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riHACA, N. Y. 14853 

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A A A 

Alkondaville Govlndacharya 


Bhaguvadgita with Bdmdnuja's Ceminentaries, The Lives 

of the Drdvida Saints, The Devine Wisdom of the 

Brdvida Saints, The Vidanta and the 

Panchama Question, ^-?., ^c, ^■c. 

/IDa&ras : 

S. jMUHTHY & CO., 



{Copyright Eegistered.^ 





PI ^6 


(by pebmissiok) 


Mis Highness, Sri Krishnaraja Wodeyar Bahadur 








ITHACA, N.Y. 14853 

South Asia Collection 





After the Azhvars come the Acharyas. The former we 
have called " Saints," and the latter we shall designate as the 
" Sages." Both Saints and Sages possess the two-fold 
characteristics of " Knowledge " and " Love " i.e., Knowledge 
of God and Love to God. Whereas the Saints are pre-emi- 
nently of the order of Lovers of God, the Sages are of the 
order of Knowers of God. Both Saints and Sages are Servants 
of God. 

We have written the Holy Lives of the Saints already. 
And now by God's grace, we write the Holy Lives of the 
Sages. These are headed by the Blessed 2^athamani(ga]), 
(ranking as the Eighteenth in the Hierarchic 2'able attached to 
oar Lives of the Azhvara). The substance of the present work 
is the Life of Ramanuja. 




A long time elapsed between tlie Azhvars (Saints) and the 
AchS,ryas (Sages). At tlie date 916 A.D. or when the Sage 
Yamunacharya was born, Nathamuni, his grandfather, was 
alive. We have in record, thai Isvara-bhatt-Azhvar was the 
father of Natha-muni ; and Isvara-muni was his (Natha- 
muni's) son. All the three together lived in Viranarayana- 
puraui' where exists the Holy Shrine of Mannar KOil ; the 
Sesident Deity, there manifest, being Mannanar ( = Lord 
Krishna or Raja-Gopala). 

God so manifest was their household Deity. One day, the 
father, son (Nathamuni) and grandson went to the Shrine, and 
submissively petitioned of Mannanar to permit them to under- 
take a pilgrimage to the North of India, where they were 
anxious to visit all those Holy Shrines to Himself, or at which 
He bad incarnated* in various forms, in order to accomplish 
the threefold object of saving the good, punishing the wicked, 

' This place is about 15 miles go any change in His essence or 

from Chidambaram (Chitrakutam substauoo. KS.manuja has ex- 

aud where the famous tank Viraiiam plained this in his preface to Gita 

(abbr : for Vira-n3,rayanapuraiji} is ''''••'^ = — " He, being the vast Ocean 

Bitnate. Sri-ranga-Nathamuni is °.^ '"^""° Mercy and Condescen- 

^, , ,, • . .r e ^'°"' ^°™ ^"°- J^ointyi willed to 

the fall name of the Sage. assume (material) forms similar to 

3 Much has been written on the those of His creatures, icithout 

subject of Divine Incarnations in "fcoidomtiij His own essential divine 

the works (l)' Tathia-traya and Ra- (immaterial) nature [Pp : 8-9.] 

tiorwXe of Image Worship by Partha- 'fbe same that we say of our Lords 

sarathi, Yogi^ (2) Our Bhagavadgita, Matsya, Krishna, &c., the Christians 

(3) Lives oj Azkvdrs, and (4) Divine say of Lord Jesus Christ. " We can 

MisdomofDr&tida «««««. We again no more" sav they, "gaze upon 

call the attention of our readers His ineffable 'brightness than we 

to verse If. Lee, IX ot oi.r Gita; can look upon the noon-day sun 

and Tishnn-Pnrana verso ^IRnWTg^ Then God in His boundless Mercv 

&c. [v. J. 51, and v. 9. 23 to 25] shaded his brightness in the clouds 

and state further that by " Incarn- of hiimam nature — veiled H is face 

ation " we do not mean that God so that through the veil of human 

who is everywhere and eternal, flesh, human deeds and human 

changes His place, nor at one mo- words, we might look upon God and 

ment He is in Heaven, and at ano- live." {_Epiphauy. P. 6, Jan : 10th 

ther on Earth ; nor does He under- 1903]. 


and establishing virtue in the land {vide Bbagavad-G ita. IV-8), 
— such Shi-Ines as Mathiir.i, Gokala, Brindavaiia, the Holy 
banks of Yamuna (Jumna), Gfjvardhana, Dvai-aka, Ayodhya, 
Salagrama, EadarikaSrama, NaimiSaranya, Nrisimlia-giri and 

Lord IMannanar. deigned. to give them permission tti do 1=0. 
They started forthwitji with their families, and in the course 
of. their holy peregrinations, they came upon a place called 
G-yvardhana-pura, situate on the banks of Holy Yamuna, and 
there paid their homage to Lord. Krishna, known to the Dravi- 
dians as Yaniunai-t-tarai'Dan [yido Tiruppdvai hy St. And-Xl v. 
.5]. The Lord and all the surroundings were so fascinating as 
to induce them to decide to spend the rest of their days here. 
Time agreeably sped thus. But on a certain night. Sage ICatha- 
.muni had a dream in which Lord Manuanar appeared and 
commanded his devotee to return to Vlra-NA.rayanam. 

The Sage was vividly impressed by this experience, and 
resolved to return to his Native Land. He accordingly sub- 
mitted his desire to Yamunai-t-turaivan, who gladly accorded 
his sanction and honored the sage with the Holy fh-tha and 

Bidding adieu to 'the place, they bent their steps to the 
Paroshottama-Kshetra, where Lord Jagannatha is resident. 
After paying reveren;e to the Lord here, thej- next went on to 
Simh-adri or Ahobilam where Lord Nrisimha slteddeth liis 
saving radiance around , and thence they pursued their journey, 
till they arrived at the Sacred Hill of Tirupati, celebrated as 
the abode of Lord Sriuivasa,— the abode on this earth which He 
i.s said to have particularly chosen as His centre for the salva- 
tion of mankind, after having alighted tliereon from His celes- 
tial abode Sri Vaikuntha, or what is called Paramapada, 
Param-S,kasa, &o. This locality again was so prepossessing 
that it bid Nathamuni to dwell there permanently ; but 
Mannanar's commands, imperiously required his return liome. 
The Sage could not resist this ; and so left the Holy Tirupati, 


and en mite visited, among others, the holy spots known as 
Ghatikachala (of Lord Nrisimha), Hastigiri (or Kanchi of 
Lord Varada-K-aja), Tiruvahindra-pura ( — near modern Cudda- 
lore — of Lord Deva-Nayaka), Tii-ukkovalilr (of Lord Trivik- 
rama), Srlrangam (of Loi'd Ranganatha), Tirukkudandai 
( — or Kumhhakonam — of Lord Ara-v-amudu or Sarungapani) ; 
and finally returned to his native place Vlra-Xarayanapuram. 
Here the sage received an ovation from the holy inhabitants, 
and was conducted in procession to Mannanar. The Lord was 
highly pleased and made His -wishes known to the assembled 
community that thenceforward, they must look upon the Sage 
as His specially blessed devotee, provide him with suitable 
lodgings, and all other necessaries of life ; and take such other 
care of him as his favourite deserved. All this they gladly 
did. And Nathamuni(gal) made a flower-garden fortbe Lord, 
and employed himself in its care, serving the Lord with the 
offerings of garlands, scents, lights ; and in suchwise use- 
fully spent his time in the company of wise and holy men, in 
the cultivation of Divine Knowledge and its pi-opagation. 

One day, there came a party of Sri-vaishnavas from the 
uplands (or the table-lands to the north of Trichinopoly), to 
visit Mannanar, and they were heard to sing the sacred Hymn, 
" Ara-v-amudu" or the Decad : V-8 of St. Xammazhvar's 
Tirnv&y-Mozhi, and ending with the 11th verse of the same, in 
which it is said : " This Ten out of the Thousand, sung by Kuru- 
gitr Saihagopar.'^ Nathamuni, hearing this, begged of the 
visitor to repeat the " One Tlwusand." But they said' they 
only knew this fragment of Ten and no more. On being again 
asked whether any one else knew the same, or whether there 
were written records preserved of the same, they confessed 
that they knew nothing whatever of it. The sage dismissed 
them with the usual holy Tirtha and Prasdda from Mannanar. 

Natha was anxious to trace out the rest of the Prabandha 
(the Dravida Hymns of the Saints are so called) ; and surmised 
that they might in all likelihood prove recoverable in the 
Kurugn Land (=Azhvar Tirnnagari near Tinnevelly). He 

en. 1. NATHAMUNI. 

travelled south to this place, and paid due honors to St. Nam- 
raazhvaf, and Lord Polindu-ninra-Piran (or Adinafcha) and set 
about inquiring for the missing Prabandlia. He met Paran- 
kuSa Dasar, a disciple of Madhurakavi(gal)' ; and asked him 
for information. He said : — ' Sire ! Not only the Tiruvay- 
Mozhi of St. Namm5,zhvar bat the Prabandhas as well of the 
other Azhvars have almost been forgotten, as a very long time 
has elapsed since the daj-s of their composition. My 
Acharya, St. Madhurakavi(gal), has left this message that 
whosoever will concentrate his mind, fixing himself in a Toga- 
posture before St. Nammazhvar's (Holy Image) and repeat 
the ten-versed Hymn, the Kanninun-Sirutlambu, twelve 
thousand times, all the time devoutly dwelling on the Holy 
feet of the Saint, will place himself en rapport with the Saint, 
who will then bless the devotee with the vision of himself. 

Nathamuni was rejoiced to hear this. He fell at the feet 
of ParankuSa-Dasar and implored him to teach the (Mantra-like) 
Kanninun-Siruttambu. Dasar finding Nathamuni a fit soul for 
the communication, taught him this Decad ; and Nathamuni 
with due preparation and in all austerity, sat down in medita- 
tion for the term required, and duly invoked Nammazhvar by 
the twelve thousand-times-repeated Mantra, as enjoined. 

Entitled as he was to an exti-aordinary revelation, by the 
qualifications he possessed of a true- disciple, viz. -. '■ Faith, 
virtue, devotion to God, serenity, AvLsdom and courage' ", Sri, 
the Universal Lady of Mercy, commanded St. NammS.zhar 
to appear to Nathamuni. As if a voice came from Heaven, 
the holy Image of the Saint opened iis mouth and asked 
Nathamuni the object of his invocation. Nathamuni submitted 
to him his prayer : to recover the lost knowledge of the Pra- 
bandha. Thereon the Saint was pleased to dictate to him — i.e., 
present to his spiritually opened sight, like the sight Lord 

^ See his life in onr Holy Lives of the Azhvars. 

" anrem *r45rff5ra ^ffera^^'ii^w^- ' I'^fl'sg^f tow^ f^srwffqt ii 



Krishna gave to Arjana' — the Holy Tiravay-Mozhi of 1000 
verses, a.s well as tlieSOOO versos of Hymns suug by the otlier 
fsaints who appeared before and after Sfc. NammazhvS,r ; and 
in addition taught liim the holy Doctrine of the Three 
Rahasy^s [Vide P. xxi-xxii of Intro : to Lives of Azhvars], 
as well as the secrets of Yoga (or tlie physio-phycliologioal 
way of approaching God.)" 

N"fithanmni(ga1) felt himself blessed; and x-emained in 
Tirnnagari absorbed in the services of Azhvar and Adiaathq,. 
But lord Mannanar again appeared to him in a dream, which 
was to the effect that what Nathamnni(gal) learnt should be 
rehearsed before him. He comniunicated the dream to Lord 
Adin3.tha and Azhvar, whereupon he was permitted to return to 
his native place and was further enjoined to spread the instruc- 
tion lie had received, among such Srivaishnavas as were fitted 
by their spiritual character, viz., virtues such as savid and 
dama (or conquest of the senses and the mind). 

N'athamuni(gal) bent his ste})S homewards and on the way 
visited many Holy Shrines and learnt much of the traditional 
lore connected, with them, and finally reached Viranarayana- 
puram. Here he went to Lord Mannanar and as commanded 
in the dream duly recited all the Prabandhas, he had now 
received, beforp Him. 

The Lord after thus giving audience to N&tha thought to 
Him.self thus: — "That the souls may liave life, We provided 
them with bodies and senses ; We gave them Sastras to guide 
them in the right direction ; We ourselves often took upon Us 
flesh (incarnations) ; and yet Oui* work (of wholesale salvation) 
remains incomplete. The Prabandhas of the Azhv§,rs are a 
valuable means by which to efEect this regeneration. They 

i^[Bh : Gita. Xl]^ Cp : Bh:Gi: IV-1 to 3. Also 

i^^^ilPr rf ^%- ^^ WlHK'iiK. ^^das are often lost, recovered, or 
Divine knowledge is thus often revealed again and again : — 
lost and often recovered. g^F^ff^li^lsCR^RreraH, 'ItljT: II 

' See note on Yoga further on. 


therefore ought never again to be allowed to fall out of use. 
So thinking, He commanded N'athamuni(ga]) to set them to 
music and in this manner disseminate Holy Knowledge. 

In obedience to this command, Nathamuni(gal) set the 
Holy Pi-abandhas to ransic— celestial music, it is written — 
with the help of his nephews Kizhai-akatt-Azhvan and Melai- 
akatt-Azhvan ; and the Prabandhas being now like the Vfidas, 
associated with the three-fold intonation of Uddtta, AniuhUta 
and Svarita, spread from that time onwards far and wide in 
the land. 

King Chola is said to have ruled in those days in a place 
called Gangai-konda-chozha-puram, when two courtesans came 
to him. One could sing according to the mode called deva-gdna 
(celestial mode) ; the other according to the mode called manu- 
shya-gdna (human mode). Each thought she excelled the 
other ; and the object of their aj)proaohing the king was to 
have the dispute settled between them as to who actually was 
the better. The king ordered a council to meet, before which 
the singers were made to perform their parts. The dispute 
was decided in favour of the mamishya-gdiia ; and rich presents 
were bestowed on that performer, while the other was con- 
sidered to have failed. 

The lady of the deva-gdna thought thus : — " My method 
of singing, these manlings cannot appreciate ; and I shall con- 
secrate the same therefore to the ddvds (celestial beings)." 
So she went from one Holy Shrine to another, everywhere dis- 
playing her art to the Deity therein manifest. She in due 
course reached Vira-narayanapuram and as was customary 
with her she went to the Shrine of Mannanar and there sang 
her song in the audience of our sage Natbamuni(gal). He 
heard and understood her mode ; and mightily pleased, vouch- 
safed to her as a mark of his appreciation, the tirtlia andprasdda 
of Lord Mannanar. She now purposely retraced her steps to 
king Chola and spoke thus : — " There is one soul, at least, O , 
King, who can understand the beauties of my deva-gdna. He 


is by name Nafchamniii(ga]), the blessed votary of Lord Man- 
nanar at Vira-narayanapuram." 

The king's curiosity was roused. He sent messengers to 
Nathamuni(gal), begging him to deign to visit his court. He 
on his side, on receiving the invitation, thought thus : — " We 
have set the Blest Prabandhas to exquisite music. Let us visit 
the king's court, and take this opportunity of making these 
known to the world." Thus he directed his steps to the king's 
court. On his arrival, the king rose and welcoming the Sage 
with every mark of honor, offered him a suitable seat. Whereon 
the Sage blessed the king, and inquired as to his object in 
inviting him. The king said : — " Holy Sage ! canst thou 
distinguish between the deva-gdna and the m,anushya-gdn,a of 
these minstrels ?" The Sage then requested that the perform- 
ance be given before him. When this was done, he addressed 
the king thus : — '• Ye men have ears for the inanushya-gdna 
only. Only the Devas can understand the other." " But ", the 
king respectfully asked, "how, Sire, can we be made to 
hear it ?" Thereon the Sage directed that the 400 kinds of tdla 
(rhythm) be marked, and explained to the king the rate of 
each. The king understood from this explanation the regular 
harmonical progression and symphony which this method lent 
to the deva-gdna music, which produced in him a bliss never 
before experienced. It is also related that a pair of cymbals was 
placed near a consecrated post, and the ddva-gdna was sung, 
when it was found that the post began to melt. They stopped 
the music, and when they attempted to lift the cymbals, they 
stuck to the post ; and when they began the music and lifted 
them, they came off. The king went into raptures over this, and 
falling at the feet of the Sage propcsed to reward him abund- 
antly. But the Sage, to whom even the offer of Lordship over 
Worlds was no temptation, politely declined the presents 
offered ; and blessing the king, returned to Vira-narayana- 

Eight • disciples had oiir Sage : — (1) Uyyokkondar, 
(2) Kurukai-k-kaval-appan, (3) Nambi Karunakara Dasar, 
(4)Ern-tiini-vudaiyar, (5)Tiru-k-kanna-maiigai-andau,(6)V5,na- 
piamalai Devi-y-andan, (7) Urup-pattur-Acchan-pillai, and 


(8) Sokattur-Azhvan. They were disciples of the description 
given in Jaya-Samhita (of Paiicharatra) : — 

" He indeed is a true disciple 
Who owns, sole for the Guru's sake, 
All riches — all wisdom — 
All works — his body itself !" 

Such deserving disciples then, Nathamuni(ga]) initiated 
into all the Holy Mysteries of Religion, taught them theDivya- 
Prabandhas, and left a legacy of works, like the Pnrusha- 
nirnaya, and Nyaya-tatva treating of Sublime Truths of Reli- 
gion, beginning with Grod, the Lord of the Kosmos ; and also a 
work on Ydga (or the art of communian with God), called the 
Ydga-rahasya. He himself retired from active habits of life and 
became immersed in the contemplation of the Blessed Deity 
fixing His resplendent Form ever before his mental gaze. 

This samddhi stsite of the Sage came to be known to the 
outside world and finally reached the ears of king Ohftla. To 
see the wonderful Sage and pay homage to Lord Mannanar as 
well, he left his capital and, accompanied by his consorts, 
reached Vira-Narayana-puram. There he saw Nathamuni(ga]) 
absorbed in Y6ga (meditation) and, lost in respect and wonder 
at this unusual sight, was quietly retracing his steps. Bui the 
sage took them for Loi-d Krishna and His Holy Consorts ; 
that they had been pleased to visit him. Thus fancying in his 
delirium of Y6ga, he ran after them. Uyyakkondar and others, 
his disciples, observing this divine hallucination, pursued the 
Sage and meeting him at Gangai-konda-Chozhapuram besought 
an explanation from him as to the apparently insane nature of 
his conduct. He told them that in his eyes, they appeared as 
Lord Krishna and His Consorts and this vision threw him intb 
a frenzy of love. The disciples reminded him that sei-vice to 
God and the Godly were the highest aim, and that when this 
demanded waking life on his part, he was not to allow himself 
to be ecstasized in this manner to the prejudice of such service. 
He came to himself and returned to his -Divine Service at Lord 





CU. I. 

Matters went on thus for a certain length of time, and the 
Sage became more and more absorbed in liis illumination. 
On a certain day he called in his disciple Kurugai-k-kaval 
Appan, and commanded him to learn the Eight -limbed Yoga^, 
and taught him the same. 

The Sage now called his other intimate disciple Uyyak- 
kondar and asked him also to practice the Yoga metliod. But 
he humbly answered the Sage : — " Holy Sii-e, while I still 
carry the corpse with me, how is marriage possible ?° It will 
be time for me to consider the matter when I am about to give 
up my body." " Then ", said the Sage, " employ thyself in the 
dissemination of the Sastras and the Prabandhas." 

' This Yfiga is not on the lines of 
the Ydgii iis taught by Fatanjali, 
iuasiuuch as tlie latter is repudi- 
ated as uii-Vedic in the Brahma 
Sutra :—" Etetia Yogah pratyiilctak " 

[II-l. 3], and inasmuch aj it 
pustulates God as but the instru,- 
7ncntal cause of the Universe, thus 
detracting from the omnipotence 
of the God-head ; and at the same 
time looking upon God as but the 
Means of procuring Kaivalya, or re- 
alization of one's own soul, not as 
the Evd itself to be aspired after. 
The True Eight-limbed Y6ga of the 
God-aspirant (bhnkta) is described 
iiiPp: 119-120 of the Ist Volume 
of the Bhagavad Tishaya, Telugu 
Edition, 1871, Madras ; but vre 
can subjoin here only an abstract of 
the same : The Eight are (1) Tama, 

(2) uiyaiiia, (3) (iaana, (4) prancU 
yaina, (5) pralydlidra, (6) dlmrana, 
(7) dliydna, (8) samddhi. The lower 
four are external processes, the 
upper three are internal; (I) and 
(i) are as described in the Vishnu- 
purana VI, 7 = Celibaoy or conti- 
nence ! Harmlessness ; Truthful- 
ness ; Non-covetousness ; Non-ac- 
ceptance of gifts ; Scripture-read- 
ing; Purity (outer and inner) ; Con- 
tentment ; Austerities (such as 
fasts) ; Inclining the inind to God. 

(3) is Postures (Asaiui) described 

as Padvidsana &c., which help to 
produce comfort, attention and 
steadiness of mind, [as described 
by Vasishtha and others]. (4) is 
the regulation of breath (Prdnd. 
ydma) divided into Bedtaka, Ptiraka 
and Kiimbhaka [as described in the 
Vayu-purana]. These processes 
help to steady the wandering mind. 
(5) is Sense-conquest (Pratydhdra), 
or makingthe senses obey the mind, 
not the mind the senses, as des- 
cribed by Parasara [Vishnu-Pu. 
VI, 7]. (6) is fixing (Dh'drana) 
the mind on the Pure Person of 
God [as described by Saunaka]. 
(7) is concentration, (Dhydna) or 
the continued £«tnre of the mind 
on one subject, [as described in 
Vishnu-Pu. VI, 7, 91]. And this 
is of five kinds. (8) is absorption 
or immersion, (Sumdd/it), or realiza- 
tion of God [as described in Vish- 
nu-Pu. VI, 7, 921. 

* Marriage means Union (i.e. 
Y6ga) with God. This is not pos- 
sible so long as the body hangs 
on the soul like a corpse. The 
God-ward always look on the body 
as a detestable corpse to be cast 
away as soon as possible. Read, 
" Mey kundamaka virumbnvare,' 
&c.," [4th Tirn-vandadi, averse T&J. 

Cfl. I. NATHAMUNI. 11 

The Sage now called his sou Isvara-Mani and said : — 
" Son, thou shalt have a son. The naule ' yamunai-t-turaivar ', 
thou shalt give him." And he eommaaded his disciples 
Ujyakkondai' and K. Appan to communicate in due course to 
this vfould-be son, all the knowledge of the Sastras and the 
Y6ga he had imparted io them. Leaving his instructions thus, 
he resumed his Toga. 

Time passed. King Chola had gone out into the country 
with his followers on a hunting excursion, and he happened to 
pass by Viranarayanapuram on his journey back. Our Sage's 
young daughter watched the grand cortege, with bows arrows, 
female attendants monkeys and what not. But to her it all 
seemed like a vision, which, running up to her father, she 
described as if two men with bows, a woman and a monkey' 
called at his place and inquired for Nathamuni(gal) and went 
their way. And our Sage at once construed this (in his Divine- 
filled imagination) as if Lord Rama himself, with His brother 
Lakshmana following Him with bows and arrows (as His body- 
guard), -with Queen Sita between them, condescended to visit 
him, — as de.scribed in Ramayana [III. II.] : — 

" Rama went foremost of the three, 
Next Sita followed, fair to see, 
And Lakshman with his bow in hand 
Walked hindmost of the little band." 

Forthwith he started from his Yoga-seat and went in 
.search of this Holy Band, and asking those whom he met on the 
way, for traces of their journey. They said : " Go this way, go 
this way," evidently fancying that he was in search of the 
king and his retinue. He increased his speed and arrived 
in the vicinity of Gangaikonda-S-puram ; and asking the 
residents there to direct him further on the way where the 
Holy Band went, they said they had not seen any. He looked 
f arwai'd and far out and sideways, and seeing nothing of what 


liis heart yearned for, heaved a deep sigh, wept and swooning 
away, fell on the ground and departed from this world. 

^ \t<*lH'A\km ¥^ ^'l.HiJiyiTT: I 

wMi-^flH'-jrH?qr: s^rair^ ^f^^ ii 

The disciple!? and the son, of our Heaven-departed Sage, 
received the tidings of this extraordinary ti-anslation and 
could not boar the pain of separation; but fate must be sub- 
mitted to by all. So they travelled to where the Sage -was 
lying in state, and after prostrating themselves before the 
dead body, duly cremated him according to the Brdhma-medha 
ritual prescribed in the Vedas. Returning home, all the rest 
of the ceremonies were duly performed by Isvaramuni(gal),the 
son. And Kurugaval-Appan selected a place near where his 
Master was accustomed to sit in Yoga, and steadily practised 
Toga. The Sage is said to have lived 540 years.^ 

The memorial verse to him runs thus : — 

' Adam lived 930 years and so on. Read the Chronological index 
to the Old Testament. See Genesis V. 5. 




Uyyakkondar is the same as Pundai*ikaksha(r)' Ujyak- 
kondar is a name which has an interesting stoiy connected 
with it. Once on an occasion, Vangi-purafct-Acchi, the father- 
in-law of Nathaniuni(ga]), sent a request to his son-in-law to 
send his wife (i.e., Acchi's daughter), Aravinda-Pavai ou a 
visit. Nathamuni(gal) sent her, escorted by Pundarikaksha(r), 
his trusted disciple. Some of the dependents of Acchi looked 
down upon him as of an inferior caste, he being a piirva-sikhi 
(that is, of that class among Brahmans, whose custom is to 
wear a tuft of hair right on the crown of the head) ; and there- 
fore they fed him on stale food. But he never resented this 
treatment. He, on the other hand, considered it as the 
greatest blessing that was conferred upon him. He returned 
home, and pressed by Nathamuni(gal) to narrate all that took 
place at Acchi's residence, related with joy the happiness he 
derived from eating stale food ; when asked how it could be so, 
he answered that it was certainly so on the principle ex- 
plained by St. Tondaradippodi-Azhvar : — 

" If but their broken bread the saints will grant 
Indeed it shall my nature purify." 

[TirumSlai, verse 41. J 

On hearing this, Nathamuni(ga]) embraced his disciple 
and exclaimed : " Thou art my saviour." Thus Uyyakkondar 
means : he who practised the highest precepts of religion 
taught by his Master. 

Such was Uyyakkondar or Pundarik-aksha. He had 
many disciples under him with whom he was happilj- engaged 
in the delightful study and exposition of the Utterances of the 

1 Born at Tiravallarai, A.C. 826, Vide No. 19. Hierarchic Table, in 
our Lives of Axhodrs. 


Holy Azhvars. The chief of these disciples were five, viz., 
(1) Manakkal Nambi, (2) Tiruvallikkeni Panperumal Arayar, 
(3) Sottaip-pCl3i-Sendalankarar, (4) Sri Paiidatika-dasan, and 
(5) Ulagu-perumal Nangai. Of these disciples, Manakkal- 
Nambi or Sri Rama-misra(r) was the greatest, inasmuch as 
he bore to his Guru (Uyyakkondar) the relation of Lakshmana 
to his Master and Brother Sri Ramachandra'. This was so 
much the case that when the Guru's wife Andajamma died, 
Raina-misra did all the menial services that thus necessarily 
devolved on him in the household of the Guru. In illustration 
of this implicit servitude to his master, it is recorded that on a 
certain occasion, he accompanied the two daughters of his Guru 
on pilgrimage to a bathing place. They were returning and 
the damsels shrank at a small stream in their path, because it 
was sloughy. Rama-misra saw the situation and immediately 
coming to their rescue, stretched himself at length across the 
channel, and let them walk over on his back ! The Guru heard 
this incident, and drawing the disciple to him with exclama- 
tions of joy, touched his head with his feet — a favour not 
bestowed on all indiscriminately. " Is there any thing more 
that I can do to thee ? " further asked the Guru. " What 
more can I ask," said the disciple, " than that, having already 
attained my highest ambition, viz., that of serving at your 
Holy Feet, this service should be continued to me for ever " ? 
Uyyakkondar was overcome with this exemplary attitude 
and in his irrepressible wish to do to his disciple the highest 
good, commended to him once more for meditation the Dvaya- 
Mantra', the efficacy of which has been described thus in the 
Pancharatra : — 

«**!<*!! Hhi'u ^mmh 5Hm^ ii 

' if^^^+R'qFT'f 3HMcIW4?f«l% 1 [fiamayaiia.] 

* ride page xxii. Introd : to The Holy Lives of the Azhvdrs. 


Uyyakkondat-'s sojoui'n in this earth was now approaching 
its end and B.ama-misra(r)', reverently broached to him the 
subject of who after him was to bear the apostleship /or their 
Blessed Btspengatlon. " Well, my son," said he, " I had hoped to 
carry out myself the behests of iny Holy Master Nathamum(gal), 
communicated to me when he was passing away, viz., to expect 
the arrival of a grandson for him, (J.e., son to Isvara-muni(ga])), 
to whom to impart all the Mysteries of our Eaith, naming him 
Yamunai-t-turaivar, as my Guru willed ; but Providence has 
willed it otherwise. This duty therefore devolves on thee, the 
next and my most trusted disciple, and thou therefore wilt 
beqeath our mysterie.s to posteritj' in the Holy Sottai line of 
descent." So delivering the message, Uyyakkondar left his 
body, seating himself in the Padtn-dsana posture, and uniting his 
heart with the Holy feet of his Acharya, Sri Nathamuni(gal). 

Neither, nor his brethren, could bear this 
pang of separation, but gradually they recovered and girded 
themselves to carry out the last services and sacraments for 
the departed ; which they did with all due ceremony and 
solemnity. The memorial verse dedicated to him on the 
occasion is thus recorded : — 

Eiama-misra was now, with his disciples, engaged in the 
work of furthering his holy mission, all the time in eager 
expectation of the hoped-for holy son to be born to Isyara- 
muni(gal). This happy event came about in the month of Adi 
under the asterisk Uttarcida. Joy overspread their countenances, 
and they forthwith went about administering to the child all 
the sacraments fit for the occasion, through the medium of the 
father, ending by naming the child Yamunai-t-tui-aivar 
(according to the wishes of Nathamuui) and observing all the 

1 Vide No. 30, Hierarchic Table to our Lives of Azhvars. 



CH. II. 

needful preliminaries prescribed for the Vaislinavas according 
to the Eaiicharatra text: — 

Who was this holy child, but Yamunacliarya' (the Sams- 
krit synonym) ; Alavandar (the Tamil name), — the famous 
forerunner of Sri Ramanuja, who was to come" 

' We were mucli amused to read 
in Svami Day3.uanda Sarasvati's 
Satyartha- Prakasa, Ttimitjutctidnja 
transmuted into TavaiMchdrya 
who — it is further naively added — 
is " born of a Greek or Moslem 
family " !!! [Vide p. 62, English 
translation by Durga Prasad of 
Lahore, 190G]. And again in page 
73, it is written :—" The first 
teacher of this faith (Yaishnavism) 
was Satbakopa, who according to 
the BhaktamallL written by Nabha, 
was of the Doom (low caste) tribe. 
I'or, it says that the Yogi Satha- 
kopa used to make and sell winnow- 
ing fans (f^rq^j^ R^^K^PTt), 
that is to say he was born of the 
tribe of Kanjar. When he had 
wanted to read with the Brahmins 
or to hear their Scriptures, they 
must have treated him with con- 

tempt. He then might have coin- 
ed new things against the Brah- 
mins and their Scriptures such as 
the forehead mark, cauterising the 
forearms with the discus, &o. His 
disciple was Uunibahan, born of a 
Chandal or low caste family. He 
had a, disciple, named Yavan4- 
chiirya, born of a Moslem or Greek 
family. But his name was changed 
to Tamnnacharya." Our readers 
have onlv to read the Lives of 

AzhvS,rs written bj' us and this 
life of YAmuna, and then he may 
more than smile at the ridicnious 
account given by Hayanand. 

" This is very much parallel to 
John the Baptist preceding Jesus. 
Vide No. 21 Hierarchic Table in 
our Lives of Azhrart:, Born 916 A.C. 
at Knppangali, one mile from 




Suoli was the advent of Alavandar, which had been foreseen 
by his predecessors ; — an advent destined to inaugurate ^a sys- 
tem of thought which was thenceforward to grow, amplify 
and vivify the nascent religious sense in man. Alavandar 
•signified literally : " He who has come to reign " i.e., to reign 
in a system of religious thought, which was to glow in man's 
heart uplifting him to God in love. 

Duly were performed, as he grew, the sacred rites of 
anna-prdsana, chaula and upanayana ; and the life of the student 
began in earnest. Alavandar would attend the school for a day 
and stay away at home. Questioned by his fellow-students as to 
the cause of his absence, he would tell them : — " Ye are learn- 
ing the same things again and again." Questioned by his 
parents, lie would .say : — " They are reading the same thing 
over and over ; but I have learnt it all already." A preco- 
ciously clever boy thus, Alavand&r was ; and he was excused 
regular attendance at school. He finished his student's career 
rapidly ; and the next stage of life, wedlock, was duly entered 
into. By this time the end of Isvara-muni(gal) drew near, 
and he bid farewell to all with the consoling reflection of having 
left a model son for the service of the world. The noble son 
had all the sacramental routine for his departed parent strictly 
gone through ; and now set out to fulfil his own vocation. 

Grammar, logic, philosophy and allied subjects were taken 
up. And he studied them assiduously under Maha-bhashya- 
bhatta. There was at this time an Akki-y-Szhv£ln, residing in 
the court of the monarch of the country as Pandit and royal chap- 
lain. He was thus, in his own opinion, the head of all the literary 
men in the country, from whom he assessed tributes as a recog- 
nition of his suzerainty. The tribute was dasahandham or one- 
tenth of the income of each learned man. A demand for this 
was sent out to M-bhatta, who thereon was troubled in mind. 
On Alavandslr inquiring and being told all the circumstances 
of Bhatta's discomfiture, he received the demand-notice and 



tore it into pieces in the presence of the royal messengers who 
had conyeyed it. They returned and narrated the occurrence 
to Akki, who again sent men to Bhatta to know whether it 
was a new poet or a man of letters, who had dared so to affront 
him. Alavandar again interfered between his teacher and the 
men and sent them back with the answer : — 

*liMsJHWlR<)H.«!H+ilil'-l ftTTHH^TTT:!!" 

Akki had felt his pride already piqued and now tlie second 
message set him aflame with rage. " Is there a scholar to 
oppose me ?", cried he frantically, and appealed to his king 
for protection and redi-ess against the insult he had received. 
It was not Mahabhashya Bhatta, butan insolent boy of his party, 
who had thus insulted him, — was of course the repoi-t of the 
men. The king now despatched some messengers with a written 
command to the boy to come to his presence ; but the proud 
boy as unceremoniously destroyed the royal mandate, and let the 
messengers depart. The king was duly told of the indignity so 
offered. He reflected a moment and thought to himself that it 
must be no ordinary person who could command courage to 
slight even royalty ; he would therefore send envoys with 
escort and letters — a formal invitation — to the extraordinary 
boy to come and grace the royal court with his august 
presence. This was appropriate to him, and so the boy 
accepted the invitation and arriving, alighted in the royal hall 
of audience with all honors paid. All assembled to receive 
the curious visitor. Akki of course was present to witness the 
prodigy, of a boy come in this style, and feverishly fearing 
what the next event would prove to be. His fears were well- 
founded however, for it was like a bomb bursting before him, 
when a scrap of paper was thrown by the distinguished visitor 
before the royal pandit. It was at once a gauntlet and chal- 
lenge. The scrap contained this famous verse : — 

='flHl«ii<iiM^'*<-MHRioi»j^i "ipm irntts=q: n 


' Find, if yon will, than me a second soul, 

Who wots entire all Vedic dogmatics, 

In all the stretch from Um(S,)-tread Hiraalay, 

To Rama's bridge —the joy of Sita's soul — 

Or East to West, which mountain ranges bound, 

With sun and moon in turn, their crests adorning. ' 

On reading this, Akki's wrath grew : turning to the king : — 
" My royal patron ! ", implored he, " permit me to argue this 
boy out of his intolerable vanity, and crush him before ye all." 
The kino' gently asked the boy if he was capable of standing a 
combat such as his pandit would give. '• Most certainly, your 
Maiesty ! give me leave," answered he, " but you will not be 
capable of judging between us and deciding as between the 
winner and the loser ; nor can we own to you our mutual victory 
or deleft. Appoint, pray, judges versed in the matters of 
our contention." " Well said," agreed the king and selected 
fit umpires to adjudge the issues of the intellectual contest 
pending. It was an unparalled and exciting scene. And so 
the king and his consort both took their seats to watch the 
interesting proceedings. 

The queen saw the boy an-l with her keen insight and 
penetration decided to herself that he was going to be the 
victor. " My lord ! she said, addressing the king, " if this boy 
wins not, throw me to the dogs." " If he wins," exclaimed the 
king in his turn, " I will part with half my kingdom for him." 

Anon, Akki spoke :— " Vain stripling ! No drawn contest 
between us is needed. A mere trick suffices to put thee down 
before this august assembly, "witness ye all!" he said to 
the assembly, and turning to Alavand&r said : " if thou, proud 
boy shouldst say ' yes ' in any matter, I will prove the ' no ' 
of it • and vice versa, ' yes ' to thy ' no ' ; and the winner in the 
end 'shall touch the head of the loser with his foot." 
•' Agreed," promptly retorted Alavandar ; and without further 
ado made three short statements and challenged Akki to 


negative them if he could. Listen, proud pedant, to these and 
disprove if thou canst : — - 

(1) f^^lTrfl =r W^-^ = =Thy mother is not a barren woman. 

(2) tn^rr HRHtt: = =This king is paramount. 
(•^) USfCTJifr TT^strff = =This queen is a good wife. 

Akki wa.s simply stupefied, as he could not dare to dis- 
]ji"ovo tliese fact;? ; and therefore kept helplessly silent. 

They now entorsd Hie arena of literary debates ; and here 
also Akki was beaten. Alavandtlr addressing his opponent 
said : — " As for the victor touching the head of his victim, 
Pandit! — for that was our agreement — I shall desist from so 
base an act, though agreed to by thyself and in consideration of 
thy grey hairs and thy eminent status as Guru in the Royal 
liousehold." On hearing this declaration, the learned assembly 
applauded Alavaudar's attainments and noble demeanour and 
worshipped him with the honors of a Brahma-ratlia ( = a 
triumphal procession, &c.) 

The Queen was overjoyed to find that her insight had not 
belied her as to the results of the combat and drawing the con- 
queror-hero to her breast exclaimed : — ' Yennai Alavandiro i.e. 
' Didst thou come to fulfil me ' ? Alavatiddr thus means : " He 
who came to fulfil " i.e., (1) fulfil his spiritual mission on earth, 
and (2) fulfil the queen's prevision of his success. With the 
king, tha queen, — AlavandsLr with her — entpred the inner 
apartments, her joy kno\ving no bounds. 

The monai-ch, true to his promise, invested Alavandar 
with half his kingdom. In royal bliss thus did Alavandar and 
Ms holy wife, who by this time joined him, remain. 



Rama-Misra was -watcliing silently the eminence which 
Alavandar had readied so rapidly; and when he heard of 
Akki's ignominious defeat, and Alavandar becoming a king, 
his joy knew no bounds and he danced with flags in hand. 
He now thought of carrying into effect the commission he 
had received, of making Alavandar the future Apostle of the 
Faith. So, he went to the palace, but the guards obstructed his 
entrance. He found his way however into the kitchen where 
contracting friendship with the cooks,' he ascertained from 
them the potherbs that pleased Alavandar most. Tuduvalai, 
Sir^'ieir or jso-^az&rr '•' he daily took to the kitchen for 
a period of six months ; and yet no notice was taken of it. 
Wearied, he stopped away for a few days. Alavandar 
finding his favourite dish missing from his dinner so sudden- 
ly, enquired of the cooks the reason. They informed him of 
an old Brahmana having, for six months uninterruptedly, 
brought the green herb and having stopped the supply for a 
few days. " If he should return again," commanded the king, 
after chiding them, " inform me at once." Rama-misra thought 
he would try again, and so put in his appearance with the 
favorite vegetable, after some interval. The king was im- 
mediately informed ; and he ordered the venerable man being 
conducted into his presence. When he duly arrived, the king 
rose, and making obeisance, seated him with every mai-k of 
respect; and asked how he may reward him for his services, — by 
money or by lands. Misra said : — " Good king, these riches 
I do not need from thee ; for I have precious riches, amassed 
by your ancestors, to give thee ; and I shall show thee where 
they lie treasured up. Till I put thee in possession of these, 
let me be admitted to thy presence without hindrance by the 
guards at thy gates." Ajavandar was taken oat of himself by 

' In Hindu households in India, ca8te,and they must be holy people, 
the cooks must be of the same caste holier than the rest of the house- 
as the employer, or above their hold. 

- A thorny shrub bearing edible frnit. 


this unexpected revelation, and placed his men under instruc- 
tions to admit the worthy visitant freely witlioat caring for 

Misra now began to teach Alavandar the BhagavadgilA,, — 
the essence of all the Upanishads. As Alavandar listened 
attentively through the eighteen hooks of this Sublime Poem^ 
his spiritual sense was awakened, and a craving caused in his 
heart to realize God, as is spoken therein. " How sliall I 
realize Him ?" asked he of his Acliarya. " That is taught in 
the Great Charama Slfika' ", promptly responded the teacher and 
taught its significant mysteries. The more AlavandS,r meditat- 
ed on these, the more they entered deep into his heart. The sav- 
ing Grace tajjight therein made him more and more inclined to 
surrender himself to God, and more and more cultivate the sense 
of resignation t-o His will. His soul bent more and more to Him 
with the nourishment the teachings gave, just as the ripening 
grain-stalks bend as they receive more milk. As days passed, 
his love for the Merciful grew warmer and warmer ; and as 
this love increased, his attachment to other things became 
weaker and weaker. The Teacher watched the spiritual progress 
of his disciple, and thought the time was ripe for leading hiin 
to where his promised patrimonial wealth lay hidden. Hp 
led him therefore to the Holy Shrine of Srfrangam, where, 
pointing to God reposing therein in the serene glory of His 
presence, to all worshippers accessible, he said : — " H-«j^)HV-lti^ % 
T^^^'-^H'TNtH, I aWlnf ^V^m ^\'m^i\^H\^'. * I.e., " WJio will 
not worship Rangam, the most Holy, — if he he wise ? for doth 
not wisdoDi blossom here and keep Yama (death) out of sight ? " 
This is your trove, your heritage, and my trust, which I here 
discharge on this auspicious day." 

Alavanda,r, with the spiritual vision with which he was 
by God's Grace endowed, saw in the Holy Image of Banga 

_ > The 66th verse Bk. XVIII, Bh : GI. Vide p. xxii, Introd : of 

^ Srtranga-M&liatmya, I, 80. 


the Treasure oi the Universe cnshi-ined ; and exclaimed, with 
(a) feelings of remorse in his heart for past days, which had 
been spent withont this Blessed Vision, and (6) feelings of 
bliss overflowing in streams of loving tears, at the fascinating 
sight he enjoyed : — ' O Blissful God ' exclaimed he, ' many days 
have I lost in the vain pursuits of the world. I mourn for this. 
Now I have seen Thee reclining on Thy SSsha.' I serve Thee 
for evermore. I find myself reclaimed from the death of worldly 
enjoyments, and initiated into the life of Thy service. 

" wftrfJm% tT^^TW 2^ra?KT: M^filiy^ift i 

' Lord ! lands and friends and riches, 
Sons and wives, cattle and houses, — 
To him who has thy service tasted. 
Hateful objects hecome tJiey.' 

After this, a determination came to him to renounce the 
world, and don the robes of the Sanyjisin, inasmuch as the love 
of the world and of God were incompatible with each other. 
Thenceforward he devoted himself to divine contemplation 
and service. 

Alavand sir's spiritual fame attracted to hini many disciples, 
of whom the following were notable : — Periya-Nambi, Tiruk- 
kottiyur-Nambi, Periya-tirumalai Nambi, Mfiraneri-Nambi, 
Tiruk-kacchi-Nambi, Alavand5r-Azhvar, TirumAlai-y-andan, 
Vfiinamamalai-y-Jtndan, Taiva-v8lri-y-and4n, Isan-3>nd§.n, Jiyar- 
anditn, Tiruk-kurugilr-Appan, Tii-umohur-Appan, Tirnmohur- 
misratn, Taiva-p-perumftl, Vakul-abharana-Somayajiyar, Tiru- 
k-kurugur-dasar, TirumEil-iruiijolai-dasar, Vada-madui-ai-piran- 
dar, Alkondi-ammangi, twenty in all. They were all learned 
and became evangelists as well of the Faith. 

1 For a lucid description of the have in the text a representation of 
Bvinbolisin conveyed by this name one modeof <J/i»/dTi« or contempla- 
iind representation of the Godliead, tion,in which the thoughts are more 
the readers are referred to p. 31 ff. readily concentrated by being ad- 
Esoteric Hinduism, Fart I. Wilson dressed to a sensible emblem. 
says in his Viishvu purdrm: — We instead of an abstract trnth." 

" Brahma Purdua, 8, 32. 

/. ■ 


Manakkal-Nambi (Rama-misra), who liad five disciples, viz., 
Alavandar himself, Taivattuk-k-araSu-Nambi, Gomathattut- 
tiru.vinriagai--appan, Sirup-pullur-udaiya-Pillai, and Vaiigi- 
p.uratt-acciii, was now to deliver his me.ssage to Alavandar. 
" To Kurugai-k-k4val-appan has been entrusted another Mystery, 
viz., the Yoga {i.e., the proce-ss by which to know God, — not 
merely to conjecture or believe — by deep introspective medita- 
tion), which thou shalt learn from him," said he to Alavandar, 
and explained, when the latter asked why he could not him- 
self impart the Mystery : — " My Guru Uyyakkondar to whom 
your grand sire !N'athamuni(ga]) wished to impart this science, 
expressed himself as unworthy to receive the same in the 
words : — " When the corpse lieth, where is wedlock." ? ' I did 
not therefore receive the science. Nathamuni entrusted it 
to his other intimate disciple K. Appan. Learn it from him. 
And I am now going to depart ; to my disciples, give all learn- 
ing and instruction, and make Srirangam your capital, and 
pass on to posterity the Faith bequeathed to us by Nathamuni, 
your spiritual as well as bodily grandsire." So deliver, 
ing himself, he passed away, with his heart fixed upon the holy 
feet of his Guru. His memorial verse runs thus : — 

Time pas.sed with AlavandAr happily in the work of pro- 
pagating the faith and writing works, of which those that are 
extant are the Stutra-ratna, Siddhi-traya and Agama-prdmdnya, 
—the bulwarks of the Visishtadvaita-VedEinta. At this stage he 
bethought of visiting Kurugai-k-ka,val-appan. Accompanied by 
his disciples, he proceeded thither and finding Appan was 
absorbed in Yoga, approached the sanctuary with the utmost 
caution and reverence, and planted himself by the wall on the 
other side of Avhich Appan was seated. Withal, Appan 
exclaimed :— " Is there one of the SoUai-race (i.e., descendant 
of Nathamuui) standing there ? '* Surprised and with fear, 

' Qorptse means body, Wedlock means tbe union of soul with God or Yoga, 


Alavand&r vehtured to speak thus: — " Holy Sire, yes, I am a 

most hamble sciou of that race ; my name is Yamunai-t-turaivar 

(Yamun&charya). I am come here to do thee obeisance." 

So saying, he went forward and fell at Appan's holy feet. 

Rising, after being blessed, he asked of Appan, how despite 

caution on his part, he had been discovered by him. To which, 

Appan said : — " Son, when God is with me, He so loves me 

as to be listless to all else ; even Sri, His Spouse, is unable to 

withdraw His attention while He is so engaged ; but now He 

looked away from me three or four times. I concluded thence 

that none other than a child of Sottai race was close by." 

At which account, Alavand^r was delighted ; and entreated 

Appan that the Yoga-Mystery might be revealed to him, as 

directed by his Guru Manakkal-Nambi ; for he had come in 

quest of it. "Certainly it is intended for thee, son," said Appan, 

" But I can only impart it at the moment of my death. That 

moment comes the next Pushya-month, Guru-pushya-yoga, 

Abhi jin-muhurta. Take this scrap on which the time is noted so 

as to put thee in mind of it. Come precisely at that moment." 

Prosti-ating to Appan, Yamuuicharya returned to Srirangam. 

Adhyayan-otsava, or one of the great annual festal celebra- 
tions, in connection with the Holy Temple here, came round. 
It is the festival when all the 4000 Prabandhas of the Azhvars 
are sung antiphonally. In the course of this recital, the 
Araiyar, ' or the chief chorister of the Temple sang the verse 
of Tiruva,y-mozhi', viz. Kaduvinai (X. 2. 8), in which occurs the 
passage : — Nadamino namargal ullir etc., meaning : — 
' Speed, good souls, to Ananta-Sayana,' 
Hemind We this — speed-, oh speed.' 

J Th-u-r-aranga-p-p3ruma,l Arai- purna or Periya-tiramalai-Nambi, 

,-„r „ Ti- ^oir'vui the maternal uncle of^naia 

vnr Ron of Yamuna, it maj' "^ / ., t»a * . , i.j. \ * 

'not^d here that while Yamuna was (v'de Eamanuja's hfe). 

a Grihi he had four sons : Teyvatta- « gge our Azhvar's Lives, pp. xxii, 

k . karasu - Nambi. Pillai - ai-isn- 205 and 222, aud our Dhnne Wisdom 

K. it.cuo:^u , _ , Dr&vida Saints. 

Nambi; Sottai-Nambt and T.ruva. J^ ,^,^^ ^^^^ ^^^,^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ 

ranga-p-peramy. The son of the p^m^.jjabha (Trevaudrum, Tra- 

first of these sons is Srl-saili- vancore.) 



This passage reiterated by Araiyar was taken by Tftmunii- 
cliarya as a sign that a shrine so dear to Saint NammazhvSr ' 
viz., AnantaSayana, was one, which' to visit became impera- 
tive on him. He immediately rose and, placing his disciple 
Teyvavari-y-andA.n in charge of his matham (monastery), 
went on a pilgrimage to AnantaSayana, where he visited the 
Lord SeshaSayanaby way of the three-doored sanctum. Some 
time passed thus. He suddenly remembered the scrap given 
him by Appan, and calling for it found to his surprize 
that it was the very moment he ought to have been with 
Appan for receiving the Toga-Mysteries. With sorrow indes- 
cribable, he chid himself for his forgetfnlness and wished, in 
his agony, for a Pushpaka-vimdna ' to waft him instantly to 
Appan ! Helpless and in sheer anguish he left AnantaSayana 
and started back for Si'irangam. 

In Srirangam, meanwhile, Teyva-vari-y-ind&n was unable 
to bear the separation of his Guru, YamunScharya, and conse- 
quently became ill and wore away daily. Physicians were 
brought by his friends to examine the patient. They all 
declared that some deep mental affliction was at the root of 
his illness. But asked the friends : " Is it wordly affliction 
of any kind, — may be woman — gnawing at your heart ? " 
" No affliction,'' said he, " troubles me, but affection which I 
have for my Guru ; hence, if I am conducted, to him promptly, 
I may hope to live." Despairing of his life, the friends laid 
him on a stretcher and carried him towards AnantaSayana. 
As they proceeded on their journey, Andan daily picked up 
strength and revived sufficiently to be able to go on foot. At 
Karaimanai river-side, the Guru and the disciple met. The 
latter fell flat on sighting his Guru, — overcome by joy. The 
Guru, finding him thus lying motionless, addressed him thus : 
" Sri E.S,ma was a Master, hence He had the power to make 
his brother Bharata carry out his behest, (viz., to stay at 
Ayodhya till he returned from his exile in the forest) ; but I 

' See his life in Lives of Aehv&rs, 
° A aerial vehicle Buch as that ney from Lanka to Ayodhya 
nsed by BS,niachandra for his jonr- , [B&mftyana.] 


seem no such master to thee, as I am powerless like Rama 
to exact obedience from thee." This sarcastic remark penetrat- 
ed deep into the heart of And^n, and he felt that by trans- 
gressing the commands of his Guru to i-emain in Srirangam, 
he had disobeyed him. Speechless thei'efore he lay. 

. The Guru taking compassion — ^his anger at the disobedi- 
ence of Andan abating by this time — said : — "I believe, son, 
thou desirest to re-establish with me tlie relationship of mas- 
ter and disciple. If so I bid thee rise." On hearing this, An- 
dan rose, tx'embling with fear and stood dumb. The good men 
standing near remarked that Andfi,n's temperament was like 
that of Lakshmana, who said that his separation from Rama 
would be like taking the fish out of the water [Rslmayana II. 
5:i. 31. J. Tamun£icha.rya hearing this said : — " And§.n ! disciples 
constituted like thee are rare. I am proud of thee. But oh, 
much distress I find in thee. Take courage." So saying, he 
softly stroked him and bid him go "and visit Anantasayana. 
" Thou art my Anantasayana. I know no other ", burst out 
Andin, opening his month for the first time. T&munacharya 
was struck with the extraordinary character of his disciple 
and taking him to be for one who answers the description : — 

" That Teacher is all who Faith bestows on Ms disciple 
He is Vaikuntha itself, the Milk-sea and the Dvd/raka '.," 

led him back to Srirangam, which they all reached in due 

In the company of his faithful followers, YEbmunEicharya 
was here engaged in the prosecution of his spiritual mission ; 
but a thought now began to hawass him that to carry on the 
good work he had begun, no competent soul was yet found 
among his disciples. 

' Vaikuntha is Parama-pada or the the Nebula, said to be the source of 

Spiritual Universe ; MiVk-gea is the all Systems). Dvaraka is the place 

centre which in the Material Uni- where Krishna, one of the lucar- 

verse, God has made for Himself, nations, established Himself on 

and which is the source of all In- earth and in India, 
carnations (like the Milky Way or 




His birth and sliulies. 

Yamun^harya was tlius troubled in his mind as to a com- 
petent successor to whom to hand.'j^n/ the Torch of Faith for 

posterity His disciple Nambi oi-MatApurna ' had proceeded 
to The Holy Mount of Tirupati to live there for a time in the 
service of the Lord seated therein (VenkatSchala-pati). He had 
two sisters, Bhumip-pirsitti and Periya-pir&tti, or Bhu-devi and 
Srx-devi. The elder Bhu-devi was maiTied to Asuri KeSavap- 
perumal, the performer of many Yagas,— i-esiding at Sri- 
perumbudur.^ Sri-devi'was married to Kamalanayana-bhatta 
of the Vatta-mani clan, residing at AJazhalai-mangalam. 

Of Bhu-devi * was born RS.tnanuja, the Great Keformer and 
Religionist of the 1:2th century,'' just as RSima was born of 
Kansalya and Krishna of Devaki. Of him it is written : 

" It is the First Atlanta that became Lakshmana next. 
And Balabhadra next, again the One next in Kali." 

And this One was the Great Rfijna,nuja born in the Kali 
J Age, as the Spiritual Sun to dispel the darknes of sin and 
ignorance, reigning rampant as said in the verse : — 

11% ^% ?i3T% #-rrT ^i^m Tmr \tw- 1 

' See No. 23, Hierarchic Table, Lives of Azhvars. 

" Near Madras. 

' Also called Dyatimati. 

* Also called Kautiinatt. 

* See No. 27, Hierarchic Table to our Lives of Azhrars, (A. C. 1017). 
'' Yadavagiri-iltahtitmya, I, 32. 

' Jihamshyat-purdna. 


" The Scriptures are lost, and so this Trdditional Laws, 
The twice-horn have become degenerate. 
The allied sciences as well are wrecked, 
Oh, how Kali {Iron age) groics in power ! " 

To Harita Rishi was also, by God, foretold the coining of 
the Great Luminary, Racnanuja, as follows : — 

iKW ^l 1fR?4 ^?INI<siri tT^T!f[>?i:: I sPTtTT 'ST^iRrq ^ ^ HR^fT II' 

In thy line, Harita ! will he horn Saha himself — 
My Own — fm- tcorlds' Salvation. 

Thus then was ushered into the world a Great Saviour, in 
the fulness of his own age. 

Tirumalai-Nambi" (the disciple of Yamun&charja) got 
tidings of this birtli, and forthwith proceeded to Sri-pernmbu- 
diir (10 miles from the station of Tiruvallur, Madras Railway), 
to visit the child. Seeing his friend Asiiri K6sava, he con- 
gratulated him on the auspicious event and said : — " Friend, I 
see the blessed child. He is above his kind. Thfe light in his 
face indicates this. He possesse.^, iu embryo, all the qualities 
which shall make him a sage, learned and wise. Name liim 
therefore Lakshmana as he will be to God as Lakshmana was to 
Rama. Lakshmana (llaiya-perumal) is incarnated as Rama- 
nuja, (llai-Azhvar). As tlie illustrions child grew, the several 
sacraments binding on the Brahmanas were duly administered 
till he came to be full sixteen years of age ; and by that time, 
he had pas.sed through the student's course, viz. the learning of 
the Vedas and all that appertains to that study. He was now 
married ; or as the Vaidikas say, he duly entered into the 
Order of the Householder after Brahmacharya. He left his 
home in search of a competent teacher who would teach him 
the Vedsbiita and found one in Tadava-prakasa, living at 
Tiru-p-putkuzhi in the neighbourhood of Pernmal-k6il, or 
KancMpuram (Conjivaram) ; and hex e he joined other students 
learning under that teacher. 

1 BhiltapuH-mdftdtmya, III, (104-5). 

' Galled Sri-Baila'pArna, tha maternal uncle of BdmS^nuja. 


Meanwhile, Kamala-uayana-bhatta at Mazlialai-manga- 
laiu/ became the father of a boy, the mother being his wife 
Sri-devi as noted. Tirumalai-Nambi receiving the news, has- 
tened to the place and congratulating Bliatta on the happy 
event, foretold that the child was one of great promise ; be 
would grow to be very wise and good and unworldly, and an 
ardent Champion of Beligion. He was to be named Govinda." 
All the Samskaras (sacraments) were regularly administered 
in his case. He came of age and also entered the order of the 
householder. Hearing of his cousin-brother studying under 
Ysidava-prakaSa, he gladly joined him to prosecute studies 
in his good company. 

In the course of their landings, Yadava came aci-oss the 
passage:—^ ^^ -q^ ^ [Taitt : Up: II, 1. /] and be ex- 
plained it in a way most repugnant to the spirit of the 
passage itself. For the passage means : — 

" Brahman (God) is Truth {sattyam). Knowledge 
(jridnam), and InBnity {anatitaiii)." 

But Y&dava said that the attributes of Truth, Knowledge 
and Infinity could not co-exist in Brahman, inasmuch as broken- 
horn-ness, horn-les»ness, a,ndj ull-hornuess, could not co-exist in a 
cow, for example ; i. e a cow cannot have broken horns, no 
horns and be fully horned at one and the same time ; and 
therefore Brahman cannot simultaneously possess vaj-ious 
attributes. Brahman with attiibutes was therefore a logical 
impossibility. Bd,manuja protested with his teacher that this 
Upanishad passage could not be thus misinterpreted and 
so tortui-ed as to suit his own imaginary Brahman. Challenged 
by the teacher to furnish his own explanation, Kamanuja 
argued thus : — " To begin with, a sentence cannot mean other- 
wise than what it is intended to mean. " That Brahman is 
Truth etc." i.s what is evident in this passage. It does not 
run thus : — " Bi-ahman is not Truth," so as to make Brahman 

' Now known as Madhnra-mangalam (near Coojivaraan.) 

' Or Embar, No. 31 of Hierarchic Table in our Its Lives of Azhvare. 


devoid of any alti-ibute, thus reducing It to a non-entity. 
And tlien, if there is Brahman, It have attidbutes ; for an 
attributeless Brahinan can have no existence (fnt^/i). A tiling 
must be some-thing, not no-t\nng. And thirdly the attributes 
Truth &c. are not inconsistent with each other so as to pi-eclude 
their co-existence in Brahman, such as the inconsistency of 
light and darkness co-existing in space for example. The 
attribute Truth is meant to show that Bi-ahmaii exists not at 
one moment merely, and ceasing to exist beyond that moment. 
Brahman is Truth is therefore intended to establish Brahman's 
existence in eternity, or Its eternality in time. Brahman is 
Knowledge is next intended to establish that Brahman is Spirit, 
iovKnowledge means Thougt. Thought means Intelligence, Sensate- 
ness and so on. And thus Knoieledge is an inseparable adjunct 
of Brahman, for otherwise Brahman would be no Spirit, but 
simple non-intelligent or non-seusate or non-thinking stuff like 
lifeless matter. Brahman is Knowledge therefore establishes i 
that Brahman is Spirit or Life. Brahman is Infinity is next 
intended to establish that Bi-ahman is without limits or con- 
ditions, or Its infinity in space and mode. Truth therefore is 
the term which characterizes Brahman as Eternal, distinguish- 
ing It from what is reo» eternal ; Knoicledge is the term which 
characterizes Brahman as Spirit or Life, distinguishing It from 
what is Mon-spirit or wra-life ; and Infinity is the term which 
chai-aclerizes Brahman as Infinite, distinguishing It from what 
is non-infinite (or conditioned by space-limits or mode-limits). 
And these attributes and infinite others can co-exist in Brahman 
without mutual contradiction, as redness, softness, perfume &c., 
can harmoniously co-exist in the Eower. The analogy of the 
cow is not appropriate in this case ; the analogy of tlie flower 
as quoted, or the sun having light and heat co-existing, ate! 
appropriate. And therefore to try to postulate an attributless 
Brahman, or a Brahman in whom different attributes cannot 
co-exist, is neither logical nor consistent with the affirmatory 
character of the Vedic passage in question." Yadava after 
hearing this, simply said in disdain: ''Thou, to argue with 
me ?" and kept silent. ' 


On another day, R£injd.nuja,' — disciple as he was-^was 
anointing his Guru Ytldaya with oil; when YMava took into 
his head to descant on the Vedic verse : — 

?T^ ?nrT ^W 5'ra't)^ n^ TIwT [Chhand, Up. I, 6, 7] 

• 'Brahman,' he said, '(or He who is the Golden-hued in the 
Sun), has his eyes -red likie the posteriors of the naonkey." 
When Rim&nuja heard this, he felt a pang shooting across his 
heart to find that he should hear noble Vedic passages thus 
abused and ill-treated by YEidava. His grief was so keen that a 
hot tear stole in to his eye, and dropped on the lap of Y4dava, 
as Bdimanuja was bending over him to rub his head with oil. 
The drop scorched Yadava. He started and looked up. See- 
ing RS,raanuja troubled, " What ails thee ? " asked he. " I am 
grieved," he said, " that beautiful Vedic lines are so awkwardly 
construed." " What is thy interpetation, then ? " angrily 
vociferated YMava. " Sir," cried Relm^nuja, " can you not see 
that ka means leater, and pibati means to drink. Water-drinker 
is thus kapi, the snn, or the \ot\xs-stalk. Asa is to open (vitca- 
tane) or to rest {upariuane) . Pundarika is the lotus. And there ■ 
fore God in the Sun is He whose eyes are like the lotus which 
blooms under Ihe balmy beams of the snn, or lottis which rests on 
its stalk below ? It is to repudiate God to deny Him Person ; and 
when Vedas postulate such a Personality, it is doubly to 
repudiate Him by reading blasphemous similes into the 
Vedas, where reverential gravity and grandeur are intended. 
Such constructions betoken nothing short of heresy." YMava 
heard this irresistible oration of Ramanuja, and flared up 
saying :— " Haughty youth ! if thou canst not abide by my 
instruction, thou must leave me." Raaiauuja spoke not a 
Syllable in reply, but took his departure. 

The surprising intelligence of Rama,nuja. his original ways, 
and divinely disposed heart, all combined to set YMava 

' Unfortunately, even Sankara, had liked, seen through the blindg. 

whopreoededYadava.persisteinthis He however adds a clause in his 

offensive interpretation thongh commentary that this illnstration 

as a Vedio scholar he could, if he '^ "o*- 'ueant in derision.. 


thinking ; and his cogitations landed him in vice inasmuch as 
he believed that Rd/nisLnuja was a rival, who would any day- 
be his superior in learning, subversive of his philosophy of 
advaita (monism) ; in short an oddity who may injure his re- i/ 
putationas the teacher in the land, and a possible revolntionisb 
whom it was expedient to put an end to. 

Thus thinking, he called together those disciples who wei-e L- 
after his ways and said : " Look, all of you do quietly subscribe 
to my views, but this RS-manuja alone is adverse and perverse, 
and entertains opinions opposed to mine. He is likely to 
become our declared enemy. Can you devise some means by 
which to do away with him ?" They suggested many ways of 
disposal, but none of them recommended itself to Tadava, as 
it meant sinning, for which Sfi/stras declared that one must 
expiate and suffer ; and secondly in whatever way Bslmanuja 
was to be done away with, that must be above suspicion. 
After much consultation and deliberation, they pitched upon a 
plot, viz., to invite Ram&nuja back into their fold, treat him as 
their best friend — as one without whom they could not live — 
and then they would start on a holy pUgrimage to V4r§,na8i 
( Benares) and there drown Bam4nuja in the Ganga (Ganges) 
river, near Manikarnik£l-gha.t— the ostensible object being '^ 
pilgrimage, the real one being E,fi,mS,nuja's death — death 
which, taking place in the Holy Ganga, would be counted as 
an affair of merit, which they thought would not involve the 
actors in sin ! What travesty of spiritual ethics, by Tadava !! 
A veritable whited sepnlchi-e he must have been.' 

Into a hellish conspiracy such as this then, TMava and 
his accomplices entered, even as Duryodhana did as regards 
Dharmaputra and his brothers, whom he had contrived to kill 
in a wax -house. They therefore invited ReLmdnuja to join 
them as without him they said they felt uncongenial, and 
begged of him to prosecute his studies as he willed, undis- 
turbed. Some time passed thus. 

1 Probably Yadava's moral (ira- of the world, wh{ch thus seems to 
moral) sense took refage in his pan- provide no strong motive -for 
theistic theory of M&ya, or illusion strenuous effort after holiness. 


Tadava now announced liis intention of going on a pilgri- 
mage to Kasi (Benares) ; and making due preparations, started 
on the jouraej- with Ramdnuja of course, Govinda-bhatta., 
Rfl,ma,nuja*s maternal cousin, following. Goviuda someliow got 
scent of the evil designs of Tarlava on EamAnuja. The other 
disciples too had their suspicion that Govinda might divulge 
and defeat their machinations. They took care therefore to 
keep him and R§.mS.nuja apart as far as possible. They had 
now arrived at the Vindhya-range of hills, and while cro.<;King a 
valley, Eiiii&nuja stopped a little behind for purposes of nature. 
And Govinda contrived to tarry with him The others were 
a little in advance. Govinda took advantage of this seclusion 
to disclose to Ramanuja the designs of Yadava in as few words 
as possible and advised him to escape. So saying he left 

Rjbmanuja taking the hint, left the main path and turned 
aside, soon hiding himself in the wilderness of the Vindhya. 
He roamed about in the jungle aimlessly, the fierce sun beating 
upon his head, and stones and thorns hurting his feet, drawing 
forth blood. Wandering away thus into unknown regions for 
some tinje, he was fagged out ; and hungry, thirsty and footsore, 
■was unable to advance further. " Only greatest sinners," 
he cried, " deserve this fate. Hence it is written : — ft^ ^'-ikJ'Mfff 
^\§ g'»ti*li<'(lRn: I f EtSRrfrif sipp^ '^frPflT ^l=^roiTI|i e.g. " Those who 
steal others^ laml are born in tiie tvaterless wilds of the Vindhya, 
as dark snaJces lodging in dry anthills.''' He was bewildered, 
not knowing where to go and what to do. He looked round 
for help, mind-troubled and heart-sick. While he was in this 
state, all on a sudden burst upon his sight a Fowler and His 

Godhas defined himself as One who can have no jay itrithotd His 
faithful ones ■■ i^]%^\r^f^ JTRUt ^Tlf^ WrgRl^); and Otie who incar- 
nates with how, arrow, sword and even a wife, to befriend His faith- 
ful in times of peril : (^rk W%5PT: J^f^TTO^ij; I *IN^ I HM<.HH ! f 
MlR<l« 3Hll?T=ll " Seeing them, Ramanuja heaved a sigh and was 

1 rishnu-Dharma, 62, 31. « BrahmAnda-Purdim. 

CH. v. His BtRTH AtJD STUDIES. 33 

comforted at the thought that some one had come ox- been 
deputed by God to succour him in his distress. Raraanuja ac- 
costing them asked who they were and whither they were going. 
" We are Fowlers coming from Siddha-Srama in tlie North and 
are wending our way to Satyavrata-kshotra' in the South," 
said they. "May I accompany you to that Holy shrine?" 
asked Ramanuja. " Most willingly ", said they, " follow us." 
They leading, Ramfbauja trudgedon, till Vindhya was now out 
of sight, and the sun was setting. Ramanuja performed his 
evening prayers. And as it was getting dax-k, all the three sat 
down under the shelter of a big tree, and were sinking into the 
soft embraces of sleep. The Fo\vlei-'s wife addressing her hus- 
band said: — "Dear, can you get me a drink of water to allay 
my thirst ?"■ " Wait a little," answered the husband, '' directly 
it dawns, I promise to find you close by a beautiful pond, full 
of cool and fragrant water." E£lm£inuja overheard this con- 
versation and thought : " Oh, if only it were in my power to do 
this kind Pair a service now, at least as a requital for their 
kindness to me ! But. I am in unknown regions." And he 
dozed away in such reflections. 

The night had now nearly worn away, a flush sufEnsed the 
East, and a morning breeze gently began to blow. RsLmanuja 
rose with thoughts of God in his breast, and ofierred up his 
morning prayers. After this he looked round for his Guides, 
in order to pursue the journey, but to his amazement he did 
not find them. He called for them aloud and searched in 
every direction, but all to no purpose. He proceeded a few 
steps in alarm, not knowing whither he was going. But by 
this time the sun had appeared above the Ea.stern horizon. 
Ramanuja could see his suiTOundings better; and he heard 
peoples' voices. He took heart and, a few steps more, dis- 
covered a pleasant garden, a pond' and a few men standing 
by. "What a contrast this day is with yesterday," gladly 

1 The ptirdnic or legendary name of Conjeevaram . 

2 This is called Sdlai-k-Kinar, still existing and from which water 
daily brought to Lord Varada'rlijaBvanii for ablution. 


cried lie, astonished. " What country could this be ? Is there 
any town close by ? " he asked himself. 

The people gazed at him wonderiugly, saying : " Art thou 
mad, Brahmana ? Dost thou not see before thee the bright Punj-a- 
koti-vimanam ?" At this Ramanuja looked up and saw the high 
Gopuram (or cupola) of the Temple of Lord Varadaraja, the 
worshipful Deity of K4nchipnram. He was struck dumb with 
, delight and astonishment. It now dawned upon him that He 
who had directed his steps in the Vindhjan wilds was no other 
than God himself, who not only guided him but miraculously 
transported him over a distance of nearly 1,000 miles in a 
night !! Like the joy that thiilled Sita when she heard of 
Ravana's fall, like the joy that ravi.shed R&ma when he heard 
Hanumdn say : "I have found Sita ", like the joy of Hanuman 
when he entered the Madhuvana on his return from Lanka, was 
RAm&nuja's joy after the wonderful adventures be had recently 
passed through. He simply fainted away with delight, espe- 
cially when he reflected how God descends to the weak and 
helpless, even as Saint Parsbnkusa fainted when he reflected 
how Krishna, though God, submitted to be bound by a rope 
by YaSoda ! Charmed into ecstasy, he cried : — "ToArjuna, O 
God ! Thou revealedst Thy Beatific Form,' but to me Thou 
hidst Thyself under the guise of a Fowler. I took Thee for a 
mere Fowler and I beseach Thy pardon for taking Thee for an 
ordinary creature. Even as Arjuna besought Thee, so do I : — 
" Krishna ! Y4dava ! Achyuta ! Overlook it, if taking Thee for 
friend, I called Thee by names such as these, unmindful of 
Thy Greatness as God ; remit, O God ! any slight I may have 
unwarily shown Thee, while we moved together, sat together 
and ate together and joked together, as equals." ^ Ramanuja 
was thus drowned in rapturous delight after the wonderful 
experiences he had. Out of sheer joy he fell prostrate, rose, 
fell again, shed tears of joy, was bathed in perspiration — in 
short, felt his whole being divinely transported beyond him- 
self. Prom that day on, he carried water daily from the holy 
well {sdlai-k-hinar) to the Lord Varadaraja. 

1 Bhagavadgita, Xltli Book. » Bhagavadgill XI. 41, 42. 




Y^dava-prakdiSa and Lis disciples, finding that Ild,inaDuja 
did not follow, stopped and waited for him for some time. 
Govinda came up however and joined them. " Tou have come, 
but where is Ram^^nuja h'" asked Tadava. " I never stopped 
with him," said Govinda in reply, " I walked my own way, 
and so I am not aware of what has become of him. Tadava 
sent his disciples in search, but they returned unsuccessful. 
" What could have happened to the poor youth, Oh !" thus did 
they all feign grief. Baulked thus in their intentions, they 
continued their journey sullenly to on Kasi. 

They duly arrived there. It was the month Magha, and 
they went to bathe in -the Holy Ganga. While bathing, 
Govinda found a Sivalingam (phallus-stone) floating up into 
his hand. He showed this to Tadava, who said : — " Ton are a 
most fortunate man. Gangadhara (Siva) liimself has appeared 
to you. From this day you are most dear and venerable to us. 
Tour name from this daj' shall be : — " Uljangai-konamda- 
Nayanar (he who brought in his palm)." They all now started 
homeward for Kanchtpuram, visiting on their way Jagannatha, 
Ahobilam and other shrines. Before reaching Kanchi, 
U. Nayanjtr took leave of Tadava, saying he would instal the 
Sivalingam in a suitable place and then join them. T4dava 
permitting, Nayan^r went to his birth-place Mazhalai- 
Mano-alam, and there with the help of the learned men of the 
place installed tlie Sivalingam, and remained in its staunch 
service. Kalahasti is a place sacred to Siva. It is written 
that this Siva appeared to NAyanar in his dream commanding 
him to join his Temple-service at K&lahasti- A dream was 
dreamt by the Temple-authorities of the place also, commanding 
them to proceed and bring jSTayanar with honors. They did 
so and bringing Nayanar in festive fashion, made him the 
dignitary of their temple, investing him with the signet-ring 
and other insignia of that office. 


Yadava-prakasa, as already said, had airived at Kanchi. 
Here to his astonishment he found Raraaauja, who he had 
l)elieved had been lost in the jungles. He feigned joy however 
at .seeing . him and .said : — ■" Our grief at your loss in the 
Viudhyan wilds, was very gi-eat ; at seeing you now, it has 
given place to boundless joy." Ramanuja narrated to him 
how lie lost sight of them as they were much in advance, how 
he lost his way ; and how while wandering sick and sore in 
the mazes of the forest, a Fowler broke upon his sight sud- 
denly; and how He guided his steps so that to his wonderment, 
he found he had traversed a great distance while he thought 
he slept under a tree, but waking up to find he had been brought 
to Kanchi. This account made Ydidava to stare at Kd.m&nuJH 
in combined fear and wonder ; whom he now looked upon as 
a being not of the ordinary run of mankind ; not to be despised 
but looked upon as one deserving reverential regards ; and 
feeling remorse in his heart for his evil intents towards him. 
He could not therefore but turn his hate into love for him ; and 
therefore invited to grace his school with his presence 
and to complete his studies if he so willed. 

While these events were passing at KAnchi, two Sri 
Vaishnavas' of KAnchi travelled to Srirangam, to pay their 
devotions to Ranganatha, which they did and then went to 
Alavand4r (YamunftchEbrya), the great apostle of the Faith who 
was there teaching at fhe time". After due exchange of 
courtesies, Yamunacharya asked them for any news of an in- 
teresting natui-e at Kftnchi. They related to him how a youth 
REbmanuja by name, born at Bhiitapuri (Sri Perumbudur) 
came to Ksbnclii to read Vedanta under a uni-stafEed' Sany^si, 
Yft,dava-prakd,3a ; how in the course of their readings, differ- 
ences rose between them as regards intepretations of Veda- 
texts, — Yft.dava contending for a quality-less God, and Rama- 
nujS. for a quality-full One, and so on — , and how, on a certain 

1 Devout followers of Vishnu. the Advaita School, and the Tri- 

' ride his life. staffed to the Visihtadvaita school- 

5 l7«»-sta£Eed Sany4sins belong to The staff is made of bamboo sticks. 


day, a certain blasphemous exegetic by Y&dava of a Veda- 
passago excited and pained Ramauuja and drew forth burning 
tears from his eyes, which accidentally fiiUing on Yadava's 
ihigh scorched liini like fire ; how on liis challenging, Ranianuja 
gave his beautiful interpretation that the pa.S:-age meant that 
God's eyes resembled the lotus opening under the sun's i-aya, 
and how this and other disputations of the sort led to their 
separation; Y&dava's plot on his life and the rest of events, 
adventurous and miraculous, which followed thereafter in 

YamunachElrya heard this account with rapt attention and 
exclaimed : — 

" The bad are legion like fire-sparlcs in a furnace. 

But the good, ij jound in the fire, are like lotuses therein." 

So saying he felt a great longing to immediately go and 
see liam&nuja. . He repaired to the Lord Ranganatha and taking 
leave of Him, left Srlrangam with his followers. On his way, 
paying houor.s to God Nayanar and the Three First Azhvars at 
Tirukkoilur', reached Kanclii in due tirat!. 

Tirukkacchi-nambi,'' on hearing his Acharya coming, 
gathered together the holy people of Kanchi, and with Sri 
Sathagopa, Tirthaanl Praidda of the Holy Temple of Varada- 
raia, went forward to meet and welcome him. Yamunicharya 
received the Holy gifts of God, and seeing Tirukkacchi-Nambi, 
his disciple, lying prostrate at his feet for joy and veneration 
for the Guru, lifted him up with affection and inquired:— 
"Gajendradasa!" art thou steady at thy fanning service to 
Lord Var.ida ? '' " By your grace, Sire, The Lord is accept- 
ing my humble services," said he. And then they proceeded 

1 See Lives of AzhvlLrs. 

2 No. 36, Ibid, Hierarchic Table. Here read pp. 3499, Vol.VII. 
Bhagavadvishaya :— AmudaUav . 

s A Sanskrit name for Tirukkacolii-Nambi. 


together to the Temple, where Y£imui£l3ha,rya paid due honors 
to the Lord Varada. 

While he was thus employed, Yadava-prakasa came on a 
visit to t}ie temple, with his followers. Yamunitcharya saw 
them, and asked who among his followers was Ramanuja. 
They pointed him out. " That bright and glorious central 
figure," said they, " possessing those line shoulders, broad and 
long, like RiLma Himself, — that is R£imS.nuja." YamunacliEirya 
drank him in with his eyes, and sent his prayers after him, as 
the host was moving away. 

YamunstchEirya now mounted up to the Central Shrine of 
Lord Varada (called Hastigiri) and standing before the Deity 
sent up a prayer to Him thus : — " Great Lord ! grant me a 
boon. Thou art V'ara-da (Boon-Granter), for q^q si0R3i5r^ ^W 

%^ ^ ?Wf IWfSfiT II i.e. ' By thy favour, the deaf hears, the lame 
runs, the dumb speaks, the Hind sees, and the barren bears. I 
have sought Thee.' Grant me then, that this Ramanuja shall 
become the bearer of the Toi-ch of our Faith." An uv^ent call 
from Srirangam now obliging Yamunachftrya to return im- 
mediately, he found no leisure to do anything more, nor time 
even to say something to Tirukkacchi-Nambi, about his wishes 
and future plans. I'o Srirangam thus he returned. 



TSdava-prakaSa was conducting Lis Vedftnta classes as 
usual. It fio happened that the princess of the then RAja' of 
tlio dominion.'!, lo which KS,nchi had then belonged, became 
obses.scd with an evil spirit {brahina-ralshas). The Raja was 
endeavouring to find an able exorcist of demons. He was told 
that Y&dava was well versed in such loi-e. The Rdja sent men 
to invite him. They went and told him the state of affairs 
with the princess and that he was wanted. Yftdava said to 
the men : — " Go ye back and tell the spirit : " Yiidava com • 
mandeth thee to leave the princess." Tliey retui^ned and 
delivered the message : " Y&dava commandeth. Leave thou 
the princes.'?," they demanded of the spirit. " Go back," 
bellowed the rakshas, " and tell YSidava from me, to depart from 
this country." The Raja's men ran to Y&dava again and 
delivered this message from the rakshas. Yfidava now went him- 
self with a ti"oop of his disciples, and stationing himself before 
the obsessed princess, began to mutter potent magical incanta- 
tions and showing his fist, bid the devil depart. But the devil 
(i.e., princess) stretched its legs and pointing them towards 
YSdava said, in sovereign contempt of him : — " Thinkest thou 
Y&dava ! that I do not know thy magic and magical formula; ? 
Knowest thou not I am nbrahma-rakshas ? Neither thy mantra 
nor thy person can be efficacious as against me. Thou hast no 
knowledge of me, nor hast knowledge of thyself. Get thee gone." 
' ' But," put in Yadava, " hast thou knowledge of me, and of 
thyself as thou boasteth ? " " Learn then from me," retorted 
the rakshas, " thou wert a guana in thy past birth, living in 
the holes of the bank of the Madhurfi,ntaka tank. A batch of 
Sri-Vaishnavas were travelling to Tirumalai (Tirupati) on a 
lioly pilgrimage. They stopped at the tank, cooked, ate and left 
the place. They had left the leavings of their food, and had 
spilt some water. Thou didst then scamper to the place and 

» VlraWljendra nnd his successor time in possession of Conjeveram 
rarakesari Varma; as also the [Suitt-'i Indian Inscription Vol. II. 
Western Chalukyas were ahout this p. 1 17 f f .J 



ate of that food and drank of that water. This foitaitous merit 
brought this present janma (birtli) of tliine as a 
Bi-ahmana with learning. As for myself, I was a Brahmana 
in mj past birtli. I began to perform a Yuga (a Brah- 
nianic sacred ritual), but there were omissions in the regular 
chanting of the mantras, and tlic acts connected thcrcwitli. 
And henco the rdkshasa-janma has devolved on me. Sec.«;t 
thou iiow / have knowledge, and thou hast not " ? " Very 
good,'" said TSdava, " tell me then who will make thee dislodge 
from the princess ? " " There," said the devil, pointing with its 
hands folded in fear and worship, " in thy ranks there is that 
angel from Heaven incarnate among men, whom thou hast fhe 
glory of counting as tliy student, and whose name is Bam&nuja. 
At his bidding I must flee' ". Y4dava turned to Ramanuja and 
begged of him to command the evil spirit to leave. B&m&nuja 
did so. " But I will not ", it said, " unles.s, Holy soul, thou 
place thy Holy Poet upon my head." B&m&nuja did so. " I 
now salute thee Holy Kftm4nuja,"said the spirit in a loud tone, 
" I am leaving the princess." " But stay," said Ra,in4nuja 
" how .shall we know that thou hast left ? " By this sign " 
replied the spirit, " into that asvattha tree yonder, I shall 
enter, the evidence thereof shall be the breaking of a branch." 
And so it happened. Tlie Raja was overjoyed, and loaded 
them with presents and honors. Y&dava-prakfi,Sa showered 
plaudits on R4ma,nuja and glad at least that his prestige -was 
somewhat saved by his noble disciple, returned to his retreat. 

In Srirangam, Yftmunftcharya was in the meanwhile con- 
ducting his expo.sitions of The Faith, of which the Four-Thou- 
sand Prabandlia-s" constituted tlie chief documents. When lie 
came across St. Nammfl,zliv3,r's verse {Tlru-viii-mozhi IV. 10. 5) 
which proclaims that there is but One God, " On whom, all 
ye, Laingas, Samanas and Sakyas", shall believe ", he felt 

' Cp. Lnko IV.33— 35. And in the unclean devil &c. 
Also Luke X. 38 ft. 

' See our Azhv&j's tires. 

'i(iiH3fl.5 = Saivas, Samo»ins=^Jainas, S(il-i/ns = Bauddhas. 


more anxious thau ever to find a capable successor ; and still 
more fervently prayed to Lord Varadarsbja to wean fiS^manuja 
from the lierotical associations of Tadava, and appoint him for 
The Faith. In answer as it were to his ardent petition, a crisis 
was preparing. 

For, Yadava was one day explaining the Vedauta-texts 
^ jfTfl^ ^^,' and %? ^ ^srefT 1%^=!,''' as if tliey meant that soul 
(man) and God were identical". The first passage means : — AH 
this iiideed is Brahman, and the second means : — There is not 
the least diversity here. According to Yadava, the first passage, 
meant that all this Gosmos is God ; the second passage meant 
that all the diversifies that are seen in the Cosmos are illusory. 
Ramanuja took objection to these interpi-etations and said that 
the cosmos can never be identical with Brahman (God) nor can 
it be proved unreal. For the first passage: all this indeed is 
Brahman meant that the cosmos is permeated with His Spirit, 
i e. full of God; in other words the cosmos has no existence 
independent of God ; it exists by His will. He is its Creator, 
Preserver and Destroyer. He is its liuler and rules by His 
immanence. And the .second passage meant that the diversity 
is of the cosmos and real inasmuch as it is sustained by the 
Unity of God ; that therefore whoso sees the diverse cosmos 
as severed from God sees not aright. There is but One God, 
neither two nor many. In Him is all. That is the meaning 
of the text. Cosmos is not denied inasmuch as its existence 
is eternal substantially, though it exteriorly undergoes adjec- 
tival change. It is an axiom that nothing can come out of 
nothing : ah nihil nihil fit. The cosmos is real. It is iu God, 
who is thus one only, not many. This passage is thus an asser- 
tion, not a negation, of the cosmos. 

1 C/i/uMidofft/a Upaiiishad. III. 14-1. 

2 BrihaMranya. Up. VI. 4-19. 

' A Christian writer says :— " To centuries has been leading India 

sav that man, with all his passionate ever fiirthei- along the path o£ 

tempers, hia deceitful wavs, his foni decadence." [Epiphavy. p. 146 Vol. 

imaginations, his hard uncharitable XXII. 1904.] We Visihtadvaitins 

thoughts, is God, is the f^ital and say exactly the same thing, but 

destructive error which for so many which the Christian knows not yet. 


As obstinately as Y&dava preached his pautheism, so 
obstinately did EilinsiDuja rebut him. Yadava got em-aged at 
last. " No more can you read with me, Sir " he cried, " you 
must henceforth find your own congenial teacher.'' 

Bamauuja was glad to leave this teacher of impossible and 
absurd pilosophy. Straight home went he, and informed his 
mother Sri-D6vi of all that happened. " Enough of thj' 
studies,- son ! " said she ; there is Tirukkacchi-Nambi who is in 
great favour with Lord Varada-Raja. Seek his advice and 
service, and abide by his will. That will do thee all the good." 
KA,md;Uuja at once sought T. Nambi and besought him to employ 
him in divine services in the Temple, even as Lakshmana 
besought of Rama: — 

I%zfrrn^if%Hf^ \_Bwmdyana III. 18. 7.] 

" ! say : ' do,' and I am thy servant." 

S. Nambi said : — " Lord Varadaiaja much likes the water 
from the S«Zat-well you were once bringing him. Fetch the 
same daily and serve Him." Thus therefore did Ram&nuja 
employ himself. 

CH.viii. Alavandau'S last days akd last words. 45 



We shall foi* a moment turn to Srirangam. Tamnna was 
aging now. He became ill. Tiruvaiangapperumal Avai^-ar^ 
approached him, followed by Yamuna's disciples Tirnkkotti- 
yiir-Nambi^ and Periya-Jfanibi" . The latter pi-ayed to him to 
give them the best salvatory advice. Ydmuna spoke thus : — 
" Good souls, look upon the shrine of Kangauatba as your very 
life ; the Great God enthroned in that shrine as yonr Saviour ; 
make Tirupp-anazhvar, — the Panchama Saint* — -who is the 
beloved of this Great God, your ideal for loving contemplation. 
This holy Saint is to God IJanga (of Srirangam) as Kurnmba- 
rutta-Nambi'— the potter — is to God VenkateSa (of the Tiru- 
pati Hill) ; as Tirukkacchi-Nambi — the Vaisya" — is to God 
Varada-Raja (of Kiinchipurain). This Saint, to yon, sire," 
addressing Avaiyar, " is your very soul." And continued : — 
What is dear to you. Holy Sire, is dear to me ; the means of 
your salvation, are my means fi,s well. Avaiyar, prostrating 
to Yamuna said : " Sire, you now seem to lalk as if you are 
envisaging tmths as exist in Nitya-vibhuti ('=: Eternal or 
Unvarying Cosmos^Heaven). It makes me almost envious to 
study you thus." " Sire ", Y&muna said, " how can you be 
envious of me, if I go to Nitya-vibhuti before you do ? (Jan 
great and good men like you be envious of others' foi-tune ? 
So, if I leave 3'on all in advance, reconcile yonrselves thus." 
Now to all his disciples, he administei-ed general instructions 
thus: — " Hear me, sons ! A p-apanna is he who has absolutely 
i-esigned himself to God. If after professing so, he should 
still entertain doubts as to whether his soul is at all in the safe 

• Vide No. 22 Hieraroliic Table, TAres of Azln'ara. 
2 Vide No. 24. Ihid. 

-■' ritU No. 23. Ihid. 

* See Ilia Life and foot note to page 137 Iliid., and om- recent Lecture 
on the Fancliainas. 

^ See Yenkatachala M^batmya. He is called liliiiua, tbe potter 
" The third lower caste from the Brahniana. 



CH. Vlll. 

keeping of God, that very doubt is proof of his want of trust in 
God. A true believer in God is only he who feels quite sui-c 
of his soul's safety in His arms, and that his body is a tempo- 
rary form begot by Karma,^ ceasing when Karma ceases. A 
prapanna is thus one who has intellectually divested himself 
thus of all concern, either as regards his soul or his body, Iwth 
being in the ■ keeping of two divergent determining agents. 
This i-esigned attitude of the mind constitutes the true prapanna 
(believer). Dwell on the sense contained in the Holy Name 
NArfiyana, as it contains the sum of all divine wisdom. It is 

^ KariftO' means act. This is the 
inherent will in the eouI. This 
will is subjective. This shapes out 
an objective, for which matter is 
associated with. Like God, Soul is 
eternal, like theetcrnality of God's 
attributes, — because of God's etcr- 
nality. Kariiia, or will which is 
innate in the soul, iseteroal with it. 
A Christian might say : ' that this 
dogma puts a limit to God's power, 
inasmuch as Karma or soul is some- 
thing which He. did not make, 
and therefore, circumscribing the 
sovereignty of God. Karma be- 
comes therefore another "Unknown 
God ", containing in itself possibili- 
ties for the soul's future, and there- 
fore the soul can Birire for itself 
without or independent of God. In 
short, by the dogma of Karma, God 
is made dependent, if not altogether 
rendered iiug.atory. Karma there- 
fore is incompatible wich an inde- 
pendent sovereign God." To this 
we say, that Karma, by itself as a 
fact inherent in the soul, eternal 
with it, and as operative oa the 
destinies of the soul, is all that, by 
virtue of an eternal God eternally 
so willing. If God is capable of 
willing something in fnne, his capa- 
bility is all the more greater, when 
lie can will things from all eternitij. 
This is oallcd the yiitija-sankalpa 
power of God. With this basis 
then. of God's eternal will, there is 
nothing conlvadiotary or iuterfor. 
ing with God's paramouutcy. If 

the Christian in order to invest 
God with all-power, demurs to Car- 
ina being owned by the soul, is he 
then prepared to transfer all Karma 
to God, and in order to maintain 
that God must create soul, Karini 
and all iu time ? Then the soul is 
exonerated of all personal responsi- 
bility. It has neither merit nor 
demerit ; rewards and punishments 
are not for it. A non-eternal will, 
as creation supposes, therefore dero- 
gates from God's power rather than 
enhance and glorify it, as when 
He is endowed with eternal will. 
Time-limitations on God is thas as 
bad atheism, as that of identifying 
man with God, postulated by 
monism. Karma in soul, not origi- 
nating in time, and its being so by 
God's eternal will, reconciles at 
once, soul's responsibility for his 
acts (Karma), and God's supreme 
power to rule over this state of 
things as long as He maj' please, 
and reserving to Himself the power 
which may bo called grac«, by 
which to annul Karma in toto, and 
gather His flock to Himself. Eter- 
nal Karma therefore is compatible 
with sovereign God's Oneness, His 
unrestricted Power and His nncon- 
ditional Grace. To call in question 
therefore the power of God to 
eternally order things is to limit 
Him. To endow Him with eternal 
will is to truly conceive of His 
Intiaite nature. If it still be con- 
tended that Karmri, even when eter- 


the Name signifying : — " We are in Flim, and He is in us." ' 
" He is in us proves the bond between Him and Fiouls, (he bond 
by whicli He is boand by His Grace to save ns. We are in Him 
proves that we caj'i {reely and wliolly trust Him for all our 
welfare. Anything less than this trust .savours of diflidence, 
or which otlierwlsc constitutes the reboUious attitude of tlie soul. 
On the other hanl, to cjinpel God to .save us by our impor- 
tuiiitios, also savours of disobedience and to think that God 
must 1)3 ono at our beck and call, is equally impious and dis- 
loyal. Absolute i.s when we think of ourselves as des- 
tined by Him to serve some mighty |, of Hi.S, and as 
mere instruments, required in willingness to do His bidding 
.so that what His purposa may be, may be fulfilled. There is 
no purpose of our own as apart from His. God is the Pro- 
prietor and we are His property, of which He alone has the 
full power of disposal ; in other words, He is the Master and 
we are His vassals." The disciples asked again ; •' Sjre, what 
are our Means and onr Goal?" The Master said: — "Your 
Saviours arj the iiieam, but do not think I am one. In this 
matter, it is not for me to dictate, j-qu must use your own 
judgment. Again Your Saviours are the goalsLS well. To serve 
them eternally is the goal. And these Saviours are one with 
God as their minds are eu rapport with Him, so tliat to serve 

nally willed by Goil maljos God Gol shows grace, we cannot say 

a dependent Bains;, «.e., di'pendeut He is depeiideiif upon his grace to 

on Karma, then it m.ay be e(|iially save us. Again this eternal Karma 

jirgued that a potniakci- who him- is quite compatible with a most 

self collects a!l inateriaU to make a independimt God. Karma, we said, 

pot with, is ilepcii-'eiit on those act. \Vc must bo undeMtood 

materials ; an enjoyer of food, who to mean by this term the inherent 

himself aeiiuircs all tho'ingredienti capacity or potency in the sonl to 

for the food is dependent on the act. This is free-will (will atualizod 

food; a donor of sifts to a needy into act) in other words; and this 

person, movod to pity by the donee's is bestowed on the soul by God from 

petition!!, is dependent on his pity eternity. If it is pertinent to say 

or the donee's petition ! If God is that Karma cannot be eternal, it is 

still thought dependent, how can as well pertinent to say that God 

He have "the power of annulling must have been created by some- 

Karma ; in other words possess the body. See Srtrangaraja-Stava II, 

sovereign gift of grace ? When 43 ■■ gvddhiii'e." 

1 Equivalent partially to, ' Wo live and move and have our heing in 



tliem is to serve Him, and what pleases them pleases Him. 
Find your temple of bliss {blioga) in the Tirumantra, your 
temple of flowers {pushpa) in the Charainasloka and your 
temple of bounty (t.y'iga) in the Disuya}. I echo but what our 
Saints have said before.'" On hearing (hese, T. Araiyar 
said: — "Oh, Sii-e, after your dcparfni-e to Paraiiia-pada ( = 
Heaven), what matters it, if worms, like us, die ?" Yilmunn, 
hearing this, made no reply to such a token of affection ; and 
fearing lest such praise inflame his pride and destroy humility. 

T. Araiyar, Periya-nambl and others went to the Temple 
and there in the presence of Lord Ranganatha stood x-evolving 
in their minds as to what had transpired. Pei-iya-nambi and. 
others said they had decided to give up their lives, if Yftmnna 
passed ,away, for they could hardly bear such sepai-ation. 
Ranganatha read their thoughts and a voice came : — " I con- 
jure yo'h all not to think in this wise. You must abide by 
My will as to how long it may please Me to keep men on earth 
and when I may choose to dismiss them from there. Take 
Avaiyar for your guide after Ya,mana's departure." They all 
heard this divine mandate, and speeding to Yfl,muna related to 
him the extraoi-dinary occurrence. He said : — " I echo the 
mandate. Grudge me not that celestial bliss into which I am 
about to enter, nor grudge the service which Ranganatiia will 
deuiuad of you for some time to come after me. But if over- 
come by grief at having to leave me, you persist in your inten- 
tions to give up your lives on my account, it will be most 
hostile to the will of our Masters, Uyyakkondar and others, 
that a continuous succession of spiritual teacliers of your faith 
shall be mainfalncd. Do not then lose heart. Resigned to His 
will, live on." They were still unpacified. To put heart 
into them, the Master continued : — " Know these truths again. 
Endeavour to see no difference between God and God's saints. 
In God's saints, God Himself is present. On the other hand, 
know that when you do a. service to your disciples, you shall 
take no credit to yoni-selves for doing it. The credit belongs 

> Consult our iii'e* of AzhvarB and Dieine Wisdom of DrdvUla Saints 
for explanation of these mysteries. 


to the Masters of whom know you are the accredited agents. 
And when you serve God, think yonr .services are transmitted 
to Him by the Saints and Sages, whom you succeed. Far- 
ther, wlien you dispense to youv disciples, let the motive for 
such dispensing (i.e., imparting insti-uction or bestowing gifts 
<tc.) bi3 not one of selfi.^hnoss (i e., for a return from them of 
m.oney, or satisfaction of a worldly end). If a spiritual 
preceptor has such motives, and if lie ever consider himself 
superior in the midst of an assembly of holy men, he deserves 
to be discarded." The disciples were still dejected, and the 
Master again continued his di-scourse thus : — " Fi-t your hearts 
on Lord Rangansitha. He is your sole End and Aim. Enough, 
if the first thing you do every morn is to lay a flower at His feet. 
Here are three objects for your worship : — God, the Guru, 
and His Faithful. In the middle of these three terms centres 
the ideas of the first and the last terms. This concentering in 
a Guru who is sensibly present, will be your means to cross 
the sea of this world. I consign yon then, dear disciples, 
into the hands of T. Araiyar." T. Araiyar now addressed the 
disciples: — "Heai'kento the pai-ting words of our Master. 
Take courage. I also lay it upon yon not to think of dying, 
because the Master leaves us. If yon break these commands, 
you shall forfeit both the Land of Bliss and the Union with 
the Blessed. After hearing these assuring words of Araiyar, 
Y4mnnacharya found peace in his soul. 

Yamunlicharya recovered somewhat ; and took his bath of 
health. For joy, they made j^reat feast and in a body proceeded 
to the Temple to pay honors to Lord Ranga,' accompanied by 
Yamuna. The curtain the sanctum was drawn aside. 
The congragation was fall. Yamuna stood silent for a wliile 
before the Deity with folded hand.^, and then spoke thus :— 
" Sti-ange, is this Heaven ? Am I among the Celestials, 
the Angels ?" As he uttered this, the garland of flowers from 
Lord Rangahatha's neck slipped and dropped on the ground. 
T. Araiyar promptly picked it up anfl put it on Alavandar's 
neck, saying:— " I, sire, your wishes are now fulfilled." 
Dismis.sed by Ranganatha' with tirtham and prasiUam, they all 
• Banga is abbroviation for ttanganatha. 


i-eturned to Alavandav's monastery. Here, after seeing evei-y 
one partake of hoi}- food, AlavandAr prostrated before tliem all 
and asked forgiveness of them all for any wrongs. " How can 
you do wrong. Sire, and what is there for us to foi'give ? " So 
saying, T. Ai'aiyar raised him up in reverence. The master 
now took his food, and went on saying many precious things, 
knowing that his end was fast appi-caching. 

Something more was yet in store, bef'n-e God was pleased 
to take to himself this Pioneer of the Visishtadvaila Faith. 
XewE reached Kanchi of the critical state of yamunilcharya's 
health. Two Sri Yaishnavas hastened to Srirangam to vi.sit 
the sage, pei-haps for the last time. Yamuna received the 
visitors with great earnestness and asked them to tell him how 
things were going with Ramftnuja. They infoi-med him 
that owing to an altercation between YAdava and Ramanuja, the 
latter had sevei'ed his connection with him and was emphjyed 
solely in the services of Lord Varadaraja. " God has granted 
my fervent prayers then, and be He praised", cried Yamuna, 
elated with joy. He called Periyanambi (=:Mahflipurna) to 
his presence and said :— " Here ai-e glad tidings for ns. R&md,- 
nuja is happily disconnected from Yadava. Go forth at once to 
Kanchi and bring him to me." Mahapiirna immediately left. 

But Y&muna in the meanwhile got worse, despite his 
will to live till R3,ma.nuja's arrival. And all the disciples were 
made uneasy, and hoped against hope that the Master might 
live. It was the month Vaijasi, and the usual temple-jubi- 
lations of the season were proceeding. The avdbhrita ' (clos- 
ing) day came ; and YtimuncT, went to the Temple, and paid 
liis last worship and homage to Kanganatha, whom, as well 
as Saint Tiruppanazhvar, stationed at His feet, he devoured 
with his eyes fi-om toe to top, and top to toe. Receiving 
tirtha ■' and prasdda, " he returned to his monastery ; and 

^ Ablution after a sacrificial ceremony. 

= Walrer consecrivted to the Hiety during tlie worship and distri- 
buted to the devotees. 

» Flowers, food &c., offered to God and distributed to the Faithful. 


gathered togethei- all his disciples and temple-authorities 
i-ouiul him. He fell pro&trate l)efore the assembly, and once 
more craved their pardon for all his faults. In one voice they 
cried: — " Holy Sire, wliy speakest thou of faults ? " He now 
addressed them thus : — " I beseech ye all to take care of the 
venerable Avaiyar. ye officers of Ranga's Shrine ! I pray 
to j'ou to conduct all the several items of ■worship, such as 
mantrapushpa ' to Lord Ranga, punctually ; and distribute holy 
food to all your gurus and holy souls of the place, and to all 
pilgrims coming from all quarters to visit the Shrine." " These 
must be his Last words," thought all, soirowing much in their 
hearts. Turning to Ysbmuna, they said : — "All shall be done 
Sire, as yon wish." Sri Y&muna now assumed the padmasana^ 
posture, held his breath, and fixing all his mind and heart on 
tlie Holy feet of his Achdrya ^ Manakkal-Nambi, commanded 
the disciples to repeat loudly the BrahinavaUi,^ Bhriguvalli ^ 
Ptirusha-siikta,' Archirddi* Sitzh-viRumhu" &c. And as the 
n\oment Abhijifc (midday), coupled with Sravana constellation 
arrived On the sixth day of Vaiyasi, and as trumpets began 
to blow, the Holy Sage was elevated to Nitya-vibhiiti (Eternal 

Hov; Alavanddr u-as interred.^ 

Tiruvaranga-p-perumal Avaiyar and others fell to the 
ground senseless with grief at this bereavement which was so 
hard to bear. But they had to perform all the services for the 
departed ; and rallying therefore to the task, they bade the 

^ See any work on Yoga. 

' Spiritual preceptor and guide ; called also Guru. 

5 See Taittiriya Upanisbafc. 

< See Cliandogya Up. and one of the 18 Babasyas of Lokaoharya. 

° Tiruvai-rnozhi, X, 9-1. 
•"' We liad tliouglifc of omitting the Orienlal Scholars, we hare trans- 
details of this last sacrament ad- laled the same as best as we can. 
ministered on Sanyasins (monas- Also it is a study in Indian " Mag- 
tics). But thinking that an ac- netics " which may be interesting 
count maybe of much interest to to thaumatiivgists. 


son of the Sage {i.e., son before he took the ix)be of Sanjasin) 
to do what was necessary. 

Thej sprinkled water over the place {sthala-sitddht) after 
sweeping; constructed a fore-poled iiiantapam (booth or 
bower)', and adorned it with festoons of darhha (sacred 
grass), and sengazhu-nlr flowers ; silk hangings were hung and 
chiiinaras (chovries or streamers) were arranged in tassels. To 
the four posts were tied young plantaiu trees with bunches of 
green areca-nut at the capitals. Fruits of different kinds were 
hung from tlic canopy, and a flag hoisted at one corner. To 
tlic four faces, East, South, West and North, were hung respec- 
tively festoons of tender foliage, of pahisa, asvattha, khddira, 
and udumhara. Paddy grain was spread on the floor (of the 
bier), and pili-na-kumbha (water-filled vessel) was planted in 
its midst, and four others at the corners. Twelve more vessels 
were placed outside the bowei-, at different corners, repeating 
the Twelve Holy Names, Kesava &c. Their necks were wound 
with kttsa, diirvd, darhha, vishnu-krdntha, and various flowers ; 
these were worshipped after repeating the Vvaya-vmntra along 
with the names of the gurti-parampard (the apostolic series), 
and with the Twelve Holy Names, KeSava tfcc, they were 
consecrated. Leaving the vessel in the /saH^o-quarter (North- 
East) called the Sankarshana-vessel, the four others were taken 
up, and with them they laved the body of the Sage after the 
panch-Amrita (the five articles of milk, butter, honey, curds 
and cocoanut-water) ablution was over, repeating the Purusha- 
sukta all tlie time. The gentry of the place (rnudalis) now 
took up the remaining twelve vessels outside the bier, and 
ablutions were performed with these after presenting the 
assembled magnates with rolled betel and nut (jpun-supdri) 
and obtaining their permission, after dextro-ambulating them. 
The place at the outer-door wa.s next cleaned with cow-dung, 
and over tlie space .so consecrated, rice grain was spread. A 
mortar and pestle were brought and sacrificially washed with 
water, and new pieces of cloth were tied to them. Turmeric 

The bier of the Aryans. 



was placed in the mottar. Basis (or maid-seivants) stamped 
with the holy Ghakra and SanJcha — thus consecrated to "Vishnu 
— draped themselves in washed garments and decked them, 
selves according to the occasion, and going round tlie Holy 
Trivikraman Street, approached the door ; and prostrating 
before the holy assembly, with their leave, the Mcru-god- 
representing pestle was taken np, and repeating the Twelve 
Holy Names, the turmeric in the mortar was pounded, called 
Sri-Ghnma. Now came Avaiyar and others. They drew on 
the i)addy a figure of earth with its nine divisions {bharata- 
khaufja Sfc). At the eiglit corners of this space were placed 
eight vessels filled respectively, with holy powdei'S, holy un- 
guents, holy scents, holy flowers, holy liija (fried rice), holy 
milk, holy curds, and holy water -, and decked with the buds 
of darbha, asvaltha &c., repeating Dvaya-mantra all tlie while. 
To the East, they placed a winnow-basket filled with hnskless 
Icija ; <o Ihe West a vessel filled with Sri-Vaishnava-foot- 
washed water ; to the North, money and other presents to be 
distributed to the Sri-Vaishnavas ; to the South, a golden 
platter filled with the garland, raiment, &c., worn by Lord 
Ranganatha. Then prostrating to the sanctified image of the 
Sage, they went round it, and rehearsed Tiru-p-pallandu, 
Kanninun-sivuttambu, Suzh-visumbani mnkil.' Avaiyar then- 
went round the holy streets of Srirangam with music, chanting 
the Tiiu-virnttam and coming back to the monastrey, sang the 
finishing hymns. Then the eight vessels of holy milk &c., were, 
emptied over the Sage's bodj*, which was then adorned with 
Lord Ranga's gifts of garland, raiment and other things. They ' 
all then distributed among themselves as prasdda, the remnants' 
of all that was offered to the sage, and earnestly gazed at his 
figure .so as to distinctly retain it in their hearts for ever 
afterwards. They then threw themselves at the Sage's feet 
which they devoutly pressed against their eyes, hearts and 
heads ; and now completely overcome, gave vent to their grief 
which they could not control, by toi-rents of tears trick- 

• See onr Lives of Azhviirs. 


ling down their cheeks, and tent forth loud lamentations. 
'J'he worthies of the place pressed roiiiKl the mourners, and by- 
kind words assuaged tlieir grief. Tliey tlien lifted the bier, 
the Sage seated in it, on to a stretolier (or litter), which they 
bore reverently on their shoulders, and carried in splendid 
pi-ocession in the streets, conches blowing, music discoursing, 
and men and women setting up a sacred dance. The Praban- 
dhas were i-ecited in the front, Veda-parayana bringing up 
the rear. White cloths were laid in the streets in front of the 
procession, the member.s of which bore sugar-cane sticks in 
their hands, and carried bright vessels filled witli water on 
their heads. "As the procession wended its way, laja flowers 
and scented powders were broadly sliowcred over all, the 
vestal virgins of the sanctuary bearing torches aloft and 
leading. Chdmaras (chowiies) waved on cither side, and white 
cloths were brandifhed in the air.' And to crown all, bugles 
and trumpets proclaimed as it were : — " The Great Sage Ala- 
vandar, the Defender of our Faitli, has gone forth to Heaven." 
After thus pei'egrinating the Holy Streets, the Sage was 
carried to TiruhkararnhaH-lurai, a spot close bj'' the South, 
bank of Coleroon (KoUadam) liver in the North, and there 
purifying the spot with the unused water of the Sankarshana 
vessel (kept in i-eserve), all the sacramental litual enjoined for 
Sanyasins (monastic order)* was gone through punctiliously. 
The Sage was now duly installed in a cavern made in the 
ground. We shall leave the elders and dignitaries of the temple 
thus busy, and luni for a moment to events which were in the 
meantime transpiring in Kancht. 

' GlotU is folded at one end and held in the hand, the other end 
flourished in the air, producing a circle or the figure of an umbrella. 
^ Consult YalidliarinaSainacchaija by Yadava. 

CH. IX. alavandXh and RAMANUJA. 55 



We saw Mall ilpClrna sent to invite Ba,manuja to Srirangam 
to join the holy fold of <he Faithful. He duly reached Kftnchi, 
and delivered the message of his Ach/lrya to Kanehi-purna, in 
whose holy company, he duly paid hi.s devotions <o Loid Varada- 
raja ; and taking the ])ath leading 1o Sdhn well, — from which 
ll3.mfl.nuja was bringing his customary water for the service 
of Lord Varada-7— he went on reciting his Achiirya Yamuna's 
hjniu : — 

" Ndrayana ! , ivho, in Vedas versed, will difpute Thy Natural 
Qreatuess and Sovereignty, vast ; for Imow tKey not that Brahma, 
Siva, Indra and cehitiaU all, are but as drops nf foam upon 
the Ocean of Thy Gloiy ? " 

Rfl>m&auja was coming from Ihe well and lie heard this 
recitation. Not only was his attention arrested by it but was so 
sti'uck with its bcant}-, sense, pathos ami literacy,' that he 
anxiously inquired of the recifcr (whom he did not know yet^ 
of course) who was its worthy author. " Whose could such 
words be save my Acharya YAmuna-muni's ? " readily res- 
ponded i! ahapurra. " I must then visit this great .soul," said 
R&manuja. "I .shall certainly take you to him," replied 
Pdrna, jubilant at the success of his mission. 

The tiru-manjanam (holy ablution) water, Ramanuja 
duly delivered at tlio Shrine ; and he .sui>mittod to Lord Varada 
his ' treat wish to visit Yamuna ; and taking His leave as also 
Kanchl-plirna's, ho imraediatoly proceeded in Malia-piirna's 
company and by forced marches, reached the Kaveri river. 
They saw from that distance great crowds gathered, and 
employed evidently in very serious work. " What is all 
the bustle about ? " asked Ra,maauja anxiously of some way- 

* The beauty of this can only be realized by those who can under 
stand the ovifjitml. It sutifers in the translation, 


farers Thej said tliat Tarauna was no more. Tin's news 
made Maba-piivna and RElmannja distraught, and the shock 
prostrated them and struck tlicm senseless. Recovering 
somewhat, they wept inconsolable tears, as all their plans 
were foiled, and hopes blasted. An irreparable loss, it was. 

Mahapurna found Ramanuja disconsolate, and fearing worse 
consequences, forgot his own gi'ief for the moment in order 
to pacify Ramannja, in the manner, it is sad, that 'inlhc 
sword-cut, the sjj.-pi ).i-3tia>' is fji-j^jf^j.!.' RiDvjring 
breath somewhat, he exhorted him thus : " Take heart, RAmA- 
nuja ! knowest thou not the saying :— '^qfW«(gRi||R H^PSPR^HITl'^ I 
WVi|itlH4'i<i frrNi(lFflRwir|*r: ' i-e. "Obstacles to viitue attach even 
great men ; but when vice sets in, obstacles flee soinewliere ! " and 
raising Ramanuja in his arms, led him by the hand to where the 

Sage Yamuna was lying in. state. " I have at least been 
al)le to see this," said Ramanuja, and drank as it were, with his 
eyes, the Holy Figure ; but as he scanned it up and down, he 
discovered to his surprise that three of the five fingers of the 
right palm of the Sage were closed. He turned round to the 
assembly and questioned them about this strange sight. " We 
never marked this before. Sire," they said. Ramanuja reflect- 
ed for an instant, and imagining that the Sage might have 
some ardent wish in his mind unsatisfied, which he pro- 
bably 60 indicated, asked the bystanders if they wore aware of 
any specific wishes of the Sage expressed to them at any time 
in the course of his religious talks with them. " We are not 
particularly aware of any such directly," they said; " but 
indirectly we know that he often used to say that he wished 
v«ry much to see three things perpetuated. Firstly, gratitude 
i^iust be shown to the memory of Krishna- Vyfi,sa and ParaSai-a. 
Secondly, a tribute of love should bo paid to St. NammazhvAr. 
And thirdly, Vyasa-Siltras or Brahma-Sutras be com- 
mented on to bring out the real Visishtadvaita sense contain- 
ed in them." ' 

' Vhhhtddratui means, organic nuja's commentaries, Pro. M. Han - 

monism ; in othern-ords, — if it may g^ohirya's Srl-Bhashya, and Dr. 

be so called,— a Trinity in Unity. Tliibaut's Introdnction to Vedanta- 

Bead our Bhagavadglta witli IWmft- Sfttras, Sankara-bhlshya. 


RAmanuja lieavd this and said : — " Holy Sage," address- 
ing his Figure, " if this is thy mind, I promise I shall 
carry it out, provided I have the health, provided thy grace is 
on me, ami provided God"grants m_v prayers." No sooner this 
was said than the thrte bent fingers of the Sage opened out, 
as if to say • ' 03-0 " ! The whole assembly was witness to this 
miracle, and in one voice they all declared : — " Sire, doubt not 
that the Sage's grace is fully on you ; the very power and glory 
of his spirit will enter into you; you are the next fit successor 
to him for the evangelical work of our Faith. We all anoiut 
you here for the task." Ra,mauuja lovingly and steadily 
gazed at thq Holy Figure of the Sage, and contemplating Him 
to his fill, pressed His feet to his heart and eyes, and bathing in 
the river — as the last service rendered to the departed — took 
leave of Maha-Purna and started immediately back for Kfi.nchi, 
not caring to visit Lord Ranga, on account of the sore dis- 
appointment which had been caused. It is chronicled of 
RAmanuja that he often used to express to his holy assembly 
that if he had but been permitted for one single day to be in 
the living company of Sri Y&muna, he would have construct- 
ed a staircase to Heaven and procured free admission to all 

The magnates of the place then did ths remaining part of 
the interment, conducted with due obsequial litm-gy and in due 
course raised a cenotaph {brinddvanamy and mantapam '■' over 
the site. Memorial verses were thus sung : — 

1 An ornamental sliort pedestal with a basil plant planted on top. 
= A stone pavilion over (1). 

58 tkh: life of uamasuja. cu. x. 


Rclmtoiija, jvitli a lieavy heai-t readied Kanclii, and 
recounted the events lie liad first witnessed, to KiXnchl-purna. 
Pfirna mourned much over the loss of liis Ach'irya, aggravated 
])y the tliouglit that all the projects they had formed in their 
minds were thus frustrated ; but reviving, coniforted RaraS/- 
nuja Ijy saying : — " Lord Varada is all-kno%ving and all-power- 
ful. Let us submit to His -will. He will make good our loss by 
appointing you in his stead, for our Faith." So saying, lie 
conducted Sri-chihna-paripnlana,^ and Tiru-v-adhyayana' for 
his AcJidi-ya. 

R&mtouja again employed himself as before in the Tint- 
maiyana' service to I;crd Varada, and as friendship and respect 
for K^nchTpurna deepened, he found much spiritual worth in 
this .'jtannch devotee of Lord Varada. One day, Rama,nuja 
earnestly begged of him to become the sponsor for his soul. 
" Come, Holy Ramftnnja ! " .said Pui-na, " You desire this of me, 
because ymt, think I am worthy of such position, but know 
that I am an unworthy non-entity, whom Lord Varada has per- 
haps chosen to think of as some body. And you are evidently 
intent on acting on the principle : — 

' Yogis (or spiritual men) are born among all castes ; and no 
caste-odium shall hold in their cases, for they have seen their 
souls' Lord. 

This dictum holds good as regards our soul-relation, but 
it cannot be applied as regards our external conditions of 
birth and social polity as ordained by the Scriptures (Vedas). 

* The ceremony of tlie turmeric-powder {vide p. 53), applied to the 

* The f aneral ceremonies of the Srt-vaishnavas, when the Prabau- 
dbas are recited antiphocally, and a great feast is given. 

" Carrying water-poi:s for ablntion-ceremony to the Deity. 

* Bharadrhja-Samhila, T, 44. 

CH. X. 



You shall not therefore externally profess to me bonds which 
militates against the typical social system of Varna ' and 
AsramaJ' Years is Bnikmana-hody and mine a Vaisya-hody, 
and as lonji; as these last, we must respect temporary distinc- 
tions for the sake of the safety of our social fabric, which we 
cannot violate without injury. 

" Varna=the four typical castes 
of Brdhnuina, Kshatriija, Vaisyaand 
Siidra. Asraina=the four typical 
orders of life, viz., Bralunacharya 
(Student), Grihastlia (householder), 
Ydnaprastha (anchorite), and Saii- 
nycisa (monastic). A recent speech 
by Mr. N. N. Ghose at the Hare 
Anniversary Meeting (1904) is im- 
portant as bearing on the vexed 
question of caste in India, which 
the Christian will not under- 
stand. He said:— -'The division 
into castes cannot be understood by 
any one who does not realise that 
all Hindu institutions were inspired 
by one principle. It was not politi- 
cal expediency, not social conve- 
nience, not the happiness of the 
greatest number, not the develop- 
ment of fighting capacity. Mate- 
rial good was a subordinate end. 
The ruling principle was the spirit- 
ual evolution of man, the perfec- 
tion of character, realisation of 
the self. For the porposes of 
spiritual evolution, a segregation of 
classes and occupations was con- 
sidered necessary. The Brahmans, 
for instance, were to be devoted to 
religious work and meditation and 
the function of teaching, and so on 
with other castes. It was no mere 
division of labour that was thus 
accomplished. It was an institu- 
tion meant to prevent the spiritual 
degradation of men by the mixing 
up of finer and courser spiritual 
natures. The four leading castes 
were marked off from each other 
by characteristics that could not 
be misUken. The division was not 
arbitrary. All experience shows 

that men are not equally endowed 
on the spiritual side. Then it has 
to be remembered that the law of 
Karina was one of the root concep- 
tions of the caste-system. Men 
were born into a particular caste 
by their Karma of a previous life. 
Men of lower castes could go up to 
tlie higher in another life if they 
had made spiritual progress enough 
in this life. No mere intellectual 
qualifications or material conditions 
would raise a man to a higher 
caste. Each man was born into 
the caste for which he was destin- 
ed by his own susceptibilities. 
There was room enough for ad- 
vancement and usefulness within 
the limits of his own caste. But 
he was not to be perm.itted to spoil 
his own breed by marrying in a 
lower spiritual plane, or spoil the 
breed of a liigher caste by marry- 
ing on a higher plane. Modern life 
may make it difficult or impossible 
to carry out these ideas. But in 
them is to be found the interpreta- 
tion of an ancient system which 
has puzzled and provoked men 
whose ideals are different from 
those of our ancient ancestors. 
Not muscles and intellect, not 
liappincss, not political ascen- 
dancy, but spiritual perfection and 
purity were the only end." The 
warning voice against promiscuous 
intercourse and admixture of 
castes is found in the Bhagavad- 
Grtta, I, 40 to 44 ; which may be 
read by all the devotees of this 
Holy Bible, and laid to heart before 
venturing to anathematize the 
caste-institution of India, 


Batn4nuja admitted the legality and expediency of the caste 
system, and yet he felt it ought to be disregarded in special 
cases -where such spiritually adv^anced souls as Kanchi-purna's 
were concerned. He therefore resolved the next day to invite 
Purna to his house for a repast. " Accept, Sire, an entertain- 
ment in my hut," prayed Ramanuja. " Most gratefully ", said 
Piiina, not to disappoint liira. Ramanuja was rejoiced at the 
prospect of obtaining the remnants of food eaten by a spiritual 
elder, albeit he belong to a low class in society. Going home, 
lie ordered his wife to prepare a sumptuous meal for a distin- 
guished guest. And he himself bathed, performed all the 
ceremonies ordained for the householder, carried- the dailj"- 
service-water to Loi-d Varada, and performing worship to his 
household Lord, also Varada, left home to bring his guest 
to his door. He went by the South Sti:eet, and turned West 
towards the retreat of Purna. But Pilrna had already left 
his place, taken anotlier direction, prayed to Lord Varada as 
usual, and doing his daily services there, had proceeded to the 
cottage of Ramanuja. Here, not finding liim, be begged the 
wife to give him food immediately as he had to return to the 
Temple for urgent service. She did so, and lie left. She then 
pushed away the leaf, from which Purna had eat€n, by means 
of a stick, purified the place with water and cowdung and con- 
sidering herself impure by this act, bathed again. Ramanuja 
finding Purna absent from his cloister had retraced his steps to 
liis hut, and finding that his wife had bathed for a second time, 
asked her why ? She said : — " Sire, your Sdtldda (non-Brah- 
man) guest came and having eaten is gone. Being a low caste 
man, I have purified the place where he ate, and have myself 
bathed." " Ignorant woman ! " he cried in anger " what 
hast thou done ! How thou hast frustrated my plans ! " 

" What shall I do rext ? "' Ramanuja pondered, " what 1 
had wished has failed. Peihaps it is God's will that I should 
not violate rn.'tte rrstiicfions even in special cases. Be it so." 
.And lie again Lttock himfclf io Pinna's cloisfer. "Sire! 
pardon me for ronslrainiiig jou to do a thing against your will, 
lui now do me ai;olhtr favoui-. I have a i'tw doubts in my 


mind. I beg of j-ou to have them solved by Lord Varada, 
whose beloved worshipper you ai-e." " Willingly I sliall submit 
them to Him," he promised Kamiiiiuja That nigbt, when all 
the formal duties of tlio temple were over, Mahapurna stood 
before Lord Varada in silent contemplation, hands folded. " I 
think thou hast something to ask of me," Lord Varada said. 
" Yes, Most High ! Ramanuja has a few doubts, which lie has 
asked me to submit to you and obtain answers, — some doubts, 
he has not told me what." " I know them," said Varada,' " ho 
is asking me these doubts, in the manner 1 myself once asked 
Sandipani* for knowledge. He knows the sweets of God-service 
by birth-right, and knows my will and acts up to it. He has 
learnt many things and in many quarters. Now he has six 
doubts in hi.s mind. Here are the six answers thereto : — 

1. I am the Supreme Truth (para-talvam), 

2. / and souls are different (bheda), 

3. By faith shall men reach Me, their scdvatlmi. 

4. I'hought of Me at time of death {antinia- smriti) 

is not compukory {on My faithful), 

5. Release from bondage{m.oksha) follows iinmedi'ately 

on death (of body), 

6. Choose Mahupurna for your AchCnya? 

Kauchi-purnareverenth' received this message and with-^ 
drew. The next moj-ning, he hailed Ramannja with intense 
ji)y and communicated to him the divine message. " Were 
these your doubts, Sire!" he asked. "Yes, your Holiness 
I pi-ostrate to you for it most heartily," said Ramanuja. 
Purna wa.s struck by this strange coincidence, and henceforth, 
(suiting the action to the vvoi-d) looked upon Kamannja as the 
destined Saviour. 

^ Uead Krishnavatdia in Vislinn-parina. 
^ This is put iu a verse thus : — 
(1) ^^H-JMldH (2) <:('|iJH<H^^ I 

(3) 3iiiq3Sfqi%?p?ra: (4) ^tpcpi^fh^'l.. 

(5)'H^HHN ? (6) flfiq^MH^PJ^ II 

62 TUB Life of eXmAnuja. ch. xr. 



Leaving Ramanuja at Kanclii for a wliile, we shall turn 
back to Srirangam. The Faithful of the place felt now a great 
blank aniongfet themselves and in their hearts, after the pass- 
ingaway of A'avandar, their Spiritual Guide. How to fill 
up this vacancy, was their haunting thought. Tliey resorted to 
Mahapurna and prayed to him to devise proper means for a fit 
successor. Mahapurna looked at them and said : — " Forget 
ye the past signs given us ? Did not Alavandar himself, 
while lie was in Kancht, point out Ramd/uuja to us as his succes- 
sor ? Do ye not remember the miracle of the closed 
fingers of that Sage, opening at his utterance V Ramanuja 
then is our successor. Our Aoharya could not have been mis- 
taken in his wise selection." " Well said, well said," cried the 
whole community, " we pray to \-on. Sire, to bestow your serious 
thought on this matter, kindly seek out Ramanuja and prepare 
him for liis high office, and conduct him hither, to Srirano-am." 
Mahapurna gladly assented, and immediately made prepara- 
tions to start. His wife was to accompany him. He went to 
Lord Ranga, and obtaining his leave to proceed on the holy 
errand left Srirangam, and reached by rapid marches Madhu- 
rantakam (near KauchI), and there stopped for the day in the 
Shrine of Eri-lci'itta-jperumul, or He who protects the tanh} ' 

' This tank is notci as under Llio looked to by many a villao-e around 

special protection of the Local for the watering of their "recn 

Deityj Srl-ltama, and hence He is fields. " 

called the "Tank-Guard." Even Its storage capacity was iin- 

rccently, a story is thus told : — mense, and every year, after the 

"The incident to be related hap- copious rainfall, the vast volume of 

pended about 25 years ago, at water would wash away the Kalin- 

MadhiirAntakam, » small town, a gal (waste-weir) on the rough 

few miles to the south of Matlras. stone-built outlet of tlic tank thus 

Those were the days of John Com- defying every effort to find the 

pany, and a Collector of the name needful element to the required 

of Mr. Price ruled the district of quantity. More than once durin«- 

Chingalpot, of which MadhurAnta- his regime, Mr. Price re-huilt the 

kam is a Talnk. Soon after he thing stronger than of old as he 

came to his Office, he had to super- thought, but all fo no purpose - the 

intend certain repairs in the big uc»t rains would mercilesslv laugh 

reservoir of the place, which was away the nascent structure ' 

GH. XI. 



Rauiaiuija also bad in tlie meantime resolved to proceed to 
Siii'aiigam and accept MaliApurna his Aclohya for having been 

While this was the case here, tlie 
Colloctor happened to visit the iii- 
t<rloi' i>f the town, accompanied by 
the Tahsildar ami other fubonli- 
iiates. While approuchiii'; the 
small, neat-lookitg town-pond in 
the' nijddle, ho saw an old, vener- 
able-looking temple of modest di- 
mensions, situated to the west of it. 
When he came before its front, he 
stopped, and knowing the deep 
conservation of his subjects in 
matters religious, he askrd his 
Tahsildar whether he might ven- 
ture in. By this time, manj' BrSh- 
maiias that were inside the shiine, 
knowing that the great Collector 
Sahib was waiting outside, rushed 
out and seeing that he wanted to 
come in, told him that : " his Honor 
need not fear any objection to enter 
the outer precincts of the temple." 
The Collector, glad of the conces- 
Bion granted, entered in with his 
men with an amused smile. What 
a place of worship ! How different 
from the ones he was accustomed 
to ! Instead of the " long-drawn 
aisles " and " fretted vaults," the 
magnificently wrought pillars and 
ravjshingly^ stained windows of his 
splendid abbeys and churches, he 
sees before him a hamble edifice of 
stones, imposing only by its great 
age, evidenced by the hoar}- moss- 
grown parapet and the half-crr.m- 
bling cupola. The structure is a 
pretty large parallellogram, a 
third of it intercepted tp form the 
inner " holy of holies,' while the 
rest is vacai t, the roof upheld by 
stone-pillars. Bight against the 
entrance is the invariable Dliraja- 
utanihham or the flag-staff, a huge 
timber raised perpendicularly, with 
rough ornamentations thereon. 
Observing all this in a few loinnteF, 
the kind Officer turned to the left 
of the main building, into the open 
clearing about 50 feet broad that 

runs round the sanctuarj'. At the 
end of it thero stood another sniiill 
building, and in front of it many 
iicwly-hown stones and slabs were 
gathered, thus showing tome con- 
struction war on hand. The Officer, 
observing this, turned round on 
the priests, when they hastened to 
explain that they wanted tJ 
enlarge the Devi's Shrine, but that 
funds falling low, they had to 
stop work. Then another began to' 
expatiate on the great merits of 
their Janaki-Devi (I>ama'^ Queen), 
how she chased away sormw, 
poured plenty on all, and was ever 
solicitous for her devotees ; graci- 
ous — " hold ", cried the Knglish- 
man smiling, " if, as you say, your 
Devi is all that is ascribed to her, 
let me propose here one thing. I 
am very much put out by the con- 
stant collapses of your great tank's 
Kalingal. Even now it is being re- 
built. If this would stand the rush 
of the next showers, then I should 
attribute it certainly to your Devi, 
and I myself will build Her the 
needed shrine. If it happens other- 
wise, then you all should allow 
that She does not deserve the en- 
comiums you heap on her." Asto- 
nished beyond bounds, that even 
thus half in play, their Sircar Lord 
should condescend to notice their 
Devi, and half-doubting if all this 
were not a pleasant raillery on the 
part of their ruler, " agreed," cried 
they, merely to put an end to the 
colloquy. Mr. Price, passed out 
#««»*. X few months passed. 
The new outlet was built and 
fini^hed. The rainy sea.-on began, 
and it began in earnest. Great 
masses of clouds canopied the land, 
and poured nniutermittenl showers 
on the terrified earth below. Taiikf, 
ponds, rivers, all conceivable hoi 
lows were glutted, and miles 
aroniid the land was inundated 



CH. XI. 

so commanded bj Lord Varada. Taking leave of Him and 
Kanclii-purna, lie arrived at Madliurantakam. They met. 

forming local seas, and all living 
beings sliut tliBinsclvcs into their 
liomos and tliivpvetl. 

Two d:iys before this rain, Mr. 
Price came and camped at Madhn- 
rAntakam, anxious to ti-st the 
Kalingal's fate for the fourth time. 
He had not forgotten hia speech 
at the temple a few months 
ago. Indeed long ago, occasional 
rumours had reached him through 
his menials, that the people at 
large believed that the oft-re- 
carring danger to the lake was 
duo to the disreputable lack of 
supervision of the lemple-managers 
over its affairs. This was in part 
what induced him the other day 
to say the words he said, even 
thong'h lightly. Well he was 
thinking of all this, as he was 
toising on his bed on the thirJ 
night of the storm. It was a tre- 
mendoiis downpour that day. 
Ever since noon there had been 
no intermission. News was brouglit 
to Mr. Price that evening that the 
big reservoir was nearly full. It 
was eleven at night. It must ba 
overfull. Indeed a hoarse, thun- 
derous noise as of the great rush of 
vast volumes of water reached his 
cars. lie was sure it was the 
breaking np of the outlet. At twelve 
the storm's fury lessened. He 
could restrain his impatience no 
longer. He wanted to see how 
great the damage was. Year after 
year this work was proving futile ; 
and a waste of money to the Gov- 
ernment, a waste of lands of the 
ryots, besides danger to public 
security were the results. This 
year he had employed experts and 
great care had been bestowed in 
the work. He would go and see. 
Amidst all these, the small leaven 
of curiosity was working in him 
anent the promise made by the 
Brahmanas, of the Devi's protec- 

tion. " Bah, what a fool I am," 
cried ho, and started to the scene 
(if turmoil. Ma;i\' of his servants 
r.iu before him hoiiiing hiuips atiil 
leading the way. ,\ll the camp 
clerks about Iiini got up too and 
followed him out of respect. It is 
pitch dark. The deep noise of roll- 
ing waters smites their ears as they 
come nearer the bund. But it is 
that of the majestic roll of waters 
contained within bounds, and not 
thatof giant masses dashing beyond 
control. Somewhat reassured, the 
Collector eagerly straining his eyes 
in the direction of the new built 
outlet, could descry a blue, ethe- 
rial radiance playing lambent above 
the Kaliiigal. He felt surprised and 
a little thrilled. He advanced and 
when near the place— what did he 
behold ! He stopped short, his 
whole frame thrilled, and lie was 
spell-bound. Large drops of sweat 
stood on his brow. Not master of 
himself then he threw down his 
umbrella, with one arm he swept 
his hat off, and in the wet, oozy 
ground overrun with pools of water, 
he suddenly fell on his knees, and 
prayed, prayed, fervently and long 
all the time not removing his eyes 
from the place. His servants 
observing the sudden action of 
tlicir master were thunderstruck. 
They thought he was suddenly gone 
mad. They -rushed to him, throw- 
ing off their fear, to raise him. 
Then he seemed to recollect them. 
He got up and cried out: "Don't 
you see ; see, see, see there, you 
idiots ! Why do you stare at me so ? 
Don't you see those glorious, trans- 
ceudant beings standing there, on 
either side of the Kolivgal with 
drawn arrows ? How splendid they 
are ? What magnificently propor- 
tioned men ! How Inminona their 
faces! They smile at—. Oh, they 
have vanished." 

OH. Xt. 



Ramaauja was thrilled with joy and stu-prise at this unexpected 
meeting. He exclaimed : — "O my heart! seest thuu how thy • 
desire has met thee ? " and prostrated before Mahapurna. 
Mahapurna was equally overjoyed at finding that liis mission 
was so soon and so readily to be fulfilled, and raised Ramanuja, 
fondly holding him to his breast. " Here and now," prayed 
Ramanuja, " admit me as your disciple and teach me all that 
is good for my soul " Mahapurna said : " So near are we to 
the Holy Hastigiri " ', where Lord Varada resides, we shall go 
there for the initiation you so much desire." " No, Sire, not a 
moment is to be lost,'' said Rd,manuja, " is not the example of 
our Yamunacharya still fresh, viz., his having breathed his last 
just when I was about to see him ? This is a warning against 
waste of time. Are not our lives here of lightning duration ? " 
So saying, he dropped at his feet again. Purna raised him up 

(Note from page 84 — contd.) 

The truth dawned after all on the 
men. How could it be otherwise ? 
They were Hindus, the time, place, 
the fact of the Collector's wager 
with the Brahmanas, all combined 
to flash on them the truth ! The 
Englishman has seen the blessed 
vision of glorious RAma and Laksh- 
mana , espousing the Devi's cause ; 
" Jai, Jai, Sita-Kama " cried they j 
"our Lord hath seen the vision." 
And so crying, they rushed into the 
sleeping town. The inhabitants 
awoke. " What devil's riot is this ?" 
cry they. Then the fact becomes 
known. And all, crying in a body, 
"Jai, Jai, Sita-RAma," rush to the 
Collector's camp. There he is 
seated in the front, bright light 
before him. He seems composed 
now. Grave and dignified he looks. 
Some of the important people that 
throng to hira, he receives and 
makes them sit. " Gentlemen," says 
he, "why come in this night here, 
and why so much excitement ? The 
outlet is not broken, nor will it 
ever be. I solemnly tell you I 
"'4iave received a lesson to night, that 

I will never forget. I always more 
or less believed that God was not 
the monopoly of the Christian 
Church. 1 am sure of it now. So 
do you all go to your homes. Early 
in the morning shall the Devi's 
temple begin to rise." 

So said he and dismissed them. 
The temple was built, and now in 
its front it has engraved on it on 
a stone, how it was built by Mr. 
Thomas Price, Collector, in the year 
18S4(.''). — And thereare greybeards 
now, who talk of it solemnly of an 
evening, from one of whom the 
writer learnt it. [K. E. Central 
Hindu College Magazine, p. 173 £f. 
Vol. IV. 1901]. 

The following inscription appears 
on the stone beam of the Devi's 
Temple in Tamil : — Inda darainam 
Kiunpini jdgir Kalektar Lionel Price 
diirai avergaladn (Collector Lionel 
Price) and another inscription is 
near the waste weir. [Read the 
kindly letter to me dated 13th 
October 1904, by Mr. P. Seshagiri 
Bow, Tahsildar of Madhurautakam.] 

' Kanchi^ (Conjeveram). 


iovingly. " What zeal ! indeed," lie said, " it shall be as you 
wish ." And leading him to the Holy Vakula tree near the 
(Tank-Guard) Temple, and placing him on his right, perform- 
ed all the sact-iiments of initiation as laid down in the Pancha- 
ratra-Sastra.' That process is briefly thus : — 

' Preparatory discipline for mantric initiation requires the 
mark of the discus {Ghakra), or of the five weapons (of 
Vishnu, viz., Ohakra, Sankha, Gadd, Kliadga and CMpa) being 
stamped (on the several parts of the body), with appropriate 
mantras. This is enjoined for the sake of rendering the manfras 
imparted, efficacious. The wearing of these chakra and other 
marks, is to signify that the soul has been wedded to God, 
as the wearing of bangles i&c by a dame, signifies that she is 
joined in all faith to a husband. The disciple (or the postulant) 
shall sit before the Guru, humble, with joined palms. The 
Guru shall meditate on his Guru and all the others preceding 
him apostolicall^', aad impress the chakra symbol on the disci- 
ple's right shoulder ; and then placing his right palm on the 
head and the left palm on the heart of the disciple, and look- 
ing at him with eyes beaming with grace, shall repeat the 
Gem of Mantras (jmanlra-ratna), and make the disciple repeat 
the same with him, along with the Ohhandas and the Itishi 
attached to the mantra}' In this manner, Mahapurna, placing 
Ranianuja to his right, called to mind his Guru Alavandar's 
feet, and speaking in the right ear of Ramanuja, imparted to 

Tfd=fdlHIH-Hft ^5rqrftit>i,'^*!!H, II 
"jfSf ??rf5|K^JT 3T%^H<N«!H^ II 

wwi%<.M--in^r srcF^m^tTO'^ ii 

» We had again tliouglit of omit- saoraiiients make a formal or exter- 
tins theae details; but Oriental nal Srivaishnava, like the sacra. 
Scholars may require to know what meat of the Christian Baptism, &e 


lum the Mantra-Gem (Dvayani) witli all it.s adjuuetp, and 
solemnly ordained hiui thus: — "I adjure tliee, holy son, most 
solemnly, to deetn thyself as the next appointed of Yamuna. 
He lias departed, know thou, placing his holy feet on thy head, 
consecrating thee to fulfil His holy Mission on earth, in the same 
way as Eania, placing His sandals on the head of Bliarata, 
departed to the forest to carry on the work of His Kingdom." 
Next to Ta.mun{lch9.rya tlius, succeeded Ramanuja, Maha,purna 
playing but the part of an instrument of the former in ordain, 
ing Rtima,nnja. This succession, Pillai Amudanar or Tivuva- 
rangatt-amudanir ' recorded in his R&mannja-nuttandadi.^ Ea- 
manuja, reverently asked Mahapurna to explain to him the 
triplicit}-, viz. (1) Praindna (2) Praniaya and (3) Pramuta, or 
literallj-the (1) measure,(2) the measured, and (3) the measurer. 
Purna explained thus : — " Pramdna, or the measure of God- 
knowledge, is the authoritative Revelations, the essence of 
which is contained in the Dvaya-Mantra, (or the Mantra which 
explains the dual nature viz., the Mother-Father, of the Deity) ; 
Prainp.ya or that which is measured by this measure of Revela- 
tions, is God Himself, the Mother-Father ; Pramata or the 
measurer is the propliet or seer, who knows God and so know- 
inc, makes others to know Him. This measurer is yourself." 
So saying, they both paid obeisance to Rama, the Tank-Guard, 
saying : — " Thou art really liama, or He who delights the 
world. By Thy blessing, there shall be one undivided faith in 
the world, so that all men may love each other and live in peace. 
This is Bama." They now both left for K&nchi to visit Lord 
Varada. K§,nchi-purna met them on the way in due humility 
and conducting them to Kanchi and to the Hastigiri Shrine, 
invoked Lord Varada to manifest Himself to the worthy visi- 
tors even as Rama-misra called upon Ranga to manifest Him- 
self to Alavandar." They were blessed with the Beatific 
Vision of God which they rapturously enjoyed. 

» Disciple and contemporary to K4inS.nnja. 

' Bead Verse 21 : — " Nldiyai etc." Tliia work sets forth the glory 
of Eamannja and his mission on earth. 
» Read yamnnaoharya's Life, ante. 


Rdm&nnja led his Giirii Mahd,piirna and liis consort to his 
house, and accommodated them in the upper etoi'y, providing 
all other comforts necessary. For six months, Bamanuja sat 
at the feet of his Guru, and received from him important les- 
sons on the Dr§.vida Scriptures and other Mystery-lore of the 
Srl-vaishnava Faith. 

On a certain morning two Sri-vaislinavas came to 
nuja, and did him the service of anointing witli oil. They asked 
for food as they were hungry. R^mRnuja inquired of his wife, 
if she had any food remaining from over-night. " No, not so 
much as a grain of it," she said ; but Ram&nuja suspected her 
sincerety, and bidding her go on other business, entered into 
the cook-room and examined the vessels, and lo, he found food 
hidden away. He called his wife and angrily spoke to her 
thus : — " Art thou capable of this, that when hungry souls are 
waiting at the door, thou liest ? Is there worse meanness than, 
in this wise, refusing food to who come in dire need ? 
And a lie added to the meanness ! Oh, sin ! " 

On another day, R^mA.nuja was out for his morning ablu- 
tions. His -^vife and the Guru's wife met at a well for drawing 
water. An altercation ensued between them as to the com- 
parative purity of the pots they held. Purna was observing 
this. As soon as his wife returned home, he thought it -wise 
to pack up immediately and actually left K&nchi for Sriran- 
gam, after soundly chastising his wife for the unpleasant 
occui-rence, of which he held her to be the cause. Ri,mjlnuja 
returned home, and as usual went to visit his Guru, but 
he found him not. He asked the people about the place to 
account for his sudden absence. They said : — " Sire, your lady 
and your Guru's lady had a quarrel near the well over a pot. 
The Guru took his wife to task for giving occasion for this, and 
thinking that if he stayed longer under your roof, her conduct 
might again give rise to unpleasantness, he considered it 
expedient to leave the place forthwith. Ra,m£lnuja was white 
with rage on hearing this, and recovei-ing, addressed his wife 
thus : — " Thrice art thou sinner, base woman ! My Guru 
Kanchipftrna came and took his food under my roof in my 

OH. XI. uamA^nuja becomes sanyasin. 6§ 

absence, and thou tookesfc the very leaf from which he ato 
as unholy and polluting. This was thy first guilt. Hungry 
souls came craving for food. Thou didst deny it and tboii^ 
didst lie. This was thy second guilt. And now thou hadst- i 
had the audacity to ^ick a most unseemly quarrel with my 
venerable teacher's coiisoit. This is thy third and crowning 
crime. N"o more art thou fit to remain with me. Thou art 
a worldly woman, blind to spiritual interests. Tajce all this 
money, for that ia thy meet share. That is the stuff that well- 
suits a shrew and a scold like thee.^ Well do' the Sastrar 
say : — " Woman is at the bottom of all crime." * They further 
declare: — "When house-keeping suits not, enter the monas- 
tery" ' ; for that is the true house where strangers and guests 
find a ready welcome ; but thou hast defiled my i-oof by thy 
unworthy conduct offensive to my sense of propriety and 
decency. It is meet therefore that thou shouldst return to 
where thou earnest from." So saying he swiftly despatched 
her to her parents' abode. 

" This world is hateful. Indeed, I miist abjure all cort- 
cern with it," thus did R&m&nnja seriously reflect. It is said: — 
"Bathe in the holy pond called Ananta-saras, shadowed ly the 
cupola of the Holy Temple, resolving that nothing in the world 
bestows i-eal bliss. All sins shall depart. Seek Lord Vax-ada 
as the Refuge ; and one shall gain the blessed regions of 
Vishnu."* And so Rfi,manuja bathed in the Ananta-pond, and 
resolved to become a Sanyasin. It is laid down: "One shall 
receive the holy order of the Sany3.sin either from a mendi- 
cant Sanyasin or from God direct." ' And thus resolving 

1 Cp. Yajtiavalkya and his two wives in the Brihadaranya: Up. 
' M I MH I HI'hi f^- LGaruda-Purdna]. These incidents show how 
Ramanuja was against caste-pride, 
s " Illaram-allel tiira-v-aram." 

l ^Wt1<^H II '(T l ^ ^IWHif: II [BrdJime, Hdi!tig!ri-Mdhdtmya,15-tAf[] 
'T^tTiWWPT^ M''M'ii^ [Yati-dharma samucchaya]. 


B4md>iiuja betook himBelf to Vara^la, and there prostrating 
before Hiiu, prayed tlius : " Granter of boons ! Warder of 
death ! Bestower of the Land of the Angels! I have seen 
enough of all the varieties of worldly delusions, fathers and 
mothers, wives and children and all worldly goods. I -feel 
sure that these ties block one's way to Thee, Tliine and Spiritual 
Preceptors. I value them not ; I value Thee and Thj' Holy 
Blessed feet alone. Grant me deliverance from those and 
service to these. Invest me therefore with all the insignia of 
the Vaishnava ascetic ; the Triple-staff, the Holy-thread, the 
ITnder-cloth, the Loin-cloth, the L~pper-cloth and the begging 
hoop (or rope-swing for receiving alms)' " So did HamSinuja 
supplicate. Lord Varada was pleased, and through His official 
agent- (archaka), He was pleased to grant his prayers, and gave 
him from that day the name of RfLmEinnja-muni. " My own 
Ramanuja, thou shalt don the robe of the Sanydisim and serve 
Me ", was the command given through Kilnchi-purna. Receiv- 
ing this command in due humility, Ra,mfi,nnja retired and 
became a Sanyasin from that day. 

f|R^[^iWR^?R:,l%^irP?l^?J5^ll irati-iJhnrma-sa'mucchaya'}. 




So Ramauuja had now weaned himself fi-om the world. 
The discipliae and daily routine ordained for monastics, he 
went through punctiliou.sly ; and was glad within himself to 
find that Yamunacharya's eyes of grace, which had fallen on 
him, liad wrought wonderful results in removing all obstacles 
in the way of serving God alone, and in causing all conveni- 
ences for leading such a life. It was time now to think how best 
to carry out the (post-mortal) wishes of that pioneer-sage of the 
Faith, Sri Yamuna. Alone, lie could not accomplish it; ho 
wanted a competent colleague. He could think of no one better 
fitted than Govinda-Bhatta, who had all the threefold qualifi- 
cationr. of fidelity (to him), abdication (of the world), and 
enthusiastic faith (for spiritual science). But he had turned an 
arrant Saiva ; a zealot in Siva's service at Ealahasti as already 
related. Which saint was there to show him that the palra 
which touched the linga was really stinking ? Who would show 
him that there was the One God whom Scriptures declared as : 
•' All-scent and All-savour ?" ' So he mused, and his thoughts 
lighted on Tirumalai-Nambi (Srifaila-Purna), the venerable 
worshipper of Vcnkatesa at Tirupati, learned in the Vedas, 
versed in the nectareous Prabandhas, and otherwise possessing 
spiritual qualities calculated to influence men of Govinda's 
stamp and redeem tliem from their wi-ong ways. He des- 
patched a confidential Sri Vaiahnava accordingly to Nambi, 
(Purna) ; and to deliver to him a message thus : — " Holy sire ! 
your nephew Vatta-mani Govinda-Bhatta was my school-mate. 
Influenced by evil associatiouE. his mind went wrong. He is 
now lost in the thick tangle of the Kalabasti-wilderness. I 
pray you for my sake to extend your gi-ace (o him ; and 
redeem him to your blessed feet." 

In the meanwhile, Kurattazhvan, called Tirumaru-marban 
of the Ha,rita-family, and Mudali-y-andsba of the Kandadai- 
family, heard of Ramanuja having joined the monastic order. 

' ^4' 1 'Wt^ ^i tf - IGhh : Up : III. ]4. 2]- 


They were rejoiced and forthwith proc3eding to Kanchi, fell 
at his feet anl prayed that the\- may hs taken into tlie Sri- 
Vaishnava fold by the sacrament of Pancha-samsh'ira &,c. 
RaraEbnuja welcomed them, a'ld ordained them as they desired. 
And as stilted in : " After receiciiig tin viintra, the Bcija shall 
v:orship his Achdiya, and in all ■purity eusr remain implicitly in 
his sorvic;"^ they remained devoted to Ramilnaja. (In the 
sequel, we shall use the Sanskrit names of these disciples, viz., 
Kiiranatha or KureSa for KCirattAzhvan, and Dji^arathi'^ for 
Mudali-y-£i,ndAn). A coterie of pupil.s were thus gathering 
round the future Pontiff of the Vaishnava Church. 

As to Yadava-praka^a, a new chapter in his life was 
about to open. For his mother was a good woman. She was 
a frequent visitor to Lord Varada ; and had won the good 
graces of Sage KS,nchl-purna. She had fiiendly conversation 
often too with R3,manuja. All these forces combined to mould 
her disposition for the New Faith ; and at last made her to 
wish that her son Y&dava had also belonged to this band. 
With this wish strong in liiT, she was one day mounting the 
steps to Lord Varada's Shrine, when she overheard some one 
ejaculating : " so be it." She construed this to be good augury 
for her ; and on returning home informed her son of what had 
happened, and exhorted liini to give up his single stafE of the 
advaitin and wear, like Ram4nuja, the triple-staff, sacred thread, 
and .sikha, (tuft of hair on the head), thereby embracing the 
Vaishnava faith. For a long time, Yadava had begun to doubt 
the soundness of advaitisni. Ramanuja's reasonable and decent 
interpretations of Vedic texts as against his own, were workino' 
sti-ongly in his mind; and, of the greatness of Ramanuja himself, 
the Brahma-rakshas, or the spirit which had possessed the prin- 
cess, had clearly proved. The divine succour which God, disguis- 
ed as Rama, liad rendered to Rsimanuja, whom he had bec^uiled 
on the sanctimonious pretext of a Kasi-pilgrimagc, and the 

^ Soo 30, Hierarchic Table in our Lives of Aehcdrs. 
Q&saratLi is nephew (on sister's side) to Ramanuja. 


sinceie exliorlations of his own mother to boot, had further all 
contributed to dispose his heart, 'there he was converted, but, 
'• Mother " he said, " as a monk of tie advaita-persuasion, I had 
divested myself of the tuft and lio)y thread (royrao^a-fffa) ; to 
wear them again, a penance has to bo performed by me ; and that 
is laid down to be a journey round the world . I am old and unfit 
for such a task. Indeed I know not how to go." Yadava was 
hari-owed by these thoughts, day after day. But one night 
he had a dream. The Lord Varada appeared and said: — 
There is no need to go round the world, Yadava ! That is done 
by going round our Ilamjinuja Do it then and bear the insignia 
of the New Faith which he may present to you." YMava woke 
but had yet no faith in the dream. So he betook himself to Kan- 
chi-purna, and begged of him to consult Lord Varada — Purna 
being a favourite votary of Him — as to some matters agitating 
his mind. That same night, Kanchi-Purna submitted to Lord 
Varada, Yadava's petition. "I know it all," said Lord Varada. 
" His mother had already persuaded him to become a thx*ee- 
staffed Sanya.sin, but a doubt as to how it was possible to amend 
the past by hhu-pradaksMna, preyed upon his mind and I have 
by a dream quieted him by suggesting that instead, he need 
but go round KamElnuja. Being a dream as it was, he lacks 
faith and refei-s it to thee again." The following morning, 
Purna delivered this message to YMava, who was now satisfied. 
Straightway he went to R&m£inuja, and asking his forgiveness 
for all the past, begged to be ordained as a monk and admitted 
to the New Faith. "But propitiation before conversion is 
demanded by our Laws, and that in this case is circumambu- 
lating the world once," said R^mEbnuja. " Enough to go round 
thee, sire, so commandeth Lord Vai-ada," explained Yadava 
penitently, and putting the same in execution without waiting 
for a reply, stood before Rsimanuja with folded hands. KureSa 
and Dasarathi, the new disciples, watched these events in in- 
finite wonderment and exclaimed : — " 7/ some reach God by love, 
others reach Him by hate as well ? "^ 'May he join our holy 



band.' ' " Bsbmdinuja was mightily pleased at the valuable ad- 
herent won to his cause, made Yadava undergo all the 
sacraments ft«' the Brahmana over again, sach as Ghaula 
and Ij'panayaiia, invested him with the triple-staff, &c., aud 
named him Govinda-jiya, stamped him with the holy symbols 
of Sankha and Ghakra, gave him the Holy Mantra, and enjoined 
him to write a work on Yati-dharma^ (or the Institutes of 
monks), showing the harmony that exists among various texts. 
Govinda-jiya accordingly wrote a work of eleven chajit^rs,^ 
each chapter treating of an aspect and submitted the same to 
B&mS,nuja. He read it and expressed his approval of the same- 
Xot long however was Govinda-jiyar spared to serve his 
AcharyS, ; for he soon after left the earth and drew himself away 
to the Great Beyond. 

Kuresa and DSiSai-athi were much attached to REima,nuja, 
who took them thi-ough a course of the Two MimamsS/S (the two 
Exegeses on the i-itualistic and the contemplative Divisions of 
the Veda). While such studies were being prosecuted, the 
tidings travelled to Srirangam of the assumption by Kd<manaja 
of the Sanyalsin order, and other events i-apidly succeeding it. 
Mahapurna and other disciples of Yamnnach4rya received the 
tidings with joy, and longed for RA,manuja's coming to Sriran- 
gam, making it his permanent quarters. But they were helpless ; 
and Eamanuja too had once before in grief and despair, returned 
from the place without even visiting Lord Rauga, being dis- 
appointed at the sudden death of Yslmnna,. So, they went 
in a body to Lord Ranga and petitioned to Him to prevail 
upon His Type at Zanchi,— the Lord Varada— to spare Rama- 
nuja for them. So a message from Lord Ranga, who granted 
their petition, was sent to Lord Varada. But a reply came to 
the effect :— " If it is possible for one to forego his love, I too 

ft^^^Rfranr Wfe^gr^^g^: ll \_R&mdyanu VI. 18. 38]. 
' Called Yati-dhartaa-Samvjxhaya. 

itTWrflHtiHiK' f?q^iK?l#F: II [Op .- Cit. 1. i-S.J 


can part with my Ramanuja." On hearing this, Maliiipiirna 
and otlier worthies were much disconcerted, hut after some 
deliberation, determined to depute an elder in person to approach 
Lord Varada and persuade Him by hymns to grant them 
Ram&nuja inasmuch as the Lord's very name Yarada meant: 
" Grranter." They besought accordingly Tijuvaranga-p- 
perumal Araiyar, the Venerable Elder of the place ', to 
march to Ka,nchi on their behalf, and so extol Lord Varada 
as to make Him condescend to grant them Ramanuja. Arai- 
yar immediately left Srirangam on this holy erranH, after 
obtaining leave to do so from Lord Ranga. On his nearing 
Ejinchi, hie relative there by name Varantarum Perumal Arai- 
yar met him and escorted him to the Holy City, and tended him 
under his roof as befitted a distinguished visit-oi-. Tlie next 
morning, in due fashion, Araiyar proceeded to ihe Temple. 
Lord Varada had that day taken His august seat in the pavilion 
called. KacchikTcu-vayttan, surrounded by the Holy Assembly ; 
Ktochl-purna stationed before the Lord reverently doing his 
allotted service of fanning. Rebmanuja stood by his side devoutly 
uttering the Devaruja-Ashtaka hymn sung by Purna. Raraanuja 
saw Araiyar, went forward and received him most cordially. 
" May I be allowed to pay my obeisance to Lord Varada ? " 
enquired Araiyar. Purna led him to His august presence, in 
full Holy Council seated, and Araiyar fell prostrate before 
Him, repeating Yamuna's verse ; " Oh, when, O Strider of the 
Three Spheres, will Thy Lotus-Feet, decked with all, the signs 
such as the discus, bedeck my head ? " ^. Rising, he was 
honored with tirtha, prasdda and Sri Sathagopa. Araiyar then, 
.set to celestial music {devdgdna), chanted a select number of the 
Lyrical Psalter of the Azhvars (Saints) ; and as be sang, danced 
and went into raptures. 

" When His faithful sing and dance for joy, God Himself 
keeps time," it is said. So, Lord Varada was pleased with 

1 See Life of Yamuna. He is also called Banga-uatha-Gayata, (I'ide 
No. 22, Hierarchic Table to our Lives of Saints). 

• •^R^H r^OTP^3R?t l^iqgjfr^cTffts^ II ISMra-ratna.] 


the devotion of Gayaka, and vouchsafed to Him all the honors 
belonging to His Shrine. " Why do I want these P" said 
Gd^yaka, '' my wish is not for these. Pray grant me a boon, 
as Thou art, God, famous as the " Boon-Giver.'" And so saj-- 
ing, he continued his song and dance with more fervour. 
Pleased, Lord Varada spoke thus: "Ask, my beloved, any- 
thing, except Me and My Consorts." " Him, pray gi-ant," 
readily replied Gayaka, pointing to Eamacuja, who was close 
by. " Oh lost," exclaimed the Lord '• I wish I had the fore- 
thought to include R&mElnuja on the side of exceptions. How- 
ever, son, except RamAnuja, ask for any other boon." " But," 
remonstrated Gayaka, " dost Thou retract also like mortals ? 
Are not Thy own words these : " Rftma hath no two tongues" ' ? 
On hearing this. Lord Varada had no alternative but to reluct- 
antly say: — " Well, we grant you Ramanuja ; take him. And 
we bestow on him the title, Yatiraja." No sooner was this said, 
than almost convulsively Gayaka grasped Ra,m9,nuja by the 
hand and said: — " Proceed, Sire ". R&manuja said not a word. 
He fell prostrate before Lord Varada, and saying : " Thy will 
be done, " he, immediately started, not even caring to enter 
his cloister. As he went, he merely ordered his pupils KureSa 
and Dslsarathi to bring up his chapel image, Varada. Rama- 
nuja thus followed G&yaka to Srirangam KiireSa after 
escorting R^mftnuja some way, i-eturned to Kanchi, but D^sa- 
rathi accompanied. Dasarathi was Ramanuja's sister's son, but 
he was the only relative whom he retained. 

Looking steadily towards Srirangam, his future home— a 
home, the vestibule of the Eternal Home — with joy bounding 
in his heart, went Ramsbnuja. In due time the north branch 
(Kolladam=Coleroon) of the K^veri, encircling the Holy Island 
of Srirangam, was reached. Ramanuja tarried here to take a 
holy bath and deck his body with the twelve marks, consecrated 
by the Holy ISTames of KeSava and so forth. In the mean- 
while, news had sped to Srirangam of the arrival of the Holy 
Personage. Maha,purna and other disciples of Yamnn4chS,rya, 


the elders of the place, the monks aud a,colyte.s (chlngts) arid 
others were rejoiced at this good furtune, and proceeding in a 
body to the Temple, delivered the tidings to Lord Ran^a. 
Thereupon His Comnaand issued thu-s : " 0, my faithful, marcli 
ye forth in full congregation, oflfice-bea,rerK and all men, laic 
and cleric, with all the holy paraphernalin of my Temple and 
every honor, to meet and receive my Bamanuja. " The popu- 
lace formed itself into a grand procession, which with music 
discouring and flags flying, headed by Vishvak.sena ( = S6nai- 
mudali),' streamed forth towards KoUadam even as the celes- 
tials and angels, headed by Cherubs and Seraphs' go forth 
from the gates of Heaven to the shores of the Virajd ' river, to 
meet and welcome the faithful, who have finished their pil- 
grimage on earth, and are reaching the portals of the Reful- 
gent City of God. They met R4mfl,nuja ; and after mutual 
exchanges of religious courtesies, the procession turned towards 
Srirangam. Thus led, Ramainuja crossed the river, neared the 
Tinkodi rampart, and the Dainodaran turret, where he laid 
himself at full length on the ground ; then rising, he rever- 
ently threaded the Tirumalai-tanda-Peruih<U Street, (begin- 
ning always from the east and turning to the west, by south 
■=pradaksMna), and again he went round the inner Trivih- 
7-aman-Street, reaching in due course the big sacrjfice-altar 
(bali-piiha), where he prostrated himself again ; then he went 
to the Mother's shrine, paying homage to Mother Sri-ranga- 
N&yaki, the blessed Consort of Sri-Ranga ; next the Chandra- 
pushlkarini pond was reached, where he sipped the holy water; 
and then wheeling round, the next southern entrance was 
reached, guarded by Xayanars (gate-watchers), and all the 
Saints from St. Nammazhvar downwards — who are called the 
Prospering hidoltnts * — were visited in order, not omitting <he 
numerous other shrines dotted round the Temple. Next the 

' See 13. p: Iviii, of Oar Lives of Azhvdrs. 

' These terms ive appropriate, as our terms have no equivalents. 

» This is the ultimate river-houndary between the material and the 
spiritual spheres, where all sins get washed ; heuce vi-rajd. 

* This is the phrase used in verse 38 of St, Tondaradi-p-podi's Tim. 
tn&lai. It means the " Saints who are dead to the world, but alive to God. 


courtyard called tlie Ani-y-arangan-Tirnmuttam was entered, 
where Baind.naja prostrated again, and wheeling round tlie 
inner corridor, loving eyes fixed on the Pranava-\\k.e viina'na, 
(the gold-covered cupola over the sanctum sanctorum), the 
shrine of Vishvaksena was reached, where making obeisance, 
he was no»v in the precincts of the central. Father's shrine. In 
this place, which goes by the name of Azhagiya-manaviUan- 
tirumantapam, the Lord Banga (the moveable Image called 
N amber unidl) came forth in advance to meet Bfi,manuja, even 
as the Lord in Heaven leaves His Throne of Glory to go and 
embrace and welcome the souls who are Ba.ved and are ariving 
at the golden gates of Heaven. BElmdinuja was thrilled with 
joy. Bliss possessed him. He fell down, rose, fell again and 
held his hands up, fell again, and rose ; thus did he reverently 
pace up to the Holy of Holies, where supporting himself a.gainst 
the mana-t'tun pillar, he saw the blessed figure of Banga 
reclining on His xl«arafa-couch,' and rivetting His eyes on the 
Holy Figure, enjoyed tho Blessed vision in the manner enjoyed 
by St. Tirupp&n&zhv£ir in his Amalaii ddippirdn" ; and recited 
in accents of bliss the Tiruppall-dndu of St. Peri-y-Elzhv&r,' 
and the following bewitching verses of Y&monSich&rya : — r 

Bow to Thee, Bow to Thee, beyond reach of word and thought ; 
Bote to Thee, Bow to Thee, reachable by word and thought ; 
Bow to Thee, Bow to Thee, Infinite in Riches ; 
Bow to Thee, Bow to Thee, Infinite in Mercy* 
Know I not virtue, aye, blind to my soul. 
Nor do I love Thy Holy Blessed Feet ; 
Wayless and Goal-less, T, Befuge ! 
Meekly seek and fall at Thy Holy Feet.' 

The Lord Banga was enchanted witli these outpourings of 
BftmEtnuja's heart, and was pleased to place on his head His 

'Thismeana "God, the cosmic Dramatist on the stage of Eternal 
Time." For symbological explanation, refer to p. U. and Hi of our Lives 
of Azhvdrs, 

' Read this Saint's Life in oar Lives of Azhtidrs. 

" Read his life in our Lives of Azhvdrs, 

• Stotra-raHa, verse 21. s Ibid, verse 22, 

CH. XII. ramAnuja. installed. 79 

lllessed Feet, ^ -which Ramauuja received in humility as the 
greatest honor and blessing conferred on a mortal ; and stood 
transfixed with the thought that from that day on-vvards he had 
become one whose life was to be solely dedicated to the service 
of God. As he was thus ruminating, Lord Ranga ( = Periya Pe- 
rumS,!, or Lord stationary resting on Serpent Sesha) spoke thus : 
" All the riches of our Kingdom here and of Our Upper Regions, 
are given to thee, and to thy followers. The title TJ(jayavar ' is 
conferred on thee. Take charge of Our household here, of which 
We appoint thee guardian and trustee, and manage all its aflairs 
wisely." RS,manuja received the mandate humbly and turning 
to Maha-purna said : — " What blessings belong not to those who 
have trusted Acharyas like you, Sire ? To mj- spiritual con- 
nection with you, is due the extraordinary favour Loi-d Ranga 
has bestowed upon me this day." Puma said : " noble pupil 
of mine, the prophecy of St. Nammazhvar, to which we were 
keenly looking forward, has tliis day come to pass. The pro- 
phecy is that contained in his verse : " Men, learn that Kali 
will soon come to an end" ^ ; and this is with reference to 
yourself. Pray then enter on j-our holy duties without further 
thought." R&manuja obeyed, and assumed charge of hia^ 
exalted position. Taking his seat in the Hall called the Periya 
Tirumandapam, he instituted searching enquii-ies as to whe- 
ther the weights and measures used in the Sri-bhaiKJ.dra (stores) 
were correct ; whether the flower '-service, sandal-paste ' 
service, food "-service, light '-service, and all such services 
were all duly done ; whether the Temple-servants were carefully 
selected and cared for ; whether the public works ° of the 
Shrine's noble structures were duly attended to ; whether the 
flower gardens ° attached to the Temple were properly tended 
and conserved ; and whether the land " and other properties 

' Called the Satha-Gopa. 

= Literally " He who has got," raeauing " He who has been given the 
Kingdom of God, as his property." 

» Tiru-vdy-Mozhi. V. 2. ' Tiru-vilakku. 

* Tirumalai. " Tiru-madil-tirnppani. 
' Ssittu-p-padi. " Tiru-v-ananda-vanam. 

" Amudu-padi. '" Tiru-vilaiyattu-cchimai. 


pertaining to tho Temple wire well looked after. And thus 
from day to day was Raaianuja engaged in ru-storiug order aud 
system in the vast concerns of tiie Temple. He picked out 
Akalanka-NiiU-Azliv&n, ' and making liim his disciple, set 
him over the Temple as his assistant ; and .saw to the strict 
aud punctual dischai'ge of all the ceremonial duties counected 
with the daily, fortnightly, monthly and yearly festivals of 
the shrine. 

' His wife is 2'rij)Hnkic(i', vide p. 2009. Vol. IV. BJmgavud-iishuijum 
(1st Telugu Edition.) 





Kurfe^a having de.spatched Ramanuja, returned to Kfinclu. 
From here he went to hi.s village Kura, abont three miles to 
the of K&nchi. Being the lord of this village and verj- 
rich, he was called Kiiran&tha or KureSa. He was as bonnteous 
as rich. From morn till late in the night, the blind, lame, 
poor and disabled were freely served with food and clothing. 
One night, when the day's duties were over, the brass-made door.s 
of his mansion were closed violently. This made such a ring- 
ing noise that it was heard at Kanchi. Loi-d Varada's Consort' 
Lakshmi questioned Him as to the cause of the noise. The. Lord 
explained to Her the greatness of KureSa. " Then I wish to 
see him,'" said She. Kjtnchi-purna was commanded to go and 
fetch him. Purna duly came and was welcomed with every wor- 
ship due to such a distinguished guest. Purna then disclosed 
the object of his mission, resulting from the delibex-ations which 
Varada and Lakshmi held on hearing the creaking of his brass 
doors. dismayed on hearing this. "What!'' he 
cried, " a sinner like me, a wretch, a worm, to appear so big 
in the Lord's Bye. Crawling insect that I am ! My doors to 
create disturbance in God's House! Pride hampers salvation ; 
humility paves the way for it." So reflecting, Kuresa 
formed a resolution to forsake all and join Rd.m4nuja at Sri- 
rangam. He put his resolution into execution at once by 
abandoning all his riches, houses and lands, Mvhioh he gave 
away in charity to all that came, and bidding his wife Andal- 
amma give up every article dear to her without regret and 
accompany him, left Kura. 

Purna returned to Kflnchi, and recounted the extra- 
ordinary deeds of sacrifice following on repentance, and the 
departure, of KureSa. Lord Varada was astonished at such 

' Gp. " Soli all thou hast and giv-o to tho poor and follow mc, and I 
will give you peace " [Matt. 19-21.] 

' Give up all and follow Clirist, &." 



swift operation of His Grace on Kuresa's heart, and told his 
Consoi-t: "Well, j'ou have had your wish fulfilled now." 

; Kuresa was now well on his W113'. Without fear he trud- 
ged on. They were, wife and husband, threading their way 
tlirongh a thick forest, and night also fell over them. The 
wife, unaccustomed to travel in this manner, dreaded thieves 
in such forsaken tracts, and turning to her husband asked him 
trembling, 'whetlier there was no fear in such places. He 
quickly answered : — " Dear, if thou hast stuff anywhere hidden 
in your person, there is fear. Fish feed on water-worms. 
Fowls feed on land-worms. Death feeds on life. And so 
thieves feed on riches. I suspect, dear, thou hast some- 
tliing with thee, though I commanded thee to relinquish 
all behind." " Pardon me, lord," said Andftlamma, " I have 
left all behind, but thinking you might need a cup to drink 
from, on your long journey, I secreted but a golden cup." So 
saying, she unfolded the vessel from her cloth, and shaking 
with fear, handed it to her husband. He took it and threw it 
away into the jungle, and said to his wife : " Now, lady, walk 
on. Thy fear has been cast out." Thus did this matchless pair 
travel on and in time reach Srirangam. Ramanuja was jubi- 
lant at his arrival ; and sent out his pupils to receive him 
with every mark of respect, and conduct him to his Math. 
R^m^nuja, on his approach, rose and, warmly enfolding him in 
his arms, welcomed him to Srirangam,to himself, and to all the 
great work that jointly they were destined to accomplish in 
the near future. KureSa thus forsook his rich home and all at 
Kura, and made Srirangam henceforth his permanent residence, 
subsisting here by alms. Thus did a great and most import- 
ant personage for the life-work of Ramanuja, join him. We 
shall leave him for a time and see how fared Govinda at 



A Sri-vaishnava had been despatched, it will beremembci-r 
ud, to Sri-saila-Purna (= Tirnmalai Namhi), to deliberate on 
the mode of reclaiming Govinda, who had acciJentalhj become 
a Saiva, and had been made the director of the Kalahasti- 
Temple. The messengers returned with a joyful countenance 
to Ramanuja. Before they broke the tidings, Ramanuja saw 
by his face there was success, and bade him recount what 
had taken place. He began thus :—" Holy Sire, with your 
holy leave, I reached Tirnpati in due time, and making obei- 
sance to Purna, conveyed to him the intelligence you had 
entrusted me with. Purna was rejoiced to find that what he 
himself had contemplated doing with regai-d to Govinda, was 
Ramfi,nuja's wish as well, and that his own intention was there- 
by sweetened. So saying, he immediately started with a knot 
of followers, including myself. We reached Kalahasti, and 
Purna seated himself under a tree near the Temple-pond. 
Ullangai-Konaranda-Nabyanar " (= Govinda) came there with 
vessels to the pond in order to carry water for the ablution- 
ceremony of Siva, all the time chanting songs of His praise. 
Puma said: — " What fruit will you get, hy cold-bathing the Konrai- 
decked Thing ? ' Govinda heard this, looked up in Purna's face, 
smiled and went his way. " This will do for once. Let God 
work upon his heart," Purna exclaimed to himself, and return- 
ing to Tirupati, attended to his usual studies and teachings. 

Sri-saila-Purna now made another venture. He went to 
the same tree and pond as before in Ka,laha.sti. N^yanar 
( = Govinda) was coming as usual with vessels to fetch water. 
Purna thought he would try a plan even like the plans of God, 
who works without being seen, and is unknown by men as the 
Planner. To the world, God seems as if sleeping, but He is all 
wakeful. So reasoning within himself, Purna wrote his Guru 
Yamuna's verse : 

1 This was the name he bore as a Saiva. It means : " he who found 
the livga in his palm." See Chapter VI. 

2 Meaning Siva who is fond of IwirHi-flowers. 


SvilbJiAvikdnavadMkij, &c. [See p. 55.] 

on a piece of palm-leaf, and allowed it to lie in the path of 
Nayan£l.r, who of course was unaware of the design. He came. 
The piece arrested his sight. He took it for curiosity, read it 
but threw it away and went on his errand. But as he was 
returning with his pots full, he felt an impulse to pick up the 
piece again, and read the contents once more deliberately. He 
did so and looked round. There we were seated under the tree, 
He came near and said: — " ' The wail has turned into verse,' ' 
said Valmiki, and like him reflecting over his spontaneous utter- 
ance, I have been reflecting over the meaning of this cbance- 
fonnd strip. Did you, sire, throw it ? Is this your property ? '' 
addressing Purna. On this the following conversation 
ensued : — 

Ndyandr : Have you lost you property ? " 

Pilrna : We cannot lose our property. Others only lose 
tlieirs (meaning, we cannot lose our God. You have lost our 

N. Never mind that. How is it you are all assembled in 
one body {i.e., you are all belonging to one cult, and seem to 
pursue a peculiar path). 

P. Well, we have been brought tDgether, as various ways 
meet here (i.e., the Path to God we are pursuing is the One 
Path into which all other paths issue). 

N. But is there a Path for those who stand aloof like 
j-ou ? (i.e., aloof -ness or isolation or Kaivahja is the state of 
souls which on the one hand have eschewed material fetters 
but on tlie otlier liand have not recognized God. This isola- 
tion is what in modern days called the JEonic suspension of 
souls, equivalent to eternal damnation.). 

' ^JmWiWr^tfTim- Ittdnmyann II. 40]. i.e., Vaimtki uttered a cry 
of difiti-esa when lie saw n fowler killinR an innocent curlew but V&l- 
mtkt to his surprise found he had uttered a verse. 

' The whole conversation has Tamil words having double meanings. 
\Vc have tried to make it as clear as possible bj' parenthetical explana- 


P. We are not aloof in your sense. The aloof are those 
who have discarded tlieir real property (God) ; but we hold 
our property (God) firm in our hands. We are thus God-sided 
(i.e., God-partisans) if you please. 

A'^. Never mind this. Have you now come here to leave 
your relatives ? {i.e., to leave more converts like me for Siva). 

P. No. We have come here lo buy kiue ? (t. e., to 
reclaim or convert who belong to the bull (kine)-riding 
God (Siva) ). 

N. Is not the dust of kine said in the Sastras to be sacred 
or sia-pnrifying ? (hinting that Siva's bull is thus a sacred 
animal, whose hoof-dust is purifying to all men). 

P. No dust is sacred except it be beaten up by kine of the 
Sacred Land (of Vishnu) ' ; but not that beaten up from the 
unholy burning (or cremation) ground, where Siva dwells. 

N. Never mind that. What diflerence is there between 
horizontal and vertical ? (t. e., is it not immaterial whether we 
paint our foreheads horizontally or vertically). 

P. Yes, there is as much difference between as between 
beast (horizontal) and man (vertical) "- 

N. I suppose, this is the language and cult of a New 
Style {i.e., a New Dispensation ? ) 

P. Nothing new is ours. It is as old as time, and sanc- 
tioned by authority (Veda, &c.,) {i.e., our Vai.shnavJsm is not 
born to-day. It is as old as the Vedas ) 

JV". But if we inquire into Sacred Authorities, it is found 
to embody all sorts of cults. 

iLike Dvinddvana &c, the Holy Laud of the Holy ueat-heard 

2 Beast walks horizontally, man walks erect. It is a significant fact 
that in all paintings and scnlptnres, where the Dev-dsum war, or war 
between Gods and Demons, is represented, marks hori/.ontal {Hryalc-pitv . 
d^a) are shown on the foreheads of Demons, and upright mnrka (Vrdhva- 
piindra) on the foreheads of Gods. 


P. Exactly. And that is the reason why you should 
fully inquire, dive into the very depths of knowledge as to what 
is the Highest Truth in the Universe; and diving, bring up 
the Pearl of truth from all the mud and ooze, (i.e., find out 
Nariyana fi-om all the tangled skein of the Vedas.) 

N. Nayanar thus was dumb-founded. He simply nodded 
his head, scanning Purna all the while from top to toe, and went 
his way with clear signs of serious thought in his heart visible 
in his countenance. ' 

Purna now thought thus : " Yes, his heart has now quick- 
ened, ^ the rest is God's own work. I consign the troubled 
soul there to Him." So saying he returned to the Holy Hill 
(Tirumalai = Tirupati)." 

Thus did the Srivaishnava narrate to Rilmanuja the re- 
sult of his mission to reclaim Govinda to Vaishnavism. Rama- 
nuja on hearing this, went into a paroxysm, of joy, and turning 
to D&Sarathi and other disciples, said: — "Look, how our great 
Guru YsimnnSi's Holy voice has found its entr'y into Govinda's 
heart; and bow Govinda played a burlesque and spoke to our 
Srt-saila-Purna thereon in sarcastic quibbles. And see how 
our Piirna retorted to Govinda in the same clever sarcastic 
style. Being well versed in Sastric lore, see how Govinda 
acknowledged Piirna's significant sarcasms, and allowed him- 
self to be beaten into silence. What a polemical victory ? 
And hear me now expound to you tlie meaning of their cypher- 
i*epartee. I simply cite a number of authorities bearing on the 

(1) " There are two things Kshara and Ahshara. Kshara 
is all this being ; Akshara is liberated souls. And diffei-ent from 
these is Purushottama, Mj'self, the Person par excellence <fcc." 
{Bhagavad-Gitd, XV. 16 to 19]. 

^ Keadors are iuvited to the perusal of Bhuguidi-ishayam. Vol. IV 
or Tim-vay-inozhi. Onriim-tecuui. 

" TOKfinif^Tni ZSdtvata-Samlata] 

' The reader must bo satisGcd with reading' the citations merely. 
This is uo place {or expansiou thereof. 


(2) " He (Vishnu) is the fii-st of the Immoi-tals, and 
Prior to them " [^Prabandha]. 

(S) "The Soul of those who walk virtue's path" 

(4) "' He is the Door to Salvation " 'Prabandha]. 

(5) " Hardly one knows Me truly " [Gita : VII-3]. 

(6) " 1 am Thine, and Thou art mine " [T. V. Mozhi, 

(7) " He must be classed with beasts who has no know- 
ledge (of God)." [Hltopadesa^ ' 

(8) " How else will they spend their time, (if not by 
thinking of Vishnu) ?" {Periya-tiru-v-and<ldi, v-86]. 

(9) " Those who wear vertical marks on their foreheads, 
<tc., are Vaishnavas " " [SrUBhagavata\. 

(10) " Sprinkle the Holy Dust of the feet of godly men " 
[T-vay-Mozlii, IV. 6-5]. 

(11) " All twice-born shall wear vertical marks " ' 
[ Yajnya-valkya] . 

(12) " Vedas are the .source of authoritj' * [Manu. II-6]. 

(13) " Sat, O Saumya, was in the beginning'" [Aitareya 
Up: VI-2]. 

(14) " Atraa, Saumya, was in the beginning " " [Aitareya 

'q^inra^raga^ ^faRRiMr- "^^ra«n2T>«i% 5T«f^l53;r: I 
^^if ^gtNKNiid ?rf =^^ = sit^'irm w^^m Tftgnf^ n 


(15) Brahman, Sauinya, was in the beginning "' [Vaja- 
sanej-a : I [1-4].' 

And if it be asked who is the Sat, the Atnia, tlie 

(16) "Indeed, it is the one Nilrayana'"' [Mahopani- 
shat: 1]. 

(17) (Narayana or) Vishnu is the God ; and 
Agni is the lowest. All other gods go between "" [_Aita7-eya 
Brdhmana, I-l-l]. 

(18) " The Pranava is the bow, Atmfi, is the arrow, and 
Brahman is the Target. The wise man shall hit the Target' 
and become filled with It " * [Mund: Up: 11-4], 

(14) " From Narayana is Brahma born, from Nftrftyana 
is Rudra (Siva) born "° ^Narayana Up.]. 

And Smritis, Purjinas. and Itihasas support these autho- 
rities, for see Bhagavad-Oita, X-2, XI -37, IX-10 ; Manu-Sviriti 
1-8, XII-132 ; Vishnu-Purana I, 1-32, I, 2-20, IV, 1-39, I, 22-64 
and 78, VI, 4-10; Mahd-Bhdrata, Sdnti-Moksha, 168-78 and 
79 ; 169-19, 30 and 31, Udyoga, 67, and Hanvamsa, 32, 223-39, 
279-47, &c., &c. 

' HKwrra^5iT3rm i ^TKrwri^Rirqw ii 

Note :— From (3) to (6), it may portant to us than tbe greatest con- 
be observed how the conception of quests of the Kings of Egypt or 
God evolved from the term Sat up Babylon. Not one of our greatest 
to Ndrdyana. If our readers are explorers has unearthed with his 
etymologists, they will at once un- spade or pickaxe more splendid 
derstand the splendid discovery of palaces and temples, whether in 
Hamanuja in the intricate windings Egypt or in Babylon, than the ety- 
of the Vedas. Says Max MuUer :— mologist. Every word is the palace 
"Every new work was a discovery, of a human thought." [P 17 
and these early discoveries, it but Vol. I, Trans : of the Ninth Interna- 
properly understood, are more im- tional Congress of Orientalists]. 

CH. XIV. govinda's conversion. 

When therefore Sri-saila Purna answered N^yanar in his 
own riddles, he was convinced inasmuch as he was well-versed 
in Sastras. And Purna feeling sure that NELyan^r was well on 
the way towards conversion, returned to Tirumalai. How 
clever of Purna ! " So saying, Ramanuja congratulated tlie Sri- 
Vaishnava who had returned. " And what nest ?" asked lie. 

" Sire," continued the Vaishnava, " listen to the results 
of the third sally of Purna. He made obeisance to Lord 
Srinivtlsa of Tirupati and entered tlie purlieus of Kalahasti 
and camping there in a tope, spent his time in teaching his 
disciples the commentaries on Tirnvdy-mozM, (i.e. Bhagavad- 
Vishayavi). N£iy4nS,r came that way and got up a trumpet- 
flower tree (jiddiri to cull flowers for Siva's worship). Purna 
had taken up Tinnan-vidu or Cent : II, Dec. 2 of St. Nam- 
m&zhvar's Tiru-vfly-mozhi, for comment ; and as he went on 
reciting and explaining, Nayanar attentively pursued the dis- 
course. Purna came to the fourth verse thereof, which ended 
with i^' Except the One God {Krishna), which other deserves 
flower or worship ?" On hearing this, Nayanar jumped down 
the tree at once, flung away his flower-reticule, tore away the 
rudrdksha ' beads he was wearing, and fell at the feet of Ptlrna, 
overcome with emotion, and exclaimed : — " No, no ; no one else 
can deserve. Holy Sire ! I am an ignoramus, and apostate 
and am unclean and wallowing in the mire of worldliness.'* 
Save me, save me. Alas that when God of the two Universes, 
(Nar&yana) has been, I professed fealty to the ' Nude deity of 
the Dishevelled Hair (Siva) ' ; when we have had the ' Love- 
beaming Lotus-Eyed (Vishnu),' I placed my afFections on 
' Fire-vomitting Ugly-Eyed (Siva) ' ; when we have had 
Krishna, the sea-and-land Swaliower, I worshipped the ' Poi- 
son-dark-necked ' (Siva) ; when we have had the Kalpaka- 
tree which had saved the herds and herdsmen from Indra's 
hail and storm (Krishna), I honored the ' Dead-skull-handed 
(Siva) ; when we have had the Sri-breasted (Vishnu), I bowed 

' The berries of Usocarpus Ganitrue, sacred to Siva, 





to the ' Beggar (Siva)' ; when we have had the glorious ' Silk- 
mantled (Vishnu)', I was an abject slave to the ' Tiger-skin- 
mantled (Siva)' ; when we have had the ' Gang4-toed (Vishnu)', 
I circummabulated tlie ' Grave-yard-stalker (Siva)' ; when we 
have had the God of the fragrant Tula-n \ I resorted to the 
' J?i7«P-fond.(3iva)' and wasted my strength by pouring pails- 
ful of water over the vile phallus " So went on Nayanftr, 
now really Govlnda, going through the wliole gamut of the 
Vishnu-Siva legends ; and very contrite at heart for his vag- 
rancy, supplicated Purna to save his soul, lost in the wilds of 
false faiths. Govinda thus lay prostrate. Purna looked at 
his disciples and saying : " Repentance has washed this soul 
ckan, and Alavandar will now accept the purged heart," lifted 
him up with loving hands, patted him on the back and dis- 
coursed to him in soothing tones, " drinking Govinda, as it 
were, with his gracious eyes, and hugging him as it were to 
his heart." " 

The Sivite residents of Kalahasti came to know of N^ya- 
nfta-'s )-emorse, recantation and redemption and hemming round 
Purna, remonstrated with him thus : — " How canst thou 
entice, Sir, our NayanElr, by mesmerizing him with charm- 
dust.^ ? " Why do ye ask me ? " retorted Purna, " there is 
your Nayanir ; ask him. Know, our ways ai'e hidden to you, 
ind we never swerve to others' ways." Then thoj- turned to 
NAyanar, and seizing his hand, " Come," said they. Govinda 
swiftly snatched his hand away from their clutch and said in 
a,nger : — "How dare ye pollute my hand with your touch ? 
Here, take away the temple-keys, the signet-ring and other 
articles of your cult and creed, ily connection with you 

' The basil sacred to Vishna (read p. Ivii. of our iire.-- Azhrdrs.) 
^ JSgle Manneloi, leaves of — sacred to Siva. 

' Ammdn-podi in Tamil, a magic-dnst supposed to possess the pro- 
perty of subjugating another's -vrill to one's own. 

on. XlV. dOVtJfbA*g CONVERSIOIf. 91 

has "from this moment ceased; and I have notliing more to do 
with you. I am entirely rid now of old shackles." So saying, 
he suited action to word, by clapping his hands,' and turned 
his face away from them. Thus beaten they said to Purna, : — 
■" Sire, we had known all this yestei-day ; and yet we thought 
we would go to you and make a stand and try to force or 
persuade Nayana,r back to us, but it is hopeless, we find. Hear, 
however, the dream whicli we had. Our God of Kfilahasti 
(Siva) appeared to us and spake thus : — " Listen, my faithful ! 
In the old days, the Vedas and S&stras suffered at the hands of 
the Pashandins, BauddhAs and Ch&rvakas. They were restored 
by the three-staffed Sanyslsin, Dattatreya. Again now, as of 
old, the Vedas have suffered by heretical vandalism. To re- 
establish them, the celestials Vishvak.sena, Ananta and Vaina- 
teya have become incarnate on earth, under the names of 
Y3.muna, Ramanuja and Govinda. To help them, the Divine 
Symbols of Vishnu — the Conch and the Discus — have appeared 
as Dasarathi and Kur6.?a, respectively. So, the Vedic Vaishna- 
vism which is going to revive under these Masters is a system 
which is after my own heart. Govinda had entertained a 
wish once for living in Kasi ; and this desire I fulfilled by 
appearing as the linga in his palm, and giving him thus a 
chapter of Saivism ; so that he may be in a position to show 
and prove to others the comparative merits of the two sys- 
tems, which can best be done only after personal experience. 
Vaishnavas are a free people. Interfere not. Let them alone." 
' Such was our dream,' the Saivas represented, ' and so, Sirs, 
you are free, and we return.' Purna's plans were thus worked 
out. He took Govinda to his home at Tirupati, and has had, 
as expiatory, the tonsure, &c., performed as also the five-fold 
Sacraments^ of the Vaishnavas — on the shores of the Holy 
Pond, called the Svami-Pusbkarini — administered. After this 
the Holy Teachings contained in the Prabandhas of the Saints 
(Azhvars) were duly imparted, and the Five Fundamental 

• This means : washing one's hands off. 


Truths ' of reUgion wei-e explained to him, thus making Govinda 
an all-round Vaishnava for evangelistic work with R^mEinuja. 
Govinda looked upon Purna, his Master, as God Himself. He 
knew of no other God except his Saviour, Purna, to wliom he 
was a servitor, in thought, speech and deed, even as Laksh- 
mana was to Ramachandra.^ 

And I, Master, remained with them so long, enjoying their 
company as well as studies." Thus related the Vaishnava to 

On hearing this, Ramanuja rajjtnrously eyed the Srivaish- 
nava and uttered blessings. The first successful evangelistic 
work of Rfi.manuja had thus been accomplished, by the recovery 
of Govinda from his aposfasj'. 

' Tlie Artha-panchaka, or the nature of (I) God, (2) Soul, (3) Goal 
(4) Means, (5) Sin. A separate treatise on this topic comprises one of 
the eighteen Mystery- Books of Sage Piljai Lokllcharya. 

' 5rW^^ra;[Fr JtrsTfTO^'m^ II [_Ttdmd : II. 31. 27.] 
' Thou shalt with thy Videhan spouse, 
Eeelinc upon the mountain's brows ; 
Be mine the toil, be niiuo to keep 
Watch o'er (heo, walking or asleep.' [Griffith.'] 

CH. xv. rIm^ndja and mantra. S3 



Sri RS,ni^nuja had not yet formally seen his Guru Sri 
Mahapurna, at his residence, after his arrival at Srirangam from 
Kanchi. And, two, through his-wife, he had possibly offended 
him. But he had abandoned her on that account and donned the 
Sannyasin robes. Was this sufficient amends^lq. appease the 
Guru? Such thoughts embarrassed Ramfiinuja. He wonld how- 
ever go and tender ample apologies. So he walked on to his 
Guru's dwelling. In an attitude of veneration and humility, 
he prostrated liimself, and telling him how he had made expia- 
tion for his past conduct, begged of him to pardon that for 
which he was not personally responsible. Pui'iia said lie never 
knew there was anything to pardon, but that on the other hand 
Ramanuja was daily growing in his estimation. "Sire," said 
Ra,manuja, rising, " to fill the blank causd by YsLmuna's sudden 
departure, to supply yourself the lack caused by my having, 
by a hair's breadth, missed conversing with hira on matters 
spiritual, deign to impai-t to me all the mysteries of religion, that 
great Guru of mine has entrusted to you for the pui'pose." 
" With the greatest delight," replied Purna, " I have been 
eargerly looking out for an occasion like this. There shall be 
no more delay. The essence of our Holy Faith, know, is embed- 
ded in the Dvaya-mantra. ' 0, its greatness ! its power and 
strength ! A gem, eternal, holy, — the very gist of the Vedas ! 
Purifying, meritorious ! Rich, world-winning, and healing '.'. 
So saying, he briefly imparted to Ramanuja the essentials of 
religion contained in it, viz.. There is but One God. He is All- 
merciful, and is therefore our Way. He is All-hnomng and 
All-inighty, and is therefore Our God. The souls' end and aim is' 
therefore eternal living service at His Holy Feet. There are 
glorious amplifications of this truth yet. Learn these at the 


feet of Tiru-k-kofrtiyur Nambi ( = Goshtlu-Puina), who was 
an intimate disciple of Yamuna. 

E/Elindinuja took leave and proceeded to Tiru-k-kottiyur 
(near Pndukdta); and, on arriving there asked the passers-by 
where Gdshthi-Purna was living. " There, in that poor low 
hut," said they, pointing. Kamanuja fell on his knees, and all 
the way from where he stood up to the hut, he went prostrate. 
Only those knew Nambi well, who knew how not to see defects 
in their Masters, but only saw perfections, and these to exag- 
geration.' R&md.naja approached Nambi and falling at his 
feet prayed: " Teacli me, Holy Sire, all the recondite doctrines 
of our Faith. I am the humble feef' of Maha-piirna." In order to 
test the strength of Ramaunj'a professions, Goshthi-Purna said 
in an ofE-hand manner: " What have I to tell, and to whom ?," 
and gave him no countenance. Ramanuja never spoke another 
word, either of supplication or of reproach ; but simply pros- 
trated himself and returned to Koil (— Si-irangam). 

G. Purna had to visit Srirangam for the season's festivi- 
ties connected with that Holy Fane. He came and paid homao-e 
to the Lord Rauga, who was pleased to dower him with all 
honors, and commanded, through the officiating priest, : "In- 
struct our Ramanuja in all the occult lore of the ITaith." " But 
O. Gloiious God ! ' said G. Purna, " It is Thou who hast 
ruled : Tell not those toho have not been apprenticed at least for a 
year.* Reveal not high truths to the non-serious, non-dutiful, 
icho love me not, 8fc. ' ? So that if I have to carry out the 
strict letter of Thy law, I must wait and try Thy Ramanuja." 

' See Hierarchic Tabic, No. 24 in our Lives of Azhvars. 
' This attitude of mind towards a these things prepare the soul to 
Teacher constitutes a real disciple ; recognise his Guru when he au- 
and only then is his successful pears. Many a ouc misses his 
spiritual career assured. "The teacher by 'the mental habit of 
glad and cordial recognition of ex- Hxing the attention on blemishes 
cellence," says A. Besant, " wlier- rather than on beauties bv seeing 
ever found, the checking of the only the sun-spots aAd not the 
critical and carping spirit that Sun." [,\'ttlueofDevotimi. p 263 f 
fixes on defects and ignores virtues, Theos : Review. Vol. XxVll 

» This is the Indian idiom for a " true disciple." Let our readers 
become accustomed to it. o<»"ciis 

' f^fpmm^iPT [B/i. Gi. XVI11-S4.] 


" Not so in his case," answered Ranga, " as lie is fully quali- 
fied according to the requirements of the text : — 

Body, wealth, mind, life itself, belong to the Guru, ^'c, ' and 
therefore he may be instructed. 

" (Jome to my place," Faid G. Purna to Ramanuja, and left 
Srirangam. Ktlmanujawent all the way, as directed, to T. Kotti- 
yur again. But when he went there ; " Not thi.s time ; can you go 
now and come again ?" told Purna. Rslmanuja never thought of 
a protest, and never felt irritated, but simply obeyed the com- 
mand, and returned to Srirangam. Eighteen times,' thus, it is 
chronicled, did RsLmanuja journey to T. Kottiyur and return, 
each time being told the same thing. G. Purna had at the 
same time no other idea excejst that of testing R3,m&nuja's 
faith and zeal, and testing him through an ordeal of novitiate 
probation, to see if his spirit was strong and capable of over- 
coming passions of the mind. Had his will been weak, he 
would long ago have given up his endeavor as unworthy of 
of pursuit. Had he succumbed under the weight of disap- 
pointment and cliagrine, that would have proved liim an un- 
worthy disciple, to whom it would have been useless to reveal 
occult truths. Such were Purna's thoughts. And on the other 
hand, R£lmS.nuj:i's tenacity of purpose was raising him every 
time in Purna's estimation. When he returned to Srirangam 
for the eighteentli time, however, he felt somewhat, and was 
moved to tears at the futility of his repeated efforts, and was 
found deeply revolving in his mind, as to what he should do 
next ; when a disciple of G. Purria chanced to come from T. 
K&ttiyur, and came on a vi.sit to RS.in3.nuja. Ramanuja, bid- 
ding him be seated, and after preliminaries were over, poured 
before him his bitter grievances, and consulted him as to how 
he should make him.self worthy. And he finished the consulta- 
tion by saying : — " Is not God pledged to save us from evil, 
and grant us bliss ? Even so are God's regents on earth. How 
am I to become worthy, if by the worthy, my unworthiness is 
not effaced ; and unless the benefactor gives, how is the receiver 

4^<j^ifv||< q'q^ WI?|w}'HH«*'id= II ISdtvaia'Samhitd.'] 
2 See Mumuhshwppadi, Intro : to Charama-Sloka. 


to be blessed?" The disciple returned to T. Kdttiyur, and told 
his master how Rsimanuja was pining for knowledge. " Has 
he sach keen appetite ? Then I must at once feed him. A 
moment's delay more on my part brings sia. Let Rftmanuja 
come to me alone with liis staff and pennant.' So did G. Piirna 
exclaim ; and bade the same disciple go fortli at once and bi-ing 
Ramanuja to him. Swiftly came he, and prostrating himself 
before RamAnuja begged of him to proceed. He started 
immediately, taking his two intimate disciples with him, 
KilrSsa and Dii?arathi ; and fell at Purna's feet. " These 
instead of thyself alone, as I had commanded ! " e.'sclaimed 
Purnairate. "Holy Sire!" explained R^imtouja, "■'come 
with stafE and pennant' was thy order. So I have come." 
" Staff and pennant !, which is thy staff, which is thy pennant ? " 
a.sked Purna, " Sire, DilSarathi is my staff ; Kurfisa is my 
pennant. I am never without them, nor they without me." 
Purna'.s irritation vanished and he was moved by Rslmanuja's 
exemplary conduct and astuteness. " Well," spoke Piirna — -who 
by the bye had been commanded by Lord Rauga in a dream 
again, to unbosom Holy secrets to R4m&nuja, as the latter was no 
other than Adisesha himself incarnated — " I make exceptions of 
these, thy Inseparables ; I command thee that to no others 
shalt thou impart the sacred truths I am going to divulge to 
thee." So saying, he led Ranianuja to a secret corner of his 
hut, and there revealed to him the hidden truths of the Tim- 
mantra, or the Mantra of the AshtAkshara-Upanishad, the eight- 
syllabled aiid three-worded Mantra, the gravity of which is thus 
described : — " PranavaiXie first ; Namas the middle ; and Xdrd- 
yana the last. So runs the Eight-syllabled Mantra, to be 
ever used in prayer by seekers after God. It is the gi-anter 
of every boon, and promoter of devotion and disjjassion." ' 

' Staff is the Trtdaiifiu of the Sanya,sin, and pennant is the colored 
piece of cloth attached to its top. 

WmHiHSJSfcJt ^rraUKSl^^ II ISdtvata-Samhm..'] 

Also see our Lives of Saints and Wisdom of Saints for detailed 


" Tliis," he said, " is the Mantra which all our Saints and 
Sages constantly recited and pondered over. It is the best- 
ower of eternal bliss." llamanuja reverently received the 
teachings, and considered himself now as regenerated and 
saved. But lie could not contain the truths within him, though 
imparted under pledge of secrecy. " Why are such trnths so 
jealously guarded from all mortals ? If God is not for sinners, 
from whom is He ? And therefore is not His Holy Word a mes- 
sage for all ? Why should mortals be denied its saving power ? 
But I shall not make a secret of it. I shall divulge it to all 
regardless of consequences." So did Hamsbnuja reflect and 
reason. Compassion for all men burned in his heart. So- he 
made up his mind to proclaim the Word to the public. 

The next day, he entered into the big and elevated hall ' 
of Terk-k^zhvaba, or the Lord Nrisimha, Resident of Tiru-k- 
kfittiyiir, invited all to assemble there ; and his full heart flowed 
to them in the revealing of the precious truths relating to Spirit, 
which he liad learnt from G. Purna, under vow of secrecy. 
This news reached and roused the indignation of G. Piirna. 
He commanded Rftmelnuja to appear before him ; and asked 
in tones of anger: — "Culprit! did we not strictly enjoin 
thee not to reveal our noble truths of religion to the 
undeserving vulgar ? How durst thou misbehave, and outrage 
promises m.ade ?' " Revered Sire," submitted R£im4auja, 
" I confess I am guilty of disobedience. But I taught the truths 
to others to glorify thee and thy lore." " That is not it," retorted 
Purna, " the disobedience on thy part is the question. That, thou 
hast glaringly shown. W^hat is thy punishment for it ?" " My 
punishment is certainly hell, Sire," submitted Ramanuja. 
That thou well knewest," protested Purna, " and yet what made 
thee to violate my law ?" " Sire," said Raraanuja, " pray 
listen to me calmly. Disobedience surely deserves hell. I 
must be sent there, no doubt. But, holy Sire, may I submit 
that it is but little sacrifice for one sinner to make, inasmuch 

'This is called tlie gopuram or pinnacle, as sung by AnnS.-v-aappangar 
in liis Ea,mannja-a<Mnd»Ks/ia-stai'0 : — 



jas it brings salvation to many.' Moreover all the merit of that 
whole-sale salvation goes to you, because of the Holy Secret 
having emanated from your great self ? These reasons embol- 
dened me to infringe thy lioly command. It was compassion 
for mankind that rendered me blind to thy injunctions.' I ask 
forgiveness. Do with niP, holy Sire, wliat thou wilt." G. Purna 
was struck dumb at this reasoning and his own heart moved. 
' Oh, that this idea never entered my crippled heart," said he 
excitedly, " my heart, which would not ere this warm with 
love for naankind. I am hated. Strange I never felt the all- 
embracing love of Il4manuja. Rimftnuja! Yaiiraja! Indeed 
thou art He, come on earth. I see it all now." Thus 
vehemently venting forth the new and strange emotions stii-r- 
ing in his bi-east Pfirna rushed forward and embracing B4m§.- 
nuja continued : — " Holy son, thou art mine, my own indeed 
art thou. Thy name shall henceforth be Emberuiniindr, The 
creed that I gave thee was hitherto known as the Greed of 
the High Veddnta, but henceforth it shall be known to the world 
as the Greed of Einberumdndr . Not only tliat, which thou hast 
already heard from me, shalt thou proclaim from the house-tops, 
but more shalt thou hear from me. Secrets there are yet. Come, 
wilt thou be, or art thou, satisfied, as thou seemest, with what 
thou hast got ?" So went on Purna, in the exuberance of his 
strangely awakened love for BamMuja. " Holy Sire," softly said 
Ribmanuja", lam not to lay down law for you. Had I in the least 
thought that there were yet other Secrets than those you have 
already so graciously divulged, and therefore stood in need, that 
would prove lack of trust in me ; i.e., as if I harboured doubts 
as to your sincerity. But if I say now : ' I need no more,' that 
would prove that I had not well understood the bearings of the 
first set of secrets given me. So I hold my peace. It is for you 
therefore. Master, to decide in these circumstance and from 
events which have transpired, what I deserve." My own sou 
Rdim&nuja, dear !" said Purna, " then let it be deferred. Go 

' Cp. tliis what B4niauuja ((. e., Lakshmana) said : — 

" q+tMHi^HHS^ ^»i?«%TW^" [Dttara E4m ; 105-8]. 
2 Read Pp. 3561. Bhagavadvighayam..Vol. VII. End. (Telugu edition.) 



now and come again, but mind, come alone." Ramanuja 
stretclied liimself before his Guru, rose and left for Srirangam 
with his • staff and pennant.' 

Some time after, Eamjlnuja journeyed, a.s bidden, to liis 
Master for f artlier instructions, aud humbled himself before 
him. " Come uow," said G. Purna, cla.spiug Riimanuja's liand 
lovingly. Taking him to a sequestered spot and adopting every 
precaution that no one may disturb them, " touch my feet " 
said he, and promise thou wilt not venture on further dis- 
closures of our most cherished secrets." On Ramanuja solemnly 
plighting his word, Purna began in the manner of Lord 
Krishna : — 

' Listen, Arjuna, again, to My lofty speech, the Secret of 
Secrets. I say it as it is good for thee, and as thou art my friend 
and devotee.' [Bh : Gi. XVIIL 64.] 

" It is the Last Word {Charama-sloka) of the spiritual 
science, contained in the Lord's verse " said Piirna. Thus : — 

" Gice up entirely all other Ways, 

Choose Me alone as Thy Way ; 

Thee, from all sins, I will absolve, •' 

No more tJien shalt thou mourn." [Bh : Gi. XVTIf. 66. J 

" Son, reveal not these Holy Truths to the unprepared, un- 
deserving, unserving, and haters of God (Me)." {Bh: Gi. XVTII. 
67.] Ramanuja, if you value these Truths, then let not atheists i 
and heretics hear them. Guard them against such. 

" Let it be, Sire, as thou wilt '" said Ramanuja, " but may 
I not make exceptions of such worthy God-loving souls as 
Kiirfisa. How can f conceal from him ? " " He may, be worthy" 
enjoined Purna," but our Sastras lay conditions such as : — 

" One year, half year, quai-ter year at least, shall the postulant 
be examined in every way ; and then shall the Guru initiate him. 


graciously, disinterestedly} And therefore, after putting him 
to test and .seeing that he really craves for knowledge during 
this trial-period teaclie him." RftmSinuja received these com- 
mands and returned to Srirangam as a victor returning home 
after a successful campaign. He thought to himself that even 
like the Eighteen Chapters of the Gita preached by Sri Krishna, 
before the Last Word (Gharama-shka) was revealed, in order 
to test Arjuna's mind, were tlie eighteen trips imposed upon 
him by his Guru. "I am Crown Prince now," he exclaimed 
rapturously, *' and I am heir to the Kingdom of God." 

KiireSa was now longing to learn this Truth. He was 
anxiously waiting for an opporluiiity to declare his mind. He 
found one and throwiug himself at the feet of Eanianuja said : 
" Holy Sire ! how I realise the effects of Yamuna's petitions to 
Lord Varada. By them have you become tlie Pioneer of our 
Fiiitli after discarding all wordly concerns. A holy band is 
gathering round you. I am happily one. See, how again 
Yamuna's disciple, G. Pftrna, has dowered you with his special 
grace. May I not be so blessed by you in turn ? " " Son, 
beloved," said Bam4nuja, " you must bide your time one year. 
That is mj"- command." " Master," humbly submitted Kurfisa, 
" One year ! Ah, it is intolerably long. Can 1 stand it ? Shall I 
live so long, so long ? I have heard that one month's fasting and 
lying at the door of the Master, is considered a good equivalent 
for the year's probation " So saying, Kiirfesa put his word 
immediately into execution. Bamanuja was moved by pity, and 
at the end of the month, he initiated him into the final princi- 
ples of the GitA." 

Da,Saratlii was watching all the while. He found no rest 
for his mind till he learnt the saving truths. So he approached 
Ramanuja- and fell at his feet. " Teach me, also, I pray. 
Master," said he. " Son, my permission was for KureSa only. 
You must go to Piirna and obtain his ptrmis.sion." Dasarathi 
ran to T. K«)ttiyiir, and threw himself before Piirna. But 
Purna never gave him countenance. D-Asarathi held to his 

1 Soe Chapter VI, p. 10. 

^ Soe MumuJcehuppadi, IntioA : io Charama-Sloka. 


resolve, and repeated his importunity ; but Piirna as i-esolutely 
turned away from him. This went on for six months. If 
D&Sarathi had any pride of hirth or learning, this probation 
was good for him. He humbled himself again. Purna now 
glanced at him. "You are one of Rftmsbnuja's favoured, I 
surmise," asked he. "Yes, Sire ! I am known as Dasai-athi; I 
am come to learn the cream of Gita-teachings from you." Purna 
said : " Let every trace in thee cease, of the threefold egotism 
which troubles mankind, that of talent, wealth, and ancestry.' 
Ramanuja will be the best judge of thee in these matters. Go 
to him and wait on his will and pleasure. He will bless thee." 
" Be it as you will. Sire," said DaSarathi and humbly retired to 
Srirangam. DabSarathi'.s return, Raraanuja was watching, and 
when became and fell at liis feet, and related all that took 
place at T. Kotfciyur, Ramanuja, in the midst of many assembled 
disciples, said : — " Do 3'ou see ? DaSarathi is now a changed 
person. If he had any notion of self-esteem before, how it hath 
disappeared now ! What a transformation effected by my Guru ! 
Rise, DS.Sarathi ! thou art now qualified to hear high lessons 
of the Spirit. I will reveal them at once." So saying, he 
communicated to him the quintessence of the Gita-teachings, 
and exclaimed joyously. " Aye, now indeed, I may claim as 
my own, my Staff and Pennant.''^ 

' I.e., the two close disciples, Kurosa aud Dasarathi. 



Some time elapsed thus. Goslitlii-Purna came on a visit 
to Si-irangam, where he met his college friend Tiiumalai- 
Anda,n (Maladhanx) .' He took him with him and went to see 
R4manuja in his retreat. Ramanuja on seeing his Gnru come, 
rose and receiving him with due respect, entered into conversa- 
tion. " RamAnuja ! " he addressed, "you are now to hear the 
utterances of our Holy Saints, the Tiru-vay-mozhi of St. Nam- 
mftzhvar, to begin with. I commend you to the care of my 
friend Maladhai-a, who has been full well instructed in that 
lore by Yaraunaeharya." So saying, ho placed Ranianuja's 
hands in those of Maladliaia, and begging of the latter to take 
his trust through a course of the Pi-abandhas, left for his own 

They began the new course of studies. But as Maladhara 
gave out the explanations of each verse as he bad heard them 
from bis Guru, Yamuna, Ramanuja gave expanded or im- 
proved versions of the same. Maladhara used to say that he 
never remembered such explanations given out by Y&muna. 
" But they are right. Sire ! and Yamuna's mind was really 
that," Ramanuja used to I'eplj-. In due course, they came to 
the Ariyu-h-kdlaltu [T. Vsiy-mozhi II, 3, 3]. Mala- 
dhara explained it thus : — God, ivheu I teas igiiorant, thou 
gacest me the knouhdge nf my relation to Thee, and yet Thou 
hast confined me in this carcwe which destroys this knowledge ' 
" This cannot be, Sire ! " pi-otested Ramd^nuja, " if you consider 
the trend of the whole decad heie [II, 3], it is an acknowledg- 
ment of all the manifold good, God did to the Saint. While 
so, one verse in the middle of the Uccad cannot convey an 
accusation against God. So, by a transposition of the terms of 
the verse in question, the meaning becomes : — " Whilst 1 was 
yet confined in this carcase irhich destroys knoii'ledgu, thou, were 
pleased to bestow knowledge of my relation to Thee, God ! " " "I 

• See No. 25, Hierarchic Table, in onr li'ces of Azhvdrs. 
^ Readers ouglit to read tlie origiuul of this in the Snd Volumo of 
Bhaguiad-iishuyuiii, if tliey with to fully enjoy this intellectual banquet. 


don't remember Yamuna so explaining to me,"' expcstalated 
Maladhara, " I like not sucli interpretations from tliee." So .say- 
ing, he ceased teaching further. The news of this interruption 
of .studies reached the ears of G. Piii'iia. He journeyed tliereon 
to Srirangam to inquire into the cause. Meeting Maladhara, he 
asked for an explanation: — "Compeer!'" began Maladhara, 
" our studies never go on smoothly, for Ramanuja, I find, is too 
ranch for nie. He has an eternal store of new interpretations. 
For instance, we had a pas.sage-at-arms over St. Nammazh- 
var's ver-se Ariyd &a. [II. 3. 3.]. Whereas I construed it as 
conveying a spirit of invective against God for His ways of 
dealing with souls, Ramanuja construed it as an expression of 
gratitude to God, so as to make verse 3 harmonize with the 
other verses of this Decad. Such a protesting spirit seemed 
to me a violation of a disciple's decorum, while his constructions 
also seemed at variance with our Yamuna's mind. Hence I had 
to stop studying with an eccentric pupil like Ramanuja." " But, 
pardon me," interrupted Piirna, " IlamAnuja is right, for I 
remember our Yamuna having so explained. You seem to have 
forgotten. Friend ! Ramanuja is incapable of going wrong. 
If any one knows Y3,muna's mind, it is he. Look upon him as 
like another Krishna who went to Sandipani ' for instruction. 
You are but a pretence. He knows all. No more be under the 
delusion that you are teaching him truths not already known to 
him. So, permit me as a friend, to laj- it on you henceforth 
as a sacred duty to continue the Tiru-vay-mozhi from where 
you dropped it ; even if, to do so, it were necessary on your part 
to wait on Ramanuja, instead of his waiting on you. He is 
such disciple as his Gurus must go to him." So saying, 
G. Piirna went to Ramanuja's monastery, accompanied by 
Mdl&dhara and Mahd,piirna. Seeing them, RAraaijuja rose 
exultingly, au'I prostrating himself, welcomed them all. 
G. Purna thus made peace and saw to the Prabandha-.studies 
being again pursued in right earnest. 

They sat to the study again under these terms of concilia- 
tion. A passage was again being explained by MalSdhara. " Not 

' Consult Vishnu-Purdna. 


SO, Sire ! " intei-rupted Ramaauja. Yaoiuua meant it another 
way." " How dost tliou know Yamana ? " excitedly queried 
Ma,ladliara, of Rilmanuja, " thou hast never conversed with him 
once in thy days. Thou but sawst him after his death. And 
yet Thou darest to interpret his mind to me ! " " With thy leave, 
Ifaster," submitted Rainanuja, " look upon me as the Ekalavya' 
to YS,muna. That will explain how I understand him." " I 
understand thee now, Holy Rsimanuja. I find the words of my 
friend Gr. Purna indeed confirmed by my own experience of 
thee. Thou art even an Avat&ra. To me art thou teacher, not 
I to thee. I have learnt from thee many things that I had not 
learnt fron Y&muna." So saying, Malaiihara rose and made 
obeisance to Ramanuja. 

Thus, without further impediments to pi'ogress, the study 
of a course of the Prabandhas was in due time completed. 
]!ilah£ipurna now suggested to Ramtouja that there were other 
mysteries yet, which if he so desired, he might learn from the 
venerable Tiruvaranga-p-peruma] Ayaiyar. R&mdinuja took 
the hint at once, and from that day forward engaged himself 
for six months to offer milk daily to Avaiyar as a premium for 
learning. And to this he added the service of preparing for 
Avaiyar a turmeric-paste (viaiijal-kilppii) for ablution-purposes, 
when the ad%ai/aHa-festival came round in the year. One day 
the preparation was found not quite to Avaiyar's liking. Rjb- 
msinuja threw it away, and immediately prepared it anew. 
Araiyar was watching this solicitude on RamSinuja's part. 
" He loves me as one may love God. He loves me, a son of 
God, as God Himself incarnate," ihought Ayaiyar. "Come, 
noble disciple," said he, " you are fit to know the highest my- 
stery. By your services to me you have earned it. So you 
laj' claim to all that I have. Know then that God's apostles 
and representatives on earth are God Himself visible in that 
form. Our Sa,stras hence proclaim : — 

' See 132nd Adhyaya, Adi-Parva, Mah&bliarata for the Story. Eka- 
lavya made a mud-imago of Drdna, and learnt from this mere image of a 
Garn, all the science of archery. 


" The Guru is Parabrahman Himself; is one's real Wealth; 
is the Object of love, and our Befuge. He is our Wisdom and the 
Way. "niio preaches such a Saviour, is tlie Saviour of Saviours." ^ 
" Know that God asleep is the Garu awake ; God invisible is the 
Guru visible and moving. The Gurus bring messages of God. 
They are God's mouthpieces. Through them, God chooses (o 
teach mankind. Look upon the Guru (Saviour) then as God 
Himself on earth. Look upon him as St. Madhurakavi ' looked 
upon St. Nammazhvar, as Laksbmana upon RS;ma and 
Satrughna on Bharata'. This is called the Pauchamopuya,' or 
the fifth and ultimate means of reaching God." Thus did 
Araiyar descant on the greatness and virtue of Saviours, as 
the constituted channels through which God becomes most 
accessible to mankind. " They are appointed and sent by God 
to perform the functions of salvation. They are empowered 
mediators between man and God. Who reject them reject God, 
and their salvation is imperilled thereby. This truth is hard to 
be realized by mankind, which is apt to deny the Saviour by 
the very fact of His moving with them, living with them and 
sharing with them all their joys and sorrows. The very inti- 
macy breeds contempt. Those only steer clear of this danger 
of denial, who can pierce through the veil of the visible sym- 
bol of the Guru. Ri.m£inuja ! seriously reflect over this truth 
and be blessed." Obtaining this truth, RamEinuja became 
supremely happy.* 

[Ka xyapa -Sam hitd] . 
?n^§Wfl?WraT^^^'?r^?rq': [Panclmratra']. 
^ Eead his life in our Lives of Azhvdrs. [See No. 10 in the Table, 

•"• The other four Means being Karma, Jndim, Bliakti and Prapatti. 
It is also called the GItaruma-parva. See Table of Soteriology, pp. 
573-574, our Bhagavad-gttd, 

* I and my Father are one, said Christ. Our Upanishads eay : — 

?^^TO?ra ^H ' MT<^ rm \ ilt f [.Siihdla: Up.cuA^. 
That this is an old Indie doctrine may now be understood by all 
who may have doubted it ere this. 



Here it may be asked, how one disciple can have more than 
one Guru ? It was Mahapurna who acted the first sacramental 
Guru to Rftmanuja, at iladhurAntakam, as already narrated. 
And yet we find R&manuja resorting to many Teachers for 
instruction. There is no serious spiritual objection to sucli a 
procedure, it is stated. For a king may entrust more than 
one minister of his, with the wealth of his realm, to be made 
over to his heir when he comes of age. Each minister dis- 
charges his particular trust in due season. Such was the case 
with R&mfi,nuja. For the great YS.muna had made many, the 
custodians of Spiritual Truths, which were to be imparted to 
Rilni^nuja, each in his turn. R3,manuja was to have received 
them directly from Yamuna, but fates had ordained otherwise. 
Ra,mS.nnja's hopes, which had been dashed to the ground when 
Y&muna suddenly passed away, were now fulfilled. Yslmuna 
had signified to his disciples that R&maviuja was to be the 
High Pontiff of their resu.scitated Ancient Church ; and the 
deposit of spiritual truths he had left with them was to be 
placed in his hands. The Gurus of Rama,nuja therefore were 
thus bound to dischai-ge their sacred trust. When they did so, 
each in his time, they were relieved and happy. It may be 
the teacher or the disciple. The canon laid down is that 
whoso is qualified to receive spiritual truths must be told them, 
regardless of formalities otherwise prescribed, for the disciple 
to wait on the teacher and so on. A teacliei*, it is even said, 
becomes a teacher only when he has found a fit pupil, only 
when he has transferred to him his wisdom. Thus Rslmanu- 
ja's teachers became entitled to that honor only after teaching 
RS,ma,nuja, and disciples became true disciples only after be- 
coming disciples of Ramanuja. Ramanuja is therefore des- 
cribed as the Central Gem in the precious necklace made up of 
the gems of Teachers and Disciples of the Vaishnava apostolic. 




Iiaia&,nuja,'s stiidentsbip was now complete. Ho was 
already spiritual before intellectual. The naturally spiritual 
man wa.s by means of intellectual accomplishment.'!, to bequeatli 
a legacy to the world in the shape of written wovks. He com- 
posed three in the beginning embodying the principles and prac- 
tices of the Vaishnava faith. These were the gadya-traya (The 
Thi-ee Proses), the Daily Worship-Manual called the Nitya, 
and the Commentaries on the Bhagavad-Gitcl} The cardinal 
doctrine established by him in these works is the Unity of 
Godhood expi'essed by the term NfirElyana of the Taittiriya 
Upanishad and others.^ And Il§.manuja disseminated the 
doctrines among many who wei'e gathering about him ; and 
thus did his ministry begin. 

It was the practice of Ramanuja, as a mendicant who had 
abandoned the world, to visit seven houses daily and collect 
alms. Only upon this is the Sanyslsiu to subsist, according to 
the Yati-dharina. Alms-begging is enjoined on the principle that 
the ascetic has nothing to call, or ought not to own, any wordly 
goods as belonging to him, as such owning begets a series of 
attachments necessarily and weds him again to wordly interests ; 
and to show to the world that the world to the spiritual man is 
beggared before God ; in other words, beggary means death to 
the world in order to live unto the spirit. This is the spiritual 
interpretation of the donee's mendicancy compassing eleemosy- 
nary merit to the donor. Both are abused in India. The world- 
ly man ought not to beg, and the spiritual man ought not to 
bestow, — this is reversed in modern times. The law is: the 
material man is the custodian of the spiritual man's body, 
and the spiritual man, of the material man s soul. The com- 
modities of exchange between the two are substance and spirit. 
Bach party has his laws and conditions for the exchange. 
Hence a spiritual-beggar is no burden upon society. Other 

I This is the one we have English-translated. 

^ Vide Introduction to our Lives of Saints, and Topic 84 in our Divine 
Wisdom, for a disquisition. _ . 


beggars are indeed so, and ought to be interdicted from their 
professional preying upon others' honest labour. A spiritual 
beggar is a benefactor inasmuch as his very presence among 
men, not to say of the influence of his words on them, is a 
great moral and spiritual influence, elevating them from the 
gross to the etherial, from the fleeting to the lasting. Such a 
monk-mendicant was our Ramanuja.' 

We have said above that JilamSinaja's main endeavour was 
to establish the Unity of Godhood. In doing so, he did not 
abstract God from His Universe, — a process tried by monism 
ending in negation — , but restored God to His Universe in 
all the fullness of His InGnite nature, so to say. By his 
practice, he illustrated it, even when he went about his begg- 
ing excursions. For it is chronicled that R4maDuja, while so 
engaged one day in the thronghfares of Srirangaui, a few boys, 
form mere frolic, waylaid him and pointing to a figure like man 
which by their toes they drew on the dust, said : " Boasted 
friar, here is your God. If He is everywhere, hero He must 
be. Worship Him then." Bamanaja was delighted to hear 
the boys sermon to him thus. Anon he put his bowl down, 
prostrated himself befoi-e the Figure on the floor, and thank- 
ing the boys went his way. 

On another occasion he came aci-oss a number of boys in 
the streets. They were enacting all that they saw their elders 
doing in the Temple. They had described in the dust a diagram 
of the Srirangam Temple, with several chambers allotted 
therein for God, for His Consort, His Saints and so on. Regular 
worship they commenced, and it was now time to offer food to 
the several Deities. The boys procured the food easily ; for 

' Apastamba iu his Dharma-SAtras, says [II. 5, 101 : 

^lV-<'-i'l^-<4<:M!lH^'!!HHIHTlH^t :m^% Il3ll 
The gist of this is that unless conditions stated are present, begging 
is to be discouraged. Bead infra, K&mannja's explanations toTCongil- 
piratti, on why great men go to poor houses making begging but a 


they gathered the road-dust, made it into convenient heaps, 
and offered the same to their God pictured on thegiound. 
Food so consecrated should be distributed next, to all the 
worshippers. That is the rule. So the boys did ; and finding 
Hamdiuaja in their midst: "Grod's food, Sii-e, take," cried they. 
Bamd<nuja fell reverently on the floor, and rising, as reverently 
stretched his hands and received the food and went his way. 

Ramelnuja's stewardship in the Temple necessarily gave 
rise to bickerings on the part of the priests. They were 
jealous of his discipline and his growing power. Why not do 
away with this Sanydsin, and let us fi-eely revel in corruption ? 
thought they. They would poison him, decided they. To 
one of the seven houses which Bamanuja was found frequenting 
for aluis, they went and prevailed upon the owner to mix 
poison with the alms and give it to him. In India, the house- 
wife is to perform the duty of doling out alms. So the husband 
told the house-wife to do the nefarious deed. She objected, but 
he persisted. She was obliged to obey. Kamanaja came. With 
hands somewhat trembling, she doled out poisoned food to him, 
and prostrating herself before him, abniptly retired with eyes 
downcast. Her manner, he obsei-ved, was somewhat peculiar 
that day. This raised suspicion. He thought he would place 
the food before a dog. He did, and lo ! it made the dog sick and 
giddy ; it; fell and died. " This is food with poison {sa-gara)" 
cried Ramanuja: " Let the poison {jgara) go to its birth-place 
(sdgara)." * So saying Avith a pun on the word sagara, he cast 
the food into the waters of the Kaveri river close by. ' 

Prom that day Bfimanuja would fast, but soon news of this 
flew to G. Purna who left from T. Kottiyur for Srirangam to set 
matters right before it was too late. Purna had neared Sriran- 
•'ani and was crossing tlie dry bed of the Kaveri river in the 
midday sun, which was scorching the head and the feet. 
B^iBiannja, with his chosen, went to meet the Guru, and fell 
orostrate before him on the burning sands. Purna did not bid 

1 This has reference to the Churning of the Milk-See Legend, wheu 
poison was one of the products of that sea. 


him rise. Kidambi-Acchan by name, a disciple of Bamanuja, 
who loved him much and who had accompanied him, watched 
this with painful expectancy. Finding the suspense insuppoiii- 
able, and provoked beyond patience, he cried to Purna : " Sire ! 
are these the exactions of civilities between Teachers and Dis- 
ciples ?_Doth thy code of etiquette permit such infliction of cruel- 
ty ? Doth thy stony heart demand, that a tender flower like my 
Raman uja should be fried |and roasted before thee like this ? 
Hast thou sense ? Hast thou the milk of humanity ? I care not 
for thy absurd regulation." Thus fulminating his objurgation 
at the Guru, he swiftly raised E.a.m£lnuja and hugged him to his 
breast. A moment of the most painfnl anxiety and Suspense, 
it was too, for Purna ; for he was by this means trying to find 
out the person, who truly loved Bamd.nuja. Looking now at 
Acchfln with eyes beaming with approbation, Purna said : 
" Acchan, thou art the sort of person I have been looking for. 
Now that I have found thee, my fears for ilsLma,nuja's future 
safety are dispelled. I appoint thee his body-guard ; and no 
one but thyself shall cook for R&m£tnuja. Thou alone slialt 
discharge that most important and holy duty henceforth.'' 
Kid^mbi-Acchan became thus the Mahdnasdchdrya, or B^ma- 
nuja's Master of the Hearth. 

Thus shielded from schemes against his life, RabmEinuja 
was spiritedly diffusing to all earnest comers, the philosophy 
of true religion. An important event came about at this junc- 
ture. A profound Brahman scholar there was, by name 
Yajna-murti. Wherever he went, he entered into debates with 
learned men on knotty points of the VedAnla, invariably 
carrying off the palm of victory. He went for a bath in holy 
Gaaga, and there also he entered the arena of Vedantic dis- 
cussion and vanquished the disputants. He became the one- 
staffed Sanyasin, — a proclamation this that he was professor in 
the successful establishment of the Mdyd-vdda, or the illusori- 
ness of the Kosmos. 

Fascinated by subtilities of his sophistry, many became 
adherents to his cause ; and he rose in fame, and pride as well. 
But he was told that there was a Ramanuja at Srirangam, and 
until he crossed swoi-ds with liim, his victory would not be 


complete. This roused his vanity. Mightily did he prepare 
himself for the contest. Ue armed himself with heaps of 
books and arguments, and came down to Srirangam, with his 
band of disciples, and with all the ostentation and demonstration 
of a big Pandit. IJashing up to Raraanuja in all the style of 
an egotist, he invited him to an intellectual warfare. R3,ma- 
nuja declared he was ready. " What is the wager for our 
combat ? ", he asked of the savant. " If I am defeated," he 
said, " I will embrace your faith." " If you win," said Rd,ma. 
nuja, " I shall give up my ministry in the world." So staking, 
they fixed eighteen days for the discussion. For sixteen days 
it waxed hot i and yel there appeared no odds between them. 
But on the seventeenth daj--, the balance began to swing in 
favour of Yajna-murti, RAmanuja having felt the want of an 
argument fo overpower the fiery array of them on the side of 
the adversary. Yajna-murti, reading the signs of discomfi- 
ture, and pufEed with pride, left RamEinuja in that situation, 
as if in contempt, and stalked out of the monastery for that 
day. R^maauja felt the situation keenly, and poignant grief 
entered into his heart. Tortured with thought, he shut himself 
up in the chapel, and after worshipping his own Lord Varada 
there in the usual i-outlne, prayed to Him thus in agonj-^ ; 
— " Holy God ! if I, a weak mortal, am repulsed in the fight, 
Thy Cause can never be repulsed — a cause which has been esta- 
blished on earth of yore, by such saints as Nammazhv^r and 
sages as Yamunacharya. So far, the success attending our Dis- 
pensation is because of Thy will. By Thy Holy Word (Reve- 
lations), Thou hast been justified and demonstrated in all Thy 
variety of manifestation as well as essence. Now it hath 
pleased thee to pitchfork a false prophet on Thy world-stage 
and let him dance. Let it be, if such is Thy will." Imploring 
thus, Ramanuja fasted and slept. The Lord Varada appeared 
to him in a dream and thus spoke : — " Beloved, be not vexed. 
We are giving thee an able adherent to help Thy mission. 
To-morrow, the last day, level at Yajna-murti all the quiver- 
full of arguments against mdydvdda, to be found in the works 
of thy Grand-Guru Yamuna. Ramanuja bounded with joy, 
and performing all the routine duties of the day, and prostrat- 
ing to his chapel-God, ventured forth into the debating hall. 


Yajiia-murti was already there. Ramaauja's dignified man- 
ner, stately gait, and glory of countenance, struck terror 
into him. A presage of defeat, it seemed to him ali-eady. 
" What a contrast," exclaimed he, " between the state in which 
I left him yesterday, and that in which I see him this day ! 
He is advancing towards me in all the majesty of a mad ele- 
phant. This is surely extraordinary. He must be more than 
human." So thinking tj himself, he instinctively rose, and 
advancing towards Rsimanuja, cried : " Sire, no more words 
between us, I pray. I confess I am beaten." As he said, he 
placed Ram4nuja's sandals on his head, and implored him to 
deign to gather him to his holy fold." '• What i| this ? " said 
Ramslnnja, surprised, " I never expected this from you. Oar 
case is still contested. Let us argue it throngli and see where 
it will land us." " Pardon me, Siie," submitted Yajfia-murti, 
" no more fight. When I actually see you are one with God, 
I dare not open my mouth again." "And yet," rejoined 
Rd,manuja, " I wish to say that the Mdydvdda or illusion-doc- 
trine necessarily strips God {Para-hrahman) of any attribute. 
But from our Scriptures we derive no support for an attribute- 
less God. Such texts as that ' God is Truth ' <fec., become 
untruthful. But if you justify the God of attributes, became 
of His becoming so conditioned by avidya (ignorance), then 
' how is such a God, who allows His Light to be eternally 
obscured by such ignorance, ever to get rid of it ? ' * If 
you say, what of it, then you will thrust yourself into a 
position from which there is no escape. For, you will have 
postulated two eternal things : God and Ignorance, or knowledge 
and non-knowledge, which is dualism and therefore antagonistic 
to monism. In your attempt to establish monism or non- 
dualism, you necessarily negate every thing else than Brahman ; 
but in that very act, you posit a duality, viz., ignorance, which 
eternally thwarts that Brahman ! The pampered elephant of ad- 
vaita (monism) therefore gets all unawares, stuck in the mire of 

4I^IH^M<t*qfe[. =l):srH?<Tm^ li {.Ram&nuja .?] 
Tbis is the controversy turning round the term 'personality, again 
and again cropping np in all Yisishtadvaita works. 

en. XVII. 



dualism.' Thus did Raniauuja preach. Yajiia-murti fol- 
lowed the speech in rapt attention, aud when it ended broke 
his staff aud bending himself before Riiniitnuju implored his 
blessings. Ramanuja drew Yajiia-murti to his breast, and 
blessing him. took him through a series of expiatory ceremo- 
nies ", as the latter liad discarded the holy thread &c., and con- 

frora the earth or gold. The same 
is true of Brahman. Tlie world does 
not exist in its present form, and it 
does not exist apart from Brahma. 
It is not an crroneons appearance, 
as that of a rope mistaken for a 
snake, but it has no individual or 
separate existence. This is per- 
haps the great csror into which the 
later Vedantis have fallen, and 
which has been the caase of their 
teachings not gniding popular 
religion. In fact, the second Siitra 
of ¥yasa, which is that Brahman is 
that from which the origin, snbsis-. 
tenee, aud dissolntiou of this world 
proceed, does not at all support the 
illusion-theory. The SAtra proves 
that the world owes its existence 
and subsistence to God ; that it 
dissolves into Him ; that while the 
real nature of Brahman is satyatn, 
jndnam, and anantam, the true, the 
intelligent, the limitless, the crea- 
tion, Ac., of the world are only such 
of his attributes as reside within 
Him at certain times and not at 
others. It also proves that the 
world, differentiated by names and 
forms, containing many agents 
and enjoyers, the abode of the 
fruit of actions, these fruits having 
definite times, places, and causes, 
and the n.ature of wliose arrange- 
ment cannot be conceived by the 
mind, cannot proceed from any but 
a Lord possessing the above quali- 
ties." [Pp. 63-64, Vol. I. Trans : 
of the Ninth International Congress 
of Orientaliftf, London, in 1892.] 

' Our readers may be curious to 
know what the iii&ijd-r&da is. We 
shall let Lala Baijnatli, Chief 
Justice of Indore speak:— "The 
later Ved3,ntic philosophers of 
India, including Sankar&charya, 
ha%'e, however, pressed these teach- 
ing to mean that the world is 
" Maya," a baseless illusion to be 
destroyed by knowledge. This is, 
however, not the tnie phiUisophy 
of the Upanishads. In none of 
them, except the Sveta.«vatara- 
Upanishad, does the word ifdyA, 
which supports the illusion-theory, 
occur, and even in the SvetS.svatara, 
the word mdyd is used synony- 
mously with pral'riti, undifferent- 
iated matter. •' Know the MftyS, 
to be Prakriti, and the Lord of 
MAva to be Mahe.jvara ; this whole 
world is pervaded bv power which 
are his parts" [Sv5t. Up : IV, 10]. 
To say that the objects of the 
world are as unreal and have as 
intangible an existence as those of 
dreams, the great doctrine preach- 
ed by Sankaraeharya and his fol- 
lowers,' or that the world does not 
really exist, is therefore wrong. 
The Upanishads do not support a 
parindma-vdda. The process of 
manifestation of the universe is 
according to them u, real and not 
an illusory process. When they 
say that all name and form are 
merely nominal, that earth in jars, 
pots, '&c., or gold in every orna- 
ment, is only true, they mean, not 
that pots or ornaments do not exist, 
but that they do not exist apart 

TO t^'|<h l <H l i'-M ^'T#T^ftT^n^ II I'^ati-dharma-Samucchaya^. 



ferred on liim all the sacraments of a Vaishnava,' ani tlie name 
of Arulala-p-peramal Ember amanar, which was his own name 
combined with that of the Lord Varada, by whose grace he was 
enabled to acquire a golden convert to his Faith. The Saniskrit 
of this is Devaraja-muni or Devarat. Ratnanuja led him to 
Ranga's temj)lc, where he was made a recipient of all the 
honors due to a member of the Faitli, and brought him back to 
his monaster}-, where he was introduced to the worship of liis 
Lord Varada, and conseci-ated food thereof given him. Tlie par- 
taking of food completed the initiation and the convert became 
a part and parcel of the Vaisbnava community. A course of 
studies relating to the Prabandhas and other esoteric teachings 
was gone through ; and the love-religion of the Vaishnavas was 
thus spread before him, at which his heart melted and the 
intellect bowed. 

Ramanuja liad in Devarsit a great access of strength. His 
addition made his flock brilliant. He joined the other two 
jewels of Ramslnuja's band, DaSarathi and Kilr63a. Classes in 
philosophy &c., were ably conducted with these members. 
Ra,ma,nuja's fame went abroad. Anand-Elzhvan or AnantasAri,* 
Ecchan, Tondanur •■'-Nambi and Marudiir-Nambi, hastened to 
become his disciples. When they came, he directed these to 
Devarat for initiation into the Faith. He obeyed but declared 
that Ramanuja was thus trying to hang lieavy stones to the 
neck of a poor sparrow ! " Beware ", he said to the new di.sciples, 
" I am but his vassal, his tool. Ramanuja is your real Saviour. 
Me, forget; but him, i-emember." 

= No. 28,5Hierarchic Table, [see our Lives of AzhvArs.] IIo 
born in KiranfjCir, near Srlrangapatna, Maisur. 

« A holy place near Melkote where the big Motltaiav pearhUnk 
IS situated. See infra when Ramanuja comes to this place. 



bama;nitja's first TOTJR. 

RSiiuanuja's school was tliiis filling. A course of studies 
in the Prabandhas was being conducted, and the vevse in 
St. Nammazhvar's Tiru-vay-mozhi : Ozhivil-kalam, was reached. 
This verse is of the Decad III. 8, addressed to Lord Venkata- 
pati or SrinivJbsa of the Holy Tirupati-Hill. It says : — 

Ever joined to Thee at all ti'mes. 

Services all, loe must render Thee, 

Father I and Light of the Hill, 

From which liinpid rills trickle down ! 

On reading and explaining this Ranijinuja went to the 
Sacred Hill, called Pushpa-viantapa'^ in ecstatic thought, and 
glancing on the assembly of scholars before him, asked : " Is 
there any one amongst ye, prepared to stay in Tirupati, make 
flower-gardens, and daily serve Srinivasa with flowers thereof ?" 
Ananta-Suri stood np, " Bid me go. Sire,*' said he and quickly 
went to Tirupati and there getting up a flower-garden, carried 
flowers daily to the Lord there. He called the garden Bdrtid- 

Ramannja was informed of all this from time to time, and 
he longed to visit Tirupati himself. For this purpose, he 
swiftly went through the Tiruvdymozhi course, and jproceeding 
to the Temple, prayed to the Lord Ranga therein to permit him 
to go on a tour to Ksinchl, Tirupati, and other shrines. 
" Granted, but return soon," was the reply that came. 

Obtaining thus the holy permission of Lord Ranga, Rama- 
nnja left Srirangam with his disciples on a tour, the first of 
the kind after his anointment as the Pontiff of the rising Vaish- 
nava-faith. On his way north, he visited Mahita-ksh^tra, and 
other shrines, arriving at Dfehali-Nagara, or Tiru-k-kovalur , 
where he rendered homage to Lord Trivikrama, who appeared 
to the Three First Azhvars.'' Thence he proceeded to Chitra- 

' See p. 206, for this and other ternia, of our Lives of Azhvars. 
" See their account iu our Lioes of Azhvdre. 


kuta or Chidambai-am, but liearing that it was infested with 
the most bigotted Saivas, left tlie place ihinking that it would 
not be possible for hiui to introduce any reform in the place 
in a hurry. 

He next an-ivecl at Aslita-Kahasra-griinia, where he had 
two disciples by name Yajnesa and Varadarya.' Of these, 
YaiuSSa was very ricli and Varada very poor. To the former 
Kamauuja sent two of his disciples to announce his arrival, and 
ask him to be his good liost during his halt. Yajn6.Sa, when 
the disciples came, was in an arrogant mood and heeded them 
not ; thinking that when Ramanuja cliose to come himself to 
his doors, he would receive him in proper form. At this cold 
treatment, the disciples returned to Ramanuja with fallen faces 
and reported to him the conduct of YajiieSa. " Then we shall 
not enter his doors," said R£im4nuja, " we ihall go to our poor 
disciple Varada at once and without notice." So saying, they 
threaded their way to Varada's lowly hut. But he was absent 
on his daily begging rounds. His wife, the good Paratti-k- 
kollai, espied them coming. She wished to step forward and 
welcome them, but slie had such a thread-bare garment to 
cover her — owing to abject poverty — that she conld not with any 
decorum show hei'self to any. So, she sheltered herself behind 
a door, and clapped her hands so that Raniftnuja might take it 
for a signal of welcome, and not go away elsewhere, as that 
would be disastrous to her soul's welfare, inasmuch as RAmS,- 
nuja's condescension in having come to her poor house would 
prove profitless. R£lma.nuja at once understood the delicate situ- 
ation in which the poor lady was placed, and taking off the 
colored cloth which covered his head, flung it through a window 
into the house. She picked it up and wearing it, approached 
Rftmanuja whom, in welcoming to her house, she prostrated 
most humbly and said :— " O my gracious Guru, you are most 
welcome to my humble cottage. Pray accept this water for 

1 The latter's fuU name is Parutli-l-loUai Vnvadlushkrya, and his 
wife is the famous Paruili-k .kollai Kacchiyir, Saiiskritized into Karpls- 


washing your liands and feet ; and he seated here." She then 
thought to herself like this : — " What mighty merit must mine 
have been what austerities must I have done, what gifts must 
I liave bestowed, in order that Ramanuja, wlio is Vishnu 
Himself incarnate, come on earth to save mankind, should come 
to our house. Divine grace has descended upon our undeserving 
selves. For the Guru (Saviour) is God Himself, He is the Good- 
All our goods, body and soul are His. The true disciple is lie who 
thinks and acts thus. So do our Scriptures say. But I have 
not a handful of grain in my house, nor a single coin where- 
with to worship the worthy Sannyasin. My husband is out on 
begging, but his petty pickings will not suffice for the woi-thy 
guests. To honor a guest like Raai3.nuja, I will even sin- 
St. Parakala, in the old days, robbed and cheated people in 
order to serve God. He ensconced himself in fastnesses, 
waj'laid men, stripped them of their goods, and offered them. 
to God. Even Lord Ranga Himself was once eased by him of 
all his precious jewels ; and with them feasts were given to the 
faithful.' Creatures whirl round ihe wheel of Samsdra, but 
the Guru comes with his teachings, and extricates them from 
this ; and gives them God. To repay the Guru for this is 
impossible. Hence I will even sell my body and worship him 
wherewith. Foi- God Himself has said : — " If for My sake thou 
sinnest, it becometh merit ; all merit without reference to 
Me becometh sin." " The Gurn is even greater than God. 
Therefore I shall have recourse to the rich merchant of this 
place, who has been casting his adulterous eyes on me for 
a long time. I shall now let him have his wish, let him feed 
on this wormful body. The wealth he will on this account 
bestow on me, shall all be used for the entertainment of my 
honored guests." So thinking she addressed Bamanuja thus : — 
" Holy Sire, rest here but a moment. By your grace, you shall 
anon see my house filled with articles to feast you and yours 
with." So saying, the virtuous lady left the house and hur- 

• Read bis life in our Lives of Saints. 

118 VAllADlllVA. CH. XVIII. 

ried to the mercliant, and forcing a inost bewitching smile into 
her face to please him, fsaid : " Good man, time has now arrived 
for the fulfilment of thy long -cherished desire. Mj Guru 
is pleased to come to my house. And I have to entertain 
them, for which all food-stuffs and vessels are wanted. Please 
order them at once." The merchant, studying the standing 
beauty more than ever, and inflamed at the overtures she her- 
self made this time, obeyed her commands without a word, and 
sent an abundance of things with her. The good woman stood 
before Ramanuja in all humility with these things. He was 
struck with her devotion and commanded that she should her- 
self cook for him, — a great privilege, indeed, bestowed on a 
woman by a holy person (in India). She did so. And RSimS.- 
nuja and his disciples, after bathing and worshipping God, 
partook of the holy food, offered him in love, and rested in her 
house, his whole being pulsating with blessings for her. 

While thus Bdim&nuja was resting in his loving votary's 
house,Yarad§.rya, the husband, returned home after his begging. 
The good wife related to him all the circumstances beginning 
with the Guru's arrival and up to the repast which she was able 
to spread before liim during his absence, and the worship and joy 
which she, in his absence, was able to give to the illustrious 
guest. " Madam," said the liusband jubilant, " though thou art 
young, thy wits are eld ; else how couldst thou have done such 
a grand task ? Thou art not a wife, but a goddess I ken thee. 
Nor art thou a nominal disciple, for, for thy saviour, thou hast 
sacrificed all, even thy woman's honor." Applauding Ler thus 
he went to Ktlmanuja and clasped his feet firmly ; then rising 
and with palms joined, praised him thus : " Prince of men ! 
King of ascetics ! a thousand salutations to thee. For the 
redemption of things life-ful and lifeless, thou art born amongst 
us, Vishnu Himself, the Lord of the Universe. Thou art all- 
knowing, and all-wise, and art the very reflection of Hari. As 
in a deep dark well, wallow creatures entangled in the meshes 
of their varied deeds, who else but thou art able to lift them 
from this dismal abyss ? who but the magician can draw the 
venom out of the cobra-bitt<jn person ? who but the s>m can 
dispel darkness ? what but cool water can allay a man's thirst ? 


The sams,(ro- smitten sinner finds relief only by worshipping 
thy holy feet. Pi^iise be to my Guru, by whose magic the 
evil spirit left the princess and itself was redeemed. Hadst 
thou not appeared amongst us, how conld a sinner like me 
have been saved? Learned men thete are by the hundred, but 
their ways arc pdshandii, leading them downward. How 
gracious! thy holy slops were directed to the abode of a poor 
creature like myself. The very sight of tliee has absolved me 
of all my sins. I am content. I rest in peace ; and so do my 
ancestors." Eamanuja blessed him and giving liim the Sn- 
p'lda-tirtha, let him partake of food {prasdda). He was 
struck with joy at the unity of heart and purpose, this excellent 
pair posse.ssed, and dwelt with them for some time. 

The pair now thought of returning the kindness of the 
mei-chant. They both went with Ramannja's t'lrtlia and pra- 
scida, and delivering them to him, a.sked him to partake of the 
same, and then do what he liked with the wife. He left. The 
merchant's heart leapt with joy, but when he drank the holy 
water and ate the holy food, he felt within him a strange revolu- 
tion. His carnal intent for the damsel gave way to wisdom and 
worship. He walked round her and threw himself before her, 
and with hands upi-aised in devotion said : — " Madam, thou art 
my mother, and thy husband is my father. The darkness of un- 
wisdom had ovei"spread my mind, making me a fool and lusting 
after thee. I fall at thy feet, mother. Pardon me. Protect me. 
Take me to your great Guru and throw me, a slave, at his holy 
feet. Subject me to any penance by which my sin may be ex- 
piated. Let me walk in the path of righteousness any- 
how." The good dame told her husband of all this remor.seful 
confession and begged him to quiet the convulsed soul of 
the merchant. All this was marvellous. Anon Varadarya 
bent his steps to the penitent man and leading him to EdmS,- 
nnja, cast him at his feet. REimanuja, who inquired how all 
this came about, was told all. His surprize was equal to his 
joy. He had made a good disciple, to whom therefore he duly 
administered all the five Vaishnava sacraments.^ It is chroni- 

^ i.e. The Pancha-8amslcdra,a\.TeaAy described. Cp: "He shall 
tivptize you with *^hc_Holy Ghost ai4 ?in [5. lyalse, III. 16.]" 


cled that this disciple theiicefoi-ward .slioue as bn'glit as the 
summer moon, having placed all his wealtU at the disposal of 
li^milnnja, whose fame thus spread all over the country. 

YajiiSSa, the rich disciple, knew nothing of all this. 
Whereas he expected Ra.mannja would be coming to him ; 
probably he was on his way. So he liad gathered together many 
things at home to feast his Guru ; and was prepared in other 
ways to receive him, as he thought. He waited thus with his 
relatives, but there was no sign of Ramanuja coming. This set 
him pondering, and he left home in quest and despatched other 
men also. They learnt that Ramanuja had bent his steps <o 
Varad&rya's, after the indifferent manner in which his 
two messengers had been treated by Yajii6.Sa. These tidings 
carried thej' to Yajnesa. On hearing it, he fell to weeping ; 
aud hurrying to Varadfirya's house, cast himself at the holy 
feet of RS,manuja, beseeching his pardon. R3,m&nuja lovingly 
lifted him up and read to him a sermon thus, calcdated 
to be useful to the whole world : " YajnSsa, listen. What I 
utter is good for thy soul. A Vaishnava should require the 
five Samskaras, should know the five Truths, and follow 
his saviour. But more than all this is the service to those 
who are godly. The two messengers that came to thee were 
Vaishnavas, godly men. They came as guests beside.«!, 
and were way-worn. But them thou didst eject from thy 
thre.shold. This did not become thee. Thou shouldst have 
welcomed them, washed their feef, fanned them, fed them 
and woi-shipped them in every way befitting Vaishnava- 
visitors. They are Vi-shnu Himself in that foim. After they 
had eaten, thou shouldst have eaten what was left as thy 
prasdda. When this course is strictly followed, that shows areal 
Vaishnava. But when it is followed for the sake of show, 
fame or gain, it is as good as not done. Hou.sesof show, fame 
or gain, Yajnesa, are not our houses. What pleases God is 
sacrifice made without motive {sAMka-ddna)." YajneSa heard 
this and was ashamed. "Lord," he prayed lowly, "I am 
undone, extend to me forgiveness, and accept me." "Son 
listen," said Ramanuja, " thou shalt make amends by daily 
washing clean 4be clothes of the Vaislinavas here, and thus be 


saved." So commandins", Rfi.raa,nuja left Ashta-sahasra-grsbma 
with his disciples and by way of Tirukkdvaliii.' or DShali- 
nagara, — where he visited the ancient shrine of Trlvikrama and 
the Three First Azhvars ' — reached Kftnchi. He first entered 
the monastry of KS,richi-piirna, who was still living, and pros- 
trated himself before the venerable sage, dedicating a verse 
to his memoiy : — 

The joy of Piirna at seeing Ea,manuja covered with glory, 
knew no bounds. He led him lovingly to the Temple of Lord 
Varada — the God of KAiichi, it will be remembered, who granted 
Bam&nnja to Lord Eanga of Srirangani. As he revei-ently 
walked, he fell on the floor before the entrance-cupola, (the 
Gopura) and the Anai-kcUta deity there. He entered the gate 
and washed himself in the holy pond Ananta-saras. With the 
twelve holy names of God he consecrated his body next, and 
visited Judna-p-pirdn (Vara.ha) in the outer enclosure. Pro- 
ceeding further, he bowed successively to the Azhvars, Bali- 
pitha, and the Jaya-vijayds, the celestial Door-keepers. Wind- 
ing round, he saluted Adi-sesha or Ananta, and the Holy Ant-hill, 
and the great hall to the east of it where Yamuna's gracious 
eyes had for the first time descended on him and elected him as 
the future Minister of the Faith. Here he repeated the memo- 
rial verse for YamunJl : — 

sRT^wg^nr MiaHP-HHi^- 1 

:T#r%tT3=TFT '■^liiHI'mWT: II 
Thence he visited Kariya-mdnikyat-t-emberumdn and 
looked up reverently to the vimdna (tower) over the Holy of 
Holies, then bowed to the goddess of the culinary apartments, 

' See their acoouut in our Lives of Azhv&rs. 



and then Perun-devi, the Consort of Lord Varada, dedicating to 
Her the verse : — 

Thence Ghakra-tt-dzhvdn (the Archangel Discus), Ganitmdii', 
called the Large-foot {Pcriija-tiruvadi), Vishvakascna, the Lord 
of Hosts, and then ascending tlie steps of the Hasti-Giri (or 
Elephant-Hill), Lord Yarada was reached, Kanchi-purna all 
the time leading, and Ramannja following. Ramanuja threw 
himself before Iiis old Patron God, and receiving t'trtha, pi-asdda^ 
and Sathaki'ipa, returned witli mind steeped in divine bliss. 

He informed Purna of his intention te proceed north to 
Tirupati to visit the Lord Venkata. Purna congratulated EamS,- 
nuja on the jojf that was in store for him by the intended trip, 
and bade him god-speed. He was journeying on thus with liis 
adherents, when he lost his way. On looking round, a man 
was found drawing w-ater from a well. " Show us the way, 
good man," he asked. "This way, gentlemen", said he 
showing the way. " In what way can I show my gratitude to 
this person ?" Questioning himself thus, Ra,manuja prostrated 
himself before the pikotta-man. Seeing this, all the disciples 
did the same, astonished though at R9.mfi,nuja's spiritual views 
of men and things, — uncommon of course to other men. The 
track shown was a straight one, and led unmistakably to the 
foot of the Holy Tirupati Hill. Here the Ten AzhvEirs are 
enshrined. Due obei.sance was made to them and the Holy Hill 
itself, rising from there in sacred grandeur. Rd^manuja would 
not mount the hill for fear of desecrating it with the touch of 
his feet ; and so remained at the foot for some time, when. 

' Meaning: — Spouse beloved of Varada, praise to Thee. 

— In traits Three, perfect,^— In Lotus ever abiding, 
— Mother of all the worlds. 
The Three Traits are jlimiu/drftaf- God." These are mysteries of ro- 
ra, Ananyaseshafra , and Ananya- ligion which can never be properly 
hhogatva, meaning the Three re- understood by means of oven the 
lationships in which souls stand to best translations. Our first difll- 
God, i.e. " Destined for God,"" Dia- culty is the want of appropriate 
posable by God," " Enjoyable by words. 
'^ The Kerub. 

CH. xviir. KING vitthala-d£:va. 


Vif.fchala-DSva, tlie king of the Toudii-a country, struck with 
the fame of Ra,m£inuja, became his disciple, and brought to bin? 
abundant wealth, with which he established a village of thirty 
houses, wiih thirty small estates attached to each, and granting 
them to thirty deserving families attached to his band, 
named the village Ila Mandayam. The news that R&manuja 
had arrived reached the ears of the venerable Srisaila-Purna 
and others residing on the Hill. They swiftly descended and 
heartily greeting Eflmanuja, asked him to go up the hill with 
them to see the Lord Venkata (Appan). " Look, Sire," Rama- 
nuja addressed Purna, " the Ten Azhvars have remained at 
the foot witliout daring to tread on the Hill. How can I do so 
now ? It satisfies me quite to remain with the Azhvars here,and 
do them services. " If you won't go, Ramanuja," said Purna 
"neither shall we go." "Then be it as you will, Sire," so 
saying, Ra,manuja bathed, and proceeding to the Tamarind tree, 
at the foot of the Hill, did obseiance to the Holy Hill ; and say- 
ing : " By the foot, he ascends," ' ti-emblingly climbed he. As 
he crossed the seven hills and dales, he enjoyed the charming 
panaroma of nature presented to his fight, the rills trickling 
down the hill slopes, vegetation low and high adorned with 
flowers of all imaginable colors and the hills and the valleys 
teeming with animal life — the most interesting and mischievous 
of these being the monkeys. Purna had gone in advance, and 
by the time Ramelnaja reached the Tiru-p-panyatta rock, he 
returned with Lord Venkata's tirtha and prasdda, to welcome 
him. " Could not some youngster be deputed for this work, vene- 
rable Sire, instead of yourself coming to do me these honors ?" 
asked R3.manaja of Piirna. He replied : — " Sire, I searched all 
the four corners of this place for one younger than myself. I 
could not find one. I am the youngest, hence I have come- to 
welcome you." On hearing this language of humilit}' on the 
part of a venerable person like Piirna, RamSnuja and his fol- 

' TT^rfl^^Wl^ ParyanJca-vidyd to Vaiknntham is Eaid to 'place 

is oue of the ' God-meditations his foot on the Holy Seat of God,' 

taueht by the Upanishads [tide even as a child fearlessly treads on 

No.U.inthe Table of theYidyas, its mother's lap. See Kaushitaki 

p. 129 of our Bhagavad-GIta]. The Upanishat, 1st Chapter, 
aspirant to God, when be proceeds 


lowers expressed wonder, and humbly accepting the honors 
that had been brought, proceeded to the stone-fencing, where 
all the monks, recluses, acolytes, the elders and all tlie estab- 
lishment attached to the Holy Fane, met him in a great body, 
and escorted him. RamAnuja now came in sight of the Fane 
itself, and prostrating himself before the Vaikuniha-gSite, bathed 
in the Konilri (a tank), decked himself with the Twelve 
Holy Marks, went i-onnd the four streets, drinking in with his 
eyes the handsome dwellings of the Faithful, — the ramparts, 
cloisters, coUonnades, — then saw the flower-garden tended by 
Ananta-suri ' who had gone to live there, upon his direction ; 
there, from sheer delight, he embraced his faithful disciple, 
saying : " having nursed thee, I now reap the fruit." He 
enjoyed the surrounding scene of gardens thick with Vakula, 
Pdtala, Punndga and other trees, fragi-ant and flowing with 
honey, affording eternal shade to weai-y travellers, and delight- 
ing their vision with bunches of flowers hanging from their 
branches, and entertaining their ears with sti-ains of music 
poured forth by bees and all kinds of beautiful-plumaged 
birds. Here and there embosomed in the gardens, were cool 
ponds, covered with white and violet lotuses, in the midst of 
which swam and danced cranes and storks and all sorts of 
water-birds, in all the voluptuousness of nature's bounty. 
Passing on from these bewitching scenes and songs, he went to 
Varftha's Shi-ine, before which he bowed and then to the gate 
of Avdr-ara-cchuzhnddn and the Atldni Tamarind Tree, and 
then the BaZj-pillar, and then the pavilion called Yamunai- 
ttuvaivar. He then sipped the holy water of Svdmi.Pushkarini, 

1 Some inscriptional infornia- was a disciple of the reformer Ba- 

tion may be useful to our readers : raanujacbarya, and the only one 

[P. 24, VuJ.III, Eplgraphin Carna- amonghisdisciples who volunteered 

taca,hy li. L. Rice]:— "It records to accept the duty of daily prepar- 

the grant of Mandya, otherwise ing the garlands for the 6< d Ven- 

called Krishnarayapnra,to Govinda- fcatefa of Tirnpati. This ' he did 

Kaja, a descendant of Anant^ch&r- solely from bhaktt or devotion to 

ya,onwbom(thegod) Venkatesa(of his sriirit." His memorial verse is 

Tirnpati) had placed the garland, as follows : — 
Auantioh&rya (or Sflri) it appears, 

" ?ri'-ti'Hqi-qi*)iH'i'H^?TT 'i?I^N^^^'^7^I^?r|fv^T^T i 


entered the gate Sanbaka, visited in order Madai-ppalli (cook- 
rooms), Ydga-sdla and Tiru-mcl-mani-maiulapcL, Vishvaksena 
and Vengad,a-tt-ari (Ifvisimha). Here he looked up reverently 
at the Anandanilaya vimana., (cupola over the Holy of Holies), 
crossed the Kulasekhara threshold, until at last his vision 
was blessed with the Blissful Image of Srlniv&sa within — the 
God in the Heart — resplendent with all the Holy Weapons and 
Ornaments, and Sri in His Bosom.' " Abode of Grace (Srini- 
vSsa) ! " R^manuja exclaimed, " I have fallen at Thy Holy 
Feet," and so saying, he stretched himself before God, and 
rising, stood transfixed before the Beatific Spectacle, withliands 
raised and folded. Tirtha and prasdda were given, which he 
received in all humility and stayed to see the ablution-cere- 
mony (Tiriiviaujanavi), and the SaZt-festival of Azhaga-p-pirdn. 
" This is indeed Heaven," he cried, " this is indeed the abode 
of angels ; I must not stay here long lest I desecrate the Holy 
Place." " But three days in a Holy Shi-ine, the visitor ought 
to stay," remonstrated Purna. " So be it," said Ramsinuja, 
and after three days were over, he walked into the Shrine, Pftrna 
leading, to take leave. As he stood before Lord Si-in!, a 
voice came from Him (I'.e , the Image) : " Have we not already 
conferred on thee in our Southern House (=Srirangam) both 
the kingdoms, the material as well as the spiritual (Uhhaya- 
.vibMti) ? " " Thy pleasure. Almighty ! " responded Ramanuja j 
and descended the Holy Hill with Purna. 

In the Lower Tirupati, Ramanuja sojourned for a year in 
the house of Srisaila-purna, partaking of his food there and 
reading with him the Rdmdyana, the first of the Itihdeas. 
Here he found Govinda — his maternal couein^engaged in doing 
all kinds of services to Purna. One day, R4manuja found him 
prepare the bed for his Guru, and sleep on it first himself. 
He reported this strange conduct of Govinda to Purna, who 
seut for him and asked for an explanation, enquiring further 
what punishment a disciple, who so behaved, deserved ? 

• Sri=the Logos=the Sophia =the Son in the bosom. Cp : John T, 
18: " The only-begotten Son who is in the losim of the Father." See 
Topics 135 and 137 in our Divine Wisdmn. 


Govinda submissively said : " Sucb an act, Site ! sux'ely 
deserves perdition, but listen. If by my trying your bed 
myself beforehand, I make myself sure there be nothing in 
it rough or knotty which may press against your soft body, 
sure there be no insect to bite and disturb you when you sleep, 
it matters little if I go to hell." Kaniflnuja was delightfully 
astonished at this strange explanation, and his love towards 
Govinda increased. 

On another day, R&mannja had gone out on a visit to 
Purna's Holy Garden ; while he was returning, on the way he 
observed Govinda put his fingers into the fangs of a snake 
and withdrawing them go to bathe, and proceed to Purna's 
house to perform the usual services. Feeling curious at this 
unusual act of Govinda's, he questioned him. He explained 
that he saw^ the suake open its mouth as he approached and he 
found, on examinination, tliat it had a thorn on its tongue. He 
extracted the same from it to relieve the suffering creature, and 
then went about his business, " What a tender heart posses- 
sest thou, Govinda!" said Kam4nuja to him, struck with 

The reading of the Holy Ramayana was now finished.' 
And R&manuja humbly begged Purna's permission to return to 
Srirangam. You have come so far, noble soul," said Purna 
" what have I done for you ? " " Sire," answered Ramanuja, 
" when I learnt that our dear Govinda went astray, it caused 

* The following iuscriptional charya, thnt one dar when he was 

notes will be useful :— [pp. 28-29, engaged in the service of God 

Vol. III. Epigraphia Carnataca, Venkatfea at Tirup.iti, the God was 

by B. L. Rice] : — " The grant in heard to say to him, " Give me 

this case was made, it is said, to a water, Tata ! " whence he acquired 

grandson of Srisailapurna or T3,tA.- tlie name of T4tacharya. 
chirya, who had received the name The following memorial verse, 

of Ttlta from (the God) Venkatesa recited even now by all Srivaish- 

(of Tirupati), and was guru to the navas before comnienciug'i?<ijH(ii/a. 

author of theBh&shya; (meaning Tia, was dedicated to Purna: (i j^m^ 

:tTX vShtfaf^v-ed Jta? f^WI^q^^ ^%^-^^^T I 
bhishya). The reference hercis to VW^Itilt.lTm^n^mir '^^^t^inqTRr 
the story- about Siisailapiirna, ^ni^rT II He is said to have ex- 
known as BhAri-Srifailapurna (in plained the Mnidyava in 24 differ- 
Tamil, Periya Tirunialai Nambi), ent ways, or witli 24 different 
the maternal uuole of Bamanuji- ineauiugg, to KSmanujacIi&rya. 

CH. XVni. GOVINDA. 127 

me heartache ; I was pondering how to reclaim him, when you, 
Sire, fulfilled my heart's wish by circumventing the poor heretic, 
by preaching to him the True Faith, pointing out to him the 
dangers of the path lie had stra3'ed into and otherwise convinc- 
ing him of the Truths of our Religion : and thus by destroy- 
ing the perverse notions he had formed in his wandering 
mind, restored him to our holy fold. What better achieve- 
ment can be effected than this ? Permit me to ask yet 
another favour of you, Sire, — -can you part with him, and let 
mehavehim?" Without a moment's thought, " come, Govinda," 
called Pur na, "thou art from this moment, RamsLnuja's own. 
I make a free gift of thee to him. Go with him and be to 
him, I command, all that thou hast been to me. Nothing less 
will please me." 

Govinda said not a word, but followed Rd.m£lnuja, after 
pro.strating himself before his Guru. They all now left Tiru- 
pati, and visited on their way home the Holy Places of GhatikS.- 
chalani, Tiru-p-putkuzhi — where the holy well Gridhra Saras 
and other holy waters are situate — , and Tiruvehka, and in 
due course reached Kanchi, whereto he was welcomed as usual 
by Sage Kafichi-purna. 

Govinda was found to gi-ow cheerless, and was day by day 
losing health. Ramanaja was watching him decline ; and 
divining that separation from his beloved Acharya must be 
gnawing at his heart, producing all the outward symptoms of 
grief, he thought it prudent io send him back to Tirupati. So, 
he bade him depart, giving him two Srivaishnavas as escorts to 
see him safe to his destination. Govinda reached Tirupati, 
and stood outside his Acharya's house, in mute devotion. The 
attendants entering informed Srisaila of the return of his old 
disciple, — who was standing at the door. Purna was displeased 
and indignantly cried : — " Let the mad fellow depart. He 
ought not to cross my threshold." Piirna's wife watched tliis 
and interposing begged her husband that one wtio had come 
so far and hungry and tired, should not be so summarily dis- 
missed, but that he might be permitted to have rest and food 
" No," gruffly said tlie husband, " no such considei-ation can 


be Bhown to a sold thing. A sold cow cannot be gireu grass. 
Let him be off." 

Govinda spoke not a word, and tired and hungry as he 
was, he left with the two Srivaishnavas imniediateh-, and 
reaching Kafiehi — where R3,md,nuja was still sojourning — stood 
before him like a dumb statue. The Srivaishnavas told Rami- 
nuja all that had taken place at Tirupati. Eamanuja admired 
the farsightedness on the one hand of SriSaila, and on the other, 
the Implicit obedience of Govinda, whom he gradually won 
over, with kind treatment and sage counsels to himself. 
Govinda thus became in time reconciled to his new environ- 

Ramsinuja now bade adieu to KAnchi and Ptlrna, and duly 
taking leave of Lord Varada, left the place, and in due time 
returned to Srtrangam. He was met by all the notables, 
elders and dignitaries of Ra.iiga's Pane, and conducted thereto 
with joyful ceremony. " Hast thou, beloved, visited My Noi-tli 
Abode (Tirupati) ? " thus enquired Lord Ranga of Ramilnuja 
who stood reverently at the door ; and bestowing on him tirtha 
and prasdda, bade him go to his old monastery and resume liis 
holy ministry to the growing congregation. 




Thus did EAmrlnuia make hi.s first holy pilgi'iraago, and 
was now settled again for another term in Srirangain, impart- 
ing instruction to hi.s followers on the holy science of VedS,nta, 
lioth in Girvdna and Drdvida. Govinda, amongst them, di'ank 
deeply of lliis knowledge, and felt more and moi'O attracted to 
R3jmfl,nuja, iu mind as well as in heart, — an attachment which 
was enhanced moreover by the fascination of Rd,m3,nuja"s 
gloi-ious person and services rendered to him, with unflagging 

One day, RamElnuja was conducting his ministry in a large 
as-sembly of tha faithful, when the latter applauded Govinda 
for his estimable qualities, such as wisdom devotion, self- 
abnegation, and devotedness to his spiritual preceptor. Govin- 
da, all the while, nodded assent. B^manuja obsei-ving, ques- 
tioned : " How is it, Govinda, whilst it is seemly for othors to 
heap plaudits on thee for thy perfections, thou dost not think 
it unseemly to accept them all ? When others exalt us, we 
must not allow ourselves to be piqued, but profess humility. 
That would be more becoming indeed!" "Noble Sire," said 
Govinda, " pardon me if I explain to you why I nodded as- 
sent. Their praise means: — 'Dog, thou a.i-t, — ganitrus seeds 
round thy neck,— running hither and thither with pot-fulls of 
water to Kalahasti-gods !, To this I mud nod ' yes.' Their 
praise next means : — ' Divine thou art, that thou hast been 
redeemed from evil paths by our Saviour llamanuja — a very 
God on earth. Not like ourselves, but sunk as thou wove in 
abysmal depths of rottenness, thou hast been lifted by Rama- 
nuja, and elevated to a state where thou hast good reason to 
exclaim : ' Who is equal to me on earth ? Who is equal to 
me in heaven ? ', Heart ! good, good, glory thou hast won.' 
To this again I muht nod ' yes.' For where their eulogy of mo 
is but commendation of yourself and your glory on earth, I 
liave no other alternative but to say ' yes.' On hearing this, 
Ramanuja was simply enchanted with Govinda, and saying, 
'good, good', drew him warmly to his bosom, and cried: — 



" Govinda ! embrace me that I may become as enliglitened as 
thou t,i-t. By this embrace, convey to me some of thy grace." 

One day, Govinda was found standing at the door of a 
strumpet's, stupefied as it wei'e. T)iis looked strange to peo- 
ple who passed that way. News of it reached Ramiinuja. He 
sent for him and asked : " what made thee, brother, linger at 
the doors of infamy ? " " Sire," he said, " the inmates, there 
whoever they were (I do not know), were singing your praises. 
This fascinated me so niuch that I was rooted to the spot, and 
so long as the music of your praise rang in my ears and lifted 
me into bliss, I could not stir from the spot." RS,manuja 
made inquires whether they were really hymning his praises 
there {tdldttu), and found it was true. " An angel on earth, 
thou art, Govinda ! can sucli love as thine be found on this 
dust ? " exclaimed R&manuja. 

It is written that Govinda was an extraordinary soul 
who had realized in his life what it was to lead a spiritual 
life. This was further displayed in a crowning event in his 
chapter^ of life. In Kamelnuja he realized God, ever-present- 
This presence made him ever feel that there was neither soli- 
tude nor darkness. God in R&manuja's form ever filled his 
outer eye as well as his mental vision. Hence he felt no soli- 
tude. Constant spiritual illumination and light of God filling 
all space made anything like night or darkness impossible for 
him. He never left Ramanuja, and was ever engaged in listen- 
ing to his expositions of the Divine Science. One day, while 
they were so engaged, Govinda's mother found occasion to 
enter the hall and within Ra,mauuja's hearing informed her son 
that his wife had come of age. Govinda told her : " If so, 
mother, let her come when there is solitude and darkness." 
But the mother waited for days and failing to find her son in 
' solitude ' and in ' darkness,' complained to Ra,ma,nuja about 
his waywardness and probable unwillingness to keep house 
with his wife, in the manner of the world. Ramanuja thereon 
called on Govinda to abide by his mother's pleasure, and for 
one night at least, to remain with his wife. He bowed assent. 
And they made feast for the nuptial ceremony, and put Govinda 


aucl wife together in a bed-room and went their way. Left 
alone with his wife, he began a on theology and 
theosophy, and all the night through preached to her, God and 
Hi.s Glories, His Riches and His Wonders, His Blissful Pre- 
sence in the heart and His Love to His Creatures, and so on 
himself, as he preached, revelling in the rapturous enjoyment of 
God. It was now morning, and relatives came to offer congra- 
tulations on the happy state of the couple. But the mother wa.i 
aware, by overhearing, what had all niglit transpired within 
doors. " How is it, son," remonstrated the mother, " 3-ou seem 
to have been engaged oth.erwise with your wife. We could hear 
a regular religious sermon in a nuptial chamber ! " " Mother," 
replied Govinda, " when God is in my heart, and is everywhei e 
present, and ever watching me, how can I escape from Him, 
and feel lonely enough to be able to do any other work than 
that of His contemplation, and praise ? With no solitude, no 
secret act is possible ; with no darkness, no dark act is possible." 
This interview between son and mother was reported to BSimdi- 
nuja. " Govinda," he said, calling him to his side, " so, thou 
hast passed the greatest or deal which can be put upon a pure 
soul like thee. TIiou canst never be a worldiug, seeing how 
thou hatest things of that sort. But, come, Ssbstras require 
every man to belong to some one definite Order ^ ; and a.s thou 
canst not be a householder, be of the Order of the SannySrsin. 
This was exEictly the wish of Govinda, and he begged that he 
be so ordained at once. It was done, and Ratmanuja conferred 
upon him his own name of Ernberumdndr. " That, noble Sire," 
said Govinda, " is too great an honor to put upon an humble 
creature like me. Bless me with a name which a shadow like 
me deserves. " Then", gracefully said lUmanuja, "let it be 
Emhdr, the shadow (or abbreviated form) of Emb{erumdn)dr." 

^ ^rWf l' i ^wii^ lYati-dharma-sama-ccliaya.] 




"^Vitli Kamanuja and Ins exemplary adlierents, like Govin- 
da, days were tLus passing in Divine Discourses, Divine Inci- 
dents, and Divine Occupations. In a previous cliapter we left 
Yajna-murti, re-named A. P. Emherumdoiar,^ after liis conver- 
sion by Eamumija. To this sage some incidents haispened 
about this time. A number of Srivaishnavas from a foreign 
land came on a visit to Srirangam and inquired of the street- 
goers where the monastery of Emberumanar was located. 
" Which Emberumtoar ? " tliey asked. The travellers feel- 
ing strange, asked whether there were ttco such sages for 
the Faith? "No, but here is A. P. Emberumanar bearing 
that name, a name after R4manuja. Hence our question. If 
you mean Ramanuja himself, there is his monastery." So 
instructed, the travellers found their way to REtmanuja. This 
conversation however accidentally reached the ears of A. P. 
Emberumanar ; and it grieved him much to think that he 
should be confounded with Ramanuja. " No such con- 
fusion," he thought, " would have arisen, had I not lived 
"apart from Eamanuja in a separate monastery ; and that with 
his name, as if I were a rival here set up against him ! My 
dwelling hence ought not to stand." So saying, he immedi- 
ately pulled it to pieces ; and hastening to Eamanuja, clasped 
his feet, crying: "Oh, my Holiness! was it not enough 
that this sinful soul of mine had in all the past eternity 
been estranged from Thy Holy Feet, and why should this 
alienation yet persist?" "Beloved," said Ramanuja, "thou 
art talking in riddles ; what is the matter with thee ? Why art 
thou in such great affliction ? "Holy Sire," said he, after nar- 
rating to him the street-conversation of travellers " and how it 
affected his reputation, " no more can I live apart from Thee 
—a contingency this, which gives occasion for mistakes which 
are injurious to the well-being of mj soul, and which jeopardize 
Its eternal interests. My soul can only thrive by being made to 
live ever with thee and move about as the marks of thv sole 

» Called DevardJa-muni,oi- Dcvardt in Samstrit. 


and as thy shadow ; and to be allowed to do tliee every service." 
"Be it as thou wiliest," said Ramftnuja, graciously lifting the 
prostrate form of Devartlt, for whom he composed a work 
called Nityavi, or the method of worshipping God, and appointed 
him to the daily-worship-duty in the math. Prom that day 
forth, he never left Ramatiuja's side, and drank deep all 
the precious truths of philosophy and i-eligion which flowed 
like honey from RS,m9,nnia'a holy lips. These sterling truths 
of the Vedanta, he embodied in two short treaties of his, com- 
posed in Tamil verse, called Jndna-sdra, and Framcya-sdra} 
The substance of these works is (1) that to the true disciple,th& 
Teacher himself is God visible, and (2) that services at his feet 
are the crowning joy of the soul. 

' These have been latterly commented on by MaiiavS,]a MahS,-munl- 
gal £A.. C. 1370. No. 39 in the Hierarchic Table of our Lives of Azhvar^.J 




Of the most tried fidelity and consummate learning, were 
now his four di.sciples, viz., Kurfesa, Dasarathi, Devarat and 
Emb&r (Govinda). There were countle.s others, of course, 
in his congregation. Daily classes on theological subjects 
were conducted. As they were reading St. Nammazhvar's 
TiruTaymozhi, they came across the verse : — T-lingat-t.iUa- 
purdnattiruvi, Samanarum Sdkh'yaruin &c., [IV-10-5.] i.e. 
Diverse faiths, as taught by the Liiiga-jJ'irdnci { = Saiva), the 
Savianas {Jainas) and Sdkyas (Batiddhas), &c. And they 
discussed the defects of these systems, as also those of the 
advaita dictum that liberation (moksha) is made sure on the 
mere knowledge of the meaning of such Vedie texts as Tattva- 
masi, — Thou art That, i.e. Thou, Soul, art That, Ood ; of the 
system of those who maintain that not mere knowledge alone, 
but works as well as knowledge, combined, bring about deliver- 
ance (moksha). None of these systems, they argued, have hit 
the true spirit of the Vaidika-religion, i.e., Vedanta and that 
where they have hit the truth, it is partial. The final verdict 
of the Vedas is : By love to God is emancipation (moksha) to 
be won. Love to God or God-love is what is intended by such 
terms as Vedana, Dhydna, Updsana and BhaJifi. Such love is 
fostered by good works and knowledge of God. Mere know- 
ledge of God as learnt from Vedie texts is ineSicacious, as also 
are good works done without a heart for God. Whereas know- 
ledge and good works are calculated to lead to love, and love 
alone secures salvation (moksha), knowledge or good works, 
without love, jointly or separately, cannot directly lead there- 
unto. Thus they discussed, and arrived at a decision that a 
true interpretation of the Vedanta, accordant with these views, 
should be systematically made and E.£Lm8lnuja accordingly sat 
down to prepare a standard work embodying an exhaustive 
refutation of monism {advaita) and similar theories and a 
consequent defence of Visishtddvaita or qualified monism. 

KureSa was selected to help Kamanuja in this grand 
task. Befoi-e he began, Ramajnuja enjoined upon Kurfiaa that 


if in the course of his reducing to writing his dictation, he 
Fihould find anything not agreeing witli liis views, he should 
cease writing. Thus was Sri Bhashya, the stupendous stan- 
dard work on Visishtadvaita philosophy of tlie VeJaiita — or a 
commentary on Brahma-Sutras — begun to be written. As the 
work was progressing, Ramanuja dictated a passage wherein he 
gave the definition of soul (dtmd=jh'dtrnd) as that which is 
conscious or that which has cognition alone as its distinguishing 
attribute. Here KurSsa ceased writing, for to him such a defi- 
nition, though valid, w^as as good as no definition, inasmuch 
as the most essential characteristic of the soul, namely, its 
allegiance or leigeship to Qocl {Seshatva), was a serious omis- 
sion ; and that such an all-important omission was tantamount 
to defining tlie soul as identical with the body itself ' ; for 
no basis for true religion was raised by merely apprehending 
the soul as that which is characterised by consciousness, unless 
the soul is also the sole properly or possession of the Uni- 
versal seal, God. Defining soul as that which has consciousness 
merely, without any reference to its being essentially related 
to Godj as quality is related to tiling, or as property to a base, 
or as mode to substance, as light to the sun, or scent to the 
flower, amounted to tacitly ignoring such essentail relation- 
ship ; and that without this relation to God first emphatically 
asserted and defended, anything said of the soul was ineffec- 
tive, inasmuch as a soul without God is non-existent, in the 
same way as without the sun, light is non-existent. What 
made the soul really soul was its indiscerptible relation to 
God, otherwise it is non-existent. And where was the beauty 
or utility in loading such a separated soul, or soul orphaned 
of God, with any number of attributes such as consciousness 
and bliss ?' Such was the train of thought running in the 
mind of Kurfesa and hence, when Ramanuja defined the soul 
as that which is conscious, he stopped transcribing the same. 
But Ramannja was absorbed in his thoughts ; and continued 

1 Similarly the identity of Universal Soul with Individaal Soul, of 
the Advaitin, is as good as materialism. 

' We iiivite our readois to peruse the Chapter on soiti, or Chit- 
praUaruna iu the TatBa-traija by Yoj;! S. Parthasa,rathi. 


dicfcafciag further bat KufS>a ha;l come to a full stop. This 
incensed Ramanuja, who cried : — " Sir, if ynii mean to write the 
commentary ou the Vydsa-Si'iiras (= Brahm S'ltras), you may 
do so," and kicked him and ceaned dictating. But KurfiSa was 
neither taken aback nor ruffled but remained im[)eitarbably 
cool and collected. But friends vexed him with the question: 
" How dost thou view this affront ? " " Comrades," he replied, 
I have no view otlier than that I am my master's property 
(chattel), which he is at liberty to use or treat in any manner 
he thinks fit.'' R4manuja, by this time, reflected over tlie 
whole position in his retreat; and it flashed on him that his 
omission to define the soul as that which is a belonging of God, was 
a grave mistake ina.smuch as this essentiality of soul was the 
vei'y foundation of his theology. If that were missed, all the 
superstructure was built on air. KiireSa did well in ceasinc 
to write to Ramaauja's dictation, but it was at variance with 
the right view of the question which Kiiiesa knew, being a 
perfect savant as he was. Also KurSsa's own behaviour after 
the harsh ti-eatment was an actual illustration of the view he 
so rightly entertained. These thoughts converted Ramsinuja's 
rage into repentance ; and calling KureSa at once lovingly to 
his side, " Son, you are right," said he apologizingly ; " now 
pray write down the true nature of the soul as that which is 
God's, and let us proceed with the rest of our work." 

In this manner did Ramanuja compose the standard works : 
Srl-Bhdshya, Veddnta-Btpa, Veddnta-Sdra, Veddrtha- Sungraha, 
and Bhayavad-Gitd-hhdshya. And thus did he fulfil one of the 
wishes of Yamunacharya.' 

' Head p. oG. 




The worthies of Ramanuja's congregation, who had so long 
listened to his teachings and who had the good fortune as well 
to see all the tenets of his faith perpetuated in treatises, rose 
one day and reverently bowing to Samfl,nuja said ;— " Holy 
Master, your system is now perfect, and it must be made 
known to the world at large. The ways to God are direrse, 
and confusing. Let the true way, you have discovered to us, 
be made accessible to all. Pray then undertake a tour of 
ministry and as a tour, it shall have the added object of visit- 
ing Holy Shrines." " So be it," said Rjimanuja, and repre- 
senting his intention to Lord Ranga, he obtainsd his permission. 
With his elect, he left Srirangam, and visited Tiru-k-kudandai 
(Kumbhafconum) and other places in the Chola-maudalam, 
and won victories there by theological disputations. Thence he 
bsnthis steps to TiruvMi-Tirnnagari, the nativity of St. Parak&la 
or Tirumangai-Azhvar.' Here an interesting incident happened. 
Efiimanuja was devoutly making his round of several holy 
shrines encompassing the Central Shrine Tiruaagari, when he 
met a Chaad&la woman approaching. Ram^inuja, in order to 
avoid pollution by her proximity, commanded her to hold off, 
so that he might pass on. But she without moving away 
addressed Rslmanuja aud said : — " Sire, which side shall I 
move ? Here before me stands thy holy self, a Brahman 
•whom I cannot approach lest I pollute thee by my nearness. 
Behind me is the Holy Shrine Nil-nilebmuttam (=Tiruk-kanna- 
puram) ; to my right are the Tirumanan-koUai (where St. 
Tirumangai waylaid the Lord) and Tiruv-araSu (the Pipal 
tree used by the St. as his watch tower) ; and to my left is Lord 
TiruTaii-Manavalan. There is thus purity ail about me here, 
which side then can my impurity turn ? " Relmanuja was 
struck dumb at this unexpected answer from an unexpected 
quarter. " Forgive me, madam," he said," nor did I divine 
such spirituality in a low-caste woman as thou art. But for 
all that thou art holier than myself. So saying he administered 

' Head our "Holy Lives of the Saints." 



to her the holy Vaishnava sacraments ; and allotted her 
a place in the Shrine, where her image is to this day seen 
and reverenced hy all the visitors. Thence he turned 
to the south, going to Tirumal-irun-jfilai (10 miles north of 
Madura), and other Shrines, in the Pfi,ndya-mandala and held 
disputations there with the learned on philosophy and won 
laurels. Thence he travelled to Tiru-p-pull£i,ni (Darbhasayanam 
near ES,mnM), S6tu (or E&m&'s Bridge), and returned to Tiru- 
nagari, the birth-place of St. Namm&zhv^r,' before whom he 
reverently repeated the Kanninun-Siru-t-tfl,mbu of St. Madhura- 
KavigaP. The Saint was delighted with R4m3,nuja's devotion 
and blessed him with tirtha, prasdda, and other honors. And 
Rd-mftnuja, dedicating the verse : 

took leave of the Saint after visiting the Holy Tamarind Tree 
under which he is enshrined, and Lord Adin9,tha resident there- 
The various Shrines in the vicinity were all visited, engaging 
in polemic controversies wherever he went and overthrowing 
his opponents.' Duly he reached Tiru-k-kurungndi (Kuranga- 
nagari about 20 miles south of Tinnevelly), and visited the Lord 
Nambi. A voice came from him thus : — " Rftmanuja, we have 
often incarnated on earth, as Eama, Krishna, and so on in 
order to save mankind ; but we have never been able to persuade 
people to Our ways as thou hast done. How dost thou do it ? '' 
" Almighty," said Ramanuja, " if thou wilt ask me in the way 
that a disciple or a pupil is required to ask his teacher or 
tutor, I will answer thee." jSTambi under.stood Ram&nuja, and 
commanded a throne being brought and begged Rama,nuja to 

', ° Bead tlio Livps of these iiuja when hnwas asleep to a rook 

Saints in our Lives of Azhi-drs. (called Varidhdna-mla) on an islet 

^ Another version has that Bama- in the Sindhu river, a mile from 

nuja went from here to Tiru-v- KuranKa-Nagari. Finding himself 

anantapuram (Trivendram) first, alone, ho called for a disciple of his 

And here he wished to introduce by name Nambi. But Lord Narabi 

the Paficharatra mode of worship, appeared in the guise of this dis- 

bnt the Nambudri Brahnians, the ciple, served him and led him to 

priests of the Temple, objected, the Temple, where however Ho va- 

Banianuja persisting, the Lord iiished out of sight, to KAmfuiuia's 

Ananta-padnianabha, siding with great astonishment. 
His old priests, transported Kama- 


be seated there and from that position answer the question, 
EsLuiAnuja mentally placed his Acliilrya, ilahapurna, on the 
throne and taking his stand before it, whispered into Lord 
Nambi's right ear thus : — 

" Of all the mantras, the Mantra-ratna, and the Bvai/a arc 
great. Easily do they carry one to the Supreme State. Tlicso 
teach that tlie way of Resignation or Surrender to God vari- 
ously called nyasa, prapatti, RaranAijati, is the mofit bencfioial 
to man and compasses tor him every good." ^ 

" Thus, Great God," said Ramanuja, " by Thy own best 
instruments of salvation, have I prevailed upon the heai-ts of 
men." Lord Nambi was mightily pleased with this declaration^ 
and proclaimed that He was henceforth Rdmdnujanai-udmjdii? 
Ramanuja gave Nambi the Holy Name of Srivaishpava-Xauibi 
and tendering his apologies " for what had occurred, loft 

From here R&m&ouja entered into the Malayalam (Jlala- 
bar) country, visiting the Shrines Tkuvan-parisa,ram, Tiruvattar, 
and others and paid homage to Lord Ananta-padma-nabha in 
Tiruvanantapuram (Trivendram), through the three doors of 
this Sanctum, and left the place after overcoming opponents 
and establishing a R4m§.nnja-irath there with the help of the 
then kino-, who became a disciple of his. He proceeded north 
alonf the western sea-coast of the Peninsula to sucli Holy 
Shrines as Mathura (Muttra), Nanda-vraja, Govardhana, 
Briadavana, aud others and Saiagrama, Muktinatha-Ktshetra, 

On Mantra-rutna .and Dvaya, consult Pp. xxii. Introcl : to oiu- Livcf nf 

2 Means : " We who have Eamanuja as Our own." 

3 This is embodied in the verso : 


Gandaki-river; (" Salagrama Hill " is stated in another 
work. It must be a part of the Himalaj'as. Vaikundam, 
Dv§,raka, and Ayodhya, Badarik-asrama), Naimisft,ranya and 
Pushkara, and thence on to Bbatfci-maudapa; (this is pro- 
bably Bhatti-mandala near Lahore), and Kashmir, the seat of 
Sarasvati, the Goddess of Learning, was now reached. Saras- 
vati requested Eam^niija to expound the meaning of the 
Vedic passage : tT^<15jRf'--ifRf]5^2tr^^'p^^jff%i!fy_i Esbmanuja did so 
at great length and embodied it in the verse :— 

On hearing this, Sarasvati said : — " Ramannja ! Sankara had 
ere this unhappily interpreted this as " monkey's posteiiors"''' 
and I was much grieved at his perverse understanding and 
warped heart. Thou hast now wiped my tears " So saying, 
she placed E&mauuja's Sri-Bhashya* on her head, drew E^ma- 
nuja to her breast, and gave him the title Bhdsliya-hdra and 
handed him the Image of Haya-griva for worship. 

The pandits of the place, on seeing these special favors of 
Sarasvati bestowed an E4m&nnja grew envious, and called npon 
him for a disputation. This was granted and in the end they 
•were routed. The king of Kftshmir silently watched these 
events ; and when he found the pandits discomfited, he looked 
upon E&m&nuja as no ordinary mortal and permitted himself 
to be enlisted into his fold. The king asked ES,m§,nuja to ex- 
plain the Traditions on which he based his Visishtildvaita 
interpretation of the Brahma-Sutras. Eama,nnja said that the 
old Traditions were the Bodhajana-Vvitti, and the glosses by 
Tanka, Guhadeva, Kapardi, Bharuchi, and others. The king 
went with him and the pandits into his library, and had a search 

1 Chdndogya Up. 1-6, 7. The fuU-blown beautiful lotna is tlina 

readers are referred to p. 32, where a simile for the beautiful eyes of 

the controversy with Yadava is God. 

fully explained. « Read Saukara-bhasliya on the 

= Snn is called Kapi, because he Cli : Up : 'here. His interpreta- 
drinks (pilati) water (lam). Sruti tion is a reproach on his reputation 
itself explains Kapi to mean sun's as a Vedic scholar, 
r-ays :— " Kapii gahhasti tejanam." * Eam&nnja Bliftshya on Brahma- 
Kapy-dsa is then that which, by si'Uras was' so named, i.e., Sri- 
rays, is blown {asa = iiidsane=^to Bhash^-a. ' ' 
expand) j and that is the lotus. A 

CU XXII. KUllESA AND bodhAyana-vritti. 


made foi* aach woi ks. They were found, and on a perusal it -nas 
found that R:\m3,auja's exposition was correct. Elbm&nuja and 
Kurfi^a took this opportunity of Studying the Bodh&yana-Vritti 
Letter, as the Pandits -would not allow the work to be taken 
away by him. ESmanuja was anxious to secure the work, but 
objections to his taking the book away were insurmountable. 
He felt grieved, but Kur&Sa assured him that he had retained 
the cardinal pa-ssages in his memory, and could reproduce the 
saoie whenever wanted. This allayed Il£im3,nuia's anxiety ; and 
he allowed the V'l'itti, though very reluctantly, to be restored to 
the Library, at the King's request, as the latter knew his Pandits 
would otherwise give trouble and would not hesitate even to 
kill Ram3,nuja.' And yet the Pandits resented all this, as their 
prestige suffered bo much ; but being powerless to openly harm 
RamEbnuja, as the king was already on his side, they entered 
into a dark conspiracy to kill KS,m3,auja by black magic. This 

' The following extracts from Max 
Muller's Theos'ophy or Psychological 
Religion are interestin;!; to tlio stu- 
dent of philosophy : — " **Eam§,iiTi3a 
does not represent himself as stat- 
ing a new theory of the Ved^uta, 
bnt he appeals to BodhS,yana, the 
anthor of a Vritti or explanation of 
the Bhrania-sutras, as his authority, 
nay he refers to previous com- 
mentaries or Yyitti-k2ir3,s on Bodh^- 
yana as likewise supporting his 
opinions. It has been supposed 
that one of these, Dramida, the 
author of a Dramida^bl»3,8hya or a 
Commentary on Botiteyana, ia the 
same as the DrS.vida whose Bha- 
shya on the CbhS.ndogya-XJpa- 
nishad is several times referred to 
by Sankara in his commentary on 
that TJpanishad, and whose opinions 
on the Tedanta-Siitrds are some- 
times supported by Saukara (See 
Thibant S.B.E. XXXIV, p. xxii)" 
[P. lOO.j 

•'»#» We have thirdly the com- 
mentaries of Sankara, Bodh&yana, 
K4mS.nnia and many others. These 
commentaries, however, are not 
mere commentaries in oar sense of 
the word, thyy arc really philoso- 

phical treatises, each defending an 
independent view of the Sfitras, 
and indirectly of the Upanishads." 
[P. 101.] 

" * * I hare generally followed 
the guidance of Sankara, as 
be seems to me to carry the Ve- 
danta doctrine to the highest 
point, bnt I feel bound to say that 
Professor Thibaut has proved that 
ES-m^niija is on many points the 
more faithful interpreter of the 
Ved^uta. Sutras. * * * * Nor was 
Bamanuja a mere dissentient from 
^ankara. He claimed for his in- 
terpretation of the VedSinta the 
anthority of philosophers more 
aucient even than Sankara, and, of 
course, the authority of the Ve- 
d^nta-Sutras themselves, if only 
rightly understood. E5.mS,nnja's 
followers do not posses now, so far 
as I know, manuscripts of any of 
these more ancient commentaries, 
but there is no reason to donbt that 
Bodhayana and other philosophers 
to whom Bam^nuja appeals were 
real characters and in their time 
influential teachers of the Ve- 
danta." [P. 313.]. 


came to his knowledge ; but spiritual giant as lie was he re- 
mained undaunted, and simply watched how events would 
develop themselves. They resorted to bhick magic, but 
instead of their plans succeeding, it liad a coutr:iry eltect; for 
they wei-e all suddenly seized with madness, and began to rave 
and play such antics, as to be ridiculed by all. The king saw 
this, and pitying the poor wretches, approached Ramiinuja, and 
falling at liis feet, implored him to relieve them, as he could 
not look on their sufferings. Ramanuja, by a simple act of his 
■will, cured them; and the king made them members of the 
Faith, and escorting Ilam4nnja with all his staff, a few stages 
on his return journey, took leave and joined his capital. 

RamEbnuja took the road towards Varanasi (Benares), 
which he reached in due time, and bathing in the Holy Gangfl, 
(Ganges), and visiting the Lord of Kandamennum Kadinagar ^ 
proceeded south to Purushottama-Kshfitra (Jagann3.tha or 
PAri, on the east-coast of the Indian Peninsula) . Here also 
were disputations held on philosophy and religion, Eam3,nuja 
coming off victorious ; and a R3,manuja-Math also was estab- 
lished. Here, on his attempt to introduce the worship, as 
down in the Panchari,tra, into the Temple there, the priests 
objected ; but as RJlmSinuja still resolved to reform the practices 
prevalent there which were not cleanly and to his liking. Lord 
Jagann3,tha is said to have appeared to him in his dream and 
prevailed upon him not to attempt the reforms, as his priests 
were much attached to Him with their old wiiys of worship, 
which therefore he might not disturb. And when RAmanuja 
awoke, he found to his surprize he had been ti-ansported all 
the way to Srl-Kurma. Here he paid homage to the Lord in 
the Kurma-form and journeyed on to Simhagiri (Ahobila), 
and other shrines. Winning his way throughout by polemical 
triumphs he finally arrived at Tirupati. Here a Saiva-Vaish- 
nava controversy of a curious character had been waging. 

St. P6ya,zhv3ir, who lived centuries before R^.manuja, had 
sung of the Lord of Tirupati, as wearing both the Saiva 
emblems, such as matted locks and serpent girdle, and the 

' Devrt-prayfl.K on llio way from llaridvar to Badariuath. 


Vai'^linava ones, such as the Discus and the golden girdle, and 
the Saint expressed his wonderment at Vishnu having- chosen 
to appear to him in this dual character of Hari-IIarn, or 
Visliiiu-Siva.' On the authority of this rerse, in all prohabi- 
lity, the Saivas made an attempt to claim Tirnpati as their 
own exclusive Saiva Shrine ; but EamElnuja contended it was 
Vaishnava, but the Saivas would not give in. Ramanuja 
i:iroposed that both Saiva and Vaishnava emblems, such 
as Trisilla and Damaruka, and OhaJcra and SanTcha, be 
placed in front of VenkateSa's Image in the sanctum sane- 
forum, and the doors be closed and securely locked, after 
carefully examining the chamber that no one lay hidden there ; 
and the character of the Deity might be determined by the 
choice of the emblems made by Him. This test was gladly 
agreed to by all. The emblems were accordingly prepared and 
placed before the Image. Next day, both the parties came in 
a body with eager expectations of their own opinion being 
realized. But when the doors were thrown open in full day -light 
and in the presence of the whole assembly, it was found that 
the Lord had assumed the Vaishnava-emblems, with the Saiva 
emblems lying unused on the floor.,nuja's joy knew no 
bounds. He sang and danced, eyes streaming with tears of 
delight at the miraculous event and the Beatific Vision pre- 
sented to his view. The Saivas were thus ousted.'. 

I Read verse 63 of 3rd Tfruv- phist to Government [1903- 

andadi : " Tazh-Sadaiyum, &c." 1904 A-C ] 

Narayana includes Siva. In N&ra- The Epigraphist has meanwhile 
yana's (or Vishnn's) body, a, place inferred from a sot of very dubious 
is assigned to Siva in the same conclusions as to the mined temple 
manner as his navel is assigned to and TirnehchSiniir, that Tirnpati 
tlie four-faced BrahmS,, and his temple was perhaps originally 
bosom to Sri or Lakshml (Logos). Saiva in character. From the fact 
Head Bhagavad-G£taxi-15. Pas!/(i)jw', that the temple is mentioned in 
4'c., and numerous other authorities, the inscriptions as Itaugoyil and 
So then this dual appearance proved that the same word is nsed in the 
Vishnu, not Siva exclusively, as Saiva Periyapitrdnam and in another 
Saivas thought. inscription as the name of a tem- 
ple which must certainly have been 
* A piece of Epigraphic Infer- Saiva and that another inscription 
mation is here annexed (or tlie use says that the temple now in ruins 
of our readers : — was bnilt as an accompaniment to 
"We have received this year a very the shrine at Tirnpati, he first in- 
interesting report from the Epigra- fers that the Tiruchchanur temple 



cri. XXU. 

(Contmued) foot note on page 

must be Saiva and tliat a Jortiori 
the slirine at Tirtipati for wliicli the 
former was meant as an accompani- 
ment, must also be a Saivirc one. 
We fear every link in this argu- 
ment is hopelessly weak. Mr. 
Veukayya has not sho»-n satisfac- 
torily that the Tiruchchanur ruined 
temple was as a matter of fact, 
built as an accoinpanimeiit to the 
Tirupati temple whatever that ex- 
pression may mean. The Ganga- 
Pallava inscription of Dautivikrama 
Varman which, is said to prove this, 
he neither quotes from r.or gives 
the contents of. This example will 
emphasize the necessity of the 
Government insisting upon a publi- 
cation of all the inscriptions col- 
lected every year, so that independ- 
ent scholars might work at. tkcm 
and deduce from them all the his- 
torical connection they are capable 
of yielding. Again it is cot quite 
so certain that the TiruclichS,n<ir 
temple was soleh- Saiva. It might 
most probably have been a combi- 
ned Saiva-and- Vishnu templeas the 
one at Chidambaram and many 
other places. It is a fact that 
many important Saiva temples have 
a shrine of A'islinu towards the 
west, generally meutioued in the 
inscriptions as Melai Sri Koil. At 
any rate tho Tirupati temple was 
undoubtedly Vaishnava in the 4tli 
century during the reign of the 
Chola king ll4jir<1ja, the great, who 
gave grants to the Vaishnava God 
there. It must certainly have been at 
least claimed as Vaishnava during 
the times of the tlireo grcit Saiva 
Saiuts, the authors of the Tevaram, 
Sambandar, and, 
who sang Thirnpparauknnrani. 
Tiruvanmiyur, Kalahasti and other 
places in the neighbourhood, and 
omitted all reference to Tirupati. 
That there was a long standing 
dispute as to the real character of 
the Deity of that place is certain. 
The old Vaishnava Saint, Peyazhvur, 
sings in the lyarppS, that the God 
of Tirumalai wore the symbols of 
both Siva and Vislinu and it is 


noticeable in his verse that he 
.nlwa\'s mentions the Siva euibl'tn 
firit. This dual ohar.ioter seems 
to have continued till the time of 
RaniS.niiJM in the 12th century, 
when ilii^ curious incident is re- 
lated by the Tamil ItAmS,nujarya- 
Div\acliarita <f PillaiIokanjiy;ir to 
have taken place. Ram^^nnja wa-i 
annoyed that owing to this 
character of the Deity, the Sivites 
worshipped as their Nayanar or 
God. He therefore proposed a 
scheme by which to test which way 
the God leaned and said that 
the emblems of both Siva and 
Vishnu should be placed in the 
innermost shrine which was to lie 
carefully locked up till the morning 
and that according to the emblems 
the God should be found wearing in 
the morning, his real character was 
to be judged. When the GarhUa- 
griha was opened in the morning 
the God was seen resplendent wiih 
the conch and the Siva embli nn 
were found carelessly thrown :it 
his feet. After this explicit decla- 
ration by tho divinity himself thc;e 
could be no question as to his mil 
nature and he has continued A'aish- 
navito over since. The facts go !o 
show that if tho Tiinpati Temple 
was at all exclusively Sai\'a, wl icli 
seems to be unlikely, it must have 
been so considerably prior to the 
authors of the Tevaram. [Hindu.l 

AnoUter extract : — "In his 
latest Keport on Epigraphy, Mr. 
Venkayyahas opined that there is 
an air of truth in the popular belief 
that the temple on the Tirumalai 
wa5 oi-iginally a Siiivite o'-o. ]n 
his "lyarpa," stanza 03, Pt'y-*/hvar 
distinctly mentions (lie dual ap- 
pearance of the Imago. The stanza 
referred to might bo rendered into 
English thns : — 

'• How wonderful ! our Lord who 
is on the Sacred Hill (Tirupati) 
which is bathed by the great moun- 
tain streams surrounding it on ail 
sides conibines in himself the two 
forms (of Siva and A'ishnu) by his 
appearing' with Cowing 'natttd 

ca. XXII. 



R&m&naja made the circuit of the Sbrine,' and descending 
tlie Holy Mount, did homage to the AzhvajiB eii.shiintd at its 
base, and thence pi-oceeding to Kftfichi and other Shrines such as 
Sri-perumbiidur (his birth-place), Tiruvallikkeni (Triplicane) 
and Tiru-nir-malai, and thence cros.sing over to Madhur&nta- 
kam and the Holy Vakula-tree there, tinder which his Guru 
MahApurna gave him the first initiation, and thence on to 
Tiru-vayindra-puram (Tirn-vendi-puram near Cu.ddaloro), 
where he tendered hia salutations to Lord Deva-nslyaka, aiid 
vanquished disputants wherever met, and thence on to Vira- 
nElrilyanapuram, the Holy Place of sage Natha-muni [the place 
where he ,safc for Toga (meditation)] and Lord Maana-narthere, 

Poot note on page 144— (coatinued). 

locks and high diadein, with the 
beautiful Mazhu , . aud discus and 
"vvith a serpent and a golden waist- 
cord entwined (round hia waist.)." 

Therefore, it is evident that the 
God of Tirumalai was worshipped 
as Vishnu in the days of the early 
Vaishnavite Saint Pey-A.zhv§,r. 

Clearer still is the allusion to the 
Vaishnava nature of the deity, in the 
classical Tamil posm " Silappadiga- 
ram," IstCentury, A.C.where the au- 
thor describes the god as " standing 
on the top of Vfingadam, like a blue 
cloud with the conch and discus 
(which are compared to the sun and 
moon)" (Kadukin-Kadai, 11. 41-51) 

" M. N,", in his reply to Mr. 
Venkayya's rejoinder in the Hindu, 
has proved that in the days of the 
DSvSram Hymners, the temple 
might not have been Saiva, and 
that Bajardja, the great Ch6la King, 
himself a SS.iva, has made grants 
to the Vishnu on the hill. 

In the face of these explicit 
statements in early Tamil litera- 
ture; it is really incredible how 
Tirumalai could be doubted to have 
perhaps been S^iva. Let us hope 
that in tlie examination of the in- 
nermost prdidra, more light will bo 
thrown on this rather important 
question. [A. Vaishnava in Mad- 
ras Mail, 9th December 1904.] 

' There is a legend related here. 
There was a person by name TU- 
pakkam Channayya. He was a 
favourite of God Srinivasa of this 
Shrine, so much so that when ho 
sang hymns to Him, Ho kept time 
by dancing to it. B4mS,nn]a came 
to know this, and asked the de- 
votee to kindly ascertain from 
his God whether he (BamS,nnia) 
may hope for Moksha (Salvation). 
Channayya, when he next sang and 
the God'danced to him, reverently 
submitted to him ES,mS,nuia's peti- 
tion. God answered : — " Certainly 
he shall 1>e saved." " And I, Lord ?" 

asked Channayya. " No " was the 
answer."ButhaveInotsung toThee, 
Lord, all thosedays?, protestedChan- 
nayya. " But have I not danced to 
thee, son, asoften as thou sangest? " 
retorted He. " Then I am undone, O 
Lord ! Pray show me the way of 
salvation. By no means can I forfeit 
that state." The Lord answered : 
" Go to that SanySsi, our Eamanuja, 
fall at His Holy Feet and win it. 
He is fit to give Moksha to whom- 
soever he will." This story illus- 
trates that salvation is won, not by 
bargain, but by grace. 



returned to his head-quarters, SrirangaiQ. He proceeded to the 
Temple to visit Lord Ranga, announcing his arrival ; and after 
the usual ceremonies, Banga'^s voice came inquiring : " Ai't 
thou satisfied ? ". RamS.nuja answered : " Holy Lord, how can I 
be otherwise, when thy Blessed Vision is ever reflected in my 
mental mirror ■wherever I may he. I hare but fulfilled Thy 
holy errand on earth." Ranga commanded tlrtha and prasdda 
to be given him. Rilmfl,nuja thence bent his steps to his owe 
monastery, his soul steeped in peace and bliss-. 




Thas kad our Bhsbshya-kara' accomplished his second 
pilgrimage through Bharata-khanda. Those were days of 
religious rejuvenescence in India brought about by the inspired 
personality of our RaniAnuja. For his influence spread from 
house to house, village to village and throughout Bharata- 
land, and his spirit fanned the fire of religion, smouldering in 
human hearts. 

Kur&Sa was the very soul and shadow of BS,mS,nuja. In 
erudition he was a savant ; in conduct, he was a para,gon of 
excellence. Never a day was he found remiss in all the duties 
«f the day, classed as AhMgamana, JJjpdd&na, Ijyd, Sv&dhy&ya 
aad Yoga^- 

"We have already told our readers that Kfire3ft lived by 
alms ; because he had given away his all at Kura and oome 
to Srlrangam to live with Raminuja.* One day, it rained all 
the morning till it was past the Semgava or the Upddivaa time, 
which is set apart for ezcursions for collecting alms. Kuresa'a 
strict rule it was, to beg each day's requirement at the 
houses of virtuous folk, and never to store a second day's pro- 
visions in his house. Prevented then by the rainy day from, 
stirring out, KureSa and his pious wife And4lamm^a fasted, 
after taking the usual bath, performingthe vnornmg sandhyd and 
other ceremonies and offering to his Chapel God, a fruit and 
s ome water,* which latter, sipped, being sacramental. It was now 
evening, and KuvSsa, performing the evening sandhyd, never 
bestowed a thought for his hungry stomach, but devoutly went 
throuo-h a reading of the Tiru-v3.y-mozhi (Prabaudha) consider- 
ing this as his manna, and thus went to sleep- But the wife 

* See page 140 for Ramanuja winning tliis name. 

* A work recently published in Madras (1904) by D. T. Srinivasa- 
cliirya, called Paiiclia-liala-praiMsa, gives full details of these five-foW 

»• See Cliapter XIII. * See Bhagavad-Glta, IX, 28. 


was awake and was sore grieved at heart that her god- like 
husband was fasting. As she sat, she heard the temple drum.g 
and bugles announcing that Lord Ranga was having his niglit- 
offering of food, called the Periya-avccsara-m. This dibturbed 
her musings ; and she gave vent to her feelings thas : — 
" Banga, when thy bhakta is fasting, how canst thou revel thus 
in feastings ?" A cry of distress like this was of coarse heard 
by the Lord ; and the cry, it is said, pierced his ears like 

Uttamanambi, a temple-functionary, was asleep on a 
pial ; and he dreamt a dream in which Banga appeared to him 
and commanded him thus : — " Nambi, my bhakta Kui-esa is 
fasting ; rise, go to my Temple, and carry on thy head the holy 
A}-avanai-iood which has just been offered me, in right proces- 
sional style from the Temple to his honse. Uttama-Nambi 
awoke, startled, and hastening to the Temple, did as com- 
manded. As the music and other din of the procession reached 
Kur6sa's doors, he was disturbed from his sleep, and awoke^ 
wondering what was happening at that hour of the night; met the 
processionists and inquired of them what brought them there. 
Uttama-Nambi said : " Sire, Lord Banga bid me carry you 
His holy food. Pray accept." Kurfesa received the same devoutly 
but he would not have the whole quantity. He said to the 
messengers = — " Holy sires, I .should not deprive the Lord of His 
income by disposing of this food as nsnal. But I cannot refuse 
it altogether, as it has been so graciously sent by Him. I 
should but take two morsels, one for myself, and the other for 
my wife. Lord Ranga has so fully made me His own that I 
do not stand in need of anything on earth. I thank you, 
sires ; please retire with the remaining food to the Temple." 
After thus dismissing the Temple servants, Kurfesa sat down 
and asked his wife whether she thought of any thing in particu- 
lar when he was asleep. She confessed to him she did so. She 
said she envied Ranga en joying his last sumptuousconrseof food 
for the day, while His hhakta was hungry. " Good lady," said 
Kuresa petulantly, " you should not have been thus guilty. 
Do not this again." And they both devoutly partook each, 
one of the two morsels that had been retained ; and Kur6sa 

CH. XXIII. ramAnuja blessing the babies. 149 

went to bed again, soinewliat out of humour with his wife. But 
he had a dream. Lord Hanga appearing spoke to him : " My 
beloved, the two morsels you have eaten, will be the seed for 
raising two precious sons in your family. They shall be consi- 
dered as my own sons. As sons, I myself choose to appear in 
furtherance of my own future purpose, in the same manner as 
I chose to appear as Bama, the son of DaSaratha, and Krishna 
the son of Vasuclfiva." The dream was over. Kuresa awoke, 
and related it to his wife and others, and attended to his duties, 
quietly expecting events to develop in their own good time. 

Some time went by. In due course, two sons were born 
to as predicted by Lord Ranga. The ten days of 
puerperal sutaka were over, but KureSa never concerned 
himself about Ihe name-giving and other sacramental rituals, 
which the Vedas require to be administered to new-born 
infants. His idea was that to his Ramanuja's spiritual family 
the children belonged, an 1 it was for Rslm&nuja therefore 
to do the needful. RaniilQuja, however, now made his 
appearance, accompanied by Govinda ; and commanded him to 
bring the little ones to him. Govinda sped in all earnestness 
to Andftlamma, and lovingly hugging the two gems of babies, 
ran to Rftni&nuja, muttering all the way the Holy Dvaya- 
Mantra as a protective shield for tlie babies against evil inftu- 
euces ; and lovingly lifted them up to Ramanuja. lid/mauuja 
graciously scanned them witli his love-moi.stened eyes, and 
observing the splendid ajjpearauce and glorious looks of the 
infants, bleSiSed them licartily, and addressing Govinda, said: — 
" Brother, what didst thou ? The smell of the Dvaya-Mantra 
comes to me from the babies." " Sire, yes, " replied Govinda, 
" as I was conveying the precious charges to you, I shielded 
them with the power of that Mantra." " Then brother," 
commanded R&manuja, " as thou hast constituted thyself the 
guardian of the bodies of these gems, thou shalt be the guar- 
dian as well of their souls. And these two infants are no 
other than the two sentences of the Dvaya itself, made mani- 
fest in their persons thus." So saying he stroked the infants 
with his hands, adorning them with the Panch--dyudha orna- 
ment ; and in due time made Govinda administer the FaPcha- 


satngk&ra, naming tlie infants ParaSara Bliatt&rya,* and 
VysLsa-Bhatt3,rya,* thus f allfilling another of the three wishes 
of his Great Guru, Yamnnaicharya." Thus were two great 
luminaries for the Faith ushered into the world — in the wake 
of B4mS.nuja. 

Uttama-Nambi, in a work called Lakshmi-Edvya, oonijjosed 
by him, sings of them thus ; — 

Another event also occurred about this time enabling 
R&m&nuja to fulfil the remaining wish of his Great Guru 
Yd.mana : to name some fit person by the name of Par'lnkuSa or 
Namma.zhv&r in perpetuation of the memory of the Saint of 
that name. 

The reader will recollect the redemption of Govinda by 
SriSaila-Purna of Tirupati, described in a previous chap- 
ter. When Govinda joined the Vaishnava-band, he felt so 
blessed in his regenerate life that he would not allow his newly 
awakened delight to rest in himself alone. So, he sono-ht 
out his own brother by name Siriy-Govindai-p-peremal, and 
explained to him the beauties of the New Faith. He 
brought him to Purna, who graciously accepted him as 
his disciple. Govinda and G. Perumal had thus become 
spiritual associates as well, and had both come to live with 
Bamanuja at Srirungam. 

The event which came about was tliat G. Perumal had a 
son born to him, and this, to Bamanuja, was another v^aluable 
acquisition to his Faith. So he hurried to Penimal's place 
and blessing the child, named him Parankusa^-Nambi. Thi.s 

^ See No. 32, in the llierarcliic Table of our Lives oj Azhvdrs. 

' Sri-ltdiua-ppillui is another name. 

' See pago 56. * raraukufa=St. Natniuazbvai-. 


fulfilment of Yamuna's third wish' was recorded by Uttama- 
Nambi in his Lakshmi Kdvya, thus : — 

Ji'lR'«.MI-=mi('W'lM TTT 

We shall close this chapter by asking our readers to re- 
member the " three-finger-miracle " of TS.muna, related in 
chapter IX and that the three fulfilments thereof by Ramanuja^ 
on whom had derolred that sacred duty, were, in order, the com- 
position of Sri-BhUshya, the Commentary on the Brahma- 
Sutras ; the naming of two children in memory of Par&sara and 
Vyasa ; and a third child, in memory of St. NammUzhv&r. 

• See page 56. 



Oar readers, in this Chapter, will he treated to the interest- 
ing traits which the new luminary Pari\S.ira Bhatttlrj-a, or 
simply Bhattarya, displayed as he gi-ew. 

Lord Ranga commanded the two little brothers to be con- 
veyed to His Fane, and adopting them, as fashion required, as 
his own sons, had cradles swung there in His own chamberi 
called the Manattiln and Himself and His Consort Lakshmi 
takingcareof them inevery way. The Lord had >villed that before 
He accepted the courses of daily food offered to him, the children 
should be first served ; nay, that they should help themselves 
to what dishes they pleased by allowing them to toddle about 
to the place where the food in several dishes was spread before 

One day the children, as usual, stole about at pleasure and 
helped themselves to the viands that had been placed before 
Ranga that day as the special service of the Rftja who then 
ruled. The priests were offended that day at the conduct of 
the children, and handling them somewhat roughly, conveyed 
them outside the Temple premises. That night the RS.ja had 
a dream. The Lordlappearing to him, declared : "I had just 
tasted your food-service. When the fools of my officiating 
priests interfered with my childx-en, the Bhattars, preventing 
them from having their full share, and treated them roughly, 
I could not partake of thy food any more. I am this day not 
pleased with thee." The Rd<ja awoke and making inquiries, 
found his dream to be correct, and strictly decreed that services 
should thenceforward be conducted in the manner which best 
pleased the Lord. 

Bhattarya was now a boy of five years, and showed siwns 
of extraordinary intelligence for his age. His father Kur6sa 
was one day reciting the Decad of St. Nammlizhvflir, beginninij 
•with Nedumdrk-adimai (viii. 10. 1). In this Decad, the 
greatness of God's Saints is described. In the third verse, the 


desci'Lptioa runs thus: S'Tu-vid-nianisar" i.e. God's Saints are 
small-great. The boy, who was attentively listening to the 
reoitatioa, stopped the father at this place, with the eager 
query : " Father, how can a thing he both small and great at 
one and the same time, for thou saidst small-great " " My 
deai-«st, what an unexpected que.stion from a stripling like thee ! 
But it would be a bard task on my part to convince thee of 
the justness and beauty of the apparently contradictory terms, 
by resorting to learned discourses on it, based on Sastras. But I 
shall try by other easier means to make thee understand this 
puzzling passage of our Holy Saint. Dost thou see our Sages 
of Sx-irangani, Siriy-acchfln, A. P. Emberumanar and others 
like them ? See, they are small in stature, but very great in 
knowledge and wisdom. So, dost thou now see how contradic- 
tory things like small and great can yet be harmoniously 
combined in one and the same thing ?" The young questioner 
was satisfied. 

The boy was a budding genius, as became evident froiu 
another incident which happened at about this time. There 
was a learned man by name Sarvajfia-bhatta, who was proud 
of his erudition, and had successfnlly carried on a warfare 
of polemics in VS,rana3i and other places ; and who had now 
arrived at Srirangam. To show to all how great a man he 
was, he installed himself in a sedan chair and paraded himself iu 
the streets, with his followers before and behind, proclaiming 
his fame and titles, and announcing that he was the Sarvajiia- 
bhatta, meaning mie who is all-knowing. Bhattar, the boy, was at 
this time playing with the dust in the street. He heard the 
name Sarvajiia dinning in his ears, and he got irate at it. 
" What !" exclaimed he, " while there are such all-knowing 
giants amongst us, as RamSinuja, KArfeSa, DaSarathi, D6var£Lt 
and others, who dare call himself by the proud name Sarvajiia, 
all-knowing ?" So saying he took a handful of dust in his hand, 
and running up to the sedan, in which the Pandit was seated, 
spoke mockingly at him thus :— Halloo, man, stop, and answer 
me this before you step further. If you are all-knowing, as 
you call yourself, tell me what quantity of dust I have ia my 
hand." This sudden and curious interrogation, by a mere boy, 



ckecked the Pandit, and he was bo confounded and confused 
that he could not compass a ready answer " I see," cried the 
'^'^Ji "yon are dumbfouadeJ by the paltry question of a boy. 
Cowld you not say: " you have a handful of dust?' you don't 
deserve the title all-knowing." So saying, the impertinent 
little Ijoy turned to Sarvajfia's attendants and asked them never 
more to exhibit t'aeir poor master pompously in the sti-eets, and 
exhorted them in the sweet words of five, to drop the insignia 
they were carrying, and cease blov/ing the trumpets."' The sur- 
prize of the Pandit at this strange behaviour and talk of a mere 
urcliin, now tui'ned ii^to wonder and admiration. He inquired 
of the by-standers wliose son was this prodigy ? They said: — 
" Sire, he is the sou of KuiSSa, the soul of our Guru RSimSuuja, 
the Poutiil of our Faith." Sarvajfia exclaiming : " The fledge- 
ling surely flies, not creep.';," lovingly lifted the little marvel 
into his sedan, and moved on till the procession approached the 
house of KurfiSa. Pon-nsbycchiystr or Kanak3,mba, the good vrife 
of Dhanurdflisa,' was standing at the door watching. Espying 
the boy Bhatta,rya seated in the sedan with a stl^nge person, 
she ran up, and di-awrng him from the vehicle, covered him 
■with her garment, and rushed with him into the house, mut- 
tering the Bvaya-Mantra, and delivering the precious load 
unto the arms of its mother Andalamma, chided her for having- 
allowed her gem to stray out thus into the streets and expose 
himself to 'evil eyes '; :ind anxiously sprinkled him with R§,mEE- 
nuja's Sri-pdda water," to ward oS evil influences which might 
have injured tlie boy. She also vaguely feared, lest such a 
prodigy as her boy would be allowed to live long on earth !! 

Bhattarya grew older. About eight he was now, and the 
holy-thread ceremony, Tfpanayana, wa.s duly made; and he was 
sent to school to learn the Vedas and oiher subjects. The boy 
attended the first day and learnt some Veda. The second day, 
when he went to school, he found the teacher repeating the 
same lessons as those of the previous day to the boys° He 
therefore left the school and went to play. His parents finding 

• Eead next chapter. 

^ Holy wattr waslied off tlie feet of EamSniija ; water thus oonseorat 
«a 18 <x.nBidorod an autidoto to every. Uiad o£ evil, material or spiritual. 

CH. XXIT. , BnATTA.RT,\. 155 

him thas employed, questioned him as to why he did not attend 
school. "I did attend, father," said he, "but they were read- 
ing the same lessons again, and so I left it." " But did yon 
leai'H the lesson in one day ? " asked KureSa. " Yes," was 
the ready answer. " Then let me hear it," demanded the 
father. The boy repeated his lesson without a flaw, even in 
the difficult intonations of the Vedio syllables, called the uddtta, 
anuddtta and svarita. The precocity of Bhattarya terrified the 
parents, who seriously thought of delaying his education for 
some time. In due course, however, the boy rapidly picked up 
all learning, Kur6Sa and Govinda personally instructing him in 
the artha, and the tatva, Sastras. 

It has already been said that Lord Kanga and His Consort 
Lakshmi were tlie adoptive Father and Mother of Bhattarya. 
As a child and boy, he really looked upon them as such. But 
he had now grown up into youth, and was taught that Ranga 
and Lakshmi should be adored as God and Goddess of the 
cosmos. Well, the youth was once on a visit to the Temple, 
when B.aaga and Lakshmi were having their retired moments 
after all the bustle of the day's worship had subsided. Ranga, 
in feigned anger, bade Bhattarya depart. The youth went a 
few paces, when Ranga ordered him back. He obeyed. And 
Ranga asked him : " when thou didst visit us now, what didst 
thou think us to be.? " " As God and Goddess of the universe. 
Lord," meekly replied Bhattarya. "But," asked Ranga, 
" what didst thou think us to be before this ? " " As my 
Father and Mother," responded he. " Think of us in this 
relation always. That pleases us more than the relationship 
of Gjd and slave." The reader will gather from this that 
God is more in search of men's hearts than their heads. 

Another incident is related about this time. A Smarta 
pandit took it into his head to test Bhattarya. He entered as 
the latter was seated in his house, and after pi-eliminaries asked 
him to explain how a Vaishnava is distinquished from a 
Smarta. BhattSirya did not care to enter into an elaborate 
controversy with his adversary on this question, delicate in 
ius much as it is a bone of contention between the two great 


divisions of Brabmanas in India, tlie Smai-tas (atlvaitins) and 
the Vaishnavas {visisht-cidvaitim) ; bnt siiuply called the ques- 
tioner's attention to the signs of Chaki-a and Sankha inscribed 
on both his arms — a sacrament enjoined by Sastras on all 
Vaishnavas. " I see ", the Pandit said ; " but what authorities, 
master, can you quote from the Sastras, justifying you to 
set to yourself this kind of custom ? " queried be. "Sir, 
replied Bhattarya," I shall not trouble you with all that, for 
when I shall quote one authority, to which we in common 
profess allegiance, you shall go satisfied. Hast thou not learnt 
the first sutra of Apastamba-Dharaia, which says ia^WvIJPT:'T'IW, 
^2Cra^, i.e., the wise practices vj our wise elders are our hesf 
authority ; then come the Vedas ? 3Iy father Kiirfesa observed 
the sacrament in question and therefore I do. Enough ; for do 
you not follow in the footsteps of your eldei-s ? " The Pandit 
was thus silenced and went his way.' 

The young student's course was now finished and it was 
time that a mate should be found for him. As the reader 
knows, Kurfesa had left his kith and kin in the K^nchi land 
and had adopted Srirangam for his country. So, when the 
marriage-question of his boy came up, Kur6sa did not know 
where to bring a girl from. " Hence," appealed he to RamS,- 
nnja : " sire, not only have I no relations of mine in these parts, 
but those others who may willingly offer a girl belong to a lower 
rank in society. Contracting matrimonial alliance therefore 
with them can only be distasteful to us as unworthy of our 
status. What shall we do in this £Lx ? " Such was the great 
social question which Ramanujahad to solve in those days. (We 
know how this same question is still unsolved in our days). 
R&m&nuja said:— "We have our Mahapiirna and his people. We 
must choose from them. As for Siltra, Sakha, Brdhmana and 
Vaishnava, our two clans agree. But they are of the Briha- 
echarana set." This is the only difference, which I think may 

' See ChakrS,nkai!a-vijaya aud other works on this Vaishnava Sacra- 
t. It is like the fire-sacraiuent which obtained among the priini- 

" The Mahapiirnas belong; to this druomination. The Vadamas have 
no consanguinity with them. Marriages now take place between the 
Jihattars and Periya-Xambis. 


tive Christians 


he overlooked. These coDsiderations satisfied t]\cra and tliey 
applied to this clau for a girl But tliey could not give one, said 
they, with impunity, for the hard and fast harriers dividing 
clan from clan for a long time, would not permit it, though 
they would heartily wish for a junction with such a worthy 
clan as that to which Kur6Sa belonged, and considering mor- 
ever the exemplary personal character of KurfiSa himself, 
apart from every other consideration. So here was a stumb- 
ling block though there was willingness on both sides. No 
further steps were taken ; they could not in the face of such 
insuperable sentimental difficulties. But Bhattar was advanc- 
ing' in years, and must be married at once or all thought of it 
must once for all be abandoned His mother Andeblamma vraa 
in a perplexity. She made bold to twit her husband on 
his stolid indifference in such an important affair. " Our 
neighbours are laughing at us, Sire," she finished. But Kurfisa 
told her in a careless way • " Chafe not, old lady ! I am help- 
less in the matter. Knowest thou not that our children belong 
to Lord Banga ? I have resigned them to His care. Let His 
will be done, whatever it be." With these soothing words, he 
left his wife and going to the Temple, laid the case before 
The Lord and returned home. That night, Mahapurna's rela- 
tives had a dream, in which Ranga commanded them to make 
matrimonial alliance with KurSsa without ado. They rose 
aad what they had rejected when proposed by, they now 
voluntarily offered to, Kur6?a. For, two maidens by name 
Akkacchi and Manni were gladly given in marriage to our 
Bhatt&rya. A social question — a very hard one indeed — was 
thus solved in those days ; and our hero of this Chapter was 
thus installed in the order of the householder. 




In the last Chapter, appeared two new charactorB, as our 
readers aie aware. They are KaiiakS.ngarja,' who w.i,s .staadiiig 
at the door of KiirSSa's house, and her husband Dlianurdasa, 
(in Tamil, Pi]lai-Urang£i,-villi-dfl,sar). They became disciples 
of R4manuja. How they became is what shall he narrated in 
this Chapter. 

In Nichulapuri or Modern Uraiyur (near Trichinopoly)' 
dwelt DhanurdsLsa, so called because he was a good athlete and 
archer, belonging to the Malla" caste. To his caste-men, he 
looked as terrible as death. He loved a girl by name Kana- 
kamba, who was very beautiful. So much was he enamoured 
of her that he never left her side for a moment and never took 
his eyes oS her moonlike face. The Chaitra festivities of Lord 
Banga now came round. Kanak^mba was anxious to witness 
them, and so she left Uvaiyur. The lover of course would not 
let her go alone. So he accompanied her, and walking by her 
side, held his coverlet over her head in great solicitude to screen 
her handsome face from the sun's rays. Not a ray should 
even steal in. So eagerly did he watch her face. 

RsimEinuja was returning from his ablutions in the Kaveri 
river, surrounded by his disciples, to join the procession of 
Lord Bauga. As he was coming, his eye fell upon this loving 
pair, and wondering at the intense care the lover was bestow- 
ing upon his beloved, turned to his disciples and said : — " Sons, 
look at this curious spectacle. Here is a despicable specimen 
of humanity who is the slave of a woman ! Shameless, in 
the public streets, see, he pays such attentions to a courtesan ! 
Man may be blind with love for a girl ; but he generally keeps 
it all a secret ; but here it is a bold outrage on public decency. 
It is interesting to me however to see how love can be blind. 

' Or Kauakamba, the Tamil uame being Pon-nS,yoohi3'4r. 
= See St. Tiruppaiiazlivar iu own Lives of Azlivars. 
" A nii.\ed tribe (wrestlers), by an out-casto Kshatriya on a Kthji- 
triya woman. 


Let me try to turn this man's love from the gii-1 to Lord Elanga.'' 
So saying, he sot a few disciples to shadow the pair and find 
where *hey lived ; and return with news. On his disciples 
Lringing liim the necessary intelligence, R&manuja sent for 
DhanurdSisa, and looking on him most graciously, asked who he 
was and what brought him to Srirangam. The looks of Bslinai- 
nuja, filled with kindness, acted on him like a spell ; for Dlianur- 
dsisa made obeisance and explained that his residence was IJrai- 
yur, where he was a renowned gymnast, and that he came to 
Srirangam on a holy visit to Ranga. " But," said RstraEinnja, 
" wilt thou allow me, son, to chide thee for thy open violation 
of public morality ? Thou sayest thou art a powerful gymnast ; 
but how is this consistent with thy open love-makings to a girl, 
shamelessly ? A sense of shame stole on Dhanurdftsa at this 
Avell-meant rebuke, but he replied : " Holy Sire, how can I help 
it ? She is so lovely, this dear KanakEbmba. Her eyes are more 
beautiful than the lotus. My heart and those eyes are one. The 
least exposure to the sun, how can those charming eyes bear ? 
Did they fade, my heart would burst. This is the truth, O 
Saint; now tell me if I am wrong." R^m^nuja listened to this 
guileless speech, in silence, and looking on Dhanurdasa with 
pity, said : — " But, son, if I could show you better eyes than 
those ? " — " Ah, Sire," interrupted Dhanurdasa, " if so, it 
were a great gain to me ; and that by your favour." "Come 
then at once " ; so saying, Rsbmanuja led him in to the Temple, 
and showing him Ranga's Figure, recumbent on His couch, 
S^sha, " look at those bewitching eyes," said he, catching hold 
of his hand, "they are the eyes of Ranga, Lord Ranga, 
the Fatber of this universe ; look steadily and study their 
beauty." Dhanurdasa did so, and he saw something there 
extraordinary, divine, and he found he could neither stir 
from the spot where he stood, nor move his eyes from the 
Vision before him. He was completely hypnotized as it were. 
" God's grace has descended on this person," murmured 
Relmanuja to himself, as he watched and left for his 
monastery Dhanurdasa gave up food and sleep from that day 
and was daily found in the temple, looking on Ranga with 
straining eyes. Ramanuja, now sent for him and asked him 


haw he felt. He said. "Master! how can I be grateful 
enough to you for the bliss into which you have deigned 
to steep a wretch like myself. Make me thy slave and 
complete the work of salvation you have, unasked, taken 
into your hands." Rftmann-ja smiled and conferring on him 
the sacramental Pancha-samsMra, took him into his flock. 
Kanakamba came to know of all this, and a wish rose in her 
mind to become herself a disciple. So she sped to Kamanuja, 
and repentantly implored him to take her also into his Vaish- 
nava fold. Ramanuja, overcome by her solicitations, did so, 
and joining her with her lover, — now as wife to husband,— 
blessed them both, and allowed them to work in his math as 
his most dutiful servants. It is chronicled that the wife 
even excelled her husband, in wisdom and all other spiritual 
prefections, by the wonderful grace shed by the Holy Feet of 
RS,maauja. Like Hanuman, who did every service to Rama 
was this pair to Ramanuja. 

Dhanurdasa had so far been metamorphosed, that he 
became the greatest favourite of Ramanuja ; so rare too was his 
piety, that though he belonged to a lower caste, he had privi- 
liges conferred upon him. For often, Ramanuja was found 
returning from his river-bath leaning on the shoulders of Dha- 
nurd&sa ; though when he went to the bath he lean on DAsarathi, 
a A Brahm&na is unclean before bath, and clean 
after it; and thus Dhauurddisa as a SAdra, and Dasarathi as a 
Brdihm^ua must have changed places. But RS.m^unja had it 
the other way, as told above, which much exercised the minds 
of his Br8.hmana disciples. They once made bold to ask him 
for an explanation, which he condescended to tender thus : — 
" O VaishnavfiiS, have ye not heard that learning, riches and 
high -birth swell a fool with pride, but adorn a wiseman ?,* 
This Media is utterly destitute of this threefold vice, but ye are 
not. Hence he is fit enough to be touched by me and to prop 
on". On hearing this, the disciples bent their heads in shame, 
and dared make no protest ; but all the same, malice rankled in 

CH. XXV. brXeimana and SUDRA. 161- 

their breasts against Dlianurdasa, that he a Sirdra should stand 
so high in their master's estimation, their own prestige 
as BrSihnianas being jeopardized thereby. Ramsbnuja was 
aware of this and wished to care his disciples 
of the disease, which in his opinion was spiritually fatal. 
To convince them of their error, he resorted to a device. He 
called one of liis intimate disciples privately, and ordered 
him to secrete all the clothes of the objectors, at night when . 
they were asleep — clothes which it is our custom daily to 
wash and hang up to dry. The order was duly cai-ried out. 
The disciples rose in the morning, and finding their clothes 
were missing, fell foul of each other and made a great hub- 
bub. ReiimElnuja was witnessing all this fracas, unseemly to a 
Brahmana in his opinion ; and smiled. To put a stop to fur- 
ther disturbance, he called them all to order, and putting on 
the mien of a judge, listened to their complaint, and condoning 
them for thei.: loss, advised them to be reconciled to each other, 
and wait for better luck whenever it might please Providence 
to send it them. He let some time pass thus, and one night, lie 
called Dhanurdsisa to his side, and was engaged in conversation 
with bim alone for some time. He now called the aggrieved 
parties, and in the hearing of Dhanurdlsa, spoke to them thus : 
" Sons, I remember well your grief and strife at the loss of 
your clothes some time ago. I will now tell you something 
which will fetch. you much profit. Indeed it will very much 
more than compensate for your loss. See, Dhanurdasa is with 
me. I will keep him here engaged. You will proceed to his 
house unobserved. As it is very late in the night, you will 
find his wife Kanakamba drowned in sleep. She has a lot of 
precious jewels about her person. Go and clsverly strip her of 
them all and come away." Taking these orders, the Brah- 
manas stole to Dhanurdasa's house like thieves. They effected 
entrance, and to their joy found KanakEimba. fast asleep on her 
bed, decked out in all her splendid finery. They appi-oached 
her softly, and deftly stripped her of all her jewels on one side, 
as she lay sideways. As they were doing it, she awoke, but 
just opening her eyes a little, closed them again, lest they 
might flee away in fright. Nor did she move a limb, lest they 
might be disturbed in the middle of their work. For she saw 



they wdre Vaishnavas, for whom she had notliing but love 
and reverence. She was g\ad they were taking away but their 
own property ; for wliatevcr effects she owned in this world 
were not really hers but entrusted to her for their sake. This is 
how property is to be spiritnally viewed ; and wo have al- 
ready said that in spiritual perfections, Kanakamba excelled 
even her husband. Well, she lay thus quiet till every one of the 
jewels was removed iroin one side. She was now anxious that 
the Vaishnavas should complete their work, and not go away 
with only half work done. She therefore gently rolled over 
to lier other side, as if in sleep. This movement however 
created fright and put the thieves to flight. They returned. 
E.d.m^nuja seeing them back, gave leave toDhanurdasa now to go 
home, as it was unusually late. As soon as he went a few 
steps, Rftmanuja called the robber-disciples, and taking from 
them the jewels, bid them dog the footsteps of Dhauurdasa in 
the dark, unobserved by him, and watch all that might take 
place in his house and report the same to him correctly. They 
did so. In the house, Kanak^mbS, was expecting her husband 
back from his rather long absence that night, and when she 
heard bis footsteps, she rose and washed his feet and welcomed 
him home. He looked at her, but she looked very strange witb 
one side of her bare and the other side only decked with orna- 
ments. " What is this, lady ? " he cried, taken aback. " Noth- 
ing wrong. Lord," said she soothingly, " I will explain all and 
you will be pleased. The Br£lhmd.nas, who you know are our 
Gurus, came here, and I was lying as if asleep. Tliey laid 
hands on me and took all the jewels on my rio-ht side. Our 
effects are theirs. Sire, as you know. So to let them have 
all, I quietly turned round on to my left side. With all mj' 
care in doing so, — to make them believe I was fast in the arms 
of sleep — it gave them alarm, and they, to my great regret, 
ran away." On hearing this, Dhanurdisa flew at her in rage, 
saying:— " Foolish woman! thou jhast spoiled the work. It 
was thy duty to have lain quite motionless. If thy jewels 
were theirs, theirs also was the liberty to take them in their own 
way. But instead of letting them exercise that liberty, thou 
didst dare exercise it in allowing thyself to move just when they 
h»d done half their work. They would probably have turned 


thee round, thou been perfectly still. Well, thou hast 
spoilt it all. At any rate, half thy jewels have been well 
invested ; the other half is vanity." Thus half consoled as it 
were, he went to sleep, with his thoughts fixed on the Holy 
Feet of Ramanuja. 

The Vaishnava Brjbhmanas who were outside, eavesdrop- 
ping, heard all this conversation and hurrying back to Rama- 
nuja, gave liini a full report of it. RaniElnuja on receiving it 
addressed them thus : — " wiseacres, do you now see ? Some 
fellows, fools very likely, made away with your clothes some 
time back. But on that trifling account, you fell to quarrel- 
ing and, calling each other names, made sucli an inglorious 
uproar. But here is, whose mind was not in the 
least disturbed, albeit lie lost so many valuable jewels. Please 
tell me, sirs, whose wisdom is great, yours or his F Know 
then that caste is of no importance. It is virtue that is most 
prized." Thus did Ramanuja sermon to the disciples who bore 
a grudge against DhanurdEisa. They were crest-fallen and 
spoke not. 

The night was spent thus. The next morning, he sent for 
DhanurdElsa, and drew from him an account of all the incidents 
which took place in his house, and restoi-ing to him his jewels, 
blessed him. Dhanurdasa never refused what was given him, 
for, if he did so, it -would be like opposing his Guru which, 
behoves not a true disciple. Unquestioning obedience to the 
spiritual preceptor is one of the most important canons laid 
down by Vaishnavism. And this, the hero of this chapter 
observed to the very letter. It is recorded that DhanurdAsa's 
regenerate life was full of such incidents. One such interesting 
event is recounted by Periya-v-acchanpillai in his commentary 
on St. Namniazhvsir's Tiruviruttam, v : 99 : " Inacchol ". 
Kuresa read Tiruvaymozhi, and Dhanurdasa, who heard it, 
melted into tears. Observing this passionate ebullition of 
feeling, Kur6sa exclaimed: " Fie on us, beloved Dhanurdasa! 
We are known to fame as very clever dialectic gymnasts over 
knotty questions of philosophy and all that sort ; but none of 
us can claim the privilege of thy birth which brings to thee 
a love-lorn heart, which we so hardly struggle to possess." It 



is related again in the 36,000 commentaiy on Tii-uvaymozbi 
(VII -4-1 " Azhi)" that Dhanurdasa was called '■ Mahamati " 
by the worthies of Srirangam, inasmucli as his love for Ran- 
ganatha was so intense that whenever, the Lord was taken in 
processions in the streets, ' Mahamati ' walked in front with 
his sword drawn, so that he may cut any who dared to do any 
act, in the least offensive to the Deity. Viduiu of the Maha- 
bharata fame was called Mahsbmati, inasmuch as his love for 
Krishna made him to examine the seat, which he had himself 
prepared for him in his own house, lest he might have unwitt- 
in<>-ly allowed any danger to lurk in there. ilaha.mati literally 
means wiser than wisdom, this expression having the force of 
wisdom blinded by love for God. Dhanurdasa also was thus so 
wise, /. e., so love-blind as to fear danger for one (God), who 
is above all dangers. 

Kanakamba, the wife of Dhanurd&sa, proved to be an 
exemplary devotee of Bamanuja, for she looked upon him as 
the Saviour. It is related that a number of disciples approa- 
ched the lady one day and expressed to her their doubts as to 
whom they should look upon as their true saviour, for it was 
in their experience that many professed themselves as saviours, 
and they also severally owed to more than one preceptor the 
spiritual knowledge which they had received and the good- 
conduct which they had adopted in their life ; and it was thus 
evident that if Rflim§.nuja was to be looked upon as saviour, 
there were others as well to whom a measure of this qualifica- 
tion was ascribable. Kanakamba on hearing this, simply 
flourished her locks and gathering them together inio a knot, 
tied it up with a red thread, and kept silent. The disciples 
understood what she meant to convey by this behaviour. The 
numerous black hairs signified many teachers but the saviour 
was Ramanuja alone, represented by the red thread, — RamElnuja 
who crowned them all and bound them all together into his 
representative self ; in other words united into his unique 
person, all the functions of minor teachers who went before 
and came after him. The disciples wondei-ed at her steadfast- 
ness and fidelity to Ramslnuja, and went away congratulating 
her on her spiritual eminence. 

en. XXVI. dAsabathi. 165 



SucU were the additions tliat were being daily made to 
RamS,nuja's holy hand. 

We have seen in a previous chapter that Mudali-y-andan 
or DaSarathi was Ramanuja's sister's son. A few particulars 
about this sage are related at this juncture. We have seen in 
the last chapter that when Ramanuja went to the river Kaveri 
for his daily bath, he would lean on DaSarathi for support, 
and when returning' from the bath he would lean on Dhanur- 
dasa. One day RfLmanuja was asked why, when he donned the 
robes of the Sannyasin (ascetic), he did not give up Dsisarathi, 
inasmuch as that order demanded that all kith and kin should 
be renounced. Ramstnuja said that DaSarathi was an excep- 
tion to this rule, for he was to him as valuable as his triple- 
staff (tridanda). When he went to K6ttiyur to receive instruc- 
tions from G6shthi-Purna, he had told the latter the same 
thing. " So, gentle-folk," said he to the questioners, " if it is 
possible for me, an ascetic, to give up my staff, only then can 
DaSarathi leave me. He, though a bodily relation, is yet a kin 
to my .soul." 

Ramanuja was once teaching DaSarathi Tiru-vdy-mozhi, in 
all his leisure moments. One day, as he was teaching it from 
his couch, DaSarathi was so overcome by the sentiments of love 
to God contained therein, that he stopped repeating the verses 
with Ramanuja as is usually done. Ram^-nuja saw this and 
was glad to see Dasarthi so sensitive to devout emotions, 
such as characterize real mystics. " Son," he said, "it is no 
wonder our love-saints so move your heart. For the Vedas 
themselves have been given out to the world in the shape of 
the Dravida-Prabaudhas, even as ' the Vedas themselves are 
said to have incarnated as Ramstyana, when the Lord of the 
Vedas himself incarnated on earth as RAma ' " '. 


Thus were niauy daj's spent in useful occupation, and in 
thinking out projects for the amelioration of the woi-ld. One 
day, Attuzhav, the daughter of IMahilpurna, left her niother- 
in-laws's house to her father'^. " What is the matter, daugh- 
ter ?," he asiced lier. "Father," she complained, "you know 
we women have to goto the river to bathe, after our monthlies. 
I asked my mother-in-law to accompany me, girl as I am and 
having to go alone. But she chose to be ill-tempered and 
further taunted me by saying : ' Tour pai'ents have indeed 
sent so many .servant girls as a part of your trous.seau {str'ul- 
Jiana) ; why not take one of tliem with you instead of asking 
me ' ! I felt this jeer so kneely that I have come to you." 
" I do not know anything of these matters, poor girl ! " said 
he coaxingly, " go and inform .Ram4nuja, who is our Head." 
So Attuzhay hastened to RclmS,nuja and laid her grievance 
before him. •' Oh, I see your motlier-in-liiw wants a servant 
for thee at her house," said RAm&nuja, " here is one, take 
him." So saying, he called Dasarathi and bid him accom- 
pany the young lady, and work under her orders, consider- 
ing himself as part of her stridliana. DS,Sarathi immedi- 
ately obeyed, and following the young lady to the river 
where she bathed, worked in her house like a slave. The sud- 
den advent of DaSarathi, and that for purposes of menial ser- 
vice, excited the curiosity of the members of the household, 
for they knew him as a venerable person attached to Ra,ma- 
nuja, and for whom they had devout regards. So, they 
asked him to say what made him leave REimanuja and come 
to their house unasked, and that for gratuitous service ? 
" Friends," he said, " I am not master of myself, nor can I 
judge why my Master Ramanuja wishes me to serve in your 
household. He bid me go with this maiden and be at her 
service. I have done so. For reasons and motives, if you are 
particular, I refer you to our Ramanuja." They all ran 
to the monastery and humbly falling at the feet of Ram&nuja, 
besought him to say why such a high personage as DaSarathi 
was directed to go to their humble dwelling for drudgery. They 
submitted further that this measure impei-illed the safety of 
their souls inasmuch as they were put to the necessity of using a 


saint as a slave. " Wc are already sinners, Sire," pleaded they, 
" pray let not this addition be made." Raraannja simply an- 
swered :" Good men, we sent our DaSaratlii as a part of our 
bride's outfit, for the little Attuzh^y is my guru's daugliter, 
and therefore our daughter. If you are not willing to accept 
what, in duty bound, we have sent, you are welcome ti return 
it." They returned home and bsgged Da,?arathi to kindly 
return to Ramanuia. 

At tliis time another momentous question turned up. One 
of Yftmuna's disciples was Mai-aii6ri-Nambi of Mjlranfiri, of the 
PtLndya country. He was a Siidra i. e., a member of the 
fourth caste of tlie Hindu social system. He lived with 
MabsLpurna, who was a disciple himself of Tfl.mnna, and a 
BrS/limana. Maranfiri being a beloved disciple of Yamuna, 
Mahsbpuuna had great regards for his master's man. MS,ran6ri 
fell sick. He prayed to Maliapiirna thus : — " Sire, though my 
body is of the Sudra, it is one which by service to my ma.ster 
Tamuna, is sacred. It is goinfi to die now. Pray cast it not 
to dogs. Who will throw to dogs the oblations (purodasa) set 
apart for Devas ? My body :belongeth to Yamuna." Piirna 
quieted him by saying that he need have no anxiety on that 
account ; tliat all would go well. Witli this assurance, Mara- 
neri breathed bis last, and Piirna cremated him — instead of 
burying, which is the custom for the Sudras— and had the 
Brahmaniedha rites performed, which is only ordained for the 

Ramanuja, — Purna's disciple,— came to know this. Though 
he was himself a reformer, yet, in his opinion, time was 
not yet ripe for extending all Br&hmanic privileges to Sudras. 
They must be gradually raised, first in spirit, i. e., in prin- 
ciples and customs and morals, and then only such social 
privileges granted, as may not outrage at once the com- 
munal sense of the composite body of the Aryans. Rama- 
nuja was doing this work cautiously, even so having to 
face much obloquy from the higher caste-men. While so, for have extended the liighest privileges of a Br^h- 
roana, viz., the Brahma-Medha obsequies, io a Sudra, however 


high he may be spiritually, was a shock to the communal feel- 
ing which it was not expedient to deliver. RaingLnuja going to 
MahElpurna, and making due obeisance, argued with him in 
this manner and finished by saying : " Sire, I am huilding a 
system, but you are pulling it down." To wliich, Purna an- 
swered thus : — " Ramanuja, I admit the force of your objections. 
But I am for radical reforms, not half -measures, and then, we 
ought to have a margin for signal exceptions like Maraneri. 
Besides, have I not precedents to justify my present act ? Am 
I superior to Rama, the Hero of the Ikshv&ku race, ? Is 
M&ran6ri infei'ior t,o the Bird Jat4yn, for whom Rama perfor- 
med tlie Brahmamedha ? ^ Am I greater than Dharma-putra ? 
and is Mfl.ran6ri lower than Vidura, to whom the same Sams- 
kara was administered ? And are the truths uttered by 
St. Nammflizhv^r, in his Tiruvaymozhi : " Payilnm " [iii-7] 
and " Nedumftil " [viii-10], descanting on the greatness of godly 
men, irrespective of caste and color, mei-e .senseless babble?." 
On hearing this, Rlmd.nuja was silent. " But in my turn • 
1 have to propose to you one question," began Pilrna " and 
that is this. How is it that I found Maranferi, uttering neither : 
'Ranga is myrefuge,' nor 'TS.muna is my i-efuge,' when he died? 
You know this is what is enjoined on all the Faithful at time 
of death," R&m§,nuja said : " Such an omission is no ground of 
accusation against him. For I know he had abandoned himself 
entirely at that moment \a God, trusting Him in His promise 
that : ' at the time of death, it is not for the dyinw nian to 
remember or say anything, but for God to remember the dyinw 
man and do the needful.' ^ " But " retorted Purna, " this 
is a Pi'omise made by Varaha, when he when he was con- 
sumed with love for His Consort Bhu. How can such a 
Madman's Word be depended upon ? Rftmanuja answered : 
" Know you not, Sire, that our salvation is sure when our 

■ Bamayana, 111-66.— 

" Libations of the stream they ponrcd 
In honor of the vnlture lord, 
V/ith solemn ritual to the slain, 
As scripture's holy texts ordain." 

^ [Vardha Pur&na] 


Father and Mother are ever together .?"' Purna was pleased 
with this apt and iutcliigent answer. 

At this time happened another incident. Sri Ramanuja 
was one day observed leading a poor dumb man witli liim and 
shatting him.self up with him in the monastery in a private 
chamber. Kflr§Sa was wat-cliing this unusual conduct <m the 
part of the high pontiff; and looking through a chink in the 
clewed door, observed Ram-amijii, showing rhe dumb man hy 
means of sign.s, his own holy feet, and making liini under.stand 
thereby that their contemplation would be the sole moans of 
his salvation, KurSsa, on seeing this supreme act of grace, 
soliloquized to himself thus: "Alas that I have been born 
Kur6sa, a man of learning and wisdom ; I had fain been born 
dumb and boorish to have de.«:orvod such pi'ocious free grace as 
this man ! " It is said, that Kurfisa .=iwooned away under the 
weight of this reflection. 

About this time, Ramanuja 'undertook a journey toT. Kot- 
tiyiir on a visit to his Acliarya Qoshthi Purna. He was found 
seated in a high loft in his absorbed in contemplation. 
R£Lm4naja waited for an opportunity and submissively asked 
what it was he so intently dwelt on ; in other woBds what was 
the mantra he muttered to himself and the dhydna or object of 
his thought. Purna said : — " Noble son, my only mantra is 
the Holy Name of Tfi.muna and my only dhydna is his blessed 
iigure (vigraha) which fascinated me as I studied it when he 
was bathing in the holy Kaveri waters . "The Guru's Holy 
Name is our hymn and his image the object of our loving con- 
temj)lation " " as saj- the Sastras. Ramauuja prostrated him- 
self before his Guru and returned to Siirangam. 

' " 'When the son is ever with the Father," as » Chri.stian would say. 




It is written : " When the gracious eyes of a good Guru 
fall on a person, his salvasion is sure, be he dumb or deaf, fool 
or wise, old or young." " Rftniftnuja was .showering his graces on 
all in this way ; and was holding hie Vedanta-discourses in 
splendid style with a splendid array of disciples, headed by such 
illustrious personage.s as KurSsa, Dftsarathi and Devarafc. The 
Chola-king, for the time being, happened to be a most bigoted 
Saiva. He was bent upon destroying Vishnu temples, and 
otherwise prosecuting Vaishnavas, though his son (Vikrama 
Ohola. 1113 — 1128 A.C), wisely hinted that he had set to him- 
self an impossible task, inasmuch as he could never destroy 
the two strong props of the Vaishnavas, the Ttrucdyinozhi of 
St. Nammazhvftr and Edmdyana of V4Imiki. The Saiva system 
is anti-Vedic, and Vaishnavas condemn it as un-Aryan and 
erroneous. The king, then resident at Chidambaram (or Gan- 
gaikonda Cholapuram) was so bigotted an adherent of this sys- 
tem that he adopted coercive measures to bring men of all 
other faiths into its fold. For this purpose, he had a procla- 
mation issued in which was wi-itten : " There is no (God) 
greater than Siva ;" ' and every one, especially every learned 
man, was commanded to affix his signature to the docunient in 
proof of his assent to this proposition. Many obeyed either for 
fear of being punished, in case of refusal ; or on grounds of con- 
science, or enticed by hopes of rewards of land and money from 
the king ; and others deserted the country and hid themselves. 
Nftlurftn, a disciple of KurSsa, happened to be the king's minis- 
ter. " What is the use, your Majesty !" said he " of yonr obtain- 
ing signatures fi-om all men indiscriminately. No good purpose 
is served thereby. If you can obtain the signature of the two 
veterans of the Vaishnava faith, KurSsa and Ram&nuja, living 
in Srirangam, that will be a capital stroke of policy, and your 
declaration about Siva's pre-eminency will only then have 

CH. xxvrr. ramAndja's anxiety. 171 

received irrefutable testimony." Chola immediately directed 
messengers to go to Srirangam and bring Ea,m-a.uuja. They 
arrived and standing- before the gate of the monastery, declared 
their errand, and said that Riimanuja must go with them to- 
tiie King's Court forthwith. The door-keepers rushed inside' 
and whispered the news softly to Kur§3a, • who was then 
engaged in serving- bath-water to Eamanuja. Kftr^sa foresaw 
the dangers of persecution that threatened ; and without tell- 
ing R§,m5,nuja what he meant doing, he donned the colored 
robes of RSimanuja, and taking up his tridanda, emerged from 
the monastery ; and saying : " I am Rsbmanuja, proceed," to the 
King's men, stepped on. M§,h4purna, observing this, followed 
Kurfisa on this ominous expedition. 

RS,manuja, coming from his bath, called for his colored robe 
and staff, but Dasarathi told him that Kui-fisa had worn them 
and departed with the King's messengers, who had come for 
EamS,nuja, in order to compel them to sign a declaration- 
paper maintaining Siva's superiority over all other gods. On 
hearing this, Ramanuja exclaimed in sore distress of heart 
thus : — " Oh, what will become of KurSsa and Mah&pui-na, in this 
war of bigotry ! Pray let me wear the white garments of Kui-63a, 
that I may not be discovered by that heretic-chief's myrmi- 
dons !" " You must not. Holy Sire, even remain in this spot," 
sabmitted DaSarathi in fear, " lest harm should come to your 
valuable life." R§,m§inuja'B fears were further aroused, but he 
knew not how he should act in such an emergency ; and so he 
hurried to his Chapel — Deity Varada, and made supplication to 
him meltingly to ward off the evil which threatened to engulf 
them all and to obliterate, by one stroke, all the good work that 
had for years been so patiently done. And in giving vent to his 
feelings, be prayed in the fashion of St. Bhaktanghri-Renu ' 
thus : — 

"If the luckless Buddhas, Jains and those, 
That follow Rudra's feet, in poignant words, 

• Read Topic 146 Pp. 161 ff. in our "Divine Wisdom of Dravida 

' Be<ad his life in our Live? cf Azhvdrs. The verse is the 8th in hie 
TiruinS.lai : — " Verupjjodu Samavar, Src" 

J72'. i^Ama.vuja priJPCED. en. xxvu. 

Do hateful talk of Thee, 0, Lord I Thy slaves, 
AVith angnish keen |nerced, sure sickening die. 
Hence Tliou, that .swellest. Rana-iiT^i hviic, priiy list^ 
If chance e'er throws atbwsrt rnv fai-ious patli, 
Such God-denyinp souls, but righteous wor-k I wct'ii, 
I then antl there their head.s lay low." 

" Good God," •• said lie " the Ghola king is very powerful just 
Tiow. I leave to Thee how and when thou wilt do away with 
him. I will now leave this country : and elsewhere, I will, if 
necessary, resort to measures which will liasten this tyrant's 
destruction." So saying, he looked nortliward in the direction 
of Melkote,' and taking his disciples with him, left Srirangam 
with a heavy heart. In the meanwhile, Chola's men coming 
to know that It was not the real BAminuja who was trapped, 
came in pursuit. B3' this time Ramanuja was crossing a 
broad sandy river ; and sighted the pursuers. " What shall 
we do P " he cried, addressing his disciples, " let us take hand- 
fals of sand and with this maatra ' repeated over it, throw 
them in their path as we proceed ; and leave the rest to God."" 
They all did as he said. When the royal emiasaries trod oa 
the enchanted sand, their feet stuck, and their pursuit was thua- 
checked, " Ab, these BrAhmanas have used magic against 
us " exclaimed they, and beat back in confusion. Ramfmuja 
proceeded now on his way v.-ith Lord Banga for his help. 

They threaded their way through ti-aekless wilds and 
before they arrived at the. base of the Nilagiri Hills, RamSjiufa 
sind his disciples missed each other in tlie wilderness. They 
were wandering in search of each other, when one disciple met 
a few forest men busy ploughing land. These happened to be 
the disciples of Tirumalai Nalian Chakravarti,— an old disciple, 
of Ritmanuja. Meeting a Srivaishnava, they naturally felt 
thom.selves attached to him; and accosting him asked;— 
" Sire, whence art thou coming ?" " From Srirangam, good folk," 

'Or Srl-NarSyaria-puram, on .a hill,. 30 miles north of the city o£ 

»The 4th verso: " Kadul-huUht^u" of Pcrivdzhvfir'a Tmmsjf.; 


he replied. " There, is onv Eamaauja doing well ? Is all going 
on well with our blessed Lord Ranga ?" asked they. " Good folk, 
where is God ? 'What do we care for His blessed state ? Know 
that our Master Raman uja had to desert Sriraugam on account 
of Chola's persecutions, and we know not whither he has 
strayed away in this wilderness ", replied they in grief. On 
hearing thi.«!, the men ceased their work in the fields, and for 
six days searched for Ram3.nuja without food and water. On the 
sixth night, in the gloom, they heard men's voices. They were 
sure the voices were like the voices of Brahmanas. They 
listened. Rfl,mfi,nuja's party also had sighted a fire which the 
seai'ching party had lit on a field to warm themselves. For it 
was a dark night, rainy and chilly. Ramanuja had reached 
the foot of a hill and his other disciples had joined him. They 
were all wet and hungry and shivering with cold. And Ramsl- 
nuja, after descrying the light, was asking his disciples tot 
carry him thither. The search-party guessed already they 
must bo the objects of their search ; but of course were riot 
sure ; and so, as soon as they heard their conversation, cried 
out : — " Hither, sirs, come hither, we shall show you the way." 
They joined one another. The guests were led to the blazing, 
fire and warmed ; dry clothes were provided and every service 
was gladly rendered to make them comfortable. And then they 
inquired : " Whence are you all coming, sirs ?" " From Sri- 
rangam," they said. " What is our Ramajiuja doing there ?" 
they queried. Ra,mauuja kept silent, but his disciples asked ; — 
" How do ye, good men, know Eamsinuja ?" " Sirs," they said, 
'• our guru is Nallftn Chakravarti. ' The last advice he left 
with us was that R&mS,nuja should be cherished in our hearts 
as the Grand Guru ; and that His holy feet alone were our Way 
to salvation. Thus we know Ramfinuja." " Then here he is." 
So saying, they pointed out Ramanuja amongst them. On this 

^ This- was the personage who performed oreination to. a Chandila's. 
dead body which came floating down the Vaigai river near K4nchi, inas- 
much as the body bore the marks of Discus and Conch, the Bymbofs 
of Tishnu. The townsfolk resented this, but Lord Varada said. — 
' ibinl®s^uQuiT60&iirm, isu>iQis&ieiiirair,^ i.e., "He ia bad to you^ 
tut good to me."' 



discovery, they fell on their faces and clinging fondly to his feet, 
wept for joy. They then hi-oughfc grain and honey in abund- 
ance ; and new pots, in which to fry the former, pound it into 
powder, and mix with honey and eat it. Ramanuja and his 
men gratefully partook of the same, after having been greatly 
exhausted by journeys and elemental inclemencies ; nnd retired 
for a long-wished-for rest. 

The next morning, they were all up and prepared to 
continue their journey northwards towards the hills and 
beyond. One of the forest-men and one disciple ' were 
chosen to carry tidings to Srlrangam and inquire how it fai-ed 
with KurSaa ; and the rest— forty-five disciples, it is written— 
journeyed noi-thward, guided by the forest-men. They perform- 
ed about six days' journey and i-eached a certain fastness in 
the heart of the Nilagiri Hill range, where the chief of the 
forest-men lived. The chief was gone out hunting. The guides 
conducted their holy party however to his house, where they 
were introduced to the chief's wife, whom, as their high mis- 
tress, they addressed thus : — " Madam, these holy men are our 
Gurus ; we commend them to your care. Pray attend to all 
their wants, and whatever it may cost, debit it to us and write 
off the same in the accounts against wages due to us by your 
master." Thus entrusting their holy burden to good hands, 
they departed. The chief now returned from his hunting, and 
was told all. " How can we eat, while these good men are 
hungry," he said, and despatched his men to conduct them to 
a neighbouring village, to the house of a Br&hmana, named 
Kattalai-v&ri, sending an abundance of provisions to entertain 
them with, without the least delay. The messengers saw this 
done and returned and reported the same to their chief. 

The wife of Kattalai-vari was the reputed Kongil-piratti 
or Chel^iichal&mba '. She prostrated herself before them 
and asked whether she might not cook for them. They replied 
in the negative. " To whose feet, sirs, do ye belong ?" she 

' This is said to be Maruti-y-^nddu. Another, Ammangi-amm^l, is 
said to have also accompanied them. 

' For brevity, we shall call her Kovgil, 


inquired. " R§,ma,nuja," they replied. " Doubt not, sirs, I 
also belong to liim," rejoined she. " Strange, pray give an 
account how that came about," asked, the guests. ."Sirs," 
she began, " once rains failed, and famine was on the land. We 
therefore left our native land and went to Srirangam ; where 
myself and my husband engaged a house, living on the second 
floor thereof. I was daily watching Rstmanuja emerging into 
the streets, after his morning's duties in the temple were ful- 
filled, for the sake of entering seven houses to collect his daily 
alms. As his holiness strolled in the streets like a very god on 
earth, many people fell at his feet ; among the number I parti- 
cularly observed Akalankanatt-azhv4,n, the husband of Tripurab- 
d6vi. One day, Eam9,nuja entered my poor house. Observing 
it, I ran down the stairs and stood behind a door, attentive. 
" Good dame, " what is in thy mind," he asked me^ and I 
humbly said: — "Holy Sire, thou comest a-begging to poor 
peoples' houses, whilst I see kings fall at thy feet in the 
streets. Please solve this mystery for me." He said : — " Dear 
daughter, I tell these men bits of news about God ; and they be- 
come attached to my person. And it is my duty to go to poor 
houses, and go anywhere where there may be people who wish 
to hear good tidings of God." Then, Holy Father," said I. 
" may I not be the recipient of a little of it ?" " Surely," said 
he, " and he told me what was good for me and took his depar- 
ture. Now rains fell, and famine had left our land, and we 
resolved to join our native country; but I had forgotten 
the good advice given to me by Ramanuja. I was troubl- 
ed and did not know what to do. As I was pensive how- 
ever, RS,m§-nuja suddenly dropped into our poor house 
again. I ran down the stairs to meet him and excusing 
myself for my bad memory, begged of him to tell the 
tidings of God once more to me, as I was about to leave Sri- 
rangam for my native village . Looking upon me graciously, 
he impressed upon me once more the Dvaya-mantra, along 
with the Holy Names of all the Apostles of our faith, God 
downwards and ending with himself. He was leaving me ; but 
I entreated him to stay a while and bestow on me something 
which I might carry in remembrance and which 1 might 


worship as my saviour. And he was so kind as to grant me his 
holy sandals. And then myself and my husband returned 
honie with this blessed gift- Never since have I liad the joj- 
of seeing RamSiUuja again. It is many years ago now.'' Rania- 
nuja heard all this, but he was half in cognito, wearing the 
white garments of KArfiSa and many daj'S had gone past, so 
that Kongil had not recognised him yet. Learning, as he did, 
the account given, he gave her permission to cook and com- 
manded a disciple of his to watch her performances. She left and 
her procedure was thus : — By repeating : ' Blessed be Rania- 
nuja,' she sprinkled her head with water .so consecrated. She 
washed the whole house with cowdung and water, took fresh 
pots, and wearing a clean washed cloth, cooked meaLs, all the 
time mutturing the holy prabandha, and after placing the viands 
in clean baskets, entered into her chapel. Hei-e she placed 
RS.mEi.nuja's sandals on a raised dais, and repeating ; " Rama- 
nuja's Holy Feet are my sole refuge," ofEeied the viands she 
carried, and returning to the guests, begged them to wash 
their feet and get ready to discuss the meals before it became 
cold. The disciple, told out to watch her, was now called aside 
by RSimanuja to give an account and he recounted exactly all 
that she did, but he said : — " It was dark in the chapel. There 
were two black objects, which looked long, which she worship- 
ped and to which she offered food." " Danghter," called her 
RSimanuja, " please let us see what you worshipped in the dark." 
She brought them and said :— " Holy Sire, these are the sandals 
of my Rdimdinuja, which he gave to me at Srirangam. I daily 
worship them and eat only after offering food to them. And 
this day I did the same. Nothing more." Ramanuia mea- 
sured them with his feet, and said :—" Carious enough, they 
suit me ; but come here, daughter." She appi-oached and he 
whispered into her ears thus : — " Daughter, know that these 
disciples of mine are very strict. They see the sandals suit my 
feet, but this does not quite satisfy them however, please let me 
hear what B^mflnuja taught thee." Kongil repeated the mantra 
taught her before. " Good, but dost thou discover Ramanuia 
in this band ? " asked Ramanuja. Kongil returned inside and 
bringing a light examined RamauujVs feet, and exclaimed :-- 


" Sire, Toui- feet are indeed like Ramanuja's, but you wear wliite 
robes which he did not and could not as a SanyAsin. I am con- 
fused, Father." RS,, moved by her anxiety and no longer 
wishing to hide himself from her said : — " Dear daughter, I 
am Raminuja." On hearing this, her confusion turned into joy 
and wonder. She fell on her face and nestling to his feet, 
wept for joy. " ]Dif3ciples," said R&.m4nuja, turning to them . 
" now there need be no more hesitation on your part to eat her 
food. Sri Krishna ate Vidura's food, for it was pure and 
gooii. ' Such is our Kongil's food. Go and eat." Tliey did 
so, but RamS.nuja did not. So Kongil was troubled and cried : 
" But how about you, father ? " " Daughter," he said, " you 
Rteo the food has been offered to my sandals. So I cannot eat 
that.'* " Then, father," said she, " I shall bring milk and 
fruits ; offer them to your God and eat." R'imanuja did so, 
and all then rested, steeped in tliss. 

The devout Kongil collected the remnants of food left, 
after they all ate, and taking it and the joot-washed water of 
Il3,m£iinuja to her husband, who was sleeping aloft, roused him 
and let him eat. But he saw her fasting. " Why dost thou 
not eat, dear ?" asked he. " Lord," she answered, " EAmS,- 
nuja and his disciples have come to our house from Sri- 
rangam, and they have slept away without taking food." 
" What can I do, lady ?" he asked. " Cannot you, Lord, be- 
come Eamanuja's disciple ?" " If yon please," said he. On 
obtaining this promise on the ruse, she ate and went to rest 
after her bard day's loving labour. Next day, she awoke and 
approaching Ea,manuja, entreated him to stay yet longer, and 
deign to take her husband to his fold by administering to him 
necessary Vaishnava-sacraments. He gladly consented and 
did every thing needed and reading to them many a useful 
lesson for their future welfare, sojourned in. their good home 
for a few days, and taking leave of the good pair by blessing 
them, pui-sued his journey. 

' r?5U5nf^^ l^rWSir^ifEr. LHaMbhdrata, Udycga: 90-42.] 




The Nilagiri Range "was thus traversed, and threading their 
Tvay with toil north-west, * they reached Vahni-Pushkarini °. 
Resting here for a few days, they made their way to MithilS.- 
Saligr&ma.' Here they found the place full of VJra-Saivas, or 
staunch adherents of Sivaism, who gave the new arrivals scant 
or no welcome. R§,m§inuja hit upon a method to turn their 
minds. He called DS.Sarathi to his side and said: — "Son, 
here is the fountain fi'Om which the village folk carry their 
drinking vrater for their households. Unnoticed by them, dip 
your feet into the water and watch the efEect." He did as bid. 
The villagers drank the water and their hostility for the new 
comers turned into civility. They even went so far as to 
become R&m§.nuja's followers in Faith. A memento of this 
incident of the water, magnetized by the holy feet of the best of 
his disciples, effecting a miracle, is to this day still preserved in 
the shape of a small shrine erected on the spot, in which are in- 
stalled the feet of RS,md.ntija for devout worship by all, and 
the holy fountain is close by, connected with the shrine by a 
flight of steps, by which every pilgrim descends into it and 
reverently sprinkles the waters over his head. " The town 
deserves the name of Sdligrdma, i. e., the stone symbol of 
Vishnu," said R^md.nuja in joy, on account of this strange event. 

Of the many who embraced the Faith here, the chief was 
Vadu'^'a-nanibi or Andhra-parna, * who became a most devout 
and intiiiiate foiioT^-sr Eamanii^a taught him all the arcane 
tri-,tr:s of vel-gion for days, in the Temple of the Lord Nara- 

'iie exact route is not recorded » Novr known as Mirle and Sk\U 

},-, ''!^ "'•'' °"'" information goes, grama, two villages, about 30 miles 

ir'^iiiL;r>'jja Beems to have followed west of Mysore. 

The coin>.- of the KS,veri as far as * The Shrine above named belongs 

v^atyamangaiam, then taking a to the descendants of this disciple 

uliord line, reach Kfi,v6ri again at who are related to myself, the writer 

Kamanathapurara. of this book. The village is reput- 

" Kamnathpur, on the K^veri ed to be unaffected by cobra-poison 

Kiver, about 40 uiilee west of for Ramauuin is Scsha ' 


simha, in the outskirts of the village. And here also, it is 
chronicled, IiS,m§,nuja prayed fervently to Lord SrinivS,sa of 
Tirupati to put an end to the cruel Parintaka or the Chola king 
and heretic, his tormentor, persecutor and the declared enemy of 
the Srivaishnava-faith. It would appear that this intense 
invocation to the Doity produced its efEect inasmuch as Ch6la 
found a carbuncle — the Icing's evil — forming on the nape of his 
neck, festering with worms, and eventually killing him after 
much torment. Hence he is known as Krimihantha ChSla, or 
v!07-m-necked Ch6]a. 

R&m&nuja now left Sfijligrebma and proceeded eastwards 
to Tondanur, which seems to have been then the capital or a 
capital outpost of the Hoysala Ballala kings of the Jain 
persuasion ruling at Dvsbra-samudra or HalSbid.^ Vithala- 
Deva-Raya was the name of the ruling king and he had his 
head quarters at the time, at Tondanur." He had a daughter 
whom an unclean spirit had taken possession. The king had 
called many physicians and magicians to treat her, but it was all 
in vain , and he was very grieved. There v/as a good man 
in the town by name Tondanur-Nambi, who lived by alms. He 
used to frequent the palace, and one day finding the queen, SS,n- 
ta|a-D6vi ° in grief, asked her the cause thereof. She explained 
that it was due to the condition in which her daughter was 
found, who even shamelessly ran about the streets naked, and 
did other antic things, all in consequence of the devil which 
had entered into her. T. Nambi said : " Noble Queen, may 
I tell you that a great and holy man, by name Sdmslnuja, 
has arrived at our town. I have become his disciple ; and 
I have learnt that he once treated a similar case to that 
of your daughter, and succeeded in delivering a princess 
from an evil spirit — a Brahma-rakshas.^ If you will get him 

' Vide Rice's Gazetteer of Mysore. 

^ Known now as Tonnur, about 16 miles north, of Mysore on the 
way to Melukote. Even so late as 1316 A.O. the kings used to retire ta 
Tondanur. [Pp : 241-2 Vol. I Rice's " Mysore Gazetteer."] 

' See p. 41 Introdi : Eic&'s " Belagola Inscriptions." 

* See pages 41, 42. 

2gO KING'S ixviTATioT*. cn. xxvirr. 

to see your daughter with his graeioas eyes, I hare hopes of a 
speedy cure for her." The queen -was ovei'joyed at this revela- 
tion and commuuicated it at once to her royal spouse. He 
said:— "Lady, if Hamsbniija will cast the devil out of our 
daughter and restore her to a sense of shame, we shall fall at 
his feet aud accept him as our guru." 

In the meanwhile, the Icing intended to give a feast to liia 
caste-nicn, the Jainas who ahounded in the country. The queen 
however warned her husband thus: — "Lord, thou givesfc a 
feast no doubt, but thy castemen, the Jainas, will reject thy 
invitation on the score- that thou art wanting in a finger of thy 
hand." " How can they dare refuse a king's invitation 'i" 
said the king irritated, and consulted his kinsmen about 
it. Tlioy said : — " King, the Turushka ' emperor of Dellii, 
captured tliee and thy counti-y ; and set a mark on thee to 
show that thou hadst lost thy independence and sovereignty, 
by depriving thee of a finger. But our custom does not allow 
•us to eat in the house of a finger-less man. Dost thou forget 
thou art called Bitti-ihva,, " or the_^»g'ea--Lord ?. We refuse to 
eat in thy house." This greatly incensed the king and be 
vowed vengeance against them. 

The queen approached Bitti-deva and said : — " Lord, why 
art thou concerned thus ? What care we for our kinsmen ? Let 
US dissociate ovrselves from their community and join the 
Vaishnava ranks by becoming disciples of EfLm^nnja. Hast 
thou forgotten what our Nambi told us about him ? Aud is 
not our mad daughter also to be set right ?" " Well said, we 
shall at once send for Esbmsinuja," said Bitti-deva, and sent out 
men to invite RSmanuja to his palace. But when the men 
delivered their message to KS,manuja, who had camped outside 
the town limits, he told them that he would not plant his foot 
in kings' cities. Nambi was there at the time. He rose and. 
falling before Efl,m3inuja, pleaded thus : — " Holy Sire, we 
beseech thee not to be so determined, but enter the king's hoiise. 

' Or Turk, a g^eneral name for all foreign invaders, except ihe Yava- 
uas aiul the Fcrin-jhecs. Eead A. BartU'g ReligioriS of India •■ P. 211. 
'Coiiverleil inio Sanskrit as I't'fffiafa-deva. 


He will be an iuvalaablc gain to our faith. Melukote or Tiru- 
Na,rayana-piiram,^ about •which thou hast been dreaming, is 
sibilate in this king's donainions. Thy desire is to restore this 
old and forgotten place of worship. To do this we want 
a king to espouse the cause. So we earnestly pray thee 
not to reject the king's overtures. Enter his house and 
■shower on him thy graces." Riim&nuja was won by this 
persuasion and immediately made his entry into the city and 
tlie king's mansion. Bitti-deva was elated with joy, and as the 
holy sage advanced, he ran to him and threw himself at his 
feet. E3im3.nuja made kind inquiries, and entering the royal 
apartments was told the sad plight in which the king's daugh- 
ter was. He commanded his disciples to have the girl brought 
before him and sprinkle her with the water made holy by the 
washing of his feet. This they did. And lo, the evil spirit 
left her ; she was no more demented but returned to a sense 
of shame, ran into the inner apartments and shrouding herself 
in garments, returned and fell before RamS-nuja, saying : " Holy 
Saint, thou art no ordinary mortal. Thou art a celestial being 
descended from heaven. Else I should not have recovered.^ 
Praise be to thee. I bow to thee." Vitthala-deva was simply 
carried out of himself on witnessing these miracles, and need- 
less to say, at once became a disciple of RamS/Uuja, and 
devoted himself to his service for ever. BimElnuja bestowed on 
him the name of Vishnu-Vardhana-R&ya.* 

' Baminuja knew of tMs from the all the indms, destroyed 790 Baati 

Tddavagiri-Mdhdtmya contained in temples, and set up Pancha NarS,- 

the Ndrada and the MatsyaVuT^na,s. yanas, viz: — Chennigi-Narayana at 

^The Indian Antiquary Vol. II. BMiiru, K{rti-Nfi,r4yana at TalaHdu, 

May 1S73 quotes a passage from Viiaya-KS,rS,yana at Gadugu, and 

Sr^vana Belagula Sthalapnrana Lakshmi-Nar3,yaiia at Haradana- 

thns : — "In Saka year 1039, Dur- halli, transferring to these all the 

TOuklii ( = lli7 A. C), Betta-var- si-dstfcv»s or iu^™s that had former- 

dhana, under the taunts of his ly been given to the Basti temples, 

favourite ooncnl)ine(?)and the argn- He built the tank at Tondauuru 

ments of Eam§.nujachArya, received from the stones of the destroyed 

Tapta-mudra (mark of religion) and Basti temples and called it Xiru- 

thus became a convert to the Vaish- malasHgara.^ Having ^ abolished 

rvava religion. He then changed his different kinds of .Jaina indms 

iame to Vishriu-vardhana, andwith * * * he established below 

a bitter hatred against this (Jaina) this tank Tirnmalas^gara chatra for 

religion, discontinued or abolished the feeding of the Eamannja-kuta, 

18-2 VICTORY ovan .iaixas. ch. xxviu. 

The Jainas rose in rerolfc against RAmAnuja. It is said 
that a body of 12,000 of them marched to R-Ebrailnuja, who had 
taken his abode in Lord Nrisimha's temple at Tondanur, and 
demanded of him that he should first argue with them on 
religion and philosophy, before he interfered with their king. 
Rfi,m4nuja seeing this tremendous onslaught of an infuriated 
crowd, thought to himself thus : — " In order to escape from 
lightning, I have courted thunder ; fearing the scorpion, I 
have fallen a victim to the fangs of a cobra ; breaking awaj' 
from fetters, I have thrust myself into stocks. What is tiie 
way now ? " Nambi, finding his guru thus embarassed, said : — 
" Holy Sire, thou art no ordinai-y mortal. Is not it thy 
worth while at such a crisis to reveal thy true celestial nature ? 
May not all men realize thy greatness and be saved ? " Ramd.- 
nuja, saying : "let it be so then," retired into an ante-chamber 
in the temple, and commanding a curtain to be hung up 
between him and the crowd, became a thousand-headed sej-- 
pent,' and argued with the Jaina disputants in a thousand 
ways, vanquishing them completely. This incident is memo- 
rialized to this day by means of a painting of R^mtknaja, over- 
shadowed by the thousand heads of Sdsha, on a wall in the 
I^risimha temple, existing to this day in good repair in Tonda- 

<Contiiiued) foot note on page 181. 

He gave the name of MelukSte and A. C). So ES,m§,nuja must have 

7irun&r&yanaparam to the village lived tor not leas than 20 years in 

of Doddaguruganahalli, constrncted the Mysore country. Mudally&n- 

several temples and places, and d&n (Oisarathi) was deputed to 

caused steps to be erected to the Belfir (=Velapura) to inaugnrate 

liill of Melnkote." According to the NS,r4yana there. So sings the 

BelAr inscription : N&rayana Pra- verse :— 
tishthft took place in ' 1039. S '(1117 

^^■fQeiasrsx ^^esn^eam ujr^eiBmwu^^Q^isurr yearns 

[P : 218. Kam&nuja-Divya-Charitam J 

iKamannja being known as the Xdi-S^aka, is the Lakslimana of Eima- 
yana, and Ealarama of Maha-Bhfirata [See p : xiv.— onr Jthagavad-gitA 
with It4m&nnja's commentary .J 

en. xxvin. 



nur (calledCliaturvedi-mangalam.) Most of them embraced 
the Vaishnava faith by becoming the disciples of E.&m3,nuja. 
Vishnu- Vardhana, the king of the Poysala (Hoysala) oountry 
became more and more attached to Etlmanuja. Out of the 
materials of Jain temples pulled down, he got a tank con- 
Btructed, intercepting the drainage of the river YS.dara coming 
down from M61uk6te or Y&davSigiri, 10 miles to the north.' 

* A few notes bearing on these 
events may be of use to the reader. 

(A) Bice'B Mysore Qaeetteer Vol. II, 
p. 274 [1897] :— " Moti Tal&b" or 
lake of pearls, a large tank at Ton- 
nAr in Seringapatua Talnq. It is 
formed by an embankment carried 
across a gap between two rocky 
hills, which stems the water of the 
Yfidava-hadi and other mountain 
torrents that there unite their 
Btrenms. The mound, whose di- 
mensions are given as 78 cubits 
high, 150 long, and 250 thick at the 
base, is said to have been constrnot" 
ed by Eftmannjftchftrja, the Sri 
Vaishnava Br&hman reformer, who 
had taken tip his abode at the neigh- 
bouring town of MSluk6te. He 
named the tank TirumalasAgara." 

(B) Ihid, Vol. I, p. 4,74, .— " He 
(BAmanuja) then travelled over 
great part of Southern India, de- 
fending and expounding the Vaish- 
nava creed. He established seve- 
ral_mathB, the principal one being 
at Ahobala. He also converted or 
restored many Siva temples to the 
worship of Vishnu, among others 
the celebrated temple of Tirupati. 
The Chola King Karikala Chola, 
in whose dominion Sri Banga was 
situated, was an nn-compromising 
Baiva, and on Eam&nujach§rya'8 
return thither after these religions 
successes ho was required in com- 
mon with all the Brihmans to 
subscribe to a declaration of faith 
in Siva. To escape persecution 
he fled to the Hoysala kingdom in 
Mysore. Here he converted from 
the Jain faith the king thencefor- 
ward known as Vishnuvardhana, 
the date assigned to this event 

being 1117 (?). Having put down 
the Jains by the severest mea- 
sures, be settled under the royal 
favour and protection at Melukdte, 
and there established his throne, 
which is still occupied by the gam 
known as the ParakS,lasv3,mi (?) 
After twelve years, onthe death of 
the Chola king, he returned to Srt- 
ranga and there ended his days." 

(C) Ibid, Vol. I, p. 338.— An im- 
portant event in his (Ballala or 
Bittideva) career was his conver- 
sion from the Jain faith to that of 
Vislinu by the apostle EimS,nnj&- 
chS,rya, who had taken refuge in 
the Hoysala territory from the 
persecutions of the Chola king, an 
uncompromising Saiva. This step, 
accompanied by a change of his 
name to Vishnuvardhana, by which 
he is principally known, was pro- 
bably taken in about 1117 (?). Diffe- 
rent reasons are given for it. One 
is that he had a daughter who was 
possessed : the Jains being unable 
to efiect her cure, it was underttiken 
by Bam4nnja, who cast out the evil 
spirit, and further, in eighteen days 
of public disputation, refuted tha 
Jains and convicted them of heresy g 
those who after this would not 
submit being ground in oil-mills (?) 
Another version is, that the king 
had a Vaishnava wife who, by in- 
stigation of BamS.nuja, hinted to 
him that the Jaina priests were so 
haughty they would not even accept 
food at his hands. He was indig- 
nant at the idea and resolved to put 
it to the proof. Now the king had 
lost a finger, a mutilation that 
would prevent the Jain priests from 
eating with him. When, therefore, 




(Continued) foot note on page 183. 

ho found himself dishonoured by a 
refusal of his invitation, he went 
over in resentment to the other 
side, and abandoned the Jains to 
persecution. ]lj.m3,naja demolished 
nearly all the Jain temples at the 
capital, said to have been 720 in 
iinmher, and used the stones in 
embanking the large tank." 

(D) Ibid, rol. II, p. 295 :— "« * 
Subsequently, about 1117, (?) R5,ma- 
nuj^charya, the celebrated apostle 
of the Vishnuvite sect, on fleeing 
from Dravida to avoid a confession 
of faith prescribed by the ChoK 
llaja to be ma4e by all his subjects, 
which was to establish the supe- 
riority of Siva over Vishnu, took 
refuge in the Mysore country, 
where he succeeded in converting 
from the Jain faith the powerful 
Hoysala king, Bitti-Deva, thence- 
forth known as Vishnuvardhana. 
This royal convert conferred on his 
apostle and his followers the tract 
of country on each side of the riVer 
Kaveri at Srirangapatna, known 
by the name of Ashtagrama or 
eight townships, over which he 
appointed his own officers under the 

ancient designations oE Prabhus 
and HebbSrs." 

(B) Rice's S ravana lielr/ola Inscrip- 
tions (No. 53)! P. 4S :— (Sautala-Devi, 
Queen of Vishnuvardhana). " Some 
details are also given of lier family, 
from which it appears that her 
father was the senior preggado 
Narasinga, a Saiva, while her 
mother was Machikabbe, a devoted 
Jaina. The conflict between lier 
own position as a Jaina and as the 
queen of the now Vaishnava 
monarch Vishira-vardhana is recon- 
ciled by the suitement that Jinaud.- 
tha was her favourite and Vishnu 
her God." 

Rice's Mysore Gazetteer Vol. II, P. 
850.— "Belur, in the Pura,nas and 
ancient inscriptions, bears the name 
of Velapura and Vclnr, and is 
styled the Dakshina V4raji3isi or 
Southern Benares. Its sanctity is 
due to the celebrated temple of 
Chenna-Kesara, erected and endow- 
ed by the Hoysala King Vishnuvar- 
dhana, on the occasion of his 
exchanging the Jain faith for that 
of Vishnu, in the beginning of the 
12th century." 




Ramanuja was thus employed. He not only expounded 
the profound truths of tlie Ved4nta in Nrisimha's temple at 
Tondanur, but with those truths converted thousands of alien 
faiths to the royal roads of Vedantic Vaishnavism. While 
thus employed he ran short of Tiruman,^ or the holy white 
earth, with which Srivaishnavas are required to illumine their 
foreheads. To go without this distinguisliing mark " is the 
greatest misfortune to Sri-Vaishnavas. Naturally therefore 
Ramanuja was much concerned. He had a dream in which Lord 
Sri-NSriyanaof Melukote appeared and spoke thus : — " I am very 
Eear thee, RaniEinuja, on the Yadugiri hill, awaiting thy arrival ; 
and there thou shalt have thy TtTuman ' also as well. Come 
soon." R&manuja awoke and related his wonderful dream to all 
his comrades, and sending for Vishnu-Vardhana, the king, 
delivered to him the message. The king marvelled and im- 
mediately ordered gangs of men to clear the forests in the 
direction indicated by Ramsinuja, and as Ramebnuja advanced, 
the king devoutly followed him behind. Steadily progressing 
thus, they arrived at the foot of the Yadugiri hill, and ascend- 

^ Some notes from Rice's Epiqra- digging the Vf hole substance out of 
phica Carnataka Vol. III. p .- 20, are the beds in which it lies, and throw- 
here added : " — Inscription 80 Sr. ing it into l^rge vessels of water, 
records the grant of the title to the it is stirred about; and while the 
sacred earth at Melukote, which, it mica swims, the iagments of quart* 
is said, was discovered by Emberu- remain at the bottom and are taken 
mlinar, or Ramanujacharya, the out by the hand. The mica is then 
great Vaisliiiava reformer. It is a allowed to subside and forms into 
iine white clay or decayed schistose a mass, which is divided into small 
mica, which is used by the Srivaish- pieces, and afterwards made into 
nava Urahmans for making the balls by being moistened in water. 
iiAina or sectarian marks on their Tiiese are sold for use, and are per- 
foreheads; and is in such demand fectly white" ^Buchanan, I. 34S]. 
for this purpose, on account of its ° Cp. (a) " We sign the sor- 
purity, that it is transported to vants of God in their foreheads " 
distant places, even as far as [Rev. 7. 3J. 

Benares. It is fabled to have been (b) " Which have not the seal of 

brought to Melukote by Garutm§,n, God in their foreheads" [Rev. 9. 4]. 

the bird of Vishnu, from SwSta- (c) "Having his Father's name 

dvlpa in the Kshirasamudra or written in their foreheads" [Rev, 

milk-oeeaii. 14. 1]. 

" Somo Vaishnavas work it by 



ing it, arrived at the fountain called Vedapuslikarini, and 
sighting the holy slab, (jparidhdnasila). wlsci-e of yore Dat- 
tatreya had worn his ascetic i-obes, RamSnuja bathed in the 
fountain and laying aside KurSsa's white ivbes, worn when leaving 
Srirangam, put on his colored ascetic robes. The date of entry 
into Yadugiri is chronicled as the Ba,hudbanya year, in the month 
of Tai (or about 1090 A. C, or when Bamjinuja was about 80 
years of age).' From the VSua-pushkarini, they silently 
walked forward in search of where LordKarayana (I'.e, His statue) 
lay hidden. They failed that day to find the place R&manuja 
however saw in a vision vouchsafed to him that He lay covered 
up in an ant-hill, between a Champaka and a Vakula tree on 
either side, and to the south-west corner of the, 
and that the ant-hill was overgrown with the sacred basil. He 
also saw that the place where tiruman was deposited lay to the 
north-west corner of the same Kaly§,ni-pond, and he also heard 
as if Nflj.-8yana telling him that fragments of basil leaves would 
be strewn along the path which lay between R&manuja and the 
places indicated, Rfi,m&nuja awoke from his reverie and followed 
the directions given. This led to Kalyani, and thence on to the 
ant-hill. This was covered with basil as prophesied. RSjmanuja. 
was transported with joy and prostrating himself before the 
place, removed the earth, andlo, the statue of Narayana was- 
found underneath. Inexpressible joy animated the devout band 
who were privileged to be present on this most auspicious and 
blissful occasion ; and the divine sight to intoxicated them that 
they deliriously danced, chanted praises, sent forth peals of 
hand-clappings and ejaculations, and with king Vishnu-vardhana 
in their midst, celebrated the occasion with a blast of trumpets 
and a beat of tom-toms and a burst of instrumental and other 
music — all, a united outburst and demonstration of the intense 
spiritual glow in which they had become enveloped by an event, 
the most unusual and extraordinary in the annals of mankind. 
Pails of milk were brought and emptied over the Holy Statue 

• Mr. Kice puts 1117 A.C., as the year of Bitti-Deva's conversion. 
This must be wrong. Bahiiclhaiiya tallies with 1099, A.C., when ES,- 
mSiiiuja was exactly 82 years of ago. 


followed by a detail of ritual prescribed by the Pancharatra 
S&stra. Ramslnuia himself personally worshipped the Deity for 
three days, and Narayana was thus reinstalled after ages of 
oblivion, and the decad of St. Nammazhvar, beginning with 
Oru-ndyaJcam [Tiruvilymozhi, v-i], was dedicated to this God, 
inasmuch as R§,ma.nuja was the rightful inheritor of all the 
spiritual wealth of the apostles preceeding him, ' and was thus 
the authority to interpret forgotten traditions. 

R4m§,nuja next proceeded to the north-weH* corner of the, and made a furrow on the ground with his holy 
staff. It revealed white beds of clay, and thus was another act 
of his vision realized, to the marvel of all present. Ramanuja 
thus obtained the holy earth he wanted, (described in the begin- 
ning of this Chapter), with which he signed himself on the 
twelve parts of the body jDrescribed, and to his great delecta- 

The jungle over the summit of the Melukota (T&davagiri) 
hill was cleared away, streets were aligned, rows of houses 
built, a temple erested for Lord Ni.rSyana over the ant-hill ; 
and a series of festivals, monthly, annual and so on were insti- 
tuted. But an utsava (processional) image was wanting — an im- 
age cast of a compound of five select metals in fixed proportions. 
But this was difficult of accomplishment, and Etoijinuja fell to 
musing deeply as to how this difficulty was to be overcome. He 
was again given a vision, in which Warayana appeared to him 
and spoke thus : — " Ram&nuja, our moveable representative is 
alive, named Ramapriya, which is now in Delhi with the Turk 
Emm§.du Raya. Proceed there and bring it. R§,m4nuja 
accordingly made preparations and journeyed all the way to 
Delhi and there meeting the Raya or king, prevailed upon him 
to grant his request. The Turk king gave oi-ders that Ram4- 
nuja be taken to the apartments where his plundered treasures 
were hoarded. There were many idols, but Ramanuja failed 
to find among them Ramapriya; and he fell into a reverie as he 

1 Read vorse : ejijis/S Qu;§isiSit^^ [Uamannja's Umlyaii by Auaii- 
dizhvaii oi" Ariuritasuri.] 


pondered how to trace it. He was given a dream in which 
Eamapriya appeared and said : — " I am with the daughter of 
the king. She has made a plaything of mo. To her dally- 
ings and caresses, I am a living per.son. Come thei-e and find 
me." RAm&nnj.i awoke and reported to the king that the idol 
he sought was with the Sult^ni. The king's curiosity was 
roused at the revelations, a foreign SanyS,sin of a different 
persuasion was making to him; and not only curiosity but respect 
and adoration for the holy saint. The King took the Sanyiisin 
Ramftnuja into the seraglio, where no other man dared enter ; 
and wonderful f o relate, R^mapriya was there found, fondled by 
the Sultftni, his daughter, to whom He played the husband. 
Ramtouja, entering, called Him by His name, and lo, the Image 
■jumped down from the couch on which the Sultani had placed 
Him, and walked to where Rftm&nuja Stood, in all the glory and 
grace of an incarnated deity, embellished accoi-ding to all the 
ideals of taste natural to Aryan imagination. RamS<nuja 
embraced the advancing Divine Beauty with all the fondness of 
a parent finding his long -lost son ; and in commemoration of the 
discovery, called him by the endearing name of Selva-p-pillai, 
which in Samskrit is Sampatkumfira, by which name the Image 
is still called. The king, who witnessed all this procedure was 
simply astonished beyond measure, and loading Rftmanuja with 
gifts and honors, sent him back from the scene of his holy 

The daughter Snltfi,ni would not bear the separation from 
the, to her, living doll. She wanted it back for herself. But 
the father said : " It is their god, daughter ; how can we claim 
Him ? " " Then," cried the Sultani piteously to her father : 
" Send me with my God. " Most cheerfully," said the father, 
and allowed her to depart with untold wealth and other 
things, telling Ram^nuja : — " Holy hermit, thy God goes 
not alone, but with a wife as well — a precious wife. I con- 
sign her to thy care." RamSaiuja proceeded with his Divine 
treasure, and reached TS/davagiri in due time. Here he 
inaugurated Sampat-kumftra in all ceremony, and instituted all 
the festivals which must be celebrated throughout the year, 
with the necessary establishment to conduct them for all time to 




come.' And Ra,mS,nuja assured all who made Yadavagiri their 
holy residence, that they would be entitled to attain to the 
same spiritual state as himself. By the name Narayan&dri in 

' Our readers, we are sure, would 
like to have some historical light 
thrown on this most curious inci- 
dent in the life of Kflmauuja. We 
shall try how far it can be thrown. 
The word Emmadu is n, clue, — a 
philological clue which comes to 
our help. EmmS4u is a most pro- 
bable corruption of the word Ma- 
hommed, Mahmud, Ahmed, Masiid 
or Modild. These are the names 
of the Turk Kings of Ghazni and 
Malimiid of Ghor, at the period 
between about 1090 and 1102, A 0. 
1090 A.C., is the probable year of^nuja'B entry into Yadavagiri 
or Melukote ; and the probable j'ear 
in which or before which the Jain 
King of the Hoysalas, Vittala-dera, 
was converted to Vaishnavism, re- 
ceiving the name of Vishnu-var- 
dhana. The death of this king was 
about 1133 A.C., as we learn from 
Rice's Srslvana Belagola Inscrip- 
tions. '[Introd : p. 23]. 

Pur&nas (read Y&iavagiri-M&h&t- 
mya) tell us that BUmapriya, the 
image descended as a holy heritage 
from B4ma of the Solar Eace to 
Kusa his son and came to Krishna 
of the Lunar Kace, as dowry, who 
worshipped Him as his tutelary 

Mahmud (^Emmddu ?) or Mahom- 
med of Ghazin's various expedi- 
tions into India are known, and His 
foundation of the Musulman Em- 
pire at Lahore in A.O. 1022 [See 
p. 6, Oh. II, Lethbridge's History 
of India], the sack of the SomnS,th 
Temple in A.C. 1026-27, when Raj- 
put princes from all parts flocked to 
defend their holiest shrine assem- 
bled In the sacking and booty 
obtained thus from various parts, 
Ramapriya appears to have been 
carried away. How He was car- 
ried away from Melnk&te is buried 
in the obscure tradition of pre- 
historic days. MahmM died in 
A.C. 103a Ahmed {Emmdda?) 

succeeded him, and then came 
Masud the Second (Emviddu?) in 
A.O. 1098 who resided chieflj' at 
Lahore, and whose generals carried 
his arms beyond the Ganges [vide 
p 305, Elphinstoue's History of 
India]. Then comes Modud (Em- 
mad ?), and lastly Mahmud (Em- 
mild) of Ghor. The latter establish- 
ed the Delhi empire no doubt in 
1131, but he had exploited often in 
India. But he might be left out 
of account for our purpose; 

Eamapriya's image seems tohav& 
been carried hither and thither iu 
these days of turmoil, and thrown 
into lumber in Delhi or perhaps 
Lahore gaurded by some king, a 
general or viceroy of any of the 
Emmddus, at the time BS,mannja 
visited the place. 

It is probable that by the chief 
name Mahmfid (or Emm&du), any 
king, or his general or viceroy 
who stationed himself at the time 
at Delhi, was known in the far 
south. And even a Hindu sove- 
reign at Delhi might have been 
called by that name, if there wsts 
one at the time, inasmuch as he 
was subjected to the onslaughts of 
Musalmans of the period. But an 
account given by Buchanan [p. 351, 
Vol. I], confirms what otherwise! 
would be a mere conjecture. He 
says : — " Near the place (Tanda- 
niir), there is a monument dedi- 
cated to one of the fanatical fol- 
lowers of Mahmud Qhazni, who had 
penetrated this length, and had 
here suffered martyrdom." By 
this it is clear that Mahmud 
Ghazni's depredations had extend- 
ed as far as Melukote, the temple of 
which he would surely have dese- 
crated and despoiled of its riches. 
If all this is not quite satisfac- 
torily tenable, we must speculate 
upon Ramanuja'a visiting Lahore or 
Ghazni itself ; but then we have no 
tradition to that e&eet unless by 



cii. xxrx. 

the Krita-yagc, Vedadri in the Trita-age, and Y^davadri or 
Y&davagiri in Dvflpara age is the holy hill of Melukote known, 
and in the Kali-age, as having been restored by the Yati 
(asectic) Ranianuja, it is called Yati-Saila. Thus it is written 
in Sdtvata-Samhita} (Pailcharabtra). 

Foot note on page 189— (continued). 

the general term Delhi, any chief 
city or even the couatry generally 
of the Musalmaus in the far north- 
west of India, was understood by 
the far Soutlierus of India in those 

Bachanan's account of this in- 
cident given in his Journals, I, 
342, is very interesting, and deals 
with what became of the Moslem 
Sultani as soon as she arrived at 
Melukote 5 and how the Pariahs or 
Ghamars or Panchauias who assist- 
ed B^mS.naia were given by ES,m3,- 
nuja the honorific title of Tiru-lc- 
hiUattdr, &o. This word means : 
The blessed caste. Kamanuja gave 
them the privilege of entering into 
the Holy Temples of Melkote, Sri- 
rangam and Belur (in Mysore^ once 
in the year. B&i l)&s, a Faritih or 
Chamar, and a disciple of R4m4- 
nandi, the disciple of £amS<nuja, 
set afoot a movement for tlie re- 
generation of his class, between 
1820 and 1830, in the district of 
Chattisgarh. They called them- 
selves Satnamis. Readers are re- 
ferred to Pp: 206, ff. of Theoso- 
phist. Vol. XI, 1890, for an account 
of this reform. We refer our 
readers to our pamphlet on the 
Paiichamas, and also to pp. 272-3, 
of Eioe's Gazetteer, Vol. II, 1897, 
where other interesting informa- 
tion as regards Melukote Temple 

and its endowments is given, as 
also the fact of the Mahirajas of 
Mysore having been Vaishnavas. 
We shall add an interesting account 
which may be of some philological 
use, even though the account may 
not be true. A work called Yavani- 
parinaya has been written by Pra- 
bhakara, the subject matter being 
the mairiage of Sampat-kumara 
with the Sultani. It is usual in 
Uiiidn-marriages to read the lineal 
pedigree of both the bride and the 
bridegroom. For Sampat-kumsLra, 
Earita-gotra is assigned as He is the 
holy son of B4mS,nuja, and for Sul- 
tani, who is Yavani, G4rgya-gotra 
is assigned. To Hindus, all foreig- 
ners are Yavanas and Mlecches. 
So the Turk-girl is Yavani. The 
philological interest to us here con- 
sists in introducing Bishi G&rgya. 
Yavanas proper are Greeks; and 
G5,rgya is said to have begotten 
Kfi,la-Yavana ; and thus Gargya 
(Greek) becomes the patriarchal 
progenitor of the Greeks. Vishuu- 
purftna V. 23, 4 and 5 : — " ^ ;ti | g)i|e) - 

'HTT ^sq^q^^ijT: I sTpri^r^siR^- 

Tmf 5^Ti?jSw%^: II ri'hlom<<Hq |ir, 
&c. Also see Harivamsa: 115-15 : 

tttlKsmqil^If SrS^^Wfl^cT: II " 
See also Asiatic Researches Vol VI 
p. 506; Vol. XV. p. 100. 

[47-48, Yadavagiri-Maiiatmya.] Also in tsvara Samhita, 20-278 ft -.- 

f^Hnrir^Tf ^^>T?f^itw II 


[In the stupendous work involved in the institution of this 
Holy Shrine, and the, in those days, hard joui-neys to distant coun- 
tries -which had consequently to he undertaken, the Pafichamas 
or the Pariahs or those low-caste Hindus who are relegated to 
a place in the Hindu Society beyond the pale of the law-sanc- 
tioned Ghntur-varnya {i.e., the four constituted memhers of the 
Hindu polity, the BrEthmana, Kshatriya, Vaisya and Sudra), 
were, so says our tradition, of great help to Sri Ramsiinuja. 
He gave them the title of " Tirukkulattar " or the " Blessed 
Descendants," and further allowed them the privilege of entering 
into the Holy Temples to certain limits, viz., the outer gate 
near the altar (Dhvaja-Stambha, or Bali-pitha), this practice 
remaining in force even up to this day, in the Temples of 
Srirangam, Melukote, and Belur (Hassan District). They are 
allowed to bathe in the Holy Ponds attached to the Temples, 
to which on other days than those allowed, this privilege is 
strictly disallowed; and the highest class, viz., the Br^hmanas 
cannot during the privileged days allotted to the Tirnk-kulat- 
tflirs, complain of contamination when they may chance to 
rub shoulders with each other in the holy streets. Ramsbnuja 
opened the doors of religious instructions for these classes, as 
well as certain modes of ritual and other privileges peculiar 
to Sri-Vaishnavas, such as the Paficha-Samskara or the Fine 
Holy Vaishnava Secraments. It is thus evident how seriously 
had Ramanuja bethought of elevating the low-classes as 
regards their eligibility for salvation. Rsimanuja had already 
confirmed too in his own days, what his predece.ssors had 
ordained, viz., the enshrinement of saints in the Temples, to 
whatever caste they might belong.'] 

^ Bead St. Tiruppani Azhv&r'a immortal founder of the Vaishnava 

life in the Lives of Dr^vida Saints. sect, went to Melkote in the Mysore 

Becently a Pandal was erected in Province, the Pariahs made them- 

Batigalore bearing the inscription : selves so nsef ol to that sage that 

" Tirukkulattar," to greet Their he felt for their hard lot. To ele- 

Royal Highness (5th February vate them socially be gave them 

1906), and the following remarks the name of Tirukkulattar, which 

were 'recorded by the Hindu of means people of high or noble des- 

this date : " * * * nothing cent. His great aim was to abolish 

is of greater historical interest the word Pariah and thus to put a 

than the word Tirukhulattdr. * * stop to the degradation of a section 

When Sri Kamanujacharya, the of the people of this country. He 




RamfLnuja also established a see of his at Yati-Saila, called 
the Tatiraja-math, where a Sanyslsin is always to live and 
manage the affairs of the Fane. The building still exists intact, 
and the monastery has had a line of illustrious successors to this 
day. An old badari tree still lives in it. 

During the time Ramanuja was so installed in hi.i high 
pontificate, he is said to have gone to Padmagiri,' and engaged 

Foot note on page 191 — (continued). 

also awarded to them the rare and 
valued privilege of visitiufi; the 
temple at Melfcote three days in the 
year. 1'hiis the emancipation of 
the Pariah commenced long B,f;o, 
and if it has noc been yet accompli- 
shed, the cause is not solely the ab- 
sence of consideration for the class 
on the part of some of the most illus- 
trioas founders of religious sects in 
India. Though at tlie present dr.y 
tho foUowers of Sri R3,m.\nuj3,- 
chariar form probibly the most 
exclusive among the Brd.hmau com- 
munity, stiU the fact remains that 
the founders of the sect laboured 
for the elevation of the depressed 
and despised castes * * * the 
hallovred name of Tirukknlattar 
carries us back to those good old 
days when the practice and the 

^ The Banddhas and Jainas are 
grouped together in the one cate- 
gory of anti-Tedio. But Bauddhas 
seem to be the first who came to 
Maisiir, followed by the Jainas, as 
the Sravana Belagola Inscriptions, 
by Rice, tell us. Padmagiri appears 
to be one of the names of this place. 
The following extract is from Rice's 
Belagola Inscriptions: — [P. 37]. 
"We now come to a series of ins- 
criptions connected with Ganga 
Baja. The first of them are the 
last lines in Nos. 75 and 76, 
which state, in Jaina, Mahara- 
shtri and Hale Kannada respec- 
tively, that Ganga Raja had the 
enclosure or cloisters round (^siittd- 
layam) made for the colossal statue 
of Gumatesvara. TLe inscriptions 

preaching of religion meant really 
the elevation of men, and the 
greatest of saints considered it a 
part of their duty to minister to 
the religious ci-avings of the lowest 
classes of people." 

In these days we have the spec- 
tacle of a Mlrad3,8 a Mahomedan, 
who lias embraced Vaishnavisni, 
and is performing Harikat'has all 
over the country and of aChenchu> 
das, (a TirukkulattAr), at Kolar 
(Mysore State,) who is working for 
the religious elevation of his class, 
by establishing temples, Muths and 
Bhajana-kfitas, and to whom his 
spiritual guru, of Tirukkovalur, has 
delegated the privilege to adminis- 
ter himself, to his men, the Pancha- 
sa.nsk&ra sacraments and receive 
dues called the Paucha-kanikas. 

are on either side the image, im- 
mediately below those of Chamnnda 
Baya, and in characters to corres- 
pond. Their date, for the reasons 
already given (p. 23), is fixed as 
A.D. 1116. The erection of this 
enclosing parapet walls and other 
buildings ariiund has certainlv 
detracted from the imposing and 
picturesque effect the gigantic 
image must previously have pre- 
sented when standing alone in its 
naked sublimity on the summit of 
the hill. But probably the walls 
were now required for its protec 
tion from injury. p„r when it was 
erected the Jainas were in the 
ascendant, and Jainism was the 
state religion. But, with the con- 
version to tho Vaishnava faith of 




there with the Bauddhas in a philosophical controversy. He 
succeeded in vanqui.shiug the atheist.s, and owing to a wager 
made evidently by theiii that, in the event of defeat, they would 
submit themselves to be ground in an oil-mill ', in case they 
were not willing to beconie adherents to the new faith, they 
seem to have been allowed to undergo the self-imposed punish- 

Foot note on page 192 — (continued). 

the Hoysala king Bitti Oeva (sabse- 
cjuently called Vishnu Vardhana), 
in piobably this very year, by 
the reformer Eamaiinjich&rya, 
great animosity was excited a<^ainst 
the Jainas, albeit they were too 
powerful to be altogether set aside. 
There are even stories of Ramaiiuja- 
ch3.rya's having; mutilated the image, 
so as to ruin it as an object of wor- 
ship. No trace remains of such 
injury, unless it be that the fore- 
finger of tUe left hand which is 
shorter than it should be, had a 
!>iece struck off below the lirst 
joint and was afterwards sculptur- 
ed into a perfect finger again. This 
particular form of revenge would 
easily have suggested itself if it be 
true, as one tradition states, that 
the change of the king's religion 
was in some degree brought about 
by the refusal of his Jaina guru 
to take food with him because the 
king was mutilated, having lost 
one of its fingers. 

> As for the grinding in oil-mills, 
this seems to have been a stock- 
punishment, either true or an alle- 
gory to express the total overthrow 
of "the disputants in wordy war. 
Such oil-mill-g'inding accounts are 
commou as between Bauddhas and 

Jainas, and Jainas and Saivas. 
[Vide p. 45, Rice's Sravana- Bcla- 
gola Inscriptions and p. 471, Vol. 
I. Rice's Mysore Gazetteer lfi97 
iu the latter Kumarila having 
ground Baudhas and Jainas to- 
gether]. If this was literally true, 
then we have parallels in Jesus 
Christ, of whom we are thus told 
in the Epiphany, p 14, Jany, 5^4, 
1903, Vol. XXI, Calcutta :—" The 
hands that worked loving miracles 
of mercy, lifted also the lash of 
cords, to scourge the sacrilegious 
and the covetous out of the temple 
courts. Terrible words issued from 
those lips so full of grace. * * * 
' Depart ye cursed into everlasting 
fire prepared for the devil and his 
angels ! ' Such were some of the 
sayings of the Incarnate Love of 
God. — Actions, utterances, which 
those who seek to emasculate that 
Character Into an ' Oriental Christ,' 
destitute of everything but a %veak 
tolerant benevolence, are fain to 
ignore or obscure, as scarcely to be 
fitted into their imagined scheme 
of human perfection." So if Rama- 
nuja is not to be emasculated^ we 
may also credit him literally witli 
the mill-grinding story ! 




Twelve years, it is written, did Ramanuja stay in the 
Maisur Country, with his head-quarters at Sri-Xarayanapura 
(MSlukSte). All this time he had no news of what events 
transpired at Srii-angam, which he had left owing to the Sivite 
king Krimikantlia-Chola's persecutions. Now a Sri-Vaishnava 
arrived, and fell with his face flat befox-e Ramanuja. Raising 
him, RSim&nuia eagerly inquired :— " Is all going on well with 
Lord Ranga and all His holy affairs ? " " All is well, Sir'e," 
said he, " save that you are very much missed." " But," asked 
Ramanuja with a fluttering heart, " how did KurSsa and 
Mahapurna fare, who were forced to appear before the apos- 
tate Chola ? " " Sire," he began, " the two good men, as you are 
aware, wei-e taken to Chola's presence, and Chola commanded 
them to set their signatures to the written declaration ; No 
higher being than Siva exists. But Kur63a poured out before 
him voluminous authorities from the Vedas, Upanishads, 
Smritis and Puranas, proving that Narayana was the Highest 
God, being the Cause of the cosmas, as also its Author for 
creation, sustention, and dissolution, and therefore the only 
Object of worship and contemplation ; and that Chatur-mukha 
BrahmSi and Rudra were respectively His son and grandson ; 
and cited other verses to demonstrate his position '. But 
Chola after all said in angry tones : — " Look here, thou art 
indeed a very clever person, and therefore capable of interpreting 
authoritative t^exts to suit thy own preconceived prejudices. I 
will not hear all this. Here is my circular containing the 
statement: "There is no higlier than Siva." I command thee 
to sign it without another word of protest". Kiiresa took the 
paper, but before attaching his signature thereto, wrote : 

' Two are cited here for the nse of our readers : 

[Bha-;ivatii. Ul. 28-22.] 


' Dronam asti tatah param,' and then signed hia name under it. 
The meaning of this pa.ssage is : " But drona is higher than 
that." This, and " Sivdt parataram ndsti," meaning : ' there 
is no higher than Siva,' together make a couplet in San.skrit 
verse. Taken togther, they read :— " There is no higher than 
Siva ; but Drona is higher than that (Siva)." By this 
implicated a pun on the terms Siva and Drona ; Siva meaning 
a small measure, and Drona, a greater measure. This play on 
words was taken as a slight and affront which necessarily 
threw the king into a rage, who exclaimed : " Pull out the 
eyes of this daring jester." " But " exclaimed KiirSsa in 
return, " thou needst not take that trouble, tyrant ; I will 
do that act with my own hands, for my eyes ought not to 
remain after seeing a sinner like thyself." ' A martyr to the 
cause of Vaishnavism, KurSsa, so saying, gouged out his eyes, 
striking terror into all who witnessed this blood-curdling scene. 
The cruel king now turned to the venerable old dcMrya 
Mahapurna, and cried : — " Now, Sir, will yon sign this circular 
or no ? " Piirna said he could not, supporting his refusal by 
citations from various scriptures. On this, the king commanded 
his myrmidons to catch the dissenter and pluck out his eyes. 
This cruelty having been inflicted the king drove the two 
martyrs out of his palace. 

Blood streamed out of the eye-less cavities of old Purna, and 
the poignant agony consequent may be better imagined than des- 
cribed. Purna's daughter Attuzhay-amm&l had followed the 
martyrs unobserved. When they emerged from the palace with 
gore dripping and drenching their persons, she ran to them, and 
leading them by their hands, passed out of sight, and comforted 
and consoled them as best as she could, wiping their bloody 
faces, bathing with water, and thus doing her best to stop the 
blood and alleviate their terrible sufferings. Kiir6sa was 
middle-aged, and had besides a strong will, which he further 
strengthened by the reflection : " Ah, God, what grace of Thine 
indeed that thou, hast phosen me as Thy vessel to give eye for 

' For otiier particulars of conversation, see Topic 101, in our 
Pivine Wisdom of Dravida Saints, p. 118. 

im MAnAI'LKXA'S UEATir. «»• ^^X. 

eye," the second ej/e meaning faith — the Vaishnava-faith. Thus 
he fcore the pain with a coui-age, sapet-humau But Pui'iia was 
in his declining years, and tottering as he was in the weakness 
of old age, found the pain beyond his powers of endurance, and 
therefore laid himself down on the Avay in the open, his head 
resting on the lap of KurfiSa ; and his feet on his poor daugh- 
ter's lap. " Holy Sire," said they to him, " what cruel fate 
has befallen ns, and you in particular. Your birth-place is 
Srirangam, your God is Ranga, and your disciple is Ramaiiuja 
himself ; and yet to think that destiny should have ordained 
your grave in an out-of the w.ay field near Gaugai- 
konda-Sozhapuram ! Does this cause you grief?" To thi&, 
Purna said : — " My beloved children, have ye not heard that 
' wherever a Vaishnava may chance to die, tliere God is 
present with him ' ' even as Blessed Rama was present 
at the dying of Jatayu, in the wilderness ? ' And have ye not 
. heard that, " the best place for a Vaishnava to die is on a 
Vaishnava's lap or in a Vaishiiava.'s house ? ' ' And this beside& 
is holy land too where I am dying, for it is where our holy 
ances-tors Nftthamuni and Kuragai-kaval-appan died. Also 
know that if we grieve, because we did not die at Srirangam 
itself, all our posterity will think that for salvation, death in 
Srirangam alone is necessary. No, no, our rule is that a good 
soul, which has capitulated to God {prapanna) may meet his- 
death anywhere, and yet be sure of G^d beside him there." So 
speaking, MahS,purna expired with his last thoughts lovingly 
fixed on Yftmun&ch§,rya, his Guru, and sped to ineffable Rest 
in the bosom of God.* 

According to custom, Purna had to be cremated with due 
ceremony and honors. There came some way-farers and said : 


'T^^^'3Ts?m?;?T%«J!!%i?mo'n< i 

" Rdmdyana 111, 69. 

* A place called Fanupati Koil, about 7 miles from Kandiyur 
(Tanjore District) is pointed out as the place where MahS,puriia breathed 
his last. 


" man, you have a corpse, and we help those who are aban- 
doned by all, as you evidently are." KurSSa cried : — " Sir.s, 
Grod is 'with us ; so proceed on your way and succour those who 
are really abandoned. These searches, then, after andtha-pretas 
(helpless corpses) went their way. And now turned up sud- 
denly Srivaishnavas, people of KurfeSa's own faith, by the 
help of whom he cremated Purna by the special rite called the 

Kur6sa was now gently led to a shelter, and after resting: 
there for a while, after the tremendous trials he had undergone, 
was brought to Srirangam by night-marches to elude pursuit 
by the king's emissaries, if he still did intend to persecute 
the fugitives. KurSsa was spending weary days lamenting 
over what had happened, and grieving that he was denied the 
privilege of dying with the veteran MahS,purna. 

One day, Kur6sa desired to visit Lord Banga, for the first 
time after the chapter of disastrous events related above. 
Being blind, he slowly groped his way to the shrine. But king 
Chola had strictly decreed by his royal mandate that none 
should be allowed to enter it, who was a follower of B^lmanuja. 
When then Kurfesa was about to step into the Temple, the 
guards said : " Sire, our orders are strict. No one belonging to 
RamSiunja are to be admitted. But you are a good man par ex- 
cellence, and so we make of you an exception. Enter, but pray 
make an avowal that you have seceded from R^mSitiuja." On 
hearingthis, KurSsa closed his ears and said : " Good guards, 
what have I heard ? If I have to secede from RamElnuja, and 
recant as you wish, I had better give up this God Ranga. 
Without Ra,mS.nuja, no God exists for me." So saying, Kur6sa 
groped his way back, bent with grief, and fell on the ground 
weeping, uttering, in despairing tones, the holy verses of saints. 
Soon after, he left Srirangam, with his two children, to Tiru- 
m§.lirunjolai (near Madura) to spend his days there in grief 
and solitude. 

Such was the narrative given by the guest who had 
arrived at Melukote from Srirangam. RS.m4nuja listened to the 
bitt«r tale, which was to him like molten lead poured into his ears- 


With difficulty he suppressed his rising emotions ; and at last, 
containing himself no longer, burst into a passion of gi'ief, 
dropped on the ground like a felled tree and rolled in the dust, 
wetting it with his burning tears. His disciples gathered 
round him and did their best to console him. And he resigned 
himself at last, thanking God that KurSsa at least was alive, 
whom thus he had yet a chance to see, though the thought of 
the loss of his eyes was to him unbearable. 

Mahapurna, being his Guru, all the sacraments to be 
celebrated after death were duly performed such as Sri.-chilrna- 
paripdlana, and memorial verses ' were dedicated to him. 

RfiimsLnuja's heart was wrung with agony. He called 
M. M. And4n ' to his side, and directed him to proceed to Sri- 
rangam, carrying condolences aud a budget of news to KurSsa, 
and return with all the intelligence of that place ; and engaged 
himself more vigorously than ever in prelections on the 
VedSiuta which he delivered to his devoted audiences. 

About this time, Goshthi-purna, one of the Gurus of 
B.§,m3,nuja, also died. His diciples gathered round him and' 
asked him what were his thoughts in his last moments. He^ 
said he was thinking of his Guru Yamun&chS,rya, and the 
meaning of his verse : — 

' Rdma Great, tcho forgave the miscreant Kdka ! 
Krishna Cheat, who forgave the miscreant Chaitya ! 
Hote can my sin persist against such grace of Thine ? 
So saying Purna died. And Terk-AzhvAr, his son, performed 

^H<!li4ia*<rqi<!!y<!!l»JrT|;(5f5qT I 

=tf®-iHM-^i«ww<!.WM<;iHi<'ifl<7^f'iirr?i^ I 

'Vi CKI<t1rj.<^iai'-qqffT *<-<^d'*)t l' j.^H I <?<i II 
^ Fall name: — Mar-anri\.\4,-ii&rxiii-y-&nda,n. 


all the funeral ceremonies. Memorial verses were dedicated to 

Tirumalai-Andan", Tiru-v-aranga-p-perum§il-Araiyar,' Srl- 
saila-pHrna,' and K8,iichi-pfirna, ' the other gurus of Bdimanuja 
also soared to the Etermal Regions, at this time ; and memorial 
verses were dedicated to them as custom demanded. 

Thus ends a black chapter.^ 
[It is chroniched of Kafichi-purna that it was a very dark 
night at the close of a day, when he had finished his services to 
Lord Varada, and had to go home. A torch-hearer by name 
Arulalan attached to the Temple was found on the premises. 
Purna begged of him to conduct him back to his relreat light- 
ing the dark way with his torch. But he excused himself say- 
ing he was much tired that day, and slipped away, to sleep 
snuo- in a corner. Purna thought he would find his way in the 
pitch-dark night as best as he could ; but hardly had he crossed 
the threshold of the Temple-gate, when there was found a torch- 
bearer with his torch, ready to conduct him home. Purna was 
glad that the man had kindly changed his mind for his sake. 
The next morning, however, when Purna came to the Temple 
to do the round of his duties, the torch-bearer ran towards 

vrn^'Ti^ig^ti^ «,i5i^'i*(-j\ 1^1% II 
JTTsrwn^^ ^raf^mra<w, ii 
a^q4^jf5=^t M'ni=iftrKr%^iH: ii 

* l M ^ m^V-4 I Nr -l d l H? PT Ml^rf^l<i<l'4»gtM<P-< I 

" Yes they are gone, and round us, too, the night, 

In ever-ueariug circle weaves her shade." [Matthew Arnold,'] 


liim, and with a look of great repentance, fell at his feet crav- 
ing pardon for his refusal, the previous night, to light liim home. 
Purna was taken aback at this demonstration, for he had had 
him actually the previous night. It now however flashed upon 
his mind that it must have been Lord Varada Himself after all 
(whose tamil name is ArluAlan alBo), who had personated the 
torcli -bearer. "VVith joy bubbling in hie breast at this addi- 
tional evidence of God's love for his humble votaries, he dis- 
missed the real torch-bearer, of course forgiving him.'] 

[A tradition also has been handed down, with regard to 
Arulalan that he was the favorite of KElnchipurna, so much so 
that he daily received from the latter the remains of Varada- 
offered food in the temple, after having been eaten by him. 
One day Purna gave the food on a leaf to Arul&lan. Somehow 
a leaf had found its way into one of the holy vessels with which 
food was offered to Lord Varada ; and Purna was shown this. 
He identified it with the leaf he had given to Arulalan ; and 
the latter, when asked, said he could not explain how it found 
its way into the shrine and into a holy vessel. Of course the 
temple-officials resolved to perform a great purificatory cere- 
mony. But Lord Vanida declared to them that he -would 
brook no such ceremony, inasmuch as Arulalan was such a dear 
servant of his, and Purna was a sacred person, whose touch of 
the food and Arulalan's touch of it again made the leaf so holy 
that he would rather have the day's food served to him with 
the leaf. This was accordingly done and no purificatory ritual 
customarily binding, was gone through. It is said that Ra,ma- 
nuja had come to learn the extraordinary sanctity of Purna and 
of all that concerned him and of the esteem in which Lord 
Varada held him ; and that it was ou this account R&manuia 
had been eager to partake of the food first taken by Puma. It 
was for this purpose, it may be remembered, that Ramanuja 
invited Purna to his house ; but he was thwarted in the design 
by the indiscretion of his wile — which has already been related 
on page. 70.] 

' This account fortuilously [a miracle 1 should say] fell into iiiv 
haiids ou tho day of uiy paying a ohaiicc visit to the Holy Shrine of 
Koviladi (Tanjore District) on the 21st February 1<JU5, vide Vrapaitch". 
Mitrau (Tamil) dated I'riday 17th February 1905. 




M. M. Andan, who was despatched by E&mS.uuja to Sri- 
rangam, arrived there in due time and making obeisance to 
KurfiSa, announced himself to the now blind but heroic martyr. 
Kur6sa fell into ecsta.<!y and looked upon Andan as Ramanuja 
himself arrived, and hurriedly asked, in anxious tremulous 
tones, how it was faring with RamS,nuja. Said And4ii : — 
" He is well enough ; but his grief at what has happened 
here and especially at the loss of your eyes, is inconsolable. 
He has sent me to tender you his heart-felt sympatliies ". 
" Good," said KurSsa, " but inform my master that so long as. 
his life has been saved from the bigot Chola — a Jife which 
sustains the world — the loss of my eyes is of no account what- 

Intelligence arrived at this time that king Chola bad died ' 
of a carbuncle on his neck, festering with worms. Andftn, to 
make sure of this, journeyed to Gangai-konda-Sozhapuram 
(near Chidambaram ?), and obtaining corroboration of the glad 
news, hurried on to Melukote, taking with him Ammangi- 
ammSl, whom he met on his way. 

In due course they arrived at Melukote, and finding RamS,- 
nuja busy at the time batliing in the holy pond Kaiyani, fell 
before him, and shedding tears of joy, related to him the news 
of Chola'a death, RS,mannja was transported with joy at the 
death of the sworn enemy of his Faith, and raising up the two 
disciples, embraced them, himself shedding tears of joy and 

' From inscriptions it is made Iloysala, who is found at Yadava- 

oat that Kulottunga Chola I or para (Mdlukote) in 1125 A.C. (No. 

Vira-Chola or Baja-Eajendra Cho- 16, Inscription, Mysore.) He ia 

la's tiins was 1064 to 1113 A.C. And also known as Krimi-kantha and 

he is said to have died a few years also, as is seen' in the 

earlier than Vishnu Vardhana of verse : — 

LfeSlsoiUjaStjrssBrt trsu^u^ ugbI—^^s 

siruu^Qiodir si—Qesrenrsn^ir^^ 



said: — 'O faithful sons, how far indeed have you travelled, 
bearing bo many hardsliips dimply to carry me this joyful mes- 
sage ! How can I sufficiently reward you ? The best that I 
can give you is the Holy Dvaya-mantra. Receive it So say- 
ing he initiated them in the Holy Formula ; and looking round 
to the group of followers who had surrounded liira, addressed 
them thus: — "Omy faithful, our bitterest foe is gone. Our 
faith has stood this most severe and crucial trial. This holy pond 
Kalyani is really kalydiit, au.spicious , and this Mfl,ruti-Aud3,n 
is really mdruti, Hanuman.'" "Yea," all cried jubilantly. 
In a body they all mounted the saci-ed Hill of Lord Nrisimha, 
rising from the edge of the pond. Prostrating himself before 
Nrisimha, Kamanuja praised him thus : — " O Slayer of Hira- 
nya, of yore, even now hast thou slain Chola, the demon. Even 
as thou savedst thy devotee Prahldda then, hast thou saved 
KurSsa now." Tirlha and prasdda were duly bestowed on 
Ild>manuja who thereon descended the hill, and entering the 
adytum of Nar&jana, asked leave of Him to return to Sriran- 
gam, now that his work was completed. NSrSiyana returned 
no answer for a long time, when Rd,manuja urged his request 
again : " Almighty, Banga's command was that I should stay 
for ever in Srirangam. Owing to une:cpected calamities, I was 
forced to leave the place. Now that all has been accomplished 
here, may I not return ?" Lord N5.rJLyana's voice now came ; 
" Be it so, then." 

RSimanuja had established in Melukote, fifty -two officers 
{Aimbattiruvar) for the restored Fane of NflirAyana. These 
magnates, hearing that Rd.mEi,nuja was about to leave them, 
fell at his feet weeping, and said : " Holy Sire, how can we live 
■\\rithout you ?" BSimSiUUJa raised them up lovingly and brush- 
ing away their tears, said : — " Take heart, sons, I shall let an 
image be cast after my own likeness, and leave it here, filled 
with my power. It shall answer all your purposes. Further, 
I lay it on you all to take care of our Sampat-kdmSira brought 
from Delhi. He is like my son standing near the brink of a 
well. Such is my love for Him. See to the proper discharge 

I The messenger who bronglit Bama the joyful tidings of Sit4. 


of all the sacred functions connected with NS.rS.yana's Temple. 
See that you do not cheat God of what is due to Him, or cheat 
each other. Remain ever firmly friendly to one another, and 
he not remiss in your loving services to God whom we have 
installed in this country." 

Leaving besides a detailed code of temple-procedure, he 
left M6Iukote, after passionate grief had been displayed, by him 
on the one hand at having to part from his beloved Sampat- 
kumS,ra and his disciples, and on the other hand by his disci- 
ples and all at having to part from their cherished master 
and pontiif. Rftmanuja's progress thus from the Temple 
"ivas very slow for some distance out of the town. He 
looked back at every step, drinking in -with his eyes, the 
sight of the temple, its tutxets, corridors, the streets, and 
the homesteads which had risen all round, and with a heart 
overflowing with kindness for all that he was going to leave 
behind. Nor would the townsfolk allow him to depart quietly. 
After he had gone some way forward, they waylaid him and 
cried : — " Sire, how can we be sure you are in your Image ? 
Give us evidences ; else you cannot leave us in bereavement." 
" Beloved men," said he, " return, and standing before my 
image, call me by my name." They ran back and did so. 
" R£Lmfi,nuja, our Lord !", cried they. " Tes, T am here and for 
ever,"' came the voice from the Image. They were satisfied, and 
running back to RamjLnuja, fell before him and after a vehement 
outburst of grief and of gratitude, and consolation by Raminuja, 
he was allowed to bid adieu to them all. 

In rapid marches, — ^love for Sampat-kumara restraining 
him, but prospect of seeing Lord Ranga urging him forward — 
he arrived at the banks of Kaveri at Srirangam. He stopped 
there to bathe and decorate himself with the twelve holy 
marks and make other preparations before planting his foot on 
the sacred land. In the meanwhile, the magnates of Sriran- 
gam were apprised of his arrival. Their joy was indescribable. 
They all ran up to him in breathless excitement, and wel- 

* Cp. " For where there are two gathered in my name, there am I 
in the midst of them". [Mat: XVIII, 20]. "Behold lam with yon all 
days, even to the consummation of the world "' [Mat. XX VIII. 20], 


corned him back home with a salvo of greetings. After having 
been away for nearly twentj'- long years, he was now making 
triumphal entry in the midst of a seething crowd,- — all eyes 
and hearts turned to him — alter having undergone so many 
hardships and trials for the Faith. A ceremonial enti-y was 
made into the adytum of Kanga, with prostrations at every 
step. " Son," said the Lord, opening His mouth, " thou hast 
l)een away from Us far and long ; sure thou must be very tired. 
" Merciful God," replied R&m&nuja, " while Thou art alive with 
Thy elect by Thy side, there is no fatigue to me or all the 
universe put together." Banga was pleased and commanded 
tirtJia and prasdda to be administered, and granted him leave 
to go and join his m.on.astery and rest after his toils and trials. 

But as Rsbm&nuja threaded his way round the streets of 
Srirangam, whei-e he gladly wituessed t!ie charming scenes 
which he had long missed, his thoughts were occupied with 
Kiiresa, and the first thing that he would, and did, do was to 
step into his dwelling. Of course blind Kuresa, who had ere 
this returned from Tirttm.alirunjolai (near Madura), was inform- 
ed beforehand of his master's return ; and as he heard SsbmSi- 
nuja approach, rushed forward from his door, and prostrat- 
ing himself, firmly clasped RS.m£LTiuja's feet, and bathed them 
in a flood of tears, and lay there speechless like one bewitched 
and stricken. Rimftnuja was himself greatly moved. He gently 
lifted up KurSsa, and tirmly embracing him, was himself made 
speechless by the mingled sentiments of joy and grief shak- 
ing the very foundations of his soul, vrith great difficulty, ob- 
structed by tears and by voice made tremulous with emotion and 
refusing utterance, spoke the one phrase : " KurfiSa, thou 
hast given thy eye — the eyeof our faith — for the faith !" Kur63a 
who had lost his voice so long, recovered somewhat, and was 
able to say : — " Master, beloved ! I must at least have sinned 
by thinking, 'this man's niark on the forehead is crooked.' 
Hence my punishment is deserved." Ramannjasaid^ "Beloved, 
thoa, to sin ? Rather mine must be the sin, for which thoa 
hast atoned. Come, let us go." So saying, Ramd,nuja reached his 
own monastery, leading Kurftsa lovingly by the liand, followed 
by the immense host of devotees and others mustered thick. 



After twelve (or some say^ fourteen) years ' of absence, 
RAmfiiQuja had returned to iiis central see, the centre of his opera- 
tions. The faithful gathered round him. Love and veneration 
for him liad multiplied and deepened; and thy all said: — 
"Worshipful master, by the loss of Mahapurna, a blank has been 
created in our hearts, and by the loss of our KureSa's eyes, a 
sore. Have we lived to see yon, — a salve for our ills ? Listen, 
master, the apostate (infidel) Cho-a not only persecuted us and 
our leEiders, but cari-ied his vandalism to great excess by 
destroying our Vaishnava temples everywhere. He had 
thus demolished the Vishnu Images in Chilrakuta, — about 
which you shall anon hear more, and was on his way to Sri- 
rangam to do the same. But when he halted for the night in 
a village, he wa.s suddenly taken ill, a fatal sore burst out on 
his neck," and killed him after terrible suffering, Srirangam, 
the centre of our faith, was thus miraculously saved. Listen 
now to what happened at Chitrakuta (Chidambaram). The 
place, as you are aware, is infested with Saivas, and their leader 
Chola, had torn up Lord Grovinda-rS,ja from His seat — both the 
mUla and the utsava Images — , and had directed their being cast 
into the sea. But there was a courtesan by name Tilya (or 
Tillai) who is a staunch Vai.shnava devotee. She managed to 
divert the king's attention at the time, so far as to enable tlie 
Vaishnava adherents of the place to avert the sea-grave form 
their Lord, and secretly make away with Him to Tirupati up in 

1 Like Bilma who '.vonld not R3,mamija's entry into Melukote as 

return to Ayodhya for 14 years about; 1093 A.C., it gives 18 years 

in spite of Bharata's prayer, the for Earaanuja's sojourn and plas 2 

Lord Ranga would not fulKl Rama- years for travel, makes in all 

nuja's prayers to end Chola's per- 20 years as the interval between 

secution, till ho also (being Kama's Ramanuja actually leaving Srlraii- 

brother) travelled for 14 years, gam and rejoining it, 6 years being 

According to a Belur inscription allowed for his travels to other 

(vide foot note 1, p. 182) D&Barathi Shrines &o., after leaving and 

established the Belur Templein 1039 again joining Srirangam. 
Saka, (A.C. 1117), so that taking 

' This is said to have been ^caused by God Yenkaj e=a striking his 
neck with the discos, ia answer to Rim&nnja's prayers. 


the north." E.4md/nuja heard all this vandalistic tale with a 
troubled heart, and hot tears rolled down his cheeks. " Beloved 
disciples, take heart and be comforted, I will set matters right." 
So saying, he again girded himself up for action, though now 
very old and exhausted.' " Start," commanded he, " let us go 
to Venkat63a." So they all went to Tirupati, arriving at which 
place, Bamdinuja had a temple built at the foot of the hill, by 
the h Ip of a Yadava-r&ja or Kattiyadeva,' and had Govindaraja 
of Chitrakuta installed there. He called Him by the name 
Tillai- Govindaraja, ' and created a town round the Temple, 
Goviudaraja-pattana"(PMapuri), which is still flourishing at the 
present time. Kamannja now recollected the old Saint's verse : — 

and wondered how prophetic it was of the Saint to have sung 
the Shrine of Tirupati along with the Shrine of Chitrakutam 

> RamSiimjarra-Divya-Cliarita of gives the date of the destruction 
this Tiahon Shrine by Kulottunga Cholaas: — 

i.e., 1009 Saka = lOS7 A.C., so have also their etymological aigni- 

that it mast have been just im- fications and assouiatioua. We are 

mediately or after llamanaja left thus rigid monotheists. It is the 

Srirangam for the table-land of One God under different symbols 

Mysore. and images, one Light lighted from 

1L17A.C. finds Raminnjaat Melu- another Light as we say: Dl'pdd- 
kote, and thns he must have now utpanna-pradipavat; — one God pro- 
been past his centenary,- when he lating or hvpustaaixing so to s.iy. 
was back at Srirangam 20 years 'Jhis remind's us of what Dionysius 
more brings it to 1137 A,C., the the Areopagite said, though he said 
year of his death. ' it with reference to another matter, 

» See p. 86, Venkatachal-etihaaa- — " That light is one and entirely 

Tnala. Bis capital is said to have the same through all things and 

been Na,ra,yan».pQra. although there is diversity of ob- 

rhe reader will perhaps run jeots, the light remains one and 

away with the idea that the Vaish- undivided in different objects so 

navaa are polytheists— not mono- that, without confusion, variety 

theists as we profess— inasmuch as may be assigned to the objects 

we speak of God Kanganatha, God identity to the light " fP 474 

Varada,God Venkatesaand so forth. Ua.x.UaneT' a Psychological Religion! 

Theaenamesatevanoas names given See Topic 171 in our Divine 

to but one God, a different name Wiadom. 
for a different Shrine. The Names 


in one verse.' He then ascended the High Holy Hill of Tiru- 
pati to pay his homage to the Lord Venkafccsa. Here, E.ama- 
nuja imparted the Art of worshipping Grod in His Images 
(Aradhana), — r;alled the Nitya — to his two disciples Kur63a and 
Hanumad-Dsisa. There was another disciple Vangi-p-Purattu 
Nn.mbi, to whom, he had promised this knowledge for some 
time, but an opportunity had not presented itself so far. As 
however he was conclnding his instructions, V. P. Nambi sud- 
denly presented himself before R4manuja, who felt somewhat 
diflScult therefore in the delicate situation, viz., his unbosoning 
secrets to some, while he had not done so to those whom he had 
promised ; but Ramdiunja excused himself to Nambi thus : — 
" Listen, Nambi ! Hitherto I could not solve to myself the 
riddle how Lord Krishna who is God all-powerful, submitted 
himself to be bound by a rope by an ordinary woman YaSoda. 
To-day I find the solution inasmuch as by the importunity of 
my disciples Kiii-esa and Hanumad-Das, my own strong will 
bent to impart knowledge to them though I had promised 
it thee first. My own experience then, of how supplication 
made my own will to give in, supplies me with the key how even 
God -will allow his resolve to melt before the fire of His 
votaries' love. So saying, he gave the promised knowledge to 

Rimanuja took leave of the Lord and descending the Holy 
Hill, wended his way back to Srirangam via KS,nchi. Settled 
thus in his see, the High Pontiff dispensed his teachings to 
crowded audiences, who received them, it is said, as cool 
showers and balmy zephyrs lulling their parched souls to 
heavenly rest. 

Kttlottunga Chola II (1128 — 1158 ?) or Vikrama-Ch61a 
(1113 — 1128) who perhaps was also called Kulottunga, the son 

1 Consult pp. 87 ff. of Venkata- Varahe]. Ou Venkatesa, see Rig 

chaletihasamaia for fnrthei details. Teda VIII, 8, 18. ^ilft+i^R+ilJi- 

Henoe in the Ashtottara Hymn to f<Jli^ti<M I Rl^KS^Wr^s^IH- 

Srinivasa (Venkatesa), His name ^^^j^pj^^ jj 

is coupled with Go vinda thus:— , y.^^ Commentaries on Tiru- 

^(^^[^^♦flHfif ^H=IWWdH*<"- II monhi 57, 4. 
[P. 78, Venkataohala-JMahatmya- 


of Kriniika:it)ia-Ch6lii, who was a pro-Vaishnavite and wlio 
had in vaiu tried to convince his father of the futility of his 
schemingR agaicstthe Vaishnavas inasmuch as their strongliolds, 
the E&mayana and the MahabhArata could never be i-epressed, 
thoagh he might demolish all the Vaishnava temples on earth, 
and had also suffered reverses of fortune ' on nccount of Ihe 
sins of his father, heating of Ra,manuja's arrival, repaired to 
Srirangam in haste, taking with him the PAndya and Chera 
Kings. Approaching Ra.mS,nuja, he fell at his feet and craved 
pardon for his father's faults. From the largeness of his heart, 
BamSiQUJa granted it ; and took Kulottnnga, by his request, 
into the Vaishnava fold by administering due Sacraments and 
made him a disciple of DaSarathi. " No more ", cried the king, 
"shall I exei'cise any jurisdiction over the Temples August 
Sire. I pray you to assume the entire control yourself from 
this day." Bamanuja consented, and calling Dasarathi, had 
the entire administriition of tlie Temple formally bestowed on 
him as a gift in the manner prescribed by the Sastras. It is 
written in the work, called Koil-ozhugu, that a stone inFcrip- 
ton to this effect was caused io bs installed at the Arya-bhat- 
tal gate.' Bdimsinuja is stated to be past his centenary by this 

' These reverses appear to have pp. 97-99, it may be seen that the 

been an invasion by the P3,iidyaiis, prant of Vira-Chola, or son of 

and subsequent vassalage under the Kulottnnga I gives more than 245 

kings of Vijayanagaram. [Fide p Vaislmava names ; showing how 

37, GontrCbiitionf to the hnperial Sri-Vaishnavism had been well 

Gazetteer, Trichinopoly, IQOl A.C.] established and its adherent? vene- 

' See No. 23, Map of Temple tj rated. And Tithala, » Madhva 

the second collection of Papers re- sang of Kamanuja thus:— (Rev. 

lating to Srlrangain, 1S94, A.C. Kittel's Translation in ludian Anti, 

From Epigraphica Indica, Vol. V, quary Vol II). 

SAm&nnja, Doctrine-supporter ! 
Rod for the great mountain of Dark heretics ! 


" They say the Chola put up a post (Kambha) saying:— 

' He with the eye on his forehead (Siva), and no other Godhead 

there js ' ! 
The Master of the Tatis (Yatipati) seized and flayed him alive 


Rainanuja was sore at hea.rt at Kurfesa's liaving become 
blind. One day, he called him anxiously to his side and 
said: — " Son, beloved ! Lord Varada of Kanchi is, as we know, 
a ready granter of wishes. I enjoin thee to sing a hymn to 
Him to bestow sight on thee a^gain." " Sire," submitted KuiSsa, 
" this niatei'ial sight, I desire not." " But, beloved, do as I 
desire," often exhorted Eamanuja. Kur^Sa accordingly sang 
the hymn khown as Vaiadardja-stava — one of the five stavas — 
beginning with : — 

??iwi'^frmH*:d'5i«fHW'piHici,HR(«'srafiT: i 

' Hari ! who deck the top of the Hasti-Hill, whom tlie Vedas 
declare as to have neither equal nor superior, "bless me.' And 
in the twenty -third stanza, he prayed : — 

' Hasti-Lord of bluish hue ! Recliner on Ananta 1 I beseecli 
Thee to ever let my sight Fee Thy bewitching beauty.' That 
very night, the Lord appeared in his dream and said : •' granted," 
Kui€sa rose next morning with a joyful heart, and after per- 
forming the day's ablutions, &c., finished the stava, and pro- 
ceeding to Ramanuja, repeated before him the whole stava, and 
said :— " Sire, the previous night, the Lord appeared in mj 
dream and he has granted me such spiritual sight as is able 
ever to enjoy his Beatific Vision — Vision such as obtains in 
Vaikuntha, according to the verse : — 

(■Continued) foot note on page 238. 

And made a Chola Shed <Ohappara, a shed of the Cliola skin) ? 

See, my brother ! [yerte 1} 
Saying ;— ' It is a Yyasa-T6]u ! they (the Lingayatas), not mind- 

Fasten a bnU (Nandi) to a standard (Dtvaja) and worship it. 

Hea* ! 
For one (or, for that one) Vy^sa-Toln, our master (Ayya) [Katna- 

SUi] ped of a thousand arms of Siva's followers (Saiana). 

adverse i/.] 

'■ 27 


'In that Vaikuntha, beyond the visible universe, the 
Immortals see the Eternal Lord with their spiritual eyes.' 

" My beloved, that is not what I want ; come let ns pro- 
ceed to Lord Varada," said BUmanuja, annoj-ed, and went with 
him to Kafichi, and bade liim repeat the Stava. Kurfesa began 
and as he was proceeding, E,ama,nuja was obliged to leave the 
place for a few minutes on some business. But before he re- 
turned, Kurfisa had gone to the end of his Stava ; and Lord 
Varada having appeared and bidden him to ask what he wanted, 
he had absent-mindedly prayed that N&luran might be saved 
even as he might be saved.' ' Be it so,' said the Lord. By 
this time B/amannja ran in, and learning what had taken place 
in his absence, chided Xurfisa thus : — ■' Son, thou hast acted 
contrary to my wishes. Thou has spoilt matters. Oh Lord, 
canst Thon not deign to grant my jjrayer that Kuresa regain 
(physical) sight ?" The Lord wa.s moved at this earnest sppeal 
of Ea,m§,nuja, and spoke thus : — " We grant him that sight ; 
but except jMe and thee, he shall see no other material object." 
UdmSinuja was at least satisfied with this, and immediately put 
Kurfisa to test by asking him to look at Lord Varada, and 
describe Him. Kurfesa did so. ' And now describe me,' asked 
he next. Kvlrfisa, his face lit up with heavenly joy, described 
his preceptor's person accurately in all detail. Ramanuja was 
satisfied and taking leave of the Lord, returned to Srirangam. 

Eamanuja was, after his return, engaged with his disciples, 
in reading St. Andal's Hymnal, the Naycchiyar-Tirumozhi ; 
and coming to verses IX. 6 and 7 : Naru-narum and Tnru- 
vandu, in which the Saintess declared that " she would place 
before the Lord Sundara-ra,ja of Tirumaiirnnjolai, one hundred 
vessels of nectareous food ; and if He but came down and ale 
it all, she would place a hundred thousand more." EamAnnja 
stopped at this and looking at his disciples, said: — "Why do 
not we proceed to the Holy Slirine at once and caiTy out her 
wish?" So saying, they all rose and journeyed to the place, 
and spread a great feast before the Deity. Ramanuja pro- 
ceeded thence to Sri-villipnttur, the birth-place of St. Audal, 

1 This was the person who instigated Chdja to Send for BEmanuja to 
sign the Paper of his faith. Be is a disciple of Eiirepa. See p. 170. 


and as he was standing before her, lost in devotion, the Saintess, 
by the voice of her priest on duty, conferred upon him the title 
of Koil-annar.' Rjbmunuja next proceeded to Tiranagari of St. 
iJTammazhv&r. Prom Tiruna,gari, Ei,mannja paid a visit to 
Tirukkolur, about two miles north of it, the birth-place of 
St. Madhurakavi. As he was proceeding, he met a damsel by 
name Tiruk-koliir Ammai coming from Tiruk-k6lur. ' Whence 
art thou coming ?' asked he of her. " From Tiruk-k6lur," said 
she. To this, R4manuja chidingly said : — " I wonder, lady, thou 
shouldst emerge from a. Holy Place, into which, according to the 
verses of St. Nammilzhvsbr, every one should enter ?" " To this, 
Ammai gave the following long reply* : — 

Holy Sire ! who am I to deserve to live in such a Holy 
Place? for:— ) 

1. Did I go on such a holy mission as Akmra ? 

2. Did I entertain in my house like Vidura? 

3. Did I cast off my body like the Eishi's wife ? 

4. Did I cause a Ravana fo be killed like S,it§j ? 

5. Did I raise the dead like Tondam4a ? 

6. Did [ offer a corpse like Ghant4karna ? 

7. Did I adorn (a SitS,) like Anasiiya? 

8. Did I seek for a Father like Dhruva ? 

9. Did I repeat the Three-letterd Name like Kshatra- 
bandhu ? 

10. Did I get trodden like Ahalya ? 

* See Topic 117 and foot note thereunder, p. 133, Divine Wisdom o 
Drdvida Saints. 

^ Vishnu-Purana. 
^ Mah4-bharata, Sabha-Farva. ' 

s Sri Bh4gavata, X, 23, 38:— FT^+lRscnT^ T'RTmr^tT^ I 
g^T^fn^JITf <^*1l3«(''J^T'3!. II Sudarsana of Itihasa-samuoohaya(?) 

* Bamayana. 

^ Mahalakslimi, Kiirraa's wife, Veukatesa-MahS,tmya (Bharish- 
yottara, 14th Adh). 
^ Harivamsa. 
' Bitmayana.' 
° Vishnu-purana. 

' 'Vishnn-dharma. The Name is Gp-vin-da; also Bee Timm&lai, 2, 4^ 
•o Raina,yaTia, or Adhyatma-Eamayana, 14tb Adh. 


11. Did I ripen, while yet i-aw, like Andal ? 

12. Did I establish (o? proclaim) Na,i-a,yana, like St. Peri- 
y&zhvSr ? 

13. Did I ransack religions like St. Tii-umazhisai ? 

14. Did I know Him as " the Subtlest " like St. Nanv 
inazlivilr ? 

1.5. Did I say : " anything," like St. ICalasekhara ? 

16. Did 1 say : " I pledge my word," like Krishna ? 

17. Did I give clues (to RaniEl), like Kabandha ? 

18. Did I reveal secrets lilie Trijata ? 

19. Did I recognize God (in Rama) like Mandfidari ?■ 

20. Did 1 say : " / know Thee," like Visvamitra ? 

21. Did I say : " I know of no other God;," like St. Ma- 
dhurakavi ? 

22. Did I givfr birth to a God like Devakl ? 

23- Did I say : " conceal Thy discus," like Vasudeva ? 

24. Did I bring up a Cowherd like Yasoda ? 

25. Did I do a mite (of service) like the sq,uirrels ? 

26. Did 1 take fried rice like Kuehfela ? 

'' A precocious prodigy in divinity. Bead he» life in our Lives of 

^ Kead his life in our Lives of Azhvirs. 

^ Do. do. , and verse Pimil-dya in TirUi 


" Do. do. Also v. 75 " Puviyam " of Peri- 

ya-TiruvandS,di may be read. 

^ Do. do. verse IV, 10. PerumaJ Tiru- 


1" Bhagavad-gita' XVIII, 65: ^T^qWjHl'^r^WiTflB^. -^l^o Bhirata 
s(jory is referable, where a dead boy vras restored to life by Krishna — 
afl others having failed. He is said to have spoken thus : — ^T^ IJ»|$)t4- 
if^TR^ ^firg^lr^Irr l 4l^|^cf;<W^ a^l^g^ra^: ll AIso see Afvame^^ 
dlia-Parva, 70 and 18. ff. beginiung with ;jsff(ig=ff^fl[si[j ^rF!IKtTlvR^^?H%. *<5- 

17 18. 10 Bamayana. 

» Do. 'Sf^rTir. I, 19, 14. 

^ Verse Tivu-matt-ariyin in Kannlnun-Sirultamb u. 

n 23, u Vishnu-Pnraiia. 

" Padma-pui&na (?). Aka v. 27, Tirumoli. 

^ Sri Bhitgavata. 


27. Did I bestow weapons like Agastya ? 

28. Could I eater the seraglio like Sanjaya ? 

29. Could I, by ' works ' obtain bliss like Jauaka ? 

30. Did I bite tbe toe and see Him like St. Tirumangai ? 

31. Did I become the umbrella and .so on, like Adi-S6sha ?' 

32. Did I carry Him, like Garutman ? 

33. Did 1 keep promise, like Nam-paduvtin ? 

34. Did I behold God in a nook, like the Fii-st Azhvars ? 

35. Did I guard two princes, like Valmiki ? 

36. Did I offer two garlandsj like St. Tondaradippodi ? 

37. Did I obtain truths, like Tiru-k-kacchi-nanibi ? 

38. Was I absorbed into God, like St. Tiriip-p£lnazhv£br ?' 

39. Did I say : " send," like Vasishtha ? 

40. Did I worship sandals, like Kongil-piratti ? 

41. Did I offer clay -flowers, like Kui'uva-nambi ? 

42. Did I vociferate : " Oh : The Origin !," like Gajendra ? 

43. Did I offer scents, like the hunch back Kubja? 

44. Did I offer wreaths, like the Maifi,kara ? 

*' B4inS.yaTia. 

^^ Sri Bliagavata and BhS.rata. 

^ Bliagavad-gita, III, 20, Karmanaivahi, &c. 

^ Bead his life in our Lives of Azhvars. 

"1 Stotra-Eatna v, 40 ; and v. 53, Saiindl, Ist Tiruvandadi. 

^ See Gajendra-Moksha, Bhagavata. 

^' Kaisika-purana. 

** See our Lives of Azhvars. 

'5 B§.mayaiia, the two princes being Lava and Kusa. 

^ Bead his life in our Lives of AzhvS,rs. Flower-wreath and Hjmu- 
^ wreath (Tirumalai). 

^' See Life of Bamannja. 

S8 See his life in our Lives of Azhvars. 

^ Bamayana (sending B^ma with Vifvamitra).. 

♦» Bead Life of Bamannja. (Bamanuja's Sandals), p^ 176. 

1 Kariiva-nambi or Bhlma. [Venjcatesa llahSiniya, Bhavishyottaiii^ 
ilth Adh.3 

« Bhagavata. 
''*• and ** VisbTiu-pnrina. 


45. Did I keep my assigned place, like Bharata ? 

46. Did I serve on the way, like Lakshmana ? 

47. Did I land on the other shore, like Guha ? 

48. Did I fight with the demon, like Jatayus ? 

49. Did I land on this shore, like Vibhiahana ? 

50. Did I offer sweet fruits, like Sabari ? 

51. Did I say : " Hei-e He is," like Prahiada ? 
62. Did I hide (Krishna) like Dadhibhanda ? 

53. Did I go to the forest, like BS>ma ? 

54. Did I praclaim discovery (of Sita), like HanumS.n ? 

55. Did I relinquish both hands, like Draapadi ? 

56. Did I say the excuse: "milk boils over," like 
Vaduga-nambi ? 

- 57. Did I hold my throat, like Selvappillai ? 

58. Did I deserve the command: " stop here," as JdaiyS- 
itru-k-kudi Nambi ? 

« « «; 48^ ffl and so BMnayana. 

*• Vishnu-purana. 

^ This is said to be related in Af^neya, Mahabh3.rata or BriiHlS,vana- 
MS,hS.tinya? DadiiibfaS,nda was a cnrd-seller. He is said to hare ^iven 
shelter to Lord Krishna when He was hotly pnrsaed after by His associa- 
tes in the play called hide and seek and when Krishna asked the cnrd- 
seller to ask bis reward, he asked for JfoKsha for himself and for those 
who belonged to him, down to the curd-pot in which Krishna bad hid 
himself. This was granted. 

«'-« EamS,yana. 

™ MabS,bhS,rata, SaXthk-Parva. 

™ Vaduga-nambi alias Andhra-pnrna. See bis life p . 221. 

'' It appears one day very hot milt was offered to the Lord at 
Tirunarayanapuram (Melukote). Selvappillai, who was a great devotee 
felt the milk scorch his throat ; and hence held it in pain. Also the 
incident of Lord Sampatknmara embracing Bim&nuja is referable. ' 

^ By oversight we omitted this Topic in our Divine Wisdom of 
the Ddvida Saints. I. K. Nambi was a regular visitor to Srirangam 
when festivities of Lord Eanga came on. After one set was over and 
before another came on, he constantly dwelt in the interval in his inind 
on the happy scens which he witnessed during the previons festivities. 
ATiother season of celebrations came romnd. Bat Nambi had grown 
nearly a hundred years old, and could not go to the first day of th& 
ceremonies (Ankwr-^pana}. But Lord Eanga was never happy without 
his devotee being present. Pe was however aWe to attend on th »ixth 


59. Did I carry the message : " He is dead," like Maruti- 
y and an ? 

60. Did I oro in pursuit (of God) like Nathamunigal ? 

61. Did I say : " I want Him not," like Kurfesa ? 

62. Did I refute Advaita, like Ramsbnuja ? 

63. Did I see the discus, like Nallan ? 

64. Did I go to Anantapuram (Trivendram), like Ala- 
vand&r ? 

65. Did I feel separation like Teyva-variyandan ? 

66. Did I compose AndMi like Anindaii&r ? 

67. Did I give counsel, like M alyavan ? 

68. Did I opine : ' mere ocean-roar,' like Mahapurna ? 

Poot note on page 214— (continued). 

day, when the Lord asked : " what can we do for thee, beloved ? " 
" Lord," he said, " so long has the body, Thou gavest me, served me well ; 
now it is so old and worn out that it cannot serve any good purpose. It is 
on that account that I have this season been for five days absent." " In 
that case return no more from Us," said the Lord. And by the time the 
Lord's procession approached the middle entrance of the Temple, Nambi 
had shuffled oS his mortal coil. 

^ Read R£lmS,auja's Life. He refers to Krimikantha-Ch6]a [Bhaga 
vad-vishaya Vol. Til, p. 3538, rdykkum VII, 10, 4.] 

«> Bead his life. 

^ Where KAresa refused to enter Lord Banga's Shrine [Page 1973. 

^ See Bimanuja's Life. 

^ Nallan was a Brahman disciple of Ram^nuja, and a great devotee 
of Lord Varada of Kanchi. He saw a corpse floating down the river 
Vaigai which bore on its arms the Vaishnava symbols of discus. ' This 
was enough for Nallan to drag it to shore and perform funeral rites. 
The Brahmanas of KiLnchi resented this and declined to eat with him. 
But Lord Varada put on a Brahmana's disguise and attended the funeral 
meals. The Lord thereon gave him the title : NaltuMu polldn, Namdkku 
nallan' i.e. ' Though the whole world is against him, we are for him,' 

"' See Yamunacharya's Life. 

<^ See Yamuna's disciple who wasted away without his guru. 

^ Disciple of Ilim§.nuja who composed Ramanuja-Nutt-andadi in 
praise of Ram4nuja. 

«' Ramiiyana. Malyavan's advice to Ravana. 

63 See BAmJlnnja's Life, with reference to funerals performed on a 
Sndra, Maranferi-Nambi, which when Ramanuja objected, Purna declared 
all the ordinary regulations on the subject, having strict reference to caste 
etc., were as useless as ths ' roar of the ocean.' [Pp : 167-168], 


69. Did I exact) promif^e, like Gftshfhi-Purna ? 

70. Did I obtain mercy like the dumb-person ? 

71. Did I give up my body, like Tiru-naraiyur-araiyar ? 

72. Did I profess insignificancy, like Srisaila-purna ? 

73. Did I thrust my finger into the snake's mouth like 
Embar ? 

74. Did I vanquish (a Pandit) by showing marks ou 
arms, like Bhattarya ? 

75. Did I seek a secluded spot like Villiputtur Bhagavar ? 

76. Did I jump into water like Kanapuratt-ammai ? 

On hearing this, B3,manuja was thnnderstruck and takino- 
Ammai with him back to Tirukkolur, rested under her roof, 
and partook of the food prepared by her as a token of his 
admiration and appreciation of her spiritual enlightenment and 
attainments evinced by her most erudite discourse. Before 

•^ Rain^nuja's Life, where Parna exacted a promise of secrecy from 
KAmannja not to divulge religious secrets, but which Bama,n"nia in- 
fringed. [P. 97.] 

™ E4inannja's Life where he gave salvation, unsolicited, to a poor 
dumb creature. [P. 169,] 

" See Sri-Vachana-Bhushan I. In order to qnench the flames in 
which the Lord's car had by accident been enveloped, he rushed into 
the flames with his sons and perished in the act. 

. " Kam4nuja's Life where Sri Saila came in advance to meet 
Kam^nuja on the Tirnpati-Hill. 

'" See Ramauuja's Life. 

" See page 166. 

™ He was a Sanyasin. When he went to a bathing place which was 
resorted to by all, he left the crowds and sought out a secluded spot 
JMna-Sara of A. P. Emberumanar, verse 13 : " Panda " and Periva Jiyar's 
Comment thereon, may be consulted. 

™ This lady is said to have been a disciple of Sage Yamuna Ha 
was once crossing the Kaveri in full flood-from Utta.narkoil (Karam- 
Vanur) to Snrangam, in . boat. The boatman complained of too much 
load. He was rowing in midstream with all his might, and now feared the 
boat would sink. K. Ammai. in order to save the life of her guru and 
Q hers ,n the boat, undertook to ease the boat by jumping into the river 
The boat, thus relieved, was rowed away in safety to the shore. But Pro" 
T^denoe saved the lady's life, for when she jumped, she found herself 
iaudmj; ou a rock just below the wUt<;r-BUii:acc. 


returning, he blessed her, and saw to the due perforniance of 
all festivals connected with Lord Nikshepavitta and St. Mad- 
hurakavi. R&mabnuja now returned to Srirangam. 

An interesting incident is chronicled ' as having occnred 
about this time. The washerman employed to wash the clothes 
of the Srivaishnavas of Srirangam, one day washed Lord 
Ranga's garments as well. He brought them and showed to 
Ram&nuja. Bam9,nuja was so pleased with him that he took him 
to the Lord in the Temple and prayed to Him thus : " Lord, 
deign to notice the careful way in which this washerman has 
washed Thy garments. Indeed, with these wound round Thee, 
Thou wouldst appear to such advantage." Lord Kanga accept- 
ed the recommendation and replied to RamsLnuja thus : — " For 
the loving services rendered to us this day by this washer- 
man, we forgive the ofEence of his ancestor, the •vyasherman of 
our Krishna-avatar." " To this day it is the custom for the 
Lord to receive the clothes from the washerman just as he 
brings them and use it for the Lord. This is a privilege inas- 
much as in Indie Society, the woisherman is a low-caste man and 
the clothes brought by him have to be washed again before a 
Brahmana will wear them. 

It is here chronicled that there was a disciple of RamELnuja 
called Pattini-p-perumal. He is said to have been of low- 
caste. He lived away from the sacred town of Srirangam, in 
an out-of-the-way hut ; and used to drown himself in the joy 
of singing the psalms of the Holy Azhvfi,rs. Ram^nuja's way 
from the river Kaveri to Srirangam lay where this disciple 
thus lived. One day he was returning from his bath accom- 
panied as usual by a large number of his followers. He stopped 
short at the hut, and bidding his followers leave him and pro- 
ceed to Srirangam, entered the hut, and spent the time with 
the disciple as long as it pleased him, in the sweet ecstasy 
brought on by the singing of the Holy Hymnal. Had an ordi- 
nary person consorted thus with a low caste man as Rama- 

' Vide Bhagavad-vishaya, on Tiraviymozlu V. 10, 6, Ninra-vdrum 
also Topic 53 of our Divine Wisdom of Vrdvidd SainU. 
' Read the story in foot-note, op. cit. 



nuja did, he would have been outcasted, but they dared not 
utter a syllable of reproach against Ramanuja's doing it — ano- 
ther illustration of the canon that great men alone can do such 
things, as laid down in the IJIiariiia-Sastras, ^pffl^TIrTfU. ' the 
daring acts of the Mahatmas,' and ^jffq'HR^Krr'T of Srimad 
BhS/gavata. No reproach thus attaches to the character of 
glorious souls. Such incidents thougli trivial in themselves, 
are fraught with great significance and important issues as 
affecting and moulding the organic-character of anew com/nu- 
nity which would at the time be taking definite shape and 
acquiring special functions in the -hod _v- politic of the Aryan- 

This new community of Sri-Vai.shnuvas waf not confined 
exclusively to the Brahmanas. It was catholic and entertained 
in its fold every man and woman regardless of caste or color. 
The community was growing fast and counted millions, of 
which a definite number as constituting the elite, and as calcu- 
lated to carry on thie evangel set on foot by BAmariuja, is memo- 
rialized in the verse :— fl-^JTWnWT?K?Tr ■J^§^i l ci < ^ HI d l HW'Hflr = I 
5r=#cl^ff7Rs^>T% W^MTf TW!IR%^: II ie. " The King of the asce- 
tics, Ramanuja, had in his following (700) seven hundred Tatis 
(ascetics), (74) seventy-four (episcopal) Thrones, known as the 
Ach^r;^a-purushas, and countless others, — (12,000) twelve- 
thousand Bkangis (monks of all claEKe.s), (300) three-hundred 
Kctti-an^pais (nuns), many kings, and other.s both 'of the 
Holy Thread' and ' the Threadless (Sattadavar). ' A list of the 
names wjll be given separately. And here, only the chief 
members with the work allotted to tliem in the immediate 
establishment attached to the sec, will be noted. KureSa 
Dasarathi, Nadadur Alvan and the Bhattars were to attend 
Sri-Bhashya Discourses; Yajna-miirti (Arulala-p-perumal- 
Emberuraanar) was to attend to the worship of the chapel ; 
Kidambi-p-perumal and Kidambi-acehan were to superin- 
tend the culinary department; Vatn-puina or Andhra-purna 
(z^Valduga-nambi) was for oil -bathing and other sundry ser- 
vices to Ramannja ; Gomatham Siriy-alvan was to carry the 
kamaudalu (vessel) and sandals ; Dhanurdasa was to be the 
treasurer, Ammangi was to boil milk; TJkk;al-alvan was tq 


.serve meal.s ; Ukkalammal vs'as to fan ; Marati-p-periyS,ndEin 
was to minister on oocasions of natural impulses ; MaronrillS,- 
Msirati-y-3,ndaji was to lie the steward ; Tuya-muni-velam was 
to be the waterman ; Tiru-v-aranga-mSiligai was to be the 
storekeeper ; Vandar and Sundar were to take service under 
kings and fill the see-coffers ; Ramanuja-vfelaikkarar was to be 
the body-guard ; and Akalank.i-nslttalvan was to. win polemical 
victories over di.ssenters. 



Vatu-purna or Andhra-purna, wliose first entry into our 
liistory may be remembered a.s having taken place when RamS,- 
naja was at Saligrama (Mysore),' is known, above all other dis- 
ciples, to have .been the closest attached adher'ent of RamSoiuja, 
and the staunchest follower of the Path, known as the Paiicha- 
mopaya, or the Fifth Path — the Acharyabhimana," in other 
words, unswerving faith placed in the Saviour, who is incar- 
nated on earth, and never dividing such faith between a saviour 
who has taken on humanity, and God who ever remains Divine. 
Vatu-purna was not a mere theoretical believer in this mode of 
.salvation, but exemplified it forcibly by his personal example. 
In the exclusive worship he paid to R4manuja's Holy Feet, he 
excluded all thoughts of God. His Saviour was his God. He 
recognized no other rival Saviour-God to his visible human 
Saviour. Once on an occasion, RamiLnuja went to the Holy 
shrine Tiruvellarai (about 10 miles north of Srirangam). 
Yatu-purna followed him of course, caiTying the Tiruppul- 
kudai 'containing washed clothes, images, articles of worship, 
&c. Ramanuja, after reaching Tiruvellai-ai, went to bathe and 
i-eturning, opened the cover of the wallet to find to his surprise 
and chagrin that his own sandals had been placed on the top 

» The descendants of this dis- Aoharya-stuti, and many songs in 

oiplo are close relatives to the wri- Sanskrit, Telugu and Kannada. 

ter of this work ; and to this day Their descendant Kamacbarva ha^t 

enjoy the rights and privileges of been winning laurels in the court of 

the shrine bnilt over Rainanuja's the Baroda Maharaja and has made 

Holy Feet at tliis place— a place of many disciples in Bombav and 

holy pilgrimage to this day. In Gnzerat side. Their memorial 

the days of Krishna-raja Odeyar, vere is thus sung :— ^frircTiiiTrwiwr 

two brilliant lights of this family ^jn. .. .^..Tj,?^, , ^2 ^ • n " 

known as Sidlaghatta Sndarsana- ^'^'^'I?^!^ ' '"^^^'TT^^tT^- 

charya and Eangacharya (brothers) 'T?pi(>i«!rtt<'nici: II 

shed their Vaidio glory in his ^ For which, see our Soteriogical 

court ; and wrote many works such Table, pp. 573-4 of our Bhao-avad- 

as Charara&rtha-vivriti, Ghata-Kar- gitA,. That Vatu-purna is an illus- 

para-Bhedi, Fada-renuk§.-8aha8ra, trious example of this Path is pro- 

B4manuja-Sslrva-bhauma-S a t a k a, minently sliown in LokachHrya's 

Yftdavadri-viiasa, a Si^tra-Bh4shya, Srlvaohana-BhAshana, and Periya- 

KamalS,pta-kar&nvaya, Bhaj«-yati- TSyar's Arti-prabandh'a. 

r&ja-Stotra, Bhaje-bh&shyak&ra ' A kind of wallet or portman- 

Stotra, Siddh^nta-bheri (uatak,) teau made of reeds. 


of all other things. Ii-ate, he called Purna and asked him to 
explain this sacrilege — the sacrilege of placing liis sandals over 
the heads of his holy Images of worship ! " Sire," promptly 
ausvrered Purna, " how is my God inferior to thine ?" 

Eamanuja went to visit the Lords in the temples, but 
Piirna's gaze was s^^^eadily fixed on RS,mamija's handsome per- 
son. RSiOiElnuia often marked this ; and once remarked : "Son, 
why dost thou not direct thy sight to the charming eyes of the 
Lord ?" Purna then looked at the Loi-d and looked at Eama- 
nuja alternately for a few seconds and then exclaimed ; " Sire, 
the eyes that have seen thee cannot see other objects." ' 

R§,manuja used to hand over the remains of food, after he 
had eaten, to Purna to eat ; the latter, after eating, wiped his 
soiled hands on his head. Eamanuja fretfully chided him for 
tliis slovenly habit and directed him henceforth to wash his 
hands with water- " Yea," said Purna. The next day, 
Bamanuja handed over to him to eat consecrated food given to 
him in the Temple. Purna ate and washed his hands with 
water. " What hast thou done, son ;" exclaimed Rsbmanuja, 
" the Lord's food is too holy to be thus washed away, thou 
oughtest to wipe it on thy head." " Sire," reported he, " I 
have done as thou badest me yesterday." Ramanuja simply 
said : " Son, thou hast overcome me." 

On another occasion Purna was busy boiling milk fo*" 
Ramanuja in the Math, when Lord Ranganatha was conveyed 
in procession, decked in all the glory of decorative art 
Ramanuja rose to go, see and pay homage to the Deity, calling 
Purna, as he went, to come and do the same with him. But 
Puma, immediately excused himself saying : " Holy sire, if I 
come out to see thy God, the milk that is on the fire for my 
God (Ramanuja) will boil over." 

At one time, some kinsmen of his came to his house as 
guests, and used his cooking pots for preparing their meals. 
But as soon as they left him, Purna broke them all and threw 
them into the rubbish heap ; and picking up cast-away pots in 

GiasresrnfiQ'iesissemi—seimsar u>pQ(itfasr(Si^einssir^s^Qeii. 


the backyard of DaSaratlii, brought them home.and used them ;' 
thus shoving that everything that belongs to the Saviour is 
holy, and all else is unholj'. This demeanour proves the 
acme of the state of a spiritually risen soul dissevered from 
all touch of worldliness (vairagj-a.) 

Purna was strict as regards ths taking of Sri-pada-tirtha, for 
he sipped no water washed off any other's foot save that "of his 
Saviour, Ram&nuja. He memorialized this faith, of his, by shap- 
ing au image of his feet and setting them iip for worship for 
all time to come at th^ village of Sfi.ligr£ima — as the most 
cherishtfd treasui'e for himself and all posterity' ; and that it 
must be looked upon as such by all the coming generations, was 
the most solemn trust which he imposed on those near and dear 
to him, at the time of his translation from the mundane. Vatu- 
purna is thus assigned a place in the inner circle of Ramanuja's 
hierarchical institutions, called the Ashta-diggajas, or the 
Eight Elephants of Faith to guard the eight cardinal points of 
the coinpass." This sage it was who sang the famous hymn to 
Bditfianuja, called the RS,mannj-asthottara-Sata-nama, sung 
every day by every Sr! vaishnava. The last verse runs thus : — 

' The meaning of this is that tliern, or sisters, or father, or mo- 

wheu a spiritual relation with ther, or wife, or children, or lands 

spiritual jnen is established, that for my name's sake &c." [Mat. 

btcomrs holj-, and all affections XIX, 29] ; and " if anj man come" 

contracted with kinsmen who are to me and liate not his' father, and 

worldly are contaminations. Their mother &c." [Luke XI V, 26]. ' 

Tory touch is considered as antago- =Tlie Ijoly descendants of Purna, 

nistic to the growth of the new mentioned on page 220, foot note '] 

spiritual relation. The parallel to have sung thus in their Yatiraja- 

thisidea is Jesus saying :— " Every sarva-bliauma-Sataka — ^TFtra^irr 

one that hath left house, or bro- ^g^^nf^TTPsg^ &c. 



Some interesting incidents in the life of Anant&rya, 
another staunch disciple of Raman uja, are related tlins. From 
previous pages it is known that he was tlie person who had 
undertaken to settle in Tirupati and do all tlie ser.riccs of Loi'd 
Srinivasa. It may also be remembered that he had created a 
flower garden to which he was paj'ing personal atlcntion. He 
now wished to construct a ismall rosorvoir for water for that 
purpose. He began excavating it by his own manual labour. 
But a Brahmacharin suddenly put in his appearance and 
saying : " Aged sire, the task is too much for thee. Let me help 
and lighten it," stretched his hand to take off his head the 
basket, in which he was carrying earth. Anantarya airested the 
boy's hand and said : — "Son, if I resign my ba.sket, I shall 
faint; if you take my basket, you will faint." But he was a 
stubborn boy and rejoined : — " No fear of that. Sire, trust me." 
Anantarya remonstrated and .''aid: — " Son, Ihis service is my 
life ; if yon also want life, go, fetch j-our own basket, and 
carry it." The boy disappeared for the present. Anantarya 
went on with his work and pi'es.sed his poor wife into the 
service, though she was pregnar.t at the time. She was em- 
ployed in carrying loads of earth and emptying the same on to 
the bank. Her returns were at fii-st slow, but they became soon 
rapid. Anantarya remarked it with surprize and asked her to 
explain how she managed to return .so rapidly. She naively 
said: — " A Brahmacharin boy " sire, "meets me half the way, 
carries the load for me r^nd brings me back tlie basket. Hence 
Sire, your work is done more speedily."' " Wiio is that imperti- 
nent urchin meddling w ith my work, uninvited ! " fulmi- 
nated Anantarya in angci-, and running after the boy, gave 
him a poke under the.ubin with his crow-boar, .saying: 
" Take that for thy trouble, and get thee gone " Tlie boy 
took to his heels as if in fright. But the temple autliorities 
found, and Anantaiya too after, that Lord Srinivasa in the 
shrine was profusely bleeding in the ohin. This they stopped 
by stuffing camphor into the wound. [This is done even to this 
day, and the camphor is distributed to deyoteog as prascidaj. 


As Anant§,rya was fast progressing with his work, he was 
one day bitten by a cobra. But he went simply to the holy 
Svfiimi-Pushkarini pond, bathed and returned to his work. 
People observed to him that he should put himself under treat- 
ment, unless he meant to die. But he quietly remarked : " No 
treatment is needed." Ho now went to the Temple on a vi.sit 
to Lord Srinivasa, when the Lord remarked : — " Son, beloved, 
what was thy thought when thou woaldst do nothing to ex- 
tract the fatal poison from thy system ?" " Lord,'' .said he, " if 
the bitten serpent {i.e., I) is more powerful, it will simply 
bathe in thy holy pond and do service here below ; but if the 
biting serpent is more powerful, the bitten serpent (i.e., I) will 
bathe in the ViraJ£l-Sti-eam and do service there above (in Thy 
Heaven). This was my thought when the cbbi-a bit me." 

Anantarya, once upon a time, left Tirupati to go to his 
native land, ' taking food for the journey. 
After doing a stage, feeling hungry, he sat down to di.scuss it ; 
but lo, when he opened the box, he found the food swarming 
with ants. "Curse me, I havesiAned," cried he, vexed. "The 
best Saints have desired to live on the H0I3' Hill of Tirupati, 
even as stocks and stones.'' And I a sinner, have deprived 
these holy ants of their holy abode." So saying, he carefully 
closed the box and retracing his steps, hun^rv as he was 
released the ants on the hill, and went his wav. 

Tamunai-t-turaivan is a chamber in the Tirupati Temple 
premises, named after sage YamunachS,rya. AnanlJLrya sat here 
usually to make flower-garlands for tlie Lord. Wlien he was 
once thus busy and had not finished, lie was called to atten d on 
some other work in the Temple, but lie refused to stir. And 
when he went there with the finished garland, the Lord asked 

him to explain his disobedience. Anantiirya said : " What 

have I to do with Thee, Lord, when my flowers are jUst blos- 
soming, and I should not delay stringing them together lest 
their fragrance be lost for Thee." The Lord said:—' what if we 

> Present Mysore. His birth place is Kirangfir (Siruputtflr) near 

Cp-St. Kulaj.*kliar.A.hvar'B Tirumo.hi : " eiwQuQsw^iir Qu^ek - 


dismiss thee from this place ?" " Lord, our Saints have sung 
that Thou art a sojourner on this Hill ' like myself ; Thou 
mightest have come to stay here a little earlier than myself ; 
a,nd that is all the difference between us. This Hill is there- 
fore not Thine, it is our common pi'operty. Thou hast no 
authority therefore to dispossess me of it." Tho Lord was 
mightily pleased with His curious devotee, which Ananta,rya 



Tradition horo t.ikes up tlie fmi.sUing epi.sodes in the life 
of Hie mcst exemplary disciple and martyr Sri KiiifiSa. It i.s 
said that liis figure forms the alto-relievo in the Life of llamA,- 
nuja, and his exit from the world's stage takes 2ilace in advanoa 
of that of hi.s revered Ma.ster. Sil (i^nianuja as will appear in 
the sequel. 

Bsimanuja must have been about 110 years and even more 
by this time. As redoubtable as he was in his cfiampionship of 
Vaishnavisrn, he was in his strength and zeal unfl:igging. A 
recluse, in quiet seclusion, lie was importing to his hosts of 
disciples the quintessence of flie doctrines it was his mis.sion to 
propagate. One day, Kurfesa went to visit Lord RaiiganfLHia 
all by himself. " Thou seenist as if thou hast sometliing in 
thy heart to tell me," said the Lord. Kur6?a broke out into 
praise which took (he shape of a splendid Sanskrit verse, — 
gifted poet as he was — whicli he explained at great leno-th 
by his own commentaries. The Lord was so pleased as to 
press Kuresa to ask any favour of him. But Kurfesa humblv 
Said that he had every favour bestowed on him ; there was 
nothing more to ask. '" No," said the Lord, " once more ask 
and ask for more, if not for thee, for the love that I bear to my 
beloved Spouse, Sri, and love for my Ramftnuja. Kurfisa 
submitted his wish that he be released from the prison of 
the body, and be gathered to His Feet. " Ask some other 
thing than that," the Lord said; but KiirSSa declared 
that he could think of nothing else.' "Let it be so then" 
the Lord said ; " what thou askest shall not only be boon 
for thee, but a boon conferred on every one that has any sort 
of relation with thee." KiirfiSa, receiving this messao-e. 
walked out from the sanctum in all tJie dignity and glory of a 
crown-prince, soou destined to occupy the throne in the Kinc- 
dom of Parama-pada ; and instead of going to his own 
sped beyond the outermost rampart of the Temple and took 

' ^nw(?euem(SLD,xn-iMQwairLL®iisi^^. [2nd T. Andddi, 92] 


shelter in Azhvar's (liis father P) house. Intelligence soon 
reached Rama,imja as to what had liappcnod. Agreeably 
startled, he stood up, and Hung his upper garment into tlie air 
— an expression of infinite joy. The disciples who watched 
this, failed to understand what Efti-uanujiT, meant by this act, 
and humbly asked him to explain. " My faithful," he said 
" I bear relationship with Kiiresa. My salvation, about 
which I may have doubts, ' is thus made safe and sure." This 
explains the important consequence that follov,s from the spiri- 
tual relation into which a Master and his disciples may enter; 
and that is, that saving power is as truly vested in a qualified 
disciple with regard to his Master, as is in a qualified master 
with regard to his disciple. Bat EAmanuja's joy soon gave 
way to grief, at the impending prospect of sep.iration from his 
dearest disciple and associate, Sri KureSa, the like of whom 
there was none ; and he forthwith left his Math with all his 
assembly to meet KuieSa ensconced in the Saint's .shrine. They 
met and ES,mannja chidingly remonstrated with Kur&sa for hav- 
ing done an act without previously taking counsel with him. 
KureSa kept submissively silent. " Why dost thou not speak, 
Azhvan," addressed EstmAnuja, " What was thy object in asking 
tlie Lord to let thee go to the Blessed Realms in advance of 
me 'i " '" Holy Sire," now spoke Kurfesa. " My object was to 
preserve the order of precedence there." " Speak not, beloved, 
in conundrums," i-eturned Eamanuja, " explain thyself." 
" Sire," began KureSa, " the .saint's hymn . ' niudiyudai ' tells 
us that the angels who are our elders in Heaven come out of 
its gates to welcome those younger brotliers of theirs, who pro- 
ceed thither from here. This is out of order ; for younger ones 
sliould always go and welcome the elders. This is the order 
I wish to preserve. Hence I go in .advance and welcome m3' 
Master when he conies." R&ni&nuja said : — " My most beloved, 
thou forgettest the rule that obtains in lieaven ; JT^n^Jppp^^TT:, 

' How could RaraAnuja, himself a obej'ed, by revealing the mysteries 

Saviour, doubt his own salvation ? of religion kept so long sacred, and 

is a question which will naturally this doubt vanished by the Lord's 

arise. The doubt had come to him gift to Kure.=a, to whom Ramaiiuja 

on the occasion of his incurring the bore spiritual kinship. Read verse 

displeasure of his guin of Goshthi- at the end of this chapter. 

piirna (vide P : Ch.), whom he dis- 


all differences »nd distinetioi:s disappear there ; and yet thou 
desirest to perpetuate even there the relation that obtains here 
between us as master and disciple. In all the spheres, is there 
a soul to match thee ! " So broke out Ramanuja, and could not 
restrain tears trickling down his cheeks, attended by so ; but 
observing that Kiirfisa had little time now, checked himself and 
approaching closer, hugged him to liis bosom and whispered 
into his ear the Holy Dvaya-Maiitra ; and turning to the 
spectators, whose curiosity was evidently roused by this act of 
his, spoke thus : — " Understand me, sirs. Our Kurfesa does not 
need a saci-ament of any kind, and yet I administer it in the 
last moments, lest our spiritual prince Kili-6sa miss the bliss 
of hearing the sacramental formula from my lips, even like the 
roj-al scion asking for his after-dinner aromatics, though he 
had chewed it a thousand times before. To our Kuresa, the 
Dvaya is his daily nutriment; and I must serve it for the last 
time." " Dear son, beloved Azhvan," he said, now turning to 
Kui-6sa, " thou art my very soul, how can I part with thee ? 
Canst thou not be kind to thy Master ? Take him with thee to 
Heaven. Why leavest him behind to suffer cruel pangs of 
separation.? How canst thou enjoy Heaven without him ? 
[On page 2527, Vol. V" of the Telugu Edition of the Bhaga- 
vadvCshaya, the conversation is thus recorded : — " While T 
am yet here, son, how wert thou anxious for Heaven ? " Sire," 
said Kur6?a, " in the depth of my thoughts for the miseries of 
earthly existence, I forgot this point. Pray forgive nie." 
Bdimanuja said, " if Lord Ranga could gi-ant thee a boon, he 
could grant me one too. So I will go and ask him to stop thee 
here." So saying, R&mEinuja, went a few paces towards the 
shrine, but stopped abruptly, and reflected thus : — " God's will 
is unalterable. What audacity on my part to go and force 
Him to change it ? Peocavi. Let me submit and be resigned 
to the inevitable." So saying, he retraced his steps. Then 
followed the further conversation with KurfeSa]. How can I 
exist here without thee ? Alas, the Lord in Heaven has 
attracted thee, though oui- Lord Rangauatha here possesses 
every attraction. So then, thou wilt sever thyself from thy 
Ranga ? Happy is the Lord in Heaven and happy His celestial 


hosts to claim thee as their own ! Luckless are we here and 
this sleeping Lord here, Raiiga, to lose thee ! But let me not, 
my dearest, change thy mind and disturb thy plans. Be it as 
thou wiliest. All hail to thco, my son ; go, go to the Blessed 
Eternal Kingdom and rule there in eternal peace and bliss !! " 
So saying, Ramanuja drew liim closer into his embrace and 
fondly stroking him on the back, continued : — 

" Azhvan ! I salute thee ; thou hast now my leave to 
depart." Kuie?a spoke not a woi"d. " His heart was too full 
for expression. He fell at R§,niauaja's feet like a senseless 
block of wood. RSimanuja speedily raised him up, when 
Kur6sa pressed his holy feet on his head and to his breast, and 
prayed for the administration of the holy water washed of his 
feet. Ram&nuja administered it in serene solenuiity and Kuresa, 
took it ' after addressing the memorial verse : — 

" Ramanuj.i's Holy Feet are my Refuge — Ramanuja, my 
blessed guru ; the Ocean of Mercy,— Rdmanuja who so loves 
the gold of God's I'eet that all else to him is di-oss." 

Ramanuja made a move now towards his Math, towards 
the North River (KoUadam), KureSa following him a little 
distance. " Pray stop now," enjoined Ramanuja and KureSa 
with folded liaiids retraced his steps to a pandal close by 
Azhvar's house. He now called his wife Andal-ammai lo his 
side and asked her what her wish was. She said : " August 
Sire,, thy wish is my wish. My own, I have none." So saying 
she fell on his feet with folded hands. He now called his sons 
Bhattarya and Sri-Rama-p-pil;ai to his side, and counselled 
them thus: "Dear children, ye have no bereavement to be- 
moan, for ye have Lord Ranga, your Father, and His Holy 
Spouse is your ilother. By them ye have been brought up. But 

1 Wasliing the feet of lioly men among the Srivaishnavasisdone in 

is an oriental ceremony, whicli order to imbibe the magnetic in- 

Chritt himself did to his disciples, fluence of the Epiritnal person as 

The sipping of the water (known a, cure both for physical as well as 

as Sripfidatirtha) which prevails psychical ills. 

230 k6resa passes away. ch. xxxV. 

forget not that Eamanuja is yoar Saviour. Be obedient to 
And5.1. By thought or speech or deed sin not against Holy 
Men; on the other hand ever seek their company." The sons 
wept and fell at their father's feet. " Weep not, dear cliildi«n," 
cried KiirSsa, fondly raising tliem, " for if your grief is caused 
on account of temporal relationsliip, yc meddle with spiritual 
relationship, \-e hold with Ramanuja ; but if it is due to our 
Roul-relationsliip, then ye call it in question by such grief. 
Either way j-e have no cause for regrets. Cease then and rise 
above such worldly weaknesses." So exhorting, KureSa laid 
himself down, — head towards the Temple, resting on the lap 
of Pillai-p pillai-Azhv£in, and feet resting on the lap of Andal 
ammai — and dismissing from his mind every other thought 
than that of tlie Holy Feet of Ilamannja, winged liis way into" 
the ethereal spaces. Ramanuja was soon apprised of the 
event. He at once hastened to the spot and consoled Bhattjirya 
who was weeping, and telling him that no tears should be shed 
over an auspicious event, directed him to attend to the funeral 
cei-emonies.* The Brahma-medha ritual combined with 
that of the Vaishnava, was duly performed ; ' and the fol- 
lowing verse was composed to his memory : — 

'("X^^^'^^'^^^^iTIS^ff-WS- tliat to mourn over the good fortune 

^=1 ^mi^^^^^m^^^^ Voltes 'j^rhiZu^rpir if t 

[YainyavalkyaSuiiiti.]ll!Mr.Lead. apparent separation from that 

beater says:— 'All the ghastlj' para- friend, becomes, as soon as it is 

pUornalia of woe— the mutes, the recognized, a display of selfislmoss " 

plumes, the black velvet, the crape, [Pp. 59.(50. o^tlh.e of Theosophyl 

the mourning garments, the black- (c) Bead St. Paul's Epistles to the 

edged note paper— all these are Thessalonians IV, 12 to 17 of which 

nothing more than advertisements 12 runs thus:— "And wo will not 

of ignorance on the part of those have you ignorant, brethern con- 

who employ them. The man who cerning them that are asleep, that 

begins to understand what death you be not sorrowful &c And 17 ■ 

is at once puts aside all this mas- "Wherefore comfort you one an- 

querade as childish folly, seeing other with these words." 
1 The followiug^autliorities may of be use to our readers on this subject : 
^W^THTO^^ J||i)'5(ftM!!^^-cr I 


Our Elder.s repeat the following beautiful verse in praise 
of Kur6sa on his birth day every year : — 

'How can Kurfisa be fitly praised, bj- |\vhom oven Ramfl- 
nuja's salvation is made sure, — Rfl,manuja, who is the sui'e 
passport to others' salvation .^ ^ 

Tradition says that while Ram&nuja or (Lakshmanaoh&rya) 
is Lakshmana him.self of the RsiinEiyana fame, Kurfisa is 
Rama himself, born again to render back to Lakshmana, all 
the services which Lakshmana rendered to him in those by- 
gone days. 

It is said that without Kui-63a, Rfbmanuja would not have 
been what he has been. A. P. Emberuraanar snng the praises 
of R3,mfiinuja in his Dravida RamA.nuja-nuttran-dadi, in imita- 
tion of Andhra-Purna's Samskrit RsLmAinuj-Ashtottara ; but 
when RS,m§.nuja heard it, he rejected it as it contained no re- 
ference to Kur63a. Verse 7. " Mozhiyai " was then introduced. 
Then the hymn was sanctioned and assigned a place along witli 
the 4,000 Prabandhas. 

Foot note on page 230— (continued). 

sT?m^^w gRrf»T-9f5f?T?ft: i 
^SPTpiwfTRfff sfi^^^rmfSTTTq: ii 

SHi^ltJT^^ fl^HtT^HI^ I 
sr^HRim^ 5Tf»fSW¥fflfrlT I 

wy^'qrftsr^ iitra'i'^i^rrsi^fr ii 
^v^Tfcntr^ir^pff 5;fw#i'Rwft?rT i 

inni^'TRRWf ^PTTiT^^r^3[ i 
'W^^'iw^ss i'ifr?^^iTE?r^«cw II 

' See foot note 1 on page 275. 




ParaSava-BhaM.arya, or Bliatt^arja shortly, tlie son of KureSa, 
iiad now come to the e.state of hLs father ; — apiritaal e.state. 
RftratXiiuja of course knew from the moment of llliattarya's 
entry into this world, that ho was destined to be the apo.stle of 
the Visisht&dvaita Dispensation — having been presented to the 
world by Lord Ranganatha Himself as His own (God)son. 
Providence designed that KuiSsa should make his exit from the 
episcopal stage — for he was too saintly and retired from the 
world to be an active worker, the requisite for a propiigandist. 
Bhattarya was of this type. So Rilmanuja led the budding 
young man one morning to tjie Holy Temple, to present him 
formally to the Lord, so as to make him the anointed, to 
aiithoritatively transmit to posterity the great Me.ssage he had 
brought from Heaven. Ramanuja led then this juvenile 
apostle-delegate to the Lord, and presented him. " We again 
repeat and confirm our God-fathershiji to thee, son. We 
consecrate it by giving thee this turmuric-water to drink. 
Grieve not for the loss of our Kilrfisa, thy Father, for we 
.stand to you in that position, more so even." So spoke 
the Lord. Rftmanuja interrupted ; — " Majestic Lord ! Bless 
this scion with long life ; and I will give him all education."' 
Lord Ranga did not deign to reply, but simply gsive them 
leave with his blessings, symbolized by the serving of ti.rtha 
and prasdda. Ramftnuja returned to his S3e and calling limbar 
(Govlnda-Jiyar), assigned tj him the sacred task of preparing 
Bhattarya thoroughly for the position ho was to occupy, by a 
complete course of studies, in doctrine as well as discipline. 
After thus discharging tiie sacred trust which had been vested 
in him, Ra,m3,unja settled down once more quietly, to spend his 
time usefully in imparting instruction to his large congregation 
in Bhtehya and Bhagavad-vishaya. 

Kandadai-Andl,n, the son of DaSaiathi, one day approached 
Rsbmanuja reverently and said :— " Holy Sire, thou art to us in 
this Kali- Age, God Himself incarnate, come on this earth to 
establish Dharma, like Lord Kri.shna in DvS,para-Age. If 


qftSTftTT* is said to Him, thou art : jJCqi'^HrsiTtwwqr qiT-^Pa^TTPT^ I 
^TRrfi^Oi^RHr y*<l45rR<<l*<: ll Ramanuja the Sun, ineai-nated, to 
open the lotus of virtue, and dissipate the darkness of vice." So, 
Holy Father, permit us to instal in Sri-Perumbudur (Bhiita- 
puri), thy image, that all po.stei-ity to the end of time may be en- 
abled to know thee, love thee and serve thee as their Saviour, and 
secure their .salvation." Eamilnuja granted tlie prayer. Andfln 
accordingly brought a statuary to study Ramftnuja's figure 
and reproduce it in metal. This was done and shown to Kilma- 
nuja. He scanned it closely from top to bottom. Being satis- 
fied,^ he embraced the statue pouring into it all the spiritual 
power and grace he had posses,sed, for the benefit of posterity 
and commanded that it be installed in Bhuta-puri in the month 
of Pushj'a when Jupiter v.ould be in that constallation." Andin 
cai-ried the Image in state to Bhuta-puri, and installed it along 
with the Mula or fixed Image, sculptured out of stone, exactly 
in the month and on the day fixed by Ramanuja. As the installa- 
tion ceremonies were being proceeded witli at Bhuta-puri, 
RSimtLnuja at Srirangam was suddenly taken ill. He was 
startled at this, but recollecting that tliat was tiie moment his 
Image was being inaugurated at Bhuta-puri, understood the 
meaning of his illness. This he also took as a foreboding of the 
end of his stay on earth and the completion of his vocation. He 
therefore sent a message to And^n to return immediately. 
And^n obeyed the summons and joined Ramanuja. 

Ramanuja had thus all his band of disciples and devotees 
remain by his side, and gave them the quintes.sence of hi.f 
teachings thus : — "Listen, sons beloved," began he ; "Men are of 
three distinct types, the (iod-ward (anukilla), the God-against 
{pratikiUa) and the God-indifferent {anuhhaya). The first type 

1 Bhagavad-gita IV 8. 

2 The figure answered the description :— 

It is of this Image,— the fronfispiecc to this work. 

"This star it is significant, is tho star of Sri li&ma'a coronation. 




are fcbe Sri-Vaisliriavas ; the second are the antithcists ; and 
the third are the wordly (sanusarins) . If you meet with the 
men of the first class, joy as if you found flowers, scents, 
aromatics and so forth ; as if the blush of moonshine spread 
about you, and zephyrs softly crept over yon ; as if j'ou 
met 3'our own most near and dear kith and kin. If you come 
across men of the second stamp, fear as if j'ou faced a venomous 
reptile, fire and so forth. If jou chance to meet men of the 
third description, mind them not as you would not mind the 
stocks and stones that lie on your way. If you discover wil- 
lingness in them, teacli them tilings of the spirit ; if otherwise, 
treat them with pity. Why these men are tui-ned away from 
God is because of their love for lust and lucre. 

If out of pi-ide consequent on lust and luci-e, men con- 
demn Sri-Vaishnavas it is nothing short of contempt for 
God Himself. If to such pride, holy men descend to 
paying courtship, it is like the king's wife wandering in the 
streets for begging. If to samsdrim, holy men allow themselves 
to be lured on account of their wealth and so foi-th, vain is 
their wisdom, as they have not learnt to distinguish between 
gem and glass^ "n%?m^5q^, <1<-H=(-M^ H?I^RR;frTli'fi?^->jT, WRf^^fg?- 

There are si.\ ways by which you can usefully spend your 
days : 1. Read Sri Bha.shya and teach it to others. 2. If that is 
above your level, read Tiruvaimozhi and make others read it. 
3. If that is beyond your ken, build a hut in any holy land, 
and live there. 4. If that is impracticable, do services in a 
Temple. 5. If that is inconvenient, dwell ever on the profound 
truths contained in the Holy Dvaya-Mantra. 6. If that also 
is difficult, take shelter or service under a holy man. 

Iiamanuja now sent for all the servants of the Blessed 
Fane of Ranga, and addressed them thus : — " Faithful 
Servants of our Lord, my time is over, and my services in 
your company have to come to an end. In the performance 
of my duties with yon, I may have offended some and pained 
others. As I am now about to leave you, it is seeming that I 
ask of you, one and all, to forgive me for my short-comings." 
" Holy Sire," said they all in one voice. " W!iy do you speak 


thus tons j'onr humble servants ? yoar speech is strange — ^not 
only strange, but drives fear into our breasts ! Tou, beloved 
father, to leave us orphans ? You, the soul of the worlds, to 
leave us lifeless corpses ?" " Speak not so, sons," said Bamd.- 
nuja, comforting them : — '"Ye lose nothing by losing me; for 
there is Your Lord Ranga here, ever present, and who never 
leaves you. He is safe sleeping on his serpant-couch and 
steadily gazing to the South, — for his Bhakta, Vibhishana 
dwells there. Never be sparing in your services to Him. Be 
vigilant and devout. I wish you all the constant company of 
the Lord's own elect, — the Sri-Vaishnavas. Farewell." So 
exhorting them and assigning to select disciples the care 
of the different sections of his large tollowing, Sri Ram&nuja 
led Bhattarya to Lord Ranga's presence, and lot him receive 
the tlrtha and prasdda, prior to hiui — signifying by this act 
that Bhattarya was to be the Head of the Srivaisbnava Church 
after his departure — and turning to his disciples, said : — "Gen- 
tle folk, lie shall be next to me in succession. Look upon him 
as such." Turning to BhatUrya, he said : — "Sou, there is a 
servant of repute, by name Vedauti in the uplands (Mysore). 
Go there, win him by polemics, and convert him to our Faith." 
After tiius consecrating BhatUrya, Ramsinuja returned to his 
Math, and once more addressing the assembly of his disciples, 
commanded them not to stray from the Path when he passed 
away ; not to take his loss so much to heart as to interfere 
with the due performance of duties falling to their share, 
" for," said he, " you will then forfeit your connection with 
me, Mahapurna and Ya,muna ; and you will moreover act con- 
trary to the will of our St. Stahagdpa. Approach me, then, 
each of you, and swear by m'y holy feet, that you will carry 
out my behests, and will never swerve from the lines of virtue, 
I have marked out for you all." 

Ram&nuja now commanded that they should retire and 
return after eating of the consecrated food prepared for them. 
They obeyed ; and when they retui-ned, Sri Ramanuja gave 
his last words and last blessings ; and withdrawing himself 
gently, -as if he was falling into a quiet natural sleep— closed 
his eyes, and laid himself dawn, his head turned towards the 


Temple, and rested on tlie lap of EmbsLr, and feet placed on 
the lap of Vata-puraa (Aiidlira-pflrna). 

The whole Srirangam and his wife crowded to the Math 
to witness the last moments of the Great Ramanuja. A party 
of the elders, in solemn tones, sang the Brahmavalli and the 
Bhriguvalli of the Vedas ; and another pavtv sang the hymns 
of the Dravida-Prabandhas. As they watched Ramanu-ja 
lying in state, their hearts heating with the importance of 
the supreme moment, the crown of his head (at the pineal- 
gland)' bitrst and the holy Ambassadar of God winged his 
way back to the Native Land the feed souls, the Empyrean of 
the perfect. 

Like the niighty trees of the forest, upixioted and blown 
down by the fierce blasts of the hurricane, did the assembly 
fall flat on the ground, senseless ; when to recovering sense 
only to feel all the more the keen agony of their irrepai-able 
loss, followed by an uproarious outburst of grief, unparalleled 
by any other event of the kind. Torrents fell from their 
blinded eyes, and they ejaculated inarticulate words from their 
choked throats shaking with passion ; and in short, tbeir 
limbs lay as if bereft of motion by the paralytic stroke dealt 
by ReLmanuja's passing awaj' from the sphere of his labours, 
up to Heaven, — His Native Home, — to enjoy that unutter- 
able rest there— the rewai-d of all the benefactors of mankind. 
" Indeed," cried they, " have we realized the truth of wsvfr,' 
and vr^^: II i.e., when you sprang into our midst, we obtained 
the ' light of knowledge' ; and now your exit envelops us in 
the ' gloom of evil.' " ■'' 

When Ramanuja's Grand Guru Yamuuacharya ascended 
to Heaven, a routine of observances and sacraments, proces- 
sions and interment was gone through as prescribed by the 
Sastras for a Vaislinava and a Sanyasin. All. this, even to 
minuter elaborations, and greater detail was solemnly gone 
through. Thus passed away the Great Ramanu-ja. 

' The Brahma-raudlira. 
2 This is a muemograin indicatiug the birth-date of Raiiuiuuia 
Saka, 939 (1017 A.C.) ■' 

« .Another muemogratn enshrining the date of his departure • Saka 
1059 (1137 A.C.) - 




" Endless are the incidents in the Chapters of Ramanuja's 
life. It would be impossible to recoi-d them all. Only the 
salient features have been recorded," so says our chronicler, Pin- 
balagia-PerumJLl-Jiyar. He collects now in one summarized 
compass all the evidences eloquently testifying to the great- 
ness of Ramanuja. 

1. Lord Ranga declared with his own lips that all the 
riches of the Kingdom of Heaven as well as of earth were 
placed at Ramanuja's disposal. 

2. Lord Srinivasa confirmed this grant by His holy word 
also ; and to prove that tliis was not mere flattery, it is written 
that a milkmaid by name Tumbaiy fu- Kondi, was supplying curds 
to Ramanuia. When he was once on his way to Tirupati, 
the woman appeared and presented her bill for payment. 
Ramanuja, commanded Kidambi-Acchan to give her food 
in the Math. She ate and coming to Ramanuja, prosti-a- 
ted to him and submitted to him that she had a favour to 
ask. He bade her ask it. She said:— "Holy sire, I desire 
not payment in coin for my cards, but grant me Mokeha 
instead." ' 

" But that power I possess not," replied Ramanuja, " Lord alone can grant thy prayer." " Then give me a 
written permit, sire, to take to the Lord" asked she. RAmannja, 
over-come by her faith, gave her one. She forthwith ascended 
the Sacred Mount, but she had hardly reached the summit, 
before the Lord Himself met her on the way, and receiving the 
permit, gave her Moksha on the spot. 

3. Lord Varadaraja of Kanchipura proved Ramanuja on 
two occasions, when He appeared once in Yadava-prakasa's 
dream and commanded that circumambulation of the world 
enjoined for a would-be San.'^yasin was accomplished by 
once circumambulating round Ramanuja ; and when hot de- 


238 hAhXnuja's gueatness. ch, xxxvii. 

bates on philosophy waged between RUmanuja and Yajna- 
niiirti, and the latter was scoring jioints for victory, the Lord 
appeared in Ram&nuja's dream and suggested certain Vedic 
passages' being quoted as those would level the adversary 
to the ground. Next morning the oppenent was vanquished. 

4. Lord Narayana of Melukote, proved Ramanuja by His 
showing the way for Rd.maciUJa's future in a dream when he was 
f taj-ing at Tondanui'; and further condescending to assume the 
position of a loved Son to Ramanuja — Sampat-kumara. 

5. Lord Sundai-a-Raja of the Azhagar-Hill near Madura, 
proved by summoning one day all the disciples of Ramanuja 
before Him. They obeyed, but the kinsmen of Maha-purna 
(the Acharya of Rd.manuja), stopped away. Purna asked them 
why. " We ai-e your kinsmen, ai-e n't we? And Ramanuja is 
our disciple therefore," said they. The Lord on hearing this 
spoke : — " Your taking Ramanuja for a disciple is only matched 
by DaSarathi and Vasudeva taking R&ma and Krishna for 
their sons respectively. On another occasion Kidambi-acchS,n 

repeated before the Lord the verse : Aparddha i' in which 

the expression agatiin : ' wayless ' occurs. " How darest thou 
utter this," interrupted the Lord, "when thou hast Ramanuja 
for thy ' way ' ?" 

6. Nambi, the Lord of Tiru-k-kurungudi, proved by 
expre.ssing surprise that Ramanuja should be able to bring 
many souls to God's fold, while He Himself could not ac- 

[Muncl-Up. II, 2-4. Dhyaua-B. Up. ig.] 

[Stotra — Ratna by Y4muiiH.] 
" Freighted alas ! with a thonsand sins, 
X wreck in the dreadful sea of death, I pine ! 
Loft ie my way, O Lord, my God ! 
I yield luc up to thee ; 
Thy grace alone must save. 
Ah ': make me thine," 


complisli so much, despite His repeated Incarnations ' on earth ; 
and He retired every time sad with the thought that souls 
were more prone to roll down and down into the depths of 
samsdra, than climb up to Him." " Wouldest Thou know 
the secret, Lord ?", saiA RamAnuja, 'then put thyself in (he 
position of a disciple." Namhi did so, and RAmannja whispered 
the secret of his success into the Lord's ear ; and ever after- 
wards, Nambi prided Himself on this kind of spiritual tie 
establi.shed witli RamAnuja. 

7. St. NammAzhvar felt so much compassion for the 
sinful world that he laid a wager with God Himself. "See, 
Lord, I shall convert the world unto Thee.'" " Know they 
not Thy Greatness, that I should tell?'" and so forth. But 
when he saw the world averse to his preaching, he retired dis- 
appointed, crying : — " Is it possible for me to coiTect this large 
world?"'; "Enough, myself and my mind have yielded to 
Him." ' But again when he looked forth into ihe future, he 
saw hope and exultingly cried . — " This dark world shall yet be 
set right. Yet, this dark age shall bring salvation " ' Thus did 
this Saint ; refer to the advent of RamAimja, as the coming 
Messiah. Sage Nathamunigal prophesied RamAnuja's advent 
by saying : ' A plash may quench a spai'row's thirst ; but a loch 
will feed a vale.' ' By loch he symbolized R&raanuja. Em- 
bar sang this by the following beautiful metaphor : 

> ^iHK^imratf^ *'o- 1^^- ^''^' ^^''' ^-^ 

°- ^mCfqi^'imiT &C-. [Bh- Oita, XVI, 20 j 

'. Sdrs^^€ULle^.sQ'iJ(Lg!^uu(Sear. [T. Viruttam IG.] 

* g ! u/rajii U!rQu>] [T- Vaymozhi, II, 2-2,] 

= ^_s^L.^eafiuJinr,rdji^ ^Si^CS^peonOSfi! [P. T. Andadi, 26.] 

^ ,^',r^0u)sirGsBr©*</i?a.*/^0^Ti4/«(?^/rii [P. T. Andadi, 20.] 

''. ssSl^MaQihaeAnQQsTehiB^. [T. Vay-mozhi, A- . 2-1,] 


8. TAmunachfLrya when lie was at K&nchi-pura on a visit, 
and saw RELmflinuja, following in the train of yi!, 
pointed him out to his disciples, saj-ing; :—" Look, He will be 
the first leader of our faith." 

9. Mah&piirna proved llatnanuja's greatness thus : — One 
day he and his daughter AttulAy-amnia, were seated in their 
house, when llamilnuja happened to enter with his train of 
disciples. MSihitpiirna at once got up and prostrated him.self 
before him. His daugliter asked him how he could do such 
an act of obeisance to Kaminuja, who was his disciple. Purna 
replied : " Those feet and this head are a match to each other." 
Another day RAmAnuja was returning from his bath in the 
K3,veri, when MahApuriia meeting him did obei.sance. But 
Rimanuja stood erect instead of returning this customary 
homage, and simply lifted up his Guru. Ra,manuja's disciples 
asked him to explain his unusual conduct. He said ; " My 
Guru wishes to please him.SL'lf by honoring me. If that is his 
pleasure, it is my pleasure. I should not cross him ." The 
disciples next asked Purna to explain his unusual behaviour. 
" He said : — " Sirs, I saw in RaiiiJlnujamy own Guru — Yamuna 
after my own Gum, all the perfections of a Guru find their 
haven in Ramitnuja." And Pilrna made liis own son Pundari- 
kftksha the disciple of R4mAnuja. 

10. It has already been related, that Goshthi-purna — the 
second Guru of Ramanuja, — revealed the secrefs of religion to 
Rimanuja by exacting a promise that he would not impart the 
same lo others; but tliat Rftniaiiuja broke the promise auon by 
openly declaring the secrets (o all in the Temple ; that Purna 
became wroth on coming to know this and demanding an expla- 
nation from Ramfiuuja, the latter confessed his fault, but sub- 

' Satliajit the cloud, from Si-isa's Sea of Grace 
Drunk deep, rains down on Natha-Hill; 
R5,ma, Padmaksli, two rills thence rippling down 
Unite in Yiinuu-Hi'ook, to gulf 
Yatiraja's Lotus-Lake, by countless Floodgates 
To flood the Pastures of iiarohed souls. 


mitted that if his disobedience did eutail on him hell, he had 
the sitisfaction of thinking that thousands were saved — a 
great price to get in return — ; and that Purna, on hearing 
this embraced Ramanuja exclaiming : " What a large heart 
thine for others ; my shallow heart did not warm like this ! 
Thou art no other than lie (Yiimuna) ." And he made his sou 
Terk-alva,r, R4m9,nuja's disciple. 

11. Tirumalai-Nambi or Srisaila-Purna — anothei- Guru — 
it has already been narrated, replied, — when qnestionei^. by 
B&mauuja why an elderly person like himself came to meet 
him on his way up the Holy Hill of Tirupati, when there were 
many young persons, any one of whom he could have des- 
patched, — that with respect to RamS.nuja, he could find no 
other person younger than himself. And further Purna made 
a gift of Emb3,r to Ramanuja, and made his .son Ramanuja to 
become his disciple. 

12. Tirumaiai-Andan or Maladhara — another Guru — was 
teaching Tiravaymohzi to Ramanuja. When the verse ' Ariyak- 
kalattu ' [II. 3 3], was explained, Rtimaauja gave his own 
interpretations. This gave offence, the Guru ceasing to teach. 
Goshthi Purna, coming to hear of this speedily appeared on 
the scene, and gave Maladhara to understand that RAmanuja's 
interpretations were correct, as they were those of Yamuna- 
charya ; and that he must look upon Ramanuja in the light of 
such a disciple as Lord Krishna was to Sandipa. On another 
occasion, when Ramanuja, gave out an explanation, which, he 
said, was according to Y§.muna, " thou hast never spoken to 
Yamuna, how dost thou know ? " cried Malfidliara. " Sire " 
replied Ramanuja, " am I not Ekalavya to Y&muna ? " The 
Guru anon fell on the ground, saying: "Indeed thou art an 
avatara," and made his son Sundarabfiiiu, Ramannja's disciple. 

13. Ramanuja did humble service to the venerable 
Tiruvaranga-p-perum£bl-Araiyar, when the latter, one day, 
said : — " The price of thy services, Rftmanuja, is my all", and 
he taught him the secrets of the Fifth Way (Pancham-opaya), 
and made his son Tirnvaymozhi Araiyar his disciple. 

14. Andhra-Purna was a firm believer in this Fifth Way, 
•which to him was the Holy Feet of Ramanuja. 



15. Kanijanur Siri-y-acchan, declared on oath (i.e., when 
remaining half iuimersad in water) that faith in Ramannja was 
the only road to salvation. 

16. yajiiauiurti (a convert from, wliom Rama- 
nnja .set up in si .separate see, a.s abbot, and to be looked upon 
as a second Raiuanuja, declaimed to his intimate disciples, 
Ecchan, Anandftlvan, Tondanur-Nambi and Marudftr-Xambi 
that R&mi,nuja Avas tlie real Saviour, and his second R3,manuja- 
sliip was only a gracious honor bestowed on him, inasmuch as 
he felt it as a millstone hung round a sparrow's neck. 

17. Pi1]ai-p-pil|ai-y-£izhvan became the disciple of 
KiireSa. The latter when asked hi.s pastoral fee (acharya- 
dakshina), stated it as the curbing by him of his three 
instruments of thought, speech and deed against ofEeuding 
holy men. But the disciple found it very difficult to carry 
this advice into practice, and evinced great perplexity. 
Kur6sa observing it, called him and said: — " Hei-e is a 
way out of thy difficulty, son ! Thou canst avoid hurt by 
deed, for thy foe will i-etum it, or the king will punish for it. 
Thou canst avoid hurtful speech, if thou wishest to keep peace 
with the world ; for so says a stanza: — 'RT-iTO^^^ Jl^hWi-l^i - 
^1 I TOT^KH^q^qt irra^'flll^^Kif. This is to thy advantage. 
There remains now thy thought which is difficult to curb. 
Hence if ihou wishest thy mental sins not to offend God, 
trust to R4manuja's feet for reconciliation. 

18. Milag-azhvan challenged Dibsarathi for a debate. 
The latter consented and asked for a wager. " If I am beaten," 
said Azhvan, " I will carry thee on my shoulders." This was 
agreed to ; and DaSarathi won. Azhvau, true to his woi-d lifted 
the victor on to his shoulders, lun a few paces, and setting 
him down asked forgiveness for liis impudence. DaSarathi 
lead him to Ramanuja, and said : " There is thy forgiveness — 
his lioly feet." 

19. Embar counselled BhatUrya thus : — " Son, vaunt 
not thyself that thou art the Godson of Lord Ranga, Km-esa's 
son, and a servant. Faith in Ramanuja alone will save thee." 


20. Bhattstrya counselled Nanjiyar thus : — " Son ! pique 
thyself not on being a great Vedantist, on thy becoming my 
disciple, and on thy giving up all thy wealth to me, as my fee. 
But firmly believe in R^imanujaas our Saviour." 

21. Nanjiyar warned Nambillai thus : — " Gi-ow not haughty 
that the w«rld calls thee : ' World- teacher ' (LokAcharya) ; that 
thou art a clever expert in expounding tlie Prabaiidhas. 
Ram3,nuja's feet alone can save thee. 

22. One day Nambi.lai took hold of the liand of Siva-k- 
karai-p-pi]]ai, to go out ; and as he crossed the tlireshold of 
his house, he discovered a holy man -asleep on the pial out- 
side. S. pijlai called out to him to withdraw liis legs as his 
master was there. Nambiliai immediately let go his hold of 
S. piljai saying : — " Son, our saints have declared that the 
legs of holy men are lioly legs. To call them " legs " in deri- 
sion is against thee a proof of disrespect and ignorance. Be- 
gone from me : " S. pillai went to his village in disgrace 
and set up loud wailing, and cried : — " Oh master ! thou 
hast cast me away like the stone in a sling, from <hy holy place 
between the two rivers." K^ambillai on hearing this repen- 
tance, sent for him and enjoined : — " Trust in Ram§.nuia, all 
thy faults are remitted." 

2.3. Tiru-k-kurugai-p-pira n Pillan was once in a place 
called Siru-p-puttur. Sdmasi-y-Andtin read Sri - Bhashya 
under him three times. PiJlsin left tlie place for his native 
country, when Andan pleaded : Sire, I live in this country- 
far from you. Deign to tell me the choicest article of 
faith for my life." To this Pillan replied :—" Son, keep off 
intumescence that comes of thy ability to descant on the 
science of Purva-Mimsbmsa, and to on Sri- Bhashya ; 
but place implicit faith in our Saviour Ramanuja." And 
Gomathatha-p-pillan bade in a similar manner his disciple 

24. " When God was angi-y with you, what didst thou do?" 
a.sked Engal-AzhvAn of K. P. A. Pillai " I i*esortad at such 
times to the appeasing power vested in our Saviour, RamEi- 
nuja ;" he replied. 


25. A coterie of disciples read Sri-Bhashya under NadA- 
dur-Ammal. Tiiev asked: — " Fatlier, Bhakti (lovo to God), 
we find is a hard tiling to do." Animal taugbt tliem tlie way 
of Prapatti (faith in God). They again pleaded : " Sire, it is 
hard to get faith." " Then," taught Animal, " your onl^- ^\-a3- 
is to depend on Rdmannja." Naduvil AziiTan administered 
similar instructions to his disciples Viiiigipuralt aochi and 

26. " This is a mighty torrent, this Sri-Hha.shya," com- 
jilained the Aimbatt-iriivar (52) magnate.s of Tirunarayanii- 
pnram (MMnkote) when Veda-vyasa-Bliattar expatiated on it 
before Ram3.nuja's shrine in the Temple. " Then," said 
Bhattar, " trust solely to your household-God Kftmanuja, 
and that is enough." So again did Jfaduvil-Tiruvidhi-p-pil lai- 
Bhattar comfort his disciple Elaiya v-alagiyar. 

27. Andhra-pin-na often repi-oached KurSsa and DaSa- 
rathi for double-heartedness inasmuch as they wavered in their 
devotion between God and R4manuja, the Saviour; whereas 
he was single-hearted as being linn in his trust in the latter 

28. The devil Braiima-rakslias signilied RamAnuja's 
greatness, bj- so declaring it to Yildava-piakasa.' 

29. The dumb lad was another illustration. He was born 
in K^richipuram, dumb. After his fifth year he was found 
missing for two years. He suddenly appeared again. People 
surrounded him and que.'stioncd him as to whither lie lind gone. 
Ho replied that he had been charmed away to Kshiiabdhi 
(Milky Sea). " What is the news tlicrc," asked they. " The 
only news of any importance," said he, " wa.-s tliat on earth 
an avatar in the .shape of Rilmanuja has descended." The boy 
was not seen again, after he delivered this inessage. Thi.s 
story, the holy Bhagavat-senapati-Jiyar took pride in often 
relating, io vouch further for tiie greatness of Ramanuja. 

30. As among Divine Incarnations, of Rama and 
Krishna are notable ; Vy^sa, ParAsara, Suka, and Saunaka 
among the Rishis ; Srirangam, 1'irupati, Kknchi and Melukote 


among the Holy places ; St. NamraAzhvar among the Saints ; 
so is R8,mauuja among the Acharyas (Apostles), such as Nitha- 

31. The importance of i{'a. consists in Rama's 
declaring the Divine Gift of Free Grace to all who may ap- 
proach Him, irrespoclive of caste or creed, color or condition ; 
in seeking friendship of liumb'e folk like Giiha : in performing 
the obsequies of a Hrahraana for Jatayn ; in iiccepting food 
frona the hands of a Sabari ; in eating in the company of 
Hanum9,n ; and so forth.' 

The importance of Kvislin-.4vatara consists in Krishna's 
delivering the Apocalypse of Bliagavad-gita, with its Cliara,ma- 
Sloka -j^ in rejecting the hospitality of Bbishma and Drona 
for that of Vidura ;" and so forth. 

The reputation of Srirangam comes of Lord Ranga's 
having mixed with the (Pariali) Saint Tiruppanar, as inti- 
mately as body and soul ; that of Tiiupati comes of Lord 
Srinivasa's having spoken to and moved freely with such souls 
asBhima, (Kurnmb-arutta-nambi), the pottei', and Tondaman; 
that of Kanclii (PerumM-koil) comes of Lord Varada's having 
been so intimate with KA,riclii-purna ; that of Melukote, of Lord 
Karayana's having eaten of tlie food offered by Sucharita's 
son ; and of His having deigned to become the .son of Rarnanuja 
— hence called Yatiraia-sauipar-kumara.' 

Tlie distinction earned by is of his 
Vedftnta-Sutras an<l the Satvika Puranas, liy all of which he 
pi'oclaimed the Ultimate Trutii by Iris finishing stiinza : — 

'I declare, once, twice, thrice. 

• See Ramayaiia. 

« Gi(A, XVIII, 6G. 

' %<M I Hjg 5r S^(H!P!r?Pfr^. ^o-. [Cliaiata, Udyoga Parva.J 

246 kamAnuja'S geeatxess. ch, xxxvn. 

There is no Scripture like the Veda, nor God like K^savS..' 
that earned by ParaSara is because of his Vishnn-pnr&na,' in 
which he gives a clear deGnition of the Three Eternal Verities, 
God, Soul and Matter, — hence styled by Sage Yamuna as 
' The Magnificient ;'^ that earned by Suka is by his Bh&gavata 
by declaring in it the greatness of Vishnu and his earning 
immediate mukli, g^f^^:; that earned by Saunnka is by his 
famous work Vishnu-Dharma; that earned by Nflrada is 
because of his declaration as the slave of the lioly Vaish- 
navas.' The distinciion of St. Nammazhvar arises from 
his composing four Prabandhas analogous to the Four 
Vedas, thus popularising Scriptures, and liis revealing to 
Sage Nithamuni the Four-Thousand Prabandhas, tlius estab- 
lishing the Vaishnava Despensation. But above all towers the 
reputation of Rsim&nuja, inasmuch as he unbosomed to all, 
the Holy Sense of the Charama-Sloka, made clear the obscure 
and abstruse texts of the Vedas, made manifest the truths of 
St. NammazhvJir's Tiruvaymozhi, wrote exegetics on Brahma- 
Sutras according to the Canons established by Sages Nsltha- 
muni and Yftrauna in their Treatises ; wrote other indepen- 
dent works such as the Gadyatraya; won victories over false 
prophets and philosophers ; thus bequeathing to postei-ity a Sys- 
tem pre-eminenth' known as lldmdmija' s system, though it is a 
system of thought co-eternal with God Himself. 

32. Rimannja was one day conducting his ministry in 
his congregation, taking up the Docti-ine of God's Free Grace 
to frail humanity, as illustrated by Rjimiyana. Vibhishana 
though born among the demons (llakshasas), was ano-elic in 
nature. He tried to dissuade his brother Kavana from his evil 
ways, but he would not listen ; so he severed himself swiftly 

■ tl"l^i<h«N'Cl'a<rlc^'^ HI'I!4<^^ti^MI'^J|tfl*<.l<: I 

CH. XXXVII. ramAnuja's greatness. 247 

from all connection with him, and soaring into the sky, cros- 
sed the ocean with four attendants and coming to Lord Rama> 
who was encamped with his army on the other shore, cried 
thus : — 

' O R&ma,' thus he cried, ' in me 

Vibhishan, Ravan's brother, see. 

By him disgraced tliine aid I seek. 

Sure refuge of the poor and weak. 

From Lanka, friends, and wealth I fly. 

And reft of all on Thee rely. 

On Thee, the wretch's firmest friend. 

My kingdom, joys and life depend. [Ramayaua, VI, 19.] 

* * 

I left niy children and my wife 

Ami fly to Raghu's son for life. [R'cbmd.yaua, VI, 17.] 
And yet the V9.nar-chiefs of Lord said to Him : — 
' Rama! 

We wait thy word : the order give 

And these thy foes shall cease to live. 

Command us, mighty king, and all. 

Lifeless upon the earth shall fall. [Ramayana, VI, 17.] 

On hearing this, Dhanurdsisa stood up and cried : — 
" Godsire, if Vibhishana, who left wife, children and all in 
order to seek refuge with Rama, deserved to be stoned by 
RsLma's Vflinar-chiefe, how much more indeed do I deserve that 
treatment, — I, who have made no renuncication at all like 
Vibhishana!!" "Peace," cried RamAnuja, "Listen to me, 
my son, 1 will unfold to thee the secrets of salvation. Sri, the 
Bpouse of Lord Narayana, ever stands by Him as our Mother- 
mediator. She is the personification of the most exalted 
attribute of God, viz., Grace or Mercy'- When our Lord 
through Sri is ever anxious to shower His mercy unstintingly 
on His erring children on earth, what fear is there for us ? 

^ Sri also symbolizes love of God for man and love of man for God, 
Slie ever dwells in the bosom of God, like the Christ, the Sou [Johu I. 


We have an unbroken chain of apostles, reaching down to us 
from God, of which the first link is God, and His Grace, Sri, 
the next. St. Sathagopa is the next important link; and he 
has declared in unmistakable terms that lie has obtained 
Heaven (moksha)'. If he has won it, Nathamiini has 
won ; if Nathamuni has won, Ya,muna has won ; Yamuna 
winning, my next guru above me, Mahapurna, has won. If 
Piirna has won, I have surely v/on. When I iiave, ye have all 
indeed won. Take comfort then from this thought. Dvaya- 
Mantra, which I have taught thee, declares, as thou art aware 
he indissoluble unity of God with His Gi-ace, Sri ; and an 
unbroken chain binds God and His creatures in one bond, from 
which it is impossible to escape and stand aloof. With me 
goes my flock. What I share it undoubtedly shares. The 
areca tree is watered by the gardener, but tlie plantain trees 
round it take the moisture as well. I and my church are 
linked together for one testing. My destiny shall invariably 
be its destiny. When Viijhishana was after all allowed to 
approach Lord Rama, no separate invitation to the four 
Rakshasa-men, whocompanied with him, was needed, nor when 
the Vanar-chiefs wished to diive him awa}-, did they think of 
driving those four persons separately . In other words, the 
four persons counted with Vibhishana as one, in gains or 
losses. Even thus counts my flock with me. ' Hence, son '■ 
thou mayst rest assured that if Heaven is mine, it is thine 
without question. As St. Bhaktisara has said; ' the flock has 
even moi-e merit than the shepherd,' ' Satrughna has more 
merit in following Bharata, than Bharata, Lord Rama; St. Mad- 
hurakavi than St. Sathagopa; St. Andal than St. Vishnn- 
Chitta, her father; and so forth. 

I ^suireiip^ ^®Qupp ■Fi-Qanussr. 

■* Cp. («) " Whera I am, there al.«o shall my minister bo. If any man 
minister to me, him will my Father honor." 

[John, Xri, 26.] 
(b) " And I, if I be lifted np, will draw all men unto ine." 

[John, XII, 32.J 
^ (Sia^u9(r^Liuirss)irQa!s\j^Qiri-LDpmeii(S!>jrs= 
sir^^iSQ^uunir^peuw. [4th T. Audadi, IS.] 


33 Hence Amudan3,r in his immortal work Ramiintija- 
nftU-Anfiadi, sung daily by all the Vaishnavas tmd in all the 
Vishnu. Temples, testifies to Rauia;nuja'R grcatnos.s a.s Saviour 
of mankind, thus : — 

" Our elders aver that God dwells in His Holy Shrines 
in heaven and on earth, but His Holiest Shrine is the Holy 
Heart of Ramanuja. Hence Nve worship God by worshipping 
Rd.mfi.nuja; by resorting to Ramfiinuja we shall have resorted 
to all the Holy Shrines.'" 

34. Nadadiir Amm&l declared, that the way to salvation 
is not by works (karma), not by knowledge {Jndna or gnosis), 
not by devotion (bhakti), not by faith (prapattt), but by implicit 
trust placed in REbmElnuja ; and this was the ultimate truth 
proclaimed to all by Amudanar in his R. N. Andadi. " 

35. " Here are two Holy Names," KureSa often said, 
" namelj-, Na-ra-ya-ua and Ra-ma-nu-ja, each is made up of 
four Syllables. But Narayana as denoting God, can both save 
and damn, but Ramanuja as Saviour, can only save. In this 
consist.s our stay, strength and safety. 

36. " Rfimfi,nuja," exclaimed Amudanar, " it matters not 
where I am, hell or heaven, but let thy Beauteous Figure 
haunt me ever. To this bliss, I will forego even the Lord 
whom thou canst show upon thy hand." " " Where those great 
souls, Ram&nuja's servants, dwell, that is my Empyrean." * 
" Ramanuja," said he addressing him directly, " My very 
bones may split in agony, but let me at all times and all places 
indulge in love for Thy servants."" It is chronicled that so 
addressed, Ramanuja looked on Amudanar with eyes beaming 
with benevolence and passed on. And Amudanar put a finis to 
his hymnal by the verse : — " I seek Sri, the spouse of Ranga, 
that she may bless me with the bliss of crowning my head with 

1 Op. cit., 106 : " ^0ul9i-w &c." 

« Op. cit., 76 : " SmjoeusBsrSirs!^ &c." and '15 : '•' QuQ/yr/'asrs)! 

' 4 < B. N. Andadi, 105, easuS&isetM. 
= Do. 107, ^^i-fPP- 


260: kXmAnuja's greatkess. ch. xxxvil 

the blooms of Rd,md<nuja's Feet — blooms of the plant of love 
growing in my heart." ^ 

Lord Ranga declared : " Both Heaven and ]<!arth are 
granted thee, Ramanuja." ° 

37. One day St, Kiilasekhara's vcr.«e : appQwsoe^irili was 
Being read. Thi.s meant that when Rftnia left Aj-odhya for the 
woods, the vvhole Ayodhya's kith and kin of Rama accompanied 
liim- But some one in the auditory objected :" They only 
accompanied a little way off and then returned. How theii 
did'this Saint '^ay they compahied with him througliont ? " 
RiamS,nuja ansfrered : "-When Lakshihana who said : " All 
services I shall So,'" followed, it is as if all followed, referring 
to himself thds. 

Thus was the greatness of Ramanuja. 

1 B. N AndSdi, 108, ^'^^iL:eo. 

'Op Jesus saying : — " All power is given rinto mo in heaven and in 
eai-th " [Mat. XXVIII, 18.] 

» "Aham sarvam karishyami." [R&m. 11,31,25.] This is iiri-tn. 
direct reference to himself, 


m.^H, II ^TfTfgsTifTTJfi'ij^r'TrJiTCii^tT^rr'^ i T?R-?frr'T«Tf^5^«riT?f?Tfi'tf n 

W^qoT 11 ?TK^riTKKr?T?':ii' II 1. 32 II 

f rfrcT^'itr ii f rciJf'-rra^ir^K n ^5R?fra'S'tw >th^h^irw i w"^- 

> ,. ^?ri*!.3«i<R*r^iTn^'^ii Tf^fwrrsffjifiiT^^f^^^^g: i M'lTmrgjT - 
^qTsprms'-Hfl^flia^. n ftw?i5ri<i-ii'aHm4i<.^arrm: i Hr«tRifiRmf=^TO;5rmn- 

'nW<l'dd<^Rra:, " f?^r^MI<:H'J.NKI«IM*H:fIr<<<i^: I W?:i=?T5q?i^^rHi%^- 
H.Fta<l*il€F':q^ II 3-104-5. 

sT^raW 29 ?r II ;?rf^i'^!ii*<i(i4WMfHtiff5r;!;i f^i?^nT?r%: 

<TrHciiv^i<-!iH=3=i= II ^f^f^^T^iCr^injjSirtRmimnra; i ^fwssrRfprrn! sfTTa' 

.?'T3?i'^f! II qTrf?r:Wv^i^^:^AiHi:i^rfi5:.i'iT|^f=4^c5?Tjrs;ipiw^ ii 

'jfnn'iT'j^ II 

=H'krmHiiwR[,# ?r^5«irfpT??i'q-| i tm?rf?^r%s't vi'ri^^'mi?!^: ii 

3nt%HjiH^<;<Hiwdt»iKi4WMgc!it4iw+ra3: 1 Kwrinrast^'jRT- 

^^.- tlHJ*lri|!idWr<(4(W|JrM'KU^: I Wrf^Rfl^ffg^:nm: II 


1. Birth at Sriperambudur ... A.C. 1017 (Sa,liv3;hana 

Saka 939) . 

2. Study with Yadavaprakasa A.C. 1033 

3. Pii'st entry to Srirangam to see AlavaadS,r. „ 1042 

4. Taking holy orders „ 1049 

5. Plight to Mysore (under King Chola's 

pei-secution) „ 1096 

6. Convension of Bitti-deva, the King of the 

Hoysala Country (Maisiir), and 

naming liim Vi.shnu-vnrdhana ... 1098 

7. Installing Lord Srl-N^rayana at Melukote. „ 1100 

8. Stay in this Conatry up to ... ... ... 1116 

9. Return to Srirangam ... ... ... 1118 

10. Finis to earthly career ... ... 1137 

Total length of life, year.s 120 


Ist. NaminazKvar. 

. ! 

2 Madliurakuvi-AKiiviir (Disciple of I.) 

•1 ParankiiKadrtSit (Disciple of 2.) 

4 XHIiamuni (Disciple of 3.) 

5 isvnminuiii (son of 4.) 

Ti Alavaniliir idioa Yainmia or Vaiiuniiu-liriiyn (son of T.,) 

8 Feriya-uanibi aliuf 


(Disciple of G.) 

y Tirukkottiyur-nunibi 

alius Goshtliipuriia 

(Disciple of C) 

10 Tiruiualai-ai.diiii 
(Disciple of ti.) 

7 liaimuiuja atia^ Si-i lihashyu- 
kara, U<iaiyava,r, Kinberu- 
iiianar, Yatltidra or Yatiraja, 
and llitiyazlivar (Disciple of G) 
iudircctly and of 8, U, 10, 11 
and 12 diioctlv 
[See 27 ill our Hierar- 
chic Table, in tlic 
Urc^ (if A-. } I va )■•<.} 

11 Tirukkaccbi- 

iiaiiibi alias Ci;ijciidra- 

dasia, Kaucliipi'iru;i, 

(Antiior of \'iirada- 


12 I'eriya-Tirunia'.ai- 

:ianibi (Disciple of 

and maternal uncle 


12-A Enibar oli< 

13 Tiruvarangappeni 

iiial Araiyar, sou nf 

G and disciple of 

the same. 

37 Kitlambi-Acchan 

alia.-' Pranatartibara 

(Disciple of 7.) 

39 (K) Itamauuja 
Piljau (sou of 37 
Disciple of 4C.) 

33 Tirukkiii ni^aip- 
ptranpillau (Disciple 
and spiritual son of 7.) 

14 KnraLtazlivau u'ms Kurt'>^a. 

Kuranatiia, Srivatsacliinbanii^ra 

(Disciple of and atsistant 

to Ramannj;! in frettinfr up 

the Sri^BIiiishya 

X Andal. ' 

34 Mudaliyfindan alius 

Dilsarathi (sister's mm 

of 7 anddisciple of 

the !=;inic.) 

34 A. Vatu|»nrua 

aliiu-< Andbra- 



. . J. . 
35 Nndadur Alvan 

alias Varada Vis-hnu 

(Discipio and sister's 

son of 7.) 

45 (N.) Devaraja- 
pcrauiai (sou of 35.) 

3G EnRalalviiti alios 


(Disciple of 7, a SoH 



4G Nadadxir 

36 li. Yadava- 
prakiisa (con- 
verted) Goviuda. 

3G C- Yajnanuirti 



40 (K) Padmauabha 
alias Sri Ramanuja 
pijlau (son of 39.) 

41 Llauianuja pillaii 

(son of 40) (Appiijan.) 


TotarambS^, daugbtcr 
of 40 = Anautacharvy. 

42 Vcdinta-Desika 
(son of tbo above.) 


15 Sri Parasara Bhuit.a- I 

or simply lihattar (son of 

14 and successor of 7) 

(studied under Enibar 

alia^ Govinda-.liynr.) 

IG Vedanti a/iV/s Xanjiyar 

(Madhava), disciple of 

15, after being converted 

by the same. 

17 Nauibillai alias Naiu- 

buri Varadaruja, Tiruk- 

kalikanridasar, Luka- 

ohavya (Disciple nf 16.) 

29 Sri Eam:i Pilla 
(sou of 14.) 

30 Naduvil Tiruvidi- 

pillai alias Vagvijava 

lihattar (son of 29') 

31 Sri Vedai'yasa 

Bhattar, bettci known 

as Sudarsaiu'icharya 

and Srutaprakilsika- 

chArya (son of 30.) 

32 Vedantacharya 

alias Uddauda" 


33 Para^^ara 
lihattar II. 

•IG Kadadur Ainma) 
(sou of 45 and dis- 
ciple of 36.) 

39 Kidainbi 


Pi Man, 

42 Vcdaut&charya alia^ 
Vedanta-Dcsika, Desi- 

kacharya, Vcnkataua- 
tha, Tuppil-Pijjai 

aud Kavitarkikastmha. 


43 Xainard- 

cbarra, sou 

of 42.) 

44 Brabuia- 

tantra Jivar 
(Disciple of 42.) 

18 Piljai tiOkficliarya 

(sou of 48, disciple 

aud successor of 17.) 

47 Alagij'amanavalap- 

peruma] Kiyauar I 

(son of 48.) 

48 Vadakku Tiru- 
v.'di Pillai. 

19 Tiruiualaiy&Iv 
51, dij " • 
80r < 

mozhippijlai, Sri.^ailana- 
tha, SrisailcPaJ 

iruiualaiy&Jvar, ^on of 
disciple and succes- 
• of 52) alias TirVav- 
.i.:«»;ii»: c_r ii_lji 

51 An 

52 Kurakulot* 
taina Diisar 
alias UdAra. 

20 AzbagiyamanavlLla 

Peram^l Nayaolir II altats 




Manav&la- MAmuni , 

Periya-JIyar, or Jiyar, 

(grandBon of 63.) 

Deva Pcrum&I 

(sisters' son of 

and adopted 

by 19.) 

4y Periya 
Piljai aliaslK 

4y Periyavdccliau 

f Krishnasuri, 

50 Pinba]a|;iya 
Peruin;*il Jiyar. 

4'J A. Naini'ir-Accliaii 
Filjai (adopted son.) 

49 li. Parakaladasa. 

49 C. SrirauRi- 

53 Kollikavalad^ar 

(Disciple of li) alias 

Kottur Alagi^-ia Matia- 

vala PiUai. 

4 Sri ran-r;^ua- X Tijra/.hakkidandSn- 
chcLiySr Tiruuavirudaiy&.- 

I Pir&u -Tatarannar. 

nav&Ia Pen mil 
' N&yanAr 1 1 ' 
alias Manavi ,1a- 
mAmuni (s( d). 

55 Nammayyan 
(son of 20.) 

Jfyar N&yan&r alia» 
AhbirAma (son of 55. V 

21 VanamriniLikii- 

Jiyar (Discipio 

of 20.) 

(son of 55.) 



Pli.itf irpirSn 

Ji'jrir (Discipio 


23 Perij-aji3'ar of 
Tinipati (Dis- 
ciple of 20.) 

2i KiJjil Kandil- 

dii Annan 
(Discipio of 20.) 

2.5 Prativadi 
.\niiait (Dis- 
cipio of 20.) 

Nvtc.—We arc indebted to Sri T. A. Gopinatha Kow for initiating this tabulation. 

2G Erninbiyil 
Appa (Disci- 
ple of 20.) 

27 (dis- 
ciple of 20.) 

28 Appilhin (Dia 
ciplo ol 20.) 



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BY ' • ' " 



r • A .A A A A 

1. ■' Tliig I^ife df Yesdanta Desifcicliaiyai, 
2. : : ITlie: Life- ©±^ Maaiavala- Mahuiiliini. 
3.'. 'iSTai-arana-'pr ;tlie .,iriu-\:ersal Eelifrion^ 

TH E " xApJ^tyH "■' ' pftBss; -^kfiiBXS^iSO? ;