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Full text of "Dio's Rome; an historical narrative originally composed in Greek during the reigns of Septimus Severus, Geta and Caracalla, Macrinus, Elagabalus and Alexander Severus: and now presented in English form"

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lienrg M. Sa^e 


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Cornell University 

The original of this book is in 
the Cornell University Library. 

There are no known copyright restrictions in 
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A.B. (Harvard), Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins), 

Acting^ Professor of Greek in Lehigh University 

Extant Books 61-78 (A. D. B4-SII). 






Book Sixty-one --------- \ 

Book Sixty-two 27 

Book Sixty-three 57 

Book Sixty-four --. §5 

Book Sixty-five 99 

Book Sixty-six 141 

Book Sixty-seven 151 

Book Sixty-eight 177 

Book Sixty-nine 211 

Book Seventy 235 

Book Seventy-one 243 

Book Seventy-two 251 

Book Seventy-three - 277 

Book Seventy-four 305 

Book Seventy-five 325 

Book Seventy-six 351 

Book Seventy-seven 369 




VOL. 5—1 

Nero seizes tlie sovereignty (chapters 1, 2) . 

At the beginning he is accustomed to yield to the influence 
of his mother, whom Seneca and Burrus thrust aside from con- 
trol of affairs (chapter 3) . 

Nero's exhibitions of wantonness and his extravagance: the 
death of Silanus (chapters 4-6). 

Love for Acte: Britannicus slain: discord with Agrippina 
(chapters 7, 8). 

How Nero's mind began to give way (chapter 9) . 

About the faults aad immoralities of the philosopher Seneca 
(chapter 10). 

Sabina an object of love: Agrippina murdered (chapters 

Domitia put to death: festivities: Nero slug^ to the accom- 
paniment of his lyre (chapters 17-21). 


M. Asinius Karcellus, Manius Acilius Aviola. (A. D. 54^ 
a. u. 807 — First of Nero, from Oct. 13th.) 

Nero Caesar Aug., L. Antistius Vetus. (A. D. 65 = a. u. 
808 =1 Second of Nero.) 

ft. Volusius Satuminus, P. Cornelius Scipio. (A. D. 56 = 
a. u. 809 = Third of Nero.) 

Nero Caesar Aug. (11), L. Calpumius Piso. (A. D. 67 = 
a. u. 810 = Fourth of Nero.) 

Nero Caesar Aug. (HI), M. Valerius Messala. (A. D. 58 = 
a, u. 811 = Fifth of Nero.) 

C. Vipsanius Apronianus, I. Fonteius Capito. (A. D. 59 = 
a. u. 812 = Sixth of Nero.) 

Nero Caesar Aug. (IV), Cornelius Lentulus Cossus, (A. D. 
60 = a. u. 813 = Seventh of Nero.) 


At the death of Claudius the leadership on most just ~ ~ 
principles belonged to Britannicus, who had been born {a. «. 807) 
a legitimate son of Claudius and in physical develop- 
ment was beyond what would have been expected of 
his years. Yet by law the power passed to Nero on 
account of his adoption. No claim, indeed, is stronger 
than that of arms. Every one who possesses superior 
force has always the appearance of both saying and 
doing what is more just. So Nero, having first dis- 
posed of Claudius 's will and having succeeded him as 
master of the whole empire, put Britannicus and his 
sisters out of the way. Why, then, should one stop to 
lament the misfortunes of other victims? 

The following signs of dominion had been observed in — , 2 — 
his career. At his birth just before dawn rays not 
cast by any beam of sunlight yet visible surrounded his 
form. And a certain astrologer from this and from 
the motion of the stars at that time and their relation 
to one another divined two things in regard to him, — 
that he would rule and that he would murder his 
mother. Agrippina on hearing this became for the 
moment so beside herself as actually to cry out : "Let 
him kill me, if only he shall rule." Later she was 
destined to repent bitterly of her prayer. Some people 
become so steeped in folly that if they expect to obtain 
some blessing mingled with evil, they at once through 
their anxiety for the advantage pay no heed to the 
detriment. When the time for the latter also comes, 
they are cast down and would choose not to have se- 
cured even the greatest good thing. Yet Domitius, the 



A. D. 54 father of Nero, had a suflBcient previous intimation of 

(a. u. 807) ' ^ . , , 

his son's coming baseness and licentiousness, not by 
any oracle but through the nature of bis own and 
Agrippina's characters. And he declared : " It is im- 
possible for any good man to be bom from me and 
from her." As time went on, the finding of a serpent 
skin around Nero 's neck when be was but a boy caused 
the seers to say: "He shall acquire great power 
from the aged man." Serpents are thought to slough 
off their old age with their old skin, and so get power. 
— 3— Nero was seventeen years of age when be began to 
rule. He first entered the camp, and, after reading to 
the soldiers all that Seneca had written, he promised 
them as much as Claudius had been accustomed to 
give. Before the senate he read such a considerable 
document, — this, too, written by Seneca, — that it was 
voted the statements should be inscribed on a silver 
tablet and should be read every time the new consuls 
took up the duties of their oflSce. Consequently those 
who heard him made themselves ready to enjoy a good 
reign according to the letter of the compilation. At 
first Agrippina [in company with Pallas, a vulgar and 
tiresome man,] managed all affairs pertaining to the 
empire, and she and her son went about together, often 
reclining in the same litter; usually, however, she 
would be carried and he would follow alongside. It 
was she who transacted business with embassies and 
sent letters to peoples and governors and kings. When 
this had gone on for a considerable time, it aroused the 
displeasure of Seneca and Burrus, who were both the 



most sensible and the most influential of the advisers ,^- i>- 64 

(a. u. 807) 

of Nero. The one was his teacher and the other was 
prefect of the Pretorians. They took the following oc- 
casion to stop this method of procedure. An embassy 
of Armenians had arrived and Agrippina wished to 
ascend the platform from which Nero was talking with 
them. The two men, seeing her approach, persuaded 
the young man to go down before she could reach there 
and meet his mother, pretending some form of greet- 
ing. After that was done they did not return again, 
making some excuse to prevent the foreigners from 
seeing the flaw in the empire. Subsequently they la- 
bored to keep any public business from being again 
committed to her hands. 

When they had accomplished this, they themselves 
took charge of the entire empire and gave it the very 
best and fairest management that they could. Nero 
was not in general fond of affairs and was glad to 
live at leisure. [The reason, indeed, that he had previ- 
ously distrusted his mother and now was fond of her 
lay in the fact that now he was free to enjoy himself, 
and the government was being carried on no less well. 
And his advisers after consultation made many 
changes in existing customs, abolishing some things 
altogether and passing a number of new laws.] They 
let Nero sow his wild oats with the intention of bring- 
ing about in him through the satisfaction of all his de- 
sires a changed attitude of mind, while in the mean- 
time no great damage should be done to public inter- 
ests. Surely they must have known that a young and 


-4 — 


,^' ^' oLs self-willed spirit, when r^red in unreproved license 

(a. u. 807) ir- > r ^ ^ 

and in absolute authority, so far from becoming sati- 
ated by the indulgence of its passions is ruined more 
and more by these very agencies. Indeed, Nero at first 
gave but simple dinners; his revels, his drunkenness, 
his amours were moderate. Afterward, as no one re- 
proved him for them and public business was carried 
forward none the worse for all of it, he began to be- 
lieve that what he did was right and that he could carry 
his practices to even greater lengths. [Consequently 
he began to indulge in each of these pursuits in a more 
open and precipitate fashion. And in case his guar- 
dians gave him any warning or his mother any rebuke, 
he would appear abashed while they were present and 
promise to reform ; but as soon as they were gone, he 
would again become the slave of his desire and yield 
to those who were dragging him in the other direction, 
— a straight course down hill.] Next he came to de- 
spise instruction, inasmuch as he was always hearing 
from his associates, " Do you submit to this? " or " Do 
1/ou fear these people? ", '' Don't you know that you 
are Caesar? ", '' Have not you the authority over them 
rather than they over you? " He was also animated 
by obstinacy, not wishing to acknowledge his mother 
as superior and himself as inferior, nor to admit the 
greater good sense of Seneca and Burrus. 
— 5— Finally he passed the possibility of being shamed, 
dashed to the ground and trampled under foot all their 
suggestions, and began to follow in the steps of Gaius. 
."When he had once felt a desire to emulate him, he quite 



outdid him, for he believed that the imperial power ,-^- ^- 54 

^ ^ (o. M. 807) 

must manifest itself among other ways by allowing 
no one to surpass it even in the vilest deeds. [As he 
was praised for this by the crowds, and received many 
pleasant compliments from them, he gave himself no 
rest. His doings were at first confined to his home and 
associates, but were later on carried abroad. Thus he 
attached a mighty disgrace to the whole Roman race 
and committed many outrages upon the individuals 
composing it. Innumerable acts of violence and insult, 
of rape and murder, were committed both by the em- 
peror himself and by those who at one time or another 
had influence with him. And, as certainly and inevi- 
tably follows in all such practices], great sums of 
money naturally were spent, great sums unjustly pro- 
cured, and great sums seized by force. For under no 
circumstances was Nero niggardly. Here is an illus- 
tration. He had ordered no less than two hundred and 
fifty myriads at one time to be given to Doryphorus, 
who attended to the state documents of his empire. 
Agrippina had it all piled in a heap, hoping by show- 
ing him the money all together to make him change his 
mind. Instead, he asked how much the mass before 
him amounted to, and when he was informed he 
doubled it, saying: " I was not aware that I had al- 
lowed him so little." It can clearly be seen, then, that 
as a result of the magnitude of his expenditures he 
would quickly exhaust the treasures in the royal vaults 
and quickly need new revenues. Hence unusual taxes 
were imposed and the property of the well-to-do was 


— 6 — 


(t u' 807) "°* ^®^* intact. Some lost their possessions to spite 
him and others destroyed themselves with their liveli- 
hoods. Similarly he hated and made away with some 
others who had no considerable wealth ; for, if they pos- 
sessed any excellent trait or were of a good family, he 
became suspicious that they disliked him. 

Such were the general characteristics of Nero. I 
shall now proceed to details. 

In the matter of horse-races Nero grew so enthusi- 
astic that he adorned famous race-horses that had 
passed their prime with the regular street costume for 
men and honored them with money for their fodder. 
The horsebreeders and charioteers, elated at this en- 
thusiasm of his, proceeded to abuse unjustifiably even 
the praetors and consuls. But Aulus Fabricius, when 
praetor, finding that they refused to hold contests on 
fair terms, dispensed with them entirely. He trained 
dogs to draw chariots and introduced them in place of 
horses. When this was done, the wearers of the white 
and of the red immediately entered their chariots : but, 
as the Greens and the Blues would not even then par- 
ticipate, Nero at his own cost gave the prizes to the 
horses, and the regular program of the circus was 
carried out. 

U Agrippina showed readiness to attack the greatest 
undertakings, as is evidenced by her causing the death 
of Marcus Julius Silanus, to whom she sent some of 
the poison with which she had treacherously murdered 
her husband. 

11 Silanus was governor of Asia, and was in no respect 



inferior to the general character of his family. It was ,^- ^- tL. 

° •' (a. u. 807) 

for this, more than for anything else, she said, that she 
killed him, not wishing to have him preferred before 
Nero, by reason of the latter 's manner of life. More- 
over, she turned everything into trade and gathered 
money from the most insignificant and basest sources. 

U Laelianus, who was despatched to Armenia in place 
of PoUio, had been assigned to the command of the 
night watch. And he was no better than PoUio, for, 
while surpassing him in reputation, he was all the 
more insatiable in respect to gain. 

Agrippina found a grievance in the fact that she aT'd.Ts 
was no longer supreme in affairs of the palace. It was ^"- "• ^"^^ 
chiefly because of Acte. Acte had been brought as a 
slave from Asia. She caught the fancy of Nero, was 
adopted into the family of Attains, and was cherished 
much more carefully than was Nero's wife Octavia. 
Agrippina, indignant at this and at other matters, first 
attempted to rebuke him, and set herself to humiliat- 
ing his associates, some by beatings and by getting rid 
of others. But when she accomplished nothing, she 
took it greatly to heart and remarked to him : "It 
was I who made you emperor, ' ' just as if she had the 
power to take away the authority from him again. She 
did not comprehend that every form of independent 
power given to any one by a private citizen iromedi- 
ately ceases to be the property of the giver and belongs 
to the one who receives it to use against his benefactor. 

Britannious Nero murdered treacherously by poison, 
and then, as the skin was turned livid by the action of 



ia' ^' 808 » *^® drug, lie smeared the body with gypsum. But as it 
was being carried through the Forum a heavy rain 
falling while the gypsum was stiU damp washed it all 
away, so that the horror was exposed not only to com- 
ment but to view. [After Britannicus was dead Seneca 
and Burrus ceased to give careful attention to public 
interests and were satisfied if they might manage them 
conservatively and still preserve their lives. Conse- 
quently Nero now made himself conspicuous by giving 
free rein to all his desires without fear of retribution. 
His behavior began to be absolutely insensate, as is 
shown, for instance, by his punishing a certaia knight, 
Antonius, as a seller of poisons and by further burn- 
ing the poisons publicly. He took great credit for this 
action as well as for prosecuting some persons who 
had tampered with wills ; but other people only laughed 
to see him punishing his own acts in the persons of 
— 8— His secret acts of licentiousness were many, both at 
home and throughout the City, by night and by day. 
He used to frequent the taverns and wandered about 
everywhere like a private person. Any number of 
beatings and insults took place in this connection and 
the evil spread to the theatres, so that those who 
worked as dancers and who had charge of the horses 
paid no attention either to praetors or to consuls. 
They were disorderly themselves and led others to be 
the same, while Nero not only did not restrain them 
even by words, but stirred them up all the more. He 
delighted in their actions and used to be secretly con- 



veyed in a litter into the theatres, where unseen by the 
rest he watched the proceedings. Indeed, he forbade 
the soldiers who had usually been in attendance at all 
public gatherings to appear there any longer. The 
reason he assigned was that they ought not to super- 
intend anything but strictly military affairs, but his 
true purpose was to afford those who wished to raise 
a disturbance the amplest scope. He made use of the 
same excuse in reference to his not allowing any 
soldier to attend his mother, saying that no one except 
the emperor ought to be guarded by them. In this 
way he displayed his enmity toward the masses,] and 
as for his mother he was already openly at variance 
with her. Everything that they said to each other, 
or that the imperial pair did each day, was reported 
outside the palace, yet it did not all reach the public 
and hence conjectures were made to supply missing 
details and different versions arose. What was con- 
ceivable as happening, in view of the baseness and 
lewdness of the pair, was noised abroad as having 
already taken place, and reports possessing some credi- 
bility were believed as true. The populace, seeing 
Agrippina now for the first time without Pretorians, 
took care not to fall in with her even by accident ; and 
if any one did chance to meet her he would hastily get 
out of the way without saying a word. 

At one spectacle men on horseback overcame bulls 
while riding along beside them, and the knights who 
served as Nero's personal guard brought down with 
their javelins four hundred bears and three hundred 


A. D. 55 

(o. u. 808) 

— 9- 


(a.' ^'io8) lions. On the same occasion thirty knights belonging 
to the military fought in the arena. The emperor 
sanctioned such proceedings openly. Secretly, how- 
ever, he carried on nocturnal revels throughout the 
length and breadth of the city, insulting the women, 
practicing lewdness on boys, stripping those whom he 
encountered, striking, wotmding, murdering. He had 
an idea that his incognito was impenetrable, for he 
used all sorts of different costumes and false hair at 
different times: but he would be recognized by his 
retinue and by his deeds. No one else would have 
dared to commit so many and such gross outrages so 
recklessly. It was becoming unsafe even for a person 
A. D. 56 to stay at home, since he would break into shops and 

(o. u. 809) , , , , 

houses. It came about that a certain Julius Montanas,* 
a senator, enraged on his wife's account, fell upon this 
reveler and inflicted many blows upon him, so that he 
had to remain several days in concealment by reason 
of the black eyes he had received. Montanus did not 
suffer for it, since Nero thought the violence had been 
all an accident and was for showing no anger at the 
occurrence, had not the other sent him a letter begging 
his pardon. Nero on reading the epistle remarked: 
" So he knew that he was striking Nero." The suicide 
of Montanus followed hard after. 
A. D. 57 ^ *^® course of producing a spectacle at one of the 
(o. «. 810) theatres, he suddenly filled the place with sea-water so 

1 C. luUus Montcmis 0. F. (Cp. Suetonius, Life of Nero, chapter 60.) 



that the fishes and sea-monsters^ swam in it, and had a ,^- ^- ^,L 

' (a. u. 810) 

naval battle between " Persians " and " Athenians." 
At the close of it he suddenly withdrew the water, 
dried the subsoil, and continued land contests, not only 
between two men at a time but with crowds pitted 
against other crowds. 

Subsequent to this, oratorical contests took place, r~J5*"^ 
and as a result even of these numbers were exiled and (»• «■ sii) 
put to death. — Seneca also was held to account, one of 
the charges against him being that he was intimate 
with Agrippina. [It had not been enough for him to 
debauch Julia, nor had he become better as a result 
of exile, but he went on to make advances to such a 
woman as Agrippina, with such a son.] Not only in 
this instance but in others he was convicted of doing 
precisely the opposite of what he taught ia his philo- 
sophical doctrines. He brought accusations against 
tyranny, yet he made himself a teacher of tyrants : he 
denounced such of his associates as were powerful, 
yet he did not hold aloof from the palace himself: he 
had nothing good to say of flatterers, yet he had so 
fawned upon Messalina and Claudius's freedmen [that 
he had sent them from the island a book containing 
eulogies upon them; this latter caused him such morti- 
fication that he erased the passage.] While finding 
fault with the rich, he himself possessed a property 
of seven thousand five hundred myriads; and though 

1 zTiyVij of the MSS. was changed to xtjttj on the conjecture of 
Sylburgius, who was followed by Bekker, Dindorf, and Boissevain. 
(Compare also Suetonius, Life of Kero, chapter 12.) 



A. D. 58 }jg censured the extravagances of others, he kept five 

{a. M. 811) ° 

hundred three-legged tables of cedar wood, every one 
of them with identical ivory feet, and he gave banquets 
on them. In mentioning these details I have at least 
given a hint of their inevitable adjuncts, — the licen- 
tiousness in which he indulged at the very time that 
he made a most brilliant marriage, and the delight 
that he took in boys past their prime (a practice which 
he also taught Nero to follow) . Nevertheless, his aus- 
terity of life had earlier been so severe that he had 
asked his pupil neither to kiss him nor to eat at the 
same table with him. [For the latter request he had a 
good reason, namely, that Nero's absence would enable 
him to conduct his philosophical studies at leisure with- 
out being hindered by the young man 's dinners. But as 
for the kiss, I can not conceive how that tradition came 
about. The only explanation which one could imagine, 
namely, his unwillingness to kiss that sort of mouth, 
is proved to be false by the facts concerning his favor- 
ites. For this and for his adultery some complaints 
were lodged against him, but at this time he was him- 
self released without formal accusations and succeeded 
in begging off Pallas and Burrus. Later on he did 
not come out so well.] 



There was a certain Marcus Salvius Otho, who — ii — 
through similarity of character and sharing in wrong- (a.'u. 8ii) 
doing had become so intimate with Nero that he was 
not even punished for saying one day to the latter: 
' ' Then I hope you may see me Caesar. ' ' All that came 
of it was the response: " I sha'n't see you even con- 
sul." It was to him that the emperor gave Sabina, of 
patrician family, after separating her from her hus- 
band, and they both enjoyed her together. Agrippina, 
therefore, fearing that Nero would marry the woman 
(for he was now beginning to entertain a mad passion 
for her), ventured upon a most unholy course. As if 
it were not enough for her story that she had attracted 
her uncle Claudius into love for her by her blandish- 
ments and uncontrolled looks and kisses, she under- 
took to enslave Nero also in similar fashion. How- 
ever, I am not sure whether this actually occurred, or 
whether it was invented to fit their characters : but I 
state here what is admitted by all, that Nero had a 
mistress resembling Agrippina of whom he was es- 
pecially fond because of this very resemblance. And 
when he toyed with the girl herself or threw out hints 
about it to others, he would say that he was having in- 
tercourse with his mother. 

Sabina on hearing about this began to persuade a. d. 59 

(o. «. 812) 

Nero to get rid of his mother in order to forestall her 



t^' ^'ii2) ^llfiged plots against him. He was likewise incited, — 
so many trustwortliy men have stated, — by Seneca, 
whether it was to obscure the complaint against his 
own name that the latter was anxious or to lead Nero 
on to a career of unholy bloodguiltiness that should 
bring about most speedily his destruction by gods and 
men. But they shrank from doing the deed openly and 
were not able to put her out of the way secretly by 
means of poison, for she took extreme precautions 
against all such things. One day they saw in the 
theatre a ship that automatically separated in two, 
let out some beasts, and came together again so as to 
be once more seaworthy; and they at once had another 
one built like it. By the time the ship was finished 
Agripptna had been quite won over by Nero's atten- 
tions, for he exhibited devotion to her in every way 
to make sure that she should suspect nothing and be 
off her guard. He dared, however, do nothing in Eome 
for fear the crime should become widely known. Hence 
he went some distance into Campania accompanied by 
his mother, and took a sail on the fatal ship itself, 
which was adorned in the most brilliant fashion to the 
end that she might feel a desire to use the vessel con- 
— 13 — tinually. "When they reached Bauli, he gave for several 
days most costly dinners at which he showed great 
solicitude in entertaining his mother. If she were ab- 
sent he feigned to miss her sorely, and if she were 
present he was lavish of caresses. He bade her ask 
whatever she desired and bestowed many gifts without 
her asking. When he had shaped the situation to this 



extent,* then rising from dinner abont midnight he ^- ^- ^' 

(cE. u. 812) 

embraced her, and straining her to his breast kissed 
her eyes and hands, exclaiming: " Mother, farewell, 
and happiness attend you ! For you I live and because 
of you I rule." He then gave her in charge of Ani- 
cetus, a freedman, supposedly to convey her home on 
the ship that he had prepared. 

But the sea would not endure the tragedy about to 
be enacted on it nor would it submit to assume re- 
sponsibility for the deception wrought by the mon- 
strous contrivance: therefore, though the ship parted 
asunder and Agrippiaa f eU into the water, she did not 
perish. In spite of the fact that it was dark and she 
was full of strong drink and that the sailors used their 
oar blades on her, so much so that they killed Acer- 
ronia PoUa, her fellow voyager, she nevertheless saved 
her life and reached home. Thereupon she affected 
not to realize that it was a plot and let not a word of 
it be known, but sent speedily to her son an account of 
the occurrence with the implication that it had hap- 
pened by accident, and conveyed to him the good newa 
(as she assumed it to be) that she was safe. Nero 
hearing this could not endure the unexpected outcome 
but punished the messenger as savagely as if he had 
come to assassinate him, and at once despatched 
Anicetus with the sailors to make an end of his mother. 
He would not entrust the killing of her to the Pre- 
torians. When she saw them, she knew for what they 
had come, and leaping from her bed tore open her 

1 Adopting Eeiske's conjecture, ^v. 

VOL. 5-2 17 


la' ''''8^i2» '^lot^i^iSj exposing her abdomen, and cried out: 
" Striie here, Anicetus, strike here, for this bore 
— 14— Thus Was Agrippina, daughter of Germanicus, 
grandchild of Agrippa, descendant of Augustus, slain 
by the very son to whom she had given the sovereignty 
and for whoSe sake she had killed her uncle and others. 
Nero when informed that she was dead would not be- 
lieve it, for the inonstrousness of his bold deed plunged 
him in doubts ; therefore he desired to behold the vic- 
tim with his own eyes. So he laid bare her body, 
looked her all over and inspected her wounds, finally 
uttering a remark fai* more abominable even than the 
crime. "What he said was : "I did not know I had so 
beautiful a mother." 

To the Pretorians he gave money evidently to se- 
cure their prayers for many such occurrences, and 
he sent to the senate a message in which he enumer- 
ated the offences of which he knew she was guilty, 
stating also that she had plotted against him and on 
being detected had committed suicide. Yet for all this 
calm explanation to the governing body he was fre- 
quently subject to agitation at night, so that he would 
even leap suddenly from his bed. And by day terror 
seized him at the sound of trumpets that seemed to 
blare forth some horrid din of war from the spot 
where lay Agrippina 's bones. Therefore he went else- 
where. And when in his new abode he had again the 
same experience, he distractedly transferred his resi- 
dence to some other place. 



If Nero, not having a word of truth from any one and -7 <") ~ 
seeing that all approved what he had been doing, (»• «• 812), 
thought that either his actions had escaped notice or 
that he had conducted himself correctly. Hence he be- 
came much worse also in other respects. He came to 
think that all that it was in his power to do was right 
and gave heed to those whose speech was prompted by 
fear or flattery as if they told absolute truth. For a 
time he was subject to fears and questionings, but, 
after the ambassadors had made him a number of 
pleasing speeches, he regained courage. 

The population of Eome, on hearing the report, — i" — 
though horrified were nevertheless joyful, because they 
thought that now he would surely come to ruin. Nearly 
all of the senators pretended to rejoice at what had 
taken place, participated in Nero's pleasure, and voted 
many measures of which they thought he would be 
glad. Publius Thrasea Psetus had also come to the 
senate-house and listened to the letter. When, how- 
ever, the reading was done, he at once rose without 
making any comment and went out. Thus what he 
would have said he could not, and what he could have 
said he would not. He behaved in the same way under 
all other conditions. For he used to say : * * If it were 
a matter of Nero's putting only me to death, I could 
easily pardon the rest who load him with flatteries. 
But since among those even who praise him so exces- 
sively he has gotten rid of some and will yet destroy 
others, why should one stoop to indecent behavior and 
perish like a slave, when like a freeman one may pay 



,^" ^'o^^as tte debt to nature? There shall be talk of me here- 

(a. u. 812)^ 

after, but of these men not a word save for the single 
fact that they were killed. ' ' Such was the kind of man 
Thrasea showed himself, and he would always en- 
courage himself by saying: " Nero can kill me, but 
he can not harm me." 
— 16— When Nero after his mother's murder reentered 
Eome, people paid him reverence in public, but in 
private so long as any one could speak frankly with 
safety they tore his character to very tatters. And 
first they hung by night a piece of hide on one of his 
statues to signify that he himself ought to have a hid- 
ing. Second, they threw down in the Forum a baby 
to which was fastened a board, saying: " I will not 
take you up for fear you may slay your mother. ' ' 

1[ At Nero's entrance into Kome they took down the statues of Agrip- 
pina. But there was one which they did not cut loose soon enough, and 
so they threw over it a cloth which gave it the appearance of being 
veiled. Thereupon somebody at once affixed to the statue the following 
inscription : " I am abashed and thou art unashamed." 

In many quarters at once, also, might be read the 
inscription : 

" Nero, Orestes, Alcmeon, matricides." 

Persons could actually be heard saying in so many 
words : " Nero put his mother out of the way." Not 
a few lodged information that certain persons had 
spoken in this way, their object being not so much to 
destroy those whom they accused as to bring reproach 
on Nero. Hence he would admit no suit of that kind, 
either not wishing that the rumor should become more 
widespread by such means, or out of utter contempt 



for what was said. However, in the midst of the saori- -^^ ^- 5^ 

. ' (o. «. 812) 

fices offered in memory of Agrippina according to de- 
cree, the sun suffered a total eclipse and the stars could 
be seen. Also, the elephants drawing the chariot of 
Augustus entered the hippodrome and went as far as 
the senators' seats, but at that point they stopped and 
refused to proceed farther. And the event which one 
might most readily conjecture to have taken place 
through divine means was that a thunderbolt de- 
scended upon his dinner and consumed it all as it was 
being brought to him, like some tremendous harpy 
snatching away his food. 

[In spite of this he killed by poison also his aunt —17 — 
Domitia, whom likewise he used to say he revered like 
a mother. He would not even wait a few days for her 
to die a natural death of old age, but was eager to de- 
stroy her also. His haste to do this was inspired by 
her possessions at Baias and Eavenna, which included 
magnificent amusement pavilions that she had erected 
and] are in fine condition even now. In honor of his 
mother he celebrated a very great and costly festival, 
events taking place for several days in five or six 
theatres at once. It was then that an elephant was led 
to the very top of the vault of the theatre and walked 
down from that point on ropes, carrying a rider. 
There was another exhibition at once most disgraceful 
and shocking. Men and women not only of equestrian 
but even of senatorial rank appeared in the orchestra, 
the hippodrome, and even the hunting-theatre, like the 
veriest outcasts. Some of them played the flute and 



A. D. 59 danced or acted tragedies and comedies or sang to tHe 
lyre. They drove horses, killed beasts, fought as gladi- 
ators, some willingly, others with a very bad grace. 
Men of that day beheld the great families,— the Furii, 
the Horatii, the Fabii, Porcii, Valerii, and all the rest 
whose trophies, whose temples were to be seen, — 
standing down below the level of the spectators and 
doing some things to which no common citizen even 
would stoop. So they would point them out to one an- 
other and make remarks, Macedonians saying: " That 
is the descendant of Paulus "; Greeks, "Yonder 
the offspring of Mummius "; Sicilians, "Look at 
Claudius "; the Epirots, " Look at Appius "; Asiatics, 
"There's Lucius"; Iberians, "There's Publius "; 
Carthaginians, " There's Africanus "; Bomans, 
" There they all are ". Such was the expiation that 
the emperor chose to offer for his own indecency. 

— 18 — All who had sense, likewise, bewailed the multitude 
of expenditures. Every costliest viand that men eat, 
everything else, indeed, of the highest value, — horses, 
slaves, teams, gold, silver, raiment of varied hues, — 
was given away by tickets. Nero would throw tiny 
balls, each one appropriately inscribed, among the 
populace and that article represented by the token 
received would be presented to the person who had 
seized it. The sensible, I say, reflected that, when he 
spent so much to prevent molestation in his disgrace- 
ful course, he would not be restrained from any most 
outrageous proceedings through mere hope of profit. 
Some portents had taken place about this time, 



wMcli the seers declared imported destruction to him, ^ d. .59 

(a. u. 812) 

and they advised him to divert the danger upon others. 
So he "would have immediately put nimibers ef men 
out of the way, had not Seneca said to him: " No 
matter how many you may slay, you can not kill your 
successor. ' ' 

It was now that he celebrated a corresponding num- 
ber of " Preservation Sacrifices," as he called them, 
and dedicated the forum for the sale of dainties, 
called Macellum. Somewhat later he instituted a dif- _ 19 — 
ferent kind of feast (called Juvenalia, a word that 
showed it belonged in some way to " youth "). The 
occasion was the shaving of his beard for the first 
time. The hairs he cast iato a small golden globe and 
offered to Jupiter Capitolinus. To furnish amuse- 
ment members of the noblest families as well as others 
did not fail to give exhibitions. For instance, -^lia 
Catella danced: he was first of all a man prominent 
for family and wealth and also advanced in years, — 
he was eighty years of age. Others who on account of 
old age or disease could not do anything on their own 
account sang as chorus. All devoted themselves to 
practicing as much as and by whatever way they were 
able. Eegularly appointed " schools " were fre- 
quented by the most distinguished men, women, girls, 
lads, old women, old men. In case any one was unable 
to appear in any other fashion, he would enter the 
choruses. And whereas some of them out of shame 
had put on masks to avoid being recognized, Nero at 
the request of the populace had them taken off and 



A. D. 59 showed these people to those by whom they had once 

(o. u. 812) -^ -^ 

been ruled. Now most of all it was that these amateur 
performers and others deemed the dead happy; for 
many of the foremost men this year had been slain. 
Some of them, charged with conspiracy against Nero, 
were surrounded by the soldiers and stoned to death. 
— 20 — And, as there needed to be a fitting climax to these 
deeds, Nero himself appeared as an actor and Gral- 
lio* proclaimed him by name. There stood Caesar on 
the stage wearing the garb of a singing zither-player. 
Spoke the emperor: " My lords, of your kindness 
give me ear." Then did the Augustus sing to the 
zither a thing called "Attis or the Bacchantes,"* 
whilst many soldiers stood by and all the people that 
the seats would hold sat watching. Yet had he (ac- 
cording to the tradition) but a slight voice and an in- 
distinct, so that he moved all present to laughter and 
tears at once. Beside him stood Burrus and Seneca 
like teachers prompting a pupil : they would wave their 
hands and togas at every utterance and draw others 
on to do the same. Indeed, Nero had ready a peculiar 
corps of about five thousand soldiers, called Augus- 
tans ; these would begin the applause, and aU the rest, 
however loath, were obliged to shout aloud with them, 
— except Thrasea. He would never stoop to such con- 
duct. But the rest, and especially the prominent men, 
gathered with alacrity even when in grief and joined 
as if glad in all the shouts of the Augustans. One 

IL. lunius OalUo. 

2 The title of one of Nero's poems. 



could hear them saying: " Excellent Caesar! Apollo! ,^- ^- .^f., 
Augustus ! One like unto the Pythian ! By thine own 
self, Caesar, no one can surpass thee! " After this 
performance he entertained the people at a feast on 
boats on the site of the naval battle given by Augus- 
tus : thence at midnight he sailed through a canal into 
the Tiber. 

This, then, he did to celebrate the shaving of his —^~ 
chin. In behalf of his preservation and the continu- (a. u. 8i3) 
ance of his authority, — thus he gave notice, — he in- 
stituted quinquennial games, naming them Neronia. 
In honor of the event he also constructed the gymna- 
sium at the dedication of which he made a free dis- 
tribution of olive oil to the senators and knights. The 
crown for singing to the zither, moreover, he took 
without a contest, for all others were debarred on the 
assumption that they were unworthy of victory. [And 
immediately in their garb he was enrolled on the very 
lists of the gymnasium.] Thenceforward all other 
crowns for zither playing at all the contests were sent 
to him as the only person competent to win victories 
of that sort. 






About tlie disaster to the Bomans in Britain, brouglit upon 
them by Bnduica (chapters 1-7). 

Faulinus, returning from subduing the island of Mona, con- 
quers in battle (chapters &-12). 

Octavia Augnista and Burrus, likewise Flautus and FaUas, are 
put to death by Nero (chapters 13, 14). 

Most swinish reveling at the games of Tigillinus (chapter 

How Nero set the city on fire (chapters 16-18). 

The uprightness of Corbulo: proceedings against Vologsesus 
and Tiridates (chapters 19, 20). 

Misfortune attends the endeavors of Fsetus : Vologsesus forms 
a compact with Corbulo (chapters 21-23). 

Seneca, Soranus, Thrasea, Sabina are put to death: Musonius 
and Comutus are banished (chapters 24-29) . 


Nero Aug. (IV), Cornelius Cossus Cossi F. Lentulus. (A. D. 
60 = a. u. 813 =1 Seventh of Nero, from Oct. 13th.) 

CsBsonius Fsetus, F. Fetronius Turpilianus. (A. D. 61 = a. u. 
814 = Eighthof Nero.) 

F. Marius Celsus, L. Asinius Gallus. (A. B. 62=:^ a. u. 815 
= Ninthof Nero.) 

C. Memmius Begulus, L. Verginius Bufus. (A. B. 63 = a. u. 
816 = Tenth of Nero.) 

C. lecanius Bassus, M. Licinius Crassus Frugi. (A. B. 64 = 
a. u. 817=1 Eleventh of Nero.) 

A. Licinius Nerva Silanus, M. Vestinus Atticus. (A. B. 65 =: 
a. u. 818 = Twelfth of Nero.) 


While this sport was going on at Eome, a terrible — i — 

o o > A. D. 61 

disaster had taken place in Britain. Two cities had (<»• «• 814) 
been sacked, eight myriads of Bomans and of their 
allies had perished, and the island had been lost. 
Moreover, all this ruin was brought upon them by a 
woman, a fact which in itself caused them the greatest 
shame. Heaven evidently gave them in advance an 
indication of the catastrophe. At night there was 
heard to issue from the senate-house foreign jargon 
mingled with laughter and from the theatre outcries 
with wailing: yet no mortal man had uttered the 
speeches or the groans. Houses under water came to 
view in the river Thames,^ and the ocean between the 
island and Gaul sometimes grew bloody at flood-tide. 

The casiis belli lay in the confiscation of the money — 2 — 
which Claudius had given to the foremost Britons, — 
Decianus Catus, governor of the island, announcing 
that this must now be sent back. This was one reason 

^ and another was that Seneca had lent 

them on excellent terms as regards interest a thousand 
myriads that they did not want,^ and had afterward 
called in this loan all at once and levied on them for 
it with severity. But the person who most stirred their 
spirits and persuaded them to fight the Eomans, who 
was deemed worthy to stand at their head and to have 
the conduct of the entire war, was a British woman, 

1 Compare Tacitus, Annals, XIV, 32 (" visamque speciem in sestuario 
Tamesse subversae Coloniae"). 

2 It would seem natural to supply " for the uprising," as does Keiske. 

3 The meaning of this phrase ( axooaiv ) is not wholly clear. 
Naber purposes to substitute anooaiv ("that they were asking for"). 



A. D. 61 Buduica,^ of the royal family and possessed of greater 
judgment than often belongs to women. It was she 
who gathered the army to the number of nearly twelve 
myriads and ascended a tribunal of marshy soil made 
after the Eoman fashion. In person she was very 
tall, with a most sturdy figure and a piercing glance ; 
her voice was harsh ; a great mass of yellow hair fell 
below her waist and a large golden necklace clasped 
her throat ; wound about her was a tunic of every con- 
ceivable color and over it a thick chlamys had been 
fastened with a brooch. This was her constant attire. 
She now grasped a spear to aid her in terrifying all 
beholders and spoke as follows : — 

_3_ " You have had actual experience of the difference 
between freedom and slavery. Hence, though some of 
you previously through ignorance of which was better 
may have been deceived by the alluring announce- 
ments of the Romans, yet now that you have tried both 
you have learned how great a mistake you made by 
preferring a self-imposed despotism to your ances- 
tral mode of life. You have come to recognize how far 
superior is the poverty of independence to wealth in 
servitude. What treatment have we met with that is 
not most outrageous, that is not most grievous, ever 
since these men insinuated themselves into Britain? 
Have we not been deprived of our most numerous and 
our greatest possessions entire, while for what re- 
mains we must pay taxes? Besides pasturing and 
tilling all the various regions for them do we not con- 

1 Known commonly as Boadicea. 



tribute a yearly sum for our very bodies? How much , -^ ^- ^J-,, 

. (o. «. 814) 

better it would have been to be sold to masters once 
and for all than to ransom ourselves annually and pos- 
sess empty names of freedom! How much, better to 
have been slain and perish rather than go about with 
subservient heads! Yet what have I said? Even 
dying is not free from expense among them, and you 
know what fees we deposit on behalf of the dead. 
Throughout the rest of mankind death frees even those 
who are in slavery ; only in the case of the Eomans do 
the very dead live for their profit. Why is it that 
though none of us has any money, — and how or whence 
should we get it?, — we are stripped and despoiled like 
a murderer's victims? How should the Eomans grow 
milder ia process of time, when they have conducted 
themselves so toward us at the very start, — a period 
when all men show consideration for even newly cap- 
tured beasts? 

" But, to tell the truth, it is we who have made our- — 4— 
selves responsible for all these evils in allowing them 
so much as to set foot on the island in the first place 
instead of expelling them at once as we did their fam- 
ous Julius Csesar, — yes, in not making the idea of at- 
tempting the voyage formidable to them, while they 
were as yet far off, as it was to Augustus and to Gains 
Caligula. So great an island, or rather in one sense 
a continent encircled by water, do we inhabit, a verita- 
ble world of our own, and so far are we separated by 
the ocean from all the rest of mankind that we have 
been believed to dwell on a different earth and under 



A. D. 61 a different sky and some of their wisest men were not 

(a. u. 814) . 

previously sure of even our exact name. Yet for all 
this we have been scorned and trampled under foot by 
men who know naught else than how to secure gain. 
Still, let us even at this late day, if not before, fellow- 
citizens, friends and relatives, — for I deem you all 
relatives, in that you inhabit a single island and are 
called by^ one common name, — let us do our duty while 
the memory of freedom still abides within us, that we 
may leave both the name and the fact of it to our chil- 
dren. For if we utterly lose sight of the happy con- 
ditions amid which we were bom and bred, what pray 
will they do, reared in bondage? 
— 5— " This I say not to inspire you with a hatred of 
present circumstances, — that hatred is already ap- 
parent, — nor with a fear of the future, — that fear 
you already have, — but to commend you because of 
your own accord you choose to do just what you ought, 
and to thank you for cooperating so readily with me 
and your own selves at once. Be nowise afraid of the 
Eomans. They are not more numerous than are we 
nor yet braver. And the proof is that they have pro- 
tected themselves with helmets and breastplates and 
greaves and furthermore have equipped their camps 
with palisades and walls and ditches to make sure that 
they shall suffer no harm by any hostile assault.* 
Their fears impel them to choose this method rather 
than engage in any active work like us. We enjoy such 

1 Reading xexXij/iivou? (van Herwerden ) . 
a Corruptions in the text emended by Reiske. 



a superabundance of bravery that we regard tents as ^- d. ei 
safer than walls and our shields as affording greater 
protection than their whole suits of mail. As a con- 
sequence, we when victorious can capture them and 
when overcome by force can elude them. And should 
we ever choose to retreat, we can conceal ourselves in 
swamps and mountains so inaccessible that we can be 
neither found nor taken. The enemy, however, can 
neither pursue any one by reason of their heavy armor 
nor yet flee. And if they ever should slip away from 
us, taking refuge in certain designated spots, there, too, 
they are sure to be enclosed as in a trap. These are 
some of the respects in which they are vastly inferior to 
us, and others are their inability to bear up under 
hunger, thirst, cold, or heat, as we can; for they re- 
quire shade and protection, they require kneaded bread 
and wine and oil, and if the supply of any of these 
things fails them they simply perish. For us, on the 
other hand, any root or grass serves as bread, any 
plant juice as olive oil, any water as wine, any tree 
as a house. Indeed, this very region is to us an ac- 
quaiatance and ally, but to them unknown and hostile. 
As for the rivers, we swim them naked, but they even 
with boats can not cross easily. Let us therefore go 
against them trusting boldly to good fortune. Let us 
show them that they are hares and foxes trying to rule 
dogs and wolves." 

At these words, employing a species of divination, — e— 
she let a hare escape from her bosom, and as it ran in 
what they considered a lucky direction, the whole multi- 
voL. 5—3 33 


it'u.'su) ^^^ shouted with pleasure, and Buduica raising her 
hand to heaven, spoke: " I thank thee, Andraste,^ 
and call upon thee, who are a woman, being myself also 
a woman that rules not burden-bearing Egyptians like 
Mtocris, nor merchant Assyrians like Semiramis (of 
these things we have heard from the Eomans), nor 
even the Eomans themselves, as did Messalina first 
and later Agrippina; — at present their chief is Nero, 
XD. name a man, in fact a woman, as is shown by his 
singing, his playing the cithara, his adorning himself : 
— but ruling as I do men of Britain that know not how 
to till the soil or ply a trade yet are thoroughly versed 
in the arts of war and hold all things common, even 
children and wives; wherefore the latter possess the 
same valor as the males : being therefore queen of such 
men and such women I supplicate and pray thee for 
victory and salvation and liberty against men insolent, 
unjust, insatiable, impious, — if, indeed we ought to 
term those creatures men who wash in warm water, eat 
artificial dainties, drink unmixed wine, anoint them- 
selves with myrrh, sleep on soft couches with boys for 
bedfellows (and past their prime at that), are slaves 
to a zither-player, yes, an inferior zither-player. 
Wherefore may this Domitia-Nero woman reign no 
more over you or over me : let the wench sing and play 
the despot over the Eomans. They surely deserve to 
be in slavery to such a being whose tyranny they have 

1 Not much information is preserved regarding this indigenous god- 
dess of Britain. Reimar asserts that she is practically identical with 
Bocoharte, Astarte, or Venus. 



patiently borne already this long time. But may we, ■^- d. 61 
mistress, ever look to thee alone as our head." 

After an harangue of this general nature Buduica _7_ 
led her army against the Romans. The latter chanced 
to be without a leader for the reason that Paulinus 
their commander had gone on an expedition to Mona, 
an island near Britain. This enabled her to sack and 
plunder two Roman cities, and, as I said, she wrought 
indescribable slaughter. Persons captured by the Bri- 
tons underwent every form of most frightful treat- 
ment. The conquerors committed the most atrocious 
and bestial outrages. For instance, they hung up 
naked the noblest and most distinguished women, cut 
off their breasts and sewed them to their mouths, to 
make the victims appear to be eating them. After 
that they impaled them on sharp skewers run perpen- 
dicularly the whole length of the body. All this they 
did to the accompaniment of sacrifices, banquets, and 
exhibitions of insolence m all of their sacred places, 
but chiefly in the grove of Andate, — that being the 
name of their personification of Victory, to whom they 
paid the most excessive reverence. 

It happened that Paulinus had already brought — 8 — 
Mona to terms; hence on learning of the disaster in 
Britain he at once set sail thither from Mona. He was 
unwilling to risk a conflict with the barbarians immedi- 
ately, for he feared their numbers and their frenzy; 
therefore he was for postponing the battle to a more 
convenient season. But as he grew short of food and 
the barbarians did not desist from pressing him hard, 



^' ^' 8u^ ^® ^^^ compelled, though contrary to his plan, to en- 
ter into an engagement with them, Buduica herself, 
heading an army of about twenty-three myriads of 
men, rode on a chariot and assigned the rest to their 
several stations. Now Paulrnus could not extend his 
phalanx the width of her whole line, for, even if the 
men had been drawn up only one deep, they would not 
have stretched far enough, so inferior were they in 
numbers : nor did he dare to join battle with one com- 
pact force, for fear he should be surrounded and cut 
down. Accordingly, he separated his army into three 
divisions in order to fight at several points at once, 
and he made each of the divisions so strong that it 
could not easily be broken through. WhUe ordering 
and arranging his men he likewise exhorted them, say- 

— 9— "Up, fellow-soldiers I Up, men of Rome! Show 
these pests how much even in misfortune we surpass 
them. It is a shame for you now to lose ingloriously 
what but a short while ago you gaiaed by your valor. 
Often have we ourselves and also our fathers with far 
fewer numbers than we have at the present conquered 
far more mmierous antagonists. Fear not the host of 
them or their rebellion: their boldness rests on noth- 
ing better than headlong rashness unaided by arms 
and exercise. Fear not because they have set on fire a 
few cities : they took these not by force nor after a bat- 
tle, but one was betrayed and the other abandoned. 
Do you now exact from them the proper penalty for 
these deeds, that so they may learn by actual experi- 



ence what they undertook when they wronged such ,-^- '^- ^^ 

•' -^ ° (a. u. 814) 

men as us." 

After speaking these words to some he came to a — lo — 
second group and said: " Now is the occasion, now, 
fellow-soldiers, for zeal, for daring. If to-day you 
prove yourselves brave men, you will recover what 
has slipped from your grasp. If you overcome this 
enemy, no one else will any longer withstand us. By 
one such battle you will both make sure of your pres- 
ent possessions and subdue whatever is left. All 
soldiers stationed anywhere else will emulate you and 
foes will be terror-stricken. Therefore, since it is in 
your own hands either to rule fearlessly all mankind, 
both the nations that your fathers left under your con- 
trol and those which you yourselves have gained in ad- 
dition, or else to be bereft of them utterly, choose rather 
to be free, to rule, to live in wealth, to enjoy pros- 
perity, than through indolence to suffer the reverse 
of these conditions." 

After making an address of this sort to the group _ii_ 
in question, he came up to the third division and said 
also to them: " You have heard what sort of acts 
these wretches have committed against us, nay more, 
you have even seen some of them. Therefore choose 
either yourselves to suffer the same treatment as pre- 
vious victims and furthermore to be driven entirely 
out of Britain, or else through victory to avenge those 
that perished and also to give to the rest of mankind 
an example of mild clemency toward the obedient, of 
necessary severity toward the rebellious. I entertain 



A. D. 61 the higliest hopes of victory for our side, counting on 

(a. «. 814) u i ./ 

the following factors : first, the assistance of the gods ; 
they usually cooperate with the party that has been 
wronged: second, our inherited bravery; we are Eo- 
mans and have shown ourselves superior to all man- 
kind in various instances of valor: next, our experi- 
ence; we have defeated and subdued these very men 
that are now arrayed against us : last, our good name ; 
it is not worthy opponents but our slaves with whom 
we are coming in conflict, persons who enjoyed free- 
dom and self-government only so far as we allowed it. 
Yet even should the outcome prove contrary to our 
hope, — and I will not shrink from mentioning even 
this contingency, — it is better for us to fall fighting 
bravely than to be captured and impaled, to see our 
own entrails cut out, to be spitted on red hot skewers, 
to perish dissolved in boiling water, when we have fal- 
len into the power of creatures that are very beasts, 
savage, lawless, godless. Let us therefore either beat 
them or die on the spot. Britain shall be a noble me- 
morial to us, even though all subsequent Eomans 
should be driven from it; for in any case our bodies 
shall forever possess the land." 
_12_ At the conclusion of exhortations of this sort and 
others like them he raised the signal for battle. There- 
upon they approached each other, the barbarians mak- 
ing a great outcry intermingled with menacing incan- 
tations, but the Eomans silently and in order until 
they came within a javelin's throw of the enemy. 
Then, while the foe were advancing against them at 



a walk, the Eomans started at a given word and ^- ^- ®i 

(a. M. 814) 

charged them at full speed, and when the clash came 
easily broke through the opposing ranks ; but, as they 
were surrounded by the great numbers, they had to be 
fighting everywhere at once. Their struggle took many 
forms. In the first place, light-armed troops might be 
in conflict with light-armed, heavy-armed be arrayed 
against heavy-armed, cavalry join issue with cavalry; 
and against the chariots of the barbarians the Eoman 
archers would be contending. Again, the barbarians 
would assail the Eomans with a rush of their chariots, 
knocking them helter-skelter, but, since they fought 
without breastplates, would be themselves repulsed by 
the arrows. Horseman would upset foot-soldier, and 
foot-soldier strike down horseman; some, forming in 
close order, would go to meet the chariots, and others 
would be scattered by them ; some would come to close 
quarters with the archers and rout them, whereas oth- 
ers were content to dodge their shafts at a distance: 
and all these things went on not at one spot, but in 
the three divisions at once. They contended for a long 
time, both parties being animated by the same zeal and 
daring. Finally, though late in the day, the Eomans 
prevailed, having slain numbers in the battle, beside 
the wagons, or in the wood : they also captured many 
alive. Still, not a few made their escape and went on 
to prepare to fight a second time. Meanwhile, how- 
ever, Buduica fell sick and died. The Britons mourned 
her deeply and gave her a costly burial; but, as they 
themselves were this time really defeated, they scat- 


— 13 — 

A. D. 62 
(a. u. 815) 


<^' ^" /li^ tered to their homes.— So far the history of affairs in 

[(1, U. ol4J 


In Eome Nero had hefore this sent away Octavia 
Augusta, on account of his concubine Sabina, and sub- 
sequently he put her to death. This he did in spite 
of the opposition of Burrus, who tried to prevent his 
sendiag her away, and once said to him : ' ' Well, then, 
give her back her dowry " (by which he meant the 
sovereignty). Indeed, Burrus used such unmitigated 
frankness that on one occasion, when he was asked by 
the emperor a second time for an opinion on matters 
regarding which he had already made clear his atti- 
tude, he answered bluntly: " When I have once had 
my say about anything, don't ask me again." So 
Nero disposed of him by poison. He also appointed 
to command the Pretorians a certain Ofonius Tigil- 
linus, who outstripped all his contemporaries in licen- 
tiousness and bloodiness. [It was he who won Nero 
away from them and made light of his colleague 
Rufus.^] To him the famous sentence of Pythias is 
said to have been directed. She had proved the only 
exception when all the other attendants of Octavia 
had joined Sabina in attacking their mistress, despis- 
ing the one because she was in misfortune and toady- 
ing to the other because her influence was strong. 
Pythias alone had refused though cruelly tortured to 
utter lies against Octavia, and finally, as Tigillinus 
continued to urge her, she spat in his face, saying: 

1 Fwnius Bufus. 



" My mistress's privy parts are cleaner, Tigillinus, ^- d. 62 

,, ,, ,, (a. u. 815) 

than your mouth," 

The troubles of his relatives Nero turned into — 14 — 
laughter and jest. For instance, after killing Plautus^ 
he took a look at his head when it was brought to him 
and remarked: " I didn't know he had such a big 
nose," as much as to say that he would have spared 
him, had he been aware of this fact beforehand. And 
though he spent practically his whole existence in 
tavern life, he forbade others to sell in taverns any- 
thing boiled save vegetables and pea-soup. He put 
Pallas out of the way because the latter had accumu- 
lated great wealth that could be counted by the ten 
thousand myriads. Likewise he was very liable to 
peevishness that showed in his behavior, and at such 
times he would not speak a word to his servants or 
freedmen but write on tablets whatever he wanted as 
well as any orders that he had to give them. 

IT Indeed, when many of those who had gathered at Antium. perished, 15 

Nero made that, too, an occasion for a festival. A. D. 63 

IF A certain Thrasea gave his opinion to the effect that for a senator the > • "• ^"l 
extreme penalty should be exile. 

To such lengths did Nero's self-indulgence go that — 15 — 
he actually drove chariots in public. Again, one time (o. «. 817) 
after the slaughter of beasts he straightway brought 
water into the theatre by means of pipes and pro- 
duced a sea-fight: then he let the water out again 
and arranged a gladiatorial combat. Last of all he 
flooded the place once more and gave a costly public 
banquet. The person who had been appointed director 

iRuhellius Plautus. 



■^- ^-^^r,. of the banquet was Tigilliaus, and a large and com- 
plete equipment liad been furnished. The arrange- 
ments made were as follows. In the center and rest- 
ing on the water were placed the great wooden wine 
vessels, over which boards had been fastened. Eound 
about it had been built taverns and booths. Thus 
Nero and Tigillinus and their fellow-banqueters, 
being in the center, held their feast on purple carpets 
and soft mattresses, while all the other people 
caroused in the taverns. These also entered the 
brothels, where unrestrictedly they might enjoy abso- 
lutely any woman to be found there. Now the latter 
were some of the most beautiful and distinguished ia 
the city, both slaves and free, some hetaerse, some vir- 
gins, some wives,— not merely, that is to say, public 
wenches, but both girls and women of the very noblest 
families. Every man was given authority to have 
whichever one he wished, for the women were not 
allowed to refuse any one. Consequently, the mul- 
titude being a regular rabble, they drank greedily and 
reveled in wanton conduct. So a slave debauched 
his mistress iu the presence of his master and a 
gladiator ravished a girl of noble family while her 
father looked on. The shoving and striking and 
uproar that went on, first on the part of those who 
were going in and second on the part of those who 
stood around outside, was disgraceful. Many men 
met their death in these encounters, and of the women 
some were strangled and some were seized and 
carried off. 



After this Nero had the wish (or rather it had r~J®~ 

A. D. 64 

always been a fixed purpose of his) to make an end («• "• 8i7.)j 
of the whole city and sovereignty during his lifetime. 
Priam he deemed wonderfully happy in that he had 
seen his country perish at the same moment as his 
authority. Accordingly he sent in different directions 
men feigning to be drunk or engaged in some indif- 
ferent species of rascality and at first had one or two 
or more blazes quietly kindled in different quarters: 
people, of course, fell into the utmost confusion, not 
being able to find any beginning of the trouble nor to 
put any end to it, and meanwhile they became aware 
of many strange sights and sounds. For soon there 
was nothing to be observed but many fires as in a 
camp, and no other phrases fell from men's lips but 
" This or that is burning "; " Where? "; " How? "; 
"Who set it?"; "To the rescue!" An extraor- 
dinary perturbation laid hold on all wherever they 
might be, and they ran about as if distracted, some 
in one direction and some in another. Some men in 
the midst of assisting their neighbors would learn 
that their own premises were on fire. Others received 
the first intimation of their own possessions being 
aflame when informed that they were destroyed. Per- 
sons would run from their houses into the lanes with 
some idea of being of assistance from the outside, or 
again they would dash into the dwellings from the 
streets, appearing to think they could accomplish 
something inside. The shouting and screaming of 
children, women, men, and graybeards all together 



A. D. 64 "v^rere incessant, so that one could have no conscions- 
ness nor comprehension of anything oj reason oi tne 
smoke and shouting combined. On this account some 
might be seen standing speechless, as if dumb. All 
this time many who were carrying out their goods 
and many more who were stealing what belonged to 
others kept encountering one another and falling over 
the merchandise. It was not possible to get anywhere, 
nor yet to stand still; but people pushed and were 
pushed back, they upset others and were themselves 
upset, many were suffocated, many were crushed: in 
fine, no evil that can possibly happen to men at such 
a crisis failed to befall them. They could not with 
ease find even any avenue of escape, and, if any one 
did save himself from some immediate danger, he 

_17_ usually fell into another one and was lost. This did 
not all take place on one day, but lasted for several 
days and nights together. Many houses were de- 
stroyed through lack of some one to defend them and 
many were set on fire in still more places by persons 
who presumably came to the rescue. For the soldiers 
(including the night watch), having an eye upon plun- 
der, instead of extinguishing any blaze kindled greater 
conflagrations. While similar scenes were being en- 
acted at various points a sudden wind caught the fire 
and swept it over whatever remained. Consequently 
no one concerned himself any longer about goods or 
houses, but all the survivors, standing in a place of 
safety, gazed upon what seemed to be many islands 
and cities burning. There was no longer any grief 



over individual losses, for it was swallowed up in the ^- ^- 64 

11-1 J ,- ■ -. f*^- «• 817) 

public lamentation, as men reminded one another how 
once before most of their city had been similarly laid 
waste by the Grauls. While the whole population was — is — 
in this state of mind and many crazed by the disaster 
were leaping into the blaze itself, Nero mounted to 
the roof of the palace, where nearly the whole con- 
flagration could be taken in by a sweeping glance, and 
having assumed the lyrist's garb he sang the Taking 
(as he said) of Ilium, which, to the ordinary vision, 
however, appeared to be the Taking of Eome. 

The calamity which the city at this time experienced 
has no parallel before or since, except in the G-allic 
invasion. The whole Palatine hill, the theatre of 
Taurus, and nearly two-thirds of the remainder of the 
city were burned and countless human beings perished. 
The populace invoked curses upon Nero without 
intermission, not uttering his name but simply cursing 
those who had set the city on fire: and this was 
especially the case because they were disturbed by 
the memory of the oracle chanted in Tiberius 's day. 
These were the words: — 

" Thrice three hundred cycles of tireless years being ended, 
Civil strife shall the Romans destroy."! 

And when Nero by way of encouraging them re- 
ported that these verses were nowhere to be found, 
they changed and went to repeating another oracle, 
which they averred to be a genuine Sibylline pro- 
duction, namely: — 

" Last of the sons of ^neas a matricide shall govern." 
1 Compare Book Fifty-seven, chapter 18. 



,^' ^'^,t. ^nd so it proved, whether this was actually re- 

(o. U. 817) r 7 

vealed beforehand by some divination or whether the 
populace now for the first time gave it the form of a 
divine saying adapted to existing circumstances. For 
Nero was indeed the last emperor of the Julian line 
descended from ^neas. 

He now began to collect vast sums from both indi- 
viduals and nations, sometimes using compulsion, with 
the conflagration for his excuse, and sometimes obtain- 
ing it by " voluntary ' ' offers ; and the mass of the 
Eomans had the food supply fund withdrawn. 
_19_ While he was so engaged, he received news from 
Armenia and soon after a laurel wreath in honor of 
victory. The scattered bodies of soldiery in that 
region had been united by Corbulo, who trained them 
sedulously after a period of neglect, and then by the 
very report of his coming had terrified both Volo- 
gsesus, king of Parthia, and Tiridates, chief of Ar- 
menia. He resembled the primitive Eomans in that 
besides coming of a brilliant family and besides pos- 
sessing much strength of body he was still further 
gifted with a shrewd intelligence: and he behaved 
with great bravery, with great fairness, and with 
great good faith toward all, both friends and ene- 
mies. For these reasons Nero had despatched him 
to the scene of war in his own stead and had en- 
trusted to him a larger force than to anybody else, 
being equally assured that the man would subdue the 
barbarians and would not revolt against him. And 
Corbulo proved neither of these assumptions false. 



All other men, however, had it as a particular griev- ^- ^- ^4 
ance against him that he kept faith with Nero. They 
were very anxious to get him as emperor in place of 
the actual despot, and this conduct of his seemed to 
them his only defect. 

Corbulo, accordingly, had taken Artaxata without a — ao — 
struggle and had razed the city to the ground. This 
exploit finished, he marched in the direction of Ti- 
granocerta, sparing all the districts that yielded them- 
selves but devastating the lands of all such as re- 
sisted him. Tigranocerta submitted to biTn volun- 
tarily, and he performed other brilliant and glorious 
deeds, as a result of which he induced the formidable 
Vologsesus to accept terms that accorded with the Eo- 
man reputation. [For Vologsesus, on hearing that 
Nero had assigned Armenia to others and that Adia- 
bene was being ravaged by Tigranes, made prepara- 
tions himself to go on a campaign into Syria against 
Corbulo, but sent into Armenia Monobazus, king of 
Adiabene, and Monasses, a Parthian. These two had 
shut up Tigranes in Tigranocerta. But since they did 
not succeed in harming him at all by their siege and as 
often as they tried conclusions with him were repulsed 
by both the native troops and the Eomans that were 
in his army, and since Corbulo guarded Syria with 
extreme care, Vologsesus recognized the hopelessness 
of his attempt and disbanded his forces. Then he sent 
to Corbulo and obtained peace on condition that he 
should send a new embassy to Nero, raise the siege, 
and withdraw his soldiers from Armenia. Nero made 



,^' ^' aX^ tiiiti no immediate nor speedy nor definite reply, but 

(a. M. 817) f J 

despatched Lucius Csesennius Paetus to Cappadocia to 
see to it that there should be no Armenian uprising.] 
— 21— [So Vologaesus attacked Tigranocerta and drove 
back Paetus, who had come to its aid. When the latter 
fled he pursued him, beat back the garrison left by 
Paetus at the Taurus, and shut him up in Ehandea, near 
the river Arsanias. Then he was on the point of re- 
tiring without accomplishing anything; for destitute 
as he was of heavy-armed soldiers he could not ap- 
proach close to th.e wall, and he had no large stock of 
provender, particularly as he had come at the head of 
a vast host without making arrangements for food 
supplies. Paetus, however, stood in terror of his arch- 
ery, which took effect in the very camp itself, as well 
as of the cavalry, which kept appearing at all points. 
Hence he made peace proposals to his antagonist, ac- 
cepted his terms, and took an oath that he would him- 
self abandon all of Armenia and that Nero should give 
it to Tiridates. The Parthian was satisfied enough 
with this agreement, seeing that he was to obtain con- 
trol of the country without a contest and would be mak- 
ing the Romans his debtors for a very considerable 
kindness. And, as he learned that Corbulo (whom 
Paetus several times sent for before he was surrounded) 
was drawing near, he dismissed the beleaguered sol- 
diers, having first made them agree to build a 
bridge over the river Arsanias for him. He was not 
really in need of a bridge, for he had crossed on foot, 
but he wished to give them a practical example of the 


— 22 — 


fact that he was stronger than they. Indeed, he did not . ^ ^- g^* . 
retire by way of the bridge even on this occasion, but 
rode across on an elephant, while the rest got over as 

The capitulation had scarcely been made when Cor- 
bulo with inconceivable swiftness reached, the Euphra- 
tes and there waited for the retreating force. When 
the two armies approached each other you would have 
been struck with the difference between them and be- 
tween their generals: one set were fairly aglow with 
delight at their rapidity; the others were grieved and 
ashamed of their compact. Vologsesus sent Monasses to 
Corbulo with the demand that the newcomer should 
give up the fort in Mesopotamia. So they held a pro- 
longed conference together right at the bridge cross- 
ing the Euphrates, after first destroying the center of 
the structure. Corbulo having promised to leave the 
country if the Parthian would also abandon Armenia, 
both of these things were done temporarily until Nero 
could learn the outcome of the engagements and be- 
gin negotiations with the envoys of Vologsesus, whom 
the latter had sent a second time. The answer given 
them by the emperor was that he would bestow Arme- 
nia upon Tiridates if this aspirant would come to 
Eome. Paetus was deposed from his command and the 
soldiers that had been with him were sent somewhere 
else. Corbulo was again assigned to the war against 
the same foes. Nero had intended to accompany the 
expedition in person, but after falling down during 
VOL. 5—4 49 


1^' ^' (fit 4 ^^6 ceremony of sacrificing lie would not venture to go 
abroad but remained where he was.] 
— 23— [Corbulo therefore officially prepared for war upon 
Vologaesus and sent a centurion bidding him depart 
from the country. Privately, however, he suggested 
to the king that he send his brother to Rome, and this 
advice met with acceptance, since Corbulo seemed to 
have the stronger force. Thus it came about that they 
both, Corbulo and Tiridates, met at no other place than 
Ehandea, which suited them both. It appealed to the 
Parthian because there his people had cut off the Ro- 
mans and had sent them away under a capitulation, a 
visible proof of the favor that had been done them. To 
the Roman it appealed because his men were going to 
wipe out the ill repute that had attached to them there 
before. For the meeting of the two was not limited 
merely to conversation; a lofty platform had been 
erected on which were set images of Nero, and in the 
presence of crowds of Armenians, Parthians, and Ro- 
mans Tiridates approached and did them reverence; 
after sacrificing to them and calling them by laudatory 
names he took off the diadem from his head and set it 
upon them. Monobazus and Vologaesus also came to 
Corbulo and gave him hostages. In honor of this event 
Nero was a number of times saluted as imperator and 
held a triumph, contrary to precedent.] But Corbulo 
in spite of the large force that he had and the very con- 
siderable reputation that he enjoyed did not rebel and 
was never accused of rebellion. He might easily have 
been made emperor, since men thoroughly detested 



Nero but all admired him in every way. [In addition ^- ^- ^* 

. . (**• w. 817) 

to the more strikmg features of his submissive be- 
havior he volimtarily sent to Eome his son-in-law 
Annius, who served as his lieutenant; this was done 
professedly that Annius might escort Tiridates back, 
but in fact this relative stood in the position of a 
hosteige to Nero. The latter was so firmly persuaded 
that his general would not revolt that Corbulo obtained 
his son-in-law as lieutenant^ before he had been 

i[And Junius Torquatus, a descendant of Augustus, (—27—) 
made himself liable to a most strange indictment. He 
had squandered his property in a rather lavish way, 
whether following his native bent or with the intention 
of not being very rich. Nero therefore declared that, 
as he lacked many things, he must be covetous of the 
goods of others, and consequently caused a fictitious 
charge to be brought against him of aspiring to im- 
perial power.] 

Seneca, however, and Eufus the prefect and some —24 — 
other prominent men formed a plot against Nero. (a. u. siS) 
They could no longer endure his ignoble behavior, his- 
licentiousness, and his cruelty. They desired at one 
and the same time to be rid of these evils and to give 
Nero his release from them. Indeed, Sulpicius Asper, 
a centurion, and Subrius Flavins, a military tribune, 
both belonging to the body-guards, admitted this to 
liiTn point blank. Asper, when interrogated by the em- 
peror as to the reason for his attempt, replied: " I 

1 Reading S5ra/>;if OK (Boissevain) for tirraroi/. 



{a.' u'sis) ^^''^Id help you in no other way." And the response of 
Flavins was : "I both loved you and hated you above 
all men. I loved you, hoping that you would prove a 
good emperor : I have hated you because you do so-and- 
so. I can not be slave to charioteer or lyre-player."— 
Information was lodged and these men were punished, 
besides many others indirectly associated with them. 
Everything in the nature of a complaint that could be 
entertained against any one for excessive joy or grief, 
for words or gestures, was brought forward and was 
believed. Not one of these complaints, even if ficti- 
tious, could be refused credence in view of Nero's ac- 
tual deeds. Hence conscienceless friends and house 
servants of some men flourished greatly. Persons 
guarded against strangers and foes, — for of these 
they were suspicious, — but were bound to expose 
themselves whether they would or no to their as- 
— 25— It would be no small task to record details about 
most of those that perished, but the fate of Seneca 
needs a few words by itself. It was his wish to end 
the life of his wife Paulina at the same time with his 
own, for he declared that he had taught her to despise 
death and that she desired to leave the world in com- 
pany with him. So he opened her veins as well as 
his own. As he failed, however, to yield readily to 
death, his end was hastened by the soldiers ; and his 
dying so speedily enabled Paulina to survive. He did 
not lay hands upon himself, however, until he had re- 
vised the book which he had composed and had de- 



posited with various persons certain other valued pos- ^- d. 65 

. , ^ ^ (a. u. 818) 

sessions which he feared might come into Nero 's hands 
and be destroyed. Thus was Seneca forced to part 
with life in spite of the fact that he had on the pre- 
text of illness abandoned the society of the emperor 
and had bestowed upon him his entire property, sup- 
posedly to help defray the expense of necessary build- 
ing operations. His brothers, too, perished after him. 

Likewise Thrasea and Soranus, who had no superi- —20 — 
ors in family, wealth, and every excellence, met their 
death not because they were accused of conspiracy but 
because they were what they were. Against Soranus 
Publius Egnatius Celer, a philosopher, gave false evi- 
dence. The victim had had two associates, — Cassius 
Asclepiodotus of NicsBa and this Publius of Berytus. 
Now Asclepiodotus so far from speaking against So- 
ranus bore witness to his noble qualities; he was at 
the time exiled for his pains, but later, under Galba, 
was restored. Publius in return for his services as 
blackmailer received money and honors (as did others 
of the same profession), but subsequently he was ban- 
ished. Soranus was slain on the charge of having 
caused his daughter to employ a species of magic, the 
foundation for this story being that when he was sick 
his family had offered some sacrifices. Thrasea was 
executed for not appearing regularly at the senate- 
house, thus showing that he did not like the measures 
passed, for not listening to the emperor's singing and 
zither-playing, for not sacrificing to Nero's Divine 
Voice as did the rest, and for not giving any public 



it' u.' 8^,8) e^ibitions : for it was remarked that at Patavium, his 
native place, he had acted in a tragedy given in pur- 
suance of some old custom at a festival held every 
thirty years. As he made the incision in his artery, he 
raised his hand, exclaiming: " To thee, Jupiter, pa- 
tron of freedom, I pour this libation of blood." 

— 87 — And why should one be surprised that such complaints 

were fastened upon them,i seeing that one man^ was 
brought to trial and slain for living near the Forum, 
for letting out some shops, or for receiving a few 
friends in them; and another* because he possessed a 
likeness of Cassius, the murderer of Caesar ? 

The conduct of a woman named Epicharis also de- 
serves mention. She had been included in the con- 
spiracy and all its details had been trusted to her with- 
out reserve; yet she revealed none of these though 
often tortured in all the ways that the skill of Tigil- 
linus could devise. And why should one enumerate 
the sums given to the Pretorians on the occasion of 
this conspiracy or the excessive honors voted to Nero 
and his friends? Let me say only that it led to the 
banishment of Eufus Musonius, the philosopher. Sa- 
bina also perished at this time through an act of 
Nero's. Either accidentally or intentionally he had 
given her a violent kick while she was pregnant. 

— 28 — The extremes of luxury indulged in by this Sabina I 

will indicate in the briefest possible terms. She had 

1 A slight gap in the MS. exists here, filled by a doubtful conjecture 
of Boissevain's. 
^ Salvidienus Orfitus (according to Suetonius, Life of Nero, chap. 37 ) . 
3 C. Cassius Longinus ( ibid. ) . 



gilded girths put upon the mules that carried her and ^- d. 65 

1 ^ ■, ■, , (a. «• 818) 

caused five hundred asses that had recently foaled to 
be milked each day that she might bathe in their milk. 
She devoted great thought to making her person ap- 
pear youthful and lustrously beautiful, — and with 
brilliant results ; and this is why, not fancying her ap- 
pearance in a mirror one day, she prayed that she 
might die before she passed her prime. Nero missed 
her so that [after her death, at first, on learning that 
there was a woman resembling her he sent for and 
kept this female: later] because a boy of the liberti 
class, named Sporus, resembled Sabina, he had him 
castrated and used him. in every way like a woman; 
and in due time he formally married him though he 
[NeroQ was already married to a freedman Pythag- 
oras. He assigned the boy a regular dowry according 
to contract, and Romans as well as others held a pub- 
lic celebration of their wedding. 

IT While Nero had Sporus the eunuch as a wife, one of his associates 
in Eome, who had made a specialty of philosophy, on being asked whether 
the marriage and cohabitation in question met with his approval re- 
plied : " You do well, Caesar, to seek the company of such wives. If 
only your father had had the same ambition and had dwelt with a 
similar consort ! " — indicating that if this had been the case, Nero 
would not have been born, and the government would have been relieved 
of great evils. 

This was, however, later. At the time with which 
we are immediately concerned many, as I stated, were 
put to death and many who purchased their preserva- 
tion with Tigillinus with a great price were released. 

Nero continued to commit many ridiculous acts, —Z9 — 
among which may be cited his descending at a kind of 


A. D. 65 

(a. M. 818) 


popular festival to the orchestra of the theatre, where 
he read some Trojan lays of his own : and in honor of 
these there were offered numerous sacrifices, as there 
were over everything else that he did. He was now 
making preparations to compile in verse a narration of 
all the achievements of the Eomans : before composing 
any of it, however, he began to consider the proper 
number of books, and took as his adviser Annseus 
Cornutus, who at this time was famed for his learning. 
This man he came very near putting to death and did 
deport to an island, because, while some were urging 
him to write four hundred books, Cornutus said that 
was too many and nobody would read them. And 
when some one objected: " Yet Chrysippus, whom 
you praise and imitate, has composed many more," the 
savant retorted: " But they are a help to the con- 
duct of men's lives." So Cornutus was punished with 
exile for this. And Lucanus was enjoined from writ- 
ing poetry because he was securing great praise for his 






Nero, receiving Tiiidates with imposing state, places a crown 
upon his head (chapters 1-7) . 

He journeys to Greece in order to become Periodonikes (chap- 
ters 8-10). 

With the help of Tigillinus and Crispinilla he lays Greece 
waste: Helius and Polycletus perform the same office for Kome 
and Italy (chapters 11, 12). 

Nero's marriages and abominations with Sporus and Pythag- 
oras (chapter 13). 

His victories and proclamation: frenzy against Apollo: hatred 
toward the senators (chapters 14, 15). 

Digging a canal through the Isthmus (chapter 16) . 

Demise of the Scribouii, of Corbulo, of Paris, of the Sulpicii 
(chapters 17, 18). 

At the solicitation of Helius, Nero returning conducts an 
Iselasticum triumph (chapters 19-21). 

Vindex's conspiracy against Nero, and his extinction (chap- 
ters 22-24). 

Bufus, saluted as Csesar and Augustus, refuses the sovereignty 
(chapter 25). 

Nero's flight and demise (chapters 26-29). 


C. Lucius Telesinus, C. Suetonius Paulinus. (A. D. 66 = a. u. 
819 — Thirteenth of Nero, from Oct. 13th.) 

Fonteius Capito, lunius Rufus. (A. D. 67 = a. u. 820 = 
Tourteenth of Nero.) 

C. Silius Italicus, Galerins Trachalus Turpilianus. (A- D. 
68 = a. u. 821, to June 9th.) 


— 1- 

D. 66 

In the consulship of Gaius Telesinus and Suetoniua ^ 
Paulimis one event of great glory and another of deep (»■ "• ^^^) 
disgrace took place. For one thing Nero contended 
among the zither-players, and after Menecrates,^ the 
teacher of this art, had celebrated a triumph for him 
in the hippodrome, he appeared as a charioteer. For 
the other, Tiridates presented himself in Eome, bring- 
ing with him not only his own children but those of 
Vologsesus, of Pacorus, and of Monobazus. They were 
the objects of interest in a quasi-trimnphal procession 
through the whole country west from the Euphrates. 
Tiridates himself was in the prime of life, a notable — a — 
figure by reason of his youth, beauty, family, and in- 
telligence: and his whole train of servants together 
with the entourage of a royal court accompanied the 
advance. Three thousand Parthian horsemen and be- 
sides them numerous Romans followed his train. They 
were received by gaily decorated cities and by peoples 
who shouted their compliments aloud. Provisions were 
furnished them free of cost, an expenditure of twenty 
myriads for their daily support being thus charged to 
the public treasury. This went on without change for 
the nine months occupied in their journey. The prince 
covered the whole distance to the confines of Italy on 
horseback and beside him rode his wife, wearing a 
golden helmet in place of a veil, so as not to defy the 
traditions of her country by letting her face be seen. 
In Italy he was conveyed in a two-horse carriage sent 
by Nero and met the emperor at Naples, which he 

1 This proper name is the result of an emendation bj; Reimar. 



A. D. 66 reached by way of the Picentes. He refused, how- 
la. ■". 819) J J 

ever, to obey the order to put down his dagger when 
he approached the Boman monarch, and he nailed it 
firmly to the scabbard. Yet he knelt upon the ground, 
and with arms crossed called him master and did obei- 

— 3— sance. Nero manifested his approbation of this act 
and entertained him in many ways, one of which was 
a gladiatorial show at Puteoli. The person who di- 
rected the contests was Patrobius, one of his freedmen. 
He managed to make it a brilliant and costly affair, as 
is shown by the fact that on one of the days not a per- 
son but Ethiopians, men, women, and children, ap- 
peared in the theatre. By way of showing Patrobius 
some proper honor Tiridates shot at beasts from his 
elevated seat. [And, if we may trust the report, he 
transfixed and killed two bulls together with one 

_4_ After this affair Nero took him up to Eome and set 
the diadem upon his head. The entire city had been 
decorated with lights and garlands, and great crowds 
of people were to be seen everywhere, the Forum, 
however, being especially full. The center was occupied 
by the populace, arranged according to rank, clad in 
white and carrying laurel branches: everywhere else 
were the soldiers, arrayed in shining armor, their 
weapons and standards reflecting back the sunbeams. 
The very roof tiles of the buildings in this vicinity 
were completely hidden from view by the spectators 
who had ascended to these points of vantage. Every- 
thing was in readiness by the time night drew to a 



close and at daybreak Nero, wearing the triumphal ■^- ^- ^^ 
garb and accompanied by the senate and the Pretor- 
ians, entered the Forum. He ascended the rostra and 
seated himself upon the chair of state. Next Tiri- 
dates and his suite passed through rows of heavy- 
armed men drawn up on each side, took their stand 
close to the rostra, and did obeisance to the emperor 
as they had done before. At this a great roar went — 5 — 
up which so alarmed Tiridates that for some moments 
he stood speechless, in terror of his life. Then, silence 
having been proclaimed, he recovered courage and 
quelling his pride made himself subservient to the 
occasion and to his need, caring little how humbly he 
spoke, in view of the prize he hoped to obtain. These 
were his words : ' ' Master, I am the descendant of 
Arsaces, brother of the princes Vologsssus and Pa- 
corus, and thy slave. And I have come to thee, my 
deity, to worship thee as I do Mithra. The destiny 
thou spinnest for me shall be mine : for thou art my 
Fortune and my Fate." 

Nero replied to him as follows : ' ' Well hast thou 
done to come hither in person, that present in my 
presence thou mayest enjoy my benefits. For what 
neither thy father left thee nor thy brothers gave and 
preserved for thee, this do I grant thee. King of 
Armenia I now declare thee, that both thou and they 
may understand that I have power to take away king- 
doms and to bestow them. ' ' At the end of these words 
he bade him come up the inclined plane built for this 
very purpose in front of the rostra, and Tiridates 



A. D. 66 leaving been made to sit beneath his feet he placed the 
diadem upon his head. At this there was no end of 

— 6— shouts of all sorts. According to decree there also 
took place a celebration in the theatre. Not merely 
the stage but the whole interior of the theatre round 
about had been gilded, and all properties brought in 
had been adorned with gold, so that people came to 
refer to the very day as " golden." The curtains 
stretched across the sky-opening to keep off the sun 
were of purple and in the centre of them was an em- 
broidered figure of Nero driving a chariot, with golden 
stars gleaming all about him. So much for the setting : 
and of course they had a costly banquet. 

Afterward Nero sang publicly with zither accompani- 
ment and drove a chariot, clad in the costume of the 
Greens and wearing a charioteer's helmet. This 
made Tiridates disgusted with him; but for Corbulo 
the visitor had only praise and deemed the one thing 
against him to be that he would put up with such a 
master. Indeed, he made no concealment of his views 
to Nero's face, but one day said to him: " Master, you 
have in Corbulo a good slave." The person addressed, 
however, did not comprehend his speech. — In all other 
matters he flattered the emperor and ingratiated him- 
self most skillfully, with the result that he received 
all kinds of gifts, said to have possessed in the ag- 
gregate a value of five thousand myriads, and obtained 
permission to rebuild Artaxata. Moreover, he took 
with him from Eome many artisans, some of whom he 
got from Nero, and some whom he persuaded by of- 



fers of high wages. Corbulo, however, would not let a. d. 66 

{a. u. 819) 

them all cross into Armenia, but only the ones whom 
Nero had given him. That caused Tiridates to ad- 
mire him all the more and to despise his chief. 

The return was made not by the same route as he — 7 — 
followed in coming, — through lUyricum and north of 
the Ionian Grulf,— but instead he sailed from Brun- 
dusium to Dyrrachium. He viewed also the cities of 
Asia, which helped to increase his amazement at the 
strength and beauty of the Roman empire. 

If Tiridates one day viewed an exhibition of pancratium. One of the 
contestants fell to the ground and was heing pummeled by his oppo- 
Bent. When the prince saw it, he exclaimed : " That's an unfair con- 
test. It isn't fair that a man who has fallen should be beaten." 

On rebuilding Artaxata Tiridates named it Neronia. 
But Vologsesus though often summoned refused to 
come to Nero, and finally, when the latter 's invitations 
became burdensome to him, sent back a despatch to 
this effect : " It is far easier for you than for me to 
traverse so great a body of water. Therefore, if you 
will come to Asia, we can then arrange [where we 
shall be able] to meet each other." [Such was the 
message which the Parthian wrote at last.] 

Nero though angry at him did not saU against him, —s — 
nor yet against the Ethiopians or the Caspian Pylae, 
as he had intended. [He saw that the subjugation of 
these regions demanded time and labor and hoped 
that they would submit to him of their own accord:] 
and he sent spies to both places. But he did cross 
over into Greece, not at all as Flamininus or Mum- 
mius or as Agrippa and Augustus his ancestors had 



la' u' 8^9 ) ^^^^' ^^* ^0^ t^6 purpose of chariot racing, of playing 
and singing, of making proclamations, and of acting in 
tragedies. Eome was not enough, for him, nor Pom- 
pey's theatre, nor the great hippodrome, but he de- 
sired also a foreign tour, in order to become, as he 
said, victor in all the four contests.^ And a multitude 
not only of Augustans but of other persons were taken 
with him, large enough, if it had been a hostile host, 
to have subdued both Parthians and all other nations. 
But they were the kind you would have expected Nero's 
soldiers to be, and the arms they carried were zithers 
and plectra, masks and buskins. The victories Nero 
won were such as befitted that sort of army, and 
he overcame Terpnus and Diodorus and Panunenes, 
instead of Philip or Perseus or Antiochus. It is 
probable that his purpose in forcing the Pammenes 
referred to, who had been in his prime in the reign of 
G-aius, to compete in spite of his age, was that he 
might overcome him and vent his dislike in abuse of 
his statues. 
— 9— Had he done only this, he would have been the sub- 
ject of ridicule. So how could one endure to hear 
about, let alone seeing, an emperor, an Augustus, listed 
on the program among the contestants, training his 
voice, practicing certain songs, wearing long hair on 
his head but with his chin shaven, throwing his toga 
over his shoulder in the races, walking about with one 
or two attendants, eyeing his adversaries suspiciously 

1 Literally "victor of the periodos." This was a name applied to an 
athlete who had conquered in the Pythian, Isthmian, Nemean and 
Olympian games. 


A. D. 67(?) 


and ever and anon throwing out a word to them in the a. D, 67 ( ?) 
midst of a boxing match ; how he dreaded the directors 
of the games and the wielders of the whip and spent 
money on all of them secretly to avoid being shown up 
in his true colors and whipped; and how all that he 
did to make himself victor in the citharoedic contest 
only contributed to his defeat in the Contest of the 
Caesars? How find words to denounce the wickedness 
of this proscription in which it was not^ Sulla that 
buUetiued the names of others, but Nero bulletined his 
own name ? "What victory less deserves the name than 
that by which one receives the olive, the laurel, the 
parsley, or the fir-tree garland, and loses the political 
crown? And why should one bewail these acts of his 
alone, seeing that he also by treading on the high-soled 
buskins lowered himself from his eminence of power, 
and by hiding behind the mask lost the dignity of his 
sovereignty to beg in the guise of a runaway slave, 
to be led like a blind man, to conceive, to bear chil- 
dren, to go mad [to drive a chariot], as he acted out 
time after time the story of (Edipus, and of Thyestes, 
of Heracles and Alcmeon, and of Orestes ? The masks 
he wore were sometimes made to resemble the charac- 
ters and sometimes had his own likeness. The wo- 
men's masks were all fashioned to conform to the 
features of Sabina [iu order that though dead she 
might still move in stately procession. All the situa- 
tions that common actors simulate in their acting he, 
too, would undertake to present, by speech, by action, 

1 ob supplied by Reiske. 

VOL. 5—5 65 


A. D. 67 (?) by being acted upon, — save only that] golden chains 
were used to bind him: apparently it was not thought 
proper for a Eoman emperor to be bound ia iron 
— 10 — AH this behavior, nevertheless, the soldiers and all 
the rest saw, endured, and approved. They entitled 
him Pythian Victor, Olympian Victor, National Victor, 
Absolute Victor, besides all the usual expressions, and 
of course added to these names the honorific designa- 
tions belonging to his imperial office, so that every 
one of them had " Caesar " and "Augustus " as a tag. 

1[He conceived a dislike for a certain man because while he was 
speaking the man frowned and was not overlavish of his praises; and 
so he drove him away and would not let him come into his presence. 
He persisted in his refusal to grant him audience, and when the person 
asked: " Where shall I go, then? " Phoebus, Nero's freedman, replied; 
"To the deuce! " 

No one of the people ventured either to pity or to 
hate the wretched creature. One of the soldiers, to be 
sure, on seeing him bound, grew indignant, ran up, 
and set him free. Another in reply to a question: 
" What is the emperor doing? " had to answer : " He 
is in labor pains, ' ' for Nero was then acting the part of 
Canace. Not one of them conducted himself in a way 
at all worthy of a Eoman. Instead, because so much 
money fell to their share, they offered prayers that he 
might give many such performances and they in this 
way get still more. 
_ n _ And if things had merely gone on like this, the af- 
fair, while being a source of shame and of ridicule alike, 
would still have been deemed free from danger. But 
as a fact he devastated the whole of Greece precisely 



as if he had been despatched to some war and with- ^- d. 67 ( ?) 
out regard to the fact that he had declared the country 
free, also slaying great numbers [of men, women and 
children. At jfirst he commanded the children and 
freedmen of those who were executed to leave him 
half their property at their death, and allowed the orig- 
inal victims to make wills in order to make it seem less 
likely that he had killed them for their money ; and he 
invariably took all that was bequeathed to him, if not 
more. In case any one left to him or to Tigillinus less 
than they were expecting, the wills were of no avail. — 
Later he deprived persons of their entire property and 
banished all their children at once by one decree. Not 
even this satisfied him, but he destroyed not a few of 
the exiles.] For no one could begin to enumerate all 
the confiscated possessions of men allowed to live and 
all the votive offerings that he stole from the very 
temples in Eome. [The despatch-bearers hurried 
hither and thither with no piece of news other than 
' ' kill this man ! " or that that man was dead. No 
private messages, only state documents, were deliv- 
ered ; for Nero had taken many of the foremost men to 
Greece under pretence of needing some assistance 
from them merely in order that they might perish 
there. The whole population of Rome and Italy he — la — 
surrendered like captives to a certain Helius, a Caesa- 
rian. The latter had been given absolutely complete 
authority, so that he might confiscate, banish, and put 
to death (even before notifying Nero) ordinary per- 
sons, knights, and senators alike. 



A. D. 67 ( ?) Thus the Roman domain was at that time a slave to 
two emperors at once, — Nero and Helius; and I do 
not feel able to say which was the worse. In most re- 
spects they behaved entirely alike, and the one point 
of difference was that the descendant of Augustus was 
emulating zither-players, whereas the freedman of 
Claudius was emulating Caesars. I consider the acts 
of Tigillinus as a part of Nero 's career because he was 
constantly with him: but Polyclitus and Calvia Cris- 
pinilla by themselves plundered, sacked, despoiled all 
the places they could get at. The former was associ- 
ated with Helius at Rome, and the latter with Sabina, 
born Sporus. Calvia had been entrusted with the care 
of the boy and with the oversight of the wardrobe, 
though a woman and of high rank; and she saw to it 
that all were stripped of their possessions. 
— 13— Now Nero called Sporus Sabina not merely on ac- 
count of the fact that by reason of resemblance to her 
he had been made a eunuch, but because the boy like 
the mistress had been solemnly contracted to him in 
Greece, with Tigillinus to give the bride away, as the 
law ordained. All the Greeks held a festal celebration 
of their marriage, uttering all the customary good 
wishes (as they could not well help) even to the extent 
of praying that legitimate children might be born to 
them. After that Nero took to himself two bedfellows, 
Pythagoras to treat as a man and Sporus as a woman. 
The latter, in addition to other forms of address, was 
termed lady, queen, and mistress. 

Yet why should one wonder at this, seeing that this 



monarch would fasten naked boys and girls to poles, a. D. 67 ( ?) 
and then putting on the hide of a wild beast would ap- 
proach them and satisfy his brutal lust under the ap- 
pearance of devouring parts of their bodies? Such 
were the indecencies of Nero. 

When he received the senators he wore a short 
flowered tunic with muslin collar, for he had already 
begun to transgress precedent in wearing ungirt tunics 
in public. It is stated also that knights belonging to 
the army used in his reign for the first time saddle- 
cloths during their public review. 

At the Olympic games he fell from the chariot he — 14 — 
was driving and came very near being crushed to 
death : yet he was crowned victor. In acknowledgment 
of this favor he gave to the Hellanodikai the twenty- 
five myriads which Galba later demanded back from 
them. [And to the Pythia he gave ten myriads for 
giving some responses to suit him: this money Galba 
recovered.] Again, whether from vexation at Apollo 
for making some unpleasant predictions to him or be- 
cause he was merely crazy, he took away from the god 
the territory of Cirrha and gave it to the soldiers. In 
fact, he abolished the oracle, slaying men and throwing 
them into the rock fissure from which the divine af- 
flatus arose. He contended in every single city that 
boasted any contest, and in all cases requiring the ser- 
vices of a herald he employed for that purpose Cluvius 
Eufus, an ex-consul. Athens and the Lacedaemonians 
were exceptions to this rule, being the only places that 
he did not visit at all. He avoided the second because 



A. D. 67 ( ?) of the laws of Lyourgus, which stood in the way of his 
designs, and the former because of the story about the 
Furies.— The proclamation ran: " Nero Caesar wins 
this contest and crowns the Boman people and his 
world." Possessing according to his own statement 
a world, he went on singing and playing, making proc- 
lamations, and acting tragedies. 
— 15 — His hatred for the senate was so fierce that he took 
particular pleasure in Vatinius, who kept always say- 
ing to him : " I hate you, Cassar, for being of sena- 
torial rank." — I have used the exact expression that 
he uttered. — Both the senators and all others were 
constantly subjected to the closest scrutiny in their 
entrances, their exits, their attitudes, their gestures, 
their outcries. The men that stuck constantly by Nero, 
listened attentively, made their applause distinct, were 
commended and honored : the rest were both degraded 
and punished, so that some, when they could endure it 
no longer (for they were frequently expected to be on 
the qui vive from early morning until evening) , would 
feign to swoon and would be carried out of the theatres 
as if dead. 
— 16 — As an incidental labor connected with his sojourn in 
Greece he conceived a desire to dig a canal across the 
isthmus of the Peloponnesus, and he did begin the 
task. Men shrank from it, however, because, when the 
first workers touched the earth, blood spouted from it, 
groans and bellowings were heard, and many phan- 
toms appeared. Nero himself thereupon grasped a 
mattock and by throwing up some of the soil fairly 



compelled the rest to imitate liim. For this work lie a. D. 67 ( ?) 

sent for a large number of men from other nations as 


For this and other purposes he needed great sums of — 17 — 
money; and as he was a promoter of great enterprises 
and a liberal giver and at the same time feared an at- 
tack from the persons of most influence while he was 
thus engaged, he destroyed many excellent men. Of 
most of these I shall omit any mention, merely saying 
that the stock complaint under which all of them were 
brought before him was uprightness, wealth, and 
family; all of them either killed themselves or were 
slaughtered by others. I shall pause to consider only 
Corbulo and (of the Sulpicii Scribonii) Eufus and 
Proculu^, These two deserve attention because they 
were in a way brothers and contemporaries, never do- 
ing anything separately but united in purpose and in 
property as they were in famUy: they had for a long 
time administered the affairs of the Germanics and 
had come to Greece at the summons of Nero, who af- 
fected to want something from them, A complaint of 
the kind which that period so prodigally afforded was 
lodged against them. They could obtain no hearing on 
the matter nor even get within sight of Nero ; and as 
this caused them to be slighted by all persons without 
exception, they began to long for death and so met 
their end by slitting open their veins. — And I notice 
Corbulo, because the emperor, after giving him also a 
most courteous simamons and invariably calling him 
(among other names) " father " and " benefactor," 
then, as this general approached Cenchrea, commanded 



A. D. 67 ( ?) that he be slain before he had even entered his presence. 
Some explain this by saying that Nero was about to 
sing with zither accompaniment and could not endure 
the idea of being seen by Corbulo while he wore the 
long ungirded tunic. The condemned man, as soon as 
he imderstood the import of the order, seized a sword, 
and dealing himself a lusty blow exclaimed: " Your 
due! " Now for the first time in his career was he 
ready to believe that he had done ill both in sparing the 
zither-player and in going to him unarmed. 
— 18 — This is the substance of what took place in Greece. 
Does it add much to mention that Nero ordered Paris 
the dancer killed because he wished to learn dancing 
from him and was disappointed? Or that he banished 
Csecina Tuscus, governor of Egypt, for bathing in the 
tub that had been specially constructed for his coming 
visit to Alexandria? 

In Eome about this same time Helius committed 
many acts of outrage. One of these was his killing of 
a distinguished man, Sulpicius Camerinus, together 
with his son; the complaint against them was that 
whereas they were called Pythici after some of their 
ancestors they would not abandon possession of this 
name, thus blaspheming Nero's Pythian victories by 
the use of a similar title. — And when the Augustans 
offered to build a shrine to the emperor worth a thou- 
sand libraB, the whole equestrian order was compelled 
to help defray the expense they had undertaken. — As 
for the doings of the senate, it would be a task to de>- 
scribe them all in detail. For so many sacrifices and 
days of thanksgiving were announced that the whole 
year would not hold them all. 



Helius having for some time sent Nero repeated —19 — 
. . A. D. 67 ( f ) 

messages urging hmi to return as quickly as possible, 

wlien he found that no attention was paid to them, 
went himself to Greece on the seventh day and fright- 
ened him by saying that a great conspiracy against him 
vpas on foot in Eome. This news made him embark at 
double quick rate. There was some hope of his perish- 
ing in a stonn and many rejoiced, but to no purpose : 
he came safely to land. And cause for destroying some 
few persons was found in the very fact that they had 
prayed and hoped that he might perish. So, when he —20 — 
marched into Rome, a portion of the wall was torn (o. «. 821) 
down and a section of the gates broken in, because 
some asserted that each of these ceremonies was cus- 
tomary upon the return of garlanded victors from the 
games. First entered men wearing the garlands which 
had been won, and after them others with boards 
borne aloft on spears, upon which were inscribed the 
name of the set of games, the kind of contest, and a 
statement that " Nero Caesar first of all the Eomans 
from the beginning of the world has conquered in it." 
Next came the victor himself on a triumphal car in 
which Augustus once had celebrated his many victo- 
ries : he wore a vesture of purple sprinkled with gold 
and a garland of wild olive; he held in his hand the 
Pythian laurel. By his side in the vehicle sat Diodorus 
the citharcedist. After passing in this manner through 
the hippodrome and through the Forum in company 
with the soldiers and the knights and the senate he as- 
cended the Capitol and proceeded thence to the palace. 



A. D. 68 T]ie city was all decked with ararlands, was ablaze with 
(a. M. 821) . •' ° ' 

lights and smoky with incense, and the whole popula- 
tion, — the senators themselves most of all, — kept 
shouting aloud: " Vah, Olympian Victor! Vah, 
Pythian Victor! Augustus! Augustus! Hail to Nero 
the Hercules, hail to Nero the Apollo!! The one Na- 
tional Victor, the only one from the beginning of time ! 
Augustus! Augustus! 0, Divine Voice! Blessed are 
they that hear thee ! " 

— Why should I employ circumlocutions instead of 
letting you see their very words? The actual expres- 
sions used do not disgrace my history: no, the con- 
cealment of none of them rather lends it distinction. 
—21— When he had finished these ceremonies, he an- 
nounced a series of horse-races, and transferring to the 
hippodrome these crowns and all the rest that he had 
secured by victories in chariot racing, he put them 
about the Egyptian obelisk. The number of them was 
cne thousand eight hundred and eight. After doing 
this he appeared as charioteer. — A certain Larcius, a 
Lydian, approached him with an offer of twenty-five 
myriads if he would play and siug for them. Nero 
would not take the money, disdaining to do anything 
for pay; and so Tigillinus collected it, as the price of 
not putting Larcius to death. However, the emperor 
did appear on the stage with an accompanied song and 
he also gave a tragedy. In the equestrian contests he 
was seldom absent, and sometimes he would volunta- 
rily let himself be defeated in order to make it more 
credible that he really won at other times. 

Dio 62nd Book : " And he inflicted uncounted woea on many cities." 



This was the kind of life Nero led, this was the way —22 — 
he ruled. I shall narrate also how he was put down ,^- ^- ^^ 

^ (a. u. 821) 

and driven from his throne. 

While Nero was still in Greece, the Jews revolted openly and he sent 
Vespasian against them. The inhabitants of Britain and of Gaul, like- 
wise, oppressed by the taxes, experienced an even keener distress, which 
added fuel to the already kindled fire of their indignation. 

— There was a Gaul named Gaius Julius Vindex 
'[an Aquitanian], descended from the native royal race 
and on his father's side entitled to rank as a Roman 
senator. He was strong of body, had an intelligent 
mind, was skilled in warfare and was full of daring 
for every enterprise. [He was to the greatest degree 
a lover of freedom and was ambitious ; and he stood at 
the head of the Gauls.] Now this Vindex made an as- 
sembly of the Gauls, who had suffered much during the 
numerous forced levies of money, and were still suf- 
fering at Nero's hands. And ascending a tribunal 
he delivered a long and detailed speech against Nero, 
saying that they ought to revolt from the emperor and 
join him in an attack [upon him], — " because," said 
he, " he has despoiled the whole Eoman world, because 
he has destroyed all the flower of their senate, because 
he debauched and likewise killed his mother, and does 
not preserve even the semblance of sovereignty. Mur- 
ders, seizures and outrages have often been committed 
and by many other persons: but how may one find 



it' ^' oo^i » words to describe the remainder of his conduct as it 

(U. U, oil) 

deserves? I have seen, my friends and allies, — be- 
lieve me,— I have seen that man (if he is a man, who 
married Sporus and was given in marriage to Pythag- 
oras) in the arena of the theatre and in the orchestra, 
sometimes with the zither, the loose tunic, the cothur- 
nus,^ sometimes with wooden shoes^ and mask. I have 
often heard him sing, I have heard him make proclama- 
tions, I have heard him perform tragedy. I have seen 
him in chains, I have seen him dragged about, preg- 
nant, bearing children, going through all the situations 
of mythology, by speech, by being addressed, by being 
acted upon, by acting. Who, then, will call such a per- 
son Caesar and emperor and Augustus ? Let no one for 
any consideration so abuse those sacred titles. They 
were held by Augustus and by Claudius. This fellow 
might most properly be termed Thyestes and CEdipus, 
Alomeon and Orestes. These are the persons he rep- 
resents on the stage and it is these titles that he has 
assumed rather than the others. Therefore now at 
length rise against him: come to the succor of your- 
selves and of the Eomans; liberate the entire world! " 
— 23 — Such words falling from the lips of Vindex met with 
entire approval from all. Vindex was not working to 
get the imperial oflSce for himself but chose Servius 
Sulpicius Galba for that position: this man was dis- 

1 The two kinds of footwear mentioned here appear in the Greek as 
x66opvoi and i/ijSdiTTi^ respectively. These words are often synonymous, 
and both may refer, as a rule, to high boots. In the present passage, 
however, some kind of contrast is evidently intended, and the most 
acceptable solution of the question is that given by Sturz, in his edition, 
who says that the xdffopvo^ seems to have been used by Nero only in 
singing, whereas he wore the c/i/Jarijf (as also the mask) while acting. 



tinguislied for his upright behavior and knowledge of ^- ^- ss 
war, was governor of Spain, and had a not inconsider- 
able force. He was also nominated by the soldiers as 

Enfus, governor of Germany, set out to make war on — a* — 
Vindex ; but when he reached Vesontio he sat down to 
besiege the city, for the alleged reason that it had not 
received him. Vindex came against him to the aid of 
the city and encamped not far off. They then sent 
messages back and forth to each other and finally held 
a conference together at which no one else was present 
and made a mutual agreement,— against Nero, as it 
was thought. After this Vindex set his anny in motion 
for the apparent purpose of occupying the town: and 
the soldiers of Rufus, becoming aware of their ap- 
proach, and thinking the force was marching straight 
against them, set out without being ordered to oppose 
their progress. They fell upon the advancing troop 
while the men were off their guard and in disarray, 
and so cut down great numbers of them. Vindex see- 
ing this was afflicted with so great grief that he slew 

himself. For he felt, besides, at odds with Heaven itself, in that 
he had not been able to attain his goal in an undertaking of so great 
magnitude, involving the overthrow of Nero and the liberation of the 

This is the truth of the matter. Many afterwards 
inflicted wounds on his body, and so gave currency to 
the erroneous supposition that they had themselves 
killed him. 

Eufus mourned deeply his demise, but refused to — 25 — 
accept the office of emperor, although his soldiers fre^ 



A. D. 68 quently urged it upon Mm and lie might easily have 
obtained it., He was an energetic man and had a large, 
wide-awake body of troops. His soldiers tore down 
and shattered the image of Nero and called their gen- 
eral Cjesar and Augustus. When he would not heed 
them, one of the soldiers thereupon quickly inscribed 
these words on one of his standards. He erased the 
terms, however, and after a great deal of trouble 
brought the men to order and persuaded them to sub- 
mit the question^ to the senate and the people. It is 
hard to say whether this was merely because he did not 
deem it right for the soldiers to bestow the supreme 
authority upon any one (for he declared this to be the 
prerogative of the senate and the people), or because 
he was entirely highminded and felt no personal desire 
for the imperial power, to secure which others were 
willing to do everything. 

[Nero was informed of the Vindex episode as he was 
in Naples viewing the gymnastic contest just after 
luncheon. He was naturally far from sorry, and leap- 
ing from his seat vied in prowess with some athlete. 
He did not hurry back to Eome but merely sent a letter 
to the senate, in which he asked them to regard 
leniently his nont-arrival, because he had a sore throat, 
implying that when he did come he wanted to sing to 
them. And he continued to devote the same care and 
attention to his voice, to his songs, and to the zither 
tunes, not only just then but also subsequently: so he 
would not try a tone of his intended program. If he 

1 T(J npa^fiara supplied by Polak. 

— 36 — 


was at any time compelled by ciroumstances to make ^- d. 68 

. . (a- u. 821) 

some exclamation, yet somebody, reminding him that 
he "was to appear as citharcedist, would straightway 
check and control him. 

It is stated that Nero having offered by proclama- (— 23 — ) 
tion two hundred and fifty myriads to the person who 
should kill Vindex, the latter when he heard of it 
remarked : ' ' The person who kills Nero and brings his 
head to me may take mine in return." That was the 
sort of man Vindex was. 

In general he still behaved in his accustomed manner — 26 — 
and he was pleased with the news brought him because 
he had been expecting in any event to overcome Vindex 
and because he thought he had now secured a justifiable 
ground for money-getting and murders. He enjoyed 
the same degree of luxury; and upon the completion 
and adornment of the heroiim of Sabina he gave it a 
brilliant dedication, taking care to have inscribed upon 
it: " The "Women have built This to Sabina, the 
Goddess Venus." And the writing told the truth: 
for the building had been constructed with money of 
which a great part had been stolen from women. Also 
he had his numerous little jokes, of which I shall men- 
tion only one, omitting' the rest.] One night he sud- 
denly summoned in haste the foremost senators and 
knights, apparently to make some communication to 
them regarding the political situation. When they 
were assembled, he said : " I have discovered a way by 
which the water organ " — I must write exactly what 
he said — "will produce a greater and more har- 



A. D. 68 
(a. M. 821) 

monious volume of sound." Such were Ms jokes about 
this period. And little did lie reck that both sets of 
doors, those of the monument and those of the bed- 
chamber of Augustus, opened of their own accord in 
one and the same night, or that at Albanum it rained 
so much blood that rivers of it flowed over the land, 
or that the sea retreated a good distance from Egypt 
— 27— and covered a large portion of Lycia. But when he 
heard about Galba's being proclaimed emperor by the 
soldiers and about the desertion of Eufus, he fell into 
great fear: he made preparations in person at Eome 
and he sent agaiast the rebels Eubrius Gallus and some 

On learning that Petronius,! whom he had sent ahead against the 
rebels with the larger portion of the army, also favored the cause of 
Galba, Nero reposed no further hope in arms. 

Being abandoned by all without exception he began 
forming plans to kill the senators, burn the city to the 
ground, and sail to Alexandria. He dropped this hint 
in regard to his future course : ' ' Even though we be 
driven from our empire, yet this little artistic gift of 
ours shall support us there. ' ' To such a pitch of folly 
had he come as to believe that he could live for a 
moment as a private citizen and would be able to ap- 
pear as a musician. 

He was on the point of putting those measures into effect when the 
senate first withdrew the guard that surrounded Nero, then entered the 
camp, and declared Nero an enemy but chose Galba in his place as 

But when he perceived that he had been deserted 
also by his body-guards (he happened to be asleep in 

IP. Petronius Turpilianus. 



some garden), he undertook to make his escape. Ac- ^- ^- ^s 

Til -.,,,,,. {a. u. 821) 

cordmgly, he assumed shabby clothmg and mounted a 
horse no better than his attire. Closely veiled he rode 
■while it was yet night towards an estate of Phao, a 
Caesarian, in company with the owner of the place, and 
Epaphroditus and Sporus. While he was on the —28 — 
way an extraordinary earthquake occurred, so that 
one might have thought the whole world was break- 
ing apart and all the spirits of those murdered by 
him were leaping up to assail him. Being recog- 
nized, they say, in spite of his disguise by some one 
who met him he was saluted as emperor; conse- 
quently he turned aside from the road and hid him- 
self in a kind of reedy place. There he waited till 
daylight, lying flat on the ground so as to run the least 
risk of being seen. Every one who passed he sus- 
pected had come for him; he started at every voice, 
thinking it to be that of some one searching for him: 
if a dog barked anywhere or a bird chirped, or a bush 
or twig was shaken by the breeze, he was thrown into a 
violent tremor. These sounds would not let him have 
rest, yet he dared not speak a word to any one of those 
that were with him for fear some one else might hear : 
but he wept and bewailed his fortune, considering 
among other things how he had once stood resplendent 
in the midst of so vast a retinue and was now dodging 
from sight in company with three freedmen. Such 
was the drama that Fate had now prepared for him, to 
the end that he should no longer represent all other 
matricides and beggars, but only himself at last. Now 
VOL. 5—6 81 


{a.'u.'82i) ^® repented of his haughty insolence, as if he could 
make one of his acts undone. Such was the tragedy 
in which Nero found himself involved, and this verse 
constantly ran through his mind : 

" Both spouse and father bid me pitiably die." 

After a long time, as no one was seen to he searching 
for him, he went over into the cave, where in his hun- 
ger he ate such bread as he had never before tasted 
and in. his thirst drank water such as he had never 
drunk before. This gave him such a qualm that he 
said: " So this is my fajnous frigid de^octa."^ 
— 29— While he was in this plight the Eoman people were 
going wild with delight and offering whole oxen in 
sacrifice. Some carried small liberty caps, and they 
voted to Galba the rights pertaining to the imperial 
office. For Nero himself they instituted a search in all 
directions and for some time were at a loss to know 
whither he could have betaken himself. When they 
finally learned, they sent horsemen to dispose of him. 
He, then, perceiving that they were drawing near, com- 
manded his companions to kill him. As they refused 
to obey, he uttered a groan and said : "I alone have 
neither friend nor foe." iBy this time the horsemen 
were close at hand, and so he killed himself, uttering 
tliat far-famed sentence: " Jupiter, what an artist 
perishes in me! " And as he lingered in his agony 
Epaphroditus dealt him a finishing stroke. He had 
lived thirty years and nine months, out of which he had 
ruled thirteen years and eight months. Of the de- 

lEeading aicsifidov (Eeimar, Cobet et al.). 



scendants of Mneas and of Augustus lie was the last, , '^- ^- ^^ 

° ' (a. u. 821) 

as was plainly indicated by the fact that the laurels 
planted by Livia and the breed of white birds perished 
somewhat before his death. 

Uln so great an upheaval as then took place there was no one but 
had some hopes of laying hands on the sovereign o£Sce. 

U [Eufus visited Galba and could obtain from him no 
important privileges, unless you reckon as such the 
fact that a man who had frequently been hailed as 
emperor was allowed to live. Among the rest of man- 
kind, however, he had acquired a great name, — 
greater than if he had accepted the sovereignty,— for 
refusing to receive it.] 

Galba, since Nero had been destroyed and the senate had voted him 
authority and Eufus had made advances to him, plucked up courage; 
however, he did not adopt the name " Caesar " until the representatives 
of the senate had paid him a visit. Nor had he, previous to this time, 
inscribed the name "emperor" in any document. 






Omens annonucing Galba's sovereignty: his ararice: the in- 
solence of freedmen, of NympMdius, of Capito (chapters 1, 2). 

His ferocious entrance into the city: punishment of the Ne- 
ronians (chapter 3). 

About the uprising of Vitellius against Galba (chapter 4) . 

L. Fiso Caesar adopted by Galba: Otho usurps the sovereignty 
(chapter 5). 

Death of Galba and Fiso (chapter 6) . 

Otho assumes the sovereignty amid unfavorable auspices and 
flattery (chapters 7, 8). 

Insolence of the soldiers: the Fseudo-]7ero (chapter 9). 

Battles between Otho and Vitellius at Cremona (chapters 10, 

Otho's speech to his soldiers (chapters 12, 13) . 
How Otho with his dagger took his own life (chapters 14, 

The rapacity of Valens (chapter 16). 


C. Silius Italicus, Galerius Trachalus Turpilianus. (A. S. 
68 = a. u. 821, from the 9th of June.) 

Galba Gses. Aug. (11), T. Vinius. (A. D. 69 = a. u. 822, to 
January 15th.) 


Thus was Galba declared emperor just as Tiberius .""iTa 
had foretold when he said to him: " You also shall (»• "• 821 ) 
have a little taste of sovereignty." The event was 
likewise foretold by unmistakably omens. He beheld 
in visions the Goddess of Fortune telling him that she 
had now stuck by him for a long time yet no one ap- 
peared ready to take her into his house; and if she 
should be barred out much longer she should take up 
her abode with some one else. During those very days 
also boats full of weapons and under the guidance of 
no human being came to anchor off the coast of Spain. 
And a mule brought forth young, an occurrence which 
had been previously interpreted as destined to portend 
the possession of authority by him. Again, a boy that 
was bringing him incense in the course of a sacrifice 
suddenly had his hair turn gray; whereupon the seers 
declared that dominion over the younger generation 
should be given to his old age. 

These, then, were the signs given beforehand that — 2 — 
had a bearing on his sovereignty. Personally his con- 
duct was in most ways moderate and he avoided giving 
offence since he bore in mind that he had not taken the 
emperor's seat but it had been given him; — indeed, he 
said so frequently :— unfortunately, he collected money 
greedily since his wants were numerous, though he 
spent comparatively little after all, bestowing upon 
some persons not even denarii but merely asses. His 
freedmen, however, committed a great number of 
wrongs, the responsibility for which was laid upon 
him. Ordinary individuals need only keep themselves 



A. D. 68 from crime, but those wlio hold sovereign power must 

(o. u. 821) ' . . 

see to it that no dependent of theirs practices villany 
either. For it makes little difference to the ones who 
suffer wrong at whose hands they happen to be ill 
treated. Consequently, even though Galba abstained 
from inflicting injury, yet he was ill spoken of because 
he allowed these others to commit crimes, or at least 
was ignorant of what was taking place. Nymphidius 
and Capito, in particular, were allowed by him to run 
riot. For instance, Capito, when one day some one 
appealed a case from his jurisdiction, changed his seat 
hastily to a high chair near by and then cried out: 
" Now plead your case before Caesar! " He went 
through the form of deciding it and had the man put to 
death. Galba felt obliged to proceed against them for 
— 3 — As he drew near the City, the guards of Nero met 
him and asked that their organization be preserved in- 
tact. At first he was for postponing his decision and 
averred that he wanted to think- the matter over. 
Since, however, they would not obey but kept up a 
clamor, the army submitted to them. As a consequence 
about seven thousand of his soldiers lost their lives and 
the guardsmen were decimated. This shows that even 
if Galba was bowed down with age and disease, yet his 
spirit was keen and he did not believe in an emperor's 
being compelled to do anything unwillingly. A fur- 
ther proof is that when the Pretorians asked him for 
the money which Nymphidius had promised them, he 



would not give it, but replied : * ' I am accustomed to ^- D. 68 

, . {a. u. 821) 

levy soldiers, not to buy them." And when the popu- 
lace brought urgent pressure to bear on Tn'm to kill 
Tigillinus and some others who had before been 
wantonly insolent, he would not yield, though he would 
probably have disposed of them had not their enemies 
made this demand. Helius, however, as well as Nar- 
cissus, Patrobius, Lucusta the poison merchant, and 
some others who had been active in Nero's day, he 
ordered to be carried iu chains all over the city and 
afterwards to receive punishment. The slaves, likewise, who 

had been guilty of any act or speech detiimental to their masters were 
handed over to the latter for punishment. 

1[ Some disdained receiving their own slaves, wishing to be rid of 
rascally slaves. 

Galba demanded the return of all moneys and objects of value which 
any persons had received from Nero. However, if anybody had been 
exiled by the latter on the charge of impiety towards the emperor, he 
restored him to citizenship; and he also transferred to the tomb of 
Augustus the bones of members of the imperial family who had been 
murdered, and he set up their images anew. 

For this he was praised. On the other hand he was 
the victim of uproarious laughter for wearing a sword 
whenever he walked on the street, siuce he was so old 
and weak of sinew. 

I shall relate also the circumstances of his death. — 4 — 

A. D. 69 

The soldiers in Germany under control of Eufus be- (a. «. 822) 
came more and more excited because they could not 
obtain any favors from Galba; and, having faUed to 
secure the object of their desire through the medium 
of Eufus, they sought to obtain it through somebody 
else. This they did. ^ith Aulus Vitellius, governor 



(a" u' 822) °^ Lower Germany, at their head they revolted. AH 
that they had in miad regarding him was the nobility 
of his birth, and they paid no attention to the fact that 
he had been a favorite of Tiberius and was a slave to 
the licentious habits of his former master; or perhaps 
they thought that on this very account he would suit 
their purpose all the better. Indeed, Vitellius himself 
deemed himself of so little account that he made fun of 
the astrologers and used their prediction as evidence 
against them, saying: " Certainly they know nothing 
who declare that I shall become emperor. ' ' Nero when 
he heard it also laughed, and felt such contempt for the 
fellow that he did not try to injure him. 
— 5— Galba on being informed of his defection adopted 
Lucius Piso, a youth of good family, affable and pru- 
dent, and appointed him Caesar. At the same time 
Marcus Salvius Otho, angry because he had not been 
adopted by Galba, brought about once more a begin- 
ning of countless evils for the Eomans. He was al- 
ways held in honor by Galba, so much so that on the 
day of the latter 's death he was the only one of the 
senators to attend him at the sacrifice. And to him 
most of all was the catastrophe due. For when the 
diviner declared that Galba would be the victim of con- 
spiracy and therefore urged him by no means to go 
abroad anywhere, Otho heard it, and hastening down 
immediately as if on some other errand was admitted 
within the wall by some few soldiers who were in the 
conspiracy with him. The next step was the winning 
over or rather the buying up of the rest, who were dis- 



pleased at Gralba, by means of many promises. From A- D, 69 

XT 1 • -. iT . . ■■ ». (o- «• 822) 

tnem ne received tne imperial office at once and later 
his claim was acknowledged by the others. Galba 
on learning what was taking place thought he could — 6— 
bring the men into a better frame of mind and 
sent some emissaries to the camp for this purpose. 
Meanwhile a soldier holding aloft a bare blade covered 
with blood had approached him and said : * ' Be of good 
cheer, emperor: I have killed Otho, and no further 
danger awaits you." Galba, believing this, said to 
him: "And who ordered you to do that? " He him- 
self started for the Capitol to offer sacrifice. As he 
reached the middle of the Eoman Forum, horsemen 
and footsoldiers met him and then and there cut down 
in the presence of many senators and crowds of ple- 
beians the old man, their consul, high priest, Caesar, 
emperor. After abusing his body in many ways they 
cut off his head and stuck it on a pole. — So he was 
struck by a javelin hurled into the very chair in which 
he was being carried, was wounded at the very moment 
he was bending forward from it, and only said: 
" Why, what harm have I done? " Sempronius Cen- 
sus, a centurion, defended him as long as he was able, 
and finally, when he could accomplish nothing, let him- 
self be slain with his sovereign. This is why I have 
included his name, for he richly deserves to be men- 
tioned. Piso also was killed and numerous others, but 
not in aiding the emperor. 

When the soldiers had done this, they cut oB their heads, which they 
then carried to Otho (who was in the camp) and also into the senate- 
house; and the senators, though terror-stricken, aflfected to be glad. 



— 8— Moreover, the senate voted him all the privileges 
{o.'m.'822) pertaining to his office. He said that he had been 

forced to do as he did, had been brought within the 
walls against his will, and had actually risked his life 
after that by opposing the scheme. He regularly 
talked in a considerate manner and assumed a kindly 
expression and attitude ; he threw kisses on his fingers 
to everybody and made many promises. But the fact 
did not escape men that his rule was sure to be more 
licentious and oppressive than Nero's. (Indeed, he 
had immediately applied to himself the latter 's name.) 
(_6— ) Galba had lived seventy-two years and twenty-three 
days, out of which he ruled nine months and thirteen 
days. Piso perished after him, making this atonement 
for having been appoiated Caesar. 

— 7 — This was the end that befell Galba. But retribution 

was destined full soon enough to seek out Otho in his 
turn, as he at once learned. As he was offering his 
first sacrifice, the omens were seen to be unfavorable, 
so that he repented of what had been done and said: 
" What need was there of my playing on the long 
flutes? " This is a colloquial and proverbial expres- 
sion that has reference to those who do anything out of 
their usual line. Later he was so disturbed in his sleep 
at night that he fell out of the bed and alarmed the 
guards who slept at the door. They rushed in and 
found him lying on the ground. Yet once he had en- 
tered upon the imperial office he could not put it off ; 
and he remained in it and paid the penalty, in spite of 
many temperate acts intended to conciliate people. It 



was not particularly his nature to behave that way, but a. d. 69 

'' "" (a. u. 822) 

Since on account of Vitellius his prospects were in a 
somewhat precarious state, he did not wish to alienate 
the bulk of the population. 

Just at this time, to be sure, he annulled the sen- 
tences against some senators and granted various 
slight favors to others. By way of gaining the public 
approval he constantly frequented the theatres: ho 
bestowed citizenship upon foreigners and made many 
other attractive announcements. Yet he did not suc- 
ceed in winning the attachment of any one save a cer- 
tain few, like himself. [|For his restoration of the 
images of those under accusation and] his life and 
habits, his keeping Sporus as a companion and employ- 
ing the rest of the Neronians, alarmed everybody. 

They hated him most of all, however, because he had 
demonstrated the fact that the imperial office was for 
sale and had put the city in the power of the boldest 
spirits; likewise because he held the senate and the 
people in slight esteem and had impressed upon the 
soldiers also this idea, — that they could kill or again 
create a Caesar. Moreover, he had brought the soldiers 
into such a daring and lawless condition by his gifts 
and his immoderate attentions that one day they forced 
an entrance just as they were iato the palace while a 
number of the senators were dicing there with Otho. 
Before departing they rushed into the banquet-room 
itself, killing those that strove to bar their progress. 
And they would have slaughtered everybody found 
there had not the guests jumped up and hid themselves 


— 9 — 


(a" u'siz) P'^^^ *o t^^ij"^ irruption. For this behavior the men 
received money, it being assumed that their act was 
due to their liking for Otho. 

About this time also a man was caught pretending 
to be Nero. His name was imknown to Dio. And at 
last he paid the penalty. 
— 10 — Otho, not succeeding by frequent invitations in per- 
suading Vitellius to come and share the imperial office, 
eventually plunged into open war against him. And 
he sent soldiers whom he put in charge of several dif- 
ferent leaders; this fact was largely responsible for 
his reverses. 

U Valens was so eager for money and gathered it so 
assiduously from every source that he put to death the 
decurion, who had concealed him and had saved his life, 
on account of a thousand denarii which he thought had 
been purloined from his possessions. 

If Otho declined battle, saying that he could not see a 
battle fought between kindred, just as if he had become 
emperor in some legitimate fashion and had not kUled 
the consuls and the Caesar^ and the emperor^ in Eome 
itself. There fell in the battles which took place near 
Cremona four myriads of men on both sides. Here, 
they say, various omens appeared before the battle, 
most noteworthy being an unusual bird, such as men 
had never before beheld, that was seen for a number 
of days. 
— 1:1 — After the forces of Otho had been worsted, a certain 
horseman brought word of the disaster to Otho. When 

1 Fiso and Galba are meant. 



the bystanders refused to credit his report — it chanced a. d. 69 
that there were many gathered there — and some set 
to calling hitn " renegade " and others " enemy," he 
exclaimed : ' ' Would that this news were false, Caesar : 
for most gladly would I have died to secure thy victory. 
As it is, my demise is determined, that no one may 
think I fled hither to secure my own safety. But do 
thou be assured that the enemy will ere long arrive, 
and debate what must be done." Having finished 
these words, he despatched himself. This act caused —12 — 
all to believe him, and they were ready to renew 
the conflict. Those present formed a numerous body 
and there were not a few others at hand from Pan- 
nonia. But the most important consideration, as 
usual in such cases, was that they loved Otho and 
were quite devoted to him, not in word but in their 
hearts. "When, however, they besought htm not to 
abandon either himself or them, he waited until the 
rest, at report of the news, had come running together, 
and then, after some muttered words to himself, he 
delivered to the soldiers a speech, from which the fol- 
lowing is a brief excerpt : 

' ' Enough, quite enough, has already been done. I — 13 — 
hate a civil war, even though I conquer : and I love all 
Romans, even though they do not side with me. Let 
Vitellius be victor, since this has pleased the gods ; and 
let the lives of his soldiers also be spared, since this 
pleases me. It is far better and more just that one 
should perish for all, rather than many for one, and 
that I should refuse on account of one single man to 



,-^- •^" oo. eiiibroil tlie Eoman people and cause so great a mass 
of liuman beings to perish. I certainly should prefer 
to be a Mucius, a Decius, a Curtius, a Eegulus, rather 
than a Marius, a Cinna, or a Sulla, — not to mention 
other names. Therefore do not force me to become 
one of these men I hate, nor grudge me the privilege of 
imitating one of those whom I commend. Do you de- 
part to meet the conqueror and do him reverence. As 
for me, I shall find means to free myself, that all men 
may be taught by the event that you have chosen such 
an emperor as has not given you up to save himself 
but himself to save you." 
— 1* — Of this nature were the words of Otho. Falling upon 
the ears of the soldiers they aroused both admiration 
of the man and pity for what might befall him: his 
troops shed tears of lamentation and mourning, calling 
him father and terming him dearer than children and 
parents. [" Upon thee our lives depend," they said, 
*' and for thee we will all die."] This argument con- 
tinued so for most of the day, Otho begging to be 
allowed to die and the soldiers refusing to permit him 
to carry out his wish. Finally, he reduced them to 
silence and said : "It can not be that I should show 
myself inferior to this soldier, whom you have seen kill 
himself for the single reason that he had borne news of 
defeat to his own emperor. I shall certainly follow in 
his footsteps, that I may cease to see or hear aught any 
longer. And you, if you love me in reality, let me die 
as I desire and do not compel me to live against my 
will, but take your way to the victor and gain his good 




At the close of this speecli lie retired into his apart- — is — 

^ A. D. 69 

ments and after sending some messages to his intimate (a. «. 822^ 
friends and some to Vitellius in their behalf he burned 
all the letters which anybody had written to him con- 
taining hostile statements about Vitellius, not wanting 
them to serve as damaging evidence against anybody. 
Then he called each one of the persons that were at 
hand, greeted them, and gave them money. Meantime 
there was a disturbance made by the soldiers, so that 
he was obliged to go out and quiet them, and he did 
not come back until he had sent them to a place of 
safety, some here, some there. So then, when quiet 
had been permanently restored, taking a short sword 
he killed himself. The grief -stricken soldiery took up 
his body and buried it, and some slew themselves upon 
his grave. This was the end that befell Otho, after he 
had lived thirty-seven years lacking eleven days and 
had reigned ninety days, and it overshadowed the im- 
piety and wickedness of his active career. In life the 
basest of men he died most nobly. He had seized the 
empire by the most villainous trick, but took leave of it 
most creditably. 

A series of brawls among the soldiers immediately ensued, and a 
number of them were slain by one another; afterwards they reached an 
agreement and set out to meet the victorious party. 

VOL. 5—7 97 




Vitellius is proclaimed emperor : feasts his eyes on gladiators 
and slaughters: drives astrologers from Italy (chapter 1). 

Vitellius's excess in banquets, in his home, in furniture, in his 
almost absurd magnificence (chapters 2-5). 

Praiseworthy points in his character (chapters 6, 7) . 

Portents of ill omen: the soldiers declare Vespasian emperor 
(chapter 8). 

Mucianus is sent by Vespasian against Vitellius: Primus of 
Ms own accord takes the lead against Vitellius (chapter 9) . 

Alienus, put in charge of the war by Vitellius, is the author 
of a desertion, but is in turn seized by his followers, who change 
tlfeir minds (chapter 10). 

The adherents of Vitellius are conquered in battle (chapters 

Catastrophe befalls the dwellers in Cremona (chapter 15). 

Wavering on the part of Vitellius : the Capitol is burned in 
the course of a siege by Sabinus (chapters 16, 17). 

Disaster to the city of Bome, taken by Vespasian's captains 
(chapters 18, 19). 

How Vitellius was taken and perished (chapters 20, 21). 

How a brother and son of Vitellius met their fate (chapter 


(Galba (II) and T. Vinius Coss.) : 

A. D. 69 = a. u. 822, from January 15th. 

The following Consules Suffecti took oflBce: 

On the Calends of March — T. Virginius Rufus, Vopiscus 

On the Calends of May — Cselius Sabinus, T. Plavius Sabinus. 

On the Calends of July — T. Arrius Antoninus, P. Marius 
Celsus (II). 

On the Calends of September = C. Fabius Valens, A. Alienus 
Csecinna (also Boscius Begulus, as Csecinna was condemned on 
the last day of October). 

On the Calends of November — Cn. Csecilius Simplex, C. 
Quintius Atticus. 


The population of Eome when it heard of the down- — i — 

A D 69 

fall of Otho naturally transferred its allegiance inune- (a.' u. 822) 
diately. Otho, whom people previously praised and for 
whose victory they prayed, they now abused as an 
enemy, and Vitellius, upon whom they had been invok- 
ing curses, they praised and declared emperor. So 
truly there is nothing constant in human affairs. Those 
who flourish most and those who are lowliest alike 
choose unstable standards, and construct their praises 
and their censures, their honors and their degradations 
to conform to the accidents of their situation. 

News of the death of Otho was brought to him [Vitellius] while in 
Gaul. There he was joined by his wife and child, whom he placed on 
a platform and saluted as Germanious and imperator, though the boy 
was only six years old. 

[Vitellius witnessed gladiatorial combats at Lug- 
dunuin and again at Cremona, as if the crowds of men 
who had perished in the battles and were even then 
exposed unburied to the elements did not suffice. He 
beheld the slain with his own eyes, for he traversed all 
the ground where they lay and gloated over the spec- 
tacle as if he were still in the moment of victory; and 
not even after that did he order them to be buried.] 
Upon reaching Eome and adjusting affairs to suit him, 
he issued a bulletin banishing the astrologers and com- 
manding them by this particular day (mentioning a 
given date) to leave the whole country of Italy. They 



,^' '^■qoo^ ^y night put up in turn another document, in which 
they announced that he should lose his life by the day 
on which he actually died. So accurate was their 
previous knowledge of what should come to pass, 

— a— Vitellius was fond of luxury and licentiousness and 

cared for nothing else human or divine. He had al- 
ways been the kind of man that would spend his time 
in taverns and gaming houses, over dancers and char- 
ioteers. Incalculable were the sums he spent on such 
■pursuits, and the consequence was that he had many 
creditors. Now, when he attained to so great author- 
ity, his wantonness only increased, and his expendi- 
tures went on most of the day and night alike. He was 
insatiate in filling himself, yet kept constantly vomiting 
what he ate, apparently living on the mere passage of 
food. Yet that was what enabled him to hold out ; for 
his fellow banqueters fared very badly. [He was al- 
ways inviting mmibers of the foremost men to his table 
and he was frequently entertained at their houses.] 
On this point one of them, Vibius Crispus,^ was the 
author of a most witty remark. Having been com- 
pelled for some days by sickness to absent himself from 
the convivial board, he said: " If I had not fallen ill, 

— 3— I should certainly have died." The entire period of 

his reign consisted in nothing but carousals and revels. 
All the most valuable food products were brought to- 
gether from the ocean itself (not to go farther) from 
the earth and from the Mediterranean, and were pre- 
pared in so costly a fashion that even now some cakes 

1 Q. Yibius Crispus. 



and other dishes are named Vitellian, after him. Why a. d. 69 

(a. u. 822) 

should one go into the details of these affairs? It is 
admitted by quite everybody that during the period 
of his reign he expended on dinners two hundred mil- 
lion two thousand five hundred denarii. There came 
very near being a famine in all costly articles of food, 
yet it was imperative that they should be provided. 
Once he had a dish made that cost twenty-five myriads, 
into which he put a mixture of tongues and brains and 
livers of fish and certain kinds of birds. As it was im- 
possible to make so large a vessel of pottery, it was 
made of silver and remained extant for some time, re- 
garded somewhat in the light of a votive offering, until 
Hadrian finally set eyes on it and had it melted down. 

Since I have mentioned this fact, I will also add — 4 — 
another, namely that not even Nero's Grolden House 
would satisfy Vitellius. He delighted in and com- 
mended the name and the life and all the practices of 
its former owner, yet he found fault with the structure 
itself, saying that it had been badly built and was 
scantily and meanly equipped. When he fell ill one 
time he looked about for a room to afford him an 
abode; so little did even Nero's surroundings satisfy 
him. His wife Galeria ridiculed the small amount of 
decoration found in the royal apartments. This pair, 
as they spent other people's money, never stopped to 
count the cost of anything ; but those who invited them 
to meals found themselves in great trouble [save a few 
whom he compensated for it]. Yet the same persons 
would not regularly entertain him the entire day, but 



,-^' -"^"qoov 0^1® set of men furnislied breakfast, another lunch, 

{a. u. 822) ' 

another dinner, and still another certain viands for 
dessert calculated to stimulate a jaded appetite.^ [For 
all who were able were eager to entertain him..] It is 
said that after the elapse of a few days he spent a hun- 
dred myriads upon a dinner. [His birthday celebra- 
tion lasted over two days and numbers of beasts and 
of men were slain.] 

— 6 — Though his life was of this kind he was not entirely 

without good deeds. For example, he retained the 
coinage minted under Nero and Galba and Otho, evinc- 
ing no displeasure at their images ; and whatever gifts 
had been bestowed upon any persons he held to be 
valid and deprived no one of any such possession. He 
did not collect any sums still owing of former public 
contributions, and he confiscated no one's property. A 
very few of those who sided with Otho he put to death 
but did not withhold even the property of these from 
their relatives. Upon the kinsmen of those previeusly 
executed he bestowed all the funds that were found in 
the public treasury. He did not obstruct the execution 
of the wills of such as had fought against him and had 
fallen in the battles. Furthermore he forbade the sena- 
tors and the knights to fight as gladiators or to appear 
in any spectacle in the orchestra. And for these meas- 
ures he was commended.] 

(_4— ) [The character of Vitellius, being such as I have 
described, did not serve to promote temperance on the 
part of the soldiers, but numerous instances of their 

1 This little phrase is taken direct from Plato's Critias, 115 B. 


— 6 — 


■wantonness and licentiousness were everywliere at A. D. 69 

, , ^ •' (o. «. 822) 


irVitellius ascended the Capitol and greeted his mother. She was a 
sensible woman, and when she first heard that her son had been given 
the name Grermanicus, she said: "My child was Vitellius and not 

Vitellius, however, furnished many with material 
for amusement. They could not restrain their laughter 
■when they beheld wearing a solemn face in the public 
processions a man ■whom they knew to have played the 
strumpet — or sa^w mounted on a royal steed and clad 
in a purple riding-habit him ■who wore, as they were 
well aware, the Blue costume and curried the race- 
horses — or viewed ascending the Capitol ■with so great 
a crowd of soldiers him whom previously no one could 
catch a glimpse of even in the Forum because of his 
throngs of creditors — or gazed at him receiving the 
adoration of all, whom once nobody liked very well 
even to kiss. Indeed, those ■who had lent him anything 
had laid hold of him when he started out for Germany 
and would scarcely release him after he had given 
security. Now, however, so far from laughing at him 
the same men mourned and hid themselves. But he 
sought them out, telling them he spared their lives as 
an equivalent of the debt he owed, and he demanded 
back his contracts. 

He was a constant attendant of the theatres, and this 
won the attachment of the populace. He ate ■with the 
most influential men on free and easy terms, and this 
gained their favor to an even greater degree. His old 
companions he never failed to remember and honored 
them greatly, not (like some others) disdaining to 


— 7 — 


1^' ^'822^ ^PP®^^ *° recognize any of them. Many persons wlio 
have unexpectedly attained to great power feel hate 
for those who are acquainted with their former humble 
state. [Vitellius, when Priscus opposed him in the 
senate and denounced one of the soldiers, called the 
tribunes to his side as if he had some need of their 
assistance. He did not himself do Priscus any harm 
and did not allow the officials to hurt him, but merely 
said: " Be not indignant, Conscript Fathers, that we 
two out of your number have had a little dispute with 
each other." This act seemed to have been due to a 
kindly disposition. The fact, however, that he wished 
to imitate Nero and offered sacrifices to his Manes, 
and that he spent so great sums on dinners, though it 
caused joy to some, made the sensible grieve, since they 
were fully aware that not all the money in the whole 
world would be sufficient for him.] 
— 8 - While he was behaving in this way, evil omens oc- 

curred. A comet star was seen, and the moon contrary 
to precedent appeared to have had two eclipses, being 
obscured by shadows on the fourth and on the seventh 
day. Also people saw two suns at once, one in the 
west weak and pale, and one in the east brilliant and 
powerfid. On the Capitol many huge footprints were 
seen, presumably of some spirits that had descended 
that hill. The soldiers who had slept there the night 
in question said that the temple of Jupiter had opened 
of itself with great clangor and some of the guards 
were so terrified that they expired. At the same time 
that this happened Vespasian, engaged in warfare with 



the Jews, [sent Ms son Titus to tlie emperor Galba to a. d. 69 
give him a message. But when Titus returned, having 
learned on the way] of the rebellion of Vitellius and of 
Otho, he deliberated what ought to be done. [For 
Vespasian was in general not rashly inclined and he 
hesitated very much about involviag himself in such 
troublous affairs.] 

But people favored him greatly : his reputation won 
in Britain, his fame derived from the war under way, 
his kindheartedness and prudence, all led them to de- 
sire to have him at their head. Likewise Mucianus 
urged him strongly, hoping that Vespasian should get 
the name of emperor and that he as a result of the 
other's good nature should enjoy an equal share of 
power. Vespasian's soldiers on ascertaining all these 
facts surrounded his tent and hailed him as emperor. 
Portents and dreams pointing him out as sovereign — 9 — 
long before had also fallen to the lot of Vespasian, and 
these will be recited in the story of his life. For the 
time being he sent Mucianus to Italy against Vitellius, 
while he himself, after taking a look at affairs in Syria 
and entrusting to others the conduct of the war against 
the Jews, proceeded to Egypt. There he collected 
money, of which of course he needed a great deal, and 
grain, which he desired to send in as large quantities as 
possible to Eome. The soldiers in Moesia, hearing 
how matters stood with him, would not wait for 
Mucianus, — they had learned that he was en route, — 
and chose as their general Antonius Primus,^ who had 

1 M. Antonius Primus. 



A. D. 69 suffered sentence of exile in Nero's reign but had been 

ta. it. 822) „ . 

restored by Galba and was commander of the legion 
in Pannonia. This man held supreme authority, al- 
though not chosen by the emperor nor by the senate. 
So great was the soldiers' anger at Vitellius and their 
zest for plunder. They were doing this for no other 
purpose except to pillage Italy. And their intention 
was realized. 
— 10— Vitellius when he heard about it remained where 
he was and went on with his luxurious living even to 
the extent of arranging gladiatorial combats. In the 
course of these it was proposed that Sporus portray 
the role of a maiden being ravished, but he would not 
endure the shame and committed suicide. Vitellius 
gave the charge of the war to Alienus^ and certain 
others. Alienus reached Cremona and occupied the 
town, but seeing that his own soldiers were out of 
training as a result of their luxurious life in Eome 
and impaired by lack of practice, whereas the others 
were physically well exercised and stout of heart, he 
was afraid. Subsequently, when friendly proposals 
came to him from Primus, he called the soldiers to- 
gether and by indicating the weakness of Vitellius and 
the strength of Vespasian together with the character 
of the two men he persuaded them to revolt. Then 
they removed the images of Vitellius from their stand- 
ards and took an oath that they would be governed by 
Vespasian. But, after the meeting had broken up and 
they had retired to their tents, they changed their 

1 A. Owcina Alienus. 



minds and suddenly gatherinff excitedly in force with a. d. 69 
great outcry tney agam saluted Vitellius as emperor 
and imprisoned Alienus for having betrayed them, and 
they paid no heed to his consular office. Such are tha 
regular practices of civil wars. 

The great confusion which under these conditions —ii — 
prevailed in the camp of Vitellius was increased that 
night by an eclipse of the moon. It was not so much 
its being obscured (though even such phenomena cause 
fear to men in excitement) as the fact that the luminary 
appeared both blood-colored and black and reflected 
still other terrifying shades. Not for this, however, 
would the men change their attitude or yield : but when 
they encountered each other they contended most vigor- 
ously, although, as I said, the Vitellians were leader- 
less ; for Alienus had been imprisoned at Cremona. 

H On the following day, when Primus through mes- 
sengers tried to induce them to come to terms, the 
soldiers of Vitellius sent a return message to him urg- 
ing that he espouse the cause of Vitellius. When, more- 
over, they joined battle with his soldiers they contended 
most vigorously. The battle was not the result of any 
concerted plan. Some few horsemen, as often happens 
when two forces are encamped opposite each other, 
were out foraging in front of the others and suddenly 
made an attack. After that reinforcements came from 
both armies to each of the two parties in whatever or- 
der the troops happened to become aware of the situa- 
tion, — first to one side, then to the other, now of one 
kind of fighting force, now of another, infantry or 



,^' ^"onov cavalry: and the conflict was marked by vicissitudes 

(d. u. 822) , 

untU all had hastened to the front. Then they got into 
some kind of regular formation and carried on the 
struggle with some order even though leaderless. 
Alienus, as you remember, had been imprisoned. 

— 12 — From this point on the battle between them was a 
well matched and evenly balanced affair, not only dur- 
ing the day but at night as well. For the coming of 
night did not separate them. They were thoroughly 
angry and determined, although they were acquainted 
with each other and talked back and forth. Hence not 
hunger nor fatigue nor cold nor darkness nor wounds 
nor deaths nor the remains of men that fell on this field 
before [nor the memory of the disaster nor the num- 
ber of those that perished to no purpose] mitigated 
their fierceness. Such was the madness that possessed 
both sides alike [and so eager were they, incited by the 
very memories of the spot, which made one party re- 
solved to conquer this time also, and the other not to 
be conquered this time either. So they fought as 
against foreigners instead of kindred, and as if all on 
both sides were absolutely obliged either to perish at 
once or thereafter to be slaves. Therefore, not even 
when night came on, as I stated, would they yield ; but 
though tired out and for that reason often resting and 
indulging in conversation together, they nevertheless 

_ 13 _ continued to struggle] . As often as the moon shone out 
(it was constantly being concealed by [numerous] 
clouds [of all shapes that kept passing in front of it] ), 
one might see them sometimes fighting, sometimes 



standing and leaning on their spears, sometimes sitting , ^- ^- ^^9 

{dm U. o22) 

down. Now and then they would shout in unison on 
one side the name of Vespasian and on the other that 
of Vitellius, and again they would challenge each other 
with abuse and praise of the two men. At intervals 
one soldier would have a private chat with an oppo- 
nent: — " Comrade, fellow-citizen, what are we doing? 
Why are we fighting? Come over to my side." " Oh, 
no, you come to my side. ' ' But what is there surprising 
about this, considering that when the women of the 
city in the course of the night brought food and drink 
to give to the soldiers of Vitellius, the latter after eat- 
ing and drinking themselves passed the supplies on to 
their antagonists ? One of them would call out the name 
of his adversary (for they practically all knew one 
another and were well acquainted) and would say: 
" Comrade, take and eat this. I give you not a sword, 
but bread. Take and drink: I hold toward you not a 
shield but a cup. For whether you kill me or I you, 
this will afford us a more comfortable leave-taking, and 
will save from feebleness and weakness the hand with 
which either you cut me down or I you. These are the 
consecrated offerings that Vitellius and Vespasian give 
us while we are yet alive, that they may sacrifice us to 
the corpses of the past." That would be the style of 
their conversation, after which they would rest a while, 
eat a bit, and then renew the battle. Soon they would 
stop again, and then once more join in conflict. 

It went on this way the whole night through till —14— 
dawn broke. At that time two men of the Vespasian 



/ ^' ^' ooo^ party wrouglit a notable achievement. Their side was 
being severely damaged by an engine of some sort, and 
these two, seizing shields from among the spoils of the 
iVitellian faction, mingled with the opposing ranks, and 
made their way to the engine without its being noticed 
that they did not belong to that side. Thus they man- 
aged to cut the ropes of the affair, so that not another 
missile could be discharged from it. As the sun was 
rising the soldiers of the third legion, called the Gallic, 
that wintered in Syria but was now by chance in the 
party of Vespasian, suddenly according to custom 
saluted the Sun God. The followers of Vitellius, sus- 
pecting that Mucianus had arrived, underwent a revul- 
sion of feeling, and panic-stricken at the shout took to 
flight. (Another instance of how the smallest things 
can produce great alarm in men who are completely 
tired out.) They retired within the wall, from which 
they stretched forth their hands and made supplica- 
tions. As no one listened to them, they released the 
consul, and, having arrayed him in his robe of office 
with the fasces, then sent him as an intercessor. Thus 
they obtained a truce, for Alienus because of his rank 
and the way he had been treated easily persuaded 
Primus to accept their submission. 
— 15— When, however, the gates were opened and an 
amnesty had been declared for all, suddenly soldiers 
came rushing in from all directions and began plunder- 
ing and setting fire to everything. This catastrophe 
proved to be one of the greatest recorded. The city 
was distinguished for the size and beauty of its build- 



ings, and great sums of money belonging to natives and ^- d. 69 

{a. u. 822) 

to strangers nad been accumulated there. The larger 
portion of the harm was done by the Vitellians, since 
they knew exactly which were the houses of the richest 
men and all about the entrances on the alleys. They 
showed no scruples about destroying the persons in 
whose behalf they had fought, but dealt blows, com- 
mitted murder, and acted as if it were they who had 
been wronged and had conquered. Thus, counting 
those that fell in battle, five myriads perished alto- 

Vitellius, on learning of the defeat, was for a time — 16— 
quite disturbed. Omens had contributed to make him 
uneasy. He had been offering a certain sacrifice, and 
after it was addressing the soldiers, when a lot of vul- 
tures swooped down, scattered the sacred meats, and 
nearly knocked him from the platform. Accordingly, 
the news of the defeat troubled him stUl more, and he 
quietly sent his brother to Tarracina, a strong city, 
which the latter occupied. But when the generals of 
Vespasian approached Eome he became alarmed and 
took his departure. He did nothing and formed no plan, 
but in a state of terror was carried back and forth on 
the billows of chance. One moment he was for clinging 
to the sovereignty and he was making definite prepara- 
tions for warfare : the next he was quite willing to give 
it up and was definitely getting ready to live as a pri- 
vate person. At times he wore the purple chlamys and 
girded on a sword : again he assumed dark colored cloth- 
ing. His public addresses both in the palace and in the 
VOL. 5-8 113 


A. D. 69 Forum were now of one tenor, now of another, first 

(o. «. 822) ' . 

urging battle and next terms of peace. At tmies ne 
was inclined to surrender himself for the public wel- 
fare, and later he would clasp his child in his arms, kiss 
him, and hold him out to the people as if to arouse their 
pity. Similarly he would dismiss the Pretorians and 
then send for them again, would leave the palace to 
retire to his brother's house and then return: in this 
way he dulled the enthusiasm of almost everybody in- 
terested in him. Seeing him dashing hither and thither 
so frenziedly they ceased to carry out commands with 
their usual diligence, and began to consider their own 
interests as well as his. They ridiculed him a great 
deal, especially when in the assemblies he proffered his 
sword to the consuls and to the senators present as if 
to show that by this act he had divested himself of the 
imperial office. No one of the above persons dared to 
take it, and the bystanders jeered. 
^ 17 _ In view of these conditions, when Primus at last drew 
near, the consuls, Gains Quintius Atticus and Gnseus 
Cfficilius Simplex, together with Sabinus (a relative of 
[Vespasian) and the other foremost men held a consulta- 
tion, the result of which was that they set out for the 
palace in company with the soldiers that favored their 
cause, intending to either persuade or force Vitellius to 
resign his position as emperor. They encountered, 
however, the CeltaB who were guarding him, and getting 
decidedly the worst of the encounter they fled to the 
Capitol. Arrived there they sent for Domitian, son of 
Vespasian, and his relatives, and put themselves in a 



state of defence. Tlie following day, when their ad- ■*•• d. 69 

(o. ». 822) 

versaries assailed them, they managed for a time to 
repulse them; but when the environs of the Capitol 
were set on fire, its defenders were beaten back by the 
flame. In this way the soldiers of Vitellius forced 
their way up, slaughtered many of the resisting party, 
and after plundering the whole stock of votive offerings 
burned down with other structures the great temple. 
Sabinus and Atticus they arrested and sent them to 
Vitellius. Domitian and the junior Sabinus had made 
their escape from the Capitol at the first noise of con- 
flict and by concealing themselves in houses had suc- 
ceeded in eluding observation. 

Those soldiers of Vespasian that were led by Quintus — 18 — 
Petilius Cerialis^ (one of the foremost senators and a 
relative of Vespasian by marriage) and by Antonius 
Primus — for Mucianus had not yet overtaken them — 
were by this time close at hand, and Vitellius fell into 
the depths of terror. The oncoming leaders through 
the medium of certain messengers and by placing their 
letters in coffins with dead bodies, in baskets full of 
fruit, or the reed traps of bird-catchers, learned all that 
was being done in the city and formed their plans ac- 
cordingly. Now, when they saw the blaze rising from 
the Capitol as from a beacon, they made haste. The 
first of the two to approach the city with his cavalry 
was Cerialis, [and he was defeated at the very entrance 
by being cut off with horsemen in a narrow spot. How- 
ever, he prevented any harm being done by his oppo- 

1 The epitome of Dio spells uniformly Gerealms. 



/ ^' ^' Qoo\ ^ents. For Vitellius, hoping tliat his proved superior- 
ity would afford him an opportunity to make terms, 
restrained his soldiers]. And having convened the 
senate he sent envoys chosen from that body together 
with the vestal virgins to Cerialis as envoys, 
— 19 — Since no one would listen to them and they came very 
near losing their lives, the emissaries visited Primus, 
who was also at last approaching; from him they se- 
cured an audience, but accomplished nothing. For at 
this juncture his soldiers came angrily toward him and 
overcame with ease the guard at the Tiber bridge. 
(When the latter took their stand upon it and disputed 
their passage, the horsemen forded the stream and 
fell upon them from the rear.) After this various 
bodies of men made assaults at various points and com- 
mitted some of the most atrocious deeds. All the be- 
havior for which they censured Vitellius and his fol- 
lowers, behavior which they pretended was the cause 
of the war between them, they themselves repeated, 
slaying great numbers. Many of those killed were 
struck with pieces of tiling from the roof or cut down 
in alleyways while jostled about by a throng of adver- 
saries. Thus as many as fifty thousand human beings 
were destroyed during those days of carnage. 
— ao— So the city was being pillaged, and the men were 
some fighting, some fleeing, some actually plundering 
and murdering by themselves in order that they might 
be taken for the invaders and so preserve their lives. 
Vitellius in dread put on a ragged, dirty, little tunic and 
concealed himself in an obscure alcove where dogs were 



kept, intending to run off during the night to Tarracina , ^- '^- ^f^. 
and join his brother. But the soldiers found him after 
a short search, for he could not long be sure of remain- 
ing hid, seeing that he had been emperor. They seized 
him, a mass of shavings and blood — for the dogs had 
done him some harm already — and stripping off his 
clothes they bound his hands behind his back, put a 
rope around his neck and dragged from the palace the 
Caesar who had reveled there. Down the Sacred Way 
they hauled the emperor who had frequently paraded 
past in his chair of state. Then they conducted the 
Augustus to the Forum, where he had often addressed 
the people. Some buffeted him, some plucked at his 
beard, all ridiculed him, all insulted him, laying es- 
pecial stress in their remarks on his intemperance, 
since he had an expansive paunch. When in shame at 
this treatment he kept his eyes lowered, the soldiers 
would prick him under the chin with their daggers, 
to make him look up even against his will. A certain 
Celt who saw this would not endure it, but taking pity 
on him cried: " I will help you, as well as I can 
alone. ' ' Then he wounded Vitellius and killed himself. 
However, Vitellius did not die of the wound but was 
haled to the prison, as were also his statues, while many 
amusing and many disgraceful remarks were made 
about them. Finally, grieved to the heart at the way 
he had been treated and what he was compelled to hear, 
he was heard to exclaim : ' ' Yet I was once your em- 
peror ! " At that the soldiers flew into a rage and took 
him to the top of the Scalse Gemoniae, where they struck 


— 21 — 


^- ^- „^L him down. His head was cut off and carried about ail 

(a. u. 822) 

over the city. 
— 22— Subsequently his wife saw to his burial. He had 
lived fifty-four years [and eighty-nine days] and had 
reigned for a year lacking ten days. His brother had 
started from Tarracina to come to his assistance, but 
learned while en route that he was dead. He also en- 
countered a detachment of men sent against him and 
made terms with them on condition that his life should 
be spared. In spite of this he was murdered not long 
afterward. The son of Vitellius, too, perished soon 
after his father, notwithstanding that Vitellius had 
killed no relative either of Otho or of Vespasian. After 
all these various events had taken place, Mucianus 
came up and administered necessary details in con- 
junction with Domitian, whom he also presented to the 
soldiers and had him make a speech, boy though he 
was. Each of the soldiers received twenty-five denarii. 






Vespasian is made Emperor: is also designated as such by 
portents (chapter 1). 

The arrogance of Mucianus and Domitian (chapter 2). 

Revolt of the Germans (chapter 3). 

About the taking of Jerusalem by Titus (chapters 4r-7) . 

Vespasian levies money in Egypt (chapter 8). 

He treats the Romans considerately : drives philosophers from 
the capital (chapters 9-13). 

He gathers money by the efforts of his concubine Gsenis, as 
well as by his own (chapter 14). 

The Temple of Peace and the Colossus are erected: Berenice 
is dismissed: the Cynics are punished (chapter 15). 

The punishment of Julius Sabinus: likewise of the conspira- 
tors, Alienus and Marcellus (chapter 16). 

How Vespasian met his death (chapter 17)- 

The mildness of character of Titus Ceesar Augustus (chapters 
18, 19). 

War in Britain, which is ascertained to be an island (chapter 

How Mount Vesuvius flamed forth: conflagration at Borne 
(chapters 21-24). 

Spectacles: death of Titus (chapters 25, 26). 


Fl. Vespasianus Aug. (II), Titus Caesar. (A. D. 70 = a. u. 
823 ^ Second of Vespasian, from July 1st.) 

El. Vespasianus Aug. (Ill), M. Cocceius Nerva. (A. D. 71 = 
a. u. 824 = Second of Vespasian.) 

El. Vespasianus Aug. (IV), Titus Caesar (II). (A. D. 72 = 
a. u. 825 == Third of Vespasian.) 

Bomitianus Caesar (II), M. Valerius Messalinus. (A. D. 73 = 
a. u. 826 = Eourth of Vespasian.) 

El. Vespasianus Aug. (V), Titus Caesar (HI). A. D. 74 = 
a. u. 827 = Eifth of Vespasian.) 

El. Vespasianus Aug. (VI), Titus Caesar (IV). (A. D. 75 = 
a. u. 828 := Sixth of Vespasian.) 

El. Vespasianus (VII), Titus Caesar (V). (A. D. 76 = a, u. 
829 =1 Seventh of Vespasian.) 

Fl. Vespasianus (VIII), Titus Csesar (VI). (A. D. 77=3 
a. u. 830 = Eighth of Vespasian.) 
L. Ceionius Conuuodus, D. Novius Friscus. (A. D. 78 = a. u. 

831 = Ninth of Vespasian.) 

Fl. Vespasianus (IX), Titus Csesar (VII). (A. D. 79=; a. u. 

832 = First of Titus, from June 23rd.) 

T. Vespasianus (VIII), Domitianus (VII) . (A. D. 80 = a. u. 
833=; Second of Titus.) 

L. Fl. Sllva Nonius Bassus, Asinius Follio Verrucosus. (A. D. 
81 = a. u. 834 = Third of Titiis, to September 13th.) 


Sucli was the course of events on the heels of which a~d~70 
Vespasian was declared emperor by the senate and ■^°- "• ^^^' 
Titus and Domitian were given the title of Caesars. 
The consular office was assumed by Vespasian and 
Titus while the former was in Egypt and the latter in 
Palestine. Vespasian had seen portents and dreams 
that long beforehand indicated that he was destined to 
rule. As he was eating dinner in the country, where 
most of his time was spent, a cow approached him, 
knelt down, and put her head beneath his feet. An- 
other time, when he was taking food, a dog threw a 
human hand under the table. And a conspicuous 
cypress tree, which had been uprooted and overthrown 
by a violent wind, on the next day stood upright again 
by its own power and continued to flourish. From a 
dream he learned that when Nero Caesar should lose 
a tooth, he should be emperor : and this matter of the 
tooth became a reality on the following day. Nero 
himself in his slumbers thought he was bringing the 
chariot of Jupiter to Vespasian's house. These oc- 
currences,- of course, needed interpretation. But in ad- 
dition a Jew named Josephus, who had previously been 
disliked by him and imprisoned, gave a laugh and said : 
" You may imprison me now, but a year later when 
you become emperor you will release me." 

Thus had Vespasian, like some others, been bom for ' — 3 — 



,^- ^-J^^, the position. While he was as yet absent in Egypt 
Mucianus administered all the details of government 
with the help of Domitian, Mucianus feeling that he 
had himself given the sovereignty to Vespasian exulted 
greatly at these facts above all, — that he was called 
" brother " by him, and that he had authority to de- 
cide every question that he liked without the emperor's 
express approval and could issue written orders by 
merely adding his superior's name. For this purpose, 
too, he wore a finger ring that had been sent him, which 
was intended to impress the imperial seal upon docu- 
ments requiring authorization. [Indeed, Domitian 
himself gave offices and procuratorships to many per- 
sons, appointing prefect after prefect and even con- 
suls.] In fine, they behaved in every way so much like 
absolute rulers that Vespasian once sent the following 
message to Domitian : " I thank you, my child, for let- 
ting me hold office and that you have not yet de- 
throned me." 

If Now Mucianus gathered into the public treasury 
from every possible quarter vast sums of money, show- 
ing an entire readiness to relieve Vespasian of the 
censure which such a proceeding caused. He was for- 
ever declaring that money was the sinews of sover- 
eignty ; and in accordance with this belief he was con- 
stantly urging Vespasian to obtain funds from every 
quarter, and for his own part he continued from the 
outset to collect revenue, thus providing a large amount 
of money for the empire and acquiring a large amount 



In Germany various uprisings against the Eomans — 3 — 
took place which are not worth mentioning for my (»."«. 823) 
purposes, but there was one incident that must cause 
us surprise. A certain Julius Sabinus, one of the 
foremost of the Lingones, collected by his own efforts 
a separate force and took the name of Caesar, declar- 
ing that he was a descendant of Julius Caesar. He was 
defeated in several engagements, whereupon he fled 
to a field and plunged into a subterranean vault be- 
neath a monument, which he first burned to the ground. 
His pursuers thought he had perished in the conflagra- 
tion, but as a matter of fact he hid himself there with 
his wife for nine years and had two male children by 
her. The troubles in Germany were settled by Cerialis 
iu the course of a number of battles, in one of which 
so great a multitude of Eomans and barbarians both 
were slain that the river flowing near by was held back 
by the bodies of the fallen. Domitian stood in fear of 
his father because of what he did and still more because 
of what he intended, for his plans were on no small 
scale. He happened to be spending most of his time 
near the Alban Mount, devoting himself to his passion 
for Domitia, the daughter of Corbulo. Her he took 
away from her husband, Lucius Lamia ^lianus, and 
at this time he had her for one of his mistresses, but 
later he actually married her. 

Titus, who was assigned to take charge of the war — 4— 
with the Jews, [undertook to win them over by certain 
conferences and offers; as they would not yield, he 
proceeded to direct hostilities. The first battles he 



^' ^' qIo» fought were rather close; finally he prevailed and took 
up the siege of Jerusalem. This town had three walls, 
including that surrounding the temple. The Eomans 
accordingly heaped up mounds against the fortifica- 
tions and brought their engines to bear : then collecting 
in a dense force they repulsed all sallying parties and 
with their slings and arrows kept back all the defend- 
ers of the wall. Many persons that had been sent by 
some of the barbarian kings they kept prisoners. The 
Jews who came to the assistance of their countrymen 
were many of them from the immediate region and 
many from kindred districts, not only in this same 
Eoman empire but from beyond the Euphrates, and 
they, too, kept directing missiles and stones with con- 
siderable force on account of the higher ground, some 
being flung from the hand and some hurled by means 
of engines. They likewise made night and day sallies 
as often as occasion offered, set fire to the engines, 
slew numerous combatants, and by digging out under 
the wall took away earth from beneath the mound. As 
for the rams, they lassoed some of them and broke the 
ends off, others they seized and pulled up with hooks, 
while by means of thick boards well fastened together 
and strengthened with iron, which they let down 
against the face of the wall, they turned aside the as- 
saults of the remainder. The Eomans ' chief cause of 
discomfort was the lack of water ; their supply was of 
poor quality and had to be brought from a distance. 

The Jews found their underground passages a source 
of strength. They had these affairs dug from within 



the city out under the walls to distant points in the A. D. 70 
country, and going out through them they would attack 
parties in search of water and harass scattered detach- 
ments. Consequently Titus stopped them all up. 

In the course of these operations many on both sides — 5 — 
were wounded and killed. Titus himself was struck 
on the left shoulder by a stone, and as a result of this 
accident the arm was always weaker. After a time 
the Romans managed to scale the outside circle, and, 
pitching their camps between the two encompassing 
lines of fortification, assaulted the second wall. Here, 
however, they found the conditions confronting them to 
be different. When all the inhabitants had retired 
behind the second wall, its defence proved an easier 
matter because the circuit to be guarded was so much 
less. Titus, accordingly, made anew a proclamation 
offering them immunity. They, however, even imder 
these circumstances held out. And the captives and 
deserters from the enemy so far as they could do so 
unobserved spoiled the Roman water supply and slew 
many men that they could cut off from the main force, 
so that Titus refused to receive any of them. Mean- 
time some of the Romans, too, growing disheartened, 
as often happens in a prolonged siege, and furthermore 
suspecting that the city was really, even as report de- 
clared, impregnable, went over to the other side. The 
Jews although they were short of food treated them 
kindly, in order to be able to exhibit deserters to their 
own ranks. 

Though a breach in the wall was effected by engines, — e— 



ia'u'sis) ^^^^^ *^® capture did not immediately follow: the de- 
fenders killed great numbers that tried to crowd 
through the opening. Next they set fire to some of the 
buildings near by, expecting in this way to check the 
onward progress of the Eomans, even should the latter 
make themselves masters of the entire circuit. In this 
way they damaged the wall and uniatentionally burned 
down the barrier encompassing their sacred prechict. 
The entrance to the temple was now laid open to the 
Eomans. The soldiers on account of their superstition 
would not immediately rush in, but at last, as Titus 
forced them, they made their way inside. Then the 
Jews carried on a defence much more vigorous than 
before, as if they had discovered a rare and unexpected 
privilege in falling near the temple, while fighting to 
save it. The populace was stationed in the outer court, 
the senators on the steps, and the priests in the hall of 
worship itself. And though they were but a handful 
fighting against a far superior force they were not sub- 
dued until a section of the temple was fired. Then 
they went to meet death willingly, some letting them- 
selves be pierced by the swords of the Bomans, some 
slaughtering one another, others committing suicide, 
and others leaping into the blaze. It looked to every- 
body, and most of all to them, apparently, [that so far 
from being ruin, it was victory and salvation and hap- 
— T— piness to perish along with the temple] . Even under 
these conditions many captives were taken, among 
them Bargiora,^ the commander of the enemy : he was 

1 Properly Simon Bar-Giora (patronymic). 



the only one punished in the course of the triumphal a. d. to 

, , ,. '^ (a. u. 823) 


Thus was Jerusalem destroyed on the very day of 
Saturn, which even now the Jews reverence most. To 
commemorate the event it was ordered that the con- 
quered, while stUl preserving their own ancestral cus- 
toms, should annually pay a tribute of two denarii to 
Capitoline Jupiter. As a reward for this success both 
generals received the title of imperator, but neither 
had that of ludaicus, although all the other privileges 
(including arches bearing trophies) that were proper 
after so great a victory were voted to them. 

Hard upon Vespasian's entrance into Alexandria — 8 — 
the Nile overflowed, and rose in one day a palm higher 
than usual; indeed, such an occurrence, it was said, 
had taken place only once before. Vespasian himself 
healed two persons who had come to him because of a 
vision seen in dreams. One of them, who had a weak 
hand, he cured by treading upon that member, and the 
other one, who was blind, by spitting upon his eyes. 
His divine power herein shown gave him great repute, 
yet the Alexandrians, far from enjoying his society, de- 
tested him heartily; not only in private but in public 
they were forever making fun of and abusing him. 
They had expected to receive some great reward from 
him because they had taken the first steps in making 
him emperor, but instead of securing anything they 
had additional contributions levied upon them. Large 
were the sums he gathered from them, for he omitted 
not a single source of revenue, no, not even the first 
VOL. 5—9 129 


A. D. 70 iiiat might offer itself, though its character were repre- 

{d, "U. 8w3) 

hensible, but he sought money from everybody alike, 
of secular or religious profession. As for taxes, he 
renewed many that had been abolished and increased 
those that were usual [and introduced still other new 
ones]. And he adopted this same course later in the 
rest of the subject territory, [in Italy] and in Eome 
itself. Hence the Alexandrians [both for the reasons 
mentioned and because most of the royal possessions 
had been sold were vexed and] threw out various de- 
rogatory remarks about him, one of them being : ' ' You 
want six obols more." Vespasian, consequently, al- 
though the most affable of men, became indignant and 
gave orders that the six obols per man should be levied, 
and thought seriously about taking vengeance upon 
them. [The words themselves contained an insult, and 
of their many undignified and anapaestic rhythms there 
was not a single one but aroused his anger.] Titus, 
however, begged them off and Vespasian accordingly 
spared them. Yet they would not let him alone, and 
in some assembly they all together shouted at Titus 
these very words : ' ' We forgive him. He doesn't un- 
derstand being Caesar." 

So they continued to be foolhardy, took their thor- 
ough fill of that license which is always working to 
their detriment, and abused the good nature of the 
_9_ emperor. [Vespasian soon ceased to notice them. He 
sent a despatch to Eome rescinding the disfranchise- 
ment of such persons as had been condemned for so- 
called acts of maiestas by Nero and succeeding rulers. 



His action included living and dead alike, and he more- ^- ^- "^^ 
over stopped the indictments made upon such com- 
plaints.— The astrologers he banished from Eome, yet 
he consulted all of them who were distinguished, and 
through the influence of Barbillus, a man of that pro- 
fession, allowed the Ephesians to celebrate some sacred 
games. This was a privilege he granted to no other 

He soon had Egypt subdued and sent from there a large supply of 
grain to Eome. He had left his son Titus at Jerusalem to sack the 
town, and awaited its capture that he might return to Eome in his son's 
company. But, as time dragged in the conduct of the siege, he left Titus 
in Palestine and took passage himself on a merchantman; he sailed in 
this manner as far as Lycia, and from that country partly by overland 
journeys and partly by seafaring he came to Brundusium. 

After this he came to Eome, meeting Mucianus and 
other prominent men at Brimdusium and Domitian at 
Beneventum. In consequence of the consciousness of 
his own designs and of what he had already done, Domi- 
tian was ill at ease, and moreover he occasionally 
feigned madness. He spent most of his time on the 
Alban estate and did many ridiculous things, one of 
them being to impale flies on pencils. Even though 
this incident be unworthy of the dignity of history, yet 
because it shows his character so well and particularly 
in view of the fact that he continued the same practice 
after he became emperor, I have been obliged to record 
it. Hence that answer was not without wit which some 
one made to a person who enquired what Domitian was 
doing. " He is living in retirement," he said, " with- 
out so much as a fly to keep him company. ' ' Vespasian _ lo _ 
though he humbled this upstart's pride greeted all the 



ia" ^823^ ^^^^ ^°* ^^^® ^^ emperor but like a private person, for 
he remembered bis previous experience. 

On reaching Rome he bestowed gifts upon both soldiers and populace; 
he made repairs in the sacred precincts and upon those public works 
which showed signs of wear and tear; such as had already crumbled to 
decay he restored; and when they were completed he inscribed upon 
them not his own name but the names of the persons who had origin- 
ally reared them. 

He immediately began to construct the temple on 
the Capitoline, being Hmself tbe first to carry away 
some of tbe soil ; and, as a matter of course, he urged 
the other most prominent men to do this same thing in 
order that the rest of the populace might have no 
excuse for shirking this service. 

The property of his opponents who had fallen in one conflict or an- 
other he delivered to their children or to other kin of theirs; further- 
more, he destroyed contracts of long standing representing sums due 
and owing to the public treasury. 

Though he invariably expended in munificent fashion 
all that was requisite for the public welfare and ar- 
ranged the festivals on a most sumptuous scale, his 
own living was very far from costly, and he sanctioned 
no greater outlay than was absolutely necessary. 
Therefore even in the taverns he allowed nothing 
cooked to be sold except pulse. Thus he made it quite 
plainly evident that he was amassing riches not for his 
own enjoyment but for the needs of the people. 

H Vespasian got laughed at every time that he would say, when spend- 
ing money: " I am making this outlay from my own purse." 
He was neither of noble family nor rich. 

The general routine of life that he followed was this. 
He lived but little in the palace, spending most of his 
time in the so-called Sallustian Gardens. There he re- 



ceived anybody who desired to see him, not only sena- a. d. 70 
tors but people in general. With his intimate friends 
he would converse also before dawn while lying in bed ; 
others could greet him on the streets. The doors of 
the royal residence were open all day long and no 
guard was stationed at them. He was a regular visitor 
in the senate, whose members he consulted in regard to 
all projects, and he frequently tried cases in the 
Forum. Whatever measures he was prevented by old 
age from reading aloud, as well as any communications 
that he sent to the senate when absent, he usually 
caused to be read by his sons, showing honor by this 
course to the legislative body. Every day he had many 
of the senators and others join him at table, and he 
himself often dined at the houses of his intimate 
friends. In general, his forethought for public inter- _ii_ 
ests caused him to be regarded as a real emperor. In 
his ordinary existence he was sociable and lived on a 
footing of equality with his subjects. He joked in un- 
conventional manner and rather liked jokes upon him- 
self. In case any anonymous documents were posted, 
— as happens to every emperor,— containing state- 
ments insulting to himself, he showed no signs of dis- 
turbance but posted in turn a suitable reply. 

One day Phoebus approached him to make an apol- 
ogy. It seemed that once, during Nero's reign, Ves- 
pasian when in the theatre in Greece had frowned at 
the misconduct of the emperor (of which he was a wit- 
ness), whereupon Phoebus had angrily bidden him 
"Go!" And upon Vespasian's enquiring "Where 



, ^- "■ o!.*i. to? " the other had responded " to the devil." ^ Now 

(o. «. 823) ^ 

when Phoebus apologized for this speech the monarch 
did him no harm, in fact vouchsafed him no answer at 
all, save a curt " Go to the devil yourself ! " — Again, 
when Vologaesus forwarded a letter to the emperor ad- 
dressed as follows: "Arsaces, King of Kings, to 
Flavins Vespasian, Greeting," the recipient did not 
rebuke him but wrote a reply couched in the, same terms 
and added none of his imperial titles. 
_12_ Helvidius Priscus, the son-in-law of Thrasea, had 
been brought up in the doctrines of the Stoics and 
imitated Thrasea 's bluntness, though there was no oc- 
casion for it. He was at this time prsetor and instead 
of doing aught to increase the honor due to the em- 
peror he would not cease reviling him. Therefore the 
tribunes once arrested him and gave him in charge of 
their assistants, at which procedure Vespasian was 
overcome by emotion and went out of the senate-house 
in tears, uttering this single exclamation only: "A 
son shall be my successor or no one at all." 

A. D. 71 After Jerusalem had been captured Titus returned to Italy and cele- 

(o. u. 824) brated a triumph, both he and his father riding in a chariot. Domitian, 

now in his consulship, also took part in the festivities, mounted upon 

a charger. Vespasian next established in Rome teachers of both Latin 

and Greek learning, who drew their pay from the public treasury. 

7" ^^ ~ Before long many others who followed the so-called 

(a. u. 824) stoic system made themselves prominent, among whom 

was Demetrius the cynic. These men, abusing the title 

of philosophy, kept teaching their disciples publicly 

many pernicious doctrines, and in this way were grad- 

1 This sentiment is expressed in the Greek by " to the crows." 



nally corrupting^ some. Under these circumstances a. d. 71 
Mucianns, influenced more by anger than by fondness 
for speaking, uttered many charges against them and 
persuaded Vespasian to espel all such persons from 
the city. 

H Mucianus desired to be honored by all and beyond (_2— ) 
all, so that he was displeased not merely if a man in- 
sulted him but even if any one failed to extol him 
greatly. Hence, just as he was never tired of honor- 
ing those who assisted him to even the slightest ex- 
tent, so his hatred was most cruel for all who did not 
so conduct themselves. 

? Mucianus made a great number of remarkable statements to Ves- 
pasian against the Stoics, as, for instance, that they are full of empty 
boasting, and if one of them lets his beard grow long, elevates his eye- 
brows, wears his fustian cape thrown carelessly back and goes barefoot, 
he straightway postulates wisdom, bravery, righteousness as his own. 
He gives himself great airs, even though he may not understand (as 
the proverb says) either letters or swimming. They view everybody 
with contempt and call the man of good family a mollycoddle, the ill- 
born a dwarfed intellect, a handsome person licentious, an ugly person 
comely, the rich man an apostle of greed, and the poor man a servile 

And Vespasian did immediately expel from Eome 
all the philosophers except Musonius : Demetrius and 
Hostilianus he confined upon islands. Hostilianus 
would not stop, to be sure, — he happened to be convers- 
ing with somebody when he heard about the sentence of 
exile against him and merely inveighed all the more 
strongly against monarchy, — yet he straightway with- 
drew. Demetrius even now would not yield, and Ves- 
pasian bade it be told him : " You are working every 

1 Reading {)T:o5ii(pdsipov (Dindorf). 



{a^'u'sii) ^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ y°^' ^^* ^ ^^ ^°^ slaughtering 
barking dogs." 

(~12— ) It became strikingly clear that Vespasian hated 
Helvidius Priscus not so much for personal affronts 
or on account of the friends that the man had abused 
as because he was a turbulent fellow that cultivated 
the favor of the rabble, was forever denouncing royalty 
and praising democracy. Helvidius 's behavior, more- 
over, was consistent with his principles; he banded 
various men together, as if it were, the function of 
philosophy to insult those in power, to stir up the multi- 
tudes, to overthrow the established order of things, 
and to incite people to revolution. He was a son-in- 
law of Thrasea and affected to emulate the latter 's 
conduct: his failure to do so was striking. Thrasea 
lived in Nero's time and disliked the tyrant. Even so, 
however, he never spoke or behaved toward him in any 
insulting way : he merely refused to share in his prac- 
tices. But Helvidius had a grudge against Vespasian 
and would not let him alone either in private or in 
public. By what he did he invited death and for his 
meddlesome interference he was destined ultimately to 
pay the penalty.] 

— 14— This period saw also the demise of Vespasian's con- 
cubine, Csenis. I have mentioned her because she was 
exceedingly faithful and possessed naturally a most 
excellent memory. For instance, her mistress An- 
tonia, the mother of Claudius, had had her write se- 
cretly to Tiberius about Sejanus and later had ordered 
the message erased, that no trace of the same might be 



left. Thereupon she replied : " It is in vain, mistress, ^- ^- '^^ , 
that you have issued this command. All of this and 
whatever else you dictate to me I always carry with me 
in my soul and it can never be erased." This is one 
thing I have admired about her and a second is that 
Vespasian should have been so much pleased with her. 
This fact gave her the greatest influence, and she col- 
lected untold wealth, so that it was even thought that 
she obtained money by her independent efforts. She 
received vast sums from all sources and sold to some 
persons offices, to others procuratorships, the command 
of campaigns, priesthoods, and to some actually im- 
perial decisions. For Vespasian killed no one to get 
his money and took care to preserve large numbers of 
those who freely gave it. The person who secured the 
funds was his concubine, but it was suspected that Ves- 
pasian willingly allowed her to do as she did; and this 
belief was strengthened by his other acts, a few of 
which, for the sake of illustration, I shall relate. When 
certain persons voted to erect to him a statue costing 
twenty-five myriads, he stretched out his hand and 
said: " Give me the money; this^ will serve as its 
pedestal." — And to Titus, who was angry at the tax 
on urinating^, which was appointed along with the rest, 
he replied, as he picked up some gold pieces that were 
the product of it : " See, my child, if they smell at all. ' ' 
In the sixth year of Vespasian as magistrate and 
the fourth of Titus the precinct of Peace was dedicated ^T ^d. "5 
and the so-called Colossus was set up on the Sacred («• «• 828) 
Waj. It is said to have been one hundred feet high, 

II. e., the hollowed hand (compare Suetonius Vespasian, chapter 23). 
2 This refers to conveniences in the public streets. 



^"ol^c aiid to have had — accordinff to one account — the 

u. 828) ° 

figure of Nero, according to others that of Titus. Ves- 
pasian would often have beasts slain in the theatres. 
He did not particularly enjoy gladiatorial combats of 
men, although Titus during the youthful sports which 
were celebrated in his own land had once had a sham 
fight in heavy armor with Alienus. The Parthians, who 
fell into a war with some peoples, asked for an alliance 
with him, but he did not go to their aid, saying that it 
was not proper for him to interfere in other persons ' 

Berenice was at the height of her power and conse- 
quently came to Eome along with her brother 
Agrippa.^ The latter was accorded pretorial honors, 
while she dwelt in the Palace and cohabited with Titus. 
She expected to be married to him and behaved in all 
respects as if his wife. But when he perceived that the 
Eomanis were displeased at the situation he sent her 
away; for various reports were in circulation. At this 
time, too, certain sophists of the cynic school managed 
somehow to slip into the city: first, Diogenes entered 
the theatre when it was full of men and denounced 
them in a long, abusive speech, for which he was 
flogged ; after him Heras, who showed no greater dis- 
position to be obedient, gave vent to many senseless 
bawlings in the true cynic (dog-like) manner, — and 
for this behavior was beheaded. 

About the same period that these events took place 

1 This Agrippa, known also as Herodes II, was an intimate friend 
of the Jewish historian Josephus and a companion of Titus at the 
Biege of Jerusalem. It was before him, moreover, that the apostle Paul 
made his defence in A. D. 60. 


— 16 — 


it happened that at a certain inn such a quantity of ^- ^- ^5 
wme overflowed the vessels that it ran out into the 
street. Moreover, Sabinus the Gaul, already mentioned, 
the person who had once named himself Caesar, had 
later taken up arms, had been defeated and had hidden 
himself in the monument, was discovered^ and brought 
to Eome. With him perished also his wife Peponila, 
who had previously saved his life. She had presented 
her children before Vespasian and had delivered a most 
pitiful speech in their behalf: " These little ones, 
Caesar, I both brought forth and reared in the monu- 
ment, that we might be a greater number to supplicate 
you. ' ' She caused both him and the rest to weep ; no 
mercy, however, was shown to the family. 

Meantime the emperor was also the object of a con- a. d. 79 

(a. u. 832) 

spiracy on the part of Alienus and Marcellus, although 
he considered them among his best friends and be- 
stowed honors upon them quite unstintedly. They did 
not succeed in killing him, though. Upon their being de- 
tected, Alienus was slain at once, in the imperial resi- 
dence itself, as he rose from a meal with his intended 
victim. Titus issued this order to prevent his carry- 
ing his rebellion any further during the night ; Alienus 
had already made arrangements with not a few of the 
soldiers. Marcellus was brought to trial before the 
senate and was condemned, whereupon he cut his own 
throat with a razor. Not even benefits, it may be re- 
marked, can subdue those who are naturally vicious, as 
is shown by the plotting of these men against him who 
had done them so many kindnesses. 

1 The meaning is clear. Cobet (Mnemosyne, N. S. X.) thinks that 
iycopdOrj expresses the idea more accurately than the commonly 
accepted i(pavep(odi] (Boissevain also i^(opd8ij ,) 



It was after the episode just narrated that Vespasian — ir - 


fell sick, not, if the truth be known, of his ordinary (a.' u.' "^^ 

gout but of fever and passed away at Aquae Cutilise,* 
so-called, in Sabine territory. Some, who endeavor 
falsely to incriminate Titus (among them the emperor 
Hadrian) have spread a report that he was poisoned at 
a banquet. Portents had occurred in his career indi- 
cating his approaching end, such as the comet star 
which was seen for a considerable period and the open- 
ing of the monument of Augustus of its own accord. 
When the sick man's physician chided him for con- 
tinuing his usual course of living and attending to all 
the duties that belonged to his ojfice, he answered: 
' ' The emperor ought to die on his feet. ' ' To those who 
said anything to him about the comet he responded: 
' ' This is an omen not for me but for the Parthian king. 
He has flowing hair like the comet, whereas I am bald- 
headed." When he at length came to the belief that 
he was to die, he said only: " Now I shall become a 
god. ' ' He had lived to the age of sixty-nine years and 

1 These are mineral springs, chiefly sulphurous in nature, both hot 
and cold, situated near the town of Cutiliae, famous for its pool with 
the " floating island." Celsus (On Medicine, Book Four, chapter 5 
(=12) ) recommends bathing and standing in such cold mineral 
springs as those at Cutilise in cases where a patient suffers from in- 
ability of the stomach to assimilate food. — The town itself is between 
Reate and Interocrea among the Sabines. (And compare Suetonius, 
Vespasian, chapter 24.) 



1^' ^'sLs^ eight months. His reign lasted ten years lacking six 
days. Accordingly, it results that from the death of 
Nero to Vespasian's becoming emperor a year and 
twenty-two days elapsed. I have recorded this fact to 
prevent a misapprehension on the part of any persons 
who might reckon the time with reference to the men 
who were in power. They, however, did not legiti- 
mately succeed one another, but each of them whUe his 
rival was alive and still ruling believed himself to be 
emperor from the moment that the thought first en- 
tered his head. One must not enumerate all the days 
of their reigns as if those days had followed one after 
another in orderly succession, but make a single sweep- 
ing calculation with the exact time, as I have stated it, 
in mind. 

— 18 — At his death Titus succeeded to the imperial power. 

Titus as a ruler conunitted no act of murder or pas- 
sion, but showed himself upright, though the victim 
of plots, and self -controlled, though Berenice came to 
Rome again. Perhaps this was because he had under- 
gone a change. (To share a reign with somebody else 
is a very different thing from being one's self an inde- 
pendent ruler. In the former case persons are heed- 
less of the good name of the sovereignty and enjoy 
greedily the authority it gives them, thus doing many 
things that make their position the object of envy and 
slander. Actual monarchs, on the other hand, knowing 
that everything depends on their decision, have some 
eye to good repute as well as to other matters. So 
Titus said to somebody whose society he had previously 



affected: " It is not the same thiiiff to desire some- a. d. 79 

(a. «. 832) 

thing from another as to decide a case yourself, nor 
to ask something from another as it is to give it to some 
one yourself.") Perhaps his satisfactory conduct was 
also due to his surviving so short a time compared with 
most rulers, for he was thus given little opportunity 
for wrongdoing. For he lived after this only two 
years, two months and twenty days in addition to his 
thirty-nine years, five months and twenty-five days. 
People compare this feature of Titus 's career with the 
fullness of years of Augustus, and say that the latter 
would never have won affection if he had lived a 
shorter time, nor the former, if he had lived longer. 
Augustus, though, at the outset he had shown himself 
rather harsh because of the wars and the political fac- 
tions, was able later in the course of time to become 
distinguished for his kindnesses: Titus ruled with 
forbearance and died at the summit of his glory, 
whereas if he had enjoyed a longer life, it might have 
been proved that he owes his present fame more to 
good fortune than to virtue. 

It is worth noting that Titus during his reign put no _ i9_ 
senator to death, nor was any one else slain by him all 
the time that he was emperor. Cases involving ma- 
iestas he would never entertain himself nor allow 
others to entertain, for he said : "It is impossible for 
me to be insulted or outraged in any way. I do naught 
that deserves censure and I care not for what is falsely 
reported. As for the emperors that are dead and 
gone, they will avenge themselves in case any one does 



A. D. 79 them wrong, if in very truth, they be heroes and pos- 

(O. «. 832) ^' „ -rr 1 ■, 

sess some power."— He also made various arrange- 
ments to render men more secure and free from 
trouble. One of these was the posting of a notice con- 
firming all gifts bestowed upon any person by the for- 
mer emperors. This also enabled him to avoid the 
nuisance of having people petition him individually 
about the matter. — Informers he banished from the 

In money matters he was frugal and sanctioned no unnecessary ex- 
penditure, yet he did not punish any one for opposite tendencies. 

In his reign also the False Nero appeared, who was an Asiatic and 
called himself Terentius Maximus. He resembled Nero in form and 
voice: he even sang to the zither's accompaniment. He gained a few 
followers in Asia and in his onward progress to the Euphrates he 
secured a far greater number and at length sought a retreat with 
Artabanua, the Parthian chief, who, out of the anger that he felt to- 
ward Titus, both received the pretender and set about preparations for 
restoring him to Eome. (Compare John of Antioeh, frag. 104 Mueller.) 

_ao— Meantime war had agaiu broken out in Britain, and 
Gnseus Julius Agricola overran the whole of the hostile 
region. He was the first of the Romans whom we 
know to discover that Britain was surrounded by water. 
Some soldiers had rebelled and after killing centurions 
and a military tribune had taken refuge in boats. In 
these they put out to sea and sailed around to the west- 
em portion of the country just as the billows and the 
wind bore them. And without knowing it they came 
around from the opposite side and stopped at the 
camps on this side again. At that Agricola sent others 
to try the voyage around Britain and learned from 
them, too, that it was an island. 



As a result of these events in Britain Titus received a. d. 79 

,1 . 1 p . (»• «• 832) 

the title of imperator for the fifteenth time. Agricola 
for the rest of his life lived in dishonor and even in 
want because he had accomplished greater things than 
a mere general should. Finally he was murdered on 
this account by Domitian, in spite of having received 
triumphal honors from Titus. 

In Campania remarkable and frightful occurrences —21 — 
took place. A great fire was suddenly created just at 
the end of autumn. It was this way. The mountara 
Yesuvius stands over against Naples near the sea and 
Las unquenchable springs of fire. Once it was equally 
high at all points and the fire rose from the center of 
it. This is the only portion of it that is in a blaze, for 
the outside parts of the mountain remain even now 
unkindled. Consequently, as the latter are never 
burned, whUe the interior is constantly growing brittle 
and being reduced to ashes, the surrounding peaks re- 
tain their original height to this day, but the whole sec- 
tion that is on fire, as it is consumed in the course of 
time, has grown hollow from continual collapse. Thus 
the entire mountain, if we may compare great things 
to small, resembles a hunting-theatre. The outlying 
heights of it support both trees and vines, — many of 
them, — but the crater is given over to fire and sends 
up smoke by day, flame by night. It looks as if quanti- 
ties of incense of all sorts were being burned in it. 
This goes on all the time, sometimes more, sometimes 
less. Often it throws up ashes, when there is a general 
settling in the interior, or again it sends up stones 
VOL. 5 — 10 145 

— 22 — 


,'^' ^' loox when the air forces them out. It echoes and bellows, 

(a. u. 832) ' 

too, because its vents are not all together but are nar- 
row and hidden. 

Such is Vesuvius, and these phenomena regularly 
occur there at least once a year. But all the other 
happenings that took place in former time, though they 
may have seemed great and unusual to those who on 
each occasion observed them, nevertheless would be 
reckoned as but slight in comparison with what now 
occurred even though they should all be rolled into one. 
This was what befell. Numbers of huge men quite sur- 
passing any hmnan stature,— such creatures as giants 
are depicted to be, — appeared now on the mountain, 
now in the country surrounding it, and again in the 
cities, wandering over the earth day and night and also 
traversing the air. After this fearful droughts and 
earthquakes sudden and violent occurred, so that all 
the level ground in that region undulated and the 
heights gave a great leap. Reverberations were fre- 
quent, some subterranean resembling thunder and some 
on the surface like bellowings. The sea joined the roar 
and the sky resounded with it. Then suddenly a por- 
tentous crash was heard, as if the mountains were 
tumbling in ruins. And first there were belched forth 
stones of huge size that rose to the very summits before 
they fell ; after them came a deal of fire and smoke in 
inexhaustible quantities so that the whole atmosphere 
was obscured and the whole sun was screened from 
view as if in an eclipse. Thus night succeeded day 
and darkness light. Some thought the giants were 


— 23 — 


rising in revolt (for even at this time many of their -A^- d. 79 . 

. . (o- M- 832) 

forms could be discerned in the smoke and moreover 
a kind of sound of trumpets was heard), while others 
believed that the whole world was disappearing in 
chaos or fire. Therefore they fled, some from the 
houses into the streets, others from without into the 
house; in their confusion, indeed, they hastened from 
the sea to the land or from the land to the sea, deem- 
ing any place at a distance from where they were safer 
than what was near by. While this was going on an 
inconceivable amount of ashes was blown out and cov- 
ered the land and the sea everywhere and filled all the 
air. It did harm of all sorts, as chance dictated, to 
men and places and cattle, and the fish and the birds 
it utterly destroyed. Moreover, it buried two whole 
cities, Herculaneum and Pompeii, while the populace 
was seated in the theatre. The entire amount of dust 
was so great that some of it reached Africa and Syria 
and Egypt, and it also entered Eome, where it occupied 
all the air over the city and cast the sun into shadow. 
There, too, no little fear was felt for several days, since 
the people did not know and could not conjecture what 
had happened. They like the rest thought that every- 
thing was being turned upside down, that the sun was 
disappearing in the earth and the earth was bounding 
up to the sky. This ashes for the time being did 
them no great harm : later it bred among them a ter- 
rible pestilence. 

Another fire, above ground, in the following year 7"?,* so 
spread over a very large portion of Rome while Titus (o- «• 833) 



A. n. 80 ^as absent on business connected with the catastrophe 

(o. u. 833) -^ 

that had befallen in Campania. It consumed the 
temple of Serapis, the temple of Isis, the Ssepta, the 
temple of Neptune, the Baths of Agrippa, the Pan- 
theon, the Diribitorium, the theatre of Balbus, the 
stage-building of Pompey's theatre, the Octavian 
buildings together with their books, and the temple 
of Capitoline Jupiter with its surrounding temples. 
Hence the disaster seemed to be not of human but of 
divine contrivance. Any one can estimate from the 
list of buildings that I have given, how many more must 
have been destroyed. Titus, accordingly, sent two ex- 
consuls to the Campanians to supervise the founding 
of settlements and bestowed upon the inhabitants 
money that came (besides various other sources) from 
those citizens that had died without heirs. As for him- 
self, he took nothing from individual or city or king, 
although many kept offering and promising him large 
sums. In spite of this, he restored everything from 
_ 25 _ funds already at hand. Most of his deeds had no im- 
usual quality to mark them, but in dedicating the hunt- 
ing-theatre and the baths that bear his name he pro- 
duced many remarkable spectacles. Cranes fought with 
one another, and four elephants, as well as other graz- 
ing animals and wild beasts, to the number of nine 
thousand, were slaughtered, and women (not of any 
prominence, however,) took part in despatching them. 
Of men several fought in single combat and several 
groups contended together in infantry and naval 
battles. For Titus filled the above mentioned theatre 



suddenly with water and introduced horses and bulls ^- ^- ^o 
and some other tractable creatures that had been 
taught to behave in the liquid element precisely as upon 
land. He introduced also human beings on boats. 
These persons had a sea-fight there, impersonating 
two parties, Corcyreans and Corinthians: others gave 
the same performance outside m the grove of Gains 
and Lucius, a spot which Augustus had formerly ex- 
cavated for this very purpose. There, on the first day, 
a gladiatorial combat and slaughter of beasts took 
place; this was done by building a structure of planks 
over the lake that faced the images and placing benches 
round about it. On the second day there was a horse- 
race, and on the third a naval battle involving three 
thousand men. Afterwards there was also an infantry 
battle. The Athenians conquered the Syracusans 
(these were the names that were used in the naval 
battle), made a landing on the islet, and having as- 
saulted a wall constructed around the monument took 
it. These were the sights offered to spectators, and 
they lasted for a hundred days. 

Titus also contributed some things that were of 
practical use to the people. He would throw down into 
the theatre from aloft little wooden balls that had a 
mark, one signifying something to eat, another cloth- 
ing, another a silver vessel, or perhaps a gold one, or 
again horses, pack-animals, cattle, slaves. Those who 
snatched them had to carry them back to the dispensers 
of the bounty to secure the article of which the name 
was inscribed. 

When he had finished this exhibition, he wept so — ae — 
bitterly on the last day that all the people saw him, 


A. D. 81 

(a. u. 834) 


and after this time lie performed no other great deed ; 
but the following year, in the consulship of Flavius* 
and PoUio,* subsequent to the dedication of the build- 
ings mentioned, he passed away at the same Aquae that 
was the scene of his father's demise. The common 
report had it that he was done to death by his brother, 
for he had previously been the object of that person's 
plot : but some writers state that a disease carried him 
off. The tradition is that, while he was still breathing 
and had a possible chance of recovery, Domitian, to 
hasten his end, put him iu a box packed with a quantity 

of snow, pretending that the disease required a chill to be ad- 
ministered; and, before his victim was dead, he rode off 
to Eome, entered the camp, and received the title and 
authority of emperor, having given the soldiers all that 
his brother had been wont to give them. Titus, as he 
expired, said: " I have made but one error." What 
this was he did not reveal, and no one else feels quite 
sure about it. Some have conjectured one thing and 
some another. The prevailing impression, according 
to one set of historians, is that he referred to keeping 
his brother's wife, Domitia. Others (whom I am for 
following) say what he meant was that, after finding 
Domitian openly plotting against him, he had not killed 
him, but had chosen rather himself to suffer that fate 
at his rival's hands and to surrender the government 
of Eome to a man whose nature will be portrayed in the 
continuation of my narrative. Titus had ruled for two 
years, two months, and twenty days, as has been pre- 
viously stated. 

1 L. Flamus Bilva Nonius Bassus. 
2 Asinius Pollio Verrucosus. 






Somitian's cruel character: his hatred of his father and 
brother (chapters 1, 2). 

He puts aside Bomitia: falls in. love with Julia: slays the 
Vestals (chapter 3) . 

The German war (chapters 4, 5) . 

Dacian war with Deeehalus (chapters 6, 7) . 

Bomitiau's nocturnal spectacles and entertainments (chap- 
ters 8, 9) . 

Events of the Bacian war (chapter 10). 

Antonius, governor of Germany, rebels: many are slain 
(chapters 11-14). 

How Bomitian was killed through snares laid by certain men 
(chapters 15-18). 


L. Fl. Silva Nonius Bassus, Asinius FolUo Verrucosus Coss. 
(A. B. 81 = a. u. 834= First of Bomitian, from Sept. 13th.) 

Bomitianus Aug. (Vm), T. Flavins Sabinus. (A. B. 82 = 
a. u. 835 =t Second of Bomitian.) 

Bomitianus Aug. (IX), ft. Petilius Rufus (II). (A. B. 83 =■ 
a. u. 836 =; Third of Bomitian.) 

Bomitianus Aug. (X), T. Aureliu^ Sabinus. (A. B. 84 = 
a. u. 837 =; Fourth of Bomitian.) 

Bomitianus Aug. (XI), T. Aurelius Fulvus. (A. B. 85^ 
a. u. 838 = Fifth of Bomitian.) 

Bomitianus Aug. (XII), Ser. Cornelius Bolabella. (A. B. 86 
= a. u. 839 = Sixth of Bomitian.) 

Bomitianus Aug. (XIII), A. Volusius Satuminus. (A. B. 87 
=5 a. u. 840 = Seventh of Bomitian.) 

Bomitianus Aug. (XIV), L. Minucius Rufus. (A. B. 88 = 
a. u. 841 =? Eighth of Bomitian.) 

T. Aurelius Fulvus (II), A. Sempronius Atratinus. (A. B. 
89 = a. u. 842 = Ninth of Bomitian.) 

Bomitianus Aug. (XV), M. Cocceius Nerva (II). (A. B. 90 
= a. u. 843 = Tenth of Bomitian.) 

M. Ulpius Traianus, Manius Acilius Glabrig. (A. B. 91 = 
a. XL 844 =1 Eleventh of Bomitian.) 

Somitianiis Aug. (XVI), Q. Volusius Satuminus. (A.D. dZ= 
a. u. 845 =1 Twelfth of Domitian.) 

Sex. Fompeius Collega, Cornelius Friscus. (A. D. 93 = a. u. 

846 = Thirteentli of Domitian.) 

L. Nonius Asprenas, M. Arrioinius Clemens. (A. D. 94 => a. u. 

847 = Fourteenth of Domitian.) 

Domitianus Aug. (XVII), T. Flavins Clemens. (A. D. 95 = 
a. u. 848 =1 Fifteenth of Domitian.) 

Hanlius Valens, Antistius Vetus. (A. D. 96 =; a. u. 849 = 
Sixteenth of Domitian, to Sept. 18th.) 


Domitian was both bold and passionate, both treach- — i — 
erous and given to dissembling. Hence, from these two (o.' u. 834) 
characteristics, rashness on the one hand and crafti- 
ness on the other, he did much harm, falling upon some 
persons with the swiftness of a thunderbolt and 
damaging others by carefully prepared plots. The 
divinity that he chiefly revered was Minerva, so that 
he was wont to celebrate the Panathensea on a magni- 
ficent scale : on this occasion he had contests of poets 
and chroniclers and gladiators almost every year at 
Albanum. This district, situated below the Alban 
Mount, from which it was named, he had set apart as a 
kind of acropolis. He had no genuine affection for any 
human being save a few women, but he always pre- 
tended to love the person whom at any time h© was 
most determined to slay. He could not be relied upon 
even by those who did him some favor or helped him 
in his most revolting crimes, for whenever any persons 
furnished hiTti with large sums of money or lodged in- 
formation against numbers of men, he was sure to de- 
stroy these benefactors, being especially careful to do 
so in the case of slaves who had given information 
against their masters. [Accordingly, such individuals, 
though they received money and honors and offices all 
at once from him, lived in no greater honor and security 
than other men. The very offences to which they had 



^' ^" 83^51 ^^^^ urged by Doraitian commonly were made pretexts 
for their destruction, th.e emperor's object being to 
have the actual perpetrators appear solely respon- 
sible for their wrongdoing. It was the same intention 
which led him once to issue a public notice to the effect 
that, when an emperor does not punish informers, he 
is the cause of the existence of such a class.] 

—a— Though this was his behavior to all throughout the 
course of his reign, stUl he quite outdid himself in deal- 
ing dishonor and ruin tO' his father's, and brother's 
friends. [To be sure, he himself posted a notice that 
he would ratify all the gifts made to any persons by 
tiiem and by other emperors. But this was mere 
show.] He hated them because they did not supply all 
his demands, many of which were unreasonable, as also 
because they had been held in some honor. [Whatever 
had enjoyed their affection and the benefit of their 
influence beyond the ordinary he regarded as hostile 
to him.] Therefore, although he himself had a pas- 
sion for a eunuch named Earinus, nevertheless, because 
Titus had also shown great liking for castrated persons, 
he carried his desire to cast reflections on his brother's 
character to the extent of forbidding any one thereafter 
in the Eoman empire to be castrated. In general, he 
was accustomed to say that those emperors who failed 
to punish large numbers of men were not good, but 
merely fortunate. [Personally, he paid no attention to 
those who praised Titus for not causing a single sen- 
ator's death, nor did he care that the senate frequently 
saw fit to pass decrees that the emperor should not be 



permitted to put to death any of his peers. The em- ., ■^- '^- f^ 

(o. u. 835) 

peror, as he believed, was far and away superior to 
them' and might put any one of them out of the way 
either on his own responsibility or with the consent of 
the rest; it was ridiculous to suppose that they could 
offer any opposition or refuse to condemn a man. Some 
would praise Titus, only not in Domitian's hearing; 
for such effrontery would be deemed as grave an 
offence as if they were to revile the emperor in his 

presence and within hearing : but^ 

because he understood that they were doing this se- 
cretly Then there was another thing] that re- 
sembled play-acting. Domitian pretended that he too 
loved his brother and mourned him. He read, with 
tears, the eulogies upon him [and hastened to have him 
enrolled among the heroes] , pretending just the oppo- 
site of what he really wished. (Indeed, he abolished the 
horse-race on Titus's birthday.) People in general 
were not safe whether they sympathized with his indig- 
nation or with his joy. In one case they* were sure to 
offend his feelings and in the other to let their lack of 
genuineness appear. 

His wife, Domitia, he planned to put to death on the ArD.~83 
ground of adultery, but, having been dissuaded by ^"- "■ ^^^^ 
Ursus, he sent her away and midway on the road 
murdered Paris, the dancer, because of her. And 
when many people paid honor to that spot with flowers 

1 A gap must probably be construed here. Bekker (followed by Din- 
dorf) regarded it as coming after "secretly" and consisting of but a 
word or two (e.g. "he hated them") but Boissevain locates it as in- 
dicated above and believes that considerably more is missing. 

^Reading efisXXov (Dindorf, Boissevain). 



la' u' 836) ^^^ perfuines, lie gave orders tliat they, too, should 
be slain. After this he took into his house, quite un- 
disguisedly, his own niece,— Julia, that is to say. 
[Then on petition of the people he became reconciled, 
to be sure, with Domitia, but continued none the less 
his relations with Julia.] 

HHe was removing many of the foremost men on 
many pretexts and by means of murders and banish- 
ments. [He also conveyed many to some out-of-the-way 
place, where he got rid of them ; and not a few he caused 
to die in some way or other by their own acts that they 
might seem to have suffered death by their own wish 
and not through outside force.] He did not spare even 
the vestal virgins, but punished them on charges of 
their having had intercourse with men. It is further 
reported that since their examination was conducted in 
a harsh and unfeeling manner, and many of them were 
accused and constantly being punished, one of the pon- 
tifices, Helvius Agrippa, could not endure it, but, 
horror-stricken, expired there in the senate where he 
sat. [Domitian also took pride in the fact that he did 
not bury alive, as was the custom, the virgins he found 
guilty of debauchery, but ordered them to be killed by 
some different way.] 

After this he set out for Gaul and plundered some of the tribes 
across the Rhine enjoying treaty rights, — a performance which filled 
him with conceit as if he had achieved some great success. Presumably 
on account of the victory he increased the soldiers' wages, so that 
whereas each had been receiving seventy-five denarii he commanded that 
a hundred be given them. Later he thought better of it, but instead of 
diminishing the amount he curtailed the number of men-at-arms. Both 
of these steps entailed great injury to the public weal: he had made 
the defenders of the State too few, while rendering their support an item 
of great expense. 



Next lie made a campaign into Germany and re- — 4 — 
turned without having seen a trace of war anywhere, (a. «. 837) 
And what need is there of mentioning the honors be- 
stowed upon him at this juncture for his exploit or 
from time to time upon the other emperors who were 
like him? For the object in any case was simply not to 
arouse the rage of those despots by letting them sus- 
pect, in consequence of the small number and insig- 
nificance of the rewards, that the people saw through 
them. Yet Domitian had this worst quality of all, 
that he desired to be flattered, and was equally dis- 
pleased with both sorts of men, those who paid court to 
him and those who did not. He disliked the former 
because their attitude seemed one of cajolery and the 
latter because it seemed one of contempt. Notwith- 
standing [he affected to take pleasure in the honorary 
decrees voted him by the senate. Ursus he came near 
killing because he was not pleased with his sovereign's 
exploits, and then, at the request of Julia, he appointed 
him consul.] Subsequently, being still more puffed up 
by his folly, he was elected consul for ten years in suc- 
cession, and first and only censor for life of all private 
citizens and emperors: and he obtained the right to 
employ twenty-four lictors and the triumphal garb 
whenever he entered the senate-house. He gave 
October a new name, Domitianum, because he had been 
bom in that month. Among the charioteers he insti- 
tuted two more parties, calling one the Golden and the 
other the Purple. To the spectators he gave many ob- 
jects by means of balls thrown among them; and once 



{a^'u''8Z7) ^^ ^^^® them a banquet while they remained in their 
seats and at night provided for them wine that flowed 
out in several different places. All this caused pleasure 
seemingly to the populace, but was a source of ruin to 
the powerful. For, as he had no resources for his ex- 
penditures, he murdered numbers of men, bringing 
some of them before the senate and acousitig others in 
their absence. Lastly, he put some out of the way by 
concocting a plot and administering to them secret 

Many of the peoples tributary to the Komans revolted when contribu- 
tions of money were forcibly extorted from them. The Nasamones are 
an instance in point. They massacred all the collectors of the money 
and so thoroughly defeated Flaecus,! governor of Numidia, who attacked 
them, that they were able to plunder his camp. Having gorged them- 
selves on the provisions and the wine that they found there they fell 
into a slumber, and Flaecus becoming aware of this fact assailed and 
annihilated them all and destroyed the non-combatants. Domitian ex- 
perienced a thrill of delight at the news and remarked to the senate: 
" Well, I have put a ban on the existence of the Nasamones." 

Even as early as this he was insisting upon being regarded as a god 
and took a huge pleasure in being called " master " and " god." These 
titles were used not merely orally but also in documents. 

— e— The greatest war that the Romans had on their 
{a.' u.' 839 ) hands at this time was one against the Dacians. Deoe^ 
balus was now king of the latter [since Douras, to 
whom the sovereignty belonged, had voluntarily with- 
drawn from it in favor of Decebalus, because]. He 
bad a good comprehension of the rules of warfare and 
was good at putting them in practice, displayed sa- 
gacity in advancing, took the right moment for retreat- 
ing, was an expert in ambuscades, a professional war- 
rior, knew how to make good use of a victory and how 

1 Probably Cn. BuelUus Flaecus. 



to turn a defeat to advantage. Hence he sliowed him- ^- ^- ^^ > 

° (a. u. 839) 

self for a long time a "worthy antagonist of the Romans. 

I call the people Dacians, just as they name them- 
selves and as the Eomans do; but I am not ignorant 
that some of the Greeks refer to them as Getse, whether 
that is the right term or not. I myself know Getse that 
live along the Ister, beyond the Haemus range. 

Domitian made an expedition against them, to be 
sure, but did not enter into real conflict. [Instead, he 
remained in a city of Mcesia, rioting, as was his wont.] 
(Not only was he averse to physical labor and timorous 
in spirit, but also most profligate and lewd toward 
women and boys alike.) But he sent others to officer 
the war and for the most part he got the worst of it. 

If Decebalus, king of the Dacians, carried on negotiations with Domitian, A. D. 87 ? 
promising him peace. Domitian sent against him Fusousi with a large 
force. On learning of it Decebalus sent an embassy to him anew, sar- 
castically proposing to make peace with the emperor in case each of 
the Romans should choose to pay two asses as tribute to Decebalus each 
year; if they should not choose to do so, he affirmed that he should 
make war and afflict them with great ills. 

Dio 67th Book " When the soldiers making the cam- 
paign with Fuscus asked him to lead them." 

Meaqtime he conceived a, wish to take measures —i — 

A. D 90 

against the Quadi and the Marcomani because they had (a. «. 843) 
not assisted him against the Dacians. So he entered 
Pannonia to make war upon them, and the second set 
of envoys that they sent in regard to peace he killed. 

^ The same man laid the blame for his defeat, how- — e — 
ever, upon his commanders. All the superior plans he 
claimed for himself, though he executed none of them, 

1 Cornelius Fuscus, pretorian prefect. 

VOL. 5 — 11. 161 


(a' u 843) ^^* ^^^ ^® inferior management lie blamed others, even 
though it was through his orders that some accident 
had taten place. Those who succeeded incurred his 
hatred and those who failed his censure. 

H Domitian, being defeated by the Marcomani, took 
to flight and by hastily sending messages to Decebalus, 
king of the Dacians, induced him. to make a truce with 
him. The monarch's frequent previous requests had 
always met with refusal. Decebalus now accepted the 
arrangement, for he was indeed hard pressed, yet he 
did not wish personally to hold a conference with Domi- 
tian, but sent Diegis with other men to give him the 
arms and a few captives, whom he pretended were the 
only ones he had. When this had been accomplished, 
Domitian set a diadem on the head of Diegis, just as if 
he had ia very truth conquered and could make some 
one king over the Dacians. To the soldiers he granted 
honors and money. Like a victor, again, he sent on 
ahead to Eome, besides many other things, envoys from 
Decebalus, and something which he affirmed was a 
letter of his, though rumor declared it had been forged. 
He graced the festival that followed with many articles 
pertaining to a triumph, though they did not belong to 
any booty he had taken; — ^ quite the reverse: and be^ 
sides allowing the truce he made an outlay of a great 
deal of money immediately and also presented to De- 
cebalus artisans of every imaginable profession, peace- 
ful and warlike, and promised that he would give him 
a great deal more. These exhibits came from the 
imperial furniture which he at all times treated as 



captive goods, because he had enslaved the empire ^- ^-^^ 

° ^ (a. u. 843) 


So many rewards were voted him that almost the — s — 

A. D. 91 

whole world (so far as under his dominion) was filled (a. «. 844) 

with his images and statues of both silver and gold. 

He also gave an extremely costly spectacle in regard 

to which we have noted nothing that was striking for 

historical record, save that virgins contended in the 

foot-race. After this, in the course of holding what 

seem to have been triumphal celebrations, he arranged 

numerous contests. First of all, in the hippodrome he 

had battles of infantry against infantry, and again 

battles of cavalry, and next he gave a naval battle in 

a new place. And there perished in it practically all 

the naval combatants and numbers of the spectators. 

A great rain and violent storm had suddenly come up, 

yet he allowed no one to leave the spectacle; indeed, 

Ithough he himself changed his clothing to a thick 

woolen cloak, he would not permit the people to alter 

their attire. As a result, not a few fell sick and died. 

By way of consoling them for this, he provided them 

at public expense a dinner lasting all night. Often, 

too, he would conduct games at night, and sometimes he 

would pit dwarfs^ and women against each other. 

So at this time he feasted the populace as described, 
but on another occasion he entertained the foremost 
men of the senate and the knights in the following 
fashion. He prepared a room that was pitch black on 
every side, ceiling, walls and floor, and had ready bare 

1 Reading ""^vouf (Dindorf). 


— 9 — 


{a'u'sii) ^^^^^^j ^11 alike, resting on the uncovered ground; 
then he invited in his guests alone, at night, without 
their attendants. An,d first he set beside each of them a 
slab shaped like a gravestone, bearing a person's name, 
and also a small lamp, such as hangs in tombs. Next, 
well-shaped, naked boys, likewise painted black, entered 
after the manner of phantoms, and, after passing 
around the guests in a kind of terrifying dance, took 
up their stations at their feet. After that, whatever is 
commonly dedicated in the course of offerings to de- 
parted spirits was set before them also, all black, and 
in dishes of a similar hue. Consequently, every single 
one of the guests feared and trembled and every mo- 
ment felt certain that he was to be slain, especially 
as on the part of everybody save Domitian there was 
dead silence, as if they were already in the realms of 
the dead, and the emperor himself limited his con- 
versation tQ matters pertaining to death and slaughter. 
Finally he dismissed them. But he had previously re^ 
moved their servants, who stood at the doorway, and 
gave them' in charge of other, unknown slaves, to con- 
vey either to carriages or litters, and by this act he 
filled them with far greater fear. Scarcely had each 
one reached home and was beginning to a certain extent 
to recover his spirits, when a message was brought 
him that some one was there from the Augustus. 
"While they were expecting, as a result of this, that now 
at last they should surely perish, one person brought 
in the slab, which was of silver, then another some- 
thing else, and another one of the dishes set before 



them at the dinner, which proved to he made of some , -^' ^- „®A , 

' -^ (a. u. 844) 

costly material. Finally came^ that particular hoy who 
had heen each one's familiar spirit, now washed and 
decked out. Thus, while in terror all night long, they 
received their gifts. 

Such was the triumph or, as the crowd said, such was 
the expiatory service that Domitian celebrated for 
those who had died in Dacia and in Eome. Even at 
this time, too, he killed off some of the foremost men. 
And he took away the property of whoever buried 
the body of an;y one of them, because the victim had 
died on ground belonging to the sovereign. 

Here are some more events worth recording, that — lo — 
took place in the Dacian War. Julianus, assigned by 
the emperor to take charge of the war, made many ex- 
cellent regulations, one being his command that the 
soldiers should inscribe their own names and those of 
the centurions upon their shields, in order that those 
of them who committed any particular good or bad 
action might be more readily observed by him. Eli- 
countering the enemy at Tapai,' he killed a very great 
number of them. Among them Vezinas, who ranked 
next to Decebalus, since he could not get away alive, 
fell down purposely as if dead. In this way he escaped 
notice and fled during the night. Decebalus, fearing 
that the Romans now they had conquered would pro- 
ceed against his residence, cut down the trees that 
were on the site and attached weapons to the trunks, 

1 Verb supplied by Xylander. 

2Pape thinks that the proper Latin form of this word would be 



(a' u' 844) ^^ ^^® ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^°'®^ might think them soldiers, and 
so be frightened and withdraw. This actually took 
(— 5 — ) Chariomems, king of the Chenisci, had been driven 
out of his kingdom by the Chatti on account of his 
friendship for the Eomans. At first he gathered some 
companions and was successful in his attempt to return. 
Later he was deserted by these men for having sent 
hostages to the Eomans and so became the suppliant of 
Domitiau. He was not accorded an alliance but re- 
ceived money. 
— 11— Antonius, a certain commander of this period in 
Germany, revolted against Domitian: him Lucius, Max- 
imus overcame and overthrew. For his victory he 
does not deserve any remarkable praise; [for many 
others have unexpectedly won victories, and his sol- 
diers contributed largely to his success:] but for his 
burning all the documents that were f oimd in the chests 
of Antonius, thus esteeming his own safety as of slight 
importance in comparison with having no blackmail 
result from them, I do not see how I may celebrate his 
memory as it deserves. But Domitian, as he had got a 
pretext from that source, proceeded to a series of 
slaughters even without the documents, and no one 
could well say how many he killed. [Indeed, he con- 
demned himself so for this act that, to prevent any 
remembrance of the dead surviving, he prohibited the 
inscribing of their names in the records. Furthermore, 
he did not even make any communication to the senate 
regarding those put out of the way, although he sent 



tlieir heads as well as that of Antonius to Eome and ex- ^- ^- ^^ 

{a. u. 844) 

posed them in the Forum.] But one young man, Julius 
Calvaster, who had served as military tribune in the 
hope of getting into the senate, was saved in a most un- 
expected fashion. Inasmuch as it was being proved 
that he had frequent meetings with Antonius alone and 
he had no other way to free himself from the charge 
of conspiracy, he declared that he had met him for 
amorous intercourse. The fact that he was of an ap- 
pearance to inspire passion lent color to his statement. 
In this way he was acquitted. 

After just one more remark about the events of that 
time, I will cease. Lusianus Proculus, an aged senator, 
who spent most of his time in the country, had come 
out with Domitian from Eome under compulsion so as 
to avoid the appearance of deserting him when in 
danger and the death that might very likely be the re- 
sult of such conduct. When the news came, he said: 
" You have conquered, emperor, as I ever prayed. 
Therefore, restore me to the country. ' ' Thereupon he 
left him without more ado and retired to his farm. 
And after this, although he survived for a long time, 
he never came near him. 

During this period some had become accustomed to 
smear needles with poison and then to prick with them 
whomsoever they would. Many persons thus attacked 
died without even knowing the cause, and many of the 
murderers were informed against and punished. And 
this went on not only in Eome but over practically the 
entire civilized world. 



a" if 91 ^^ Ulpius Trajan and to Acilius Glabrio, who were 
{a. u. 844) consuls then, the same signs are said to have appeared. 
They foretold to Glabrio destruction, but to Trajan the 
imperial office. [Numerous wealthy men and women 
both were punished for adultery, and some of the wo- 
men had been debauched by Mm. Many more were 
fined or executed on other charges.] A woman Was 
tried and lost her life because she had stripped in 
front of aa image of Domitian [and another for having 
had dealings with astrologers] . Among the many who 
perished at this time was also Mettius Pompusianus, 
whom Vespasian had refused to harm in any way after 
learning from some report that he would one day be 
sole ruler, but^ rather honored, saying: "You will 
certainly remember me and will certainly honor me in 
return. ' ' But Domitian first exiled him to Corsica and 
later put him to death, one of the complaints being that 
he had the inhabited world painted on the walls of his 
bedchamber and another that he had excerpte^ and was 
wont to read the speeches of kings and other eminent 
men that are written in Livy. Als(?Matemus, a soph- 
ist, met his death because in a practice speech* he had 
said something against tyrants. The emperor himself 
used to visit both those who were to accuse and those 
who were to give evidence for condemnation, and he 

1 Reading &^^d (Dindorf). 

ZHartman (Mnemosyne, N. S. XXE, p. 395) would read SuTTeiov 
for dffx&v . " Maternus met his death because he had made some 
■witty remark against tyrants." H. maintains that Domitian could not 
know what Matenms said in his closet; but to the present translator 
the MS. tradition seems to lend to this incident a greater homogene- 
ousnesa of detail with the preceding, and he retains it simply on that 



would frame and compose everytMng that required to ^- ^- g^.^^, 
be said. Often, too, lie would talk to the prisoners 
alone, keeping tight hold of their chains with his hands. 
In the former case he would not entrust to others what 
was to be said, and in the latter he feared the men even 
in their bonds. 

T[In Moesia,^ the Lygians, who had been at war with (— 5 — ) 
some of the Suebi, sent envoys, asking Domitian for 
an alliance. They obtained one that was strong, not 
in numbers, but in dignity : in other words, they were 
granted only a hundred knights. The Suebi, indignant 
at this, added to their contingent the lazygse and began 
to prepare well in advance to cross the Ister. 

UMasjTis, king of the Semnones, and Ganna, a virgin 
(she was priestess in Celtica after Veleda), came to 
Domitian and having been honored by him returned. 

As censor, likewise, his behavior was noteworthy. He _ 13 _ 
expelled Caecilius Eufinus from the senate because he la' u u^) 
danced, and restored Claudius Pacatus, though an ex- 
centurion, to his master because he was proved to be 
a slave. What came after, to be sure, can not be de- 
scribed in similar terms,— his deeds, that is to say, as 
emperor. Then he killed Arulenus Eusticus for being 
a philosopher and for calling Thrasea sacred, and Her- 
ennius Senecio because in his long career he had stood; 
for no office after the qusestorship and because he had 
compiled the life of Helvidius Priscus. Many others 
also perished as a result of this same charge of phi- 
losophizing, and all remaining members of that pro- 

1 An error of the excerptor. The Lygiana lived north of Mcesia. 



A. D. 93 fession were agedn driven from Eome. One Juventius 

(o. u. 846) ° 

Celsus, however, who had been conspicuous in conspir- 
ing with certain persons against Domitian and had 
been accused of it, saved his life in a remarkable way. 
When he was on the point of being condemned, he 
begged that he might speak a few words with the em- 
peror in private. Having gained the opportunity he 
did obeisance before him and after repeatedly calling 
him " master," and " god " (terms that were already 
being applied to him by others) , he said : " I have done 
nothing of the sort. And if I obtain a respite, I will 
pry into everything and both inform against and con- 
vict many persons for you. ' ' He was released on these 
conditions, but did not report any one; instead, by ad- 
vancing different excuses at different times, he lived 
until Domitian was killed. 
"—14— During this period the road leading from Sinuessa 

A D 95 

{a. u. 848) to Puteoli was paved with stones. And the same year 
Domitian slew among many others Flavins Clemens 
the consul, though he was a cousin and had_to wife 
Flavia Domitilla, who was also a relative of the em- 
peror's.^ The complaint brought against them both 
was that of atheism', under which many others who 
drifted into Jewish ways were condemned. Some of 
these were killed and the remainder were at least de- 
prived of their property. Domitilla was merely ban- 
ished to Pandateria; but Glabrio, colleague of Trajan 
in the consulship, after being accused on various regu- 
lar stock charges, and also of fighting with wild beasts, 

1 His sister's daughter. 



suffered death. This ability in the arena was the chief a. d. 95 
cause 01 the emperor's anger against him,— an anger 
prompted by jealousy. In the victim's consulship 
Domitian had summoned him to Albanum to attend the 
so-called Juvenalia and had imposed on him the task 
of killing a large lion. Glabrio not only had escaped all 
injury but had despatched the creature with most 
accurate aim. 

As a consequence of his cruelty the emperor was 
suspicious of all mankind and ceased now to put hopes 
of safety in either the freedmen or the prefects, whom 
he usually caused to be tried during their very term 
of office. Moreover, Epaphroditus, who belonged to 
Nero, he first drove out and then slew, censuring him 
for not having defended Nero; his object was by the 
vengeance that he took in this person's case to terrify 
his own freedmen long enough in advance to prevent 
their ever attempting a similar deed. It did him no 
good, however, for he became the object of a conspiracy ^- ^- ^^ 
in the following year and perished in the consulship of 
Gains' Valens (who died after holding the consular 
office in his ninetieth year) and of Gains Antistius. 
Those who attacked him and prepared the undertaking — 15 — 
were Parthenius his cubicularius (though he was the 
recipient of such marks of imperial favor as to be 
allowed to wear a sword) and Sigerus,^ who was also 
a member of the excubise, as well as Entellus, the per- 
son entrusted with the care of the state documents, and 

lAn error, possibly emanating from Dio. The man's right name is 
T. ManUus Valens. 

a Probalily the person who is called Saturius in Suetonius, Domitian, 
chapter 17. 



A. D. 96 Stephanus, a freedman. The plot was not luiknowii to 

(o. M. 849) -^ ' -"^ 

Domitia, the emperor's wife, nor to the prefect Nor- 
banus, nor to the latter 's partner in office, Petronins 
Secundns: at least, this is the tradition. Domitia was 
ever an object of the imperial hatred and consequently- 
stood in terror of her life ; the rest no longer loved their 
sovereign, some of them because complaints had been, 
lodged against them and others because they were ex- 
pecting them to be lodged. For my part, I have heard 
also the following account,— that Domitian, having 
become suspicious of all these persons, conceived a 
desire to kill them, and wrote their names on a two- 
leaved tablet of linden wood, and put it under his 
pillow on the couch where he was wont to repose ; and 
one of the naked prattling* boys, while the emperor was 
asleep in the daytime, filched it away and kept it with- 
out knowing what it contained. Domitia then chanced 
upon it and reading what was written gave informa- 
tion of the matter to those involved. As a result, 
they changed their plans somewhat and hastened the 
plot ; yet they did not proceed to action until they had 
determined who was to succeed to the office. Having 
conversed with various persons, when they found that 
no one would accept it (everybody was afraid of them, 
thinking that they were simply testing people's loy- 
alty) they betook themselves to Nerva. He was of 
most noble birth and most suitable character and had, 
besides, encountered danger through being slandered 
by astrologers [who declared that he should be sover- 

1 Compare Book Forty-eight, chapter 44. 



eign]. Thus they the more easily persuaded him.' to a. d. 96 

V J.1 J. X • ,^ -r , ^ {a. u. 849) 

be the next to receive the power. In truth, Domitian, 
who conducted an investigation of the days and the 
hours when the foremost men had been bom, had con- 
sequently ere this despatched not a few even of those 
who entertained no hopes of gaining any power.* And 
he would have slain Nerva, had not one of the astrolo- 
gers who favored the latter declared that he would die 
within a few days. [Believing that this would really 
prove true, he did not desire to be guilty of this addi- 
tional murder, inasmuch as Nerva in any event was 
to meet death so very soon.] 

Since no occurrence of such magnitude is without — is — 
previous indications, various unfavorable tokens ap- 
peared in his case, too. In a vision he himself beheld 
Eusticus approaching him with a sword; and he 
thought that Minerva, whose statue he kept in his bed- 
chamber, had thrown away her weapons and, mounted 
upon a chariot drawn by black horses, was being swal- 
lowed up in an abyss. But the feature which of all 
claims our wonder is connected with the name of Lar- 
ginus Proculus. He had publicly foretold in Germany 
that the emperor should die on the day when he actually 
did die, and was, therefore, sent on to Eome by the 
governor. Brought before Domitian he declared once 
more that this should be so. A death sentence was 
postponed ia order that he might be put to death after 
the emperor had escaped the danger. Meanwhile 
Domitian was slain, his life was saved, and he received 

* As the MS. tradition of this sentence is corrupt, the emendations of 
Polak have been adopted. 



A. D. 96 a, hundred thousand denarii from Nerva. Some one 

(a. u. 849) 

else had on a previous occasion told the ruler both 
when and how he should perish, and then being asked 
what manner of death he, the prophet, should meet, he 
answered that he would be despatched by dogs. There- 
upon command was given that the fellow should be 
burned alive, and the fire was applied to him. But 
just then there was a great downpour of rain, the pyre 
was extinguished, and later dogs found him lying upon 
it with his hands bound behind him and tore him to 

— 17 — I have one more astonishing fact to record, which I 
shall touch on after I have given the account of Domi- 
tian's end. As soon as he rose to leave the court- 
house and was ready to take his afternoon nap, as was 
his custom, first Parthenius took the blade out of the 
sword, which always lay under his pillow, so that he 
should not have the use of that. Next he sent in 
Stephanus, who was stronger then the rest. The latter 
smote Domitian, and though it was not an opportune 
blow the emperor was knocked to the ground, where 
he lay. Then, fearing an escape, Parthenius leaped in, 
or, as some believe, he sent in Maximus, a freedman. 
Thus both Domitian was murdered, and Stephanus 
perished likewise in a rush that those who had not 
shared in the conspiracy made upon him. 

— 18 — The matter of which I spoke, saying that it surprises 
me more than anything else, is this. A certain ApoUo- 
nius of Tyana on the very day and at that very hour 
when Domitian was being murdered (this was later 



confirmed by other events that happened in both a. d. 96 

(o. u. 849) 

places) climbed a lofty stone at Ephesns (or possibly 
some other town) and having gathered the populace, 
uttered these words : ' ' Bravo, Stephanus ! Good, 
Stephanus ! Smite the wretch ! You have struck, you 
have wounded, you have killed him ! ! " This is what 
really took place, though there should be ten thousand 
doubters. Domitian had lived forty-four years, ten 
months, and twenty-six days. His reign had lasted 
fifteen years and five days. His body was stolen away 
and buried by his nurse, Phyllis. 




VOL. 5 — 12 177 

Most of Domitian's measures are annulled (chapter 1). 

The excellencies of ITerra Augustus Cssar: his kindness to 
Verginius (chapter 2) . 

The conspiracy of Crassus : rebellion of the Pretorians : adop- 
tion of Trajan (chapter 3.) 

Birthplace and praise of Trajan: Nerva dies (chapter 4). 

How Trajan entered upon his sovereignty (diapter 5). 

He undertakes a war against Decebalus, proving himself for- 
midable to the latter but worthy the affection of his own people 
(chapters 6, 7). 

He conquers the Dacians and holds a triumph over them 
(chapters 8-10). 

A second war against the Dacians (chapters 11, 12). 

How Trajan saddled the Danube with a stone bridge (chap- 
ter 13). 

With the disappearance from the scene of Decebalus the 
Dacians are reduced to the condition of a province: Arabia is 
taken (chapter 14). 

Embassies: the Pontine marshes filled: statues to the well- 
deserving: the column of Trajan (chapters 15, 16). 

Campaign against the Parthians on account of the expulsion 
of Exedares from Armenia and the introduction there of Partho- 
masiris (chapters 17, 18). 

Parthomasiris gains access to Trajan and Armenia is taken 
away from him (chapters 19, 20) . 

How Abgarus the Osrhoenian obtained pardon from Trajan 
(chapter 21). 

About the envoys of Mannus and Manisarus sent to Trajan 
(chapter 22). 

Trajan is named Optimus, and, after the capture of I^isibis 
and Batnse, Parthicus (chapter 23). 

About the huge earthquake at Antioch (chapters 24, 25). 

After the bridging of the Tigfris he reduces Adiabene, Meso- 
potamia, and Ctesiphon (chapters 26-28). 

He loses and regains several districts : he bestows a king upon 
the Parthians (chapters 29, 30). 

He besieges the Atreni without result (chapter 31). 

The Jews in Csrrene, Egypt, «iid Cyprus rebel, and are cruslied, 
chiefly through the activity of Lusius (chapter 32) . 

The Parthians cast out the king imposed upon them : Trajan 
dies (chapter 33). 


C. Manlius Valens, C. Antistius Vetus, (A. D. 96 = a. u. 
849 = First of Nerva, from Sept. 18th). 
Nerva Caes. Aug. (Ill), L. Verginius Rufus (m). A. D. 

97 = a. u. 850 = Second of Nerva.) 

Nerva Cses. Aug. (IV), Nerva Traianus Caes, (II). (A. D. 

98 =; a. u. 851 = Third of Nerva, to January 27th.) 

C. Sosius Senecio (11), A. Cornelius Palma. (A. D. 99 = a. u. 
852 =1 Second of Trajan.) 
Nerva Traianus Aug. (HI), Sex. lul. Frontinus (III). (A. D. 

100 =r a. u. 853 = Third of Trajan.) 

Nerva Traianus Aug. (IV), Sex. Articuleius Psetus. (A. D. 

101 = a. u. 854 => Fourth of Trajan.) 

C. Sosius Senecio (III), L. Licinius Sura (II). (A. D. 102 = 
a. u. 855 =1 Fifth of Trajan.) 

Nerva Traianus Aug. (V), Q. Messius Maximus (II). (A. D. 
103 = a. u. 856 = Sixth of Trajan.) 

Suburanus (11), P. Neratius Marcellus. (A. D. 104 = a. u. 
857 = Seventh of Trajan.) 

Ti. lulius Gandidus (II), A. lulius Quadratus (IE). (A. D. 
105 = a. u. 858 =i Eighth of Trajan.) 

L. Ceionius Commodus Verus, L. Cerealis. (A. D. 106 =: a. u. 
859 = Ninth of Trajan.) 

C. Sosius Senecio (IV), L. Licinius Sura (III). (A. D. 107 = 
a. u. 860 = Tenth of Trajan.) 

Ap. Trebonius Gallus, M. Atilius Bradua. (A. D. 108 = a. u. 
861 =Eleventh of Trajan.) 

A. Cornelius Palma (II), C. Calvisius TuUus (11). (A. D. 
109 = a. u. 862 =; Twelfth of Trajan.) 

Clodius Priscinus, Solenus Orfitus. (A. D. 110 = a. u. 863 = 
Thirteenth of Trajan.) 

C. Calpurnius Piso, M. Vettius Bolanus. (A. D. 111 = a. u. 
864 = Fourteenth of Trajan.) 

Nerva Traianus Aug. (VI), C. Itdiiis Africanus. (A. D. 112 
= a. u. 865 = Fifteenth of Trajan.) 

L. Celsns (II), Clodius Crispinus. (A. D. 113 = a. n. 866 =i 
Sixteenth of Trajan.) 

Q. Ninnius Hasta, P. Manilius Vopiscus. (A. D. 114 = a. u. 
867 = Seventeenth of Trajan.) 

I. Vipsanius Messala, M. Pedo Virgilianus. (A. D. 115=: 
a. XL. 868 = Eighteenth of Trajan.) 

L. JElius Lamia, JElianus Vetus. (A. D. 116 = a. u. 869 = 
ITineteenth of Trajan.) 

ftuinctius Niger, C. Vipsanius Apronianus. (A. D. 117=3 
= a. u. 870 =; Twentieth of Trajan, to Aug. 11th.) 


After Domitian, the Eomans appointed Nerva Coc- — i — 

A. D. 96 

ceius emperor. The hatred felt for Domitian caused (o. m. 849) 
his images, many of which were of silver and many of 
gold, to be melted down; and from this source large 
amomits of money were obtained. The arches, too, 
of which more had been erected to the late emperor 
than previously to any one man, were torn down. 
Nerva also released such as were on trial for maiestaa 
and restored the exiles. All the slaves and freedmen 
that had conspired against their masters he put to 
death, and allowed that class of persons to lodge no 
complaint whatever against their masters. Others 
were not permitted to accuse anybody for maiestas or 
for * ' Jewish living. ' ' Many who had been sycophants 
were condemned to death, among whom was Seras 
. • }, the philosopher. Now, as a quite extraordi- 
nary disturbance arose from the fact that everybody 
was accusing everybody else, Fronto, the consul, is said 
to have remarked that it was bad to have an emperor 
under whom no one could do anything, but worse to 
have one under whom any one could do everything. 
Nerva, on hearing this, prohibited the future recur- 
rence of such scenes. But Nerva, as a result of old 
age and sickness (which was always making him vomit 
his food), was rather weak. 

He also forbade gold statues being made in his — a — 
honor. He paid back to such as under Domitian had 

1 The name is suspicious and possibly a corrupt reading. 



been causelessly deprived of their property all that 
was still found in the imperial treasury. To the very 
poor Eomans he granted allotments of land worth in 
the aggregate fifteen hundred myriads, and put certain 
senators in charge of their purchase and distribution. 
When he ran short of funds he sold many robes and 
plate, both silver and gold, besides furniture, both his 
own and what belonged to the imperial residence, many 
fields and houses,— in fact, everything save what was 
quite necessary. He did not, however, haggle over the 
prices of them, and in this very point benefited many 
persons. He abolished many sacrifices, many horse- 
races, and some other spectacles, in an attempt to re- 
duce expenses as far as possible. In the senate he 
took oath that he would not cause the death of any of 
the senators and he kept his pledge in spite of plots. 
And he did nothing without the advice of prominent 
men. Among his various laws were those prohibiting 
any one from being made a eunuch and from marrying 
one's niece. When consul he did not hesitate to take as 
his colleague Verginius Eufus, though the latter had 
A. D. 97 been frequently saluted as emperor.^ Upon his monu- 
ment was inscribed when he died : * ' Having conquered 
Vindex he ascribed the credit of victory not to himself 
but to his country."* 

Nerva ruled so well that he once remarked: " I have 
done nothing that could prevent me from laying down 
the imperial oflSce and returning to private life in 

1 Compare Book Sixty-three, chapter 25 of Die, and also Tacitus, 
HistoricB 1, 9. 

2 Compare also Pliny's Letters, Book Six, number 10. 


— 3 — 


safety." When Crassus Calpumius, a grandson of ,^- ■'^'ggL 
the famous Crassi, formed a plot with some others 
against him, he made them sit beside' him at a spectacle 
— they were still ignorant of the fact that they had 
been informed upon — and gave them' some swords, 
nominally to look at and see if they were sharp (as was 
often done), but really by way of showing that he did 
not care if he died that moment where he was. 

^lianus Casperius, who was governor under him as 
he had been under Domitian, and had become one of 
the Pretorians, incited the soldiers to mutiny against 
him ; his plan was to have them demand some persons 
for execution. Nerva resisted them stoutly, even to 
the point of baring his collar-bone and offering them 
his throat: but he accomplished nothing and those 
whom' ^lianus wished were put out of the way. 
Wherefore Nerva, subjected to such profound humilia- 
tion because of his old age, ascended the Capitol and 
cried aloud: "To the good fortune of the Eoman 
people and senate and myself I adopt Marcus Ulpius 
Nerva Trajan." 

Subsequently in the senate he designated him Caesar 
and sent a message to him, written with his own hand 
(Trajan was governor of Germany) : 

" The Danaans by thy weapons shall requite my tears." i 

Thus did Trajan become Caesar and afterwards em- 
peror, although there were relatives of Nerva. But 
the man did not esteem family relationship above 
the safety of the State, nor was he less inclined to 

iFrom Homer's Iliad, Book One, verse 42. 


-4 — 

A. D. 97 

(a. u. 850) 


adopt Trajan because the latter was a Spaniard instead 
of an Italian or Italiot,^ or because no foreigner had 
previously held the Roman sovereignty. It was a per- 
son's virtue and not his country that he thought needed 

A. D. 98 Soon after this act he passed away, having ruled 
during the period of one year, four months and nine 
days. His life prior to that time* had comprised 
sixty-five years, ten months, and ten days. 
— 5 — Trajan, before he became emperor, had had a dream 
of the following nature. He thought that an old man 
in purple robe and vesture, moreover adorned with a 
crown, as the senate is represented in pictures, im- 
pressed a seal upon him with a finger ring, first on the 
left side of his throat and then on the right. When he 
had been made emperor, he sent a despatch to the 
senate written with his own hand, which stated, among 
other things, that he would not slay nor dishonor any 
man of worth. This he confirmed by oaths not merely 
at that time but also later. 

He sent for -lElianus and the Pretorians who had 
mutinied against Nerva, pretending that he was going 
to employ them in some way, and relieved the world of 
their presence. When he had entered Eome he did 

A. D. 99 much toward the administration of state affairs and to 

(o. u. 852) 

please the excellent. To the former business he gave 
unusual attention, makiag many grants even to Italian 
cities for the support of their children, and to good citi- 

1 Dio means by Italian one born in Italy, by Italiot one who settles 
in Italy. 

2 Reading upoe^e^tdixet (Boissevain) . 



zens he did continual favors. Plotina, his wife, on first a. d. 99 

' ' (a. u. 852) 

going into the palace turned around so as to face the 
Scalse and the populace, and said : ' ' My wish is to issue 
hence the same sort of person as I am now when I 
enter." And she so conducted herself during the 
entire sovereignty as to incur no censure. 

[H The ambassadors who came from the kings were (— is — ) 
given seats by Trajan in the senatorial row at 

After spending some time in Rome he instituted a a~d Too 
campaign against the Dacians; for he made their deeds ("• "• ^^s) 
the object of thought and was irritated at the amount 
of money they were annually getting. He likewise 
saw that their power and their pride were increas- 
ing. Decebalus, learning of his advance, was fright- 
ened, since he well knew that formerly he had con- 
quered not the Eomans but Domitiau, whereas now 
he would be fighting against both Eomans and Trajan 
as emperor. 

And Trajan had a great reputation for justice, for 
bravery, and for simple living. He was strong in body 
(being in his forty-second year when he began to rule) 
[so that in every enterprise he toiled almost as much 
as the rest ;] and his intellectual powers were at their 
highest, so that he had neither the recklessness of 
youth nor the sluggishness of old age. He did not 
envy nor kill any one, but honored and exalted all with- 
out exception that were men of worthj and hence he 
neither feared nor hated one of them. To slanders 
he paid very little heed and was no slave of anger. He 



(f ' m' 853 > ^^^'^^i'lsd equally from the money of others and from 
— 7— unjust murders. He expended vast sums on wars and 
vast sums on works of peace; and while making very 
many most necessary repairs on roads and harbors and 
public buildings, he drained no one's blood for these 
undertakings. His nature was so noble and magnani- 
mous that even upon the hippodrome he merely in- 
scribed the statement that he had made it suitable for 
the Eoman people when it had crumbled away in spots, 
and had rendered it larger and more beautiful. For 
these deeds he was better satisfied to be loved than 
honored. His meetings with the people were marked 
by affabUity and his intercourse with the senate by 
dignity. He was loved by all and dreaded by none save 
the enemy. He joined people in hunting and banquets, 
and in work and plans and jokes. Often he would 
make a fourth in somebody's litter, and sometimes he 
would enter persons' houses even without a guard and 
make himself at home. He lacked education in the 
exact sense, — book-learning, at least,— but he both 
imderstood and carried out its spirit, and there was 
no quality of his that was not excellent. I know well 
enough that he was given to wine and boys, but if he 
had ever committed or endured any base or wicked 
deed as a result of this, he would have incurred cen- 
sure. As the case stood, he drank all the wine he 
wanted, yet remained sober, and his pursuit of peder- 
asty harmed no one. And even if he did delight in 
war, still he was satisfied with success in it,— with 
overthrowing a most hostile element and bettering his 
own side. Nor did the usual thing under such circum- 



stances,— conceit and arrogance on the part of the ^- ^- ^"0 

. . ... {a. u. 853) 

soldiers, — ever manifest itself during his reign; with 
such a firm hand did he rule them. For these reasons 
Decebalus was somewhat justified in fearing him. 

When Trajan, in the course of his campaign against — 8 — 
the Dacians had come near Tapai, where the barbar- 
ians were encamping, a large mushroom was brought 
to him, on which it said in Latin characters that the 
Buri and other allies advised Trajan to turn back and 
make peace. At Trajan's first encounter with the foe 
he visited many of the wounded on his own side and 
killed many of the enemy. And when the bandages 
gave out, he is said not to have spared even his own 
clothing, but to have cut it up into strips. In honor 
of the soldiers that had died in battle he ordered an 
altar erected and the performance of funeral rites 

[H Decebalus had sent envoys also before the defeat, — 9— 
and no longer the long-haired men, as before, but the 
chief among the cap- wearers.* These threw down their 
arms and casting themselves upon the earth begged 
Trajan that if possible Decebalus himself be allowed to 
meet and confer with him, promising that he would do 
everything that might be commanded ; or, if not, that at 
least some one should be despatched to agree upon 
terms with him. Those sent were Sura and Claudius 
Livianus, the prefect; but nothing was accomplished, 

1 Latin, pileati. The distinction drawn is that between the plebeians 
and the nobles, to whom reference is made respectively by the terms 
" unshorn " and " covered." Compare here the make up of the Har- 
comanian embassy in Book Seventy-twoj chapter two. 



{t'. M.' 853) ^^^ Decebalus did not dare even to come near them. 
He sent representatives also on this occasion. 

Trajan had now seized some fortified mountains and 
on them found the arms and the captured engines, as 
well as the standard which had been taken in the time 

(t.' «.' 854) °^ Fuscus. Undertaking to ascend the heights them- 
selves, he secured one crest after another amid dangers 
and approached the capital of the Dacians. Lusius, 
attacking in another quarter, slaughtered numbers 
and captured stiU more alive. Then Decebalus sent 

Decebalus, for this reason, and particularly because 
Maximus at the same time had possession of his sister 
and a strong position, was ready to agree without ex- 
ception to every demand made. It was not that he 
intended to abide by his agreement, but he wanted to 
secure a respite from his temporary reverses.] So, 
though against his will, he made a compact to sur- 
render his arms, engines, and manufacturers of en- 
gines, to give back the deserters, to demolish his 
forts, to withdraw from captured territory, and further- 
more to consider the same persons enemies and friends 
as the Eomans did [besides neither giving shelter to 
any of the deserters,^ nor employing any soldiers from 
the Eoman empire, for he had acquired the largest and 
best part of his force by persuading them to come from 
that quarter]. "When he came into Trajan's presence, 
he fell upon the earth and did obeisance [and cast away 
his arms. He also sent envoys to the senate to secure 

iKeading aiiTo/idXtitv rtvcL (Boissevain). 



these terms, in order that he might have the further -*■■ ^- i"! 
ratification of the peace by that body. At the conclu- 
sion of this compact the emperor left a camp in Sar- 
mizegethusa, and, having placed garrisons at intervals 
through the remainder of the territory, returned to 

The envoys from Decebalus were introduced in the — lo — 
senate. They laid down their arms, clasped their hands ^a' «.' 856) 
in the posture of captives, and spoke some words of 
supplication; thus they obtained peace and received 
back their arms. Trajan celebrated a triumph and was 
given the title of Dacicus ; in the theatre he had contests 
of gladiators, in whom he delighted, and he brought 
back dancers once more to the theatre, being in love 
with one of them, Pylades. However, he did not pay 
less attention to general administration, as might have 
been expected of a warlike personage, nor did he hold 
court the less ; on the contrary, he conducted trials now 
in the forum of Augustus, now in the porch named the 
Porch of Livia, and often elsewhere on a platform. 

And since Decebalus was reported to him to be act- 
ing in^ many ways contrary to the treaty, since he was 
gathering arms, receiving such as deserted, repairing 
the forts, sending ambassadors to the neighbors, and 
injuring those who had previously differed with him, 
since also he was devastating some land qf the lazygae 
(which Trajan later would not give back to them when 
they asked for it), therefore, the senate voted that he 
was again an enemy. And Trajan again conducted the 
war against him, commanding in person and not repre- 
sented by others, 



r~}}~, [As niunerous Dacians kept transferring their aJ- 

A. D. 104 

(o. It. 857) legiance to Trajan, and for certain other reasons, De- 
cebalus agaia requested peace. But since he could not 
be persuaded to surrender both his arms and himself, 
he proceeded openly to collect troops and called the 
surrounding nations to his aid, saying that if they 
deserted him they themselves would come into danger 
and that it was safer and easier by fighting on his side 
to preserve their freedom, before suffering any harm, 
than if they should allow his people to be destroyed 
and then later be subjugated when bereft of allies.] 
And Decebalus in the open field came off poorly, but by 
craft and deceit he almost compassed the death of 
Trajan. He sent into Moesia some deserters to see 
whether they could make away with him, inasmuch as 
the emperor was generally accessible, and now, on ac- 
count of the needs of warfare, admitted to conference 
absolutely every one who desired it. But this plan they 
were unable to carry out, since one of them was ar- 
rested on suspicion and, under torture, revealed the 
entire plot. 

_ 12 — Longinus was the commandant of the Eoman camp 
who had made himself a terror to the Dacian leader 
in warfare. The latter, thereforei, sent him an iuvita- 
tion and persuaded him to meet him, on the pretext 
that he would perform whatever should be enjoined. 
He then arrested him and questioned him publicly 
about Trajan's plans. As the Eoman would not yield 
at all, he took him about with him under guard, though 
not in bonds. And [Decebalus sending an envoy to 



Trajan, asked that lie might get back the territory as ■^- ^- 1°* 
far as the Ister and receive indemnity for all the money 
he had spent on the war,] in recompense for restoring 
Longinus to him. An ambiguons answer was returned, 
of a kind that would not make Decebalus think that the 
emperor regarded Longinus as of either great value or 
small, the object being to prevent his being destroyed 
on the one hand, or being preserved on excessive 
terms, on the other. So Decebalus delayed, still con- 
sidering what he should do. 

Meanwhile Longinus, having [through his freedman] 
secured a poison [ — he had promised Decebalus that he 
would reconcile Trajan to the proposition, in order that 
the Dacian should be as far as possible from suspect- 
ing what was to happen, and so not keep an especially 
careful watch over him. Also, to enable his servant to 
attain safety, he wrote a letter containing a supplica- 
tion, and gave it to the freedman to carry to Trajan. 
Then, when he had gone, at night he took the poison,] 
drank it and died. [After this event Decebalus asked 
Trajan to give him back his freedman, promising to 
give him in return the body of Longinus and ten cap- 
tives. He sent at once the centurion who had been cap- 
tured with the dead general, assumirig that this man 
would arrange the matter for him ; and it was from the 
centurion that the whole story of Longinus was learned. 
However, Trajan neither sent him back, nor surren- 
dered the freedman, deeming his safety more valuable 
for establishing the dignity of the empire than the 
burial of Longinus.] 



aTd^io* Now, Trajan constructed over the Ister a stone 
(o. M. 857) bridge, for which I cannot sufficiently admire him. His 
other works are most "brilliant, but this surpasses them. 
There are twenty square pieces of stone, the height of 
which is one hundred and fifty feet above the founda- 
tions and the breadth sixty, and these, standing at a 
distance of one hundred and seventy feet from one to 
another, are connected by arches. How then could one 
fail to be astonished at the expenditure made upon 
them? Or the manner in which each of them was 
placed in a river so deep, in water so full of eddies, on 
ground so slimy? It was impossible, you note, to divert 
the course of the river in any direction. I have spoken 
of the breadth of the river ; but the stream is not uni- 
formly so limited, since it covers in some places twice 
and elsewhere thrice as much ground, but the narrow- 
est point, and the one in that region most adapted to 
bridge-building, has just those dimensions. Yet the 
very fact that the river here shrinks from a great flood 
to such a narrow channel and is here confined, though 
it again expands into a greater fiood, makes it all the 
more violent and deep; and this feature must be con- 
sidered in estimating the difficulty of preparing a 
bridge. This achievement, then, shows the greatness 
of Trajan's designs, though the bridge is of no 
particular use to us. Merely the piers are standing, 
affording no means of crossing, as if they were erected 
for the sole purpose of demonstrating that there is 
nothing which human energy can not accomplish. Tra- 
jan 's reason for constructing the bridge was his fear 



that, some time when the Ister was frozen, war miarht ^- ^- ^04 

-L 1 ii -r, , ^ (o. «. 857) 

be made on the Homans across the water, and his de^ 
sire to enjoy the easy access to them that this work 
would permit. Hadrian, on the contrary, was afraid 
that the barbarians might overpower the guard at the 
bridge £ind cross into Mcesia, and so he removed the 
surface work. 

Trajan, having crossed the Ister on this bridge, con- — 14 — 
ducted the war with prudence, rather than with haste, (».' «.' 858) 
and eventually, after a hard struggle, vanquished the 
Dacians. In the course of these encounters he person- 
ally performed many deeds of good generalship and 
bravery, and his soldiers ran many risks and displayed 
great prowess on his behalf. It was here that a certain 
horseman, dangerously wounded, was carried from the 
battle on the supposition that he could be healed ; but, 
when he found that he could not recover, he rushed 
from his quarters (since his hurt had not incapacitated 
him) and stationing himself in the line again he per- 
ished, after having displayed great valor. Decebalus, 
when his capital and all his territory had been occupied a. d. io6 
and he was himself iu danger of being captured, com- 
mitted suicide, and his head was brought to Rome. 

In this way Dacia became subject to Eome and Tra- 
jan founded cities there. The treasures of Decebalus 
were also discovered, though hidden beneath the Sar- 
getia river, which ran past his palace. He had made 
some captives divert the course of the river and had 
then excavated its bed. There he had placed a largo 
amount of silver and of gold and other objects of great 
VOL. 5 — 13. 193 


(t" M 859) "^^l^^v tliat coTild endure some moisture, had heaped 
stones over them and piled on earth. After that he had 
let the river flow over them. The same captives were 
compelled to deposit his robes and other similar objects 
in neighboring caves; and when he had effected this, 
he made away with them to prevent their talking. But 
Bicilis, a comrade of his, who knew what had been 
done, was seized and gave this information.— About 
this same time, Palma, who was governor of Syria, 
sijbdued the portion of Arabia, near Petra, and made it 
subservient to the Romans. 
— 15 — Upon Trajan's return to Rome the greatest imagin- 

(a. «.' 860) able number of embassies came to him from the bar- 
barians, even the Indi being represented. Aad he gave 
spectacles on one hundred and twenty-three days. 
At these affairs thousands, yes, possibly tens of thou- 
sands of animals, both wild and tame, were slaugh- 
tered, and fully ten thousand gladiators fought in 

HAbout the same period he made the Pontine 
marshes traversable by means of a stone foundation, 
and built roads alongside, which he furnished with 
most magnificent bridges.— All the obsolete money he 
had melted down. 

(— 5 — ) [If He had sworn not to commit bloodshed and he con- 
firmed his promise by his actions in spite of plots. He 
was by nature not at all given to duplicity or guile or 
harshness. He loved and greeted and honored the good, 
and the rest he neglected. His age made him still more 
_15_ inclined to mildness.] When Licinius Sura died, he be- 



stowed upon Mm a public funeral and a statue. This ^- ^- '^^'^ 

T T ,, • -, T 1 (a. u. 860) 

man had attained such a degree of wealth and pride 
that he built a gymnasium for the Romans. So great 
was the friendship and confidence [which Sura showed 
toward Trajan and Trajan toward him that although 
the man was often slandered,— as naturally happens in' 
the case of all those who possess any influence with the 
emperors,— Trajan never felt a moment's suspicion or 
hatred. On the contrary, when those who envied him 
became insistent, Trajan] went [uninvited to his house] 
to dinner. And having dismissed his whole body-guard 
he first called Sura's physician and had him anoint his 
eyes and then his barber shave his chin. Anciently the 
emperors themselves as well as all other people used 
to do this. It was Hadrian who first set the fashion of 
wearing a beard. When he had done this, he next took 
a bath and had dinner. So the next day he said to his 
friends who were always in the habit of making state^ 
ments detrimental to Sura: " If Sura had wanted to 
kill me, he would have killed me yesterday." Now he 
did a great thing in running this risk in the case of a 
man who had been calumniated, but a still greater thing 
in believing that he would never be harmed by him. 

So it was that the confidence of his mind was strengthened by his own 
knowledge of his dealings with Sura instead of being influenced by the 
fancies of others. 

Indeed, when he first handed to hitn^ who was to be 
prefect of the Pretorians the sword which the latter 
was required to wear by his side, he bared the blade, 
and holding it up said : ' ' Take this sword, to the end 

1 Saburanus. ( ? ) 


— 18 — 

— 17 — 


d' M ' 860) *^^* ■'^ ■'■ "^® ^^^^' ^^^ ^^^ ^^® ^* -^^^ "^®' ^^* ^^ ^^' 

against me. " 

He also set up images of Sosia and Palma and Cel- 
sus,^ — So greatly did lie esteem them above others. 
Those, however, who conspired against him (among 
whom was Crassus) he brought before the senate and 
caused to be punished. 
(a' m' 867) -A^gain te gathered collections of books. And he set 
up in the Forum an enormous column, to serve at once 
as a sepulchral monument to himself and as a reminder 
of his work in the Forum. The whole region there was 
hiUy and he dug it down for a distance equaling the^ 
height of the column, thus making the Forum level. 

Next he made a campaign against the Armenians 
and Parthians on the pretext that the Armenian king? 
had obtained his diadem not at his hands but from the 
Parthian king.^ His real reason, however, was a desire 
to win fame. [On his campaign against the Parthians, 
when he had reached Athens, an embassy from Osrhoes 
met him asking for peace and proffering gifts. This 
king had learned of his advance and was terrified be- 
cause Trajan was wont to make good his threats by 
deeds. Therefore he humbled his pride and sent a 
supplication that war be not made against him: he 
asked Armenia for Parthomasiris, who was likewise a 
son of Pacorus, and requested that the diadem be sent 
to him. He had put a stop, he said, to the reign of 

Exedares, who was beneficial neither to the Romans 
nor to the Parthians. 

1 L. PulUUus Celsus. 

2 Exedares. 

3 Osrhoes. 



The emperor neither received the gifts, nor sent any ^- d. lu 

•^ o 7 •' (o. «. 867) 

answer or command, save that friendship is determined 
by deeds and not by words ; and that accordingly when 
he should reach Syria he would do what was proper. 
And being of this mind he proceeded through Asia, 
Syria, and adjoining provinces to Seleucia. Upon his 
coming to Antioch, Abgarus the Osrhoenian did not 
appear in person, but sent gifts and a friendly com- 
munication. For, as he dreaded both him and the Par- 
thians, he was trying to play a double game and for 
that reason would not come to confer with him.] 

lI[Lusius Quietus was a Moor, himself a leader of the (—33 _) 
Moors, and had belonged to* a troop in the cavalry. 
Condemned for base conduct he was temporarily re- 
lieved of his command and dishonored.* But later, when 
the Dacian war came on and the army stood in need of 
the Moorish alliance, he came to it of his own accord 
and gave great exhibitions of prowess. For this he 
was honored, and in the second war performed far 
greater and more numerous exploits. Finally, he ad- 
vanced so far in bravery and good fortune during this 
war which we are considering that he was enrolled 
among the ex-praetors, became consul, and governed 
Palestine. To this chiefly was due the jealousy and 
hatred felt for him, and his destruction.] Now when _i8 — 
Trajan had invaded the hostile territory, the satraps 
and kings of that region approached him with gifts. 
One of these gifts was a horse taught to do obeisance. 
It would kneel with its front legs and place its head 
beneath the feet of whoever stood near^ 

1 Some puzzling corruption in the MS. 
a Probably in the days of Domitian. 



~^^ ~. Parthomasiris behaved in rather violent fashion. In 

A. D. 114 

(o. M. 867) liis first letter to Trajan he had signed himself as king, 
but when no answer came to his epistle, he wrote again, 
omitting this title, and asked that Marcus Junius, the 
governor of Cappadocia, be sent to him, implying that 
he wanted to prefer some request through him. Trajan, 
accordingly, sent him the son of Junius, and himself 
went ahead to Arsamosata, of which he took possession 
without a struggle. Then he came to Satala and re- 
warded with gifts Anchialus, the king of the Heniochi 
and Machelones. At Elegeia in Armenia he awaited 
Parthomasiris. He was seated upon a platform in the 
trenches. The prince greeted him, took off his diadem 
from his head, and laid it at his feet. Then he stood 
there in silence, expecting to receive it back. At this 
the soldiers shouted aloud, and hailed Trajan impera- 
tor as if on account of some victory. (They termed 
it an uncrowned,^ bloodless victory to see the king, a 
descendant, of Arsaces, a son of Pacorus, and a nephew 
of Osrhoes, standing beside Trajan without a diadem, 
like a captive.) The shout terrified the prince, who 
thought that it heralded insult and destruction for him. 
He turned about as if to flee, but, seeing that he was 
hemmed in on all sides, begged as a favor not to be 
obliged to speak before the crowd. Accordingly, he 
was escorted into the tent, where he had none of his 
— 20— wishes granted. So out he rushed in a rage, and from 
there out of the camp, but Trajan sent for him, and 
again ascending the platform bade him speak in the 

1 Beading daiXivov (Bekker)=" without the parsley crown " (such 
as was bestowed upon victors in some of the Greek games ) . 



hearing of all everything that he desired. This was ^- ^- i]4 

( o. M. 867 ) 

to prevent any person from spreading a false report 
through ignorance of what had been said in private 
conference. On hearing this exhortation Parthoma- 
siris no longer kept silence, but with great frankness 
made many statements, some of them being to the 
effect that he had not been defeated or captured, but 
had come there voluntarily, believing that he should 
not be wronged and should receive back the kingdom, 
as Tiridates had received it from Nero. Trajan made 
appropriate replies to all his remarks and said that 
he should abandon Armenia to no one. It belonged 
to the Eomans and should have a Eoman governor. 
He would, however, allow Parthomasiris to depart to 
any place he pleased. So he sent the prince away to- 
gether with his Parthian companions and gave them 
an escort of cavalry to ensure their meeting no one 
and adopting no rebellious tactics. All the Armenians 
who had come with him he commanded to remain where 
they were, on the ground that they were already his 

When he had captured the whole country of Armenia ^~ ^^ ~"^ 
and had won over also many of the kings, some of 
whom, since they submitted, he treated as his friends, 
and others, though disobedient, he subdued without 
resort to arms, the senate voted to him many honors —23 — 
of various descriptions, and they bestowed upon him 
the title of Optimus, i. e., Excellent. — He was always 
accustomed to trudge on foot with his entire army and 
he had the ordering and arrangement of the troops 



it «.■ 867) throughout the entire expedition, leading them some- 
times in one order and sometimes in another; and he 
forded as many rivers as they did. Sometimes he even 
had his scouts circulate false reports, in order that 
the soldiers might at the same time practice military 
manoeuvres and he so impervious to alarm as to be 
ready for anything. After he had captured Nisibis 
and Batnas he was given the title of Parthicus, But 
he took greater pride in the name of Optimus than in 
all the rest, inasmuch as it belonged rather to his 
character than to his arms. 

— 21— [Leaving garrisons at opportune points Trajan 

came to Edessaj and there for the first time he set eyes 
upon Abgarus. Previously this person had sent en- 
voys and gifts to the pnace frequently, but he himself 
for different reasons at different times failed to put 
in an appearance. The same was true also of Mannus, 
the phylarch of adjoining Arabia, and Sporaces, phy- 
larch of Authemusia. On this occasion, however, he 
was persuaded partly by his son Arvandes, who was 
beautiful and in the prime of youth and therefore on 
good terms with Trajan, and partly by the fear of the 
latter 's presence near by; consequently he met him 
on the road, made his apologies, and obtained pardon. 
He had a powerful iutercessor in the boy. Accord- 
ingly, he became a friend of Trajan's and entertained 
him with a banquet. At the dinner in question he pre- 
sented his boy in some kind of barbaric dance.] 

— 22— [When Trajan came into Mesopotamia, Mannus 

sent a herald to him, and Mauisarus despatched envoys 



in regard to peace, because, he said, Osrlioes was mak- ,^- ^- HI 

{a. u. 867) 

ing a campaign against Mm, and lie was ready to with- 
draw from Armenia and Mesopotamia so far as cap- 
tured. Thereupon the emperor replied that he would 
not believe him until he should come to him and con- 
firm his offers by deeds, as he was promising. He was 
also suspicious of Mannus, especially because the lat- 
ter had sent an auxiliary force to Mebarsapes, kiug 
of Adiabene, and then had lost it all at the hands of 
the Romans. Therefore Mannus never waited for the 
Homans to draw near but took his course to Adiabene 
to find shelter with the other two princes. Thus were 
Singara and some other points occupied by Lusius, 
without a battle.] 

While he was staying in Antioch, a dreadful earth- ~^'* ~ 
quake occurred. Many cities were damaged, but Anti- (o- «• 868) 
och was most of all unfortunate. Since Trajan was 
wintering there and many soldiers and many private 
persons had flocked thither from all directions for law- 
suits, embassies, business, or sightseeing, there was no 
nation nor people that went unscathed. Thus in Anti- 
och the whole world under Roman sway suffered dis- 

There were many thunderstorms to start with and 
portentous winds, but no one could have expected that 
so many evils would result from them. First came, 
on a sudden, a great bellowing roar, and there followed 
it a tremendous shock. The whole earth was up- 
heaved and buildings leaped into the air. Those that 
were lifted up collapsed and were smashed to pieces, 



A. D. 115 -wliile others were beaten this way and that as if by the 

(a. u. 868) •' 

surges and were turned about. The wrecks were 
strewn a long distance over the countryside. The 
crash of grinding and breaking timbers, tiles, and 
stones together became most frightful, and an incon- 
ceivable mass of dust arose^ so that no one could see 
any person nor say or hear anything. Many persons 
were hurt even outside the houses, being picked up and 
tossed violently about, and then with a momentum as 
in a faU from a cliff dashed to the earth. Some were 
maimed, others killed. Not a few trees leaped into 
the air, roots and all. 

The number of those found in the houses who per- 
ished was beyond discovery. Multitudes were de- 
stroyed by the very force of the collapse and crowds 
were suffocated in the debris. Those who lay with a 
part of their bodies buried under the stones or tim- 
bers suffered fearful agony, being able neither to live 
nor to find an immediate death. 
— 25 — Nevertheless many even of these were saved, as was. 
natural in such overwhelming numbers of people. 
And those outside did not all get off safe and sound. 
Numbers lost their legs or their shoulders and some 
. . . their . . . heads. Others vomited blood. 
One of these was Pedo the consul, and he died at once. 
In brief, there was no form of violent experience that 
those people did not undergo at that time. And as 
Heaven continued the earthquake for several days and 
nights, the people were dismayed and helpless, some 
crushed and perishing under the weight of the build- 
ings pressing upon them, and others dying of hunger 



in case it clianced that by the inclination of the timbers ,^- ^- Hq , 

•^ (o. u. 868) 

they were left alive in a clear space, it might be in a 
kind of arch-shaped colonnade. When at last the 
trouble had subsided, some one who ventured to mount 
the ruins caught sight of a live -woman. She was not 
alone but had also an infant, and had endured by feed- 
ing both herself and her child with her milk. They 
dug her out and resuscitated her together with her 
offspring, and after that they searched the other heaps 
but were no longer able to find in them any living 
creature save a child sucking at the breasts of its 
mother, who was dead. As they drew out the corpses 
they no longer felt any pleasure at their own escape. 

So great were the disasters that had overwhelmed 
Antioch at this time. Trajan made his way out 
through a window of the room where he was. Some 
being of more than human stature had approached him 
and led him forth, so that he survived with only a few 
small bruises. As the shocks extended over a number 
of days, he lived out of doors in the hippodrome. 
Casium itself, too, was so shaken that its peaks seemed 
to bend and break and to be falling upon the city. Other 
hills settled, and quantities of water not previously 
in existence came to light, while quantities more es- 
caped by flowing away. 

Traj an about spring time proceeded into the enemy 's — 26 — 
country. Now since the region near the Tigris is bar- 
ren of timbers fit for shipbuilding, he brought the boats 
which had been constructed in. the forests surrounding 
Nisibis on wagons to the river. The vessels had been 
arranged in such a way that they could be taken apart 



i^' ■°' 868) ^^^ -P^* together. He had very hard work in bridg- 
ing the stream opposite Mount Carduentmi, for the 
opposing barbarians tried to hinder him. Trajan, 
however, had a great abundance of both ships and 
soldiers, and so some boats were fastened together 
with great speed while others lay motionless in front 
of them, carrying heavy infantry and archers. Still 
others kept making dashes this way and that, as if they 
intended to cross. As a restdt of these tactics and 
from their very astonishment at seeing so many ships 
at once appear en masse from a land devoid of trees 
the barbarians gave way and the Romans crossed over. 
They won possession of the whole of Adiabene. ( This 
is a portion of Assyria in the vicinity of Ninus ; and 
Arbela and Gaugamela, close to which Alexander con- 
quered Darius, are also in this same territory. The 
country has also been called Atyria in the language of 
the barbarians, the double S being changed to T.) 
(— 22 — ) [ Adenystrffi was a strong post to which one Sentius, 
a centurion, had been sent as an envoy to Mebar- 
sapes. He was imprisoned by the latter in that place, 
and later, at the approach of the Eomans, he made an 
arangement with some of his fellow-prisoners, and 
with their aid escaped from his shackles, killed the 
commander of the garrison, and opened the gates to his 
(_26— ) countrymen.] Hereupon they advanced as far as 
Babylon itself, being quite free from molestation, since 
the Parthian power had been ruined by civil conflicts 
and was still at this time involved in dissensions. 

giy Cassius Dio Cocceianus in writings concerning the Latins has written 

that this city [i. e. Babylon] comprised a circuit of four hundred stades, 
(Compare also Tzetzes, Exegesis of Homer's Iliad, p. 141, 15 S.) 



Here, moreover, Trajan saw tlie asphalt out of which A- ^- ^^^ 
the walls of Babylon had been built. When mixed with 
baked bricks or smooth stones this material affords so 
great strength as to render them stronger than rock 
or any kind of iron. He also looked at the opening 
from which issues a deadly vapor that destroys any 
creature living upon the earth and any winged thing 
that so much as inhales a breath of it. If it extended 
far above ground or had several vents, the place 
would not be inhabitable ; but, as it is, this gas circles 
round within itself and remains stationary. '^^^<x fea- 
tures that fly high enough above It and such as remain to one side 
are safe. J ga^w another opening like it at Hierapolis in 

Asia, and tested it by means of birds ; I bent over it my- 
self and myself gazed down upon the vapor. It is en- 
closed in a sort of a cistern and a theatre had been built 
over it. It destroys all living things save human beings 
that have been emasculated. The reason for that I 
can not comprehend. I relate what I have seen as I 
have seen it and what I have heard as I have heard it. 

Trajan had planned to conduct the Euphrates ATD^iTe 
through a channel into the Tigris, in order that boats ''"'■ "■ ^*'^> 
might be floated down by this route, affording him an 
opportunity to make a bridge. But on learning that it 
had a much higher elevation than the Tigris, he did not 
do it, fearing that the water might rush pell-mell down 
hill and render the Euphrates unnavigable. So he 
conveyed the boats across by means of hauling engines 
at the point where the space between the rivers is the 
least— the whole stream of the Euphrates empties into 



(o.' u.' 869) ^ swamp and from there somehow joins the Tigris — 
then crossed the Tigris and entered Ctesiphon. Hav- 
ing taken possession of this town Ee was saluted as 
imperator and established his right to the title of Par- 
thicus. Various honors were voted him by the senate, 
among others the privilege of celebrating as many tri- 
umphs as he might desire. 

After his capture of Ctesiphon he felt a wish to sail 
down into the Red Sea. This is a part of the ocean and 
has been so named^ from some person formerly ruler 
there. Mesene, the island in the Tigris of which Ath- 
ambelus was king, he acquired without difiBculty. [And 
H remained loyal to Trajan, although ordered to pay 
tribute] But through a storm, and the violence of the 
Tigris, and the backward flow from the ocean, he fell 
into danger. The inhabitants of the so-called palisade 
of Spasinus [they were subject to the dominion of Ath- 
ambelus] received him kindly. 
— 89 — Thence he came to the ocean itself, and when he had 
learned its nature and seen a boat sailing to India, he 
said : "I should certainly have crossed over to the 
Indi, if I were still young. ' ' He gave much thought to 
the Indi and was curious about their affairs. Alex- 
ander he counted a happy man and at the same time 
declared that he himself had advanced farther. This 
was the tenor of the despatch that he forwarded to the 
senate, although he was unable to preserve even what 
territory had been subdued. On its receipt he obtained 

^ ipuOpd from Eryihras, who was said to have been drowned in it 
(as if in English we should invent a King Redd). 



among other honors the privilege of celebrating a tri- (!' ul 869) 
umph for as many nations as he pleased. For, on ac- 
count of the nmnber of those peoples regarding which 
communications in writing were being constantly for- 
warded to them, they were unable to understand them 
or even to name some of them correctly. So the citi- 
zens of the capital prepared a trophy-bearing arch, be- 
sides many other decorations in his own forum, and 
were getting themselves in readiness to meet him some 
distance out when he should return. But he was des- 
tined never to reach Eome again nor to accomplish 
anything deserving comparison with, his previous ex- 
ploits, and furthermore to lose even those earlier ac- 
quisitions. For, during the time that he was sailing 
down the ocean and returning from there again, all his 
conquests were thrown into tumult and revolted. And 
the garrisons placed among the various peoples were 
in some cases driven out and in others killed. 

Trajan ascertained this in Babylon.^ He had taken — so — 
the side-trip there on the basis of reports, unmerited 
by aught that he saw (which were merely mounds and 
stones and ruins), and for the sake of Alexander, to 
whose spirit he offered sacrifice in the room where he 
had died. When, therefore, he ascertained it, he sent 
Lusius and Maximus against the rebels. The latter 
perished after a defeat in the field ; but Lusius was gen- 
erally successful, recovering Nisibis, besieging Edessa, 
and plundering and burning. Seleucia was also cap- 
tured by Erucius Claras and Julius Alexander, lieu- 

1 The Tauchnitz reading, h tcXoi^ will not fit the context. Just below 
iOoui (Bekker) has to be read for iidBoui . 



(t" u' 869) ^®"-8^*s, and was burned. Trajan, in fear that the 
Parthians, too, might begin some revolt, decided to give 
them a king of their own. And when he came to Ctesi- 
phon he called together in a great plain all the Eomans 
and likewise all the Parthians that were there at the 
time. He mounted a lofty platform, and, after describ- 
ing in lofty language what he had accomplished, he ap- 
pointed Parthamaspates king of the Parthians and set 
the diadem upon his head. 

Lxxv, 9, 6 ^ When Volgsesus, the son of Sanatruces, confronted 
in battle array the followers of Severus and be- 
fore coming to an actual test of strength asked and 
secured an armistice, Trajan sent envoys to him and 
granted him a portion of Armenia in return for peace. 
— 31 — Next he came into Arabia and commenced operations 
against the people of Hatra, since they, too, had re^ 
volted. This city is neither large nor prosperous. 
The surrounding country is mostly desert and holds 
no water (save a small amount, poor in quality), 
nor timber, nor herb. It is protected by these very 
features, which make a siege in any form impos- 
sible, and by the Sun, to whom it is, in a way, conse- 
crated. It was neither at this time taken by Trajan 
nor later by Severus, although they knocked down some 
parts of its wall. Trajan sent the cavalry ahead against 
the wall but failed in his attempt, and the attacking 
force was hurled back into the camp. As he was riding 
by, he barely missed being wounded himself, in spite 
of the fact that he had laid aside his imperial attire to 
avoid being recognized. Seeing the majestic gray 



head and his august counteGaance they suspected him -^- ^- ^^^ 
to he the man he was, shot at him, and killed a cavalry- 
man in his escort. There were peals of thunder and 
rainbow tints glimmered indistinctly. Flashes of light- 
ning and spray-like storms, hail and thunderbolts fell 
upon the Eomans as often as they made assaults. And 
whenever they ate a meal, flies settled on the food and 
drink, causing universal discomfort. Thus Trajan left 
the place and not long after began to fail in health. 

Meanwhile the Jews in the region of Cyrene had put —33 — 
one Andreas at their head and were destroying both 
the Eomans and the Greeks. They would cook their 
flesh, make belts for themselves of their entrails, 
anoint themselves with their blood, and wear their skins 
for clothing. Many they sawed in two, from the head 
downwards. Others they would give to wild beasts 
and force still others to fight as gladiators. In all, 
consequently, two hundred and twenty thousand per- 
ished. In Egypt, also, they performed many similar 
deeds, and in Cyprus under the leadership of Artemio. 
There, likewise, two hundred and forty thousand per- 
ished. For this reason no Jew may set foot in that 
land, but even if one of them is driven upon the island 
by force of the wind, he is put to death. Various per- 
sons took part in subduing these Jews, one being 
Lusius, who was sent by Trajan. 

Now Trajan was preparing to make a new expedition ^^f ~^ 
into Mesopotamia. Finding himself, however, held <"• «• ^70) 
fast by the clutches of the disease, he started to sail to 
Italy himself and left behind Publius ^^lius Hadriaa 
VOL. 5-14 209 

A. D. 117 

(o. u. 870) 


with the army in Syria. So the Eomans, who had con- 
quered Armenia, most of Mesopotamia, and the Par- 
thians, had labored in vain and had vainly undergone 
danger. The Parthians disdained Parthamaspates 
and began to have kings according to their original 
custom. Trajan suspected that his falling sick was 
due to the administration of poison. Some declare it 
was because his blood, which annually descended into 
the lower part of his body, was kept from flowing. 
He had also become paralyzed, so that part of his body 
was disabled, and his general diathesis was dropsical. 
And on coming to Selinus in Cilicia, which we also call 
Traianoupolis, he suddenly expired after a reign of 
nineteen years, six months, and fifteen days. 






Hadrian without being adopted succeeds, through the favor 
of Flotina (chapters 1, 2). 

About the assassinations authorized by Hadrian: about hii 
varied learning and jealousies (chapters 3, 4). 

His virtues, particularly affability and generosity: old ar- 
rears of debt forgiven (chapters 5, 8). 

Travels : discipline of the army reformed : interest in hunting 
(chapters 9, 10) . 

How he honored Antinous with various marks of remem- 
brance (chapter 11). 

Uprising of Jews on account of the founding of CapitoUna: 
Bithynia recovered (chapters 12-14) . 

The Albanians are held in check: Fharasmanes the Iberian 
is honored (chapter 15). 

The Temple of Jupiter Olympius and the Fanellenium are 
consecrated (chapter 16). 

Growing ill, he adopts Commodus, slays Servianus: the dis- 
tinguished services of Turbo, Tronto, Similis (chapters 17-19). 

On the death of Commodus he adopts Antoninus, the latter 
adopting at the same time Marcus and Verus (chapters 20, 21). 

How Hadrian departed this life (chapters 22, 23). 



Quinctius Niger, Vipsanius Apronianus. (A. D. 117 = a. u. 
870 = First of Hadrian, from Aug. 11th.) 

Hadrianus Aug. (II), Claudius Fuscus Salinator. (A. D. 118 
= a. u. 871 =; Second of Hadrian.) 

Hadrianus Aug. (Ill), ft. lunius Rusticus. (A. D. 119 = 
a. u. 872 =1 Third of Hadrian.) 

L. Catilius Severus, T. Aurelius Fulvus. (A. D. 120 = a. u. 
873 — Fourth of Hadrian.) 

L. Annius Verus, Aur. Augnirinus. (A. D. 121 =? a. u. 874 = 
Fifth of Hadrian.) 

Acilius Aviola, Corellius Fansa. (A. D. 122 = a. u. 875 = 
Sixth of Hadrian.) 

ft. Arrius Peetinus, C. Ventidius Apronianus. (A. D. 123 = 
a. u. 876 =1 Seventh of Hadrian.) 

Manius Acilius Olabrio, C. Bellicius Torquatiis. (A. D. 124 
= a. u. 877 =; Eighth, of Hadrian.) 

P. Com. Scipio Asiaticus (II), Q. Vettius Aqnilinns. (A. D. 
125 = a. u. 878 = Ninth of Hadrian.) 

Annins Verus (HI), L. Varius Ambihnlus. (A. D. 126 = 
a. u. 879 = Tenth of Hadrian.) 

Gallicianus, Cselius Titianns. (A. D. 127 = a. u. 880 =i 
Eleventh of Hadrian.) 

L. Nonius Asprena/s Torquatus (II), M. Anniua Libo. (A. D. 
128 — a. n. 881 = Twelfth of Hadrian.) 

luventius Celsns (11), Marcellus. (A. D. 129 =i a. u. 882 = 
Thirteenth of Hadrian.) 

Q. Fabius CatuUinus, M. Flavins Aper. (A. S. 130^=; a. u. 
883 = Fourteenth of Hadrian.) 

Ser. Octav. Lsenas Fontianus, M. Antonius Eufinus. (A. D. 
131 = a. u. 884 = Fifteenth of Hadrian.) 

Augurinus, Severianus (or, according to others, Sergianus). 
(A. D, 132 = a. u. 885 =i Sixteenth of Hadrian.) 

Hiberus, lunius Silanus Sisenna. (A. D. 133 = a. u. 886 =: 
Seventeenth of Hadrian.) 

Servianus (HI), Vihius Varus. (A. D. 134 = a. u. 887 = 
Eighteenth .of Hadrian.) 

Fontianus, Atilianus. (A. D. 135^ a. u. 888 = Nineteenth 
of Hadrian.) 

L. Ceionius Commodus Verus, Sex. Vetulenus Civica Fompei- 
anus. (A. D. 136 = a. u. 889 = Twentieth of Hadrian.) 

L. .ffilius Verus Caesar, P. Cselius Balbinus Vibullius. (A. D. 
137 = a. u. 890 = Twenty-first of Hadrian.) 

Camerinus, Niger. (A. D. 138 =; a. u. 891 =Twenty-second 
of Hadrian, to July 10th.) 


Hadrian had not been adopted by Trajan. He was — i — 

A X) 117 

merely a fellow-citizen of the latter, had enjoyed Tra- [(a. u. 870) 
jan's serAdees as guardian, was of near kin to him, 
and had married his niece. In fine, he was a companion 
of his, sharing his daily life, and had been assigned to 
Syria for the Parthian War. However, he had re- 
ceived no distinguishing mark of favor from Trajan 
and had not been one of the first to be appointed consul. 
His position as Csesar and emperor was due to the fact 
that, when Trajan died without an heir, Attianus, a 
fellow-citizen and former guardian, together with P-lo- 
tina, who was in love with him, secured him the appoint- 
ment,— their efforts being facilitated by his proximity 
and his having a large force under his command. My 
father Apronianus, who was governor of Cilicia, had 
ascertained accurately the whole story about him. He 
used to relate the different incidents, and said in par- 
ticular that the death of Trajan was concealed for sev- 
eral days to the end that the adoption might be an- 
nounced. This was shown also by his letters to the 
senate, the signature upon which was not his, but Plo- 
tiua's. She had not done this in any previous in- 

At the time that he was declared emperor, Hadrian — a — 
was in Antioch, the metropolis of Syria, of which he 
was governor. In a dream just before that day he 
seemed to see fire descend from heaven in the midst 
of clear sky and wholly fair weather and fall first upon 



A. D. 117 the left of his throat and then upon the right also, 

(a. u. 870) ^ . A J 

though it neither frightened nor injured him. And 
Hadrian wrote to the senate, asking that his sover- 
eignty be confirmed also by that body, and forbidding 
any measure to be voted (as was so often done) either 
then or thereafter that contained any special honor 
for him, unless he should first himself approve it. 

The bones of Trajan were deposited in his column, 
and the so-called Parthian games continued for a num- 
ber of years. At a later date even this observance, 
like many others, was abolished. 

Hadrian's rule was in general most humane. [In a 
letter he expresses himself with the greatest degree of 
consideration for others and swears that he will neither 
do anything contrary to the public advantage nor put to 
death any senator, calling down destruction upon him- 
self, if he shall transgress these principles in any way. 
But] Still he was spoken against on account of some 
murders of excellent men that he had sanctioned in the 
beginning of his reign and near the end of his life. 
And for this reason he came near not being enrolled 
among the heroes. Those murdered at the beginning 
were Pahna and Celsus, Nigrinus and Lusius, the first 
two for the alleged reason that they had conspired 
against him during a hunt, and the others on certain 
other complaints, because they had great influence, or 
were in a strong position as regards wealth and fame. 
Hadrian felt so keenly the talk that was made about 
them that he defended himself and declared upon oath 
that he had not ordered their deaths. Those that per- 



ished at the end of the reign were Servianus and his A. d. 117 

, _, (o. u. 870) 

grandson Fuscus. 

^ Hadrian was a pleasant man to meet and his presence shed a kind 
of grace. 

As for Hadrian's family, he was a son of [a man of — '3 — 
senatorial rank, an ex-praetor] Hadrlanus, [for thus 
he was named]. In regard to his disposition, he was 
fond of literature in both languages and has left behind 
all kinds of prose pieces as well as compositions in 
verse. His ambition was insatiable, and as a result 
he practiced all conceivable pursuits, even the most 
trivial. He modeled and painted and declared that 
there was nothing in peace or in war, in imperial or in 
private life, of which he was not cognizant. [And this, 
of course, did people no harm ; but his jealousy of those 
who excelled in any branch was terrible and] ruined 
many besides utterly destroying quite a few. [For,] 
since he desired to surpass everybody in everything, 
[he hated those who attained eminence in any direction.] 
This feeling it was which led him to undertake the over- 
throw of two sophists, Favorinus the Gaul and Dio- 
nysius the Milesian, [by various methods, chiefly] by 
stirring up their antagonists [who were of little or no 
worth at all]. Dionysius is said to have remarked at 
this time to Avidius* Heliodorus, who managed his cor- 
respondence : ' * Caesar can give you money and honor, 
but he can't make you an orator." Favorinus was 
about to bring a case before the emperor in regard 
to exemption from taxes, a privilege which he desired 
to secure in his native city. Suspecting, however, that 

1 Boissevain's reading. 



,^' "■ IIL ^© should be unsuccessful and be insulted in addition, 

(a. u. 870) 

he entered the court-room, to be sure, but made no other 
statement save : ' ' My teacher stood this night in a 
dream by my side and bade me do service for my 
country, since I have been bom in it. ' ' 
— 4 — Now Hadrian spared these men, although he was dis- 
pleased with them, for he could find no satisfactory 
pretext to use against them that might compass their 
destruction. But he first banished and later actually 
put to death ApoUodorus the architect, who had 
planned the various creations of Trajan in Eome,— 
the forum, the odeum, and the gymnasium. The excuse 
given was that he had been guilty of some misde- 
meanor, but the true reason was that, when Trajan was 
consulting him on some point about the works, he had 
said to Hadrian, who broke in with some remark : ' ' Be 
off and draw gourds. You don't understand any of 
these matters." It happened that Hadrian at the 
time was pluming himself upon some such drawing. 
When he became emperor, therefore, he remembered 
the slight and would not endure the man's freedom of 
speech. He sent him his own plan of the temple of 
Venus and Eoma by way of showing him that a great 
work could be accomplished without his aid, and he 
asked ApoUodorus whether the structure was a good 
one. The latter in his reply said about the temple that 
it ought to have been made to tower aloft in the air 
and have been scooped out beneath. Then, as a result 
of being higher, it would have stood out more conspicu- 
ously on the Sacred Way, and might have received 



within its expanse the engines, so that they conld be 
built unobserved and could be brought into the theatre 
without any one's being aware of it beforehand. In 
regard to the statues, he said that they had been made 
too tall for the height adopted in the principal room, 
" If the goddesses ", he said, " wish to get up and go 
out, they will be unable to do so. ' ' When he wrote this 
so bluntly to Hadrian, the latter was both vexed and 
exceedingly pained because he had fallen into a mistake 
that could not be set right. He restrained neither his 
anger nor his grief, but murdered the man. [By na- 
ture] the emperor was such a person [that he was jeal- 
ous not only of the living, but also of the dead. For 
instance,] he abolished Homer and introduced in his 
stead Antimachus, whose name many persons had not 
previously known. 

These acts were charged against him as offences, 
and so were also his great exactness, his superfluous 
labors, and his divided interests. But he healed the 
wounds made and recovered favor by his general care, 
his foresight, his grandeur and his skill. Again, he 
did not stir up any war and ended those already in 
progress. He deprived no one of money unjustly, and 
upon many peoples and private citizens and senators 
and knights he bestowed large sums. He did not wait 
to be asked, but was certain to act each time according 
to each man's needs. The military he trained with 
great precision, so that its strength rendered it neither 
disobedient nor insolent. Allied and subject cities he 
aided most munificently. He had seen many that no 


A. D. 117 
(a. u. 870) 

-5 — 


(a' ^' I7I) *^^^^^ emperor had even set eyes upon, and he assisted 
practically all of them, giving to some water, to others 
harbors, or food, or public works, or money, and to 
still others various honors. 
— 6— As a leader of the Roman people he was distin- 
guished for fore© rather than for flattery. Once, at a 
gladiatorial contest, when the crowd was urgiag its 
petition strongly, he not only would not grant 
its wish, but further ordered this command of Domi- 
tian's to be proclaimed: "Be sUent." The words 
were not uttered, though. The herald raised his hand 
and by that very gesture quieted the people as he had 
been accustomed to do. (They are never silenced by 
proclamation.) Then, when they had become quiet, he 
said: " This is what he wishes." Hadrian was not 
in the least angry with the herald; on the contrary, he 
honored him for not publishing the rudeness of the 
order. He could endure such things and was not dis- 
pleased if he was aided in any unexpected way and by 
chance comers. It must be admitted that once, when a 
woman passed him on some road and preferred a re- 
quest, he at first said to her: " I haven't time." 
Afterwards, when she cried out loudly, saying: 
"Don't be emperor, then", he turned about and 
granted her a hearing. 
(—7—) He transacted through the senate all serious and 
most urgent business and he held court with the assist- 
ance of prominent men now in the palace or again in 
the Forum, the Pantheon, and in many other places, 
always on a platform, so that what was done was open 



A. D. 117 
(a. u. 870) 

to public inspection. Sometimes lie would join the con- 
suls when thei/ were trying cases, and lie showed them 
honor at the horse-races. When he returned home he 
was accustomed to be carried in a litter, in order not 
to trouble any one to accompany him. On days 
neither sacred nor public he remained at home, and ad- 
mitted no one even long enough to greet him, unless 
it were some urgent matter; this was to relieve the 
courtiers of needless annoyance. Both in Rome and 
abroad he always kept the noblest men about him; 
and he used to join them at banquets, which led to his 
being often carried in their litters as one of a party of 
four. As frequently as possible he went hunting, and 
he breakfasted without wine; in fact, most of his food was 

served without any accompanying beverage ; and often in the midst 
of a meal he would turn his attention to a case at law: later he 

would drive in the company of all the foremost and 
best men, and their eating together was the occasion 
for all kind of discussions. When his friends were 
very ill, he would go to see them, and he used to attend 
their festivals, besides evincing pleasure at visiting 
their country seats and houses. As might have been 
expected, then, he set up in his forum images for 
many who were dead and many still alive. No one of 
his associates, moreover, displayed insolence nor sold 
aught that he should pronounce or perform^ as the 
Csesarians and other attendants in the suite of em- 
perors have made it their custom to do. 

This is a kind of preface, of a summary nature, — 8— 
that I have been giving in regard to his character. 



,^- ^- lll^ I shall also touch upon all the details that require 

(a. u. 870) ^ ^ 


U The Alexandrians had been rioting and nothing would make them 
Btop until they received a letter from Hadrian rebuking them. So true 
it is that an emperor's word has more power than force of arms. 

(t.' M. 871) 0^ coming to Rome he canceled debts owing to the 
imperial treasury and to the public treasury of the 
Romans, setting a limit of sixteen years, from which 
and as far back as which this provision was to be ob- 
served. On his own birthday he gave a spectacle to 
the people free of charge, and slaughtered numbers 
of wild beasts, — one hundred lions and a like number 
of lionesses biting the dust on this one occasion. Gifts, 
likewise, he brought about by means of balls both in 
the theatres and in the hippodrome, one lot for the men 
and one lot for the \romen. Indeed, he had also com- 
7 manded them to battle separately. 

This, then, was what happened that year. Euphrates 
the philosopher also died a death of his own choos- 
ing; and Hadrian assented to his drinking hemlock 
in consideration of his extreme age and sickliness. 
— 9— Hadrian went from one province to another, visiting 
the districts and cities and observing all the garrisons 
and fortifications. Some of these he removed to more 
desirable locations, some he abolished, and he fotmded 
some new ones. He personally oversaw and investi- 
gated absolutely everything, not merely the usual ap- 
purtenances of camps,— I mean weapons and engines 
and ditches and enclosures and palisades, — but also 
the private affairs of each one, and the lives, the dwell- 



ings and the characters both of the men serving in the a. d. ii8 

(a. «. 871) 

organization, and of the commanders themselves. 
Many cases of too delicate living and equipment he 
harmonized with military needs and reformed in vari- 
ous ways. He exercised the men in every variety of 
battle, honoring some and reproving others. He 
taught all of them what they ought to do. And to 
make sure that they should obtain benefit from ob- 
serving Mm, he led everywhere a severe existence and 
walked or rode horseback on all occasions. Never at 
this period did he enter either a chariot or a four- 
wheeled vehicle. He covered his head neither in heat 
nor in cold, but alike in Celtic snows and under scorch- 
ing Egyptian suns he went about with it bare. In '■^- ^- H^^ 

° "•'^ _ _ _ (o. It. 872) 

fine, so thoroughly by action and exhortations did he 
train and discipline the whole military force through- 
out the whole empire that even now the methods then 
introduced by him are the soldiers' law of campaign- 
ing. This best explains why he lived for the most 
part at peace with foreign: nations. As they saw what 
support he had and were victims of no injustice, but 
instead received money, they made no uprising. So 
excellently had his soldiery been trained, that the cav- 
alry of the so-called Batavians swam the Ister with 
their heavy armor on. Seeing this the barbarians 
stood in terror of the Eomans, ajid turning their at- 
tention to their own affairs^ they employed Hadrian 
as an arbitrator of their differences. 
He also constructed theatres and held games as he — lo — 

iKeading ^^t (Dindorf) instead of TSjOi' 



(o. u. 872) 

A. D. 119 traveled about from city to city, dispensing, however, 

with the imperial paraphernalia. This he never used 
outside of Eome. His own couiitry, though he did her 
great honor and bestowed many proud possessions on 
her, he nevertheless did not set eyes upon. 

He is said to have been enthusiastic over hunting. 
Indeed, he broke his collar-bone in this pursuit and 
came near losing a leg. And to a city that he founded 
A. D. 121 in Mysia he gave the name of Adrianotherae. How- 
■ "■ ever, he did not, while so occupied, leave undone any of 

the duties pertaining to his office. Of his enthusiasm 
for hunting his horse Borysthenes, which was his fav- 
orite steed for the chase, gives us an indication. 
When the animal died, he prepared a tomb for him, 
set up a slab, and placed an inscription upon it. Hence 
it is scarcely surprising that when Plotina died, the 
woman through whom he had secured the imperial 
office, and who was passionately in love with him, he 
honored her to the extent of wearing mourning gar- 
ments for nine days, building a temple to her, and com- 
posing several hymns to her memory. 

1[ When Plotina was dead, Hadrian praised her and said : " Though 
she asked much of me, she was never refused aught." By this he surely 
meant to say : " Her requests were of such a character that they neither 
burdened me nor afforded me any justification for saying no." 

He was so skillful in hunting that once he brought 
down a huge boar with a single blow. 
— 11— Qj^ reaching Greece he became a spectator at the 

A D. 122 

(a. «. 875) After this he passed through Judaea into Egypt and 



offered sacrifice to Pompey, about whom he is said to ,^- ^- }^?, 

■^ "^ ' {a. u. 875) 

have uttered this verse: 

strange lack of tomb for one with shrinea o'erwhelnxed I i 

And he restored his monument, which had fallen to 
ruin. In Egypt also he restored the so-called City of 
Antinous. Antinous was from Bithynium, a city of 
Bithynia which we also call Claudioupolis ; he had been 
a favorite of the emperor and had died in Egypt, 
either by falling into the Nile, as Hadrian writes, or, 
as is more probably the truth, by being offered in sac- 
rifice. For Hadrian, as I have stated, was in general 
a great dabbler ia superstitions and employed divina- 
tions and incantations of all kinds. Accordingly, he 
honored Antinous either because of his love for him 
or because he had voluntarily submitted to death (it 
being necessary that a life be surrendered voluntarily 
for the accomplishment of the ends he had in view), 
by building a city on the spot where he had suffered 
this fate and naming it after him : and he further set 
up likenesses, or rather sacred statues of him, practi- 
cally all over the world. Finally, he declared that he 
had seen a star which he assumed to belong to An- 
tinous, and gladly lent an ear to the fictitious tales 
woven by his associates to the effect that the star had 
really come into being from the spirit of Antinous and 
had then appeared for the first time. On this account 
he became the object of some ridicule [as also because 

A. D. 133 

at the death of his sister Paulina he had not immedi- (o.' «.' 886) 
ately paid her any honor. . . .] 

1 Compare Appian, Civil Wars, Book Two, chapter 86 (also Spar- 
tianus, 14, 4). 

VOL. 5—15 225 


A I? T33 ^ Jerusalem lie f oimded a city in place of the one 
(o. «. 886) razed to the ground, naming it-iElia Capitolina, and on 
the site of the temple of the god he raised a new temple 
to Jupiter. This brought on a war that was not slight 
nor of brief duration, for the Jews deemed it intoler- 
able that foreign races should be settled in their city 
and foreign religious rites be planted there. While 
Hadrian was close by in Egypt and again in Syria, they 
remained quiet, save in so far as they purposely made 
the weapons they were called upon to furnish of poorer 
quality, to the end that the Romans might reject them 
and they have the use of them. But when he went 
farther away, they openly revolted. To be sure, they 
did not dare try conclusions with the Romans in the 
open field, but they occupied advantageous positions 
in the country and strengthened them with mines and 
walls, in order that they might have places of refuge 
whenever they should be hard pressed, and meet to- 
gether unobserved under ground ; and in these subter- 
ranean passages they simk shafts from above to let in 

— 13— air and light. At first the Romans made no account 
of them. Soon, however, all Judaea had been up- 
heaved, and the Jews all over the world were showing 
signs of disturbance, were gathering together, and 
giving evidence of great hostility to the Romans, 
partly by secret and partly by open acts ; many other 
outside nations, too, were joining them through eager- 
ness for gain, and the whole earth, almost, was becom- 
ing convulsed over the matter. Then, indeed, did 
Hadrian send against them his best generals, of whom 



Julius Severus was the first to be despatched, from ^- ^- ^^^ 

. , . ' {a. u. 886) 

Britain, of which he was governor, against the Jews. 
He did not venture to attack his opponents at any on© 
point, seeing their numbers and their desperation, but 
by taking them in separate groups by means of the 
number of his soldiers and his under-ofiicers and by 
depriving them of food and shutting them up he was 
able, rather slowly, to be sure, but with comparatively 
little danger, to crush and exhaust and exterminate 
them. Very few of them survived. Fifty of their —in- 
most important garrisons and nine hundred and eighty- 
five of their most renowned towns were blotted out. 
Fifty-eight myriads of men were slaughtered in the 
course of the invasions and battles, and the number of 
those that perished by famine and disease and fire 
was past all investigating. Thus nearly the whole of 
Judaea was made desolate, an event of which the people 
had had indications even before the war. The tomb 
of Solomon, which these men regarded as one of their 
sacred objects, fell to pieces of itself and collapsed 
and many wolves and hyenas rushed howling into their 

Many Romans, moreover, perished in the war. 
Wherefore Hadrian in writing to the senate did not 
employ the opening phrase commonly affected by the 
emperors: " If you and your children are in health, 
it shall be well: I and the armies are in health." 

Severus^ he sent into Bithynia, which needed no force a. d. 134(t) 
of arms but a governor and presiding officer who was 

1 Not the same person as is mentioned in the previous chapter. 



A. D. 134(7) j^gt g^jjjj prudent and had a reputation. All these 
qualifications Severus possessed. And he managed, 
and administered both their private and their public 
affairs in such a way that we^ are still, even to-day, 
wont to remember him. [Pamphylia in place of 
Bithynia was given into the jurisdiction of the senate 
and the lot.] 

— 16 — This, then, was the ending that the war with the Jews 
took. A second war was started among the Alani 
(they are Massagetae) by Pharasmanes. On Albanis 
and Media he inflicted severe injury and then laid hold 
on Armenia and Cappadocia, after which, as the Alani 
were on the one hand persuaded by gifts from Volo- 
gaesus and on the other stood in dread of Flavins Arri- 
anus, the governor of Cappadocia, he stopped. 
[Envoys were sent from "Vologaesus and from the 
lazygae; the former made some charges against 
Pharasmanes and the latter wanted to confirm the 
peace. [?]* introduced them to the senate and was 
empowered by that body to return appropriate 
answers; and accordingly he prepared and read to 
them his responses.] 

— 16— Hadrian completed the Olympieum in Athens, in 
which his own statue also stands, and consecrated 
there a serpent, which was brought from India. He 
also presided at the Dionysia, the greatest office within 
the gift of the people, and arrayed in the local costume 
carried it through brilliantly. He allowed the G-reeks, 

1 1, e., " we natives of Bithynia " (Dio's country). 
2 It is impossible to determine, from the date of this fragment, 
whether the subject should be Hadrian or Antoninus Pius. 



too, to build his sepulchre (called the Panellenium) , ^- ^- 134(?) 

and instituted a series of games to he connected with 

it; and he granted to the Athenians large sums of 

money, annual corn distribution, and the whole of 

Cephallenia.— Among various laws that he enacted 

was one to the effect that no senator, either personally 

or through the medium of another, should have any tax 

farmed out to him. After he had come to Eome, the (t.' u'. Ill) 

crowd at a spectacle shouted their request for the 

emancipation of a certain charioteer: but he replied 

by means of a writing on a board : " It is not right for 

you either to ask me to free another's slave or to force 

his master to do so." 

He now began to be sick, having suffered even before — 17 — 
this from blood gushing from his nostrils: this flow 
now grew very much more copious, so that he despaired 
of his life. Consequently, he appointed as Caesar for 
the Romans Lucius Commodus, although this man fre- 
quently vomited blood. Servianus and his grandson a. d. 136 
Fuscus, the former a nonagenarian and the latter 
eighteen years of age, were put to death on the ground 
that they were displeased at this action. Servianus 
before being executed asked for fire, and as he offered 
incense he exclaimed : ' ' That I am guilty of no wrong, 
ye, Gods, are well aware: and as for Hadrian I 
pray only this, that he may desire to die and not be 
able. ' ' And, indeed, Hadrian did come to his end only 
after often praying that he might expire and often feel- 
ing a desire to kill himself. There is in existence also 
a letter of his which lays stress on this very matter, 



(t." u.' 889) showing what a dreadful thing it is for a man to desire 
to die and not be able. This Servianus had been by 
Hadrian deemed capable of filling the imperial office. 
He had once at a banquet told his friends to name for 
him ten men who were competent to be sole rulers, and 
then after a moment's pause, had added: " I want to 
know nine : I have one already, Servianus." 
— 18 — Other excellent men, also, had come to light during 
that period, of whom the most distinguished were 
Turbo and Similis, who, indeed, were honored with 

Turbo was a man of great qualities as a general, 
who had become prefect (or commander of the Pre- 
torians). He committed no act of luxury or haughti- 
ness, but lived like one of the multitude: the entire day 
he spent in proximity to the palace and often he would 
go there even shortly before midnight, when some of 
the others were beginning to sleep. A characteristic 
anecdote is that which brings in the name of Cornelius 
Fronto, at this time reputed to be the foremost Eoman 
advocate in lawsuits. One evening very late he was 
returning home from dimier and ascertained from a 
man whose counsel he had promised to be that Turbo 
was holding court. Accordingly, just as he was, in his 
dress for dinner, he went into his courtroom and 
greeted him not with the morning salutation, I wish 
you joy, but with that belonging to the evening, I trust 
your health continues good. 

Turbo was never seen at home in the daytime even 
when he was sick ; and to Hadrian, who advised him to 
remain quiet, he replied : ' * The prefect ought to die 

on his feet" 



Sitnilis, who was of greater age and more advanced ~IP — 

' * ^ A. D. 136 

rank, m character was second to none of the great men, (a. «. 889) 

I think. Very slight things may serve us as evidence. 

"When he was centurion, Trajan had summoned him to 

enter his presence before the prefects, whereupon he 

said : " It is a shame for you, Caesar, to be talking with 

a centurion, while the prefects stand outside." And 

he took unwillingly at that time the command of the 

Pretorians, and after taking it resigned it. Having 

with difficulty secured his release he spent the rest of 

his life, seven years, quietly in the country, and upon 

his tomb he had this inscription placed: "Similis lies 

here, who existed so-and-so many years, but lived for 

seven. ' ' 

If Julius ( ?) Fabius ( ?), not being able to endure his (—33—) 
son's effeminacy, desired to throw himself into the 

Hadrian became consumptive as a result of the ^^^T^o 
great loss of blood, and that led to dropsy. And as it (a- «. 89i) 
happened that Lucius Commodus was suddenly re- 
moved from the scene by the outgushing of a large 
quantity of blood all at once, he convened at his house 
the foremost and most renowned of the senators ; and 
lying on a couch he spoke to them as foUows : " I, my 
friends, was not permitted by nature to secure off- 
spring, but you have made it possible by legal enact- 
ment. There is this difference between the two ways,— ■ 
that a begotten son turns out to be whatever sort of 
person Heaven pleases, whereas one that is adopted a 
man takes to himself because he chooses just that sort 
of being. Thus in process of nature a maimed and 



A. D. 138 senseless creature is often given to a parent, but by 
process of voluntary decision one of sound body and 
sound mind is certain to be selected. For this cause 
I formerly cbose out Lucius from among all, a person 
of such, attainments as I could never bave prayed to 
find in a child. But since the Heavenly Power has 
taken him from among us, I have found an emperor in 
his place whom I now give you, one who is noble, mild, 
tractable, prudent, neither young enough to do any- 
thing reckless nor old enough to neglect aught, — one 
brought up according to the laws, who has held posses- 
sion of authority according to his country's traditions, 
so that he is not ignorant of any matters pertaining to 
his office, but can handle them all effectively. I refer 
to Aurelius Antoninus here. Although I know him to 
be the most retiring of men and to be far from desiring 
any such thing, still I do not think that he will de- 
liberately disregard either me or you but will accept 
the office even against his will. ' ' 

So it was that Antoninus became emperor. Since he 
was destitute of male children, Hadrian adopted for 
him Commodus's son Commodus and, moreover, be- 
sides the latter, Marcus Annius Verus ; for he wished to 
appoint those who were afterwards to be emperors for 
as long a time ahead as possible. (This Marcus Annius, 
earlier named Catilius, was a grandson of Annius 
Verus who had thrice been consul and prefect of the 
city.) And though Hadrian urged Antoninus to adopt 
them both, he preferred Verus on account of his kin- 
ship and his age and because he already exhibited an 
extremely strong cast of mind. This led him to apply 


— 21 — 


to the young man the name Verissimus, with a play A- '^- ^^^ 
upon the meaning of the Latin word. 

By certain charinas and species of magic Hadrian was — 33 — 
relieved of the water, but shortly was full of it again. 
Since, therefore, he was constantly growing worse and 
might be said to be slowly perishing day by day, he 
began to long for death. Often he would ask for poison 
and a sword, but no one would give them tO' him. As 
no one would obey him, although he promised money 
and immunity, he sent for Master, an lazygian bar- 
barian that had become a captive, whom he had em- 
ployed in hunts on account of his strength and daring. 
Then, partly by threatening him and partly by making 
promises, he compelled the man to undertake the duty 
of killing him. He drew a colored line around a spot 
beneath the nipple that had been shown him by Hermo- 
genes the physician, in order that he might there be 
struck a finishing blow and perish painlessly. But 
even this plan did not succeed, for Master became 
afraid of the project and in terror withdrew. The em- 
peror lamented bitterly the plight in which the disease 
had placed him and bitterly his powerlessness, in that 
he was not able to make away with himself, though he 
might still, even when so near death, destroy anybody 
else. Finally he abandoned his careful regimen and 
through using unsuitable foods and drinks met his 
death, saying and shouting aloud the popular saying: 
' ' Many physicians have ruined a king. ' ' 

He had lived sixty-two years, five months and nine- _23_ 
teen^ days, and had been emperor twenty years and 

1 Seventeen, according to the common tradition. 



.^' ■"■ l^f. eleven montlis. He was buried near the river itself, 

(o. «. 891) ' 

close to the ^lian bridge ; that was where he had pre- 
pared his tomb, for the one belonging to Augustus was 
full and no other body was deposited there. 

This emperor was hated [by the people, in spite of 
his excellent reign] on account of the early and the late 
murders, since they had been unjustly and impiously 
brought about. Yet he had so little of a bloodthirsty 
disposition that even in the case of some who took 
pains to thwart him he deemed it sufficient to write to 
their native lands the bare statement that they did not 
please him. And if any man who had children was ab- 
solutely obliged to receive punishment, still, in propor- 
tion to the number of his children he would also lighten 
the penalty imposed. [Notwithstanding, the senate 
persisted for a long time in its refusal to vote him di- 
vine honors, and in its strictures upon some of those 
who had committed excesses during his reign and had 
been honored therefor, when they ought to have been 

After Hadrian's death there was erected to him a huge equestriaa 
statue representing him with a four-horse team. It was so large that 
the bulkiest man could walk through the eye of each horse, yet because 
of the extreme height of the moniunent persons passing along on the 
ground below are wont to think that the horses themselves as well as 
Eadrian are very smalL 






Antoninus Pius, succeeding by adoption, effects the deification 
of Hadrian (chapter 1). 

The cognomen Pius is bestowed upon Antoninus by the senate 
(chapter 2). 

He showed little hostility toward the Christians : was careful 
in trifles: met a quiet death in old age (chapter 3). 

Earthquake that damaged Bithynia, the Hellespontine region, 
and especially Cyzicus (chapter 4) . 

He is compared with Numa: his gentleness and kindlines* 
(chapter 6). 

He was intent upon justice, not upon enlarging the empire : 
hence the barbarians brought their quarrels to him to settle 
(chapters 6, 7) . 


Camerinua, Niger. (A. D. 138 = a. u. S&l ==; First of Anto- 
ninus, from July 10th.) 

Antoninus Pius Aug. (II), Bruttius Prsesens. (A. D. 139 = 
a. XL. 892 =q Second of Antoninus.) 

Antoninus Pius Aug. (Ill), Aurelius Csesar (11). (A. D. 

140 =1 a. u. 893 =; Third of Antoninus.) 

M. Peducseus Sylloga Priscinus, T. Hoenius Severus. (A. D. 

141 =; a. u. 894 =i Fourth of Antoninus.) 

L. Cuspius Eufinus, L. Statins Quadratus. (A. B. 142 = a. u. 
896 = Fifth of Antoninus.) 

C. Bellicius Torquatus, Tib. Claudius Atticus Herodes. (A. B. 
143 =5 a. u. 896 = Sixth of Antoninus.) 

Avitus, Maximus. (A. B. 144 =; a. u. 897 = Seventh of An- 

Antoninus Pius Aug. (IV ), M. Aurelius Csesar (11). (A. B. 
145 =^a. u. 898 = Eighth of Antoninus.) 

Sex. Erucius Clarus (II), Cn. Claudius Severus. (A. B. 14S 
= a. u. 899 = Ninth of Antoninus.) 

largus, Messalinus. (A. B. 147 = a. u. 900 = Tenth of An- 

I. Torquatus (HI), C. lulianua Vetus. (A. B. 148 = a. u. 
901 = Eleventh of Antoninus.) 

Sergrius Scipio Orfitus, Q. Nonius Friscus. (A. S. 149 = a. n. 
902 ^ Twelfth of Antoninus.) 

Gallicanus, Vetus. (A. D. 150 = a, u. 903 = Thirteenth o£ 

Quintilius Condianus, Quintilius Maximus. (A. B. 151 = 
a. u. 904 ==; Fourteenth of Antoninus.) 

M.' Acilius Glabrio, M. Valerius HomuUus. (A, D. 152 = 
a. u. 905 =1 Fifteenth of Antoninus.) 

C. Bruttius Frsesens, A. Junius Rufinus. (A. D. 153 = a. u. 
906 = Sixteenth of Antoninus.) 

L. Ml. Aurelius Commodus, T. Sextius Lateranus. (A. D. 154 
= a. u. 907 = Seventeenth of Antoninus.) 

C. lulius Severus, M. Hufinius Sabinianus. (A. D. 155 = a. u. 
908 = Eighteenth of Antoninus.) 

M. Ceionius Silvanus, C. Serins Augurinus. (A. D. 156^ 
a. u. 909 =? Nineteenth of Antoninus.) 

Barbaras, Regulus. (A. D. 157 = a. u. 910 = Twentieth of 

TertuUus, Saoerdos. (A. D. 158 = a. u. 911 =; Twenty-first 
of Antoninus.) 

Plautius (luintilius, Statins Priscus. (A. D. 159 = a. u. 912 
= Twenty-second of Antoninus.) 

T. Clodius Vibius Varus, App. Annius Atilius Bradua. (A. D. 
160:^ a. u. 913 = Twenty-third of Antoninus.) 

M. Ml. Aurelius Veras Caesar (III), L. Ml. Aurelius Com- 
modus (II). (A. D. 161 = a. u. 914 = Twenty-fourth of An- 
toninus, to Karch 7th.) 


I. From Dio : 

It should be noted that information about Antoninus ~^ ~7„„ 


Pius is not found in the copies of Dio, probably because («■ «• 89i) 
the books have met with some accident, so that the his- 
tory of his reign is almost wholly unknown, save that 
when Lucius Commodus, whom Hadrian had adopted, 
died before Hadrian, Antoninus was also adopted by 
him and became emperor, and that when the senate de- 
murred to giving heroic honors to Hadrian after his 
demise on account of certain murders of eminent men, 
Antoninus addressed many words to them with tears 
and laments, and finally said : " I will not govern you 
either, if he has become base and inimical and a na- 
tional foe in your eyes. For you will of course be 
annulling all his acts, of which my adoption was one. ' ' 
On hearing this the senate both through respect for the 
man and through a certain fear of the soldiers be- 
stowed the honors upon Hadrian. 

Only this in regard to Antoninus is preserved in Dio. ~^ — 
Yes, one thing more — that the senate gave him th(» 
titles both of Augustus and of Pius for some such rea- 
son as the following. When in the beginning of his im- 
perial reign many men were accused and some of them 
had been interceded for by name, he nevertheless 
punished no one, saying : "I must not begin my career 
of supervision with such deeds." 

[When Pharasmanes the Iberian came to Eome with ^xix, is, s 
his wife, he increased his domain, allowed him to offer 
sacrifice on the Capitoline, set up a statue of him on 



(^■m^'891) horseback in the temple of Bellona, and viewed an ex- 
ercise in arms of the chieftain, his son, and the other 
prominent Iberians.] 

We do not find preserved, either, the first part of the 
account of Marcus Verus, who ruled after Antoninus 
A. D. 139 and all that the latter himself did in the case of Lucius, 
son of Commodus, whom Marcus made his son-in-law, 
and all that Lucius accomplished when sent by his 
father to the war against Vologaesus. I shall speak 
briefly about these matters, gathering my material 
from other books, and then I shall go back to the con- 
tinuation of Dio's narrative. 
II. From Xiphilinus : 

A^'' 153 Antoninus is admitted by all to have been noble and 

(a. u. 906) good, not Oppressive to the Christians nor severe to 
any of his other subjects; instead, he showed the 
Christians great respect and added to the honor in 
which Hadrian had been wont to hold them. For 
Eusebius, son of Pamphilus, cites in his. Church His- 
tory^ some letters of Hadrian in which ithe latter is 
shown to threaten terrible vengeance upon those who 
harm in any way or accuse the Christians, and to swear 
by Hercules that they shall receive punishment. 

Antoninus is said also to have been of an enquiring 
turn of mind and not to have held aloof from careful 
investigation of even small and commonplace matters ; 
for this those disposed to scoff called him Cummin- 

(o u 914) splitter. Quadratus states that he died at an ad- 
vanced age, and that the happiest death befell him, like 
unto gentlest slumber. 

1 IV, 9. 



— 4 — 


In the days of Antoninus also a most frightful earth- 
quake is said to have occurred in the region of Bithynia 
and the Hellespont. Various cities were severely 
damaged or fell without a building left standing, and 
in particular Cyzicus ; and the temple there that was 
the greatest and most beautiful of all temples was 
thrown down. Its columns were four cubits in thick- 
ness and fifty cubits in height, each of a single block of 
stone ; and each of the other features of the edifice was 
more to be wondered at than to be praised. Some- 
where in the interior of the country the peak of a 
mountain rose upwards and surges of the sea are said 
to have gushed out, while the spray from pure, trans- 
parent sea-water was driven to a great distance over 
the land.*— So much is the accoimt of Antoninus at 
present extant. He reigned twenty-four years. 

III. Of Dio [or rather of Eutropius, or John of 
Antioch]. Taken from the "Writings of Suidas. 

This prince Antoninus was an excellent man and de- 
serves to be compared especially with Numa on account 
of the similarity of his reign to that kiag's, just as 
Trajan was seen to resemble Eomulus. The private 
life that Antoninus lived was thoroughly excellent and 
honorable, and in his position as ruler he seemed to be — 5 
even more excellent and more prudent. To no one was 

1 Compare also Zonaras V, 12 (p. 80, 11. 3-11 Bind.) . 

It is not certain whether this earthquake properly belongs to the reign 
of Pius or that of Marcus. If to the former, it must have occurred 
between 150 and 155 B.C. See Bermes XXVI, pages 444-446 (Boisse- 
vain: Zonaras Quelle fiir die Romische Eaisergeschichte von Nerva 
Ms Severus Alexander) and XXXII, pages 497-508 (B. Keil: Kyxi- 
kenisches) ; also Bysiantinische Zeitschrift I, page 30 ff. (article by 
de Boor). 

VOL. 5—16 241 

— e- 

-7 — 


he harsli or oppressive, but lie was gracious and gentle 
toward all. 

In warfare he sought glorj rather from an impulse of 
duty than from one of gain, and was determined to pre- 
serve the borders of the empire intact rather than to 
extend them to greater distances. In the matter of 
men he appointed to the administration of public 
affairs, so far as possible, those who were particularly 
scrupulous about right conduct, and he rewarded good 
oflScials with the honors that were in his power to grant, 
whereas he banished the worthless (though without 
any harshness) from the conduct of public affairs. 

He was admired not alone by those of his own race, 
but even by foreigners, as was shown by some of the 
neighboring barbarians laying down their arms and 
permitting the prince to decide their quarrels by his 
vote. And whereas he had in the course of his life as 
a private citizen amassed a vast amount of money, 
when he entered upon oflBce he expended his own 
abundance upon gifts for the soldiers and for his 
friends. To the public treasury he left a great deal of 
property of all kinds. 






The emperor Marcus takes Verus as an associate : he gives him 
charge of the Parthian war (chapters 1, 2). 

Wars with the lazyges, Marcomani, and Germans (chapters 
3 and 5). 

About the war in Egypt with the Bucoli (chapter 4) . 

Marcus's tirelessness in hearing cases at law (chapter 6). 

The lazyges conquered (chapter 7). 

The Quadi are vanquished by rain sent from Heaven in 
answer to Boman prayers (chapters S and 10) . 

About the Thunderbolt Legion from Melitene (chapter 9) . 

How envoys came to the emperor from a number of bar- 
barians,— the Quadi, Astingi, lazyges, Marcomani, ITaristi 
(chapters 11-21). 

Eevolt of Cassius and of Syria (chapters 22-26) . 

How Cassius was killed, together with his son (chapter 27). 

Kindness of Marcus toward the adherents of Cassius: death 
of Faustina and honors accorded her (chapters 28-31). 

The return of Marcus and his generosity (chapter 32) . 

With his son Commodus he subjugates the Scythians: he 
himself meets death (chapter 33). 

Eulogy of Marcus (chapters 34, 35). 


M. Ml. Aurel. Verus Cses. (Ill), I. Ml. Aurel. Commodus 
(n). (A. D. 161=; a. u. 914=1 First of Marcus, from March 

Junius Rusticus, Vettius Aquilinus. (A. D. 162=; a. u. 915 
=3 Second of Marcus.) 

I. .ffilianus. Pastor. (A. D. 163 = a. u. 916 =i Third of 

M. PompeiuB Macrinus, P. luventius Celsus. (A. D. 164=: 
a. u. 917 =1 Fourth of Marcus.) 

L. Arrius Pudens, M. Gavins Orfitus. (A. D. 165 = a. u. 918 
= Fifth of Marcus.) 

ft. Servilius Pudens, I. Fufidius PoUio. (A. D. 166 = a. u. 
919 =1 Sixth of Marcus.) 

I. Aurelius Verus Aug. (Ill), Quadratus. (A. D. 167 = a. u. 

920 =: Seventh of Marcus.) 

T. Junius Montanus, L. Vettius Paulus. (A. D. 168 = a. u. 

921 = Egrhth of Marcus.) 

Q. Sosius Priscus, P. Cselius ApoUinaris. (A. D. 169 = a. u. 

922 = Ninth, of Marcus.) 

M. Cornelius Cethegus, C. Erucius Claras. (A. D. 170 =^ a. u. 

923 =: Tenth of Marcus.) 

L. Septimius Severus (II), L. Alfidius Herennianus. (A. D. 
171 =5 a. u. 924 = Eleventh of Marcus.) 

Maximus, Orfitus. (A. D. 172 = a. u. 925=? Twelfth of 

M. AureUus Severus (11), T. Claudius Pompeianus. (A. D. 
173 =; a. u. 926 = Thirteenth of Marcus.) 

Gallus, Flaccus. (A. D. 174 =i a. u. 927 =^ Fourteenth of 

Piso, lulianus. (A. D. 176 = a. u. 928 = Fifteenth of 

PoUio (II), Aper (11). (A. D. 176 = a. u. 929 = Sixteenth 
of Marcus.) 

L. Aurel. Commodus Aug., ftuintilius. (A. D. 177=; a. u. 
930 = Seventeenth of Marcus.) 

Rufus, Orfitus. (A. D. 178 = a. u. 931 = Eighteenth of 

Commodus Aug. (II), T. Annius Aurel. Verus (II). (A. D. 
179 == a. u. 932 = Nineteenth of Marcus.) 

L. Fulvius Bruttius Prsesens (11), Sextus ftuintilius Condi- 
anus. (A. D. 180 = a. u. 933 = Twentieth of Marcus, to March 


Marcus Antoninus, the philosopher, upon obtaining —}■ — 
the sovereignty at the death of Antoninus, who adopted (a. u. 914 ) 
him, had imnaediately taken to share the authority with 
him the son of Lucius Conunodus, Lucius Verus. He 
was personally weak in body and he devoted the 
greater part of his time to letters. It is told that even 
when he was emperor he showed no shame ( or hesita- 
tion) at going to a teacher for instruction, but became 
a pupil of Sextus, the Boeotian philosopher,^ and did 
not hesitate to go to hear the lectures of Hermogenes 
on rhetoric. He was most inclined to the Stoic school. 
— Lucius, on the other hand, was strong and rather 
young, and better suited for military enterprises. 
Therefore, Marcus made him his son-in-law by mariy- 
ing him to his daughter Lucilla, and sent him to the 
Parthian war. 

For Vologsesus had begun war by assailing on all — 2 — 
sides the Eoman camp under Severianus, situated in 
Elegeia, a place in Armenia ; and he had shot down and 
destroyed the whole force, leaders and all. He was 
now proceeding with numbers that inspired terror 
against the cities of Syria. Lucius, accordingly, on ^ ^ jgg 
coming to Antioch collected a great many soldiers, and <"• «• ^is) 
with the best commanders under his supervision took 
up a position in the city, spending his time m ordering 
all arrangements and in gathering the contingent for 
the war. He entrusted the armies themselves to Cas- 
sius. The latter made a noble stand against the attack 

1" Sextus of Chaeronea, grandson of Plutarch" ( Capitolinus, Vita 
U. Antoni PhilosopM, 3, 2 ) . 



A. D. 165 of Vologaesus, and finally the chieftian was deserted 

(a. u. 918) , , . 

by nis allies and began to retire; then Cassms pursued 
bim as far as Seleucia and destroyed it and razed to 
tbe ground tbe palace of Vologassus at Ctesiphon. In 
the course of his return he lost a great many soldiers 
through famine and disease, yet he started off to Syria 
with the men that were left. Lucius attained glory by 
these exploits and felt a just pride in them, yet his ex- 
treme good fortune did him no good. For he is said 
to have subsequently plotted against his father-in-law 

A. D. 169 Marcus and to have perished by poison before he could 

(a. u. 922) accomplish anything. 

Fragments of Dio from Suidas (thought by de Valois 
to belong to Book LXXI). 

[Tf Martins Verus sends out Thucydides to conduct 
Sohsemus into Armenia; and he, in spite of lack of 
arms, applied himself sturdily to this distant task with 
the inherent good sense that he showed in all business 
falling to his lot. Marcus had the gift not only of 
overpowering his antagonists or anticipating them by 
swiftness or outwitting them by deceit (on which quali- 
ties generals most rely), but also of persuading them 
by trustworthy promises and conciliating them by gen- 
erous gifts and luring them on by tempting hopes. He 
was suave in all that he did or said, and soothed the 
vexed and angry feelings of each adversary while 
greatly raising his hopes. He knew well the right time 
for flattery and presents and entertainment at table. 
And since in addition to these talents he showed per- 
sistency in endeavor and activity together with speed 
agaiust his foes, he made it plain to the barbarians that 



his friendsliip was better worth gaining than his 
enmity. So when he arrived at the New city, which a 
garrison of Romans placed there by Priscus was occu- 
pying, and found them attempting mutiny, he took care, 
both by word and by deed, to bring them to a better 
temper, and he made the city the foremost of Armenia.] 

[* * Bridging. — By the Romans the streams and 
rivers are bridged with the greatest ease, since the sol- 
diers are always practicing at it, and it is carried on 
like any other warlike exercise on the Ister ajid the 
Rhine and the Euphrates. The manner of doing it 
(which I think not everybody knows) is as follows. The 
boats, by means of which the river is bridged, are flat. 
They are anchored up stream a little above the spot 
where the bridge is to be constructed. "When the signal 
is given, they first let one ship drift dowU' stream close 
to the bank that they are holding. When it has come 
opposite the spot to be bridged, they throw into the 
water a basket filled with stones and fastened with a 
cord, which serves as an anchor. Made fast in this 
way the ship is joined to the bank by planks and 
bridgework, which the vessel carries in large quanti- 
ties, and immediately a floor is laid to the farther edge. 
Then they release another ship at a little distance from 
this one and another one after that until they run the 
bridge to the opposite bank. The boat which is near 
the hostile side carries also towers upon it and a gate 
and archers and catapults. 

As many weapons were hurled at the men engaged in 
bridguig, Cassius ordered weapons and catapults to be 
discharged. And when the front rank of the bar- 
barians fell, the rest gave way.] 



Cassius, however, was bidden by Marcus to have the ~^ — 
superintendence of all Asia. The emperor himself (a. «. 925) 
fought for a long time, in fact almost his whole life, one 
might say, with the barbarians in the Ister region, the 
lazyges and the Marcomani, first one and then the 
other, and he used Pannonia as his starting point. 

K The Langobardi and the Obiii to the number of six thousand 
crossed the Ister, but the cavalry under Vindex2 marched out and 
the infatnry commanded by Candidus got the start of them, so that 
an utter rout of the barbarians was instituted. The barbarians, thrown 
into consternation by such an outcome of their very first undertaking, 
despatched as envoys to the headquarters of lallius BassusS (adminis- 
trator of Pannonia) Bellomarius,* king of the Marcomani, and ten 
more, for they selected one man per nation. The envoys took oaths to 
cement the peace and departed homewards. 

Many of the Celtse, too, across the Rhiae, advanced 
to the confines of Italy and inflicted much serious harm 
upon the Eomans. They, in turn, were followed up by 
Marcus, who opposed to them the lieutenants Pom- 
peianus and Pertinax. Pertinax, who later became 
emperor, greatly distinguished himself. Among the 
corpses of the barbarians were found also the bodies 
of women in armor. 

Yet, when a most violent struggle and brilliant vie- -^-D-iesc?) 
tory had taken place, the emperor nevertheless refused 
the petition x)f the soldiers for money, making this 
statement : ' ' Whatever excess they obtain above the 
customary amount will be wrung from the blood of their 

lOr perhaps Osi. 

2 M. Macrinius Avitus Catoniua Vindew. 

s M. lallius Bassus. 

*0r perhaps Badomarius. 



parents and their kinsmen. For respecting the fate of 
the empire Heaven alone can decide." — And he ruled 
them so temperately and firmly that even in the course 
of so many and great wars he was impelled neither by 
flattery nor by fear to do aught that was unfitting. 
• 11 — [Marcus [Antoninus] remained in Pannonia in order 
to transact business with the embassies of the bar- 
barians. Many came to him also at this time. Some 
promised an alliance: they were led by Battarius, a 
child twelve years old, and they received money and 
succeeded in restraining Tarbus, a neighboring poten- 
tate, who had come into Dacia, was demanding money, 
and threatening to make war if he should not get it. 
Others, like the Quadi, were asking for peace, and they 
obtained it, the emperor's purpose being to have them 
detached from the Marcomani. Another reason was 
that they gave horses and cattle, surrendered all the 
deserters and the captives at first to the number of 
thirteen thousand, though later they promised to re- 
store the remainder as well. However, the i;ight of 
free intercourse even at markets was not granted them, 
the intention being to prevent the lazyges and the Mar- 
comani, whom they had sworn not to receive nor let 
pass through their country, from either mingling with 
them or presenting themselves also in the guise of 
Quadi,— a plan which would enable them to reconnoitre 
the Eoman position and to purchase provisions. Be- 
sides these who came to Marcus, many others de- 
spatched envoys, some by tribes and some by nations, 
offering to suirender themselves. Some of them were 
sent on campaigns to other parts of the world, and the 



captives and deserters who were fit for it were simi- 
larly treated. Others received land, in Dacia or in 
Pannonia or in Mcesia and Germany or in Italy itself. 
A few of them who settled at Ravenna made an up- 
rising and even dared to take possession of the city: 
and for this reason he did not again bring any bar- 
barian into Italy, but made even those who had pre- 
viously come there find homes outside.] 

If Detachments of both Astingi and Lacringi had come to lend assist- 
ance to Marcus. 

[The Astingi, whose leaders were Eaus and Eaptus, — 12 — 
cam.e into Dacia to settle, in the hope of receiving both 
money and land in return for terms of alliance. As 
they did not obtain this, they put their wives and chil- 
dren in the keeping of Clemens,^ with the apparent in- 
tention of acquiring the land of the Costobocci by force 
of arms; and upon conquering them they injured Dacia 
no less. The Lacringi, fearing that Clemens out of 
dread might lead these newcomers into the land which 
they were inhabiting, attacked them off their guard and 
won a decisive victory. As a result, the Astingi com- 
mitted no further deeds displaying hostility to the 
Eomans, but by making urgent supplication to Marcus 
received money from him and asked that land might be 
given them if they should harm in some way his tem- 
porary enemies. Now these performed some of their 
promises. The Cotini made similar propositions, but 
upon getting control of Tarrutenius Patemus, secre- 
tary of the emperor's Latin letters, under the pretext 
of requiring his aid for a campaign against the Mar- 

1 Sex. Cornelius Clemens. 



comani, they not only failed to take this course but did 
him frightful injury and thereby ensured their own 
destruction later.] 
A. D. 171 When in one battle the Marcomani were successful 

(a. u. 924) 

and killed Marcus Vindex, the prefect, he erected three 

statues in his memory. After conquering them Mar- 

(—3—) cus received the title of Germanicus. We give the 

A, D 172 

(a. «.' 925). name " Germans " to those who dwell in the northern 
—4— The so-called Bucoli began a disturbance in Egypt, 
and under the leadership of Isidorus, a priest,^ caused 
the rest of the Egyptians to revolt. They had first, 
arrayed in women's garments, deceived the Roman 
centurion, making him think that they were Bucoli 
women and wanted to give him gold pieces in exchange 
for their husbands, and then striking him down when 
he approached them. His companion they sacrificed, 
and after taking a common oath over his entrails they 
devoured them. Isidorus surpassed in bribery all his 
contemporaries. Next, having conquered the Eomans 
in Egypt in regular battle they came very near cap- 
turing Alexandria, and would have done so, had not 
Cassius been sent against them from Syria as direct- 
ing general. He succeeded in spoiling the concord that 
existed among them and sundering them one from 
another, for on account of their numbers and despera- 
tion he had not ventured to attack them united. So 
when they fell into factional disputes he easUy subdued 

1 Omitting xa(, 



Now it was in Marcus's war against the Germans (if — 5 — 

A. D 172 

mention ougM to be made of these matters ) , that a cap- ( a. «. 925 ) 
tive lad on being asked some questions by him re- 
joined : " I can not answer you because of the cold. So 
if you want to find out anything, command that a coat 
be given me, if you have one."— And a soldier one 
night, who was doing guard duty on the Ister, hearing 
a shout of his fellow-soldiers in captivity on the other 
side, at once swam the stream just as he was, released 
them, and brought them back. 

One prefect of Marcus 's was Bassseus Eufus, a good 
man on the whole, but uneducated and boorish, having 
been brought up in poverty in his early youth. 
[Wherefore he had been disinclined to go on the cam- 
paign, and what Marcus said was incomprehensible to 
him.] Once some one had interrupted him in the midst 
of trimming a vine that wound about a tree, and when 
he did not come down at the first bidding, the person 
rebuked him, and said: " Come down there, prefect." 
This he said thinking to humiliate him for his previous 
haughtiness ; yet later Fortune gave him this title to 

The emperor, as often as he had leisure from war, — e_ 
held court and used to order that a most liberal supply 
of water be measured out for the speakers.^ He made 
inquiries and answers of greater length, so that exact 
justice was ensured by every possible expedient. 
When thus engaged he would often hold court to try 
the same case for eleven or even twelve days and some- 

1 This refers to the contrivance known as the clepsydra or water- 
clock, which measured time by the slow dropping of water from an 
upper into a lower vessel, somewhat on the plan of the hour-glasa. 



,^- ^- III. times at night. He was industrious and applied him- 
self diligently to all the duties of his office; and there 
was nothing which he said or wrote or did that he re- 
garded as a minor matter, but sometimes he would con- 
sume whole days on the finest point, putting into prac- 
tice his belief that the emperor should do nothing hur- 
riedly. For he thought that if he should slight even 
the smallest detail, it would bring him reproach that 
would overshadow all his other achievements. Yet he 
was so frail in body that at first he could not endure 
the cold, but when the soldiers had already come to- 
gether in obedience to orders he would retire before 
speaking a word to them; and he took but very little 
food always, and that at night. It was never his custom 
to eat during the daytime unless it were some of the 
drug called theriac.^ This drug he took not so much 
because he feared anything as because his stomach 
and chest were in bad condition. And it is related that 
this practice enabled him to endure the disease as well 
as other hardships. 
— 7 — The lazyges were conquered by the Romans on land 
173 (?) at this time and subsequently on the river. By this I 
mean not that any naval battle took place, but that the 
Romans followed them as they fled over the frozen 
Ister and fought there as on dry land. The lazyges, 
perceiving that they were being pursued, awaited the 
foe's onset, expecting easily to overcome them, since 
their opponents were not accustomed to ice. Accord- 
ingly, some of the barbarians dashed straight at them, 
while others rode around to attack the flanks, for their 

2 See Galen, On Antidotes, Book Two, chapter 17, and On Theriae 
(to Piso), chapter 2. 



horses were trained to run safely even over a surface 'A..'D.i7zm 

173 ( T) 

of this kind. The Eomans, seeing this, were not 
alarmed, but made a close formation, placing them- 
selves so as to face all of them at once. The majority 
laid down their shields and resting one foot upon them, 
so that they might slip less, received the enemy's as- 
sault. Some seized bridles, others shields and spear- 
shafts, and drew them towards them. Then, becoming 
involved in close conflict, they knocked down both men 
and horses, for on account of their momentum the 
enemy could not help slipping. The Eomans also 
sKpped down : but in case one of them fell on his back 
he dragged his adversary down on top of him aad then 
by winding his legs about him as in a wrestling match 
would get him underneath ; and if one fell on his face, 
he made his opponent fall before he did, also on his 
face. The barbarians, being unused to a contest of 
this sort, and having lighter equipment, were unable to 
resist, so that but few escaped out of a large force. 

[Envoys were also sent to Marcus by the lazyges, 
requesting peace, but they did not obtain any. For 
Marcus, knowing their race to be untrustworthy, and, 
furthermore, because he had been deceived by the 
Quadi, wished to annihilate them absolutely.^ The 
Quad! had not only made alliances at this time with 
the lazyges, but previously, too, were wont to receive 
in their own land Marcomanian fugitives who might be 
hard pressed, while that tribe was at war with the 
Eomans. Nor did they do aught else that they had 
agreed, for they did not restore all the captives, but 

1 Reading i^eXelv (Boissevain) in place of the MS. i^eXdeTv. 

VOL. 5 — 17. 257 

13 — 


■^■Jl-}]^,{ '^ only a few, and these were sucli as they could not sell 

173 (7) _ 

nor use for any work as helpers. And whenever they 
did give back any of those in good condition, they 
would keep their relatives at home in order that the 
men given up might desert again to join their friends. 
They also expelled their king, Furtius, and on their 
own responsibility made Ariogaesus king instead. 
Consequently the emperor did not confirm him, since 
he had not been legally installed, nor renew the treaty 
of peace, though they promised to return fifty thousand 
captives if he would.] 
— 14— [Against Ariogaesus Marcus was so bitter that he 
issued a proclamation to the effect that any one who 
would bring him alive should receive a thousand gold 
pieces, and any one who killed him and exhibited his 
head, five hundred. Yet in other cases this emperor 
was always accustomed to treat even his most stubborn 
foes humanely ; for instance, he did not kill, but merely 
Bent to Britain Tiridates, a satrap who roused a tumult 
in Armenia and the person who slew the king of the 
Heniochi and then held the sword in Verus 's^ face, 
when the latter rebuked him for it. This, then, shows 
the extent of his irritation against Ariogaesus at the 
time. However, when the man was later captured he 
did him no harm, but sent him away to Alexandria.] 
_g_ So Marcus made the Marcomani and lazyges sub- 

A. D. 174 servient by a series of great struggles and dangers. A 

( d. u. 927 ) 

great war against the so-called Quadi also fell to his lot 
and it was his good fortune to win an unexpected vic- 
tory, or rather it was given him from Heaven. At a 

IP. Martius Terus. 



time when the Eomans had run into danarer in the bat- ^- ^- ^^^ 

° {a. u. 927) 

tie the Heavenly Power most unexpectedly saved them. 
The Quadi had surrounded them at an opportune spot 
and the Eomans were fighting valiantly with their 
shields locked together: and the barbarians ceased 
fighting, expecting to capture their enemies easily by 
heat and thirst. So they posted guards all about and 
hemmed them in to prevent their getting water any- 
where, for the barbarians were far superior in num- 
bers. The Eomans fell into dire distress from their 
fatigue and wounds and the sun's heat and their thirst, 
and for these reasons could neither fight nor march in 
any direction but were standing and being scorched in 
line of battle and at their several posts, when suddenly 
numbers of clouds rushed together and a great rain, 
certainly of divine origin, came pouring down. Indeed, 
there is a story that Amouphis, an Egyptian wizard, 
who was a companion of Marcus, invoked by means of 
enchantments various deities and in particular Mer- 
cury, god of the air, and by this means attracted the 

This is what Dio says about it, but he seems to be — g — 
telling an untruth, whether voluntarily or involun- 
tarily ; I am more inclined to think it is voluntarily. It 
surely must be so, for he was not ignorant of the fact 
that one company of the soldiers had the special name 
of ' ' The Thunderbolt ' ' (he mentions it in the list along 
with the rest),^ and this was due to no other cause (nor 

1 The reference is evidently to Book Fifty-five, chapter 23, but it 
should be observed that the names, though very possibly having the 
same sense, are not identical. The legion is here called xepauvo^dko^ 
(= Fulminatrix or Fulminata) but in 55, 23 xepauvopopoi (=Ful- 



,f- ^- 11^. is any other reported) save that event which gave rise 
to the title in this very war,— an event which enabled 
the Eomans to survive on this occasion and brought de- 
struction upon the barbarians. It was not Arnouphis, 
the wizard, for Marcus is not accounted to have taken 
pleasure in the company of wizards and charms. But 
what I have reference to is as follows : Marcus had a 
company (and the Eoman name for company is " le- 
gion ") of soldiers from Melitene. They were all wor- 
shipers of Christ. Now it is stated that in that battle, 
when Marcus was in a quandary over having been sur- 
rounded and feared the loss of his whole army, the 
prefect approached him and said that those called 
Christians can accomplish anything whatever by their 
prayers, and that among them there chanced to be a 
whole company of this sect. Marcus, on hearing this, 
made an appeal to them to pray to their God. And 
when they had prayed, the God immediately gave 
ear, hurling a thunderbolt upon the enemy and encour- 
aging the Eomans with rain. Marcus was astounded 
at what happened and honored the Christians by an 
official decree, while the legion he named ' ' The Thun- 
derbolt. " It is said also that there is a letter of Mar- 
cus extant on this matter. But the Greeks, though they 
know that the company was called " Thunderbolt" 
and bear witness to the fact themselves, make no state- 
ment whatever about the reason for the appellation. 

— 10— Dio goes on to say that when the rain poured dowq 
at first all bent their faces upwards and received it in 
their mouths. Then some held their shields and some 
their helmets as pails, and they themselves took fuU- 



moutlied draughts of it and gave their horses to drink. ^- ^- i'^* 

(a. u. 927) 

The barbarians making a charge upon them, they drank 
and fought at the same time; and some who were 
wounded gulped down together the water and the blood 
that flowed into their helmets. The most of them had 
given so much attention to drinking that thay would 
have suffered some great damage from the enemy's 
onset had not a violent hail and numbers of thunder- 
bolts fallen upon the latter 's ranks. In the same spot 
one might see water and fire descending fsom Heaven 
at the same time : the one side was being drenched and 
drinking, the other was being burned with fire and 
dying. The fire did not touch the Romans, but if it fell 
anywhere among them it was straightway extinguished. 
On the other hand, the shower did the barbarians no 
good, but like oil served rather to feed the flames that 
fed on them, and they searched for water while in the 
midst of rain. Some wounded themselves in the at- 
tempt to put out the fire with blood, and others ran 
over to the side of the Eomans, convinced that they 
alone had the saving water. Marcus finally took pity 
on them. He was for the seventh time saluted as 
imperator by the soldiers. And although he was not 
wont to accept any such honor before the senate voted 
it,* nevertheless this time he took it under the assump- 
tion that it was bestowed from Heaven, and he sent a 
despatch to that effect to the senate.— Moreover Faus- 
tina was named " Mother of the Legions." 
When Pertinax in consideration of his brave exploits — 22 — 


obtained the consulship, there were nevertheless some 175 (?) 

iCp. MommBen, Staatarecht, I2, p. 123 (or V, p. 124) ; alao III, p. 



A. D. 174 (?) who showed displeasure at the fact that he was of 
obscure family, and quoted the line from tragedy : 

" Such things the wretched war brings in its train." 1 

They did not know that he should yet be sovereign. 
— 15— [At the request of the Marcomani, as expressed by 
• •175( 7) their envoys and in view of the fact that they had fol- 
lowed all the injunctions laid upon them, even if sul- 
lenly and hesitatingly, he released to them one half of 
the adjoining territory, so that they could settle for a 
distance of about thirty-eight stades^ from the Ister, 
and established the places and the days for their 
meeting together (these had not been previously de- 
termined), and he exchanged hostages with them.] 
-16- [The lazyges, also, when they had experienced re- 
(o. M. 928) verses, came to an agreement, Zanticus himself appear- 
ing as suppliant before Antoninus. Previously they 
had imprisoned Banadaspus, their second king, for 
making proposals to him. Now, however, all the fore- 
most men came in company with Zanticus and made the 
same compact as that accepted by the Quadi and the 
Marcomani, except in so far as they were required^ to 
dwell twice as far away from the Ister as those tribes. 
It was his wish to root them out utterly. That they 
were still strong at this time and could have done the 
Eomans great harm is evident from the fact that they 
gave back one hundred thousand captives out of a body 
in which many had been sold, many were dead, and 
many had run away and been recaptured. They sup- 

1 From Euripides, The Suppliants, verse 119. 

2 Or five miles. 

s Reading ^fieXXov (Boissevain) . 



plied Antoninus at once with a cavalry force of eisrht ^- ^- ^'^^ 

•'• ° (a. u. 928) 

thousand allies, fifty-five hundred of whom he sent to 

[The revolt of Cassius and Syria forced Mlarcus —17 — 
Antoninus, even contrary to his wishes, to come to 
terms with the lazyges. He was so upset at the news 
that he did not even communicate to the senate the 
basis of the reconciliation made with them, as he was 
wont to do in all other cases.] 

Upon the rebellion of Cassius in Syria, Marcus, in (—22—) 
great alarm, summoned his son Commodus from Eome, 
since he was now able to enter the ranks of the iuvenes. 
Now Cassius, who was a Syrian from Cyrrhus, had 
shown himself an excellent man and the sort of person 
one would desire to have as emperor: only he was 
a son of one Heliodorus,^ who had been delighted to 
secure the governorship of Egypt as a result of his 
oratorical skill. But in this uprising he made a ter- 
rible mistake, and it was all due to his having been de- 
ceived by Faustina. The latter, who was a daughter 
of Antoninus Pius, seeing that her husband had fallen 
ill, and expecting that he might die at any moment, was 
afraid that the imperial office might revert to some out- 
sider and she be left in private life ; for Commodus was 
both young and rather callow, besides. So she secretly 
induced Cassius to make preparations to the end that 
if anything should happen to Antoninus he might take 
both her and the sovereignty. Now while he was in _23_ 
this frame of mind, a message came that Marcus was 

10. Avidius Heliodorus (cp. Book Sixty-nine, chapter 3). 



,^- ^- 11^, dead (in such circTimstances reports always make mat- 

(o. u. 928) X' ./ 

ters worse than they really are) and immediately, with- 
out waiting to confirm the rimior, he laid claim to the 
empire on the ground that it had been bestowed upon 
him by the soldiers at this time quartered in Pannonia. 
And in spite of the fact that before long he learned the 
truth, nevertheless, since he had once made a move, he 
would not change his attitude but speedily won over 
the whole district bounded by the Taurus, and was 
maMng preparations to maintain his ascendancy by 
war. Marcus, on beiug informed of his uprising by 
Verus, the governor of Cappadocia, for a time con- 
cealed it; but, as the soldiers were being mightily dis- 
turbed by the reports and were doing a deal of talking, 
he called them together and read an address of the 
following nature : 
— 24— " Fellow-soldiers, I have not come before you to ex- 
press indignation, nor yet in a spirit of lamentation. 
Why rage against Fate, that is all-powerful? But 
perchance it is needful to bewail the lot of those who 
are undeservedly unfortunate, a lot which is now mine. 
Is it not afflicting for us to meet war after war? Is it 
not absurd to be involved in civil conflict? Are not 
both these conditions surpassed in affliction and in 
absurdity by the proof before us that there is naught 
to be trusted among mankind, siace I have been plotted 
against by my dearest friend and have been thrust into 
a conflict against my will, though I have committed no 
crime nor even error? What virtue, what friendship 
shall henceforth be deemed secure after this experi^ 



€nce of mine? Has not faitli, has not hop© perished? ^- ^- H^ 
If the danger were mine alone, I should give the matter 
no heed,— I was not bom to be immortal,— but since 
there has been a public secession (or rather obsession) 
and war is fastening its clutches upon all of us alike, I 
should desire, were it possible, to iavite Cassius here 
and argue the case with him. in your presence or in the 
presence of the senate ; and I would gladly, without a 
contest, withdraw from my office in his favor, if this 
seemed to be for the public advantage. For it is om 
behalf of the public that I continue to toil and undergo 
dangers and have spent so much time yonder outside 
of Italy, during mature manhood and now in old age 
and weakness, though I can not take food without pain 
nor get sleep free from anxiety. 

" But since Cassius would never be willing to agreei —25 — 
to this (for how could he trust me after having shown 
himself so untrustworthy towards me?), you, at least, 
fellow-soldiers, ought to be of good cheer. Cilicians, 
Syrians, Jews and Egyptians have never proved your 
superiors nor shall so prove, even if they assemble in 
numbers ten times your own, whereas they are now by 
the same proportion inferior. Nor yet would Cassius 
himself now appear worthy of any particular consid- 
eration, however much he may seem to possess the 
qualities of generalship, however many successes he 
may seem to have gained. An eagle is not formidable 
at the head of an army of daws, nor a lion command- 
ing fawns; and it was not Cassius, but you, that 
brought to an end the Arabian or the famous Parthiani 
War. Again, even though he is renowned as a result 
of his achievements against the Parthians, yet you 



,^' ^" nif , liave Venis, wlio has won more victories than he and 

(o. u. 928) ^ ' 

has acquired more territory in a not less, but more 
distinguished manner. — But probably he has already 
changed his mind, on hearing that I am alive, for 
surely he has done this on no other assumption than 
that I "was dead. And if he resists still further, yet 
when he learns that we are approaching, he will surely 
hesitate both out of fear of you and out of respect for 

— 26 — ' < There is only one thing I fear, fellow-soldiers (you 

shall be told the whole truth), and that is that he may 
either kill himself because ashamed to come into our 
presence, or some one else upon learning that I shall 
come and am setting out against him may do it. Then 
should I be deprived of a great prize both of war and 
of victory, and of a magnitude such as no human being 
ever yet obtained. What is this? Why, to forgive a 
man that has done you an injury, to remain a friend 
to one who has transgressed friendship, to continue 
faithful to one who has broken faith. Perhaps this 
seems strange to you, but you ought not to disbelieve 
it. For all goodness has not yet perished from among 
mankind, but there is stUl in us a remnant of tha 
ancient virtue. And if any one does disbelieve it, that 
renders the more ardent my desire that men may see 
accomplished what no one would believe could come to 
pass. That would be one profit I could derive from 
present ills, if I could settle the affair well and show 
to all mankind that there is a right way to handle 
even civil wars." 

— 27— This is what Marcus both said to the soldiers and 

wrote to the senate, in no place abusing Cassius, save 



that he constantly termed him ungrateful. Nor, indeed, a. d. its 
did Cassius ever utter or write anything of a nature 
insulting to Marcus. 

If Marcus at the time he was preparing for the war against Casaius 
would accept no barbarian alliance although he found a concourse of 
foreign nations offering their services; for he said that the barbarians 
ought not to know about troubles arising between Komans. 

While Marcus was making preparations for the civil 
war, many victories over various barbarians were re- 
ported at one and the same time with the death of 
Cassius. The latter while walking had encountered 
Antonius, a centurion, who gave him a sudden wound in 
the neck, though the blow was not entirely effective. 
And Antonius, borne away by the impetus of his horse, 
left the deed incomplete, so that his victim nearly es- 
caped; but meantime the decurion had finished what 
was left to do. They cut off his head and set out to 
meet the emperor. 

Marcus Antoninus [was so much grieved at the de- —28 — 
struction of Cassius that he would not even endure to 
see the severed head, but before the murderers drew 
near gave orders that it should be buried.] 

Thus was this pretender slain after a dream of (—27—) 
sovereignty lasting three months and six days, and 
his son was murdered somewhere else. And Marcus 
upon reaching the provinces that had joiaed in Cas- 
sius 's uprising treated them all very kindly and put no 
one, either obscure or prominent, to death. 

[The same man would not slay nor imprison nor did —28 — 
he put under any guard any one of the senators asso- 
ciated with Cassius. He did not so much as bring them 
before his own court, but merely sent them before the 
senate, nominally under some other complaint, and ap- 



1^' ^' lla^ pointed them a fixed day on wliicli to have their case 
heard. Of the rest he brought to justice a very few, 
who had not only cooperated with Cassius to the extent 
of some overt action but were personally guilty of some 
crime. A proof of this is that he did not murder nor 
deprive of his property Flavins Calvisius, the governor 
of Egypt, but merely confined him on an island. The 
records made about his case Marcus caused to be 
burned, in order that no reproach might attach to him 
from them. Furthermore he released all his relatives.] 
A~i?®77„ About this same time Faustina died, either of the 

A. D. 176 ' 

(o. «. 929) gout from which she had suffered or from less natural 
causes and to avoid being convicted of her compact 
with Cassius.— Moreover, Marcus destroyed the docu- 
ments [found in the chests of Pudens],^ not even read- 
ing them, in order that he might not learn even a name 
of any of the conspirators who had written something 
against him and that he might not [therefore] be re- 
luctantly forced to hate any one. Another account is 
that Verus, who was sent ahead into Syria, of which he 
had secured the governorship, found them among the 
effects of Cassius and put them out of the way, saying 
that this course would most probably be agreeable to 
the emperor, but even if he should be angry, it would 
be better that he [Verus] himself should perish than 
many others. Marcus was so averse to slaughter 
that he saw to it that the gladiators in Rome contended 
without danger, like athletes; for he never permitted 
any of them to have any sharp iron, but they fought 
[with blunt weapons, rounded off at the ends. [And so 

1 Eeimar suggested that perhaps Pudens was secretary of the Greek 
letters of Cassius, as Manlius (Book Seventy-two, chapter 7) was of his 
Latin letters. 



far was he from coimtenancitig any slaughter that ^- ^- ^^^ 
though at the request of the populace he ordered to be 
brought in a lion trained to eat men, he would not look 
at the beast nor emancipate its teacher, in spite of the 
long-continued and urgent demands of the people. In- 
stead, he commanded proclamation to be made that the 
man had done nothing to deserve freedom.] 

In his great grief over the death of Faustina he — 30 — 
wrote to the senate that no one of those who had 
cooperated with Cassius was dead, as if in this fact 
alone he could find some consolation for Faustina's 
loss. ' ' May it never happen, ' ' he continued, ' ' that 
any one of you is slain during^ my lifetime either by 
my vote or by your own." Finally he said: " If I do 
not obtain this request, I shall hasten on to death. ' ' So 
pure and excellent and godfearing did he show himself 
throughout his career. [Nothing could force him to 
do anything inconsistent with his character, neither the 
wickedness of daring attempts nor the expectation of 
similar events to follow as the result of pardon. To 
such an extent did he refrain from inventing any 
imaginary conspiracy and concocting any tragedy that 
had not taken place, that he released even those who 
most openly rose against him and took arms against 
him and against his son, whether they were generals 
or heads of tribes or kings, and he put none of them to 
death either by his Oiwn action or by that of the senate 
or by any other arrangement whatever. Wherefore T 
actually believe that if he had captured Cassius himself 
alive, he would certainly have saved him from injury.] 
For he conferred benefits upon many who had been 

1 Reading irr' ifiou (Dindorf). 



,^' ^' Hn, murderers,— so far as lay in their power,— of himself 

(a. u. 929) _ ' •' r 7 

audi his son. 

— 31 — A law was at this time passed that no one should be 

governor in the province from which he had originally 
come, because the revolt of Cassius had occurred dur- 
ing his administration of Syria, which included his 
native district. It was voted by the senate that silver 
images of Marcus and Faustina should be set up in the 
temple of Venus and Eoma, and that an altar should 
be erected whereon all the maidens married in the city 
and their bridegrooms should offer sacrifice ; also that 
a golden image of Faustuia should be carried in a chair 
to the theatre on each occasion that the emperor should 
be a spectator, and that it should be placed in the seat 
well forward, where she herself was wont to take her 
place when alive, and that the women of chief influence 
should all sit round about it. 

Marcus went to Athens, where after being initiated 
into the mysteries he bestowed honors upon the Athe- 
nians and gave teachers to all men in Athens, for every 
species of knowledge, these teachers to receive an 

— 32— annual salary. On his return to Rome he made an 

address to the people; and while he was saying, among 
other things, that he had been absent many years, they 
cried out : ' ' Eight ! ' ' and indicated this also with their 
hands, in order that they might receive an equal num- 
ber of gold pieces for a banquet. He smiled and him- 
self uttered the word "Eight." After that he dis- 
tributed to them two hundred denarii apiece, more than 
they had ever received before. — In addition to doing 
this, he forgave all persons all their debts to the im- 
perial and to the public treasury for a space of forty- 



six years, outside of the sixteen granted by Hadrian. ,-^- ^- }:l^, 

' o ./ (a. tt. 929) 

And all tlie documents relating to these debts he or- 
dered burned in the Forum.— He gave money to many 
cities, one of them being Smyrna, that had suffered A- ^- gJL 
terribly by an earthquake ; he also assigned the duty of 
building up this place to an ex-prsetor of senatorial 
rank. Therefore I am surprised at the censures even 
now passed upon him to the effect that he was not a 
man of large calibre. For, whereas in ordinary mat- 
ters he was really quite frugal, he never demurred at a 
single necessary expenditure (though, as I have said,' 
he hurt no one by levies), and he necessarily laid out 
very large sums beyond the ordinary requirements. 

The Scythian imbroglio, which needed his attention, — 33 — 
caused him to give his son a wife, Crispina, sooner than 
he actually wished. The Quintilii could not end the 
war, although there were two of them and they pos- 
sessed prudence, courage, and considerable experience. 
Consequently the rulers themselves were forced to take 
the field. Marcus also asked the senate for money 
from the public treasury, not because it had not been („' J^' Hf^ 

1 The reference here made by Dio ma^ very possibly be to a passage 
reproduced by Zonaras (XII, 1), regarding the authenticity of which 
Boissevain is nevertheless somewhat doubtful. For the sake of com- 
pleteness a translation is here given ( oO/iijv i^cd<raTo ) ; 

" Yet he was not thereby induced to secure money from the subject 
nations. On one occasion, indeed, with wars impending, he had come 
short for funds and still did not devise any new tax nor endure to 
ask money from any one. Instead, he exposed in the Forum all the 
heirlooms of the palace, even down to this or that piece of finery 
belonging to his wife, and solicited their purchase by any person so 
disposed. This brought him a store of coin, which he distributed to 
the soldiers. By success in the war he gained many times the amount 
in question, and he issued a proclamation to the effect than any one 
so disposed among the purchasers of the imperial property might return 
the article purchased and receive its value. Some did so, but the 
majority declined. And nobody was compelled to restore any object 
thus acquired." 



i^' ^'ssi^ P^^'^®*^ ^ *^® sovereign's authority, but because Mar- 
cus was wont to declare tbat this and everything else 
belonged to the senate and the people. " We," said 
he (speaMng to the senate), " are so far from having 
anything of our own that we even live in a house of 
yours." He set out, therefore, after these remarks, 
and after hurling the bloody spear, that lay in the 
temple of Bellona, into hostile territory. (I heard this 

A. D. 179 from men who accompanied him.) Patemus was 
given a large detachment and sent to the scene of fight- 
ing. The barbarians held out the entire day, but were 
all cut down by the Eomans. And Marcus was for the 
tenth time saluted as imperator. 

— 18— [The lazyges sent an embassy and asked to be re- 
leased from some of the agreements they had made, 
and a certain leniency was shown them, to prevent 
their being entirely alienated. Yet neither they nor 
the Buri were willing to join the Roman alliance until 
they received pledges from Marcus that he would with- 
out fail prosecute the war to the uttermost. They 
were afraid that he might make a treaty with the 
Quadi, as before, and leave enemies dwelling at their 

— 19 — [Marcus gave audience to such persons as came in the 
capacity of envoys from outside nations, but all were 
not received on the same footing. This varied according 
as the individual states were worthy to receive citizen- 
ship, or freedom from taxes, or perpetual or tempor- 
ary exemption from tribute, or to enjoy permanent sup- 
port. And when the lazyges proved themselves most 
useful to him, he released them from many of the re- 
strictions imposed upon them,— indeed, from all, save 



from the arrangements made in regard to their gather- A.D.179-18O 

ings and mutual intercourse, and the provisions that 

they should not use boats of their own and should keep 

away from the islands in the Ister. And he permitted 

them to go through Dacia and have dealings with the 

Ehoxolani as often as the governor of Dacia would give 

them permission.] 

[The Quadi and the Marcomani sent envoys to Mar- — ao — 
cus, saying that the two myriads of soldiers that were 
in the forts would not allow^ them to pasture or tiU the 
soil or do anything else with freedom, but kept receiv- 
ing many deserters from them and captives of theirs ; 
yet the soldiers themselves were enduring no great 
hardships, inasmuch as they had bath-houses and all 
necessary provisions in abundance. The Quadi, conse- 
quently, would not endure the watch kept on them from 
fortifications and undertook to withdraw en masse to 
the territory of the Semnones. But Antoninus learned 
beforehand of their intention and by barring the roads 
thither prevented them. This showed that he desired 
not to acquire their territory, but to punish the mem- 
bers of the tribe.] 

[And the Naristi, having encountered hardships, de- — ai — 
serted to the number of three thousand at once and 
received land in our territory.] 

Had he lived longer, he would have subdued the (—33—) 
whole region: as it was, he passed away on the seven- (a. u'. 9^3) 
teenth of March, not from the effects of the sickness 
that he had at the time, but by the connivance of his 
physicians, as I have heard on good evidence, who 
wanted to do a favor to Commodus. When at the —34— 

1 Supplying, with Reiske, inirpsnov. 

VOL. 5 - 18. 273 


(a. u 933) Po™^ of death he commended his son to the protection 
of the soldiers (for he did not wish his death to appear 
to be his fault) ; and to the military tribunes, who asked 
him for the watchword, he said : " Go to the rising sun : 
I am already setting. ' ' After he was dead he obtained 
many marks of honor and was set up in gold within 
the senate-house itself. 

So this was the manner of Marcus's demise, [who 
besides all other virtues was so godfearing that even 
on the dies nefasti he sacrificed at home ; and he ruled 
better than any that had ever been in power. To be 
sure, he could not display many feats of physical prow- 
ess ; yet in his own person he made a very strong body 
out of a very weak one.] Most of his life he passed in 
the service of beneficence, and therefore he erected on 
the Capitol a temple to that goddess and called her by 
a most peculiar name, which had never before been cur- 
rent.^ He himself refrained from all offences, [and 
committed no faults voluntarily:] but the offences of 
others, particularly those of his wife, he endured, and 
neither investigated them nor punished them. In case 
any person did anything good, he would praise him and 
use him for the service in which he excelled, but about 
others he did not trouble himself, [saying: " It is im- 
possible for one to create such men as one wishes to 
have, but it is proper to employ those in existence for 
that in which each of them may be useful to the com- 
monwealth. ' '] That all his actions were prompted not 
by pretence but by real virtue is strikingly clear. He 
lived fifty-eight years, ten months, and twenty-two 
days, and of this time he had spent considerable as 

1 What this name was no one knows. Sylburgius conjectured that it 
might be JEquanimitas. 



assistant to the previous Antoninus and had himself ,-^- ^- i?9, 

1 . , -IT-. (a. 11. 933) 

been emperor mneteen years and eleven days, yet from 
first to last he remained the same and changed not a 
particle. So truly was he a good man, without any pre- 
tence about him. He was vastly helped by his educa- — 35 — 
tion, being an expert in rhetoric and in philosophical 
argument. In the one he had Cornelius Fronto and 
Claudius Herodes for teachers, and in the other, Junius 
Eusticus and ApoUonius of Nicomedea,^ both of whom 
followed Zeno's school. As a result, great numbers 
pretended to engage in philosophy, in order that they 
might be enriched by the emperor. 

After all, however, he owed his great attainments, 
chiefly to his natural disposition; for even before he 
enjoyed the society of those men he was imflinchingly 
set upon virtue. While still a boy he delighted all his 
relations, who were numerous and influential and 
wealthy, and was loved by all of them. This, most of 
all, led Hadrian to adopt him into his family, and Mar- 
cus, for his part, did not grow haughty [but, though 
young and a Caesar he dutifully played the part of 
servant to Antoninus through all the latter 's reign and 
ungrudgingly did honor to the other men of eminence. 
Before going to see his father he used to greet the most 
worthy men in the house near the Tiber where he lived, 
and in the very apartment where he slept ; and all this 
time, instead of wearing the attire allowed by his rank, 
he went dressed as a private citizen. He visited many 
who were sick and invariably met his teachers at the 
proper time. Dark garments were what he wore on 
going out when not in his father's company, and he 

1 Since Apollonius was really from Chalcedon, an error may here 
be charged to Dio'a or some one else's account. 



/■^' ^' ofo. never used the attendant for himself alone. Upon 
being appointed leader of the knights he entered the 
Forum with the rest, although he was Caesar. This 
shows how excellent was his own natural disposition, 
though it was aided to the greatest degree by educa- 
tion.] He was always steeped in Greek and Latin 
rhetorical and philosophical learning [though he had 
reached man's estate and had hopes of becoming 
emperor] . 
— 36 — Before he was made Caesar he had a dream in which 
he seemed to have shoulders and hands of ivory and to 
use them in all respects as he did his real limbs. 

As a result of his great labors and studies he was 
extremely frail in body, yet from the very start he en- 
joyed such good health that he used to fight in armor 
and on a hunt struck down wild boars while on horse- 
back. [And not only in his early youth but even later 
he wrote most of his letters to his intimate friends with 
his own hand.] However, he did not meet the good 
fortune that he deserved, for he was not strong [in 
body] and was involved in the greatest variety of 
troubles throughout practically the whole period that 
he was ruler. But I am sure I admire him all the more 
for this very reason, that amid unusual and extraordi- 
nary happenings he both himself survived and pre- 
served the empire. One thing in particular contributed 
to his lack of happiness,— the fact that after rearing 
and educating his son in the best possible way he was 
monstrously disappointed in him. This matter must 
now form the subject of our discourse, for our history 
now descends from a kingdom of gold to one of iron 
and rust,* as affairs did for the Eomans of that day. 

1 Reading xauwfiivijv (Dindorf, following Reiske). 






About Cominodus Angpistus (chapter 1). 

How Commodus made terms of peace with the Harcomani, 
the Quadi, and the Buri (chapters 2, 3) . 

Intrigues of Pompeianus against Oommodus (chapter 4) . 

About the killing of the Quintilii (chapters 5-7). 

About the war in Britain, and the captain, Ulpius Marcellus 
(chapter 8). 

How Perennis, pretorian prefect, was slain (chapters 9, 10). 

Statue erected to Victorinus (chapter 11). 

Crimes and death of Cleajider, a Caesarian (chapters 12, 13). 

Fresh assassinations occur (chapter 15). 

Commodus's titles (chapter 15). 

About the spectacles presented by Commodus, and his insolent 
behavior (chapters 16-21). 

Commodus is killed as the result of a conspiracy (chapter 

Dio begins to lay the foundations of his history (chapter 

Portents indicating the death of Commodus (chapter 24) . 


I. Fulvius Bruttius Prsesens (II), Sextus ftuintilius Con- 
dianus. (A. D. 180 =i a. u. 933 = First of Commodus, from 
March 17th.) 

Commodus Aug. (Ill), Antistius Burrus. (A. D. 181 = a. u. 
934=; Second of Commodus.) 

C. Petronius Mamertinus, Cornelius Rufus. (A. D. 182 = 
a. u. 935 =i Third of Commodus.) 

Commodus Aug. (IV), Aufidius Victorinus (II). (A. D. 183 
= a. u. 936 =: Fourth of Commodus.) 

I. Eggius MaruUus, Cn. Papirius ^lianus. (A. D. 184 = 
a. u. 937 = Fifth of Commodus.) 

Matemus, Bradua. (A. D. 185 = a. u. 938 = Sixth of Com- 

Commodus Aug. (V), Acilius Glabrio (11). (A. D. 186 = 
a. u. 939 = Seventh of Commodus.) 

Crispimis, JElianus. (A. D. 187^=; a. u. 940 = Eighth of 

C. AUius Fusoianus (II), Duillius Silanus (11). (A. D. 188 
= a. 11. 941=1 Ninth of Commodus.) 

lunius Silanus, Servilius Silanus. (A. D. 189=^8. u. 942 = 
Tenth of Commodus.) 

Commodus Aug. (VI), M. Petronius Septimianus. (A. D. 
190 — a. u. 943 =i Eleventh of Commodus.) 

Apronianus, Bradua. (A. D. 191 = a. u. 944=: Twelfth of 

Commodus Aug. (VII), P. Helvius Pertinax (II). (A. D. 192 
= a. u. 945 = Thirteenth of Commodus, to Deo. 31st.) 


This [Commodus] was not naturally wicked, but was — i — 
originally as free from taint as any man ever was. (^j' „' 933) 
His great simplicity, however, and likewise his cow- 
ardice made him a slave of his companions and it was 
through them that he first, out of ignorance, missed 
the better life and then was attracted into licentious- 
ness and bloodthirsty habits, which soon became second 
nature. [And this, I think, Marcus clearly perceived 
beforehand.] He was nineteen years old when his 
father died, leaving him many guardians, among whom 
were numbered the best men of the senate. But to 
their suggestions and counsels Commodus bade fare- 
well, and, after making a truce with the barbarians, he 
hastened to Eome. 

[For the Marcomani by reason of the number of __o_ 
their people that were perishing and the damage con- 
stantly being done to their farms no longer had either 
food or men in any numbers. Thus they sent only two 
of their foremost representatives and two others that 
were of inferior rank as envoys in regard to peace. 
And whereas he might easily have put an end to their 
resistance, he so detested exertion and was so eager 
for the comforts of city life that he made terms with 
them. Besides the conditions which his father had 
settled upon with them new ones were now imposed re- 
quiring them to restore to him the deserters and the 
captives that they took after this time and to contribute 
annually a stipulated amount of grain,— a demand 
from which he subsequently released them. He ob- 
tained some weapons from them and also soldiers,— 



,^- ^- ^?J, thirteen thousand from the Quadi and a smaller nmn- 

(o. u. 933) ^ 

ber from the Marcomani. In return for this contin- 
gent he relieved them of the requirement of an annual 
levy. However, he issued further orders that they 
should not assemble often nor in many parts of the 
country, but once each month, in one place, in the pres- 
ence of a Roman centurion ; and again, that they shoidd 
not make war upon the lazyges, the Buri, or the Van- 
dili. On these terms a reconciliation was effected and 
all the garrisons in their country beyond the detached 
border territory were abandoned 

— '3— [Commodus also granted peace to an embassy from 

the Buri. Previously he would not have it, though 
often asked, because they were strong and because 
it was not peace they wanted, but the securing of a 
respite for further preparations. Now, however, since 
they were exhausted, he made terms with them and 
accepted hostages. From the Buri he received back 
many captives and from the others^ fifteen thousand, 
and he compelled the others^ to take oath that they 
would never dweU in nor use as pasture forty stadia 
of their territory, nearest to Dacia. The same ( ?) Sabi- 
nianus also reduced twelve thousand of the neighbor- 
ing Dacians who had been driven out of their own 
country and were on the point of aiding the rest.^ He 
promised these that some land in our Dacia should be 
given them.] 

_4_ Frequent plots were formed by various persons 
against Commodus [for he did many reprehensible 
deeds] and he murdered great numbers both of men 
and of women, some openly and some by secret poison, 

1 The MS. is here very possibly corrupt. 



— in a word, practically all those who had attained emi- A. D. i8i(f) 
nence during his father's lifetime and his own. Ex- 
ceptions were Pompeianus and Pertinax and Victori- 
nus : these for some reason unknown to me he did not 
coming to Rome he had a conference with the senate, 
at which he talked a great deal of nonsense, one thing 
that he said in praise of himself being that he had once 
on horseback saved the life of his father, who had 
fallen into a deep mire. Of such a nature were his 
lofty pratings. As he was entering the hunting a. d. 182 
theatre, Claudius Pompeianus laid a snare for him. '"' "' ^^^^ 
He held up a sword in the narrow passage which 
served as an entrance and said : ' ' See, this is what the 
senate has sent you. ' ' 

This man had taken as his spouse the daughter of 
Lucilla, but had intimate relations both with the 
daughter herself and with the girl's mother; in this 
way he had become friendly with Commodus, so that 
he was his companion at banquets and in the diversions 
of youth. Lucilla, who was neither more respectable 
nor more continent than her brother Commodus, de- 
tested the girl's husband, Pompeianus. It was for this 
reason that she persuaded the aforementioned to 
undertake the attack upon Commodus, and she not only 
caused his destruction, but was herself detected and 
put out of the way. Commodus killed also Crispina, 
because he was angry with her for some act of adul- 
tery. Previous to their execution both women had 
been banished to the island of Caprea. 

There was a certain Marcia, mistress of Quadratus 



{a'. u's35) (°^^ °^ *^® ^^^ murdered at this time) and Eclectus, 
his cuMcularius: the latter became also the cubicu- 
larius of Commodus, and the former, first, the emper- 
or's mistress and later the wife of Eclectus; and she 
beheld them also perish by violence. The tradition is 
that she very much favored the Christians and did 
them many kindnesses, as she was enabled to do 
through possessing all influence with Commodus. 
— 5— Commodus kUled also Julianus [Salvius,^ and Tar- 
rutenius Paternus, who was numbered among the ex- 
consuls, aud others with them; he furthermore put to 
death some woman of the nobility.^ Yet Julianus 
after the death of Marcus could at once have done any- 
thing at all that he pleased against him, since he pos- 
sessed great renown, was in charge of a large army, 
and enjoyed the devotion of his soldiers: and he re- 
fused to make any rebellious move, both because of his 
own uprightness and because of the good will that he 
bore to Marcus, though dead. And Paternus, if he had 
plotted agaiust Commodus, as he was accused of doing, 
could easily have murdered him while he himself still 
commanded the Pretorians ; but he had not done it.] 

The emperor murdered likewise Condianus and Max- 
imus Quintilius; for they had a great reputation on 
account of education and military ability and fraternal 
harmony and wealth. Their notable talents led to the 
suspicion that, even if they were not planning any hos- 
tile movement, still they were not pleased with the 
state of affairs. Thus, even as they had lived together, 
so they died together, and one child as well. They had 
exhibited the most striking example ever seen of affec- 
tion for each other, and at no time had they been 

1 p. BaVvius Julianus. 
3VitTB8ia Faustina by name. 



divided, even in their political offices. They had grown ^- ^- i82 
prosperous and exceedingly wealthy and were wont to 
govern together and to assist each other in trying cases 
at law. 

Sextus Condianiis, son of Maximus, who surpassed — 6 — 
the generality of men in character and education, when 
he heard that sentence of death had been passed upon 
him, too, drank hare's blood (he was at that time lo- 
cated in Syria) ; and after this he mounted a horse and 
purposely fell from it. Then, as he vomited the blood 
(which was supposed to be his own), he was taken up 
in the expectation of his immediate demise and con- 
veyed into a dwelling. The man himself now disap- 
peared from view, but a ram's body was placed in a 
coffin in his place and burned. Thereafter, by con- 
stantly changing his appearance and clothing, he wan- 
dered about, now here, now there. And when this 
story was reported (for it is impossible to conceal for 
a long time so weighty a matter), there was hue and 
cry after him in every place, bar none. Many were 
punished in his stead on account of their resemblance, 
and many, too, who were alleged to have shared his 
confidences or to have received and hidden him. Sev- 
eral, moreover, who had perhaps never even seen him, 
were deprived of their property. But no one knows 
whether he was really killed (though a great number 
of heads purporting to be his were carried to Eome) 
or whether he made good his escape. 

Some other person, after the death of Commodus, 
dared to assert that Jve was Sextus and to undertake 
the recovery of his wealth and dignities. And he 

285 ' - 

— 7 — 


(o " u' 935^) played the part well while many persons asked him 
numbers of questions: when, however, Pertinax en- 
quired of him something about Grecian affairs, with 
which the real Sextus had been well acquainted, he suf- 
fered the greatest embarrassment, not being able even 
to understand what was said. [So it was that nature 
had made him like Condianus in form and practice like 
him in other ways, but he did not share in his edu- 

This matter came to my own ears, and another thing 
that I saw I shall now describe. There is in the city of 
Mallus, in CUicia, an oracle of Amphilochus, that givea 
responses by means of dreams. It had given warning 
also to Sextus, in a way that he indicated by a drawing. 
The picture that he put on a board represented a boy 
strangling two serpents and a lion pursuing a fawn. I 
was with my father, then governor of Cilicia, and could 
not comprehend what they meant until I learned that 
Sextus 's brothers had been, as it were, strangled by 
Commodus (who later emulated Hercules), just as 
Hercules, when an infant, is related to have strangled 
the serpents sent against him by Juno : similarly, the 
Quintilii were hanged ; I learned also that Sextus was 
a fugitive and was being pursued by a more powerful 

I should render my narrative unduly irksome, were 
I to set down carefully every single man put to death 
by this ruler,— all that he despatched because of false 
information, because of unjustified suspicions, because 
of notable wealth, because of distinguished family, be- 
cause of unusual education, or for any other excellence, 



[Commodus displayediin Eome itself many marks of /• -^'-il^, 
wealth, and very many more, even, of love for tlie 
beautiful. Indeed, he performed one or two acts of 
public benefit. Manilius, a kinsman of Cassius, who 
had been secretary of his Latin letters and had pos- 
sessed the greatest influence with him, was caught after 
a flight, but the emperor would not listen to a word of 
his, though he promised to lay a great deal of informa- 
tion, and burned all the conspirator's documents with- 
out reading them.] 

He had also some wars with the barbarians beyond — 8 — 
Dacia, in which Albinus and Niger, who later fought (a. u. 937) 
the emperor Severus, won fame, but the greatest con- 
flict was the one in Britain. When the tribes in the 
island, passing beyond the wall that separated them 
from the Eoman legions, proceeded to commit many 
outrages and cut down a general, together with the 
soldiers that he had, Commodus was seized with fear 
and sent Marcellus Ulpius against them. This man, 
who was temperate and frugal and always followed 
strict military rules in regard to food and all other 
details when he was at war, became in course of time 
haughty and arrogant. He was conspicuously incor- 
ruptible in the matter of bribes, but was not of a pleas- 
ant or kindly nature. He showed himself more wake- 
ful than any other general, and, as he desired his asso- 
ciates also to be alert, he wrote orders on twelve tablets 
(such as are made out of linden wood) [almost] every 
evening, and bade a man carry them to various per- 
sons at various hours, that they, believing the general 



(a u 93^-*) *° ^ always awake, might not themselves take their fill 
of sleep. Nature had made him able in the first place 
to go without sleep and he had developed this faculty a 
great deal more by abstinence from food, [Of scarcely 
anything did he eat his fill and] in order to avoid satis- 
fying his hunger even with bread he sent to Eome for 
the loaves : [this was not because he could not eat what 
was prepared in that region, but] it was done with the 
purpose that the age of the article might prevent him 
eating ever so little more than what was absolutely 
necessary. [His gums, which were sore, were easily 
made to bleed by the dryness of the bread. And he 
made it his practice to affect sleeplessness even more 
than was the case, that he might have a reputation for 
being always awake.] This was the kind of man Mar- 
cellus was, who inflicted great damage upon the barba- 
rians in Britain. Later he narrowly escaped being 
destroyed by Commodus on account of his peculiar ex- 
cellence, but was, nevertheless, released. 
— 9— Perennis, commander of the Pretorians after Pater- 

(o. «. 938) ^^s> ™^®t destruction on account of a rebellion of the 
soldiers. For, since Commodus had devoted himself 
to chariot-racing and licentiousness and paid scarcely 
any attention tO' matters pertaining to the empire, 
Perennis was compelled to manage not only military 
affairs, but everything else, and to preside over the 
government. The soldiers, accordingly, when anything 
did not go to suit them, laid the blame upon Perennis 
and cherished anger against him. 

IfThe soldiers in Britian chose Priscus, a lieutenant, emperor. But 
he deprecated their action, saying: "I am as little suited for emperor 
as you are for soldiers." 



The lieutenants in Britain had been rebuked for their , A- d. iss 

(a. i». 938) 

turbulence (indeed, they had not become quiet until 
Pertinax put a stop to their discord), and now they 
chose of their number fifteen hundred javelin-slingers, 
whom they sent into Italy. They had approached 
Eome without meeting any hindrance, when Commo- 
dus met them and enquired: "Why is this, fellow- 
soldiers? What does your presence signify?" Their 
answer was : ' ' We are here because Perennis is plot- 
ting against you, and intends to make his son em- 
peror." Commodus believed them, especially since 
Oleander dwelt at length upon the point. (The latter 
was often prevented by Perennis from doing aU that 
ho desired, and consequently entertained a bitter 
hatred for him.) Therefore he delivered the prefect 
to the soldiers of whom he was commander, and did not 
venture to despise fifteen hundred men, though he had 
many times that number of Pretorians. So Perennis 
was abused and struck down, and his wife and sister 
and two sons were also kiUed. 

Thus was he slain though he deserved a far different _ lo — 
fate both on his own account and for the interest of the 
entire Roman domain. Only, it may be remarked that 
hisi fondness for office had been the chief cause of the 
ruin of his colleague Patemus. Privately he was 
never remotely concerned about either fame or wealth, 
but lived a most incorruptible and temperate life, and 
for Commodus he preserved his empire ia entire 
safety. [For the emperor whoUy followed his amuse- 
ments and gave himself over to chariot-driving and 

cared not a whit for any political interests; nor, in- 
voL. 5 — 19. 289 


-'^- ^-2^^, deed, had he eivcB his mind to the matter ever so zeal- 

(a. M. 938) ' ° 

ously, could he have accomplished aught by reason, of 
his luxurious living and inexperience.] 

And the Csesarians, having got rid of this man, with 
Oleander at their head entered upon every form of out- 
rage, selliag all privileges, doing violence, plunging 
into licentiousness. 

Commodus during most of his life was given to idle- 
ness and horses and battles of beasts and of men. 
Aside from his performances at home he despatched 
many beasts in public and many men on many occa- 
sions. With his own hands and without assistance he 
gave the finishing stroke to five hippopotami at one time 
and to two elephants on separate days. Moreover, he 
killed rhinoceroses and a camelopard. This is what 
I have to say in general with reference to his whole 
— 11— To Victorinus, prefect of the city, a statue was 
granted [He died not as the victim of a plot. At 
one time what might be called a loud rumor and many 
reports were circulating in regard to his destruction] 
and, though Commodus frequently wished to get him 
out of the way, he still kept putting it off and shrinking 
from the deed until the man grew very bold, and one 
day approaching Perennis said: "I hear that you wish 
to kill me. Why then do you delay ? Why do you put 
it off, when you might do it this very day? " [But not 
even this caused him, to suffer any harm at the hands 
of any one else; it was a self-sought death that he 
suffered, and the fact seems strange, inasmuch as he 
had been honored among the foremost men by Marcus 



and in mental excellence and forensic eloquence stood ,-^- ^■}}^, 

^ (o. u. 938) 

second to none of his contemporaries. Indeed, by 
mentioning two incidents ia Ms history I shall reveal 
his whole character.] 

Once, when he was governor of Germany, he at first 
attempted by private persuasion indoors to induce 
his lieutenant not to accept bribes. As the latter 
would not listen to him, he mounted the tribunal and 
[after bidding the herald proclaim him] took oath that 
he had never received bribes and never would receive 
any. Next he bade his under-officer also take oath; 
and when this person refused to perjure himself, he 
ordered him to be dismissed from office. [And later 
as commandant of Africa he had am associate of sim- 
ilar character to the man just mentioned. He did not, 
to be sure, treat him in the same way, but put him 
aboard a boat and sent him back to Rome.] This is 
the kind of man Victorinus was. 

As for Oleander, who after Perennis possessed —12 — 
greatest influence, he had been sold along with his 
fellow-slaves and had been brought to Eome along 
with them for the purpose of carrying burdens. Asi 
time went on he attained such prominence that he slept 
before the chamber of Oommodus, married the em- 
peror's concubine Damostratia, and put to death 
Saoterus of Mcomedea (who had held the position be- 
fore him) besides many others. Yet this victim had 
also possessed very great influence, so that the Nico- 
medeans obtained from the senate the right of holding 
a series of games and of building a temple to Oom- 
modus. At any rate, Oleander, raised to greatness by; 



u'u's38) ^® power of Fortune, granted and sold senatorships, 
praetorships, procuratorships, leaderships,— in a word, 
everything. Some by expending all that they possessed 
had finally become senators. It came to be said of 
Julius Solon (an exceedingly obscure man) that he had 
been deprived of his property and banished to the 

A. D. 189 senate. Not only did Oleander do this, but he ap- 

{a. u. 942) _ •' . 

pointed twenty-five consuls for one year, — something 
which never occurred before or after. One of those 
consuls was Severus, who later became emperor. The 
man obtained money, therefore, from every quarter 
and amassed more wealth than had ever yet belonged 
to those nominated cubicularii. A great deal of it he 
gave to Oommodus and his concubines and a great deal 
of it he spent on houses, baths, and other works useful 
to individuals and to cities. 

This Oleander, who had soared to so exalted, a 
height, himself fell suddenly and perished in dishonor. 
It was not the soldiers that killed him, as they had 
Perennis, but the populace. There occurred a real 
and pressing famine, which was increased to the ut- 
most severity by Papirius Dionysius, the grain com- 
missioner, in order that Oleander, whose thefts would 
seem as much responsible for it as any cause, might 
both incur hatred and suffer destruction at the hands 
of the Romans. So it fell out. There was a horse-race 
on, and as the horses were about to contend for the 
seventh time a crowd of children ran into the race 
course, at their head a tall and sturdy maiden. As a 
result of what subsequently happened she was deemed 


— 13 — 


by people to have been a divinity. The children shouted ^- D- i89 

■^. •' (a. u. 942) 

many wild words of complaint, wMcli the people took 
np again and began to bawl anything that came into 
their heads. Finally, the throng jumped down and 
started to find Commodus (who was then in the Quin- 
tilian suburb), invoking many blessings on his head 
but many curses upon Oleander. The latter sent 
some soldiers against them, who wounded and killed a 
few, but encouraged by their numbers and the strength 
of the Pretorians they became still more urgent. They 
drew near to Commodus before information reached 
him from any source of what was going on. Then the 
famous Marcia, wife of Quadratus, brought him. the 
news. And Commodus was so terrified, — he was 
always the veriest coward,— that he at once ordered 
Cleander to be slain and also his child, who was in 
Commodus 's hands to be reared. The child was dashed 
to the earth and perished, and the Romans, taking the 
body of Cleander, dragged it away and abused it and 
carried his head all about the city on a pole. They also 
wounded some other men who had possessed great 
power during his ascendancy. 

Commodus, taking a respite from his lusts and 
sports, developed a taste for blood and proceeded to 
compass the death of distinguished men. Among these 
was Julianus the prefect, whom he used to embrace and 
caress in public and saluted as " father." Another 
was Julius Alexander, who was executed for having 
brought down a lion by a lucky cast of his javelin while 
on horseback.^ This victim, on becoming aware of the 

iBoissevain suggests that the "Roman Hercules" perhaps feared 
that Alexander might diminish his glory. 


•14 — 


,^^ ^'^l?? presence of his assassins, murdered them by night and 

(o. u. 942) _ ' . . 

likewise put out of the way all his own enemies at 
Emesa, his native town. After doing this he mounted 
a horse and started toward the barbarians; and he 
would have escaped, had he not carried a favorite 
along with him. He was himself a most excellent 
horseman, but he would not think of abandoning the 
lad, who was tired out, and so when he was being over- 
taken he killed both the boy and himself. Dionysius, 
too, the grain commissioner, met his death by the 
orders of Commodus. 

Moreover, a pestilence, as great as any I know, took 
place, for it should be noted that two thousand persons 
several times died in Eome on a single day. Many 
more, not merely in the capital but throughout almost 
the entire empire, perished by the hands of scoundrels, 
who smeared some deadly drugs on tiny needles, and, 
for pay, infected men with the poison by means of these 
instruments. The same thing had happened before in 
the reign of Domitian.^ ' But the death of these unfor- 
tunates was not regarded as of any importance. 
— 15 — StUl, the effect of Commodus upon the Romans was 

A D. 190 

(o. u. 943) worse than that of all pestilences and all villanies. 
One feature was that whatever honors they were wont 
to vote to his father out of pure regard they were com- 
pelled by fear and by strict injunction to assign also 
to the son. He gave orders that Rome itself be called 
Commodiana, the legions " Commodian," and the day 
on which this measure was voted " Commodiana." 

1 See Book Sixty-seven, chapter 11. 



Upon himself he bestowed, in addition to very many z^- ^- J|° 
other titles, that of Hercules. Eome he termed ' ' the 
Immortal," '* the Fortunate," " the Universal Colony 
of the Earth " (for he wished it to seem a settlement 
of his own). In his honor a gold statue was erected 
of a thousand pounds' weight, together with a bull and 
a cow. Finally, all the months were likewise called 
after him, so that they were enumerated as follows: 
Amazonian, Invincible, Fortunate, Pious, Lucius, 
^lius, Aurelius, Commodus, August, Herculean, 
Roman, Transcendent. For he had assumed these 
different names at different times. "Amazonian" 
and ' ' Transcendent, ' ' however, he applied exclusively 
to himself, to indicate that in absolutely every respect 
he unapproachably surpassed all mankind. So ex- 
travagantly did the wretch rave. And to the senate he 
would send a despatch couched in these terms: 
" Caesar Imperator, Lucius ^Elius Aurelius Commo- 
dus, Augustus, Pius, Beatus, Sarmaticus, Germanious, 
Maximus, Britannicus, Peacemaker of the World, 
Invincible, Roman Hercules, High Priest, Holder of 
Tribunician Authority for the eighteenth term, Impera- 
tor for the eighth time. Consul for the seventh time, 
Father of the Fatherland, to consuls, praetors, 

tribunes and the Commodian Fortunate Senate, Greet- 
ing. ' ' Great numbers of statues were erected display- 
ing him in the garb of Hercules. And it was voted 
that his age should be called the " Golden Age " and 
that entries to correspond with this should in every 
case be made ia the records. 



~^®~ Now this Golden One, this Hercules, this Grod (such: 

A. D. 190 

(a. M. 943) was another designation of his) one day in the after- 
noon rode suddenly from the suburb® with haste into 
Rome and conducted thirty horse-races in two hours. 
These proceedings had much to do with his running 
short of money. He was also fond of bestowing gifts 
and frequently presented the populace with one hun- 
dred and forty denarii apiece. But most of his expendi- 
tures were for the ob j ects that I have mentioned. [ So it 
was that neither his general income nor what was pro- 
vided by Oleander (though incalculable in amount) 
sufficed him, and he was compelled to bring charges 
against both women and mem,— charges not serious 
enough for capital punishment but prolific in threats 
and terror.] Some of these persons he murdered, to 
others he sold preservation in return for their prop- 
erty [and got something from them by constraint under 
the pretence that it was a voluntary offering]. And 
finally on his birthday he ordered us, our wives, and 
our children each to contribute two aurei [a year as] 
a kind of first-fruits, and the senators in all the other 
cities five denarii per head. [Of this, too, he saved not 
the smallest part, but spent it all disgracefully on 
— '^'^— beasts and gladiators.] In public he nowhere drove 

(a. u. 945) chariots except sometimes on a moonless night. He 
became very desirous to play the character also in pub- 
lic, but, being ashamed to be seen doing this, he kept it 
up constantly at home, wearing the Green uniform. 
Beasts, moreover, in large numbers were slaughtered 
at his house and many also in public. Again, he would 



contend as gladiator: (at home lie killed a man in this ,-^- ^- }??, 

° ^ (a. u. 945) 

way, and, m pretendmg to shave others, mstead of 
taking off the hairs he sliced off one man's nose, an- 
other's ears, and some other feature of a third;) but 
in public his contests -were^ minus the steel and human 
blood. Before entering the theatre he would put on 
a cleeved tonic of silk, white interwoven with gold, and 
we greeted him standing there in this attire. When he 
actually went in he donned a pure purple dress 
sprinkled with gold, assuming also a similar chlamys 
of Greek pattern and a crown made of Indic gems and 
gold, and carried such a herald's staff as Mercury does. 
The lion skin and club were carried before him along 
the streets, and at the theatres were invariably placed 
on a gilded chair, whether he was present or absent. 
He himself would enter the theatre* in the garb of 
Mercury, and casting off everything else begin his per- 
formance in simple tunic and unshod. On the first day 
he individually killed a hundred bears by shooting 
down at them from the top of the elevated circle. The 
whole theatre had been divided up by some diameters 
built in, which supported a circular roof and intersected 
each other, the object being that the beasts, divided 
into four herds, might be more easUy speared at short 
range from aniy point. In the midst of the struggle he 
grew weary, and taking from a woman some sweet 
wine cooled in a club-shaped cup drank it down at a 
gulp. At this both the populace and we on the instant 
all shouted this phrase, common at drinking bouts: 
' ' Long life to you ! ' ' 
Let no one think that I sully the dignity of history; 

1 It is juat barely possible that the original gave some different ideal 
from "hia contests were" (ep. the text of Boissfie). 


— 18 — 


in noting down sucli happenings^ In general I should 
have preferred not to mention it, but since it was one 
of the emperor's acts and I was myself present, taking 
part in everything seen and heard and spoken, I have 
judged it proper to suppress none of the details, but 
to hand them down to the attention of those who shall 
live hereafter, just as I should do in the case of any- 
thing else especially great and important. And, in- 
deed, all the remaining events that took place m my 
lifetime I shall polish and elaborate more than earlier 
occurrences for the reason that my evidence is that of 
a contemporary and I know no one else who has my 
ability at reducing notable things to writing that has 
studied them so exhaustively as I. 

It was on the first day, then, that this took place. On 
the others he frequently went down from the raised, 
section to the bottom of the circle and slaughtered all 
the tame animals that he approached, some of them 
also being led to him or brought before him in nets. 
He also killed a tiger, a hippopotamus, and an ele- 
phant. After accomplishing this, he retired, but at the 
conclusion of breakfast fought again as a gladiator. 
The form of fighting which he practiced and the armor 
which he used was that pertaining to the so-called 
secutor: in his right hand he held the shield and in his 
left the wooden sword. He prided himself very 
greatly upon being left-handed. His antagonist -^ould 
be some professional athlete, or, perhaps, gladiator, 
with a cane; this was sometimes a man that the em- 
peror himself challenged and sometimes one that the 
people chose. In this and other matters he acted the 
same way as the other gladiators, except that they go 



in for a very small sum, wliereas Commodua had ^- ^- ^^^ 

. [a. u. 945) 

twenty-five myriads from the gladiatorial fund given 
him each day. There stood beside him during the con- 
test ^milius Lsetus, the prefect, and Eclectus, his 
cubicularius. He went through a skirmish, and, of 
course, conquered, and then, just as he was, he kissed 
them^ with his helmet on. After this the rest did some 
fighting.— The first day he personally paired all the 
combatants, either down below, where he wore all the 
attire of Mercury, including a gilded wand, or else 
from his place on the elevated platform; and we took 
his proceeding as an omen. Later he ascended his cus- 
tomary seat and from that point viewed the remainder 
of the spectacle with us. Nothing more was done that 
resembled child's play, but great numbers of men were 
killed. At one place somebody delayed about slaying 
and he fastened the various opponents together and 
bade them all fight at once. At that the men so bound 
struggled one against another and some killed those 
who did not belong to their group, since the numbers 
and the limited space had brought them into proximity. 

That spectacle as here described lasted fourteen —20 — 
days. While the contests were going on we senators 
invariably attended, along with the knights, save that 
Claudius Pompeianus the elder never appeared, but 
sent his sons, remaining away himself. He chose 
rather to be put to death for this than to behold the 
child of Marcus as emperor conducting himself so.— 
Besides all the rest that we did, we shouted whatever 
we were bidden and this sentence continuously: " Thou 
art lord, and thou art foremost, of all most fortunate : 

1 Supplying oo? (after Eeimar). 



thou dost conquer, thou shalt conquer; from everlast- 
ing, Amazonian, thou dost conquer! " 

Of the rest of the people many did not even enter the 
theatre and some managed to steal out quietly, for they 
were partly ashamed of what was being done and 
partly afraid. A story was current that he would like 
to shoot a few of them as Hercules had the Stympha- 
lian birds. This story was believed, too, because once 
he had gathered all the men in the city who by disease- 
or some other calamity had lost their feet, had fastened 
some dragon's extremities about their knees, and after 
giving them sponges to throw instead of stones had 
killed them with blows of a club, on the pretence that 
they were giants. 

This fear was shared by all, both us and the rest. 
Here is another way in which he menaced us sena- 
tors,— an act which he certainly expected would be 
the death of us. He had killed an ostrich, and cutting 
off its head he came toward where we were sitting. In 
his left hand he held the spoils and in the right 
stretched aloft his bloody sword. He spoke not a 
word, but with a grin wagged his head to and fro, in- 
timating that he would subject us to this same treat- 
ment. And many on the spot would have perished by 
the sword for laughing at him (for it was laughter and 
not grief that overcame us), had I not myself chewed 
a laurel leaf, which I got from my garland, and brought 
the rest who were sitting near me to mxmch similar 
sprigs, so that in the constant motion of our jaws we 
might conceal the fact that we were laughing. After 
this occurrence he raised our spirits, since before fight- 
ing again as a gladiator he bade us enter the theatre^ 



in the equestrian garb and with woolen cloaks. (This ^- d. 192 
was something we never do when going into the theatre 
unless some emperor has passed away.) And on the 
last day his helmet was carried out by the gates 
through which the dead are taken out. That made us 
all without exception think that he was surely about to 
meet his end in some way. 

And he did die (or rather was despatched) before a —22 — 
great while. Lsetus and Eclectus, displeased at the 
way he acted, and moreover filled with fear at the 
threats he uttered against them when he was checked 
in any of his whims, formed a plot against him. Corn- 
modus was anxious to slay both the consuls (Erucius 
Claras and Sosius Falco) and on the first of the month 
to issue as consul and secutor at once from the place 
where the gladiators are kept. He had the first cell in 
their quarters, as if he were one of them. Let no one 
be incredulous about this, for he even cut off the head 
of the Colossus and put one of his own there instead ; 
and then, having given it a club and placed a bronze 
lion at its feet so as to make it look like Hercules, he 
inscribed, besides the titles that belonged to him, also 
this sentence: " First of secutors to engage; the only 
left-handed fighter that has conquered twelve times "— 
I think it is —"a thousand." 

was written by Lucius Commodus Hercules, 

and upon it was inscribed tlie well-known couplet, viz. : 

" Hercules I, Jove's son. Lord of Fair Fame, 
Not Lucius, howsoe'er constrained thereto." 

For these reasons Lsetus and Eclectus, making Mar- 
cia their confidante, attacked him. At night on the last 
day of the year, when people were busy with merry- 



■^- ^- j^^2 making, they had Marcia administer poison to him in 
cooked beef. The wine he had consumed and his 
always immoderate use of the baths kept him from 
succumbing at once, and instead he vomited; this 
caused him to suspect the attempt and he uttered some 
threats. Then they sent Narcissus, an athlete, to him 
and had this man strangle him in the midst of a bath. 
This was the end that Commodus met after ruling 
twelve years, nine months, and fourteen days. He had 
lived thirty-one years and four months, and with him 
the imperial house of the true Aurelii ceased. 

— 23 — After this there occurred most violent wars and fac- 
tional disturbances. The compilation of facts in this 
work of mine has been due to the following chance. I 
had written and published a book about the dreams and 
signs which caused Severus to expect the imperial 
power; and he, happening to look at a copy that was 
sent him by me, wrote me a long and complimentary 
acknowledgment. This letter I received about night- 
fall and soon after went to sleep. And in my slumbers 
Heaven commanded me that a history be written. So 
it came about that I wrote the narrative with which I 
am at this moment concerned. And because it pleased' 
Severus himself and other people very much, I then' 
conceived a desire to compile a record of all other mat- 
ters of Koman interest. Therefore I decided no longer 
to leave that treatise as a separate composition, but to 
incorporate it in this present history, in order that in 
one undertaking I might write positively everything 
from the beginning as far as Fortune sees fit to permit. 



I have obtained this goddess, it appears, as the guide /• ^; g^^^ 
of the conduct of my life, and therefore I am depend- 
ent on her entirely : she gives me strength for my his- 
torical research when I am respectful and subdued 
before her, and wins me back to work by means of 
dreams when I am discouraged and give up the task : 
she grants me delightful hopes in regard to the future, 
that time will allow this history to survive and never 
Jet its brightness be dimmed. To gather an account of 
everything done by the Eomans from the beginning 
until the death of Severus has taken me ten years, and 
to arrange it in literary form twelve years more. The 
rest will be written as opportunity offers. 

Prior to the death of Commodus there were the fol- — al- 
lowing signs. Many ill-boding eagles wandered about 
the Capitol uttering cries that portended naught of 
peace, and an owl hooted there. A fire, starting by ^a, u.' 944) 
night in some dwelling, laid hold of the temple of 
Peace and spread to the stores of Egyptian and 
Arabian wares : then, leaping to a great height, it en- 
tered the palace and burned a very large portion of it, 
so that the documents belonging to the empire almost 
all perished. This as much as anything made it clear 
that the injury would not stop in the City but extend 
over the entire civilized world. The conflagration 
could not be extinguished by human hands, although 
great numbers of civilians and great numbers of sol- 
diers were carrying water and Commodus himself came 
from the suburbs to cheer them on. Only after it had 
destroyed everything on which it had fastened did it 
spend its force and reach a limit. 





VOL. 5 — 20 305 

Fertinax, through the agency of Eclectus and Lsetus, is cre- 
ated emperor by the soldiers and by the senate (chapter 1). 

Commodus is declared an enemy and is made a subject for 
jest (chapter 2). 

Kindness of Fertinax toward Fompeianus, Glabrio, and the 
senators (chapter 3) . 

Omens portending supreme power for him (chapter 4). 

Fertinax reforms pernicious practices: he sells Commodus's 
apparatus of licentiousness (chapter 5, 6) . 

His moderation with regard to his own family (chapter 7) . 

At the instigation of Lsetus Falco the consul is slated for 
emperor (chapter 8). 

Death of Fertinax Augustus (chapter 9, 10) . 

Flavins Sulpicianus and JuUanus strive in outbidding each 
other for the sovereignty (chapter 11). 

Julianus is made emperor contrary to the wishes of the senate 
and the Boman people (chapters 12, 13) . 

About the three leaders, Severus, Niger, Albinus (chapter 14). 

Severus forms an alliance with Albinus and proceeds against 
Julianus (chapter 15). 

Julianus, in the midst of laughable preparations, is killed by 
order of the senate (chapters 16, 17) . 

DURATION OP TIME, five months (from the Calends of Janu- 
ary to the Calends of June), in -which the following were 

1. Quintus Sosius Falco, C. Erucius Clams. 

2. Flavins Sulpicianus, Fabius Cilo Septiminus (from the 
Calends of Karch) . 

3. Silius Messala (from the Calends of Hay). (A. D. 193 
=3 a. u. 946.) 


Pertinax was one of those men to whom no exception ~^ ~gj 
can be taken, but he ruled only for an exceedingly brief (»• «• 9*6) 
space of time and was then put out of the way by the 
soldiers. While the fate of Commodus was still a 
secret the party of Eclectus and Lsetus came to him and 
acknowledged^ what had been done. On accoimt of his 
excellence and reputation they were glad to select him. 
He, after seeing them and hearing their story, sent his 
most trustworthy comrade to view the body of Com- 
modus. When the man confirmed the report of the 
act, he was then conveyed secretly into the camp and 
caused the soldiers consternation; but through the 
presence of the adherents of Lsetus and by means of 
promises^ to give them three thousanid denarii per man, 
he won them over. They would certainly have re- 
mained content, had he not phrased the conclusion of 
his speech somewhat as follows : ' ' There are many un- 
pleasant features, fellow-soldiers, in the present sit- 
uation, but the rest with your help shall be set right 
again. ' ' On hearing this they took occasion to suspect 
that all the irregular privileges granted them by Corn- 
modus would be abolished. Though irritated, they 
nevertheless remained quiet, concealing their anger. 

On leaving the fortifications he came to the senate- 
house while it was still night, and after greeting us (so 
far as a man might approach him in the midst of such 
a jostling throng) he said ia an impromptu way: " I 

lEeading i/i-ijvuaav (Dindorf, after H. Stephanus). 
aKeading iTtriyyeikaTo (Dindorf, after Bekker). 



A. D. 193 liave been named emperor by the soldiers; however, I 
don't desire the oflBce and am going to resign it this 
very day becanse of my age and health and the unpleas- 
ant condition of affairs." This was no sooner said 
than we gave the selection our genuine approbation 
and chose him in veiry truth ; for he was noble in spirit 
and strong in body, except that he walked a little lame. 
— 3— In this way was Pertinax declared emperor and 
Commodus an enemy, while both senate and people de- 
nounced the latter long and savagely. They desired to 
hale away his body and tear it limb from limb, as they 
did his images ; but, when Pertinax told them that the 
corpse had already been interred, they spared his re- 
mains but glutted their rage on his representations, 
calling him all sorts of names. But " Commodus " or 
' ' emperor ' ' were two that no one applied to him. In 
stead, they termed him " wretch " and " tyrant," add- 
ing in jest titles; like "the gladiator," "the char- 
ioteer, " " the left-handed, " " the ruptured man. ' ' To 
the senators, who had been excited most by fear of 
Commodus, the crowd called out: " Huzza, huzza, you 
are saved, you have conquered ! ' ' AU the shouts that 
they had been accustomed to raise with a kind of 
rhythmic swing to pay court to Commodus in the 
theatres they now chanted metamorphosed into the 
most ridiculous nonsense. Since they had got rid of one 
ruler, and as yet had nothing to fear from his suc- 
cessor, they made the most of their freedom in the 
intervening time and secured a reputation for frank- 
ness by their fearlessness. They were not satisfied 
merely to be relieved of further terror, but desired to 
show their courage by wanton insolence. 



Pertinax was a Ligurian from Alba Pompeia; his ^""^ Y93 
father was not of noble birth and he himself had just {a. u. 946) 
enough literary training for ordinary needs. Under 
these conditions he had become an associate of Claudius 
Pompeianus, through whose influence he had become a 
commander in the cavalry, and had reached such a 
height that he now came to be emperor over his former 
friend. And I at that time, during the reign of Per- 
tinax, saw Pompeianus for the first and last occasion. 
He was wont to live mostly in the country on account 
of Commodus [and very seldom came down to the 
city], making his age and a disease of the eyes hia 
excuse [and he had never before, when I was present, 
entered the senate] . Moreover, after Pertinax he was 
always ill. [During his reign he saw and was well* 
and advised.] Pertinax honored him mightUy in every 
way and in the senate made him take the seat beside 
him. [The same privilege he accorded also to Acilius 
Glabrio. This man, too, at that period both heard and 
saw. It was to these, then, that he granted such sur- 
passing honor.] Toward us also he behaved in a very 
sociable way. He was easy of access, listened read- 
ily to any one's request, and cordially answered as he 
thought right. Again, he gave us banquets marked by 
moderation. Whenever he failed to invite us., he would 
send to various persons various foods, even the least 
costly. For this the wealthy and vainglorious made 
great sport of him, but the rest of us, who valued ex- 
cellence above debauchery, approved his course. 

[Public opinion regarding Pertinax was so different (—a—) 

1 Reading cjojooj TO (Dindorf). 


— 4 — 


,^- '^•}^^, from that in the case of Commodus that those who 

{a. u. 946) 

heard what had happened, suspecting that this story 
had been spread by Commodus to test them, in several 
instances (governors of provinces being particularly 
involved) imprisoned the men who brought the news. 
It was not that they did not wish it to be true, but they 
were more afraid of seemiiig to have helped destroy 
Commodus than of not attaching themselves to Perti- 
nax. For under the latter one who even committed an 
error of this kind might still breathe freely, but under 
the former not even a faultless person could feel safe.] 
While he was still in Britain, after that great revolt 
which he quelled, and was being accorded praise on all 
sides, a horse named Pertinax won a race at Rome. It 
belonged to the Greens and was picked as a winner by 
Commodus. So, when its partisans raised a great 
shout, proclaiming " It is Pertinax," the others, their 
opponents, in disgust at Commodus likewise prayed 
(speaking with reference to the man, not the horse) : 
' ' Would that it might be so ! " Later, when this same 
horse by reason of age had given up racing and was 
in the country, it was sent for by Commodus, who 
brought it into the hippodrome, gilded its hoofs, and 
adorned its back with a gUded skin. And people sud- 
denly seeing it cried out again: "It is Pertinax!" 
The very expression was itself ominous, since it oc- 
curred at the last horse-race that year, and immedi- 
ately after it the sovereignty passed to Pertinax. A 
similar import was attached to the club, for Commodus 
when about to fight on the final day had given it to 



It was in this way tliat Pertinax came into power. .~^T„, 
He obtained all the proper titles and a new one for (a. u. 946) 
wishing to be democratic. That is, he was named 
Princeps Senatus, according to ancient custom. He at 
once reduced to order everything that was previ- 
ously irregular and lacking in discipline. He showed 
in his capacity of emperor kiadliness and uprightness, 
unimpeachable management, and a most careful con- 
sideration for the public welfare. Pertinax did every- 
thing, in fact, that a good emperor should do, and he 
removed the stigma of disgrace from the memories of 
those who had been unjustly put to death ; moreover, he 
took oath that he would never sanction such a penalty. 
Immediately some recalled their relatives and some 
their friends with tears and joy at once ; formerly not 
even these exhibitions of emotion were allowed. 
After this they exhumed the bodies, some of which 
were found entire and some in fragments, according as 
decay and time had caused each of them to fare, and 
they gave them decent treatment and deposited them 
in their ancestral tombs. 

At this time the treasury was suffering from such 
lack of funds that only twenty-five myriad denarii 
could be found. Pertinax therefore had difficulty in 
raising money from the images and the arms, the 
horses and the trappings, and the favorites of Corn- 
modus, but gave to the Pretorians all that he had 
promised and to the people one hundred denarii apiece. 
All the articles that Commodus had gathered by way 
of luxury and for armed combats and for chariot driv- 
ing were exposed in the auction-room^ the priucipal 



A. D. 193 object sough.t beinff their sale, thonarb tbere was a fur- 

(a. u. 946) " . JO 

ther mtention tO' show wbat were the late emperor's 
deeds and practices aud to ascertain who would pur- 
chase such articles. 
— 6 — Laetus consistently spoke well of Pertinax and abused 
Conunodus [relating all the latter 's evil deeds]. 

He^ summoned some barbarians that had received a 
large sum of gold coin from Commodus in return for 
preservation of peace (the party was already on the 
road) and demanded its return, saying: " Tell your 
people that Pertinax is ruler." The foreigners knew 
his name very well as a result of the reverses they had 
suffered when he made a campaign against them with 
Marcus.— Let me tell you another similar act of his 
intended to cast reflections upon Commodus. He found 
that some filthy clowns and buffoons, disgusting in ap- 
pearance, with still more disgusting names and habits, 
had been made extremely wealthy by Commodus on 
account of their wantonness and licentiousness; ac- 
cordingly, he made public their titles and the amounts 
they had acquired. The former caused laughter and 
the latter wrath and grief, for there were some of 
them that possessed just the sums for which the 
emperor had slain numbers of senators. However, 
Lsetus did not remain permanently loyal to Pertinax, or 
perhaps we might even say not for a moment. Since 
he did not get what he wanted, he proceeded to incite 
the soldiers against him (as wUl be related). 
_7— Pertinax appointed as prefect of the city his father- 
in-law. Flavins Sulpicianus, a man who in any case de- 

1 Pertinax is meant. 



served the position. Yet he was unwUlinff to make his ,^- ^- i^' 

(o. u. 946) 

Wife Augusta or his sou Caesar, though we voted him 
permission'. He rejected emphatically each proposi- 
tion, whether because he had not yet firmly rooted his 
own power, or because he did not choose to let his un- 
chaste consort sully the name of Augusta. As for his 
son, who was still a child, he did not care to have him 
spoiled by the dignity^ and the hope implied in the 
name before he should be educated. Indeed, he would 
not even bring him up in the palace, but on the very 
first day of his sovereignty he put aside everything 
that had belonged to him previously and divided it 
between his children — he had also a daughter — and 
gave orders that they should live at their grandfather's 
house ; there he visited them occasionally in the capac- 
ity of father and not of emperor. 

Now, since the soldiers were no. longer allowed to — 8 — 
plunder nor the Csesarians to indulge their licentious- 
ness, they hated him bitterly. The Caesarians at- 
tempted no revolt, because they were unarmed, but the 
Pretorian soldiers and Lsetus formed a plot against 
him. In the first place they selected Falco the consul 
for emperor, because he was prominent for both wealth 
and family, and purposed to bring him to the camp 
while Pertinax was at the coast investigating the corn 
supply. The latter, learning of the plan, returned in 
haste to the City, and coming before the senate said : 
" You should not be ignorant, Conscript Fathers, that 
though I found but twenty-five myriad denarii, I have 
distributed as much to the soldiers as did Marcus and 

1 Heading oyxm (Reimar) for the MS. 8px<p. 



/^' ^'n^o^^ Lucius, to whom were left sixty-seven tliousand five 
hundred myriads. It is the surprising Csesarians who 
have been responsible for this deficiency of funds." 
Pertinax told a lie when he said that he had bestowed 
upon the soldiers an equal amount with Lucius and 
Marcus; for the one had given them about five thou- 
sand and the other about three thousand denarii apiece. 
The soldiers and the Caesarians, who were present in 
the senate in great numbers, became mightily indignant 
and muttered dangerously. But as we were about to 
condemn Falco [and were already declaring him an 
enemy] Pertinax rose and cried out: " Heaven forbid 
that any sena:tor, while I am ruler, be put to death even 
for a just cause !" [And in this way Falco 's life was 
saved, and thenceforth he lived iu the country, pre- 
serving a cautious and respectful demeanor.] 

But Laetus, using Falco as a starting point, de- 
stroyed many of the soldiers on the pretence that the 
emperor ordered it. The rest, when they became 
aware of it, were afraid that they should perish, too, 
and raised a tumult. Two hundred bolder than their 
mates invaded the palace with drawn swords. Perti- 
nax had no warning of their approach until they had 
got upstairs. Then his wife rushed in and informed 
him what had happened. On learning this he behaved 
in a way which one may call noble or senseless or how- 
ever one pleases. For, whereas he might probably 
have killed his assailants (since he had the night-guard 
and the cavalry by to protect him and there were also 
many other people in the palace at the time), or might 
at any rate have concealed himself and made his es- 




cape to som© place or other, and might have closed ,^'^'g^Q) 
the doors of the palace and the other intervening 
doors, he, nevertheless, adopted neither alternative. 
Instead, hoping to awe them by his presence and thus 
gain a hearing and persuade them to their duty, he 
confronted the approaching band, which was already 
indoors. Noi one of their fellow soldiers had barred the 
way, and the porters and other CsBsarians so far from 
making any door fast had opened absolutely all the 
entrances. The soldiers, seeing him, at first were — lo — 
abashed, save one, and rested their eyes on the floor 
and began thrusting their swords back into their scab- 
bards. But the one exception leaped forward, exclaim- 
ing: " This sword the soldiers have sent you," and 
forthwith made a dash at him, striking him a blow. 
Then his comrades did not restrain themselves and 
felled their emperor together with Eclectus. The lat- 
ter alone had not deserted him and defended him as 
far as he was able, even to the extent of wounding sev- 
eral. Wherefore I, who still earlier believed that ho 
had shown himself a man of worth, now thoroughly ad- 
mired him. The soldiers cut off the head of Pertinax 
and stuck it on a spear, glorying in the deed. Thus 
did Pertinax, who^ undertook to restore everything ini 
a brief interval, meet his end. He did not comprehend, 
though a well trained man of affairs, that it is impos- 
sible with safety to reform everything at once, but that 
the constitution of a government requires, if anything 
does, both time and wisdom. He had lived sixty-seven 
years lacking four months and three days. He had 
reigned eighty-seven days. 



r D^ 193 When the fate of Pertinax was reported, some ran to 
(a. «. 946) their homes and. some to those of the soldiers, and paid 
heed to their own safety. It happened that Sulpi- 
cianus had been despatched by Pertiaax to the camp 
to set in order matters there, and he consequently 
stayed there and took action looking to the appoint- 
ment of an emperor. But there was a certain Didius 
Julianus [of senatorial rank but eccentric character], 
an insatiate money-getter and reckless spender, always 
anxious for a change in the government, who on ac- 
count of the last named proclivity had been driven out 
by Commodus to hisi own' city, Mediolanum. He, accord- 
ingly, on hearing of the death of Pertinax, hastily made 
his way to the camp, and standing near the gates of the 
fort made offers to the soldiers in regard to the Roman 
throne. Then ensued a most disgraceful affair and one 
unworthy of Rome. For just as is done in some market 
and auction-room, both the city and her whole empire 
were bid off. The sellers were the people who had 
killed their emperor, and the would-be buyers were 
Sulpicianus and Julianus, who vied to outbid each 
other, one from within, the other from without. By 
their increases they speedily reached the sum of five 
thousand denarii per man. Some of the guard kept re- 
porting and saying to Julianus : ' ' Sulpicianus is will- 
ing to give so much; now what will you add? " And 
again to Sulpicianus : " Julianus offers so much; how 
much more do you make it? " Sulpicianus would have 
won the day, since he was inside and was prefect of 
the city and was the first to say five thousand, had not 
Julianus raised his bid, and no longer by small degrees 



but by twelve hundred and fifty denarii at once, which ,^- ^- „\^3 

•' ' (o. «. 946) 

he offered with a great shout, indicating the amount 
likewise on his fingers. Captivated by the difference 
and at the same time through fear that Sulpicianus 
might avenge Pertinax (an idea that Julianus put into 
their heads) they received the highest bidder inside 
and designated him emperor. 

So toward evening the new ruler turned his steps —12 — 
with speed toward the Forum and senate-house. He 
was escorted by a vast number of Pretorians with 
numerous standards as if prepared for action, his 
object being to scare both us and the populace and 
thereby secure our allegiance. The soldiers called him 
* ' Commodus, ' ' and exalted him in various other ways. 
As the news was brought to us each individually, and 
we ascertained the truth, we were possessed with fear 
of Julianus and the soldiers, especially all of us who 
had . . . any favors for Pertinax.' ... I was 
one of them, for I had been honored by Pertinax in 
various ways, owing to him my appointment as 
praetor, and when acting as advocate for others at 
trials I had frequently proved Julianus in the 
wrong on many points. Nevertheless, we put in 
an appearance, and partly for this very reason, 
since it did not seem to us to be safe to hide at 
home, for fear that act in itself might arouse sus- 
picion. So when bath^ and dinner were both over, we 
pushed our way through the soldiers, entered the sen- 

1 A slight gap in the MS., where -vre should perhaps read : " all of us 
who had done an^ favors for Pertinax or anything to displease 
Julianus " ( Bossevain ) . 

2 Reading XeXoufiivot (Reiske) for the MS. SeSouXw/xlvot. 



it' M 946^ ate-house, and heard tlie potentate deliver a cliaracter- 
istic speech, in' the course of which he said: " I see 
that you need a ruler, and I myself am better fitted 
than any one else to direct you. And I should mention 
all the advantages I can offer, if you did not know 
them perfectly and had not already had experience 
with me. Consequently, I felt no need of being at- 
tended by many soldiers, but have come ta you alone, 
that you may ratify what has been given me by them. ' ' 
" I am here alone " is what he said, when he had 
surrounded the entire exterior of the senate^housa 
with heavily armed men and had a number of soldiers 
in the senate^house itself. Moreover, he mentioned 
our being aware what kind of person he was, and mad© 
us both hate and fear him. 

In this way he got his imperial power confirmed also 
by decrees of the senate and returned to the palace. 
Finding the dinner that had been prepared for Per- 
tinax he made great fun of it, and sending out to every 
place from which by any means whatever something 
expensive could be procured at that time of day he 
satisfied his hunger (the corpse was still lying in. the 
buUding) and then proceeded to amuse himself by 
dicing. Among hisi companions was Pylades the dan- 
cer. The next day we went up to visit him, feigning 
in looks and behavior much that we did not feel, so 
as not to let our grief be detected. The populace, 
however, openly frowned upon the affair, spoke its 
mind, as much at it pleased, and was ready to do what 
it could. Finally, when he came to the senatenhouse 
and was about to sacrifice to Janus before the en- 


■13 — 


trance, all bawled out as if by preconcerted arrange- ^- ^- i®^ 
ment, terming Mm empire-plunderer and parricide. 
He affected not to be angry and promised them some 
money, whereupon they grew indignant at the impli- 
cation that they could be bribed an,d all cried out to- 
gether : ' * "We don 't want it, we won 't take it ! " The 
surrounding buildings echoed back the shout in a way 
to make one shudder. When Julianus had heard their 
response, he could endure it no longer, but ordered 
that those who stood nearest should be slain. That 
excited the populace a great deal more, and it did not 
cease expressing its longing for Pertinax or its abuse 
of Julianus, its invocations, of the gods or its curses 
upon the soldiers. Though many were wounded audi 
killed in many parts of the city, they continued to re- 
sist and finally seized weapons and made a rush into 
the hippodrome. There they spent the night and the en- 
suing day without food or drink, calling upon the re- 
mainder of the soldiery (especially Pescennius Niger 
and his followers in Syria) with prayers for assist- 
ance. Later, feeling the effects of their outcries and 
fasting and loss of sleep, they separated and kept 
quiet, awaiting the hoped for deliverance from abroad. 

" I do not assist the populace : for it has not called upon me." 

Julianus after seizing the power in this way man- 
aged affairs in a servUe fashion, paying court to the 
senate as well as to men of any influence. Sometimes 
he made offers, again he bestowed gifts, and he 
laughed and sported with anybody and everybody. He 
was constantly going to the theatre and kept getting 


— 14 — 


,^' ^'}?a. "P banquets: in fine, lie left nothing undone to win 

(a. u. 946) -^ ' ° 

our favor. However, he was not trusted; his servility 
was so abject that it made him an object of suspicion. 
Everything out of the common, even if it seems to be 
a kindness to somebody, is regarded by men of sense 
as a trap. 

The senate had at one time voted him a golden statue and he 
refused to accept it, saying : " Give me a bronze one so that it may 
last J for I perceive that the gold and silver statues of the emperors 
that ruled before me have been torn down, whereas the bronze ones 
remain." In this he was not right: since 'tis excellence that safe- 
guards the memory of potentates. And the bronze statue that was 
bestowed upon him was torn down after he was overthrown. 

This was what went on in Eome. Now I shall speak 
about what happened outside and the various revo- 
lutions. There were three men at this time who were 
commanding each three legions of citizens and many 
foreigners besides, and they all asserted their claims, 
— Severus, Niger, and Albinus. The last-named gov- 
erned Britain, Severus Pannonia, and Niger Syria. 
These were the three persons darkly indicated by the 
three stars that suddenly came to view surrounding 
the sun, when Julianus in our presence was offering 
the Sacrifices of Entrance in front of the senate-house. 
These heavenly bodies were so very brilliant that the 
soldiers kept continually looking at them and pointing 
them out to one another, declaring moreover that some 
dreadful fate would befall the usurper. As for us, 
however much we hoped and prayed that it might so 
prove, yet the fear of the moment would not permit us 
to gaze at them, save by occasional glances. Such are 
the facts that I know about the matter. 



Of the three leaders that I have mentioned Severua — is — 

A. D. 193 

[was] the shrewdest [in being able to foresee the future (o. u. 946) 
with accuracy, to manage present affairs successfully, 
to ascertain everything concealed as well as if it had 
heen laid bare and to work out every complicated situ- 
ation with the greatest ease.] He understood in ad- 
vance that after deposing Julianus the three would 
fall to blows with one another and offer combat for the 
possession of the empire, and therefore determined to 
win over the rival who was nearest him. So he sent a 
letter by one of his trusted managers to Albinus, creat- 
ing him Caesar. Of Niger, who was proud of having 
been invoked by the people, he had no hopes. Albinus 
on the supposition that he was going to share the em- 
pire with Severus remained where he was: Severus 
made all strategic points in Europe, save Byzantium, 
his own and hastened toward Rome. He did not ven- 
ture outside a protecting circle of weapons, having se- 
lected his six hundred most valiant men in whose midst 
he passed his time day and night; these did not once 
put off their breastplates until they reached Eome. 

[This Fulvius^ ( ?) too, who when governor of Africa 
had been tried and condemned by Pertinax for ras- 
cality, avarice, and licentiousness, was later elevated 
to the highest position by the same man, now become 
emperor, as a favor to Severus.] 

Julianus on learning the condition of affairs had the — le — 
senate make Severus an enemy and proceeded to pre^ 
pare against him. [In the suburbs he constructed a 
rampart, wherein he set gates, that he might take up a 

1 The name, so far as can be discerned in the MS., may be Fulvius 
or Flavins or Fabius. The position and import of the fragment are 
alike doubtful. 

VOL. 5-21 321 


[t'u.'die) position there outside and fight from that Base.] The 
City during these days became nothing more nor less 
than' a camp, pitched, as it were, in hostile territory. 
There was great turmoil from the various bodies of 
those bivouacked and exercising,— men, horses, ele- 
phants. The mass of the population stood in great 
fear of the armed men [because the latter hated them.] 
Occasionally laughter would overcome us. The Pre- 
torians did nothing that was expected of their name 
and reputation, for they had learned to live delicately. 
The men summoned, from the fleet that lay at anchor 
in Misenum did not even know how to exercise. The 
elephants found the towers oppressive and so would 
not even carry their drivers any longer [but threw 
them off also]. What caused us most amusement was 
his strengthening the palace with latticed gates and 
strong doors. For, as it seemed likely that the soldiers 
would never have slain Pertinax so easily if the build- 
ing had been securely fastened, Julianus harbored the 
belief that in case of defeat he would be able to shut 
himself up there and survive. 

Moreover, he put to death both Lsetus and Marcia, 
so that all the conspirators against Commodus had 
now perished. Later Severus gave Narcissus also to 
the beasts, making the proclamation (verbatim) : 
"This is the man that strangled Commodus." The' 
emperor likewise killed' many boys for purposes of en- 
chantments, thinking that he could avert some future 
calamities, if he should ascertain them, in advance. 
!And he kept sending man after man to find Severus 
and assassinate him. [Vespronius Candidus, a man of 
very distinguished rank but still more remarkable for 



his STillemxess and boorishness, came near meeting his ^- ^- 193 
€nd at the hands of the soldiers.] 

The avenger had now reached Italy and without — 17 — 
striking a blow took possession of Ravenna. The men 
whom his opponent kept sending to him to either per- 
suade him to turn back or else block his approaches 
were won over. The Pretorians, in whom Julianus re- 
posed most confidence, were becoming worn out by con- 
stant toil and were getting terribly alarmed at the 
report of Severus 's proximity. At this juncture Juli- 
anus called us together and bade us vote for Severus 
to be his colleague in office. 

The soldiers were led to believe by communications 
from Severus that, if they would surrender the assas- 
sins of Pertinax and themselves offer no hostile de- 
monstration, they should receive no harm; therefore 
they arrested the men who had killed Pertinax and 
announced this very fact to Silius Messala, the consul. 
The latter assembled us in the Athenaeum,^ so called 
from the fact that it was a seat of educational activity, 
and informed us of the news from the soldiers. We 
then sentenced Julianus to death, named Severus em- 
peror, and bestowed heroic honors upon Pertinax. So 
it was that Julianus came to be slain as he was reclin- 
ing in the palace itself; he had only time to say: 
" Why, what harm have I done? Whom have I 
killed?" He had lived sixty years, four months, and 
the same number of days, out of which he had reigned 
sixty-six days. 

Dio, 74th Book: "Men of intelligence should neither begin a war 
nor seek to evade it when it is thrust upon them. They should rather 
grant pardon to him who voluntarily conducts himself properly, in spite 
of any previous transgression, . . . 

1 Located on the Capitol, and established by Hadrian. 





Severus takes vengeance on the Pretorians who were the 
assassins of Fertinax and enters the city (chapters 1, 2). 

Prodigies which portended the sovereignty to Sevems (chap- 
ter 3). 

Fnneral procession which he superintended, in honor of Ferti- 
nax (chapters 4, 5). 

War of Severus Augustus against Fescennius Niger (chapters 

The storming of Byzantium (chapters 10-14). 


Q. SosiuB Falco, C. Erucius Clarus. (A. D. 193 = a. u. 946 == 
First of Severus, from the Calends of June.) 

L. Septimius Severus Aug. (II), D. Clodius Septimius Albinus 
Cses. (A. D. 194 = a. u. 947 = Second of Severus.) 

Scapula TertuUus, Tineius Clemens. (A. D. 195 = a. u. 948 
=3 Third of Severus.) 

C. Domitius Dexter (II), L. Valerius Messala Friscus. (A. D. 
196 = a. u. 949 = Fourth of Severus.) 


Severus upoM becoming emperor in the manner — i — 
described punished with death the | Pretorians | who 
had contrived the fate of Pertinax. Before reaching 
Rome he summoned those remaining [Pretorians], sur- 
rounded them in a plain while they still did not know 
what was going to happen to them, and having re^ 
proached them long and bitterly for their transgression 
against their emperor he relieved them of their arms, 
took away their horses, and expelled them from Eome. 
The majority reluctantly proceeded to throw away 
their arms and let their horses go, and scattered unin- 
jured, in their tunics. One man, as his horse refused 
to leave him, but kept following him and neighing, slew 
both the beast and himself. To the spectators it 
seemed that the horse also was glad to die. 

When he had attended to this matter Severus entered 
Eome ; he went as far as the gates on horseback and in 
cavalry costume, but from that point on changed to 
citizen's garb and walked. The entire army, both 
infantry and cavalry, in full armor accompanied him. 
The spectacle proved the most brilliant of all that I 
have witnessed, for the whole city had been decked with 
wreaths of blossoms and laurel and besides being 
adorned with richly colored stuffs blazed with lights 
and burning incense. The population, clad in white 
and jubilant, gave utterance to many hopeful expres- 
sions. The soldiers were present, conspicuous by their 
arms, as if participating^ in some festival procession, 

1 Beading nofinsuovT$i (Dindorf, after Bekker). 


— a- 


and we, too, were walking about in our best attire. 
The crowd cbafed in their eagerness to see him and to 
hear him say something, as if his voice had been some- 
how changed by his good fortune, and some of them 
held one another up aloft to get a look at him from a 
higher position. 

Having entered in tiiis style he began to make us rash 
promises, such as the good emperors of old had given, 
to the effect that he would not put any senator to death. 
He not only took oath concerning this matter, but what 
was of greater import he also ordered it ratified by 
public decree, and passed an ordinance that both the 
emperor and the person who helped him in any such 
deed should be considered an enemy,— themselves and 
also their children. Yet he was himself the first to 
break the law and instead of keeping it caused the 
death of many persons. Even Julius Solon himself, 
who framed this decree according to imperial man- 
date, was a little later murdered. The emperor did 
many things that were not to our liking. [He was 
blamed for making the city turbulent by the multitude 
of soldiers and he oppressed the commonwealth by ex- 
cessive expenditure of funds : he was blamed most of 
all for placing his hope of safety in the strength of his 
army and not in the good-wUl of his companions.] But 
some found fault with him especially because, whereas 
it had been the custom for the body-guard to be drawn 
from Italy, Spain, Macedonia and Noricum only,— a 
plan which furnished men more distinguished in ap- 
pearance and of simpler habits, — he had abolished this 
method, [He ruled that any vacancies should be filled 



from all tlie legions alike; this he did with the idea that 
he should find them as a result more conversant with 
military practices and should be setting up warfare as 
a kind of prize for the excellent. As a matter of fact 
he incidentally ruined all the most reliable men of mili- 
tary age in Italy, who turned their attention to robbery 
and gladiatorial fighting in place of the service that 
had previously claimed it.] and filled the city with a 
throng of motley soldiers, most savage in appearance, 
most terrifying in their talk, and most uncultured to 
associate with. 

The signs which led him to expect the sovereignty — 3- 
were these. When he had been registered in the 
senate-house, it seemed to him in a vision that a she- 
wolf suckled him, as was the case with Romulus. On 
the occasion of his marrying Julia, Faustina, the wife 
of Marcus, prepared their bedchamber in the temple 
of Venus opposite the palace; and once, when he was 
asleep, water gushed from his hand as from a spring; 
and when he was governor of Lugdunum, the whole 
Eoman domain approached and greeted him, — all this 
in dreams, I mean. At another time he was taken by 
some one to a point affording a wide view ; and as he 
gazed from it over all the earth and aU the sea he laid 
his fingers on them as one might on some instrument' 
capable of all harmonies, and they answered to his 
touch. Again, he thought that in the Roman Forum 
a horse threw Pertinax, who was already mounted, but 
readily took him on its back. These things he had 
already learned from dreams, but in his waking hours 

1 Compare Plato, Republic, 399 C. 


— 4 — 


he had, while a youth, ignorantly seated himself upon 
the imperial chair. This accident, taken with the rest, 
indicated rulership to him in advance. 

Upon attaining that condition he erected a heroum to 
Pertinax and commanded that his name should be re- 
peated in the course of all prayers and of all oaths. A 
gold image of him was ordered brought into the hippo- 
drome on a car drawn by elephants and three gilded 
thrones for him conveyed into the remaining theatres. 
His funeral, in spite of the time elapsed since his death, 
took place as follows : 

In the Forum Eomanum a wooden platform was con- 
structed hard by the stone one, upon which was set a 
building without walls but encompassed by columns, 
with elaborate ivory and gold decoration. In it a couch 
of similar material was placed, surrounded by heads 
of land and sea creatures, and adorned with purple 
coverlets interwoven with gold. Upon it had been laid 
a kind of wax image of Pertinax, arrayed in triumphal 
attire. A well-formed boy was scaring the flies away 
from it with peacock feathers, as though it were really 
a person sleeping. While it was lying there in state, 
Severus, we senators, and our wives approached, clad 
in mourning garb.^ The ladies sat in the porticos, 
and we under the open sky. After this there came for- 
ward, first, statues of all the famous ancient Eomans, 
then choruses of boys and men, intoning a kind of 
mournful hymn to Pertinax. Next were all the sub- 
ject nations, represented by bronze images, attired in 
native garb. And the guilds in the City itself,— those 

1 Beading TrevSucDj (Sylburgius, Boissevain et al.). 



of the lictors and the scribes and the heralds, and all 
others of the sort,— followed on. Then came images 
of other men who were famous for some deed or in- 
vention or brilliant trait. Behiad them were the 
cavalry and infantry in armor, the race-horses, and 
all the funeral offerings that the emperor and we and 
our wives, together with distinguished knights and 
peoplesandthecoUegiaof the city, had sent. They were 
accompanied by an altar, entirely gilded, the beauty 
of which was enhanced by ivory and Indie jewels. 
When these had gone by, Severus mounted the Plat- — 5 — 
form of the Beaks and read a eulogy of Pertinax. We 
shouted our approval many times in the midst of his 
discourse, partly praising and partly bewailing Per- 
tinax, but our cries were loudest when he had ceased. 
Finally, as the couch was about to be moved, we all 
together uttered our lamentations and all shed tears. 
Those who carried the bier from the platform were the 
high priests and the officials who were completing their 
term of office, as well as any that had been appointed 
for the ensuing year. These gave it to certain knights 
to carry. The rank and file of us went ahead of the 
bier, some beating our breasts and others playing on 
the flute some dirge-like air ; the emperor followed be- 
hind all, and in this order we arrived at the Campus 
Martins. Here there had been built a pyre, tower- 
shaped and triple pointed, adorned with ivory and gold 
together with certain statues. On its very summit 
was lodged a gilded chariot that Pertinax had been 
wont to drive. Into this the funeral offerings were 



cast and tlie bier was placed in it, and next Severus and 
the relatives of Pertinax kissed tlie image. Our 
monarch, ascended a tribunal, while we the senate, ex- 
cept officials, took our places on the benches, that with 
safety and convenience alike we might view what went 
on. The magistrates and the equestrian order, arrayed 
in a manner becoming their station, besides the cavalry 
of the army and the infantry, passed in and out per- 
forming intricate evolutions, both traditional and 
newly invented. Then at length the consuls applied fire 
to the mound, which being done an eagle flew up from 
it. In this way was unmortality secured for Pertinax 
[who (although bodies of men engaged in warfare 
usually turn out savage and those given to peace cow- 
ardly) excelled equally in both departments, being an 
enemy to dread, yet shrewd in the arts of peace. His 
boldness, wherein bravery appears, he displayed to- 
wards foreigners and rebels, but his clemency, where- 
with is mingled justice, towards friends and the 
orderly elements of society. When advanced to pre- 
side over the destinies of the world, he was never 
ensnared by the increase of greatness so as to show 
himself in some things more subservient and in others 
more haughty than was fitting. He underwent no 
change from the beginning to the very end, but was 
august without suUenness, gentle without humiliating 
lowliness, prudent, yet did no injury, just without iu- 
quisitorial qualities, a close administrator without 
stinginess, high-minded, but devoid of boasts.] 
— e— Now Severus made a campaign against Niger. The 



latter was an Italian, one of the knights, remarkable 
for nothing either very good or very bad, so that one 
could either greatly praise or greatly censure him. 
[Wherefore he had been assigned to Syria by Com- 
modus.] He had as a lieutenant, together with others, 
-^milianus, who [by remaining neutral and watching 
the course of events] was thought to surpass all the 
senators of that day in understanding and in experi- 
ence of affairs ; for he had been tested in many prov- 
inces. [These conditions and the fact that he was a 
relative of Albinus had made him conceited.] 

[Niger was not in general a well-balanced man and (—7—) 
though he had very great abilities still fell into error. 
But at this time he was more than usually elated, so 
that he showed how much he liked those who called 
him " the new Alexander "; and when one man asked, 
"Who gave you permission to do this? "he pointed 
to his sword and rejoined, " This did." When the (—6—) 
war broke out Niger had gone to Byzantium and from 
that point conducted a campaign against Perinthus. 
He was disturbed, however, by unfavorable omens that 
came to his notice. An eagle perched upon a military 
shrine and remained there till captured, in spite of at- 
tempts to scare it away. Bees made wax around the 
military standards and about his images most of all. 
For these reasons he retired to Byzantium. 

Now -iEmilianus while engaged in conflict with some a. d. 194 

. (a. u. 947) 

of the generals of Severus near Cyzicus was defeated 
by them and slain. After this, between the narrows 
of Nicsea and Cius, they had a great war of various 



A. D. 194 forms. Some battled in close formation on tlie plains ; 

(a. «. 947) ^ -^ ' 

others occupied the hUl-crests and hurled stones and 
javelins at their opponents from the higher ground; 
stUl others got into boats and discharged their bows at 
the enemy from the lake. At first the adherents of 
Severus, under the direction of Candidus, were vic- 
torious ; for they found their advantage in the higher 
ground from which they fought. But the moment 
Niger himself appeared a pursuit in turn was insti- 
tuted by Niger's men and victory was on their side. 
Then Candidus caught hold of the standard bearers 
and turned them to face the enemy, upbraiding the 
soldiers for their flight; at this his followers were 
ashamed, turned back, and once more conquered those 
opposed to them. Indeed, they would have destroyed 
them utterly, had not the city been near and the night 
a dark one. 
—7— The next event was a tremendous battle at Issus, 
near the so-called Gates. In this contest Valerianus 
and Anullinus* commanded the army of Severus, 
whereas Niger was with his own ranks and marshaled 
them for war. This pass, the Cilician " Gates ",^ is so 
named on account of its narrowness. On the one side 
rise precipitous mountains, and on the other sheer 
cliffs descend to the sea. So Niger had here made a 
camp on a strong hill, and he put in front heavy-armed 
soldiers, next the javelin slingers and stone throwers, 
and behind all the archers. His purpose was that the 
foremost might thrust back such as assailed them in 

1 p. Cornelius Anullinus. 

a Compare Xenophon's Anabasis, I, 4, 4-5. 



hand-to-liaiid conflict, while the others from a distance /^; ^" q^^. 
might be able to bring their force into play over the 
heads of the others. The detachment on the left and 
that on the right were defended by the sea-crags and 
by the forest, which had no issue. This is the way in 
which he arranged his army, and he stationed the 
beasts of burden close to it, in order that none of them 
should be able to flee in case they should wish it. 
Anullinus after making all this out placed in advance 
the heavier pa.rt of his fore© and behind it his entire 
light-armed contingent, to the end that the latter, 
though discharging their weapons from a distance 
might still retard the progress of the enemy, while the 
solidity of the advance guard rendered the upward 
passage safe for them. The cavalry he sent with 
Valerianus, bidding him, so far as he could, go around 
the forest and unexpectedly fall upon the troops of 
Niger from the rear. When they came to close quar- 
ters, the soldiers of Severu'S placed some of their 
shields in front of them and held some above their 
heads, making a testudo, and in this formation they 
approached the enemy. So the battle was a drawn one 
for a long while, but eventually Niger's men got de- 
cidedly the advantage both by their numbers and by 
the topography of the country. They would have been 
entirely victorious, had not clouds gathered out of a 
clear sky and a wind arisen from a perfect calm, while 
there were crashes of thunder and sharp flashes of 
lightning and a violent rain beat in their faces. This 
did not trouble Severus's troops because it was behind 


— 8- 


(«.' u.'m) *^®^' ^^* threw Niger's men into great confusion since 
it came right against them. Most important of all, the 
opportune character of this occurrence infused courage 
in the one side, which believed it was aided by Heaven, 
and fear in the other, which felt that the supernatural 
was warring against them; thus it made the former 
strong even beyond its own strength and terrified the 
latter in spite of real power. Just as they were fleeing 
Valerianus came in sight. Seeing him, they turned 
about, and after that, as AnuUinus beat them back, re- 
treated once more. Then they wandered about, run- 
ning this way and that way, to see where they could 
break through. 

It turned out that this was the greatest slaughter to 
take place during the war in question. Two myriads 
of Niger's followers perished utterly. The fact was 
indicated also by the priest's vision. While Severus 
was in Pannonia, the priest of Jupiter saw in a vision 
a black man force his way into the emperor's camps 
and meet his death by superior numbers. And by 
turning the name of Niger into G-reek people recog- 
nized that he was the one meant by the " black " per- 
son mentioned. Directly Antioch had been captured 
(not long after) Niger fled from it, making the Eu- 
phrates his objective point, for he intended to seek 
refuge among the barbarians. His pursuers, however, 
overtook him; he was taken and had his head struck 
off. This head Severus sent to Byzantium and caused 
to be reared on a cross, that the sight of it might 
incline the Byzantines to his cause. The next move of 



Severus was to mete out justice to those who had ^- ^- 1^4 

. (a. II. 047) 

belonged to Niger's party. [Of the cities and indi- 
viduals he chastised some and rewarded others. He 
executed no Eoman senator, but deprived most of them 
of their property and confined them on islands. He 
was merciless in his search for money. Among other 
measures he exacted four times the amoimt that any 
individuals or peoples had given to Niger, whether 
they had done so voluntarily or under compulsion. 
He himself doubtless perceived the injustice of it,^ but 
as he required great sums, he paid no attention to the 
common talk. 

Cassius Clemens, a senator, while on trial before — 8— 
Severus himself, did not hide the truth but spoke with 
such frankness as the following report will show: 

"I," he said, " was acquainted with neither you 
nor Niger, but as I found myself in his part of the 
world, I accepted the situation heartily, not with the 
idea of being hostile to you but with the purpose of 
deposing Julianus. I have, then, committed no wrong 
in this, since I labored originally for the same ends as 
you, nor should I be censured for failing to desert the 
master whom I had once secured by the will of Heaven 
and for not transferring my allegiance to you. You 
would not yourself have liked to have your intimate 
circle and fellow judges here betray your cause and 
go over to him. Examine therefore not our bodies nor 
our names but the events themselves. For in every 
point in which you condemn us you will be passing sen- 

1 The MS. text is faulty, and the translation, ventured independently, 
corresponds approximately to a suggestion by van Herwerden in Boisse- 
vain's edition. 

VOL. 5 - 22. 337 


(auMi^) ^^^® upon yourself and your associates. However 
secure you may be from conviction in any suit or by 
any court finding, still, in the report of men, of which 
an eternal memory shall survive, you will be repre- 
sented as making against yourself the same charges as 
have led to punishment* in the case of others."— 
Severus admired this man for his frankness and al- 
lowed him to keep half his property. 

[Many who had never even seen Niger and had not 
cooperated with him were victims of abuse on th© 
charge that they had been members of his party.] 
— la— The Byzantines performed many remarkable deeds 
(a. It. 948) both during the life and after the death of Niger. 
This city is favorably located with reference both to 
the continents and to the sea that lies between them, 
and is strongly intrenched by the nature of its position 
as well as by that of the Bosporus. The town sits on 
high ground extending into the sea. The latter, rush- 
ing down from the Pontus with the speed of a moun- 
tain torrent assails the headland and in part is di- 
verted to the right, forming there the bay and harbors. 
But the greater part of the water passes on with great 
energy past the city itself toward the Propontis. 
Moreover, the place had walls that were very strong. 
Their face was constructed of thick squared stones, 
fastened together by bronze plates, and the inner side 
of it had been strengthened with mounds and buildings 
so that the whole seemed to be one thick wall and the 
top of it formed a circuit betraying no flaws and easy 
to guard. Many large towers occupied an exposed 

1 Supplying, with Reiske, aoi , . . . xoXaa^vat. 


position outside it, with windows set close together on ,^- ^- l^^, 

° (a. M. 948) 

every side so that those assaulting the fortification in 
a circle would be cut off between them. Being built at 
a short distance from the wall and not in a regular 
line, but one here and another there over a rather 
crooked route, they were sure to command both sides 
of any attacking party. Of the entire circuit the part 
on the land side reached a great height so as to repel 
any who came that way: the portion next to the sea 
was lower. There, the rocks on which it had been 
reared and the dangerous character of the Bosporus 
were effective allies. The harbors within the wall had 
both been closed with chains and their breakwaters 
carried towers projecting far out on each side, making 
approach impossible for the enemy. And, in fine, the 
Bosporus was of the greatest aid to the citizens. It 
was quite inevitable that once any person became en- 
tangled in its current he should willy-nilly be cast up 
on the land. This was a feature quite satisfactory to 
friends, but impossible for foes to deal with. 

It was thus that Byzantium had been fortified. The _ ii _ 
engines, besides, the whole length of the wall, were of 
the most varied description. In one place they threw 
rooks and wooden beams upon parties approaching 
and in another they discharged stones and missiles 
and spears against such as stood at a distance. Hence 
over a considerable extent of territory no one could 
draw near them without danger. Still others had 
hooks, which they would let down suddenly and shortly 
after draw up boats and machines. Priscus, a fellow- 



A. D, 195 citizen of mine, had designed most of them, and this 

(a. u. 948) ' ° ' 

fact both caused him to incur the death penalty; and 
saved his life. For Severus, on learning his pro- 
ficiency, prevented his being executed. Subsequently 
he employed him on various missions, among others at 
the siege of Hatra, and his contrivances were the only 
ones not burned by the barbarians. He also furnished 
the Byzantines with five himdred boats, mostly of one 
bank, but some of two banks, and equipped with beaks. 
A few of them were provided with rudders at both 
ends, stem and prow, and had a double quota of pilots 
and sailors in order that they might both attack and 
retire without turning around and damage their op- 
ponents while sailing back as well as while sailing 
— 12— Many, therefore, were the exploits and sufferings ol 
I the Byzantines, since for the entire space of three 

years they were besieged by the armaments of practi- 
cally the whole world, A few of their experiences will 
be mentioned that seem almost marvelous. They cap- 
tured, by making an opportune attack, some boats thai 
sailed by and captured also some of the triremes that 
were in their opponents ' roadstead. This they did by 
having divers cut their anchors under water, after 
which they drove nails into the ship's bottom and with 
cords attached thereto and running from friendly ter- 
ritory they would draw the vessel towards them. 
Hence one might see the ships approaching shore by 
themselves, with no oarsman nor wind to urge them 
forward. There were cases in which merchants pur- 



posely allowed themselves to be captured by the -^- 1"- i^s 

T-, . -^ •' (o. M. 948) 

Byzantines, though pretending unwillingness, and 
after selling their wares for a huge price made their 
escape by sea. 

When all the supplies in the town had been exhausted a. d. i9a 
and the people had been set fairly in a strait with re- 
gard to both their situation and the expectations that 
might be founded upon it, at first, although beset by 
great diflBculties (because they were cut off from all 
outside resources), they nevertheless continued to re- 
sist; and to make ships they used lumber taken from 
the houses and braided ropes of the hair of their 
women. Whenever any troops assaulted the wall, they 
would hurl upon them stones from the theatres, bronze 
horses, and whole statues of bronze. When even their 
normal food supply began to fail them, they proceeded 
to soak and eat hides. Then these, too, were used up, 
and the majority, having waited for rough water and a 
squall so that no one might man a ship to oppose them, 
sailed out with the determination either to perish or to 
secure provender. They assailed the countryside with- 
out warning and plundered every quarter indiscrimi- 
nately. Those left behind committed a monstrous 
deed; for when they grew very faint, they turned 
against and devoured one another. 

This was the condition of the men in the city. The — is — 
rest, when they had laden their boats with more than 
the latter could bear, set sail after waiting this time 
also for a great storm. They did not succeed, how- 
ever, in making any use of it. The Romans, noticing 



la. u' 949) *^^* their vessels were overheavy and depressed al- 
most to the water's edge, put out against them. They; 
assailed the company, which was scattered ahout as 
wind and flood chose to dispose them, and really en- 
gaged in nothing like a naval contest hut crushed the 
enemy's boats mercilessly, striking many with their 
boat-hooks, ripping up many with their beaks, and 
actually capsizing some by their mere onset. The 
victims were unable to do anything, however much they 
might have wished it : and when they attempted to flee 
in any direction either they would be sunk by force of 
the wind, which encountered them with the utmost vio- 
lence, or else they would be overtaken by the enemy 
and destroyed. The inhabitants of Byzantium, as they 
watched this, for a time called unceasingly upon the 
gods and kept uttering now one shout and now another 
at the various events, according as each one was af- 
fected by the spectacle or the disaster enacted before 
his eyes. But when they saw their friends perishing 
all together, the united throng sent up a chorus of 
groans and wailings, and thereafter they mourned for 
the rest of the day and the whole night. The entire 
number of wrecks proved so great that some drifted 
upon the islands and the Asiatic coast, and the defeat 
became known by these relics before it was reported. 
The next day the Byzantines had the horror increased 
even above what it had been. For, when the surf had 
subsided, the whole sea in the vicinity of Byzantium 
was covered with corpses and wrecks with blood, and 
many of the remains were cast up on shore, with the 



result that the catastrophe, now seen in its details, ap- .^- ^- J^^^ 
peared even worse than when in process of consumma- 

The Byzantines straightway, though against their — 14 — 
will, surrendered their city. The Eomans executed all 
the soldiers and magistrates except the pugilist who 
had greatly aided the Byzantines and injured the 
Eomans. He perished also, for in order to make the 
soldiers angry enough to destroy him he immediately 
hit one with his fist and with a leap gave another a 
violent kick. 

Severus was so pleased at the capture of Byzantium 
that to his soldiers in Mesopotamia (where he was at 
this time) he said unreservedly: "We have taken 
Byzantium, too! " He deprived the city of its inde- 
pendence and of its civU rank, and made it tributary, 
confiscating the property of the citizens. He granted 
the town and its territory to the Perinthians, and the 
latter, treating it after the manner of a village, com- 
mitted innumerable outrages. So far he seemed in a 
way to be justified in what he did. His demolition of 
the walls of the city grieved the inhabitants no more 
than did the loss of that reputation which the appear- 
ance of the walls had caused them to enjoy; and inci- 
dentally he had abolished a strong Eoman outpost and 
base of operations against the barbarians from the 
Pontus and Asia. I was one that viewed the walls 
after they had fallen, and a person would have judged 
that they had been taken by some other people than 
the Eomans. I had also seen them standing and had 
heard them " speak." There were seven towers ex- 



A. D. 196 tending from the Thracian gates to the sea. If a man 

(o. «. 949) ° ° .11 

approached any of these but the first, it was silent; but 
if he shouted a few words at that one or threw a stone 
at it, it not only echoed and spoke itself but caused 
the second to do the same thing. In this way the sound 
passed through them all alike, and they did not inter- 
rupt one another, but all in their proper turn, one re- 
ceiving the impulse from the one before it, took up the 
echo and the voice and sent it on. 






Sererns's war against the Osrhoeni, Adiabeni, and Arabians 
(chapters 1-3). 

Severus's war against Albinus Csesar (chapters 4, 5). 

How Albinus was vanquished by Severus and pefrished (chap- 
ters 6, 7) . 

The arrogance of Severus after his victory (chapters 7, 8). 

Severus's Parthian expedition (chapter 9) . 

How he besieged the Atreni, but found his endeavors fruit- 
less (chapters 10-12). 

How he started for Egypt : and about the source of the Nile 
(chapter 13). 

About the power and tyrannous conduct of Flautianus (chap- 
ters 14-16). 


Scapula TertuUus, Tineius Clemens. (A. D. 195 =: a. u. 948 
= Third of Severus, from the Calends of June.) 

C. Domitius Dexter (n), L. Valerius Messala Prisons. (A. D. 
196 = a. u. 949 = Fourth of Severus.) 

Ap. Claudius Lateranus, Eufinus. (A. D. 197 = a. u. 950 = 
Fifth of Severus. 

Ti. Satuminus, C. Gallus. (A. D. 198 i=i a. u. 951 = Sixth of 

P. Cornelius Anullinus, M. Aufidius Pronto. (A. D. 199 = 
a. u. 952 = Seventh of Severus.) 

Ti. Claudius Severus, C. Aufidius Victorinus. (A. D. 200 = 
a. u. 953 =1 Eighth of Severus.) 

L. Annius Fabianus, M. Nonius ICucianus. (A. S. 201 = 
a. u. 954 = Ninth of Severus.) 

L. Septimius Severus Aug. (m), M. Aurel. Antoninus Aug. 
(A. D. 202 = a. u. 955 = Tenth of Severus.) 


Of sucli a nature were the walls of Byzantium, Dur- ^~J- "~ 
ing tlie progress of this siege Severus out of a desire (»■ «• 948) 
for fame had made a campaign against the barba- 
rians,— the Osrhoeni, the Adiabeni, and the Arabians. 
[The Osrhoeni and Adiabeni having revolted were be- 
sieging Nisibis: defeated by Severus they sent an 
embassy to him after the death of Niger, not to beg 
his clemency as wrongdoers but to demand reciprocal 
favors, pretending to have brought about the outcome 
for his benefit. It was for his sake, they said, that 
they had destroyed the soldiers whO' belonged tO' 
Niger's party. Indeed, they sent a few gifts to him 
and promised to restore the captives and whatever 
spoils were left. However, they were not willing 
either to abandon the walled towns they had captured 
or to accept the imposition of tributes, but they de- 
sired those in existence to be lifted from the country. 
It was this that led to the war just mentioned.] 

When he had crossed the Euphrates and invaded — s— • 
hostile territory, where the country was destitute of 
water and at this summer season had become espe- 
cially parched, he came dangerously near losing great 
numbers of soldiers. Wearied as they were by their 
tramping and the hot sun, clouds of dust that they 
encountered harrassed them greatly, so that they could 
no longer walk nor yet speak, but only utter the word 
' ' Water, water ! ' ' When [moisture] appeared, on 
account of [its] strangeness it attracted no more at- 
tention than if it had not been found, till Severus called! 
for a cup, and having filled it with water drank it 



(a. «. 948) down in full view of all. Upon this some others like- 
wise drank and were invigorated. Soon after Seve- 
rus entered Nisibis and himself waited there, but 
despatched Lateranus and Candidus and Lsetus sev- 
erally among the aforementioned barbarians. These 
upon attaining their goals proceeded to lay waste the 
land of the barbarians and to capture their cities. 
While Severus was greatly priding himself upon this 
achievement and feeling that he surpassed all man- 
kind in both understanding and bravery, a most unex- 
pected event took place. One Claudius, a robber, who 
overran Judaea and Syria and was sought for in con- 
sequence with great hue and cry, came to him one day 
with horsemen, like some military tribune, and saluted 
and kissed him. The visitor was not discovered at the 
time nor was he later arrested. [An,d the Arabians, 
because none of their neighbors was willing to aid 
them, sent an embassy a second time to Severus mak- 
ing quite reasonable propositions. Still, they did not 
obtain what they wanted, inasmuch as they had not 
come in person.] 
— 3 — The Scythians, too, were in fighting humor, when at 

(o.'m. 949) this juncture during a deliberation of theirs thunder 
and lightning-flashes with rain suddenly broke over 
them, and thunderbolts began to fall, killing their 
three foremost men. This caused them to hesitate. 

Severus again made three divisions of his army, and 
giving one to Ltetus, one to AnuUinus, and one to 
Probus, sent them out against AECHE . . . .;* 

1 The MS. is corrupt. Adiabene, Atrene and Arbelitis have all been 
suggested as the district to which Dio actually referred here. 



and they, invadine it in three divisions, subdued it ^- ^- ^^^ 

. ' ° ' (o. M. 949) 

not "without trouble, Severus bestowed some dignity 
upon Nisibis and entrusted the city to the care of a 
knight. He declared he had won a mighty territory 
and had rendered it a bulwark of Syria. It is shown, 
on the contrary, by the facts themselves that the place 
is responsible for our constant wars as well as for 
great expenditures. It yields very little and uses up 
vast sums. And having extended our borders to in- 
clude men who are neighbors of the Medes and Par- 
thians rather than of ourselves, we are always, one 
might say, fighting over those peoples. 



Before Severus had had time to recover breath — 4— 
from his conflicts with the barbarians he found a civil 
■war on his hands with Albinus, his Caesar. Severus 
after getting Niger out of the way was still not giving 
him the rank of Caesar and had ordered other details 
in that quarter as he pleased ; and Albinus aspired to 
the preeminence of emperor.^ While the whole world 
was moved by this state of affairs we senators kept 
quiet, at least so many of us as inclining openly 
neither to one man nor the other yet shared their dan- 
gers and hopes. But the populace could not restrain 
itself and showed its grief in the most violent fashion. 
It was at the last horse-race before the Saturnalia, 
and a countless throng of people flocked to it. I too 
was present at the spectacle because the consul was a 
friend of mine and I heard distinctly everything that 
was said, — a fact which renders me able to write a 
little about it. 

It came about in this way. There had gathered (as 
I said) more people than could be computed and they 
had watched the chariots contesting in six divisions 
(which had been the way also in Cleander's time), 
applauding no one in any manner, as was the custom. 
When these races had ceased and the charioteers were 
about to begin another event, then they suddenly en- 

1 Omitting abroo (as Dindorf). 



joined silence upon one another and all clapped their 
hands simultaneously, shouting, besides, and entreat- 
ing good fortune for the public welfare. They first 
said this, and afterward, applying the terms" Queen" 
and " Immortal " to Eome, they roared: " How long 
are we to suffer such experiences?" and " Until when 
must we be at war?" And after making a few other 
remarks of this kind they finally cried out: " That's 
all there is to it!" and turned their attention to the 
equestrian contest. In all of this they were surely 
inspired by some divine afiflation. For not otherwise 
could so many myriads of men have started to utter 
the same shouts at the same time like some carefully 
trained chorus or have spoken the words without mis- 
take just as if they had practiced them. 

This manifestation caused us still greater disturb- 
ance as did also the fact that so great a fire was of a 
sudden seen by night in the air toward the north that 
some thought that the whole city and others that the 
sky itself was burning. But the most remarkable fact 
I have to chronicle is that in clear weather a fine sil- 
very rain descended upon the forum of Augustus. I 
did not see it in the air, but noticed it after it had fallen, 
and with it I silverplated some small bronze coins. 
These retained the same appearance for three days: 
on the fourth all the substance rubbed upon them had 
•5— A certain Numerianus, who taught children their 
letters, started from Eome for Galatia with I know 
not what object, and by pretending to be a Eoman 
senator sent by Severus to gather an army he col- 



lected at first just a small force by means of which he 
destroyed a few of Albinus's cavalry, whereupon he 
unblushingly made some further promises in behalf 
of Severus. Severus heard of this and thinkkig that 
he was really one of the senators sent him a message 
of praise and bade him acquire still greater power. 
The man did acquire greater power and gave many 
remarkable exhibitions of ability besides obtaining 
seventeen hundred and fifty myriads of denarii, which 
he forwarded to Severus. After the latter 's victory 
Numerianus came to him, making no concealment, and 
did not ask to become in very truth a senator. Indeed, 
though he might have been exalted by great honors 
and wealth, he did not choose to accept them, but 
passed the remainder of his life in some country place, 
receiving from the emperor some small allowance for 
his daily subsistence. 

The struggle between Severus and Albinus near — 6— 

°° A. D. 197 

Lugdunum is now to be described. At the outset there (a. u. 950 ) 
were a hundred and fifty thousand soldiers on each 
side. Both leaders took part in the war, since it was 
a race for life and death, though Severus had pre- 
viously not been present at any important battle. 
Albinus excelled in rank and in education, but his ad- 
versary was superior in warfare and was a skillful 
commander. It happened that in a former battle Al- 
binus had conquered Lupus, one of the generals of 
Severus, and had destroyed many of the soldiers at- 
tending him. The present conflict took many shapes 
and turns. The left wing of Albinus was beaten and 
sought refuge behind the rampart, whereupon Sev- 
voL. 5 — 23. 353 


A. D. 197 ems 's soldiers in their pursuit burst into tlie enclosure 

(a. «. 950) ^ 

with them, slaughtered their opponents and plundered 
their tents. Meantime the soldiers of Albinus arrayed 
on the right wing, who had trenches hidden in front 
of them and pits in the earth covered over only on the 
surface, approached as far as these snares and hurled 
javelins from a distance. They did not go very far 
but turned back as if frightened, with the purpose of 
drawing their foes into pursuit. This actually took 
place. Severus's men, nettled by their brief charge 
and despising them for their retreat after so short an 
advance, rushed upon them without a thought that the 
whole intervening space could not be easily traversed. 
"When they reached the trenches they were involved in 
a fearful catastrophe. The men in the front ranks as 
soon as the surface covering broke through fell into 
the excavations and those immediately behind stum- 
bled over them, slipped, and likewise fell. The rest 
crowded back in terror, their retreat being so sudden 
that they themselves lost their footing, upset those in 
the rear, and pushed them into a deep ravine. Of 
course there was a terrible slaughter of these soldiers 
as well as of those who had fallen into the trenches, 
horses and men perishing in one wild mass. In the 
midst of this tumult the warriors between the ravine 
and the trenches were annihilated by showers of stones 
and arrows. 

Severus seeing this came to their assistance with 
the Pretorians, but this step proved of so little benefit 
that he came near causing the ruin of the Pretorians 
and himself ran some risk through the loss of a horse. 



Wlien he saw all Ms men in flight, he tore off his rid- ^- ^' 197 

11 11 • 1 • -i 1 -■ , (a. M. 950) 

mg cloak and drawing his sword rushed among the 
fugitives, hoping either that they would he ashamed 
and turn back or that he might himself perish with 
them. Some did stop when they saw him in such an 
attitude, and turned back. Brought in this way face 
to face with the men close behind them they cut down 
not a few of them, thinking them to be followers of 
Albinus, and routed all their pursuers. At this mo- 
ment the cavalry under Lastus came up from the side 
and decided the rest of the issue for them. Ltetus, so 
long as the struggle was close, remained inactive, hop- 
ing that both parties would be destroyed and that 
whatever soldiers were left on both sides would give 
him. supreme authority. When, however, he saw Sev- 
erus's party getting the upper hand, he contributed to 
the result. So it was that Severus conquered. 

Eomau power had suffered a severe blow, since the 
numbers that fell on each side were beyond reckoning. 
Many even of the victors deplored the disaster, for 
the entire plain was seen to be covered with the bodies 
of men and horses. Some of them lay there exhausted 
by many wounds, others thoroughly mangled, and still 
others unwounded but buried under heaps. Weapons 
had been tossed about and blood flowed in streams, 
even swelling the rivers. Albinus took refuge in a 
house located near the Rhone, but when he saw all its 
environs guarded, he slew himself. I am not telling 
what Severus wrote about it, but what actually took 
place. The emperor after inspecting his body and 
feasting his eyes upon it to the full while he let his 



-8 — 


i^' ^' qnL tongue indulge in appropriate utterances, ordered it, 
— all but the head,— to be cast out, and that he sent 
to Eome to be exposed on a cross. As he showed 
clearly by this action that he was very far from being 
an excellent ruler, he alarmed even more than before 
the populace and us by the commands which he issued. 
Now that he had vanquished all forces under arms he 
poured out upon the unarmed all the wrath he had 
nourished against them during the previous period. 
He terrified us most of all by declaring himself the 
son of Marcus and brother of Commodus ; and to Com- 
modus, whom but recently he was wont to abuse, he 
gave heroic honors. While reading before the senate 
a speech in which he praised the severity and cruelty 
of Sulla and Marius and Augustus as rather the safer 
course, and deprecated the clemency of Pompey and 
Caesar because it had proved their ruin, he introduced 
a defence of Commodus, and inveighed against the sen- 
ate for dishonoring him unjustly though the majority 
of their own body lived even worse lives. " For if ", 
said he, ' ' this is abominable, that he with his own 
hands should have killed beasts, yet at Ostia yester- 
day or the day before one of your number, an old man 
that had been consul, indulged publicly in play with a 
prostitute who imitated a leopard. ' He fought as a 
gladiator,' do you say? By Jupiter, does none of you 
fight as gladiator? If not, how is it and for what pur- 
pose that some persons have bought his shields and 
the famous golden helmets? " At the conclusion of 
this reading he released thirty-five prisoners charged 
with having taken Albinus's side and behaved toward 



them as if they had incurred no charge at all. They ;^- ^- ^^J. 

(fit. w. ysuj 

were among the foremost members of the senate. He 
condemned to death twenty-nine men, as one of whom 
was reckoned Snlpicianus, the father-in-law of Per- 

1[ All pretended to sympathize with Severus hut were confuted as 
often as a sudden piece of news arrived, not heing able to conceal 
the sentiments hidden in their hearts. When oflf their guard they 
started at reports which happened to assail their ears without warning. 
In such ways, as well as through facial expression and habits of behavior, 
the feelings of every one of them became manifest. Some also by an 
excess of affectation only betrayed their attitude the more. 

Severus endeavored in the case of those who were lxxiv, 9, 5 

receiving vengeance at his hands^ 

to employ Erucius Clarus^ as informer against them, 
that he might both put the man in an unpleasant posi- 
tion and be thought to have more fully justified con- 
viction in view of his witness's family and reputation. 
He promised Clarus to grant him safety and immunity. 
But when the latter chose rather to die than to make 
any such revelations, he turned to Julianus and per- 
suaded him to play the part. For this willingness he 
released him in so far as not to kill nor disenfranchise 
him; but he carefully verified all his statements by 
tortures and regarded as of no value his existing 

[In Britain at this period, because the Caledonians ^^'J^ 
did not abide by their promises but made preparations (»• "• 950) 
to aid the Mseatians, and because Severus at the time 
was attending to the war abroad. Lupus was compelled 

1 Some words appear to have fallen out at this point (so Dindorf). 
2. C. luUus Erucius Clarus Vibicmus. 



^ ^- ^IJ to purchase peace for the Mseatians at a high figure, 
and recovered some few captives.] 
— 9— The next thing Severus did was to make a campaign 

(a. M. 951) against the Parthians. While he was busied with civil 
wars, they had been free from molestation and had 
thus been able by an expedition in full force to capture 
Mesopotamia. They also came very near reducing 
Nisbis, and would have done so, had not Laetus, who 
was besieged there, preserved the place. Though pre- 
viously noted for other political and private and pub- 
lic excellences, in peace as well as in wars, he derived 
even greater glory from this exploit. Severus on 
reaching the aforesaid Nisibis encountered an enor- 
mous boar. With its charge it killed a horseman who, 
trusting to his own strength, attempted to run it down, 
and it was with difficulty stopped and killed by many 
soldiers, — thirty being the number required to stop 
it ; the beast was then conveyed to Severus. 

The Parthians did not wait for him but retired 
homeward. (Their leader was Vologsesus, whose 
brother was accompanying Severus.) Hence Severus 
equipped boats on the Euphrates and reached him 
partly by marching, partly by sailing. The newly con- 
structed vessels were exceedingly manageable and well 
appointed, for the forest along the Euphrates and 
those regions in general afforded the emperor an abun- 
dant supply of timber. Thus he soon had seized 
Seleucia and Babylon, both of which had been aban- 
doned. Subsequently he captured Ctesiphon and per- 
mitted his soldiers to plunder the whole town, causing 



a great slaugMer of men and taking nearly ten myriads A' ^' q^^. 
alive. However, lie did not pursue Vologsesus nor yet 
occupy Ctesiphon, but as if the sole purpose of Ms 
campaign had been to plunder it, lie thereupon de- 
parted. This action was due partly to lack of ac- 
quaintance with the country and partly to dearth of 
provisions. His return was made by a different route, 
because the wood and fodder found on the previous 
route had been exhausted. Some of his soldiers made 
their retreat by land along the Tigris, following the 
stream toward its source, and some on boats. 
Next, Severus crossed Mesopotamia and made an ,~}^~,,, 

' _ A. D. 199(?) 

attempt on Hatra, which was not far off, but accom- 
plished nothing. In fact, even the engines were 
burned, many soldiers perished, and vast numbers 
were wounded. Therefore Severus retired from the 
place and shifted his quarters. While he was at war, 
he also put to death two distinguished men. The first 
was Julius Crispus, a tribune of the Pretorians. The 
cause of his execution was that indignant at the dam- 
age done by the war he had casually uttered a verse 
of the poet Maro, in which one of the soldiers fighting 
on the side of Tumus against ^neas bewails his lot 
and says : "To enable Turnus to marry Lavinia we 
are meanwhile perishing, without heed being paid to 
us."^ Severus made Valerius, the soldier who had 
accused him, tribune in his place. The other whom he 
killed was Lsetus, and the reason was that Laetus was 
proud and was beloved by the soldiers. They often 
said they would not march, unless Lsetus would lead 

1 Two and a half lines beginning with verse 371 in Book Eleven of 
Virgil's Aeneid. 



■ ■ ^ ' them. The responsibility for this murder, for which 
he had no clear reason save jealousy, he fastened upon 
the soldiers, making it appear that they had ventured 
upon the act contrary to his will. 

— 11— After laying in a large store of food and preparing 

A. D. 200(?) • 1, • • 1 J j.i 1 

many engmes he m person again led an attack upon 
Hatra. He deemed it a disgrace, now that other 
points had been subdued, that this one alone, occupy- 
ing a central position, should continue to resist. And 
he lost a large amount of money and all his engines 
except those of Priscus, as I stated earlier,^ besides 
many soldiers. Numbers were annihilated in foraging 
expeditions, as the barbarian cavalry (I mean that of 
the Arabians) kept everywhere assailing them with 
precision and violence. The archery of the Atreni, 
too, was effective over a very long range. Some mis- 
siles they Tiurled from engiaes, striking many qf Sev- 
erus's men-at-arms, for they discharged two missiles 
in one and the same shot and there were also many 
hands and many arrows to inflict injury. They did 
their assailants the utmost damage, however, when 
the latter approached the wall, and in an even greater 
degree after they had broken down a little of it. Then 
they threw at them among other things the bituminous 
naphtha of which I wrote above^ and set fire to the 
engines and all the soldiers that were struck with it. 
Severus observed proceedings from a lofty tribunal. 
_12_ A portion of the outer circuit had fallen in one place 
and all the soldiers were eager to force their way ia- 

1 Compare Book Seventy- four, chapter 11. 

2 Compare the beginning of Book Thirty-six (supplied from Xiphil- 



side the remainder, when Severus checked them from ^- ^- 200(t) 
doing so by giving orders that the signal for retreat 
be sounded clearly on all sides. The fame of the place 
was great, since it contained enormous offerings to 
the Sun God and vast stores of valuables ; and he ex- 
pected that the Arabians would voluntarily come to 
terms in order to avoid being forcibly captured and 
enslaved. When, after letting one day elapse, no one 
made any formal proposition to him, he commanded 
the soldiers again to assault the wall, though it had 
been built up in the night. The Europeans who had 
the power to accomplish something were so angry that 
not one of them would any longer obey him, and some 
others, Syrians, compelled to go to the assault in their 
stead, were miserably destroyed. Thus Heaven, that 
rescued the city, caused Severus to recall the soldiers 
that coidd have, entered it, and in turn when he later 
wished to take it caused the soldiers to prevent him 
from doing so. The situation placed Severus in such 
a dilemma that when some one of his followers prom- 
ised htm that, if he would give him only five hundred 
and fifty of the Europeans, he would get possession of 
the city without any risk to the rest, the emperor said 
within hearing of all : "And where can I get so many 
soldiers? " (referring to the disobedience of the sol- 

Having prosecuted the siege for twenty days he 7"^~ 
next came to Palestine and sacrificed to the spirit of {a. «. 953) 
Pompey : and into [upper] Egypt [he sailed along the 
Nile and viewed the whole country, with some small 
exceptions. For instance, he was unable to pass the 



{!' u' 953) frontier of Ethiopia on account of pestilence.] And 
he made a search of everything, including what was 
very carefully hidden, for he was the sort of man to 
leave nothing, human or divine, uninvestigated. Fol- 
lowing this tendency he drew from practically all their 
hiding places all the books that he could find contain- 
ing anything secret, and he closed the monument of 
Alexander, to the end that no one should either behold 
his body any more or read what was written in these 

This was what he did. For myself, there is no need 
that I should write in general about Egypt, but what 
I know about the Nile through verifying statements 
from many sources I am bound to mention. It 
clearly rises in Mount Atlas. This lies in Macen- 
nitis, close to the Western ocean itself, and towers far 
above all mountains, wherefore the poets have called 
it " Pillar of the Sky ". No one ever ascended its 
summits nor saw its topmost peaks. Hence it is al- 
ways covered with snow, which in summer time sends 
down great quantities of water. The whole country 
about its base is in general marshy, but at this season 
becomes even more so, with the result that it swells 
the size of the Nile at harvest time. This is the river's 
source, as is evidenced by the crocodiles and other 
beasts that are born alike on both sides of it. Let no 
one be surprised that we have made pronouncements 
unknown to the ancient Greeks. The MacennitsB live 
near lower Mauretania and many of the people who 
go on campaigns there also visit Atlas. It is thus that 
the matter stands. 



Plautianus, wlio enjoyed the special favor of Sev- rD*2oo 
erus and had the authority of prefect, besides pos- (o. «. 953) 
sessing the fullest and greatest influence on earth, 
had put to death many men of renown and his own 

peers [After killing ^milius Saturninus 

he took away all the most important prerogatives be- 
longing to the minor officers of the Pretorians, his 
subordinates, in order that none of them might be 
so elated by his position of eminence as to lie in wait 
for the captaincy of the body-guards. Already it was 
his wish to be not simply the only but a perpetual pre- 
fect.] He wanted everything, asked everything from 
everybody, and got everything. He left no province 
and no city unplundered, but sacked and gathered 
everything from all sides. All sent a great deal more 
to him than they did to Severus. Finally he sent cen- 
turions and stole tiger-striped horses sacred^ to the 
Sun God from the island in the Eed Sea. This mere 
statement, I think, must instantly make plain all his 
officiousness and greediness. Yet, on second thought, 
I will add one thing more. At home he castrated one 
hundred nobly born Eoman citizens, though none of 
us knew of it until after he was dead. From this fact 
one may comprehend the extent alike of his lawless- 
ness and of his authority. He castrated not merely 
boys or youths, but grown men, some of whom had 
wives; his object was that Plautilla his daughter 
(whom Antoninus afterward married) should be 
waited upon entirely by eunuchs [and also have them 
to give her instruction in music and other branches of 
art. So we beheld the same persons eunuchs and men, 

1 Supplying Upous (Reiske's conjecture). 


— 15 — 


^ ^' oPil fathers and impotent, gelded and bearded. In view 
of this one might not improperly declare that Plau- 
tianus had power beyond all men, over even the em- 
perors themselves. For one thing, his portrait statues 
were not only far more numerous but also larger than 
theirs, and this not simply in outside cities but in 
Rome itself, and they were at this time reared not 
merely by individuals but by no less a body than the 
senate itself. All the soldiers and the senators took 
oaths by his Fortune and all publicly offered prayer 
for his preservation. 

The person principally responsible for this state of 
affairs was Severus himself. He yielded to Plautianus 
in all matters to such a degree that the latter occupied 
the position of emperor and he himself that of prefect. 
In short, the man knew absolutely everything that Sev- 
erus said and did, but not a person was acquainted 
with any of Plautianus 's secrets. The emperor made 
advances to his daughter on behalf of his own son, 
passing by many other maidens of high rank. He ap- 
pointed him consul and virtually showed an anxiety to 
have him for successor in the imperial ofl&ce. Indeed, 
once he did say in a letter : "I love the man so much, 
that I pray to die before he does." 

BO that some one actually dared to write 

to him as to a fourth Csesar. 

If Though many decrees in his honor were passed by the senate he 
accepted only a few of them, saying to the senators : " It is through 
your hearts that you show your love for me, not through your decrees." 

At temporary stopping-places he endured seeing 
him located in superior quarters and enjoying better 
and more abundant food than he. Hence in Nicsea 



(my native country) when he once wanted a hammer- f^ ^- ^^Pf" 

(a. Ut 953) 

fish, large specimens of which are found in the lake, 
he sent to Plautianus to get it. So if he thought at all 
of doing aught to diminish this minister's leadership, 
yet the opposite party, which contained far greater 
and more brilliant members, saw to it that any such 
plan was frustrated. On one occasion Severus went 
to visit him, when he had fallen sick at Tyana, and the 
soldiers attached to Plautianus would not allow the 
visitor's escort to enter with him. Moreover, the per- 
son who arranged cases to be pled before Severus was 
once ordered by the latter in a moment of leisure to 
bring forward some case or other, whereupon the fel- 
low refused, saying : "I can not do this, unless Plau- 
tianus bid me." So greatly did Plautianus have the 
mastery in every way over the emperor that he [fre- 
quently treated] Julia Augusta [in an outrageous 
way, — for he detested her cordially,— and] was al- 
ways abusing [her violently] to Severus, and con- 
ducted investigations against her as well as tortures 
of noble women. For this reason she began to study 
philosophy and passed her days in the company of 
learned men.— As for Plautianus, he proved himself 
the most licentious of men, for he would go to ban- 
quets and vomit meantime, inasmuch as the mass of 
foods and wine that he swallowed made it impossible 
for him to digest anything. And whereas he made use 
of lads and girls in perfectly notorious fashion, he 
would not permit his own wife to see or be seen by any 
person whomsoever, not even by Severus or Julia [to 
say nothing of others]. 



A~D^2oo -^^ ^^^^ period there took place also a gymnastic^ 
(a. u. 953) contest, at which so great a multitude assembled under 
compulsion that we wondered how the race-course 
could hold them all. And in this contest Alamanni* 
women fought most ferociously, with the result that 
jokes were made about other ladies, who were very 
distinguished. Therefore, from this time on every 
woman, no matter what her origin, was prohibited 
from fighting in the arena. 

On one occasion a good many images of Plautianus 
were made (what happened is worth relating) and 
Severus, being displeased at their number, melted 
down some of them. As a consequence a rumor pene- 
trated the cities to the effect that the prefect had been 
overthrown and had perished. So some of them de- 
molished his images, — an act for which they were 
afterward punished. Among these was the governor 
of Sardinia, Bacius Constaas, a very famous man, 
whom I have mentioned, however, for a particular 
reason. The orator who accused Constans had made 
this statement in addition to others: " Sooner may 
the sky collapse than Plautianus suffer any harm at the 
hands of Severus, and with greater cause might any 
one believe even that report, were any story of the 
sort circulated." Now, though the orator made this 
declaration, and though moreover Severus himself 
volubly affirmed it to us, who were helping him try the 
case, and stated "it is impossible for Plautianus to 
come to any harm at my hands," still, this very Plau- 

1 Reading yofivuiuv lor yuvaixiuv^ which is possibly corrupt. 

2 Reading ^ AXayAvvai for d-Xiifisvat, which is undoubtedly corrupt. 



tianus did not live the year out, but was slain and all ^- ^- 200 

•' ' (a. u. 953) 

Ms images destroyed. — Previous to this a vast sea- 
monster had come ashore in the harbor named for 
Augustus, and had been captured. A representation 
of him, taken into the hunting-theatre, admitted fifty 
bears in its interior. Again, for many days a comet 
star had been seen in Eome and was said to portend 
nothing favorable. 




VOL. 5 — 24: 369 

FestivitieB on account of Severus's decennial, the marriage of 
Antoninus and victories (chapter 1). 

Death of Flautianus (chapters 2-4). 

The friends and children of Plautianus are persecuted by 
Severus (chapters 5-9). 

About Bulla Felix, a noble brigand (chapter 10) . 

Severus's campaign in Britain: an account of the Britons 
(chapters 11, 12). 

After traversing the whole of Britain Severus makes peace 
(chapter 13) . 

How Antoninus desired to slay his father (chapter 14) . 

Death of Severus Augustus and a summary view of his life 
(chapters 15-17). 


L. Septimius Severus Aug. (Ill), "HL. Aur. Antoninus Aug. 
(A. D. 202 =: a. u. 955 = Tenth of Severus, from the Calends of 

P. Septimius G-eta, Fulvius Plautianus (11) . (A. D. 203 == 
a, u, 956 =1 Eleventh of Severus.) 

L. Fabius Septimius Cilo (II), L. Flavins Libo. (A. D. 204 = 
a. u. 957 = Twelfth of Severus.) 

M. Aur. Antoninus Aug. (11), P.Septimius Geta Caesar. (A. D. 
205 =1 a. u. 958 = Thirteenth of Severus.) 

Nnmmius Albinus, Fulv. .ffimilianus. (A. D. 206 =; a. u. 959 
= Fourteenth of Severus.) 

Aper, Maximus. (A. D. 207 = a. u. 960 = Fifteenth of Sev- 

M. Aur. Antoninus Aug. (HI), P. Septim. Geta Csesar (11). 
(A. D. 208 = a. u. 961 =i Sixteenth of Severus.) 

Civica Pompeianus, Lollianus Avitus. (A. D. 209 = a. u. 962 
= Seventeenth of Severus.) 

M.' Aoilius Faustinus, Triarius Rufinus. (A. D. 210 = a. u. 
963 = Eighteenth of Severus.) 

Q. Epid. Ruf. Lollianus Gentianus, Pomponius Bassus. (A. D. 
211 = a. u. 964 = Nineteenth of Severus, to Feb. 4th.) 


Severus to celebrate the first decade of his reiffn pre- — i — 

A. D. 202 

sented to the entire populace accustomed to receive (o.m.' 955) 
dole and to the soldiers of the pretorian guard gold 
pieces equal in number to the years of his sovereignty. 
He took the greatest delight in this achievement, and, as 
a matter of fact, no one had ever before given so much 
to whole masses of people. Upon this gift five hundred 
myriads of denarii were expended. Another event was 
the marriage between Antoninus, son of Severus, and 
Plautilla, the daughter of Plautianus. The latter gave 
as much for his daughter's dowry as would have suf- 
ficed for fifty women of royal rank. We saw tlte gifts 
as they were being carried through the Forum into the 
palace. We were banqueted, likewise, in the meantime, 
partly in royal and partly in barbarian fashion on 
jwhatever is regularly eaten cooked or raw, and we 
received other animal food also alive. At this time, 
too, there occurred all sorts of spectacles in honor of 
Severus 's return, the completion of his first decade, 
and his victories. At these spectacles sixty wild boars 
of Plautianus upon a given signal began a combat with 
one another, and there were slain (besides many other 
beasts) an elephant and a crocotta.^ The last named 

1 Hesychius says of this beast merely that it is a quadruped of 
Ethiopia. Strabo calls it a cross between wolf and dog. 

Pliny (Natural History, VIII, 21 (30)) gives the following descrip- 
tion : 

" Croeottas are apparently the oflFspring of dog and wolf; they crush 
all their food with their teeth and forthwith gulp it down to be assimi- 
lated by the belly." 

Again, of the Leucrocotta : ,, 

"A most destructive beast about the size of an ass, with legs of a 



A. D. 202 animal is of Indian origin, and. was then for the first 

(a. u. 955) _ ° ' 

time, so far as I am aware, introduced into Eome. It 
has the skin of lion and tiger mingled and the appear- 
ance of those animals, as also of the wolf and fox, curi- 
ously blended. The entire cage in the theatre had 
been so constructed as to resemble a boat in form, so 
that it would both receive and discharge four hundred 
beasts at once,^ and then, as it suddenly fell apart, 
there came rushing up bears, lionesses, panthers^ lions, 
ostriches, wild asses, bisons (this is a kind of cattle of 
foreign species and appearance),— the result being 
that altogether seven hundred wild and tame beasts 
at once were seen running about and were slaughtered. 
For, to correspond with the duration of the festival, 
seven days, the number of animals was also seven 
times one hundred. 
— 2— On Mount Vesuvius a great gush of fire burst out 
and there were bellowings mighty enough to be heard in 
Capua, where I live whenever I am in Italy. This place 
I have selected for various reasons, chief of which is 
its quiet, that enables me to get leisure from city affairs 
and to write on this compilation. As a result of the 
Vesuvian phenomena it was believed that there would 
be a change in the political status of Plautianus. In 

deer, the neck, tall and breast of a lion, a badger's head, cloven hoof, 
mouth slit to the ears, and, in place of teeth, a solid line of bone." 

Also, in VIII, 30 (45), he says: 

" The lioness of Ethiopia by copulation with a hysena brings forth 
the crocotta." 

Capitolinus (Life of Antoninus Pius, 10, 9) remarks that the first 
Antoninus had exhibited the animal in Eome. 

Further, see ^lian, VII, 22. 

a These cages were often made in various odd shapes and opened 
automatically. Compare the closing sentences of the preceding book. 



very tmtli Plautianus had grown great and more than ,^- ^- 202 

(o. «. 956) 

great, so that even the populace at the hippodrome ex- 
claimed : ' ' Why do you tremble ? Why are you pale ? 
You possess more than the three." They did not say 
this to his face, of course, but differently. And by 
" three " they indicated Severus and his sons, Antoni- 
nus and Geta. Plautianus 's paUor and his trembling 
were in fact due to the life that he lived, the hopes that 
he hoped, and the fears that he feared. Still, for a time 
most of this eluded Severus 's individual notice, or else 
he knew it but pretended the opposite. When, how- 
ever, his brother Geta oni his deathbed revealed to him 
the whole attitude of Plautianus,— for Geta hated the 
prefect and now no longer feared him, — the emperor 
set up a bronze statue of his brother in the Forum and 
no longer held his minister ia equal honor ; indeed, the 
latter was stripped of most of his power. Hence 

AD 203 

Plautianus became violently enraged, and whereas he (a. «. 956) 
had formerly hated Antoninus for slighting his daugh- 
ter, he was now especially indignant, feeling that his 
son-in-law was responsible for his present disgrace, 
and began to behave more harshly toward him. For 
these reasons Antoninus became both disgusted with 
his wife (who was a most shameless creature), and 
offended at her father himself, because the latter kept 
meddling in all his undertakings and rebuking him for 
everything that he did. Conceiving a desire to be rid 
of the man in some way or other he accordingly had 
Euodus, his nurse, persuade a certain centurion, 
Satuminus, and two others of similar rank to bring 




1^' ^ oKR^ lii™ word tkat Plautianus had ordered some ten cen- 
to, u. Boo) 

turions, to whose number they also belonged, to kill 
both Severus and Antoninus; and they read a certain 
writing which they pretended to have received bearing 
upon this very matter. This was done as a surprise at 
the observances held in the palace in honor of the 
heroes, at a time when the spectacle had ceased and 
dinner was about to be served. That fact was largely 
instrumental in showing the story to be a fabrication. 
Plautianus would never have dared to impose such a 
bidding upon ten centurions at once, certainly not in 
Eome, certainly not in the palace, nor on that day, nor 
at that hour; much less would he have written it. 
Nevertheless, Severus believed the information trust- 
worthy because he had the night before seen in a dream 
Albinus alive and plotting against him. In haste, 
therefore, he summoned Plautianus, as if upon some 
other business. The latter hurried so (or rather. 
Heaven so indicated to him approaching disaster) that 
the mules that were carrying him fell in the palace 
yard. And when he sought to enter, the porters in 
charge of the bolts admitted him alone inside and 
would permit no one to enter with him, just as he him- 
self had done in the case of Severus at Tyana. He 
grew a little suspicious at this and became terrified; 
as he had, however, no pretext for withdrawing, he 
went in. Severus conversed with him very mildly: 
" Why have you seen fit to do this? For what reason 
have you wished to kiU us?" He gave him oppor- 
tunity to speak and prepared to listen to his defence. 


— 4- 


In the midst of the accused's denial and surprise at ^- ^ 203 

. ^ {a. u. 956) 

"What was said, Antoninus rushed up, took away his 
sword, and struck him with his fist. He was ready to 
put an end to Plautianus with his own hand after the 
latter said : ' ' You wanted to get the start of me in any 
killing! " Being prevented, however, by his father, 
Antoninus ordered one of his attendants to slay 
Plautianus. Somebody plucked out a few hairs from 
his chin and carried them to Julia and PlautUla (who 
were together) before they had heard a word of the 
affair, and said: "Behold your Plautianus!" This 
speech aroused grief in one and joy in the other. 

Thus the man who had possessed the greatest influ- 
ence of all my contemporaries, so that everybody both 
feared and trembled before htm more than before the 
very emperors,^ the man who had hung poised upon 
greater hopes than they, was slain by his son-in-law 
and thrown from the top of the palace into some street. 
Later, at the order of Severus, he was taken up and 

Severus next called a meetiug of the senate in the — 5 — 
senate-house. He uttered no accusation against 
Plautianus, but himself deplored the weakness of 
human nature, which was not able to endure excessive 
honors, and blamed himself that he had so honored and 
loved the man. Those, however, who had informed him 
of the victim's plot he bade tell us everything ; but first 
he expelled from the senate-chamber some whose pres- 
ence was not necessary, and by revealing nothing to 
them intimated that he did not altogether trust them. 

1 Beading auToxpardputv (emendation of H. Stephanus). 



A. D 203 Many were brought into danger by the Plautianus 

(o-. w. 956) , 

episode and some actually lost their lives. But Coera/- 
nus was accustomed to declare (what most people are 
given to pretending with reference to the fortunate) 
that he was his associate. As often as these friends of 
the prefect were wont to be called in bef orei the others 
desiring to greet the great man, it was his custom to 
accompany them as far as the bars. So he did not 
share his secrets, but remained in the space midway, 
giving Plautianus the impression that he was outside 
and those outside the idea that he was within. This 
caused him to be the object of greater suspicion,— a 
feeling which was strengthened by the fact that Plau- 
tianus once in a dream saw fishes issue from the Tiber 
and fall at his feet, whereupon he declared that Coer- 
anus should rule the land and water. This man, after 
being confined to an island for seven years, was later 
recalled, was the first Egyptian to be enrolled in. the 
senate, and became consul, like Pompey, without hold- 
ing any previous office. Csecilius Agricola, however, 
numbered among the deceased's foremost flatterers and 
second to no man on earth in rascality and licentious- 
ness, was sentenced to death. He went home, and after 
drinking his fill of chilled wine, shattered the cup which 
had cost him five myriads, and cutting his veins fell dead 
—6— upon the fragments. As for Saturninus and Euodus, 
they were honored at the time but were later executed 
by Antoninus. While we were engaged in voting eulo- 
gies to Euodus, Severus restrained us by saying: " It 
is disgraceful that in one of your decrees there should 
be inscribed such a statement respecting a man that is 



a Caesarian. ' ' It was not the only instance of suoh an at- ^- ^ 203 
titude, but he also refused to allow all the other impe- 
rial freedmen either to be insolent or to swagger; for 
this he was commended. The senate once, while chant- 
ing his praises, uttered without reserve no less a senti- 
ment than this : "All do all things well since you rule 

Plautilla and Plautius, the children of Plautianus, 
were temporarily allowed to live, being banished tO' 
Lipara; but in the reign of Antoninus they were de- 
stroyed, though they had been existing in great fear 
and wretchedness and though their life was not even 
blessed by a goodly store of necessities. 

The sons of Severus, Antoninus and Geta, felt as if —7—: 
they had got rid of a pedagogue in Plautianus, and 
their conduct was from thda time on irresponsible. 
They outraged women and abused boys, they embezzled 
moneys and made friends of the gladiators and char- 
ioteers, emulating each other in the similarity of their 
deeds and full of strife ia their respective rivalries. 
If one attached himself to any cause, the other would 
be sure to choose the opposite side. Finally, they were 
pitted against each other in some kind of exercise with 
teams of ponies and drove with such fierce opposition 
that Antoniaus fell out of the twoi-wheeled car and 
broke his leg. [During his son's sickness that fol- 
lowed this accident Severus neglected not one of his 
duties, but held court and managed all affairs per- 
taining to his office. For this he was praised. But 
he was blamed for murdering Plautianus Quintillus.^ 

1 This person's name is properly M. Plautius Quintillus. 



(t.' u. 956) ^® executed also many of the senators, some of whom 
had been accused before him, and made their defence, 
and had been convicted. But Quintillus], a man of 
noblest birth, for a long term of years counted among 
the foremost members of the senate, standing at the 
gates of old age, one who lived in the cotrntry, inter- 
fered in no one's business and did naught amiss, never- 
theless became the prey of sycophants and was put out 
of the way. As he was near death he called for his 
funeral garments, which he had long since kept in readi- 
ness. On seeing that they had fallen to pieces through 
lapse of time, he said: " Why did we delay this? " 
And as he perfumed the place with burning incense, 
he remarked: " I offer the same prayer as Servianus 
offered over Hadrian."^— Besides his death there were 
also gladiatorial contests, in which among other fea,- 
tures ten tigers were slaughtered at once. 
__8_ After this came the denouement of the Apronianus 
affair,— a startling story even in the hearing. He in- 
curred censure because his nurse is said to have seen 
once in a vision that he should enjoy sovereignty, and 
because he was believed to employ some magic to this 
end. He was condemned while absent in his governor- 
ship of Asia. When the evidence taken in his case was 
read to us, there was fotmd written there this state- 
ment,— that one person in charge of the investigation 
had enquired who had told the dream and who had 
heard it, and that the man interrogated had said among 
other things: " I saw a certain baldheaded senator 
taking a peep there." On hearing this we all became 

1 Compare Book Sixty-nine, chapter 17. 



terror-stricken, for neither had the man spoken nor A- D. 203 

(o. M. 956) 

beverus written any one's name. In their state of 
panic even those who had never visited the house of 
Aproniamis, and not only the baldheaded but those 
whose foreheads were indifferently bare grew afraid. 
No one felt easy save those who had unusually thick 
hair. We all looked around at such men, and a whisper 
ran about: " It's so-and-so. No, it's so-and-so." I 
will not conceal how I was then affected, however 
absurd it may be. I felt with my hand to see whether 
I had any hair on my head; and a number of others 
behaved in the very same way. We were very careful 
to direct our gaze upon baldish persons as if we could 
thereby divert our own danger upon them. This we 
did until it was further read that the particular bald- 
head in question wore a purple toga. When this state- 
ment came out, we turned our eyes upon Baebius Mar- 
cellinus. He had been sdUe at the time and was 
extremely bald. So he stood up and coming forward 
said : ' ' He wUl certainly be able to point me out, if he 
has seen me." We commended this speech, the in- 
former was brought in while the senator stood by, and 
for a long time was silent, looking about for the man 
to porat out. Finally, following the direction of an 
almost imperceptible nod that somebody gave, he said 
that this was he. 

Thus was Marcellinus convicted of a baldhead's — 9 — 
peeping,^ and bewailing his fate he was conducted out 

1 The phrase <pa\a.%poo napaxu^eiui has a humorous ring to it, 
and I am inclined to believe, especially considering the situation, that 
Dio had in his mind while writing this the familiar proverb ivou izapa.- 
xu^etui, a famous respoijse given by a careless ass-driver, whose 



(a.' «.' 956) °-^ *^® senate'-house. When he had passed through the 
Forum, he refused to advance farther, but right where 
he was took leave of his children, four in number, and 
uttered this most affecting speech: " There is only 
one thing that I am sorry for, children; it is that I must 
leave you behind alive. ' ' Then he had his head cut off 
before Severus learned even that he had been' con- 

Jus.t vengeance, however, befell PoUenius Sebennus, 
who had preferred the charge that caused his death. 
He was delivered by Sabinus to the Norici, for whom 
he had shown scant consideration during his governor- 
ship of them, and went through a most disgraceful 
experience. We saw him stretched on the ground, 
pleading piteously, and had he not obtained mercy, 
thanks to his uncle Auspex,* he would have perished 
pitiably. This Auspex was the cleverest imaginable 
man for jokes and chit-chat, for despising all mankind, 
gratifying his friends, and making reprisals upon his 
enemy. Miany bitter and witty epigrams of his spoken 
to various people are reported, and many to Severus 
himself. Here is one of the latter. When the emperor 
was enrolled in the family of Marcus, Auspex said: 
" I congratulate you, Caesar, upon having found a 
father. ' ' This implied that up to^ this time his obscure 
origin had made him as good as fatherless. 

animal being several rods in advance of its lagging master had stuck 
its head into an open doorway and thereby scattered the nucleus of 
a promising aviary. The fellow was haled to court to answer to a 
charge of contributory negligence and when some bystander asked him 
for what misdeed he had been brought to that place, he rejoined with 
a great air of injured innocence: "For an ass's peeping !" 
^A. PoUenius Auspem. 



It was at this period that one Bulla, an Italian, estab- . — 1° — „ 

T 1. 1 1 1 , A. D. 206-7 

lisned a robber band of about six hundred men and for (?) 
two years contiaued to plunder Italy under the very 
noses of the emperors and of so great bodies of soldiers. 
Pursuit was instituted by numerous persons, and Sev- 
erus emulously followed his trail, but the fellow was 
never really seen when seen, never found when found, 
never apprehended when caught. This was due to 
his great bribes and his cleverness. He got wind of 
everybody that was setting out from Rome and every- 
body that was putting into port at Brundusium, learn- 
ing who and how many they were, and what and how 
much they had with them. His general method was to 
take a part of what they had and then let them go at 
once. Artisans, however, he detained for a time and 
after making use of their skill dismissed them with 
something extra as a present. Once two of his robbers 
had been captured and were to be given to beasts, 
whereupon the chief paid a visit to the keeper of the 
prison, pretending that he was the governor of his 
native place ( ?) and needed some such men, and in this 
way he secured and saved them. Again, he approached 
the centurion who was charged with abolishing brig- 
andage and in disguise accused his own self ; he further 
promised, if the centurion would accompany him, to 
deliver the robber to him. So, pretending that he was 
leading him to Felix (this was another name of the 
chief) , he brought him to a hill-encompassed spot, suita- 
ble for ambuscade, and easily seized him. Later he 
assumed the garb of a magistrate, ascended the tri- 



■( ,) ~ bunal, and having called the centurion caused his head 
to be shaved, and said: " Take this message to your 
masters : * Feed your slaves, if you want to make an 
end of brigandage.' " Bulla had, indeed, a very great 
number of Csesarians, some who had been poorly paid 
and some who had gone absolutely without pay. 

Severus, informed of these events one at a time, was 
moved to anger to think that while having other men 
wia victory in warfare in Britain, he himself in Italy 
had proved no match for a robber. At last he de- 
spatched a tribune from his body-guard with many 
horsemen and threatened him with terrible punishments 
if he should not bring the culprit alive. Then this com- 
mander ascertained that the chief was maintaining re- 
lations of intimacy with the wife of another, and 
through the agency of her husband persuaded her on 
promise of immunity to cooperate with them. As a 
result the elusive leader was arrested while asleep in a 
cave. Papinianus the prefect asked him : * ' For what 
reason did you become a robber? " The other re- 
joined: " For what reason are you a prefect? " And 
thereafter by solemn proclamation he was given to 
beasts. His robber band broke up, for (the entire 
strength of the six hundred lay in him. 
_ Severus, seeing that his children were departing 

A. D. 208 from their accustomed modes of life and that his le- 
gions were becoming enervated by idleness, set out on 
a campaign against Britain, though he knew that he 
should not return. He knew this chiefly from the stars 
under which he had been bom, for he had them painted 



upon the ceilings of the two haJls in the palace where /• ^- 2°^ 

, -^ (o. u. 961) 

he was wont to hold court. Thus they were visible to 
all, save the portion which " regarded-the-hour " when 
he first saw the light (i. e., his horo-scope). This he 
had not engraved in the same way in both the rooms.— 
He knew it also by the report of the seers. And a 
thunderbolt struck a statue of his standing near the 
gates through which he intended to march out and look- 
ing off along the road leading to his destination, and it 
had erased three letters from his name. For this 
reason,^ as the seers indicated, he did not come back 
again but departed from life two years after this. He 
took with him very great sums of money. 

There are two principal races of the Britons,— the —12 — 
Caledonians and the Mseatians. The titles of the rest 
have all been reduced to these two. The Maeatians live 
near the cross wall which cuts the island in two, and 
the Caledonians are behind them. Both inhabit wild 
and waterless mountains, desolate and swampy plains, 
holding no walls, nor cities, nor tilled fields, but living 
by pasturage and hunting and a few fruit trees. The 
fish, which are inexhaustible and past computing for 
multitude, they do not taste. They dwell coatless and 
shoeless in tents, possess their women in common, and 
rear all the offspring as a community. Their form of 
government is mostly democratic and they are very 
fond of plundering. 

Consequently they choose their boldest spirits as leaders. 

1 The significance of this happening is explained as follows. Taking 
the Greek form of Severus, namely 2'£jBZf/'02' and erasing the first 
three letters you have leitHP02=HPQ£=h.eToa, "hero." When a 
thunderbolt substitutes the word "hero" for the emperor's name, the 
supposition naturally arises that the ruler will soon be numbered among 
the heroes, that is, that he will cease to exist as a mortal man. 



(a'u'm) They go into battle on chariots with small, swift 
horses. There are also infantry, very quick at running 
and very firm in standing their ground. Their weapons 
are shield and short spear, with a bronze apple at- 
tached to the end of the ground-spikC', so that when 
the instrument is shaken it may clash and inspire the 
enemy with terror. They also have daggers. They can 
endure hunger and cold and any kind of wretchedness. 
They plunge into the swamps and exist there for many 
days with only their heads above water, and in the 
forests they support themselves upon bark and roots 
and in alP cases they have ready a kind of food of which 
a piece the size of a bean when eaten prevents them 
from being either hungry or thirsty. Of such a nature 
is the island of Britain, and such are the inhabitants 
that the enemy's country has. For it is an island, and 
the fact (as I have stated)^ was clearly proved at this 
time. The length of it is seven thousand one hundred 
and thirty-two stades. Its greatest breadth is two 
thousand three hundred and ten, and its least is three 

— 13 — hundred. Of all this we hold a little less than a half. 
So Severus, desiring to subjugate the whole of it, in- 
vaded Caledonia. While traversing the territory he 
had untold trouble in cutting down the forests, reducing 
the levels of heights, filling up the swamps, and bridg- 
ing the rivers. He fought no battle and beheld no ad- 
versary in battle array. The enemy purposely put 
sheep and cattle in front of them for the soldiers to 

1 The reading is a little doubtful. Possibly " in such cases " ( napa 
raora ) ■ ( Boissevain. ) 

2 Compare Book Thirty-nine, chapter 50, which, in turn, refers to Book 
Bixty-aix, chapter 20. 



seize, in order that the latter might be deceived for a r^- ^- ^os 

. ° (a. u. 961) 

longer time and wear themselves out. The Eomans re- 
ceived great damage from the streams and were made 
objects of attack when they were scattered. After- 
ward, being unable to walk, they were slain by their 
own friends to avoid capture, so that nearly as many 
as fifty thousand died. 

But the emperor did not desist till he had approached 
the extremity of the island. Here he observed very 
accurately to how slight a degree the sun decliaed be- 
low the horizon^ and the length of days and nights both 
summer and winter. Thus having been conveyed 
through practically the whole of the hostile region,— 
for he was really conveyed in a covered chair most of 
the way on account of his weakness,— he returned to a. d. 210 
friendly territory, first forcing the Britons to come to ' "' 
terms on condition that he should abandon a good part 
of their territory. 

Antoninu& also disturbed him and involved him in —14 — 
vain worry by his intemperate life, by his evident iu- 
tention to murder his brother if the chance should pre- 
sent itself, and finally by plotting against his own 
father. Once he leaped suddenly out of hisi quarters, 
shouting and bawling and feigning to have been 
wronged by Castor. This man was the best of the 
Csesarians attending upon Severus, had been trusted 
with his opinions, and had been assigned the duties of 
chamberlaia. Certain soldiers with whom previous ar- 
rangements had been made hereupon gathered and 

1 Compare Tacitus, Agricola, chapter 12 (two sentences, Dierum . , ^^ 

VOL. 5—25. 385 


1^' ^' oM°i joined tlie outcry ; but they were checked in short order, 
as Severus himself appeared on the scene and punished 
the more unruly among them. 

On another occasion both were riding to meet the 
Caledonians for the purpose of receiving them and 
holding a conference about a truce, and Antoninus un- 
dertook to kiU his father outright with his own hand. 
They were going along on their horses, for Severus, al- 
though his feet were rather shrunken^ by an ailment, 
nevertheless was on horseback himself and the rest of 
the army was following: the enemy's force, too, was 
likewise a spectator. At this juncture, in the midst of 
the silence and order, Antoninus reined up his horse 
and drew his sword, apparently intending to strike his 
father in the back. Seeing this, the other horsemen in 
the detachment raised a cry of alarm, which scared the 
son, so that he did nothing further. Severus turned at 
their shout and saw the sword ; however, he uttered not 
a syllable but ascended the tribunal, finished what he 
had to do, and returned to the general's tent. Then he 
called his son and Papinianus and Castor, ordered a 
sword to be placed within easy reach, and upbraided the 
youth for having dared to do such a thing at all and 
especially for having been on the point of committing 
so great a crime in the presence of all the allies and the 
enemy. Finally he said : " Now if you desire to slay 
me and have done, put an end to me here. You are 
strong : I am an old man. and prostrate. If you have 
no objection to this, but shrink from becoming my ac- 

1 Reading 'unorsrrjxds ( suggestion of Boissevain, who does not regard 
Naber's emendation, Mnemosyne, XVI, p. 113, as feasible). 



tual murderer, there stands by your side Papiuianus ^- ^'3^. 
the prefect, whom you may order to put me out of the 
way. He will certainly do anything that you command, 
since you are emperor." Though he spoke in this 
fashion, he still did the plotter no harm, in spite of the 
fact that he had often blamed Marcus for not ending 
the life of Commodus and that he had himself often 
threatened his son with this treatment. Such words, 
however, were invariably spoken ia a fit of anger : on 
this occasion he allowed his love of offspring to get the 
better of his love of country ; yet in doing so he simply 
betrayed his other child, for he well knew what would 

Upon another revolt of the inhabitants of the island — 15 — 
he summoned the soldiers and bade them invade the 
rebels' country, killing whomsoever they should en- 
counter. He added these verses : 

" Let none escape utter destruction 
At our hands. Yea, whatso is found in the womb of the mother, 
Child unborn though it be, let it not escape utter destruction!" i 

When this had been done and the Caledonians as well 
as the Mseatians revolted, he proceeded with prepara- 
tions to make war upon them in person. While he was 
thus engaged his sickness carried him off on the fourth ^ ^^ ^xi 
of February. Antoninus, it is said, contributed some- («■ «• 064) 
thing to the result. Before he closed his eyes he is re- 
puted to have spoken these words to his children (I shall 
use the exact phraseology without embellishment) : 
' ' Be harmonious, enrich the soldiers, scorn everybody 
else." After this his body arrayed in military garb 

1 Homer's Iliad, VI, verse 57, with a slight change at the end. 


— 16 — 


(a' u' 9^64^) ^^^ placed upon a pyre, and as a mark of honor the 
soldiers and his children ran about it. Those present 
who had any military gifts threw them upon it and the 
sons applied the fire. Later his hones were put in a jar 
of purple stone, conveyed to Eome, and deposited in the 
tomb of the Antonines, It is said that Severus sent 
for the jar a little before his death and after feeling it 
over remarked : ' ' Thou shalt hold a man that the 
world could not hold." 

He was slow-moulded but strong, though he eventu- 
ally grew very weak from gout : mentally he was very 
keen and very firm. He wished for more education than 
he got and for this reason he was sagacious rather than 
a good talker. Toward friends not forgetful, to 
enemies most oppressive, he was capable of everything 
that he desired to accomplish but careless of everything 
said about him. Hence he gathered money from every 
source (save that he killed no one to get it) [and met 
all necessary expenditures quite ungrudgingly. He re- 
stored very many of the ancient buildings and in- 
scribed upon them his own. name to signify that he had 
repaired them so as to be new structures, and from his 
private funds. Also he spent a great deal uselessly 
upon renovating and repairing other places], erecting, 
for instance, to Bacchus and Hercules a temple of huge 
size. Yet, though his expenses were enormous, he left 
behind not merely a few myriad denarii, easily reck- 
oned, but a great many. Again, he rebuked such per- 
sons as were not chaste, even going to the extent of en- 
acting certain laws in regard to adultery, with the re- 



suit that there were any number of prosecutions for a. d. 2u 
that offence. When consul I once found three thousand °' "' ^^^' 
entered on the docket. But inasmuch as very few per- 
sons appeared to conduct their cases, he too ceased to 
trouble his head about it. Apropos of this, a quite 
witty remark is reported of the wife of Argentocoxus, 
a Caledonian, to Julia Augusta, when the latter after 
the treaty was joking her about the free intercourse of 
her sex in Britaia with men. Thereupon the foreigner 
asserted : ' ' We fulfill the necessities of nature in a 
much better way thaa you Roman women. We have 
dealings openly with the best men, whereas you let 
yourselves be debauched in secret by the vilest. ' ' This 
is what the British woman said. 

The following is the style of life that Severus led in —n — 
time of peace. He was sure to be doing something be- 
fore dawn, while it was still night, and after this he 
would go to walk, telling and hearing of the interests 
of the empire. Then he held court, and separately (un- 
less there were some great festival) ; and indeed, he 
did this very well. Those on trial were allowed plenty 
of water' and he granted us, his coadjutors, full liberty 
to speak. — He continued to preside till noonday. Af- 
ter that he went riding as much as he could. Next he 
took some kind of exercise and a bath. He then con- 
sumed a not meagre lunch, either by himself or with his 
children. Next, as a rule, he enjoyed a nap. Later he 
rose, attended to his remaining duties of administra- 
tion, and while walking about occupied himself with 

1 The water-clock again. Compare Book Seventy-one, chapter 6. 


A. D. 211 
(o. u. 964) 


discussions of both Greek and Latin lore. Then, toward 
evening, he would bathe agaia and dine with his at- 
tendants. Very seldom did he ha,ve any outsider to 
dinner and only on days when it was quite unavoidable 
did he arrange expensive banquets.— He lived sixty- 
five years, nine months, and twenty-five days, for he 
was bom on the eleventh of April. Of this he had ruled 
seventeen years, eight months and three days. In fine, 
he showed himself so active that even expiring he 
gasped : ' ' Come, give it to us, if we have anything to 