condition of the Rus- 
sian Refugees," which was organized in New York apparently for 
the purpose of heading off the activity of the Alliance. Both 
organizations were soon forgotten, and the historical value of 
the Alliance consists chiefly in its having been the first formal 
manifestation of a desire which was partly satisfied in an entirely 
different manner fifteen years later by the formation of the 
American Jewish Committee. 

There was another recurrence of persecutions in Russia in the 
same year, which did not take the sensational form of massacre 
and pillage, but had as much or even more effect in forcing Jews 
to leave the country. Relentless expulsions from Moscow and 
from villages in which the Jews have dwelt peacefully and on 
good terms with their neighbors forced tens of thousands to leave 
the country, and as many of theni now had relatives or friends 
in the United States, it was natural for them to turn their faces 
towards the New World. Conditions were again favorable, for 
several reasons. The tide of general immigration, which fell from 
788,992 in 1882 to 334,203 in 1886, rose after some vaccillations 
in the following three years to 455,302 in 1890, to 560,319 in 
1891 and to 623,084 in 1892. In the year ending June 30, 1893, 
which includes a few months of the hard times which began in 
the spring of that year, the num]}er of immigrants was still as 
high as 502,917, and it is onl}^ in the following twelvemonth, 
when only 314,467 arrived, and in 1895, when immigration fell 
to 279,948, which was the lowest number since 1879, that the de- 
terrent effects of the panic of 1893 were visible. 

Not only had the Jews in general made progress in the de- 
cade after 188 1, and were better able to cope with the new sit- 
uation because they discovered their own strength in the work 

" See Morais, Tlic Jews of PliiladelpJiia. Constitu- p. 142, and also 
tion of the lavish Alliance of America, etc., Philadelphia, 1891. 

The Baron de Hirsch Fund. 289 

of helping their less fortunate brethren, and had also learned by 
experience that the new element adjusted itself to the new sur- 
roundings with remarkable rapidity, but there was also a new 
agency to assist in the work of helping some of the newcomers 
to find their way to work and independence. The great Jewish 
philanthropist, Baron Maurice de Hirsch (b. in Munich, Bavaria, 
183 1 ; d. in Hungary, 1896), some time before the new increase 
of immigration from Russia, created and endowed the Baron de 
Hirsch Fund for the ameliorating of the condition of certain Jew- 
ish immigrants in the United States. The fund, which he orig- 
inally endowed with the sum of $2,400,000 (and which had 
grown later to nearly a million more), was incorporated under 
the laws of the State of New York, February 12, 1891, the trus- 
tees being: M. S. Isaacs, president; Jacob H. Schiff (b. in Frank- 
fort o. t. Main, 1847; a 1865), vice-president; Jesse Seligman (b. 
in Bavaria, 1827; d. in California, 1894), treasurer; Dr. Julius 
Goldman (who later became president), honorar}^ secretary. The 
other trustees were Henry Rice (b. in Bavaria, 1835; a. 1850), 
who for many years was president of the United Hebrew Chari- 
ties of New York; James H. Hoffman and Oscar S. Straus (b. 
in Germany, 1850; a. 1854), of New York, and Mayer Sulzberger 
(b. in Hildesheim, Baden, 1843; a. 1848) and William B. Hack- 
enburg (b. in Philadelphia, 1837), of Philadelphia. Adolphus S. 
Solomons (b. in New York, 1826; d. in Washington, 1910) was 
the first general agent. The present trustees are: Eugene S. Ben- 
jamin, president ; Jacob H. Schiff, vice-president ; Murry Gug- 
genheim, treasurer; Max J. Kohler, honorary secretary; Nathan 
Bijur, Abram I. Elkus, Henry Rice, Louis Siegbert, S. G. Rosen- 
baum, all of New York City ; Mayer Sulzberger, W B. Hacken- 
burg and S. S. Fleischer, of Philadelphia. H. L. Sabsovich suc- 
ceeded A. S. Solomons as general agent. 

The trustees of this fund, which has an annual income of about 
$125,000, at first used the amount at their disposal in relieving 
the immediate necessities of the refugees, and in order to make 
the immigrants self-supporting, a number of them were given in- 

290 History of the Jews in America. 

struction in the work which is required in the manufacture of 
clothing, white goods, etc. The United Hebrew Charities of 
New York was made the agent through which the material neces- 
sities were relieved, and certain sums are still granted by the 
fund to institutions which make a specialty of assisting immi- 
grants. On the other hand, the fund itself is receiving assistance 
from the Jewish Colonization Association (I. C. A., to which 
Baron de Hirsch left a large share of his fortune) in the activi- 
ties which it carries on through the Jewish Agricultural and In- 
dustrial Aid Society for the encouragement of farming, and the 
Industrial Removal Office, for the distribution of workingmen 
from the crowded centers of population to places further inland 
(both of these institutions were organized in 1900). When the 
great pressure due to the rapid immigration had somehwat re- 
laxed, the trustees carefully matured their plans of education and 
of colonization, doing a large amount of good with the various 
forms of instruction, including technical as well as elementary 
knowledge : while the colonization plans, which resulted in the 
establishment of the colonies which have been mentioned in a 
former chapter, meet with so many difficulties that progress is 
made at a less rapid pace. 

The Jews of America were thus even better prepared to re- 
ceive a large number of Jewish immigrants at the beginning of 
the last decade of the nineteenth century than they were ten years 
before. There was also at this time a smaller number and a much 
smaller proportion of helpless people among the Russian refu- 
gees, for those who lived in the interior of Russia, outside of the 
"pale of settlement", and would have remained there had it not 
been for the expulsions, were as a rule active and fairly successful 
men, and therefore better able to take care of themselves than 
those whom poverty or lack of employment forced to emigrate. 
IMany more found relatives and friends here than in 1881-82, and 
among those who were here there were also many more who 
could be of assistance to new arrivals than in former times. As 
a matter of fact, Jewish immigration from the Slavic countries 

Immigrants need less Assistance. 291 

had then assumed its natural form, which it has retained ever 
since, except in the years following the massacres in the present 
century. Most men come to kinsmen or personal friends, who 
are willing and able to assist them in finding their way. A large 
majority consists of wives and children, of parents and other 
n-ear relatives, who come because they were sent for and because 
the breadwinner or the most energetic member of the family has 
previously established himself here and demands their precense, 
or feels certain that they will soon be able to provide for them- 
selves. The helpless Jewish immigrant wdio has nowhere to go 
and nothing to do when he arrives, is now very rare, and has 
been rare for the last two decades. 

The number of the new immigrants needing assistance imme- 
diatel}' after their arrival had been reduced to such a small frac- 
tion that those having the interest of the Jewish masses at heart 
began to express their opinion that it would perhaps be better if 
organized charity would leave them alone altogether. At first 
this opinion was uttered mostly in -the Yiddish press or at meet- 
ings of immigrants. But in time there came not only a still fur- 
ther improvement in the general condition of the Jews, and also 
a further diminution in the number of helpless immigrants, but 
the voice of the immigrant-citizen became more potent in com- 
munal affairs. The folly of appeals, in which the wants of that 
class were exaggerated, became apparent; a large number of the 
employees of charitable institutions, and even some of the direc- 
tors, were nowf Russian or Galician or Roumanian Jews, with a 
closer acquaintance with the needs, and also with the lack of 
needs, of the new arrivals. Much of the friction due to the re- 
sentment against help, which was rendered sometimes with more 
ostentation than the circumstances required, was obviated under 
the altered conditions, and the ground was prepared for a new 
co-operation of all elements of tlie community. 

The foundation about this time of the American-Jewish His- 
torical Society, whose objects are the collection and preservation 
of material bearing upon the history of the Jews in America, may 

292 History of the Jews in America. 

be taken as an indication that the times were now again consid- 
ered normal in the Jewish community. It was organized in June, 
1892, with Oscar S. Straus as president, and Dr. Cyrus Adler (b. 
in Van Buren, Ark., 1863) as secretary. The latter is now (since 
1899) its president, and Albert M. Friedenberg and Dr. Herbert 
Friedenwald, secretaries. It has thus far issued twenty annual 
volumes of its "Publications," which form an invaluable collec- 
tion of material on the subject, much of which has been used in 
the preparation of this work. The president and both secretaries, 
as well as its curator, Leon Hfihner, and some of its officers and 
members of its Executive Council, like Professor Richard J. H. 
Gottheil (b. in Manchester, England, 1862; who came here with 
his father, Rabbi Gustave Gottheil (1827-1903) of Temple 
Emanuel, New York, in 1873), of Columbia University; Pro- 
fessor Jacob H. Hollander (b. in Baltimore, 1871), of Johns 
Hopkins University, and Max J. Kohler (b. in Detroit, Mich., 
1871), are among the most important contributors of papers and 
monograms on various historical subjects to the publications of 
the society. 

Another society of a kindred nature, but appealing to a wider 
circle, The Jewish Publication Society of America (organized in 
Philadelphia, 1888; incorporated there 1896), began to attain 
prominence about that time. It has published for distribution 
among its members and also for sale to the general public about 
sixty books on a large variety of subjects, some of them, like the 
English edition of Graetz's History of the Jews, Schechter's 
"Studies in Judaism" and the earliest works of fiction by Israel 
Zangwill, are highly valuable. Morris Newburger (b. in Hohen- 
zollern-Sigmaringen, 1834; a. 1854) was its first president and 
held the office for fourteen years, until he was succeeded by the 
present incumbent. Edwin Wolf, in 1902. The leading spirit of 
the society is the chairman of its Publication Committee, Mayer 
Sulzberger, the eminent communal leader and Jewish bibliophile, 
who has been a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas in Phila- 
delphia since 1895. The secretary of that committee, Henrietta 

Miss Sadie American. 


The Jewish Publication Society. 295 

Szold, has done much useful work in translating or preparing for 
publication a considerable part of the works which the society has 

This society is the third of its kind in the United States. The 
first, which was called the "American Jewish Publication So- 
ciety," was founded by Isaac Leeser in 1845, ^"d in the same 
year an auxiliary society was established at Richmond, Va. It 
published fourteen works between that year and 1849; but went 
out of existence after its plates and books were destroyed by fire, 
in 185 1. The second. The Jewish Publication Society, was estab- 
lished in New York in 1873, by Leopold Bamberger, Benjamin 
I. Hart, jNIyer Stern, Edward Morrison and several others of 
New York, \Villiam B. Hackenburg (b. in Philadelphia, 1837) 
of Philadelphia and Simon AVolf of Washington. Rabbis Gus- 
tave Gottheil, Moses Mielziner (b. in Schubin, Posen, 1828; d. 
in Cincinnati, 1903, where he had been Professor of Talmud in the 
Hebrew Union College since 1879, and Wise's successor as presi- 
dent) and Frederick de Sola Mendes (b. in Jamaica, W. I., 1850; 
since 1874 rabbi of Congregation Shaarey Tefilla) ; Marcus Jas- 
trow of Philadelphia, and Maritz Ellinger (b. in Germany, 1830; 
a. 1854; d. 1907), editor of the "Menorah" and of the "Jewish 
Times," constituted its publication committee. It existed only for 
two years. 

The Jewish Chautaucjua Society, "for the dissemination of 
knowledge of the Jewish religion by fostering the study of its 
history and literature, giving popular courses of instruction, issu- 
ing publications, establishing reading circles, holding general as- 
semblies, and by such other means as may from time to time be 
found necessary and proper," is also a product of this new period 
of spiritual and literary activity in the American-Jewish world. 
It was founded in 1893 by Dr. Henry Berkowitz (b. in Pittsburg, 
Pa., 1857; since 1892 rabbi of the Congregation Rodeph Sha- 
lom, Philadelphia), who is still its chancellor. It now has about 
three thousand members. 

The World's Columbian Exposition, which was held in Chi- 

296 History of the Jews in America. 

cago in the year 1893, offered the Jews on opportunity to par- 
ticipate in the great event in diversified ways. AVhat they did 
and what they exhibited as artists, scientists, manufacturers and 
merchants does not belong to the subject of this work, which is 
mostly concerned with Jewish matters. But the Jews partici- 
pated, as such, in the World's Parliament of Religions which was 
held in Chicago at that time. Among the separate denomina- 
tional congresses which constituted that Parliament was also a 
Congress of Jewish Women, the first of its kind ever held. This 
congress resulted in the organization of the National Council of 
Jewish Women, "to further united efforts in behalf of Judaism 
by supplying means of study ; by an organic union to bring about 
closer relations among Jewish women ; to furnish a medium of 
interchange of thought and a means of communication and of 
prosecuting work of common interest ; to further united efforts in 
the work of social betterment through religion, philanthropy and 
education." Hannah G. Solomon and Sadie American, respec- 
tively chairman and secretar)' of the congress, were elected presi- 
dent and secretary of the council. In 1896 the word "National" 
was eliminated from the name, on account of the entrance of 
sections from Canada. The council now consists of more than 
sixty sections and is doing noble work in pursuance of its pro- 
gram. Miss American still retains the office of secretary, while 
Mrs. Solomon was succeeded as president by Mrs. Marion L. 
Misch, of Providence, R. I. 



Difficulty of securing- data for the history of the Labor Movement 
among Jewisli immigrants — John R. Commons' characterization of 
a Jewish labor union — A constantly changing army of followers 
under the same leaders — The movement under the control of the 
radical press — The leaders as journalists and literary men — They 
popularize the press and teach the rudiments of politics — The voter 
—The "Heften" — Keo-Hebrew periodicals — The Yiddish stylists — 
The plight of the Hebraists. 

Any attempt to give even the merest outline of the history 
of the labor movement among the immigrant Jews in the United 
States would lead into a maze of unreliable iigures, exaggera- 
tions, and conflicting statements, not only between opponents, but 
also among those most friendly to their cause. The Russian 
Jew, in America, like the Russian himself at home, has not yet 
learned to divorce trade unionism from politics ; his labor organ- 
izations are either organized and managed by Socialistic agita- 
tors and politicians, and in the end split from within on account 
of the continuous wars among the adherents of various schools 
of Socialistic principles and tactics ; or, if it is not Socialistic, and 
would not permit the machinery of its organization to be used 
foT the benefit of the party — or, rather, of one of the Socialistic 
parties — it is opposed, and sometimes ruined, by open attacks or 
by neglect. And so it comes that as long as a labor ur.ion is 
typically Jewish, i. e., as long as it differs from the American 
trade union in its being much more political and being more in- 
terested in a general struggle against capital or against the pres- 


298 History of the Jews in America. 

ent order of society, it leads a precarious existence. The small 
number of labor unions whose members are exclusively Jewish 
immigrants, which are strictly trade unions and permit their 
members to have their own political views or preferences, are 
usually affiliated with American central labor bodies, and belong 
to the history of the labor movement of the country rather than 
to one which deals with the Jews as a separate entity. 

But the radicalism of the laborer as such, and the radicalism 
of the union which he enters and upholds, is like the radicalism of 
the immigrant in general and like his dwelling in tenement 
houses : a passing phase which seems permanent because new ar- 
rivals take up the place of those who are continually dropping out 
from the ranks on account of their improved material and edu- 
cational condition. Isaac A. Hourwich (b. in Wilna, i860; a. 
1892), the economist and statistician, in his attempt to review the 
labor movement among the Jews in this country, could do no 
better than to quote the following characterization from the pen 
of a recognized specialist on the subject : 

The Jew's conception of a labor organization is that of a tradesman 
rather than that of a workman. In the clothing manufacture, when- 
ever any real abuse arises among the Jewish workmen, they all come 
together and form a giant union, and at once engage in a strike. They 
bring in 95 per cent, of the trade. They are energetic and determined. 
They demand the entire and complete elimination of the abuse. The 
demand is almost always unanimous, and is made with enthusiasm and 
bitterness. They stay out a long time, even under the greatest of suf- 
fering. During a strike large numbers of them are to be found with 
almost nothing to live upon and their families suffering, still insisting, 
on the streets and in their halls, that the great cause must be won. But 
when once the strike is settled, either in favor of or against the cause, 
they are contented, and that usually ends the union, since they do not 
see any practical use for a union when there is no cause to fight for. 
Consequently the membership of a Jewish union is wholly uncertain. 
The secretary's books will show 60,000 members in one month and not 

The Labor Movement. 299 

5,000 within three months later. If, perchance, a local branch has a 
steady thousand members, and if they are indeed paying members, it 
is likely that they are not the same members as in the year before.' 

This is, witli the modifications pertaining to time and place, 
the history of practically every traaes-union organization among 
the Jewish immigrants from the Slavic countries. From the first 
union of Jewish tailors, which was organized in New York in 
1877, through the time of the first comprehensive strike of 
workers in the clotliing trade in that city in 1890, the still larger 
one in 1894; down to the great waist makers' strike in 1909 and 
the great strikes in New York, Chicago and Cleveland in 1910 
and 191 1, the leadership has remained almost the same for 
about a quarter century. Abraham Cahan (b. in Podberezhye, 
near Wilna, i860; a. 1882), who was the first to deliver Socialist 
speeches in Yiddish in the United States, is still practically at 
the head of that movement among his countrymen. Morris 
Hillquit- (b. in Riga, Russia, 1870; a. 1887) began his activity 
as a Socialist leader among the immigrants before he was of age, 
and is now a recognized leader of the Socialists of the country, 
being also the author of a History of Socialism in the United 
States. Joseph Barondess (b. in Kamenetz-Podolsk, 1867; a. 
1885), the leader of the second great cloak makers' strike, who 
is now a communal worker and a leader among the Zionists, 
is still looked upon as a representative of the Jewish working 
classes in New York. The same conditions prevail in other large 
cities ; only there the movement began somewhat later, and the 
local leaders seldom attained lasting prominence even locally; 
for the movement is more than anything else a newspaper move- 
ment, and those who control the Yiddish Socialist press in New 
York are masters of the situation in every center of population 
where there is a Socialist movement among the Jewish immi- 

\Tohn R. Commons, in his report on "Immigration and Its Economic 
Effects.'' quoted in the article "Trade Unionism" in The Jewish Ency- 
clopedia, vol. XII. 

300 History of the Jews in America, 

As the radical press is, the means by which the unstable and 
mostly temporary labor organizations are held in control, it has 
played a much more important part in the entire Jewish labor 
movement than the general labor press has played in the much 
stronger and more lasting American labor movement. This is 
again on account of its political radicalism, which appeals to a 
wide circle of readers, who may be neither trade union laborers 
nor even Socialists. In its latest phase of development the Jew- 
ish radical press becomes a sensational afternoon paper, only 
with a stronger tinge of "red" than the journal of the same type 
printed in the vernacular. This preponderance of the literary 
side of the movement had the results which were to be expected : 
it produced better writers than labor leaders, more talented lit- 
erary artists than organizers or disciplinarians. And while most 
of the radical periodicals also succumbed sooner or later, they 
liad a more lasting effect on the development of the immigrant 
than the extremist labor organizations. This is also a reflex of 
Russian conditions, where the labor movement is entirely in the 
hands of the "intelligencia" or learned classes, though for an 
entirely different reason, the laborers themselves being mostly 
illiterate. Here every Jewish labor leader is a journalist or an 
author, often both; and they belong more properly to the chap- 
ters treating of Jewish literature in America. 

The agitator among the immigrants has also rendered other 
highly useful service, besides the impetus which he gave to the 
development and popularization of the Yiddish press. The aver- 
age laborer immigrant from Russia knew very little of news- 
papers, although practically every one of them could read his 
mother tongue — Judeo-German or Yiddish. But the Russian gov- 
ernment did not permit at that time the publication of popular 
newspapers, and we find, for instance, in the year 1886, three 
daily papers in Russia in the old Hebrew language, which is 
understood by the more educated classes, and not one in Yiddish. 
But little»as the immigrant knew about newspapers, he knew less, 
or actually nothing at all, about politics. The explanation of 

Socialists as Teachers of Civics. 301 

the aims of the one party for which the agitator wanted to win 
him had to be preceded by introductory explanations of the 
nature and functions of parties generally, of their utility as a 
means of inaugurating reforms, and their power to carry them 
out when a successful campaign places the government in their 
hands. The Socialist agitator was thus the first teacher of civics, 
and he was a very active worker for the cause of naturalization. 
He was anxious that the immigrant workingman should become 
a citizen and build up with his vote the Socialist party which the 
native laborer was so slow to recognize. 

But the large majority of the Jewish laborers had enough of 
Socialism by the time they were entitled to citizenship ; the num- 
ber of voters of that party increased very slowly, and, like the 
above-mentioned case of the unions, they were not the same 
from year to year. While the Jewish population was increas- 
ing rapidly in some parts of New York and other large cities, 
and the number of non-Jewish, or rather non-immigrant, voters 
in some districts became very small or practically disappeared, 
the number of Socialist votes was fluctuating, and never became 
a majority or even a plurality in a district. While the leaders 
were preaching that all opportunities were now gone and all ave- 
nues of advancement were closed for the poor man, every individ- 
ual among their followers was struggling to raise himself above 
his surroundings. Americanization meant the abandonment of 
extreme views on all subjects, and the naturalized immigrant, 
even when he remained a manual worker, was soon voting for 
one of the two great American parties. He still retained a lean- 
ing towards radical reform, foi- the Russian mind is much in- 
clined to theorizing; but he would now seldom go further than 
support an American reformer or join one of the movements 
instituted by the better elements for the purpose of purifying 
city governments. But as the reform element usually signalizes 
its accession to power by a severe enforcement of Sunday-dos- 
ing laws and other interferences with personal liberty which 
smack of persecution, the immigrant Jew usually joins the other 

302 History of the Jews in America. 

disappointed classes to turn the reformers out of office at the 
next election. 

There was a slow and steady turning away from the dry and 
monotonous radical literature of that period, which was a coun- 
terpart of the turning away from extreme politics. In one re- 
spect the change in literary tastes or requirements amounted to 
a revulsion — one might almost say, to a revolution. The first 
attempt to publish in Yiddish a sensational novel in weekly or 
semi-weekly installments, popularly known as "Heften," which 
was made in New York about 1890, met with extraordinary suc- 
cess. The number of such ventures soon multiplied, and the sales 
were large in other cities as well as in the place of publication. 
The Yiddish periodical press became endangered, but it saved^ 
and revenged — itself by beginning to publish one, two and some- 
times as much as three serial stories in daily installments, a prac- 
tice which in a short time ruined the business of the "Heften.'"' 

It was also about this time that the "Maskilim" or half-Ger- 
manized Hebrew scholars, who were forced to the background by 
the domination of the radicals at the beginning of the "Russian 
period," began to forge to the front again. The number of Jews 
who could read Hebrew was fast increasing, the proportion of 
intelligent and well-educated men being much larger among those 
who were forced to emigrate than among the earlier immigrants. 
Well known Hebrew scholars who arrived in that period began 
the publication of Hebrew periodicals, and while none of the 
publications survived, some of them existed for a number of 
yea:rs and exerted a certain influence; besides contributing to 
develop the talents of new writers and to lay the foundation for a 
Neo-Hebrew literature in America, which is progressing slowly 
but surely. 

One of the first of the Hebrew editors of the new period was 
Ephraim Deinard (b. in Courland, 1846; a. 1888), the author and 
traveler. He established the weekly "Ha-Leomi" (Nationalist) 
in New York ni 1889, and it existed for about two years. An- 
other traveler and author. Wolf (or WiUiam) Schur (b. in Utian, 

Neo-Hebrew Periodicals. 303 

Russia, 1844; d. in Chicago, 19 10), established his weekly "Ha- 
Pisgah" (The Summit), which appeared in New York and Bal- 
timore in the years 1890-94 and in Chicago in 1897- 1900. The 
"ha-Ibri" (The Hebrew), also a weekly, was founded by K. H. 
Sarasohn and edited by Gerson Rosenzweig (b. in Karatchin, in 
the government of Grodno, Russia, 1861 ; a. 1888) during the 
time of its existence, from 1892 to 1898. Of the Hebrew month- 
lies of that period only the "Ner he-Maarabi" (Western Light), 
which appeared in 1895-97, edited first by Abraham H. Rosen- 
berg (b. in Pinsk, 1838; a. 1891) and afterv/ards by Samuel B. 
Schwarzberg, deserves to be mentioned. 

In one respect the Hebrew and the Yiddish writers were strug- 
gling with the same difficulty — that of making themselves under- 
stood to the largest possible number of readers. The method 
prevailing in Russia, of writing as hard or using as high a lan- 
guage as possible so that the highly intelligent rer.der — the title 
to which every reader of a newspaper there at that time laid 
claim — should take pride in being able to understand the con- 
tents, would not attract readers here as it does where scarcity of 
printed matter makes the public accept with eagerness whatever 
is offered. But the Hebrew writer came here with a style that 
may be termed aristocratic, and the Yiddish writer, who had to 
begin everything anew, had hardly any style. It was all easy as 
far as the work of the agitator was concerned ; denunciations and 
accusations are always easily understood, and this alone ii one o± 
the reasons of their popularity. But when it came to the parts 
where the writer wanted to describe or to explain, especially in 
the scientific or semi-scientific articles which a public that had 
no systematic schooling so eagerly devoured, the language of most 
of the writers was inadequate and not easily understood. 

Thus it comes that, although most of the Yiddish periodicals 
of that time were advocating, some of them with great ve- 
hemence, certain principles, or leading certain movements, the 
earliest reputations were made by stylists who were not identified 
with particular movements. The highest popularity among the 

304 History of the Jews in America. 

reading masses was attained by Abner Tannenbaum (b. in Shir- 
wint, Russia, 1848; a. 1887), whose perspicuous writing, whether 
as the author of the "Heften," which he inaugurated, or on his 
favorite subject, popular science, simply could not be misunder- 
stood. George Selikovich (b. in Retovo, government of Kovno, 
Russia, in 1863; a. 1887), a linguist and a good Hebrew stylist, 
is another writer whom everybody could easily understand, and 
who acquired popularity with the public to whom Yiddish peri- 
odical literature was brought down here, for the first time in its 
history. Nahum Meir Schaikewitz (Shomer, b. in Nesvizh, gov- 
ernment of Minsk, Russia, 1849; a. 1888; d. in New York, 
1905), the novelist and playwright, also appealed to the masses 
with his easy flowing style, and was a favorite here with the same 
classes which used to read his works and see his plays in the 
old country. 

The recognition accorded to these writers, none of whom were 
agitators or even party men, proves that even in the time when it 
seemed that the "ghetti" or neighborhoods of the Jewish immi- 
grants were seething with movements and agitations, the great 
masses were not much mterested in them; though the curious 
crowded the largest meeting rooms, and many who were not yet 
sure of their newly found freedom were inclined to test it by par- 
ticipating in a march or some other form of demonstration which 
was forbidden in their old home. Some writers, on the other hand, 
who followed the Russian usage of subordinating their art to the 
cause which they were advocating, were extolled by their par- 
tisans as great geniuses, but had a much smaller public than the 
above-mentioned literati. 

The writers of Hebrew, who by reason of their training and 
inclination held more aloof even from their own public, have not 
yet solved the great question of style; which partly accounts for 
the remarkable fact that their periodical literature has actually 
vanished in the two decades in which the possible number of their 
readers has increased almost tenfold. Some of the best known 
Hebrew literati from the Old World came here since the estab- 

Plight of the "Maskilim." 305 

lishment of the Neo-Hebrew periodicals which were mentioned 
above; men Hke the poet Menahem Mendel Dolitzki (b. in Bye- 
lostok, 1856; a. 1892); the exegete Abraham Baer Dobsevage 
(b. in Pinsk, 1843; a. 1891 ; d. in New York, 1900) ; the philos- 
opher Joseph Loeb Sosnitz (b. in Birz, 1837; a. 1891 ; d. in New 
York, 191 o) ; the grammarian Moses Reicherson (b. in Wilna, 
1827; a. 1890; d. in New York, 1903), and the knight-errant of 
Hebrew literature, Naphtali Hirz Imber (b. in Zloczow, Galicia, 
1856; a. i892(?); d. in New York, 1909). But neither they 
nor others less known, who could perhaps be more productive 
under more favorable circumstances, could accomplish much even 
in those branches of literary journalism where Yiddish has not 
penetrated. They were not entirely idle, and some of the re- 
sults of their literary labor will be mentioned in the proper place 
in a following part of this work. But they have not influenced 
the Jewish spirit and have contributed little to the general intel- 
lectual development of the community. The traditional war for 
progress which they waged in their old homes, where they were 
often the only learned or enlightened men in the community, had 
no place in a world where general education is so easily accessible; 
and they could not feel at home in the ranks of the conservatives, 
where they belong in this country. Most of them floundered 
until the rise of the Zionist movement, which they joined half- 
heartedly. Many took to teaching of Hebrew, and are still wait- 
ing for the expected revival of interest in Hebrew literature which 
the new nationalism is supposed to produce. 



The normal rate of Jewish immigration is but slightly affected by the 
panic of 1893 — Oppressiveness of the Sunday Laws are felt by the 
new immigrants — The Extradition Treaty with Russia — Beginning 
of the struggle about the Passport Question^The first Resolution 
against Russia's discrimination, introduced in Congress by Mr. 
Cox in 1879 — Diplomacy and diplomatic correspondence — More 
resolutions — Rayner, Fitzgerald, Perkins — Henry M. Goldfogle — 
John Hay's letter to the House — More letters, speeches and dis- 
cussions — The Sulzer Resolution and the last step to abrogate the 
Treaty of 1832. 

The large increase in Jewish immigration from Russia after 
the renewed persecutions of 1891, hke the general increase in the 
beginning of the last decade of the nineteenth century, lasted 
only till the effects of the hard times, which began in the spring 
of 1893, began to be felt. But the increase in Jewish immigra- 
tion was more than ordinarily large, or what might be consid- 
ered for those times as abnormal, only in one year — 1892. If 
this year, in which there arrived 76,417 Jews from Russia,^ should 
be eliminated, it is seen that Jewish immigration fell off much 
less in proportion than general immigration. The general figures 
are: 560,319 for 1891 ; 502,917 for 1893; 314,467 for 1894; 
and 279,948 for 1895. The number of Jewish immigrants from 
Russia for those years was: 42,145 for 1891 ; 35,626 for 1893; 
36,725 for 1894, and 33,332 for 1895. The cause of it was men- 

' See article "Migration" in the Jezvish Eiicvrlopedia, where the 
figures are interesting but the sources do not justify complete reliability. 


The Problems of the Period. 307 

tioned in a former chapter — that the largest part of the Jewish 
immigration now consisted of famihes or near relatives brought 
over by those who have established themselves here. The con- 
dition of those remaining- there was becoming continually worse, 
while those who were here could, with a little exertion and self- 
denial, save enough, even in slack times, to save their immedi- 
ate relatives from the conditions which were becoming unendur- 
able in Russia. 

For this large and increasing mass of Russians, the relations 
between the United .States and Russia were a matter of grave 
concern. And tO' them, in conjunction with the Galician Jews 
and the Roumanian Jews, who were, roughly estimated, nearly 
half as strong numerically as the Russians, the cjuestion of the 
.estriction of immigration, which was then being discussed in 
Congress and in the country generally, was of most vital interest. 
The fear that the oppressed Jews who were left home could not 
come in now, and that there might be diiificulty even in bringing 
over members of the family, sufificed to make this question over- 
shadow all others in the mind of the Jewish immigrant ; to make 
it not only the most important, but with many, the sole Jewish 

A minor problem which had also become more acute under 
the changed conditions was the Sunday Laws of the various 
srates. While the laws themselves date further back, some of 
them from the eighteenth century, and they were not enforced 
with any more severity than before, the opportunities for con- 
flict with them were now much more frequent. The Jewish im- 
migrants of the former periods, who were mostly traders doing 
business with their Gentile neighbors, and were also inclined 
toward Reform Judaism, usually rested Sunday, for economic 
reasons as well as on account of their religious views. But now 
there were in many large cities, and especially in New York, large 
Jewish neighborhoods where brisk trading was done among Jews 
themselves. There were Jewish shops and factories in which the 
owners, the managers and foremen, as well as the workers, were 

308 History of the Jews in America. 

Jews. And not only was the proportion of Orthodox Jews among 
them very large, but even the unbelievers and the radicals among 
them thought the Sunday laws oppressive and incongruous. It 
was certainly not what most of them expected to find in the Land 
of Liberty : to be hampered and interfered with for practices 
which were then practically permissible in countries like Russia 
and Austria, where the Churches rule supreme and where Jews 
are harassed on every imaginable pretext. 

Two incidents in the relations with Russia aroused the interest 
of the Russian Jews in America at that time. The first related 
to the Treaty of Extradition which was negotiated between the 
two governments during the first administration of President 
Cleveland, but was not pressed for ratification, owing to protests 
which were made against it by Russian Jews and which were 
seconded by many liberal Americans and by a considerable por- 
tion of the press. But the document itself, signed by the repre- 
sentatives of the two governments seven or eight years before, 
remained in the State Department, and was again presented to 
the Senate by John W. Foster, a former American Minister to 
Russia, who held the office of Secretary of State in the last 
months of the administration of President Benjamin Harrison 
(1833-1901). It was ratified by the Senate in February, 1893, 
and the report of its ratification and exchange with Russia was 
a painful surprise for the Jews of the country, especially for the 
natives of Russia. Happily the fears about the possible effects of 
the treaty proved absolutely groundless. Every extradition case 
under this treaty which was fought in the United States courts 
was won, and, as far as it is known, not one Russian refugee who 
made the plea against extradition, claiming that he was wanted 
for political offences, was ever delivered to Russia. 

The second occurrence pertained to a difficulty of long stand- 
ing: to the general treaty between the United States and Russia 
which was concluded in 1832. The number of Jews in the 
United States at that time was comparatively small, and very 
few of them came from Russia. The intercourse between the 

The First Passport Resolution. 309 

two countries was insignificant, and probably no Jew of that 
time thought of going from America to Russia for any purpose. 
It could therefore not have occurred to the I'epresentatives of our 
Government in negotiating the treaty that Russia would discrim- 
inate against American Jews who might come there. As a matter 
of fact, the language of the treaty implied equal treatment for all 
American citizens alike, and is much less objectionable than was 
the treaty with Switzerland, which was concluded later (see 
abo\'e Chapter XXIII), in which discrimination against Jews was 
knowingly accepted. And while a case of discrimination against 
an American-Jewish citizen in Switzerland was under consid- 
eration by the State Department in Washington at the very time 
when the treaty of 1855, with the highly objectionable clause, was 
adopted, more than forty years passed after the adoption of the 
Russian treaty of 1832 before the cpiestion of Russia's disloyalty 
to the terms of the treaty attracted the attention of the American 
Government, although there seems to have been some correspond- 
ence about it as early as 1866.^ The name of a naturalized Jew- 
ish citizen, Theodore Rosenstrauss, appears frequently in the dip- 
lomatic correspondence of the State Department from 1873 ^o 
1879, and his case was the cause of the following Joint Resolu- 
tion being introduced in the House of Representatives of the 46th 
Congress in June, 1879, by Mr. Samuel S. Cox of New York, a 
member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs : 


Whereas, It is alleged that by the laws of the Russian Government, 
no Hebrew can hold real estate, which unjust discrimination is enforced 
against Hebrew citizens of the United States resident in Russia; and 

Whereas, The Russian Government has discriminated against one 
T. Rosenstrauss, a naturalized citizen of the United States, by pro- 


^ See The American Passport in Russia in the American Jewish Year 
Book for 5665; also The Passport Question in Congress, ibid, for 5670. 

310 History of the Jews in America. 

hibiting him from holding real estate after his purchasing and paying 
for the same, because of his being an Israelite; and 

Whereas, Such disabilities are antagonistic to the enlightened spirit 
of our institutions and age, which demand free exercise of religious 
belief, and no disabilities therefrom; and 

Whereas, The Secretary of State, under date of April 29, 1879, ex- 
presses doubt of his ability to grant the relief required under existing 
treaty stipulations; therefore 

Resolved, By the Senate and the House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress Assembled, that the rights of 
the citizens of the United States should not be impaired at home or 
abroad because of religious belief; and that if existing treaties between 
the United States and Russia be found, as is alleged, to discriminate 
in this or any other particular, as to any other classes of our citizens, 
the President is requested to take immediate action, to have the treaties 
so amended as to remedy this grievance. 

After a debate, in which the fact that Enghsh Jews were per- 
mitted to own land in Russia, was brought out, this Resolution 
passed the House of Representatives June 10, 1879, and as far 
as known was not heard of again. 

In the diplomatic correspondence which followed, the American 
Government insisted on its rights under the treaty and urged its 
minister to claim absolutely equal treatment for all American 
citizens alike, Jews as well as others. The arguments and the 
mode of procedure which are now familiar to every one who is 
interested in the question, were all used thirty years ago, though 
the only effective remedy, suggested by the first resolution, "to 
take immediate steps to have the treaties amended," had not 
been resorted to. But the question of former Russian subjects 
who return to Russia as American citizens, in which the prin- 
ciple of expatriation and right of naturalization is involved, is 
not touched upon in these early disputes. There is even a clear 
intimation that the Russian Government's chief objection was 
against naturalized Jews from Germany. Mr. Foster, who was 
then our representative in St. Petersburg, in a dispatch dated 
December 30, 1880, reports an interview which he had with 
M. de Giers, the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, and says: 

Diplomacy and Correspondence. 311 

So far as concerned Jews who are bona fide American citizens (not 
disguised German Jews'), he would assure me of the most liberal treat- 
raent, as he knew it was the desire of the Emperor to show all pos- 
sible consideration to American citizens. If such came to St. Peters- 
burg and encountered any trouble, if I would merely send him an 
unofficial note, he would give them all the time I might ask for them 
to remain here to attend to their business. . . 

The same dispatch reports also a conversation with the 
Minister of Worship, who "hstened with much interest to my 
presentation of the subject. He said that a commission was now 
engaged in studying the question of reform in these laws," and 
"frankly recognized that the laws were not fully in accordance 
with the spirit of the age." But in the end of this document Mr. 
Foster acknowledges his failure to obtain what he wanted and says 
that "the Russian Government was disposed to grant what we de- 
sired only as a favor when my government asked it as a right" 
(quoting Loris Melikov). 

In a dispatch sent by Secretary of State James G. Blaine to 
Mr. Foster, dated July 29, 1881, the entire subject is historically 
reviewed and the principles involved are restated in strong and 
lucid terms. Two passages from this dispatch are worth quot- 
ing. One reads: "From the time when the treaty of 1832 was 
signed down to within a very recent period, there had been noth- 
mg m our relations with Russia to lead to the supposition that 
our flag did not carry with it equal protection to every American 
within the dominions of the empire." The second is the last sen- 
tence of the dispatch and reads : "I cannot but feel assured that 
this earnest presentation of the views of this government will ac- 
cord with the sense of justice and equity of that of Russia, and 
that the questions at issue will soon find their natural solution 
in harmony with the spirit of tolerance which pervaded the ukase 
of the Empress Catherine a century ago, and with the statesman- 
like declaration of the principle of reciprocity found in the later 
decree of the Czar Alexander II. in i860." Actual dealings with 
Russia were a novel experience for American diplomatists, and 

312 History of the Jews in America. 

even so eminent a statesman as Mr. Blaine could believe — after 
the pogroms of the spring of that year — that the question would 
be solved in the same manner as in Switzerland — by the final 
emancipation of the Jews of that country. 

In the meantime new cases had arisen, and the question was 
again brought before Congress. Representative Samuel S. Cox 
of New York introduced a second resolution in the House of 
Representatives on January 26, 1882, which was passed four days 
later, requesting the President, if it was not incompatible with the 
public service, to communicate to the House all correspondence 
between the Department of State and the United States minister 
at St. Petersburg, relative to the expulsion of American Israelites 
from Russia, and the persecution of the Jews in the Russian 
Empire. Another resolution, asking for further correspondence 
on the subject, was introduced by Mr. Cox on July 31 of the same 
vear and referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. He sub- 
mitted the same resolution again in February, 1883, when it was 
passed. There was another resolution in 1884, and more corre- 
spondence in 1886 between Secretary of State Thomas F Bayard 
and the American representative in Russia, with no better re- 
sults than before. 

The subject was taken up more earnestly than before in the 
following decade. Congressman S. Logan Chipman of Michigan 
introduced in the House, in February, 1892, a resolution "To 
inquire into the operation of the Anti-Jewish Laws of Russia on 
American Citizens." It was referred to the Committee on For- 
eign Affairs and reported on April 6, 1892, in a much amplified 
form, but its passage is not recorded. Mr. Irvine Dungan, of 
Ohio, introduced, on June 10, 1892, a joint resolution "directing 
the severance of diplomatic relations with Rlissia," which seems 
not to have gone any further than the Committee on Foreign Af- 
fairs. There was new correspondence, too, as the result of new 
cases, and probably also as an indirect result of the resolutions 
which were introduced in the House. A letter written from the 
State Department in 1893 ^o Mr. Andrew D. White (b. 1832), 

Rayner's Resolution. 313 

the educator and historian, the greatest man who ever represented 
the United States in Russia, contained the "surmise that some 
strange misapprehension exists in this regard in the mind of His 
Majesty's Government, which your accustomed abihty and tact 
may explain and perhaps remove." The events proved that he 
could do neither. 

In 1894 the subject was again brought before the House, for 
the first time by a representative of Jewish extraction. Isidor 
Rayner (b. in Baltimore, 1850), who was successively a member 
of the Maiyland Legislature, a State Senator, a representative in 
Congress for three terms, the Attorney-General of the State of 
Maryland, and is now serving his second term as United States 
Senator from that State (beginning March 4, 1911), was then 
serving his third term in the House and was recognized as one 
of the ablest orators and leaders of his party (the Democratic) 
in the popular branch of Congress. But his resolution, which was 
introduced May 28, 1894, in which the President was "directed 
to call the attention of the Government of Russia to its continued 
violation of the treaty rights," met with no better fate than the 
preceding ones which were introduced by non-Jews. The dis- 
position of the resolutions made, however, little difference, for 
the Government was urging a settlement of the difficulties as 
strongly as if it was commanded by Congress to do so. 

Minister Breckinridge, who was in St. Petersburg in 1895, 
writing to the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs in that year, 
states "that it has long been a matter of deep regret and concern 
to the United States that any of its citizens should be discrim- 
inated against for religious reasons while peacefully sojourning 
in this country." The subject was apparently taken up more 
seriously now than before, and there was justification for the 
belief that it would have to be settled soon. Mr. H. H. D. 
Peirce, Secretary of Legation, writing in June, 1895, of an inter- 
view which he had with a high Russian official, declares that the 
latter admitted the force of the argument and "expressed himself 
as hopeful that it would be possible to bring about a satisfactory 

314 History of the Jews in America. 

revision of Russian practice as regards the admission of American 
Jews into the Empire." In the following month Assistant Sec- 
retary of State A. A. Adee wrote to the Legation at St. Peters- 

Your conclusion that it is inexpedient to press the complaint to a 
formal answer at present appears to be discreet, but the Department 
must express its deep regret that you have encountered in the foreign of- 
fice a reluctance to consider the matter in the light in which this Govern- 
ment has presented it. The Russian Government can not expect that 
its course in asserting inquisitorial authority in the United States over 
citizens of the United States as to their religious or civil status can 
ever be acceptable or even tolerable to such a Government as ours, 
and continuance in such a course after our views have been clearly 
but considerately made known may trench upon the just limits of con- 

There were three more dispatches of considerable length sent 
about this subject in the same year, 1895; one from Mr. Breck- 
inridge to Secretary of State Richard Olney, dated July 4; the 
second from Mr. Adee to Mr. Breckinridge, dated August 22, 
and a third, dated October 23, from Washington to the Russian 
capital, beginning with the acknowledgment of the receipt of a 
set of regulations relating to the Jews in Russia and commenting 
on it that : "If anything, it presents the subject in a still more 
unfavorable light, for it seems that those Russian agents in a 
foreign territory may in their discretion inquire intO' the business 
standing of the principal of the commercial house employing a 
Hebrew agent, and act favorably or unfavorably, according to 
their own judgment of its importance." It continues that even 
"assuming for the arguments's sake but not by way of admission, 
that such a right may technically exist, the cjuestion remains 
whether the assumption to exercise it in face of the temperate 
but earnest remonstrances of this Government against foreign in- 
terference with the private concerns of its citizens, is in accord- 
ance with those courteous principles of comity which this Gov- 
ernment is so anxious to observe in its relations with all foreign 

Fitzgerald's and G-oldf ogle's Resolutions. 315 

All this was of no avail, and the question was again brought 
before Congress. Representative John F. Fitzgerald (b. in Bos- 
ton, 1863: now Mayor of Boston) of Massachusetts introduced 
the following resolution in the House of Representatives, March 
31, 1897, which was referred to the Committee on Foreign 
Affairs : 

Resolved, That the Secretary of State be requested to demand from 
the Russian Government that the same rights be given to Hebrew- 
American citizens in the matter of passports as now are accorded to 
all other classes of American citizens, and also inform the House of 
Representatives whether any American citizens have been ordered to 
be expelled from Russia or forbidden the exercise of the ordinary privi- 
leges enjoyed by the inhabitants, because of their religion. 

The same resolution was re-introduced by Mr. Fitzgerald in 
December, 1899, with no better results. In the meantime, a Jew- 
ish banker from California, Mr. Adolf Kutner, was refused ad- 
mission to Russia in 1897, and this caused Senator J. C. Perkins 
of that State to introduce a lengthy resolution about this question 
in the United States Senate (May 25, 1897), which was followed 
by a shorter one presented in the House by Representative Cur- 
tice H. Castle of the same State in December of that year. 

In 1902 the question was again brought to the attention of the 
House by a Representative who not only is himself a Jew, but 
represents a district most of whose inhabitants are immigrant 
Jews who are interested in the passport question. Henry Mayer 
Goldfogle (b. in New York City, 1856), who was twice elected 
Judge of the Municipal Court in an East Side district, was in 
1900 elected, as a Democrat, to represent the Ninth Congress 
District of New York, which includes the most thickly populated 
part of the East Side, and has been re-elected at every Congres- 
sional election since, serving now (1911) his sixth term. It was 
during his first term that he introduced what became well known 
as the "Goldfogle Resolution" and has been be^orr Congress in 
one form or another for nearly a decade. Its. original form as it 
was introduced, March 28, 1902, was as follows : 

316 History of the Jews in America. 

Resolved, By the House of Representatives of the United States, 
that the Secretary of State be, and he is hereby, respectfully requested 
to inform the House whether American citizens of the Jewish religious 
faith, holding passports issued by this Government, are barred or ex- 
cluded from entering the territory of the Empire of Russia, and 
whether the Russian Government has made, or is making, any discrim- 
ination between citizens of the United States of different religious 
faiths or persuasions, visiting or attempting to visit Russia, provided 
with American passports; and whether the Russian Government has 
made regulations restricting or specially applying to American citizens, 
whether native or naturalized, of the Jewish religious denomination, 
holding United States passports, and if so, to report the facts in rela- 
tion thereto, and what action concerning such exclusion, discrimination 
or restriction, if any, has been taken by any department of the Gov- 
ernment of the United States. 

This resolution was amended by adding the words "if not in- 
compatible with the public interest" after the word "House" in 
the third line. It was passed by the House April 30, 1902. 
Shortly afterwards (June 27) Senator E. W. Pettus of Alabama 
introduced a resolution in the Senate requesting the President, 
"if not incompatible with the public interest, to inform the Senate 
as to the attitude of the Russian Government toward American 
citizens attempting to enter its territory with American passports." 
This was also passed by the Senate, but the reply was given to 
the House before the Senate Resolution was introduced. The 
essence of the letter to the House, written by Secretary of State 
John Hay (1838-1905), dated May 2, 1902, that American Jews 
are not at a greater disadvantage before that Government than 
are the Jews of other countries; that the exclusion of naturalized 
citizens of Russian origin was explained by Secretary Olney 
in his report to the President in 1896 as due to circumstances 
under which a "conflict between national laws, each absolute 
within its domestic sphere and inoperative beyond it, is hardly to 
be averted"; that the effort to secure uniform treatment for 
American citizens in Russia, begun many years ago, had con- 
tinued, although it had not been attended with encouraging 
success; and that the Department of State send to all persons 

Final Abrogation of the Treaty. 317 

of Russian birth who received passports an unofficial notice show- 
ing what were the provisions of Russian law liable to affect them, 
in order that they might not incur danger through ignorance. 

The subject has been treated officially and semi-officially in 
A'arious manners since that time, but practically without results. 
It came up .'•everal times in Congress, and was ably discussed 
by Jewish representatives and. their friendly colleagues, hardly a 
voice ever being raised in defence of the Russian Government. 
There were new resolutions by Judge Goldfogle, whO' was now 
recognized as the Jewish Representative in Congress ; new cor- 
respondence between the State Department and the American 
Ambassador in St. Petersburg; a personal letter from President 
Theodore Roosevelt to Count Witte (who came to the United 
States to negotiate a treaty of peace with Japan in 1905), in 
which that jMuscovite statesman was begged "to consider the 
question of granting passports to reputable American citizens of 
the Jewish faith," and a letter from Secretary of State Elihu Root 
(b. 1845; now a Senator from New York) to Mr. Jacob H. 
Schiff in October, 1908, telling him that the Administration "has 
urged the making of a new treaty for the purpose of regulating 
the subject." It was the subject of a notable address delivered 
by the well known attorney and communal worker, Louis Mar- 
shall (b. in Syracuse, N. Y., 1856), at the convention of the 
Union of American Hebrew Congregations which was held in 
New York in January, 191 1, and was afterward brought before 
President William H. Taft (b. 1857) by a delegation which was 
appointed by that convention. Public men in various parts of the 
country became interested in the question. They were encouraged 
by an almost unanimous public press to stand up for the rights of 
American Citizenship, regardless of creed, and the movement be- 
came well-nigh irresistible. Numerous State Legislatures adopted 
resolutions favoring the abrogation of the treaty unless tlie 
American passport be fully recognized as conferring the right of 
domicile in all parts of the Russian Empire. Congress was 
flooded with resolutions which were adopted by Jewish organ- 

318 History of the Jews in America. 

izations all over the country, and many meetings were held to 
express the public indignation, as well as the dissatisfaction with 
the Government's dilatoriness in obtaining justice for its Jewish 
citizens. The most imposing meetings were held under the aus- 
pices of the National Citizens' League, a newly formed organiza- 
tion, composed mostly of prominent non-Jews, of which Andrew 
D. White became the chairman. 

In December, 191 1, the resolution for the abrogating of the 
treaty, which was introduced in the House of Representatives 
by William Sulzer, of New York, was adopted with practical 
unanimity. But President Taft had anticipated this action by the 
instructions which he gave several days before to the American 
Ambassador in St. Petersburg, to serve formal notice on Russia 
that the Treaty of 1832 would be abrogated on December 31, 
1912, i. e., after one full year shall have elapsed after the notice 
of abrogation, as it is provided by the terms of the agreement 
itself. Both houses of Congress soon afterwards approved the 
President's act without a dissenting vote, and the battle was won, 
as far as the American side of it was concerned. But the work 
of negotiating and concluding a new treaty was perforce left to 
the slow procedure of diplomacy, which is doubly slow when a 
government, like the Russian, which is so unwilling to recognize 
the rights of Jews, is one of the contracting parties. 




Jewish interest in immigration — The first legislation on the subject — ■ 
The Nativists or "Know Nothings" — A Congressional investiga- 
tion in 1838 — President Taylor's invitation to foreigners to come 
and settle here — A law to encourage immigration passed on Lin- 
coln's recommendation in 1864 — The General Immigration Law of 1882 
— The "Ford Committee" — Permanent Immigration Committees 
in Congress — Continued agitation and legislation on the subject — • 
A bill containing the reciuirement of an educational test is vetoed 
by President Grover Cleveland in 1897 — The last Immigration Law 
of 1907 — The Immigration Commission of 1907 and its report in 
1910 — Sunday Laws and their significance for the Orthodox Jew — 
Laws of various States and Territories — Their effect on movements 
for municipal reform — Status of the problems. 

The question of immigration, or rather of its restriction, was 
always of great interest to the Jews, not only because they are 
great wanderers and many of them are looking for a home, but 
also because to the many who came from countries where they 
were persecuted or from which they were exiled, exclusion meant 
a much more serious matter than to those who had a home to go 
back to. The immigrants of the second period, from 18 15 to 
1880, were more fortunate in this respect than those who came 
very early and were harrassed by frank discrimination against 
them as Jews, as was related in earlier parts of this work; and 
also more than the later arrivals, many of whom were excluded 
as undesirable, along with the defective and helpless of other 
races and nationalities. From the time of the establishment of 


320 History of the Jews in America. 

the Government of the United States until about 1835, immigra- 
tion was taken as a matter of course ; the only legislation enacted, 
and practically all that was proposed, was the law of 18 19 for 
the regulation of the carriage of steerage passengers at sea, which 
law also for the first time provided that statistics relative to im- 
migration to the United States be recorded. 

The second period, from 1835 to i860, is sharply defined by 
the so-called "Native American" and "Know Nothing" move- 
ments, which, as is well known, were largely based on the opposi- 
tion to the immigration of Catholics/ The hostility early took 
the form of a political movement, and in 1835 there was a Na- 
tivist candidate for Congress in New York City, where that party 
nominated a candidate for mayor in the following year. It spread 
over various states, and in 1845, when it held its first national con- 
vention in Philadelphia, it had six Representatives in Congress 
from New York and two from Pennsylvania. The chief demands 
of this convention were a repeal of the naturalization laws and 
the appointments of native Americans only to ofifice. 

While these societies were stronger in local politics than in 
national, their few Representatives in Congress attempted to make 
Nativism a national question. As a result of their efforts, the 
United States Senate in 1836 agreed to a resolution directing the 
-Secretary of State to collect certain information respecting the 
immigration of foreign paupers and criminals. In the House of 
Representatives on February 19, 1838, a resolution was agreed 
to which provided that the Committee on Judiciary be instructed 
to consider the expediency of revising the naturalization laws 
so as to require a longer term of residence in the United States, 
and also to consider the propriety and expediency of providing 
by law against the introduction into the United States of vaga- 
bonds and paupers deported from foreign countries. This reso- 
lution was referred to a select committee of seven members, and 

^ See Abstract of the Report on Federal Immigration Legislation 
by the Immigration Commission, issued by the Government, Wash- 
ington, 1911. 

The Immigration Question. 321 

its report (House Report No. 1040, 25th Congress, 2d session) 
was the first resulting from a Congressional investigation of any 
question bearing upon immigration. It proposed a system of 
consular inspection, and there was even talk of a tax of $20 to 
be paid by the immigrant upon his receipt of a passport from the 
consul. The bill presented on recommendation of the committee 
provided heavy penalties for any master taking on board his ves- 
sel with the intention of transporting to the United States any 
alien passenger who was an idiot, lunatic, maniac or one afflicted 
with any incurable disease, or any one convicted of an infamous 
crime; it was further provided that the master should forfeit 
$1,000 for any alien brought in who had not the ability to main- 
tain himself. 

Congress did not even consider this bill, and during the next 
ten years little attempt was made to secure legislation against the 

In a message to Congress on June i, 1841, President John 
Tyler ( 1813-62) referred to immigration, in part, as follows : 

We hold out to the people of other countries an invitation to come 
and settle among us as members of our rapidly growing family; and 
tor the blessing which we ofifer them, we reciuire of them to look upon 
our country as their country, and unite with us in the great task of 
preserving our institutions and thereby perpetuating our liberties. 

As a consequence of the increase of immigration about the 
middle of the nineteenth century, the old dread of the foreigner 
was revived, and in the early fifties the Nativist politicians again 
became active. The new, like the earlier movement, was closely 
associated with the anti-Catholic propaganda. The new organ- 
ization assumed the form of a secret society. It was organized 
probably, in 1850, in New York City, and in 1852 it was in- 
creased in membership by drawing largely from the old estab- 
lished Order of United Americans. Its meetings were secret, its 
indorsements were never made openly, and even its name and pur- 
pose were said to be known only to those who reached the highest 
degree. Consequently the rank and file, when questioned about 

322 History of the Jews in America. 

their party, were obliged to answer: "I don't know"; so they 
came to be called "Know Nothings." They participated in local, 
State and even in national elections, and claimed as many as 
forty-three Representatives and five Senators in the Thirty-fourth 
Congress. But in the end they disappeared without having 
accomplished anything against immigration, adopted citizens, or 
Catholics, and, as a matter of fact, some legislation favorable to 
foreigners was passed during these periods of agitation. The 
passenger law of 1819 was amended in 1847, ^^^d again in 184S, 
in order to improve the condition of the steerage of imanigrant 
ships. The act organizing the Territories of Nebraska and Kan- 
sas, passed in 1854, was also favorable to foreigners, it being 
provided that the right of suffrage in such Territories should be 
exercised by those declaring their intentions to become citizens 
and taking an oath to support the Constitution of the United 
States and the provisions of the act. During the discussion of 
the homestead act in 1854, which act, however, was not finally 
passed until 1862, there was considerable reference to immigrants 
and to whether they should be allowed to enjoy the advantages of 
the act. The "Know Nothings" proposed to strike out the sec- 
tion of the bill permitting the granting of land to foreigners who 
had filed their intention of becoming citizens; but the attempt 

Although the National Government did not assume control of 
immigration until 1882, Congress in 1864, on the recommenda- 
tion of President Lincoln, passed a law to encourage immigration. 
It provided for a Commissioner of Immigration, to be under the 
direction of the Department of State, and that all contracts that 
should be made in foreign countries by emigrants to the United 
States, whereby emigrants pledged the wages of their labor for 
a term not exceeding twelve months to repay the expense of 
emigration, should be held to be valid in law and might be en- 
forced in the courts of the United States or by the several States 
and Territories, and that no such contract could in any way be 
considered as creating a condition of slavery or servitude. Fol- 

Encouragement and Discouragement. 323 

lowing the enactment of the law several companies were es- 
tablished to deal in contract labor, but they were not satisfied 
with the law and wanted its scope enlarged. This indirectly led 
to the abolition of the entire law in 1868, and the brief period of 
national encouragement of immigration was over. A campaign 
against contracting for foreign labor began soon afterward, 
though no legislation to forbid it was enacted until many years 
later. A law, enacted in 1875, which provided for the exclusion 
of prostitutes, was chiefly designated to regulate Chinese immi- 
gration, and thus early touched two subjects with reference to 
which the most stringent exclusion laws were to be enacted in the 
period of national control over immigration, which was now ap- 

In 1876 the Supreme Court of the United States declared laws 
enacted by several States to regulate and tax immigration to be 
unconstitutional, and expressly recommended that Congress 
should exercise full authority over immigration. This ultimately 
led to the enactment of the first general immigration law, which 
was approved by President Chester A. Arthur ( 1830-86) Au- 
gust 3, 1882. It provided for a head tax of 50 cents on all aliens 
landed at United States ports, the money thus collected to be 
used to defray the expenses of regulating immigration and for 
the care of immigrants after landing. It also provided that for- 
eign convicts, except those convicted for political offences, luna- 
tics, idiots and persons likely to become public charges, should not 
be permitted to land. Aside from a law forbidding the impor- 
tation of contract laborers, adopted in 1885 and strengthened by 
supplementary laws in 1887 and 1888, and aside from the laws 
about Chinese immigration which do not concern us here, there 
was no legislation affecting general immigration for nearly a 
decade, though the question was now widely discussed in the press 
and there was considerable agitation for further restriction. 

In 1888 the House of Representatives authorized, by resolu- 
tion, the appointment of a select committee to investigate the 
charo-es which wert made that the immigration laws were being 

324 History of the Jews in America. 

extensively evaded. The committee, known as the "Ford Com- 
mittee," in its report more than sustained the charges; it praised 
the immigrants of the past and deprecated those who were then 
coming; and proposed a new bill which added polygamists, an- 
archists and persons afflicted with a loathsome or dangerous con- 
tagious disease to the excluded classes. Congress, however, did 
not act upon the recommendations of that committee. 

In 1889 a Standing Committee on Immigration in the Senate 
and a Select Committee on Immigration and Naturalization in 
the House were established. In 1890 these committees were au- 
thorized jointly to make an inquiry relative to immigration. Va- 
rious reports were submitted, and the conclusion was that a 
radical change was not advisable, although it had been found that 
throughout the country there existed a demand for a stricter en- 
forcement of the immigration laws. During 1890 one or more 
political parties in twenty-three States had demanded additional 
regulation of immigration. Consequently a law strengthening 
the existing law in several important details, but making no rad- 
ical departure from the former policy, was adopted in 1891. 

But the question continued to receive the attention of Congress. 
There was another investigation by a joint committee in 1892, 
which reported in July of that year, and still another investiga- 
tion ordered by the Senate. Two new bills were proposed — one 
establishing additional regulations, the other entirely prohibit- 
ing immigration for one year, on account of the epidemic of 
cholera then prevailing in Europe. But neither this measure, 
nor the educational test which was then for the first time recom- 
mended by a Congressional committee, was adopted, and the 
revised immigration law, which was approved by President Har- 
rison March 3, 1893, was by no means radical. The head tax 
on immigrants was raised from fifty cents to one dollar by an 
amendment to an appropriation act in 1894. 

The agitation of the subject in Congress continued, however, 
and finally both houses adopted a bill for an educational test, ex- 
cluding persons physically capable and over sixteen years of age 

President Cleveland's Veto. 325 

who could not read and write the English language or some other 
language, parents, grandparents, wives and minor children of ad- 
missible immigrants being excepted. President Grover Cleve- 
land (1837-1908) returned the bill with his veto on March 2, 
1897. He objected to the radical departure from the previous 
national policy relating to immigration, which welcomed all who 
came, the success of which policy was attested by the last cen- 
tury's great growth. In referring to the claim that the quality 
of recent immigration was undesirable, he said : "The time is 
Cjuite within recent memory when the same thing was said of 
immigrants who, with their descendants, are now numbered 
among our best citizens." In referring to "the best reason that 
could be given for this radical restriction," the "protecting of our 
population against degeneration and saving our national peace 
and quiet from imported turbulence and disorder," President 
Cleveland said that he did not think that the nation would be 
protected against these evils by limiting immigration to those who 
could read and write, for, in his mind, it was safer "tO' admit 
a hundred thousand immigrants, who, though unable to read and 
write, seek among us only a home and an opportunity to work, 
than to admit one of those unruly agitators who can not only 
read and write, but delight in arousing by inflammatory speech 
the illiterate and peacefully inclined to discontent." Those 
classes which we ought to exclude, he claimed, should be legis- 
lated against directly. Some sections of the bill against aliens 
who come regularly into the United States from neighboring 
countries for the purpose of obtaining work, he declared to be 
"illiberal, narrow and un-American." 

On March 3, 1897, the House passed the bill over the Presi- 
dent's veto by a vote of 193 to 37, but no action was taken in the 
Senate, and the veto was thus sustained. The same bill was in- 
troduced in the following Congress (fifty-fifth) and passed by 
the Senate, but the House, by a vote of 103 to loi refused to 
consider it. 

By an act of June 18, 1898, Congress created an Industrial 

326 History of the Jews in America. 

Commission "to investigate questions pertaining to immigration, 
and to report to Congress and to suggest such legislation as it 
may deem best upon these subjects." The final report of this 
commission was submitted to Congress in February, 1902, and 
shortly afterwards a bill was introduced in the House which was 
substantially in accord with the recommendations made. The 
House added a literary test to this bill, but it was eliminated by 
the Senate, which raised the head tax from one dollar to two. 
This was accepted by the House, and the bill, as it was approved 
by the President March 3, 1903, made no radical change in the 
existing laws. The same may be said of the present immigra- 
tion law, which was approved February 20, 1907, which, besides 
raising the head tax from two to four dollars and somewhat 
strengthening the provisions against the defective or undesirable 
classes, made no innovation or departure from the policy of ad- 
mitting all who may be expected to be able to provide for them- 
selves and to become good citizens. The number as well as the 
percentage of those excluded is now considerably larger than in 
former years ; but the tide of immigration is not stemmed, and 
after the quick recovery from the hard times which began with 
the panic of 1907, there is now again a very large influx of immi- 
grants, among whom the proportion of Jews is by no means 
smaller than in former years. 

The act of 1907 also created an Immigration Commission to 
"make full inquiry, examination, and investigation, by sub-com- 
mittee or otherwise, into the subject of immigration." This com- 
mission submitted its report, in forty volumes, in 1910, and rec- 
ommended some strong restrictions, with the view that "a suf- 
ficient number may be debarred to produce a marked effect upon 
the present supply of unskilled labor." It also advised that "as 
far as possible the aliens excluded should be those who come to 
this country with no intention to become American citizens or 
even to maintain a permanent residence here; but merely to save 
enough, by the adoption, if necessary, of low standards of liv- 
ing, to return permanently to their home country. ... A 

The Sunday Question. 327 

majority of the Commission favor tiie reading and writing test 
as the most feasible single method of restricting undesirable immi- 
gration." Congress has not acted on these recommendations at 
the time of this writing (1911). 

The question of enforced rest on Sunday is much older than 
the question of regulating immigration. Several States have Sun- 
day laws which were in their original form enacted in the eight- 
eenth century. In the Carolinas these laws have been but little 
changed since Colonial times. But the reviews of these laws in 
the various States and Territories, their effect on the Jews, and 
the leading cases under them in various times and places, give no 
adequate idea of their significance for the Orthodox immigrant 
of the later period. What our best authority on the subject, 
Albert j\I. Friedenberg,^ could collect and collate, contains only 
a record of such cases which originated in, or were carried up to, 
higher courts of record. These are usually lawsuits which af- 
fected men of means, who could hire attorneys and fight the ques- 
tion as a matter of principle. But these recorded cases give no 
indication of the tens of thousands of arrests which were inade 
in the large cities, especially in New York City, in the last years, 
where the cases never went higher than the first instance, be- 
cause the poor man, if he was not discharged in the Police Court, 
had to pay his fine or be imprisoned. Appeals to higher courts 
and insistence upon constitutional or statutory rights are out of 
the question, not only on account of poverty or ignorance, but 
also because of familiarity with such procedure in the Old World. 
The Sunday laws are not constantly enforced in the same man- 
ner, there being periods of severity and periods of lenience even 
under the same local administration, and often a complete change 

' See his The Jews and the American Sunday Laws in "Publications," 
XI, pp. 101-15 (also note ibid., XII, pp. 171-73), and his Sunday Lazvs 
in the United States and Leading Judicial Decisions LJaving Special 
Reference to the Jews in The yVmerican Jewish Year Book for 5669, 
pp. 152-89. 

328 History of the Jews in America. 

of policy under a. new administration, though the statute or State 
lavv' remains the same. The Jew of Russia or Roumania has been 
too well accustomed to intermittent police tyranny for the pur- 
pose of extortion at home, to be able to interpret the frequent 
changes in administrative policy or in police regulations here in 
any other way, and this also tends to discourage appeals to higher 
courts. The question ought to be investigated not juristically 
but statistically ; the number of arrests made, the loss of time and 
money sustained by those who are charged with transgressing 
these laws, and the contrast in the enforcement of them at various 
period-s : if such facts and figures were placed before the American 
people and before legislators, the attitude of many in regard to 
Sunday laws would probably be changed. But the figures are 
not available in a form to be used in a work like the present, and 
only the hope can be expressed here that they will be collected in 
the near future by one of the agencies which gather data of that 
kind relating to Jewish subjects. 

There is no Federal Sunday Law, although the distillation of 
spirituous liquors on the first day of the week is prohibited. Cali- 
fornia only prohibits labor by any employee on more than six 
days out of every seven, but not specifying any compulsory day 
of rest. In Colorado only trafficking in liquors and barbering 
are prohibited on Sunday and in Montana there is a law against 
barbering only. 

In most of the other States, as well as in the Territories and in 
the District of Columbia (which is also counted as a Territory), 
there are more or less stringent laws, most of them forbidding 
not only manual labor but also the carrying on of trade or busi- 
ness. There are eleven States — Arkansas, Illinois, Kansas, Min- 
nesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, South Da- 
kota, Texas and Virginia — where servile or manual labor is per- 
mitted on Sunday to those who observe Saturday as their day of 
rest. In thirteen more — Connecticut, : Incliana, Iowa, Kentucky, 
Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, 
Rhode Island, West Virginia and Wisconsin — the exceptions 

Sunday Laws and Reform. 329 

in favor of Seventh-Day Sabbatarians affect both manual 
labor and trade or business. But the statute is not al\va3's a 
criterion of the observance or enforcement of Sunda}' laws in a 
certain locality. Some of the laws, like that of New York, de- 
cree that "it is a sufficient defense to a prosecution for work on 
the first day of the week, that the defendant uniformly keeps 
another day of the week as holy time, and does not labor on 
that day, and that the labor complained of was done in such man- 
ner as not to interrupt or disturb other persons in observing the 
first day of the week as holy time." In many localities, especially 
in large cities, the Sunday laws are simply obsolete, and are usually 
revi\'ed in the name of Reform after the success of a Reform 
Party at the polls, only to become obsolete again when that party 
is voted out of office at the succeeding election. The defeat 
usually comes for no other reason than the dissatisfaction of a 
large number of citizens with the strict enforcement of the Sun- 
day laws. Jews are by no means the only element of the popu- 
lation which resents stringency in these matters. It may be said 
that the coupling together of strict enforcement of the Sunday 
laws with the good government movements in the large cities 
has been a greater drawback to municipal reform in the United 
States than any other single cause. 

Of all these three problems which are of special interest to the 
Jews of the United States, the first, or the passport question, seems 
at the present moment to be nearest to solution. The immigration 
Cjuestion is certain ,to remain open for many years to come, as 
neither side of the conflicting interests who work against each 
other is likely to yield in the near future. The trade unions, which 
see in the immigrant a me-aace to the highly-paid laborer, and 
the so-called patriotic societies, which fear a deterioration of the 
American race or stock by the admixture of people from nation- 
alities and races which they consider to be inferior, keep up s 
constant agitation for more restrictive measures against the in- 
flux of strangers. On the other hand, there is a constantly in- 
creasing demand for workmen in the expanding industries, for 

330 History of the Jews in America. 

farm laborers and for domestic servants, and the million or more 
immigrants who now arrive in a year of ordinary business ac- 
tivity are so easily absorbed that their usefulness cannot be 
denied. While the adoption of some restrictive legislation may 
be forced on Congress by the pressure of those who agitate for 
it, real restriction seems to be out of the question before the coun- 
try is filled up and built up ; and this will take so long a time that 
all speculations as to what may happen afterwards are at present 

There is hardly any agitation for or against the Sunday laws, 
as such. New and mostly restrictive measures are adopted, either 
against the liquor business as a concession to the Prohibition ele- 
ment, which is backed by the churches ; or against single trades, 
like those of butchers or barbers, as a concession to the senti- 
ment in favor of overworked laborers. The time for abolishing 
the Sunday laws or for adopting explicit exemptions in favor of 
Jews, making the observance of Saturday not a defense against 
prosecution but a security against molestation, has not yet 
arrived; but the sense of justice and righteousness is unmistak- 
ably growing, and there is no doubt of the ultimate triumph of 
liberal tendencies over this heritage of intolerant ages, when no- 
body considered himself bound to respect the rights, especially the 
religious rights, of helpless minorities. 



Jews in the Spanish-American war — Commissioned and non-commis- 
sioned officers, privates and "Rough Riders" — Jews in the Navy: 
Simon Cook, Joseph Strauss and Edward David Taussig — The ca- 
reer of Rear-Admiral Adolph Marix — His part in the Inquiry about 
the "Maine" and in the war — The significance of the Dreyfus Af- 
fair — Its influence on the spread of Zionism — The American press 
almost as pro-Dreyfus as the Jewish — The Zionist movement in 
America — The rank and file consists of immigrants from Slavic 
countries, under the leadership of Americans. 

In the short war between the United States and Spain in 1898, 
in which the most progressive and Hberal of modern nations was 
pitted against a nation whose greatness began to wane soon after 
it expelled the Jews in the year of the discovery of America, a 
large number of Jews enlisted as volunteers, besides the number 
who were in the regular service of the Army and the Navy. It 
is roughly estimated that about four thousand Jews were found 
in the military and naval forces which operated against Spain'^ 
most of them immigrants of the last period, of whom a consid- 
erable proportion had served in the armies of Russia, Austria 
and Ronmania before their arrival here. The Jewish army of- 
ficers of the highest rank were four Majors, who were officers 
in the army before the outbreak of the war. They were : Major 

' See Preliminary list of Jeivish Soldiers and Sailors who served in 
the Spanish- American War in The .American Jewish Year Book for 
S66i, pp. 525-622. 


332 History of the Jews in America. 

Surgeon Daniel M. Appel (b. in Pennsylvania, 1854) and Major 
Surgeon Aaron H. Appel ( b. 1856), both of whom are now 
colonels in the Medical Corps of the regular army; the third 
was Major (of volunteers) George \V Moses, a native of Ohio, 
who graduated from the Military Academy of West Point in 
1892, and was a Lieutenant in the 3rd Cavalry Regiment when 
he was assigned to duty as a major of volunteers and returned 
to the regular service in 1899; the fourth was Major Felix 
Rosenberg of Cleveland, O., who was stationed at Fort Tho"n3. 
There were also in the army about a half dozen Captains, one 
of whom, Moses G. Zalinski (b. in New York, 1863), a grad- 
uate of the Artillery School (1894), is now a Lieutenant-Colonel 
in the regular army. There were also about a dozen Lieutenants, 
most of whom graduated from the Military Academy of West 

Several hundred Jews served as non-commissioned of- 
ficers and privates in the regular army, or enlisted as United 
States Volunteers. The bulk of the Jewish soldiers, however, 
served in the regiments of State Volunteers, and were repre- 
sented among the soldiers of every State of the Union, having 
among them a goodly proportion of non-commissioned officers, 
and also a number who held commissions from the State organ- 
izations. They were naturally represented in largest numbers in 
the regiments or companies which were organized in the large 
cities; some companies in New York regiments containing be- 
tween twenty-five and thirty Jewish recruits. At least a half 
dozen Jews are known to have served in the First United States 
Volunteer Cavalry Regiment (known as the regiment of "Rough 
Riders"), which was organized by Theodore Roosevelt (b. in 
New York City, 1858), who later served as President of the 
United States, from September 14, 1901, to March 4, 1905, as 
the successor of President William McKinley (1843-1901), and 
then ser\'ed a full term (^larch 4, 1905, to March 4, 1909), until 
he was succeeded by the present incumbent, William Howard 
Taft (b. in Cincinnati, O., 1857). 

The Spanish-American War. 333 

There were about twenty Jewish officers of various ranks in 
the iVav)' during this war, and ahnost all of them were grad- 
uates from the United States Naval Academy of Annapolis, Md. 
One of them, Simon Cook (b. in Illinois, 1856; d. in St. Louis, 
J\Io., 1907), who was appointed to Annapolis from the old Third 
Congressional District of Missouri in 1873 and graduated in 
1877, served with distinction in the Philippines; and a disease 
which he contracted there forced his retirement, with the rank 
of Commander, before he reached the age limit of retirement. 
Another Jewish officer of the Navy during the war, Lieutenant 
Joseph Strauss, is still in the active service with the rank of Com- 
mander (which is equivalent to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel 
in the Army). A third officer of Jewish descent attained to a 
higher rank. Edward David Taussig (b. in St. Louis, 1847) en- 
tered the Naval Academy in 1863 and graduated in 1867, and 
was a Lieutenant-Commander (since 1892) at the time of the 
outbreak of the war. He served on the Pacific and European 
Stations and in the coast survey until 1893, when he was made 
commander of the "Bennington." He took possession of AVake 
Island (Oceanica) for the Lhiited States, and was placed in 
charge of Guam when that island was ceded by Spain on Feb- 
ruary I. 1899. In iqC2 he became a Captain (which is equal 
to the rank of Colonel in the Army) ; in 1903 he was appointed 
commander of the Navy Yard at Pensacola, Fla. He was re- 
tired with the rank of Rear-Admiral (the equivalent of Brigadier- 
General) in 1909. 

The most conspicuous part played by a Jew in the events which 
led to the war with Spain, if not in the war itself, fell to the lot 
of Lieutenant-Commander (now Rear-Admiral, retired) Adolph 
Marix (b. in Germany, probably of Russian parents, 1848), who 
came to America in his boyhood, and entered the Naval Academy 
in 1864, graduating four years later. He advanced step by step, 
becoming an ensign in 1869, a master in 1870, a lieutenant in 
1872, after which he was assigned to special ser\'ice in the Jndge 
.Advocate-General's office, where he gained valuable experience 

334 History of the Jews in America. 

and became an expert in naval and maritime law. In 1893 he 
was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Commander, and in Sep- 
tember, 1895, he was transferred from the command of the re- 
ceiving ship "Minnesota" to be the first commander of the ill- 
fated battleship "Maine," which was then put in commission. He 
was transferred to the "Scorpion" in January, 1898, several 
weeks before the "Maine" arrived in the harbor of Havana, where 
she was destroyed by an explosion on February 15 of the same 

Lieutenant-Commander Marix was chosen secretary or recor- 
der of the Court of Lnquiry which investigated the blowing up of 
the "Maine," and he prepared the report, which was one of the 
contributing causes of the war. He himself laid the ominous 
document before President McKinley on March 26, 1898, and 
soon returned to engage in the war which was to terminate Span- 
ish dominion in the New World. In the same month he was ad- 
vanced to the rank of Commander and was later advanced, by 
act of Congress, two numbers for "eminent and conspicuous con- 
duct in battle in two engagements at Manzanillo (Cuba), July i 
and July 18, 1898. When President Taft was Governor-General 
of the Philippines, Commander Marix was a naval attache in the 
islands. He later rose to the rank of Rear-Admiral, and having 
attained the age-limit (62), he was retired in April, 1910, after 
forty-six years of service. He now resides in New York City. 

By the time the Spanish War was over and Spain was stripped 
of the last vestige of advantage which she gained by the discov- 
ery of America, the attention of the civilized world was concen- 
trated on the celebrated Dreyfus Case. The last desperate effort 
of the forces of reaction to foist an anti-Jewish policy on a great 
progressive nation served only to prove in the end that the world 
has advanced beyond such tactics, and that the voice of Justice 
cannot be stifled in a civilized community, where the people ulti- 
mately decide all-important questions. Not only was France 
shaken to its foundations and the existence of the Government 

The Dreyfus Affair and Zionism. 335 

itself endangered on account of the grievous wrong whicli 
was done to the Jewish army officer, but the pntire civilized world 
was aroused by the incident as it probably never was before by 
the fate of one insignificant individual. It was the first and only 
attempt of a real "Judenhetze" in a modern free country, and so 
much depended on the outcome, that not only the Jews every- 
where were intensely interested, but also their friends and their 
enemies felt the full importance of the "affaire" and the bearing 
which the issue must have on Jewish conditions everywhere. Had 
anti-Semitism triumphed in France, it would mean that even 
political liberty, universal suffrage and government by the people 
could not solve the Jewish problem ; that Western Culture could 
not effect the true emancipation which was expected of it, and that 
other means than those suggested by the principles of the great 
liberal movement of the last century — adjustment to surround- 
ings, adoption of the speech and mode of life of the nations 
among whom they live — must be sought to deliver Israel from his 
ancient suffering even in the most highly civilized countries. 

Fortunately for France, for civilization and for the Jews, anti- 
Semitism was utterly defeated in the open political combat for 
the first time in modern histor}^ The barrier erected by Liberty 
proved sufficiently strong to stem the tide of raging injustice; 
the very excitement caused by the wrong was the best warning 
against the danger which the revival of medieval bigotry brings 
to an enlightened country. Persecution and discrimination were 
again forced back and confined to the more shady corners of 
the earth, to the countries where the masses of the people are 
still oppressed by tyranny and handicapped by ignorance. It 
was in these countries that the Dreyfus agitation was seized 
upon by the enemies of the Jews and explo'ted to the umost 
extent, and it was there that many Jews began to despair. 
If France could become anti-Semitic at the end of the nineteenth 
century, what hope was there for the Jew in the backward 
countries, in political progress and cultural development? The 
full force of the victory over the French leactionaries was 

336 History of the Jews in America. 

known and felt only in the free countries; elsewhere the im- 
pression remained that the Jews of France remained in a lament- 
able position, and that the future looked as gloomy to them as is 
usually the case in Russia after a new outbreak of anti-Jewish 

The result of this new hopeless view of the Jewish situation 
was the sudden spread of the new Zionist movement, which was 
maugurated about that time on the Continent by Dr. Theodore 
Herzl (1860-1904). He and his first supporters were Austrians, 
they obtained their largest following in Russia and Galicia, and 
in the large cities in other countries where there were num- 
bers of Jewish Immigrants from slavic countries. When the 
movement began to show signs of life in the English speak- 
ing countries, native or assimilated Jews joined it and became 
its leaders. And so it came to pass that although the Ameri- 
can press, with few and unimportant exceptions, was as strongly 
pro-Dreyfus as the Jewish press itself, and the victory of Justice 
and liberalism was as much emphasized here as in Paris, a 
limited field was prepared here for the Zionist movement, as well 
as in Russia, Austria and Roumania. The old "Chowewe Zion," 
or believers in the colonization of Palestine, joined the new polit- 
ical mox'ement here, as they did abroad, and the "Maskilim," or 
Germanized Hebrew scholars, who were forced to the back- 
ground by the advent of the popular radical leaders of the new 
period of immigration, were also attracted by the new move- 
ment which helped to restore the equilibrium among the intellect- 
ual Jewish classes. The first Zionist societies of New York con- 
sisted almost entirely of immigrants. But when the "Federa- 
tion of Zionist Societies of Greater New York and Vicinity" 
(organized 1897) expanded by absorbing societies outside of 
New York, and became, at a convention held in New York 
in July, 1898, the "Federation of American Zionists," Ameri- 
can Jews were placed at the head of the movement. 

Professor Richard J. H. Gottheil was elected President of the 
Federation, and held the position for six years, when he was 

Zionism in America. 337 

succeeded, in 1904, by Dr. Harry Friedenwald (b. in Balti- 
more, 1864), whose father. Dr. Aaron Friedenwald (b. in Bal- 
timore, 1836; d. there 1902), was one of the first Vice-Presi- 
dents of the Federation. The first Secretary was Rev. Stephen 
S. Wise (b. in Budapest, Hungary, 1872), who was brought to 
this country in his childhood, and is now the minister of the Free 
Synagogue in New York. His successors were Isidore D. Mor- 
rison, Jacob de Haas, Rev. Dr. Judah L. Magnes (b. in San 
Francisco, Cal., 1877) and Miss Henrietta Szold. The Fed- 
eration consisted of about twenty-five societies, having a mem- 
bership of about one thousand when it was first organized. At 
the Thirteenth Annual Convention, which was held in Pittsburg 
in July, 191 o, it was reported that the number of societies was 
215, and of Shekel payers 14,000. 

The Order Knights of Zion, which has its headquarters in 
Chicago, is considered as an independent Western Federation of 





Synagogues and other Jewish Institutions — General improvement and 
moderation — The Jewish Encyclopedia — Its editors and contribu- 
tors — The Roumanian situation and the American Government's in- 
terest in it since 1867 — Benjamin F. Peixotto, United States Consul- 
General in Bucharest — Diplomatic correspondence between Kasson 
and Evarts — New negotiations with Roumania in 1902 — The Rou- 
manian Note to the signatories of the Berlin Treaty — The question 
still in abeyance. 

More than six hundred thousand Jews arrived in the United 
States from the beginning of the new exodus in 1881 until the 
c-nd of the nineteenth century, and the total number in the coun- 
try was now considerably more than one million. There were 
Jews in more than five hundred places, and there were 791 congre- 
gations, 415 educational and nearly five hundred charitable in- 
stitutions of a distinctly Jewish character, according to an enum- 
eration made in the beginning of the new century.^ But the 
number of congregations or synagogues was very much larger, 
probably more than double than the figures gathered by the enum- 

' American-Jewish Year Book for 5661 (1900-1901). 


Improvement and Moderation. 339 

erators. For the American, even the American Jew, had then 
not 3'et learned to take seriously those small and exceedingl)' un- 
churchlike synagogues of the small congregations, of which five 
or six, or even a larger number, can sometimes be found in one 
block in a thickly settled Jewish neighborhood in the great cities. 
A second and more thorough enumeration made in 1907 gave 
to New York City alone a number of synagogues almost as large 
as the one given by the statistics of 1900 to the entire country; 
but the actual increase was very far from such proportions. Prob- 
ably four-fifths of the congregations of New York and of the 
other great Jewish centers in the East and the Middle West were 
more than ten years old, and they simply escaped the notice of 
former enumerators. The organizing of small synagogues is now 
out of fashion ; the tendency is to consolidate the smaller ones and 
to erect more fashionable and spacious buildings in the newest 
neighborhoods, to which the immigrants usually move after they 
leave their earliest abode in the tenement house districts. In the 
fields of charity and education the. predilection for new organiza- 
tions is disappearing, and there is a desire to build on more solid 
foundations, and to improve and strengthen rather than form 
anew. New synagogues are now built usually in new communi- 
ties or in new Jewish neighborhoods, or by old congregations 
who need a larger edifice. 

America now had the largest community of free Jews in the 
world, i. e., of Jews who labored under no special disadvantages 
and who had no special difficulties, like those which are making 
life a burden to the Jews of Russia or Galicia. The great masses 
which arrived in the last twenty years progressed rapidly and 
were becoming Americanized in every respect. There arose new 
intellectual needs; the extremists had to yield to the influence of 
those who were more acclim.atized, and even the most radical 
periodicals began to respect the susceptibilities, if not the opin- 
ions, of the other classes. The number of the educated and the 
well-to-do was fast increasing, and the community was now well 
prepared for "the capital event in the history of Jewish learning 
in America" — the publication of the Jcivish Encyclopedia. 

340 History of the Jews in America. 

This monumental work, the greatest Jewish work of reference 
in any language, was projected by Dr. Isidore Singer (b. in 
Weisskirchen, Moravia, 1859; a. 1895) and edited by a board 
of well-known scholars, of whom Dr. Isaac Funk (b. in Clinton, 
O., 1839 ; d. 1912 ; of the firm of Funk and Wagnalls, which pub- 
lished the work) was chairman, and Frank H. Vizitelly (b. in 
London, Eng., 1864) secretary. The original editors were: 
Cyrus Adler, Gotthard Deutsch (b. in Kanitz; Austria, 1859; a. 
1891), Professor of History at the Hebrew Union College; Louis 
Ginzberg (b. in Kovno, Russia, 1873; a. 1899), now Professor 
of Talmud at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America in 
New York; Richard Gottheil; Joseph Jacobs (b. in Sydney, N. 
S. W., 1854; a. 1900), the folklorist and statistician; Marcus Jas- 
trow; Morris Jastrow, Jr.; Kaufman Kohler; Frederick de Sola 
Mendes (b. in Jamaica, W. I., 1850; a. 1873), rabbi of the West 
End Synagogue of New York ; Isidor Singer, and Crawford H. 
Toy (b. in Norfolk, Va., 1836), Professor (now "emeritus") of 
Hebrew and Oriental Languages at Harvard University. This 
editorial board was given on the title page of the first volume 
which appeared in May, 1901 ; but several changes were made dur- 
ing the five years of its publication. From the beginning of the 
second volume Herman Rosenthal became editor of the new De- 
partment of the Jews of Russia and Poland, and it is due tohis 
efforts that the Jews of the Slavic countries are more extensively 
treated in the historical and biographical parts of the Encyclo- 
pedia than was ever the case in works of Jewish science which 
appeared outside of Russia. Dr. Emil G. Hirsch of Chicago suc- 
ceeded Morris Jastrow as editor of the Department of the Bible, 
with the beginning of the third volume. From the fourth till the 
seventh volume the name of Solomon Schechter (b. in Fokshan, 
Roumania, 1847; a. 1902), the President of the Jewish Theolog- 
ical Seminary, appears as editor of the Department of the Tal- 
mud ; and from the eighth volume to the end the name of Wil- 
helm Bacher of Budapest (b. in Hungary 1850) appears as editoi" 
of the Department of the Talmud and Rabbinical Literature, 
succeeding both Schechter and Ginzberg. The editorial board 

Prof. Gotthard Deutsch. 

Immigration from Roumania. 343 

was assisted by boards of American and foreign consulting edi- 
tors, whicli included many of the best known Jewisli scholars and 
Orientalists, and many other scholars from various countries 
were among the four hundred contributors who participated in 
the preparation of the work, in which the vast "Record of the 
History, Religion, Literature and Customs of the Jewish People 
from the earliest times to the present day" was for the first time 
systematized, classified and made available in a modern scientific 

'f 'f* 'I* 'P 'K 

The situation of the Jews in Roumania had been growing worse 
since the financial crisis of 1899, and in the last year of the cen- 
tury there was a stampede of Jews from that country, some of 
them walking hundreds of miles before they could find a place to 
rest or until they reached a port from which they could embark 
for England or America. Still, neither the Jewish immigration 
in general nor the immigration from Roumania could give the 
slightest cause for uneasiness to the government of the United 
States, the tide of ir::migration was now again rising from the 
lowest ebb it had reached since 1879 — 229,295 in 1898 — and 
neither the 5,613 Roumanian Jews who arrived at the port of 
New York in 1901 nor the 6,395 ^^''o came in 1902, when the 
general immigration was 487,918 and 648,743, respectively, could 
be taken seriously as a cause for interference or protest. There 
would have been much more cause for protests of that nature af- 
ter the great massacres in Russia several years later, when the 
number of Jews who arrived in one year (1906) exceeded 
150,000. The interest that the Government of the United States 
took in the Roumanian situation is therefore believed to have been 
due principally to the friendly attitude of President Theodore 
Roosevelt and Secretary of State John Hay towards Jews in 

It was, however, nothing new for the American Government 
to use its good offices in behalf of the persecuted Jews of Ron- 
mania. As early as 1867, Secretary of State Seward corre- 

344 History of the Jews in America. 

sponded with Mr. Morris, the American Minister to Constanti- 
nople, about tlie persecutions of that year; and the latter reported 
having told Mr. Golesco, the agent of the Danubian princi- 
palities, that the sufferings of the Jews there "has all the ap- 
pearance of religious persecution, and that the confidence of the 
Government of the United States would be impaired in the Gov- 
ernment of Bucharest, unless the proscriptive measures against 
the Jews discontinued."^ 

In 1870 official — or it would perhaps be more correct to call 
it semi-official — relations with Roumania were established tem- 
porarily, by the appointment of a consul-general of the United 
States in Roumania. The man chosen by President Grant for 
this position was a prominent Jewish attorney-at-law, Benjamin 
Franklin Peixotto (b. in New York, 1834; d. there 1890), who 
later served as United States Consul at Lyons, France (1877-85), 
and when he returned to New York founded (1886) the " Me- 
norah," a monthly Jewish magazine which existed for more than 
two decades. The Jewish official became an intimate friend of 
Prince (now King) Charles, but Roumania continued on its old 
way, and the riots of Ismail and Bessarabia occurred during Peix- 
otto's stay in Bucharest. "His reports to the United States Gov- 
ernment resulted in that government addressing letters to its min- 
isters at the various European courts inviting co-operation in the 
humane endeavor to stop Jewish persecution in Roumania. Peix- 
otto's reports were also the cause of a great meeting at the Man- 
sion House in London, which called forth Lord Shaftesbury's 
message of sympathy. Peixotto was instrumental, too, in found- 
ing the Society of Zion in Roumania, an organization with simi- 
lar aims to the B'nai B'rith ; and it was his influence as a United 
States official, his intimacy with the European philanthropists 
and the force of his own personal magnetism that finally caused 
the calling of the conference of Brussels, to which he was a dele- 
gate, and which culminated in the action taken by the Berlin 

* See Adler, Jeix.'s in American Diplomatic Correspondence, "Publica- 
tions" XV, pp. 48-73. 

Peixotto, Evarts and Kasson. 345 

Congress of 1878, when Roumania acquired the status of a sov- 
ereign kingdom, only upon the express condition that the civil 
and political rights of the Jews should be recognized." (E. A. 
Cardozo, in Encyclopedia IX, p. 582, s. v. Peixotto.) 

Peixotto remained in Roumania six years, and about two years 
after he left Bucharest, Mr. John A. Kasson, the American Minis- 
ter to Austria, wrote to Secretary of State Evarts (under date of 
June 5, 1878) that in anticipation of Roumanian independence, 
which was soon to be granted by the Congress of Berlin, Ger- 
many, had begun negotiations with the Roumanian Government 
for a commercial treaty. But Germany finally dropped the nego- 
tiations because, "according to information received here, the 
hostility of Roumania to the recognition of equal rights for Jews 
of a foreign nationality with other citizens or subjects of the same 
nationality would have practically proscribed a portion of the 
German subjects." Yet Mr. Kasson proposes in the same let- 
ter that : "It would be to the honor of the United States Govern- 
ment if it could initiate a plan by which at once the condition of 
American Hebrews resident or travelling in Roumania and the 
condition of natives of the same race could be ameliorated and 
their equality before the law at least partially assured." In the 
following year Mr. Kasson reports about the attempt to enter 
into diplomatic relations with Roumania, and about a conversa- 
tion he had with Mr. Balatshano, the envoy and minister of Rou- 
mania to Austria, in the course of which allusion was made to the 
preliminary requirements of the Berlin treaty in respect to the 
Jews. According to the letter (dated February 16, 1879), the 
representative of Roumania replied "that the necessary changes 
would be made in their laws to give satisfaction on this point, 
and to establish for the Jews the basis of absolute equality with 
other races." On November 28, 1879, Secretary Evarts writes 
to Mr. Kasson: 

"In connection with the subject of Roumanian recognition, I inclose 
for your consideration the copy of a letter under date of the 30th ultimo 
from Mr. Myer S. Isaacs, president, and other officers of tne board of 

346 History of the Jews in America. 

delegates on civil and religious rights of the Hebrews, asking that the 
Government of the United States may exert its influence towards secur- 
ing for its Hebrew subjects and residents in Roumania the equality of 
civil and religious rights stipulated in Article XLIV of the treaty of 

"As you are aware, this government has ever felt a deep mterest m 
the welfare of the Hebrew race in foreign countries, and has viewed 
with abhorrence the wrongs to which they have at various periods been 
subjected by the followers of other creeds in the East. This Depart- 
ment is therefore disposed to give favorable consideration to the appeal 
made by the representatives of a prominent Hebrew organization in 
this country in behalf of their brethren in Roumania, and while I should 
not be warranted in making a compliance with their wishes a sine qua 
non in the establishment of official relations with that country, yet any 
terms favorable to the interest of this much-injured people which you 
may be able to secure in the negotiations now pending with the Gov- 
ernment of Roumania would be agreeable and gratifying to this De- 

"I am, etc., 


It was therefore only a continuance of its old policy when the 
Government of the United States, which has — as Mr. Evarts ex- 
pressed it in 1879 — -"ever feh a deep interest in the welfare of 
the Hebrew race in foreign countries," again began, in 1902, to 
pay attention to the pitiable condition of the Roumanian Jews. 
There still existed no treaty or diplomatic relations between the 
United States and Roumania, and a new attempt was made by 
our Department of State to negotiate a naturalization convention, 
and perhaps by these means influence that country to treat its 
Jews more favorably. The negotiations were carried on through 
the American legation at Athens, Greece, and Secretary Hay sent, 
on July 17, 1902, a long confidential dispatch to Mr. Charles L. 
Wilson, the Charge d' Affaires ad interim in Athens, which con- 
tained the largest part of the famous "Roumanian Note" to the 
signatories of the Treaty of Berlin, which was issued in the fol- 
lowing month. AVilson's reply, dated August 8, states that "since 
the draft of the treaty approved by the Department was submitted 
to the Roumanian minister for foreign affairs nothing further 

The Roumanian Note. 347 

has been accomplished, as the Roumanian Government refused 
to consider the project favorably." The Roumanian Minister to 
Greece frankly admitted to the American representative that the 
King was against the proposed treaty, because, "according to His 
Majesty's opinion, a naturalization treaty would be most in- 
jurious to Roumania, for the reason that it would complicate the 
already troublesome Jewish question in that country.'' 

Three days after the date of that dispatch, John Hay issued, 
on August II, 1902, the Roumanian Note, which was sent to the 
representatives of the United States to France, Germany, Great 
Britain, Italy, Russia and Turkey. The full text of this unic]ue 
circular note, which made a profound impression in the entire 
civilized world, is as follows : 

"Department of State. 
"Washington, August ii, 1902. 

"Excellency: — In the course of an instruction recently sent to the 
Minister accredited to the Government of Roumania in regard to 
the base of negotiations begun with that government looking to a con- 
vention of naturalization between the United States and Roumania, cer- 
tain considerations were set forth for the Minister's guidance concern- 
ing the character of the immigration from that country, the causes 
which constrain it, and the consequences so far as they adversely affect 
the United States. 

"It has seemed to the President appropriate that these considera- 
tions, relating as they do to the obligations entered into by the signa- 
tories of the Treaty of Berlin of July 13, 1878, should be brought to the 
attention of the Governments concerned, and commended to their con- 
sideration in the hope that, if they are so fortunate as to meet the ap- 
proval of the several Powers, such measures as to them may seem wise 
may be taken to persuade the Government of Roumania to reconsider 
the subject of the grievances in question. 

"The United States welcomes now, as it has welcomed from the 
foundation of its Government, the voluntary immigration of all aliens 
coming hither under conditions fitting them to become merged in the 
body politic of this land. Our laws provide the means for them to become 
incorporated indistinguishably in the mass of citizens, and prescribe 
their absolute equality with the native born, guaranteeing to them equal 
civil rights at home and equal protection abroad. The conditions are few, 
looking to their coming as free agents, so circumstanced physically and 

348 History of the Jews in America. 

morally as to supply the healthful and intelligent material for free citizen- 
hood. The pauper, the criminal, the contagiously or incurably diseased 
are excluded from the benefit of immigration only when they are likely 
to become a source of danger or a burden upon the community. The 
voluntary character of their coming is essential; hence we shut out all 
immigration assisted or constrained by foreign agencies. The purpose 
of our generous treatment of the alien immigrant is to benefit us and 
him alike — not to afford to another state a field upon which to cast its 
own objectionable elements. The alien, coming hither voluntarily and 
prepared to take upon himself the preparatory and in due course the 
delinite obligations of citizenship, retains hereafter, in domestic and in- 
ternational relations, the initial character of free agency, in the full 
enjoyment of which it is incumbent upon his adoptive State to pro- 
tect him. 

"The foregoing considerations, whilst pertinent to the examination 
of the purpose and scope of a naturalization treaty, have a larger aim. 
It behooves the State to scrutinize most jealously the character of the 
immigration from a foreign land, and, if it be obnoxious to objection, to 
examine the causes which render it so. Should those causes originate 
in the act of another sovereign State, to the detriment of its neighbors, 
it is the prerogative of an injured State to point out the evil and to make 
remonstrance; for with nations, as with individuals, the social law holds 
good that the right of each is bounded by the right of the neighbor. 

"The condition of a large class of the inhabitants of Roumania has 
for many years been a source of grave concern to the United States. 
I refer to the Roumanian Jews, numbering some 400,000. Long ago, 
v-'hile the Danubian principalities labored under oppressive conditions 
which only war and a general action of the European powers sufficed 
to end, the persecution of the indigenous Jews under Turkish rule called 
forth in 1872 the strong remonstrance of the United States. The Treaty 
of Berlin was hailed as a cure for the wrong, in view of the express pro- 
visions of its forty-fourth article, prescribing that in Roumania the 
difference of religious creed and confessions shall not be alleged against 
any person as a ground for exclusion or incapacity in matters relating 
to the enjoyment of civil and political rights, admission to public em- 
ployments, functions, and honors, or the exercise of the various pro- 
fessions and industries in any locality whatsoever, and stipulating free- 
dom in the exercise of all forms of worship to Roumanian dependents 
and foreigners alike, as well as guaranteeing that all foreigners in Rou- 
mania shall be treated without distinction of creed, on a footing of 
perfect equality. 

"With the lapse of time these just prescriptions have been rendered 

The Roumanian Note. 349 

nugatory in great part, as regards the native Jews, by the legislation and 
municipal regulations of Roumania. Starting from the arbitrary and 
controvertible premises that the native Jews of Roumania domiciled 
there for centuries are 'aliens not subject to foreign protection,' the 
ability of the Jew to earn even the scanty means of existence that suf- 
fice for a frugal race has been constricted by degrees, until every oppor- 
tunity to win a livelihood is denied; and until the helpless poverty of 
the Jew has constrained an exodus of such proportions as to cause 
general concern. 

"The political disabilities of the Jews of Roumania, their exclusion 
from the public service and the learned professions, the limitation of 
their civil rights and the imposition upon them of exceptional taxes, 
involving as they do, wrongs repugnant to the moral sense of liberal 
modern peoples, are not so directly in point for my present purpose as 
the public acts which attack the inherent right of man as a breadwinner 
in the ways of agriculture and trade. The Jews are prohibited from 
owning land, or even from cultivating it as common laborers. They 
are debarred from residing in the rural districts. Many branches of 
petty trade and manual production are closed to them in the over- 
crowded cities where they are forced to dwell and engage, against fear- 
ful odds, in the desperate struggle for existence. Even as ordinary 
artizans or hired laborers they may only find employment in the pro- 
portion of one 'unprotected alien' to two 'Roumanians' under any one 
employer. In short, in the cumulative effects of successive restrictions, 
the Jews of Roumania have become reduced to a state of wretched 
misery. Shut out from nearly every avenue of self-support which is 
open to the poor of other lands, and ground down by poverty as the 
natural result of their discriminatory treatment, they are rendered in- 
capable of lifting themselves from the enforced degradation they endure. 
Even were the fields of education, of civil employment and of com- 
merce open to them as to 'Roumanian citizens,' their penury would 
prevent their rising by individual effort. Human beings so circumstanced 
have virtually no alternative but submissive suffering or flight to some 
land less unfavorable to them. Removal under such conditions is not 
and cannot be the healthy, intelligent emigration of a free and self- 
reliant being. It must be, in most cases, the mere transplantation of 
an artificially produced diseased growth to a new place. 

"Granting that, in better and more healthful surroundings, the mor- 
bid condition will eventually change for good, such emigration is neces- 
sarily for a time a burden to the community upon which the fugitives 
may be cast. Self-reliance and the knowledge and ability that evolve 
the power of self-support, must be developed, and, at the same time, 

350 History of the Jews in America. 

avenues of employment must be opened in quarters where competition 
is already keen and opportunities scarce. The teachings of history and 
the experience of our own nation show that the Jews possess in a 
high degree the mental and moral qualifications of conscientious citi- 
zenhood. No class of immigrants is more welcome to our shore, when 
coming equipped in mind and body for entrance upon the struggle for 
bread, and inspired with the high purpose to give the best service of 
heart and brain to the land they adopt of their own free will. But 
when they come as outcasts, made doubly paupers by physical and 
moral oppression in their native land, and thrown upon the long suf- 
fering generosity of a more favored community, their immigration lacks 
the essential conditions which make alien immigration either acceptable 
or beneficial. So well is this appreciated on the Continent that, even 
in the countries where anti-Semitism has no foothold, it is difficult for 
these fleeing Jews to obtain any lodgment, America is their only goal. 

"The United States offers asylum to the oppressed of all lands. But 
its sympathy with them in no wise impairs its just liberty and right 
to weigh the acts of the oppressor in the light of their effects upon 
this country and to judge accordingly. 

"Putting together the facts now painfully brought home to this Gov- 
ernment during the past few years, that many of the inhabitants of 
Roumania are being forced, by artificially adverse discriminations, to 
quit their native country; that the hospitable asylum offered by this 
country is almost the only refuge left to them; that they come hither 
unfitted, by the conditions of their exile, to take part in the new life 
of this land under circumstances either profitable to themselves or bene- 
ficial to the community; and that they are objects of charity from the 
outset and for a long time — the right of remonstrance against the acts 
of the Roumanian Government is clearly established in favor of this 
Government. Whether consciously and of purpose or not, these help- 
less people, burdened and spurned by their native land, are forced by 
the sovereign power of Roumania upon the charity of the United States. 
This Government cannot be a tacit party to such an international wrong. 
It is constrained to protest against the treatment to which the Jews 
of Roumania are subjected, not alone because it has unimpeachable 
right to remonstrate against the resultant injury to itself, but in the 
name of humanity. The United States may not authoritatively appeal 
to the stipulations of the Treaty of Berlin, to which it was not and can- 
not become a signatory, but it does earnestly appeal to the principles 
consigned therein, because they are the principles of international law 
and eternal justice, advocating the broad toleration which that solemn 
compact enjoins and standing ready to lend its moral support to the 

Moral Effect of the Roumanian Note. 351 

fulfilment thereof by its co-signatories, for the act of Roumania itself 
has effectively joined the United States to them as an interested party 
in this regard. 

"You will take an early occasion to read this instruction to the 
Minister for Foreign Affairs and, should he request it, leave with him 
a copy. 

"I have the honor to be 

"Your obedient servant, 


The note made a great impression on the entire civiHzed world, 
but was followed by no practical results. The only government 
which took any notice of it was — as could have been expected — 
the British. Mr. John B. Jackson, who had in the meantime been 
appointed minister of the United States to Greece and was also 
accredited to Roumania, wrote from Athens (March 31, 1903) 
that, having been in charge of the American embassy at Berlin 
at the time when the note was received, he "understood that im- 
mediately after the same instruction has been communicated to 
the foreign office at London, the British Government, without 
in any way making known its own views contained therein, had 
addressed a communication to the other Governments which were 
parties to the Berlin treaty of 1878, inciuiring what they proposed 
doing in the matter. So far as I am aware, however, no action 
was taken by any of these Governments, and the contents of the 
circular was never formally brought to the attention of the Rou- 
manian Government. 

This letter, and another dated Athens, April 18, and still an- 
other dated September 7, 1903, contain statements made by Rou- 
manian statesmen explaining the situation from their point of 
view, and observations made by Mr. Jackson himself during his 
travels through Roumania. The last letter, which closes the cor- 
respondence, ends with the remark that "the general feeling (in 
Roumania) is that the naturalization of Jews must be a gradual 
matter, as they become educated up to being Roumanians" — a 
feeling much more likely to be found in America than in Rou- 

352 History of the Jews in America. 

There is still no treaty with Roumania, but there is an Ameri- 
can Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary (the usual 
designation of an ordinary minister) sent to Roumania and ac- 
credited also to Servia and Bulgaria, who resides at the Rou- 
manian capital, Bucharest, where there is also an American con- 
sul-general. The representation is, as was the case in the time of 
Peixotto, one-sided, the Roumanian Government having no rep- 
resentative in the United States. The Roumanian question may 
therefore be considered neither as solved nor as abandoned, but 
to be in abeyance until a favorable opportunity shall present itself 
for further negotiations, which may ultimately lead to the only 
adjustment which can be acceptable to the United States as well 
as to the Jews. 



The Kishinev massacre — Official solicitude and general sympathy — Pro- 
test meetings and collections — The "Kishinev Petition'' and its fate 
— Less publicity given to the later pogroms, whose victims were 
helped by "landsleut" from this country — The influence of pogroms 
on immigration — The frightful massacres in Russia in the fall of 
igoS, and the assistance rendered by this country — A Resolution of 
sympathy adopted in Congress — The 250th Anniversary of the Set- 
tlement of the Jews in the United States — Relief for Moroccan Jews 
proposed by the United States — Oscar S. Straus in the Cabinet. 

While the correspondence about the Jews of Roumania was 
still carried on by our State Department, the civilized world was 
shocked by the reports of the brutal massacre of Jews in Kishinev 
in the three days of April 19-21, 1903. This massacre which is 
still within every one's memory, aroused the press and the people 
of the United States more than the riots of 1881. "Almost from 
the first, the world's indignation centered in the United States. 
Served by a vigorous press, whose liberal spirit voices the pre- 
vailing attitude; animated by a humanitarianism which lies at the 
foundation of all our public institutions ; realizing also that Amer- 
ica was the chief refuge of all victims of persecution; the people 
of the United States became, again, the world's logical leaders in 
a campaign of humanity."^ President Roosevelt's opening re- 
mark in his speech to the Executive Committee of the Inde- 
pendent Order of B'nai B'rith on June 15, 1903, when he said: 

'Rabbi Maximilian Heller in American Jewish Year Book for .'5664, p. 21. 


354 History of the Jews in America.. 

"I have never in my experience in this country known of a more 
immediate or a deeper expression of sympathy for the victims 
and of horror over the appalhng calamity that has occurred," was 
fully justified. 

The news filtered very slowly through the usual channels, and 
more than a week passed before the enormity of the Russian 
crime became fully known. On the 2gth of April the following 
dispatch was sent by our Department of State : 

McCormick, Ambassador, St. Petersburg: 

It is persistently reported upon what appears to be adequate autho: - 
ity that there is great want and suffering among Jews in Kishinev. 
Friends in this country would like to know if financial aid and supplies 
would be permitted to reach the sufferers. 

Please ascertain this without discussing political phase of the action. 


Ambassador McCormick replied, ten days later, that it is "au- 
thoritatively denied that there is any want or suffering among 
Jews in Southwestern Russia and aid of any kind is unnecessary." 
But the people here understood that the Ambassador reflected the 
official view of the Russian Government, and efforts to raise 
money for the thousands of families which were left destitute 
by pillage, and for the hundreds of widows and orphans of the 
martyrs, were soon made, and large sums were collected in New 
York, as well as in many other places. More than seventy-five 
meetings of protest and indignation were held in fifty localities 
in twenty-seven States (and the District of Columbia) during the 
months of May and June, the most notable of which was the one 
held in New York, May 27, where Mayor Seth Low presided 
and ex-President Grover Cleveland was the principal orator. 
Among the largest meetings of the other places were those of 
Baltimore (May 17), of Philadelphia (June 3) and of New Or- 
leans (June 13). In the most cases the prominent non-Jewish 
citizens, including high officials and ministers of religion, deliv- 
ered addresses or expressed their sentiments in letters. Numer- 
ous sermons against Russia were preached in various churches 

Help for the Victims. 355 

and hundreds of editorial articles appeared in all sorts of peri- 
odicals. Public opinion was again, as it was twenty-two years 
before, practically unanimous in condemning Russia, and in en- 
couraging every enterprise for the assistance of the sufferers from 
its barbarity. 

The response to the appeals for material help was quick and 
generous. The contributions were sent either directly to the cen- 
tral office of the "Alliance Israelite Universelle" at Paris or to 
one of three agencies in New York — to the Relief Committee of 
which Emanuel Lehman was chairman and Daniel Guggenheim, 
treasurer, and which was in communication with the "'Alliance" ; 
to the Relief Committee of which K. H. Sarasohn was chair- 
man and Arnold Kolin, treasurer, and which was in communi- 
cation with the Central Relief Committee at Kishinev; or to Mr. 
William Randolph Hearst, whose newspapers, in New York, 
Chicago and San Francisco, did much to arouse the public to the 
gravity of the situation, and who forwarded the money col- 
lected by them to Treasurer Arnold Kohn. The sum sent to 
Ivishinev from the United States through all these agencies was 
set down in a report made on June 7, 1903, by the Central Re- 
lief Committee at Kishinev to the "Hilfsverein der deutschcn 
Juden" at Berlin, at 192,443 roubles (somewhat less than 
$100,000). It is about half of the sum which was collected in 
Russia itself, and a fourth of what was contributed by all the 
countries of the world. 

It was generally understood that little could be accomplished 
by representations or remonstrances to Russia, but the desire to 
do somethmg more than collect alms was very strong, and the 
sentiment naturally crystallized itself in an effort to ask the Gov- 
ernment of the LTnited States to use its good offices in behalf of 
the Jews of Russia. A petition was framed by the Executive 
Committee of the Independent Order of B'nai B'rith and sub- 
mitted to the President of the United States with the request 
that it be transmitted to the Emperor of Russia. The President 
received the Committee cordially, and said at the conclusion of his 

356 History of the Jews in America. 

remarks : "I will consider most carefully the suggestion that you 
have submitted to me, and whether the now existing conditions 
are such that any further oi^cial expression would be of advan- 
tage to the unfortunate survivors, with whom we sympathize so 

The petition was couched in courteous terms, extolling the Czar 
personally and pleading that "he who led his own people and all 
others to the shrine of peace, will add new luster to his reign and 
fame by leading a new movement that shall commit the whole 
world in opposition to religious persecution." The petition was 
circulated in thirty-six States and Territories, and 12,544 sig- 
natures were obtained. Among the signers were Senators, Mem- 
bers of the House of Representatives, Governors (22), high ju- 
dicial ofificers. State Legislators, Mayors of cities (150), clergy- 
men of all denominations, including three Archbishops and seven 
Bishops, a large number of other officials, and many prominent 
men in the professional and the business world. President Roose- 
velt consented to transmit the petition, but the Russian Govern- 
ment declined to receive it, and the matter was thus ended. By 
permission of the President, the separate sheets of the petition 
bearing all the signatures, suitably bound and enclosed in a case 
provided for the purpose, have been placed in the archives of the 
Department of State.^ 

It was impossible to arouse the general public and even the 
general Jewish public at the recurrent pogroms and massacres at 
near intervals after Kishinev. But as is always the case with 
Russian or Galician or Roumanian cities when they suffer from 
tires, it became now the custom for all natives of an afflicted city 
to form some sort of organization in the rather rare occasion 
when there existed no synagogue or benevolent society of the 

'See Adier, The Voice of America on Kishineff^ Philadelphia, 1904. 
Among the books which appeared in the United States on this subject 
are also Russia at the Bar of tlic American People, by Isidore Singer, 
New York, 1904, and iVithin the Pale, New York, 1903, by the Irish pa- 
triot, Michael Davitt, who was sent to Russia soon after the massacre 
as a representative of Mr. Hearst's papers. 

Public and Private Assistance. 357 

"landsleiit," and to collect funds for the succor of the unfortunate 
famihes of the victims at home. Each of the riots and mas- 
sacres between Ivishinev and the terrible October days, the largest 
of which occurred at Homel (September 10-14, 1903). when 
eight Jews were killed and nearly one hundred injured ; at Ben- 
der (May I, 1904), and at Zhitomir (May 6, 1905), where 
twenty-nine were killed — each of these riots was a miniature 
Kishinev among the natives of the stricken place or its vicinity 
in this countiy. America became for the suffering Jews of Rus- 
sia the Egypt of the time of the Patriarch Jacob, and the Russian 
immigrant who settled here before was the prosperous brother 
Joseph whom God sent to the New World before them to pre- 
serve life. To the emissaries from Palestine and from religious 
institutions in Russia, especially the Talmudical Academies or 
Yeshibot, who were coming regularly to the United States for 
many years to make collections among the conservative immi- 
grants who prospered here, were now added emissaries from the 
radical or revolutionary parties from Russia, who were enthu- 
siastically received by the working classes and the radical element 
in general, and their appeals for funds were seldom in vain. 

The most substantial and most beneficial form of assistance 
sent from here to Russia was, however, not in response to ap- 
peals through Jewish newspapers or through personal represen- 
tatives of causes, of parties or of institutions, but to requests 
made by members of families, by relatives or by friends to be 
taken out of Russia as soon as possible. While public appeals 
were made for charity of various kinds and for defense funds and 
similar objects, private correspondents solicited only one thing — 
steamship tickets. And the private responses, while they attracted 
less attention, were more generous, and in many instances verged 
on self-sacrifice. This can be deduced from the results, i. e., 
from the increased Jewish immigration, which was easily ab- 
sorbed and little burdensome to the general Jewish public or to 
the larger charities, because most of the new arrivals had near 
relatives or friends who took care of them in the short time which 

358 History of the Jews in America. 

elapsed until they could find employment. The increase of Jew- 
ish immigration on account of the pogroms can best be seen by 
a comparison of the number of Jewish arrivals at the Port of 
New York, where nearly nine-tenths of them arrive, with the gen- 
eral immigration for the five years 1903-07 (each ending June 
30). The figures for 1903 are: Jews 58,079, total immigration, 
857,046; for 1904: Jews 80,885, total 812,870; for 1905: Jews 
1 03, 94 1, total 1,027,421 ; foa- 1906: Jews 133,764, total 1,100,735; 
for 1907: Jews 117,486, total 1,285,349. It is seen that while 
general immigration in 1904 was about 45,000 less than in 1903, 
Jewish immigration was about 22,000 more. On the other hand, 
while general immigration rose to an unprecedented height in 
1907, and was larger than the preceding year by 185,000, the 
number of Jews arriving in New York was about 16,000 less. 
The Jewish immigrant is not the man who fails at home or the 
adventurer who cares for no home ; he could get along very well 
where he is if he were not molested, and Jewish immigration from 
Russia would become as insignificant as Jewish immigration 
from Germany if the former country could rise to the political and 
social conditions of the latter. 

The small pogroms which were designated above as miniature 
Kishinevs, and even Kishinev itself, were soon forgotten or be- 
gan to look very small in comparison with the frightful massacres 
of the last day of October and the first days of November, 1905, 
with which the Russians inaugurated their quasi-constitutional 
regime. This time there were about a thousand Jews killed, the 
wounded numbered many thousands, the losses by destruction 
of property amounted to hundreds of millions. America again 
responded nobly, and a committee, of which Oscar S. Straus was 
chairman and Jacob H. Schiff, treasurer, collected considerably 
more than a million dollars, from Jews and non-Jews, mainly 
through the same agencies and by the same methods as the funds 
for the sufl^erers from Kishinev were collected. There were again 
mass-meetings at which prominent non-Jews spoke words of 

I"lio!o by Dupont, ]V. Y. 

HoQ. Jacob H. Schiff. 


Congress Expresses Sympathy. 361 

sympathy for the martyrs and their famihes and condemned the 
government which permitted such carnage. The general press 
was as friendly and sympathetic to the Jews as on former occa- 
sions. When the great marcli of Jewish mourners after the mar- 
tyrs took place through the streets of New York, in which nearly 
one hundred thousand participated (December 4, 1905), several 
Christian churches tolled their bells in expression of sympathy 
with the weeping masses which passed by. 

There was also an official expression of sympathy from Con- 
gress. Representatives Henry M. Goldfogle and William Sulzer 
introduced into the House resolutions to that effect, and a 
third one as a substitute was introduced by Representative Charles 
A. Towne, who, like the former two, represented a New York City 
District. The House Committee on Foreign Affairs granted a 
hearing, on February 8, 1906, to those interested in the passage 
of the resolutions. In its final form the joint resolution was 
introduced into the Senate by the late Anselm J. McLaurin of 
Mississippi, and in the House by Robert G. Cousins of Iowa, and 
read as follows : 

Resok'ed by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United 
States of America in Congress assembled. That the people of the United 
States are horrified by the reports of the massacre of Hebrews in Rus- 
sia, on account of their race and religion, and that those bereaved 
thereby have the hearty sympathy of the people of this country. 

This resolution was adopted without debate, and unanimously, 
by both houses on June 22, and approved by the President on 
June 26, 1906. 

On two other occasions about the same time the friendly dis- 
position of the people and the Government of the United States 
towards the Jews was manifested to the world. The first occa- 
sion was only semi-official, when the Jews of the country cele- 
brated the Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Set- 
tlement of the Jews in the United States, on Thanksgiving Day 
(November 30), 1905. Meetings and special services were held 
in more than seventy localities between November 24 and De- 

362 History of the Jews in Anierica. 

cember lo, but the principal celebration was in New York on 
the above inentioned date, in Carnegie Hall, where notable ad- 
dresses were delivered by former President Grover Cleveland, 
Governor Francis W. Higgins of the State of New York, Mayor 
George B. McClellan of New York City, and Bishop David Greer. 
Cordial letters were received from President Roosevelt and Vice- 
President Charles W. Fairbanks. The principal oration at that 
memorable meeting was delivered by Judge Mayer Sulzberger 
of Philadelphia. Our present Ambassador to Russia, Curtis 
Guild, Jr., who was at that time Lieutenant-Governor of Massa- 
chusetts, was one of the speakers at the celebration meeting which 
was held in Boston, a day before the New York meeting.^ 

The second occasion attracted less attention, but was strictly 
official. The International Conference about Morocco, which was 
held in Algeciras, Spain, from January 6 to April 7, 1906, was 
participated in by the United States, and its first delegate, 
Henry White (Ambassador to Italy), received instruction by a 
special letter from Secretary of State (now Senator) Elihu Root 
to work for the protection of the Jews of Morocco. These in- 
structions were accompanied by a letter received by Secretary 
Root from Mr. Jacob H. Schiff, setting forth the pitiable condi- 
tion of the Jews of that country and enumerating the legal re- 
strictions to which they were subject. Through the exertion of 
Mr. White, a provision was inserted, on April 2, in the treaty, with 
which the Conference was concluded, according to which the 
signatory nations guarantee the security and ecpial privileges of 
the Jews in A-Iorocco, both those living in the ports and those liv- 
ing in the interior. (See "American-Jewish Year Book" for 
5667, pp. 92-98.) The chief value of this provision, however, 
consists only in its indication of the good will of the Govern- 
ment of the United States. Its practical value for the Jews of 

^ Volume XIV of the Publications is devoted to the proceedings and 
the addresses of this celebration. It also appeared in a separate volume 
entitled Tlie Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Settlement of 
the Jews in the United States. New York, igo6. 

^C^^^ P I^VrCMA^^ 

Hon. Oscar S. Straus. 


Oscar S. Straus in the Cabinet. 365 

Morocco, as far as protection from riots and massacres are con- 
cerned, is hardly more than that of the well known "Article 44" 
of the Treaty of Berlin regarding the Jews of Roumania. The 
Jews of Morocco probably never heard of that provision, and the 
credit of ameliorating their condition rightfully belongs to France, 
which has, according to the latest agreement among European 
Powers, become the protector, or ruler of the ShereeHan Empire. 
Near the end of the same year (1906) President Roose- 
velt appointed Oscar S. Straus, the author and diplomatist. Sec- 
retary of Commerce and Labor. The first Jew to be thus honored 
with a seat in the Cabinet has served twice as minister plenipo- 
tentiary (and since he left the Cabinet, again as Ambassador) to 
Turkey, and also succeeded the late Benjamin Harrison, former 
president of the United States, as a member of the Permanent 
Court of Arbitration at The Hague. His oldest brother, Isidor 
Straus (b. in Bavaria, 1845 '• ^- i854: drowned with the "Titanic" 
April 15, 1912), was a well known merchant and philan- 
thropist in New York, who was a member of the Fifty-third 
Congress, and has been for man)' years President of the 
Educational Alliance. Another brother, Nathan Straus (b. 
in Bavaria, 1848: a. 1854), who is also known as a philanthropist 
and served as Park Commissioner, and, for several months, as 
President of the Board of Health of New York, is two years 
older than the former Cabinet Minister. 



Formation of the American Jewish Committee — Its first fifteen members 
and its membership in 191 1 — The experimental Kehillali organiza- 
tions — The re-organized Jewish Theological Seminary — Faculty of 
the Hebrew Union College — The Dropsie College of Hebrew and 
Cognate Learning — The Rabbi Joseph Jacob School — Other Ortho- 
dox "Yeshibot" — Talmud Torahs and "Chedarim" — Hebrew Insti- 
tutes — They become more Jewish because other agencies now do 
the work of Americanizing the immigrant — Technical Schools — ■ 
Young Men's and Young Women's Hebrew Associations — Federa- 
tions of various kinds. 

The massacres of 1905 aroused and united the Jews of the civi- 
hzed world, and the necessity of an organization to cope with the 
situation and with similar situations in the future began to be 
generally felt. The time when the Alliance Israelite Universelle, 
with its preponderance of French Jews and French methods, could 
act for the Jewry of all countries was now past, and only a new 
oi"ganization in which each country was independently repre- 
sented could answer the purpose. The same was also true, in a 
more restricted sense, in the United States itself. None of the 
national Jewish bodies, not even tlie Order B'nai B'rith, with its 
Board of Delegates, could now assume to speak with undisputed 
aitthority in the name of American Jewry as it is now constituted. 
An attempt to form a representative international Committee of 
Jews was made at the General Jewish Conference which was 
convened at Brussels, Belgium, in the last days of January, 


I'liulo by Outekunst, Phila 

Judge Mayer Sulzberger. 


The American-Jewish Committee 369 

1906, where a resolution to that effect was adopted. But the 
plan was not carried out. 

Within a week after the Brussels Conference (February 3-4). 
a conference was held in New York City "to consider the for- 
mation of a General Jewish Committee or other representative 
body of the Jews in the United States."^ A committee which 
was appointed by the chairman, Judge Mayer Sulzberger of 
Philadelphia, submitted its report to the conference at a subse- 
quent meeting (May 19), which was referred to a Committee of 
Five, with instructions to select another Committee of Fifteen, 
representative of all Jewish societies of the United States, to be 
increased to fifty members, if considered desirable. About a 
month later, the chairman announced the following Committee 
as the nucleus of the American Jewish Committee, which was 
ultimately increased to sixty : Cyrus Adler, Washington, D. C. ; 
Nathan Bijur, New York; Joseph H. Cohai, New York; Emil 
G. Hirsch, Chicago, 111.; D. H. Lieberman, New York; Julian 
W. Mack, Chicago, III; J. L. Magnes, New York; Louis Mar- 
shall, New York; Isidor Newman, New Orleans, La.; Simon 
W. Rosendale, Albany, N. Y. ; Max Senior, Cincinnati, O. ; Jacob 
H. Schiff, New York; Oscar S. Straus, New York; M. C. Sloss, 
San Francisco, Cal., and Simon Wolf, Washington, D. C. 

The American-Jewish Committee was organized with sixty 
members, and adopted a constitution (November 11, 1906), which 
begins : "The purpose of this committee is to prevent infringe- 
ment of the civil and religious rights of the Jews, and to alleviate 
the consequences of persecution. Li the event of a threatened 
or actual denial or invasion of such rights, or when conditions 
calling for relief from calamities affecting Jews exist anywhere, 
correspondence may be entered into with those familiar with 
the situation, and if the persons on the spot feel themselves able 
to cope with the situation, no action need be taken; if, on the 
other hand, they request aid, steps shall be taken to furnish it." 
The Committee was later again increased on account of the en- 

' See Amerkan-Jew-ish Year Book for 5667, pp. 230, 233, 234. 

370 History of the Jews in America. 

largement of the representation from New York City, owing to 
the organization of the "Kehillah," and last year consisted of 
the following, representing the thirteen districts into which the 
country was divided for that purpose : 

Dist. I : Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, 2 
members : Ceasar Cone, Greensboro, N. C. ; Montague Triest, 
Charleston, S. C. 

Dist. II : Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, 2 members : Jac- 
ques Loeb, Montgomery, Ala. ; Nathan Cohn, Nashville, Tenn. 

Dist. Ill : Arizona, Louisiana, New Mexico, Texas, 2 mem- 
bers : Maurice Stern, New Orleans, La. ; Isaac H. Kempner, Gal- 
veston, Tex. 

Dist. IV : Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, 3 members : 
Morris M. Cohen, Little Rock, Ark. ; David S. Lehman, Den- 
ver, Col. ; Elias Michael, St. Louis, Mo. 

Dist. V : California, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Wash- 
ington, 3 members : Max C. Sloss, San Francisco, Cal. ; Harris 
Weinstock, Sacramento, Cal. ; Ben. Selling, Portland, Ore. 

Dist. VI : Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, 
North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin, Wyoming, 4 members: 
Henry M. Butzel, Detroit, Mich.; Emanuel Cohen, Minneapolis, 
Minn. ; Victor Rosewater, Omaha, Neb. ; Max Landauer, Mil- 
waukee, Wis. 

Dist. VII : Illinois, 7 members : Edv^fin G. Foreman, M. E. 
Greenebaum, B. Horwich, Julian W. Mack, Julius Rosenwald, 
Joseph Stolz, aU of Chicago, 111.; Samuel Woolner (deceased), 
Peoria, 111. 

Dist. VIII : Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, West Virginia, 5 mem- 
bers : Louis Newberger, Indianapolis, Ind. ; Isaac W. Bernheim, 
Louisville, Ky. ; David Philipson, Cincinnati, O. ; J. Walter Frei- 
berg, Cincinnati, O. ; E. M. Baker, Cleveland, O. 

Dist. IX : New Jersey, Pennsylvania, 9 members : Cyrus Adler. 
Philadelphia, Pa. ; Isaac W. Frank, Pittsburg, Pa. ; Wm. B. 
Hackenburg, B. L. Levinthal, M. Rosenbaum, all of Philadel- 
phia, Pa. ; Isadore Sobel, Erie, Pa. ; Mayer Sulzberger, Philadel- 

Photo_by_jrrover-WeigeI, Salem, Oregon. 

Hon. Benjamin Selling. 

The American-Jewish Committee 371 

phia, Pa. ; A. Leo Weil, Pittsburg, Pa. ; Benjamin Wolf, Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 

Dist. X : Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia, 
2 members : Plarry Friedenwald, Baltimore, Md. ; Jacob H. Hol- 
lander, Baltimore, Md. 

Dist. XI : Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hamp- 
shire, Rhode Island, Vermont, 3 members : Isaac M. Ullman, 
X^ew Haven, Conn. ; Lee M. Friedman, Boston, Mass. ; Harry 
Cutler, Providence, R. I. 

Dist. XII : New York : Joseph Baroudess, Samuel Dorf , Ber- 
nard Drachman, Harry Fischel, William Fishman, Israel Fried- 
laender, Samuel B. Hamburger, Maurice H. Harris, Samuel I. 
Hyman, S. Jarmulowsky, Leon Kamaiky, Philip Klein, Nathan 
Lamport, Adolph Lewisohn, J. L. Magnes, M. Z. Margolies, 
Louis JMarshal!, H. Pereire Mendes, Solomon Neumann, Jacob 
H. Schiff, Bernard Semel, P. A. Siegelstein, Joseph Silverman, 
Cyrus L. Sulzberger, Felix M. Warburg; 25 members. 

Dist. XIII: X^ew York (exclusive of the city), 2 members: 
Abram J. Katz, Rochester; Simon W. Rosendale, Albany. 

Members-at-large : X^athan Bijur, New York City; Isidor 
Straus, New York City. 

The officers are : Mayer Sulzberger, President ; Julian W. 
Mack and Jacob H. Hollander, Vice-Presidents; Isaac W. Bern- 
heim. Treasurer ; Herbert Friedenwald, Secretary. The Execu- 
tive Committee consists of Cyrus Adler, Harry Cutler, Samuel 
Dorf, J. L. Magnes, Louis Marshall, Julius Rosenwald, Jacob 
H. SchiiY, Isadore Sobel, Cyrus L. Sulzberger and A. Leo Weil. 

The strength of the committee consists mainly in its personnel, 
as it comprises the most influential as well as the most active 
Jewish communal leaders of the country. The membership from 
the large centers of population, like New York, Philadelphia 
and Chicago, includes also representatives of the immigrants of 
the last period, md the plan of the Jewish Alliance of twenty 
years ago' to bring together the older and the younger portions 

^See above, Chapter XXXI. 

372 History of the Jews in America. 

of the community is, to some extent, consummated in this Com- 
mittee. It has made some vahiable efforts on behalf of the suf- 
fering Jews in other countries, and also in the interest of a speedy 
solution of the vexed Russian passport question, and it is becom- 
ing recognized as the representative Jewish body in the United 

When the Jewish community or "Kehillah" was formed in 
New York in 1909, consisting of the representatives of congrega- 
tions, fraternal and educational organizations, the plans of those 
who wanted to have the American Jewish Committee re-organ- 
ized on a more democratic basis, and to make it the elected and 
authorized representative of the Jewish masses, was partially car- 
ried out. The twenty-five members of the Executive Commit- 
tee of the New York "Kehillah" are the New York members of 
the American-Jewish Committee. The Jews of Philadelphia have 
now also formed a "Kehillah" on the same basis of representa- 
tion. But these new forms of amalgamating the large communi- 
ties and forming authoritative Jewish central bodies is yet in 
the experimental stage, and several years, perhaps several decades, 
will have to pass before their permanent existence will be assured 
and justified. The great difference between the Committee and 
the "Kehillahs" is, that in the first men of power and authority 
who worked effectively for Jewish interests before, individually 
or as leaders of communal bodies, have united to work together 
in the same direction. The "Kehillahs" on the other hand, have 
yet tO' create the forces which are to sustain them and make 
them formidable. Their chief value consists of their being symp- 
toms of the times, indicating the approach of the end of the 
period of chaos in general Jewish affairs, and an inclination to 
submit to representative authority in communal matters. The 
most conspicuous act of the New York "Kehillah" was its founda- 
tion of a Bureau of Education under the direction of the well- 
known Jewish educator. Dr. Samson Benderly (b. in Safed, 
Palestine, 1876), who- conducted Jewish schools in Baltimore 
with marked success and is now working out his original plans 

Prof. Solomon Schechter. 


The Seminary and the Colleges. 375 

in educating Jewisli teachers who should be capable of suitably 
performing their duties to the coming generation. But the sound- 
ness and the practicability of his plans are as problematical as that 
of the "Kehillah" itself. 

Much other valuable work was done in the cause of Jewish 
education in the last ten years. The Jewish Theological Semi- 
nary, which was reorganized in 1902, when the presidency was as- 
sumed by the famous Roumanian Jewish scholar, Solomon 
Schechter, now has on its faculty as professors : President and 
Professor of Jewish Theology, Solomon Schechter; Biblical Lit- 
erature and Exegesis. Israel Friedlaender : Talmud, Louis Ginz- 
berg; History, Alexander Marx; Homiletics, Mordecai M. Kap- 
lan ; Instructor in the Talmud, Joshua A. Joffe ; Instructor in 
Hebrew and Rabbinics, Israel Davidson; English Literature and 
Rhetoric, Joseph Jacobs. There is also now a Teachers' Insti- 
tute connected with the Seminary, of which Prof. Mordecai M. 
Kaplan is the principal. 

The Hebrew Union College of Cincinnati, which is maintained 
by the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, has also been 
considerably strengthened in the last few years. Its faculty con- 
sists of the following professors : Homiletics, Theology and Hel- 
lenistic Literature (President), Kaufman Kohler; Jewish History 
and Literature, Gotthard Deutsch ; Ethics and Pedagog}^, Louis 
Grossman; Jewish Philosophy, David Neumark; Biblical Exege- 
sis (Associate), Moses Buttenwieser; Biblical Literature, Henry 
Englander; Instructor in Bible and Semitic Languages, Julian 

The youngest of the Jewish higher institutions of learning in 
the United States is The Dropsie College of Hebrew and Cog- 
nate Learning of Philadelphia, which was incorporated in 1907. 
Moses Aaron Dropsie (b. in Philadelphia, 1821; d. there 1905), 
an attorney and street railway owner of Dutch descent, be- 
queathed the bulk of his fortune, amounting to nearly one mil- 
lion dollars, to the foundation of that college, which was opened 
in 1909. The faculty consists of: President, Cyrus Adler; Max 

376 History of the Jews in America, 

L. Margolis, in charge of the Bibhcal Department; Henry Mal- 
ter, in charge of the Rabbinical Department; Jacob Hoschander, 
Instructor Department of Cognate Languages ; Hon. Mayer Sulz- 
berger, Resident Lecturer in Jewish Jurisprudence and Institutes 
of Government. 

An institution of an entirely different kind is the Rabbi Joseph 
Jacob School, or Yeshibah, of New York, which was organized 
in 1901, whose founder, Samuel S. Andron, still retains the 
presidency. It is the only considerable Jewish school on the 
denominational or parochial plan, where English and general 
studies according to the curriculum of the public schools are 
pursued together with the study of the Hebrew language, Bible, 
Talmud and Rabbinical literature. It is the first attempt tO' 
combine a strictly Orthodox and a thorough American educa- 
tion, and, if possible, to educate American rabbis who should 
be acceptable to the old style pious immigrant as well as to the 
generation which is growing up here. There are other Yeshibot 
in all of the large cities in the United States, but most of them 
simply follow their prototype, the Talmudical Academy of the 
Slavic countries, where there is no other official subject of study 
except the Talmud and Rabbinical literature, and secular studies 
are pursued clandestinely or not at all. In some of the Yeshibot 
here, like in the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary 
of New York, some concessions were made to secular studies, 
but there was no attempt, and perhaps no desire, to harmonize 
the systems and to supply a good American education. 

The original forms of the elementary Jewish school, the pri- 
vate "Cheder" and the public or semi-public Talmud Torah, is 
represented among the Jews of the Slavic countries in all its 
varieties, from the old-fashioned Russian school, where the He- 
brew text is translated in a traditional Yiddish, which the pupil 
who is born or brought up here understands but imperfectly, to 
the Americanized place, where the translations are made in the 
English, and the modernized Russian school, in which Hebrew is 
used in interpreting the Scripture and the text books prepared 

Talmud Torahs and Hebrew Institutes. 377 

for the purpose. Naturally the oldest and largest Talmud Torah 
of New York, the "Machzike Talmud Torah" of East Broadway 
(organized 1882), of which Moses H. Phillips is president and 
I. A. Kaplan superintendent, is looked upon as a model institu- 
tion of its kind. There are nearly two score Talmud Torahs in 
New York City, some of them attached to synagogues, but most 
of them separate institutions with buildings of their own, several 
of which, like the I'p-Town Talmud Torah and the one in 
Brownsville (Brooklyn), are magnificent establishments, with in- 
comes -which prove the material well-being of the immigrant 
classes, as well as their willingness to pay for Jewish education. 

There are large Talmud Torahs in every city where there is a 
considerable Jewish population, and, as in many other respects, 
New York conditions are duplicated in Chicago, Philadelphia 
and other great centers. In the smaller towns a Talmud Torah 
is now established soon after the foundation of a synagogue, and 
the private teacher, who is often also the Shochet and Chazzan 
or Mohel, usually antedates them both. There is one important 
difference, however, between the Talmud Torah of the Old 
World, especially Russia, and the same institutions here. There 
the Talmud Torah is mainly for the children of the very poor, 
for destitute orphans, foundlings and the like. Here the scarcity 
of good private teachers, the high compensation which they re- 
quire, and the limited time which could' be given to Jewish 
studies, makes the organized school preferable also for the chil- 
dren of parents who are willing and able to pay for tuition. Some 
Talmud Torahs which are maintained by single synagogues for 
their members, especially in small communities, partake of the 
nature, and even of the exclusiveness, of the Sabbath School 
which is an adjunct to almost every well conducted Reform Tem- 
ple. I'vlks-Schidcn, or Hebrew schools for girls, have lately been 
established in several sections of New York, and also in other 

There are also in every large community and in some sections 
of large cities educational institutions whose chief object is to 

378 History of the Jews in America. 

iacilitate the Americanization of the immigrants. The model 
institution of that sort is the Educational Alliance (formerly 
the Hebrew Institute) of New York. Some of them bear the 
name Educational Society, and a large number, among which the 
Chicago institution, of which Julius Rosenwald (b. in Springfield, 
111., 1862) is the chief patron, prefer the old name of Hebrew In- 
stitute. This class of institutions have been undergoing material 
changes for the last ten or fifteen years, and those founded lately 
are entirely unlike those which belonged to the earlier period. All 
fear that the newcomers will not become Americanized suffi- 
ciently fast has now disappeared; and, besides, the work of 
Americanization which was formerly done by private charity, like 
the maintenance of evening classes and even of day classes for 
adult immigrants, tO' instruct them in English and elementary 
knowledge, is now done by the cities themselves. Private efforts 
are now made more in the direction of Jewish education and 
religious or semi-religious activities, and some of the Hebrew 
Institutes, notably the youngest and those established and main- 
tained by immigrants themselves, are almost Talmud Torahs, 
often combined with synagogues, in which the religious element 
predominates, and in some of them rabbis occupy the leading posi- 

Lastly, there is a class of splendid educational establishments. 
founded and endowed by Jewish philanthropists, for the technical 
development of the young Jewish immigrants. The most im- 
portant of these in New York are the Baron de Hirsch Trade 
School, the Hebrew Technical Institute (organized 1883), and 
the Hebrew Technical School for Girls. Chicago has the Jewish 
(formerly the Manual) Training School (incorporated 1887) ; 
Baltimore its Maccabean House (incorporated 1900) ; Boston its 
Hebrew Industrial School (organized 1889), and the Jewish 
Educational Alliance of St. Louis, Mo., has a large industrial 
school ; Cincinnati has a Boys' Industrial School ; while Philadel- 
phia has the B'nai B'rith Manual Training School and the Indus- 
trial Home for Jewish Girls. The Young Men's Hebrew Asso- 

Federations. 379 

ciations, the Young Women's Hebrew Associations and other 
Jewish organizations of a Hke character in numerous places, main- 
tain various classes — religious, technical, etc. — offering educa- 
tional opportunities to new arrivals and to young working people 
who cannoot utilize the regular institutions of public education. 

The efforts to organize and to federate, which resulted in the 
formation of the American-Jewish Committee, produced several 
other communal federations of variegated character. The oldest 
and most substantial of these is the Federation of Galician and 
Bukowinian Jews in America (organized 1904), which founded 
and maintains the Har Moriah Hospital in New York. There 
have also lately been organized a Federation of Roumanian 
Jews and one of Russian-Polish Jews. There is also in New 
York a Federation of Contributors to Jewish Communal Institu- 
tions and a Federation of Jewish Organizations, both of which 
were organized in 1906. 



The legend about the Jewish origin oi Chevalier de Levis — Aaron Hart, 
the English Commissary, and Abraham Gradis, the French banker — 
Early settlers in Montreal — Its first Congregation — Troubles of 
Ezekiel Hart, the first Jew to be elected to the Legislature — Final 
Emancipation in 1832 — Jews fight on the Loyalist side against Popi- 
neau's rebellion — Prominent Jews in various fields of activity — 
Congregation "Shaar ha-Shomaim" — Toronto — First synagogue in 
Victoria, B. C, in 1862 — Hamilton and Winnipeg — Other communi- 
ties — Agricultural Colonies — Jewish Newspapers. 

The beginning of the history of the Jews in Canada goes back 
to legend. There is a tradition that the founder of the house of 
Levis, from whom descended Henri de Levis, Duke de Vontadur, 
Vicero)' of Canada for some time after 1626, and his more dis- 
tinguished relative, Chevalier de Levis, who was Montcalm's suc- 
cessor as commander of the French forces in Canada (1759) 
and later became a marshal of France, were descendants of the 
patriarch Levi Ben Jacob, and a cousin of iVlary of Nazareth.^ 

The earliest authentic records of the Jews of Canada go back 
to the period when England and France were engaged in their 
final contest for the mastery of the northern part of the conti- 
nent. Aaron Hart (b. in London, 1724) was Commissary in 
General Amherst's army, which invaded Canada from the south, 
and there were in the same army three more Jewish officers : 

' See Kohler in Publications IV, p. 87. See also for the sources of 
this chapter "Publications'' I, pp. 1 17-120, and the article "Canada" in 
the lavish Encyclopedia. 


The Jews of Canada. 381 

Emanuel de Cordova, Hananiel Garcia and Isaac Miranda. Hart 
^vas later attached to General Haldimond's command at Three 
Rivers, and at the close of the war settled in that city and be- 
came seignior of Becancour. 

There were, of course, no Jews on the other side of the 
struggle, for France at that time suffered no Jewish inhabitants 
in her colonies, nor Jewish soldiers in her armies. But it was 
a Jew, Abraham Gradis (d. 1780), the head of the great French 
banking house founded by his father, David Gradis (naturalized 
in Bordeaux, 1731; d. 1751), who furnished money and sup- 
plies to the French King to carry on the unsuccessful war with 
England. Abraham Gradis had founded (in 1748) the Society 
of Canada, a commercial organization, under the auspices of the 
French go\'ernment, and erected magazines in Quebec. Excep- 
tional privileges were later granted to hnn and his family in the 
French colonies, and full civil rights were accorded him in Mar- 
tinique in 1779. But the house of "the Rothschilds of the i8th 
century" was finally ruined by the insurrections in Santo Do- 
mingo and Martinique, combined with the losses which were oc- 
casioned at home by the French Revolution. (See Wolf, "The 
American Jezu . . ."pp. 476-82.) 

About the time of the Canadian conquest by England (circa 
1760) , a number of Jewish settlers took up their residence in Mon- 
treal, including Lazarus David (b. 1734), Uriel Moresco, Samuel 
Jacobs, Simon Levy, Fernandez da Fonseca, Abraham Franks, 
Andrew Hays, Jacob de Maurera, Joseph Bindona, Levy Solo- 
mons and Uriah Judah. Lazarus David was a large land owner 
and was noted as a public spirited citizen. Several of the others 
held offices in the English army; there were also among them 
some extensive traders, who did much for the development of the 
newly acquired colony. After they had been reinforced by other 
settlers, a congregation, called "Shearit Israel," was organized 
in 1768, which for nearly a century remained the only Jewish 
cono-regation in Canada. Most of the members were Sephardim, 
and they stood in close communion with the Spanish and Portu- 

382 History of the Jews in America. 

guese Jews of London, who presented them with two scrolls of 
the Law for the newly founded congreg'ation. At first the con- 
gregation met for worship in a hall on St. James Street; but in 
1777 the members built the first synagogue, at the junction of 
Notre Dame and St. James Streets, close tO' the present court 
house, on a lot belonging to the David family, whose founder, 
the above mentioned Lazarus David, died one year previously, 
and was the first to be interred in the cemetery which the con- 
gregation acquired in 1775. His son, David David (1764-1824), 
was one of the founders of the Bank of Montreal in 1808. 

The Rev. Jacob Raphael Cohen was the first regular minister 
of the Montreal congregation of whom there remains any record. 
He came there in 1778 and remained until 1782, when he went 
to Philadelphia, where he became rabbi of Congregation Mick- 
veh Israel. The president or parnas of the Montreal congrega- 
tion in 1775 was Jacob Salesby (or Salisbury) Franks, a mem- 
ber of the family whose other branch played an important part 
in Philadelphia in the period of the Revolution. Abraham 
Franks (1721-97) supported the British in repelling the Ameri- 
can invasion, while his son-in-law. Levy Solomons, who later be- 
came parnas of the Montreal congregation, was commanded by 
the invading American general, Montgomery, to act as purveyor 
to the hospitals for the American troops. But after the death 
of General Montgomery and the retreat of the American forces 
from Canada, Solomons, who was never paid for the services he 
tendered to the invaders, was exposed to the resentment of the 
British, as one suspected of sympathy for the revolting colonists. 
He and his family were expelled from Montreal by General Bur- 
goyne, but eventually was permitted to return. 

In 1807 Ezekiel Hart, one of the four sons of Commissary 
Aaron Hart, was elected to represent Three Rivers in the Leg- 
islature. He declined to be sworn in according to the usual form, 
"on the true faith of a Christian," but took the oath according 
to the Jewish custom, on the Pentateuch, and with his head cov- 
ered. At once a storm of opposition arose, due, it is said, not to 

Removal of Civil Disabilities. 383 

religious prejudice or intolerance, but to the fact that his polit- 
ical opponents saw in this an opportunity of making a party 
gain by depriving an antagonist of his seat. After heated dis- 
cussions and the formality of a trial, he was expelled, and when 
his constituents re-elected him, the House proposed passing a 
bill to put his disqualification as a Jew beyond doubt. But the 
go\-ernor, Sir John Craig, dissolved the Chamber before the bill 
could pass. After a bill, in conformity with a petition by the 
Jews, was passed in 1829, and sanctioned by royal proclamation 
in January 1831, authorizing the Jews to keep a register of births, 
marriages and deaths, they felt encouraged and . made another 
attempt to secure recognition of their civil rights. When a new 
bill extending the same political rights to Jews as to Christians 
was introduced in the Legislative Assembly in March, 183 1, it 
met with no opposition. It rapidly passed both the Assembly 
and the Council, and received the royal assent June 5, 1832. The 
Jews of Canada were thus emancipated about a cjuarter century 
before their co-religionists in the mother country. Mr. Nathan 
of British Columbia was the first Jewish member of the Canadian 

When Canada was convulsed in 1837-38 by the rebellion led by 
Papineau and others, a number of Jews fought on the Loyalist 
side. Two members of the David family held cavalry commands 
under \\'etherell at the action at St. Charles, and took a distin- 
guished part in the battle of St. Eustache. Aaron Philip Hart, 
grandson of the commissary, temporarily abandoned his large 
law practice to raise a company of militia, which rendered valu- 
able service. Jacob Henry Joseph and his brother Jesse were 
with the troops on the Richelieu and at Chambly. Several Cana- 
dian Jews won distinction in various capacities in the first half 
of the last century. Dr. Aaron Hart David (b. in Montreal, 
1812; d. there 1882), a grandson of Lazarus David, was dean 
of the faculty of medicine of Bishop's College ; Samuel Ben- 
jamin was the first Jew elected to the Montreal City Council; and 
Tesse Joseph (b. in Berthier, Canada, 1817; d. in Montreal, 

384 History of the Jews in America. 

1904), one of a family of merchant princes, established the first 
direct line of ships between Antwerp and Montreal, and was 
appointed Belgian Consul in the latter city. His brother Jacob 
was connected with the promotion of early Canadian railways 
and telegraph lines, and another brother, Gershom, was the first 
Jewish lawyer to be appointed a queen's counsel in Canada. All 
these men were officers of the synagogue, at the time when its 
rabbi. Rev. Abraham de Sola (b. in London, 1825; d. in New 
York, 1882), was professor of Semitic languages and literature 
at the McGill University. 

The Congregation Shearit Israel passed through a crisis when 
the old synagogue building had to be demolished, when the land 
on which it stood reverted to the heirs of David David, after his 
death in 1824. It was again forced to worship in a hall, until 
the new synagogue on Chenneville Street was dedicated in 1838. 
It had no regular minister after the retirement of Rabbi Cohen, 
until nearly 60 years later, when Rabbi David Piza was appointed 
in 1840 and was, six years later, succeeded by Rabbi Abraham 
de Sola, who was in turn succeeded by his son, Dr. Meldola de 
Sola (b. 1853), ■^'^'ho is stih one of the ministers of the congrega- 
tion, his associate being Rev. Isaac de la Penyha. 

A second congregation, of Polish and German, or Ashkenazic 
Jews, was organized in Montreal in 1846, but existed only for a 
short time. Another effort was made about twelve years later 
with more success, and the result was the congregation "Shaar 
Plashomaim," which was established in 1858, Abraham Hofnung, 
.M. A. Ollendorf and Samuel Silverman were among the most 
active of its charter members, and the Rev. Samuel Hofnung 
was its earliest minister, who was soon succeeded by Rev. M. 
Pass. The first building of this congregation was in St. Constant 
Street, and was dedicated in i860. In 1886 it removed to its 
present edifice in McGill College avenue. It has now two rabbis. 
Rev. Dr. Herman Abramowitz and S. Goldstein. In 1863 was 
founded the Youner Men's Hebrew Benevolent Society (now 
called the Baron de Hirsch Institute and Hebrew Benevolent So- 

Montreal and Toronto. 385 

ciety), through which Baron de Hirsch and his executors did 
much for the education and colonization of the Russian immi- 
grants who began to come to Canada in considerable numbers 
after 1881. The present Jewish population of Montreal is prob- 
ably about 40,000, and it has ten synagogues, besides the two^ men- 
tioned above. Of these, the Bet David Congregation (established 
1888) is designated as Roumanian; the Bet Israel Congregation, 
of which Rev. Hirschel Cohen is rabbi, is surnamed "Chevra 
Shaas" ; the B'nai Jacob Synagogue (founded 1885) is mainly 
Russian. There is also an Austro-Hungarian Congregation, a 
Galician ("Chevra Kadisha Jeshurun") and a Reform Temple 
(Emanuel, founded 1882). There is also the usual complement 
of charitable, educational, fraternal and social organizations, in- 
cluding Talmud Torah, a branch of the Jewish Theological Semi- 
nary of New York, and a Jewish Lads' Brigade. The Jewish 
community in Montreal and in Canada generally is in many re- 
spects like the communities of the United States of a similar 
size. But owing to the dissensions between religious denomina- 
tions, and especially the complicated school cjuestion, there is 
more open partisan hostility to Jews, both on the part of the press 
and in public life, than in the United States, where the govern- 
ment is strictly secular. 

About 1845 ^ sufficient number of Jews had settled in Tor- 
onto, Ont., to begin to think about the organization of a syna- 
gogue; but little was accomplished until 1852, when a ceme- 
tery was purchased and the Holy Blossom congregation was 
established. Mark Samuel, Lewis Samuel and Alexander Mil- 
ler did much to sustain the congregation in its early struggles. 
It grew in strength and numbers under the presidency of Alfred 
D. Benjamin during the closing years of the nineteenth cen- 
tury, and it became necessary to remove from its first building in 
Richmond Street to the present commodious edifice in Bon Street 
(1902). Toronto, which had 1425 Jews in 1891 and 3,038 in 
igoi, now has considerably over 10,000, with about ten congre- 
o-ations and several charitable and fraternal organizations. 

386 History of the Jews in America. 

The discovery of gold in British Columbia in 1857 l^d to the 
settlement there of a number of Jews, who built a synagogue in 
Victoria in 1862. In 1882 a synagogue was erected in Hamil- 
ton, and several years later the Jews of Winnipeg ( who num- 
bered 645 in 1891) organized two congregations. There are 
now seven congregations in Winnipeg, with a Jewish population 
of about 8,000. It also has among the various commu- 
nal organizations a Hebrew Liberal Club and a Hebrew Con- 
servative Club. North Winnipeg is now represented in the 
Provincial Parliament of Manitoba by S. Hart Green (b. ab. 
1885), the honorary secretary of the Congregation Shaare Sho- 
mayim and the president of the local B'nai B'rith Lodge. 

There are now Jewish communities in more than twenty-five 
separate localities in Canada, and the total number of Jews is about 
70,000 and growing very fast (it was only 16,060 in 1901). 
Besides the towns mentioned, there are Jews in Berlin (Ont.), 
Belleville, Brandford, Calgary (Alberta), Chatham, N. B. ; Daw- 
son (Yukon Territory), Glace Bay, C. B. ; Halifax, London, 
Magnetowan, Ont.; Ottowa, Quebec, Regina (Saskatchewan). 
St. Catherine's, St. John, Sydney, Sherbrooke, Vancouver, Wood- 
stock and Salt River, N. B. ; Yarmouth and Yorkton. 

There are in Canada about a dozen Jewish agricultural colo- 
nies, most of which were founded or promoted by the Baron de 
Hirsch Fund. The most important of them are Bender, Hirsch, 
Ox Bow and Ou'appelle. There are altogether about 700 Jewish 
farms occupying more than 110,000 acres, and sustaining a farm- 
ing population of about 3,000. 

Montreal has a Yiddish daily newspaper, the "Canadian Eagle," 
and an English Jewish weekly, "The Jewish Times," and there 
is a Yiddish weekly in Winnipeg called the "Canadian Jew." 



The first "minyan'' in Buenos Ayres, Argentine, in 1861 — Estimate of 
the Jewish population in Argentine — Occupations and economic 
condition of the various groups — Kosher meat and temporary syna- 
gogues as indications of the religious conditions — Communities in 
twenty-six other cities — The Agricultural Colonies — Brazil — The 
rumor that General Floriano Peixotto, the second president of the 
new Republic, was of Jewish origin — Communities in several cities 
— The Colony Philippson — Jews in Montevido, Uruguay — Other 
South American Republics — Isidor Borowski, who fought under 
Bolivar — Panama — Moroccan Jews are liked by Peru Indians — 
About ten thousand Jews in Mexico — Slowly increasing number in 
Cuba, where Jews help to spread the American influence. 

The immigration statistics of the modern Argentine Republic, 
which began to be collected in 1854, did not count the Jews, as 
such, and there is practically no records of the first settlement 
of Jews there, which took place in the second half of the nine- 
teenth century. It is related that there was a "minyan" in Buenos 
Ayres on Yom Kippur, 1861, which was kept up irregularly for 
ten years, and was composed of English, French and German 
Jews. During the yellow fever epidemic of 1871 almost all of 
them, who were agents or representatives of business houses, fled 
the capital, and the "minyan" in that year was held in a little town 
where most of them met. This little community organized a 
"Congregacion Israelita" and built the first synagogue, before 
Jews from Russia began to go there in considerable numbers. 
A congregation of Moroccan Jews, "Congregacion Israelita La- 
tina," was organized in 1891. 


388 History of the Jews in America. 

The report of the Jewish Colonization Association for 1909, 
which contains a study of the Jewish population of Argentine, 
estimates the number of Jews living in Buenos Ayres at 40,000, 
and that of the interior towns — outside of the colonies — at 
15,000 more. If we add to it the number of about 20,000 living 
in the colonies Moiseville (Santa Fe), Clara, San Antonio, Santa 
Isabel, Lucienville (Entre Rios), Mauricio, Baron de Hirsch 
(Buenos Ayres) and Berriasconi (Pampa), in addition to the 
Jewish immigration for the last three years, which averages 
about 9,000 or 10,000, it seems certain that there are now 
in the Republic of Argentine over 100,000 Jews, which means a 
lai'ger number than in any country of the New World outside of 
the United States. 

About eight-tenths of the Jewish population of Buenos Ayres 
are from Russia. The earliest settlers among them, who are 
now also the wealthiest, are former colonists of the I. C. A. (as 
the Jewish Colonization Association of Paris is designated). The 
remainder is divided into about 3,000 Turkish, Arabian and 
Greek Jews; 1,000 Moroccans and Italians; 1,500 French, Ger- 
man, English and Dutch, etc. The first two groups contain many 
wealthy merchants, but the great majority consists of dealers in 
second-hand goods and of peddlers. The last group, which is 
the oldest, consists of merchants of the higher grades. Among 
the Russians there are also a large number of business people, 
but a very large number are artisans in various trades. As to 
their date of arrival, the English, French and German are the 
oldest, as stated above. Some Moroccan and Italian families 
have lived there about thirty years, but the majority of that 
group came in the last decade. The earliest Turkish Jews came 
there less than fifteen years ago, but the great majority of them 
came about 1905. The Russians began to come in considerable 
numbers about the time of the establishment of the first colonies, 
and they still keep on coming in increasing numbers. 

There are in Buenos Ayres about one hundred Jews engaged 
in the liberal professions, two-thirds of whom are natives of 

The Jews of Argentine. 389 

Russia. The communal institutions leave much to be desired, but 
there has been some improvement lately, and it is reported that 
a large Jewish hospital will be erected there in the near future. 
The religions conditions are indicated by the fact that about 
7,000 kilograms of "Kosher" meat was sold there .daily in 1909, 
and that on Yom Kippur of that year services were held in not 
less than twenty-four different places, including the temple. M. 
Samuel Halphen, a former religious teacher, was lately chosen 
rabbi of Buenos Ayres, while Dr. Herbert Ashkenazi, who 
studied at Berlin, and was chosen by the I. C. A. as chief rabbi 
of the colonies, also resides in that city. 

The Jews are now scattered all over Argentine, and some can 
be found in almost any locality, especially in the provinces of 
Buenos Ayres, Santa Fe, Entre Rios and Cordoba. The above- 
mentioned inc|uiry^ deals with the Jewish population of twenty- 
six cities besides the capital, beginning with Rosario, Santa Fe, 
which has among its 173,000 inhabitants more than 3,000 Jews, 
2,500 are Russians, 359 Orientals and Moroccans and about 100 
French and Germans. The cemetery was acquired in 1905 and 
the congregation was organized in 1907. In Santa Fe, which 
has less than 600 Jews, the Moroccans bought a cemetery as 
early as 1895. Parona has a small community of less than 300, 
with a Socicdad hraelita Argentina de Bencficencia, which was 
founded in 1897. But most of the communal institutions and 
the communities themselves are less than ten years old,, which 
means that Jews are just beginning to spread over the country. 
A majority of the Jews in the interior towns of Argentine are 
former colonists, and most of them are doing tolerably well. 
Their presence in a free and progressive country, where they can 
be useful to themselves and to their neighbors, must therefore 
be credited to the I. C. A. which has thus accomplished some 

^ Enguete sur la Populatioyi Israelite en Argentine, in the "Rapport 
de I'Administration Centrale . . ."of the I. C. A. for 1909. Paris, 
1910, pp. 251-308. 

390 History of the Jews in America. 

g'l ;ocl, even for those whom it could not, for various reasons, turn 
mto successful farmers. 

The largest share of attention was, however, paid in the last 
two decades to that part of the Jewish population of Argentine 
which has settled in the agricultural colonies established by the 
I. C. A. As early as 1889 independent attempts had been made 
by Jewish immigrants from Russia to establish colonies in Ar- 
gentine, but it was not done on a well-ordered plan, and later 
these colonies and colonists were absorbed by the Jewish Colo- 
nization Association. The oldest and most successful colony, 
Moiseville, founded by Russian immigrants in 1890, before the 
establishment of the I. C. A. was re-organized by that association 
in 1891. Mauricio, in the province of Buenos Ayres, was estab- 
lished about the same time, and the large group of colonies in the 
province of Entre Rios, which is collectively called Clara (after 
the Baroness de Hirsch), was founded in 1894. Despite the 
friction which caused many colonists at considerable expense, to 
leave the places where they were settled, and despite the prej- 
udice which was aroused against the entire colonization scheme 
by these seemingly interminable quairels, the agricultural colonies 
in .\rgentine, as a whole, are succsssful and their future is bright. 
The colonists are fast paying off their debts to the association 
which assisted them to settle there, and many of them are even 
chafing under the limitations which prevent them from paying 
off more rapidly. The centers of Jewish population, both agricul- 
tural and — indirectly — urban, which were thus artificially created 
by the munificence of Baron de Hirsch, have become healthy and 
natural, and are now attracting independent immigration. There 
are now, as stated above, nearly 20,000 souls in the colonies, but 
more than a fourth are described as non-colonists. There are 
44 schools with more than 3,000 pupils in the colonies, and the 
statistical tables from year to year show a slow and solid progress, 
which augurs well for the future of the Jews in Argentine. 

5j- ^ 'I* 'P ¥ 

There were, as far as known, but very few Jews in modern 

The Jews of Brazil. 391 

Brazil, even under the humane and scholarly Emperor Dom 
Pedro II. ( 1825-91 ), who was well versed in Hebrew, and main- 
tained friendly relations with several Jewish scholars in Europe. 
The immense country attracted but few Jews after the Emperor 
was deposed and a republican form of government instituted in 
1889. There were some rumors at that time that General Flori- 
ano Peixotto, one of the leaders of the revolution, who was the 
first Vice-President and the second President (1891-94) of the 
new republic, \\as of Jewish origin. But like die statements 
about the Jewish ancestry of Christopher Columbus and many 
other notables, they could never be verified, and there is not 
available sufficient genealogical material in either case to prove 
or disprove assertions of that nature. 

In igoo a number of Roumanian Jews went to Brazil, but 
effected no permanent settlement. A list of the leading mer- 
chants of the various cities in Brazil, which was published by 
the Bureau of American Republics about 1901, discloses a large 
number of names unmistakably Jewish, most of them apparently 
of German origin (Jmnsli Encyclopedia, s. v. Brazil). The for- 
mation of a Jewish community in Rio de Janeiro, the capital of 
Brazil, was reported in January, 1905 (in the South American 
Journal of London), and a report in the Jewish Emigrant of St. 
Petersburg, the Russian organ of the I. C. A., five years later 
(1910, No. 20), tells of Jewish merchants in many large cities of 
Brazil, including Rio Grande, Pelatas, Sao Gabriel, etc., and of 
Porto Alegra, Rio Grande do Sul, where a community was then 
about to be organized. The existence of a synagogue in Para, 
"where they worship on the festivals," was reported in 1910. 
{Jczcish Chronicle, Oct. 21, 1910.) 

The chief interest of the Jewish world in the Jews of Brazil 
is, however, concentrated on the agricultural colony, Philippson, 
in the state of Rio Grande, where there are now settled about 
400 Russian Jews, mostly from Bessarabia. It was founded 
by the I. C. A. about six years ago, and is now under the 

392 History of the Jews in America. 

direction of M. Leibowitz, one of its former oldest employees in 
Argentine. The colony is in a flourishing condition, and it is 
being constantly enlarged, while new settlements are projected 
in the same part of the country. Here, too, like in Argentine, 
the colony attracts some Jewish immigration, and it was also the 
cause of the establishment of small Jewish settlements in the 
nearby towns of Pinhal, Santa Maria, Cruz Alta, etc. The num- 
ber of Jews in Brazil is now estimated at 3,000. 

There are, according to the report mentioned at the beginning 
of this chapter, about 150 Jews in Montevido, the capital of Uru- 
guay, South America, most of whom came there from Buenos 
Ayres. About half of them are from Russia, the remainder hail 
from Greece, France and Alsace, and Roumania. They are en- 
gaged in various occupations and theiir material condition is not 
bad. Ten young Russian Jews joined the army and three of them 
attained the rank of sergeant. There is hardly any religious ac- 
tivity, except for a "minyan" held on Yom Kippur. Matzoth for 
the Passover are brought from Buenos Ayres, and a "Mohel" 
is also usually brought from there when the occasion arises. 

There are several thousand Jews scattered over the other re- 
publics of South America, but they are mostly recent arrivals 
and unorganized, and very little is known about them. It is 
probable that the Polish-Jewish military adventurer, Isidor Bo- 
rowski (b. in Warsaw, 1803; killed at the siege of Herat, Af- 
ghanistan, 1837), who fought under the great hero of South 
American independence, Simon Bolivar (1783-1830) in many 
battles,^ was then the only Jew in that part of the world. Even 
at present, the number of Jews in the countries liberated by Boli- 
^'ar is insignificant. There are about 500 Jews in Venezuela, 
mostly in the capital, Caracas, where the first Jewish congrega- 
tion was founded in 1899. (American-Jewish Year Book 5660, 
p. 289). According to the writers of the American chapter in 
Outlines of Jewish History by Lady Magnus, for which — as 
stated in the preface — "Lady Magnus is in no wise responsible," 

'See Jew. Encyclopedia, Vol. Ill, p. 326-27. 

Bolivia, Panama and Mexico. 393 

Jewish congregations were formed in Caracas and Coro, Vene- 
zuela, in the middle of the nineteenth centur}', presumably by 
Jews who lived there formerly as Maranos. But if these con- 
gregations existed at all, they must have been short-lived, and 
it is not certain that even the latest "first congregation" of 1899 
is still in existence. 

Haidly anything is known of Jews in Bolivia or Colombia, but 
it is certain that a considerable number are now to be found in 
the diminutive Republic of Panama, through which the great 
isthmian canal is now being cut by the United States. There 
were enough Jews in the city of Panama before that time to ac- 
quire a cemetery about 1905. The Alliance Israelite Universelle 
of Paris assisted a number of Moroccan Jews to settle in 
Peru, where they were reported as doing well and being better 
liked by the Indians than either Europeans or Chinese. But the 
climate does not agree with them, and many of them leave 
Peru as soon as they save a sufficient amount of money. About 
100 Jewish residents, Moroccan, French and English, who 
own the largest stores and rubber plantations, are found in 
Iquitos, Peru, which was at one time an Indian village. There 
is a small community of Russian Jews in Lima. A number of 
prosperous Jewish merchants are located in Santiago, Chile, and 
in other cities of that republic, but there is no record of religious 
organization or of communal activities. 

The number of Jews in Mexico is estimated to be not far 
from 10,000, mostly Syrians, Moroccans and French Alsatians. 
But as far as it is known, there is among them no organization 
and no religious life except an occasional "minyan" on the high 

There is also a slowly increasing number of Jews in Cuba, 
mostly at Havana, where Moroccan and Syrian or Turkish Jews 
came to trade long ago ; but since it was liberated from the Span- 
ish yoke by the United States, Jewish immigrants from Europe, 
who formerly lived in the United States, settle there and help to 
spread the American influence. 



Jews who attained eminence in the world of art and of science — Moses 
J. Ezekiel — Ephraim Keyser — Isidor Konti — Victor D. Brenner — 
Butensky and Davidson — Painters: Henry Mosler, Constant Mayer, 
H. N. Hyneman and George D. M. Peixotto — Max Rosenthal and 
his son, Albert — Max Weyl, Toby E. Rosenthal, Louis Loeb and 
Katherine M. Cohen — Some cartoonists and caricaturists — Musi- 
cians, composers and musical directors — The Damrosch family, Ga- 
brilowitsch, Hofifman and Ellman — Operatic and theatrical man- 
agers and impressarios — Playwrights and actors — Scientists: A. A. 
Michelson, Morris Bloomfield, Jacob H. Hollander, Charles Wald- 
stein and his family — Charles Gross — Edwin R. A. Seligman, Adolph 
Cohn, Jaques Loeb, Simon Flexner and Abraham Jacobi — Eabian 
Franklin — Engineers: Sutro, Gottlieb and Jacobs — Some eminent 
physicians and lawyers — Merchants and financiers. 

While the social and poHtical success of the Jews in a country 
are usually taken as an indication of its liberalism and the equal- 
ity of its citizens, regardless of their creed, the contribution of 
Jews to its intellectual and artistic achievements is the best proof 
that this ecjuality brings its own reward for the general good. 
We have seen in the preceding chapters how the Jews of the 
United States assisted in the material development of the coun- 
try, how they participated in the battles for its independence and 
for its preservation, and how they are now doing their share 
of the country's useful work as working men, as business men, 
as professional men, etc., some of them having occupied before, 
and others occupying now, prominent positions in various walks 
of life. It remains now to cite several instances of Jews who at- 


Moses Jacob Ezekiel. 395 

lained distinction in the noble callings of the artist and the sci- 
entist, reflecting glor)' on their professions, as well as on the 
country of their birth or adoption. 

Moses Jacob Ezekiel (b. in Richmond, Va., 1844), the sculp- 
tor, now residing at Rome, is probably the greatest Jewish artist 
that this country has produced. He was educated at the Vn-- 
ginia Military Institute, from which, after serving as a Con- 
federate soldier in the Civil War, he graduated in 1866. He 
then studied anatomy at the Medical College of Virginia, and in 
J 868 removed to Cincinnati, going from there a year later to 
Berlin, where he studied at the Royal Academy of Art. He was 
admitted to membership in the Berlin Society of Artists for his 
colossal bust of Washington, which is now in the Cincinnati Art 
Museum, and he was the first foreigner to win the Michael Beer 
prize. During a visit to America in 1874 he executed in marble 
the group representing "Religious Liberty" — the tribute of the 
Independent Order of B'nai B'rith to the centennial celebration 
of American independence. The statue was unveiled in 1876 in 
Fairmount Park, Philadelphia (see the frontispiece). Upon his 
return to Rome Ezekiel leased a portion of the ruins of the Baths 
of Diocletian (Emperor of Rome, 284-305) and transformed 
them into one of the most beautiful studios in Europe. He has 
been elected a member of various academies and received other 
distinctions. Among his best known productions are : busts of 
Eve, Homer, David, Judith and Liszt; the Fountain of Neptune, 
for the town of Neptune, Italy; the Jefferson Monument, for 
Louisville, Ky. ; Virginia Mourning Her Dead, at Lexington, 
Va., and a dozen heroic statues (of Phidias, Raphael, Michel- 
angelo, Titian, Rembrandt, etc.), which are placed in the niches 
of the Corcoran Art Gallery at Washington. 

Ephraim Keyser (b. in Baltimore, Md., 1850) is another 
prominent Jewish-American sculptor. He was educated at the 
public schools and the City College of Baltimore, and later 
studied at the Royal Academies of Fine Art in Munich and Ber- 
lin. He maintained a studio in Rome from 1880 to 1886, lived 

396 History of the Jews in America. 

in New York from 1887 to 1893, when he settled in his native 
city as instructor in modelHng at the Maryland Institute Art 
School, and also (since 1902) at the Rhinehart School for Sculp- 
ture. Among his best known works are the statue of Major- 
General Baron De Kalb, erected by the United States Govern- 
ment at Annapolis, Md., the tomb of President Chester A. Arthur 
at the Rural Cemetery, Albany, N. Y., and portrait busts of well 
known men. 

Isidore Konti (b. in Vienna, 1862; a. 1890) executed the 
most important of his works after he came to the United States. 
He did much decorative, monumental and ideal work for the 
Chicago Exposition in 1893, for the Dewey Arch, the Buffalo 
Exposition af 1901 and the St. Louis Exposition of 1904, having 
made for the latter more than twenty different groups. Among 
his other works are a marble fountain at Yonkers, N. Y., where 
he resides, and a group representing South America for the build- 
ing of the International Bureau of American Republics in Wash- 
ington. Konti received numerous medals for his work here and 
abroad, and is a member of various societies of artists, numismat- 
ists, etc. 

Victor David Brenner (b. in Shavly, Russia, 1871 ; a. 1890), 
the medallist and sculptor, is now best known to the general pub- 
lic as the designer of the "Lincoln penny." He received awards 
from the Exposition and the Salon in Paris, 1900; from the 
Buffalo Exposition of 1901 and the World's Fair of St. Louis 
in 1904. He has works in the Paris Mint, Munich Glyptothek, 
Vienna Numismatic Society, Metropolitan Museum of Art of 
New York and the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. 

Julius Butensky (b. in Novogrudek, Russia; a. 1905) is 
another sculptor and medallist of the younger generation who 
did his best work since he came to this country, of which the 
best known is the statue at the Metropolitan Museum of Art of 
New York representing "The Beating of Swords Into Plow- 
shares" ; and a medal presented to Henry Rice (b. in Germany, 
1835) on his retiring from the presidency of the United Hebrew 

Painters and Cartoonists. 397 

Charities of New York. Joseph Davidson, also a native of 
Russia, who came here as a child and developed his talent in 
New York, is one of the youngest sculptors whose work has 
attracted favorable attention. 

Henr)- Mosler (b. in New York, 1841), the genre painter, 
occupies a prominent position among American artists. He was 
taken to Cincinnati when a child, and began to study art there 
at the age of ten. In 1863 he went to Europe, where he con- 
tinued his study of art, first in Dueseldorf and later in Paris. 
He came back to Cincinnati in 1866, but returned to Europe in 
1874, and spent the following twenty years in Munich and Paris. 
A picture which he exhibited in the latter city in 1879 was after- 
wards purchase;l by the French government for the Luxemburg 
gallery, being the first work so purchased from an American 

Constant Alayer (b. in Besancon, France, 1832), the French 
painter, who arrived in the United States in 1857 and lived 
here more than a generation before he returned to his native 
country, was among the best known artists of his time here. Her- 
man Naphtali Hyneman (b. in Philadelphia, 1849), who studied 
for eight years in Germany and France, and George D. M. Peix- 
otto (b. in Cleveland, O., 1857), eldest son of Benjamin F. Peix- 
otto, are recognized as masters among American portrait painters, 
the latter also having done notable work as a mural decorator. 
Other well-known Jewish ,:rtists are: Max Rosenthal (b. in 
Turek, Russian-Poland, 1833; a. 1849), who was artist for the 
Government during the Civil War, making illustrations for re- 
ports of the United States Military Commission, and who after- 
wards etched many historical portraits and painted a considerable 
number of pictures; Albert Rosenthal (b. in Philadelphia, 1863), 
widely known as etcher and painter of portraits of famous Ameri- 
cans, his son and pupil; Max Weyl (b. in Germany, 1837; 
a. i8ss). best known as a landscape painter, and Toby" Edward 
Rosenthal ( b. in New Haven, Conn., 1848), who won medals 
in Europe and America, a genre and portrait painter, who re- 

398 History of the Jews in America, 

sides in Munich, Bavaria; Louis Loeb (b. in Cleveland, O., 
1866; d. in New York, 1909), a painter and illustrator; Miss 
Katherine M. Cohen (b. in Philadelphia, 1859), a well-known 
sculptor and painter. 

Among the caricaturists or cartoonists of the day deserve to 
be mentioned Frederick Burr Opper (b. in Madison, O., 1857) ; 
Henry (Hy) Mayer (b. in Worms, Germany, 1868; a. i88C,) 
and Reuben Lucius Goldberg (b. in San Francisco, 1883).. 

The number of Jews who achieved distinction as musicians, 
composers of music, musical directors, etc., is very large, and 
only a few of them can be mentioned here. Dr. Leopold Dam- 
rosch (b. in Prussia, 1832; d. in New York, 1885) came to 
New York in 1871 as conductor of the Arion Society, and soon 
became very successful, both as a violinist and as conductor of 
his own compositions. He was successively director of the Phil- 
harmonic Society, of the Symphony Society and of the Metro- 
politan Opera House of New York. His older son, Frank H. 
(b. in Breslau, Germany, 1859), who was director of music of 
the New Yark public schools for eight years, is (since 1905) at 
the head of the Institute of Musical Art in that city, which was 
founded by a becjuest made for that purpose by the late Solomon 
Loeb. A second son, Walter Johannes Damrosch (b. in Bres- 
lau), the composer and director, married Margaret J. Blaine, the 
daughter of the great American statesman, James G. Blaine, who 
was a candidate for the presidency in 1884. A daughter of Dr. 
Damrosch is married to David Mannes, the director of the New 
York Music School Settlement. 

Among the eminent Jewish musicians who frec|uently visit 
the United States are the pianist, Joseph Gabrilowitsch, a na- 
tive of Russia, who married the only surviving daughter of the 
great American humorist, Samuel L. Clemens (1835-1910, bet- 
ter known as "Mark Twain"), Joseph Hoffman, and Mischa 
Ellman, the violinist, likewise a native of Russia. 

In the operatic and theatrical world Jews are predominant 
as managers and impressarios. The best known among them 

The Drama. Science. 399 

are David Belasco (b. in San Francisco, Cal., 1859), who is also 
a dramatic author; Abraham Lincoha Erlanger (b. in Buffalo, 
N. Y., i860), whose brother, Mitchell Louis, was elected a jus- 
tice of the Supreme Court of New York County in 1906; Daniel 
Frohman (b. in Sandusky, O., 1853), and his brother, Charles 
(b. there 1860). 

Charles Klein (b. in London, Eng., 1867) is a well-known 
playwright, two of whose most successful plays, "The Auction- 
eer" and "The Music Master," were especially written for David 
Warfield (b. in San Francisco, 1866), also a Jew, who is in the 
iront rank of the theatrical profession in this country. These 
plays were produced under the management of David Belasco, 
and it presents only one of many such instances on the American 
stage in which the author, the actor or actress playing the lead- 
ing part and the manager, or impressario, are all Jews. Oscar 
Hammerstein (b. in Berlin, 1847; a. 1863) is an inventor, play- 
wright, builder and manager of theatres and opera houses, who 
has rendered valuable service in the development of operatic 
productions in the United States. Sydney Rosenfeld (b. in 
Richmond, Va., 1855) is the author of dramas, operettas and 
musical plays which have found much favor with the public. 

In the world of science many Jews have attained eminence as 
original investigators and as imiversity professors. Professor 
Albert Abraham Michelson (b. in Strelno, Germany, 1852) was 
brought as a child to San Francisco, and was from there ap- 
pointed to the U. S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, Md., grad- 
uating in 1873. He was an instructor in physics and chemistry 
at the Naval Academy in 1875-9, and was in the office of the 
Nautical Almanac in Washington until 1880, when he resigned 
from the United States Navy. After spending several years 
studying in Germany and France he became professor of physics 
at the Case School of Applied Science in Cleveland, O. (1883-9). 
For the following three years he occupied a similar position at 
Clark LTniversity, in ^^'orcester, Mass. Since 1892 he has been 
professor and head of the department of physics in the University 

400 History of the Jews in America. 

of Chicago. He is a member of various learned societies here and 
abroad, including a corresponding membership in the Academy 
des Sciences of the Institute de France. He won numerous prizes 
and medals for his great scientific achievements, some of which, 
like the Copley Medal, awarded by the Royal Society of London, 
and the Nobel Prize for physics (both in 1907), indicate that he 
is recognized as one of the greatest scientists of the age. He is 
best known as the discoverer of a new method for determining 
the velocity of light. His younger brother, Charles Michelson 
(b. in Virginia City, Nev., 1869), is editor of the "Chicago 
American," and their sister. Miss Miriam (b. in Calaveras, Cal, 
1870), is a dramatic critic and has also written numerous short 
stories and several novels. 

Maurice Bloomfield (b. in Bielitz, Austria, 1855), who was 
brought here at the age of twelve, is a prominent Sanskrit scholar 
and is recognized as the chief living authority on the Atharva 
Veda. He has written several important works on his special 
subjects, and has been professor of Sanskrit and Comparative 
philology at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Md., since 
1881, Jacob H. Hollander (b. in Baltimore, 1871), who was ap- 
pointed by President McKinley special commissioner to Porto 
R.ico and later treasurer of that island colony, is professor of polit- 
ical emonomy at the same university. Professor Hollander was 
appointed by President Roosevelt United States special agent on 
taxation in Indian Territory (1904), and was in the following 
year sent as special commissioner to the Republic of San Domingo 
to investigate its public debt, and was the confidential agent of the 
Department of State with respect to Dominican affairs. Since 
1908 he has been the financial adviser of the Dominican Republic. 
Professor Hollander takes an active interest in Jewish affairs, and 
has contributed valuable papers on Jewish history to the publica- 
tions of the American-Jewish Historical Society, of which he is 
an officer. 

Professor Charles Waldstein (b. in New York, 1856), the 

In the World of Science. 401 

great authority on Greek art and archeology of Cambridge Uni- 
versity, England, is another American-Jewish scholar of the 
highest type, who is interested in Jewish matters. Among many 
other books, he wrote The Jeivish Question and the Mission of 
the Jeivs (1899). Louis Waldstein, the pathologist and author 
(b. in New York, 1853), and Martin Waldstein (b. 1854), the 
chemist, are his older brothers. Lewis Einstein (b. in New York, 
1877), formerly secretary of the American Embassy in Constan- 
tinople, and later secretary of legation in Peking, who has re- 
cently been appointed by President Taft as United States Min- 
ister to the Republic of Costa Rico, is a brother-in-law of Pro- 
fessor Waldstein. 

Charles Gross (b. in Troy, N. Y., 1857; d. 1909), professor 
of history and political science at Harvard University, who was 
at the time of his death considered the chief authority in the 
world on English mediaeval and economic history, was one of the 
vice-presidents of the American-Jewish Historical Society, and 
contributed to our historical literature a profound study on 
The Exchequer of the Jczvs in the Mediaeval Judiciary of Eng- 
land, and an English translation of Dr. Kayserling's notable work 
on the participation of the Jews in the discovery of the New 

Professor Edwin R. A. Seligman (b. in New York, 1862), a 
member of the well known family of financiers and philanthro- 
pists, who began to lecture on economics in Columbia University, 
New York, in 1885, and has been professor of political economy 
there since 1891, is a recognized authority on the question of taxa- 
tion and the author of standard works on the subect. Adolphe 
Cohn (b. in Paris, France, 1851 ; a. 1875), a son of the French- 
Jewish philanthropist, Albert Cohn (1814-77), has been profes- 
sor of romance, languages and literatures at Columbia since 
1891. Jaques Loeb (b. in Germany, 1859), the eminent biologist, 
who taught at American universities for about twenty years, is 
now at the head of the department of experimental biology in the 
Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in New York. The 

402 History of the Jews in America. 

head of that institute is hkewise a Jew, Dr. Simon Flexner (b. in 
Louisville, Ky., 1863), formerly professor of pathology and anat- 
omy at Johns Hopkins University (1891-99) and at the Uni- 
versity of Pennsylvania (1899-1904). His serum for the cure 
of cerebro-spinal meningitis is one of the great medical achieve- 
ments of the age. 

Dr. Abraham Jacobi (b. in Westphalia, 1830; a. 1853), who 
came to New York after his participation in the revolutionary 
movement in Germany in 1848, was for more than fifty years 
professor of the diseases of children at the University of New 
York (Columbia, 1870-1902). He was highly honored on the 
occasion of the eightieth anniversary of his birth in 1910, and 
was in the following year elected president of the American 
Medical Association. 

Fabian Franklin (b. in Eger, Hungary, 1853), a nephew of 
Michael Heilprin, came here as a child and was educated in 
Washington. He was a civil engineer and surveyor from 1869 
to 1877, and a professor of mathematics at Johns Hopkins Uni- 
versity, 1879-95. For the following thirteeti years he was editor 
of the "Baltimore News," and is now (since Oct., 1909) asso- 
ciate editor of the "New York Evening Post." 

Adolph Heinrich Joseph Sutro (b. at Aix-la-Chapelle, Rhen- 
ish Prussia, 1830; a. 1850; d. in San Francisco, 1898) was 
educated at the polytechnic schools of his native country, and 
when he came to America he was soon attracted by the discov- 
ery of gold in California, and from there went to Nevada. He 
projected and later (1869-79) built the Sutro tunnel under the 
Comstock lode, and when it was finished he settled in San Fran- 
cisco, of which city he was elected Mayor in 1894. It was said 
that he owned about one-tenth of the area of San Francisco, in- 
cluding Sutro Heights, which he turned into a beautiful public 
park and which became the property of the municipality after 
his death. His library, which consisted of over 200,000 volumes, 
contained over 100 rare Hebrew manuscripts. 

In Professional Life. 403 

Abraham Gottlieb (b. in Bohemia, 1837; a. 1866; d. in Chi- 
cago, 1894) grachiated from the University of Prague, and was 
engaged as an engineer in the construction of an Austrian rail- 
road when he went to America and settled in Chicago. When 
he was elected president of the Keystone Bridge Company, he re- 
moved to Pittsburg (1877). In that capacity he constructed 
many bridges in various parts of the country, inctluding the 
Madison Avenue bridge in New York City, He returned to 
Chicago in 1884 and was for a time connected (as consulting 
engineer and as chief engineer of the construction department) 
with the World's Columbian Exposition. He also took an active 
interest in Jewish affairs, and was for a time president of the 
Rodeph Shalom congregation in Pittsburg, and later of Zion 
congregation, Chicago. 

Charles M. Jacobs (b. in Hull, England, 1850), who designed 
the tunnels which connect the Pennsylvania Railroad and the 
Long Island Railroad with the center of New York, is an Eng- 
lish Jew, who is considered to be the greatest authority on tunnel 
building, both here and abroad. 

Jews are well represented in the front ranks of the medical 
and the legal professions. Among the eminent physicians, be- 
sides those mentioned formerly, are men like Dr. Isaac Adler 
(b. in Alzey, Germany, 1849; a. 1857), Dr. Max Einhorn (b. in 
Grodno, Russia, 1862; a. 1884), both of New York; Dr. Jacob 
da Silva Solis-Cohen (b. in New York, 1838) and his brother, 
Solomon (b. in Philadelphia, 1857), who reside in Philadelphia, 
and Dr. Nathan Jacobson (b. in Syracuse, N. Y., 1857) oi the 
Syracuse University. Samuel Untermyer (b. in Lynchburg, Va., 
1858) of New York, Louis D. Brandeis (b. in Louisville, Ky., 
1856) of Boston, Levy Mayer (b. in Richmond, Va., 1858) of 
Chicago, and Judge Max C. Sloss (b. in New York, 1869, re- 
cently re-elected Justice of the Supreme Court of California) of 
San Francisco, are but a few of the Jewish lawyers who have 
attained eminence in their profession. 

404 History of the Jews in America. 

While the number of Jews who are prominent in commerce, 
finance and industry is considerable, and some families, like the 
Gug-genheims, Lewisohns, Schiffs or Strauses of New York, and 
men like Julius Rosenwald and Edward Morris (b. 1866) of 
Chicago, stand high in the world of large affairs, none of them 
is classed among the small number of immensely wealthy Ameri- 
cans. It is rather in the diffusion of wealth, in the large number 
and large proportion of well-to-do and affluent, than in the pre- 
eminence of the Jew as the greatest of capitalists, that the con- 
dition of the Jews in America is seen to the best advantage. 



Curiosities of early American Jewish literature which belong to the 
domain of bibliography — Rabbinical works: Responses, commen- 
taries and Homiletics — Hebrew works of a modern character — Ehr- 
lich's Mikra Ki-Peshuto and Eisenstein's Ozar Israel — Neo-Hebrew 
Poets and literati — Jewish writers in the vernacular — ^"Ghetto 
Stories" — Writers on non-Jewish subjects — Scientific works — 
Writers on Jewish subjects and contributors to the "Jewish En- 
cyclopedia" — A. S. Freidus — Non-Jewish writers about Jews — 
Daly — Frederic, Davitt and Hapgood — Journalists, editors and pub- 
lishers — The Ochs brothers; the Rosewaters — Pulitzer and de 
Young of Jewish descent — The Jewish denominational press in 
English — The "Sanatorium." 

Jewish literature in the New World, as in almost all countries 
of the Old World, begins with Hebrew works of a religious na- 
ture, and branches out on one side into the special dialect which is 
spoken by the Jews among themselves, and on the other — into 
the vernacular. The strictly religious work is not the only one 
written in Hebrew for any length of time, for there is always a 
movement towards secular knowledge, which usually begins with 
a tendency to study Hebrew for its scientific value rather than 
for its sacredness. In modern times this process of development 
can be traced clearly in Germany, Holland, Poland and Russia, 
as well as in America, although here we are yet at the very be- 
ginning of our literary activity, and what has been accomplished 
until the present time may in the future be of more interest to 
the bibliographer than to the historian of literature. All that 
was written here by Jews for Jews in Hebrew, Judeo-Spanish 


406 History of the Jews in America. 

and English until about the middle of the nineteenth century, 
including the works and periodicals that have been mentioned 
in the preceding chapters, while the authors or editors were under 
consideration, mostly belongs to the domain of curiosities.'^ It 
was only in the second half of the last century, when the number 
of Orthodox Jews and of those able to read modern Hebrew 
was fast increasing, that a serious attempt to write books for 
them was made in this country. 

The strictly rabbinical woi^ks, like "responses" on disputed 
points of religious law or practice, commentaries on parts of the 
Talmud, and homiletic works, represent the continuation of the 
most ancient form of Jewish literature, and deserve to be treated 
first. According to Mr. Eisenstein, the honor of being the author 
of the first book of American "responsa" belongs to Rabbi Josep 
Moses Aronson (d. in New York, 1874), author of Matai 
Moshc, a work which, like numerous others by 'orthodox rabbis 
of this country, was printed in Jerusalem. Other rabbinical 
works, of which there were written in this country a larger 
number than is generally supposed, include Heker Halakah 
(New York, 1886), by Rabbi Aaron Spivak, formerly of Omsk, 
Russia ; Sefer Har-El on tractate Bikkurim of the Jerusalem Tal- 
mud by Rabbi Abraham Eliezer Alperstein (Chicago, 1886) ; 
Shod Ke-Inyan (Jerusalem, 1895), by Rabbi Shalom Elhanan 
joffe (b. in Russia, 1845) ! ha-poteah, zve-hahotem, by Rabbi 
Benjamin Gitelson of Cleveland (New York, 1898); Torat 
Meir on Rashi's Talmudical commentary, by Meir Freiman 
(New York, 1904) ; Ycgiot Mordecai on the Talmud by Mor- 
decai Garfil (Piotrkow, 1907) ; Bet Abraham, by Rabbi Abraham 
Eber Hirshowitz (Jerusalem, 1908). The venerable Rabbi A. J- 
G. Lesser is the author of Bet ha-Midrash (Chicago, 1897), which 

' Those who want to follow up the Subject, which is by no means 
uninteresting, are referred to Early Jewish Literature in America, by 
Geo. A. Kohut, in "Publications" III, pp. 103-47, and to J. D. Eisen- 
stein's The Development of Jewish Casuistic Literature in America, 
ibid XII, pp. 139-47. 

Eabbinical and "Haskalah" Works. 407 

contains homiletics and halaka, and Rabbi Moses Simon Sivitz 
of Pittsburg (b. 1855) is the author of four books on various 
rabbinical subjects, all printed in Jerusalem. The number of. 
works on "derush" or homiletics is still larger, and includes 
ha-Emet ha-Ibriah (Chicago, 1877) and Or Hayc Lebabot 
( New York, 1885), by Jehiel Judah Levinsohn (d. in New York, 
1895); Atcret Zchi, by Rabbi Zebi Lass (New York, 1902) 
Nchmad le-Mare, by Zeeb Dob Wittenstein (Cleveland, 1903) 
Shebil ha-Zohab, by Rabbi Baruch Kohen (New York, 1903) 
Maasch Hosheb, by Rabbi H. S. Brodsky of Newark (New 
York, 1907). Teomc Zcbiah (Chicago, 1891), by Baruch Et- 
telson (1815-91), on some difficult passages in Agadah, and 
Shaare Deah (New York, 1899), by Rabbi Shabbetai Sofer, be- 
long to the same class, though of a somewhat different nature. 

The first substantial Hebrew book printed in America, Abne 
Joshua (New York, i860), by Joshua Falk ben Mordecai ha- 
Kohen, though nominally a rabbinical book, actually belongs to 
the more secular class of literature, which borders on Haskalah. 
The same can also be said of Holzman's Einck Rephaiin (New 
York, 1865), and perhaps also of Ttib Taam in defense of the 
Jewish method of slaughtering cattle for Kosher food, by Aaron 
Zebi Friedman of Stavisk ( 1822-66), which is said to have been 
translated into English, German and French.' Ha-Mahnaim 
(New York, 1888), by Mayer Rabinowitz, and Wolf Schur's 
Ncsah Israel come nearer to the spirit of modernity or "enlight- 
enment," while works like ha-Dat wc-ha-Torah (New York, 
1887) and Meziat ha-Shcm ■n'C-ha-Olam (ibid, 1893), by Shalom 
Joseph Silberstein (b. in Kovno, 1846; a. 1881), go far in the 
direction of free thinking. Valuable contributions to the Science 
of Judaism were made by Nehemiah Samuel Libowitz (b. in 
Kalna, 1862; a. 1881), author of a biography of Leon Modena 
(New York, 1901) and other works; by Benzion Eisenstadt, au- 

' See Dr. B. Drachman, Neo-Hehraic Literature in America, appended 
to the Seventh Biennial Report of the Jewisb Theological Seminary 
Ass'n (New York, 1900). 

408 History of the Jews in America. 

thor of Hakme Israel be-America (ibid, 1903); by Arnold B. 
Elirlich (b. in Wlodowka, Russia, 1848), autbor of a remarkable 
commentary on the Bible which he calls Mikra Ki-Peshuto (Ber- 
lin) ; by Abraham H. Rosenberg (b. in Pinsk, 1838; a. 1891), of 
whose Osar he-Shemot, a Cyclopedia of Biblical literature, four 
volumes were issued in New York ; and by Judah David Eisen- 
stein, a prolific writer in Hebrew and English, who is now editing 
the Osar Israel, a Hebrew Encyclopedia, of which seven volumes 
have appeared, and to which the editor is himself the principal 
contributor of articles. Rabbi Mordecai Zeeb (Max) Raisin (b. 
1879) is the author of a short "History of the Jews in America" 
in Hebrew, which appeared in Warsaw, Poland, in 1902. 

Of literature in the restricted sense, or fiction, hardly anything 
worth mentioning was written in Hebrew in America. But the 
study and writing of neo-Hebrew cannot be thought of without 
the production of poetry, and some collection of Hebrew songs 
possessing considerable merit were published in this country, 
mostly by authors who acquired their reputation abroad before 
arrix'ing in this country. The poetical works of Naphtali Hirz 
Imber, Menahem Mendel Dolitzki and Isaac Rabinowitz ("Ish 
Kovno," d. in New York, 1900, aged 54) belong to that class, and 
the same can be said of the quasi-scientific works of Joseph Loeb 
Sossnitz (1837-1910) and Ephraim Deinard (b. 1846), who has 
recently compiled a list containing about six hundred names of 
works in Hebrew and Yiddish which appeared in the United 
States. * There were also some earlier writers of Hebrew poetry 
in America, notably Moses Aaron Schreiber, who composed the 
Centennial poem Minhaf Yehudah in 1876, and the hazzan Hay- 
vim Weinshel (1834-1900), author of Nitci Naamonim (New 
York, 1891). Gerson Rosenzweig, the epigramatist and author 
of the excellent Talmudical parody, Maseket America, who has 
also translated the American national songs into Hebrew, came 
here a young man, and his talent is more distinctively American. 

The Hebrew periodical literature, which begins with Hirsch 
Bernstein's ha-Zofah be-Erez ha-Hadashah {i8yo-y6) , which was 

Neo-Hebrew Periodicals. 409 

mentioned in a former chapter, was never securely established in 
this country up to the present time. Most of the Hebrew Jour- 
nals or magazines, like Deinard's weekly ha-Lcomi and Rosenz- 
weig's monthly Kadimah, existed for less than a year. The Hekal 
ha-Ibriyah, edited by N. B. Ettelsohn and S. L. Marcus in Chi- 
cago, appeared from 1877 to 1879 as a supplement to their Judeo- 
Cierman Israclitische Presse. Michael Levi Rodkinson (Frum- 
kin, d. m New York, 1904, aged 59), who later prepared a trans- 
lation of parts of the Babylonian Talmud into English, edited his 
weekly ha-Kol in New Yorkfor about two years (1889-90). Wolf 
Schur's he-Pisgah, which was later called ha-Tehiyah, appeared 
irregularly in New York, later in Baltimore, and still later in 
Chicago, during the last decade of the nineteenth century. The 
monthly Ner ha-Maarabi, edited by Abraham H. Rosenberg and 
later by Samuel Schwarzberg, existed less than three years 
(1895-97), and another monthly, ha-Modia la-Hadashim, edited 
by Herman Rosenthal and Abraham H. Rosenberg (1900-1), had 
a still shorter life. The weekly ha-Ibri, which was founded by 
K. H. Sarasohn and edited by Gerson Rosenzweig, appeared regu- 
larly from 1892 to 1898. Moses Goldman (b. 1863; a. 1890) 
began the publication of his ha-Lcom as a monthly in 1901 ; it 
later appeared for several years as a weekly and afterwards for 
a short time as a daily. Since its suspension America had no 
other Hebrew periodical until the neo-Hebrew litterateur, Reuben 
Brainin, began to publish in New York (1911) his weekly ha- 
Deror, of which fifteen numbers appeared. Rosenzweig's monthly 
ha-Deborah and Rabbi T. Isaacson's ha-Rdbbani, also a monthly, 
are now the Hebrew periodicals appearing -in the United States. 

•J^ :^ :^ ^ :^ 

The contribution of Jews to American literature consists mostly 
of descriptions of Jewish life, and of what has lately became 
known as "ghetto stories." Emma Lazarus, whose work was de- 
scribed in a preceding chapter, did not confine herself to Jewish 
themes, and was followed in this respect by other Jewish writers 
of her sex, like Mary Moss, the critic ; Martha Morton, the play- 

410 History of the Jews in America. 

Wright, and Emily Gerson Goldsmith, the author of Juvenile 
stories. Annie Nathan Meyer, the founder of Barnard College 
(Columbia University, New York), also belongs to this class of 
writers,- while Martha Wolfenstein (1869-1906) of Cleveland, 
O., belongs to the front rank of the other class of writers who 
attempted to depict Jewish life in this country or abroad. To 
the latter class belong Herman Bernstein (b. 1876; a. 1893), who 
writes on Russian as well as on Jewish subjects; Rudolph Block 
(b. in New York, 1870), the journalist, who writes of Jewish 
life under the pen-name "Bruno Lessing" ; Ezra S. Brudno (b. 
1877) ; Abraham Cahan, the labor leader and Yiddish journalist; 
Isaac K. Eriedman (b. in Chicago, 1870), and James Oppenheim 
(b. in St. Paul, Minn., 1882), who has also written on other 
than Jewish subjects. To the same class may be added Rabbi 
Henry Iliowizi (b. in Russia, 1850; d. in London, Eng., 1911), 
who has lived in the United States more than twenty years and 
has written poetical and prose works, mostly on Jewish and 
Oriental subjects. Bret Harte, the poet and novelist, was of Jew- 
ish descent, but he cannot be considered a Jewish author. 

The works written on scientific subjects by Jews who have 
attained eminence in various branches of knowledge, some of 
whom were mentioned in the preceding chapter, are of a com- 
paratively high standard of value. To these may be added the 
works of the art critic, Bernhard Berenson (b. in Wilna, Rus- 
sia, 1865), who now resides in Italy; of the anthropologist, Eranz 
Boas (b. in Germany, 1858), of Columbia University, and of 
the statistician, Isaac A. Hourwich (b. in Wilna, i860; a. 1891), 
who is also an occasional contributor to the Jewish press. Morris 
Hihquit (b. in Riga, Russia, 1869; s. 1886), the Socialist leader 
and historian of Socialism in the United States, has likewise 
often written for various radical periodicals. Arnold W. Brun- 
ner (b. in New York, 1857), the architect, has written works on 
"Cottages" and on "Interior Decorations." 

A considerable number of works on a variety of Jewish sub- 
jects were written by American-Jewish scholars. David Werner 

Martha WoHenstein. 


Works about Jews in English. 413 

Amram (b. in Philadelphia, 1866) wrote The lavish Law of 
Divorce (1896) ; Maurice Fishberg (b. in Russia, 1872; a. 1890) 
is the author of The Jews: a study of Race and Environment 
(191 1) ; Julius H. Greenstone (b. in Russia, 1873) wrote on The 
Messiah Idea in Je-wish History (1906) ; while'lVIax J. Kohler, 
Geo. A. Kohut, Henry S. Morals and numerous others wrote on 
American- Jewish history in separate works, in the "Publications" 
and in the Jewish Encyclopedia. Isaac Markens (b. in New 
York, 1846) is the author of The Hebre-a's in America (1888), 
whose valuable material, like that contained in the works of the 
others mentioned here and in the notes, was utilized in the prep- 
aration of the present work. Abraham Solomon Freidus (b. in 
Riga, Russia, 1867; a. 1889), the eminent Jewish bibliographer 
at the head of the Jewish department in the New York Public 
Library, which contains one of the most valuable collections of 
Hebraica and Judaica in the world (donated by Mr. Jacob H. 
Schiff), is the author of bibliographical lists of Jewish subjects 
and of "A Scheme of Classification for Jewish Literature," which 
is of great value to Jewish bibliophiles and librarians. Alois 
Kaiser (1840-1908) and William Sparger are authors of A Col- 
lection of the Principal Melodies of the Synagogue (Chicago, 
1893), and Platon G. Brounoff (b. in Russia, 1863), the com- 
poser, has published, among other works, a volume of Jewish 

The most notable of the books on Jewish subjects written by 
Gentiles in the United States is The Settlement of the Jews in 
North America, by Charles P. Daly (1816-99), which was one of 
the sources of the present work. Dr. Madison C. Peters has writ- 
ten several popular and sympathetic works about the Jews ; while 
Harold Frederic's The Ne-w Exodus (New York, 1892) gives a 
vivid description of the conditions in Russia at the time of the 
renewed expulsions from Moscow and other places in 1891. 
Hutchins Hapgood, author of The Spirit of the Ghetto, and Myra 
Kelly (Mrs. Allan INIacnaughton ; d. 1910) are among those who' 
attempted to describe the Jewish immigrant in his new surround- 

414 History of the Jews in America. 

ings in the thickly settled quarters in the first period after his 
arrival, when he was in many respects unintelligible to himself, as 
well as to others. 

As journalists, editors and publishers of newspapers, a number 
of Jews have occupied, and still occupy, prominent positions. Mor- 
decai Manuel Noah was one of the influential newspaper men of 
New York in his time (see above p. 162). Edwin de Leon, 
who has also been mentioned in a former chapter, was the editor 
of the Southern Press of Washington, which was at that time 
considered the representative organ of the southern people at 
the national capital. Barnet Phillips (b. in Philadelphia, 1828; 
d. 1905) was for more than thirty years connected with the New 
York Times, which is now published by Adolph S. Ochs (b. in 
Cincinnati, 1858), who married a daughter of Rabbi Isaac M. 
Wise. A younger brother, George Washington Ochs (b. in Cin- 
cinnati, 1861), is now at the head of the Public Ledger, oi Phila- 
delphia, and still another brother, Milton Barlow Ochs (b. in 
Cincinnati, 1864) was managing editor of the Chattanooga 
Times and is now the publisher of the Nashville American. Mor- 
ris Phillips (1834-1904) was the chief editor and proprietor of 
The New York Plome Journal for a generation. Edward Rose- 
water (b. in Bohemia, 1841 ; a. 1854; died in Omoha, Neb., 
1906) was for many years the editor of the Omaha Bee, which 
became under him one of the great newspapers of the Middle 
West, and is now edited by his son, Victor Rosewater (b. in^ 
Omaha, 1871), who was a member of the Republican National 
Committee for the State of Nebraska. Philip Rapoport (b. in 
Germany, 1845) was for nearly twenty years editor of the In- 
dianapolis Tribune. Samuel Strauss, of Des Moines, la., owned 
the Register and Leader there, and w^as later publisher of the 
Nezv York Globe. Joseph Pulitzer (b. in Hungary, 1847; a. 
1864; d. 191 1 ) of the Ne7v York World was of Jewish descent, 
and so is Michael Harry de Young (b. in St. Louis, 1848), who 
owns and edits the San Francisco Chronicle. Solomon Solis 
Carvalho (b. in Baltimore, 1856), the son of the artist, Solomon 

tiiordecai Manuel Noah. 


Periodicals in the Vernacular. 417 

N. Carvalho, is the general manager of W. R. Hearst's news- 
papers. A large number of Jews hold various positions on the 
staffs of newspapers and magazines all over the country, from 
editors, literary, dramatic and musical critics down to reporters. 
Many are also engaged in the business parts of the work, as 
publishers, advertising managers, etc. 

The most important of the older Jewish periodicals in the 
vernacular were mentioned in former chapters. The Menorah 
Monthly, which was for many years edited by Moritz EUinger 
(b. in Bavaria, 1830; d. in New York, 1907), was the best Jewish 
magazine in America, as well as the one which existed for the 
longest tiine. The New Era Illustrated Mabazine, which was 
published for several years by Isidor Lewi (b. in Albany, N. Y., 
1850), of the editorial staff of the Nezv York Tribune, was an 
other valuable periodical. The Zionist Maccabean is now the 
only Jewish monthly magazine published in America. There is 
one semi-monthly, the B'nai B'rith Messenger, of Los Angeles, 
Cal. (established 1897), and over twenty weeklies, most of which 
are of only local interest. The more important are : The Ameri- 
can Hebrezv of New York, established 1879, by Philip Cowen 
(b. in New York, 1853) ; the American Israelite and its Chicago' 
edition, founded by Isaac M. Wise in 1854; The Emanuel of San 
Francisco, Cal., which was founded in 1895 by Rabbi Jacob 
Voorsanger (b. in Amsterdam Holland, 1852; d. 1908); The 
Hebrezv Standard of New York, established 1883 by Jacob P. 
Solomon (b. in Manchester, Eng., 1838; d. in New York, 1909) ; 
The Jewish Comment of Baltimore, established 1895, of which 
Louis H. Levin (b. in Baltimore, 1866) is the editor; The Jewish 
Exponent of Philadelphia, established 1886; The Jewish J^oicc 
of St. Louis, established, in 1884, and still edited by Rabbi Moritz 
Spitz (b. in Hungary, 1848) ; the Reform Advocate of Chicago, 
established, in 1891, and still edited by Dr. Emil G. Hirsch. One 
bi-monthly which deserves to be mentioned is the Sanatorium, 
edited since 1907 by Dr. C. D. Spivak (b. in Kremenchug, Rus- 
sia, 1861) and published as the organ of the Jewish Consump- 
tives' Relief Society of Denver, Colorado. 



Viddish poets of the United States equal, if they do not excell, the poets 
of the same tongue in other countries — Morris Rosenfeld — -"Ye- 
hoash" and Sharkansky — Bovshoer and other radicals — Zunser — Old 
fashioned novelists — The sketch writers who are under the influence 
of the Russian realistic writers — Abner Tannenbaum — Alexander 
Harkavy — "Krantz," Hermalin, Zevin and others — Abraham Gold- 
faden and the playwrights who followed him — -Jacob Gordin and 
the realists — Yiddish actors and actresses — The Yiddish Press — The 
high position attained by the dailies — Weekly and monthly pub- 

Judeo-German or Yiddish literature has attained in this coun- 
try a respectable state of development, and some of the better 
work done here compares favorably with the same kind of work 
in Russia. This is especially true of poetry and of the drama, 
though the first consists mostly of ballads or short lyrical songs, 
and the last rarely goes beyond adaptation. Morris Rosenfeld 
(b. in Russian-Poland, 1862; a. 1886) is considered the best 
Yiddish poet in the New \A'orld, and some of his works have been 
translated into English and several other European languages. 
Solomon Bloorngarden ("Yehoash," b. in Wirballen, Russia, 
1870; a. 1892) is hardly less gifted, and the songs of Abraham 
M. Sharkansky (1867-1907) rank with the best in the language. 
The late David Edelstadt, Morris Winchevsky (b. in Russia, 
1856; a. 1893) and I. Bovshoer (b. in Russia, 1874; incapaci- 
tated by sickness 1899) are the radical poets, in whose songs 
the tendency often overshadows the art. The old, popular bard, 
Eliakim Zunser (b. in Wilna, Russia, about 1840; a. 1889), has 


Yiddish Writers ; Tannenbaum, Harkavy. 419 

written some excellent songs since he came to this country. The 
most Jewish, and in some respect the greatest, of all Yiddish 
song writers, Abraham Goldfaden (b. in Russia, 1840; d. in New 
York, 1908), belongs as a poet, even more than as a playwright, 
to the Old World. 

Of the old-fashioned novelists Nahum Meyer Schaikewitz 
("Shomer," b. in Russia, 1849; d. in New York, 1905); Moses 
Seifert (b. in Wilkomir, Russia, about 1850; a. 1887) and the 
Hebrew poet, Dolitzki, are the best known representatives. Those 
who follow new methods are mostly sketch writers under the 
influence of the Russian realists, and they include, among others: 
Jacob Gordin (b. in Russia, 1853; a. 1890; d. in New York, 
1909), Bernhard Gorin ("Goido," b. in Lida, Russia, 1868; a. 
1893), Leon Kobrin (b. in Russia, 1872; a. 1892), Z. Libin (b. 
in Russia, 1872; a. 1893), and David Pinski, all of whom have 
also written for the stage and for various periodicals. Of the 
numerous writers, or rather translators and adapters, of long 
sensational stories which appeared serially in Heften or in news- 
papers, and later in bulky volumes, only one, the originator, de- 
serves to be mentioned. 

This one is Abner Tannenbaum (b. in Shirwint, Russia, 1848; 
a. 1887), the most useful Yiddish writer in America. His easy 
style made his writings intelligible to people who were not used 
to read at all, and he has thus helped to create the large audience 
whom he has been instructing for more than twenty years by his 
translations of stories containing much information about the 
physical and technical world, like those of Jules Verne, and by 
his innumerable articles on popular scientific and historical 

Alexander Harkavy (b. in Novogrudek, Russia, 1863; a. 
1882) has done much useful work for the Jewish immigrant from 
the Slavic countries in another direction, by writing a number 
of manuals of the English language, Yiddish-English, Russian- 
English, Hebrew-English, dictionaries, vocabularies, phrase- 
books, conversation books, letter writers, etc. He has also con- 

420 History of the Jews in America. 

Iribiited much to Yiddish periodicals and edited several oi them, 
including- The H cbrcK'- American JVcekly (New Yoi"k, 1894), in 
which the Yiddish text was translated into English line by line. 

"Philip Krantz" (pen-name for Jacob Rombro, b. in Podolia, 
1858; a. 1890) is the author of several instructive works, in- 
cluding a History of Culture and an English Teacher for Jezvs. 
David M. Hermalin (b. in Vaslin, Roumania, 1865; a. 1886) has 
written and translated a number of works of a variegated char- 
acter, from treatises on methaphysical subjects to extremely 
realistic stories. Israel J. Zevin ("Tashrak," b. in Russia, 1872; 
a. 1889), who has developed a typically American-Jewish humor, 
has published a collection of his humorous stories and descrip- 
tions of life among the semi-Americanized Jewish immigrants. 
Similar collections by other humorists, like A. D. Ogus and D. 
Apotheker (d. 1911), have also appeared in the last few years. 
Benjamin Feigenbaum, Dr. Abraham Kaspe and other radical 
propagandists have written many books and pamphlets of a quasi- 
scientific nature, mostly with the object of expounding their the- 
ories to the masses. B. R. Robbins was the publisher of a "His- 
tory of the Jews'" in Yiddish, the only work of that nature com- 
piled in America. 

The popular orator, Hirsch Masliansky (b. in Sluzk, Russia, 
1856; a. 1895), is in a class by himself as the author of a book 
of Yiddish Sermons (1908). 

The Yiddish drama, which grew less independently than any 
other part of its literature, attained its freest and highest devel- 
opment here. The melodramas and operettas of Abraham Gold- 
faden, several of which were written in this country, still remain 
the best pieces in the entire Yiddish repertoire, and bid fair to 
survive the more serious works of the later period. A large ma- 
jority of the plays written or translated or adapted for the Yid- 
dish stage in the United States belong to the same class as the 
Goldfaden plays, and in many of them his influence is clearly dis- 
cernible. The most productive and successful playwrights of this 
class are, in order of their priority in this country : Joseph La- 

Playwrights and Actors. 421 

temer (b. in Roumania about 1855; a. 1883), Moses Horwitz 
(b. in Stanislan, Galicia, 1844; a. 1884; d. in New York, 1910), 
and N. M. Schaikewitch and recently his son, Abraham S. 
Schemer. Rudolph. Marks (Rodkinson), Feinman and Thoma- 
shefsky, the actors ; Seifert, Sharkansky, Hermalin, Solaterevsky, 
Anshel Shor and others have written occasionally, with more or 
less success. ■ 

Jacob Gordin was at the head of a more serious school of Jew- 
ish dramatists in America, whose effort to introduce — also by 
translations and adaptations — the problem-play, the psychological 
play and the realistic play, on the Yiddish stage, began a new 
epoch, which is now practically ended. His good style and 
technique insured for some of his pieces a considerable popular- 
ity for a time, and they are now much played in the revived Yid- 
dish theater of Russia. Z. Libin and L. Kobrin were for a time 
his most consistent followers, and several other literary men have 
attempted to follow in his footsteps. But aside from the tem- 
porary popularity of some plays, the school itself, which was 
founded on Russian ideals and conceptions, could not take root 
here. Bernhard Gorin and David Pinski have also written plays 
that possess literary merit, and so have several others who can- 
not be classed as followers of the new school. 

The most talented actors and actresses of the original troupes 
which the founder of the Yiddish theater, Goldfaden, organized 
in Roumania, Russia and later in Austria, came to this countrj' 
at various periods during the last three decades. They, together 
with other able players and managers who learned much from 
their American colleagues, have brought the Yiddish stage here 
to a higher state of development than it has reached in other coun- 
tries. The most prominent among them are Jacob P. Adler (b. 
in Odessa, 1855; a. 1886) and his wife, Sarah; Sigmund Mogu- 
lesco (b. in Bessarabia, 1858), who arrived about the same time; 
Mrs. K. Lipzin; Mrs. Bertha Kalich, who has left the Yiddish 
lor the American stage: Boris Thomashefsky (b. in ICiev, 1866; 
a. 1881) and his wife, Bessie; David Kessler, Regina Prager 

422 History of the Jews in America. 

Mme. Lobel, Bernhard Bernstein, Moskovich, Thornberg (d. 
191 1 ), Mrs. Epstein, Mrs. Abramowich, Blank, Glickman, Fish- 
kincl, Graf, Gokl, Mr. and Mrs. Tobias, Mr. and Mrs. Tanzman, 
and others. Moritz Morrison, the German actor, occasionally 
appears on the Yiddish stage, and lately Rudolph Schildkraut, a 
native of Roumania, who was for some years prominent on the 
German stage in Europe, has settled as a Yiddish actor in New 

Almost all the authors of Yiddish works mentioned above, and 
many of the playwrights, have written, or are still writing, for the 
Yiddish press, which has attained here its highest development, 
influenced by the example of the American newspapers, the Yid- 
dish press has in the last two decades, by the directness of its 
appeal, by the attention it pays to news and questions in which its 
readers may be interested, and by keeping" in touch with the cur- 
rent of life, reached a height far above the level of Yiddish news- 
papers in countries where their potential audience is much larger. 
The Jewish Gazette of New York \z now the oldest periodical in 
the world which is printed in Hebrew characters, and the younger 
popular weekly, Dcr Aincrikaiicr (established 1904), has probably 
outdistanced all Jewish magazines of the past and the present. 
The Yiddish daily papers occupy the front rank among the for- 
eign language newspapers in the United States in regard to cir- 
culation, probably because the sufferings of the Jews in the Slavic 
countries causes the immigrant Jew to remain interested in peri- 
odicals which bring the news and discuss the ciuestions of his old 
home country, longer than is the case with non-Jewish immi- 
grants. The oldest of the Yiddish dailies is the Jezvish Daily 
News, now edited by Leon Zolotkoff, founder and for many years 
editor of the Jez^'ish Courier of Chicago (established as a weekly 
1887; daily since 1891), The next in age is the J'olksadvokat, 
which was established as a weekly in 1887, from which grew 
the Daily Jczii'ish Herald (1894), which in 1905 became the 
IVarheit, edited by Louis Miller. The socialistic Forward, of 
which Abraham Cahan is the editor, was established in 1897, and, 

Yiddish Journals and Journalists. 423 

like the other two, appears in the afternoon. The Jezvish Morn- 
ing Journal, the fourth New York Yiddish daily, was founded in 
1901 by Jacob Saphirstein (b. in Byelostok, Russia, 1853; a. 
1887), its present managing editor; and it has also a Philadelphia 
namesake, under the direction of Jacob Ginsburg. 

The Jewish Press of Chicago, the Jewish Daily Press of Cleve- 
land, O., and the Jezmsh Daily Eagle of Montreal, Canada, of 
which Reuben Brainin is the editor, complete the list of Yiddish 
daily papers in America. Of the weeklies, the Freic Arbcitcr (est. 1899) is mildly anarchistic; the Jewish Labor 
World (est. 1909) is the organ of the Chicago radicals; Dcr 
I\ibetzer is the oldest of the humorous illustrated periodicals ap- 
pearing in New York. There are also several trade papers, like 
the Neue Post of the garment workers and Der Yiddishe Backer 
of the bakers' union, etc. 

The conservative Volksfremid, edited by Josephr Selig Click, 
has appeared in Pittsburgh since 1889; Das Yiddishe Folk is the 
Zionist organ, established in New York 1909 and now edited by 
Ab. Goldberg; and Dcr Yiddishcr Record of Chicago began to 
appear in 1910. The monthly Ziikunft has had a checkered 
career since 1892, while Ch. J. Minikes' Yom Tob Blatter has 
appeared several times each year since 1897. 

A class of professional writers and editors, some of them spe- 
cialists of marked ability, grew up to supply the needs of the 
Yiddish publications, especially of the daily newspapers. Besides 
those mentioned above it includes among others : Gedaliah Bublik, 
J. L. Dalidansky, William Ecllin, L. Elbe, J. Entin, Jacob Fish- 
man, Dr. Eornberg, Jos. Friedkin, Israel Friedman, J. Gonikman, 
Dr. B. Hoffman, S. Janowski, E. and N. ICaplan, Z. Kornblith, 
A. Liesin (Wald), Jacob Magidoff, Ch. Malitz, Abraham Reisen, 
Bernhard Shelvin, Joel Slonim, Nathan Sovrin, J. M. Wolfson, 
Dr. Ch. Zhitlovsky and Israel Ziony. Of those A^ho departed this 
life, M. Bukansky (1841-1904) and John Paley (1871-1907) 
deserve to be mentioned among those who contributed to the ad- 
vancement of Yiddish newspaperdom in America. 



Dispersion of the Jews over the country and its colonial posses- 
sions — The number of Jews in the United States about 
three millions — The number of communities in various States — 
The number of Jews in the large cities — The number of the 
congregations is far in excess of the recorded figures — The process 
of disintegration and the counteracting forces — The building of syn- 
agogues — Charity work is not overshadowing other communal activi- 
ties as in the former period, and more attention is paid to afiairs of 
Judaism — The conciliatory spirit and the tendency to federate — Self- 
criticism and dissatisfaction which are an incentive to improvement 
— Our great opportunity here — Our hope in the higher civilization 
in which the injustices of the older order of things may • never 

Jews are living at present ( 191 1 ) in every State and Territory 
of the United States, and there are small communities in Hawaii, 
Porto Rico and the Philippine Islands. There are some forms of 
lewish organizations, synagogues, lodges or cemetery associa- 
tions in more than 750 separate localities, from places where there 
is only a "minyan" on the High Holidays at the beginning of 
the Jewish year, to the immense Jewish community of New York 
City, which is estimated to consist of nearly 1,000,000 souls. 
Wherever actual figures as to the number of Jewish inhabitants 
in smaller places and the number of synagogues in larger cities 
are obtained, they are usually far in excess of the published 
figures and estimates, and there seems to be justification for 
placing the number of Jews in the country at not far below 


The Scattered Communities. 425 

3,000,000, if not actually at that number. While the largest coni- 
munities,, as well as the largest number of communities, remain 
in .the East and the Middle West, the dispersion is much more 
extensive than is generally supposed. 

There are, for instance, nearly forty cities and towns, in Texas, 
which have Jewish communities ; other Southern States, like 
Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi and Virginia, have each about, or 
nearly, half that number, and Arkansas, Georgia, North Carolina, 
South Carolina and Tennessee about ten each. Each of the new 
States of Arizona and New Mexico^ have three or four Jewish 
communities, Oklahoma has five ; Florida, in the extreme South, 
and -Maine, the furthest North, each have about a half dozen; 
California has more than both of them together ; Washington has 
three, and Oregon one. Of the other far Western States Utah 
has two communities, Montana two, Nevada one, Idaho one, 
Wyoming one and Colorado nine. 

-Coming to the nearer Western States and toward the border 
States, we find four communities in Nebraska, eight in Kansas, 
twelve in Missouri, thirteen in Iowa, eight in Kentucky and five, 
in West Virginia. North Dakota has five, Minnesota eight, while 
Wisconsin, with nineteen, and Michigan, with twenty-four, show 
the result of proximity to the great Central States where Jews 
have been settled in considerable numbers for the last two gen- 
erations. Among those States Illinois has the largest number 
cf Jews,- owing to the great community of Chicago, while the 
number of cities containing Jewish communities — twenty-three — 
is somewhat smaller than that of Indiana, which has twenty-six, 
and of Ohio, with its twenty-seven. We notice the same in the 
two greatest States in the East, where, if we consider Greater 
New York City as one community, the number of places contain- 
ing Jewish organizations is slightly less than in Pennsylvania, 
which has sixty-two such places. New Jersey has more than 
forty, and of the New England States Massachusetts leads with 
thirty-five, and Connecticut is second, having twenty. Rhode 
Island has seven ; Vermont and New Hampshire four each. The 

426 History of the Jews in America. 

list is completed with one community in the District of Colum- 
bia, five in Maryland and one in Delaware.^ 

Philadelphia and Chicago are, besides New York, the only two 
cities which contain about 100,000 or more Jews each. Boston 
has about three-fourths of that number, Baltimore, Cleveland 
and St. Louis about 50,000 each, and after them come in the 
order named : Newark, San Francisco, Pittsburg and Cincinnati 
(with about 30,000' each) ; Detroit, Buffalo, Providence and 
Jersey City, each having about half of that number, while 
Rochester, Syracuse, New Haven, Milwaukee, Louisville, New 
Orleans and Kansas City belong to the class which have 10,000 
or more. The twin cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul would 
belong to that class if they were considered as one, which they 
really are. Washington, the national capital, belong to the class 
of cities having between 5 and 10,000 Jews, which includes 
Albany, N. Y. ; Columbus, Ohio; Dallas, Tex.; Denver, Colo.; 
Fall River, Mass. ; Hartford, Conn. ; Lidianapolis, Ind. ; Los 
Angeles, Cal. ; Memphis, Tenn. ; Omaha, Neb.; Paterson, N. J.; 
Portland, Ore. ; Scranton, Pa. ; Seattle, Wash., and Trenton, N. J. 
There are some old and important settlements containing less than 
5,000, but the number which would have to be included in a class 
of communities of that size is too large to be mentioned. 

Congregations are continually being organized and synagogues 
built in localities where none existed before, thus showing a 
gradual dispersion of Jews to all parts of the country, while new 
houses of worship in the large cities usually owe their erection to 
consolidation or to the settlement in new neighborhoods. But 
onl}' the buildings which are entirely devoted to religious services 
are apt to be noticed by those making records or gathering statis- 
tical material, while the small congregation which worships in a 

' The figures are based on the exhaustive though necessarily incom- 
plete Directory of Jewish Local Organizations in the United States, which 
appeared in the "American-Jewish Year Book" for 5668 (published in 
1907), and allowance must be made for some omissions, as well as for in- 
creases in the last five years. 

Widespread Communal Activities. 427 

private dwelling is usually overlooked. The statistics about 
Jewish congregations in the United States are for this reason 
n7ore defective than the figures about any other phase of Jewish 
activity, and the total given by the above mentioned Year Book 
(for 5669, p. 65), /'. c, 1745, for the entire country, should be 
doubled to be nearer the truth, even if the lowest estimate of the 
number of Jews in the country is accepted as the most probable 

If it must be admitted that a process of disintegration is going 
en, in which the pessimist sees something worse than a trans- 
formation or re-adjustment to new conditions in a new world, it 
is, on the other hand, obvious that a strong effort is made to 
counteract the forces of dissolution. The various elements of the 
community, representing many countries and different strata of 
immigration, are coming together in a conciliatory spu'it, as if 
instinctively impelled to co-operate. The widespread activity in 
the building of synagogues, in which many whose attitude was 
formerly indifferent, and e\'en hostile, now participate, is only one 
phase of the attempt to preserve Judaism in this country. Much 
is done for charity and for Jewish education, the latter receiving 
more attention than ever before. The public school systems of 
most of the larger cities, following New York's example, have 
taken over the largest part of the work which was done before 
in Jewish institutions to Americanize the immigrant. Not only 
the proporton, but the actual number, of the dependents on charity 
is decreasing, and while the needs of Jewish charitable institutions 
are still great, more attention can now be paid to specifically Jew- 
ish matters than at the time when the problem of the material 
wants of the immigrants was overshadowing every other com- 
munal activity. 

The attempts to organize on a more general scale, and to con- 
solidate or federate existing organizations, which are frequently 
made and are more often successful than in the preceding periods, 
are the clearest manifestation of the spirit of the times in Ameri- 
can Jewry. In most of the large cities outside of New York the 

428 History of the Jews in America. 

in:portant local Jewish charities are now federated, and the plan 
of federation is continually gaining in favor. The federations, of 
which there are now more than a dozen, and many other benev- 
olent institutions of large and of smaller communities, are rep- 
resented in the National Conference of Jewish Charities of the 
United States (organized 1899). _ ■ 

There is also noticeable in our communal life, as in Am'erican 
public life in general, that tendency to self-criticism which often 
degenerates into slander — that eternal dissatisfaction with thiiigs 
accomplished and with present conditions, which implies a sincere 
desire to achieve still better results. While this discontent and 
the poor opinion which many of us have of the spiritual condi- 
tion of the Jews in America are of immense value as incentives 
to improvement, it dims the eye of the foreign observer, especially 
if he comes from ^. country where complacency and self-praise are 
the rule. It may still be too early to summarize the communal 
activities of the Jews in America, or to attempt to indicate how 
-far we have approached the solution of the most pressing problems. 
But signs of throbbing life are visible everywhere, and the interest 
of the individual Jew in Jewish affairs is increasing. There is, 
therefore, every reason to believe and to hope that the opportunity 
which is afforded here to set the Jewisht house in order — the best, 
and perhaps the first, in the diaspora — will be utilized to its full 
extent by the future generations of native American Jews. 

We are happy to have no Jewish problem here, in the sense in 
which the term is understood in the backward countries of the 
Old World. We need not waste a part of our best energies in 
repelling attacks from an anti-Semitic press or a Judophobe 
party, and our usefulness to ourselves as well as to our neighbors 
is thereby enhanced. Members of strange and hostile races and 
nationalities get along together in this country much better than 
anywhere else in the past or the present time, and their native 
children emerge from the "melting pot" united by a patriotism 
and a desire for improved conditions and improved relations 
v.'hich characterizes the American. The secularity of the Gov- 

Conclusion. 429 

trnment and the diversity of religious beliefs preclude the spread 
of the denominational bigotry which is the real cause of the per- 
secution of the Jews in other countries; while the liberty and 
equality which are vouchsafed to every citizen must themselves 
he lost before the unfavorable conditions which prevail elsewhere 
can confront us here. The Jew can become an American and 
at the same time preserve his religious distinctiveness, which he 
can lose only by his own negligence or disloyalty. Let us hope 
that those who now earnestly work to strengthen and build up 
Judaism in America will be successful, and that the fate or Divine 
Providence which has preserved us for thousands of years 
brought us here to participate under new circumstances in the ad- 
vancement to a higher civilization in which the injustices of the 
older one may never reappear. 


Aaron, Jonas. 76 

Abonb. 51 

Aboab da Fonseca, Isaac. 38. 39, 40 

Aboab. Raphael, 4,3 

Abraham, Xoah, 93 

Abraham, rinhas, 61 

.\bramovitz. Rev. Herman, 384 

Abrams family ot New Hampshire, 109 

Abrams, John. 110 

Abrams, William, 110 

Abravanol, Don Isaac. 12. 17 

Adams, Charles Francis, 225 

Adams, Dr., 117 

.Wee, A. A., 313, 314 

Adler, Sergt. Abraham, 163 

Adler, Cyrus, 200 (Xote), 292, 340, 344, 
356, 369, 370, 371, 375 

Adler, Danljmar, 151 

Adler, Elkan X., 22, 24 

Adler. Dr. Felix, 177 

Adler, Jacob r., 421 

Adler, Rev. Liebman, 151, 155, 208 

Adler, Dr. Samuel, 176-77 

Adler, Sarah. 421 

Adrian. ,See Hadrian 

Agricultural Colonies, 266 ff. (in Can- 
ada). 386 (in Argentine), 390 

Aguilar, Rabbi Jacob d', 38, 40 

Aguilar, Raphael d', 38 

Alabama, 370. 425 

Alamo ^lonument, 160 

Alaska Commercial Co., 157 

Albany, X. Y., 175, 253, 426 

Album, Rabbi Zebi Simon, 281 

.Vlbuquevque. Alphonso d', 18 

Albuquerque, Francisco d", 18 

Alcoran, 23 

Aleinikoff, Xicholas, 287 

Aleppo, 30 

Alexander II., Emperor of Russia, 254 
Algociras, Spain. Conference of, 362 
Algiers, Xoali as American Consul 

There, 129 
Alliance, N. J., 209 

Alperstein, Rabbi Abr. Eliezer, 282, 406 
Ambrosius. Moses, 63 
American Jewish Committee, 288, 306- 

American .Jewish Historical Society, 291 
American. Sadie, 296 
Amerigo, see Vespucci 
Amesbury, Mass., 110 
"Am 01am." 202 
Amram, David Werner, 413 
Andrade, Salvator d', (Note), 65, 67 
Andron, S.. 376 
Anixter, Rabbi Elizer, 282 
AnnaiTOlis, Md.. .Naval Academy of. 333 
Anti-Jewish Riots, see "I'ogroms" 
Apotheker. David, 420 
Appel, Major .iaron, 332 
Appel, Major Daniel M., 332 
"Ararat," City of Refuge for the Jews 

on Grand Island, 132 
Argentine, 27 
Argentine, 387 ff. 
Aries. Isaac. 45 
Arizona, 370. 425 
-Vrkansas. 328, 370, 425 
Atonson, Rabbi Joseph Moses, 406 
Arthur, Tresident Chester A., 323, 396 
Aryans, 3 
Ash, Rabbi Abraham Joseph 189 190, 

Ashinsky, Rabbi Aaron Mordecai, 282 
Ashkenazy. Dr. Herbert, 389 
Astor, .John Jacob; 70 
Augusta, Ga., 144 
Austria, 331 
Autos da fe, 26, 27, 42 
Avila. Bishop of, 13 
Avilar, Capitein Jacob, 46 





Bachcr, Prof. Wilhelm, 340 

Bahia, 34, 33 

Baker, E. M., 370 

Balatshano, Roumanian Minister, oATt 

Baltimore, Md., 125 £E„ 176, 184, '-.'A, 
2.52, 282, 287,. 354, 372, 378, 4U« 

Bamberger, Herman, 152 

Bamberger, Leopold, 295 

Bamberger, Simon, 140 

Bai'badoes, 53-57 

Baron de Hirsoli Fund, 269, 289 

Baron de Hirsch Institute, 383 

Barondess, .Toseph, 299, 371 

Barsimon. Jacob, 63 (Xote), 6G 

Basle, Switzerland. 201 

Baum, Abba, 190 

Bavaria, 243 

Bayard, M. L., 269 

Bayard, Tlioma.s F., 312 

Beaconsfield, Earl of, 227 

Beeston, Sir William, Governor of Ja- 
maica, 38 

Belasco, David, 399 

Beiinfante, 60 

Belisario, Family, 60 

Belleville, Ont., 386 

Belmonle, Benvenide, Poetess, 46 

Bender, 357 

Benderly, Dr. S., 372 

Bendit, Solomon, 154 

Bendor, Canada, 386 

Benedict Brothers, 150 

Ben,iam>n, Aaron, 93 

Benjamin, Abraham, 189 

Benjamin, Alfred D., 385 

Benjamin, Eugene S., 289 

Benjamin, Judah P., i48, 221-28 

Benjamin, M. of Svirlnam, r,i> 

Benjamin, Natalie St. Martin, 222 

Benjamin, Philip and Rebeccah de llen- 
dez, 221 

Benjamin, Samuel, 383 

Benjamin, Rev. Wolf, 107 

Bennet, James Gordon, 133 

Beral, physician, 14 

Berenson, Bernhard, 410 

Berg, Emanuel M., 155 

Berkowitz, Dr. Henry, 295 

Berlin, Ont., 386 

Bernal, Family, 60 

Bernays, Consul to ZHrich, 205 

rernheim, I.saac W., 370, 371 

Bernstein, Bernhard, 422 

Bernstein, Herman, 410 

Bernstein, Hirsch, 230 

Bessarabia, riot of, 344 

Bien, Julius, 247 

Bijur, Nathan. 289, 369, 371 

Bindona, Joseph, 381 

Blaine, James G., 311, 398 

Blaine, Margaret, 398 

Blank, actor, 422 

Blaustein, David, 287 ' "' 

Bloch or Block, family of St. Louis, 142 

Blochf H.' F., 157" 

Bioch, Wolf, 142 

Block, Eliezer, ]42 

Block, Rudolph, 430 "' 

Bloomfleia, Ocn. Joseph. 123 

Bloomfleld, f"rof. Jlaurice, 400 

Bloomgarden, Solomon, 418 

Blum, Isidor (quoted)', 1^4 

Blumenberg, Gen. I,eopo'.d, 234. 235 

B'nai B'rith, Ind. Order, 247 

Boas, Prof. Franz, 410 

Bock, Mathias, Governor of Curacao, 51 

Bolivar, Simon, 392 

Bolivia, 392 

Bories, Rev. H., 137' 

Borowski, Isidor, 392 

Bosquila, Rabbi, 73 

Boston, Mass., 252, 282, 287, 362, 378, 

Bousignac, Capt.^ Henri de, 228 

Bovshoer, T.^ 418 

Brackenridge, Thomas, 125, 126 

Braganza, family, owners of Jamaica, 

Brainin, Reuben, 409, 423 

Brandeis, Louis D., 403 

Brandford, Canada, 386 

Bi-ftvo, 60 

Bravo, Alexander, 60 

Brazil, 17, 29, 34, 396 
Breckenridge, Minister to Russia, 313, 
314 , . . ■ 

Brenner, Victor D., 396 

Bvesler, C. F., 154 

Bresler, Louis', 154 

Bridgetown, Barbadoes, 57 
British American Colonies, naturaliza- 
tions in, 60 
; British Columbia, 383 
British West Indies, 55 

Brittannia, 3 



Brodsky, Rabbi H. S., 407 
Brooklyn, X. Y., 253 
Bi-ounofr, Platoa G., 413 
Bi-udnd, Ezra S.. 410 
Brunner, Arnold W., 410 
Brussels, Belgium, ?eo 
Bubllk, G., 4:;3 

,Bucbauan. president James. 203 
Bucharest, 352 
Buckingham, Solomon. 138 
Buenos Ayres, Argentine. 387 S. 
Buffalo, X. Y., 253, 42(J 
Bukansky. M.. 423 
Burgos, 15 

Burgoyne, General. 382 
Burlington, la., 153 
Bush, David. 108 
Bush, Isidor, 108 
Bush, Lewis, 00, 108 
Bush, Math:as, 7C 
Bush, Solomon. 90 
Butensky, .Tulius, 396 
Butler, Pierce (Note), 222 
Buttenwieser, Dr. M., 375 
Butzel, Henry M., 370 

Ciihallera, Diego, 21 

Cahan, Abraham, 299, 410, 422 

Calgary, Alberta (fan.). 380 

California, 155, 234, 328, 370, 403, 425 

Calle, Alphonso de. 14 

Campanell, Mordecai, 73 

Canada, 84, 380 fl 

Canon Law, 4 

Cantors, their temporary prominence, 

Capelle. Joseph, 109 
Caplan, 1'., 287 

Carabajal (CarvalhoVi. fami'y. 25 
Caracas, Venezuela, 392 
Cardoze, 51 
Cardozo, family, 60 
Cardozo, Abraham Nunez, 79 
Cardozo, K. A. (quoted), 345 
Carciozo, Isaac, 156 
Carmel. N. J.. 269 
Caro. Joseph, 15 
Carregal. Kabbi E. II. I., 75 
Carriiho, Ishac, 47 
Carrilon. Kabbi B. ('.. of Surinam, 49 
Carvalbo of California, 155 

Carvalho. Isaac. 47 

Carvalbo, S., 414 

Carvalho, Solomon X., 417 

Caseres, Benjamin de. 55 

Casere's, I-tcnrique de. 45 

Caseres. Henry de, 55 

Cass, Lewis, 204 

Cassard, French Commander, 46 

Cassef, Seiig'lDr. I'aulus), 6 

Casthunbo, Isaac, 37 

Castillc, 5 

Castle, Uepresentativc Curtis H., 315 

Castro. Abraham de, 40 

Castro County. Tex., 161 

Castro, Ileni-y, 161 

Castroville, Tex.', IGl 

Catholics, 86, 110, 117, 320 

Cayenne, 40, 43. 53. 56 

Ceuta'.^' Xorth ' Africa. 11 

Chan (CahnV), S. Joseph, 140 

Charitable Institutions, 248-9. 270 

Charities, National Conference of Jew- 
ish. 428 

Charles I., King of Iloumania, .'!44 

Charles V., Emperor, 21, 22 

Charleston, S. C, 70, 102, 139, 168, 251 

Chase, Gov. Salmon P., 194 

Chatham, X. B., 386 

Chaviz, 51 

Chicago, 111., 150 ff., 177, 249, 252, 272, 
281, 282, 287, 372, 378, 403, 425, 426 

Chili, 26 

Chipman. S. Logan, 312 

Chuck, Jerahmeel. 190 

Church Councils, 4 

Cid, Israel Calobi, 45 

Cincinnati, O., 137 ff., 175, 244, 378, 

Cisnei-os, Cardinal Ximenes de, 21 

Civil War, 218 ff. 

Claiburn, Ala., 144 

Clara, group of colonies, Argentine. 380 

Clay, Henry, 200 

Clemens, Samuel L. ("Mark Twain"), 

Clement VII., Pope, 29 

Clement VIII., Pope, 26 

Cleveland, President Grover, 308, 325, 
354, 362 

Cleveland, O.. 141 

Cobral, Pedro Alvarez, 17 

Cochin, IN 

Coen, Abraham, 39 

Cohen, family of Richmond In Balti- 
more, 125 



Cohen, six brothers In the Confederate 

Army, 229 
Cohen, three brothers from Arkansas, 

Cohen, Emanuel, 370 
Cohen, Rev. G. M., 141, 142 
Cohen, Rev. Henry (quoted), 161 
Cohen, Hev. Hirschel, 385 
Cohen, Israel, 190, 191 
Cohen, Israel I., 117 
Cohen, Jacob, 65 
Cohen, Uev. Jacob, 141 
Cohen. Jacob, 107 
Cohen, Jacob I., 117 
Cohen, Jacob I., Jr., 117 
Cohen. Jacob J., 125, 127 
Cohen, Rev. Jacob Raphael, 106, 382 
Cohen, Leib, 190 
Cohen, Lewis, 138 
Cohen. Max, 154 
Cohen, Jloses, 79 
Cohen, Kabbi, 75 
Cohn, Prof. Adolphe, 401 
Cohn, Albert, 401 
Cohn, Joseph H., 369 
Cohn, Miss Katherine M., 398 
Cohn, llorris M., 370 
Cohn, Nathan, 370 
Colorado. 269, 328, 370 
Columbia, 392 
Columbus, Christopher, 12, 13, 15, 16, 

o7, 391 
Columbus, O., 426 
Commons, John K., 299 
Cone, Cesar, 370 
Connecticut. 269, 328, 371, 425 
Cook, Commander Simon, 333 
Cooper, Israel. 284 
Corcos, Rev. J. M., 01 
Cordoba, Argentine. 389 
Cordova, de. family. 60 
Cordova. Emanuel de, 381 
Cordova, Ilakam de, 61 
Cordova. Jacob de, 101 
Cordova, l*edro de, 21 
Cordozo, J. M., 200 
Coro, Venezuela, 302 
Coronel. David, Senior, 37 
Costa. Abraham da, 79 
Costa, Bento da, 45 
Costa, David de, .")0 
Costa. Isaac da. 45. 79 
Costa, Joseph da, 63 (note), 65 

Costa Rica, 401 

Council of Jewish Women, 296 

Cousins, Robert G., 361 

Coutinho. Henriquez 

Coutinho, Isaac Jeraso, 56 

Cowen, Philip. 417 

Cox, Representative Samuel S., 309 

Cozens, Isaac, 154 
Cozens, Sophie, 154 
Craig, Sir John, 382 
Cresquas, Jatudah (Judah), 11 
Cromwell, Oliver, 55 
Cruz Alta, Brazil, 392 
Cuba, 14, 393 
Cuffo, see Hucefe 
Curasao, 40, 51, 52-54 
Cutler, Harry, 371 


Dalidansky, J. L., 423 

Dallas. Tex., 426 

Daly, Judge Charles r. (quoted), 63, 

69, 256. 413 
Damascus Affair, 194-98 
Damrosch, Frank H., 398 
Damrosch, Dr. Leopold. 398 
Damrosch, Waller J., 398 
Daniels, Aaron, 148 
Dark Ages, 1 
Davenport, la., 153 
David, Dr. Aaron Hart. 383 
David, David, 382, 383 
David, Lazarus, 381, 382 
Davidson, Israel, 375 
Davidson, Joseph, 397 
Davidson, Samuel, 142 
Davilar, Samuel Uz. 47 
Davis, .TeCferson. 224 
Davis. Mrs. .Jefferson, 226 
Davitt, Michael, 356 
Dawson, Yukon Territory, 386 
De Haas, .Jacob. 337 
Deinard, Ephraim, 302, 408 
Delaware, 108, 371, 426 
De LiMm, David Camden, 162, 230 
De Leon, Edwin, 162, 414 
Dembitz, Lewis X., 215 
Denver, Col., 426 
Des Moines, la., 153 
Detroit, Mich., 154, 252, 426 



Deutseh, Prof. Gotthai-d, 340, 375 

De Young, Micliael H.. 414 

Itias. Lewis, r,i', 

Dinkelspifl. Key. j,_ 14:^ 

District ol" Coliimliia. 32S, ;)71, 426 

Dittoulioeler. A. J., l>h; 

Dobsevage, A. D., 3(i,"i 

Dohm Clivistlan Willielm v., 49 

Dolitzlii, M. M., 3(1.".. 408, 421 

Hongan, Governor, 67 

Dongan, Irvine, 312 

Dorf, Samuel, 287. 371 

Draeliman, Dr. Bernard, 371, 407 (note) 

Drago, Isaac, 45 

Dreyfus Case, 334-5 

Dropsie College, 375 

Dropsie, Gabriel, 162 

Dropsie, Moses A., 375 

Dubs, I'resiflent ot Switzerland, 205 

Dubuque, Iowa, 153 

Ducachet. Dr., 198 

DutHeld,' John, 107 

Dutch, 30, 32, 33 

Dutch Guiana, see Sui-inam 

Dutcli West India Company, 35, 63 

Dutch West Indies, 51 

Dyer, Isidor, 160 

Dyer, Leon, 160. 103 

East Jersey Bill of Rights. 109 

Easton, Pa., 76 

Ebron, David. 26 

Eckman. Rev. Julius. 157 

Edelstadt, David. 418 

Edlin, William, 423 

Educational Institutions, 248-9, 276 

Ehrlich, Arnold B., 408 

Einhorn, Dr. David, 175, 178, 203, 208 

Einhorn, Dr. Jlax, 403 

Einstein, Lewis, 401 

Einstein, Col. Max, 236 

Eisenstadt. Ben Zion, 407 

Eisenstein, J. D., 189. 192, 406, 408 

Elbe, L., 423 

Eliassof, H. (quoted), 152, 282 

Elkus, Abr. I., 289 

Elllnger, Moritz. 295, 417 

Bllman, Mischa, 398 

Elmira, N. Y., 233 

Emanuel, Albert, 159 

Emanuel, Rev. Baruch M., 143 

Emanuel. Gov. David, 144 

England, 137, 130, 227, 381 

Englander, Dr. Henry, 375 

ICnrlques, Jacob Joshua Bueno, 58 

En Riquez, Josliua Mordecai, 52 

Entin, J.. 423 

Ephraim, Rabbi. 15 

Epstein, Ellas, 154 

Epstein, Mrs., 422 

Erianger, Abraham L., 399 

Erianger, M. L., 399 

Rntre Rlos. Argentine, 389 

EiKch und Giuher'n Encyclopedia, 6 

Espafiola, 20 

Ethiopia. 3 

Ettelson, Baruch. 407 

Ettelson, N. B., 259, 409 

Etting, Reuben, 125 

Etling, Solomon, 107, 124, 125, 127 

Evansville. Ind., 152, 252 

Evarts, William M.. 345 

Expulsion from Portugal, 5 

Expulsion from Spain, 5, 13 

Ezekiel. Jacob (quoted), 117, 194 

Ezekiel, ilos^s Jacob, 395 

Fairbanks, Charles W., Vice-President, 

Falk, Joshua, 190, 407 
Fallmouth, Jamaica, 60 
Faquiu, Juceif., 11 
Faro, Solomon Gabbay, 58 
Fass, Rev. M., 384 
Fassbinder, Rev. Wolf. 141 
Fay, Theo. S., 202, 203, 204 
Federation of American Zionists, 330 
Federations. 379 
Feigenbaum. Benjamin, 420 
Feinman, Sigmund, 421 
Felsenthal, Dr. Bernbard, 152, 177-78, 

Ferdinand of Aragon, 5, 12 
Ferrena, Gaspar Diaz, 37 
Flddletown, Cal.. 156 
Field, Dr. Henry M., 83 (note) - 
Fillmore, Pre.=-ident Millard,, 199 
Financiers, 404 
Fine, Solomon, 153 



Fischel, Hai-r>;, 371 

Fisc'hnian, William, 371 

Fislilici-g, Dr. Maiu-ice, 413 

Fishliind, -iT2 

Fisliman, Jacob, ■j^2'-> 

I''i(zgerald. Jolm V., 31"» 

Fleisclior, S. S., 28« 

Flexnoi-, Dr. Simon, 402 

Florence, family, 144 

Florida, 370, 425 

Fogg, George G.. 204, 203 

Folk, Kev. M., 154 

Folsom. Cal., il56 

Fonseca, family, 60 

Fonseca, Kev. Abraham Lopez de, 53 

Fonseca, Alaus de, 45 

Fonseca, Fernaiulez dc, 

Fonseca, I. aac de, 52 

Fonseca. ..I psepli Nunez de, 52 

Ford — Commi.tee on Immigation, 324 

Foreman, Fdwin G., 370 

Fornberg. Dr., 423 

Foster, .Tohn \V., 308, 310 

Forsyth, John, 196, 197 

Fort Wayne, }32 

France, 85, 335. 347, 381 

Franco, Alexander, 152 

F'ranco, Daniel, 152 

Franco, Solomon, 72 

Frank, Abraham, 157 . 

Frank, Isaac W., 370 

Franklin, Benjamin, 107 

Franklin, Prof. Fabian, 402 

Franklin, Dr. Leo M., 154 

Franklin, Louis, 155 

Franks, Abr.. 381, 328 

Franks. David, 76, 90, 100 

Franks, David S.. 88, 89 

Franks, Isaac. 89 

Franks, Jacob, 154 

Franks, Jacob S., 382 

Fraso, Jacob, 55 

Fraternal Organizations, 247-8 

Frazon or Frazicr, Joseph, 72 

Fredric, Harold, 413 

Freemasonry, see Masonry 

"Free Sons of Benjamin." 247 

"Free Sons of Israel," 242 

Freidus, A. S., 413 

Freiman. Meir, 406 

French Revolution, The, 116, 122 

Frera. David. 03 (note), 65 

Friberg, J. Walter, 370 

Friedberg. Albert M. (quoted), 109, 193, 

199, 208, 292, 327 
Friedenwald, Dr. Aaron, 337 
I'liedenvvakl, Dr. Harry. 337, 371 
Friodenwald, Dr.' Ilerbert, 299 
I'riecikin. Joseph, 423 
Friedlander, Aaron Joel, 154 
Friodliinder, Dr. Israel, 371, 375 
Friedlander, Morltz, 150 
Friedman. Aaron Zebi, 407 
Friedman, Isaac K., 410 
Friedman, Israel, 423 
Friedman, Joseph, 154 
Friedman, Lee N., 371 
Friedman, Col. Max, 237 
Frohman, Charles, 399 
Frohman, Daniel, 399 
FiiTd, Rabbi; 142 
Funk and Wagnalls, 340 
Funk, Rev. Isaac K.. 340 

Gabai, David, 59 

Gabrilowitsch. Joseph. 398 

Galveston, Tex., 160, 161, 230 

Gama, see Vasco da Garaa 

Garcia, Plananiel, 381 

Crarfil, Jlordecai, 406 

Gaspar da Gama, 17, IS 

Gaston, William, 119 

Georgia, 77, 370, 425 

Gerechter, Rev. Emanuel, 154 

Germanic Kingdoms, 3 

German-Jewish Congregations. 251, see 
also Union of American Hebrew Con- 

German Period of Immigration, 135 ff., 

Germany. 347 

Gerstle Lewis, 157 

Giers, JI. de, 310 

Ginsberg, Jacob, 422 

Ginzberg, Dr. Lewis, 340, 375 

Gittelson, Rabbi Benjamin, 406 

Glace Bay, C. B. (Can.). 286 

Gladstone, William E., 227 

Glazer, Rev. S. (quoted), 153 

Glick, Joseph Selig, 423 

Glickman, Ellis, 422 

Glidden, John, 196 

Goa, 17. 30 

Goldberg, A., 423 



Joldbei-g, R. L.. 398 

Joldfaden, Abraham, 41i1, 420. 421 

Joldfogle, Henry Mayer 313. 317, 3fll 

Joldman, Dr. .lulius. 2x:i 

lOldman. Hoses, 40ft 

Joldsmid, Sir Francis II.. 00 

Joldsmitli, brothers in the ('onlederale 

Army, 230 
Joldsmith, Emily Gersou, 410 
Joldsmith, 1., 143 
Joldstein, Rev. S., 384 
ioldstuclver. A., 143 
iomez, family, 60 
iomez, Ijouis Moses, 68 
jonikman, J,^ 423 
Jootman, .\. H,, 202 
jordin, Jacob, 419, 421 
Jorin, Bernhard, 419, 4 21 
iottheil, Dr, Gustave, ITT, 292, 20.i 
TOttheil, I'rof. Richard (note), 42, 292, 

3.36, 340 
Jotthelf, B. H., 143 
Jottlieb, Abraham. 403 
Jottlieb, ,J., 1.jO 
irace, WllUam R., 262 
iradis, Abraham. 381 
Jradis, David. 381 
Jraf, actor, 422 

irant, Bres. U. S... 234. 262, 344 
irass A'alley, 1.36 
jlratz, Bernard, 76, 106, 124 
Jratz, Michael, 76 
iratz. Rebeccah, lOT 
Jratz, Simon, IIT 
Jreat Britain, 347, 351 
ireece, 3 

Jreen, Abraham, 148 
;reen, S. Hart, 386 
Jreen Bay, ^^'is.. 1.34 
Jreenebaum, Henry, 1,32 
rreenebaum, X. E., 370 
Jreensfelder, Isaac, 152 
rreenstein, Elijah, 190 
treenstone, ,Tnlius H.^ 413 
Ireer, Bishop David, 302 
iries, Dr, iloses J., 141 
Iross, ri-of. Charles, 11, 401 
rossman. Dr. Louis, 1 33, 373 
rotius, Hugo, 3T 
nam, 333 

uggenheim, Daniel, 333 
uggenheim, Murry, 280 
uggenheims, 404 
uild, Curtis, Jr., 362 

Guinea, 11 

Gutheim, Rabbi ,Iamcs K., 140 

Gutterect, family, 60 


Hackenberg, Wm. B., 28ft. 295, 370 

Hadrian, Pope, 21 

Hahn, Dr. Aaron, 141 

Haiti, 20 

Halifax, N. S., 286 

Halphen, Samuel, 389 

Hamburg, 30 

Hamburger, Samuel B., ."171 

Hamilton, Ont., 386 

Hapimerstein, Oscar. 399 

Hapgood, I4utchins, 413 

Harby. Levi Myers, 160, 230 

Ilarkavy, Alexander, 419-20 

Harris, Asher Lcmel, 192 

Harris, Bernhard. 287 

Harris, Ilaym, 148 

Harris, Henry. 140 

Harris, Hyman, 190 

Harris, Rev. Maurice H., 371 

Harrison, President Benjamin, 3(t8, 324, 

Hart, A,ron, 380, 381 
Hart, Aaron Philip. 383 
Hart, .\braham, 237 
Hart, Benj. L, 295 
Hart, Ephvaim, 103 
Hart, Ezekiel, 382 
Hart, .lohn, 191 

Hart, Myer and his family, 7(>, 77 
Hart or Harte, ZachariaU, 111 
Harte, Bret, 410 
Hartford, Conn., T5, 426 
Hartogensis, B, I-L, 287 
Havana, (.'uba, 393 
Hawaii, 424 

Hay, .John, 310, 343, 346, 347. 331 
Hayman or Hyman of Louisville, 143 
na.ys, Andrew. 381 
I-Iays, Benjamin. 124 
Hays, Daniel P., 287 
riay.-i. David, 109 
Ilay.-i. .lacub, 124 
Hays, Mo^cs Michael, 145 
Hays, Solomon, 107 
Hearst, Wm. R., 355, 356 
Hebrew Institutes. 378 
Hebrew Union College, 244 



Ileilprin, Trof. Angelo, 211 

Heilprin, Luuis^ 211 

Heilprin, Michael, L'oS-12, 266, 269 

Ileilprin. J'inhas Jlendel, 208 

lleimau. Jlarcus, 154 

Hein, Alex., I.j-t 

Heller, Dr. Maximilian, 2.52, 303 

Hendricky. l^.enjamin 

Hendricks, Isaac, 144 

Henrique, Jacob Cohen, 63 (note) 

Henrlques, Abraham, 48 

Henriques, DaYld Gomez, 58 

Henrlques, Jacob, 59 

Henry, the Xavlgator, 11 

Henry, H. A., 141 

Henry, Jacob, 119, 126 

Henry, Jacob. 158 

Henry, Patrick, 113, 114 

Herat, Afghanistan, 392 

Hermann, D. M., 420, 421 

Herrera, Abraham Cohen, 39 

Herschell, Rabbi Solomon of London, 

Hershman, Key. A. M., 155 
Hertz, Dr. Joseph, 109 
Hertzman, Kev. E., 142 
Herzl, Dr. Sigmund, 198 
Herzl, Dr. Theodore, 336 
Heydenfeldt, Elkam, 156 
Heydenfeldt, Solomon, 156, 208 
Heyster, Gen., 95 

Higgins, Gov. Francis W. of N. Y., 362 
Hilfman, Rabbi P. A. (quoted in notei, 

Hlllquit, llorris, 299, 410 
Hirsch, Adani; 154 
HIrsch, liaroness Clara de, 390 
Hirsch (Colony; , Canada, 386 
Hirsch, Edward, 216 

Hirsch, Dr. Emil G., 178, 340, 369, 417 
Hirsch, dialer, 210 
Hirsch, Baron Maurice de, 289, 290, 385, 

Hirsch, Dr. Samuel. 178 
Hirsch, Solomon^ 215 
Hirshowitz, liabbl Abraham Eber, 406 
Hoboken, .\. J., 253 
Hoffman. Dr. B., 423 
Hoffman, Isaac, 141 
Hoffman, James II., 289 
Hofnung, Abraham, 384 
liofuung, Key. Samuel, 384 
Holland, see Dutcb 

Hollander, Dr. J. H. (quoted), 45, 124; 

292. 371, 400 
Holy Office, see Inquisition 
Holzmau, Eli.iah, 256, 407 
Ilomel, 357 
Ilorwich, B., 370 
Horwitz, Moses, 421 
Iloschander, Jacob, 376 
Hourwich, Isaac A., 298, 410 
Houston, Sam, 161 
Houston, Tex., 161 
Hiibsch, Rev.. Adolph, 183 
Hucefe, 18 
Iliihner, Leon (quoted), 0.3, 68, 119, ]44 

Hyman, Samuel I., 371 
Hyneman, Herman Naphtall, 397 

Idaho. 370, 425 

Illinois, 216, 230, 328, 370, 425 

Illiowizl, Rabbi Henry, 410 

Illon, Jaude, 52 

Illowy, Rev. Bernhard, 107, 142 

Imber, Naftali Herz, 305, 408 

Immigration, 135-37, 242-3, 254, 261, 
288, 306, 319 fE., 338, 343, 358, 385 

Immigration Commission of 1907, 320 

Independent Order Brlth Abraham, 247 

Indiana, 152, 236, 328, 370 

Indianapolis, Ind., 152, 252, 426 

Indians, supposed to be the lost Tribes 
of Israel, 14 ; persecuted by the In- 
quisition, 21 

Inquisilion, 12, 20, 22, 24 

Iowa, 153, 328, 370, 425 

Iquitos, Peru, 393 

Isaac, Abraham, 110, 111 

Isaac, David. 117 

Isaac, Isaiah, 117 

Isaac, Adjutant-General Moses, 237 

Isaacs, Col,, 90 

Isaacs, Abraham, 111 

Isaacs, Prof. Abram S., 179 

Isaacs, Alexander, 148 

Isaacs, M. S.. 289, 345 

Isaacs, Samuel, 158 

Isaacs, Samuel Hillel, 190 

Isaacs, Rev. Samuel Mayer, 179 

Isaacson, Rabbi I., 409 

Isaaks, Xoah, 48 

Isabella, Queen, 5, 12, 20, 28 



Ismail, riot of, 344 
Israel, David, 63 
Israel, Isaac, 93 
Italy, 3. 347 
Itamarica, Brazil, 38 

Jackson, Andrew, 131 

Jackson, Cal., 155 

Jackson. John B., 351 

Jackson. Rebeccah, wife of M. M. Noah, 

Jacob, Moses, 117 
Jacobi, Dr. Abraham. 402 
Jacobs, Benjamin. 05 
Jacobs, Charles M., 403 
Jacobs, Rev. George, 61 
Jacobs, Gerrit, 47 
Jacobs, Hart, 93 
Jacobs, Rev. Henry S., 184 
Jacobs, Dr. Joseph, 194, 262 (quoted), 

340. 375 
Jacobs, Morris, 148 
Jacobs, SamueL 153 
Jacobs, Samuel, 381 
Jacobson, Dr. Nathan, 403 
Jaffe, Joshua A., 375 
Jaffe, Rabbi Shalom Elchanan, 282, 406 
Jaime, King of Mallorca, 11 
Jalomstein, Mordecai, 256, 259 
Jamaica. W. I., 45, 57-61 
Janowski, S., 423 
Jarmulowsky. S. (d. 1912), 371 
Jastrow, Prof. Joseph, 186 
Jastrow, Dr. Marcus, 185-86, 295, 340 
Jastrow, Trot. Morris. 186. 340 
■Jefferson, Thomas, 113, 115, 125, 241 
Jersey City, 253, 426 
leshurun, 51 
fesu Maria, Cal., 156 
'Jew Bill'' of Maryland, 125 tf. 
Jewish Alliance of America, 287 
Jewish Chautauqua Society, 295 
'Jewish Chronicle" (quoted), 391 
Jewish Colonization Association (I. C. 

A.), 290, 388, 389 
'Jewish Encyclopedia," 339 
Tewish Publication Society of America, 

fewish Theological Seminary, 183 
foachimsen, Philip J., 235 
oao, Iving of I'ortugal, 16 

John III., King of Portugal. 39 

Johnson. President Andrew. 235 

Johnson. David Israel. 138, 140 

Johnson. Edward J., 159 

Jonas, Abraham, 138 

Jonas, Abraham, 216-17 

Jonas, Ben.i. F.. 217 

Jonas, Charles I-I., 216 

Jonas, Edward, 138 

Jonas. George, 138 

Jonas, Joseph, 137, 139, 140 

Jonas, Lyon, 105 

Jonas, Moses, 139 

Jonas, Samuel, 138 

Jones, Israel I., 143 

Jones, Solomon. 143 

".Jooden Savane" (Savannah of the 

Jews), 46 
Joseph, Gershom, 384 
Joseph, H., 155 

Joseph, Chief Rabbi Jacob, 278 
Joseph, Jacob, 384 
Joseph, Jacob I-Ienry, 383 
Joseph, Jesse. 383 
Joseph, Samuel,. 139 
Josephson, Manuel. 103, 107 
Jost. historian (quoted), 194 
Juan I. of Aragon. 11 
Juana, Queen of Castille, 21 
Judah, Hart, 140 
Judah, Uriah. 381 


Kadison, Dr. A. P., 287 

Kaiser, Rev. Alois, 413 

Kalich, Bertha. 421 

Kalisch. Rev. Isidor, 141. 154, 155, 183 

Kalisch, Judge Samuel, 1£3 

Kalm, Peter, 70 

Kamaiky, Leon, 371 

Kansas, 269, 322, 328, 370. 435 

Kansas City. Mo., 253, 426 

Kaplan, E., 423 

Kaplan, Prof, M. M.. 375 

Kaplan. N.^ 423 

Kaspe, Dr. Abraham, 420 

Kasson. Minister .John A., 345 

Katz. Abr. J., 371 

Kaufman, David S., 159 

Kaufman, Sigismund, 212 

Kayserling, Dr. M., 11. 20. 37, 85, 401 



"Kehillah" of New York, 370, 372 

Kelly, Myra, 413 

Kempnei", Isaac H.j 370 

Kennedy, Rev. Mr., 198 

Kennedy, Thomas, 125 

Kentucky, 216, 328, 370, 425 

Keokuk, la.. 153 

■■Keshcr Shel Barzel," 247 

Keyser, Ephraim, 395 

Kiev, Russia, 2G2 

Kingston, Jamaica. 60-61 

Kishinev, 353 £f., 358 

Kleeberg, Rev. L., 143 

Klein, Charles, 390 

Klein, Mayer, 151 

Klein, Dr. Philip, 283, 371 

Knefler, family, 152 

Knefler, Gen. Frederick. 233 

'"Knights of Zion," 337 

"Know Nothing" I'arty. 223, 320, 321-2 

Kobrin, Leon, 419, 421 

Kohen, Rabbi Baruch, 407 

Kohler, Dr. Kaufman, 155, 340, 375 

Kohler, Max .J.. 114 (note), 207, 243 

(note), 289, 292, 380, 413 
Kohn, Abraham, 150, 151. 217 
Kohn, Arnold, 355 
Kohn, Julius, 150 
Kohn, Moses, 150 
Kohut, Dr. Alexander, 186 
Kohut, George A., 72, 189, 406, 413 
Konti, Isidor, 395 
Kornblith, Z., 423 
Kossuth, Louis, 189, 211 
Krantz, Philip, 420 
Kraus, Adolph, 247 
Krauskopf, Rabbi Joseph (note), 244 
Krouse, Robert, 153 
Krouse, William, 153 
Kruttschnitt, Julius, 222 
Kunrcuther, Rev. Ignatz, 151 
Kursheedt, J. B., 195 
Kutner, Adolph, 315 


Labatt, A. C, 156, 158 

Labor Movement Among Immigrants, 

297 n. 
Lacovla. Jamaica, 60 
Lafayette, Ind., 152 
Lagarto, Rahbi Jacob, 38 
Laguna, Daniel Israel Lopez, 61 

Lamport, Nathan, 371 

Lancaster, Pa., 76 

Landauer, Max. 370 

Landis, C. K., 25 

Landsberg, Rabbi Max, 253 

Langdon, Rev. Samuel, 82 

Las, Rabbi Zebi, 407 

Lasker, Alexander, 154 

Laski, David, 190 

Lateiner, .Joseph, 420-1 

Lateran. Council of, 4 

Lawrence, Amos, 145 

Lazard, brothers, 156 

Lazarus, Aaron, 111 

Lazarus, Emma, 73, 265-G, 409 

Lazarus, Michael, 79 

Lecky, the Historian, 81 

Lee, Gen. R. B., 226 

Leeser, Rabbi Isaac, 171-72, 198 

204, 292 
Leghorn, Italy, 43 
Lehman, David S., 370 
Lehman, Emanuel, 355 
Lelbowitz, M.. 392 
Leipziger, Henry M., 287 
Leon, de. 51 
Leon, Jacob de, 93 
Leopold, L. M., 151 
Lerma, Bernardino de, 15 
Leroy-Beaulieu, Anatole (quoted), S 
Lesser, Rabbi Abr. J. G. 282, 40( 
Lessing, Bruno, see Block. Rudolph 
Leventrite, Aaron, 141 
Levi, Alexander, 153 
Levi, Barnard, 77 
Levi, Barnet, 138 
Levi, Leo N., 247 
Levi, William, 110 
Levie, Solomon Joseph, 47 
Levin, Ellas. 48 
Levin, Louis II., 417 
Levinsohn, Jelilel Judah, 407 
Levinthal, Rabbi B. L., 282, 370 
Levis, family, 380 
Levy, brothers in the Confederate A 

Levy, Aaron, 95 (note) 
Levy, Aaron, 117 
Levy, Abraham, 190 
Levy, Abraham, 222 
Levy, Asser. 63 (note), 66, 67, Id 
Levy, Benjamin, 76, 95 
Levy, Daniel, 108 
Levy, Ferdinand, 287 



Levy. Hayman, 71). 93, 103 

Levy. Hyman. .Ti-., 7(; 

r.evy, Isaac. 14-1 

l.pvy. .Tacob. 1!10 

r-evy, Cougressman .lofft-i-son M.. 241 

f.evy. .Tonas ]'., 21S 

Levy, Joseph, lln 

Levy, .lu.sepli, i:!s 

Levy, Liunel, 233 

Levy, Louis Edward. 88 (nole). 287 

Levy. Louis X., 241 

Levy, iloses. lOS 

Levy, Hoses Albert. KiO 

Levy, Myers, 109 

Levy, N'athau, 76 

Levy. Xathan, 109 

Levy, Xatbaniel, 93 

Levy, Sampson. 7(i. 108 

Levy, Samuel, 144 

Levy, Samuel. 157 

Levy, Simon, 381 

^evy. Commodore Uriah Philips, 238-41 

Levy, Zeporah, 70 

Lewenstein, Rabbi M. .T.. of Surinam, 

Lewi, Isidor, 417 

Lewisohn, Adolph, 371 (see also 4(14) 
Libin, Z., 419, 421 
Libowitz, X. S., 407 
Lichtenstein. Benjamin. 180. 190 
Lieberman, D. M., 369 
Liiesin, A., 423 

Mlienthal, Dr. Max, 141. 172-7.5. 194 
Lima, Peru, 22, 26, 393 
Lincoln, Abraham, 20.-,. 212, 213, 216, 

217, 322 
Lindo, iloses, 79 
Jpman, Ilev. Jacob, 107 
jipzin. llrs. K., 421 
jisbon, 18, 74 
jterature, 405 ff., 418 
:,obel, JIme., 422 
..oclce, John, 78 
Loeb, Jacques (deceased), 370 
joeb, Prof. Jacques, 401 
,oeb, Louis, 398 
Meb, Solomon, 398 
,ondon. Out., 386 
,ong, Jacob, 134 
,ongfellow, H. W., 73 
jopez, Aaron, 73, 98, 99 
,opez, Moses, 101 

iOrls-Melihov. Itu sian Minister, 311 
,os Angeles. Cal., 155, 426 

Louis, Nathan, 133 

Louisiana, 145, .'170, 425 

Louisville. Ky.. 14:!. 232. 283. 426 

Louzada, Uavid Karucb, 56 

Low. Setb, Mayor of New Yorli, 354 

Luceua, Alinibam d'. 63. 63, 66, 08 

Lumbrozo, Jacob. 77 

Luna, (:Jonzolo de, 26 

Luther, Martin, 23 

Lutherans, persecuted by the Inquisi- 
tion, 23 

Lynch, Sir Thomas, Governor of Jamai- 
ca, 37 

Lyon, Abraham de, 78 

Lyon. .S'jlomon, 107 

Lyons. Henry A., 156 

Lyons, Dr. Isaac. 160 

Lyons, Jacob, 158 

Lyons, Rev. Jacques Judah. 180 

Lyons, S., 143 

Lyons, Samuel, 95 

Macedonia, 3 

Machado, M., 46 

Machol, Rabbi M., 142 

Mack. Julian W., 369, 370, 371 

MacMahon, John V. L., 125 

Madison, Ind., 177 

Madison, James, 96, 113, 114 

Magidotf, Jacob, 423 

Magnes. Dr. J. L.. 337, 369, 371 

Magnetowan. Canada, 386 

Magnus, Lady, 392 

Maimonides College, 183, 249 

Maine. 328, 371, 425 

"Maine" (Battleship), 334 

Malaga, 12 

Malitz, Ch., 423 

Mallorca, King Jaime of, 11 

Malter, Prof. Henry, 376 

Manasseh ben Israel, 14. 37 

Manitoba, 386 

Manitato, Minn., 153 

Mann, A. Dudley, 199, 202 

Mannes, David, 398 

Mansa, Bishop Alphonso, 21 

Mansfield, M., 157 

Manuel. Dom. King of Portugal. 16. 28 

Marache, Solomon, 76 

?jEirchena, 51 

Marco, Surgeon, 14 



Marcus, Rev. Samuel, 155 

Marcus, S. L., 250, 409 

Marcy, William L.. 2012 

Margolioth, Rabbi Gabriel Z., 281 

.Mai-golis, rrof. Max L., .375 

Margolis, Rabbi M. Z., 282, 371 

Mai-ix, Rcar-Admiral Adolph, 333-4 

Marliens, Isaac (quoted), 138, 142. 215, 
235, 413 

Marlis, Bernhard, 287 

Mai-iis, Isaac, 153 

Marks, .loseph, 76 

Marlts, Rudolph, 421 

Markstein. D., 143 

Marranos. 8, 12, 19, 26, 29, 30, 41 

Marshall, Louis, 317. 369. 371 

Martinique, 123, 381 

Marx, Prot. Alex., 375 

Marx, Samuel, 156 

Maryland, 77, 124 fE., 371, 425, 426 

Marysville, Cai., 156 

Masllansky, Hirsch. 420 

Mason, James Murray, 225 

Masonry, 73, 94, 110, 128, 132, 216 

Mass, Sam-uel, 159 

Massachusetts, 328, 371, 425 

Massacres of 1391, 7. See also "Pog- 
Maurera, Jacob de, 381 
Maurice of Nassau, 37 
Mauricio Colony, Argentine, 390 
Mayer, Annie Nathan, 410 
Mayer, Constant, 397 
Mayer, Henry ("Hy"), 398 
Mayer, Rev. Jacob, 141 
Mayer, Jacob, 157 
Mayer, Leopold. 152, 157 
Mayer, Levy, 403 
Mayor, Nathan, 191 
Mayei-. Gen. William, 285 
Mayhew, Rev. Jonathan, 81 
McClellan, Mayor Geo. B., (if N. i'., 362 
McGregor, la., 153 
McKinley. President William. 332. 334, 

McLaurin, Senator Anselm J., 301 
Media, 3 

Mehatob, Isaac and Judith, 42 
Meisels, Rabbi Berush, 185 
Memphis, Tenn., 426 
Mendes, Rev. Abraham P., 101 
Mendes, Rabbi Frederick de Sola. 340 
.Mendes, Dr. H. P., 371 
^Menken, Solomon, 138 

Mera, Isaac, 45 

Jlercado, Abraham de, 37, 55 

Jlercado, Raphael do, 55, 56 

Meridian, ^Miss., 252 

Jlerzbacher, Rabbi L., 177 

ilesa. Isaac, 63 (note) 

Mesquita, Abraham de, 48 

Messing, Rev. Henry J. Messing, 142 

Mesya. Daniel, 45 

Mexican War, 161-63 

Mexico, 24 ff., 158, 393 

Meyer, Gen. .Vdolph, 230 

Mcza, de. 51 

Michael. Ellas, 370 

Mlchalovsky, Israel, 284 

Michelson, Prof. Albert A., 399-400 

Michelson, Charles, 400 

Michelson, Miriam, 400 

Michigan, 154, 230, 269, 328, 370, 425 

Middle Ages, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 

Middleman, Judah, 189, 190, 191 

Mielziner, Prof. Moses, 295 

Miller, Alexander, 385 

Miller. Louis, 422 

Milwaukee, Wis., 154, 426 

Minikes, Ch. J.. 423 

Minis, Isaac, 78 

Minkovsky, Pinhas, 284 

Minneapolis, Minn., 426 

Minnesota, 153, :!28, 37 

Mirabeau, Count, 116 

Miranda, 381 

Miranda, Isaac, 76 

Misch. Marion L., 119 (note), 296 

Mississippi, 370, 425 

Missouri, 269, 328, 370, 425 

Mobile, Ala., 143 

Mogulesco, Slgmund, 421 

Moise, Isaac and Jacob, 144 

Moiseville, Colony, Argentine, 390. 

Monis. Judah, 72 

Monroe, Jame.s. 130 

Monroe, La., 252 

Montana, 328, 370, 425 

Montellore, Mr. (probably Joshua), 60 

Montefiore. Sir Moses. 145 

Montel, Solomon, 48 

Montevideo, I'ruguay, 392 

Montgomery, Ala., 143 

Montgomery, General. 382 

Montigo Bay, Jamaica, 60 

Montreal. Que., Canada. 381. 386 

Moors, 5 



Mora, DoQ Fi-ancisco de, 37 

Morals, Henry S., 108 (quoted), 172, 

183, 288, 413 
Morals, Sabato, 180-83, 189, 208 
Morales, Dr. C. M,. 61 
Mordecal, Abraham, 143 
Mordecai, Major Alfred, 111 
Mordecal, Gratz, 111 (note) 
Morderai, Gen. J. nandolpb. 230 
Mordecal. Jacob, 111 
Mordecal, Moses, 7ti, 111. 117 
Morgenstern, Dr. Julian, 375 
Morocco, 36-j 

Morris. Minister to Turliey, 344 
Slorrls, Edward. 404 
Morris, Robert, 89, 95, 129 
Morrison, 295 
Morrison, Isldor D., 337 
Morrison, Moritz, 422 
Morton, Martha, 410 
Moses, brothers of Alabama, 230 
Moses,, family of New Hampshire, 109 
Moses, Abraham. 73 
Moses, Major George W., 332 
Moses, Isaac, 95 
Moses. Lieut-Col. Israel, 163 
Moses, Capt. Mayer, 123 
Moses, fol. Nathan, 123 
Moses, rinhas, and his five brothers, 

138, 140 
Moses, Raphael and his sons, 229 
Moses. Col. Raphael J.. 230 
Moskovlch, actor. 422 
Mosler, Henry, 397 
Moss, Mary, 409 
Motta, Jacob de la, 93 
Motthe, Jacques de la, 62 
Mucate, Jacob, 37 
Muhr, Simon, 287 
Myers. Asher. 106 
Myers, Capt. Isaac, 88 
Myers, Levy, 117 
Myers, Capt. Mordecai, 123 

Xaiir, Capt., 47 
Xacogdoches. Tex., 159 
Napoleon III., 201, 225 
Nassi, David. 43, 45, 46, 47 
Nassi, Isaac, 48 

Nassl, J. C, 49 

Nassl, Joshua, 47 

Nassi. Samuel 45. 46 

Natchez. Miss.. 252 

Nathan, Rabbi, 142 

Nathan, of British Columbia, 383 

Nathan, Joseph, 77 

Nathan. Moses, 138 

Nathan, Simon. 106 

Nebraslta, 322, 328. 370, 425 

Neo-Christlans, 29 

Neto, Rabbi Isaac, 45 

Neuman, Dr. S., 371 

Neumark, Trof. David, 375 

Nevada, 370, 425 

Nevada City, Cal., 155 

New Amsterdam, 40, 52. 62 fE. 

Newark, N. J., 183, 253, 426 

Newbauer. Leopold, 154 

Newberg, I'., 150, 151 

Newberger, Louis, 370 

Newberger, Morris, 292 

New Ilampsblre. 109. 110. 371, 425 

New Haven, Conn., 7.". 426 

New Jersey, 109, 269, 328, 370, 425 

Newman, Isldor, 369 

Newman, Lieut. -Col. Leopold C, 237 

New Mexico, 370, 425 

New Orleans, La., 140, 144-48, 252, 354, 

Newport. R. I.. 72, 98 ff. 

New York. 40, G2 ff., 102, 104, U.S. 164, 
179, 236. 2.'".5-6, 262. 271, 272, 274, 
277, 282, 299, 301, 307, 329, 332, 354, 
301, 362, 360, 371, 377, 378, 425 

Nicea, Council of, 4 

Nicholas I., Emperor of Russia, 254 

Nieuhoft (quoted), 38 

Ninette, daughter of Judah P. Ben.iamiu, 

Noah, Joel, 155 

Noah, Manuel Mordecai. 93, 94, 128 

Noah, Mordecal Manuel, 128-34, 414 

Nones, Benjamin, 93 

North Africa, 7 

North Carolina, 80, ino ff., 117 ff., 370, 

North Dakota, 269. 328, 370, 425 

Nuevos Christianos, 20 

Nunez family, 00 

Nunez, Jacob, 45 

Nunez, Samuel, 77, 78 



Oberman, Judali. 192 

Ochs, Adolph, 414 

Ochs, George W., 414 

Ochs, Milton B., 414 

OfEenbacli, 159 

Oglethorpe. General James Edward, 77 

Ogus, A. D.. 420 

Ohio, 236, 328, 370, 425 

Oklahoma, 328. 425 

Oliveira, 51 

Olivera, David de, 79 

OUendorf, M. A., 384 

Olney, Richard, 314, 316 

Omaha, Neb., 253, 426 

Oporto, 34 

Oppenheim, James, 410 

Oppenheim, S., 73 (note). 108 (notej, 

Opper, Frederick B., 398 
Orange-Nassau, Prince William Charles 

of, 54 
Order Brith Abraham, 247 
Oregon, 157, 215, 269, 370, 425 
Ottawa, Ont., 386 
Ottolenghi, Joseph. 78 
Owensboro. Ky., 252 
0.x Bow, Canada, 386 

rackeckoe, Moses, 73 

I'aducah. Ky.. 252 

Valey, John, 423 

I'anama, 302 

raplueau's Rebellion, 383 

Para, La, 51 

I'ara. Brazil. 391 

Parahibo, Brazil, 38 

I'avamaribo. Surinam. 42, 45, 48 

Pardo, Rabbi David, 45 

Pardo, Isaac R, de. 45 

I'ardo, Rabbi Joshua, 53, 61 

I'arona, Argentine. 38!) 

Passport Question, 306 ft.. 329 

I'aterson. X. .T., 42<t 

Pedro. Emperor Dom. of Brazil. 301 

I'eirce, H. H. D., 313 

Peixotto, Benj. F.. 344, 379 

Poixotio, Gen. Floriano. ;;!!! 

Peixolto. George D. M., 397 

Pellatas, Brazil. 301 

I'enn, William, 75 

Pennsylvania, 75, 118, 237, 370, 425 

Pensacola, Fla.. 338 

Penyha, Rev. Isaac de la, 364 

Peoria, 111., 152 

Pereira, Abraham, 56 

Pereire, Isaac, 45 

Pereire-Mendes, Rev. Abraham. 61 

Periodicals, 256 ff., 302. 409, 417, 422 

Perkins, Senator J. C, 315 

Pernambuco, see Recife 

I*erreire, 51 

Persian Gulf, 3 

I'eru, 30, 27, 393 

Peters, Dr. Madison C, 413 

I'ettus, Sen. E. W.. 316 

I'hiladelphla, 57, 75, 04, 102. 105 it., 

171, 186, 198, 249, 262, 272, 282, 287, 

354, 372, 377, 378, 426 
Philip II., 22 
Philip III., 23 
Philippine Islands 424 
Philippson, Colony, Brazil, 391 
Philips. Asher, 148 
Phillips, Barnet, 414 
I'hilips, Feibel, 190 
Fhllipps, Col. Frederick, 69 
Phillips, Henry M., 108, 128 
Phillips, Jonas, 85, 128 
Phillips, ilorris, 414 
Philips. Moses H.. 377 
Phii:ip-i, /.alegman, 108 
Phillipson, Rev. David (quoted), 138, 

I*hoenicians, 2, 3 

Pierce, President Franklin, 163, 202 
IMmenta, Moses, 79 
Pinalo, Francisco, 15 
Pinhal, Brazil, 392 
I'inheiro, 18 
Pinner, iforitz, 212 
Pinski, David, 410, 421 
Pinlo, broihers, 75 
Pinto fami'y, .39, 93 
Pinto, Abraham, 47, 93 
I'into, Isaac. 46 
I'into. Jacob, 94 
Pinto. Solomon, 94 
Pinto, William, 93 
Pittsburg. Pa., 282, 426 
Piza, Rabbi David, 384 
Plotz, Abraham. 148 
"l*ogroms" or -Vnti-Jewish Riots, 262; 




I'olak. Jakob Ai'ons, 47 

I'ollock, Gov. James of Pennsylvania, 

rolonies, Myer, 105 
Pombal. llai-quis de, 42 
Porter, David, 197 
Port Gibson, Miss., 252 
Portland, Ore., 157, 287. 426 
Porto Alcgro, Brazil, 391 
Porto Uico, 21, 424 
I^ortsmouth, X. H., 110 
Portugal, 5, 0, 28, 33 
Poznanski, Rabbi Gustave, 168 
I'rager, Eegina, 421 
IM'ovidence, U. I.. 426 
I*ulitzer, Joseph, 414 


Ciu'appelle, Canada, 
•■Quebec Act," 84 
Quebec, Canada, 381, 386 
Quevedo, Fra Juan, 21 
Quincy, 111., 216 
Quixano, Moses Mendes, 59 

iiabinowitz, Isaac, 4()S 

liabinowitz, Mayer, 407 

Uaczker, Leibel. 190 

iiaisln. Dr. Max, 408 

Uamsay, Dr., 198 

Randolph, ISeverly, 114 

Ranke, tbe bistorian, 5 

Raphall, Isidor, 190 

Rapliall, Rev. Morris Jacob, 180, 208 

Rapoport, I'hilip. 414 

Rau, Rev. Moses, 107 

Rayner, Isidor, 313 

Recife, 35, 3C, 37, 38, 40 

Reese, Michael, 156, 249 

Regina, Canada, 38C 

Kegio, Abraham Levi, 56 

Rehiue, Zalma, 171 

Reiner. Abraham, 190 

Reisin, A., 423 

Reiler, Rabbi Xaftali, 283 

Religious Sects in the Colonies, 84 

Republican Party, 212 

Rhode Island, 72, 73, 118, 328, 371, 

Ribiero, Francisco, 34 
Rice, Henry, 289 
Richmond, Va., 102, 116-17, 171, 180, 

184, 198, 233, 295 
Riesser, Gabriel, 198 
Rievera, Jacob Rodrigues, 73 
Rigio, Antonio Rodrigo, 56 
Rindskopi', Lobel, 154 
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 38, 391 
Rio Grande, Brazil. 391 
Rittenhouse, David. 107 
Robbins, B. R., 420 
Rochester, N. Y., 253. 420 
Rodkinson. Michael L., 409 
Roman Empire, 3 
Roos, Rev. J. S., 42, 47, 48 
Roosevelt, President Theodore, 317, 332, 

343, 353, 356, 362, 365, 400 
Root, Elihu, 317, 302 
Rosario, Argentine. 389 
Rosenbaum. M., 370 
Rosenbaum, S. G., 289 
Rosenberg. Abraham H., 303, 408-9 
Rosenberg, Major Felix, 332 
Rosenberg, Jacob, 150 
Rosendale, Simon W., 369, 371* 
Rosenfeld, A.. 141 
Rosenfeld, Morris, 418 
Rosenfeld, Sydney, 399 
Rosenhayn, X. J., 269 
Rosenstraus, Theodore, 309 
Rosenthal, Adolph, 152 
Rosenthal. Albert, 397 
Rosenthal, Herman, 266, 269, 340, 409 
Rosenthal, Dr. J. M., 152 
Rosenthal, Max, 397 
Rosenthal, Toby Edward, 397 
Rosenwald, Julius, 370, 371, 378, 404 
Rosenzwelg, Gerson, 303, 408-9 
Rosewater, Edward, 414 
Rosewater. Victor, 370, 414 
Rothschild, Baruch Solomon, 190 
Rothstein, Joshua, 190 
"Rough Riders," 332 
Roumania, relations with, 331, 343-52 
Rubifrayn. see Ephraim, Rabbi, 15 
Rudiger, Bishop, 4 
Riilf, Dr. Isaac (quoted), 255 
Russia, relations with. 306 ff.. 34T, 331 
Russian Period of Immigration, 260 ff. 
Russian-Poland, Immigration from, 189, 




Sabayo, 17 

SabsoTJch, Prof. H. L., 269, 289 

Sacramento, Cal., 156 

Sagres, 11 

St. Catherine's, 386 

St. John, N. B.. 386 

St. .loseph, ilo., 2D3 

St. Louis, Mo., 142, 249, 253, 378, 426 

St. Paul, Minn., 153, 252 

Salomon, Edward S., 152, 234 

Salomon, Haym, 95-97, 106 

Salomon, Haym M., 97 

Salomon, William, 97 

Salt River, N. B., 386 

Salvador, Francis, 79 

Salwen, Mayer, 191 

Sampson, Solomon, 105 

Samuel, Lewis, 385 

Samuel, Marl<, 385 

Samuels, brothers, 153 

Samuels, .Joseph, 140 

Samuels, Capt. Morris, 153 

Samuelson, Simha, 192 

San Antonio, Tex., 161 

Sanchez, Gabriel, 15, 16 

Sanchez, Juan, 20 

Sanchez, Rodrigo, 14 

San L'raucisco, Cal., 155 ff., 234, 252, 

287, 402, 426 
Santa Fe, Argentine, 398 
Santa Maria, Brazil, 392 
Santangel, Louis de, 12, 15, 16 
Santiago, Chile, 393 
Santo Domingo, 20, 381, 400 
Sao Gabriel, Brazil, 391 
Saphirstein, Jacob, 422 
Sarasohn, Kesriel II., 250, 303, 355, 409 
Sasia, Cal., 156 

Savannah, Ga., 78, 102, 144, 252 
Schafferstown, Pa., 77 
Schaikewitz, X. M. (Schomer), 304 
Schechter, Prof. Solomon, 340, 375 
Scherpcnhuitzen, Van, 46 
Scheusses, Henry de, 47 
Schift, Jacob 11.. 289, 317. 358, 362, 

369, 371, 413 
Schildkraut, Rudolph, 422 
Schillei'-Szinessi, Rabbi, 254 
Schloss, Simon, 159 
Schomer. Abraham S., 421 
Schreiber, Moses Aaron, 408 

Schur, William, 302, 407, 409 

Schwab, Rev. Isaac, 157 

Schwarz, Tobias^ 190 

Schwarzberg, Samuel B., 303, 409 

Scovil, Joseph A. (quoted), 256 

Scranton, Pa. 426 

Seattle, Wash. 426 

Sebastian, King, 29 

Sects, religious, in the Colonies, 84 

Seddon, Secretary of War, 221 

Seeligsohn, Henry, 160, 163 

Seeligsohn, Michael, 160 

Seitert, Moses, 419, 421 

Seixas, Benjamin, 105 

Seixas, Rev. Gershom Mendes, 104, 105, 

106, 139 
Seixas, Rev. Isaac B., 171 
Seixas, Moses, 99, 101 
Seixas, Theodore J., 195 
Seligman, brothers, 156 
Seligman, Prof. E. R. A., 401 
Seligman, Jesse, 289 
Selibovicli, George, 304 
Selling, Benjamin, 370 
Semel, Bernard, 371 
Seminole War, 162 
Semites, 3 
Senior, Abraham, 12 
Senior, Max, 369 
Sewall, J. M., 110 
Seward, William H., 204, 205, 343 
Shaftesbury, Lord 
Shannon, Joseph, 156 
Sharkansky, A. M., 418, 421 
Sharp, Rev. John, 68 
Sheftal, Levi, 102 
Sheftal, Mordecai. 79, 94 
Shelvin, Bernhard, ' 423 
Sherbrook, Canada. 386 
Shreveport, La., 252 
Shor, Anshel, 421 
Shubert. Nathan, 150 
Sicily Island, La., 266 
Siegbert, Louis. 289 
Siegelstein, Dr. P. A., 371 
Silberman, Jacob, 154 . 
Silberstein, Shalom Joseph, 407 
Silva, de, family, 60 
Sllva, Aai-on de. 4.") 
Silva, Antonio Jos^ da, 41 
,Silva, Francisco Maldonado de, .27 
Silva, Rev. de, 143 
Silverman. Emanuel, 154 



Silverman, Rev. Joseph, 371 

Silverman, Samuel, 384 

Simon, Abraham de la, C3 (note), 64 

Simon, B., 157 

Simon. ,Toseph, ot Lancaster, 76 

Simpson, Samson, lill 

Singer, Dr. Isidor, ,^40, 356 

Sivitz, Rabbi Jloses Simon, 282, 407 

Slidell, Thomas. 222, 225 

Slonim, Joel, 423 

Slnss. r.ouis. 15G 

Sloss, H. C, 369, 370, 403 

Soarez, family, 60 

Sobel, Isidor, 370, 371 

Sobramonte, Don Thomas de, 25 

Socialism, 273, 301 

Sofer. Rabbi S., 407 

Sola, Rev. Abraham de, 384 

Sola, Rev. Meldola de, 384 

Solaterevsky, 421 

Solis-Cohen, David, 287 

Solis-Cohen, Dr. Jacob da Silva, 403 

Solis-Cohen, Dr. Solomon, 287, 403 

Solomon, Hannah G., 200 

Solomon, J. P., 417 

Solomon, Rev. M. H., 61 

Solomons, Adolphus S., 289 

Solomons, Israel. 155 

Solomons, Levy. 381, 382 

Sombart, Werner, 4 (note) 

Sonnenschein, Rev. H. S., 142 

Sopora, Cal., 155 

Soria, 15 

Sosnitz, Jos. L., 305, 408 

Sousa, Don Luis^ 34 

South, Jews of. see Civil War 

South America, 387 ff. 

South Carolina, 78, 370, 425 

South Dakota. 269, 328, 370 

Soiithey, Robert (quoted), 35 

Sovrin, Nathan. 423 

Spain, 3, 5, 6, 7 

Spanish-American War, 331 — 

Spanish Jews as land owners, 4 

Spanish Town, Jamaica. 60 

Sparger, Wm., 413 

Speyer, 4 

.Spiegel, Col. Marcus M., 235-6 

Splnosa, Cardinal Diego de, 23 

Spitz, Rabbi Moritz, 142, 417 

Spivak, Rabbi Aaron, 406 

Spivak, Dr. Charles D., 287, 417 

Stern, Morris, 370 

Stern, Myer, 293 

Sterne, Adolphus, 159 

Stiles, Ezra, 73, 74, 82 

Stockton, Cal., 155 

Stolz, Rev. .Toseph, 370 

Straus, Isidor. 36,'j, 371 

Straus, Nathan, 365 

Straus, Oscar S., 71 (note), 81, 289, 

292, 358, 3G5, 369 
Strauss, Command?r Joseph, 333 
Strauss, Samuel, 414 
Stroock, Sol. M. (quoted), 200 
Stuyvesant, Peter, Governor of New 

Netherland, 52, 63, 75 
StyHt, Capt. Michael, 163 
Sueiro, Ephraim, 37 
Sulzbacher, Rev. Moses, 107 
Sulzberger, Cyrus L., 371 
Sulzberger, Mayer, 171, 289, 292, 362, 

369, 370, 371, 376 
Sulzer, Representative William, 318, 361 
Sumero-Accadians, 2 
Sunday Laws, 307. 327 ff. 
Surinam, 40, 42, 43, 45 
Sutro, Adolph, 156, 402 
Switzerland, Passport Question, 199-205 
Sydney, Canada, 380 
Synagogues and Temples, 250 ff., 274, 

338, (in Canada), 385 
Syracuse, N. Y., 253, 426 
Szold, Adele (note), 265, 337 
Szold, Dr. Benjamin, 184 
Szold, Miss Henrietta, 185, 295 

Taft, President Wm. H., 317, 318, 332, 

3.34, 401 
Talmud Torahs, 276, 376-7 (in Canada), 

Tamarica, Brazil. 38 
Tannenbaum, Abner, 304, 419 
Tanzman, Mr. and Mrs., 422 
"Tashrak," see Zevin, Israel I. 
Taussig, Rear-Admiral Edward David, 

Taylor Falls, Minn., 153 
Technical and Training Schools, 378 
Temple of Jerusalem, destruction of, 13 
Tennessee. 425 
Texas, 158 ff.. 328, 370, 423 



Thomas, B. S., 125 

Thomushefsky, Bessie, 421 

Thomasbefsky, Boris. 421 

Thorman, Simsou', 141 

Tliornberg, 422 

Thorowgood's "Work on the Indians as 

Jews, 14 
Tliree Uivers, Can.. 382 
Tim, B. L., 143 
Tintner, Uabbi Moritz, 142 
Tobacco, discovered by Torres, 14 
Tobias, Mr. and Mrs., 422 
Tobias, Josepli and Micliael, 79 
Toronto, Ont., 385 
Torres, Louis de, 13, 14 
Touro, 51, 53 
Touro, Abraham, 101 
Touro, Rabbi Isaac, 74, 98 
Touro, Judah, 101, 124, 144 ft., 207 
Towne. Charles A., 3G1 
Toy, Prof. Crawford H., 340 
Trenton, N. .T.. 426 
Triest, ^Montague, 370 
Tucacas. Venezuela, 53 
Tucuman, 2G 
Tunis, M. ii. Noah, as American Consul 

Tbere, 130 
Turkey, Tre.tty with, ot 1808, 130, 347, 

'Jyler, Trcsident .7ohn, 321 

Ullman, Isaac M., 371 

rilman, Samuel, 233 

Union Army, .Tews in The. see Civil War 

Union of American .Hebrew Congrega- 
tions, 244 

United Hebrew Charities of New York, 
248, 289, 290 

T'ntormyer, Samuel. 403 

Utah, 370, 425 

Van Buren, Martin. 194, 19S 

A'ancouver, B. C, 386 

\'an Ilorne, Capt. Cornelius, 69 

A'iisco, da Oama, 16, 17 

Vaz family, 00 

^'pciuho, .loseph, 11 

Velasco. Tex., 158 

Velosino, .Tacob de, 40 

Venezuela, 392 

Vermont, 123, 371, 425 

Vespucci, Amerigo. 17 

A'icksburg. Miss., 252 

Victoria, B. C, 380 

■\'idaver, Kev. Henry, 107 

A'idrevitz, Rabbi Chayyim Jacob, 282 

Vieyra, 36 

Vincente, .Tuan, 26 

Virginia, 113 tt., 2fi9, 328. 371, 425 

Vizitelly, Frank II., 340 

Voorsanger, Eabbi Jacob, 417 

Aossius, The Old, 37 

Waco. Tex., 161 
Wake Island, Oceanica, 333 
Waldsteln, Trof. Charles, 400-1 
Waldstein, Louis, 401 
Waldsteln, Martin, 401 
War of 1812, 123 ft, 
Warburg, Felix JI., 371 
Warfleld, David. 390 
Washington, 370, 425 
Washington, D. C, 252, 420 
Washington, George, 90, 99 ff. (his Cor- 
respondence with Jew.s) 
Washington, L. 0., 226 
Webster, Daniel, 145, 200 
Weigel, Abraham, 142 
Weil, Isaiah. 144 
Weil, Leo, 370, 371 
Weinberg, Alex. B., 162 
Weiuschel, llayim, 408 
Weinstock, Harris, 370 
Weiss, Simon, 159 
West Jersey, 109 
West Virginia. 328, 370, 425 
Weyl, Max, 397 
White, Andrew D., 312, 318 
White, Henry Ambassador, 362 
Wilcox, John A.. 201 
Willeken, Commander, 35 
Willemsted, Curacao, 51, 53 
William of Orange. 32 
Williams, Roger, 71 
Wllloughby, Lord, 43 
Wilmington, Del., 108, 111 
Wilmington. X. C, 120 
Wilowski, Rabbi .Jacob David, 281 
Wilson, Charles L., 346 



Wilson, James, 96 

Wint-hevsKy, Morris, 418 

Winder, Gen., 125 

Winnipeg, Man., 380. 386 

Wisconsin, 154, 328, 370, 425 

Wise. Rev. Isaac M. 1:1. 175-76, 203, 

414, 417 
Wise, Dr. Stephen, 337 
Wister, William, 107 
Wltte. Count Serge, 317 
Witteustein, Zeeb Dob, 407 
Wolf. Benjamin, 117 
Wolf, Benjamin, 370 
Wolf, Edwin, 202 
Wolf, Simon (quoted). 33, 83, 88, 133, 

130, 218. 233. 287. 205. 360, 381 
Wolfeustein. Martha, 410 
Wolff, A., 160 
Woodbine, X. J., 269 
Woodstock, Canada, 38G 
Woolf, Moses, 152 
Woolft, J. Meyer, 47 
Woolner, Samuel, 370 
World's Columbian Exposition of 1893, 

180, 295, 403 
Wormscr, Isaac, 151 
Worthington, Col. V.'. (i. D., 125, 120 
Wyoming, 370, 425 


Yarmouth, Canada, 386 

"Yehoash," see Bloomgarden, Solomon 

Yelisavetgrad, Russia, 262 

Yeshibot, 270, 376 

Yonkers, X. Y., 390 

York, Duke of, afterwards King .lames 

II., 07 
Yorkton, Canada, 386 

Young Men's Hebrew Associations, 378 
Young Women's Hebrew Associations, 

Yulee. David, 207 

Zacuto, Abraham, 12. 16, 17 

Za'.inski, Lieut. -Col. Moses U., 332 

Zamora, 15 

Ziirtati. Joshua, 40 

Zarhi, Rabbi Asher Lipman, 283 

Zevin, Israel I., 420 

ZhitlOYSky. Dr. Charles, 423 

Zhitomir, 357 

Ziegler, Isaac\ 150 

Zionism, 330-7 

Ziony, Israel, 423 

Zirndorf, Dr. Henry. 155 

ZoUschan, "Das Rassenproblem," 3 

Zolotkoff, Leon, 287, 422 

Zunser, Kliakum, 418 

Zuntz, Alexander, 105