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Copyright, 1917, 

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The need of a Catholic Encyclopedia in English was manifest for many years before it 
was decided to publish one. Editors of various general Encyclopedias had attempted to 
make them satisfactory from a Catholic point of view, but without success, partly because 
they could not afford the space, but chiefly because in matters of dispute their contributors 
were too often permitted to be partial, if not erroneous, in their statements. 

This need was felt more acutely when, at the beginning of this century, new editions of 
several of these general Encyclopedias appeared, in which many subjects of special interest 
to Catholics were either ignored entirely or else scantily and even erroneously treated. For 
two years the publishers of some of these Encyclopedias made earnest efforts to amend the 
articles which provoked Catholic criticism, but their efforts served only to emphasize the 
need of a Cathohc Encyclopedia. 

Actual work on the Encyclopedia was begun in January, 1905. It was completed in 
April, 1914. For two years before the formation of a Board of Editors those who were to be 
its editors and publishers met together occasionally to confer about its publication. These 
meetings resulted in an agreement among the editors on December 8, 1904, to begin the work 
early the next year and in the choice of those who were to be its publishers. 

The Board of Editors, five in nimaber, was organized in January, 1905, and its member- 
ship remained the same throughout the production of the work. All the members had been 
engaged in editorial work before the Encyclopedia was thought of. As teachers and lectur- 
ers they had become familiar with the field of education and with the needs of Catholic liter- 
ature. Through experience gained in different spheres of activity they had reached the same 
conclusions regarding the necessity of a Catholic Encyclopedia and the advisability of pro- 
ceeding at once with its publication. 

The editors were elected also as members of the Board of Directors of the publishing 
company which was incorporated in February, 1905, and they were given full authority in 
all matters affecting the nature, contents and pohcy of the Encyclopedia. On February 25 
they signed a contract to produce The Catholic Encyclopedia. Two years were spent in 
studying every phase of the project, in arranging its details and in selecting the requisite 
methods for carrying on the work carefully and expeditiously. While a systematic procedure 
was thus determined upon, it by no means precluded later discussion of ways and means; the 
system itself required that each step should be seriously considered, and for this purpose the 
regular meetings of the Board were continued during the entire course of publication. 

On January 11, 1905, Charles G. Herbermann, Professor of Latin and Librarian of the 
College of the City of New York, Edward A. Pace, then Professor of Philosophy in the Catho- 
lic University, Conde B. Fallen, Editor, Rt. Rev. Thomas J. Shahan, then Professor of Church 
History in the Cathohc University, and John J. Wynne, S. J., Editor of The Messenger, held 
their first editorial meeting at the office of The Messenger, in West Sixteenth Street, New 
York. Between that date and April 19, 1913, they held 134 formal meetings to consider the 
plan, scope and progress of the work, besides having frequent informal conferences and con- 
stant intercommunication by letter. 

Until February, when offices were opened at 1 Union Square, meetings were held in The 
Messenger, or at the house of Dr. Herbermann, then on West Twenty-fifth Street. For two 


years the days for meetings were the first and third Saturdays of the month; after that a 
meeting was held on the second Saturday only. In the beginning every editor attended each 
meeting; after April, 1907, only one of the editors from the Catholic University was expected 
to be present. 

At the meetings a report was made by each editor of the work he had done since the last 
meeting, chiefly in selecting topics; assigning space for each; choosing contributors and speci- 
fying the time allowed them for each article. These reports were acted upon; criticisms of 
the work were considered; the progress of each volume carefully noted, and various problems 
solved especially about cross-references, repetitions, bibliography, illustrations, maps, and the 
delays and disappointments which are inevitable in a work depending upon the co-operation 
of over 1500 persons. 

In order to make clear what manner of work they were to publish, the editors issued, in 
February, 1906, a pamphlet containing specimen pages of text and illustrations. This speci- 
men left no room for doubt about the character of the Encyclopedia. It indicated in gen- 
eral terms the scope, aim and chief characteristics of the Encyclopedia, as follows : 

"The Catholic Encyclopedia, as its name implies, proposes to give its readers full and 
authoritative information on the entire cycle of Catholic interests, action and doctrine. What 
the Church teaches and has taught; what she has done and is still doing for the highest wel- 
fare of mankind; her methods, past and present; her struggles, her triumphs, and the achieve- 
ments of her members, not only for her own immediate benefit, but for the broadening and 
deepening of all true science, literature and art — all come within the scope of The Catholic 

"It differs from the general Encyclopedia in omitting facts and information which have 
no relation to the Church. On the other hand, it is not exclusively a church Encyclopedia, 
nor is it limited to the ecclesiastical sciences and the doings of chxirchmen. It records all 
that Catholics have done, not only in behalf of charity and morals, but also for the intel- 
lectual and artistic development of mankind. It chronicles what Catholic artists, educators, 
poets, scientists and men of action have achieved in their several provinces. In this respect 
it differs from most other Catholic Encyclopedias. The editors are fully aware that there is 
no specifically Catholic science, that mathematics, chemistry, physiology and other branches 
of human knowledge are neither Catholic, Jewish, nor Protestant; but, when it is commonly 
asserted that Catholic principles are an obstacle to scientific research, it seems not only proper 
but needful to register what and how much Catholics have contributed to every department 
of knowledge. 

"No one who is interested in human history, past and present, can ignore the Catholic 
Church, either as an institution which has been the central figure in the civilized world for 
nearly two thousand years, decisively affecting its destinies, religious, literary, scientific, 
social and political, or as an existing power whose influence and activity extend to every part 
of the globe. In the past century the Church has grown both extensively and intensively 
among English-speaking peoples. Their living interests demand that they should have the 
means of informing themselves about this vast institution, which, whether they are Catholics 
or not, affects their fortunes and their destiny. 

"As for Catholics, their duty as members of the Church impels them to learn more and 
more fully its principles; while among Protestants the desire for a more intimate and accurate 
knowledge of things Catholic increases in proportion to the growth of the Church in numbers 
and in importance. The Catholic clergy are naturally expected to direct inquirers to sources 
of the needed information; yet they find only too often that the proper answers to the ques- 
tions proposed are not to be met with in English literature. Even the writings of the best 
intentioned authors are at times disfigured by serious errors on Catholic subjects, which are 
for the most part due, not to ill-will, but to lack of knowledge. It would be fatuous to hope 
to call into immediate existence a Catholic English literature adequate to supply this knowl- 


edge and correct errors. The Encyclopedia, therefore, is the most convenient means of 
doing both, enabhng, as it does, the foremost Catholic scholars in every part of the world to 
contribute articles in the condensed form that appeals to the man of action, and with the 
accuracy that satisfies the scholar. 

"Designed to present its readers with the full body of Catholic teaching, the Encyclo- 
pedia contains not only precise statements of what the Church has defined, but also an impar- 
tial record of different views of acknowledged authority on all disputed questions, national, 
political or factional. In the determination of the truth the most recent and acknowledged 
scientific methods are employed, and the results of the latest research in theology, philosophy, 
history, apologetics, archaeology, and other sciences are given careful consideration. 

"The work is entirely new, and not merely a translation or a compilation from other 
encyclopedic sources. The editors have insisted that the articles should contain the latest 
and most accurate information to be obtained from the standard works on each subject. 
Contributors have been chosen for their special knowledge and skill in presenting the subject, 
and they assume the responsibility for what they have written. Representing as they do 
Catholic scholarship in every part of the world, they give the work an international character. 

"The Encyclopedia bears the imprimatur of the Most Reverend Archbishop under whose 
jurisdiction it is published. In constituting the editors the ecclesiastical censors, he has 
given them a singular proof of his confidence and of his desire to facilitate the publication of 
the work which he has promoted most effectively by his influence and kindly co-operation." 

In the execution of the plan thus outlined no essential feature has been changed or omit- 
ted; the Preface would be as appropriate to the fifteenth volume as it was to the first. Since 
it was written innumerable questions arose regarding matters of detail; but these were settled 
in accordance with the ideas and principles which were adopted by the editors before a page 
of the Encyclopedia was published. 

In accomplishing their preliminary task and in dealing with problems that presented no 
slight difficulty, the editors were encouraged by the widespread interest which the first 
announcement of the Encyclopedia aroused. Cordial approval and assistance was given by 
the Apostolic Delegate and by the members of the Hierarchy, particularly by his Eminence 
Cardinal Farley, to whom the project was formally submitted on January 27, 1905. Many 
useful suggestions were received from clergymen, teachers, authors, and publishers in the 
United States and in other countries. The project was welcomed with enthusiasm by the 
laity, and a large number of subscriptions were taken before the first volume appeared in 
March, 1907. As other volumes followed with promptness and regularity, the public soon 
became aware that the Encyclopedia was rapidly passing from the region of things possible 
and desirable to that of accomplished facts, and moreover that it was taking a unique posi- 
tion among the important publications of modern times. 

The Encyclopedia was to be "an international work of reference on the constitution, 
doctrine, discipline and history of the Catholic Church." With a scope so vast before them, 
the editors devoted their earliest efforts to the mapping out of the subject matter. This was 
arranged in thirty-two departments which were then distributed so as to allow each editor 
a certain group of departments for special supervision and yet leave to the Board as a whole 
the final decision upon the inclusion or exclusion of any proposed subject. 

In each department, the selection of subjects was determined to a considerable extent 
by the very nature and purpose of the Encyclopedia. Other titles were drawn from various 
sources — such as Encyclopedias of a general character, standard works, and periodical pub- 
lications. A large number of articles were suggested by scholars whose competence in special 
lines or in the preparation of works similar to the Encyclopedia gave weight to their opin- 
ions. No subject, however, was accepted or rejected until it had been passed on by each 

The work was intended to show not only the inner life of the Church in organization, 


teaching, and practice, but also the manifold and far-reaching influence of Catholicism upon 
all that most deeply concerns mankind. Hence the introduction of many titles which are not 
specifically Catholic or even religious in the stricter sense, but under which some interest of 
the Church or some phase of its activity is recorded. Such are the accounts given of different 
religions and sects, of countries and states, of literatures and philosophies, of institutions and 
individuals that have been extraneous, or even antagonistic, to the Church. Special care, of 
course, was taken to include those subjects which are often treated in a way that gives false 
or inaccurate impressions regarding the Catholic position or the facts of history. Even where 
the same subject would naturally recur under different titles, it was, if sufficiently important, 
allotted a separate article. On the other hand, to avoid needless repetition, it was often 
found necessary to introduce the subject in alphabetical order with a cross-reference to the 
article in which, under a different title, it would be more appropriately treated. Finally, as 
no other extensive work of reference would be available to a large number of the purchasers 
of the Encyclopedia, due provision was made for supplying in every instance such general 
information as the ordinary reader might reasonably expect to find in connection with the 
subjects treated. 

As the vitality oi an organization is manifested chiefly in the achievements of its promi- 
nent members, it is but natural that this work should contain a large number of biographies. 
In these articles, particularly judicious selection was necessary, as well as moderation in 
treatment. For obvious reasons biographies of living persons were not admitted; nor was 
distinction of whatever sort the chief criterion of selection, but rather, in the case of eminent 
Catholics, their loyalty to the Church. On grounds that are plainly different, the list of biog- 
raphies includes various names that recall important controversies, heresies, errors or phases 
of conflict through which the Church has passed, and concerning which it was needful to set 
in clear light the Catholic position. 

From the outset the editors adopted the principle that each article should be prepared 
by the ablest available writer. The character of the work was such that it could not be done, 
as much encyclopedia writing is done, by a staff of office assistants. The contributors were 
selected, not on account of their official position, but with reference to their scholarship and 
their special qualifications for handling the subjects assigned them. In addition to the names 
already conspicuous in Catholic literature, the list was drawn up after consultation with well- 
informed persons in various countries. Inquiries were sent to the Catholic colleges, semina- 
ries and universities in the United States, Canada, England, Ireland, Scotland and Australia. 
The Bishops in the English-speaking countries were requested to suggest writers for articles 
on their respective dioceses and the political divisions, such as the States of the Union, in 
which their dioceses are situated. The heads of religious orders and congregations were con- 
sulted regarding the assignment of each article in which they might be directly interested. 
Authorities on Catholic subjects in the non-Cathofic institutions of learning in this coimtry 
were also invited to co-operate. By correspondence or by personal visits, the editors secured 
contributions from prominent writers on the Continent of Europe, especially among the pro- 
fessors of the various universities and members of learned societies. The fact that the list 
includes 1452 names, representing 43 countries, sufficiently attests the international charac- 
ter of the Encyclopedia. Furthermore, it can be said without exaggeration that no other 
work has ever been produced by the joint labours of so many Catholic men and women repre- 
senting the clergy, the laity, the professions, and the various lines of scientific and literary 
activity. The Ust of contributors to each volume is in itself an object lesson; it shows in a 
concrete way the intellectual forces that the Church has developed and animated with her 

It was not to be expected that every contributor would know by intuition just how an 
article should be written to answer the purposes of the Encyclopedia; nor would it have been 
possible to secure the desired uniformity of treatment if each writer had been left entirely to 


his own devices. The editors accordingly accompanied the assignment of articles with direc- 
tions more or less detailed for their preparation. Certain classes of subjects, e.g. biographies, 
states, dioceses, were carefully outlined so that the writer might furnish the requisite infor- 
mation on all essential points. For the treatment of other subjects suggestions were offered 
with a view to having the articles include whatever might be of actual and practical interest 
at the present time. In some instances the contributors themselves requested more explicit 
instruction or indicated possible modifications. The exchange of views on all important mat- 
ters was extremely helpful both in furthering the aims of the editors and in making each 
writer an active collaborator. Indeed so cordial, and, in many instances, so intimate were 
the relations of contributors and editors, that there was no need of establishing special edito- 
rial committees in certain countries as the editors had originally contemplated. It also facili- 
tated, to a considerable extent, the editors' principal task. 

In the allotment of space for each article, the editors, who gave to this point their joint 
attention, were guided in every instance by the rule "quod requiritur et sufficit." The length 
of an article is not necessarily, therefore, an indication of its importance. This is true par- 
ticularly of biographies, in which a line often predicates greater celebrity than a paragraph. 
The encyclopedic style admits no waste word, and though frequently our writers exceeded 
the space allotted to them, they rarely, if ever, objected to the condensation of their articles, 
regarding it commonly as an improvement. 

Every article was submitted to each of the editors for criticism, acceptance, or rejec- 
tion. In case of acceptance — and this fortimately was the usual verdict — the article was 
handed over to the editor in charge of the department to which it belonged, for revision so 
far as this might be needed in order to meet the requirements of the Encyclopedia regarding 
space, content, and literary form. Whenever serious changes were foimd necessary, these 
were referred to the author. All articles of a doctrinal character were submitted to the 
censors appointed by ecclesiastical authority. In the case of an article written in a 
language other than English, it was translated by an expert, and the translation was then 
carefully compared by the editor with the original manuscript. Frequently brief paragraphs 
were added, with the writer's authorization, in order to bring out some phase or detail of the 
subject that possessed special importance for the English-speaking countries. Additions 
were also made to the bibliography of works that were more easily accessible to the readers of 
the Encyclopedia or that were published after the article had been received. 

Besides providing for the text of the Encyclopedia, the editors undertook the selection 
and arrangement of the illustrations, plates, and maps, which are a prominent feature in each 
volume. The wide range of subjects calling for illustration included personages of note, his- 
toric scenes and events, famous edifices, ecclesiastical or secular, monuments of Christian 
antiquity, codices, manuscripts, and the masterpieces of art in painting, sculpture, and archi- 
tecture. The maps had to be specially prepared for the Encyclopedia, as they were designed 
to show not only the political or territorial divisions, but also the ecclesiastical conditions, 
such as the location of each episcopal or archiepiscopal see. 

The editors were aided by a well-trained corps of assistants numbering in the course of 
the work 151, through whose hands the edited article passed on its way to the press. The 
office staff rendered efficient service not only by the routine work of preparing copy, but also 
by keeping accurate records of assignments, transmissions of manuscripts, and reports from 
contributors. It was thus possible at any moment to ascertain precisely the stage which a 
given article had reached and the progress that had been made toward the completion of 
each volume. The staff was also charged with numerous matters of detail, such as the veri- 
fication of dates and references, comparison of statements in different articles, and prepara- 
tion of hsts of subjects by way of suggestion to the Editorial Board. 

The Company which was organized to publish The Catholic Encyclopedia was 
originally known as the Robert Appleton Company. In 1912 its title was changed to The 


Encyclopedia Press, Inc. It has always been an entirely independent organization, expressly 
organized for the special purpose of publishing the Encyclopedia. Until it was completed 
the Company, therefore, did not undertake to bring out any other book or to enter any other 
field of business. Its members — all men of prominence in business and financial circles — 
have given their entire time and the fruits of their long experience to the production of this 
work. They have dealt successfully with the diverse problems which such an enterprise 
involves on the material and technical sides: printing, plate-making, advertising, and selling. 
The whole financial administration of the Encyclopedia has been conducted on soimd busi- 
ness principles. 

From the appearance of the first volume of the Encyclopedia to the conclusion of the 
Index Volume, the work met with a cordial reception everywhere. Reviewers not only spoke 
of it in terms of unusual praise, but they also recognized in it at once the powerful influence 
for good. Hilaire Belloc, for instance, spoke of it as "one of the most powerful influences 
working in favor of the truth." Georges Goyau recommended it as expressing the genius of 
Catholicity and spoke of its vast army of contributors as forming a modern intellectual cru- 
sade. The Dublin Review pronounced it the "greatest triumph of Christian science in the 
English tongue." The Protestant Press commented most favorably on the scholarliness and 
fairness of the articles, one weekly recommending it as the "greatest work undertaken for the 
advancement of Christian knowledge since the days of Trent." According to the Saturday 
Review, London, it was a "model of reference works." According to the Athenmum, it was a 
"thorough and learned enterprise." Churchmen, men of affairs, journalists, educators, libra- 
rians and editors all vied with one another in praising the scholarship of the Encyclopedia. 


A'Becket, John Joseph, Ph.D., b. at Portland, 
Maine, 1849; d. in New York, 20 December, 1911. 
Education: Portland grammar and high schools; Holy 
Cross College, Worcester, Massachusetts; Woodstock 
College, Maryland. Became a Cathohc 1866; pro- 
fessor of rhetoric and belles lettres in various Jesuit 
Colleges; for a time member of the Society of Jesus; 
at one time editorial writer on the "Evening World", 
New York, London correspondent of the "New York 
World", and hterary critic on the "Literary Digest". 
Author of short stories and essays contributed to the 
leading magazines. 

ARTICLES: Abb^; Abdias op Babylon; Abecedarians; Ab- 
erdeen, Diocese op; Abba de Raconis, Charles FRANgois D*; 
Abrahamites; Accessus; Acciajuoli; Accursius, Francesco; 
AcEPHALi; AcKERMANN, LEOPOLD; AcTON, Charles Januarius; 
Acuas; Adalbert I; Adam of Saint Victor; Adelham, John 
Placid; Adelophagi; Adeodatus; Agapet.e; Agar, William 
Seth; Agnesi, Maria Gabtana; Agonistici; Agoult, Charles 
Constance C^sar Joseph Matthieu d'; Agrippinus; Aguas 
Calientes; Aguirre, Joseph Saenz de; Alagoas, Diocese op; 
Alamanni, Niccol6; Alberti, Leone Battista; Albicus, Sig- 
ismund; Alcock, John; Aldprith; Alessandria Della Paqlia, 
Diocese of; Alexander of Abonoteichos; Alexander op 
Ltcopolis; Alexians; Alger op Li^ge; Allen, Frances; 
Allen, George; Allen, John; Allison, William; Alva y 
Astorga, Pedro d'; Amalricians; Ambrose of Camaldoli, 
Saint; Amherst, Francis Kerril; Ampubiab, Diocese of; 
AjfAGNl, Diocese of; Andrea Pisano; Andreis, Felix De; 
Andria, Diocese of; Annibale, Giuseppe d'; Anquetil, Louis- 
Pierre; Anselme, Antoine; Anthemius; Anthony of the 
Mother of God; Aosta, Diocese of; Apollinaris (The El- 
der) ; AposTOLici; Aquila, Archdiocese of; Arezzo, Diocese 
of; Arne, Thomas Augustine; Asser, John. 

Abel, Reverend F^lix Marie, o.p., s.t.d., s.s.l., 
b. at St. Uze, Drome, France, 29 December, 1878. 
Education: Preparatory Seminary of Valence, France; 
St. Stephen's Bibhcal School, Jerusalem. Ordained 
1902; Professor of Church history (1903-1905), of 
Greek (1903- ), and of topography, archaeology, 
and Coptic (1905- ) at St. Stephen's Bibhcal 
School, Jerusalem; acts as guide for Scriptural cara- 
vans on various tours through Palestine, Phoenicia, 
Syria, etc., 1906- . Author of "Croisiere autour 
de la Mer Morte"; collaborator in: Vincent, "Jeru- 
salem, Etudes Arch^ologiques"; Ibid., "Bethlehem, 
le Sanctuaue de la Nativity"; "Conferences de St. 
Etienne"; contributor of articles on his travels in 
Palestine and on Palestinian epigraphy and archaeol- 
ogy to the "Revue BibUque". 

ARTICLES: Jericho; Jordan, The; Josaphat, Valley of; 

Abraham, Ladislas, ll.d., k.c.s.g., university 
professor, b. at Sambor, Galicia, Austria, 10 October, 
1860. Education: Gymnasium, Sambor; Universities 
of Cracow and Berlin. Began career in a solicitor's 
office in Cracow; lecturer in canon law at the Univer- 
sity of Cracow 1886; professor of canon law (1888- ), 
dean of the faculty of law (1895) and Rector (1900), 
University of Lemberg. Director of PoMsh Scientific 
Expedition of the Academy of Cracow at Rome; mem- 
ber of the Academy of Science in Cracow and of other 
scientific associations in Austria; Austrian Court 
Councillor; Knight of the Order of the Iron Crown 
(Austria); Commander of the Papal Order of St. 
Gregory! Author of numerous treatises and books in 
PoUsh on canon law and the ecclesiastical history of 

Poland and Russia, the most important of which are: 
"The Organization of the Church in Poland up to 
the Twelfth Century" (Lemberg, 1893); "The Com- 
mencement of the Organization of the Roman Church 
in Russia" (Lemberg, 1904); and "Forms of Engage- 
ment and Marriage in Canon Law". 
ARTICLES: Casimir, Saint; Cyril and Methodius, Saints. 

Agnes, Sister Mar? (McCann), m.a., Sister of 
Charity of Cincinnati, b. at Cincinnati, Ohio, 24 April, 
1851. Education: Mt. St. Vincent Academy and Ohio 
Mechanics Institute, Cincinnati; followed courses 
under professors of Mt. St. Mary's Seminary, Price 
HiU, Cincinnati, Ohio. Entered the Congregation of 
Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati, 1867; secretary and 
treasurer of the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati 1874r- 
1877, 1880-1884, 1896-1899, 1905-1908; superior, 
annahst and archivist, Mt. St. Vincent Academy, 
Cincionati, 1884^1890, 1902-1906; superior at St. 
James Convent, Bay City, Michigan, 1890-1891, and 
at St. Raphael's school, Springfield, Ohio, 1891-1896; 
teacher of the graduating class at the above men- 
tioned convents; special teacher of Latin, logic, lit- 
erature and chemistry, Mt. St. Joseph, Hamilton 
County, Ohio, 1908- . Author of: "Mother 
Seton"; "Little Blossoms"; "Sketch of Mother 
Margaret Ceciha George"; "History of Mother 
Seton's Daughters: The Sisters of Charity of Cin- 
cinnati, Ohio"; collaborator in: "History of the 
Catholic Church in the United States"; "Female 
Religious in the United States" (by Sister Mary 
Agnes: "Mother Seton's Daughters"). 

ARTICLE: Sisters op Charity of Cincinnati, Ohio. 

Ahaus, Reverend Hubert, Ph.D., d.d., b. at 
Dordrecht, Holland, 1877. Education: St. Norbert's 
Gymnasium, Heeswijk, Holland; St. Joseph's Col- 
lege, Mill HUl, London; Gregorian University, Rome. 
Ordained 1900; professor of dogmatic theology, St. 
Joseph's College, Mill Hill, London, 1903-1912; pro- 
fessor at the House of Studies of St. Joseph's Society 
for Foreign Missions, Tilburg, Holland, 1912- 
Author of: "Our Lord's Last Will"; "Thought on 
Foreign Missions"; contributor to: "The Month" 

ARTICLE: Orders, Holt. 

Ahem, Reverend Michael Joseph, s.j., a.b., 
b. in New York, 25 May, 1877. Education: Cathohc 
Grammar Schools, St. Francis Xavier College, New 
York; Woodstock College, Maryland; Massachusetts 
Institute of Technology; Innsbruck University, Aus- 
tria. Entered the Society of Jesus, 1896; professor 
of chemistry, geology and mechanics, Boston College, 
Boston, Mass., 1902-1906; professor of mathematics, 
geology and mathematical astronomy, Woodstock 
College, Maryland, 1906-1907; ordained 1910; pro- 
fessor of chemistry and geology, Canisius College, 
Buffalo, 1911-1914; stationed at St. Andrew-on- 
Hudson, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 1914-1915; professor 
of chemistry and geology, Boston College, 1915- 
Member of "the American Association for the Advance- 
ment of Science, of the American Chemical Society, 
of the Boston Society of Natural History, of the 



Seismological Society of America, of the Appalachian 
Mountain Club and of the Geological Society of 
Boston. Conducted the Scientific Chronicle of the 
"American Catholic Quarterly Review", 1903-1906; 
contributor to: "The Messenger"; "America"- 
ARTICLES: Innsbruck Universitt; Luegeh, Karl, 

Aheme, Vert Reverend Cornelius, b. in Co. 
Cork, Ireland, 1861. Education: private schools; 
Birkbeck Institute; St. Joseph's College, Mill Hill; 
matriculated at London University. Entered the 
Civil Service 1880, being employed for the most part 
at the Government Analytical Laboratory; attended 
at the same time St. Edward Franckland's and Pro- 
fessor Japp's lectures on inorganic and organic chem- 
istry at the Royal School of Mines and College of 
Science, South Kensington; studied for the mission- 
ary priesthood; ordained 1889; professor of physical 
science and introduction to Holy Scripture (1889— 
1891), of physical science and scholastic philosophy 
(1891-1897), of dogmatic theology (1897-1900), 
rector (1904- ), and at present professor of New 
Testament exegesis, St. Joseph's College, Mill HOI, 
London. Contributor to: "Dublin Review"; "The 
Month"; "The Tablet": "Weekly Register"; col- 
laborator in: "Anthropos . 

ARTICLES: Colossians, Epistle to; Commentaries on the 
Bible; Corinthians, Epistle to the; Est, Willem Hessels 
van; Galatians, Epistle to the; Hosanna; Luke, Gospel of 
Saint; Pasch or Passover; Son of God; Son of Man; Tim- 
othy AND Titus, Epistles to. 

Aherne, Reverend James, b. near Fermoy, 
Co. Cork, Ireland, 9 July, 1867. Education: Ire- 
land. Ordained 1890; has occupied various parishes 
in the diocese of Omaha, Nebraska; at present, rector, 
St. Agnes Church, South Omaha. 

ASTICLE: Omaha, Diocese of. 

Aiken, Reverend Charles Francis, s.t.d., a.b., 
b. in Boston, Mass., 8 April, 1863. Education: Som- 
erviJle, Mass., grammar and high schools; Harvard 
University; St. John's Theological Seminary, Brigh- 
ton, Mass. ; Catholic University, Washington. Teach- 
er of Classics, Heathcote School, Buffalo, N. Y., 1884- 
1886; studied for the priesthood 1886-1890; ordained 
1890; employed in parish work 1892-1895; studied 
abroad 1895-1897; instructor (1897-1900), assistant 
professor (1900-1906), and ordinary professor (1906- 
) of apologetics at the CathoUo University, 
Washington; dean of the Faculty of Theology 1909- 
1911, 1913- . Gave course of lectures on "Ori- 
ental Religions and Christianity", CathoHc Summer 
School, Cliff Haven, New York, 1913. Member of the 
Advisory Council of the Simphfied Spelhng Board. 
Author of: "The Dhamma of Gotama the Buddha 
and the Gospel of Jesus Christ" (Boston, 1900; 
French translation, Paris, 1903); contributor to: 
"Catholic University Bulletin"; "American Ecclesi- 
astical Review"; "American CathoUc Quarterly Re- 
view"; "Catholic World". 

ARTICLES: Apologetics; Brahminism; Buddhism; Confu- 
cianism; Hinduism; Jainism; Manu, Laws of; Mencius; Mono- 
theism; NfevE, Felix; Religion. 

AimSe de Marie, Sister. Monastery of the 
Precious Blood, St. Hyacinthe, Canada. 

ARTICLE: Precious Blood, Sisters Adorers of the. 

Albers, Reverend Petrus Hbnricus, s.j., b. at 
Cranenburg, Cleves, Germany, 13 April, 1856. Ed- 
ucation: Gymnasium at Gemert, North Brabant; 
Jesuit scholasticates. Emigrated with his family to 
Holland 1870; entered the Society of Jesus 1880; at 
the completion of his studies, took a course in Church 
history at Innsbruck under Ludwig Pastor; ordained 
1893; appointed professor of Church history at the 
College of the Society of Jesus, Maastricht, 1896. 
Member of the Historical Society of Utrecht, the 
Literary Society of Leyden, the Association for the 
Promoting of Science among Catholics, and member 

of the administrative board of the Historical and 
Archaeological Societj' of the Province of Limburg. 
Author of: "Het Herstel der Hierarchie in de Neder- 
landen", in 2 parts (Nimwegen, 1903^1904); "Hand- 
boek der Algemeene Kerkgeschiedenis", in 2 parts 
(Nimwegen, 1905-1907), translated into French, 
Latin, ItaUan, Spanish, and English; and "Levens- 
geschiedenis van Pater Roothaan"; collaborator in: 
"Vivat's Encyclop^die"; " Nederlandsch Biograph- 
isch Woordenboek" ; "Het Jaarboekje van Alberdingk 
Thijm"; and "Archief voor de Geschiedenis van het 
Aartsbisdom Utrecht"; contributor for many years 
to the "Studien". 

ARTICLES: Gorkum, Martyrs of; Holland; Lambert, 
Saint, Bishop of Maestricht; Lidwina, Saint; Schaepman, 
Herman; Thijm, Joseph Albert; Thum, Peter Paul; Vondel, 
joost van den. 

Albert, Reverend Francis Xavibr Edward, 
Ph.D., b. in New York, 5 February, 1879. Edu- 
cation: Assumption parochial school. New York; 
St. Francis College, Cincinnati, Ohio; St. Joseph's 
Seminary, Yonkers, N. Y.; CathoUc University, 
Washington, D. C; Gregorian and Sapienza Univer- 
sities, Rome, Italy. Ordained, 1903; teacher. Old 
Testament Literature, St. Joseph's Seminary, 1906- 
1907; 1909-1915; rector, Church of St. Boniface, 
New York, 1915- . Contributor to: "Catholic 
University Bulletin"; "Revue de 1' Orient Chretien". 

ARTICLES: Aphraates; Authentic; Authenticity of the 
Bible; Azotus; Azymes; Barac; Barjesus; Bahtolocci, 
GiuLio; Battista, Giovanni Guida; Benjamin; Bbsbleel; 
Laban; Le Camus, Emile-Paul; Loaves of Proposition; Lot. 

Albert, Peter Pattl, Ph.D., b. at Steinbach, 
Baden, 29 January, 1862. Education: grammar 
school, Amorbach; Gynmasiums of Aschaffenburg and 
Landshut; Universities of Freiburg-im-Breisgau, 
Wiirzburg, and Munich. Assistant, Grand-Ducal 
General Public Archives, Karlsruhe, 1889-1893; 
archivist, Freiburg-im-Breisgau, 1894^ . Member 
of the Baden Historical Commission; Knight of the 
Zahringen Order of the Lion. Author of: "Matthias 
Doring" (1889); "Geschichte der Stadt Radolfzell" 
(1896); "Steinbach b. Mudau" (1899); "Baden 
zwischen Neckar und Main" (1901); "Die Geschicht- 
schreibung der Stadt Freiburg" (1902); "Schloss 
Burgheim am Rhein" (1904); "Die Schiller von 
Herdern" (1905); "Die Odenwaldbahn Mosbach- 
Mudau" (1906); "Die Schneeburg ob Ebringen" 
(1909); "Der Meister E. S." (1910); editor of: 
"Freiburger Munsterblatter"; "Freiburger Zeit- 
schrift fur Geschichts-, Altertums- und Volkskunde". 

ARTICLES: Hamburg; Hanover. 

Aldasy, Antal, ph.n., b. at Budapest, 25 Sep- 
tember, 1869. Education: University of Budapest; 
Institute for Austrian Historical Research, Vienna. 
Assistant and subsequently archivist, Library of Hun- 
garian National Museum, Budapest, 1894-1912; pro- 
fessor of medieval history. University of Budapest, 
1912- . Has spent several years in historical 
research work in the Vatican Archives. Correspond- 
ing member, Hungarian Academy of Sciences; a 
director of the Hungarian Historical Society; Hun- 
garian CathoUc Authors' and JournaUsts' Society; 
a director and secretary of the Hungarian Society of 
Genealogy and Heraldry; member of the Literary 
and Scientific Section and a director of St. Stephen 
Society; decoration Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice. Author 
of: "Az 1707 6vi 6nodi orszaggyiilfe tort&ete" (Buda- 
pest, 1895); "A nyugati nagy egyhdzszakadds tor- 
t&ete 1378-1383" (Budapest, 1896); "Az 1409 6vi 
cividalei zsinat tortgnete" (Budapest, 1896); "Az 
1412-1413 6vi r6mai zsinat tort^nete" (Budapest, 
1900); "A gorog bucsu ugye a baseU zsinaton" 
(Budapest, 1909); "Zsigmond kirdly viszonya Mi- 
lan6hoz 6s Velenc6hez" (Budapest, 1909). 

ARTICLES: Apostolic Majesty; Gran, Archdiocese of- 
Grosswardein; Gtor; Haynald, Lajos; Hungary; Hunyady 
JiNos; Ipolyi, Arnold; Kalocsa and Bacs; Kisfaludy, SAn- 





REV. < Msfi 1 - I '.11 











"DOR AND KArolt; Mahqabet of Hcngart, Blessed; Matthias 
CoRviNus, King; MunkXcs; Neusohl; Neutra; OlAh, Nico- 
iiAus; Prat, George; RosENAti; RoskovAnyi, August; Sir- 
mium; Steinamangbh; Stdhlweissenbusg; SzAnt6, Stephan; 
SzatmXh; SzentitAnyi, Martin; Transylvania; VeszprSm; 
Waitzen; Zenqq-Modrds; Zips. 

Allard, Marie JulesTaul, k.c.s.g., b. at Rouen, 
France, 15 September, 1841; Senneville-sur-Mer, 
near Fdoamp, 4 December, 1916. Education: Institu- 
tion Join-Lambert, Boisguillaume, near Rouen. Sub- 
stitute judge, Rouen, 1872-1883; editor of "Revue des 
questions historiques", Paris, 1903-1915. President 
of the Congress of Catholics of Normandy, 1883, 
1885; participated in the International Catholic 
Scientific Congress, Paris, 1888, 1891, and Brussels, 
1894. Member of: the Academy of Rouen; the 
Academy of the Catholic Rehgion (Rome); the 
Pontifical Academy of Archseology (Rome). Author 
of: "Les esclaves chr^tiens depuis les premiers temps 
de I'Eglise jusqu'S, la fin de la domination romaine 
en Occident" (1876); "L'art chriStien sous les em- 
pereurs paiens" (1879); "Esclaves serfs et main- 
mortables" (1884); "Histoire des persecutions de 
I'Eghse", 5 vols. (1885-1890); "Paul Lamache" 
(1893); "Le christianisme et I'Empire romain" 
(1897); "Saint Basile" (1898); "Julien I'Apostat", 3 
vols. (1900); "Dix legons sur le martyre" (1905); 
"Saint Sidoine ApolUnaire" (1910); "Les origines 
du servage en France" (1913); collaborator in: 
Cabrol, "Dictionnaire d'arch^ologie chr^tienne et de 
liturgie"; d'Al§s, "Dictionnaire d'Apolog^tique". 

ABTICLE: Slavery. 

Allaria, Right Reverend Anthony, can.Heg.Lat., 
D.D., abbot of San Teodoro, Genoa, b. at Mohni di 
Triora, Liguria, Italy, 23 Jan., 1853. Education: 
House of Studies of the Canons Regular, San Pietro 
in Vincoli, Rome. Ordained 1875; has passed his 
religious hfe preaching and teaching, in Italy, France, 
England and Germany, being professor of theology 
and philosophy for twenty years; has held the posts 
of master of clerics, prior, provincial, and socius to 
the visitor general of his order. At present, examiner 
of clergy and confessor of nuns. Archdiocese of Genoa; 
chaplain to the CathoUc Enghsh Seamen's Mission, 
Genoa and the English speaking colony. Author of 
numerous pamphlets and articles in reviews and 
newspapers in Italian, French, and EngUsh. 

ARTICLES: Canons and Canonesses, Regular; Peter db 
HoNESTis; Peter Fourier, Saint; Peter Nolasco, Saint; 
Peter of Arbues, Saint; Peter of Verona, Saint; Saint 
Andrew's, Priory of; Sainte-Genevieve, Abbey of; Saint- 
Victor, Abbey of; TJbaldus, Saint; Vernazza, Tommasina. 

Allies, Mart Helen Agnes, elder daughter of 
Thomas W. Allies, k.c.s.g., writer, b. at Henley in 
Arden, Warwickshire, England, 2 Feb., 1852. Edu- 
cation: Convent of the Holy Child, St. Leonard's-on- 
Sea, England; Visitation Convent, rue d'Enfer, Paris. 
Secretary to her father 1872-1890; at present resident 
in London. Author of: "Life of Pius VII" (1875); 
"Three Catholic Reformers" (1876); "Leaves from 
St. Augustine" (1886); "Leaves from St. John 
Chrysostom" (1887); "Letters of St. Augustine" 
(1889); "History of the Church in England", 2 vols. 
(1892-1895); "Treatise on Holy Images (St. John 
Damascene)" (1900); "The Heiress of Cronenstein, 
adapted from the German from Countess Hahn 
Hahn" (1899); "Thomas William Alhes" (1907); 
contributor to: "Catholic World"; "Catholic Quar- 
terly"; "Dublin Review"; "L'Univers"; "Questions 
ABTICLE: Allies, Thomas William. 

Almond, Reverend Joseph Cuthbert, o.s.b., 
b. at Liverpool, England, 17 August, 1852. Educa- 
tion: Ampleforth College, York; St. Michael's Priory, 
Belmont; Ampleforth Abbey. Received Benedictine 
habit 1870; ordained 1877; professor of chemistry, 
Ampleforth College; missionary and parish work 

1878-1894; professor of moral theology, Ampleforth 
Abbey, 1894-1898; superior of Parker's Hall, Oxford, 
the Ampleforth House of Studies, 1909-1913; assistant 
priest, St. Joseph's, Brindle, England, 1913- ; 
present censor librorum of the English Benedictine 
Congregation. Designed altars at Brindle and War- 
rington and other architectural works; has published 
many etchings on copper and illustrations in maga- 
zines. Author of: "The Plistory of Ampleforth 
Abbey"; editor of the "Ampleforth Journal" since 
its commencement, 1895; contributor to: "Ample- 
forth Journal"; "Downside Review". 

ARTICLES: Mechitar; Mechitarists; Oates's Plot; Ob- 
LATi, Oblate, Oblates; Olivetans; Ramsey Abbey; Reading 

Aloysio, Reverend Mother, b. at the Hague, 
1852. Education: Franciscan Academy, Rosendaal, 
Holland. Entered the order of the Sisters of Charity 
of Our Lady Mother of Mercy at Tilburg, Holland, 
two years after graduation; after her profession 
taught in the Normal Training School of her order 
at Tilburg; novice-mistress at Tilburg 1884; sent to 
the United States as Superior of the Academy of the 
Holy Family, Baltic, Connecticut, 1897; returned to 
Holland 1909; at present superior of the convent of 
her order at Bois-le-Duc, Holland. 

ARTICLE: Charity, Sisters of, of Our Lady Mother of 

Alston, Reverend George Cyprian, o.s.b., b. 
at Victoria, B. C, in 1869. Education: Merchant 
Taylors' School, London, England; Belmont Cathe- 
dral Priory; Downside Abbey, Bath. Joined the 
Anglican "Father Ignatius" at Llanthony Priory 
1888; became a member of the Society of St. John 
the Evangelist ("Cowley Fathers") at Oxford 1895; 
received into the Catholic Church and entered the 
Benedictine Order 1898; professed 1900; ordained 
1906; editor of the "Downside Review" 1906-1909; 
assistant priest at St. Anthony's, East Dulwich, 
London, 1909- . Contributor to: "Downside 

ARTICLES: B^nard, Laurent; Benedict, Rule of Saint; 
Benedictbeuehn, Abbey of; Benedictine Order; Blosius, 
FRANgoia-Louis; Booking, Edward; Bossu, Jacques Le; Boy- 
Bishop; Cantate Sunday; Chapel; Cluny, Congregation of; 
Convent; Convent Schools; Corbie, Monastery of; Corvey, 
Abbey of; Crutched Friars; Deusdedit, Saint; Dinooth, 
Saint; Dissentis, Abbey of; Donnan, Saint; Drostan, Saint; 
EcHTERNACH, Abbey of; Einbiedeln, Abbey of; Emmeram, 
Abbey op Saint; Engelberg, Abbey of; Estiennot de la 
Serre, Claude; Evesham Abbey; Fontenelle, Abbey of; 
FoNTFROlDE, Abbey OF; Gall, Abbey OP Saint; Garland; 
Gaudete Sunday; General Chapter; Glebe; Goscelin; 
Hairshirt; Hirschau, Abbey of; Itinerarium; Jubilate 
Sunday; Judica Sunday; JuMifcoES, Benedictine Abbey of; 
L.ETARE Sunday; Llanthony Priory; Low Sunday; Monas- 
teries, Double; Responsorium; Rood; Saint Augustine, 
Abbey of; SainivDenis, Abbey of; Sanctuary; Schola Can- 
torum; Sediha; Sherborne Abbey; Solesmes, Abbey of; 
Vaast, Abbey op Saint; Walsinqham, Thomas; Way of the 
Cross; Westminster Abbey; William of JumiIiges; Xim^nez, 
de Cisneros, Francisco Cardinal. 

Alvarado, Very Reverend TomjIs Antonio, 
canon of the cathedral, Cuenca, Ecuador, b. in 
Cuenca, 18 September, 1860. Education: Christian 
Brothers College and the Ecclesiastical Seminary, 
Cuenca. While still a student, named superior of 
the Seminary and professor of grammar, literature, 
religion, French, and Latin, and director of a literary 
academy; ordained 1886; named Dean of the Faculty 
of Philosophy at the University of Azuay; canon 
1893; exiled for a time by the government for pro- 
testing against the law "El Patronato " 1898. Among 
his official charges have been those of Municipal 
Councillor and Commissary of the Fiscal Revenue 
Commission; was twice elected Deputy to the Na- 
tional Congress, each time declining to serve. Author 
of: "Est6tica literaria", "Ortologia francesa" and 
"Versificaci6n francesa", which have been accepted 
as text-books in several schools; also of a number of 
poems, religious and profane; former editor of "El 



Heinado Eucaristico " ; contributor to: "El Heraldo 
de la Euoaristia"; "Boletln Literaria"; "Los Prin- 
cipios Cat61ioos". 
ABTICLE: Cuenca, Diocese of. 

Alvarez, Reverend Josfi MaeIa, o.p., b. in the 
Province of Burgos, Spain, 16 March, 1871. Educa- 
tion: Burgos; St. Thomas College, Avila, Spain. 
Entered the Dominican Order 1886; ordained 1895; 
missionary in the Philippines, 1895, and in Formosa 
1895-1904; prefect Apostohc of Shikoku, Japan, 
1904- . Contributor to : " Correo Sino-Anamita ' ' ; 
"Misiones Cat61icas de Barcelona"; "Anales de la 
Propagaci6n de la F6"; Boletln de la Real Sociedad 
Geogrifica de Espana". 

AKTICLE: Shi-kokit. 

Alvarez Crespo, Reverend JtjaNj cm., b. in 
Orense, Spain, 5 March, 1871. Education: Seminary 
of Orense; Lazarist House of Studies, Madrid. En- 
tered the Congregation of the Mission 1888; ordained 
and transferred to Cuba 1895; studied English in the 
United States, at the same time teaching philosophy 
in St. Vincent's Seminary, Philadelphia, 1900; re- 
turned to Matanzas, Cuba, 1901 ; at different periods 
of his life has taught philosophy, history, the natural 
sciences, and Uterature, particularly that of Spain; 
ecclesiastical censor of the diocese of Havana; rector 
of the College of the Sacred Heart, Matanzas; at 
present Visitor of the Congregation in the Province 
of Antilles. Contributor to: "Diario de la Marina" 
(Havana); "Juventud" (Matanzas), a literary re- 
view of which he is the founder; "Pro Patria"- 

AKTICLE: Havana, Diocese of. 

Alves Martins, Right Reverend Jos£, d.d.. 
Bishop of Cape Verde. Education: Portuguese Sem- 
inary for Foreign Missions. Missionary in the Congo 
1898-1908; chancellor of the diocese of Angola and 
Congo, resident at Loanda, 1909-1910; Bishop of 
Cape Verde 1910- . Twice commended by ec- 
clesiastical authorities and once by the government 
for his services as a missionary in the Congo. Trans- 
lated into Kikongo: "Catechismo de doutrina chris- 
ta"; "Mez de Maria"; "Resumo da Historia Bib- 

ARTICLE: Sao Thiago de Cabo Vehde. 

Amado de Contreras, Reverend Ram6n Rtjiz, 
S.J., B.A., iJtt.L., ph.L., J.U.D., writer, b. at CasteUo 
d'Ampurias, Catalonia, Spain, January 14, 1861. 
Education: University of Barcelona; Jesuit Scholasti- 
cates of Veruela and Tortosa. Practised law 1881- 
1884; entered the Society of Jesus 1884; ordained 
and appointed teacher of humanities, Latin, and 
Greek at the Veruela Scholasticate 1896; spent sev- 
eral years in hterary work in the interests of education 
and in travelling in Germany (Berlin), England 
(London), Argentina, Uruguay, and Chile, making a 
special study of the educational systems of these 
countries ; associate editor of ' 'Raz6n y Fe" 1906-19 10 ; 
transferred to St. Ignatius College, Sarrid, Barcelona, 
for the founding of the review "La Educaci6n His- 
pano Americana", 1910. One of the founders of the 
"Academia Universitaria Cat61ica" at Madrid, and 
for a time its professor of higher pedagogy. Author 
of: "La Educaoi6n moral"; "La Educaci6n intelec- 
tual"; " La Educaci6n religiosa " ; " La Educaci6n de 
la Castidad"; "Historia de la educacidn y la Peda- 
gogia " ; " Educaoi6n Femenina ' ' ; " Educaci6n ci vica' ' ; 

Didactica 6 el Artede ensenar"; "La Maestraoris- 
tiana"; "Conferencias Apolog^ticas (Los Peligros de 
laFe. HeperdidolaFe! El Modernismo religiose)"; 
"LaPiedad ilustrada"; "Epitome de Apologetica"; 
"Compendio de Historia Universal"; "Compendio de 
Historia de Espana"; "El Secreto del Exito"; "El 
Secreto de la Felicidad"; "La Iglesia y la libertad de 
ensenanza"; "Asc6tica Ignaciana"; several of which 

have been translated into Italian, French, and 
other languages; "La Historia de los Papas" (tr. 
from the German of Ludwig Pastor); "El Compen- 
dio de Historia eclesidstica" (tr. from the German 
of J. Marx); "Catecismo popular explanado" (tr. 
from the German of Franz Spirago); "HomoMtica" 
(tr. from the German of Albert Meyenberg) ; contribu- 
tor of numerous articles to "Raz6n y Fe" regarding 
the educational systems of England, Germany, Ar- 
gentina, Uruguay, and Chile. 

ARTICLES: AlcalA, Univeksitt op; BtrLL-FioHT, The 
Spanish; Castile and Ahagon; Catalonia; Guadix; Huelgas 
DE BuHGOs; Isabella I, the Catholic; Leon; Minorca; Mon- 
DONEDo; Orense; Ohihuela; Osma; Oviedo; Palencia; Pam- 
plona; Plasencia; Salamanca; Salamanca, University of; 
Santander; Saragossa; Segorbe; Segovia; Seville; Siguenza; 
SiGUENZA, Univehsity; Spain; Tarazona; Tarragona; Teruel; 
Todela; Tuy; Urgel; Valencia; Valladolid; Valladolid, 
University of; Vich; Vitoeia; Viva, Domenico; Zamoha. 

Anger, Henry, Litt.B., 

ARTICLE: Delacroix, Febdinand-Victob-EitgJine. 

Anglin, Hon. Francis Alexander, b.a., eldest 
son of the late T. W. AngUn, sometime Speaker of 
the Canadian House of Commons, b. at St. John, 
New Brunswick, 1865. Education: St. Mary's 
College, Montreal; University of Ottawa. Called 
to the Bar of Ontario 1888; married Harriet I., 
daughter of the late Archibald Eraser, of Fraserfield, 
Glengarry, Ontario, 1892; King's Counsel 1902; 
Puisne Judge Exchequer Division of the High Court 
of Justice of Ontario 1904; Justice of the Supreme 
Court of Canada, 1909- ; resident in Ottawa. 
Author of: "Trustees' Limitations and other Relief" 
(Toronto, 1910). 

ARTICLE: Ontario. 

Antoine, Sister Mart, Holy Cross Academy, 
Washington, D. C. 

ARTICLE: Holy Cross, Sisters of the. 

Antoinette, Mother, Nazareth Convent, Vic- 
toria, Texas. 

ARTICLE: Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament, Or- 
der of the. 

Antonia, Sister (Goeb), Sister of the Poor of St. 
Francis, b. at Montjoie, near Aachen, Germany, 24 
June, 1837. Entered the Congregation of the Sisters 
of the Poor of St. Francis 1856; stationed in various 
houses of her order in the United States 1860-1875; 
assistant superior St. Clara's Convent, Hartwell, 
Cincinnati, Ohio, 1875-1917. 

ARTICLE: Poor of St. Francis, Sisters of the. 

Appleton, Robert, b. in New York, 30 Sep- 
tember, 1864, son of Daniel Appleton, founder of 
the publishing house of D. Appleton and Company, 
and direct descendant of Samuel Appleton who 
emigrated from England in 1624 and settled in 
Ipswich, Mass. Education: St. Paul's School, Con- 
cord, New Hampshire; Yale University, New Haven, 
Connecticut. Entered the employ of Daniel Apple- 
ton and Company, pubhshers, becoming head of the 
subscription department; conceived the plan of 
Appleton's Scientific Library; one of the organizers 
and president of the Robert Appleton Company, 
publishers of the Catholic Encyclopedia, 1903-1914; 
resident in New York. Member of the University 
Club and New York Athletic Club; trustee of the 
American Defense Society. 

Arbez, Reverend Edward Philip, s.s., m.a., b. 
in Paris, 16 May, 1881. Education: Preparatory 
Seminary of L'Argentifere and Seminary of Alix, 
France; St. Sulpice, Paris; special course in Sacred 
Scripture and Semitic languages, St. Austin's College 
and the Cathohc University, Washington, D. C. 
Ordained 1904; professor of apologetics (1904-1905), 
of Church history (1905-1912), and of Scripture 



(1905- ) and Hebrew (1910- ), St. Patrick's 
Seminary, Menlo Park, California; professor of Latin, 
St. Patrick's CoUege, Menlo Park, 1910- 

ARTICLES: Anathoth; Anise; Anna; Annab; Antioch; 

Arboleda, Most Reverend Manuel Antonio, 
D.D., CM., Archbishop of Popaydn, Colombia, b. at 
Cartago, Colombia, 27 February, 1870. Education: 
Seminary of Popaydn; Scholasticate of the Congre- 
gation of the Mission. Entered the Congregation of 
the Mission 1888; ordained 1894; professor at the 
College of Santa Rosa de Cabal; superior of the 
Preparatory Seminary of Popaydn; consecrated Arch- 
bishop of Popaydn 29 June, 1907. Honorary Presi- 
dent of the Patriotic Commission of National Defense 

ABTICLE: PopatIn, Akchdiocese of. 

Arendzen, Reverend John P., Ph.D., s.t.d., 
M.A., son of J. P. Arendzen, a distinguished etcher. 
Education: Oscott, Munich, Bonn; expert in Arabic; 
at present professor of Holy Scripture, St. Edmund's 
College, Ware, England, and Diocesan Missioner. 
Author of many articles in Cambridge and Conti- 
nental learned journals, chiefly on the Old Testa- 
ment; published the Syriac text of the Apostolic 
Church Order (1901). 

ARTICLES: Babylonia; Bardesanes and Bardesanites; 
Basilides; Cainites; Cerinthus; Cherubim; Cobmogont; 
Demetrius; Demiurge; Docet^e; Dositheans; Druzes; Eb- 
ioniteb; Egyptian Church Ordinance; Encratites; Etsch- 
miadzin; Gabriel Sionita; Gnosticism; Hypsistarianb; Isaac 
OF Nineveh; ManichjEism; Marcellub of Ancyra; Marcion- 
ITES; Makcosians; Marcus; Messalianb; Mithraism; Nabo- 
BiEANs; Occult Art, Occultism; Pneumatomachi. 

Armfelt, Carl Gtjstav Baron, b. at Stockholm, 
Sweden, 28 March, 1866. Education: Stockholm; 
University of Lund, Sweden; University of Inns- 
bruck, Austria. Became a Catholic 1897; secretary 
of Swedish consulate, Cardiff, Wales, (1902), and Riga, 
Russia (1902-1906); at present attached to the 
Royal Commerce College, Stockholm; estate at Kulla, 
near Odensviholm, Sweden. President of Concordia 
Catholica (Stockholm); President of the Society of 
St. Bridget (Stockholm). Collaborator in: Herder's 
"PadagogischesLexikon"; contributor to: "America" 
(New York); "Germania" (Berlin); "L'Univers" 
(Paris); "St. Olaf " (Christiania) ; "Nordisk Ugeblad" 

ARTICLES: Stockholm; Tbondhjem; Upsala, 

Astrain, Reverend Antonio, s.j., writer, b. at 
Vudiano, Navarre, Spain, 17 November, 1857. 
Education: College of Carrion de los Condes; Semi- 
nary of Larresore (France); Jesuit Scholasticates. 
Entered the Society of Jesus, having obtained a 
dispensation on account of his youth, 1871; twice 
professor of rhetoric, Jesuit Scholasticate, Loyola, 
Spain, 1880-1883, 1887-1890; ordained 1886; editor 
of "El Mensajero del Coraz6n de Jesiis", Bilbao, 
1890; designated as the writer of the History of the 
Society of Jesus in the Spanish Assistancy 1892; at 
present engaged in this work, of which the first three 
volumes have already appeared. 

ARTICLES: Conghegatio de Auximis; Francis Xavibr, 

Atteiidge, Andrew Hilliard, journalist and 
author, b. at Liverpool, England, of Irish parents 
(the late Captain John Atteridge, of County Cork, 
and his wife Ellen Maria HiUiard, of County Kerry). 
Education: St. Francis Xavier's College, Liverpool; 
matriculated with honors at London University; 
Stonyhurst CoUege, Blackburn; Louvain University. 
For a time member of the Society of Jesus; for a year 
assistant editor of "The Month", London; specialist 
in military and naval subjects: for some years captain 
in the London Irish Volunteers; did special work in 

the introduction of cyclist infantry into the army; 
staff officer to General Maurice in the first cyclist 
manoeuvres on a large scale ever held in England; 
journahst; formerly London editor of the "Catholic 
Times"; at one time correspondent of various 
CathoUc papers and reviews in America and Europe; 
connected with the London Daily Chronicle as special 
correspondent at the manoeuvres of the French, 
German, and British armies, as war correspondent in 
the Dongola campaign (1896), receiving a medal with 
clasp for the battle of Firket, and as military editor 
during the South African war; associated for three 
years with an engineering firm, designing and build- 
ing the experimental submarine Volta and carrying 
out a series of experimental trials on the east coast 
of England; lecturer on Cathoho or military topics. 
Life member of the Royal United Service Institution. 
Author of: "Notes on Catholic Missions" (1885); 
"Towards Khartoum, the Story of the Dongola 
Campaign" (1897); "Wars of the Nineties" (1900); 
"A popular History of the Boer War" (1901): 
"Napoleon's Brothers" (1909); "Joachim Muraf' 
(1910); "Modern Battles from the Ahna to Mukden" 
(1910); "The Bravest of the Brave" (1912); "The 
First Phase of the Great War" (1914); "The Army 
shown to the Children" (1915); "The British Army 
of Today" (1915); "The German Army in War"^' 
(1915); "The Second Phase of the Great War" 
(1915); "The World-Wide War" (1915); various 
translated books and several works in collaboration 
with other authors; London correspondent of 
"America"; contributor to: "Ave Maria". 

ARTICLES: Hawkins, Sir Henry; Irish Catholics in 
South Africa; Periodical Literature, Catholic, England. 

Auclair, Reverend Elie J., b.a., s.t.d., j.c.d., 
b. at Montreal, Canada, 1 July, 1866. Education: 
College de Ste. TMrfese and College de Montreal, 
Montreal; Propaganda and St. ApoUinaris, Rome; 
Institut CathoMque, Paris. Ordained 1891; vicar of 
St. Jean-Baptiste, Montreal, 1896-1899; professor at 
Laval University 1898; vicar of St. Joseph, Montreal, 
1899-1901; professor of literature. Academy of St. 
Charles, Sherbrooke, 1901-1905; at the cathedral, 
Montreal, 1905- ; professor at the School for the 
Higher Education of Young Ladies, Montreal, 1908; 
Defender of the Marriage Bond of the Curia of 
Montreal. Vice-President of the Committee of 
Works, Secretary of the Reception Committee and 
President of the PubUcity Committee at the Eucha- 
ristic Congress, Montreal (1910). Honorary member 
of the Academy of St. Charles, Sherbrooke. Author 
of: "La foi catholique" (1898); "Le mariage clan- 
destin" (1901); "Articles et etudes" (1903); "Vie de 
Mere Caron" (1906); "Les f^tes de I'Hotel Dieu" 
(1909); "L'histoire d'Embrun" (1910); associate 
editor of : "Semaine Religieuse"; editorial secretary, 
"Revue Canadienne". 

ARTICLES : Canons Regular of the Immaculate Concep- 
tion; Charity of Providence, Sisters of; Mance, Jeanne; 

Augustine, Veet Reverend Father (John 
Augustine Haydbn), o.s.p.c, preacher and Gaelic 
scholar, b. at Gowran, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland, 7 
November, 1870. Education: Christian Brothers' 
Schools; Our Lady's Mount, Cork; Capuchin School, 
Kilkenny. Entered the Franciscan Capuchin Order; 
sent to Davos-Platz, Switzerland, 1892; ordained 
1893; returned to Switzerland for missionary work 
in the German-speaking canton of Appenzell 1894; 
rector of the Capuchin College, Roohestown, Ireland, 
1896-1907; during this period much interested in the 
teaching and spreading of the Irish language both in 
his college and elsewhere, endeavoring to Irishize the 
entire educational system of the country; formulated 
the first curriculum of the Munster Training College, 
BalMngeary, Co. Cork; on its Committee of Manage- 



ment 1903- ; unanimously elected first chairman 
of the Cork District Council of the Gaelic League, 
holding the office seven years; definitor of his province 
1904^1913; transferred to Dublin to take part in the 
National Temperance Crusade 1907; guardian, 
Franciscan Capuchin Friary, DubUn, 1913- 
Active in the Irish Industrial Movement; first speaker 
at the anti-emigration conference, Cork, 1902; dis- 
tinguished as a pulpit orator; has preached in the 
principal cities of Ireland in English and Gaelic, in 
addition to having delivered, in German, a Lenten 
course of sermons in Vienna (1905) and a shorter 
one at Prague at the invitation of the Cardinal 
Prince-Bishop; pronounced the panegyric of St. 
Finbarr at the shrine in Gougane Barra, Co. Cork, 
1905; preached on "St. Patrick and the Faith of the 
Irish People" in Westminster Cathedral before 
Bishop Johnson and Bishop O'Donnell, of Raphoe, 
and 7000 Irish exiles, March 17, 1906; and in the 
Pro-Cathedral, Dublin, in the presence of Archbishop 
Walsh and a great muster of the Gaels of the city, 
March 17, 1909 ; preached at Croagh Patrick, National 
Pilgrimage, 1913. Member of the Committee, DubHn 
College of Modern Irish. Author of an Introduction 
in English to J. J. O'Kelly's Irish Life of Father 
Mathew; contributor to several Irish periodicals. 
ARTICLES: Mathew, Theobald; Nugent, Francis. 

Austin, Sister Mary Stanislas (Laura 
Cornelia Marie Stanislas Brooks O'Reilly), 
Sister of Mercy, b. at Albany, New York, 1846, 
great grandniece of Count Andreas O'Reilly of the 
Austrian Army and descendant of the Arundels of 
Wardour; d. at Tarrytown, N. Y., September, 1916. 
Education: private; Peck and Hegeman Seminary, 
Rochester, New York. Entered the Order of Sisters 
of Mercy 1870; passed her fife in teaching and chari- 
table works; held the posts of superior and novice- 
mistress in various convents of the Sisters of Mercy; 
formerly at the Convent of Mercy, Madison Avenue, 
New York; at the Institute of Mercy, Tarrytown, 
New York, 1911-1916. Inaugurated a home for ex- 
convicts, which was given up after two years 
for want of funds; former editor of the "Sunday 
Companion ' ' . Former member Fort Greene Chapter, 
Daughters of the American Revolution. Author of: 
"Life of Philip Freneau"; etc.; contributor to "Sun- 
day Companion"; "America"; "Journal of American 
History"; "Connecticut Magazine"; "Catholic 
World ; " Messenger of the Sacred Heart' , "Lamp". 

ABTICLES: O'Reillt, Huqh; Mehot, Sistebb of; Waedb 
Maby Fhancis-Xavieb. 

Aveling, Reverend Francis Arthur Powell, 
D.D., Ph.D., sc.D., writer, b. at St. Catherine's, On- 
tario, Canada, 1875. Education: Bishop Ridley 
College, St. Catherine's; Bishop's College, Lennoxville, 
Quebec, Canada; Keble College, Oxford; Canadian 
College, Rome; Louvain University, Belgium. 
Received into the Church by Father Luke Rivington 
1896; ordained 1899; former curate at Tottenham, 
London; first rector of the Cathedral Choir School, 
Westminster, London; former Cathedral chaplain; 
lecturer in analytical psychology. University College, 
London, and Chaplain of St. WiKrid's Convent, Chelsea, 
London; at present Chaplain of the Forces; Fellow 
of Louvain University; eirtern examiner in philosophy. 
National University of Ireland; lecturer in peda- 
gogical methods, London County Council. Member 
of: the Aristotelian Society; the British Psychological 
Society. Author of: "The Philosophers of the 
Smoking Room"; "The God of Philosophy"; "Arnoul 
the Englishman"; "The Immortality of the Soul"; 
"On the Consciousness of the Universal and the 
Individual"; "The Spectrum of Truth" (in collabo- 
ration with Reverend A. B. Sharpe); editor of: 
"Westminster Lectures"; "Expository Lessons in 
Christian Philosophy"; contributor to: "Dublin 

Review"; "American Catholic Quarterly Review"; 
"CathoUc World"; "Revue NiSo-Scolastique"; 
"Nineteenth Century"; "Journal of Psychology"; 
"Annales de I'Institut de Louvain". 

ARTICLES: Abingdon, Abbey of; Ampleforth, Abbey of; 
Anglebea, Priory of; Antinomianism; Arches, Court of; 
Arundel, Thomas; Atheism; Athelney, Abbey of; Baconian 
System op Philosophy; Baldwin of Canterbury; Beaufort, 
Lady Margaret; Belief; Boniface of Savoy; Bristow, 
Richard; Cause; Condition; Deism; Essence and Existence; 
Form; Free-Thinkers; Man; Matter; Mivart, St. George 
Jackson; Phenomenalism; Quality; Quantity; Rationalism; 
Ward, William George. 

Ayme, Edward Lucibn, m.d., b. in New York, 
10 July, 1862, son of Dr. Henry Aym6, of La Rochelle, 
France, and EUzabeth Geraldine Fitzgerald, of Dub- 
lin, Ireland, grandson of Baron Aym6 and Charlotte 
Guyot, and brother of Louis Henry Aym6, American 
Consul General at Lisbon . Education : public schools, 
New York; St. Laurent College, Montreal, Canada; 
Columbia University, New York. Interne at Man- 
hattan Hospital, New York, 1885; practising physi- 
cian, New York, 1885- ; former assistant to Dr. 
WiUiam T. BuU; assistant to Dr. Stokes at Chambers 
Street Hospital 1884; surgeon of Holland American 
Steamship Line 1887; assistant at the Roosevelt 
Hospital and at the Hospital for the Ruptured and 
Crippled 1889; examiner in lunacy, Supreme Court, 
New York, 1890- ; assistant. Post Graduate 
School and Hospital, 1906; instructor in gynecology. 
Post Graduate Hospital, 1910- ; obstetrician, 
Misericordia Hospital, 1909- ; attending physi- 
cian and surgeon, Home for the Aged of Little Sisters 
of the Poor; First Lieutenant, Medical Reserve Corps, 
United States Army; surgeon of the " W. A. Schulten", 
and wrecked with it in English Channel, 1887. Mem- 
ber of: American Medical Association, New York 
County Medical Society, New York State Medical 
Society, Medical Society of Greater New York, 
Society of American Wars, Sons of Veterans, Medi- 
cal Jurisprudence Society, Clinical Society of Post 
Graduate Hospital, Society of Medical Reserve Corps, 
Holy Name Society, Third Order of St. Dominic, and 
Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Author of: "Life of 
St. Catherine of Siena" (New York); contributor to 
various periodicals. 

ARTICLES: Rose of Lima, Saint; Toribio Alfonso 
MoGROvEJO, Saint. 

Azevedo e Castro, Right Reverend Joao 
Paulino d', s.t.d.. Bishop of Macao, China, b. at 
Lages, Island of Pico, Azores, 4 February, 1852. 
Education: pubhc schools, Lages; National Lyceum, 
Horta, Azores; seminary and university, Coimbra, 
Portugal. Ordained 1879; professor alternately of 
philosophy, theology, Church history, and canon law 
(1879-1902) and rector (1888-1902), Seminary, Angra, 
Azores; Pro-Synodal Examiner (1879-1902) and at 
various times also Promotor Fiscahs, Chief Treasurer 
of the Cathedral, member of the Episcopal Govern- 
ing Board, and Episcopal Deputy to Portugal, diocese 
of Angra; Canon of the Cathedral of Angra 1888; 
archdeacon 1902; Bishop of Macao, China, 1902- ; 
one of the chancellors of the Privy Council of His 
Most Faithful Majesty of Portugal 1902-1910; 
president of the Council of Studies at the Seminary, 
member of Superior Council of Public Education, of 
the Government Council, and President of the Chief 
Executive Council, Macao. One of the founders 
of the paper "A Ordem", Coimbra; one of the founders 
and 1st Secretary, Congregation of Mary, Coimbra; 
former editor of "Boletin do governo ecclesiastico 
dos Agores"; member of the Commission for the 
Promotion of Conferences of the Clergy, Angra, 
1892, 1894; first president of the Association for the 
Promotion of Spiritual Exercises and Prayer, Angra; 
as rector of the Seminary, Angra, enlarged the bmld- 
ing, introduced the study of scholastic philosophy, 
established new library and founded Natural History 



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Museum; founder of "Boletin do governo ecclesiastico 
da Diocese de Macau" ; as bishop, has built numerous 
churches and schools, introduced into his diocese new 
religious orders, and founded a college for girls at Ma- 
lacca; as member of the Government Council, defeated 
scheme for the granting of a gambhng monopoly 
designed to make Macao the Monte Carlo of the 
Far East; visited Europe to arrange with the Pope 
and tiie French and Portuguese governments matters 
for some time unsettled connected with the change 

of ecclesiastical jurisdiction in Hainan and Shin Hmg, 
bringing the affair to a definite conclusion, 1907 ; upheld 
with great constancy the cause of the Church in the 
struggle against the persecutions of the Portuguese 
Republic, 1910. Hon. Brother of the Santa Casada 
Misericordia, Macao. Author of: pastoral letters, 
decrees, addresses, etc.; contributor to: "Boletin do 
governo ecclesiastico da Diocese de Macau ; An- 
nates de la Congregation de la Mission". 
ABTICLE: Macao, Diocesb of. 


Bacchus, Reverend Francis Joseph, b.a., 
Oratorian, b. at Leamington, Warwickshire, England, 
1860. Education: The Oratory School, Birmingham, 
England, under Cardinal Newman. Joined the 
Birmingham Oratory 1881; ordained 1888; at present 
stationed at The Oratory, Edgbaston, Birmingham, 
England. Contributor to: "Dublin Review"; 
"Weekly Register". 

ARTICLES: Eusebitts, Chronicle of; Eusebiub of Cesa- 
rea; Macaritjs, Saint; Macarius of Antioch; Mennas, Patri- 
arch OF Constantinople; Monasticism, Eastern, Before 
Chalcedon; Pachomius, Saint; Pammachius, Saint; Pamphi- 
Lus OF C^sarea, Saint; Pant^ntjs; Paul the Hermit, Saint; 
Paul the Simple, Saint; Peter of Alexandria, Saint; Phil- 
astrius, Saint; Pionius, Saint; Polycarp, Saint; Possidius, 
Saint; Proclus, Saint; Prosper of Aquitaine, Tiro; Rab- 
bulas; Rhodo; Rufinus Ttrannius; Ryder, Henry Ignatius 
Dudley; Sophbonius; Symmachus the Ebionite; Synesius of 
Cyrene; Theodorus Lector; Theonas, Bishop op Alexan- 
dria; Theophilus, Bishop of Antioch; Three Chapters; 
Titus, Bishop of Bostra. 

Bagshawe, Most Reverend Edward Gilpin, 
D.D., B.A., b. in London, 12 January, 1829; d. 6 
February, 1915. Education: school at Hampstead 
and University College School, London; matricula- 
tion honors, London University; St. Mary's College, 
Oscott, Birmingham. Member of the London 
Oratory, 1849-1874, being under Father Faber for 
fourteen years; ordained by Cardinal Wiseman 1852; 
consecrated Bishop of Nottingham by Cardinal 
Manning; assisted by Bishops Amherst and Vaughan, 
1874; resigned his see 1901; chaplain of the Sisters of 
the Little Company of Mary, Gunnersbury House, 
Hounslow, 1901-1915. Titular Bishop of Hypsepa 
1902; titular Archbishop of Seleucia Trachea 1904. 
Author of: "Notes on Christian Doctrine" (lectures 
at the Training School, Hammersmith); "The Psalms 
and Canticles in English Verse"; "Doctrinal Poems"; 
"The Breviary Hymns and Missal Sequences in 
English Verse"; "Devotional Hymns ; (Pam- 
phlets:) "Justice and Mercy to the Poor the True 
PoMtical Economy"; "The Monstrous Evils of 
English Rule in Ireland, especially since the Union"; 
"The True Principles of Letting Land". 
ARTICLE: Joseph, Sisters of Saint, of Peace. 

Bainvel, Reverend Jean Vincent, s.j., ll.l., 
b. at Plougoumelen, Morbihan, Prance, 4 August, 
1858. Education: College of St. Francis Xavier, 
Vannes; schools of St. Aubin and Catholic University, 
Angers; Jesuit scholasticate at Jersey. Entered the 
Society of Jesus 1877; professor at the Jesuit juniorate 
at Aberdovey, Wales and Slough, near Windsor, Eng- 
land, 1883-1890; ordained 1889; professor of theology 
(1896-1899) and of philosophy (1899-1900), Jesuit 
scholasticate, Jersey; professor of fundamental theol- 
ogy. Catholic Institute, Paris, 1900- . Author 
of: (works written while teaching in the Jesuit 
juniorate) "Prosodie latine"; "M6trique latine"; 
"Causeries p6dagogiques" (Paris); "Exercices de 
vers latins" (Tours); (other works) "Les contre- 
sens bibliques des pridicateurs" (Paris, 1895; 2 ed. 
1906); "La foi et Facte de foi" (Paris, 1898; 2 ed. 

2 ed. with additions 1911; 4 ed. 1917); "Hors de 

I'Eglise pas de Salut" pamphlet, (Paris, 1913); "La 
Vie intime du cathoUque" (Paris, 1914; 4 ed. 1916); 
(Latin works, summary of his course at the Catholic 
Institute, Paris) "De magisterio vivo et traditione" 
(Paris, 1905); "De scriptura sacra" (Paris, 1909); 
"De vera rehgione et apologetica" (Paris, 1914); 
collaborator in: "UnSiMe" (by Father Bain vel: "Le 
dogme et la pens^e cathoUque au XIX silcle") (Paris, 
1900); " Dictionnaire de th^ologie", Vacant-Man- 
genot; "Dictionnaire apolog^tique", Jaugey-d'Al^s; 
co-director, with his colleagues the professor of theol- 
ogy at the Catholic Institute, Paris, of a "collection" 
entitled "La Biblioth^que de th6ologie historique"; 
edited for this collection "La th^ologie au XIX 
si^cle ", posthumous work of the Abbd Bellamy (Paris, 
1904); contributor to: "Etudes"; "Polybiblion"; 
"Revue pratique d'apolog^tique" (writing the Chron- 
Ique de th^ologie) ; "Revue de I'lnstitut CathoUque de 
Paris"; "Revue apolog^tique ", Bruxelles; "Revue 
de Philosophie"; "Enseignement chr^tien" (writing 
on pedagogic matters); "Messager du Coeur de 
Jesus"; etc., etc. 

ARTICLES: Heart of Jesus, Devotion to the; Heart of 
Mart, Devotion to the; Tradition. 

Balestri, Reverend Giuseppe, o.s.a., s.t.d., b. 
at Sasseta, Italy, 2 December, 1866. Education: 
Augustinian College of St. Monica, St. ApolUnaris, 
and the Royal University, Rome. Ordained 1889: 
has held the posts of professor of philosophy, of 
mathematics, of dogmatic theology, of Sacred Scrip- 
ture, of Greek and of Oriental languages, 1892-1908; 
rector of St. Monica's College, Rome, 1908-1910; at 
present consultor on the Pontifical Biblical Commis- 
sion, resident in Florence. Author of Vol. Ill 
(Novum Testamentum) of "SS. BibUorum fragmenta 
Copto-Sahidica Musei Borgiani" (Rome, 1904); co- 
editor with Dr. Henry Hyvernat of "Acta Martjrrum 
I" (Corpus scriptorum christianorum OrientaUum: 
Scriptores Coptici: Series III: Vol. I) (Paris, 1907); 
contributor to: "Bessarione"; "Revue BibUque". 

ARTICLES: Ciasca, Agobtino, Cardinal; Cyrus and John, 

Balette, Reverend Justin, b. at Arcizac-6s- 
Angles, Hautes-Pyr6n6es, France, 3 November, 1852. 
Education: schools of Lourdes and LSzignan; Pre- 
paratory Seminary of St. F6; Seminary of Tarbes; 
Seminary of Foreign Missions, Paris. Ordained and 
sent as a missionary to Japan 1877; professor at the 
Preparatory Seminary, Tokio, 1877-1878; stationed 
at Hakodate 1878-1880; at Niigata 1880-1884; at 
Tokio 1885-1905; censor of religious books printed 
in Japanese 1906; stationed at Mito 1907; at Toyama 
1907-1908; at present engaged in compiling a Japa- 
nese-French dictionary. During his missionary Uf e in 
Japan, his mission has been three times destroyed by 
fire, the second time as a result of the Treaty of 
Portsmouth (1905). Member of the Commission 
charged with the translation of the Bible into Japa- 
nese (1887), which work, however, was never com- 
pleted; member of the Commission appointed for the 
translation of religious phraseology into Japanese 

ARTICLE: Japan. 




Banckaert, Reverend Julian, s.j., b. at Bruges, 
Belgium, 1847. Education: Seminary of Bruges. 
Ordained 1871; entered the Society of Jesus 1875; 
sent to Bengal as a missionary 1878; superior of the 
Bengal Mission 1893; sent to Congo Free State 1901; 
superior of the Kwango Mission 1902; prefect Apos- 
tolic of Kwango 1903; returned to Belgium 1911; at 
present, once more missionary in the Congo. Knight 
of the Royal Order of the Lion. 

ARTICLE: Kwango, Prefecture Apostouc op. 

Bandelier, Adolph Francis Alphonse, archseol- 
ogist, b. at Berne, Switzerland, 6 August, 1840; d. in 
Madrid, Spain, 19 March, 1914. Came to the 
United States 1848; archseological work in Mexico 
and New Mexico 1880-1892; convert to the Cathohc 
Church 1881; archaeological work in South America, 
chiefly in Peru and Bolivia, 1892-1903; having 
returned to New York, engaged in works on the 
history and archaeology of Spanish America, 1903- 
. Author of: "The Art of War and Mode of 
Warfare" (1877); "Tenure of Land and Inheritances 
of the Ancient Mexicans" (1878); "On the Social 
Organization and Mode of Government of the 
Ancient Mexicans"; "Historical Introduction to 
Studies among the Sedentary Indians of New 
Mexico"; "A Report on the Ruins of the Pueblo of 
Pecos, 1881"; "Archaeological Reconnaissance in 
Mexico" (1881); "Final Report of Investigations 
among the Indians of the Southwestern United 
States, 1880-85" (1890-92); "The Delight Makers" 
(novel of Pueblo life); "The Gilded Man and Other 
Pictures of the Spanish Occupancy of America" 

ARTICLES: Abipones, Missions Among the; Acosta, Joa- 
<jufN; Acosta, Jos^ De; Alaman, Lucas; Albuquerque, Ai^ 
EONzo De; Alegre, Francisco Xavier; Altamirano, Diego 
Francisco; Alvarado, Alonzo De; Alvarado, Fray Fran- 
cisco De; Alvarado, Pedro De; Alzate, Jos£ Antonio; 
America; Anazco, Pedro De; Angulo, Pedro; Anunciaci6n, 
Fray Domingo De La; Anunciaci6n, Fray Juan De La; Arau- 
CANiAN Indians; Arawaks; Arbieto, Iqnacio De; Arias de 
AviLA, Pedro; Arlegui, Fray Josifi; Armentia, Fray NicolAs; 
Arriaga, Pablo Jos^; Arbicivita, Juan; Atahualpa; Ata- 
HUALPA, Juan Santos; Atienza, Juan De; Avendano, Fer- 
nando; Avila, Francisco De; Ayeta, Fray Francisco De; 
AymarA; Azara, Feliz De; Aztecs; Balboa, Vasco Nunez De; 
Barba, Alvaro Alonzo; Barcena, Alonzo De; Barco Cente- 
NERA, Martin Del; Barros, Joao de; Bautista, Fray Juan; 
Benavides, Fray Alonzo; Benzoni, Girolamo; Beristain y 
Martin de Souza, Josifi Mariano; Berlanga, Fray TomAs 
De; Bertonio, Ludovico; Betanzos, Fray Domingo; Betan- 
zos, Fray Pedro de; Betanzos, Juan De; Bolivia; Boturini 
Benaducci, Lorenzo; Brasseur de Bourbourg, Charles 
Etienne; Bravo, Francisco; Burgoa, Francisco; Bustamente, 
Carlos Mar! a; Cabello de Balboa, Miguel; Cabeza de Vaca, 
Alvar Nunez; Cabrillo, Est^van; Calancha, Fray Antonio 
De La; Camargo, Diego Munoz; Cancer de Barbastro, Luis; 
Caribs; Carochi, Horacio; Carranza, Diego; Carrera, 
Rafael; Casas, Bartolom^ De Las; Cassani, Joseph; Castel- 
LANOs, Juan De; Cavo, Andres; Cepeda, Francisco ; Cervantes 
Saavedra, Miguel De; Chibchas; Chile; Chimalpain, Do- 
mingo; Clavigero, Francisco Saverio; Cobo, Bernab]6; Cogo- 
LLUDO, Diego L6pez De; Colombia, Republic of; Columbus, 
Christopher; Condamine, Charles-Marie De La; Copa- 
cavana; Cordova, Juan De; Coronado, Francisco Vasquez 
De; Coronel, Juan; Cortes, Hernando; Costa Rica, Repub- 
lic of; D Avila Padilla, Augustin; Ecuador, Republic of; 
Pedro de Cordova. 

Bangha, Rbverenb Adalbert, s.j., d.d., b. at 
Neutra, Hungary, 16 November, 1880. Education: 
Colleges of Neutra, Kalocsa, and Nagyszombat; 
University of Innsbruck. Ordained 1909; professor 
of Latin and of Hungarian language and Hterature, 
Kalocsa College, Hungary, 1903-1906; at present 
editor of "MAria-kongregdci6", Budapest. Member 
of the Cathohc Philosophical Society of St. Thomas 
Aquinas, Budapest. Author of: ''JeDenu-ajzok a 
kathoUkus egyhd,z flet^bol" (Character Studies of 
Cathohcs) (Kalocsa, 1909); contributor of a number 
of articles in the domains of philosophy, asceticism, 
and literary criticism to various Hungarian publica- 

ARTICLES: Hungarian Literature; PAzmAny, Peteb. 

Barbieri, Right Reverend Rbmigio Guido, 
O.S.B., b. at Siena, Italy, 6 September, 1836, of a 
noble Florentine family; d. 15 April, 1910. Entered 
the Benedictine Order at an early age; ordained 1861; 
devoted the greater part of his hfe to the education 
of youth; abbot of San Pietro, Perugia, 1896; conse- 
crated titular Bishop of Theodosiopohs at St. Paul's- 
Without-the-Walls, Rome, and named vicar ApostoUc 
of Gibraltar, 1901. 

ARTICLE: Gibraltar. 

Barnes, Very Reverend Monsignor Arthur 
Stapylton, M.A., b. at Kussouli, India, 31 May, 
1861. Education: Eton; Woolwich; University Col- 
lege, Oxford. Lieutenant, Royal Field Artillery, 
1877-79; successively Vicar at St. Ives, Hunts, near 
Cambridge; chaplain of the Hospital of St. Mary and 
St. Thomas, Uford; convert to the Church, 1895; 
ordained 1898; engaged in parish work, diocese of 
Westminster; chaplain, Cambridge University, 1902- 
; military chaplain, Cambridge Hospitals; at 
present also, chaplain, Oxford University; Lenten 
preacher. Church of Our Lady of Lourdes, New York 
City, 1917; maintains an orphanage for boys near 
London. Has devoted much time to historical and 
archaeological research. Author of: "The Popes and 
the Ordinal" (1897); "St. Peter at Rome and His 
Tomb on the Vatican HiU" (1900); "The Man of 
the Iron Mask" (1908); contributor to various 

ARTICLES: Counsels, Evangelical; Discipline of the 
Secret; Dolphin; Dove; Elvira, Council of; Eulogia; 
Glabrio, Manius Acilius; Lateran, St. John; Neophyte; 
Passion of Jesus Christ in the Four Gospels; Pilate, Pon- 
tius; Saint Peter, Tomb of; Sexburga, Saint; Wilfrid, 

Barrett, Reverend Michael, o.s.b., writer, b. 
at Daventry, Northamptonshire, England, 1848. 
Convert to the Church 1870; professed in the Bene- 
dictine Order 1878; ordained 1883; at present rector, 
church of St. James, Buckie, Scotland. Author of: 
"Our Lady in the Liturgy"; "Scottish Monasteries 
of Old"; "Calendar of Scottish Saints"; "Rambles 
in Cathohc Lands"; "Up in Ardmuirland"; etc.; 
contributor to: "DubUn Review"; "Tablet"; 
"American Cathohc Quarterly Review"; "Month"; 
"Irish Ecclesiastical Record"; "Cathohc World": 
"Ave Maria"; "Irish Monthly". 

ARTICLES: Fort Augustus Abbey; Graham, Patrick; 
Hamilton, John; Melrose, Abbey of; Ogilvie, John, Ven- 
erable; Pluscarden Priory. 

Barrett, Reverend Timothy, s.j., b. at 
Washington, D.C., 23 July, 1862. Education: St. 
Aloysius's School and Gonzaga College, Washington, 
D. C.; Jesuit scholasticates of Frederick, Woodstock 
(Maryland), and Innsbruck, Austria. Teacher of 
mathematics and the Classics, Boston College, 1883- 
1888; ordained 1891; professor of philosophy at 
Woodstock 1892-1895, 1896-1898; professor of moral 
theology, Woodstock, 1898-1914; spiritual director, 
Woodstock, 1914r- . Editor of: Sabetti, "Com- 
pendiimi theologiae MoraUs", 17th and subsequent 
editions; contributor to: "The Messenger of the 
Sacred Heart" and of an article on Divorce (in 
answer to Bishop Doane of the Protestant Diocese 
of Albany) to the "American Catholic Quarterly". 

ARTICLES: Bernal, Agostino; Busembaum, Hermann. 

Barro, Firmin Fraga. 

ARTICLE: Finar del Rio. 

Barry, Reverend Albert,, writer, b. at 
Cherry Grove, Croom, Co. Limerick, Ireland, 23 May, 
1842, d. at Mt. St. Alphonsus, Limerick, 3 June, 
1909. Education : St. Vincent's College, Castleknock; 
Maynooth College; Redemptorist scholasticate, Bou- 
lay, near Metz, Lorraine. Professed in the Redemp- 
torist Order 1865; ordained 1869; passed most of his 




life in missionary work in Ireland, England, and 
Scotland. Author of: "Lives of the Irish Saints"; 
"Life of Blessed Margaret Mary Alacoque"; "Life 
of St. Patrick"; "Life of Joan of Arc^'; "Life of 
Count Moore"; contributor to: "The Irish Ecclesi- 
astical Record". 

ARTICLE: FtrRNiss, John. 

Barry, Vert Reverend Canon, William 
Francis, d.d., writer, b. in London, 21 April, 1849, 
of Irish parents. Education: St. Mary's School, 
Hammersmith, London; Sedgley Park, Staffordshire, 
and Oscott CoUege, Birmingham, England; matricu- 
lated with honors at London University, Enghsh 
College, and Gregorian University, Rome. Ordained 
1873 ; vioe-reotor and professor of philosophy. Diocesan 
Seminary, Birmingham, England, 1873-1877; pro- 
fessor of dogmatic theology, Osoott CoUege, Birming- 
ham, 1877-1880; rector at Dorchester, near Oxford, 
England, 1883-1907; canon of Birmingham 1907; 
rector, St. Catherine's, Horse Fair, England, 1907- 
1908; rector, St. Peter's, Leamington, England, 1908- 
; rural dean of Warwickshire; member of the 
Education Committee, Leamington; vice-president, 
London Council of Public Morals. Temperance 
delegate to World's Convention, Chicago, 1893; 
delivered Edmund Burke Centennial Lectures, Dublin 
and London, 1897; addressed the Catholic Truth 
Society of Ireland, 1911. President of the Wolver- 
hampton Literary Association. Author of: "The 
New Antigone" (1887); "Father Hecker, Founder of 
the Pauhsts" (1892); "The Two Standards" (1898); 
"Arden Massiter" (1900); "The Wizard's Knot" 
(1901); "The Papal Monarchy" (1902); "The Day- 
spring'' (1903); "Heralds of Revolt" (1904); "Liter- 
ary Life of Newman" (1904); "Literary Life of 
Renan" (1905); "The Tradition of Scripture" (1906); 
"The Papacy and Modern Times" (1911); "Liter- 
ature the Word of Life" (1912) ; (pamphlets) : "Sketch 
of Newman's Life"; "Thoughts for Free-Thinkers"; 
"Future of CathoUcism"; "The Higher Criticism"; 
collaborator in "Cambridge Modern History" (by 
Dr. Barry: "Catholic Europe, 1450-1520"); con- 
tributor to: "DubUn Review"; "Quarterly Review" 
(London); "Nineteenth Century"; "Contemporary- 
Review"; "National Review"; "CathoUc World"; 
"North American Review"; "Forum"; "Atlantic 
Monthly"; "Tablet"; "Cathohc Times"; "Book- 
man" (London); "Speaker". 

ARTICLES: Arianism; Ahius; Assize of Clarendon; Cal- 
vin, John; Calvinism; Newman, John Henry; Oxford Move- 
ment; Parables; Poetry, Hebrew, of the Old Testament; 


BatiSol, Right Reverend Monsignob Pierre 
Henri, s.t.d., Litt.D., writer, b. at Toulouse, France, 
27 January, 1861. Education: Seminary of St. 
Sulpice; pupil of Duchesne in Paris and of De Rossi 
in Rome. Ordained 1884; rector of the Catholic 
University of Toulouse 1898-1907; at present resident 
in Paris. Ardent opponent of Loisy; has devoted 
most of his life to the study of ancient Christian 
literature. Author of: "Histoire du Br^viaire romain" 
(Paris, 1893; new edition 1911; Enghsh translation: 
History of the Roman Breviary, London, 1898); 
"Etudes d'histoire et de th6ologie positive", devoted 
to a discussion of the origins of penance (against Lea) 
and of the Eucharist (against Harnack and Loofs), 2 
vols. (Paris, 1902, 1905); " L'enseignement de J&us", 
containing a statement of Catholic doctrine as opposed 
to Harnack's "L'essence du christianisme" on one 
hand and Loisy's "L'Evangile et I'Eghse" on the 
other (Paris, 1905); "L'Eglise naissante et le cathoh- 
cisme", presenting the Catholic theory of Christian 
origins and substituting it for that of Ritschl, Har- 
nack, and Sabatier, and, in the "Theologische 
Literaturzeitung", 16 January, 1909, recommended 
by Harnack himseK for the depth, of its scholarship 
(Paris, 1908; Enghsh translation: Primitive Catho- 

licity, London, 1911; German translation: Urkirche 
und KathoUzismus, Kosel, 1911); "Orpheus et 
I'Evangile", a series of lectures in defense of the 
historicity of the Lebensbild of Christ against the 
attacks of Salomon Reinach (Enghsh translation: 
The Credibihty of the Gospel, London, 1912) ; one of 
the editors of the series "Etudes d'histoire des dogmes 
et d'ancienne litterature chr^tienne"; discovered and 
published (Paris, 1900) ; "Tractatus Origenis de Jibris 
sanctorum scriptuarum", a work of the Spaniard 
Gregory of Elvira (IV century), composed of extracts 
from Novatian, Hippolytus, and Origen. 
ARTICLE : Apocatastasis. 

Battandier, Right Reverend Monsignob 
Albert Marie Joseph, s.t.d., j.c.d., b. at St. 
F61icien, Ardeche, France, 11 April, 1850. Educa- 
tion: Seminary, Viviers; French Seminary, Rome. 
Took part in the siege of Paris against the Commune 
1871; ordained 1875; secretary in the service of 
Cardinal Pitra, Bishop of Frascati, 1879-1881; Con- 
suitor of Congregation of Bishops and Regulars and 
honorary Papal Chamberlain 1881; vicar-general of 
Frascati 1881-1884; prothonotary Apostohc ad instar 
participantium 1882; vicar-general of Porto and Santa 
Rufina 1884-1889; Officer of the French Academy 
1894; Officer of PubUc Instruction (France) 1899; 
correspondent of the Lincei Pontificii, Rome, 1904; 
consultor of the Propaganda ^Latin and Oriental 
Rites) 1906; editor of the Annuaire Pontificale 
Cathohque 1907- ; consultor of the Congregation 
of Rehgious 1908; honorary canon of several dioceses; 
vice-dean of the prothonotaries Apostolic; at present 
resident in Paris and Rome. Author of: "La ques- 
tion romaine au point de vue financier" (brochure) 
(1885); "Analecta Juris Pontificii", 2 vols. (1895, 
1896); "Guide canonique pour les constitutions des 
communautiSs ^ vceux simples" (5 ed. 1911); con- 
tributor to "Le Cosmos"; of a study on St. HHdegard 
to "Revue des questions historiques"; of "Un hvre 
d'heures de Catherine de M^dicis" to "L'Art 
Chretien"; editor and author of "Annuaire Pontificale 
Catholique" (1897- ). 

ARTICLES: Addresses, Ecclesiastical; Batavia; Bel- 
grade AND Smederevo; Benadib; Benin, Coast of; Bittiah; 
Borneo; Burma. 

Baumberger, Georg, Knight of the Order of St. 
Sylvester, b. at Zug, Switzerland, 16 March, 1855. 
Editor of "Appenzeller Nachrichten" 1881-1886; 
editor-in-chief of "Ostschweiz, St. Gall", 1886-1904; 
editor-in-chief of "Neue Ziiricher Nachrichten" 1904- 
. Assisted at the International Convention for 
the protection of industrial property, Paris, March 
20, 1883; member of the convention assembled for the 
drawing up of the St. Gall Constitution 1888-1890 
fellow of the Cathohc College, St. Gall, 1890-1904 
president of the Swiss Press Association 1894^1896 
member of: the Great Council of St. GaU 1897-1904 
the Great Municipal Council, Zurich, 1913-1917; the 
Great Council, Ziirich, 1917. Member of: the Society 
of Historical Research, Zurich; the Belletristic Associ- 
ation of CathoUc Switzerland; the Central Committee 
of the CathoUc Volksverein of Switzerland; president 
of the Christian Social Party of the Canton of Zurich; 
Secretary-general of the CathoUc International Union, 
Zurich, 1917. Author of: "Geschichte des Central- 
verbandes der Stickereiindustrie der Ostschweiz" 
(1891); "Questa la via"! (travels) (1895; 3 ed. 1906); 
"Aus sonnigen Tagen'' (1897; 2 ed. 1908); "Gruss 
Gott ! " (1899 ; 3 ed. 1909) ; " Blaues Meer und schwarze 
Berge" (1902; 3 ed. 1909); "St. Galler-Land— St. 
Galler-Volk" (1903); "Der selige Nikolaus" v. d. 
Flue (1904); "Appenzeller Freiheitskriege" (drama) 
(1906); "Im Flug ans siidUche Gestade" (1908)," 
"Schlacht am Stoss" (drama); "Im Banne von drei 

ARTICLES: Periodical LirERATUEB, Catholic, Switzer- 
land; Zurich. 




Baumgaxten, Right Reveeend Monsignoe 
MoEiTZ Julius Maximilian Paul Maeia, j.u.d., 
S.T.D., b. at Rittershausen, Germany, 25 July, 1860. 
Education: Gymnasium, Montabaur; Universities of 
Bonn, Marburg, Breslau, Strassburg, and Berlin; 
Academy of Noble Ecclesiastics, Rome. Began 
practice of law 1885; engaged in historical research 
in various libraries and archives of Europe, par- 
ticularly those of the Vatican, 1887; Chamberlain of 
the Sword and Cape to Leo XIII 1888; assistant at 
the Royal Prussian Historical Station, Rome, 1888- 
1889; ordained 1894; private chamberlain in abito 
pavonazza 1895; ablegate fori Cardinal Sembratowicz, 
Ruthenian Archbishop of Lemberg, 1895 ; consistorial 
consultor 1896; domestic prelate of His Holiness 
1900; canon of Santa Maria di Monte Santo, Rome, 
1906; has travelled in the interests of scientific 
research throughout Europe and the United States. 
Took part in the anti-Free-Masonry Congress which 
exposed the Leo Taxil-Diana Vaughan swindle, 
Trent, 1896; president of the seventh section. Second 
International Congress of Christian Archaeology, 
I'ome, 1900; secretary of the Fifth International 
Congress of Catholic Scholars, Munich, 1900. Cor- 
responding member of the Pontifical Academy of 
Roman Archaeology (1894) ; member of the Academy 
of the Catholic Religion, Rome (1899) ; papal decora- 
tion pro Ecclesia et pontifice (1888); Order of the 
Iron Crown, second class (1895); Emperor WilKam 
Commemoration Medal, yeUow ribbon (.1899) ; Cross 
di benemerenza of the Jubilee Year (1900). Author 
of: "Die Deutschen Hexenprozesse" (1883); "Zur 
Naturgeschichte der Presse" (1885); "Hat das 
System Kneipp eine soziale Bedeutung?" (1892); 
"Giovanni Battista de Rossi" (1892); "Undioi 
lettere Pontificie all' Inghilterra 1131-1187" (1894); 
"II Regesto di Celestino V" (1896); "II dizionario di 
erudizione storico-ecclesiastica del Moroni ricerche 
intorno alia propriety litteraria di esso" (1896); 
"Untersuchungen und Urkunden ilber di Camera 
CoUegii CardinaHum fiir die Zeit von 1295-1437" 
(1898); "Rom, das Oberhaupt, die Einrichtung und 
Verwaltung der Gesamtkirche" (1899); "Die kathol- 
ische Kirche in Deutschland, der Schweiz, Luxem- 
burg, und Oesterreich-Ungarn" (1900; 2 ed. 1907); 
"Das Wirken der kathohschen Kirche auf dem 
Erdenrund, unter besondere Berticksichtigung der 
Heidenmissionen" (1901; 2 ed. 1907); "Kirchliche 
Statistik" (1905); "Der Papst,die Regierung und die 
Verwaltung der Heiligen Kirche in Rom" (1905); 
"Verfassung und Organisation der Kirche" (l906); 
"Aus Kanzlei und Kammer zur kurialen Hof- und 
Verwaltsgeschichte im XIII-XV Jahrhimdert" 
(1907); "Von der apostolische Kanzlei" (1908); "Die 
Werke von Henry Charles Lea und verwandte 
Bucher" (1908); "Famihenleben" (1887; a transla- 
tion of Devas, Studies in Family Life); editor of "Die 
katholische Kirche unserer Zeit und ihre Diener", 3 
vols. (1899-1901); contributor to: "KirchUches 
Handlexikon": " Historisches Jahrbuch der Gor- 
resgesellschaft"; "Theologische Revue"; "Romische 
Quartalschrift"; ' 'Allgemeines Literaturblatt ' ' 
(Vienna); "Literarische Rundschau" (Freiburg-im- 
Br.); "Allgemeine Rundschau" (Munich); occasional 
contributor to various scientific and pohtical period- 

ARTICLES: Cardinal Vicab; De Rosbi, Giovanni Bat- 
STITUTES, Roman Historical; iNTESNnNcio; Maestro di Cam- 
era del Papa; Majordomo; Marini, Luigi Gaetano; Miha- 
BiLiA Urbis Rom«; Monsignor; Old Catholics; Pontifical 
Colleges; St. Peter, Basilica of; Statistics, Ecclesiastical; 
Vatican, The. 

Baumstaxk, Kael Anton, Ph.D., b. at Constance, 
Germany, 4 August, 1872, son of Reinhold and 
Clementine (Beck) Baumstark. Education: Uni- 
versities of Heidelberg; Freiburg im Breisgau; 
Leipzig, Germany; Camp Santo dei Tedeschi, Rome; 

International BibUcal School, Jerusalem. Married 
Frida, daughter of Joseph Tvondle, 15 April, 1909. 
Passed State examination for teacher in intermediate 
schools; formerly privat docent, University of Heidel- 
berg; at present, instructor. Lender Institute, Sas- 
bach, Germany. Author of: " Lucubrationes Syro- 
grfficse" (1894); "Babylon, zur Stadtgeschichte und 
Topographic" (1896); "Der Pessimismus in der 

friechischen Syrik" (1898); "Aristoteles bei den 
yrier von V bis VIII Jahrhundert" (1900); "Die 
Petrus und Paulusacten in der literarischen Uber- 
heferung der syrischen Kirche" (1902); "Liturgia 
Romana e hturgia dell' Esarcato" (1904); "Auf der 
Fahrt nach dem Frieden, eine seelengesohichte in 
itahenischer Tagebuchaufzeichnung" (,1904); "Die 
Messe im Morgenlande" (1906); "Abenlandische 
Palastina pilger des ersten Jahrhunderts und ihre 
Berichte" (,1906); "Die Konstantinopolitanisohe 
Messhturgie von dem neunten Jahrhundert" (1909); 
"Festbrevier und Kirchenjahr der syrischen Jakob- 
iten" (1910); "Die ChristUche Literatur des Orients" 
(,1911); "La riforma del saltero Romana aUa luce 
della storia comparata delle liturgie" (1912); "Le 
liturgie orientali e le preghiere 'Supra quae' e 
'Sulpices' del canone romano" (1913). Founder 
(1901) and editor (1901-05; 1911- ) "Oriens 
ARTICLE: Cosmas. 

Baur, Reveeend Chrysostom, o.s.b., Ph.D., 
Doctor of Moral and Historical Sciences, b. at 
Oberdettingen, Germany, 14 December, 1876. Edu- 
cation: Colleges of Friedrichshafen; Benedictine 
Monastery, Seckau, Austria; University of Louvain; 
Oxford (one term) ; Cambridge (one term) . Professed 
in the Benedictine Order 1896; ordained 1901; teacher 
of Greek, College of Seckau, 1901-1903; lecturer on 
patrology, St. Anselm's College, Rome, 1908-1910; 
professor of ecclesiastical history and patrology, St. 
Anselm's College, 1910- . Author of: "S. Jean 
Chrysostome et ses oeuvres dans I'histoire UttSraire" 
(Louvain-Paris, 1907); collaborator in: "Chrysos- 
tomica": "Studi e Ricerche intorno a S. Giovanni 
Crisostomo a cura del comitato per il XV° centenaria 
della sua morte" (by Father Baur: "Der ursprung- 
liche Umfang des Kommentars des hi. Joh. Chrysos- 
tomus zu den Psalmen") (Rome, 1908); contributor 
to: "Revue d'histoire eccl&iastique " (L'entr^e 
littfiraire de S. Jean Chrysostome dans le monde 
htt&aire), VIII, 1907; "Revue b^n^dictine" (S. 
Jerome et S. Jean Chrysostome), XXIII, 1906; 
"Theologische Quartalschrift" (Zur Ambrosius- 
Theodosius Frage), XC, 1908. 

ARTICLES: John Chrysostom, Saint; Severian, Bishop 
OF Gabala; Theodore, Bishop of Mopsuestia; Theodoret, 
Bishop of Cyrus; Theophilus, Bishop of Antioch. 

Beatrice, Sister St., Sisters of the Misericorde, 
Montreal, Canada. 
ARTICLE: Misericorde, Congregation of the Sisters of. 

Beccari, Reverend Camillo, s.j., b. in Rome, 
15 July, 1849. Education: Roman College; Royal 
University, Naples. Ordained 1877; has been for the 
greater part of his life professor of philosophy and 
theology (twenty years) and postulator general of 
the Causes of the Servants of God of the Society of 
Jesus (fourteen years), at present holding the latter 
post. Author of: "La Cronaca della Novalesa e le 
sue leggende" (Rome, 1885); "Catologus sanctorum, 
beatorum, venerabiKum et servorum Dei e Societate 
Jesu" (Rome, 1901); "Notizia e saggi d'opere e 
documenti inediti riguardanti la storia d'Etiopia" 
(Rome, 1903); "Rerum Aethiopicarum scriptores 
occidentahs inediti", of which eleven volumes have 
appeared (Rome, 1903- ); "Apologia P. Antonii 
Henriquez sacerdotis professi e Societate Jesu" 
(Rome, 1905); "II TigrI descritto da un missionario 




gesuita del secolo XVII" (Rome, 1907); "Brevi cenni 

della vita di Maria Polverosi vedova Beocari" (Rome, 

1910); "Stato presente delle cause di beatificazione 

de' servi di Dio della Compagnia di Gesil" (Rome, 

ARTICLES: Beatification and Canonization; Confessor. 

Bechtel, Reverend Florentine Stanislaus, 
R.J., b. near Haguenau, Alsace, 4 February, 1857. 
Education: CoUege of Providence, Amiens, France; 
Jesuit Scholasticate, Florissant, Missouri; Wood- 
stock CoUege, Maryland; University of Chicago; 
University of Innsbruck, Austria. Entered the 
Society of Jesus 1874; teacher, St. Ignatius CoUege, 
Chicago, and St. Mary's CoUege, Kansas, 1880-1885; 
ordained 1888; teacher of philosophy, St. Mary's 
CoUege, Kansas, and St. Louis University, St. Louis, 
1890-1898 ; professor of Semitic languages and Sacred 
Scripture, St. Louis University, 1899- . Author 
of: "Select Psalms", translated and annotated. 

ARTICLES: Ahicam; Airoli, Giacomo Maria; Alabaster; 
Alcimus; Ambarach, Peter; Ammon; Ammonian Section; 
Beelen, Ian Theodor; Bethsaida, City and Pool; Bethsan; 
Bethulia; Bickell, Gustav; Brethren of the Lord, The; 
Cades; Caleb (6); Calmet, Dom Augitstin; Captain (in the 
Bible); Cedar (Son of Ismael); Cedar (Tree); Cedes; Cen- 
turion; CoRDiER, Balthasar; Core, Dathan, and Abiron; 
Cornelius, Centurion of the Italic Cohort; Itineraria; 
JuDAizERs; Kings, First and Second Books of; Klee, Hein- 
rich; Machabees, The; Machabees, The Books of; Manna; 
Noe; Paralipomenon; Pharao; Pillar of Cloud; of Fire; 
Plagues of Egypt; Sabbath; Sabbatical Year; Susa; Tob- 
TADO, Alonso. 

Beck, Reverend Joseph Charles, s.t.d., b. in 
Sursee, Lucerne, Switzerland, 28 October, 1858. 
Education: CoUeges of Sursee, Lucerne, and Ein- 
seideln; University of Innsbruck; University of 
Louvain. Ordained 1884; parish priest, Basle, 1885- 
1888; professor of moral and pastoral theology. 
Seminary, Lucerne, 1888-1891; professor of pastoral 
theology, Fribourg University, 1891- ; rector of 
the University 1906-1907; rector of the Salesianum, 
Fribourg. Author of: "Die katholisch-soziale Bewe- 
gimg in der Schweiz" (1903); "Joseph Ignaz von Ah, 
Ausgewahlte Predigten und Entwiirfe" (1903- ); 
"Das HeiUgste Herz Jesu und die Manner" (1907); 
"Volkswirtschaft imd Sittengesetz, Rektoratsrede" 
(1908); "tjber Arbeiterseelsorge, Briefe an einen 
stadtischen Vikar" (1909); "Pfarrer Burkart Jurt, 
Lebensbild" (1909). 

ARTICLE: Poor, Care of, by the Church. 

Beecher, Reverend Patrick A., d.d., m.a., b. 
at TaUow, Co. Waterford, Ireland, 1870. Educa- 
tion: Mt. Melleray Seminary; St. John's CoUege, 
Waterford; Maynooth College; New York University. 
Ordained 1896; professor and prefect of studies, 
Regiopohs CoUege, Kingston, Canada, 1896-1898; 
chaplain and professor, St. Angela's CoUege, New 
Rochelle, New York, 1898-1901; professor of sacred 
eloquence, apologetics, and English literature, St. 
Joseph's Seminary, Dunwoodie, New York, 1901- 
1904; recalled to Ireland 1904; professor of sacred 
eloquence and pastoral theology, Maynooth CoUege, 
Dubhn, 1904- . Preacher of note. 

ARTICLES : Homiletics; Homiuarium; Homilt; Macartht, 
Nicholas Tuite; Moriartt, David. 

Beissel, Reverend James C. (Father Col- 
TTMBANtrs),, b. at Burtscheid, near Aachen, 
Germany, 2 April, 1854. Education: Gymnasium, 
Aachen; Picpus scholasticate and Louvain University, 
Louvain, Belgium. Entered the Congregation of the 
Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary (Picpus) 1874; 
ordained 1878; missionary in Hawaii 1879- ; in 
charge of Molokai, outside the Leper Settlement, and 
confessor of Father Damien, 1886-1888; provincial of 
the Hawaiian Province, Congregation of the Sacred 
Hearts, 1903-1906; in charge of the Mission, Hilo, 
Hawaii, 1908- . As missionary, built eight 
churches, largely with his own hands; deputy to the 

Chapters General of his order, Courtrai, Belgium, 
1903, 1908; engaged in a newspaper controversy 
defendmg the innocence of Father Damien against 
C. M. Hyde, 1905. 
ARTICLE : Sandwich Islands. 

Belloc, HiLAiRE Joseph Peter, b. at La CeUe St. 
Cloud, near VersaiUes, France, 27 July, 1870, son of 
Louis Swanton BeUoc, barrister, and Elizabeth 
Rayner, daughter of Joseph Parkes, of Warwick and 
Birmingham, England. Education: Oratory School, 
Edgbaston, Birmingham, England; BaUiol CoUege, 
Oxford. Served in the French ArtiUery 1891 ; married 
Elodie Agnes Hogan, of Napa, Cahfornia, 1896; 
Liberal M. P. for S. SaHord 1906-1910; lecturer on 
English Literature, East London CoUege, London, 
1911-1913; journalist; traveller; founder and editor 
(1911-1912) of "The Eye-Witness". Author of: 
"Verses and Sonnets" (1895); "Bad ChUd's Book of 
Beasts" (1896); "More Beasts for Worse Children" 
(1897); "Essays in LiberaUsm by Six Oxford Men" 
(1897); "The Modern TraveUer" (1898); "Danton" 
(1899); "Lambkins Remains" (1900); Paris (1900); 
"Robespierre" (1901); "Path to Rome" (1902); 
"CaUban's Guide to Letters" (1903); "Aftermath" 
(1903); "Avril" (1904); "Emmanuel Burden" (.1904); 
"The Old Road" (1905); "Esto Perpetua" (1906); 
"HiUs and the Sea" (1906); "Cautionary Tales" 
(1907); "On Nothing and Kindred Subjects" (1908); 
"The Historic Thames" (1909); "On Everything" 
(1909); "Marie Antoinette" (1909); "The Pyrenees" 
(1909); "A Change in the Cabinet" (1909); "Mr. 
Clutterbuck's Election" (1910); "On Anything" 
(1910); "On Something" (1910); "Pongo and the 
BuU" (1910); "Verses" (1910); "The French Revo- 
lution" (1911); "Blenheim" (1911); "Verses" (1911); 
"Waterloo" (1912); "The Servile State" (1912); 
"The Battle of Tourgoing" (1912); "Crecy" (1912); 
"The Four Men" (1912); "The Green Overcoat" 
(1912); "More Peers" (1912); "The River of London" 
(1912); "This and That and the Other" (1912); 
"Warfare in England" (1912); "Poitiers" (1913); 
"The Stane Street" (1913); "The Book of Bayeux 
Tapestry" (1914); "The Girondin" (1914); "A 
General Sketch of the European War" (1915); 
translator: "Tristan and Iseult" (1913); editor: 
Lingard, "History of England", 11 vols. (1915); 
ARTICLE: Land-Tenure in the Christian Era. 

Bemelmans, Reverend John Henbt, s.m.m., 
missionary, b. in Limburg, HoUand, 1879. Educa- 
tion: St. Mary's ApostoUc School and scholasticate of 
the Company of Mary, Schimmert, Limburg, HoUand. 
Ordained and transferred to Ottawa, Canada, 1902; 
occupied in preaching various Canadian dioceses 
1902-1906; stationed at Gate of Heaven Church, 
Ozone Park, Long Island, 1906- 

ARTICLES: Mary, Missionaries of the Company of; Wis- 
dom, Daughters of. 

Benigni, Right Reverend Monsignor Umbbrto, 
b. at Perugia, Italy, 30 March, 1862. Education: 
Seminary, Perugia; School of Palaeography and 
Diplomacy, State Archives, Rome. At Perugia 
(1880-1893), secretary to the Archbishop, professor 
of Church history at the Seminary, ecclesiastical 
assistant of the Catholic Association, founder and 
director of the "Rassegna sociale", the first Italian 
periodical devoted to CathoUc sociology, and the 
"Monitore Umbro"; ordained 1884; at Genoa (1893- 
1895), editor-in-chief of "Eco d'ltaUa" and director 
of "Rassegna sociale"; in Rome (1895- ), editor 
of "Bessarione", director of "Voce della Verity", 
founder and director of the "MisceUanea di storia e 
cultura ecclesiastica"; professor of Church history at 
the Seminary (St. ApoUinaris), the Propaganda and 
the Vatican Seminary, assistant at the Vatican 
Library, member of the Historico-Uturgical Commis- 




sion of the Congregation of Rites, minutante of the 
Propaganda; under-seoretary of the Congregation of 
Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs; prothonotary 
Apostolic 1911; .at present professor of Church 
history and Diplomatic Forms, Pontifical Academy 
of Noble Ecclesiastics. Author of: Propsedeutica 
historic ecclesiasticse, 2 vols.; Storia sociale della 
Chiesa, 2 vols. 

ARTICLES: Academies, Roman; Audisio, Guglielmo; Bag- 
norea; Bari; Barquisimeto; Belltjno-Feltre; Benevento; 
Bergamo; Bertinoro; Bessarion, Johannes; Biei,la; Bisar- 
CHio; BoiANo; Bologna; Bohgo San-Donnino; Borgo San- 
Sepolcro; Bosa; Bova; Bovino; Brescia; Brindisi; Cagliari; 
Caqli b Pergola; Caiazzo; Caltaqirone; Caltanisetta; 
Calvi and Teano; Camerino; Camerlengo; Canelos and 
Macas; Capaccio and Vallo; Capecelatro, Alfonso; Capua; 
Cardinal Protector; Cariati; Carpi; Casale Monferrato; 
Casanare; Cabanate, Girolamo; Caserta; Cassano all 
Ionio; Castellammare di Stabia; Castellaneta; Catania; 
Catanzaro; Cattaro; Cava and Sahno; Cefal^t; Cenada; 
Cervia; Cesena; Chiavari; Chieti; Chioggia; Chiusi-Pienza; 
CittA Della Pievb; Citta di Castello; CivitA Castellana, 
Orte, and Gallese; Civitavecchia and Corneto; Codex 
Vaticanus; Colle di Val d'Elsa; Comacchio; Como; Con- 
cordia; Conversano; Conza; Cortona; Cosenza; Cotronb; 
CozzA-Luzi, Giuseppe; Crema; Cremona; Cuneo; Democracy, 
Christian; Diano; Domnus Apostolicus; Fabriano and Mate- 
Xiic A ; Faenz A ; Fano ; F arnese, Alessandro ; Ferentino ; Fermo ; 
Ferrara; Fiesole; Florence; Foggia; Foligno; Fohli; Fossa- 
no; Fossombrone; Frascati; Gaeta; Gallipoli; Galtelli-Nu- 
ORo; Galuppi, Pasquale; Genoa; Gerace; Giberti, Gian Mat^ 
TEo; Gioberti, Vincenzo; Girgenti; Gonzaga, Ercole; Gon- 
zaga, Scipione; Grassib, Paris de; GravinaandMontepeloso; 
Grobbeto; Guarantees, Law of; Guastalla; Gubbio; Igle- 
siAs; Imola; Indies, East, Patriarchate of the; Intendencia 
Oriental t Llanos de San Martin; Ischia; Isernia and 
Venafro; It alo-G reeks; Ivrea; Jesi; Lacedonia; Lambru- 
scHINi, Luigi, Cardinal; Lanciano and Ortona; Larino; 
Lecce; Leo XIII, Pope; Lippomano, Luigi; Litta, Alfonso 
AND Lorenzo; Lodi; Lucca; Lucera; Luni-Sarzana-Brugnato; 
Macerata and Tolentino; Machiavelli, Nicol6; Maffei, 
Raffablo; Magibtris, Simone de; Manpredonia; Mantua; 
Margotti, Giacomo; Marsi; Marsico, Nuovo and Potenza; 
Mass A Carrara; Massa Marittima; Mazzara del Vallo; 
Melfi and IIapolla; Messina; Mezzofanti, Giuseppe; Mi- 
lan; Mileto; Mint, Papal; Modena, Archdiocese and Uni- 
versity; Modigliana; Molfetta, Terlizzi, and Giovinazzo; 
Monaco; Mondovi; Monopoli; Monreale; Montalcino; 
Montalto; Montefeltro; Montefiascone; Montes Pieta- 
tis; Moroni, Gaetano; Muro-Lucano; Naples; Nard6; Narni 
AND Terni; Nepi and Sutri; Nic astro; Nicosia; Nicotera 
AND Tropea; Nocera; Nocbra dei Pagani; Nola; Non ex- 
pedit; Norcia; Noto; Novara; Nubco; Ogliastha; Oppido 
Mamertina; Oria; Oristano; Orvieto; Osimo; Ostia and Vel- 
LETRi; Otranto; Pacca, Bartolommeo; Padua, Diocese and 
University; Pagano, Mario; Palermo, Archdiocese and 
University; Palebtrina; Parma; Paruta, Paolo; Passaglia, 
Carlo; Passionei, Domenico; Patti; Pavia, Diocese and 
University; Penne and Athi; Periodical Literature, Italy; 
Perugia; Pesaro; Pescia; Piacenza; Piatto C ardinalizio ; 
Piazza Armerina; Piccolomini, Alessandro; Piccolomini- 
Ammannati, Jacopo; Pignatelli, Giuseppe Maria, Vener- 
able; Pinerolo; Pisa, Archdiocese and University; Pistoia 
AND Prato; Pius X; Poggio Mirteto; Policastro; Pomponazzi, 
Pibtro; Pontremoli; Porto and Santa-Rufina; Possevinub, 
Antonius; Pozzuoli; Propaganda, Sacred Congregation op; 
Ravenna; Recanati and Loreto; Reggio dell' Emilia; Reg- 
gio di Calabria; Rienzi, Cola di; Rieti; Rimini, Council of; 
Rimini, Diocebe of; Ripatranbonb; Roman Colleges; Rome; 
Rome, University of; Rossano; Rossi, Pellegrino; Rota, 
Sacra Romana; Ruvo and Bitonto; Sabina; Salerno, Diocese 
AND University of; Saluzzo; San Marco and Bibignano; San 
Marino; San Mahtino al Cimino; San Miniato; San Paolo; 
FUORi LE MORI CiMiNO; San SEVERING; Sanseverino, Gaetano; 
San Severo; Santa Agata dei Goti; Santa Lucia del Mela; 
Sant' Angelo de' Lombardi; Sant' Angelo in Vado and Ur- 
bania; Santa Severina; Sardinia; Sarsina; Sassari; Savona 
AND Noli; Segni; Sessa-Adrunca; Sicily; Siena, Archdiocese 
AND University; Sinigaglia; Siracusa; Solim6es, Superiore; 
Sorrento; Sovana and Pitigliano; Spedalieri, Nichola; 
Spoleto; Squillace; Suburbicarian Dioceses; Susa; Tanucci, 
Bernardo; Taranto; Telebe; Teramo; Termoli; Terracina, 
Sezze, and Piperno; Tivoli; Todi; Tortona; Trani and Bar- 
lbtta; Trapani; Thbvibo; Tricarico; Trinita di Cava dei 
TiRRBNi, Abbey op; Trivemto; Turin, Diocese and Univer- 
sity; Udine; Ugento; Ughelli, Fehdinando; Ultramontan- 
ibm; Urbino; Valla, Lorenzo; Valva and Salmona; Venice; 
Venosa; Ventimiglia; Venusti, Raffaele; Vercelli; Ver- 
gani, Paolo; Veboli; Verona; Vehhi, Pibtro; Vicenza; Vige- 
VANo; Villani, Giovanni; Viterbo and Toscanella; Volter- 
ra; Zita, St. 

Bergh, Right Rbvubend Feederick Thomas 
O.S.B., b. in Devonshire, England, 9 October, 1840. 
Education: Gregorian University, Rome. Entered 
the Benedictine Order 1861; ordained 1869; Superior 
of St. Augustine's Abbey, Ramsgate, 1877-1905; 
abbot 1896; at present visitor of the Cassinese Bene- 

dictine monasteries in England; chaplain of the 
Daughters of the Cross, Carshalton, Surrey. Oc- 
casional contributor to reviews. 
ARTICLES: Genuflexion; Sabum Rite. 

Berlioz, Right Reverend Alexandre, Society 
of Foreign Missions, Bishop of Hakodate, Japan, b. 
at Serrieres-en-Chautagne, Savoy, 12 September, 
1852. Education: school, SerriSres; College of Pont- 
de-Beauvoisin; Seminary, Chamb6ry; Seminary of 
Foreign Missions, Paris. Ordained and sent to China 
1875; under-procurator at Hong-kong 1876-1877; 
stationed at Marseilles, France, 1877-1879; Northern 
Japan mission 1879-1891; Bishop of Hakodate 1891. 
Contributor to the "Ko Kyo Zasshi", the Japanese 
CathoUc review, 1888-1891. 

ARTICLE: Hakodate. 

Bertreux, Right Reverend Jean Ephrem, s.m., 
S.T.D., b. at Saint Jean de Boiseau, France, 13 Jan- 
uary, 1853. Education: College at Couets and 
Seminary at Nantes, France. Soldier in the Volun- 
teers of the West, under de Charette, Franco- Prussian 
War, 1870-1871 ; ordained and entered the Society of 
Mary 1878; missionary in the Fiji Islands (vicar- 
general of the diocese 1888-1902) 1879-1902; perfect 
Apostolic (1902-1912) and vicar ApostoHc (1912- 
), South Solomon Islands; titular Bishop of 
Musti 1912- . Author of pamphlets on subjects 
connected with the Fiji Islands. 

ARTICLE: Solomon Islands, Southern. 

Bertrin, AbbA Canon, Georges Michel, Litt.D., 
b. at Sainte-Bazeille, Lot-et-Garonne, France, 7 July, 
1851. Education: Seminary, Agen; Cathohc Uni- 
versity, Paris; Sorbonne. Ordained 1876; succes- 
sively teacher in the Preparatory Seminary, and 
professor of rhetoric at the College of St. Caprasius, 
Agen, 1876-1886; master of conferences (1889), 
assistant professor of ancient literatures (1889-1899), 
and professor of French Uterature (1899- ), 
Catholic Institute, Paris; honorary canon of several 
dioceses. Fellow of the Cathohc University of Paris; 
member of: the Association of Former Pupils of the 
Sorbonne; of Former Pupils of the Cathohc Institute, 
Paris ; of French j ournalists . Aiithor of : " Les grandes 
figures cathohques du temps pr&ent", 4 vols. (Paris, 
1895; new ed. 1905); "La question homSrique" 
(Paris, 1897); "Chateaubriand" (Paris, 1900); 
"Cic^ron et la conjuration de Catilina" (Latin thesis) 
(Paris, 1900); "Saint Laurent O'Toole" (Paris, 
1903); "La criminality en France" (1904); "Histoire 
critique des fivenements de Lourdes" (1905; new ed. 
1910); "Sainte-Beuve et Chateaubriand" (1906); 
"Etudes sur les Lettres philosophiques de Voltaire" 
(1908); "Un mu'acle d'aujourd'hui"^ (1909); "Ce que 
rSpondent les adversaires de Lourdes, r6plique k un 
midicin allemand" (1910; new ed. 1911); collaborator 
in: "Nouveau Larousse Illustr6" (ecclesiastical 
definitions); " Diotionnaire apolog^tique de la foi 
cathohque"; contributor to: "Le Correspondant", 
L'Enseignement chr^tien", "La Revue pratique 

ARTICLES: Chateaubriand, Franqois-Ren^ de; La Bruy- 
^RE, Jean de; Lamartine, Alphonse de; Le Sage, Alain- 
Ren^; Lourdes, Notre Dame de; Maistre, Joseph-Marie, 
Comte de; Maistre, Xavier de; Miracle Plays and Mys- 
teries; Moli^re; Montaigne, Michel-Eyquen de; Olivier, de 
LA Marche; Ozanam,Antoine~Fr^d^ric; Rabelais, Francois; 
ROLLiN, Charles; SiSvign^, Marie de-Rabutin-Chantal; 
Swetchine, Sophie-Jeanne Soymonof; Tassin, Ren^-Prosper; 


Wallon, Henri-Alexandre. 

Besse, Reverend Jean Martial Leon, o.s.b. 
b. at Saint-Angel, Corrfeze, France, 1861. Entered 
the Benedictine Order at Solesmes 1881; ordained 
1886; transferred to the Abbey of Ligug6, Vienne, 
1885; master of novices and sub-prior, Ligug6, 1889; 
director of the first group of religious charged with 
the restoration of the Abbey of Saint Wandrille 




(Seine-Inf^rieure) 1894; professor of history and 
director of an Apostolic School at one of the Bene- 
dictine houses in Spain 1895-1897; returned to 
Ligug6 1897; once more master of novices 1899; 
removed with his fellow monks to the new Abbey of 
Ligug6, Chevetogne, Belgium, 1902; at present 
lecturer on the Syllabus, lustitut d'action frangaise, 
Paris; preacher and social worker. Author of: "Le 
Moine b6n6dictin" (1898); "Les Moines d'Orient" 
U899); "Le Monachisme africain" (1899); "Les 
Etudes eccl^siastiques d'aprte la miSthode de Mabil- 
lon" (1900); "Le Cardinal Pie" (1903); "Saint 
Wandrille" (1904); (under the pseudonym lAon de 
Cheyssac) "Page d'histoire politique, le RaUiement" 
(1905); "Les Moines de I'ancienne France", Vol. I 
(1906); various pamphlets of the collection "Science 
et Religion"; re-edited Beaunier, "Recueil des 
archevech^s, 4vech6s, abbayes et prieur^s de I'anci- 
enne France", Vols. I-IV (1905-1906); founded: 
"Bulletin de Saint Martin et de Saint Benolt" (1884) ; 
"Bulletin CathoUque des hvres et de revues" (1892), 
combined with the "Mois htt&aire" of the Bene- 
dictines of Solesmes (1894); "La Vie de la paroisse"; 
director of the "Revue MabiUon" and the "Archives 
de la France monastique"; contributor to numerous 
reviews and periodicals. 

ARTICLES: Ambrosians; Augttstine, Rule of Saint; 
Baptistines; Babtholomites: Basil, Rule of Saint; Beth- 


JoAO; Mehcedarians; Monasteries, Suppression of; Thb- 


Besson, Reverend Jean Jules, s.j., b. at Bor- 
deaux, France, 21 October, 1855. Education: College 
of St. Joseph, TivoK; scholasticates of the Society of 
Jesus, Toulouse, Vals, and UcMs, Spain; Gregorian 
University, Rome. Entered the Society of Jesus 
1873; ordained 1886; professor of canon law, Jesuit 
scholasticate of UcMs, Spain (1890-1893), scholasti- 
cate of Vals, France (1897-1899), and Cathohc 
Institute, Toulouse, (1899- ). Author of: "Con- 
damnation du modernisme" (Tournai, 1907); "Actes 
T^centes du Saint-Si^ge centre les erreurs modernes" 
(Tournai, 1910); re-edited Ramifire, "Compendium 
instituti societatis Jesu" (Toulouse, 1896); collabora- 
tor iQ ' ' Dictionnaire apolog^tique de la f oi catholique ' ' ; 
director of the "Revue thfiologique frangaise" (1901) 
until its combination with the "NouveUe revue 
th^ologique" (Tournai) (1906); director of the latter 
review (1906- ); contributor to: "Revue thi5o- 
logique frangaise'' (a series of articles on the acts and 
decisions of the Holy See); "NouveUe revue th^o- 
logique"; "Etudes" (a series of canonical articles); 
ARTICLES: Canons, Collections op Ancient; Dispensa- 

Beste, Reverend Kenelm Richard Digby, s.j., 
b. at Torre del Olmo, near Florence, Italy, 26 January, 
1876; d. 28 April, 1915. Education: Stonyhurst 
College, Blackburn, England; Stella Matutina Col- 
lege, Feldkirch, Austria; St. Beuno's College, St. 
Asaph, Wales. Entered the Society of Jesus 1894; 
ordained 1911; prefect of Studies, St. George's College, 
Bulawayo, Rhodesia, 1913-1915. 

ARTICLE: Menevia, Diocese op. 

Bewerunge, Reverend Henry, b. at Letmathe, 
Westphalia, 7 December, 1862. Education: Gym- 
nasium, Dilsseldorf; Wurzburg University; Diocesan 
College, Eichstatt; Dr. Haberl's School of Music, 
Ratisbon. Ordained 1885; chanter at the Cathedral 
and secretary in vicar-general's office, Cologne, 1886- 
1887; professor of Church music, St. Patrick's College, 
Maynooth, Dublin, 1888- . Author of: "The 
Vatican Edition of Plainchant" (1906); "Die Vat- 
ikanische Choralausgabe'' 2 vols. (1906-1907). 

ARTICLES: Gregorian Chant; Neum; Organ; Plain 

Bihl, Reverend Michael, o.p.m., writer, b. at 
Filsdorf, Lorraine, Germany, 10 May, 1878. Educa- 
tion: Clevedon, England; Metz, Germany; Einsiedeki, 
Switzerland; Rome. Entered the Franciscan Order 
1897; ordained 1902; rector at Fulda, Germany, 
1903-1907; occupied m research work regarding the 
history of the Franciscan Order and professor of 
ecclesiastical history. College of St. Bonaventure; 
Quaraechi, near Florence, Italy. Author of: "Die. 
Geschichte des Franziskanerklosters Frauenberg zu 
Fulda" (Fulda, 1907); "Die Geschichte des Franzis- 
kaner-Gymnasiums zu Tauberfischofsheim" (Fulda, 
1908); contributor to: " Literarischer Handweiser"; 
"Fuldaer Geschichtsblatter"; " Literarische Rund- 
schau" (Freiburg); "Historisch-politische Blatter"; 
"Etudes franciscaines (Paris); "Revue franciscaine " 
(Bordeaux); "Arohivum Franciscanum historicum". 

ARTICLES: Colette, Saint; Conceptionists; David of 
Augsburg; Elizabeth of Hungary, Saint; Faber, Philip; 
Fraticelli; Friars Minor, Order op; Gerardds, Odonis; 
HuEBER, Fortunatus; Isabella of France, Blessed; Julian 
of Speyer; Ladislaus, Saint; Leonard of Port Maurice, 
Saint; Macedo, Francisco; Magnus, Valerianus; Maillard, 
Olivier; Matteo op Acquasparta; Mayron, Francis; Or- 
BELLis, Nicholas d'; Pacificus of Ceredano; Pacificus op 
San Severing, Saint; Philip of Jesus, Saint; Portiuncula; 
Vega, Andreas de. 

Birkhaeuser, Reverend Jodoc Adolphe, b. at 
Troisdorf, Germany, 9 June, 1841; d. at Racine, 
Wisconsin, 3 March, 1908. Education: parish school, 
Fussville, Wisconsin; Seminary of St. Francis de 
Sales, St. Francis, Wisconsin. Ordained 1863; former 
professor of Church history and canon law, St. Francis 
Seminary; at the time of his death, spiritual director 
of the Dominican Sisters, Racine, Wisconsin. Author 
of: "History of the Church" (New York, 1885, and 
8 subsequent editions). 

ARTICLES: Bernwai^d, Saint; Bruno, Saint. 

Birkner, Ferdinand, Ph.D., b. in Munich, 28 
December, 1868. Education: WiUielms-Gymnasium, 
Munich; University of Munich. Has devoted his life 
to the study of the natural sciences, particularly 
anthropology; at present extraordinary professor of 
anthropology, University of Munich, and Royal 
Custodian of the State Anthropologico-Prehistoric 
Collection, Munich. Secretary of the Anthropological 
Society, Munich; member of the Imperial Leopold- 
Charles German Academy of Naturalists, Ha)le-an- 
der-Saale; corresponding member of the Pontificia 
Academia Romana del Nuovi Lincei. Author of: 
"Beitrage zur Anthropologic der Hand" (Munich, 
1895); "Beitrage zur Rassenanatomie der Chinesen" 
(Munich, 1904); "Der diluviale Mensch in Europa'' 
(Munich, 1910); "Rassen und Volker der Mensch- 
heit", in collaboration with Wilhelm Schmidt (1911); 
contributor to: "Archiv ftir Anthropologic" (Bruns- 
wick); " Korrespondenzblatt der Deutschen Anthro- 
pologischen Gesellschaf t " ; "Archiv filr Rassen- und 
Gesellschaftsbiologie"; "Natur und Kultur" 

ARTICLE: Race, Hdmajm. 

Birt, Reverend Henry Norbert, o.s.b., b. at 
Valparaiso, Chile, 1861, son of Hugh Birt, m.d., 
F.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., and Fanny Keogh, granddaughter 
of John Keogh, leader of the Irish Catholics in their 
constitutional struggle for emancipation, and sister 
of Father Edward S. Keogh of the Oratory. Educa- 
tion: St. Augustine's College, Ramsgate; Kensington 
Catholic public school; London University College 
School. Entered the Benedictine Order 1880 ; teacher 
in Downside School 1884^1892; ordained 1889; 
assistant at St. Osburg's, Coventry, 1892-1895; later 
chaplain at Heckfield and assistant at St. Benedict's, 
Ealing; Acting chaplain to the forces, South African 
War, receiving medal and four clasps, 1901; Acting 
chaplain to the forces, European War, 1915- ; 
official secretary to the president of the English 
Benedictines 1904:- ; also occupied in Uterary 




research. Visited Germany as one of the Catholic 
representatives of British Christian Churches, 1909. 
Member of the Committee of the Catholic Truth 
Society. Author of: "Lingard's History of England 
abridged"; "History of Downside School"; "Eliza- 
bethan Settlement of Religion"; "The Line of 
Cleavage under Elizabeth"; "Benedictine Pioneers 
in Australia", 2 vols.; "Obit Book of the English 
Benedictines"; contributor to: "Downside Review"; 
"Catholic Book Notes"; "Tablet". 

ARTICLES: Abbey; Baccanceld, Synod of; Bainbridqb, 
Christopher; Bicknor, Alexander; Boso, Cardinal; Bour- 
CHiER, Thomas; Charterhouse; Lanfranc, Archbishop of 

Blakely, Reverend Paul Lendrum, s.j., b. at 
Covington, Kentucky, 29 February, 1880. Educa- 
tion: St. Francis Xavier's College, Cincinnati, Ohio; 
St. Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri; Normal 
school, Florissant, Missouri. Entered the Society of 
Jesus 1897; instructor in Classics, Detroit College, 
Detroit, Michigan, 1900-1902, St. Louis University 
1906-1909; ordained 1914; associate editor of 
"America", New York, 1914- 

ARTICLE: St. Louis, University of. 

Blanc, Right Reverend Joseph Felix, s.m., 
Litt.B., S.T.D., b. at Toulon, France, 26 March, 1872. 
Education: St. Joseph's College at Toulon, Institute 
of St. Mary at Seyne-sur-Mer, and Marist scholasti- 
cate at Montbel, France. Entered the Society of 
Mary; ordained 1895; professor of Scripture, Marist 
scholasticate, Montbel, France, 1895-1901;" mission- 
ary in the Tongo Islands 1901-1912; for some time 
in charge of the mission at Nukualofa, Tonga Tapu, 
and pro-vicar of the vicai* Apostohc of Central 
Oceania; vicar Apostolic of Central Oceania and 
titular Bishop of Dibon 1912- , . Built the first 
Catholic church at Nukualofa;, former editor of 
"Revue CathoHque, tongienne" (5 years). Author 
of "Chez les M&idionaux- du Pacifique" (Lyons, 

ARTICLE : Oceania, Central. , ; 

Blanchin, Reverend Francois, o.m.i.; d.d., b. 
near Chamb^ry, Savoy, 1874, Education: Ottawa; 
LiSge, Belgium. Entered the order of Oblates of 
Mary Immaculate 1891; ordained 1898; professor of 
philosophy (1898-1905) and of theology (1905- ), 
Oblate Scholasticate, Ottawa. 

ARTICLE: Oblates of Mary Immaculate. 

Blenk, Most Reverend James Hubert, s.m., d.d., 
Archbishop of New Orleans, b. at Neustadt, Bavaria, 28 
July, 1856, of Lutheran parents, d. at New Orleans, 20 
April, 1917. Education: schoolsof New Orleans, Lou- 
isiana; St. James Seminary, Baltimore; Jefferson Col- 
lege, Convent, Louisiana; Marist scholasticates, Belley 
and Lyons, France, and Dublin and Dundalk, Ireland; 
Catholic University, Ireland . Emigrated with his fam- 
ily to New Orleans while still a child; received into the 
Church in boyhood; entered the Redemptorist Order, 
leaving on account of ill health; entered the Society 
of Mary 1874; professor of mathematics, St. Mary's 
College, Dundalk, Ireland; ordained 1885; succes- 
sively professor of humanities, rhetoric, philosophy, 
mathematics, and natural science (188.5-1891) and 
president (1891-1896), Jefferson College, Convent, 
Louisiana; visited the Marist houses of Europe at the 
invitation of the general of the order 1896-1897; 
rector of the Church of the Holy Name of Mary, 
Algiers, Louisiana, 1897-1898; auditor and secretary 
of the Apostolic Delegation to Cuba and Porto Rico 
1898; sub-ApostoUc delegate for Archbishop Chapelle 
to Cuba 1899; Bishop of Porto Rico 1899-1906; 
Archbishop of New Orleans 1906-1917. One of the 
organizers of the Cathohc Winter School of America 
and at one time member of its Executive Board and 
chairman of the Board of Studies; member of the 

Board of Consultors of Bishop Janssens and of Arch- 
bishop Chapelle; effected a reorganization of the 
Church in Porto Rico after the American occupation, 
1899; raised $30,000 for the relief of the hurricane 
victims in Porto Rico, 1899; member of a general 
committee to collect funds for the relief of the people 
of Porto Rico and commissioned by President Mo- 
Kinley to distribute the funds and report the needs 
of the people to the United States government; 
erected in New Orleans many new churches and 
schools, several especially for colored people; en- 
couraged the erection of Loyola LTniversity and the 
Dominican Seminary for American Missionaries to 
the Orient; founded St. Joseph's Seminary; or- 
ganized many new parishes; received into his arch- 
diocese many exiled French rehgious; one of the 
chief promoters of the works of the Catholic Educa- 
tional Association, ■ the National Conference of 
Charities, the American Federation of Catholic 
Societies, the Knights of Columbus, etc.; forceful 
orator in EngHsh, French, German, and Spanish; 
dehvered the opening address at the First Cathohc 
Missionary Congress in America and at the First 
National Conference of Cathohc Charities, Washing- 
ton; pronounced the closing address at Cardinal 
Gibbon's Golden Jubilee Celebration and at the 
National Eucharistio Congress, Cincinnati, 1911; 
took a prominent part in the Eucharistio Congress, 
Montreal, 1910, and in various conventions of the 
Federation of Catholic Societies; assisted at the 
Jeanne d'Arc Celebration, Orleans, France, 1909. 
Member of: the Board of Trustees, Catholic Univer- 
sity of America; the Board of Governors, Catholic 
Church Extension Society; the Cathohc Board for 
Work among Colored People. Contributed to various 
newspapers on religious, social, economic, and educa- 
tional matters. 

ARTICLE : Penalver y Cardenas, Luis Ignatius. 

Blotzer, Reverend Joseph, s.j., writer, b. at 
Wyler, Lotschental Ct. Wallis, Switzerland, 13 May, 
1849; d. at Munich, 7 July, 1910. Education: College 
of Brig, Canton Wallis, Switzerland; scholasticates of 
the Society of Jesus. Entered the Society of Jesus 
1870; ordained 1886; successively professor of Church 
history and rector, German Jesuit scholasticate, 
Ditton Hall, England; superior of the Collegium 
Scriptorum, Luxemburg, Luxemburg." Member of 
the Gorres Association. Author of : " Die Katholiken- 
emancipation in Grossbritannien und Irland" (Frei- 
burg, 1905); contributor to: "Stimmen aus Maria- 
Laach", "Zeitsohrift fiir kathoKsche Theologie", 
"Historisches Jahrbuch der Gorres-GeselLsohaft". 

ARTICLE: Inquisition. 

Blume, Reverend Clemens, s.j., hymnologist, 
b. at Billerbeck, Westphalia, 31 January, 1862. 
Education: Jesuit Gymnasium, Feldkirch, Austria; 
Jesuit scholasticates in Holland and England; Uni- 
versity of Prague; University of Bonn. Entered the 
Society of Jesus 1878; gymnasium professor, Feld- 
kirch, 1887-1890; ordained 1893; occupied in hym- 
nological research, visiting most of the libraries of 
Europe, 1906- ; co-editor with Father Guido 
Maria Dreves, of "Analecta Hymnica medii sevi", 
1896-1905; editor of "Analecta Hymnica medii sevi" 
(to consist of fifty-seven volumes, of which fifty-three 
have already appeared, Leipzig, 1886- ), 1906- 
; resident in Munich. Member of the Gorres- 
GeseUschaft. Authorof: " Das apostolische Glaubens- 
bekenntnis" (1893); "Repertorium Repertorii oder 
kritischer Wegweiser durch Ul. ChevaUer's Reper- 
torium Hymnologicum" (,1901); "Wolstan von 
Winchester und Vital von St. Evroult" (1903); 
"Cursus s. Benedicti Nursini und die liturgische 
Hymnen des 6.-9. Jahrhunderts" (1908); "Ein 
Jahrtausend lateinisoher Hymnendiehtung"; "Eine 
Blutenlese aus den Analecta Hymnica", written from 




the sketch of Father Dreves (1909); "Ursprung des 
Ambrosianischen Lobgesanges" (1912); collaborator 
in: Buchberger, "Kirchliches Handlexikon"; con- 
tributor to: "Stimmen aus Maria-Laach"; "Theo- 
logie und Glaube", "Die Kirchenmusik". 

ARTICLES: Hymn; Hymnody and Hymnology; Prose ob 
Sequence; Rhythmical Office; Tbope. 

Boeynaems, Right Reverend Libert H., b. 
at Antwerp, 18 August, 1857. Entered the Congre- 
gation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary 1875; 
ordained and sent as a missionary to Hawaii 1881; 
stationed on the Island of Kauai 1881-1895; in 
Wailuku, Island of Maui, 1895-1902; pro- vicar of 
the Hawaiian Islands 1902-1903; vicar Apostolic of 
Hawaii and titular Bishop of Zeugma, 1903- ; 
resident at Honolulu. 

ARTICLE: Damien, Father (Joseph de Veuster). 

BoUand, Joseph, s.j., m.a., b. at Glasgow, Scot- 
land, 1882. Education: St. Aloysius College, Glas- 
gow, Scotland; Mt. St. Mary's College, Chesterfield, 
and St. Mary's Hall, Stonyhurst College, Blackburn, 
England; Pope's HaU, Oxford. Entered the Society 
of Jesus 1900; at present, professor of Classics, St. 
Mary's Hall, Stonyhurst College, Blackburn. 

ARTICLES: Soul; Spirit; Spibituaxism; Will. 

Boiling, George Melville, b.a., Ph.D., b. at 
Baltimore, Maryland, 13 April, 1871. Education: 
Immaculate Conception Grammar School; Loyola 
College; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. Mar- 
ried Irene Johnson; received into the Church, 1876; 
FeUow in Greek (1893-1894); FeUow by courtesy 
(1894-1897), Johns Hopkins tfniversity; professor of 
Greek, and associate professor of comparative phi- 
lology and Sanskrit, Cathohc University, 1895- 
Member of: American Philological Association; 
American Oriental Society; Archaeological Institute 
of America. Author of: "The Participle in Hesiod" 
(J.H.U. Dissertation, Washington, 1897); "The 
Parisistas of the Atharva-Veda" (edited by G. M. 
Boiling and Julius von Negelein, Leipzig, 1909); 
contributor to: "American Journal of Philology"; 
"American Oriental Society Journal"; "Trans- 
American Philological Association Bulletin"; 
"Cathohc University Bulletin". 

ARTICLES: Alexandrian Libbaby; Avatar. 

Bonney, Reverend Edwin B., b. at Blackburn, 
Lancashire, England, 1873. Education: St. Cuth- 
bert's College, Ushaw, Durham, England; Latin 
honors Intermediate Arts Exam., London. Ordained 
1901; minor professor (1896-1899) and professor of 
sacred eloquence and librarian (1901- ), St. 
Cuthbert's College, Ushaw; editor of "Ushaw 
Magazine" Author of "Life of John Lingard" 

ARTICLES: Lingard, John; Ushaw College. 

Boothman, Charles Thomas, barrister, b. at 
Southport, Lancashire, England, 1843. Education: 
Stonyhurst College, Blackburn. Practised at the 
Bar for a short time but later withdrew; resident in 
Kingstown, County Dublin, Ireland. 

ARTICLES: Bowyeb, Sir George; Bracton, Henry de; 
Cabyll, John; Digby, Kenelm Henby; Digby, Sib Kenelm; 
Fitzherbert, Mabia Anne; Glanville, Ranulf de; Hope- 
Scott, James Robebt. 

Bosnians, Reverend Henri, s.j., b. at MechUn, 
Belgium, 7 April, 1852. Entered the Society of 
Jesus 1871; ordained 1885; professor of higher 
mathematics and prefect of studies, Science Depart- 
ment, College of St. Michael, Brussels, 1886- 

ARTICLE: Stevin, Simon. 

Bottero, Right Reverend Hugo Magdalena, 
D.D., M.A., b. at Chamb&y, Savoy, 20 January, 1837; 

d. 21 May, 1913. Education: College of Chamb^ry; 
University of Turin; Seminary for Foreign Missions, 
Paris. Ordaiued 1859; sent to India 1860; succes- 
sively stationed at Pondicherry and superior of St. 
Joseph's School, Cuddalore, India, 1860-1899; 1st 
Bishop of Kumbakonam, India, 1899-1913. Former 
corresponding member of the Academy of Savoy. 
Author of: "Our Lady of Lourdes ia Tamil and 
Bengah"; "The Holy Bible in Tamil"; several Uves 
of the saints; various text books. 
ARTICLE: Kumbakonam. 

Boudinhon, Abb£ Aitguste Marie Felix, d.d., 
D.C.L., b. at Le Puy, Haute Loire, France, 27 March, 
1858. Education: Preparatory Seminary of La 
Chartreuse, Le Puy, France; Seminary of St. Sulpice, 
Paris; The Minerva, Rome; Roman Seminary; 
pursued canonical studies for two years at the 
"Studio" of the Sacred Congregation of the Council. 
Ordained 1881; for several years defender of the 
marriage bond. Archdiocese of Paris; professor of 
canon law. Catholic Institute, Paris, 1884:- ; 
ecclesiastical advocate. Author of: "La nouveUe 
legislation de I'Index"; "La nouvelle legislation sur 
le mariage et les fiangailles"; "Biens d'^gUse et peines 
canoniques"; "Les procfes en nuUitS de mariage 
rehgieux"; "Inamovibiht6 et translations des des- 
servants"; "Les proems de beatification et canonisa- 
tion"; translated into French: Hogan, "Clerical 
Studies"; Thurston, "The Stations of the Cross"; 
Santi, "Le Litanie Lauretane"; Gennari, "Consulta- 
zioni morali, canoniche, hturgiche", 2 vols.; Gennari, 
"Quistioni morali, canoniche, hturgiche", 3 vols.; 
collaborator in the Encyclopedia Britannica (11 ed.); 
since 1890 director of the "Canoniste Contemporain" 
(1878- ); contributor to: "Canoniste Contempo- 
rain", "Revue du clerge frangais", "Revue Anglo- 
romaine", "Revue cathohque des eghses", "Revue 
d'histoire et de httSrature rehgieuses". 

ARTICLES: Cathedral; Debebtion; Dessebvants; Disci- 
pline, Ecclesiastical; Domicile; Doweb, Religious; Elec- 
tion; Excommunication; Faithful, The; Fobgery, Forger; 
Formularies; Gibebt, Jean Pierre; Glaibe, Jean-Baptiste; 
Glosses, Glossabies, Glossabists; Hulst, Maurice Le Sagb 
d'Hauteboche d'; Immunity; Impediments, Canonical; In- 
fidels; In Pabtibus Infidelium; In Petto; Intebdict; Inven- 
tory of Chubch Pboperty; Laicization; Laity; Law, Canon; 
Lay Confession; Majority; Mansi, Gian Domenico; Mar- 
GAEIT.B; Mensa, Mensal Revenue; Metbopolitan; Minor 
Ordebb; Monseigneub; Nomination; Nomocanon; Notabies; 
Notoriety, Notorious; Obdinabiate; Oedinaby; Parish; 
Parochial Mass; Penitential Canons; Pothieb, Robert 
Joseph; Precabia; Presentation, Right of; Priest; Primate; 
Privilege; Protocol; Provincial Council; Redemptions, 
Penitential; Sanction; Secular Clergy; Secularization; 
Synods, National. 

Bourscheidt, Peter Joseph, b. at Cologne, 
Germany, 27 February, 1855. Education: school 
and college in Cologne. Came to America 1881; 
pharmacist, Peoria, lUinois, 1881-1908; secretary, 
German Cathohc Central Verein, 1899-1907; has held 
offices in various Cathohc societies in Ilhnois; organ- 
izer and president of the Marquette Insurance 
Company (at first called "Widows' and Orphans' 
Fund") 1908- . One of the reorganizers and a 
member of the Executive Board of the Central 
Verein. Contributor to German-American Catholic 

ARTICLE : Centralverein. 

Bowden, Reverend Henry Sebastian, Orator- 
ian, writer, b. in London, England, 16 February, 
1836. Education: Eton; Catholic University, Dub- 
lin (under Cardinal Newman). Converted to the 
Church 1852; entered the army 1855; resigned, as 
captain, and entered the London Oratory, 1867; 
ordained 1870; has been three times superior of his 
community; resident at The Oratory, London. 
Author of: "Life and Letters of Frederick WilHam 
Faber"; "The Rehgion of Shakespeare"; "Witness 
of the Saints"; "Guide to the London Oratory"; 




"Dante " (Catholic Truth Society) ; editor of : " Minia- 
ture Lives of the Saints"; "Miniature Life of Mary"; 
"The Daily Prayer Book"; Hettinger, "Dante's 
Divina Commedia"; Hettinger, "Natural ReUgion"; 
Hettinger, " Revealed Religion '. 

ARTICLES: Dalqaihns, John Dobkee; Fabeh, Frederick 
William; Oratory of Saint Philip Neri, The. 

Bowden, Reverend John, s.m., m.a., rector of 
the church of St. John the Evangehst, Leeston, New 

ARTICLE: Wellington, Archdiocese of. 

Boylan, Reverend Patrick, m.a. Education: 
Holy Cross College, Clonhffe; Maynooth; Royal 
University of Ireland; Universities of Berlin, Vienna, 
and Strassburg. Professor of Sacred Scripture and 
philosophy. Holy Cross College, Clonhffe, 1903-1905; 
professor of Sacred Scripture and Oriental languages, 
Maynooth College, 1905- ; lecturer in Eastern 
languages. University College, Dublin, 1909- ; 
member of the Board of Studies, National University 
of Ireland. Won studentship in mental science 
(1900) and Junior Fellowship (1902), Royal Univer- 
sity of Ireland. Member of the Royal Irish Academy. 
Collaborator in the Egyptian Lexicon (now being 
prepared in Berhn) ; contributor of articles on Oriental 
study and philology to the "Irish Theological Quar- 
terly", "Irish Ecclesiastical Record". 

ARTICLES: Harlez de Deulin, Charles-Joseph de; Le 


Boyle, Reverend Patrick, cm., b. at Ter- 
moneeny, Co. Derry, Ireland, 4 January, 1849. 
Education: Seminary, Cambrai, France; St. Vincent's 
College, Castleknock, Ireland. Entered the Congre- 
gation of the Mission 1871; ordained 1873; professor 
of Classics at St. Patrick's College, Armagh (1874- 
1875), and at St. Viucent's College, Castleknock 
(1875-1876); rector, St. Patrick's College, Armagh, 
1877-1886; spiritual father, Maynooth, 1886-1889; 
rector, Irish College, Paris, 1889- . Author of: 
"The Irish College in Paris from 1578 to 1901" 
(1901); "St. Vincent de Paul and the Vincentians in 
Ireland, Scotland, and England from 1628 to 1909" 
(1909); translated: "Instructions on Preaching" 
(1902); "St. John Chrysostom on the Priesthood" 
(1903-1910); St. Gregory the Great, "A Homily on 
the Pastoral Office" (1907-1908); contributor to: 
"Irish Ecclesiastical Record"; "Le Correspondant"; 
"Cathohc University Bulletin", Washington, D. C. 

ARTICLES: Irish Colleges, on the Continent; Schools, 

Brabant, Vert Reverend AuGtrsTtrs Joseph, 
b. at Courtrai, Belgium, 1845, d. at Victoria, British 
Columbia, 4 July, 1912. Education: American Col- 
lege, Louvain, Belgium. Ordained 1868; assistant, 
St. Andrew's Cathedral, Vancouver, Vancouver 
Island, British Columbia, 1869-1873; missionary 
among the Nootkan Indians, Hesquiat, Vancouver, 
1874^1908; administrator of the diocese of Vancouver 
1908-1909; chaplain to St. Joseph's Hospital and St. 
Ann's Academy, Victoria, British Columbia, 1909- 
1911. Notwithstanding many discomforts and numer- 
ous attempts on his life, remained at Hesquiat for 
thirty-four years and succeeded in converting to 
Catholicity the whole tribe of Indians among whom 
he labored. 

ARTICLE: Victoria. 

Brann, Right Reverend Monsignor Henry 
Athanasius, a.m., ll.d., Litt.D., D.D., b. at Parks- 
town, Co. Meath, Ireland, 15 August, 1837. Educa- 
tion: St. Peter's Parochial School, Jersey City, New 
Jersey; St. Mary's College, Wilmington, Delaware; 
St. Francis Xavier's College, New York; St. Sulpice, 
Paris; American College, Rome. Emigrated with 
his family to the United States 1849; ordained in 

Rome by Cardinal Patrizzi 1862; vice president and 
professor of theology and philosophy, Seton Hall 
College, South Orange, New Jersey (two years); 
missionary in New Jersey; director and professor of 
theology and philosophy. Seminary, Wheeling, West 
Virginia (two years); pastor at Fort Washington, 
New York, 1870-1889; at the same time diocesan 
censor of books; rector of St. Agnes Church, New 
York, 1890- . Has built a number of churches 
and schools, e.g., St. John's Church, Kingsbridge, and 
St. Ehzabeth's, Ft. Washington, New York City; re- 
built St. Agnes Church, New York. Member of the 
Union League Club, New York. Author of: "Curious 
Questions"; "Truth and Error"; "The Age of Un- 
reason"; "Life of Archbishop Hughes"; "History of 
the American College, Rome"; "Waifs and Strays", 
2 vols. ; (pamphlets) : "The Schism of the West " ; "The 
Henry George Land Theories"; "The Popes, the 
Champions of Popular Liberty"; "Martin Luther"; 
"The Spirituality and Immortality of the Human 
Soul"; contributor to: "The Cathohc World"; "The 
Catholic Quarterly Review"; "The Rosary"; "Do- 
minicana"; "The Messenger"; "The North American 
Review"; "Donahoe's Magazine". 

ARTICLES: American College, The, in Rome; Grace, 
William Russel; McCloskey, William George; Pise, 
Charles Conbtantine. 

Brants, Victor Leopold Jacques Louis, ll.d., 
Ph.D., Litt.D., b. at Antwerp, 23 November, 1856. 
Professor at Louvain University 1878- ; at present 
professor of political economy and statistics, and 
Belgian history. President of the School of Com- 
mercial, Consular and Colonial Sciences, Louvain; 
member of the Superior Council of Labor; permanent 
secretary of the Belgian Society of Social Economy; 
corresponding member of the Institut de France 
(Academy of Moral and Political Sciences) ; member 
of the Royal Academy of Belgium. Author of: "La 
morale du d6sinti5ressement rationnel" (Memoirs of 
the Literary Society of Louvain, 1877); "Sur 
I'histoire des classes rurales en Belgique jusqu'S, la fin 
du XVIII sifecle" (Memoirs of the Royal Academy 
of Belgium, Vol. XXXII, 1881); "Au pays des 
Ruth^nes" (Memoirs of the Literary Society of 
Louvain, 1889); "Le travail du dimanche en Au- 
triche" (Belgian Labor Office, 1896); "Les grandes 
lignes de I'^conomie politique" (Louvain, 3rd ed. 
1901; 5th ed., 2 vols., 1908, Spanish tr. by Hinojosa); 
"La petite Industrie contemporaine" (Paris, 3rd ed. 
1912, Spanish tr. by Moreno); "La legislation du 
travail compar^e et Internationale" (Louvain, 1903); 
"Avant-projet de loi sur le contrat d'emploi" (Na- 
tional Commission of the Petite Bourgeoisie, 1905); 
"Le travail de nuit des enfants en Belgique" (Associa- 
tion for the Legal Protection of Labor, 1906); "La 
faculty de droit de I'Universitfi de Louvain k travers 
cinq siecles, 1426-1906" (Louvain and Paris, 1906); 
"La lutte contre I'usure dans les lois modernes" 
(Louvain and Paris, 1907); "Albert et Isabelle" 
(Louvain, 1910); various series of governmental 
reports on economic and sociological matters; col- 
laborator in "Biographie nationale", etc.; contributor 
to: "Annuaire de I'UniversitS de Louvain"; "Reforme 
sociale" (Paris); "Les ouvriers des deux mondes" 
(Paris); "Annuaire de la Soci6t^ de legislation com- 
pariSe" (Paris); "Bulletin de la Socidt^ de legislation 
compar^e" (Paris); "Revue catholique de Louvain"; 
"Mus^on" (Louvain); "Revue g^nerale" (Brussels); 
"Revue de I'instruction pubhque en Belgique" 
(Ghent); "Association catholique" (Paris); "Moni- 
teur beige"; "Bulletin du Comity des travaux 
historiques" (Paris); "Revue neo-scolastique" (Lou- 
vain); "Revue sociale catholique" (Louvain); "Revue 
pratique de droit industriel" ^Lifige); "Rivista inter- 
nazionale di scienze sociali" (Rome); "Bulletin de 
I'Union de I'Ecole commerciale de Louvain"; "An- 
nates Internationales d'histoire" (Paris and Macon); 




"Analectes pour servir k I'histoire eccMsiastiquo de 
la Belgique" (Louvain). 

ARTICLES: Louvain, University of; Ram, Pierre Fran- 
cois Xavier de; Thonissen, Jean-Joseph. 

Brassinne, Joseph, Ph.D., litt.D., b. at Lifege, 11 
January, 1877. Education: Institute of St. Paul and 
College of St. Servais, LiSge; University of Lifege. 
Former under-librarian and (1912- ) librarian, 
University of Lifege. General Secretary of the 
Twenty-First Congress of the Archaeological and 
Historical Federation of Belgium, Lifige, 1909. Vice- 
President of the Society of Art and History of the 
Diocese of Liege. Author of: "Les paroisses de 
I'ancien concile de Hoz^mont" (Li^ge, 1900); "Les 
paroisses de I'ancien concile de Saint-Remacle k 
LiSge" (Liege, 1904); "Annexes au Catalogue des 
manuscrits de la Bibliothlque de ]'LTniversit6 de 
LiSge" (.LiSge, 1904); "Analecta Leodiensia: Recueil 
de documents relatifs aux 6glises de I'ancien diocese 
de Li§ge" (Lifege, 1907); "Catalogue des manuscrits 
l^gu^s k la Bibllothfique de I'Universit^ de LiSge par 
le Baron Adrien Wittert" (Li^ge, 1910); completed 
and published: Jules Helbig, "L'Art Mosan" (Brus- 
sels, 1906-1911). 

ABTICLE: hikaE, Diocese of. 

Braun, Reverend Joseph, s.j., writer, b. at 
Wipperfiirth, Prussia, 30 January, 1857. Education: 
Gymnasia of Wippertiirth and Attendorn ; University 
of Bonn; Seminary, Roermond, Holland; Jesuit 
scholasticates of Exaten, Holland, and Ditton Hall, 
England. Ordained 1881; entered the Society of 
Jesus 1890; since then writer on subjects connected 
with ecclesiastical art, archseology, and liturgy; at 
present resident at Valkenburg, Holland. Has 
travelled throughout Europe for purposes of research. 
Hon. member of the Grand-ducal Institute of Lux- 
emburg; corresponding member of the Ro3'al Archaio- 
logical Academy of Belgium. Author of: "Die 
priesterlichen Gewander des Abendlandes" (1897); 
"Die pontifikalen Gewander des Abendlandes" 
(1898); "Vorlagen fiir Paramentenstickereien" (Ger- 
man, French, and English) (1902); "Winke fiir 
Anfertigung und Verzierung der Paramente" (1904); 
"Die liturgisohe Gewandung um Occident und Orient " 
(1907); "Die belgischen Jesuitenku-chen" (1907); 
"Die kirchenbauten der deutschen Jesuiten", 2 parts 
(1908, 1910); "Handbuch der Paramentik" (1912); 
"Spaniens alte Jesuitenkirchen'' (1913) ; collaborator 
in : Herder's " Konversations-lexikon " ; " Encyclopedia 
Britannica"; contributor to: "Zeitschrift fiir christ- 
licheKunst"; "Revue del' art chr^tien"; "ChristHche 
Kunst"; "Stimmen aus Maria-Laach"; "Pastor 

ARTICLES: Dalmatic; Embroidery, Ecclesiastical; 
Fanon; Gloves, Episcopal; Gremiale; Hood; Humeral Veil; 
Mace; Maniple; Manteletta; Manuterge; Mitre; Morse; 
Mozzetta; Pallium; Pectorals; Rationale; Rochet; San- 
dals, Episcopal; Stole; Surplice; Tabernacle; Throne; 
Tiara; Tunic; Vestments; Zuchetto. 

Braunsberger, Reverend Otto, s.j., writer, b. 
at Fiissen, Bavaria, 21 February, 1850. Education: 
Benedictine Monastery, Metten; German College, 
Rome; University of Munich. Ordained 1874; 
assistant priest at Rain (1876-1877) and of St. 
Mauritius at Augsburg (1877-1878); entered the 
Society of Jesus 1878; engaged in writing at Exaten, 
Holland (1887-1899), at Luxemburg (1899-1911) 
and once more at Exaten (1911- ). Author of: 
"Der Apostel Barnabas" (Mainz, 1876); "Ent- 
stehung und erste Entwicklung der Katechismen des 
seligen Petrus Canisius" (Freiburg-im-Breisgau, 
1893); "Canisius Wallfahrt", prayer-book (Fribourg, 
Switzerland, 1896; translated into French and 
Dutch) ; "Beati Petri Canisii S. J. Epistulae et Acta", 
Vols. I- VI (Freiburg-im-Breisgau, 1896-1913); 
"Riickblick auf das katholische Ordenswesen im 19 

Jahrhundert" (Freiburg-im-Breisgau, 1901); "Pms V 
und die deutschen Katholiken" (Freiburg-im-Breis- 
gau, 1912); contributor to: "Stimmen aus Maria- 
Laach"; "Zeitschrift fiir katholische Theologie"; 
"Historisohes Jahrbuch"; " Theologisch-praktische 
Quartalschrift"; Literary Supplement to "Kohiische 
ARTICLE: Peter Canisius, Blessed. 

Breen, Reverend Andrew Edward, Ph.D., d.d., 
b. at Amity, Allegany County, New York, 15 June, 
1863. Education: St. Agnes Parochial School and 
Avon Union School, Avon, New York; St. Andrew's 
Preparatory Seminary, Rochester; Propaganda, 
Rome; St. Stephen's Biblical School, Jerusalem. 
Ordained 1893; professor of Holy Scripture and 
Hebrew, St. Bernard's Seminary, Rochester, New 
York; at present rector of St, Patrick's Church, Mt. 
Morris, New York. Author of: "A General Intro- 
duction to Holy Scripture" (Rochester, 1897), 2 eds.; 
"A Harmonized Exposition of the Four Gospels", 4 
vols. (Rochester, 1899-1903), 2 eds.; "A Diary of My 
Life in the Holy Land" (Rochester, 1907). 

ARTICLES: Acts of the Apostles; Aseneth; Aser; Asion- 
gaber; Asmodeus; Bethania; Bethany; Bethany Beyond 
THE Jordan. 

Breen, Reverend Michael Joseph, b. at Coo- 
raclare, Co. Clare, 1861. Education: Diocesan Col- 
lege, Ennis, Ireland; Maynooth; Irish College, Rome; 
St. Sulpice, Paris. Ordained 1886; former curate 
at Quin, Co. Clare; rector at Dysart, Co. Clare, 
1912- . Takes deep interest in the promotion 
of agriculture; frequently attends Technical Con- 
gresses of the Department of Agriculture and Tech- 
nical Instruction. 

ARTICLE: Killaloe, Diocese of. 

Brehier, Emilb, litt.D., b. 12 April, 1876. Edu- 
cation: University of Rennes. Master of Philo- 
sophical Conferences, University of Rennes, 1910- 
1912 ; professor of philosophy. University of Bordeaux, 
1912-1914; sub-heutenant, 344th, Infantry Regiment, 
1914- ; knight of the Legion d'Honneur. Author 
of: "Les id^es philosophiques et religieuses de Philon 
d'Alexandrie" (Paris, 1908); "Chrysippe" (Paris, 
1910); "Schelling" (Paris, 1912). 

ARTICLES: Philo Jud^us; Stoics and Stoic Philosophy. 

Brehier, Louis Ren£, litt.D., b. at Brest, France, 
5 August, 1868. Education: University of Paris. 
Professor at the University of Paris 1899- ; 
at present professor of ancient and medieval 
history and geography. Read a paper on "Les 
colonies d'Orientaux en Occident au commence- 
ment du Moyen Age" at the Thirteenth Congress of 
Orientahsts, Hamburg, 1902; commissioned by the 
Ministry of PubUc Instruction to study Byzantine 
sculpture at Venice, Ravenna, Athens, and Constan- 
tinople, 1910 and 1912. Two of his works crowned 
by the Institut de France. Author of: "Le schisme 
Oriental du XI sidcle" (Paris, 1899); "De Graecorum 
judiciorum origine" (Paris, 1899); "L'Egypte de 
1798 k 1900", Prix Audiffred, Academy of Moral and 
Political Sciences (Paris, 1901); "Les origines du 
Crucifix dans I'art religieux" (Paris, 1903); "La 
querelle des images" (Paris, 1904); "Les basiUques 
chr^tiennes", Prix Ch. Blanc, French Academy 
(Paris, 1906); "Les ^gMses byzantines" (Paris, 1906); 
"Les 6gUses romanes" (Paris, 1906); "Les dgUses 
gothiques" (Paris, 1906); "L'Eglise et I'Orient. Les 
Croisades" (Paris, 1907); "Clermont-Ferrand, Royat, 
le Puy-de-D6me", in collaboration with M. Des- 
devises du Dezert (Paris, 1911); "L'Auvergne (Les 
Provinces Francaises, Paris, 1912); "Une (Euvre 
Frangaise. La Cathedrale de Rheims" (ParLs, 1916) : 
collaborator in: " Dictionnaire d'Apologfitique" of 
the Abb6 Jouguet; "Dictionnaire de Biographie et 
d'Histoire Eccl&iastique" of Mgr. Baudrilkrt (in 
















course of publication); contributor to: "Revue 
historique"; "Revue des Deux Mondes"; "Revue 
critique"; "Revue archfiologique " ; "Le Correspond- 
ant"; "Revue internationale de I'enseignement"; 
"La Province"; "Revue d'Auvergne"; "Revue des 
etudes grecques ; " Byzantinische Zeitschrift"; "Re- 
vue des cours et conferences"; "Revue des id^es"; 
"Le Larousse Mensuel"; "Revue de I'Art Chretien". 
ARTICLES: Commineb, Philippe de; Crusades; Dandolo, 
Enrico; Doria, Andrea; Foulqtje de Neuilly; Fregoso, 
Federigo; Froibsart, Jean; Gesta Dei per Francos; Godfrey 
OF Bouillon; Guiscard, Robert; Jacques de Vitry; Jeru- 
salem, Latin Kingdom of; Joinville, Jehan, Sire de; La 
Valbtte, Jean Parisot de; Manuscripts ; Manuscripts, Illumi- 
nated; MicHAUD, JosEPH-FRANgois; Montfaucon, Bernard de; 


8ADE OF THE; Peter de Bloib; Peter the Hermit; Polo, 
Marco; Raymond IV; VI; VII; Tancred, Prince of Antioch; 
Turkish Empire; Vespers, Sicilian; Villehardouin, Geof- 
TBOi de; William of Poitiers; William of Tybe. 

Brennan, Reverend Andrew James, s.t.d., a.m., 
b. at Towanda, Pennsylvania, 14 December, 1877. 
Education: parochial school, Towanda; Holy Cross 
College, Worcester, Massachusetts; American College, 
Rome. Ordained 1904; professor of Latin and Greek, 
St. Thomas's College, Scranton, 1905-1908; chancel- 
lor and secretary to the Bishop of Scranton 190S- 

ARTICLE: Scranton, Diocese of. 

Brennan, Michael Henry, lawyer, b. at Mill- 
creek, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, 9 February, 
1851, son of Patrick Brennan, one of the three com- 
missioners who settled the "Bates Turnout" coal 
strike, 1847. Education: common schools of Schuyl- 
kill County; State University, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 
School teacher in Michigan and Wisconsin; admitted 
to the Bar 1880; married Mary R. Coyle of Ann 
Arbor 1882; municipal judge, Ann Arbor, 1882-1886; 
removed to Devils Lake, North Dakota, 1886; city 
attorney for two years; appointed by President 
Roosevelt register of the U. 8. Land Office, Devils 
Lake, North Dakota, 1907; resigned to become 
candidate for district judge 1908; defeated by a "no 
popery" opposition; member of the North Dakota 
Board of Bar Examiners; GaeUc student. Has been 
vice-president and executive committeeman. North 
Dakota Bar Association; represented North Dakota 
at meeting of American Bar Association, Saratoga, 
1900; delegate to Congress for Uniform Divorce Laws, 
Washington, D. C; visited Mexico as agent for Land 
Finance Company, 1909. Knight of Columbus. 
Contributor to local periodicals and to the papers of 
the North Dakota Historical Society. 

ARTICLE: North Dakota. 

Briault, Reverend Maurice, c.s.sp., b.a., mis- 
sionary, b. at Percy, Manche, France, 3 November, 
1874. Education: College of St. Lo; Preparatory 
Seminarv, Mortain. Ordained 1898; missionary at 
Gaboon," French Congo, 1898- . Contributor to 
various reviews. 

ARTICLE: Gaboon. 

Bridge, Reverend James, s.j., m.a., b. at Wigan, 
Lancashire, England, 3 April, 1871. Education: Mt. 
St. Mary's College, Chesterfield; St. Mary's Hall, 
Stonyhurst College, Blackburn; London University; 
Oxford. Entered the Society of Jesus 1888; ordained 
1906; Professor of philosophy, Stonyhurst College, 
Blackburn; St. Francis Xavier's College, Liverpool; at 
present stationed at St. Wilfrid's, Preston, England. 

ARTICLES: Homoousion; Libellatici, Libelli; Lucy, 
Saint; Malebranche, Nicolas; Martyrs, Acts of the; Nob- 
EiB, Sylvester; Persecution. 

Britten, Jambs, k.s.g., b. in London, 3 May, 1846. 
Became a Catholic 1867; engaged in social work and 
choir training at various times at Brentford, Isle- 
worth, and South wark, London; assistant, Kew 
Herbarium, London, 1869-1871; assistant, Botanical 
Department, British Museum, London, 1871-1909; 

hon. secretary, English Catholic Truth Society, 1884- 
; Knight of St. Gregory 1897; resident in London. 
One of the founders of the Folk-lore Society; took 
prominent part in establishing "Newman House", 
which proved unsuccessful; re-established Catholic 
Truth Society, with W. H. Cologan, 1884; first to 
suggest Cathohc Needlework Guild; inaugurated 
EngUsh Annual CathoUc Conferences. Original 
member Enghsh Dialect Society; Fellow of the 
Linnean Society. Edited: "Old Country and Farm- 
ing Words" (for English Dialect Society); Aubrey, 
"Remains of Gentilisme and Judaisme" (for Folk- 
lore Soceity) ; Turner, " Names of Herbs " (for English 
Dialect Society) ; volume of plates and descriptions of 
plants collected by Banks and Solander during 
Captain Cook's First Voyage around the World (for 
British Museum); compiled "Dictionary of English 
Plant Names "j in collaboration with Robert Holland 
(for English Dialect Society) ; contributor to scientific 
and other periodicals; editor of: publications of 
Cathohc Truth Society (since 1884); "Journal of 
Botany" (since 1880); "Cathohc Book Notes" (since 
ARTICLE: Truth Societies, Catholic. 

Brock, Reverend Henry Matthias, s.j., a.b.,, b. at Boston, 8 May, 1876. Education: 
primary schools, Boston; Boston College; Massachu- 
setts Institute of Technology; Jesuit scholasticates of 
Frederick and Woodstock, Maryland, St. Andrew-on- 
Hudson, Poughkeepsie, New York, and Hastings, 
England; St. Ignatius College, Valkenburg, Holland. 
Entered the Society of Jesus 1900; professor of 
physics. Holy Cross College, Worcester, Massachu- 
setts, 1905-1909; ordained 1912; professor of physics, 
Boston College, Boston, 1912-1914; at St. Andrew-on- 
Hudson, Poughkeepsie, 1914-1915; professor of 
physics, astronomy and higher mathematics, Wood- 
stock College, _Md., 1915- . Member of the 
American Association for the Advancement of Science; 
the Alumni Associations of Boston College and the 
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Contributor 
to: "American Catholic Quarterly Review"; 

ARTICLES: Admont; Afflighem; Albero de Montreuil; 
Albert, Archbishop of Magdeburg; Aldersbach; Alexandre, 
DoM Jacques; Amorbach; Barrande, Joachim; Belgrado, 
Giacopo; Bernard, Claude; Bonaparte, Charles-Lucien- 
JuLES- Laurent, Prince of Canino and Musignano; Boncom^ 
PAGNi, Balthasah; Bonvet, Joachim; Branly, Edouard ; Bruno 
the Saxon ; Cardan, Girolamo ; Carnoy, Jean-Baptiste ; Casey, 
John; Castracane degli Antelminelli, Francesco; Cauchy, 
AuGUSTiN-Louis; Cavalieri, Bonaventura; Cibot, Pierre- 
Martial; CoRlSLis, Gaspard-Gustave de; Curley, James; 
Danti, Ignazio; Daubr^e, Gabriel-Auguste; Denza, Fran- 
cesco; Desainb, Paul-Quentin; Dumont, Hubert- Andr^; 
Elie de Beaumont, Jean-Baptiste-Armand-Louis-Leonce; 
Eppinq, Joseph; Eubebius of Alexandria; Ferdinand, Bless- 
ed, Prince of Portugal; Feuillet, Louis; Fexlmillner, 
Placidus; Fontana, Felice; F5rster, Arnold; Forbter, 
Thomas Ignatius Maria; Fresnel, Augustin Jean; Gerbil- 
LON, Jean-Francois; Gbimaldi, Francesco Maria; Halloy, 
Jean-Baptiste-Julien d'Omaliub; Hautefeuille, Jean de; 
HaiJy, Ren^-Just; Hell, Maximilian; Mann, Theodore Au- 
gustine; Mayer, Christian; Moigno, FRANgois-NAPOL:6oN- 
Marie; Riccioli, Giovanni Battista; Ruysch, John; Schein- 
ER, Chbistopheb; Schott, Gaspar; Schwarz, Berthold. 

Brom, Very Reverend Canon, Gisbert, s.t.d., 
Ph.D., Litt.D., b. at Utrecht, Holland, 3 February, 
1864. Education: seminaries of Hegeveld and Drie- 
bergen, Holland; Minerva, Rome; Vatican School of 
Pateography. Ordained 1886; vicar at Groningen, 
Holland, 1889-1895; rector at Utrecht 1895-1904; 
editor-in-chief of "Het Centrum" 1898-1904; director 
of the Dutch Historical Institute, Rome, 1904^ ; 
canon of Santa Maria ai Monti, Rome. Secretary of 
the Dutch Committee for International Scientific 
Congresses and of the Nuyens Foundation; orator of 
the General Assembly of the International Congress 
of the Immaculate Conception, Rome, 1904. Mem- 
ber of the Royal Historical Commission; correspond- 
ing member of the Royal Academy of Sciences; 




Knight of the Order of the Iron Crown of Austria. 
Author of: "Bullarium Trajectense", 2 vols. (The 
Hague, 1891-1896); "De voorrang der christelijke 
naasten liefde" (Utrecht, 1899); " Levensschets van 
Dr. H. J. A. M. Schaepman" (Haarlem, 1903); 
"Diarium van Arend van Buehell" (Amsterdam, 
1907); "Regesten van oorkonden betreffende het 
Sticht Utrecht", 2 vols. (Utrecht, 1908); "ArehivaKa 
in Italie belangrijk voor de geschiedenis van Neder- 
land", 2 vols. (The Hague, 1908-1909); "Der nieder- 
landsiche Anspruch auf die deutsohe Nationalstiftung 
Santa Maria dell' Anima in Rom" (Rome, 1909); 
"Guide aux archives du Vatican" (Rome, 1910); 
contributor to: "De Katholiek"; "Archief voor de 
geschiedenis van het aartsbisdom Utrecht"; "Bij- 
dragen voor de geschiedenis van het bisdom van 
Haarlem"; publications of the "Society historique et 
archfelogiquede Limbourg" ; "Bijdragen voor vader- 
landsche geschiedenis en oudheidkunde " ; "Neder- 
landsch Archivblad"; "Het Museum"; "Van onzen 
Tijd"; "Romische Quartalschrift"; "Revue d'histoire 
eccMsiastique " ; " Nederlandsohe kathoUeke Stem- 
men"; "Annuarium der R. K. Studenten in Neder- 

ARTICLES; Alva, Feenando Alvarez de Toledo, Dtjke 
of; Bois-le-Duc; Breda. 

Brookfleld, Reverend Paul, o.s.b.. Downside 
Abbey, Bath, England. 

ARTICLES: Celbstine Order; Malling Abbey; Meaux; 
William of Vercelli. 

Brosnahan, Reverend Timothy, s.j., b. at 
Alexandria, Virginia, 8 January, 1856; d. at George- 
town, Washington, D. C, 4 June, 1915. Education: 
private and parochial schools; Gonzaga College, 
Washington; Jesuit scholastioates, Frederick and 
Woodstock, Maryland. Entered the Society of Jesus 
1872; teacher of Latin, Greek, and English at Boston 
College (1879-1883) and at Georgetown University, 
Washington (1883-1884); ordained 1887; professor at 
Boston College 1888-1889; professor of logic and 
ontology, Woodstock College, 1890-1892; professor of 
philosophy, Boston CoUege, 1892-1894; president of 
Boston College 1894-1898; professor of psychology 
(1898-1899) and of ethics (1899-1909), Woodstock 
College; professor of ethics, Loyola College, Baltimore, 
1909-1915. Author of: (pamphlets) "President Eliot 
and Jesuit Colleges"; "The Baccalaureate in Harvard 
College and Boston College"; contributor to: "Dona- 
hoe's Magazine"; "The Messenger"; "American 
Catholic Quarterly Review". 
ARTICLES: Altruism; Casuistry; Mazzella, Camillo. 

Brown, Charles Francis Wbmyss, mechanical 
engineer, b. in London, 31 May, 1876, fourth son of 
Andrew Brown of Lochton, Perthshire, Scotland, 
Grandson of Major James Wemyss of Carriston, 
Fifeshire, and brother of Monsignor William F. 
Brown, vicar-general of the diocese of Southwark. 
Education: The College, Brighton; Glasgow Tech- 
nical College; studied engineering at Dundee and 
Glasgow (Fairfield Company). Chief assistant to a 
firm of civil engineers (5 years); Lieutenant Royal 
Engineers (Vol.) Submarine Miners 1895-1900; 
partner in the firm of HilUer and Company, Engineers 
and Shipbuilders, Romsey; on the staff of "The 
Catholic Encyclopedia", New York, 1908-1912; 
engaged in engineering work, Newport News, Virginia, 
1912- . Author of: papers on Pneumatic Brakes; 
"The Essentials of SUde- Valve Equilibrium"; "Notes 
on the Residual Products in Nitrate of Soda Manu- 
facture", in Journal of the United Engineering 
Societies of Great Britain and Ireland (1902-1906). 

ARTICLES: Gandolphy, Peter; Gervase, George, Mar- 
tyr; Goldwell, Thomas; Gother, John; Gradwell, Robert; 
Harrison, James, Martyr; Hermeb George; Hodgson, Syd- 
ney, Martyr; Horner, Nicholas, Martyr; Humphreys, 
Laurence; Hurst, Richard, Martyr; Hutton, Peter; John 
Buckley, Venebable; John Rochebteb, Blessed; John the 

Almsgiver, Saint; Jones, Edward, Venerable; Piacenza, 
University of; SAmab and Leyte; Thomas Abel, Blessed; 
Unions of Prayer. 

Brownson, Heney Francis, lawyer, b. at Canton, 
Massachusetts, 7 August, 1835; d. at Detroit, Mich- 
igan, 19 December, 1913, son of Orestes A. Brownson. 
Education: Holy Cross CoUege, Worcester, Massachu- 
setts; University of Munich. Admitted to the Bar 
1856; officer of the regular army, attaining the rank 
of major, 1861-1871; engaged in the practice of law 
1871-1913. Originated Catholic Congress of Balti- 
more, 1889. Author of: "Life of O. A. Brownson"; 
"Faith and Science"; "Equahty and Democracy"; 
"ReUgiou of A. C. Masonry"; translated: Roberto, 
"Love of Mary"; Balmes, "Fundamental Philoso- 
phy"; Tarducci, "Columbus"; Tarducci, "The 
Cabots"; contributor to: "Brownson's Review". 

ARTICLES: Brownson, Orestes Augustus; Brownson, 
Sabah M. 

Bruch6si, Most Reverend Paul, s.t.d., j.c.l.. 
Archbishop of Montreal, Canada, b. at Montreal, 29 
October, 1855, son of Paul Bruch&i and Caroline 
Aubry. Education: schools of Grey Nuns and 
Christian Brothers; College de Montreal; seminaries 
of Issy, France, and St. Sulpioe, Paris; Roman Col- 
lege; Roman Seminary (St. ApoUinaris) . Ordained 
1878 by Cardinal Monaco La Valetta; successively 
secretary to Archbishop Favre of Montreal, professor 
of dogma, Laval University, Quebec (4 years), parish 
priest, professor at Laval University, Montreal, 1878- 
1887; called to the Archbishop's Palace 1887; canon 
1891; active in connection with institutions for the 
young; vice-rector of Laval, Montreal, president of 
the Catholic Board of School Commissioners of 
Montreal, ecclesiastical superior of the Sisters of St. 
Ann, archdeacon for the parochial affairs of the 
archdiocese, preacher, 1891-1897; Archbishop of 
Montreal 1897- ; honorary canon of Chartres and 
Clermont. On the Commission representing Canada, 
Chicago World's Fair, 1893; notary or judge in three 
canonizations; completed the Home for Incurables 
and St. James Cathedral; estabUshed St. John's Union 
for poor and infirm priests; founded 9 homes or 
asylums; increased size and efficiency of seminary; 
erected 32 new schools in charge of religious orders, 
23 parishes, 9 missions; has introduced into the arch- 
diocese the Little Daughters of St. Joseph, the Sisters 
of the Immaculate Conception, the Sisters of the 
Holy Family, the Sisters of Hope, and the Daughters 
of Mary; instituted religious observance of Labor 
Day; has inaugurated successful crusades against 
intemperance and certain theatres; directed the 
Eucharistic Congress, Montreal, 1910. Member of: 
the Academy of Arcades; the Royal Society of 
Canada. Author of: "New Year Greetings" (under 
the pseudonym Louis des Lys); "Catacombs"; 
"Conferences on Charity"; "Monsabr6"; "Louis 
Veuillot"; etc.; contributor to the "Semaine Reli- 

ARTICLE: Bourget, Ignace. 

Brucker, Reverend Joseph, s.j., b. at Wintzen- 
heim, Colmar, Alsace, 7 May, 1845. Entered the 
Society of Jesus 1860; ordained 1870; taught phil- 
osophy, Jesuit College, Amiens, 1871-1872; associate 
editor of "Etudes reUgieuses", Lyons, 1873-1880; 
professor of ecclesiastical history, St. Beuno's College, 
St. Asaph, Wales, 1880-1881; professor of Scripture, 
Jesuit scholasticate, Jersey, 1881-1887; associate 
editor of the new "Etudes", Paris, 1887-1897; 
editor-in-chief 1897-1900; once more associate editor, 
1900- . Author of: "Questions factuelles d'lSeri- 
ture-Sainte" (Paris, 1895); "Questions d'Eoriture- 
Sainte: L'Eghse et la critique biblique (ancien Testa- 
ment)" (Paris, 1908); collaborator in " Dictionnaire 
de th^ologie cathohque"; contributor to: "La Contro- 
verse" (Lyons); "Revue des questions historiques" 




(Paris); "Revue des questions scientifiques" (Brus- 

ARTICLES: Malabab Rites; Pabhenin, Dominique; Psi- 
MAHE, Joseph Henri Mabie de; Protectorate of Missions; 
R^ois, Jean-Baptiste; Ricci, Matteo; Schall von Bell, 
JoHANN Adam; Vebbiest, Febdinand; Visdelou, Claude de. 

Brunault, Right Reverend Joseph Simon 
Hebmann, S.T.D., J.C.L., Bishop of Nioolet, Canada, 
b. at St. David of Yamaska, Canada, 10 January, 
1857. Education: Seminary, Nicolet; Canadian Col- 
lege, Rome. Ordained 1882; professor of literature 
C1882-1886) and director (1886-1889), Seminary of 
Nicolet; rector of the cathedral, St. Hyacinth, P. Q., 
1889-1891; professor of theology and Kterature (1893- 
1895) and director for the second time (1895-1899), 
Seminary of Nicolet' titular Bishop of Tubuna and 
Coadjutor Bishop of Nicolet, with right of succession, 
1899; Bishop of Nicolet 1904- 

ARTICLE: Nicolet, Diocese of. 

Bninet, Right Reveeend Francis Xavier, b.a., 
D.D., Bishop of Mont Laurier, P. Q., Canada, b. at 
St. Andrews, P. Q., Canada, 26 November, 1868. 
Education: La Salle Academy, Ottawa; Ottawa 
University. Ordained 1893; curate, Aylmer, P. Q., 
1894^1895; pastor. Mayo, P. Q., 1895-1900; pastor, 
Bourget, Ontario, 1900-1904; secretary of tlie Arch- 
diocese of Ottawa 1904-1913; Bishop of Mont Laurier, 
P. Q., 1913- 

ARTICLE: Ottawa, Archdiocese of. 

Brunetiere, Ferdinand, b. at Toulon, France, 
19 July, 1849; d. at Paris, 9 December, 1906. Edu- 
cation: Lyc^e Louis-le-Grand, Paris. Orator; critic; 
professor of French language and Kterature, Ecole 
Normale, Paris 1886-1905; ordinary lecturer, Soci6t6 
des Conferences, Paris 1905-1906. Lectured at the 
Od^on Theatre and the Sorbonne, Paris; at the Johns 
Hopkin's University, Baltimore, Maryland, and 
throughout the United States. Recipient of the 
Cross of the Legion of Honor; member of the French 
Academy. Author of: "Etudes critiques"; "Le 
Roman naturahste"; "Histoire et litt&ature"; 
"Questions de critique"; "L'Evolution de genres 
dans I'histoire de la littSrature"; "Manuel de lit- 
t^rature fran5aise"; former editor "Revue des Deux 

ARTICLE: Bossuet, Litebabt and Theological Appeecia- 

Btichi, Albert, Ph.D., b. at Frauenfeld, Switzer- 
land, 1 June, 1864. Education: Gymnasium, Frauen- 
feld; Lyceum, Einsiedeln, Switzerland; Lyceum, 
Eichstatt, Bavaria; Universities of Basle, Munich, 
Berlin, Bonn, and Paris. Lecturer (1889-1891) and 
professor (at present of Swiss and ancient history) 
(1891- ), Fribourg University, Fribourg, Switzer- 
land. Hon. member, Bern Historical Association; 
St. GaU Historical Association; president of the 
German Association for Historical Research of the 
Canton of Fribourg. Author of: "Albrecht von 
Bonstetten" (1889); "Albrecht von Bonstettens 
Briefe und Schriften" (1893); "Freiburgs Bruch mit 
Oesterreich" (1897); "Aktenstiicke zur Geschichte 
des Schwabenkrieges" (1901); "Die kathoMsche 
Kirche in der Schweiz" (1902); "Die Chroniken imd 
Chronisten von Freiburg" (1905). 
ARTICLE: Schinneb, Matth^us. 

Bunoz, Reverend Emil Marie, o.m.i., b. at 
Sales, Savoy, France, 1864. Education: St. Mary's 
College, Rumilly, Savoy; Gregorian University, 
Rome. Entered the Order of Oblates of Mary 
Immaculate 1887; ordained 1891; missionary in 
diocese of New Westminster, British Columbia, 
1891-1898; rector of the Cathedral and vicar-general, 
diocese of New Westminster, resident at New West- 
minster (1898-1902) and at Dawson, Yukon Territory 

(1902-1908) ; prefect Apostolic of Yukon, resident at 
Prince Rupert, British Columbia, 1908- 
ARTICLE: Yukon, Pbefectube Apostolic of. 

Buonaiuti, Reverend Ernesto, Ph.D., s.t.d., 
b. in Rome, 25 June, 1881. Education: Sant 
Apollinare, Rome. Ordained 1903; professor suc- 
cessively of moral philosophy and Church history, 
Sant' Apollinare, Rome, 1902-1906; archivist of the 
Sacred Congregation of Apostolic Visitation, 1906- 
1908; director of "Rivista storico-critica delle Scienze 
Teologiche" 1905-1910; professor of Church history, 
Roman University, Rome, 1914- Author of : "Lo 

Gnosticismo " ; "Saggi di filologia e storia del Nuovo 
Testamento " ; " II Cristianesimo primitive e la politioa 
imperiale romana"; "L'isola di smerdldo: note e im- 
pressioni di un viaggio in Irelanda": "II Christian- 
esimo mediocrale". 

ARTICLES: Acerenza; Acquapendente; Acqui; Adria; 
Alatri; Alba Pompeia; Albano; Albenga; Ales and Teebal- 
ba; Alghero; Alipe; Amalfi; Amelia; Ancona and Umana; 
Anglona-Tuesi; Aeiano; Ascoli-Piceno; Ascoli, Sateiano, 
AND Cibignola; Avellino; Aveesa. 

Burke, Edmund, a.b., b. in New York, 8 July, 
1871. Education: New York parochial and pubhc 
schools; College of the City of New York; Columbia 
University. Successively tutor, instructor, and as- 
sistant professor of Latin language and literature. 
College of the City of New York, 1891- . Mem- 
ber of the Classical Association of the Atlantic 
States, the National Geographic Society, and the 
United States Catholic Historical Society. Co- 
author of "Burke and Newton's Latin Lessons" 
(1905); translated WaldseemuUer, " Cosmographise 
Introductio" (Monograph, United States Catholic 
Historical Society). 

ARTICLES: Aueispa, Giovanni; Bembo, Pietbo; Biondo, 
Flavio; Bruni, Leonardo; Cabtiglione, Caelo Ottavio, 
Count; Facciolati, Jacopo; Filelfo, Francesco; Foecellini, 
Egidio; Fust, John; Guaeino da Veeona; Manutius, Aldus; 
Musueos, Maekos. 

Burns, Reverend James Aloysius, c.s.c, a.m., 
Ph.D., b. at Michigan City, Indiana, 13 February, 
1867. Education: Sisters' school, Michigan City; 
Notre Dame University, Indiana. Entered the 
Congregation of the Holy Cross 1888; teacher, 
Sacred Heart College, Watertown, Wisconsin, 1888- 
1890; ordained 1893; professor (1890-1894), rector of 
Sorin Hall (1894-1898), and superior of Community 
House (1898-1900), Notre Dame University, Notre 
Dame, Indiana; president of Holy Cross College, 
Cathohc University, Washington, 1900- . One 
of the founders of the Catholic College Conference 
and of the Catholic Educational Association, vice- 
president of the latter since its foundation. Author 
of: "The Catholic School System in the United 
States" (New York, 1908); "The Growth and 
Development of the Catholic School" (New York, 
1912); contributor, especially on educational topics, 
to many Catholic magazines in the United States. 

ARTICLES: Alcuin; Abts, Bachelor of; Arts, Faculty 
of; Arts, Master of; Schools (United States). 

Burrowes, Very Reverend Alexander J., s.j., 
b. at St. Louis, Missouri, 14 October, 1853. Educa- 
tion: Christian Brothers College, St. Louis; Niagara 
University, Niagara Falls, New York; Woodstock 
College, Woodstock, Maryland. Entered the Society 
of Jesus 1872; ordained 1886; former professor in 
various houses of his order (eight years); president, 
St. Francis Xavier's College, Cincinnati, Ohio (1893- 
1897); Marquette College, which became Marquette 
University during his term of office, Milwaukee, 
Wisconsin (1900-1908) ; St. Ignatius College, chartered 
as Loyola University during his term of office. Chicago, 
Illinois (1908-1912); St. Louis University (1912); 
provincial of the Missouri Province, Society of Jesus, 
1912- . Former member, Illinois Board of Educa- 




tion, Federation of Illinois Colleges. Member of: Mis- 
soiiri Conference of Colleges; Civic League of St. 
Louis. Author of: "Why Study Latin and Greek?" 
ARTICLE: Univeesities: United States-Loyola Univer- 

Burtsell, Vekt Reverend Monsignor Richard 
Lalob, Ph.D., S.T.D., b. in New York, 14 April, 1840, 
son of John Low BurtseU and Dorothea Morrough; 
d. at Kingston, New York, 4 February, 1912. Educa- 
tion: St. Francis Xavier's College, New York; College 
de Montreal, Montreal ; Propaganda, Rome. Ordained 
and assistant to Monsignor T. S. Preston, St. Ann's 
Church, New York, 1862; pastor, Epiphany Church, 
1868; pastor, St. Benedict the Moor's Church (for 
colored people), 1883; defensor vinculi and synodal 
examiner, archdiocese of New York, 1886; pastor, St. 
Mary's Church, Kingston, New York, 1890-1912; 
dean of Ulster and Sullivan Counties 1901-1912; 
president of the City of Kingston Hospital; president 
of the Benedictine Sanitarium; trustee of the Kings- 
ton Library; president and founder of the Home of 
the Holy Childhood; private chamberlain to Pope 
Pius X. Formed the Epiphany parish. New York, 
erecting and consecrating the church and building 
school; purchased church of St. Benedict the Moor; 
theologian of Bishop Moore of St. Augustine, Florida, 
and assigned to Committees on Discipline of the 
Clergy and on the Catechism, Third Plenary Council 
of Baltimore; consecrated St. Mary's Church, Kings- 
ton; active in the formation of a 'Theological Society 
in New York and in the union of Catholic Sun- 
day schools; showed great interest in the extension 
of the provisions of canon law to the United States by 
writings in the Catholic papers, etc. Former member 
of the Catholic Historical Society; the New York 
Historical Society; the Numismatic Society. Author 
of: "The Canonical Status of Priests in the United 
States" (New York, 1888); contributor to: "The 
CathoUc World"; various CathoUc papers of Pitts- 
burg and Philadelphia; at one time assistant-editor of 
the "New York Tablet" 

ARTICLES: Acceptance; Acts, Canonical; Admonitions, 
Canonical; Adoption, Canonical; Advocatus Diaboli; Af- 
finity (in the Canon Law); Apparitor; Appeal as from an 
Abuse; Approbation; Benefit of Clergy; Celebret; Con- 
sanguinity; Crime, Impediment of; Defender of the Matri- 
monial Tie. 

Burton, Reverend Edwin Hubert, d.d., b. in 
London, 12 August, 1870, son of Major Edwin 
Burton, of the Royal Fusihers, and Sarah Mary, 
daughter of T. MosdeU Smith. Education: St. 
James's School, Slough, England; St. Edmund's 
College, Ware; Ushaw; Oscott. Law student 1888- 
1893; assistant secretary London Council, St. Vincent 
de Paul Society, 1892-1894; solicitor. High Court of 
Justice, 1893; ordained 1898; curate, St. Mary and 
Michael's, London, 1898; on staff of St. Edmund's 
College, Ware, 1898- ; vice-president (1902- ), 
professor of Church history (1907- ), Weld 
lecturer in ascetic theology (1909- ), St. Edmund's 
College. Honorary degree from Pope Pius X, 1905; 
member of the General Committee and assistant M. 
C. at the Eucharistic Congress, London, 1908. Fellow 
of the Royal Numismatic Society; the Royal His- 
torical Society; member of: the BibUographical 
Society; the Council of the East Herts Archaeological 
Society; the Authors' Club; one of the founders and 
member of the Council of the Catholic Record 
Society. Author of: "Catalogue of Books in the 
Libraries at St. Edmund's College, Old Hall, printed 
in England, and of Books written by Englishmen printed 
abroad to the year 1640" (privately printed, 1902); 
"Yesterday Papers" (privately printed, 1908); "Life 
and Times of Bishop Challoner", 2 vols. (London, 
1909); Biographical sketches of Bishop Challoner, 
Bishop Talbot, and Bishop Milner, Catholic Truth 

Society; "The New Psalter and Its Use", in collabo- 
ration with Rev. Edward Myers (London, 1912); 
edited: "Sermons Preached in St. Edmund's College 
Chapel" (London, 1904); "Meditations on the 
Passion by Richard RoUe, Hermit of Hampole, done 
into Modern English" (London, 1906); (with 
Reverend J. H. Pollen, S.J.) "Biographies of English 
Catholics in the Eighteenth Century, by Reverend 
John Kirk, D.D."; "Lives of the Enghsh Martyrs" 
Second Series, Vol. I (London, 1913) ; (with Reverend 
Thomas L. WiUiams, M.A.) "The Third, Fourth, and 
Fifth Douay Diaries" (Cathohc Record Society's 
pubUcations, Vol. X, 1911); contributor to: "Dublin 
Review"; editor of: "The Edmundian" (1899- ). 
ARTICLES: Archpriest Controversy; Bailey, Thomas; 
Baines, Ralph, Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry; Bangor; 
Barlow, William Rudesind; Barton, Elizabeth; Bath and 
Wells; Battle Abbey; Bell, James, Martyr; Behisford, 
Humphrey, Confessor; Beverly Minster; Bonner, Ed- 
mund, Bishop of London; Bristol; Bury St. Edmund's, 
Abbey of; Canterbury; Capgrave, John; Carlisle; Ceadda, 
Saint; Cbdd, Saint; Cellier, Elizabeth; Cesarini, Giuliano; 
Chadwick, James; Challoner, Richard; Champnet, Anthony; 
Chester; Chichester; Christian Knowledge, Society fob 
Promoting; Clement, Cesar; Clenock, Maurice; Clerk, 
John, Bishop op Bath and Wells; Clifton; Codrington, 
Thomas; Colbt, John; Constable, Cuthbert; Cordell, 
Charles; Daniel, John; Darrell, William; Davenport, 
Christopher; De Lisle, Ambrose Lisle March Philupps; 
DiGBY, George; Dorman, Thomas; Drane, Augusta Theo- 
dosia; Durham; Easton, Adam; Egbert; Ellis, Philip Michael; 
Ely; - Englefield, Felix; Englefield, Sir Henry Charles, 
Bart.; Erdeswicke, S.^mpson; Errington, William; Erskine, 
Charles; Ethelbert, Archbishop of York; Eustace, John 
Chetwoode; Evangelical Alliance; Exeter, See of; Eyre, 
Thomas; Eyston, Charles; Falkneb, Thomas; Fenn, John; 
Finch, John, Venerable; Fitzalan, Henry; Fitzherbert, 
Sir Anthony; Fleming, Richard, Bishop of Lincoln; Fletch- 
er, John; Floyd, John; Formby, Henry; Fowler, John; Gar- 
diner, Stephen; Geoffrey of Dunstable; Geoffrey op Mon- 
mouth; Gerard, Archbishop of York; Gervase of Canter- 
bury; Gesta Romanorum; Goffe, Stephen; Goss, Alexander; 
Grant, Thomas; Green, Thomas Louis; Guilds, in England; 
Harding, Thomas; Hardyng, John; H.^rrison, William; 
Heath, Nicholas; Henry of Herford; Henry of Hunting- 
don; Hereford; Higden, Ranulf; Holden, Henry; Hornyold, 
John Joseph; Iblip, Simon; Jaenbebt, Archbishop of Can- 
terbury; Jenks, Silvester; Jocelin de Brakelond; Jocelin 
of Wells; John of Cornwall; Joseph of Exeter; Justus, 
Saint; Kemp, John; Kilwardby, Robert; Knighton, Henry; 
Langham, Simon; Lawrence, Saint; Lichfield; Lincoln; 
Llandaff; London; Lucas, Frederick; Malmesbury, Monk 
of; Marian Priests; Marshall, Thomas William; Matthew, 
Sir Tobie; Milo Ceispin; Morton, John; Monsell, William, 
Baron Emly; Montfobt, Simon de; Mush, John; Nicholson, 
Francis; Noble, Daniel; Northcote, James Spencer; Nor- 
wich; Offa, King op Mercia; Old Hall; Oldham, Hugh; 
Palmer, William; Pandulph, Bishop of Norwich; Panzani; 
Gregorio; Paulinus, Saint; Pecock, Reginald; Penal Laws 
IN England; Penal Laws in Scotland; Pendleton, Henry; 
Peyto, William; Phillip, Robert; Pilgrimage of Grace; 
Pitts, John; Plantagenet, Henry Beaufort; Plegmund, 
Archbishop of Canterbury; Plowden, Edmund; Plymouth 
Brethren; Pullen, Robeet; Puritans; Quin, Michael Jo- 
seph; Rathborne, .Joseph; Recusants, English; Repington, 
Philip; Revolution, English, of 1688; Reynolds, William; 
RiCAHDus Anglicus; Richard of Cirencester; Richard of 
Cornwall; Richard of Middletown; Ripon, Marquess of, 
George Fbederick Samuel Robinson; Rishangeb, William; 
RisHTON, Edward; Rivington, Luke; Robert of JumiJjges; 
Robertson, James Burton; Rochesteh; Rock, Daniel; 
Roger, Bishop of Worcester; Rokewode, John Gage; 
RoLLE DE Hampole, Richard; Rolph, Thomas; Russell, 
Charles William; Russell, Richard; Sadler, Thomas Vin- 
cent Faustus; Saint Asaph, Ancient Diocese of; Saint- 
John, Ambrose; Sala, George Augustus Henry; Salisbury; 
Sampson, Richard; Sandemanians; Seekers; Sergeant, John; 
Sheldon, Edward; Sherwood, William; Simeon of Durham; 
Simpson, Richard; Smith, Richard (1500-63); Smith, Richard, 
Bishop of Chalcedon (1568-1655) ; Sodor and Man; Spencer, 
The Hon. George; Stanyhurst, Richard; Stapleton, Theo- 
bald; Stapleton, Thomas; Stuart, Henry; Sutton, Sir Rich- 
ard; Tatwin, Saint; Taxster, John de; Theobald, Archbishop 
of Canterbury; Thomas of Beckington; Thomas of Brad- 
wardinb; Thomas of Hereford, Saint; Thomas Percy, 
Blessed; Thompson, Edward Healy; Tichborne, ThoMas, 
Venerable; Tierney, Mark Aloysius; Tootell, Hugh; 
Touchet, George Anselm; Treason, Accusations op; The- 
GiAN, Francis; Trivet, Nicholas; Trokelowe, Throwlow or 
Thorlow, John de; Trumwin, Saint; Tunstall, Cuthbert; 
Twiketal of Croyland; Ullerston, Richard; Uniformity 
Acts; Vane, Thomas; Vaughan, Roger William; Vergil, 
Polydore; Ward, Margaret, Venerable; Ward, Thomas; 
Ward, William, Venerable; Warham, William; Waterson, 
Edward, Venerable; Watebworth, James; Welbourne, 
Thomas, Venerable; Wharton, Christopher, Venerable: 
Whitakeb, Thomas, Venerable; Whitehead, Thomas, Vener- 
able; White, vers Gwyn, Richard, Venerable; White, 

















Thomas; Wiglet, George J.; Wii^ehpobce, Henry William; 


OF York; William of Malmesbxjry; William of Ramsey; 
Wilton, Richard; Winchester; Wolsey, Thomas; Wood- 
head, Abraham; Worcester; Wohsley, Edward; York. 

Butin, Reverend Romain Francis, s.m., Ph.D., 
S.T.I.., b. in the department of the Loire, France, 3 De- 
cember, 1871. Education: Preparatory Seminary, St. 
Jodard, France; Marist College and Catholic Univer- 
sity, Washington, D. C. Came to America 1890; en- 
tered the Society of Mary 1893 ; ordained 1897 ; profes- 
sor of apologetics and Sacred Scripture, Marist College, 
Washington, 1898-1908; professor of philosophy and 
Latin, Jefferson College, Convent, Louisiana, 1908- 
1912; instructor in Semitic languages, CathoUo 
University, Washington, 1912- . Author of: 
"TheTenNegudothof theTorah" (Baltimore, 1906); 
contributor to: "Catholic University Bulletin". 

ARTICLES: Abrabanel, Don Isaac; Allah; Alma; Baal- 
bek; BARAD.EUS, Jacob; Bah Hebr^us; Bartholomew of 
Edesba; Bianchini, Giuseppe; Borgia, Stefano; Candace; 
Caraites; Catholicob; Champollion, Jean-Francois; Cin- 
ites; Cleophas; Contant de la Mollette, Philippe du; Che- 
LiER, Henri-Joseph. 

Butler, Right Reverend Edward Cuthbbrt, 
O.S.B., M.A., litt.D., b. at Dublin, Ireland, 1858, son 
of Edward Butler and nephew of Sir Francis Cruise. 
Education: Downside School, Bath, England. 
Entered the Benedictine Order 1876; ordained 1884; 
for many years professor and subsequently head- 
master, Downside Abbey School, Bath; superior of 
Benet House, Cambridge, England, 1896-1904; re- 
turned to Downside 1904; abbot of Downside 1906- 
. Edited: Palladius, "Historia Lausiaca" (for 
Cambridge "Texts and Studies") (1898, 1904); "8. 
Benedicti Regula Monachorum" (1912); contributor 
to: "Dublin Review"; "Hibbert Journal"; "Journal 
of Theological Studies". 

ARTICLES: Anthony (of Egypt), Saint; Apophthegmata 

Butler, Jambs Nicholas, a.m., ll.d., m.d., b. at 
Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1861; d. in New York, 14 
March, 1914. Education: St. Joseph's CoUege, 
Memramcook, New Brunswick; St. John's CoUege, 
Fordham, New York; DaUiousie University, Hahfax; 
Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York. 
Practising physician 1888- ; attached to the Out 
Patient Department of Bellevue, St. Vincent's, and 
the French Hospital, consulting physician to the 
Mission Hospitals at White Plains, New York, and 
East Orange, New Jersey, first dean of the Medical 
School of Fordham University, visiting physician to 
St. Joseph's Hospital for Consumptives, attending 
physician to the Mission of the Immaculate Virgin, 
New York, and consulting physician to Mt. Loretto, 
Staten Island. Former president of the Fordham 
Alumni Association; Fellow of the 'Academy of 
Medicine; member of: the American Medical Associa- 
tion; the County Medical Society; the Celtic Medical 
Society; the Graduates Club; the Alumni Associations 
of Fordham and Bellevue. Author of various essays 
medical and Uterary. 

ARTICLES: Abortion, Physical Effects of; Abstinence, 
Physical Effects of. 

Butler, Leo Thomas, s.j., a.b., b. at Pascoag, 
Rhode Island, 31 July, 1878. Education: grammar 
and high schools and Holy Cross CoUege, Worcester, 
Massachusetts; American CoUege and Propaganda, 
Rome; Woodstock College, Woodstock, Maryland. 
Entered the Society of Jesus 1901; professor of Latin, 
Greek, and English, Georgetown University, Wash- 
ington, D. C. (1906-1910), and Holy Cross CoUege, 
Worcester, Massachusetts (1910-1911); stationed at 
Woodstock CoUege, Maryland, 1911- . Member 
of: the Washington Classical Club; the Middle 
Atlantic Classical Association. Author of "Student's 
Gradus" (1913); has contributed to various periodi- 

ARTICLES: Zacharias Chbysopolitamus; Zegehs, Nich- 
olas Tacitus. 

Butler, Reverend Richard Urban, o.s.b., b. at 
Plymouth, England, 15 March, 1882. Education: 
Ushaw College, Durham, England; CoUege of S. 
Anselmo, Rome. Entered the Benedictine Order 
1902; professor at Downside School, Bath, England, 
and at St. Benedict's, Gorey, Ireland; ordained 1911; 
stationed at Downside Abbey, Bath, England, 1911- 
1913; at St. Benedict's, Gorey, Ireland, 1913- 
Contributor to the "Downside Review". 

ARTICLES: Butler, Sir William Francis; Camaldolese; 
Gilbertines, Order of; Gilbert of Sempringham, Saint; 
Hubert, Wai^ter; Hugh, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury; 
Hugh of Lincoln, Saint; Laura; Lehnin, Abbey of; Luxeuil, 
Abbey of; Sixtus IV; Urban II. 

Butsch, Reverend Joseph, s.s.j., b. at Elkhart, 
Indiana, 3 September, 1859. Education: St. Charles 
CoUege, ElUcott City, Maryland; Epiphany CoUege, 
St. Joseph's Seminary, and St. Mary's Seminary, 
Baltimore. Ordained by Cardinal Gibbons 1897; 
pastor of St. Francis Xavier's Church, Baltimore, 
1897-1901; in charge of missions, Richmond and 
Norfolk, Virginia; president of St. Joseph's CoUege, 
Montgomery, Alabama, 1906-1907; rector of St. 
Barnabas Church, Baltimore, 1907-1908; rector of 
St. Joseph's Seminary, Baltimore, 1908- 

ARTICLE: Race, Negro. 

Byrne, Reverend Brother Jerome Francis, 
b. at Ballymacrow, Co. Wicklow, Ireland, 2 January, 
1864. Education: St. Patrick's Seminary, TuUow, 
Ireland. Has passed his religious Ufe in teaching, 
spending 12 years of it at Mussoorie, India; at present 
superior general of the Brothers of St. Patrick, 
resident at TuUow, Ireland. 

ARTICLE: Patrician Brothers. 

Byrne, Reverend Joseph, c.s.sp., d.d., Ph.D., 
b. at Clonmel, Ireland, 27 April, 1880. Education: 
Christian Brothers Schools, Ireland; St. Mary's 
College, Clonmel, and RockweU CoUege, Cashel, 
Ireland; Gregorian University, Rome. Entered the 
Congregation of tihe Holy Ghost 1898; ordained 1903; 
missionary and chaplain to the troops, Freetown, 
Sierra Leone, 1905-1910; master of novices (1910- 
1914), superior and professor of moral theology (1914 
), Ferndale, Darien, Connecticut. 

ARTICLE: Sierra Leone. 

Cabon, Vebt Reverend Adolphe, c.s.sp., b. at 
Quimper (France), 1 May, 1873. Education: Semin- 
ary of Ste. Anne d'Auray; scholasticate of the Con- 
gregation of the Holy Ghost, France. Ordained 1898 ; 
professor (1895-1909) and president (1909- ), 
St. Martial's College, Port-au-Prinoe, Haiti. 

ARTICLE: Poht-au-Pbince, Ajrchdiocese of. 

Cabrol, Right Reverend Fernand, o.s.b., b. at 
Marseilles, 11 December, 1855. Education: College 
of Marseilles, France; entered Benedictine Order 
1878; ordained 1882; professor of ecclesiastical history 
in the Benedictine Abbey of Solesmes 1882-1890; 
prior of Solesmes 1890; professor of Archaeology and 
ecclesiastical history at the University of Angers 
1890-1895; prior of Farnborough 1895-1903; abbot of 
Farnborough 1903. President of the French Section 
of the Eucharistic Congress of Westminster 1908. 
Honorary member of the Academy of Mdcon, France, 
honorary professor of the University of Angers. 
Author of: "Bibhographie des b^nddictins de la 
Congregation de France" (Solesmes; 2 ed. Paris, 
1906); "Histoire du Cardinal Pitra" (Paris, 1893); 
"Etude sur la Peregrinatio Silviae"; "Les figlises de 
Jerusalem, la discipline et la hturgie du IVe siecle" 
(Paris, 1895); "Cours d'histoire et d'arch^ol. k 
I'Universite d'Angers, in the Revue des facult^s 
catholiques de I'Ouest"; "Le hvre de la priere 
antique" (Paris, 1900; 5 ed., 1910); "La priere 
Uturgique" (Paris, 1901-1905); "Les origines Utur- 
giques" (Conferences at the Catholic Institute of 
Paris) (Paris, 1906); "Introduction eux etudes 
Uturgiques" (Paris, 1907); " L' Angleterre chri^tienne 
avant les Normands" (Paris, 1909); contributor to: 
"Dictionnaire d' Apolog^tique " ; "Revue des ques- 
tions historiques"; editor of: "Dictionnaire d'archSo- 
logie chr^tienne et de hturgie". 

ARTICLES : Beeviaet; Complin; Ceobs, The Tbtie, and 
Representations of it as Objects of Devotion; Hours, Ca- 
nonical; Lauds; Matins; Nocturne; None; Occurrence; 
OcTAVARiuM Romanum; Octave; Office, Divine; Office op 
THE Dead; Pax in the Liturgy; Prime; Propeium; Rubrics; 
Sext; Terce; Vespers; Votive Offices; Worship, Christian. 

Cahill, Reverend Jambs AtrGUSTiNB, s.j., b. 
in New York, 25 July, 1879. Education: St. 
Francis Xavier's School and College, New York; 
Jesuit scholasticates, Frederick and Woodstock, Md.; 
St. Mary's Hall, Stonyhurst College, Blackburn, 
England. Entered the Society of Jesus 1896; in- 
structor, St. Francis Xavier's College, New York, 
1903-1904; professor of the Freshman Class, Ford- 
ham University, New York, 1904-1907; professor of 
poetry, St. Andrew-on-Hudson, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 
1907-1908; ordained 1911; professor of logic and 
general metaphysics, Woodstock College, Woodstock, 
Md., 1912-1913; stationed at Ancienne Abbaye, 
Tronchiennes, Belgium, 1913; professor of cosmology 
and pedagogy, Woodstock College, 1914- 

ABTICLES: Schoenbeeq, Matthias von; Schradek, 

Calds, Reverend Jean Marie Valentin, s.j., 
Litt.L., b. at Larzac, France, 6 August, 1865. Edu- 
cation: College of Belvfes; Preparatory Seminary, 
Bergerac; Seminary, P6rigueux; various Jesuit schol- 
asticates; CathoUc University of the West, Angers; 
St. Joseph's University, Beirut, Syria. Entered the 


Society of Jesus 1886; professor, College of Nobles, 
Kalksburg, Austria, 1894-1895; ordained 1898; pro- 
fessor of Old Testament exegesis at the Jesuit schol- 
asticates of Fourvieres, France (1901), and Enghien, 
Belgium (at present). Has made two tours of the 
Orient. Contributor to : "Etudes"; "Recherches de 
science religieuse"; "NouveUe revue th^ologique". 
ARTICLES: Osee; Prophecy, Prophet, and Prophetess. 

Callan, Reverend Charles J., o.p., s.t.l., b. near 
Lockport, New York, 5 December, 1878. Education: 
high school, Lockport, New York; Canisius College, 
Buffalo; Dominican scholasticate, Somerset, Ohio; 
University of Fribourg, Switzerland. Entered the 
Dominican Order 1899; ordained 1905; formerly pro- 
fessor of Thomistic philosophy, Dominican scholasti- 
cate, Washington, D. C; at present stationed at the 
Church of the Holy Rosary, Hawthorne, New York. 
Author of (in collaboration with Thomas k K. Reilly, 
O.P.): "Dominican Sisters Breviary"; "Dominican 
Sisters Hymnal and Rubric Book"; contributor to 
various periodicals. 

ARTICLES: Gotti, Vincent Louis; GonzAlez, Zeferino; 
Orthodoxy; Sacchoni, Rainerio; Silvester, Francis; Slo- 
TANus, John; Soto, Dominic; Spina, Bartolommbo; Stephen 
of Bourbon; Unity, Mark of the Church; Walter of Win- 
tehburn; William Perault; Ximenes, Didacus; Zigliara, 
ToMMASo Maria. 

Cambier, Reverend Emeri Henri C^lestin, 
of the Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of 
Mary (Scheutveld), b. at Flobeoq, Belgium, 2 Janu- 
ary, 1865. Education : College of Enghien ; seminaries 
of Bonne Esp^rance and Scheut-lez-Bruxelles. Or- 
dained and sent to the Congo as a missionary 1888; 
one of the founders of the mission of Berghe-Ste. 
Marie 1888; founded the following missions: New 
Antwerp (1890), St. Joseph of Luluaburg (1891), 
Merode-Salvator (1894), St. Trudo (1895), Hemp- 
tinne-St. Benedict (1897), and St. James-Tielen 
(1898); organized Kassai into a mission district 1901; 
first prefect ApostoHc of Upper Kassai, Belgian 
Congo, 1894r- ; founded successively station of 
St. Anthony, with almshouse at Lusambo, station of 
Bena-Makima-St. Victorianus, school at Ndemba, 
hospital at Mpangu, mission of Kanzenze, and various 
schools for catechumens, 1904-1909; legal representa- 
tive in the Congo of the Congregation of Scheut; 
officer of the Royal Order of the Lion. Has made 
three journeys to Belgium in the interests of his 
mission; while there made special study of tropical 
diseases to combat illness in his prefecture, returning 
with a complete equipment for a hospital for sufferers 
from the sleeping sickness; assisted at a session of the 
Commission for the Suppression of Slavery (1891); 
member of the Commission for the Protection of the 
Natives of the Congo. Author of the first grammar 
in the Bangala language (1890). 

ARTICLE: Kassai, Phefectuee Apostolic of Upper. 

Camboue, Reverend Paul, s.j., missionarv, b. 
in France, 22 April, 1849. Education: College of St. 
Joseph of Tivoh, Bordeaux; University of Paris; 
Jesuit scholasticates of Vals, France, and Ucks, 
Spain. Successively lawyer, army officer, professor, 
and missionary; entered the Society of Jesus 1872; 
ordained 1881; procurator in France of the Mission 
of Madagascar; professor of the Malagasy language, 




Catholic Institute, Paris; at present missionary at 
Ambohibeloma, Central Madagascar. Promoter of 
the industry for the utilizing of the silk of the spider; 
laureate of the Institute of France (prix Savigny); 
laureate of the National Acclimatization Society 
(Paris) (silver medal). Life member of the Scientific 
Society of Brussels; member of the Malagasy Academy 
of Tananarive, Madagascar; of the Imperial Society 
of the Friends of Natural, Anthropological and Ethno- 
graphical Sciences (Moscow); corresponding member 
of various other learned societies. Author of numer- 
ous pamphlets and articles on Madagascar. 

Camerlynck, Vert Reverend Canon Achille, 
S.T.D., b. at Reninghelst, Belgium, 9 May, 1869. 
Education: Preparatory Seminary, Roulers, Seminary, 
Bruges, and University of Louvain, Louvain, Belgium. 
Ordained 1894; professor of Scripture and sociology. 
Seminary, Bruges, Belgium, 1899-1910; dean of 
Ostend and rector of the Church of St. Peter and Paul, 
Ostend, Belgium, 1910- ; hon. canon of the 
Cathedral of Bruges; miUtary chaplain. Member of 
the Belgian Superior Council of Labor, and the 
Belgian Society of Sociology. Author of: "Saint 
Iren^e et le Canon du Nouveau Testament" (Louvain, 
1896); "De quarti EvangeUi auctore dissertatio", 2 
vols. (Vol. I, dissertation for doctorate, Louvain, 
1898; Vol. II, Bruges, 1899); "Quelques considera- 
tions sur la base philosophique du socialisme soien- 
tifique contemporain", pamphlet (Bruges, 1900); "De 
I'opportimitiS d'une enqufite ethnographique et sociolo- 
gique sur les peuples incultes", pamphlet (Brussels, 
1905); "Compendium Introductionis generalis in 
Sacram Scripturam", 2 vols. (Bruges, 1911, 1913^; 
"EvangeUorum secundum Matthseum, Marcum et 
Lucam synopsis", in collaboration with Dr. Cop- 
pieters (Bruges, 1908); edited: Van Steenkiste, 
" Commentarius in Epistolas Cathohcus", 4th and 
5th eds. (Bruges, 1907, 1909); Ibid., "Commentarius 
in Actus Apostolorum", 6th ed. (Bruges, 1910); 
contributor to: "Collationes Brugenses"; "Annales 
de la Soci6t6 Beige de Sociologie"; "Revue d'histoire 
ecclesiastique " ; " Geloof sonderricht ' ' . 

ARTICLES: James, Epistle of Saint; James the Greater, 
Saint; James the Less, Saint; Jude, Epistle of Saint; Phile- 
mon; Philemon, Epistle to. 

Camm, Reverend Bbde (Reginald Percy John 
Camm), O.S.B., B.A., b. at Sunbury-on-Thames, Eng- 
land, 1864, son of John Brooke Maher Camm and 
Caroline Arden. Education: Westminster School, 
London; Keble College, Oxford; College of S. Anselmo, 
Rome. AngUcan minister, curate of St. Agnes, Ken- 
nington Park, London, 1888-1890; convert to the 
Church and Benedictine 1890; ordained by Cardinal 
Parocchi 1895; stationed at Erdington Abbey, Bir- 
mingham, England, 1895-1912; at Maredsous Abbey, 
Province of Namur, Belgium, 1912-1913; novice 
master, Caldey Abbey, Caldey, 1913-1914; stationed 
at Downside Abbey, Bath, England, 1914r- 
Instructed and received into the Church the Anghcan 
Benedictines of Caldey, and the nuns of St. Bride's 
Abbey, Milford Haven, England, 1913. Author of: 
"A Benedictine Martyr, Dom John Roberts" (1895); 
"In the Brave Days of Old" (1900); "A Day in the 
Cloister" (1900); "Blessed Sebastian Newdigate" 
(1900); "Lives of the Blessed Enghsh Martyrs", 2 
vols. (1904, 1905); "Tyburn Conferences" (1906); 
"The Voyage of the Pax" (1907); "Rood-screens 
and Rood-lofts", in collaboration with F. Bligh 
Bond, r.B.i.B.A. (1909); "Birthday Book of the 
Enghsh Martyrs" (1909); "Heroes of the Faith" 
(1909); "William Cardinal Allen" (1909); "Forgotten 
Shrines" (1910); editor of the "St. Nicholas Series" 

AKTICLES: Bales, Cheistopheh, Venerable; Bamber, 
Edward, Venerable; Barkwokth, Mark, Venerable; Bar- 
low, Edward Ambrose. Venerable; Bebslet, George, Ven- 

erable; Belchiam, Thomas, Venerable; Belson, Thomas, 
Venerable; Bickerdike, Kobert, Venerable; Bodey, John, 
Venerable; Bostb, John, Venerable; Brindholm, Edmund, 
Venerable; Britton, John, Venerable; Buxton, Christo- 
pher, Venerable; Clitherow, Marg.aret, Venerable; Da- 
vies, William, Venerable; Dean, William, Venerable; 
DiNGLEY, Sir Thomas, Venerable; Drury, Robert, Vener- 
able; DucKETT, James, Venerable; Duckett, John, Vener- 
able; Dymoke, Robert, Confessor of the Faith; Fecken- 
HAM, John de. 

Campbell, John M., a.m., ll.d., lawyer, b. at 
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 30 May, 1851, son of 
James Campbell, Postmaster General of the United 
States under Pierce. Education: private schools and 
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia; law studies 
in his father's office. Admitted to the Bar 1873; 
member of the Board of Education, Philadelphia 
(president, 1890; at one time also president of Fifth 
Sectional Board) 1876-1905; surveyor of the Port of 
Philadelphia 1885-1890; member of the Board of 
City Trusts, Philadelphia, 1895-1910; active in 
poUtics (Democrat) and in charitable and educa- 
tional works; one of the managers of St. Joseph's 
Orphan Asylum, Philadelphia; vice-president. 
Mechanics' Insurance Company, a director and vice- 
president, Continental Trust Company, and counsel, 
French Benevolent Society, Philadelphia; practising 
lawyer. Proposed and active in establishing Normal 
School for Girls, Philadelphia; offered post of Assistant 
Solicitor General of the United States, but declined, 
1893; delegate to nearly every Democratic National 
Convention since 1874; elector on Presidential ticket, 
1892, 1896, 1904; member of CathoHc Congress, 
Chicago, 1893. Member (former president) Friendly 
Sons of St. Patrick. 

ARTICLE: Campbell, James. 

Campbell, Reverend Noel Joseph, s.j., m.a., 
b. at Dinan, Brittany, France, 24 December, 1877. 
Education: Stella Matutina College, Feldkirch, 
Austria; Stonyhurst College, Blackburn, England; 
Pope's Hall, Oxford; St. Beuno's College, St. Asaph, 
Wales. Entered the Society of Jesus 1896; history 
master, Beaumont College, Old Windsor, 1906-1909; 
ordained 1912; formerly at St. Beuno's College, St. 
Asaph, Wales; at St. Stanislaus College, TuUamore, 
Ireland, 1913-1914; at Beaumont College, Old 
Wiadsor, 1914- . Winner of the "Lothian 
Historical Prize", Oxford, 1905. 
ARTICLE: Covenanters. 

Campbell, Reverend Thomas J., s.j., a.m., b. 
in New York, 29 April,5l848. Education: St. Francis 
Xavier's College, New York; Woodstock College, 
Maryland, and Louvain University. Entered the 
Society of Jesus 1867; ordained 1880; has filled the 
offices of rector of St. John's College, Fordham, and 
of St. Francis Xavier's College; provincial of the 
New York-Maryland Province of the Society of Jesus 
1888; associate editor of "The Messenger", 1900- 
1908; Enghsh preacher, church of the Immaculate 
Conception, Montreal, Canada, 1908-1910; editor of 
"America", 1910-1914; again, English preacher, 
church of the Immaculate Conception, 1914, 1916. 
Author of: "Pioneer Priests of North America" (New 
York, 1908-1911), 3 vols. 

ARTICLES: Abarca, Pedro; Abbon, Saint; Abelly, Louis; 
Abenakis; Abercromby, Robert; Acacius, Saint, Bishop of 
Melitine; Acadia; Acquaviva, Claudius; Adalbert, Saint, 
Bishop op Magdeburg; Adalbert, Saint, Bishop of Prague; 
Adam, John; Adam, Nicholas; Adams, James; Adelaide, Saint, 
Empress; Adorno, Francesco; Agnelli, Giuseppe; Agreda, 
Maria de; Aimerich, Mateo; Alagona, Pietro; Albert, 
Blessed; Albertrandi, John Baptist; Aldric, Saint, Bishop 
OF Le Mans; Alegambe, Philippe; Alexander, Saint, Bishop 
of Capp. and Jerusalem; Alexander, Saint, Bishop op Co- 
mana; Alexander, Saint, Patriarch op Alexandria; Alford, 
Michael; Algonquins; Allerstein, August; Allouez, Claude, 
Almeida, John; Alphonsus Rodriguez, Saint; Altmann, 
Blessed, Bishop of Passau; Alvarez, Balthazar; Alvarez 
DE Paz; Alypius, Saint, Bishop of Tagastb; Amalberqa; 
Saint; Amalberga, Saint, Virgin; Amanuds, Saint; Amico, 
Francesco; Ammon, Saint; Anacletus, Saint, Pope; Ajjarchy; 




Anastasius, Saint; Anastasitjs, Saint, Bishop of Antioch; 
Anastabius I, Saint, Pope; Anatolia, Saint; Anatolius, 
Saint, Bishop of Laodicea in Sybia; Anatolius, Saint, Pathi- 
arch op Constantinople; Anchieta, Joseph; Andr^, Yves 
Marie; Andrew, Saint, of Lampsacus; Andrew Corsini, 
Saint; Anicetus, Saint, Pope; Anno, Saint, Archbishop of 
Cologne; Anschar, Saint; Aphian, Saint; Apollinaris, Saint, 
Bishop of Ravenna; Apollinaris, Saint, Bishop of Valence; 
Apollinaris Claudius, Saint; Aranda, Philip; Araujo, An- 
tonio de; Archdeacon, Richard; Arialdo, Saint; Arias, 
Francis; Arrighetti, Nicola; Arhighetti, Nicol6; Asceti- 
cism; AsHTON, John; Attiret, Jean Denis; Auger, Edmond; 
Auriesville; Avril, Philippe; Baldinucci, Antony, Blessed; 
Bapst, John; Biard, Pierre; Bourdaloue, Louis; Br^beuf, 
Jean de; Bridaine, Jacques; Calatayud, Pedro db; Camillus 
DE Lellis, Saint; Carafpa, Vincent; Chaignon, Pierre; 
Chaumonot, Pierre- Joseph; Cheminais de Montaigu, Timo- 
l^on; Crabset, Jean; Croiset, Jean; Drechsel, Jeremias; 
Deuillettbs, Gabriel; Druzbicki, Caspar; Jogues, Isaac; 
Lalemant, Jerome; Lalemant, Charles; Lalemant, Gabriel; 
Mass^, Enemond; Mj^nard, Ren:^. 

Campbell, William, editor, b. in Wigtonshire, 
Scotland, 29 September, 1850. Education: Scotch 
parochial schools, St. Aloysius College, Glasgow, 
Scotland. Came to the United States 1869; engaged 
in business 1869-1896; successively member of the 
staff and editor, "Southern Messenger", San Antonio, 
Texas, 1896- ; lecturer on hterary, educational 
and social subjects. Instrumental, by a series of 
newspaper articles in breaking up the A. P. A. organ- 
ization in Texas. Member (former State president) 
CathoUc Knights of America; Knight of Columbus. 

ARTICLE: San Antonio, Diocese of. 

Campbell, William Edward, Stratton-on-the 
Fosse, Bath, England. 
ARTICLE: Socialism. 

Candide, Reverend Father (Henri Joseph 
Causse), cm. cap., b. at Nant, Aveyron, France, 
1874. Education: School of the Clerics of St. 
Viateur, Nant, Aveyron, France; Seraphic College, 
Igualada, Spain; Capuchin scholasticates, Toulouse, 
France, and Ottawa, Canada. Entered the Capuchin 
Order 1890; ordained 1896; parish priest, Ottawa, 
1900-1904; master of novices, Limoilou, Quebec, 
1905-1907; stationed at Ste. Anne de Ristigouche, 
Quebec, 1907-1908; professor of moral theology. 
Convent of St. Francis of Assisi, Ottawa, 1908- 
Contributor to: "La Nouvelle France" and "Etudes 
franciscaines"; editor of "L'Echo de St. Frangois", 
Ottawa (since 1912). 

ARTICLES: Bassi, Matthew; Cochem, Martin of; Loren- 
zo DA Brindisi, Saint; Preacher Apostolic. 

Canevin, Right Reverend John Francis Regis, 
D.D., Bishop of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, b. in West- 
moreland County, Pennsylvania, 5 June, 1853. 
Education: St. Vincent's College and Seminary, 
Beatty, Pennsylvania. Ordained 1879; engaged in 
parish work as assistant and pastor in the diocese of 
Pittsburg 1879-1903; AuxiUary Bishop of Pittsburg 
and titular Bishop of Sabrata 1903-1904; Bishop of 
Pittsburg 1904- . Author of: "Inquirers' Guide" 
(100,000 copies); pastorals, notably that on "Chris- 
tian Marriage" (140,000 copies exhausted in a few 

ARTICLE: Pittsburg, Diocese of. 

Cangiano, Reverend Victor Emmanuel, c.s.c.b., 
M.A., b. at Cahtri, Italy, 9 May, 1882. Education: 
Ehot School, Boston, Massachusetts; Boston Latin 
School; Apostolic Institute of St. Charles Borromeo, 
Piaoenza, Italy. Emigrated to the United States 
1890; entered Congregation of St. Charles Borromeo, 
Italy, 1899; ordained by Bishop Sarti, of Prato- 
Pistoia, 1905; assistant rector, St. Joachim's Church, 
New York, 1905-1910, 1912- ; assistant, Church 
of Our Lady of Pompeii, New York, 1910-191 1 ; rector. 
Immaculate Conception Church, Iron Mountain, 
Michigan, 1911-1912. Former chaplain of the 
Baraga Council, Knights of Columbus. Collaborator 

in: "Trent' anni di episcopato di Mons. G. B. Scala- 
brini" (Rome, 1909); contributor to: "The CathoUc 
News"; "ItaUano in America"; has translated a 
number of articles in various periodicals. 

ARTICLE: Missionaries of St. Charles Borromeo, Con- 

gregation of. 

Canning, Reverend James Peter, s.m., b.a., 
b. at Paterson, New Jersey, 1869. Education; St. 
Mary's Institute, Dayton, Ohio; Marianist scho- 
lasticate and Institut Sainte Marie, Besangon, France. 
Professed in the Society of Mary, 1887; professor of 
rhetoric, St. Mary's Institute, Dayton, 1898-1907; 
ordained 1902; managing editor, "S. M. I. Exponent", 
1905-1907; professor of ethics, logic and mental phil- 
osophy, St. Mary's College, San Antonio, Texas, 
1907-1912; chaplain, St. Louis College, San Antonio, 
Texas, 1912- . Drafted the Constitutions of the 
Sisters of the Holy Ghost of San Antonio a,nd of the 
Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word; compiled a 
Manual of Prayers. Contributor to various period- 

ARTICLE; Incarnate Word, Sisters of Chabity of the. 

Capes, Florence Mart, writer, b. at Bath, 
Somersetshire, England, 1845, daughter pi John 
Moore Capes, founder and editor of "The Rambler". 
Education: private; University CoUege, London. 
Has passed most of her hfe in teaching and writing; 
takes an active interest in the welfare of Catholic 
working girls. Author of: "The Flower of the New 
World" ; "Life and Letters of St. Catherine de Ricci"; 
"A Poet's May"; "Handbook of Practical Eco- 
nomics" (a translation of Schrijvers); "Bossuet on 
Devotion to the Blessed Virgin" (translation of 
various sermons of Bossuet) ; "Sermon on the Mount" 
(a translation of Bossuet); contributor to: "The XIX 
Century"; "Dublin Review" (old form); "Catholic 

ARTICLES: Catherine de' Ricci, Saint; Catherine of 
Genoa, Saint; Colomba of Rieti, Blessed; Columba, Saint (2) ; 
Elizabeth of Portugal, Saint, Queen; Jeanne de Valois; 
Joanna of Portugal, Blessed; Makt Magdalen de' Pazzx. 

Cardauns, Hermann, Ph.D., writer, b. at Cologne, 
8 August, 1847. Education: Gymnasia at Cologne; 
Universities of Bonn, Munich, and Gottingen. 
Lecturer on history. University of Bonn, 1872-1876; 
editor-in-chief of the "Kohiische VoUcszeitung" 
1876-1907; member of the City Council of Cologne 
1895-1899; engaged in hterary work at Bonn 1907- 
; general secretary of the GorresgeseUschaft since 
1891; Knight Commander of St. Gregory. President 
of the German CathoHc Congress at Mannheim. 1902. 
Author of: "Die reformatione Bernensi" (;1868); 
"Papst Alexander III" (1874); "DeralteFuhrmann" 
(1875); "Chroniken der Stadt Kohi", 3 vols. (1875- 
1878); "Erzbischof Konrad von Hostaden" (1880); 
"Der Sturz Maria Stuarts" (1883); "Friedrich von 
Spee" (1884); "M. Stuart, 1566-68, Memoiren ihres 
Sekr. CI. Nau" (1884); "Die Erzahlung Walters des 
Erzpoeten", novel (1887; 2nd ed. 1899); "Die 
Abenteuer des Johannes Reusch'', novel (1888; 3rd 
ed. 1908); "Die Maxchen Clemens Brentanos" 
(1895); "Geschichte aus dem alten Koln" (1899); 
"Der Stadtschreiber", novel (1900; 3rd ed. 1908); 
"Alte Geschichte vom Rhein" (1901); "Die Gor- 
resgeseUschaft" (1901); "Die Briefe der Dichterin 
Annette von Droste-Hiilshoff" (1909); "Die Ent- 
deckung des Sudpols" (1909); "Funfzig Jahre 
KoelnischeVolkszeitung" (1910); "Der Kampfum den 
Nordpol" (1910); "Aus dem Leben eines deutschen 
Redakteurs" (1912); "Funfzig Jahre Kartellverband" 
(1913), etc.; re-edited Huffer, "Annette von Droste- 
Hiilshoff und ihre Werke", 3rd ed. (1910); contribu- 
tor to various newspapers and periodicals; editor of: 
"Vereins-Gaben der GorresgeseUschaft" (since 1886). 

ARTICLES: Hagbn, Gottfried; Jorg, Joseph Edmund: 
Reiohensbergeb, August; Reichensbehgek, Peter- Spee 
Friedrich von. 




















Carmichael, Montgomery, b. at Birkenhead, 
England, 1857. Married Maud, daughter of J. W. 
Parker, pubhsher and owner of "Fraser's Magazine", 
1887; entered the British Consular Service 1890; vice- 
consul (.1892-1908) and consul (1908-1912) at Leg- 
horn, Italy; consul for Tuscany (except Province of 
Florence), Umbria, and the Marches, and British 
representative to the Republic of San Marino, with 
rank of consul-general, resident at Leghorn, 1912- 
. Author of: "Sketches and Stories, Grave and 
Gay" (1896); "In Tuscany" (1901); "The Major 
General" (1901); "The Lady Poverty" (1901); 
"Life of John Wilham Walshe, p.s.a." (1902); 
"Francia's Masterpiece" (1909); "Solitaries of the 
Sambuca" (1915); collaborator in "On the Old Road 
through France to Florence" (by Mr. Carmichael: 
"Italy") (1904). 

AKTICLE: Clerks Regulak op the Mother of God of 
Lucca. ' 

Carpenter, Paul Dillingham, lawyer, b. at 
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 26 January, 1867. Educa- 
tion: private and high schools, Washington and 
Milwaukee; Columbia University Law School, New 
York. Became a Catholic 1891; admitted to the 
Bar 1891; county judge, Milwaukee County, Wis- 
consin, 1902-1910; practising lawyer, resident at 

AKTICLE: Wisconsin. 

Carr, Reverend Edward Joseph, b. at Taunton, 
Massachusetts, 22 June, 1880. Education: pubUc 
schools, Taunton; College of St. Laurent, near 
Montreal; Semmary of Philosophy, Montreal; St. 
Charles Seminary, Overbrook, Pennsylvania; 
American College, Louvain, Belgium. Ordained at 
Louvain by Bishop Maes, of Covington, Kentucky, 
1907; curate. Sacred Heart Church, Fall River, 1907- 
1908; secretary to Bishop Feehan and chancellor of 
the diocese of Fall River 1908- 

ABTICLE: Fall River, Diocese of. 

Carr, Reverend Fr. Gregory (John Joseph 
Cabr), Licentiate in Political and Social Sciences, 
b. at Boston, Mass., 22 August, 1884. Education: 
John A. Andrew School, Boston; Boston Flnghsh 
High School; various Franciscan scholasticates; 
Catholic University, Washington, Louvain Univer- 
sity, Belgium. Entered the Franciscan Order 1905; 
ordained by Bishop O'Connor, of Newark, 1911; at 
present professor of ethics and social science, St. 
Bonaventure's Seminary and College, AUegany, N. Y. 

ARTICLE: Elz]£ar of Sabran, Saint. 

Carroll, Right Reverend James Joseph, d.d., 
b. at Eastport, Pennsylvania, 23 December, 1862; 
d. at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 4 April, 1913. 
Education: public schools, St. Clair, and St. Charles 
Seminary, Overbrook, Pennsylvania; Catholic Uni- 
sersity, Washington. Teacher before ordination (3 
years); ordained 1889; successively assistant at the 
Cathedral, Philadelphia, Immaculate Conception 
Church, Jenkintown, St. Theresa's, and St. Michael's, 
Philadelphia; professor at St. Charles Seminary, 
Overbrook; vicar-general of the diocese of Nueva 
Segovia; Bishop of Nueva Segovia 1909-1912; rector, 
Church of St. Edward the Confessor, Philadelphia, 
and titular Bishop of Metellopolis, 1912-1913. 
ABTIOLE: Nueva Segovia, Diocese of. 

Carter, Mart Gilmore (Mrs. John Philip 
Carter), writer, b. at Boston, Mass., 29 June, 1867, 
daughter of Patrick Sarsfield Gilmore, bandmaster. 
Education: Convents of the Sacred Heart, New York 
and Philadelphia. Married John Phihp Carter, of the 
Lincohi Safe Deposit Company, New York. Author 
of: "A Son of Esau", novel (New York, 1892) ; "Songs 
from the Wings" (New York, 1899); contributor to 
the "Catholic World". 

ARTICLE: Gilmore, Patrick Sabsfield. 

Casanova, Dame Gertrude, o.s.b., Stanbrook 
Abbey, Worcester, England. 

ARTICLES: Gertrude the Great, Saint; Gertrude van 
DER Oosten, Venerable; Mbchtilde, Saint; Thecla, Saint; 
Walbukqa, Saint; Wekburgh, Saint. 

Casartelli, Right Reverend Louis Charles, 
D.D., M.A., D.Litt.or., Bishop of Salford, England, 
b. at Manchester, England, 14 November, 1852, son 
of Joseph CasartelM of Como, Italy, and later of 
Manchester. Education: Salford Grammar School; 
Ushaw College, Durham; Louvain University. 
Ordained 1876; professor at St. Bede's College, 
Manchester, 1877-1891; rector 1891-1903; editor of 
"Illustrated Catholic Missions" 1889-1903; professor 
of Zend and Pahlavi languages, Louvain University, 
1900-1903; Bishop of Salford 1903- ; lecturer on 
Iranian languages, Manchester University; Officer of 
the Order of Leopold. President of the Dante 
Society of Manchester and of the Manchester Egyp- 
tian Association, 1908-1910; president of the Man- 
chester Statistical Society, 1898-1900; represented 
the Universities of London and Manchester at the 
Jubilee of Louvain University, 1909; secretary of 
many annual Conferences of Catholic Colleges. Vice- 
president of the Manchester Oriental Society; member 
of the Royal Asiatic Society; chairman of the Salford 
Catholic Protection and Rescue Society; president of 
the SaKord Cathohc Federation. Author of: "Lec- 
tures on Commercial Geography" (1884); "La 
philosophie religieuse du Mazd^isme sous les Sas- 
sanides" (1884); "Traits de medicine Mazd^enne" 
(translated from Pahlavi, 1886); "Sketches in 
History" (1906); collaborator in "Encyclopaedia of 
Rehgion and Ethics" (Edinburgh); contributor of 
articles on religious and Oriental subjects to numerous 

ARTICLES: Ahriman and Ormuzd; Avesta, The Theolog- 
ical Aspectb of; Gentili, Aloysius. 

Cassidy, Reverend John Joseph, s.j., b. in New 
York, 15 February, 1876. Education: parochial 
schools and St. Francis Xavier's College, New 
York; Holy Cross College, Worcester, Massachusetts; 
Woodstock College, Maryland. Entered the Society 
of Jesus 1893; teacher of classics, Loyola College, 
Baltimore, Maryland (1898-1900), and Georgetown 
University, Washington (1903-1906); ordained 1909; 
principal of St. John's Grammar School, and head- 
master of St. John's Hall, Fordham, New York, 1910- 
1912; stationed at St. Andrew-on-Hudson, Pough- 
keepsie. New York, 1912-1913; at Canisius College, 
Buffalo, New York, 1913-1914; again principal of St. 
John's Grammar School, and headmaster of St. John's 
Hall, Fordham, 1914- 

ARTICLES: Caussin, Nicolas; Conimbricenses. 

Castets, Reverend John, s.j., b.a., d.d., b. in 
France, 1858. Education: Seminary, Aire, France; 
College of Tivoli, Bordeaux; various Jesuit scholasti- 
cates. Entered the Society of Jesus 1879; sent to 
India 1881; stationed at St. Joseph's College, Trichin- 
opoly, 1881- ; ordained 1893; professor of eco- 
nomics, ancient law, philology, ethnology, and logic 
(1887-1890), and of philosophy and pohtical science 
1895-1913), St. Joseph's College, Trichinopoly; 
examiner in philosophy, Madras University, 1895- 
1912. Founder of the Museum of St. Joseph's 
College. Member of the Boards of Philosophical 
Studies and Mental and Moral Science, Madras 
University. Author of: "Treatises in Logic and 
Ethics"; "a course of Economics and Ethics" (for 
private circulation); has contributed articles on 
entomology to the "Revue des questions scientifiques" 
and to "Nature". 

ARTICLE: Nobili, Robert de'. 

Castle, Reverend Harold Cyril,, m.a., 
b. in London, 13 November, 1868, d. at Kinnoull, 




Perth, Scotland, 24 October, 1908. Education: 
Charterhouse, Godalming, England; Magdalen Col- 
lege, Oxford. Musketry Instructor, with MiUtia, 
1889-1893; tour of the world and barrister (Inner 
Temple) 1892; received into the Church by Father 
Luke Rivington and entered the Redemptorist Order 
1894; ordained 1898; the following year stricken with 
ARTICLE: Beidgett, Thomas Edwahd. 

Caswell, Vert Reverend Canon John, b. at 
Dudley, Worcestershire, 8 May, 1846, son of John 
Caswell, of Dudley. Education: The Mount, Wal- 
sall; Sedgley Park; Oscott; matriculated at London 
University. Ordained 1870; professor, Oscott Col- 
lege, 1870-1883; vice-rector, St. Wilfrid's College, 
Oakamoor, 1883-1885; vice-president, Oscott College, 
1885-1889; chaplain, Benedictine Priory, Prince- 
thorpe, 1891-1903; rector, St. Augustine's, Kenil- 
worth, 1903- ; canon of the cathedral, Birming- 
ham, 1906. Member and trustee of the Old Brother- 
hood of the English Secular Clergy; first chairman of 
Princethorpe Parish Council (six years). Has pub- 
lished numerous sermons (several in Northcote, 
"Oscott Sermons"); contributor to various period- 
icals; editor for over thirty years of the Diocesan and 
other church Almanacs. 

ARTICLE; Birmingham, Diocebe of. 

Cathrein, Reverend Victor, s.j., b. at Brig, 
Canton Wallis, Switzerland, 8 May, 1845. Educa- 
tion: Gymnasium at Brig; various Jesuit scholasti- 
cates. Entered the Society of Jesus 1863; professor 
of German at the Belgian Colleges of Antwerp and 
Verviers, 1867-1869; occupied in caring for wounded 
French soldiers at Coblenz during Franco-Prussian 
War 1870-1871; expelled from Germany by law 
against the Jesuits 1872; ordained 1877; on the staff 
of "Stimmen aus Maria-Laach" 1S79-1882; succes- 
sively professor of ethics at the Jesuit scholasticates 
of Blyenbeck Exaten and Valkenburg, Holland, 1882- 
1912. Author of:" Die EnglischeVerfassung" (1881); 
"Die Aufgaben der Staatsgewalt und ihre Grenzen" 
(1882); 10th ed. 1915; "Die Sittenlehre des Darwin- 
ismus; eineKritik der Ethik Herbert Spencers" (1885); 
"Moralphilosophie",2vols. (1890-1891; 5thed. 1911); 
"DerSoziahsmus" (1890; 10th ed. 1910);"DasPrivat- 
grundeigentum und seine Gegner" (1892; 4th ed. 
1909); "Philosophia morahs in usum scholarum" 
(1893; 10th ed. 1915); "Kirche und Volksschule" 
(1896); "Durch Atheismus zum Anarchismus" (1895; 
2nd ed. 1900); "Recht, Naturrecht und positives 
Reoht" (1900; 2nd ed. 1909); "Glauben und Wissen" 
(1901; 5th ed. 1911); "Die Grundbegriffe des Straf- 
rechts" (1905); "Die Frauenfrage" (1901; 3rd ed. 
1909); "ReUgion und Moral, oder gibt es eine Moral 
ohne Gott?" (1902; 2nd ed. 1904); "Die katholische 
Weltanschauung" (1907; 4th ed. 1914); contributor 
to: "Stimmen aus Maria-Laach"; "Historisch- 
politische Blatter"; "Theologisoh-praktisohe Quartal- 

ARTICLES: Duel; Ethics; Law; Property; Right. 

Cedillo, Jeb6nimo L6pez de Atala y Alvarez 
DE Toledo, Count de, Viscount db Palazuelos, 
Ph.D., Litt.D., b. at Toledo, Spain, 4 December, 1862. 
Education: Jesuit colleges, Orduiia and Orihuela, 
Spain; Superior School of Diplomatics and Central 
University, Madrid. Former senator of Spain; has 
held the posts of professor at the Superior School of 
Diplomatics, and professor of Spanish history and of 
the methodology of geographical science. School of 
Higher Studies "for Teachers, Madrid; at present, 
librarian. Royal Academy of History, and member of 
the Royal Council of Military Orders, Madrid; 
writer, archivist, and antiquarian; conservative in 
politics; Gentleman of the Chamber of His Majesty 
the King of Spain; grand notary of the Kingdom of 

Granada; chronicler of Toledo. Member of Royal 
Academy of History; corresponding member and 
honorary member of numerous scientific and literary 
societies, Spanish and foreign; Knight Commander of 
Oreja and Major Ensign, Order of Santiago; Knight 
(Grand Cross) of the Order of Isabella the Catholic. 
Author of about twenty books; contributor to various 
periodicals, Spanish and foreign. 
ARTICLE: Toledo, Archdiocese of. 

Cerretti, Most Reverend Bonaventitbe, d.d., 
J.U.D., LL.D., b. at Orvieto, Italy, 17 June, 1872. 
Education: Seminary, Orvieto; Roman Seminary; 
Sapienza, Rome. Ordained 1895; successively pro- 
fessor of Latin and Itahan Classics at the Vatican 
Seminary and ofiicial of the Sacred Penitentiaria; 
minutante of the Secretary of State 1902; auditor of 
Nunciatures of the Second Class and Secretary to the 
Apostolic Delegation to Mexico 1904; auditor of the 
Apostohc Delegation to the United States 1906-1914; 
titular Archbishop of Corinth and Apostolic Delegate 
to Australasia, 1914- ; censor of the Theological 
Academy at Rome ; private chamberlain to Pope Pius 
X. Author of: "Leggenda di S. Severo" (thesis for 
doctorate); contributor to: "Vita Nova"; "Ateneo". 

ARTICLE: Legate. 

CeruUi, Vincbnzo, Ph.D., b. at Teramo, Italy, 
20 April, 1859. Education: school, Teramo; Sapien- 
za, Rome; University of Berlin. Former astronomer, 
Gregorian University, Rome; at present, director (and 
fovmder, 1892), Collurania Observatory (private), 
Teramo. Discovered the planet (704) Interamnia; 
rediscovered the Faye Comet, 1910. Corresponding 
member of: Lincei Academy, Rome; Pontaniana 
Academy, Naples, Italy; Academy of Sciences, Turin, 
Italy; member (President, 1909-1911) Italian Astro- 
nomical Society; Knight of Sts. Maurice and Lazarus. 
Author of: two books on Mars; three volumes of 
pubhcations of the Collurania Observatory; contribu- 
tor to: "Astronomische Nachrichten " ; "Memorie 
Spettroscopisti Itahani"; "Astronomia e scienze 
ARTICLE: Respighi, Lorenzo. 

Chabot, Abb]6 Jban-Baptiste, s.t.d., b. at 
Vouvray, Indre-et-Loire, France. Education: Semi- 
nary, Tours, France; Louvatn University, Belgium; 
School of Higher Studies, Sorbonne, Paris. Ordained 
1885; formerly in charge of the Department of 
Missions, Ministry of PubUc Instruction, Paris; 
director of "Corpus scriptorum Christianorum 
Orientalium", Vols. I-LXXVI (1903-1914); associate 
editor of "Corpus scriptorum Semiticarum", of the 
Academy of Inscriptions and Belles Lettres. 
Awarded: prize by Academy of Inscriptions, 1900; 
Prix Bordin (Academy of Inscriptions), 1897; Prix 
Saintour (College of France), 1908; Prix Jean Reynaud 
(Academy of Inscriptions), 1910; second choice of the 
professors and of the Academy of Inscriptions for 
Professor of Aramaic Languages and Literatures, 
College of France, 1895; organized "Corpus scripto- 
rum Christianorum Orientalium", directing the 
S3rriac portion and confiding the Coptic, Ethiopian, 
and Arabic to Henry Hyvernat, I. Guidi, and B. 
Carra de Vaux (now J. Forget) respectively, 1902. 
Member of the Council, Asiatic Society of Paris. 
Author of: "Notes d'Epigraphie et d'Arch^ologie 
orientale", Fascs. I-IV (Paris, 1897-1901); "Les 
6v6ques Jacobites du VHP au XIIP siecle d'apres 
la Chronique de Michel le Syrien" (Paris, 1901); 
"Narsai le Docteur et les origines de I'Ecole de 
Nisibe" (Paris, 1905); " Eclaircissements sur la 
litt^rature Syriaque" (Paris, 1906); "Les langues 
et les littSratures aramtennes" (Paris, 1910); "Les 
Saints Evangiles", new translation according to 
the Vulgate, with historical introduction and notes 
(Tours, 1911), etc.; edited: "De sancti Isaaci Nini- 




vitse vita, scriptis et doctrina" (Paris, 1892); "His- 
toire de Mar Jabalaha III et du moine Rabban 
Cauma", translated from the Syriac and annotated 
(Paris, 1895; Supplement, 1896); "Commentarius 
Theodori Mopsuesteni in Evangelium D. Johannis" 
(Paris, 1897); Jesus-Yahb Adiabenus, "Histoire de 
Jesus Sabran", Syriac text, with introduction (Paris, 
1897); "Chronique de Michel le Syrien", edited and 
translated, 4 vols. (Paris, 1899-1910); John Bar 
Kaldoun, "Histoire du moine Rabban Youssef 
Bousnaya", translated from the Syriac (Paris, 1901); 
"Repertoire d'Epigraphie s^mitique", Vol. I; Vol. II, 
Pases. 1-3 (Paris, 1901-1912); "SynodioonOrientale", 
Syriac text, translated and annotated (Vol. XXXVII 
of "Notices et Extraits") (Paris, 1902); "Corpus 
Inscriptionum Semiticarum", Part II, Vol. I, Fasc. 
3; Vol. II, Fasc. 1 (Paris, 1902, 1907); "Chronica 
Minora", 2 vols. (Series III, Vol. IV, "Corpus 
scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium"), in collabo- 
ration with E. W. Brooks and I. Guidi (Paris, 1904, 
1905); Dionysius Bar Salibi, "Commentarii in 
Evangelia", 2 vols. (Series II, Vol. XCVIII, "Corpus 
scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium"), in collabo- 
ration with I. Sedlacek (Paris, 1906); "Documenta 
ad origmes Monophj'sitarum illustrandas", Syriac 
text (Series II, Vol. XXXVII, "Corpus scriptorum 
Christianorum Orientalium") (Paris, 1908); Ehas, 
Archbishop of Nisibis, "Opus chronologicum", 
Syriac text (Paris, 1909), etc.; collaborator in: 
"Orientalistische Studien" (Giessen, 1906); "Floril- 
egium Melchior de Vogu6" (Paris, 1909); contributor 
to: "Journal Asiatique"; " Byzantinisohe Zeit- 
schrift"; "Revue sfimitique"; "Revue de 1' Orient 
Chretien"; "Revue bibKque"; "Nouvelles Archives 
des Missions Scientifiques " ; "Comptes Rendus de 
TAcad^mie des Inscriptions"; "Revue des Etudes 
Juives"; "Revue critique"; "Revue de 1' Orient 
Latin"; "Revue de 1' Histoire des Religions"; "Jour- 
nal des Savants". 

ARTICLES: Semitic Epigkapht; Steiac Hymnodt; Sykian 
Language and Litekatuee. 

Chaine, Reverend Marius, s.j., Ph.D., s.t.d., 
b. at Tarascon-sur-Rhone, France, 10 August, 1873. 
Education: School of Higher Studies, Sorbonne, and 
School of the Louvre, Paris. Ordained and entered 
the Society of Jesus 1897; professor of Oriental lan- 
guages, successively at St. Joseph's University, 
Beirut, Syria, Gregorian University, Rome, and (at 
present) Pontifical Bibhcal Institute, Rome. Author 
of: "L'Egypte et le Soudan" (1902); "Grammaire 
ethiopienne" (1907); "Compendium morphologise 
copticse" (1910); "Inventaire sommaire des manu- 
scrits ^thiopiens de Berlin acquis depuis 1878" (1912); 
"Catalogue des manuscrits 6thiopiens provenant de 
la collection Antoine d'Abbadie" (1912); "Catalogue 
des manuscrits ^thiopiens de la collection Mondon-Vi- 
dailhet"(1913);"Etudesurle texte original des Apoph- 
tegmes des Ptos d'aprSs le texte grec et le texte copte " 
(1912)^ "La consecration et I'epiclese dans le missel 
ethiopien" (1909); "La consecration etl'^piclfese dans 
le missel copte" (1912); "Rituel 6thiopien" (1912- 
1913); collaborator in: "Corpus scriptorum christian- 
orum Orientalium" (by Father Chaine: "Apocrypha 
B. M. Virginis", 1908-1909); Kaufmann, "Zur 
Ikonographie der Menas-Ampullen" (1910); "Patro- 
logia orientahs"; contributor of articles on Coptic 
and Ethiopian history and philology to: "Revue 
s^mitique" (Paris); "L'Orient chr^tien" (Paris); 
"Bessarione" (Rome); "Melanges de la Faculty 
Orientale de Beyrouth" (Beirut); the Arab review 
"Al Machriq" (Beirut); "Nuovo Bulletino di 
archeologia cristiana" (Rome); "Oriens Christianus" 
(Leipzig); "Recherches de science religieuse" (Paris). 
ABTICLE: Ethiopia. 

Chambon, Reverend C^lestin M., Ph.D., 
Litt. B., b. AJvant, near Le Puy, France, 15 April, 

1879. Education: public schools, St. fitienne^ and 
College of Philosophy, Alix, France; seminaries of 
Lyons, France, and New Orleans, Louisiana. 
Ordained 1904; assistant, cathedral, New Orleans, 
1904-1908; rector, St. Alphonsus Church, Maurice, 
Louisiana, 190S-1910; rector, St. Anthony's Church, 
Eunice, Louisiana, 1910- ; lecturer on hterary 
and historical subjects. Author of: "In and around 
the Old St. Louis Cathedral of New Orleans"; "The 
Capuchin Fathers of France and Spain in Louisiana", 
etc.; contributor to: "Morning Star"; "Picayune"; 
"L'Abeille"; aU of New Orleans. 
ARTICLE: Dtibourg, Louis-Guillaume-Valentin. 

Champon, Reverend Louis Marie Abel, s.j., 
litt.L., b. at Cercy-la-Tour, Nifevre, 2 December, 
1885. Education: Seminary of Piguelin, Nievre. 
Entered the Society of Jesus 1901. Professor of 
humanities, St. Holier, Jersey. 

ARTICLE: La Hue, Chaeles de. 

Chandlery, Reverend Peter Joseph, s.j., 
associate professor Jesuit scholasticate, Roehampton, 

ARTICLES: Foley, Henry; Holywell, Wales; Shrines of 
Our Lady and the Saints in Great Britain and Ireland; 
Welsh Monastic Foundations; Winefride, Saint. 

Chapman, Reverend John (Henry Palmer 
Chapman), o.s.b., b.a., writer, b. at Ashfield House, 
Suffolk, England, 25 April, 1865. Education: private 
tutors; Christ Church, Oxford. Anglican curate (as 
deacon), St. Pancras, London, 1888-1889; received 
into the Church by Father Kenebn Digby Best, of 
the Oratory, 1890; received the Benedictine habit 
1892; ordained 1895; stationed at Erdington Abbey, 
Birmingham, being at various times cantor, organist, 
lecturer on philosophy, and theology, master of 
novices and prior, 1895-1912; at St. Benedict's 
Abbey, Maredsous, Belgium, 1912-1913; at Caldey 
Abbey, Tenby 1913- . Author of :" Bishop Gore 
and the Catholic Claims" (London, 1905); "Notes 
on the Early History of the Vulgate Gospels" (Ox- 
ford, 1908); "John the Presbyter and the Fourth 
Gospel" (Oxford, 1910); contributor to: "Dubhn 
Review"; "Journal of Theological Studies"; "Revue 
b^nedictine"; "Zeitschrift fiir N. T. Wissenschaf t " ; 

ARTICLES: Caius and Soteh, Saints and Popes; Callistus 
I, Pope; Clementines; Clement of Rome; Cornelius, Pope, 
Martyr; Cyprian of Carthage, Saint; Cyril of Alexandria, 
Saint; Cyril of Jerusalem, Saint; Demetrius, Saint; Didache; 
DiDASCALiA Apostolorum; Didymus THE Blind; Diodorub of 
Tarsus; Diognetus, Epistle to; Dionysius of Alexandria; 
Dionysius, Saint; Dioscurus, Bishop of Alexandria; Doctors 
OF the Church; Doctrine of Addai; Donatists; Elcesaites; 
Ephesus, Council op; Ephesus, Robber Council of; Euse- 
Bius OF Nicomedia, Bishop; Eutyches; Eutychianism; Evo- 
Dius, Bishop of Antioch; Fathers of the Church; Fessler, 
Josef; Firmilian; Fulgentius, Fabius' Claudius Gohdianus, 
Saint; Gaudentius, Saint; Gennadius I, Saint; Hegesippus, 
Saint; Heraclas, Bishop of Alexandria; Hermas; Honorius 
I, Pope; Liberius, Pope; Maximus of Constantinople, Saint; 
Melchisedechians; Monarchians; Monophysites and Mono- 
physitism; Monothelitism and Monothelites; Montanists; 
Nestorius and Nestorianism; Novatian and Novatianism; 
Optatus, Saint; Papias, Saint; Patrology; Paul of Samosata; 
PEREGElNUS;PEEiODlfPETEl); Photinus; Praxeas; Semiarians 
AND Semiarianism; Tertullian; Tritheists. 

Charles, Brother, b.s.h., b. at Mobile, Alabama, 
22 August, 1855. Education: St. Joseph's Institute, 
IndianapoUs, Indiana. Entered the Order of the 
Brothers of the Sacred Heart 1871; successively 
director of St. Aloysius School, Vicksburg, Mississippi, 
and of St. Aloysius College, New Orleans, 1889-1900; 
director of the Cathedral School, Natchez, Mississippi, 
1900-1911; director of St. Vincent's Academy, Baton 
Rouge, La., 1911- 

ARTICLES: Natchez; Sacred Heart, Brothers of the. 

Charles, Brother (Joseph Alfred Henet 
Lane), c.s.c, b. at St. James, Manitoba, 25 January, 
1883. Education: Ottawa University; scholasticate 




of the Brothers of the Cross, Rimouski, Canada. 
Entered the Congregation of the Brothers of the 
Cross 1905; successively teacher at the Novitiate of 
the Brothers of the Cross, Rimouski, and (at present) 
teacher and director at the Brothers' School, St. 
Pierre Jolys, Manitoba. 

ARTICLE: Cross of Jesus, Beothehs of the. 

Chatte, Very Reverend Canon P. M., b. in the 
diocese of Vannes, France, 23 November, 1831, d. at 
Cap Haitien, 30 July, 1911. Education: Preparatory 
Seminary, Ste. Anne d'Auray. Ordained 1856; pro- 
fessor of sciences. Preparatory Seminary, Ste. Anne 
d'Auray, 1853-1863; went to Hayti with Archbishop 
Testard Ducosquer 1863; occupied in missionary work 
1863-1874; pastor at Cap Haitien 187-4-1904; canon 
and vicar-general of the diocese 1904-1911. 

ARTICLE; Cap Haitj^n, Diocese of. 

Chisholm, Joseph Andrew, m.a., ll.b., k.c, 
barrister, b. at St. Andrews, Nova Scotia, 9 January, 
1863, son of William Chisholm and Flora Mackintosh. 
Education: St. Francis Xavier's College, Antigonish, 
and Dalhousie Law School, HaUfax, Nova Scotia. 
Admitted to the Bar 1886; married Frances Alice, 
daughter of James Affleck, of Hahfax, 1891 (d. 1903); 
alderman for the City of Halifax 1907-1909 ; chairman 
of the School Board, Halifax, 1909; Mayor of Halifax 
(three terms) 1909-1912; barrister, resident at Halifax. 
Contested Antigonish County for House of Commons, 
Canada, 1895, 1896; president of the North British 
Society, 1898; trustee of the CathoKc Mutual Benefit 
Association of Canada, 1898-1907; president of: the 
Canadian Club, 1908; the Union of Nova Scotia 
Municipalities, 1910; the Union of Canadian Muni- 
cipalities, 1910-1911; the Halifax Anti-Tuberculosis 
League; the Nova Scotia Historical Society. Author 
of: "Joseph Howe, a Sketch"; editor of: "Speeches 
and Public Letters of Joseph Howe"; contributor to 
various newspapers and periodicals. 

ARTICLES : Halifax; Incorpohation of Church Property, 
Civil (Canada); Nova Scotia; Thompson, Right Honourable 
Sir John Sparrow David. 

Choquette, Right Reverend Monsignor Canon 
Charles Philippe, m.a.,, ll.d., b. at Beloeil, 
P. Q., 9 December, 1856. Education: Seminary, St 
Hyacinth, P. Q., Canada; Institut Catholique; 
Sorbonne; College de France, Paris. Ordained 1880; 
professor of science. Seminary, St. Hyacmth, 1880- 
1905; director. Government Provincial Laboratory, 
Quebec, 1889-1901; professor of physics, Laval 
University, Montreal, 1897- ; president of the 
Seminary, St. Hyacinth, 1904r- ; domestic prelate 
of His Holiness 1911; canon of the cathedral of St. 
Hyacinth; examiner of the official chemists of the 
Department of Inland Revenue, Ottawa; member of 
the Board of Visitors, Royal Military College, Kings- 
ton, Ontario. Honorary commissioner to the Paris 
Exhibition, 1900; delegate from Canada to the Con- 
gress of Electricity. Charter member of the Inter- 
national Society of Electricity of Paris; member of 
the Royal Conservation Commission of Canada. 
Author of: "Histoire du S^minaire de Saint-Hya- 
cinthe", 2 vols.; various scientific papers. 
ARTICLE: Saint Hyacinthe, Diocese of, 

Christitch, Elisabeth O'Brien (Madame L. N. 
Christitch), writer, b. at Lough Ghur, Co. Limerick, 
Ireland, 1861. Education: St. Bridget's Convent, 
Mountrath; Ursuline Convent, Gravelines, France. 
Married Ij. N. Christitch, Servian cavalry officer, 
aide-de-camp to the late King Alexander and son of 
the Servian Premier, 1883; correspondent at Belgrade, 
Servia, of two London dailies and of American 
Catholic Reviews during Balkan War, 1912-1913; 
resident at Belgrade. Has made a study of the 
customs and folklore of the peoples of Central and 

Southern Europe, aided by extensive travels; devoted 
four years of residence in St. Petersburg to a study of 
Russian life and culture; has taken an active part in 
propagating CathoUc Women's Suffrage Society, 
London. Member of the London Lyceum Club. 
Author of pamphlet on woman suffrage; has contrib- 
uted political articles to: "The Tribune", "The 
Standard", "Daily Mail", "Daily Express", "PaU 
Mall Gazette", and "Evening Standard", all of 
London; contributor of miscellaneous articles to: "Ave 
Maria", "Cathohc World", "Donahoe's Magazine", 
"Messenger", "America", "Pall Mall Magazine", 
"Boudoir", "Throne", "Bystander", "Irish 
Monthly", and various other priodicals (Pen name: 
Ben Hurst). 
ARTICLES: Albania; Alessio; Antivari, Akchdiocese of. 

Chrysostom, Brother (Joseph J. Conlan), 
p.s.c, A.M., Ph.D., b. at New Haven, Connecticut, 
1 April, 1863; d. at Baltimore, Md., 23 January, 1917. 
Education: Skinner Grammar School and HiUhouse 
High School, New Haven; Manhattan College, New 
York. Instructor in English, La Salle College, 
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1881-1882; entered the 
Society of Brothers of the Christian Schools 1883; 
former teacher at Sacred Heart (now Clason Point) 
Academy, Westchester, New York; instructor in 
Latin and Enghsh, St. Joseph's Institute, Buffalo, 
New York, 1885-1888; professor of Latin (1888-1900) 
and assistant professor (1890-1894) and professor 
(1894^1917) of philosophy, Manhattan College, New 
York. Lecturer on Scholastic philosophy, Columbia 
University, New York, 1904. Historian of the 
Manhattan Alumni Association; member of: Board 
of Trustees of Manhattan College, American Psy- 
chological Association, American Philosophical 
Association, American Institute of Civics, New York 
Academy of Science (Psychological Branch). Author 
of: "Elementa Philosophise Scholasticae" (New York, 
1897); "Development of Personahty" (Philadelphia, 
1916); edited: "Exposition of Christian Doctrine", 3 
vols. ("Dogma"; "Morals"; "Worship"); "Manual 
of Christian Doctrine"; "Catechism No. 4"; "Cat6- 
chists' Manual", 6 vols.; English edition of Brother 
Philip, "Meditations on the Passion of Our Lord 
Jesus Christ"; Ibid., "Meditations on Our Last End 
and on Sin and the Sacrament of Penance", Ibid.; 
"Meditations on the Sacred Heart"; Ibid., "Medita- 
tions on St. Joseph"; translated De Poissy, "Cours 
^l^mentaire de Philosophie Chr^tienne"; contributor 
of philosophical and other articles to various period- 

ARTICLE: Azariab, Brother. 

Clair, Mother M., r.d.c. 

ARTICLE : Divine Compassion, Institute op the. 

Clayton, Joseph, journalist and writer, b. in 
London, 28 April, 1867. Education: North London 
Collegiate School, London; Worcester College, Oxford; 
classmate of R. R. Terry, organist of Westminster 
Cathedral, London. At various times schoolmaster. 
Socialist lecturer. Labor Party organizer, journalist, 
writer; married Margaret Souter 1898; editor of "The 
New Age" 1905-1906; became a Cathohc 1910; at 

E resent one of the Board of Managers (honorary) of 
london County Council Schools for Defective 
Children (chairman of the Board 1913- ) ; resident 
in London. Participated in numerous Socialist 
Congresses, 1893-1897; visited Finland with repre- 
sentatives of British Press, 1910. Author of : " Father 
Dolling" (1903); "Bishop Westcott" (1906); 
"Bishops as Legislators" (1906); "Wat Tyler and 
the Peasant Revolt" (1908); "Leaders of the People" 
(1910); "Rise of the Democracy" (1911); "Coopera- 
tion" (1912); "Robert Kett and the Norfolk Rising" 
(1912); "Trade Unions" (1913); etc.; pamphlets in 
support of woman suffrage; contributor to: "National 










Review"; "Athenaeum"; "Universe"; "Bookman"; 
"Votes for Women". 

ARTICLES : Samsok, Abbot of St. EoMnNDs; Savabic, 
Bishop op Bath and Glastonbury; Simon of Sudbury, Arch- 
bishop OF Canterbury; Walter op Merton, Bishop of Roch- 
ester; Walsingham Priory; Waltham Abbey. 

Cleary, Reverend Gregory, o.p.m., d.c.l., 
D.civ.L., s.T.Lect., b. at Ballynacally, Co. Clare, 
Ireland, 28 July, 1878. Education: St. Isidore's 
College, St. Antony's College, Roman Seminary and 
Instituto Leoniano di Alta Letteratura, Rome. 
Entered the Franciscan Order 1893; ordained 1901; 
former professor of canon law and moral theology, St. 
Isidore's College, Rome; special professor of moral 
theology. Academy of Noble Ecclesiastics, Rome, 
1910-1911; professor of dogmatic theology and canon 
law, St. Antony's Friary, Forest Gate, London, 1912- 
; Member of the Roman Arcadian Academy. 
Contributor to: "Vox Urbis" (Rome). 

ARTICLES: Commissariat of the Holy Land; Gustos; 
Friar; Herincx, William; Hickey, Antony; MacGaghwell, 
Hugh; Marchant, Peter; Mastrius, Bartholomew; Medina, 
Juan de; Medina, Miguel de; Molloy, Francis; Mullock, 
John T., Bishop of St. John's, Newfoundland; Ponce, John; 
Pontius Carbonell; Porter, Francis; Roch, Saint; Rose of 
Viterbo, Saint; Scarampi, Pierfrancesco ; Syndic, Apos- 
tolic; Wadding, Luke; Ward, Hugh; Wild, Johann; Zierik- 
zee, Cornelius van. 

Cleary, Right Reverend Henry William, d.d., 
Bishop of Auckland, New Zealand, b. in Co. Wexford, 
Ireland, 1860. Education: St. Aidan's Academy, 
Enniscorthy; St. Peter's College, Wexford; Maynooth 
College; Roman Seminary; St. Sulpice, Paris. 
Ordained 188.5; member of the Society of Volunteer 
Diocesan Missionaries of the Blessed Sacrament, 
diocese of Ferns, and professor of modem languages, 
St. Peter's College, Wexford, Ireland, 1885-1888; 
went to AustraKa on account of ill health 1888; 
engaged in parish work in the diocese of Ballarat, 
Victoria, 1888-1897; editor of the "New Zealand 
Tablet" 1898-1910; Bishop of Auckland, New Zea- 
land, 1910- . Has travelled through the greater 
part of Spanish America founding agencies in connec- 
tion with the Australian Catholic 'Truth Society for 
the investigation and exposure of anti-Catholic 
statements published from time to time in the Aus- 
tralasian press, 1910; similar agencies established by 
him in Ireland and the United States. As bishop has 
introduced improved methods of pedagogy, and 
expended a considerable sum on school buildings and 
educational work ; has promoted the Cathohc Federa- 
tion and taken great interest in the Maori Cathohc 
population, addressing them in their own language, 
assisted by the Mill HiU Fathers. Author of: "The 
Orange Society" (12 editions); "Cathohc Marriages" 
(4 editions); "Secular vs. Religious Education"; "An 
Impeached Nation"; numerous pamphlets and bro- 
chures; contributor to various newspapers and 

ARTICLES: Adelaide; Armidale; Auckland; Australia; 
Ballarat; Bathurst; Bracken, Thomas; Brisbane; Buckley, 
Sir Patrick Alphonsus; Christchurch; Gooktown; D alley, 
William Bede; Dunedin; Goulburn; Lismore. 

Gierke, Agnes Mary, b. at Skibbereen, County 
Cork, Ireland, 10 February, 1842; d. in London, 20 
January, 1907. Devoted her life to astronomical 
research. Recipient of the Actonian Prize; member 
of the British Astronomical Association; honorary 
member of the Royal Astronomical Society. Author 
of: "A Popular History of Astronomy in the Nine- 
teenth Century" (1885, 4th revised ed., 1902); "The 
System of the Stars" (1890; 2nd ed.. 1905); "The 
Herschels and Modern Astronomy" (1895); "Prob- 
lems in Astrophysics" (1903); "Modern Cosmog- 
onies" (1906); "The Concise Knowledge Astron- 
omy", in collaboratinn with J. E. Gore and A. 
Fowler (1898); collaborator in: "Dictionary of 
National Biography", " Encyclopaedia Britannica"; 

contributor to: "Knowledge"; "The Observatory"; 
"Tablet"; "Edinburgh Review". 
ARTICLES: Astronomy; Astronomy in the Bible. 

Glifiord, Reverend Cornelius, b.a., b. in New 
York, 24 August, 1859. Education: pubUc schools 
and St. John's College, Fordham, New York; Jesuit 
scholasticates, Woodstock, Maryland, Innsbruck, 
Austria, and St. Bueno's, St. Asaph, Wales; Louvain 
University, Belgium. Entered the Society of Jesus; 
master of juniors, Jesuit soholasticate, Frederick, 
Maryland, 1885-1887; professor of rhetoric, George- 
town University, Washington, (1887-1889), and St. 
Francis Xavier's College, New York (1889-1890); 
master of juniors, Jesuit scholasticate, Roehampton, 
London, 1892-1894; headmaster, senior school, 
Wimbledon, London, 1895-1897; ordained 1898; 
stationed at Beaumont College, Old Windsor, 
1898-1899; left the Society^ of Jesus 1899; professor 
of logic and history, Merriam Park, St. Paul, Min- 
nesota, 1900; editor, "Providence Visitor", Provi- 
dence, Rhode Island, 1900-1903; lecturer 1903-1905; 
assistant. Church of the Assumption, Morristown, 
New Jersey, 1905-1907; professor of philosophy and 
Church history, Seton Hall College, South Orange, 
New Jersey, 1907-1909; pastor, Church of Our Lady 
of Mercy, Whippany, New Jersey, 1909- ; lecturer 
in philosophy (scholasticism) to candidates for the 
M.A. and Ph.D. degrees at Columbia University, 
1913- . Member of the Century Club, Univer- 
sitj^ Club, Review Club, Harkness Latin Club (Brown 
University). Author of: "Introibo" (New York, 
1903) ; "The'Burden of the Time" (New York, 1904) ; 
contributor to: "The Month" (London); "The 
Tablet" (London); "Spectator" (London); "New 
York Review"; "The Cathohc World" (New York). 

ARTICLES: Acacians, The; Acacius, Bishop of Bercea; 
Acacius, Bishop of C^sarea; Acacius, Patriarch of Con- 
stantinople; Athanasius, Saint, Bishop of Alexandria; 
Augustine of Canterbury, Saint; Craigie, Pearl Mary 
Teresa; Crashaw, Richard. 

Clugnet, Joseph LiSon Tiburce, litt.L., writer, 
b. at Lyons, France, 8 May, 1848. Education: Pre- 
paratory Seminary, Argenti^re; University of Lyons; 
University of France; Episcopal College, Ware, 
England; Episcopal College, Gibraltar. Professor of 
rhetoric, CoUege of Poutoise; fought in the Franco- 
Prussian War; librarian. University of Lyons, 1875- 
1880; occupied with research work along the lines of 
Orientalism, hagiography, and folk-lore, resident in 
Paris, 1880- ; director of the "Revue de I'Orient 
Chretien " 1898-1908. Decorated by Minister of War 
with MiUtary Medal of the Volunteers of 1870-1871, 
1912. Member of several learned societies, among 
others, the "G}npsy Lore Society" of Liverpool. 
Author of: "Geographic de la sole" (Lyons, 1877); 
"Carte des regions s^ricicoles" (Lyons, 1877); 
"Nouveau guide du touriste au Mont-Dore" (Cler- 
mont-Ferrand, 1877); "Sculptures pr6historiques 
situ^es dans les environs des lacs des Merveilles" 
(Paris, 1877); "Glossaure du patois Gilhoc (Ardfeche) " 
(Paris, 1883); "Dict.ionnaire grec-frangais des noms 
liturgiques en usage dans I'Eghse grecque" (Paris, 
1895); "Les offices et les dignit^s eccl^siastiques dans 
I'Eghse grecque" (Paris, 1899); "Bibliographie du 
culte local de la Vierge Marie", Fasc. I-III (Paris, 
1899- ); "Vie et r^cits de l'abb6 Daniel le Sc6- 
tiote", Greek text (Paris, 1901); "Vie de saint 
Auxence", Greek text (Paris, 1904); "Vie et Office 
de Sainte Marine", text in Greek, Latin, etc. (Paris, 
1905); "L'Empire ottoman", from the German of 
Kellner (Lyons, 1877); "Calendrier de I'Eghse copte 
d'Alexandrie", from the Latin of Nilles (Paris, 1898); 
collaborator in "Annuaire de la Sooi6t6 des touristes 
du Dauphin6" (by M. Clugnet: "Ascensions du pic 
de I'Etendard, du Grand Sauvage, et du Mont 
Blanc"; Grenoble, 1879); editor, in collaboration with 
others, of " BibliothSque hagiographique orientale", 




Fasc. I-IX (Palis, 1901- ); editor of "Poly- 

ARTICLES: Catherine of Alexandria, Saint; Emmeram, 
Saint, Bishop of Poitiers; Euchekius, Saint, Bishop of Lyons; 
Gatianus, Saint, Bishop of Tours; G]§rard, Saint, Abbot of 
Brogue; Gerard, Saint, Bishop of Toul; Goab, Saint; Hilary 
OF Arles, Saint.Archbishop; Hilary of Poitiers, Saint,Bishop; 
HoNORATUB, Saint, Archbishop of Arles; John I, Saint, Pope; 
John Climacus, Saint; Julian and Basilissa, Saints; La 
Salette; Lazarus of Bethany, Saint; Leontius, Saint, 
Bishop of Fr^jus; Margaret of Lorraine, Blessed, Duchess 
D'ALENgoN; Margaret op Savoy, Blessed, Marchioness of 
Montferrat; Margaret of the Blessed Sacrament; Marie 
Christine of Savoy, Blessed; Maris, Martha, Audifax, and 
Abacum, Saints; Mark and Marcellian, Saints; Martial, 
Saint, Bishop op Limoges; Martina, Saint; Martin of Leon, 
Saint; Martin of Tours, Saint, Bishop; Medardub, Saint, 
Bishop of Noyon; Ouen, Saint, Archbishop of Rouen; Per- 
petuus, Saint, Bishop of Tours; Rocamadouk; Victorinub, 

Coffey, Reverend Peter, Ph.D., s.t.l., b.c.l., 
b. at Enfield, Co. Meath, Ireland, 1876. Education: 
Primary National Schools, Baconstown; Model 
Schools, Trim; Meath Diocesan Seminary, Navan; 
Majmooth College; Louvain University; University 
of Strassburg. Ordained 1900; at present professor 
of mental and moral philosophy, Maynooth College, 
Dublin. Author of: (pamphlet) "The Inductive 
Sciences, an Inquiry into some of their Methods and 
Postulates" (Dublin, 1910); "The Science of Logic", 
2 vols. (London, 1912); "Ontology: The Science of 
Being" (1917); translated into English: De Wulf, 
"Introduction k la philosophie n6o-scolastique" 
(1907); ibid., "Histoire de philosophie m(§di6vale" 
(1909); contributor of articles on philosophical sub- 
jects to the "Irish Ecclesiastical Record". 

ARTICLES: Deduction; Dialectic; Gilbert de la Porr^e, 
Bishop of Poitiers; Godfrey of Fontaines; Henry of Ghent; 
Induction; John of Salisbury. 

Coghlan, Vert Reverend Canon Daniel, d.d., 
b. in Kilmichael Parish, Co. Cork, Ireland, 14 July, 
1858. Education: National Schools; St. Vincent's 
Seminary, Cork; Maynooth College (Dunboyne 
student). Ordained 1882; curate, Kilbrittain, Co. 
Cork, 1882; professor. Diocesan Seminary, and 
chaplain to the Military Prison, Cork, 1883; curate, 
Tracton, Co. Cork, 1884—188.5; professor of theology, 
Maynooth College, Dublin, 1886-1914; titular bishop 
of Vaga and auxiUary bishop of Cork, Ireland, 1914- 
; honorary canon of the Cork Chapter. Author 
of : numerous theological treatises (for private circula- 
tion); "De Deo Uno et Trino et de Deo Creatore", 2 
vols. (Dublin, 1907); (pamphlet) "Trinity College 
and the Trinity Commission" (Dublin, 1908); "De 
Incarnatione" (Dublin, 1910); "De Eucharistia" 
(Dublin, 1911); contributor of articles on public law 
and Modernism to the "Irish Ecclesiastical Record". 
ARTICLES: Dogma; Dogmatic Facts; Murray, Patrick. 

Coleman, Reverend Ambrose, o.p., s.t.l., 
writer, b. at Leeds, England, 1858, of Irish parentage. 
Education: Ratchffe College, I,eioester, England; 
Dominican scholasticate, TaJlaght, Ireland; Minerva, 
Rome. Entered the Dominican Order 1874; ordained 
1881; missionary in Cork, Limerick, Kilkenny, etc., 
Ireland, 1881-1892; engaged in literary work 1892- 
; editor of "The Irish Rosary", Dubhn, 1907- 
1911; at Holy Cross Priory, Sligo, Ireland, 1912- ; 
lecturer on controversial subjects; has done much by 
his writings to combat proselytism in Dublin. Mem- 
ber of the Royal Irish Academy. Author of: "The 
Friars in the Philippines"; "Ancient Dominican 
Foundations in Ireland"; edited: Stuart, "History of 
Armagh"; O'Heyne, "Irish Dominicans"; contribu- 
tor to: "American Catholic Quarterly Review"; 
"Rosary"; "Irish Rosary"; "Irish Ecclesiastical 
Record"; "Dublin Review"; "Irish Catholic". 

ARTICLES: Armagh; Crolly, William, Archbishop of 
Armagh; Dixon, Joseph, Archbishop of Armagh; Dowdall, 
George, Archbishop of Armagh; Felix III, Saint, Pope; 
Felix of Nola, Saint. 

Coleman, Caryl, b.a., ecclesiologist, b. at Buffalo, 
New York, 1847, son of John Hull Coleman and 
Charlotte Augusta, daughter of Captain Benjamin 
Carvl, U. S. A. Education: private under Theodore 
D. Weld of Bellevue Medical College, New York; 
Canisius College, Buffalo. Convert to the Church 
1868; teacher, Buffalo, 1872-1874; studied ecclesiology 
in Europe 1875-1876; married Nonna Agnes, daughter 
of Charles Black, 1881; further study of ecclesiology 
in England and Belgium 1888; opened Church De- 
partment of Tiffany and Company 1889; head of this 
department 1889-1899; founded Church Glass and 
Decorating Company and became American repre- 
sentative of John Hardman and Company of Birming- 
ham, England, 1899; president of the Church Glass 
and Decorating Company, New York, 1899- 
Author of: "Symbolism in Religious Art" (New 
York, 1899); "A Mark of Honor" (Syracuse, 1903); 
"The Sacred Ciphus" (Syracuse, 1903); "A Day with 
Mary" (New York, 1908); collaborator in Sturgis, 
"Dictionary of Architecture"; contributor of articles 
relating to the decorative arts, symbolism, icon- 
ography, and architecture to: "The Architectural 
Record"; "Messenger of the Sacred Heart". 

ARTICLES: Ambo; Apostle Spoons; Birds (in symbolism); 
Br.\sses, Memorial; Chrismarium; Cosmati Mosaic; Ivory; 
Spire; Stained Glass; Tapestry. 

Collard, Charles Francois Thomas, ll.d., b. 
at Louvain, Belgium, 22 October, 1882. Education: 
College St. Pierre, Louvain; Universities of Louvain, 
Berlin, Bonn, and Zurich. Successively lawyer, 
deputy justice of the peace, deputy royal prosecutor, 
Louvain,LBelgium ; at present deputy royal prosecutor, 
Brussels; private chamberlain of the Cape and Sword 
to Pope Pius X. Has travelled in the interests of 
science in Germany, Holland, Italy, and Switzerland; 
has assisted either as recorder or secretary at the 
Congress of Administrative Sciences, Brussels, 1910; 
Congress of the International Union of Penal Law, 
Brussels, 1910; International Congress of Children's 
Courts, Paris, 1911; Congress for the Protection of 
Former Convicts and Wayward Children, Antwerp, 
1911. Member of: the International Union of Penal 
Law; the Society of Social Economy of Paris; the 
Society of Political Economy of Brussels; the General 
Society of Prisons of France. Author of: "L'Educa- 
tion protectrice de I'enfance en Prusse", with Preface 
by Dr. Krohne of the Prussian Ministry of the 
Interior (Louvain and Leipzig, 1908); "A la recherche 
de rsducation protectrice en Prusse" (Louvain, 
1908); "Les tribunaux sp^ciaux pour enfants" 
(Louvain, 1911); "L'Institution et I'organisation des 
tribunaux sp^ciaux pour enfants" (Louvain, 1911); 
records of various congresses; collaborator in: "An- 
nuaire de legislation Itrangere" (by M. Collard: 
"Notice et traduction de la loi du 13 Juillet, 1907, 
sur le contrat de travail en HoJlande") (Paris, 1908); 
has contributed sociological and economical articles 
to: "La r^forme sociale"; "Revue sociale Catho- 
lique"; "Bulletin bibliographique et p6dagogique du 
Mus6e beige"; "Revue pratique de droit industriel"; 
"Revue de droit p6nal et de criminologie"; "Bulletin 
de I'union Internationale de droit p6nal"; "Jugend- 
wohlfahrt"; "Annuaire de I'Universit^ Catholique de 
Louvain"; "Revue pratique de I'enseignement du 
diocSse de Bruges"; "Bulletin du comiti central du 
travail industriel"; one of the Board of Editors of 
"Revue de droit p6nal et de criminologie". 
ARTICLE: Prisons. 

Collins, Vert Reverend Monsignor Charles 
William, b. at Ellsworth, Maine, 22 July, 1870. 
Education: public schools of Ellsworth and Bangor, 
Maine; Holy Cross College, Worcester, Massachu- 
setts; Grand Seminary, Montreal; St. Sulpice, Paris. 
Ordained 1894; assistant at the Cathedral, Portland, 
Maine, 1894-1899; chancellor of the diocese of 




Portland 1899-1909; rector of St. Martha's Church, 
Kennebunkport, Maine, 1909-1914; rector of St 
Teresa's Church, South Brewer, Maine, 1914^1915 
chaplain, St. Clement's House, Boston, 1915- 
private chamberlain to Pope Pius X. Secretary to 
Bishop O'Connell, of Portland, on the latter's visit to 
Japan as Envoy of Pope Pius X to the Mikado, 1905- 
1906; decorated by the Mikado. Member of: the 
Maine Historical Society; the New England Catholic 
Historical Society; the United States Catholic His- 
torical Society. Author of: "The Acadians of 
Madawaska, Maine"; "Governor Kavanagh of 
ARTICLE: Kavahaqh, Edwakd. 

Condon, Peter, m.a., lawyer, b. in New York, 
1 November, 1850. Education: private schools; St. 
Francis Xavier's College, New York. Married Ellen, 
daughter of John MoCarten; admitted to the Bar 
1872; practising lawyer, resident in New York 1872- 
. Has acted as counsel for various religious and 
benevolent associations; trustee and contributor to 
the United States Catholic Historical Society, Records 
and Studies; contributor to: "Catholic Fortnightly 
Review"; "Christian Mother". 

ARTICLES: Bedini, Cajetajj; Irish, The (in the United 
States); Knownothingism. 

Conington, Very Reverend Monsignor Edward 
Henry, d.d., b. in the County Sligo, 22 July, 1853. 
Education: Maynooth College, Dublin. Ordained 
1876; has been at various times curate, president of 
the Seminary, Achonry, parish priest, vicar-general, 
and dean of the Chapter; former pastor at Emlefad 
and Kilmorgan, Ireland; at present, dean of Achonry, 
vicar forane and pastor of Kiloonduff and Meehck. 
Domestic prelate, 1914. Occasional contributor to 
ARTICLE: Achonkt, Diocese of. 

Connellan, Patrick Laurence, f.r.s.a.i., k.s.g., 
journalist, b. at SUgo, Ireland. Education: Glasgow 
and London. Editorial writer on "The Pilot," 
Boston, Massachusetts, 1869; Roman correspondent 
of: "The Pilot" (Boston), 1869-1899 ; the "Freeman's 
Journal" (DubUn), 1891- ; the "Baltimore Sun", 
1894r-1904; the "Boston Herald" (four years); the 
"Brooklyn Eagle" (three years); various other 
periodic? Is in the British Isles, United States, and 
Australia; resident in Rome. Knight of St. Gregory 
1901; pontifical decorations Pro ecclesia et pontifice 
and Benemerenza. Member of the British and 
American Archaeological Society of Rome; associate of 
the Society for the Veneration of MartjTS. Collabo- 
rator in: "Encyclopaedia Britannioa" (9th ed.); 
contributor to: "Irish Ecclesiastical Record"; 
"American CathoUc Quarterly Review"; "Catholic 
World"; "Messenger"; "Journal of the British and 
American Archasological Society of Rome " ; " Glasgow 

ARTICLES: Aech^eologt, The Commission of Sached; 
Audiences, Pontifical. 

Connolly, Reverend Arthur Theodore, rector, 
church of the Blessed Sacrament, Boston, Massachu- 

ARTICLE: Fitton, James. 

Connolly, George Alotsius, a.m., ll.b., lawyer, 
b. in New York, 18 April, 1873. Education: St. 
Ignatius College, San Francisco; University of Cali- 
ifomia. Instructor in Enghsh, Latin, and Greek, St. 
Ignatius College, San Francisco, 1891-1901; engaged 
in the practice of law, San Francisco, 1902- ; 
member of the Board of Supervisors of San Francisco, 
1908-1910. Knight of Columbus; has held many 
important offices in this organization, among others. 
Grand Knight of San Francisco Council, and State 

Deputy of California; has installed Councils in a large 
ndmber of cities; attended National Conventions of 
Knights of Columbus, Los Angeles, 1905; New Haven, 
1906; Quebec, 1910; his resolutions on Catholic 
Higher Education adopted at Quebec Convention. 
ARTICLE: California. 

Constantius, Brother (Matthias Maria 
Graham), p.s.c, a.m., Ph.D., ll.d., b. at St. Louis, 
10 January, 1852. Education: St. Joseph's School, 
St. Louis; scholasticates of the Christian Brothers, 
Utica and New York; Catholic University, Washing- 
ton; University of Chicago; further studies in 
England and France. Entered the order of Christian 
Brothers 1867; teacher at St. Peter's School, New 
York. 1872-1877; master of novices, Baltimore, 
1878; professor of literature, Manhattan College, 
New York, 1879; professor of philosophy, Uterature 
and higher literary criticism. Rock HiU College, 
Elhcott City, Maryland, 1886-1888; principal. Chris- 
tian Brothers Academy, Albany, New York, 1889- 
1893; professor of philosophy, literature, and higher 
literary criticism, La Salle College, Philadelphia, and 
Christian Brothers College, St. Louis, 1893-1913; 
professor of philosophy, Uterature and higher literary 
criticism, St. Mary's College, Oakland, California, 
1913-1915; professor of philosophy, etc., Rock Hill 
College, Elhcott City, Maryland, 1916- . Mem- 
ber of: the American Mathematical Society; the 
Circolo Matematico di Palermo. Author of: "The 
Young Christian Teacher Encouraged" (2 ed.); 
published a series of readers for the Enghsh Schools 
of Canada; translated in collaboration with Brother 
Azarias: "Management of Christian Schools"; 
"Twelve virtues of a Good Master"; translated and 
revised: "Life of John Baptist de la Salle"; "Manual 
of Piety " ; collaborator in ' ' Cyclopedia of Education " ; 
contributor to: "Catholic World"; "American Catho- 
Uc Quarterly Review" (under name of M. M. Gra- 
ham); "Western Watchman"; "Church Progress"; 
"CathoUc University Bulletin"; "Educational Re- 

ARTICLE: John Baptist de la Salle, Saint. 

Conway, Katherine Eleanor, b. at Rochester, 
New York, daughter of James and Sarah Conway, 
previously of Liverpool. Education: private, under 
Bishop Bernard McQuaid; Convents of the Sacred 
Heart, Rochester, N. Y., and Manhattanville, New 
York; Miss Nardin's Academy, Buffalo. On the 
editorial staff of the "Catholic Union and Times", 
Buffalo, until 1883; successively assistant editor to 
John Boyle O'Reilly and editor, Boston "Pilot", 
1883-1908; editor of the Boston "RepubUc" 1908- 
; adjunct professor, St. Mary's College, Notre 
Dame, Indiana, 1911- . Received the La?tare 
Medal of Notre Dame University, Indiana, 1907. 
President of the John Boyle O'Reilly Reading Circle; 
honorary vice-president of the Children of Mary of 
the Sacred Heart; member of the Boston Authors' 
Club. Author of: "On the Sunrise Slope", poems 
(1881); "Watchwords from John Boyle O'Reilly" 
(1891); "A Dream of Lilies", poems (1893); "The 
Family Sitting Room Series", of which 5 vols, have 
appeared; "A Lady and Her Letters" (1895), "Mak- 
ing Friends and Keeping Them" (1895), "Questions 
of Honor in the Christian Life" (1896), "Bettering 
Ourselves" (1899) and "The Christian Gentle- 
woman" (1904); "New Footsteps in Well Trodden 
Ways" (1899); "The Way of the World and Other 
Wavs", novel (1900); "Lalor's Maples", novel 
(1901); "In the Footprints of the Good Shepherd" 
(1907); "The Woman Who Never Did Wrong", 
short stories (1909); "The Story of a Beautiful 
Childhood" (1909); collaborator with Clara Erskine 
Clement in "Christian Symbols and Stories of the 
Saints" (1886). 

ARTICLE: O'Reilly, John Boyls. 




Cooreman, Right Reverend Joseph, s.j., b. at 
Ghent, Belgium, 5 February, 1861. Education: 
College Sainte-Barbe, Ghent; Jesuit scholasticates of 
Stonyhurst, Innsbruck and Louvain. Entered the 
Society of Jesus 1879; ordained 1893; appointed to 
the Ceylon Mission, diocese of GaUe, 1895; at present 
vicar-general and general manager of CathoUc 
Schools, diocese of Galle, Ceylon. Member of the 
Board of Education of Ceylon since 1910. Collabo- 
rator in: Sommervogel, " Biblioth^ques des Ecrivains 
de la Compagnie de Jesus". 

ARTICLE: Galle, Diocese of. 

Coppens, Rbvebend Chables, s.j., b. at Turn- 
hout, Belgium, 24 May, 1835. Education; Jesuit 
CoUege, Turnhout; Jesuit scholasticates, St. Louis, 
Missouri, and Fordham, New York. Entered the 
Society of Jesus 1853; ordained by Cardinal 
McCloskey 1865; has at various times taught Classics, 
philosophy, and the history of philosophy at Jesuit 
scholasticates and colleges at Florissant, Missouri, 
St. Louis, Cincinnati, Detroit, Omaha and Chicago; 
president of St. Mary's CoUege, St. Mary's, Kansas, 
1881-1884; professor of literature, St. Ignatius Col- 
lege (now Loyola University), Chicago, 1908- 
Author of: "Introduction to Enghsh Rhetoric" (New 
York, 1885); "Oratorical Composition" (New York, 
1886); "Logic and Metaphysics" (New York, 1892); 
"Moral Philosophy" (New York, 1896); "Moral 
Principles and Medical Practice" (New York, 1898); 
"The Living Church of the Living God" (New York, 
1902) ; "A Systematic Study of the Cathohc Religion" 
(St. Louis, 1903); "Mystic Treasures of the Holy 
Mass" (St. Louis, 1904); "Protestanism, How It 
Was Brought About" (St. Louis, 1907); "Choice 
Morsels of the Bread of Life" (London, 1909); "A 
Brief History of Philosophy" (New York, 1909); 
"Who Are the Jesuits?" (St. Louis, 1911); contribu- 
tor to: "American Catholic Quarterly Review"; 
"American Ecclesiastical Review"; "Messenger"; 
"Messenger of the Sacred Heart"; "Men and 
Women"; various Catholic newspapers. 

ARTICLES: Abortion; Direction, Spiritual; Examina- 
tion OF Conscience. 

Coppieters, Vert Reverend Canon Honor6 
Joseph, s.t.d., b. at Overmeire, Belgium, 30 March, 
1874. Education: College of Eecloo, Preparatory 
Seminary of Saint-Nicolas, Seminary of Ghent, and 
University of Louvain, Belgium. Ordained 1899; 
professor of Hebrew and Holy Scripture, Louvain 
University, 1902- ; canon of the cathedral, Ghent. 
Author of: "De historia textus actorum Aposto- 
lorum", dissertation for doctorate (Louvain, 1902); 
"Psalmorum versio latina ex hebraico textu ope 
versionum et aliorum subsidiorum criticorum non- 
nunquam correcto", 2 vols. (Louvain, 1905, 1906); 
"Evangehorum secundum Matthseum, Marcum et 
Lucam Synopsis juxta Vulgatam editionem", in 
collaboration with Camerlynck (Bruges, 1908; 2nd 
ed. 1910); collaborator in D'Ales, " IDictionnaire 
apologfitique de la Foi Cathohque" (Paris); con- 
tributor to: "Revue biblique"; "Revue d'histoire 
eocliSsiastique " ; "Revue biblique Internationale"; 
"Dietsche Warande en Belfort"; "New York 
Review"; "Ons Geloof"; "American College Bul- 
ARTICLES: Apostles; Apostolic Churches; Evangeliaria. 

Copus, Reverend John Edwin, s.j., b. at Guild- 
ford, England, 24 January, 1854, collateral descendant 
of Fathers Nicholas and Allen Copus, prisoners in the 
Tower under EUzabeth; d. at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 
12 June, 1915. Education: Archbishop Abbot's and 
Dr. Lydgate's Schools, Guildford; St. Louis Univer- 
sity, St. Louis, Missouri; Woodstock College, Wood- 
stock, Maryland. Journalist twelve years; became a 
CathoUo 1877; entered the Society of Jesus 1887; 

ordained 1899; held the posts of professor of the 
academic course and of Enghsh Mterature at various 
times at Marquette College, Milwaukee, St. Ignatius 
College, Chicago, Illinois, and Creighton University, 
Omaha, Nebraska; director of the School of Journal- 
ism, Marquette University, Milwaukee, 1910-1915. 
Former member of Wisconsin Archaeological Society; 
Illinois Cathohc Writers' Guild; Milwaukee Branch, 
National Advertisers' Club. Author of: "Harry 
Russell"; "St. Cuthbert's"; "Shadows Lifted"; 
"Tom Loseley: Boy"; "The Making of Mortlake"; 
"As Gold in the Furnace"; "The Son of Siro"; 
"Andros of Ephesus"; contributor to: "Our Young 
People"; "Catholic Youth"; "The Writer"; 
"Judicious Advertising"; "Cathohc World"; "True 
Voice"; "New World"; "CathoUc Sun"; "Rosary". 
ARTICLE: Universities: United States-Marquette Uni- 

Corbett, Reverend John, s.j., b. at Brooklyn, 
New York, 23 March, 1869. Education: St. Peter's 
Academy and St. John's CoUege, Brooklyn; Bene- 
dictine CoUege, Sarnen, Switzerland; University of 
Innsbruck; Woodstock College, Maryland. Entered 
the Society of Jesus 1888; lecturer on German Utera- 
ture, Georgetown CoUege, Washington, 1894-1899; 
ordained 1901; professor of Sacred Scripture and 
Hebrew, Woodstock College, Maryland, 1904-1908; 
associate editor of "The Messenger" 1908-1909; 
associate editor of "The Messenger of the Sacred 
Heart" 1909-1911; editor 1911-1913; once more 
associate editor 1913- ; resident in New York. 

ARTICLES: Accommodation, Biblical; Barradas, Sebas- 
TiAo; Berthier, Guillaume-Francois; Besange, Jerome 
Lamy; Besoigne, J^r6me; Betharan; Bethdagon; Bethel; 
BiBLiA Pauperum; Biblical Commission, The; Carbonelle, 
Ignatius; Cornoldi, Giovanni Maria; David, King; Em- 
broidery; Gradual Psalms. 

Cordier, Henri, D.Litt, b. at New Orleans, 
Louisiana, 8 Aug., 1849. Education: Paris. Has 
held the posts of secretary of the Chinese Educational 
Mission and professor at the School of Pohtioal 
Sciences, Paris; professor at the School of Oriental 
Languages, Paris, since 1881. Past president of the 
Council of the Soci^t^ de Geographic, Paris; member 
of the Council of the Soci6te Asiatique; hon. member 
of the Royal Asiatic Society; hon. corr. member of 
the Royal Geographical Society; hon. member of the 
Royal Society of Literature; president of the Soci6t6 
de Bibliographie; secretary of the Section on Historical 
and Descriptive Geography, Commission on Historic 
and Scientific Works (France) ; member of the Institut 
de France; Chinese Mandarin. Author of: "Cata- 
logue of the Library of the North China Branch of 
the Royal Asiatic Society" (Shanghai, 1872); "A 
Narrative of the Recent Events in Tong-king" 
(Shanghai, 1875); "Bibhotheca Sinica: Dictionnaire 
bibUographique des ouvrages relatifs fl I'Empire 
Chinois" (Paris, 1881-1885, 2 vols.; SuppL, 1893- 
1895; 2 eds., 1904-1908, 4 vols.); "Les Voyages en 
Asie au XlVe sifecle du bienheureux frere Odoric de 
Pordenone" (Pans, 1891); "Histoire des relations de 
la Chine avec les Puissances Occidentales " (Paris, 
1901-1902), 3 vols.; "L'Exp6dition de Chine de 1857- 
58" (Paris, 1905); " L'Exp6dition de Chine de 1860" 
(Paris, 1906); "La Chine en France auXVIIIesiScle" 
(Paris, 1910); "Bibhotheca Indo-Sinica" (Paris, 1913- 
); edited: 3rd edition of Yule, "The Book of Ser 
Marco Polo", 2 vols. (London, 1903); new edition of 
Yule, "Cathay and the Way Thither" (London, 
1913); etc.; editor of "Tsung Pao, a Review on Far 
Eastern matters" (Leyden, 1890- ). 

ARTICLES: China; Gaubil, Antoine; Hong-Kong; Hue, 
EvARiSTE R^gib; Manchuria; Martyrs, The Ten Thousand; 
Mongolia; Taoism; Tibet; Turkestan. 

Corley, John Louis, ll.b., lawyer and lecturer, 
b. at MiUwood, Missouri, 25 September, 1876. 
Education: Notre Dame University, Indiana. At 




? resent engaged in the practice of law; resident in St. 
lOuis, Mo. 
ABTICLE: Misbouki. 

Cormack, Reverend George, i.e., b. at Aber- 
deen, Scotland, 23 April, 1848. Education: Blairs 
College, Aberdeen; Scots College, Valladolid, Spain; 
Rosminian scholasticates, Domodossola and Stresa, 
Italy. Entered the Institute of Charity; professed 
1870; ordained 1875; attached to St. Mary's, Lough- 
borough, 1877-1879; to St. Peter's, Cardiff, with one 
year's absence, 1879-1901; editor of "St. Peter's 
Chair" 1887-1899; headmaster, St. Joseph's High 
School, Cardiff, 1881-1883; rector, St. Peter's, Cardiff, 
1899-1901; at St. Etheldreda's, London, 1901-1909; 
at present chaplain to the Sisters of Providence, 
Loughborough, England. Has travelled in the Holy 
Land for the purpose of gospel study; founder of the 
magazine "St. Peter's Chair". Author of: "Our 
Lord on Earth"; "Our Lord in the Gospels"; "Life 
of St. Machar"; "Father Gentih, i.e."; first versifier 
in English of the French legend "Our Lady's Tum- 
bler" ; re-edited Keenan's "Controversial Catechism". 

ABTICLE: Rosmihi akd Rosmihianism. 

Cossio, Vert Reverend Monsignor ALtriGi, 
D.D., S.S.D., J.U.D., b. at Cividale del FriuU, Italy, 
1874. Education: Seminary, Udine, Italy; Univer- 
sity of Padua under Alessi; University of Freiburg, 
Baden, Germany, accompanied by a letter of recom- 
mendation from Cardinal Sarto, afterwards Pope 
Pius X, under Kraus, Hoberg, and Heiner; further 
studies at Tubingen, Stuttgart, and Fribourg, 
Switzerland, under Weiss, Berthier, and Stephens. 
Ordained 1897; at various times missionary to 
Itahans in different parts of Europe; hbrarian of St. 
Bede's College, Manchester, England; Dante Society 
lecturer, Victoria University, Manchester; professor 
of Christian archaeology and the history of art, 
UphoUand College, Walthew Park, England; lecturer 
before the Dante Societies of Dublin, Liverpool, 
Manchester, and Queen's College, London; Apostolic 
visitor for the Seminaries of Sardinia; formerly official 
of the Sacred Congregation of the Consistory, Rome; 
ApostoUc visitor to the Seminary, Tivoli, Italy, 1913, 
at present, auditor of the Apostolic Delegation to the 
United States ; resident in Washington, D. C. Visited 
the Universities of Bonn, Berlin, Kiel, Copenhagen, 
Lund, Upsala, and Munich for purposes of literary 
research. Author of: "Cardinal Cajetan"; "The 
Vita Nuova of Dante"; "The ArchEcology of Art in 
Dante"; "The Doctrine of Art in Dante"; "Art in 
Dante and his Artistic Preparation"; "The Laudi 
MS. of Manchester"; "Virgil"; "St. Peter in Rome"; 
essays on Italian, Classic, Irish, and Romance litera- 
tures; pubhshed a new edition of alt the works of 
Dante; contributor to: "The Antiquary"; "II 
Giomale dantesco"; French and German periodicals. 

ABTICLES : Paulenus II, Pathiarch of Aquileia; Titulus. 

Cotter, Reverend Anthony Charles, s.j., b. at 
Ainried, Bavaria, Germany, 21 September, 1879. 
Education: Gymnasium, Freising, Germany; Jesuit 
scholasticates, Prairie-du-Chien, Wisconsin, and 
Woodstock, Maryland. Entered the Society of 
Jesus 1899; professor at Canisius College, Buffalo, 
New York, 1905-1910; ordained 1913; professor of 
philosophy, Woodstock College, Woodstock, Md., 
1916- . Author of "Latin Exercise Book". 

ARTICLES: Stattler, Benedict; Tamburini, Michelan- 
gelo; Tanner, Adam; Tanner, Matthias; Wells in Sckiptube; 
Weninger, Francis Xavier. 

Cotter, Reverend James M., s.j., Manresa 
Institute, Keyser Island, South Norwalk, Connecticut. 
ARTICLE: Barreira, Balthasar. 

Coudert, Most Reverend Antont, o.m.i., d.d., 
Archbishop of Colombo, Ceylon, b. at Manglieu, 

France, 19 March, 1861. Education: College of 
Billom and Seminary of Montferrand, France. 
Ordained and entered the order of Oblates of Mary 
Immaculate 1886; missionary, archdiocese of 
Colombo, Ceylon, 1886-1898; Coadjutor Bishop with 
right of succession 1898-1905; Archbishop of Colombo 
ARTICLE: Colombo. 

Courson, Barbara Frances Mart Neave de 
(CoMTESSE Roger de CotrBSON), writer, b.^ at 
Naples, Italy, 1849, of EngHsh parents. Education: 
Convent of the Sacred Heart, Amiens, France. 
Married to the Comte de Courson 1886; writer, 
interested chiefly in the Revolution period of French 
history and in the persecution of EngUsh Catholics 
under EUzabeth and the Stuarts; resident in Paris. 
Member of the Lyceum Club of Paris. Author of: 
"The Jesuits, Their Foundation and History" 
(.London, 1879); "Quatre portraits de femmes" 
f Paris, 1895); "La persecution des Catholiques" 
(Paris, 1898); the last two crowned by the French 
Academy; pamphlets for the Catholic Truth Society; 
contributor to: "Dublin Review"; "The Month"; 
"The Guardian"; "The PaU Mall Magazine"; 
"Catholic Fireside"; "Cathohc World"; "Ave 
Maria"; "East and West"; "Modern Review"; 
"Revue des Deux Mondes"; "Correspondant"; 
"Revue Hebdomadaire " ; "Revue G6n6rale"; 
"Revue Mame"; "Contemporains". 

ARTICLES: Commune, Martyrs of the Paris. 

Coyle, MoiRA K. (Mrs. Thomas Kennedt). 

ARTICLES: Bismarck, Diocese of; Cali, Diocese of; Fiji, 
Vicariate Apostolic of; Kearney, Diocese of; Kottayam, 
Vicariate Apostolic of; Porto Alegre, Archdiocese of; 
Streber, Hermann; Zita's Home for Friendless Women. 

Cram, Ralph Adams, Litt.D., architect, b. at 
Hampton Falls, New Hampshire, 16 December, 1863. 
Education: Westford Academy, Westford, Massachu- 
setts; high school, Exeter, New Hampshire. Art 
critic, "Boston Transcript", 1885-1887; practising 
architect, member of the firm of Cram, Goodhue, and 
Ferguson, of Boston and New York (originally Cram 
and Wentworth, and later Cram, Wentworth, and 
Goodhue), 1887- ; editor, "Christian Art", 1907- 
1909; chairman of the Committee on Education, 
American Institute of Architects, 1907- ; super- 
vising architect of Princeton University; lecturer in 
architecture. Harvard University. Founder of, 
"Christian Art"; architect (with firm) of the new 
Mihtary Academy, West Point, and of St. Thomas's 
Episcopal Church, New York, etc. Fellow and past 
vice-president, American Institute of Architects; 
fellow and past president, Boston Society of Archi- 
tects; feUow of: the North British Academy of Art: 
the Royal Geographical Society, London; vice-presi- 
dent of the American Federation of Arts; member of; 
the Architectural Association of London; the Archi- 
tectural Club; the Copley Society; the Boston 
Authors' Club; the Architectural League of New 
York; the New York Historical Society; honorary 
member of the Detroit Society of Fine Arts; member 
and . one of the governors of the Puritan Club of 
Boston. Author of: "The Decadent" (out of print); 
"Black Spirits and White" (out of print); "Church 
Building" (Boston, 1901; 2nd ed. 1914); "The 
Ruined Abbeys of Great Britain" (New York, 1906); 
"Impressions of Japanese Architecture and the Alhed 
Arts" (New York, 1906); "The Gothic Quest" (New 
York, 1907); "ExcaHbur" (Boston, 1908); "American 
Country Houses of Today" (New York, 1913); 
"Ministry of Art" (New York, 1914); "Heart of 
Europe" (New York, 1915); contributor to: "The 
Century _ Magazine"; "The Atlantic Monthly"; 
"Catholic World"; various architectural magazines. 

ARTICLES: Gothic Architecture; Narthex; Nave; 
Niche; Palladio, Andrea. 




Cratin, Sister Magdalen. 

ARTICLE: Oblate Sisters of Providence. 

Creagh, Reverend John Thomas, a.m., s.t.l., 
J.U.D., LL.B. Education: grammar and high schools, 
Wakefield, Massachusetts; Boston College; St. John's 
Seminary, Brighton, Massachusetts; Roman Semi- 
nary. Assistant professor (1897-1899), associate 
professor (1899-1906) and professor (1906-1913) of 
canon law, CathoHc University, Washington, D. C; 
rector, St. Aidan's, BrookUne, Massachusetts, 1913. 

ARTICLES : Administrator (of Ecclesiastical Property) ; 
Benefice; Bouix, Marie Dominique. 

Cret, Paul Philippe, o.a., sc.d., architect, b. at 
Lyons, France, 23 October, 1876. Education: Lyc^e 
of Bourg; School of Fine Arts, Lyons; School of Fine 
Arts, Paris. Professor of Design, University of 
Pennsylvania, 1903- ; instructor, Pennsylvania 
Academy of the Fine Arts, 1904—1907; married 
Marguerite Lahalle, 1905; served in the French army 
191^1916. Architect dipldmi of the French Govern- 
ment. Architect, with Albert Kelsey, of the Pan- 
American Union Building, Washington, Valley Forge 
memorial arch, etc. Paris prize, 1896; Rougevin 
prize, 1901 ; grand medal of emulation, School of Fine 
Arts, Paris, 1901; 2nd prize, Concours Chenavard, 
1903; gold medal. Salon des Champs Elysdes, Paris, 
1903; has frequently served as judge of competitions 
held under auspices of American Institute of Archi- 
tects. Member of: the American Institute of 
Architects; Art Jury, Philadelphia; the Sigma Xi, 
University of Pennsylvania. Contributor to: "Archi- 
tectural Record"; "American Architect"; "The 

ARTICLES: Animals in Christian Art. 

Creutzberg, Heinkich Atjgitst, ph.D., professor 
and historian, b. at Krefeld on the Rhine, Germany, 
20 January, 1884. Education: Gymnasium, Krefeld; 
Universities of Bonn, Freiburg-im-Breisgau, Munich, 
and Grenoble. Is engaged in teaching and historical 
research. Author of "Karl von Miltiltz" (Freiburg, 
1907) ; contributor of reviews to various periodicals. 

ARTICLE: George the Bearded. 

Crimmins, John Daniel, contractor, b. in New 
York, 18 May, 1844, son of Thomas and Johanna 
(O'Keefe) Crimmins. Education: public schools and 
CoUege of St. Francis Xavier, New York. Married 
Lily Louise Lalor (d. 1888); partner in his father's 
contracting business, 1864; head of the firm, 1873- 

; park commissioner of New York, 1883-1888; 
presidential elector (democratic), 1892, 1904, 1908; 
president, Essex and Hudson Land Improvement 
Co., vice-president and director: N. Y. Mortgage 
and Security Co.; Broadway Safe Deposit Co.; 
Title Ins. Co. of N. Y.; director: Fifth Ave. Bank; 
Central-Hudson Steamboat Co.; Chelsea Realty 
Co.; U. S. Realty and Improvement Co.; Pa. Tunnel 
and Terminal R. R. Co.; treasurer: Board of Trustees 
of St. Patrick's Cathedral; Friendly Sons of St. 
Patrick; trustee: Catholic University of America; 
Seton Sanatorium; St. John's Day Nursery; Provident 
Loan Ass.; member of: the Board of Directors of the 
Cathohc Encyclopedia; the Board of Managers of St. 
Vincent's Hospital, Soc. for the Reformation of 
Juvenile Delinquents, Amer. S. P. C. A.; patron of 
the Museum of Natural History; member of: Metro- 
politan Museum of Art, Amer. Geographical Soc, 
fellow for life of Amer. Fine Arts Soc; created Knight 
Commander of the Order of St. Gregory the Great, 
by Pope Leo XIII, 1901. Author of: "Early Cele- 
brations of St. Patrick's Day in America" (1902); 
"Irish American Historical Miscellany" (1905); 
contributor to various periodicals. 

Crimont, Vert Reverend Joseph Raphael, 
S.J., b. at FerriSres, France, 2 February, 1858. 

Education: College of La Providence, Amiens; Jesuit 
scholasticates, Amiens, Jersey, and Woodstock, Mary- 
land. Entered the Society of Jesus 1875; teacher at 
the College of St. Servais, Li6ge, Belgium; ordained 
1888; missionary and superior, Crow Indian Reser- 
vation, St. Xavier'Sj Montana, 1890-1893; stationed 
at Holy Cross Mission, Yukon River, Alaska, 1893- 
1896; superior 1896-1901; president,[Gonzaga College, 
Spokane, Washington, 1901-1904; Prefect Apostolic 
of Alaska, resident at Juneau and Fairbanks, 1904. 

ARTICLE: Alaska. 

Crivelli, Reverend Camillus, s.j., b. at Chiusa 
Pesio, Piedmont, Italy, 18 July, 1874. Education: 
primary studies in Monaco; Collegium Maximum, 
Tortosa, Spain; St. Louis University, St. Louis, 
Missouri. Entered the Society of Jesus 1888; 
ordained 1894; at various times professor of mechan- 
ics, cosmography, botany, and general history, 1898- 
1901; former prefect at the Scientific Institute, 
Mexico City, Mexico; professor of philosophy and of 
Mexican and general history, St. Joseph's College, 
Guadalajara, Mexico, 1911-1913; rector. Sacred Heart 
CoUege, Puebla, Mexico, 1913-; . Author of: "II 
Transformismo ; collaborator in: Huby, "Christus", 
2nd ed . (by Father Crivelli : ' ' Religion of the Aztecs ") ; 
contributor to: "Anales del Museo nacional de 
arqueologia, historia, y etnologia" (Mexico City). 

ARTICLES: Eguiara t Eguren, Juan Jos^; Figueroa, 
Francisco GarcIa de la Rosa; G6mara, Francisco L6pez de; 
Herrera t Tordesillas, Antonio de; Hidalgo, Miguel; 
IxTLiLxocHiTL, Fernando DE Alba ; MartIn, Eneico; Mendi- 
BURN, Manuel de; Mendieta, Jer6nimo; Mexico; Molina, 
Alonso de; Morelos, Jos^ MarIa; Motilinia, Toribio de 
Benavente; Periodical Literature, Catholic (Mexico) ; Piz- 
ZARo, Francisco; Quer^taro; Saltillo; Sinaloa; Sonora; 
Tabasco; Tamaulipas; Tbhuantbpec; Tepic; Tlaxcala; Tu- 
LANCiNGo; Ulloa, Francisco de; Urdaneta, Andres; Vera 
Cruz ; YucatAn, Archdiocese of ; Zacatecas ; Zamora ; 
ZumXrraga, Juan de. 

Croft, Right Reverend Monsignor William, 
b. at Liverpool, 14 October, 1836. Education: St. 
Francis Xavier's College, Liverpool; English College, 
Lisbon, at the same time as Bishop Brindle of Not- 
tingham. Ordained 1860; professor of Classics, 
English CoUege, Lisbon, 1860-1865; rector at Boston, 
Lincolnshire, England, 1865-1871; rector at Work- 
sop, Nottinghamshire, 1871-1875; missionary rector 
at Lincoln 1875- ; vicar-general of the diocese of 
Nottingham 1901- ; protonotary Apostolic 1905; 

Erovost of Nottingham Chapter. As rector at 
lincoln has built new church. Presbytery, Parish 
Hall and additions to school. Author of an " Histori- 
cal Account of the English CoUege, Lisbon", and of a 
pamphlet against the continuity of the English 
ARTICLE: Nottingham, Diocebe of. 

Crofton, Katherine, b. at New London, Con- 
necticut, 27 March, 1889. Education: Convent of 
the Sacred Heart, Manhattan viUe, New York. 
Assistant librarian, Columbus Branch, New York 
PubHc Library, 1909-1910; Ubrarian, The Encyclo- 
pedia Press, Inc., 1910- 

ARTICLE: Pahahtba, Diocese of. 

Cronin, Right Reverend Monsignor Charles 
John, d.d. Education: St. Wilfrid's College, Oak- 
amoor, England; Oscott CoUege, Birmingham; 
English College and Gregorian University, Rome. 
Ordained 1893; mission priest, diocese of Birming- 
ham, 1894-1898; vice-rector, EngUsh College, Rome, 
1898-1914; stationed at Oscott College, Birmingham, 
England, 1914^ ; private chamberlain to His 
HoUness 1907; procurator apud Romanam Curiam 
for several dioceses. Member of St. Bede's Society, 
Birmingham. Author of: "The New Matrimonial 
Legislation" (Rome, 1908; 3 eds.); collaborator in 
"History of ReUgions" (by Mgr. Cronin: "The 












Council of Trent"), 5 vols. (London and St. Louis, 
1910-1911); contributor to: "Rome"; "American 
Ecclesiastical Review". 

ARTICLES: English Collecb, The, in Rome; Petitions 
TO THE Holt See. 

Crow, Vert Reverend Canon Frederick Aidan, 
O.S.B., b. at Louth, Lincolnshire. England, 29 July, 
1863. Education: King Edward's Grammar School, 
Louth; Ampleforth College, York; St. Michael's 
Priory, Hereford. Entered the Benedictine Order 
1887; ordained 1895; procurator of Ampleforth Abbey 
1895-1898; served missions of Benedictine Order 
1898-1906; secretary to the Bishop of Newport 1906- 
1911; rector of St. Mary's, Merthyr Tydvil, Wales, 
1911-1912; stationed at Belmont Priory, Hereford, 
England, 1912-1915; at Bishop's House, Llanishen, 
Cardiff, Wales, 1915- ; canon of the diocese of 

ARTICLE: Newport (England), Diocese of. 

Crowley, Reverend Timothy J., c.s.c, b.a., 
Ph.D., b. at KihnaUock, Ireland, 16 January, 1880. 
Education: Ecole Ste. Croix, Le Vesinet near Paris; 
Notre Dame University, Indiana; CathoUc Univer- 
sity, Washington. Entered the Congregation of the 
Holy Cross 1902; ordained 1906; engaged in mission- 
ary work at Dacca, India, 1907- 

ARTICLE: Asses, Feast of. 

Crowley, Vert Reverend Timothy Leonard, 
O.P., b. at Boston, Massachusetts, 2 December, 1878. 
Education: Quincy School, Boston; Boston College; 
Dominican College, Washington. Entered the Domin- 
ican Order 1900; instructor in Enghsh, St. Patrick's 
College, Columbus, Ohio, 1903-1906; ordamed 1906; 
attached to St. Antoninus' s Church, Newark, New 
Jersey, 1906-1907; once more instructor in Enghsh, 
St. Patrick's College (Aquinas College since 1911), 
Columbus, Ohio, 1907-1912; prior, St. Louis Ber- 
trand's, Louisville, Kentucky, 1912- . Author of 
"Songs, Sonnets and Essays" (in collaboration with 
Reverend D. L. Crowley, ll.d.) (1912); has contrib- 
uted poems to: "Sacred Heart Review"; "Rosary 
Magazine"; "Catholic Columbian". 
ARTICLE: Albertini, Nicol6. 

Crowley, William J., b. in Boston, Massachusetts, 
August, 1864. Education: pubhc and high schools, 
Boston. Entered publishing house of D. Appleton 
and Company at an early age, in charge of various 
departments up to 1902; president. New Netherlands 
Publishmg Company, New York, 1902-1905; at 
present sales manager. The Encyclopedia Press, Inc. 
One of the organizers and directors of the Robert 
Appleton Company, Inc. for the pubUcation of "The 
Cathohc Encyclopedia", 1905. Member of the Holy 
Name Society and Knight of Columbus. 

Crowne, J. Vincent, a.M:, ph.n. 

ARTICLES: Bagshaw, Chbistopher; Baldeeic, or Batjdhy, 
Bishop of Dol; Barbour, John; Barclay, John; Barrow, 
John; Bassett, Joshua; Bedingfield, Frances; Benedict, of 
Peterborough, Abbot; Boece, Hector; Bradshaw, Henry; 
Brinkley, Stephen; Brookes, James, Bishop op Gloucester; 
C^DMON, Saint. 

Cudahy, Michael, former director "The Catholic 

CuUen, John Baptist, writer, b. at New Ross, 
Co. Wexford, Ireland, 27 September, 1846. Educa- 
tion: Clongowes Wood CoUege, Ireland. Engaged in 
literary pursuits and historical research; resident at 
Dublin. Member of the Royal Society of Antiqua- 
ries of Ireland. Author of pamphlets for the 
CathoUc Truth Society of Ireland; "The Life of 
Venerable Mother Javouhey", translation from the 
French; contributor of articles on Irish history, 
hagiology, and art to: "Irish Ecclesiastical Record ; 

"Irish Messenger of the Sacred Heart"; local papers 
of Counties Wexford and Meath; various American 
Catholic periodicals. 

ARTICLES: Eimhim, Saint; Eithne, Saint (2); Eustace, 
Saint; Eustace, Maurice; Holy Cross Abbey. 

Cummings, Reverend Thomas Francis, a.b., 
D.D., b. at Worcester, Massachusetts, 30 March, 1873. 
Education: grammar and high schools and Holy Cross 
CoUege, Worcester; Grand Seminary, Montreal, 
Canada; Minerva, and Propaganda, P^ome. Ordained 
1898; assistant at St. Francis Church, Torrington, 
Connecticut, 1900-1905, at Holy Cross Church, 
Holyoke, Massachusetts, 1905-1912, and at the 
cathedral, Springfield, Massachusetts, 1912- 

ARTICLE: Springfield, Diocese of. 

Cunningham, Reverend Joseph Andrew, of 
the Society of St. Joseph for Forcing Missions, b. in 
Dalton-in-Furness, 16 November, 1865. Education: 
preparatory studies at Kelvedon, Essex, England; 
St. Joseph's College, Mill Hill, London. Pro- 
fessor at Freshfield College near Liverpool, 1887- 
1889^ entered the Society of St. Joseph for 
Foreign Missions 1880; ordained 1889; missionary in 
India, successively rector, St. Thomas's College, 
Murree, and military chaplain, Peshawar, North 
India, 1889-1912; stationed at Cloakham House, 
Axminster, England, 1912-1914; at St. Joseph's 
College, Mill HiU, London, 1914- . Author of: 
"A Clerical ChrysaUs"; "Reflections of Colonel W. 
Pegh"; "A Simple Catechism for North India"; 
contributor to Cathohc periodicals. 

ARTICLE: Kafihistan and Kashmir, Prefecture Apos- 
tolic OF. 

Cunningham, Reverend William M., b. at 
SUgo, Ireland, 1862. Education: St. Edmund's 
College, Ware, England; St. Thomas's Seminary, 
Hammersmith, London. Ordained 1886; formerly 
engaged in parish work at Arundel, Sussex, and 
Bermondsey, London, England; rector. Church of St. 
Thomas of Canterbury, Sevanoaks, Kent, England, 
1892- ; assistant inspector of schools (1898-1908) 
and secretary and chancellor (1908-1909), diocese of 
Southwark, London; rector, church of St. Thomas of 
Canterbury, Sevenoaks, England, 1909- ; hono- 
rary secretary, treasurer and editor of the "Book 
Lists", St. Anselm's Society. Founder (1891) and 
editor (1891-1896) of "PastoraUa"; built new church 
at Sevenoaks, 1896; editor of "St. Anselm's Review", 
1897-1900. Author of " Horailetical Sermon Sketches 
on the Sunday Epistles" (London, 1895). 

ARTICLE: Southwark, Diocese of. 

Curley, Charles F., a.b., ll.b., lawyer. Educa- 
tion: Georgetown University; Harvard University. 
Practising lawyer, resident at Wilmington, Delaware. 

ARTICLE: Delaware. 

Curran, Hon. John Joseph, b.c.l., ll.d., k.c, 
b. at Montreal, Canada, 22 February, 1842, son of 
Charles Curran, of Co. Down, and Sarah Kennedy, 
of Co. Wexford, Ireland, and brother of Brother 
Noah, p.s.c; d. at Montreal, 1 October, 1909. 
Education: St. Mary's College, Montreal; St. Joseph's 
College, Ottawa, Canada; McGill University, Mont- 
real. Admitted to the Bar 1863; married Mary 
Elizabeth, daughter of Patrick Brennan, of Montreal, 
1865; Queen's Counsel of Quebec 1878, and of Canada 
1881; member for Montreal Centre of the Canadian 
House of Commons (three terms) 1882-1895; professor 
and vice-dean, law Faculty, Ottawa University, 
Ottawa, 1892; at various times: one of the directors 
of the "True Witness" Pubhshing Company, Fire 
Commissioner of Montreal, and Secretary of the 
Crown for the ConsoUdation of the General Statistics 
of Quebec; Solicitor General of Canada successively 
under the Thompson and BoweU ministries, 1892- 




1895; puisne judge of the Superior Court, Province of 
Quebec, Canada, 1895-1909; conservative in politics. 
Contested Shefford against L. S. Huntington for 
Canadian House of Commons, 1876; presented with 
a purse of $7000, chiefly by the citizens of Montreal, 
in acknowledgement of his services as member of 
Parliament, 1890; delegate to Irish Race Convention, 
DubUn, 1896; former president of St. Patrick's 
Society; in appreciation of his many services as a 
citizen, his name given to bridge over the Lachine 
Canal, WeUington Street, Montreal; former president, 
Ottawa University Alumni Association; noted judge 
and orator. Former member of : the Knights of Colum- 
bus; the CathoHe Mutual Benefit Association; presi- 
dent of the Holy Name Society. Edited: "Golden 
Jubilee of the Reverend Fathers Dowd and Toupin" 
(Montreal, 1887); "Golden Jubilee of St. Patrick's 
Orphan Asylum" (Montreal, 1902); contributor to 
various periodicals. 

ARTICLES: Anglin, Timothy WAHiiEN; Cemetery, Cana- 
dian Legislation Concerning. 

Currier, Right Reverend Chakles Wakeen 
D.D.^ Ph.D., b. in St. Thomas Island, Danish West 
Indies, 22 March, 1857. Education: Roermond and 
Wittem, Holland. Ordained 1880; at various times 
missionary in South America and in the United 
States, lecturer, parish priest, professor of Latin, 
philosophy, etc.; lecturer, collector, and assistant. 
Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions, Washington, 
D. C, 1905-1913; Bishop of Matanzas, Cuba, 1913- 
1915; resigned, appointed titular Bishop of Hetalonia, 
1915; resident at Washington, D. C. Appointed 
Bishop of Zamboanga, PhiUppine Islands, but 
declined, 1910; represented the United States Govern- 
ment (on one occasion Vice-President), various 
International Congresses of Americanists. Member 
of: American Oriental Society; Washington Society 
of Fine Arts; Spanish American Atheneum. Author 
of: "Carmel in America" (Baltimore, 1890); "History 
of Rehgious Orders" (New York, 1894) ; "Church and 
Saints" (New York, 1897); "Dimitrios and Irene" 
(Baltimore, 1893); "The Rose of Alhama" (New 
York, 1895); "A child of Mary" (Boston, 1897); 
"The Mass" (Baltimore, 1898); "Divinity of Christ" 
(Baltimore, 1898); "Cuba, What Shall We Do with 
It?" (Baltimore, 1898); "Lands of the Southern 
Cross" (Washington, 1911); contributor to: "Dona- 
hoe's Magazine"; "Conservative Review"; "Ameri- 
can Ecclesiastical Review"; "New York Recorder"; 

"New York Freeman's Journal"; "Catholic Mirror"; 
"Orphan's Bouquet"; "Boston Herald"; "American 
Cathohc Quarterly Review"; "New Century"; 
"Carmelite Review"; "Ave Maria"; "Annals of Our 
Lady of the Sacred Heart"; "Cathohc World"; 
"Forum"; "Lippincott's"; "New York Press". 
ABTICLE: Uniterbities, Spanish-American. 

Cusick, Reverend Peter Fahartt, s.j., b. at 
Minooka, Pennsylvania, 28 June, 1875. Education: 
pubHc schools, Minooka and Taylor, Pennsylvania; 
St. Thomas's College, Soranton, Pennsylvania; 
Woodstock College, Maryland; Innsbruck University, 
Austria. Entered the Society of Jesus 1895; professor 
of chemistry. Holy Cross College, Worcester, Mas- 
sachusetts, 1902-1906; ordained 1909; professor of 
chemistry, geology, and German, Boston College, 
Massachusetts, 1910-1913; assistant master of 
novices, St. Andrew-on-Hudson, Poughkeepsie, New 
York, 1913- . Member of the American Chemical 

ARTICLE: Molloy, Gerald. 

Cuthbert, Reverend Father (Lawrence 
Anthony Hess), o.s.p.c, b. at Brighton, Sussex, 
England, 1866. Education: St. Mary's College, 
Woolhampton, England; Capuchin scholasticates. 
Entered the Capuchin Order 1881; ordained 1889; 
engaged in parochial- and missionary work in England 
1889-1911; in charge of (and organizer), Franciscan 
Mission to the Hop-pickers of Kent, England, 1905— 
J principal of St. Anselm's House, Oxford, and 
provmcial of the Capuchins, 1911- . Founder of 
the Cathohc Nurses Association. Author of: "The 
Friars and How They Came to England"; "Cathohc 
Ideals in Social Life"; "A Tuscan Penitent, being the 
Life and Legend of St. Margaret of Cortona"; "The 
Chronicle of Thomas of Eccleston"; "De Torrente, 
Devotional Essays"; "St. Francis and Poverty*'; 
"Life of St. Francis of Assisi"; etc.; contributor to: 
"The Tablet"; "Cathohc World". 

ARTICLES: Capuchinesses; Capuchin Friars Minor; 
Carli, Dionigi da Piacenza; Cavazzi, Giovanni Antonio; 
Definitors (in Religious Orders); Felix of Cantalice, 
Saint; Fidelis of Sigmaringen, Saint; Francis of Paula, 
Saint; Fytch, William Benedict; Gennings, Edmund and 
John; Haymo of Feversham; Hilarius of Sexten; John Cap- 
istran, Saint; John Joseph of the Cross, Saint; Joseph of 
Leonessa, Saint; Margaret of Cortona, Saint; Massaia, 
GuGLiELMO, Cardinal; Pehsico, Ignatius, Cardinal; Piatus 
of Mons; Rites: Friars Minor Capuchin; Theodosius Flo- 
rentin; Third Order of St. Francis in Great Britain and 
Ireland; Veronica, Giuliani, Saint. 


Dal-Gal, Reverend Gieolamo Niccolo, o.f.m., 
b. at Villafranca di Verona, Italy, 4 November, 1875. 
Education: Lyceum, Verona; Franciscan scholasti- 
cates at Venice, Florence, and Rome. Entered the 
Franciscan Order 1895; ordained 1901; collaborator 
in the critical edition of the works of Alexander of 
Hales brought out at St. Bonaventure's College, 
Quaracchi, near Florence, 1902-1905; vice-postulator 
general of the Friars Minor 1905-1910; professor of 
Franciscan history, Franciscan scholasticate, Venice, 
1910- ; at present at work on a history of the 
Franciscans for the schools of his order at the instance 
of Cardinal Vives y Tuto, prefect of rehgious; lecturer 
on media3val art, Uterature, and history. President 
of the Franciscan Congress, Vicenza, 1909; former 
editor of "Voce di S. Antonio". Member of the 
Royal Academy of Sciences, Letters, and Arts of 
Lucca. Author of: "S. Antonio di Padova" (1907); 
various critical historical studies; contributor to 
"Archivum Franciscanum Historicum". 

ARTICLE : Anthony of Padua, Saint. 

D'Alton, Vert Reverend Canon Edward 
Alfred, d.d., ll.d., m.r.i.a., b. at Lavall3rroe, Co. 
Mayo, Ireland, 1860. Education: St. Jarlath's Col- 
lege, Tuam; Maynooth College, Dublin. Ordained 
1887; parish work successively at Abbey, Kilmaine, 
Tourlough, Balla, and Athenry; vicar forane and 
pastor, BaUinrobe, 1911- ; canon of the cathedral 
of Tuam, 1911. Has read papers before the May- 
nooth Union and the Irish National Literary Society; 
dehvered a series of public lectures on Irish history at 
University College, Galway, 1909. Member of the 
Royal Irish Academy; on the Board of Governors of 
University College, Galway. Author of: "History of 
Ireland", 6 vols. (1903-1910; illustrated edition, 
London, 1910); pamphlets for the Catholic Truth 
Society; contributor to: "Donahoe's Magazine"; 
"Weekly Nation"; "Irish Ecclesiastical Record"; 
"DubHn Review". 

ARTICLES : Bangor Abbet; Gabon, Raymond; Clynn, 
John; Cogitoshs, Monk of Kildahe; Creagh, Richard; Cui/- 
DEES; Dease, Thomas; Donlevy, Andrew; Down and Connor; 
Doyle, James Warren; Ddffy, Sir Charles Gavan; Egan, 
Boetius, Archbishop of Tuam; Fitzpatrick, William John; 
Fleming, Patrick; Galway and Kilmacduagh; Ireland; Lim- 
erick; Lombard, Peter, Archbishop of Armagh; Lynch, John; 
McCabe, Edward, Cardinal; MacGeoghegan, James; Ma- 
GRATH, John Macrory; Moore, Arthur, Count; Moylan, 
Francis, Bishop of Cork; Murray, Daniel, Archbishop of 
Dublin; O'Connell, Daniel; O'Fihely, Maurice, Archbishop 
OF Tuam; O'Hanlon, John; O'Neill, Hugh, Earl op Tyrone; 
O'Neill, Owen Roe; O'Reilly, Edmund, Archbishop of Ar- 
magh; OssoRY, Diocese of; O'Sullivan Beare, Philip; Penal 
Laws (Ireland); Rinuccini, Giovanni Battista; Roman 
Catholic Relief Bill (Ireland); Sarsfield, Patrick; Troy, 
John Thomas, Archbishop of Dublin. 

Daly, Reverend Joseph John, s.j., b. at Brad- 
ford, England, 7 December, 1875. Education: 
secondary schools, Bradford and Manchester, Eng- 
land; St. Peter's College, Jersey City, New Jersey; 
Jesuit scholasticates, Frederick and Woodstock, 
Maryland. Entered the Society of Jesus; former 
professor of mathematics, languages, and history, 
Georgetown University, Washington, D. C; former 
professor of English literature, and, at present, 
master of the Preparatory School, Ateneo, Manila. 
Collaborator in Herder's "Kirchenlexikon"; contribu- 
tor to various periodicals. 
ARTICLE: Nueva CAceres, Diocese of. 

Daniel, Reverend J. E., o.m.i. Education: 

Erimary schools, Wales; St. Albert's Seminary and 
t. Joseph's Scholasticate, Ottawa, Ontario. 
Ordained 1913; assistant priest, St. Joachim's 
Church, Edmonton, Alberta, 1915; chaplain, 51st 
Bat., Canadian Expeditionary Forces, 1915- 
Commissioner of the Juvenile Court of Alberta, 
ARTICLE: Keewatin, Vicariate Apostolic of. 

Davey, Reverend James Charles, s.j., b. in 
New York, 19 September, 1869. Education: St. 
Leonard's Academy, Brookljm; St. Bonaventure's 
College, Allegany, New York; Woodstock College, 
Maryland. Entered the Society of Jesus 1893; 
ordained 1907; professor of mathematics, English, 
and Classics, St. Joseph's College,Philadelphia, 1901- 
1905; professor of Classics, Brooklyn College, Brook- 
lyn, 1905-1907; parish work, St. Peter's Church, 
Jersey City, New Jersey, 1907-1908; vice-president 
and prefect of studies, Brookljoi College, 1908-1911, 
and St. Joseph's College, Philadelphia, 1911- 

ARTICLE: Alea, Leonard. 

Deasy, John A., m.a., ll.b. 


Deasy, Reverend Timotht J., d.d., Ph.D., rector, 
Church of St. CeciUa's, Cincinnati, Ohio. 
ARTICLE: Elder, Willlam Henry. 

De Becker, Right Reverend Canon Jules 
Alphonsb Marie,, s.t.l., b. at Louvain, 7 
December, 1857, son of jEmile de Becker, ll.d., 
member of the Belgian ParUament, grandson of A. 
Ernst, Miiiister of Justice under Leopold I. Educa- 
tion: Josephite College and Catholic University, 
Louvain; Gregorian University, Rome. Ordained 
1881; professor of canon law and hturgy, American 
College, Louvain, 1885; professor of canon law. 
Catholic University, Louvain, 1889- ; canon of 
the Chapter of St. Rombaut s Cathedral, Mechlin, 
1891; rector, American College, Louvain, 1898- ; 
Knight of the Order of Leopold 1903; domestic 
prelate of Pope Pius X. Founded a chair of philoso- 
phy at the American College, Louvain; secured the 
advantages of attendance at the theological courses 
of Louvain University for the American CoUege 
students; rebuilt their seminary. Member of the 
Commission for the Codification of Canon Law, 1904r- 
. Author of: "L'Eghse aux Etats Unis: Le 
College Am6ricain de Louvain" (Louvain, 1903); 
"De Sponsalibus et Matrimonio: Praelectiones 
canonicse" (Brussels, 1896; 2nd ed., Louvain, 1903); 
"Legislatio nova de forma substantiali quoad spon- 
salia et matrimonium catholicorum Commentarii, 
(Louvain, 1908); wrote papers for the Congress of 
Social Works, Mechlin, 1891, and the Congress of 
Economic Expansion, Mons, 1905; contributor to: 
"American Ecclesiastical Review" (Philadelphia); 
"I^a Belgique judioiaire" (Brussels); "La revue 
g^n^rale" (Brussels); "The American CoUege Bul- 
letin" (Louvain); "Annuaire de 1' University" (Lou- 

ARTICLE: American College, The, at Loutain. 

De Boeck, Reverend William,, rector, 
church of the Sacred Hearts, Kenney Heights, Rose- 
dale, Kansas. 





ARTICLE : Sacred Hearts op Jestts and Mart, Congrega- 

Sacrament of the Altar. 

Debuchy, Rbvekend Paul, s.j., Litt.L., b. at 
Tourcoing, France, 16 April, 1862. Education: Col- 
lege of Tourcoing; Catholic University, Lille. Entered 
the Society of Jesus 1880; ordained 1894; has held at 
various .Jesuit scholasticates and colleges the post of 
prof essorof moral theology ; at various times professor 
of humanities, Dijon; professor of rhetoric, Boulogne- 
sur-Mer, Saint-Dizier, Lille; professor of Classic 
archsEology and the history of French literature, 
Champagne Province; at present, assistant director 
of the Library of the Exercises of St. Ignatius, Eng- 
hien, Belgium; in collaboration with Reverend Henri 
Watrigant, s.j., occupied in historical research in 
connection with the Exercises of St. Ignatius. Author 
of: "Th6orie breve de la composition litteraire" 
(Tours, 1904) ; "Etudes sur les auteurs latins " (Tours, 
1904); "Le Petit Office de I'lmmacul^e Conception" 
(Brussels, 1904); "Introduction h I'^tude des Exer- 
cices spirituels de St. Ignace" (Enghien, 1906); "La 
V^n&able Catherine de FrancheviUe" (Enghien, 
1908); "P. Bernard OKvier, s.j," (Enghien, 1911); 
collaborator with Reverend Henri Watrigant, S.J., in: 
"Collection de la Biblioth&que des Exercices"; 
"Collection des Retraites SpiritueUes " ; edited 
Saurez, "De spiritualibus exercitiis Sti. Ignatii" 
(Paris, 1910). 

ARTICLES: Discernment of Spirits; Gagliardi, Achille; 
Gaudier, Antoine le; Gisbert, Blaise; Judde, Claude; Re- 
treats; Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius. 

Dedieu-Barthe, Reverend Joseph Germain 
Eugene, litt.D., b. 18 November, 1878. Education: 
college and university, Toulouse. Professor of Latin 
literature, Cathohc Institute, Toulouse, 1907-1913; 
chaplain of the Lyc6e National, Toulouse; director 
of the College de Juilly, near Paris, 1914; Laureate 
of the French Academy (Prix Bordin), 1910, and 
(Prix MarceDin Gui5rin), 1913; laureate of the 
Academic des Jeux Floraux of Toulouse, 1910 and 
1911. Author of: "Montesquieu et la tradition 
politique anglaise en France: Les Sources anglaises 
de L'Esprit des Lois" (Paris, 1909); "L'Art po^tique 
de Pierre de Laudun d'Aigaliers" (Toulouse, 1909); 
collaborator in "Collection des Grands Philosophes 
(by M. Dedieu: "Montesquieu") (Paris, 1912); 
contributor to: "Le Bulletin du Bibliophile"; "Revue 
de Gascogne"; "Revue pratique d'apologftique"; 
"Bulletin de litt&ature ecclesiastique " ; "Revue de 
Comminges"; "Les Annales romantiques"; "Revue 
des Pyr^ndes", and other reviews. 

ARTICLES: Peter of Auvergne; Peterssen, Gbrlac; 
Prades, Jean-Martin de; Remigius, Saint, Archbishop of 
Reims; Remt, Abbey op Saint; Remiremont; Remuzat, Anne- 
Madeleine, Venerable; Rusticub of Nabbonne, Saint. 

Degert, Very Reverend Canon Antoine, Litt.D., 
b. at T6thieu, Landes, France, 9 Dec, 1859. Educa- 
tion: Preparatory Seminary and Grand Seminary, 
Aire, France; Cathohc Institute, Toulouse. Ordained 
1885; professor at the Free College of Dax 1887; 
professor of Latin literature, Catholic Institute, 
Toulouse, 1899- ; honorary canon of Auch, 1904, 
and of Aire, 1909. Member of: the Archaeological 
Society of the South of France; the Historical Society 
of Gascogne. Author of: "Les Sermons de S. Jean 
Chrysostome", crowned by the Academy of Moral 
and Political Sciences (1890); Latin thesis on the 
manners and customs of the Christians of Africa, 
taken from the sermons of St. Augustine (thesis for 
doctorate) (1894); "Cardinal d'Ossat", crowned by 
the French Academy (Paris, 1894); "Constitutions 
synodales de I'anoien diocese de Dax" (Dax, 1898) 
"L'impression des liturgies gasconnes" (Paris, 1903) 
"L'histoire des ^veques de Dax" (Paris, 1903) 
"L'histoire de I'ancien college de Dax" (Dax, 1904) 
"Les idfes morales de CiciSron" (Paris, 1907) 

"L'histoire des ^veques d'Aire" (Paris, 1908); "Le 
Stoicisme", crowned by the Academy of Moral and 
Pohtical Sciences (1909); "Histoire des Seminaires 
frangais jusqu'4, la Revolution", 2 vols., crowned by 
the French Academy (Paris, 1911); "Histoire des 
Dogmes", translated from the German of Schwane, 
5 vols. (Paris, 1903-1904) ; collaborator in Buchberger, 
"Kirchhches Handlexikon"; contributor to: "Moni- 
teur Universel" (Paris); "Revue des questions his- 
toriques"; "Revue de Gascogne"; "Bulletin de 
litt&ature ecclesiastique"; director of the "Revue de 

ARTICLES: F^nblon, FRANgois Salignac de la Mothb, 
Bishop; Gallicanism; Guyon, .Teanne-Marie-Bouvier de la 
Motte; Huet, Pierre-Daniel, Bishop; Huguenots; John 
Parvus; Kramer, John; Lamennais, F^licit^ Robert de; 
Lamennais, Jean-Marie-Robebt de; Latin, Ecclesiastical; 
Le6n, Luis de; Marca, Pierre de, Bishop; Mabbillon, Jean- 
Baptiste, Bishop; Mathieu, Franqois-D^sir^, Bishop and 
Cardinal; Montesquieu, Charles Louis de Secondat, Baron 
de; Nicolas, Augubte; Noailles, Louis-Antoine de. Cardinal 
AND Bishop; Nonnotte, Claude-Adrien; Ossat, Arnaud d'. 
Cardinal; Sainctes, Claude de; Saturninus, Saint; Sj^gur, 
Louis Gaston de, Prelate; Sulpitiub, Saint, Bishop (2); 
Sti.vius, Francis; Terrasson, Andr^ and Gaspard; Tourn^lt,. 
HoNOR^; V^RON, FRANgois; Veronica, Saint; Vigor, Simon, 
Bishop; Vincent de P'— l, Saint; Virgiliub, Saint, Arch- 
bishop of Arleb; William of St.-Thierrt, Abbot; Ysajmbert, 

De Jongh, Vert Reverend Canon Henri, 
S.T.D., b. at Wynghene, Belgium, 12 August, 1875. 
Education: Seminary, MechUn, and Louvain Univer- 
sity, Belgium. Ordained 1898; successively professor 
at the Seminary, Mechlin, and (at present) special 
professor of moral theology, Louvain University; 
Canon of the Cathedral of Mechhn. Author of: "La 
Faculty de th(Sologie de I'Universite de Louvain au 
XV^ siecle et au commencement du XVP" (Louvain, 
1910); "L'ancienne Faculty de thdologie de Louvain" 
(Louvain, 1911); "Les grandes lignes de l'histoire des 
Indulgences" (Louvain, 1912); "Het ideaal van het 
Christelijk leven" (Louvain, 1913); contributor to: 
"Vie diocfeaine'' (Mechlin); "Documenta ecclesi- 
astica" (Mechlin); "Analectes pour servir k l'histoire 
ecclesiastique de la Belgique"; "Archives beiges"; 
"American College Bulletin"; "One Geloof"; one of 
the directors of "Revue d'histoire eccMsiatique" 
(Louvain) . 
ARTICLE: Lindanus, William Damasus. 

De Laak, Reverend Joseph Henry, s.j. Educa- 
tion: St. Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri; 
Woodstock College, Woodstock, Md. Ordained 1890. 
Professor of mathematics, physics and mechanics, St. 
Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri. 

ARTICLE: Audiffredi, Giovanni Battiste. 

De Lacy, Hon. William Henry, b.s., ll.m., 
D.C.L., b. at Wa.shington, D. C, 8 February, 1863. 
Education: St. John's College, Georgetown Univer- 
sity, and Cathohc University, Washington. Practis- 
ing lawyer 1883-1906; admitted to the Bar of the 
Supreme Court of the U. S. 1902; judge of the 
Juvenile Court of the District of Columbia 1906- 
1913; associate professor of common law, Cathohc 
University, Washington; sometime vice-president of 
the American Institute of Criminal Law; president. 
Particular Council D. C, Society of St. Vincent de 
Paul. One of the vice-presidents, International 
Peace Congress, Washington, 1910; has been a 
delegate to the American Prison Congress, the National 
Conference of Charities and Correction, the National 
Conference of Cathohc Charities. Member of the 
American Bar Association. Author of: "The Treat- 
ment of U. S. Prisoners by Probation" (Washington, 
1906); collaborator in "Administration of Justice in 
the U. S." (by Judge De Lacy: "Functions of the 
Juvenile Court") (Philadelphia, 1910); contributor of 
article "Non-Support of the Family" to "The 

ARTICLES; Juvenile Courts; Protectories. 












Delamarre, Louis Nakcisse, m.a., Ph.D., b. in 
France, 1863. Education: University of Paris. 
Successively teacher of Classics and French hterature, 
Paris, and tutor, instructor, and (at present) associate 
professor of Romance Languages, College of the City 
of New York 1907-1915; associate professor. Graduate 
School of New Yorli University. Has lectured 
extensively in the United States for the Alliance 
frangaise. Member of: the National Society of 
French Professors in America; the Modern Languages 
Association; the Society of University Professors; 
secretary general of the Federation of French Al- 
hances in the United States and Canada, 1909- 
Author of: "Tacite et la htt&ature frangaise" (Paris, 
1906); contributed articles on contemporary French 
hterature to "Transatlantic Tales"; editor of "Bul- 
letin officiel des professeurs francais en AmcSrique" 
(1907- ). 

ARTICLES: Barth^lemt, Jean-Jacques; Bossuet, Jacques- 
B^NiGUE, Bishop; BhunetiIire, Ferdinand; Campan, Jeanne- 
LoniSE-HENHlETrE ; Caylus, Anne-Claude-Philippe de Tu- 
biehes-Gbimoaed de Pestels de Li^.vis, Comte de; Chartieh, 
Alain; Chastellain, Georges; Christine de Piban; Cor- 
neille, Pierre; Coppice, Francois Edouard Joachim; Daeeste 
de la Chavanne, Antoine-Elisabeth; Deschamps, Eustache; 
Didot (family); Dupin, Pierre-Charles-Francois; Estaing, 
Jean-Baptiste-Charles-Henri-Hector, Comte d', Marquis 
DE Saillans; Fauriel, Charles-Claude; Florian, Jean- 
Pierre Claris, Chevalier de; Gebhart, Emile; Gilbert, 
Nicolas- Joseph-Laurent; Gresset, Jean Baptiste; Gu^rin, 
Eugenie de; Guerin, Georges-Maurice de; Huysmans, Jonis 
ICarl; Jasmin, Jacques; Joubert, Joseph; La Fontaine, Jean 
de; La Harpe, Jean-Franqois; IjA Moriciere, Louis-Chris- 
TOPHE L]6oN JucHAULT de; Lapparent, Albert-Auguste de; 
LiTTR^, Paul-Maximilien-Emile; Nic:eron, Jean-Pierre; 
Paris, Alex^s-Paulin; Paris, Gaston-Bruno-Paulin; Per- 
KAULT, Charles; Raynouard, FRANg-ois-JusTE-MARiE; Ro- 
CHETTE, r>]^siR]S Raoul; Ronsard, Pierre db; Rousseau, Jean 
Baptist; Scarron, Paul; Thibaut de Champagne; Vogu^, 
Eug£:ne-Melchior, Vicomte de; Wage, Robert; William of 
Digulleville; William the Clerk. 

Delany, Revekenb Fhancis Xavibr, s.j., a.b., 
b. at Newburgh, New York, 11 November, 1875. 
Education: Georgetown University, Washington, D. 
C; Jesuit scholasticates, Frederick and Woodstock, 
Maryland. Entered the Society of Jesus 1897; 
teacher, Loyola School, New York, 1903-1908; 
ordained 1911; headmaster of St. George's College, 
Kingston, Jamaica, 1915— 

Articles : Raccolta; Scheffmacher, John James; Schnee- 
tvtann, Gerard. 

Delany, Reverend Joseph Francis, a.m., s.t.d., 
b. in New York, 19 January, 1866. Education: St. 
Francis Xavier's CoUege, New York; American 
College, Rome. Ordained 1889; has been professor 
at the Provincial Seminary, Troy, New York; for 
some years engaged in parish work; rector of St. 
Malachy's Church, New York, 1906- . Member 
of the United States Cathohc Historical Society. 

ARTICLES: Accession; Accomplice; Affirmation; Age op 
Reason; Aggressor, Unjust; Ambition; Amulets, Use and 
Abuse of; Anger; Avarice; Baptismal Vows; Benedict Joseph 
Labre, Saint; Calumny; Correction, Fraternal; Death, 
Preparation for; Decalogue; Despair; Detraction; Dis- 
traction; Error; Euthanasia; Fear; Gluttony; Good Faith; 
Hatred; Homicide; Hope; Hypocrisy; Ignorance; Incest; 
Infamy; Injustice; Intention; Jealousy; Lust; Merct, Cor- 
poral and Spiritual Works of; Negligence; Obedience; 
Occasions of Sin; Omission; Parents; Perjury; Prescrip- 
tion; Presumption; Pride; Prudence; Relationship (Carnal 
AND Spiritual) : Relatives, Duties of; Religion, Virtue of; 
Reputation (Property in); Sacrilege; Scruple; Secret; 
Seduction; Slander; Sloth; Temperance; Temptation; 
Theft; Vice; Wealth, Use of, 

Delaunay, Reverend John Baptist Stephen, 
c.s.c, liitt.B., Ph.D., S.T.B., J.O.D., b. in Paris, 8 July, 
1886. Education: Notre Dame de Ste. Croix, 
NeuiUy, and Ecole Ste. Croix, Le Vesinet, France;" 
Sorbonne; Holy Cross College and Cathohc Univer- 
sity, Washington, D. C; Gregorian University and 
CoUegio angelico, Rome. Entered the Congregation 
of the Holy Cross; formerly professor of French and 
Latin hterature. University of Notre Dame, Indiana; 
professor of canon law and hturgy. Holy Cross 

College, Washington, 1909-1911; 1913- : secre- 
tary of St. John Chrysostom Society, Cathohc 
University, Washington. Author of: "Tertullian 
• and His Apologetics" (thesis for doctorate) (Notre 
Dame, Indiana, 1912) ; editor of "Annals of Our Lady 
of Lourdes" (Notre Dame). 

ARTICLES: Cl^manges, Mathieu-Nicolas Poillevillain 
de; Cochin, Jacques-Denis; Cochin, Pierre-Suzanne-Augus- 
tin; Coll^iqe de France; Syntagma Canonum. 

Delaunoit, Reverend Leopold, s.j., b. at Li6ge, 
Belgium, 11 September, 1865. Education: St. Stan- 
islaus College, Mons, and Jesuit CoUege, Louvain, 
Belgium. Entered the Society of Jesus 1882; 
ordained 1897; has been professor at the Jesuit 
colleges of LiSge, Turnhout, Namur (Belgium), and 
Calcutta (India); at present defensor vinouli and 
fiscal advocate, archdiocese of Calcutta. Contribu- 
tor to: "Bode van het heilige Hart" (Holland); 
"Action populaire" (France). 

ARTICLE: Calcutta, Archdiocese of. 

Delehaye, Reverend Hippoltte, s.j., b. at 
Antwerp, Belgium, 19 August, 1859. Education: 
Antwerp; Louvain. Entered the Society of Jesus 
1876; ordained 1890; has spent his life, as member of 
the Society of Bollandists, of which he is president, 
in hagiographio research; resident in Brussels. 
Member of the Austrian Archffiological Institute; 
Knight of the Order of Leopold. Author of: "Syn- 
axarium ecclesias Constanttnopolitanae" (1902); "Les 
16gendes hagiographiques " (1905; 2nd ed. 1906); 
"Les versions grecques des actes des martyrs Persans" 
(1906); "Les legendes grecques des saints mihtaires" 
(1909); "Les Origines du Culte des Martyrs" (1912); 
"Saints de Thrace et de M^sie" (1912); collaborator 
in "Analecta BoUandiana"; contributor to: "Revue 
des questions historiques " ; "Byzantinische Zeit- 

ARTICLES: Hagiography; Henschen, Godfrey; Mahtyr- 


Delplace, Reverend Louis, ,s.j., b. at Bruges, 
Belgium, 16 September, 1843. Education: Episcopal 
CoUege, Bruges, and Jesuit scholastioate, Louvain, 
Belgium. Entered the Society of Jesus 1861; profes- 
sor of humanities, Jesuit scholastioate, Louvain, 186't- 
1870; ordained 1876; professor of humanities (1879- 
1881) and of Church history (1881-1899), Jesuit 
scholastioate, Louvain; professor of Christian Doc- 
trine, Normal School of the Christian Brothers, 
Louvain, 1903- . Author of :" Histoire rehgieuse 
de Belgique", 4 vols.; "Le Cathohcisme au Japon", 
2 vols.; "La rdforme et la hbert(S religieuse"; has 
pubUshed various historical documents relating to the 
Society of Jesus; contributor to "Bien Pubhc". 
ARTICLE: Mabtyes, Japanese. 

Demain, Reverend Henry R., s.j., b. at Brussels, 
Belgium, 8 July, 1879. Entered the Society of Jesus 
1896; former professor at the Jesuit College, Alost, 
Belgium; ordained 1911; at present, stationed at St. 
John Berchmans CoUege, Louvain, Belgium. 

ARTICLE : John Berchmans, Saint. 

Deppen, Vert Reverend Louis George, a.b., 
b. in LouisvUle, 6 March, 1847, son of Captain Henry 
Deppen, founder and president of the German Bank 
of Louisville, and Mary Rosaha Weydd. Education: 
St. Mary's College, St. Mary, Kentucky; University 
of Louisville; University of Wiirzburg; University of 
Innsbruck. While a student, edited "The Athe- 
nasum", a high school paper; entered upon business 
career 1866; abandoned it to study for the priesthood 
1873; ordained 1878; professor, St. Joseph's College, 
Bardstown, Kentucky, 1879; missionary in Kentucky 
1881; assistant at the cathedral, LouisviUe, 1882- 
1892, during this time erecting at his own expense the 
first church of St. Francis of Assisi and the church of 




the Holy Name, Louisville; secretary to Bishop 
McCloskey 1882-1901 ; pastor, St. Mary Magdalen's, 
Louisville, and chancellor of the diocese, 1892-1898; 
chaplain of St. Xavier's College, Louisville, 1899- 
. Editor of "The Record", the diocesan organ, 
since 1883. 

ARTICLE : Duhbin, Elisha John. 

Deraches, Reverend Jules, b. in the diocese of 
Cambrai, France, September, 1839. Ordained 1864; 
engaged in parish and mission work in France 1864— 
1876; in charge of missions at Prescott and Tucson, 
Arizona, 1876-1885; engaged in parish and mission 
work, Santa Fe, 1885- ; late chaplain of St. 
Michael's College (25 years) ; chaplain of St. Vincent's 
Sanatorium and Orphanage, 1910- ; Defensor 
VincuU, Diocesan Consultor, and diocesan director of 
the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, arch- 
diocese of Santa Fe. 

ARTICLE: Santa Fe, Abchdiocbse of. 

Derry, George Hermann, ph.D. s.t.b., b. at 
Portland, Maine, 27 May, 1878. Education: high 
school, Portland; Holy Cross College, Worcester, 
Massachusetts; St. Mary's Hall, Stonyhurst College, 
Blackburn, England; private tutors from Oxford and 
Cambridge; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, 
Maryland; CathoUc Institute, Paris. Professor of 
Latin, Greek, and comparative Mterature, St. Francis 
Xavier's College, New York, 1904^1906, and Holy 
Cross College, Worcester, Massachusetts, 1906-1908; 
principal, Jordan High School, Lewiston, Maine, 
1908-1909; principal, Milford High School, Milford, 
Massachusetts, 1911-1914; lecturer, Redpath Chau- 
tauquas, 1915; junior master, English High School, 
Boston, Massachusetts, 1914— 

ARTICLES : Bhtjno, Saint, Archbishop of Cologne ; Canis- 
lus, Thbodorich. 

De Sales, Sister M. de. 

ARTICLE: Institute of Mission Helpers of the Sacred 

De Smedt, Reverend Charles, s.j., s.t.d., b. at 
Ghent, Belgium, 6 April, 1833; d. at Brussels, Bel- 
gium, 4 March, 1911. Education: College of St. 
Barbara, Ghent; College of Our Lady of Peace, 
Namur, Belgium; Jesuit soholasticates, Namur, 
Tronchiennes, and Louvain, Belgium. Entered the 
Society of Jesus 1851; professor of literature and 
mathematics, Jesuit scholasticate, Tronchiennes, 
1856-1860; ordained 1862; professor of Church 
history (nine years) and of dogmatic theology (two 
years), Jesuit scholasticate, Louvain, 1864-1870, 
1871-1876; on the staff of the "Acta Sanctorum'' 
(Bollandists), Brussels, 1870-1871; BoUandist, Brus- 
sels, 1876-1911; acting rector, St. Michael's CoUege, 
Brussels, 1899-1902. Made an address on "Des 
Devoirs des ^orivains CathoUques dans les contro- 
verses contemporaines". Second Congress of the 
Catholics of Normandy, Rouen, 1885; read papers on 
"L'organisation des 6glises chr6tiennes du 1" au 111° 
sifecle". International Catholic Scientific Congresses, 
Paris, 1888, 1891; read paper on "Les origines du 
duel judiciaire". International Catholic Scientific 
Congress, Brussels, 1894; lectured on "L'Histoire est- 
elle une science?" before the Class of Letters, Royal 
Academy of Belgium, Brussels, 1895. Titular mem- 
ber (Class of Letters and of Moral and Political 
Sciences), Royal Academy of Belgium; Foreign 
Correspondent of the Academy of Inscriptions and 
Belles Lettres, Institute of France; Foreign Cor- 
respondent Royal Academy of Madrid; hon. member 
Royal Academy of Ireland; Officer of the Order of 
Leopold; decoration Pro ecclesia et pontifice. Author 
of: "Introductio ad historiam ecclesiasticam critice 
tractandam" (Ghent, 1876); "Dissertationes selectae 
in primam setatem historise ecclesiasticas " (Ghent, 
1876); "Gesta episcoporum Cameracensium" (Paris, 

1880); "Principes de la critique historique" (LiSge, 
1883) ; "J.-B. Victor Kinet et les origines de la Con- 
gregation des Sceurs de la Providence" (Namur, 
1899); "Notre Vie Surnatuielle", 2 vols. (Brussels, 
1910, 1911); collaborator in: "Acta Sanctorum", 
October, Vol. XIII, and November, Vols. I-III 
(Brussels, 1884-1910); "Acta Sanctorum Hiberniae" 
(Brussels, 1887); "Catalogus codicum hagiographi- 
corum latinorum antiquiorum sseculo XVI", 3 vols. 
(Brussels, 1889-1893); "Bibhotheca hagiographica 
latina antiquse et mediae aetatis", 2 vols. (Brussels, 
1898, 1901); contributor to: "Etudes reUgieuses, 
historiques et litt&aires"; "Precis historiques"; 
"Revue des questions historiques"; "Revue des 
questions scientifiques"; "Comte rendu des stances 
de la Commission Royale d'Histoire de Belgique"; 
"Melanges Godefroid Kurth"; associate editor of 
"Analecta BoUandiana" (since 1882). 

ARTICLES: Baert, Francois; Bollandists, The; Bosch» 
Peter van der; Buck, Victor de; Criticism, Historical; 
Gamans, Jean. 

Desmond, Htjmphret J., b.l., a.m., b. in Ozaukee 
County, Wisconsin, 14 September, 1858, son of 
Thomas and Joanna Bowe Desmond. Education: 
public and high schools, Milwaukee; Wisconsin 
University. Began law practice 1881; on the Mil- 
waukee School Board 1883-1890; member of the 
Wisconsin Legislature 1891-1892; married Susie 
Ryan, of Oshkosh, Wisconsin, 1898; at present editor 
of "The Cathohc Citizen", and regent of Marquette 
University, Milwaukee; proprietor of the "North- 
western Chronicle", St. Paul, the "New Century", 
Washington, and the "Memphis Journal", Memphis, 
Tennessee. Counsel before the Wisconsin Supreme 
Court in Edgerton Bible Case; chairman of Committee 
on Education in Legislature of 1891, drawing up 
Compulsory Education Law, which was enacted; 
drew up Freedom of Worship Law, also enacted; one 
of the founders of the Western Cathohc Summer 
School; one of the organizers of the Knights of 
Columbus in Wisconsin; member of: the American 
Historical Association; the Wisconsin Historical 
Association; the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences. 
Author of: "Mooted Questions of History" (1895); 
"Random Notes of a Trip to Europe" (1897); "The 
Church and the Law" (1898); "Outlooks and In- 
sights" (1899); "Marked Copy" (1900); "Chats 
within the Fold" (1901); "A Reading Circle Manual" 
(1902); "Ways of Well Doing" (1902); "A History of 
the Know-nothing Party" (1904); "Little Uplifts" 
(1909); "Larger Values" (1913); collaborator in 
"Library of the World's Best Literature"; contribu- 
tor to: "American Catholic Quarterly Review"; 
"Century"; "North American Review"; "Forum". 

ARTICLES: American Protective Association; Cemetery 
Laws in the United States; Incorporation of Church Prop- 
erty, Civil. 

Devas, Charles Stanton, b. at Woodside, Old 
Windsor, England, 26 August, 1848; d. 6 November, 
1906. Education; Eton; Balhol College, Oxford. 
Received into the Catholic Church; married (1874) 
Ehza Mary Katherine (d. 1889), daughter of Francis 
Ridout Ward; examiner in political economy. Royal 
University of Ireland, 1889-1898. Member of the 
St. Vincent de Paul Society. Author of: "The 
Groundwork of Economics" (1883); "Studies in 
Family Life" (1886); "Manual of PoHtical Economy" 
(1892, 3rd ed. 1907); "The Key to the World's 
Progress" (1906); contributor to: "The Cathohc 
Truth Society"; "The Dublin Review"; "The 

ARTICLES: Agrarianism. 

Devas, Reverend Francis Charles, s.j., b. in 
London, England, 3 April, 1877, son of Charles 
Stanton Devas. Education: Jesuit colleges at Beau- 
mont (England), Feldkirch (Austria), and Evreux 




(France) ; various Jesuit scholasticates. Entered the 
Society of Jesus 1895; ordained 1909; professor suc- 
cessively at Stonyhurst College, Blackburn, St. 
Ignatius College, London, and Beaumont College, 
Old Windsor, England; assistant at St. Wilfrid's 
Church, Preston, 1912-1914; at present chaplain of 
the Forces. Collaborator in "Mariale novum"; 
contributor to: "New Ireland Review"; "Irish 
Monthly"; "Cathohc World"; "Studies". 
ARTICLE: Devab, Chahlbs Stanton. 

De Ville, Reverend John Baptist, ph.B., m.a., 
b. at Moena, Austrian Tyrol, 8 December, 1873. 
Education: Imperial Gymnasium, Trent, Austria; 
Propaganda, Rome; St. Bona venture's Seminary, 
Allegany, New York. Emigrated to the United 
States 1893; ordained 1897; pastor, St. Anthony's 
Church (Italian), Walston, Pennsylvania, 1897-1912. 
Organized Italian parishes in the mining towns of 
Yatesboro, Rossiter, and Frostburg, Pennsylvania; 
after two years of effort, drove Black Hand organiza- 
tion from Jefferson County, Pennsylvania, where it 
had been extremely active. Member of the Historical 
Society of Pennsylvania. 

ARTICLE: Italians in the United States. 

Devine, Reverend Arthur, c.p., b. at Kilmac- 
tiege, Co. Sligo, Ireland, 1 December, 1849, brother 
of Reverend Pius Devine, c.p., and of Reverend 
Thomas C. Devine. Education: private; St. Paul's 
Retreat, Mt. Argus, Dublin. Entered the Passionist 
Order 1865; professor of theology, St. Paul's Retreat, 
Mt. Argus, 1870-1872; ordained 1872; professor of 
theology in various Passionist scholasticates, princi- 
pally at St. Joseph's Retreat, Highgate Hill, London, 
1872-1878, 1881-1884; 1887-1908; rector, St. Mungo's 
Retreat, Glasgow, Scotland, 1878-1881; consultor to 
the Passionist Provincial 1884-1887; professor of 
theology, Scripture and canon law, St. Paul's Retreat, 
Mt. Argus, 1908- ; preacher in Irish and English. 
Author of: "Convent Life": "The Creed Explained"; 
"History of the Passion' ; "The Commandments 
Explained"; "The Sacraments Explained"; "Mysti- 
cal Theology" ; "Ascetical Theology" ; "The Ordinary 
of the Mass"; "Frequent and Daily Communion"; 
"The Law of Christian Marriage"; "Pentecost 
Preaching"; contributor to: "Homiletic Monthly"; 
"The Passionist Record", and other Cathohc maga- 

ARTICLES: Dominic of the Mother of God; Gabriel 
PossENTi, Blessed; Humility; Idiota (Raymtjndus Jordanus); 
Miracles, Gift of; Passionists; Passionist Nuns; Passions; 
Paul of the Cross, Saint; Perfection, Christian and Re- 
ligious; Presence of God; Prophecy; Quiet, Prayer of; 
Recollection; State or Way, Purgative, Illuminative, 

Devine, Reverend Edward James, s.j., b. at 
Bonnechere Point, Renfrew County, Canada, 3 
March, 1860. Education: schools of Aylmer, Quebec; 
St. Francis Xavier's College, New York; various 
Jesuit scholasticates. Entered the Society of Jesus 
1879; ordained 1889; for several years missionary on 
Lake Superior, and in Northwestern Alaska; at 
present, editor of "The Canadian Messenger", 
Montreal. Inventor and patentee of an electric 
signal system for moving trains. Author of: "Among 
the Otchipwes" (out of print); "Across Widest 
America"; "A travers I'Am^rique" (translation of 
the preceding); "The Training of Silas", novel; 
"Fireside Messages", essays; contributor to various 

ARTICLES : Blomevenna, Peter (Petrus a Leydis) ; Irish, 
The, in Canada. 

Devitt, Reverend Edward Ignatitts, s.j., b. at 
St. John, New Brunswick, 14 November, 1840. 
Education: Boston English High School, Boston, and 
Holy Cross College, Worcester, Massachusetts; Wood- 
stock College, Woodstock, Maryland. Entered the 

Society of Jesus 1859; professor at Gonzaga College, 
Washington, 1863-1869; ordained 1875; at various 
times prefect of studies and professor of philosophy at 
Holy Cross College, Worcester (1876-1878; 1887- 
1891), Georgetown University (1883-1886; 1894- 
1898; 1899-1911), and Gonzaga College, Washington 
(1898-1899); professor of philosophy and editor of 
the Woodstock Letters (1879-1883) and professor of 
theology (1886-1887), Woodstock College, Maryland, 
rector, Boston College (1891-1894); archivist and 
professor of colonial history, Georgetown University, 
1911- . Member of the Catholic Historical 
Societies of America, Maryland, Virginia, and 

ARTICLES: Blenkinsop, Peter (2), "William and Cath- 
erine; Georgetown University; Lalor, Teresa; Plowden, 
Charles; Plowden, Robert; Plowden, Thomas; Plowden, 
Thomas Percy; Sestini, Benedict; Vico, Francescoe de; 
Washington, District of Columbia; White, Andrew. 

Devlin, Reverend William, s.j., professor of 
logic and metaphysics, Boston College, Boston, 

ARTICLES: Avila, Sancho de; Benoit, Michel; Barthol- 
omew OF Braganca; Binterim, Anton Joseph; Cremation; 
Shirley, James. 

De Vries, Reverend William John, o.preem., 
b. at Schijndel, North Brabant, Holland, 21 May, 
1882. Education: Seminary, Bois-le-Duc, and Abbey 
of Berne, Heeswijk, Holland; course in ethics and 
economics imder Dr. J. Nouens. Entered the 
Premonstratensian Order 1902; ordained 1907; sent 
to America 1905; professor (at present of Latin), St. 
Norbert's College, West De Pere, Wisconsin, 1906- 
; professor of philosophy and ethics, Premonstra- 
tensian scholasticate. West De Pere, 1907- 
Member of the American Academy of Pohtical and 
Social Science. Contributor to the "Annals" 
(O.Praem.), and to various American and Dutch 

ARTICLES: Hollanders in the United States. 

De Wulf, Maurice Marie Charles Joseph, 
LL.D., ph.D.j Litt.D., K.S.G., Dr. Thomistic Philosophy, 
b. at Popermghe, Belgium, 6 April, 1867. Education: 
Louvain University. Professor (at present, of history 
of medieval philosophy, logic, and criteriology), 
Louvain University, 1893- . One of the honorary 
presidents. International Congress of Philosophy, 
1911. Knight of the Order of Leopold; member of: 
the Royal Academy of Belgium; the Administrative 
Council of the Royal Library of Belgium. Author of : 
"La Valeur esthitique de la MorahtS dans I'Art" 
(1892); "Histoire de la Philosophie dans les Pays-Bas 
et la Principaut6 de Li^ge" (1895); "Etudes sur 
Henri de Gand" (1895); "Etudes historiques sur 
I'Esth^tique de S. Thomas" (1896); "Qu'est-ce que 
la Philosophie scolastique?" (1899); "Histoire de la 
Philosophie mddi^vale" (1900; 4th ed. 1913; Enghsh 
translation: Coffey, "History of Medieval Philoso- 
phy", 1909; German translation: Eisler "Geschichte 
des Philosophie des Mittelalters", 1913; Italian trans- 
lation, Balda, "Storia della filosofia mediaevale" 
1913); "Le trait6 des formes de Gilles de Lessines" 
(1901); "Introduction k la philosophie n6o-scolas- 
tique" (1904; English translation: Coffey, "Scho- 
lasticism Old and New", 1907; Spanish translation: 
Lacierna, "Metodos escolasticos antiguos y moder- 
nos"); "Etude sur la vie, les oeuvres et I'influence de 
Godefroid de Fontaines", crowned by the Belgian 
Academy (1904); "Les quatre premiers quodhbets de 
G. de Fontaines" (in collaboration with M. Pelzer) 
(1904); "Histoire de Philosophie en Belgique" (1911); 
collaborator in: "Belgique scientifique " (by M. De 
Wulf, "Les sciences philosophiques en Belgique") 
(1908); "Manuel de Philosophie'' by the Professors 
of Louvain (by M. De Wulf: "Precis d'histoire de 
Philosophie"); Hastings, "Encyclopedia of Religion 




and Ethics"; contributor to: "Revue nfo-scolas- 
tique"; "Revue Philosophique"; "Archiv fiir Ge- 
schichte der Philosophie"; "Critica"; "Revue d'his- 
toire et de litt&ature religieuse"; "Divus Thomas"; 
"Etudes f ranciscaines " ; "Revue critique d'histoire et 
de htt^rature"; "Revue d'histoire ecol^siastique"; 
" Bulletin de I'acaddmie royale de Belgique " ; " Rivista 
di filosofia neo-scolastica " ; director of the Collection 
"Les philosophes beiges"; secretary of the "Revue 

ARTICLES; Neo-Scholabticism; Nominalism, Realism, 
Conceptualism; Philosophy; Roscelin; Siger of Brabant; 
Ubaghs, Casimir; William of Moerbeke. 

Dieringer, Reverend Barnabas, b. at Theresa, 
Wisconsin, July, 1863. Education: parochial school, 
Theresa; St. Francis Seminary, St. Francis, Wisconsin. 
Ordained 1888; rector, Newburg, Wisconsin, 1888- 
1891; professor of German, Latin, and music, St. 
Francis Seminary, 1891- . Translated and adapt- 
ed to American conditions Haller, "Vade mecum" 
(for voice culture). 

ARTICLES: Bercharitjs, Saint; Bernard of Menthon, 
Saint; Bolanden, Conrad von. 

Dieterich, Karl, Ph.D., professor of Middle and 
Modern Greek philology, University of Leipzig, 
Leipzig, Germany. 

ARTICLE: Byzantine Literature. 

Dinneen, Reverend Michael Francis, s.s., 
D.D., b. at Staunton, Virginia, 1860. Education: St. 
Charles College, Ellicott City, Maryland; St. Mary's 
University, Baltimore. Ordained 1885; parish work, 
diocese of Richmond, 1885-1894; professor of philoso- 
phy (1894-1905) and of pastoral theology (1905- 
1909), St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore; professor of 
philosophy, St. John's Seminarj'-, Boston, Massachu- 
setts, 1909-1911; professor of moral theology, St. 
Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, 1911-1913; president, 
St. Charles College, Catonsville, Md., 1913- 
Contributor to the "American Ecclesiastical Review". 

ARTICLES: Brut^ de R^mtjr, Simon William Gabriel; 
Good,_the Highest. 

Dioime, Narcisse Eutrope, s.b., f.r.s.c, m.d., 
b. at St. Denis, Province of Quebec, 18 May, 1848, son 
of Narcisse and Elizabeth Bouchard Dionne. Educa- 
tion: College of Ste. Anne de la Pocati^re, Province of 
Quebec; Grand Seminary and Laval University, 
Quebec. Married (1st) Mary Laure (d. 1895), 
daughter of P. V. Bouchard of H. M. Customs, 1873; 
began the practise of medicine 1874; abandoned it for 
a hterary and journaUstic career 1875; editor-in-chief 
of "Le Courier du Canada" 1880-1884, 1887-1892; 
secretary of the Associated Press of the Province of 
Quebec 1882- ; editor-in-chief of the "Journal de 
Qu6bec" 1886; librarian of the legislature of Quebec 
1893- ; married (2nd) Emma, daughter of Pierre 
Bid6gar6, of Quebec, 1896; professor of archajology, 
Laval University, Quebec. One of the founders of 
the Cercle CathoUque de Quebec, 1876; won two 
prizes offered by the Spanish Consul General for an 
essay on Canadian history, 1879; one of the founders 
of the Associated Press of the Province of Quebec, 
1882; won silver medal offered by the Lieutenant 
Governor of Quebec for the best biography of Jacques 
Cartier. Member of the Royal Society of Canada; 
Officer of Pubhc Instruction (France). Author of: 
"Le tombeau de Champlain" (1880); "Les Cercles 
agricoles dans la Province de Quebec" (1881); "Etats 
Unis, Manitoba et Nord-Ouest" (1882); "Historique 
de I'Eglise de Notre Dame des Victoires" (1888): 
"La Nouvelle France de Cartier k Champlain 
(1891); "Vie de Champlain" a891); "Vie de M. 
Painchaud, Fondateur du College de Ste. Anne" 
(1894); "Mgr. de Forbin-Janson" (1895); "Hen- 
nepin" (1897); "John and Sebastian Cabot" (1898); 
"L'Abb6 Richard, cur6 de Detroit" (1902); "The 

Siege of Quebec and the Battle of the Plains of 
Abraham" (1903); "Quebec under Two Flags" (in 
collaboration with Arthur Doughty) (1903); "Seryi- 
teurs et Servants de Dieu au Canada" (1904); "Life 
of Champlain" (1905); "Les eccl(5siastiques et les 
Royalistes frangais refuges au Canada (1791-1801)" 
(1905); "Inventaire chronologique des livres jour- 
naux et revues pubh^s en langue frangaise dans la 
Province de Qudbec de 1764 k 1905'/ (1905); "Le 
Parler Populaire des Canadiens francais" (1909). 

ARTICLES: B^dard, Pierre; Cartier, Jacqites; CHATrvTEATT, 
Pierre-Joseph-Octave; Denonville, Jacques-Ren^ de Brt- 
SAY, Seigneur and Marquis de; FRioHETTE, LoDis-HoNOEi. 

Dissez, Reverend Paulinos Francis, s.s.^ d.d., 
b. at Rodez, France, 13 July, 1828; d. at Baltimore, 
Maryland, 25 January, 1908. Education: Prepara- 
tory and Grand Seminaries, Rodez; St. Sulpice, Paris. 
Entered the Sulpician Order; ordained 1853; professor 
of dogma, Sulpician Seminary, Lyons, 1854-1857; 
professor of philosophy (having Cardinal Gibbons as a 
pupil) (1857-1862), of moral theology (1862-1902), 
and of pastoral theology (1902-1908), St. Mary's 
Seminary, Baltimore, Maryland. Author of: "On 
the Formation in Seminaries of Candidates to the 
Holy Priesthood " (pamphlet); contributor to "Ameri- 
can Ecclesiastical Review". 

ARTICLE: Bouvier, Jsan-Baptiste, Bibhof of Le Mans. 

Dohan, Vert Reverend Edward George, 
O.S.A., a.m., B.S., S.T.L., b. at Troy, New York, 12 
January, 1870. Education: parochial and high 
schools, Troy; Manhattan College, New York; St. 
Thomas College, ViUanova, Pennsylvania. Former 
teacher^ Manhattan College, New York; entered the 
Augustmian Order 1895; ordained 1899; former 
professor at the Augustinian Academy, New York, 
and at St. Thomas College, ViUanova; prior of the 
Augustinian Convent and rector of St. Nicholas 
Church, New York, 1905-1910; president of St. 
Thomas College, ViUanova, 1910- 

ARTICLE: Thomas of Villanova, Saint. 

Doherty, Hon. Charles Joseph, k.c, d.c.l., 
LL.D., b. at Montreal, 11 May, 1855, son of the Hon. 
Marcus Doherty. Education: St. Mary's College 
and McGiU University, Montreal. Admitted to the 
Bar 1877; member of the Council of the Montreal Bar 
and created Q.C. by the Earl of Derby, 1887; married 
Catherine Lucy, daughter of Edmund Barnard, Q.C, 
1888; puisne judge, Superior Court of Quebec, 1891- 
1906; engaged in legal practice 1906-1908; member 
for St. Anne's Division, Montreal, of the Canadian 
House of Commons, 1908- ; Minister of Justice 
of Canada, 1911- ; at present also professor of 
international (since 1909) and civil law, McGiU 
University. At one time president of the Literary 
Society of McGiU University; for several years 
president of the Montreal Branch of the Irish National 
League; has lectured "On the duty of Irishmen to the 
land of their birth and of their adoption"; member of 
the Royal Commission named to investigate the 
working of the Catholic and Protestant School Boards 
of Montreal; awarded a medal, as Captain in the 65th 
Battalion, V.M., in the Northwest Territory rebeUion, 
1885; as a conservative in politics, unsuccessfuUy 
contested Montreal West, General Elections, 1881, 
and Montreal Centre, General Elections, 1886, for the 
legislature; one of the lawyers for the Society of Jesus 
in its libel suit against the "Toronto Mail"; delivered 
judgment in the case of the Canada Revue Publishing 
Company vs. Archbishop Favre of Montreal, 1894. 

ARTICLE: Masses, Bequests for (Canada). 

Dolan, Reverend John Gilbert, o.s.b., b. in 
London, 1853, son of Henry Dolan and Constantia 
Rees; d. 10 April, 1914. Education: Downside 
Abbey. Entered the Benedictine Order 1870; profes- 










sor at Downside 1874^1884; ordained 1878; stationed 
at St. Mary's, Liverpool, 1884-1886, at St. Alban'.s, 
Warrington, 1889-1891, at Woolton 1891-1892, and 
at Dulwich 1892-1893; sooius to Abbot Gasquet 
1893-1894; chaplain, Stanbrook Abbey, Worcester, 
1894-1899; stationed at St. Benedict's, Ealing, 
London, 1899-1908, and at St. Wulstan's Priory, 
Little Malvern, 1908-1914. Established St. Bene- 
dict's Grammar School, Ealing, Ijondon; took active 
interest in the cause of the English martyrs. Former 
member of the Lancashire and Cheshire Historical 
Society; The Bede Society (Birmingham). Author of 
pamphlets for The CathoUo Truth Society; edited 
"Weldon's Chronological Notes" (1881); contributed 
to: "The Dublin Review"; "The Tablet"; former 
editor of the "Downside Review". 

ARTICLES: Malmesburt; Malvern; Martinsberq or 
Paknonhalma; Muki Abbey. 

Doll, Sister Maky Bernakd, deceased, formerly 
stationed at the Monastery of the Visitation, Wil- 
mington, Delaware. 

ARTICLE: Margaret Mary Alacoque, Blessed. 

Domanig, Karl, Ph.D., b. at Sterzing, Tjrrol, 
Austria, 3 AprU, 1851, grandson of the patriot Anton 
Obrist and nephew of the poet Hans Obrist; d. 9 
December, 1913. Education; Gymnasium, Meran, 
Tyrol; high schools, Innsbruck and Strassburg; 
Gregorian University, Rome. In charge of the 
education of the children of Duke Phihp of Wtirttem- 
berg 1880; tutor to several of the archducal members 
of the imperial family of Austria 1880-1901 ; married 
1884; assistant custodian (1884^1887), custodian 
(1887-1900), director (1900-1913) and counsellor 
(190&-1913), Imperial Coin and Medal Collection, 
Vienna. Travelled extensively for the purposes of 
artistic research; winner of the first prize for poetry 
from the Parliament of Lower Austria, 1907; honorary 
freeman of Sterzing, 1911. Former Hon. member of 
the Austrian, Swiss and Belgian Numismatic Societies; 
of the Austrian Coin and Medal Society; of the 
German- Austrian Authors Society; of the Central 
Commission for the Discovery and Preservation of 
Artistic and Historical Monuments; of the Order of 
Franz Joseph; officer of the Tuscan Civil Service 
Order. In commemoration of his valuable services 
as its first director the administration of the Vienna 
Imperial Coin and Medal Collection issued a medal 
bearing Domanig's head; the town of Sterzing placed 
a memorial tablet, cut from native marble, on the 
house of his birth. A biography by Anton Dorrer 
"Karl Domanig, a contribution in recognition of his 
personaUty as a poet, and Tyrolese literature, 1800- 
1870" will be pubhshed shortly by Joseph Kosel. 
Author of: "Eine kathoUsche Burschenschaft" (2nd 
ed. 1873); "Parsival-Studien", 2 fascs. (1878, 1880); 
"Der Tyroler Freiheitskampf ", dramatic trilogy, con- 
sisting of: "Braut des Vaterlandes", prelude (1886; 
3rd ed. 1909), I. "Speckbacher" (1895; 3rd ed. 1909), 
II. "Joseph Straub" (1885; 4th ed. 1909), III. 
"Andreas Hofer" (1897), and "Andreas Hofers 
Denkmal", postlude (1897; 2nd ed. 1909); "WoKram 
von Eschenbach und seine Gattin" (1888); "Der 
Gutsverkaut", drama (1890; 2nd ed. 1911); "Der 
Abt von Fiecht", poem (1890; 6th ed. 1912; tr. into 
Czech and Norwegian); "Der Kldsenaere Walthers 
von der Vogelweide" (1890); "Kleine Erzahlungen" 
(1893; 3rd ed. 1912; tr. into Czech, Norwegian, and 
Flemish); "Die Deutsche Privatmedaille der altern 
Zeit" (1893); "Portratmedaillen des Erzhauses 
Osterreich" (1896); "Die Fremden", novel (1898; 
3rd ed. 1911); "Grobianus Nostramus Tyrolensis" 
(1901); "Der Idealist", drama (1902; 2nd ed. 1907); 
"Der Gral des Parsival", 1st Fasc. of "Kultur" 
(Vienna, 1906); "Wanderbuchlein", poems (1907); 
"Die liebe Not", drama (1907; 2nd ed. 1912); "Die 
deutsche MedaiUe in kunst- und kulturhist. Hinsicht" 

(1907); "Hausgartlein", poems (1908; 2nd ed. 1912); 
"Um Pulver und Blei", poem (1909); "Die Entste- 
hung von Wolframs Titurel" (1911); "Zum Frieden", 
poem (1911); "Konig Laurin", drama (1912); collabo- 
rator in "Jahresbericht der Gorresgesellschaft" (by 
Dr. Domanig: "Sketch of Adolph Bruder"), 1896; 
edited "Tyroler Kalender" 3 years; "Tyroler 
Karten''; "Klassische Andachtsbilder"; contributed 
to: "Gral"; numerous Anthologies. 
ARTICLES: Eckhel, Joseph Hilarius; Mold, Gasparo. 

Donnelly, Reverend Francis Patrick, s.j., b. at 
Pittston, Pennsylvania, 10 December, 1869. Educa- 
tion: St. John's Academy, Pittston, Pennsylvania; 
Fordham University, New York; Jesuit soholasticates. 
Entered the Society of Jesus 1888; has held succes- 
sively the posts of teacher, Boston College High 
School, Boston, Massachusetts (three years), professor 
of Latin, Greek, and EngHsh, Holy Cross College, 
Worcester, Massachusetts (two years), and professor 
of rhetoric and Classics, St. Andrew-on-Hudson, 
Poughkeepsie, New York; ordained 1903; associate 
editor of "Messenger of the Sacred Heart", New 
York, 1904r-1905; prefect of studies, St. Andrew-on- 
Hudson, 1905-1915; professor of languages, Holy 
Cross College, 1916- . Author of: "Imitation 
and Analysis" (on English composition); "The 
Heart of the Gospel"; "The Heart of Revelation"; 
"Watching an Hour"; "Mustard Seed"; "Chaff and 
Wheat"; "The Holy Hour in Gethsemane"; "New- 
man's Second Spring"; contributor to various 
CathoHc periodicals. 

ARTICLES: Ahchconfraternitt; Associations, Pious. 

Donnelly, Most Reverend Nicholas, d.d., b. at 
Dublin, 23 November, 1837. Education: Castlenock 
College, Ireland; Irish College, Rome. Ordained 
1860; curate, St. Nicholas's Church, 1861-1864; 
stationed at the pro-cathedral, 1864-1879 ; ad- 
ministrator, St. Andrew's Church, 1879-1882 ; all 
in Dublin; pastor, Rathgar, 1882-1894; Auxiliary 
Bishop of Dublin and vicar-general 1883- ; 
pastor, Bray, 1894^1904; pastor, St. Mary's Church, 
Dubhn, 1904- ; dean of the Chapter; titular 
Bishop of Canea. Vice-president of the Congress of 
Arezzo. Member of: the Royal Dublin Society; the 
Royal Irish Academy; the Royal Irish Academy of 
Music; the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland; 
the Royal Societies Club (London); the Dante 
Society of Ireland. Author of: short histories of the 
parishes of the Dublin diocese, various pamphlets; 
translated: Haberl, "Magister choralis"; contributor 
to periodicals. 

ARTICLE: Dublin, Archdiocese of. 

Donohue, Reverend Jambs F. A., a.b. s.p.m. 
Education: New York pubUc schools; Fordham 
University; Preston Park Seminary. At present, 
assistant priest, church of Our Lady of Lourdes, 
Brooklyn, New York. 

ARTICLE: Fathers of Mercy. 

Donohue, Reverend Thomas A., d.d. Educa- 
tion: St. Joseph's CoUege, Buffalo; College, St. Trend, 
Belgium; Propaganda, Rome. Has held the posts of 
chancellor of the diocese and rector of St. John the 
Baptist's Church, Buffalo; at present, rector. Im- 
maculate Conception Church and diocesan censor, 
Buffalo. Member of the Buffalo Historical Society. 
Author of: "The Iroquois and the Jesuits"; "Popular 
Progress"; "History of the Church in Western New 

ARTICLE: Buffalo, Diocese of. 

Donovan, Justin Foley, m.d.,, b. at Cork, 
Ireland, May, 1850; d. in New York, 27 May 1911. 
Education: private schools and St. Vincent's Semi- 
nary, Cork; Preparatory Seminary, MechHn, Belgium; 




Queen's College, Cork; Queen's University, Ireland. 
Dispensary doctor, Killeagh, Co. Cork, 1876; medical 
officer, Irish Local Government Board, 1876-1879; 
surgeon, Royal Navy (.at the Naval Hospitals, Malta, 
three years, and Port Royal, Jamaica, three years) 
1879-1889; colonial medical service, Jamaica: in 
charge of Lepers' Home, Spanish Town, 1889-1898, 
and health officer of the Port, Port Royal, 1898-1911; 
justice of the peace. Read a paper on "Microbian 
Doctrine of Yellow Fever" before the Epidemiological 
Society, London, 1886; twice awarded the thanks of 
the Lords of the Admiralty for devotion to duty; 
delegate from Jamaica to International Quarantine 
Conference, Barbadoes, 1904. Member of: the 
Epidemiological Society of London; the British 
Medical Association. Translated: Freire, "La cause, 
la nature et le traitement de la fifevre jaune" (1881); 
contributed to: "The Lancet"; "Daily Gleaner"; 
"Catholic Opinion". 
ABTICLES: Jamaica; Lepbosy in thb Meddle Ages. 

Donovan, Robert, b.a., b. at Leighhnbridge, 
Ireland. Education: Royal University of Ireland. 
Has served on the staff of the "Nation" and the 
"Freeman's Journal"; secretary to the commissioners 
of the N. U. I., 1908; professor of EngUsh Hterature, 
University College, Dubhn, 1910- ; commissioner 
of National Education, Ireland, 1915- 

ABTICLE: Universities: Ireland-University College, 

Donovan, Reverend Stephen Magner, o.f.m., 
b. at Quinoy, Massachusetts, 27 August, 1881. 
Education: grammar school and Adams and Thayer 
Academy, Quincy; St. Bonaventure's College, Al- 
legany, New York; St. Antony's College, Rome. 
Entered the Franciscan Order 1897; ordained 1904; 
teacher successively of philosophy and theology, Mt. 
St. Sepulchre Franciscan Monastery, Washington, 
D. C, 1904-1910; professor of philosophy, St. 
Bonaventure's College, Allegany, 1910- . Con- 
tributor to: "American Ecclesiastical Review". 

ARTICLES: Agnelltis of Pisa, Blessed; Aqnes of Bohe- 
mia, Blessed; Albert Berdini or Sarteano, Blessed; Angelo 
Carletti di Chivasso, Blessed; Angelo Clareno da Cingoli; 
Assisi; Bell. Arthur (alias Francis), Venerable; Benettis, 
Jeremiah; Bernard (or Bernardine) of Bologna; Berard of 
Carbio, Saint; Bernardine of Feltre, Blessed; Bernardine 
OF Fossa, Blessed; Bianchi, Giovanni Antonio; Bonagratia 
of Bergamo; Bonet, Nicholas; Brancati di Latjria, Fran- 
cesco Lorenzo, Cardinal; Brookby or (Brorbet), Anthony; 
Bttil (also Boil or Bovl), Bernardo; Bullaker, Thomas (or 
John Baptist), Venerable; Burleigh or Burley (BuRLiEUs), 
Walter; Caesar of Speyeh; Calasio, Mario di; Canes, Vin- 
cent; Caperolb, Pietro; Carabantes (or Caravantes), Jos^ 
de; Carvajal, Caspar de; Carvajal, Luis de; Castro, Al- 
PHONSus de; Catharine of Bologna, Saint; Clare of Monte- 
FALCO, Saint; Clare of Rimini, Blessed; Coelde, Theodore; 
CoLMAN, Walter; Conrad of Ascoli, Blessed; Conrad of 
Offida, Blessed; Conrad of Piacenza, Saint; Conrad of 
Saxony; Conry, Florence; Conversi; Cozza, Lorenzo; 
Crib; Crispin of Viterbo, Blessed; Crown, Franciscan; 
Cunegundes, Blessed; Daniel and Companions, Saint; Del- 
fino, Pietro; Delphine, Blessed; Didacus, Saint; Discalced; 
Ferrer, Nicholaus; Fonseca, Jos^ Ribeiro da; Fonseca 
SoARES, Antonio da (Antonio das Chaqas) ; Francis Solanus, 
Saint; Frassen, Claude; Gaudentius of Brescia; Harold, 
Francis; Hugh of Digne; Knoll, Albert (Joseph); Louis of 
Casoria, Venerable; Margaret Colonna, Blessed; Mabianus 
OF Florence; Mark of Lisbon (properly Marcos da Silva); 
Michael of Cessna, Michele Fuschi; Saint Bonaventdhb, 
College of. 

Dorais, Reverend Jean de la Croix. Educa- 
tion: St. Sulpice, Montreal, Canada. Ordained 1902; 
has held the posts of professor at the Diocesan College, 
curate at the cathedral, secretary to the Bishop, and 
is at present (1907- ) chancellor, diocese of 
VaUeyfreld, Canada. 

ARTICLE: Valleyfield, Diocese of. 

Dorsey, Ella Lobaine, author, b. at Washington, 
D. C, 2 March, 1853, daughter of Lorenzo and Anna 
Hanson (McKenney) Dorsey. Education: Madam 
Burr's private school; Georgetown Convent, Wash- 

ington, D. C. Journalist 1871-1891; engaged in 
scientific Ubrary work, resident in Washington, D. C, 
1891- . Volunteer assistant, Hospital Corps of 
the Daughters of the American Revolution, during 
Spanish-American War; was instrumental in getting 
248 Hospital Sisters into the army as Contract Nurses; 
organized a Ladies' Auxihary Board for Providence 
Hospital; invented (1870) a device for protecting the 
drivers of street cars from inclement weather. Has 
travelled in the interests of Trinity College. Member 
of: Daughters of the American Revolution; Descend- 
ants of Colonial Governors; National Society of 
Colonial Dames of America; Georgetown Convent 
Alumnae; Society for the Preservation of Faith 
(Cathohc Indians) ; Pocahontas Memorial Association; 
Advisory and Auxiliary Boards of Trinity College; 
Providence Hospital Auxihary. Author of: "Mid- 
shipman Bob"; "The Jose Maria"; "The Two 
Tramps"; "Desmond Coppinger's Inheritance"; 
"The Tammg of PoUy"; "Pickle and Pepper"; 
"Pocahontas"; contributor to: "The Catholic 
World"; "Harper's"; "Cosmopolitan"; "Ave 
ARTICLE: Visitation Convent, Georgetown. 

Doucere, Right Reverend Victor Isidore 
Marie, s.m., b. at Evran, Brittany, France, 3 April, 
1857. Education: Seminary of "Les Cordeliers", 
Dinan, and Seminary, St. Brieuc, France. Ordained 
1881; professor at the seminary of "Les Cordeliers", 
Dinan, 1881; professed in the Society of Mary 1886; 
sent to New Caledonia, Oceania, as a missionary, 
1886; first prefect Apostolic of New Hebrides 1901; 
vicar Apostolic of New Hebrides and titular Bishop 
of Terenuthis 1904- . Has contributed to various 

ARTICLE : New Hebrides, Vicariate Apostolic op. 

Dougherty, Mother Mart Cecelia, superior 
general, St. Joseph's Convent of Mount Carmel, 
Dubuque, Iowa. 

ARTICLE: Charity, Sisters of. 

Doughty, Arthur G., m.a., Litt.D., ll.d., c.m.g., 
E.R.s.c, F.B.Hist.soc, b. at Maidenhead, Berkshire, 
England, 1860, son of WiUiam J. Doughty. Educa- 
tion: public schools. Maidenhead; Eldon School, 
London; Oxford. Went to Canada 1886; married 1st 
Bertha, daughter of Christian Kehrwieder (d. 1910) 
1886; entered service of Legal and Commercial 
Exchange, Montreal ; private secretary to Minister of 
Pubhc Works, Quebec, 1897; private secretary to the 
Treasurer of the Province of Quebec 1899; joint 
librarian of the Quebec Legislature 1901-1904; 
Dominion archivist, Ottawa, 1904- ; married 2nd 
Kathleen, daughter of George Browne, of Montreal, 
1911; deputy minister 1912; interested in the illumi- 
nation of books on vellum. Member of the Geo- 
graphic Board of Canada. Author of: "Life and 
Works of Tennyson" (1893); "Rose Leaves" (1894); 
"The Song Storv of Francesca and Beatrice" (1896); 
"Nuga; Canora;" (1897); "The Fortress of Quebec" 
(1904); "The Cradle of New France" (1908); "The 
Siege of Quebec and the Battle of the Plains of 
Abraham", in collaboration with Dr. Parmelee, 6 
vols. (1901-1902); "Quebec under Two Flags", in 
collaboration with Dr. Dionne (1903); "Collection of 
Documents relating to the Constitutional History of 
Canada", in collaboration with Professor Adam 
Shortt (1907) ; edited, with Professor Shortt: "Canada 
and Its Provinces", 12 vols.; "The Acadian Exiles" 
(1916); "A Daughter of New France" (1916); editor, 
of "The Journals of Captain Knox", 3 vols. (Cham- 
pla,in Society); collaborator in: "Encyclopsedia 
Britannica"; "Encyclopedia Americana"; contribu- 
tor to "American Historical Review". 

ARTICLE: Chamflain, Samuel de. 




Douglas, Robert Martin, a.m., ll.d., lawyer, 
b. at Douglas, North Carolina, 28 January, 1849, son 
of Stephen A. Douglas and Martha Denny Martin. 
Education: private schools; Loyola College, Balti- 
more, Maryland; Georgetown University, Washing- 
ton, D. C. Became a Cathoho in boyhood; private 
secretary to the Governor of North Carolina 1868; 
colonel of miUtia 1868-1871; secretary to President 
Grant 1869-1873; United States Marshal, North 
Carolina, 1873-1883; married Jessie, daughter of 
Judge Robert P. Dick, of Greensboro, North Caro- 
lina; standing master in Chancery, United States 
Circuit Court, 1888-1896; associate justice of the 
Supreme Court of North Carolina 1897-1905; senior 
member of the firm of Douglas and Douglas 1905- 
; trustee of Apostolate Company, Nazareth, 
North Carolina. Delegate to RepubHcan National 
Convention, 1876; delegate to Universal Congress of 
Lawyers and Jurists, making an address against 
granting alimony in divorces a vinculo, St. Louis, 
1904; principal contributor to the building of St. 
Agnes Church, Greensboro; has been counsel and 
director of numerous corporations. Member of 
American Bar Association. Author of pamphlets on 
poHtioal, historical, social, and economic questions. 

ABTICLE : Nohth Cabolina. 

Doumic, Ren^, writer, b. in Paris, 7 March, 1860. 
Education: Lycte Condorcet and Higher Normal 
School, Paris. Literary and dramatic critic, "Revue 
des Deux Mondes", Paris, 1893- . Founder of 
the Society of Conferences; participated in the French 
Conferences, Harvard University, 1898. Chevalier 
of the Legion of Honor; president of the Society of 
Men of Letters (1909); member "of the French 
Academy; FeUow of the University of Paris. Author 
of: "Les Jeunes"; "Portraits d'6crivains"; "Eori- 
vains d'Aujourd'hui"; "De Scribe k Ibsen"; "Le 
thiSdtre contemporain"; "Le thd^tre nouveau"; 
"Hommes et idees du XIX ° si^cle"; "Etudes sur la 
litterature frangaise", 5 vols.; "George Sand"; "La 
Vie et les moeurs au jour le jour"; "Manuel d'his- 
toire de la litterature frangaise". 

ARTICLES: BotjtjAinvtlliers, Henri, Count of; Bran- 
t6me, Pierre de Bourdeille Seigneur de; France; French 

Dowling, Right Revereistd Austin, a.b., d.d.. 
Bishop of Des Moines, Iowa, b. in New York, 6 
April, 1868. Education: Manhattan College, New 
York; St. John's Seminary, Brighton, Massachusetts; 
Catholic University, Washington, D. C. Ordained 
1891; instructor in Church history, St. John's Semi- 
nary, Brighton, 189.3-1896; editor, "Providence 
Visitor", Providence, Rhode Island, 1896-1898; 
rector of the cathedral. Providence, and lecturer on 
historical subjects, 1898-1912; Bishop of Des Moines, 
Iowa, 1912- 

ARTICLES: Conclave; Providence, Diocese of. 

Dowling, Reverend Michael P., s.j., b. at 
Cincinnati, Ohio, 14 June, 1851; d. at Kansas City, 
Missouri, 13 February, 1915. Education: St. Xavier's 
College. Cincinnati; Jesuit scholasticates, Florissant, 
Missouri, Woodstock, Maryland, and St. Louis, 
Missouri. Entered the Society of Jesus 1869; 
ordained 1881; at various times teacher of poetry, 
rhetoric, and Uterature, Jesuit colleges at Cincinnati, 
St. Louis, and Detroit, 1881-1885; president, Creigh- 
ton University, Omaha, Nebraska, 1885-1889; 
president, Detroit College, 1889-1893; pastor, Holy 
Family Church, Chicago, 1893-1897; pastor, Gesu, 
Milwaukee, 1897-1898; president, Creighton Univer- 
sity, Omaha, 1898-1907; pastor, St. Aloysius Church, 
Kansas City, Missouri, 1907-1915. As president of 
Creighton University, erected a church, aided in 
establishing an astronomical observatory, founded 
the departments of dentistry and pharmacy, and. 

with the help of Count John A. Creighton, placed 
the finances of the institution upon a firm basis; as 
president of Detroit College and rector in Chicago 
and Milwaukee, erected schools and other buildings, 
renovated churches, etc.; built Rockhurst College, 
Kansas City. Author of lectures and pamphlets on 
reUgious, educational, social, and economic questions. 
ARTICLE : Creighton Univeksitt. 

Doyle, Reverend James, b. at Madras, India, 
1860. Education: St. Paul's High School, Rangoon, 
Burma; General Seminary for the Eastern Missions, 
Penang, Straits Settlements. Ordained 1885; engaged 
in parish and mission work under Bishop Medlycott, 
Malabar, India, 1888-1889; became a priest of the 
diocese of San Thome, Mylapore, India, 1890; has 
held the post of professor in colleges and seminaries; 
former editor of "The Catholic Register" (18 years); 
relieved of parish work through ill health, resident at 
Whitefield, Mysore, India, 1911- . By his 
researches has contributed much valuable evidence 
to the question of the authenticity of the grave of St. 
Thomas, Mylapore. Member of the Royal Asiatic 
Society of Great Britain and Ireland. 

ARTICLE: Saint Thomas of Mtiapuk. 

Doyle, Reverend John Patrick Maria, t.o.r., 
M.A., S.T.D., b. in Ireland, 1873. Education: Assump- 
tion School, St. Francis College, and St. John's 
Seminary, Brooklyn, New York; American CoUege, 
Rome. Came to the United States 1880; ordained 
1901; former chaplain and professor of philosophy, St. 
Francis College, Brooklyn; assistant successively at 
Church of St. John the Evangelist, Brooklyn, St. 
Patrick's Church, Huntington, New York, and Church 
of Our Lady of the Angels, Brooklyn; entered the 
Third Order Regular of St. Francis 1910; rector and 
professor of moral theology, St. Francis College and 
Seminary, Loretto, Pennsylvania, 1910-1914; sta- 
tioned at Trinity College, Sioux City, Iowa, 1914. 

ARTICLE: Third Orders: Third Order Regular of St. 
Francis (Province of the Sacred Heart of Jesus). 

Driscoll, Reverend James F., d.d., b. at Poultney, 
Vermont, 1859. Education: Sulpioian College and 
Seminary, Montreal, Canada; further studies in Paris 
and Rome; Semitic studies under Dr. Hyvernat and 
Dr. Ignacio Guidi. Entered the Congregation of St. 
Sulpice; professor of dogmatic theology. Grand 
Seminary, Montreal, 1889-1896; prof essor of dogmatic 
theology (1896-1898); professor of Sacred Scripture 
and Semitios (1898-1902), and president (1902-1909), 
St. Joseph's Seminary, Yonkers, New York; editor, 
"New York Review", 1905-1908; left the Sulpician 
Order, becoming a priest of the New York diocese, 
1906; rector, St. Ambrose's Church, New York, 1909- 
1910; rector, St. Gabriel's Church, New RocheUe, 
New York, 1910- . Member of: the American 
Oriental Society; the Oriental Club of New York. 

ARTICLES: Adam; Armenia; Carem; Dan; Euthalius, 
Bishop OP Sulca; Eve; Ezechias; Firmament; Gog and Maqoq; 
Golden Calf; Hebrew Language and Literature; Hermon; 
HoGAN, John Baptist (Abb^); Janssens, Johann Hermann; 
Jehu; Jephte; Jeroboam; Jezabel; Joab; Jonas; Jonathan; 
Josaphat; Juda, Name of Patriarch, Tribe, and Territory; 
.TuDAS Machabeus; Lamb, Paschal; Lamuel; Lamt, Bernard; 
Levites; Media and Medes; Moses Bar Cephas; Nabo; Na- 
than; Nathanael; Nathinites; Nazarene; Nazarites; Nebo, 
Mount; Nemrod or Nimrod; Nicodemus; Ointment, in Scrip- 
ture; Onias (6); Oriental Study and Research; Ozias; 
Patriarch; Pectoral; Pharisees; Philistines; Phylacteries; 
Promise, Divine, in Scripture; Proselyte; Publican; Ra- 
chel; Raphael, Saint; Rechab and the Rbchabites; Refuge, 
Cities of; Sabaoth; Sadducees; Salome; Samson; Sara; 
Saul; Scribes; Simeon; Simeon, Holy; Simon of Cremona; 
Stoning in Scripture; Terrestrial Paradise; Theocracy; 
Tribe, Jewish; Urim and Thummim. 

Driscoll, Very Reverend James H., d.d., d.c.l., 
rector, church of St. John the Baptist, Plattsburg, 
New York. 

ARTICLES: Birth, the Defect of; Contumacy. 




DriscoU, Reverend John Joseph, s.j., b. at St. 
Louis, Missouri, 13 February, 1868. Education: St. 
Francis Xavier's School and St. Louis University, 
St. Louis, Missouri; Jesuit scholastioates, Woodstock, 
Maryland, and Florissant, Missouri; University of 
Chicago, IlUnois. Entered the Society of Jesus 
1885; professor in various Jesuit colleges 1892-1897; 
ordained 1900; engaged alternately in teaching and in 
parish work 1901- ; chaplain. Good Samaritan 
Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1902-1904; rector, Holy 
Family Church (1908-1909) and chaplain of Sacred 
Heart College (1909), Denver, Colorado; rector, St. 
Patrick's Church, Superior, Wisconsin, 1909-1913; 
rector, St. Francis Regis Church, East St. Louis, 
Illinois, 1913- 

ABTICLE; Superior, Diocese of. 

DriscoU, Reverend John T., m.a., s.t.l., b. at 
Albany, New York, 2 August, 1866; d. at Round 
Lake, New York, 24 August, 1916. Education: 
public schools, Albany; Manhattan College, New 
York; St. Joseph's Seminary, Troy, New York; 
CathoUc University, Washington, D. C. Ordained 
1899; pastor, St. Johnsville, New York, 1891-1894; 
professor of philosophy and Hebrew, St. John's 
Seminary, Boston, Massachusetts, 1894^1897; assist- 
ant pastor, St. Bridget's church, WatervHet, 1897- 
1898; assistant pastor, St. Ann's church, Albany, 
1899-1900; pastor, St. Cecilia's church, Fonda, New 
York, 1900-1915; pastor, St. Bridget's church, 
Watervliet, 1915-1916. Led his class maxima cum 
laude at the Catholic University winning the first 
degree (s.t.b.) ever issued from that institution; 
saved from suppression and estabhshed on a firm basis 
the mission at St. Johnsville, New York; lectured on 
philosophical and literary subjects at Catholic Sum- 
mer School, Cliff Haven, New York. Former trustee, 
CathoUc Summer School, Chff Haven, founder and 
president of Albany Cottage there; former member: 
Albany Historical and Art Society; Brooklyn Institute 
of Arts and Sciences; United States Cathohc Historical 
Society; Manhattan College Alunmi Society; Catholic 
University Alumni Society; Irish-American Ilistorical 
Society. Author of: "Christian Philosophy, The 
Soul"; "Christian Philosophy, God"; "Pragmatism 
and the Problem of the Idea"; contributor to: 
"American Ecclesiastical Review"; "American Catho- 
lic Quarterly Review"; "The Catholic World"; "The 
North American Review". 

ARTICLES: Animi6m; Cassidt, William; Deity; Dongan, 
Thomas; Fetichism; Miracle; Naturism; O'Callaghan, Ed- 
mund Bailey; Shamanism; Summer Schools, Catholic; Theos- 
ophy; Totemism. 

Drum, Reverend Walter, s.j., b. at Louisville, 
Kentucky, 21 September, 1870, son of Captain John 
Drum, killed at Santiago, Cuba. Education: Las 
Vegas College, New Mexico; Marquette University, 
Milwaukee; Canisius College, Buffalo; Boston College, 
Boston; St. Joseph's University, Beirut, Syria; Inns- 
bruck University; Woodstock College, Maryland. 
Entered the Society of Jesus 1890; teacher successively 
at St. Francis Xavier's College, New York, and 
Georgetown and Gonzaga Colleges, Washington, D. 
C, 1896-1900; ordained 1904; professor of Hebrew 
and Sacred Scripture (1908- ) and librarian 
(1909- ), Woodstock College, Maryland. Author 
of: "Pioneer Forecasters of Hurricanes" (Washing- 
ton, 1905); "Pastoral Medicine" (in collaboration 
with Alexander E. Sanford) (New York, 1905); 
contributor to: "Messenger"; "America"; "CathoUc 
World"; "American Catholic Quarterly Review"; 
"American Ecclesiastical Review". 

ARTICLES; Hexateuch; Hug, Johann Leonhaed; Hus, 
Land of, and Name of Three Persons; Incarnation; John, 
Epistles of Saint; Josue; Judges; La Haye, Jean de; Lainez, 
James; Lazarus; Magi; Manahem; Manahen; Manasbes(7); 
Manuscripts; Martin, Paulin; Massobah; Mathathias (10); 
Menochio, Giovanni Stefano; Parallelism; Patrizi, Francis 
Xavier; Paul of Burgos; Pereira, Benedict; Perrone, 

Giovanni; Pesch, Tilmann; Pineda, John de; Prado, Jerome 
de; Psalms; Rhymed Bibles; Salmeron, Alfonsus; Seven- 
Branch Candlestick; Shammai; Solomon, Psalms of; Syna- 
gogue; Temple, Liturgy of; Theology, Pastoral; Thessa- 
lonians. Epistles to the; Tobias; Tropology, Scriptural; 
Trumpets, Feast of; Zabulon; Zachaeias; Zionists. 

Druimnond, Reverend Lewis Henry, s.j., b. at 
Montreal, Canada, 19 October, 1848. Education: 
St. Mary's College, Montreal; Woodstock CoUege, 
Woodstock, Maryland; St. Beuno's College, St. 
Asaph, Wales. Entered the Society of Jesus 1868; 
professor of Classics, St. Mary's College, Montreal, 
1870-1872; professor, St. Francis Xavier's College, 
New York (1876-1878, 1879-1880), and St. John's 
College, Fordham, New York (1878-1879) ; ordained 
1883; professor at St. Joseph's College, St. Boniface, 
and member of the University of Manitoba, Canada, 
1885-1890, 1892-1908; rector, St. Mary's College, 
Montreal, 1890-1892; assistant. Church of Our Lady 
Immaculate, Guelph, Ontario, 1908-1909, 1912-1913; 
stationed at the College of St. Francis Xavier, 
Edmonton, Canada, 1913- ; associate editor of 
"America", New York, 1909-1910; associate editor 
of "Canadian Messenger of the Sacred Heart"; 
chaplain of the Catholic Sailors' Club and of the 
CathoUc Women's Prison; moderator of CathoUc 
Social Study Guild, and director of EngUsh-speaking 
Laymen's Retreats at Boucherville, Montreal, 1910- 
1912. Former editor of "Northwest Review", 
afterwards the "Central CathoUc", Winnipeg, 1894^ 
1908; has frequently lectured in Canada and in 
Minnesota and North Dakota; preacher of the 
Lenten Sermons, Gesu Church, Montreal, 1911, 
1912, 1913. CoUaborator in "Canada and Its 
Provinces", Vol. II (by Father Drummond: "The 
Church and the Colony"). 
ARTICLE : Lac, Stanislaus du. 

Drury, Reverend Edwin, b. near Knottsville, 
Kentucky, 16 June, 1845; d. at LouisviUe, Kentucky, 
2 February, 1913. Education: St. Mary's College, 
Marion County, and St. Thomas Seminary, Bards- 
town, Kentucky. Ordained 1872; Ufe spent in 
parish (twenty years) and missionary (ten years) 
work; chaplain. Convent of the Sisters of Loretto at 
the Foot of the Cross, Nerinx, Kentucky, 1906-1913. 
Author of "What the Church Teaches" (New York). 

ARTICLES: Ball, Mother Frances Mary Teresa; Lo- 
retto, Sisters of, at the Foot of the Cross. 

D's§,, Reverend Mangel Francis Xavier, b. at 
Moira, Goa, India, 25 November, 1874. Education: 
elementary schools, Moira; further studies at Mapuga, 
Portuguese India; St. Xavier's College, Bombay; 
matriculated at Bombay University; Papal Seminary, 
Kandy, Ceylon. Ordained 1904; attached to Gloria 
Church and principal of the Antonio de Souza School, 
Mazagon, Bombay, 1904- ; vicar, church of 
N. S. da Saude, Cavel, Bombay, India, 1911- 
As a seminarian, author of a Latm address from the 
student body to Leo XIII. Author of: "Documents 
Concerning the Concordat of 1886" (1907); "Diffi- 
culties Solved Concerning Double Jurisdiction in 
Bombay" (1907); "History of the CathoUc Church 
in India", Vol. I (1910); contributor to: "CathoUc 
Herald" (Calcutta); "Anglo-Lusitano". 

ARTICLES: Allahabad; Garcia Gonsalo, Saint. 

D'Souza, Anthont Xavier, p.i.p.s., b. at Calan- 
gute, Goa, India, 13 September, 1873. Education: 
primary studies in Goa; matriculated at Bombay 
University. At present, Portuguese and Concanim 
translator, interpreter and official stenographer, 
High Court of Judicature, Bombay. Has held 
appointments on the Boards of Directors of various 
social, Uterary, educational, and charitable insti- 
tutions, Bombay. Hon. Secretary of the Goan 
Union. Author of: "Life of St. Francis Xavier"; 




"History and Miracles of Our Lady of Lourdes" 
(both in Coneani). 
ARTICLES: Cuncolim, Martths or; Fassos. 

Dubray, Reverend Charles Albert, s.m., 
S.T.B., Ph.D., b. at Villaines-sous-Luo6, Sarthe, 
France, 2 November, 1875. Education: Preparatory 
Seminary, S6es, France; Marist College and Catholic 
University, Washington, D. C. Entered the Society 
of Mary 1893; sent to America 1894; ordained 1899; 
professor of philosophyj Marist College, Washington, 
1899- ; instructor in philosophy. Catholic Uni- 
versity, Washington, 1913- . Member of: the 
Society for Philosophical Inquiry (Washington); 
the Southern Society for Psychology. Author of: 
"The Theory of Psychical Dispositions" (dissertation 
for doctorate) (New York, 1905); "Introductory 
Philosophy" (New York, 1912); contributor- to: 
"Catholic University Bulletin"; "Revue de philoso- 

ARTICLES: Actus et Potentia; Actus Primus; Actus 
PuRus; AiLLT, d', Pierre; Analysis; Appetite; Bervanger, 
Martin de; Blanchard (Duchesne), Jean-Baptiste; Bon- 
NETTY, Augustin; Bonosus, Bishop of Sardica; Brueys, 
David- Augustin de; Bus, C^sar de, Venerable; Caen, Uni- 
versity of; Calepino, Ambrogio; Cally, Pierre; Clichtove, 
Josse; Colonna, Egidio; Dhuoda; Duhamel, Jean-Baptiste; 
DuPERRON, Jacques-Davy; Dynamism; Emanationism; En- 
cyclopedists; Epistemologt; Espence, Claude d'; Faculties 
OF the Soul: Feanchi, Ausonio; Gaultier, Aloisius-Edouard- 
Camille; G^doyn, Nicolas; G^rando, Joseph-Marie de; 
GiNOULHiAC, Jacques-M arie-Achille ; Girard, Jean-Baptiste; 
Habit; Jacotot, Joseph; Jouffroy, de; Knowledge; 
Lafor^t, Nicolas-Joseph; Le F^vre, Jacques; Mersenne, 
Marin; Naturalism; Nature; Necromancy; Nourrisson, 
Jean-Felix; Scalimoli (Andrea di Castellan a); Secularism; 
Species; Teleology; Telepathy; Traducianism. 

Dubruel, Reverend Behtrand Marie Marc, 
S.J., b. at Bordeaux, 4 April, 1874. Education: St. 
Mary's Institute and College of St. Joseph of Tivoli, 
Bordeaux; University of Bordeaux; Sorbonne; Catho- 
lic Institute, Paris; various Jesuit scholasticates. 
Entered the Society of Jesus 1892; professor at the 
College of the Sacred Heart, Montpellier, France, 
1900-1901; professor at the Jesuit College, Kallcsburg, 
Austria, 1902-1903; ordained 1906; chaplain of la 
jeunesse Cathohque, Toulouse. Author of: "Fulrad, 
Abb6 de Saint-Denis" (Colmar, 1902); collaborator 
in: " Dictionnaire apologdtique de la foi catholique" 
(by Father Dubruel and M. ArquilliSre: "GaUican- 
ism"); "Dictionnaire de Theologie Cathohque" 
(Gallicanism) ; contributor to : "Etudes"; "Revue des 
questions historiques " ; "Nouvelle revue th^olo- 
gique"; "Revuea golog^tique" (Brussels); "Revue 
de I'histoire de I'Eghse de France"; "Bulletin de 
htt&ature eccl6siastique " ; "Revue d'histoire eccldsi- 
astique" (Lou vain); "Messager de Coeur de Jesus" 

ARTICLES : Sacred Heart of Jesus, Society of the (Pac- 
canarists) . 

Duffy, Reverend Daniel Philip, s.s., m.a., 
S.T.L., J.C.L., b. at Baltimore, 8 December, 1864. 
Education: St. Charles College, Ellicott City, Mary- 
land; St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore; St. Sulpice, 
Paris; Minerva and Roman Seminary, Rome. 
Entered the Sulpician Order 1888; ordained 1891; 
has held the posts of teacher of Classics, St. Charles 
College, Elhcott City; teacher of Sacred Scripture and 
treasurer, St. John's Seminary, Brighton, Massachu- 
setts; superior of the Department of Philosophy, St. 
Mary's Seminary, Baltimore; superior, St. Austin's 
College, Washington; treasurer of Caldwell Hall, 
CathoUc University, Washington; at present, secre- 
tary and associate professor of Sacred Scripture, St. 
Mary's Seminary, Baltimore. 

ARTICLES: BRnoiRE, Louis-FRiD^Ric; Eleazar; Eliseus; 

Duffy, Reverend Francis Patrick, m.a., d.d., b. 
at Cobourg, Ontario, Canada, 1871, son of Patrick and 

Mary Ready Duffy. Education: separate and high 
schools, Cobourg; St. Michael's College, Toronto, 
Canada; St. Joseph's Seminary, Troy, New York; 
Cathohc University, Washington, D. C. Teacher, 
St. Francis Xavier's Grammar School, New York, 
1893-1894; for a brief period editor of "Catholic 
Register", Toronto, Canada; ordained 1896; chaplain 
at Camp Wikoff, Montauk Point, Long Lsland, 1898; 
professor of logic and metaphysics, St. Joseph's 
Seminary, Dunwoodie, New York, 1898-1912; rector 
(and organizer of the parish). Church of Our Saviour, 
South Fordham, New York, 1912- ; chaplain. 
Sixty-ninth New York Infantry, 1914- . Former 
associate editor of "New York Review", 1905-1909. 
Contributor to various periodicals. 
ARTICLE: Abstraction. 

Duffy, Right Reverend James Albert, d.d.. 
Bishop of Kearney, Nebraska, b. at St. Paul, Min- 
nesota, 13 September, 1873. Education: CathoUc 
Orphan Asylum, Minneapolis; St. Thomas CoUege 
and St. Paul Seminary, St. Paul. Ordained 1899; 
successively assistant at the Church of the Im- 
maculate Conception, Minneapolis, pastor of St. 
Ann's Church, Le Sueur, Minnesota, and chancellor 
and rector of the cathedral, diocese of Cheyenne, 
Wyoming, 1899-1913; Bishop of Kearney, 1913- 

ARTICLE: Cheyenne, Diocese of. 

Duffy, Reverend Patrick Edward, s.t.l., b. 
near Navan, Co. Meath, 5 October, 1871. Education: 
St. Finian's Seminary, Navan; Maynooth (Dunboyne 
student). Ordained 1896; lecturer in the ancient 
Classics, Dunboyne Estabhshment, Majmooth, 1897- 
1898; professor of Latin (1898-1910) and vice-presi- 
dent (1904^1910), St. Finian's Seminary, Navan; 
Secretary to the Bishop of Meath (1910- ) and 
administrator of the cathedral (1911- ) MuUingar. 

ARTICLE: Meath, Diocese of. 

Duffy, Very Reverend Patrick Laurence, 
A.m., ll.d., Litt.D., b. at Charleston, 25 March, 1851. 
Education: public and private schools, Charleston; 
Mt. St. Mary's CoUege and Seminary, Emmitsburg, 
Maryland. Ordained 1879; assistant rector, cathe- 
dral, 1879-1887; rector, St. Mary's Church, 1887- 
1892; once more stationed at the cathedral 1892- 
1900; rector, St. Joseph's Church, 1900- , Charles- 
ton; vicar-general of the diocese 1911; diocesan 
consultor; auditor of the diocesan curia; secretary of 
the Advisory Board of St. Francis Xavier's Infirmary; 
member of the South CaroUna Board of Charities; 
chaplain of the Ancient Order of Hibernians and of 
the Irish Volunteers. As parish priest, specially 
interested in hospital work; has lectured before the 
College of Charleston and the South Carolina 
MiUtary Academy; organized the Holy Name Society 
in St. Joseph's parish; participated in the Disputatio 
Philosophise, Woodstock College, Maryland, 1910; 
has been a delegate to the National Conference of 
CathoUc Charities; delegate and preacher. First 
American Catholic Missionary Congress. Officer of the 
Catholic Benevolent Legion; charter member and one 
of the governors, CathoUc Church Extension Society. 
Author of: "A Wreath of Ilex Leaves", poems, 2 
editions; biographical notice in Messmer's edition of 
works of Bishop England; lectures; sermons; ad- 
dresses; collaborator in "Library of Southern Litera- 
ture"; contributor to "Extension Magazine" and of 
an article on the Catholic Church in Charleston to 
the Charleston "News and Courier". 

ARTICLES: Charleston, Diocese of; England, John, 
Bishop of Ch.4rleston. 

Duggan, Right Reverend Monsignor Thomas 
Stephen, b. at Deep River, Connecticut, 26 Decem- 
ber, 1860. Education: public school. Deep River; St. 
Charles College, Elhcott City, Maryland; St. John's 




Seminary, Brighton, Massachusetts. Ordained 1892; 
curate, cathedral, Hartford, 1892-1902; pastor, St. 
Mary's Church, East Hartford, 1902-1904; rector, 
cathedral, Hartford, 1904- ; vicar-general of the 
diocese. Editor, and contributor to "The CathoUc 
Transcript" (since 1896). 

ARTICLES: Adjtiration; Hartford; McFarland, Francis 
Patrick, Bishop of Hartford; Tabb, John Bannister. 

Duhem, Pibbrb Maubice Makib, Ph.D., b. in 
Paris, 10 June, 1861; d. at Cabrespine, France, 14 
September, 1916. Education: College Stanislas and 
Higher Normal School, Paris. Master of Conferences, 
University of LiUe 1887-1893; University of Rennes 
1893-1894; professor (at present of theoretical 
physics). University of Bordeaux, 1895-. Awarded 
the Prix Petit-Dormoy (1907) and the Prix Binoux 
(1909), Academy of Sciences; doctor honoris causa 
of Louvain University. Corresponding member of: 
the Institute of France; the Venetian Royal Institute 
of Arts and Sciences; the Batavian Scientific Society 
of Rotterdam; member of: the Royal Academy of 
Belgium; the Dutch Scientific Society of Haarlem; 
the Academy of Sciences of Cracow; hon. member 
of: the Scientific Society of Brussels; the Royal 
Academy of Arts and Sciences, Padua; non-resident 
member of the Academy of Sciences. Author of 
numerous works deaUng with the various branches 
of physios. 

ABTICLES: Nbmore, Jordanus de; Oresme, Nicole; Phtb- 
ics, History of; Pierre de Mahicourt; Saxe, Jean db; 
Saxont, Albert of; Thierry of Freibourq (or of Saxony). 

Duhig, Most Reverend James, b. at Broadford, 
Co. Limerick, Ireland, 1871. Education: Irish Col- 
lege, Rome. Engaged in missionary work, Queens- 
land, Australia, 1898-1905; Bishop of Rockhampton, 
Austraha, 1905-1912; titular Archbishop of Amida 
and coadjutor Archbishop of Brisbane, with right of 
succession, 1912- 

ABTICLE: Rockhampton, Diocese of. 

Dumont, Very Reverend Francis MichaeIj 
Loms, S.S., b. at Lyons, France, 1838; d. at Washing- 
ton, D. C, 16 April, 1915. Education: school and 
seminary, Lyons; St. Sulpice, Paris. Ordained by 
Archbishop Darboy of Paris 1864; entered the Society 
of St. Sulpice 1865; alternately teacher and treasurer, 
St. Charles College, Ellicott City, Maryland, 1865- 
1880; professor at St. Mary's Seminary (superior of 
the department of philosophy for two years), Balti- 
more, Maryland, 1880-1886; president, St. Charles 
College, Elhcott City, 1886-1894; president of 
Divinity College, Catholic University, Washington, 
D. C, 1894^1911; superior of St. Austin's College, 
Washington, 1912-1915. 

ARTICLES: Boisqelin, Jean db DiEr-RAYMOND db Cuc& 
DB, Cardinal; Bonnechose, Hbnri-Marie-Gaston Boisnor- 
MAND de; Broglie, Maubice Jean; Briconnet, Guillaume, 
Cardinai*; Briconnet, Guillaume, Bishop of Meaux; 
Briconnet, Robert, Archbibhop op Reims. 

Dunford, Reverend David, b. at Ramsgate, 
Kent, England, 1869. Education: St. Edmund's 
College, Ware; Seminary, Hammersmith, London; 
Oscott College, Birmingham. Ordained 1896; suc- 
cessively curate at FuUiam, Wapping, and Barking, 
and assistant at the cathedral, Westminster, 1896- 
1907; chaplain, St. Monica's Priory, Hoddesdon, and 
assistant inspector of Catholic Schools, archdiocese of 
Westminster, 1907-1915. Former master of cere- 
monies, Westminster Cathedral. Translated "Me- 
moriale Rituum"; edited "Roman Documents and 
Decrees"; contributor of hturgical and canonical 
articles to various periodicals; editor of "Universe 
and Cathohc Weekly". 

ARTICLES: Canon; Canoness; Curate; Dean; Decree; 
ExcARDiNATioN AND Incardination; Fear; Foundation; 
Funeral Dues; Gardellini, Aloisio; Gavantus, Bartolom- 

Dunin-Borkowski, Reverend Stanislaus de, 
S.J., writer, b. at Lemberg, Galicia, Austria, 11 
November, 1864. Education: Benedictine College, 
Kremsmtinster, Upper Austria; Theresian Academy, 
Vienna; SteUa Matutina College, Feldkirch, Austria; 
Jesuit scholasticates in Austria, Holland, and England. 
Entered the Society of Jesus 1883; professor of Latin 
and Greek, Stella Matutina College, Feldkirch, 1889- 
1890, 1892-1893; ordained 1896; engaged in hterary 
work successively at Exaten, Holland, and in Luxem- 
burg, 1899-1902; engaged in literary work and profes- 
sor of Christian doctrine, Stella Matutina College, 
1902-1905, 1908-1909; since 1909 has devoted entire 
time to literature. Author of: "Die neueren For- 
schungen iiber denUrsprungdesEpLskopats" (1900); 
"Der junge De Spinoza und Werdegang im Lichte 
der Weltphilosophie" (1910); "Die Kirche als 
Stiftung Jesu" (1913); collaborator ia: "Philosophi- 
sches Jahrbuch der Gorresgesellschaft" ; "Historisches 
Jahrbuch"; "Rehgion, Christentum, Kirche", Vol. 
II; contributor to: "Stimmen aus Maria-Laach"; 
"Archiv fiir Geschichte der Philosophie"; "Inns- 
brucker Theologische Zeitschrift"; "KathoHk"; 
"Prezeglad powszechny"; "Pharus". 

ARTICLES: Hierarchy of the Early Chubch; Spinoza, 

Dunn, Archibald Joseph, f.s.s., p.K.Hist.soc, 
writer, b. in 1837. Education: Stonyhurst College, 
Blackburn, England; King's College, London. Hon. 
Secretary, St. Vincent's Home for Destitute Boys, 
1859-1875; one of the treasurers, Peter's Pence 
Association, 1860; editor (and founder) of the "Uni- 
verse", 1860; married Mary Theresa (d. 1908), 
daughter of John Egan of London, 1865; London 
correspondent of various Belgian and French papers. 
Member of the Central Asian Society. Author of: 
"The Rule of Islam"; "St. Louis du Rhone"; 
"Turkey and Its Future"; "British Interests in the 
Persian Gulf"; "Mexico and Her Resources"; "X 
Rays in Freemasonry"; contributor to: "Tablet"; 
"CathoUc Press"; "Morning Post"; "Globe"; 
"Tatler"; "Outlook"; "L'Univers" (Paris); "Bien 
Public" (Brussels); "Revue gdn^rale" (Brussels). 

ARTICLES: Feilding, Rudolph William Basil; Herbert, 
John Rogers. 

Dunn, Right Reverend Monsignor James J., 
b. at Malahide, Co. Dublin, Ireland, 9 June, 1841; 
d. at MeadviUe, Pennsylvania, 20 December, 1915. 
Education: St. Vincent de Paul's School, Baltimore, 
Maryland; Mt. St. Mary's College and Seminary, 
Emmitsburg, Maryland. Emigrated to the United 
States 1849; ordained 1866; teacher of Latin, Mt. St. 
Mary's Seminary, 1866-1867; assistant at Oil City 
1867-1868, pastor at Petroleum Centre 1868-1874, 
and pastor of St. Bridget's Church, Meadville, 1874- 
1915, all in Pennsylvania; examiner of clergy, ex- 
aminer of schools and judge of matrimonial cases, 
diocese of Erie. For one year editor of the Mead- 
viUe "Monitor"; built St. Bridget's Church, Mead- 
ville, and residences, schools, etc., in MeadviUe and 
Petroleum Centre; explored Jesuit missions among 
the Hurons, obtaining valuable reUcs of Fathers 
Breboeuf and Lallement, 1876; participated in the 
First American Pilgrimage to Rome and the Holy 
Land, 1889; inventor of patent holy water sprinkler 
and of folding confessional. Contributor to various 

ARTICLE: Erie, Diocese of. 

Dunn, Joseph, Ph.D., b. at New Haven, Con- 
necticut. Education: Universities of Yale, Harvard, 
Freiburg (Germany)^ and Rennes (France) . Former- 
ly instructor in Latm and Romance philology, and, 
at present, professor of Celtic languages and Utera- 
tures. Catholic University, Washington. Member of: 
the Phi Beta Kappa Society, the Modern Language 













yi^^'^^ simemmiSi^g^ 






Association of America, the Anthropological Society 
of Washington, the Society for the Preservation of 
the Irish Language (Dublin); offioier d'Acaddmie. 
Editor of : "La Vie de Saint Patrice", Breton mystery 
play (Paris and London, 1908); "Irish Conversa- 
tional Course with Phonographic Records" (1910); 
translator of "The Ancient Irish Epic Tale, T^ia 
B6 Ciialuge" (London, 1913); co-editor of "The 
Glories of Ireland" (Washington, 1914); contributor 
to American and European Reviews. 

ARTICLES: Ariosto, Ludovico; Abmaoh, The Book of; 
Boccaccio, Giovanni; Chiabrera, Gabriello; Crescimbeni, 
Giovanni Mario; Druidism; Filliuciub, Felix; Kells, Book 
of; Mabinogion; O'Br^in, Tiohernach; O'Grownet, Eugene; 
O'HussEY, Maelbbighte. 

Dunphy, Sister Mart Ambrosb (Julia M. 
Dunphy), Doctor of Pedagogy, b. at Newburgh, 
New Yorkj 1 May, 1857. Education: Academy of 
Mt. St. Vmcent. Entered the Order of Sisters of 
Charity of St. Vincent de Paul 1879; dean of the 
College of Mt. St. Vincent 1910- . Author of 
dramas for school performance; editor of "The 
Children of Providence" (pubUshed annually since 
1889) ; contributor to various periodicals. 

ARTICLE : Charity, Sisters of, of St. Vincent de Paui,. 

Durand, Reverend Alfred, s.j., b. at Chan- 
temerle de Grignan, France, 12 March, 1858. Educa- 
tion: Apostolic School in St. Joseph's College, 
Avignon, France. Entered the Society of Jesus 1876; 
has spent most of his Mfe in teaching and in the study 
of the New Testament and Oriental languages. 
Author of: "L'Enfance de Jesus-Christ d'aprfes les 
EvangUes canoniques" (Paris, 1908; English tr., 
Philadelphia, 1910); "Elementa Grammaticae 
Arabicae cum Chrestomathia et Lexico" in fellowship 
with the Rev. L. Cheikho, s.j., (2nd ed. 1912, Beryti); 
contributor to: "Etudes"; "Recherches de science 
religieux"; "Revue pratique d'ApoIogdtique"; 
"Revue bibUgue". 

ARTICLES: Inspiration op the Bible; Testament, The 

Buret, Right Reverend Augtjstin Alexis, 
b. at Boussay, France, 2 January, 1846. Education: 
College of Guesande and Seminary, Nantes. Profes- 
sor, Diocesan College, Chauv6, 1869-1870; ordained 
1870; curate, Limouzinifere, 1870-1871; entered the 
Society of African Missions (Lyons) 1871; sent with 
three companions to found an orphanage at Oran, 
Algeria, 1873; returned to France at death of Bishop 
of Oran 1876; stationed at Nice 1876-1877; mission- 
ary in Egypt, where he aided in founding the missions 
of Zagazig and Tanta, 1877-1885; prefect Apostolic 
of the Delta of the Nile 1885-1909; vicar Apostolic, 
resident at Cairo, 1909- ; titular Bishop of 
Bubastis 1910- 

ARTICLE: Dei/ta of the Nile, Prefecture Apostolic of 

Dutton, Joseph Maria Francis (before conver- 
sion, Ira Barnes Dutton), b. at Stowe, Vermont, 

27 April, 1843, son of Ezra Dutton and Abigail 
Barnes. Education: Old Academy and Milton 
Academy, Janesville, Wisconsin. Member of the 
Janesville City Zouaves, under E. E. Woodman, 
1860; enUsted 13th Wisconsin Infantry, under 
Colonel Maurice Maloney, 1861; quartermaster 
sergeant 1863; did captain's duty 1864^1865; lieu- 
tenant 1865; held various positions under United 
States Government 1867-1870; clerk, L. & N. R. R.^ 
1870-1875; investigating agent. War Department, 
and United States commissioner, 1876-1884; became 
a CathoMc 1883; with the Trappists, Gethsemani 
Abbey, Kentucky, 1884-1885; with the Redemp- 
torists 1886; at present helper at the Leper Settle- 
ment, Molokai, Hawaii, where he was associated with 
Father Damien, 1886- . Former Corresponding 
Member Wisconsin Historical Society; member of the 
Third Order of St. Francis. 
ARTICLE: Molokai. 

Dwightf Reverend Walter, s.j., writer, b. at 
Agawam, Massachusetts, 25 June, 1872. Education: 
high school, Springfield, Massachusetts; Jesuit scho- 
lasticates, Frederick and Woodstock, Maryland. 
Entered the Society of Jesus 1894; teacher, St. Francis 
Xavier's CoUege, New York, 1899-1903, 1907-1910; 
ordained 1907; literary editor of "America", New 
York, 1910- ; editor of the "CathoUc Mind", 
1914^ . Author of: "Our Daily Bread"; "The 
King's Table"; contributor to: "American Cathohc 
Quarterly Review"; "American Ecclesiastical Re- 
view"; "Messenger of the Sacred Heart". 

ARTICLES: Allegranza, Joseph; Buffier, Claude; 
Dwight, Thomas. 

Dwyer, Right Reverend Patrick Vincent, 
D.D., Bishop of Maitland, New South Wales, b. in 
New South Wales, 1858. Education: St. Stanislaus 
CoUege, Bathurst, New South Wales; Clonhffe 
College, Dublin; Irish College, Rome. Ordained 1882; 
secretary to Bishop Murray of Maitland and diocesan 
inspector of schools 1882-1889; president, Sacred 
Heart College, Maitland, 1889-1897; Coadjutor 
Bishop of Maitland and titular Bishop of Zoara 
1897-1909; Bishop of Maitland 1909- . Episco- 
pal Secretary, Plenary Council of Australia, 1905. 

ARTICLE: Maitland, Diocese of. 

Dwyer, William J., editor. Trade News Service, 
New York, b. at Baltimore, Maryland, 24 December, 
1885, son of William Dwyer, of Randolph, Massachu- 
setts, and Catherine Banahan, of Baltimore County, 
Maryland. Reporter, newspaper correspondent, 
technical writer, editor; resident in New York. 
Contributor to: "Engineering and Mining Journal"; 
"Metallurgical & Chemical Engineering": "Ajnerican 
Fertilizer"; "Chemical Trade Journal", London; 
other engineering, chemical and general periodicals 
in the United States and abroad. 

ARTICLE; Randall, Jaues Rtdeb. 


Eaton, Reverend Thomas J., m.a., b. at Foxford, 
Co. Mayo, Ireland, 3 March, 1877. Education: 
private tutors and National Schools; Mungret 
College, Limerick; Royal University of Ireland; Mt. 
St. Mary's Seminary, Emmitsburg, Maryland. 
Teacher and editor of college paper, Mungret College, 
Limerick, 1897-1898; came to the United States 
1899; ordained 1903; in charge of missions in Ala- 
bama 1903-1904; assistant, St. Peter's Church, 
Montgomery, Alabama, 1904-1906; assistant (1906- 
1907), administrator (1907-1911) and rector (1911- 
), St. Mary's Church, Mobile; chaplain. Council 
666, Knights of Columbus; diocesan consultor; 
defender of the marriage bond. As administrator of 
St. Mary's, enlarged the church and built a school; 
former State Chaplain Ancient Order of Hibernians 
(two years); former editor "Alabama Catholic" (two 
years). Author of: (pamphlet) "The Holy Hour"; 
"Parish Guide"; contributor to various periodicals. 

ARTICLE: Mobile, Diocese of. 

Edmonds, Reverend Columba, o.s.b., writer, 
b. at Oxford, England, 15 April, 1861. Education: 
Fort Augustus Abbey, Scotland; Sant' Ansehno, 
Rome. Becarne a Catholic 1875; entered the 
Benedictine Order 1882; ordained 1888; has been at 
various times teacher in the Abbey School, master of 
ceremonies (25 years), spiritual director of the Young 
Men's Society, and charged with the lay brothers 
Fort Augustus Abbey; at present, engaged in giving 
missions and retreats, resident at Fort Augustus. 
Author of: "Early Scottish Church" (Edinburgh, 
1906); several pamphlets of Catholic Truth Society 
series; contributor of liturgical articles to: "Ave 
Maria"; "The Month"; "Dublin Review". 

ARTICLES: Coemgen, Saint; Columba, Saint, of Tehrt- 
GLASs; Columba, Saint, Abbot of Iona; Columbanus, Saint; 
Edmund Rich, Saint; Erconwald, Saint; Ernan, Saints; 
EwALD, Saints; Gildas, Saint; Lindisfarne, Ancient Diocese 
AND Monastery of. 

Egan, Reverend Andrew, o.f.m., b. near Rugby, 
England, 1858. Education: EngUsh College, Douai, 
France; various Franciscan scholasticates in Belgium 
(at Ghent under Father David Fleming). Entered 
the Franciscan Order 1877; ordained 1884; has held 
the posts of master of novices, secretary to the 
Franciscan provincial, editor of the "Franciscan 
Monthly" (nine years), provincial, definitor, guardian, 
St. Antony's Friary, Forest Gate, London, 1907-1910; 
at present, lector of theology (since 1892) and Commis- 
sary of the Holy Land for Great Britain, (1909- ), 
resident at St. Antony's Friary. Edited English 
translation of Coppen's "Palais deCaiphe"; Rigauld, 
"La Vie de S. Antoine de Padoue" ("Earliest Life of 
St. Antony of Padua"); collaborator in "Blackie's 
Encyclopedia"; contributor to: "Dublin Review"; 
"Irish Ecclesiastical Record"; "St. Peter's"; "Tab- 

ARTICLES: Balmb (Balma), Henrt; Benedicti, Jean; 
Brugman, John; Pecham (PecchamX John, Archbishop of 

Ehrhard, Very Reverend Canon Leo, b. at 
Fegersheim, Lower Alsace, 19 April, 1859. Educa- 
tion: Preparatory and Grand Seminaries, Strassburg; 
Universities of Strassburg, Munich, and Heidelburg. 
Ordained 1882; professor. Catholic Gymnasium, 
Strassburg, 1883- . Author of: "S. Sophronii 


Anacreonticorum carmen XIV" (1887); "Kanonikup 
Axinger" (1888); "Das wichtigste vom Invaliditats- 
gesetz" (,1890); "Sources historiques des Maximes de 
La Rochefoucauld" (1891); "Eulogius Schneider" 
(1894); "Mariage du Grand Dauphin" (1895); 
"Charles Schukneister " (1898); "Le sculpteur 
Ohmaoht" (1899); "La question d' Alsace-Lorraine et 
Fr^d^ric le Grand" (1901); "L'ambassade du Prince 
Louis de Rohan", 2 vols. (1901, 1907); "Kardinal 
Ludwig von Rohan und die Halsbandgeschichte " 
(1902); " Bischofliches Gymnasium an St. Stephan zu 
Strassburg" (1903). 
ARTICLE: Alsace-Lorraine. 

Elder, Mrs. Susan Blanchard, writer, b. at Fort 
Jessup, Louisiana, 19 April, 1835, daughter of General 
Albert G. Blanchard and Susan Thompson, both of 
Massachusetts. Education: St. Michael's Convent, 
St. James Parish, Louisiana. Married Charles D. 
Elder (d. 1890), of Baltimore, brother of Archbishop 
Elder of Cincinnati, 1855; has been professor of 
natural science. High School, New Orleans, and 
member of the editorial staff of the "Morning Star"; 
at present, contributor of articles relating to the 
history of Louisiana to the "Daily Picayune"; 
resident at New Orleans. Author of: "Life of 
Archbishop W. H. Elder" ; "Life of Abb6 Rouquette" ; 
"Elder Flowers", poems, and of other poems (under 
the pen name Hermine), prose sketches, and dramas. 

ARTICLE: Rouquette, Adrien. 

Elguero Iturbide, Francisco, lawyer, b. at 
Moreha, MichoacAn, Mexico, 1856. Education: 
Seminary, Moreha. Admitted to the Bar 1880; 
justice of the peace 1880-1884; practising lawyer 
1884^ . President of the Second National 
Catholic (and First Marian) Congress, Morelia, 1904; 
vice-president of the Third National CathoMo Con- 
gress, Guadalajara, 1906. Member of the Philo- 
sophico-theological Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas 
of Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico. Author of: "La 
Inmaculada" (awarded first prize in a contest 
arranged by the Bishop of Michoacd,n on the occasion 
of the Jubilee of the Immaculate Conception 1904) ; 
two volumes of poems; treatises on legal subjects; 
contributor to: "Pensamiento Cat61ico", "El Derecho 
Cristiano", and "Revista Cat61ica" (Morelia); "El 
Pais", and "El Tiempo" (Mexico City). 

ARTICLE: MichoacAn, Archdiocese of. 

Elliott, Reverend Walter, c.s.p., writer, b. at 
Detroit, Michigan, 1842. Education: Christian 
Brothers schools; Notre Dame University, Notre 
Dame, Indiana. At first practising lawyer; entered 
Congregation of St. Paul the Apostle 1868; ordained 
1872; has spent his life in missionary work; stationed 
at the Apostolic Mission House, Washington, D. C. 
Author of: "Life of Father Hecker"; "Life of Christ"; 
"Jesus Crucified"; translated Tauler's Sermons; 
contributor to: "Catholic World" 

ARTICLES: Catholic Missionary Union; Missionary 
Society of St. Paul the Apostle. 

Ellis, Reverend John Henry, b. at Kinnegad, 
West Meath, Ireland, 18 Feb., 1876. Education: St. 
Mary's College, MuUingar, and All Hallows' College, 
Dublin, Ireland. Ordained 1899; engaged in parish 
work successively at Grass Valley and Nevada City, 




California, 1899-1902; assistant (1902-1906) and 
lector (1906-1912), cathedral, Sacramento, California; 
rector, St. Patrick's Church, Jackson, California, 
1912- ; chaplain State Industrial School for Boys. 
ARTICLE: Sacramento, Diocese of. 

Engelhardt, Reverend Zephyrin (Charles 
Anthony Engelhardt), o.f.m., writer and mission- 
ary, b. at Bilshausen, Hanover, Germany, 13 Novem- 
ber, 1851. Came to the United States 1852. Educa- 
tion: parish schools and St. Francis Seraph College, 
Cincinnati, Ohio. Entered the Franciscan Order 
1872; ordained 1878; teacher, St. Joseph's College, 
Cleveland, Ohio, 1879-1880; missionary to the 
Menominee Indians, Wisconsin, 1880-1885; stationed 
at Superior City, Wisconsin, 1885-1887; vice- 
commissary for the Holy Land and editor of the 
"Weekly Pilgrim of Palestine" (New York), 1887- 
1888; missionary in Mendocino County, California, 
1888-1890; stationed at St. Joseph's Monastery, 
Cleveland, 1890-1894; superior of the missions in 
Northern Michigan and of the Indian Boarding 
School, Harbor Springs, Michigan, 1894-1900; in 
charge of the Indian Boarding School, Banning, 
Cahfomia, 1900-1901; stationed in Cahfornia 1901- 
; engaged in literary work, resident at Santa 
Barbara. Introduced Sisters of St. Joseph to 
Shawano and Keshena, Wisconsin; built and main- 
tained large boarding school, refeuilding it when 
destroyed by fire, Menomuiee Reservation, Wisconsin; 
founder (1895) and editor (five years) of "Anishinabe 
Enamiad" (Ottawa-Chippewa). Member of the 
Texas Historical Association; the National Geo- 
graphical Society (Washington) . Author of: "Kach- 
kenohamatwon Kesekoch" (Menominee) (St. Louis, 
1882); "Kateshim" (Menominee) (St. Louis, 1883); 
"The Franciscans in California" (Harbor Springs, 
Michigan, 1897); "Missions and Missionaries of 
California", 5 vols. (San Francisco. 1908-1916); 
"The Holy Man of Santa Clara, or Life of Father 
Magin Catala" (San Francisco, 1909); contributor to: 
"Katholische Missionen"; "California VoUcsfreund"; 
"St. Josephsblatt" (Mt. Angel, Oregon); "St. 
Franziskus Bote"; "Franciscan Tertiary" (Dublin); 
"St. Antony's Messenger" (Cincinnati); "The Moni- 
tor" (San Francisco); "Tidings" (Los Angeles); 
"Church Progress" (St. Louis); German pen name, 
"Der Bergmann"; English pen name, "Esperanza". 

ARTICLES: California Missions; Deyman, Clementine; 
Diego t Moreno, Francisco Garcia, Bishop of California; 
Dolores Mission; Dumetz, Francisco; Duran, Narcisco; 
Friars Minor in America; Magin, Catala; Margil, Antonio; 
Martin of Valencia; Mambre, Zenobius; Monterey and Los 
Angeles; Padilla, Juan de; Paloh, Francisco; Patreja, 
Francisco; Pateras, Mariano; Quevedo, Juan de; SAnchez, 
Jos^ Bernardo; Senan, Jos^ Francisco de Paula; Serra, 
JuNfpERo; SiTJAR, BUENAVENTURA; Tapis, Esteban; Viader, 
Jos^; Zalvidea, Jos^ Maria de. 

Engelkemper, Reverend Wilhelm, s.t.d., Ph.D., 
b. at Munster, 17 March, 1869. Education : Academy 
and University, Munster; College of St. Thomas de 
UrtDe, Rome; University of Berlin. Ordained 1891; 
stationed at Santa Maria dell' Anima, Rome, 1891- 
1893; privat dozent (1898-1906), professor (1906- 
1908), and professor of Old Testament exegesis 
(1908- ), University of Miinster. Author of: 
"De Saadia Gaonis vita, bibhorum translatione, 
hermeneutica" (Miinster, 1897); "Die Paradieses- 
flusse" (Munster, 1901); "Die Lehre von der HI. 
Schrift in der Religionsphilosophie Saadja Gaons" 
(Miinster, 1903); "HeiUgtum und Opferstatten in 
den Gesetzen des Pentateuch" (Paderborn, 1908); 
collaborator in: "Philosophisches Jahrbuch der Gor- 
resgesellschaft" (by Dr. Engelkemper: "Die Lehre 
Saadia Gaons iiber die Authebung des Gesetzes' " 
(1900); contributor of scriptural articles to: "Theolo- 
gische Quartalschrift"; "Germania"; "Biblisohe 

ARTICLE: MOnstbr, Universitt of. 

Ennis, Very Reverend Adolphus Thomas, 
b. in Rome, Italy, 7 January, 1853. Education: 
Gregorian University, Rome. Ordained 1875; has 
been at various times curate, chaplain, and pastor; 
former secretary, diocese of Concordia, Kansas; at 
present, consultor, diocese of Concordia, and (1912- 
), rector of St. John Baptist's Church, Clyde, 
Kansas. Author of: "Ootavius, a Tale of the First 
Century"; "Introduction to Dante's Inferno". 

ARTICLE: Concordia, Diocese of (in America). 

Enright, Sister Maey Augustine, b. in Mary- 
borough, Irelandj 28 May, 1848, daughter of T. C. 
and Ann Enright; d. at Springfield, 111., 10 October, 
1915. Education: Convent in Canada. Entered the 
Ursuhne Order 1867; engaged chiefly in school work; 
held the posts 6i directress, LTrsuline Academy, 
Springfield, Illinois, and first provincial counsellor, 
Ursuline Southern Provincialate, Dallas (appointed 
1906). Represented the province three times at the 
General Ursuline Chapters in Rome. Occasional 
contributor to the magazines. 

ARTICLE: Dallas, Diocese of. 

Espinosa, Aurelio Macedonio, m.a., Ph.D., 
b. at Carnero, Colorado, 12 September, 1880. Edu- 
cation: pubhc schools. Veteran and Del Norte, 
Colorado; University of Colorado; University of 
Chicago. Assistant, in Romance Languages, Uni- 
versity of Colorado, 1901-1902; professor of Spanish 
and French, University of New Mexico, 1902^1910; 
associate professor of Spanish, Leland Stanford 
University, California, 1910- . Founding mem- 
ber and special collaborator, Soci6t6 Internationale de 
Dialectologie Romane; hon. member of the Chile 
Folklore Society. Author of: "Metipsimus in 
Spanish and French" (publications of the Modern 
Language Association, 1911); "La Cosecha Humana" 
(Spanish tr. of Jordan, "The Human Harvest") 
(Madrid, 1912); "El Imperio Invisible" (Spanish tr. 
of Jordan, "Unseen Empire") (Barcelona, 1915); 
collaborator in: "Matzke — Memorial Volume" (Stan- 
ford University, 1911); edited: Echegaray, "El Gran 
Galeoto" (Boston, 1903); Echegaray, "El Poder de 
la Impotencia" (Boston, 1906); Ayala, "Consuelo" 
(New York, 1911); Sierra, "Teatro de Ensueno'' 
(Yonkers, 1917); Sierra, "Canci6n de Cuna" (New 
York, 1918); Benavente, "El Principe que todo lo 
aprendi6 en los Libros" (Yonkers, 1918); "Elemen- 
tary Spanish Grammar (with C. G.Allen) (10 editions, 
N. Y., 1915-1917); Elementary Spanish Reader" 
(Boston, 1916) ; "Advanced Spanish Composition and 
Conversation" (Boston, 1917); Radin, "Folklore de 
Oaxaca" (Havana, 1916); contributor to: "Bulletin 
of the University of New Mexico"; "Bulletin of the 
New Mexico Historical Society"; "Bulletin de 
Dialectologie Romane " ; " Romanic Review " ; "Revue 
Hispanique"; "Journal of American Folklore"; 
"Revista Ilustrada"; "New Mexico Journal of 
Education"; "Revista Positiva"; "The Monitor". 

ARTICLES: Nevada; New Mexico; Penitenteb, Los 

Euphrosine, Sister St. 

ARTICLE: Notre Dame de Montreal, Congregation of. 

Ewing, John Gillespie, m.a., San Juan, Porto 

ARTICLES: Ewing, Thomas; Gillespie, Eliza Maria; 
Gillespie, Neal Henry; Newton, John; Pugh, George 
Ellis; Pulaski, Casimir. 

Eyre, Edward, b. in Dubhn, Ireland, 25 March, 
1851. Education: Jesuit school, Belvidere Place; 
Dr. Quinn's preparatory school, Harcourt Street; 
Trinity College, Dublin. Married Ehsa, daughter of 
Dr. James Ainsworth of Belfast, Ireland, 1877; 
entered the employ of Grace Brothers and Company, 
Paris, becoming junior partner of the firm, 1876, and 
full partner, 1880; one of the original founders of the 




Grace House, Chile, 1882; successively manager, vice- 
president and president of the W. R. Grace Company, 
New York, 1893-1906; on the board of managers of 
the London branch of the Grace organization, 1906- 
. Was instrumental in bringing about the settle- 
ment of Peru's foreign debt after the war with Chile, 
managing for a time the different systems of railways 
turned over by that government to its creditors; in 
1892 negotiated with the government of Chile the 
settlement of the claims against that government 
made by the holders of the Peruvian bonds, due to 
the seizure by Chile of the Guano deposits and other 
properties that constituted part of their guarantee 
from Peru; in 1898 Mr. Eyre, acting for an important 
American syndicate, obtained (jointly with Mr. E. 
F. Crayen) a concession from the government of 

Nicaragua for the construction of a maritime canal 
through that country, the reaUzation of which was 
not permitted by the United States government; the 
text of the Eyre-Crayen concession was used, however, 
almost verbatim by the State department in the 
proposed treaty with Colombia for the completion 
of the Panama Canal and similarly later for the 
treaty actually made with the new RepubHc of 
Panama. Former president of the Marquette 
League; member of: the Board of Directors of 
The CathoUo Encyclopedia; the Council of the 
Westminster Catholic Federation; the Crusade of 
Rescue; Metropohtan Hospital; the Xavier Alunmi 
Sodality; St. Vincent de Paul Society; a governor of 
Cardinal Vaughan's Memorial school. Author of a 
criticism of Lord Bryce's book on South America. 


Fajining, Reverend William Henry Windsor, 
b. at Hoboken, New Jersey, 9 July, 1861, son of 
Charles Windsor Fanning. Education: St. Louis 
University; St. Ignatius College, Chicago; Wood- 
stock College, Maryland; University of Innsbruck, 
Austria. Entered the Society of Jesus 1878; ordained 
1894; at various times instructor in classics, St. Louis 
University, professor of rhetoric and poetry, St. 
Ignatius College, Chicago (five years), vice-president 
and prefect of studies, Marquette College, Milwaukee, 
professor of Classics, Normal School of Jesuit scho- 
lasticate, Florissant, Missouri, professor of canon law 
and ecclesiastical history (1899-1913) and dean of the 
School of Divinity and of Philosophy and Science, 
St. Louis University; left the Society of Jesus, 1913; 
resident at Chicago. Contributor to various periodi- 

ARTICLES : Abdication ; Acclamation, in Papal Elections; 
Advocates of Roman Congregations; Advocates of St. 
Peter; Agents op Roman Congregations; Allocution; 
Alumnus; Amovibilitt; Apaches; Assessor of the Holy 
Office; Assessors; Assistant at the Pontifical Throne; 
Auditor; Baltimore, Plenary Councils of; Baltimore, 
Provincial Councils of; Baptism; Barruel, Augustin; 
BiNER, Joseph; Canons, Ecclesiastical; Cathedhaticum; 
Census; Chaplain; Chapter; Church Maintenance; Cita- 
tion; Cleric; College; Collegiate; Commissary Apostolic; 
Competency, Privilege of; Conferences, Ecclesiastical; 
Confraternity; Conghua; Constitutions, Papal; Curator; 
Cure of Souls; Cursores Apostolici; Definitor; Delega- 
tion; Denunciation; De Smet, Pierre- Jean; DEvOLuriON; 
DiMissoRiAL Letters; Distributions; Filial Church; Forum, 
Ecclesiastical; Hunting, Canons on; Intrusion; Irregu- 
larity; Irremovability; Legitimation; Manifestation of 
Conscience; Marriage, Mixed; Medicine and Canon Law; 
MiDwrvES; Monastery, Canonical Erection of a; Obreption; 
Oratory; Papal Elections; Parish (in English-speaking 
Countries); Pension, Ecclesiastical; Pichler, Vitus; 
Plenary Council; Postulation; Pr.elatus Nullius; Precept; 
Presumption (in Canon Law); Prisons, Ecclesiastical; 
Promotor Fidei; Property, Ecclesiastical, in the United 
States; Renunciation; Reserved Cases; Scrutiny; Sexton; 
Societies, Catholic; Societies, Secret; Subdeacon; Suspen- 
sion; Synod; Tahquini, Camillus; Tenure, Ecclesiastical; 
Tithes; Tonsure; Trustee System; Vicar; Vicar Apostolic; 
Vicar Capitular; Vicar-General; Vicar of Christ; Visit ad 
Limina; Visitors, Apostolic; Widow; Woman (In English- 
Speaeinq Countries: In Canon Law); Words (In Canon 

Farley, John Murpht Cardinal, Archbishop of 
New York, b. at Newtown Hamilton, Co. Armagh, 
Ireland, 20 April, 1842. Education: St. Macartan's 
College, Co. T^rmagh; St. John's College, Fordham, 
New York; St. Joseph's Seminary, Troy, New York; 
American College, Rome. Ordained 1870; assistant, 
St. Peter's Church, New Brighton, Staten Island, 
1870-1872; secretary to Archbishop (later Cardinal) 
McCloskey 1872-1884; private chamberlain to Leo 
XIII 1884; pastor, St. Gabriel's Church, New York, 
1884^1902; vicar-general, archdiocese of New York, 
1891-1902; domestic prelate 1892; protonotary 
Apostolic 1895; Auxihary Bishop of New York and 
titular Bishop of Zeugma 1895-1902; Archbishop of 
New York 1902- ; assistant at the Pontifical 
Throne 1904; cardinal, with the title of Santa Maria 
sopra Minerva, 1911; member of the CathoUo Board 
of Indian and Negro Missions. Notary at the Third 
Plenary Council of Baltimore; as archbishop, has 
given eighty new schools to the diocese; founded 
Cathedral CoUege; paid off debt of $300,000 on 
seminary and $850,000 on cathedral; reorganized a,nd 
increased revenue of the Society for the Propagation 
of the Faith in the archdiocese; first to enlist the 

interest of the Cathohc laity in and always an earnest 
supporter of The Catholic Encyclopedia; has labored 
devotedly in the interest of The Catholic University, 
Washington; attended the Eucharistic Congress, 
Montreal, 1910; inaugurated the United Catholic 
works for social betterment, rehgious uplift, and 
preservation of the faith of the poor. Author of: 
*'Life of Cardinal McCloskey"; "History of St. 
Patrick's Cathedral"; (pamphlets) "Neither Gener- 
ous nor Just"; "Why Church Property Should Not 
Be Taxed" 
ARTICLE: McCloskey, John, Cardinal. 

Faulhaber, Right Reverend Michael, s.t.d., 
Bishop of Speyer, Germany, b. at Klosterheidenfeld, 
Bavaria, 5 March, 1869. Education: Gyinnasium, 
Schweinfurt; Gymnasium, University, and KiUaneum 
Seminary, Wiirzburg. Soldier and non-commissioned 
officer in Bavarian army 1887-1888; ordained 1892; 
chaplain and parish priest 1892-1894; prefect, 
KiUaneum Seminary, Wurzburg, 1894-1896; engaged 
in studying manuscripts at the Vatican and other 
Italian museums 1896-1899; privat dozent (Greek 
paleography. Biblical archaeology, homiletios, exegesis 
of the Psalms), University of Wurzburg, 1899-1903; 
professor of Old Testament exegesis and introduction 
to Sacred Scripture, University of Strassburg, 1903- 
1911; Bishop of Speyer 1911- . Visited England 
to study manuscripts pertaining to early Christian 
hterature, spending one semester at Oxiford, 1900; 
journey to Spain for the same purpose, passing two 
months at the Escorial, 1902; delegate from the 
University of Strassburg to the Congresses of Orien- 
talists, Algiers, 1905, and Copenhagen, 1908; delivered 
a discourse on "Die hi. Eucharististie als himmliche 
Seelenspeise", Eucharistic Congress, Cologne, 1909. 
One of the founders and member of the Scientific 
Society of the University of Strassburg. Author of 
"Die griechischen Apologeten der klassischen 
Vaterzeit", dissertation (1896); "Die Propheten- 
Catenen nach romischen Handschrif ten " (1899) 
"Hesychii Hierosolymitani interpretatio Isaise pro- 
phetae" (1900); "HoheUed- Proverbien- und Prediger 
Catenen" (1902); "Petrus stirbt nicht" (1903) 
"Weltkirche und nationale Anstalten", sermon 
(1906) ; "Die Vesperpsalmen, weiteren Kreisen erklart 
(1906); "Schule und Religion" (1907); Soziale charitas 
(1910); "PriesterundVolkundimsereZeit," discourse 
(1911 20th thousand 1912); "Die heiUge Schrift ein 
Hirtenbrief der sozialen Ordnung" (1911); "Charakter- 
bilder der bibhschen Frauenwelt" (1912); pastorals; 
collaborator in: Kihn, " Patrologie " ; Karo-Lietzmann, 
"Catenarum grsecarum catalogus" (1902) ; Buchberger, 
"KirchHchesHandlexikon"; contributor to : "Theolo- 
gische Quartalschrif t" ; "Biblische Zeitschrif t " ; "Strass- 
burger Diozesanblatt"; "Katechetische Blatter"; 
"Madchenbildung"; "Byzantinische Zeitschrift"; 
"Oriens christianus"; " Monatssohrif t fur katholische 
Lehrerinnen"; "Literarische Rundschau"; "Theolo- 
gische Revue". 

ARTICLES: Hesychius of Jerusalem; Hesychius of 
Sinai; Jeremias; Joel; Sophonias. 

Favreau, Joseph Arthur, b. at Spencer, Massa- 
chusetts, 17 May, 1873. Education: St. Joseph's 
School, WiUimantic, Connecticut; Seminary of Ste. 
Marie de Monnoir, Marieville, P. Q., Canada. 





Assistant editor (1894-1899) and editor (1899-1902), 
"Opinion Publique", Worcester, Massachusetts; 
examiner of stations (1902-1905, 1910-1913), assistant 
cashier (1905-1909), Post Office, Boston, Massachu- 
setts; in charge of the Book Department, Librairie 
Beauchemin, Worcester, 1913-1914; secretary and 
assistant treasurer, Marlier Publishing Company, 
Boston, 1914- . Organizer and secretary, General 
Congress of French Americans of New England and 
the State of New York, Springfield, Massachusetts, 
1901; chief secretary for New England, Permanent 
Committee of the Congress of the French Language, 
Quebec, 1912. Secretary of the Franco-American 
Historical Society (Boston) 1905- ; comptroller of 
accounts, Executive Committee, L'Union St. Jean- 
Baptiste d'Am^rique (Woonsocket, R. I.), 1912- 
Author of "La Grande Semaine" (1909). 

ABTICLE: French Catholics in the United States. 

Fay, Very Reverend Cyril Sigourney Webster, 
B.A., S.T.D., b. at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 16 June, 
1875. Education: Martins School, Philadelphia; 
University of Pennsylvania; Philadelphia Episcopal 
Divinity School; Catholic University, Washington, 
D. C. Anglican clergjmian 1902; successively arch- 
deacon and canon of the cathedral, episcopal diocese 
of Fond-du-Lac, Wisconsin, and professor of dogmatic 
moral theology, Nachotah Seminary, 1902-1908; 
became a Catholic 1908; ordained 1910; assistant, 
church of St. Stephen's, Washington, D. C, 1910- 
1912; at the Cathoho University, Washington, D. C, 
1912-1914; rector, Newman School, Hackensack, N. 
J., 1915- . Chaplain to the Anghcan Bishop of 
Fond-du-Lac on his journey to Russia in the interest 
of the union of the AJigUcan and Orthodox Churches; 
delegate to the Convention of the Protestant Episco- 
pal Church of the diocese of Fond-du-Lac, 1907. 
Secretary of the St. John Chrysostom Society, 
Catholic University of America. 

ARTICLE: Protestant Episcopal Church in the United 
States of America. 

Fayen, Arnold, Ph.D., Litt.D., b. at Herve, 
Belgium, 1876. Education: University of Liege. 
Assistant, Royal Library of Brussels, 1899-1900; 
associate librarian. University of Ghent, 1900-1902; 
member (at present, secretary) of the Belgian Histori- 
cal Institute, Rome, 1902-1912; librarian. Minister 
of Foreign Affairs, Belgium, 1912- . Sent on 
historical mission to London and Glasgow by the 
Royal Historical Commission of Belgium, 1898. 
Member of: the Historical and Archaeological Society 
of Ghent; the Belgian Association of Librarians and 
Archivists. Author of: "Essai d'un repertoire 
id^ologique de la numismatique beige pour les ann^es 
1883 k 1900 (in collaboration with Jean Justice) 
(Brussels, 1903); collaborator in: "Liber traditionum 
Sancti Petri Blandiniensis" (Ghent, 1906) ;" Melanges 
Godefroid Kurth", Vol. I (Lifege, 1908); "Analecta 
Vaticano-Belgica, Lettres de Jean XXII", 2 vols. 
(Rome, 1908, 1909) ; "Analectes pour servir k I'histoire 
eocl6siastique de la Belgique"; contributor to: "Bul- 
letins de la Commission Royale d'Histoire de 
Belgique"; "Annales de la Socii§t6 d'histoire et 
d'arch(5ologie de Gand"; "Revue des Bibhoth6ques 
et des Archives de Belgique"; "BuUetin de la Soci6t6 
d'Etudes de la Providence de Cambrai"; "Archives 
beiges"; "Musi5e beige"; "Revue de I'lnstruction 


ARTICLE: Lambert Le BJigue. 

Fenlon, Very Reverend John Francis, s.s., 
D.D., b. at Chicago, Illinois, 1873. Education: St. 
Ignatius College, Chicago; St. Mary's Seminary, and 
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore; Minerva and 
Sapienza, Rome. Ordained 1896; assistant pastor, 
cathedral, Chicago, 1896-1898; entered the Sulpician 
Order 1900; professor of Sacred Scripture, St. Joseph's 

Seminary, Yonkers, New York, 1901-1904; professor 
of Sacred Scripture, St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, 
and president, St. Austin's College, Washington, 
1904-1911; president of Divinity Hall, Catholic 
University, Washington, 1911- . Secretary of 
the Seminary Conference, Catholic Educational 
Association, 1904^1909. Collaborator in "Encyclo- 
pedia Americana"; contributor to: "Catholic Univer- 
sity Bulletin"; "Catholic World". 

ARTICLES: Amalec; Ammonites; Amorrhites; Babnabas, 
Saint; Bartholomew, Saint; Beatitudes, Mount of; Beel- 
phegor; Beelzebub; Belial; Beroth; Bersabee; Carri^re, 
Joseph; Codex Alexandrinus; Codex Amiatinus; Codex 
Bezm; Codex Ephr^mi Rescriptus; Codex Sinaiticus; 
Concordances of th-e Bible; Crescens; Emery, Jacques- 
Andr^; Fouard, Constant; Gosselin, Jean-Edm^-Auquste; 
Hebrew Bible; Hexapla; Lamy, Thomas Joseph; Leghand, 
Louis; Le Hir, Arthur-Marie; Lelong, Jacques; Olieh, 
Jean- Jacques; Sulpicians in the United States. 

Fennelly, Mother de Chantal. 

ARTICLE: Bridgidines. 

Feret, Vert Reverend Canon P., s.t.d., b. at 
Mesnil-Verchves, Eure, France, 5 February, 1830; d. 
at St. Maurice, near Paris, 1912. Education: Pre- 
paratory and Grand Seminary, Evreux, France. 
Ordained 1866; chaplain, Sainte-GeneviSve, Paris, 
1867-1871; chaplain of the Lyc6e Saint Louis and of 
the Lyc6e Henri IV, Paris, 1871-1879; pastor, Saint- 
Maurice, near Paris, 1879-1912; honorary canon of 
Evereux 1899. Read a paper on the " Separation des 
6gUses et de Y&tkt", Congress of Reims, 1897. 
Member of: the Society of the History of France; 
the Historical and Archseological Society of Pontoise. 
Author of: "Le Christ devant la critique au second 
sifecle" (Paris, 1865); "La Divinity de J^sus attaqu6e 
par Celse et d6f endue par Origtoe" (thesis for docto- 
rate) (Paris, 1865); "Dieu et I'esprit humain", 
conferences at St. Genevieve (Paris, 1870); "Le 
Droit divin et la Theologie", pamphlet (Paris, 1872); 
"Henri IV et I'figlise" (Paris, 1875); "Le Cardinal 
du Perron" (Paris, 1879); "Un Cur6 de Charenton au 
XVIII aiecle" (Paris, 1881); "L'abbaye de Sainte- 
Genevieve de la Congregation de France", 2 vols. 
(Paris, 1883); "Le Pouvoir civil devant I'enseigne- 
ment cathohque" (Paris, 1888); "Le clerg6 frangais 
dans le pass6 et dans le present" (Paris, 1892); "La 
Question ouvrifere" (Paris, 1893); "La Faculty de 
thfiologie de Paris", 11 vols. (Paris. 1894H910); 
(under the pen name of "Baron de la Henni^re") 
"Pas d'^piscopat k peine des ^veques" (Paris, 1896); 
(under the pen name of Yves des Bruyeres) "La 
Paillite de I'Spiscopat frangais" (Paris, 1902); "La 
France et le Saint-Sifege sous le premier Empire et la 
Restauration", 2 vols. (Paris, 1911); contributor to 
"Revue des questions historiques". 

ARTICLES: Paris, University op; Sorbonne. 

Fernandez, Very Reverend Monsignor Canon 
IsiDORO, Ph.D., S.T.D. , D.C.L., b. 15 May, 1873. 
Education: the seminary, Buenos Aires; South 
American College, Rome. Ordained 1895; secretary 
to the Bishop 1899-1910, and Vicar General 1910- 
, Diocese of San Juan de Cuyo, Argentina; arch- 
deacon of the Ecclesiastical Chapter and rector of 
the Seminary, San Juan. Editor of "El Porvenit" 
(nine years); member of the Franklin Library, San 
Juan. Author of: "Oraci6n fiinebre de Leon XIII"; 
"Conferencia sobre el Socialismo"; "Discursos 

ARTICLE: San Juan, Diocese of. 

Fernandez, Reverend Peter Anthony, b. at 
Bandora, 27 May, 1864, East Indian of the Maharat- 
ta-Hindu race. Education : St. Stanislaus Institution, 
Bandora; St. Francis Xavier's College and Seminary, 
Bombay. Ordained 1890; administrator of St. 
Peter's Church, 1891-1898; missionary in Bassein, 
India, 1898-1904; rector, St. Andrew's Church, 






V. REV. A. T. ENNiS 














Bandora, 1904-1914; chaplain, Bhavnagar Kathia- 
war, Bombay, India, 1914- . Edited for a short 
time, with Mr. George de Penha, a monthly paper in 
English and Maharathi; originator of the Bassein 
Port Pilgrimage in honor of St. Gonsalo Garcia; 
initiator of the St. Francis of Assisi Orphanage 
(Franciscan Brothers), Poinseer, Bombay. Author 
of: "Life of St. Gonsalo Garcia". 
ARTICLE: Bassein. 

Fidelis, Mother Mart (Kathbrinb Teresa 
Dunn), b. m New York, 1860. Education: pubhc 
schools and Normal College, New York. Entered the 
Ursuline Order 1878; for many years teacher at the 
Ursuline Mother House, New York; directress (1899- 
1911) and superior (1911- ), Mt. St. Ursula, 
Bedford Park, New York. 

ARTICLE: Usbulines, The. ' 

Finegan, Reverenb Philip Michael, s.j., b. in 
New York, 16 February, 1869. Education: Old St. 
Joseph's Parochial Scliool and St. Francis Xavier's 
CoUege, New York; various Jesuit scholasticates. 
Entered the Society of Jesus 1885; professor, St. 
John's College, Fordham, New York, 1889-1890, and 
Holy Cross College, Worcester, Massachusetts, 1893- 
1897; ordained 1900; vice-president and prefect of 
studies (1902-1904) and professor of logic and 
metaphysics (1904-1905), Loyola College, Baltimore, 
Maryland; missionary in the PhiMppine Islands, 
stationed at the Ateneo, Manila, 1905-1913; chaplain 
of Bilibid Prison, Manila, 1908-1913; prefect of 
studies, St. Francis Xavier's College, New York, 
1913-1915; professor of rhetoric, Georgetown Univer- 
sity, Washington, D. C, 1915- . Former editor 
of the "Little Messenger" (Manila). 

ARTICLES: Manila, Archdiocese of; Manila Observa- 
tort; Philippine Islands; E-izal, Jos^ Meecado; Salazar, 
Domingo db; SAnchez, Alonzo; Zamboanqa. 

Finn, Reverend William Joseph, ll.d. 
Education: Boston Latin School; New England 
Conservatory; St. Charles College; Cathohc Univer- 
sity of America. Ordained 1906. Organist, Boston, 
1898-1903; director, PauUst Choristers of Chicago; 
developed the national and international Propaganda 
with Paulist Choristers. Awarded "Les Palmes 
Academiques", Paris, 1912; made "Magister Canto- 
rum", by Pope Pius X, 1912. Member of: the 
University Club, Chicago; National Association of 
Organists, New York; Medievahst Club, Chicago. 
Author of "Manual of Church Music"; contributor 
to: "Ecclesiastical Review"; "Catholic World"; and 
music journals. 

ARTICLES: Hatdn, Joseph; Mabcello, Benedetto; 
Marenzio, Luca. 

Finnerty, Reverend John Lawrence, o.p., b. 
at Albany, New York, 15 May, 1877. Education: 
public schools and Christian Brothers Academy, 
Albany, New York. At first engaged in journalism; 
entered the Dominican Order; formerly stationed at 
St. Dominie's Convent, Washington, D. C; assistant, 
St. Antoninus Church, Newark, 1910-1914; stationed 
at the Convent of St. Louis Bertrand, Louisville, 
Kentucky, 1914- 

ARTICLES: Agnelli, Fba Guglielmo; Andrew of Rhodes. 

Fischer, Reverend Joseph, s.j., b. at Quadrath, 
Rhein, Germany, 19 March, 1858. Education: 
Gymnasium, Rheine, Westphalia; Universities of 
Miinster, Munich, Innsbruck, and Vienna; Jesuit 
scholasticates in Holland, Austria, and England. 
Entered the Society of Jesus 1881; ordained 1891; 
professor of geography and history, Stella Matutina 
College, Feldkirch, 1895- . Discoverer of the 
maps of Waldseemtiller (of 1507 and 1516) and of 
Jodocus Hondius (of 1610) in the Castle of Wolf- 
egg, Wiirttemberg, 1901; as member of the Aus- 


trian Institute of Historical Studies, visited in the 
interests of cartographical research the libraries of 
Italy, France, and England, 1903-1904, 1909-1910. 
Member of the Geographical Society (Vienna). 
Author of: "Die Beziehung^n Kaiser Rudolfs II zu 
Erzherzog Matthias bis zum Vertrage von Lieben 
(1608) " (Prize Essay, University of Innsbruck, 1894) ; 
"Der sogenannte Sohott wiener Vertrag vom Jahre 
1600" (Report of the Fourth Cathohc International 
Scientific Congress, 1897); "Der Linzer..Tag vom 
Jahre 1605 in seiner Bedeutung flir die Osterreich- 
isoheHaus-undReichsgeschichte" (Feldkirch, 1898); 
"Die Entdeckungen der Normannen in America" 
(Freiburg, 1902" Enghsh translation by Soulsby, 
London, 1903); Die alteste Karte mit dem Namen 
America A.D. 1507, und die Carta Marina aus dem 
Jahre 1516 des M. WaldseemilUer" (German and 
English eds., Innsbruck, 1903) ; " Map of the World by 
Jodocus Hondius, 1611" (in collaboration with Edw. 
Stevenson) (New York, 1907); "Introduction of the 
CosmographisB Introductio of Martin Waldseemliller " 
(in collaboration with von Wieser) (New York, 1907); 
"Der 'deutsche Ptolemaus' um 1490" (Strassburg, 
1910); collaborator in: "Jahrbuch des historischen 
Vereins von Liechtenstein" (by Father Fischer: "Die 
alteste Karte von Fiirstentum Liechtenstein") (1910) ; 
contributor to: "Innsbrucker theologische Zeit- 
schrift"; "Innsbrucker Fernandeums Zeitschrif t " ; 
"Historical Records and Studies" (New York); 
"Gottinger Gelehrte Anzeigen"; "Stimmen aus 

ARTICLES: America, Pre-Columbian Discovert of; 
Clavus Claudius; Fillastre, Guillattme; Nicolaus Ger- 
MANus; Ortelius (Oertel), Abraham; Waldseemuller, 

Fischer-Colbrie, Right Rbvubend Atjgtjstin, 
D.D., Bishop of Kassa, Hungary, b. at ZeUz, Hungary, 
16 October, 1863. Education: Colleges of Krems- 
milnster, Pressburg, and Gran; University of Vienna. 
Ordained 1886; master of ceremonies and notary to 
the Archbishop of Gran 1888-1890; court chaplain, 
Vienna, 1890-1900; canon of Gran 1900-1905; 
Auxiliary Bishop of Kassa and titular Bishop of 
Domitiopolis 1905-1907; Bishop of Kassa 1907- ; 
member of the Hungarian House of Magnates. 
Author of: "De eriterio interno positivo divinse 
originis Christianse religionis" (1891); "Hora 
Euoharistica" (1892; 4th ed. 1899); "De philosophia 
cultura?" (1903). 

ARTICLE: Cassovia, Diocebe of. 

Fisher, Reverend John Harding, s.j., b.a., 
b. at Brooklyn, New York, 9 December, 1875. 
Education: St. John's College, Fordham, New York; 
Columbia University; Johns Hopkins University; 
Jesuit scholasticates in England and the United 
States. Entered the Society of Jesus 1896; has held 
the post of teacher, Boston College, Boston, Massa- 
chusetts, Loyola School, New York, and Woodstock 
College, Woodstock, Maryland. Ordained 1910; at 
present, associate editor of "America", resident in 
New York. 

ARTICLES: Cursing; Delrio, Martin Anton; Jouin, 
Louie; Keller, Jacob; Libbratore, Matteo; Lohner, Tobias; 
Lugo, Francisco de; Mart Anne db Paeedes, Blessed; 
Medaille, Jean-Paul. 

Fita y Colome, Reverend Fidel, s.j., director 
of the Royal Academy of Madrid, Spain. 

ARTICLES: Compostela; Eulalia of Barcelona, Saint; 
EuLOGius OF Cordova, Saint; Evora; Funchal; Granada; 
Guard A. 

Fitzgerald, Vert Reverend Edward Gregort, 
O.P., s.T.Leot. Education: St. John's College, Wash- 
ington, D. C. ; St. Joseph's CoUege, Somerset, Ohio; 
International Biblical School of Dominican Fathers, 
Jerusalem, Palestine. Ordained 1898; professor of 
Sacred Scripture, Washington, D. C., 1901-1910; 




pastor of St. Vincent Ferrer's Church, New York, 
1910-1916; at present prior of Dominican House of 
Studies, Washington, D. C. 

ABTICLES: Aqneb op MoNTEpnLOiAUO, Saint; Ambbose of 
Sienna, Blessed. 

Fitzpatrick, Reverend Mallick J., b. at High 
Falls, New York, 2 May, 1857, son of Edward and 
Mary Fitzpatrick. Education: Academy, New Paltz; 
St. John's College, Fordham; St. Joseph's Seminary, 
Troy, New York. Ordained 1892; assistant, Church 
of St. John the Evangelist, New York, 1893; assistant, 
St. Mary's Church, Rondout, New York, 1893-1897; 
assistant rector (1897-1904), pro-rector locum tenens 
(1904-1905) and rector (1905- ), Mission of the 
Immaculate Virgin for the Protection of Homeless 
and Destitute Children, New York. Member of: 
the Catholic Historical Society of New York; the 
National Charities Association; the State of New 
York Charities Association. Editor of: "Homeless 
Child"; "Mt. Loretto Messenger". 

ARTICLE: Dbumgoole, John C. 

Fladgate, Gbraldinb Sidney, b. in London, 9 
June, 1845; d. 15 December, 1915; daughter of 
Francis Fladgate, of the Garrick Club. Education: 
private school, Brighton, England. Became a 
Catholic 1895; former hon. hbrarian, St. Gregory's 
Library of the Oratory, South Kensington, London. 

ARTICLE: Stone, Maht Jean. 

Flaherty, Reverend Matthew Jambs, a.m., 
b. at Boston, 1863. Education: Boston Latin School; 
Boston College; Harvard University; St. John's 
Seminary, Brighton, Massachusetts. Former profes- 
sor of Enghsh and of the history of philosophy, St. 
John's Seminary, Brighton; rector, St. Bernard's 
Church, Concord, Mass. ; at present, rector, Church of 
St. Agnes, Arlington, Mass. Member of the Library 
Committee, Concord; chairman of the Concord 
School Committee. 

ARTICLES: Banim, John and Michael; Ghipfin, Gerald; 
Huntington, Jedediah Vincent Kavanagh, Julia; Moore, 
Thomas; O'Mbara, Kathleen; Sheil, Richard Lalor; Stod- 
dard, Charles Warren; White, Stephen. 

Flanagan, Rijvbrbnd John Joseph, Ph.D., b. at 
Freeport, Illinois, 8 June, 1882. Education: Niagara 
University, Niagara Falls, New York; St. Viateur's 
College, Bourbonnais, Illinois; American College, 
Rome. At first engaged in newspaper work ; ordained 
1910; at present, secretary to the Bishop_ and pastor 
of St. William's Church, Rockford, lUinois. 

ARTICLE: RocKroBO, Diocese of. 

Flood, Reverend James, b. at Carrigallen, Co. 
Leitrim, Ireland, 4 February, 1849. Education: 
secondary schools. Seminary of Moyne, and All 
Hallows College, Dublin, Ireland. Ordamed 1878; 
missionary in Australia, building churches, schools, 
and convents, and taking charge of districts and 
and parishes, 1878- ; at present, secretary to the 
Abbot, professor of English literature at the Monas- 
tery, and correspondent of the Abbacy NuUius, New 
Norcia, Western Austraha; consecutively secretary 
and chairman of the District Board of State Education 
in Western Australia (since 1904); member of the 
Government District Hospital Board. Author of: 
"New Norcia". 

ARTICLE: New Norcia (Benedictine Abbet). 

Florence, Mother Mart, Superior General, 
Sisters of Divine Providence, San Antonio, Texas. 
ARTICLE: Divine Providence, Sisters of (Texas). 

Foley, Right Reverend Maurice Patrick, d.d., 
Bishop of Jaro, Phihppine Islands, b. at Boston, 
Massachusetts, 16 March, 1867. Education: Boston 

College, Boston; American College, Rome. Ordained 
25 July, 1891; assistant successively at Jacksonville 
and at the cathedral, St. Augustine, Florida; rector 
successively at Fernandina and of the Cathedral, St. 
Augustine, Florida; Bishop of Tuguegarao, Phihppine 
Islands, 1910-1916; Bishop of Jaro, 1916- 
ARTICLE: Tuguegarao, Diocese op. 

Fonck, Reverend Leopold, s.j., s.t.d., pH.d., 
president of the Bibhcal Institute, professor of 
Theology, Gregorian University, Rome. 

ARTICLES: Hebrews, Epistle to the; John, Gospel of 
Saint; John the Evangelist, Saint. 

Forbes, Reverend John, b. at He Perrot, P. Q., 
Canada, 10 January, 1864; brother of the Bishop of 
Joliette, Canada. Education: Montreal College and 
Grand Seminary, Montreal, Canada. Entered the 
Society of White Fathers (Missionaries of Africa) 
1886; ordained 1888; professor of Arabic and Swahili, 
Novitiate of the White Fathers, "near Algiers, 1893- 
1900; came to Canada to recruit missionaries and 
founded House of Postulants, Quebec, 1901; superior 
of the House of Postulants, Quebec, 1901-1914; 
founded periodical "Missions d'Afrique", 1905; 
superior of the ApostoUc School, Bishop's Waltham, 
Hants, England, 1914-1915; superior of St. Mary's 
School, Rubaga, Uganda Protectorate, central Africa, 

ARTICLE: White Fathers. 

Forbes-Leith, Reverend William, s.j., writer, 
b. 1833, son of Captain WiUiam Forbes-Leith, b.n., 
and grandson of Theodore Forbes-Leith, f.r.s. 
Education: France and England. Entered the 
Society of Jesus 1851; ordained 1861; lecturer in 
philosophy, Jesuit College, Paris, 1865-1880; chaplain 
to Sir Richard Wallace's Ambulance, Franco- 
Prussian War, 1870-1871; formerly engaged in parish 
work at Selkirk, Scotland; at present, attached to 
Corpus Christi Church, Boscombe, Bournemouth, 
England. Author of: "The Scots Men-at-Arms and 
Life Guards in France" (1882); "Life of St. Margaret 
of Scotland" (1883); "Life of St. Cuthbert" (1888); 
"Narratives of Scottish CathoUcs" (1889); "Gospel 
Book of St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland" (1902); 
"Historical Memoirs of Scottish Catholics during the 
XVII and XVIII Centuries" (1909). 

ARTICLE: Melbobe, Chbonicle of. 

Ford, Right Reverend Hugh Edmund, o.s.b.. 
Titular abbot of Glastonbury, b. at Chfton, England, 
23 March, 1851, son of James Ford, of Wraxall 
Court, Somersetshire, England. Education: Down- 
side Abbey, Bath, England. Entered the Benedic- 
tine Order 1868; ordamed 1877; prior (1891-1900) 
and abbot (1900-1906), Downside Abbey; stationed 
at Ealing Priory, London, 1906- . Author of 
pamphlets and magazine articles. 

ARTICLE: Beitedict of Nubsia, Saint. 

Ford, Jeremiah Denis Matthias, a.m., Ph.D., 
b. at Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2 July, 1873. 
Education: elementary, Cambridge; secondary, Ire- 
land; Harvard University; University of Paris. 
Instructor and assistant professor of Romance 
languages (1895-1907), Harris Travelling Fellow 
(1897-1898) ; Smith professor of French and Spanish 
languages (1907- ), and chairman of the Depart- 
ment of Romance languages (1912- ), Harvard 
University. Lecturer at the Catholic Summer 
School, 1904; represented Harvard University in a 
tour of South America, visiting the principal institu- 
tions of learning, 1913; invited to return as visiting 
lecturer in Spanish on Spanish hterature by Univer- 
sity of Santiago, Chile. Corresponding member of 




the Hispanic Society of America; member Royal 
Spanish Academy, Madrid; vice-president Modern 
Language Association of America. Author of: "Old 
Spanish Sibilants" (Boston, 1900); "Spanish Com- 
position" (Boston, 1901); "Spanish Anthology" 
(New York, 1901); "Spanish Grammar" (Boston, 
1904); "Romances of Chivalry in Italian Verse 
(New York, 1905; new ed. 1906); "Old Spanish 
Readings" (Boston, 1906); edited: "Selections from 
Don Quixote", with annotations; various Spanish 
and Itahan texts for Heath & Co., Ginn & Co., and 
Holt & Co.; contributor to: publications of Modern 
Languages Association of America; "Modern Lan- 
guage Notes"; "Romanic Review"; "Romania" 

ARTICLES: Caldas-Bakbosa, Domingos; Calderon de la 
Barca, Pedro; Camoes, Luis Vaz de; Capponi, Gino, Count; 
Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de; Ferreiha, Antonio; 
FiLiCAJA, Vincenzo de; Folengo, Teofilo; Gallego, Juan 
NiCASio; Garcilasbo de la Vega; Giraldi, Giovanni Bat- 
tista; Giusti, Giuseppe; Goldoni, Carlo; Gomes De Amorim, 
Francisco; Gonzalo de Berceo; Gozzi, Carlo; GuzmXn, 
Fernando Perez db; Herculano de Carvalho b Araujo, 
Alejandro; Herrera, Fernando de; Iglesias de la Casa, 
Jos^; JAuREGul, Juan de; Jovellanos, Caspar Melchor de; 
Lope de Vega Carpio, Felix; March, Auzias; Marengo, 
Carlo and Leopold; Mena, Juan de; Menzini, Benedetto; 
Metastasio, Pietro; Morales, Ambrosio; Ojeda, Alonso de; 
Parini, Giuseppe; Pellico, Silvio; Petrarch, Francesco; 
Pindemonte, Ippolito; Porta, Carlo; Pulci, Luigi; Redi, 
Francesco; Rodrigues Ferreira, Alexandre; Selgas t 
Carrasco, Jos^; Spanish Language and Literature; Spanish- 
American Literature; Tasboni, Alessandro; Tebaldeo, 
Antonio; Tiraboschi, Girolamo; Trissino, Giangiorgio; 
Trubba, Antonio db; Vbrdaquer, Jacinto; Vicente, Gil. 

Forget, Vert Reverend Canon Jacques, s.t.d., 
b. at Chiny, Belgium, 6 January, 18.52. Education: 
seminaries of Bastogne and Namur, and University of 
Louvain, Belgium; studied Semitic languages in 
Rome, Beirut, Syria, and University of Berlin. 
Ordained 1876; professor of Arabic language and 
hterature (1885- ) and of dogmatic theology and 
Syriac (1886- ), Louvain University, Belgium; 
president (and founder) of the African Seminary, for 
missionaries to the Congo, 1886-1889; honorary 
canon of the cathedral of Namur. Participated in 
the International Congress of CathoUc Scholars, 
Brussels, 1895; International Congress of Orientalists, 
Algiers, 1905; International Congress of Apologetics, 
Vich, 1910; Officer of the Order of Leopold; decoration 
Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice. Member of the Council 
and Administrative Board, Royal Library, Brussels. 
Author of: "De vita et scriptis Aphraatis" (Louvain, 
1882); "Le Liban" (Louvain, 1887); "Ibn Sina, le 
livre des th^oremes et des avertissements", Arabic 
text (Levden, 1892); "Les missions sous le Pontificat 
de L^on XIII" (Brussels, 1888); "Principes de 
philosophia morale" (Louvain, 1906); "Le concile du 
Vatican" (Louvain, 1906); "Les conciles oecum^ni- 
ques" (Louvain, 1910); "Sjmaxarium Alexandrinum" 
(in Corpus scriptorum christianorum orientalium), 
Arabic text, 2 vols. (Beirut, 1909, 1911); "La valeur 
historique du quatriSme ^vangile" (Brussels, 1911); 
director of the Arabic Section, "Corpus scriptorum 
christianorum orientalium"; collaborator in: Jaugey, 
"Dictionnaire apolog^tique"; Vacant-Mangenot, 
"Dictionnaire de th^ologie catholique"; d'A16s, "Dic- 
tionnaire apolog^tique de la foi catholique"; con- 
tributor to: "La controverse et le contemporain": 
"La science cathohque"; "Revue n^o-scolastique"; 
"Revue d'histoire eccl&iastique"; "Revue sociale 
cathohque " ; " Le Moyen Age " ; "La Revue g^n^rale" ; 
"Revue des sciences eccl^siatiques et la science 
catholique"; "Revue cathohque des revues"; "Re- 
vue apolog6tique"; "Revue bibliographique 
beige"; "Revue de I'ordre des Pr6montrls"; "Le 

ARTICLES: Holt Ghost; Jansenius and Jansenism; 
Melcherb, Paul, Cardinal; Nicole, Pierre; Precipiano, 


TESTBrN, Josse; Schism. 

Fortescue, Reverend Adrian, Ph.D., d.d., b. 
1874. Education: Scots' College, Rome; Innsbruck 
University. Ordained 1898; successively curate at 
the German Church, London, rector at Ongar, and 
rector at Maldon, 1898-1907; rector, St. Hugh's 
Church, Letchworth, 1907- . Author of: "The 
Orthodox Eastern Church"; "The Greek Fathers"; 
"Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom"; "The Mass, a 
Study of the Roman Liturgy"; "The Lesser Eastern 
Churches"; pamphlets for Cathohc Truth Society 
Series; collaborator in "Encyclopedia of ReUgion and 

ARTICLES: Alexandrine Liturgy; Antiochene Liturgy; 
Aquileian Rite; Canon op the Mass; Collect; Communion- 
Antiphon; Concelebration; Confiteor; Constantinople, 
The Rite of; Cowl; Denziqer, Heinrich Joseph Dominicus; 
Doxology; Durandus, William; Durandub, William, the 
Younger; Durham Rite; Eastern Churches; Elias of 
Jerusalem, Bishop; Eparchy; Ephesus, The Seven Sleepers 
of; Ephraim of Antioch; Epiklesis; Epiphaniub of Constan- 
tinople; Ethehianus, Hugh and Leo; Euchologion; Eudocia; 
Euphemiub of Constantinople; Eusebius of DoRYLasUM, 
Bishop; Eustathius op Sebabte; Eutychius, Melchite Patri- 
arch OF Alexandria; Eutychius I, Patriarch of Constan- 
tinople; Exarch; Gennadius II, Patriarch of Constanti- 
nople; Gennadius of Marseilles; George Hamartolus; 
Georgius Syncellus; Gloria in Excelsis Deo; Gospel in 
the Liturgy; Gradual; Greece; Greek Rites; Gregory 
THE Illuminator; Henoticon; Hesychasm; Holy Synod; 
Iconoclabm; Images, Veneration of; Introit; Isidore of 
Thessalonica; Ite Missa est; Jerusalem, part II and IV; 
Jerusalem, Liturgy of; John of Antioch (4); John Scho- 
LASTicus; John Talaia; John the Faster; Julius Africanus; 
Justinian I, Roman Emperor; Kyrie Eleison; Latin Church; 
Lavabo; Lector; Leo Diaconus; Leontics of Byzantinus; 
Lessons in the Liturgy; Libera me; Libera nob; Libehatus 
op Carthage; Liturgical Books; Liturgy; Lumen Chribti; 
Marcellinus Comes; Marcian, Roman Emperor; Marcus 
DiADOCHUs; Marcus Eremita; Mass, Chapter and Con- 
ventual; Mass, Liturgy of the; Mass, Nuptial; Maurice 
(Mauricius), Roman Emperor; Melchites; Menaion; Meta- 
phrastes, Symeon; Methodius I; Metrophanes of Symrna; 
Michael Cerularius; Monasticism, Eastern; Nectarius, 
Patriarch of Constantinople; Nikon, Patriarch of Mos- 
cow; NiLus, Saint; Nilus the Younger; Nonnius, of Panop- 
olis; Oecumeniub, Bishop of Tricca; Offertory; Orate 
Fratres; Orbmus; Orientius; Ohsisius; Orthodox Church; 
Orthodoxy, Feast (or Sunday) of; Palladius; Patriarch 
AND Patriarchate; Paulicians; Peter Mongus; Photius 
OF Constantinople; Pobtcommunion; Preface; Protopopes; 
PsBLLus, Michael; Rites; Ritual; Roman Rite, The; 
Sanctus; Schism, Eastern; Secret; Suidas; Synaxahio; 
Synaxis; Syrian Rite, West; Thbodosius I, Roman Em- 
peror; TicoNius; Votive Mass. 

Fortier, Alc^e, litt.D., b. in St. James Parish, 
Louisiana, 5 June, 1856, son of Florent Fortier and 
Edwige Aime, niece of Governor Roman of Louisiana. 
Education: University of Virginia; further studies in 
Paris. Held the posts successively of teacher in the 
high school. New Orleans, and principal of the 
Preparatory Department, University of Louisiana; 
married Marie Lanauze, niece of M. F6raud-Giraud, 
of Paris, 1881; professor of French, University of 
Louisiana, 1883; re-elected to this post when the 
university became Tulane University; professor of 
Romance languages (1894- ); and dean of the 
Graduate Department (1913- ), Tulane Univer- 
sity. Member of the Louisiana State Board of 
Education, 1888-1896; has lectured extensively on the 
history and Uteratiu-e of France and of Louisiana; 
during summer sessions, has been member of the 
faculty of the Universities of Chicago, Cahfornia, 
Tennessee, Kansas, Colorado, and Wisconsin, and 
Harvard University; former member of the Advisory 
Council of the Warren Library of the World's Best 
Literature; chairman of the History Jury and member 
of the Congress of Arts and Sciences, World's Fair, 
1904; delegate from Louisiana to Mobile Tercenten- 
ary, 1911, and First Congress of the French Language, 
Canada, 1912; chairman of the Committee of Louisi- 
ana Historical Society in charge of State Centenary 
celebration, 1912; former corresponding secretary of 
the New Orleans Academy of Sciences ; has been vice 
president of the American Dialect Society; former 
president of the Civil Service Commission, New 
Orleans; of the Louisiana State Museum; of the 




Catholic Winter School of America (1897-1902); of 
the Modern Language Association of America; of the 
American Folk-Lore Society; of the Alliance Fran- 
gaise of the United States and Canada; of the Alliance 
Franco-Louisianaise of New Orleans. Hon. member 
of: the Missouri Historical Society; the Minnesota 
Historical Society; the Geographical Society of 
Quebec; member of: the Academy of Mficon, France; 
the Royal Society of Arts of London; the American 
Historical Association; the Modern Languages 
Association of America; the American Folk-Lore 
Society; the Raven Society of the University of 
Virginia; president of: the Ath&6e Louisianais; the 
Louisiana Historical Society; the Public School 
Alliance of New Orleans; Officier d' Academic; OfEcier 
de rinstruction Publique; Chevalier of the Legion of 
Honor; Son of the American Revolution. Author 
of: "Gabriel d'Ennerich", historical novelette (1886); 
"Bits of Louisiana Folk-Lore" (1888); "Sept Grands 
Auteurs du XIX« siecle" (1889); "Histoire de la 
htt^rature frangaise" (1893); "Louisiana Studies" 
(1894); "Louisiana Folk Tales" (1894); "Voyage en 
Europe" (1895); "Precis de I'histoire de France" 
(1899); "History of Louisiana", 4 vols. (1904); 
"History of Mexico" (1907); "Cyclopedia of 
Louisiana History" (1909). 

ARTICLES: Iberville, Piebhe Le Motne, Sieub d'; Louisi- 
ana (Colonial). 

Fournet, Reverend Pierre AtrausTE, s.s., m.a., 
b. at Clermont-Ferrand, France, 1867. Education: 
College of Billon and Seminary of Montferrand, 
France; St. Sulpice and Catholic Institute, Paris. 
Ordained and entered the Congregation of St. Sulpice 
1892; vicar, St. Jacques, Montreal, 1893-1894; held 
the posts of professor of belles lettres and of history, 
Montreal College, Montreal, 1894-1910; at present, 
professor of the history of French literature, Laval 
University, and chaplain at the Mother House of the 
Congregation of Notre Dame, Montreal. Author of: 
" Mere de la Nativity et les origines de la Mis^ricorde " 
(Montreal, 1898) ; " La race frangaise dans TAmSrique 
du Nord" (Montreal, 1910); collaborator in: Vacant, 
" Dictionnaire de thdologie oatholique" (by Father 
Fournet: "Catholicisme et protestantisme au 
Canada"); "Encyclopedia Americana" (by Father 
Fournet: "Catholic Church in Canada"). 

ARTICLES : Acceptants; Anne d' Aurat, Sainte; Arnauld; 
Bathilde, Saint; Belmont, FRANgois Vachon de; Bernard 
(oh Barnard), Saint, Archbishop of Vienne; Bernard Tolo- 
MEO, Saint; Boulanger, Andr6 de; Bouvens, Charles de; 
Brisacier, Jacqdes-Charles de; Casson, Francois Dollier 
de; Colin, FR:fiD^Ric-Louis ; CuoQ, Andr^-Jban; Gal, Saint 
(2); Galland, Antoine; Gadme, Jean-Joseph; Gousset, 
Thomas-Marie-Joseph; Germanus; Henri de Saint-Ignace; 
Hurtado, Caspar; Marie de l'Incarnation, Blessed; Marie 
DE l'Incarnation, Venerable; Montboissier, Peter of; 
Picquet, Francois; Robert, Saint; Saint-Stjlpice, Society oe. 

Fowler, Right Reverend John Clement, o.s.b., 
b. 1851, son of John Williams Fowler, of Birmingham. 
Education: Downside, England. Entered the Bene- 
dictine Order 1870; ordained 1878; conventual prior. 
Downside, 1889-1894; rector. Church of St. Osburg, 
Coventry, 1896-1905; Cathedral prior, Belmont, 
1905-1915; rector, church of Our Lady of Mount 
Carmel, Redditch, England, 1915- 

ARTICLE: Wegg-Prosseb, Francis Richard. 

Fox, Reverend James Joseph, d.d., b.a., b. at 
Stewartstown, Co. Tjrrone, Ireland. Education: 
Royal University of Ireland; CathoMc University of 
America. Secretary and associate professor of ethics, 
Cathohc University, Washington, D. C. Author of 
"Religion and Morality" (New York, 1899). 

ARTICLES: Anthropomorphism; Attributes, Divine, 
Benthamism; Cruelty to Animals; Duty; Egoism; Glory; 
Good; Hedonism; Indifferentism, Religious; Law, Natural; 
Self-defence; Slavery, Ethical Aspect of; Utilitarianism. 

Fox, Reverend John Mortimer, s.j., a.b., b. at 
Boston, Massachusetts, 20 February, 1881. Educa- 

tion: high school, Dorchester, and Boston College, 
Boston; Woodstock College, Woodstock, Maryland. 
Entered the Society of Jesus 1902; former professor 
of economics, St. Francis Xavier's College, New York; 
ordained 1913; at present, professor of psychology, 
Boston College, University Heights, Chestnut Hill, 

ARTICLES: Tamburini, Thomas; Tongiohgi, Salvatoh; 
Welte, Benedict. 

Fox, Right Reverend Joseph J., d.d., b. at 
Green Bay, 2 August, 1855; d. 14 March, 1915. 
Education: Cathedral School, Green Bay; St. Francis 
Seminary, Milwaukee, Wisconsin; American College, 
Rome; Lou vain University, Belgium. Ordained 
1879; pastor at New Franklin, Wisconsin, 1879-1880; 
pastor, St. John's Church, Green Bay, 1880-1883; 
secretary to Bishop Krautbauer 1883-1894; vicar- 
general, diocese of Green Bay, 1894-1904; domestic 
prelate 1898; Bishop of Green Bay, 1904r-1914. 
Former member of the Knights of Columbus, Catholic 
Knights of Wisconsin, Cathohc Order of Foresters, 
Cathohc Educational Association, Wisconsin Histori- 
cal Society, Wisconsin Archaeological Society. 

ARTICLE: Joseph, Polish Franciscan Sisters of St. 

Fox, WillijUM, B.S., M.B., b. at Staschow, near 
Zditz, Bohemia, 18 Sept., 1864. Education: College 
of the City of New York; Stevens Institute of Tech- 
nology, Hoboken, New Jersey. Teacher 188(5- ; 
at present, professor of physics. College of the City 
of New York. Member of: the American Physical 
Society; the T^erican Society of Mechanical Engi- 
neers; Fellow of the American Association for the 
Advancement of Science. Author of: "Mechanical 
Drawing"; contributor to: "Machinery"; "Jewelers' 
Review"; "Franklin Institute Journal". 

ARTICLES: AMptRB, Andr^-Marib; Babinet, Jacques; 
Bbcquerel, Antoine-C^sar; Biot, Jean-Baptiste; Campani, 
Giuseppe; Cassini, Giovanni Dombnico ; Castblli, Benedetto; 
Clerke, Agnes Mart; Divisch, Procopius; Faye, Hbrv£- 
Auguste-Etienne-Albons; Fizeau, Armand-Hippoltte-Louis; 
FouCAULT, Jean-Bertrand-L^on; Fraunhofer, Joseph von; 
Galvani, Luigi; Halma, Nicholas; Hartmann, Georg; H6p- 


von; Jolly, Philipp Johann Gustave von; Jouffroy, Claude- 
Francois-Doroth^e de. Marquis d'Abbans; Kbeil, Karl; 
Lamont, Johann von; Maignan, Emmanuel; Mariottb, Edme; 
Marsiqli, Luigi Fbrdinando, Count de; Mattbucci, Carlo; 
MoNTGOLFiER, JOSEPH- Michel; Nollet, Je an-Antoine ; Pal- 
mieri,Luigi;Pbuerbach, Georgevon; Piazzi,Giuseppe; Picard, 
Jean; Poleni, Giovanni; Puiseux, Victor-Alexandre; Reg- 
NAULT, Henri Victor; Senefelder, Aloys; Torricelli, Evan- 


Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles, barrister, b. at 
Bristol, England, 28 February, 1871, son of Thomas 
Edmond Fox-Davies, of Coalbrookdale, Shropshire, 
and Maria J., daughter of John Fox, J.P., of Coal- 
brookdale. Education: public school of the Society 
of Friends, Ackworth, Yorkshire. Barrister-at-law 
(Lincoln's Inn); married Mary E. B., daughter of 
Septimus Wilkinson Crookes, of The Wyke, Shifnal, 
1901. Former editor: of "Dod's Peerage"; "Genea- 
logical Magazine"; contested Merthyr Tydvil (Tory), 
1910. Member of the New, United and "1900" 
Clubs. Author of: "The Book of Public Arms"; 
"The Art of Heraldry"; "Heraldry Explained"; 
"A Complete Guide to Heraldry"; "The Law on 
Names and Changes of Name"; "Heraldic Badges"; 
"The Dangerville Inheritance"; "The Average 
Man"; "The Manleverer Murders"; "The Finances 
of Sir John Kynnersley"; "The Sex Triumphant"; 
"The Duplicate Death"; "The Testament of John 
Hastings", etc., and printed "cases" for several 
claims of peerage; editor of: "Armorial Families"; 
"Burke's Landed Gentry". 

ARTICLE: Heraldry. 

Frangon, Reverend John A., ll.b., j.c.b., 
s.T.L. Education: St. Joseph's College, Montlucon, 
and Seminary of St. Irenaus, Lyons, EYance; 




University of France; Catholic University, Washing- 
ton, D. C. Rector, St. Theresa's Church, New 
Orleans, Louisiana; rector, Church of the Assumption, 
Plattenville, Louisiana, 1912- 
AKTICLE: Sieni, Cybil. 

Franz, Hermann, Ph.D., b. at Karlsruhe, Germany, 
16 March, 1885. Education: Gymnasium, Karlsruhe; 
University of Freiburg, Germany. Former teacher. 
Normal School, Karlsruhe; professor, Normal School, 
Heidelberg, 1912- . Author of: "Studien zur 
kirchhchen Reform Josephs II" (Freiburg, 1908); 
"Alter und Entstehung der Kirchenbiicher" (Heidel- 
berg, 1912). 

ABTICLE: Joseph II. 

Fraser, Right Reverend Robert, d.d., ll.d., 
b. at Wardhouse, Scotland, 10 August, 1858; d. at 
Dundee, Scotland, 28 March, 1914. Education: 
Blair's College, Aberdeen, Scotland; St. Edmund's, 
Douai, France; Scot's College, Rome. Ordained 
1882; professor, Blair's College, 1883-1897; rector, 
Scot's College, 1897-1913; Bishop of Dunkeld, 
Scotland, 1913-1914; domestic prelate, 1898; pro- 
tonotary apostolic, 1904. 

ARTICLE: Scot's College. 

Freeland, Very Reverend Canon John, b. at 
Portslade, Sussex, England, 1861. Education: 
English CoUege, ValladoUd, Spain. Ordained 1885; 
has held the posts of teacher in the Seminary, North- 
ampton, and pastor at Ely, Cambridgeshire; pastor. 
Church of the Holy Child, Bedford, 1906- ; has 
passed most of his life in study; canon theologian of 
the diocese of Northampton 1910. Author of 
"Tales of the Early Church", etc. Contributor to: 
"Dublin Review"; "Irish Ecclesiastical Record"; 
"Tablet"; "American Ecclesiastical Review". 

ARTICLE: Northampton, Diocese of. 

FrSri, Right Reverend Monsignor Joseph, 
D.c.i,., b. in France, 1864. Education: St. Sulpice, 
Paris; Gregorian University, Minerva, and Sapienza, 
Rome. Ordained and came to the United States 
1887; successively missionary in Arizona and profes- 
sor of law. Seminary, Boston, 1887-1900; director 
general for the United States of the Society for the 
Propagation of the Faith 1900- ; resident in New 
York. Author of: "The Society for the Propaga- 
tion of the Faith and Catholic Missions, 1822- 
1900"; "The Propaganda"; "Origin and Cause of 
the Chinese Crisis"; "Facts and Figures"; "A Sister 
of Charity in China"; "Family and Divorce in 

ARTICLES: Peteh-Louis-Makib Chanel, Blessed; Propa- 
gation OF THE Faith, The Society for the. 

Frisbee, Reverend Samuel Hanna, s.j., a.b., 
b. at Kinderhook, New York, 19 July, 1840; d. in 
New York, 19 February, 1907. Education: Yale 
University; Woodstock College, Woodstock, Mary- 
land; Louvain University, Belgium. Became a 
Catholic 1862; entered the Society of Jesus 1863; 
ordained 1877; at different times professor of 
chemistry, of physics, and of mechanics at various 
Jesuit colleges; president, St. Francis Xavier's 
College, New York, 1880-1885; editor, "Woodstock 
Letters", 1888-1907. 

ARTICLES: Anima Christi; Barry, Paul de; Bellarini, 
John; Bellecihs, Alo'ysius; Bouhohrs, Dominique; Brignon, 

Fuentes, Ventura, a.b., m.d., b. in Cuba, 14 
September, 1868. Education: College of the City 
of New York; Columbia University, New York. 
Teacher for many years; former instructor and, at 

present, associate professor of Spanish language and 
literature. College of the City of New York. Member 
of the Modern Language Association. Author of 
several Spanish text-books. 

ARTICLES: Autos Sacramentales; Balbuena, Bernard 
de; Barbosa-Maqhado, Ignacio; Brazil, The United States 
of; Caballeho, FernXn; Cabtillbjo, Crist6bal de; Castro 
y Bellvis, Guillen de; Chanca, Diego Alvarez; Cid, El; 
Cruz, Ram6n de la; Cuba; Cueva, Juan de la; De Soto, 
Hernando; DIaz del Castillo, Bernal; DfAZ de Solis, Juan; 
Encina (Enzina), Juan de la; Enciso, Diego Xim]6nez; En- 
ciso, MartIn FernAndez de; Ercilla y Zuniga, Alonso d'; 
EspiNEL, Vicente; Espinosa, Alonso de; FernAndez db Pa- 
LENCiA, Diego; Feyj6o y Montenegro, Benito Jer6nimo; 
Figueroa, Francisco de; Florez, Enrique; Garcilasso de la 
Vega (the Inca) ; Lafuente y Zamalloa, Modesto; Medrano, 
Francisco; MEL]fiNDEZ Vald^s, Juan; Mendana de Neyra, 
Alvaro de; Mendoza, Diego Hurtado de; Montemayob 
(Montem6r), Jorge de; MoratIn, Leandro FernAndez de; 
MoRETO Y Cabana, AuGUSTfN; Navarrete, Martin FernAn- 
dez de; P^rez de Hita; Pinto, Fernao Mendes; Ponce de 
Le6n, Juan; Rojas y Zorrilla, Francisco de; Ruiz de Alarc6n 
Y Mendoza, Juan de; San Salvador; T^llez, Gabriel; Torres, 
Naharro Bartolom^ de; Ulloa, Antonio de. 

Furey, John, b. at Brooklyn, New York, 6 January, 
1836, son of James and Ehzabeth Stewart Furey. 
Education: pubhc and private schools, Brooklyn. 
Clerk in the U. S. Treasury Department (Register's 
Office), Washington, D. C, 1862; acting assistant 
paymaster, U. S. Navy, 1863; on the "Monticello" 
under Lieutenants Gushing and Gorringe 186.3-1865; 
passed assistant paymaster 1866; married Margaret 
M. Merrick (d. 1900), 1866; on the "Yucca", Gulf 
Squadron, 1866-1867; on the "Quinnebaug", South 
Atlantic Station, 1867-1870; paymaster 1871; at the 
Naval Academy 1871-1874; on the " Monongahela", 
South Atlantic Station, 1874-1876; special inspector 
of provisions and clothing. Navy Yard, New York, 
1877-1880; on the training ship "New Hampshire" 
1881-1884; on the "Quinnebaug", European Station, 
1885-1889; on the receiving ship "Vermont", Navy 
Yard, New York, 1889-1893; stationed at the Navy 
Yard, New York, 1893-1894; on the "Columbia" 
1894; during Spanish War in charge of accounts of 
auxiliary vessels, yachts, tugs, etc., Navy Yard, New 
York, 1898; pay inspector 1906; retired on account of 
physical disability incidental to the service; resident 
in Brooklyn. Active service in Civil War; signal 
officer in both engagements at Ft. Fisher; took 
possession of Ft. Caswell, Battery Campbell, and 
Smithville, holding them until the arrival of the 
Federal Army. Member of: the New York Com- 
mandery Mihtary Order of Loyal Legion of the United 
States; the National Geographical Society; the 
Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, the Catholic Benevolent 
Legion; the Catholic Club; the International CathoUc 
Truth Society; the Society for the Propagation of the 

ARTICLES: Barry, John; Grasse, Franqois-Josbph-Paul. 

Furlong Cardiff, Reverend William John, s.j., 
b. at Villa Constituci6n, Argentina, 21 June, 1889. 
Education: St. Bartholomew's College, Rosario, and 
College of the Immaculate Conception, Santa Fe, 
Argentina; Colegio Maximo de Jesiis, Tortosa, Spain; 
Woodstock College, Woodstock, Maryland. Entered 
the Society of Jesus 1903; at Woodstock College, 
Woodstock, 1910-1913; stationed in Argentina 1913- 
; at present, professor of Spanish hterature and 
Argentinian History, Salvador CoUege, Buenos Aires. 
Corresponding member Spanish American Atheneum, 
Washington, D. C. Author of "Geografla Argen- 
tina" (Buenos Aires, 1917); collaborator in "Enciclo- 
pedia Espasa" (Barcelona); contributor to Spanish, 
American, and Argentinian reviews. 

ARTICLES: Alarc'6n, Pedro Antonio db; Andres, Juan; 
CuYO, Virgin of; Lossada, Luis de; Men^ndez y Pelayo* 
Marcelino; Rioja, Francisco de; Saavedra t Fajardo, Diego 
db; Vbruela (monastery). 


Gabriels, Right Reverend Henry, d.d.. Bishop 
of Ogdensburg, New York, b. at Wannegem Lede, 
Belgium, 6 October, 1838. Education: Catholic 
schools of Wannegem and Wareghem, Episcopal 
College at Audenarde, Preparatory Seminary at St. 
Nicolas, Seminary at Ghent, and Louvain University, 
Belgium. Ordained 1861; professor of dogma (1864- 
1871) and president and professor of Church history, 
rubrics, and Hebrew (1871-1892), St. Joseph's 
Seminary, Troy, New Yorlt; Bishop of Ogdensburg 
1892- . Officer of the Order of Leopold. Author 
of a book on the rubrics; translated Vosen's Hebrew 
Grammar; has contributed to: "Revue cathohque" 
(Louvain); "Correspondant" (Paris); "American 
Ecclesiastical Review". 

AKTICIjE: Ogdensbitbg, Diocese of. 

Gallavresi, Giuseppe, ll.d., archivist, palaeog- 
rapher, b. at Milan, 26 June, 1879. Education: 
private school; University of Genoa and Royal 
School of Palteography, Milan, Italy. One of the 
trustees of the Museum, Castello Sforzesco, Milan, 
1905- ; lecturer on modern history, Royal 
Academy, Milan, 1908- ; active in CathoUc 
social work. General secretary Aid Society for 
Italian Workmen Abroad (Cremona); member of: 
Royal Historical Commission of Italy (old Provinces 
and Lombardy); Society of French History (Paris); 
Society of Contemporary History (Paris) ; Society of 
the History of Diplomacy (Paris); Society of Social 
Science (Paris); Society for the Legal Protection of 
Laborers; Society of Modern History (Vienna); etc.; 
Knight of: Saints Maurice and Lazarus; the Crown 
of Italy; honorary attach^ of the Royal ItaUan 
Legation, Bern. Author of: "Nava Memoirs" (1902); 
"Carteggio del Conte Federigo Confalonieri" (1910); 
Confalonieri's and Manzoni's correspondence, "Elec- 
toral Law of the Cisalpine Republic"; contributor 
to: "Nuova Antologia"; "Rassegna Nazionale"; 
"Archivio storico italiano"; "Archivio storico lom- 
bardo"; "Giornale storico della letteratura italiana"; 
"II libro e la stampa"; "Correspondant"; "Revue 
des questions historiques"; "Revue d'histoire diplo- 
matique"; editor of "Rassegna storica del Risorgi- 
mento Italiano" (since 1910). 
ARTICLES: Tabso, Tohquato; Tosti, Ltjigi. 

Gancevic, Reverend Anthony (Lawrence 
Damianus Gancbvi(5), o.f.m.. Bachelor of Political 
and Social Sciences, writer, b. at Kastel-Kambelovac, 
Dahnatio, 6 April, 1888, son of John and Joan 
Ganfievid and nephew of Father Francis MiSica, 
o.p.M. Education: primary school, Kambelovac; 
Franciscan Gymnasium, Sinj; Grand Civic Gym- 
nasium, Spalato; various Franciscan scholasticates; 
Louvain University, Louvain, Belgium. Entered the 
Franciscan Order 1905; ordained 1911; professor of 
history, Latin, Greek, and Italian, Gymnasium, Sinj, 
1911-1912; correspondent of "Rije6ke Novine" 
(Fiume) 1913- ; secretary of the Catholic Organi- 
zation for Priests of the Sinj-Trilj Deanery, stationed 
at Sinj. Contributor to: "Glasnik Svetog Ante" 
(Visoko); "Dan" (Spalato); "Serafinski Perivoj" 
(Sarajevo); "Hrvatska Strata" (Senj-Krk); "Bo- 
goslovskaSmotra" (Agram); "America" (New York); 
"Catholic World" (New York); "Catholic Press'* 
(Sydney) ; sometimes uses pen name A. Lav. Cengid. 


ARTICLES: Lesina; LucnS, John; Medttli^, Andbeas; Miki- 
DiTE, Abbey of; Pulati, Diocese of; Sappa, Diocese of; Soopia, 
Abchdiocese of; Scutari, Abchdiocese of. 

Gandet, Reverend Louis, rector. Church of St. 
John of God, Scorton, Yorkshire, England. 
ARTICLE: Bhothers Hospitallees of St. John op God. 

Gans, Very Reverend Leo Peter, d.c.l., b. at 
St. Cloud, 11 September, 1879. Education: parochial 
school, St. Cloud; St. Laurence College, Mt. Calvary, 
Wisconsin; St. Meinrad's Seminary, IndianapoUs, 
Indiana; St. Paul Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota; 
Roman Seminary. Ordained 1903; missionary in 
diocese of St. Cloud 1903-1905; professor of canon 
law, St. Paul Seminary, 1905-1907; rector of the 
cathedral, St. Cloud, 1907- ; censor hbrorum. 

ARTICLES: Baysio, Guido de; Censures, Ecclesiastical; 

Ganss, Reverend Henry George, mus.d., b. at 
Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 22 February, 1855; d. at 
I^ancaster, 25 December, 1912. Education: parochial 
school, Lancaster; St. Vincent's College, Latrobe, 
Pennsylvania. Ordained 1878; curate at Lykens, 
Pennsylvania, 1878-1881; rector at Milton, Pennsyl- 
vania, 1881-1886; rector, St. Patrick's Church, and 
spiritual director of Cathohc Indians in Government 
School, CarUsle, Pennsylvania, 1890-1910; rector, St. 
Mary's Church, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 1910-1912. 
Much interested in Carlisle Indians, working con- 
stantly for their spiritual and temporal interest; 
built churches at Milton and Carhsle. Musical 
compositions: "First Mass in D" (with orchestra); 
"Second Mass in D" (with orchestra); "Fourth Mass 
in C"; "Requiem in D Minor"; "The Banner of the 
Sea", hymn of the Navy (won National Prize, 1889); 
"Long Live the Pope", hymn (translated into 25 
languages). Author of: "Mariolatry: New Phases of 
an Old Fallacy" (Notre Dame, Indiana); "History 
of St. Patrick's Church, CarUsle, Pa." (Philadelphia); 
ten pamphlets on the Reformation, Anglican Orders, 
and the Indian question; contributor to: "Messen- 
ger"; "American Catholic Quarterly Review"; 
"American Ecclesisistical Review"; "Ave Maria"; 
"Catholic World". 

ARTICLES : Arnoldi, BartholomXus (Usingen) ; Augustin 
VON Alfeld; Liszt, Franz; Luther, Martin; Tetzel, Johann. 

Gardner, Edmund Garratt, m.a., litt.D., writer, 
b. in London, 1869. Education: Beaumont College, 
Old Windsor, England; University College, London; 
Caius College, Cambridge. Studied medicine but 
abandoned career 1892; lectured on Dante and 
Shakespeare under the Cambridge University Exten- 
sion System 1893-1896; occupied in Uterary research 
work, particularly in Italian travel, 1897- ; 
Barlow Lecturer on Dante, University College, 
London, 1910. Member of: the Italian Dante 
Society; the Society tor the Promotion of Roman 
Studies. Author of: "Dante's Ten Heavens" 
(1898); "A Dante Primer" (1900); "Story of 
Florence" (1900); "Desiderio" (1902); "Story of 
Siena and San Gimignano" (1902); "Dukes and 
Poets in Ferrara" (1904); "The King of Court 
Poets: Ariosto" (1906); "St. Catherine of Siena" 
(1907); "The Cell of Self-Knowledge" (1910); 
"Painters of the School of Ferrara" (1911); "Dante 


J. D. M. FORD 












and the Mystics'' (1913); "Dante and Giovanni del 
Virgilio" (in collaboration with P. H. Wicksteed) 
(1901); editor of "The Dialogues of St. Gregory the 
Great" (1911); "St. Bernard on the Love of God" 
(1916); collaborator in "Encyclopaedia of Religion 
and Ethics"; contributor to: "Daily Chronicle"; 
"Saturday Review"; "Hibbert Journal". 

ARTICLES: Catherine of Siena, Saint; Colonna, Vit- 
toria; Dante, Aliqhieri; Guarini, Battista; Guelphs, and 
Ghibbllines; Guicciardini, Francesco; Hilton, Walter; 
Italian Literature; Joachim op Flora; Juliana of Nor- 
wich; Latini, Bhunetto; Malatbsta, House of; Manzoni, 
Alebsandro; Medici, House of; Meli, GiovAiiNi; Nardi, 

Garesche, Reverend Edwakd Francis, s.j., 
A.M., liL.B., b. at St. Loviis, Missouri, 27 December, 
1876. Education: private; St. Louis University; 
Washington University; various Jesuit scholasticates. 
Practised law 1898-1900; entered the Society of Jesus 
1900; has taught English and the Classics in various 
Jesuit colleges; formerly stationed at St. Louis 
University, St. Louis; ordained 1912. Associate 
editor of "America", New York, 1913-1914; editor 
of "The Queen's Work", St. Louis, 1914- 
Author of: "Your Neigjhbor and You"; "An incon- 
sistency of the Materiahst"; "The Four Gates"; 
"Things Unseen"; essays; contributor to Catholic 

ARTICLES: Nacchiante, Giacomo; Nepveu, Francis; 
Neumatr, Franz; Nicholas op Tolentino, Saint; Nicolas, 

Garrigan, Right Reverend Philip Joseph, 
D.D., Bishop of Sioux City, Iowa, b. in Ireland, 1840. 
Education: public schools, Lowell, Massachusetts; St. 
Charles College, Ellicott City, Maryland; St. Joseph's 
Seminary, Troy, New York. Came to the United 
States in childhood. Ordained 1870; assistant, St. 
John's Church, Worcester, Massachusetts, 1870-1873; 
director, St. Joseph's Seminary, Troy, New York, 
1873-1875; irresnovable rector, St. Bernard's Church, 
Fitchburg, Massachusetts, 1875-1888; first vice- 
lector. Catholic University, Washington, D. C, 
1888-1902; first Bishop of Sioux City, 1902- 
Took prominent part in organization and administra- 
tion work of first years of Cathohc University; 
participated largely in promoting and organizing 
work of Trinity College, Washington; organized and 
built up diocese of Sioux City, Iowa. Member of: 
National Geographical Society; American Irish His- 
torical Society. Contributor to various periodicals. 

ARTICLE : Sioux Citt, Diocese of. 

Gasquet, Francis Aidan Cardinal, o.s.b., d.d., 
b. in London, 5 October, 1845, son of Dr. Raymond 
Gasquet. Education: St. Gregory's College, Down- 
side. Entered the Benedictine Order 1865; ordained 
1874; held the posts of teacher of history, of mathe- 
matics and of physical science, prefect, cantor, 
treasurer, etc., etc., Downside Abbey; Prior of 
Downside 1878-1885; engaged in historical research 
for some vears by direction of Pope Leo XIII; Abbot 
President of the Enghsh Benedictines 1900-1914; 
President of the Commission organized to examine 
the text of the Vulgate 1907- ; oonsultor of the 
Pontifical Commission for the Reunion of Dissident 
Churches; resident in London. As prior, consider- 
ably enlarged Downside Abbey; personally superin- 
tended the building of the church, without professional 
aid; member of the Commission on Anghoan Orders, 
giving valuable aid by his discovery in the Vatican 
Archives of important papers bearing on the case, 
1896; three times summoned to Rome to give his 
opinion on various matters; awarded a gold medal by 
Leo XIII; created cardinal 1914. Member of the 
Athenaeum. Author of: "Henry VIII and the 
EngUsh Monasteries", 2 vols. (1888; 5 other editions); 
"The Great Pestilence" (1893); "The Last Abbot of 
Glastonbury" (1895); "The Old Enghsh Bible and 

Other Essays" (1897); "The Eve of the Reformation" 
(1900); "A Short History of the Catholic Church in 
England" (1903); "Vita antiquissima B. Gregorii 
Magni" (1903); "Collectanea Anglo Premonstra- 
tensia" (for the Royal Historical Society), 3 vols. 
(1904^1907); "Enghsh Monastic Life" (1904); 
"Reign of Henry III" (1905); "Lord Acton and His 
Circle" (1906); "Parish Life m Mediaeval England" 
(1906); "Spiritual Conferences" (1906); "The 
Greater Abbeys of England" (1908); "Bosworth 
Psalter" (1908); "Life of Mary Ward" (1909); "The 
Order of the Visitation: Its Spirit and Its Growth in 
England" (1910); "Leaves from My Diary" (1911); 
"England under the Old Religion" (1912); "Edward 
VI and the Book of Common Prayer" (in collabora- 
tion with Edmund Bishop) (1890); edited with 
preface: Hope, "The First Divorce of Henry VIII" 
(1894) ; English translation of Montalembert, " Monks 
of the West" (1895); Cobbett, "History of the 
Reformation" (1896). 

ARTICLES: Ancren Riwle; Monasteries, Suppression 
OF, in England under Henry VIII; Vulgate, Revision of. 

Gautherot, Gustave, litt.D., ll.l. Education: 
College of Mont Roland, Dole, and University of 
Dijon, France; University of Paris. Former professor 
of history, College of Vaugirard, Paris; at present, 
professor of the history of the French Revolution, 
Catholic Institute, Paris; University Extension 
lecturer; captain of reserve; commandant of the 29th 
Inf. Regiment, 1914r-1916; captain of the Etat-Major 
of the 5th Array, 1917- . Member of: the 
Academy of Sciences, Belles Lettres, and Arts of 
BesanQon; the Corporation of Christian Writers. 
Author of: "Histoire de la Revolution Frangaise dans 
I'ancien Evgch6 de B^le": Vol. I: "La R^pubhque 
Rauracienne " ; Vol. II: "Le D^partement du Mont- 
Terrible" (Paris, 1908), crowned by the French 
Academy; "Les relations Franco-helv^tiques de 1789 
k 1792" (Paris, 1908); "L'^ohange des otages sous la 
Commune" (Paris, 1910); "La question de la langue 
auxiliaire Internationale" (Paris, 1910); "Gobel, 
Eveque m6tropohtain constitutionnel de Paris" 
(Paris, 1911); "L'Assembl^e Constituante" (Paris, 
1911); "La journ^e du Dix Aotit, 1792, et la Marseil- 
laise" (Paris, 1912); "La Democratie R^volution- 
naire'' (Paris, 1911); "L'Epopte Vendtenne" (Paris, 
1913), crowned by the French Academy; "Le 
Vandalisme Jacobin: Destructions administratives 
d' Archives, d'objets d'Art, de Monuments rehgieux 
S,l'Epoque rSvolutionnaire" (Paris, 1914); "L'Agonie 
de Marie- Antoinette" (Tours, 1914); contributor to: 
"La Croix"; "L'Univers"; "Revue des questions 
historiques"; "Mouvement social"; "Revue Fran- 
gaise"; "Correspondant"; "Revue pratique d'apolo- 
g^tique"; "L'Eclau-". 

ARTICLE : Talleyrand-P^rigord, Charles-Maurice de. 

Gaynor, Reverend H. A., s.j., professor of 
Latin and history. College of St. Francis Xavier, 
Brooklyn, New York. 
ARTICLE: Concubinage. 

Geddes, Reverend Leonard William, s.j., b. at 
Chichester, Sussex, England, 6 Nov., 1877. Education: 
Mt. St. Mary's College, Chesterfield, and Stonyhurst 
College, Blackburn, England; St. Beuno's College, St. 
Asaph, Wales. Entered the Society of Jesus 1894; 
teacher, Beaumont College, Old Windsor, 1900-1907; 
ordained 1910; at present, at St. Beuno's College, St. 
Asaph, Fhntshire, England. Contributor to Cathohc 

ARTICLES: Messias; Person; Personality. 

Gemelli, Reverend Agostino, o.f.m., m.d., s.d., 
b. at Milan, 18 January, 1880. Entered the Fran- 
ciscan Order 1903; ordained 1908; lector in pastoral 
medicine, Franciscan Friary, Milan; hon. professor 




of histology. University of Pavia; at present, profes- 
sor of experimental psychology. University of Turin. 
Fellow of the Pontifical Academy of the Lincei; 
member of: the Anatomical Society, the Biological 
Society (Paris), the Italian Society of Natural 
Sciences (Milan) : the Society of Naturalists of Aosta; 
the Italian Psychological Society; the ItaUan Philo- 
sophical Society. Author of: "Recente scoperte e 
reoenti teorie nello Studio dell' origine dell' uomo" 
(4th ed. 1912); "L' origine subcosciente dei fatti 
mistiei" (1912); the series "Quaestiones Theologiae 
Medico-Pastoralis"; "L'Enigma della vita" (3 ed.); 
"De Scrupulis" (2 ed.); "Non Moechaberis" (5 
ed.); editor of: "Rivista filosofia Neo-Scolastica"; 
"Vita e pensiero". 
ARTICLE : Fobttinato of Brescia. 

Geoghan, Reverend John Joseph, s.j., b. at 
Philadelphia, Pa., 1 December, 1874. Education: St. 
Joseph's College, Philadelphia; Jesuit scholasticates 
in Austria, England, and the United States. Entered 
the Society of Jesus 1893; has held the post of profes- 
sor of humanities, sophomore class. Holy Cross 
College, Worcester, Massachusetts (four years); 
ordained 1907; associate professor of rhetoric, St. 
Andrew-on-Hudson, Poughkeepsie, 1909-1912; at 
present, prefect of studies, Boston College, Boston. 

ARTICLE : Bsitius, Feancib. 

Gerard, Reverend John, s.j., f.l.s., b. at Edin- 
burgh, Scotland, 30 May, 1840, son of Colonel Archi- 
bald Gerard, of Rochsoles, Lanarkshire, Scotland, 
and brother of the novelists Emily Gerard Luszowska 
and Dorothea Gerard Longard; d. in London, 13 
December, 1912. Education: Stonyhurst College, 
Blackburn, England; London University. Entered 
the Society of Jesus 1856; ordained 1873; prefect of 
studies, Stonyhurst, 187.5-1893; editor of "The 
Month" 1894^1897; provincial of the Enghsh 
Jesuits 1897-1900; once more editor of "The Month" 
1900-1912. Author of: "Stonyhurst Centenary 
Record"; "Stonyhurst Latin Grammar"; "What 
Was the Gunpowder Plot?"; "A Course of Rehgious 
Instruction for CathoUc Youth"; "Essays on Un- 
natural History" (3 parts); "The Old Riddle and the 
Newest Answer" (in answer to Haeckel); has con- 
tributed historical and scientific articles to numerous 

ARTICLES; Bridgewater Treatises; Calendar, Reform 
OP the; Chronology, General; Coleridge, Henrt James; 
DiGBY, Sir Everard; Dionysius Exiguus; Galilei, Galiteo; 
MoNiTA Secreta; Perry, Stephen Joseph; Roman Catholic 
Relief Bill: in England. 

Gerland, Ernst Wilhelm Ferdinand, Byzantine 
scholar, b. at Imshausen, Hesse-Nassau, Germany, 
19 May, 1870. Education: public schools, Partschen- 
dorf and Fubiek; Gymnasia at Troppau, Austrian 
Silesia, and Halberstadt, Prussia; Universities of 
Berlin and Jena. Teacher 1893- ; professor at 
the Gymnasium, Homburg von der Hohe, 1898- ; 
at present also engaged in editing the collections of 
Gelzer: "Teilnehmerlisten der altern Konzilien" and 
"Notitise episcopatuum" at the instance of the 
Prussian Academy of Sciences (Berhn), under the 
title: "Corpus notitiarum episcopatuum ecclesise 
orientalis Graecae", in collaboration with August 
Burckhardt, of Ba^el, Nicola RadojSid, of Karlowitz, 
and Peter Thomsen, of Dresden. With the aid of the 
Schonhauser Fund, journeyed for special studies to 
the Institute for Austrian Historical Research, Vienna, 
and to the archives and libraries of Venice and Macer- 
ata, 1897-1898; travelled for the same purpose to 
Florence, 1900. Author of: "Das Archiv des Herzogs 
von Kandia im koniglichen Staatsarchiv zu Venedig" 
(Strassburg, 1899); "Geschichte des lateinischen 
Kaiserreiches von Konstantinopel; Teil I: Baldwin I 
und Heinrich" (Homburg von der Hohe, 1905); 
"Histoire de la noblesse cr^toise" (Paris, 1907; 

Itab'an translation, "Bollettino araldico", 1908); 
collaborator in: " Historisches Jahrbuch der Gorres- 
Gesellschaf t " (by Professor Gerland: "Kreta als 
venetianische Kolonie") (1899); "Neue Jahrbiicher 
fiir das klassische Altertum"( lay Professor Gerland: 
"Kreta, ein Uberblick iiber die neueren wissenschaft- 
hchen Arbeiten auf der Insel", 1902; "Photios und 
die Angriff der Russen auf Byzanz, 18 Juni, 860", 
1903; "Der vierte Kreuzzug und seine Probleme", 
1904); "Scriptores sacri et profani" (by Professor 
Gerland: Fasc. V, "Neue Quellen zur Geschichte des 
lateinischen Erzbistums Patras", Leipzig, 1903); 
Krumbacher, "Byzantinische Literaturgeschichte" 
(by Professor Gerland: editing of Gelzer's "Byzan- 
tinische Kaisergeschichte"); " Mitteilungen des Ve- 
reins fiir Geschichte und Altertumskunde zu Homburg 
von der Hohe " (by Professor Gerland : Fasc. XI, "Der 
Mosaikschmuck der Homburger Erloserkirche"); 
contributor to: "Byzantinische Zeitschrift"; "Revue 
de I'Orient latin"; "Literarische Centralblatt"; 
"Berliner Philologische Wochenschrift"; "Deutsche 
Literaturzeitung"; "Mitteilungen aus der histori- 
schen Literatiir ; "Historische Zeitschrift"; "Histor- 
isohe Vierteljahrssohrift"; "Byzantis"; "Zeitschrift 
fiir die osterreichischen Gymnasien"; "Padagogisches 

ARTICLE : Byzantine Empire. 

Gerrard, Reverend Thomas John, b. in Lanca- 
shire, England, 1871. Education: Oscott College, 
Birmingham, England; d. in England, January, 1916. 
Became a Cathohc 1891; ordained 1896; former 
chaplain, New Hall Convent, Chelmsford, Essex. 
Author of: "The Cords of Adam" (1908); "The 
Wayfarer's Vision" (1909); "Marriage and Parent- 
age" (1910); "The Church and Eugenics" (1912); 
""The Cult of Mary"; "Bergson: an Exposition and 
Criticism"; "A Challenge to the Time Spirit"; 
contributor to: "Dublin Review"; "HomUetic 
Monthly " ; "New York Review " ; "American CathoUc 
Quarterly Review"; "Month"; "Cathohc World". 
ARTICLE: Eugenics, The Church and. 

Gertrude, Sister Mary. 

ARTICLE : Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mart, Irish. 

Geudens, Right Reverend Peter Henrt 
Francis Martin, cpraem., b. at Lichtaert, Belgium, 
7 May, 1841; d. at Namur, Belgium, 11 July, 1913. 
Education: Episcopal College, Herenthals, Belgium. 
Entered the Premonstratensian Order 1860; professor 
at Tongerloo Abbey, Belgium, 1862; ordained 1866; 
successively professor of philosophy, master of 
novices, and superior, Tongerloo Abbey, 1866-1872; 
founded St. Norbert's Priory, Crowle^ Lincolnshire, 
England, 1872; opened St. Mary's Priory, Spalding, 
Lincolnshire, 1875; opened Corpus Christi Priory, 
Manchester, 1889; titular Abbot of Barlings 1898; 
stationed at Tongerloo Abbey 1911-1913. Reintro- 
duced Premonstratensian Order into England; 
formerly Director for Great Britain and Ireland of 
the Archconfraternity of the Mass of Reparation; 
built Votive Basihca of the Blessed Sacrament, 
Manchester; former Synodal Examiner, diocese of 
SaKord. Author of: "Sketch of the Premonstra- 
tensian Abbeys in Great Britain and Ireland"; "Life 
of St. Norbert"; "Sister Rose and the Mass of 
Reparation"; "Manual of the Third Order of St. 
Norbert"; "Annus asceticus Norbertinus " ; "Short 
Lives of Norbertine Saints"; "Dis.sertatio de B. 
Juliana Cornehonensi"; "Manual of Eucharistic 
Devotions"; "History and Objects of Eucharistic 
Congresses"; tracts; reports; contributor to Enghsh 
and Flemish reviews. 

ARTICLES: Backx, Peter Hubert Evbrmode; Barlings. 
Abbey of; Bonne-Esp^rance, The Abbey of; Cornillon. 
Abbey of; Druys, Jean; Floreffe, Abbey of; Friqolet, 
Abbey of; Gofpine, Leonard; Hugo, Charles-Hyacinthe; 
Lohel, Johann, Archbishop of Prague; Nbwhousb, Abbey 

















of; Noebert, Saint; Pahk, Abbey of the; Premonstratensian 
Canons; Phemontr^, Abbey of; Psatime, Nicholas, Bishop 
OF Verdun; Tonqerloo, Abbey of; Wichmans, Francis. 

Geyer, Very Reverend Francis Xavibr, c.s.h., 
of Verona, b. at Regen, Germany, 3 Dec, 1859, 
elected titular bishop of Trooamada and vicar 
Apostolic of the Sudan, August, 1903. 

ARTICLE: Sudan, Vicariate Apostolic of. 

Ghellinck, Reverend Joseph de, s.j., b. at 
Ghent, Belgium, 30 October, 1872. Education: 
Ghent, Tournai, and Louvain, Belgium; Jesuit 
Bcholasticate, Stonyhurst, Blackburn, England. 
Entered the Society of Jesus 1889; ordained 1904; 
formerly professor of syntax (five years), and, at 
present, professor of patrology and the history of 
dogma (1906- ), College of St. Michael, Brussels; 
librarian, Jesuit scholasticate, Louvain, 1909- 
Member of the Gorres-Gesellsohaft. Author of "Le 
Mouvement tMologique du XII " siecle" (Paris, 
1913); collaborator in Vaoant-Mangenot, "Diet, de 
Th^ol. cathoMque"; contributor of theological articles 
to: "American Cathohc Quarterly Review"; "Revue 
d'histoire eccl&iastique"; "Revue des questions 
historiques " ; "Revue b6n6dictine"; "Recherches de 
science religieux"; "Dublin Review"; "Bulletin de 
litt^rature eocMsiastique"; "Revue n6o-scolastique"; 
"Irish Theological Quarterly"; " Byzantinische Zeit- 
sohrift"; "Bulletin d'ancienne litt6rature et d'arc^ho- 
lorie chr6tienne". 

ARTICLES: Heilsbronn, Monk of; Henry of NSrdlingen; 
Hermann of Fritzlar; Herp, Henry; Ivo of Chartres, Saint; 
Lessius, Leonard; Lugo, John de; P^tau, Denis; Peter 
Cantor; Peter Comestoh; Peter Lombard; Radulph of 
Rivo; Simon of Tournai; Vincent of L^rins, Saint. 

Gibbons, James Cardinal, Archbishop of Balti- 
more, Maryland, b. at Baltimore, 23 July, 1834. 
Education: private classical school in Ireland; St. 
Charles College, Ellioott City, Maryland; St. Mary's 
Seminary, Baltimore. Ordained 1861; successively 
assistant at St. Patrick's Church, Baltimore, rector 
of St. Bridget's Church, Canton, with the additional 
charge of St. Lawrence's Church, Locust Point and 
the soldiers of Ft. Henry and Ft. Marshall, and 
secretary to Archbishop Spalding and chancellor of 
the diocese of Baltimore, 1861-1868; first vicar- 
Apostolic of North Carolina 1868-1877; titular 
Bishop of Adramyttum 1868-1872; Bishop of Rich- 
mond, Virginia, 1872-1877; Coadjutor Archbishop 
(1877) and Archbishop (1877- ) of Baltimore; 
Cardinal, with the title of Santa Maria in Trastevere, 
1886; chancellor of the CathoUc University, Washing- 
ton, 1887- . Assistant chancellor. Second Plenary 
Council of Baltimore, 1866; presided at the Third 
Plenary Council of Baltimore, 1884; enlarged the 
sanctuary of the cathedral, in which six archbishops 
of Baltimore are buried; has given eighty-six new 
churches to the archdiocese. Author of: "Faith of 
Our Fathers"; "Our Christian Heritage"; "The 
Ambassador of Christ"; "Sermons and Discourses"; 
"A Retrospect of Fifty Years"; contributor to 
various periodicals. 

ARTICLE: Magnien, Alphonse. 

Gietmann, Reverend Gerhard, s.j., writer, b. 
at Birten, Rheinland, Germany, 21 May, 1845; d. at 
VaUcenburg, Holland, 11 November, 1912. Educa- 
tion: College, Gaesdonck; Academy, Munster; 
further studies in Prussia; Jesuit scholasticates in 
Germany, Holland, and England. Entered the 
Society of Jesus 1864; expelled with his Society from 
Germany 1872; ordained 1879; former professor of 
languages, poetry, and aesthetics (26 years) and of 
secondary branches of theology and philosophy (4 
years), Jesuit colleges, Wynandsrade and Exaten, 
Holland; at St. Ignatius College, Valkenburg, Holland, 
1907-1912. Author of : " De re metrica Hebraeorum " 
(Freiburg, 1880); "Klassische Dichter und Dich- 

tungen", 3 vols. (Freiburg, 1885-1889); "Beatrice" 
(Freiburg, 1889); " Commentarius in Esclesiastes et 
Canticum" (Paris, 1890); "Kunstlehre", Vols. I, II, 
III and V (Freiburg, 1899-1903); etc., etc.; various 
translations; collaborator in several encyclopedias; 
contributor to numerous periodicals. 

ARTICLES: Aesthetics; IJahtolommeo, Fra; Basilica; 
Batteux, Charles; Bellini, Giacomo; Bernini, Giovanni 
Lorenzo; Botticelli, Sandro; Brunellesco, Filippo; Buo- 
narroti, Michelangelo; Burckmair, Hans; Byzantine Ar- 
chitecture; Byzantine Art; Canticle of Canticles; Cob- 
NELisz, .Jakob; Cornelius Peter; DOrer, Albrecht; Eccle- 
siASTEs; Erwin of Steinbach; FtJHRicH, Joseph; Ghibebti, 
Lorenzo de Cione; Girardon, Francois; Knabl, Joseph; 
Krapft, Adam; Lanzi, Luigi; Lemercier, Jacques; Lescot, 
Pierre; Levau, Louis; Liesborn, Master of; Lochner, 
Stephan; Madbrna, Carlo; Mansard, Francois and Jules; 
Michelozzo di Bartolommeo; Miller, Ferdinand von; 
MoHR, Christian; Muller, Karl; Music, Ecclesiastical; 
Neumann, Johann Balthasar; Niessenderger, Hans; Nim- 
bus; Oppenordt, Gilles-Marie; Orme, Philibert de l'; Per- 
rault, Claude; Peruzzi, Baldassare; Porta, Giacomo della; 
Pozzo, Andreas; Pulpit; Rethel; Riemenschneider, Til- 
mann; Robert op Luzarches; Rococo Style; Rumohr, Fried- 
rich Karl; Sansovino, Andrea Contucci del; Schadow, 
Friedrich Wilhelm; Schmidt, Friedrich von; Schrandolph, 
Johann; Schwanthaler, Ludwig von; Schwind. Moritz von; 
Seitz, Alexander Maximilian; Stalls; Steinle, Edward 
von; Vanni, Andrea; Vanni, Francesco; Veit, Philipp; Vig- 
NOLA, Giacomo Barozzi da; Viollet-Le-Duc, Eug£;ne-Em- 
manuel; Vischer, Peter; Wachter, Eberhard; Wilhelm of 
Herle; Winckelmann, Johann Joachim; Zwirner, Ernst 

Gignac, Reverend Joseph Narcis,se, s.t.d., 
J.C.D., b. at Deschambault, P. Q., 22 Sept., 1864. 
Education: Seminary, Quebec. Ordained 1888; for a 
number of years professor of canon law, Laval Univer- 
sity, Quebec; at present, rector of Saint-Ephrem de 
Tring, Beauce, P. Q. Author of: "Compendium 
juris canonici", 2 vols. 

ARTICLES: Abbtemii; Alimentation; Anathema; Beau- 
VAis, Jean-Baptiste-Charles-Marie de, Bishop. 

Gigot, Reverend Francis Ernest, a.b., d.d., 
b. at Lhuant, Indre, France, 1859. Education: 
primary with Christian Brothers; College at Le 
Dorat, Seminary at Limoges, and Cathohc Institute, 
Paris, France. Ordained 1883; has held the posts of 
professor of dogmatic theologv (1885), of philosophy 
(1886-1887), and of Sacred Scripture (1888- ); 
professor of Sacred Scripture, New Testament, and 
Hebrew, St. Joseph's Seminary, Yonkers, 1896- 
Member of: the American Oriental Society; the 
New York Oriental Club. Author of: "Causes which 
Entailed the Mutilation of St. Mark's Gospel", essay 
(awarded a prize by the Catholic Institute, Paris, 
1884); "OutUnes of Jewish History" (New York, 
1897); "Outlines of New Testament History" (New 
York, 1898); "General Introduction to the Study of 
Holy Scripture" (New York, 1900); "BibUcal 
Lectures" (Baltimore, 1901); "Special Introduction 
to the Study of the Old Testament", 2 vols. (New 
York, 1901, 1906); "Christ's Teaching Concerning 
Divorce in the New Testament" (New York, 1912); 
collaborator in Vigouroux, ' ' Dictionnaire de la Bible " ; 
contributor to: "American Ecclesiastical Review"; 
"New York Review"; "Irish Theological Quarterly". 
ARTICLES: Abdias; Abomination of Desolation ;_^bra- 
HAM, The Bosom of; Adonais; Aggeus; Amos; Baruch; Bible; 
Calendar, Jewish; Carmel; Carmel, Mount; Cedron, Brook 
of; Daniel; Daniel, Book of; Ecclesiasticus; Gabbatha; 
Gad; Gamaliel; Gedeon; Generation; Gentiles; Glosses, 
Scriptural; Gospel and Gospels; Habacuc; Habor; Hanb- 
BERG, Daniel Bonifacius von; Haymo, Bishop; Hillel; 
Holocaust; Hugo of St. Cher; Hyssop; Introduction, Bib- 
lical; Isaac; Ibmael; Israelites; Isbachar; Jacob; James 
of Edessa; Jason; Jews and Judaism; Joseph; Joseph of Ari- 
mathba; Justiniani, Benedetto; Kabbala; Loaves of Propo- 
sition; Maunouhy, Auguste-Francois; Merneptah I; MiD- 
rabhim; Moab and Moabites; Moloch; Proverbs, Book of; 
Redemption (in O. T.); Red Sea; Ruben; Ruth, Book of; Sa, 
Manoel de; Scholz, John Martin Augustine; Seraphim; 
Seripando, Girolamo; Synoptics; Temptation of Christ; 
Wisdom, Book of. 

Gilbert, John Wilmams, b.a., k.s.s., alderman, 
London County Council, b. in London, 1871, nephew 
of Monsignor Daniel Gilbert. Education : St. Joseph's 




Academy, Kensington; St. Joseph's College, Clap- 
ham; London University, London. Assistant Master 
secondary schools, London, 1891-1896; secretary, 
Providence Row Night Refuge and Home, London, 
1896- ; actively engaged in social work in South 
London for many years; has been at various times 
manager of Catholic schools in and near London; 
joint honorary secretary with Monsignor Brown of 
South London Committee of Cathoho School Mana- 
gers 1904- ; co-opted member (1908-1910), 
permanent member (1910- ), vice-chairman 
(1911-1913), and chairman (first Catholic) (1913- 
), Education Committee, London County 
Council; Knight of St. Sylvester 1909; Alderman 
(first Catholic), London County Council, 1910- ; 
member of: Poor Law Inspectors' Advisory Com- 
mittee on Homeless Poor; London County Insurance 
Committee 1912 - ; Executive Committees of 
Southwark Rescue Society; Catholic Boys' Brigade. 
One of the honorary secretaries. Catholic Demonstra- 
tion against Mr. BirreU's Education Bill, Albert 
HaU, 1906; former editor of "The Shield", 1903- 
1908; lay honorary secretary, Eucharistic Congress, 
London, 1908. Author of "Monsignor Gilbert, 
a Memoir", Cathohc Truth Society pamphlet (1897); 
contributor to: "The Month"; "The Tablet". 

ARTICLE : Poor, Care of, by the Church, in Great Brit- 
ain AND Ireland. 

Gildas, Reverend Father Marie (Jean Marie 
Ropert), O.C.R., writer, b. at Ploerdut, France, 3 
December, 1865. Education: College of Our Lady 
of Langennet and Seminary of St. Anne d'Auray, 
diocese of Vannes, France; Gregorian University, 
Rome. Served in the army in France and Tonkin, 
China, 1886-1890; entered the Trappist Order 1896; 
ordained 1903; stationed at the Abbey of Our Lady 
of the Lake, La Trappe, P. Q., Canada, 1905- ; 
at present, Master of Novices. Author of: "L'Abbaye 
de Notre Dame du I^ac des Deux Montagnes et 
I'ordere de Ctteaux au Canada et dans les Etats 
Unis" (Montreal, 1907); "Un Moine Cistercien, le 
P. Marie-Benott" (Montreal, 1910). 

ARTICLES: Bernardines, The; Bernard op Claihvatjx, 
Saint; Cistercians; Cistercian Sisters; Citeaux; Clair- 
vAux; Lestrange, Louis Henri (Dom Augustine) ; Robert of 
MOLESMB, Saint. 

Gillet, Louis-Marie-Pierrb-Dominique, art 
critic, b. in Paris, 4 December, 1875. Education: 
College Stanislas and Higher Normal School, Paris. 
Lecturer on the French language, University of 
Greifswald, Germany, 1900; professor, Laval Univer- 
sity, Montreal, Canada, 1907-1909; art critic, resident 
in Paris; at present with the French forces. Author 
of: "Raphael" (Paris, 1907); "Histoire Artistique 
des Ordres Mendiants" (Paris, 1912). 

ARTICLES: Carpaccio, Vittore; Castagno, Andrea; Ci- 
cognara, Leopoldo, Count; Cimabue, Cenni di Pepo; Cima 
DA CoNEGLiANO, GiovANNi Battista; Clovio, Giorgio (Giulio) ; 
Delahoche, Hippolyte (Paul) ; Duccio di Buoninsegna; 
Eyck, Hubert and Jan van; Farinato, Paolo; Ferrari, 
Gaudenzio; Feti, Domenico; Flandrin, Jean-Hippolyte; 
FouQUET, Jelian (Jean) ; Francia (Francesco Raibolini); 
Fhombntin, EuofeNE; Ghirlandajo (Domenico di Tommaso 
BiGORDi); Giotto di Bondone; Giulio Romano Gossaert, 
Jan; Greuze, Jean-Baptiste; Imola, Innocenzo di Pietro 
Francucci da; Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominiqub; Jouvenet, 
Jean; Juste; Limbourg, Polde; Lippi, Filippino; Lippi, Filip- 
po; Lorenzetti, Pietro and Ambrogio; Mabolino da Pani- 
cale; Masbys, Quentin; Meisbonier, Ernest; Melozzo da 
FoRLi': Memling, Hans; Mignard, Pierre; Millet, Jean- 
Fhancoib; Montagna, Bartolomeo; Muntz, EuofeNE; Muril- 
Lo, Babtolom^ Esteban; Raphael; Painting, Religious; 
Perugino (Pietro Vannucci) ; PouasiN, Nicolas; Puvis de 
Cha VANNES, Pierre Raphael; Ribera, Jusbpe de; Titian, 
Tisio DA Garofalo, Benvenuto; VelAsquez, Diego RodrI- 
QUEZ de Silva y; Vinci, Lenardo di Ser Piero da. 

Gilliat-Smith, Frederick Ernest, writer, b. at 
Woodmansterne, Surrey, England, 8 July, 1858. 
Education; private; convert to the Church, 1879. 
Has followed a literary career; for many years 
resident at Bruges, Belgium; resident in Rome 1913- 

Author of: "Songs from Prudentius" (Lon- 
don, 1898); "Fantasies from Dreamland" (London, 
1899); "Story of Bruges" (London, 1901); "Story of 
Brussels" (London, 1906); "St. Clare of Assisi" 
(London, 1913); contributor to: "Dublin Review"; 
"Tablet ; "American Ecclesiastical Review"; "Irish 
Ecclesiastical Record"; "Catholic World". 

ARTICLES; Beguineb; Beghards; Brussels; Common 
Life, Brethren of the. 

Gilligan, Reverend Edward Augustine, s.s., 
A.M., S.T.L., b. at FishkiU, New York, 24 May, 1873. 
Education: St. Charles College, Ellicott City, and St. 
Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, Maryland; St. Sulpice, 
Paris; Cathohc University, Washington. Entered 
the Sulpician Order 1902; ordained 1905; formerly at 
St. Austin's College, Brookland, D. C; professor of 
dogmatic theology and homiletics, St. Patrick's 
Seminary, Menlo Park, California, 1909- 

ARTICLES: Barral, Louis Mathias, Count; Bouillon, 
Emmanuel Theodore de la Tour d' Auvbrgne, Cardinal db. 

Gillis, Reverend James M., c.s.p., s.t.l., b. at 
Boston, Mass., 12 November, 1876. Education: 
Boston Latin School; St. Charles' College, CatonviUe, 
Md.; St. John's Seminary, Brighton, Mass.; St. 
Thomas' College, Washington, D. C. Entered the 
Congregation of St. Paul, 1897; ordained 1901; 
successively professor of ecclesiastical history, profes- 
sor of dogma and superior, St. Thomas' College, 
1907-1910; missionary to non-CathoUcs, 1910- ; 
resident in New York. Contributor to: "Catholic 
University Bulletin"; "Cathohc World"; collabora- 
tor in "Encyclopedia Americana". 

ARTICLES : Agony of Christ; Areopagus; Bible Societies. 

Gillow y Zavalza, Most Reverend Ettlogio 
Gregorio, D.D., Archbishop of Antequera (Oaxaca), 
Mexico, b. at Puebla, Mexico, 1841, son of Thomas 
Gillow, of Lancashire, England, and Marquesa de 
Selva Nevada. Education: Stonyhurst College, 
Blackburn, England; College at Alost and College of 
Notre Dame at Namur, Belgium; Ecclesiastical 
Academy, Gregorian University and Sapienza, Rome. 
Ordained 1869; private chamberlain to Pius IX 1869; 
theologian to one of the Mexican bishops at the 
Vatican Council 1871; Bishop (1887-1891) and 
Archbishop (1891- ) of Antequera (Oaxaca), 
Mexico. Pronounced the oration, then annually 
dehvered by one of the students of the Ecclesiastical 
Academy before the Pope and Cardinals at St. 
Peter's, choosing papal infallibihty as his theme, 1870; 
senior of the eight archbishops of Mexico; convened 
the Fourth National Catholic Congress of Mexico, 
1908; has done much for Mexican Indians, including 
those who have settled in the United States. 

ARTICLE: Oaxaca (or Antequera), Archdiocese of. 

Gilmartin, Right Reverend Thomas Patrick, 
D.D., Bishop of Clonfert, Ireland, b. at Castlebar, Co. 
Mayo, Ireland, 1861. Education: Errew Monastery 
and O'Dea's Academy, Castlebar; St. Jarlath's 
College, Tuam; Maynooth. Ordained 1884; professor 
of mathematics and natural science, St. Jarlath's 
College, Tuam, 1884-1891; Dean (1891-1904) and 
vice-president (1904-1910), Maynooth College, Dub- 
lin; Bishop of Clonfert 1910- . Contributor to: 
"Irish Ecclesiastical Record"; "Irish Theological 

ARTICLES: Good Friday; Guardian Angels, Feast of. 

Girouz, Reverend Constant Hilairb Alaric, 
O.M.I., b. at St. Blaise, Canada, 1 December, 1862. 
Education: Christian Brothers School; Preparatory 
Seminary, Montreal; Oblate scholasticate, ArcheviUe; 
University of Ottawa. Entered the Society of 
Oblates of Mary Immaculate 1882; ordained and sent 
to the north as a missionary 1887; missionary at Ft. 
McPherson (1888-1905) and at Providence (1905- 




), Northwest Territory; vicar-general, vicariate 
Apostolic of Mackenzie, 1909- . Delegate of his 
vicariate to Rome for the election of a superior general 
of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate, 1908. 
ARTICLE: Mackenzie, Vicariate Apostolic op. 

Glancey, Very Reverend Canon Michael 
Francts, b. at Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, Eng., 
25 October, 1854. Education: Sedgley Park School, 
Dudley; Oscott College, Birmingham; St. Bernard's 
Seminary, Olton. Ordained 1877; professor, Oscott 
CoUege, Birmingham, 1877-1888; diocesan inspector 
of schools (1888-1897) and chancellor (1897- ), 
diocese of Birmingham; pastor, Sohhull, 1899-1908; 
principal. Institute of St. Charles, Begbroke, Oxford, 
1908- ; chairman of the Education Committee, 
Birmingham School Board; member of the Cathohc 
Education Council; canon of Birmingham 1905. 
Pormer member of the Board of Governors, Birming- 
ham Universitv; former Manager of- Voluntary 
Schools; editor of: the "Oscotian", 1881-1888; 
"Calendar and Directory of the Diocese of Birming- 
ham", 1900-1912; "Official CathoKc Directory of 
the Province of Birmingham". Author of: "Charac- 
teristics from the Writings of Archbishop UUathorne" 
(1889); "The Press on Cardinal Newman" (1890); 
"Scripture Histories for Schools" (1891-1894); "The 
Catechism Rearranged for Schools" (1891); pam- 
phlets and addresses on the education question; 
"Christian Apology" (translated from the German 
of Schanz, in collaboration with Monsignor Schobel), 
3 vols. (Dublin, 1890-1892); editor of: Knecht, 
"Commentary on Holy Scripture" (with Preface) 
(1893; 3 English eds.); "Orbis Catholicus"; contribu- 
tor to: "Dubhn Review"; "Tablet"; "Catholic 

ARTICLE: Christian Doctrine, Confraternity of. 

Glass, Right Reverend Joseph Sarspield, cm., 
D.D., Bishop of Salt Lake, Utah, b. at Bushnell, 
Illinois, 13 March, 1874. Education: parochial 
schools; St. Vincent's College, Los Angeles, California; 
Minerva, Rome. Evptered the Congregation of the 
Mission 1891; ordained 1897; at various times teacher 
in Lazarist colleges, director of seminarians and 
assistant superior, St. Mary's Seminary, Perryville, 
Missouri; president of St. Vincent's College and 
rector of St. Vincent's Church, Los Angeles; Bishop 
of Salt Lake 1915- 

ARTICLES: Jean-Gabriel Perboyrb, Blessed; Lb Gras, 
Louise de Marillac, Venerable; Medal, Miraculous. 

Glouden, Athanasb, Ph.D., iJtt.D., b. at ChdtQ- 
lon, Belgium, 4 February, 1873. Education: primary 
school at Chatillon, Preparatory Seminary at 
Bastogne, Institute of St. Louis and Central Board 
of Higher Education at Brussels, Belgium. Teacher 
1894r- ; at present, professor of hterature and 
history. College of St. Michael, Brussels; journahst. 
Has lectured in Paris, Brussels, Aix-la-ChapeUe, etc. ; 
decoration Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice from Pius X; one 
of the founders of "L'Extension universitaire beige". 
Member of the Belgian Authors' Association. Author 
of: "PoSmes catholiques" (1896); "Mon jardin 
fleuri", poems (1898); "L'Energie beige" (1905); 
"En pays gaumet", novel (1906); "Les id^es de M. 
Goedzak, philosophe bruxellois" (1910); contributor 
to: "Revue giSn^rale"; "Journal de Bruxelles"; 
editor of "Le Patriote"; literary editor of "Journal 
beige des examens". Pen name: "Edouard Ned". 

ARTICLE: Periodical Literature, Catholic; Belgium. 

Godinho, John Chrysostom, philatelist, b. at 
Dabul, Bombay, India, 15 December, 1862. Educa- 
tion: St. Francis Xavier's High School, Bombay; 
matriculated at Bombay University. Began career 
as operator in the Electric Branch, Indian Govern- 
ment Telegraphs; rose to First Grade Telegraph 

Master, for some time charged with the Bombay 
Central Telegraph Office; subsequently Telegraph 
Instructor for Bombay; connoisseur in jewelry and 
old china, resident at Bombay. Founder of "the 
Indian Postage Stamp News"; lectured on the 
mihtary service of the Parsees under the Portuguese 
Supremacy in India before the Bombay Branch of 
the Royal Asiatic Society. Secretary of the Council, 
Philatehc Society of India. Author of: "Abul-Aziz"; 
contributor to: publications of the Ethnographic 
Survey of the Bombay Presidency; "Horas Vagas"; 
"Anglo-Lusitano " ; "Civilisacao Indiana"; "Indian 
Telegraphist"; "Bombay Gazetteer"; associate editor 
of "Philatelic Journal of India". 
ARTICLE: Damao (Damau, Damaun), Diocese of. 

Godrycz, Reverend John, d.d., ph.n., j.u.d., 
b. at Chehn, Russian Poland, 21 Oct., 1872. Educa- 
tion: Russian Poland; England; Italy. Ordained 
1897; successively professor at St. Mary's Seminary, 
Detroit, Michigan, and rector of St. Casimir's Church, 
Shenandoah, Pennsylvania; rector, Pennsylvania 
Pohsh College (1910- ) and of St. Stanislaus 
Church (1911- ), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 
Founded the Pennsylvania Polish College, employing 
his private fortune for the purpose. Author of: 
"Essays on the Foundation of Education" (Lansing, 
Michigan, 1900); "Doctrine of Modernism and Its 
Refutation" (Philadelphia, 1908). 

ARTICLES: Dlugosz, Jan; John Cantius, Saint. 

Goggin, Reverend John Francis, Ph.D., d.d., 
b. at Pahnyra, New York, 22 July, 1877. Education: 
Palmyra Classical Union School; St. Andrew's 
Preparatory Seminary and St. Bernard's Seminary, 
Rochester; American College, Rome. Ordained 1902; 
professor 1902- ; former professor of dogmatic 
theology and (at present) professor of exegesis, moral 
theology, and Itahan, and, since 1908, prefect of 
studies, St. Bernard's Seminary, Rochester. 

ARTICLES: Acolouthia; Addeus and Maris, Liturgy of; 
African Liturgy; Amalarius of Metz; Basil, Liturgy of 
Saint; Bread, Liturgical Use of; Pontificale; Pontifical 
Mass; Priest, Assistant; Sacristan. 

Golubovich, REArEREND Girolamo, O.F.M., writer, 
b. in Dahnatia, 7 February, 1865. Education: 
Franciscan Convent, Jerusalem. Entered the Fran- 
ciscan Order 1879; ordained 1888; librarian, Francis- 
can Convent, Jerusalem, 1888-1889; engaged in 
missionary and parochial work at Larnaca and 
Limassol, Cyprus, 1889-1895; title of Missionary 
Apostohc from Cardinal Ledochowski 1895; succes- 
sively professor of rhetoric, Franciscan Lyceum, 
Aleppo, Syria, and missionarj' to the Greeks, Slavs, 
and Itahans of Alexandria and Port Said, Egypt, 
1895-1896; vicar of the mission of Constantinople 
1902-1904; historian of the Franciscan Mission of the 
Holy Land, and in this capacity sent for research to 
the hbraries of Italy, Austria, Belgium, France, and 
England, collecting and editing many rare documents, 
1898-1909; one of the editors of the works of Alexan- 
der of Hales and Bartholomew of Pisa 1904-1907; 
director of the "Archivum franciscanum historicum" 
(Quaracchi) 1907-1908; stationed in Florence 1909- 
. Author of: "Serie Cronologica dei Reveren- 
dissimi Superiori di Terra Santa" (awarded the 
Diploma of the Gold Medal, Exposition of Saored 
Art, Turin, 1898) (.lerusalem, 1898); "II Trattato di 
Terra Santa e dell' Oriente di frate Francesco Suriano" 
(Milan, 1900) ; " Ichnographise Locorum et Monumen- 
torum veterum Tarrse Sanctae, accurate dihneatse et 
descriptse a P. Elzeario Horn" (Rome, 1902); 
"Bibliotbeca Bio-bibhographica della Terra Santa e 
dell' Oriente Francescano", Vols. I and II (Quaracchi, 
1906, 1913); contributor to: "Archivum franciscanum 
historicum"; "Archive storico itaUano"; "Mission! 
francescane" (Rome); "Oriente serafico" (Assisi); 
"Bessarione"; "Luce e amore" (Florence); "La 




Verna" (Castello); "Miscellanea francescana'' (Fo- 
ligno) ; 'A7aToXr) (Syra);°B>'wo-is and'AXiJfea (Cyprus). 
ARTICLES: Dardel, Jean; Marignolli, Giovanni ed'; 
QuARESMius, Francescus; Ubertino of Casale. 

Goodwin, Reverend Eneas B., a.m., b.d., b. at 
Chicago, 3 February, 1873. Education: St. Ignatius 
College, Chicago; St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore; 
Johns Hopkins University; Cathohc University; 
University of Chicago. At present, rector of St. 
Joseph's Church, Downers Grove, Illinois. Fellow of 
Johns Hopkins University. 

ARTICLES: Barat, Nicolas; Bernini, Giuseppe Maria. 

Goral, Very Reverend Boleslaus Edward, 
b. at Koenigsdorf, Prussian Poland, 12 March, 1876. 
Education: primary, Koenigsdorf; Seminary of Sts. 
Cyril and Methodius, Detroit, Michigan; St. Francis 
Seminary, St. Francis, Wisconsin. Came to the 
United States 1889; ordained 1899; professor succes- 
sively of Polish, German, French, Greek, and Latin 
(1899-1906) and of homileti'cs and philosophy (1906- 
1908), St. Francis Seminary, St. Francis, Wisconsin; 
president and treasurer of the daily newspaper 
"Nowiny Polskie", Milwaukee, 1908- ; rector. 
Church of St. Vincent de Paul (1908-1909) and of St. 
Hyacinth's Church (1909- ), Milwaukee; diocesan 
consultor (1912- ), member of the School Board, 
and director of St. Michael's Priest Fund, archdiocese 
of Milwaukee; spii'itual adviser, Polish Association 
of America. Founder and editor (1905-1908), 
"Oredownik Jezykowy"; instrumental in founding 
and organizing weekly Polish Cathohc paper 
"Nowiny", 1906; changed publication to a daily, 
1907; founded Pohsh Charitable Association, 1910; 
his treatise on Polish punctuation pronounced best 
extant by European Pohsh critics. Author of: 
"Zasady interpunkcyi polskiej" (1905); verses; 
essays; "Bells of Corneville" (tr. from French and 
produced several times on stage); other translations 
of drama and poetry; collaborator in "Memoirs of 
Milwaukee County" (by Father Goral: "Poles in 
Milwaukee") (1909) ; contributor to Polish periodicals. 

ARTICLE: Antoniewicz (Botoz), Charles. 

Gorey, Reverend James L., rector, Immaculate 
Conception Church, Newport, Ky. 
ARTICLE: Covington, Diocese of. 

Goyau, PiBRRE-Loris-THfioPHiLE-GBORGEs, b. at 
Orleans, France, 31 May, 1869. Education: Lyc4e, 
Orleans; Lyc6e Louis le Grand, and Higher Normal 
School, Paris; French School in Rome. Associate 
editor, "Revue des Deux Mondes" (Paris), 1895- 
; married Lucie (d. 1913), daughter of President 
F6Hx Faure, 1903. Winner of the Prix Bordin (1898) 
and of the Prix Vitet (1908), French Academy. 
Commander of the Order of St. Gregory; Fellow of 
the University of Paris. Author of: "Le Pape, les 
cathohques et la question sociale" (1893); "Autour 
du catholicisme social", 5 vols. (1896-1912); 
"L'Allemagne religieuse, le protestantisme", Prix 
Bordin (1898; translated into German); "L'^cole 
d'aujourd'hui", 2 vols. (1899, 1906); "Le franc 
magonnerie en France" (1899); "Lendemains d'unit6: 
Rome, royaume de Naples" (1900); "L'idfe de 
patrie et I'humanitarisme, essai d'histoire frangaise" 
(1902); "Les nations ap6tres, vieille France, jeune 
Allemagne" (1903); "L'Allemagne religieuse, le 
cathohcisme, 1800-1870", 4 vols. (190.5-1909); 
"Moehler" 1,1906); "Jeanne d'Arc devant I'opinion 
allemande" (1907); "Ketteler" (1907; translated into 
Itahan and Spanish); "Sainte M61anie" (1907), 
"Autour du Catholicisme social", 4th and 5th series; 
(1910, 1912); "Bismarck et I'Eglise: le culturkampf ", 
4 vols. (1896-1912); "Le Vatican" (in collaboration 
with Perate and Fabre), (1895; translated into 

ARTICLES: Agen; Aire; Ajaccio; Albi; Algiers; Amiens; 
Angers; ANGOnLfeMB; Annect; Articles, The Organic; Auch; 
Autun; Avignon; Baunard, Louis; Bateux; Bayonne; Beau- 
VAis; Bellby; Berryer, Pierre- Antoine ; Besancon; Beugnot, 
Auguste-Arthur, Count; Blois; Bodin, Jean; Bordeaux; 
BouRGEs; Cahors; Cambrai; Carcassone; Catherine de' 
Medici; ChIlons-sur-Marnb; Chamb^ry; Charette de la 
CoNTRiE, Baron Athanase-Charles-Marie; Chartres; Choi- 
seul, Etibnne-Fran<?ois, Due de; Clermont; Compagnie do 
Saint-Sacrement; Concordat of 1801, The French; Con- 
stantine, Diocese of; Coutances; Dax; Digne; Dijon; Ev- 
REUX; Falloux du Coudray, Frederic Alfred Pierre, 
Vicomtb db; Farfa, Abbey op; Fesch, Joseph, Cardinal; 
Fischer, Antonius, Cardinal; Fleury, Andh^-Hercules de; 
France; Francis I, King of France; Fr^jus; Gallia Chris- 
tiana; Gap; Grenoble; Grenoble, University of; Guade- 
loupe; Guise, House of; Harlay, Family of (5); Henry IV, 
King op France; Hirscher, Johann Baptist von; Hugh 
Capet, King of France; Joyeuse, Henri, Due de; Ketteler, 
Wilhblm Emanuel, Baron von, Bishop of Mainz; Lamoignon, 
Family op; Langrbs; La Rochbfoucauld-Liancourt, Fran- 
50IS-Alexandre-Fr^d^ric, Duke op; La Rochelle; Lauren- 
tie, Pierre-Sbbastien; Laval; League, The; Leclerc dtt 
Trbmblay, FRANgois; Lb Mans; Le Puy; Le Roy Beaulieu, 
Anatole; Le Tellier, Michel; L'Hospital, Michel de; Lille; 
Limoges; Louis IX, Saint, King of France; Louis XI, King 
op France; Louis XIV, King of France; LugoN; Lyons; 
Lyons, Councils of; MacMahon, Marie-Edm^-Patrice- 
Maurice de; MAcon; Maintenon, FRANgoisE, Marquise de; 
Mame, Alfred-Henri- Amand; Marie Antoinette, Queen op 
France; Marseilles; Martinique; Mazarin, Jules, Car- 
dinal; Meaux; Medici, Marie db'. Queen of France; Mende; 
Menestrier, Claude-Francois ; Molai, Jacques de; Mon- 
strelbt, Enguerrand db; Montalembbrt, Charlbs-Forbbs- 
Ren:6, Count de; Montauban; Montmorency, Anne, First 
Duke of; Montor, ALEXis-FRANgois Artaud de; Montpbl- 
LiER, Diocese and University of; Moulins; Namur; Nancy; 
Nantes; Napoleon I; Napoleon III; Nevers; Nice; NImbs; 
Normandy; Odo, Bishop of Bayeux and Count of Kent; 
Oll^-Laprunb, L:6on; Oran; Oriflamme; Orleans; Orleans, 
Councils of; Pamiers; Paris; P^rigueux; Periodical Lit- 
erature, Catholic: France; Perpignan, Diocese and Uni- 
versity op; Philip II (Augustus), King op France; Philip IV, 
surnamed Le Bel CThe Fair), King of France; Pithou, 
Pierre; Play, Pierre-Guillaume-Fr^d^ric le; Poitiers; 
Quimper; Reims; Renaudot, Th^ophraste; Rennes; Retz, 
Jean-Fran50is-Paul-Gondi, Cardinal de, Archbishop of 
Paris; Revolution, French; Richard de la Vergne, Fran- 
gois-MARiE-BENjAMiN, Archbishop OF Pabis; Richelieu, Ab- 
mand-Jean du Plessis, Cardinal, Duke de; Rodez; Rouen; 
RoYBR-CoLLARD, Pierre-Paul; Sahara; Saint Bartholomew's 
Day; Saint-Bhieuc ; Saint-Claude; Saint-Denis; Saint-Di^; 
Saint-Flour; Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne; Saint-Simon, Louis 
DE RouvROY, Due de; Saint-Simon and Saint-Simonism; Sa- 
vary; S:6ez; Sens, Akchdiocese and Councils of; Soissons; 
Tarbes; Tarentaise; Tellier, Michel, le; Thiers, Louis- 
Adolphb; Thou, Jacqubs-Auguste db; Thou, Nicolas de. 
Bishop op Chartres; Tocqubvillb, Charlbs-Alexis-Henri- 
Mauricb Clerel de; Toulouse; Tours; Troyes; "Tulle; "Tur- 
GOT, Anne-Robert-Jacques, Baron db l'Aulne; Turpin, 
Archbishop of Reims; Vaison; Valence, Diocese and Uni- 
versity of; Vannes; Verdun; Versailles; Villefranche, 
Jacques-Melchior; Villenbuve-Barcement, Jean-Paul-Al- 
ban, Vicomtb de; Villerm^, Louis-RbniS; Viviehs; Wolowski, 


Graham, Right Reverend Charles Moricb, 
D.D., b. at Mhow, India, 5 April, 1834; d. at Havle, 
Cornwall, England, 2 Sept., 1912. Education: Prior 
Park, Bath, England; English College, Rome. 
Ordained 1857; secretary to the bishop and treasurer, 
diocese of Plymouth, England, 1859; coadjutor to the 
Bishop of Plymouth with the right of succession and 
titular Bishop of Cisamos 1891; Bishop of Plymouth 
1902; titular Bishop of Tiberias, retiring from the see 
of Plymouth on account of ill health, and resident at 
Hayle, Cornwall, 1911-1912. 

ARTICLE: Plymouth, Diocese of. 

Graham, Reverend Edward P., a.m., ll.d., 
b. at Enniskillen, Ireland, 1862. Education: Chris- 
tian Brothers schools; St. Michael's College, Toronto; 
Canada; theological studies at Genoa, Italy; St. 
Mary's Seminary, Cleveland, Ohio. Before ordina- 
tion, professor of English and mathematics, St. 
Francis College, Quinoy, Illinois (3 years); ordained 
1890; engaged in parish work 1890-1895; one of the 
original band of Apostolate Fathers, Cleveland, 1896- 
1899; at present, pastor. Holy Angels Church, 
Sandusky; lecturer. Assisted Reverend Francis C. 
Kelley in founding the Cathohc Church Extension 
Society and its first general secretary. Knight of 
Columbus; member of the Men's Literary Club, 
Sandusky. Author of: "Via Dolorosa, Prayers at 




Mass for School Children"; "The Mystery of 
Naples", essay on the blood of St. Januarius; con- 
tributor to: "Mosher's Magazine"; "Cathohc Uni- 
verse"; "Freeman's Journal"; "American Catholic 
Quarterly Review". 

ARTICLES: Divination; Emmebich, Anne Cathehinb; Es- 
cobar, Mahina de, Venebable; Ebbenes. 

Granjon, Right Reverend Henky Regis Mart 
Joseph, d.d., Ph.D., j.c.d.. Bishop of Tucson, Arizona, 
b. at St-Etienne, France, 15 June, 1863. Education: 
Marist College, St-Chamond, France; St. Sulpice, 
Paris; Apolhnare and Minerva, Rome. Ordained 
1887; missionary in Arizona 1890-1897; delegate to 
the Society for the Propagation of the Faith for the 
United States 1897-1900; Bishop of Tucson 1900- 
. Restored the old Spanish mission of San 
Xavier del Bac, Arizona, 1906-1909. Collaborator 
in "Les Missions Catholiques". 

AKTICLES: San Xavier del Bac, Misbion of; Tucbon. 

Gras, Reverend Joseph, s.j., missionary among 
the Iroquois, b. at Combriol, Haute-Loire, France, 
5 February, 1873. Education: Apostohc School, 
Lons-le-Saulnier, France. Entered the Society of 
Jesus 1891; successively professor of grammar (3 
years) and of belles lettres (2 years), St. Mary's 
College, Montreal, Canada; former prefect of dis- 
ciphne, Indian Industrial School, Wikwemikong, 
Ontario; ordained 1907; superior of Iroquois Mission, 
Caughnawaga, P. Q., Canada, 1913- . Has 
contributed to: "Woodstock Letters"; "Messager 
Canadien du Sacrd Cceur". 

ARTICLE: Caughnawaga, or Sault St. Louis. 

Grattan-Flood, William H., mus.d., m.r.i.a., 
k.s.G., b. at Lismore, Ireland, 1 November, 1859. 
Education: Mt. Melleray; All Hallows College, 
Dublin; Carlow College; Cathohc University of 
Ireland. Has been at various times theological 
student, tutor, professor of music and languages, and 
lecturer on Irish history; former professor of music at 
Colleges of Tullabeg and Clongowes Wood; has been 
organist in a number of Irish cathedrals; organist and 
choirmaster, cathedral, Ennisoorthy, 1895- 
Married Margaret, daughter of Patrick Delaney, 
1898. Lecturer at the Clarence Mangan (1903) and 
Balfe (1908) centenaries; president of the Music 
Section, Pan Celtic Congress, Brussels, 1910; histori- 
cal witness, process for beatification of Venerable 
Ohver Plunkett; recipient of a brief from Leo XIII; 
decorated by Pius X. Council Member of Cathohc 
Record Society of Ireland; vice-president of the Irish 
Folk Song Society; member of: the Royal Society 
of Antiquaries of Ireland; the International Musical 
Society. Author of: "History of Irish Music"; 
"Story of the Harp"; "Story of the Bagpipe"; 
"Memoir of W. Vincent Wallace"; "Memoir of 
Father James Dixon"; edited: "Moore's Melodies"; 
"Spirit of the Nation"; "The Armagh Hymnal"; 
one of the editors of: "De Annatis Hiberniae"; 
"Papal Registers"; musical editor Official Cathohc 
Hymnal for Ireland (1914); collaborator in: Grove, 
"Dictionary of Music"; "Dictionary of National 
Biography"; contributor to Enghsh and American 


ARTICLES: Abe an, Saint (3) ; Acta Sanctorum HiBERNia;; 
Acta Tbiadis Thaumaturge; Adamnan, Saint; Aedan of 
Ferns, Saint; Aedh of Kildare, King of Leinsteb; Aengus, 
Saint (the Culdee); Aidan of Lindibfaene, Saint; Aileran, 
Saint; Apostles of Erin, The Twelve; Arbogast, Saint; 
Assicus, Saint, Bishop and Patron of Elphin; Attracta, 
Saint; Baithen, Saint, of Iona; Baldbed, Saint; Benignus, 
Saint; Beeach,- Saint, of Tebmonbarrt; Blathmac, Saint; 
Brenach, Saint; Brendan, Saint, of Abdfebt and Clonfert; 
Brieuc, Saint; Brigid, Saint, of Ireland; Cappoci, Gaetano; 
Carthage, Saint; Clement of Ireland, Saint; Colman, 
Saint (7); Conal, Saint; Conan, Saint; Cronan, Saints; 
Dalton, John; Darerca, Saint, of Ireland; Deicolus, Saint; 
DiARMAiD, Saint (2); Dichu, Saint; Disibod, Saint; Dowdall, 
James, Martyr; Eoghan, Saint (5); Ferns, Diocese of; 
FiNAN, Saint; Finniam of Moville, Saint; Fintan, Saint; 

Fothad, Saint; Gerald, Saint; Giordani, Tommaso; Gio. 
VANELLi, Ruggiero; Gobban Saeb; Ibae, Saint; Ita, Saint; 
Jarlath, Saint; Kiernan, Saints; Lawrence O'Toole, Saint; 
Locke, Matthew; Loman, Saint; Lotti, Antonio; Lullt, 
Jean-Baptiste; Machutus, Saint; Malachy, Saint; Mebsino- 
HAM, Thomas; Monteveedb, Claudio; Motet; Mdha, Saint; 
O'Hagan, Thomas, Baron of Tullyhogue; O'Loghlen, 
Michael; O'Reilly, Myles William Patrick; Periodical 
Literature, Catholic; Ireland; Proske, Karl; Purgatory, 
St. Patrick's; Ronan, Saint (12); Ross, Diocese of; Rothe, 
David, Bishop of Ossory; Ruadham, Saint; Schubert, Franz; 
Sechnall, Saint; Senan, Saint; Shepherd, John; Spontini, 
Gabparo Luigi Pacifico; Sullivan, Alexander Mabtin; 
Tallis, Thomas; Tasbach, Saint; Tavebner, John; Ternan, 
Saint; Thomas, Charles; Tigris, Saint; Ultan of Ardbrac- 
CAN, Saint; Verdi, Giuseppe; Viotti, Giovanni Battista; 
Walsh, Edward; Wedbe, Samuel; Westcott, Sebastian; 
White, Robert; Youghal, Wardenbhip of; Zacconi, Ludo- 
vico; Zarlino, Cjiobeffe; Zingabelli, Niccol6 Antonio. 

Greaney, Reverend John J., b.a., s.t.l., b. at 
Knocknagoshel, Co. Kerry, Ireland, 7 March, 1880. 
Education: Irish National Schools; St. Brendan's 
College, KiUarney; Manhattan College, New York; 
St. Vincent's Seminary, Latrobe, Pennsylvania; 
Cathohc University, Washington. Assistant pastor, 
St. Canice's Church, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania 1904- 
1911; rector, St. Vincent de Paul's Church, Leisenring, 
Pennsylvania, 1911- . Has contributed to 
"Cathohc University Bulletin"; various Cathohc 

ARTICLE : Fitzbalph, Richard, Archbishop of Armagh. 

Green, Reverend Edward Everard Gbevis, 
o.s.B., b. at Gosforth, Northumberland, England, 19 
September, 1879. Education: Downside School. 
Professed in the Benedictine Order 1898; ordained 
1905; at present, assistant master, Ealing Priory 
School, Ealing, England. 

ARTICLE: Abbuthnott, Missal of. 

Grey, Francis William, Litt.o., writer, b. at 
Bathampton, near Bath, England, 8 January, 1860. 
Education: Uppingham School, England; private 
tutors. Became a Cathohc 1885; married Jessie 
Macleod, daughter of Charles RoUand, Seigneur of 
Sainte Marie de Monnoir, Quebec, 1885; confrater 
of the Enghsh Benedictine Congregation 1903; for 
several years Enghsh translator, Canadian Archives; 
resident at Watford, Herts, England. Author of 
"The Cur6 of St. Philippe" (1899); contributor to: 
"Quarterly Review"; "American Cathohc Quarterly 
Review"; "Month"; "Ave Maria". 

ARTICLES: Adelmann, Bishop of Bbescia; Adso, Abbot; 
Affre, Denis Auguste; Agricius, Saint; Agbicola, Geobgb; 
Agbippa of Nettesheim, Heinbich CoBNELlus; Albanenses; 
Albebgati, Niccolo, Cardinal; Albright Brethren; Alla- 
Tius, Leo; Alpini, Prospero; Amalricus Augerii; Amerbach, 
Veit; Andreas of Ratibbon; Anselm of Li^ge; Anslo, Reyer; 
Antiochus of Palestine; Apollonius of Ephesus; Abnpeck, 
Veit; Abtemon; Arundell, Thomas, Lord; Hauteserre, An- 


Grey, James C, b.c.l., ph.D. 

ARTICLES: Hossche, Sidron de; Host, Johann; Kandy; 
Le6n; L^rida; Lima; Linares; Lisbon; Madrid-AlcalA; Mar- 
quesas Islands; Medellin; Monte Vergine. 

Griffin, Reverend Ambrose (Patrick Joseph), 
O.S.M., b. in Ireland, 1881. Education: Christian 
Brothers School, Cork, Ireland; Notre Dame Univer- 
sity, Notre Dame, Indiana; Mt. St. Phihp Servite 
Monastery, GranviUe, Wisconsin. Came to the 
United States 1899; former instructor, Commercial 
Department, Notre Dame University, Notre Dame, 
Indiana, and St. Norbert's College, De Pere, Wiscon- 
sin; entered the Servite Order 1909; ordained 1916; 
at present, instructor, St. Phihp's High School, 

ARTICLES: Rites; Servite; Servites, Order of. 

Grison, Right Reverend Gabriel Emile, 
P.S.C., S.T.D., b. at St-Juhen, France, 25 December, 
1860. Education: preparatory and upper seminaries, 
Verdun, France. Ordained 1883; assistant at Ancer- 




ville, France, 1883-1886; entered the Order of Priests 
of the Sacred Heart 1886; missionary in Ecuador 
1888-1890; director of the College of the Priests of 
the Sacred Heart (which he rebuilt), Bahia, Ecuador, 
1890-1896; missionary (and founder of the mission), 
Stanley Falls, Belgian Congo, 1897-1908; titular 
Bishop of Sagalassus and vicar Apostolic of Stanley 
Falls 1908- ; canon of honor of the cathedral of 
Verdun and honorary canon of the cathedral of 
Cahors, France; Officer of the Royal Order of the 
Lion (Belgium). 

ARTICLE : Stanley Falls, Vicabiate Apostolic of. 

Gruber, Reverend Hermann, s.j., writer, b. at 
Kufstein, Austrian Tyrol, 5 February, 1851. Educa- 
tion: State Gymnasium and SteUa Matutina College, 
Feldkirch, Austria; Jesuit scholasticates in Germany, 
Holland, Austria, and England. Entered the Society 
of Jesus 1868; professor, Stella Matutina College, 
Feldkirch, 1874^1876; ordained 1879; professor of 
philosophy, Jesuit scholasticate of Lyons, which was 
transferred the same year to Mold, Cheshire, England, 
1881; occupied in parish and literary work in Belgium, 
Germany, Austria, etc., 1882- ; stationed at 
Stella Matutina College, Feldkirch, 1899- . Has 
visited for research purposes the Ubraries of Paris, 
Brussels, Vienna, etc.; one of the chief instruments 
in bringing about the exposure of Leo Taxil, 1896- 
1897; ardent opponent of freemasonry; compiled 
reports for the Antimasonic Congress, Paris, 1909, 
reprinted in "La Franc-Majonnerie d^masqu^e", 
organ of the French Antimasonic Association. 
Author of: "Auguste Comte, Begrunder des Positivis- 
mus" (1889; French translation 1891; Itahan trans- 
lation 1893; Polish translation 1898); "Der Positivis- 
mus'' (1891; French translation 1893; Italian trans- 
lation 1896); "Leo Taxils Palladismus-Roman", 3 
parts (1897-1898); "Betrug als Ende eines Betrugs" 
(1897); "Einigungsbestrebungen und innere Kampfe 
in der deutschen Freimauerei seit 1866" (1898); 
"Der giftige Kern", Vol. I (1899); "Mazzini, Frei- 
mauerei und Weltrevolution" (1901; Italian trans- 
lation 1902); etc.; collaborator in: Herder, "Kirchen- 
lexikon"; " Staatslexikon der Gorres-Gesellschaft"; 
contributor to: "Stimmen aus Maria-Laach"; "Ger- 
mania"; "La Franc-MaQonner'e diSmasqute"; "Kol- 
nische Volkszeitung"; "Civilt^ CattoUca". 

ARTICLES: Illuminati; Libeealism; Masonbt (Fsee- 
masonrt); Rosicrucians. 

Grupp, Reverend Geobg, Ph.D., b. at Bohmen- 
kirch, Wiirttemberg, 25 May, 1861. Education: 
pubUc school, Bohmenkirch; Gymnasium, Rottweil; 
University of Tiibingen; Seminary, Rottenburg. 
Ordained 1886; hbrarian and curator, Ottingen- 
Wallerstein Collection, Maihingen, 1887- . Has 
compiled numerous catalogues of manuscripts, books, 
etc., for the Ottingen-Wallerstein Library. Author 
of: "System und Geschichte derKultur" (Paderborn, 
189 1 ) ;" ' 'Ottingische Geschichte der Ref ormationszeit ' ' 
(Nordhngen, 1894); "Kulturgeschichte des Mit- 
telalters", 2 vols. (Paderborn, 1894, 1895; 2nd ed., 
3 vols., 1906, 1908, 1912); "Ottingische Regesten", 
3 fascs. (Nordlingen, 1895, 1899, 1908); "Hand- 
schriften von Maihingen" (Nordlingen, 1897); 
"Geschichte der Herrschaft Baldem" (Nordlingen, 
1900); "Kulturgeschichte der romischen Kaiserzeit", 
2 vols. (Munich, 1902, 1904); "Kulturgeschichte der 
alten Kelten und Germanen" (Munich, 1905); 
"Deutscher Volks- und Stammescharakter" (Stutt- 
gart, 1906); "Jenseitsrehgion" (Freiburg, 1910); 
"Kupferstichsammlung in Maihingen" (1912). 
ARTICLES: Constantine the Great; Historical Appre- 

Guasco, Alexandre, ll.d., b. at Bastia, Corsica, 
7 December, 1853. Has spent his hfe in the practice 
of law in Bastia and Paris; has been for many years 

secretary of the Society for the Propagation of the 
Faith, a post which he still holds; Knight of: the 
Order of St. Sylvester; the Holy Sepulchre; the 
Order of St. Gregory. Author of: "Condition des 
Etrangers" (thesis for doctorate); (pamphlets) "Les 
Missionaires et la Science"; "Les origines et I'histoire 
de rOeuvre de la Propagation de la Foi"; collaborator 
in: Piolet, "Missions Catholiques" ^by M. Guasco, 
"Etats Unis"; "Haiti"; "Guyane frangaise"; "L'A- 
merique et ses habitants"; "Les anciennes missions 
dans I'Am^rique du Sud"); contributor to "Revue 
de la Revolution"; "Revue des questions diplo- 
matiques et coloniales"; "Revue g^n^rale'de Droit 
international pubHc"; "Annales de la Propagation 
ARTICLE: Corsica. 

Giiereca Cueto, Rbviirend Reginaldo, b. at 
San Juan del Rio, Durango, 7 February, 1883. 
Education: Seminary, Durango City. Ordained 
1906; engaged in parish worksuccessively at Durango 
City, Tepehuanes, Canatlan and (at present) once 
more at Durango City, Durango, Mexico; accom- 
plished linguist; government interpreter. Member 
of the Iniversalla Esperanto Asocio. Contributor 
to: "El Tiempo"; "El Domingo". 
ARTICLE : Durango, Abchdiocese of. 

Guerin, Reverend Charles, White Father 
missionary, b. in the department of Seine-et-Marne, 
France, 21 May, 1872; d. at Ghardaia, Sahara, 19 
March, 1910. Education: College Stanislas, Semi- 
nary of St. Sulpice, Paris. Ordained 1896; entered 
seminary of White Fathers. Prefect Apostolic of 
Ghardaia 1901-1910. 
ARTICLE: Ghardaia, Prefecture Apostolic of. 

Guinan, Reverend Joseph, b. near Cloghan, 
King's Coimty, Ireland, 1863. Education: St. Mary's 
College, Dundalk; St. Mel's College, Longford; May- 
nooth. Ordained 1888; successively engaged in 
parish work, Liverpool, England, and curate, professor 
and examiner of schools, diocese of Ardagh and Clon- 
macnoise; pastor, Bornacoola, Coimty Leitrim, 1910— 
. Author of: "Priest and People in Doon" 
(1903); "The Soggarth Aroon" (1905); "The Moores 
of Glynn" (1906); "The Island Parish" (1908); 
"Donal Kenny" (1910); "The Curate of Kilcloon" 
(1910); pamphlets for the Irish CathoUc Truth 
Society: contributor to: "The Lyceum"; "Irish 
Rosary"; "Irish Monthly"; "Ave Maria"; "Magnifi- 
cat"; "Messenger". 

ARTICLE : Edoeworth, Henry Essex. 

Guinet, Vert Reverend John Petbk, m.s. 
b. in France, 1866. Education: school and seminary 
of the Missionaries of La Salette, Grenoble, France. 
Entered the order of Missionaries of La Salette; 
ordained 1890; pastor. Church of Our Lady of 
Sorrows, Hartford, Connecticut, 1895-1898; pastor, 
St. James Church, Danielson, Connecticut, 1898- 
1905; superior of the Missionaries of La Salette, 
Hartford, 1905-1908; provincial 1908- ; resident 
at Hartford. Contributor to "BuUetin of the 
Missionaries of La Salette". 
ARTICLE: La Salette, Missionaries of. 

Guiney, Lotiise Imogen, writer, b. at Boston, 
Massachusetts, 7 January, 1861, daughter and only 
child of General P. R. Guiney and Janet Margaret 
Doyle. Education: Notre Dame Convent, Boston; 
Academy of the Sacred Heart, Ehnhurst, Providence, 
Rhode Island; private tutors. Has devoted most of 
her time to literature; resident (since 1900) in 
England. Author of: "The White Sail", poems 
(1887); "Monsieur Henri" [de la Rochejaquelin) 
(1892); "A Roadside Harp", poems (1893); "A Little 
Enghsh Gallery", essays (1894); "Patrins", essays 




(1897); "England and Yesterday" (1898); "The 
Martyr's Idyl" (1899); "Hurrell Froude" (1904); 
"Robert Emmet" (1904); "Edmund Campion" 
(1908); "Happy Ending" (1910); edited: "Matthew 
Arnold" (Riverside Literature Series); Parson's 
Translation of Dante's Divina Commedia (1893); 
"James Clarence Mangan" (1897) ; Vaughan, "Mount 
of Olives" (1902); "Thomas Stanley'^ (1907); con- 
tributor to: "The Atlantic Monthly"; "Scribner's"; 
" McClure's ";" Blackwood's ";" The DubUn Review " ; 
"The Catholic World". 

ARTICLES: Chaucer, Geoffrey; Edmund Campion, 
Blessed; Guinet, Patrick Robert; Johnson, Lionel Piqot. 

Guldner, Reverend Benedict, s.j., b. near 
Saarlouis, Prussia, 10 March, 1845. Education: 
Gymnasium, Trier, Germany; Jesuit scholasticates 
at Woodstock, Maryland, and Laval, France. 
Entered the Society of Jesus 1866 ; teacher of Classics 
successively at the Jesuit colleges at Montreal, 
Canada, Buffalo, and Fordham, New York, 1868- 
1874; ordained 1878; for the greater part of his Ufe 
has held the post of professor in various Jesuit 
scholasticates and colleges in the United States, 
devoting much of his time in addition to Uterary and 
ascetical work; editor ot the "Woodstock Letters" 
1888; former professor of philosophy and theology, 
Woodstock College, Maryland (12 years); professor 
of psychology and lecturer on ethics in the Medical 
Faculty, Georgetown University, Washington, 1904- 
1906; professor of philosophy, Fordham University, 
New York, 1906-1907; chaplain, St. Joseph's College, 
Philadelphia, 1907- . Contributor to: "The 
Messenger"; "America", other German and English 

ARTICLES: Anqelus, Silesius; Anneoarn, Joseph; Apo- 
tactics; Aquarians; Archontics; Balde, Jacob; Berno 
(Apostle of the Obotrites); Beschi, Costanzo Giuseppe; 
BoLLiG, Johann; Bougeant, Guillaume-Hyacinthe; Bran- 
cati, Francesco; Brischar, Johann Nepomucenb; Bbumoy, 
Pierre; Brunner, Sebastian; Brunswick; Carneiro, Mel- 
choir; Coffin, Robert Aston; Contzen, Adam; Conversion; 
Schmid, Christoph von. 

Giinter, IIeinrich, Ph.D., b. at Schelklingen, near 
Ulm, Germany, 15 February, 1870. Education: 
Gymnasium, Ehingen; University of Tubingen; 
University of Vienna. City arehvist, Rottweil, 1893- 
1897; lecturer (1897-1902) and special professor of 
history (1902- ), University of Tiibingen. Visited 
Spain for purposes of research, 1906. Member of 
the Wiirttemberg Historical Commission. Author 
of: "Urkundenbuch der Stadt Rottweil" (1896); 
"Das Miinzwesen in der Gratschaft Wiirttemberg" 
(1897); "Das Restitutionsedict von 1629 und die 
katholische Restauration Alt-Wurttembergs" (1902); 
"Kaiser Heinrich II der Heihge" (1904); "Legenden- 
Studien" (1906); "Die Habsburger-Liga 1625-1635" 
(1908); "Die christHche Legende des Abendlandes" 

ARTICLE: Legends of the Saints. 

Gurdon, Reverend Edmund (Arthur Leslie 
Gurdon), o.carth., b. at Assington, Suffolk, England, 
7 April, 1864, son of Philip Gurdon, M.A., AngUcan 

clergyman, convert to the Church. Education: 
France. Entered the Carthusian Order 1882; or- 
dained 1888; has been stationed at various periods 
in France, England, and Spain; at present stationed 
at Barcelona. 

ARTICLES: Contemplative Life; Denys the Carthusian; 
DissEN, Heinrich von; Lanspergius (John Justus of Lands- 
berg); William Exmew, Blessed. 

Gutberlet, Right Reverend Canon Constantin, 
Ph.D., S.T.D., b. at Geismar, Germany, 10 January, 
1837. Education: pubUc school Geismar; Gymna- 
sium, Fulda; German College, Rome. Ordained 
1861; professor of humanities, mathematics, and the 
natural sciences. Seminary, Fulda, 1862-1875; direc- 
tor of the Fulda Seminary, transferred by him during 
the Kulturkampf to Wurzburg, in which were received 
students from the whole of Germany, 1875-1886; 
professor of philosophy, apologetics, and dogma, 
Seminary, Fulda, 1886- ; vicar-general, official of 
the matrimonial court, prosynodal examiner and 
canon of the cathedral, diocese of Fulda; private 
chamberlain to His Holiness; domestic prelate; 
protonotary ApostoUc; Knight of the Prussian Order 
of the Red Eagle. Member of: the Philosophical 
Society of Louvain ; the Advisory Board of the Gorres- 
Society; the Pontifical Biblical Commission. Author 
of: "Lehrbuch der Philosophie", 6 vols.; "Lehrbuch 
der Apologetik", 3 vols.; "Die Willensfreiheit"; 
"Der mechanische Monismus"; "Der Kosmos"; 
"Der Mensch"; "Ethik und Eehgion"; "Lehrbuch 
der Naturphilosophie" (4 eds.); "Der Gottmensch 
Jesus Christus"; continuator of Heinrich, "Dog- 
matik" (by Dr. Gutberlet: Vols. VII-X); editor of 
"Philosophisches Jahrbuch". 
ARTICLE: Materialism. 

Guthrie, William B., b.s., ph.D. Education: 
Lenox College, Hopkinton, Iowa; Iowa University; 
Columbia University, New York; University of Ber- 
Un; School of Law, Paris. Has held the posts of 
manager of the Riverside Settlement House, New 
York (two years), special lecturer, New York Univer- 
sity, departmental editor, "Charities and the Com- 
mons"; for several years connected with College of 
the City of New York; at present, associate professor 
of political science; platform lecturer for a number of 
years; at present lecturer for the Public Lecture 
bepartment, New York Board of Education. Former 
fellow of the Department of Pohtical Science, Univer- 
sity of Chicago. Member of: the Academy of 
Political Science; the American Pohtical Science 
Association; Society of International Law and 
National Municipal League; Board of Governors 
and of the Executive Committee of the "World's 
Court League" and president of the New York 
State Branch of the League. Author of: "Housing 
Problem in German Cities", monograph; "History 
of Socialism before the French Revolution"; "Brief 
History of the American People"; collaborator in 
"International Encyclopedia"; contributor to various 
ARTICLE: Migration. 


Haag, Reverend Anthony, s.j., b. at Saarlouis, 
Germany, 10 Jan., 1878. Education: Jesuit scholas- 
ticates. Entered the Society of Jesus 1897; ordained 
1908; at present, professor of theology, St. Ignatius 
College, Valkenburg, Holland. Contributor to various 

ABTICLE: Syllabub. 

Hagan, Reverend John, b.a., d.d., b. 1873. 
Education: Clonliffe College, DubUn, Ireland; Irish 
College and Propaganda, Rome. Ordained 1899; 
curate in archdiocese of Dublin 1899-1904; vice- 
rector, Irish College, Rome, 1904^ . Author of 
"Insula Sanctorum" (Rome); translated and edited 
"Compendium of Catechetical Instruction", 4 vols. 
(DubUn and New York) ; contributor to ItaUan, Irish, 
and American periodicals. 

AKTICLE: Walsh, Peter. 

Hagen, Reverend Henry J., b. at Germantown, 
Illinois, 21 May, 1861, d. at Belleville, Illinois, 14 
March, 1908. Education: parochial school, German- 
town; Franciscan College, TeupoUs, Illinois; St. 
Francis Seminary, St. Francis, Wisconsin; University 
of Innsbruck. Ordained 1883; pastor at Mt. Vernon, 
Illinois, 1883-1890; assistant (1890-1896) and rector 
(1896-1908), cathedral, Belleville; chancellor of the 
diocese of Belleville up to the time of his death. 

ARTICLE; Belleville, Diocese of. 

Hagen, Reverend John Georoe, s.j., astrono- 
mer, b. at Bregenz, Austria, 6 March, 1847. Educa- 
tion: Stella Matutina College, Feldkirch, Austria; 
University of Bonn; University of Miinster. Entered 
the Society of Jesus 1863; ordained 1878; professor of 
mathematics, Stella Matutina College, Feldkirch 
(1878-1880), and Sacred Heart College, Prairie-du- 
Chien, Wisconsin (1880-1888) ; director of the Obser- 
vatory, Georgetown University, Washington, 1888- 
1906; director of the Vatican Observatory, Rome, 
1906- . Gave the initiative to the publication of 
the Collected Works of Leonard Euler at the meeting 
of Naturalists and Physicians at Frankfort-on-the- 
Main, 1896; has given two new mechanical demon- 
strations of the earth's rotation on its axis, one by 
the torsion balance and the other by the Atwood 
machine, both pubUshed in "Specola Vaticana 
Astronomica", Series 2, Vol. I, presented first part 
of his work "Die veranderlichen Sterne" the first 
ever written on this branch of science, at the Jubilee 
meeting of the German Astronomical Society, 
Hamburg, 1913. Member of: Astronomical Society 
of Mexico; American Society of Astronomy and 
Astrophysics; Astronomical Society (Leipzig); Belgian 
Astronomical Society; Scientific Society of Brussels; 
German Mathematical Association; Gorres Society; 
Pontifical Academy of the Lincei; Washington 
Academy of Sciences; Imperial Leopoldine-Karoline 
Academy (Halle); Southern California Academy of 
Sciences; Foreign Associate Royal Astronomical 
Society. Author of: "Synopsis der Hoeheren Mathe- 
matik". Vols. I-III (1891-1905); "Index Operum 
Leonard! Euleri" (1896); "Atlas Stellarum Variabi- 
lium". Series I-VI (1899-1908); " Beobachtungen 
Veranderlicher Sterne von E. Heis und A. Krueger" 
(1903); contributor of astronomical articles to 
"Stimmen aue Maria-Laach." 


ARTICLES: Copeeniocs, Nicolaus; Gassendi, Pierke; 
GuGLiELMiNi, Giovanni-Battista; Heis, Eduard; Laplace, 
Pierre Simon; Lilius, Aloisius; Muller (Regiomontanus), 
Johann; Nicholas of Ctjsa; Paul of Middelburg; Science 
AND THE Church; Tempel, Wilhelm (Ernest Leberecht); 
Universe, Systems of the; Vatican Observatory. 

Hagerty, James Edward, a.b., Ph.D., sociologist, 
economist, b. in La Porte County, Indiana. Educa- 
tion: Universities of Indiana, Chicago, Wisconsin, 
Pennsylvania, Berlin, and Halle. Teacher, High 
School, La Porte, Indiana, 1892-1896; assistant 
professor of economics and sociology (1901-1904), 
acting head of department (1903-1904), professor of 
economies and sociology and head of department 
(1904r- ), dean of the College of commerce and 
journalism, Ohio State University. Former Fellow 
of the Universities of Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. 
Member of: American Economic Association; Ameri- 
can Sociological Society; National Conference of 
Charities and Corrections; Ohio State Conference of 
Charities and Corrections (President, 1909); National 
Conference of Catholic Charities; Catholic Educa- 
tional Association; Phi Beta Kappa Society; Knights 
of Columbus; various philanthropic associations in 
Ohio. Collaborator in International Encyclopedia" , 
contributor of economic and sociological articles to 
various pubHcations. 

ARTICLES: Calvert, George, First Lord Baltimore; 
Carey, Mathew; Carroll, Charles, of Carrollton. 

Hamilton, George E., a.m., ll.d., lawyer, b. in 
Maryland. Education: Georgetown University, 
Washington, D. C. Admitted to the Bar of the 
Supreme Court of the District of Columbia 1875; 
practising lawyer 1875- ; later admitted to the 
Bar of the Supreme Court of the United States; has 
held the post of professor (at present of legal ethics), 
Georgetown University School of Law, for over 
twenty-five years; senior member of the firm of 
Hamilton, Yerkes, and Hamilton. 

ARTICLE: Morris, Martin Ferdinand. 

Hammer, Reverend Bonaventurb, o.p.m., b. at 
Durmersheim, Baden, Germany, 23 June, 1842; d. 
at Lafayette, Indiana, 19 January, 1917. Education: 
St. Philomena's Parochial School, Pittsburg, and St. 
Vincent's College, Westmoreland County, Pennsyl- 
vania. Emigrated with his parents to the United 
States 1846; entered the Franciscan Order 1860; 
ordained 1865; successively stationed at Cincinnati, 
Ohio, Louisville, Kentucky, Hamilton, Ohio, Olden- 
burg, Indiana, and Detroit, Michigan, 1865-1882; 
stationed at Lafaj'ette, Indiana, devoting himself 
principally to Mterary work, 1882-1901 ; at San Diego, 
California, 1901-1904; assistant, St. Boniface's 
Church, Lafayette, Indiana, 1904-1917. Author of 
over fifty books, 300,000 copies having been printed 
of one of his books of devotion; translated into 
German Wallace's "Ben Hur" (1888; 119th edition 
1898) ; contributed to Catholic magazines. 

ARTICLE: Fort Wayne, Diocese of. 

Handley, Marie Louise Adelaide Clare, b.a., 
b. in Rome, Italy. Education: private; Ferrari Art 
School, Rome; University of Chicago; Columbia 
University, New York. Came to the United States 
1898; has devoted her time principally to the study 




of art history and criticism,; resident in New York. 
Gave a course in Design and Decorative Art, College 
of St. Elizabeth, Convent Station, N. J.; special 
diploma in Fine Arts, Columbia University, 1912. 
Has contributed to English and American periodicals. 
ARTICLES: Bab-relief; Campagna, Girolamo; Canova, 
Antonio; Ciccione, Andrea; Coustou, Nicolas; Coysevox, 
Charleb-Antoine; Danti, Vincenzo; Decker, Hans; Dona- 

TELLO (DONATO DI NiC0l6 Di' BetTO BaRDi) ; DoNNES, Georq 

Raphael; Dupr^, Giovanni; Duquebnoy, Francois; Gabber, 
VON Valhorn, Joseph; Houdon, Jean-Antoine; Kebselb, 
Matthias; Maderna, Stbfano; Majano, Benedetto da; 
Marchebi, Pompeo; Mino di Giovanni (Da Fiesole); Mon- 
TAN^s, Juan MartJnez; Niccola Pisano; Nola, Giovanni 
Makliano da; Pichler, Antonio Giovanni Luigi; Puget, 
Pierre; Quercia, Jacopo della; Robbia, Andrea della; 


di Domenico; Rovezzano, Bendetto da; Settignano, Desi- 
DBRio da; Simone da Orbenigo; Vecchietta, Lorenzo di 


Hanley, Reverend John AtoYsitrs,, b. at 
Jersey City, New Jersey, 4 July, 1863. Education: 
St. Paul's School, Jersey City; St. Mary's College, 
North East, Pennsylvania; Seminary, Ilchester, 
Maryland. Professed in Redemptorist Order 1884; 
ordained 1889; former teacher of Classics, St. Mary's 
College, North East; former rector, St. Patrick's 
Church, Quebec; at St. Alphonsus Church, New 
York, 1912- . Contributor to various peri- 

ARTICLE: Konings, Anthony. 

Hanna, Most Rbvbesnd Edward Joseph, ph.L., 
D.D., Archbishop of San Francisco, Cahfornia, b. at 
Rochester, New York, 21 July, 1860. Education: 
Propaganda, Rome; Cambridge University, England; 
University of Munich. Ordained 1885; has held the 
posts of teacher of theology, Propaganda, Rome, 
teacher of Classics and professor of theology, St. 
Bernard's Seminary, Rochester, and synodal examiner 
and judge of the matrimonial court, diocese of 
Rochester; Auxihary Bishop of San Francisco and 
titular Bishop of Titopolis 1912-1915; Archbishop of 
San Francisco 1915- . Associated with Reverend 
Edward A. Pace, d.d., of The Catholic University, 
Washington, in two public disputations, one before 
Leo XIII; former president of the Rochester Branch, 
Arehseological Institute of America. Contributor to 
theological magazines. 

ARTICLES: Absolution; Attrition, or Imperfect Con- 
trition; Contrition; Penance; Purgatory. 

Hanrahan, Very Reverend John Capistran, 
O.F.M., rector, St. Isidore's College, Rome. 
ARTICLE: Saint Isidore, College of. 

Hansen, Niels, m.a., b. at Aalborg, Denmark, 
15 September, 1866. Education: Latin School, 
Aalborg, and University of Copenhagen, Denmark. 
Protestant clergyman 1891-1897; became a Catholic 
1897; has taught in various schools; at present, 
second master, Jesuit College, Charlottenlund, 
Denmark. Author of: "From the Days of Henry 
VIII"; "Cardinal Newman's Sunday-Book"; minor 
ascetical works; contributor to "Varden"; editor of 
" Ugeblad" (the Danish Cathohc weekly). 

ARTICLES: Olaf Hahaldbon, Saint; Steno, Nicolaus. 
(Niels Steensen). 

Harent, Reverend Stephane, s.j., b.a., b. at 
Gex, France, 25 December, 1845. Education: 
various Jesuit scholasticates; Gregorian University, 
Rome. Entered the Society of Jesus 1864; ordained 
1878; former professor of hterature and philosophy, 
Jesuit college, Lyons, France; professor of dogmatic 
theology, Jesuit scholasticate of the Lyons Province, 
situated at Mold, North Wales, 1883-1897, and 
transferred back to Lyons, 1897-1901; professor of 
dogmatic theology, French Jesuit scholasticates, 
Canterbury (1901-1906) and Hastings (1906- ), 
England. Participated in the Catholic Scientific 

Congresses, Fribourg, Switzerland, 1897, and Munich, 
1900; took part in the Jesuit General Congregation 
for the election of a general, Rome, 1906. Collabora- 
tor in Vacant, " Dictionnaire de Th(5ologie Catho- 
hque" (by Father Harent: "Croyance"; "Esp6- 
rance"; "Foi"); contributor to "Etudes" (Paris). 
ARTICLE: Original Sin. 

Harrington, Thomas Francis, m.d., b. at Lowell, 
Massachusetts, 10 June, 1866. Education: public 
schools, I;Owell; Harvard University; further studies 
in Europe. Has held the posts of interne. Rotunda 
Hospital, DubUn, and chairman of the Board of 
Health, visiting and consulting physician to St. 
John's Hospital, and examining surgeon. United 
States Pension Department, Lowell; director of 
school hygiene, Boston Public Schools, 1907- ; 
physician-in-ohief, St. EUzabeth's Hospital, Boston, 
1910- . Representative of: the United States 
Government, Third International Congress on School 
Hygiene, Paris; Third International Congress on 
Physical Education, Brussels; the archdiocese of 
Boston, First National Catholic Congress, Leeds, 
England; former director Massachusetts Medical 
Society; discoverer of the dilated pupil as an early 
sign of tuberculosis. Vice-president of the Harvard 
Medical Alumni Association; secretary of the Asso- 
ciated Committees of the Massachusetts Medical 
Society for the Prevention and Control of Tuber- 
culosis: member of: Massachusetts Board of Health; 
Massachusetts Medical Society; Massachusetts 
American Medical Association; National Association 
for the ReKef and Control of Tuberculosis; American 
Public Health Defence League; American School 
Hygiene Association; National Playground Associa- 
tion of America ; International Association of Medical 
Inspectors of Schools; International Congress on 
Tuberculosis; International Congress on School 
Hygiene; International Congress on Physical Educa- 
tion; Boston Medical Improvement Society; Boston 
Medical Library Association; councillor of the Guild 
of St. Luke. Author of "Harvard Medical School", 
3 vols. (1905); contributor of medical, educational, 
social, and historical articles to various periodicals. 

ARTICLE: Masbachubetts. 

Harris, Very Reverend William Richard, 
d.d., ll.d., b. in Cork, Ireland, 10 March, 1846. 
Education: St. Michael's College, Toronto; College of 
St. Anne de la Pocatiere, Quebec; Urban College of 
the Propaganda. Ordained 1870; occupied with 
parochial work in Canada; pastor of St. Catherine's, 
Ontario, and dean of the Niagara Peninsula 1884; 
editor of the Intermountain Catholic, the organ of 
the diocese of Salt Lake, 1905-1909; chaplain of the 
Judge Mercy Hospital, Salt Lake City, Utah, tiU 
1913; chaplain of St. John's Industrial School, 
Toronto, Canada, 1913- . Author of: "History 
of the Early Missions in Canada"; "Cathohc Church 
in the Niagara Peninsula"; pamphlet on the Athwan- 
darons or Neutral Indians of the Niagara Peninsula; 
"Days and Nights in the Tropics"; "By Path and 
Trail"; "The Cathohc Church in Utah" (1909), 
containing the first complete and satisfactory account 
of the Ute Indians and a translation from the Spanish 
of the Journal of the Franciscans Velez Escalante 
and Atanasio Dominguez, missionaries to the Utes in 
1776; "Pioneers of the Cross in Canada"; contributor 
of articles on the Church in Ontario to the Canadian 
Encyclopedia, and of a series of letters on his travels 
to the Intermotmtain Cathohc. 

ARTICLES: Mormons; Salt Lake, Diocese of; Utah. 

Hartig, Otto, assistant librarian of the Royal 
Library, Munich. 

ARTICLES: Baegeet, John Jacob; Behaim, Martin; Bor- 
RUB, Christopher; Brendan, Saint, Voyage of; Cabot, John 
and Sebastian; Cabral, Pedralvarez; Cabtner, Caspar; 
CoSA, Juan de la; Cosmas Indicopleustes; Delible, Guil- 




lattme; Diab, Babtolomett; Dicuil; Europe; Gama, Vasco da; 
Geography and the Church; Glarean, Henry; John of 


Olaus; Mailla, Josbph-Anna-Marib de Motria de; Mande- 
viLLE, Jean de; Martyr d'Anghiera, Peter; Navarre; 
Nubia; Pordenone,Odoric of. 

Hartigan, Reverend Jeremiah Augustus, s.j., 
D . litt . orient . , Orientalist, b. at Foynes, Co. 
Limerick, Ireland, 18 August, 1882; d. at Amara, 
Mesopotamia, 16 July, 1916. Education: Sacred 
Heart College, Limerick; Mungret College; St. 
Stanislaus College, Tullamore; Royal University of 
Ireland; St. Joseph's University, Beirut, Syria. 
Entered the Society of Jesus 1898; former teacher of 
Classics, Clongowes Wood> College, Co. Kildare 
(three years) ; volunteering as chaplain to the British 
forces in 1915, he was sent early in 1916 to Mesopo- 
tamia, where he died in the service of the sick at 
Amara. Received diplomas for proficiency in Arabic, 
S3Tiac, Hebrew, and Coptic. Author of: "The 
Preislamic poet, Bishr ibn Abt Khdzim" (thesis for 
doctorate); former contributor to: "Melanges de la 
Faculty Orientale de Beyrouth"; "Studies". 

ARTICLES: Maqeddo; Maspha (5); Saba and Sabeans; 
Tiberias, Sea of. 

Harty, Most Reverend John M., d.d.. Arch- 
bishop of Cashel, Ireland, b. at Murroe, Co. Limerick, 
Irelaiid, 1867. Education: St. Patrick's College, 
Thurles, Ireland; Maynooth; Gregorian University, 
Rome. Ordained 1894; professor of dogmatic 
theology (1895-1904), and of moral theology and 
canon law (1904^1914), Maynooth; Archbishop of 
Cashel, Ireland, 1914^ . Hon. Secretary May- 
nooth Union. Theological correspondent "Irish 
Ecclesiastical Record"; co-editor "Irish Theological 

ARTICLES: Definition, Theological; Pkobabilism; Tyr- 

Hassett, Right Reverend Monsignoe Maurice 
M., D.D., i/L.D., vicar-general, diocese of Harrisburg, 
Pennsylvania, b. in Co. Tipperary, Ireland, 15 
November, 1869. Education: Ireland; Ottawa Uni- 
versity, Canada; Mt. St. Mary's Seminary, Emmits- 
burg, Maryland; Cathohc University, Washington. 
Ordained 1895; rector, cathedral, HarrLsburg, 1899- 
1903 ; instructor in Christian archaeology and medieval 
Church history. Catholic University, Washington, 
1903-1905 ; once more rector of the cathedral, Harris- 
burg, 1905- ; domestic prelate 1909; vicar- 
general, diocese of Harrisburg, 1913- . Erected 
a clubhouse for young men and women, cathedral 
parish, Harrisburg, 1910; assisted Bishop Shanahan 
of Harrisburg in the building of the cathedral, 1905- 
1906. Contributor to: "Catholic University Bul- 
letin"; "American CathoKc Quarterly Review". 

ARTICLES : A and H (Alpha and Omega) ; Altar, History 
of the Christian; Ama; Ambrosian Basilica; Amphor.e; Am- 
pullae; Amulet; Anchor (as symbol). The; Ancilla Dei; 
Angels, Early Christian Representations of; Arca; Arco- 
bolium; Ass, The, in Caricature of Christian Beliefs and 
Practices; Banduri, Anselmo; Bisomus; Bosio, Antonio; 
Carthage; Cassian, John; Cathedra; Cella; Christian 
Archaeology; Ciampini, Giovanni Giubtino; Coliseum; En- 
colpion; Eucharist, Early Symbols of the; Fish, Symbolism 
of the; Fossors; Cjraffiti; Labarum; Lamb, The, in Early 
Christian Symbolism; Lamps, Early Christian; Lateran, 
Christian Museum of; Lucina, Cbypt of; Mamertinb Prison; 
Martyr; Matricula; Monogram of Christ; Orans; Orien- 
tation OF Churches; Palm in Christian Symbolism; Paphnu- 
Tius (3); Portraits of the Apostles; Presbytery; Ring of 
THE Fisherman, The; Scillium, Martyrs of. 

Havey, Very Reverend Francis Patrick, s.s., 
D.D. Education: St. John's Parish School and public 
high school. New Haven, Connecticut; St. Charles 
College, Elhcott City, Maryland; St. Bonaventure's 
College, Allegany, New York; St. John's Seminary, 
Boston; Catholic Institute, Paris. Curate, cathedral, 
Hartford, Connecticut, 1889-1896; entered the 
Sulpician Order; professor of Church history, Dun- 
woodie Seminary, Yonkers, New York, 1898-1904; 

professor of moral theology (i904r^l906) and rector 
(1906-1911), St. John's Seminary, Boston; superior, 
St. Austin's College, Washington, 1911-1912; vice- 
president, St. Charles College, Catonsville, Maryland, 
1912-1913; superior, St. Austin's College, Washing- 
ton, 1913-1914; professor of Ascetic and Pastoral 
Theology and Homiletics, St. Mary's Seminary, 
Baltimore, 1914- 

ARTICLES: Adamites; Adventists; African Synods; 
Alogi; Amboise, George d'; Arabici; Aubtremonius, Saint; 
Autpert, Ambrose; Clement of Alexandria. 

Hawley, Jess Bradford, ll.b., lawyer, b. at 
Quartzburg, Idaho, 18 June, 1882. Education: high 
school, Boise, Idaho; Columbian University, Wash- 
ington, D. C. Practising lawyer; resident at Boise. 
Organized Knights of Columbus in Idaho; first 
Territorial and State Deputy, Idaho Knights of 
ARTICLE: Idaho. 

Hayes, Right Reverend Patrick J., a.m., d.d., 
AuxiUary Bishop of New York, b. in New York, 20 
November, 1867. Education: Catholic Schools and 
Manhattan College, New York; St. Joseph's Semi- 
nary, Troy, New York; Cathohc University, Wash- 
ington. Ordained 1892; assistant, St. Gabriel's 
Church, New York, 1893-1902; secretary to Arch- 
bishop Farley 1902; domestic prelate, 1907; chancellor, 
archdiocese of New York, 1903-1914; president of 
Cathedral College, New York, 1903-1914; permanent 
rector, church of St. Stephen, New York; titular 
Bishop of Tagaste and auxiUary Bishop of New York, 

ARTICLES: Archiveb, Ecclesiastical; Dubois, John; 
Hughes, John. 

Healy, Most Reverend John, d.d., ll.d., m.b.t.a.. 
Archbishop of Tuam, Ireland, b. at BaUinafad, Co. 
Shgo, Ireland, 14 November, 1841. Education: 
Classical School, Sligo; Immaculate Conception 
College, SummerhiU, Athlone; Maynooth. Ordained 
1867; successively professor at Immaculate Concen- 
tion College, SummerhiU, curate at Ballygar, Co. 
Galway, curate at Grange, Co. Shgo, and professor 
of theology, Maynooth, 1867-1883; prefect of the 
Dunboyne Establishment, Maynooth, and editor of 
the "Irish Ecclesiastical Record", 1883-1884; Co- 
adjutor Bishop of Clonfert 1884-1896; Bishop of 
Clonfert 1896-1903; Archbishop of Tuam 1903- ; 
senator of the National University of Ireland; 
member of the Governing Board of University 
College, Galway, and the Board of Agriculture and 
Technical Instruction for Ireland; commissioner for 
the Pubhcation of the Brehon Laws. Won double 
concursus for chairs of theology and rhetoric, May- 
nooth, 1879; engaged in a controversy in the "Irish 
Ecclesiastical Record" with Cardinal Newman on 
the extent of the Inspiration of Scripture, 1884; 
member of the Robertson Commission on University 
Education in Ireland; participated in and delivered 
an address on Loyalty to the Pope at the Eucharistic 
Congress, Westminster, 1908; senator of the late 
Royal University of Ireland. President of the 
Irish Cathohc Truth Society since its foundation, 
1889; vice-president Royal Society of Antiquaries 
for Ireland; member (and ex-president) Co. Galway 
Archaeological Society. Author of: "Ireland's 
Ancient Schools and Scholars" (1890; 4 other eds); 
"Centenary History of Maynooth College" (1895); 
"Record of the Centenary Celebrations of Maynooth 
College" (1896); "Life and Writings of St. Patrick" 
(1905); "Irish Essays" (1908); contributor to: 
"Dublin Review"; "Irish Monthly"; "Irish Ec- 
clesiastical Record". 

ARTICLES: Aran, the Monastic School of; Armagh, the 
School of; Clonard, School of; Clonfert, Diocese of; 
Clonmacnoise, Abbey and School of; Cork, School of; 
Derry, School of; Durrow, School of; Glendalouqh, School 
of; Iona, School of; Kells, School of; Kildare, School of; 





Ross, School of; Tuam, Archdiocese op; Tuam, School op. 

Healy, Very Reverend Patrick Joseph, d.d. 
Education: Mt. Melleray College, Cappoquin, Ire- 
land; St. Joseph's Seminary, Dunwoodie, New York; 
Catholic University, Washington. At present, pro- 
fessor of Church history, CathoUc tFniversity, 
Washington. Member of the American Historical 
Association. Author of : "The Valerian Persecution" ; 
"Christianity and the Social Question"; contributor 
to: "American Historical Review"; various other 

ARTICLES: Allakd, Paul; Antoninus, Pius; Apotheosis; 
Augustus; Aurelian; Aurelius Antoninus, Marcus; Bene- 
dict XIII, Pope; Benedict XIV; Caius; Caracalla; Ceillier, 
R^Mi; CoMBEFis, Francois; Commodus; Decius; Facundus of 
Hehmiane; Faustus of Riez; Felicissimus; Firmicus Mater- 
Nus; Flavia Domitilla; Fulgentius Ferrandus; Jovinianus; 
Julian of Eclanum; Lactantius, Lucius C^cilius Firmianus; 
Ldcian of Antioch; Macasius the Alexandrian; Macarius 
the Egyptian, or the Elder; Nicolaiteb; Parabolani; Peace 
of the Church; Priscillianism; Quadratub; Sardica, Coun- 
cils of; Seleucianb; Serapion, Bishop of Antioch; Sibylline 
Oracles; Sicard, Bishop of Cremona; Socrates; Sozomen, 
Salaminius Hermias; Tatian; Ulfilas; Valentinub and 
Valentinians; Victorinus, Caius Marius; Victor of Capua; 
Victor Vitensis; Vigiliub, Bishop op Tapbub. 

Heaxn, Edward, b. at Boston, Massachusetts, 
2 August, 1865, brother of Reverend David W. 
Hearn, S.J. Education: high school, Hopkinton, 
Massachusetts. Upon graduation, entered commercial 
life; Supreme Knight, Knights of Columbus, 1899- 
1909; successively second and first vice-president and 
general manager, Casualty Company of America, 
1907- . During his administration as Supreme 
Knight, Knights of Columbus extended throughout 
the United States, Canada, the Philippines, Mexico, 
and Cuba; placed the Society's finances and insurance 
system upon a firm basis; under his direction, the 
$50,000 endowment of the Knights of Columbus of 
a chair of Secular History at the Catholic University, 
Washington, was inaugurated and accomplished and 
plan for a further endowment of 8500,000 successfully 
started; declined a second election as Supreme 
Knight. Treasurer of the Casualty and Surety 
Social Club; member of the Manhattan Club, Bankers 
Club, and numerous Catholic societies. 

ARTICLE: Knights of Columbus. 

Heckmann, Reverend Ferdinand, o.p.m., b. at 
Guetersloh, Germany, 6 June, 1879. Education: 
St. Francis Solanus College, Quincy, Illinois; St. 
Bonaventure's Monastery, Paterson, New Jersey; 
CathoUc University, Washington. Came to the 
United States as a boy; entered the Franciscan 
Order 1898; ordained 1906; lector of Church history, 
Mt. St. Sepulchre Franciscan Monastery, Washing- 
ton, 1907-1911; stationed at St. Joseph's College, 
Callicoon, New York, 1911-1912; church of St. 
Stephen's Croghan, New York, 1912-1913; St. 
Bonaventure's Monastery, Paterson, N. J., 1913- 
1915; again church of St. Stephen's Croghan, New 
York, 1915- . Contributor to: "Homiletic 
Monthly"; "CathoUc University Bulletin". 

ARTICLES: Cord, Confraternities of the; Ferdinand 
III, Saint; Mary Frances of the Five Wounds of Jesus, 
Saint; Nicholas Piece, Saint; Peter Baptist and Twenty- 
five Companions, Saints; Peter de Regalado, Saint; Rites; 
Franciscan; Seraphim of Montegranaro, Saint; Seraphina 
Sforza, Blessed; Tertiaries; Third Order Secular of the 
Order of Our Lady of Mount Carmel; Third Order Reg- 
ular of St. Dominic in the United States; Third Order 
Regular of St. Francis, in the United States; Third Order 
Secular of St. Francis; Thomas of Celano. 

Hehir, Very Reverend Martin A., c.s.sp., ll.d., 
b. near Kildysart, Co. Clare, Ireland, 10 November, 
1855. Education: Classical School, Co. Clare; 
Blackrock College, DubUn; theological studies, 
Paris. Entered the Congregation of the Holy Ghost 
1872; teacher and disciplinarian, Blaokrook College, 
DubUn, 1877-1880; ordained 188i; successively 

professor and vice-president (1884-1899) and presi- 
dent (1899- ), Holy Ghost College (since 1911 
Duquesne University), Pittsburg; member of the 
School Board and synodal examiner, diocese of 
Pittsburg. President of the CoUege Department, 
Catholic Educational Association, since 1910. 
ARTICLE: Ratisbonne, Maria Teeodor. 

Heimbucher, Reverend Max, s.t.d., b. at 
Miesbaoh, Bavaria, 10 June, 1859. Education: 
Gymnasium, Freising; University of Munich. Or- 
dained 1883; prefect, Preparatory Seminary, Freising, 
1883-1887; vicar, St. Cajetan's Church, Munich, 
1887-1891; professor of apologetics, dogmatic theolo- 
gy, and patrology. High School, Royal Lyceum, 
Bamberg, 1891- . Member of the Order of 
Michael, 4th Class, with crown. Author of: "Die 
Wirkungen der heiUgen Kommunionen" (1884); 
"BibUothek des Priesters" (1885; 6th ed. 1911); 
"Die Papstwahlen unter den Karolinern" (1889); 
"Die Orden und Kongregationen der katholischen 
Kh-che", 2 vols. (1896; 2nd ed., 3 vols., 1907-1908); 
"Die praktisch-soziale Tatigkeit des Priesters" 
(1902; 4th ed. 1912); "Die Adventisten" (1911); 
"Dr. Ernst Horneffer und seine KiinstUche Religion" 
(1911); collaborator in Herder's "Kirchenlexikon". 

ARTICLES: Hermits of St. Augustine; Weber, Heinhich. 

Heinlein, Reverend Edward, d.d., b. in Bavaria, 
Germany, December, 1870. Education: St. Mary's 
College, North East, Pennsylvania; St. Joseph's 
Seminary, successively at Troy and Yonkers, New 
York; further studies at Jerusalem. Ordained 1897; 
has been assistant pastor of various churches in the 
archdiocese of New York; rector, successively of 
Holy Family Church, Unionport, New York, Church 
of St. Mary Magdalen, New York, and (1911- ) 
Church of Our Lady of Victory, Mt. Vernon, New 
York. Contributor to: "New York Review"; 
German periodicals. 

ARTICLES: Adonai; Adoption; .^non; Affinity (in the 

Heinz, Reverend Odorick, o.M.cap., b. at 
Lorsch, Hesse, Germany, 23 March, 1878. Educa- 
tion: CoUege at Burghausen and Seminary at DilUn- 
gen, Germany. Entered the Capuchin Order 1900; 
ordained 1905; former professor at one of the houses 
of his order; at present, Ubrarian, Capuchin Convent, 
Munich; preacher. Contributor to: " Literarischer 
Handweiser" (Minister); " Monatsblatter flir den 
kathoUschen ReUgionsunterricht" (Cologne). 

ARTICLE: Tricassin, Charles Joseph. 

Hellne Marie, Mother, superior of the Convent 
of the Sisters of St. Ursula of the Blessed Virgin, 
New York. 

ARTICLES: Ursula of the Blessed Virgin, Society op 
THE Sisters of St. ; Xainctonge,! Anne de. Venerable. 

Hendrick, Right Reverend Thomas Augustine, 
D.D., LL.D., Bishop of Cebii, PhiUppine Islands, b. at 
Penn Yan, New York, 29 October, 1849; d. at Cebd, 
29 November, 1909. Education: common schools 
and academy, Penn Yan; St. John's CoUege, Ford- 
ham, New York; Seton Hall CoUege, South Orange, 
New Jersey; St. Joseph's Seminary, Troy, New York. 
Ordained 1873; assistant, St. Mary's Church, Roches- 
ter, New York, 1873-1874; rector. Holy Cross 
Church, Charlotte, New York, 1874-1877; rector at 
Union Springs, New York, 1877-1891; rector suc- 
cessively at Aurora and Cayuga, New York, 1891- 
1895; rector, St. Bridget's Church, Rochester, 1895- 
1903; Bishop of Cebii 1903-1909. Participated in 
all congresses of American charitable organizations; 
delegate of United Charities of America to World's 
Congress of Charitable Associations, London, 1904; 
regent of the University of the State of New York, 
1900-1904; reorganized diocese of Cebvi; practically 




ended Aglipay schism in his diocese. Former vice- 
president of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty 
to Children; member of numerous charitable associa- 
tions. Constant contributor of articles on charity 
and charitable organizations to various newspapers. 
ARTICLE: Cebu, Diocese of. 

Hennessy, Right Reveeend John Joseph, d.d., 
Bishop of Wichita, Kansas, b. in Ireland, 19 July, 
1847; son of Michael and Ellen (Cronin) Hennessy; 
came to the United States, 1850. Education: 
Christian Brothers' College, St. Louis, Mo.; St. 
Francis Seminary, Milwaukee, Wis. Ordained 1869; 
pastor. Church of the Immaculate Conception, Iron 
Mountains, Mo., 1869-1880; rector of the Pro- 
Cathedral, St. Louis, 1880-1888; Bishop of Wichita, 
Kansas 1888- ; instrumental in establishing the 
reform school at Glenooe; founded the Railroad 
Men's Benevolent Union 1871; estabUshed Ursuline 
Convent, Arcadia, Mo. 1877; Procurator and vice- 
president. Board of Managers, St. Louis Protectory, 
1878-1886; edited "Youth's Magazme", 1880-1887. 

ARTICLE: Wichita, Diocese of. 

Hennessy, Reverend Brother Patrick Jerome, 
F.S.O., b. at Tralee, Co. Kerry, Ireland, Oct., 1855. 
Education: schools of the Irish Christian Brothers. 
Entered the Irish Institute of Christian Brothers 
1869; former teacher in Christian Brothers' Schools, 
Waterford, Ireland (five years); former teacher (21 
years) and director (1904^1906), Our Lady's Mount, 
Cork, Ireland; assistant to the superior general of 
the Irish Christian Brothers, DubUn, 1906- 
As visitor of the schools of his congregation, has 
travelled extensively. Author of school text-books; 
contributor to periodicals. 

ARTICLE: Rice, Edmund Ignatius. 

Henry, Right Reverend Monsignor Hugh 
Thomas, Litt.D., ll.d., b. at Philadelphia, 1862. 
Education: La Salle College, Philadelphia; University 
of Pennsylvania; St. Charles Seminary, Overbrook, 
Pennsylvania. Ordained 1889; professor of EngUsh 
and Gregorian chant, St. Charles Seminary, Over- 
brook, 1889- ; spiritual director. Confraternity of 
St. Gabriel, 1896- ; rector, Roman Catholic High 
School, Philadelphia, 1902- . Lectured for six 
years at Catholic Summer School, Chff Haven, New 
York: editor of "Church Music", 1905-1906, 1907- 
1909. Member of: (president two terms) American 
Cathohc Historical Society; American Historical 
Association; National Geographical Society. Col- 
laborator in: "St. Joseph's Anthology" (Dublin, 
1897); "Sonnets on the Sonnet" (London, 1898); 
"Carmina Mariana", 2nd Series (London, 1902); 
"Poems of Leo XIII" (Philadelphia, 1902); "Original 
Sources of European History" (Philadelphia, 1903); 
"Old Times in the Colonies" (Philadelphia, 1904); 
"The Book of Hymns" (Edmburgh, 1910); "Eucha- 
ristica" (Philadelphia, 1912); contributor to: "Ameri- 
can Catholic Quarterly Review"; "American Ec- 
clesiastical Review"; "Catholic World"; "Records 
of the American Catholic Historical Society"; "The 

ARTICLES: Abkaham (in Litukqt) ; Acathistus; Adoso Te 
Devote; Agios O Theos; Agnus Dei (in Lituhqy); Alma Re- 
DEMPTORis Mater; Ambrosian Htmnography; Andrew of 
Crete, Saint; Antiphonart; Ave Maris Stella; Ave Regina; 
Canticle; Congregational Singing; Dies Ir.e; Gloria, Laus 
bt Honor; Jesu Dulcis Memoria; Lauda Sion; Magnificat; 
Mass, Music of the; Miserere; Nunc Dimittis; O Antiphonb; 
O Deus Ego Amo Te; O Filii et Filije; O Salutaris Hobtia; 
Pange Lingua Globiosi; Precentor; Quem terra, pontus 
sidera; Quicumque Christum Qu/eritib; Rector Potens, 
Verax Deus; Regina Cceli; Rerum Creator Optime; Rerdm 
Deub Tenax Vigor; Rex Gloriose Martyhum; Rex Sempi- 
terne Celitum; Rorate Cceli; Rosary, Breviary Hymns of 
the; Sacra Jam Splendent; Sacris Solemniis; Salve Mundi 
Salutare; Salve Regina; Salvete Christi Vulnera; Sanc- 
torum Meritis; Stabat Mater; Tantum Ergo; Te Deum; Tb 
Lucis ante Teeminum; Urbb beata Jerusalem dicta pacib 
visio; Ut Queant Laxis Rebonare Fibhis; Veni Creator 

Spihitus: Veni Sancte Spiritub et Emitte Ccelitus; Veni 
Sancte Spiritub Reple; Vehbum Supehnum Pbodiens; Ves- 
pers, Music of; Vexilla Regis Pbodeunt; Victims Paschali 
Laudes Immolent Chbistiani. 

Hansen, Vert Reverend Antonius Hubertus 
Leonakdus, D.D., b. at Rotterdam, Holland, 1854. 
Education pubhc school, Rotterdam, College,: 
Hageveld, and Seminary, Warmond, Holland; College 
de Urbe, Rome. Ordained 1879; successively vicar 
at Volendam, vice-president of St. Joseph's Labor 
Union, Amsterdam, and vicar of St. James Church, 
The Hague, Holland, 1879-1886; professor of Church 
history, Seminary, Warmond, 1886- ; chamber- 
lain to His Hohness 1911. Member of: the Com- 
mittee of History and Archaeology, Society of Dutch 
Literature (Leyden) ; the Historical Society (Utrecht) ; 
one of the directors of the Episcopal Museum, 
Haarlem; Knight of the Dutch Order of the Lion. 
Author of: "Roomsch-Katholiek Rotterdam" (Rot- 
terdam, 1906); contributor to: "De KathoMek"; 
"Bydragen v. d. Geschiedenis van het bisdom van 
Haarlem"; "Archief v. d. Geschiedenis van het 
Aartsbisdom Utrecht"; "Bydragen en Mededeelingen 
V. h. Hist. Genootschap te Utrecht"; "KathoHeke 
lUustratie"; "Vincentius-Ahnanak"; one of the 
managers of "De Katholiek" and "Bydragen v. d. 
Geschiedenis van het bisdom van Haarlem". 

ARTICLE : Haahlem, Diocese of. 

Herbermann, Charles George, a.m., Litt.D., 
Ph.D., LL.D., K.8.G., b. at Saarbeck, WestphaUa, 
Germany, 8 December, 1840; d. in New York, 24 
August, 1916, son of George Herbermann and 
Ehzabeth Stipp. Education: St. Francis Xavier's 
College, New York. Came to the United States 
1851; instructor, St. Francis Xavier's College, New 
York, 1858-1869; professor of Latin language and 
Kterature (1869-1914) and librarian (1873-1914), 
College of the City of New York; married 1st, Mary 
Theresa Dieter, of Baltimore (d. 1876), 1873; 2nd, 
Ehzabeth Schoeb, of Marburg, Germany (d. 1893), 
1880; editor-in-chief, "The Catholic Encyclopedia", 
1905-1916. First president: St. Francis Xavier 
Alumni Sodality, 1863; Xavier Alumni Association 
(reelected eight times); president of: the CathoHc 
Club, 1874; German Cathohc Congress, Newark, New 
Jersey, 1892; gave course on German Literature, 
Cathohc Summer School, Cliff Haven, New York, 
1896; gave various lectures on medieval universities, 
comparative philology and ancient paintings ; recipient 
of Lsetare Medal, Notre Dame University, Notre 
Dame, Indiana, 1913; decoration Pro ecclesia et 
pontifice. Charter member and reorganizer (president 
1898-1916), United States Cathohc Historical Society; 
former member of the Cathohc Club. Author of: 
"Business Life in Ancient Rome" (New York, 1880; 
reprinted in England and Austraha); "The Sulpicians 
in the United States" (New York, 1916); essays; 
translated (for United States Catholic Historical 
Society): Torfeson, "History of Vinland"; "Life of 
BLshop Dubois"; "The Waldseemuller Map of 1507"; 
edited: "Sallust's Jugurthine War" (New York, 
1886); "Sallust's CatiKne" (Boston, 1891); "Un- 
pubhshed Letters of Charles Carroll of Carrollton"; 
Thgbaud. "Forty Years in the United States"; "An 
English Colony in the United States" (last three for 
United States Cathohc Historical Society) ; contribu- 
tor to: "American Cathohc Quarterly Review"; 
"Cathohc World". 

ARTICLES: Achtermann, Theodore William; Aubignao, 
Francois H^delin Abb^ d'; Castelli, Pietro; Constantine 
the Great (Pabt First); Dance of Death (Part First); 
Frank, Michael Sigismund; Heliand, The; TH]fiBAUD, Au- 

Herbert, John Alexander, b.a., b. at Gateshead, 
England, 1862. Education: Royal Grammar School, 
Newcastle-on-Tyne; St. John's College, Cambridge. 
Assistant master, Castle House, Petersfield, and high 




school, Gateshead, 1883-1886; assistant, Department 
of Manuscripts (1887-1912), and Assistant Keeper of 
Manuscripts (1912- ), British Museum; became 
a Catholic 1909. Assisted H. L. D. Ward in prepar- 
ing "Catalogue of Romances", British Museum, Vol. 
II. Author of: "Catalogue of Romances", British 
Museum, Vol. Ill (1910); "Illuminated Manuscripts" 
(1911); edited "Titus and Vespasian", Middle 
English poem (1905); collaborator in "Dictionary of 
National Biography"; contributor to: "Romania"; 
"The Library"; "Burlington Magazine". 

ARTICLES: Odo of Cheriton; Rtjfford Abbey; Wirbkeh, 

Hernandez y Gimeno, Reverend Pablo, s.j., 
B.A., writer, b. at Rubielos de la C&ida, Teruel, 
Spain, 9 October, 1852. Education: primary studies, 
Rubielos de la C^rida; secondary studies, Teruel; 
Seminary, Saragossa; Jesuit scholasticates in France 
and Spain. Entered the Society of Jesus 1872; 
professor of Latin grammar at one of the Jesuit colleges 
in Chile 1877-1880, of science at one of the Jesuit 
colleges in Argentina 1880-1885; returned to Spain 
1885; ordained 1888; professor of philosophy, Jesuit 
college, Valencia, 1889-1890; of scholastic philosophy 
(1890-1893) and of Sacred Scripture (1893-1894), 
various Spanish scholasticates; professor of physics, 
zoology and mathematics. College of Our Saviour, 
Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1894^1896, of theology and 
canon law, Seminary, Buenos Aires, 1896-1898 ; assist- 
ant to Father Rafael P6rez, s.j., in his "Historia de la 
Campania moderna en la Argentina y Chile", 1898- 
1903; assistant to Father Astrain, s.j., in his "Historia 
de la Asistencia de Espana", resident at Buenos Aires, 
1903-1911; on the staff of the "Raz6n y Fe", 1912- 
1913; resident at Sarria, near Barcelona. As vice- 
postulator of the Society of Jesus, conducted the 
informative and non cultu processes for the beatifica- 
tion of the three Araucanian martyrs and Father 
Pedro Mayoral, s.j.; has travelled extensively for 
purposes of research. Author of: "Juicio critioo de 
la educaci6n antigua y la moderna" (Buenos Aires, 
1886; 2nd ed. Madrid, 1888); "El extranamiento de 
los Jesuitas del Rio de la Plata y de las misiones del 
Paraguay" (Madrid, 1908); "Los Jesuitas en el Rio 
de la Plata: Historia del Paraguay", 4 vols., with 
map (Madrid, 1910-1913), being a translation with 
additions and annotations of Muriel, "Historia 
Paraguajensis"; edited with Introduction Cardiel, 
"Declaraci6n de la verdad" (Buenos Aires, 1900); 
"Organizaci6n Social de las Doctrinas Guaranfes 
(Misiones del Paraguay) de la Compania de Jesiis" 
(2 vols. 608 pp. and 740 pp. with maps, plans and 
engravings, Barcelona, 1913); contributor to : "Raz^^in 
y Fe"; "Revista eclesidstica del Arzobispado de 
Buenos Aires"; "Amigo del Clero" (Lima); "Revista 
eclesiiistica" (Santiago de Chile); "Resena Hist6rica 
de la Misi6n de Chile-Paraguay, 1836-1914" (Barce- 
lona, 1914); "El P. Francisco Sudrez, s.i." (Barcelona, 

ARTICLE : Buenos Aires. 

Herrera, Reverend Feliciano, Comayagua, 
ARTICLE : Comatagca, Diocese of. 

Herrick, Reverend Joseph Cawdell, ph.D., 
b. at Shelbyville, Illinois, 6 May, 1874. Education : 
University of Virginia; Johns Hopkins University, 
Baltimore, Maryland. Instructor, University of 
Virginia, 1896-1897; ordained 1906; professor of 
biology, St. Joseph's Seminary, Yonkers, New York, 
1900- ; professor of botany, Mt. St. Vincent 
College, New York, 1910- . Former Fellow of 
Johns Hopkins University. Member of the American 
Anthropological Association. Contributor to 
"American Naturalist". 

ARTICLE: Atavism. 

Herwegen, Right Reverend Ildefons, o.s.b., 
b. at Junkcrsdorf, near Cologne, Germany, 27 
November, 1874, son of Peter Herwegen, headmaster 
at Koln-Lindenthal. Education: Gymnasium, Co- 
logne; Abbey of Seckau, Austria; Abbeys of Maria- 
Laach and Beuron, Germany; S. Anselmo, Rome; 
University of Bonn. Entered the Benedictine Order 
1895; ordained 1901; editor (and organizer) of 
"Beitrage zur Geschichte des alten Monchtums", 
Mtinster, 1911- ; Abbot of Maria-Laach, 1913- 
. Author of: "Das Pactum des heiligen Fruc- 
tuosus von Braga", Faso. 40 of "Kirchenrechtliche 
Abhandlungen" (Stuttgart, 1907); "Studien uber 
die alten Wandmalereien in der Oberkirche zu 
Schwarzrheindorf", Fascs. 86 (1908), 88 (1910) and 
90 (1911), of "Annalen des Historischen Vereins fiir 
den Niederrhein"; "Die lothringischen Pfalzgrafen 
und die niederrheinischen Benediktinerkloster", Fasc. 
88 of "Annalen des Historischen Vereins fiir den 
Niederrhein" (1910); "Die Geschichte der Pro- 
fessformel der Benediktinerordens", Supplement to 
"Studien und Mitteilungen aus dem Benediktiner- 
orden" (Salzburg, 1911); collaborator in: "Theolo- 
gisches Handlexikon"; " Hagiographischer Jahres- 
bericht"; contributor to: "Revue Benedictine"; 
" Deutschrechtliche Beitrage"; "Repertorium fiir 
Kunstwissenschaf t " ; "Der KathoHk". 

ARTICLE: Mahia-Laach. 

Hetherington, Reverend Arthur Joseph, b.a., 
b. at London, England, 9 August, 1879. Education: 
St. Charles College, Kensington, London; London 
University; Oscott College, Birmingham, England. 
Ordained 1906; assistant, Westminster Cathedral, 
London, 1906-1913; secretary and chancellor, diocese 
of Calgary, Canada, 1913- . Author of "Notes 
on the New Rubrics and the Use of the New Psalter"; 
collaborator in Rhodes, "Unity of Faith" (by Father 
Hetherington: "The CathoUc Church"); editor of: 
"Ritus servandus in expositione"; "Ordo admini- 

ARTICLE: Westminster, Archdiocese op. 

Heuser, Reverend Herman Joseph, d.d., b. at. 
Potsdam, Germany, 23 October, 1851. Education: 
Gymnasium, Berlin, Breslau, Germany; Seminary, 
Philadelphia, Pa. Ordained 1876; professor of 
theology, St. Charles Seminary, Overbrook, Pa., 
1876- . Authorof:"Pr]estonDuty"; "Chapters: 
of Bible Study"; "Harmony of Religious Life"; 
"Sacrament of Penance"; contributor to "The 
American Cathohc Quarterly"; editor (and founder) 
of "The American Ecclesiastical Review". 

ARTICLE: Absalom. 

Hickey, Reverend Daniel, i.e., b.a., b. at 
Cardiff, 23 October, 1869. Education: Monte 
Calvario, Domodossola, Italy; Ratcliffe College, 
Leicester. England; University of London. Entered 
the Institute of Charity 1886; ordained 1895; 
successively assistant master, Ratcliffe College, 
Leicester, and assistant at St. Etheldreda's Church, 
London; has given missions and retreats in various, 
parts of England, Ireland, and Scotland; at present, 
rector, St. Mary's Church, Newport, England. 

ARTICLE: Rosmini and Rosminianism (The Rosminian 

Higgins, Sister Mart Philomena, St. .loseph's. 
Convent of the Faithful Companions of Jesus, 
Fitchburg, Massachusetts. 

ARTICLE: Faithful Companions of Jesus, Society of the. 

Highley, Mont Frederick, Litt.B., ll.b., m.l., 
lawyer, b. at Farmington, Missouri, 20 August, 1877. 
Education: Missouri State University; University of 
Texas. Practising lawyer; former assistant attorney 
general, State of Oklahoma. Former Oklahoma 




state deputy, Knights of Columbus. Author of 
"Oklahoma Form Book" (Oklahoma City, 1902; 
lasted. 1912). 
ARTICLE: Oklahoma. 

Hilgenreiner, Vert Reverend Monsignor Karl, 
D.D., Ph.D., b. at Freidberg, Hesse, Germany, 23 
February, 1867. Education: Gymnasia of Maria- 
sehein and Leitmeritz, Bohemia; Gregorian Univer- 
sity, Rome. Ordained 1891; primarily engaged in 
parish work at Eger, Austria; director of the Seminary, 
Mies, Austria, 1894-1899; special professor of canon 
law and sociology (1899-1904) and professor of moral 
theology (1905- ), German University of Prague. 
Has been active in organizing "Catholic Days"; 
decoration Pro pontifice et ecclesia. President of the 
Federation of non-political CathoUo German Societies 
of Bohemia; manager of the German Catholic 
Organization of Bohemia; vice-president of the 
Board of Trustees of the Count Straka Academy. 
Author of: "Die kirchUche Vorzensur und das 
Partikularrecht" (1901); "Zur Frage deutscher 
Bistiimer in Bohmen" (1902; 2 eds.); "Der Kleri- 
kaUsmus" (1912); collaborator in "Kirchliches 
Handlexikon" (Munich, 1907- ); contributor to 
various German theological and literary periodicals. 

ARTICLES: Btjdweis; Piusverein; Prague, University of. 

Hilgers, Reverend Joseph, s.j., Ph.D., s.t.d., 
writer, b. at Kuckhoven, Rhine, Germany, 9 Sep- 
tember, 1858. Education: German College, Rome. 
Ordained 1882; entered the Society of Jesus 1883; 
engaged in teaching for ten years; at present, devotes 
his time to writing; resident in Rome. Author of: 
"Der Index der verbotenen Bticher" (1904); "Die 
Biicherverbote in Papstbriefen" (1907); Maria der 
Weg zu Christus" (1907); "The Roman Index and 
Its Latest Historian" (1908); "Das goldene Buchlein 
fur Priester und Voile" (1910; 2nd ed. 1911; trans- 
lated into Polish, Bohemian, Spanish, and EngUsh); 
"Livre d'or du Coeur de Jesus" (1911); "II Ubro 
d'oro" (1911); "Das Buchlein von unserer Ueben 
Frau" (1912; 2nd ed. 1913); "Die Katholische Lehre 
von den Ablassen" (1913); a number of historical and 
ascetical writings and books dealing with indulgences 
published anonymously; succeeded Beringer in the 
editing and pubhcation of "Die Ablasse"; collabora- 
tor in: Herder, "Kirchenlexikon"; Ibid., "Konversa- 
tionslexikon"; contributor to: "Stimmen aus Maria- 
Laach"; "Linzer theologische Quartalschrift"; 
"Civilt& Cattolica"; " Zentralblatt fiir Bibhotheks- 
wesen". See photo facing page 190. 

ARTICLES: (Jenbobship of Bookb; Index of Prohibited 
Books; Novena; Pubgatobial Societies; Sabbatinb Peivi- 
lege; Scapulae; Simon Stock, Saint; Sodality. 

Hind, Reverend George Elphege, o.s.b., b. at 
Warrington, Lancashire, England, 15 September, 
1874. Education: Ampleforth College, Yorkshire, 
England; Oxford. Entered the Benedictine Order 
1893; ordained 1901; at various times professor of 
mathematics and librarian, Ampleforth Abbey, and 
assistant pastor at Liverpool and Warrington, 
England; at present, assistant, St. Mary's Church, 
Merthyr Tydvil, Wales; decipherer of manuscripts. 
Catholic Record Society. Contributor to: "Irish 
Ecclesiastical Record"; "Ampleforth Journal". 

ARTICLES: Cbolfbid, Saint; Ceolwulf; Chauncey, 
Maubice; Chichele, Heney; Clark, William; Clayton, 
James; Clement, John; Coenbed; Cole, Henry; Coleman, 
Edward; Courtenay, William; Cressy, Hugh Paulinus Seee- 
nus; Cuthbebt, Abbot of Weabmouth; Cuthbebt; Eanbald; 
Easteewine; Egbeet, Aechbishop of Yoek; Ellwangen Ab- 
bey; Favebsham Abbey; Folkestone Abbey; Fountains Ab- 
bey; FuENESs Abbey. 

Hinojosa y Naveros, Eduardo de, ph.D., ll.d., 
b. at Alhama, Granada, Spain, 25 October, 1852. 
Education: Universities of Granada and Madrid. 
Official, National Archaeological Museum, Madrid, 

1875-1882; professor at the School of Diplomacy, 
Madrid, 1882-1900; civil governor of Madrid 1897, 
1900; professor of ancient and medieval Spanish and 
American history, University of Madrid, 1900- ; 
senator; director general of Public Instruction; 
member of the Commission on Archives, Libraries 
and Museums. Honorary President, Congress of 
Historical Sciences, Berlin, 1908. Member of: 
Royal Academy of Spain, Royal Historical Academy, 
Royal Academy of Moral and Political Sciences; 
corresponding member of the Institute of France. 
Author of: "Historia del derecho espanol"; "Estudios 
sobre la historia del derecho espanol"; "El riSgimen 
senorial y la cuesti6n agraria en Catalufia durante 
la Edad Madia"; "Influencia de los te61ogos y 
jurisconsultos espaiioles". 

ARTICLES: Andalusia; Cadiz, Diocesb of; Calahoeea 
AND La Calzada, Diocese of; Canal, Jos^ de la; Canaby 
Islands; Cartagena, Diocese of; Ciudad Real; Ciudad 
RoDBiGO, Diocese of; Coimbea, Diocese and Univeesity of; 
Coeea, Diocese of; Cbusade, Bull of the; Cuenca, Diocesb 

Hoeber, Karl, Ph.D., writer, b. at Diez, Hesse- 
Nassau, 8 February, 1867. Former Training College 
principal; editor of: the "Kolnische Volkszeitung"; 
the "Akademische Monatsblatter", Cologne. Author 
of: "Fr. W. Weber, Leben und Dichtungen" (1894); 
"KorneUus Nepos'' (1895); "Ovidius Naso" (1895); 
"Kommentar zu Nepos" (1897); "Kommentar 
zu Ovid" (1898); "Handbuch des Verbandes der 
Katholischen Studenten-Vereine Deutschlands" 
(1900); "Goethes Egmont, mid Kommentar" (1902); 
"Edmund Hardy, Lebensbild" (1905); "Beitrage zur 
Kenntnis des Sprachgebrauchs im VoIksHed des 14 
und 15 Jahrhunderts" (1908). 

ARTICLES : Dillingen.'Univebsity of; Galerius, Valeeius 
Maximianus; Gallienus, Publius Licinius Eqnatius; Geaz, 
Univeebity of; Geeipswald, University of; Hadbian, Roman 
Emperor; Heidelberg, University of; Heliogabalus; Hono- 
Rius, Flavius; Ingolstadt, University of; Josephus, Fla- 
vius; Jouvancy, Joseph de; Jovianus, 1'lavius Claudius; 
Julian the Apostate; Kaufmann, Alexander and Leopold; 
Kellner, Lorenz; Lasaulx, Ernst von; Leipzig, University 
of; Marius Maximus, Lucius Perpetuus Aurelianub; Max- 
entius, Marcus Aurelius; Maximianus, Marcus Aureliub 
Valerius; Maximinus, Caius Valeeiub Daja; Maximinus 
Theax, Caius Julius Verus; Nero; Otho, Marcus Salvius; 
Peetinax, Publius Hblvius; Pebcenniub, Niqee; Philip the 
Arabian; Placidia, Galla; Probus, Marcus Aurelius; Rom- 
ulus Augustulus; Rostock, University op; Septimius Se- 
VERus; Upsala, University of; Vitbllius, Lucius; Wuezbueg, 
Univeesity of. 

Hoflmann, Reverend Alexius, o.s.b., ph.s., b. at 
St. Paul, Minnesota, 31 January, 1863. Education: 
parochial school, St. Paul, and St. John's University, 
Collegeville, Minnesota. Professed in Benedictine 
Order 1881; ordained 1885; professor (1885- ), 
librarian, professor of dogmatic theology, Latin, 
EngUsh and Pedagogy, and (1891-1899) vice-presi- 
dent, St. John's University, Collegeville. One of the 
directors, St. Paul Cathohc Historical Society. 
Author of: "College Life" (1894); "St. John's 
University" (1897). 

ARTICLES: Belin, Albert (Jean); Feder, Johann Mi- 
chael; Feilmosee, Andeeas Benedict; Fenebeeq, Johann 
Michael Nathanabl; Hbbebmann von Zuydwyk, Clemens, 
Aug. Ant., Fbeihebb von. 

Hofler, Reverend Walter A. Education: St. 
Wilfrid's College, Oakamoor, England; Olton Semi- 
nary and Oscott College, Birmingham, England. 
Successively professor of Classics, St. Wilfrid's 
College, Oakamoor (seven years), assistant at Burs- 
lem (three years), chaplain at Spetchley Park (one 
and a half years); parish priest and chaplain to the 
Sisters of the Poor Child Jesus, Southam, England, 
1904^1915; rector. Church of St. Ambrose, Kidder- 
minster, England, 1915- 

ARTICLE: Foob Child Jesus, Sistees of the. 

Hofmann, Reverend Michael, s.j., b. at Kundl, 
Tyrol, Austria, 27 August, 1860. Education: German 






















College, Rome. Ordained 1887; sub-director, Clergy 
House, Salzburg, Austria, 1888-1891; professor of 
theology, Theological Faculty of Salzburg, 1891- 
1895; entered the Society of Jesus 1895; professor of . 
canon law, University of Innsbruck, 1897- ; 
director, Jesuit scholasticate, Innsbruck, 1900- 
Author of: "Das Nicolaihaus zu Innsbruck einst und 
jetzt" (1908); " Baugeschichte und Baubeschreibung 
des Collegium Canisianum zu Innsbruck" (1912); 
contributor to "Zeitschrift fur kathoHsche Theologie". 
ARTICLE: Nilles, Nioolaus. 

Hogan, Vert Reverend Canon John Francis, 
D.D., b. in Co. Clare, Ireland, 1858. Education: 
College at Ennis, Ireland; St. Sulpice, Paris; further 
studies on the Continent. Ordained 1882; curate. 
Birr, Kings Co., Ireland, 1882-1884; professor of 
modern languages, Maynooth, 1886- ; canon of 
the cathedral of Killaloe 1904; vice-president (1910- 
1912) and president (1912- ), Maynooth. Editor 
of "Irish Ecclesiastical Record", 1894^1912; gave 
valuable evidence on the relations of foreign univer- 
sities to the Church before Royal University Com- 
mission, 1901, 1903; participated in Eucharistic 
Congress, speaking both in the Irish and German 
Sections, Cologne, 1909. Member of: the Dante 
Society of Ijondon; the Arcadian Academy, Rome. 
Author of: "Life and Works of Dante Alighieri" 
(1899); "Irish Cathohcs and Trinity College" (1906); 
"Maynooth College and the Laity" (1911); contribu- 
tor to various EngKsh, American, and French periodi- 

ARTICLE : Maynooth College:, 

Hogan, Reverend Stanislau.s Maria, o.p., 
J.C.L., s.T.Lect., ph.Lect., b. at Belfast, Ireland, 6 
December, 1872. Education: St. Malachy's College,; St. Thomas's College, Newbridge, and St. 
Mary's College, Tallaght, Ireland; Minerva and 
Roman Seminary, Rome. Entered the Dominican 
Order 1889; ordained 1895; formerly stationed at St. 
Saviour's, Limerick, Ireland; engaged in giving 
missions and retreats successively in Ireland and 
Australia 1898- ; assistant, St. Laurence's Church, 
North Adelaide, South Australia, 1906- ; member 
of the Council of Vigilance, archdiocese of Adelaide. 
Preached course of Lenten sermons on "The Church" 
(1908) and on "Jesus Christ" (1910), cathedral, 
Adelaide. Author of: "Life of St. Vincent Ferrer" 
(for "Friar Saints ") ; pamphlets on spiritism, miracles, 
and Lacordaire for Catholic Truth Societies of Ireland 
and Australia; contributor to: "American Ecclesiasti- 
cal Review"; "Irish Ecclesiastical Record"; "Austra- 
lian Catholic Quarterly"; "Ave Maria"; "Rosary"; 
"Irish Rosary"; "Austral Light". 

ARTICLE: BnsKE, Thomas Nicholas. 

Holland, Reverend Cornelius Joseph, s.t.l., 
b. at Fall River, Massachusetts, 6 July, 1873. 
Education: public and high schools. Fall River; St. 
Hyaeinthe College, St. Hyacinthe, P. Q., Canada; 
Manhattan College, New York; St. John's Seminary, 
Brighton, Massachusetts; Catholic University, Wash- 
ington. Ordained 1900; formerly assistant at St. 
Joseph's Church, Providence, Rhode Island: priest of 
the diocese of Providence, resident at Pascoag, Rhode 
Island. Author of "The Divine Story" (Providence, 
ARTICLE: Chantbt. 

Hollweck, Right Reverend Monstgnor Canon 
JosBF, S.T.D., b. at Pfaffenhofen, Bavaria, 16 January, 
1854. Education: Royal Gymnasia, Amberg and 
Eichstatt; Episcopal Lyceum, Eichstatt; University 
of Freiburg, Germany. Ordained 1879; engaged in 
parish work in the diocese of Eichstatt 1879-1885; 
assistant director. Seminary, Eichstatt, 1885-1890; 
lecturer on catechetics (1885-1890), and professor of 

canon law and catechetics (1890- ) and Church 
history (1896-1901), Episcopal Lyceum, Eichstatt; 
Ecclesiastical Counsellor (1902- ), canon of the 
cathedral (1906) and official of the matrimonial 
court (1908- ), diocese of Eichstatt; domestic 
prelate 1910, Member of the Commission for the 
re-editing of "Instructio Pastoralis Eystettensis " 
(5th ed.), taking charge of canonical and catechetical 
matters, 1902; assisted in the work of the new 
codification of the canon law, 1904; repeatedly 
summoned to Rome to assist at the deliberations of 
the Commission named for that purpose; participated 
in the founding of the Society for Prankish History, 
1905. Member of the Board of Commissioners, 
Society for Prankish History. Author of: "Das 
Seminar in Eichstatt" (Eichstatt, 1888); "Das 
kirchliche Bilcherverbot" (Mainz, 1897); "Die 
kirchlichen Strafgesetze" (Mainz, ' 1899); "Die 
Civilehe des biirgerlichen Gesetzbuches im Lichte 
des kanonisohen Eherechts" (Mainz, 1900); "Das 
Testament des Geistlichen" (Mainz, 1901); "Lehr- 
buoh des Kirchenrechts" (Freiburg, 1905); ""Uber 
das Alter der Erstkommunicanten " (1910); editor of 
"Eichstatter Bischof s-Regesten " ; contributor of 
articles to, and participant in extended theological 
discussions in, various periodicals. 
ARTICLE: Eichstatt, Diocese of. 

Holman, Frederick Van Voorhies, ph.B., 
lawyer, b. at Baker's Bay, Pacific County, Washing- 
ton State (then part of Oregon), 29 August, 1852, 
son of James Duval Holman of Kentucky, one of the 
founders of Pacific City, Oregon, and Rachel Hixson 
Summers, daughter of Thomas Summers of Kentucky, 
and grandson of John Holman, veteran of the War of 
1812. Education: public and private schools and 
Academy and Female Seminary, Portland, Oregon; 
University of California. Admitted to the Bar of the 
Supreme Court of Oregon 1879; practising lawyer, 
speciaUzing in corporation, real property and probate 
law, 1879- ; general counsel and director of 
Portland Railway, Light and Power Company; local 
general counsel for H. M. Byllesby and Company for 
Oregon, Washington and Idaho; counsel for and 
director of the Oregon Power Company; regent of the 
University of Oregon 1903- ; member of the Bars 
of the United States and Washington State Supreme 
Courts. Has done much for the growth and develop- 
ment of Portland, Oregon; Democratic National 
Committeeman for Oregon, 1904—1908; delegate-at- 
large. Democratic National Conventions, 1892, 1904, 
1912; member of the Charter Commission, formed to 
frame new charter for Portland, 1902-1903, 1908- 
1909; president, Oregon State Bar Association, 1909- 
1910, and Oregon Pioneer Association, 1909-1910; 
won amateur gold medals, Exhibitions of Roses, 
Lewis and Clark Exposition, Portland, Oregon, 1905, 
and Alaska Yukon Exposition, Seattle, 1909; made 
an address on "The Oregon System", Civic Federa- 
tion, Chicago, 1911; one of the founders and former 
president of Portland Rose Society; gave Portland 
the name of Rose City., Director, McLoughlin 
Memorial Association; president Oregon Historical 
Society; member of: Washington Historical Society 
of Seattle; National Geographical Society; American 
Political Science Association; American Historical 
Association; Oregon Pioneer Association; American 
Bar Association; Portland Art Association; National 
Municipal League; Portland City Improvement 
Association. Author of: "Life of Dr. John Me- 
loughlin" (Cleveland, 1907); pamphlet on rose 
culture; contributor to: "The Quarterly" (Oregon 
Historical Society); "Country Life in America"; 
"Garden Magazine"; "Sunset Magazine". 
ARTICLE: McLoughlin, John. 

Holweck, Reverend Frederick George, b. at 
Wiesloch, Baden, Germany, 29 December, 1856. 




Education: Gymnasia, Freiburg and Karlsruhe, 
Germany. Ordained 1880; assistant successively at 
Jefferson City and St. Francis de Sales Church, St. 
Louis, Missouri; rector, Riviere aux Vases, Missouri, 
1886-1892; rector of St. Louis's Church (1892-1903) 
and of St. Francis de Sales Church (1903- ), St. 
Louis; censor librorum, examiner of the clergy and 
consultor, archdiocese of St. Louis. Member of the 
Cathohc Historical Society. Author of: "Fasti 
Mariani" (St. Louis, 1892); editor (since 1905) of 
' ' Nordamerikanisches Pastoralblatt ' ' . 

ARTICLES: Anne, Saint; Annunciation of the Blessed 
Virgin Mart, The Fact of the; Annunciation of the Blessed 
Virgin Mary, The Feast of the; Assumption, of the Blessed 
Virgin Mahy, Feast of the; Blessing, Apostolic; Candlemas; 
Colmar, Joseph Ludwig; Deo Gratias; De Profundis; Deus 
IN Adjutorium Meum Intende; Dispersion of the Apostles; 
Easter; Embolism; Espousals of the Blessed Virgin Mary; 
Eve of a Feast; Expectation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 
Feast of the; Feasts, Ecclesiastical; Holy Innocents; 
Holy Name, Feast of the; Holy Name of Jesus; Immaculate 
Conception; Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Feast 
of the; Michael the Archangel, Saint; Months, Special 
Devotions for; Most Pure Heart op Mary, Feast of the; 
Mount Carmel, Feast of Our Lady of; Name of Mary, 
Feast of the Holy; Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 
Feast of the; Our Lady Help of Christians, Feast of; 
Paschal Tide; Passion of Christ, Commemoration of the; 
Prayer of Christ, Feast of the; Presentation of the 
Blessed Virgin Mary, Feast of the; Ransom, Feast of Our 
Lady of; Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Feasts of 
the Seven; Thorns, Feast of the Crown of; Transfigura- 
tion OF Christ, Feast of the; Victory, Feast of Our Lady 
of; Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary; Whitsunday 
or Pentecost; Winding Sheet of Christ, Feast of the Holy; 
Wounds, The Five Sacred. 

Hontheim, Reverend Joseph, s.j., b. at Olewig, 
near Trier, Germany, 18 July, 1858. Education: 
Gymnasium, Trier; tlniversity of Bonn; University 
of Innsbruck; Jesuit scholasticates, Blyenbeck, 
Holland, and Ditton Hall, England. Entered the 
Society of Jesus 1882; ordained 1882; former professor 
of philosophy, Jesuit scholasticate. Mold, England, 
and St. Ignatius College, Valkenburg, Holland; 
professor of dogmatic theology (1895- ) and of 
Old Testament exegesis (1909- ), St. Ignatius 
College, Valkenburg. Author of: "Institutiones 
TheodicEeae sive Theologise NaturaUs" (1893); "Der 
logische Algorithmus" (1895); "Das Buch Job" 
(1904); "Das Hohelied" (1908); edited Wilmers, 
"Lehrbuch der Rehgion" (7th ed., 4 vols., 1909- 
1911); collaborator in: Herder, "Kirchenlexikon" 
(by Father Hontheim: "Seligkeit"); "Kirchhche 
Handlexikon" (by Father Hontheim: "Job"); 
contributor of Scriptural articles to: "Theologische 
Quartalschrift" (Tiibingen); "Der Katholik" 
(Mainz); "Biblische Zeitschrift" (Freiburg); "Zeit- 
schrift fur katholische Theologie" (Innsbruck). 
ARTICLES: Heaven; Hell; Job. 

Horgan, Stephen Henry, editor, b. at Norfolk, 
Virginia, 2 February, 1854. Education: primary 
studies, Cork, Ireland; pubhc schools, Nyack, N. Y.; 
St. Francis Xavier's College, New York. Photog- 
rapher on "New York Daily Graphic" 1874; 
devoted his time to newspaper illustrating 1874^1907; 
former art manager on a number of New York 
dailies; formerly connected with the American Press 
Association (7 years) ; former managing editor of the 
"Monitor" (Newark) ; editor of "Process Engraving" 
in the "Inland Printer", Chicago, 1895- 
Devised process of illustrating for "New York Daily 
Graphic", first daily paper to illustrate; introduced 
and perfected illustrating for a number of New York 
dailies; first to make half-tone illustrations in a 
newspaper; recognized authority on all methods of 
producing pictures in printing ink. Author of: 
"Three Color Process Work" (Chicago, 1902); 
"Horgan's Half-tone and Photo-Mechanical Pro- 
cesses" (Chicago, 1912); "About Photo-Engraving" 
(New York, 1914) ; contributor to Catholic periodicals. 
ARTICLE: Egloffstein, Frederick W. von. 

Houck, Right Reverend Monsignor George 
Francis, Church Historian, b. at Tiffin, Ohio, 9 July, 
1847. Education : St. Joseph's School and Heidelberg 
College, Tiffin; Mt. St. Mary's Seminary, Cincinnati, 
and St. Mary's Seminary, Cleveland, Ohio. Ordained 
1875; pastor, St. Joseph's Church, Cresthne, Ohio, 
187.5-1877; chancellor, diocese of Cleveland, 1877- 
1909; chaplain. Charity Hospital, Cleveland, 1877- 
1904; manager of the Catholic cemeteries of Cleveland 
1878-1903; domestic prelate 1904; rector, St. Augus- 
tine's Church, Lakewood, Ohio, 1909- . Author 
of: "The Church in Northern Ohio" (1888; 4th ed. 
1891); "Early History of CathoUcity in Cleveland", 
pamphlet (1889) ; "Right Reverend Amadeus Rappe", 
pamphlet (l889); "History of the Cathohc Church in 
Northern Ohio and Diocese of Cleveland", 2 vols. 

ARTICLE: Cleveland, Diocese of. 

Houlihan, Reverend John W., b. at Bangor, 
Maine, 13 February, 1871, son of Patrick Houlihan 
and Mary Moriarty. Education: pubhc schools, 
Bangor, Maine; Holy Cross College, Worcester, 
Massachusetts; Grand Seminary, Montreal, Canada; 
St. Sulpice, Paris. Ordained 1894; rector at Dexter, 
Maine, 1895-1909; rector, St. Joseph's Church, 
Portland, 1909- 

ARTICLE: Portland, Diocese of. 

Howard, Reverend Francis William, ll.d., 
b. at Columbus', 21 June, 1867. Education: Niagara 
University, Niagara Falls, New York; Mt. St. Mary's, 
Cincinnati, Ohio. Ordained 1891; has held the posts 
of pastor at Jackson, assistant at the cathedral, 
Columbus, and professor at the Josephinum, Colum- 
bus, Ohio; at present, rector, Holy Rosary Church, 
Columbus; chairman of the School Board, diocese of 
Columbus. Identified from the beginning with, and 
at present secretary general of, the Cathohc Educa- 
tional Association. 

ARTICLE: Educational Association, The Catholic. 

Hewlett, Reverend James Aidan, o.s.b., m.a., 
b. at New Ross, Co. Wexford, Ireland, 1856; d. at 
Downside Abbey, Bath, England, 27 June, 1909, son 
of John Howlett, J.P., of Inistioge, Co. Wexford, 
Ireland. Education: Downside Abbey; London 
University. Entered the Benedictine Order 1875; 
ordained 1883; prefect of studies. Downside Abbey, 
1884^1888; professor of Scripture and Classics, St. 
Michael's Priory, Belmont, England, 1888-1894; 
engaged in parish work successively at Dulwich and 
St. Osburg's, Coventry, England, 1894-1900; head 
master. Downside Abbey School, 1900-1902; parish 
work successively at Newnham Paddox, Becoles, and 
Little Malvern, England. 1902-1909. Member of 
the Council of the Benedictine Order. Contributor 
of Scriptural articles to various periodicals. 

ARTICLES: Abraham; Balaam; Bibles, Picture; Chronoi/- 
OGY, Biblical; Desert (in the Bible). 

Hewlett, Reverend William Joseph, b. in 
Monroe County, New York, 6 March, 1848. son of 
John Howlett of Co. Wexford, and Ellen Doyle of 
Co. Kildare, Ireland. Education: schools in Cass 
County, Michigan; Seminary of St. Thomas, Bards- 
town, Kentucky; St. Sulpice, Paris; University of 
Wiirzburg. Teacher in Monsignor Machebeuf's 
parochial school, Denver, before ordination; ordained 
1876; engaged in missionary and parish work in the 
diocese of Denver, being member of numerous 
diocesan Boards, 1877- ; former rector, St. 
Ignatius Church, Pueblo, Colorado; rector, St. John 
the EvangeUst's Church, Loveland, Colorado, 1909- 
1913; chaplain of the Sisters of Loretto, Nerinx, 
Kentucky, 1913- ; member of: the Episcopal 
Council and synodal examiner, diocese of Denver; 




the first Board of Consultors, diocese of Denver. 
Author of: "History of St. Thomas' Seminary in 
Kentucky"; "Life of Bishop Machebeuf"; "Sally 
Allen", historical tale; collection of translations 
from Massillon's Conferences; contributor to yarious 

ARTICLE: Denver, Diocese of. 

Howley, Most Reverend Michael Francis, 
D.D., b. at St. Johns, 25 September, 1843, d. 15 
October, 1914, son of Richard Howley, merchant and 
ship owner, of Irish birth. Education: Catholic 
Academy and St. Bonaventure's College (under 
Father Carfagnini, o.p.m.), St. Johns; Propaganda, 
Rome. Ordained 1868; secretary to Archbishop 
Eyre of Glasgow, Scotland, 1869-1870; engaged in 
missionary work in Newfoundland (three years at 
Fortune Bay) 1870-1885; prefect ApostoUc (188,5- 
1892) and vicar ApostoHc (1892-1894) of St. Georges, 
Newfoundland; titular Bishop of Amastris 1892-1894; 
Bishop (1895-1904) and Archbishop (1904^1914), St. 
Johns, Newfoundland. Present at the Vatican 
Council, hearing the declaration of Papal Infallibility 
by Pius IX, Rome, 1870; assisted at the Centenary 
of the Catholic Church in the United States, Balti- 
more, 1886; present at the Tercentenary of the 
Canadian Church, Quebec, 1910; participated in the 
Eucharistic Congress, Montreal, 1910; as bishop, 
erected numerous churches and schools, among them 
a new College of St. Bonaventure and an Academy 
for Young Ladies; completely renovated the Cathe- 
dral of St. Johns; founded Mt. Cashel Orphanage for 
Boys (Christian Brothers). Former Fellow of: the 
Royal Society of Canada; the Society of Antiqua- 
ries of Ireland. Author of: "Ecclesiastical History 
of Newfoundland"; poems; lectures; pamphlets; 
contributor to various periodicals. 

ARTICLES : Newfoundland ; Saint John's, Akchdiocese of. 

Huard, Reverend Victor Alphonse, m.a., 
b. at Quebec, 28 February, 1853. Education: Laval 
University, Quebec. Ordained 1873; successively 
professor of rhetoric and other branches, prefect of 
studies, director, assistant superior and superior. 
Seminary, Ch'coutimi, P. Q., Canada, 1873-1901; 
attached to the Cathedral, Quebec, 1901- ; 
curator of the Museum of Pubhc Instruction, Quebec, 
1904r- ; entomologist, Department of Agriculture, 
Province of Quebec, 1913- . Editor of "La 
Semaine Religieuse", 1901-1913. Member of: the 
Board of Marine Biology of Canada; the Royal 
Society of Canada. Author of: "L'Apotre du 
Saguenay" (1895); "Labrador et Anticosti" (1897); 
"Impressions d'un Passant" (1906); "Traite 61toen- 
taire de Zoologie et d'Hygiene" (1906); "Abr#g6 
de Zoologie" (1907); "Cours abrog^ d'histoire 
naturelle", 4 vols. (1912); "Le ' Miscellaneorum 
Liber' ou Les Missions du Saguenay" (1912); "La 
terminologie franco-canadienne dans les sciences 
naturelles" (1912); joint author of "Manuel des 
sciences usuelles" (1907); editor of "Le NaturaUste 
Canadien" (since 1894). 

ARTICLE: Chicoutimi, Diocese of. 

Hudleston, Reverend Gilbert Roger, o.s.b., 
b. at Button John, near Penrith, Cumberland, 
England, 27 December, 1874. Education: Welling- 
ton College, Berkshire, England; Keble College, 
Oxford; S. Anselmo, Rome. Received into the 
Church by Father Luke Rivington 1896; entered the 
Benedictine Order 1898; ordained 1904; at present, 
stationed at EaUng Priory, London, England. Mem- 
ber of the CathoUo Truth Society. 

ARTICLES: Downside Abbey; Glastonbury Abbey; 
Gregory I (the Great), Saint, Pope; Huddleston, John; 
John Fisher, Blessed; Kingisel (2); Liessies; Ligug^; Lil- 
ienfeld; Llancarvan; Lobbes, Benedictine Abbey of; Loc- 
cum; Margaret of Scotland, Saint; Mellitub, Saint; Mo- 
nasticism, IV. Western Monasticism; Monte Casbino, Abbey 

of; Montreuil, Charter House of Nothe-Dame-des-Pr^s; 
Montrbuil Abbey; Mont-St. -Michel; Ninian, Saint; Obe- 
dientiaries; Odo of Cambrai, Blessed; Peterborough Ab- 
bey; Pickering, Thomas, Venerable; Placidus, Saint; 
Folding, John ]3ede; Pontefract Priory; Powel, Philip, 
Venerable; Reform of a Religious Order; Richard de 
Wyche, Saint; Richard Fetherston, Blessed; Richard 
Whiting, Blessed; Roberts, John, Venerable; St. Albans, 
Abbey of; Saint-Ouen, Abbey of; Samson, Saint; Scrip- 
torium; Sigebert, Saint; Stephen Harding, Saint; Thomas 
More, Blessed; Walmesley, Charles; Whitby, Abbey of. 

Hudson, Reverend Daniel E., c.s.c, ll.d., 
editor and pubUsher, b. at Nahant, Massachusetts. 
Education: public schools and Holy Cross College, 
Worcester, Massachusetts; Notre Dame University, 
Indiana. Abjured Methodism at the age of five; 
entered the Congregation of the Holy Cross 1870; 
ordained 1875; editor of "The Ave Maria'' Notre 
Dame, Indiana, 1875- ; publisher of CathoHc 
books. Member of the Indian and Aloha Clubs. 
Contributor to various periodicals. 

ARTICLE: Sorin, Edward. 

Hughes, Reverend Joseph Bernard, o.p., 
S.T.L., b. in New York, 29 April, 1882. Education: 
parochial schools and College of St. Francis Xavier, 
New York; Dominican House of Studies and Catholic 
University of America, Washington, D. C; Univer- 
sity of Fribourg, Switzerland; CoUegio Angelico, 
Rome. Entered the Dominican Order 1903 ; ordained 
1909; at present professor of German, and Economics, 
Aquinas College, Columbus, Ohio. 

ARTICLES: Ubiquitarians; Uthaquism. 

Hughes, Reverend James, rector, church of St. 
Hugh, Liverpool, England. 
ARTICLES: Liverpool, Diocese of; Nugent, James. 

Hull, Reverend Ernest Reginald, s.j., writer 
and editor, b. 9 September, 1863. Became a CathoUc 
1882; entered the Society of Jesus 1886; teacher, 
Beaumont College, Old Windsor, England (four 
years); ordained 1899; teacher, St. Aloysius College, 
Glasgow, Scotland, 1899-1900; left England for India 
1902; editor of "The Examiner", Bombay, 1903- 
. Author of "Examiner Reprints"; contributor 
to various periodicals. 

ARTICLES: Bombay, Archdiocese of; Goa, Archdiocese 
of; India; Lahore, Diocese of; Madras, Archdiocese of; 
Madura Mission; Malabar; Malacca, Diocese of; Manga- 
lore, Diocese of; Mysore, Diocese op; Nagpur, Diocese of; 
Parsis (Parsees); Pondicherry, Archdiocese of; Poona, 
Diocese of; Quilon, Diocese of; Rajpootana, Prefecture 
Apostolic of; Sikhism; Simla, Archdiocese of; Trichinopoly, 
Diocese of; Trichur; Trincomales, Diocese of; Vaz, Joseph; 
Verapoly, Archdiocese of; Vizagapatam, Diocese op. 

Hunt, Leigh Harrison, m.s., m.d., b. at Galena, 
Illinois, 19 May, 1858. Education: College of the 
City of New York; New York University; studied 
etching under Henry Farrar; studied painting under 
Inness, Jr., and J. F. Murphy. Successively teacher 
and professor, Department of Art, College of the City 
of New York, 1877- ; lecturer on Art before 
Extension Course of College of the City of New York, 
Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, Pratt Insti- 
tute, Brooklyn, and Columbia University; etcher; 
painter. Exhibited etchings at Ehrioh Galleries, New 
York, 1913. Secretary "Salamagundi Club" and Ar- 
tists' Fund Society ; treasurer ' ' Black and White Club ' ' ; 
corresponding member Society for the Advancement 
of Dutch Art (Amsterdam); member of American 
Etchers' Association, and American Universities Club 
(London). Author of treatises on: "Etching and 
Etchers"; "Modern Art"; "Graphic Arts"; art 
critic, "Critic and Art Collector"; has contributed 
to "Benziger's Magazine". 

ARTICLES: Allegri, Antonio; Bartolozzi, Francesco, 
Caldara, Polidoro; Callot, Jacques; Campi, Bernardino'; 
Campi, Galeazzo; Campi, Giulio; Cano, Alonso; Caracci (i); 
Castiglione, Giovanni Benedetto; Cellini, Benvenuto, 
Charpentier, Francois-Philippe; Cleef, Jan van; Cleef; 
JoosT van; Cleef, Martin van; Clouet, Jean and Francois; 




CoRNEiLLE, Jean-Baptiste; Corneille, MiCHEii (the Young- 
er) ; Corneille, Michel (the Elder) ; Cousin, Jean; Crivelli, 
Carlo; Deger, Ernst; Dolci, Carlo; Domenichino; Dbevet 
Family, The; Edelinck (4); Gaillard, Claude-Ferdinand; 
Giocondo, Fra Giovanni; Giorgione; Goya y Lucientes, 
Francisco JosjS de; Healy, George Peter Alexander; Her- 
rera, Francisco (2); Hehrera, Barnuevo Sebastiano de; 
Holbein, Hans; Lorrain, Claude de; Morghen, Raffaello; 
Nanteuil, Robert; Navarrete, Juan FbrnAndez; Piranesi, 
Giambattista; Raimondi, Marcantonio. 

Hunt, Thomas John, b. at Athea, Co. Limerick, 
Ireland, 1 November, 1860. Education: Athea; 
Listowel, Co. Kerry. Entered the British Civil 
Service as outdoor officer of customs, Port of London; 
on the permanent staff of the Irish Land Commission; 
married Mary, daughter of John Woulfe, Dungan- 
viUe, Ardagh, 1907. Contributor to: "Saturday 
Review"; "Speaker"; "Standard"; "Spectator"; 
"The Cathohc Times"; "New York Times"; "The 
Pilot" (Boston); the "Press of South America"; the 
"Australian Press"; "The Journal des Debato" 
ARTICLE: Gotaz, Diocese of. 

Hunter-Blair, Right Rbvekbnd Oswald (Sib 
David Hunter-Blair, Baronet), o.s.b., m.a., b. at 
Dunskey, Portpatrick, Scotland, 30 September, 1853, 
son of the fourth Baronet of Blairquhan, Ayrshire, 
Scotland, and Elizabeth, daughter of George 
Wauchope. Education: Eton; Magdalen College, 
Oxford. Former officer. Prince Regent's Royal 
Ayrshire MiUtia, captain 1876; became a Catholic 
1875; entered the Benedictine Order 1878; ordained 
1886; rector of the Abbey School, Fort Augustus, 
Scotland, 1890-1895; succeeded his father as fifth 
Baronet 1896; former Oxford correspondent of the 
"Tablet"; master of Hunter-Blair's Hall, Oxford, 
1899-1909; superior (1911-1912), prior (1912-1913), 
and abbot (1913- ), St. Benedict's Abbey, Fort 
Augustus. Private Chamberlain of the Cape and 
Sword to Pius IX and Leo XIII; spent a considerable 
time in Brazil engaged in educational and religious 
work for the Benedictine Order. Author of: "Jerusa- 
lem of Today"; "Catholics at the National Universi- 
ties"; "Oxford as It Is"; "History of the CathoUc 
Church in Scotland" (translation of Bellesheim, 
"Geschichte der katholischen Kirche in Schottland", 
2 vols., 1883); "Holy Rule of St. Benedict" (transla- 
tion); contributor to: "Tablet"; "Weekly Register"; 
"New Era"; "Glasgow Observer". 

ARTICLES: Aberdeen, University of; Arbroath, Abbey 
of; Ardchattan, Priory of; Argyll and the Isles, Diocese 
of; Barclay, William; Bath Abbey; Beaton, David, Cardi- 
nal; Beaton, James, Archbishop of Glasgow (2); Beaulieu 
Abbey; Blackwood, Adam; Boni Homines; Breviary, Aber- 
deen; Buckfast Abbey; Buston, Thomas Stephen; Bute, 
John Patrick Crichton-Stuart, Third Marquess of; Cam- 
bridge, University of; Croyland, Abbey of; Dorchester, 
Abbey of; Douglas, Gavin; Dryburgh Abbey; Dunbar, 
William; Dundrennan, Abbey of; Dunfermline, Abbey of; 
DuNKELD, Diocese of; Edinburgh; Foreman, Andrew; Free 
Church of Scotland; Gillis, James; Gregory of Nazianzus, 
Saint; Hautecombe (Monastery); Hay, George; Hersfeld 
(Abbey); Holyrood Abbey; Husenbeth, Frederick Charles; 
Ingulf, Abbot of Croyland; Jedburgh; Jocelin; Kennedy, 
James; Kentigern, Saint; Kilwinning; Kinloss; Kirkwall; 
Knox, John; KRBMSMtJNSTER; Leslie, John; Lindobes, Bene- 
dictine Abbey of; Lochleven; Oxford, University op; Peri- 
odical Literature, Catholic, Scotland; Preston, Thomas; 
Saint Andrews and Edinburgh, Archdiocese of; Scotland; 
Scotland, Established Church of; Scoto-Hibernian Mon- 
asteries; Smith, James; Strain, John; Syon Monastery; 
Tarkin, Saint; Tavistock Abbey; Tewkesbury Abbey; Theo- 
dore, Seventh Archbishop of Canterbury; Thobney Abbey; 
TiNTERN Abbey; Tynemouth Priory; Valliscaulian Order; 
Wearmouth Abbey; Whithorn P&iory; William of Wayne- 
flete; William of Wykeham; Windsor; Winzet, Ninian; 
Wiseman, Nicholas Patrick, Cardinal; Wolstan, Saint; 
Wyntoun, Andrew of; Zenobius, Saint. 

Huonder, Reverend Anthony, s.j., b. at Chur, 
Switzerland, 25 December, 1858. Education: Bene- 
dictine Colleges, Disentis and Engelberg, Switzerland; 
Stella Matutina College, Feldkirch, Austria; various 
Jesuit scholasticates. Entered the Society of Jesus 
1875; ordained 1888; member of the Collegium 

Scriptorum, German Province of the Society of Jesus, 
1889- ; editor, "Katholische Missionen", 1903- 
; formerly resident at Luxemburg City, Luxem- 
burg; stationed at St. Ignatius CoUege, Valkenburg, 
Holland, 1911- . Author of: "Der sehge J. G. 
Perboyre" (Vienna, 1890); "Vater Ren& letzte 
Fahrt" (Freiburg, 1893; 9th ed. 1910); "Die Schwur 
des Huronenhauptlings" (Freiburg, 1894; 9th ed. 
1910) ; "Ein Blick in die Reduktionen von Paraguay" 
(Berlin, 1895); "Eine rote und eine weisse Rose" 
(Freiburg, 1896; 7th ed. 1910); "Pastor Pfotenhauer 
und die Erziehungsmethode der Jesuiten in Paraguay" 
(Berlin, 1896); "Deutsche Jesuitenmissionare des 17. 
und 18. Jahrhunderts" (Freiburg, 1899); "Der 
FindUng von Hongkong" (Freiburg, 1902; 3rd ed. 
1910); "Der heilige Brunnen von Chitzen-Itza" 
(Freiburg, 1908); "Der einheimische Klerus in den 
Heidenlandern" (Freiburg, 1909); "Die Missions- 
pflicht der deutschen KathoMken" (Freiburg, 1909); 
"Die Rache des Merzedariers" (Freiburg, 1909); 
"KathoUsche und Protestantische Missionsahnosen" 
(Freiburg, 1910); "Die Mission auf der Kanzel und 
im Verein", 2 vols. (Freiburg, 1912, 1913); "Banner- 
trager des Kreuzes" (Freiburg, 1913); in charge of 
the Missions Department, Herder's "Kirchhches 
Handbuch"; collaborator in: "Katholisches Kirchen- 
lexikon"; Herder, "Konversationslexikon"; the col- 
lection "Aus femen I-anden"; contributor to: 
"Stimmen aus Maria-Laach"; "Kathohk"; "Sodalen- 
Korrespondenz " ; "AUgemeine Rundschau"; "Ger- 

ARTICLES; Fridelli, Xaver Ehrenbbrt; Fritz, Samuel; 
Grueber, Johann; Haimhausen, Karl von; Hanxleden, Jo- 
hann Ernst; Havestadt, Bebnhard; Herdtrich, Christian, 
Wolfgang; Hinderbr, Roman; Jarric, Pierre du; Jeningen 
Philipp, Venerable; Kino, Eusebius; Kogler, Ignaz; Kon- 
SAG, Ferdinand; Le Gobien, Charles; Maroni, Paul; Mar- 
tini, Martino; Reductions op Paraguay; Roth, Heinrich; 
Ruiz de Montoya, Antonio; Tieffentaller, Joseph. 

Hurth, Right Reverend Peter Joseph, c.s.c, 
D.D., Bishop of Nueva Segovia, Philippine Islands, 
b. at Nittel, Germany, 30 March, 1857. Education: 
Notre Dame University, Indiana. Entered the 
Congregation of the Holy Cross 1876; director of the 
Manual Labor School, Notre Dame University, 
Indiana, 1877-1879; president, St. Joseph's College, 
Cincinnati, Ohio, 1879-1884; ordained 1880; presi- 
dent, St. Edward's College, Austin, Texas, 1884- 
1894; Bishop of Dacca, India, 1894^1908; titular 
Bishop of Milopotamos, resident at Notre Dame 
University, Indiana, 1908-1913; Bishop of Nueva 
Segovia, Philippine Islands, 1913- . In coopera- 
tion with Reverend Bede Maler, o.s.b., organized 
first Eucharistic Convention in the United States, 
Notre Dame, Indiana, 1894; took a prominent part 
in the Eucharistic Congress, Goa, India, 1900; 
president of the Eucharistic Congress, Bangalore, 
India, 1904; founder with Reverend C. Smith, o.m.i., 
of the weekly paper now the "Southern Messenger" 
(San Antonio, Texas). 
ARTICLE: Dacca, Diocese of. 

Husslein, Reverend Joseph, s.j., writer, b. at 
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 10 June, 1873. Education: 
Marquette University, Milwaukee; St. Louis Univer- 
sity, St. Louis, Missouri. Entered the Society of 
Jesus 1891; ordained 1905; at various times professor 
at St. Louis University, Jesuit scholasticate at 
Florissant, Missouri, and St. Ignatius College, 
Cleveland, Ohio; associate editor, "America", New 
York, 1911- ; sociologist. Author of: "The 
Church and Social Problems"; "Children's Early and 
Frequent Communion", "The Pastor and Socialism"; 
"The Pastor and Social Work", pamphlets; contribu- 
tor to various periodicals. 

ARTICLE: Syndicalism. 

Hyde, Douglas (known in Irish as An Craoibhin 

AoIBHINN), LL.D., T.C.D., Litt.D., M.R.I.A., b. at 
















An Caisled,n Riabhach, Co. Roscommon, Ireland, 
1860. Education: private; Trinity College, Dublin. 
Professor of modern literature, State University, 
New Brunswick, 1893; former examiner in Celtic, 
Royal University of Ireland; at present, professor of 
modern Irish, senator and dean of the Irish Faculty, 
National University of Ireland. First president 
National Literary Society; presented with the 
freedom of the cities of Dublin, Cork, Limerick, and 
Kilkenny, Ireland; member of the Fry Royal Com- 
mission for inquiring into Irish University education. 
President of: the Gaelic League since its foundation, 
1893; Irish Texts Society; hon. member: College 
Historical Society; Caledonian Medical Society. 
Author of: "Literary History of Ireland" (1899); 
"Poems of Raftery" (1904); "Religious Songs 
of Connacht" (1906); "Legends of Saints and 
Sinners" (1915); about thirty other books: plays, 
collections of folk-lore, folk songs, editions of Irish 
texts, histories of Irish literature, poems; assistant 
editor "New Irish Library"; collaborator in "Dic- 
tionary of Religion"; contributor to: "Revue 
celtique"; "Zeitschrift fiir keltische Philologie"; 
"Eriu"; "Leabhar na Gaedhilge"; "Celtic Review". 
ARTICLES: Bkehon Laws, The; Four Masters, Annals op 
the; Ireland: Irish Literature; O'Carolan, Torloqh; 
O'CoNOR, Charles; O'Curry, Eugene; O'Daly, Donogh M6r; 
O'DuQAN, John. 

Hyvemat, Vert Reverend EuoiiNE Xavier 
Louis Henri, litt.B., d.d., orientahst, b. at S. 
Julien-en-Jarrgt, Loire, France, 30 June, 1858, son 
of Claude Hyvernat, former editor of "Gazette de 
Lyon", and Lgonide Meyrieux. Education: St. 

John's Preparatory Seminary and University of 
France, Lyons; Seminaries of St. Sulpice, Issy and 
Paris. Ordained 1882; chaplain. Church of St. Louis 
of the French, Rome, 1882-1885; interpreter of 
Oriental languages, Propaganda, Rome, 188.5-1889; 
professor of Assyrology and Egyptology, Roman 
Seminary, 1885-1888; in Armenia on a scientific 
mission for the French Government 1888-1889; 
chief of the Department of Semitic and Egyptian 
Literatures (at present, professor of Oriental lan- 
guages and archaeology), Cathohc University, Wash- 
ington, D. C, 1889- . Member of: Pontifical 
Roman Academy of the Nuovi Lincei; Academy of 
the Catholic Religion (Rome); Pontifical Roman 
Academy of Archaeology; American Oriental Society; 
Society for Biblical Studies (Rome); A.siatic Society 
(Paris); Asiatic Society (Florence); Vorderasiatische 
GeseUschaft; Text and Translation Society. Author 
of: "Les Actes des Martyrs d'Egypte" (Paris, 
1886); "Album de PaMographie Copte" (Paris, 
1888); "Du Caucase au Golfe Persique (in collabo- 
ration with Paul MuUer-Simonis) (Washington, 1892) ; 
compiled "Acta Martyrum", Coptic text and Latin 
translation (in collaboration with Giuseppe Balestri) 
(Paris, 1907-1908); editor of "Scriptores Coptici", 
"Corpus scriptorum christianorum orientalium"; 
consulting editor, "Jewish Encyclopedia"; collabora- 
tor in: Vigouroux, " Dictionnaire de la Bible"; 
"Jewish Encyclopedia"; contributor to American, 
German, and French Reviews. 

ARTICLES: Coptic Literature; Egypt; Elish^; Eznik; 
James of Sarugh; John of Ephesus; John op Malalas; John 
OF NiKrt; Pebsecutions, Coptic; Vebsions of the Bible, 


Ingold, Vert Reveeend Canon AuotrsTiN 
Marie Pierre, p.orat., b. at Cernay, Upper Alsace, 
Germany, 21 April, 1852. Education; Free College, 
Colmar, Alsace; St. Sulpice and Sorbonne, Paris. 
Entered the French Oratory 1873; ordained 1876; 
has held the posts of librarian, archivist and professor 
of history and exegesis in the scholastioate, The 
Oratory, Paris; editor of "Revue d'Alsaoe" 1899- 

; vicar-general and canon, diocese of Langres, 
France; resident at Coknar, ALsaoe; chaplain of the 
30^ division, 1914- . Awarded the Prix Botta 

by the French Academy, 1909. Member of: Acad^mie 
Stanislas ^Nancy); Academy of Metz; Academy of 
Besangon; Academy of Grenoble; Society of the 
History of France. Author of about two hundred 
works on Jansenism, history of the Oratory and 
Alsatian history; collaborator in: Vacant, "Diction- 
naire de Th^ologie Cathohque"; Vigouroux, "Dic- 
tionnaire de la Bible"; Cabrol, "Diotionnaire 
d'arch^ologie chr^tienne et de liturgie"; BaudriUart, 
"Diotionnaire d'histoire et de g^ographie eccMsi- 
astiques"; founder and director, with Mgr. Duchesne, 
of "Bulletin critique" 

ARTICLES: B^rulle, Piehue de, Cardinal; Bourgoing, 
Francois; Morin, Jean; Oratory, French Congregation of 
the; Thomassin, Lotris; Valroger, Htacinthe de. 

Irwin, Reverend Francis Joseph, s.j., b. at 
Rathmoyle, Co. Roscommon, Ireland, 1869. Educa- 
tion: Stonyhurst College and St. Mary's HaU, 
Blackburn; Manresa, Roehampton, London; St. 
Bueno's College, St. Asaph, Wales. Entered the 
Society of Jesus 1889; ordained 1902; former professor 
of Classics and mathematics at Stonyhurst CoUege, 
Blackburn (four years), and at Wimbledon College, 
London (two years); secretary to the rector 1909- 
1915, professor of Classics, 1915- , Stonyhurst 
College, Blackburn. Contributor of zoological articles 
to various magazines; editor of "Stonyhurst Maga- 
zine" (since 1909). 

ARTICLE : Stonyhurst College. 

Isenberg, Reverend Anthony F., b. at Trier, 
Germany, 25 March, 1879. Education: Gymnasium 
and St. Nicholas Seminary, Trier; American College, 
Louvain, Belgium. Ordained 1902; assistant pastor 
at New Orleans, Louisiana, 1902; formerly assistant 
editor and (1906-1909) editor-in-chief, "Morning 
Star", New Orleans; rector, St. Michael's Church, 
Crowley, Louisiana, 1909- . Has contributed to 
German and American periodicals. 

ARTICLE: Gayarr^, Charles-Etienne-Arthoh. 

Isenring, Reverend John James, o.s.f.s., b. at 
Uznach, St. GaU, Switzerland, 31 August, 1862, son 

of John James Isenring and Mary Katherine 
Bach tiger. Education: elementary and high schools, 
Uznach; Benedictine College, Engelberg, under 
Abbot Scherer; Maria Hilf College, Schwyz, under 
Drs. Huber, Kind and Willi and Monsignor Krucker, 
Switzerland; University of Innsbruck, under Dr. 
Bickell and Fathers Hurter, Jungmann, Grisar, 
Noldin, Biederlack, and Nilles; St. Luzi Seminary, 
Chur, Switzerland, under Drs. Schmid von Griineck, 
Huonder, Kind, and Niederberger. Entered the 
Capuchin Order, leaving after five weeks on account 
of ill health, 1882; entered Oblates of St. Francis 
de Sales 1887; assistant novice master, Salesianum, 
Troyes, France, 1888-1889; ordained 1889; superior, 
Salesianum, and chaplain. Visitation Convent, 
Walmer, England, 1889-1896; acting chaplain to 
the Forces, Dover, (1896) and Aldershot (1896- 
1897), England; chaplain, Mt. de Chantal Visita^ 
tion Convent, Wheeling, West Virginia, 1897- 
1898; chaplain. Visitation Convent, Wilmington, 
Delaware, 1898-1907; novice master, Salesianum, 
Wilmington (1903-1907), and at the transferred 
novitiate, Childs, Maryland (1907- ). Made 
first foundation of Oblates of St. Francis de Sales in 
the United States, Wilmington, 1903. Author of: 
"Treatise on Sacred Eloquence according to St. 
Francis de Sales"; "Biblical Hermeneutics with 
special regard to the teaching of St. Francis de Sales"; 
"Spiritual Directory for People in the World" 
(translated from the French) (2 eds.); edited: Pernin, 
"Spiritual Directory for Priests"; "Life of Ven. 
Mother Mary de Sales Chappuis"; contributor to: 
"Maria-Hilf" (Paderborn); "St. GaUer Volksblatt" 
(LTznach); "Filrstenlander" (Gossau); "Herold des 
Glaubens" (St. Louis); "Annales Salfeiennes" 
(Paris); "CathoUc Times" (Liverpool); editor (since 
1906) of "Echo of the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales". 
ARTICLES: Oblates of Saint Francis de Sales; Orange 
River, Vicariate Apostolic of. 

Isidore, Brother (William Kuppel), c.p.x., 
b. at Bodman, Baden, Germany, 23 April, 1853. 
Education: St. Xavier's College, Louisville, Ken- 
tucky. Came to Louisville 1865; entered the 
Congregation of St. Francis Xavier 1866; teacher, 
St. Xavier's College, Louisville, Kentucky, 1870- 
1885; prefect of studies and discipline (1885-1904) 
and director (1904^1907), Mt. St. Joseph's CoOege, 
Baltimore, Maryland; provincial of the Xaverian 
Brothers in America, resident at Baltimore, 1907- 
. Educator for forty-five years; American 
delegate to General Chapters of his order, Bruges, 
Belgium, 1905, 1911. Author of "Knock at the 
Door", booklet. 

ARTICLES: Ryken, Theodore James; Xaverian Beothehs. 


Jackman, Vert Reverend Monsignor Arthur 
Philip, d.d., b. at Shoreham, Sussex, England, 15 
December, 1878. Education: Wonersh, England; 
Rome. Ordained 1902; assistant secretary to the 
Bishop of Southwark, London, 1902-1903; private 
secretary to Cardinal Bourne, London, 1903- ; 
archivistj archdiocese of Westminster, London, 1907- 
; editor of "The Catholic Directory" (for Eng- 
land) 1909- ; privy chamberlain to Pius X 1910. 

ARTICLE: English Hibjiajicht, Reorganization op the. 

Jacobi, Maximilian Joseph, ph.n., writer, b. at 
Thorn, West Prussia, Germany, 19 March, 1882, 
son of Leopold Jacobi. Education: Gymnasium, 
Thorn; Universities of Munich, Zurich, Freiburg, 
Breslau, and Berlin. Devotes his time principally to 
astronomy and the history of the exact sciences; 
resident at Munich. Author of: "Sternenkunde"; 
"Das Weltgebaude des Kardinals Nikolaus von 
Cusa" (1904); collaborator in " Mitteilungen zur 
Gesohichte der Medizin und Naturwissenschaf t " ; 
contributor to: "Weltall"; "Prometheus"; "Natur 
und Offenbarung"; " lUustrierte Aeronaut.-Mit- 
teilungen"; "Hochland" 

ARTICLE: Astboloqt. 

Jacques op St. Ignatius, Mother M. 
ARTICLE: Hospital, Sisters of the Mekot of Jesus. 

Jacquier, Very Reverend Canon Jacques 
Eugene, s.t.d., b. at. Vienne, France, 15 April, 1847. 
Education: Preparatory Seminary, C6te-Saint-Andr6, 
and Seminary, Grenoble, France. Successively pro- 
fessor at the Preparatory Seminary, Grenoble, vicar 
at Bourgoin, rector at Valencin and S6r6zin-du- 
Rh6ne, France; professor of Sacred Scripture, 
Catholic Faculty, Lyons, 1894r- ; honorary canon 
of the diocese of Grenoble. Member of the AcadSmie 
Delphinale (Grenoble). Author of: "La Doctrine 
des douze ap6tres"; "J&us-Christ d'apres les Saints 
Evangiles"; "Histoire des livres du Nouveau Testa- 
ment", 4 vols. (1902-1908) ; "Le Nouveau Testament 
dans I'Eglise chr^tienne"; Vol. I; "Le Canon du 
Nouveau Testament" (1912) Vol. II; "Le texte du 
Nouveau Testament" (1913); "La Resurrection de 
J&us-Christ" (1912); "La credibility des Evangiles" 
(1913); "Etude de critique et d'exggSse" (2 vols.); 
collaborator in: Vigouroux, " Dictionnaire de la 
Bible"; Vaoant-Mangenot, "Dictionnaire deth^ologie 
catholique"; d'Ales, "Dictionnaire apolog^tique de 
la foi oatholique"; contributor to "L'Universit^ 

ARTICLES: Matthew, Saint, Apostle and Evangelist; 
Matthew, Saint, Gospel of; Matthias, Saint, Apostle. 

Jaillet, Right Reverend Monsignor C., Protho- 
notary Apostolic, diocese of Corpus Christi, Texas. 
ARTICLE: Brownsville, Vicariate Apostolic of. 

Jarosseau, Right Reverend ELiE-MARiE-ANOHi, 
o.M.cap., s.t.d., b. at Saint-Marc, Vendue, France, 
13 April, 1858. Education: Preparatory Seminary, 
Charagnes, France. Entered the Capuchin Order 
1876; missionary in Galla, Abyssinia, 1882-1894; 
vicar-general, vicariate Apostolic of Galla, 1894r- 
1900; vicar Apostolic of Galla and titular Bishop of 
Soatra, resident at Harrar, Abyssinia, 1900- 
Introduced the first European schools into Abyssinia, 

1901; travelled to Kafa for the purpose of restoring 
the Catholic mission, but failed, owing to the opposi- 
tion of the Coptic priests, 1902-1903; created officer 
of the Star of Ethiopia by King MeneKk, 1908. 
Contributor to:J'Missions Catholiques"; "La Croix"; 
"Le Semeur d'Ethiopie". 
ARTICLE: Galla, Vicariate Apostolic of. 

Jarrett, Reverend Bede, o.p., m.a., s.T.Lect., 
b. at Greenwich, England, 22 August, 1881. Educa- 
tion: Stonyhurst CoUege, Blackburn, and Hawkes- 
yard College, Rugeley, England; Oxford; Louvain 
University. Entered the Dominican Order 1898; 
ordained 1906; at present, stationed at St. Dominic's 
Priory, London. Author of: "Life of Cardinal 
Howard"; "Medieval Socialism"; "St. Antonio and 
Medieval Economics"; contributor to: "Irish Theo- 
logical Quarterly"; "English Historical Review"; 
"Home Counties Magazine"- 

ARTICLES: Feudalism; Papal Arbitration; Pilgrimages; 
Third Orders; Third Order of Saint Dominic; Votive 

Jenkins, Regina Randolph (Mrs. Felix S. 
Jenkins), b. at Baltimore, Maryland. Education: 
private; at home and at Visitation Academy, Balti- 
more. Married Dr. Felix S. Jenkins 1910; member of 
the Cathedral Christ Child Society of Baltimore. Con- 
tributor to: "Ladies' Home Journal"; "Donahoe's 
Magazine": "The Angelus". 

ARTICLES: Harland, Henry; Margaret Hauqhert; 
TiNCKER, Mary Agnes; Whipple, Amiel Weeks; Wolff, 
George Dehinq. 

Jenner, Henry, p.s.a., b. at St. Columb, Cornwall, 
England, 8 August, 1848, son of Rt. Reverend Henry 
L. Jenner, Anglican Bishop of Dunedin, New Zealand, 
and grandson of Rt. Hon. Sir Herbert Jenner-Fust, 
dean of the Arches. Education: St. Mary's College, 
Harlow, England. Clerk in Principal Registry, 
Court of Probate, London, 1869-1870; assistant 
hbrarian. Manuscript Department (1870-1879) and 
Printed Books Department (1879-1909), British 
Museum; retired on a pension 1909; married Kitty 
Lee, daughter of W. J. Rawlings, of Downes, Hayle, 
Cornwall; resident at Hayle. One of the organizers 
of the series of Historical Exhibitions at the New 
Gallery, London, 1888-1902; represented Cornwall at 
the Celtic Congresses at Carnarvon, 1904, and 
Edinburgh, 1907, at the Congress of Breton Union, 
Lesneven, 1903, and at the Eisteddfodau at Rhyl, 
1904, and London, 1909. Local secretary for Corn- 
wall, Society of Antiquaries; vice-president for Corn- 
wall, Celtic Association; member of: Royal Cornwall 
Polytechnic Society, Royal Institution of Cornwall, 
Gorsedd of the Bards of Brittany (Bardic name: 
Gwas Myhal). Author of: "Handbook of the 
Cornish Language" (London, 1904); "Early Draw- 
ings and Illumination in the British Museum" (in 
collaboration with W. de G. Birch) (London, 1879); 
edited "Memoirs of Dundee" (Stuart Series) (Lon- 
don, 1904); contributor to: "Transactions of the 
Philological Society"; "British Archaeological Jour- 
nal"; "The Royalist"; "Journal of Royal Institution 
of Cornwall"; "Celtic Review". 

ARTICLES: Ambrosian Liturgy and Rite; Celtic Rite, 
The; Creed, Liturgical Use of; Gallican Rite; Mozababio 
Rite; Syrian Rite, East. 





Jennings, Reverend Fhancis Brendan, o.f.m., 
S.T.B., b. at Leamington, Warwickshire, England, 12 
July, 1883, of Irish parents. Education: Franciscan 
soholasticates, England; St. Isidore's College, Rome; 
Universities of Louvain and Munich. Entered the 
Franciscan Order 1900; ordained 1906; professor of 
theology, St. Isidore's College, Rome, 1908-1912; 
lector general of theology in the Franciscan Order 
1910; at present, stationed at Munich, Germany. 

ARTICLE: John op Rupella. 

Jerome, Mother Mart. 
ARTICLE: Felician SiaTEKs, o.s.F. 

Jeron, Reverend Otto, o.M.cap., ph.D., b. at 

Wahlstatt, Silesia, Germany, 24 November, 1870, 
d. at Mt. Calvary, Wisconsin, 14 August, 1907. 
Education: common school, Wahlstatt; Capuchin 
Gymnasium, Breslau; St. Francis Seminary, St. 
Francis, Wisconsin. Entered the Capuchin Order 
1890; ordained 1896; at various times assistant at St. 
Francis Church, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Capuchin 
Church, Appleton, Wisconsin, and Church of Our 
Lady of the Angels, New York; for a time engaged 
in giving missions and retreats; professor, St. 
Lawrence's College, Mt. Calvary, Wisconsin, 1906- 
1907. Member of: the Wisconsin Historical Society; 
the New York Catholic Historical Society. Author 
of: "On the Influence of the Cathohc Church with 
regard to the development of the Latin Language" 
(thesis for doctorate); " Erinnerungsblatter aus der 
Geschichte der Einfilhrung des Christentums in das 
Fox Fluss-Thal, und dem Leben der St. Joseph's 
Gemeinde zu Appleton, Wisconsin", pamphlet; 
'"The Capuchins in America" (New York Catholic 
Historical Society, 1909); contributor to: "Appleton 
Wecker"; "Seraphic Child of Mary". 

ARTICLES: CaqtjetA, Apostolic Prbfecttjbe of; Cabolinb 
Islands; Chub, Diocese of. 

Jimenez, Reverend Felipe S., s.t.d., vicar- 
general, diocese of Zulia, Venezuela. 
ARTICLE: Zulia, Diocese of. 

Jimenez, Reverend Henry, s.j., sc.l., b. at 
Talavera de la Reina, Spain, 1876. Education: 
College, Talavera, Spain; Jesuit scholasticates, 
Granada and Cadiz, Spain; St. Bueno's College, St. 
Asaph, Wales; Madrid University. Entered the 
Society of Jesus 1891; ordained 1908; at present, 
professor of mathematics, CathoUc Industrial Insti- 
tute, Madrid. Member of the Spanish Mathematical 
Association. Contributor of articles on Spanish 
religious questions in English CathoUc periodicals. 

ARTICLE: Pebiodioal Litehatuke, Catholic: Spain. 

Johnson, Reverend George F., s.j., professor 
of Latin, Greek, and English literature, Fordham 
University, New York. 

ARTICLES: Anthelmi, Joseph; Antoinb, Paul Gaebiel. 

Johnson, William T., m.a., lawyer, b. at Osceola, 
Missouri, 4 August, 1848, son of Waldo P. Johnson, 
U. S. Senator from Missouri, 1861, and Confederate 
States Senator from Missouri, 1863-1865. Educa- 
tion: private and grammar schools, Hamilton, 
Canada; Notre Dame University, Indiana. Became 
a Catholic, 1867; married Agnes M. Harris. Vice- 
president, Western Exchange Bank; practising law- 
yer, resident in Kansas City, Missouri. Member of 
the National Geographical Society. 

ARTICLE: Test Oath, Missoubi. 

Johnston, Hon. Frank, lawyer, b. at Raymond, 
Mississippi, 31 December, 1843, son of Amos Randall 
Johnston and Harriet Newell Battle. Education: 
Mississippi College, Clinton, Mississippi; Western 
Military Institute, Nashville, Tennessee. Fought 
throughout the Civil War successively as sergeant in 

First Tennessee and lieutenant in First Mississippi 
Light Artillery, being wounded at the Battle of Big 
Black, but continuing with the Confederate army 
after recovery, 1861-1865; practising lawyer 1866— 
; married Fannie Zerger, daughter of Judge 
William Zerger of Mississippi, 1866; became a 
Catholic 1879; attorney general of Mississippi 1893— 
1895; first assistant attorney-general of Mississippi 
1912- ; resident at Jackson. As Heutenant of 
Artillery received eight honorable mentions for 
conspicuous bravery in the official reports of his 
officers; delegate from Mississippi, Democratic 
National Conventions, Baltimore, 1872, and St. 
Louis, 1876; active in the political conflict in Missis- 
sippi, 1875, between J. Z. George and the Reconstruc- 
tion Governor, Adelbert Ames, suggesting the Peace 
Conference which put an end to the difficulty; chair- 
man of the Democratic State Executive Committee 
in Greenback campaign, 1881; delegate from Missis- 
sippi to the Supreme Council of the Catholic Knights 
of America, New York, 1884; general council, Catholic 
Knights of America, 1886; advocated successfully the 
calhng of a Mississippi Constitutional Convention to 
pass on the suffrage question, 1889 ; strenuously opposed 
for six years the Mississippi State Prison system of 
convict leasing, which was finally abolished in 1890; 
largely instrumental in bringing about the abolition 
of the County convict lease system after a fight of 
over twenty years, 1908; special judge of the Mis- 
sissippi Supreme Court in a number of important 
cases; counsel in various famous cases in favor of his 
clients by the Mississippi Supreme and Federal 
Courts, the Circuit Court of Appeals of New Orleans, 
and the United States Supreme Court. Member of 
the Mississippi Historical Society. Author of "My 
Road to the 'True Church" (Catholic Truth Society, 
Brooklyn); collaborator in "PubUcations of the 
Mississippi Historical Society". 
ARTICLE: Mississippi. 

Jones, Reverend Arthur Edward, s.j., ll.d., 
r.R.c.s., b. at BrockviUe, Ontario, Canada, 17 
November, 1838, son of Henry Jones, member of the 
Canadian Parliament, and Lucy Catherine Mac- 
doueU, granddaughter of WilHam McClennan's hero 
"Spanish John". Education: district school, Brock- 
viUe; St. Mary's College, Montreal; Jesuit scholasti- 
cates, Amiens and Vab, France, Boston, Massachu- 
setts, Fordham, New York, and Woodstock, Mary- 
land. Entered the Society of Jesus 1857; teacher of 
Latin, St. Mary's CoUege, Montreal, 1861-1862; 
professor of belles lettres, rhetoric, and geometry, St. 
John's College, Fordham, New York; ordained 1873; 
professor of beUes lettres, St. Francis Xavier's 
CoUege, New York, 1874-1875; stationed at Sault- 
au-R6coUet, P. Q., Canada, giving at the same 
time missions in New Brunswick, 1875-1876; professor 
of Enghsh Uterature and geometry, St. Mary's 
College, Montreal, 1876-1881; occupied in parish and 
mission work, Guelph, Ontario, 1881-1882; assistant 
at the Gesil (1882-1900) and archivist of St. Mary's 
CoUege (1882- ), Montreal; socius to the superior 
of the Jesuit Canadian Mission 1889-1891; director 
(and founder) of the Sailors' Club, Montreal, 1892- 
1896; editor of the "Canadian Messenger of the 
Sacred Heart" and director of the Apostleship of 
Prayer, Montreal, 1895-1899; president and director 
of studies, Loyola CoUege, Montreal, 1901-1904. 
Identified the sites of St. Ignace II, scene of martyr- 
dom of Fathers Br^beuf and Lallemant, and various 
other Huron villages, 1902; assisted Dr. Reuben G. 
Thwaite in his "Jesuit Relations and Allied Docu- 
ments"; won Grand Prize for St. Mary's College 
Historical and Archaeological Exhibit, and gold 
medal for himself as archivist, Louisiana Purchase 
Exposition, St. Louis, 1904; founded Stanislaus Club 
for boys, Montreal; invented College Fire Escape; 










invented Perpetual Calendar of Movable Feasts, 
requiring no calculation; lectured on Huron Topog- 
raphy before International Congress of Americanists, 
Quebec, 1906; architect of various Jesuit colleges; 
laid out grounds of Woodstoclc College, Woodstock, 
Maryland, and of certain other Jesuit institutions. 
Corresponding member of: Minnesota Historical 
Society; Chicago Historical Society; Ontario Histori- 
cal Society; hon. member of: Missouri Historical 
Society; Wisconsin Historical Society; member of 
International Congress of Americanists. Author of: 
"Biens des J&uites en Canada", pamphlet (1888); 
"Sketch of Louis Andrd, S.J." (1889)- "Answer to a 
Communication in the Montreal 'Star' and the 
'Gazette' (Montreal), and 'Toronto Mail' Campaign 
against Jesuit Estates Bill", pamphlet (1889); "A 
Jesuit Father on the Act", pamphlet (1889); "Site 
of the Mascoutin Village" (1907); "Sendak6 l^henor 
Old Huronia" (1909-1911); translated "Aulneau 
Collection of Letters", leading to discovery of ruins 
of Fort St. Charles, Minnesota (1893); discovered 
and edited, with biographical notes, manuscript of 
Laure, "Relation of the Saguenay Mission" (1893); 
contributor to: "Ontario Archaeological Reports"; 
"Recherohes Historiques". 

ARTICLES: Hukon Indians; Lagren^, Pierre; La 
RiCHARDIB, Armand de; Lauzon, Pierre de; Le Mercier, 
FRANgois; Levadoux, Michael; Marchand, Jean Baptiste; 
Mahtin, Fells; Millet, Pierre; Petun Nation. 

Jones, Right Reverend William Ambrose, 
O.S.A., D.D., Bishop of Porto Rico, b. at Cambridge, 
New York, 21 July, 1865. Education: public school, 
Cambridge; St. Thomas College, ViUanova, Pennsyl- 
vania. Entered the Augustinian Order 1896; ordained 
1890; has held the posts of assistant at St. Augustine's 
Church, Philadelphia, and master of novices, Augustin- 
ian scholasticate, Villanova, Pennsylvania; rector of 
first English-speaking Catholic Church (1899-1903) 
and rector, St. Augustine's College and Christ Church 
(1903-1907), Havana, Cuba; Bishop of Porto Rico 
1907- . Author of various translations from the 
Spanish; contributor to current reviews. 
ABTICLES: Porto Eico; Santo Domingo, Archdiocese of. 

Josephine of the Sacred Heart, Reverend 
Mother (Frances O'Connor), b. at Christohurch, 
Hampshire, England, 1858, daughter of Peter 
O'Connor, of Tipperary, Ireland, and Emma 
Pritchard. Education: private; School of Sisters of 
St. Joseph, Randers, Denmark; Notre Dame 
Academy, Plymouth, England; Convent of the 
Sisters of St. Joseph, Chamb6ry, France. Passed 
her childhood in Jutland, Denmark; entered the 
order of Sisters of St. Joseph of Chamb6ry 1877; for 
a time teacher at convent of her order, Chamb^ry; 
sent to the United States with four other sisters to 
found convent at Lee, Massachusetts, 1885; teacher 
(1886-1890) and superior (1890-1896), Convent of 
the Sisters of St. Joseph, Lee; provincial of her order 
in the United States 1896- ; resident at Hartford, 
Connecticut. During her administration, founded 
ten houses of her order in the United States. 

ARTICLE: Joseph, Sisters of Saint (CHAMsiRT). 

Jostes, Franz, ph.D., professor of German 
philology, Royal University, Miinster. 

ARTICLE: Hulshoff (Droste-Hulshoff) , Annette 
Elisabeth, Baroness von. 

Jouve, Reverend Odoric Marie, o.p.m., writer, 
b. in France, 1875. Education: Franciscan College, 
Bordeaux, France. Entered the Franciscan Order 

1884; came to Canada 1895; ordained 1901; has 
passed most of his time in research work connected 
with the history of Franciscan missions in North 
America; at present stationed at the Franciscan 
Monastery, Quebec, Canada. Author of: "Les 
Frferes Mineurs i Quebec"; "Le Frfire Didace 
Pelletier"; contributor of articles on Franciscan 
missions to various reviews. 

ARTICLES: Denis, Joseph; Dolbeau, Jean; Jamay, Denis; 
La Roche Daillon, Joseph de: Le Caron, Joseph; Leclercq, 
Chrestibn; Third Order of St. Francis, in Canada. 

Joyce, Reverend George Hayward, s.j., m.a., 
b. at Harrow-on-the-hill, Middlesex, England, 1864. 
Education: Charterhouse, Godalming, England; Oriel 
College, Oxford; further studies in Germany. 
Anghcan curate. Holy Trinity Church, Shrewsbury, 
England, 1889-1892; became a Cathohc 1893; 
entered the Society of Jesus 1894; ordained 1903; 
professor of philosophy, St. Mary's Hall, Stonyhurst 
College, Blackburn, England, 1904-1908; professor of 
theology, St. Bueno's College, St. Asaph, Wales, 
1909- . Author of: "Principles of Logic"; "The 
Question of Miracles". 

. ARTICLES: Church, The; Fundamental Articles; Keys,, 
Power of the; Lister, Thomas; Morality; Mystical Body 
OF Christ; Papacy; Pope; Revelation; Sanctity, Mark of 
the Church; Trinity, The Blessed. 

Jungnitz, Reverend Josbp, s.t.d., b. at Nieder- 
Mois, Silesia, Germany, 17 May, 1844. Education: 
grammar school Nieder-Mois; St. Mathias College, 
Breslau; Breslau University. Ordained 1867; former- 
ly assistant pastor, Guhrau, Germany; former 
director of Orphan Asylums and assistant director of 
the Seminary, and, at present, director of the Museum, 
Archives, and Library of the Cathedral Chapter, 
diocese of Breslau; hon. professor of the history of 
the diocese of Breslau, Breslau University; ecclesiasti- 
cal counsellor. Member of the Silesian Society for 
National Culture, and the Silesian Historical Associa- 
tion. Author of: " Wallf ahrtsbiichlein fiir Verehrer 
der hi. Hedwig" (1874; 3rd ed. 1903); "Kleine 
Kirchengeschichte" (1880; 9th ed. 1910); "Legende 
der Heiligen" (1881; 11th ed. 1910); "Geschichte der 
Dorfer Ober- und Nieder-Mois" (1885); "Die hi. 
Hedwig" (1885); "Johann Heyne" (1890); "Sebas- 
tian von Rostock" (1891); "Archidiakonus Petrus 
Gebauer" (1892); "Die Breslauer Ritualien" (1892); 
"Die Kongregation der Grauen Sch western" (l892); 
"Das Breslauer Brevier und Proprium" (1893); "Die 
Grabstfitten der Breslauer Bischofe" (1895); 
"Charakterbilder aus dem Klerus Schlesiens" (1898); 
"Martin von Gerstmann" (1898); "August Meer" 
(1898); "Die Sanctio Pragmatica des Bischofs Franz 
Ludwig" (1900); " Die Visitationsberichte der Diozese 
Breslau", 4 vols. (1902-1908); "Karl Otto" (1904); 
"Die Breslauer Germaniker" (1906); "Das St. 
.Tosephstift zu Breslau" (1907); "Pralat Ferdinand 
Speil" (1907); "A. L. Graf von Hatzfeld-Gleichen" 
(1908); "Die Breslauer Domkirche" (1908). 

ARTICLES: Breslau, The Prince-Bishopric of; Breslau, 
University of. 

Junguito, Right Reverend Francisco Xavibr, 
S.J., D.D., b. at.Bogotd, Colombia, 3 December, 1841, 
d. at Panama City, Panama, 25 October, 1911. 
Education: Colombia; Guatemala. Entered the 
Society of Jesus; former director of the League of the 
Sacred Heart and editor of the "Mensajero", Nicara- 
gua; former superior of the Jesuit College, Cartagena, 
Colombia; Bishop of Panama 1901-1911. Author of 

ARTICLE: Panama, Republic and Diocese of. 


Hampers, Feanz, ph.D., b. at Oesede, Hanover, 
Germany, 16 October, 1868. Education: Gymnasia 
at Meppen and Essen-an-der-Ruhr, Germany; 
Universities of Munster and Munich. Academic 
assistant, Royal Public Library, Munich, 1894-1902; 
special professor (1902-1903) and professor of 
medieval and modern history (1903- ), University 
of Breslau. Author of: "Die tiburtinische Sibylle 
des Mittelalters" (1894); "Kaiserprophetien und 
Kaisersagen im Mittelalter" (1895; 2nd ed.: "Die 
deutsche Kaiseridee in Prophetie und Sage", 1896); 
" MittelalterUche Sagen vom Paradiese imd vom 
Holze des Kreuzes Christi" (1897); "Die lehninsche 
Weissagung iiber das Haus Hohenzollern" (1897); 
"Alexander der Grosse und die Idee des Weltim- 
periums in Prophetie und Sage" (1901, 2nd ed. 1912) ; 
"Dantes Kaisertraum" (1908); "Karl der Grosse" 
(1910); one of the editors of and collaborator in 
"Historisches Jahrbuch der Gorresgesellschaf t " ; 
contributor to "Kolnische Volkszeitung " . 

ARTICLES: Fbederick I; Frederick II; Germany (From 
Beginning to Charles V); Godfrey of Vitehbo; Henry II, 
Saint; III; IV; V; VI (of Germany); Notker (i), Monks of 
St. Gall; Otto I, the Great; II; III; IV; Pepin the Short; 
Peter de Vinea; Rainald of Dassel; Richer, Chronicler; 
Rudolf of Habsburg; Sigismund, Emperor; Theodoric the 
Great; Widukind, Saxon Leader. 

Kane, Reverend William Terence, s.j., b. at 
Chicago, lUinois, 20 October, 1880. Education: St. 
Ignatius College, Chicago; St. Louis University, St. 
Louis, Missouri; College of Ona, Burgos, Spain. 
Entered the Society of Jesus 1898; has held the post 
of professor at Detroit College, Detroit, Michigan, 
and St. John's College, Behze, British Honduras; 
former lecturer in psychology, St. Xavier's College, 
Cincinnati, Ohio; ordained 1913;- stationed at College 
of Ona, Burgos, Spain, 1913-1914; at St. Louis 
University, St. Louis, Mo., 1915; at St. Stanislaus' 
House of Retreats, Cleveland, Ohio 1916- 
ABTICLE: Honduras, British, Vicariate Apostolic of. 

Kaufmann, Right Reverend Monsignor Carl 
Maria, s.t.d., archaeologist, b. at Frankfort-on-the- 
Main, Germany, 2 March, 1872. Education: Univer- 
sities of Berlin and Fribourg, Switzerland; studied 
practical archaiology in Rome. Ordaiaed 1899; 
engaged in archaeological research in the Libyan 
Desert as member (and organizer) of the Frankfort 
Expedition 1905-1908; papal, chamberlain; resident 
at Frankfort-on-the-Main. Discoverer with his 
cousin, Mr. Ewald Falls, of the ancient Christian city 
of Menas, the Egyptian Lourdes. Member of the 
Academy of Christian Archaeology (Rome). Author 
of: "Die Jenseitshoffnungen der Griechen und 
Romer nach den Sepulkrahnschriften" (1897); "Die 
Legende der Aberkiosstele im Lichte urohristUcher 
Eschatologie" (1897); "Der Letzte Flavier", novel 
(1897; 2nd ed. 1898); "Das Dokument der Lady", 
novel (1899; 2nd ed. 1909) ; "Die sepulkralen Jenseits- 
denkmaler der Antike und des Urchristentums", Vol. 
I of "Forsohungen zur monumentalen Theologie und 
vergleichenden Religionswissenschaft" (1900); "Die 
Wunder der Kirche der Katakomben und Martyrer", 
novel (1st and 2nd eds. 1900); "Sant Elia, Erin- 
nenmgen an eine archaeologisohe Streife in Etrurien" 
(1901); "Das Kaisergrab in den Vatikanischen Grot- 
ten" (1901); "Die Grotten des Vatikan" (1902); 

"Ein altchristliches Pompeji in der Libyschen Wuste" 
(1902); "Handbuch der christUchen Archaeologie" 
(1905); "Die Ausgrabung der Menasheihgtumer in 
der Mareotiswtiste", 3 parts (1906-1908); "Manuale 
di aroheologia cristiana (1908); "La D^oouverte des 
Sanctuaires de M6nas dans le D&ert de Mar^otis" 
(1908); "Der Menastempel und die Heiligtumer von 
Karm Abu Mina in der agyptischen MariHtwilste" 
(1909); "Zur Ikonographie der MenasampuUen" 
(1910); "Die Menasstadt und das NationaUieihgtum 
der altchristhchen Aegypter", Vol. I (1910) ; contribu- 
tor to numerous periodicals; pen name (for novels): 
Marchese di San Callisto. 

ARTICLES; Inscriptions, Early Christian; Ostraka, 
Christian; Overbeck, Friedeich. 

Kaupas, A. B., Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania. 
ARTICLES: Lithuanians in the United States. 

Kavanagh, Reverend Dennis J., s.j., b. at San 
Francisco, 1877. Education: St. Louis University, 
St. Louis, Missouri; Gregorian University, Rome; 
Woodstock College, Maryland. Entered the Society 
of Jesus 1892; professor of English, history and the 
Classics (Sophomore Class), Santa Clara College, 
Santa Clara, California, 1901-1905; former assistant, 
Church of Our Lady of Sorrows, Santa Barbara, 
California; professor of economics, Santa Clara 
College, Santa Clara, California, 1910-1911; at St. 
Andrew-on-Hudson, Poughkeepsie, New York, 1911- 
1912; professor of the history of philosophy and 
political economy, 1912-1915; professor of logic, 
ontology and cosmology, special lecturer on philoso- 
phy in the college of law, St. Ignatius University, 
San Francisco, 1916. 
ARTICLES: Bengy, Anatole de; Catrou, FBANgois. 

Keams, William Joseph, ll.b., lawyer, b. at 
Newark, New Jersey, 12 August, 1864. Education: 
St. Benedict's College, Newark ; New York University. 
Admitted to the Bar 1887 ; practising lawyer, Newark, 
New Jersey, 1887- ; former member of the New 
Jersey legislature; at present, counsel to the bishop 
and statutory attorney, diocese of Newark; New 
Jersey Supreme Court commissioner and master in 
chancery. Past Grand Knight, Newark Council, 
and past district deputy, Knights of Columbus; 
counsel to the Ruthenian Greek Catholic Diocese in 
the United States. 

ARTICLE: New Jersey. 

Keating, Reverend Joseph Ignatius Patrick, 
S.J., B.A., b. at Dundee, Scotland, 6 March, 1865. 
Education: private schools, Scotland and Ireland; 
Stonyhurst College, Blackburn, England. Entered 
the Society of Jesus 1883; professor of Classics, 
Beaumont College, Old Windsor, England, 1891- 
1896; ordained 1899; prefect of studies,. Stamford Hill 
College, London, 1901-1904; master of rhetoric (VI 
Form), Stonyhurst College, Blackburn, England, 
1904-1907; assistant editor (1907-1912) and editor 
(1912- ) of "The Month", London. Member of 
the Executive Committee, Cathohc Truth Society; 
member of the Executive Committee and acting 
Literary Editor, Catholic Social Guild. Author of 
pamphlets for Catholic Truth Society; joint author 
of "Stonyhurst College, Its Foundation and History"; 
contributor to "The Month" and other periodicals. 




ASTICLES: Cajbtan, Saint; Christianity; Honobius, 
Saint; Temperance Movements (Gbeat Britain and Ire- 
land); Waterton, Charles. 

Keegan, Peter Chables, a.b., lawyer, b. at Van 
Buren, Maine, 13 May, 1850, son of James Keegan, 
of Slane, Co. Meath, Ireland, and Lucy Parent, of 
St. Mary, County of Beauce, P. Q., Canada. Educa- 
tion: University of New Brunswick. Member of the 
Maine Legislature for nine terms; one of the two 
United States Commissioners serving on the Joint 
International Commission between the United States 
and Great Britain, representing Canada, to investigate 
and report upon the conditions and uses of the St. 
John River, 1909- ; practising lawyer; president, 
Van Buren Trust Company, Van Buren, Maine. 
Delegate to the Democratic National Convention, 
1900; served as Catholic member on commission 
authorized by the Maine Legislature to inquire into 
the advisabihty of establishing a State Board of 
Charities and Corrections, 1907-1908. President of 
the Bar of Aroostook County, Maine. 

ARTICLE: Maine. 

Keiley, Jabvis, a.m., b. in New York, 1876. 
Education: private schools. New York; Harvard 
University; Columbia University. Formerly con- 
nected with the New York Commercial Advertiser; 
at present, instructor in English, College of the City 
of New York, and professor of history. College of Mt. 
St. Vincent, Yonkers, New York; Councilman, 
Borough of Chffside Park, New Jersey, 1908-1911. 
Former editor (and proprietor) "Pahsade Post" 
(Grantwood, New Jersey). 

ARTICLES: Georgia; Joliet, Louis; Keon, Miles Gerald; 
La Salle, Ren^-Robert-Cavelier, Siettr de; Malort, Sib 
Thomas; Miles, George Henry; Moylan, Stephen; Penal 
Laws in the English Colonies in America; RocHAMBEAtr, 
Jean-Baptiste-Donatien de Vimeur, Count de; Savannah, 
Diocese of; Shields, James; South Carolina. 

Kelleher, Reverend John C, b.a., s.t.l., b.c.l., 
professor at St. John's College, Waterford, Ireland, 
b. at Lismore, Ireland, 21 December, 1877. Educa- 
tion: Mt. Melleray Seminary, Cappoquin; St. John's 
College, Waterford; Maynooth College (Dunboyne 
Student), Dublin, Ireland. Ordained 1902; profes- 
sor at St. John's College, Waterford, 1904r-1910; 
chaplain, St. Damian's, Donnybrook, 1910-1911; 
curate at Glendalough, 1912; curate at Ennis- 
kerry, Co. Wicklow, Ireland, 1913- . Author of 
"Private Ownership" (1911); contributor to: "Irish 
Theological Quarterly"; "Irish Ecclesiastical 
Record"; "Irish Educational Review". 

ARTICLE: Boycotting. 

Kelley, Vert Reverend Francis Clement, d.d., 
LL.D., b. at Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, 23 
October, 1870, son of John and Mary Kelley. 
Education: St. Dunstan's College, Charlottetown, 
Seminary, Nicolet, P. Q., Canada. Ordained 1893; 
pastor at Lapeer, Michigan, 1893-1905; captain and 
chaplain, 32nd Michigan Volunteer Infantry, Spanish 
War, 1898; former captain and chaplain, Michigan 
National Guards (six years); former colonel and 
aide-de-camp of Staff of Commander-in-Chief, 
Spanish American War Veterans (one year) ; president 
(and founder with Archbishop Quigley of Chicago), 
CathoUc Church Extension Society, resident at 
Chicago, 1905- . At the expiration of his first 
term as president of Catholic Church Extension 
Society, reappointed officially by Pius X for five 
years more; former vice-commander, General Mihtary 
Order of Foreign Wars of the United States (five 
years). Member of the University Club (Chicago). 
Author of: "Last Battle of the Gods" (1907); "The 
Flam i ng Cross" (1911); pamphlets; short stories; 
edited "First American Catholic Missionary Congress 
Report"; editor (and fotmder), "Extension". 
i^TICLE: Society, Catholic Church Extension. 

Kelly, Blanche Mart, b. at Troy, New York, 
6 May, 1881. Education: Convent of the Sacred 
Heart, Albany, New York. Member of the Staff 
(1907- ) and in charge of the compilation of the 
Index Volume (1909-1914) "The Catholic Encyclo- 
pedia", New York. Author of "The Valley of 
Vision", verses (1916); contributor to: "The Messen- 
ger"; "McClure's Magazine"; "The Eye-Witness" 
(London); "Studies" (DubMn); "America"; "Catho- 
lic World*'. 

ARTICLES: Ferrer, Raeael; Gerona, Diocese or 
Granada, University of; Gbassel, Lobenz; Hopkins, 
Gerabd Manley; Ippolito Galantini, Blessed; Lesueub, 
Jean- Francois; Macarius Magnes; Maffei, Marchesb 
Francesco; Majorca and Iviza, Diocese of; Malaga, 
Diocese of; Malhebbe, Fbancois; Mangan, James Clarence; 
Mantegna, Andrea; Margaret Pole, Blessed; Mercy. 
Brothers of Our Lady of; Norton, Christopher; Notbe 
Dame de Sion, Congregation of; Novatus, Saint; Poor, 
Little Sisters of the; Poob Sebvants of the Mother of 
God; Port Louis, Diocese of; Port Victoria, Diocese of; 
Providence, Sistebs of, of St. Anne; Queen's Daughtees; 
Sacristan: Altar Societies; Sale, Diocese of; Schools, 
Clerks Regular of the Pious; Senegambia and Senegal; 
Simon of Cascia, Blessed; Tabernacle Societies; Teqak- 
witha, Cathebine; William of Paris, Saint. 

Kelly, Reverend Edward, b. at Toronto, Ontario, 
31 May, 1876. Education: separate schools, De La 
SaUe Institute and St. Michael's College, Toronto; 
Grand Seminary, Montreal, Canada. Ordained 1905; 
assistant successively at Dixie and Barrie, Ontario, 
1905-1909; rector, St. Joseph's Church, Grimsby, 
Ontario, 1909-1913; rector, St. Luke's Church, 
Thomhill, Ontario, 1913- . Former assistant 
editor, "Irish Canadian". Contributor to "Catholic 
Register" (Toronto). 
ARTICLE: Toronto, Abchdiocese of. 

Kelly, Reverend George Edward, s.j. Educa- 
tion: Loyola College, Baltimore, Maryland; Jesuit 
scholasticates, Frederick and Woodstock, Maryland, 
and St. Andrew-on-Hudson, Poughkeepsie, New 
York. Entered the Society of Jesus; has held the 
posts of high school professor, St. John's College, 
Fordham, New York (three years), director of 
Junior Hall, Fordham University, New York (two 
years) and professor of history, Loyola College, 
Baltimore, Maryland (one year); ordained 1909; at 
Loyola College, Baltimore, Maryland, 1910-1911; 
at St. Andrew-on-Hudson, Poughkeepsie, New York, 
1911-1912; prefect of discipline, Fordham University, 
New York, 1912-1914; professor of German, Loyola 
College, Baltimore, Maryland, 1915; secretary, 
Gonzaga College, Washington, D. C, 1916- 
ARTICLES : Bagot, Jean; Coster, Francis; Coton, Fierbe. 

Kelly, Hugh, m.a., ll.d., merchant, b. in Chicago, 
Illinois, 24 September, 1858; d. in New York, 30 
October, 1908, son of James and Sarah Belle 
(O'Brien) Kelly, of Sligo County, Ireland. Educa- 
tion: public schools and College of the City of New 
York. Began his business career, 1871; successively 
in the employ of Gomez and Monjo; Gomez, Rionda 
and Co.; Rionda, Benjamin and Co., commission 
merchants; formed a partnership with Manuel 
Rionda, engaging in the West Indian trade, 1883; 
married, Mary E., daughter of Thomas McCabe, 
1883; associated with Franklin Farrel, establishing 
the house of Hugh Kelly, sugar merchants of New 
York and Havana, Cuba, 1884; school commissioner 
and trustee of city and normal colleges, New York, 
1895-1898; president, Maritime Exchange, 1896- 
1898; state commerce commissioner, 1898-1900; 
member of the board of managers, Central IsUp State 
Hospital, 1905-1908. Devoted much of his time to 
the study and research of sugar-cane culture and 
modern sugar house engineering and was considered 
one of the foremost scientific engineers in that 
industry. Member of the board of directors of: The 
Catholic Encyclopedia; the United Fruit Co.; the 
Seventh National Bank; the Third National Bank; 




the North American Trust Co.; the City Trust Co.; 
the Oriental Bank; trustee of: the Emigrants' Indus- 
trial Savings Bank; St. Patrick's Cathedral; the New 
York Catholic Protectory; the Roman Catholic 
Orphan Asylum; president of the Parvenir, Central 
Teresa and Central Ansonia sugar companies, West 
Indies; member of : Xavier Alumni Society (president, 
two years); Catholic Club, New York; Society of the 
Friendly Sons of St. Patrick; CathoUc Historical 
Society; Catholic Benevolent Legion; the Educational 
AUiance; Lebanon Hospital Association; United 
Trust Co., Boston; honorary member. Marine 
Society of New York; life member of the Catholic 
Summer School. 

Kelly, Right Reveeend Monsignor James 
Joseph, d.d., m.b.i.a., b. at Roscommon, Ireland, 
November, 1840. Education: Goldsmith's School, 
Elphin; Immaculate Conception College, SummerhiU; 
and Maynooth (Dunbojme student), Dublin, Ireland. 
Ordained 1866; has held the posts of master at 
Immaculate Conception College, SummerhiU (11 
years), curate at Strokestown and Boyle, pastor at 
Tulsk (8 years), and examiner in Classics under 
Intermeidiate Education Board, Ireland; at present, 
pastor, St. Peter's Church, Athlone, and vicar-general 
and dean, diocese of Elphin, Ireland ; Domestic Prelate 
1901 . Secretary to the IIP Deputatio, National Synod 
of Maynooth, 1890; proposed first resolution, General 
Convention of United Irish League, Dubhn, 1910. 
President of the Father Mathew Union of Irish Priests; 
member of the Executive Board, Irish National Tem- 
perance Society, and the Royal Society of Antiquaries 
of Ireland. Author of: "Youthful Verses"; "Early 
Haunts of Ohver Goldsmith"; contributor to: "Irish 
Monthly'"; "Irish Ecclesiastical Record". 

ARTICL£: Elpsin, Diocese of. 

Kelly, Reverend Joseph, b. at Macclesfield, 
Cheshire, England. Education: Douai College, Wool- 
hampton, and St. Cuthbert's College, Ushaw, 
England; London University. Teacher of Mathe- 
matics, St. Cuthbert's College, Ushaw, 1897-1900; 
ordained 1902; assistant pastor at Shrewsbury, 1902- 
1908, and at Seacombe, 1908-1909, England; secre- 
tary to the Bishop of Shrewsbury 1902- ; rector. 
Holy Name Church, Oxton, Birkenhead, England, 

ARTICLE: SHBBWSBtntT, Diocese of. 

Kelly, Reverend Patrick Henry, s.j., b. in New 
York, 3 May, 1852. Education: St. Francis Xavier's 
College, New York; St. Laurent College, St. Laurent, 
P. Q., Canada; Woodstock College, Woodstock, 
Maryland. Entered the Society of Jesus 1876; 
teacher in various Jesuit colleges 1882-1886; ordained 
1889; associated editor, "Messenger of the Sacred 
Heart", New York, 1889-1893; missionary in 
Jamaica 1894-1897; engaged in parish work in various 
Jesuit churches 1897-1906; associate editor, "The 
Messenger", New York, 1906-1907; assistant, St. 
Peter's Church, Jersey City, New Jersey, 1907-1908; 
assistant, St. Joseph's Church, Philadelphia, 1908- 
1915; assistant, St. Peter's Church, Jersey City, New 
Jersey, 1916- . Contributor to: "The Messen- 
ger"; "Pilgrim of Our Lady of Martyrs". 

ARTICLES: Anderledt, Anthony Maria; Antonio Maria 
Zaccaria, Saint; Arnoudt, Peter Joseph; Beckx, Pierre- 
Jean; BiNET, Etienne; Bouix, Marcel. 

Kempeneer, Vert Reverend Canon Albert 
Michel Jean Edohard, Ph.D., litt.D., b. at MechUn, 
31 July, 1870. Education: St. Rombaut's College 
and the Seminary, Mechlin; College of the Holy 
Ghost, Louvain University. Ordained 1892; former 
professor, Berchmans College, Antwerp, Belgium; 
professor (at present, of Church history) and librarian. 
Seminary, Mechlin, 1903- ; inspector of Episcopal 

Colleges and canon of the cathedral, diocese of 
Mechlin. Member of the Historical and Archaeologi- 
cal Club of Mechlin. Contributor to: "Revue 
d'histoire ecol6siastique" (Louvain); "Analectes pour 
servir ll I'histoire eocl6siastique"; "Vie dioc&ame" 
(MechUn); "Bulletin du cercle arch^ologique de 
MaUnes"; "Bijdragen tot opheldering der ge- 
schiedenis van het aloude hertogdom Brabant". 
ARTICLE: Mechlin, Archdiocese of. 

Kempf, Reverend Constantine, s.j., b. at 
Bembach, Germany, 23 January, 1873. Education: 
Gymnasium, Fulda, Germany; Jesuit scholasticates, 
Valkenburg and Exaten, Holland. Entered the 
Society of Jesus 16 April, 1893; former professor at 
Canisius College, Buffalo, New York, and Sacred 
Heart College, Prairie-du-Chien, Wisconsin; professor 
of philosophy and pedagogy, St. Ignatius CoUege, 
VaUienburg, 1906- . Author of "Die HeiUgkeit 
der Kirche im 19. Jahrhundert" (Einsiedeln, 1913); 
contributor to "Stimmen aus Maria-Laach". 

ARTICLE: Theodiot. 

Kendal, Reverend Jambs Joseph, s.j., b.a., b. at 
Trots-hiU, Worcester, England, 24 July, 1865. 
Education: Mt. St. Mary's CoUege, Chesterfield, and 
Stonyhurst College, Blackburn, England; St. Bueno's 
College, St. Asaph, Wales; classical honors, London 
University. Entered the Society of Jesus 1883; 
ordained 1899; teacher, St. Ignatius College, Malta, 
1901-1907; teacher, St. George's PubUo School, 
Bulawayo, Rhodesia, 1908- . Member of the 
South African Classical Association, and the Rhodesia 
Scientific Association. Contributor to: "American 
Catholic Quarterly Review"; "Messenger"; 

ARTICLES: Fate; Malta; Monomotapa; Rhodesia; 


Kenedy, Arthur, b. in New York, 30 AprU, 
1878, son of P. J. Kenedy and grandson of John 
Kenedy, both CathoUc book publishers. Education: 
De La Salle Institute, Fordham University, New 
York; Georgetown University, Washington, D. C. 
President of the firm of P. J. Kenedy & Sons; 
treasurer. The Encyclopedia Press, Inc., resident in 
New York. Member of: the United States CathoUc 
Historical Society; American Irish Historical Society; 
International CathoUc Truth Society; Cathedral 
Library Association; Laymen's League for Social 
Studies; Georgetown Alumni; Xavier Alumni So- 
daUty; Ozanam Association; Marquette League; 
Knights of Columbus; CathoUc Club; American Red 
Cross Society; Navy League of the United States; 
trustee, Seton Hospital. 

Kennedy, Vert Reverend Daniel Joseph, o.p., 
S.T.D., b. near KnoxviUe, Tennessee, 12 January, 1862. 
Education: CathoUc schools, KnoxviUe; St. Joseph's 
Convent, Somerset, Ohio; Dominican College, Lou- 
vain University. Entered the Dominican Order 
1876; ordained 1884; at various times engaged in 
parish work, diocese of Columbus, Ohio; professor of 
philosophy and theology and master of novices, St. 
Joseph's Convent, Somerset, Ohio, 1886-1890; 
professor of philosophy, University of Fribourg, 
Switzerland, 1890-1891; professor of theology and 
master of novices (1892-1894), prior (1894^1905) and 
regent of studies (1896-1905), St. Joseph's Convent, 
Somerset; prior (1905-1908) and regent of studies 
(1905- ), Immaculate Conception College, Wash- 
ington, D. C; lecturer (1906-1909) and professor 
(1909- ) of sacred theology, CathoUc University, 
Washington ; preacher. Definitor, Dominican General 
Chapter, Ghent, Belgium, 1901; member of the 
Commission of three appointed by the Governor of 
Ohio to arrange for the erection of a statue of General 
Sheridan at Somerset, Ohio. Member of the Inter- 



















national Commission for the Revision of Studies in 
the Dominican Order. Collaborator in "Cyclopedia 
of Education" (by Father Kennedy: "Dominicans 
and Education") (New York); contributor to: 
"Rosary"; "Catholic University Bulletin"; "Ameri- 
can Ecclesiastical Review". 

ARTICLES: Albertus Magnus, Blessed; Deza, Diego; 
Massouli^, Antoine; Mazzolini, Sylvester; Medina, 
Bartholomew; Ory, Matthieu; Paludantjs, Peter; Pelargus, 
Ambrose; Peter of Bergamo; Politi, Lancelot; Pohrecta, 
Serafino; Sacraments; Thomas Aquinas, Saint; Thomism. 

Kennedy, John William, b. at Limerick, Ireland. 
Went to New Zealand at an early age; journalist 
1889- ; has been sub-editor of "New Zealand 
Times" and "New Zealand Mail"; former editor 
"Catholic Times", Welhngton, New Zealand; former 
Australian correspondent of International Catholic 
Truth Society of America; sub-editor, "New Zealand 
Tablet", Dunedin, 1899- . Member of the New 
Zealand Institute of Journalists. 

ARTICLE: Jennings, Sir Patrick Alfred. 

Kennedy, Thomas, b.a., b.u.i. 

ARTICLES: Epact; Hugh the Great, Saint; Indo-China; 
John Colombini, Blessed; John of Fecamp; Lebwin, Saint; 
Letourneux, Nicolas; Lockhart, William; McCarthy, 
Denis Florence; Majunke, Paul; Mariana Islands; Mat- 
thew OF Cracow; Mayhbw, Edward; Milner, Ralph, 
Venerable; Missions, Catholic; Mozambique; Nagasaki, 
Diocese of; New Caledonia, Vicariate Apostolic of; New 
Guinea; New Pomerania, Vicariate Apostolic of; Osaka, 
Diocese of; Pinz6n, MartIn Alonso; Proschko, Franz 


Kenny, Reverenb Michael, s.j., b. at Glankeen, 
Co. Tipperary, Ireland, 28 June, 1863. Education: 
Mungret College, Limerick; Royal University of 
Ireland; further studies in DubUn and on the Conti- 
nent. Entered the Society of Jesus 1886; ordained 
1897; former professor of philosophy and literature in 
various Jesuit colleges; formerly engaged in mission- 
ary work among the negroes; associate editor of 
"America", New York, 1909-1914; professor of 
philosophy and jurisprudence, law school, Loyola 
University, New Orleans, La., 1915- . Member 
of the Literary Bureau, Catholic Press Association. 
Has contributed to "The Messenger" and other 

ARTICLES: Harris, Joel Chandler; Kussell, Charles, 
Baron Russell of Killowen. 

Kent, Rbvbeend William Henbt, o.s.c, writer, 
b. in London, 9 December, 1857, son of Charles Kent 
and Ann, daughter of Murdo Young of Rossshire, 
Scotland, authoress of "Evelyn Stuart", etc., great- 
grandson of Captain William Kent, R.N., discoverer 
of Kent Islands, and grand-nephew of Bishop Baggs, 
former rector of the English CoUege, Rome. Educa- 
tion: St. Charles College, London. Entered Congre- 
gation of Oblates of St. Charles 1876; ordained 1881; 
professor of dogmatic theology. Oblate soholasticate, 
London, 1882-1898; at present, devotes most of his 
time to writing; official biographer of Cardinal 
Manning; resident in London. Translated several 
hymns from Greek, Ss^riao, Armenian, Coptic, and 
Ethiopic; contributor to: "Weekly Register"; 
"Tablet"; "Irish Ecclesiastical Review"; "DubUn 
Review"; "American Cathohc Quarterly Review"; 
"Ave Maria". 

ARTICLES: Anselm, Saint; Atonement, Day of; Atone- 
ment, Doctrine of the; Bec, Abbey of; Demon; Demoniacs; 
Dbmonoloqy; Devil; Devil- Worshippers; Indulgences; 
Indulgences, Apostolic; Judas Iscariot; Langton, Stephen; 
Manning, Henry Edward; Raw3s, Henry Augustus; 
Sabbatarians, Sabbatarianism. 

Keogh, Reverend William French, o.s.c, 
b. at Aldershot, England, 23 December, 1864. 
Education: private school, Rathmines, Ireland; St. 
Wilfrid's College, Oakamoor, England; St. Charles 
CoUege and St. Mary's Scholasticate, London. 
Entered the Congregation of Oblates of St. Charles 

1885; ordained 1888; master, St. Charles College, 
London, 1888-1890; religious instructor to Catholics, 
St. Marylebone Infirmary, London, 1890-1906; 
assistant superior (1907-1908) and superior (1908- 
1911), Oblates of St. Charles, London; assistant. 
Church of St. Mary of the Angels, London, 1911- 
1912; rector. Church of St. Peter and St. Edward, 
London, 1913; rector. Church of Our Lady of the 
Holy Souls, London, 1914- 
ARTICLK: Charles Bobbomeo, Saint. 

Kerby, Reverend William Joseph, s.t.l., b. at 
Lawler, Iowa, 20 February, 1870. Education: 
primary schools, Lawler; St. Joseph's College, 
Dubuque, Iowa; St. Francis Seminary, St. Francis, 
Wisconsin; Cathohc University, Washington; Univer- 
sities of Bonn, Berlin and Louvain. Ordained 1892; 
professor, St. Joseph's College, Dubuque, Iowa, 1894- 
1895; associate professor (1897-1907) and professor 
(1907- ) of sociology, Cathohc University, Wash- 
ington. Arbitrator under Interstate Commerce Com- 
mission in settlement of disputes between the Order 
of Railway Telegraphers, the Big Four Railway, and 
the Baltimore and Ohio Southwestern; chairman. 
Section on Needy Families and Neighborhoods, 
National Conference of Charities and Correction, 
1912. Member of the American Sociological Society; 
secretary. National Conference of Catholic Charities. 
Author of: "Le Socialisme aux Etats Unis" (Brussels, 
1897); contributor to: "Catholic World"; "American 
Cathohc Quarterly Review"; "Catholic University 
Bulletin"; "Annals of American Academy of Social 
and Pohtical Science"; "The Dolphm"; "The 
American Ecclesiastical Review". 

ARTICLES: Arbitration; Bouquillon, Thomas; Pooh, 
Care of by the Church (United States); Sociology. 

Keman, Thomas Philip Neri, a.b., journahst, 
b. at Utica, New York, 3 September, 1856. Educa- 
tion: Georgetown University, Washington, D. C. 
Journahst, resident at Utica, New York. Member 
of the Oneida Historical Society; Knight of Columbus. 
Contributor to: "Utica Saturday Globe"; "St. 
John's Quarterly" (Sjrracuse), and daily newspapers. 
ARTICLES: Devereux, John C; Kernan, Francis. 

Kerze, Reverend Francis L. 

ARTICLE: Deharbe, Joseph. 

Ketcham, Reverend William Henry, a.b., b. at 
Sumner, Iowa, 1 June, 1868. Education: private 
schools, WiUs Point and Hubbard City, Texas; St. 
Charles College, Grand Coteau, Louisiana; Seminary 
of Mt. St. Mary's of the West, Cincinnati, Ohio. 
Became a Cathohc 1885; ordaiaed 1892; missionary 
to Creek and Cherokee Indians and the eight tribes 
of the Quapaw Agency, resident at Muskogee, Indian 
Territory, 1891-1897; missionary to the Choctaws, 
resident" at Antlers, Indian Territory, 1897-1900; 
assistant (1900-1901) and director (1901- ), 
Cathohc Bureau of Indian Missions, Washington; 
United States Indian Commissioner 1913- . As 
missionary in Indian Territory, built numerous 
churches and schools and established many mission 
stations; converted to the Church a large number of 
Indians and whites; brought about the establishment 
of cordial relations between the government and the 
Catholic Indian Bureau, the abohtion of the "Brown- 
ing Ruhng", the recognition of the right of Cathohc 
Indian children in government schools to attend 
Cathohc services, securing priests for this purpose, 
the use of Indian "Tribal Funds" for the support 
and education of Indian children in mission schools 
and the securing of fee simple titles to much of the 
land occupied by missions and schools on Indian, 
reservations; founded the "Indian Sentinel"; propa- 
gated the Society for the Preservation of the Faith 
among Indian Children, obtaining for it the sanction 




of the pope; as director of the Catholic Indian Bureau, 
has visited most of the Indian reservations in the 
United States and built several churches for the use 
of the Indians; attended First American Missionary 
Congress, Chicago, 1908, Lake Mohonk Conferences 
of Friends of the Indian, 1908, 1910, and Congress 
of Missionaries, Washington, 1909. 
ARTICLE: Indiait Missions, Bubeatj of Catholic. 

Kettenburg, Reverend Philip Baron von, b. at 
Kettenburg, Hanover, Germany, 10 January, 1875. 
Education: Jesuit College, Kalksburg, and University 
of Innsbruck, Austria. Ordained 1898; vicar at 
Zurich, Switzerland, 1900-1901; assistant, Holy 
Rosary Church, Frederiksberg, Denmark, 1901-1905; 
assistant, St. Ansgar's Churchj Copenhagen, 1905- 
. Contributor to : " Katholische Kirohenzeitung" 
(Salzburg); "Nordisk Ugeblad" (Copenhagen). 

ARTICLES: Eskil, Archbishop of Ltjnd; Lund; Winslow, 
Jakob Beniqntjs; Zosga, Jobgen. 

Kierce, Francis John, a.m., lawyer, b. at San 
Francisco, California, 6 February, 1863. Education: 
pubUc schools and St. Gertrude's Academy, Rio Vista, 
California; St. Joseph's School and St. Mary's 
College, San Francisco. Admitted to the Bar 1887; 
admitted to the Bar of the Supreme Court of the 
United States 1903; former supreme president of 
Yoimg Men's Institute (six years); has been pre- 
siding officer in various fraternal organizations; 
former vice-president, CathoUc Truth Society of San 
Francisco; practising lawyer, resident at San Fran- 
cisco. Member of Mechanics Mercantile Library 
Association (San Francisco) secretary of St. Mary's 
College (Ashland) Alumni Association. Contributor 
to various periodicals. 

ARTICLE: Young Men's Institute. 

Killian, Vert Reverend Andrew, b.a., vicar- 
general, diocese of Wilcannia, New South Wales, 

ARTICLE: Wilcannia, Diocese of. 

Kimball, Reverend Charles Leo, s.j., b. at 
Boston, Massachusetts, 21 July, 1880. Education: 
public schools and Boston College, Boston; Jesuit 
scholasticates, Frederick and Woodstock, Maryland. 
Entered the Society of Jesus 1898; professor beUes 
lettres. Holy Cross College, Worcester, Massachu- 
setts, 1905-1910; stationed at Woodstock College, 
Maryland, 1910- ; ordained 1913; stationed at 
College of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Woodstock, 
Md., 1913; St. Andrew-on-Hudson, Poughkeepsie, 
N. Y., 1914; Holy Cross College, Worcester, Mass., 
1915- . Has contributed to Catholic magazines. 

ARTICLE: BiBiHua, Saint. 

'King, Reverend John Hbnrt, s.t.b., Ph.D., 
b. at Wardour, Wiltshire, England, 16 September, 
1880. Education: Woolhampton, England; Enghsh 
College and Gregorian University, Rome. Ordained 
1904; at present, secretary to the Bishop of Ports- 
mouth, England. 

ARTICLE: Portsmouth, Diocese of. 

King, Thomas George, k.s.g., b. in London, 1865. 
Education: London City College, London. Became 
a Catholic 1879; hon. secretary of St. George's Branch, 
Catholic 'Truth Society, London, 1888; hon. secretary 
(and organizer), Southwark Workhouse Association, 
1891; member of the Committee, CathoUc Truth 
Society, 1893- ; hon. secretary (and founder). 
Catholic Guardians Association, 1895- ; member 
of the Committee (1897- ) and hon. secretary 
(1898-1909), Southwark Rescue Society; member of 
the Catholic Emigration Association; hon. manager 
of many industrial. Poor Law and voluntary schools 
and orphanages; foundation manager of a public 
primary school and of a Catholic hospital; accountant 

and chief of clerical and statistical staff of a large 
engineering firm, London. Organized series of 
lectures for Protestants, London, 1892; has distributed 
CathoUc Uterature and defended CathoUc interests 
at Protestant lectures; twice received special blessing 
of the Pope for sociological work, 1905, 1907; active 
in securing special CathoUc chapels. Mass and 
Benediction, and perfect freedom for CathoUcs in 
Poor Law institutions; inaugurated annual conferences 
for CathoUc Poor Law Guardians, 1894; as member of 
CathoUc Emigration Association, has twice conducted 
parties of children to Canada; conducted party of 
Poor Law Guardians through Canada in the interests 
of emigration, 1902; participated in the foundation of 
CathoUc orphanage for London children at Prince 
Albert, Canada; served on the Committee of the Lady 
Mayoress's Fund for God's Poor; recipient of con- 
gratulations from the Holy Father on occasion of his 
silver wedding anniversary, 1913. Author of: "The 
Case for the Guardians", pamphlet for CathoUc 
Social Guild; contributor to: "The Month"; "The 
Tablet"; "CathoUc Times"; "Universe"; "CathoUc 
ARTICLE: Poor Laws. 

Kirch, Reverend Joseph Maria Conrad, s.j., 
b. at Viersen, Rhine, Germany, 1 June, 1863. Edu- 
cation: Gymnasium, Emmerich, Germany; Universi- 
ties of Bonn, Heidelberg, and Munich; Jesuit scholas- 
ticates, Ditton Hall, England, and Valkenburg, 
Holland. Began career as a lawyer; entered the 
Society of Jesus 1884; former professor of history and 
Classical philology, Stella Matutina College, Feld- 
kirch, Austria (four years); ordained 1896; professor 
of church history, St. Ignatius College, Valkenburg, 
1899- . Has traveUed extensively in Italy for 
purposes of historical research. Author of 

Enchiridion fontium historise ecclesiasticae antiquae" 
(1910); continued and edited Granderath, "Ge- 
schichte des Vatikanischen Konzils", 3 vols. (1903- 
1906); collaborator in Herder's "Konversations- 
lexikon"; contributor to: "Byzantinische Zeitschrift"; 
"Analecta BoUandiana"; "Stimmen aus Maria- 

ARTICLE: Vatican Council. 

Kirsch, Right Reverend Monsignor Johann 
Peter, s.t.d., b. at Dippach, Luxemburg, 3 Novem- 
ber, 1861, son of Andreas Kirsch and Katharine 
Didier. Education: Athenaeum and Seminary, Lux- 
emburg; Campo Santo Tedesco and Vatican Archives 
School of Palaeography, Rome. Ordained 1884; 
director, Historical Institute of the Gorres Society, 
Rome, 1888-1890; professor of patrology and Chris- 
tian archseology, University of Fribourg, Switzerland, 
1890- ; president of the archaeological section of 
the Gorres-GeseUschaft; domestic prelate. Author 
of: "Die christUchen Cultusgebaude im Alterthum" 
(1893); "Die papstUchen KoUektorien in Deutschland 
wahrend des 14. Jahrhundert" (1894); "Die Finanz- 
verwaltung des KardinalkoUegiums im 13. und 14. 
Jahrhundert" (1895); "Die Akklamationen und 
Gebete der altchristlichen Grabschriften" (1897); 
"Die Riickkehr der Papste Urban V. und Gregor XL 
von Avignon nach Rom" (1898); "Die christUche 
Epigraphik und deren Bedeutung fur die kirchen- 
geschichtUche Forschung", rector's oration (1898); 
"Le Cimetifere burgonde de F^tigny" (1899); "Die 
Lehre von der Gemeinschaft der Heiligen im christ- 
Uchen Altertum" (1900) (translated into EngUsh by 
John R. McKee, 1910); "Die papstUchen Annaten 
in Deutschland wahrend des 14. Jahrhunderts", Vol. 
I (1903); " Illustrierte Geschichte der katholischen 
Kirche", Part I (1905; popular ed. 1911); "Die hi. 
Cacilia in der romischen Kirche des Altertums" 
(1910) ; "Die Geschichte der Kirche, ein Zeugnis ihrer 
hoheren Sendung" (1912); "Die Frauen des Alter- 
tums" (1912); edited: Hergenrother, "Handbuch 




der allgemeinen Kirchengeschichte", 4th ed., 3 vols. 
(1902-1909; 5th ed. 4 vols. 1911-1917; Italian trans- 
lation by Rosa, s.j., 6 vols.); editor with: Dr. Albert 
Ehrhard of **Forschungen zur christlichen Literatur- 
und Dogmen-geschichte"; with Mgr. de Waal of 
"Romische Quartalschrif t " ; with Dr. A. Btichi of 
"Zeitschrift ftir Schweizerische Kirchengeschichte"; 
with Dr. E. Drerup and Dr. H, Grimme of "Studien 
zur Geschichte und Kultur des Altertums". 

AKTICLES: Advocatus Ecclesi^; Afra, Saint and 
Martyr; Agatha, Saint; Agneb op Rome, Saint, Martyr; 
Agricola, Rudolph ; Alexius, Saint and Confessor ; 
Anastasius Bibliothecarius; Anatasia, Saint, Martyr; 
Annates; Apocrisiahius; Apollonia, Saint; Apostolic 
Camera; Archdeacon; Archpriest; Arnulf of Bavaria; 
AuDiN, J. M. Vincent; Augsburg, Synods of; Auxilius of 
Naples; Babtlas, Bishop and Martyr; Balbina, Saint; 
Barbara, Saint; Bartholomew, Apostle of Armenia; 
Bartholomew of Braqa, Venerable; Basilides (2); Basi- 
lissa; Basil of Amasea; Benedict Levita; Benedict of 
Aniane, Saint; Benedict of San Philadblphio, Saint; 
Benignus of Dijon, Saint; Benno, Saint; Bibiana, Saint; 
Blaise, Saint; Blandina, Saint; Bridget of Sweden, Saint; 
Buhchard of Wurzburg, Saint; Carbonari; Carranza, 
Bartolom^; Catherine of Sweden, Saint; Cecilia, Saint; 
Chromatius, Saint; Chrysanthus and Daria, Saints; 
Chrysogonus, Saint; Cletub, Saint, Pope; Conrad of Mar- 
burg; Damberger, Joseph Ferdinand; Darras, Joseph- 
Epiphane; David Scotus; Delatoreb; Desideriub of Cahors, 
Saint; Deusdedit, Cardinal; Diekamp, Wilhelm; Dietrich 
von Nieheim; Dionysius, Saint, Pope; Donation of 
Constantine; Dympna, Saint; Ebendorfer, Thomas; Eck, 
Johann; Egbert, Archbishop op Trier; Ekkehard; Eleu- 
THERius, Saint, Pope; Emerentiana, Saint; Euphrasia, 
Saint; Euphrosyne, Saint; Evaribtus, Saint, Pope; Eymeric, 
Nicolas; Fabiola, Saint; Farlati, Daniele; Felicitas, 
Saint, Martyr; Felicitas and Perpetua, Saints; Felix I, 
Saint, Pope; Felix II, Pope; Felix IV, Pope; Felix V, Anti- 
Pope; Flaccilla, ^lia; Fleury, Claude; Florentina, 
Saint; Florus (Deacon); Fohmosus, Pope; Forty Martyrs; 
Four Crowned Martyrs; Fribourg, University of; Fridolin, 
Saint; Fulgentius, Saint; Fulcran, Saint; FyNFKiRCHEN, 
Diocese of; Funk, Franz Xaver von; Galletti, Pietro 
LuiGi; Gaudiosas, Bishop of Tarazona; Germanus I, 
Saint; Gobelinus, Person; Gorres, Guido; Gorres, Johann 
Joseph; Gregory X, Pope; Gregory B^ticus; Guibert of 
Ravenna; Hadrian, Martyr; Hedwig, Saint; Helena, 
Saint; Hemmerlin, Felix; Hergenrother, Joseph; Hermas, 
Saint; Hermengild, Saint; Hilarion, Saint; Hilarus, Saint, 
Pope; Hilduin, Abbot of St-Denis; Hincmah, Bishop of 
Laon; Hincmar, Archbishop of Reims; Hippolytus, Saints; 
HoRMiSDAS, Saint, Pope; Hyginus, Saint, Pope; Infessura, 
Stepano; Innocent I, Pope; Innocentius, Saints; Joan, 
PopESs; John X-XXIII (Popes and Anti-Popes); John and 
Paul, Saints; John Nepomucene, Saint; John the Deacon; 
Juliana, Saint; Juliana Falconieri, Saint; Julius I, Saint, 
Pope ; Jungm ann, Bernhard ; K alands Brethren ; Lapsi ; 
Lawrence, Saint; Lawrence Justinian, Saint; Lay Abbot; 
Leo I, Saint, Pope; Leocadia, Saint; Leonidas, Saint; 
Liber Diurnus Romanohum Pontificum; Liber Pontificalis; 
Linus, Saint, Pope; Liutprand of Cremona; Luna, Pedro 
de; Macrina, Saint; Mamertus, Saint; Marcellina, Saint; 
Marcellinus, Saint, Pope; Marcbllinus, Flavius; Mabcel- 
lus I, Saint, Pope; Mark, Saint, Pope; Martin of Troppau; 
Martinuzzi, George; Matilda of Canossa; Methodius of 
Olympus, Saint; Micrologub; Migne, Jacques-Paul; Mil- 

Mombritius, BoNiNo; MonarchIa Sicula; Muratori, Luigi 
Antonio ; Mubatorian Canon ; Nabor and Felix, Saints ; 
Nazarius and Celsus, Saints; Nazarius and Companions, 
Saints; Neckam, Alexander of; Neher, Stephan Jakob; 
Nebeus and Achilleus, Domitilla and Pancratius, Saints; 
Neugart, Trudpert; Nicephorus, Saint; Nicetas, Bishop 
OF Remesiana; Nicetius, Bishop op Trier; Nicholas I, 
Saint, Pope; Nicombdes, Saint Notitia Dignitatum; Notitia 
Pbovinciarum et Civitatum Africvb; Nuncio; Odilia, Saint; 
Oldoini, Augustino; Olympiab, Saint; Ordeals; Orosius, 
Paulus; Orsi, Giuseppe Agostino; Orsini Family; Palatini; 
Pallavicino, Pietro Spohza; Paschal I, Pope; Paul I, Pope; 
Pelagia; Peter, Saint; Peter of Sebabte, Saint; Peter 
TJrseolub, Saint ; Petronilla, Saint ; Petronius, Saint ; 
Petrus Bernardinus; Petbus de Natalibos; Philip, Saint, 
Apostle; Phillips, George; Philomena, Saint; Piedmont; 
Pius I, Saint, Pope; Pontian, Saint, Pope; Porter; Praxedbs 
and Pudentiana; Prelate; Primicerius; Primus and Feli- 
ciAN, Saints; Pribca, Saint; Processus and Martinian, 
Saints; Prothonotaby Apostolic; Protus and Hyacinth, 
Saints; Province, Ecclesiastical; Pulcheria, Saint; Quinc- 
tianus. Saints; Quiricus and Julitta, Saints; Quirinus, 
Saints; Rathbrius of Verona; Referendarii; Reformation; 
Rbgesta, Papal; Regino of Prum; Regionarii; Romanus, 
Saints; Rosate, Alberico de; Rufina, Saints; Rufinas, 
Saints; Rufus, Saints; Ruinart, Thierry; Savonarola, 
Girolamo; Seven Deacons; Silverius, Saint, Pope; Simon 
Magus; Simonians; Simplicius, Saint, Pope; Siricius, Saint, 
Pope; Stedingers; Surius, Laurentius; Switzerland; 
Sylvester I, Saint, Pope; Sylvester II, Pope; Symmachus, 
Saint, Pope; Tarachub, Probus and Andronicus, Saints; 
Tabasius, Saint; Tarsicius, Saint; Telesphorcs, Saint, 

Pope; Thecla, Saints; Theodorus and Theophaneb, Saints; 
Trent, Council of; Ulrich of Richenthal; Unam Sanctam; 
Urban I, Pope; Valentine, Pope; Victor I, Saint, Pope; 
ViENNE, Council of; Vigilius, Pope; Vitalian, Saint, Pope; 
Vitus, Modestus and Crebcentia, Saints; Zachary, Saint 
Pope; Zephyrinus, Saint, Pope; Zosimus, Saint, Pope; 
ZoBiMus (Historian). 

Kittell, Reveeend Ferdinand, b. at Ebensburg, 
Pennsylvania, 20 April, 1847. Education: St. 
Michael's Seminary, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania; Propa- 
ganda, Rome. Ordained 1871; president, St. Francis 
College, and assistant, St. Michaers Church, Loretto, 
1872-1873; professor, Seminary, Pittsburg, 1873- 
1876; secretary to the Bishop of Pittsburg 1876- 
1883; pastor successively at Newry, HoUidaysburg, 
and Tyrone, Pennsylvania, 1883-1890; permanent 
rector, St. Michael's Church, Loretto, 1890- 
Twice sent to Rome by his bishop on diocesan 
business, 1877, 1881; has arranged in a manuscript 
volume in chronological and alphabetical order St. 
Michael's parochial records from 1880 to date. 
Author of "Souvenir of the Loretto Centenary, 1799- 

ARTICLE: Gallitzin, Demetrius Augustine. 

Klaar, Kael, Government Archivist, Innsbruck, 

ARTICLES: Bohemia; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Ferdi- 
nand II; Jungmann, Josef. 

EJeinschmidt, Reverend Beda Julius, o.f.m., 
b. at Brakel, Prussia, 12 October, 1867. Education: 
Gymnasium, Paderborn, Germany; various Francis- 
can scholasticates. Entered the Franciscan Order 
1888; ordained 1892; lector successively in humanities 
and rhetoric, various Franciscan colleges, 1892-1903 ; 
stationed in Rome, engaged in research work in 
connection with the history of art, 1904; rector, St. 
Louis's College, Dalheim, Germany, 1905-1911; 
guardian, Franciscan Monastery, Kreuzberg, near 
Bonn, Germany, 1911- . Author of: "Lehrbuch 
fur christliche Kunstgeschichte " (Paderborn, 1910); 
"St. Franciskus in Kunst und Legende" (Gladbach, 
1911); collaborator in Buchberger, "KirchUche 
Handlexikon ' ' ; contributor to : " Zeitschrif t f iir 
christliche Kunst"; '^Archiv fur christliche Kunst"; 
"Linzer Quartalschrift"; etc.; editor (since 1911), 
" Monographien zur Geschichte der christlichen 
Kunst" (Gladbach); editor (and founder) of "Fran- 
ziskanische Studien". 

ARTICLES: Metal Work; Rio, Alexis-Franqoib; Ros- 
BELLiNO, Bernardo ; Sanctuary ; San Gallo ; Sculpture ; 
SoLARi Family; Stoss, Veit; Temple; Tissot, James (Joseph 
Jacques); Tomb; Transept; Vestibule; Windows in Church 
Architecture; Wood-Caeving. 

Knott, Alotsius Leo, a.m., lawyer, b. near New 
Market, Frederick County, Maryland, 12 May, 1829, 
son of Edward Knott, lieutenant in War of 1812, and 
Elizabeth Sprigg Sweeney, a descendant of Colonel 
Edward Digges, Governor of Virginia. Education: 
St. John's Literary Institute, Frederick, and St. 
Mary's College, Baltimore; studied law in the office 
of William Schley, Baltimore. Began career as 
assistant principal and professor of Greek, mathe- 
matics, and surveying, Academy, Cumberland, 
Maryland (one year); teacher of algebra and Greek, 
St. Mary's College, Baltimore (two years); master 
(and founder), Howard Latin School, Howard County, 
Maryland (two years) ; admitted to the Bar; practised 
law with James H. Bevans (two years); active in 
politics as member of the Reform (1859) and Demo- 
cratic (1864^1866) parties; member of Maryland 
House of Delegates, 1866-1867; district attorney, 
Baltimore, 1867-1879; married Regina M., daughter 
of Anthony Kenan, 1873; second assistant Postmaster 
General of the United States 1885-1889; member of 
Maryland Assembly (chairman of Committee on 
Corporations) 1899-1900; professor of elementary 
law (1900-1904), of constitutional law (1900- ), 




and of international law (1904- ) and dean (1905- 
), Law School, Baltimore University, Baltimore; 
retired from the practice of law 1907. As member of 
the Democratic Committee, present at Democratic 
National Convention, Baltimore, 1860; made speeches 
in favor of Douglas throughout the Presidential 
Campaign, 1860; secretary of the Central Committee 
for reorganization of the Democratic party in Mary- 
land, 1864; delegate to Democratic National Conven- 
tion, Chicago, 1864, and to those of 1872 and 1900; 
member National Executive Committee for Mary- 
land, 1872-1876; as member of Maryland House of 
Delegates, was member of Joint Committee of Senate 
and House to report a bill for a call for a new consti- 
tutional convention, member of the Committee on 
Federal Relations, chairman of Committee on Internal 
Improvements, etc.; offered a seat in Baltimore 
Supreme Court by Governor of Maryland, but 
declined it to retain position in United States Post 
Office Department, 1886 ; has participated profession- 
ally in causes tried before international commissions 
organized under treaties between the United States 
and foreign countries in defense of United States 
claims, e.g. in the cases of Ecuador, Venezuela, etc.; 
sent by the President of the United States on a 
successful mission to the Governor General of Cuba 
regarding the transportation of mails between Spain 
and Cuba by way of Key West, 1886. Member of: 
the Maryland Club; the Society of the War of 
1812; the Society of Colonial Wars in the State 
of Maryland; the Maryland Historical Society; 
the order of Descendants of Colonial Lords of Manors 
in America; president, Maryland Original Research 
Society. Author of "A Relation of Some Political 
Transactions in Maryland" (1898; collaborator in 
"Encyclopedia Americana" (by Mr. Knott: "History 
of Maryland"); contributor of pohtioal, hterary, and 
historical articles to various newspapers and periodi- 
ARTICLE: Mabylaiid. 

Knowles, Reverend Joseph ALPHoNstrs, o.s.a. 
b. at Dublin, Ireland. Education: DubUn and Rome. 
Entered the Augustinian Order; stationed at various 
periods in Augustinian houses in England, Ireland, 
and Australia; at present, assistant, St. Augustine's 
Church, and president, CathoUc Young Men's 
Society, Cork. Member of the General Council, 
CathoUc Defence Society. Author of: "Life of St. 
Brigid"; "Fethard, its Abbey"; "Life of Blessed 
BeUesini, o.s.a."; contributor to Irish, English, and 
American periodicals. 

ARTICLE: Coronel, Greqohio NtJNEZ. 

Kolodziejczyk, Edmund, ph.D., b. at Wadowice, 
Austrian Poland, 31 August, 1880. Education: 
school and gymnasium, Wadowice; University of 
Cracow. Slavic student; at present, Gymnasium 
professor, Cracow. Participated in Slavic Congress, 
Prague, 1908. Member of: the Slavic Club of 
Cracow; the Society of Friends of the Southern 
Slavs (Cracow). Author of the following works in 
Polish: "The Poles in Upper Hungary"; "Bibliogra- 
phy of Pohsh Slavic Lore"; "Periodicals of Slavic 
Lore and Slavophile Movement in Poland"; contribu- 
tor to: "Swiat slovianski"; "Nowa Reforma"; "Glos 
narodu"; "Slavisches Tagblatt" (Vienna). 
ARTICLE: Poland. 

Kraft, Joseph, ph.D. Education: Gymnasium, 
Oberhollabrunn, Lower Austria; Universities of 
Vienna and Innsbruck. Assistant, Government 
Archives, Innsbruck, 1905- . Contributor to 
"Forschungen und Mitteilun^en zur Geschichte 
Tirols und Vorarlbergs". 

ARTICLE: Lbaoub, Gehman. 

Kriehn, George, a.b., Ph.D., art lecturer, b. at 
Lexington, Missouri, 1868. Education: Wentworth 

Mihtary Academy, Lexington; William Jewell CoUege, 
Liberty, Missouri; Universities of Berlin, Freiburg, 
Zurich, and Strassburg; further studies in France and 
Italy. Instructor in history, Johns Hopkins Univer- 
sity, Baltimore, Maryland, 1892-1895; assistant 
professor, Stanford University, California, 1895- 
1898; writer and lecturer on art subjects 1898- ; 
instructor in art history. Woman's Art School of 
Cooper Union, New York, 1908- ; lecturer, 
Department of Extension Teaching, Columbia 
University, New York, 1910- ; preceptor, Prince- 
ton University, Princeton, New Jersey, 1911-1912. 
Lectured at the Cathohc Summer School, 1911, 1912. 
Member of: American Historical Association; Ameri- 
can Civic Association; Metropolitan Museum of Art; 
secretary of Department of Fine Arts, Brooklyn 
Institute of Arts and Sciences. Author of: "English 
Rising in 14.'50" (1892); "Studies in the Social Revolt 
of 1381" (1902); edited and translated Muther's 
"History of Painting", 2 vols. (1909); revised 
Ferguson, "History of Architecture", 2 vols. (1910); 
art editor of "New International Encyclopedia", con- 
tributing principal articles on sculpture and painting. 

ARTICLES: San Sepolcro, Piero da; Sculpture (in 
England: in the United States); Stanza; Window, Rose. 

Knupotic, Reverend Martin Davorin, b. at 
Zengg, Croatia, Austria, 1868. Education: colleges 
at Zengg and Karlovac, University of Agram, and 
seminaries at Zengg and Agram, Croatia; University 
of Innsbruck, Austria. Ordained 1892; engaged in 
parish work in Croatia 1892-1902; called to Kansas 
City, Kansas, by Bishop Fink, of Leavenworth, 1902; 
in charge of the Croatians (at present, rector, St. 
John Baptist's Church), Kansas City, 1902- 
Has built church, school and parish house for Croa- 
tians of Kansas City. Member of: Matica Hrvatska, 
the Knin (Dalmatia) Historical Society. Trans- 
lated into Croatian, Bryce, "The American Common- 
wealth", 2 vols. (Zengg and Fiume, Croatia). 

ARTICLES: Croatia; Dalmatia; Karinthia; Kbain. 

Krose, Reverend Hermann A., s.j., b. at Bremen, 
Germany, 28 May, 1867. Education: Gynmasium, 
Bremen; Universities of Heidelberg, Geneva, Berhn 
and Munich; Jesuit scholasticates, Innsbruck, Austria, 
Exaten and Valkenburg, Holland. Lawyer 1889- 
1890; entered the Society of Jesiis 1891; ordained 
1900; has spent much of his time in literary work; 
former superior of the House of Writers, Luxemburg 
City, Luxemburg; at present, editor-in-chief of 
"Stimmen aus Maria-Laach", stationed at St. 
Ignatius College, Valkenburg, Holland. Member of 
the German Statistical Society. Author of: "Der 
Einfluss der Confession auf die Sittlichkeit" (1900); 
"Confessionsstatistik Deutschlands" (1904); "Der 
Selbstmord im 19. Jahrhundert" (1906); "Ursuchen 
der Selbstmordhaufigkeit" (1906); "ReUgion und 
Moralstatistik" (1908); "Kirchliches Handlexikon", 
Vols. I-IV (1908-1913). 

ARTICLES: Statistics, Ecclesiastical: — in Germany; 
Statistics of Religion. 

Kruitwagen, Reverend Bonaventura, o.p.m., 
b. 22 October, 1874. Education: Gymnasium, 
Venray, Holland; various Franciscan scholasticates. 
Entered the Order of Friars Minor 1892; ordained 
1899; professor of Church history at one of the 
scholasticates of his order 1899-1902; engaged in 
bibliographical and historical research, stationed at 
Woerden, Holland, 1902- . Member of: the 
Dutch Literary Society; the Utrecht Historical 
Association. Author of a Catalogue of the Meer- 
manno-Westreenianum Museum ("The Hague, 1911); 
contributor to: "De Katholiek"; "Archivum Fran- 
ciscanum Historicum"; "Tijdschritt voor boek- en 
bibliotheekwezen"; "Zentralblatt fiir Bibliotheks- 
ARTICLE: Periodical Literature, Catholic: Holland. 




Kurth, GoDEFRoiD, C.S.G., b. at Arlon, Belgium, 
11 May, 1847; d. at Assche, Brabant, 4 January, 
1916. Professor at the University of Liege, Belgium, 
1872-1906; director, Belgian Historical Institute, 
Rome, 1906-1916. Secretary Royal Historical Com- 
mission; member of: the Academy of the Catholic 
Religion (Rome); the Royal Society of Literature 
(London); the Society for Rhenish Historical Re- 
search (Cologne); the Dutch Literary Society 
(Leyden); the Madrid Historical Academy; the 
Academy of Belles Lettres (Barcelona) ; Royal Acade- 
my of Belgium; hon. member of the National Acade- 
my (Reims) ; titular member of the Royal Academy 
of Conchology; president of the Board of Adminis- 
tration of the Royal Library; doctor honoris causa of 
the CathoUc TJmversity (Louvain); Commander of 
the Order of Leopold; Knight of the Order of Pius IX. 
Author of: "Caton I'ancien"; "Etude critique sur 
Saint-Lambert et son premier biographe"; "La loi de 
Beaumont en Belgique"; "Les origines de la civilisa- 

tion moderne" (6 eds.); "Les Origines de la ville de 
LiSge"; "Histoire po6tique dos Merovingiens"; "La 
frontiSre linguistique en IJelgique et dans le nord de la 
France", 2 vols.; "Ste. Clotdde" (10 eds.); "Les 
6tudes franques"; "L'(5glise aux tournants de I'his- 
toire" (4 eds.); "Clovis", 2 vols. (2 eds.); "Saint- 
Boniface" (4 eds.); "Chartes de I'Abbaye de Saint- 
Hubert en Ardenne " ; " Notger de, Li^ge et la civilisation 
au X** si^cle", 2 vols.; "La cit6 de Lidge au (moyen 
Age," 3 vols.; "Manuel de I'histoire de Belgique" 
(3 eds.); "Abr6g6 de I'histoire de Belgique" (2 eds.); 
"Manuel d'histoire universeUe", 2 vols.; "Notre nom 
national"; "Mizraim, Souvenirs d'Egypte"; "La 
nationality Beige"; founder and first director of 
"Archives Beiges, revue critique d'historiographie 

ARTICLES: Belgium; Bdegundt; Charles Mabtel; 
Clotilda, Saint; Clovis; Egmont, Count of Lamoral; 
Frankenberg, Johann Heinrich, Graf von; Franks; 
Fredbgarius; Granvelle, Antoine Perrenot de; Nether- 
lands; Philip II (Spain). 

Labourt, Abb£ JfiR6ME, litt.D., s.t.d., b. in 
Paris, 1874. Education: St. Sulpice, Sorbonne, 
Catholic Institute, School of Higher Studies, and 
CoUege of France, Paris; Minerva and Sapienza, 
Rome; Biblical School, Jerusalem. Ordained 1897; 
has held the posts of curate. Church of St. Louis en 
rile, director of the Patronage Jeanne d'Arc, secretary 
of the Diocesan Commission of Patronages for Boys, 
Paris, and chaplain, College Stanislas, Paris; cur6 of the 
Church of St. Hippolyte, Paris, 1914- ; member 
of: the Asiatic Society of Paris; the Friends of the 
Cathohc Institute (Paris); the Alumni Associations 
of the Sorbonne and the Catholic Institute (Paris). 
Author of: "Histoire du christianisme dans I'Empire 
Perse " ; " Edition de la liturgie syriaque de Barsalibi " ; 
"Odes de Salamon" (in collaboration with Mgr. 
Batiffol); contributor: "Revue Bibhque"; "Revue 
du clerg^ frangais"; "Journal Asiatique"; "Revue 
d'histoire des religions"; "BuUetin d'ancienne lit- 
t^rature et d'arch^ologie chr^tienne"; "L'Ecole"; 
"Correspondance diocfeaine des Patronages de 
GarQons"; "Polybiblion"; "Byzantinische Zeit- 
schrift"; "Muston". 

AATICLES: Arsacid^; Chaldean Chbistians; Ephraem, 
Saint; Etschmiadzin; Ibas of Edessa; Isaac of Seleucia; 
Maphkian; Maronites. 

Lacy, Right Rbveebnd Richard, d.d., Bishop 
of Middlesbrough, England, b. at Navan, Co. Meath, 
Ireland, 16 January, 1841. Education: Ushaw 
College, Durham, England; Gregorian University, 
Rome. Ordained 1867; curate, St. Patrick's Church, 
Bradford (1868-1872), and rector, St. Mary's, 
Middlesbrough (1872-1879), England; Bishop 'of 
Middlesbrough 1879- . Built St. Mary's Cathe- 
dral and St. Mary's and St. Patrick's Schools, 
Middlesbrough, Chapel of St. Peter's School, Sovith 
Bandk, and Chapel of St. Alphonsus School, North 
Ormesby, England. Member of the British Associa- 
ARTICLE: Middlesbeodqh, Diocese of. 

Ladeuze, Right Reveebnd Canon Paulin, 
S.T.D. , b. at Harveng, Hainaut, Belgium, 3 July, 1870. 
Education: Preparatory Seminary, Bonne Esp6rance, 
Seminary, Tournai, and Louvain University, Louvain, 
Belgium. Ordained 1892; professor of New Testa- 
ment exegesis, of the history of ancient Christian 
literature, and of Coptic language, and president of 
Holy Ghost College, University of Louvain, 1898- 
1909; rector of the University of Louvain 1909- ; 
canon of the cathedral of Tournai; domestic prelate; 
oflBcer of the Order of Leopold. Author of: "Etude 
sur le c^nobitisme pakhomien pendant le IV* siScle 
et la premiere moitiiS de v*" (Louvain, 1898); "La 
resurrection du Christ devant la critique contempo- 
raine", conference at the Reunion of the Alumni of 
the Preparatory Seminary, Bonne EspiSrance (Lou- 
vain. 1907; L'action cathohque edition, Collection 
"Science et Foi", Brussels, 1908); "Le r61e scien- 
tifique, religieux et social de I'Universitfi de Louvain", 
discourse at the opening of the University, 1909 
(Louvain, 1909); "Les raisons qu'ont les i5tudiants 
universitaires de se hvrer aux oeuvres de la Soci(5t6 
de St. Vincent de Paul", discourse at General 
Assembly of Conferences of the Society of St. Vincent 
de Paul, 1909 (Louvain, 1909); "Les devoirs de 

I'Studiant universitaire", discourse at the opening of 
the University, 1910 (Louvain, 1910); "Frederic 
Ozanam", discourse at General Assembly of Con- 
ferences of Society of St. Vincent de Paul, 1912 
(Louvain, 1912); collaborator in "Actes du XVII 
Congres eucharistique international" (by Mgr. 
Ladeuze: "Les controverses r^centes sur la genfese du 
dogme eucharistique") (Tournai, 1907); contributor: 
"Annuaire de I'Universit^" (Louvain); "Le Mus6on 
et la Revue des rehgions"; "Revue d'histoire ec- 
cMsiastique"; "Revue biblique Internationale"; 
"Revue de I'Orient Chretien"; "Revue des sciences 
philosophiques et theologiques " ; "Melanges Gode- 
froid Kurth"; one of the secretaries of the Board of 
Editors of "Le Museon"; editor with M. Cauchie of 
"La revue histoire eccl^siastique". 

ARTICLES: Barnabas, Epistle Attributed to; Ephebians, 
Epistle to the; Goossens, Piekee-Lambert. 

La Farge, Reverend John, s.j., a.b., b. at 
Newport, Rhode Island, 13 February, 1880. Educa- 
tion: Harvard University; University of Innsbruck, 
Austria; Woodstock College, Woodstock, Maryland. 
Ordained and entered the Society of Jesus 1905; 
former teacher of Latin and Greek, Canisius CoUege, 
Buffalo, New York, and Loyola College, Baltimore, 
Maryland; chaplain. Workhouse and Metropohtan 
Hospital, Blackwell's Island, New York, 1911; 
engaged in parish work. Southern Maryland Jesuit 
Mission, stationed at Leonardtown, 1911-1914; at St. 
Inigoes, Md., 1915- . Has contributed to various 

ARTICLE: La Farge, John. 

Laflamme, J. LioN K., b.a., b. at Ste. Marguerite 
(Dorchester), P. Q., 29 August, 1872. Education: 
Seminary and Laval University, Quebec. Editor of 
"Le Journal", Fall River, Massachusetts, 1900; 
editor-in-chief, "La Tribune"^ Woonsooket, Rhode 
Island, 1900-1907; editor-in-chief, "L'action sociale", 
Quebec, 1907-1909; at present, director (and founder), 
"La Revue Franco-Am&icaine", Quebec; also private 
secretary of the Honorable The Postmaster General 
of Canada. Secretary of the Franco-American 
Society for Peter's Pence; member of the Association 
of French Publicists (Paris); member (and first 
president). Association of Franco-American Journal- 
ists of New England. Has contributed to "La 
Revue Canadienne" (Montreal). 

ARTICLE: French Catholics in the United States. 

Lagarde, Ernest, a.m., ll.d., b. at New Orleans, 
Louisiana, 4 September, 1836; d. 25 October, 1914. 
Education: College Hill, Raymond, Mississippi; 
University of Louisiana, New Orleans. At various 
times Confederate soldier in Crescent Regiment and 
in the Ordnance Department, Richmond, Virginia; 
deputy clerk. United States District Court, Eastern 
District of Louisiana; editor of: "The Mirror", 
"The Bee", and "The Sentinel", New Orleans; 
the "Express", Petersburg, Virginia; the "Evening 
Whig", "Evening Commercial Bulletin" and "The 
Age", Richmond, Virginia; successively professor of 
modern languages, Randolph Macon College, Boyd- 
ton, Virginia, professor of English literature and 
modern languages and dean of the Lay Faculty, Mt. 
St. Mary's College, Emmitsburg, Maryland. Former 









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^Hfll^BI' ^'mMiSSBM 







member of: the Philological Society of the United 
States; the Modern Language Association of America; 
the Sons of the American Revolution; the Army and 
Navy of the Confederate States; Cross of Honor of 
the Daughters of the Confederacy. Author of: 
"French Verb Book"; "Lectures on Shakespeare"; 
"Nobleman of '89" (translated from the French of 
Quinton) ; compiled graded series of English Catholic 
ARTICLE: Mount St. Maby's College. ' 

Lalande, Reverend Louis, s.j., missionary, b. 
at St. Hermas, P. Q., Canada, 25 December, 1859. 
Education: Bourget Collegej Rigaud, Canada; various 
Jesuit colleges and scholasticates in Canada and the 
Island of Jersey. Entered the Society of Jesus 1881; 
former teacher of rhetoric, St. Mary's College, 
Montreal, Canada (three years); ordained 1894; 
teacher of philosophy, St. Mary's College, Montreal, 
1894^1904; attached to the mission band, stationed 
at Immaculate Conception Church, Montreal, 1904r- 
. Has preached and lectured on numerous 
occasions in France, Canada, and the United States. 
Author of: "Une vieille Seigneurie"; "Croire c'est 
vivre"; "Entre Amis"; contributor to various 

ARTICLES: Fabeb, Matthias; I^lix, C^lebtin-Joseph; 
Fl^chieb, Esprit; Fbatbbinous, Denis de; Feeppel, Chables- 

Langan, Reverend John Tbacet, s.j., b.a., 
b. at Tremont, N. Y., 12 Dec, 1873. Education: 
St. Francis Xavier's College, New York; St. John's 
CoUege, Fordham, New York; Woodstock College, 
Woodstock, Md.; Ore Seminary, Hastings, England. 
Entered the Society of Jesus 1893; professor of Latin 
and Greek literature. Holy Cross CoEege, Worcester, 
Massachusetts, 1900-1904; ordained 1907; professor 
of economics, Woodstock College, 1908; professor of 
philosophy, Boston CoUege, Boston, Massachusetts, 
1909; professor of apologetics, Woodstock College, 
Woodstock, 1911- . Contributed to "The Mes- 

ARTICLE: Bolgeni, Giovanni, Vincenzo. 

Langouet, Reverend Armand, o.m.i., b. at 
Pl^ch&tel, Ille-et-Vilaine, France, 19 September, 1868. 
Education: Oblate Novitiate of St. Jerlach, Houthem, 
Holland; further studies at LiSge, Belgium. Entered 
the Order of Oblates of Mary Immaculate 1893; 
ordained 1900; at various times, missionary at 
Kimberley, rector, Sacred Heart Church,Bloemf ontein, 
and assistant and rector, St. Mary's Church, Kimber- 
ley, South Africa; assistant (1909-1911) and rector 
(1911- ), Immaculate Conception Church, Pieter- 
maritzburg. South Africa. Has contributed to 

ARTICLES: Basutoland, Prefectube Apostolic of; 


Apostolic of the; Zambesi Mission. 

Lappin, Reverend Henry A., o.c.c. 

ARTICLE: Faoli> Angelo, Venerable. 

Lataste, Reverend Joseph, litt.D., superior of 
the seminary, Aire-sur-Adour, Landes, France. 

ARTICLES: Pascal, Blaise; Pellibsier, Guillaume; 
Perraud, Adolphe; Peter of Poitiebs; Piits V, Saint, Pope; 
Port Royal. 

Lauchert, Fbiedrich, Ph.D., b. at Messkirch, 
Baden, Germany, 1 September, 1863, of Catholic 
parents. Education: Gymnasium, Constance, Ger- 
many; further studies at Munich, Strassburg, Vienna 
and Bern. Brought up an Old Catholic from age of 
ten; connected with Universitv and State Libraries, 
Strassburg, Germany, 1888-1890, 1893-1895; lecturer. 
University of Bern, Switzerland, 1891-1893; professor 
of dogmatic theology and exegesis, Old CathoUc 
Seminary, Bonn, Germany, 1895-1899; s.t.d. (Old 
CathoUc) 1896; returned to Cathohc Church 1899; 

resident at Munich, Germany, 1899-1901; librarian. 
Public Library, Aachen, Germany, 1901- 
Author of: "Herder's griechische und morgenland- 
ische Anthologie und seine Uebersetzungen aus Jakob 
Balde", dissertation for doctorate (Munich, 1886); 
"Geschichte des Physiologus" (Strassburg, 1889); 
"Sprichworter und sprichwortliche Redensarten bei 
P. Abraham a S. Clara" (Bonn, 1893); "G. Chr. 
Lichtenberg's schriftstellerische Thatigkeit in chrono- 
logischer Uebersicht dargestellt" (Gottingen, 1893); 
"Die Lehre des heiUgen Athanasius des Grossen" 
(Leipzig, 1895); "Des Gottesfreundes im Oberland, 
Merswin'sBuchvondenzweiMannen" (Bonn, 1896); 
"Die Kanones der wichtigsten altkirchlichen Con- 
cihen" (Freiburg and Leipzig, 1896); "La estoria de 
los quatro Dotores de la santa Eglesia, in einer alter 
spanischen Uebersetzung nach Vincenz von Beauvair 
herausgegeben" (Halle a.S., 1897); "Franz Anton 
Staudenmaier" (Freiburg-im-Breisgau, 1901); "Leben 
des heiligen Athanasius des Grossen " (Cologne, 1911); 
"Die italienischen hterarischen Gegner Luther's' 
(Freiburg-im-Breisgau, 1911); collaborator: "AUge- 
meine deutsche Biographie"; "Kirchhches Hand- 
lexikon"; Herder's "Konversationslexikon"; contrib- 
utor to: "Romanische Forschungen"; " Historisches 
Jahrbuch"; "Historisch-politische Blatter"; "Zeit- 
schrift fur kathoHsche Theologie"; "Katholik"; 
"Studien und Mittheihmgen aus dem Benediktiner- 
Orden"; "Theologische Revue"; "Literarische Rund- 

ARTICLES: Diebingeb, Franz Xayer; Febronianibm; 
Geissel, Johannes von; Gerhoh of Reicherbbehg; Ghan- 
derath, Theodor; Gr6ne, Valentin; Gunther, Anton; 
Gtjrk, Diocese of; Hettinger, Franz; Holy Coat; Janneh, 
Ferdinand; Kilian, Saint; Kraxjs, Franz Xaver; Kuhn, 
Johannes von; Liebermann, Franz Leopold; Manharteb; 
Middendorp, Jakob; Miletus, Vitus; Moufang, Franz 
Christoph Ignaz; Movers, Franz Karl; Muller, Adam 
Heinrich; Nihus, Barthold; Nikolaus von DinkelbbtShl; 
CEcolampadius, Johann; Ohler, Aloys Kabl; Pfbfferkorn, 
Johannes; Pfister, Adolf; Philanthropinibm; Physiologus; 
Pietism; Pighius, Albert; Pibtorius, Johann; Raich, Johann 
Michael; RXss, Andreas; Ratzinger, Geohg; Rolfus, 
Hermann; Sambuga, Joseph Anton; Schazleb, Constantine, 
Baron von; Scherer-Bboccard, Theodore, Count von; 
Seckau, Diocese of; Staff, Joseph Ambrose; Staudenmaier, 
Franz Anton; StSckl, Albert; Stolz, Alban Isidore; Ulen- 
berg, Kaspar; Walenbuhch, Adrian and Peter von; 
Wesbel Goesport, John; Widmer, Joseph; Wiest, Stephan; 
Windischmann, Karl Joseph Hieronymus. 

Launay, Abb£ Adeibn Charles, b. at Meslay- 
du-Maine, Mayenne, France, 21 October, 1853. 
Education: College, Chateau Gonthier, France; 
Seminary for Foreign Missions, Paris. Entered the 
Society for Foreign Missions 1874; ordained 1877; 
missionary in West Cochin China 1877-1884; sta- 
tioned at the Seminary for Foreign Missions (at 
present, archivist), Paris, 1884- . Author of: 
"Atlas des Missions de la Soci^t6 des Missions 
EtrangSres" (Paris, 1889); "Les Cinquante-deux 
V^n^rables Serviteurs de Dieu, martyrs en Extreme 
Orient", 2 vols. (Paris, 1893); "Histoire Generale de 
la Soci6t6 des Missions Etrangferes", 3 vols. (Prix 
Audiffredi, French Academy) (Paris, 1894); "Histoire 
des Missions de I'Inde", 5 vols, (crowned by the 
Academy of Moral and Political Sciences) (Paris, 
1898); "Histoire des Missions de Chine", 4 vols. 
(Paris, 1901-1906); "Histoire de la Mission du 
Thibet", 2 vols. (Paris, 1903); "Documents histo- 
riques sur la Soci^t6 des Missions EtrangSres" (Paris, 
1904); "Lettres de Mgr. Pallu, administrateur 
g&^ral des Missions de Chine", 2 vols. (Paris, 1904); 

Journal d'Andr6 Ly, prStre chinois" (Latin text) 
(Paris, 1906); "Les 35 V^n&ables Serviteurs de Dieu 
martyrises en Extreme Orient" (Paris, 1908). 

ARTICLE: Society of Fobeign Missions, of Paris. 

Laurentius, Reverend Joseph, s.j., j.c.d., b. at 
Krefeld, Germany, 24 December, 1861. Education: 
Jesuit scholasticates at Exaten, Holland, Ditton Hall, 
England, and Rome. Entered the Society of Jesus 




1879; ordained 1891; professor of canon law, St. 
Ignatius College, Valkenburg, Holland, 1895- 
Author of: " Institutiones Juris eoolesiastici" (Frei- 
burg-im-Breisgau, 1903; 3rd ed. 1914); collaborator 
in Herder's "Kirohenlexikon", 2nd ed.; contributor 
to "Archiv fiir katholisches Kirchenreoht". 
ARTICLES: Diocesan Chancery; Fiscal Pbocttrator. 

Lavelle, Right Reverend Monsignor Michael 
J., M.A., LL.D., vicar-general, archdiocese of New York, 
b. in New York, 30 May, 1856. Education: St. 
Patrick's School, De La Salle Institute and Man- 
hattan College, New York; St. Joseph's Semi- 
nary, Troy, New York. Ordained 1879; assistant 
(1879-1887) and rector (1887- ), cathedral, New 
York; vicar-general, archdiocese of New York. 
President of the Catholic Young Men's National 
Union, 1889-1890, estabhshing it upon a firm basis; 
one of the promoters of the Catholic Summer School, 
Cliff Haven, New York, and president from 1896 to 
1903; active in the interests of the American Federa- 
tion of Catholic Societies since 1900; takes special 
interest in the Italian Catholics of New York. 
Member of the Catholic Historical Association. 
Contributor to various periodicals. 

AKTICLE: Preston, Thomas Scott. 

Lavigne, David Edward, a.b., ll.b., lawyer, b. 
at Waterbury, Connecticut, 13 January, 1881. 
Education: Laval University, Quebec, Canada; Yale 
University, New Haven, Connecticut. Practising 
lawyer, Worce.ster, Massachusetts, 1906-1907; editor- 
in-chief, "La Tribune", Woonsocket, Rhode Island, 
1907-1910; practising lawyer, member of firm of 
Carpenter and Lavigne, Woonsocket, Rhode Island, 
1910- . Secretary of the Woonsocket Armory 
Commission, appointed by the Rhode Island General 
ABTICLE: French Catholics in the United States. 

Le Bachelet, Reverend Xavier Marie, s.j., 
D.D., b. in Paris, 14 January, 1855. Education: 
Ecclesiastical College, Vilhers-le-Sec, and seminaries, 
Sommervieu and Bayeux, France; St. Aloysius House, 
St. Holier, Jersey, Channel Islands. Entered the 
Society of Jesus 1878; ordained 1885; former professor 
of grammar and regent, St. Mary's College, Canter- 
bury, England (one year) ; professor of dogmatic 
theology successively at Jesuit scholasticates, St. 
Aloysius House, St. Holier, Jersey; Fourvi^res, Lyons, 
France; St. Mary's College, Canterbury; Ore Place, 
Hastings, England. Author of "De I'apologiStique 
traditionnelle et de I'apolog^tique modeme" (Paris, 
1897); "La question Uguorienne; ProbabiUsme et 
Equiprobabilisme" (Paris, 1898); "Le p6ch6 originel 
dans Adam et ses descendants" (Paris, 1900); 
"L'lmmacul^e Conception" (Paris, 1903); "Bellarmin 
avant son Cardinalat" (Paris, 1911); "Bellarmin et 
la Bible sixto-cl6mentine" (Paris, 1911); "Bellarmin 
et les Exeroices Spirituels de S. Ignace" (Enghien, 
AKTICLE: Terrien, Jean-Baptiste. 

Lebars, Jean, b.a., Litt.i,., b. in France, d. in 
New York, 1906. Education: College at Tr^gnier 
and Academy at Rennes^, France; University of 
Paris. Professor of English language and litera- 
ture, St. Ignatius College, Paris (seven years) ; came 
to the United States 1902; instructor in French 
language and literature, College of the City of New 
York, 1902-1906; lecturer. Contributed to various 
magazines and newspapers. 

ARTICLES: Academy, French; Amyot, Jacques; Armaqnac, 
Georges d'; Autran, Joseph; Baluze, Etienne; Broglie, 
Jacques-Victor-Albeht, Due de; Daguebbeau, Hbnri- 
FHANgois; Ep:6b, Charles-Michel de l'; Racine, Jean. 

Lebreton, Reverend Jules, s.j., Litt.D., b. at 
Tours, France, 20 March, 1873. Education: St. 

Gregory's College, Tours. Entered the Society of 
Jesus 1890; ordained 1903; professor of theology 
(1905-1907) and of the history of Christian origins 
(1907- ), Catholic Institute, Paris. Author of: 
"Les origines du dogme de la Trinity" (Prix Juteau- 
Duvigneaux, French Academy) (.Paris, 1910). 
ARTICLES: Justin Martyr, Saint; Logos, the. 

Le Brun, Alma Mary. 
ARTICLE: Gu^rin, Anne Th^rJise. 

Le Brun, Reverend Charles Jule Augustb, 
C.J.M., D.D., Litt.L., b. at Gouberville, Manche, 
France, 14 March, 1863. Education: Seminary, 
Volognes, France; Catholic Institute, Paris; Grego- 
rian University, Rome. Entered the Eudist Congre- 
gation 1887; ordained 1888; former professor of 
philosophy. Seminary, Volognes, France; professor of 
theology. Seminary, Soissons, France, 1894-1898, and 
French Eudist scholasticate, 1898-1902; professor of 
theology, Seminary, Rimouski, Canada, 1902-1905; 
professor of theology (1905-1908) and rector (1908- 
1912), Seminary, Halifax, Nova Scotia; stationed in 
Paris 1912- . Theologian of the Archbishop of 
Halifax at the Plenary Council of Canada, Quebec, 
1909. Author of "La Devotion au Cceur de Marie, 
Etude historique et doctrinale"; collaborator in 
Vacant, "Dictionnaire de Thdologie Catholique" (by 
Dr. Le Brun: "Ven. Jean Eudes"); re-edited, with 
one of the Eudist fathers, the complete works of 
Ven. Jean Eudes, 12 vols. (Vannes, 1905-1910). 

ARTICLES: Eudes, Jean; Eudibts; Good Shepherd, Our 
Lady of Charity of the. 

Leclerc, Reverend Cli^ment,, b.a., b. at 
Orleans Island, Quebec, Canada, 22 November, 1858. 
Education: Seminary and Laval University, Quebec, 
Canada. Ordained 1884; entered tne Redemptorist 
Order 1885; stationed at Redemptorist houses in 
Belgium 1885-1890; editor of "Annals of the Good 
St. Anne de Beauprd", St. Anne de Beaupr^, Canada, 
1900-1907; rector. Church of Our Lady of the Sacred 
Heart, Hochelaga, Montreal, Canada, 1907-1913; 
rector. Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, 
Sherbrooke, Canada, 1914- 
ARTICLE: Anne de Beaufr^, Sainte. 

Leclercq, Reverend Henri, o.s.b., b. 4 December, 
1869. Education: Notre Dame College, Tournai, 
Belgium. Naturalized French citizen 1888; sub- 
lieutenant, French army, 1893; entered the Bene- 
dictine Order; ordained 1898; formerly stationed at 
St. Michael's Abbey, Farnborough, England; sta- 
tioned at the Italian Hospital, Queen's Square, 
London, 1908- ; editor with Dom Fernand 
Cabrol of "Dictionnaire d'arch^ologie chr^tienne et 
de Uturgie" (Paris). Author of: "Monumenta 
Ecclesiae liturgioa", 2 vols.; "Les Martyrs", 12 vols.; 
"L'Afrique chr^tienne", 2 vols.; "L'Espagne ohr6- 
tienne"; "Manuel d'arch^ologie chrStienne", 2 vols.; 
"Histoire des Conciles", 8 vols, (translation of 
Hefele, "Conciliengesohichte", 2nd ed.). 

ARTICLES: Abbreviation, Methods of; Abbcedaria; 
Abercius, Inscription of; Abgab, The Legend op; Abrasax; 
Adam in Early Christian Liturgy and Literature; African 
Church, Early; Agape; Aqaunum; AkhmIn; Alphabet, 
Christian Use of; Amrah; Antinoe; Antiphon, In Greek 
Liturgy; Antiphonary, Gregorian; Ferri^res, Abbey op; 
Fire, Liturgical Use of; Flavignt, Abbey of; Gams, Pius 
Bonifacius; Gehbert, Martin; Goar, Jacques; Grace at 
Meals; Grancolas, Jban; Gregory of Neoc.«:sarea, Saint; 
Gregory of Nyssa, Saint; Gregory op Tours, Saint; 
GuiSranger, Prosper Louis Pascal; Hair (in Christian 
Antiquity); Holy Oils; Holy Oils, Vessels for; Holy 
Saturday; Holy Water; Holy Water Font; Host; Invita- 
torium; Isidore op Pelusium, Saint; Latbran Councils; 
Lay Communion; Lucifer of Cagliari; Maundy Thursday; 
Meletius of Antioch; Mbletius op Lycopolis; Nic^a, 
CouciLS of; Sacramentalb; Station Days. 

Leduc, Reverend Hippolytb A., o.m.i., b. at 
Evron, Mayenne, France, 30 April, 1842. Educa- 
tion: College of Evron; seminaries at Pr^cign^ and 




Mayenne, and Oblate scholasticates at Marseilles and 
Autun, France. Entered the Order of Oblates of 
Mary Immaculate 1860; sent to Canada and ordained 
1864; professor of French, University of Ottawa, 
1864-1865; missionary at Red River, Canada, 1865- 
1866, and at Pembina, North Dakota, 1866-1867; 
engaged in parish work at St. Albert, Canada, 1867- 
1874, 1877-1885, 1894-1897, and 1906- ; procura- 
tor, diocese of St. Albert, 1868- ; missionary at 
Lac Labiohe 1874r-lS77, at Calgary 1885-1894, and 
at Edmonton 1897-1906, Canada; vicar-general, 
former diocese of St. Albert; vicar-general. Arch- 
diocese of Edmonton, 1913- . As missionary, 
founded new missions and parishes, convents, schools, 
hospitals, and orphanages; built churches at St. 
Albert, Calgary, Edmonton, etc. ; delegate to Federal 
Government at Ottawa from settlers at St. Albert 
and surroundings to defend their rights, 1883. Author 
of "Hostility Unmasked", pamphlet (,1896). 
ARTICLE: Saint Albert, Diocese of. 

Lee, Reverend George, c.s.sp., b. at Castle 
Connell, Co. Limerick, Ireland, 30 May, 1852. 
Education: Blackrock College, Dublin, Ireland; Holy 
Ghost scholasticate, Paris. Entered the Congrega- 
tion of the Holy Ghost 1872; ordained 1883; has 
been at various times professor, director of scholastics, 
and pastor; at present, rector, St. Ann's Church, 
Millvale, Pennsylvania. Author of: "Our Lady of 
America" (Baltimore, 1897); "Life of Ven. Francis 
Libermann" (St. Louis, 1911); contributor to: 
"American Catholic Quarterly Review"; "American 
Ecclesiastical Review"; "Donahoe's Magazine"; 
"Irish Ecclesiastical Record"; "Homiletic Monthly". 

ARTICLE: Guadalupe, Shrine of. 

Legal, Most Reverend Emile Joseph, o.m.i., 
B.A., D.D., Archbishop of Edmonton, Canada, b. at 
Nantes, France, 9 October, 1849. Education: 
Preparatory and Grand Seminaries, Nantes; Univer- 
sity of France. Ordained 1874; professor of mathe- 
matics for five years; entered the order of Oblates 
of Mary Immaculate 1879; went to Western Canada 
as a missionary 1880; missionary to the Blackfeet 
Indians, Southern Alberta, Canada, 1881-1897; 
Coadjutor Bishop (1897-1902) and Bishop (1902- 
1913), St. Albert, Canada; Archbishop of Edmonton, 
Canada, 1913- . Has contributed to various 
periodicals, particularly to mission annals. 

ARTICLE: Blood Indians. 

Lehmkuhl, Reverend AtrausTiNtrs, s..t., moral 
theologian, b. at Hagen, Westphalia, Germany, 23 
September, 1834. Education: Primary, Hagen; 
Secondary, Essen-Ruhr, Rheinland, Germany; various 
Jesuit scholasticates. Entered the Society of Jesus 
1853; ordained 1862; at different times professor of 
Holy Scripture, of dogmatic theology and of moral 
theology, at the Jesuit scholasticates, Maria-Laaoh, 
Germany (1862-1872), and Ditton HaU, England, 
1873-1880; has devoted his time to writing, stationed 
successively at Blyenbeek, Exaten and Valkenburg, 
Holland, 1880- . Member of the Union of 
Fribourg, Switzerland, 1884^1891 . Author of : " Herz 
Jesu Monat" (Paderborn, 1861; 11th ed. 1912); 
"Theologia moraUs", 2 vols. (Freiburg, 1883; 11th 
ed. 1910); "Compendium theologiae moralis" (Frei- 
burg, 1886; 5th ed. 1907); "Arbeitsvertrag und 
Strike" (Freiburg, 1891; 4th ed. 1904); "Die soziale 
Not und der kirchhche Einfluss" (Freiburg, 1892; 
4th ed. 1905) ; " Die soziale Frage und die staatliche 
Gewalt" (Freiburg, 1893; 3rd ed. 1896); "Inter- 
nationale Regelung der sozialen Frage" (Freiburg, 
1893; 3rd ed. 1896); "Der christliche Arbeiter" 
(Einsiedehi, 1895; 3rd ed. 1902); "Das Btirgerliche 
Gesetzbuch des deutsehen Reichs" (Freiburg, 1900; 
7th ed. 1911); "Das Herz des gottlichen Menschen- 
freundes" (Duhnen, 1900; 2nd ed. 1906); "Casus 

conscientiae", 2 vols. (Freiburg, 1902; 4th ed. 1913); 
" Probablilismus vindicatus" (Freiburg, 1906); "Das 
Gattesbrot" (Freiburg, 1911; 2nd ed. 1912); edited: 
Schneider, "Medulla pietatis" (5th to 10th eds.; 
Cologne, 1884-1908); Schneider, "Manuale sacerdo- 
tum" (10th to 17th eds.; Cologne, 188.5-1910); De 
Ponte, "Meditationes", 6 vols. (Freiburg, 1889- 
1890; 2nd ed. 190S-1910); Hausherr, "Compendium 
ceremoniarum " (3rd and 4th eds.; Freiburg, 1891, 
1904); "Bibliotheca ascetica mystica": Arvi.senet, 
"Memoriale vitse sacerdotalis" (Freiburg, 1906) 
Blosius, Selected Works (Freiburg, 1907); Renter, 
"Neo-Confessarius" (Freiburg, 1910; 2nd ed. 1912) 
Bona, Selected Works (Freiburg, 1911); Dirckinck 
" Exhortationum Domesticarum", Bruges, 1913 
collaborator: Herder's "Kirchenlexikon"; Herder's 
"Konversationslexikon"; Buchberger, "KirchUches 
Handlexikon"; contributor to: "Stimmen aus Maria- 
Laach"; "Der KathoUk"; "Theologische praktische 
Quartalschrift"; "American Ecclesiastical Review". 
ARTICLES: Divorce; Gregory of Valencia; Mariana, 
Juan; Marriage, Sacrament of; Sanchez, Thomas; Theology, 

Leimkuhler, Reverend Matthias, s.m. 

ARTICLES: Bachmann, Paul; Baubehger, Wilhelm; 
Bolzano, Bernhard; Bommel, Cornelius Richard Anton van. 

Lejay, Abb£ Paul Antoinb Augustin, b. at 
Dijon, C6te d'Or, France, 3 May, 1861. Education: 
School of Higher Studies, Paris. Ordained 1890; 
professor of Latin philology. Catholic Institute, Paris, 
1890- ; fellow of the University of France. Vice- 
president of the Section of Philology, International 
Catholic Scientific Congress, Fribourg, Switzerland, 
1897; former president of the Linguistic Society of 
Paris. Author of: "Le r61e th^ologique de C^saire 
d' Aries" (1906); edited with notes Horace's Satires 
(1911); one of the editors of the Collection "Textes 
et documents poxa I'^tude historique de christian- 
isme"; collaborator in: Vacant, " Dictionnaire de 
th^ologie cathoUque"; Cabrol, "Dictionnaire d'arche- 
ologie chr^tienne et de Uturgie"; contributor to: 
"Revue critique d'histoire et de Utt^rature"; "Revue 
bfin^dictiae ' ' ; associate editor of " Revue de philologie, 
de Htt^rature et d'histoire anciennes". 

ARTICLES: Arator; Ausonius, Decimus Magnus; Cas- 
siODORUs; Claudianus Mamertus; Commodianus; Consentius; 
Dacier, Andr^ and Anne; Dracontiub, Blossius ^^milius; 
Due, Fronton du; Du Cange, Charles Dufresne; Dupin, 
Louis-Ellies; Ennodius, Magnus Felix; Epiphanius (Scho- 
LASTicus) ; EvAGRiua (Scholasticus) ; Fohtunatus, Venantius 
HoNOHius Clementianus; Caret, Jean; Garland, John; 
Gaul, Christian; Hegesippus, The Pseudo-; Helpidius, 
Flavius Rusticius; Holstenius, Lucas; John of Hauteville; 
JuvENCus, C. Vettius Aquilinus; L.ETU8, PoMPONius; Lambin, 
Denis; Lascaris, Constantine; Lascaris, Janus; Latin 
Literature, Christian; Latin Literature in the Church, 
Classical; Mai, Angelo; Manuel Chrysoloras; Martianus 
Capella; Minucius Felix; Mirandola, Giovanni Francesco 
Pico della; Mirandola, Giovanni Pico della; Paulinus 
of Pella; Poggio Bracciolini, Giovanni Francisco; Politian; 
Priscianus; Proba, Faltonia; Prudentius, Aurelius Cle- 
mens; Salutati, Coluccio di Pierio di; Salvianub; Sannazaro, 
Jacopo; Scaliger, Julius C^sar; Sedulius; Serverus Sanctus 
Endelechius; Sidonius Apollinaris; Valois, Henri; Vavas- 
SEUR, Francois; Vespasiano da Bisticci; Vida, Marco 
GiROLAMO; ViT, ViNCENzo; VivEs, Juan Luis; Willems, Pierre. 

Lenhart, Reverend John Maria, cm. cap., b. at 
Reifenberg, Bavaria, Germany, 4 May, 1873. 
Education: Gymnasium, Speyer, Germany; Capuchin 
scholasticate, Cumberland, Maryland. Entered the 
Capuchin Order 1889; ordained 1897; lector of 
philosophy. Capuchin scholasticate, Cumberland, 
Maryland, 1897-1903, and St. Fidelis's Monastery, 
Victoria, Kansas, 1903-1913; curate. Church of St. 
Alphonsus, Wheeling, W. Va., 1914- 

ARTICLES: BARTHOLOM.EUS Anglicub; Candidus; Coc- 
CALEO, Viatora; Comboni, Daniel; Forbes, John; Tibet, 
Missionaries, Language and Literature of. 

Lennox, Patrick Joseph, b.a., Litt.D., b. at 
Nurney, Co. Kildare, Ireland, 12 August, 1862. 
Education: primary school, Nurney; Rockwell Col- 




lege, Cashel, St. Patrick's College, Carlow, and 
University CoUege, Dublin, Ireland; matriculated at 
Royal University of Ireland. Lecturer, University 
CoUege, and professor of Classics and English, 
Dominican Women's CoUege, Dublin, 1886; married 
Lillian Clare, daughter of Thomas Pakenham, of 
Dublin, 1894; professor of EngUsh and history, and 
senior lecturer of the Intermediate Department, 
Blackrock CoUege, and manager and head professor 
of the evening classes. University College, DubUn, 
1904-1907; professor English language and literature, 
Cathohc University, Washington, D. C, 1907- 
Former "auditor" of University CoUege Literary and 
Historical Society, DubMn; has given much study and 
attention to economic and sociological questions; 
chosen by State Department to represent United 
States at International Congress of Chambers of 
Commerce, London, 1910; special agent of United 
States Department of Commerce and Labor to 
investigate trade conditions abroad, 1910; appointed 
by President Taft to represent United States at 
International Congress on Alcoholism, The Hague, 
1911;- chairman of Committee to revise question of 
books suitable for school use. Convention of CathoUc 
Educational Association, Pittsburg, 1912. Author 
of: "The Victorian Era in Ireland", inaugural address 
as "auditor" of University College Literary and 
Historical Society (1887); "Mythology of the 
Ancients" (1888); "Early Printing in Ireland" 
(1909); "Women Writers of Enghsh in the Fifteenth 
Century" (1910); "National University of Ireland" 
(1911); "Addison and the Modern Essay" (1912); 
contributor to: "The Irish Fireside"; "The lUustro- 
graph"; "North American Review"; "Catholic 
University Bulletin"; "Catholic World"; "Catholic 
Educational Review"; editorial writer on "The 
Washington Post". 

ARTICLES: Gower, John; Maektat, Florence; Moore, 
Michael; Pope, Alexander; Proctor, Adelaide Anne; 
Richard de Burt; Scotland: Scottish Literature. 

Le Roy, Right Reverend Alexandre, c.s.sp., 
b. at Avranches, Manche, France, 19 January, 1854. 
Ordained 1876; professed in Congregation of the 
Holy Ghost 1877; former missionary and professor of 
rhetoric in Reunion Island; former professor of 
phUosophy and director. Colonial College, Pondi- 
cherry, French India; former missionary in Zanzibar; 
vicar ApostoUc of Gaboon, Africa, 1893-1896; 
titular Bishop of AUnda 1893- ; superior general 
of the Congregation of the Holy Ghost, resident in 
Paris, 1896- . Author of: "A travers le Zangue- 
bar"; "Le long des c6tes d'Afrique"; "Sur terre et 
siu- I'eau"; "Les Pygmfes"; "La Religion des 
Primitifis", etc. 

ARTICLES: Africa; Cimbebasia, Upper and Lower, 
Prefecture Apostolic of; Mayotte, Nossi B^, and Comoro, 
Prefecture Apostolic of; Morocco, Prefecture Apostolic 
of; Nigeria, Upper and Lower; Somaliland; Zanzibar; 

Lescher, Vert Reverend Wilfrid, o.p., b. in 
London, 2 October, 1847; d. at Hinckley, 31 Decem- 
ber, 1916. Education: Ushaw College, Durham, 
England; Dominican scholasticates, London and 
Louvain, Belgium. Professed in the Dominican 
Order 1865; ordained 1871; formerly engaged in 
parish work in London, Leicester, and Stroud, 
England; chaplain at Prudhoe Hall, England, 1879- 
1883; editor of "The Rosary" 1884^1889; prior of 
Woodchester, Stroud, England, 1891; stationed at 
St. Dominic's Priory, Carisbrooke, Isle of Wight, 
1908-1910; at St. Sebastian's^ Pendleton, Manchester, 
1910-1913; at St. Peter's Priory, Hinckley, England, 
1914-1916. Made a tour of Canada to inspect 
Catholic schools. Former member of: the Catholic 
Academia, London; the An ti- Vivisection Society. 
Author of: "The Angelic Doctor"; "On Universals"; 
"The Human Soul of the Form of the Body"; "St. 

Dominic and the Rosary"; "The Rosary"; "Origin 
of Lourdes " ; "Life of St. Dominic " ; "Life of Cardinal 
Howard"; literary editor of the EngUsh translation of 
St. Thomas's "Summa theologica"; contributor to: 
"CathoUc Times"; "The Tablet". 
ARTICLE: Howard, Philip Thomas. 

Letang, Reverend Henry Edward, b.c.l., b.d., 
b. at Almonte, Ontario, 24 September, 1880. Educa- 
tion: pubUo school, BrudeneU, Ontario; high school, 
Almonte; University of Ottawa, Ontario; Seminary 
of Philosophy and Grand Seminary, Montreal, 
Canada. Ordained 1908; curate, St. James Church, 
Eganville, Ontario, 1908-1909; curate at the cathedral 
and secretary to the Bishop, Pembroke, 1909-1912; 
rector. Church of St. Joseph, AUumette Islands, P. 
Q., Canada, 1913- . Director of St. Columba's 
Debating and Literary Society, Pembroke. Con- 
tributor to various newspapers. 

ARTICLE: Pembboee, Diocese of. , 

Letellier, Reverend Arthur, s.s.s., b. at Riviere 
OueUe, P. Q., Canada, 7 Aug., 1862. Education: 
Canada ; Paris ; Gregorian University, Rome. Entered 
the Society of the Blessed Sacrament, 1883; ordained 
1888; rector. Church of St. Jean Baptiste, New 
York, 1903-1914; superior, ReUgious of the Blessed 
Sacrament, Montreal, Canada, 1915- . Editor 
of "Sentinel of the Blessed Sacrament". 

ARTICLES: Eymard, Pierre-Julien; Perpetual Adora- 
tion, Religious of the (Einsiedeln) ; Perpetual Adoration, 
Sisters of the (Quimper); Perpetual Adorers of the 
Blessed Sacrament; Priests' Communion League; Servants 
of the Most Blessed Sacrament, Congregation of the; 
Society of the Blessed Sacrament. 

Libert, Reverend Paul Prosper, s.t.b., b. at 
Audenarde, Belgium, 11 May, 1863. Education: 
CoUege at Audenarde, Seminary at Ghent and 
University of Louvain, Belgium. Ordained 1885; 
professor at St. Vincent's CoUege, Eecloo, Belgium, 
1886-1892; professor (at present, of catechetics and 
French hterature), and Ubrarian, St. Bernard's 
Seminary, Rochester, New York, 1892- 

ARTICLE: De La Croix, Chables. 

Liese, Reverend Wilhelm Anton, s.t.d., b. at 
Wiirdinghausen, WestphaUa, Germany, 27 April, 
1876. Education: Paderborn; Innsbruck; Munster; 
Bonn. Ordained 1899; engaged in parish work 
1899-1900; connected with the Central Bureau of the 
Charity Association, Freiburg, Germany, 1900-1903; 
diocesan Mbrarian, Paderborn, 1903- ; lecturer on 
social sciences. Seminary, Paderborn, 1910- 
Former editor of "Frauenwirtschaft", 1910-1911. 
Author of: "Der heUsnotwendige Glaube" (1902); 
"Handbuch des Madchenschutzes" (1904; 2nd ed. 
1908); "Das HauswirtschaftUche Bildungswesen" 
(1906; 2nd ed. 1910); coUaborator in: Herder's 
"Konversationslexikon"; Herder's "Staatslexikon"; 
"Lexikon der Padagogik"; "Handworterlexikon der 
Staatswissenschaften"; editor of "Der Jungfrauen- 

ARTICLE: Temperance Movements (Europe). 

Ligneul, Reverend Francois; missionary, b. at 
Chartres, France, 1847. Ordained 22 January, 1871; 
former professor successively of grammar, literature, 
philosophy, and theology, France; missionary at 
Tokio, Japan, 1880- . Author of a work on 
theology in Japanese; various pamphlets. 

ARTICLE: Japan, Christianity in. 

Lilly, William Samuel, ll.m., j.p., barrister, b. 
at Fifehead, Dorsetshire, England, 10 July, 1840, son 
of WiUiam Lilly, of Windout House, near Exeter, 
England. Education: Peterhouse, Cambridge. 
Under secretary of the Government of Madras, India, 
1869; convert to the Church; married Susannah (d. 
1903), daughter of Reverend George HaU, 1878; 
























married Anna Marie, daughter of Felix Emery, of 
Geneva, Switzerland, 1907; barrister; Justice of the 
Peace for Middlesex and London. Hon. fellow of 
Peterhouse, Cambridge; secretary (since 1874), 
Catholic Union of Great Britain; member of the 
Athenaeum Club (London). Author of: "Ancient 
ReMgion and Modem Thought" (1884); "Chapters 
in European History" (1886); "A Century of Revo- 
lution" (1889); "On Right and Wrong" (1890); "On 
Shibboleths" (1892); "The Great Enigma" (1893); 
"The Claims of Christianity" (1894); "Four English 
Humorists of the Nineteenth Century" (1895); 
"Essays and Speeches" (1897); "First Principles in 
PoUtics" (1899); "A Year of Life" (1900); "Renais- 
sance Types" (1901); "India and Its Problems" 
(1902); "Christianity and Modem Civilization" 
(1903); "Studies in Religion and Literature" (1904); 
"Many Mansions" (1907); "Idola Fori" (1910); 
"The New France" (1913); "A Manual of the Law 
specially affecting Cathohcs" (in collaboration with 
J. P. Wallis) (1893). 

ARTICLE : Ehqland (Sincb the Refobiution). 

Limbrock, Vbkt Reverend Ebbrhard, s.v.d., 
b. at Ahlen, Westphalia, Germany, 23 May, 1859. 
Education: Scholasticate of the Society of the Divine 
Word, Steyl, Holland. Entered the Society of the 
Divine Word; missionary 1883- ; ordained 1886; 
for a number of years missionary in Southern Shan- 
tung, China; prefect ApostoUc of Kaiserwilhelmsland, 
resident at Alexishafen, German New Guinea, 1896- 
. Has contributed articles on subjects relating 
to the missions to various periodicals. 

ARTICLES: Divine Word, Society of the; Kaiserwil- 
helmsland, Prefecture Apostolic op. 

Lindsay, Reverend Lionel St. George, sc.b., 
Ph.D., D.D., b. at Montreal, Canada, 1 May, 1849. 
Education: Seminary and Laval University, Quebec; 
Gregorian University, Academy of St. Thomas and 
Minerva, Rome. Ordained 1875; prefect of studies, 
Levis College, Levis, Canada, 1875; chaplain, 
Ursuline Monastery, Quebec, 1894-1898; diocesan 
inspector of Academies and Convent Schools, Quebec, 
1898-1905; secretary (1905-1907) and archivist (1905- 
), archdiocese of Quebec. Author of "Notre 
dame de Lorette en la NouveUe France" (1900); 
editor-in-chief (since 1902) of "La NouveUe France". 

ARTICLES: Baillargeon, Charles-Francois; Briand, 
Joseph Oliver; Brosse, Jean-Baptiste de la; Bullion, 
Ang^lique; Calli£:res, Louis-Hector de; Caron, Ren^- 
Edouard; C artier, Georges-Etienne; Cazeau, Charles- 
F^Lix; D]6naut, Pierre; Dosquet, Pierre-Herman; Duver- 
NAT, Ludger; Esglis, Louis-Phillipe Mariauchau d'; 
Faillon, Etienne-Michel; Faribault, Georges-Barth^lemy; 
Frontenac, Count Louis de Buade; Garneau, Fran^ois- 
Xavier; Gabnier, Charles; Gasp^, Philippe Aubert de; 
GoupiL, Ren^; Gravier, Jacques; Holmes, John; Hubert, 
Jean-Frai^COIS; Lafitau, Joseph- Francois; Lafl^che, Louis; 
Lamberville, Jacques de and Jean de; Lauzon, Jean de; 
Laval, Francois de Montmorency; LaverdiIjre, Charles- 
Honor^; Le Motne Family; Le Motne, Simon; Lescab- 
bot, Mabc; Lusignan, Jean-Baptiste-Alphonse; Maillard, 
Antoine-Simon; Maisonneuve, Paul de Chomedey de; 
Mbilleur, Jean-Baptiste; Meecier, Louis-Honor^; Mont- 
calm-Gozon, Louis- Joseph; Montmagny, Charles Huault 
de; Peltrie, Madeleine de la; Periodical Literature, 
Catholic, Canada; Plessis, Joseph-Octave; Quebec, 
Province of; Raffeix, Pierre; Ragubneau, Paul; Raym- 
bault, Charles; Rimouski, Diocese of; Saoard, Th^odat- 
Gabriel; Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, Prefecture Apostolic 
of; Saint Vallier, Jean-Baptiste de; Tach^, Etiennb 
Pascal; Talon, Jean; Talon, Pierre; Tabs^, Joseph; Tracy, 
Alexandre de Prouville, Marquis de; Ungava; Ursulines 
OF Quebec; Vaudreuil, Philippe-de-Riqaud, Marquis de; 
Verreau, Hospice-Anthelme; Viger, Denis-Benjamin; Viger, 
Jacques; Youville, Marie-Marguerite de. 

Linehan, Paul Henry, a.b., Ph.D., b. at Boston, 
Massachusetts, 15 January, 1879. Education: Har- 
vard University; Columbia University, New York. 
Assistant professor of mathematics. College of the 
City of New York, 1903- . Member of: the 
American Mathematical Society; the American 
Association for the Advancement of Science; the 

Mathematical Association of America; the United 
States CathoUc Historical Society. Author of 
"Contributions to Equilong Geometry" (Lancaster, 

Pa., 1915). 

ARTICLES: BiNET, Jacques-Philippe-Mahie; Faa di 
Bruno, Francesco; Hermite, Charles; Inghirami, Giovanni; 
La Hire, Philippe de; Nunez, Pedro; Ozanam, Jacques; 
Pacioli, Lucas; Tartaglia, NicoLd; Torrubia, JosE; Vernier, 
Pierre; Vieta, Francois. 

Linnenkamp, Right Reverend Monsignor 
Christopher, b. at Verl, Westphaha, Germany, 27 
November, 1838. Education: Cape Girardeau, Mis- 
souri; St. Francis Seminary, St. Francis, Wisconsin. 
Ordained 1864; assistant pastor at St. Louis, Missouri, 
1864-1865; pastor at Weston, Missouri, 1865-1869; 
pastor, Immaculate Conception Church, and vicar- 
general of the diocese, St. Joseph, Missouri, 1869- 
; domestic prelate 1900. Author of "Souvenir 
of the Immaculate Conception Church, St. Joseph, 
Mo.", pamphlet. 

ARTICLE: St. Joseph, Diocese of. 

Lins, Joseph, b. at Pfreimd, Germany, 19 March, 
1872. Editor of "Herder's Konversations Lexikon", 
1900-1908; contributor to " Staatslexikon der Gorres- 
GeseUschaft", "Die Religion in Geschichte imd 

ARTICLES: Aachen; Amsterdam; Anhalt, Vicariate 
Apostolic; Armenierstadt; Artvin; Augsburg, Diocese of; 
Baden, Grand Duchy of; Balearic Isles; Bamberg, Arch- 
diocese of; Basle-Lugano, Diocese of; Berlin; Boniface 
Association; Borromeo, Society of St. Charles; Branden- 
burg; Braun, Placidus; Bremen; Brixen, Diocese of; 
Brunn, Diocese of; Bukarest, Archdiocese of; Bulgaria; 
Cologne; CsanAd, Diocese of; Culm, Diocese of; Damara- 
land; Dresden; Frankfort-on-the-Main; Freiburg; Fulda, 
Diocese of; Germany, Vicariate Apostolic of Northern; 
Gesellenvereine ; Gnesen-Posen, Archdiocese of; Hague, 
The; Hesse; Illyria; Koniggratz, Diocese of; Laibach, 
Diocese of; Lavant; Leipzig; Leitmeritz, Diocese of; 
Limburg, Diocebe of; Linz, Diocese of; Lithuania; Lubeck; 
Lublin, Diocese of; Lucerne; Mainz; Mecklenburg; 
Mehrerau; Meissen; Metz; Minden, Diocese of; Minsk, 
Diocese of; Misocco and Calanca, Prefecture Apostolic 
op; Mohileff, Archdiocese of; Montenegro; Moravia; 
Munich-Freising, Archdiocese of; MtJNSTER, Diocese of; 
Nuremburg; Osnabruck, Diocese of; Padbrborn, Diocese 
of; Palatinate, Rhenish; Passau, Diocese of; Plock, 
Diocese of; Ratisbon, Diocese of; Rhetia, Prefecture 
Apostolic of; Roehmond, Diocese of; Rottenburg, Diocese 
of; Rumania; Saint Gall, Diocese op; Saint Petersburg; 
Savoy; Schleswig-Holstein; Servia; Siberia; Sign, Diocese 
op; Strasburg, Diocese of; Tiraspol, Diocese of; Tran- 
sylvania; Trier, Diocese of; Tschidereb 2U Gleifheim; 
Tunis; Tuscany; Upper Rhine, Ecclesiastical Province of 
the; Utrecht, Archdiocese of; Vienna; Volksverein; 
WtJRZBURG, Diocese of; Zante; Zell, Karl. 

Lionnet, Reverend Joseph, s.j., Litt.L., b. 9 
February, 1861. Education: Seminary of Notre 
Dame des Champs, Paris; Cathohc University, 
Angers, France. Entered the Society of Jesus; has 
held the posts of professor of history and prefect of 
studies in various Jesuit colleges; at present, editorial 
secretary, "Etudes", Paris. Contributor to 

ARTICLE: Daniel, Charles. 

Loehr, August Octav Ritter von, Ph.D., ll.d., 
b. at Vienna, 31 March, 1882. Education: Benedic- 
tine Gymnasium, Seitenstettin, Austria; Universities 
of Vienna, Heidelberg, and Grenoble. Librarian, 
Institute for Austrian Historical Research, Vienna, 
1903-1905; member of the Austrian Institute for 
Historical Studies, Rome, 1905-1906; assistant 
director, Austrian Imperial Collection of Coins and 
Medals, Vienna, 1906- . Correspondent, Im- 
perial Royal Central Commission for the Care of 
Monuments, Vienna (since 1908); member of the 
Institutue for Austrian Historical Research. Con- 
tributor to: "Regesta Habsburgica"; "Nunziature 
degli Paci". 

ARTICLES: Numismatics; Stbeber, Franz Ionaz ton; 
Streber, Franz Seraph. 

Loffler, Klemens, ph.o., b. at Steinbach, Eichs- 
feld, Germany, 30 January, 1881. Education: 




Gymnasium, Heiligenstadt, Germany; Universities 
of Freiburg, Munich, Munster, and Gottingen, 
Germany. Assistant librarian, Universities of 
Miinster and Gottingen, 1903-1905; Gymnasium 
teacher 1905-1906; assistant librarian in Berlin 1906- 
1908; associate librarian, University of Breslau (1908- 
1909) and University of Miinster (1909- ). 
Author of: "Die Westfalischen Bischofe im Investi- 
turstreit" (1903); "Der Hulfensberg im Eichsfelde" 
(1909); "Papstgeschichte von der franzosischen 
Revolution bis zur Gegenwart" (1911) ; edited "Unser 
Eichsfeld", Vols. I-IV (1906-1909); issued critical 
edition of historical works of Hamehnann, 2 vols. 
(1908-1913); collaborator in: "Historisches Jahrbuch 
der Gorres-Gesellschaft" ; "Die Religion in Geschichte 
und Gegenwart"; contributor to: "Historisch- 
politische Blatter"; "Grenzboten"; "Zeitschrift fiir 
Biicherfreunde"; "Religion in Geschichte und 
Gegenwart"; "Hochland"; "Aar"; various news- 

ARTICLES: Constantitjs, Flavius Julius; Gresbmund, 
Dietrich; Humanism; Investitures, Conflict of; Lamor- 
MAiNi, Wilhelm; Langen, Rudolph von; Leo X, Pope; Leubus; 
Liesborn; Lindemann, Wilhelm; Luscinius, Ottmar; Mag- 
deburg; Magliabechi, Antonio; Mallinckrodt, Hermann 
von; Maria Theresa; Marienberg; Melanchthon, Philipp; 
Mone, Franz; Notker, Balbulus; Notker, Labeo; Odilio, 
Saint; Odo, Saint, Abbot of Clunt; Ostrogoths; Otto, 
Saint; Overberg, Bernhard Heinrich; Pannabtz, Arnold; 
Pantaleon, Saint; Paschasius, Saint; Paulinus, Saint, 
Bishop of Nola; Peasants, War of the; Periodical Litera- 
ture, Catholic, Germany; Pez, Bernhard and Hierontmus; 
Pforta; Pirkheimer, Charitas; Pirkheimer, Willibald; 
Pius VIII, Pope; Pomerania; Pontus; Poppo, Saint; Prag- 
matic Sanction; Prum; Reifenstein; Reibch, Gregor; 
Reuchlin, Johannes; Rimbert, Saint; Sabina, Saint; 
Samogitia, Diocese of; Savignt, Karl Friedrich; Schaft- 
lan; Schannat, Johann Fbiederich; Schedel, Hart- 
mann; Schonbobn Family; Schorlemer-Alst, Burghard, 
Freihbhh von; Sebastian, Saint; Sergius and Bacchus; 
SiGEBERT OP Gembloux; Silebia; Silvia, Saint; Simon, Saint 
AND Apostle; Simplius, Faustinus and Beatrice; Speyer, 
Diocese of; Staphylus, Friedrich; Staupitz, Johann von; 
Stolberq, Joseph; Strossmayer, Joseph Georg; Stddion; 
Syncretism; Tauler, John; Tepl; Tewdrig; Thalhofer, 
Valentin; Theiner, Augustin; Theobald, Saint; Theodard, 
Saint; Theodore of Studium, Saint; Theodulf; Thrysaus, 
Hermann; Tiberius; Titus, Roman Emperor; Toustain, 
CHARLES-FRANgois; Trajan; Trebnitz; Truchsess von 
Waldburg, Otto; Trudpert, Saint; Valdes, Alphonso de; 
Valerian; Valle, Pietro della; Vandals; Vargas y Mexia, 
Francisco de; Veghe, Johannes; Victor IV; Vierthaler, 
Franz Michael; Visigoths; Volk, Wilhelm; Von Gagebn, 
Max; Walkenried; Wandelbert; Welser, Bartholomeus; 
Wendelin of Trier, Saint; Wenrich of Trier; Westphalia; 
WiGBERT, Saint; Wigbod; Wilhelm V, Duke of Bavaria; 
WiMPFELiNG, Jakob; Wimpina, Konrad; Wittenberg, City 
and University of; Worms; Zionites. 

Lopez Barddn, Vbet Reverend Tirso, o.s.a., 
S.T.M., missionary Apostolic, b. at Cornombre, Le6n, 
Spain, 25 May, 1838, son of Dionisio L6pez and 
Manuela Barddin. Education: private; Augustinian 
College, VaUadolid, Spain. Entered the Augustinian 
Order 1855; for a time professor of philosophy, 
Augustinian College, VaUadolid, ordamed 1860; 
professor of theology and canon law, Augustinian 
College, and superior of the Mission, Manila, Philip- 
pine Islands, 1864-1866; diocesan censor of books, 
Philippine Islands, 1865-1866; professor (1866-1881) 
and prefect of studies (1877-1881), College of Santa 
Maria, La Vid, Spain; degree of Lector Jubilado 1881 ; 
master of novices, Augustinian College, VaUadolid, 
1881-1888; s3modal examiner, archdiocese of VaUa- 
dolid, 1886-1892; definitor and assistant general, 
Augustinian Order, 1888-1895; annalist of the 
Augustinian Order 1895-1901; definitor of the 
PhiUppine Province, Augustinian Order, resident at 
VaUadolid, 1905- . Theologian of the Arch- 
bishop of Salamanca, Provincial Chapter, Valladohd, 
1889; one of the judges of the papers read at the 
Floral Festival for the 400th anniversary of the death 
of Isabella the CathoHo, Medina del Campo, VaUa- 
dohd, 1904, for the celebration of the Centenary of 
the First Edition of "Don Quixote", and for the 
debate held at the Escorial for the 15th Centenary of 
the death of St. Augustine, 1886; on various occasions. 

episcopal visitor of convents; one of the founders and 
former editor of "Revista Augustiniana " (now "La 
Ciudad de Dios"). Corresponding member of the 
Spanish Royal Historical Academy; member of the 
College of Doctors of Theology, Pontifical University 
for Ecclesiastical Studies, "Valladohd. Continuator 
of: Berti, "Brevarium Latinum Historioum" (Valla- 
dohd, 1889); Crusenio, "Monasticum Augustin- 
ianum" (ValladoUd, 1903); collaborator in "Ano 
Cristiano y Santoral Espanol" (Madrid, 1881- ); 
contributor to: "La Ilustraci6n Cat6Hca"; "La 
Ciudad de Dios." 

ARTICLES: Agobtino Novello, Blessed; Badajoz, 
Diocese of; Barbastro, Diocese of; Barcelona, Diocese 
of; Braga, Archdiocese of; Braganqa-Miranda, Diocese 
of; Buhgos, Archdiocese of. 

Lorigan, Reverend Jambs T., b. in Ireland, 1872. 
Education: Professor Coyne's School, Ireland; Mt. 
St. Mary's Seminary, Cincinnati, Ohio; I;Ouvaia 
University, Belgium. Began career as a journalist; 
came to America 1879; successively engaged in rail- 
road work and journalism, Tennessee, becoming 
iinaUy editor of a Cathohc weekly at NashviUe, 
1879-1898; ordained 1905; assistant pastor in diocese 
of Nashville 1905; rector. Church of the Holy Ghost, 
KnoxviUe, Tennessee, establishing the parish and 
erecting the church and school, 1906-1912; chaplain, 
St. Peter's Orphanage, Memphis, Tenn., 1915- 
Has contributed to various magazines. 

ARTICLE: Nashville, Diocese of. 

Lorkin, Elizabeth Mary, l.r.a.m. 

ARTICLES: Stradivari, Antonio; Stradivari Family. 

Lortie, Reverend Joseph Francis Albert, 
O.M.I. , B.L.,, B.A., b. at Ottawa, Canada, 17 
September, 1881. Education: College of the 
Christian Brothers and Loyola CoUege, Montreal; 
Laval University, Quebec; Ottawa University, 
Ottawa, Canada. Entered the order of Oblates of 
Mary Immaculate; ordained 1908; professor of 
English Uterature and rhetoric (1908-1910), and 
acting rector (1910-1913), St. Patrick's CoUege, 
Jaffna, Ceylon; stationed at the Church of St. 
Saiiveur, Quebec, Canada, 1913- . Has lectured 
on social subjects in Ceylon. President (and founder, 
1909) of the Jaffna Catholic Club. 
ARTICLE: Jaffna, Diocese of. 

Lortie, Reverend Stanislaus A., a.m., d.d., 
b. at Quebec, Canada, 13 November, 1869; d. at 
Little Current, Ontario, Canada, 19 Aug., 1912. 
Education: Christian Brothers' School and Prepara- 
tory and Grand Seminaries, Quebec; Canadian 
College and Propaganda, Rome, under SatolU and 
Lepioier. Ordained 1893; professor of philosophy 
(1893-1900, 1901-1906) and of dogmatic theology 
(1900-1912), Laval University, Quebec; theologian 
of the Archbishop of Quebec and assistant secretary, 
First Plenary Council of Quebec, 1909. Member 
of: the Preparatory Commission, Temperance Con- 
gress, Quebec, 1910; the Society of Social Economy 
of Paris; director and archivist (and one of the 
chief promoters) of the Soci^t^ du Parler Fran5ais 
au Canada; president (and one of the chief pro- 
moters) of the Society of Social and Political 
Economy of Quebec. Author of : "Elementa philos- 
ophia? ChristianEe ad mentem Sancti Thomse" (text 
book in Laval University and various other Canadian 
colleges); "Compositeur Typographe de Quebec" 
(CoUection: "Les ouvriers des Deux Mondes"); 
"Conferences de I'Universit^ Laval"; philosophical 
and sociological pamphlets; has contributed philo- 
sophical and sociological articles to various periodicals; 
one of the directors of the "Bulletin" of the Society 
du Parler Frangais au Canada. 

ARTICLES: Bastiat, Claude-Fh^d^ric; Poor, Case of, 
by the Church. 




Loughlin, Right Reverend Monsignor James 
Francis, d.d., b. at Auburn, New York, 8 May, 1851; 
d. in Barbadoes, 17 March, 1911. Education: 
parish, pubhc, and high schools, Toledo, Ohio; 
Niagara University, Niagara Falls, New York; 
Propaganda, Rome. Ordained 1874; assistant, St. 
Matthew's Church, Conshohocken, Pennsylvania, 
1874-1880; professor of Greek, canon law, and music, 
St. Charles Seminary, Overbrook, Pennsylvania, 
1880-1886; rector, Church of Our Lady of the Rosary, 
Hadington, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where he 
built the church, 188&-1901; chancellor of archdiocese 
of Philadelphia 1892; domestic prelate 1899; rector, 
Church of the Nativity, Philadelphia, 1901-1911; 
censor of books, secretary of the School Board and 
member of various charitable boards, archdiocese of 
Philadelphia. Established reading circles in principal 
parishes of Philadelphia; lecturer on Church history 
and on Dante; spoke fluently, Latin, Greek, French,. 
German, Itahan, Spanish, and Polish; one of the 
founders and former president, Catholic Summer 
School, Cliff Haven, New York; at one time president 
of the Catholic Young Men's National Union; former 
associate editor of "American CathoUc Quarterly 
Review" Member American Catholic Historical 
Society. Author of sermons; contributor to: "Phila- 
delphia Saturday Public Ledger"; "American Catho- 
lic Quarterly Review". 

ARTICLES: Adrian I-VI, Popeb; Aqapetus I, Saint, Pope; 
Agapetus, Pope; Alexander II-IV, Popes; Alexander VI, 
Pope; Ambrose, Saint; Anaclettjs II; Anchorites; Antipodes; 
Arminianism; Cblestine V, Saint, Pope; Clement II-IV; 
VIII-XII, Popes; Clericis Laicos; Colonna Family; Congre- 
gationalism; Conwell, Henry; Corcoran, James; Disciples 
OF Christ; Discussions, Religious; Drexel, Francis 
Anthony; Egan, Michael; Eugene III, Blessed, Pope; 
Eugene IV, Pope; Faith, Protestant Confessions of; 
Friends, Society of; Gelasius II, Pope; Gregory VIII, 
Pope; Gregory VIII, Antipope; Infralapsarians; Paschal 
II, Pope; Paul III-V, Popes; Philadelphia, Archdiocese 
of; Pius III, IV, Popes. 

Loweree, Reverend Daniel R., b.a., b. at 
Guadalajara, Mexico, 1877. Education: Seminary, 
Guadalajara. Ordained 1903; at present, hbrarian of 
the Seminary, Guadalajara. Contributor to various 
periodicals; editor of "Boletin Eolesidstico y Cientifico 
del Arzobispado de Guadalajara". 

AKTICLE: Guadalajara, Archdiocese or. 

Lowth, Mother Catherine Mart, r.s.h. 
Education: College and State University, Wisconsin. 
Entered the Society of the Sacred Heart; has devoted 
her time to teaching in various schools of her order; 
has been mistress of studies in Sacred Heart convents, 
St. Louis, Missouri; Chicago, Illinois; Cincinnati, 
Ohio; Manhattanville, New York; Ehnhurst, Provi- 
dence, Rhode Island; Lake Forest, Illinois; and 
(at present) Halifax, N. S. 

ARTICLE: Duchesne, Philippine-Rose. 

Loyola, Mother Mart (Elizabeth Giles), 
writer, b. at Islington, London, 30 June, 1845. 
Education: Bar Convent, York, England. Became 
a Cathohc 1855; entered the Institute of Mary 1866; 
at present mistress of novices. Bar Convent, York. 
Author of: "First Communion"; "Child of God"; 
"Soldier of Christ"; "Hail, FuU of Grace"; ';Confes- 
sion and Communion"; "Coram Sanctissimo " ; 
"Jesus of Nazareth"; "Welcome"; "Home for 
Good"; "Forgive Us Our Trespasses"; "First 
Confession"; "Heavenwards"; "Children's Charter", 


ARTICLES: Institute of Mary; Ward, Maey. 

Lucas, Reverend George J., s.t.d., j.u.d., b. at 
Youghal, Co. Cork, Ireland, 22 May, 1852. Educa- 
tion: St. Francis Xavier's College, New York; 
Woodstock College, Woodstock, and St. Mary's 
Seminary, Baltimore, Maryland; Catholic University, 
Washington, D. C; Pontifical University, Rome; 

further studies in Canada, England and Belgium. 
Entered the Society of Jesus, but left it owing to ill 
health; ordained 1889; curate (1889-1896) at Scran- 
ton, Archbald, and Dunmore, Pa. ; rector, St. Andrew's 
Church, Blossburg, Pa., 1896-1908; rector, St. Mary's 
Church, Pittston, Pa., 1908-1912; permanent rector, 
St. Patrick's Church, Soranton, Pa., 1912- ; 
synodal examiner ^eaad promoter fiscahs, diocese of 
Scranton; secretary and treasurer of board of directors 
of St. Patrick's Orphanage, Scranton. Moderator of 
the "Accademia" of priests of the diocese of Soranton. 
Author of "Agnosticism and Religion", which merited 
a congratulatory autograph letter from Gladstone 
(Baltimore, 1895); contributor to: "Freeman's 
Journal"; various newspapers. 
ARTICLE: Creed. 

Lucas, Reverend Herbert Walter, s.j., m.a., 
writer, b. at Croydon, near London, 28 January, 1852. 
Education: Bayhs House; Beaumont College, Old 
Windsor, and Stonyhurst College, Blackburn, Eng- 
land; St. Bueno's College, St. Asaph, Wales; Gregorian 
University, Rome. Entered the Society of Jesus 
1869; professor of Classics, philosophy, and pohtical 
economy, Stonyhurst CoUege, Blackburn, 1875-1882; 
ordained 1885; professor of Biblical exegesis, at St. 
Beuno's CoUege, 1889-1901; chaplain, Stonyhurst 
College, 1903-1908; stationed at St. Francis Xavier's 
Church, Liverpool, England, 1908-1916; St. George's, 
Worcester, 1916- . Author of: "Fra Girolamo 
Savonarola" (1899; 2nd ed. 1906); "In the Morning 
of Life" (1904; 3rd ed. 1910; German tr. 1900); 
"At the Parting of the Ways" (1906; 2nd ed. 1908); 
"We Preach Christ Crucified" (1908); (pamphlets:) 
"Conformity or Comprehensiveness"; "The Road to 
Reunion"; "The Iron Virgin of Nuremberg"; "Holy 
Mass" (2 vols. 1914); "God's Truth" (1916); con- 
tributor to: "The Tablet"; "The Month"; "Dubhn 

ARTICLE: Ecclesiastical Aechitectuee. 

Lucey, Right Reverend Monsignor John 
Michael, a.m., b. at Troy, New York, 29 September, 
1843; d. at Pine Bluff, Arkansas, 20 June, 1914. 
Education: Catholic School and Ward's Academy, 
Fort Smith, Arkansas, under Professor Stanley, now 
generally identified with Henry M. Stanley, the 
explorer; St. John's College, Fordham, New York; 
Mt. St. Mary's Seminary, Cincinnati, Ohio. Served 
in the Confederate Army, imder McCuUogh, Sterhng, 
Price, and Hindman, 1861 ; teacher, high school. Fort 
Smith, Arkansas, 1870-1871; ordained 1872; mission- 
ary and pastor in Southeastern Arkansas 1872-1914; 
domestic prelate 1903; vicar-general, diocese of Little 
Rock, 1907-1914; was chaplain general of the 
Arkansas Division, United Confederate Veterans of 
the South. Mentioned for bravery at Battle of 
Wilson's Creek, 1861; organized St. Joseph's Parish 
and founded Colored Industrial Institute, Pine Bluff, 
Arkansas. Former member Arkansas Historical 
Association. Author of: "Sketch of the Cathohc 
Church in Arkansas"; "Practical Socialism" (pam- 
phlet); "The Mass" (pamphlet); contributor to 
various periodicals. 

ARTICLE: Little Rock, Diocese of. 

Luebbermann, Reverend Boniface, b. at 
Cincinnati, Ohio, 8 November, 1852; d. at Dayton, 
Ohio, 9 May, 1910. Education: St. Meinrad's 
College, St. Meinrad, Indiana. Professed in the 
Benedictine Order 1871; ordained 1877; missionary 
in Arkansas, establishing 13 congregations, 1878- 
1879; superior (1884-1889) and prefect (1886-1888), 
St. Meinrad's Abbey, St. Meinrad, Indiana; with the 
consent of his superiors, became affiliated with the 
archdiocese of Cincinnati, 1889; professor of philoso- 
phy and other branches, Mt. St. Mary's Seminary, 
Cincinnati, 1890-1895; rector, St. John's Church' 




Dayton, Ohio, 1895-1907; professor of exegesis (1907- 
1908) and spiritual director (1908), Mt. St. Mary's 
Seminary, Cincinnati; rector, Church of Our Lady of 
the Rosary, St. Mary's, Ohio, 1908-1909. Accom- 
panied Archbishop Elder as secretary to Guadalupe 
Jubilee Celebration, Mexico, 1896; former editor 
(1888-1897) of "Poor Souls Advocate" and "Der 
armen Seelen Freund"; critic of works on theology 
and art for several CathoUc pubhshers. Author of: 
"Glories of Divine Grace" (translation of Scheeben, 
"Herrhchkeiten der gotthchen Gnade"); "The 
Priest in the Pulpit" (translation of first book of 
Schuech, "Pastoral Theologie"); contributor to 
"Emmanuel" and various other periodicals. 
ARTICLE: Diepenbrock, Melchior, Baron von. 

Luzio, Right Rbvebbnb Monsignor Salvatore, 
D.D., Ph.D., J.U.D., b. at S. Cataldo, Sicily, 1870. 
Education: schools, S. Cataldo; Seminary, Girgenti, 
Sicily; Roman Seminary, Rome. Ordained 1893; 
substitute professor in the Faculty of Canon Law, 
Roman Seminary, 1896-1897; professor of canon law, 
Maynooth College, DubUn, Ireland, 1897-1909; 
Privy Chamberlain to Pius X 1905; professor of the 
text of canon law, Roman Seminary, and auditor of 
the cardinal-vicar, Rome, 1909- . Contributor 
to various Italian canonical periodicals; for several 

years writer of the canonical notes, "Irish Ecclesi- 
astical Record". 

ARTICLES: Catagnis, Felice; Degradation; Deposition; 
Derogation; Exequatur. 

Lynch, Right Reverend Monsignor James 
Sylvester Mart, d.d., ll.d., b. at Albany, New 
York, 20 September, 1846. Education: Albany 
Academy, Albany; St. John's College, Fordham, New 
York; St. Joseph's Seminary, Troy, New York. 
Ordained 1870; rector, St. Patrick's Church, Syracuse, 
New York, 1871; director and professor of Mturgy, 
St. Joseph's Seminary, Troy, New York, 1871-1872, 
1875-1880; rector, St. Mary's Church, Baldwinsville, 
New York, 1876; rector, St. John's Church, Utica, 
1882- ; vicar-general, diocese of Sjrracuse, New 
York, 1887-1891; diocesan consultor, chairman of 
the Board of Examiners of the Clergy, and Judex 
Causarum, diocese of Syracuse, 1887- ; domestic 
prelate 1900. Completed and consecrated St. John's 
Church, Utica. Member of: the United States 
CathoUc Historical Society; the International Catho- 
lic Truth Society. Author of: "Essentials of the 
Five Scapulars"; "Little Mass Book"; (transla- 
tions:) "Rite of Ordination"; "Seminarians' Manual 
for Vacation"; "Blessing of BeUs". 
ARTICLE: Stracdse, Diocese of. 


Maas, Reverend Anthony J., s.j., b. at Baink- 
hausen, Westphalia, Germany, 23 August, 1858, son 
of John Maas and EUzabeth Peetz. Education: 
pubhc schools; private schools at Hellefeld and 
Stockum, WestphaMa; Gymnasium, Arnsberg, West- 
phalia; Jesuit scholasticates, Manresa, New York, 
Woodstock, Maryland, and Manresa, Spain. Came 
to America and entered the Society of Jesus 1877; 
professor of Latin and Greek, Jesuit scholasticate, 
Frederick, Maryland, 1883-1884; professor of Hebrew 
(1885-1905) and Ubrarian (1888-1905), Woodstock 
College, Woodstock, Maryland; ordained 1887; 
professor of Scripture (1891-1905) and prefect of 
studies (1897-1905), Woodstock College; assistant 
editor of "The Messenger", New York, 1905- 
1907; rector, Woodstock College, 1907-1912; provin- 
cial, New York-Maryland Province, Society of Jesus, 
resident in New York, 1912- . Author of: 
"Life of Christ" (St. Louis, 1891); "Enchiridion" 
(Baltimore, 1892); "Day in the Temple" (St. Louis, 
1892); "Christ in Type and Prophecy", 2 vols. 
(New York, 1893, 1896); "Commentary on the 
Gospel of St. Matthew" (Boston, 1898); contributor 
to "American Catholic Quarterly Review" and 
various theological periodicals. 

ARTICLES: Abaddon; Abarim; Abba; Abel; Aben Ezra; 
Aberle, Moritz von; Abiathah; Abisai; Abner; Abraham 
EcCHELENSis; Abram, NICHOLAS; Absinthe; Abyss; Acacia; 
Accaron; Achab; Achaicus; Achaz; Acre; Acrostic; 
Adrichem, Christian Kruik van; Adullam; Agabus; Agrapha; 
Albi, Juan de; Alfonso db Zamora; Allemand, Jean; Allioli, 
Joseph Franz; Amelote, Denis; Ancient of Days; Andrew 
OF C.ESAREA; ANTICHRIST; Aquila AND Priscilla; Assideans; 
AssuERtrs; Astruc, Jean; Athias, Joseph; Babel; Caballbro, 
Raimundo Diosdado; Cabassut, Jean; Castro Palao, 
Fernando; Communicatio Idiomattjm; Coninck, Giles de; 
CoRRECTORiES ; Deltjge; Deuteronomy; Editions of the 
Bible; Elect; Elohim; Emmanuel; Engaddi; Ephod; Epistle 
(in Scripture); Esch, Nicolaus van; Evagrius (Ponticus) ; 
Exegesis; Fabri, Honorb; Filioque; Forer, Laurenz; 
Genealogy (in the Bible); Genealogy of Christ; Gibbons, 
John; Gibbons, Richard; Gretsbr, Jacob; Haydock, George 
Leo; Henoch; HENRiQUEZ, Enrique; Hermeneutics; Hex.e- 
meron; Jehovah; Jesus Christ; Kenosis; Knowledge of 
Jesus Christ; Labbe, Philippe; Lentulus, Publius; Logia 
Jesu; Lucifer; Maurus, Sylvester; Pentateuch; Preada- 
mites; Psalms, Alphabetic; Quarantines; Resurrection; 
Salvation; Scripture; Theology, Dogmatic — Christology; 
Tower of Babel; Types in Scripture; Versions of the 
Bible: English Versions; Virgin Birth of Christ; Virgin 
Mary, The Blessed. 

MacAuley, Patrick J., b. at Belfast, Ireland, 
12 December, 1884. Education: St. Malachy's 
College, Belfast, and Maynooth College, Dublin, 
Ireland. Came to America 1909; on the staff of The 
CathoUc Encyclopedia, New York, 1909-1911; 
employed in an auditorial capacity by Foley, Welch 
& Stewart on the Western Division of the Grand 
Trunk Pacific Transcontinental Railway, resident at 
New Hazelton, British Columbia, 1911- 

ARTICLES: Gagarin, Ivan Sergejewitch; Gifford, 
William; Godard, Saint; Gonnelibu, J^r6me; Hatton, 
Edward Anthony; Hbortology; Ibagu:^, Diocese of; Jeremi- 
AS (8); John of Beverley, Saint; Kimberley (Australia), 
Vicariate Apostolic of; Konig, Joseph; Langley, Richard; 
Laos, Vicariate Apostolic op; Loango, Vicariate Apostolic 
of; Serena, La, Diocese of. 

colleges; stationed at Boston College, Bo.ston, Massa- 
chusetts, 1909-1911; professor of poetry and rhetoric, 
St. Andrew-on-Hudson, Poughkeepsie, New York, 
1912-1916; Brooklyn College, 1917. 
ARTICLES: Andrada de Payva, Diego; Azor, Juan. 

MacCafirey, Reverend Canon James, Ph.D., 
S.T.L., J.O.B., b. at Fivemiletown, Co. Tyrone, 
Ireland, 1875. Education: St. Macartan's College, 
Monaghan, and Maynooth College (Dunboyne 
student), DubUn, Ireland; Ecole des Chartes and 
School of Higher Studies, Paris; University of 
Freiburg, Germany. Ordained 1899; at present, 
professor of ecclesiastical history, Maynooth. Secre- 
tary, CathoUc Record Society of Ireland. Author of: 
"History of the CathoUc Church in the XIX 
Century", 2 vols. (DubUn and St. Louis, 1909; 2nd 
ed. 1910); "Manual of Church History" 2 vols. 
(DubUn, 1912); edited "Black Book of Lmierick", 
from manuscript in Majmooth Library (DubUn, 
1907); contributor to magazines in Ireland and 
Germany; editor of "Journal of the CathoUc Record 
Society of Ireland"; associate editor of "Irish 
Theological Quarterly". 

ARTICLES: Baron, Bonaventura; Basil of Seleucia; 
Basle, Council of; Boyle Abbey; Callistus II, Pope; 
Callistus III, Pope; Carve, Thomas; Clogher, Diocese of; 
CoELCHu; Colgan, John; Comgall, Saint; Cormac Mac- 
Cuilenan; Curry, John; Derry, Diocese of; Fleming, 
Thomas; French, Nicholas; Gihaldus Cambrensis. 

McCarthy, Charles Hallan, Ph.D., b. at 
FrankUn, New Jersey, 14 February, 1860. Educa- 
tion: pubUc school, FrankUn; private tutors; Univer- 
sity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Assistant princi- 
pal, pubUc schools of New Jersey, 1879-1881; clerk 
and special examiner, Department of the Interior, 
Washington, D. C, 1881-1887; high school teacher, 
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1890-1904; lecturer on 
EngUsh and American history. Institute of Pedagogy, 
New York City, 1902-1904; professor of American 
history, CathoUc University, Washington, D. C, 
1904^ . Member American Historical Associa- 
tion. Author of: "Lincoln's Plan of Reconstruction" 
(New York, 1901); "Civil Government in the United 
States" (Washington, 1911); "Columbus and His 
Predecessors" (Philadelphia, 1912); revised and 
enlarged: Fredet, "Modern History"; Kerney, 
"Compendium of History"; Kerney, "Abridgment 
of Murray's Grammar". 
ARTICLE: United States of America. 

McCarthy, Right Reverend Felix D., b. at 
Carbonear, 1861. Education: AU Hallows College, 
Dublin, Ireland. Ordained 1884; assistant at the 
cathedral. Harbor Grace, Newfoundland, 1884-1886; 
engaged in parish work at Fortune Harbor (1886- 
1887) and at the Straits of Belle Isle (1887-1889), 
Newfoundland; rector, St. Patrick's Church, Carbo- 
near, 1889- ; vicar-general, diocese of Harbor 
Grace, 1914^ 
ARTICLE: Harbor Grace, Diocese of. 

McCafifray, Reverend Arthur J., s.j., b. at McCloskey, Right Reverend Monsignor James 

Brooklyn, New York, 4 July, 1876. Education: St. Paul, b. at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 9 December, 

Francis Xavier's CoUege, New York; Woodstock 1870. Education: La Salle College, Philadelphia, 

College, Woodstock, Maryland. Entered the Society and St. Charles Seminary, Overbrook, Pennsylvania. 

of Jesus 1893; ordained 1908 j has held the posts of Ordained 1898; at various times assistant at the 

professor of Classics and of history in various Jesuit cathedral, Mobile, Alabama, and at St. Clement's 





Church and Church of the Nativity of the Blessed 
Virgin, Philadelphia; rector of the Seminary and 
secretary to the Bishop, Vigan, Philippine Islands, 
1903-1905; rector, St. Gertrude's Church, West 
Conshohocken, Pennsylvania, 1905-1909; vicar- 
general, chancellor and secretary, diocese of Jaro, 
Philippine Islands, 1909-1916; rector of the Church 
of the B.V.M., Media, 1916; appointed Bishop of 
Zamboango, Philippine Islands, 1917. 
ARTICLE: Jaho, Diocese of. 

McCormack, Mother Mart Belinda, r.s.h., 
Convent of the Sacred Heart, Omaha, Nebraska. 
ARTICLE: Hahdey, Maky Alotsia. 

McCormick, Reverend Patrick Joseph, s.t.l., 
Ph.D., b. at Norwich, Connecticut, 10 December, 
1880. Education: St. Joseph's Seminary, Dun- 
woodie. New York; CathoHc University, Washington. 
Ordained 1904; diocesan superintendent of schools, 
Hartford, Connecticut, 1906-1910; associate professor 
of education, CathoUc University, Washington, 
1910. Collaborator in "Cyclopedia of Education", 
"Encyclopedia of Sunday Schools"; contributor to: 
"Cathohc University Bulletin"; "Catholic Educa- 
tional Review". 

ARTICLES: Vegio, Maffeo; Vittoeino da Feltre. 

MacDonald, Right Reverend Alexander, d.d., 
LL.D., Bishop of Victoria, British Columbia, b. at 
Mabou, Nova Scotia, 18 February, 1858. Education: 
St. Francis Xavier's College, Antigonish, Nova 
Scotia; Propaganda, Rome. Ordained 1884; profes- 
sor of Latin, English and philosophy, St. Francis 
Xavier's College, Antigonish, 1884-1903; vicar- 
general of the diocese (1900-1908) and rector of St. 
Andrew's Church (1903-1908J, Antigonish; Bishop 
of Victoria, British Columbia, 1908- . Author 
of: "Symbol of the Apostles" (New York, 1903); 
"Symbol in Sermons" (New York, 1904); "Sacrifice 
of the Mass" (New York, 1905); "Questions of the 
Day", Vols. I and II (New York, 1905, 1906); 
"Mercies of the Sacred Heart" (New York, 1905); 
"The Sacraments" (New York, 1906); contributor 
to: "Catholic World"; "Ave Maria"; "American 
Ecclesiastical Review"; "Homiletic Monthly"; 
"Irish Ecclesiastical Record"; "Casket" (Anti- 

ARTICLE: Antigonish. 

MacDonald, Anna Spbague, b.a., Boston, Massa- 

ARTICLE: MacDonald, John. 

Macdonald, Reverend Donald R., b.a., b. at 
Mongenais, P. Q., Canada, 27 May, 1867. Educa- 
tion: Catholic and high schools, Alexandria, Glen- 
garry, Canada; Ottawa University and Seminary, 
Ottawa, Canada. Ordained 1892; assistant at the 
cathedral, Alexandria, Canada, 1892-1898; succes- 
sively rector at Crysler and (at present) of St. 
Margaret's Church, Glennevis, Canada. Introduced 
Sisters of Charity of Providence into the parish, 
1912; active in the cause of total abstinence; built 
high school both for pupils of parish and for young 
reMgious preparing themselves for teaching, Glen- 
nevis, 1913. Member of the Cathohc Order of 
Foresters, and Board of Trustees for Provincial High 
School; Knight of Columbus; organizer and director 
of diocesan branch of Cathohc Church Extension 
Society, 1916. 

ARTICLE: Macdonell, Albxandeh. 

McDonald, Very Reverend Canon Michael, 
b. at Kilglassan, HoUymount, Co. Mayo, 27 March, 
1866. Education: St. Jarlath's College, Tuam, and 
Maynooth College, Dublin, Ireland. Ordained 1893; 
administrator of the parish of Westport, Ireland, 
1900-1910; pastor at Burrishoole, near Newport, 

vicar forane of the deanery of Westport, and canon of 
the cathedral, Tuam, Ireland. Active in organizing 
and establishing the annual pilgrimage to Croagh 
Patrick, County Mayo. Author of pamphlets, 
lectures, addresses; contributor to various periodicals. 
ARTICLE: Cboagh Pateick. 

McDonald, Reverend Walter, d.d., prefect, 
Dunboyne Establishment, Maynooth College, Dublin, 
^ ARTICLES: CoNQBniBM; Eteenitt. 

MacEchen, A. J. G., ll.d., professor of pohtical 
economy and law, St. Francis Xavier's University, 
Antigonish, Nova Scotia. 

ARTICLE: Univeesitieb: CANADA-UNrvEESiTT of St. 
Francis Xavier's College. 

McEnerney, Garret William, b.s., lawyer, b. 
at Napa, California, 17 February, 1865, son of John 
and Margaret (Gunoude) McEnerney. Education: 
pubUc and private schools, Napa; Sacramento 
Institute, Sacramento, and St. Mary's College, San 
Francisco, California; studied law at Napa. Practis- 
ing lawyer, resident at San Francisco, 1886- ; 
Married EUzabeth (d. 1900), daughter of John S. 
Hogan, 1896; attorney for Cahfomia and San Fran- 
cisco Boards of Health, 1896-1899; regent. University 
of California, 1901- ; married Genevieve, daughter 
of Will S. Green, 1903. Counsel for United States, 
representing archbishop and bishops of California, in 
arbitration between United States and Mexico, 
relative to the Pious Fimd of the Cahfomias, The 
Hague, 1902; after San Francisco earthquake and fire 
(1906), promoted passage by legislature and defended 
vahdity in the courts of act, locally called "Mc- 
Enerney Act" to permit owners of real property to 
restore their record titles. 
ARTICI^: PiODS Fond of the Califoenias. 

MacErlean, Andrew Alphonsub, ll.b., lawyer, 
b. at Belfast, Ireland, son of Andrew and Ehzabeth 
(Campbell) jMacErlean; brother of Rev. John C. 
MacErlean, s.j. Education: St. Malachy's College, 
Belfast, and Castlenock College, Dubim, Ireland; 
Royal University of Ireland; further studies in 
Belgium; Fordham University, New York City. 
Came to the United States 1909; on the staff of The 
Catholic Encyclopedia, New York City, 1909- 
1914; member of the Bar of the State of New York, 
1915; at present, resident in New York City. Author 
of: "Calendar of Irish Saints"; contributor to: "New 
Ireland Review"; "Rosary Magazine"; collaborator 
in Edmund Hogan's "Onomasticon Goedehcum". 

ARTICLES: Claret t ClaeA, Antonio MAEfA, Venbeable; 
Cross, Daughters of the; Cross, Daughters op the, French; 
Cross, Daughters of the Holy; Diocese; Eenakulam, 
Vicariate Apostolic of; Finbaee, Saint; Gaezon, Diocese 
of; Genevieve, Saint; Geoege Pisidbs; Geemain, Saint, 
Bishop of Auxebee; Germain, Saint, Bishop of Paris; 
Giffard, Bonaventure; Gilbert, Sir John Thomas; Glabee, 
Raoul; Goajiea, Vicaeiate Apostolic of; Goodman, Godfrey; 
HooKE, Luke Joseph; Hospitius, Saint; Ives, Saint; Knight, 
William, Venerable; Lambert, Louis A.; Lanigan, John; 
Leodegar, Saint; Loja, Diocese op; Lugo, Diocese of; 
McCarthy, Justin; MacMahon, Hebee; Maqinn, Edwaed; 
Magnesia; Maine db Biran, FRANgois-PiBRRE-GoNTHiEH; 
Mariana, Archdiocese of; Marshall Islands, Vicaeiate 
Apostolic of; Melito, Saint; Melo, Diocese of; Mbndez 


ward; MiSrida, Diocese of; Metoalf, Edward; Ming, John; 
Montevideo, Archdiocese of; Moeeib, John Beande; Motu 
Pbopeio; Mozzi, Luigi; Neville, Edmund; Noethern Ter- 
ritory, Prefecture Apostolic of the; Nyssa, Vicariate 
Apostolic of; Olinda, Diocese op; Pasto, Diocese op; 
Pelotas, Diocese op; Perth, Diocese op; Prefectuee 
Apostolic; Quito, Diocese of; Riobamba, Diocese of; Rio 
Negro, Prefecture Apostolic 6f; Sacred Heart of Jbsub, 
Missionary Sisters of the; Saint Thomas, Diocese of; 
Saint Thomas op Guiana, Diocese of; San Lb6n del Ama- 
zoNAS, Prefecture Apostolic of; San Salvador, Diocese 
of; Santa Fe, Diocese of; Santa Maria, Diocese of; Santa 
Maria de Monsereato, Abbey Nullius of; Santa Marta, 
Diocese of; Sio Luiz do Maeanhao, Diocese of; Sao 
Salvador db Bahia db Todos os Santos, Aechdiocese op; 
Societies, Catholic, Ameeican Federation of; Solsona, 






Diocese op; Stanislawow, Diocese of; Suitbbrt, Saint; 
Sumatra, Prefecture Apostolic of; Tallaght, Monastery 
of; Tinin, See of; Trujillo, Diocese of; TucumAn, Diocese 
of; XJbanghi, Prefecture Apostolic op Belgian; Ubanghi, 
Vicariate Apostolic op; Ubanghi-Chari, Prefecture 
Apostolic of; Ucayali, Prefecture Apostolic of; Unyan- 
YEMBE, Vicariate Apostolic of; Upper Nile, Vicariate 
Apostolic of; Uruguayana, Diocese of; Uruguay; Valentin- 
lAN I; Valentinian II; Valentinian III; Vicariate Aposto- 
lic; Victoria Nyanza, Vicariate Apostolic of Southern; 
Wakash Indians; Walla-Walla Indians; Welle, Prefecture 
Apostolic of; Wichita Indians; Winnebago Indians; Yakima 
Indians; Yamasee Indians; Yaqui Indians; Yuracar^ In- 
dians; Zafoteca Indians; Zoque Indians; Zufii Indians. 

MacErlean, Reverend John C, s.j., b.a., b. at 
Belfast, Ireland, 15 February, 1870. Education: St. 
Malachy's College, Belfast; Royal University of 
Ireland; Jesuit scholasticates, Exaeten, Holland; St. 
Helier, Island of Jersey; MiUtown Park, Dublin, 
Ireland; Manresa, Spain. Entered the Society of 
Jesus 1888; professor of modern languages successively 
at Clongowes Wood College, Co. Kildare, University 
College, Dublin, and Mungret College, Limerick, 
Ireland, 1895-1901; ordained 1904; at present, 
professor of ecclesiastical history and Hebrew, Jesuit 
scholastieate, MiUtown Park, DubUn. Member of 
the Council, Irish Catholic Record Society. Author 
of (in collaboration with Edmund Hogan, S.J.): 
"Luibhleabhrdn" (Gaelic names of plants, etc.) 
(Dublin, 1900); "Onomasticon goedelicum locorum 
et tribuum HiberniEC et Scotise" (Dublin, 1910); 
edited: "Danta Amhrain is Caointe Sheathriiin 
C^itinn'' (Poetical Works of Geoffrey Keating) 
(Dublin, 1900); "Duanaire Dhaibhidh ui Bhruadair" 
(Poems of David O'Bruadair), Vols. I-III (Lon- 
don, 1910-1917); collaborator in the publications of 
the Catholic Record Society of Ireland; contributor 
to: "New Ireland Review"; "Galway Archaeological 
Journal"; "Catholic Times (Liverpool); "Mungret 
Annual"; "Studies". 

ARTICLES: Bourke, Ulick Joseph; Keating, Geoffrey; 
KiCKHAM, Charles Joseph; MacCarthy, Bartholomew; 
O'Bruadaik, David. 

McFaul, Right Reverend James Augustine, 
D.D., LL.D., Bishop of Trenton, N. J., b. near Larne, 
Co. Antrim, Ireland, 6 June, 1850, d. 16 June 1917 
son of James and Mary (Heffernan) McFaul. Edu- 
cation: St. Vincent's College, Beatty, Penn.; St. 
Francis Xavier's College, New York; Seton Hall 
College, South Orange, New Jersey. Ordained 1877; 
secretary to Bishop O'Farrell of Trenton 1882-1884; 
pastor. Star of the Sea Church, Long Branch, New 
Jersey, 1883-1890; chancellor (1890-1892) and vicar- 
general (1892-1894), diocese of Trenton; Bishop of 
Trenton 1894-1917. Active promoter of the Ameri- 
can Federation of Catholic Societies; reorganized 
Ancient Order of Hibernians. Member of: the 
United States Cathohc Historical Society; the Irish 
American Historical Society; the New Jersey State 
Tuberculosis Commission. Author of Pastoral Let- 
ters; contributor to various periodicals. 

ARTICLE: Hibernians, Ancient Order of. 

McGalian, Florence Rudge (Mrs. Jambs 
Patrick McGahan), a.m., b. at Youngstown, Ohio, 
8 June, 1882; d. at Youngstown, 27 November, 1912. 
Education: parochial school and Rayen High School, 
Youngstown; Trinity College, Washington, D. C. 
On the staff of The Catholic Encyclopedia, New 
York, 1906-1910; married James Patrick McGahan 
1910; resident at Youngstown, 1910-1912. 

ARTICLES: Acidalius, Valens; Adalbert, Archbishop 
OF Hamburg-Bremen; Aikbnhead, Mary; Albert, Bishop 
of Riga; Alexander Sauli, Blessed; Ambronay, Our Lady 
of; Andrew Bobola, Blessed; Angelicalb, The; Anges, 
Notre Dame des; Annunciation, Orders of the; Anthony, 
Saint, Orders of; Antipateh of Bostra; Antonelh, Giacomo; 
Antonelli, Leonardo; Apostolic Letters; Arcachon, Our 
Lady of; Ardilliehs, Notre Dame des; Arias Mont anus, 
Benedictus; Aribo, Archbishop of Mainz; Assumption, 
Sisters of the; Augustinus-Verein, The; Bucelin, Gabriel; 
Christian Charity, Sisters of; Christian Brothers of; 
Concepi6n, Diocese of; Confession (Tomb of a Martyr); 

Craven, Mrs. Augustus; Cubityba do ParanX, Diocese of, 
CuyabX, Diocese of; Cuzco, Diocese of; Divine Charity; 
Society of; Divine Providence, Sisters of; Divine Re- 
deemer, Daughters of the; Divine Saviour, Society of the; 
Faunt, Lawrence Arthur; FernAndez, Antonio; FernAndez, 
Juan; Finglow, John, Venerable; Flavian, Saint; Font- 
bonne, Jeanne; Good Samaritan, Sisters of the; Guastal- 
LiNEs; Haudriettes; Hawarden, Edward; Heart of Mary, 
Congregations of the; Heinrich von Ahaus; Hewett, John; 
Holy Faith, Sisters of the; Holy Family, Congregations of 
the; Holy Sepulchre, Canonesses Regular of the; Holy 
Sepulchre, Fathers (Guardians) of the; Hospitallers; 
Howard, Mary, of the Holy Cross; Hubert, Military 
Orders of Saint; Humiliati; Hurter, Friedrich Emmanuel, 
Heinrich, and Hugo; Illtyd, Saint; Immaculate Conception, 
Congregations of the; Javouhey, Anne-Marie, Venerable; 
Jesus, Daughters of; Jesus and Mary, Sisters of the Holy 
Childhood op; John of God, Saint; John of Roquet aillade; 
Joseph Calasanctius, Pious Workers op Saint; Knights 
OF THE Cross; Magdalens; Marcoux, Joseph; Mercy, 
Sisters of, op St. Borromeo; Michael, Military Orders 
OF Saint; Michelis, Edward; Mount Calvary, Congrega- 
tion of; Name of Jesus, Religious Communities of; Paulists; 
Penitential Orders; Penitents, Confraternities op; 
Presentation Order, Nagle, Nano (Honoria); Presenta- 
tion, Religious Congregations op the; Providence, 
Daughters of. 

McGee, Reverend Joseph Charles, Ph.D., b. at 
Melbourne, P. Q., 12 June, 1872. Education: 
elementary school, Melbourne; Brothers' School, 
Richmond, and St. Charles Seminary, Sherbrooke, 
Canada; Propaganda, Rome. Professor of EngUsh, 
St. Charles Seminary, Sherbrooke, 1896-1902, 1904- 
1906; ordained 1900; rector. Church of the Precious 
Blood, Capelton, 1906-1913, and of St. Andrew's 
Church, Sutton, 1913- , P. Q., Canada. 

ARTICLES: Sherbrooke, Diocese of. 

McGinn, Reverend John C, c.s.c, s.t.l., 
professor of English and sociology. University of 
Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana. 

ARTICLE:. Universities: United States — Columbia Uni- 
versity, Portland. 

McGinnis, Reverend Charles Francis, Ph.D., 
S.T.L., b. at Chicago, Illinois, 14 March, 1877, son of 
P. J. McGiimis, State Representative, Illinois. 
Education: St. Patrick's Academy, Chicago; Mt. St. 
Phihp, Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Propaganda, Rome. 
Ordained 1901 ; former professor of dogmatic theology 
and metaphysics, Mt. St. Phihp, Milwaukee (two 
years); rector and professor, St. Philip's High School, 
Chicago, 1905-1910; successively professor of history 
and English, director of studies and professor of 
psychology, sociology, and philosophy, St. Thomas's 
CoUege, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1910- . As rector 
of St. Philip's High School, Chicago, raised the 
attendance from 32 to 300 in four years; former 
editor of "Italian Monthly" (Chicago) for two years; 
editor of "Church Monthly" (Chicago), 1906-1909; 
charter member. Western Catholic Writer's Guild. 
Contributor to various periodicals. 

ARTICLES: Alexis Falconieri, Saint; Andrea Dotti, 
Blessed; Philip Benizi, Saint. 

McGivney, Reverend James A., s.j., curate, St. 
Joseph's Church, Philadelphia, Pa. 
ARTICLE: Ceva, Thomas. 

McGovem, Reverend James, s.t.d., j.c.d., b. at 
Chicago, lUinois, 25 March, 1839; d. at Lockport, 
Illinois, 31 March, 1914. Education: Cathohc 
School and University of St. Mary's of the Lake, 
Chicago; Propaganda, Rome. Ordained 1862; secre- 
tary to Cardinal Barnabo, Rome, 1862; formerly 
vice-president, rector of the Ecclesiastical Depart- 
ment, and professor of theology. University of St. 
Mary's of the Lake, Chicago; engaged in parish work 
successively at Fulton, Bloomington, Rock Island, 
Lake Forest, and Lockport, Illinois. Built several 
churches and schools in his various parishes; intro- 
duced Sisters of Providence (Indiana) into arch- 
diocese of Chicago; former co-editor with Bishop 
McMuUen of "Cathohc Monthly" (Chicago) ; former 




editor-in-chief, "Chicago Catholic Home". Author 
of: "Life of Bishop McMuUen"; "Studies of the 
Scripture"; "History of the Catholic Church in 
IlUnois"; "History of the CathoMc Church in 
Chicago"; "Life and Letters of Ehza Allen Starr"; 
"Life and Life Work of Pope Leo XIII"; "Catholic 
Dictionary and Cyclopedia"; "Manual of the 
Catholic Church"; collaborator in: "Life of Mother 
Theodore of the Sisters of Providence"; "Life of 
Reverend Mother Frances Mulholland"; contributor 
to various periodicals. 
ARTICLE: Stake, Eliza Allen. 

McGuire, Edward J., a.m., ll.d., b. in New York, 
25 December, 1861. Education: St. Francis Xavier's 
CoUege and Columbia University, New York. 
Admitted to the Bar 1883; practising lawyer, hfe 
long resident of New York; assistant Corporation 
Counsel, New York, 1902-1903; assistant district 
attorney. New York County, 1910-1912. President 
of the CathoUc Club, New York, 1907-1909. 
Councillor of the United States Cathohc Historical 
Society; president of the Laymen's League for 
Retreats and Social Studies. Contributor to "His- 
torical Records and Studies" and various other 

ARTICLE: New Yobk, State of. 

McHugh, Reverend Daniel Joseph, cm., b. at 
Danville, IlUnois, 27 January, 1877. Education: 
public, parochial, and high schools, Danville; St. 
Mary's Seminary, Perryville, Missouri. Entered the 
Congregation of the Mission 1895; ordained 1906; 
has held the post of professor at St. Mary's Seminary, 
Perryville, Missouri, St. Vincent's College, Los 
Angeles, Cahfomia, and St. Vincent's College, 
Chicago, Illinois; treasurer^ De Paul University, 
Chicago, 1910- . Organized Science Section (and 
stiU in charge), 1909, and participated in the meetings 
since 1909, CathoUc Educational Association; has 
lectured on astronomical subjects on various occasions. 
Member of the Standing Committee of the College 
Department, Cathohc Educational Association, and 
of the Catholic Writers' Guild. Contributor to: 
"Annual Report of the CathoUc Educational Associa- 
tion" (1909, 1912); "New World" (Chicago); 
"Chicago Tribune", etc.; editor (and founder), 
"Vincentian Weekly" (Chicago). 

ARTICLE: Universities: United States — De Pattl 

McHugh, Revekend John Ambrose, o.p., s.t.l., 
b. at Louisville, Kentucky, 2 November, 1880. 
Education: St. Xavier's College, Louisville, and St. 
Rose's Convent, Springfield, Kentucky; St. Joseph's 
Convent, Somerset, Ohio; Catholic University, 
Washington, D. C; College of St. Thomas de Urbe, 
Rome; Fribourg University, Switzerland. Entered 
the Dominican Order 1897; ordained 1905; professor 
of philosophy (1908-1911), of Church history (1909- 
1911), and of dogmatic theology (1911-1914), 
Immaculate Conception College, Washington, D. C; 
curate, Church of the Holy Rosary, Hawthorne, New 
York, 1914- 

ARTICLES: James of Brescia; Judgment, Divine; 
Luthehanism; Mystery; Omnipotence; Presbyterianism; 
Raymond Martini; Reginald, Antonio; Reginald ofPiperno; 
RicoLDO DA Monte di Choce; Rossi, Bernardo de. 

IVIcKenna, Charles Francis, a.m., Ph.D., chemist, 
b. in New York, 1861, son of William and Mary 
McKenna. Education: St. Francis Xavier's College 
and Columbia University, New York. For several 
years chemical adviser to sugar works, steel works, 
and metallurgical estabUshments; former consulting 
chemist in matter of explosives to New York, under 
Mayor Low, and to American Railway^ Association; 
has served New York in various civic capacities; 
member of the Commission for the Investigation of 

Probation, New York State, 1905; vice-president, 
New York State Probation Commission, 1906-1910; 
at present, consulting chemist and chemical engineer, 
resident in New York. Authority on Portland 
cement, and on the manufacture, qualities, and 
appUcations of the materials of technology and 
engineering construction; as consultor on explosives 
to New York, initiated many reforms leading to more 
safety for human life; aided in the institution of the 
practice of Probation throughout New York State; 
as member of the Superior and Particular Councils, 
Society of St. Vincent de Paul, has been active in 
promoting its local and national interests; secretary 
of the Catholic Home Bureau for eleven years. 
Member of the Engineers' Club; member (and one of 
the founders) the Chemists' Club; member (and 
former chairman). New York Section, American 
Chemical Society; member (and former chairman). 
New York Section, Society of Chemical Industry 
(London); member (and one of the founders and 
second President) of American Institute of Chemical 

ARTICLES: Cheveeul, MicHEL-EtroiiNE; Lavoisier, 
Antoine-Laurent; Orphans and Orphanages; Vauquelin, 

Macksey, Reverend Charles, s.j., b. at Boston, 
Massachusetts, 13 November, 1863. Education: St. 
Mary's School and Boston CoUege, Boston; Jesuit 
scholasticates, Frederick and Woodstock, Maryland. 
Entered the Society of Jesus 1880; ordained 1895; 
former professor of humanities and rhetoric at various 
times at Boston College, Boston, Holy Cross College, 
Worcester, Massachusetts, St. John's College, Ford- 
ham, New York, and Jesuit scholasticate, Frederick, 
Maryland, of metaphysics, Georgetown University, 
Washington, D. C, of metaphysics and ethics, St. 
Francis Xavier's CoUege, New York, of metaphysics 
and subsequently of dogmatic theology, Woodstock 
CoUege, Woodstock, Maryland; prefect of studies and 
secretary, Georgetown University, Washington, 1905- 
1909; stationed at St. Francis Xavier's Church, New 
York City, 1910; professor of ethics and natural 
right, Gregorian University, Rome, 1910- 
Author of (for private circulation only) : "Notulasin 
Cosmologiam" (Woodstock, Maryland, 1900); "No- 
tulae in Psychologiam" (Woodstock, 1901); "Notuke 
in Theologiam Naturalem" (Wood.stock, 1901); 
occasional contributor to various periodicals; writer 
of the Roman Correspondence in "America". 

ARTICLES: Society; State ^nd Church; Tapahelli, 
Aloysius; Tolomei, John Baptist; Voluntary; War. 

McLoughlin, James Joseph, ll.b., lawyer, b. at 
New Orleans, Louisiana, 1860. Education: high 
school, New Orleans; studied law in office of Hudson 
& Fearn and graduated from Law Department of 
Tulane University, New Orleans. Admitted to the 
Bar 1888; practising lawyer, resident at New Orleans, 
1891- ; assistant city attorney. New Orleans, 
1896-1900; lecturer on Taxation and Municipal Law, 
Loyola University, New Orleans; pubUc speaker in 
Louisiana Creole dialect. Active in the successful 
campaign against the Louisiana Lottery; chairman 
on Anti-Race Track Committee, which abohshed turf 
gambling in Louisiana; conducted successful legal 
attack on private water monopoly, New Orleans; 
originated campaign for High Liquor License, New 
Orleans; formerly on the Lecture Committee with 
Father (later Archbishop) Blenk and Professor A. 
Fortier, New Orleans Cathohc Winter School; 
frequent delegate to CathoUc Conventions, National 
Conferences of Catholic Charities, etc. President of 
the Louisiana Society for the Prevention of Cruelty 
to Children, and the Round Table Club, New 
Orleans. Member Louisiana Historical Society; 
contributor to various periodicals under pen name 
"Jack Lafaience". 
ARTICLE: Louisiana, The State of. 




McMahon, Very Reverend Arthur Lawrence, 
O.P., s.T.Lect., b. at Waterbury, Connecticut, 14 
September, 1863. Education: St. Joseph's Convent, 
Somerset, Ohio; Dominican scholasticate and Louvain 
University, Louvain, Belgium; further studies in 
Vienna, Austria; St. Stephen's Biblical School, 
Jerusalem. Entered the Dominican Order 1877; 
ordained 1892; novice master and professor of 
theology and Scripture, St. Joseph^ Convent, 
Somerset, Ohio, 1897-1904; professor of theology and 
Scripture, Immaculate Conception College, Washing- 
ton, D. C, 1904-1907; superior, Western Province 
(1907-1912), and provincial of the Province of the 
Holy Name (1912- ), Dominican Order, resident 
at San Francisco, California. 

ARTICLES: Alexander Natalis; Alvarez, Diego; Anto- 
ninus, Saint; Barbus, Paulus; Baron, Vincent; Bunderius, 
Joannes; Burgis, Edward Ambrose; Dedication, Feast of 
the; Didon, Henri; Eckhart, Johann, Meister; Esther; 
Faber, Felix; Faber, Johann Augustanus; Ferre, Vincent; 
Galilee; Gravina, Dominic; Henry Suso, Blessed; Henten, 
John; Holt Sepulchre; Versions of the Bible. 

McMahon, Frank A., Wheeling, West Virginia. 
ABTICLE: West Virginia. 

McMahon, Reverend Joseph H., a.m., Ph.D., 
b. in New York, 18 November, 1862. Education: 
Manhattan College, New York; Mt. St. Mary's 
College, Emmitsburg, Maryland; St. Joseph's Semi- 
nary, Troy, New York. Ordained 1886; former 
director (and organizer), Cathedral Library, New 
York; rector (and founder). Church of Our Lady of 
Lourdes, New York, 1901- ; lecturer on educa- 
tional, psychological, and literary subjects. One of 
the founders of the Catholic Summer School. Mem- 
ber of the Committee on Circulating Library System, 
New York Public Library. Compiler of various 
liturgical books; contributor to the magazines. 

ARTICLES: Adoration, Perpetual; Ambrosian Library; 
Apostolic Union of Secular Priests; Association op 
Priestly Perseverance. 

Macmillan, Reverend John Chrysostom, d.d., 
rector of All Saints, Cardigan Bridge, Prince Edward 
Island, Canada. 

ARTICLE: Charlottetown, Diocese of. 

McNeal, James Preston Wickham, a.b., ll.b., 
b. at Baltimore, Maryland, 22 September, 1878, son 
of J. V. and May (Preston) McNeal, and brother of 
Rev. Mark J. McNeal, S.J. Education: Loyola 
College, Baltimore; University of Maryland. Em- 
ployed in the Treasury Department, Baltimore and 
Ohio Railroad, Baltimore, 1899-1906; admitted to 
the Bar 1906 ; in the service of the American Bonding 
Company of Baltimore 1906- ; Fidelity and 
Deposit Company of Maryland, 1913- ; married 
Anna M., daughter of James David Watters, late 
Judge of the Harford County Circuit Court, Mary- 

ARTICLES: Eccleston, Samuel; McSherrt, James (2); 
McSherry, Richard; Mar^chal, Ambrose; Neale, Leonard; 
Tanet, Roger Brooke. 

McNeal, Reverend Mark Joseph, s.j., a.b., 
iJtt.D., b. at Baltimore, Maryland, 17 May, 1874. 
Education: Indianapolis Classical School, Indianapo- 
lis, Indiana; Georgetown University, Washington, D. 
C; Woodstock College, Woodstock, Maryland. 
Entered the Society of Jesus 1893; professor of belles 
lettres in the Freshman Class, St. Francis Xavier's 
College, New York, 1900-1905; president of the 
Theologians' Academy, Woodstock College, 1907- 
1908; ordained 1908; professor of rhetoric and oratory 
in the Sophomore Class and Hirst Librarian, George- 
town University, Washington, 1909-1911; stationed 
at St. Andrew-on-Hudson, Poughkeepsie, New York, 
1911-1912; professor of rhetoric and oratory in the 
Sophomore Class at Georgetown University, Wash- 
ington, 1912-1914; professor of English literature 

and commercial correspondence. Catholic University 
of Japan, Tokio, 1914- . Has made a tour of 
Indiana for geological research and electric railway 
surveys. Member of the Philosophical and Theo- 
logical Academies, Woodstock College. Charter 
member of the reorganized American Association of 
Japan. Contributor to "America". 

ARTICLES: Arsenius Autorianos; Baltus, Jean Francois; 
Beauvais, GiLLES-FRANgois-DE; Eugenius I, Archbishop of 
Toledo; Eugenius II, Archbishop of Toledo; Eugenius of 
Carthage, Saint; Eulogius of Alexandrla, Saint. 

McNeill, Charles, b. at Glenarm, Co. Antrim, 
Ireland, 21 April, 1862. Education: St. Malaohy's 
College, Belfast, and Belvedere College and Catholic 
University, Dublin, Ireland. Former clerk in office 
of Collector General of Rates, Dublin (twelve years), 
and Department of Agriculture, DubUn (six years); 
at present, resident at Dublin. Former General 
Secretary of the Gaelic League. Member Royal 
Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, and Gaelic League. 

ARTICLES: Irish Confessors and Martyrs; Kenraghtt, 
Maurice; O'Brien, Terence Albert; O'Cullenan, Gelasius; 
O'Devany, Cornelius; O'Donnell, Edmund; O'Hely, 
Patrick; O'Herlahy, Thomas; O'Hurley, Dermod; O'Queely, 
Malachias; Roscommon; Tanner, Edmund; Walsh, William. 

McNicholas, Very Reverend John T., o.p., 
s.T.Lect., b. at Kiltimagh, Co. Mayo, Ireland, 15 
December, 1877. Education: Immaculate Heart 
School, Chester, and St. Joseph's College, Philadel- 
phia, Pennsylvania; Dominican scholasticate, Somer- 
set, Ohio; Minerva, Rome. Entered the Dominican 
Order 1894; ordained 1901; former professor of 
philosophy and canon law (four years), and (1904^ 
1908) master of novices. Immaculate Conception 
College, Washington, D. C.; director of the Bureau 
of the Holy Name Society and editor of "Holy Name 
Journal", New York, 1908- ; rector of Church of 
St. Catherine of Sienna, 1913- . Instrumental 
in bringing about and prominent participator in 
Holy Name Congress, Baltimore, 1911. Author of 
"The New Marriage Legislation" (pamphlet); 
contributor to "American Ecclesiastical Review". 

ARTICLES: Alanus de Rupe; Brittain, Thomas Lewis; 
Burke, Thomas; Quam singulari. 

Macpherson, Ewan, b. in St. Andrew's Parish, 
Jamaica, 29 April, 1854; d. in New York City, 28 
December, 1915. Education: Collegiate School, 
Kingston, Jamaica; Duncan's, Southampton, Eng- 
land; Jesuit scholasticate, Stonyhurst, Blackburn, 
England. Former teacher, Stonyhurst College, 
Blackburn, and Oratory School, Edgbaston, Birming- 
ham, England, and St. Patrick's College, Carlow, 
Ireland; formerly private tutor in Portugal and 
Scotland; came to the United States 1886; for a 
number of years engaged in teaching and in journalis- 
tic work, principally on the "Louisville Commercial", 
"Courier- Journal", "Musical America", "New York 
Tribune", etc.; on the editorial staff of The Catholic 
Encyclopedia, New York City, 1905-1912. Trans- 
lated Mercier, "Logique" (New York, 1912); con- 
tributor to: "Harper's Magazine"; "Scribner's 
Magazine"; "The Messenger". 

ARTICLES: Aistulph, King of the Lombards; Alan of 
Tewkesbury; Alberoni, Giulio; Azores; Beche, John; 
Bokenham, Osbern; Charlemagne; Dahomey, Vicariate 
Apostolic of; Dominican Republic; Eata, Saint; Egwin, 
Saint; Ethelbert, Saint; Etheldreda, Saint; GARcfA 
Moreno, Gabriel; Guiana; Hunter, Sylvester Joseph; 
Maffei, Francesco; Malvenda, Thomas; Map, Walter; 
Martini, Antonio; Mason, Richard Angelus; Massa 
Candida; Meignan, Guillaume-ReniS ; Nicaragua, Republic 
and Diocese of; Santiago del Estero, Diocese of; Thalberq, 
Sigismond; Valens, Flavius; Vespasian. 

MacRory, Reverend Joseph, d.d., b. in Co. 
Tyrone, Ireland, 1861. Education: St. Patrick's 
College, Armagh, and Maynooth College (Dunboyne 
student), DubUn, Ireland. Ordained 1885; lecturer 
in Scripture and Hebrew, Maynooth College, Dublin, 
1885^1886; founded the Academy, Dungannon, 




Ireland, 1886; professor of moral theology and 
Scripture, Olton College, Birmingham, England, 
1887-1889, and of Scripture and Hebrew (1889- ) 
and vice-president (1912- ), Maynooth College, 
DubHn. Author of: "Gospel of St. John" (DuMin, 
1897); contributor to: "Irish Ecclesiastical Record"; 
"Irish Monthly"; "Catholic University Bulletin" 
(Washington); associate editor (and one of the 
founders), "Irish Theological Quarterly". 

ARTICLES: Andrew, Saint, Apobtle; Mabgaret, Saint, 
Virgin and Martyr; Mark, Saint and Evangelist; Mark, 
GospEii OF Saint; Mart of Egypt, Saint. 

MacSherry, Right Reverend Hugh, d.d., b. at 
Loughgilly, Co. Armagh, Ireland, 1 February, 1852, 
son of Arthur MacSherry. Education: Seminary, 
Armagh, Ireland; Irish College^ Paris, under Dr. 
(now Cardinal) Logue. Ordamed 1875; curate 
successively at Clogher Head, Tallanstown, and 
Ardee, Co. Armagh, 1875-1893; administrator of the 
parish of .Dundalk, Co. Armagh, 1893-1896; titular 
Bishop of JustinianopoUs and vicar ApostoUc of the 
Eastern District of the Cape of Good Hope, resident 
at Port EUzabeth, Cape Colony, South Africa, 1896- 
. Represented the bishops of South Africa at 
the Eucharistic Congresses, Westminster, 1908, and 
Montreal, 1910; mentioned in despatches by Lord 
Kitchener for services in the Chaplains' Department 
during the Boer War, 1902. FeUow of the Royal 
Colonial Institute (London). Contributor to various 
CathoUc periodicals. 

ABTICLE: Orange Free State. 

IMcSorley, Reverend Joseph, c.s.p., a.m., s.t.l., 
b. at Brooklyn, New York, 9 December, 1874. 
Education: St. John's College, Brooldyn; St. Thomas's 
College and Catholic University, Washington, D. C. 
Entered the Congregation of St. Paul 1891; ordained 
1897; assistant, St. Paul's Church, New York, 1897- 
1899; professor dogmatic theology (1899-1907) and 
master of novices (1901-1907), St. Thomas's College, 
Washington, D. C; again, assistant, St. Paul's 
Church, New York, in charge of the ItaUans of the 
West Side, 1908- . Author of "Sacrament of 
Duty" (1909); edited: "The Ideal Teacher" (tr. 
from the French of Laberthonniere) ; "Progress in 
Prayer" (tr. from the French of Caussade); "More 
Joy" (tr. from the German of Keppler); contributor 
to: "Catholic World"; "New York Review"; 
"Catholic University Bulletin"; "American Ecclesi- 
astical Review". 
ASTICLE: Basil the Great, Saint. 

MacSweeney, Reverend Patrick M., m.a., 
b. at DubUn, Ireland, 1873. Education: Christian 
Brothers' School (Richmond Street), University 
College, and Holy Cross College, ClonUffe, Dublin. 
Former lecturer on Enghsh and French hterature. 
University College and Loreto College, Dublin; 
ordained 1907; professor of modern hterature, Holy 
Cross College, Clonliffe, Dubhn, 1907-1910; lecturer 
on (1910-1913) and professor of (1913- ) Enghsh 
literature, Maynooth College, Dublin; examiner in 
English, Irish, and Irish history. National University 
of Ireland. Dehvered the Centenary Address on 
John O'Donovan before the National Literary 
Society, Dublin, 1906; has acted as examiner on the 
Intermediate Board of Education, Dubhn. Author 
of "Love of Nature in Enghsh Poetry"; "A Group 
of Nation-Builders"; edited with translation, intro- 
duction, etc.: "Martial Career of Conghal Clairin- 
gnech" (Vol. V, Irish Texts Society Series); contribu- 
tor to various periodicals; editor of "Irish Ecclesiasti- 
cal Record" (1913- ). 
ARTICLE: O'Donovan, John. 

McSweeny, Reverend James Laurbncb, a.m., 
S.T.B., b. at Claremont, New Hampshire, 17 Septem- 
ber, 1865. Education: public schools, Pittsfield, 

Massachusetts; St. Charles's College, EUicott City, 
and St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, Maryland. 
Ordained 1895; engaged in parish work, Chestertown, 
Maryland, 1895-1902, and Delaware City, Delaware, 
1902-1908; rector, St. John's Church, Hockessin, 
Delaware, 1908- . Built parochial residence at 
Chestertown, Maryland, and church at Delaware 
City, Delaware. Collaborator in "Catholic Church 
in the United States" (by Father McSweeny: 
"History of the Diocese of Wilmington"); editorial 
writer on "Delmarvia Cathohc". 
ARTICLE: Wilmington, Diocese op. 

Madden, Marie Rbgina, Brooklyn, New York. 
ARTICLE: Names of Jesus and Mart, Sisters op the 

Maere, Vert Reverend Canon Ren^, d.d., 
b. at Deynze, East Flanders, Belgium, 14 September, 
1869. Education: Seminary, Ghent, and Louvain 
University, Belgium; Gregorian University, Rome. 
Ordained 1893; professor of Christian archaeology and 
the history of Christian art, University of Louvain, 
Belgium, 1898- ; canon of the cathedral of Ghent. 
Corresponding member of the Royal Monument 
Commission (Brussels) ; vice-president of the Guild of 
Sts. Thomas and Luke. Collaborator in: "Annuaire 
de I'Universit^" (Louvain, 1898, 1905); "M6moires 
de la Conamission royale d'Histoire" (Brussels, 1904) ; 
"Inventaire des objets d'art des communes de 
Nivelles" (Brussels, 1913); "Travaux du XX« 
Congrls d'histoire et d'arch^ologie " (Ghent, 1907); 
contributor to: "Bulletin de la Commission royale 
d'Histoire"; "Analectes pour servir k I'histoire 
eccl^siastique de la Belgique"; "Mus^on"; "Revue 
de I'art chr^tien"; "Revue d'histoire ecclesiastique"; 
"Romische Quartalschrift fiir christhohe Altertums- 
kunde imd Kirchengeschichte"; "Archives beiges"; 
"Dietsche Warande en Belfort"; "Les arts anciens 
de Flandre"; "Journal de BruxeUes"; "Lou vain- 

ARTICLES: Diaconicum; Didron, Adolphe-Napol^on; 
Diptych; Evangeliaria, Ornamentation of; Garrtjcci, 
Raff able; IHS; Le Blant, Edmond-Fr^d^ric; Mamachi, 
Thomas Maria; Marchi, Giuseppe; Marti gnt, Joseph- 
Alexandre; Montault, Xavier Barrier de; Museums, 
Christian; Reusens, Edmond; Schelstrate, Emmanuel; 
Selvaggio, Giulio Lorenzo; Serodx d'Aqincourt, Jean- 
Baptiste; Wouters, G. Henry. 

Maes, Right Reverend Camillus Paxil, d.d., 
b. at Courtrai, Belgium, 13 March, 1846; d. at 
Covington, Kentucky, 11 May, 1915. Education: 
College of St. Amand, Courtrai; Seminary, Bruges, 
and Louvain University, Belgium. Ordained 1868; 
pastor at Mt. Clemens (1869) and at Monroe (1871- 
1880); Michigan; secretary of the diocese of Detroit, 
Michigan, 1880-1884; Bishop of Covington, Ken- 
tucky, 1885-1915. Former president of the Board 
of Bishops of the American College, Louvain, Belgium; 
the Eucharistic Congresses in the United States. 
Author of: "Life of Reverend Charles Nerinckx" 
(Cincinnati, 1880); pamphlets; contributor to: 
"American Ecclesiastical Review"; "Catholic 

ARTICLES; Badin, Stephen Theodore; Flaget, Benedict 
Joseph; Forbin-Janson, Charles- Auquste-Mabie-Joseph, 
Comte de; Mote, John Martin, Venerable; Nerinckx, 

Magee, Walter C. J., b. at Jersey City, New 
Jersey, 14 August, 1890. Educated at Xavier and 
Commercial Schools, New York. Secretary, The 
Encyclopedia Press, Inc.; member Knights of 
Columbus and Laymen's League for Retreats and 
Social Studies. 

Maginnis, Charles Donaqh, p.a.i.a., architect, 
b. at Londonderry, Ireland, 1867. Education: St. 
Columb's College, Londonderry; Cusack's Academy, 
Dublin, Ireland. Came to the United States and 












.J \L 





settled at Boston, Massachusetts, 1885; practising 
architect, resident at Boston, 1895- ; at present 
forms, with Timothy Walsh, the firm of Maginnis 
& Walsh. Has designed numerous churches, schools, 
and convents; won in competition commission to 
design new Boston College, 1909; has travelled ex- 
tensively in Europe for architectural study. Mem- 
ber of: Municipal Art Commission of Boston, State 
Art Commission of Massachusetts, Boston Society of 
Architects, Boston Architectural Club; Master in 
Arts and Crafts Society of Boston. Author of "Pen 
Drawing" (1902); contributor of articles dealing with 
ecclesiastical art and architecture to: "Architectural 
Review"; "Catholic World". 
ABTICLE: De L'Obme, Philibebt. 

Magnier, Reverend John,, b. at Kildor- 
rery, Co. Cork, Ireland, 9 June, 1842; d. at Belfast, 
Ireland, 18 February, 1914. Education: St. Cole- 
man's College, Fermoy, Ireland; Redemptorist 
scholasticate, Wittem, Holland. Entered the Re- 
demptorist Order 1866; ordained 1873; at various 
times missionary, prefect of students, lector, and 
rector in different Redemptorist houses; former 
Consultor General of the Redemptorist Order, 
resident in Rome; stationed at St. Mary's, Clapham, 
London, 1909-1912, and at the Redemptorist 
Monastery, Belfast, Ireland, 1912-1914. Author of 
popular lives of Redemptorist saints and servants of 
God; edited popular edition of various ascetical 
works of St. Alphonsus Liguori; contributor to "Irish 
Ecclesiastical Record". 

ARTICLES: Clement Mart Hofbaueh, Saint; Dechamps, 
Victor Augtjstin Isidob; Destjbmont, Achille; Donderb, 
Peter; Gerard Majella, Saint; Holy Family, Archconfra- 
ternitt of the; Passebat, John, Venerable; Pebpetual 
Succour, Our Lady of; Redemporistines; Sabnelli, 
Januabius Maria; Spobtelli, C^sab, Venerable. 

Magri, Reverend Francis Joseph, m.a., d.d., 
b. at Lynchburg, Virginia, 22 November, 1868, son 
of Francis Joseph Magri, of Tuscany, Italy, and 
Mary J. Magri, of Co. Monaghan, Ireland. Educa- 
tion: private, parochial, pubhc, and high schools, 
Lynchburg; St. Charles College, EUicott City, and 
St. Mary's Seminary and University, Baltimore, 
Maryland; American College, Rome. Ordained 1900; 
assistant at St. Peter's Old Cathedral, Richmond, 
1900; chancellor (1901-1909) and secretary to the 
Bishop (1901-1916), diocese of Richmond; in charge 
of St. Peter's Church, Richmond, 1908-1909; pastor, 
St. Paul's Church, Portsmouth, Virginia, 1916- 
Author of "Catholic Church in the City and Diocese 
of Richmond" (Richmond, 1906); collaborator in 
"CathoUc Church in the United States" (by Dr. 
Magri: "Diocese of Richmond"), Vol. II (New York, 
1910); contributor to: "The Cathohc Historical 
Review", Washington, and Richmond and Norfolk 

ARTICLES: Richmond, Diocese of; Van De Vyvee, 
Augustine; Virginia. 

Mahe, Reverend C]6lestin Etienne Marie, 
b. at Dinan, Brittany, France, 1853. Education: 
public schools, France; private tutor; Preparatory 
Seminary, St. M^en, and Seminary, Rennes, France. 
Came to America 1875; ordained 1876; engaged in 
parish work in the diocese of Natchitoches, now that 
of Alexandria, Louisiana, 1876-1915; former rector, 
St. Matthew's Church, Monroe, Louisiana; diocesan 
consultor, examiner of the clergy and procurator 
fiscalis (1910-1915), and rector of the cathedral 
(1912-1915), diocese of Alexandria, Louisiana; at 
present resident in France. Contributor to various 

ARTICLE: Natchitoches, Diocese of. 

Maher, Reverend Michael, s.j., litt.D., m.a., 
b. at Leighhnbridge, Co. Carlow, Ireland, 1860. 
Education: St. Stanislaus College, TuUabeg, Ireland; 

London University; Jesuit scholasticate, Stonyhurst, 
Blackburn, England; St. Beuno's College, St. Asaph, 
Wales. Entered the Society of Jesus 1880; professor 
of philosophy, Stonyhurst College, Blackburn, 1885- 
1891, 1896-1902; ordained 1894; examiner in educa- 
tion. Royal University of Ireland, and subsequently 
at the National University of Ireland, 1898- ; 
superior, director of studies and professor of peda- 
gogics, St. Mary's Hall, Stonyhurst, Blackburn, 
1902-1913; stationed at the Church of the Sacred 
Heart, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1913- . Author of: 
"Psychology", Stonyhurst Series (1890; 7th ed. 1910); 
"Tatian's Diatessaron" (1893); collaborator in 
"Teacher's Encyclopaedia"; contributor to: "Dublin 
Review"; "Fortnightly Review"; "The Month". 

ARTICLES: Character; Consciousness; Determinism; 
Dualism; Energy, The Law of the Conservation of; 
Fatalism; Free Will; Happiness; Harper, Thomas Morton; 
Herb ART and Herb artianism ; Idea; Immortality; Individual, 
Individuality; Intellect; Interest; Life; Metempsychosis; 
Mind; Psychology; Schools: In England: In Scotland; 
Soul; Spirit; Spiritualism; Will, 

Mahony, Very Reverend Monsignor John 
Mathbw, S.T.B., D.C.L., b. near Hamilton, 1862. 
Education: parish and model schools, Hamilton; 
Normal School Ottawa, St. Jerome's College, Berlin, 
and Seminary, Montreal, Canada. Former professor 
of history and mathematics, St. Jerome's College, 
Berlin, Canada; ordained 1894; assistant (1894^ 
1899) and rector (1899- ), cathedral, Hamilton; 
Dean (1906-1909) and Vicar-General (1909- ), 
diocese of Hamilton. Cleared the cathedral at 
Hamilton of debt and had it consecrated, 1906; 
represented Bishop Dowhng, of Hamilton, at the 
celebration of the Golden Jubilee of the Immaculate 
Conception, Rome, 1904, at the First Plenary Council 
of Canada, Quebec, 1909, and at the Eucharistic 
Congress, Montreal, 1910. 

ARTICLE: Hamilton, Diocese of. 

Mandonnet, Reverend Pierre-Francois-F^lix, 
O.P., S.T.D., b. at Beaumont, near Clermont-Ferrand, 
France, 26 February, 1858. Entered the Dominican 
Order 1882; ordained 1887; professor of Church 
history (1891- ), dean of the Theological Faculty 
(1893-1894, 1906-1907) and rector (1902-1903), 
University of Fribourg, Switzerland. Officer of 
Public Instruction. Author of: "Les Dominicains 
et la d6couverte de l'Am6rique" (Paris, 1893); "Siger 
de Brabant et I'AverroIsme latin au XIIP siScle", 
crowned by the Academy of Inscriptions and Belles 
Lettres (Fribourg, 1899; 2nd ed. revved and enlarged, 
2 vols.. Vols. VI and VII of "Philosophes Beiges", 
Louvain, 1908, 1911); "Les Ragles et le Gouverne- 
ment de I'Ordo de Poenitentia" (Paris, 1902); "La 
Faculty de Th^ologie de I'UniversitS de Fribourg", 
Rector's Oration (Fribourg, 1903); "Le d^cret 
d'Innocent XI contre le Probabihsme" (Paris, 1903); 
"Des 6crits authentiques de St. Thomas d'Aquin" 
(Fribourg, 1910); collaborator in several encyclo- 
pedias; contributor to various periodicals. 

ARTICLE: Pbeachers, Obdeb of. 

Mann, Reverend Horace K., d.d., b. in London, 
1859. Education: St. Cuthbert's College, Ushaw, 
Durham, England. Former professor, St. Cuthbert's 
College, Ushaw; ordained 1886; teacher (1886-1887), 
prefect of discipline (1887-1890) and headmaster 
(1890- ), St. Cuthbert's Grammar School, New- 
castle-on-Tyne. On the occasion of the Silver 
Jubilee of his ordination, received an autograph 
letter from Pope Pius X, congratulating him and 
encouraging him to continue his " Lives of the Popes " , 
1911. Author of: "IJves of the Popes in the Early 
Middle Ages", 6 vols. (London and St. Louis, 1902- 
1910); "Lives of the Popes ip the Middle Ages", 3 
vols. (London and St. Louis, 1910). 

ARTICLES: Benedict I-X, Popes; Christopher, Pope; 
Conon, Pope; Constantine, Pope; Eugene I, Saint, Pope; 




Eugene II, Pope; Ghegort II, Saint, Pope; Gregoht III, 
Saint, Pope; Gregory IV, Pope; Gregory V, Pope; Gregory 
VI, Pope; Gregory, Antipope; John II-IX, Popes; Lando, 
Pope; Leo II-IV, Saints, Popes; Leo V-VIII, Popes; Leo IX, 
Saint, Pope; Marinus I, II, Popes; Pelagius I, Pope, Pelagius 
II; RoMANUS, Pope; Sabinianus, Pope; Sergius I, Saint, Pope; 
Sergius II-IV, Popes; Sbverinus, Pope; Sisinnius, Pope; 
Stephen I, Saint, Pope; Stephen II, Pope; Stephen (II) III, 
Pope; Stephen (III) IV, Pope; Stephen (IV) V, Pope; Stephen 
(V) VI, Pope; Stephen (VI) VII, Pope; Stephen (VII) VIII, 
Pope; Stephen (VIII) IX, Pope; Stephen (IX) X, Pope; 
Theodore I; Theodore II. 

March, Reverend Josfi MARfA, s.j., b. at 
Manresa, Barcelona, Spain, 20 November, 1875. 
Education: St. Ignatius College, Manresa; St. 
Ignatius College, Sarria, Barcelona. Entered the 
Society of Jesus 1893; ordained 1908; former professor 
of mathematics. College of Our Saviour, Saragossa, 
Spain (three years); former professor of Church 
history and patrology and librarian, Colegio del 
Jesiis, Tortosa, Spain; engaged in research work in 
the Vatican Archives, Rome, 1913- . Author of: 
"El Fil6sofo Ranoio, R. P. Francisco Alvarado, segun 
nuevos documentos" (Madrid, 1913); "La soberania 
del Pueblo y el Poder subventivo" (Madrid, 1913); 
"Un Missal notable de Tortosa" (Barcelona, 1913); 
various pamphlets; editor of EspEisa's "Enciclopedia 
"Universal Ilustrada"; contributor to: "Razon y Fe"; 
"Anuari d'Estudis Catalans"; "Estudis Universitaris 

ABTICLE: Pilar, Nuestra SeiSoha del. 

Marchand, Vert Reverend Canon Ubald, 
J.C.D., b. at Champlain, Canada, 15 May, 1863. 
Education: Seminary, Three Rivers; Propaganda 
and Minerva, Rome. Ordained 1893; professor at 
the Seminary, Three Rivers, 1889-1895; professor of 
theology, Seminary, Three Rivers, 1898-1899; vicar- 
general and chancellor, diocese of Three Rivers, 1899- 
; canon of the cathedral of Three Rivers. 
Member of the Soci^tS du Parler Frangais au Canada. 

ARTICLE: Three Rivers, Diocese of. 

Marcilla Lopez, Reverend Alberto, b. at 
Albacete, Spain, 7 August, 1878. Education: Pon- 
tifical University, Valencia, Spain. Came to Mexico 
1898; ordained 1901; assistant (1901-1906) and 
rector (1906- ), cathedral, and diocesan consultor 
and s3rnodal examiner, diocese of Campeche, Mexico. 
Recipient of a letter of thanks from the King and 
Queen of Spain for the dedication to their children of 
his book "El Libro de Oro". Author of: "Resumen 
Historico del Obispado de Campeche"; "El Libro de 
Oro"; contributor to "Verdad" (Merida, Yucatan). 

ABTICLE: Campeche, Diocese oe. 

Maring, Reverend Johann, Ph.D., b. at Bruns- 
wick, Germany, 10 April, 1879. Education: pubUc 
school and Gymnasium, Brunswick; Universities of 
Miinster, Marburg, and Freiburg, and Seminary, 
Hildesheim, Germany. Ordained 1902; chaplam at 
Rhumspringe and Linden (1904-1906) and rector at 
Stade (1906- ), Hanover, Germany. Author of: 
" Diozesansy noden und Domherren-Generalkapitel des 
Stifts Hildesheim biz zum Anfang des XVII Jahr- 
hunderts" (1905); "Die Kongregation der Barm- 
herzigen Schwestern in Hildesheim" (1908); collabo- 
rator in Buchberger, "Kirchliches Handlexikon". 

ABTICLE: Hildesheim, Diocebe of. 

Marique, Pierre Joseph, Ph.D., b. at Scilles, 
Belgium, 24 January, 1872. Education: parochial 
schools and College of St. Servais, Li^ge, and State 
Regents Normal School, Nivelles, Belgium; Belgian 
MiUtary Academies; New York University, New 
York. Former Second Lieutenant in the Belgian 
Army; supplementary professor of Intermediate 
Instruction, Belgium, 1901; at present, instructor in 
French, College of the City of New York. 

ABTICLES: Bdkigny, Jean LBvEsauE de; Conscience, 
Hendrik; Deohamps, Adolphb; Delille, Jacques; FfiVAL, 

Paul-Henri-Cohentin; Flanders; FLEtTRioT, Z^naide-Marie- 
Anne; Guilds (in Flanders, France, Germany, Italy); 
Haur^au, Jean-Barth^lemy; Kervyn de Lettenhove, 
Joseph-Marie-Bruno-Constantin; La Fayette, Marie- 
Madeleine-Pioche de La Vergne; Laprade, Victor de; La 


Comte de; Lecoy de La Marche, Richard-Albert; Marie 
DE France; Mercad^, Eustache; Meun, Jean Clopinel de; 
Michel, Jean; Montyon, Antoine-Jean-Baptiste-Robert 
Auget, Baron de; Mor]6ri, Louis; Nothomb, Jean-Baptiste ; 
S^gur, Sophie Rostopchine, Comtesse de; Verne, Jules; 
Vehtot, Ren^-Aubert; Walter of Chatillon. 

Markevyc, Reverend Josaphat J., c.s.b., Inns- 
bruck, Austria. 
ABTICLE: Josaphat KuncetyS, Saint. 

Marsh, Reverend Ernest Glanvillb Bryant, 
B.C., b. at Aston, near Birmingham, England, 22 
September, 1865. Education: St. Marie's College, 
Rugby, and RatcUffe College, Leicester, England; 
London University. Began career as a teacher; 
entered the Salesian Congregation 1894; ordained 
1895; prefect of studies, Salesian School, Battersea, 
London, 1898-1901; rector. Church and Institute of 
Our Lady, Help of Christians, Famborough, England, 
parish church of the Empress Eugenie, 1901-1907; 
missionary in Jamaica 1907; rector, St. Mary 
Magdalen's Church, Wandsworth, London, 1908- 
1910; assistant. Church of Mary, Help of Christians, 
New York, 1910-1914; chaplain, St. Regis Convent, 
New York, 1914- . Founded Salesian Institute, 
Famborough, England; on the Committee for 
managing the Education Bill, Hampshire, England, 
1905-1906. Author of dramas, short stories, poems; 
contributor to various newspapers. 
ABTICLES: Patagonia; Salesian Society, The. 

Marshall, John Arthur, architect, b. at HuU, 
Yorkshire, England, 1853. Education: private school, 
HuU, England; studied architecture under the late 
William BotteriU, of Hull. Former assistant to John. 
F. Bentley, architect, London; architect to the West- 
minster Cathedral authorities, London, 1902- ; 
examiner in Greek and Roman architecture to Board 
of Architectural Education, London. Awarded the 
GrisseU Gold Medal of the Royal Institute of British 
Architects, 1888. Author of lectures on architecture; 
contributor to various periodicals. 

ABTICLE: Westminster Abbey. 

Martin, Caroline L., Religious of the Perpetual 
Adoration, Washington, D. C. 
ABTICLE: Perpetual Adoration, Religious of the. 

Martindale, Reverend Ctril Charles, s.j., 
M.A., writer, b. in London, 25 May, 1879, son of Sir 
Arthur Martindale, k.c.s.i. Education: Harrow; 
St. Mary's Hall, Stonyhurst, Blackburn, and Pope's 
Hall, Orford, England; St. Bueno's College, St. Asaph, 
Wales. Entered the Society of Jesus 1897; former 
professor of Classics at Stonyhurst College, Black- 
burn, and at Manresa House, Roehampton, London, 
England; ordained 1911; at present, at Pope's Hall, 
Oxford. Member of the Hellenic Society, and the 
Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies. Author 
of: "Legend of St. Christopher"; "In God's Army", 
3 vols.; "In God's Nursery"; "The Waters of 
Twilight"; "The Goddess of Ghosts"; "Biography of 
Mgr. R. H. Benson" (2 vols); pamphlets; editor of 
Catholic Truth Society's "Lectures on the History 
of Religions" (5 vols.). Pope's "Studies in History and 
Dogma"; contributor to: "The Month"; "Dublin 
Review"; "Catholic World". 

ABTICLES: Christmas; Epiphany; Oracle; Paganism. 

Marucchi, Orazio, k.c.s.g., b. in Rome, 10 
November, 1852. Education: Gregorian University 
and Sapienza, Rome. At present, professor of 
Christian archaeology in private schools, at the 
Roman Seminary, at the Propaganda, and at the 




Sapienza, writer of the Vatican Library, and director 
of the Christian Museum of the Lateran and of the 
Egyptian Museum of the Vatican, Rome. Partici- 
pated in the Congress of OrientaMsts, Stockholm, 
1889, the Congress of Christian ArchEeology, Spalato, 
1894, and the Archseological Congress, Athens, 1905. 
Member of: the Roman Academy of Archaiology, the 
Germanic Institute of Archaeology, the Pontifical 
Commission of Archaeology, the Municipal Commis- 
sion of Archaeology, the Provincial Commission of 
Archaeology, and the Academy of St. Lulce. Author 
of numerous pubUcations on Egyptology, Roman 
Antiquities and Christian Archajology; editor (since 
1895) of "Nuovo BuUetino di archeologia cristiana"- 
ABTICLE: Cross and Cbucifix (Part I. Archaeology). 

Mary of Providence, Mother, Provincial 
Superior, Sisters of Charity of Providence, Holyoke, 

ARTICLE: Providence, Sisters of, op Charity. 

Mathieu, Most Reverend Olivier Elz]6ar, 
Ph.D., S.T.D., C.M.G., Doctor of the Academy of St. 
Thomas, Archbishop of Regina, Canada, b. at 
Quebec, Canada, 24 December, 1853. Education: 
Seminary and Laval University, Quebec; further 
studies in Rome. Ordained 1878; for a number of 
years prefect of studies and director. Preparatory 
Seminary, Quebec; professor of philosophy (1879- 
1911), former rector (nine years) and former member 
of the Board of Directors, Laval University, Quebec; 
prothonotary Apostolic 1902; Bishop (1911-1915); 
Archbishop (1915- ), of Regina, Canada. Che- 
valier of the Legion of Honor; Officer of Public 
Instruction (France). 

ARTICLE: Laval University of Quebec. 

Matre, Anthony, k.s.g., b. at Cincinnati, Ohio, 
16 December, 1866. Education: St. Francis College, 
Cincinnati; CathoUc Normal School, St. Francis, 
Wisconsin. Former principal, St. Philomena's School, 
Cincinnati (18 years); national secretary, American 
Federation of Cathohc Societies, 1901- ; supreme 
secretary, Catholic Knights of America, 1904^1914; 
created Knight of St. Gregory, by Pope Pius X, 
1913; president, Marquette National Fire Insurance 
Company, 1915; lecturer on CathoMc subjects, 
resident at Chicago, Illinois. One of the founders 
and participator in all National Conventions, Ameri- 
can Federation of Catholic Societies; founder and 
associate editor for twenty years of "Teacher and 
Organist", now "Catholic Educational Journal". 
Author of dramas; associate editor of "The Federa- 
tion Bulletin". 
ARTICLE: Catholic Knights of America. 

Matthews, John Hobson, b. at Croydon, near 
London, 1858; d. at Ealing, 23 January, 1914. 
Education: Proprietary School, Blackheath, and The 
Leys, Cambridge, England. Became a Catholic 
1877; solicitor 1889; married Alice Mary, daughter of 
John Gwyn-Hughes of Monmouth, 1892; archivist to 
Corporation of Cardiff, Wales, 1894-1903; archivist 
to the County and Borough Councils of Monmouth- 
shire, England; expert archivist, record searcher and 
genealogist; legal antiquary; journalist; confraier of 
the English Benedictine Order. Discovered the 
Grant of Cardiff lands to Sir WilUam Herbert (1550), 
long lost and almost illegible, 1895; discovered text 
of an unknown charter to Borough of Newport, 
England, 1906; gave expert evidence before Royal 
Historical Manuscripts Commission, 1903, 1911; 
founder of St. Teilo's CathoUc Historical Society of 
South Wales, 1889; lectured on "Old Monmouth", 
Annual Meeting of the Cambrian Archaeological 
Association, 1908; had mastered Irish, Welsh, and 
Maltese; authority on palaeography, heraldry, illumi- 
nation, ecclesiology, plainchant, folklore, Celtic 

languages, and literature. Member of: the Cambrian 
Archaeological Association, the Council, Cathohc 
Record Society, and the Council and Executive 
Committee, CathoUc Federation of Westminster and 
Catholic Federation of England and Wales; Bard 
("Mab Cerayw") of Royal and National Eisteddfod. 
Author of: "History of St. Ives, Cornwall"; "History 
of the Hundred of Wormelow ; "The Vaughans of 
Courtfield"; "The Old Faith and the New"; "Life 
and Memorials of St. Teilo"; (pamphlets for CathoUc 
Truth Society:) "The Mass and Its Folklore"; 
' ' Continuity Reconsidered ' ' ; continuator (by appoint- 
ment) of Duncumb, "Herefordshire"; edited "Cardiff 
Records" (1898-1905); contributor to: "The Tablet"; 
ARTICLE: Wales. 

Maxwell-Scott, Mari Monica (Hon. Mrs. 
Maxwell-Scott), writer, b. at Tunbridge Wells, 
Kent, England, 2 October, 1852, daughter to J. R. 
Hope-Scott, Q.C., and Charlotte Harriet Jane 
Lockhart, and great-granddaughter of Sir Walter 
Scott. Married Hon. Joseph Constable-Maxwell, 
3rd son of Baron Herries of Terregles, 1874; hon. 
treasurer of the CathoUc Sailors' Club of Genoa; 
vice-president, Scottish Catholic Needlework Guild; 
resident in London and at Abbotsford, Melrose, 
Scotland. Author of : "Abbotsford and Its Treasures" 
(1893); "Tragedy of Fotheringay" (1895); "Making 
of Abbotsford and Incidents of Scottish History" 
(1897); "Henry Schomberg Kerr, Sailor and Jesuit" 
(1901); "Joan of Arc" (1905); "Garcia Moreno" 
(1908); "Madame Elizabeth de France" (1908); 
"The Marquise de la RochejaoqueUn" (1912). 

ARTICLES: Maxwell, William; Maxwell, Winifred. 

Mayence, Fernand, pU.d., Litt.D., b. at Jumet, 
Belgium, 10 August, 1879. Education: College, 
Charleroi, Belgium; further studies at Namur, 
Belgium, Paris, and BerUn and Halle a.S., Germany; 
Louvain University, Belgium. At present, professor 
of Classical archaeology and Roman institutions, 
Louvain University, and of the history of Greek and 
Roman art, Cours de I'Histoire de I'Art, Brussels, 
Belgium. Participated in the excavations at Delos; 
former member of the French School at Athens. 
Contributor to: " Le Mus6e Beige " ; "Revue d'histoire 
eccldsiastique " ; "Bulletin de Correspondance hel- 
l&ique"; "Vie dioc^saine". 

ARTICLES: Lenormant. Charles; Lenormant, FRANgois. 

Mayer, Very Reverend Canon Johann Georg, 
J.C.D., b. at Deuchelried, Wtirttemberg, Germany, 1 
April, 1845. Education: Stella Matutina CoUege, 
Feldkirch, Austria; CoUege at Schwyz and Seminary 
at Chur, Switzerland. Pastor at Oberurnen, Canton 
Glarus, Switzerland, 1872-1889 ; canon of the cathedral 
of Chin: 1889; professor (1889- ) and director 
(1908- ), Seminary, Chur. Member of various 
historical associations. Author of: "Graf Scherer- 
Boccard" (1899); "Das Konzil von Trient und die 
Gegenreformation in der Schweiz", 2 vols. (1901, 
1903); "Geschichte des Bistums Chur" (1908-1911); 
collaborator in: Herder's "Kirchenlexikon"; Herder's 
"Konversationslexikon"; contributor to various peri- 
ARTICLES: Lussy, Melchior; Saint Lucius, Monastery 

Medin, Reverend Joseph, ph.D., b. 2 Nov., 1879. 
Education: Propaganda, Rome; University of Vienna, 
Austria. Former rector of the cathedral, Great FaUs, 
Montana; rector. Church of St. John the Baptist, 
Calumet, Michigan 1910- 

ARTICLE: Great Falls, Diocese of. 

Medlycott, Right Reverend Adolphtjs E., d.d., 
Ph.D., titular Bishop of Tricomia, b. at Chittagong, 
East Bengal, 15 June, 1838. Education: Propaganda, 




Rome. Ordained 1861; successively assistant at the 
cathedral and rector at Howrah, Calcutta, India, 
1861-1881; chaplain to the British Forces, Lahore, 
India, 1881^1887; first vicar (and organizer), vicariate 
Apostolic of Trichur, Malabar, India, with jurisdic- 
tion over the northern division of Christians of the 
Syrian Rite in communion with Rome, 1887-1895; 
titular Bishop of Tricomia 1887- ; collected 
materials in the great Ubraries of Europe for his 
work on the apostolate of St. Thomas, 1895-1908; 
resident at Calcutta 1908- ; Domestic Prelate, 
Papal Count, and Bishop Assistant at the Pontifical 
Throne, 1912. Author of "India and the Apostle 
St. Thomas" (London, 1905). 
ASTICLE: Thomas Chbistiaks, Saint. 

Meehan, Vert Reverend Monsiqnor Andrew 
B., ph.L., S.T.D., J.U.D., b. at Scottsville, New York, 
11 December, 1867. Education: pubKc school, 
Scottsville; St. Andrew's Seminary, Rochester; North 
American College, Rome. Ordained 1902; director 
and professor of liturgy and canon law, St. Bernard's 
Semmary, Rochester, 1903- . Author of "Com- 
pendium juris canonici". 

ARTICLES: Abjubation; Acoltte; Balsam; Balsamon, 
Theodore; Barbosa, Agostino; Begnudelli-Babso; Frances- 
co Antonio; Benediction al; Berardi, Carlo Sebastiano; 
Bernard of Botone; Bernard of Compostella; Bernard op 
Pavia; Betrothal; Bination; Blastares, Matthew; Breast, 
Striking of the; Endowment; Examination; Examiners, 
Apostolic; Examiners, Synodal; Executor, Apostolic; 
ExpEDiTORS, Apostolic; Faculties, Canonical; Indult; 
Inquisition, Canonical; Jus Spolii; Pall; Pax; Proof; 
Provision, Canonical; Provost; Public Honesty; Putative 
Marriage; Rector; Registers, Parochial; Regulje Juris; 
Repose, Aliar of; Rescripts, Papal; Reservation; Resi- 
dence, Ecclesiastical; Revocation; Romanos Pontifices; 
Sacristy; Schmalzgrueber, Francis Xavier; Sentence; 
Servus sebvorum Dei; Stipend; Subreption; Subsidies 
Episcopal; Supbemi disciplin.e; Tametsi; Taxa Innocentiana; 
Uebi et Oebi; Vacancy; Violence, Visitation, Canonical; 
Will and Testament of Clebics; Witness. 

Meehan, Reverend Joseph, b. at Manorhamilton, 
Co. Leitrim, Ireland, 1862, brother of Francis Edward 
Meehan, M.P. Education: Marist Brothers' Insti- 
tute, SUgo, St. Patrick's College, Cavan, and May- 
nooth CoUege, Dublin, Ireland; Royal University of 
Ireland; Catholic CoUege, Dunkirk, France; Royal 
CoUege of Science, London. Ordained 1887; profes- 
sor at the Diocesan CoUege, Cavan, Ireland, 1887- 
1895; curate at KiUargue (1895-1907), at Kihnore 
(1907-1909) and at. MuUagh (1909-1912), Ireland; 
rector, Florencecourt, EnniskUlen, Ireland, 1912- 
. Much interested in Irish Co-operative Move- 
ment and in agricultural and mining subjects; hon. 
secretary of the Arigna to SUgo Railway Promotion 
Commission; former Connaught representative, Irish 
Agricultural Council; unanimously named by Leitrim 
County Council its representative before three 
Parliamentary Commissions: the "Plunkett", the 
Congested Districts and the Vice-Regal Commission 
on Irish Railways, 1905-1906; hon. governmental 
correspondent on archaeological matters during 
recent Ordnance Re-Survey of Ireland; hon. secretary 
and principal promoter of various local Agricultural 
and Industrial Exhibitions. Hon. secretary, Irish 
Northwestern Co-operative Union; president (and 
founder) of numerous industrial societies; senior 
member, Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland. 
Author of: "Common Errors in Pronunciation"; 
"Common Phenomena Explained"; "Pioneer Lec- 
tures" (3 eds.); pubUshed in collaboration with Abb6 
Moutier series of French-EngUsh School Books; 
contributor to: "Nature"; "Ironmonger" (articles 
translated into German) (London); "Irish Bee- 
keeper"; "Country Side" (London); "FoUc-Lore" 
(London) ; various DubUn periodicals. 
ARTICLE: Kilmore, Diocese of. 

Meehan, Thomas Francis, a.m., joumaUst, b. at 
Brooklyn, New York, 19 September, 1854. Educa- 
tion: St. Francis Xavier's CoUege, New York. At 

various times, editor, correspondent, and contributor 
on: "Irish American" (New York), "New York 
Herald", "Baltimore Sun", "Public Ledger" (Phila- 
delphia), "Times" (Richmond), "De Maasbode" 
(Rotterdam) ; on the editorial staff of The Catholic 
Encyclopedia, New York, 1906-1909, and 
"America", New York, 1909- ; trustee of the 
Brooklyn PubUc Library 1912- . CoDaborator 
in "Encyclopedia Americana"; contributor to various 
Catholic periodicals. 

ARTICLES: Allen, Edward Patrick; Amat, Thaddeus; 
Anderson, Henry James; Athenry; Bacon, David William; 
Baker City, Diocese of; Barber Family, The; Barron, Ed- 
ward; Barry, John, Bishop of Savannah; Barry, Patrick; 
Bayer, AdIile; Bayley, James Roosevelt; Beauregard, 
PiEBRE Gustave Toutant; Becker, Thomas Andrew; Bed- 
ford, Henry; Benziger, Joseph Charles; Blanc, Anthony; 
Bon Secours, Institute of; Borgess, Caspar Henry; Boston, 
Archdiocese op; Bradley, Denis Mary; Brondel, John Bap- 
tist; Brooklyn, Diocese of; Burns, James; Burlington, Dio- 
cese of; Byrne, Andrew; Byrne, Richard; Byrne, William; 
Carroll, Daniel; Catholic Benevolent Legion; Cavanagh, 
James; Congresses, Catholic (Part III) ; Corcoran, Michael, 
CosGROvE, Henry; Cosin, Edmund; Croke, Thomas William; 
Cummings, Jeremiah Williams; Da Ponte, Lorenzo; Day, 
Sir John; Denman, William; Detroit, Diocese of; Directo- 
ries, Catholic (United States) ; Donahoe, Patrick; Dornin, 
Bernard and Thomas Aloysius; Ducoudray, Philippe- 
Charles; Duluth, Diocese op; Emigrant Aid Societies; 
Eucharistic Congresses; Faro, Diocese of; Fitz-Simons, 
Thomas; Foresters, Catholic Orders of; Foster, John 
Gray; Galveston, Diocese of; Garesch^, Julius Peter; 
Gaston, William; Geraldton, Diocese of; Grand Rapids, 
Diocese of; Green Bay, Diocese of; Griffin, Martin Igna- 
tius Joseph; Gulf of St. Lawrence, Vicariate Apostolic op; 
Hardee, William J.; Harney, John Milton; Harney, Wil- 
liam Selby; Habbisburg, Diocese of; Hassard, John Rose 
Green; Heeney, Cornelius; Helena, Diocese of; Indianapo- 
lis, Diocese of; Irene, Sister; Irish (in Australia; in South 
America); Ives, Levi Silliman; Johnston, Richard Malcolm; 
Kansas, Diocese of; Keyes, Erasmus Darwin; Kohlmann, 
Anthony; Kosciuszko, La Crosse, Diocese of; Lathrop, 
George Parsons; Lead, Diocese of; League op the Cross, 
The; L'Enfant, Pierre-Charles; Liberia; Lincoln, Diocese 
op; London, Diocese of; Longstbeet, James; McGee, Thomas 
D'Arcy; McMahon, Martin Thomas; McMasteb, James 
Alphonsus; McQuail, Bernard John; Mallory, Stephen 
Russell; Marquette League; Meagher, Thomas Francis; 
Monroe, James; Mulhall, Michael George; Mulholland, 
St. Clair Augustine; Mullanphy, John; Murray, John 
O'Kane; Newark, Diocese of; Oertel, John James Maxi- 
milian; O'Hara, Theodore; O'Higgins, Ambrose Bernard; 
O'Reilly, Bernard; O'Rorke, Patrick Henry; Parmenteer, 
Antoine-Augustin; Periodical Literature, Catholic, Uni- 
ted States; Peter, Sarah; Rosecrans, William Stakk; Sad- 
lier, Mary Anne Madden; Sands, Benjamin and James; San 
Francisco, Archdiocese of; Scammon, Ellakim Parker; 
Semmes, Raphael; Sheridan, Philip Henry; Sullivan, Peter 
John; Tenney, William Jbwbtt; Thanksgiving Day; Thayer, 
John; Truth Societies, Catholic: in Ireland, in Australia, 
and in the United States; Verrazano, Giovanni da; Walsh, 
Patrick; Walsh, Robert; Ward, James Harman; Webb, 
Benjamin Joseph; White, Charles Ignatius. 

Mehegan, Brother De Sales, m.a.. Presentation 
Brother; b. May, 1863. Education: Royal Univer- 
sity of Ireland. Entered the Order of Presentation 
Brothers 1879; has passed his Ufe in teaching in the 
various schools of his order; at present, director of 
the Training CoUege, Cork, Ireland. One of the 
Irish representatives at the Catholic Congress, 
Baltimore, 1889. Author of: "Catholic Life"; 
"Guide, CounseUor and Friend for ReUgious"; 
"Teachers Companion"; "Supplementary Cate- 
chism"- contributor to various magazines. 

ARTICLE: Pbesentation Brothers. 

Meier, Reverend Gabriel, o.s.b., b. at Baden, 
Switzerland, 27 November, 1845. Education: school 
at Baden; Benedictine CoUege, Einsiedeln, Switzer- 
land. Entered the Benedictine Order 1865; ordained 
1870; professor of history and theology at the Bene- 
dictine College and Ubrarian of the monastery, 
Einsiedeln, 1877- . Member of the Historical 
Association of the Five Cities, and the Swiss Society 
for Historical Research. Compiler of a Catalogue of 
the Einsiedeln Manuscripts; coUaborator in: Herder's 
"Kirchenlexikon' ' ; Herder's "Konversationslexikon"; 
Herder's "Bibliothek fiir Padagogik"; contributor 
to: "Zentralblatt fiir Bibliothekswesen"; "Histori- 
Bches Jahrbuch"; "Geschichtsfreund"; etc. 















ARTICLES: Bbuko of Qderfubt, Saint; Christine of 
Stommeln, Blessed; Cosmas and Damian, Saints; Crispin 
AND Chispinian, Saints; Chispina, Saint; Cyprian, Saint, 
Bishop of Toulon; Cyprian, Saint, and Justina, Saint; Dor- 
othea, Saint; Engelbeht of Cologne, Saint; Erhard of 
Ratisbon, Saint; Eucharius, Saint; EtjQENDtrs, Saint; Fa- 
bian, Saint, Pope; Fructoosus of Braga, Saint; FRucTtrosns 
of Tarragona, Saint; Tibcbtius and Susanna, Saints; Timo- 


Nympha; Vitalis AMD Aqeioola, Saints. 

Meister, Franz, Freiburg, Germany. 
ARTICLE : Herdeb. 

Melstermann, Reverend Barnabas Francis 
Joseph, o.f.m., b. at Pfaffenheim, Alsace, Germany, 
27 March, 1850. Education: Seminary, Strassburg, 
Germany. Ordained 1873; engaged in parish work 
in the diocese of Strassburg 1873-1875; entered the 
Franciscan Order 1875; stationed for a time succes- 
sively in France and England; former Apostolic 
Penitentiary, Basilica of Our Lady of the Angels, 
Assisi, Italy; missionary in China 1887-1893; engaged 
in teaching, writing, and missionary and research 
work, Jerusalem, 1893- ; at present, lector in 
archaeology and BibUcal geography. Convent of St. 
Salvator, Jerusalem. Author of: "La Portioncule" 
(Fohgno, 1884); "Le Mont Thabor" (Paris, 1900); 
"La montagne de la GaUlee oil le Seigneur apparut 
aux Apdtres" (Jerusalem, 1901); "Deux questions 
d'archlologie palestinienne" (Jerusalem, 1902); "Le 
Pr6toire de Pilate et la forteresse Antonia" (Paris, 
1902); "Questions de topographie palestinienne" 
(Jerusalem, 1903); "Le tombeau de la Sainte Vierge 
k Jerusalem" (Jerusalem, 1903); "La Ville de David" 
(Paris, 1903); "La patrie de Saint Jean-Baptiste" 
(Paris, 1904); "New Guide to the Holy Land", 
translated from the French edition (London, 1907); 
"Guide du Nil au Jourdain par le Sinaif et P^tra" 
(Paris, 1909). 

ARTICLES: Gethsemani; Haceldama; Jebusalem (I. Be- 
fore a.d. 71); Naim; Nazareth; Pretorium ; Temple of Jeru- 
salem; Thabob, Mount; Tomb of the Blessed Vibgin Mary; 

Melancon, Reverend Louis GfiofiON Arthur, 
S.J., b. at Montreal, 30 October, 1863. Education: 
Jacques Cartier School, Preparatory Seminary and 
St. Mary's CoUege, Montreal. Entered the Society 
of Jesus 1883; ordained 1896; engaged at different 
times in missionary and parish work and in teaching 
in various Jesuit colleges; missionary among the 
Iroquois, Caughnawaga, Canada, 1903-1906; succes- 
sively teacher and assistant archivist, St. Mary's 
College, Montreal, 1906- 

ARTICLES: Sault Sainte Marie, Diocese of; Vaillant 
DE GuESLis, Francois; Viel, Nicolas. 

Melody, Reverend John Webster, a.m^ s.t.d., 
associate professor of moral theology, CathoUc 
University of America, Washington, D. C. 

ARTICLES: Acts, Indifferent; Adultery; Blasphemy; 
Chastity; Chicago, Archdiocese of; Commandments op the 
Church; Continence; Covarruvias, Diego; Cresconius. 

Menard, Sister Marie, b. at Nantes, France, 
11 October, 1843; d. at Kentucky, March, 1914. 
Education: Belief ontaine Institute, Nantes. Entered 
the Order of Sisters of Charity of Nazareth 1863; 
teacher (1865-1914), superintendent of the Normal 
School for Sisters (1879-1914), and librarian, Convent 
of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, Nazareth, 
Kentucky; fourth assistant general and secretary 
general of her order, Nazareth, Kentucky, 1911-1914. 
Author of pamphlets; collaborator in: "Encyclopaedia 
Americana" and "Catholic Church in the United 
States" (by Sister Marie: "Nazareth"). 
ARTICLE: Nazareth, Sistees of Chabity of. 

Merk, Reverend Karl Joseph August, s.j., 
b. at Achern, Baden, Germany, 11 September, 1869. 
Education: Freiburg, Germany; Rome; Munich; 

Jesuit scholasticates, Valkenburg and Exaten, Hol- 
land; St. Joseph's University, Beirut, Syria. Entered 
the Society of Jesus 1888; ordained 1899; former 
professor of apologetics and professor of Sacred 
Scripture (1910- ), St. Ignatius College, Valken- 
burg. Has travelled extensively, making a study of 
Oriental Biblical Manuscripts. Contributor to: 
"Byzantinische Zeitsohrift"; "Zeitsohrift filr katho- 
lisohe Theologie". 

ARTICLES: Lebanon; Machpelah; Magdala; Romans, 
Epistle to the; Testament, The Old. 

Merrigan, Thomas Davis, m.d., physician and 
surgeon. Education: pubUc schools, St. Francis 
Xavier's College, and New York University, New 
York. Interne, Charity Hospital (1887-1889) and 
Gouverneur Hospital (1889-1890), New York; dem- 
onstrator of anatomy, New York University, 1888- 
1889; instructor in Practitioners' Anatomy, New York 
Post Graduate Medical School, 1890-1894; professor 
of anatomy, Fordham University, New York, 1905- 
; visiting surgeon, St. Laurence Hospital, New 
York; practising physician and surgeon. Member of 
the New York County Medical Society, and the New 
York State Medical Society. 

ARTICLE: Anatomy. 

Mershman, Reverend Francis, o.s.b., d.d., 
b. on board ship on Mississippi River, 15 November, 
1852, of German parents. Education: St. Joseph's 
School, St. Louis, Missouri; private Latin course at 
Washington, Missouri; St. Louis University, St. 
Louis; St. John's Seminary, CoUegeviUe, Minnesota. 
Entered the Benedictine Order 1870; professor of 
Classics and mathematics, St. John's Seminary, 
CoUegeviUe, 1871-1875; ordained 1875; engaged 
occasionaUy in missionary work. State of Minnesota, 
1876-1890; professor of Church history (1877-1891), 
prefect of studies (1878-1882), professor of dogmatic 
theology (1879-1896), of hturgy (1884-1889, 1897- 
), of moral theology (1886-1890, 1895- ), of 
canon law (1890-1899, 1905- ), of homiletics 
(1893-1900) and of pastoral theology (1899-1904), 
and chaplain (1909- ), St. John's University, 
CoUegeviUe, Minnesota. Author of : " Handy Manual 
of Pontifical Ceremonies" (St. Louis, 1904); "Corrup- 
tions of Christian and Scriptural Names", pamphlet. 

ARTICLES: Advent; All Saints; All Souls' Day; Bab- 
LAAM and Josaphat; Boniface, Saint, Apostle jf Gebmany; 
Chbodegang, Saint; Cobbinian, Saint; Cobpus Chbisti, 
Feast of; Deer, Abbey of; Diario Romano; D5ring, Mat- 
thias; Elizabeth of Reute, Blessed; Elizabeth of Schonau, 
Saint; Ember-Days; Eusebius, Saint (Presbyter at Rome); 
EusTACHius AND COMPANIONS, Saints; Faldstool; Felix and 
Adauctus, Saints; Feria; Flabellum; Funeral Pall; Galla, 
Saint; Gallicanus, Saints; Garnier, Jean; Genesius (5); 
Gervasius and Protasius, Saints; Gottschalk, Saint; Greg- 
ory OF Utrecht, Saint; Gugler, Joseph Heinrich Aloysius; 
Helen of SkOfde, Saint; Hermann Joseph, Blessed; Hilde- 
gaed. Saint; Himeeius; Hitpoep, Melchiob; Holzhausee, 
Bartholomew; Hugh of Fleury; Hyacinth, Saint; Hyacintha 
Maeiscotti, Saint; Innocent II, Pope; Jeeome Emiliani, 
Saint; John Baptist de Rossi, Saint; John Cornelius and 
Companions, Veneeables; John of Sahagun, Saint; John 
Sabkandeb; John the Silent, Saint; Joseph Calasanctius, 
Saint; Joseph of Cupertino, Saint; Juliana of Li^ge, Saint; 
Larue, Charles de; Lectebn; Lennig, Adam Franz; Le Noua- 
EY, Denis-Nicolas; Litany; Litany of the Holy Name; Litany 
of the Saints; Ludgee, Saint; Lumpee, Gottfried; Maffei, 
Bebnardino; Martin I, Saint, Pope; Martin, Abbot op 
Schottenkloster; Martyrs, The Ten Thousand; Mabuthas, 
Saint; Massuet, Ren^; Maurice, Saint; Maueds, Saint; 
Meinweek, Blessed; Menaed, Nicolas-Hugues; Menas, 
Saint; Nausea, Frederic; Othlo; Otto of Passau; Palm 
Sunday; Passion Offices; Passion Sunday; Passion-tide; 
Patronage op Our Lady, Feast of the; Petee Gonzales, 
Saint; Pflug, Julius von; Piscina; Plenarium; Quadbages- 
ima; Quinquagesima; Raymond Nonnatus, Saint; Renty, 
Gaston-Jean-Baptibte de; Rita of Cascia, Saint; Rogation 
Days; Rosalia, Saint; Salt; Schloe, Aloysius; Septuagesima, 
Sexagesima; Solemnity; Stanislaus of Cbacow, Saint; Ste- 
phen op Autun; Subiaco; Supper, The Last; Tanner, Con- 
ead; Thais, Saint; Theodoee of Amasea, Saint; Theodotub 
OP Ancyea, Saint; Theophanes, Saint; Teasilla and Emil- 
lANA, Saints; Trinity Sunday; Teudo, Saint; Ttchicus, 
Saint; Ulhich op Zbll, Saint; Ubsus, Saint; Vicelinus, 
Saint; Vigilius, Saint; Vincent, Saint; Vincent Kadlubek, 
Blessed; Wenceslaus, Saint; Wigand, Saints; Willbhad, 




Saint; William, Saint; Willibald and Winneblad, Saints; ("IQiaV "SplpctpH "Rwnvs" C1Q14V fnntrihllt.or to 
WiLLiBRORD, Saint; WiLLiGis, Saint; WuLFBAM, Saint ZAdoki ^^^'■^'' ^eiecteO MSays ^1914;, COntriDUTOP XO 

Janos; Zeno, Saint. numerous Jinglish-speaking reviews. 

ARTICLE: Patmohe, Coventry. 

Messmer, Right Reverend Sebastian Gebhard, 
D.D., D.C.L., Archbishop of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 
b. at Goldach, St. Gall, Switzerland, 29 August, 
1847, son of Sebastian Gebhard and Rosa (Baum- 
gartner) Messmer. Education: public school at 
Goldach, high school at Rorschach, and St. George's 
College, St. Gall, Switzerland; University of Inns- 
bruck, Austria; Roman Seminary, Rome. Ordained 
1871; professor of dogmatic and moral theology, 
exegesis, canon law, and liturgy, Seton Hall College 
(1871-1889) and chaplain of St. Mary's Orphan 
Asylum (1881-1889), South Orange, New Jersey; 
professor of canon law, CathoUc University, Washing- 
ton, D. C, 1890-1892; Bishop of Green Bay, Wiscon- 
sin, 1892-1903; Archbishop of Milwaukee 1903- ; 
assistant at the Pontifical Throne 1906. Secretary 
at the Provincial Council, New York, 1883, and at 
the Plenary Council, Baltimore, 1884; has always 
taken prominent part in conventions of American 
Federation of Catholic Societies and Deutsch Romisch 
Kathohsohe Centralverein. Member of: American 
CathoUc Historical Association of Philadelphia, 
Wisconsin Historical Association, American Historical 
Association, American Geographical Association, 
Catholic Historical Association of New York. 
Author of: "Praxis Synodalis" (1883); "Canonical 
Procedure" (1886); "Spirago's Method" (1901); 
"Outhnes of Bible Knowledge" (1910); edited: 
Devivier, "Christian Apologetics" (1903); Bishop 
England's Works, 7 vols. (1908). 
AjlTICLES: Abministrator; Archbishop; Archdiocese. 

Metz, Reverend William J., ll.b., diocesan 
director. Priest's Eucharistic League, Spokane, 

ARTICLES: Seattle, Diocese of; Washington, State of. 

Meyer, Vert Reverend George, s.m. of Paris, 
b. at Galfingen, Alsace, Germany, 23 January, 1850. 
Education : University of Besangon, France. Entered 
the Society of Mary of Paris 1867; ordained 1876; 
sub-director, Petit College Stanislas, Paris, 1876- 
1877; sent to Dayton, Ohio, 1877; has held the posts 
of sub-director and director of St. Mary's Institute, 
Dayton; at present, provincial of the Cincinnati 
Province, Society of Mary of Paris, resident at 
ARTICLE: Mart, Society of, of Paris. 

Meyer, Wilhelm Joseph, Ph.D., b. 23 October, 
1884. Education: Gymnasium, Zug, and Universities 
of Fribourg and Zurich, Switzerland. Formerly 
assistant at the Canton and University Library, 
Fribourg; associate hbrarian. Public Library, Bern, 
1913- . Delivered a course of lectures on Hbrary 
science at the Summer School of the University of 
Fribourg, 1912. Member of the Swiss Society for 
Historical Research, and the Association of Swiss 
Librarians. Author of: "Der Chronist Werner 
Steiner, 1492-1542" (1910); "Zuger-Geschichtschrei- 
bung in neuerer Zeit" (1913); compiled "Catalogue 
des Inounables de la Bibliothfeque Universitaire k 
ARTICLE: Zwingli, Ulhich. 

Meynell, Alice (Mrs. Wilfrid Metnell), poet 
and essayist, b. near London. Education: private, 
in England, France, and Italy, mainly under direction 
of her father, T. J. Thompson. Married Wilfrid 
Meynell 1877; has devoted her hfe to literature; friend 
of Francis Thompson, Coventry Patmore, and George 
Meredith; resident in London. Mentioned by the 
"Times" and other papers as a possible poet laureate 
of England, 1913. Author of: "CoUected Poems" 

Middleton, Reverend Thomas Cooke, o.s.a., 
D.D., b. at Chestnut Hill, Pennsylvania, 30 March, 
1842. Education : private school; St. Thomas College, 
Villanova, Pennsylvania; Sant' Agostino, Rome. 
Entered the Augustinian Order 1858; ordained 1864; 
teacher (for some time lecturer in philosophy) (1866- 
1910) and president (1874-1878), St. Thomas College, 
Villanova; associate provincial and secretary for the 
United States, Augustinian Order, resident at Villa- 
nova, 1878- . First president (several times 
reelected) of the American Catholic Historical 
Society, 1884; for a number of years editor and 
consulting editor of "Records of the American 
Cathohc Historical Society of Philadelphia". 
Member of Committee of Historical Research (former 
chairman), American Catholic Historical Society. 
Author of: "Historical Sketch of Villanova, Pennsyl- 
vania, 1842-1892" (Philadelphia, 1893) ; Introduction 
to Donnelly, "Liguori Leaflets" (Philadelphia, 1887); 
"Life of Ven. Anna Maria Taigi", translated from 
the Italian of Balzofiore (Philadelphia, 1872) ; various 
pamphlets; edited, with Introduction, Maimbourg, 
"Life of St. Thomas of Villanova" (Philadelphia, 
1874); collaborator in Ashmead, "History of Dela- 
ware County, Pennsylvania"; contributor to: 
"Records of the American Catholic Historical Society 
of Philadelphia"; "American Ecclesiastical Review"; 
"American Catholic Historical Researches"; "Catho- 
lic Record" (Philadelphia); "Bulletins of the Free 
Library of Philadelphia"; "Catholic Annual" (New 
York); "Cathohc Review" (Brooklyn); "Freeman's 
Journal" (New York); "Villanova Monthly"; 
"Cathohc Standard" (Philadelphia); "Our Lady of 
Good Counsel" (Philadelphia); "PubMc Ledger" 
(Philadelphia); "Press" (Philadelphia). 
ARTICLE: Our Lady op Good Counsel, Feast of. 

Ming, Reverend John J., s.j., b. at Gyswyl, 
Unterwalden, Switzerland, 20 September, 1838; d. at 
Brooklyn, Ohio, 17 June, 1910. Education: Bene- 
dictine College, Engelburg, Switzerland; Jesuit 
scholasticates, Aachen and Maria-Laach, Germany. 
Entered the Society of Jesus 1856; ordained 1868; 
preacher at Kreuzberg, Germany, 1870; theological 
lecturer at the seminary of the Prince Bishop of 
Gorz, Austria, 1871; came to the United States, 1872; 
engaged in pastoral duties (two years); professor of 
philosophy at Spring Hill, Alabama; Buffalo, New 
York; Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin; and St. Louis, 
Missouri (21 years). Author of: "The Temporal 
Sovereignty of the Holy See" (New York, 1892); 
"The Data of Modern Ethics Examined" (New 
York, 1894, 1897, 1904); "The Characteristics and 
the Rehgion of Modern SociaUsm " (New York, 1909) ; 
"The Morality of Modern Socialism" (New York, 
1909); contributor to: "The Messenger"; "American 
Catholic Quarterly Review". 

ARTICLES: Acts, Human; Categorical Imperative; Con- 

Minges, Reverend Parthenitts, o.p.m., pL.d., 
S.T.D., b. at FlemUngen, Bavaria, 15 January, 1861. 
Education: Gymnasium, Speyer, and Franciscan 
scholastioate, Munich, Germany; University of 
Munich. Entered the Franciscan Order 1881; 
ordained 1886; former lector of theology, Franciscan 
scholastioate, Munich; at present, prefect of studies, 
St. Bonaventure's College, Quaracchi, Italy. Author 
of: "Geschichte der Franziskaner in Bayern" 
(Munich, 1896); "Compendium Theologise Dog- 
maticae generahs et specialis" (Munich, 1901-1902); 
"1st Duns Scotus Indeterminist" (Miinster, 1905); 
"Die Gnadenlehre des Duns Scotus auf ihren 
angebhchen Pelagianismus und Semipalagianismus 




gepruft" (Miinster, 1906); "Der Gottesbegriff des 
Duns Scotus auf seinen angeblich exoessiven Inde- 
terminismus gepruft" (Vienna, 1907); "Verhaltniss 
zwischen Glauben und Wissen, Theologie und 
Philosophie, nach Duns Scotus" (Paderborn, 1908); 
"Der angeblich excessive Reallsmus des Duns 
Scotus" (Munster, 1908); "Joannis Duns Scoti 
doctrina philosophica et theologica quoad res praeci- 
puas proposita, exposita et considerata" (Quaracohi, 
1908); collaborator in: "Philosophisches Jahrbuoh" 
(Fulda); "Beitrag zur Lehre des Duns Scotus iiber 
die Person Jesu Christi" (Tubingen); "Beitrag zur 
Lehre des Duns Scotus liber die Univocation des 
Seinsbegriffes"; contributor to: "Zeitschrift ftir 
katholische Theologie"; "Theologische Quartal- 

ARTICLES: Dtjns Scottjb, John; Scotism and Scotists. 

Moeller, Charles Cli^ment Atjguste, Litt.D., 
Ph.D., b, at Louvain, 1838, son of Jean Moeller, 
historian. Education : Seminary, St. Trond, Belgium ; 
Universities of Louvain, Leyden, Bonn, and Berlin. 
Professor of general history, Louvain University, 
1863- . Author of: "Histoire politique des 
peuples anoiens"; "Histoire politique du Moyen 
Age"; "Histoire politique contemporain depuis 
1848"; director of "La Conference d'Histoire" 
(since 1885). 

ARTICLES: AlcXntara, Militakt Order of; Assizes of 
Jerusalem; Aviz, Order of; Calatrava, Military Order of; 
Catherine, Monastery of Saint; Chivalry; Christ, Order 
OF THE Knights of; Holy Ghost, Order of the; Holy Sep- 
ulchre, Knights of the; Hospitallers of Saint John; Laz- 
arus, Saint, Order of, of Jerusalem; Military Orders; 
MoNTESA, Military Order of; Redeemer, Knights of the; 
Saint George, Orders of; Saint James of Compostella, 
Order of; Saint Sylvester, Order of; Swan, Order of the; 
Teutonic Order; Trinitarians, Order of; Truce of God, 

Moeller, Reverend Ferdinand, s.j., b. at 
Cincinnati, Ohio, 16 December, 1852, brother of 
Archbishop Moeller of Cincinnati. Education: St. 
Joseph's School and St. Xavier's College, Cincinnati; 
Woodstock College, Maryland. Entered the Society 
of Jesus 1871; ordained 1885; at various times 
professor of science and of Classics and director of 
boys' choirs at St. Louis University, St. Louis, 
Missouri; St. Ignatius College, Chicago, Illinois; St. 
Mary's College, St. Mary's, Kansas; Creighton 
University, Omaha, Nebraska; St. Xavier's College, 
Cincinnati, Ohio; Detroit College, Detroit, Michigan; 
formerly engaged in parish work. The Gesu, Milwau- 
kee, Wisconsin; at present, engaged in parish work. 
Holy Family Church, and chaplain of the Ephpheta 
Mission for the Deaf, Chicago. Opened a Day 
School for Deaf Mute Boys, Chicago, 1903; erected 
school for the deaf of the archdiocese of Chicago, 
dedicated 1909; organized Ephpheta Mission for the 
Deaf, Chicago; attended meeting of Superintendents 
of State Schools for the Deaf, obtaining a freer 
practice of their religion for the Catholic Deaf in 
State institutions, St. Louis, 1903; organized the 
Cathohc Deaf Mute Conference, Milwaukee, 1907; 
has obtained from the pope numerous indulgences, 
favors, and privileges for the deaf and their benefac- 
ARTICLE: Education of the Deaf and Dumb. 

Mollat, Abb£ Guillatime Mabie Charles 
Henri, Ph.D., b. at Nantes, France, 1 February, 
1877. Education: School for the Children of Nantes, 
Nantes; School of Higher Studies and St. Sulpice, 
Paris; French Seminary, Gregorian University, 
CoUegio AngeUco, and Vatican School of Palaeography 
and Diplomatics, Rome. Ordained 1900; chaplain. 
Church of St. Louis of the French, Rome, 1902-1905; 
chaplain. Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Montmartre, 
Paris, 1905-1908; curate. Church of Our Lady of 
Mercy, Passy, Paris, 1914- . Twice laureate of 
the Academy of Inscriptions and Belles Lettres. 

Member of the Archaeological Society of Nantes and 
Loire Inf^rieure; graduate in history and philology 
of the School of Higher Studies (1916). Author of: 
"Mesures fisoales exerc^es en Bretagne par les papes 
d'Avignon ^ I'^poque du Grand Schisme d'Oocident" 
(Paris, 1903); "Lettres communes du pape Jean 
XXII", 7 vols. (Paris, 1904H912); "La fiscalit^ 
pontificale en France au XIV^ sidcle" (Paris, 1905); 
"Etudes et documents sur I'histoire de Bretagne" 
(Paris, 1907); "Les Papes d'Avignon" (Paris, 1912); 
"Etude critique sur les Vitae Paparum Avenio- 
nensium d'Etienne Baluze" (Paris, 1917); pam- 
phlets: "Thomas le Roy, dit R6gis, et le palazzetto 
de la Farn^sine" (Rome, 1902); "Cl(5ment VII et le 
suaire de Lirey" (Paris, 1903); "Jean XXII fut-il 
un avare?" (Louvain, 1905); "Les dol6anoes du 
clerg6 de la Province de Sens au concile de Vienne" 
(Louvain, 1905); "Jean XXII et la succession de 
Sanche, roi de Majorque" (Paris, 1905); "Les 
comptes de Jean de Rivesaltes" (Paris, 1905); "Une 
lettre close in^dite de Charles VI" (Paris, 1906); 
"Les papes d'Avignon et leur h6tel des monnaies k 
Sorgues" (Paris, 1908); "Guichard de Troyes et les 
r^vllations de la sorciere de Bourdenay" (Paris, 
1908); "Innocent VI et les tentatives de paix entre 
la France et I'Angleterre " (Louvain, 1909); edited 
new edition of Et. Baluze, "Vitae paparum Avenio- 
nensium" (Paris, 1916); collaborator in: "Diction- 
naire Apolog^tique de la Foi Catholique"; "Diction- 
naire d' histoire et de g6ographie eccl^siastiques " ; 
contributor to: "Bulletin de la Soci^te arch^ologique 
de Nantes"; "Annales de Saint Louis de Frangais"; 
"Revue de I'Art Chretien"; "Le Correspondant " ; 
"Revue Benedictine"; "Revue de Gascogne"; 
"Memoires de I'Academie de Vaucluse"; "Revue 
pratique d'apologetique"; "Vierteljahrschrift fur 
Social- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte " ; "Revue d'his- 
toire de I'Eglise de France"; "Bulletin critique"; 
"Revue d'histoire ecclesiastique " ; "Revue des 
questions historiques " ; "Revue critique d'histoire et 
de litterature " ; "Le Moven-Age" 
ARTICLE: Avignon (City). 

MoUoy, Reverend Joseph Vincent, o.p., 
s.T.Lect., b. at Boston, Massachusetts, 31 October, 
1878. Education: St. Joseph's Scholasticate, Somer- 
set, Ohio; Minerva, Rome; St. Stephen's BibUcal 
School, Jerusalem. Entered the Dominican Order; 
ordained 1901; stationed at St. Mary's Church, New 
Haven, Connecticut, 1910-1911; at St. Raymond's 
Church, Providence, Rhode Island, 1911-1912; 
rector, Holy Name Church, Kensington, Philadel- 
phia, 1912-1913; stationed at St. Rose's Priory, 
Springfield, Kentucky, 1913-1915. 

ARTICLES: Dead Sea; Decapolis; Malchus; Mathusala- 
Valverdb, Vincent de. 

Moloney, Thomas W., lawyer, b. at West Rutland, 
Vermont, 10 January, 1862. Education: pubUc 
schools. West Rutland; Montreal College, Montreal, 
Canada; Holy Cross College, Worcester, Massachu- 
setts. Practising lawyer, Rutland, Vermont, 1885- 
; represented Rutland in General Assembly, 
Vermont, 1890-1891. Democratic nominee for 
Governor of Vermont, 1898; Democratic nominee for 
United States Senator, 1902; chairman of Vermont 
Delegation, Democratic National Conventions, 1896, 
1900. Member (former District Deputy Grand 
Knight) Knights of Columbus. 
ARTICLE: Vermont. 

Moloney, Reverend William Alan, c.s.c, 
b. at Nashville, Tennessee, 11 October, 1869, of 
Irish parentage. Education: St. Josephs College, 
Cincinnati, Ohio; University of Notre Dame, Notre 
Dame, Indiana. Entered the Congregation of the 
Holy Cross 1886; ordained 1893; professor. Univer- 
sity of Notre Dame, 1893-1899; vice-president, St. 




Edward's College, Austin, Texas, 1899-1902; superior, 
Community House, Congregation of the Holy Cross, 
Notre Dame, 1902-1904; president, St. Joseph's 
College, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1904-1905; director of 
studies, Notre Dame University, 1905-1908; at 
Columbia University, Portland, Oregon, 1908-1909; 
professor of oratory (1909-1912) and secretary (1912- 
), Notre Dame University. 
ARTICLE: Nothe Dame Dtr Lac, University of. 

Montanar, Reverend Valentine Hilaiee, 
Society for Foreign Missions, b. at Marignane, 
France, 14 February, 1870. Education: Preparatory 
and Grand Seminaries, Aix, France; Seminary of 
Foreign Missions, Paris. Entered the Society for 
Foreign Missions 1889; private in 141st Infantry, 
Marseilles, France, 1891-1892; ordained and sent to 
Kwang-tong, China, in company with the present 
vicar Apostolic of Siam, Bishop Perros, and five 
others, 1893; missionary in Tung-kun, Kwang-tong, 
1894-1903; in north Kwang-tong, stationed at Lin- 
chow (1905), San-ning (1907-1908), etc., 1903-1908; 
in charge of Chinese Catholics in New York 1908- 
1912; in charge of Chinese of Montreal, Canada, 
1912-1915. During the nine years of his labors in 
Tung-kun, number of Cathohos increased from 60 to 
3000; persecuted during Boxer troubles, several of 
his chapels and three Christian villages were burned, 
1900; but afterwards rebuilt. Cleared of all compli- 
city in 1905 massacre by investigations of Mr. Lay, 
American Consul at Canton, and Commander Evans; 
founded Chinese Catholic Mission in New York, 
1908; compiler of an unpubhshed Chinese-French 
Dictionary, in use in high school organized by him in 
Tung-kun. Author of: "Method of Learning the 
Cantonese Language"; "Fifteen Years in China"; 
contributor of articles on Chinese subjects in: 
"Bulletin de Notre Dame de Beauregard"; various 
French and American periodicals. 

ARTICLES: Kan-stt, Prefecture Apostolic of Southern; 
Kan-su, Vicariate Apostolic of Northern; Kiang-nan, Vi- 
cariate Apostolic of; Kiang-si, Vicariates Apostolic of 
Eastern, Northern and Southern; Kwang-si, Prefecture 
Apostolic of; Kwang-tung, Prefecture Apostolic of; Kwei- 
CHOu, Vicariate Apostolic of; Shan-si, Vicariates Apostolic 
of Northern and Southern; Shan^tung, Vicariates Apos- 
tolic of Northern, Eastern and Southern; Shon-si, Vicari- 
ates Apostolic of Northern and Southern; Sze-ch'wan, 
Eastern, Vicariate Apostolic of; Sze-ch'wan, Northwest- 
ern, Vicariate Apostolic of; Sze-ch'wan, Southern, Vica- 
riate Apostolic of; Yun-Nan. 

Monteiro d'Aguiar, Reverend Joseph, b. in 
May, 1874. Education: seminaries, Goa and Cochin, 
India. At various times missionary, secretary of the 
Curia and episcopal master of ceremonies, diocese of 
Cochin; at present, resident in Portugal. Member 
of the Historical and Geographical Institute of 
Pernambuco, Brazil. Contributor to various periodi- 

ARTICLE: Cochin, Diocese op (Coohinensis). 

Montes de Oca y Obregon, Right Reverend 
Jose Maria Ignacio, d.d., ll.d.. Bishop of San Luis 
PotosI, Mexico, b. at Guanajuato, Mexico, 26 June, 
1840. Education : England ; Sapientia College, Rome. 
Ordained 1863; parish priest in England; later at 
Guanajuato, serving as chaplain to Emperor Maxi- 
mihan; Bishop of Tamaulipas, 1871-1879; Bishop of 
Linares, 1879-1884; Bishop of San Luis PotosI, 1884- 
. Assistant at the Pontifical Throne, 1887; 
Knight Grand Cross of the Holy Sepulchre, Knight 
of Isabella the Catholic, Knight Commander of 
Charles the Third; member of the Madrid Academy 
of languages and history. 

ARTICLES: Caballero y Ocio, Juan; Caracas (oh San- 
tiago De Venezuela), Archdiocese of; Chachapoyas, IDio- 
cese of; Chihuahua, Diocese of; Chilapa, Diocese of; Mex- 
ico, Archdiocese of; San Luis PotosI, Diocese of. 

Mooney. Education: public schools. Began career 
as a teacher; entered a newspaper office 1879; 
attached to Bureau of American Ethnology, Wash- 
ington, 1885- ; married lone Lee Gaut, of 
Tennessee, 1897. Has conducted extended field 
investigations among the Indians of the South and 
West, notably the Cherokees; has prepared Govern- 
ment Indian Exhibits for Chicago, NashviUe, Omaha, 
and St. Louis Expositions; discovered Cherokee 
ritual. Member of American Anthropological Asso- 
ciation; Anthropological Society of Washington; 
Mississippi Historical Association; Gaelic Society, 
Washington (first president); American Association 
for the Advancement of Science; Washington 
Academy of Sciences. Author of: "Sacred Formulas 
of the Cherokees", 7th Report, Bureau of American 
Ethnology (Washington, 1891); "Siouan Tribes of 
the East", Bulletin 22, Bureau of American Ethnology 
(Washington, 1895); "Ghost-dance Religion and the 
Sioux Outbreak of 1890", 14th Report, Part 2, 
Bureau of American Ethnology (Washington, 1896) ; 
' ' Calendar History of the Kiowa Indians " , 17th Report, 
Part 1, Bureau of American Ethnology (Washington, 
1898); "Myths of the Cherokee", 19th Report, Part 
1, Bureau of American Ethnology (Washington, 
1900); "Cheyenne Indians", Mem. American Anthro- 
pological Association, Vol. I, Part 6 (Lancaster, 
Pennsylvania, 1907); contributor to: "Therapeutic 
Gazette"; "Harper's Monthly". 

ARTICLES: Blackfoot Indians; Caddo Indians; Cherokee 
Indians; Chippewa Indians; Choctaw Indians; Cceur d' 
Alpine Indians; Cree; Creeks; Delaware Indians; Dom- 
ENECH, Emmanuel-Henri-Dieudonn^; Duponceau, Peter 
Stephen; Eskimo; Espejo, Antonio; Flathead Indians; Ghost 
Dance; Guaicuri Indians; GuaranI Indians; Hopi Indians; 
Illinois Indians; Indians, American; Iroquois; Isletta 
Pueblo; Jemez Pueblo; J£baro Indians; Kalibpel Indians; 
Kaseaseia Indians; Kickapoo Indians; Kiowa Indians; 
KuTENAi Indians; Lake Indians; Lesubur, Francois Eustace; 
Lillooet Indians; Lorette; Lul6 Indians; Lummi Indians; 
Maina Indians; Maipuhe Indians; Maliseet Indians; Mame- 
Luci Indians; Mandan Indians; Mascoutens Indians; Mataco 
Indians; Maya Indians; Mayo Indians; Mayoruna Indians; 
Mazatec Indians; Mbaya Indians; Mengarini, Gregorio; 
Menominee Indians; Miami Indians; Mission- Indians (of 
California); Missions, Catholic Indian, of the United 
States; Mixe Indians; Mixteca Indians; Mocovi Indians; 
Montagnais Indians (Quebec); Moxos Indians; Mozetena 
Indians; PakawA Indians; Pano Indians; PApago Indians; 
Peba Indians; Penelakut Indians; Penobscot Indians; Peo- 
ria Indians; Pericui Indians; Pima Indians; Piro Indians; 
PisCATAWAY Indians; Potawatomi Indians; Pouget, Jean 
Francois-Albert du; Pueblo Indians; Puyallup Indians; 
Quamichan Indians; Quapaw Indians; Quiche; Quichua In- 
dians; QuiNTANA, Augustin; Ravalli, Antonio; Ribas, 
Andres Perez de; Romero, Juan; Sahagt^n, Bernardino de; 
Sahaptin Indians; Saint-Cosme, Jean Franqois Buisson de; 
Saint Francis Mission; Saliva Indians; Salvatierra, Juan 
MARfA; Samuco Indians; Sanetch Indians; Sarayact^ Mission; 
Sechelt Indians; Sena, Balthasar; Seneca Indians; Setebo 
Indians; Shuswap Indians; Siletz Indians; Sioux Indians; 
SipiBO Indians; Sobaipura Indians; Songish Indians; Spokan 
Indians; Squamish Indians; Swinomibh Indians; 'Tacana In- 
dians; Taensa Indians; Tait Indians; Tamanao Indians; 
Taos Pueblo; Thompson River Indians; Ticuna Indians; 
TiMucuA Indians; Toba Indians; Tonica Indians; Tonkawa 
Indians; Totonac Indians; Yazoo Indians. 

Mooney, Right Reverend Monsignor Joseph 
F., LL.D.,> Ph.D., vicar-general, archdiocese of New 
York, b. in Pike County, Pennsylvania, 8 July, 1848. 
Education: St. Vincent's College, Beatty, Pennsyl- 
vania; St. John's College, Fordham, and St. Joseph's 
Seminary, Troy, New York. Ordained 1871 ; profes- 
sor, St. Joseph's Seminary, Troy, 1871-1879; rector, 
St. Patrick's Church, Newburgh, New York, 1879- 
1890; rector, Sacred Heart Church, New York City, 
1890- ; domestic prelate 1890; vicar-general, 
archdiocese of New York, 1892- ; protonotary 
Apostolic 1904; chairman of the School Board, 
archdiocese of New York. Member of various 
ecclesiastical corporations. New York. 

ARTICLES: Consultobs, Diocesan; Corrigan, Michael 
Augustin; New York, Archdiocese of. 

Mooney, Jambs, b. at Richmond, Indiana, 10 Moore, Reverend Thomas V., c.s.p., lecturer in 
February, 1861, son of James and Ellen Devlin Pastoral Medicine and instructor in Psychology, 

MORAN 119 

Catholic University, Brookland, Washington, D. C. 
ARTICLES: Memokt; Occasionalism; Optimism; Panpsy- 


Moran, Patrick Francis Cardinal, d.d., m.r.i.a., 
F.R.A.S., b. at Leighlin Bridge, Co. Carlow, Ireland, 
16 September, 1830; d. at Sydney, Australia, 16 
August, 1911. Education: Primary, Leighlin Bridge; 
Irish College, Gregorian University, and Propaganda, 
Rome. Ordained 1853; held the posts of vice-rector 
of the Irish College, professor of Hebrew at the 
Propaganda and vice-rector of the Scots College, 
Rome; secretary to Cardinal CuUen, Archbishop of 
DubUn, 1866-1872; Coadjutor Bishop of Ossory and 
titular Bishop of Olba 1872; Bishop of Ossory 1872- 
1884; Archbishop of Sydney 188<H911; Cardinal 
with title of St. Susanna 1885; Primate of Austraha. 
Founder, and for a time editor, "Irish Ecclesiastical 
Record"; organized Ossory Archaeological Society, 
and published several papers in its Proceedings; 
convened and presided at three Plenary Synods of the 
Bishops of Australia, 1885, 1895, 1905; ordained 15 
bishops during his episcopate; convened, presided at, 
and deMvered discourses at General Catholic Con- 
gresses of Australia, Sydney, 1900, 1909; participated 
in and read papers at CathoUc Congress, Melbourne, 
1904. Author of: "Memoir of Yen. OKver Plunkett" 
(1861); "Essays on the Early Irish Church" (1864); 
"History of the Archbishops of Dublin" (1864); 
"History of the Persecutions of the Irish Catholics" 
(1865); "ActaSanctiBrendani" (1872); "Monasticon 
Hibernicum" (1873); "Spioilegium Ossoriense" 
(1874); "Irish Saints in Great Britain" (1879); 
"Pastoral Letters of Cardinal Cullen" (1882); 
"Occasional Papers" (1890); "Letters on the 
AngHcan Reformation" (1890); "History of the 
Catholic Church in Australasia" (1894); "Reunion 
of Christendom and Its Critics" (1896); "Mission 
Field in the Nineteenth Century" (1900); "Three 
Patrons of Erin" (1905); "Priests and People of 
Ireland" (1905). 

ARTICLES: Cullen, Paul; Palladius, Saint; Patrick, 
Saint; Plunkett, Oliver, Venerable; Talbot, Peter. 

Moreno-Lacalle, Julian, a.b., b. at Manila, 
Phihppine Islands, 18 October, 1881. Education: 
College of St. John Lateran and St. Thomas Univer- 
sity, Manila, Phihppine Islands; Royal College of 
Superior Studies, Escorial, Madrid, Spain; Concordia 
Institute, Zurich, Switzerland. Translator and editor, 
Pan-American Union, Washington, D. C, 1906- 
1913; special agent of the Bureau of American 
Repubhcs, Jamestown Exposition, 1907. Officer of 
the Order of the Bust of the Liberator (Venezuela); 
secretary general, Spanish-American Atheneum of 
Washington, 1912-1914; instructor of Spanish, U. S. 
Naval Academy, Annapolis, Ind., 1914- 

ARTICLES: Paraguay; Peru; Piauhy, Diocese op; Porto 
Alegre, Diocese of; Portovibjo, Diocese of; Puno, Diocese 
of; Ribeirao Preto, Diocese of; Saint Mark, University 
of; San Jos^ de Costa Rica, Diocese of; Santa Catharina, 
Diocese of; Santarem, Prelature Nullius of; Sao Carlos 
DO Pinhal, Diocese of; Sao Paulo, Archdiocese of; Sao 
Sebastiao do Rio de Janeiro, Archdiocese of; Socorro, Dio- 
cese of; Spirito Santo, Diocese of; Taubat^, Diocese of; 
TuNJA, Diocese of; Uberaba, Diocese of. 

Morice, Reverend Adrian Gabriel, m.a., o.m.i., 
b. at Saint Mars-sur-Colmont, Mayenne, France, 27 
August, 1859. Education: Oisseau, Sion and Autun, 
France. Entered the Order of Oblates of Mary 
Immaculate 1877; sent to British Columbia 1880; 
ordained 1882; missionary among the Chilcotin 
Indians at William's Lake (1882-1885) and at Stuart's 
Lake (1885-1906), British Columbia; stationed at St. 
Louis's Church, Kamloops, British Columbia, 1906- 
1908; at Holy Family Juniorate, St. Boniface (1908- 
1909), and St. Mary's Church, Winnipeg (1909- 
1910), Manitoba; at Duck Lake, Saskatchewan, 1910- 
1911; at Sacred Heart Church, Winnipeg, 1911-1914; 

lecturer'in anthropology. University of Saskatchewan, 
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 1911- ; again at Holy 
Family Juniorate, St. Boniface, 1914^ . Has 
mastered a number of Indian languages and dialects, 
compiling vocabularies and grammatical treatises of 
Chilcotin, Sekanais, and Nahanais languages; in- 
vented the D(5n6 Syllabary; estabUshed at Stuart's 
Lake a printing press for books in D6n6 language; 
employed 13 years in compiling dictionary of Carrier 
(Indian) language, manuscript of which was destroyed 
by fire; compiled various maps of his travels in British 
Columbia, for one of which he was awarded a silver 
medal by the Geographical Society of Paris; one of his 
maps published by British Columbian government; 
editor (and founder) of "Le Patriote de I'Ouest' 
(Duck Lake), 1910-1911; published for two years a 
monthly paper in syllables. Hon. member Philo- 
logical Society of Paris, of the Natural History Society 
of British Columbia, of the Art, Historical, and 
Scientific Association of Vancouver; member Ameri- 
can Anthropological Association, Historical Society 
of St. Boniface, Ethnological Committee of British 
Association for the Advancement of Science; cor- 
responding member Canadian Institute, Historical 
and Scientific Society of Manitoba, Geographical 
Society of Neufch^tel (Switzerland), Geographical 
Society of Quebec. Author of: "Au pays de Fours 
noir" (Paris, 1897); /'History of the Northern 
Interior of British Columbia" (Toronto, 1904; 3 eds.); 
"Aux sources de I'histoire manitobaine" (Quebec, 
1907); " Dictionnaire historique des Canadiens et des 
M6tis frangais de I'Ouest" (Quebec, 1908); "History 
of the Cathohc Church in Western Canada", 2 vols. 
(Toronto, 1910); pamphlets; "Notes on the Western 
D^nfe"; "Minor Essays"; etc.; collaborator in 
"Encyclopsedia of Rehgion and Ethics "- 

ARTICLES: British Columbia; Chinooks; Demers, Mo- 
DESTE;DiN^s; Fabhe, Joseph; Faraud, Henri; Garin, Andr^; 
Hare Indians; Lav]£rendrye, Pierre-Gaultier de Varennes, 
SiBUR de; Laverloch^re, Jean-Nicolas; Louchbux; Mani- 
toba; Mazenod, Charles Joseph Eugene de; Micmacs; Mis- 
sions, Catholic Indian (Canada) ; Montagnais Indians 
(Chippewayans) ; Nahanes; Prince Albert, Diocese of; Re- 
gina, Diocese of; Saint Boniface, Archdiocese of; Sas- 
katchewan AND Alberta; Seghers, Charles John; Sekanais; 
Slaves; Tach^, Alexandre-Antonin; Takkali; Yellow- 

Moris, Very Reverend James,, b. at 
Linde (Peer), Limburg, Belgium, 10 March, 1876. 
Education: St. Lambert's College, Peer, St. Joseph's 
College, Hasselt, and Redemptorist scholasticate, 
Beauplateau, Belgium. Entered the Redemptorist 
Order 1894; ordained 1900; former lector of Classics 
in one of the houses of his order (one year) ; missionary 
in Dominica; at present, superior of the Redemptorist 
Convent, censor Mbrorum, vicar-general, and member 
of the Vigilance Committee, Roseau, Dominica. 
Contributor to the "Diocesan Review" (Roseau). 

ARTICLE: Roseau, Diocese of. 

Morrison, Robert Stewart, lawyer, b. at 
Allegheny City, Pennsylvania, 7 October, 1843, son 
of John and Hannah Davis Morrison. Education: 
Easthampton and Amherst, Massachusetts. 
Admitted to the Bar 1866; practised law at Pittsburg, 
Pennsylvania, 1866-1870, and at Denver, Colorado, 
1870- ; married Edelmira Manuela De Sota, of 
Denver, 1873 ; member of the law firm of Morrison & 
De Sota, Denver, 1882- ; member Colorado 
Legislature 1887. Former member of Territorial 
Council, Colorado; Democratic candidate for Con- 
gress, but defeated, 1880. Author of: "Mining 
Rights" (1874; 15th ed. 1917); "Mining Digest" 
(1878); "Mining Reports", 22 vols. (1883-1906). 
ARTICLE: Colorado. 

Morrisroe, Right Reverend Patrick, d.d.. 
Bishop of Aohonry, Ireland, b. at Charlestown, Co. 
Mayo, Ireland, 1869. Education: national schools; 
Diocesan College, Ballaghadereen, and Maynooth 




College, Dublin, Ireland. Ordained 1894; engaged 
in parish work 1894—1895; professor of Classics and 
English, Diocesan College, BaUaghadereen, 1895- 
1896; dean and professor of hturgy, Maynooth 
College, Dublin, 189&-1911; former member of 
Cathedral Chapter, Achonry; Bishop of Achonry 
1911- . Liturgical correspondent, "Irish Eccle- 
siastical Record"; contributor to various other 

ARTICLES: Blessing; Canopy; Catafalque; Censer; 
Chrism; Chrismal, Chrismatory; Ciboritjm; Colours, Litur- 
gical; Commemoration (in Liturgy); Communion Bench; 
Communion of Children; Communion of the Sick; Credence; 
Crosier (or Pastoral Staff); Crossbearer; Cruet; Dese- 
cration; DoMiNus Vobiscum; Holy Communion; Imposition 
OF Hands; Improperia; Incense. 

Mougel, Reverend Ambrose, o.cart., St. Hugh's 
Charterhouse, Parkminster. Photo facing page 190. 

ARTICLES: Bruno, Saint, Dominic of Prussia; Heney 
(Egher) of Kalkar; Ludolf of Saxony. 

Moyes, Right Reverend Monsignob Canon 
James, d.d., writer, b. at Edinburgh, Scotland, 1851. 
Education: Ireland; France; English College, Rome. 
Ordained 1875; professor, St. Bede's College, Man- 
chester, England, 1876-1892; canon theologian of the 
Chapter of Salford, England, 1891; former member of 
the School Board, Manchester; editor, "Dublin 
Review", 1892-1903; attached to Westminster 
Cathedral, London, 1892- ; canon theologian of the 
Metropolitan Chapter 1894; domestic prelate 1897. 
Served on Papal Commission on Anglican Orders, 
Rome, 1896. Author of: "Aspects of AngUcanism" 
(London, 1906) ; pamphlets: "The Existence of God"; 
"St. Ansehn " ; etc. ; contributor to : " Dubhn Review " " 

ARTICLES: Anglicanism; Clovesho, Councils of. 

Muckermann, Reverend Herman, s.j., b. at 
Bueckburg, Schaumburg Lippe, Germany, 30 August, 
1877. Education: various Jesuit scholastioates. 
Entered the Society of Jesus 1896; professor of 
mathematics and natural science. Sacred Heart 
College, Prairie-du-Chien, Wisconsin, 1904-1908; 
professor of biology, St. Ignatius College, Valkenburg, 
Holland, 1908-1911; ordained 1909; engaged in 
oytologieal research, Carnoy Institute, Louvain 
University, Belgium, 1911- . Author of: "The 
Essential Differences between the Human and 
Animal Soul", treatise (1906); "AUgemeine Biologie", 
Part I of "Grundriss der Biologie" (1909; Italian tr. 
by Bongioanni, 1912) ; various essays in English and 
German on biological subjects. 

ARTICLES: Assimilation, Physiological; Biogenesis and 
Abiogenesis; Biology; Evolution. 

Mueller, Reverend Uleich F., c.pp.s., b. at 
Abensberg, Bavaria, Germany, 10 March, 1872. 
Education: Gymnasium, DiUingen, Germany; St. 
Charles Seminary, Carthagena, Ohio. Former Lieu- 
tenant, 1st Bavarian Artillery, Germany; entered the 
Congregation of the Precious Blood 1894; ordained 
1899; professor of sciences, St. Joseph's College, 
Rensselaer, Indiana, 1899-1904; professor (at present 
of philosophy), St. Charles Seminary, Carthagena, 
Ohio, 1904- . Former president of CathoMc 
Total Abstinence Union of Ohio (two years) ; founder 
of Ohio League of the Cross; International Delegate 
of the CathoUc Total Abstinence Union of America 
to 13th International Anti-Alcohol Congress, The 
Hague, 1911; secretary for America, International 
CathoUc Anti-Alcohol Movement. Author of various 
pamphlets; contributor to: "Cathohc Tribune"; 
"Catholic Total Abstinence Union Advocate"; 
"Scientific Temperance Journal"; various periodicals 
of Germany. 

ARTICLES: Brunner, Francis de Sales; Gaspare del 
Bufalo, Blessed; Precious Blood, Feast of the Most; Pre- 
cious Blood, Archconfraternity of the Most; Precious 
Blood, Congregation of the Most; Precious Blood, Daugh- 
ters of the; Precious Blood, Sisters of the. 

Mulcahy, Reverend Cornelius, professor of 
Rhetoric, Maynooth College, Dublin. 

ARTICLES: Fergus, Saint; Fiacc, Saint; Fiacbe, Saint; 
FuRSEY, Saint; Germaine Cousin, Saint. 

Mulder, Reverend William John Mary, s.j., 
litt.D., Hist.D., b. at Amsterdam, Holland, 1875. 
Education: day school, Amsterdam; St. Dominic's 
College, Nimwegen, Holland; Oudenbosch, Holland; 
Jesuit scholasticate, Maastricht, Holland; University 
of Leyden. Entered the Society of Jesus 1894; 
professor, Jesuit College, Katwijk, Holland, 1904r- 
1906, 1910-1912; ordained 1909; stationed at St. 
Stanislaus College, TuUamore, Ireland, 1912- ; 
at the Jesuit College, Katwijk, 1913-1914; at St. 
Dominic's College, Nimwegen, 1914^ . Member 
of the Historical Society (Utrecht) ; Literary Associa- 
tion of the Netherlands; Historical and Archseologioal 
Association of Westphalia; Association of Apologetics. 
Author of "Dietrich von Nieheim" (Amsterdam, 
1907); collaborator in "Biografisoh Woordenboek"; 
contributor to: "Geschiedskundige Bladen"; 
"Studien"; " Mitteilungen des Instituts fur Oester- 
reichische Geschichtsforsohung"; "De KathoHek"; 
"De Tijd" 
ARTICLE: Urban VI, Pope. 

Mulhane, Reverend Lawrence W., b. at 
Berlin, Massachusetts, 21 February, 1856, of Irish 
parents. Education: public schools. Marietta 
Academy and Marietta College, Marietta, Ohio; St. 
Aloysius Seminary, Columbus, Ohio. Ordained 1879; 
assistant, cathedral, Columbus, Ohio, 1879-1880; 
secretary to Bishop Watterson of Columbus 1880- 
1885; rector, St. Vincent de Paul's Church, Mt. 
Vernon, Ohio, 1885- ; member of the School 
Board, Treasurer of the Infirm Priests' Fund, and 
Procurator FiscaUs, diocese of Columbus. Member 
of the Arctic Club of New York. Author of "Leprosy 
and the Charity of the Church" (Chicago, 1896); 
contributor to: "CathoMo Columbian" (under pen 
name R. C. Gleaner) ; various other Cathohc periodi- 

ARTICLE: Columbus, Diocese of. 

MuUaly, Reverend Charles J., s.j., b. in 
Washington, 19 September, 1877. Education: Im- 
maculate Conception School, Gonzaga High School 
and Gonzaga College, Washington; Jesuit scholasti- 
cates, Frederick and Woodstock, Maryland, and 
Tortosa, Spain. Entered the Society of Jesus 1895; 
instructor of Latin and Greek, Preparatory School 
(1903-1906), and headmaster, St. John's HaU (1906- 
1908), Fordham University, New York; ordained 
1911; professor, Gonzaga College, Washington, 1912. 
Stationed at Novitiate of St. Andrew-on-Hudson, 
1913; Prefect of DiscipUne, Fordham University, 
New York, 1914^1916; pastor Reading, Jamaica, 
B. W. I., 1916; assistant editor "Messenger of the 
Sacred Heart", 1917- . Several of his articles 
on Spanish subjects reprinted by the "Literary 
Digest" (New York) and "Der Sendbote des gott- 
lichen Herzens Jesu" (Innsbruck). President of 
the Washington Truth Society. Contributor to: 
"America"; "Messenger of the Sacred Heart". 

ARTICLES: Oriol, Joseph, Saint; Tortosa, Diocese of. 

Mullany, John I., lawyer, b. in Cahir, Co. 
Tipperary, Ireland, 1847. Education: parochial 
schools, Dubuque, Iowa; Classics under Bishop 
Smyth of Dubuque; College of Our Lady of the 
Angels, Niagara, New York. Admitted to the Bar 
1873; former deputy clerk. District Court, Dubuque, 
at present practising lawyer, member of: firm of 
Mullany & Stuart, Dubuque; Dubuque Board of 
Education (12 years) ; State Bar Association of Iowa. 
Iowa Historical Society; regent of Dubuque College; 
Author of "Life of Julien Dubuque" (tr. from the 






French) ; contributor to "American Catholic Quarterly- 
Review" and to the secular press. 

Mullen, William E., ll.b., lawyer, b. in Illinois, 
25 July, 1866. Education: University of Michigan, 
Ann Arbor. Began career as a journalist; admitted 
to the Bar 1893; former Mayor and member of the 
Board of Education, Sheridan, Wyoming; married 
1898; attorney general of Wyoming 1905-1911; 
member. State Board of Law Examiners, Wyoming, 
1911- ; practising lawyer, resident at Cheyenne, 
Wyoining. Appointed by Wyoming Legislature 
commissioner to revise and compile statute laws of 
the State, 1909; Republican nominee for Governor 
of Wyoming, 1910. Member American Bar Associa- 
tion, and Wyoming Commission on Uniform Laws. 


Miiller, Riivbrend Adolf, s.j., Ph.D., s.t.d., 
b. at Paffendorf, Rhine, Germany, 6 March, 1853. 
Education: Academy, Bedburg, Germany; German 
CoUege and Gregorian University, Rome; Stony hurst 
College, Blackburn, England; further studies at 
Kalocsa, Hungary, and Berlin. Ordained 1877; 
entered the Society of Jesus 1879; director and 
professor of philosophy and theology, Seminary, 
Bombay, India, 1886-1894; professor of astronomy 
and higher mathematics, Gregorian University, and 
director of the Janiculum Observatory, Rome, 1894- 
; rector, German College, Rome, 1909-1913. 
Member and professor (1914- ) of the Pontifical 
Roman Academy of the Nuovi Lincei. Author of: 
"Nikolaus Copernicus" (1898; Italian tr. by Mezzetti, 
1908); "Johann Keppler" (1903); "Elementi di 
Astronomia", 2 vols. (1904, 1906); "Galileo GaUlei", 
2 vols. (1909; Italian and Enghsh trs. by PercibaUi, 
1911, 1913); contributor to various periodicals. 

ARTICLES: Boscovich, Ruggiero Giuseppe; Clavitjs, 
Chhistopheh (Chbibtoph Clau): Joannes de Sachobosco; 
KiRCHEB, Athanasius; Lb Vebkieh, Ubbain-Jean-Joseph. 

Muller, Reverend Hebmann, s.t.d., b. at 
Dortmund, WestphaHa, 1 October, 1868. Education: 
Gymnasium, Dortmund; University; School of Church 
Music, Regensburg, Germany. Ordained 1891; 
chaplain, Dortmund, 1893-1894; assistant at the 
cathedral, Paderborn, 1894^1895; instructor at the 
Seminary and director of the Cathedral Choir, 
Paderborn, 1895-1901; professor of theology. Semi- 
nary, Paderborn, 1901- . President of the St. 
Cecilia Association for Germany, Austria, and 
Switzerland; member of the Royal Prussian Com- 
mission on the History of Music. Author of: 
"Feierhcher Gottesdienst der Karwoche" (1897; 4th 
ed. 1911); "Psakni Horarum Tertise et Nonas" 
(1898); "Moraltheologische Vorlesungen" (1904); 
"Uberlieferungsgeschichte des Polykarp-Martyrium" 
(1908); edited Druffel, "Der Erloser" (1911); editor 
of: "Theologie und Glaube" (since 1909); "Csecilen- 
vereinsorgan" (since 1910). 
ARTICLE: Sch5ninoe. 

Mulry, Thomas M., k.s.g., b. in New York, 13 
February, 1855; d. in New York, 7 March, 1916, son 
of Thomas Muhy and Parthenia M. Crolius, and 
brother of Reverends Joseph and Patrick Mulry, S.J. 
Education: parochial schools, De La Salle Institute, 
and Cooper Institute, New York. Moved with his 
family to Wisconsin 1862; returned to New York and 
entered contracting business 1871; devoted his hfe 
principally to charitable works; former president of: 
National Conference of Charities and Correction 
(1908), of the New York State Conference of Charities 
and Correction, of the Catholic Home Bureau for 
Dependent Children; former member of: Board of 
Managers of CathoUc Protectory, of the Advisory 
Commission of St. Joseph's Hospital; former trustee 

of Mission of the Immaculate Virgin; Knight of St. 
Gregory 1908; late president of the Emigrant Indus- 
trial Savings Bank, of the Superior Council of St. 
Vincent de Paul Society, of the Board of Managers, 
Manhattan State Hospital for the Insane; late 
member of New York State Board of Charities, of 
the Mechanics' and Traders' Exchange; late trustee 
of the Mutual Life Insurance Company, of the 
Prudential Realty Company; late director of United 
States Title Guarantee and Indemnity Company; 
late chairman of Committee on Cooperation, Charity 
Organization Society. Did much for the advance- 
ment of St. Vincent de Paul Society throughout 
United States; instrumental in founding Catholic 
Home Bureau for Dependent Children, which has 
secured homes for more than 3000; weekly visitor to 
all penal and charitable institutions in New York 
City; was potent factor in progress of Cathohc 
Charities in United States; Lsetare Medal, 1912. 
Former member of the Building Trades Association, 
Employers' Association, Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, 
Knights of Columbus, Gaehc Society, Holy Name 
Society, and Democratic, CathoMc, and Hardware 
ARTICLE: St. Vincent de Paul, Society of. 

Munnynck, Reverend Mark Mart de 


S.T.M., b. at Ghent, Belgium, 2 December, 1871. 
Education: pubhc school and private; Louvain 
University, Belgium; Dominican soholasticate, Bel- 
gium. Professed in Dominican Order 1888; ordained 
1894; professor of philosophy (1895-1902) and of 
theology (1902-1905), Dominican College, Louvain; 
professor of psychology and cosmology. University of 
Fribourg, Switzerland, 1905- . Member of 
Scientific Society of Brussels. Author of "Praelec- 
tiones de Dei Existentia"; contributor to: "Revue 
Thomiste"; "Revue n6o-scolastique"; "Revue de 
philosophic"; "Revue des sciences philosophiques et 
th^ologiques " ; " Revue de Fribourg ' ; " Suisse latine" . 
ARTICLES: Imaoination; MECHAHiaM; Space; Substance. 

Miujihy, Vert Reverend Canon Andrew, 
b. at Limerick, Ireland, 1861; d. at Limerick, 18 June, 
1914. Education: Seminary, Limerick, and May- 
nooth College, Dublin, Ireland. Ordained 1885; 
professor (1887-1905) and president (1894^1905), St. 
Munchin's CoUege, Limerick; administrator of the 
cathedral (1905-1910) and rector of St. Mimchin's 
Church (1910-1914), Limerick; senator of the 
National University of Ireland 1908-1914; canon of 
the cathedral of Limerick 1912; vicar-general, diocese 
of Limerick, 1913-1914. Represented Catholic Head- 
masters, International Education Commission, 1899, 
and University Commission, 1903. Hon. secretary 
of Catholic Headmasters Association; member of 
Council of Classical Association of Ireland. Author 
of pamphlets for CathoUc Truth Society; contributor 
to various periodicals; editor (and founder) of "Irish 
Educational Review" (since 1907). 
ARTICLE: Schools: in Ireland. 

Murphy, Reverend John Francis Xavier, s.j., 
b. at Nashua, New Hampshire, 2 June, 1876, of Irish 
parents. Education: public, parochial, and high 
schools, Nashua; Woodstock CoUege, Woodstock, 
and Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland; 
St. Stanislaus College, TuUamore, Ireland. Began 
career as a teacher, high school, Hudson, New 
Hampshire; entered the Society of Jesus 1893; former 
professor of Classics and history, Boston CoUege, 
Boston, Massachusetts, and St. Francis Xavier's 
CoUege, New York; ordained 1909; professor of 
history, St. Joseph's College, Philadelphia, Pennsyl- 
vania (1910-1911), and Holy Cross College, Worces- 
ter, Massachusetts (1911-1912); stationed at Ford- 
ham University, New York, 1913- 




ARTICLES: BEAirREGAnD, Jean-Nicolas; Celestine I, 
Saint, Pope; Clerks Regular; Clerks Regular of Our 
Saviour; Daniel, Gabriel; Faith, Hope and Charity, Saints; 
Faustinus and Jovita, Saints; Filliucci, Vincenzo; Fonseca, 
Pedro da; Franzelin, Johann Baptist; Frowin, Blessed; 
Gelasius I, Saint, Pope; Giles, Saint; Gordianus and Epi- 
MACHUS, Saints; Gorgonius, Saint; Guthlac, Saint. 

Murphy, Very Reverend John I., c.s.sp., 
Cornwells, Maud P.O., Pennsylvania. 

ARTICLES; Holt Ghost, Congregations of the; Liber- 
MANN, Francis Mary Paul, Venerable. 

Murray, Right Reverend Monsignor John 
Baptist, b. at Martinsburg, West Virginia, 15 
March, 1841. Education: St. Thomas Seminary, 
Bardstown, Kentucky; Mt. St. Mary's Seminary, 
Cincinnati. Ordained 1863; assistant, St. Patrick's 
Church, Columbus, Ohio, 1863-1865; rector, St. 
Mary's Church, ChiUicothe, Ohio, 1865-1883; rector, 
St. Mary's Church, Urbana, Ohio, 1883-1889; rector, 
St. Edward's Church, Cincinnati, 1889-1894, 1904- 
; president, Mt. St. Mary's Seminary, Cincinnati, 
1894-1904; vicar-general, archdiocese of Cincinnati, 

ARTICLE: Pubcell, John Baptist. 

Mutel, Right Reverend Gustavb Charles 
Marie, titular Bishop of Milo and vicar Apostohc of 
Corea, b. at Blumerey, Haute-Marne, France, 8 
March, 1854. Education: College at Joinville, and 
Preparatory and Grand Seminaries at Langres, 
France; Seminary for Foreign Missions, Paris. 
Entered the Society for Foreign Missions 1873; 
ordained 1877; missionary in Corea 1877-1885; 
director. Secretary of the Council and professor of 
liturgy. Seminary for Foreign Missions, Paris, 1885- 
1890; titular Bishop of Milo and vicar Apostolic of 
Corea 1890- . As missionary, charged with the 
cause of the Corean martyrs; baptized the mother of 
the last Emperor of Corea, 1896. Contributor to: 

"Annales de la Propagation de la Foi"; "Missions 
ARTICLE: Corea, Vicariate Apostolic of. 

Mutz, Vert Reverend Canon Franz Xaver, 
S.T.D., b. at Herbolzheim, Baden, Germany, 2 Decem- 
ber, 1854. Ordained 1878; rector (1896- ) and 
professor of pastoral theology, Seminary, St. Peter, 
near Freiburg; canon of the cathedral and member of 
the Diocesan Court, archdiocese of Freiburg-im- 
Breisgau; cross of the Order of the Lion of Zahringen 
(1st class), Author of: "Paulus und Johannes als 
Pastorallehrer" (Paderborn, 1909); "Christliche 
Aszetik" (Paderborn; 3rd ed. 1913); "Pastoral" 
(Freiburg-im-Breisgau; 3rd ed. 1913); collaborator in 
"Moralprobleme" (by Dr. Mutz: "Keuschheit") 
(Freiburg-im-Breisgau, 1911); contributor to: "Der 
katholische Seelsorger"; "Oberrheinisches Pastoral- 

ARTICLE: Theology, Ascetical. 

Myers, Reverend Edward, m.a., b. at York, 
England, 8 September, 1875. Education: CoUege of 
St. Louis, Menin, Belgium; St. Edmund's College, 
Ware, and St. Marie's CoUege, Oscott, England; 
Cambridge. Ordained 1902; professor of ecclesiasti- 
cal history (1903-1905), of patrology (1903- ) and 
of dogmatic theology (1905- ), St. Edmund's 
College, Ware. Author of: "Moral Instruction in 
French Schools from a CathoUc Point of View" 
(1908); "The New Psalter and Its Uses", in collabo- 
ration with Dr. Edwin Burton (1912); "Method of 
Theology", translations from the French of Mignot 
(1901) ; "Historical Criticism and the Old Testament", 
translation from the French of Lagrange (1907); 
contributor to: "Dublin Review"; "Cathohc World". 
ARTICLES: Centuriatorb of Magdeburg; Chapter 
House; Convocation of the English Clergy; Dominis, 
Marco Antonio de; Ethelhard; Eunomianism; Gelasius of 
Cyzicus; Giffard, Godfrey; Giffabd, William; Hosius of 
Cordova; Hugh of St. Victor; Geobqb of Thebizond. 


Nadal, Revbebnd Antonio, s.j., professor of 
Cosmplogy and the History of Philosophy, Colegio 
de Jesiis, Tortosa, Spain. 

ARTICLE: UrrAburu, Juan Jos^. 

Nainfa, Reverend John Abel Felix Prosper, 
S.S., S.T.L., iitt.B., Bachelor of Scholastic Philosophy, 
b. at Penne, Lot-et-Garonne, France, 21 Oct., 1878. 
Education: private; Preparatory Seminary, Bergerae; 
Seminary, P^rigueux, France; Seminary of St. Sulpice, 
Paris; Catholic University of America, Washington, 
D. C. Entered the Society of St. Sulpice and 
ordained 1903; sent to America 1904; at various 
times lecturer on Christian art, professor of hturgy 
and (1905-1910) professor of patrology and Church 
history, St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, Md.; 
professor of Church history and liturgy, St. Patrick's 
Seminary, Menlo Park, California, 1910-1912; at 
the Cathohc University, Washington, 1912-1913. 
Stationed at St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, Md., 
1913- . Member of L'AUiance Francaise (groupe 
de Baltimore), 1907-1910. Member of the Historical 
and Archaeological Society of P&igord. Author of: 
"Costume of Prelates of the Catholic Church accord- 
ing to Roman Etiquette" (Baltimore, 1909); "A 
Synthetical Manual of Liturgy" (translation of 
Vigourel, "Cours Synth^tique de Liturgie") (Balti- 
more, 1907). 

ARTICLE: Henbion, Mathieu-Richabd-Auguste. 

Nammack, Charles Edward, ph.B., m.d. ll.d., 
b. in New York, 24 June, 1856. Education: New 
York pubhc schools; College of St. Francis Xavier; 
New York University Medical CoUege. Teacher, 
1876-1881; attending physician to Out Patients, 
New York Hospital, 1881-1904; surgeon of poUce, 
City of New York, 1887- ; visiting and consulting 
physician to Gouverneur Hospital, 1893-1898; 
visiting physician to Bellevue Hospital, 1896- ; 
professor of clinical medicine, Cornell University, 
1898^ ; visiting physician, St. Vincent's Hospital, 
1909- ; consulting physician, St. Joseph's Hospi- 
tal, Yonkers, N. Y., 1912- . Delegate to Inter- 
national Medical Congress, Paris, 1900; Madrid, 
1903; Budapest, 1909. Fellow of the New York 
Academy of Medicine; member of: American Clina- 
tological Association, American Therapeutic Society, 
New York Neurological Society, Alumni Society of 
Bellevue Hospital, New York County and State 
Medical Societies, and International Catholic Truth 
Society; president of the American Guild of St. Luke. 
Has contributed to medical and other periodicals. 
ARTICLE: Aix^oholibm, Physical Effects op. 

Navarro, Right Rbvekend Monsignor NicolXs 
EuGENio, sc.Bcol.D., b. at Margarita, Venezuela, 14 
November, 1867. Education: Carupano, Venezuela; 
Episcopal School and Central University, Caracas. 
Ordained 1890; engaged in parish work, archdiocese 
of Caracas, 1890-1899; former chaplain of the Sisters 
of St. Joseph of Tarbes; for a time secretary of the 
Archbishop of Caracas; has held the posts of director 
(1902-1905) and professor of dogmatic theology and 
Scripture, and, at present, rector (1905- ) and 

professor of philosophy, ecclesiastical sciences, and 

humanities, Faculty of Ecclesiastical Sciences, Central Confession. 


University (Metropolitan Seminary), Caracas; proto- 
notary Apostohc 1912; noted preacher. Former 
member of the Council, Central University, Caracas; 
sent by the governnlent to obtain a foundation of 
Capuchins for Venezuela; successfully defended the 
rights of the Capuchins and other reUgious orders 
against irrehgious element in Venezuela, 1896; 
secretary to Monsignor Duran, Plenary Council of 
Latin America, Rome, 1899, secretary. Diocesan 
Conference, Caracas, 1905, and to Archbishop Castro 
of Caracas, Eucharistic Congress, Vienna, 1912; 
deputy to the Congress of Municipalities on occasion 
of first Centenary of Venezuelan independence, 
Caracas, 1911. Author of: "Tres Refutaciones con 
motivo de otras tantas conferencias patrocinadas por 
la Masoneria de Caracas"; "El Incidente del Asilo de 
la Providencia"; "Los conventos y las garantias 
constitucionales de los Venezolanos " ; "Editoriales 
de 'La Rehgion' "; contributor to: "Anales de la 
Universidad Central"; "Co jo Ilustrado"; various 
newspapers; director of "La Religion". 
ARTICLE: Venezuela. 

Nevils, Reverend William Coleman, s.j., b. at 
Philadelphia, Pa., 1878. Education: St. Joseph's 
CoUege, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Woodstock 
CoUege, Woodstock, Maryland. Entered the Society 
of Jesus 1896; former instructor in Classics and 
history, Boston CoUege, Boston, Massachusetts, and 
Loyola School New York; ordained 1911; associate 
professor of Latin, Greek, and EngUsh, Holy Cross 
College, Worcester, Massachusetts, 1912-1915; 
lecturer. Seventh Annual Teacher's Institute, Boston, 
Mass., 1916; lecturer in logic and general meta- 
physics. Holy Cross CoUege, 1916- 
ARTICLE: Ficonio, Bebnabdine a. 

Nolan, Reverend Patrick (William Francis 
Nolan), o.s.b., b.a., m.a., b. at KiUeen House, Co. 
DubUn, Ireland, 1865, son of Edward R. Nolan, J.P. 
Education: private; St. Wilfrid's CoUege, Stafford- 
shire, England; St. Stanislaus CoUege, TuUamore, 
Ireland; four times gold medalUst at Irish Inter- 
mediate Examinations; matriculated at Royal Uni- 
versity of Ireland, qualified for Irish Bar, King's Inn, 
DubUn, but did not practise; entered Benedictine 
Order 1894; professor of English, Abbey School of 
Maredsous, Belgium, 1894-1895; assisted in the 
foundation of Erdtngton Abbey, Birmingham, 1895; 
stationed at Erdington Abbey 1895- ; ordained 
1899; assistant chaplain, Workhouse, Aston, 1900- 
1905. Visited Ypres, Flanders, in interest of Uterary 
research work. Author of: "The Irish Dames of 
Ypres" (New York, 1908); coUaborator in: "Irish 
Catholic Truth Society Annual" (by Dom Nolan: 
"Protestantism and Prosperity in Ireland"), 1904. 
ARTICLE: Butleb, Maby Joseph. 

Nolan, Richard S., b.a., lawyer, b. at KiUeen 
House, Co. DubUn, Ireland, 9 Nov., 1872, son of 
Edward R. Nolan, J.P. Education: Trinity College, 
Dublin; University of Bonn; New CoUege, Oxford. 
CaUed to the EngUsh Bar at the Inner Temple, 
London, 1898. 

ARTICLES: Masses, Bequests for (England); Seal op 




Noon, Vert Reverend William Dominic, o.p., 
s.T.M. Education: St. Rose's, Springfield, Kentucky; 
St. Joseph's Scholasticate, Somerset, Ohio; Minerva, 
Rome. Entered Dominican Order; professor of 
philosophy, St. Joseph's Scholasticate, Somerset, 
Ohio, 1901-1904; professor of theology. Immaculate 
Conception College, Washington, D. C, 1904-1907; 
professor of Uterature, St. Thomas University, 
Manila, Phihppine Islands, 1907-1912; professor of 
moral theology and the history of philosophy. 
Immaculate Conception College, Washington, 1912- 
1915; rector, Chiirch of St. Catherine of Sienna, New 
York, 1915- 

ABTICLE: Abaujo, Feaijcisco de. 

Norton, Right Reverend John Henry, d.d.; 
Bishop of Port Augusta, Australia, b. at BaUarat, 
Victoria, 31 Dec, 1855. Education: St. Patrick's 
College, Melbourne, AustraUa; Melbourne Univer- 
sity, St. Kieran's College, Kilkenny, Ireland; Propa- 
ganda, Rome. Ordained 1882; pastor, Petersburg, 
1884; diocesan consultor, 1894; vicar-general under 
Bp. Maher, 1896; administrator sede vacante at the 
death of the bishop; Bishop of Port Augusta, Austra- 
lia, 1906- . As parish priest erected church, 
presbytery, school, and convent at Petersburg; also 
churches at Dawson, Nackara, Lancelot, Yongala, 
Tectulpe, Renmark, Farnia, etc.; as bishop built 
churches at Warnertown, Hammond, and Wilming- 
ton, and convents at Caltowie, Jamestown, and 
Georgetown. Author of three "Reports on the 
Liabihties of the Diocese". 

ABTICLE: Port AnousTA. 

Nugent, Vert Reverend Francis Vincent, 
CM., M.A., b. at Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, 15 January, 
1855. Education: St. Vincent's College, Cape 
Girardeau, Mo.; St. Vincent's Seminary, German- 
town, Pa. Entered Congregation of the Mission 
1881; ordained 1884; prefect of discipline (1884- 
1886), procurator (1886-1889), and president (1889- 
1893), St. Vincent's College, Cape Girardeau, Mo.; 
pastor of St. Joseph's Church, New Orleans, 1893- 
1897; rector, Kenrick Seminary, St. Louis, 1897- 
1903; pastor, St. Vincent's Church, St. Louis, 1903- 
1912; superior of the Missions, Western Province, 
Congregation of the Mission, 1903- ; rector of 
St. Stephen's Church, New Orelans, La., 1912- 

As student, editor of the "College Message", St. 
Vincent's College; has contributed to the "American 
Ecclesiastical Review" and to the secular and 
Cathohc press. 
article: : BoNAL, Raymond. 

Nugent, Reverend Peter, o.s.b., b. at Omagh, 
Co. Tyrone, Ireland, 6 February, 1859. Education: 
Christian Brothers College, Omagh, and St. Mac- 
artan's Seminary, Monaghan, Ireland; Holy Cross 
College (Clonliffe), and Majmooth College, Dubhn, 
Ireland; St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, Maryland; 
Catholic University, Washington, D. C. Ordained 
1882; engaged in parish and mission work in Wyoming 
and Nebraska, being at various times administrator 
of the cathedral, Cheyenne, and rector of the cathedral, 
Lincoln, 1882-1901 ; chaplain, Wyoming State Senate, 
1900-1901; went to England and entered the Bene- 
dictine Order 1901 ; professor of moral theology (1902- 
1905), master of novices (1905-1913), St. Thomas's 
Abbey, Erdington, Birmingham, England; t present, 
at Abbey of Beuron, S. Germany. As missionary, 
built convent and organized several parishes, diocese 
of Cheyenne, Wyoming; organized and presided over 
Centennial Celebration in honor of Columbus, 
Lincoln, Nebraska, 1892; many of his sermons 
published in periodicals. Member of Wyoming 
Academy of Science and Arts. 

ARTICLE: Erdlkgtok Abbey. 

Nys, Abb:^ Canon D£sir£, s.t.b., Ph.D., b. at 
St. L6ger, Belgium, 21 Nov., 1859. Education: 
seminaries of Bonne Esp^rance and Toumai; Univer- 
sity of Louvain; University of Leipzig. Ordained 
1883; director (1893-1906) and president (1906- ), 
S^minaire L6on XIII, Louvain; professor of cosmolo- 
gy, psychology, and chemistry. University of Louvain, 
1906- ; canon of the cathedral of Tournai, Knight 
of the Order of Leopold II; member of the Philosophic 
Society of Louvain. Author of: "Le probleme 
cosmologique" (1888); " La notion de temps d'aprfes 
S. Thomas d'Aquin" (1898); "La notion d'espace au 
point de vue metaphysique et psychologique" (1900); 
"La cosmologie" (1903; 2nd ed. 1906); "Les theories 
sur la nature de I'espace depuis Descartes" (1907): 
contributor to "La Revue N6o Scolastique' 

ARTICLES: Cosuoloqy; Mineelebs, Jean-Fiebhe; Tims. 


O'Boyle, Reverend Francis Joseph, s.j., b. at 
London, Canada, 9 Oct., 1870. Education: Detroit 
College, Detroit, Mich.; St. Louis University, St. 
Louis, Mo.; University of Innsbruck, Austria. 
Entered Society of Jesus 1889; ordained 1903; 
professor of languages (1895-1900), chancellor (1906- 
1908), and professor of moral theology (1910- ), 
St. Louis University. Visited principal universities 
of Europe in the interests of his order. 

AKTICLE: Omes, Saint. 

O'Boyle, Reverend W. P., o.m.i., s.t.d., president, 
St. Louis College, New Westminster, British Colum- 

ARTICLE: Vancotjveb, Archdiocese of. 

Obrecht, Right Reverend Edmond M., o.c.r., 
b. at Stotzheim, Alsace, Germany, 13 Nov., 1852. 
Education: Seminary, Strassburg, Germany; Semi- 
nary, S^ez, Normandy; Sorbonne, Paris. Entered 
Order of the Trappists 1875; ordained 1879; vice 
procurator general of his order, Rome, 1879; abbot 
of Gethsemani, 1898- ; administrator of Mari- 
annhiU, South Africa, 1904-1907. Has contributed 
to the "Messenger of the Sacred Heart". 

ARTICLES: Fetjillants; Flokians, The; Gi^ramb, Ferdi- 
nand de; Gervaise, Francois-Armand; Henriquez, Chris6s- 
TOMo; Janauschek, Leopold; Langheim Abbey; La Thappb; 
Mabianhill, Congregation of the Missionaries of; Mel- 
IjErat; Mellifont, Abbey of; Molesme, Notre Dame de; 
MoNTMiRAiL, John de; Morimond, Abbey of; New Abbey, 
Newbattle; Obazine, Monastery of; Pierre de Castelnau, 
Blessed; Pontigny, Abbey of; Ranc^, Jean-Abmand le 
Bouthillier de; Rievadlx, Abbey of; Rites: Cistercian; 
Saints Vincent and Anastasius, Abbey of; Salem; Savigny, 
Abbey of; Senanqtje; Sept-Fons, Notre Dame de Saint- 
Lieu; Silence; Trappists; Vaux-de-Cernay; Villers, Cister- 
cian Abbey of; Waldsassen, Abbey of; Waverley, Cister- 
cian Abbey of; Wilhering, Cistercian Abbey of; Wyart, 
Th^ophilb-Louis-Henri; Zwettl, Cistercian Abbey of. 

O'Brien, Reverend John Joseph, Ph.D., b. at 
Belle Creek, Goodhue Co., Minn., 27 Nov., 1878; 
d. 3 Dec, 1912. Education: schools of BeUe Creek; 
St. Thomas CoUege and St. Paul Seminary, St. Paul, 
Minn.; Catholic University, Washington, D. C. 
Ordained 1902; engaged in parish work 1902-1904; 
professor of history and English hterature, St. 
Thomas CoUege, St. Paul, Minn., 1907-1911. 
ARTICLE: GiBAUiyr, Pierre. 

O'Brien, Sister Mart Camillus, b. at Lexington, 
Kentucky, 3 June, 1870. Education: St. Catherine 
Academy, Lexington; State University, Kentucky. 
Directress, Academy of Notre Dame of Providence, 
Newport, Kentucky. 

ARTICLE: Divine Providence, Sisters of, of Kentucky. 

O'Brien, Reverend Matthew Patrick, Ph.D., 
b. at Cincinnati, 24 Sept., 1863. Education: St. 
Xavier College, Cincinnati; St. Mary's Seminary, 
Baltimore, Md.; Mt. St. Mary's Seminary of the 
West, Cedar Point, Ohio. Ordained 1887; professor 
of Church history, patrology, Uturgy, Sacred elo- 
quence and English literature, Mt. St. Mary's 
Seminary of the West, 1891-191 1 ; pastor, St. Patrick's 
Church, CumminsviUe, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1911-. 

ARTICLE: Cincinnati, Archdiocese of. 

O'Brien, Vert Reverend Stanislaus, o.c, 
Simla, India. 
ARTICLE : Aoba, The Archdiocese of. 

O'Byme, Reverend Michael, o.p., b. at Co. 
Kildarej Ireland, 3 June, 1864; d. at Adelaide, So. 
Austraha, 18 August, 1915. Education: St. Thomas 
CoUege, Newbridge, Co. Kildare; TaUaght, Co. 
Dublin; Minerva University, Rome. Entered the 
Dominican Order 1880; ordained 1887; prior at 
Newbridge, 1896; came to Trinidad, 1898; vicar 
general. Port of Spain, Trinidad, 1898; transferred to 
Dominican Priory, Adelaide, 1911. Sometime editor 
of "Catholic News", Port of Spain. 

ARTICLE: Port of Spain, Archdiocese of. 

O'Connell, Vert Reverend John Thomas, ll.d., 
b. in Ireland, 1860. Education: parish schools, 
Youngstown, Mt. St. Mary's Seminary, Cincinnati, 
and St. Mary's Seminary, Cleveland, Ohio; St. Charles 
CoUege, Elhoott City, Maryland. Ordained 1885; 
rector, KeUey's Island, Ohio, 1885-1887; professor of 
phUosophy, St. Mary's Seminary, Cleveland, 1887- 
1895; rector, St. Francis de Sales Church, Toledo, 
Ohio, 1895-1911, rector of the cathedral and diocesan 
consultor (1911- ), and judge of the matrimonial 
court, member of the school board and director of 
the diocesan Holy Name Society (1912- ), 
diocese of Toledo; preacher; public speaker. Former 
associate editor of "Catholic Universe", 1896-1901. 
Member of various Cathohc literary societies. Con- 
tributor to several newspapers. 

ARTICLE: Toledo, Diocese of. 

O'Connor, Charles Augustus, a.m., ll.b., 
lawyer, b. at Frederickton, New Brunswick, 23 Dec, 
1844, son of Timothy and EUen O'Connor. Educa- 
tion: private; University of New Brunswick; Harvard 
University Law School. Practising lawyer 1869- 
; United States citizen 1873; member of: New 
Hampshire legislature 1874, 1876; school board, Man- 
chester, N. H., 1877-1886; editor of "The New Hamp- 
shire Catholic ", 1886-1893 ; U. S. consul at Yarmouth, 
Nova Scotia, 1893-1897; at present resident at Man- 
chester, N. H. Delegate to the Convention for re- 
vising the State Constitution, 1876. 

ARTICLE: New Hampshire. 

O'Connor, Daniel Moncriefp, merchant, b. at 
Manchester, England, 1851; d. at Manchester, 5 May, 
1911. Education: Stonyhurst CoUege, Lancashire, 
England. President of the Manchester Branch, 
Cathohc Truth Society, 1897-1899. Dehvered three 
courses of lectures on the Divina Commedia. Con- 
tributor to: "The Dublin Review"; "The Irish 
Ecclesiastical Record"; "The Tablet". 
ARTICLE: Irish (in Great Britain). 

O'Connor, Reverend Denis, b. at Dingle, Co. 
Kerry, 23 Jan., 1860. Education: St. Brendan's 
Seminary, Killarney; Maynooth (Dunboyne student). 
Ordained 1886; engaged in missionary work, Liver- 
pool, 1887-1890; curate, St. Mary's Cathedral, 
KiUarney, Co. Kerry, 1890-1914; parish priest, 
Annascaul, Dingle, 1914- . Has contributed to 
the "Irish Ecclesiastical Record" and other reviews. 

ARTICLE: Kerry and Aghadoe, Diocese of. 

O'Connor, Vert Reverend John Bonaventure, 
O.P., b. at Boston, Mass., 14 Apr., 1872. Education: 
Boston pubUc schools; Boston College, Boston, Mass. ; 
St. Rose's, Springfield, Kentucky; St. Joseph's 





Soholastioate, Somerset, Ohio. Ordained 1898; pro- 
fessor of Latin, St. Rose's, Springfield, Ky., 1900- 
1901; on the eastern missions, 1901-1907; associate 
editor: "Rosary Magazine" (Somerset, Ohio), 1907- 

; sub-prior, St. Dominic's Priory, San Francisco, 
Cal., 1908- ; director of southern missions, 1910- 

. Contributor to : "Rosary Magazine"; "Youth's 
Magazine"; "Holy Name Journal"; "Dominican 
Year-Book", and various weekly periodicals. 

ARTICLES: Dominic, Saint; Ignatius of Antioch, Saint; 
Ignatius of Constantinople, Saint; Isidore of Seville, 
Saint; John Damascene, Saint; Louis Behthand, Saint; 
Louis of Granada; Nicholas of Gobkan, Riccabdi, Nich- 
olas; Thomas of Cantimpr^. 

O'Connor, Right Reverend Richard 
Alphonsus, D.D., b. at Listowel, Co. Kerry, Ireland, 
15 April, 1838; d. at Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, 
23 January, 1913. Education: CathoKc schools and 
St. Michael's College, Toronto, and Seminary of St. 
Sulpice, Montreal, Canada. Emigrated to Canada 
1841; ordained 1861. Rector at: Gore of Toronto, 
Canada, 1861-1865; Niagara Falls, Canada, 1865- 
1868; Adjala and Tecumseh, Canada, 1868-1870; dean 
of Barrie, and examiner of teachers, Simcoe County, 
and member of the Collegiate Institute Board, Barrie, 
Canada, 1870-1889; Bishop of Peterborough, Canada, 

ARTICLE: Peterbokough, Diocese of. 

O'Conor, Reverend John Francis Xavier, s.j., 
A.B., writer, b. in New York, 1 Aug., 1852. Educa- 
tion: St. Francis Xavier's College, New York; 
University of Louvain, Belgium; Woodstock College, 
Maryland. Entered Society of Jesus 1872; ordained 
1885; has been professor of philosophy and rhetoric, 
at Georgetown University, Washington, D. C, 
Boston College, Boston, Mass., St. Joseph's College, 
Philadelphia, Pa.; has been vice-president of St. 
Francis Xavier's College, New York, and Gonzaga 
College, Washington, D. C; president, Brooklyn 
College, Brooklyn, New York, 1908-1911; professor 
of philosophy, St. Francis Xavier's College (1911), 
and assistant at St. Francis Xavier's Church (1912), 
New York; stationed at St. Ignatius Church, New 
York, 1913-1914; at Georgetown University, 1914^ 
. Has lectured on many subjects, notably on 
cuneiform Assyrian; founder of: Brooklyn Coflege; 
the Alumni Association of St. Ignatius School; the 
Alumni SodaKty of Graduates, Lawyers, Physicians, 
and Professional Men of Philadelphia. Member of: 
the Oriental Society of Vienna; the Cathohc Historical 
Society of Philadelphia. Author of: Babylonian In- 
scriptions of Nabuchadnezzar" (1885); "'Three Holy 
Lives" (1885); "Pearls of a Year" (1889); "Practise 
of Humihty" (1890); "Life of St. Aloysius" (1892); 
"Jesuit Missions in America" (1892); "Reading and 
the Mind" (1897); "Sacred Scenes and Mysteries" 
(1898); "Facts about Book- worms" (1898); "Rhetoric, 
and Oratory" (1898); "Christ the Man God" (1900); 
"Autobiography of St. Ignatius" (1900); "Education 
in the Schools of New York" (1901); "A Study of 
Francis Thompson's Hound of Heaven" (1912; 5th 
ed., 1913); "Every-soul", operetta (1912; 2nd ed., 
1913); "Songs of the Soul" (1916); dramas, poems, 
ARTICLE: Aloysius Gonzaga, Saint. 

O'Daniel,. Vert Reverend Victor Francis, 
O.P., S.T.M., b. near Lebanon, Washington Co., 
Kentucky, 15 Feb., 1868. Ed,ucation: St. Rose's 
parochial school, Springfield, Ky.; St. Rose's Priory; 
St. Joseph's scholasticate, Somerset, Ohio; Dominican 
College, Louvain, Belgium. Entered Dominican 
Order 1887; ordained 1891; professor of theology, St. 
Joseph's scholasticate, Somerset, Ohio, 1906^1907, 
professor of theology and philosophy, Dominican 
scholasticate, Benicia, Cal., 1907-1908, professor of 
theology, and at present vice-regent of studies, vicar 

and historian of the province, stationed at the Im- 
maculate Conception College, Washington, D. C, 
1908- . Has contributed to various periodicals. 
ARTICLES: Barkientos, Lopez De; Breton, Raymond; 
Carbebt, James Joseph; Connolly, John; John of Genoa; 
John of Montesono; John of Pabis; John of Saint Thomas; 
TouBON, Antoine. 

O'Dea, William, educator; b. at Manchester, 
England, 1870. Education: St. Mary's College, 
Hammersmith. Has devoted his life to the interests 
of education; at present resident at Manchester. 
Served on deputation to the Catholic peers on Mr. 
BirreU's Education Bill, 1906; one of the founders of 
the Catholic Teachers' Guild and of the National 
Federation of Cathohc Teachers' Associations, of 
which he was elected first president, 1908- : 
represented Salford diocese on the committee oi 
experts convened by Mr. W. Runciman to consider 
his financial propositions with regard to Catholic 
schools; member of: the Cathohc Educational Coun- 
cil; the Diocesan Executive Council of the Cathohc 
Federation. Author of numerous pamphlets and ar- 
ticles on the education question; editor of the "Catho- 
lic Federationist". 
ARTICLE: Salford, Diocese of. 

Odenbach, Reverend Frederick Lewis, s.j., 
b. at Rochester, N. Y., 21 Oct., 1857. Education: 
parish schools, Rochester; Canisius College, Bufialo, 
N. Y.; colleges of the Society of Jesus in England 
and the Continent. Entered Society of Jesus 1881; 
ordained 1891; professor of physics and chemistry 
(1893-1903), director of Meteorological and Seismo- 
logical Observatory (1895- ), professor of zoology, 
physical geography, and biology (1903- ), St. 
Ignatius College, Cleveland . Founder of the Meteoro- 
logical Observatory, St. Ignatius College, 1895; took 
part in the work of the International Cloud Commis- 
sion, 1896-1897, and continued private observations 
imtil 1898 for Professor Frank H. Bigelow of the U. 
S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C; made the 
fourth observation of the HeveUan Halo of 90°, 6 
Dec, 1901; organizer of a system of seismographic 
observatories in the Jesuit colleges of the United 
States and Canada; results of which are published 
by the Associated Press and the United Press; 
inventor of the Earth Current Recorder, the Ceran- 
nograph or Hghtning recorder, the electric micro- 
seismograph. Member of: American Association for 
Advancement of Science; National Geographical 
Society; American Seismological Society; Ohio State 
Academy of Science. Author of the Reports of the 
Meteorological and Seismological Observatory, I-XVI. 

ARTICLE: Hengler, Lawrence. 

O'Donnell, Reverend Michael Joseph, d.d., 
b. in County Donegal, Ireland. Education: May- 
nooth, Dublin. Professor of dogmatic and moral 
theology and canon law (1908-1914), and of senior 
moral theology (1914r- ), Maynooth College. 
Co-editor of "The Irish Theological Quarterly"; 
contributor to "The Irish Ecclesiastical Record". 

ARTICLE: Possession, Demoniacal. 

O'Donnell, Right Reverend Patrick, d.d., 
Bishop of Raphoe, Ireland, b. at Kihaine, Co. 
Donegal, Ireland, 26 Nov., 1856. Education: high 
school, Letterkenny; Cathohc University of Ireland; 
Maynooth. Ordained 1880; professor of theology, 
Maynooth, 1880-1885; prefect of the Dunboyne 
Estabhshment, 1885-1888; Bishop of Raphoe, 1888- 
; member of the Congested District Board, 
1892- ; rector of the Cathohc University of 
Ireland, 1906- ; member of the governing Body, 
University CoUege, Dubhn, 1909- ; trustee of 
the Irish Parhamentary Party. Presided at the 
Irish Race Convention, Dublin, 1896; member of 
the Royal Commission dealing with congestion in 




















Ireland 1906-1908; completed the erection of the 
cathedral and college at Letterkenny, Ireland. 
Member of the Classical Association of Ireland. 
Has contributed to the "Irish Ecclesiastical Record"; 
articles on pubhc events in Ireland to various news- 

ARTICLES: Raphoe, Diocese of; Universities; Ihelajnd — 
Catholic University of Ireland. 

O'Donnell, Reverend Thomas, cm., b. in Co. 
Tipperary, Ireland, 1864. Education: Maynooth, 
DubUn. Ordained 1888; entered the Congregation 
of the Mission 1889; teacher in Lazarist schools 
1889-1895; vice-president and professor of moral and 
pastoral theology (1895-1909), and president (1909- 
), AU HaUows College. Author of: "The Priest 
of Today— His Ideals and His Duties" (Dublin, 1909). 

AKTICLE: All Hallows College. 

O'Donoghue, David James, b. in London, 22 
July, 1866, of Irish parents. Education: Catholic 
schools, London. Married Florence White 1904; 
librarian. University College, DubliUj 1909-r 
Former member of Southwark Irish Literary Club; 
member of the Irish Literary Society of London; 
vice-president of the National Literary Society of 
Ireland. Author of: "The Poets of Ireland" (1891; 
new ed. 1912); "Irish Wits and Humourists" (1892); 
"Irish Poetry of the Nineteenth Century" (1894); 
"List of 1300 Irish Artists" (1894); "Life of WilUam 
Carletbn", 2 vols. (1896); "Life and Writings of 
James Clarence Mangan" (1897); "Richard Pook- 
lich, an Irish Musical Genius" (1899); "Life of 
Robert Emmet" (1903); "Sir Walter Scott's Tour 
in Ireland in 1825" (1905); "Geographical Distribu- 
tion of Irish Abihty" (1906); "John O'Leary and His 
Friends" (1913); "Ireland in London", in collabora- 
tion with F. A. Fahy (1887); "Catalogue of the 
Gilbert Library", in collaboration with Douglas 
Hyde (1911); edited: "Humour of Ireland" (1894); 
Carleton, "Fardorougha the Miser" (1895); 
"Writiugs of James Fintan Lalor" (1895); Carleton, 
■"Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry", 4 vols. 
(1896-1897); "Works of Samuel Lover" (1896- 
1899); Carleton, "The Black Prophet" (1898); 
"Prose Writings of James Clarence Mangan" (1903); 
"Poems of James Clarence Mangan" (1904); edited 
with Memoir, Keegan, "Legends and Stories" 
(1907); "Essays of Thomas David" (1913); coUabo- 
rator in: "Dictionary of National Biography"; 
"Treasury of Irish Poetry"; "Irish Literature"; 
contributor to: "Freeman's Journal"; "Weekly 
Freeman"; "Evening Telegraph"; all of Dublin. 

ARTICLES: Arthitb, Thomas; Atkinson, Sarah; Belling, 
Snt Richard; Been an, Michael John; Cahill, Daniel Wil- 
liiAM; HussET, Thomas. 

O'Donovan, Reverend Loms, a.m., s.t.l., b. at 
Baltimore, 24 July, 1872. Education: Loyola College, 
St. Charles College, and St. Mary's Seminary, 
Baltimore; CathoUc University, Washington, D. C. 
Ordained 1897; pastor, St. Mary's Church, Peters- 
ville, Maryland, 1899-1900; assistant at the cathedral, 
Baltimore, 1900- ; secretary to Cardinal Gibbons 
1908- . Edited with Introduction, Henry VIII's 
"Defence of the Seven Sacraments" (New York, 
1907); contributor to: "American Cathohc Quarterly 
E,eview"; "Catholic World"; "Donahoe's Maga- 

ARTICLES: Carroll, John; Spalding, Martin John. 

O'Dowling, Reverend William, b.j., b. at 
Dublin, Ireland, 31 March, 1847. Education: 
Central Model schools, Dublin; private tutors; Jesuit 
scholasticates, St. Andra and Pressburg, and Univer- 
sity of Innsbruck, Austria-Hungary. Entered the 
Society of Jesus 1870; ordained 1878; sent to Austra- 
• lia 1879; hfe spent in parish and missionary work; 
former diocesan consultor and examiner of the clergy, 

diocese of Port Augusta, Australia: formerly sta- 
tioned at St. Mary's Church, North Sydney, and St. 
Aloysius Church, Sevenhill, Australia; stationed at 
Manresa, Norwood, 1912- , and at present also 
examiner of the clergy, archdiocese of Adelaide, 
Australia. Built Jesuit residence at Kooringa, 
South Austraha, 1885, and Marist Brothers' School, 
Norwood, 1902. Contributor to: "Catholic 
Monthly" (Adelaide); "AustraUan Messenger" (Mel- 
bourne) . 
ARTICLE: Woods, Julian Edmund Tenison. 

Oestreich, Reverend Thomas (William Henbt 
Oestreich), O.S.B., b. at Reading, Pennsylvania, 13 
October, 1872, son of George Joseph and Katherine 
Frances (Windish) Oestreich. Education: St. Paul's 
School and the Stewart Academy, Reading; St. 
Mary's College, Belmont, North Carolina; Sant' 
Anselmo, Rome. Entered the Benedictine Order 
1892; ordained 1897; professor of Church history, 
Scripture, and Classics, and hbrarian, St. Mary's 
College, Beknont, North Carolina, 1900- j 
chancellor and secretary for vicariate ApostoHc of 
North Carolina 1900^ ; vice-president and rector, 
Belmont Abbey, 1909- 

ARTICLES: Abbess; Abbot; Babenstuber, Ludwig; Bal- 
Bus, Hieronymus; Behcheure, Pierre; Billy, Jacques de; 
Boecken, Placidus; Boeri, Petrus, O.S.B.; Boniface III-VII, 
Popes; Boniface VIII, Pope; Boniface IX, Pope; Cadalous; 
Canisius, Henricus db Hondt; Damasus II, Pope; Delfau, 
Francois; Dioscorus, Antipope; Donus, Pope; Florilegia; 
Gregory VII, Saint, Pope. 

O' Gorman, Reverend John Robert, b.a., 
S.T.L., J. CD., b. at Renfrew, Ontario, 10 June, 1880. 
Education: separate and high schools, Renfrew; 
Ottawa University, Ottawa, Ontario; Grand Semi- 
nary, Montreal, Canada; Canadian College, Rome. 
Ordained 1904; curate, Brudenell, Ontario, 1905- 
1906; curate (1906-1908) and rector of Holy Cross 
Church (1908-1913), Haileybury, Ontario; rector, St. 
Patrick's Church, Cobalt, Ontario, 1913- 

ARTICLE: Temibcaming, Vicariate Apostolic of. 

O'Hagan, Thomas, m.a., Ph.D., essayist, lecturer, 
b. near Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1858. Education: 
St. Michael's College, Toronto; Ottawa University, 
Ottawa, Ontario; Cornell University, Ithaca, New 
York; Universities of Louvain, Grenoble, Fribourg 
(Switzerland), and Bonn. Former principal of 
several Catholic schools of Ontario; editor of the 
"New World", Chicago, Illinois, 1910-1913; lecturer; 
poet; essayist; reviewer; critic. Instrumental in 
obtaining from the Ontario Legislatm'e measures for 
the improvement of Catholic schools; former president 
of first Cathohc Teachers' Association of Ontario; 
lectured at the Cathohc Winter School, New Orleans, 
1900. Author of: "Genius of Longfellow", thesis for 
master's degree; "A Gate of Flowers"; "In Dream- 
land"; "Songs of the Settlement"; "Studies in 
Poetry"; "Canadian Essays"; "Essays Literary, 
Critical and Historical"; "Chats by the Fireside"; 
contributor to various periodicals. 

ARTICLES: Pardons of Brittany. 

O'Hara, Reverend Edwin Vincent, b. near 
Lanesboro, Minnesota, 6 September, 1881. Educa- 
tion: lianesboro high school; St. Thomas College and 
St. Paul Seminary, St. Paul, Minn. Ordained 1905; 
assistant (1905-1915), pastor (1915- ), pro- 
Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Portland, 
Oregon. President of the Catholic Educational 
Association of Oregon, 1906- ; organized the 
Cathohc Women's I^eague of Portland, 1909 ; member 
of the Ancient Order of Hibernians; Knight of 
Columbus; joint translator of "At the Deathbed of 
Darwinism" (German Literary Board, 1904); con- 
tributor to: "The Cathohc University Bulletin"; 
"The Cathohc World"; "Oregon Historical Society 
ARTICLES: Oregon; Oregon City, Archdiocese of. 




O'Hara, Frank, m.a., pL.d., b. at Amherst, 
Minnesota, 1876. Education: high school, Lanes- 
boro, Minnesota; University of Minnesota; Univer- 
sity of Notre Dame, Indiana; University of Berlin. 
Successively editor of "Cathohc Progress", Seattle, 
Washington, professor of history and economics. 
University of Notre Dame, director (and one of the 
organizers) of the Interlaken School for Boys, La 
Porte, Indiana; professor of political economy, 
Catholic University, Washington, D. C, 1909- 
Author of "An Introduction to Economics" and 
monographs on the taxation of land values and 
imemployment; contributor to "CathoUc World". 

ARTICLES: Physiocrats; Political Economy, Science of; 

O'Haran, Right Reverend Monsignor Denis 
Francis, d.d., b. at EnniskiUen, Ireland. Education: 
Clongowes Wood College, Kildare, Ireland; Pontifical 
Roman Seminary. Ordained 1880; for many years 
secretary to the late Cardinal Moran; prothonotary 
apostolic, 1902; vicar-general, diocese of Sydney; 
rector, church of the Sacred Heart, Darlinghurst, 
Sydney, N. S. W., 1908- 

ABTICLE: Sydney, Ahchdiocebe or. 

Ojetti, Reverend Benedetto, s.j., b. in Rome, 
5 April, 1862. Education: Government schools and 
Gregorian University, Rome. Entered the Society 
of Jesus 1878; ordained 1890; professor of dogmatic 
theology (1897-1902) and of canon law (1895-1897, 
1902- ), Gregorian University, Rome. Consultor 
of: Consistorial Congregation; Congregation of the 
Council; Congregation of the Propaganda; Congrega- 
tion of the Propaganda for Oriental Affairs; Council 
of Rites; Commission for the Codification of Canon 
Law. Author of: "Synopsis Rerum Moralium et 
Juris Canonici"; "De Romana Curia"; "Jus Antepi- 
anum et Pianum de Forma Substantial! Celebra- 
tionis Matrimonii". 

ARTICLES: Concordat; Courts, Ecclesiastical; Palmieri, 
DoMENico; Roman Congregations, The; Roman Curia. 

O'Kane, Veht Reverend Michael, o.p., s.t.l., 
b. at Coleraine, County Derry, Ireland, 1868. 
Education: St. Malachy's College, Belfast; Dominican 
Monastery, Tallaght, Ireland; Minerva College, 
Rome. Ordained 1892; professor, Tallaght, 1894r- 
1900; prior, St. Saviour's, Limerick, 1900-1906; 
Irish provincial of the Dominicans (1908- ); at 
present stationed at St. Saviour's, Dublin. Con- 
tributor to: "The American Cathohc Quarterly"; 
"The Irish Ecclesiastical Record". 

ARTICLES: Canice, Saint; Felix of Valois, Saint; Ray- 
mond OF Pennafort, Saint. 

O'Laughlin, Reverend Francis Dtrppr, a.j., 
A.B., b. at Canandaigua, New York, 6 November, 
1869. Education: St. John's College, Fordham, New 
York. Entered the Society of Jesus 1893; professor 
of physics. Holy Cross College, Worcester, Massa- 
chusetts, 1900-1904; ordained 1907; professor of 
physios, Fordham University, New York, 1908- 

ARTICLE: Beoan, Martin. 

O'Leary, Reverend Edward, m.r.i.a., b. at 
Clonegal, Co. Carlow, Ireland, 25 July, 1845. Edu- 
cation: Monastery School, Tullow, St. Patrick's 
College, Carlow, and St. Patrick's College, Maynooth, 
Dublin, Ireland. Ordained 1868; curate successively 
at Philipstown, Carlow, and Kildare, 1868-1886; 
pastor at Balyna, Co. Kildare, 1886-1903; pastor at 
Portarhngton, Ireland, 1903- . Has erected and 
equipped primary and convent schools. Member of: 
the Royal Irish Academy; the Royal Society of 
Antiquaries of Ireland; the Kildare Archajological 
Society. Author of "History of the Queen's County" ; 
contributor of articles on historical and archseological 
subjects to various periodicals. 

ARTICLES: Eildabb mid Leighlhi, Diocese of; O'Leabt 

O'Leary, Right Reverend Monsignor Louis 
James, a.b., s.t.d., j.c.d., Auxiliary Bishop of 
Chatham, New Brunswick, b. at Richibucto, New 
Brunswick, 17 August, 1877. Education: St. Joseph's 
College, Memramcook, New Brunswick; Grand 
Seminary, Montreal; ApoUinare and Propaganda, 
Rome. Ordained 1900; chancellor and secretary, 
diocese of Chatham, 1902-1914; titular Bishop of 
Hierapolis and auxihary Bishop of Chatham, 1914:- 

ARTICLE: Chatham, Diocese of. 

O'Leary, Vert Reverend Thomas M., b. at 
Dover, N. H., 16 August, 1875. Education: public 
and parochial schools of Dover; Mvmgret College, 
Limerick, Ireland; Grand Seminary, Montreal, 
Canada. Ordained 1897; served successively at St. 
Anne's, Manchester, N. H.; St. John's, Concord, N. 
H.; St. Joseph's Cathedral, Manchester, 1904, where 
he was secretary to Rt. Rev. John B. Delany, D.D.; 
chaplain to the Sisters of the Precious Blood until 
1909; rector of St. Joseph's Cathedral 1909-1915; 
vicar-general, St. John's Church, Concord, New 
Hampshire, 1915- ; chancellor of the Diocese 
of Manchester; preacher and writer. 
ARTICLE : Manchester, Diocese of. 

O'Leary, Sister Veronica, Convent of Grey 
Nuns of the Cross, Ottawa, Canada. 
ARTICLE: Grey Nuns of the Cross. 

Oliger, Reverend Livarihs (Nicholas Oliger), 
O.P.M., b. at Schorbach, Germany, 17 February, 1875. 
Education: public schools, Schorbach; Franciscan 
colleges, Saltash and Clevedon, England; Franciscan 
scholasticates, Metz and Dorsten, Germany; Sapienza, 
Rome. Entered the Franciscan Order 1892; ordained 
1900; engaged in parish work, Metz, 1900-1901, and 
Fulda, Germany, 1901-1903; confessor for German, 
French, and English pilgrims at the Portiuncual, 
Assisi, Italy, 1903-1905; professor of Church and 
Franciscan history, St. Antony's College, Rome, 
1906-1911 ; associate editor, "Archivum Franciscanum 
Historicum", Quaracchi, Italy, 1911- ; member of 
the Commission on the Reform of the Franciscan 
Breviary. Obtained the degrees of Lector General, 
1906, and Archivist-Palseographer, 1908. Author of: 
"Due musaici con S. Francesco della Chiesa di 
Aracoeli in Rome" (Quaracchi, 1911); "Expositio 
Regulae Fratrum Minorum auctore Fr. Angelo 
Clareno" (Quaracchi, 1912); "De origine Regularum 
ordinis Sanctje Clara" (Quaracchi, 1912); collabora- 
tor in: Buchberger, "KirchUches Handlexikon"; 
"Dictionnaire d'histoire et de g^ographie eccl^si- 
astiques"; contributor to: "Voce di San Antonio"; 
"Luce e Amore"; "Archivum Franciscanum Histo- 

ARTICLES: Feuardent, Francis; Francis, Rule op Saint; 
Jacopone da Todi; James of the Marches, Saint; John of 
Parma, Blessed; Latera, Flaminius Annibali de; Louis of 
Toulouse, Saint; Marcellinus of Civezza; Mendicant Fri- 
ars; Minimi; Nicholas op Osimo; Obregonians; Olivi, Pierre 
Jean; Pacificus; Panigarola, Francesco; Papini, Nicholas; 
Parkinson, Anthony; Paulinus a St. Bartholomaeo; Peter 
of Aquila; Poor Brothers of St. Francis Sebaphicus; Qui- 
SoNES, Francisco; Richard; Scala Sancta; Sbdia Gesta- 
toria; Somaschi; Spirituals; Sporer, Patritius; Taigi, Anna 
Maria Gesdalda Antonia; Tarabotti, Helena; Third Ordeb 
OF Saint Francis (Regular and Secular; Male and Female). 

Ollion, Henri, litt.n., b. at Bois-le-Roi, France, 
1 April, 1878. Education: Jesuit college of Lyons 
and Avignon; Universities of Tubingen, Leipzig, 
Lyons, and Paris. Married 1908; successively 
master of conferences and (1909- ) professor of 
philosophy. Catholic University of Lyons; professor 
of philosophy, Institute for the Higher Education of 
Young Girls, Lyons; at present. Captain of the 213th 
Inf. Regt., awarded the Croix de Gvkrre. Author of: 










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"Philosophie de la grammaire" (Grenoble, 1900); 
"Lettres iniSdites de Locke k Thoynard, et notes sur 
la correspondence de Locke" (Paris, 1908); "La 
Philosophie eiSngrale de John Locke" (Paris, 1909); 
"Lettres in^dites de Locke a Thoynard, Limborch et 
E. Clarke" (in collaboration with M. de Boer) (The 
Hague, 1912); contributor to: "Revue de Philoso- 
phie"; "Revue des Facultfe Cathohques de Lille"; 
"University Catholique". 
ARTICLE: Scabamelli, Giovanni Battibta. 

O'Mahoney, Very Reverend John, former 
Assista,nt Church of the Ajjostles, Launceston, 
Archdiocese of Hobart, Tasmania, d. at Launceston, 
Tasmania, 19 September, 1915. 

ABTXCLE: Hobart, Abchdiocesb of. 

O'Mahony, Reverend Timothy Joseph, d.d., 
D.C.L., b. at Cork, Ireland, 1839; d. at DubUn, 1917. 
Education: St._ Vincent's Seminary, C6rk; St. Sulpice, 
Paris; Gregorian University and Sapienza, Rome. 
Ordained 1862; engaged in missionary work, Cork, 
1862-1870; successively professor of logic, philosophy, 
and dogmatic theology. All HaUows College, Dublin, 
1870-1917. Author of: "Last Days of Cardinal 
Morlot"; "Joseph Carrifere and the Church of France 
in His Time"; "Theodicea D. Thomae Aquinatis"; 
"Summa summae, sciHcet Summse Theologicse D. 
Thomse Aquinatis analytico-synthetica synopsis"; 
"Thought Echoes, being Wreaths of Song through a 
Course of Logic" ; "Wreaths of Song through a Course 
of Philosophy"; "Harmonics, being Wreaths of Song 
through a Course of Divinity"; "Alleluia's Sequence, 
a Study of the Divine Names"; contributor to: 
"Annales de Philosophie Chr^tienne" (Paris); "All 
Hallows Annual"; "Irish Ecclesiastical Record"; 
"Dublin Review" ; "St. Luke's Magazine" (London) ; 
"American Ecclesiastical Review"; "Catholic 

ASTICLE: Alleluia. 

O'Mailia, Reverend Miles Joseph, s.j., b. at 
Wheehng, West Virginia, 14 June, 1880. Education: 
parochial schools. Wheeling; St. Fidelis College, 
Herman, Pennsylvania; Holy Cross College, Worces- 
ter, Massachusetts; Woodstock College, Woodstock, 
Maryland. Entered the Society of Jesus 1898; 
successively professor of Latin, Greek, German, 
English, and history, Holy Cross College, and 
Canisius College, Buffalo, New York, 1904^1909; 
stationed at cathedral of the Holy Trinity, Kingston, 
Jamaica, 1914-1916; at present stationed at St. 
Andrew-on-Hudson, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 

ARTICLES: Alberic of Ostia; Albert of Bbandenbubg; 
Blane (Blaan) Saint. 

O'Neil, Reverend Arthur Charles, o.p., s.t.l., 
b. at Boston, Massachusetts, 9 August, 1872. Edu- 
cation: Bigelow Grammar and Enghsh High School, 
Boston; St. Charles College, ElUcott City, Maryland; 
St. Rose's Priory, Springfield, Kentucky; St. Joseph's 
Scholasticate, Somerset, Ohio; Minerva, Rome. 
Entered the Dominican Order 1897; ordained 1901; 
professor of philosophy (1904-1910) and of moral 
theology (1910- ), Immaculate Conception Col- 
lege, Washington. 

ARTICLES : Abthub, James; Sin; Vallgornera, Thomas de; 
Venttjrino of Bebgamo. 

O'Neil, Reverend Leo Francis, a.b., s.t.l., b. 
at Boston, Massachusetts, 29 June, 1878. Educa- 
tion: Latin School and Boston College, Boston, and 
St. John's Seminary, Brighton, Massachusetts; 
Catholic University, Washington, D. C. Ordained 
1901; for a number of years assistant at St. Cecilia's 
Church, Boston; professor of Scripture and Hebrew, 
St. John's Seminary, Brighton, 1911- . Author 
of "History of Original Sin in the First Three Cen- 
turies", thesis for licentiate (1903). 

ARTICLES: Ballebini, Giholamo and Pietro; Bona, Gio- 
vanni; Caramubl y Lodkowitz, Juan; Cardenas, Juan; 
Champs, Etienne AqaIid De. 

O'Neill, Reverend Andrew J., m.a., b. at St. 
John, New Brunswick, 16 January, 1870. Education: 
St. Joseph's College, New Brunswick; Laval Univer- 
sity, Quebec, Canada. Ordained 1892; assistant, 
cathedral, St. John, New Brunswick, 1892-1902; 
pastor, St. John's Church, Silver Falls, 1902- 
ARTICLE: St. John, Diocese of. 

O'Neill, Reverend Arthur Barry, c.s.c, m.a., 
b. at St. George, New Brunswick, 1 September, 1858. 
Education: Catholic schools, St. George; St. Joseph's 
College, Memramcook, New Brunswick. Former 
Enghsh secretary (and intimate friend) of Father 
Camille Lefebvre; entered the Congregation of the 
Holy Cross 1877; ordained 1882; engaged in teaching 
1874-1904; prefect of studies, St. Joseph's College, 
Memramcook, 1882-1888, 1892-1904; professor of 
rhetoric, Notre Dame University, Indiana, 1890- 
1892; editorial contributor (1890-1904) and associate 
editor (1904^ ) of "The Ave Maria", Notre 
Dame, Indiana. Author of: "Between Whiles" 
(1899); "Trying a FaU with Obesity" (1906); "The 
Cross and the Flag" (1908); numerous poems in 
honor of the Blessed Virgin; contributor to: "Ameri- 
can Ecclesiastical Review"; "Catholic World"; 
"The Rosary"; "Donahoe's Magazine"; "The New 

ARTICLES: Holt Cboss, Congregation of the; Lefebvee 
Camille; Le Loutbe, Louis-Joseph; Univebsities: Canada — 
Univebsity of St. Joseph's College. 

O'Neill, Hugh, a.b., ll.m., lawyer, b. in Co. Derry, 
Ireland, 5 October, 1867, son of Hugh and Ann 
Smyth O'Neill. Education: schools in Ireland; 
University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana. 
Admitted to the Bar of the Supreme Court of Indiana 
1892, to the Supreme Court of Ilhnois 1893, to the 
Federal Courts 1894; married Regina O'Malley, of 
Cresco, Iowa, 1898; has held the post of lecturer at 
the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, and at the 
Lincoln Law School, Chicago, Illinois; at present 
practising lawyer (firm of Bastrup and O'Neill), 
resident at Chicago. Member of: the American 
Bar Association; the Chicago Bar Association; the 
Notre Dame Alumni; the Hamilton, Charlevoix, and 
Irish Fellowship Clubs. Author of a series of dis- 
courses on "American Courts", "Enghsh Courts", 
and "French Courts": numerous writings and 
speeches on socialism, labor, oratory, law. 

ARTICLE: Illinois. 

O'Neill, Reverend Jambs David, a.m., b.t.d., 
rector. Church of the Immaculate Conception, 
Highland Park, lUinois. 

ARTICLES: Abstinence; Alms and Almsgiving; Black 
Fast, The; Clandestinitt ; Concubsus; Consent (in Canon 
Law); Escobar 'y Mendoza, Antonio; Falsity; Familiars; 

Orban, Reverend Alexis Jules Theodore, 
S.S., M.A., D.D., b. at Cerseuil, Marne, France, 22 
November, 1850. Education: primary schools, Cer- 
seuil; Preparatory and Grand Seminaries, Reims, 
France; Seminary of St. Sulpice, Paris. Entered 
the Congregation of St. Sulpice 1876; ordained 1876; 
professor of natural sciences. Seminary of Montreal, 
Canada, 1876-1888; hbrarian of the Catholic Univer- 
sity, Washington, D. C, 1889-1896; auditor and 
secretary to the Apostolic Delegate, Cardinal SatoUi, 
1893-1896; professor of philosophy, St. Sulpice, 
Paris, 1896-1905; named auditor of the Apostolic 
Delegation to Cuba and Porto Rico under Arch- 
bishop Chapelle, but never served owing to death of 
Archbishop, 1905; spiritual director of the Seminary, 
Frascati, Italy, 1905-1910; at present, stationed at 
Andecy, Marne, France. Member of the Society of 




Biology, Washington. Author of: "Cours 616men- 
taire de Botanique et Flore du Canada" (Montreal); 
"L'eduoazione eoclesiastica in Francis" (Grottaf erra- 
ta) ; has contributed to ' 'American Catholic Quarterly 
ARTICLE: Chapelle, Louis-Placide. 

Ordofiez, Very Reverend Canon Alberto 
Maria, ph.L., j.c.d., s.t.d., b. at Cuenca, Ecuador, 
2 November, 1872. Education: South American 
College and Gregorian University, Rome. Ordained 
1896; professor of humanities, Preparatory Seminary, 
Cuenca, 1903; at present, professor of dogmatic 
theology at the Seminary, fiscal procurator and 
canon theologian of the cathedral (1909), diocese of 
Cuenca; preacher; preconized bishop of Ibarra, 1916. 

ASTICLE: Zamoea, Vicariate Apostolic of. 

O'Reilly, Right Reverend Monsignor Thomas 
Charles, s.t.d., ll.d., b. at Cleveland, 22 February, 
1873. Education: St. Patrick's School, St. Ignatius 
College, and St. Mary's Seminary, Cleveland; 
American College, Rome. Ordained 1898; assistant/ 
at the cathedral, Cleveland, 1899-1901; treasurer 
and professor of philosophy and dogmatic theology, 
St. Mary's Seminary, Cleveland, 1901-1909; vicar- 
general, diocese of Cleveland, 1909- ; member of 
Diocesan Board of Examiners for Seminary and 
Clergy and diocesan consultor, Cleveland. Organized 
annual retreats for men in Cleveland, under auspices 
of Knights of Columbus, 1904; Baccalaureate 
preacher, Notre Dame University, Indiana, 1909. 
Has contributed to various periodicals. 

ARTICLE: Apostolicitt. 

O'Riordan, Reverend Canon John, b. in 
diocese of Cloyne. Education: St. Colman's College, 
Fermoy, and Maynooth College, Dublin, Ireland. 
For many years engaged in parish work at Liverpool, 
England, and in diocese of Cloyne, Ireland; pastor at 
Cloyne 1904- . Contributor to various periodi- 

ARTICLE: Clotne, Diocese of. 

O'Riordan, Right Reverend Monsignor 
Michael, d.d., d.c.l., Ph.D., b. in Co. Limerick, 
Ireland, 1857. Education: St. Munchiu's College, 
Limerick; Propaganda and Gregorian University, 
Rome. Ordained 1883; engaged in missionary work 
at various times in London and Limerick 1883-1887; 
successively vice-rector of the Irish College, Rome; 
professor at St. Munchin's and curate at St. Michael's 
Chiirch, Limerick, 1887-1905; protonotary Apostolic. 
Founded the Cathohc Truth Society in Ireland, and 
the "Seven HiUs Magazine"; member of: the 
Academy of the Cathohc ReKgion; Rome, the 
Academy of St. Thomas, Rome; the Archajological 
Society of Ireland. Author of: "The Popes, Inter- 
national Peace-makers"; "A Criticism of Draper's 
History of the Conflict of Religion and Science"; 
"A Reply to Dr. Starkie's Attack on the Managers 
of Irish National Schools " ; "Life of St. Columbanus" ; 
"St. Cathal of Lismore"; "St. Finian of Moville"; 
"CathoUcity and Progress in Ireland" (a reply to Sir 
Horace Plunkett's "Ireland in the Twentieth Cen- 
tury"); contributor to: "American Cathohc Quarterly 
Review"; "Catholic World"; "Irish Ecclesiastical 
Record"; "New Ireland Review"; "La Rivista 
Internazionale deUa Scienze Social! "; "La Rassegna 

ARTICLES: Aeterni Patris, The Apostolic Letter of 
Pius IX; Aeterni Patris, The Encyclical of Leo XIII; Ad 
Apostolicje Dignitatis Apicem; Ad Sandtam Beati Petri 
Sedem; Apostolic.*: Cu'rm; Apostolic^e Sedis Moderationi; 
Apostolic^e Servitutis; Apostolici Minibterii; Apostolici 
Regiminis; Apostolicum Pascendi Munus; Arcanum; Ascen- 
dents Domino; Auctorem Fidei; Ausculta Fili; Irish Col- 
lege, in Rome; Veto, The Royal. 

Orozco y Jimenez, Right Reverend Francisco, 
D.D., Ph.D., Bishop of Guadalajara, Mexico, b. at 

Zamora, Mexico, 19 November, 1864. Education: 
CoUege of Jacona, Mexico; South American College 
and Gregorian University, Rome. Ordained 1887; 
has filled the posts of professor of Latin, Seminary 
of Zamora, professor of philosophy, theology, Scrip- 
ture, liturgy, and Hebrew, University of Mexico; 
chaplain of the Church of St. Francis and vice-rector 
of the School of Arts, Zamora; vice-rector of the 
Seminary, Mexico City; Bishop of Chiapas, Mexico, 
1902-1912; Bishop of Guadalajara 1912- ; or- 
dered deported by the government, January, 1917. 
Convened the first Synod of Chiapas; founded a 
school for boys and five for girls in Chiapas; estabhshed 
the first electric plant and erected a public monument 
to Las Casas, St. Cristobal Las Casas, Mexico; Notary 
at the Provincial Councils of Mexico and at the 
Plenary Council of South America; president of the 
Labor Section, Cathohc Congress of Oaxaca; one of 
the founders and a member of the Assembly of the 
Pontifical University of Mexico. Author of: "Colec- 
cion de Documentos para la Historia de Chiapas"; 
pastorals; has contributed to various Cathohc 
newspapers of Mexico. 
ARTICLE: Chiapas, Diocese of. 

Osende, Reverend Victorino, o.p. Education: 
St. Stephen's College, Salamanca, Spain. Entered 
the Dominican Order; at present, missionary and 
secretary to the prefect Apostohc, Urubamba, Peru. 
Contributor to various reviews. 

ARTICLE: Urubamba, Prefecture Apostolic of. 

O'Shea, John Francis, b. at Youghal, Co. Cork, 
Ireland, 16 June, 1861. Education: Christian 
Brothers' schools, Youghal, and St. Colman's CoUege, 
Fermoy, Ireland; Irish CoUege, Paris. Came to the 
United States 1886; teacher in public schools 1886— 
1893; principal of high school, Cameron, Texas, 
1893-1905 (except for two years); principal of high 
school (1905-1908), and superintendent of pubUc 
schools (1908- ), Taylor, Texas. Member of the 
State Text-Book Board, Texas. 

ARTICLE: Texas, State of. 

O'Shea, John J., b. at Cork, Ireland, 1841. 
Education: private; North Monastery Schools, Cork. 
Reporter and sub-editor, with Sir John Gray, of the 
"Freeman's Journal"; editor of the "Evening 
Telegraph" and "Weekly Freeman", Dublin, 1871- 
1883; associate editor, with WiUiam O'Brien, of 
"United Ireland", 1883-1890, and of the "American 
Catholic Quarterly Review" 1892-1897; editor of: 
the "Catholic World" and the "Young Cathohc" 
1893-1897, and the "Catholic Standard and Times", 
PhUadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1897- . Author of: 
"The Two Kenricks" (1904); "Life of Pope Leo 
XIII" (in coUaboration with Monsignor B. O'ReiOy) 
(1886); numerous serials and short stories; contribu- 
tor to: "The Forum"; "The Rosary"; "The Messen- 
ger"; "Donahoe's"; "The Catholic Tunes"; "The 
Cathohc Fireside"; "The Shamrock". 
ARTICLE: Kenrick, Peter Richard and Francis Patrick. 

Osuna, Reverend Manuel Garcia, s.t.d., 
Cordova, Spain. 
ARTICLE: Cordova, Diocese of (Cohdubensis). 

Ott, Reverend Michael, o.s.b., Ph.D., b. at 
Neustadt-am-Main, Bavaria, Germany, 18 March, 
1870. Education: St. John's University, CoUege- 
ville, Minnesota; Sant' Ansehno, Rome. Professed 
in the Benedictine Order 1889; ordained 1894; 
prefect of studies and professor of philosophy, St. 
John's University, CoUegeviUe, 1895- CoUabo- 

rator in: "Best Stories by the Foremost Catholic 
Authors" (New York, 1910); has contributed to 
various periodicals. 

ARTICLES: Adalart, Saint; Adelaide, Saint, Abbess; 
Ado of Vienne, Saint; Adrian of Canterbury, Saint; Aqa- 




THO, Saint, Pope; Andechs; Andrew Avbllino, Saint; , An- 
gela Meeici, Saint; Ansegisus, Saint; Ansegisus, Arch- 
bishop OF Sens; Anselm, Saint, Abbot; Anselm of Lucca, 
The Younger, Saint; Armeluno, Mariano; Attala, Saint; 
AuLNE Abbey; Austrebertha, Saint; Averbode; Balderio 
(Baudrt); Baldwin; Benedict Biscop; Bbnno II; Berchtold 
(Berthold), Blessed; Berthold; Berthold op Henneberg; 
Berthold of Keichenau; Bertin, Saint; Bertulf, Saint; 
BiRNBAUM, Heinrich; Boso, Bouillart, Jacques; Bouquet, 
Martin; Brus, Anton; Bursfeld, The Abbey of; C-^sarius 
OF Heisterbach; C^sarius of Prum; Chardon, Mathias; 
Chorepi3copi; Christian; Commendatory Abbot; Commen- 
DONB, Giovanni Francesco; Conrad of Hochstadt (Hosta- 
den); Conrad of Leonberg (Leontoriub) ; Conrad of Urach; 
Conrad of Utrecht; Constance; Corker, Maurus; Cortebe, 
Giovanni Andrea; Coustant, Pierre; Couturier, Louis- 
Charles; Cracow; Dalberg, Adolphus Von; Diemoth; 
Diether of Isenberq; Droste-Vibchering, Clemens August 
von; Durand Ursin; Ebbo; Edesius and Frumentius; Eisen- 
qrein, Martin; Ems, Congress of; Engelbert (Abbot); Er- 
THAL, Franz Ludwig von; Erthal, Friedrich Karl Joseph, 
Freiherr von; Eusebius, Saint, Bishop of Vercelli; Euse- 
Bius, Saint, Bishop of Samosata; Eustathius, Saint; Eusto- 
CHiuM, Julia, Saint; Euthymius, Saint; Forster, Frobeniub; 
Fulbert of Chartres; FOrstenberg, Franz Friedrich Wil- 
helm von; Gebhard of Constance; Gemblours; G:^nebrard, 
Gilbert; Gerberon, Gabriel; Gertrude of Aldenberg, 
Blessed; Gertrude of Hackeborn; Gertrude of Nivelles, 
Saint; Gil db Albornoz, Alvarez Carillo; Gil of Santarem, 
Blessed; Gottschalk of Orbais; Gottweig, Abbey of; Greg- 
ory IX, Pope; Gregory XI, Pope; Gregory XII, Pope; 
Gregory XIII, Pope; Gregory XIV, Pope; Gregory XV, 
Pope; Gu^rard, Robert; Guitmund; Gunther of Cologne; 
Hadewych, Blessed; Haeften, Benedict van; Hatto, Arch- 
bishop of Mainz; Heiligenkreuz; Heilsbhonn; Heisterbach; 
H:^linand; Henry of Langenstein; Heribert, Archbishop 
of Milan; Heribert, Saint, Archbishop of Cologne; Heri- 
GER OF Lobbes; Hermann of Altach; Hermann of Minden; 
Hermann of Salza; Herrgott, Marquard; Hervetus, Gen- 
tian; Hildebert of Lavardin; Hohenbaum van der Mber, 
Moritz ; Hohenburg ; Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-Schillings- 
furst, Alexander Leopold; Honorius II, Pope; Honorius 
III, Pope; Honorius IV, Pope; Hosius, Stanislaus; Hospice; 
Hugh of Remiremont; Humbert of Romans; In Commendam; 
Innocent III, Innocent IV, Innocent VII, Innocent X, Inno- 
cent XI, Innocent XII, Innocent XIII, Popes; Interces- 
sion, Episcopal; Irnerius; Isidore the Labourer, Saint; 
Jacob of Juterbogk; Jacobus de Teramo; Jacopo de Vora- 
gine; John of Segovia; Jordanus of Giano; Joseph's, Saint, 
Society for Foreign Missions; Julius II, Julius III, Popes; 
Justin de Jacobis, Blessed; Kaunitz, Wenzel Anton; Keh- 
REiN, Joseph; Knoelecher, Ignatius; Kreiten, William; La 
Chaise, Franqois d'Aix de; Lambert of Hebsfeld; Lamy, 
Francois; Lang, Matthew; Laski (a Lasco), John; Laymann, 
Paul; Ledochowski, Miecislas Halka; Lemcke, Henry; Leo, 
XI, Pope; Lucius II, Pope; Lucius III, Pope; Ludmilla, 
Saint; Magnus, Saint; Malagrida, Gabriel; Mallinckrodt, 
Pauline; Marajst, Prudentius; Marbodius, Bishop of Rennes; 
Marcellus II, Pope; Mahius Mercatoh; Martin IV, Pope; 
Martin V, Pope; Martin of Braga, Saint; Mary de Cervel- 
lione; Matilda, Saint; Maximilian (Martyrs); Maximinus, 
Saint; Maximus of Turin, Saint; Mayor, John; Mayr, Beda; 
Mechtild of Magdeburg; MI:ge, Antoine Joseph; Mendoza, 
Francisco Sarmiento de; Mendoza, Pedro Gonzales de; 
Mezger, Francis, Joseph, and Paul; Michael de Sanctis, 
Saint; Milic, Jan; Mir^us (Le Mire), Aueert; Mittarelli, 
Nicola Giacomo; Molina, Antonio de; Molitor, Wilhelm; 
MoscHus, Johannes; Mundwiler, Fintan; Muzzarelli, Al- 
fonso; Nicholas Justiniani, Blessed; Nicholas of Flue, 
Blessed; Nicholas of Myra, Saint; Nirschl, Joseph; Nonon- 
tola; Notburga, Saint; Odo of Glanfeuil; Oettingen; Oil 
OP Saints; Olesnicki, Zbigniew; Oliva; Orlandini, Niccol6; 
Orval; Othmar, Saint; Ottobeuren; Our Lady of the Snow, 
Feast of; Pagi, Antoine; Palafox y Mendoza, Juan de; 
Panvinio, Onofrio; Peter Cellensis; Peter Fullo; Petit- 
DiDiER, Matthieu; Pierius; Pilgrim; Pinna da Encarnacao, 
Mattheus; Pitra, JEAN-BAPTiSTE-FRANgois; Pius VI and IX, 
Popes; Prior; Prioress; Priory; Prudentius, Galindo; 
Rab anus, Maurus M agnentius ; Ratisbonne, Maria Al- 
phonse; Ratramnus; Reding, Augustine; Regale, Droit de; 
Reims, Synods of; Rites: Benedictine; Rouen, Synods of; 
Sabbas, Saint; Saint Benedict, Medal of; Sarpi, Paolo; 
ScHENKL, Maurus von; Schenute; Schollineb, Hermann; 
Schottenkloster; Schram, Dominic; Schwane, Joseph; 
Seven Robbers ; Sfondrati, Celebtino ; Sixtus I, Saint, 
Pope; Sixtus II, Saint, Pope; Sixtus V, Pope; Smahagdus, 
Ardo; Spinola, Christopher Royas de; Spondanub, Henri; 
Stadler, John Evangelist; Stefaneschi, Giacomo (5aetani; 
Stephen, Saint; Stephen of Tournai; Steuco, Agostino; 
Symphorosa, Saint; Syncelli; Telesphorus of Cosenza; 
Tencin, PiERRE-GuiRiN de; Theophanes, Kerambus; Thun- 
dering Legion; Torquemada, Tom As de; Toubnon, Charles- 
Thomas Maillard de; Toutt^e, Antoine- Augustine ; Tschu- 
piCK, John Nepomuk; Uhtred; Unigenitub; Universities: 
United States — Saint John's University; Urban VII, Pope; 
Urban VIII, Pope; Vallarsi, Dominic; Vergerio, Pier Paolo, 
The Elder; Vering, Friedrich Heinrich; Victor II, Pope; 
Victor, Bishop of Tunnunum; Vincent, Saint; Vineam Dom- 
ini; Walter, Ferdinand; Wabtenberg, Franz Wilhelm, 
Count von; Weingarten, Monastery of; Weib, Nicolaus 
von; Weissenau, Monastery of; Werden; Wessenberq, 
Ionaz Heinrich von; Wessobhunn; Wettingen-Mehrerau, 
Abbactnullius op; Wetzer, Heinrich Joseph; Wibald; 

Wiener-Neubtadt, Diocese of; Wilgefortis; William, 
Blessed; William, Abbot of Marmoutiers; William, Abbot 
OF Saint-B:^nigne; William of Shoreham; William of Turbe- 
ville; Windischmann, Friedrich Heinrich Hugo; Wittmann, 
George Michael; Wt>RZBURG, Abbeys at; Zabarblla, Fran- 
cesco; Zaccaria, Francesco Antonio; Zallinger zum Thubn, 
Jacob Anton; Zallwein, Gregor; Zanoerle, Roman Sebas- 
tian; Zasius, Ulric; Ziegelbauer, Magnoald; Ziegler, Gre- 
goeius Thomas; Zimmer, Patrick Benedict; Zingerle, Pius; 
ZoNARAs, John. 

Otten, Joseph, b. at Eys-Wittem, Holland, 1852. 
Education: schools of Eys-Wittem; Royal Conserva- 
tory, Liege, Belgium; Aix-la-Chapelle and Berlin 
(under Becker), Germany. Has filled the posts of 
organist at Beauport and at the church of St. John 
the Baptist, Quebec, Canada; conductor (and 
founder), St. Louis Choral Symphony Society, St. 
Louis, Missouri, 1885-1900; organist and choir- 
master, St. Paul's Cathedral, Pittsburg, 1900- 
Promoter of church music reform. Has contributed 
to the "Catholic Fortnightly Review". 

ARTICLES: Adeste Fideles; Ambhos, August Wilhelm; 
Ambrosian Chant; Antiphon; Aurora Lucis Rutilat; Baini, 
Abbate Giuseppe; Berlioz, Hector; Berno (Abbot of 
Reichenau); Byrd, William, Canon; Carissimi, Giacomo; 
Casali, Giovanni Battista; Cassiodorus (Influence of, on 
Church Music) ; Charlemagne (and Church Music) ; Cheru- 
BiNi, Maria Luigi Cablo Zenobio Salvatohe; Choron, Alex- 
andre-Etienne ; Clemens non Papa (Jacques Clement) ; 
CoLONNA, Giovanni Paolo; Counterpoint; Coussemaker, 
Charles-Edmond-Henride; Croce, Giovanni; Depr^s, Jos- 
quin; Gounod, CnARLEs-FRANgois; Guido of Arezzo; Haberl, 
Francis Xavier; Harmony; Haydn, Johann Michael; Hus- 
bald of St.-Amand; Lassus, Orlandus de; Mohr, Joseph; 
Morales, Christ6bal; Mozart, Johann Chrysostomus Wolf- 
gang Amadeus; Musical Instruments in Church Services; 
Okeghem, Jean d'; Oratorio; Palestrina, Giovanni Pier- 
LUiGi da; Passion Music; Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista; 
Petrucci, Ottavio dei; Philips, Peter; Piel, Peter; Rhein- 
berger, Joseph Gabriel; Rueckers, Family of; Sistine 
Choir; Song, Religious; Tartini, Giuseppe; Van Beethoven, 
Ludwig; Vogler, George Joseph; Weber, Karl Maria 
Friedrich Ernst von; Willaert, Adrian; Wingham, Thomas; 
Witt, Francis Xavier. 

Otten, StrsAN" Tract Miller (Mrs. Joseph 
Otten), writer. Education: Mrs. Piatt's School for 
Girls, TJtica, New York; Miss Brook's School for 
GirlSj St. Louis, Missouri. Became a Catholic 1893; 
married Joseph Otten 1893; formerly resident at St. 
Louis; at present, resident at Pittsburg, Pennsyl- 
vania. Author of translations and book-reviews for 
Catholic periodicals. 

.ARTICLES: Hello, Ernest; Jean-Baptist-Marie Vian- 
ney, Blessed. 

Oussani, Reverend Gabriel, Ph.D., b. at 
Bagdad, Asiatic Turkey, 1 August, 1875. Education: 
Patriarchal Seminary, Mossul, Asiatic Turkey; 
Propaganda, Pome; further studies in Paris; Johns 
Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, under 
Dr. Paul Haupt. Ordained priest of the Chaldean 
Rite and came to New York 1900; Fellow in Semitic 
Languages, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, 
1901-1904; professor of Hebrew, ancient history, and 
Italian, Cathedral College, New York, and lecturer 
on Biblical and Oriental history and archseology, St. 
Joseph's Seminary, Dunwoodie, New York, 1904- 
1907; professor of early Church history, Old Testa- 
ment history and patrology, and hbrarian, St. Joseph's 
Seminary, Dunwoodie, 1907- Has visited the 

ruins of Assyria and Babylonia and travelled in the 
Levant for purposes of research. Member of: the New 
York Oriental Club; American Oriental Society; the 
Society of BibUcal Literature and Exegesis, Contrib- 
utor to: '* Journal of American Oriental Society"; 
''Journal of Society of Biblical Literature and Exege- 
sis"; "Johns Hopkins University Circulars"; "Open 
Court" (Chicago); "New York Review". 

ARTICLES: Amhaphel; Arabia; Asia; Assemani; Assuh; 
Assyria ; Bar-kepha, Moses ; Biblical Antiquities ; Islam ; 
Jubilee, Yeah of (Hebrew); Jubilees, Book of; Koran; 
Mecca; Mohammed and Mohammedanism; Moses of Cho- 
rene; Persia; Phcenicia; Solomon; Syria. 

Oweiir Thomas McAdory, ll.d., lawyer, author, 
b. at Jonesboro, Alabama, 15 December, 1866, son 




of Dr. William Marmaduke and Nancy L. (McAdory), 
Owen; married Marie Susan, daughter of John HoUis 
Bankhead, 1893. Practising lawyer, firm of Besse- 
mer, CarroUton and Birmingham, Alabama, 1887- 
1901; brought about establishment of Alabama State 
Department of Archives and History, 1901. Member 
of: American Historical Association; American 
Political Science Association; member (and president, 
1909- ), American Anthropological Association; 
secretary, Alabama Historical Society, 1898- 

president (and founder) Alabama Library Association, 
1904- . Author of: "City Code of Bessemer, 
Alabama" (1888); "Bibliography of Alabama" 
(1897); "Bibliography of Mississippi" (1899); 
"Annals of Alabama, 1819-1900" (addendum to 3rd 
edition, "Pickett's History of Alabama") (1900). 
Editor: "Transactions of the Alabama Historical 
Society 1898-1905 and of Gulf States Historical 
Magazine 1902-1903". 

Pace, Vert Reverend Edward Alotsius, d.d., read odes at Centenary (1889), Celebration of the 
Ph.D., b. at Starke, Florida, 3 July, 1861. Education : Fiftieth Anniversary of the Declaration of the Dogma 
St. Charles College, Ellicott City, Maryland; Ameri- of the Immaculate Conception (1904), and Celebra- 
can College and Propaganda, Rome; Universities of tionof Founder's Day (1908), Georgetown University, 
Louvain and Leipzig; further studies in Paris. Washington; revised articles on Cathohc subjects. 
Ordained 1885; rector of the cathedral, St. Augustine, "New International Encyclopaedia" and "Encyclo- 
Florida, 1886-1888; professor of philosophy (1891- p«dia Americana"; President, Laymen's League for 
) and dean of the School of Philosophy (l895- Retreats and Social Studies, 1912-1913; as lecturer 
), Catholic University, Washington. "Took active and writer and ardent opponent of Socialism; 
part in establishing Trinity College, Washington; has decoration Pro ecclesia et pontifioe. Member of: 
lectured at Catholic Summer School, Cliff Haven, American Federation of Catholic Societies; Knights 
New York, and at the Western Catholic Summer of Columbus; American Catholic Historical Society; 
School; decoration Pro ecclesia et Pontifice. Member United States Cathohc Historical Society; Cathohc 
of: the American Psychological Association; the Club; Georgetown University Alumni Society; St. 
American Philosophical Society. Author of: "Das Louis University Alumni Society. Author of: "The 
Relativitatsprincip in Herbert Spencers psycholog- Philosophy of Literature" (St. Louis, 1897); "Epochs 
ischerEntwicklungslehre", thesis for doctorate (1891); of Literature" (St. Louis, 1898); "What is Liberal- 
contributor to: "Catholic University Bulletin"; ism?" (St. Louis, 1899); "New Rubaiyat", poem 
"American Cathohc Quarterly Review"; "Catholic (St. Louis, 1899); "The Feast of Thalarchus", 
World": "Psychological Review"; " Philosophische poem (Boston, 1901); "The Death of Sir Launcelot 
Studien ; "New York Review"; associate editor of: "^-^ ,^+1,0.. t3„o,v,=," ^u^c+^r, 1Qno^■ "tv,<» T\T<>oT>;„n- nt 
"The Cathohc Encyclopedia"; "The Cathohc 
Educational Review "- 

ARTICLES: Abbeloos, Jean-Baptiste; Absolute; Achter- 
FELDT, JoHANN Heinhich; Aldrovandi, Ulissi; Antoniano, 
Silvio; Antonio of Vicenza, Maria; Aristides; Aureoli, Pet- 
Rus; AviLA, Diocese of; Barcelona. University of; Bautain, 
Louis-EuGfeNE-MARiE; BEATIFIC Vision; Bologna, University 
of; Bonn, University of; Caius, John; Calvinus, Justus; 
Catholic University of America; Cologne, University of; 
Copenhagen, University of; Cornaro, Elena Lucrezia 
Piscopia; Doctor; Dulia; Education; Ex Cathedra; Hypo- 
static Union; Pantheism; Quietism; Robinson, William 
Callyhan; Satolli, Francesco; Spiritism; Universities. 

Pacifique, Reverend Father, o.M.cap., b. at 
Vahgny, France, 7 September, 1863. Education: 
Poitiers, France; Orihuela, Spain. Entered the 
Capuchin Order 1879; ordained 1886; professor at 
Igualada, Spain, 1886-1890, and at Ottawa, Canada, 
1890-1894; missionary among the Micmacs, Sainte 
Anne de Ristigouche, P. Q., 1894- . Author of: 

l¥=i^^^nQnfi^?'^"M;±l'n &Ja Hi^j.^'^" n on^ • an Augustinian of the -Assumption, 1892; sent to 
chism _(1906); _ Micmac Sacred History (1909), r^„,t„^t:„^r.lo ihqa- nrrl»ir,»i isofl- =„A.»==;,.»Ur 

and other Poems" (Boston, 1902); "The Meaning of 
the Idylls of the King" (New York, 1904); "CoDected 
Poems" (New York, 1915); "Education of Boys" 
(New York, 1916) ; editor of: "A Memorial of Andrew 
J. Shipman" (New York, 1916); "The Story of 
Literature" (New York, 1917); contributor to: 
"American Cathohc Quarterly Review"; "America"; 
"Journal of Speculative Philosophy"; "The Rosary"; 
"Catholic World"; "The Messenger"; "Donahoe's 
Magazine"; "The Month"; "Cathohc Reading Circle 
Review"; "Educational Review" 

ARTICLES: Donoso Cobt^s, Juan Francisco Maria de la 
Saludad; Testem Benevolently. 

Palmieri, Reverend Aurelio (Giacinto 
Palmibri), A.A., S.T.D., Writer, b. at Savona, Italy, 
4 May, 1870, son of Antonio Palmieri and Maria 
Gerace. Education: Seminary of Maria and Augus- 
tinian Convent, Naples, Italy. Entered the Augusti- 
nian Order 1885; desiring to be a missionary, became 

"Une Tribe PriviMgiee" (1910); "Pocket Prayer- 
Book" (1911); editor of "Micmac Messenger". 
ARTICLE: Membertou. 

Pallen, Cond£ Benoist, ph.D., lI.d., president. 
The Encyclopedia Press, Inc., New York, b. at St. 
Louis, Missouri, 5 December, 1858, son of Dr. Mont- 

Constantinople 1894; ordained 1895; successively 
professor of theology and canon law and assistant 
pastor and missionary, Kadi-Keui, Constantinople; 
reentered Augustinian Order on account of failing 
health 1903; student of Oriental questions, resident 
in Rome, 1905-1907, 1910- ; stationed at St. 
Catherme's Convent, Cracow, Austria, 1907-1910. 

rose A. Pallen and Anne E., daughter of Louis A. Takes an active part in the biennial Congress at 

Benoist, banker, of St. Louis. Education: George- Velehrad, Moravia, for the union of Christendom; 

town University, Washington, D. C; St. Louis has travelled in Russia, making a collection of 

University, St. Louis. Married Georgiana McDougal, Russian pubUcations for the Vatican Library; 

daughter of General John Adams of Tennessee, 1886; founder of "Bessarione" (Rome). Member of: 

editor of "Church Progress", St. Louis, 1887-1897; the Russian Archseological Institute of Constanti- 

lecturer on hterary subjects 1885- ; managing nople; the Christian Archaeological Society of 

editor. The Catholic Encyclopedia, 1905-1913; Athens; the Academy of the Cathohc Rehgion, 

president. The Encyclopedia Press, Inc., New York, Rome; the Arcadia, Rome. Author of: "Die 

1913- . Has lectured at the Catholic Summer Polemik des Islam" (Salzburg, 1902); "La Chiesa 

School, Chff Haven, New York, at the Western Russa" (Florence, 1908); "Vita di Dositeo, 

Cathohc Summer School, and at the Cathohc Win- Patriarca di Gerusalemme" (Florence, 1909); "II 

ter School, New Orleans, Louisiana; his interpreta- Progresso Dommatico" (Florence, 1910); "Nomen- 

tion of the "Idylls of the King" drew from Tenny- clator theologiae graeco-russicae", Vols. I and II 

son a personal letter of appreciation; read paper on (Prague, 1910, 1911); "Theologia dogmatica ortho- 

" Catholic Literature", Cathohc Congress, Baltimore, doxa," Vol. I (Florence, 1911); collaborator in: 

Maryland, 1889; read paper on "Catholic Education" "Dictionnaire de thSologie catholique"; "Diction- 

at meeting of American Education Association, naire de biographie et d'histoire eccl&iastique"; 

Charleston, South Carolina, 1896; composed and contributor to: "Revue de I'Orient chr^tien"; 





"Oriens christianus"; "Bessarione"; "Civilti Cat- 
tolica"; "Studi religiosi"; "Souola cattolica"; 
"Rivista internazionale de scienze sociali"; "Vizan- 
tiisky Vremennik"; "Revue d'histoire eccl^sias- 
tique"; "Rivista di apologia critiana"; "Rivista 
delle scienze teologiche"; "Rassegna Gregoriana"; 
"Cosmos oatholicus"; "Revue des revues catho- 
liques"; " Literarische Rundschau"; "Historisch 
politische Blatter"; "Slavorum litteris theologicae"; 
"Chronica byzantina"; "New York Journal"; "La 
Ciudad de Dios". 

ARTICLES: Nihilism; Pehiodical Litebatuke, Catholic; 
Poland; Russia; Russian Literature; Sandomir, Diocese of; 
Union op Brest; Vilna, Diocese of; Warsaw, Diocese of; 
Wladiblaw, Diocese of. 

Paoli, Reverend Fbancesco, s.j., Ph.D., b. 6 
January, 1862. Education: Jesuit colleges in Naples, 
Rome, and Spain; Gregorian University, Rome. 
Entered the Society of Jesus 1878; ordained 1893; 
has been at different times professor of philosophy 
and of letters, prefect of studies, preacher, and 
director of various Jesuit colleges; at present, associate 
editor of "Civiltlt Cattolica", Rome. 

ARTICLES: Frances of Rome, Saint; Francis Cabacciolo, 
Saint; Giuseppe Maria Tommasi, Blessed. 

Papi, Reverend Hector, s.j., ph.D., b.c.l., 
S.T.D., b. in Rome, 7 August, 1861. Education: 
Vatican Seminary and Gregorian University, Rome. 
Ordained 1886; vice-rector (1888-1891) and procura- 
tor (1891-1893), Propaganda, Rome; secretary to the 
Apostolic Delegation to the United States 1893- 
1895; entered the Society of Jesus 1895; professor of 
canon law, Woodstock College, Maryland, 1897- 

ARTICLES: Acts of Roman Congreoations; Appeals; 
CoNsisTOBT, Papal; Pastor; Prefect Apostolic; Procurator. 

Pargoire, Reverend Jules, a.a., b. at Saint-Pons 
de Mauchiens, France, 8 September, 1872; d. at 
Saint-Pons de Mauchiens, 17 August, 1907. Educa- 
tion: various Assumptionist schools; Assumptionist 
scholasticates, Livry near Paris, Jerusalem, and 
Fanaraki, Asia Minor. Entered the Order of 
Augustinians of the Assumption 1889; ordained 1897; 
professor at Constantinople 1891-1893; associate 
editor of "Echos d'Orient" 1897-1907. Member of 
the Russian Archaeological Institute, Constantinople. 
Author of: "Reeueil des inscriptions chr6tiennes du 
Mont Athos" (Paris, 1904); "Le Mont Saint- 
Auxenoe" (Paris, 1904); "L'Eglise byzantine de 527 
k 847", in collaboration with Petit and Millet (Paris, 
1905); collaborator in " Dictionnaire de th^qlogie 
catholique"; "Dictionnaire d'archSologie chr^tienne 
et de liturgie"; contributor to. "Echos d'Orient"; 
"Revue de I'Orient chr^tien"; "Revue des questions 
historiques"; "Bulletin de correspondance hell6n- 
ique"; "Byzantinische Zeitschrift"; "Vizantiskii 
Vremennik"; "Bulletin de I'lnstitut archfiologique 
russe de Constantinople". 

ARTICLES: Adana; Alexandria; Angora. 

Parker, Reverend Anselm (E. Stanislaus 
Parker), o.s.b., m.a., b. at Birmingham, England, 
1880. Education: Ampleforth College, Ampleforth, 
England; Oxford University. Entered the Benedic- 
tine Order 1900; assistant master, Ampleforth College, 
1903-1908; ordained 1907; master of the Ampleforth 
Scholasticate (Parker's Hall), Oxford, 1908- 

ARTICLES : Norfolk, Catholic Dukes of; Odo of Canter- 
bury; OsBALD, King of Northumbbia; Osbebn, Hagiogbapheb; 
Osmund, Saint; Oswald, Saint, Abchbishop of York; Oswald, 
Saint, Kino; Obwin, Saint; Owen, Nicholas. 

Parkinson, Right Reverend Monsignob 
Canon Henry, d.d., Ph.D., b. at Cheadle, Stafford- 
shire, England, 1852. Education: Sedgley Park 
School, Sedgley Park, and Seminary, Olton, England; 
University of Douai, France; EngUsh College, Rome. 
Ordained 1877; vice-rector. Seminary, Olton, 1877- 

1883; curate at the cathedral, Birmingham, 1887- 
1889; vice-rector (1889-1897) and rector and profes- 
sor of philosophy (1897- ), Oscott CoUege, 
Birmingham; canon of the Cathedral of Birmingham; 
domestic prelate. Has been identified with the 
Social Reform movement in England and Ireland; 
lecturer on social questions. President of the 
Birmingham Society of St. Cecily; president of the 
Catholic Social Guild; assistant general of the Aposto- 
Uo Union of Secular Priests for England. Author of: 
"Definitiones Philosophic Universae" (1893); "Re- 
fectio Spiritualis", 2 vols. (1906); "Primer of Social 
Science" (1913); pamphlets for Catholic Social Guild 

ARTICLES: Fitter, Daniel; Oscott College; Patbon 
Saints; Priests, Confbatebnities of; Pbiests' Euchabistic 
League; Pugin, Augustus Melby Northmobe. 

Paul Joseph, Brother, f.s.c, Lambecq-les-Hal, 

ARTICLE: Institute of the Brothers of the Christian 

Peloquin, Reverend Z^phyrin, m.s.c, b. in 
Connecticut of French Canadian parents, 17 March, 
1869. Education: Christian Brothers School, Sorel, 
P. Q., Canada; parochial schools, Grosvenor Dale, 
Connecticut; St. Joseph's ApostoUc School and 
Scholasticate of the Missionaries of the Sacred 
Heart, Watertown, New York. Entered the Society 
of Missionaries of the Sacred Heart 1887; ordained 
1893; has held the posts of professor of EngUsh, 
Latin, and history, St. Joseph's ApostoUc School, 
Watertown, editor of "Annals of Our Lady of the 
Sacred Heart", chaplain and reUgious instructor at 
Rhode Island State Institutiotis, and CounseUor to 
the provincial of his order; superior of St. Joseph's 
ApostoUc School, Watertown, 1909- . Birector 
of the Archconfraternity of Our Lady of the Sacred 
Heart in the United States. 
ARTICLE : Sacbed Heart of Jesus, Missionaries of the. 

Perez de las Moras, Reverend Nazario, s.j., 
b. at Palencia, Spain, 1877. Education: primary 
schools, Palencia and Amusco; Jesuit colleges of 
Carrion de los Condes and ValladoUd; Seminary, 
Palencia; Jesuit scholasticates of Carrion, Burgos and 
Ona, 1893-1901. Entered the Society of Jesus 1893; 
professor, Jesuit scholasticate, Loyola, 1901-1905; 
ordained 1908; assistant editor of: "Mensajero del 
Sagrado Corazon de Jesus", Bilbao, 1909- ; "Sal 
Terrae". Author of: "Lecciones de Arte Poetica" 
(Ona, 1903); "El Ano de la Inmaculada: Projectos y 
Esperanzos" (Madrid, 1904); "Novena a la Virgen 
Sma.del Pilar" (Burgos, 1907) ; "El Secreto de Maria" 
(translation with Preface of the work of Bl. Grignion 
de Montfort), (Bilbao, 1910; 3 eds.); "Vida Mariana" 
(Bilbao, 1911; 2nd ed. 1914); "MaraviUas de las Tres 
Ave Marias" (Bilbao, 1911; 5th ed. 1916); "La 
Devoci6n a Nuestra Sefiora y la Eternal Predestina- 
ci6n" (Bilbao, 1911); "Novena a la Natividad" 
(Bilbao, 1915); "El Magnificat" (Bilbao, 1916); 
contributor of articles principally on Our Lady to: 
"Razon y Fe"; "Anales del Pilar"; "Mensajero del 
Sagrado Corazon de Jesus"; "Rayos de Sol". 

ARTICLE : Andbada, Alonso. 

PSrez Goyena, Reverend Antonio, s.j., b.a., 
b. at Huarte, Navarra, 17 January, 1863. Education: 
Institute of Pamplona, CoUege of Loyola, and CoUege 
of Ona, Spain. Entered the Society of Jesus 1879; 
ordained 1895; successively professor of philosophy. 
College of VaUadoUd (four years), professor of dogma 
and Hebrew, College of Ona (two years), and profes- 
sor of dogma. Seminary of Salamanca (seven years) ; 
at present, associate editor of "Raz6n y Pe", Madrid. 
Chairman of the Congress of the "Buena Prensa , 
Saragossa, 1908; chairman of: the Eucharistic Con- 
gress, Madrid, 1911; the Catechetical Congress, 





















Valladolid, 1913. Member of the College of Doctors 
of the Faculty of Theology, Pontifical University of 
Salamanca. . Collaborator m: " Diotionnaire apolo- 
gStique" (by Father P(5rez Goyena: "Affaire Ferrer"); 
"Enciclopedia Universal Uustrada"; contributor to; 
"Lectura Dominical"; editor of: "Mensajero del 
Corazon de Jesus" (Bilbao); "Bandera de la In- 
maculada" (Salamanca). 

ARTICLES: Maldonado, Juan; Martin t Gabcia, Lots; 
MoLiNos, Miguel de; Nierembehq y Otin, Juan Eusbbio; 
RiPALDA, Juan Martinez de; Ruiz de Montoya, Diego; 
SuAREz, Francisco; Toledo, FEANCiaoua; ToRKEa, Francisco; 
Vasquez, Gabriel. 

Pernin, Very Reverend Francois Marie 
Raphael, o.s.r.s., b. at Pierre-en-Bresse, France, 
18.51. Education: Preparatory Seminary at Plom- 
biSres and Seminary at Dijon, France. Ordained 
1876; vicar of Beaune, France, 1876-1883; entered 
the Order of Oblates of St. Francis de Sales 1883; 
director. College of St. Bernard, Troyes, France, 
1883-1891; missionary in Troyes, Nice, and Grasse, 
France, 1891-1909; professor of moral theology. 
Oblate scholasticate, Albano-Laziale, and provincial 
of the Latin Province, Italy, 1909-. . Author of: 
"Manuel du Jeune Homme, d'apres St. Francois de 
Sales" (1885); "Jeanne d'Arc k Troyes" (1893); 
"Pens6es de la V^n^rable Mere Marie de Sales 
Chappuis" (1896); "Directoire spirituel pour les 
prfttres" (1896); "Le Tres R(5vi5rend Pere Brisson" 
(1906); editor of "Les Annales Sal&iennes" (since 

ARTICLES: Francis de Sales, Saint; Jane Frances de 
Chaot-al, Saint; Visitation Order. 

Penier, Abbe Philippe, s.t.d., d.c.l., b. at 
Saint- Valentin, Province of Quebec, 1870. Educa- 
tion: schools of the Christian Brothers; Preparatory 
and Grand Seminaries, Montreal; further studies in 
Rome. Ordained 1896; professor of philosophy and 
canon law. Preparatory Seminary (1899-1901) and 
Grand Seminary (1901-1903), Montreal; vice- 
chancellor, diocese of Montreal, 1903-1906; inspector 
of Catholic schools, and professor of canon law, Laval 
University, Montreal, 1906-1912; rector at St. 
Lambert, P. Q., 1912-1915; rector at Saint-Enfant 
J&us, Montreal, 1916- . One of the theologians 
of Monsignor Sbaretti, First Plenary Council of 
Quebec; has travelled in England, France, and 
Belgium in the interests of education. Member of 
the Society for the Preservation of the French 
Language of Canada; president of the Popular Social 
School. One of the directors and contributor to 
"Revue Canadienne"; contributor to: "Le Devoir"; 
"L'Enseignement primaire"; "Revue pfidagogique". 

ARTICL&S: Schools: Canada. 

Peterson, Right Reverend John Bertram, a.b., 
Ph.D., b. at Salem, Massachusetts, 15 July, 1871. 
Education: grammar and high schools, Salem; St. 
Mary's College, Van Buren, Maine; St. Anselm's 
College, Manchester, New Hampshire; St. John's 
Seminary, Brighton, Mass.; CathoUc Institute, Paris; 
further historical studies in Rome. Ordained 1899; 
professor of Church history and liturgy (1901-1907), 
professor of moral theology (1907- ), and rector 
(1911- ), St. John's Seminary, Brighton; defender 
of the marriage bond (1907-1912) ; synodal examiner 
(1909- ), judge of the matrimonial court (1912- 
), and moderator of ecclesiastical conferences 
(1912- ), archdiocese of Boston. Domestic Pre- 
late, 1914. 

ARTICLES: jEons; Alexander V, VII, VIII, Popes; Apel- 
LES, Gnostic; Apiarius of Sicca; Attila; Apostolic Church 
Ordinance; Apostolic Constitutions; Apostolic Fathers; 
Athenagoras; Bacchylus; Bachiarius; Baldachinum of the 
Altar; Baptismal Font; Baronius, Cesare, Venerable; 
Barin, Ecclesiastical; Bassianus, Bishop of Ephesus; 
Benedict XII; Beyerlinck, Lawrence; Bigne, Marguerin 
DE la; Boniface I and II, Popes; Bralion, Nicolas de; Branch 
Sunday; Burse; Buskins; Canopy; Capsa; Pistoia, Synod of. 

Petit, Most Reverend Louis, a.a., d.d^ Arch- 
bishop of Athens, Greece, b. at Viuz-la-Chi6saz, 
Haute-Savoie, France, 21 February, 1868. Educa- 
tion: Notre IDame des Chateaux, near Albertville, 
and Clairmarais, Pas-de-Calais, France; Assumption- 
ist scholasticate, Osma, Spain; further studies in 
Rome. Entered the Order of Augustinians of the 
Assumption 1880; ordained 1891; former professor at 
Notre Dame des Chateaux, near Albertville, and 
Clairmarais, Pas-de-Calais; professor. Oriental Semi- 
nary, Phanaraki, Constantinople, 1893-1894; superior, 
Assumptionist Convent, Toulouse, France, 1894r-1895; 
superior, Assumptionist scholasticate, Kadi-Keui, 
Constantinople, 1895-1908; superior of Assumption- 
ist Missionaries in the Orient 1903; member of 
General Chapter of his order 1906-1912; engaged in 
research work in the Propaganda and Vatican 
Archives, Rome, 1908-1911; assistant general of his 
order 1911-1912; Archbishop of Athens and Apostolic 
Delegate to Greece, 1912- . Organized the 
Assumptionist scholasticate and founded the Library, 
Kadi-Keui, Constantinople; founded the "Echos 
d'Orient", 1897; originated the idea of recasting and 
publishing in separate monographs Le Quien, "Oriens 
christianus"; made two trips of scientific exploration 
to Mt. Athos, 1901, 1905; visited a number of the 
great hbraries of Europe for purposes of research, 
1908; theologian and consultor, Council of Armenian 
Catholics, Rome, 1911. Member of the Greek 
Syllogus of Constantinople; member of Russian 
ArohsEological Institute of Pera. Author of: "Les 
confr^ries musulmanes" (Paris, 1899); "Vie et office 
de Michel Malfiinos et traits ascfitique de Basile le 
Mal6inote" (Paris, 1903); "Actes de I'Athos": 1. 
"Actes de X6nophon" (St. Petersburg, 1903); 2. 
"Actes de Pantocrator" (St. Petersburg, 1906); 3. 
"Actes d'Esphigmfoou" (St. Petersburg, 1906); 4. 
"Actes de Chilandar" (St. Petersburg, 1911); "Vie 
et office de Saint Euthyme le Jeune" (Paris, 1904); 
"Typicon de Gr^goire Pacourianos pour le monastSre 
de Baehkovo" (St. Petersburg, 1904); "Vie de Saint 
Athanase I'Athonite" (Brussels, 1906); "Serborum 
per Hungariam constitutorum ordinationes ecclesi- 
asticae" (Paris, 1906); "Acta dissidii ecclesiastici 
graeoo-bulgarici" (Paris, 1911); "Recueil des inscrip- 
tions chr^tiennes de I'Athos", in collaboration with 
G. Millet and J. Pargoire, Fascicule XCI, "BibUo- 
thdque des ^coles frangaises d'Athenes et de Rome" 
(Paris, 1904); editor and contributor, with Martin, 
of Mansi, "Amplissima coUectio conciliorum" (by 
Archbishop Petit: Vols. XL, XLI, XLII, XLV, 
(Paris, 1900- ); collaborator in: Vacant-Mange- 
not, " Dictionnaire de theologie catholique"; Baudril- 
lart, "Dictionnaire d'histoire et de g^ographie 
eccMsiastiques"; Cabrol-Leclercq, "Dictionnaire d'ar- 
ch^ologie chr^tienne et de Uturgie"; F&on-Vrau's 
"Contemporains"; contributor to: "Revue de 
r Orient chr^tien"; "Analecta BoUandiana"; "Byzan- 
tinische Zeitschrif t " ; "Vizantiiskii Vremennik"; 
"Bulletin de I'Institut Arch^ologique Russe de 
Constantinople"; "Echos d'Orient". 

ARTICLES: Banjaluka; Barca; Benda; Berenice; Bb- 
rissa; Bercea; Birtha; Bodone; Bubastis; Busiris; Byllis; 
Delcus; Durazzo, Archdiocese of. 

Petrides, Reverend Sophrone (Sophronb Ra- 
bois-Bousqubt), A.A., b. at Saint-L^on d'Issigeac, 
France, 24 June, 1864, d. at Kadi-Keui, Asia Minor, 
18 April, 1911. Education: Preparatory Seminary, 
Bergerac; Grand Seminary, P6rigueux, France, 
Professor 1883-1887; entered the order of Augustin- 
ians of the Assumption 1887; professor in Assump- 
tionist colleges and seminaries successively in France, 
Bulgaria, and Turkey, 1889-1899; ordained 1896; 
became priest of the Greek Rite 1897; associate edi- 
tor of "Echos d'Orient", and professor of hturgy. 
Seminary of Kadi-Keui, Asia Minor, 1899-1911. 




Member of the Russian Archaeological Institute of 
Constantinople; member of the Provengal "F^li- 
brige". Collaborated in: " Dictionnaire de Th^ologie 
oatholique"; " Dictionnaire d'arch^ologie chr^tienne 
et de liturgie''; "Dictionnaire d'histoire et de g^og- 
raphie eccl6siastiques"; contributor to: "Eohos 
d'Orient"; " Bessarione" ; "Revue de I'Orient chr6- 
tien"; "Byzantinisohe Zeitscrift"; "Vizantiskii Vre- 
mennik"; "Bulletin de I'lnstitut archSologique russe 
k Constantinople". 

ARTICLES; Adrianople; Aleppo, Archdiocese of; Amadia 
AND Akba; Amida, Diocese of; Bagdad; Bageis; Cabasa; 
C^SAROPOLis; Calama; Callipolis; Caloe; Caltnda; Candia, 
Diocese of; Canea; Cardica; Carpasia; Carystus; Casium; 
Castabala; Castoria; Caunus; Celendebib; Ceramus; Ces- 
tra; Chalcedon; Charadrus; Chariopolis; Chersonesus; 
Chios; Chytri; Cibyra; Circesium; Cisamus; Citharizdm; 
Cius; Claudiopolis (2); Clazomen^; Cocussua; Colonia; 
Colophon; Colossi; Comana; Coracesitjm; Corfu; Corinth; 
CoHYDALLtrs; Cotenna; Coti^eum; Croia; Curium; Cus^; 
Cybistra; Cyclades; Cydonia; Cyme; Cyprus; Cyrene; 
Danaba; Dansara; Dardanus; Darnis; Daulia; Derbe; 
Dibon; Dioclea; Diocletianopolis; Dionysias; Docimium; 
Doliche; Domitiopolis; Drusipara; Echinus; El^ea; Eucar- 
pia; Eudoxias; Eumenia; Eur<ea; Hadrumetum; Halicarnas- 
sus; Harpasa; Helenopolis; Hephaestus; Heraclea; Her- 
MOPOLis Magna; Hehmopolis Parva; Hierapolis; Hieho- 
c^sarea; Hippo Diarrhytus; Hippo Regius; Hirena; Hy- 
p^pa; Lagania; Lampa; Lampsacus; Lamus; Laodicea; Lar- 
andus; Lebedus; Lete; Leuce; Limyra; Linoe; Loryma; 
Lyrbe; Lysias; Maori; Mactaris; Magydus; Mallus; Mar- 
CIANUS; Metellopolis; Miletopolis; Mocissus; Modra; 
Mubti; Myndus; Nacolia; Narzianzus; Nyssa; Obba; Olba; 
Olympus; Orcistus; Pacandus; Paleopolis; Panemotichus; 
Par^tonium; Parlais; Parnassus; Parcecopolis; Patara; 
Peduelissus; Perge; Pessinus; Petinessus; Phasiels; Phil- 
adelphia; Pityus; Pogla; Polemonium; Polybotub; Poly- 
stylum; Pomaria; Priene; Proconnesus; Ptolemais; Ptole- 
mais (St. -Jean d'Acre); Remesiana; Rhaphan^ena; RnEs^ffiNA; 
Rhinocolura; Rhithymna; Rhizus; Rhodiopolis; Rhosus; 
Rosea; Rusaddir; Rusicade; Ruspe; Sabrata; Sagalassus; 
Salamis; Sabima; Satala; Sauatra; Scillium; Sebabte; Se- 
bastopolis; Selge; Selinub; Selymbbia; Serr^; Sicca Vene- 
bia; Sidon; Sidy^^ba; Silandus; Sinis; Sion; Sitifib; Soli; Sora; 
SozoPOLis; Stratonicea; Sufetula; Sura; Syene; Synaus; 
Synnada; Tab.*:: Tabbora; Tacap^e; .Tadama; T^enarum; 
Tamabsus; Tanagra; T avium; Telmebsus; Temnus; Teuchira; 
Thabbaca; Thacia Montana; Th^en^; Thagaste; Thagora; 
Thapsus; Thaumaci; Themibonium; Therms Basilica; Thi- 
barib; Thignica; Thmuis; Thubuebo Minus; Tiberiopolis; 
TiMBBlAS; TiNGis; Tlos; Torone; Thajanopolis; Trapezo- 
POLis; Trocmades; Tubun^; Usilla; Uthina; Vaga; Zarai; 

Pezzoni, Reverend Ugo Makia, s. p. m. of 
Milan, b. at Alexandria, Piedmont, Italy, 1 Feb., 
1875. Education: Government schools and Episco- 
pal Seminary, Pavia; Seminary for Foreign Missions, 
Milan, Italy. Entered the Society for Foreign Mis- 
sions of Milan 1894; ordained 1897; sent as mis- 
sionary to diocese of Hyderabad, India, 1898; former 
pastor at Raichur, Hyderabad; pastor at Bezwada, 
Madras Presidency, 1910- . Has contributed to 
"Missioni Cattoliche" (Milan). 

ABTICLE: Hyderabad-Deccan, Diocese of. 

Pfeil, Reverend Nicholas, b.a., b. at Cleveland, 
4 November, 1859. Education: St. Mary's and St. 
Stephen's parochial schools, Cleveland; Canisius Col- 
lege, Buffalo, New York. Ordained 1883; pastor, St. 
Patrick's Church, Hubbard, Ohio, 1883-1884; pastor. 
Holy Trinity Church, Avon, including missions of 
North Ridgeville and Sheffield, Ohio, 1884-1897; irre- 
movable rector, St. Peter's Church, Cleveland, 1897- 
. Active in educational work; improved the 
various parishes in his charge by the building of nu- 
merous additions to churches and schools. Author 
of "Christian Education", translated from the Ger- 
man (St. Louis, 1899); contributor to: "Stimme der 
Wahrheit"; "Cathohc Universe". 
ARTICLE: Notre Dame, Sisters op (Cleveland). 

Phelan, Right Reverend Patrick, d.d.. Bishop 
of Sale, Austraha, b. at Johnstown, Co. Kilkenny, 
Ireland, 1860. Education: Mt. Melleray Seminary; 
St. Patrick's College, Carlow, Ireland. Ordained 
1888; successively curate and rector in the archdio- 
cese of Melbourne, Austraha, 1888-1900; dean and 
administrator of the cathedral parish, Melbourne, 

1900-1913; administrator of the archdiocese of Mel- 
bourne for one year; vicar-general, archdiocese of 
Melbourne, 1908-1913; prothonotary Apostohc ad 
instar participantium 1912; Bishop of Sale, Austra- 
lia, 1913- . Treasurer of the Cathohc Truth So- 
ciety. Author of: "Holy Sacrifice of the Mass"; 
"Mission of St. Ignatius Loyola"; "Christian Mar- 
riage" (all pamphlets for Cathohc Truth Society); 
editor of "Austral Light". 
ARTICLE: Melboubne, Abchdiocebe of. 

Philbin, Eugene Ambrose, ll.d., m.a., b. in New 
York, 24 July, 1857. Education: CoUege of St. 
Francis Xavier, New York; Seton Hall College, 
South Orange, New Jersey; Columbia University 
Law School, New York. Married Jessie HoUaday, 
1887. Admitted to the Bar 1886; practising lawyer 
1886- ; commissioner, New York State Board 
of Charities, Jan. to Dec, 1900; district attorney of 
New York County December, 1900- January, 1902; 
regent of the University of the State of New York 
1904^1913; Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, 
New York State, 1913- ; member of the firm of 
Philbin, Beekman, Menken, and Griscom, New York. 
Vice-president of : Charity Organization Hoc; Prison 
Association; director of: State Charities Aid As- 
sociation; Parks and Playgrounds Association; mem- 
ber of the Board of Directors of The Catholic 
Encyclopedia. Member of: New York State Bar 
Association; Bar Association of the City of New York; 
St. Vincent de Paul Society; Irish Industrial Society 
of America; Friendly Sons of St. Patrick; Charity Or- 
ganization Society of New York; Legal Aid Society; 
created Knight Commander of the Order of St. 
Gregory the Great by Pius X, 1908. 
ARTICLE: Libel. 

Fbilemon, Brother, b. at Antwerp, Belgium, 20 
September, 1863. Entered the Order of Brothers of 
Charity 1880; has held the posts of professor of the 
Normal Schools, MoU and Ghent, Belgium; inspector 
of schools of the Brothers of Charity for Holland and 
Belgium; assistant general of his order; provincial 
of the Brothers of Charity for Canada and the United 
States; at present, first assistant to the Superior Gen- 
eral, Brothers of Charity, Ghent, 1912- . Founder 
of several institutions of his order. 

ARTICLE: Charity, Congregation of th£ Brothers of. 

Philliniore, John Swinnerton, m.a., b. at Bocon- 
noc, Cornwall, 1873, son of Admiral Sir Augustus 
Philhmore. Education: Westminster School, Lon- 
don ; Christ Church, Oxford. Married Cecily Spencer- 
Smith, 1900. Lectiu-er, Christ Church, Oxford, 1895- 
1899; professor of Greek (1899-1906) and of humani- 
ties (1906- ), University of Glasgow; becaine a 
Cathohc 1905. Author of: "Poems" (1902); "Apol- 
lonius of Tyana" (1912); "A Hero of Nowadays", 
translated from Lermontor; editor of: "Propertius 
and Statins", Oxford University Press; "The Oxford 
Book of Latin Hymns"; "Blessed John Fisher on 
the Penitential Psalms" (Cathohc Library. 2 vols.); 
collaborator in "Essays in Liberahsm by Six Oxford 
Men" (1897) ; has translated three plays of Sophocles; 
contributor to: "Dublm Review"; "Everyman"; 
"The New Witness". 

ARTICLES: Glasgow, Univbesity of; Hestchius of Al- 
exandria; Paley, Frederick Apthorp I PBOcopiusoFCiESAEEAj 
Saint Andrews, Univebsity of. 

Phillips, Reverend Edward C, s.j., a.b., Ph.D., 
b. at Germantown, Pennsylvania, 4 November, 1877. 
Education: parochial schools, Neuilly-sur-Seine, 
France, and Brooklyn, New York; St. Francis Xavier's 
College, New York; Woodstock College, Maryland; 
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland. 
Entered the Society of Jesus 1898; has held the posts 
of teacher, St. Francis Xavier's High School, New 
York, and professor of physics and mathematics. Bos- 




ton College, Boston, Massachusetts; ordained 1912; 
lecturer on Apologetics, 1913; professor of fundamental 
theology, 1914; at present professor of dogmatic the- 
ology, Woodstock College, Maryland. Author of "Dis- 
sertation on the Pentacardioid" (Baltimore, 1909). 

ARTICLES: Fagnano, Giulio Carlo de' Toschi di; Neri, 
Antonio; Odington, Walter; Oriani, Barnaba; Pardies, 
Ion ACE-G ASTON; Pianciani, Giambattista; Provancher, L:6on 
Abel; Raynaud, Th^ophile; Spagni, Andrea; Stansel, Val- 
entin; Stephens, Henry Robert; Terrill, Anthony; Tun- 
sted, Simon. 

Phillips, Reverend Gbokgb Edward, b. at Glen- 
field near Leicester, England, 1 January, 1843, son of 
George Peregrine PhiUips, Anglican clergyman, and 
Lucy Agnes Vaughan, sister of Dr. Charles Vaughan 
of Harrow. Education: St. Cuthbert's College, 
Ushaw, Rome. Ordained 1869; classical master 
(1865-1882), professor of philosophy (1884r-1898), 
superior of the Junior House (1886), and professor of 
Church history (1898- ), St. Cuthbert's College, 
Ushaw. Author of: "The Extinction of the Ancient 
Hierarchy" , (London, 1905); pamphlets for the 
CathoHc Truth Society; collaborator in Camm, 
"Lives of the English Martyrs" (by Father Phillips: 
"Blessed Thomas Percy"), 2 vols. (London, 1904); 
contributor to: "DubUn Review"; "Ushaw Maga- 
zine"; "The Tablet". 

ARTICLES: Botorne, Gilbert; Day, George; Dicconbon, 
Edward; Edmund the Martyr, Saint; Edward the Con- 
fessor, Saint; Edward the Martyr, Saint; Edwin, Saint; 
Egbert, Saint; Elined, Saint; Hexham and Newcastle, Dio- 
cese OF. 

Piacenza, Vert Reverend Pieteg, s.t.d., j.c.d., 
b. at Piaoenza, Italy, 21 January, 1847. Education: 
Alberoni's College, Piacenza. Ordained 1869; pro- 
fessor of history and hturgy. Seminary, Piacenza, 
1870-1878; arohpriest and pastor, Fiorenzuola, 1878- 
1897; synodal examiner (1893-1910) and synodal 
judge (1899-1910), diocese of Piacenza; prothonotary 
Apostolic ad instar 1896; arohpriest of the cathedral, 
Piacenza, 1897- ; professor of hturgy. Seminary, 
Piacenza, 1897-1903; prothonotary Apostolic de 
numero participantiima 1903; visitor Apostohc of 
Rome and its district 1904r- ; censor, liturgical 
Academy, Rome, 1904r- ; professor of hturgy, 
Roman Seminary, 1907- . Member of the Depu- 
tation for Home History, 1884. Member of the 
Royal Commission for Historical Research for the 
Province of Parma (since 1892); member of the 
Commission for the Reform of the Breviary and 
Psalter (since 1908). Author of : "Storia del B. Gre- 
gorio X" (Piacenza, 1876); "Che cosa S il Sinodo 
diocesano" (Piacenza, 1879); "Quaestiones Liturgi- 
cae" (Modena, 1887); "Dissertatio. In paritate 
ritus festa primaria Sanctorum praecedentiam obti- 
nent supra festa Domini et B. Marine secundaria" 
(Rome, 1888); "De cultu S. Joseph" (Rome, 1889); 
"SuUe Esposizioni del SS. Sacramento" (Fiorenzu- 
ola, 1895; 2nded., Rome, 1896); "Exposition novis- 
sima Rubricarum Brev. Rom.", 2 vols. (Rome, 1898, 
1909; 2nd ed. 1910); "II Rito deUa consacrazione di 
un vescovo" (Piacenza, 1899); "Studio suUe vicende 
deUa indipendenza della chiesa Piacentina da qual- 
unque metropoUtano" (Piacenza, 1900); "S. Sabino 
vescovo di Piacenza revisore degh scritti di S. Am- 
brogio. Presidio diacono Piacentino arbitro nelle 
dispute tra S. Agostino e S. Girolamo" (Piacenza, 
1900;; "Un curioso documento della giovinezza di 
Pietro Giordani" (Piacenza, 1901); "Dissertatio 
canonico-hturgica de jure benedicendi fontem bap- 
tismalem" (Rome, 1902); "De Rubricarum obhga- 
tione" (Rome, 1902); "La vacanza della S. Sede. II 
Conclave. L'elezione del nuovo Papa" (Rome, 1903) ; 
"De Itinerario Antonini Placentini" (Rome, 1903); 
"Una pagina rifatta nella storia del cardinale lacopo 
Pecorara" (Parma, 1905); "Commentarium in con- 
stitutione Gregorii XIII, 30 Dec, 1573" (Rome, 
1907); "Prselectiones Liturgicae in Sem. Rom." 

(Rome, 1910); "Commentarium in Constitutionem 
Divine aflBatu" (2nd ed. Rome, 1912); "Commen- 
tarium in tres tabellas Occurentiae et Concurrentiae ' 
(Rome, 1912); "Practical Guide to the New Psal- 
ter" (2nd ed. Rome, 1912); contributor to: 'Ephe- 
merides Liturgicae"; "Archivo storico"; editor of 
"Ephemerides Liturgicae" (since 1902). 
ARTICLE: Requiem, Masses or. 

Piat, Vert Reverend Canon, Clodius, titt.D., 
b. at St. Maurice-sur-Loire, France, 24 August, 1854. 
Education: College of St. Jodard and Seminary of 
St. Irenaeus, Lyons, France. Ordained 1879; pro- 
fessor of philosophy. Catholic Institute, Paris, 1892- 
; canon of Lyons. Fellow of the University of 
France. Author of: "L'Intellect actif"; "Quid 
divini nostris ideis tribuat divus Thomas"; "His- 
torique de la liberty au XIX« si^cle" (crowned by the 
French Academy); "ProblJmedelahbert6" (crowned 
by the French Academy); "L'id^e, ou critique de 
Kantisme"; " L'Apologdtique de l'Abb6 de Brog- 
lie"; "La personne humaine" (Prix Le Dissez, Acad- 
emy of Moral and PoUtical Sciences); "La destin^e 
de I'homme" (German translation by Prince zu Oet- 
tingen Spielberg; Spanish translation by Carreno); 
"La Monadologie de Leibnitz"; "La morale chre- 
tienne et la moraht6 en France"; "De la croyance 
en Dieu" (3 editions); " Insuffisance des philosophies 
de I'intuition"; "La morale du bonheur"; "So- 
crate" (translated into German); "Platon" (Prix 
Bordin, French Academy); "Aristote" (translated 
into German and Itahan), the last three belonging to 
the "Collection des Grands Philosophes"; edited: 
Broglie, "Religion et Critique" (German translation 
by Prince zu Oettingen Spielberg); Broglie, "Ques- 
tions bibUques" (2 editions); editor (and founder) of 
"Collection des Grands Philosophes" (22 vols, have 
been issued); contributor to : "Archivfiir Geschichte 
der Philosophic"; " Correspondant " ; "Revue de 

ARTICLES: Broglie, Auquste-Th^odore-Paul de; Des- 
cartes, Ren^. 

Pichler, Reverend Alois,, b. at St. Pan- 
cratz, Austrian Tyrol, 23 August, 1869. Education: 
public school, Kaltern, Gymnasium, Bozen, and Re- 
demptorist scholasticate, Mautern, Austria. En- 
tered the Redemptorist Order 1886; ordained 1892; 
teacher in various Redemptorist houses 1892- ; 
professor of philosophy, Redemptorist scholasticate, 
Mautern, Austria, 1902-1906; professor at the Re- 
demptorist College, Katzelsdorf, Lower Austria, 
1906- . Author of: " Gottesminne, dem heiligen 
Alphonsus nachgedichtet" (1899; 4th ed. 1906); 
"Caritas: Weihnachtspiel" (1900; 2nd ed. 1903); 
"Lucian von Antiochien: Fronleichnamspiel" (1904); 
"Prinzipienkampfe", 2 vols. (1905); "Religion und 
Poesie" (1912); collaborator in "Jahrbuch des Vereins 
fur christliche Erziehungswissenschaft"; has contrib- 
uted to: "Historisch-politische Blatter"; "Pastor 
Bonus"; "Gral"; " Christlich-padagogische Blatter". 

ARTICLE: Univebsals. 

Pierron, Reverend John Baptist, d.d., b. at 
Dacada, Wisconsin, 1872, d. at Fribourg, Switzerland, 
IS September, 1912. Education: St. Francis Semi- 
nary, St. Francis, Wisconsin; Episcopal Lyceum, 
Eichstatt, Germany; University of Fribourg, Switzer- 
land. Ordained 1905; at the time of his death, as- 
sistant secretary to Archbishop Messmer of Milwau- 
kee. A founder and member of Columbia Reading 
Circle, University of Fribourg, Switzerland; member 
of the Alumni Association, St. Francis Seminary, St. 
Francis, Wisconsin. Author of: "Die kathohschen 
Armen" (Fribourg, 1911); "Ein Beitrag zur Entsteh- 
ungsgeschichte der Bettelorden mit Beriicksichti- 
gung der Humiliaten und der Wiedervereinigten 
Lombarden" (Fribourg, 1911). 

ARTICLE: Poor Catholics. 




Piette, Right Reverend Monsignor Pran5ois 
Xavtbr, b. at Ste. Elisabeth de Joliette, Canada, 28 
June, 1877. Education: Preparatory Seminary, 
Joliette; Grand Seminary, Montreal, Canada; Prop- 
aganda, Rome. Ordained 1900; professor of phil- 
osophy and theology. Seminary, Joliette, 1902-1905: 
chancellor (1904r-1910) and rector of the cathedral 
(1910- ), diocese of Joliette; domestic prelate, 
1914. Assistant Secretary, First Plenary Coxmcil of 

ARTICLE: Joliette, Diocese of. 

Filcz, Alexander, m.d, b. at Gratz, Austria, 2 
August, 1871. Education: University of Vienna. 
Clinical assistant (1899-1902), jynvat docent (1902- 
1907), special professor of psychiatry and neurology 
(1907- ), University of Vienna; married Sophia 
Pendo 1907; specialist in nervous and mental dis- 
eases. Austrian delegate to many international con- 
gresses; general secretary, International Congress 
for the Aid of the Insane, Vienna, 1908. Correspond- 
ing member of the Medical and Psychological Asso- 
ciation of Great Britain and Ireland; of "Neurology" 
(Tokio) ; of the Society of Psychiatry (Paris) ; of the 
Medical and Psychological Society (Paris); of the 
Association of German Neurologists; of the Imperial 
Royal Medical Association (Vienna) ; Offioier d'Aoad- 
6mie. Author of: "Die periodischen Gustesstorun- 
gen" (Jena, 1901); "Lehrbuch der speziellen Psy- 
chiatrie" (Vienna, 1904; 3rd ed. 1912); "Lehrbuch 
der speziellen gerichtUchen Psychiatrie'' (Vienna, 
1908); collaborator in: "Traits international de 
Psychiatrie" (Paris, 1910); contributor to scientific 
ABTICLE: Pathologt, Mental. 

Piolet, Reverend Jean-Bapttste, s.j., writer, b. 
at Courteix, Corr^ze, France, 24 June, 1855. Educa- 
tion: College of UsseL Preparatory Seminary of 
Services, and Grand Seminary of TuUe, Corrfeze, 
France; various Jesuit scholasticates; University of 
Angers. Entered the Society of Jesus 1876; ordained 
1888; missionary in Madagascar 1890-1891; deliv- 
ered a course of lectures on Madagascar at the Sor- 
bonne 1898; has labored in Wales, at Paray-le- 
Monial, etc. ; at present, stationed in Paris. Awarded 
three prizes by the French Academy and the Acad- 
emy of Moral Sciences; received medals from the 
Geographical Society, the Society of Commercial 
Geography, and the Colonial Union; has attended 
various colonial congresses and the sessions of the 
International .Colonial Institute. Member of: In- 
ternational Colonial Institute, Geographical Society 
of Paris, Society of Commercial Geography, French 
Colonial Union and Society of Social Economy. Au- 
thor of: "Le CathoUcisme en Indo-Chine"; "La 
Religion Catholique en Chine"; "L'EgUse Catho- 
lique aux Indes"; "Madagascar, sa description, ses 
habitants" (1895); "Madagascar et les Hova" 
(1895) ; "Empire colonial de la France: Madagascar"; 
"Douze legons sur Madagascar" (1898); "De 
Notre Emigration"; etc.; "L'Eghse Catholique 
dans le Continent Noir" (in collaboration with 
Charles Vadot) ; " Nos missions et nos missionnaires" ; 
"Questions d'Angleterre" (1906); organizer and 
director of "Les Missions Cathohques Francaises au 
XIX« Sifecle", 6 vols.; "Rapport sur les Missions 
Catholiques FranQaises" (1900); "CEuvre des Jardins 
ouvriers" (1899); contributor to: "Etudes"; "Le 
Correspondant"; "La Revue Hebdomadaire". 
ARTICLE: Abyssinia. 

Plancarte y Navarrete, Most Reverend Fran- 
cisco, D.D., Ph.D., J.C.D., Archbishop of Linares, 
Mexico, b. at Zamora, Mexico, 21 October, 1856, son 
of Jesds Plancarte and Angela Navarrete. Educa- 
tion: South American College and Gregorian Uni- 
versity, Rome. Ordained 1881; vice-rector and pro- 

fessor of Latin, Greek, and Hebrew, College of St. 
Louis, Jacona, Mexico, 1883-1887, and College of St. 
Joachim, Mexico City, 1887-1892^ professor of 
Hebrew and hturgy. Seminary, Mexico City, pastor 
at Taoubaya, and fiscal procurator of the archdiocese 
of Mexico, 1892-1895; Bishop of Campeche, Mexico, 
1896-1898; Bishop of Cuernavaca, Mexico, 1898- 
1911; Archbishop of Linares 1911- . Awarded 
prizes in Rome for Hebrew, Greek, and Armenian; 
member of the Mexican Archaeological Commission, 
Columbian Exposition, Madrid, Spain, 1892; made 
important archaeological explorations and excava- 
tions at Jacona, Mexico, described by W. H. Holmes 
in "American Anthropologist", January, 1893; ap- 
pointed representative of the Mexican Government 
at the Congress of Orientalists at Lisbon (1892), 
which failed to take place; sent on a mission to Rome 
by the Archbishop of Mexico, 1893; former member 
of the Assembly of the University of Mexico; secre- 
tary. Plenary Council of Latin America, Rome, 1899; 
fotmder of "Boletln eclesidstico de Cuernavaca". 
Member of the Academy of History of Madrid; mem- 
ber of the Academy of Geography and Statistics of 
Mexico, etc.; Knight Commander of the Order of 
Isabella the CathoUc. Author of: "Geografia del 
Estado de Morelos"; "Tamoanchan"; contributor 
to: "Boletln eclesi£stico de Cuernavaca"; etc. 
ARTICLE: Cuernavaca, Diocese of. 

Plassmann, Reverend Thomas Bernard, o.p.m., 
M.A., Ph.D., D.D., b. at Avenwedde, WestphaUa, Ger- 
many, 19 March, 1879. Education: St. Francis 
Solanus College, Quincy, Illinois; St. Bona venture's 
scholasticate, Paterson, New Jersey; CathoUc Uni- 
versity, Washington, under Dr. Hyvemat; Lou vain 
University, Belgium; University of Bonn; Oriental 
studies in Rome under Professor I. Guidi. Came to 
the United States 1894; entered the Franciscan Order 
1898; ordained 1906; professor of Sacred Scripture 
and dogmatic theology, St. Bonaventure's Seminary, 
Allegany, N. Y., 1910- . Author of: "The Sig- 
nification of B%AKA: a Semasiological Study of 
the Semitic Stem B-R-K" (New York, 1913). 

ARTICLES: Barnabas of Terni; Elbel, Benjamin; Francis 
OF Fabriano, Blessed; Galatino, Pibtro Colonna; Hove, 
Peter van; Imeonati, Carlo Giuseppe; James Primadicci; 
La Hate, Jean de; Musso, Cornelius; Nicholas of Lyra; 
Pian6 Carpine; Schatzqeter, Caspar; Sem; Smits, William. 

Plater, Reverend Charles Dominic, s.j., m.a., b. 
at London, 1875. Education: Stonyhurst College, 
Blackburn, England, Oxford University. Entered 
the Society of Jesus 1894; ordained 1910; professor of 
psychology, St. Mary's Hall, Stonyhurst, 1912-1914; 
Master of the Jesuit HaU, Oxford, since January, 
1916. Author of "Cathohc Social Work in Ger- 
many"; "The Apostolate of the Press"; "Retreats 
for the People"; "The Priest and Social Action"; 
"A Primer of Peace and War"; editor of "The 
Catholic Social Year Book" since 1910; one of the 
founders of the Catholic Social Guild. 
ARTICLE: Porter, George. 

Plomer, Reverend John Clifton, c.s.b., b. at 
Falmouth, England, 8 Feb., 1875. Education: gram- 
mar school, Falmouth, and Beaconfield College, 
Plymouth, England; Basihan scholasticate, Toronto, 
Canada. Entered the Congregation of St. Basil 1892; 
ordained 1899; has held the post of teacher in various 
Basihan colleges in Canada and the United States; 
at present, president of St. Thomas' College, Hous- 
ton, Texas. 

ARTICLE: Babilians (Priests of the Community of St. 

Pohle, Reverend Joseph, s.t.d., Ph.D., j.c.l., b. 
at Niederspay, Rhein, Germany, 19 March, 1852. 
Education: Gymnasia at Boppard and Trier, Ger- 
many; German College, Rome, under Steinhuber, 
Secchi, Provenzali, Franzelin, Palmieri, A. Ballerini; 























University of Wurzburg. Ordained 1878; teacher at 
Baar, Switzerland, 1881; professor successively of 
moral theology and of dogmatic theology and Scrip- 
ture, Seminary, Leeds, England, 1883-1886; profes- 
sor of philosophy, Seminary, Fulda, Germany, 1886- 
1889; professor of apologetics, Catholic University, 
Washington, D.C., 1889-1894; professor of dogmatic 
theology. Academy, Munster (1894-1897), and Uni- 
versity of Breslau (1897- ). Germany; pro- 
synodal examiner, diocese of Breslau. Founder with 
Dr. Gutberlet of the " Philosophisches Jahrbuch der 
Gorresgesellschaft", 1888. Hon. member of Natural- 
ists' Association of Fulda; member of Westphahan 
Association of Science and Art; member of German 
Culture Association of Silesia; Order of the Red 
Eagle (4th class); Order of the Royal Crown (3rd 
class). Author of: "P. Angelo Secchi" (Cologne, 
1883; 2nd ed. 1904); "Die Sternenwelten und ihrer 
Bewohner", 2 vols. (Cologne, 1884, 1885; 6th ed. 
1910); "Lehrbuch der Dogmatik", 3 vols. (Pader- 
born, 1902-1905; 5th ed. 1911; EngMsh tr., St. 
Louis, 1911- ); "Der Sternenhimmel, die Be- 
wegungen und Eigenschaften der Himmelskorper", 
Vol. I of "Himmel und Erde", in collaboration with 
Plassmann (Munich, 1909); collaborator in: Herd- 
er's "Kirchenlexikon"; " Staatslexikon der Gorres- 
gesellschaft"; Buchberger, "Kirchliches Handlexi- 
kon"; Hirmeberg, "Die Kultur der Gegenwart"; 
Esser-Mausbach, "Rehgion, Christentum, Kirche"; 
contributor to: "Katholik"; "Historisch-politische 
Blatter"; "Literarischer Handweiser"; "American 
Ecclesiastical Review". 

ARTICLES: Euchabist; Grace; Grace, CoNTROVBRSiEa 
on; Impanation; Jhstification ; Mass, Sacrifice of the; 
Merit; Molina, Luis de; Molinism; Paschasius Radbertus, 
Saint; Pelagius and Pelagianism; Predestinarianism; Pre- 
destination; Priesthood; Regeneration; Ritschlianism ; 
Sacrifice; Secchi, Angelo; Semipelagianism; Theology, 
Dogmatic; Toleration, Religious. 

Points, Maeib Louise, b. at New Orleans, 3 May, 
1873, daughter of George Washington Points, of 
Staunton, Virginia, and Delphine Stuart, of New 
Orleans, granddaughter of Captain Joseph Points, a 
hero of the Wars of the Revolution and 1812. Edu- 
cation: Convent of the Sisters Marianites of the 
Holy Cross, New Orleans. Editor of the Woman's 
Department and reporter of religious and educational 
news, New Orleans "Picajrune", 1892-1907; as.=o- 
ciate editor (1907-1909) and editor-in-chief (1909), 
"Morning Star", official journal of the archdiocese 
of New Orleans. Author of: "The Haunted House"; 
"Guide Book to New Orleans"; short stories; con- 
tributor to: "Picayune". 

ARTICLE: New Orleans, Archdiocese of. 

Pollard, Revebend William Henrt, i.e., b.a., 
b. at Ackworth, Yorkshire, England, 3 November, 
1862. Education: Monte Calvario, Domodossola, 
Italy. Entered the Institute of Charity 1897; or- 
dained 1902; successively professor and vice-rector, 
Ratcliffe College, Leicester, and professor at St. 
Mary's, Rugby, England. 

ARTICLES: Providence, Sisters of, of the Institute of 
Chaeitt; Rosminians. 

PoUard-Urquhart, Reverend Jerome, o.s.b., b. 
at Leamington, England, 1850; d. 3 September, 1916. 
Educated at St. Columbus College, Rathfamham, 
Dublin, and Lincoln College, Oxford; received into 
the Catholic Church in Italy 1868; became an 
Oratorian 1873, passing three years later to the 
Redemptorists; ordained 1878; for a number of years 
teacher in various Redemptorists houses; in 1891 
entered the Order of St. Benedict; professed 1892; 
lectured on Holy Scripture (1892-1906), and engaged 
in Scriptural studies from 1906 onward. He died at 
the monastery of his profession, St. Benedict's Abbey, 
Fort Augustus, Scotland. 

ARTICLE: Dempster, Thomas. 

Pollen, Reverend John Hungebford, s.j., b.a., 
writer, b. in London, 1858. Education: Munster, 
Germany; Oratory School, Birmingham, England, 
under Dr. (Cardinal) Newman; London University. 
Entered the Society of Jesus 1876; ordained 1891; 
has devoted his life principally to the study of the his- 
tory of the Society of Jesus and of the lives of Eng- 
lish, Irish, and Scottish Catholics since the Reforma- 
tion; vice-postulator for the Beatification of the Eng- 
hsh martyrs; resident in London. Has travelled m 
England, France, and Italy for research purposes; 
one of the founders of the Catholic Record Society. 
Author of: "Acts of the EngUsh Martyrs" (1891); 
"Life of Father John Morris" (1896); "The Enghsh 
Martyrs" (1908); "The Bedingfeld Papers" (1909); 
all published by the CathoUc Record Society; editor 
of "Papal Negotiations with Mary Queen of Scots" 
(1901); "Queen Mary's Letter to Guise" (1904); the 
last two published by the Scottish History Society; 
of "Father Parsons' Memoirs" (1906-1907); "Docu- 
ments Relative to the English Martyrs" (1908), both 
pubhshed by Catholic Record Society; contributor 
to: "The Month"; "Dubhn Review" 

ARTICLES: Abercrombt, John; Almond, John; Almond, 
Oliver; Armada, Spanish; Asaph, Saint; Ashbt, George; 
Ashbt, Thomas; Counter-Reformation; Eadmer; English 
Confessors and Martyrs; Fitzherbert, Thomas; Fitzsimon, 
Henry; Fortescue, Adrian, Blessed; Freeman, William, 
Venerable; Fhideswide, Saint; Garlick, Nicholas, Vener- 
able; Garnet, Henry; Garnet, Thomas, Venerable; Gerard, 
John; Gerard, Myles; Gerard, Richard; German Gardiner, 
Blessed; Goodman, John, Venerable; Gordon Riots; Green, 
Hugh, Venerable; Gunpowder Plot; Hambley, John, Ven- 
erable; Hanse, Evebard, Blessed; Harrington, William, 
Venerable; Hartley, William, Venerable; Hay, John; 
HoLYWOOD, Christopher; Howard, Philip, Venerable; 
Howard, William, Venerable; Hunt, Thuhstan, Venerable; 
Ignatius Loyola, Saint; Martinov, John; Mary Queen of 
Soots; Molyneux, Sir Cabyll; More, Henry; Morris, 
John; Oaths, English Post-Reformation; Odescalchi, 
Carlo; Oldcorne, Edward, Venerable; Percy, John; Per- 
sons, Robert; Pethe Family; Redford, Sebastian; Sabian, 
Louis de; Sander, Nicholas; Sharpe, James; Society of 
Jesus; Spenser, John; Stevenson, Joseph; Stone, Marma- 
duke; Tyhie, James; Veestegan, Richabd; Weld Family; 
Weston, William; Wright, William. 

Pollen, Maria Margaret de la Primaudaye 
(Mrs. John Hungebford Pollen), b. at Leyton, 
Essex, England, 10 April, 1838, descendant of Pierre 
de la Primaudaye, first Chancellor of the Order of the 
Saint Esprit under Henry III of France. Education: 
Italy. Became a Cathohc 1851; married John Hun- 
gerford Pollen, m.a. (d. 1902), artist and architect, 
1855; has associated with most of the celebrities in 
art and literature of the past fifty years. Possesses 
rare collection of old laces, fans, and XVIII century 
English glass, which have been exhibited at the South 
Kensington Museum, the Franco-British, and the 
Japanese Exhibitions. Author of "Seven Centuries 
of Lace" (London, 1908). 


Foncelet, Reverend Albert, s.j., BoHandist, b. 
at Li&ge, Belgium, 30 August, 1861, d. at Montpel- 
her, France, 19 January, 1912. Education: College 
of St. Servais, Li^ge; Jesuit scholasticates, Tronchi- 
ennes and Louvain, Belgium. Entered the Society 
of Jesus 1878; professor of grammar. College of St. 
Michael, Brussels, Belgium, 1884-1885; assistant 
editor of "Acta Sanctorum", Brussels, 1886-1888; 
ordained 1891; BoHandist (associate editor of "Acta 
Sanctorum"), charged with practical direction of 
"Analecta BoUandiaina'', Brussels, 1892-1912. Com- 
piled one volume of "Acta Sanctorum Belgii" (1911), 
publication of which was delayed by his death. Au- 
thor of: "Anecdota ex codicibus hagiographicis 
Johannes Gielemans" (Brussels, 1895); "Catalogus 
Codicum Hagiographicorum I^atinorum Bibliothe- 
carum Romanorum prseter quam Vaticanae" (Brus- 
sels, 1909); "Catalogus Codicum Hagiographicorum 
Latinorum Bibhothecae Vaticanse" (Brussels, 1910); 
"BibMotheca Hagiographica Latina antiquae et mediae 




iEtatis" (Brussels, 1911); edited: "Annales de I'Ab- 
baye de St. Ghislain par Dom Pierre Baudry et Dom 
Augustin Durot," Vols. X, XI, XII (Mons, 1897); 
principal collaborator in "Acta Sanctorum Novem- 
bris", Vols. Ill, IV; collaborator in " Jahresberiohte 
der Geschichtswissenschaft" (by Father Poncelet: 
"M&ovingiens") (1897-1907); contributor to: "Ana- 
lecta Bollandiana " ; "Precis historiques"; "La 
Science Catholique " ; "Melanges Mabillon"; "Me- 
langes Godefroid Kurth"; "Archivio della R. So- 
ciety, Romana di Storia Patria"; "Recherches de 
Science Religieuse"; "Revue Charlemagne"; 
"Deutsche Litteraturzeitung"; "Bulletin du Mus6e 

ARTICLES: Gall, Saint; Ildephonsus, Saint; Ihen.eub, 
Saint; Leonard op Limousin, Saint; Ursula, Saint, and the 
Eleven Thousand Virgins. 

Poole, Thomas H. 

ARTICLES: Acanthus; Adytum; Aisle; Alan of Walsing- 
ham; Alessi, Galeazzo; Apse Chapel; Apsidiole; Ahch; Ar- 
NOLDi, Alberto; Arnolfo di Cambio; Atrium; Baptistery; 
Castello, Giovanni Batpista; Channel; Clerestory; Col- 
onnade; Column; Cornice; Coucy; Crypt; Cupola; Dome; 
Entablature; Ernulf; Escorial; Exedra; Facade; Fon- 
TANA, Carlo; Galilei, Alessandro; Gau, Franz Christian; 
Gaulli, Giovanni Battista; Jones, Inigo; Juan Bautista de 
Toledo; Labyrinth; Lantern. 

Pope, Reverend Hugh (Henry Vincent Pope), 
O.P., s.T.Lect., S.S.D., b. at Kenilworth, Warwick- 
shire, England, 6 August, 1869. Education: Oratory 
School, Birmingham, Woodchester Priory, Stroud, and 
Hawkesyard Priory, Rugeley, England; Dominican 
scholasticate, Louvain, Belgium. Medical student 
1889-1891; entered the Dominican Order 1891; or- 
dained 1896; professor of apologetics and Sacred 
Scripture, Hawkesyard Priory, Rugeley, 1898-1909; 
professor of New Testament exegesis and BibUcal 
archaeology, CoUegio Angehco, Rome, 1909-1914; 
at present prior at Woodchester, England. Lecturer 
for Palestine Exploration Society. Member of the 
Society of Biblical Archaeology. Author of: "Inner 
Life 9f Father Thomas Burke, O.P."; "Manual for 
Dominican Lay Brothers"; "Date of the Composi- 
tion of the Book of Deuteronomy"; "Cathohc Stu- 
dents' 'Aids' to the Bible": Vol.1, "Old Testament"; 
"Prayer and the Contemplative Life"; "Fifty-Two 
Psahns" (Catholic Truth Society); "The Friar 
Preacher: Yesterday and Today"; brought out a 
new edition of "Dominican Hymn Book"; contribu- 
tor to: "Dubhn Review"; "New York Review"; 
"Catholic Quarterly"; "Ecclesiastical Review"; 
"Ecclesiastical Record"; "Irish Theological Quar- 
terly"; "Journal of Theological Studies". 

ARTICLES: Angel; Angels of the Churches; Faith; 
Faith, The Rule of; Gabriel, Archangel; Guardian Angel; 
Holiness; Judith, Book of; Kingdom of God; Malediction 
(in Schipture); Martha, Saint; Martianay, Jean; Mart, 
Name of Several Personages in N. T. ; Mary, The Name op, 
IN Scripture and in Catholic Use; Mart Magdalen, Saint; 
Monica, Saint; Socianism. 

Portalie, Reverend Eugene, s.j., b. at Mende, 
Loz&re, France, 3 January, 1852, d. at Am61ie-les- 
Bains, France, 20 April, 1909. Education: Jesuit 
' colleges, Mende and Saint Affrique, France; Jesuit 
scholasticate, Ucl^s, Spain; Gregorian University, 
Rome. Entered the Society of Jesus 1867; professor 
of grammar and literature, Jesuit College, Sarlat, 
France, 1872-1873; professor, Jesuit scholasticates, 
Toulouse, France (1875-1880), and Uclte, Spain 
(1880-1881); ordained 1884; professor of theology, 
Jesuit scholasticate, Uctes, 1887-1897; stationed at 
Vals, France, 1897-1899; professor of positive theol- 
ogy, Cathohc Institute, Toulouse, France, 1899-1909; 
frequent preacher of retreats to the clergy. Au- 
thority on Augustinism and French Protestantism; 
ardent opponent of modem errors against theology; 
instrumental in exposing the Diana Vaughan impos- 
ture; one of the foremost in unmasking the impostors 
in the Herzog-Dupin affair. Author of : " La fin d'une 

mystification" (1897); "La question Herzog-Dupin", 
pamphlet (1908); collaborator in Vacant, "Diction- 
naire de th^ologie CathoUque"; contributor to: 
"Etudes" ; " Bulletin de la Utt&ature eccMsiastique " ; 
"La Croix"; "Revue du Clerg6 frauQais". 
ARTICLE: Augustine of Hippo, Saint. 

Potamian, Reverend Brother (Michael Fran- 
cis O'Reilly), f.s.c,, b. in Co. Cavan, Ireland, 
29 September, 1847; d. in New York, 20 January, 
1917. Education: pubhc and Christian Brothers 
schools. New York City; London University; Chris- 
tian Brothers scholasticate, Montreal, Canada. En- 
tered the Order of Christian Brothers 1859; teacher 
successively at Quebec and St. Louis, Missoim; pro- 
fessor, St. Joseph's College, London, 1870-1893; pro- 
fessor of mathematical and experimental physics, 
De La Salle Normal College, Waterford, Ireland, 
1893-1896; professor of physics, Manhattan College, 
New York City, 1896-1917. Appointed by the 
British Government member of the Jury of Awards, 
World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Au- 
thor of : "Gleanings in Electrical History"; "Frank- 
lin and De Romas, or the Lightning Kite"; "Gilbert 
of Colchester"; "The Rotation of the Earth"; joint 
author of the following: "Electric Illumination", 2 
vols.; "The Letter of Peregrinus on the Magnet"; 
"The Makers of Electricity"; "The Makers of As- 
tronomy"; "Catalogue of the Wheeler Gift, or a 
brief illustrated account of works on electricity and 
magnetism from earliest times to the middle of the 
nineteenth century", 2 vols.; former editor of "Man- 
hattan College News Letter". 

ARTICLES: Beccaria, Giovanni Battista; Gordon, An- 
drew; ToALDO, Giuseppe; Vincent of Beauvais; Volta, 
Alesbanobo; Zamboni, Giuseppe; Zantedeschi, Fiuncebco. 

Poulain, Reverend Augustin, s.j., writer, b. at 
Cherbourg, France, 1836. Education: Polytechnic 
School, Paris. Entered the Society of Jesus 1858; 
ordained 1870; former professor of higher mathemat- 
ics; former member of the faculty. University of 
Angers; at present, devotes most of his time to liter- 
ary work; resident in Paris. Member of the Perma- 
nent Council Board for five Cathohc International 
Scientific Congresses, 1888-1900. Author of: "Les 
Graces d'Oraison" (9th ed. Paris, 1914; English 
translation: "The Grace of Interior Prayer", Lon- 
don); "L'Oraison de simpUcit6" (extract from "Les 
Graces d'Oraison"); numerous publications on ascet- 
ical and mathematical subjects. 

ARTICLES: Contemplation; Ecstasy; Louib-Mabie Grig- 
NioN DE MoNTFORT, Blessed; Marriage, Mystical; Moham- 
medan Confraternities; Revelations, Private; Stigmata, 
Mystical; Surin, Jean-Joseph; Theology, Mystical. 

Power, Mother Alice, r.s.c.j, Superior, Academy 
of the Sacred Heart, Detroit, Michigan. 

ARTICLES: Barat, Madeleine-Sophie; Children op 
Maky of the Sacred Heart; Latabte, Marie. 

Power, Reverend Patrick, m.r.i.a., b. at Cal- 
laghane, Co. Waterford, Ireland, 1862. Education: 
Cathohc University School and St. John's College, 
Waterford. Ordained 1885; assistant, St. Brigid's 
Church. Liverpool, England, 1885-1888; pastor at 
Cobar (1888-1894), and at Bourke, and vicar forane, 
diocese of Wilcannia (1894^-1895), New South Wales, 
Austraha; inspector of schools, diocese of Water- 
ford and Lismore, Ireland, 1895-1903; attached to 
the Training College, Waterford, 1903-1908; assist- 
ant pastor, Portlaw, Co. Waterford, 1908-1913; 
lecturer in Celtic Archaeology, Maynooth College, 
Ireland, 1910-1911; at present professor of Archae- 
ology, University College, Cork. Author of : "Manual 
of ReUgious Instruction" (24 editions) ; "PlaceNames 
of Decies" (London, 1907); "Parochial History of 
Waterford and Lismore" (Waterford, 1912); "Lives 
of SS. Declan and Mochuda" (London, 1914); 




contributor to various theological periodicals; editor 
of "Waterford Archaeological Journal". 
ARTICLE: Watebfokd and Lismobe, Diocese of. 

Powers, Rbvbkend James J., b. at Trenton, 15 
October, 1876. Education: Cathedral School, Tren- 
ton; St. Joseph's College, Philadelphia, and St. Vin- 
cent's College and Seminary, Latrobe, Pennsylvania. 
Ordained 1903; former private secretary to Bishop 
McFaul, of Trenton; at present, rector. Church of 
St. Mary of the Lake, Lakewood, New Jersey 
(1911- ), diocesan consultor (1912- ), sec- 
retary (1913- ) and chancellor, diocese of Trenton. 
Author of "What Do Our Universities Teach?" 
pamphlet; editor of "St. Michael's Messenger" 

ARTICLE: Tbenton, Diocese of. 

Poyet, Vert Reverend Canon CiiAUDio, b. at 
Parand, Argentina, 16 May, 1875. Ordained 1897; 
has fiUed the posts successively of chaplain to the Hos- 
pital (ten years), canon theologian (twelve years) 
and (at present) canon penitentiary and secretary to 
the Bishop, ParanA, Argentina. Contributor to vari- 
ous periodicals. 

ARTICLE: PabauA, Diocese of. 

Prat, Reverend Ferdinand, s.j., writer, b. 10 
February, 1857. Education: University of St. 
Joseph, Beirut, Syria; theological studies in Rome; 
courses of Scripture under Father Cornely in Rome 
and Fathers Zenner and Knabenbauer in England; 
College of France and School of Higher Studies, Paris. 
Entered the Society of Jesus 1873; ordained 1887; 
has fiUed the posts of professor of exegesis and Orien- 
tal languages, Jesuit scholasticates at Ucles, Spain, 
Vals, France, and Enghien, Belgium; professor of 
Oriental languages, German College, Rome, 1903- 
1907; at present, associate editor of "Etudes" and 
"Recherches de Sciences Religieuses"; member of 
the Pontifical Bibhcal Commission; resident at Brus- 
sels. Author of: "Th6ologie de St. Paul", 2 vols.; 
"La Bible et I'Histoire" (translated into four lan- 
guages); "Origfene, le th^ologien et I'ex^gete"; col- 
laborator in Vigouroux, " Dictionnaire de la Bible"; 
contributor: "Etudes"; " Revue bibhque"; "Revue 
des questions scientifiques"; "Recrutement sacer- 
dotal"; "CiviltEl Cattohca". 

ARTICLES : Criticism, Biblical (Textual) ; Obigen and 
Obigenism; Paul, Saint. 

Prestage, Edgar, b.a., b. at Manchester, 20 July, 
1869. Education: Radley School, Abingdon, Eng- 
land; BalUol College, Oxford. Married Maria Chris- 
tina Crespo, 1907. Law student and sohcitor 1892- 
1908; has filled the posts of special lecturer in Por- 
tuguese hterature. University of Manchester, Ex- 
aminer in Portuguese, Universities of London, Liver- 
pool, Manchester, Leeds, and Sheffield, and for the 
Civil Service Commission, and chairman of the Man- 

chester Warehouse Property Company, Ltd. ; at pres- 
ent resident in Lisbon. Corresponding member of: 
Lisbon Academy of Sciences, Lisbon Geographical 
Society, Institute of Coimbra, etc.; Commendador 
of the Portuguese Order of Sao Thiago. Author of: 
"Cincoenta documentos ineditos relatives a D. Fran- 
cisco Manuel de Mello"; "Cartas de D. Francisco 
Manuel de Mello escriptas a Antonio I;uiz de Aze- 
vedo"; "Portuguese Literature to the End of the 
XVIII Century ; "Registo da Frequesia de Santa 
Cruz do CasteUo de Lisboa" (in collaboration with 
P. de Azevedo), (translations from the Portuguese) 
"Letters of a Portuguese Nun"; "Sixty-four Son- 
nets" (of Quental); "Brother Luiz de Sousa" (of 
Almeida Garrett); "Short Stories" (of Querioz); 
joint author of "Chronicle of Guinea", 2 vols, (trans- 
lated from the Portuguese of Azurara) ; collaborator 
in "Encyclopedia Britannica", 11th ed. (by Prof. 
Prestage; articles on Portuguese litterateurs); con- 
tributor: "Archivo Historico Portiguez"; "Oxford 
and Cambridge Review". 

ARTICLES: Henby the Naviqatob; Macedo, Job^ Aqos- 
TiNHO; Opobto, Diocese of; Periodical Literature, Cath- 
olic: Portugal; Pombal, Sebastiao Jos6 de Carvalho e 
Mello, Marquis de; Portalegee, Diocese of; Poetugal; 
PoETUGUESE East Afeica; Poetuguese Litebatube; Portu- 
guese West Afbica; Vizeu, Diocese of. 

Prior, Right Reverend Monsignor John, d.d., 
b. at Darlington, England, 21 February, 1861. Edu- 
cation: English Benedictine College, Douai, France; 
EngUsh College and Gregorian University, Rome. 
Ordained 1884; parish work in the diocese of Hex- 
ham and Newcastle, England, starting the mission 
of Chester-le-Street, County of Durham, 1884^1888; 
theologian of Diocesan Conferences, Hexham and 
Newcastle, 1885-1888; vice-rector, Enghsh College, 
Rome, 1888-1898; private chamberlain to Leo XIII 
1898; domestic prelate 1904; superior and vice- 
rector, Bede College, Rome, by Papal appointment, 
1898-1908; auditor of the Sacred Roman Rota, repre- 
senting English-speaking countries, 1908- ; con- 
sultor of the Sacred Congregation of the Index, 1913- 
. Vice-President of the International Catholic 
Scientific Congress, Munich, 1900. Member of the 
"Arcadia", Rome. Contributor to: "The Tablet"; 
"Civdta, Cattolica"; "Rome". 

ARTICLE: In Ccena Domini. 

Pustet, Fhiedrich, publisher, b. at Ratisbon, Ger- 
many, 21 April, 1867, grandson of Friedrich Pustet, 
founder of the pubhshing house. All his life engaged 
in the publishing business; his firm, printer of all 
model liturgical editions for the world; printer for 
thirty years of Medicaean Plain Chant editions; cham- 
berlain of the Cape and Sword to Pius X; resident at 
Ratisbon, Germany. His firm, winner of highest 
awards at all exhibitions where represented. 
ARTICLE: Pustet Family. 


Quiiin, Arthur Hobson, b.s., pL.d., b. at Phila- 
delphia, 9 February, 1875, son of Michael Aloysius 
and Mary (MacDonough) Quinn. Education: pub- 
lic schools, Philadelphia; University of Pennsylvania; 
University of Munich. Instructor in mathematics 
(1894-1895), and instructor (1895-1904), assistant 
professor (1904-1908) and professor (1908- ) of 
Enghsh, University of Pennsylvania; secretary (1903- 
1912) and President (1912-1913), Association of Col- 
leges and Preparatory Schools of the Middle States 
and Maryland; married Helen McKee, of Philadel- 
phia, 1904; dean of the College, University of Penn- 
sylvania, 1912- , organizer and director (1904- 
1907) of the first Summer School, University of 
Pennsylvania. Member of the Frankhn Inn Club; 
the Phi Beta Kappa Society; the Beta Theta Pi Fra- 
ternity; the National Institute of the Social Sciences; 
the Modern Language Association of America. Au- 
thor: "Pennsylvania Stories" (Philadelphia, 1899); 
edited, with introduction and notes, Ehot, "Silas 
Marner" (New York, 1900); edited "The Faire 
Maide of Bristowe" (reprint from quarto of 1605) 
(Boston, 1902); "Representative American Plays, 
1767-1911" (New York, 1917); contributor to vari- 
ous periodicals. 
ARTICLES: Dktden, John and Chables. 

Quinn, Reverend Daniel, a.m., Ph.D., b. near 
YeUow Springs, 21 September, 1861, son of John and 
Mary Ryan Quinn. Education: Mt. St. Mary's, 
Cincinnati, Ohio; Mt. St. Mary's College, Emmits- 
burg, Maryland; University of Athens; American 
School of Classical Studies, Athens, Greece; Univer- 
sity of Berlin. Ordained 1887; professor of Classical 
studies, Cathohc University, Washington, D. C, 
1893-1898; former rector, Leonine College, Athens; 
at present, professor at Antioch CoUege (1906- ), 
and pastor of St. Vincent de Paul's Church, Cincin- 
nati, Ohio. Author of: "Education in Greece" 
(Washington, 1898); "The Language Question in 
Greece" (Washington, 1901); "Christian Inscrip- 
tions of Zakynthos" (Athens, 1902); "Helladian 
Vistas" (3rd ed., YeUow Springs, 1910); contributor 
to: "Harper's Magazine"; "American Catholic 
Quarterly Review"; "Rosary"; "Cathohc World"; 
other periodicals of America and Greece. 

ARTICLES : Athens, Christian; Athens, Modern, Diocese 


Quinn, Stanley John, a.m., ll.b., b. at Bismarck, 
North Dakota, 26 May, 1887. Education: De Witt 
Clinton High School and Fordham University, New 
York City. Advertising Manager, "The Cathohc 
Encyclopedia", 1908-1910; associate editor, "Even- 
ing Sun," New York City, 1910-1913; executive 
auditor, State of New York, 1913-1915; assistant 
Corporation Counsel, City of New York, 1915- 
Contributor to various periodicals. 

ARTICLES: Edwt; Egfrid; Fremin, James; Garnier, 
Jtjlien; Gilbert Islands, Vicariate Apostolic op; Godden, 
Thomas; Huaraz, Diocese of; Httbsca, Diocese of; Ine, Saint; 
Ingworth, Richard of; Kenia, Vicariate Apostolic of; 
Kingston, Archdiocese of; Line, Anne. 

Quirk, Reverend John F., s.j., b. at Boston, 
Massachusetts, 23 July, 1859. Education: grammar 
school, Boston; Boston College; Woodstock College, 
Woodstock, Maryland. Entered the Society of Jesus 
1876; teacher, St. John's College, Fordham, New 
York, 1883-1888; ordained 1891; professor of rhet- 
oric, St. John's College, Fordham, 1893-1897; has 
also held the posts of professor of philosophy at Gon- 
zaga CoUege, Washington, St. Joseph's College, Phila- 
delphia, and Georgetown University, Washington, 
prefect of studies at Boston CoUege (three years) and 
vice-president and prefect of studies, Fordham Uni- 
versity, New York (three years); president, Loyola 
CoUege, Baltimore, Maryland, 1901-1907; professor 
of the Junior Class, St. Joseph's College, PhUadel- 
phia, 1909-1910; vice-president (1910-1911) and 
professor of logic, general metaphysics, and English 
literature (1911- ), Georgetown University. Has 
lectured before the Maryland Historical Society, 
American Cathohc Historical Association, and Johns 
Hopkins University, Baltimore; juror in Educational 
Exhibit, St. Louis Exposition, 1904; former member 
of the Maryland Historical Society. Member of the 
Catholic Educational Association. Author of: "A Pa- 
tron of Scholars" (with version of Campion's "Homo 
Academicus") (New York, 1898); contributor to "The 
Messenger "- 
ARTICLE: Saebiewski, Mathias Casimih. 



Rahilly, Alfred J., m.a.,, b. in 1884 at Listowel, 
Ireland. Education: University College, Dublin, 
Ireland. Professor of Mathematical Physics, Uni- 
versity College, Cork. Contributor to: "New- 
Ireland Review"; "Studies"; "Month"; "Irish 
Ecclesiastical Record " ; " DubUn Review" ; etc. 

ARTICLE: Reason. 

Ragonesi, Very Reverend Fbanoesco di Paola, 
O.T., b. at Terranova, Sicily, 3 December, 1833. Edu- 
cation: Theatine schools. Entered the Theatine 
Order 1855; ordained 1857; at present, superior gen- 
eral of the Theatine Order and rector of the Church 
of Sant' Andrea della Valle, Rome. Member of the 
"Arcadia", Rome. Author of "Vita di Sant' An- 
drea Avelhno" (Rome, 1908). 

ARTICLE: Theatines. 

Rainer, Right Reverend Monsignor Joseph, 
vicar-general, archdiocese of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 
b. at Kaltern, Tyrol, Austria, 10 February, 1845. 
Education: Gymnasium, Bozen, Tyrol, and Uni- 
versity of Innsbruck, Austria. Ordained 1867; pro- 
fessor of Sacred Scripture and Hebrew (1867- ) 
and rector (1887- ), St. Francis Seminary, St. 
Francis, Wisconsin; vicar-general, archdiocese of 
Milwaukee; prothonotarj' Apostolic. Member of the 
Leo Society, Vienna; member of the New York His- 
torical Society. Author of: "Josef Salzmanns Le- 
ben" (1876; 2nd ed. 1903); "Jubelklange aus 
Amerika" (1884); "Short Conferences on the Office 
of the Immaculate Conception" (1889; 2nd ed. 
1903); translated into German "Life of Michael 

ARTICLES: Milwaukee, Archdiocese of; Salzmann, Jo- 

Ramirez Colom, Vert Reverend Jos£ MarIa, 
ph.B., LL.iic, vicar-general, archdiocese of Santiago 
de Guatemala, b. at Guatemala City, Guatemala, 25 
January, 1851. Education: School of San Casiano 
and Jesuit college and seminary, Guatemala. Ad- 
mitted to the Bar of Guatemala 1877; ordained 1877; 
professor and prefect of studies, College of St. Augus- 
tine, Guatemala, 1877-1880; private secretary to 
Archbishop Casanova of Guatemala and secretary 
of the Metropolitan Government 1886-1908; rector, 
St. Rose of Lima's Church, Guatemala, 1888- ; 
vicar-general, archdiocese of Guatemala, 1908 to 
14 April, 1913, when Archbishop Ricardo Casanova 
y Estrada died. Since then he has retired to private 
Ufe, devoting himseK to teaching in the Seminary of 
Santiago de Guatemala where he is professor of 
Moral Theology, Rhetoric, and Latin, being at the 
same time rector of the Church of Santa Rosa. 
ARTICLE: Guatemala, Santiago de, Archdiocese of. 

Randolph, Reverend Bartholomew John Alo- 
TSius, CM., M.A., b. at Baltimore, Maryland, 21 Janu- 
ary, 1867. Education: private school, School of the 
Christian Brothers, Loyola College an'd St. Mary's 
Seminary, Baltimore; St. Vincent's Seminary, Ger- 
mantown, Pennsylvania. Entered the Congregation 
of the Mission 1893; ordained 1896; professor, St. 
Vincent's Seminary, Germantown, 1896-1897; pro- 
fessor of philosophy and Church history, St. John's 
S^tniaary, Brooklyn, 1897- . Secretary of the 

Seminary Department, Meeting of the Catholic Edu- 
cational Association, 1911. 

ARTICLES: BoR^, Euq^nb; Charity, Sisters of; Francis 
Regis Clet, Blessed; Holy Agony, Archconfraternity of 
the; Mission, Congregation of Priests of the; Odin, John 
Mary; Seton, Elizabeth Ann; Seton, William; Tamisier, 
Marie- Mahthe-Baptistine; Vrau, Philibeht. 

Reagan, Reverend Nicholas Joseph, o.f.m., 
B.T.L., b. at Reagan, Texas, 15 August, 1881. Educa- 
tion: public and high schools; Georgetown Univer- 
sity, Mt. St. Sepulchre Franciscan Monastery, and 
CathoUc University, Washington, D. C; St. Bona- 
venture's Monastery, Paterson, New .lersey; St 
Antony's College, Rome. Became a CathoUc 1898 
entered the Franciscan Order 1903; ordained 1910 
stationed at St. Antony's College, Rome, 1910-1913, 
at St. Stephen's Monastery, Croghan, New York, 
1913-1915; at St. Bouaventure's College and Semi- 
nary, AUegany, New York, 1915- 

ARTICLES: Peter of Alcantara, Saint; Siloe; Sinai; 
Sodom and Gomorrah. 

Redon, Reverend Jean M., s.s., ph.L., litt.L., 
b. at St. Brieuc, France, 5 April, 1873. Education: 
schools at St. Brieuc; College, St. M6en; Seminary, 
Rennes; University of France, Rennes; Cathoho 
University, Washington, D. C. Ordained 1897; pro- 
fessor at the College, St. M6en, France, 1895-1903; 
entered the Sulpician Order 1903; came to the United 
States 1905; associate professor of philosophy, St. 
Mary's University and Seminary, Baltimore, 1907- 
1914; professor of Philosophy and Liturgy, St. Pat- 
rick's Seminary, Menlo Park, Cahfornia, 1914- 

ARTICLE: Hylozoism. 

Reid, Reverend George Joseph, b.a., s.t.l., b. 
at Clarion, Pennsylvania, 8 July, 1863. Education: 
parochial schools. Clarion, Titusville and Erie, Penn- 
sylvania; Holy Cross College, Worcester, Massa- 
chusetts; Seton Hall College, South Orange, New 
Jersey; St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, Maryland; 
Cathoho University, Washington, D. C. Admitted 
to the Bar 1888; ordained 1893; assistant rector. 
New Castle, Pennsylvania, 1895-1898; chaplain, Mt. 
Aloysius Academy, Cresson, Pennsylvania, 1898- 
1901; professor of Sacred Scripture and Hebrew, St. 
Paul Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1901-1906; 
assistant rector, St. Joseph's Church, Pensacola, 
Florida, 1908-1909; rector. Holy Angels Church, 
Childress, Texas, 1909-1911; rector, St. Joseph's 
Church, ClarksviUe, Texas, 1911- . Author of 
"Journal of Samuel Maclay"; collaborator in "His- 
tory of Clarion County, Pennsylvania"; contributor 
to: "Cathohc World"; "Ave Maria"; "American 
Catholic Quarterly Review"; "Catholic University 

ARTICLES: Acta Pilati; Adam, The Books of; Apocry- 
pha; Canon of the Holy Scriptures; Captivities of the 
Israelites; Criticism, Biblical. 

Reilly, Louis W., m.a., b. in New York, 5 Decem- 
ber, 1853. Education: Christian Brothers Academy 
and St. Francis Xavier's College, New York. Suc- 
cessively teacher of Commercial course, St. Francis 
Xavier's College, New York (two years), editor of 
"Catholic Mu-ror", Baltimore, Maryland (1876- 
1883), editor of "Cathohc Columbian", Columbus, 





Ohio (1885-1890), associate editor with P. V. Hickey, 
"Catholic Review", New York (two years); first 
editor of "The Observer", Pittsburg (two years); at 
present, clerk in the United States Land Office, Wash- 
ington, and Washington correspondent of the Asso- 
ciated CathoUc Press. Author of : "What the Fight 
Was About" (St. Louis); "Short Stories", 2 vols. 
(New York); "A Catechism of the Vows" (trans- 
lated from the French of Cotel) (Baltimore); "The 
Principles of the Religious Life" (translated from the 
French of Cotel) (Baltimore); collaborator in "The 
Catholic Dictionary" (American ed.); contributor to: 
"Ave Maria"; "American Ecclesiastical Review"; 
"CathoUc World"; "Messenger of the Sacred 
Heart"; "Catholic Family Annual"; "Catholic 
Union and Times"; "Catholic Columbian"; and 
other publications, secular and religious. 

AKTICIiE: Blanchet, Feancois Noebebt aud AuauSTiu 

Reilly, Reverend Thomas a Kempis, o.p., 
s.T.Lect., s.s.ii., b. at Pawtucket, Rhode Island, 25 
January, 1879. Education: parochial high school, 
Pawtucket; Dominican scholastioate, Springfield, 
Kentucky; St. Joseph's College, Somerset, Ohio; St. 
Stephen's BibUcal School, Jerusalem; further studies 
in Berlin. Entered the Dominican Order 1896; pro- 
fessor of Sacred Scripture and Hebrew, Immaculate 
Conception College, Washington, 1908-1915; sta- 
tioned at Church of St. Raymond, Providence, Rhode 
Island, 1915- . Former member and director, 
St. John Chrysostom Society, Catholic University, 
Washington; gave course on Scriptural subjects to 
Dominican Sisters Summer School, Sacred Heart 
Academy, Madison, Wisconsin, 1913. Author of: 
" Messages of Truth in Rhyme and Story"; "Domini- 
can Sisters Breviary" (in collaboration with C. J. 
CaUan, O. P.); "Dominican Sisters Hymnal and 
Rubric Book" (in collaboration with C. J. Callan, 
O.P.); contributor to: "American Ecclesiastical Re- 
view"; "Catholic University Bulletin". 

ARTICLES: Calvary, Mount; Maeiales, Xantes; Medices 
(de Medicis), Hieeonymtjs; Mosaic Legislation; Mobes; 
Nicholas of Strasbueg; Pagnino, Santes; Tongues, Gift of. 

Reilly, Reverend Wendell Stephen, s.s., s.t.d., 
8.S.D., b. at North Hatley, P. Q., Canada, 25 March, 
1875. Education: schools and college, Sherbrooke; 
Grand Seminary, Montreal; Catholic Institute, 
Paris; CathoUc University, Washington, D. C; St. 
Stephen's Biblical School, Jerusalem; Rome. En- 
tered the Sulpician Order; ordained 1898; professor 
of Sacred Scripture, St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, 
Maryland, 1900-1901, St. John's Seminary, Brigh- 
ton, Massachusetts, 1903-1907, 1909-1911; and of 
Sacred Scripture and Biblical languages at St. Mary's 
Seminary, Baltimore, 1911- , and at the Boston 
Seminary. Presented thesis "Exegesis of St. Ire- 
naeus" before the Biblical Commission, Rome, 1908. 
Author of "Quod ubique, quod semper, quod ab 
omnibus", thesis (Tours); contributed to "New York 

ARTICLES: Achaia; Achiachaeus; Achimaas (2); Achime- 
LECH (4); Achitopel; Achoe Valley; Adah; Bandello, Mat- 
TEO; BoNFEERE, Jacques; Cain; Caiphas, Joseph; Cham, 
Chamites; Chusai; Claudia; Cush; Dalila; Debbora; Dives; 
Drusilla; Polyglot Bibles. 

Reinhart, Reverend Albert, o.p., m.a., ll.b., b. 
at Cincinnati, Ohio, 15 August, 1860, d. at Battle 
Creek, Michigan, 28 May, 1913. Education: Col- 
lege of the Brothers of Mary, St. Xavier's College, 
and University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati; Univer- 
sity of St. Thomas, Rome. Admitted to the Bar 
1883; entered the Dominican Order 1893; ordained 
1897; editor of "The Rosary", Somerset, Ohio, 
1898-1904; at the time of his death, professor of 
sacred eloquence, Immaculate Conception College, 
Washington, D. C. Author of: "Sackcloth and 
Ashes" (Somerset); "Luther and Lutheranism" 

(tr. from the German of Denifle); contributor to 
"The Rosary". 

ARTICLES: Houghton, William; John of Ragcsa; Vin- 
cent Ferrer, Saint. 

Reinhold, Gbbgor, editor, b. at Beuren, Eichs- 
feld, Germany, 4 August, 1876. Editor of the 3rd 
edition of Herder's Konversations-Lexikon, 1902- 
1907; on the staff of Krose's Kirchhche Handbuch 
1908; the Konversationslexikon (Keiter's Katho- 
lische Litteratur-Kalender) 1908; editor and man- 
ager of the "Christliche Schule" in Eichstatt, 1910- 
1912; manager of the publishing firm of Hugo Biitt- 
ner, Berhn, and editor of "Deutsche Fabrikanten 
Zeitung", and "Geplanten Neugriindungen in Han- 
del, Gewerbe u. Industrie", 1913- . Collabora- 
tor in Buohbergers, Kirchliche Handlexikon. 

ARTICLES: Berne; DiakovAr; Elba; Elizabeth Associa- 
tions; Ermland; Goez, Archdiocese of; Guayaquil, Diocese 
of; Haiti; Huajuapam de Le6n, Diocese or; Huai^uco, Dio- 
cese or; Ibarra, Diocese of; Jaca, Diocese of; Ja^n, Dio- 
cese of; Karnkowski, Stanislaw; Lamego, Diocese of; La 
Paz, Diocese of; La ]?lata, Archdiocese of (Bolivia); La 
Plata, Diocese of (Argentina) ; Lausanne AifD Geneva, Dio- 
cese of; Liebee, Mobiz. 

Remy, Arthur Frank Joseph, m.a., Ph.D., b. at 
Elberfeld, Germany, 26 June, 1871. Education: 
Johanneum, Hamburg, and Gymnasium, Coesfeld, 
Germany; public schools, New York; College of the 
City of New York; Columbia University. Came to 
the United States 1882; tutor of Latin and Greek, 
College of the City of New York, 1891-1894; Fel- 
low in comparative philology (1898-1899), instruc- 
tor in Germanic philology (1899-1907) and adjunct 
professor of Germanic philology (1907- ), Co- 
lumbia University. Has lectured in German and 
Enghsh before various organizations and societies; 
has lectured at the Champlain Assembly, CathoUe 
Summer School, Cliff Haven, New York, and at 
Columbia Institute of Arts and Sciences. Member 
of: Modern Language Association; New York State 
Advisory Council, Simplified Spelling Board; Phi 
Beta Kappa Fraternity. Author of "The Influence 
of India and Persia on the Poetry of Germany" 
(New York, 1901); contributor to: "Progress"; 
"Journal of the American Oriental Society"; "Jour- 
nal of English and Germanic Philology"; publica- 
tions of the Modem Language Association. 

ARTICLES: Adam of Bremen; Ava; Avesta, The; Bren- 
TANO, Clemens Maria; Beant, Sebastian; Ch^zt, Antoine- 
L^ONARD de; Daumer, Geoeg Feiedeich; Denis, Johann 
Nepomuk Cosmas Michael; Edda; Etb, Albeecht von; Ezzo; 
Feuchteesleben, Eenst von; Flodoaed; Feiedeich von 
Hausbn; German Liteeature; Gottfeied von Strasbueg; 
Grail, The Holy; Geillpaezee, Franz; Grimmelshausen, 
Johann Jacob Cheistoffel von; Geun, Anastasius; Hammee- 


GLtcHZAEE; Heinrich von Laufenburg; Heineich von Meis- 
sen; Heineich von Melk; Heineich von Veldeke; Her- 
mann I; HeevAs y Panddeo, Lorenzo; Holtei, Kael von; 
Icelandic Liteeature; Konead dee Pfaffe; Konead of Lich- 
TENAu; Konrad of Wurzbueg; Lampeecht; Lassberg, Baeon 
Joseph Mahia Cheistoph von; Legends, Liteeaey and Peo- 
fane; Maeelant, Jacob van; Mieacle Plays and Mysteeies; 


Otfhied OF Weissenbuhg; Peutingeb, Conrad; Reinmae op 
Hagbnau; Rudolf von Ems; Saxo Geammaticus; Vedas; 
VOluspA; Walafeid; Wolfeam von Eschenbach; Zeuss, Jo- 
hann Kaspae. 

Reville, Reverend John Clement, s.j., b. at 
Brooklyn, New York, 4 February, 1867. Education: 
Jesuit College, Poitiers, France; St. Charles College, 
Grand Coteau, Louisiana; Jesuit College, Montreal, 
Canada. Entered the Society of Jesus 1884; pro- 
fessor of humanities. Spring HiU College, Mobile, 
Alabama, 1896; ordained 1899; professor of rhetoric 
and sacred eloquence (1899-1915) and prefect of 
studies (1900-1915), St. Stanislaus College, Macon, 
Georgia; on the editorial staff of "America", New 
York, 1915- ; lecturer; preacher. Contributor 
to: "America"; "The Ave Maria". 

ARTICLES: Ravignan, Gustave-Xavier-Laceoix de; 
Scheeee, Geoeg; Segneei, Paolo; Talon, Nicolas; Toenielli, 









GiBOLAMO Francesco; Ventuba di Raulica, Gioaochino; 
ViBiBA, Antonio. 

Reville, Right Revekend Stephen, o.s.a., Ph.D., 
D.D., Bishop of Sandhurst, Australia, b. at Wexford, 
Ireland, 9 May, 1844; d. 19 September, 1916. Edu- 
cation: St. Peter's College, Wexford; Augustinian 
International College, Ghent, Belgium. Entered 
Augustinian Order 1860; ordained 1867; president, 
Seminary of St. Lawrence O'Toole, Dubhn, 1867- 
1874; vicar-general and administrator (1882-1885), 
Coadjutor Bishop (1885-1901) and Bishop (1901- 
1916), diocese of Sandhurst, Australia; Assistant 
Bishop at the Pontifical Throne; Knight of the 
Holy Sepulchre. Took an active part in the National 
Synod of the Austrahan Church, Sydney, 1885; 
gave evidence before the Royal Commission ap- 
pointed to inquire into the working of the Education 
Act in AustraUa, and strenuously advocated denomi- 
national schools, but without success; as bishop, has 
built numerous churches, convents, and schools, 
collecting and spending for this purpose £300,000. 

ARTICLE: Sandhurst, Diocese of. 

Rezek, Reverend Antoine Ivan, ll.d., b. in the 
diocese of Laibach, Austria, 9 February, 1867. Edu- 
cation: Royal Gymnasium, Rudolf swert, and Uni- 
versity of Graz, Austria; St. Jerome's College, Ber- 
lin, Canada. Came to America 1887; ordained 1890; 
has since been engaged in parish work, building 
churches and schools; at present, rector, St. Ignatius 
Church, Houghton, Michigan. Author of "History 
of the Diocese of Sault Ste. Marie and Marquette", 
2 vols. Contributor to various periodicals. 

ARTICLES: Leopoldine Society, The; Marquette, Dio- 
cese of; Mrak, Ignatius; Vehtin, John. 

Richarz, Rbvebend Herman, s.v.d., b. 20 No- 
vember, 1867. Education: Steyl, Holland; St. 
Gabriel's Mission House, Modling, Austria. Entered 
the Society of the Divine Word; ordained 1900; at 
present stationed at St. Mary's Mission House, 
Techny, Illinois. 

ARTICLE: Janssen, Arnold. 

Rickaby, Reverend John, s.j., b. 1847. Educa- 
tion: Stonyhmst. Entered the Society of Jesus 1867; 
ordained 1878; has fiUed the posts of professor of 
philosophy, Stonyhurst College, Blackburn, Eng- 
land, and professor of theology and (ten years) rec- 
tor, St. Beuno's College, St. Asaph, Wales; at pres- 
ent, professor of ethics, St. Mary's Hah, Stonyhurst 
College, Blackburn. Author of: "The First Princi- 
ples of Knowledge" (London, 1901); "General 
Metaphysics" (London, 1909); contributor to: "The 
Month"; "The Tablet"; "American CathoUc Quar- 
terly Review". 

ARTICLES: Cardinal Virtues; Conscience; Fortitude. 

Rickaby, Reverend Joseph, s.j., m.a.,, b. at 
Everingham, York, England, 1845. Education: 
Stonyhurst College; London University; Oxford. 
Entered the Society of Jesus 1862; ordained 1877; 
has filled the posts of professor of Latip, Greek, and 
moral philosophy, and lecturer to the Cathohc 
undergraduates, Oxford; at present, assistant master. 
Pope's Hall, Oxford. Author of: "Moral Philoso- 
phy"; "Aquinas Ethicus", 2 vols.; "Of God and 
His Creatures"; "Pohtical and Moral Essays"; 
"Free WiU and Four EngHsh Philosophers"; "Wa- 
ters that Go Softly"; "Notes on St. Paul"; "The 
Lord my Light"; "Ye Are Christ's"; "The Cardinal 
Virtues"; "Scholasticism"; "Further Notes on St. 
Paul"; "The Spiritual Exercises, Spanish and 
EngUsh, with Notes". 
ARTICLES: Authobitt, Civil; Batma, Joseph. 

1841; d. 27 December, 1914. Education: Notre 
Dame University, Notre Dame, Indiana; American 
College, Rome; Louvain University, Belgium. Or- 
dained 1865; professor of theology, St. Mary's Sem- 
inary, Chicago, Illinois, 1865-1868; rector, St. 
Mary's Church, Joliet, Illinois, 1868-1871; rector, 
St. James Church, Chicago, 1871-1883; Coadjutor 
Bishop (1883-1884) and Archbishop (1884-1914) of 
San Francisco, California. Took an active interest 
in the cause of education; founded St. Patrick's Sem- 
inary, Menlo Park, California, 1884;, delegate to the 
Hague Arbitration Court in behalf of the Pious Fund 
of the Californias, 1902. 
ARTICLE: Alemant, Joseph Sadoc. 

Ritchie, Right Reverend Canon John, b. at 
Huntley, Aberdeenshire, Scotknd, 1857. Education: 
schools at Huntley and Ft. William, and Blairs Col- 
lege, Aberdeen, Scotland; Scots College and Grego- 
rian University, Rome. Ordained 1880; professor of 
philosophy (1881-1884) and of dogmatic theology 
(1885-1899), St. Peter's College, Glasgow, Scotland; 
parish priest (1899-1900), diocesan secretary and 
canon theologian (1900-1914), and vicar-general 
1914r- , diocese of Glasgow. 

ARTICLE: Glasgow, Archdiocese of. 

Ritchie, Reverend Sabtobis Charles Sebas- 
tian, p.orat., M.A., b. in London, 1882. Education: 
St. Paul's School, London; Trinity CoUege, Cam- 
bridge. Became a Catholic 1904; assistant master. 
Oratory School, Birmingham, 1905- ; entered 
the Congregation of the Oratory 1906; ordained 1910. 
Author of "The Alphabet of the Saints" (in collab- 
oration with Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson and 
Reginald Balfour) (London). 
ARTICLE: Philip Romolo Nehi, Saint. 

Rivard, Vert Reverend Eugene Louis, c.s.v., 
M.A., Ph.D., d.d.^ b. at Bourbonnais, Illinois, 1861. 
Education: parish school and St. Viator's College 
and Seminary, Bourbonnais; Minerva, Rome. En- 
tered the Order of Clerics of St. Viator 1882; or- 
dained 1885; professor of hterature and philosophy 
(1886-1911) and vice-president (1901-1911), St. 
Viator's College, Bourbonnais; master of novices, 
St. Viator's Normal Institute, Chicago, Illinois, 1911- 
1912; provincial of the Clerics of St. Viator in the 
United States, resident at Chicago, 1912- 
Potent factor in cause of Catholic Education in the 
Middle West. Member (and first president), Catho- 
hc Writers' Guild, Chicago; member CathoUc Edu- 
cational Association. Author of: "Views of Dante", 
2 eds.; "Bourbonnais Sketches"; contributor to: 
"Benziger's Magazine"; "Champlain Educator"; 
"Magnificat"; "Annals of Ste. Anne de Brighton 

ARTICLE: Viator, Clerics of Saint. 

Riviere, Reverend Ernest-Mabie, s.j., writer, 
b. at Saint-Louis, Reunion Island, 9 April, 1854. En- 
tered the Society of Jesus 1870; ordained 1884; for- 
mer professor of Church history, Jesuit scholasticate, 
Ucles, Spain (two years); former associate editor of 
"Les Etudes", Paris (two years); at present, en- 
gaged in research work, Toulouse, France. Author 
of: three volumes of "Moniteur bibhographique de 
la Compagnie de J&us'' (1891, 1892, 1893); "BibUog- 
graphie du 3® Centenaire de S. Louis de Gonzague" 
(1893) ; ' ' Corrections et additions k la BibhothSque de 
la Compagnie de J6sus: Supplement au 'De Backer- 
Sommervogel' ", Fascs. I, II, III, IV (1911, 1912, 
1913, 1917); collaborator in " Dictiormaire d'histoire 
et de geographic eccl^siastiques"; contributor to: 
"Etudes"; "Revue des questions historiques", etc. 

ARTICLE: Wadding, Michael. 

Riordan, Most Reverend Patrick William, Roberge, Reverend Joseph Louis Orig^ne, 
D.D., b. at Chatham, New Brunswick, 27 August, s.t.m., j.c.d., b. at Cohoes, New York, 20 February, 




1873. Education: schools and seminary, St. Hya- 
cinthe; St. Manx's College and Grand Seminary, 
Montreal, Canada; law studies with Judge De- 
Courcy, Lawrence, Mass.; Gregorian University and 
Roman Seminary, Rome; professor of rhetoric, Ste. 
Marie de Monnoir, Marieville, Canada, 1897; or- 
dained 1897; professor of philosophy, Ste. Marie de 
Monnoir, Marieville, 1901-1904; curate, Cathedral 
of St. Hyacinthe, 1904^1907; vice-chancellor, dio- 
cese of St. Hyacinthe, 1907-1910; pastor at Marie- 
ville 1910-1911; secretary to Bishop Bernard, and 
chancellor of the diocese, St. Hyacinthe, 1911-1915. 
Parish Priest of Ange-Gardien, Rouville, P. Q., 1915- 
. Represented Bishop Bernard at three ecclesias- 
tical congregations in Rome 1907, 1908, 1909; has 
lectured on socialism and other subjects. Has con- 
tributed to newspapers in Canada and the United 

ARTICLE: Bernard, Alexis-Xyste. 

Robins, Jdlia Gobham, b. at Boston, Massachu- 
setts, 25 July, 1846. Education: private schools, 
Boston. Became a Cathbhc 1899; occasional lec- 
turer on Greek archaeology and sculpture. Contribu- 
tor to: "Sacred Heart Review"; "America"; other 
Catholic and secular periodicals. 

ARTICLE: Henderson, Isaac Austin. 

Robinson, Doani; (Jon-ah ' Lerot Robinson), 
M.A., b. at Sparta, Wisconsin, 19 October, 1856, son 
of George McCook and Rhozina (Grow) Robinson. 
Education: University of Wisconsin. Admitted to 
the Bar 1882; married Jennie Austin (d. 1902) 1884; 
editor of "The Courier", Watertown, South Dakota, 
1884; secretary of the Territorial Railroad Com- 
mission of Dakota 1889, and of the First Railroad 
Commission of South Dakota 1890-1891; editor of 
"The Interstate", Gary, South Dakota, 1894, and 
of "The Daily and Weekly Gazette", Yankton, 
South Dakota, 1896; organizer and editor of the 
"South Dakotan Monthly", Sioux Falls, 1898; at 
present. State librarian, secretary, and superintend- 
ent, State Historical Society, Pierre, South Dakota. 
Author of: "Coteaus of Dakota" (1899); "History 
of South Dakota" (1900); "History of Leaven- 
worth's Expedition and Conquest of Ree Indians" 
(1902); "History of Dakota", 2 vols. (1903); "His- 
tory of Sioux Indians" (1904); "Brief History of 
South Dakota" (1906); contributor to "Century 
ARTICLE: South Dakota. 

Robinson, Reverend Paschal, o.p.m., b. at 
Dublin, Ireland, 26 April, 1870, son of Nugent 
Robinson. Former foreign correspondent and (1892- 
1895) associate editor, "North American Review"; 
entered the Franciscan Order 1896; ordained 1901; 
lector general of theology 1902; on the editorial staff 
of the "Archivum Franciscanum Historioum", St. 
Bonaventure's College, Quaraochi, Italy, 1904; has 
filled the post of professor of theology at Mt. St. 
Sepulchre, Washington, D. C, St. Bonaventure's 
Monastery, Paterson, New Jersey, and St. Joseph's 
College, CaUicoon, New York; has spent much of his 
time in research work on Franciscan subjects; formerly 
stationed at Monastery of St. Francis of Assisi, New 
York City; professor of medieval history. Catholic 
University, Washington, 1913- . Author of: 
"The Real St. Francis", criticism of Sabatier, "Vie 
deS. Frangois" (1903; 3 eds.; translated iuto Spanish 
and Italian); "Some Pages of Franciscan History" 
(1905); "Writings of St. Francis of Assisi" a906); 
"Short Introduction to Franciscan Literature" 
(1907); "Golden Sayings of Blessed Giles" (1907); 
"Life of St. Clare" (1910) ; contributor to: "Archivum 
Franciscanum Historicum"; "Messenger"; "North 
American Review"; "American Ecclesiastical Re- 
view"; "American History Review"; "Century"; 

"Cosmopolitan"; "Lippincott's"; associate editor of 
"Archivum Franciscanum Historicum". 

ARTICLES: jEgidius of Assisi, Blessed; Agnes, Saint, op 
Assisi; Alvarus Pelagius; Angela of Foligno, Blessed; 
Bartholi, Francesco della Rossa; Bartholomew of Pisa; 
Bernard of Besse; Bernardine of Siena, Saint; Bonavbn- 
TURE, Saint; Brunforte, Ugolino; Celestines; Christopher 
NuMAR of FoRLi; Clare of Assisi, Saint; Conventuals, Or- 
der OF Friars Minor; Eccleston, Thomas of; Elias of Cor- 
tona; Fioretti di S. Francesco d'Assisi; Franciscan Order; 
Francis of Assisi, Saint; John of Fermo, Blessed; Leo, 
Brother; Spina, Alfonso de; Verna, La; William of Ware. 

Rocca, Reverend Francis, b. at Valmadrera, 
Italy, 1869. Education: School of Technology and 
Institute of Technology, Lecco, Villoresi Institute, 
Monza, and Seminary of Foreign Missions, Milan, 
Italy. Ordained 1891; apostolic missionary, Saidpur, 
Eastern Bengal, India, 1892- ; at present also 
consultor and fiscal advocate, stationed at the Church 
of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Bineeduar, diocese of 
ARTICLE: Krishnagar, Diocese of. 

Rock, Reverend P. M. J., rector of the Cathedral 
of the Assumption; Procurator FiscaHs, Synodal 
examiner and member of the School Board, Diocese 
of Louisville, Kentucky. 

ARTICLES: Abbreviations; Abduction; Ad Universalis 
ECCLESI.E; Age, Canonical; Auxiliary Bishop; Bigamy (in 
Canon Law); Decorations, Pontifical; Disparity of Wor- 
ship; Elder, George; Golden Rose; Louisville, Diocese of. 

Rodeles, Reverend Cecilio G6mez, s.j. Educa- 
tion: Olite, Loyola, Le6n, Salamanca, Spain; Laval, 
France. Entered the Society of Jesus 18.58; professor 
of humanities, CoUege of Carri6n de los Condes, 
Palencia, Spain, 1866-1868; student of the archives 
of Spain, France, Italy, Germany, and Belgium, 
1874r-1883, 1886-1907; managing editor of "Mensa- 
jero del (Joraz6n de Jesiis" 1883-1885; managing 
editor (1897-1913) and editor (1913- ), "Monu- 
menta Historica Societatis Jesu", Madrid. Corre- 
sponding member of the Spanish Royal Academy of 
History. Author of: "Vida del c^lebre misionero. 
Padre Pedro Calataynd" (Madrid, 1882); "Manual 
escogido de lectura piadosas" (Madrid, 1882); "Vida 
de Santa CeciUa" (Madrid, 1882; 2 other eds.); 
"Resena hist6rica de los mdrtLres Ingleses" (Bilbao, 
1888); "La Companla de Jesfls catequista" (Madrid, 
1913), winner of gold medal. National Congress of 
Catechetics, VaUadoUd, 1913; contributor to: "Men- 
sajero del Coraz6n de Jesiis"; "Raz6n y Fe". 
ARTICLE: Aparisi y Guijarro. 

Rodriguez, Josfi Ignacio, a.b., Ph.D., litt.D., 
J.U.D., lawyer, b. at Havana, Cuba, 11 November, 
1831; d. at Washington, D. C, 1 February, 1907, son 
of Jos6 Ignacio and Catahna Hernandez Rodriguez. 
Education: University of Havana; studied American 
law under Caleb Gushing. Admitted to the Bar of 
Havana 1855 ; supernumerary professor of philosophy, 
University of Havana, 1855; professor of natural 
philosophy and chemistry. Preparatory Technical 
School, Havana, 1856; associate editor (and one of the 
founders), "Revista de Jurisprudencia", 1856-1860; 
professor of natural philosophy and chemistry, 
Havana Institute, Havana, 1863; judge, district of 
Colon, Cuba, 1864; judge, district of Belen, Cuba, 
1865; inspector general and member of the Superior 
Board of PubUc Instruction, Cuba, 1866; came to the 
United States 1869; married Mary A. Joyce, of 
Washington, 1884; secretary, International American 
Conference, 1890; secretary, International American 
Monetary Commission, 1891; private adviser in 
matters of Spanish law, American Peace Commission, 
Paris, 1898; secretary to the United States Delega- 
tion, Pan-American Conference, Mexico City, 1902- 
1903; admitted to the Bar of the District of Columbia 
and United States Supreme Court; former chief 
translator and head of the Spanish Department. 




International Bureau of American Republics; former 
counsel of claimants in the Mora, Sanguily and 
Delgado cases; at the time of his death, chief transla- 
tor and librarian of the Columbus Memorial Library, 
International Bureau of American Republics; prac- 
tised international, Spanish, and Spanish-American 
law. Commissioned to present respects of Havana 
University to Isabella II, Madrid, 1860; former 
secretary of Economical Society of Friends of the 
Country, Havana and Santiago, Cuba; served in 
various capacities for Mexico in the United States 
and Mexican Claim Commission. Author of: "Vida 
de Don Josd de la Luz y Caballero" (1874); "Vida 
del Presbitero Don Fehx Varela" (1878);."Estudio 
hist6rico sobre el origen, desenvolvimiento y mani- 
festacidnes prd,cticas de la idea la anexi6n de Cuba d, 
los Estados Unidos de America" (1901); contributor 
to: "American CathoUc Quarterly Review"; "The 
Forum"; Cuban periodicals. 
ARTICLE: Argentine Republic. 

Rodriguez Moure, Reverend Josi, j.u.d., b. at 
Laguna, 29 January, 1855. Education: Institute for 
Secondary Education in the Canary Islands, Laguna; 
University of Seville, Spain; Seminary, Laguna. 
Admitted to the Bar; substitute professor of history. 
Institute of Laguna, 1874^1875; ordained 1879; 
former assistant. Church of the Immaculate Concep- 
tion, Laguna; professor at the Normal School (1885) 
and at the Seminary (1896), Laguna; at present, 
beneficiary master of ceremonies, cathedral, Laguna. 
Corresponding member of the Royal Academy of 
History (Madrid). Author of: "Guia histfirica de 
Laguna"; "Histdria de Parroquia de Concepoidn de 
Laguna"; "Hist6ria de Santuario Candelaria"; 
"Biografia de Sor Maria de Jesiis de Le6n"; Intro- 
duction to the 2nd ed. of Antonio de Viana's poem 
"Antiquedades de las Islas Canarias", with biographi- 
cal data; "Apologia de los cuatro primeros Adelanta- 
dos de Canarias"; "Juioio critico de D. Josd de Viera 
y Clavijo historiador de Canarias"; "Datos hist6ricos 
del templo catedral de La Laguna (Di6cesis de 
Tenerife)"; "El Visconde de Buenpaso (novela de 
costumbres canarias siglo XVIII)". 
ARTICLE: Teneripfe, Diocese op. 

Rodriguez y Fernandez, Reverend Tegdoro, 
O.S.A., sc.L., S.T.M., b. at Santiago MiUas, Le6u, 
Spain, 8 Nov., 1864. Education: Seminary at 
Astorga, Augustinian scholastioate at VaUadoUd, 
College of La Vid, Burgos, University of the Escorial, 
Institute of Cardinal Ximenes, Madrid, and Central 
University, Madrid, Spain. Entered the Augustinian 
Order 1879; ordained 1887; has filled the posts of 
vice-rector (2 years), professor (13 years) and rector 
(11 years). University of the Escorial, Spain; president 
of the Catholic Social Bureau of the Escorial; at 
present (1917) provincial of the Augustinian province 
of the Sacred Heart, and moral instructor of His 
Serene Highness Infante D. Alfonso de Borbon. 
Took an active part in the Assembly which presented 
resolutions on the laws of education to the minister of 
Public Instruction, 1911; founder of the Charitable 
Social Bureau of the Escorial which maintains a night 
school for workmen, catechetical classes, savings 
banks, and loan oflSces, a department of domestic 
economy and fund for providing of dowries. Member 
of the College of Doctors and Licentiates of Science 
and Letters; foimded and edits "El Independiente", 
a weekly periodical. Author of: "Elementos de 
Ffsica y Quimica" (4 eds.); "Elementos de Quimica" 
(5 eds.): "La Ensenanza en Espana"; "Estudios 
sociales", 2 vols.; "Lecturas sociales", Vol. I; 
"Pr^ctica social", pamphlet; "Problemas cientlfico 
religiosos"; "La Pazd el Ahna"; "Ricos y Pobres: 
Misi6n social de las classes cultas y acomodadas"; 
"El Deber social"; "Sindicalismo y Cristianismo"; 
"La CiviUzacidn Moderna"; contributor to and 

associate editor of "La Ciudad de Dios"; pen name: 
Juan del Pueblo. 

ARTICLES: Camara y Castro, TomAs; Santiago, Univer- 
sity of; Saraqossa, University of; Seville, University of; 
SiGtJENZA, University of; Valencia, University of; Valla- 
DOLiD, University of. 

Rompel, Reverend Josep Heinrich, s.j., Ph.D., 
b. at Lindenholzhausen, Hesse Nassau, Germany, 
13 April, 1867. Education: Gymnasium, Montabaur, 
Wiesbaden, Germany; Universities of Munster, 
Innsbruck, and Prague; Gregorian University, Rome; 
St. Ignatius College, VaUcenburg, Holland. Entered 
the Society of Jesus 1888; ordained 1899; professor 
(at present, of natural history) (1900- ), and 
curator of the Botanical and Zoological Museum, 
Stella Matutina College, Feldkirch, Austria. Member 
of the Gorres Society; member of the German 
Botanical Society. Author of pamphlets on scientific 
subjects; contributor to various periodicals. 

ARTICLES: Cesalpino, Andrea; Endlicher, Stephen Lad- 
ISLAUS; Heude, Pierre; Hladnik, Franz von Paula; Jesuits' 
Bark; Jussieu; Kaiser, Kajetan Georg von; Konrad of 
Megenberg; Lacordaire, Jean-Theodore; Lamarck, Jean- 
Baptiste-Pierre-Antoine de Monet; Latrbille, Pierre- 
AndbE; Lossen, Karl August; Mallard, Ernest-Franpois; 
Molina, Juan Ignacio; Mutis, JoaE Celestino; Palatore, 
FiLlppo; Plumier, Charles; Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de; 
TuLASNE, Louis- Ren^; Villanovanus, Arnaldus; Waagen, 
WiLHBLM Heinrich; Wulpen, Franz Xaver Freiherr von. 

Rooney, John Jerome, a.m., ll.d., judge, b. at 
Binghamton, New York, 19 March, 1866. Educa- 
tion: Mt. St. Mary's College, Emmitsburg, Mary- 
land. Journalist 1884—1890; married Marie CoUins, 
of Minnesota; admitted to the Bar of the Supreme 
Court of the United States; presiding judge, Court of 
Claims, State of New York, 1913- . Member of: 
National Geographical Society; New York Bar 
Association; New York County Lawyers' Association; 
American Bar Association; New York State Bar 
Association; Reform Club; National Democratic 
Club; Catholic Club; St. Vincent de Paul Society. 
Author of poems in Stedman, "American Anthology"; 
Bliss Carmen, "World's Best Poetry"; "One Hundred 
Years of American Poetry". 
ARTICLE: Catholic Club of New York, The. 

Rosier, Reverend Atjgustin,, s.t.d., b. at 
Guhrau, Silesia, Germany, 6 March, 1851. Educa- 
tion : Gymnasium, Glogau, and Universities of Breslau 
and Freiburg-im-Breisgau, Germany; further studies 
in Rome. Ordained 1875; editor of "Schlesisches 
Kirchenblatt", Breslau, 1876-1877; entered the 
Redemptorist Order 1877; professor of dogmatic 
theology and Church history (1880-1882) and of 
Scripture and Hebrew (1882- ), Redemptorist 
scholasticate, Mautern, Styria. Member of the 
Gorres Society, and the Austrian Leo Society. Author 
of: "Der katholische Diohter Aurelius Prudentius 
Clemens" (1886); "Der Fahneneid des christUohen 
Mannes" (1888); "Der Stall von Bethlehem" (1890); 
"Der Katholizismus, seine Aufgabe und seine Aus- 
sichten nach Prof. Dr. Albert Ehrhard" (1892); 
"Cardinal Johannes Dominici, O.P." (1893); "Die 
Frauenfrage vom Standpunkte der Natur, der 
Geschichte und der Offenbarung" (1893; 2nd ed. 
1907); "Cardinal Johannes Dominiois Erziehimgs- 
lehre und die tibrigen padagogischen Leistungen 
ItaUens im 15. Jahrhundert. Der Kartauser Nicolaus 
Kempf und seine Schrift: 'Ueber das rechte Ziel und 
die rechte Ordnung des Unterrichts' ", Vol. VII of 
"BibUothek der katholischen Padagogik" (1894); 
"Der Reichtum der katholischen Kirche'' {l896); 
"Gewissenserforschung uber die Anklagen des Pro- 
fessors Dr. Ehrhard" (1902); "Die Uebung der 
Caritas durch die Frauen und an den Frauen" (1901 
2nd ed. 1903); "Furs Priesterherz" (1907; 2nd ed. 
1908); "Liebfrauenschule" (1910; 4th ed. 1912) 
collaborator in: Herder's "Kirchenlexikon" (2nd 
ed.); "Lexikon der Padagogik"; Buchberger, "Kirch- 




liches Handlexikon"; contributor to: "Literarische 
Rundschau"; "Historisch-politische Blatter"; "AU- 
gemeines Literaturblatt der osterreichischen Leo- 
ARTICLE: Woman. 

Roth, Reverend Leander M., b. at Lorsoh, 
Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany, 24 February, 1864. 
Education: parochial schools, Lorsoh; Preparatory 
Seminary, St. Trond, Belgium; St. Meinrad's Semi- 
nary, Indianapolis, Indiana. Came to the United 
States 1886; ordained 1889; missionary, Fort Totten, 
North Dakota, 1889-1890, and Tangipahoa County, 
Louisiana, 1890-1893; rector at Kenner, with missions 
at Waggaman, Red Church, and Frenier, Louisiana, 
1894-1904; rector at Mandeville, with missions at 
Bayou Lacombe and Bonfouoa, Louisiana, 1904- 
1912; principal. School of Our Lady of the Lake, 
Mandeville, 1905-1912; rector, St. Theresa's Church, 
New Orleans, Louisiana, 1912- . Built three 
churches and four schools and organized five parishes, 
archdiocese of New Orleans, Louisiana; organized 
Holy Name Society at Mandeville; supreme spiritual 
director. Catholic Knights and Ladies of America, 
1900-1904; one of the organizers of the American 
Federation of Catholic Societies, Cincinnati, 1901; 
organized the Louisiana State Federation, 1903, and 
the first Louisiana County Federation, Covington, 
1903; inaugurated Catholic Women's Federation, 
1911; United States delegate to the Eucharistic 
Congress, Cologne, 1909 ; took part in the Leo House 
Pilgrimage of the Central Verein, 1909; has visited 
Rome, assisting at canonization of Clement Mary 
Hofbauer and Joseph Orio; as pastor of St. Theresa's 
Church, New Orleans, founded Margaret Settlement 
House. Member of the Executive Board, Louisiana 
Federation of CathoUc Societies. Contributor to 
periodicals and newspapers. 

ABTICLE: Lobsch Abbey. 

Rougier, Francis L.,, a.m., Ph.D., b. at 
Riom, France, 5 March, 1877. Education: New 
York University; Fordham University, New York. 
Professor of French, College of the City of New York, 


ABTICLE: Desmabets de Saint-Sorlin, Jean. 

Roure, Reverend Lucien, s.j., b. at Lille, France, 
1 December, 1857. Entered the Society of Jesus 
1877; ordained 1889; associate editor of "Les Etudes", 
Paris, 1892- . Author of: "Doctrines et Pro- 
blSmes" (1900); "Anarchie morale et Crise sociale" 
(1903); "Hippolyte Taine" (1904); "Un Chretien" 
(1908); "En face du Fait reUgieux" (1908); "Figures 
franciscaines" (1913). 

ARTICLE: Visions. 

Roy, Joseph Edmond, litt.D., p.r.s.c, b. at 
Levis, P. Q., Canada, 7 December, 1858; d. at Levis, 
8 May, 1913. Education: College at Levis, and 
Seminary and Laval University, Quebec, Canada. 
Editor-in-Chief, "Le Quotidien", Quebec, 1879- 
1886; notary public 1880; examiner of law students, 
Province of Quebec, 1885-1913; mayor, Levis, P. Q., 
1896-1900; director and pubUsher, "La Revue du 
Notariat", Quebec, 1898-1913; professor of Canadian 
geography, Laval Universitj', Quebec, 1904-1913; 
chief of the Division of Manuscripts, Dominion 
Archives, Ottawa, 1908-1913; president of: Board of 
Notaries, Province of Quebec, 1909-1913, the Geo- 
graphical Society of Quebec, 1906-1908, and the 
Royal Society of Canada, 1909-1910. Officer of the 
French Academy and of Public Instruction, France. 
Author of: "Le premier colon de Levis" (1884); 
"MonseJgneur D6ziel, sa vie et ses oeuvres" (l885); 
"L'ordre de Malte en Am&ique" (1888); "Voyage 
aupaysdeTadoussac" (1889); "La justice seigneurale 
de Notre Dame des Anges*' (1891); "Claude de 

Bernier, sieur de la Martini^re" (1891); "Lettres du 
Pere Duplessis" (1892); "Le baron de Lahontan" 
(1894); "L'ancien Barreau au Canada" (1897); 
"Nicolas Le Roy et ses descendants" (1897); "His- 
toire de la seigneurie de Lauzon", 5 vols; (1897-1904) ; 
"Notices historiques sur la famille de Ren6 de la. 
Vaye" (1899); "Histoire du Notariat au Canada", 4 
vols. (1899-1902); "Souvenirs d'une classe au 
siSminaire de Quebec" (1905); "Essai sur Charlevoix" 
(1908); "De la propri6t6 litt6raire" (1910); "Les 
Archives du Canada a, venir §11872" (1911); "Rapport 
sur les archives de France relatives k I'histoire du 
Canada" (1911); contributor to: "La Revue Canadi- 
enne"; "Le Canada^Frangais"; "La Nouvelle 
France"; "La Minerve"; "Le Quotidien"; "Le 
Journal de Quebec"; "Bulletin de la Soci^t^ de 
Geographic de Quebec"; "Bulletin des Recherches 
Historiques"; "M^moires de la Society Royal du 
Canada"; "Bulletin du CongrSs des Amgricanistes". 
ARTICLES: Aiguillon, Duchess op; Ailleboust, D', Fam- 
ily of; Akqenson, Pierre de Voyer d'; Avaugour, Pierre du" 
Bois, Baron d'; Barre, Antoinb-Lepbbvhe Sibur de la; 
Bourdon, Jean; Boucher, Pierre; Cadillac, Antoine db 
Lamothb, Sieur de; Casgrain, Henri Raymond; Du Lhut, 
Daniel Greybolon; Esnambuc, Pierre B^lain Sieur d'; Fer- 
LAND, Jean-Baptiste- Antoine; Guijon, Andk^. 

Rudzki, Reverend Oskar Max, s.j., b. at 
Lendzin, Silesia, 2 September, 1869. Education: 
Jesuit scholasticates, Breslau, Germany, and Cracow, 
Austria; University of Cracow; University of Berlin. 
Entered the Society of Jesus 1890; ordained 1895; 
professor at the Seminary, Jassy, Rumania, 1900; 
professor of Biblical exegesis and Oriental languages. 
College of the Sacred Heart, Cracow, 1905- 
Member of the Farther Asiatic Society of Berlin. 
Collaborator in several German encyclopedias; 
contributor to various periodicals. 

ARTICLE: Cracow, The Unitebsity of. 

Ruflm, Frances Gildart, b.a., b. at Mobile, 
Alabama, 27 February, 1889, daughter of Francis 
Gildart Ruffin and M. E. Henry, novelist, and 
descendant of Thomas Jefferson. Education: Im- 
maculate Conception School, Mobile; St. Joseph's 
College, Emmitsburg, Maryland. Delegate from 
Ladies of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul to National 
Conference of Catholic Charities, Washington, 1912. 
Member of the Newman Reading Club of Mobile, 
and the Mobile Chapter, Daughters of the American 
ARTICLE: Children of Mary. 

Russell, Reverend Matthew, s.j., b. at Newry, 
County Down, Ireland, 13 July, 1834; d. at Dublin, 
Ireland, 12 September, 1912; son of Arthur Russell, 
of Newry, and Margaret MuUan HamUl, of Belfast, 
nephew of Charles William Russell, D.D., and 
brother of Chief Justice Lord Russell of KiUowen. 
Education: Newry; St. Vincent's College, Castle- 
knock, Dublin; Maynooth College, Dublin. Entered 
the Society of Jesus 1857; former teacher in Sacred 
Heart College, Limerick, Ireland; ordained 1864; 
engaged in teaching and in parish work. Limerick 
(nme years); editor (and founder) of "The Irish 
Monthly" (for first two years of existence called 
"CathoUc Ireland"), 1873-1912; at St. Francis 
Xavier's Church, Dublin, 1877-1886, 1903-1912; 
spiritual director of the community. University 
College, Dublin, 1886-1903. Author of: "Em- 
manuel, a Book of Eucharistic Verses"; "Erin, 
Verses Irish and Catholic"; "The Harp of Jesus"; 
"Life of Mother Mary Baptist Russell"; "The 
Three Sisters of Lord Killowen"; "Life of Blessed 
John Eudes"; "Rose Kavanagh and Her Verses"; 
"Idyls of Killowen"; "Vespers and Compline"; "A 
Soggarth's Last Verses"; "Moments before the 
Tabernacle"; "At Home near the Altar"; "Jesus Is 
Waiting"; "Close to the Altar Rails"; "Altar 




Flowers"; "He Is Calling Me"; "Communion Day"; 
^'Madonna Verses on Our Lady and the Saints"; 
"Behold Your Mother"; "St. Joseph of Jesus and 
Mary"; "At Home with God": "Little Angels"; 
"Among the Blessed"; "Lyra Cordis"; "AU Day 
Long"; "Reasons for Holding the CathoHo Faith"; 
edited: "Relation of the Church to Society" (by 
Edmund O'Reilly, s.j.); "Sonnets on the Sonnet"; 
"St. Joseph's Anthology". 

ARTICLES: Dbomore, Diocese of; O'Haqaij, John; 
O'Reilly, Edmund; Whitty, Ellen; Whitty, Robert; Whitty, 

Russell, Right Reverend Monsignor William 
T., D.D., LL.D., b. at Baltimore, Maryland, 20 October, 
1863. Education: Loyola College, Baltimore, and 
St. Charles College, ElHcott City, Maryland; Ameri- 
can College, Rome; St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore; 
CathoHc University, Washington. Ordained 1889; 
pastorj Hyattsville, Maryland, 1889-1893; secretary 
to Cardinal Gibbons, Baltimore, 1893-1907; irre- 
movable rector, St. Patrick's Church, Washington, 
1907- . Founded the League of the Good 
Shepherd; inaugurated the "Pan-American Thanks- 

fiving Day". Member of the Maryland Historical 
ociety. Author of "Maryland, the Land of Sanctu- 
ary" (Baltimore, 1911). 
ARTICLE: Baltimore, Archdiocese of. 

Ryan, Reverend Edwin, d.d., b. in New York, 
1883. Education: College of St. Francis Xavier, 
New York; St. Joseph's Seminary, Dunwoodie; 
Catholic University, Washington, D. C.; Apollinare, 
Rome; University of Munich. Ordained 1906; 
professor of modem history, St. Joseph's Seminary, 
Dunwoodie, New York, 1910- 

ABTICLE: Belzoni, Giambattista. 

Ryan, Vbbt Reverend James J., j.c.b., president 
and professor of Church history, St. Patrick's 
College, Thurles, Ireland. 
ARTICLES: Ardagh; Ardbraccan; Cashel. 

Ryan, Reverend John Augustine, d.d., b. at 
Vermillion, Minnesota, 25 May, 1869. Education: 
pubUc schools, Minnesota; St. Thomas CoUege and 
St. Paul Seminary, St. Paul; Catholic University, 
Washington, D. C. Ordained 1898; professor of 
moral theology, St. Paul Seminary, St. Paul, 1902- 
1915, professor of sociology and economics, CathoHc 
University, Washington, D. C, 1915- ; authority 
on social and labor questions; lecturer. Member of: 
American Economic Association, American Associa- 
tion for Labor Legislation, Minnesota Academy of 
Social Sciences, etc. Author of: "A Living Wage"; 
"The Church and Interest Taking"; "Social Reform 
by Legislation"; "Francisco Ferrer: Criminal Con- 
spirator"; "Alleged SociaUsm of the Church Fathers"; 
pamphlets on social questions; contributor to: 
"Everybody's Magazine" (opponent of Morris 
Hillquit in a series of social articles); various other 

ARTICLES: Association, Right op Voluntary; Biel, 
Gabriel; Cenalis, Robert; Ciboule, Robert; Charity and 
Charities; Collectivism; Communism; Compensation; Con- 
ciliation, Industrial ; Family; Foundling Asylums; Homes; 
Illegitimacy; Individualism; Insanity; Labour and Labour 
Legislation; Labour Unions, Moral Aspect of; Marriage, 
History of; Monopoly, Moral Aspects of; Population 
Theories; Poverty and Pauperism; Rerum Nov arum; So- 
cialistic Communities. 

Ryan, Reverend Michael Jambs, Ph.D., d.d., 
b. in Newfoundland, 16 April, 1863. Education: St. 
Bonaventure's College, St. Johns, Newfoundland; 
matriculated London University; Irish College, Rome. 
Propaganda, Rome. Ordained 1886; has filled the 
posts of professor at St. Bonaventure's College, and 
assistant at the cathedral, St. Johns, Newfoundland; 
professor of logic, ontology, and the history of 
philosophy, St. Bernard's Seminary (1899- ), and 

examiner of the Clergy (1910- ), Rochester, New 
York; professor of theology, St. Augustine's Seminary, 
Toronto, Canada, 1913- . Catholic representa- 
tive, council of Higher Education, St. Johns, New- 
foundland; member of Committee on Philosophical 
Books for Students, Catholic Educational Congress, 
1912. Author of: "De Doctrina S. Joannis Evangel- 
istae circa Baptismi Sacramentum " (Rochester, 1908); 
collaborator in Hastings, "Encyclopedia of Religion 
and Ethics" (by Dr. Ryan: Coleridge); contributor 
to: "American Ecclesiastical Review"; "Catholic 
University Bulletin"; "Seven Hills". 

ARTICLES: Certitude; Character (in Catholic Theol- 
ogy) ; Epicureanism. 

Ryan, Reverend Patrick A., s.j. 

ARTICLE: Universities: United States — Loyola Univer- 
sity, New Orleans. 

Ryan, Reverend Patrick W. F., s.j., writer, 
b. at Orwell Estate, Gampola, Ceylon, 17 February, 
1866. Education: Stonyhurst College, Blackburn, 
England; St. Beuno's College, St. Asaph, Wales. 
Entered the Society of Jesus 1885; former professor 
at Stonyhurst CoUege, Blackburn, England, at St. 
Aloysius College, Glasgow, Scotland, and at Wimble- 
don College, London; ordained 1897; for a few years 
engaged in parish work; has been engaged in research 
work at various Hbraries and archives on subjects 
connected with the English Martyrs; at present, 
assistant at Church of Saints Michael and John the 
Evangelist, CUtheroe, England. Contributor to: 
Catholic Record Society publications; "Analecta 

ARTICLES: Abbot, Henry; Adams, John, Venerable;' 
Almond, John, Venerable; Amias, John, Venerable; Ander- 
ton, Robert, Venerable; Andleby, William, Venerable; 
Ashley, Ralph, Venerable; Ashton, Roger, Venerable; 
Atkinson, Thomas, Venerable; Beuno, Saint; Broughton, 
Richard; Canute IV, Saint; Clifford, William; Coffin, Ed- 
ward; Constable, John; Coombes, William Henry; Corbie, 
Ambrose AND Ralph; Cresswell, Joseph; Curr, Joseph; Ed- 
mund Arrowsmith, Venerable; Elphege, Saint; Ethelbebt, 
Saint (King of the East Angles); Ethelwold, Saint; Rigby, 
Nicholas; Ritter, Henry; Thomas Alfield, Venerable; 
Thomas Cottam, Blessed. 

Ryan, Thomas P., c.p.a., b. in New York, October, 
1859; d. at Yonkers, 24 December, 1907, son of Abel 
and Catherine (Hill) Ryan. Education: parochial 
schools and De La SaUe Institute, New York. 
Married Mary Frances Jennings, 1889; throughout 
his career, active in the development of the profession 
of pubUc accountancy, having professional engage- 
ments in many of the larger cities of the United 
States and also in Europe. Member-at-large of The 
American Association of PubUc Accountants; director, 
and vice-president, 1906-1907, New York State 
Society of Certified Public Accountants; member of 
the board of directors of: The CathoUc Encyclopedia; 
the Virginia and North Carohna Wheel Co.; St. 
Mary's Wheel and Spoke Co.; Cook and Bernheimer 
Co.; member of: the Transportation Club; CathoUc 
Club; Fabian Union, New York City; the Elks; the 
Knights of Columbus, Yonkers. Contributor to the 
"Journal of Accountancy". 

Ryan, Reverend Wilfrid J., s.j., p.g.s., b. near 
Melbourne, AustraUa, 30 September, 1878. Educa- 
tion: St. Patrick's College, St. Francis Xavier's 
College, Melbourne University, Melbourne; Loyola 
House, Sydney; St. Mary's Hall, Stonyhurst College, 
Blackburn, England; Jesuit scholasticate, Milltown 
Park, Dublin, Ireland; National University of 
Ireland; University of Innsbruck, Austria. Entered 
the Society of Jesus 1895; professor of mathematics, 
Latin, and EngUsh, Jesuit College, Sydney, Australia, 
1901-1906; ordained 1912; at present, assistant, 
Riverview College Observatory, Sydney. Former 
secretary of Old Boys' Union, St. Francis Xavier's 
College, Melbourne; discoverer of the first definite 




fossil forms in Irish Cambrian rocks; conducted a 
scientific excursion of the Dublin Naturalists' Field 
Club; former member, Secondary School Teachers' 
Association of New South Wales. Member of the 
Dublia NaturaUsts' Association; Fellow of the 
Geological Society (London). Contributor of educa- 
tional and scientific articles to "Studies" and to 
other Irish, English, and AustraUan periodicals. 
ARTICLE: Schools: In Austkalia. 

Rybrook, Reverenb George G., o.prsem., d.d., 
b. at De Eerde, Holland, 28 April, 1876. Education: 
St. Norbert's College, Heeswijk, Holland; Abbey 
of Berne, Heeswijk, Holland; Apostolic Mission 
House, Washington, D. C; Gregorian University, 
Rome. Entered the Premonstratensian Order 1894; 

ordained 1900; professor, St. Norbert's College, West 
De Pare, Wisconsin, 1901-1907; missionary 1907- 
1911; student, Gregorian University, Rome, 1911- 
1914. Sub-prior and professor of dogmatic theology 
and Sacred Scripture, St. Norbert's Priory, West De 
Pere, Wisconsin, 1914- . Member of the Peter 
Canisius Apologetics Association (Holland) ; contribu- 
tor to "Katholiek Sociaal Weekblad". 
ARTICLE: Rites, Pbemonbtbatensian. 

Ryo, Rbvbkend Jean Marie, s.m.m., b. at P&ule, 
France, 29 October, 1879; entered the Society of 
Mary of Montfort 1899; ordained 1904; missionary 
for a number of years in the Vicariate Apostolic of 
Shir6, Africa; at present, in charge of the Nankunda 
mission in this vicariate. 
ARTICLE: Shib£, Vicabiatb Apostolic of. 

Sacher, Hermann, ph.D., b. at Schreiberhau, 
Silesia, Germany, 21 March, 1873. Education: 
public schools at Schreiberhau and Hermsdorf- 
Kynast, Gymnasium at Neisse, and Universities of 
Greifswald and Breslau, Germany. Connected with 
Herder's pubUshing house, Freiburg-im-Breisgau, 
Germany, 1902- ; at present, associate editor of 
Herder's "Konversationslexikon" and (1907- ) of 
"Staatslexikon der Gorresgesellsohaft". Collabora- 
tor in "Lexikon der Padagogie". 

ARTICLES: Centre (Centre Party), The; Lippe; Olden- 
burg; Reuss; Saxe-Altenbtjrg; Saxb-Coburg and Gotha; 
Saxe-Meiningen; Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach; Saxony; Schaum- 
btjrg-Lippe; Schw arzbtjrg ; Styria; Thuringia; Waldeck, 
Principality of; Wurtemberq, Kingdom of. 

Sagmuller, Reverend Johannes Baptist, Ph.D., 
S.T.D., b. at Winterreute, Wiirtemberg, 24 February, 
1860. Education: Latin School at Mergentheim, 
High School at Ehingen, and Seminary at Ttibingen, 
Germany. Ordained 1884; curate at Alpirsbach, 
Germany, 1884-1887; tutor at the Seminary, Tubin- 
gen, 1887-1893; special professor of history (1893- 
1896) and professor of canon law and pegagogios 
(1896- ), University of Tubingen. Author of: 
"Die Papstwahlen und die Staaten von 1447-1555" 
(1890); "Die PapstwahlbuUen und das staatliche 
Recht der Exklusive" (1892); "Zur Geschichte des 
Kardinalats" (1893); "Die Tatigkeit und Stellung 
der Kardinale bis Papst Bonifaz VIII" (1896); "Die 
Entwicklung des Archipresbyterats und Dekanats bis 
zum Ende des Karolingerreichs" (1898); "Lelrcbuch 
des katholischen Kirchenrechts" (1904; 2nd ed. 1909) ; 
"Die kirchliche Aufklarung am Hofe des Herzogs 
Karl Eugen von Wiirttemberg" (1906); "Die 
Trennung von Kirche und Staat" (1907); "Wis- 
senschaft und Glaube in der kirchUchen Aufklarung" 
(1910); "UnwissenschaftUchkeit und Unglaube in 
der kirchlichen Aufklarung" (1910); "Der Rechtsan- 
spruch der katholischen Kirche in Deutschland auf 
finanzieUe Leistungen Seitens des Staates" (1913); 
collaborator in: Herder's "Kirchenlexikon"; Herder's 
"Konversationslexikon"; "Staatslexikon", 3rd ed.; 
contributor to: "Theologische Quartalsohrift"; 
"Katholik" ; "Archiv fur katholisches Kirchenrecht" ; 
"Historisches Jahrbuch"; "Historisch-politische 
Blatter"; "Magazin fiir Padagogik"; "Literarische 
Rundschau"; "Theologische Revue"; "AUgemeines 
Literaturblatt"; "Deutsche Literaturzeitung"; asso- 
ciate editor of "Theologische Quartalschrift". 

ARTICLES: Cardinal; Drey, Johann Sebastian von; 
Emancipation, Ecclesiastical; Exclusion, Right of; Ex- 
emption; Hefele, Karl Joseph von; Judge, Ecclesiastical; 
Jurisdiction, Ecclesiastical; Kober, Franz Quirin von; 
Lay Tithes; Letters, Ecclesiastical; Ligamen; Patron and 
Patronage; Privileges, Ecclesiastical; Tubingen, Univer- 
sity of. 

St. David, Mother Mart, b. at Millan, France, 
9 July, 1842. Entered the Order of the Presentation 
1861; transferred to Canada 1876 ; provincial superior, 
Canadian Province, Order of the Presentation, 
resident at St. Hyacinth, P. Q., 1897- . Has 
founded twenty-five houses of her order in Canada 
and the United States; erected a normal school, 
St. Hyacinth, 1912. 

ARTICLE: Presentation of Mahy, Congregation of the. 

St. Euphemia, Reverend Mother (Catherine 
Lbtellier de St. Just), b at Riviere Quelle, P. Q. 

Canada, 25 December, 1849. Education: College of 
Jesus-Mary, Quebec. Entered the Order of Jesus- 
Mary 1872; has been superior of various houses of her 
order in Canada and the United States; stationed for 
a time in France and in Rome; at present, superior of 
the Convent of Jesus-Mary, New York. Founded 
"Our Lady of Peace" residence for women, New 
ARTICLE: Jesus Mary, Religious of. 

Saint Tgnace de Loyola, Sister (Rose Anna 
Beaudoin), b. at Plessisville, P. Q., Canada, 25 
March, 1867. Education: Model School at Ste. 
H6n6dine, and Normal School, Laval, P. Q., Canada. 
Teacher successively at St. Pierre de Broughton, Ste. 
Sophie de Megantic, St. Sylvestre and St. Anselme, 
Canada; entered the order of Sisters of the Good 
Shepherd of Charity, Montreal; former teacher, 
Academy of St. Aloysius Gonzaga, Montreal; having 
left the Good Shepherd Order on account of ill health, 
entered the Order of Our Lady of Perpetual Help of 
St. Damien, 1893; has filled the posts of, assistant 
superior and secretary, and (1898-1910) of directress 
of classes, Mother House of the Sisters of Our Lady 
of Perpetual Help, St. Damien, Bellechasse County, 
P. Q. ; at present relieved of charges on account of ill 
health; stationed at St. Damien. Founded five 
parochial schools; has been active in the domains of 
arboriculture and agriculture. Author of various 
agricultural reports. 

ARTICLE: Perpetual Help, Sisters of Our Lady of. 

Saint Peter, Mother Mary (Jane Landsdowne), 
Sister of the Holy Child, b. in England, d. at Sharon 
Hill, Pennsylvania, 1 December, 1906. Education: 
Dominican Convents, Clifton and Stone, England; 
Convent of the Holy Child, St. Leonard's, England. 
Entered the Order of the Holy Child 1861; fiUed the 
post of teacher in the parochial schools of London, at 
the Convent of the Holy Child, Toule, France, at St. 
Michael's, Boarding School, St. Leonard's, England, 
and at the Convent of the Holy Child, Blackpool, 
England; superior. Convent of the Holy Child, 
Preston, England, 1882-1885; came to the United 
States 1885; former teacher at Lincoln, Nebraska, 
and Cheyenne, Wyoming; stationed at the Convent 
of the Holy Child, Sharon Hill, Pennsylvania, 1894- 
1906. Author of: "Legends of Our Blessed Lady 
and the Saints"; "Five O'Clock Stories"; "More 
Five O'clock Stories"; "The Leper Queen"; "The 
Shadow of Eversleigh"; "Mary the Queen"; 
"Miracles of Our Lord"; "Lessons of the King"; 
"The Gift of the King"; "Talks with the Little Ones 
about the Apostles' Creed"; "The Queen's Festivals"; 
dramatized various pious legends. 
ARTICLE: Holy Child Jesus, Society of the. 

Salaville, Reverend S^v^rien, a.a., b. at 
Serviferes, Lozfere, France, 29 October, 1881. Educa- 
tion: Abbey of Livry, Paris; scholasticate of Notre 
Dame de France, Jerusalem; House of St. Augustine, 
Louvain, Belgium. Entered the Order of Augustini- 
ans of the Assumption 1897; ordained 1907; professor 
of Chiu-ch history, scholasticate of Notre Dame de 
France, Jerusalem, 1907-1908; professor of compara- 
tive hturgy, Greek Catholic Seminary of St. Leo 
(1908-1911), and superior of the Assumptionist 





Convent (1911- ), Kadi-Keui, Constantinople, 
Turkey. Participated in the Second Congress of 
Velehrad, 1909; read paper on " L'Eucharistie et les 
^glises d'Orient", Eucharistic Congress, Cologne, 
1909. Member of the Russian Archajological Insti- 
tute of Constantinople. Collaborator in: Vaoant- 
Mangenot, " Dictionnaire de thdologie catholique"; 
Cabrol-Leclercq, "Dictionnaire d'arch(5ologie chr6ti- 
enne et de liturgie"; Baudrillart, "Dictionnaire 
d'histoire et de g6ographie eccl&iastiques"; d'AlJs, 
"Dictionnaire apolog<;tique de la foi catholique"; 
"Etudes de thSologie orientale" (Paris); contributor 
to: "Revue augustinienne"; "Slavorum litteree 
theologicse " ; editor of "Echos d'Orient". 

ARTICLES: Hamatha; Hebron; Hesebon; Hippos; Ionian 
Islands; Memphis; Methymna; Miletus; Mittlene; Mtlasa, 

Saldanha, Joseph Louis, b.a., b. at Dharwar, 
Bombay Presidency, India, 1870. Education: St. 
Aloysius College, Mangalore; University of Madras, 
India. Has held the posts of teacher in various 
schools and colleges; at present, professor of English, 
St. Aloysius College, Mangalore. Contributor to 
various periodicals; editor of "The Christian 

ABTICLE: Stephens, Thomas. 

Salembier, Very Reverend Canon Louis, 
S.T.D., b. at Leers, France, 7 March, 1849. Educa- 
tion: College of Notre Dame de la TTombe at Kain, 
Seminary at Cambria and University of Lille, France. 
Ordained 1873; professor, College of Notre Dame, 
Valenciennes, France, 1869-1872; vicar, St. James's 
Church, Douai, France, 1873-1877; chaplain. Monas- 
tery of Esquermes, Lille, 1877-1893; charged with the 
applications of students (1893-1901), professor of 
Church history (1893- ), and secretary general 
(1898- ), Catholic University of Lille; censor of 
books, diocese of Cambrai, 1907; canon of the 
Cathedral of Cambrai. Former President of the 
Alumni, University of Lille. Member of the Histori- 
cal Society of Compifegne, and the Geographical 
Society of LiDe. Author of: "Cinquante thfeses 
latines pour licence en th^ologie" (1882); "Les 
examens de jeunes fiUes dans le nord de la France" 
(1883); "Cardinal Pierre d'Ailly, 6v6que de Cambrai, 
1350-1420", Latin thesis for doctorate (1886); 
"Petrus de Alliaco" (1886); " L'universit6 de Douai" 
(1887); "Philippe de Maizieres et le songe du Vergier" 
(1887); "Le Bienheureux Edmond Campion et ses 
compagnons mart3rrs" (1888); "Notions de psycholo- 
gie k I'usage des jeunes filles" (1890); "Biographic 
des PrStres du diocfese de Cambrai", 2 vols. (1890); 
"Mgr. Bridoux et la mission du Tanganika" (1891); 
"Vie de Jeanne d'Arc S, I'usage des 6ooles" (1892; 
3rd ed. 1899); "Un 6veque de Cambrai et la d^cou- 
verte de I'Am&ique" (1892); "Du tombeau de Saint 
Remi au berceau de Jeanne d'Arc" (1896); "La 
faculty de th^ologie de Paris et ses docteurs les plus 
c4I6bres" (1898); "Le grand Schisme d'Occident" 
(1900; 4th ed. 1906; Spanish tr. 1902; Italian tr. 
1903; English tr. 1907); "Deux conciles inconnus de 
Cambrai et de LiUe" (1901); "Une nouvelle histoire 
du concile de Trente" (1902) ; "De Bossuet k Davin" 
(1904); "Michelet, sa vie, ses id6es, sa m6thode, son 
style" (1906; 2 eds.); "Les oeuvres francaises du 
Cardinal Pierre d'Ailly" (1907); "Le grand Schisme 
d'Occident au point de vue apolog^tique " (1907); 
"Martin d'Alpartil et Pierre d'Ailly" (1908); "L'his- 
toire eccMsiastique et M. I'AbbS Loisy" (1908); 
" Bibliographie des oeuvres du Cardinal Pierre 
d'Ailly" (1909); "Hommes et choses de Flandre" 
(1912); "Pierre d'Ailly et la d^couve-te de 
I'Am^rique", pamphlet (1912); "Les CEUvres de 
po^sie frangaise du Cardinal Pierre d'Ailly" (1913); 
Preface of "Notre vieille Flandre depuis ses origines' 
(1905); contributor to: "Mfimoires de la Soci6t6 

d'Emulation de Cambrai"; "Revue des sciences 
ecclesiastiques"; "Revue de Lille"; "Revue d'histoire 
de L'Eglise de France"; editor of: "Revue des 
Faculties Catholiques de Lille"; "Revue des sciences 
ecclesiastiques"; " Questions eccMsiastiques"; "Revue 
pratique d'apolog^tique"; "Revue de Lille". 

ARTICLES: Gehson, Jean le Charlieh de; Mabsilius of 
Padua; Pisa, Council of; Schism, Western. 

Salmon, Vert Reverend Ernest M., s.s.e., 
b. at TreiTendel, France, 7 January, 1873. Educa- 
tion: Sorbonne, France. Entered the Society ot St. 
Edmmd; professor (1901-1907) and president (1907- 
1913), St. Michael's Institute, Winooski, Vermont; 
Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 
Swanton, Vermont, 1913- 

ARTICLE: Edmund, Congregation of Saint. 

Salsmans, Reverend Joseph, s.j., b. at Antwerp, 
Belgium, 2 September, 1873. Education: Jesuit 
College, Antwerp. Entered the Society of Jesus 
1891; ordained 1905; has held the posts of professor 
of Classical philology, Jesuit scholasticate, Louvain; 
professor of moral theology and canon law, Jesuit 
College, Louvain, 1907- . Author of books and 
articles on Flemish literature; edited, revised, and 
annotated GInicot, "Theologise Moralis Institutiones" 
(6th ed. 1909; 7th ed. 1911). 

ARTICLES: G^nicot, Edward; Gobat, George; Gonzalez 
DE Santalla, Thyrsus; Gury, Jean-Pierre. 

Saltet, Very Reverend Canon Louis, s.t.d., 
Litt.L., b. at MiUan, Aveyron, France, 1 October, 
1870. Education: St. Sulpice and Catholic Insti- 
tute, Paris. Professor of Church history, Catholic 
Institute, Toulouse, 1898- . Member of the 
Archaeological Society of the South of France. 
Author of: "Les Rdordinations" (Paris, 1907); 
"Histoire de I'Eglise" (Paris, 1913); contributor to: 
"Bulletin de litt6rature eccMsiastique" (Toulouse); 
"Revue d'histoire eccliSsiastique" (Louvain); "An- 
nales du Midi" (Toulouse). 

ARTICLES: False Decretals; Jerome, Saint; Paula, 
Saint; Reordinations; Salamis, Epiphanius of. 

Salzer, Reverend Anselm, o.s.b., Ph.D., b. at 
Waidhofen-an-der-Ybbs, Lower Austria, 8 October, 
1856. Education: public school, Waidhofen; Bene- 
dictine Gymnasium, Seitenstettin, Benedictine scho- 
lasticate, Sankt Polten, and University of Innsbruck, 
Austria. Entered the Benedictine Order 1875; 
ordained 1880; professor ot Classical languages and 
German literature (1883- ), hbrarian (1900- ), 
Benedictine Gymnasium, and librarian (1904- ), 
Benedictine Monastery, Seitenstettin, Austria. 
Author of: "Die christlich-romische Hymnenpoesie 
und Otfried von Weissenburg" (1883); "Koglhubers 
Otfried Ubersetzung" (1884); "Die Sinnbilder und 
Beiworte Mariens in der Mittelhochdeutschen Litera- 
tur" (1893); "Geschiohte der deutschen Literatur", 
illustrated, 3 vols. (1911); edited Lindemann, 
"Geschichte der deutschen Literatur" (1898); con- 
tributor to: "Studien und Mitteilungen aus dem 
Benediktinerorden " ; ' ' Allgemeines Literaturblatt ' ' ; 
various scientific periodicals. 

ARTICLE: Passion Plays. 

Sampayo, Thomas Edward de, k.c, ll.b., 
barrister, b. at Colombo, Ceylon, 10 September, 1855. 
Education: St. Benedict's Institute and Royal 
College, Colombo; Clare College, Cambridge. Bar- 
rister, Middle Temple, London, 1881; advocate of 
the Supreme Court, Ceylon, 1881- ; Judge of the 
Supreme Court, Ceylon, 1903-1904. Puisne Judge 
of the Supreme Court, 191.5- . Bearer of an 
address from Ceylon to Pius X on the occasion of his 
jubilee, 1908; delegate from Ceylon to the Eucharistic 
Congress, Westminster, 1908. Member of the Board 
of Legal Education, Ceylon; president of the Catholic 




Union of Ceylon; vice-president of the Ceylon 
Catholic Club. Translated into English the Title on 
Donations in J. Voet's Pandects; edited a series of 
law reports. 

ARTICLE: Cbtlok. 

Sands, William Franklin, b.a., ll.b., 
diplomatist, b. at Washington, D. C, 29 July, 1874, 
son of Rear Admiral James Hoban Sands and Mary, 
daughter of Commodore Richard Meade, and grand- 
son of Rear Admiral Benjamin Frankhn Sands. 
Education: St. Michel, Fribourg, Switzerland; Stella 
Matutina College, Feldkirch, Austria; Georgetown 
University, Washington, D. C. Second Secretary, 
American Legation, Tokio, Japan, 1896; first secre- 
tary (1898) and chargg d'affaires ad int.' (1899), 
American Legation, Seoul, Korea; adviser to Emperor 
of Korea 1900-1904; secretary and charg6 d'affaires 
ad int., American Legations, Panama (1905-1907), 
Guatemala (1907-1908) and Mexico (1908-1909); 
married Edith Gertrude, daughter of John Keating, 
of Philadelphia, 1909; American Envoy Extraor- 
dinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Guatemala 
1909-1911; resident at Washington 1911- 
Suppressed a revolution against the Korean govern- 
ment on the Island of Quelpaert; made chevalier of 
the Legion of Honor for his protection of French 
missionaries at Quelpaert during Boxer troubles. 
Companion (2nd class) of the Loyal Legion; member 
of the American Society of International Law, of the 
American Geographical Society, of the Mexican 
Society of Geography and Statistics. Has contribu- 
ted to: "Messenger"; "Century". 

ARTICLES: Samoa; Tahiti, Vicariate Apostolic of. 

San Giovanni, Edgakdo, litt.B., a.m., instructor 
in the Latin Language and Literature, College of the 
City of New York. • 

ARTICLES: Alfieri, Count Vittorio; Baldi, Bernardino; 
Berni, Francesco; Bibbiena (Bernardo Dovizi); Boiardo, 
Matteo Maria; Castiglione, Baldassare. 

Santi, Reverend Angelo de, s.j., b. at Trieste, 
Austria, 12 July, 1847. Education: Germany; 
France; Austria; University of Innsbruck, Austria. 
Entered the Society of Jesus 1863; ordained 1877; 
teacher in various Jesuit colleges, at one time director 
of the Gymnasium, Zara, Dalmatia, 1877-1887; 
called by Leo XIII to the editorial staff of the 
"Civilt^ Cattohca", with the charge of restoring 
ecclesiastical music to its former conformity to the 
spirit of the Church, and professor of Hturgical Chant, 
S. ApoUinare and Vatican Seminary, Rome, 1887; 
associate editor of "CiviltS, Cattohca" 1887- 
Founded with Sr. Carlo Respighi the "Rassegna 
Gregoriana", 1902; attended the National Congress 
of Sacred Music, Pisa, 1909; founded a Superior 
School of Sacred Music in Rome for priests of various 
nationalities, approved by Pontifical Brief, 1911; his 
articles in "CiviltEl Cattohca" largely instrumental in 
bringing about reform of Church music in Italy; 
decorated with the gold cross "Pro ecclesia et 
pontifice". Member of the Pontifical Commission 
for the Vatican Edition of the Gregorian Liturgical 
Books; President of the ItaHan Association of St. 
Cecilia; member of the Pontifical Academy "Arcadia". 
Author of: " Adolf o Kolping e le Society cattohche 
degli artigiani" (1891); "Ricordo materno", a tale 
(1896; several subsequent editions); "Le Litanie 
Lauretane" (1897; translated into French and 
German) ; "Studi biografici su Elena Lucrezia Comaro 
Piscopia" (1903); "11 Cursus nella liturgia e nella 
storia litteraria" (1903*); "Le Laudes od aoclamazioni 
liturgiche" (1904); "A Londra, note ed impressioni" 
(1904); "Lagrime nuove", a tale (1909); etc., etc.; 
contributor, particularly of liturgical articles, to 
"Civilta Cattohca". 
ARTICLES: Litany of Loreto; Liturgical Chamt. 

Sauer, Reverend Joseph, s.t.d., b. at Unzhurst, 
Baden, Germany, 7 Jime, 1872. Education: private 
school at Sasbach, Gymnasium at Rastatt, and 
University of Freiburg-im-Breisgau, Gprmany. Or- 
dained 1898; chaplain at Sasbaoh 1898-1899; instruc- 
tor in Church history and archaeology (1902-1904) 
and special professor of Church history (1905- ), 
University of Freiburg-im-Breisgau; editor of "Litera^ 
rische Rundschau" (Freiburg) 1905- ; govern- 
ment conservator of ecclesiastical monuments of art 
and archaeology. Grand Duchy of Baden, 1909- 
Awarded the German "bourse de voyage" for 
Christian archa;ology. Member of various scientific 
societies. Author of: "Symbohk des Kirchenge- 
baudes und seiner Ausstattung" (1902); "Die 
Anfange des Christentums und der Kirche in Baden" 
(1911); edited and continued Kraus, "Geschichte der 
christhohen Kunst", Vol. II, Part 2 (1908): contribu- 
tor to: "Freiburger Diocesan- Archiv " ; Munster- 
blatter" (Freiburg); "Theologische Revue"; 
"Deutsche Literaturzeitung"; "Historisch-pohtische 

ARTICLES: Bestiaries; Bramante, Donato; Brassicanus, 
Johann Alexander; Celtes, Conrad; Cochl^us, Johann; 
Crotus, Johann; Cuspinian, Johannes; Encyclopedia; En- 
singen; Erasmus, Desiderius; Ferbtel, Heinrich Freiherr 
von; Fontana, Domenico. 

Sauvage, Reverend George Michael Julius 
Loms, C.S.C., B.A., Ph.D., d.d., Litt.phil.L., b. at St. 
R6my du Plain, Sarthe, France, 29 September, 1873. 
Education: parochial schools and college at Mamers, 
further studies at Prficign^, and Seminary at LeMans, 
France ; Minerva, Rome ; Cathohc University, Angers, 
France. Entered the Congregation of the Holy Cross 
1896; ordained 1899; professor at the Holy Cross 
scholasticate and professor of philosophy at the 
Cathohc University, Angers, 1901-1903; came to the 
United States 1903; professor of dogmatic theology. 
Holy Cross College, Washington, 1904^1914; instruc- 
tor in psychology, Cathohc University of America, 
Washington, D. C, 1913-1914; chaplain to British 
Army, France, 1914- . Contributor to: "Revue 
N6o-scolastique"; "Catholic University Bulletin"; 
"Cathohc Educational Review". 

ARTICLES: Analogy; Angers, University of; Appropria- 
tion; Aseity; Baston, Guilladme-Andr^-Ren:6 ; Baudeau, 
Nicolas; B^bian, Roch-Amboise-Auguste; Berengarius of 
Tours; Bergibr, Nicolas-Sylvestre; Bernier, Etienne- 
Alexandre; Bernini, Domenico; Bonald, Louis-Gabriel- 
Ambroise, Vicomte de; Bonet, Juan Pablo; Bordeaux, Uni- 
versity of; Boregaud, Louis-Victob-Emile; Braille, Louis; 
Condillac, Etienne Bonnot de; Contract, The Social; 
Eclecticism; Fideism; Gerdil, Hyacinthe-Sigismond; Gbatry, 
AuGUSTE- Joseph-Alphonse ; Intuition; Mysticism; Neces- 
sity; Ontologism; Pelibson-Fontanier, Paul; Perreyve, 
Henri; Positivism; R^gis, Pierre-Sylvain; Traditionalism. 

Saston, Eugene Francis, b.a., editor, b. in 
Baltimore, Maryland, 11 August, 1884, son of Dr. 
Alexander H. and Rosa (White) Saxton. Education: 
St. Martin's parochial school, and Loyola College, 
receiving his B.A. in 1904. Editor of the "Cathohc 
Mirror" 1905-1906; on the editorial staff of the 
"Cathohc Encyclopedia" 1906-1909; editor of "The 
Catholic World" 1909-1910; married Martha 
Plaisted; at present with the firm of Doubleday, 
Page & Co., New York. 

ARTICLES: Alexander Briant, Blessed; Anastasiub II, 
III, IV; Bosco, Giovanni Melchior, Venerable (Don Bosco); 
Canute; Catherick, Edmund, Venerable. 

Scannell, Very Reverend Canon Thomas 
Bartholomew, d.d., b. in London, 8 July, 1854; 
d. 10 February, 1917. Education: St. Edmund's 
College, Ware; Enghsh College, Rome. Ordained 
1878; professor of philosophy, St. Edmund's College, 
Ware, 1878-1885; former rector at Sheerness and 
Folkestone, England; at present, rector. Church of 
St. Charles Borromeo, Waybridge, England; canon of 
the Cathedral of Southwark. Member of the Papal 
Commission Anglican Orders, 1896. Author of: "The 




Priest's Studies" (London, 2 eds.); "Manual of 
CathoKc Theology" (in collaboration with Dr. 
WiUielm) (London, 3 eds.); edited 7th ed. of "The 
Catholic Dictionary" (London); has contributed to: 
"Dubhn Review"; "The Month"; "Irish Ecclesiasti- 
cal Record"; "American Ecclesiastical Review"; 
"The Tablet". 

ARTICLES: Book of Common Prater; Campeqgio, Loren- 
zo; Catechumen; Confirmation; Consubstantiation; Dio- 
cletian; Doctrine, Christian; Domitian; Frequent Com- 
munion; Gift, Supernatural; Gordian; Gratian; Interces- 
sion (Mediation); Irvingites; Lacordaire, Jean-Baptibte- 
Henri-Dominique; Latria; Maury, Jean-Siffrein; Nich- 
olas V, Pope; Sadoleto, Jacopo; Salomon, Louis-Siffren- 


Schaefer, Reverend Francis James, Ph.D., d.d., 
b. at Kuellstedt, Germany, 3 April, 1869. Education: 
schools of Kuellstedt and Dingelstedt, Germany; 
Propaganda, Rome; Catholic Institute and School of 
Higher Studies, Paris. Ordained 1891; professor of 
Church history (1894^1913) and rector (1910- ), 
St. Paul Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota. Member of 
the Liturgical Academy, Rome, and of the Minnesota 
Historical Society. Contributor to: "Roemische 
Quartalschrift"; "Tiibinger Quartalschrif t " ; "Catho- 
lic University Bulletin" (Washington); "Acta et 

ARTICLES: Ambrosiaster; Antioch, The Church of; Ar- 
NULF OF Metz, Saint; Bak6cz, Thomas; Battaglini, Marco; 
Beccus, John; Behaim, Albert von; Bianchini, Francesco; 
BiNius, Sevehin; Blemmida, Nicephorus; Bonizo of Sutri; 
BrtJck, Heinrich; Burchard of Basle; Burchard of Worms; 
Capitularies; Capitulations, Episcopal and Pontifical; 
Caprara, Giovanni Battista; Chalcedon, Council of; Con- 
SALvi, Ercole; Contarini, Gaspaho; Cosmas of Prague; 
Crescentius; Cretin, Joseph; Dei Gratia; Dei et Apostol- 
ICJE Sedis Gratia; Dobmayer, Marian; Dunin, Martin von; 
Eckebert; Eusebius, Bruno; Eustathius (Archbishop of 
Thessalonica) ; Faribault, Jean B artiste; Gassner, Johann 
Joseph; (jIeoffrey of Clairvaux; Geoffrey of VENDdME; 
Haito (Hatto), Bishop of Basle; Interims; Janssen, Johann; 
Kaulen, Franz Philip; Law, Civil, Influence of the War 
on; Madruzzi, Christopher; Saint Paul, Archdiocese of. 

Scheid, Reverend Nikolaus, s.j., b. at Selbach, 
Birkenfeld, Germany, 28 October, 1852. Education: 
Gymnasium, Trier, Germany; Jesuit scholasticates; 
Universities of Vienna and Prague, Austria. Entered 
the Society of Jesus 1874; ordained 1889; has been 
for many years professor of German, Latin, and 
Greek, Stella Matutina College, Feldkirch, Austria. 
Author of: "Der Jesuit Masen, ein Schulmann und 
SchriftsteUer" (1898); "Nikolaus Avancini" (1899); 
"Die dramatischen Schulerauffiihrungen" (1901); 
"Edmond Rostands Entwicklungsgang" (1903); 
"Die Jungfrau von Orleans von Schiller als Heilige 
dargestellt" (1905); "Franz Hunolt" (1906); "P. 
Alexander Baumgartner" (1911); contributor to: 
"Stimmen aus Maria-Laach"; " Innsbrucker theolo- 
gisohe Quartalschrift"; "Historisch-politische Blat- 
ter"; "Kultur"; "Euphorion"; '^Zeitschrift fur 
deutsches Altertum". 

ARTICLES: Abraham a Sancta Clara; Baumgartner, Al- 
exander; Berthold of Ratisbon; Drach, David Paul; 
Dreves, Lebrecht BLtJcHER; Eichendohff, Josef Karl 
Bbnedikt, Frbiherh von; Geiler von Kaysbrsberg, Johann; 
Hahn-Hahn, Ida; Haid, Herenaus; Haschka, Lorenz Leo- 
pold; Hasslacher, Peter; Hazart, Cornelius; Hensel, 
Luisb; Houdry, Vincent; Hroswitha; Hunolt, Franz; Isla, 
Jos^ Francisco de; Klinkowstrom, Fribdrich August von, 
Joseph von, and Max von; Koblbr, Andreas; Latin Litera- 
ture, II, Sixth to Twentieth Century; Morel, Gall; Mo- 
bell, Juliana; Murner, Thomas; Pauli, Johannes; Pyrkbr, 
Johann Ladislaus von Orberwart; Roh, Peter; Roothaan, 
Johann Philipp; Schlegel, Fribdrich von; Seidl, Johann 
Gabriel; Spillmann, Joseph; Stifter, Adalbert; Trithe- 
Mius, John; Turnebus, Adrian; Vettbr, Conrad; Walther 
VON DER Vogelwbide; Wangnereck, Heinrich; Weber, 
Beda; Weber, Fribdrich Wilhelm; Werner, Fribdrich 
LuDwiG Zachariab; Wilmers, Wilhelm. 

Schets, Very Reverend Canon Joseph, b. at 
Oosterhout, North Breda, Holland, 13 April, 1854. 
Education: Seminary, Hoeven, Holland. Ordained 
1877; professor of Sacred Scripture, Seminary, 
Hoeven, 1881-1901; rector, St. Lambert's Church, 
Etten, North Breda, 1901- ; canon of the 

Cathedral of Breda. Collaborator in "Biblia Sacra"; 
contributor to "De Katholiek". 
ARTICLES: Ezbchibl; Kings, Third and Fourth Books of. 

Scheuer, Reverend Pierre, s.j., professor of 
philosophy, College of St. John Berchmans, Louvain. 
ARTICLE: Paba du Thanjas, Fransois. 

Schirp, Francis M., ph.n., b. at Aachen, Germany, 
15 May, 1869. Education: private school in Ger- 
many; Stella Matutina College, Feldkirch, Austria; 
State CoUege, Aachen, Germany; University of Bonn, 
Germany. Has held the post of instructor in various 
high schools and colleges; at present, teacher of Latin 
in the Regis High School, New York. Author of: 
"Five Lectures on Questions of the Day"; "Elementa 
Latina" (hints to teachers of first year Latin); "A 
Short History of Germany"; "Luther's Life and 
Doctrine" (German); editor of "The Catholic 
German American". 
ARTICLE: Germans en the United States. 

Schlager, Reverend Heinrich Patricius, o.e.m., 
b. at Nonnenweier, Baden, Germany, 7 May, 1864. 
Education: Gymnasium, Lahr, Baden; Universities 
of Heidelberg, Freiburg, Leipzig, and Berlin. Entered 
the Franciscan Order 1890; ordained 1895; former 

Erofessor at the Franciscan College, Harreveld near 
lichtenvoorde, Holland; professor of humanities, Col- 
lege of St. Louis, DaUieim, Rhine, Germany, 1909- 
Speaker at the Eucharistic Congress, Cologne, 1909. 
Member of the Rhenish Historical Society, and of the 
Association for the History of the Lower Rhine 
Province. Author of: "Beitrage zur Geschichte der 
kolnischen Franziskanerprovinz im Mittelalter" 
(1904); "Geschichte der WaUfahrtskirche und des 
Franziskanerldosters in Beurig" (1907); "Bltltenlese 
aus den Werken rheinischer Franziskaner" "(1907); 
"Die deutschen Franziskaner und ihre Verdienste um 
die Losung der sozialen Frage" (1907); "Geschichte 
der kolnischen Franziskanerordensprovinz wahrend 
des Reformationszeitalters" (1909); "Geschichte des 
Franziskanerklosters in Homburg" (1909); "Altar- 
sakramentsbiichlein" (1909); "Monika-buchlein" 
(1909); "Geschichte des Franziskanerklosters in 
Hiilfensberg" (1910); "Mongolenfahrten der Franzis- 
kaner im 13. Jahrhundert" (1911); "Geschichte des 
Franziskanerklosters in Bremen" (1912); "Mit dem 
seligen Odorikus von Pordenone nach Indien und 
Chma" (1912); "Der Bramarbas", translated from 
the Latin of Plautus, "Miles gloriosus" (1888); 
collaborator in: Herder's "Kirchenlexikon"; Herder's 
"Konversationslexikon"; contributor of articles on 
the history of the German Franciscans to various 
periodicals; editor of "Beitrage zur Geschichte der 
sachsischen Franziskanerprovinz vom Heiligen 
Kreuze" (since 1908). 

ARTICLES: Aschbach, Joseph, Ritter von; Baumgartner, 
Gallus Jacob; Benkert, Franz Geohg; B^rault-Bercastel, 
Antoine Henri db; Bessel, Johann Fbanz; Brewer, Hein- 
rich; Bhouwer, C!hristoph; Cant^t, Cbsarb; Capefigue, 
BAPTisTB-HoNORi-RAYMOND; Cl^menoet, Charles; Clement, 
Francois; Cr^tineau-Joly, Jacques; Dantine, Maurus; 
Dudik, Breda Franciscus; Eberhard, Matthias; Eberhard 
OF Ratisbon; Echter von Mespelbrunn; Julius; Eckhabt, 
Johann Georq von; Einhard; Ekkehard of Aura; Feller, 
FRANgois-XAViER DE; FicKBR, JuLius; Gallandi, Andrea; 
Gallitzin, Ad^le Amalib; Gervase op Tilbury; Gfhorer, 
August Fribdrich; Giannone, Pietro; Gbandidier, Philippe- 
Andr^; Gratius, Ortwin; Gregory of Rimini; Greith, Karl 
Johann; Hallbr, Karl. Ludwig von; Hansiz, Markus; Han- 
thaler, Chrysostomus; Hasak, Vincenz; Hegius, Alexander; 
Helmold; H^lyot, Pierre; Henry of Rbbdorf; HermanK 
Contractus; Hofler, Konstantin von; Huber, Alphons; 
HtJpFBR, Hermann; Hugh of Flavigny; Jansen, Cornelius, 
THE Elder; John of Biclaro; .John of Victring; John of 
Winterthob; Jordanis; Jovius, Paulus; Kaiserchronik; 
Kerssenbroch, Hermann von; Klopp, Onno; KSniqshofen, 
Jacob; Lambeck, Peter; Lambert of St. Bertin; Lupus 
(Wolf), Christian; LiJtolf, Aloys; Maassbn, Friedhich 
Bernard Christian; Marius Aventicus; Mart^nb, Edmond; 
Martin, Konrad; Matthias of Newburg; Mechtel, Johann; 
M]6nabd, L]6on; Mebmillod, Gabpabd; Miltiz, Karl von; 
MoHLER, Johann Adam; Mqncada, Francisco de; Mot db 
Sons, Karl Ernst; Muchar, Albert Anton von; Nithard; 








^ "^^^^i^c 


















NtTTEKS, WiLHELMUs; OsTiENSis; Otto OF Freisinq; Otto of 
St. Blaise; PAtiL^a Diaoonos; Reisach, Carl von; Reumont, 
Alfred von; Rubruck, William; Rudolf of Fulda; Salim- 
BENE DEGLi Adami; Sander, Anton; Schlosser, John Fred- 
erick Henry; Sonnius, Franoiscus; Thanqmar; Theqan of 
Treves; Thurmayr, Johannes; Ulrich of Bamberg; Urs- 
perger Chronicle; Vezzosi, Antonio Francesco; Vicari, 
Hermann von; Vitalini, Bonifazio; Vitelleschi, Muzio; 
Weislinger, Johann Nikolaxjs; Weiss, Johann Baptist; 
Widckind of Cohvey; William of Nangis; Wipo. 

Schlitz, Reverend Carl, s.j., Ph.D., s.t.d., b. at 
Homburg, Germany, 9 December, 1850. Education: 
schools at Homburg, Gymnasium at Mainz, and 
further studies at Miinster, Germany; Jesuit scho- 
lasticates, Maria Laach, Germany, and Ditton Hall 
and Portico, England. Entered the Society of Jesus 
1867; former prefect and teacher, Jesuit colleges, 
Verviers and Mons, Belgium; ordained 1881; succes- 
sively professor and prefect of studies, Jesuit College, 
Sao Leopoldo, Brazil, 1883-1902; rector, Gonzaga 
College, Pelotas, Brazil, 1902-1905; returned to 
Europe 1905; stationed at Bellevue, Luxemburg City, 
Luxemburg, 1905-1908, at Bonn, Germany, 1908- 
1910, and at St. Franziska's Hospital, Ehrenfeld, 
Cologne, Germany, 1910- . Has contributed to 
German and Portuguese periodicals and newspapers. 

ARTICLE: Melania, Saint (the Younger). 

Schmid, Ulbich, Ph.D., b. at Niederrieden, 
Suabia, Germany, 4 July, 1876. Education: Latin 
School, Memmingen, and Gymnasium, Wurzburg, 
Germany; Universities of WUrzburg, . Freiburg-im- 
Breisgau, Munich, and Vienna. Has devoted much 
of his time to the study of the history of culture; 
editor of "Walhalla", Munich, 1904^ ; librarian, 
Florence, 1909; proprietor of "Glaube und Kimst" 
(Berlin). Author of: "St. Ulrich, Bischof von 
Augsburg" (1901); "Traditionen an die Kirche St. 
Veit am Golsen" (1904); "Kirchen- und profan- 
historisehe Mitteilungen aus itaUenischen Archiven 
und BibUotheken" (1905); "Das deutsche VolksUed" 
(1905); "Johann Geyler a Kaisersberg" (1906); 
"Das Chorgestuhl in der St. Martinskirche zu 
Memmingen" (1906); "Agnes die Bernauerin und 
Herzog Albrecht III der Gtitige" (1906); "Die 
Schlacht bei Hoflach-AUing und ihr Denkmal" 
(1906); "Tagebuch des Pfarrers Michael Gotzmann" 
(1907); "Otto von Lonsdorf, seine Herkunft und 
Reformen im Passauer Hoohstift" (1909); "Karl 
Haider, ein deutscher Maler" (1910); "Albin Egger- 
Lienz" (1910); "Reisebilder Bamberg- Wurzburg" 
(1910); "ItaUenische ReisebUder" (1911); "Das 
katholische Kirchenjahr in Wort und Bild" (1912); 
edited "Das kathoUsche Kirchenjahr in Bildern" 
(1910); contributor to: "Studien und Mitteilungen 
aus dem Benediktiner- und Cisteroienserorden"; 
etc.; editor of "Glaube und Kunst", religious art 
series, 1912- 

ARTZCLES; Reichenau; Rupert, Saint; Tegernsee; Ul- 
rich, Saint; Wolfgang, Saint. 

Schmidlin, Reverend August Joseph, Ph.D., 
S.T.D., b. at Klein-Landau, Alsace, Germany, 29 
March, 1876. Education: Gymnasia at ZiUisheim 
and Strassburg, Alsace; Seminary, Strassburg; 
University of Freibiffg-im-Breisgau, Germany. Or- 
dained 1899; former vice-rector, Anima College, 
Rome; curate, Church of Our Lady, Gebweiler, 
Alsace, 1905-1908; lecturer in medieval and modern 
Church history. University of Strassburg, 1906-1908; 
lecturer (1908-1911) and special professor (1911- 
) of Church history. University of Miinster. 
Order of the Eagle (4th class). Author of: "Ein 
Apostel des Sundgaus, P. Bernhardin Juif" (1897); 
"Die Augrafschaft, die letzte elsassische Markgenos- 
senschaft" (1901); "Ursprung und Entfaltung der 
habsburgischen Recht im Oberelsass" (1902); "Ein 
Kampf um das Deutschtum im Klosterleben Italiens, 
Subiaco xmd Farfa im 16. Jahrhunderte" (1903); 

"Papst Pius X." (1903) ; "Entstehung und Geschichte 
unserer lieben Frau zur Eich bei Blotzheim" (1903); 
" Die Geschichtsphilosophisohe Weltanschauung Ottos 
von Freising" (1906); "Geschichte der deutsohen 
Nationalkirche in Rom, Santa Maria dell' Anima" 
(1906); "DieLiebfrauenkirche zu Gebweiler" (1906); 
"Geschichte des Sundgaus von Standort einer Land- 
gemeinde aus" (1906); "Die Restaurationstatigkeit 
der Breslauer Furstbischofe" (1907) ; "Die kirchlichen 
Zustande in Deutschland vor dem dreisigjahrigen 
Krieg", 3 vols. (1908-1910); "UberdieHerausgebung 
missionsgeschichtUcher Quellen" (1911); editor of 
"Zeitschrift fUr Missionswissensohaft" (since 1911). 
ARTICLE: Anima, College and Church of the. 

Schniirer, Gustav, Ph.D., b. at Jaetzdorf, Silesia, 
Germany, 30 June, 1860. Education: Gymnasium, 
Ohlau, Germany; Universities of Berhn, Breslau and 
Miinster. Professor (at present of Medieval and 
Modern History), University of Fribourg, Switzer- 
land, 1889- . Member of the Gorres Society. 
Author of: "PiHgrim von K6hi"( 1883); "Entstehung 
des Kirchenstaates " (1894; Itahan tr. 1899); "Die 
Verfasser der sogenannten Fredegar-Chronik" (1900) ; 
"Uber Periodisierung der Weltgeschichte" (1900); 
"Die Ursprungb'che Templerregel" (1903); "Franz 
von Assisi" (1905; Itahan tr. 1906); "Das Fragmen- 
tum Fantuzzianum" (1908); "Das Mittelalter" 
(1908); "Das Necrologium von Miinchenwiler" 
(1906);"Bonifatius" (1908); collaborator ia: Herder's 
" Konversationslexikon " ; " KirchUches Handlexikon" ; 
etc.; associate editor of "Historisches Jahrbuch der 
Gorres-Gesellsohaf t " . 

ARTICLE: States of the Church. 

Schrantz, Reverend Charles Bernard, s.s.. 
A.m., b. at Diekirch, Luxemburg, 20 May, 1845. 
Education: Gymnasium, Diekirch; further studies at 
Reims and Paris, France. Entered the Sulpician 
Order; ordained 1870; professor (1871-1896) and 
president (1896-1906), St. Charles College, EUicott 
City, Maryland; procurator. Catholic University, 
Washington, D. C, 1906-1911; president emeritus, 
St. Charles College, CatonsviUe, Maryland, 1911- 

ARTIGLES: Beckedorff, Geohg Philipp Ludolf von; 
Belloy, Jean-Baptiste de; Bernard, Claude; Boulogne, 
Etienne-Antoine; Bubs, Franz Joseph, Ritter von; Char- 
RON, Pierre; Choiseul du Plebsis-Praslin, Gilbert; Gboote, 

Schrelner, Vert Reverend Chhysostom, o.s.b., 
Ph.D., b. in Minnesota. Education: St. John's 
College and Seminary, CoUegeville, Minn. Entered 
Benedictine Order; professor of rhetoric and philoso- 
phy (1884-1889), vice-president (1885-1891), St. 
John's University, CoUegeville, Minn. ; superintendent 
and organizer St. John's Industrial School for Indian 
Boys, CoUegeville, 1885-1887; in charge of the 
Bahama Islands Mission 1891- ; rector of St. 
Francis Xavier's Church, Nassau, Bahama Islands; 
vicar forane of the Bahama Islands. Former member 
of the Board of Education, Bahama Islands. Hono- 
rary member of the Society of St. Paul for the 
Propagation of Catholic Periodicals (Rome) ; member 
of the Government Commission for the preservation 
of historic buildings and places in the Bahamas. 

ARTICLES: Bahama Islands, The; Jackson, Henry 
Moore; Shea, Sir Ambrose. 

Schroeder, Reverend Henry Joseph, o.p., b. at 
Detroit, Michigan, 5 May, 1875. Education: public 
and parochial schools, Detroit; Assumption CoUege, 
Sandwich, Canada; St. Rose's Convent, Springfield, 
Kentucky; St. Joseph's Scholasticate, Somerset, 
Ohio; Dominican College and CathoUc University, 
Washington, D. C. Entered the Dominican Order 
1902; ordained 1907; professor and lecturer, St. 
Dominic's Priory, Benicia, California, 1910-1911; on 
the Northwestern Missions, stationed at Holy Rosary 




Convent, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1911-1914. Sub- 
prior, St. Rose's Priory, Springfield, Ky., 1914-1917; 
at St. Joseph's Priory, Somerset, Ohio, 1917- 
Author of "Socialism and What It Stands for", 
pamphlet; contributor to "American Ecclesiastical 

ARTICLES: Albert of Castile; Annius of Viterbo; Con- 
ciNA, Daniello; Erbermann, Veit; Ernst of Hesse-Rhein- 
FELS; Faber, Johann; Francis of Vittoria; France;, Kaspar; 
Galura, Bernhard; Gazzaniga, Pietro Maria; Gonet, Jean 
Baptiste; Gratz, Peter Aloys; Gropper, John; Heynlin of 
Stein, Johann; Hoogstraten, Jacob von; Hugh of Stras- 
burg; John of Falkenberg; Lemos, Thomas de; Loaisa, 
GarcIa; Marini (de Makinis); Mensing, John; Missions, 
Catholic Parochial; Moneta; Monsabr^, Jacques-Marie- 
Louis; Montesino, Antonio; Montesino, Luis de; Morales, 
Juan Bautibta; Navarete, Domingo Fernandez; Nazarius, 
John Paul; Nicolai, Jean; Niger, Peter George; Richard, 
Charles-Louis; Rocaberti, Juan TomAs de; Wirt, Wigand; 
Witzel, Georq. 

Schiihlein, Franz Xaver, Ph.D., b. at Baunach, 
near Bamberg, Germany, 26 Feb., 1852. Education: 
Gymnasium, Bamberg, and University of Munich, 
Germany. At present, professor of Hebrew, Royal 
Gymnasium, Freising, Bavaria. Author of: "Studien 
zu Posidonius Rhodius" (1886); "Zu Posidonius 
Rhodius" (1891); "Untersuchungen iiber des Posi- 
donius Schrift nepl iiKeavov", 2 vols. (1900, 1901); 
"Die Namen unserer Steinfriichtler" (1904); "tjber 
einige der gebrauchliohsten deutschen Ausdriicke 
in der Pflanzenkunde" (1906); collaborator in: 
Buchberger, "Kirchliches Handlexikon"; contributor 
to "Natur und Glaube". 

ABTICLES: Samaritan Language and Literature; Seleu- 
ciDs; Semites; Talmud; Tabqum; Torah; Tosephta. 

Schulte, Reverend Augustin Joseph, b. at 
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 5 May, 1856. Educa- 
tion: St. Peter's School, Philadelphia; St. Charles 
Seminary, Overbrook; American College, Rome. 
Ordained 1882; vice-rector (1883-1884) and pro- 
reotor (1884-1885), American College, Rome; profes- 
sor (at present of liturgy, Latin, and French) at St. 
Charles Seminary, Overbrook, 1885-1917; at West 
Chester, Pennsylvania, 1917- . Author of: 
"Consecranda" (New York, 1907); "Benedicenda" 
(New York, 1907); contributor under pseudonyms 
"S.L.E." and "S.L.T." to "American Ecclesiastical 

Review". ^ 

ARTICLES: Altar (in Liturgy); C^remoniale Episcopo- 
bum; Ceremonial; Ceremony; Churching of Women; Col- 
iectarium; Consecration; High Ai/tar; Host (Canonico- 
IiIturgical) : Viaticum. 

Schulte, Right Reverend Kabl Joseph, s.t.d.. 
Bishop of Paderborn, Germany, b. at Haus Valbert, 
Westphalia, Germany, 14 September, 1871. Educa- 
tion: pubMc school and Gymnasium, Essen-Ruhr, 
and Seminary, Paderborn, Germany; Universities of 
Bonn and Mtlnster. Ordained 1895; chaplain and 
teacher of religion 1895-1901; instructor, Leomne 
College, Paderborn, 1901-1903; instructor at the 
Seminary and lecturer in apologetics at the University, 
Paderborn, 1903-1905; professor of apologetics and 
canon law. University of Paderborn, 1905-1908; epis- 
copal counsellor, diocese of Paderborn, 1908-1910; 
Bishop of Paderborn 1910- . One of the founders 
(1909) and former editor (1909-1910) of "Theologie 
und Glaube". Author of "Theodoret von Cyrus als 
Apologet" ("Vienna, 1904); collaborator m: Buch- 
berger "Kirchliches Handlexikon"; " Staatslexikon 
der Gorresgesellsohaft", 3rd ed.; contributor to 
various theological reviews. 

ARTICLE: Hermes, George. 

Schumacher, Reverend Matthew, c.s.c, b.a., 
ph D s T.D., b. at Chicago, Illinois, 8 March, 1879. 
Education: St. Mary's School, South Bend, Indiana; 
Notre Dame University; CathoUc University and 
Holy Cross College, Washington D. C.. Entered 
Congregation of the Holy Cross 1899; ordamed 1903; 

professor (1904-1907) and director of studies (1907- 
), Notre Dame University. Author of: "The 
Knowableness of God, Its Relation to the Theory of 
Knowledge in St. Thomas" (Notre Dame); "Law 
and Life", pamphlet (Notre Dame); contributor to 
"Homiletic Monthly". 
ARTICLES: Fabeb, Johann (of Leutkikch); Ficino, Mar- 


Schuyler, Reverend Henet Clement, s.t.l., 
b. at Pottstown, Pennsylvania, 29 April, 1876. 
Education: HiU School, Pottstown; St. Charles 
Seminary, Overbrook, Pennsylvania; Catholic Uni- 
versity of America, Washington, D. C. Ordained 
1903; assistant, St. Patrick's Church, Morristown, 
New Jersey, 1904^1908; assistant. Church of the 
Ascension, Philadelphia, 1908-1910; vice-rector, in- 
structor in Church history and Christian Doctrine, 
CathoUc High School, Philadelphia, 1910- 
Member of the Board of Directors, American Catholic 
Historical Society. Author of: "The Courage of 
Christ"; "The Charity of Christ"; "The Obedience 
of Christ". 

ARTICLES: Rale, Sebastian; Steinmeyer, Ferdinand. 

Schweitzer, Reverend Joseph, c.r. 

ARTICLE: Resurrection, Congregation of the. 

Schweitzer, Reverend Peter Joseph, s.j., b. at 
Coblenz, Germany. Education: Jesuit college, Turn- 
hout, Belgium; Jesuit scholasticates, Exaten and 
VaUcenburg, Holland. Entered the Society of Jesus; 
professor of Classics, St. Xavier's College, Bombay, 
India, 1895-1899; professor of Classics (1899-1905) 
and of ethics, history, and evidences (1906-1912), 
Canisius College, Buffalo, New York; professor of the 
history of philosophy, history and German 1912- 
, Holy Cross College, Worcester, Massachusetts. 
ARTICLE: Cobnely, Karl Josef Rudolf. 

Schwertner, Reverend Thomas M., o.p., s.t. 
Lect., b. at Canton, Ohio, 14 March, 1883. Educa- 
tion: Canisius College, Buffalo, New York; St. 
Joseph's scholasticate, Somerset, Ohio; Immaculate 
Conception College and CathoUc University, Wash- 
ington; Minerva, Rome; Dominican CoUege, Hawkes- 
yard, England; Fribourg University, Fribourg, 
Switzerland. Entered the Dominican Order 1901; 
ordained 1908; has preached and lectured in England 
and Ireland; interested in research work concerning 
the history of the Dominican Order; professor of 
apologetics and Church history. Immaculate Concep- 
tion College, Washington, 1913-1914; Church of St. 
Catherine of Sienna, New York, 1914- . Edited, 
with Preface, Antony, "In St. Dominic's Country" 
(London, 1912); joint editor and collaborator in 
"CathoUc History Series"; coUaborator in "History 
of the Saints" (London); contributor to American 
and European reviews. 

ARTICLES: Alberti, Leandro; Alfonso of Burgos; An- 
drew OF LoNJUMEAu; Annibaldi, Annibale d*; Ansaldi, Casto 
Innocenzio; Ansaloni, Giordano; Antoniano, Giovanni; 
Ascelin; Aymeric of Piacbnza; Badia, Tommaso; Barletta, 
Gabriel; Bartholomew of Lucca; Bebnold of Constance; 
Birkowski, Fabian; Bromyard, John; Burkard, Franz; 
DoMiNici, Giovanni, Blessed; Dob^, Pierre; Dubandus of 
Saint-Pourcain; Ebner; Echard, Jacques; Emser, Hierony- 

Schwickerath, Reverend Robert, s.j., b. in 
Kyllburg, Rhine-Province, Germany, 15 January, 
1869. Education: Prussian elementary schools. Gym- 
nasium at Treves; entered the Society of Jesus in 
Holland 1890; studied philosophy at Exaten and 
Valkenburg, 1892-1895; came to America 1895; 
taught history and Classics, Canisius College, Buffalo, 
N. Y., 1895-1900; student of theology, Woodstock, 
Maryland, 1900-1904; ordained 1903; professor of 
history and pedagogy, 1907- , and Ubrarian, 1913- 
. Holy Cross College, Worcester, Mass. Author 
of: "Jesuit Education, Its History and Principles in 




the Light of Modern Educational Problems" (St. 
Louis, Mo., 1903); "Character and Character 
Formation "(Worcester, 1909); "Juvencius' Lern-und 
Lehr-methode" (Freiburg, 1898); twelve booklets in 
the Collection Volks-Auf klarung (Wainsdorf , Austria, 
Opitz, 1900-1904). Contributor to: "Catholic Quar- 
terly Review"; "Ecclesiastical Review"; "The 
Messenger"; "The Review"; "Benziger's Magazine"; 
"Pastoral-Blatt"; "Stimmen aus Maria-Laach". 

ARTICLES: Alvarez, Manoel; College; Pachtlee, Georq 
Michael; Pestalozzi and Pestalozzianism; Ratio Studioedm. 

Scott, Abb^; Henry Arthur, b.a., j.c.b., ll.d., 
D.D., b. at St. Nicholas, P. Q., 3 September, 1858. 
Education: Seminary and Laval University, Quebec. 
Professor, Seminary, Quebec, 1878-1882; ordained 
1882; curate at St. Antoine de Tilly, P. Q., 1883- 
1885; curate, Notre Dame de la Viotoire, Levis, P. Q., 
1885-1893; professor of philosophy, Notre Dame 
College, Levis, 1892-1893; rector at Ste. Foy, P. Q., 
1893- . Has lectured on Savonarola (1898) and 
Darras's Church History (1906), Laval University, 
Quebec. Author of: "Une paroisse historique de la 
Nouvelle France, Notre Dame de Sainte Foy", Vol. 
I (1902); collaborator in: Memorial Volume of the 
Tercentenary of Quebec (by Abb6 Scott: "Les 
femmes iUustres pendant I'^piscopat de Mgr. de 
Laval") (1908) ; "Cyclopedic History of the Canadian 
People" (by Abh6 Scott: "History of the Church of 
Canada East of the Great Lakes ") (1912) ; contributor 
to: "Le Quotidien" (Levis); "L'Evfenement" (Que- 
bec); "Voix du Pr^cieux Sang" (St. Hyacinth); 
"NouveUe France" (Quebec). 

ARTICLE: Quebec, Aechdiocese of. 

Scott, John Askew, m.a., ll.b., editor, b. at 
Dunedin, New Zealand, 19 April, 1869. Education: 
Otago Boys' High School and Otago University, 
Dunedin, winning Bowen Essay Prize in a competi- 
tion open to all New Zealand undergraduates. 
Convert to the Church; successively head master, 
Kynnersley Public School, Richardson Public School, 
assistant master, Otago Boys' High School, and head 
master, Fairfax Public School, Dunedin; former 
editor, "Otago Liberal", Dunedin; former member of 
the staff and editor (1910- ), "New Zealand 
Tablet", Dunedin. At one time Liberal candidate 
for New Zealand Parhament; former deputy member 
of the Arbitration Court for the Settlement of 
Industrial Disputes; received public approbation for 
his work as editor of the "New Zealand Tablet" from 
the New Zealand hierarchy at their Annual Con- 
ference, 1911. 

ARTICLE: New Zealakd. 

Scully, Reverend John, s.j., b. at Brookljm, 
New York, 23 September, 1846. Education: private; 
Sault-au-R6collet, Canada; Stonyhurst College, 
Blackburn, England; Woodstock College, Woodstock, 
Maryland. Began career as a salesman; entered 
Society of Jesus 1872; ordained 1884; has held the 
posts of professor of Classics and rector, St. John's 
College, Fordham, New York, prefect of studies, St. 
Peter's College, Jersey City, New Jersey, and 
Gonzaga College, Washington, D. C, rector, St. 
Joseph's College, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, lecturer 
on history, Boston College, Boston, Massachusetts; 
formerly stationed at St. Francis Xavier's Church, 
New York; in charge of the Shrine of Our Lady of 
Martyrs, Auriesville, N. Y., 1909- ; stationed at 
St. Ignatius's Church, New York, 1910-1912; and at 
Woodstock CoUege, Woodstock, Maryland, 1912- 
1913. Professor of history, Gonzaga College, Wash- 
ington, D. C, 1913-1917; St. Francis Xavier's 
Church, 1917- . Erected two buildings at Ford- 
ham University; founded Free Hospital for Poor 
Consumptives, Philadelphia; spent four years in 
Europe. Contributor to: "Messenger"; "Messenger 

of the Sacred Heart"; editor of "Pilgrim of Our Lady 
of Martyrs". 
ARTICLE: Squiebs, Hebbebt Goldsmith. 

Scully, Reverend Vincent Joseph Henet, 
can.Reg.Lat., b. in London, 1876, of Irish parents. 
Education : Canons Regular of the Lateran. Professed 
in the order of Canons Regular 1894; ordained 
1899; has held the post of master of professed at one 
of the houses of his order; at present, rector of the 
Mission, St. Ives, Cornwall, where he has built a 
chmrch. Author of: "Child of Mary's Little Hand- 
book"; "Life of the Venerable Thomas ft Kempis"; 
"A Mediaeval Mystic: Blessed John Ruysbroeck"; 
"St. Ives, a Catholic Retrospect"; "Sermons to the 
Novices Regular"; "Meditations and Sermons on 
the Incarnation, Life and Passion of Our Lord"; 
"Life of St. Lidwine" (tr. from Flemish of Ruys- 
broeck); editor of: "The Child of Mary"; "St. Agnes 

ARTICLES: Gerhard of Zutphen; Radewtnb, Flobens; 
Rtjysbboeck, John, Blessed; Saint Victoe, Achard de; 
Thomas a Kempis; Thomas of Jesds; Twenge, John, Saint; 
Vaux, Laweence. 

Searle, Reverend George Mary, c.s.p., m.a., 
Ph.D., astronomer, b. in London, 27 June, 1839, 
descendant of Governor Dudley, of Massachusetts 
Bay. Education: high school, Brookhne, Massa- 
chusetts; Harvard University. Came to the United 
States 1840; computer for Nautical Almanac 1857; 
assistant, Dudley Observatory, Albany, New York, 
1858-1859; computer, United States Coast and 
Geodetic Survey, 1859-1862; became a Catholic 
1862; assistant professor of mathematics. United 
States Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland, 1862- 
1864; assistant. Harvard Observatory, 1866-1868; 
entered Pauhst Order 1868; ordained 1871; professor 
of mathematics. Catholic University, Washington, 
D. C, 1895-1897; superior general, Pauhst Fathers, 
1904-1910; engaged in astronomical observations, 
particularly relative to Halley's Comet, Newman 
Hall, University of California, Berkeley, California, 
1910-1911; stationed at St. Mary's Church, San 
Francisco, California, 1911-1915; Apostolic Mission 
House, Brookland, Washington, D. C, 1915- 
Discovered the asteroid Pandora, 1858. Fellow of 
the Association for the Advancement of Science; 
member of: the American Academy of Arts and 
Sciences; Philosophical Society of Washington; 
Astronomical Society of the Pacific; Astronomical 
Society of Mexico; American Mathematical Society; 
American Geographical Society, etc. Author of: 
"Elements of Geometry" (New York, 1877); "Plain 
Facts for Fair Minds" (New York, 1895); "How to 
Become a Catholic" (New York, 1905); contributor 
to: "Astronomische Nachrichten"; "Astronomical 
Journal"; "CathoHc World"; "Truth". 

ARTICLE: Deshon, Geobqe. 

Sears, Reverend Martin G., b. at Ventry, Co. 
Kerry, Ireland, 7 September, 1883. Education: All 
Hallows College, Dublin. Ordained 1907; at present, 
rector, St. Joseph's Church, and assistant priest of 
the diocese, St. George's, Newfoundland. 
ARTICLE: St. George's, Diocese of. 

Secunda, Mother M., Poor Handmaids of Jesus 
Christ, Fort Wayne, Indiana. 
ARTICLE: Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ. 

Selinger, Reverend Joseph, d.d., b. at Hannibal, 
Missouri, 9 Ajjril, 1859. Education: St. Francis 
Seminary, Milwaukee, Wisconsin; American College, 
Rome. Ordained 1887; instructor in dogma, Ameri- 
can College, Rome, 1887-1888; assistant rector, St. 
Peter's Church, Jefferson City, Missouri, 1890; 
professor of dogma, Greek, and Hebrew, St. Francis 
Seminary, Milwaukee, 1904; at present, rector, St. 




Peter's Church, Jefferson City; promotor fiscalis, 
archdiocese of St. Louis. Has contributed papers to 
various Eucharistic Congresses. Member of the 
Academy of St. Thomas, Rome. Author of "New 
Theology and Old Theology"; contributor to: 
"American Ecclesiastical Review"; "Pastoralblatt", 
etc., etc. 

ARTICLES: Berlage, Anton; Espousals; Mahhiage, 
Moral and Canonical Aspect of. 

Senfelder, Leopold, m.d., b. at Vienna, 25 
September, 1864, son of Ignaz Senfelder and grandson 
of Johann Michael Sennefelder. Education: Prepara- 
tory Seminary, Mariaachein, and Gymnasium, Mies, 
Bohemia, Austria; University of Vienna. Interne at 
the Garnisons-Spitale, No. 1, Vienna, 1888-1889 
physician to the reserves and assistant physician 
Rudolf Hospital, Vienna, 1889-1891; married 1891 
practising physician, Sankt Polten, Lower Austria, 
1892, and Vienna, 1892-1905; lecturer on the history 
of medicine. University of Vienna, 1908- 
Accompanied Cardinal Gruscha to the Jubilee 
celebration, Rome, 1902; awarded Military Jubilee 
Medal, 1898. Member of the Imperial Royal 
Medical Society; librarian and archivist of the 
College of Physicians, Vienna; corresponding member 
Imperial Royal Central Monument Commission. 
Author of: "Anathema esto? " (Kempten, 1892); "Die 
Katakomben bei St. Stephan" (Vienna, 1902); "Die. 
kaiserliche konigUche Weiberstrafanstalt in Wiener- 
Neudorf" (Vienna, 1903); "Dispensatorium pro 
pharmacopceis Viennensibus in Austria" (Vienna, 
1907); "Acta Facultatis medicse universitatis Vin- 
dobonensis", Vols. IV, V and VI (Vienna, 1908, 
1910, 1911); collaborator in: "Berichte und Mit- 
teilungen des Altertums Vereines zu Wien", Vol. 
XXXVI-XXXVII (by Dr. Senfelder: "Der kaiser- 
Hche Gottesacker vor dem Schottentore") (Vienna, 
1902); "Geschichte der Stadt Wien" (by Dr. Sen- 
felder: "Offentliche Gesundheitspflege und Heil- 
kunde") (Vienna, 1904); contributor to: "Wiener 
medizinische Wochenschrift"; "Wiener klinische 
Rundschau" : "Blatter des Vereines fiir Landeskunde 
von Nieder-Osterreich"; " Das osterreichische Sani- 
tatswesen"; "Die Kultur"; " Mitteilungen des k. k. 
Archives fiir Niederosterreich"; "Der Amtsartz"; 
"Korrespondenzblatt fiir den kathoUschen Klerus in 
Osterreich"; "Kalender fiir den katholischen Klerus 
in Osterreich". 

ARTICLES: Caldani, Leopoldo Marco Antonio; Ingen- 
Housz, Jan; Medicine, History of; Paracelsus, Theophras- 
Tus; Per^, Ambroibe; Schwann, Theodor; Semmelweis, Ignaz 
Philipp; Skoda, Josef; Sobbait, Paul de; Vesaliub, Andreas; 
Vienna, University of; Vivisection, Moral Aspect of. 

Senna, Nelson Coelho db, ll.d., b. at Serro, 
Minas Geraes, 11 October, 1876. Education: Normal 
School at Diamantina, Historical Institutes at Rio 
de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Nichteroy and Ceara, and 
Academy of Juridical Sciences, Ouro Preto, Brazil. 
Has filled the posts of secretary of police and agricul- 
tural departments, State of Minas Geraes, professor 
of Brazilian and universal history, Mineiro Gym- 
nasium, Bello Horizonte, and vice-president of the 
Council of Public Instruction, State of Minas Geraes, 
Brazil; married Emilia Gentil; member of the 
Chamber of Deputies, Minas Geraes; lawyer; 
political speaker. Member of: the First, Second, 
and Third Latin American Scientific Congresses, 
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and Santiago, Chile; the 
Geographical Society of Lisbon; Historical Academy 
of Bogota, Colombia; Lawyers' Associations of 
Rio de Janeiro and Bahia, Brazil; Association of 
The Press, Santiago, Chile; and various other 
societies in Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Colombia, 
Venezuela, Portugal, Italy, and France. Correspond- 
ing member of the National Geographical Society, 
Washington, D. C. ; and member of the Fourth Pan- 
Ajnerican Congress, Santiago de Chile. Author of: 

"Questoes internacionaes do Brasil"; "A Edade da 
Pedra do Brasil"; "Elogio literario de Jos6 Eloy 
Ottoni, poeta sacro brasiliero"; "A Hulha Branca"; 
"Los Indios del Brasil"; "Contes Sertanejos"; 
" Paginas de Historia Religiosa do Brasil " ; " Discursos 
Academicos"; "A Bacia do Rio D6oe"; etc.; editor of 
"Annuario Historico e Estatistico do Estado de 
Minas Geraes" (1906- ); contributor to various 
Brazilian and foreign periodicals. 
ARTICLE: Diamantina, Diocese of. 

Seroczynski, Reverend Felix Thomas, b.a., 
b. at Warsaw. Indiana, 5 March, 1879, son of Thomas 
and Justina (Swaszkiewicz) Seroczynski, grandson of 
Karol Seroczynski, Pohsh patriot. Education: public 
schools at Warsaw and St. Joseph's CoUege at 
Rensselaer, Indiana; Mt. St. Mary's Seminary, 
Cincinnati, Ohio. Ordained 1904; has held the posts 
of assistant at St. Stanislaus's Church, East Chicago, 
and St. Mary's Church, Lafayette, Indiana, and 
rector of the Church of Sts. Cyril and Methodius, 
North Judson, and of St. Adalbert's Church, Whiting, 
Indiana; rector, St. Casimir's Church, Hammond, 
Indiana, 1911- ; director of the Fire Insurance 
Society, diocese of Fort Wayne, Indiana. President 
of the Alumni Association of St. Joseph's College, 
Rensselaer, Indiana; Knight of Columbus; member 
of: Pohsh Roman Catholic Union; Cathohc Order of 
Foresters. Contributor to: "Cathohc Standard and 
Times" (Philadelphia); "Extension" (Chicago). 

ARTICLE : Barzynski, Vincent; Dabkowbki, Joseph; Poles 
IN THE United States. 

Sexton, Reverend Canon Patrick, d.d., s.t.d. 
Education: Christian Schools, Christian Brothers 
CoUege, and St. Finnbar's College, Cork; Royal 
University of Ireland; The College, Maynooth. 
Ordained 1896; successively, lecturer in theology and 
mathematics, Maynooth; professor of dogma and 
music, AU Hallows College, Dublin; president, St. 
Finnbar's College, Cork. Member of Hterary and 
scientific associations, Cork. Author of "Quomodo 
fides divina sit lumen"; contributor to: "Irish 
Ecclesiastical Record"; "Columban Record"; 
"Homiletic Monthly"; "Irish Rosary"; "New 
Ireland Review", etc. 
ARTICLE: Cork, Diocese of. 

Shahan, Right Reverend Thomas J., d.d., 
j.Tj.L., b. at Manchester, New Hampshire, 11 Sep- 
tember, 1857, son of Maurice Peter Shahan and 
Mary Anne Carmody. Education: pubho schools, 
Milbury, Massachusetts; Montreal College, Montreal, 
Canada; American College and Roman Seminary, 
Rome; University of Berlin; New Sorbonne, Paris. 
Ordained 1882; assistant pastor, St. John's Church, 
New Haven, Connecticut, 1882-1883; chancellor and 
secretary, diocese of Hartford, Connecticut, 1883- 
1888; professor of Church history and patrology, 
Cathohc University, Washington, 1891-1909; rector, 
Cathohc University, 1909- ; domestic prelate 
1909; titular Bishop of Germanicopolis 15 November, 
1914. Active in the foundation of Chair of GaeUc 
of Ancient Order of Hibernians, Cathohc University; 
former editor of "Cathohc University Bulletin"; 
decoration Pro ecclesia et Pontifice. Member of : the 
Board of Judges, Hall of Fame, New York; American 
Historical Association; American Irish Historical 
Association; New England Cathohc Historical So- 
ciety; United States Cathohc Historical Society; 
Knights of Columbus; Ancient Order of Hiberni- 
ans. Author of: "The Blessed Virgin in the Cata- 
combs" (1892); "Begmnings of Christianity" (1903); 
"The Middle Ages" (1904); "St. Patrick in History'* 
(1904); "The House of God" (1905); "Patrology", 
translated from the German of Bardenhewer (Frei- 
burg and St. Louis, 1908); contributor to: "Cathohc 
University Bulletin"; "American Catholic Quarterly 
Review"; "American Ecclesiastical Review"; 




"Catholic World"; "Donahoe's Magazine"; "Catho- 
lic Times"; associate editor The Catholic Ency- 

ARTICLES: Abbadie, Antoine d'; Abbreviations, Eccle- 
siastical; Abdbra; Abila; Absalon of Lund; Abydus; Acan- 
thus; AcHERv, Lucas d*; Achrida; Acmonia; Acquaviva; 
Acton, John; Acton, John Francis Edward; Adda, Ferdi- 
NANDo d': Aden, Vicariate Apostolic of; Adeodatds (672- 
676), Saint, Pope; Ad Limina Apostolorum; Aegidius of Vi- 
TERBo; AfiTius; Agapetds; Agathangelus; Agathias; Agde, 
Council of; Agnellus of Ravenna; Agram; Agria; Aix-en- 
Provence, Councils of; Akominatos, Michael; Alabanda; 
Alalis; Albani; Alberic of Monte Cabsino; Albert, Saint; 
Albert of Aachen; Albert of Stade; Albi, Council of; 
Albinus; Alciati, Andrea; Alexander; Alexander I, Saint, 
Pope; Alexandria, Councils of; Allen, John; Allot, Wil- 
liam; Almeria, The Diocese of; Altamura and Acquaviva; 
Alzog, Johann Baptist; Amasia; Amastris; Amathus; Amende 
Honorable; Amico, Antonio; Amisus; Amorios; Amort, 
Eusebius; Amoy, Vicariate Apostolic of; Amphilocius op 
Iconium; Amphilocius op Sida; Amyclae; Anastasiopolis; 
Anastasius Sinaita; Anazarbus; Ancyra, Councils of; An- 
derson, Lionel Albert; Andr^, Bernard; Anemurium; An- 
gola and Congo; Angra, Diocese of; Anna Comnena; Anse, 
Councils of; Ante^ius, Saint, Pope; Anthony of Sienna; 
Antipatris; Antiphellos; Anton, IJlrich; Antonelli, Nicol6 
Maria; Antonius; Antwerp; Apameia; Apt, Council of; Aqui- 
leia; Arabia, Councils of; Arabissus; Arab; Aranda, Coun- 
cil of; Araucania, Prefecture Apostolic of; Arcadiopolis; 
Arcae; Archelais; Aremberg, Prince Charles d'; Areopolib; 
Arethas of CiEBAREA; Arethuba; Ar^valo, Faustino; Ar^- 
VALO, Rodriguez Sanchez; Argentrie, Charles du Plessis d'; 
Argos; Ariassub; Arindela, See of; Arles, The Synods of; 
Arnobius; Arnold; Arnulf of Lisieux; Arras, Councils of; 
Arsinob; Ascalon; Abia Minor; Aske, Robert; Aspendub; 
AspiLCUETA, Martin; Assam, The Prefecture Apostolic of; 
Abbur; Asterius; Aston; Astorqa, Diocebe of; Astros, Paul- 
THl^RfesE-DAVlD d'; Athos, Mount; Atrib; Attalia; At- 
' TALiATES, Michael; Attigny, Councils of; Atto; Atto op 
Pistoia; Atto op Vercelli; Attuda; Aubarede, Jean-Michel- 
d'Astorg; Aubermont, Jean-Antoine d'; Auch, Councils of; 
Aufseeb, Jobst Bernhard von; Augilae; Augusta; Augus- 
TiNES, Antonius; Augustopohs; Aunarius, Saint; Aureliop- 
OLis; Austin, John; Autocephali; Autun, Councbls of; 
AuxENTius; AuxERRE, COUNCILS OF; Avignon, Councils of; 
AviLA, Diocese of; Avitus, Saint; Avranches, Council of; 
Axum; Aylward, James Ambrose Dominic; Azaria, Aribtaceb; 
AzoTUS; B^UMER, Suitbert; Bagamoyo, Vicariate Apostolic 
of; Balbinus, Boleslaub; Banns of Marriage; Benedictub 
PoLONus; Bernard of Cluny; Bianconi; Borromeo, Federico; 
Bridgewateh, John; C^bahius of Arles, Saint; Cahier, 
Charles; Cajetan, Constantino; California, Lower, Vicari- 
ate Apostolic of; Canons, Apostolic; Canobsa; Capranica, 
DoMENico; Caroline Books; Carvajal, Bernardino Lopez 
de; Carvajol, Juan, Cardinal; Catalani, Giuseppe; Cat- 
ena; Celestine II, Pope; Celestine III, Pope; Celebtine 
IV, Pope; Cemeteries, Early Roman Christian; Charle- 
magne; Chieregati, Francesco; Ciampini, Giovanni Giub- 
tino; Clement V; Commissions; Constance, Council of; 
Constantinople, Councils of; Cordova, Diocebe of; Dam- 
ASUs I; Dignitary; Severus Alexander; Thomas Abel, Bles- 

Sbanahan, Veky Revebend Edmund Thomas, 
A.B., Ph.D., J.C.L., S.T.D., theologian, b. at Boston, 
22 November, 1868; son of Michael F. and Ellen 
M. Shanahan. Education: Boston College 1888; 
Propaganda, Rome, 1893; Roman Seminary, 1895; 
and Roman Academy, 1895; Louvain University, 
Belgium, 1895. Ordained 1893. Instructor of philoso- 
phy and dogmatic theology, American College, Rome, 
1894^1895; associate professor of philosophy, 1895- 
1901; professor of dogmatic theology since 1898, dean 
of faculty of theology since 1901, CathoHc University 
of America. Lecturer before American Society 
Extension of University Teaching, Philadelphia, 
1897, University of Pennsylvania, 1898-1899. Con- 
tributor to "Dictionary of Philosophy and Psy- 
chology'', etc. 

ARTICLE: Agnosticism. 

Shanley, Right Reverend John, d.d., b. at 
Albion, New York, 4 January, 1852; d. 16 July, 1909; 
son of John and Nancy (McLean) Shanley; removed 
to St. Paul, 1857; student, College of the Propaganda, 
Rome, 1869-1874. Ordained, Rome, 1874; assistant, 
1874^1875, and pastor, 1875-1889, Cathedral of St. 
Paul, Minnesota; consecrated, Bishop of Fargo, 27 
December, 1889. 

ARTICLE: Fargo, Diocese of. 

Shanley, Reverend Walter James, ll.d., b. at 
New Haven, Connecticut, 12 June, 1855. Education: 

St. Charles College, ElMcott City, and St. Mary's 
Seminary, Emmitsburg, Maryland, classmate of 
Bishop Monaghan of Wilmington. Ordained 1880; 
rector of the cathedral, Hartford, Connecticut, 1894- 
1905; at present, irremovable rector, St. Peter's 
Church, Danbury. President of: Catholic Total 
Abstinence Union of Connecticut, 1898-1902, Catho- 
lic Total Abstinence Union of America, 1902-1904, 
Catholic Young Men's National Union, 1904-1906; 
vice-president of Catholic Educational Association, 
1907-1912. Author of "Story of Lourdes", pam- 

ARTICLE: Temperance Movements in the United States 
AND Canada. 

Shaimahan, Very Reverend William Patrick, 
b. at Muscatine, Iowa, 2 February, 1870. Educa- 
tion: St. Ambrose CoUege, Davenport; St. Paul 
Seminary, St. Paul Minnesota; Cathohc University, 
Washington, D. C. Ordained 1899; professor of 
phUosophy (1900-1907) and president (1907-1915), 
St. Ambrose College, Davenport; pastor, St. Patrick's 
Church, Iowa City, la., 1915- 

ARTICLE: Davenport, Diocese of. 

Shannon, Very Reverend James J., vicar- 
general, diocese of Peoria. 
ARTICLE: Peoria, Diocese of. 

Sharpe, Reverend Alfred Bowyeb, m.a., b. at 
HaKord Bridge, Warwickshire, England, 1851. 
Education: Westminster School, London; Christ 
Church, Oxford; Beda College, Rome. Successively 
AngUcan vicar of St. Agnes's, Newmarket, England, 
rector of St. Clement's, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 
and vicar of St. Peter's, VauxhaU, London, 1876- 
1898; became a Cathohc 1898; ordained 1900; former 
rector of St. Mary's Church, Horseferry Road, 
London; chaplain of the Daughters of the Cross, 
Carshalton, London, 1905-1908; member of the 
Cathohc Missionary Society; resident at Brondesbury 
Park, London, 1909- . Member of the Union 
Club. Author of: "Principles of Christianity"; 
"Mysticism, Its True Nature and Value", 2 eds.; 
"Theism and Pantheism"; "Freedom of the Will"; 
"Evil, Its Nature and Cause"; "Authority in 
Behef", Westminster Lecture Series; "Spectrum of 
Truth" (in collaboration with Dr. Francis Aveling). 

ARTICLES: Common Sense, Philosophy of; Doubt; Euse- 
bius OF Doryl^um; Evil; Pessimism; Richard of St. Victor. 

Shebbeare, Reverend Wilfrid George 
Alphege, O.S.B., b. at Bromley, Kent, England, 19 
April, 1875. Education: Blackheath School, Black- 
heath, England. Organist to the Cowley Fathers, 
Oxford, England, 1899-1905; became a Cathohc 1905; 
musical director, Downside Abbey, Bath, England, 
1905-1908; joined the Community at Downside 1908. 
ARTICLES: Cantor; Choir. 

Sheedy, Reverend Morgan M., ll.d., b. at 
Liscarroll, Co. Cork, Ireland, 8 October, 1853. 
Education: St. Cohnan's College, Fermoy and May- 
nooth CoUege, Dubhn, Ireland, under Dr. Russell. I 
Ordained and appointed professor of theology and 
history, St. Michael's Seminary, Pittsburg, Pennsyl- 
vania, 1876; at present, rector of the cathedral, 
Altoona, Pennsylvania. Established a school, hall, 
and free library for young men in Pittsburg; has 
lectured at the Champlain Summer School and at the 
First Session of the Cathohc Winter School, New 
Orleans, Louisiana; founder of the Pittsburg Poly- 
technic Society; first president of the Catholic 
Summer School of America; former vice-president, 
Cathohc Total Abstinence Union. Member of the 
Writers' Club, Pittsburg; chairman of the Board of 
Directors, Reading Circle Union; member of the 
Western Pennsylvania Historical Society, etc . Author 
of: "Christian Unity"; "Social Problems"; "Briefs of 




Our Times"; contributor of articles on education and 
labor to: "CathoMc World"; "American Ecclesiastical 
Review", etc. 

ARTICLE: Altoona, Diocese of. 

Sherman, Reverend John P., rector, St. 
Thomas' Pro-Cathedral, Winona, Minnesota. 
ARTICLE: Winona, Diocese of. 

Shields, Reverend Thomas Edward, a.m., pL.d., 
LL.D., b. at Mendota, Minnesota, 9 May, 1862. 
Education: parochial and pubhc schools, Mendota; 
St. Francis Seminary, Milwaukee, Wisconsin; St. 
Thomas Seminary (now St. Paul Seminary), St. 
Paul, Minnesota; Johns Hopkins University, Balti- 
more, Maryland; Catholic University, Washington, 
D. C. Prefect of Discipline, St. Thomas College, 
St. Paul, 1885-1891; ordained 1890; assistant pastor, 
cathedral, St. Paul, 1891-1892; professor of psycholo- 
gy and general biology, St. Paul Seminary, St. Paul, 
1895-1899; assistant pastor, St. Joseph's Church, St. 
Paul, 1899-1902; instructor in psychology (1902- 
1905), associate professor of physiological psychology 
(1905-1909) and professor of psychology (1909-1915), 
and education (1909- ), and dean of Teachers' 
College, Catholic University, Washington. Hon. 
member Minnesota Academy of Medicine. Author 
of: "The Index Omnium" (Troy, N. Y., 1887); "The 
Education of Our Girls" (New York, 1907); "The 
Making and Unmaking of a DuUard" (Washington, 
1908); "The Psychology of Education" (Washington, 
1908); "Rehgion: First Book" (Washington, 1908); 
"ReUgion: Second Book" (Washington, 1909); "The 
Teaching of Religion" (Washington, 1909); "Rehgion: 
Third Book" (Washington, 1910); "Third Reader", 
Cathohc Educational Series (Washington, 1910); 
"The Teacher's Manual of Primary Methods" 
(Washington, 1912) ; collaborator in "The Educational 
Cyclopedia" (by Dr. Shields: "How the Cathohc 
Church Teaches Morahty ") ; contributor to: "Journal 
of Experimental Medicine"; "The Dolphin"; "Man- 
hattan Quarterly''^ "Educational Bi-Monthly"; 
"Cathohc University Bulletin"; "Salesianum"; 
"Cathohc Educational Review"; "Cathohc World"; 
associate editor "Cathohc Educational Review". 

ARTICLES: Assimilation, Psychological; Co-education; 

Shipman, Andrew Jackson, m.a., ll.d., lawyer, 
b. at Springvale, Virginia, 15 October, 1857; d. in 
New York, 17 October, 1915; son of John James 
Shipman, of Virginia, and Prisoilla Carroll, grand- 
daughter of Daniel Carroll, of Maryland. Education : 
public schools of Virginia; Georgetown University, 
Washington, D. C. Newspaper editor, Virginia, 
1879-1883; superintendent. Rend Coal Mines, Ohio, 
1883-1884; assistant secretary to the Collector of the 
Port of New York 1884-1889; admitted to the New 
York Bar 1886; engaged in engineering work 1889; 
practising lawyer 1890-1915; member of the firm of 
Mooney & Shipman, New York, 1890-1895, and of 
the firm of Blandy, Mooney, & Shipman, New York, 
1895-1915; married Adair, daughter of George 
Mooney, of New York, 1893; member of the Board 
of Regents, New York State University, 1913-1915; 
lecturer on the various Eastern Rites in use in the 
United States; president of the Mohansic State 
Hospital, Westchester County, New York; one of the 
investigators of the Sugar Frauds at the Port of New 
York; as lawyer, engaged in a number of noted cases, 
such as the St. Stephen's Church case. National 
Protective Association cases, etc., etc.; spoke nearly 
all European languages; made special study of 
Russian, PoUsh, Greek, and Slavic subjects, passing 
considerable time in Eastern Europe for this purpose. 
MemlDer of the American Society of International 
Law, American Bar Association, New York State 
Bar Association, New York County Lawyers' 

Association, American Association for International 
Conciliation, National Geographical Society, Cathohc 
Historical Society, Irish American Historical Society, 
Southern Society, Pan American Society, Society of 
St. John Chrysostom, Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, 
Municipal Art League, Manhattan Club, Cathohc 
Club; director of The Catholic Encyclopedia. 
Author of: "Languages of the Mass"; "Liturgy 
of St. John Chrysostom"; contributor to: "Century 
Magazine"; "Charities"; "The Messenger"; 
"McClure's Magazine"; "Helper"; "Catholic 
World"; "Pravoslavny Viestnik"; "Nauka"; 
"Echos d'Orient." 

ARTICLES: Aer; Agnetz; Altab (in the Gbeek Chubch); 
Ambo, in the Russian and Greek Chubch; Anaphoba; Anti- 
DicOMABiANiTEs; Antidobon; Antimensium; Antiphon, in the 
Greek Chubch; Apodosis; Apoltsis; Apolttikion; Apostle 
(in Litubgt); Archiereus; Archimandrite; Abtoklasia; As- 
terisk; Glagolitic; Greek Catholics in the United States; 
Greek Orthodox Church in America; Hungarian Catholics 
IN America; Iconobtabis; Kielce, Diocese op; Kbomeb, 
Martin; Lutzk, Zhitomib, and Kamenetz, Diocese op; Mos- 
cow; Pezemtsl, Sambob, and Sanok, Diocese of; Rabkol- 
NiKs; Rites in the United States; Rosaet, II; in the Greek 
Chubch, Uniat and Schismatic; Ruthenian Rite; Rutheni- 
ANs; Sejnt, Diocese of; Slavonic Language and Litubgt; 
Slavs in Ameeica. 

Shorter, Reverend Joseph A., b. at Wyandotte 
(now Kansas City), Kansas, 1859. Education: St. 
Mary's School, Kansas City; St. Benedict's College, 
Atchison, Kansas; St. Mary's College, St. Mary's, 
Kansas; University of Innsbruck, Austria; further 
studies in Rome. Ordained 1889; has filled the posts 
of chaplain of St. John's Hospital, Leavenworth, 
rector of St. Francis de Sales Church, Lansing, and 
of the Sacred Heart Church, Kickapoo, Kansas; 
vicar-general, diocese of Leavenworth, 1909-1911; 
rector. Holy Epiphany Church, Leavenworth, 1911- 
; has been for many years in charge of the 
Leavenworth colored mission; chaplain of the Kansas 
Penitentiary. Built a colored orphan asylum and 
school at Leavenworth; takes an active interest in the 
Federation of Catholic Societies; attended the 
Missionary, Chicago, and the World's Fair Cathohc 
Congress, Chicago, 1893; as vicar-general, repre- 
sented the Leavenworth diocese at the Eucharistic 
Congress, Montreal, 1910. Contributor to various 
Cathohc periodicals. 
ARTICLES: Kansas; Leavenwoeth, Diocese of. 

Sibbel, Armin Joseph, m.d., Brooklyn, New York. 

ARTICLE: Sibbel, Joseph. 

Sicard, Abb^ Jean Atjgttste, b. 24 April, 1844, at 
St. Pierre de Lombers, France. Education: Ecole 
des Carmes; Seminary of St. Sulpice. Ordained 
1867; cur6 of St. Mddard 1899; cur6 of St. Pierre de 
Chaillot 1906. Honorary Canon of Notre Dame. 
Author of: "L'ancien clerg6 de France" (3 vols.); 
"L'6ducation morale et civique avant et pendant la 
R^,volution (1700-1808)"; "Les 6tudes classiques 
avant la Revolution"; "Les deux maltres de I'en- 
fance: le pritre et I'instituteur"; "Manuel d'6duca- 
tion morale et civique"; "A la recherche d'une 
rehgion civile"; "La nomination aux b&6fices 
eccl&iastiques"; of which the first three were 
crowned by the Academy; contributor to the "Cor- 

ARTICLE: Assemblies of the Feench Cleegt. 

Siegfried, Reverend Francis P., spiritual di- 
rector, professor of Mental and Moral Philosophy, 
St. Charles Seminary, Overbrook, Pa. 

ARTICLES: Accident; Baadee, Feanz Xaveh von; Balmes, 
Jaime Luciano; Bilocation; Category; Contingent; Cbea- 
tion; Ceeationism; Deutinger, Martin; Empieicism; Exten- 
sion; Ontology. 

Sillard, Peter Algtsius, writer, b. at Dublin, 
Ireland, 20 May, 1861. Education: private; O'Con- 
neU High School, Dublin. Entered commercial hfe. 









finally abandoning it for literature; at present resi- 
dent in New York. Author of : " Life of John Mitchel 
the Young Irelander"; "Life and Letters of John 
Martin"; collector and editor of "Poems of Richard 
Dalton Williams"; collaborator in: "Dictionary of 
National Biography"; contributor to: "The 
Month"; "Westminster Review"; "Academy"; 
"Atlantic Monthly"; "Catholic World"; "Irish 
Monthly"; "New Ireland Review"; "Ave Maria"; 
"Magnificat", etc. 
ARTICLE : Meehan, Chables Patrick. 

Silva, Reverend Paul, s.j., d.d., b. at Milan, 
Italy, 1852. Education: MUan; further studies in 
France. Entered the Society of Jesus 1867; or- 
dained 1880; rector, Jesuit Colleges, Genoa, Italy 
(1887-1888), and Monaco (1889-1894); has also 
held the post of professor of letters and science in 
various Jesuit colleges; associate editor, "CiviltS, 
Cattolica", Rome, 1902- . Decoration Pro fide 
et ecclesia, 1889. 
ARTICLE: Lombasdy. 

Silva y Perez Cotapos, Vert Reverend Cahlos, 
b. at Talca, Chile, 10 May, 1868. Education: Col- 
lege of the Sacred Hearts, and Seminary, Santiago; 
University of Chile. Lawyer 1890; ordained 1891; 
professor of humanities, philosophy, canon law, and 
Church history. Seminary, Santiago, 1890-1907; fis- 
cal promoter, archdiocese of Santiago, 1896-1902; 
professor of canon law, University of Santiago, 1902- 
1907; canon theologian and secretary (1902-1914), 
provisor (1915- ) archdiocese of Santiago; member 
of the Faculty of Theology, University of Chile. 
Author of: "El clero Chilano durante la guerra de la 
Independencia, 1810-1818"; " Don Rodrigo Gonzalez, 
primer obispo de Santiago de Chile"; "Don fray, 
Antonio de San Miguel, primer obispo de la Imperial" ; 
"Don Jos6 Santiago Rodriguez Zorrilla, obispo de 
Santiago de Chile"; compendia of Church History, of 
ancient Oriental, Greek, and Roman History; notions 
of Canon Law and of the History of Civil Law, Bar- 
barian and Spanish; collaborator in "Fuentes del 
sinodo diocesano de Santiago oelibrado en 1895"; 
contributor to : " Revista Catolica " ; "El Porvenir". 

ARTICLES: San Carlos de Ancud, Diocese of; Santiago 
DE Chile, Archdiocese and Universitt of; TabapacA, Vica- 
riate Apostolic of. 

Slmar, ThiSophile, ph.D.,i,itt.D., Louvain. 

ARTICLE: Ptjteands, Ektcids. 

Simmons, Reverend John Vincent, b. at Exe- 
ter, Otsego County, N. Y., 21 March, 1858. Educa- 
tion: St. Michael's College, Toronto, Canada; St. 
Francis Xavier's College and Manhattan College; 
St. Joseph's Seminary, Troy, New York. Ordaioed 
1886; successively assistant pastor at Skaneateles 
(ten months), Utica (two months) and Pompey (three 
years), New York; pastor at Pompey 1891-1896; 
rector, St. Paul's Church, Binghamton, New York, 
1896- . Built churches at Pompey and Fabius, 
New York, leaving no debt; organized St. Paul's 
parish and built church, Binghamton; instrumental 
in having law passed favorable to Catholic church 

ARTICLE : White, Edward. 

Sinkmajer, Reverend Joseph, b. at Lysa, Bo- 
hemia, 20 March, 1866. Education: Gymnasium 
and University, Prague, Bohemia; St. Francis Sem- 
inary, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Ordained 1891; for- 
mer curate, St. Mary's Church, Iowa City, Iowa; 
former rector, St. Wenceslaus's Church, Iowa City, 
Iowa; in charge of Bohemians in Oklahoma, resident 
at Hennessy, 1904-1905; rector, St. Mary's Church, 
East Islip, Long Island, 1905- . Founded Bo- 
hemian Church of St. Wenceslaus, Iowa City; col- 
lected in the United States $10,000 to aid storm suf- 

ferers in Bohemia, 1903, in recognition of which was 
appointed notary to Bishop Riha of Budejobice. 
Collaborator in: Bohemian Catholic Encyclopedia 
(Prague); the Almanac "Katolik" (Chicago); con- 
tributor to: "Cech" (Prague); "Narod" (Chi- 

ARTICLES: Bohemlans in the United States, The; Stba- 
Hov, Abbey of. 

Slater, Reverend Thomas, s.j., b. near Black- 
burn, Lancashire, England, 1855. Education: 
Mount St. Mary's, Chesterfield, and Stonyhurst Col- 
lege, Blackburn, England; London University; 
Gregorian University, Rome. Entered the Society 
of Jesus 1874; former professor, Stonyhurst College, 
Blackburn (five years); ordained 1888; professor 
of moral theology and canon law, St. Beuno's Col- 
lege, St. Asaph, Wales, 1892-1911; stationed at St. 
Francis Xavier's Church, Liverpool, England, 1911- 
. Author of: "De justitia et jure" (1898); 
"Principia Theologia; Moralis" (1902); "Moral 
Theology", 2 vols. (1908); "Rules of Life for the 
Pastor of Souls" (1909); "Cases of Conscience", 2 
vols. (1911); "Questions of Moral Theology" (1915); 
etc.; contributor to various periodicals. 

ARTICLES: Bankruptcy, Moral Aspect of; Betting; 
Bribery; Civil Allegiance; Contract; Debt; Diana, Anto- 
NiNO; Fraud; Gambling; Honour; Justice; Law, Divine, 
Moral Aspect of; Lottery; Lying; Malone, William; Men- 
tal Reservation; Obligation; Reparation; Restitution; 
RoDRfGUEz, Alonso; Speculation; Sunday; Syndebesis. 

Slattery, Reverend Brother John Luke, Irish 
Christian Brother, b. at Tipperary, Ireland, 1846, d. 
at Cork, Ireland, November, 1909. Education: 
Christian Brothers School, Nenagh, Ireland. En- 
tered order of Irish Christian Brothers 1866; teacher 
in institutes of his order in Ireland, being for two 
years principal at Waterpark College, Waterford, 
1866-1881; sent to St. Johns, Newfoundland, 1881; 
former president of St. Bonaventure's College and 
director of the School of Industry, Mt. Cashel, St. 
Johns, Newfoundland; returned to Ireland 1907. 
Founder with Archbishop Howley of the School of 
Industry, Mt. Cashel, St. Johns; frequent speaker 
at meetings and congresses of the Irish Benevolent 
Society, St. Johns; devised a scheme for the New- 
foundland Council of Higher Education, which was 
accepted. Contributor to: "Christian Brothers 
Educational Record"; various Newfoundland period- 

- ARTICLE : Christian Brothers of Ireland. 

Sloane, Charles William, ll.b., ll.d., lawyer, 
b. in New York, 1 January, 1850. Education: St. 
Francis Xavier's College and Law School of Colum- 
bia College, New York. Admitted to the New York 
Bar 1871; married Nina Byron, daughter of the late 
George G. Byron, of South Orange, New Jersey; 
resident at Sands Point, New York. Member of the 
Board of Directors of The Catholic Encyclopedia; 
member and former president, St. Francis Xavier's 
Alumni Association; member and former vice-presi- 
dent. United States Catholic Historical Society; 
member of the Bar Association of the City of New 
York and the University Club. Author of: "Trea- 
tise on the Law of Landlord and Tenant" (New 
York, 1884); contributor to: "Albany Law Jour- 
nal"; "United States Catholic Historical Society, 
Records and Studies"; "Benziger's Magazine"; 
"Catholic Reading Circle Review". 

ARTICLES: Advowson; Alimony; Arizona; Arkansas; 
Bankruptcy, Civil Aspect of; Bigamy; Contract (in Civil 
Jurisprudence); Coudert, Frederic Ren^; Donation (in 
Civil Jurisprudence); Dower; Guardianship; Homicide (in 
Civil Jurisprudence); Masses, Bequests fob; Mortmain; 
O'CoNOR, Charles; Partnership; Prescription, in Civil 
Jurisprudence; Pbovisobs, Statute of. 

Sloane, Thomas O'Conor, m.a., e.m., Ph.D., 
physicist and consulting engineer, b. in New York, 




24 November, 1851, son of Christian Sloane and 
Elizabeth O'Conor. Education: St. Francis Xavier's 
College and Columbia University, New York. Mar- 
ried: 1. Isabel X. Mitchell, of Brooklyn, New York; 
2. Alice M. Eyre, of Dublin, Ireland, 1884; professor 
of natural sciences, Seton Hall College, South Orange, 
New Jersey, 1888-1889; has held the post of assistant 
editor on the "Plumber and Sanitary Engineer", 
"Scientific American", and "Youth's Companion"; 
member New Jersey Board of Education 1905-1911; 
scientific lecturer; resident at South Orange, New 
Jersey. Has acted as expert in many patent law 
suits; discovered new method for determining sul- 
phur in illuminating gas, 1877; invented self-record- 
ing photometer, 1879. Member of the American 
Chemical Society, of the New York Club, of the 
Larchmont and Manhassett Bay Yacht Club, of the 
Automobile Club of America. Author of: "Home 
Experiments in Science" (1888); "Rubber Hand 
Stamps and the Manipulation of India Rubber" 
(1891); "Arithmetic of Electricity" (1891); "Elec- 
tricity Simplified" (1891); "Standard Electrical 
Dictionary" (1892); "Electric Toy Making for 
Amateurs" (1892); "How to Become a Successful 
Electrician" (1894); "Liquid Air and the Liquefac- 
tion of Gases" (1899); "Electrician's Handy Book" 
(1905); "Elementary Electrical Calculations" (1909); 
"Electric Light", translated from the French of 
Alglave and Boulard (1884); "Life of St. Francis of 
Assisi", translated from the Danish of Jorgenson 
(1912); compiler of "Facts Worth Knowing" (1890); 
collaborator in: " Encyclopaedia Britannica " ; "Min- 
eral Industry of the United States"; etc.; contribu- 
tor to scientific journals in Europe and the United 

ARTICLES: Adultekation of Food; Alchemy; Atom; 
Chaptal, Jean-Antoine, Comte de Chanteloup; Despeetz, 


SuviBA, Fausto de; Fuchs, Johann Nepomuk von; Helmont, 
Jan Baptist van; Pelletier, Pierre- Joseph; Pelotjze, Th]6o- 
phile-Juleb; Sainte-Claihe Deville, Chableb; Sainte-Clairb 
Deville, Henri-Etienne; Th^nard, Louis-Jacques, Babon. 

Sloet, Reverend Dominictjs a.w.h., b. at 
Dene Ramp, Overijssel, Holland, 29 Oct., 1855. 
Education: Gymnasium, Oldenzaal, and seminaries, 
Culemborg and Rijsenburg, Holland. Ordained 
1879; pastor at Abcoude, Holland, 1906- 
President of the Peter Canisius Association; member 
of the Association for the Propagation of Knowledge 
among Dutch CathoUcs. Author of: "Het Boek 
Josue"; "Het Boek der Rechters"; "Het Hoog- 
lied" (all in "Biblia Sacra Veteris Testamenti"); 
contributor to "De Katholiek". 

ARTICLE: Kings, Third and Fourth Books of (Chronol- 

Smith, Helen Gbace, writer, b. at Torresdale, 
Pennsylvania, 15 December, 1865, daughter of Gen- 
eral Thomas Kilby Smith and Elizabeth Budd Mc- 
CuUough, Education: Convent of the Sacred Heart, 
Eden Hall, Torresdale. Has devoted most of her 
time to Uterature, research, travel, and charitable 
work; resident at Torresdale. Contributor to: 
"Atlantic Monthly"; "Lippincott's"; "The Mes- 
senger"; "The Rosary"; "Catholic World"; "Irish 
ARTICLE: De Vere, Aubrey Thomas Hunt. 

Smith, Very Reverend Ignatius, o.p., s.t.l., 
Ph.D. Education: high school, Newark, N. J.; 
Seton Hall College, South Orange, N. J. ; St. Joseph's 
CoUege, Somerset, Ohio; Dominican House of Stud- 
ies, Washington, D. C; Cathohc University, Wash- 
ington, D. C. Ordained, 1910. Professor of philoso- 
phy, Dominican House of Studies, Washington, D. C; 
at present. National Director of the Holy Name 
Society, and the Third Order of St. Dominic; prior, 
St. Catherine of Sienna Convent, New York; pastor 
St. Catherine of Sienna Church, New York. Editor 

of: "The Holy Name Journal", and the "Torch". 
Author of: " The ReUgion of Dynamite"; "TheWork- 
ingman's Hope"; "The Classification of Desires ac- 
cording to St. Thomas and modern Sociology"; con- 
tributor to: "bominican Year Book"; "Rosary". 

ARTICLES: Fumo, Bahtolommeo; John of Avila, Blessed; 
Labat, Jean-Baptiste; Leonard of Chios; Nider, John; 
Peter Chhysologus, Saint; Rites: Dominican; Thomas of 
JoRz; Vehe, Michael. 

Smith, Reverend Joseph HroH, s.j., b. in New 
York, 16 March, 1865, son of Lawrence and Jane 
(McKee) Smith. Education: St. Francis Xavier's 
Parochial School and CoUege, New York; Jesuit 
scholasticates, Woodstock and Frederick, Maryland, 
and Florissant, Missouri; Creighton University, 
Omaha, Nebraska. Entered the Society of Jesus 
1882; professor of Latin, Greek, and Enghsh, St. 
John's College, Fordham, New York, 1889-1894; 
former professor, Georgetown University, Washing- 
ton, D. C. (one year); ordained 1897; professor of 
Latin, Greek, and Enghsh, St. Andrew-on-Hudson, 
Poughkeepsie, New York, 1900-1907; assistant edi- 
tor, "Messenger of the Sacred Heart", New York, 
1907-1909; minister, Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, 
New York, 1909-1912; assistant, St. Ignatius Church, 
Brooklyn, 1912- 
ARTICLE: Gallifet, Joseph de. 

Smith, Reverend Michael Paul, c.s.p., b. in 
New York, 30 June, 1851. Education: St. Charles 
CoUege, Ellicott City, Maryland; Paulist scholasti- 
cate. New York. Entered the Congregation of St. 
Paul 1874; ordained 1879; engaged principaUy in 
missionary work; former superior and (1896-1898) 
professor of moral theology, St. Thomas's CoUege, 
Cathohc University, Washington; rector, St. Mary's 
Church, San Francisco, California, 1900-1904; rec- 
tor, St. Austin's Church, Austin, 'Texas, 1908-1910; 
stationed at St. Paul's Church, New York, 1910- 
1912; founder and rector of St. Phihp's Church, 
Portland, Oregon, 1912-1914; and again at St. Paul's 
Church, New York, 1914r- . Contributor to 
"Cathohc World". 

ARTICLES: Baker, Francis Asbubt; Hecker, Isaac 

Smith, Milton Emanuel, lectvirer, b. in Fred- 
erick County, Maryland, 5 February, 1844. Educa- 
tion: pubhc schools and Frederick College, Fred- 
erick County, and private school, Baltimore, Mary- 
land. Married Ann Josephine Griffith (d. 1883) 
1866; became a Cathohc 1876; editor of "Church 
News". Washington, D. C, 1886-1900; married 
Mary Agnes Easby-Smith, daughter of WiUiam Rus- 
seU Smith, 1887; has lectured on a variety of sub- 
jects in Baltimore, Washington, and other cities; 
resident at Hyattsville, Maryland. Delegate and 
speaker. First Catholic Congress, Baltimore, 1889. 
Author of: "History of St. Patrick's Parish, Wash- 
ington"; coUaborator in "National Cyclopedia of 
Biography"; contributor to "Rosary Magazine", 
ARTICLE: Ammen, Daniel. 

Smith, Reverend Sydney Fenn, s.j., b. at Mar- 

§ate, Kent, England, 1843, son of Reverend Sydney 
mith, Anglican Vicar of Worth. Education: private 
school. Sandwich, and Jesuit scholasticate. Stony- 
hurst, Blackburn, England; St. Beuno's College, St. 
Asaph, Wales. Received into the Church by Father 
Albany Christie, S.J., 1864; entered the Society of 
Jesus 1866; professor of rlietoric, Stonyhurst Col- 
lege, Blackburn, 1871-1874; ordained 1877; profes- 
sor: of ethics, Stonyhurst CoUege, 1878-1879, of 
rhetoric, Beaumont CoUege, Old Windsor, England, 
1879-1882, of theology and Holy Scripture, St. 
Beuno's College, St. Asaph, Wales, 1883-1889; mem- 
ber of the Jesuit staff of writers. Farm Street, Lon- 




don, 1889- . ; editor of "The Month" 1897-1901; 
at present on the staff of "The Month". Member 
of the Committee, Catholic Truth Society. Author 
of tracts for Catholic Truth Society; joint author and 
editor of "Scripture Manuals for CathoUc Schools". 
ARTICLES: Anglican Orders; Baker, Charles, Vener- 
able; Barrow, William, Venerable; Bellarmine, Robert 
Francis Romulus, Venerable; Bentnet, William; Clement 
XIII, Pope; Co-consecrators; Gallwet, Peter; Low Church; 
Mortification; Nonconformists; Non-Jurors; Union of 
Christendom; Zeal. 

Smith, Walter George, a.m., ll.b., k.s.g., law- 
yer, born in Logan Co., Ohio, 24 November, 1854. 
Education: University of Pennsylvania. Admitted 
to the bar 1877; married Elizabeth Drexel 1890; 
president of the Conference of Commissioners on 
Uniform State Laws; chairman of the Committee on 
Resolutions National Divorce Congress; chairman 
of the Committee on Resolutions of the Convention 
of the American Federation of Catholic Societies; 
former member of the Executive Committee of the 
American Bar Association; chairman of the Com- 
mittee on Uniform State Laws American Bar Asso- 
ciation. Member of the Historical Society of Penn- 
sylvania and of the Phi Beta Kappa Society (honor- 
ary). Author of: "Life and Letters of Thomas 
Kilby Smith"; various addresses and articles in 

ARTICLES: Charitable Bequests, Citil Law Concern- 
ing; Divorce (in Civil Jurisprudence); Law, International; 
Marriage, Civil; Masses, Devises and Bequests fob (United 
States); Peace Congresses; Pennsylvania; Smith, Thomas 
Ejlby; Trusts and Bequests. 

Smolinski, Colonel Joseph, b. at Quebec, Can- 
ada, 19 October, 1845. Education: University In- 
stitute, Nogent-sur-Marne, France; Pohsh National 
School, Paris. Has held the posts of private in 
United States Marine Corps and lieutenant in First 
United States Lancers (subsequently Niath New 
York Cavalry) 1861-1865; clerk in the War Depart- 
ment, at one time chief of division of Military Infor- 
mation Department, 1875-1909; attorney and gen- 
eral agent. United States and Foreign Patent Office, 
Washington, D. C, 1909-1912; Commissioner of 
Deeds, Amsterdam, New York, 1912- ; engaged 
in editing and translating a Pohsh Encyclopedia; 
member of Third Order of St. Francis Secular. 
Representative of the Poles of America before the 
Senate Committee on Immigration, 57th Congress, 
Washington; one of the two authors of Rule X, 
United States Civil Service; projector of Pulaski 
National Monument, Washington; one of the three 
projectors and secretary of the Executive Committee 
on the Kosciuszko statue, erected at West Point, 
New York, 1913; has attended, as delegate or upon 
invitation, numerous Polish conventions and con- 
gresses; founded Polish Business Men's Association, 
Amsterdam, N. Y., 1913. Honorary member of 
nearly all Polish National Societies of United States; 
corresponding member of the Society of the Pohsh 
National Museum at Rapperswyl, Switzerland; 
member of the Loyal Legion of the United States. 
Has contributed to "Cathohc University Bulletin". 
ARTICLE: Bielski, Margin. 

Smyth, Patrick Gbehan, b. in Ballina, County 
Mayo, Ireland, 22 August, 1857. Came to America, 
1889; married. Founder and editor of "The West- 
em People", BaUina; editor of: "The New World"; 
"Western Catholic"; "Cathohc Observer", Chicago. 
Author of: "The Wild Rose of Lough Gill" (Dubhn, 
1883, 38 Eds.); "Under the White Cockade"; 
"King and Viking"; "The Green Flag and the Tri- 
color"; "Bourke of Belleek"; and other historical 
novels; has written several works on Irish heraldry 
and interested himself in the revival and propaga- 
tion of same. 

ARTICLE : Brown, William. 

Snead-Cox, John George, editor, b. in Hereford- 
shire, 4 April, 1855, son of Col. Richard Snead-Cox, 
J.P., of Broxwood, and Maria Teresa, daughter of 
George Weld, of Leagram, and niece of Cardinal 
Weld. Education: Stonyhurst College, Blackburn, 
England. Called to the Bar at the Middle Temple, 
London, 1881; married Mary, daughter of George 
Porteous, of New Orleans, Louisiana, 1891; for many 
years, and at present, editor of "The Tablet", Lon- 
don; member of Cathohc Education Council; Lord 
of the Manors of Broxwood, Herefordshire, and 
Souldern, Oxfordshire. Member of the CathoUc 
Education Council. Author of: "Jubilee-tide in 
Rome"; "Life of Cardinal Vaughan", 2 vols.; has 
contributed to: "Weekly Register"; "Nineteenth 
Century"; etc., etc. 
ARTICLE: Vaughan, Herbert. 

SoUier, Very Reverend Joseph Francis, s.m., 
D.D., J.C.B., Litt.B. Education: St. Joseph's Insti- 
tute, MontluQon, France; St. Mary's HiU, Paignton, 
England; University School, Dubhn, Ireland; Gre- 
gorian University, Rome. Entered the Society of 
Mary; professor of apologetics and Church history. 
Seminary, Nevers, France, 1889-1891; professor of 
philosophy. Holy Family College, Dodon, Mary- 
land, 1892-1894; professor of theology (1895-1908) 
and superior (1902-1908), Marist College, Washing- 
ton, D. C; rector, Notre Dame des Victoires, San 
Francisco, California, 1908-1911; provincial of the 
Society of Mary in the United States, resident at 
Washington, 1911- 

ARTICLES: Accemet^e; Adoption, Supernatural; Adop- 
tionism; Apollinahianism; Baillet, Adbien; Baius, Michel; 
Barcos, Martin de; Bausset, Louis-Francois de; Belsunce 
DE Castelmoron, Henri Francois Xavier de; Berland, 
Pierre; Bernis, Francois-Joachim-Pierre de; Bertrand, 
Pierre; Bonal, Francois de; Bonald, Louis-Jacques-Mau- 
bice de; Brogny, Jean-Allabmet de; BRUoifcRE, Pierre; 
Caillau, Armand-Benjamin; Camisards; Camus de Pont- 
Carr6, Jean-Pierre; Caulet, Francois-Etienne; Censures, 
Theological; Chanel, Pierbe-Louis-Marie; Colbert, Jean- 
Baptiste; Colin, Jean-Claude-Marie; Communion of Saints; 
Cyrus of Alexandria; Darboy, Geoeges; Deschamps, Nico- 
las; Dillon, Arthur-Richaed; Donnet, Ferdinand-Francois- 
Auguste; Dubois, Guillaume; Dupanloup, F^lix-Antoine; 
DuPHAT, Antoine; Durandus of Troarn; Duvergier de 
Hauranne, Jean; Gerbet, Olympe-Philippe ; Godet deb 
Marais; Lallemant, Jacques-Philippe; La Luzerne, C^sae- 
Guillaume; Landriot, Jean-Franqois-Anne ; Lang^nieux, 
BenoIt-Maeie; Lavigebie, Charles-Martial-Allemand ; Le 
Camus, ^tienne; Le Coz, Claude; Le Tellier, Charles- 
Maurice; LoM^NiE DE Brienne, IStienne-Charles de; Love, 
TheologicalVirtue of; Mary, Society of; M^rode, Fr^d^ric- 
Francois-Xavier Ghislain de; Paraclete; Pavillon, Nico- 
las; Perseverance, Final; Pie, Louis-Edouard-D^bir^ ; 
Precious Blood; Quelen, Hyacinthe-Louis de; Rapin, Ren^; 
Redemption; Supernatural Order; Thbophilanthropists. 

Sortais, Reverend Gaston, s.j., litt.L., b. at 
Blain, Loire Inf&ieure, France, 4 July, 1852. En- 
tered the Society of Jesus 1875; ordained 1885; for- 
mer professor of philosophy, St. Ignatius School, 
Paris; at present, associate editor of "Etudes" and 
"Revue de Philosophie", Paris. Author of : "Trait6 
de Philosophie avec I'histoire de la philosophie", 3 
vols. (4eds.); "Excursions artistiques et litt^raires," 
2 series; "Fra AngeUco et Benozzo Gozzoli"; "Ihos 
et lUade" (2 eds.); "La crise du lib&alisme" (2 
eds.); "Etudes philosophiques et sociales"; "La 
Providence et le miracle devant la science moderne" 
(2 eds.); "Le proces de Gahl(5e" (3 eds.); "Histoire 
de la Philosophie ancienne"; "L' attitude des Catho- 
Mques en face de la d^mocratie et du droit commun 
au XX° siecle". 

ARTICLES: Gozzoli; Kaupmann, Angelica; Maqaud, An- 
toine-Dominique; Masaccio; Matteo da Siena; Messina, 
Antonello da; Morales, Luis de; Moroni, Giovanni Bat- 
tista; Orcagna (Andrea di Cione) ; Palma Vecchio; Par- 
MiGiANO, II; Pinturicchio; Pollajuolo, Antonio and Piero 
Benci; Sarto, Andrea del; Sassofereato, Giovanni Battista 
Salvi da; Tintoeetto, II; Veeocchio, Andeea del; Zuebaean, 

Souvay, Reverend Charles L^on, cm., a.b., 
LL.B., D.D., Ph.D., S.S.D., b. at Saulxures-sur-Mose- 




lotte, France, 15 December, 1870. Education: pub- 
lic school, St. Maurice-sur-Moselle, France; School 
of Pierre de Chaillot, and Seminary of St. Nicholas 
du Chardonnet, Paris; Seminary of St. Sulpice, Issy, 
France; Lazarist scholasticate, Paris; St. Thomas 
College, Rome; further studies in Rome, winning a 
medal for Syriac. Entered the Congregation of the 
Mission 1893; ordained 1896; professor of Sacred 
Scripture, Hebrew, and Church history. Seminary of 
St. Flour, Cantal, France, 1898-1903; professor of 
dogma (1903-1905) and of Holy Scripture, and He- 
brew (1903- ), lecturer on Christian art and 
archseology, hbrarian, Kenriok Seminary, St. Louis, 
Missouri. Author of: "De I'lnspiration" (1902); 
"Les Psaumes, traduction frangaise" (1903); "Es- 
say on the Metre of the Psalms", thesis for doctor- 
ate (1912); contributor to French and American pe- 

ARTICLES: Aaron; Altar (in Scripture) ; Animals in the 
Bible; Ark; Baal, Baalim; Carri£;res, Louis de; Court (in 
Scripture); Dagon; Dancing; Dietenberger, Johann; Dis- 
ciple; Dreams, Interpretation of; Elias; Elizabeth; Eb- 
DRAs; Evangelist; Fibst-Bobn; First-Fruits ; Fringes; Geog- 
raphy, Biblical; Haggith; Hammurabi; Herbst, Johann 
Georg; Hethites; Houbigant, CHARLES-FRANgois; Idumea; 
ISAiAS; Joachim; John the Baptist, Saint; Joseph, Saint; 
Leprosy; Nabuchodonosor; Nahum; Names, Hebrew; Neph- 
TALi; Offerings (Oblations) ; Olivet, Mount; Ophir; Para- 
sceve; Patmos; Pentapolis; Pentecost (of the Jews), Feast 
of; Phabga; Pisidia; Plants in the Bible; Pools in Scripture; 
Purim; Rabbi and Rabbinism; Sanhedrin; Sichem; Stephen, 
Saint; Stones, Precious, in the Bible; Tabernacle in Scrip- 
ture; Tabernacles, Feast of; Vatable, Francois; Vercel- 
LONE, Carlo; Verecundub; Villapandus, Juan Bautista; 
Walton, Brian. 

Spahn, Mabtin, Ph.D., b. at Marienburg, Prus- 
sia, 7 March, 1875. Education: Gymnasia at 
Marienburg, Bonn, and Berlin, Germany; Universi- 
ties of Bonn, Berhn, and Innsbruck. Lecturer in 
modern history. University of Berlin, 1898-1901; 
special professor of modern history. University of 
Bonn, 1901; professor of modern history. University 
of Strassburg, 1901- . Member of the Scientific 
Society of Strassburg. Author of: "Verfassungs- 
imd Wirtschaftsgeschichte des Herzogtums Pom- 
mem" (1896); "Johannes Cochlaus" (1898); "Ak- 
ten und Urkunden zur Geschichte des Kurfiirstes 
Friedrich WiUielm von Brandenburg" (1899): 
"Philipp Veit" (1901); "Der grosse Kurfursf' 
(1901, 7th thousand 1912); "Leo XIII" (1905); 
"Ernst Lieber" (1906); "Michelangelo und die Six- 
tinische Kapelle" (1907); "Das deutsche Zentrum" 
(1907); "Der Kampf um die Schule" (1907); "Auf 
dem Wege zur Finanzreform" (1910); "Nationale 
Erziehung und Konfessionelle Schule" (1912); con- 
tributor to: "Hochland"; "Zeitschrift fur Politik"; 
"Deutsche Rundschau". 

ARTICLES: Andlaw, Heinrich Bernhard, Freiheer von; 
Bulla Aurea; Charles V, Emperor; Congresses, Catholic; 
Germany (15.56-1871; the New German Empire); Holy Alli- 
ance; Jarcke, Karl Ernst; Kulturkampf; Lieber, Ernst 
Maria; Prussia; Radowitz, Joseph Maria von; Thirty Years 
War, The; Tilly, Johannes Tserclabs, Count of; Wallen- 
STEiN, Albrecht von; Windthorst, Ludwig. 

Spalding, Reverend Henry S., s.j., b. at Bards- 
town, Kentucky, 1865. Education: St. Joseph's 
College, Bardstown; St. Mary's College, St. Mary's, 
Kansas; St. Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri; 
Woodstock College, Woodstock, Maryland. Entered 
the Society of Jesus 1884; ordained 1899; professor 
of humanities, Creighton University, Omaha, Ne- 
braska, 1901; vice-president, Marquette University, 
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1902-1907; lecturer on medi- 
cal jurisprudence (1907-1912) and director of Affili- 
ated Colleges (1907- ), Loyola University, 
Chicago, superior of Loyola Academy, Chicago, 
1912- . Member of the Catholic Writers' Guild, 
Chicago; member of the Wisconsin Historical 
Society. Author of: "The Cave by the Beech 
Fork" (New York, 1902); "The Sheriff of the 
Beech Fork" (New York, 1903); "The Race for 

Copper Islands" (New York, 1905); "The Marks 
of the Bear Claws" (New York, 1908); "Life of 
Marquette" (New York, 1909); "Old Mill on the 
Withrose" (New York, 1910); "The Sugar Camp 
and After'' (New York, 1912). 
ARTICLE: Marquette, Jacques. 

Spillane, Reverend Edward P., s.j., b. in New 
York, 19 November, 1859. Education: public and 
parochial schools. College of the City of New York, 
and St. Francis Xavier's College, New York; Wood- 
stock College, Woodstock, Maryland. Entered the 
Society of Jesus 1876; instructor, Loyola College, 
Baltimore, Maryland, 1883-1885; instructor, Gon- 
zaga College, Washington, D. C, 1885-1888; or- 
dained 1891; professor of rhetoric (1892-1893) and 
prefect of studies and disciphne and vice-president 
(1893-1895), St. Francis Xavier's College, New York; 
has also held the post of professor at Boston College, 
Boston, Massachusetts, Holy Cross College, Worces- 
ter, Massachusetts, and St. Joseph's College, Phil- 
adelphia, Pennsylvania; associate editor of "The 
Messenger", New York, 1907-1909; associate editor 
of "America", New York, 1909-1913; again sta- 
tioned at St. Joseph's College, Philadelphia, Pa., 
1913- . Author of: "Life and Letters of Henry 
Van Rensselaer" (New York, 1908). 

ARTICLES: Anderdon, William Henry; Anderson, Pat- 
rick; ARGtiELLO, Luis Antonio; Aubbry, Joseph; Avancini, 
Nicola; Ayll6n, Lucan VAsquez de; Backer, Augustin de; 
Bacon, Nathaniel; Bailloquet, Pierre; Barbelin, Felix- 
Joseph; Bartoli, Daniello; Baudouin, Michel; Bazin; John 
Stephen; Beschefer, Theodore; Beste, Henry Digby; Bien- 
ville, Jban-Baptiste Le Moyne; Brady, William Maziere; 
Bressani, Francesco Giuseppe; Browne, Charles Fakrah; 
Burnett, Peter Hardeman; Butbux, Jacques; (IJabral, 
Francisco; Camel, George Joseph; Carayon, Augusts; 
Carheil, Etienne de; Casot, Jean-Jacques; Chabanel, Noel; 
Chardon, Je an-B aptiste ; Charlevoix, Francois- Xavibr; 
Chastbllain, Pierre; Cholonec, Pierre; Coquart, Claude- 
Godeproi; Cordaha, Giulio Cesare; (IJrawford, Francis 
Marion; Cri&pieul, Franqois de; Dablon, Claude; Daniel, 
Anthony; Dawson, ^neas McDonnell; Detr^, William; 
DfAZ, Pedro; Dobrizhoffer, Martin; Doutreleau, Stephen; 
Dubois, Jban-Antoine; Ducrue, Francis Bennon; Eckart, 
Anselm; Finotti, Joseph; Fisher, Philip; Shea, John Dawson 
Gilmary; Thimelby, Richard. 

Spitz, Reverend Maternus, o.s.b., b. at Epfig, 
Lower Alsace, Germany, 24 February, 1872. Edu- 
cation: Episcopal Gymnasium, Strassburg, and 
Benedictine Abbey, Beuron, Germany; Benedictine 
College, Sarnen, Switzerland; St. 'Thomas Abbey, 
Erdington. Entered the Beuron Congregation of the 
Benedictine Order 1893; ordained 1899; sacristan 
(1897-1908), librarian and lector of ecclesiastical and 
monastic history (1898-1901), and assistant parish 
priest (1904- ), St. Thomas Abbey, Erdington. 
Has travelled in Switzerland, Germany, and England. 
Member of the Institute for the Pursuit of Mission- 
ary Science; member of the International Commis- 
sion for the Promotion of Missionary Educational 
Affairs. Collaborator in "Kirchliches Handlexikon " ; 
contributor to: "Illustrated Catholic Missions"; 
"Tablet"; "Ave Maria"; various English and Ger- 
man newspapers. 
ARTICLE: Siam, Vicariate Apostolic of. 

Stace, Francis A., lawyer, b. at Lewes, Sussex, 
England, 7 June, 1834, brother of Professor Arthur 
Joseph Stace. Education: grammar school, Lewes. 
Became a Catholic 1849; emigrated to Canada 1851; 
became surveyor and civil engineer; went to Michi- 
gan 1858; teacher, Catholic School, Marshall, Michi- 
gan, 1858-1861; admitted to the Bar 1863; succes- 
sively in partnership with Judge Miner, late of the 
Supreme Court of Utah, and J. C. Fitzgerald; mar- 
ried Margaret M. McMahon 1863; has filled the 
posts of Justice of the Peace, City Engineer, and City 
Attorney, Marshall, Michigan; moved to Grand 
Rapids, 1887; legal adviser to Bishop Richter, of 
Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1891-1916. Has lectured 









on "Origin of Free Institutions in America"; nomi- 
nee of Democratic party for various judicial posi- 
tions; member of several State Conventions, Michi- 
gan. Member of the Michigan Bar Association; 
Knight of Columbus. Author of "Forms and Prec- 
edents in Chancery" (1908), and "Chancery Prac- 
tice" (1913). 
ARTICLE: Michigan. 

Stadelman, Reverend Joseph M., s.j., b. at 
Gebweiler, Alsace, 4 June, 1858. Education; Col- 
lege of Providence, Amiens, France. Entered the 
Society of Jesus 1877; ordained 1889; has been pro- 
fessor of Latin and Greek Classics, of modern lan- 
guages, of political economy and of ethics, in various 
Jesuit colleges; in charge of the Catholic Deaf Mutes 
of New York and Boston for eleven years; director 
(and founder), Xavier Free Publication Society for 
the Blind, New York City. Compiled first diction- 
ary of Sign Language in English (unpubhshed). 
Author of: "Valerian and Tiburtius" and "Judas 
Maccabeus", dramas for representation by deaf 
mutes; "Manual of Prayers and Devotions". 

ARTICLES: Education of the Blind; Haut, Valentin. 

Staniforth, Reverend Father Oswald (George 
Staniporth), o.s.p.c, ph.ii., b. at Erith, Kent, Eng- 
land, 27 December, 1866. Education: St. Augustine's 
College, Ramsgate, and various Capuchin scholasti- 
cates, England. Entered the Capuchin Order 1883; 
ordained 1899; engaged in parish work at various 
times at Pantasaph, Olton, Chester, Peckham, and 
Crawley, England, 1891-1909; professor of theology 
in various houses of his order 1895-1898, 1909-1911; 
acting chaplain in the British Army, South Africa, 
1902-1903; engaged m missionary work, California, 
1904r-1906; has filled the posts of vicar (four times) 
and of lector of theology (five times) in various 
houses of his order; vicar. Monastery of the Im- 
maculate Conception, Olton, Birmingham, England, 
1909-1913; acting chaplain in the British Army, 
1915-1917; at present at Franciscan Monastery, 
Pantasaph, Holywell. Author of: "The Saint of 
the Eucharist"; "Sketch of St. Louis, King of 
France"; "Life of St. Francis", pamphlet for Catho- 
hc Truth Society; contributor to "Franciscan An- 

ARTICLE: Pascal Batlon, Saint. 

Stanislaus, Reverend Brother, b. at Horse- 
heads, New York, 1876. Education: Union Acad- 
emy, Horseheads. Entered Order of Brothers of the 
Holy Infancy; former assistant superintendent of 
the Working Boys' Home, Buffalo, New York; pre- 
fect, St. John's Protectory, Lackawanna, 1895- 
Contributor (under name of Dennis J. Markham) to 
the "Victorian". 
ARTICLE: Holt Infancy, Brothers of the. 

Stanislaus, Mother M. Superior of St. Michael's 
Presentation Convent, New York. 
ARTICLE: Presentation Order in America. 

Stanley, George Arnold, a.m., ph.s., b. at San 
Francisco, California, 10 August, 1859. Education: 
University of California, Berkeley. Formerly en- 
gaged in civil engineering (seven years) ; grand secre- 
tary. Young Men's Institute of America, 1891- 
Has attended officially all Grand Councils of Young 
Men's Institute since 1889. 

ARTICLE: Yoiing Men's Institute. 

Stapleton, Reverend John H., b. at Shelton, 
Conn., 28 October, 1873. Education: Sulpician 
Seminary, Montreal, Canada; St. Sulpice, Paris. 
Ordained 1899; has held the posts of curate in vari- 
ous parishes in the diocese of Hartford and instructor 
in St. Thomas's Seminary, Hartford, Coimecticut; 
rector, St. Louis's Church, New Haven, Connecticut, 

1909-1911; rector. Sacred Heart Church, Taftville, 
Connecticut, 1911-1913; at present rector of St. 
Aloysius' Church, New Canaan, Connecticut. Mem- 
ber of the Vigilance Committee, diocese of Hartford. 
Author of: "Moral Briefs"; contributor to "Homi- 
letic Monthly"; "Catholic Transcript". 

ARTICLES: Clericato, Giovanni; Climent, Jos^; Com- 
mandments of God; Compensation, Occult; Contenson, 
Vincent; Covetousness. 

Steele, Fbancesca Maria, writer, b. in London, 
21 April, 1848. Education: Bedford CoUege, Lon- 
don, under Professors Beesley, Heimann, Gardner, 
and Seeley. Became a Catholic 1887; has devoted 
most of her time to literature; resident at Stroud, 
Gloucestershire, England. Author of: "The Village 
Blacksmith"; "Fair Katherine"; "Lottie's Woo- 
ing"; "Chloe"; "Naomi's Transgression"; "Daugh- 
ters of Job"; "Brother Francis"; "The Game of 
Life" (Prize novel); "The Little Doctor" (Prize 
story); "Spoilt Guy"; "The Beautiful Queen Jo- 
anna I"; '\St. Bridget of Sweden"; "The Story of 
the EngUsh Pope"; "The Story of the Bridget- 
tines"; "Anchoresses of the West"; "Monasteries 
of Great Britain and Ireland"; "Convents of Great 
Britain"; collaborator in "Harmsworth's Encyclo- 
paedia"; contributor to: "American Catholic Quar- 
terly Review"; "American Ecclesiastical Review"; 
"The Month"; "Cathohc Times"; "Catholic 
World"; "Good Words"; "Temple Bar"- "Sun- 
day Magazine"; "Girls' Own Paper"; Gentle- 
man's Magazine . Pen name: Darley Dale. 

ARTICLES: Blessed Sacrament, Congregation of the; 
Brigittines; Calvary, Congregation of Our Lady of; 
Charity, Sisters of, of Jesus and Mart; Charity, Sisters 
OF, OF St. Louis; Charity, Sisters of, of St. Paul; Christian 
Retreat, Congregation of; Flete, William; Gabriel, 
Brothers of Saint; Hallahan, Margaret; Hardman, Mart 
Juliana; Immaculate Conception, Sisters of the; Joseph, 
Sisters of Saint (English Branch) ; Joseph, Sisters of Saint, 
of Cluny; Joseph, Sisters of Saint, of the Apparition; 
Joseph, Sisters of Saint, of the Sacred Heart; Refuge, 
Sisters of Our Lady op Charity of the; Retreat of the 
Sacred Heart, Congregation of the; Taylor, Frances 
Margaret; Temple, Sisters of the; Tredway, Lettice Mary. 

Steele, Gertrude Dana (Gertrude Henshaw 
Dana), b. at Worcester, Massachusetts, 9 December, 
1871. Education: private schools; Boston Latin 
School; Convent of the Sacred Heart, Eknhurst, 
Providence, R. I. Received into the Catholic 
Church 1889. Married Dr. John McClary Steele 
1900. Secretary of the Board of Editors and edito- 
rial assistant of The Catholic Encyclopedia 
1905- ; manager of the London Office of The 
Catholic Encyclopedia in 1913. 

ARTICLES: Colombi^ire, Claude de la; Gracian, BXl- 
tasar; Van der Sandt, Maximilian. 

Stehle, Reverend Walter, o.s.b., b. near 
Ravensburg, Wiirttemberg, Germany, 18 January, 
1869. Education: Gymnasium, Ravensburg; St. 
Vincent College, Beatty, Pennsylvania. Entered the 
Benedictine Order 1885; ordained 1894; engaged in 
parish and mission work 1894-1901; prefect and pro- 
fessor of Church history, homiletics, liturgy, and Eng- 
lish literature, St. Vincent Seminary, Beatty, 1901- 
1906; rector, St. Vincent College and Seminary, 
Beatty, 1906-1914; at present prior and rector of St. 
Leonard's Priory and Benedictine College, Pueblo, 
Denver. Assists at all conventions and member of 
the Executive Board (1908- ), Cathohc Educa- 
tional Association. 
ARTICLE: Wimmer, Boniface. 

Steichen, Reverend Michael, missionary Apos- 
tolic, Tokio, Japan. Education: Jesuit College, 
Paris; Seminary for Foreign Missions. Ordained 
1886; at various times, director of the Cathohc 
Press, Japan; superior of the Seminary, Tokio; 
chaplain to the "Dames of St. Maur" of the Sacred 
Heart. Author of: "The Christian Daimyoa"; 




"The Insurrection of Shimabara": contributor to 
the "Melanges". 

ARTICLE: Tokio, Ahchdiocese of. 

Stein, Reverend John W. J. A., s.j., 
Astr.D., b. at Grave, Holland, 27 February, 1871. 
Education: public school and Jesuit scholastioate, 
Maastricht, Holland; University of Leyden. En- 
tered the Society of Jesus 1888; ordained 1903; pro- 
fessor of mathematics, St. Wilhbrod's School, Kat- 
wijk, Holland, 1905-1906; astronomer, Vatican Ob- 
servatory, Rome, 1906-1910; professor of mathemat- 
ics and physics, St. Ignatius College, Amsterdam, 
1910- . Has visited several observatories in Eu- 
rope and the United States; participated in the ob- 
servation of the solar eclipse, Tortosa, Spain, Septem- 
ber 30, 1905; determined by means of the elec- 
trophotometer the increase and decrease of the light- 
intensity of the sun during central ecUpse, Namur, 
Belgium, 17 April, 1912. Author of: " Beobachtunge 
zur Bestimmung der Breitenvariation in Leiden nach 
der Horrebowmethode angestellt von Juni, 1899, bis 
Juli, 1900", dissertation for doctorate (Leyden, 
1900); "CaUxte III et la comWe de Halley" (Rome, 
1909); "La rotation de la terre" (Rome, 1910); con- 
tributor to: "Proceedings of the Royal Academy of 
Sciences (Amsterdam); "Monthly Notices" (Royal 
Astronomical Society); "Astrophysical Journal"; 
"Rivista di Astronomia". 

ARTICLES: Pingr]^, Alexandre Gut; Platina, Eartol- 
oMEo: RuFFiNi, Paolo; Santini, Giovanni Sante Gaspeko; 
ScHOLS, Charles Mathieu; Schrank, Franz de Paula von; 
Serpieri, Alessandro; Triesnbcker, Francis a Paula. 

Steiunans, Revebend Theophilb, b. at Weert, 
Limburg, Holland, 2 Feb., 1873. Education: St. 
Joseph's College, Weert, and Seminary, Rolduc, 
Holland; American College, Louvain, Belgium. Or- 
dained 1897; came to New Orleans, Louisiana, 1898; 
private secretary to Archbishop Chapelle, Apostohc 
Delegate to the Philippines, 1899-1900; former rec- 
tor at Cameron and at Hahnville, Louisiana; at pres- 
ent_, rector, St. Joseph's Church, Gretna, Louisiana. 
Bmlt four chapels in Holy Rosary parish, HahnviUe, 
and two churches and a chapel in St. Joseph's parish, 
Gretna. , 
ARTICLE: Rolduc. 

Stiglmayr, Reverend Joseph, s.j., b. at Pfaffen- 
hofen, Bavaria, Germany, 1 March, 1851. Educa- 
tion: Gymnasium and Lyceum, DiUmgen, Germany; 
Jesuit scholasticate, Ditton Hall, England. En- 
tered the Society of Jesus 1873; ordained 1886; pro- 
fessor of Classical philology and German, Stella 
Matutina College, Feldkirch, Austria, 1902- 
Author of: "Homerus Latinus" (Prague, 1894); 
"Das Aufkommen der Pseudo-Dionysischen Schrif- 
ten" (Feldkirch, 1895); "SachlichesundSprachliches 
bei Makarius von Agypten" (1912); "Des heihgen 
Dionysius Areopagita angebliohe Schriften uber die 
beiden Hierarchien", translated from the Greek 
(1911); collaborator in " Historisches Jahrbuch" 
(1895); contributor to: "Theologische Zeitschrift"; 
"Theologie und Glaube"; "KathoUk"; "Stimmen 
aus Maria-Laach"; " Historisch-pohtische Blatter"; 
" Byzantinische Zeitschrift"; "Theologische Revue". 
ARTICLES: Denis, Saint; Dionysius the Pseudo-Areopa- 
gite; Hierotheus. 

Stockmann, Reverend Alois, s.j., writer, b. at 
Sarnen, Switzerland, 8 August, 1872. Education: 
high school, Sarnen; various Jesuit soholasticates; 
University of Munich, Germany. Entered the Soci- 
ety of Jesus 1893; teacher at St. Xavier's High 
School, Bombay, India, 1898-1900; ordained 1903; 
writer on "Stimmen aus Maria-Laach", Luxemburg, 
Luxemburg, 1903-1910; stationed at Fraukfurt-on- 
the-Main, Germany^ 1910- . Author of: 
"Thomas Moore, der u-ische Freiheitssanger" (1910); 

"Goethe im Urteil des 20. Jahrhunderts", pamphlet 
(1913); edited (3rd ed.) Baumgartner, "Goethe, sein 
Leben und seine Werken", 2 vols. (1911, 1913); 
"Alban Stolz und die Schwestern Ringseis" (1912); 
contributor to: "Stimmen aus Maria-Laach". 
ARTICLE : Presteb John. 

Stolzle, Remigitjs, Ph.D., b. at Ob, Suabia, Ger- 
many, 23 November, 1856. Education: Colleges, 
Kempten and Neuburg, and Universities of Munich 
and Wiirzburg, Germany. Professor at College of 
St. Stephen, Augsburg, and College of St. Stephen, 
Wurzburg, Germany, 1880-1886; professor of 
philosophy, University of Wurzburg, 1886- 
Member of: the Rhenish Historical Society; 
the Council, Gor^-es Society; Knight of the Order 
of St. Michael (3rd Ckss, with crown). Author of: 
"Die Lehre vom UnendKchen bei Aristoteles" (1882); 
"ItaUenische GymnasienundLyceen" (1887); "Karl 
Ernst von Baer und seine Weltanschauung" (1897); 
"KoUikers SteUung zur Descendenzlehre" (1901); 
"E. von Lasaulx, ein Lebensbild" (.1904); "Johann 
Michael Sailer, seine Massregelung" (1910); "Erzie- 
hungs-und Unterrichtsanstalten im Juhusspitale zu 
Wurzburg" (1912); edited: Abelard, "Tractatus de 
unitate et triuitate divina" (1891); Cicero, "De 
Oratore", Book I (1887); Baer, Works, with intro- 
duction (1907); Sailer, Works, with introduction 
(1910); collaborator in: "Historisches Jahrbuch der 
Gorresgesellschaft"; "Philosophisches Jahrbuch der 
Gorresgesellschaft"; Buchberger, "KirchUchesHand- 
lexikon"; Herder's "Konversationslexikon"; "Jahr- 
buch ftir christhche Erziehungswissenschaft"; con- 
tributor to: "Aichiv der Geschichte der Philoso- 
phie"; "Archiv fiir Geschichte des Hochstifts Augs- 



'KathoUk"; "Historisch-pohtische Blat- 

ter"; "Hochland"; "Blatter fiir das Bayerische 
Gynmasialwesen " ; " Pharus " ; " Christhche Schule ' ' ; 
"Germania"; "Postzeitung" (Augsburg); editor 
of "Studien zur Philosophie und Rehgion" ^since 
ARTICLE: Sailer, Johann Michael. 

Stone, Jean Mart, b. at Brighton, Sussex, 1853; 
d. at Battle, Sussex, 3 May, 1908. Education: Paris, 
France; Aschaffenburg, Germany. Received into 
the Cathohc Church by Monsignor Ketteler. De- 
voted her hfe to historical research and hterary work. 
Author of: "Faithful unto Death" (1892); "Eleanor 
Leshe" (1898) ; " Mary the First, Queen of England" 
(1901); "Reformation and Renaissance" (1904); 
"Studies from Coiu-t and Cloister" (1905); "The 
Church in English History" (1907); contributor to 
"Dublin Review"; "Month"; "Blackwood's"; 
"Cornhill", etc. 

ARTICLES: Baker, David Augustine; Bedingfeld, Sib 
Henry; Downes, Thomas. 

Streicher, Reverend Friedrich, s.j., b. at Meers- 
burg, Baden, Germany, 18 November, 1881. Educa- 
tion: Gymnasium at Tauberbischofsheim, Univer- 
sity of Freiburg and Seminary at St. Peter, Baden, 
Germany; St. Ignatius College, Valkenburg, Hol- 
land. Ordained 1904; chaplain at Mannheim, Ger- 
many, 1904-1907; entered the Society of Jesus 1907; 
professor at SteUa Matutina College, Feldkirch, Aus- 
tria, 1910- 

ARTICLE: Toscanelli, Paolo dal Pozzo. 

Stretcher, Right Reverend Henry, d.p.b., b. 
at Haguenau, Alsace, Germany, 1863. Education: 
College of St. Cyr, Nevers, France. Entered the 
Society of the White Fathers 1884; ordained 1887; 
missionary for many years; administrator of Uganda 
Mission, Africa, 1896-1897; titular Bishop of Ta- 
barca and vicar Apostohc of Northern Nyanza 

ARTICLE: Victoria Nyanza, Vicariate Apostolic of 




Stuart, Madame Janet Erskinb, b. at Cottes- 
more, Rutlandshire, England, November, 1857; d. 
at Roehampton, London, 21 October, 1914. Re- 
ceived into the Chiirch by Father GaEwey, s.j., 1879; 
entered the Society of the Sacred Heart 1882 ; former 
superior. Sacred Heart Convent, Roehampton, Lon- 
don; former provincial. Society of the Sacred Heart 
in England and Ireland; superior general. Society 
of the Sacred Heart, resident at Ixelles, Brussels, 
Belgium, 1911-1914. Author of: "The Education 
of CathoUc Girls" (London, 1911); "The Society 
of the Sacred Heart" (London, 1914); pamphlets 
for Scottish Catholic Truth Society. 

ARTICLES: Galitzin, Elizabeth; Goetz, Marie Josephine; 
Gramont, Eugenie de; Society op the Sacred Heart. 

Stuart, Reverend John Charles, a.b., s.t.l., b. 
at Dubuque, 14 May, 1876. Education: St. Joseph's 
College, Dubuque; Grand Seminary, Montreal, 
Canada; Propaganda, Rome. Ordained 1899; pro- 
fessor of metaphysics and ethics, Dubuque College, 
Dubuque, 1902- 

ARTICLE: Dubuque, Diocese of. 

Studart, Gtjilhermb, Baron, m.d., b. at Forta- 
leza, Brazil, 5 January, 1856, son of John WiUiam 
Studart, British Vice-Consul at Ceard, and Leonisia 
de Castro Barboza, and grandson of William Cham- 
bly Studart and of Mayor Jos4 Joaquin Barboza. 
Education: CoUege of Ceard and Gymnasium and 
Medical College, Bahia, Brazil. Married Luisa da 
Cunha (d. 1898), daughter of Viscount Cauhipe, 
1889; created Baron by Leo XIII 1900; at present, 
vice-president. Institute of Ceard,, Brazil; auxiliary 
agent at Ceard of the Director of National PubUc 
Archives; member of the Medical Staff of the Char- 
ity Hospital, Fortaleza. President of the General 
Council, Conferences of the Society of St. Vincent de 
Paul, Fortaleza; member of: the Institute of Cear^; 
Academy of Ceard; Literary Society of Ceard; Liter- 
ary Iracema; Literary Bohemia; Phenix Caixeiral; 
Congress of Practical Sciences of Fortaleza; Reading 
Circle of Aracaty; Artistic and Literary Society of 
Barbalha; Historical and Geographical Institutes of 
Brazil, Parahyba, Rio Grande do Norte, Bahia, Santa 
Catharina, and Flumina; Archaeological and Geograph- 
ical Institute of Pernambuco; Society of Studies of 
Para; Cearan League of Para; Geographical Societies 
of Rio Janeiro, Paris, Lisbon, and Havre; American 
Arcadia; Academy of Letters of Pernambuco; Society 
of Sciences, Letters and Arts of Campina; Historical 
Institute of Sao Paulo; Anohieta Academies of Cury- 
tiba and Friburgo; Society of Medicine and Surgery 
ot Rio Janeiro; Society of Homens de Letras do Brazil 
(Rio de Janeiro); Society of Medical Science of 
Lisbon; British Medical Association of London; 
BibUographical Society of France; and the National 
Academy of History of Venezuela; president of the 
Centre Medico of Ceard,. Author of: "Da Electro- 
therapia" (Bahia, 1877) ; "Palavras proferidas na festa 
do tricentenario de Camoes" (Fortaleza, 1880); "His- 
toria do Ceard,. Familia Castro" (Fortaleza, 1883); 
"Grammatica Ingleza" (Fortaleza, 1886); "Ele- 
mentos da Grammatica Ingleza" (Fortaleza, 1888); 
"Sciencia Medica" (Lisbon, 1889); "Relatorio do 
Movimento do Centro Litterario" (Presidential Re- 
port) (Fortaleza, 1890); "O Ceard no tempo de Mi- 
randa Henriques Lobo da Silva e as Minas dos Cari- 
ris" (Fortaleza, 1892); "Notas para a historia do 
Ceard (Lisbon, 1892); "RelaQao dos manuscriptos, 
originaes e copias, sobre a historia do Ceard que con- 
stituem a collecgao Dr. Guilherme Studart", Fasc. I 
(Lisbon, 1892); Fasc. II (Fortaleza, 1896); "Tres 
mil datas para a historia do Ceara no presente seculo " 
(Fortaleza, 1894); "Ineditos relatives do levante 
occorrido na Ribeira do Jaguaribe no tempo de 
Manoel Francez e do Ouvidor Mendes Machado ' 
(Fortaleza, 1895); "Documentos para a biographia 

do fundador do Ceard," (Fortaleza, 1895); "Datas e 
factos para a historia do Ceard: Ceard Colonia" 
(Fortaleza, 1896); "Datos e factos para a historia do 
Ceard: Ceard Provincia" (Fortaleza. 1896); "Datos 
e factos para a historia do Ceard: Ceard Estado", 3 
vols. (Fortaleza, 1899); "Historia Portugueza e de 
Outras Provincias do Occidente" (Fortaleza, 1903); 
"Documentos para a historia do Brasil e especial- 
mente a do Ceard", 3 vols. (Fortaleza, 1904, 1909, 
1910); "Jesuitas e Jesuitismo" (Fortaleza, 1914); 
contributor to: "Revista do Institute do Ceard"; 
"Revista moderna"; "Revista Lusitana"; "Ceard 
Illustrado"; "Revista de Academia Cearense" 
ARTICLE : Fortaleza, Diocese of. 

Suau, Reverend Pierre, s.j., d.d., m.a., writer, 
b. at Pointe d Pitre, West Indies, 7 June, 1861. Edu- 
cation: St. Mary's College, Toulouse, and Catholic 
University, Angers, France. Entered the Society of 
Jesus 1878; ordained 1891; at various times prof es- 
dor, pubHcist, preacher, and assistant editor of 
"Etudes", Paris; at present, resident at Toulouse, 
France. Author of: "Mgr. Alexis Canoz, Premier 
Ev^quedeTrichinopoly" (Paris); "Les Bienheureux 
Martyrs de Salcete: Rudolphe Acquaviva et ses 
compagnons" (Lille); "Une ^me d'ap6tre: le Pere 
Victor Delpech" (Paris; 2 eds.); "Un J&uite: le 
P6re Georges Bouteland" (Paris); "Saint Francois 
de Borgia", Collection des Saints (Paris, 3 eds.); 
"Histoire de Saint Frangois de Borgia" (Paris); "La 
mfere Marie de Sens, Emilie d'Oultremont, Baronne 
d'Hooghvorst" (Paris, 2 eds.); "Le Sacr6 CcBur de 
J6sus" (Paris; 5 eds.); "La Compagnie de J6sus" 
(Brussels); "Pages amies: aux coU^giens et leurs 
maltres" (Paris); " Le Docteur Phobos : moeurs par- 
lementaires" (Paris; 18 eds.); "Quatre nouvelles" 
(Brussels); "L'Inde tamoule" (Paris); "L'Espagne, 
terre d'^pop^e" (Paris; 2 eds.); "La France d Mad- 
gascar", crownd_ by the French Academy (Paris); 
contributor to "Etudes". 

ARTICLES; Francis Borgia, Saint; Leander of Seville, 
Saint; Olivaint, Pierre; Peter Claver, Saint; Peter Faber, 

Sullivan, Reverend Jambs Joseph, s.j., b. at 
Chicago, Illinois, 13 December, 1858, d. at Kansas 
City, 9 June, 1916. Education: Holy Family School 
and St. Ignatius College, Chicago; Woodstock Col- 
lege, Woodstock, Maryland; College of Ofia, Bur- 
gos, Spain; St. Michael's College, Angers, France. 
Entered the Society of Jesus 1877; ordained 1890; 
professor of philosophy and theology (1891-1908) 
and dean of Theological and Philosophical Faculties 
(1898-1908), St. Louis University, St. Louis, Mis- 
souri; Instructor, Creighton University, Omaha, Ne- 
braska, 1909-1910; assistant at St. Aloysius Church, 
Kansas City, Missouri, 1910-1916. Contributor of 
theological articles to various periodicals. 
ARTICLES: Annat, FRANgois; Athanasian Creed. 

Sullivan, William Clbary, ll.b., lawyer, b. at 
Washington, D. C, 25 September, 1880. Educa- 
tion: parochial and public schools. Business High 
School and Georgetown University, Washington. 
Practising lawyer 1901- ; instructor in law (1910- 
), judge of Practice Court (1911- ), and lec- 
turer in "Practical Practise" (1912- ), George- 
town University Law School, Washington; member 
of the Bar of the Court of Appeals and of the Su- 
preme Court, District of Columbia, and of the Su- 
preme Court of the United States. Chairman of Com- 
mittee which drafted plan of reorganization of Catholic 
Young Men's National Union, adopted in 1907; or- 
ganizer of the Literary Society (1902) and of the re- 
vival of the Dramatic Club, Carroll Institute, Wash- 
ington; secretary. Catholic Young Men's National 
Union, 1907-1908; secretary, Carroll Institute, 
Washington, 1902; former Chairman of the Govern- 




ing Board (and ex officio President), Catholic Ama- 
teur Athletic League of the United States. Member 
of Board of Directors (1903- ) and vice-president 
(1909- ), Carroll Institute, Washington; mem- 
ber of Executive Board (and former president). 
Catholic Young Men's National Union; member of: 
the Catholic Club, New York; the Board of Trade 
and Chamber of Commerce, Washington; the Ameri- 
can Bar Association; the Bar Association of the Dis- 
trict of Columbia; the Society for the Judicial Settle- 
ment, of International Disputes; American Pohtical 
Science Association; Knight of Columbus. 
ARTICLE: National Union, Catholic Young Men's. 

Sullivan, Reverend William L. 

ARTICLE: Adoration. 

Surbled, Georges, m.d., physician, b. 31 October, 
1855. Education: School of Higher Studies and Col- 
lege of France, Paris. Former practising physician, 
Corbeil, France (18 years); has held the posts of 
physician at the Hospital Anne Marie, Paris, inspect- 
ing physician for infants, visiting physician at vari- 
ous hospitals in Paris, and tutor. School of Sciences, 
Cathohc Institute, Paris; at present, professor at the 
School of the Hospitalers of San Salvador and of 
Deontology at the Department of Complementary 
Medical Instruction, Catholic Institute, Paris. Hon- 
ored by the Society for Public WeHare, the Medi- 
cal Academy and the Society for the Protection of 
Infants; president of the Medical Department, In- 
ternational Catholic Scientific Congress, Fribourg, 

Switzerland, 1897; has taken an active part in other 
sessions of the Congress at Paris and Munich. Sec- 
retary and treasurer (and founder), Medical Syn- 
dicate of Corbeil; member of: the Medical Society 
of St. Luke; Franco-Japanese Society of Tokio; So- 
ciety of St. Vincent de Paul; formerly member of 
several psychical societies no longer in existence. 
Author of forty books and one hundred pamphlets; 
collaborator in d'Ales, " Dictionnaire d'Apolog^- 
tique"; contributor to : "Etudes"; "Science Catho- 
hque"; "Annales de philosophie chrdtienne " ; "Re- 
vue des questions scientifiques " ; "Revue du monde 
invisible ; "Pens6e contemporaine"; "Revue du 
clerg6 frangais"; "L'ami du clerg^"; "Corre- 
spondant"; "Revue de la science nouvelle"; "Nou- 
veUe France"; "Studium"; "Scuola Cattohca"; 
"Cultura espanola"; "Questions eccl&iastiques"; 
"Divus Thomas"; "Revue de philosophie". 
ARTICLE: Hypnotism. 

Sutton, John Patrick, k.s.g., b. at Clonmel, Ire- 
land, 18 September, 1845. Education: St. Stanis- 
laus College, TuUabeg, Ireland. Married Mary 
Clancy 1872; former soldier, United States Regular 
Army, 1866-1869; former secretary, Irish National 
League of America (four years); editor, "Chicago 
Citizen", Chicago, lUinois, 1908-1912; resident at 
Lincoln, Nebraska. Knight of St. Gregory, 1913. 
ARTICLE: Nebraska. 

Swift, Reverend Henry J., s.j., Las Vegas, New 
ARTICLE: Lapuente, Loms de, Venerable. 

Taafie, Thomas Gapfnet, m.a., ph.D., b. in New 
York, 11 April, 1869. Education: St. John's Col- 
lege, Fordham, New York. Engaged in journalis- 
tic work at various times on the "New York Sun", 
"Collier's Weekly", "Donahoe's Magazine", "Cath- 
olic Review", "Freeman's Journal", etc., 1890- 
1898; instructor, St. John's College, Fordham, New 
York, 1897-1900; instructor in English, College of 
the City of New York, 1900- ; professor of Eng- 
hsh. College of Mt. St. Vincent, New York City, 
1910- . Has lectured before the Catholic Sum- 
mer School of America, Maryland Catholic Summer 
School, Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, 
New York Board of Education. Member of: the 
United States Catholic Historical Society; Modern 
Language Association; National Arts Club. Author 
of: "History of Fordham CoUege" (New York, 
1891); pamphlets on literary and historical subjects; 
collaborator in : "International Encyclopedia"; "En- 
cyclopedia Americana"; contributor to various 

ARTICLES: Alfred the Great; Andrews, William Etjse- 
Bius; Arden, Edward; Assumption, Little Sisters of the; 

Henry, Baron Bromley; Bawden, William; Bellamy, Je- 
rome; Bellenden, John; Blackburne, Robert; Bulstrode, 
Richard; Casserly, Patrick S. and Eugene; Cr^vecceur, 
Hector St. John; Dolman, Charles. 

Tacchi-Venturi, Luiqi, ll.d., ph.L., lawyer, b. in 
Rome, 2 April, 1853. Education: Roman Jesuit 
CoUege; St. Apollinare and Vatican University degli 
Studi, Rome. Former president of the Roman 
Cooperative Bank; connected with the Italian 
Auditing Office, Referendary 1903-1913, and superior 
director 1913- ; member of the Administration, 
Board of Public Charities, and Chief of the Bureau of 
Railways, and of the Instituti di Previdenza, Rome. 
Member of: the Society of St. Vincent de Paul; the 
Council of the City of Rome; Knight Commander of 
the Equestrian Order of the Crown of Italy; and 
of the Equestrian Order of Sts. Maurice and Lazarus. 
Translated from Latin into Italian those portions of 
the Relevations of St. Bridget relating to the Hves 
of Christ and the Blessed Virgin; contributor to: 
"Rivista internazionale di Scienze Sociali", "Rivista 
delle Discipline Carcerarie". 

ARTICLES: Italy; Oliva, Gian Paolo. 

Tallon, Reverend William Thomas, s.j., b. at 
Hoboken, New Jersey, 9 February, 1881. Educa- 
tion: Sacred Heart Academy, Hoboken; St. Francis 
Xavier's College, New York; Woodstock College, 
Woodstock, Maryland. Entered the Society of Jesus 
1898; professor in various Jesuit colleges 1904^1909; 
ordained 1912; stationed at St. Francis Xavier's Col- 
lege, New York, 1913-1914; professor of Latin, Greek 
and English, Georgetown University, Washington, 
D. C, 1915; at present professor of rhetoric at No- 
vitiate of St. Andrew, Poughkeepsie, New York. 
ARTICLE: Melia, Pius. 

Tannrath, Reverend John Joseph, b. at St. 
Louis, 26 April, 1864. Education: St. Louis Uni- 
versity, St. Louis; St. Joseph's College, Teutopolis, 
Illinois; St. Meinrad's Seminary, St. Meinrad, In- 
diana. Ordained 1888; has held the post of assistant, 
St. Charles, Missouri, St. Mary's Church and St. 
John's Church, St. Louis; vice-chancellor, archdiocese 

of St. Louis, 1897-1910; rector, St. Agnes's Church, 
St. Louis, 1898- ; chancellor, archdiocese of St. 
Louis, 1910- 
ABTICLE: St. Louis, Archdiocese of. 

Tamowski, Count Stanislaus, b. at Dzikow, 

Galicia, Austria, 7 November, 1837. Education: 
Gymnasium, Cracow; Universities of Cracow and 
Vienna. Condemned to eight years imprisonment 
for participation in the Pohsh uprising, 1863; par- 
doned 1865; founded with Szujski and Kozmian 
"Przeglad Polski" 1866; delegate to the Landtag, 
GaUcia, Austria, 1867- ; successively lecturer 
on and professor (1869-1909) and (at present) pro- 
fessor emeritus of the History of Polish Literature, 
and rector (1887, 1900), University of Cracow; mem- 
ber of the Austrian House of Lords 1885- 
Chairman of the deputation which presented the 
painting of Matejko, "Sobieski after the Battle of 
Vienna'^, to Leo XIII, 1883. President of the Acad- 
emy of Sciences of Cracow; corresponding member 
of the Academy of Sciences of Vienna; Commander 
of the Order of Pius IX, with star; Commander of 
the Austrian Order of Francis Joseph, with star; 
Commander of the Austrian Order of Leopold (1st 
class; grand cordon). Author of: "Die poHtischen 
Schriftsteller des XVI. Jahrhunderts", 2 vols. (1886); 
"Johann Kochanowski" (1888); " Schillers Dramen " 
(1896); "Johann Matejko" (1897); "Geschichte 
der polnischen Literatur", 7 vols. (1900-1907); "Sig- 
mund Krasinski" (1902); "JuUan Klaczko", 2 vols. 
(1909); contributor to various periodicals. 

ARTICLES: Kalinka, Valerian; Klaczku, Julian; Kocha- 
nowski, Jan; Kochowski, Vespasian; Konarski, Stanislaus; 
Kozmian, Stanislaus and John; Krasicki, Ignatius; Kra- 
sinski, Sigismund; Krzycki, Andrew; Mickiewicz, Adam; 
Polish Literature; Skarga, Peter; Sobieski, John; Sta- 
RowoLSKi, Simon; Szujski, Joseph; Szymonowicz, Simon; 
Ujejski, Cohnelis; Zolkiewski, Stanislaus. 

Tavemier, EtrcfeNE, journalist, b. at Tours, 
France, 1854. Education: Jesuit College, Amiens, 
France. Secretary to Louis VeuiUot, editor of the 
"Univers", Paris, 1874-1878; editor of "Courrier du 
Jura" 1878-1883; editor of the "Univers", Paris, 
1883-1912; lecturer on journalism, Social Science 
Department, Catholic University, Lille, 1894^1897; 
at present, resident in Paris. Author of: "Du 
journaMsme" (Paris, 1902); "La morale et I'esprit 
laique" (Paris, 1903); "La religion nouveUe" (Paris, 
1905); "Le Modernisme", pamphlet (Paris, 1912): 
"Louis VeuiUot, I'homme, le lutteur, I'^crivain' 
(Paris, 1913); "Trois entretiens sur la guerre'' 
(translation from the Russian of Vladimir Soloviev, 
with a biography of Soloviev, Paris, 1916); contribu- 
tor to: "Revue des Deux Mondes"; " Correspondant" ; 
"Quinzaine"; "The Times" (London); "Nineteenth 
Century"; "Dublin Review"; "Fortnightly Review"; 
"America"; "La Patrie" (Paris); "La D6peche" 
ARTICLE: Veuillot, Louis. 

Taylor, Arthur Whitcombe, b.a., b. in London, 
21 April, 1867, d. in London, 25 March, 1913. Edu- 
cation: Westminster School, London; Worcester 
College, Oxford. Schoohnaster 1889-1890; Angli- 
can clergyman 1890; curate of Grantham, Lincoln- 
shire, 1890-1892, of St. Saviour's Church, Ealing, 
London, 1892-1893, of Talaton, Devonshire, 1893- 





1895, England; chaplain at Akyab, 1896-1898, at 
Mandalay, 1898-1900, and to the Anglican Bishop 
of Rangoon, 1900-1901, India; became a Catholic 
1902; Icelandic scholar. Lectured on Danish Agri- 
culture before the National Liberal Club, London; 
proficient in ten languages. Member of the Viking 
Society for Northern Research. Author of Supple- 
ment to Haggard, "Rural Denmark"; collaborator 
in Baudrillart, " Dictionnaire d'histoire et de geo- 
graphic eccl^siastiques"; contributor to: "Down- 
side Review"; "Ave Maria"; "Tablet". 

ARTICLES: Aarhus, Ancient See of; Bergen, Ancient 
See of; Borglum, Ancient See of; Hamar, Ancient See of; 
LiNKOPiNG, Ancient See of; Odense, Ancient See of; Oslo, 
Ancient See of; Ratzeburg, Ancient See of; Ribe, Ancient 
See of; Roskilde, Ancient See of; Skara, Ancient See of; 
Stavanger, Ancient See of; Strengnas, Ancient See of; 
Vexio, Ancient See of; Viborg, Ancient See of. 

Taylor, Hannis, ll.d., lawyer, b. at New Bern, 
North CaroUna, 12 September, 1851. Education: 
University of North Carolina. Admitted to the Bar 
1870; practising lawyer, Mobile, Alabama, 1870- 
1892; married Leonora Le Baron, of Mobile, 1878; 
LFnited States Minister to Spain 1893-1897; at pres- 
ent, practising lawyer and professor of international 
and constitutional law, Georgetown University, 
Washington. Special counsel for United States be- 
fore Spanish Treaty Claims Commission, Washing- 
ton, 1902; counsel for United States before Alaska 
Boundary Commission, London, 1903. Author of: 
"Origin and Growth of the English Constitution", 
formally adopted as a text book by University of 
DubUn (8 eds.); "International Public Law"; 
"Jurisdiction and Procedure of the Supreme Court 
of the United States", which called forth special let- 
ters of commendation from several Supreme Court 
judges; "Origin and Growth of American Consti- 
ARTICLES: Attainder; Ryan, Abeam J. 

T6tu, Right Reverend Monsignob Henki, b. 
at Riviere Quelle, Canada, 1849; d. at Quebec, 15 
June, 1915. Education: parish school, Rivifere 
Ouelle; College of St. Anne and Seminary, Quebec. 
Ordained 1873; domestic prelate 1889; held the 
posts of assistant rector, secretary, army chaplain, 
chaplain of Bellevue Convent, archdiocese of Que- 
bec; at the time of his death, chaplain of the prisons 
and of the St. Vincent de Paul Society and diocesan 
consultor and promotor, Quebec. Author of: "Les 
EvSques de Quebec"; "Monseigneur de Laval"; 
"Son Eminence le Cardinal Taschereau " ; "Histoire 
du Palais Episcopal de Quebec"; "Le R. P. Bou- 
chard, missionaire apostolique"; "L'Abb6 David 
Henri T6tu, cur6 de Saint-Roch-des-Aulnaies"; 
"Histoire des Families T6tu, Bonenfant, Dionne et 
Perreault"; "Journal d'une Voyage en Europe par 
Monseigneur Joseph Octave Plessis"; "Visites Pas- 
torales de Monseigneur Plessis"; "Mandements des 
EvSques de Quebec" (in collaboration with the Abb6 
Gagnon); contributor to "Recherches Historiques". 
ARTICLE: Tabcherbau, Elz:6ar-Alexandre. 

Thaddeus, Reverend Father, o.f.m., writer. 
Entered the Franciscan Order; former custos in one 
of the houses of his order; calendarist and chronicler 
of his order 1888- ; at present stationed at the 
Church of St. Thomas of Canterbury, Woodford 
Green, England. Author of: "The Franciscans in 
England, 1600-1850"; "Mary Foreshadowed"; 
"The Pilgrim's Maywreath"; "Life of Blessed John 
Forest"; edited "Imitation of Christ" (Seraphic 
ARTICLE: John Forest, Blessed. 

Thamiry, Canon Edouard Joseph, iJtt.D., 
Ph.D., S.T.D., b. at Roubaix, France, 14 July, 1871. 
Education: Institution of Our Lady of Victories, 
Roubaix; Seminary, Hazebrouck, France; Academic 

Seminary and Catholic University, Lille, France. 
Ordained 1897; professor, Seminary, Hazebrouck, 
France, 1897-1898; professor of philosophy. Insti- 
tution of Our Lady of Victories, Roubaix, 1898-1903; 
master of conferences (1903-1905), substitute pro- 
fessor (1905-1908), professor of metaphysics (1908- 
1910), professor of moral theology (1910- ), and 
dean of the Theological Faculty (1911- ), Catho- 
lic University, LiUe, member of the Matrimonial 
Court and censor, diocese of Cambrai, France; canon 
of the Cathedral of Cambrai 1912; Promotor of the 
Faith in Committee appointed to pass upon the cures 
of Lourdes; Notary Apostolic at various processes of 
beatification. Member of the Soci6t6 d'Emulation, 
Roubaix. Author of: "Thesis insulenses ad licentiam 
in Sacra Theologia" (Lille, 1901); "Oratio in laudem 
Sancti Thomae" (Lille, 1904); "De rationibus semi- 
nalibus et immanentia", thesis for doctorate (Lille, 
1905); "Les deux aspects de I'immanence et le prob- 
l^me religieux", Collection "Etudes de Philosophie 
et de Critique Rehgieuses" (Paris, 1908); "L'apolo- 
g^tique et la transcendance du surnaturel" (LiUe, 
1910); director "Revue CathoUque de Lille"; con- 
tributor to: "Revue de LiUe"; "Revue des sciences 
eccl&iastiques"; "Revue des Faeultds CathoUques". 
ARTICLE: Immanence. 

Thirion, Reverend J., s.j., Louvain. 

ARTICLE : Plateau, Joseph Antoine. 

Thompkins, Reverend John Joseph, s.j., b.a., 
b. in New York City, 22 March, 1867. Education: 
Immaculate Conception School and St. Francis 
Xavier's College, New York City; Woodstock Col- 
lege, Woodstock, Maryland. Entered the Society of 
Jesus 1887; ordained 1901; has held the posts of pro- 
fessor of physics, Georgetown University, Washington, 
D. C, assistant editor "Messenger of the Sacred 
Heart ", New York City; professor of physics and Eng- 
Hsh literature, Ateneo, Manila, Philippine Islands, 
professor of physics, chemistry and Enghsh literature. 
Immaculate Conception Seminary, Vigan, Philip- 
pine Islands. Has contributed articles on Philippine 
subjects to various periodicals. 
ARTICLE: St. Thomas, University of. 

Thuente, Reverend Clement M., o.p., writer, 
b. at Dubuque, Iowa, 12 July, 1867. Education: 
Sacred Heart College, Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin; 
University of Innsbruck, Austria; University of Lou- 
vain, Belgium. Entered Dominican Order 1891; 
ordained 1895; has filled the post of rector of St. 
Catherine's Church, New York City, and of St. 
Mary's Church, New Haven, Connecticut; prior of 
St. Vincent Ferrer's Convent, New York City, 1903- 
1906; at present, engaged in giving missions and re- 
treats in the Middle West, stationed at Holy Rosary 
Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Author of : "Con- 
ferences on the Divine Office"; "Conferences for 
Nuns"; "Blessed Henry Suso"; "Holy Name Ser- 
mons " ;!"" Sermons for Catholics and Non-Catholics ". 

ARTICLE: Holy Name, Society of the. 

Thurston, Reverend Herbert, s.j., b.a., writer, 
b. in London, 1856. Education: Mount St. Mary's, 
Chesterfield, and Stonyhurst College, Blackburn, 
England. Entered the Society of Jesus; master at 
Beaumont College, Old Windsor, England, 1880- 
1887; ordained 1890; has devoted most of his time 
to literary work, particularly for "The Month"; at 
present, stationed at Farm Street, London. Author 
of: "Life of St. Hugh of Lincohi" (1898); "Holy 
Year of Jubilee"; "Lent and Holy Week" (1904); 
"Stations of the Cross" (1906); editor (with Mgr. 
Ward) of the "Westminster Library"; edited Folio 
Edition of Bridgett, "History of the Holy Eucharist 
in Great Britain" (1908); contributor to: "Nine- 
teenth Century"; "Dublin Review"; "Saturday 




Review"; "English Historical Review"; "The 
Month"; "American Ecclesiastical Review". 

ASTICLES: AdcA, Saint; Acclamation; Acton, John; Ael- 
PBic, Abbot of Eynsham; Aelred; Agilulpos; Agnus Dei; 
AiLBE, Saint; Alb; Alban, Saint; Alcmund, Saint; Alde- 
GuNDis; Aldhelm, Saint; Alfrida, Saint; Alfwold, Saint; 
Alitdrgical Days; Alnoth; Alton, Saint; Amen; Amice; An- 
drew the Scot; Anqelxts; Angelus Bell; Anqilbert, Saint; 
Anglo-Saxon Church; Apostles' Creed; Ashes; Ash Wednes- 
day; Aumbry; Basilica; Beard; Beatrix; Bede, a Prayer; 
Bede, The Venerable; Belasyse, .John; Bellasis, Edward; 
Bells; Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament; Bertha; 
Biretta; Boisil, Saint; Bolton, Edmund; Botulph, Saint; 
Bridge-Building Brotherhood; Brogan, Saint; Bullaridm; 
Bulls and Briefs; Burial, Christian; Calendar, Christian; 
Candle; Candlesticks; Catholic; Celibacy; Cemetery; 
Chalice; Chasuble; Christendom; Christianity; Chronol- 
ogy, Christian; Cincture; Cistercians in the British Isles; 
Collections; Cope; Coronation; Corporal; Costume, Cler- 
ical; Cross and Crucifix (Part m. In Liturgy) ; Crown of 
Thorns; Cursor Mundi; Cynewulf; Daniel of Winchester; 
Dates and Dating; Deacons; Deaconesses; Diplomatics, 
Papal; Directories, Catholic (First Part); Domesday 
Book; Dominical Letter; Easter Controversy; Elevation, 
The; Encyclical; England Before the Reformation; Ex- 
position OF THE Blessed Sacrament; Fools, Feast of; Forty 
Hours' Devotion; Fractio Panis; George, Saint; Hail Mary; 
Henry II; Henry VIII; Heptarchy; Herbert of Lea, Lady 
Elizabeth; Hilda, Saint; Holy Week; Hortulus Anim^; 
Hospitality; Impostors; Januahius, Saint; Joan of Arc, 
Blessed; Jubilee, Holy Year of; Lamp and Lampadarii; 
Lance, The Holy; Lectionahy; Lent; Libraries; Lights; 
Lord's Prayer; Louis Allemand, Blessed; Luminahe; Lu- 
nette; Lyndwood, William; Marriage, Ritual of; Mary 
Tudor; Medals, Devotional; Menologium; Minister; Mis- 
sal; Monk; Morone, Giovanni; Nails, Holy; Names, Chris- 
tian; Natal Day; Necrologies; Numbers, Use of, in the 
Church; Ordines Romani; Ostensorium; Paris, Matthew; 
Paschal Candle; Passion of Jesus Christ, Devotion to the; 
Paten; Peterspence; Pole, Reginald; Pontificalia; Pop- 
ular Devotions; Prayer Books; Primer, The; Processional, 
Roman; Processional Cross; Processions; Property, Eccle- 
siastical; Psalterium; Pyx; Rambler, The; Regalia; Relics; 
Reliquaries; Reservation of the Blessed Sacrament; 
Richard I, King of England; Rings; Ritualists; Roger of 
Hoveden; Roger of Wendover; Rolls Series; Roman 
Catholic; Rosary, The; Rosary, Confraternity of the 
Holy; Rosary, Feast of the Holy; Rotuli; Royal Declara- 
tion; Santa Casa di Loreto: Seal; Shakespeare, The Re- 
ligion of; Shroud, The Holy; Shrovetide; Sign of the Cross; 
Simeon Stylites, the Elder; Simeon Stylites, the Younger; 
Southwell, Robert, Venerable; Stone, Corner or Founda- 
tion; Stylites; Symbolism; Tenebr^; Thanksgiving Before 
AND After Meals; Theatre, The; "rHOMAS Becket, Saint; 
Toleration, History of; "Triple Candlestick; Usuard, 
Marttrology op; Valentine, Saint; Virgin Mary, Devotion 
TO THE Blessed; Visits to the Blessed Sacrament; Washing 
of Feet and Hands; Water, Liturgical Use of; Week, Li- 
turgical; Welsh Church; Westminster, Matthew of; 
Whitby, Synod of; William the Conqueror; Witchcraft; 
York, Use of. 

Tiemey, Right Reverend Monsignob John J., 
A.M., D.D., b. in King's County, Ireland, 24 June, 1853. 
Education: parochial schools and St. Xavier's Col- 
lege, Louisville, Kentucky; Mt. St. Mary's College, 
Emmitsburg, Maryland; St. Stephen's Biblical 
School, Jerusalem, under Fathers Lagrange, Sejournd, 
etc. Ordained 1883; assistant, St. Paul's Church, 
Wilmington, Delaware, 1883-1884; became member 
of the Faculty, Mt. St. Mary's Seminary, Emmits- 
burg, 1884; vice-president (1885-1893) and profe.?- 
sor of Sacred Scripture and Semitic studies (1892- 
1893, 1896- ), Mt. St. Mary's Seminary, Emmits- 
burg; domestic prelate 1912. Has travelled exten- 
sively in Palestine. Secretary for Maryland, Pales- 
tine Exploration Society. 

ARTICLES: Abel; Banaias; Circumcision; Circumcision, 
Feast of the; Flagellation; Heli; Herod; Herodias; 
Melchisedech; Mesa; New Year's Day; Priest, The High. 

Tiemey, Reverend Richard H., s.j., for some 
years professor of ontology, co.smology and pedagogy 
at Woodstock College, Maryland; at present editor- 
in-chief of "America". 

ARTICLES: Bidermann, James; Brisacier, Jean de. 

Tivnan, Reverend Edward Patrick, s.j., b. 10 
March, 1882. Education: St. Mary's Parochial 
School; Salem High School; Boston College, Boston, 
Mass. Entered Society of Jesus, 1899; ordained 1914; 
now regent, Fordham University School of Medicine, 

N. Y. Contributor : "The Month " ; " Cathohc World " ; 
"Irish Monthly", etc. Photo facing page 190. 
ARTICLE: Jacquier, Francois. 

Toke, Leslie Alexander St. Lawrence, b.a., 
librarian, b. at Camberley, Surrey, England^ 10 
August, 1871. Education: Clifton College, Bristol, 
England; Balliol College, Oxford. Convert from 
Rationahsm and Socialism to the Catholic Church 
1901; married Rosahe Mary Fairfax-Cholmeley, 1902; 
Ubrarian, resident at Stratton-on-the-Fosse, Eng- 
land. Author of: pamphlets for Catholic Truth So- 
ciety; "Notes on the Accepted Date of St. Dun- 
stan's Birth", appendix to Gasquet and Bishop's 
"The Bosworth Psalter"; contributor to "Down- 
side Review". 

ARTICLES: Camaldolese (with Dom Urban Butler); 
David, Saint; Dubric, Saint; Dunchadh, Saint; Dunstan, 
Saint; Flagellants; Fonte-Avellana; Godric I; Godric II; 
Gregory XVI, Pope; Herbert of Derwentwater, Saint; 
Hereswitha, Saint; Lay Brothers; Leo XII, Pope; Little 
Office of Our Lady; Mabillon, Jean; Maedoc, Saint; 
Maelruan, Saint; Maelrubha, Saint; Maurists, The; 
Melk, Abbey and Congregation of; Peter Damian, Saint; 
RoMUALD, Saint; Socialism. 

Tondini di Quarenghi, Reverend Cesario, 
C.R.S.P., b. at Lodi, Italy, 11 January, 1839, d. in 
Rome, 29 June, 1907. Education: St. Francis Col- 
lege, Lodi; Longone College and College of St. Bar- 
nabas, Milan, Italy. Entered the Barnabite Order 
1855; professor. College of St. Mary of the Angels, 
Monza, Italy, 1859-1862; ordained 1862; catechist 
and prefect of the library, Barnabite College, Paris, 
1862-1864; on the Norwegian and Swedish missions, 
resident successively at Stockholm and Christiania, 
1864-1866; stationed at various times in Paris and 
London, 1866-1878, 1880-1881; rector, Barnabite 
Seminary, Gien, France, 1878-1879; missionary in 
Slavonia and Servia, resident at Diakovar, 1881- 
1887; librarian and chancellor to the provincial, St. 
Paul's College, Paris, 1889; stationed successively in 
Bulgaria and Russia 1895-1899; chaplain and di- 
rector. Convent of Our Lady of Sion, Constanti- 
nople, 1901-1905; procurator general of the Barna- 
bite Order, Rome, 1905-1907. Cooperated in arrang- 
ing the Concordat between the Holy See and Mon- 
tenegro, 1888. Author of: "Etudes sur la question 
religeuse de Russie": Vol. I, "La Primaut6 de S. 
Pierre" (Paris, 1867; Enghsh tr., London, 1879); 
Vol. II, "The Pope of Rome and the Popes of the 
Oriental Orthodox Church" (London, 1871; 2nd ed. 
1875; German tr. by Pesch, Mainz, 1876; French 
tr., Paris, 1876; Bulgarian version by Tondini, Frei- 
burg, 1899); Appendix to French Edition: "La 
pri^re et I'appui du Saint-Sifege et de l'(5piscopat 
dans I'ceuvre de la Reunion des Eglises" (Paris, 
1876); Vol. Ill, "L'avenir de I'^ghse russe" (Paris, 
1874; Itahan tr. by Villoresi, Prato, 1875; Enghsh tr., 
New York and London, 1876); "Bulletin de I'associa- 
tion de Prieres en I'honneur de la Tres Sainte et 
Immacul^e Vierge Marie pour le retour des Grecs, 
etc.", periodical of 5 issues (Antwerp, 1867-1868); 
"RSglement eccl^siastique de Pierre le Grand", with 
French, Russian, and Latin texts (Paris, London, 
Brussels and Saint Quentin, 1874); "Anglicanism, 
Old Catholicism, and the Union of the Christian 
Episcopal Churches" (London, 1875; German tr. by 
Pesch, Mainz, 1875); "Two Sermons Preached on 
the Death of Ambrose Lisle March PhiUips de Lisle" 
(privately printed, 1878); "Questions du Jour" 
(Paris, 1878); "Che fare per la Russia?" (Turin, 
1880; French tr. by Gilson, Brussels, 1890); various 
pamphlets on the unification of the calendar and on 
the reunion of the Orthodox and Roman Churches; 
"Maximes de perfection chr6tienne", translated from 
the Italian of Rosmini (Paris, 1882); "AUe Montene- 
grine", poem translated from Serb of King Nicholas 
of Montenegro (Cettinje, 1886); contributor to: 
"Revue des Questions Historiques"; "Contemporary 




Review"; "Annales de Philosophie Chr^tienne"; 
"Rassegne Nazionale"; "Revue mensuelle d'astrono- 
mie"; "Journal t^l^graphique " ; "Levant Herald"; 
"Revue Catholique des Revues"; "Bessarione"; 
"Analele" (Rumanian Meteorological Institute); 
"Revue g^n^rale des sciences". 
ARTICLE: Bahnabites. 

Toner, Reverend Patrick Joseph, d.d., b. at 
Ballymacnab, Co. Armagh, Ireland, 15 March, 1874. 
Education: National School, Ballymacnab; St. 
Patrick's College, Armagh, and Maynooth College 
(Dunboyne student), Co. Kildare, Ireland. Ordained 
1897; professor of dogmatic theology, St. Paul 
Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1899-1904; professor 
of dogmatic theology, Maynooth College, 1904^1914; 
at present at Mountain Lodge, Newry, Ireland. 
Author of: "Dissertatio historioo-theologica de lapsu 
et peccato originaH", dissertation for doctorate 
(DubUn, 1904); co-editor (and co-foimder, 1906), 
"Irish Theological Quarterly". 

ARTICLES: Communion Under Both Kinds; Dead, 
Prayers for the; Eschatology; Exorcism; Extreme Unction; 
Gahan, William; God; Infallibility ; Limbo. 

Toohey, Reverend John J., s.j.,- b.a., b. at 
Newark, New Jersey, 8 July, 1873. Education: St. 
Francis Xavier's College, New York City; Wood- 
stock College, Woodstock, Maryland; University of 
Innsbruck, Austria. Entered the Society of Jesus 
1895; professor of Latin and Greek, St. John's 
CoUege, Fordham, New York, 1897-1898, and 
Loyola College, Baltimore, Maryland, 1902-1906; 
ordained 1909; professor of Latin and Greek, Wood- 
stock College, Woodstock, Maryland, 1910-1911; 
professor of Latin, Greek, and EngUsh, Georgetown 
University, Washington, 1911-1912; stationed at St. 
Andrew-on-Hudson, Poughkeepsie, New York, 1912; 
at present professor of logic and metaphysics, under- 
graduate school, Georgetown University, Washington, 
D. C. Author of: "An Indexed Synopsis of the 
'Grammar of Assent' "; has contributed to: "Irish 
Theological Quarterly"; articles on "Newman and 
Modernism" in "The Tablet", in answer to Tyrrell's 
"Condemnation of Newman" in "The Guardian". 

ARTICLE: Kleutgen, Josef Wilhelm Karl. 

Toscano, Reverend Julian, b. at Tucumin, 
Argentina. Education: Tucumdn. Former rector at 
Cafagute, Argentina (21 years); at present, vicar- 
general (1898- ) and dean of the Cathedral 
Chapter, diocese of Salta, Argentina. Author of: 
"El primitive obispado de Tucumd,n y la iglesia de 
Salta"; "De America a Oriente"; "A trav6s de 
Europa"; etc.; has contributed to various periodicals. 
ARTICLE: Salta, Diocese of. 

Tourscher, Reverend Francis Edward, o.s.a., 
M.A., S.T.M., b. at Dushore, Pa., 10 May, 1870. 
Education: private, public, and parochial schools, 
Dushore; St. Thomas's College, ViUanova. Entered 
the Augustinian Order 1894; ordained 1898; for many 
years professor of theological sciences; regent of 
studies for American Province, Augustinian Order, 
1903- ; professor of Sacred Scripture, dogmatic 
theology, moral theology and ethics, St. Thomas's 
CoUege, ViUanova. Won degree of regent by 
examination before commission appointed by General 
of the Augustinians, 1903. 

ARTICLES: Bruel, Joachim; Henry of Friemak; Nobis, 
Henry; Paulus Venetus; Veie, Theodorio. 

Trabert, Wilhelm, Ph.D., b. at Frankenberg, 
Hesse, Germany, 17 September, 1863. Education: 
pubUc school. Gymnasium, and University, Vienna. 
Former assistant and associate director, Central 
Institute of Meteorology, Vienna; professor of cosmic 
physics. University of Innsbruck, Austria, 1902-1910, 
and University of Vienna, 1910- ; director of the 

Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics, 
Vienna, 1909- . Corresponding member of the 
Academy of Sciences of Vienna; corresponding 
member of the German Meteorological Society; 
secretary of the Austrian Meteorological Society; 
member of the Imperial German Leopoldine Academy 
of NaturaHsts. Author of: " Meteorologie " (1896; 
3rd ed. 1909); "Meteorologie und KUmatologie" 
(1905); "Lehrbuch des kosmischen Physik" (1911). 
ARTICLE: Fesnteb, Josef Mahia. 

Tracy, Frank M., b.a., ll.b., b. at West Coving- 
ton, Kentucky, 6 May, 1872. Education: parochial 
schools, Covington; St. Xavier's College and Cincin- 
nati Law School, Cincinnati, Ohio. Practising 
lawyer, Covington, 1894^ ; member of the 
Kentucky Legislature 1898 ; county attorney, Kenton 
County, Kentucky, 1902-1910; circuit judge, Kenton 
County, 1910- . Member of the St. Xavier 
Alumni Association. 
ARTICLE: Kentucky. 

Tracy, Reverend Joseph Vincent, d.d., b. at 
MountmelUck, Ireland, 26 August, 1860, son of 
Edward Tracy, of Cashel, Ireland. Education: 
public schools and Boston College, Boston; Holy 
Cross College, Worcester, Massachusetts; St. Joseph's 
Seminary, Troy, New York; St. John's Seminary, 
Brighton, Boston. Ordained 1886; engaged in the 
cure of souls in Florida and Minnesota 1886-1889; 
assistant. Church of the Precious Blood, Hyde Park, 
Massachusetts, 1889; professor of Holy Scripture, 
St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, Maryland, 1889- 
1898; professor of New Testament exegesis, St. John's 
Seminary, and director of the Society for the Propa- 
gation of the Faith, Brighton, Boston, 1898-1903; 
rector, St. Anthony's Church, AUston, Boston, 1903- 
1907; permanent rector, St. ColumbkiU's Church, 
Brighton, Boston, 1907- . Takes an active part 
in the work in behalf of CathoUc missions; made 
missionary ApostoUc by Leo XIII, 1903; organized 
branches of Society for the Propagation of the Faith 
in more than one hundred parishes; collected $84,000 
for missions in less than five years. Contributor to: 
"American CathoUc Quarterly Review"; "Americali 
Ecclesiastical Review"; "CathoUc World"; "Sacred 
Heart Review". 
ARTICLE: Cheveeus, Jean-Louis Lefebvre de. 

Tristram, Reverend Henry, b.a., p.orat. 
Education: Universities of Oxford and London. 
Entered the Oratory; at present, master at the 
Oratory School, Edgbaston, Birmingham, England. 

ARTICLE: Lejeune, Jean. 

Trobec, Right Reverend Jambs, d.d., b. at 
BelUchgraz, Carniola, Austria, 10 July, 1838. Edu- 
cation: Laibach, Austria; St. Vincent's CoUege, 
Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. Ordained 1865; assistant 
rector at BeUe Prairie (1865-1866), rector at Wabasha 
(1866-1887), and rector (and organizer), St. Agnes 
Church, St. Paul (1887-1897), Minnesota; Bishop of 
St. Cloud, Minnesota, 1897; resigned 1914; appointed 
titular bishop of Lycopolis. 

ARTICLE: St. Cloud, Diocese of. 

Troy, Robert P., ll.b., a.m., lawyer, b. at San 
Francisco, California, 10 May, 1869. Education: 
Christian Brothers College, San Francisco; George- 
town University, Washington, D. C. Officer of the 
United States Senate in the Secretary's Office, 1893- 
1899; special envoy to Rome to convey sympathy of 
San Francisco, at the time of the Messina earthquake, 
1909; Park Commissioner (honorary), San Francisco, 
1910; at present, resident and practising lawyer at 
San Francisco. President of the CaUfornia Chapter, 
American Irish Historical Society; Knights of St. 
Patrick of San Francisco. CoUaborator in "Journal 




of the American Irish Historical Society", Vol. X 
(by Mr. Troy: "Stephen MaUory White'''). 
ABTICLE: White, Stephen Mallosy. 

Turner, Right Reverend Monsignob James P., 
D.D., b. at Philadelphia, 18 January, 1857. Educa- 
tion: St. Philip's School, Philadelphia; St. Charles 
Seminary, Overbrook, Pennsylvania. Ordained 1885; 
secretary to Bishop Machebeuf, Denver, Colorado, 
1886; secretary to Archbishop Ryan, Philadelphia, 
1899; chancellor (1901-1911) and former vicar- 
general, archdiocese of Philadelphia; domestic prelate 
1905; prothonotary Apostolic 1906; rector, Church of 
the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, Philadelphia, 
1911- . Member of the Philadelphian Literary 
Society, American Catholic Historical Society, 
Philadelphia Geographical Society, National Geo- 
graphical Society, American Academy of Political 
and Social Science; on the Board of Directors, Rush 
Hospital for Consumption and Alhed Diseases, and 
American Hospital for Diseases of the Stomach. 
Contributor to: "Catholic World"; contributor and 
managing editor, "American Catholic Quarterly 
Review"; supervising editor, "Annals of the Taber- 
nacle Society". 

ARTICLES: Ryan, Patrick John; Tabernacle Society. 

Turner, Reverend Joseph Oswald, c.s.j., b. at 
Weedon, England, 1849; d. at Weybridge, 24 April, 
1917. Education: Seminary, VOhers, France. Entered 
the Congregation of St. Joseph 1871; ordained 1893; 
former master at St. Joseph's Institute, Grammont, 
Belgium (five years) ; at St. Stanislaus College, Tirle- 
mont, Belgium (three years); prefect of studies (25 
years) and president (1908-1912), St. George's 
College, Weybridge, England. Contributor to "The 
Georgian" (St. George's CoDege, Weybridge). 
ARTICLE: Josefhites. 

Turner, Right Reverend William, d.d., b. at 
Aberdeen, Scotland, 12 December, 1844; d. 19 
January, 1914. Education: parish school at Glen- 
livet, Banffshire, and seminary at Blairs, Aberdeen, 
Scotland; Scots College and Gregorian University, 
Rome. Ordained 1868; assistant rector, St. Patrick's 
Church, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1868-1877; rector at 
Dumfries, Scotland, 1877-1893; Bishop of Galloway 
1893-1914. As rector at Dumfries, organized Benefit 
Societies and a Penny Savings Bank. Former 
member of: the Dumfries School Board, the Dum- 
fries Parish Council for the Administration of the 
Poor Law, the Board of Managers of the Royal 
Infirmary, Dumfries. 

ARTICLE: Galloway, Diocese of. 

Turner, Reverend William, b.a., d.d., b. at 
Limerick, Ireland, 8 April, 1871. Education: Na- 
tional schools, Limerick; Mungret College, near 
Limerick; Royal University of Ireland; American 
College, Rome; Cathohc Institute, Paris. Ordained 
1893; professor of Latin and logic, College of St. 
Thomas (1894^1895), professor of philosophy, St. 

Paul Seminary (1895-1903), rector, St. Luke's 
Church (1905-1906), St. Paul, Minnesota; librarian 
and professor of philosophy, Catholic University, 
Washington, 1906- . Recipient of Benemerenti 
medal of the Roman Academy of St. Thomas, for a 
commentary on St. Thomas's "De Anima", 1893. 
Author of: "History of Philosophy" (Boston, 1903; 
Italian tr., "Storia della filosofia", Verona, 1904); 
"Lessons in Logic" (Washington, 1911); contributor 
to: "American Cathohc Quarterly Review"; "Catho- 
hc World"; "American Ecclesiastical Review"; 
"America"; "Philosophical Review"; "Journal of 
Philosophy"; "Irish Theological Quarterly"; editor 
of "Catholic University Bulletin". 

ARTICLES: Abelahd, Peter; Adelard of Bath; jEneas 
of Gaza; Alain de l'Isle; Alexander of Hales; Arabian 
School of Philosophy; Argyropulos, John; Aristotle; 
Avempace; Avehroes; Avicebron; Avicenna; B^renger, 
Pierre; Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus; Bruno, 
Giordano; Buridan, John; Carlovingian Schools; Celsub 
THE Platonist; Chahtulary; Cynic School of Philosophy; 
Cyhenaic School of Philosophy; David of Din ant; Donatub 
of Fiesole; Dunqal; Eriugena, John Scotus; Exttl Hiberni- 
cub; Fredegis of Tours; Gerard of Cremona; Hegelianism; 
Herrad of Landsbbrg; Honoriub of Antun; Ionian School 
OF Philosophy; John of Janduno; Kant, Philosophy of; 
Leibniz, System of; Logic; Maimonides, Moses, Teaching of; 
Marianus Scotus (2); Megarians; Melissus of Samos; 
Metaphysics; Michael Scotus; Monad; Monism; Neo- 
Platonism; Neo-Pythagorean Philosophy; Plato and 
Platonism; Plethon, Georgius Gemistub; Pragmatism; 
Pyrrhonism; Pythagoras and Pythagoreanism; Ramus, 
Peter; Raymond Lully; Raymond of Sabunde; Remigiub of 
Auxerre; Robert op CouRgoN; Robert of Melun; Robert 
PuLLUs; Scholasticism; Schools; Sedulius Scotus; Socrates; 
Sophists; Summ.b; Sylvester, Bernard; Telebio, Bernar- 
dino; Theodore of Gaza; Theodohic of Chartres; Thomas 
OF Strabburg; Transcendentalism; Vergilius of Salzburg, 
Saint; Walter of Mortagne; Walter of St-Victor; William 
of Advergne; William of Auxerre; William of Champeaux; 
William of Conches; William of Occam; William of St- 
Amour; Zeno of Elea. 

Tyne, Thomas James, ll.b., lawyer, b. at Nash- 
ville, Tennessee, 29 November, 1868, son of James 
W. and Catherine Healy Tyne, of BaUingarry, Co. 
Tipperary, Ireland. Education: public and parochial 
schools and Vanderbilt University, Nashville. Ad- 
mitted to the Bar 1890; former partner of P. M. 
Estes under firm name of Tyne and Estes; afterwards 
partner of Ernest Pillow under firm name of Pillow 
and Tyne; represented Davidson County, Tennessee, 
in State Legislature, 1893; as Assemblyman, chairman 
of the House Democratic Caucus, chairman of the 
Committee on Municipal Affairs, and member of 
various other committees; married Jane Ratterman 
1898; at present, practising lawyer, and General 
Counsel of the National Life and Accident Insurance 
Company, Nashville. Candidate for Governor of 
Tennessee, but defeated, 1912; participated in move- 
ment to celebrate the hundredth anniversary of the 
admission of Tennessee into the Union, and first 
General Coimsel of the Tennessee Centennial Exposi- 
tion Company, 1896; as Assemblyman, chairman of 
the committee to investigate articles of impeachment 
against Judge DuBose of Tennessee; with B. R. 
Thomas and John A. Tipton elected to prosecute 
impeachment in Tennessee Senate. 
ARTICLE: Tennessee. 


TJribe, Antonio Josi;, ll.d., lawyer, b. at MedelUn, 
Colombia, 6 March, 1869. Education: Universities 
of Antioquia and Bogota,, Colombia. Professor of 
the History of Spanish Literature, University of 
Antioquia, 1891-1892; Secretary of Agriculture (1891) 
and member of the Assembly (1894), Department of 
Antioquia; professor of civH and international law 
and of the history of diplomatics (1894^1911) and 
rector of the Faculty of Law and PoUtical Science 
(1903-1904), University of Bogotd; sub-secretary 
(1900), minister (1901) and counsel to the Ministry 
(1902-1903) of Foreign Relations, Colombia; minister 
of Public Instruction, Colombia, 1903-1904; president 
of the Senate (1909) and of the Legislative Commis- 
sion (1910), Bogotd; president of the House of 
Representatives (1912) and one of the founders of 
the American Institute of International Law; member 
of the Advisory Legal Committee of the Minister of 
Foreign Affairs (1913); honorary president of: 
Colombian Academy of Jurisprudence, National 
Academy of History, Colombian Academy; corre- 
sponding member of: Royal Spanish Academy, Royal 
Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation, Madrid, 
Academy of Legislation, Barcelona, various other 
European scientific and literary societies; member of 
the Geographical Society of Colombia; etc.; president 
of the Colombian Superior Council, St. Vincent de 
Paul Society; president of the Association of Agents 
and Representatives of the Railroads of Colombia. 
Author of: "Resena Hist6rica de la Literatura 
Castellana" (1891); "C6digo de Minas Colombianos" 
(1891-1892); "Estudio sobre las Servidumbres segiin 
los C6digos Civil y de Minas de Colombia y la 
Legislaci6n general comparada" (1894); "Tratado 
de Dereoho Civil Colombiano" (1899); "Anales 
Diplomiiticos y Consulares de Colombia" (1900, 
1901); "El Reourso de Casaci6n" (1903); "La 
Reforma Administrativa" (1903); "Derecho Mercan- 
til Colombiano" (1907); "Historia de la Sociedad de 
San Vincente de Paul" (1908); "Supremacia Moral 
del Pontificado" (1909); "Anales de la Comisi6n 
Legislativa" (1910); "Discursos Acad^micos y 
Parlamentarios" (1912); "Federico Ozanam, ap6stol 
de la i6, ap6stol de la verdad, ap6stol de la Caridad" 
(1913); "Nuhdades y Retracto en las Sooiedades de 
Minas" (1913) ; "La Instrucci6n PdbMca en Colombia" 
(1913); "El Proyecto de C6digo Penal" (1913); "Las 

Misi6nes Cat61icas en Colombia" (1913); various 
pamphlets; contributor to: "Revue de Droit Inter- 
national Public"; "Revue de Droit International 
Priv6"; "Revista de Derecho y Legislaoi6n" (Monte- 
video) ; principal Colombian periodicals. 
ARTICLE: Nueva Pamplona, Diocese of. 

TTrquhart, Francis Fobtescub, m.a., b. near 
Geneva, Switzerland, 1868, son of David Urquhart, 
former m.p for Stafford. Education: Beaumont 
College, Old Windsor, and Stonyhurst College, 
Blackburn, England; Balliol College, Oxford. Lec- 
turer in history (1895- ) and Fellow (1896- ), 
Balliol College, Oxford. First CathoUc tutorial 
Fellow at Oxford since the Reformation; since 1912 
member of Consultative Committee of the Board of 
Education: examiner in Final School of Modem 
History, Oxford, 1914^ . Contributor to: "The 
Month"; "Journal of Theological Studies"; "Dublin 

ABTICLES: Book of Martths, Foxe's; Chsibtendom; 
DicETO, Ralph de: Fabtan, Robebt; Florence of Worcester; 
Gilbert Foliot; Grosseteste, Robert; Herbert of Bosham; 
Lollards; Magna Carta; Mannying, Robert; Marisco, 
Adam de; Northmen; Ordericus Vitalis; Roper, William; 
William of Newbuhgh; Wtclif, John. 

Uzielli, Gustavo, b.a., b. at Leghorn, Italy, 29 
May, 1839; d. at Florence, Italy, 7 March, 1911. 
Education: University of Pisa, Italy; further studies 
in Paris. Fought in three campaigns in the ItaUan 
Wars of Independence, 1859, 1860, 1866; sub-Ueu- 
tenant under Garibaldi 1860; professor at the Univer- 
sity of Modena, Italy, 1877-1880; professor of 
geology and mineralogy. University of Turin, Italy, 
1880-1890; professor of geology, University of Parma, 
Italy, but frequently on leave and engaged in literary 
work, Florence, 1890-1911. Awarded a bronze 
medal for bravery. Battle of October 1, 1860. Hon. 
member of Society for Geographical and Colonial 
Research (Florence); hon. member of Geographical 
Society of Lisbon; member of Hispanic Society of 
America; Knight of Sts. Maurice and Lazarus. 
Author of: "La vita e i tempi di Paolo dal Pozzo 
ToscaneUi" (Rome, 1894); collaborator in "Roccolta 
Colombiana", Part V (by Professor Uzielli, Vol. I); 
edited with commentaries and illustrations Bandini, 
"Vita di Amerigo Vespucci" (Florence, 1898); etc. 

ABTICLE: VESpncci, Auebigo. 




































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Vacandard, Vert Reverend Canon Elph^gb, 
S.T.D., b. at Uelleville, Seine-Inf6rieure, France, 10 
April, 1849. Education: College of Aumale and 
Grand Seminary of Rouen, France. Ordained 1873; 
has held the posts of president of the Academy of 
Rouen, vicar at the Churches of St. Nicasius and St. 
Patrick, Rouen; chaplain of the Corneille Lyceum, 
Rouen, 1877- ; canon of the Cathedral of Rouen; 
Officer of Public Instruction. Author of: "Vie de 
Saint Bernard", crowned by the French Academy; 
"Saint Ouen"; "Saint Viotrice"; "L'Inquisition , 
"Etudes de critique et d'histoire reUgieuse", 2 vols. 

ARTICLE: Arnold of Brebcia. 

Vaccon, Reverend Augustb, s.j., s.t.d., b. at 
St. Clement, Lorraine, France, 3 May, 1848. Educa- 
tion: Preparatory Seminary at Pont-4-Mousson, and 
College of St. Aoheul at Amiens, France. Entered 
the Society of Jesus 1869; ordained 1881; at various 
times professor of grammar and philosophy, Jesuit 
Colleges, Boulogne-sur-Mer, St. Amand-les-Eaux, 
and Cambrai, France; for many years preacher ia 
various French dioceses; at present, director of 
Retreats for Priests and Laymen and of the Apostle- 
ship of Prayer, Amiens. Author of "Vie de Henri de 
Mauduit du Plessis"; contributor to various periodi- 

ARTICLE: Tarisel, Pierre. 

Vailhe, Reverend SiMiioN, a.a., writer, b. at 
Lunel, H&ault, France, 19 July, 1873. Education: 
Assumptionist Schools, Livry, France, Fanaraki, 
Asia Minor, and Jerusalem; St. Stephen's BiWical 
School, Jerusalem. Entered the Order of Augustini- 
ans of the Assumption 1890; ordained 1897; professor 
alternately of Church history and Sacred Scripture, 
Assumptionist Convent, Kadi-Keui, Constantinople, 
1897-1911; stationed in Rome 1911- . Member 
of the Russian Archseological Institute of Constanti- 
nople. Collaborator in: Vacant, " Dictionnaire de 
th^ologie cathoUque"; Baudrillart, "Dictionnaire 
d'histoire et de gdographie eccl^siastiques"; contribu- 
tor to: " Bessarione " ; "Revue de 1' Orient chrdtien"; 
"Byzantinische Zeitschrift"; "Vizantizkii Vremen- 
nik"; "Theologische Revue"; associate editor of 
"Echos d'Orient" (since 1897). 

ARTICLES: BALANiSA; Barballibsos; Babilinopolis; 
Beirut; Bobtra; Bothryb; Brusa; Byblob; Cebabea; C^ba- 


Cambysopolis; Canatha; Canopus; Capharnaum; Capitolias; 
Capsa; Carrh.b; Cbrasub; Chalsis; Chrysopolib; Constanti- 
nople; CoPTOs; CoRYCus; Cribium; Curubib; Cyrrhub; 
Cyzicub; Damabcus; Damietta; Dioc^barea; Dora; Dory- 
L/eum; Edebsa; Eletjthehopolib; Eluba; Emeba; Emmaus; 
Eperies, Diocese of; Ephesus; Epiphania; Erythr^; Erzehum, 
Diocese of; Euaria; Etjropub; Famagubta; Flavias; Flavi- 
opolib; Fogarab, Archdiocese of; Fuhni; Fubsola; Gabala; 
Gadara; Gangra; Gargaha; Gaza; Gerasa; Germanicia; 
Germanicopolib ; Gehmia; Gerrha; Gezireh; Gibail and 
Batrum; Gindarus; Girba; Gordob; Gortyna; Gratianopolib; 
Greek Church; Hauara; Hierapolib (2); Himeria; Ibora; 
Iconium; Ionopolib; Ipsds; Irenopolib; Isaac of Armenia; 
Ibaura; Ibionda; Ispahan; Ibbus; Jaffa; Jasdub; Jabsy, 
Diocese of; Juliopolis; Jubtinianopolis; Kerkuk, Diocese 
of; Kharput; Lares; Laribba; Legio; Lemberg; Leontopolib; 
Lepanto; Leptib Magna; Le Quien, Michel; Leros; Lebbi; 
LlviAS; Lorea; Lugos, Diocese of; Lycopolib; Lydda; Lystra; 
Marash; Marcianopolis; Marcopolis; Mardin; Mahonia; 
Martyhopolib; Mater; M aximianopolis ; Maximopolis; 
Medea; Megara; Melitene; Melos; Mesopotamia, Kurdis- 
tan, and Armenia, Delegation Apostolic of; Mebsene; 
Metropolis; Milevum; Milopotamds; Mopsuestia; Mobsul; 
Mosynoupolib; Mush; Myrina; Myriophytum; Neoc^barea 
(2); Nbte; Nioea; Nicomedia; Nicopolis (3); Nicosia, 

Titular Archdiocese of; Nilopolis; Nisibis; Notiti.® Epis- 
copatuum; Olenub; Ombus; Ohopub; Orthosia; Ostracina; 
OxYRYNCHUs; PALMYRA; Paltub; Pangpolib; Paphos; Paralub; 
Parium; Paltras; Pella; Pelubium; Pentacomia; Pergamus; 
Petra; Phacuba; Pharb.etus; Phahbalus; Philippi; Philip- 


Ramatha; Rhodes; Salmas; Samaria; Samos; Samobata; 
Sardes; Sardica; Sarepta; Scythopolib; Sebabtia; Sebhth; 
Sehna, Diocese of; Seleucia Pibria; Seleucia Trach.ea; 
Sergiopolib; Sidon, Melchite and Maronite See; Sinope; 
Sionia; Smyrna, Latin Archdiocese of; Sophene; Sozuba; 
Sparta; Stauropolib; Syha, Diocese of; Tanib; Tarsus; 
Tenedos; Tentyrib; Termesbus; Thabos; Thebes (2); The- 
lepte; Themiscyra; Thbnnesus; Theodobiopolib; Thera, 
Diocese of; Thermopylae; Thebbalonica; Theveste; Thugga; 
Thyatiha; Thyniab; Tiberias; Ticelia; Tinos and Mykonob; 
Tipaba; Titopolis; Tiub; Tomi; Tbajanopolis; Thalles; 
Trebizond, Diocese of; Tremithus; Tricca; Thicomia; 
Tripoli, Prefecture Apostolic of; Tripolib; Thoab; Tyana; 
Tyre; Uranopolib; Urmiah; Utica; Valona; Zahle and 
Forzol; Zakho; Zama; Zela; Zenonopolib; Zeugma; Zoara. 

Vallee-Foussin, Charlbs-Jean de la, 
Professor of Mathematical Analysis, University of 

ARTICLE : Vall^e-Poubbin, Charles-Louis-Jobeph-Xavieb 
de la. 

Valluet, Reverend Lotjis, m.s.p.s., b. 13 April, 
1869. Education: College of Evian-les-Bains, Swit- 
zerland; Seminary of Annecy, France. Entered the 
Congregation of Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales 
of Annecy; ordained 1892; assistant, Church of the 
Immaculate Conception, Devizes, England, 1892- 
1897, and St. Adhekn's Church, Mahnesbury, 
England, 1897-1903; rector. Church of the Holy 
Ghost, Yeovil, England, 1903-1907, and Church of 
the Immaculate Conception, Devizes, 1907- 

ARTICLE: Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales of 

Van Baars, Right Reverend James John 
Ambrose, o.p., b. at Tiel, Holland, 6 April, 1854; 
d. at Rotterdam, Holland, 25 March, 1910. Educa- 
tion: primary school, Tiel, St. Dominic's College, 
Nijmegen, and Dominican Convent, Huissen, Hol- 
land. Professed in the Dominican Order 1873; 
ordained 1879; former professor of humanities^ St. 
Dominic's College, Nijmegen, HoUand; successively 
missionary in Curagao, curate of the parishes of Santa 
Rosa, Santa Cruz, Noord, and Playa, Island of 
Aruba, and rector of the cathedral, Curagao, West 
Indies, 1881-1897; pro-vicar ApostoUc of Curagao 
1895-1897; vicar Apostohc of Curasao and titular 
Bishop of Teuchira 1897-1910; returned to Holland 
1909. Active in the cause of Catholic education in 
Curasao; built six churches and several schools in 
Curagao; founded a popular paper in the dialect of 
Curacao. Member of the School Board of Curagao; 
Knight of the Royal Order of the Dutch Lion. 

ARTICLE: Curacao, Vicariate Apostolic of. 

Van Cleef, Augustus, b. in New York, 1851. 
Education: private schools in New York, Flushing, 
Long Island, and Dresden, Germany; School of 
Mines, Columbia College, New York; further studies 
in Paris; advised by Gustave Dor6 in matters relating 
to art. Successively assistant State Geologist of 
Arkansas, United States Consul at Barbadoes, West 
Indies, and La Guayra, Venezuela, writer and 
draughtsman on the "Scientific American" Supple- 
ment, New York, art critic and in charge of the 
department of music and drama, "New York 





Herald", illustrator on the "New York Tribune", 
librarian for Knoedler and Company, New York; for 
a number of years, manager for a bureau for the loan 
of art material to magazines and newspapers; has 
been also employed with the Orinoco Exploring and 
Mining Company, Guyana, South America, and with 
the Electric Vehicle Company, New York; managing 
editor "American Art News" (4 years); at present, 
resident in New York. Has done drawings on wood, 
etchings and pen and ink sketches for illustrations; 
exhibited with the Etching Club in connection with 
the Water Color Exhibition and at the Architectural 
League; designer of the monument to the Unknown 
Dead, erected by the United States Government at 
SaKsbury, North Carolina; has travelled in South 
America. Collaborator in; "Most Famous Pictures 
of the World" (by Mr. Van Cleef : explanations and 
critical notes) (New York, 1903); has contributed to 
"Harper's Magazine"; "Cosmopolitan", etc. 

ARTICLES: Allori; Alunno, Niccol6; Angelico, Fra; Au- 
DR.4N; Baglione, Giovanni Cavaliere; B.\ldovinetti, Alesso; 
Baldung, Hans; Barbieri, Giovanni; Baroccio, Federigo; 
B.\YEU T SuBiAS, Francisco; Berrettini, Pietro; Berrugtjete, 
Alonso; Boccacino, Boccaccio; Bonvicino, Albssandro; 
BoRDONE, Cavaliere Paris; Borgognone, Ambrogio; Borras, 
Francisco NicolAs; Bril, Paulus; Brumidi, Constantino; 
Diepenbeeck, Abraham van; Echave, Baltasar de; Gegen- 
BAUER, JosEP Anton von. 

Van den Biesen, Reverend Christian, d.d., 
b. at Amsterdam, Holland, 8 July, 1864. Education: 
Seminary, Hageveld, Holland; St. Joseph's College, 
MiU HiU, London; Gregorian University, Rome. 
Ordained 1887; former professor of Hebrew and Old 
Testament exegesis, St. Joseph's College, MiU Hill, 
London; stationed at the house of the Society of St. 
Joseph for Foreign Missions, Cloakham, Axminster, 
England, 1908-1914; at present chaplain at the 
Dominican convent, Hawick, Roxburghshire, Scot- 
land. Has contributed to "Dubhn Review". 

ARTICLES: Alpha and Omega; Antediluvians; Apoca- 
ltpbe; Baltasab; Diaspora ; Drachma. 

Van der Donckt, Reverend Ctril, b. in Belgium, 
1865. Education: College at Renaix, Seminary at St. 
Nicholas, American College, and University, Louvain, 
Belgium. Ordained and came to the United States 
1887; acting pastor of pro-Cathedral, Boise, Idaho, 
1887-1888; rector at Pocatello, Idaho, for a number 
of years in charge of eleven counties, 1888- ; at 
present, rector of St. Joseph's Church, Pocatello. 
Erected churches at Bellevue, Glenns Ferry, Mont- 
peher, and Pocatello, Idaho, and a parochial school at 
Pocatello; refuted B. H. Roberts', of Utah, "Views of 
the Deity" Author of: "Mrs. Eddy and Bob 
Ingersoll"; author and editor of: "The Confessor 
after the Heart of Jesus" (translated from the 
Italian of Guerra); "The Right to Life of the Unborn 
Child" (translated from the Dutch of Klarmann); 
"Work of Lourdes: Heaven's Recent Wonders" 
(translated from the French of Boissarie); has 
contributed to: "American Ecclesiastical Review"; 
"Cathohc Sentinel" (Portland, Oregon). 
ARTICLE: Boise, Diocese of. 

Van den Gheyn, Very Reverend Gabriel, 
Ph.D., S.T.L., b. at Ghent, 4 February, 1862. Educa- 
tion: University of Louvain. Ordained 1885; former 
superior, Institute of St. Lii5vin, Ghent (18 years); 
inspector of convents, diocese of Ghent, 1908- ; 
canon of the cathedral of Ghent. President of the 
20th Belgian Historical and Archaeological Congress. 
President of the Archseologieal and Historical Society 
of Ghent; secretary of the Provincial Commission of 
Monuments and Archaeological Museums of Ghent; 
member of the Council of the Royal Archaeological 
Academy of Belgium; member of various Belgian and 
French Archaeological Societies; Knight of the Order 
of Leopold; officer of the French Academy. Author 

of "La religion et sa definition", and other philosopti- 
cal and archaeological works. 

ARTICLE: Ghent, Diocese of. 

Van der Essen, L:fioN, ph.iitt.n., b. at Antwerp, 
Belgium, 12 December, 1883. Education: St. Johns 
Berchmans College, Antwerp; Louvain University, 
Belgium. Assistant professor, Seminary of History, 
Louvain, 1906-1910; professor of critical history and 
institutions of the Middle Ages (1910- ), lecturer 
(1911-1912) and special professor (1912- ) of the 
Flemish Course in Medieval History, and vice- 
president of Seminary of History, Louvain University. 
In Naples and Parma on a scientific mission from the 
Belgian Government, 1906-1909; successful com- 
petitor for a "bourse de voyage" awarded by the 
Belgian Government; winner in a University compe- 
tition among four Belgian universities. Author of: 
"Het Ontstaan van Antwerpen" (Antwerp, 1905); 
"Etude critique et htt^raire sur les Vitse des Saints 
Merovingiens de I'ancienne Belgique", crowned by 
the Institute of France (.Louvain and Paris, 1907); 
"De straf- en rechterlijke verzoeningsbedevaarten in 
de Middeneeuven" (Antwerp, 1911); " Geschiedenis 
der Middeneeuven" (Louvain, 1912); "Les archives 
farn^siennes de Naples au point de vue des Pays- 
Bas" (in collaboration with A. Cauohie) (Ghent, 
1907); "Les archives particulieres de 1' stranger et 
leur importance au point de vue de I'histoire des 
Pays-Bas" (in collaboration with A. Cauchie) (Liege, 
1909); "Inventaire des archives farn&iennes de 
Naples au point de vue de I'histoire des anciens Pays- 
Bas espagnols" (.in collaboration with A. Cauchie) 
(Brussels, 1911); collaborator in "Biographie 
Nationale de Belgique" (by Dr. Van der Essen: 
"Saint Quentin", 1905); "A Short History of 
Belgium" (Chicago, 1916); contributor to: "Bulletin 
de la commission royale d'histoire de Belgique"; 
"Analectes pour servir k I'histoire eccl&iastique de 
Belgique " ; " Geschiedkundige bladen " ; " 0ns Geloof " . 
ARTICLES: Annals, Ecclesiastical; Cheonicon Pas- 
chale; Eleutherius, Saint, Bishop of Tournai; Eligius, 
Saint; Florence, Council of; Foillan, Saint; Gery, Saint; 
Ghislain, Saint; Gondulphus, Saint; Gondulphus of Metz; 
GoNDULPHUs of Tongres; Gudula, Saimt; Pamelius; Vindi- 
ciANus, Saint. 

Vander Heeren, Reverend Achillb, s.t.l., b. 16 
December, 1880. Education: Preparatory Seminary, 
Roulers, Belgium; Seminary, Bruges; University of 
Louvain, Belgium. Ordained 1903; professor of 
moral theology (1907-1910) and of Holy Scripture 
(1910- ), Seminary, Bruges. Author of "Psahni 
et Cantica Breviarii" (Bruges, 1913); contributor to: 
"Revue d'histoire eccl&iastique de Louvain"; 
"Collationes Brugenses"; " Geloof sonderrieht"; asso- 
ciate editor of "Geloof sonderrieht". 

ARTICLES: Oaths; Peter, Epistles op St.; Philippiaws, 
Epistle to the; Scandal; Septuagint Version; Suicide. 

Van Hoonacker, Reverend Albin August, 
6.T.D., b. at Bruges, Belgium, 19 November, 1857. 
Education: College of St. Louis, Bruges; Preparatory 
Seminary, Roulers, Semipary, Bruges, and University 
of Louvain, Belgium. Ordained 1880; professor of 
humanities. College of St. Louis, Bruges, 1880; curate, 
Church of St. Martin, Courtrai, Belgium, 1886; vice- 
regent. College of the Holy Ghost, Louvain Univer- 
sity, 1887-1889; professor of the critical history of 
the Old Testament and Hebrew (1889- ) and of 
Assyrian and moral philosophy (1894- ), Louvain 
University; canon of the cathedral of Bruges; Knight 
of the Order of Leopold. Author of: "De rerum 
creatione ex nihilo", dissertation for doctorate (1886) ; 
"Observations critiques sur les r^cits concernant 
Bil6am" (1888); "L'origine des quatre premiers 
chapitres du DeutiSronome" (1889); "N6h6mie et 
Esdras" (1890); "N6h6mie en I'an 20 d'Artaxerxes I. 
Esdras en I'an 7 d'Artaxerxes II" (1892); "Zorobabel 




et le second temple" fl892); "Le vceu de Jepht6" 
(1893); "Le lieu du culte dans la legislation ntuelle 
des H6breux" (1894); "Nouvelles etudes sur rhistoire 
de la Restauration juive apres I'exil de Babylone" 
(1896); "Le sacerdooe li?vitique dans la loi et dans 
I'histoire des Hi5breux" (1898); "Le traits du philo- 
sophe syrien Probus sur les premiers Analytiques 
d'Aristote" (1900); "Notes sur I'histoire de la 
Restauration juive aprfis I'exil de Babylone" (1901); 
"Une question touchant la composition du livre de 
Job" (1903); "La prophfitie relative k la naissance 
d'Immanu-El" (1904); "Les douze Petits Prophfetes 
traduits et comment^s" (1908); contributor to 
"Expository Times" (Edinburgh). 
ARTICLES: Malachias; Micheas; Nehemias, Book of. 

Van Hove, Vert Revebend Canon Alphonse, 
J.C.D., b. at Thielt, West Flanders, Belgium, 7 
August, 1872. Education: Seminary, Bruges, and 
Louvain University, Belgium. Ordained 21 Decem- 
ber, 1895; professor of the institutes of canon law and 
of Church history (1898-1908) and of introduction to 
canon law and public ecclesiastical law (1908- ), 
Louvain University; honorary canon of the cathedral 
of Bruges 1909. Author of: "Etudes sur les confiits 
de jurisdiction dans le diocfese de Liege k I'^poque 
d'Erard de la Marck ' ' (Louvain, 1900) ; ' ' Les f abriques 
d'^glises et le temporel du culte Catholique en 
Belgique", Fasc. I (Louvain, 1911); edited Kissel- 
stein, "Les dons et legs aux f abriques d'^glises 
parroissiales en Belgique", dissertations for doctorate 
of the Theological Faculty, Series 2, Vol. V (Louvain, 
1912); contributor to: "Archives Beiges"; "Annales 
de la Societe d'Emulation" (Bruges); "Literarische 
Rundschau"; "Annuaire de I'Universit^ de Louvain"; 
"Bulletin de la Commission Royale d'Histoire"; 
"Analectes pour servir k I'Histoire Eccl^siastique de 
la Belgique"; "Revue d'Histoire Ecclesiastique". 

ARTICLES: Apostasy; Bishop; BmLDiNGs, Ecclesiastical; 
Chapeauville, Jean; Corpus Juris Canonici; Decretals; 
Dens, Peter; Dbvoti, Giovanni; Diocese; Donation; 
DuMOTTLiN, Charles; Engel, Ludwig; Enthronization; 
EspEN, Zegeb Bernhard van; Expect ative; Extravag antes ; 
Fabrica Ecclesle; Fagnani, Prosper; Ferraris, Lucius; 
GiRALDi, Ubaldo; Gratian, Johannes; Gravina, Giovanni 
ViNCENZo; Hardouin, Jean; Henry of Segusio, Blessed; 
Hierarchy; Hontheim, Johannes Nicolaus von; Huguccio; 
Installation; Institution, Canonical; Investiture, Canoni- 
cal; Lancelotti, Giovanni Paolo; Legacies; Lex (Law); 
Liber Septimus; Liber Sextus, Decretalium; Luca, Giovanni 
Battista de; Nichol6 de' Tudeschi; CEconomus, Episcopal; 
Option, Right op; Paleotti, Gabriel; Papiensis, Bernardus; 
Pena, Francisco; Person, Ecclesiastical; Pirhing, Ernricus; 
PoLYCARPUs; Precedence; Preconization; Promulgation; 
Reiffenstuel, Johann Geoeg; Sandeo, Felino Maria. 

Van Kasteren, Reverend John Peter, s.j., 
b. at Schijndel, North Brabant, Holland, 10 Jan., 
1855. Education: Jesuit scholasticates at Marien- 
daal, Oudenbosch, and Maastricht, HoUand; Catholic 
University, Beirut, Syria. Entered the Society of 
Jesus 1874; professor, St. WiDibrord's College, 
Katwijk, HoUand, 1881-1886; ordained 1885; profes- 
sor of Holy Scripture, Jesmt scholasticate, Maas- 
tricht, 1891- . Takes an active interest in the 
Catholic Teachers' Unions and the Cathohc Tem- 
perance Movement in Holland; has travelled in 
Palestine. Author of: "Van den Sinai" (Nijmegen, 
1904); "Het Matthaeusevangehe en de overlevering" 
(Bois-le-Due, 1906); "Hoe Je.sus predikte" (Haarlem, 
1907; 2nd ed. 1909); "Wat Jesus predikte" (Nijme- 
gen, 1911); "De eerste brief van den Apostel Petrus" 
(Utrecht, 1911); pamphlets for St. Willibrord's 
Association; collaborator in: Vigouroux, "Diotion- 
naire de la Bible"; Dutch version of the Gospels and 
Acts (by Father Van Kasteren, Gospels of St. Luke 
and St. John, with notes) (Bois-le-Duc, 1906); 
contributor to: "Studien"; "Revue biblique"; 
"Zeitschrift des deutschen Palastina-Vereins", etc. 

ARTICLES: Beatitudes; ChanaaN; Cornelius Cornelii 
A Lafide. 

Van Ortroy, Reverend Francis, s.j., Bollandist, 
b. at Alost, Belgium, 3 July, 1854. Education: one 
of the Jesuit colleges in Belgium. Entered the 
Society of Jesus 1871 ; former professor of rhetoric at 
one of the colleges of his order; ordained 1886; writer 
on the staff of the "Acta Sanctorum", Brussels, 
Belgium, 1887- . Contributor to "Analecta 
Bollandiana " ; etc., etc. 

ARTICLES: Francis de Geronimo, Saint; John Francis 
Regis, Saint; Ribadeneiha, Pedro de; Ricci, Lorenzo; 
Stanislas Kostka, Saint. 

Vanous, Reverend Francis, b. at Komarov, 
Bohemia, Austria, 2 July, 1873; d. 5 April, 1915. 
Education: Gymnasium and Seminary, Budweis, 
Bohemia. Ordained 1897; founder of St. Agnes 
(Bohemian) Church, Chicago. Author of: Apologetic 
treatises; various translations into Bohemian from 
French and German. 

ARTICLE: Czech Language and Literature. 

Vaschalde, Reverend Arthur Adolphe, c.s.b., 
S.T.L., Ph.D., b. at St. Pons, Ardeche, France, 1() 
March, 1871. Education: Sacred Heart College, 
Annonay, France; St. Basil's scholasticate, Toronto, 
Canada; Catholic University, Washington, D. C. 
Entered the C'^mmunity of St. Basil 1892; ordained 
1895; professor of philosophy. Assumption College, 
Sandwich, Canada, 1895-1900, and St. Michael's 
College, 'Toronto, Canada, 1903-1910; examiner in 
Catholic philosophy. University of Toronto, 1906- 
1910; instructor in Semitic languages^ 1910-1916, 
and professor of same, 1916- , Catlaohc University, 
Washington. Author of: "Three Letters of Philox- 
enus. Bishop of Mabbogh" (Ronie, 1903); "Philoxeni 
Mabbugensis Tractatus de Trinitate et de Incarna- 
tione" (Corpus scriptorum christianorum Orien- 
talium) (Paris, 1907). 

ARTICLES: Mesrob; Nerseb I-IV; Nerses of Lambron; 
Philoxenus op Mabbogh; Serapion of Thmuis, Saint; 
Tell-el-Amabna Tablets. 

Vattakalam, Vert Reverend Matthew, s.t.b., 
b. at Kumaracam, Travancore, India, 18 March, 
1864, son of Joseph Valet and Mary Vattakalam. 
Education: seminaries at Mangalapusha and Braman- 
galam, Travancore; Propaganda, Rome. Ordained 
1897; secretary to Bishop Makil, vicar Apostolic of 
Changanacherry, India, and professor of Latin, St. 
John Berchmans High School, Changanacherry, 
1897-1905; resident at Quilon, India, 1906-1907; 
councillor to Bishop Makil 1907-1911; vicar forane, 
St. George's Church, Edekatt, Kottayam, 1908- ; 
councillor to Bishop Makil in the latter's new office 
of vicar Apostohc of Kottayam 1911- . Built a 
chapel at Nattagam, India, and converted over 
thirty Pulayas to the Catholic Church; attended with 
Bishop Makil the Eucharistic Congress, Goa, 1900. 
Collaborator in "Madras Catholic Directory" (1910); 
contributor to: "Bombay Catholic Examiner"; 
"Illustrated Catholic Missions" (London); "Vera 
Roma"; "Catholic Watchman" (Madras), etc. 

ARTICLE: Changanacherry, Vicariate Apostolic of. 

Veale, Reverend James, b.a., d.d., b. at Dunhill, 
Co. Waterford, Ireland, 1873. Education: National 
School and Christian Brothers' School, Mount Sion, 
Waterford, and Mungret College, Limerick, Ireland; 
Royal University of Ireland; North American 
CoUege and Propaganda, Rome. Ordained 1899; 
assistant, Church of the Immaculate Conception, 
Jacksonville, Florida, 1900-1902; rector, St. Joseph's 
Church, Mandarin, Florida, 1902-1911; engaged in 
parish work, Rochester, New York, 1911-1912; 
rector, St. James's Church, Waverly, New York, 
1912j at present professor of logic, general meta- 
physics and history of philosophy, St. Bernard's 
Seminary, Rochester. Founder and editor (1907- 
1909), "Florida CathoUc". Author of a brief 




History of the Catholic Church in Florida; contribu- 
tor to various periodicals. 

ARTICLES: Florida; V^rot, Augustine. 

Vella, Revekend Antonio, b. at Victoria, Gozo, 
25 October, 1871. Education: government schools 
and Diocesan Seminary, Gozo. Ordained 1894; 
former professor of Latin, Italian, and mathematics, 
and, at present, professor of philosophy, Seminary, 
Gozo; chaplain. Civil Hospital, Gozo. Author of 
various books and pamphlets; contributor to various 
Italian periodicals; editor of two local monthly 

ARTICLE : Gozo, Diocese of. 

Vella, Reverend Philip Xavieb, s.j., Ph.D., 
D.D., b. at Valletta, Malta, 2 August, 1844. Educa- 
tion: Enghsh Jesuit College, Valletta; Gregorian 
University, Rome; Jesuit scholasticates, Roehamp- 
ton, London, and Laval, France. Entered the 
Society of Jesus 1858; professor of Classics and 
mathematics, Jesuit College, Mondragone, Italy, 
1869; exiled from Rome 1870; ordained 1872; profes- 
sor at the Seminary, Blois, France, 1875; minister, 
St. Ignatius English College, Valletta, 1877; returned 
to Rome 1882; professor of physics and chemistry, 
Gregorian University, Rome, 1892-1901; administra- 
tor of the South American College, Rome, 1901-1909; 
stationed at the Pontifical Leonine CoUege, Anagni, 
Italy, 1909, and later at Strada (Tuscany) and 
Bologna. Member of the Pontifical Academy of 
"Nuova Lincei". 
ARTICLE: American College, The South, in Rome. 

Venneersch, Reverend ARTHnB, s.j., ll.d., 
J.C.D., b. at Ertvelde, East Flanders, Belgium, 26 
August, 1858. Education: Episcopal College, Ert- 
velde; Jesuit colleges, LiSge and Namur, Belgium; 
University and Jesuit scholasticate, Louvain; Gre- 
gorian University, Rome. Entered the Society of 
Jesus 1879; professor of Latin humanities, Jesuit 
College, Namur, 1884r-1886; ordained 1889; assistant 
Novice Master, Jesuit scholasticate, Tronchiennes, 
Belgium, 1891-1892; then professor of canon law 
(1892- ) and subsequently also of moral theology, 
Jesuit scholasticate, Louvain; collaborator in the 
codification of canon law ordered by Pius X, 1904. 
Founded the review "De religiosis et missionariis", 
1905; took notable stand by his writings on the 
Congo question, 1906; vice-president of the Colonial 
Section, Catholic Congress, Mechlin, 1909; one of the 
founders of the "Revue Congolaise", 1910; founder 
of the Society for Moral and Juridical Studies; 
Vice-President of the General Section, International 
Congress of Home Education, Brussels, 1910; presi- 
dent of one of the sections. International Agricultural 
Congress, Brussels, 1910. Member of the Belgian 
Committee for the Legal Protection of Laborers; 
vice-president, Society of Social Economy, Brussels; 
Knight of the Order of Leopold. Author of : " Manuel 
Social", 2 vols. (3 eds.), winning for its author the 
quinquennial prize for Social Sciences; "Quaestiones 
de Justitia" (2 eds.), resulting in a Brief from Leo 
XIII to its author; "La nouvelle Encyclique sociale", 
meriting a Brief from Leo XIII; "La Question 
Congolaise"; "Les destindes du Congo Beige"; "Le 
Beige et la Personne civile"; "De Prohibitione et 
Censura Librorum" (4 eds.) ; "De Religiosis Institutis 
et Personis", 2 vols.; "De Vocatione ReUgiosa et 
Sacerdotali"; "Meditations sur la Sainte Vierge", 
2 vols. (2 eds.; also Flemish ed.); "Pratique et 
doctrine de la Devotion au Sacr6-Coeur", 2 vols. 
(4 eds.); "De forma SponsaUum ac Matrimonii" 
(4 eds.); "De Modernismo", "Acta Sanctse Sedis" 
(2 eds.); "Les Missions Catholiques au Congo 
Beige", pamphlet; "La peur de I'enfant dans les 
classes dirigeantes"; "L'int6ret et le devoir en 
Belgique"; "Meditations sur S. Jean Berchmans"; 

"La question Flamande"; "Pour I'honnStete con- 
jugale (3 eds.); "Litanies de Coeur de Ji5sus"; "Cas 
de conscience sur I'introduction de travail dans 
certaines usines", conferences; "Nouvelles r^ponses 
sur les ddcrets des fiangailles et du mariage"; "Le 
probleme de la nataKtS en Belgique"; "Matrimonio 
e neomalthusianismo saggio ecUgiososo medico- 
sooiali", translated into Italian by Marconcini; "De 
Prima puerorum communione", periodical. Vols. I-V; 
etc., etc.; various tracts; edited Boutauld, "M^thode 
pour converser avec Dieu", 2 vols. (tr. into Italian; 
2nd vol. tr. into English); contributor to: "Revue 
eccMsiastique de LiSge"; "Messager du Sacr^ 
Coeur"; "Etudes"; "Revue apolog^tique"; "Man- 
resa " ; "Etudes scientifiques et Uttdraires " ; "Nouvelle 
Revue TMologique"; "Revista social" (Barcelona); 
"Revue des questions scientifiques"; "Mouvement 
sooiologique"; "Le Patriote"; "Le Peuple"; "Hooger 
Leven"; "Etoile"; "Bien Public"; "Tribune Apolo- 
gy tique"; "Revue sociale Catholique"; "Pays 

ARTICLES: Cloister; Congo Independent State and 
Congo Missions; Descl^b, Henri; Interest; Modernism; 
Novice; Nuns; Obedience, Religious; Postulant; Poverty; 
Profession, Religious; Provincial; Regulars; Religious 
Life; Usury; Veil, Religious; Virginity; Vocation, Ec- 
clesiastical AND Religious; Vows. 

Verwyst, Reverend Chrysostom (Christian 
Adrian Verwtst), o.f.m., b. at Uden, North 
Brabant, Holland, 23 November, 1841. Education: 
Holy Trinity School, Boston, Massachusetts; St. 
Francis Seminary, St. Francis, Wisconsin, under 
Professor (afterwards Archbishop) Heiss. Came to 
the United States 1848; ordained 1865; engaged in 
parish and mission work at various times at New 
London, Hudson, Seneca, and Superior, Wisconsin, 
Duluth, Minnesota, St. Louis, Missouri, and Los 
Angeles and Fruitvale, California, 1865-1882; entered 
the Franciscan Order 1882; missionary for many 
years among the Indians of Northern Wisconsin; 
former assistant at St. Agnes Church, Ashland, and, 
at present at Holy Family Church, Bayfield, Wiscon- 
sin. Member of the Wisconsin Historical Society. 
Author of: "Missionary Labors of Marquette"; 
"Life of Bishop Baraga"; "Mikana gijigong" ("Chip- 
pewa Exercises"), prayer-book; "Enamiad gegiki- 
mind" ("Instructed Christian"); "Anishinabe En- 
amiad" ("Christian Indian"), periodical. 
ARTICLE: Baraga, Frederic. 

Victoria, Sister Mart (Caroline Drees), 
c.pp.s., Sister of the Most Precious Blood, b. at 
Minster, Ohio, 14 March, 1863. Education: parochial 
schools and St. Mary's Institute, Minster, Ohio; 
Normal and Training Schools of Sisters of Most 
Precious Blood, Maria Stein, Ohio, and of Sisters of 
Providence, St. Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana. En- 
tered the Congregation of the Most Precious Blood 
1884; has held the posts of assistant teacher at the 
Normal School (five years), and (twelve years) 
principal of the Training School, Maria Stein, Ohio, 
and directress of the schools of the Sisters of the 
Most Precious Blood in the United States (six years) ; 
assistant to the superior general, stationed at Maria 
Stein, 1911- 

ABTICLE: Precious Blood, Sisters of the. 

Vieban, Reverend Anthony, s.s.j j.c.d., s.t.d., 
b. in France, 1872. Education: Ecclesiastical College 
and Seminary, Tulle, France; Catholic Institute, 
Paris. Ordained 1895; entered, the Sulpician Order 
1898; professor of canon law and dogmatic theology, 
St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, Maryland, 1898- 
1909; professor of dogmatic theology, St. John's 
Seminary, Brighton, Massachusetts, 1909-1911; proc- 
urator and instructor in pastoral theology. Catholic 
University, Washington, 1911; at present professor 
of moral theology, fourth year, and canon law, St. 












Mary's University, Baltimore. Contributor to 
"American Ecclesiastical Review". 
ABTICLE: Sbminaby, Ecclesiastical. 

Vieter, Right Reverend Heinrich, d.d., p.s.m., 
b. at Cappenberg, Westphalia, Germany, 13 Febru- 
ary, 1853; d. 1 Dec, 1914. Education: PaUottini 
College, Masio, Italy; Gregorian University, Rome. 
Entered Pious Society of Missions 1883; ordained 
1887; rector, PaUottini College, Masio, 1887-1888; 
missionary at Caxias, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 
1888-1890; prefect Apostolic of Kamerun 1890-1905; 
titular Bishop of Paretonium and vioar Apostolic of 
Kamerun 1905-1914. During his administration of 
the Prefecture and later the Vicariate Apostolic of 
Kamerun, the number of Catholics increased from 6 
to 17,239. Contributed to "Star of Africa" and 
other missionary periodicals. 

ARTICLE: Kamerun, Vicariate Apostolic of. 

Vincent, Reverend Htjgubs, o.p., s.t.d., associate 
editor "Revue Biblique" and "Etudes Bibhques", 
St. Stephen's Bibhcal School, Jerusalem. 

ARTICLE: Madlanites. 

Vogel, Vert Reverend John, p.s.m., b. at 
Dingolfing, Bavaria, Germany, 25 January, 1862. 
Education: College in Masio, Piedmont, Italy, and 
Gregorian University, Rome. Entered the Pious 
Society of Missions 1884; ordained 1887; has filled the 
posts of superior of missions, Brazil (seven years), 
general consultor of the Pious Society of Missions, 
and superior of the PaUottini College, Rome; Vic. 
provincial of the American Province, Pious Society 
of Missions, and rector of the Church of the Sacred 
Hearts, Brooklyn, New York, 1896- 

ARTICLES: Pallotti, Vincent Mart, Venerable; Pious 
Society of Missions. 

Volker, James Alphonstjs, b. at Alzenau, Bavaria, 
Germany, 4 September, 1841. Education: St. 
Alphonsus School and St. Francis Xavier's College, 
New York. Came to New York 1848; has passed 
his Ufe in teaching both private pupils and in private 
and high schools; former teacher, Seton Hall College, 
South Orange, New Jersey (one year); former 
teacher in Military Academies, PeekskiU and Ossining, 
New York (twelve years); married 1880; resident at 
Ossining 1880- ; former organist of St. Augustine's 
Church, Ossining (24 years); on the staff of The 
Catholic Encyclopedia, 1905-1906; teacher of Eng- 
hsh to Foreigners, Evening High School, Yonkers, 1906- 
1912. Author of various translations (songs, librettos, 
etc.); edited "Dumb-bell Exercises" (New York). 

AJEITZCLES: Accentub Ecclesiasticus; Adam of Fulda; 
Apami da Bolsena, Andrea; Agazzabi, Aqostini; Agostini, 

Paolo; Agricola, Alexander; Aiblinger, Johann Cabpab; 
AicHiNQER, Gregor; Albrechtsberger, Johann G.; Alfieri, 
Pietro; Allegri, Gregorio; Anerio, Felice; Anebio, Giovan- 
ni Francesco; Animuccia, Giovanni; Antont, Franz Joseph; 
Abcadelt, Jacob; Assmayer, Ignaz. 

Volz, Reverend John Raymund, o.p., s.T.rect., 
b. at Faribault, Minnesota, 1868. Education: 
Parish school, Faribault; St. Thomas College, 
Merriam Park, Minnesota; Dominican Colleges, 
Louvain, Belgium, and Vienna, Austria. Entered 
the Dominican Order 1886; ordained 1892; professor 
of humanities and philosophy, St. Rose's Convent, 
Springfield, Kentucky, 1895; Prior, St. Louis Ber- 
trand s Convent, Louisville, Kentucky, 1896; first 
president, St. Patrick's College, Columbus, Ohio, 
1905-1906; professor of Anglo-Saxon literature and 
critical history of the United States, University of St. 
Thomas, Manila, 1907- . Has contributed to 
various newspapers and to European and American 

ARTICLES: Baditjs, Raphael; Banez, Domingo; Barthol- 
omew of San Concordio; Beads, Use of, at Prayers; Billuart, 
Charles-Ren^: Br^hal, Jean; Cajetan, Tommaso de Vio 
Gaetani; Campanella, Tommaso; Cano, Melchior; Capheo- 
Lus, John; Coeffeteau, Nicolas; Collado, Diego; Conradin 
OF Bornada. 

Vonier, Right Reverend Anscar, o.s.b., Ph.D., 
b. 1875. Education: St. Mary's Abbey, Buckfast; 
Sant' Ansehno, Rome. Entered the Benedictine 
Order; professor of philosophy, Sant' Anselmo, Rome, 
1905; Abbot of St. Mary's Abbey, Buckfast, 1906- 
; well known as a preacher. Author of "The 
Human Soul" (1913). 

ARTICLE: Fleijrt, Abbey of. 

Vuibert, Reverend Arsenitjs John Baptist, 
S.S., M.A., b. at Reims, France, 19 September, 1840. 
Education: private; Seminary, Reims; Sorbonne and 
St. Sulpice, Paris; St. Mary's University, Baltimore, 
Maryland. Entered the Sulpician Order 1860; 
ordained 1865; professor of Latin, rhetoric, and 
history (1865-1896), and vice-president and prefect 
of studies (1880-1896), St. Charles College, EUicott 
City, Maryland; spiritual director, CathoUc Univer- 
sity, Washington, D. C, 1896-1897; professor of 
Church history, St. Joseph's Seminary, Dunwoodie, 
New York, 1897-1898; president (1898-1904), and 
president emeritus, superior of the College Depart- 
ment and professor of history, English, and French 
(1904- ), St. Patrick's Seminary, Menlo Park, 
California. Author of: "Ancient History"; "Ora- 
torical Rules" (for use of students of St. Charles 
College, EUicott City, Maryland). 

ARTICLES: Ahsenius, Saint; Atticus, Patriarch of 
Constantinople; Aubusson, Pierre d'; Aurelius, Archbishop 
of Carthage. 


Waagen, Ltjkas, Ph.D., b. at Vienna, 27 April, 
1877, son of Professor Wilhelm Waagen. Education: 
Gymnasia, Prague and Vienna; University of Vienna. 
Assistant at the Geological Institute, University of 
Vienna, 1898-1900; Pateontologist, Imperial Geo- 
logical Institute, Vienna, 1898-1901; assistant to the 
geologist. Prof essor Eduard Suess, 1900-1901; resident 
geologist (1901- ) and associate director (1906- 
), Imperial Geological Institute, Vienna. Fre- 
quently called upon as expert in practical geology in 
Austria, Italy and Bulgaria; recipient of Gold Cross 
of Merit, with Crown, 1913. Member of the Geo- 
logical Society of Vienna; member of the Imperial 
Royal Geographical Society of Vienna. Author of: 
"Der Forkmenkreis des Oxytoma insequivalve", 
dissertation for doctorate (Vienna, 1901); "Die 
Lamellibranchiaten der Pachycardientuffe nebst 
vergleichend palseontologischen und phylogenetischen 
Studien" ^Vienna, 1907); "Die Entwicklungslehre 
und die Tatsachen der Palaeontologie" (Munich, 
1909); "Unsere Erde" (Munich, 1910); geological 
charts; contributor to various scientific periodicals. 
A&TICLES: Paleontology; World, Antiquity of the. 

Waal, Right Reverend Monsionoh Anton 
Maria de, b. at Emmerich-am-Rhein, Prussia, 4 
May, 1837. Education: Gymnasium, Emmerich; 
Academy of Mtinster, Mtinster, Germany. Ordained 
1862; professor. Seminary, Gaesdonk, Germany, 
1862-1868; curate, Santa Maria dell' Anima, Rome, 
1808-1871; chaplain, German College, Santa Maria 
dell' Anima, Rome, 1871; assistant rector (1871- 
1872) and rector (1872- ), Campo Santo Tedesco, 
Rome. President of the First Archaeological Congress, 
Salona, Dalmatia; chaplain in the Papal Army, Siege 
of Rome, 1870; organized the German College of the 
Campo Santo Tedesco in its present form, 1876. 
President (over twenty years) of German Reading 
Association, Rome; magister of the Collegium 
Cultorum Martyrum; member of the French Archaeo- 
logical Society; prothonotary ApostoUo; domestic 
prelate; decoration Pro ecolesia et pontifice; Com- 
mander of the Austrian Order of Franz Joseph; 
Knight of the Prussian Order of the Eagle (2nd class) ; 
of the Saxon Order of Albertus (2nd class); of the 
Prussian Order of the Crown (2nd class). Author of: 
"Valeria", novel (5 eds.) ; " Die Bhnde vom Aventin"; 
"Konigin Serena"; "Die Zwanzigste September"; 
"Die alten frommen Stiftungen bei Sankt Peter"; 
"Rompilger", guide for pilgrims to Rome (9 eds.); 
"Katakombenbilder", novel, 2 vols. (3 eds.); "Judas 
Ende", novel (3 eds.); "Der Campo Santo der 
Deutschen zu Rom"; "Roma sacra" (2 eds.); etc., 
etc.; several short plays and novels; editor of the 
archaeological section of "Romische Quartalschrift". 
ARTICLES: Campo Santo de' Tedebchi; Catacombs; 
Chair of Peter. 

Waggaman, Mrs. Mart Teresa McKee, writer, 
b. at Baltimore, Maryland, 1846. Education: Mt. 
de Sales Visitation Academy, Baltimore. Has 
devoted her Ufe to hterature; married Samuel 
Waggaman (d. 1913) ; resident at Washington, D. C. 
Author of: "Carroll Dare"; "Transplanting of 
Tessie"; "Daddy Dan"; "Little Missy"; "Bob-o- 
link"; "Jack o' Lantern"; "Play water Plot"; 
"Corinne's Poor Little Comrades"; "Captain Ted"; 

"Strong Arm of Avalon"; "Tom's Luck Pot"; etc.; 
contributor to "Catholic World"; "Messenger"; 
"Ave Maria"; "Benziger's Magazine". 
ARTICLE: Dorsey, Anne Hanson. 

Wainewright, John Bannerman, b.a., barrister, 
b. at Beckenham, Kent, England, 3 July, 1871. 
Education : Winchester College, Winchester, and New 
College, Cambridge, England. Barrister, Lincoln's 
Inn, London, 1897; became a Catholic 1899. One of 
the original members of the CathoKc Record Society; 
a Trustee and Treasurer of the Convert's Aid Society; 
has worked at the Admiralty and Home Office during 
the War. Editor of: "Winchester College, 1836- 
1906" (1907). Author of: "The Byzantine Office" 
(1909); pamphlets; contributor to: "Downside 
Review"; etc. 

ARTICLES: Haydock, George, Venerable; Heath, 
Henry, Venerable; Hill, Richard, Venerable; Holland, 
Thomas, Venerable; Hugh Faringdon, Blessed; Ingleby, 
Francis, Venerable; Ingram, John, Venerable; Ireland, 
William, Venerable; James Thompson, Blessed; John 
Felton, Blessed; John Houghton, Blessed; John Larke, 
Blessed; John Nelson, Blessed; John Payne, Blessed; 
John Stone, Blessed; John Story, Blessed; Kemble, John, 
Venerable; Lambton, Joseph, Venerable; Langhorne, 
Richard, Venerable; Leigh, Richard, Venerable; Lloyd, 
John, Venerable; Lockwood, John, Venerable; Mahony, 
Charles, Venerable; Maxfibld, Thomas, Venerable; 
Mayne, Cuthbert, Blessed; Metham, Sir Thomas; Morgan, 
Edward, Venerable; Morse, Henry, Venerable; Morton, 
Robert, Venerable; Napper, George, Venerable; Nichols, 
George, Venerable; Nutter, Robert, Venerable; Osbaldes- 
TON, Edward, Venerable; Page, Anthony, Venerable; 
Palasor, Thomas; Patenson, William, Venerable; Pibush, 
John, Venerable; Pike, William, Venerable; Pilchard, 
Thomas, Venerable; Pormort, Thomas, Venerable; Post- 
gate, Nicholas, Venerable; Pounde, Thomas; Ralph 
Crockett, Venerable; Ralph Sherwin, Blessed; Richard- 
son, William, Venerable; Richard Mirkeld, Blessed; 
RiGBY, John, Venerable; Risby, Richard; Robinson, Chris- 
topher, Venerable; Roe, Bartholomew, Venerable; Roger 
Cadwallador, Vanerable; Sandys, John; Slythurst, Thomas; 
Snow, Peter, Venerable; Somerset, Thomas; Southerne, 
William, Venerable; Southworth, John, Venerable; 
Sprott, Thomas, Venerable; Stonnes, James; Stransham, 
Edward, Venerable; Sugar, John, Venerable; Sutton, 
Robert, Venerable; Talbot, John; Taylor, Hugh, Vener- 
able; Teilo, Saint; Teresian Martyrs of Compi^gne; 
Thomas Ford, Blessed; Thomas Johnson, Blessed; Thomab 
OF Dover; Thomas Woodhouse, Blessed; Thorpe, Robert, 
Venerable; Thulis, John, Venerable; Tichborne, Nicho- 
las, Venerable; Tresham, Sir Thomas; Vavasour, Thomas; 
Waire, Venerable. 

Waldron, Vert Reverend Martin Augustine, 
O.P., S.T.M., b. at Newark, New Jersey, 3 November, 
1866. Education: Louvain University, Belgium; 
Minerva, Rome. Entered the Dominican Order 
1887; ordained 1892; former sub-prior, professor of 
theology, of Church history and of moral theology, 
and, at present, professor of philosophy (for a number 
of years) and of canon law (1912- ) and prior 
(1913- ), Immaculate Conception College, Wash- 
ington. Has lectured on the Evidences of Christi- 
anity at the Western Catholic Summer School. 

ARTICLES: Benedict XI; Bancel, Louis; Bourass:^, 
Jean-Jacques; C^slaus, Saint; Virtue. 

Walker, Charlton Benedict, b.a. Education: 
Mason College, Birmingham, and Selwyn College, 
Cambridge, England. Anghcan clergyman 1896- 
1908; private secretary to principal of Pusey House, 
Oxford, England, 1901-1908; became a CathoUc 1908; 
on Dr. Henry Bradley's staff, "Oxford English 
Dictionary", Oxford, 1909- . Member Henry 





Bradshaw Society; member Plainsong and Mediaeval from Modern Martyrs'' (2nd ed. 1906); contributor 
Music Society. to various periodicals; editor of "The Field Afar". 

ARTICLE: ExoiyrET. ARTICLE: Th^ophane V^nabd, Blessed. 

Walker, Leslie Joseph, s.j., m.a., b. at Birming- 
ham, England, 18 October, 1877. Education: King 
Edward's School, Birmingham, and Stonyhurst 
College, Blackburn, England; St. Beuno's College, 
St. Asajjh, Wales. Became a CathoUc 1898; entered 
the Society of Jesus 1899; ordained 1911; former 
professor of philosophy, Stonyhurst College, Black- 
burn; army chaplain to the British Forces in France, 
July, 1915; senior chaplain with rank of Major, 
January, 1917. Author of :" Theories of Knowledge" ; 
"Indifference"; "The Nature of Incompatibility"; 
"Martineau and the Humanists"; contributor to: 
"Revue de Philosophie"; "Irish Ecclesiastical 

ARTICLES: Parallelism, Psycho-Physical; Providence, 
Divine; Relativism; Scepticism; Tbuth; Voluntarism. 

Wallau, Heinhich Wilhelm, writer, b. at Mainz, 
Germany, 17 July, 1852, son of Karl Wallau, former 
Mayor of Mainz. Education: Gymnasium, Mainz; 
University of Leipzig, Germany; further studies in 
France, England, Sweden, Italy, S5Tia, Palestine, 
and Egypt. Manager of the Karl Wallau estabUsh- 
ment for artistic publishing, Mainz, 1874-1895; 
devotes his time to writing on matters connected 
with typography; resident at Mainz. Awarded the 
Grand Duke of Hesse gold medal for science and art. 
Member of the German Commission of Experts in 
Artistic Printing (named by the Emperor); one of 
the directors of the Gutenberg Society, of the 
Antiquities Association, and of the Roman-German 
Central Museum at Mainz. Collaborator in: "Fest- 
schrift der Stadt Mainz" (by Wallau: "Zweifarbige 
Psalter-Initialen Schoffers") (Mainz, 1900); Herder's 
"Konversationslexikon"; contributor to: "Veroffent- 
lichungen der Gutenberg-Gesellschaf t " ; "Archiv fur 

ARTICLES: Gutenberg, Johann; Kobebger, Anthony; 
Mentelin, Johannes; Plantin, Chbistophe; Schoffeb, 
Petee; Speteb, Johann and Wendelin von; Sweynheim, 
Konrad; Zell, Ulrich. 

Walsh, Vert Reverend Edward J., cm., b. at 
Brooklyn, New York, IS September, 1877. Educa- 
tion: St. John's College, Brooklyn; St. Vincent's 
Seminary, Germantown, Pennsylvania. Entered the 
Congregation of the Mission 1894; ordained 1901; 
professor at St. Vincent's Seminary, Germantown, 
1901-1903; professor (1903-1908), vice-president 
(1907-1908) and president (1908-1912), Niagara 
University, Niagara Falls, New York; member of 
the Synodal Board, diocese of Buffalo, New York, 
1908-1912; Superior, St. Vincent's Mission House, 
Springfield, Massachusetts, and director of Lazarist 
missions, 1912- . Has lectured on various 
subjects; president of the Seminary Department, 
Catholic Educational Association, 1910-1911. 
Member of the Executive Board, Catholic Educa- 
tional Association. Contributor to various periodi- 
ARTICLE: Univebsitieb: Subtitle, Niagara Univebsity. 

Walsh, Reverend Jambs Anthony, b. at Cam- 
bridge, Massachusetts, 24 February, 1867. Educa- 
tion: Dwight School, Boston College, and St. John's 
Seminary, Boston, Massachusetts; Harvard Univer- 
sity. Ordained 1892; assistant at St. Patrick's 
Church, Roxbury, Massachusetts, 1892-1903; director 
of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, 
archdiocese of Boston, 1903-1911; president. Semi- 
nary for Foreign Missions, Ossining, New York, 1912- 
, and of the Catholic Missionary Society of 
America (founder with Reverend Thomas F. Price). 
Author of: "A Modern Martyr" (1905); "Thoughts 

Walsh, James Joseph, m.d., Ph.D., ll.d., litt.D., 
physician, b. at Archbald, Pennsylvania, 12 April, 
1865. Education: parish school, Wilkesbarre, Penn- 
sylvania; St. John's College, Fordham, New York; 
University of Pennsylvania; Universities of Paris, 
Vienna, and Berhn. Former assistant editor of 
"Medical News", and collaborating editor of "The 
International Climes"; practising physician. New 
York City, 1898- ; former instructor and (1900- 
1905) adjunct professor of medicine. New York 
Polyclinic School, New York City; former professor 
of nervous diseases and the history of medicine and 
(1905-1912) dean of the Medical Faculty, Fordham 
University, New York City; professor of physiological 
psychology. Cathedral College, New York City, 
1906- Has lectured extensively on literary, 

historical, and scientific subjects; recipient of the 
Laetare Medal, 1916. Member of the American 
Association for the Advancement of Science; member 
American Medical Association; Fellow of the New 
York Academy of Medicine; member New York 
Historical Society; member New York Geographical 
Society; Knight Commander of St. Gregory; Knight 
of Columbus (4th degree). Author of: "Makers of 
Modern Medicine" (New York, 1907); "The 
Thirteenth the Greatest of Centuries" (New York, 
1907; 3rd ed. 1910); "History of the New York State 
Medical Society" (New York, 1907); "The Popes 
and Science" (New York, 1908); "Education, How 
Old the New" (New York, 1910); "Pastoral Medi- 
cine", in collaboration with Austin O'Malley (New 
York, 1906); "Makers of Electricity", in collabora- 
tion with Brother Potamian, F.s.c. (New York, 
1909) ; contributor to various periodicals. 

ARTICLES: An.esthesia; Auenbruggbr, Leopold; Bed- 
ford, Gunning; Bedlam; Colombo, Matteo; Constantine 
Afbicanus; Cobbiqan, Sir Dominic; David, Abmand; Desault, 
Pierbe-Joseph; Dupuytren, Guillaume; Eustachius, Bar- 
TOLOMEo; Fabbicius, Hiebonymus; Fallopio, Gabriello; 
Kingston, Sib William Hales; Hospitals; Hybtl, Joseph; 
Infanticide; Insane, Asylums and Cabe fob the; Kneipp, 
Sebastian; Laenn^c, Ren]^-Th]6ophile-Hyacinthe; Lakrey, 
Dominique-Jean; Linacbe, Thomas; MacNevbn, William 
James; Malpighi, Marcello; Mebcubiali, Geeonimo; Mon- 


Johann; N^laton, Augusts; Nussbaum, Johann Nepomuk 
von; O'Dwyee, Joseph; Pasteub, Louis; Psychotherapy; 
Spallanzani, Lazzabo; Univebsities: Fobdham; Van Buben, 
William Holme. 

Walsh, Right Reverend Monsignor John, b. in 
Ireland, 1847. Education: Christian Brothers 
Academy and St. Joseph's Seminary, Troy; Niagara 
University, Niagara Falls, New York. Ordained 
1869; rector, St. John's Church (1873-1882), rector 
of the cathedral (1882-1887), and chancellor of the 
diocese (1884-1887), Albany, New York; rector, St. 
Peter's Church, Troy, New York, 1887- ; 
domestic prelate. Frequent lecturer before Troy 
Scientific Association and the Albany Institute; for 
many years vice-president, awarded gold medal for 
services at Convention at Washington, 1879, and 
president of the Convention, Buffalo, New York, 
1880, CathoUc Young Men's National Union. Vice- 
President Troy Scientific Association; corresponding 
member of the Albany Institute. Author of: "Mass 
and Vestments of the Catholic Church" (Troy, 1909) ; 
(pamphlets:) "Martin Luther"; "The Grand Char- 
treuse"; contributor to "Reading Circle Review". 

ARTICLE: Albany, Diocese of. 

Walsh, Joseph, a.m., m.d., physician, b. at 
Parsons, Pennsylvania, 28 October, 1870. Education: 
St. John's College, Fordham, New York; University 
of Pennsylvania. Teacher, Epiphany College, Balti- 
more, Maryland, 1890-1892; practising physician, 
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1895- ; instructor. 




University of Pennsylvania, 1899-1902; visiting 
physician to Sanatorium for Consumptives, White 
Haven, Pennsylvania, and to Tuberculosis Depart- 
ment, General Hospital, Philadelphia; assistant 
medical director, Henry Phipps Institute, Philadel- 
phia. Has travelled extensively in Europe; secretary. 
International Congress on Tuberculosis, Washington, 
1908. Member of: Philadelphia College of Physicians, 
International Anti-tuberculosis Association, Pennsyl- 
vania Society for the Prevention of Tuberculosis 
(late president), Pennsylvania Historical Society, 
American Catholic Historical Society (late chairman 
of Library Committee and of Committee on Historical 
Research); director of National Association for the 
Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis. Collaborator 
in "Encyclopedia Americana"; contributor to: 
"Booklovers' Magazine"; etc., etc. 
ABTICLE: Bryant, John Delay au. 

Walsh, Vert Reverend Reginald, o.p., d.d., 
b. at Dublin, Ireland, 1855. Education: St. Patrick's 
College, Carlow, and St. Thomas College, Newbridge, 
Ireland; Minerva, Rome. Entered the Dominican 
Order 1870; ordained 1878; professor of Scripture, 
Minerva, Rome, 1879-1881, 1905-1909; professor of 
philosophy and theology, St. Mary's Prioryj TaUaght, 
1881-1891; professor of theology, Dominican scho- 
lasticates, successively at Graz and Vienna, Austria, 
1892-1898; professor of Old Testament exegesis, 
Maynooth College, 1898-1905; professor of Scripture, 
CoUegio Angelico, Rome, 1909-1911; professor of 
Scripture, St. Mary's Priory, TaUaght, 1912- ; 
canonical visitor of various Dominican houses ; postu- 
lator of the cause of the Irish Dominican Martyrs. 
Edited for Leo XIII the works of St. Thomas, in col- 
laboration with Cardinal Zigliara; contributor to "Irish 
Ecclesiastical Record"; "Irish Rosary". 

ARTICLES: Bobbio, Abbey and Diocese of; Denifle, 
Heinrich Setjse; Fhiends of God; Jandel, Alexandre- 
Vincent; Master of the Sacred Palace; O'Daly, Daniel,O.P. 

Walsh, Thomas, m.a., ph.n., poet, b. at Brooklyn, 
New York, 14 October, 1875, son of Michael and 
Catherine Farrell Walsh. Education: Georgetown 
University, Washington, D. C; Columbia University, 
New York City. At various times on the staff of: 
"Warner's Library of the World's Best Literature", 
"International Encyclopedia", "New York Globe 
and Commercial Advertiser", "The Bookman" and 
(1905-1906) The Catholic Encyclopedia, New 
York City; poet, lecturer, critic, resident at Brooklyn, 
New York. Composed and read Dedication Ode to 
the Prison Ship Martyrs, Brooklyn, 1908, Reunion 
Poem on Battlefield of Antietam, Maryland, 1910, 
and Philodemic Poem, UnveiUng of John Carroll 
Monument, Georgetown, D. C, 1912; medal of honor 
from Society of Army of the Potomac. Trustee of 
the Mt. Arlington Library; member of the Columbia 
University Club; member of the Authors' Club; 
member of the Royal Academy of Letters, Seville. 
Author of: "Columbus", class poem, Georgetown 
University (1892); "The Crusaders", Alumni poem, 
Georgetown University (1897); "The Prison Ships 
and Other Poems" (1909); "The Pilgrim Kings" 
(1916); contributor to: "Scribner's"; "Harper's"; 
"Century"; "Atlantic Monthly"; "North American 
Review"; "Bookman"; "Messenger"; "Indepen- 
dent"; "Churchman"; "Everybody's"; "Lippin- 
cott's"; "American CathoUc Quarterly Review"; 
"Rosary"; "Ave Maria"; "American Ecclesiastical 
Review"; "Pall Mall"; "Poet Lore"; "Bellman"; 
"America"; "Revista del Rosario" (Bogotit). 

ARTICLES: Abbo Cernuus; Abington, Thomas; Abthain; 
Abucara, Theodore; Abundius; Adam of Murimuth; Adam 
of Perseigne; Adam of Usk; Adam Scotus; Addas, Disciple 
OF Manes; Adrian of Castello; Agiles, Raymond d'; Ancona 
CiHiAco d'; Anderton, James; Anderton, Roger; Anderton, 
Thomas; Andrea, Giovanni d'; Andreas, Juan; Anfossi, 
FiLippo; Ange de St. Joseph; Ange de Sainte Rosalie; 
Anstey, Thomas Chisholm; Archangb de Lyon; Archer, 
James; Abchinto, Filippo; Arculf. 

Walsh, Thomas J., ll.b., b. at Two Rivers, 
Wisconsin, 12 June, 1859. Education: public and 
high school, and Wisconsin University, Madison, 
Wisconsin. Former high school principal; admitted 
to the. Bar 1884; practising lawyer, formerly at 
Redfield, South Dakota, and, at present (1891- ), 
at Helena, Montana; United States Senator from 
Montana 1913- . Delegate to National Demo- 
cratic Convention (member of sub-committee on 
platform), Denver, Colorado, 1908. President of the 
Library Board, Helena, Montana; member National 
Geographical Society; member of the American Bar 
Association; Knight of Columbus. 
ARTICLE: Montana. 

Walter, Reverend Alotsius John Mart,, 
b. at Amsterdam, Holland, 5 November, 1859. 
Education: Redemptorist College, Roermond, and 
Redemptorist scholasticate, Wittem, Holland. Pro- 
fessed in the Redemptorist Order 1876; ordained 
1882; former professor at the Redemptorist College, 
Roermond, and Redemptorist scholasticate, Wittem, 
HoDand; choirmaster and organist at various Re- 
demptorist houses; stationed at Sant' Alfonso, Rome, 
at first engaged in writing and afterwards one of the 
private secretaries of Father Raus, General of the 
Redemptorists, 1889-1909; professor of dogmatic 
theology and choirmaster, St. Mary's College, 
Kinnoull, Perth, Scotland, 1909-1911; stationed at 
Sant' Alfonso, Rome, 1911- . Translated from 
Italian into Latin dogmatic works of St. Alphonsus. 

ARTICLES: Pitoni, Joseph; Rameatj, Jean-Philippe; 
Rossini, Gioacchino; Scarlatti, Alessandro; Schelble, 
Johann Nepomuk; Steffani, Agostino. 

Wang, Reverend Erik A., b. at Kongsvinger, 
Norway, 29 August, 1859, of Lutheran parents. Ed- 
ucation: Catholic schools in Denmark, Norway, 
Faroe Islands and Belgium; Propaganda, Rome. 
Became a Catholic in childhood; ordained 1882; 
curate (1882-1883) and rector (1886-1899), St. 
Olaf's Church, Christiania, Norway; rector at Trom- 
s6, Norway, 1883-1884; accompanied the prefect 
ApostoUc of Norway, Reverend B. Bernard, to the 
mission stations at Hammerfest and Alten, 1884; 
preacher and assistant to Dean Hagemann, Hammer- 
fest, 1885' coadjutor to the prefect ApostoHc (1885- 
1886) and secretary to Monsignor Fallize, the new 
prefect Apostolic (1887), resident at Christiania; for 
a time rector of St. Halvard's Church, Christiania; 
member of the Council, Prefecture Apostolic of Nor- 
way, 1890; rector (at present of St. Paul's Church), 
Bergen, Norway, 1899- ; director of the Sisters 
of St. Francis Xavier, Bergen, 1900- ; dean of 
Western Norway. As missionary, founder of numer- 
ous CathoUc stations and churches. Editor of "St. 
Olav" (Christiania), 1895; contributor to the press. 
ARTICLES: Arason, J6n; Arni Thorlaksbon; Asgaabd; 
Bengtsson, J6ns. 

Ward, Right Reverend Bernard,, 
titular Bishop of Lydda, b. at Old HaU, Hertford- 
shire, England, 4 Feb., 1857, son of WiUiam George 
Ward. Education: St. Edmund's College, Ware; 
Oscott CoUege, Birmingham, England. Ordained 
1882; prefect, St. Edmund's CoUege, Ware, 1882- 
1885; pastor at WUlesden, near London, founding 
mission and building temporary church and perma- 
nent school, 1886-1889; professor, Oscott CoUege, 
Birmingham, 1889-1890; vice-president (1890-1893) 
and president (1893- ), St. Edmund's CoUege, 
Ware; domestic prelate 1895; canon of Westminster 
1903; ApostoUc administrator of the newly erected 
diocese formed by the separation of Essexshire from 
the Archdiocese of Westminster, and appointed 
titular Bishop of Lydda, 22 March, 1917. Member 
of the Archseological Society of France. Author of: 
"History of St. Edmund's College" (1893); "Com- 
mentary on St. Luke's Gospel" (1897); "Life of St. 







Edmund" (1903); "St. Edmund's CoUege Chapel" 
(1903); "Catholic London a Century Ago" (1905); 
"Dawn of the Catholic Revival in England" (1909); 
"The Eve of Catholic Emancipation" (1912); "The 
Sequel to Cathohc Emancipation" (1915). 

ARTICLES: Advektisements, Book of; Aelnoth; Allen, 
William, Cardinal; Authorized Version; Baines, Peter 
Augustine; Benedictus; Bbrington, Charles; Berington, 
Joseph; Butler, Alban; Butler, Charles; Cana; Carvajal, 
LuiSA de; Cisalpine Club; Corporation Act op 1661; Douai, 
Town and University of; Douat Bible; Erastus and 
Erastianism; Establishment, The; Flanagan, Thomas; 
Griffiths, Thomas; Martiall, John; Martin, Gregory; 
MiLNER, John; Oakeley, Frederick; Old Chapter; Oliver, 
George; Oxenham, Henry Nutcombe; Plowden, Francis; 
Poynter, William; Saint Omer, College of; Talbot, James; 
Taunton, Ethelred; Ullathorne, William Bernard. 

Ward, Sister Mart Elizabeth, b. at Montreal, 
Canada, 4 June, 1845. Education: Model School 
of the Congregation of Notre Dame, Montreal. 
Entered the Congregation of Grey Nuns 1863; pro- 
fessed 1865; teacher, Grey Nuns Parochial School 
(1866-1881) and superior of the Grey Nuns Parochial 
School and Orphan Asylum (1881-1892), Providence, 
Northwest Territory, Canada; mistress of novices 
(1892-1897) and assistant to the superior general 
(1897-1915), General Hospital of the Grey Nuns, 
Montreal; local superior of the Mother House of the 
Grey Nuns, Montreal, 1915; provincial superior of 
the American Province, resident at Holy Ghost Hos- 
pital, Cambridge, Mass., 1916- . Foundress 
with four others of the Parochial School and Orphan 
Asylum of the Grey Nuns, Providence, Northwest 
Territory, 1866; delegate to the Grey Nuns General 
Chapter, Montreal, 1892. 

ARTICLE: Grey Nuns. 

Warichez, Reverend Joseph, d. sc. m. h., b. at 
Enghien, Belgium, 10 September, 1870. Education: 
primary school and Episcopal CoUege, Enghien; semi- 
naries at Bonne EspSrance, and Tournai, and Louvain 
University, Belgium. Ordaiaed 1894; professor of 
the history of diplomatics, Superior Commercial 
and Consular School of Hainaut, 1901- ; archi- 
vist of the cathedral, Tournai, 1905- . Laureate 
of the Academy of Inscriptions and Belles Lettres of 
France, 1911. Member of the Association of Former 
Members of the Seminary of History of Louvain; 
member of the Historical and T^chseological Society 
of Tournai; member of the Belgian Royal Academy 
of Archeology. Author of: "Les origines de I'Eglise 
de Tournai" (Louvain, 1902); "Le Pasteur d'Her- 
mas: un nouveau manuscrit de I'ancienne version 
latine" (Louvain, 1905); "L'abbaye de Lobbes 
depuis les engines jusqu'en 1200" (Tournai, 1909); 
"Une Vendetta au XIV° siecle" (Tournai, 1909); 
"Une 'descriptio villarum' de I'Abbaye de Lobbes 
k I'^poque carolingienne" (Brussels, 1909); "Tribu- 
lations de deux tableaux de P. P. Rubens" (Tournai, 
1910); "Les deux derniers 6vSques de Tournai sous 
I'Ancien Regime" (Tournai, 1911); "Etat b^nfficial 
de la Flandre et du Toumaisis au temps de Phihppe 
le Bon" (Louvain, 1912); collaborator in "Biographie 
nationale de Belgique"; contributor to: "Mus^e 
beige"; "Revue d'histoire eccMsiastique"; "Bulletin 
de la Commission Royale d'Histoire"; "Revue 
Tournaisienne " ; "Jadis"; "Analeotes pour servir k 
I'histoire eccMsiastique de la Belgique"; "Annales 
de la Soci^tS Historique et Archdologique de Tour- 

ARTICLE: Tournai, Diocese of. 

Warren, Reverend Cornelius J.,, b. at 
Boston, Massachusetts, 9 June, 1873. Education: 
St. Mary's College, North East, Pennsylvania; Re- 
demptorist sohol^ticate, Ilchester, Maryland. En- 
tered the Redemptorist Order 1894; ordained 1900; 
missionary 1900-1907; professor of Scripture, Mt. 
St. Alphonsus, Esopus, New York, 1907-1912; en- 

gaged in retreat and mission work, St. Mary's Mis- 
sion House, AimapoUs, Maryland, 1912- 
ARTICLES: Putzer, Joseph; Seelos, Francis X. 

Warren, Kate Mart. Education: North London 
Collegiate School and University College, London. 
Former deputy lecturer in Enghsh, Bedford CoUege, 
London; senior lecturer and head of the English De- 
partment, Westfield CoUege, London, 1895- ; 
member of the Faculty of Arts, of the Medieval and 
Modern Languages Board, and of the Board of Ex- 
aminers, London University. Author of "Piers the 
Plowman," modern version of the 14th century 
poem (London, 1895); edited: Spenser, "The Faerie 
Queene", 6 vols.; "A Treasury of English Literature" 
(1st ed. 1 vol.; new ed. 6 vols.); contributor to: 
"London Daily Chronicle"; "Dublin Review", etc. 

ARTICLES: Caswall, Edward; Caxton, William; 
D'Avbnant, Sir William; English Literature; Forrest, 
William; Fullerton, Lady Georgiana Charlotte; Habing- 
TON, William; Harrowing of Hell; Hawes, Stephen; 
Hawker, Robert Stephen; Henryson, Robert; Heywood, 
Jaspar and John; Inchbald, Elizabeth; Lydgate, John; 
Moralities; Occleve, Thomas; Oxenfobd, John of, 

Wasmann, Reverend Erich, s.j., biologist, b. 
at Meran, Tyrol, Austria, 29 May, 1859. Educa- 
tion: Gymnasia at Meran, HaU, and Feldkiroh, 
Austria; Jesuit soholasticates; University of Prague. 
Entered the Society of Jesus 1875; ordained 1888; 
has spent many years in biological study and re- 
search; formerly stationed at Luxemburg, Luxem- 
burg; at present at St. Ignatius College, Valkenburg, 
HoUand. Has participated in many zoological and 
entomological congresses. Member of numerous 
scientific societies; Ettember of the Permanent Com- 
mittee of International Entomological Congresses. 
Author of: "Der Trichterwickler" (1884); "Atemeles 
und Lomechusa" (1888); "Vergleichende Studien 
iiber Ameisengaste" (1889); " Zusammengesetzte 
Nester und gemischte Kolonien der Ameisen" (1891); 
"Kritisches Verzeiohnis der myrmekophilen und ter- 
mitophilen Arthropoden"(1894); "Zur neueren Ent- 
wicklungstheorie in Deutschland" (1896); "Instinkt 
und InteUigenz im Tierreich" (1897; 3rd ed. 1905); 
"Vergleichende Studien iiber das Seelenleben der 
Ameisen und der hoheren Tiere" (1897; 2nd ed. 1900) ; 
"Die psychischen Fahigkeiten der Ameisen" (1899; 
2nd ed. 1909); "Neue Doryhnengaste " (1900); 
"Termiten von Ceylon" (1902); "Zur naheren 
Kenntnis des echten Gastverhaltnisses " (1903); 
"Doryhnengaste vom Kongo" (1904); "Die moderne 
Biologie und die Entwicklungstheorie" (1904; 3rd ed. 
1906); "Menschen und Tierseele" (1904; 5th ed. 
1910); "Ursprung der Sklaverei bei Ameisen" (1905- 
1910); "Ameisen und Ameisengaste von Luxemburg" 
(1906-1909); "Kampf um das Entwicklungsproblem" 
(1907); "Der biologische Unterricht" (1908); "Ent- 
wicklungstheorie und Monismus" (1910); "Ameisen 
und ihre Gaste" (1911); "Beitrage zur Kenntnis der 
Termitophilen" (1912); contributor to scientific re- - 

ARTICLE: Evoltition. 

Watrigant, Reverend Henri Louis, s.j., b. at 
LiUe, France, 20 February, 1845. Education: St. 
Joseph's College, LiUe; Jesuit soholasticates. Entered 
the Society of Jesus 1868; ordained 1880; former pro- 
fessor in various Jesuit colleges (10 years); founder 
and for a number of years in charge of the retreats 
for laymen; founder and, at present, librarian, Li- 
brary of the Exercises of St. Ignatius, Enghien, Bel- 
gium. Author of a number of books in the "Bib- 
lioth^que des Exercises" and "Collection des Re- 
traites"; contributor to various periodicals. 

ARTICLE: Mary de Sales Chappuis. 

Waugh, Reverend Norman, b. in London, 16 
February, 1867, son of Benjamin Waugh, founder of 




the English Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to 
Children. Education: private school at Forest Hill, 
MiU Hill Grammar School in London, and Seminary 
at Leeds, England. For several years associated 
with a firm of engineers and Patent Agents (Waugh 
& Chapman), London; became a CathoUc 18S7; 
ordained 1893; assistant at the cathedral, Leeds, 
1893-1903; rector, St. Mary's Church, Carlton, 
Yorkshire, 1903- . Instrumental in organizing 
Exhibition of Cathohc Antiquities and Objects of 
Art, First National CathoMc Congress, Leeds, 1910. 
Author of: "Short History of St. Anne's Cathedral 
and the Leeds Missions " (London, 1904); "Annotated 
Catalogue Arranged Chronologically and Chiefly 
Illustrative of Penal Times" (Leeds, 1910); Introduc- 
tion to Bans, "These My Little Ones" (London, 
1911); collaborator in: Raupert, "Roads to Rome" 
(London, 1901); "The Leeds Mission" (Leeds, 1910); 
contributor to "Dublin Review". 
ARTICLE: Leeds, Diocese of. 

Weale, John Cyril Marie des Anqes, journalist, 
b. at Bruges, Belgium, 22 December, 1857, son of 
William Henry James Weale, archaeologist, and 
Helena Amelia Walton. Education: College of St. 
Louis, Bruges. Removed to England 1878; special 
London correspondent for the "Coiirrier de BruxeUes" 
1881-1882; on account of ill health, went to Sydney, 
New South Wales, Australia, 1882; editor and later 
part owner with J. G. O'Connor and John McCrory, 
"The Express", Sydney, 1883-1888; married Mar- 
garet, daughter of WilUam Walshe, of Balla, Co. 
Mayo, Ireland, and niece of John W. Walshe of the 
Irish National Land League, 1886; editor of "The 
Catholic Times", Wellington, New Zealand, 1888- 
1889; returned to New South Wales 1889; returned to 
England 1892; engaged in press work, historical 
research, and the study of Christian Art, 1892- ; 
resident at Cambridge, England. One of the thirteen 
founders and 1st Hon. Secretary, Transvaal Inde- 
pendence Committee, under Chairmanship of Captain 
Sir Edmund Hope Verney, R.N., London, 1881. 
Author of: "The Relation of Drink to Insanity" 
(1888); pamphlet on Life Assurance (1889); trans- 
lated into Flemish (Louvain, 1787; 2nd ed. Alost, 
1904) Crake, "^Emihus: a Tale of the Persecutions 
of Decius and Valerian"; collaborator in "Year Book 
of Australia", 1884, 1885. 
ARTICLE: Bkuqes. 

Weale, William Henby James, b. in London, 8 
March, 1832, d. 26 April, 1917, son of J. Weale and 
Susan Caroline Ellis Vesien. Education: King's Col- 
lege, London. Became a Cathohc 1849; married 
Helena Ameha Walton; resident at Bruges, Belgium, 
1855-1878; writer on art and archaeology, resident 
in London, 1878-1917; Keeper of the National Art 
Library, South Kensington, London, 1890-1897. 
Organizer of the Exhibition of Flemish Masters, 
Bruges, 1902. Hon. member Royal Flemish 
Academy; Associate of the Royal Academy of 
Belgium; hon. member Royal Academy of Fine Arts 
(Antwero); officer of the Order of Leopold. Author 
of: "Belgium, Aix-la-Chapelle and Cologne, an 
Archaeological Guide-Book" (1859); "Bruges et ses 
environs" (1862; 4th ed. 1884); "M(5moire sur la 
Restauration des Monuments publics en Belgique" 
(1862); "Le Beffroi: Arts, H(5raldique, Arch^ologie" 
(1863-1876); "Hans Memlinc" (1865); "La Flandre: 
Revue des Monuments d'Histoire et d'Antiquit6s" 
(1867-1873): "Chronica monasterii S. Andreas iuxta 
Brugas Ordmis S. Benedicti" (1868); "Les Eglises 
du Diocfese de Bruges: Doyenng de Dixmude" (1874): 
"Descriptive Catalogue of Manuscripts and Printed 
Books exhibited at Albert Hall" (1885); "Bibho- 
graphia liturgica" (1886); "Some Account of an 
Illuminated Psalter for the Use of the Convent of St. 
Mary of the Virgins at Venice" (1887); "Analecta 

hturgica" (1889); "Gerard David" (1895); "Hans 
Memlinc: Biography; Pictures at Bruges" (1901); 
"Catalogue de I'ableaux des XI V, XV et XVr 
sidcles exposes k Bruges" (1902); "Hubert and John 
von Evck" (1907); "Peintres Brugeois" (1907-1912). 
ARTICLE: Datid, Gheeeaekt. 

Webb, James Henry,, ll.b., b. at Santa Fe, 
New Mexico, 22 December, 1854. Education: 
Winchester Institute, Connecticut; Hudson River 
Institute, Claverach, New York; Massachusetts 
Agricultural College, Amherst; Yale University. 
Practising lawyer in Connecticut 1877- ; instruc- 
tor in Criminal Law and Procedure (1895-1910) and 
lecturer on Medical Jurisprudence (1910- ), Yale 
University; judge of the Superior Court of Connecti- 
cut, 1914- . Member American Bar Association, 
International Law Association, Connecticut Academy 
of Arts and Sciences, American Academy of Political 
and Social Science. Collaborator in "Two Centuries' 
Growth of American Law" (by Mr. Webb: "Criminal 
Law and Procedure") (New Haven, 1901); edited 
American ed. of Kenny, "Outlines of Criminal Law" 
(New York, 1907). 

ARTICLE: Connecticut. 

Weber, Reverend Anselm, o.p.m., b. at New 
Salem, Allegan Co., Michigan, 10 November, 1862. 
Education: St. Francis College, Cincinnati, Ohio. 
Entered the Franciscan Order 1882; ordained 1889; 
professor (for several years lector in humanities), St. 
Francis College, Cincinnati, 1890-1898; missionary 
among the Navajos (1898-1900) and superior of the 
Navajo Mission (1900- ), St. Michael's, Arizona. 
Built a chapel at Chin Lee, Arizona, 1911; assisted in 
the pubUcation by the Franciscans of St. Michael's 
of "An Ethnologic Dictionary of the Navajo Lan- 
guage" (St. Michael's, 1910). Author of "Cate- 
chism of Christian Doctrine" (Navajo-English) 
(1910); contributor to: "Indian Sentinel"; "Der 
Sendbote des GoettUchen Herzens Jesu". 
ARTICLE: Navajo Indians. 

Weber, Reverend Edward Ends, s.t.b., b. at 
Wheelmg, West Virginia, 13 March, 1870. Educa- 
tion: Cathedral parochial school, WheeUng; St. 
Charles College, EUicott City, and St. Mary's 
Seminary, Baltimore, Maryland. Ordained 1900; 
chancellor (1900- ) and secretary, Diocese of 

ARTICLE: Wheeling, Diocese of. 

Weber, Reverend Nicholas ALOYSitrs, s.m., d.d., 
b. at Krautergersheim, Alsace, Germany, 30 Novem- 
ber, 1876. Education: public schools, Krautergers- 
heim; Marist colleges at Differt, Belgium, Lyons, 
France, and Paignton, England; Marist College and 
Cathohc University, Washington, D. C, under Drs. 
Grannan, Shahan, and Shanahan. Entered the 
Society of Mary 1897; sent to Washington, D. C, 
1898; ordained 1901; professor, Marist College, 
Atlanta, Georgia, 1901-1902; professor of Church 
history (1902- ) and of apologetics (1904^1911), 
Marist College, Washington. Author of: "History 
of Simony in the Christian Church from the Begin- 
ning to the Death of Charlemagne" (Baltimore, 1909). 

ARTICLES: Albigenses; Avignon, Univebsity op; Bald- 
win, Francis; Balue, Jean; Baptists; Barbahigo, Giovanni 
Francesco; Barthel, Johann Caspar; Bartholomew of 
Brescia; Beaune, Renaud de; Bentivoglio Family; Berthold 
of Chiemsee; Behti, Giovanni Lorenzo; Besoldus, Christo- 
pher; Bogomili; Bolsbc, J]6R6ME-HERMi;s; Bonnard, Jean 
Louis, Venerable; Borie, Pierre-Rose-Ursule-Dumoulin; 
BoRROMEO, Andrea; Bourdeilles, H^lie de; Bourgade, 
Francois; Brancaccio; Braulio, Saint; Bucee, Martin; 
Galas Case, The; C^sariub of Nazianzus, Saint; Capuciati; 
Cassander, George; Cathari; Canedoni, Celestino; Chante- 
Lou, Claude; Clemens, Franz Jacob; Clement VI; Costadoni, 
Giovanni Domenico; Cotelier, Jean-Baptiste; Felbiger, 
Johann Ignaz von; Gudenus, Moritz; Hydatius op Lemica; 
Illuminati; Innocent V, Blessed, Pope; Innocent VI; 
Innocent VIII; Innocent IX, Popes; Janow, Matthew; 




Jabicot, Pauline-Mahie; Jonas or Bobbio; Jonab or Okl^ans; 
Labadists; Laderchi, James; Lef^vre d'Etaples; Lorenzana, 
Francisco Antonio de; Lupus, Abbot op FerriJjres; Maim- 
BouRG, Louis; Maxentius, Joannes; Mennonites; Men of 
Understanding; Methodism; Michelians; Morcelli, Ste- 
FANO Antonio; Nicholas II; Nicholas III; Nicholas IV, 
Popes; Orange, Councils of; Paul II, Pope; Pectorius of 
Autun; Permaneder, Franz Michael; Peter Igneub, Blessed; 
Pbtrobrusians; Petrus Alfonsus; Petrus Diaconus; Pius II 
AND VII, Popes; Porphyrius, Saint; Ptolemy the Gnostic; 
QuiERZY, Councils of; Quirini, Angelo Maria; Hader, 
Matthew; Raynaldi, Odorich; Reformed Church; Renau- 
dot, Eusebius; Rey, Anthony; Rho, Giacomo; Rhodes, 
Alexandre de; Ripfel, Caspar; Ritter, Joseph Ignatius; 
Robert of Geneva; Rocca, Angelo; Rodriguez, Joao; 
Rohault de Fleury; Rohhbacher, REN^-FRANgois; Rostock, 
Sebastian von; Rudolf of Rijdesheim; Sarabaites; Schwenk- 
feldians; Sect and Sects; Sibour, Marie-Dominique- 
Auguste; Simon of Cramaud; Simony; Sirleto, Guglielmo; 
SiRMOND, Jacques; Sixtus III, Saint, Pope; Smalkaldic 
League; Sophronius, Saint; Suger, Abbot of St. Denis; 
Sully, Maurice de; Sulpicius Severus; Swedenborgians; 
Tunkers; Unitarians; Universalists; Waldenses. 

Webster, Reverend Douglas Ratmund, o.s.b., 
M.A., b. at Edinburgh, Scotland, 17 June, 1880. 
Education: Harrow; New College, Oxford. Became 
a Catholic 1899; entered the Benedictine Order 1902; 
assistant Classical master (1906- ) and Librarian 
(1913- ), Downside Abbey, Stratton-on-the-Fosse, 
England; ordained 1912, army chaplain to the British 
forces 1915. Contributor to the "Downside Review". 

AKTICLES: Carthusian Order; Chartreuse, La Grande; 
Fontevrault, Order and Abbey of; Gbandmont, Abbey and 
Order of; GROTTAFERSATAi Abbey of; Guigues du Chabtel; 
Robert of Arbrisbel; Robert of Nbwminster, Saint; 
Stephen of Muret, Saint; Sylvester Gozzolini, Saint; 
Sylvestrines; Swithin, Saint; Urban III, IV, and V, Popes; 
Vallumbrosan Order; Vitalis, Saint, Martyr; Vitalib of 
Savigny, Saint; William of Ebelholt, Saint; William of 
Gellone, Saint; William of Maleval, Saint; William op 
Norwich, Saint; William the Walloon; Williamites; Wilton 
Abbey; Wimborne Minster; Windesheim; Winnoc, Saint; 
WiNWALLus, Saint; Zurla, Giacinto Placido. 

Weimar, Anton, writer, b. at Vienna, Austria, 3 
October, 1861. Education: Gymnasium and Univer- 
sity, Vienna. Editor of the "Reichspost", Vienna, 
1894^1897; writer, resident at Vienna. Member of 
the Board of Directors and President of the Art 
Section, Austrian Leo Society. Author of: "Prak- 
tischer .Fiihrer auf dem Gebiete der christUchen 
Kunst Osterreichs" (Vienna, 1905);' "Die deutsche 
Presse in Osterreich" (Vienna, 1907); "Die Kindheit 
unseres Kaiser" (Vienna, 1910). 

ARTICLE: Periodical Literature, Catholic: Austria. 

Welch, Reverend Sidney Read, d.d., pL.d., j.p., 
b. in Japan, 4 July, 1871. Education: St. Joseph's 
Academy, Cape Town; Propaganda, Rome. Ordained 
1894; attached to the cathedral (at present, ad- 
ministrator). Cape Town, 1894- ; Justice of the 
Peace for Cape Division, Cape Colony. Founded 
Catholic Association of Cape Town, 1897. Member 
of the South African Society for the Advancement of 
Science; member of the Academy of Liturgy, Rome. 
Has contributed to: "Ephemerides Liturgicae" 
(Rome); "Catholic Magazine for South Africa"; 
editor of "Catholic Magazine for South Africa" 
(since 1908). 

ARTICLES: Good Hope, Eastern Vicariate of the Cape 
op; Good Hope, Western Vicariate of the Cape of; Hotten- 
tots; Kafirs; Pfanneb, Franz; Santos, Joao dos. 

Weld, Everard A., Grassmere, England. 
ARTICLE: Weld, Frederick Aloysius. 

Weld-Blundell, Reverend Edward Benedict, 
O.S.B. , b. at Ince BlundeU, Lancashire, England, 4 
November, 1856. Education: Stonyhurst College, 
Blackburn, and St. Michael's Abbey, Belmont, 
England; St. Benedict's Abbey, Fort Augustus, 
Scotland. Entered the Benedictine Order 1877; 
ordained 1883; at one time professor of humanities 
and formerly (ten years) in charge of the young 
religious, St. Benedict's Abbey, Fort Augustus; for 
a number of years engaged in parish work; chaplain. 

Stanbrook Abbey, Worcester, 1906- . Edited: 
Baker, "Contemplative Prayer"; "Life and Writings 
of Dame Gertrude More"; Brother Ricerius of 
Marchia, "Speedy Way to Perfection"; contributor 
to: "Downside Review"; "Cathohc Fireside". 

ARTICLES: More, Helen (Dame Gertrude); Stanbrook 

Welsh, Reverend Martin Stanislaus, o.p., 
B.A., s.T.Lect., J. CD., b. at Cambridge, Mass., 4 June, 
1876. Education : Shepard Grammar School and Eng- 
lish High School, Cambridge, and Boston College, 
Boston, Massachusetts, various Dominican scholasti- 
cates; Minerva, Rome. Professed in the Dominican 
Order 1902; ordained 1906; professor of science and 
Greek, St. Patrick's (since 1912, Aquinas) College, 
Columbus, Ohio, 1909- . Spent three years in 
Europe in study and travel. Contributor to "Rosary 
Magazine" and other periodicals. 

ARTICLES: Aduabte, Diego Francisco. 

West, Albert Benjamin, a.m., ll.b., lawyer, b. 
at Providence, Rhode Island, 21 January, 1883. Ed- 
ucation: Classical High School and Brown Univer- 
sity, Providence; Harvard University, Cambridge, 
Massachusetts. Practising lawyer, Providence, 
1907- ; admitted to United States Circuit Court 
1911; member Rhode Island Legislature from Eighth 
Representative District, 1911, 1912. 

ARTICLE: Rhode Island. 

Westlake, Nathaniel Hubert John, p.s.a., 
painter, designer and writer, b. at Romsey, England, 
son of John Westlake. Became a Cathohc 1857; 
married Frances Lloyd; former Chairman of the 
Board of Guardians, St. Giles's and St. George's 
Parishes, Bloomsbury, and former Manager and 
Chairman of the Central Sick Asylums, Cleveland 
Street and Hendon, London; Borough Councillor, 
Holborn, London; painter, designer, and writer, resi- 
dent in London. Has frequently exhibited at the 
Royal Academy, Arts and Crafts, etc.; paintings in 
St. John's Church at Richmond, cathedral at Ports- 
mouth, St. Thomas's Church at St. Leonard's, St. 
Augustine's Church at Tunbridge Wells, England; 
Bute Memorial Chapel, Cardiff Castle, Wales; 
Chapel, Maynooth College, Ireland; has designed 
glass for St. Paul's Cathedral, London; Cathedrals 
of Peterborough and Worcester, England; Gate of 
Heaven Church, South Boston, Massachusetts; 
painted the Stations at St. Francis's Church, Netting 
Hill, London; designed Salviati's mosaic of Blessed 
James of Ulm, South Kensington Museum, London; 
did the Apse Mosaic, Newman Memorial Church, 
Birmingham, England; has collaborated with many 
famous architects. One of the original committee. 
Arts and Crafts Society; member of British and 
American Archaeological Society of Rome; member 
British Archaeological Society of London; member 
of the International Association of Fine Arts. Author 
of: "OutUnes of the History of Design in Mural 
Painting", 3 vols.; "History of Painted Glass", 4 
vols.; "True Portraiture of St. Francis"; "Sketches 
at Mahnes Exhibition"; edited: Reproduction of 
Royal Manuscripts, 2BVII, British Museum; "Queen 
Mary's Psalter", XIV Century Manuscript; con- 
tributor of articles and illustrations to: "Archaclogia"; 
"Magazine of Art"; "Art Journal"; "Journal of the 
Royal British Institute of Architects", etc. 
ARTICLE: Mosaics. 

Whitfield, Reverend Joseph Louis, m.a., b. in 
London, 16 December, 1876. Education: Friars' 
Grammar Schools, Stratford and Forest Gate, Lon- 
don; St. Edmund's College, Ware, and Oscott College, 
Birmingham, England; Cambridge University. Or- 
dained 1904; natural science master (1904^1906) and 
procurator (1906-1908), St. Edmund's CoUege, 




Ware; rector at Boxmoor, England, 1908-1910; vice- 
rector, Oscott College, Birmingham, 1910- ; at 
present with British Expeditionary Force. Member 
of the Catholic Record Society. Collaborator in 
publications of the CathoUc Record Society; joint 
editor of the Franciscan Registers in Warwickshire 
in Phillimore's "Parish Registers"; contributor to 
Catholic periodicals. 

ARTICLES: Rowbham, Stephen; Scott, Montfohd, Bles- 
sed; Sykes, Edmund; Talbot, Thomas Joseph; Thomas 
Sherwood, Blessed; Thwing, Thomas, Venerable; Wall, 
John; Walsh, Thomas; Weathers, William; Weedall, Henry; 
White, Eustace; Worthington, Thomas. 

Whyte, Mother Mart db Sales, b. at Dun- 
belle, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland, 1832. Entered the 
Presentation Order 1852; professed 1855; has held 
the offices of mistress of novices, assistant and (at 
present) superior, South Presentation Convent, Cork. 

ARTICLE: Presentation Order. 

Wigman, John H. M., k.s.g., lawyer, b. at 
Amsterdam, Holland, 15 August, 1835, son of James 
B. Wigman, architect, and Matilda Doorenbos, and 
brother of Henry J. Wigman, killed at the Battle of 
Fredericksburg. Education: Amsterdam; Catholic 
College in Province of Limburg, Holland; law studies 
Green Bay, Wisconsin. Came to Green Bay 1848; 
taught the Indians, having learned their language, 
Green Bay, 1848-1849; farmer, Wrightstown, Wis- 
consin, 1849-1854; public school teacher, justice of 
the peace, town clerk, treasurer, and assessor. Green 
Bay, 1856-1862; married (1st) Matilda Lyonnais 
(d. 1876) 1857; practising lawyer, resident at Apple- 
ton, Wisconsin (1863-1868), and at Green Bay (1868- 
); in partnership with Thomas R. Hudd 1863- 
1889; district attorney, Outagamie County, Wiscon- 
sin (three terms), 1864-1870; married (2nd) Jennie 
Meagher, of Cleveland, Ohio, 1876; mayor, Green 
Bay, 1882-1883; Knight of St. Gregory 1885; formed 
law partnership with P. H. Martin 1889; United 
States Attorney for Eastern District of Wisconsin 
1893-1897. Organized Catholic Knights of Wiscon- 
sin (State President 22 years) 1885; counsel in State 
ex rel. Weis versus School Board (Bible Case), 
succeeding in excluding reading of Bible from public 
schools; tried successfully numerous other important 
cases; personally congratulated by Richard Olney, 
United States Attorney General, upon the administra- 
tion of his office as United States Attorney; instru- 
mental in obtaining the abohtion of the fee system 
and the fixing by Congress of a salary for United 
States attorneys and marshals. President, Green 
Bay Bar Association. 
ARTICLE: Van den Broeel, Theodore J. 

Wilhelm, Reverend Balthasak, s.j., Ph.D., b. at 
Reitsch, Germany, 18 September, 1873. Education: 
Gymnasium, Bamberg, Germany; University of 
Innsbruck, Austria; Gregorian University, Rome. 
Entered the Society of Jesus 1896; ordained 1903; 
engaged at various times in writings and in the cure 
of souls; professor at Stella Matutina College, 
Feldkirch, Austria, 1905-1912, and at Jesuit College, 
Sittard, Holland, 1912- . Author of "Die 
Anfange der Luftfahrt" (Vienna, 1909); collaborator 
in " Frankf lu-ter Zeitgemasse Broschiiren"; contribu- 
tor to: "Illustrierte Aeronautische Mitteilungen"; 
"Freistatt"; various juvenile periodicals. 

ARTICLES: Galien, Joseph; Ghsmao, BAHTHOLOMEtr 
LouRENgo de; Lana, Francesco. 

Wilhelm, Reverend Joseph, litt.B., d.d., pL.d., 
writer, b. at Montzen, Belgium, 1845. Education: 
University of Li^ge, Belgium; Gregorian University 
and German College, Rome. Ordained 1870; profes- 
sor of philosophy 1871-1880; engaged in parish work 
(1880-1886), rector at Shoreham (1886-1899) and 
rector at Battle (1900-1911), England; resident at 

Aachen, Germany, 1911- . Author of: "The 
Family of Grace: Pedigrees and Historical Records 
■ from 1000 to 1911"; "Manual of Dogmatic Theolo- 
gy", 2 vols., in collaboration with Thomas B. 
ScanneU, D.D. (3 eds.); "The Catholic's Manual", 
translation of Pesch, "Das rehgiose Leben" (2 eds.); 
collaborated in "History of the German People", 
16 vols, (translation of Janssens, "Geschiohte des 
deutschen Volkes"); collaborator in "The Catholic 
Dictionary", 4th ed.; edited "International Catholic 
Library", 15 vols.; has contributed to: "Irish 
Tribune"; "Weekly Register"; "Linzer Theologische 

ARTICLES: Apostolic See; Apostolic Succession; Bo- 
hemian Brethren; Charismata; Clement XIV; College 
Apostolic; Constitutions, Ecclesiastical; Councils; Evan- 
gelical Church (in Prussia); Heresy; Heroic Act of 
Charity; Heroic Virtue; Hbssels, Jean; Hussites; Idolatry; 
Loci Theologici; Mediator; Nicbne and Niceno-Constan- 
tinopolitan Creed; Protestantism; Roman Catechism; 
ScHEEBEN, Matthias Joseph; Superstition. 

Williaiins, Reverend Thomas Leighton, m.a., 
St. Edmund's House, Cambridge, England. 

Williamson, George Charles, utt.D., writer on 
art, b. at Guildford, Surrey, England, 1858. Educa- 
tion: private; London University. Married Louisa 
Mary Lethbridge 1883; became a Catholic 1899; 
writer on archaeology, numismatics and art; art 
editor for George Bell & Sons, London. Has travelled 
extensively and visited most of the picture galleries 
of Europe, public and private; Coronation Medal, 
1911. Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature; 
Fellow of the Royal Numismatic Society; Fellow of 
the Zoological Society; member of the Council, 
Catholic Record Society; Chevalier of the Legion of 
Honour; member BurUngton Fine Arts Club; member 
of the Constitutional Club. Author of : " Life of John 
Russell, R.A."; "John Downman"; "Richard Cos- 
way, R.A."; "George J. Pinwell"; "Portrait Minia- 
tures"; "Bernardino Luini"; "Pietro Perugino"; 
"Francia"; "George Engleheart"; "Velasquez"; 
"Fra Angelioo"; "Holman Hunt"; "Lord Leighton"; 
"MuriUo"; "Raphael"; "Cities of Northern Italy"; 
"Andrew and Nathaniel Plimer"; "History of 
Portrait Miniatures"; "The Anonimo Morelliano"; 
"How to Identify Portrait Miniatures"; "Life of 
George Morland"; "Life of Milton"; "Guildford in 
the Olden Time"; "Portrait Drawings"; "Catalogue 
of the Pierpont Morgan Collection of Miniatures", 
4 vols. ; "Catalogue of the Pierpont Morgan Collection 
of Jewels"; "Catalogue of the Pierpont Morgan 
Collection of Watches"; "The Imperial Wedgwood 
Dinner Service" ; " Miniatures, English and Foreign" ; 
"Catalogue of the Portraits of Milton"; etc.; etc.; 
edited: new edition of Bryan, "Painters and En- 
gravers", 5 vols.; "Great Masters Series". 

ARTICLES: Beardsley, Aubrey; Bentley, John; Bologna, 
Giovanni da; Caliari, Paolo; Galvaert, Diontsius; Cam- 
BiASO, Luca; Campana, Pedro; Campagnola, Domenico 
Carducci; Bartolommeo; Carreno de Miranda, Juan; 
CiQNANi, Carlo; Contarini, Giovanni; Cossa, Francesco; 
Costa, Lorenzo; Cosway, Maria; Goxcie, Michiel; Crayeb, 
Gaspar de; Credi, Lorenzo di; Dance of Death; Dossi, 
Giovanni; Doyle, John; Doyle, Richard; Dyck, Antoon 
van; Ecclesiastical Art; Engelbrechtsen, Cohnelis; 
Eyckbn, Jean Baptiste van; Falco, Juan Conchillos; 
Flemael, Bertholet; Foppa, Ambrogio; Fbanceschini, 
Marc' Antonio; Franco, Giovanni Battista; Gaddi, Antonio, 
Giovanni and Taddeo; Gallait, Louis; Genga, Girolamo; 
Gentile da Fabriano; Giordano, Luca; Grimaldi, Giovanni 
Francesco; Guardi, Francesco; Heim, FRANgois-JosEPH; 
Heinz, Joseph; Herregouts, David; Hendrik, Jan; Iriartb, 
Ignacio de; Ittenbach, Franz; Janssens, Abraham; Jeaurat, 
Edmond; Joebt, Jan; Kager, Johann Matthias; Kalckeb, 
Jan Stephanus van; La Fosbe, Charles de; Lanfranco, 
Giovanni; Lbbrun, Charles; LEpfevHE, Family of; Lopez- 
Caro, Francisco; Lotto, Lorenzo; Luini, Bernardino; 
Maratta, Carlo; Martini, Simone; Mazzolini, Ludovico; 
Mazzuchelli; Pietro Francesco; Melzi, Francesco; Mene- 
BEE, OsoRio Francisco; Mengs, Anthon Rafael; Mob, 
Antonib Van Dashoest; Morigi, Michelangelo; Oqqione, 
Marco d'; Orley, Babent van; Ortolano Febbabese; 
Vassionano, Domenico; Piombo, Sebabtiano del; Pordenone, 




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Giovanni Antonio; Reni, Guido; Rosa, Salvatore; Rosselli, 
CosiMo; Rubens, Peter Paul; SAnchez, Alonzo Coello; 


ScHONQAUER, Martin; Signorelli, Luca; Sodoma; Stanfibld, 
William Clarkbon; Teniers, David; Theotocopuli, Domeni- 
00 ; TiBALDi, Pellegrino; Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista; 
ToHBiDO, Francesco; Uccello; Van der Weyden, Roqier; 
Van de Velde, Peter; Vargas, Luis de; Vasari, Giorgio; 
VivAHiNi, Alvise; Vivaeini, Antonio; Vivarini, Bartolom- 
MEo; VOLTERRA, Daniele da; Watteau, Jean Antonine; 
William of Sens; Wolqemut, Michael. 

WUlis, John Willey, m.a., Ph.D., lawyer, b. at St. 
Paul, Minnesota, 12 July, 1854, son of Charles li. 
Willis and Anna Marie Gleeson. Education: public 
and high schools, St. Paul, and Macalaster College, 
Minneapolis; University of Minnesota, Minneapolis; 
Dartmouth College, New Hampshire; law studies, St. 
Paul. Instructor in Latin and Greek, Central High 
School, St. Paul, 1877; admitted to the Bar of the 
Supreme Court of Minnesota 1879; member of the 
Board of Education, St. Paul, 1881-1882; became a 
Catholic 1884; member Minnesota Board of Correc- 
tion and Charities 1888, 1889; Judge of the District 
Court, Second Judicial District of Minnesota, 1893- 
1899; lecturer on the History of Law, University of 
Minnesota, MinneapoHs; practising lawyer, resident 
at St. Paul. Unanimously nominated for Attorney 
General of Minnesota by the Democrats, 1883, for 
Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of Minnesota 
by the Democrats and the People's Party, 1894, and 
for Representative in Congress by the Democrats, 
1898, but defeated; has frequently represented 
Mhmesota at National Conferences of Charities and 
has done much for sociological reforms; as chairman 
of the Committee on Criminal Law Reform, presented 
an elaborate report on the indeterminate sentence. 
National Conference of Charities, 1894; has done 
much for the Italian immigrants of St. Paul, they 
being entrusted to his special care by Archbishop 
Ireland. President of the Society of St. Vincent de 
Paul in Minnesota; member (former Chancellor, 
Deputy Grand Knight and Grand Knight, St. Paul 
Council) Knights of Columbus (4th degree) ; member 
of the Sons of the Revolution; member of the Sons of 
the American Revolution. 

ABTICLES: Corporation; Hennepin, Louis; Law, Common; 
Minnesota; Punishment, Capital. 

Willmann, Otto Philipp Gustav, Ph.D., k.s.g., 
b. at Lissa, Posen, Austria, 24 April, 1839. Educa- 
tion: Gymnasium, Lissa; Universities of Breslau, 
Berlin, and Leipzig. Teacher at I^eipzig 1863; 
teacher at the Psedagogium, Vienna, Austria, 1863- 
1872; special professor (1872-1877), professor (1877- 
1903) and professor emeritus (1903- ) of philoso- 
phy and pedagogy, University of Prague; member of 
the Bohemian Board of Education 1878-1883; Privy 
Councillor, member of the Austrian House of Lords; 
resident at Salzburg, Austria, 1903-1910; resident at 
Leitmeritz, Bohemia, Austria, 1910- . Has 
lectured in Vienna, Berlin, Munich, Dresden, Stutt- 
gart, Bonn, Diisseldorf, etc., etc. Member of the 
Philosophic Institute of Louvain; hon. member of 
the Christian Educational . Association, Catholic 
School Association, and Catholic University Associa- 
tion; Knight of the Austrian Order of the Iron Crown. 
Author of: "Paedagogische Vortrage" (1869; 4th ed. 
1905); "Didaktik als Bildungslehre", 2 vols. (1882, 
1889; 4th ed. 1 vol., 1909; Flemish tr. by Simdons and 
de Hovre, 1912); "Geschichte der IdeaUsmus", 3 
vols. (1894-1897; 2nd ed. 1907); "Philosophische 
Propadautik": Vol. I, "Logik" (1901; 4th ed. 1912). 
Vol. II, "Empirische Psyohologie" (1903; 3rd ed; 
1913); "Aus Horsaal und Schulstube" (1904; 2nd ed. 
1912); "Aristoteles als Padagog und Didaktiker" 
(1909); "Die wichtigsten philosophischen Fachaus- 
drucke" (1909; 2nd ed. 1912; Dutch tr. by Van 
Altdorf, 1911); "Der Lehrstand im Dienste des 
christlichen Volkes" (1910); "Aus der Werkstatt der 

Philosophia perennis ", collection of his philosophical 
writings (1912); collalDorator in Herder's "Lexikon 
der Padagogilc", Vols. I-II; "Jahrbtioher ftir christ- 
Mohe Erziehungswissenschaft". 
ARTICLES: Arts, Seven Liberal; Idealism. 

Willms, Reverend John (Peter Claver), c.s.sp., 
b. at Nideggen, Rhineland, Germany, 22 March, 
1849; d. 3 January, 1914. Education: Holy Ghost 
scholasticates in Germany and France. Entered the 
Congregation of the Holy Ghost 1868; sent to France 
1872; ordained 1876; teacher (1878-1884) and acting 
president (1885-1886), Holy Ghost College, Pitts- 
burg, Pennsylvania; pastor (and founder) of a 
German parish, Pittsburg, 1886-1896; central director 
for the United States of the Holy Childhood Associa- 
tion, Pittsburg, 1896-1914. Editor of "Annals of 
the Holy Childhood" (German andFIngUsh editions). 
ARTICLE: Holy Childhood, Association of the. 

Wilstach, Joseph Walter, m.a., Lafayette, 
ARTICLE: Indiana. 

Windle, Sir Bertram Coghill Alan, k.s.g., 

SC.M., M.D., M.A., B.Ch., LL.D., F.R.S., F.8.A., F.R.S.A.I., 

b. at Mayfield, Staffordshire, England, 8 May, 1858; 
married (2nd) Edith Mary Nazer, 1901. Education: 
Repton School, Repton, England; University of 
DubUn, Ireland. Became a CathoKc 1883; former 
president, Birmingham Library, Birmingham, Eng- 
land (four years) ; at various times member of Educa- 
tion Committee and chairman of Higher Education 
Sub-Committee, School Board, Birmingham, on 
Consultative Committee to Board of Education and 
Teachers' Registration Council, hon. secretary of 
Committee of Catholic Training College, Cavendish 
Square, London, and member of Joint Universities 
Cathohc Board; professor of anatomy (and for many 
years also dean of Medical Faculty), Birmingham 
University (and bodies which preceded it), 1884r- 
1904; Representative of Birmingham University, 
English General Council of Medical Education, 1900- 
1905; President (1904- ) and professor of archae- 
ology (1910- ), Queen's (now University) College, 
Cork, Ireland; Senator of the Royal (since 1909 
National) University of Ireland; pro-vice-chancellor. 
National University of Ireland; chairman of Standing 
Committee on Irish Technical Education; Commis- 
sioner of Intermediate Education in Ireland; Knighted 
1912. Former President, Birmingham Philosophical 
Society. Vice-President, Royal Society of Antiqua- 
ries of Ireland; Fellow of the Anthropological Insti- 
tute; life member of German Anatomical Society; 
member of the Anatomical Society of Paris; member 
of the Council, Cathohc Truth Society; member of 
the Council, Folk Lore Society; etc., etc. Author of: 
"Proportions of the Human Body" (1892); "Life in 
Early Britain" (1897); "Shakespeare's Country" 
(1899); "The Malvern Country" (1900); "The 
Wessex of Thomas Hardy" (1901); "Chester", 
"Ancient Cities" Series (1903); "Remains of the 
Prehistoric Age in England" (1904); edited: 'Tyson, 
"Essays on Pygmies", with critical Introduction; 
last edition of Murray's Handbooks to following 
counties; Shropshire, Cheshire, Somersetshire, Wilt- 
shire, and Dorsetshire; contributor to: "Proceedings 
of the Royal Society"; "Proceedings of the Zoological 
Society" ; " Journal of the Linnean Society " ; "Journal 
of Anatomy and Physiology"; "Anatomischer An- 
zeiger"; "Ergebnisse der Anatomie und der Ent- 
wickelungsgeschichte"; "Journal of the Society of 
Antiquaries"; "Proceedings of the Birmingham 
Archseological Society" ; "Dublin Review" ; "Month" ; 
"Weekly Register"; "Cathohc Press"; "Tablet"; 
etc.; etc.; General Editor of "Ancient Cities" Series. 

ARTICLES: Heredity; Mendel, Mendelibm; Van Bene- 
den, Pierre-Joseph. 




Wirth, Reverend Edmund J., d.d., Ph.D., b. in 
Germany, 1 September, 1874. Education: parochial 
schools and St. Andrew's and St. Bernard's Semi- 
naries, Rochester; American College, Rome; Univer- 
sities of Innsbruck and Louvain. Ordained 1899; 
professor of philosophy (1900- ) and disciplinarian 
of the Hall of Theology, St. Bernard's Seminary, 
Rochester. Author of; "Divine Grace" (New York, 
1903); "Relation of Experimental Psychology to 
Philosophy", translation from the French of Mercier 
(New York, 1902); "Outhnes of Sermons for Young 
Men and Young Women", translated and edited 
from German of Schuen (New York, 1906). 

ARTICLES: Association of Ideas; Atomism. 

Wissel, Reverend Joseph,, b. in Bavaria, 
Germany, 4 February, 1830; d. at Wilkesbarre, Pa., 
7 September, 1912. Education: College at Asehaffen- 
burg, Bavaria, classmate of Bishop Schork of Bam- 
berg; Seminary, Fordham, New York. Entered the 
Redemptorist Order 1852; ordained 1853; engaged 
in giving missions throughout the United States and 
Canada 1853-1868; rector, St. Alphonsus House, 
Baltimore, Maryland, 1868-1871; in charge of (and 
founder) Mission House, Boston, Massachusetts, 
1871; in charge of the Higher Novitiate of the 
Redemptorist Order in the United States, with the 
exception of a few years devoted to parish and 
missionary work, 1872-1893; rector, Redemptorist 
Mission House, Saratoga, New York, 1893-1897; 
named Postulator of the causes successively of John 
Nepomucene Neumann,, and Francis Xavier 
Seelos, C.SS.R., 1897; at the time of his death 
engaged in mission and parish work, St. Peter's 
Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Made three 
visits to Rome. Author of "The Redemptorist on 
the American Missions", 3 vols, (for private circula- 
tion) . 

ARTICLE: Neumann, John Nepomucene, Venerable. 

Wittmann, Pius Clemens Aloysius Johannes, 
Ph.D., b. at Augsburg, Germany, 23 June, 1849, son 
of Patricius Wittmann, historian, and Caroline 
Deller. Education: pubUc schools, Augsburg; Gym- 
nasia, Kempten and Dillingen, Germany; Universities 
of Wiirzburg and Munich. Soldier in the Bavarian 
Army, Franco-Prussian War, 1870-1871; married 
(1st) Philomena Huber, of Augsburg, 1872; archivist 
under the Bavarian Government, Munich, 1874- 
1905; Reichsarchivrat 1893; married (2nd) Auguste 
Walde, of Augsburg, 1902; archivist, House of 
Ysenburg, Budingen, Upper Hesse, 1909- . Has 
rehabilitated many accused and condemned criminals 
by his ability as a handwriting expert; as soldier, 
fought in the Battle of Sedan and participated in the 
triumphal entry into Munich. Hon. member Sam- 
fundet for Nordiska Museets framjande; hon. 
member Bamberg Historical Association; Bavarian 
Mihtary Medal of Honour; German Military Medal 
of Honour; Prussian Order of the Red Eagle. Author 
of: "Die Pfalzgrafen von Bayern" (1877); "Sophia 
Markgrafin von Brandenburg-Onolzbach " (1884); 
"Das Fichtelgebirge und die frankische Schweiz" 
(1888); "Geschichte der Verbindung und Burschen- 
schaft Algovia-Arminia zu Mtinchen" (1888); 
"Monumenta Castellana" (1890); "Wiirzburger 
Bucher in the Universitat-Bibhothek zu Upsala" 
(1891); "Fuhrer durch Stockholm" (1892); "Fuhrer 
durch Schweden" (1893); "Zur Geschichte des St. 
Klara-Klosters in Bamberg" (1895); "Kurzer Abriss 
der Schwedischen Geschichte" (1896); "Munchener 
Urkundenbuch", 6 vols. (1897); "Zur Geschichte des 
Miinehener Urkundenbuches" (1898); "Maria 
Stuart", tr. from the Norwegian of Storm (1894); 
"Stockholm", tr. from the Swedish of Blanche 
(1895); collaborator in Herder's "Kirchenlexikon", 
2nd ed.; contributor to: "AUgemeine Zeitung"; 
"Postzeitung"; " Literarisches Centralblatt"; "Lit- 

erarische Rundschau"; "Historisch-politische Blat- 

ARTICLES: Bavaria, The Kingdom of; Christina Alex- 
andra, Queen of Sweden; Denmark; Faroe Islands; Finland, 
Grand Duchy of; Greenland; Hakon the Good; Harold 
Bluetooth; Haspinger, Johann Simon; Hofer, Andreas; 
Iceland; Lapland and Lapps; Linde, Justin Timotheus 
Balthasar von; Luxemburg; Maximilian I, Duke of Bavaria; 
Norway; Orkneys; Snorri Sturlubon; Stolbehg, Friedrich 
Leopold; Wittmann, Patricius. 

Witzel, Reverend Theophilus, o.r.M., b. at 
Soisdorf, Hesse Nassau, Germany, 20 November, 
1879. Education: various Franciscan colleges, Ger- 
many; Franciscan scholasticate at Salsminster, 
Seminary at Fulda, and University of Freiburg, 
Germany; College of St. Antony, Bibhcal Institute, 
Sapienza and S. ApoUinare, Rome. Entered the 
Franciscan Order 1895; ordained 1903; lector of 
Sacred Scripture 1905; professor of Hebrew at one of 
the houses of his order 1905-1906; professor of Old 
Testament exegesis 1907- ; Licenciatus rerum 
Biblicarum 1910; stationed for a time at St. Antony's 
College, Rome, and (1911- ) at the Franciscan 
Convent, Fulda; .student of Oriental languages. 
Author of "Die Ausgrabungen und Entdeckungen im 
Zweistromeland" (1910; 2nd ed. 1911); collaborator 
in Buchberger, "Kirchliches Handlexikon"; contribu- 
tor to: "Etudes franciscaines"; "Pastor bonus"; 
"KathoUscher Seelsorger"; "Rivista storico-critica"; 
"Archivum franciscanum historicum"; " Literarische 
Rundschau"; " Theologische Revue". 

ARTICLE: Roger Bacon. 

Wolfsgruber, Reverend Colestin, o.s.b., b. at 
Grossalm, near Gmunden, Austria, 14 May, 1848. 
Education: University of Vienna. Entered the 
Benedictine Order 1869; ordained 1874; professor of 
history, geography, and reUgion, Schotten Gymna- 
sium, Vienna, 1879-1894; Court preacher, Vienna, 
1901- ; professor of Church history. University of 
Vienna, 1903- ; stationed at the Benedictine 
Monastery, Schotten, Vienna. Author of: "Das 
Vaterunser in Betrachtungen " (1879; 2nd ed. 1892); 
"Giovanni Gersen, sein Leben und sein Werk" 
(1880); "Hortulus animae" (1884); "Die Loretokapel- 
le zu St. Augustin in Wien" (1886); "Die Kaisergruft 
bei den Kapuzinern in Wien" (1887); "Hofkirche zu 
St. Augustin in Wien" (1888); "Joseph Othmar 
Kardinal Rauscher" (1888); "Gregor der Grosse" 
(1890); "Die Kamaldulenser Eremie auf dem 
Kahlenberge bei Wien" (1891); "Christoph A. 
Kardinal Migazzi" (1891); "Karolina Augusta, die 
Kaiserin Mutter" (1893); "Augustinus" (1898); 
"Franz I., Kaiser von Oesterreich", 2 vols. (1899); 
"Die Schonheit, Heiligkeit und Wahrheit der katho- 
lischen Kirche", sermon (1901); "Das Kaiser 
Ferdinand-Kruzifix in der kaiserlichen koniglichen 
Hofburgkapelle", sermon (1903); "Die kaiserhche 
und konigliche Hofburgkapelle und die kaiserhche 
und konigliche GeistHche Hofkapelle", sermon 
(1904); "Friedrich Kardinal Schwarzenburg" (1906); 
"Apokalyptische Predigten", with Dtirer's pictures 
(1908); "Erzbischof Hohenwart" (1912); "Eucharis- 
tische Predigten" (1912); "Nachfolge Christi" 
(translation of the "Imitation") (1880; 3rd ed. 1889); 
"Ausgewilhlte Schriften des heihgen Epiphanius" 
(tr. from the Greek) (1880); "Ostergruss des heihgen 
Augustinus" (tr. from the Latin) (1891); collaborated 
in Mayer, "Quellen zur Geschichte der Stadt Wien" 
(by Father Wolfsgruber: "Regesten aus dem Archive 
des Stiftes Schotten") (1896); edited: "Johannis 
Gersen de imitatione Christi", Book IV (1879) ; "Van 
der Navolginge Christi ses boeke" (1879); "De 
imitatione Christi cum append, precum" (1881; 2nd 
ed. 1889); Rauscher, "Predigten tiber die letzten 
Dinge" (1888); Rauscher, "Hirtenbriefe", 4 vols. 
(1889); Rauscher, "Darstellung der Philosophie" 
(1890); "Die Korrespondenz des Schottenabtes A. 
Spindler von Hofegg'*^ (1893). 




AKTICLES: AusTHO-HnNQARiAU Monabcht; HUbneh, 
Alexander; Klesl, Melchior; Metternich, Klemens 
LoTHAR Wenzel, Prince VON; MiQAZzi, Christoph Anton; 
MiLDE, ViNZENz Edtjakd; Mostar and Markana-Teebinje ; 
Olmutz, Archdiocese of; Parenzo-Pola, IJigcese of; Prague, 
Archdiocese of; Przemysl, Diocese of; Ragusa, Diocese of; 
Rauscher, Joseph Othmah; Salzburg, Archdiocese of; 
Sankt Polten, Diocese of; Schwarzenburg, Friedrich, 
Prince of; Sebenico, Diocese of; Serajevo, Archdiocese 
of; Spalto-Macarsca, Diocese of; Tarnow, Diocese of; 
Thugut, Johann Amadeus; Thun Hohenstein, Count Leo; 
Triest-Capo d'Istria, Diocese of; Vegua, Diocese of; 
Veith, Johann Emmanuel; Zara, Archdiocese op. 

Woodlock, Thomas Fhancis, a.m., ll.d., stock- 
broker, b. in Ireland, 1 September, 1866. Education: 
Beaumont College, Old Windsor, and London 
University, England. Came to America, 1892; 
journalist 1898-1905; stockbroker, resident in New- 
York City^ 1905- . Former president and one of 
the organizers, Laymen's League for Retreats and 
Social Studies. Author of: "Anatomy of a Railroad 
Report" (1895); "Ton-Mile Cost" (1900); member 
of the board of directors of The Catholic Ency- 

ABTICLE: Prout, Father. 

Woods, Reverend Joseph Michael, s.j., b. at 
Pottstown, Pennsylvania. Education: public and 
private schools; Jesuit scholasticates; further studies 
in Brussels; Louvain University, Belgium. Entered 
the Society of Jesus 1875; ordained 1891; former 
professor of Classics and English hterature, St. John's 
College, Fordham, New York; at present, professor 
of Church history (1898- ), patrology, and 
archaeology, Woodstock College, Woodstock, Mary- 
land. Gave two courses of lectures at the Catholic 
Summer School, CKff Haven, New York. Member 
of: United States CathoUc Historical Society, and 
Cathohc Educational Association. Editor of : "Wood- 
stock Letters"; "The Teacher's Review" (both for 
private circulation). 

ABTICLES: Alenio, Giulio; Alexandria, The Church 
op; Amiot, Joseph Maria; Andrada, Antonio de; Angeli, 
Francesco degli; Angeli, Girolamo degli; Angiolini, 
Francesco; Azevedo, Luiz de; Berruyer, Isaac-Joseph; 
BoBADiLLA, Nicolas; Bruyas, Jacques; Buglio, Luigi. 

Womdle von Adelsfried, Hbinkich, writer, b. at 
Castle Weiherburg, near Innsbruck, Austria, 16 
October, 1861, son of Edmund von Womdle, painter, 
and Sophie von Attlmayr. Education: pubUc and 
high schools. Entered publishing business 1880; 
connected with the firm of Leo Woerl (1880-1886) 
and with the St. Norbert Pubhshing House (1887- 
1888), Vienna; with the Wagner Company, Innsbruck, 
1889; manager, Anton Pustet Publishing House, 
1890-1896, and editor of "KathoKsche Warte", 
1895-1897, Salzburg, Austria; Manager, Association 
and Printing Company, 1897-1906, and editor of 
"Kunstfreund", 1902-1906, "Kathohscher Volks- 
vereinskalender", 1902-1910, and "Oesterreiohische 
Post", 1907, Innsbruck; married Elsa von Fuhrioh, 
1900; at present, engaged in literary pursuits, Inns- 
bruck. Secretary of the Committee on Arrange- 
ments, General Catholic Day, Salzburg, 1896; 
awarded bronze memorial medal of Hall, Tyrol, 
Austria, 1903 ; awarded silver memorial medal of the 
Tyrol, 1909: diamond brooch from Archduke Eugene, 
1911. Member of the Tyrolese Branch, Austrian 
Leo Society; hon. member of various Catholic student 
societies. Author of: "Alte BurschenherrUchkeit", 
poem (Wiirzburg, 1883); "Bitter Jorg von Frunds- 
berg" (Meran, 1885); "Dr. Philipp von Womdle zu 
Adelsfried und Weiherburg" (Brixen, 1894); "Lukas 
Ritter von Fiihrichs, ausgewahlte Schriften mit 
Biographie" (Stuttgart, 1894); "Hauschronik des 
Wirtes 'Zum weissen Schwan' " (Salzburg, 1894; 
2nd ed. illustrated, 1906); "Johann Kaspar von 
Womdle" (Innsbruck, 1895); "Gebhard Flatz" 
(Salzburg, 1901); "Akademische Legionen der Um- 
versitat Innsbruck" (Innsbruck, 1901); "Krieg- 

sereignisse in Kirchdorf" (Innsbruck, 1901); "Siard 
Plaser" (Innsbruck, 1907); "Fuhrer durch Bad 
Ramwald" (Innsbruck, 1908); "Chronik von Markt 
Gossensass am Brenner" (Innsbruck, 1908); "An den 
Thermopylen Tyrols", 2 vols. (Innsbruck, 1908): 
"Mathias Wishofer" (Innsbruck, 1908); "Paul 
Haider und Paul Hilber" (Innsbruck, 1909); "Anton 
WaUner und die Blutzeugen aus dem Iseltale" 
(Innsbruck, 1910); "Valentin Schweiggl und Josef 
Peteffi" (Innsbruck, 1911); "Aus vergilbtenBlattern" 
(Innsbruck, 1909); "Josef Ritter von Fiihrich" 
(Munich, 1911); "Josef Fuhrioh: Verzeichnis seiner 
Werken mit urkundhchen Beitriigen und Biblio- 
graphie" (Vienna, 1913); "Andreas Hofer" (Inns- 
bruck, 1913); contributor to: "Vaterland" (Vienna); 
"Reichspost" (Vienna); " Literarischer Anzeiger" 
(Graz); "Tirolerstimmen" (Innsbruck); "Schlesische 
Volkszeitung" (Breslau); "Bergstadt" (Breslau); 
"Hochland" (Munich); "Aar" (Ratisbon). 

ARTICLE: Speckbacher, Josef; Worndle, August von; 
WoRNDLE, Edmund Von; Worndle, Philipp von. 

Woywood, Reverend Stanislaus, o.f.m., b. at 
Guttstadt, East Prussia, Germany, 10 August, 1880. 
Education: Franciscan College, Harreveld, Holland; 
St. Antony's College, Rome. Came to America 
1897; entered the Franciscan Order 1899; ordained 
1906; lector general of moral theology and canon law 
in the Franciscan Order 1909 ; professor of canon law 
and Kturgy, Franciscan scholasticate, Paterson, New 
Jersey, 1909- ; master of theologians, Franciscan 
Province of the Holy Name. Author of "Marriage 
Laws", pamphlet; associated editor of "Friar Series", 
American Edition; contributor to "American Ec- 
clesiastical Review"; editor of "St. Antony's 

ARTICLE: Baptibta Yarani, Blessed. 

Wuest, Reverend Joseph,, writer, b. at 
Coblentz, Rhine, Germany, 22 February, 1834. 
Education: Gymnasium, Coblentz; Redemptorist 
scholasticate, Cumberland, Maryland. Entered the 
Redemptorist Order 1853; came to America 1854; 
ordained 1859; has spent his hfe in writing on liturgical 
and ascetical matters and on Redemptorist subjects; 
resident at Ilchester, Maryland. Author of: "Annales 
Provinciffl Americanee" (Ilchester, 1888); ascetical 
works; compiler of Redemptorist Ordo for the United 
States (annual). 

ARTICLES: Redeemer, Feast of the Most Holy; Re- 

Wyman, Reverend Henry H., a.b., c.s.p., b. at 
Westminster, Massachusetts, 6 March, 1849. Edu- 
cation: pubUc schools, Massachusetts; Brown Univer- 
sity, Providence, Rhode Island. Became a Catholic 
1871; entered the Paulist Congregation 1872; ordained 
1876; has passed his life in mission and parish work; 
rector (1899-1910) and assistant (1910-1914), St. 
Mary's Church, San Francisco, CaUfornia; chaplain, 
California State Senate, 1909; at present, assistant, 
St. Mary's Church, Chicago, 111. Author of "Cer- 
tainty in Religion" (New York, 1905); contributor to: 
"Catholic World" ; "American Ecclesiastical Review" ; 

ARTICLE: Hewit, Augustine Frederick. 

Wynne, Reverend John J., s.j., b. in New York 
30 September, 1859. Education: Christian Brothers' 
School and St. Francis Xavier's College, New York; 
various Jesuit scholasticates. Entered the Society of 
Jesus 1876; professor of physics and mathematics, St. 
Francis Xavier's College, New York, 1882-1883; 
professor of higher mathematics, Boston College, 
Boston, Massachusetts, 1886-1887; ordained 1890; 
assistant director (1891-1892) and director (1892- 
1907), Apostleship of Prayer, and editor of "The 
Messenger of the Sacred Heart" (1892-1902), "The 
Messenger" (1902-1909) and of "America, a Catholic 




Review of the Week" (190&-1910), New York; one of 
the editors of The Catholic Encyclopedia, New 
York, 1904r- . By his vigorous defence of the 
interests of the Church as editor of "The Messenger", 
compelled various non-Catholic encyclopedias and 
periodicals to retract unfair statements on Cathohc 
subjects and to recognize for the future the right of 
Catholics to truthful representation; projector of 
The Catholic Encyclopedia; founder of "America, a 
Cathohc Review of the Week"; has visited the 
university and hterary centres of England, France, 
Italy, Germany, Belgium, and Holland in the 
interests of his pubhcations; takes an active part in 
the American Federation of Cathohc Societies; for a 
number of years director of the Shrine of Our Lady of 
Martyrs, Auriesville, New York; decoration Pro 
ecclesia et pontifice. Author of: "Poisoning the 
Wells", pamphlet (New York, 1902); "A Shrine in 
the Mohawk Valley" (New York, 1905); edited "The 
Great EncycUcals of Leo XIII" (New York, 1902); 
"The Mass for Sundays, Holy Days and other Days 

of Special Observance" (New York, 1915); "The 
Mass for Every Day in the Year", in collaboration 
with Rev. E. A. Pace (New York, 1916). 

ARTICLES: Abandonment; Abdon aud Sennen; Abrius 
OF PoNTus; Apostlebhip of Pbatek; Articles of Faith; 
Ascension, Feast of the; Aspeboes; Ballbrini, Antonio; 
Bona Mors Confraternity; Breviary, Roman, Reform, of 
the; Prater; Tbiddum. 

Wareing, E. Vincent, b. 1881, son of Alfred and 
Emily Florence Wareing of Birmingham; convert; 
married Esther F., daughter of J. J. Hodson, of Bir- 
mingham, 1910. On the editorial staff of "Page's 
Weekly," 1903-1913; London manager of The Ency- 
clopedia Press, Inc., 1913; sub-editor of the "West- 
minster Cathohc Chronicle," 1907-1915; edited 1907 
edition of the Cathedral "Guide"; initiated scheme 
adopted by Catenian Association for the pubhcation 
of the Catenian Edition of The Catholic Encyclo- 
pedia, 1915; has done considerable archaeological re- 
search and illustrated two antiquarian histories; con- 
tributor to the popular press. See photo facing page 




Yanes, Francisco Javier, ph.B., b. at Caracas, 
Venezuela, 6 May, 1861, son of Emilio and Trinidad 
de Ascanio de Yanes. Married Evelyn Augusta 
Stanton Lynch, of New York, 1887; Vice-Consul and 
acting Consul General of Venezuela, New York, 
1892-1897; Spanish secretary and Chief of the 
Translating IDivision, United States Philippine 
Commission, Manila, 1901-1903; secretary of the 
Governing Board, International Bureau of American 
RepubUcs, Washington, D. C, 1905-1910; assistant 
director and secretary of the Governing Board, Pan- 
American Union, Washington, 1910- . Venezue- 
lan delegate to International Congresses, 1895, 1898; 
represented International Bureau of American 
Republics and member of Jury of Awards, Jamestown 
Exposition, 1907; represented International Bureau of 
American Republics, Third International Sanitary 
Convention, Mexico, 1907, and Fourth Pan American 
Conference, Buenos Aires, 1910; medal of the Bust of 
Bolivar (3rd class); medal of Public Instruction, 
Venezuela. Member of: National Geographical 
Society, American Academy of Political and Social 
Science, American Society of International Law; 
corresponding member of: Scientific Society of Chile, 
Geographical Society of Rio Janeiro. Writer on 
literary and political subjects. 

ARTICLES: Beja; Belem do FahA, Abchdiocese of. 

Young, Reverend John B., s.j., b. at Haguenau, 
Alsace, Germany, 30 October, 1854. Education: 
College at Haguenau; Jesuit College, Amiens, France. 
Entered the Society of Jesus 1872; ordained 1879; 
professor (1875-1881, 1900- ) and musical director 
(1875-1881), St. Francis Xavier's CoUege, and 
choirmaster (1881-1900) and musical moderator 
(1900- ), St. Francis Xavier's Church, New York; 
member of the Music Commission, Archdiocese of 
New York. Hon. associate American Guild of 
Organists. Compiler of: "The Roman Hymnal" 
(New York, 1884; 28 eds.); "English and Latin 
Hymns" (New York, 1884; 3 eds.); has contributed 
articles on the study of vocal music to "Catholic 
School Work". 

ARTICLE: Lambillotte, Lottib. 

Young, Reverend Thomas J., s.j., formerly at 
St. Andrew-on-Hudson, Poughkeepsie, New York; 
d. at Loyola College, Baltimore, Maryland, 16 
December, 1913. 

ARTICLE: Bbillmaohek, Peteb Michael. 

Yzendoorn, Reverend Reginald John Adrian,, b. at Utrecht, Holland, 4 May, 1872. Educa- 
tion: St. Gregory's School, Utrecht; Damien Institute, 
Aerschot, Holland; Louvain University, Belgium. 
Entered the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of 
Jesus and Mary (Picpus) 1894; professor at the 
ApostoHc School, Grave, HoUand, 1896-1898; or- 
dained 1901; sent to Hawaii as a missionary 1902; 
stationed at Hilo (1902-1906) and in the Kohala 
District (1906-1908), Hawaii; Librarian, Catholic 
Mission, Honolulu, 1908- . Former editor, 
"Revue du Culte de St. Joseph'' (Louvain); delegate 
to General Chapter of the Picpus Fathers, Belgium, 
1911-1912; has travelled extensively, visiting the 
principal libraries and as a result obtaining docu- 
mentary proof of the discovery of Hawaii by the 
Spaniards in the sixteenth century. Member of the 
Hawaiian Historical Society. Author of "History of 
the Cathohc Mission in the Hawaiian Islands" (1913) ; 
"Study on Hawaiian Cartography prior to Cook's 
Rediscovery", 21st Annual Report, Hawaiian Histoid 
ical Society (1913); contributor to: "Revue de Culte 
de St. Joseph"; other Cathohc periodicals. 

ARTICLE: Bachelot, Alexis-John-Augcstine, 

Yzermans, Reverend Henricus Wilhelmus 
Maria, o.s.c, s.T.iect.,' b. at Vlaardingen, Holland, 3 
July, 1870. Education : CoUege of the Crosier Fathers, 
Uden, Holland. Entered the Crosier Congregation 
1889; ordained 1895; professor, Crosier CoUege, Uden, 
1895-1899; spiritual director of Scholasticates, 
Crosier Convent, Diest, Belgium, 1899-1904; assistant 
novice master and professor of dogmatic theology, 
Motherhouse of the Crosier Fathers, St. Agatha, 
Holland, 1904^1910; assistant, Church of the Finding 
of the Holy Cross, Butler, Minnesota, 1910-1913; at 
present rector of St. Frederick's Church, Verndale, 
Minnesota. Has contributed to Dutch and Belgian 

ARTICLE: Cbosiebs, The. 


Zabel, Vert Reverend Francis Hubert, d.d., 
D.C.L., R.D., b. at Erb^villers, France, 19 February, 
1839. Education: public school, Erbdvillers; private 
school; preparatory seminary, Pont-i-Mousson, and 
seminary, Nancy, France; AU HaUows College, 
Dubhn, Ireland; Gregorian University, under Patrizi, 
Ballerini, and Franzelin, and Sapienza, under Canon 
Philip de Angelis, Rome. Ordained 1861; came to 
Illinois 1862 ; successively assistant and administrator, 
St. Mary's Church, Springfield, rector of St. Patrick's 
Church, East St. Louis, and rector of St. Patrick's 
Church, Cairo, Illinois, 1862-1879; rector of Annun- 
ciation Church, Bunker Hill, Illinois, 1879-1915; at 
present, chaplain Ursuline Novitiate, Alton, Illinois; 
Examiner of the clergy (1889-1911) and (1889- ) 
dean of the Alton District, censor of books and 
diocesan consultor, diocese of Alton, Illinois. Pro- 
motor, First Diocesan Synod, Alton, 1889; former 
editor of "Catholic Monthly" (Bunker HiU); present 
at the canonization of the Japanese Martyrs, Rome, 
1862; one of the Fathers and Proxy for Bishop Baltes 
of Alton, Third Plenary Council of Baltimore, 1884; 
speciaUst in Gregorian Chant. Translated "Manuel 
de la Ligue Anti-Magonnique"; has contributed to 
the "New World" (Chicago); etc., etc. 

ARTICLE: Alton, Diocese of. 

Zelle, Reverend Joseph, s.j., writer, b. at 
Bavilliers, France, 18i)3. Education: seminaries, 
diocese of Strassburg, Alsace; Jesuit scholasticates. 
Entered the Society of Jesus 1874; ordained 1882; 
lector of Holy Scripture, St. Joseph's University, 
Beirut, Syria, 1884-1888; lector of dogmatic theology, 
Jesuit scholasticate. Mold, England, 1890-1891; at 
present, engaged in literary and mission work, Paray- 
le-Monial, France. Author of: "La Confession 
d'apr^s les grands maltres" (5 eds.; Italian and 
Spanish trs.); "Album historiquedeParay-le-Monial" 
(40,000 copies); contributor to: "Messenger of the 
Sacred Heart"; "FamiUe Chretienne". 

ABTICLE: Pakat-le-Monial. 

Zephiriny, Brother (Louis Brochier), Marist 
Brother, b. at Lyons, France, 1861. Education: 
Marist Brothers College, Notre Dame de I'Hermitage, 
France. Entered the Order of Little Brothers of 
Mary; former teacher in various colleges conducted 
by Marist Brothers, France; stationed for a short 
time in London; sent to New York as director of one 
of the new schools of the Marist Brothers 1892; has 
held the posts of Principal, St. Jean Baptiste's 
School, and Director, St. Ann's Academy, New York; 
former provincial of the American Province of the 
Marist Brothers; visited the Marist South African 
Province, in interest of his order; at present, stationed 
at St. Ann's Hermitage, Poughkeepsie, New York. 

ARTICLE: Maby, Little Brothers of. 

Zevely, Julia, b. at Washington, D. C, 8 February, 
1888. Education: Convents of the Sacred Heart, 
Sault-au-RecoUet, Montreal, Canada, and Man- 
hattanville. New York. On the staff of The 
Catholic Encyclopedia, 1910-1911; resident in 
New York. 

ARTICLE: Petropolis; Pierron, Jean; Pierson, Philippe 
Rivii:RE; PoNCET de la liivi£:RE, Joseph Anthony. 

Zimmerman, Reverend Benedict Mart op 
the Holt Cross (George Rudolph Zimmerman), 
o.D.c, b. at Zurich, Switzerland, 21 March, 1859, 
son of George Rudolph Zimmerman, Protestant dean 
and pastor of the Fraumiinster, Zurich. Education: 

pubUo schools, Gymnasium, and Municipal Secondary- 
School, under his uncle Ulrich Stutz, Zurich. Became 
a Catholic 1877; connected with the Union Generate 
Bank, Lyons, France, 1879-1881; engaged in t..j 
business of Marine Insurance, Zurich, 1881-1885; 
entered the Carmelite Order 1885; professor of 
philosophy at one of the houses of his order, England, 
1886-1889; ordained 1889; master of novices and 
sub-prior, CarmeUte Convent, Kensington, London, 
1890-1903; prior, St. Luke's Priory, Wincanton, 
England, 1903-1911; assistant. Church of Our Lady 
of Mt. Carmel, London, 1911-1913; at present at St. 
Luke's Priory, Wincanton. Has travelled extensively 
in France, Italy, Belgium, and Spain to collect 
material for a general history of the Carmelites. 
Author of: "Ratpert, der erste Ziirchergelehrte" 
(Basle, 1878); "Carmel in England" (London, 1899); 
"Monumenta bistorica Carmelitana" (Lerins, 1907); 
"Ordinaire de I'Ordre de Notre Dame du Mont 
Carmel (1312)", Latin and French (Paris, 1910); 
edited: St. Teresa, "Life" (London, 1904; 4th ed. 
1911) ; Idem, " Interior Castle" (London, 1906) ; Idem, 
"Wav of Perfection" (London, 1911); St. John of the 
Cross, "Ascent of Mt. Carmel" (London, 1907); 
Idem, "Dark Night" (London, 1908) ; Idem, "Spiritual 
Canticle" (London, 1909); has contributed articles on 
liturgy and on Carmehte subjects in English, French, 
German, and Spanish reviews. 

ARTICLE: Bacon, John; Baptista Manttjantjs; Billick, 
Eberhard; Blyth, Francis; Carmelite Order; Cohen, 
Hermann; Conecte, Thomas; Cyril of Constantinople; 
Deheser, Anton; Frances d' Amboise, Blessed; Garcia, 
Anne; Gratian, Jerome; Heliae, Paul; Honoratus a Sancta 
Maria; John OF THE Cross, Saint; Legipont, Oliver; Lezana, 
Juan; Lobera, Ann; Ludovicus a S. Caholo; Netter, Thomas; 
Philip of the Blessed Trinity; Rites; Carmelite: Salmanti- 


Order of Our Lady of Mount Carmel; Thomas a Jesu. 

Zimmennann, Reverend Otto, s.j., b. at Dottin- 
gen, Switzerland, 24 May, 1873. Education: Gym- 
nasium, Einsiedeln, Switzerland; Stella Matutina 
College, Feldkiroh, Austria. Entered the Society of 
Jesus 1890; ordained 1904; associate editor of "Stim- 
men aus Maria-Laach", stationed at Luxemburg, 
Luxemburg (1906-1911) and at St. Ignatius College, 
Vallienburg, Holland (1911- ). Author of: "Ohne 
Grenzen und Enden" (Freiburg-im-Breisgau, 1908; 
3rd ed. 1912); "Das Gottesbediirinis" (Freiburg-im- 
Breisgau, 1910). 

ARTICLE: Infinity. 

Zupan, Reverend Ctril, o.s.b., pastor of the 
church of St. Mary's (Slovenian), Pueblo, Colorado. 
ARTICLE: Slomsek, Anton Martin. 

Zwierlein, Reverend Frederick J.,, m.h., 
b. at Rochester, 16 November, 1881. Education: 
Holy Redeemer School and St. Andrew's and St. 
Bernard's Seminaries, Rochester; Louvain University, 
Belgium; Deutscher Campo Santo, Rome. Ordained 
1904; professor of Church history, St. Bernard's 
Seminary, Rochester, 1904- . Has made re- 
searches for materials bearing on United States 
history for Department of Historical Research, 
Carnegie Institute, Washington, D. C, in the 
Archiepiscopal and Provincial Archives, Quebec, 
Canada. Member of the Association of Former 
Members of the Seminary of History of the University 
of Louvain. Author of "Religion in New Nether- 
land" (Rochester, 1910); "CathoHc Rochester and 
its First Bishop, B. J. McQuaid" (in course of 
publication, 1917). 

ARTICLE: Rochester, Diocese of. 



Adam, Brother S.M San Jose, Cal. 

Ahern, Patrick J Texarkana, Ark. 

Albert, Brother, Clayton, Mo. 

Aldridge, Rev. J. P., O.P New Haven, Conn. 

Alliance Council Alliance, Nebr. 

American Ecclesiastical Reviev? Philadelphia, Pa. 

Amyot, Bruno E Cohoes, N. Y. 

Angel, Rev. F. H Pittsburgh, Pa. 

Anthony, Zeno L Ft. Recovery, Ohio 

Anton, Dr. Francis L Los Angeles, Cal. 

Appleyard, Mrs. James Lansing, Mich. 

Archambault, Rev. Napoleon L Bristol, Vt. 

Armstrong, Isaac F Philadelphia, Pa. 

Arundel, Thomas J., M.D Youngstown, Ohio 

Ashe, Maria T West Duxbury, Mass. 

Atherton, E. J — ^ Shreveport, La. 

Auberten, Fred L Peoria, HI. 

Aylward, James F Cambridge, Mass. 

Babin, A Beaumont, Texas 

Bangor Public Library Bangoi Me. 

Bangs, Tracy R Grand Forks, N. Dak. 

Banks, Leroy M Monrovia, Cal. 

Barnett, Rev. Michael Ubly, Mich. 

Barron, Rev. Philip I Barry, Minn. 

Barron, Wm. J Payette, Idaho 

Barry, Edward B Ba^' "more, Md. 

Barthold, Rodolfo G Nev York City, N. 

Baschab, Rev. Charles R., Ph.D Sslw .ito, Cal. 

Bassler, Rev. Jas. J Afton, Union To., . .' 

Baummer, John C Baltimore, Mu. 

Beck, Jos. C Beaumont, Texas 

Behles, J. J Garrison, N. D. 

Beierschmidt, Rev. J. M., C.SS.R Philadelphia, Pa. 

Bellwald, Rev. A., S.M Washington, D. C. 

Benedictine Fathers Covin^on, Ky, 

Benedictine Sisters Guthrie, Okla. 

Benedictine Sisters Kersey, Pa. 

Benincasa, Nicholas . . Niagara Falls, N. Y. 

Bennett, Thos. J Pittsburgh, Pa. 

Berg, Wm. H Aberdeen, So. Dak. 

Bergen, John Butler, Morris Co., N. 

Bertels, Rev. Francis Shreveport, La. 

Bertrand, Mr. Jos Roberts, Mont. 

Bethke, Frank A Milwaukee, Wis. 

Beyer, Rev. K. G La Crosse, Wis. 

Bieniawski, Rev. A Manistee, Mich. 

Bieschke, Albert M West Brooklyn, 111. 

Binghamton Public Library Binghamton, N. Y. 

Bird, Louis A Lawrence, Mass. 

Birmingham, Mrs. Sara D Salamanca, N. Y. 

Blaznik, Rev. Aloysius Leo Haverstraw, N. Y. 

Bloom, J. B Petaluma, Cal. 

Bloom, John L Williamsport, Pa. 

Bonino, Savino T Wakefield, Mich. 

Bonnot, L. C Louisville, Ohio 

Borgerding, Rev. Henry, O.S.B St. Joseph, Minn. 

Boston Athenseum Boston, Mass. 

Boutet, CO Central Falls, R. 1. 

Bowdoin College Library Brunswick, Me. 

Bowman, Samuel T Philadelpiiia, Pa. 

Breen, Rev. Aloysius A., S.J Kansas City, Mo. 

Brennan, Jas. F Peterborough, N. H. 

Brennan, Jas. P Tampa, Fla. 

Brennan, Rev. Jos. Jas Ellsworth, Wis. 

Brennan, Rev. Jos. P New York City, N. Y. 

Brennan, Jos. T Boston, Mass. 

Brennan, Patrick M New York City, N. Y. 

Brennan, Rev. Sebastian, O.M.Cap Ukiah, Cal. 

Brenner, John F Charleston, S. C. 

Brockhoff, B. F Grand Forks, N. Dak. 

Brockton Public Library Brockton, Mass. 

Bronson, Mrs. Addison Woolsey Titusville, Pa. 

Bronson Library Waterbury, Conn. 

Brophy, M. J Bisbee, Ariz. 

Brower, C. F Auburn, Iowa 

Brune, Very Rev. F. J Alton, Iowa 

Buchmann, Rev. J. O Newark, N. J. 

Buckley^ Rev. John Delavan, Wis. 

Buckley, T. Jos Albany, N. Y. 

Bucknell Library, Crozer Theological 

Seminary Chester, Pa. 

Budenz, H. J Indianapolis, Ind. 

Buning, John H Indianapolis, Ind. 

Burchhardt, Rev. Wm Springville, N. Y. 

Burckhardt, Dr. Edward H Yonkers, N. Y. 

Burdick, Chas Rensselaer, N. Y. 

Burke, Rev. J. J Peoria, III. 

Burke, Martin M Shenandoah, Pa. 

Burke, Patrick T Cleveland, Ohio 

Burke, Thos. P New York City, N. Y. 

Burke, Rev. W. J Delavan, Dl. 

Burns, Frank P Ithaca, N. Y. 

Burnett, Rev. Mother R Torresdale, Pa. 

Busald, Rev. A. H Indianapolis, Ind. 

Buschmann, Chas. B Columbus, Ohio 

Byrider, John Akron, Ohio 

Byrne, Rt. Rev. Thos. Sebastian Nashville, Tenn. 

Caballero, Jos. L New Orleans, La. 

Cain, E. J Chico, Cal. 

Cain, P. W Beattie, Kansas 

Came, Rev. Clement Aberdeen, So. Dak. 

Callan, Rev. M. S Jersey City, N. J. 

Cannon, Thos. H Chicago, Hi. 

Cantwell, Rt. Rev. John J Los Angeles, Cal. 

Capuchin Fathers Pittsburgh, Pa. 

Capuchin Fathers Hays, Kansas 

Capuchin Fathers Appleton, Wis. 

Capuchin Fathers Harman, Butler Co., Pa. 

Capuchin Fathers Herndon, Kansas 

Carberry, T. J Springfield, 111. 

Carico, Mrs. Ida W Owensboro, Ky. 

Carlm, Wm. J New Castle, Pa. 

Carmelite Fathers of St. Florian Milwaukee, Wis. 

Carnegie Free Library Tampa, Fla. 

Carnegie Library San Antonio, Texas 

Cary, Miss Emma F Cambridge, Mass. 

Case Memorial Library Hartford, Conn. 

Casey, J. T Gildford, Mont. 

Cashin, D. J Yonkers, N. Y. 

J. Cassidy, Rev. M. P Woonsocket, R. I. 

Cassin, Rev. J. M Santa Rosa, Cal. 

Cathedral College Chicago, 111. 

Cawley, Michael T Atlantic City, N. J. 

Chaminade College Clayton, Mo. 

Champion, Rev. Raymond Ecorse, Michigan 

Chazal, Louis R Ocala, Fla. 

Chene, G. C Detroit, Mich. 

Cherry, Rev. P. J Brooklyn, N. Y. 

Christian Brothers Business College. . .Portland, Ore. 

Church of the Holy Name Miami, Fla. 

Churchill, Chas. H Springfield, Mass. 

City Library Manchester, N. H. 

Clark, Rev. Geo. W Richardsville, Iowa 

Clark, J. E Brookfleld, Mo. 

Clements, F. L . . .Houston, Texas 

Coady, E. J Letts, Iowa 

Coady, Patrick Francis, M.D West Newton, Mass. 

Coakley, Rev. T. F Pittsburgh, Pa. 

Coffin, C. A New York City, N. Y. 

Coghlan, Rt. Rev. Mgr. Gerald P Philadelphia, Pa. 

Coleman, Jas. J Elizabeth, N. J. 

Coles, F. E Bisbee, Ariz. 

Coll, Patrick Johnstown, Pa. 

College of New Rochelle New Rochelle, N. Y. 

Colling, Aloysius Theo Hackensack, N. J. 

CoUins, Chas. H Detroit, Mich. 

Collins, John D Morristown, N. J. 

CoUins, Hon. J. M MaysvUle, Ky. 

Collins, Rev. Wm. J Hartford, Conn. 

Conaty, Rev. Bernard S Pittsfield, Mass. 

Concannon, Rev. M. J San Francisco, Cal. 

Conception Abbey Conception, Mo. 

Condon, Ed. L Central Falls, R. I. 

Conniff, T. M Plains, Pa. 

Connolly, J. P Jerome, Ariz. 

Connolly, Owen P Shreveport, La. 

Connor, Rev. Robert G Glendale, Ohio 

Connor, Rev. Wm. Arthur Boston, Mass. 



Connors, T. A Pittsburgh, Pa. 

Conway, W. H Springfield, m. 

Coopman, Rev. A. R Anaconda, Mont. 

Corbett, M. J Wilmington, N. C. 

Corcoran, Rev. C. A S. Orange Village, N. J. 

Corcoran, John H Kenosha, Wis. 

Corliss, Miss Margaret R South Boston, Mass. 

Cornelia, Sister Utica, N. Y. 

Corry, Arthur V Butte, Mont. 

Costello, Michael F Pawtucket, R. I. 

Cote, Andre A Fitchburg, Mass. 

Coughlan, Thos. W., Rev Watertown, Mass. 

Coyle, Rev. A. J Blakeley P. O., Minn. 

Craney, Rev. Jas. B Dubuque, Iowa 

Croke, Jos. Francis Yonkers, N. Y. 

Cronin, Rev. Walter J Richmond, Ind. 

Croswell, Miss Eliz. I Jersey City, N. J. 

Cruse, Rev. Jos . , .St. Louis, Mo. 

Csicsman, Rev. Anthony Stocket, Mont. 

Cullen, Rev. Chas. W Taunton, Mass. 

Cullen, Ed. J Kingston, N. Y. 

Cullinan, Dan. J Pittsburgh, Pa. 

Cummings, Chas. J., M.D Williamsport, Pa. 

Cummings, Harold J Burlington, Iowa 

Cummings, Rev. W. A Chicago, HI. 

Cuneo, Phineas M Brockport, Pa. 

Curran, Frank J Brooklyn, W. Y. 

Curran, Thos. F Flushing, N. Y. 

*Curry, Dr. Grace Murphy New York City 

Curtis, Miss G. Pell Chicago, Dl. 

Daly, M. A St. Paul, Minn. 

Daly, Rev. Thos. A., C.S.P New York City,N. Y. 

Darnhorst, Miss Josephine St. Louis, Mo. 

Danaher, Michael Elmira, N. Y, 

Daniel, Rev. John C Reading, Pa. 

Dannis, Rev. Maurice Edmond, Okla. 

Day, Harry L Wallace, Idaho 

Day, Rt. Rev. Victor, V.G Helena, Mont. 

Dayton, John B Somerville, Mass. 

Dean, Thos. W MiUbrook, N. Y. 

Deierlein, Lawrence G New Rochelle, N. Y. 

Deininger, Ulrich Decatur, Ind. 

Delaney, Thos. F Chicago, HI. 

Delannoy, Rev. Jos Vancouver, Wash. 

De La Salle Institute Miruieapolis, Minn. 

Delery, Henry C New Orleans, La. 

De Moss, Matthew A Green Lake, Wis. 

Denver Club Denver, Colo. 

Desmond, Rev. Dan. F Huron, So. Dak. 

Desmond, Wm Alexandria, Va. 

Dever, Rev. V. A Maryknoll,Ossiniiig,N.Y. 

Devin, Edward F Brooklyn, N. Y. 

Devine, Augusta Farrell Newark, N. J. 

Devlin, Rev. Thos Pittsburgh, Pa. 

Dewees, Rev. Theo. J Binghamton, N. Y. 

Dickman, C. H Minster, Ohio 

Dohan, Rev. E. G., O.S.A Greenwich, N. Y. 

Doherty, Elizabeth F New York City, N. Y. 

Dolan, N. F Colorado Springs, Colo. 

Dolny, Rev. John H Lake Andes, So. Dak. 

Dolphin, Michael F Scranton, Pa. 

Dominican Sisters Dayton, Ohio 

Donahoe, Richard A Ashland, Pa. 

Donahue, Rev. Chas. A Cambridge, Mass. 

Donnelly, John H., Rev Jersey City, N. J. 

Donohue, Rev. T., D.D Buffalo, N. Y. 

Donohue, Timothy P Lawrence, Mass. 

Donovan, Wm. P Tulsa, Okla. 

Doorley, Brother J. I New York City, N. Y. 

Doran, Edw. P Greensburg, Pa. 

Doran, Jos. G Providence, R. I. 

Doubleday, Rev. George Galesburg, HI. 

Dougherty, Miss Mary J Pittsburgh, Pa. 

Dougherty, Michael Philadelphia, Pa. 

Dougherty, W. F., Rev Syracuse, N. Y. 

Dower, John L Hartford, Conn. 

Dowling, Rt. Rev. Austin Des Moines, Iowa 

Dowling, Frank Roslindale, Mass. 

Drass, John N HoUidaysburg, Pa. 

Drehobl, Jos Bedford, Ind. 

DriscoU, Rev. J. F., D.D New Rochelle, N. Y. 

Drobel, Rev. Wm Weatherly, Pa. 

Drolet, Louis H Kankakee, HI. 

DuBrul, Ernest F Cincinnati, Ohio 

Duclos, Rev. J. L., S.M Lawrence, Mass. 

Duffy, Frank J Nogales, Ariz. 

Duffy, Rt. Rev. Jas. E Rensselaer, N. Y. 

DuSy, John H New York City, N. Y. 

Duggan, Eugene A Yonkers, N. Y. 

Duggan, Eugene J Pittsburgh, Pa. 

Duncan, N. W La Salle. HI. 

Dunfee, Mrs. Annie Syracuse, N. Y. 

Dunn, Mr. Ed. T Short Hills, N. Y. 

Dunne, John F Brooklyn, N. Y. 

Duimey, Rev. Jos Albany, N. Y. 

Dupont, Geo. N Middleboro, Mass. 

Durkin, Rev. P. H Kewanee, HI. 

Durkin, Rev. Thos. P Williamsport, Pa. 

Dwyer, Ambrose M., Rev Johnson City, Broome 

Co., N. Y. 
* Deceased 

1, Elizabeth B Buffalo, N. Y. 

Eberhard, M. J. Theo San Jose, Cal. 

Ebert, Brother Geo. L., S.M Cincinnati, Ohio 

Eckert, Rev. Chas Chicago, HI. 

Elder, Benedict Louisville, Ky. 

Emerentice, Sister M Buffalo, N. Y. 

Engel, Rev. Peter, O.S.B CoUegeville, Minn. 

Englewood Free Public Library Englewood, N. J. 

English, Rev. M. F Hudson FaUs, N. Y. 

Enright, Patrick Chicago, 111. 

Ernst, C. W Boston, Mass. 

Fagan, Rev. Thos Milwaukee, Wis. 

Falvey, John J Concord, N. H. 

Fandel, Frank St. Cloud, Minn. 

Farrell, T. A Sacramento, Cal. 

Farrell, Rev. William C Lenni, Pa. 

Faust, Rev. F. P Alexandria, Indiana 

Fazakas, Mr. Chester A. S Dorchester ,Boston,Mass. 

Fee, Thomas R Carbondale, Pa. 

Fehrenbach, Rev. Chas. F Pittsburgh, Pa. 

Feldmann, Rev. J. M Cincinnati, Ohio 

Feltes, John Modesto, Cal. 

Ferland, Rev. L. W Sprague, Washington 

*Feyen, Rev. John H Manchester, Okla. 

Fieg, Joseph F Cleveland, Ohio 

Fields, Rev. E. A., S.J Galveston, Texas 

Finn, Edward J., Jr Waterbury, Conn. 

Fiimigan, P. J., M.D Cambridge, Mass. 

Fischer, Fred. C Thorp, Washington 

Fisher, Henry F., M.D Springdale, Pa. 

Fitzgerald, John Pekin, 111. 

Fitzgerald, Thos. F Trenton, N. J. 

Fitzpatrick, F. J Guthrie, Okla. 

Fitzpatrick, Mrs. M. E Kansas City, Mo. 

Fitzpatrick, Rev. Thos. J Valley Falls, R. I. 

Fitzsimmons, J. Edmund Corpus Christi, Texas 

Fitzsimmons, Thos. A N. Milwaukee, Wis. 

Flahavan, Patrick Hion, N. Y. 

Flaherty, James A Philadelphia, Pa. 

Flaherty, Rev. Matthew J Arlington, Mass. 

Flanagan, Mrs. Mary K Roanoke, Va. 

Flasch, Rev. C Random Lake, Wis. 

Flinn, Richard J W. Roxbuxy, Mass. 

Flock, Rev. H. F Sparta, Wis. 

Flood, Rev. Arthur J., CM Niagara Falls, N. Y. 

Fogarty, Rev. P. F Tacomy, Phila., Pa. 

Foley, Emmet M Hastings, Neb. 

Foley, Frank J Alpina, Mich. 

Ford, A. Brendan New York City, N. Y. 

Ford, Mrs. D. E Buffalo, N. Y. 

Forest Ridge Convent Seattle, Wash. 

Forest City Council Middletown, Conn. 

Forman, Mrs. Charles. . i Los Angeles, Cal. 

Fortier, Adilard J Pawtucket, R. I. 

Foster, C. E Astoria, Oregon 

Fowle, Thomas J Hillrose, Colo. 

Franciscan Fathers West Park, Ohio 

Franciscan Fathers Emporia, Kansas 

Franciscan Fathers St. Louis, Mo. 

Franciscan Fathers Hermann, Mo. 

Franciscan Fathers Harbor Springs, Mich. 

Franzen, Rev. N. L., C.SS.R Detroit, Mich. 

Free Public Library Worcester, Mass. 

Free Public Library West Hoboken, N. J. 

Free Public Library Paterson, N. J. 

Free Public Library Jersey City, N. J. 

Frei, Rev. John Lemmon, So. Dak. 

Freundt, Rev. Urban, O.F.M Cincinnati, Ohio 

Frey, Joseph New York City 

Furey, John, U. S. Navy Brooklyn, N. Y. 

Gagne, Rev. F. E New Bedford, Mass. 

Gallagher, P. F Pittsburgh, Pa. 

Gallant, G. Edgar St. Benedict, Oregon 

Galvin, Jolm M Council Bluffs, Iowa 

Gannon, Frank S New York City, W. Y. 

Gans, Very Rev. Leo, J.C.D St. Cloud, Minn. 

Ganter, Robt. A Tarentum, Pa. 

Ganz, Mrs. Peter S Louisville, Ky. 

Garcia, Catedra Gardiner, Colo. 

Garisk, Rev. Francis H Indianapolis, Ind. 

Garvey, Richard Los Angeles, Cal. 

Gefell, Cornelius F Rochester, N. Y. 

Genuit, Rev. J. M Milwaukee, Wis. 

Gerard, Rev. H. L., S.M Lawrence, Mass. 

Gerardus, Brother Glencoe, Mo. 

Gerstl, Rev. B., O.F.B Newark, N. J. 

Ghyssaert, Rev. Emil Duncan, Okla. 

Gilbert, Rev. N. J Manchester, N. H. 

Gilmartin, Rev. James Sonora, Cal. 

Gitterman, A. S Washington, D. C. 

Glass, Rt. Rev. Joseph S Salt Lake City, Utah 

Glass, L. E Touopali, Nye Co., Nev. 

Gleason, Frances A Harrington Park, N. J. 

Glock, J. A Pittsburgh, Pa. 

Glueckstein, Rev. Jos Laona, Wis. 

Gnibba, Rev. Frank J Gary, Ind. 

Godey, Catherine W Warrenton, Va. 

Goeser, Coletta E Danville, Pa. 

Goggin, Rev. J. F., D.D Rochester, N. Y. 

* Deceased 


Golden, Jno. W Savannah, Ga. 

Golden, Patrick Parsons, Pa. 

Goodman, Geo. A Portsmouth, Ohio 

Goodnetter, Jos. C Ottawa, 111. 

Goss, M. S Auburn, N. Y. 

Gottlick, Chas. E Westfield, N. J. 

Grabig, Rev. F. P., Ph.D Epiphany, So. Dak. 

Granger, Rev. A. D Kankakee, 111. 

Green, Mary L Boston, Mass. 

Greene, Mrs. W. C Los Angeles, Cal. 

Greif, Wm West Park, Ohio 

Greven, Rev. R. G., Ord. Prsem Cut Bank, Montana 

Grimal, Rev. J., S.M Washington, D. C. 

Grimes,' Rt. Rev. John Syracuse, N. Y. 

Grimm, Louis A Boston, Mass. 

Gross, Mrs. Chas. E. M Atlantic City, N. J. 

Grosso, Giuseppe San Francisco, Cal. 

Guay, Rev. J. D. Arthur Montreal, P. Q., Can. 

Guertin, Rt. Rev. Geo. Albert, D.D Manchester, N. H. 

Guilday, Rev. Peter, Ph.D Washington, D. C. 

Gushurst, P. A Lead, So. Dak. 

Guthrie, William D New York City, N. Y. 

Haas, Rev. C, O.M.I Brownwood, Texas 

Habrada, Rev. Rudolph, Charleroi, Pa. 

Hackett, Rev. Lawrence E Marseilles, 111. 

Haekley, Dr. Alice M Perkasie, Pa. 

Haeusler, Rev. F. X Hot Springs, So. Dak. 

Hagerty, John F., M.D Newark, N. J. 

Hake, Dr. Wm. F Grand Rapids, Mich. 

Hall, J. Clark Davenport, Iowa 

Halligan, Jos. E Davenport, Iowa 

Hallisy, W. C Xenia, Ohio 

Haltmeyer, Frank Indianapolis, Ind. 

Hamburger, Rev. M. A Cincinnati, Ohio 

Hamilton, George E Washington, D. C. 

Hamilton, Rev. Jas. F Whitman, Mass. 

Hanley, T. J Coshocton, Ohio 

Hanlon, Thos. J Coffeyville, Kansas 

Hansen, Hubert St. Cloud, Miim. 

Happ, John H Wauwatosa, Wis. 

Hardeman, Rev. John F Franklin, Tenn. 

Hargather, Rev. M. J Rochester, N. Y. 

Harkins, Charles Buckley, Washington 

Harrington, Rev. J. C St. Paul, Minn. 

Hartford, R. H Portland, Indiana 

Haslam, Mrs. John Henry Savannah, Ga. 

Haub, Hugo J. P Chicago, 111. 

Hayden, Thomas G Auburn, N. Y. 

Hayes, D. J Pensacola, Fla. 

Healy, Edmund J Far Rockaway, L.I., N.Y. 

Hegarty, W. C. J Easton, Pa. 

HeUker, B. J W. Philadelphia, Pa. 

Heine, H. Eugene Philadelphia, Pa. 

Heinz., Rev. Gerard, O.S.B Atchison, ICansas 

Heithoff , Anthony, Rev East Helena, Mont. 

Hendricks, Mrs. E Carlsbad, New Mexico 

Hennig, Rev. Boniface, O.M.C Camden, N. J. 

Heimigan, T. D Muenster, Texas 

Henzel, Philip J Albany, N. Y. 

Hermarm, Rev. Anthony A Fowler, Kansas 

Hermanns, Rev. Leopold Wellsburg, W. Va. 

Herpin, A. L Mobile, Ala. 

Herzberg, Fred St. Louis, Mo. 

Heverin, Rev. Thos. P San Bruno, Cal. 

Hickey, Rev. Chas. A Dayton, Ohio 

Hickey, J. E Mankato, Mirm. 

Hickey, Rev. Wm, D Cincinnati, Ohio 

Higgins, Rev. W. L. D Manley, Neb. 

Hill, Mrs. James J St. Paul, Minn. 

Hills Library Newton Center, Mass. 

Hilpert, Rev. John M Brooklyn, N. Y. 

Hoban, Peter J .Philadelphia, Pa. 

Hodgson, Harry Savannah, Ga. 

Hoeschen, Rev. John F Creve Coeur, Mo. 

Hoffman, Rev. S. P Effingham, 111. 

Hofmaier, A. J Constance, Fordyce, Web. 

Hofstaedter, Francis L Philadeplhia, Pa. 

Hollai?d, Rev. C. J Wakefield, R. I. 

HoUing, Thos. L Bufialo, N. Y. 

HoUinger, Brother Albert L., S.M Peoria, 111. 

Holte, Rev. Raymond Union Hill, Miim. 

Holy Ghost Fathers Scholasticate Darien P. O., Conn. 

Hombake, Sr., G. S Coal Centre, Pa. 

Honey, Andrew R Chicago, 111. 

Hopkins, Rev. John J Gardnier, tristerCo.,N.Y. 

Horan, A. J Fayetteville, W. Va. 

Hubert, Rev. A Okmulgee, Okla. 

Huening, William T Chicago, 111. 

Hughes, George T Dover, N. H. 

Hughes, James J Philadelphia, Pa. 

Hurley, Rev. D. K Akron, Iowa 

Hurley, F. G Seattle, Washington 

Hurley, Rev. James A., S.T.L Northborough, Mass. 

Huth, John J Vintondale, Pa. 

Hyvernat, Very Rev. H Washington, D. C. 

Ignatia, Sister Paducah, Ky. 

Ignatius, Mother M New Rochelle, N. Y. 

Ingenthrom, J. H Hays, Kansas 

Irwin, Rev. Michael A Newion Grove, N. C. 

Iske, Miss Louise M Indianapolis, Ind. 

Ivors. Rev. John C Holyoke, Mass. 

Jackson, Mary Holohan Waterbury, Conn. 

Taudas, Rev. Louis A New York City, N. Y. 

Tecker, L. F Victoria, Texas 

Jennings, J. T Ashland, Wis. 

Jesuit Fathers Denver, Colo. 

Jesuit Fathers St. Louis, Mo. 

Jesuit Fathers Family P. O., Mont. 

Johannes, Rev. C Nokomis, 111. 

John, Geo. W Mt. Clemens, Mich. 

Johndrew, Jos. Tillotson Bloomington, Cal. 

Jones, Jenkin Lloyd Chicago, 111. 

Joyce, Rev. Jos. E., D.D New Haveri, Conn. 

Joyce, Mary Brooklyn, N. Y. 

Joyce, Michael J Brooklyn, N. Y. 

Judge, Rev. P. J Omaha, Neb. 

Juliana de Notre Dame, Sister M East St. Louis, lU. 

Kaburick, Ed. C Hillsboro, m. 

Kalb, Rev. Geo. M Rochester, N. Y. 

Kanaley, Rev. F. T Buffalo, N. Y. 

Kase, J. M Reading, Pa. 

Kazenas, Rev. Magnus Donora, Pa. 

Keating, Thos. F Binghamton, N. Y. 

Keefe, Thos. A Hartford, Conn. 

Keefe, Thos. M Boston, Mass. 

Keefe, Rev. Wm. F Clinton, Ind. 

Keegan, John J Bath, Me. 

Keegan, Peter Chas Van Buren, Me. 

Keenan, Jas. F Seattle, Wash. 

Keenan, Rev. Leo M Albany, Ga. 

Keith, Mrs. Robert Kansas City, Mo. 

Kelliher, Mrs. P. F Tampa, Fla. 

Kelly, Mrs. H. W Las Vegas, New Mexico 

Kelly, John A Chicago, 111. 

Kelly, John B Barre, Vt. 

Kelly, Rev. L. J., S.J Yonkers, N. Y. 

Kelly, Thos New York City, N. Y. 

Kennedy, Rev. D. J., O.P Washington, D. C. 

Kermedy, Jas. F Chicago, 111. 

Kennedy, Jos Peru, Ind. 

Kenney, Patrick E Celina, Ohio 

Keogh, Rev. John W Philadelphia, Pa. 

Kergosion, A. A Bay St. Louis, Miss. 

Kern, M. J St. Cloud, Minn. 

Kessler, E. F Philadelphia, Pa. 

Keyes, John J Hancock, Mich. 

Kieffer, Rev. P. J El Campo, Texas 

Kiely, Fred M Providence, R. I. 

Kierce, F. J San Francisco, Cal. 

Kilcoyne, Thos. F Huntmgton, W. Va. 

Kilcullen, John L Olyphant, Pa. 

Kilmartin, Edward J Brooklyn, N. Y. 

King, Rev. Jeremiah J Brooklyn, N. Y. 

King, W. E Bay City, Mich. 

Ennear, F. R Shives, Athol, N. B. 

Kirk, Jas. W East St. Louis, HI. 

Kirkfieet, Rev. C.J St. Charles, 111. 

Klein, Ed. A Evansville, Ind. 

Klein, Very Rev. N., C.SS.R Chicago, 111. 

Knebel, Rev. H. A Tipton, Iowa 

Knisley, Mrs. John A Chicago, 111. 

Knox, Rev. P. B Madison, Wis. 

Koch, Adolph A Washuigton, D. C. 

Konz, Paul Stanton, Texas 

Koudelka, Rt. Rev. Jos. W Cleveland, Ohio 

Kraemer, Gustav New York City, N. Y. 

Krams, Rev. A Ida, Mich. 

Kraschowitz, Rev. A. M Chicago, 111. 

Klusewitz, Mary Reading, Pa. 

Kreig, Louis W Indianapolis, Ind. 

Krumbach, Arma Shelby, Neb. 

Kuhlmann, August, M.D Melrose, Minn. 

Kuhn, Peter V Janesville, Wis. 

Kunkel, Mr. Joseph Brooklyn, N. Y. 

Kunkel, T. W Menlo Park, Cal. 

Kurzejka, Rev. Peter Menasha, Wis. 

La Boule, Rev. Joseph S Milwaukee, Wis. 

Lacey, Wm. H Homestead, Pa. 

Ladies of Loretto Joliet, 111. 

Lambing, Rt. Rev. Mgr. A. A Wilkinsburg, Pa. 

Lanahan, Timothy J Bufialo, N. Y. 

Lange, Jos. H Pittsburgh, Pa. 

Larkin, Wm. Henry Yonkers, N. Y. 

Lascelles, John H Buffalo, N. Y. 

Lawler, Wm. P., M.D Lowell, Mass. 

Lawlor, John E Chicago, HI. 

Layman, CD Leitchfleld, Ky. 

Leahy, Dr. B. J Port Jervis, N. Y. 

Leary, Daniel J., D.D.S Janesville, Wis. 

Ledwith, Lucy A New York City, N. Y. 

Lehmann, Rev. Francis R Jackson, Mo. 

Lennon, Rev. M. D RhinecM, N. Y. 

Leonard, Francis J. B Chicago, HI. 

Leonard, Harry S New York City, N. Y. 

Leone, Rev. Philip New York City, N. Y. 

L'Esperance, Very Rev. P Natick, R. I. 

Lillehan, D. J Watertown, N. Y. 

Linehan, Rev. T. P., P.R Biddeford, Me. 

Lisicky, Rev. Paul J Lansford, Pa. 

Lobinski, Rev. Knute, O.F.M Tarnov, Neb. 

Loftus, Rev. Edward M Chicago, 111. 

Logue, Edwin J Philadelphia, Pa. 


Lonergan, John F Kansas City, Mo. 

Looney, James D Hancock, Mich. 

Lord, W. P Middletown, Conn. 

Loretto Heights Academy Loretto, Colo. 

Lorigan, Rev. Jas. T Memphis, Tenn. 

Lowe, Chas. L Chicago, HI. 

Loweree, Rev. D. R Chicago, HI. 

Lutes, Miss Evelyn Latta Tiffin, Ohio 

Lutold, Maurice Philadelphia, Pa. 

Lutz, Rev. Chilian, O.M.Cap Canal Dover, Ohio 

Lynch, Elizabeth T Cohoes, N. Y. 

Lynch, Frank M Scranton, Pa. 

Lynch, Rev. John P St. Louis, Mo. 

Lynch, Miss Rose M Philadelphia, Pa. 

Lyons, John J Jersey City, N. J. 

McAdam, Very Rev. W. J., S.P.M Brooklyn, N. Y. 

McAleer, George, M.D Worcester, Mass. 

McArthur Library Biddeford, Me. 

McAuliffe, Dr. D. F North Vernon, Ind. 

McBride, Mary P New York City, N. Y. 

McCann, Rev. John Elgin, 111. 

McCanna, C. Roy Burlington, Wis. 

McCarrick, Thos. H New York City, N. Y. 

McCarthy, Dan William Cincinnati, Ohio 

McCarthy, Miss Elsie No. Adams, Mass. 

McCarthy, M. L Haverhill, Mass. 

McCarty, Rev. T. J Carroll, Iowa 

McClean, Rev. Peter H Milford, Conn. 

McConville, Rev. Francis J Orange, N. J. 

McCosker, Miss Mary Mobile, Ala. 

McCue, J. J Boise, Idaho 

McCullough, Mrs. Ella M Coney Island, N. Y. 

McDermott, Dr. Bernard A Omaha, Neb. 

McDermott, Mrs. Wm. J Brooklyn, N. Y. 

McDonald, Rev. E.J Midland, Mich. 

McDonald, J. Carlisle St. Louis, Mo. 

McDonough, James M., Rev Cleveland, Ohio 

McEnerney, Garret W San Francisco, Cal. 

McEvoy, Rev. Chas. F Syracuse, N. Y. 

McFall, Rev. H. T Philadelphia, Pa. 

McFarland, Mrs. R. E Cceur D'Alene, Idaho 

McFarland, Thos Philadelphia, Pa. 

McGinley, Conde Chickasha, Okla. 

McGinn, Albert Council BluBs, Iowa 

McGiim, Rev. J. J., C.S.R St. Louis, Mo. 

McGlogan, CorneUus C Detroit, Mich. 

McGowan, John F Scranton, Pa. 

McGrath, Frank J Rochester, N. Y. 

McKinney, Rev. Geo. V., CM Baltimore, Md. 

McLamey, James J New York City, N. Y. 

McLaughlin, James J Johnson City, T?eim. 

McLaughlin, P. J St. Paul, Minn. 

McLaughlin, W. A Ann Arbor, Mich. 

McLees, William H City Line, Brooklyn, N.Y. 

McLoughlin, Kate A Worcester, Mass. 

McLougblin, Rev. Thos., S.J Worcester, Mass. 

McMahon, Rev. Jos. H New York City, N. Y. 

McManus, F. D Providence, R. I. 

McManus, Rev. F. P Council Bluffs, Iowa 

McNabb, Patrick J New York City, N. Y. 

McNammee, William P Chicago, 111. 

McNemey, Rev. M. J Emmetsburg, Iowa 

McNerney, Miss M. T Paterson, N. J. 

McNulty, Wm. A Pittsburgh, Pa. 

McPartland, John E New Haven, Conn. 

McPherson, C. W Hazelhurst, 111. 

McSweeney, Rev. James L Hockessin, Del. 

MacDonald, Alex G Seattle, Washington 

MacDonnell, Rev. James Tomkins Cove, N. Y. 

MacMillan, Hugh A Gaylord, Mich. 

Maciejewski, Rev. Alex F South River, N. J. 

Mackie, Geo. Barclay Bayonne, N. J. 

Madigan, Jerry J Ottawa, 111. 

Madison Council No. 531, K. of C Madison, Wis. 

Magosch, Miss Antonia New York City, N. Y. 

Maher, John J Hartford, Conn. 

Mahoney, Dr. Michael P Providence, R. I. 

Mahony, Charles F Dorchester, Mass. 

Mainville, Rev. A Chebanse, 111. 

Maladey, Rev. D. J Pittsburgh, Pa. 

Malone, James E Portland, Me. 

Manion, J. R Tulsa, Okla'. 

Margaret, Mother Emmitsburg, Md. 

Margaret, Sister Hastmgs, Neb. 

Markey, Joseph E Wyandotte, Mich. 

Marquette Reading Circle Shreveport, La. 

Martin, Rev. Charles Alfred, LL.D .... Youngstown, Ohio 

Martin, Paul L Omaha, Neb. 

Mary Bernardino, Sister Cedar Rapids, Iowa 

Mary de Sales, Sister Chicago, 111. 

Masterson, John J., M.D Brooklyn, N. Y. 

Maurus, Edward J Notre Dame, Ind. 

Meade, Rev. Denis P Philipsburg, Mont. 

Meadville Theological School Meadville, Pa. 

Meehan, David C Columbus, Ohio 

Meehan, Rev. James E East Douglas, Mass. 

Meehan, James H., M.D Niagara Falls, N. Y. 

Melick, Rev. Edward J Marcellus, N. Y. 

Mendes, Peter C New York City, N. Y. 

Merkle, Rev. Carl J Newport, Ky. 

Merlehan, Joseph P Woodcliff-on-Hudson, 


Meter, Edward G Reading, Pa. 

Metz, Rev. Augustine, O.F.M Osceola, Ark. 

Michel, Rev. Geo Philadelphia, Pa. 

Micbels, Nicholas A St. Paul, Minn. 

Mink, Leonard J Colorado Springs, Colo. 

Moline Gazette Pub. Co Moline, HI. 

Moloney, James L Hudson, Mich. 

Molony, Rev. T. P Lexington, Neb. 

Monjo, D. M Newark, N. J. 

Monnig, A. J Detroit, Mich. 

Moog, Rev. J. P Ribera, New Mexico 

Mooney, M. P Cleveland, Ohio 

Moore, Fred T Yakima, Washington 

Moore, John W Richmond, Va. 

Moran, William J Lockport, N. Y. 

Morgan, Wallace Rushville, Ind. 

Morony, Dennis Mt. Pleasant, Iowa 

Moses, Lieut. L. W Camp Funston, Kansas 

Muldoon, Rt. Rev. P. J Rockford, 111. 

Mulhall, J. P Utica, N. Y. 

Mulhane, Rev. L. W Mt. Vernon, Ohio 

Mulhearn, Rev. C. A Martin's Ferry, Ohio 

MuUany, Thos San Francisco, Cal. 

Mullen, John K Denver, Colo. 

Mullin, John B., Rev Cambridge, Mass. 

Mulloy, Katherine Chicago, 111. 

Multerer, Rev. W La Crosse, Wis. 

Mumm, William M Columbus, Ohio 

Munn, Charles R Carbondale, Pa. 

Mum, Rev. Anslem, O.F.M S. Bethlehem, Pa. 

Murphy, Rev. Ambrose La Crosse, Wis. 

Murphy, Mrs. Ethel Newport, R. I. 

Murphy, L. F Winnebago, Wis. 

Murphy, Michael J West Chester, Pa. 

Mutch, Rev. F. Jos Lagro, Ind. 

Nash, Jas., Rev Philadelphia, Pa. 

Naughtin, Rev. J. M Racine, Wis. 

Neubrand, Wm. A St. Joseph, Mich. 

Nevin, Rev . W. A., San Miguel, Cal. 

New Britain Institute New Britain, Conn. 

Newman, P. J Birmingham, Ala. 

Nickol, Bro. John B., S.M Brooklyn, N. Y. 

Niederpruem, Rev. C. T Claflin Kan. 

Niland, M. S Lockport, N. Y. 

Nolan, James C St. Paul, Minn. 

Nolan, William L Winthrop, Mass. 

Norris, T. J Derby Lane, Vt. 

North Adams Public Library North Adams, Mass. 

Nothofer, Rev. M. P Alexandria, La. 

Nourie, Walter J Kankakee, 111. 

Novitiate of St. Andrew-on-Hudson . . . Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 

Nowak, Matthias G Milwaukee, Wis. 

Nugent, Rev. Wm. J Clinton, Mass. 

Niman, Rev. Jas., D.D Fernandina, Fla. 

O'Beime, Rev. Jos Sanborn, N. D. 

Oberlander, F. E New York City, N. Y. 

Oblate Fathers Brownsville, Texas 

O'Boylan, Rev. B. M Newark, Ohio 

O'Brien, Daniel E Manchester, Mass. 

O'Brien, Dennis J Pittsburgh, Pa. 

O'Brien, Rev. D. P Chicago, 111. 

O'Brien, Miss Elizabeth B Indianapolis, Ind. 

O'Brien, George Harrison Brooklyn, N. Y. 

O'Brien, John Akron, Ohio 

O'Brien, Miss Mary Winona, Minn. 

O'Brien, Thomas Pawtucket, R. I. 

O'Brien, Rev. H. Vincent Odell, HI. 

O'Brien, Rev. Wm. T. A Brighton, Mass. 

O'Callaghan, Rev. W. J Littlestown, Pa. 

Ochsenreiter, L. G Webster, So. Dakota 

O'Connell, James New York City, N.Y. 

O'Connor, John P St. Paul, Minn. 

O'Connor, M. J St. Louis, Mo. 

O'Connor, Thos. J Holyoke, Mass. 

O'Dormell, Charles V Boonton, N. J. 

O'Donnell, James Brooklyn, N. Y. 

Odilia, Sister M Albany, N. Y. 

O'Dwyer, John A Toledo, Ohio 

O'Dwyer, Rev. John F., A.M.Ph.B Frankfort, Ky. 

O'Haines, Chas. O., C.E Norfolk, Va. 

O'Hara, Frank Washington, D. 0. 

Ohleyer, John G Indianapolis, Ind. 

O'Kane, Francis Philadelphia, Pa. 

O'Kane, John Van Buren, Ark. 

Okie, Chas Jonesboro, Ark. 

O'Leary, Miss Elizabeth Nassau Co., N. Y. 

O'Loughlin, Rev. P. L., D.D Lincoln, Neb. 

O'Moore, Rev. Arthur Patrick Kellogg, Minn. 

Onate, Rev. M., C.M.F San Marco, Texas 

O'Neil, Rev. Edward A Pittsburgh, Pa. 

O'Neill, Rev. C. P Rock Island, 111. 

O'Neill, James Philadelphia, Pa. 

O'Regan, Rev. J. Beechinor Cincinnati, Ohio 

O'Reilly, Rev. Bernard Manson, Calhoun Co.. la. 

O'Reilly, Rev. Bernard X St. Louis, Mo. 

O'Reilly, Rt. Rev. Mgr. Thos.,D.D.,V.G.Cleveland, Ohio 

O'Riordan, Rev. Jas. J Sanf ord, Fla. 

O'Sullivan, Rev. Daniel, S.J Selma, Ala. 

O'SulIivan, Malcolm M Toledo, Ohio 

Otis Library Norwich, Conn. 

Otott, Rev. O., O.S.B Atchinson, Kansas 


Otten, Rev. John, C.S.Sp Sharpsburg, Pa. 

Owens, Rev. John M Merrill, Wis. 

Pacific Unitarian School Berkeley, Cal. 

Panik, Rev. Stephen J Torrington, Conn. 

Parkinson, John Bronx, N. Y. 

Patricia, Mother Greenville, S. C. 

Payne, Rev. R Raywick, Ky. 

Peacock, James Blackfoot, Idaho 

Peel, Rev. Father J. W Fillmore, N. Y. 

Peil, Rev. Wm. J Manitowac, Wis. 

Pellerin, George W Littletown, N. H. 

Peloquin, Rev. Z., M.S.C Watertown, N. Y. 

Peloso, Frank S Port Huron, Mich. 

Peterson, Rt. Rev. John B Brighton, Mass. 

Petkus, Rev. N. J Brooklyn, N. Y. 

Peugnet, Ramsay Bronxville, N. Y. 

Phelan, Rev. Patrick J Pueblo, Colo. 

Phelan, Mr. W. A Boonton, N. J. 

Piechocki, Rev. Paul W Union City, Conn. 

Pierce, Ed Sheldon. N. Dakota 

Pierce, Mrs. Frank Albany, N. Y. 

Pirath, Lee T Tacoma, Washington 

Plamandon, Rev. L. G Cincinnati, Ohio 

Plaznik, Rev. John Joliet, 111. 

Plouf, Felix F Minneapolis, Minn. 

Polycarpa, Mother St. Joseph's, N. Y. 

Poniatishin, Rev. Peter Newark, N. J. 

Portland Public Library Portland, Me. 

Price, Richard Jackson, Mich. 

Princeton University Library Princeton, N. J. 

Public Library Detroit, Mich. 

Public Library Spokane, Washington 

Public Library Hoboken, N. J. 

Pustet Co., Inc., Fr New York City, N. Y. 

Queen, R, E San Francisco, Cal. 

Quigley, Dr. F. Leo Wallace, Idaho 

Quilter, Patrick J Binghamton, N. Y. 

Quinlon, Winifred B Randolph, N. Y. 

Quinn, John A Lowell, Mass. 

Quinn, Robert New York City, N. Y. 

Raczaszek, Rev. P., S.T.L Lublin, Wis. 

Ragan, Bernard Augustine Kansas City, Mo. 

Rainer, Rt. Rev. Mgr. J., V.G St. Francis, Wis. 

Rath, Matthew New York City, N. Y. 

Raymond, Brother St. Louis, Mo. 

Reavy, Chas. F Jericho, Vt. 

Reddin, John H Denver, Colo. 

Reddy, Michael Harper, Kansas 

Redemptorist Fathers New York City, N. Y. 

Redemptorist Fathers Portland, Oregon 

Redemptorist Fathers Coeur D'Alene, Idaho 

Redemptorist Fathers Oconomowoc, Wis. 

Redman, A. W Los Angeles, Cal. 

Redmond, J. Henry Lumberton, N. C. 

Reilly, Thos. E Lansford, N. Dakota 

Reiner, John S Chicago, 111. 

Reisch, Albert Springfield, HI. 

Renmert, Edward Fort Wayne, Ind. 

Renner, William A St. Cloud, Minn. 

Ready, M. H Indianapolis, Ind. 

Reyes, J. C Tucson, Arizona 

Rigler, Rev. P. M Glenshaw, Pa. 

Riley, Rev. Maurice A Cleveland, Ohio 

Riordan, M. J Flagstaff, Arizona 

Riordan, Rev. Michael J Preston, Minn. 

Rios, Jose Jesus, D.D., J.C.D., Ph.D. .San Antonio, Texas 

Roche, M.J Youngstown, Ohio 

Roche, Rev. Robert James Milwaukee, Wis. 

Roche, Rev. Thos. A Asbury Park, N. J. 

RockweU, Rev. Wm. W New York City, N. Y. 

Rodgers, Rollin W Texarkana, Texas 

Rodgers, Mrs. Tom Dennison, Texas 

Rogers, Miss Mary F Philadelphia, Pa. 

Rohe, Clifford A Los Angeles, CaJ. 

Rolbiecki, Rev. J. J Mosinee, Wis. 

Ronan, Very Rev. Edwin, C.P Louisville, Ky. 

Rorke, John W Boston, Mass. 

Rosner, Wm. J Rochester, N. Y. 

Rouchel, Anna L,, M.D Croghan, N. Y. 

Rourke, William J Reading, Pa. 

Rumpelhardt, Rev. Chas Potosi, Wis. 

Ryan, Rev. John M., S.T.L., Ph.D Winona, Minn. 

Ryan, Rev. Lawrence F St. Paul, Minn. 

Ryan, Miss Mary C Mt. Pleasant, Mich. 

Ryan, Rev. T. E Harrisville, R. I. 

Sacred Heart School, Sister Andre Cor- 
sini Oakland, Cal. 

Saino, Rev. Angelo Bufifalo, N. Y. 

St. Martin's Abbey Lacey, Washington 

St. Mary's College, Mother M. Pauline, 

President Notre Dame, Ind. 

St. Mary's School Cleveland, Ohio 

St. Mary's Seminary Library Baltimore, Md. 

St. Michael's Passionist Monastery West Hoboken, N. J. 

St. Patrick's Congregation Elroy, Wis. 

St. Rose Convent La Crosse, Wis. 

Sala, Rev. Thomas Coney Island, N. Y. 

Salbreiter, Rev. B St. Francis, Wis. 

Salem Public Library Salem, Mass. 

Salesian Fathers^ San Francisco, Cal. 

Salles, John Murray, M.D New Bedford, Mass. 

Sammon, James Brooklyn, N. Y. 

Santandreu, Rev. Antonio San Francisco, Cal. 

Savage, Elmer S Ithaca, N. Y. 

Scallon, Wm Helena, Mont. 

Schappart, Rev. Cari F., S.S.J Biloxi, Miss. 

Schauf, Rev. J. A Pilot Point, Texas 

Scheel, J. O., M.D Hamilton, Ohio 

Scheid, Rev. Ferdinand PerkinsviUe, N. Y. 

Schenck, Rev. Richard A Jamaica, N. Y. 

Schmid, John W Chicago, 111. 

Schmidt, Rev. Leo B Cohoes, N. Y. 

Schmitt, Conrad Milwaukee, Wis. 

Schneider, Rev. Francis X East Bristol, Wis. 

Schnitzler, Joseph Mt. Pleasant, Mich. 

Schnuttgen, Rev. Ferd Hartington, Neb. 

Schoeneberger, F. J Perhann, Minn. 

Schreck, Victor G Savannah, Ga. 

Schreiner, F. C. L Orange, N. J. 

Schubert, A. H La Crosse, Wis. 

Schuler, Rt. Rev. Anthony, S.J EI Paso, Texas 

Schulte, Rev. A. J Overbrook, Pa. 

Scollin, Anna E Danbury, Conn. 

Scottdale Free Public Library Scottdale, Pa. 

Scranton Public Library Scranton, Pa. 

Scully, Dennis Austin, Nevada 

Seattle College Seattle, Washington 

Seimetz, Rev. John A Catasauqua, Pa. 

Sellers, Arthur W Brooklyn, N. Y. 

SeUinger, John M Ithaca, N. Y. 

Seraphine, Sister M Akron, Ohio 

Serra, Rev. Antonio Santa Barbara, Cal. 

Seubert, Chas. J Chicago, 111. 

Shea, James F Indian Orchard, Mass. 

Sheehan, James J Peabody, Mass. 

Sheerin, Mrs. Mary D Indianapolis, Ind. 

Shepley, Felix R Massillon, Ohio 

Sheppard, Rt. Rev. Mgr. J. A Jersey City. 

Sheridan, Rev. Joseph M Albany, Ala. 

Shields, George C Mansfield, Mass. 

Shields, H. G Flemington, N. J. 

Shields, L. E St. Paul, Minn. 

Shuts, John Henry Columbia City, Ind. 

Simmer, Joseph N Grand Forks, N, Dakota 

Simmons, Leo B Richfield Springs, N. Y. 

Simon, Rev. M.J Oriska, N. Dakota 

Sisters of Charity Chicago, 111. 

Sisters of Charity Paterson, N. J. 

Sisters of Charity Butte, Mont. 

Sisters of Holy Cross St. Albans, Vt. 

Sisters of the Holy Names San Francisco, Cal. 

Sisters of Loretto Rockford, Dl. 

Sisters of Loretto Springfield, Mo. 

Sisters of Mercy Milf ord, Coim. 

Sisters of Mercy Cadillac, Mich. 

Sisters of Mercy Philadelphia, Pa. 

Sisters of Notre Dame Hamilton, Ohio 

Sisters of Notre Dame Fremont, Ohio 

Sisters of Notre Dame So. Boston, Mass. 

Sisters of Notre Dame West Lynn, Mass. 

Sisters of St. Francis Chickasha, Ohio 

Sisters of St. Joseph Philadelphia, Pa. 

Sisters of St. Joseph Fargo, N. Dakota 

Sisters of St. Joseph Jacksonville, Fla. 

Sisters of St. Joseph Amsterdam, N. Y. 

Sisters of St. Joseph Brooklyn, N. Y. 

Sisters of St. Joseph Marquette, Mich. 

Sisters of St. Joseph Rochester, N. Y. 

Sisters of St. Joseph Lebanon, Pa. 

Sisters of St. Mary of Namur Buffalo, N. Y. . 

Sisters of the Visitation St. Louis, Mo. 

Sisters of the Visitation Rock Island, 111. 

Sisters of the Visitation Wilmington, Del. 

Skelley, Louis F Granger, Texas 

Slominski, Francis J Minto, N. Dakota 

Smet, Rev. Louis, S.T.L Alexandria, Va. 

Smith, Rev. Chas. A Newark, N. J. 

Smith, Rev. James L Rockville, Conn. 

Smith, J. Mark Chelsea, Mass. 

Solon, Rev. J. A De Kalb, Dl. 

Southern Baptist Theological Seminary . Louisville, Ky. 

Steiner, Thos., C.S.C Notre Dame, Ind, 

Stickel, Wm. M Rochester, N. Y. 

Stipe, J. H Ravinia, 111. 

Stokes, Rev. James San Francisco, Cal. 

Strauss, Rev. Edward J., O.M.I Washington, D. C. 

Stueve, C. A Wapakoneta, Ohio 

Suing, F. J Fordyce, Neb. 

Sullivan, Daniel G Watertown, Conn. 

Sullivan, John C Passaic, N. J. 

Sullivan, John J Seattle, Washington 

Sullivan, Rev. M. C Dubuque, Iowa 

Sullivan, Michael J New London, Conn. 

Sullivan, Wm. Bernard Gas City, Ind. 

Sweeney, T.J Lawrence, Kansas. 

Swick, Jos. M. A Flushing, N. Y. 

Synan, Miss Mary A Pittsfield, Mass. 

Synnott, Rev. Joseph Ansonia, Conn. 

Tauf en, Rev. P. J Pomery, Washington 

Teithfuss, R. L Chattanooga, Tenn. 

Terry, Chas. D Pittsburgh, Pa. 


Theatine Fathers Durango, Colo. 

Therriault, Patrick Lille, Maine 

Thesing, Dr. J. H Cincinnati, Ohio 

Thompson, Patrick H Arlington, Vt. 

Thornton, John S., T.S.A New York City, N. Y. 

Tihen, Rt. Rev. J. H Denver, Colo. 

Tobin, James Augusta, Ga. 

Tobin, John J Jamaica Plain, Mass. 

Tobin, Rt. Rev. Mgr. Thos. V Little Rock, Ark. 

Tooley, Francis Lawrence New York City, N. Y . 

Tracy, Rev. Henry P '. . , Livingston Manor, N. Y. 

Tracy, Rev. Joseph V Boston, Mass. 

Treunet, Rev. Gustave Anacortes, Washington 

Truman, James E Port Henry, N. Y. 

Tucker, Wm. G., Jr New York City, N. Y. 

Tuskoetter, F Rivera, Cal. 

Twohey, John Jos., M.D Buffalo, N. Y. 

Undeck, John P Germantown, Phila., Pa. 

Vaitukaitis, Rev. Francis J Chamberlain, So. Dak. 

Valente, Victor, D.D.S Buffalo, N. Y. 

Van Deventer, H. R Sumter, S. C. 

Van Durme, Rev. Victor Stillwater, Okla. 

Van Roth, Rev. Gabriel Westfield, Mass. 

Veazey, O. A Pratt, W. Va. 

Vick, John Aloysius Little Rock, Ark. 

Vieira, Rev. Antonio Pacheco New Bedford, Mass. 

Villars, Edward Carthage, N. Y. 

Vincent Marie, Sister Leavenworth, Kansas 

Virginia State Library Richmond, Va. 

Visitation Convent St. Paul, Minn. 

VoUebregt, Rev. F Saint Maries, Idaho 

Voss, Dr. F. J Philadelphia, Pa. 

Wagner, L. Cable Sidney, Ohio 

Wagner, Louis R Sidney, Ohio 

Walcher, Rev. James St. Cloud, Minn. 

Walker, Rev. Geo. S., O.S.A ViUanova, Pa. 

Walsh, Rev. Chas. L Malvern, Ohio 

Walsh, Alexander No. Westport, Mass. 

Walsh, Rev. Geo. J., Chancellor Sioux Falls, So. Dakota 

Walter, Very Rev. Fr., O.S.B Pueblo, Colo. 

Ward, Cyril B Crafton, Pa. 

Ward, Rev. Henry Trenton, N. J. 

Wardein, Rev. John B Meppen, Calhoun Co., 111. 

Warren, Rev. C. J., C.SS.R Annapolis, Md. 

Waschbusch, Miss Margaret Chicago, lU. 

Weber, L. B Anaheim, Cal. 

Weigand, Rev. Jos. A Steubenville, Ohio 

Weirick, Allen E '. . . Columbus, Ohio 

Wessling, Rev. B. H Donnelly, Minn. 

Wey, John & Son Cleveland, Ohio 

Weymouth, F. E Denver, Colo. 

Whalen, T. F Pittsburgh, Pa. 

Whelan, Rev. John J., O.M.I Del Rio, Texas 

Whelen, Sister M.Helena Rensselaer, N. Y. 

White, John J Bozeman, Mont. 

White, Dr. Jos. A Richmond, Va. 

Wicke, Rev. A. C Corydon, Ind. 

Wielebmski, Rev. J. M Albany, N. Y. 

Wiggins, Henry P Portsmouth, Ohio 

Wigman, J. H. M Green Bay, Wis. 

Wilhe, C. F Chicago, Dl. 

Willis, Jos. H Roxbury, Mass. 

Wilson, S. J McComb, Miss. 

Wilson, W. J., Jr Newcastle, Cal. 

Winchester, John S Cleveland, Ohio 

Wingert, Jos Milf ord, Iowa 

Wittak, Francis G Milwaukee, Wis. 

Wobum Public Library Wobiun, N. Y. 

Wolf, Very Rev. W Grand Island, Neb. 

Worley, M. D.', W.H Nodaway, Iowa 

Xavier Pub. Society for BUnd New York City, N. Y. 

Yakel, John A Baltimore, Md. 

YUa, Rev. E Santa Paula, Cal. 

Zabel, Very Rev. Francis H Alton, El. 

ZarriUi, Rev. J., D.D., Ph.D Duluth, Mijm. 

Zephiring, Brother Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 

Zinsmeister, Alphonse Los Angeles, Cal. 

Zipf , Miss Anna St. Louis, Mo. 

Zirbes, Rev. Louis N North Lake, Wis. 

Ziskovsky, Rev. A St. Paul, Mirm.