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3 1924 092 490 816 







(MARCH 1, 1910, TO MARCH 1, 1911) 







Price 2t. unbound/ Ss. 6d. bound. Non-members, 5s. A Case to contain 4- unbound Supplements, Is. 6d. 


Cornell University 

The original of this book is in 
the Cornell University Library. 

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the United States on the use of the text. 






^- »'- ; , - . NEILL AND OOMPJlNY, LIMITED, 

■I L .._.'. BDINBUKGH. 1 







(MARCH 1, 1910, TO MARCH 1, 1911) 




LONDON _U\ ^^^''^' 


1911 "\,^ " "/' 

rS ""//ni ■ 












Sir frank MARZIALS, C.B. 



The Right Hon. LORD AVEBURY, F.R.S. 

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This Supplement contains all the books added from March 1, 1910 to March 1, 1911. 

Several sets, Academic d. Inscript. & Belles-Lettres : Fondation Plot ; Geschichtschreiber 
d. deutschen Vorzeit; Monaci, Studj di filologia romanza; Socidt6 de I'Histoire de Paris 
& de rile-de-France, the mere titles of which appeared in the Catalogue, or which have 
been recently acquired, have been catalogued in a detailed manner. 

A further list of Corrigenda and Errata is also added to this Supplement. 

An asterisk indicates that the book was published anonymously. A few cross- 
references omitted in the Catalogue and Supplements have been inserted in this 
Supplement; a f has been printed against these. 

Several volumes which are described as " wanting " in the Catalogue have 
been purchased, and therefore it is essential to consult both the Catalogue and the 

It has not been thouglit necessary to repeat information about pseudonyms, 
anonymous books, etc., already given in the Catalogue of 1903 and Supplements. 

The price of this Supplement is 2s. unbound; 3s. 6d. bound, to Members. A case 
to contain 4 unbound Supplements, Is. 6d. 


FOB 1910 

Aaron, len Asher [Ahbon, ben MoscJieh hen Ascher]. Die 
Dikduke ha-t'amim d. A., u. andere alte grammat.-masso- 
reth. Lehrstiicke z,. Feststellung e. riohtigen Textes d. 
liebra. Bibel ; hrsg. v. S. Bar u. H. L. Straok. [With 2nd tp., 
%n Hebrew, b.w. Wickes (W.) Treatise on accentuation 
of poet, books of 0. Test., 1881]. 8". L. 1879 

Aaron, of Saroug, Saint [Ahro-un], see Natj {I'aib^ F.) Les 
l^gendes syriaques d'A. de S. [par son disciple Paul], etc. : 
texte ed. & tr. par P. N., 1910. 

Abadjieff (Christo). Die Handelspolitik Bulgariens, see 


Abbad y Lasierra (Inigo) [fABBAD (I.)]. *Hist. geografica, 
civil y pollt. de la isla de S. Juan Bautista de Puerto Rico ; 
dala a luz Don A. Valladares de Sotomayor. s4o. 1788 

Abbe (Cleveland). The mechanics of the earth's atmosphere ; 
a coU. of trans., 3rd coll., 1910, see Smithsonian Instit., 
Misc. colls., v51, 1910. 
♦Abbey (The) of Kilkhampton, 2p, 1780, see CBorT {Sir H.) 
Abbott (Edwin Abbott). " The Son of man," or contributions 
to the study of the thoughts of Jesus. [Diatessarica, 8] . 

8". C. 1910 
Abbott (George Frederick). Macedonian folklore. 8°. C. 1903 
Abbott (Thomas Eingsmill). Logic versus Murray's logic. 

[P1297]. s8°. D. 1881 

see Kblls, Book of. Celtic ornaments f. the B. of K. ; [pref. 

by T. K. A.], 1895. 

'Abd Allah ibn 'Abd Al Kadir, Munshi [Abdullah ben Abd- 

el-Kadbe]. L'incendie de Singapour en 1828, poeme 

malais ; tr. par I'abb^ P. Favre, see Melanges orient. ; 

textes & tr., 1883. 

Abd-el-Kader (Abdullah), see 'Abd Allah ten 'Abd Al Kadib. 

Abdul Hamid II, sultan of Turkey, see MacCullagh (F.) The 

fall of Abd-ul-H., 1910. 
Abdulla ben Abdulkadar, Munshi, see 'Abd Allah ibn 'Abd 

Al Kadib. 
Abel (Carl). L'affinite 6tymolog. des langues 6gypt. et indo- 
europeennes. [Soc. de G^og. de Lisbonne. P1293J. 

8°. Lisbonne. 1892 

Abel (F. M.) Une croisi^re autour de la mer Morte. 8". 1911 

Abercius, bp. of Eieropolis [Abbbkios]. S. A', vita ed. T. 

Nissen. Suppl. Abercii titulus sepulcralis, exposuerunt G. 

Liidtke & T. Nissen. [2nd tp. Die Grabsohrift d. Aberkiosj. 

sS". L., Teubner. 1910 
Abetot (Ursa d'), see Ubsb, d'Abetot. 
Abgarus, king of Edesaa, see Lipsius (R. A.) Die edessen. 

Abgar-Sage, 1880. 
Abhandlungen d. fries'schen Schule. Neue Folge. Hrsg. v. G. 
Hessenberg, K. Kaiser u. L. Nelson, [part of] B3 ii. 

8". Gottingen. 1910 

see Meyekhob (0.) Beitrage z. psycholog. Theorie d. 

Geistesstorungen, 1910. [N.F., 3 ii]. 

Abhandlungen zur Gesch. d. Mathemaiik. Hft. 26 i, ii, [pagin. 

cont.], 28, 29. [In prog.]. 8°. L. 1910 

Harpfer(A.) Die Probleme v. Hansen u. Snelliua, 1910. [26 i.] 

Kuninjer (E. E.) Festschrift z. Feier d. 100. Oeburtstages K., mit 

Briefen an a. Mutter u. an L. Kronecker, 1910, (a9.] 

Lind( B.) tJber d. letzte Fermatsche Theorem, 1910. [26 ii.] 

Mikami (Y.) Mathemat. papers f. the Far East ; comp. & ed. by T. M., 

1910. [28.] 

Ableiges (Jacgues d'), ft. 14c., see Delisle (L. V.) L'auteur du 

Grand Coutumier de Prance [i.e. J. d'A.], 1882. 
Abnonr (conlre-amiral comte Richard d'). Hist, abregee des 
peuples de la Russie : essai de chronol. russe, 862-1894. 

S". [1909] 

Ab6th [PiEQfe Aboth ; Sayings of the Fathers], ntax 'bib 

Die Spruche d. Vater. Mischna-Traktat ; hrsg. a. erklart v. 

H. L. Strack. 3^ verbesserte A. [Inst. Judaicum in Berlin, 

Schriften, 6. P1266]. 8". L. 1901 

see fTAYLOE (C.) Sayings of the Jewish Fathers, comp. 

Pirqe Aboth etc., Heb. & Eng., w. notes, etc., 1877 ; 

2nd ed., 1897 ; App., 1900. 

Abotl Bekr Mohammed ben Thofail el-Qaici, see Abu Baeb 


Aboft '1-Hasan 'All, see 'Ali ibn Sa 'd (Abu al-H.) 
About (Edmond F. V.) La question romaine. 

[P12561. 8°. Brux. 1859 
Rome contemp. 4" 6A. 8°. 1861 

Abraham [Jakobsen], see Ibrahim ibn jAKto. 
Abraham, ben MeirAben Ezra, 
see Bacheb (W.) A. Ibn E.'s Einltg. zu s. Pentateuch- 
Comm., beleuchtet v. W. B., 1876. 
„ PiNSKEB (S.) Einltg. in d. babylon.-hebra. Punktations- 
system, etc., Grammatik d. hebra. Zahlworter (Jesod 
Mispar), [in Hebrew], hrsg. u. comm. v. S. Pinsker, 1863. 
Abraham, the patriarch, 
see Bbbe (B.) Lebensgemalde bibl. Personen, [Tl], Leben 
A.'s, 1859. 
„ WiNCKLEE (H.) a. als Babylonier, etc., 1903. 
Abraham, Saint, master of St. Barsoma ; d. 406, see Nau (I'abbS 
F. ) Les legen des syriaques d' Aaron de Saroug, d'A. [attrib. 
to his disciple Stephen], etc. ; texte ed. & tr. par F. N., 1910. 
Abrantis (Laure Junot, duchesse d'). M(5ms. Souvs. intimes 
sur Napoleon Bonaparte, 1769-1801. 8°. 1910 

Absentereo. By a. of " ProChristoet eoclesia." s8o. 1910 

""Abstract of the articles of settlement for carrying on a quarterly 
contribution on the lives of men, women & children. [Single 
sheet. 6.W. Post-Man, 1709-11]. fol. [c. 1711 ?] 

Abt (Adam). Die Apologie d. Apuleius v. Madaura u. d. 
antike Zauberei. [Religionsgeschiohtl. Versuche, etc., 
hrsg. V. A. Dieterich u. R. Wiinsch, B4ii]. 8°. Giessen. 1908 
Abtolmaous, Saint, martyr at Memphis, see Ptolemy, Saint. 
Abu 'Abd Allah Muhammad, king of Granada, see Boabdil, 

k. of Oranada. 

Ab6 al Fadhl ibn Mubirak, Al Hindi [Abu-l-Fazl]. The 

Akbar Nama. Tr. H. Beveridge. [Asiatic Soc. of Bengal. 

Bibl. Indica]. vl, 2 i-vi. 8°. Calcutta. 1907-9 

Aba Bakr Ahmad, al Baihaqi, see Nylandbe (C. U.) Uber d. 

Upsalaer Hs. Dala'il alNubuwwa d. A. B. al B. ; [w. extracts], 


Abu Bakr ibn Al-Tufail (Abu Ja'far), Al-IshbUi [Ibn Thobail], 

see Gauthibb (L.) Ibn Thofail, 1909. 
Abulfaraj [Bab-Hebr^us], .lee Yakub, Mar, bp. of Edessa. 
Letter on Syriac orthography ; also a Disc, by Gregory Bar 
H. on Syriac accents ; ed. w. tr. & notes, by 6. Phillips, 1869. 
Abu-l-Fad, see Abu al Fadhl ibn Mubarak. 
Abu Ma'shar Ja'far ibn Muiiammad, al- Balkhi, see Ja'bab ibn 
Muhammad (Abu Ma'shar), al-Balkhi. 




Abu Najr Yahya ibn Hani, see Yahya ibn Habir, al- Tahriti. 
Abu Zakariya Yahya ibn 'Adi, see Yahya ibn 'AdI (Abu Z.) 
Academia Romtoa. Biblioteoa Acad. Rom. ; Cat. ma. greoesti. 
Ed. Acad. Kom. 8°. 1909 

, Cresterile oolec^iunilor, 1908. 4°. 1908 

Din viea^a poporului roman. [v]4, 6, 7. 8°. 1909 

see Pamfile (T.) Joouri de copii, 1909. [6.] 

„ RADiTLESCTr-CoDiN (C.) & D. MiHALAOHB. SSrbatorile 

poporului cu obiceiurile, etc., 1909. [7.] 

„ VASXLitr (A.) Cantece uraturi si bocete, 1909. [4.] 

Publioatiunile fondului Vasile Adamachi. t2, 3. laS". 1906-9 

Only the first essay in v2 has sep. pagin. 

II, 6, Desorierea cator-va fosile tertiare din Nordul Moldovel, de I. 

7, Constitutiunea geologicaatermulul Prutulul din Nordul Moldovel, 

de I. Simionescu. 

8, Influenta substantelor str^ne aBupra solubilitatil phenylthioureel 

In apa!, de P. Bogdan. ' 

9, Contributiuni la geologia Moldovel dintre Siret si Prut, de I. 


10, Influenta neelectrolitelor asupra tensiunil de vapori a acidulul 

acetic' de P. Bogdan. 

11, Ameliorarea terenurilor de culture prin drenagiCi si irigatiune 

In Austria, de V. Rosu. 

12, Asupra cS,tor-va pescl fosill din tertiarul rom^nesc, de I. 


13, Studii geologice si paleontologice din Carpatii Sudici : TV, Fauna 

jurasica din Bucegi, de I. Simionescu. 
J4, Alimentarea oraselor cu apa. Procedeurile Intrebuintate la cap- 

tarea apelor sulJterane in Germania, de V. Rosu. 
15, Thynnus Albui, un nou peste fosil oligocen'din mimtele Cozla 
(Piatra-N.), de I. Simionescu.' 
Ill, 16, Fauna ichtiologic& a Kom4niei, de G. Antipa. 

see Gane (N.) Bogdan Petrioeicu-Hasdeu, 1909. 
„ HuEMtrZAKi {baron E. deI. Doc. priv. la Istoria RomS,nilor, 

culese de E. de H., vl3,' 1909. 
„ Lezzb (D. da). Hist. Turchesoa, 1300-1514 ; publ. adnot. 

impreuna cu o intr. de I. Ursu, 1909. 
„ Zamfibesctt (D.) Poporanismul in Ut., 1909. 
Academie des Inscriptions & Belles-Lettres. [Publications], 
see Chabtes &, diplomes rel. a Fhist. de France, t3, cfc Atlas, 

in prog., 1909. 
„ Rectteil des bistoriens de la France, Obituaires, t3, 1909. 


Fondation E. Piot. Monuments & memoirea, publ. par 
I'Acad. des I. & B.-L., sous la dir. de G. Perrot & R. de 
Lasteyrie, avec le conoours de P. Jamot. tl-17, [m prog., 
tl cont. intr. : E. Piot, par G. Perrot]. fol. 1894^1909. 

Akhnaton, *. of Egypt, see Bin^dite (G.) 

Apelles, see Perrot (G.) 

Audouin(E.) La Minerve de Poitiers. [9.] 

Babelon (E.) Sapor & VaMrien : cam^e sassanide de la Bibl. K"at. [1.] 

Beauneveu (A.), see Durrieu icte. P.) ; Lasteyrie (R. de). 

B6n6dite (G.) Faucon ou ipervier. Louvre. [17.] 

Un guerrier libyen : figurine 6gypt. en bronze incrust6 d'argent. 

Louvre. [9.] 

Une nouv. palette en schiste. [10.] 

A propos d'un buste 6gypt. [of -^^hnaton, k. of Egypt], Louvre. [13.] 

La statuette de la dame Toui, Louvre. [2.] 

La stfele dite du Roi Serpent, Louvre. [12.] 

Sur un 6tui de tablette trouv6 h Thfebes, Louvre. [7.] 

Benoit (C.) La Resurrection de Lazare, par Gerard de Harlem. [9.] 
Le tableau de I'invention de la vraie croix & I'^cole frang. du Nord, 

16= si^cle. • [10.] 

Bertaux (B.) L'6mail de St. -Nicolas de Bari. [6.] 

Berthelot (M. P. B.) Sur les mStaux Sgyptiens : itni m^tall. etc. [7.] 

Besnier (M.) Buste de OSsar, coll. du cte. G. Stroganofl. [6.] 
Bible, see Omont(H.) 
Blanchet (J. A.) Les camies de la croix de St.-Andr6-le-Bas k Vienne en 

Dauphin^. [17.] 
Bossy (A.), see Leprieur (P.) 

Euche (J.) Le Mars de Coligny, MusSe de Lyon. [10.] 

Bulard (M.) Peintures murales & mosai'ques de D^los. [14.] 
Caesar (Caius Julius), see Besnier (M.). 

Capart(J.) T4te 6gypt., MusSe de Bruxelles. [13,] 
Ohassinat (E.) line statuette de bronze de la reine Karomama, Louvre. 

Chesnay (L.), see Perdrizet (P.) & L. C. 
Chugoinot (T.), see UOy (F. de). 

CoUignon (M.) Aphrodite Pand^mos: relief de miroir en bronze & 
disque en marbre, Louvre. [1,] 

Bas-relief fundraire de B6otie, MusSe Nat. d'Athfenes. [3.] 

Deux 16cythe3 attiques. Louvre & Madrid. [12.] 

Groupe funeraire, Mus6e Gr6co-Romain d'Alexandrie. [4.] 

Loutrophore attique, Louvre. [1.] 

Une sculpture d'Egine : tfite d' Athena, coll. de M. le marq. de 

Vogii*. [13,] 
Sculptures grecques trouvSes ii Tralles, Musie Imp. de Constanti- 
nople. [10.] 

Situla d'ivoire provenant de Chiusi, Louvre. [9,] 

T^te d'Eros de la coll. d'Harcourt. [13,] 

TSte de jeune flile. Louvre. [2.] 

T6te feminine en marbre. Louvre, [17,] 

Tiare en or oSerte par la ville d'Olbiaau roiSaitapharn^s, Louvre. [6.] 

Acad6mie des Inscriptions & Belles-Lettres [continued']. 
Fondation Piot [continued]. 

Couve (L.) Diadumtae : statue trouvte i D6I08, MusSe Nat. d'Athfenes. 

Delaborde (H. F.) & P. Lauer. Un projet de decoration murale inspire 
du Credo de Joinville. t^^'J 

Delia Querela (J.), see Michel (A.) 

Diehl (C,) Mosaiques byzantines de St,-Luc. , t^.] 

& M. Le Tourneau. Les mosaiques de Ste.-Sophie de Salonique. 


Dieulafoy (M.) La statuaire polychrome en Espagne du 12" au 16= 
sifecle : Aragon & Castillo. [10.] 

Dorez (L.) Pontifical peint pour le card. G. Delia Rovere par Francesco 
dai Libri de V6rone, [17.] 

Durrieu (cte. P.) Un dessin du Musie du Louvre attribu^ a A, Beau- 
neveu. [1.) 

Ebersolt (J.) Fresques byzantines de Ner^ditsi d'ap. les aquarelles de 
" ~ ^■■' •■■ -^ [13.] 

M. Brajlovskij. 
Epilykos, see Pettier (E,) 
Foucher (A,) La Madone bouddhique, 

Sculptures gr^oo-bouddhiques. Louvre. 

France. Grandes chroniques de F., see Reinach (S.) 

Francesco, dai Libri, of Verona, see Dorez (L.) 

Frbhner (W.) ApoUon ; bronze archaique du cte. M. Tyszkiewicz, 

Froment (N,), see Mandach (C, de), 

Frothingham (A. L.) Le modMe de I'^glise St,-Maclou k Rouen. 

Gaspar (C.) Le peintre oiramiste Smikros. 

Gauckler (P.) Un cat. figure de la batellerie grico-rom, 


Le domaine des Laberii k Uthina. 

Mosaiques tombales d'une chapelle de martyrs k Thabraca. 

Les mosaiques virgiliennes de Sousse. 

La patfere de Bizerte. _ . 

Geffroy (M. A,) La colonne d'Aroadius h, Constantinople, d'ap. un dessin. 

Gerardus, van Harlem, see Benoit (0.) 
Grandes chroniques de France, see Reinaoh (S.) 
Graven (H.) Pyxide en os reprfe. la naissance d'ApoUon & de Diane, 

Louvre. [6.] 

Hartwig (P.) Danai dans le coffre : hydrie, MusSe de Boston. [10.] 

Heron de Villefosse (A.l Athlfete : bronze de I'ecole d/Argos, Louvre. [1.] 



la mosa'ique 














- Bacchus enfant : statuette de bronze, trouvee k Vertault. 

Buste de Ptoiemie, roi de Mauretanie, Louvre. 

Le canthare d'Alise. 

Lampe romaine. 

Les sarcophages peints trouves k Carthage. 

Tete d'ApoUon, Louvre. 

■ Le tr6sor de Boscoreale. 

Hesdin (J. de), see Lasteyrie (R. de). 

Heuzey (L.) Les armoiries chaldeennes de Sirpourla. 

Le chien du roi Soumou-ilou, fouilles du capt. Cros en Chaldee. 

La Minerve de Chantilly. 

Le taureau chaldeen h t6te humaine & ses derives. 

Taureau chaldeen androcephale. 

Une des sept stales de Goudea. 

Le vase d'argent d'Ent6mena. 

Holleaux (M.) Figurines beotiennes en terre cuite k 

Homer, see Mily (F. de) ; Pottier (E.). 
HomoUe (T,) L'aurige de Delphes. [4.] 

Jamot (P.) venus k la coquille : deux figurines de terre cuite, Louvre. 


Venus pudique : statuette de bronze, Louvre. 

JoiuviUe (J, de), see Delaborde (H, F.) & P. Lauer. 
Joubin (A.) L' Athena Hope. 

Le Marsyas de Tarse, Musee Imp. de Constantinople. 

Koechlin (R.) Un retable frangais du 14= s., Mus6e de Berlin. 

Les retables frang. en ivoire du comm. du 14* sifecle. 

Lasteyrie (R, de). Etudes s, la sculpture fran?, au moyen age, 

Les miniatures d'A. Beauneveu & de J. de Hesdin. 

Lauer (P.) La *' capsella " de Brivio, Louvre. 

Le tresor du Sancta Sanctorum. 

see Delaborde (H. F.) & P. L. 

Laurana (F.), see Miintz (E.) 

Lechat (H.) Athena devant Erichthonios, Musee de TAcropole 

d'Ath^nes. [3.] 

La tSte Rampin, Louvre. [7.] 

Le Moiturier (A.), see Marquet de Vasselot (J. J.) 

Leprieur (P.) Le don Albert Bossy au Musee du Louvre. [10.] 

Le Tourneau (M.), see Diehl (C.) * M. Le Tourneau. 

Mandach (C. de). Un atelier proven<;al du 15= sifecle : le "St. Michel" 

du Musee Calvet, la " Pietk " de Villeneuve-les-Avignon, & les ceuvres 

de N. Froment. [16.] 

Marquet de Vasselot (J. J.) Un coffret reliquaire du treaor de Quedlin- 

burg. [6.] 

Deux ceuvres d'A. Le Moiturier. [3.] 

■ Quelques pieces d'orffevrerie limousine. [4.] 

Maspero (G.) Le scribe accroupi de Gizeh. [1.] 

Mazzoni (G.), see Vitry (P.) 

Meiy (F. de). Le camee byzantin de Nicephore Botoniate k I'Heiligen- 

kreutz. [6.] 
Le coffret de St.-Nazaire de Milan, & le MS. de I'lliade de 

I'Ambrosienne. ' [7.] 
Le retable de Boulbon au Louvre, & le miniaturiste Chugoinot k 

Aix-en-Provence. [13.] 

La tete d'Eros de la coll. d'Harcourt. [13.] 

La tete de Laocoon de la coll. d'Arenberg. [ig.] 

Le tresor de la sacristie des patriarches de Moscou, [12.] 

Vases de Cana. [lo.] 

Merlin (A.) Decouverte d'une ouirasse italiote pris de Ksour-Bs-Sat, 

Tunisie. [17,] 

& L. Poinssot. Bronzes trouves en mer prfes de Mahdia, Tunisie [17 ] 

Michel (A.) La Madone dite d'Auvillers, Louvre. no'i 
La Madone & I'Bnfant: statue en bois, attr. k J. Delia Querela 

Louvre. [3/] 



Acad6mie des Inscriptions & Belles-Lettres [continued]. 
FOHDATION P^OT [continued]. 

Michel (A.) [oonf.]. St. Matthieu (!) 6orivant : bas-relief en piorre, Louvre. 

Les statues deSte. Aune, St. Pierre & Ste. Suzanne, Louvre. [6.1 

—-La Vlerge & 1 Enfant : statue en pierre peinte, Louvre. [12. 1 

MichonCE.) Adolescent au repos : statue, Louvre. [1 ] 

. Un bas-relief de bronze, Louvre, [tfc Note addit.]. [12, 18.1 

Bas-reliefs hist, remains. Louvre. [17 i 

Esculape jeune : statuette, Louvre. [3 ] 

Jeune fllle drapSe : statue. Louvre. [s.] 

Mcythe funiraire en marbre de style attique. Louvre. [12.1 

lete d' Athena Parthtoos, Louvre. 17 i 

TSte d'athlHe, Louvre. fi.i 

TSte de femme de I'Spoque d'Hadrien, Louvre. [4] 

Migeon (G.) Deux oeuvres de la Aeiiaissanoe ital., Louvre. [12!] 

Le tireur d'4pine : bronze de la Renaissance ital., Louvre. [16.1 

• Irois faiences orientales lustries, Louvre. [13 1 

Millet (G.) Mosaiques de Daphni : Adoration des Mages, Anastasis. 12,'.] 
Mohnxer (E.) Un buste d'enfant du ie» sifecle, coll. de la marq. 

Arconati-Visconti. [6;] 

La descente de croix : groupe en ivoire du 13« sifeole, Louvre. [3!] 

L'evangaiaire de I'Abbaye de Morienval, conserve k la Cathddrale 

de Noyon. m i 

— ^ Un phylactfere du 13» sifecle, coll. de M. Le Eoy. [i.] 

Miintz (E.) Les plateaux d'aocouch^es & la peinture sur meubles du 

14« au 16" si^cle. [1] 

Le sculpteur Laurana & les mon". de la Renaissance h, Tarascon [4 ] 

Tapisseries allSgor. m 1 

Murray (A. S.) Sarcophage de Clazomfene, M.ns6e Brit. [i] 
Omont (H.) Dosiades & Thiocrite oilrant pofemes k ApoUon & k Pan. [12.] 
Peintures d'un MS. grec de I'Evang. de St. Matthieu sur parchemin 

ponipri, Bibl . Nat. [7] 
Peintures de I'Ancien Test, dans un MS. syriaque du 7' ou du 8= 

si&cle, [17 1 

Paris (P.) Buste espagnol de style greco-asiat., trouvi k Elch6, Louvre. 


Le Diadumfene de Madrid. [4.] 

Vases ib6r. du Mus6e de Saragosse. [17*1 

Perdrizet(P.) Terres cuites de I'Asie Mineure. [4.] 

& L. Chesnay. La m^tropole de Serr^s. [10.] 

Perrot(G.) TJne statuette de la Cyrinaique & 1' Aphrodite Anadyom^ne 

d'Apelle. [13.] 

T6te de femme. Louvre. n 1 

Poinssot (L.), see Merlin (A.) <fe L. P. 

Pettier (E.) TJne cliuique grecque au 6" sifecle : vase attique de la coll 

Peytel. [13.] 

Cratfere grec. Louvre. [l.j 

Deux coupes k fond blanc de style attique. Louvre. [2.] 

■ -Epilykos: c^ramique grecque [2p]. [9,10.] 

T6te archaique de terre cuite, Louvre. [6,] 

Trois figurines de terre cuite. Louvre. [2.] 

Vases peints grecs k sujets hom6riques. [16.] 

Poulsen (F.) Fragm. d'un vase fun6raire d6couvert k D6I0S. [16.] 

Ptolemy, k. ofMauretania, see H6ron de Viilefosse (A.) 

Reinach (S.) Aigle en marbre, coll. de lord Wemyas k Gosford. [3.] 

■ Un bas-relief de Panticapie (Kertch), au Musie d'Odessa. [2.] 

Un MS. de la bibl. de Philippe le Bon k St. PMersbourg [i.e. am 

illwminated MS. of the Grandes chron. de France]. [11.] 

Panthfere de bronze. [4.] 

Tfite en marbre de la Coll. SIngher. [2.] 

Vase dor6 k reliefs, Mus6e de Constantinople. [10.] 

Reinach (T.) Apollon : statiie trouv^e k Magn^sie du Sipyle, Musie Imp. 

de Constantinople. (3.] 

Le sarcophage de Sidamara. [9^ 10.] 

Ridder (A. de). Amphore k figures rouges, Cabinet des Mfidailles. [7.] 

Bronzes syriens. [12.] 

Miroirs grecs k reliefs. [4.] 

. Statuette de bronze, Mus6e Central d'Athfenes. [2.J 

RouIin(E.) La croix de la collSgiale de Villabertran. [6.] 

Tableau byzantin inSdit, Musde Bpiso. de Vioh. [7.] 

Saglio(E.) Le triptyque de St.-Sulpice, Tarn, Mus6e de Cluny. [2.] 

Sanoerre (L. de), see Michel (A.) 

Schlumberger (G. L.) Un cofTret byzantin d'ivoire, Mnsie Kircher k 

Rome. [6.] 

La croix byzantine dite des Zaccaria, Cath6drale de G^nea. [2.] 

Deux bas-reliefs byzantins de steatite, coll. de la ctsse. R. de B6arn. 


L'inscr. du reliquaire byzantin, cath^drale d'Aix-la-Chapelle. [12.] 

L'ivoire Barberini, Louvre. [7.] 

Ivoire byzantin de I'anc. Coll. Bonnaff^. [6.] 

Un ivoire ciirStien, Louvre. [1.] 

Un tableau reliquaire byzantin du 10" sifecle. [1.] 

Skiaa (A.) Sliyphoa k figures rouges trouv^ k Eleusis, Mus^e Nat. 

d'Athfenes. [7.] 

Smikros, see Gaspar (C.) 
Virgilius Maro (Publius), see Gauokler (P.) 
Vitry (P.) Deux tfites dtouratives du 13" sitele. [13,] 

Une ceuvre de G. Mazzoni ou de s. atelier en France : Dormition de 

la Vierse k Fecamp. [7.] 
Une tete de Christ du 12° siSicle. [16.] 

Acad^mie Royale de Belgi^ue, see Commission royale d'hist. 

DE Belgiqub. 
Academie Royale de Peinture et de Sculpture, see Fontaine 

(A.) Les coUs. de I'A. R. de P. et de S., 1910. 
Accademia Aretina di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, see Imfebiale 

B Reale Aooad. Abbtina di Scienze, etc 
Accademia degli Arcadi, Borne, see Cbesoimbkni (6. M.) 

Storia dell' Acoad. degli A., 1690, 1804. 

Acciaioli (Viacenzio), see Vitb di uomini d'arme etc., P. 

Capponi, sor. da V. A., 1866. 
*Account (An) of the king of Spain's arrival etc. at Lisbon, 

1703, see Philip V, king of Spain. 
Account of the Public Transactions in Christendom, see Post- 
Man (The). 
Acerbi (Giuseppe), see Luzio (A.) Studi e bozzetti di storia 

lett^ e polit., vl, G. A. e la Bibl. ital., etc., 1910. 
Acheles (Antonios) [AohAlis (Antoine)], see Gentile (P.) 

P. G. & A. A. : Le sidge de Malta par les Turcs en 1565, 

publ. par H. Pernot [i.e. A. A.'s Bi$Aioy vepifx"" '''^^ Md\ras 

TToMopxtav (1571), etc.], 1910. 
Ach61is (Antoine), see Aohbles (A.) 
Achelis (Ernst Christian), see Gbtjndbiss d. theolog. Wissen- 

schaften.; bearbt. v. A., &o., 1894^9. 
Acta. Acta Sanctorum [quotquot toto orbe ooluntur, etc., 

quas coll. J. Bollandus. Operam etc. cont. G. Henschenius 

<fc subsequently many others. In prog.]. 

Novembris t3. fol. Brux. 1910 
Acton (John E. E. Dalberg- Acton, 1st baron). Lectures on the 

French Revol. Ed. J. N. Figgis & E. V. Laurence. 8°. 1910 

see Cambbidge : Libbaey. Bulletin : Acton coll., 1908-10. 

Adalbert, Saint, bp. of Prague, see Canapabitts (J.) Das 

Leben d. Bischofs A., [by J. C] ; fibers, v. H. Huffer, 2^ 

A., durch d. Leidensgesch. verm. t. W. Wattenbach, 1891. 
Adalheid, Saint, consort of Lothaire, king of Italy, dh aft. of 

Otto I, emperor, see Adelaide. 
Adam, v. Bremen, see Adamits, Bremensis. 
Adam (Mme. Edmond). Apres 1' abandon de la Revanche, 

[1877-80. Mes souvenirs, 7 ; w. Index des noms cont. 

dans les 7 vol. 5^ 6d.]. s8». 1910 

Adam (Paul). Centre I'Aigle — Centre nous. s8°. 1910 

Le malaise du monde latin. 38". 1910 

Le trust. [Novd]. laS". [1910] 

Adam Fitz-Adam, ps., see Moobe (E.) 

Adamnan, Saint, abbot of Hy. Life of St. Columba. Newly 

tr., w. notes, by W. Huyshe. [2nd imp.]. sS". [1908] 

Adams (Arthur H.) Galahad Jones. sS". 1909 

Adams (Frank D.) & A. E. Barlow. Geology of the Hali- 

burton & Bancroft areas, Ontario. [Canada, Dept. of 

Mines, Geolog. Survey, Mem. 6]. 8". Ottawa. 1910 

Adams (H. Isabel). Wild flowers of the Brit. Isles. Rev. by 

J. E. Bagnall. 2v. 4P. 1907-10 

Adams (William Henry Davenport) . The queen of the Adriatic; 

or, Venice past & present. 88". 1869 

Adamus, Bremensis [Adam, v. Bremen]. Hamburg. Kirchen- 

gesoh. ; fibers, v. J. C. M. Laurent, mit e. Vorworte v. J. M. 

Lappenberg, 2'^ A., neu bearbt. v. W. Wattenbach, see 

Geschichtschbeibeb (Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2^ Gesammt- 

ausg., B44, 1893. 
Addams (Jane). 20 years at Hull-House, w. autobiog. notes. 

s8o. N.Y. 1910 
Adelaide, Saint, consort of Lothaire, king of Italy, & aft. of 

Otto I, emperor [Adalheid], see Odilo, St., Cluniac. Das 

Leben d. Kaiserin A. ; fibers, v. H. Huffer, 2^ A., 1891. 
Adkin (Benaiah W.) Copyhold & o. land tenures of Eng. 

8°. 1907 
Adolf, see Adolphtts. 
Adolphus Frederick Creorge Ernest, duke of MecUenburg-Strelitz. 

In the heart of Africa. Tr. G. E. Maberly-Oppler. 

^8". 1910 
iEUanus (Claudius), Prcenestinus, see Hbeoldt (J.) Exempla 

virtutum et vitiorum, .^liani Variae hist. [Hb. 14, Greek & 

Latin], 1555. 
.SiSChylUS. Agamemnon ; w. verse tr., introd. & notes by 

W. Headlam. Ed. A. C. Pearson. S". C. 1910 

iHsop, see MoDEBN Languaob Assoc, oe Ambe. Pubis., v24. 

Brush (M. P.) Ysopet III of Paris, [ed., w. intr. by M. P. 

Brush], 1909. 
iEthelwold, St., bp. of Winchester, see Ethel wold, St., bp. 

ffitna, see Lemaieb (N. E.) Poetse Lat. minores, v3, 1824. 
African Society. Journal of the A. S. Founded in mem. of 

M. Kingsley. [vl-9 (1901-10)]. 8°. [1901-10] 

Agapius, of Menbidj [Mahboub ; Mahbub ; Mohabeab]. 

Kitab al-'Unvan : hist, universelle ; 6d. & tr. par A. 

Vasiliev, pi i, see Graeein (R.) & F. Nau. Patr. orient., 

t5, 1910. 
Agathias, see Pbooopitjs, of Cmsarea. Gothenkrieg ; nebst 

Auszfigen aus A., etc. ; fibers., 1885. 



Agius, presbyter, see Candidus, of Fvlda. Leben d. Abtes 

Eigil [by C] u. d. Abtissin Hathumoda \hy ^4.], etc. ; fibers. 

V. G. Grandaur, 1890. 
Agnus (Orme). Sarah Tuldon. [Novd.] s8<>. 1903 

Sarah Tuldon's lovers. s8». 1909 

Agnilar (Alonso de). Doc. rel. al desafio de D. A. de A. y 

D. D. Fernandez de Cordoba, [c. 1470], see Granada, 

Relaciones, etc. ; [ed. E. Lafuente y Alcantara], 1868. 
Aguilar (Pedro de), alferez. Memorias del cautivo en la Goleta 

de Tunez, el alferez P. de A. [With Relacion de J. Zano- 

guera del suceso de la Goleta y fuerte de Tiinez y isla del 

Estano ; <fc var. poems. Ed. P. de Gayangos]. Publ. la 

Soc. de Bibliofilos Espanoles. 8". 1875 

Aguirre (Lope de). 
see Ortigueka (T. de). Jornada del Rio Maranon [the 
expedition of P. de Ursua & L. de A.], 1909. 

„ Ursua (P. de). *Jornada de Omagua y Dorado [the 
expedition of P. de U. <b L. de A.], 1909. 

„ ■ *Rel. de la Jornada de Omagua y Dorado hecha 

por P. de Orsiia [<fc L. de A.], 1881. 
Aguisy (Jean Grolier, vicomte d'), see Geolier (J.) 
Ahasuerns, k. of Persia, see Yeates (T.) Collation of Indian 

copy of Hebrew Pentateuch, etc. ; & Megillah of A., f. 

Hebrew copy, w. tr., 1812. 
Ahlgien (Ernst) ps., see Key (E.) Drei Frauenschicksale : 

[E. A., etc.], 1908. 
AhlCLvist (Alfred Gustai). Konung Erik XIV : s. sista lefnad- 

.sS,r (1568-1577). 8°. 1878 

Ahmad Din Khan, Khan Baliddur, see Sykes (P. M.) Glory 

of the Shia world ; tr. & ed. f. Persian MS. [but really 

written'] by P. M. S., assisted by K. B. A. D. K., 1910. 
AJunad Rashid [Ahmed RIohid]. Notice sur FArabie meri- 

dionale d'ap. un doc. turc, [by A. E.], par A. C. Barbier 

de Meynard, see M:6langes orient. ; testes & tr., 1883. 
Ahron, ben Moscheh ben Ascher, see Aaron, ben Asher. 
Abroun, of Saroug, Saint, see Aaron, of Sarong, Saint. 
Aicard (Jean). Discours par A. [on F. Ooppee] dans la 

Stance publ. tenue pour sa reception par I'Acad. Fr., D6o., 

1909. [P1279]. s8<'. 1909 

Ainsworth (William Harrison). Merry Eng. 

2v in 1. s8t>. L., Tauchnitz. 1874 
see Ellis (S. M.) W. H. A. & h. friends, 2v, 1911. 
Aischin (Muhammad). Die Freiheitsbewegung in d. Tiirkei. 

tJbers. V. A. J. Ramm. s8°. [1910?] 

Aitken (Edward Hamilton). Gazetteer of the Province of 

Sind. [vol. A]. Ia8<'. Karachi, Govt. publ. 1907 

Aix-la-Chapelle. *Amusemens des eaux d'A.-la-C, 3t, 1736, 

see PQllnitz (C. L., Frhr. v.) 
Akbar, emp. of Hindoostan. 
see Abij al Fadhl ibn MueIrak. The Akbar Nama, tr. H. 
Beveridge, vl, 2 i-vi, 1897-1909. 

„ Gabee (R. K.) Kaiser A. von Indien, Rede, 1909. 
Akhnaton, Ic. of Egypt [Akhounaton ; Ambnhetep ; 

Amenophis ; AMEN6THi}S ; Khtj-en-Atbn]. 
see B:fi:NEDiTE (G.) A propos d'un buste egypt. [of A.], 1906. 

„ Weigall (A. E. P.) Life & times of A., 1910. 
Akhounaton, k. of Egypt, see Akhnaton. 
Alamanni (Luigi), the elder, 1495-1556. Novella, see Novelle 

di alcuni autori fiorentini, 1815. 
Alarcon (J. Ruiz de), see Fernandez-Guekea y Obbe (L.) 

J. R. de A. y Mendoza, 1871. 
Alarcon (Pedro Antonio de). El sombrero de tres picos. 

9=> ed. 88". 1888 
Alaska-Yukon-Paciflc Exposition 1909, see Exhibitions: 

Seattle, [1909]. 
Al Baihaqi, see Abv Bakr Ahmad, al Baihaqi. 
Albanes (I'abbe Joseph Hyacinthe). Gallia Christiana novis- 

sima. Hist, des archeveches, ^veches & abbayes de France. 

Accomp. des doc. rec. dans les registres du Vatican & lea 

archives locales. tl. 4°. Montb^liard. 1899. 

1, Aix, Apt, Frtjus, Gap, Eiez & Sisteron, [A Instrumenta w, se-p. pagin.] 

see DouCELiNA, St. La vie de Ste. D., oomposee au 13« s. 
en langue proven§ale [by P. de Porcellet ?] ; publ., etc. 
by J. H. A., 1879. 
Albany (countess of) [Louisa Maximiliana, pcss. of Stolberg], 
see Vaughan (H. M.) The last Stuart queen : Louise, 
C. of A., 1910. 
Albanzani di Casentino (Donato degli), see Casbntino (D. degli 
A. di). 

Albers (Bruno), see Consuetudinbs MONASTicai, v3, ed. 

B. A., 1907. 
Albert, v. Stade, see Albeettjs, Stadensis. 
Albert (Hermann), Die geschichtl. Entwiokelung d. Zins- 

fusses in Deutschland, 1895-1908. 8». L. 1910 

Albert (Marie Louise d'), duchesse de Luynes, see LtTYNBa 

(M. L. d'A., duchesse de). 
Albert! (Eduard). Sokrates. Ein Versuch fiber ihn nach d. 

QueUen. [P526]. 8°. Gottingen. 1869- 

Alberti (Leon Battista), see Pozzetti (P.) L. B. A. etc. laudatus ; 

ace. comm. Italicus, etc., 1789. 
Alberti (M. degli), see Degli Alberti (M.) 
Albertus, Argentinensis [Alerbcht, v. Strassburg], see 

Matthias, Neoburgensis. Die Chronik d. M., [sometimes 

attr. to A.] ; fibers, v. G. Grandaur, 1892. 
Albertus, de Bezanis, abbas S. Laurentii Gremonensis. Chronica 

pontificum et imperatorum. Ed. 0. Holder-Egger [Script. 

rer. Germ, in usum scholarum]. 8°. Hannoverse. 1908. 
Albertus, Stadensis [Albert, v. Stade]. Chronik ; fibers, v. 

F. Wachtsr, see Gbsohichtsohrbiebb (Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 

2e Gesammtausg., B72, 1896. 
Albin (Pierre). Les grands trait^s polit. ; rec. d. princ. textea 

diplomat, dep. 1815 jusqu'J, nos jours ; avec comm. et 

notes par P. A. Pref. de M. Herbette. 8o. 1911 

Albizzi (Antonio), see Vite di uomini d'arme etc., P. Strozzi, 

scr. da A. A., 1866. 
Albrecht, v. Strassburg, see Aleeetits, Argentinensis. 
Albrecht (Carl Martin Paul). Sur la valeur morphologique de 

la trompe d'Eustache, etc. [P1289]. 8°. Brux. 1884 

Sur les spondylocentres 6pipituitaires du crane, etc. 

[P1289]. 8". Brux. 1884 
Albrecht (F. H. F.) Reden am Grabe d. Missionars A. [By 

Langbein, Frohlich, & Heide. P1262]. sS". Dresden. [1868] 
Albright (Victor E.) The Shaksperian stage. [Columbia 

Univ. Studies in Eng.]. 8". N. Y. 1909' 

*Album-souvenir de la revocation de I'Edit de Nantes, 1685, 

2^ ^d., 1885, see Nantes. 
Albus Ovidius Juventinus, see Juventinus (A. 0.) 
AlcalA Galiano (Alvaro). Impresiones de arte. Con un 

prologo de la Condesa de Pardo Bazan. s8°. 1910 

Alcamo (Cinllo d'), see Ciullo, d' Alcamo. 
Alcandre. [ Attrib. formerly to the princesse de Conti, more 

recently to the due de Bellegarde]. *L' Alcandre, ou les. 

amours du roy Henry le Grand, par M.L.P.D.C., see Henry 

III, king of France. Rec. de diverses pieces, 1663. 
Alcazar ^altasar del). Poesias. Ed. de la Real Acad. 

Espafiiola. sS". 1910' 

Alcuin Club. Collections, [v]17, see Eeles (F. C.) Tradit. 

ceremonial etc. connected w. the Scot, liturgy, 1910. 
Alcuinus. Die Lebensbeschreibungen d. hi. Willibrord, [v. A.], 

Gregors v. Utrecht, [v. Liudger], Liudgera, [v. Altfried], u. 

Willehads v. Bremen, [v. St. Ansgar] ; fibers, v. W. Watten- 

bach, etc., see Geschiohtschrbiber (Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 

2e Gesammtausg., B14, 1888. 
Alder (Joshua) & A. Hancock. Brit, nudibranchiate MoUusca. 

p8 (Suppl.) Figures by A. & H., Text by Sir C. Eliot. 

[Ray Soc.]. 40. 1910 

Aldolieri, d'Ascalona. L'Aoquiato di Ponente ai tempi di 

Carlomagno, [attrib. to A.], see Pibtraeitta (U., cte. di). 

La Seconda Spagna, etc., 1871. 
Aleander (card. G.), see Aleandko {card. G.) 
Aleandro {card, (^irolamo), the elder, b. I48O [Aleandbr]. 

Die Depesohen d. A. vom Wormser Reichstage 1521. tfbers. 

u. erlautert v. P. Kalkoft. 2«, erganzte A. 

8°. Halle a. S. 1897 
Alexander, of Lyons, Saint & martyr, see Rtjdolphtjs, Fvldensis, 

& Mbginhaedtjs, Fvldensis. Die Ubertragung d hi A • 

fibers. V. B. Richter, 2e A., 1889. ' ' ' ' 

Alexander, the Great, king of Macedon. Der Groase Alexander, 

[a free tr. of the A. of WilicUn] ; hrsg. v. G. Guth. [Deutsche 

Texte d. M.-a., hrsg. v. d. Konigl. Preuss. Akad. d. Vi'isa., 13]. 

., , ^ ^ 8°- 1908 

Alexander HI, pope, see Lorbdano (G. F.) OiDera v3 Vita 
d'A. in, etc., 1653. ' ' '"■"'^ 

Alexander (Arch. B. D.), M.A. The ethica of St. Paul. 

., ^ ^ T ®°- Glasgow. 1910 

Alexandre (Roger). Le musee de la converaation ; repertoire 

de citationa fran§. etc. avec indication dea aources par A 

4= &A., comprenant " Les mots qui restent," etc. 2p, [pagin 

cont.]. 'go J9Q2, 



Alexis, St., see Rosleb (M.) Die Passungen d. A.-Lesende etc., 

1905. ^ 

Alfieri (conte Vittorio). Mem. of the life & writings of V. A. ; 

written by himself. Tr. 2 v. 8°. 1810 

see Beetana (E.) II teatro trag. ital. del sec. 18 prima dell' 
A., 1901. 
Alfonse, de Poitiers. Corr. administrative d'A. de P. Publ. 

A. Molinier. [Docs. in6d.]. t2. 4°. 1900 

Alfonso X, k. of Castile dk Leon. Cantigas de Santa Maria. 

[Intr., glosario, etc. ; el marques de Valmar]. Publ. la 

Real Acad. Espaiiola. 2 v. 4°. 1889 

see MoNAOi (E.) Studj di filol. rom., v2, [cont. Cantigas de 

amor e de maldizer di A. el Sabio ; by C. de LoUis], 1887. 

Alfonso XIII, k. of Spain, see Gband-Cabteebt (J.) Le 

jeune premier de I'Europe devant I'obieotif oaricatural : 

[A. Xni], 1910 ? 
Alford (Bradley Hurt). Old Test. hist. & Ut. s8°. 1910 

Alhambra. *Ansichten v. Spanien: Granada u. d. A., 1835, 

see Spanien. 
All (Abod '1-Hasan), sultan of Granada, see 'AxS. ibn Sa 'd. 
'All Akbar, Saiyid [Seyyid Aly Ekbeb]. Trois chapitres 

du Khitay Nameh ; texte persan & tr. par C. Sohefer, see 

Melanges orient., 1883. 
'All ibn Sa 'd (Abu al-fiasan), svZtan of Granada [Asotr 'l- 

Hasan 'AlI]. Quatre lettres missives, 1470-75 ; texte 

arabe publ. & tr. par H. Derenbourg, see Melanges orient., 

Aliprandi (Bonamente). Aliprandina, o Cronica de Mantua 

air anno 1414, [a poem], see Neblitjs (A.) Breve chron. etc.; 

a oura di 0. Begani, 1908. 
Al-Jazari, see Diya'-eddin Nasbtjllah ibn El-Athib El- 

Al-Kindi. Al-K. als Astrolog [texts of Al-K.'s " Risalat fi 

midk aZ-'Arab wa-kam-miyatih " <fc part of Abu Ma'shar's 

"Opus de magnis conjunctionibus," w. comparative study]; 

V. 0. Loth, see Eleischeb (H. L.) Morgenland. Forschungen, 

Allart (Hortense), aft. H. Meritens, see Beaunieb (A.) Trois 

amies de Chateaubriand : H. A., 1910. 
Alldridge (Thomas Joshua). A transformed colony : Sierra 

Leone, as it was, & as it is. 8°. 1910 

All'ear, Milord, ps., see Pidansat de Maibobebt (M. F.) 

L'espion anglois, ou oorr. secrete entre Milord All'eye et 

Milord AU'ear ; n. ed., lOt, 1784^5. 
Allegorigiue. *Nouvelle a., 2^ 6d., 1659, see FuBETiiBB (A.) 
All'eye, Milord, ps., see Pidansat de Maieoebet (M. F.) 

L'espion anglois, ou corr. secrete entre Milord All'eye et 

Milord All'ear ; n. ed., lOt, 1784-5. 
Allen (A. M.) A hist, of Verona. Ed. by E. Armstrong. 

[States of Italy]. 8°. [1910] 

Allen (Grant). Florence. [Grant Allen's Hist, guides, repr.]. 

s8o. [1909] 
Paris. [Grant Allen's Hist, guides. 7th ed.]. s8°. [1908] 

Strange stories. n. imp. s8". 1908 

Allen (John Farnell). Practical building construction. 

5th ed., enl. 8°. 1909 
Allen (Percy). Impressions of Provence. s4°. 1910 

Allen (Thomas William). Text of the Odyssey, see Bbitish 

School at Rome. Papers, v5, 1910. 
Allerton (Mark). Such & such things. 88°. [1910] 

Allgemeine deutsche Biographie. Hrsg. duroh d. histor. Comm. 

bei d. K. Akad. d. Wissenschaften (Miinchen). B55, Nach- 

trage b. 1899 : Wandersleb-Zwirner. 8°. L. 1910 

AUiez (I'abbe L.) Hist, du monastSre de L6rins. 2t. 8°. 1862 
Allinson (Mrs. Anne C. E.), see Allinson (F. G.) & Mrs. A. 

Greek lands & letters, 1910. 
Allinson (Francis Greenleaf) & Mrs. A. C. E. Allinson. Greek 

lands & letters. 8°- 1910 

Allport (Douglas). CoUs., illust. of the geology, history, 

antiqs. & associations of Camberwell & the neighbourhood. 
8°. Camberwell. p. f. the author. 1841 
Almeras (Henri d'). Charlotte Corday. s8°. [1910 ?] 

La vie parisienne sous la Restauration. 8°. n.d. 

Almesto ( — Pedrdrias de), see Pedbaeias de Almbsto (— ). 
Alnv fVik ) PvccKie "epeiBKH," 14 — 16 BtKOBb. 
**°' ^ ' [P1276]. s8o. C.-n. n.d. 

Altaich [Nibdbbaltaich:]. Die grosseren Jahrbiicher v. A., 

[attr. in p. to Wdfher v. Hildesheim] ; iibers. v. L. Weiland, 

2« A., see Gbsohiohtschbeibeb (Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2« 

Gesammtausg., B46, 1893. 

Altamira y Crevea (Rafael). Mi viaje a America (Libro de 
documentos). 8". 1911 

Alte (Eine) Genealogie d. Welfen, etc. ; ubers. v. G. Grandaur, 
1895, see Gublph, The family of. 

Alte (Der) Orient. Hrsg. v. d. Vorderasiat. Gesellschaft. 
Jhrg. 4, 11, [4H. in Iv]. 8». L. 1910 

Belitzsch (F.) Asurbaiiipal u. d. assyr. Kultur s. Zeit. [ll.] 

Kluge(T.) Die Lykier ; i. Gesoh. u. i. Inschriften. [11.] 

Winckler (H.) Die Gesetze Haramurabis, [a.c. in P1242]. T*-] 

Zehnpfund (K.) Babylouien in s. wichtigsten Ruinenstatten. [11.] 

Altfridns, bp. of Milnster, see Alcuinits. Die Lebensbeschrei- 
bungen d. hi. Willibrord, [v. A.], Liudgers, [v. A.], etc. ; 
libers, v. W. Wattenbach, etc., 1888. 
Alvarez de Colmenar (Juan). Annales d'Espagne & de Portugal. 

8t. sS". Amsterdam. 1741 
Alvarez de Toledo (Fernando), poet. Puren indomito. Poema. 
Publ. bajo la dir. de D. Barros Arana. [Bibl. Amer., 1]. 

8". L. 1862 
Alvarez Quintero (Joaquin), see Alvaebz Qitintbbo (S.) & 

J. A. Q. 

Alvarez Quintero (Serafin) & J. Alvarez Quintero. El centen- 

ario. Comedia. sS". 1910 

Dona Clarines. Comedia. s8°. 1909 

El patinillo. Sainete. [P1280]. sS". 1909 

Alvarez y Mordn (M.), see Balmez (J. L.) Enseflanzas polit. ; 

recopiladas por M. A. y M., 1909. 
Alvarotti (Sperone Speroni degli), see Spbeoni degli Alvaeotti 

Alvin-Beaumont ( — ). Un probleme d'art : Watteau en 
AUemagne : L'enseigne. de Gersaint. [P1299]. 4". 1910 

Amadis, de Gaula, see Gabcia de la Riega (C.) Lit. galaica ; 

El A. de 6., 1909. 
Ambassade. *Une a. russe a la cour de Louis XIV, 1860, 

see Catheux {sieur de). 
Ambler (Charles Henry). Sectionalism in Virginia f. 1776 to 
1861. 80. Chicago. [1909] 

Amenhetep IV, king of Egypt, see Akhnaton. 
Amenophis IV, king of Egypt, see Akhnaton. 
Amenothes IV, king of Egypt, see Akhnaton. 
American Library Assoc, see Annual Literary Index, 1903, 

Amerval (Bloy d'). La grande diablerie. Poeme du 15= s. 

s8o. 1884 
see Ott (A. C.) E. d'A. u. s. " Livre de la Diablerie," 1909. 
Ames (Edward Scribner). The psychology of relig. experience. 

8°. 1910 

Amiel (Denys). Henry Bataille. Biog.-crit., suivie d'une 

bibliog., etc. [C616b. d'aujourd'hui]. sS". [1909] 

Ammianus Marcellinus. Rerum gest. Mbri qui sup. Rec. 

C. U. Clark adjuvant. L. Traube & G. Heraeo. 

vl. 8°. BeroUni. 1910 
see Gbsohiohtschbeibeb (Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2« Gesammt- 
ausg., B3, Ausziige aus A. M. ; iibers. v. D. Coste, 1884. 
Amonio ^Dominique), see Lb Patjlmieb (C. S.) D. A., m^decin 

de Louis XIV et de Mme. de S^vigne, 1893. 
Ampere (Jean Jacques). L'hist. romaine a Rome. 

4t. [tl, 2, 2" ed.]. 8°. 1862-4 
Amram (David Wernej). The makers of Hebrew books in 
Italy : chapts. in the hist, of the Hebrew printing press. 

8°. Philadelphia. 1909 
Amsterdam. Catalogus d. Nationale tentoonstelling van het 
boek, in het Gemeente-Museum te A., Juni-Aug., 1910. 
Algemeene Afdeeling. 4°. 1910 

Cat. d. Nationale tentoonstelling van het boek, in het Gemeente- 
Museum te A., Juni-Aug., 1910. Retrospectieve Afd. 

40. 1910 
Amusements [Amusbmens]. A. des eaux d'Aix-la-Chapelle, 

3t, 1736, see Pollnitz (C. L., Frhr. v.) 
Amyot (Joseph), see Stubbl (R.) J. A., 1908. 
Anacreon. 'AvaxpeovTos M6'\ij. A. Teii Odaria, Praefixo comm. 
quo poetse genus trad. etc. Add. var. lect. 

40. Parmae. [1785] 
Carmina cum Sapphus aliorumque reliq. Adi. Brunckii 
notse. 11. ed. C. Tauchnit. cur. C. H. Weise. 

n. impr. s8o. L. 1878 

Analecta hymnica medii sevi. Hrsg. v. C. Blume u. 6. M. 

Dreves. [v]53. [In prog.]. 8°. L. 1911 

Die Sequenzen d. Thesaurus Hymnqlogicus H. A. Daniels etc. : Tl, 
Liturg. Prosen l^' Epoche, insbea. die d. Notkerus Balbulus zu- 
geschrieb., nebst Skizze ti. d. Ursprung d, Sequenz ; hrsg. v. G. Blume 
u. H. Bannister. [53.] 



Anan ben David, founder of the Karaites ; fl. 8th c, see Schbch- 
TBR (S.) Doc', of Jewish sectaries, v2, Fragments of the 
Book of the Commandments by Anan, 1910. 

Anchieta (Jos6 de), see Rodbigttes (P.) Vida do P. J. de A., 

Ancona (Alessandio d'), see Ottinbllo. La storia di 0. e 
Giuha ; [ed. w. intr. by A. d'A.], 1867. 

Ancre (marechaZ d'), see Hayem (F.) Le mar^chal d'A. et 
Leonora Galigai, 1910. 

Ancre (Leonora Concini, marquise d') [L. Galigai ; L. Doei], 
see Hayem (F.) Le mar6chal d' Ancre et L. Galigai, 1910. 

Andersen (Dines), see Jatakas. The Jataka w. its comm. ; 
ed. V. FausbjiU, v7, Index to the J., by D. A., 1897. 

Anderson (Richard John). Remarks on stimuli (incl. sug- 
gestion) in their physiological aspects & reflex. [XVI^ 
Cong. Internat. de Med., Budapest, 1910]. 

[P1289]. 8". n.p. [1910] 

Anderson (Roger Charles). Naval wars in the Baltic dur. the 
sailing-ship epoch, 1522-1850. 8°. 1910 

Anderson (William J.) & R. P. Spiers. The architecture of 
Greece & Rome. Sketch of its hist, development. 2nd ed., 
enl. by R. P. Spiers. 8". 1907 

Andrdssy (Graf Julius), see Webtheimer (E. v.) A., s. Leben 
u. s. Zeit, Bl, 1910. 

Andrea, da Barberino, see Bakbekino (A. da). 

Andreas, Oapellanus [Anbbea, Capdlano'], see Rajna (P.) 
Tre studi per la storia del libro di A. C, 1891. 

Andreev (Leonidas). Ann "ameii ikh3hh. (Die Tage unseres 

Lebens). Dbeca bi leTupexi /i-taCTBiaxi. 8°. Berlin, n.d 

lepHHH MacKH. (DiesohwarzenMasken. Drama). 8°. Berlin. m.d. 

Gaudeamus [Bussian}. KoMeflia. s8°. Berlin, n.d. 

Die sieben Gehenkten. tJbers. v. A. Scholz. s8°. 1908 

Andrews (Charles William), ^ee British Museum : Palaeon- 
tology. Descr. cat. of marine reptiles of the Oxford clay, pi, 
by C. W. A., 1910. 

Andrews (William). A wreath of Xmas carols & poems. 
Chosen & ed. w. notes by W. A. sS". Hull. [1906] 

Angeli (Basilio). Answers to the 31 alleged errors in the 
Ital. transl. of Sir R. Kane's Inaug. address, deliv. 1849. 

[P1238]. 8°. D. 1856 
Comments on list of errors in transl. of Sir R. Kane's Address, 
as furnished by Messrs. Galbraith, Haughton, & Ingram. 

[no tp. P1238]. 8°. n.p. n.d. 

Angelico (Fra), see Mabchesb (V. F.) S. Marco, convento de 
Padri Predicatori in Firenze ; iUust. princ. nei dipinti del 
B. Giov. A. con la vita d. pitture, 1853. 

Angeli (Norman). The great illusion : study of the rel. of 
military power in nations to their eoon. & soc. advantage. 

s8°. 1910 

Angeviues. Recueil d'annales a. etc., publ. par L. Halphen, 
1903, see Annales. 

Angler (A. Gorton). The Far East revisited : Polit., commer- 
cial, social, & gen. cond. in Malaya, China, Korea & Japan. 
With pref. by Sir R. Hart. 8». 1908 

Anglais [Anglois]. L'espion anglois, ou corr. secrete entre 
Milord AU'eye et Milord AU'ear, n. ed., lOt, 1784-5, see 


Angles (Anguste). L'abbaye de Moissac. [Petites monogr. 
des gr. edifices F.]. s8''. n.d. 

Anglo-African Who's Who. Ed. L. Weinthal. [1910]. s4o. [1910] 
Anglois, see Anglais. 
Angot (I'abbe A.) Epigraphie de la Mayenne. 

2t. 4». Laval. 1907 

Anguillesi (Giov. Domenico), see Tosoaua. *Notizie storiche 

dei palazzi etc. appartenenti alia R. Corona di T. ; [by 

G. D. A. ?], 1815. 

Anna, empress of Russia, see Impeeatoeskoe Russk. 1st. 

Obsoh. Sbornik. 
Annalen etc. v. Kolmar ; libera, v. H. Pabst, 2e A., 1897, 

see CoLMAR. 
A. du service des antiqs. de FEgypte, in prog., 1907, cfcc, 
see Institut FEANfAis d'Aegheologie Orientale. 
A. Forolivienses, ad a. 1473, 1903, see Forolivienses. 
Recueil d'a. angevines et vendomoises, publ. par L. Hal- 
phen. [CoU. de textes p. serv. k I'et. etc. de I'hist., 37]. 

8°. 1903 

1, Annales S. Albini Andegav. (929-1220). 2, Annales Vindocin. (678-1347). 
3, Annales Rainaldi (678-1106). 4, Annales S. Sergii Andegav. (1067- 
1153). 6, Annales S. Florentii Salmur. (700-1236). 

Annalista Saxo, see Sachsisohe (Dee) Annalist [A. S.]; 

fibers, v. E. Winkelmann, 2« A., 1894. 
Annals (The) of Psychical Science. v3-9, [Apr.-June 1909,. 

July-Dec. 1910 wanting']. 8° & 4°. 1906-10' 

Anne [of Brittany], q.c. of (I) Charles VIII, (2) Louis XII, 

kings of France. Le saore d'Anne de B. et s. entree a Paris 

en 1504 [par A. Delavigne ? ; publ.] H. Stein, see Sooifili 

DE l'Hist. de Paris, etc. Mems., t29, 1902. 
Anne, q. of Ot. Brit, dk Ireland. *The life & reign of Queen 

A. ; annexed, Some poUt. remarks on Bp. Burnet's Hist, of 

r. of Q. A. 80. 1738 

Anne Louise Ben^dicte de Bourhon-Conde, see Maine (A. L. B. 

DE B.-C, duchesse dtj). 
Ann6e (L') sociologique ; publ. sous la dir. de E. Durkheimr 

til (1906-9), in prog., 1910. 
Annesley (Maude). This day's madness. 88°. [1909] 

Annmary Brown Memorial, Providence, Rhode Island, see 

Hawkins (R. C.) Oat. of books f. presses of first printers, 

deposited in A. B. Memorial, 1910. 
Annoni (Ambrogio), see Petrarch. P. e la Lombardia ; 

coUabor., A. A., etc., 1904. 
Annuaire officiel de I'arm^e irang., 1906-7, see France : 


Annuaire statistique hongrois, n. cours, 15, 16, 1909, see 

Annual Literary Index, 1903. Ed. W. I. Fletcher & R. R. 

Bowker. [American Library Assoc.]. Ia8<'. N.Y. 1904 

Annuario militare del regno d'ltalia, 1905-8, see Italy -, 


Annunzio (Gabriele d'). Forse che si forse che no. Tr. [into 
French] par D. Cross. sS". [1910]! 

Anschiitz (Rudolf). Boccaccios Novelle vom Falken u. i. 
Verbreitung in d. Litt., nebst Lope de Vegas Komodie r 
El Halcon de Federioo. [Erlanger Beitr. zur engl. Philo- 
logie, 13]. 8». Erlangen. 1892 

Ansgar, St. [Anskae]. 
see AxcuiNUS. Die Lebensbeschreibungen d. hi. Willibrord, 
[v. A.], u. Willehads v. Bremen, [v. A.], etc. ; iibers^ 
V. W. Wattenbaoh, etc., 1888. 
„ Rembbbt, St. Leben d. Erzbischofe A. u. Rimbert 
[the Life of A. by R.] ; fibers, v. J. 0. M. Laurent, 
2e A., 1889. 
*Ansichten v. Spanien : Granada u. d. Alhambra, 1835, see 


Ansidei (Vincenzo). Ricordi nuziali di casa BagHoni. [Estr. 

dal BoUettino d. Regia Deputazione di Storia Patria per 

I'Dmbra, vl4. P1278]. 8°. Perugia. 1908 

Ausoliuus (Petrus), see Petrus, de Ebulo. 

Ansse de Villoison (Jean Baptiste Gaspard d'), see Joebt (C.> 

D'A. de V. & Fhellenisme en France, 1910. 
Anstey (Christopher). *The new Bath guide etc. 5th ed. 

s8°. 1767 
Anthologie. A. de la litt. japonaise des orig. au 20= s., 1910, 
see Rbvon (M.) 
A. du theatre frang. contemp., 1850 a nos jours, 1910, see 
Pbllissiee (G.) 
Anthony, see Antonello. 

Antiken Miinzen (Die) Nord-Griechenlands. Unter Leitung 
V. F. Imhoof-Blumer ; hrsg. v. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Bl, 
Halbband 2i. 40. I9i() 

Bl, Dacien u. Moesien, Halbband 21, bearb. v. B. Pick u. K Eegling. 

Antin (Louis Antoine de Gondrin de Pardaillan, dwc d'), see 

GoNDRiN DE Pardaillan de Montespan (L. A. de), due 
d' Antin. 

Antipa (Gregor). Fauna ichtiologica a Romaniei, see Aoademia 
RomIna. Publ. fondului V. Adamachi, t3, 1909. 

Antona-Traversi (Camillo). Notizie storiche suU' Amorosa 
visione [by Boccaccio], see Monaci (E.) Studi di filol rom 
vl, 1885. 

Antonello, see also Antonio. 

Antonello, da Messina [Antonio], see Ludwig (G.) A. da M. 
u. deut. a. niederland. Kunstler in Venedig, 1902. 

Antoniades (Eugenios Mikhael). 'EK^pao-.s t^s •hyia.s 2<,</)(os. 
l-&i^Kioei}Ki) MapairXr/]. t3. Ia4<>. [Athens]. 1909 

Antonio, see also Antonello. 

Antonio, de Lebrixa, the elder [A. db Lebriji ; A. de Nebeiji • 
Aelius Antonius Nbbrissbnsis ; Antonio Martinez db 
Oala y Harana del Ojo]. Gramatica castellana. ' Re- 
production phototyp. de I'^d. princeps (1492). Publ avec 
une pref. par E. Walberg. ggo. Halle a. S.' 1909 



Antwerp. Royal Museum of Kne Arts. Descriptive cata- 
logue. [v]l, Ancient masters. Publ. by Museum-Com- 

mittee. [Ed. Pol de Mont]. sS". Antwerp. 1905 

Anuario mUitar de Bspana, 1907-8, see Spain. 
Apelles [Apbllk], see Pbbbot (G.) Une statuette de la Cyr6- 

naique & 1' Aphrodite Anadyom^ne d'A., 1906. 
Apjohn (James). Statement made to the General Medical 

Council, Aug. 5, 1859. [P1240]. 8°. D. 1859 

Apollon. AnojjoHh, eiKeM-tcaiHHKT., OKTiifipi, 1909— i enTaCpb 1910 

[In prog.l 40. c.-n. 1909-10 

ApoUonius, Ehodius. Argonautica. n. ed. stereotypa C. 

Tauchnitiana. n. impr. b8". L. 1877 

ApoUonius, Tyrius, see Heinbich, v. Neustadt. H. v. N. 

" A. V. Tyrland," etc. : hrsg. v. S. Singer, 1906. 
Apomasar, see Ja'fae ibn Muhammad (Abu Ma'shae) 

Al- Balkhi. 
Apostolic. The A. Constitutions & cognate docs., 1906, see 

O'Leaby (Db L.) 
The Liturgy of the 8th book of " The A. Constitutions " 

called The Clementine Liturgy. Tr., w. intr. & notes R. H. 

CressweU. sg". 1900 

Appel (Georg). De Romanorum precationibus. [Religions- 

geschichtl. Versuche, etc., hrsg. v. R. Wiinseh u. L. 

Deubner, B7 ii]. 8°. Giessen. 1908 

Appiano (Jacopo V d'), see Gioboetti (A.) Lorenzo de' 

Medici e L V d'A., c. 1881 ? 
Appleton (Lewis). Urso d'Abitot & the Castle of Worcester. 

Being an exam, of leot. deliv. by J. W. Bund, 1909. Three 

letters publ. in Berrow's Worcester Journal (Jan., 1910). 

[Cwi out tfc mounted; w. margined refs.]. Ia8°. 1910 

Aptowitzer (V.) Die syr. Rechtsbiicher u. d. mosaisch-talmud. 

Recht, 1909, see Kaisbel. Akad. d. Wiss. zir Wibn. Sitz- 

ungsber., B163, 1909. 
Apukhtin (Aleksyei Nikolaevieh). Co-iHHeHia. 6oe nan. 

8°. C.-n. 1907 
Apuleius (Lucius), Madaurensis. Story of Cupid and Psyche. 

Ed., w. intr. & notes by L. G. Purser. 8°. 1910 

seeABT (A.) Die Apologie d. A. u. d. ant. Zauberei, 1908. 
Aquinas (Thomas), Saint. Aquinas ethious : moral teaching 

of T. Tr. of the princ. portions of p2 of " Summa 

theolog," w. notes, by J. Rickaby. 2v. 2ud ed. sS". 1896 

see Paleemo (F.) I manosoritti Palatini di Eirenze, Cont. al 
v3 : San T., Aristotele e Dante, 1869. 

„ Sebtillanges (A. D.) S. T. d'Aquin, 1910. 
Arabia. Mission aroheologique en A., mars-mai, 1907, 1909, 

see Mission. 
Aragonnes d'Orcet igen. vte.), see Obcbt {gen. vte. Arao,otsts±s). 
Araish-i-Mahfll, tr. f. the Oordoo, by M. H. Court, 1871, see 

Sheb 'Ali, called Afsos. 
Aratus, of Soli, 
see fGEEMANictrs C^sae. Aratea ; ed. A. Breysig, 1899. 

„ Lemaibe (N. E.) Poetse Lat. minores, v5, 6, 1825-6. 
Arbaud (Damase). Chants populaires de la Provence. Reo. 

et annot^s par D. A. sS". Aix. 1864 

Arbois de Jubainville (M. Henri d'). L'administration des 

intendants. 8". 1880 

Hist, des dues et des comtes de Champagne, depuis le 6s. 

7t in 8. 80. 1859-69 

[1], 8-lls. 2, lis. au milieu du 12s. 3, 1162-81. 4, 1181-1285, 2p. 5, 
Cat. des actes des comtes [1197-1262]. 6, Cat. des actes des comtes 
[1263-86]— Tables. 7, Livre des vassaux du comtS de Champagne 
et de Brie, 1172-1222; publ. par. A. Longnon. 

Arbornm. *Cultus a. ; aoc. of phallic tree worship, 1890, see 

Arc (Jeanne d'). 
see Dejtiele (H. S.) & E. Chatblain. Le proces de J. d'A. 

et I'Univ. de Paris, 1897. 
„ LuOK (S.) Le tr^sor anglais a Paris en 1431 et le proces 
de J. d'A., 1879. 
Area (Niccolb dall') [Nioolaus, de Apulia], see Pabeiczy 
(C. V.) N. dair A. : chronolog. Prospekt samt Urkunden- 
belegen, 1908. 
■"Archaic rock inscriptions ; ace. of cup & ring markings on 
sculptured stones. s8°. 1891 

Archambault (Paul), see Bouteoux (E.) E. B. ; choix de 

textes aveo une 6tude sur I'oeuvre, par P. A., n.d. 
Archbishops. *An exact chronolog. hist, of the hves etc. of 

the popish abps. of Canterbury, 1732, see Canteebttby. 
Archer (William). Through Afro-America ; an English read- 
ing of race problem. 8°. 1910 

Aichiv fiir Buchgewerbe. Begrundet v. A. Waldow. [Hrsg. 

v.] Deutschen Buohgewerbeverein. B40-46 (1903-9). 

4°. [L.]. 1903-9 
Archives marooaines, v7, 8, 16, 1906-10, see Mission Soientif. 

DU Maeoo. 
Archives Rationales, see Paeis, A. N. 
Arco (Carlo d'). Delle arti e degli artefici di Mantova. Notizie 

race, ed illust. da C. d'A. 2v. 4P. Mantova. 1857 

Arco (Ciro d') ps. [i.e. Toeelli (Giuseppe)]. Lettere poUtiche. 

s8". Torino. 1850 
Arden o£ Feversham, see Thoendike (A. H.) Minor Ehz. 

drama, vl, A. of E., 1910. 
Arderne (John) [fABDEBN (Joannes)]. Treatises of fistula in 

ano, haemorrhoids, & clysters ; f. 15th-cent. tr. Ed., w. intr., 

notes, etc., by D'Aroy Power. [E. E. T. S., 139]. 8<>. 1910 
Ardouin-Dumazet (Victor Eugene). Voyage en France. 

s53, 55, 56 ; [in prog.l a8°. 1909-10 

63, Bretagne ; p6, Basse-Bretague int^rieure. 

55, La Provence maritime : 2, La C6te d'Azur. 

66, Touraine et Anjou (Les Chateaux de la Loire). 

Areco (Victor). Das Liebeslebeu d. Zigeuner. [Das Liebes- 
leben aUer Zeiten u. Volker, 3]. 8". L. [1910 ?] 

Aretino (Guido), see Guido, Aretinus. 

Arevalo (Faustino) [fAaBVALUs (E.)]. Hymnodia hispanica, 

ad oantus, latinitatis, metrique leges revocata et aucta. 

Praemittitur dissert, de hymnis eocles. 4°. Romse. 1786 

Argentine Republic. Censo general de eduoacion levantado 

May, 1909. Por A. B. Martinez. 

2t. laS". Buenos Aires. 1910 

■"La naoion, 1810-1910. fol. n.p. 1910 

Argyll (John Douglas Sutherland Campbell, 9th duke of). 

Intimate society letters of the 18th cent. Ed. by Duke of A. 

2v, Ipagin cont.]. 8". 1910 

Yesterday & to-day in Canada. 8°. 1910 

Ariosto (Lodovico). Orlando Purioso di Ariosto, con cinque 

nuovi canti del medesimo. Vita dell' auttore, per S. Fornari, 

Allegoric in ciascun canto, di C. Valvassori, etc. 

4». Venetia. 1566 

see Bond (R. W.) Early plays [Supposes, wr. by A., Englished 

by G. Gascoygne, 1566] f. the Italian ; ed., etc. B., 1911. 

Aristophanes, the poet. Acharnians. Rev., w. pref. & expl. 

notes, by F. A. Paley. 88°. C. 1876 

Comoedise. Rec. C. H. Weise. Ed. C. Tauchnit. nova impr. 

3t. s8». L. 1873-6 

'ApnTTo<l><iyovs Elpiivri. " Peace " of A. A revised text, 

w. Eng. notes, & a pref. by F. A. Paley. s8». C. 1873 

'Api(TTo(t)a.vovs 'lirireis. The Knights of A. Greek text rev.,. 

w. tr., intr. & oomm., by B. B. Rogers. s4°. 1910 

see RiOHABDS (H. P.) A. & others, 1909. 

Aristotle. 'hpwTorihTis. A. Opera omnia ; Graece reo., annot. 

crit., Kbr. argumenta, et versionem Lat. ad. J. T. Buhle. 

[With Vita, auct. Diogene Laertio — Vita, auct. Ammonio, 

etc. — Porphyrii Isagoge]. 

5v. 8". vl-4, Biponti ; v5, Argentorati, 1791-[1800] 

Works. Tr. under editorship of J. A. Smith & W. D. Ross. 

v4, Historia animahum ; by D'A. W. Thompson. 8". 0. 1910 

see Heeoldt (J.) Exempla virtutum et vitiorum, A. 

CEconomicarum dispensationum exempla, 1555. 
„ MiJLLEB (F. A.) Das arab. Verzeiohniss d. aristotel. 

Sohriften, 1875. 
„ Paleemo (F.) I manoscritti Palatini di Firenze, Cont. al 

v3 : San Tommaso, A. e Dante, 1869. 
„ Tubnbe(W.) T. on birds: birds noticed by A., etc. ; ed., 

A. H. Evans, 1903. 
„ Wallace (E.) Outlines of phil. of A., ster. ed., 1898. 
Arlincourt («<e. Victor d'), see Maequiset (A. L.) Le vte. d'A., 

prince des romantiques, 1909. 

Armaingaud (Dr. — ). Montaigne pamphMtaire : I'enigme 

du Contr'un [Discours de la servitude volontaire, iy La 

Boetie. With text]. 8°. 1910 

Armeggeria. "'Nota dell' a. fatta B. Benoi alia M. degli Strozzi, 

1464, in Firenze, 1876, see Benoi (B.) . 

Armengaud (Jean Germain Desire), see La Fite de Pellepobe 
{le cte. V. de). La Russie hist., etc. ; avec la collab. de 
J.-6.-D. A., 1862-5. 
Armitage (Harold). Chantrey land, being an acct. of the 
North Derbyshire village of Norton. 8°. 1910 

Armorial. A. general de France (Edit, de nov. 1696) ; pubL 
d'apr^s le ms. par 6. A. Provost, 2t, 1910, see PstvoST 
(G. A.) 



Annstiong (George). Names & places in 0. Test. & Apocrypha. 

Rev. by Sir C. Wilson & Capt. Conder. [Pal. Expl. F.]. 

8°. 1887 
Armstrong (George Francis Savage). [Ode in comm. of tercen- 
tenary of Univ. of Dublin. Univ. of D. Choral Soc. Concert. 

P1293]. 8°. [D. 1892] 

Arndt (Ernst Moritz), see Meinhold (P.) A., 1910. 
Amdt (Wilhelm), of Odttingen, see Willibaidtjs, presbyter. 

Leben d. h. Bonifazius v. W., d. h. Leoba v. Rudolf v. 

Fulda, etc. ; iibers. v. W. A., 2^ A., 1888. 
Arnim (countess v.) *The caravaners. 8°. 1909 

Arnim (Hans von). Die polit. Theorien d. Altertums. 6 

Vorlesungen. sS". Wien. 1910 

Arnold (Channing) & P. J. T. Frost. American Egypt : rec. 

of travel in Yucatan. 8». 1909 

Arnold (Friedrich August). Chrestomathia Arabica quam e 

libris MSS. vel impr. coll. ed. F. A. A. 2p in Iv. 

8°. Halis. 1853 
Arnold (Matthew). Poems, 1840-67. With intr. by A. T. 

Quiller- Couch. [Oxford ed.]. 8°. 1909 

Arnold-Forster (Hugh 0.), see Aknold-Fobstee {Mrs. M.) 

H. 0. A.-F. : a mem., 1910. 
Arnold-Forster {Mrs. Mary). Rt. Hon. H. 0. Arnold-Forster: 

a mem. 8°. 1910 

Amoldus, abhot of Liibeck. Chronik ; iibers. v. J. C. M. 

Laurent, mit e. Vorworte v. J. M. Lappenberg, 2= A., neu 

bearbt. v. W. Wattenbach, see Geschichtschkbibee (Die) 

d. deut. Vorzeit, 2" Gesammtausg., B71, 1896. 
Arnouville (Jean Baptiste de Machault d'), see Maohault 

D'ABNOtrVILLE (J. B. de). 
Arnulphus, bp. of Metz, see Fbedboakiits, Scholasticus. Die 

Chronik F., etc., d. Lebensbeschreibungen d. Bischofe A., 

etc. ; iibers. 0. Abel, 3« A., 1888. 
Arraignment. *The a. of Paris, 1584, [by G. Peele], 1910, see 

Peele (G.) 
Arsac (Joanni d'). Memorial du siege de Paris. 4!^ ed. s8°. 1871 
Artamof (Piotre) ps., see La Fite de Pellepoee {cte. V. be). 
Artesienne. Chron. a. (1295-1304), n. 6d. F. Funck-Brentano, 

1899, see Cheoniqtje. 
Arthur, k. of Britain. The Vulgate version of the Arthurian 

romances, ed. f. MSS. in Brit. Museum, by H. 0. Sommer. 

[Carnegie Inst, of Washington, 74i-iii]. vl-3i. 4". W. 1908-10 

1, Lestoire del Saint Graal. 2, Lestoire de Merlin. 3i, Le livre de 
Lancelot del Lac, pi. 

see Fletohek (R. H. ) Arthurian material in the chronicles, 
espec. of Gt. Brit. & France, 1906. 
Artin (Yacoub), pacha. England in the Sudan. Tr. G. Robb. 

8". 1911 

Artzibachev (M.) [Abtzybachev]. Sanine. Roman. Tr. 

J. Povolozky. s8". 1911 

Arundel Society, see Wyatt {Sir M. D.) Notices of sculpture 

in ivory, by W. ; & A cat. of anc. ivory-carvings, by E. 

Oldiield, 1856. 

Arundell of Wardour (John Francis Arnndell, 12th baron). 

Some papers of Lord A. of W. With pref. by Lady Arundell 

of Wardour. 8°. 1909 

Arx (Siegfried v.) Giovanni Sabadino degli Arienti u. s. 

Porrettane, see Romanische FoESOHtrNQEN, B26, 1909. 
Asbjornsen (Peter Christian) & 3. I. Moe. Popular tales f. the 
Norse. [Tr.] by Sir G. W. Dasent. [n. ed., w. addits.]. 

s8o. n.d. 
Aschmaneser, king of Sidon, see Eshmttnazeb. 
Asenapper, see Asstjeeanipal. 
Asensio (Francisco). Floresta espanola, see Floeesta general 

[ed. P. Oyanguren], tl, 1910. 
Ashburnham CBertram Ashburnham, ith earl of). Cat. of 
portion of coll. of MSS., property of A., known as the 
Barrois Coll. Prices & purchasers' names. s4°. 1901 

Ashby (Thomas). Classical topog. of the Roman Campagna, 
p3, sect. 2, see Bbitish School at Rome. Papers, v5, 1910. 
The Columbarium of Pomponius Hylas ; drawings by F. 6. 
Newton, w. text by T. A., see Bbitish School at Rome. 
Papers, v5, 1910. 
Ashmead-Bartlett (Ellis). The passing of the Shereefian 
Empire. 8". E. 1910 

Asiatic Society of Japan. 
see DicKiss (F. V.) Makura-kotoba of primitive Japanese 

verse, 1908. 
„ MtTEDOCH (J.) Hist, of Japan, vl, to 1542; publ. by 
A. S. of J., 1910. 

Asauith (Rt. Hon. Herbert Henry), see King (C. T.) The A. 

Parliament (1906-1909), 1910. 
Association for the Preservation of the Memorials of the Dead 

in Ireland. Journal, vl-7, 1888-1909. [In prog.]. 

8". D. 1892-1910 
Index of churchyards & buildings, f. wh. inscriptions have 

appeared in Journal of the Assoc, 1888-1908. 8°. 1909 

Assurbanipal, king of Assyria [Asekappee ; Asubbanipal ; 

Saedanapalus], see Delitzsoh (F.) A. u. d. assyr. Kultur 

s. Zeit, 1909. 
Aston (Brig. -Gen. George Grey), G.B. Letters on amphibious 

wars ; w. maps. 8°' 1911 

Astorga (Emanuel d'), see Volkmann (H.) E. d'A., Bl, 1911. 
Astronome (L'). ps-, see AsTEONOMtrs, ps. 
Astronomus, ps. [Astbonome (L')], see Thegahtjs, chorepisc. 

Trevir. Die Lebensbeschreibungen Kaiser Ludwigs d. 

Frommen, v. T. u. v. sog. A. ; iibers. v. J. v. Jasmund, 

2" A., 1889. 
Astyages, king of Media, see Ungee (G. F.) Kyaxares n. A., 

Asurbanipal, see Assttbbanipal. 
Atacinus (P. T. Varro), see Vabbo (P. T.), Atacinus. 
Athens : National Museum. Guide illustre. vl, 2. [vl, 

2<= 6d. corr. & augm.]. s8°. Athenes. 1909-10 

1, Marbres & bronzes ; par V. Stals. 2, Collection myctoienne ; par V. 
Atherton (Gertrude Franklin). Tower of ivory. s8o. 1910 

Athos, see Lampbos (S. P.) Cat. of the Greek MSS. on Mt. 

A. ; ed. S. P. L., 1896-1900. 
Atkinson (Christopher Thomas), see Gaedineb (S. R.) Letters 

& papers rel. to the First Dutch War (1652-4), v4, [ed. 

C. T. A.], 1910. 
Atkinson (Robert). On Irish metric. Inaug. lect.. Mar. 11, 

1884. [P1275]. 8°. D. 1884 

Atlas. A. of anc. & classical geog. ; [orig. compiled by S. 

Butler]. [repr.]. 88°. [1909] 

Attendoli (Muzio), see Seobza (M). 
Atterbury (Francis), bp. of Rochester. *Axe laid to root of 

Xty., [by F. A., sometimes attr. to C. Leslie. P1286]. 

s4°. [1706] 
Aubenas (Joseph Adolphe). Hist, de Frejus, Forum Julii : 

s. antiq., s. port. 8°. Frejus. 1881 

Aubertin (Charles). Choix de textes de I'anc. fran?. du X'= 

au XVP s. sSo. 1883 

Aubign^, The family of, see Lavall^b (T.) La famiUe d'A., 

etc., 1863. 
Aubign6 (Theodore Agrippa d'). 
see Heney III, k. of France. Rec. de diverses pieces, 
*La confession de M. de Sanoy par A., 1663. 

„ BocHEBLAVE (S.) Agrippa d'A., 1910. 
Aude (A. F.) Bibliog. crit. et raisonnee des ana frang. et 

Strangers. 8°. 1910 

Audouin (Edward). La Minerve de Poitiers, see Acad, des 

Insce. etc. : Pond. Piot. Mon^. etc., t9, 1902. 
Audoux (Marguerite). Marie-Claire. Roman. Pref. d'O. 

Mir beau. s8o. 1910 

Anernheimer (Baonl). Ren^e u. d. Manner. 3^ A. s8°. 1910 
Anget de Montyon (haron A. J. B. R.), see MoNTroN (baron 

A. J. B. R. A. de). 
Augier (G. V. Emile), see Gaillaed de Champeis (H.) E. A. 

& la com^die sociale ; [w. bibliog.], 1910. 
Augsburg. Die Jahrbiicher v. A. ; iibers v. G. Grandaur, 

see Geschichtschkbibee (Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2^ Gesammt- 
ausg., B49, 1893. 
Augusta, of Saxe-Weimar, c. of William I, German emp., see 

Bbenbe (E.) Quellen etc. zur Gesch. d. Hauses Hohen- 

zoUern, B3, Der Regierungs-Anfaug d. Prinz-Regenten v. 

Preussen u. s. Gemahlin ; v. E. B., 1902. 
Augustine, Saint, bp. of Hippo, 
see Capqkavb (J). J. C.'s Lives of St. A. etc. ; ed. J. J. 
Munro, 1910. 

„ Godbatt (A.) La vie de S. A., 2e ed., 1679. 
Aulard (Frangois V. Alphonse). The French Revolution : 

a polit. hist., 1789-1804. Tr. w. pref., notes, etc., B. Miall. 

4v. 8°. 1910 
Aumale (Henri, due d'), 1822-97. Corr. du due d'A. et 

de Cuvillier-Fleury. Intr. par R. Vallery-Radot. Ftll 

1840-48. go. 1910 

AureUus Antoninus (Marcus), called the Philosopher, emperor 

of Rome, see Bussell (F. W.) M. A. & the later Stoics, 1910. 



Auria (Jacobus) [Jacobus, v. Auria], see Cafearus, de TasoU- 

fellone, for cont. of h. Annales Januenses by J. A. 
Ausfeld (Eduard). t)bersioht u. d. Beatande d. k. Staatsarcliivs 

zu Coblenz. [Konigl. Preuss. Arohivverwaltung, Mitt., H6]. 

80. L. 1903 
Ausonius, Burdigalensis, see AusoNius (D. M.) 
Ausonius (Decimus Magnus) [AusoNitrs, Burdigalensis], 

see Lemaibe (N. E.) Poetae Lat. minores, vl, 4, 7, 1824^6. 
Austen (Jane), see Helm (W. H.) J. A. & her country-house 

comedy, 1909. 
Austin (Alfred), poet laureate. The bridling of Pegasus. 

Prose papers on poetry. 8°. 1910 

Australia. Commonwealth of Australia. Official year 

book of the Commonwealth of A., cont. statistics for 1901-9, 

& corr. statistics for 1788-1900. no. 3, 1910. Publ. by 

6. H. Knibbs. [Commonwealth Bureau of Census & 

Statistics]. 8°. Melbourne. [1910] 

see Ybar-Book of A., 1885-1904. 
Australia, Western, see Western Australia. 
Austrian Ambassadors, see Imperatorskoe Russk. 1st. Obsch. 

Auswahl hist. Stiicke aus hebra. Schriftstellern v. 2'='' Jhdt. 

bis auf d. Gegenwart. Mit Texte, tJbers. u. Anmerkungen. 

[P1253]. 8°. 1840 
Autos de £e. A. de fe de la luquisioion de Mexico con extractos 

de sus causas, 1646-8, 1910, see Mexico. 
Autremer (Joseph D'), see Dautrbmbb (J.) 
Autriche. Les luttes de I'A. en 1866. Redig6 d'ap. doo^. 

offioiels par I'Etat-major autriohien (Sect, hist) ; tr., annote 

et publ. par P. Crousse. 

5t in 6. (t5i, ii). 8°. Brux. [& Paris]. 1868-1901 

1, [Pr61iminaires etc.] 2, [Campagne d'ltalie etc.] 3, Camp, de 
Boh^me. 4, Dep. Koniggr^tz jusqu*k la conclusion de la paix. 
5i, Defense du Tyrol~Op6rations milit. en AUemagne occid. 5ii, 
Bataille de Lisaa. 

Auvray (Lucien). Documents parisiens tir^s de la bibl. du 

Vatican, 7-13'' s., see SooiiiTE de l'Hist. de Paris, etc. 

M6ms., tl9, 1892. 
Auvray O^UCien). 6. Bruno a Paris, d'ap. le t^moiguage d'un 

contemporain [G. Cotin], 1585-6, see Sooiiii) de l'Hist. 

DE Paris, etc. Mems., t27, 1901. 

Auxerre, see Recueil des historians de la France, Obituaires, 

t3, 0^. de la Province de Sens, t3 (Dioceses d'Orl^ans, d'A. 

etc.), 1909. 
Avadanas, see Julibn (S. A.) Les A., contes etc. ; tr., S. J., 

3t, 1859. 
Avalos (Ferdinando d'), march, di Pescara, see Giovio (P.) 

lUustrium virorum vitse, [De vita etc. F. Ferd. Davali ; 

etc.], 1551. 
Aveling (Edward Bibbins). The students' Marx : intr. to 

study of K. Marx' Capital. [5th ed.]. s8o. 1907 

Aveling (Francis). Arnoul the Englishman. s8°. [1908] 

Avellaneda (Gertrudis Gomez de), see Gomez de Avellaneda 

DE Sabateb (6.) 
Avencebrol, see Geiqeb (A.) Salomo Gabirol u. a. Dichtungen, 

Avienns (Rufus Festus). 
see fARATUS, of Soli. Phsenomena etc. ; interp. A. etc., 

„ Lemaire (N. E.) Poetse Lat. minores, v6, 1825. 
Avignon. Rech. hist, et docs, sur A., le Comtat-Venaissin et 

la principaut6 d'Orange, tl, etc., in, prog., 1908, etc, see 

Sooi^t:! DBS Rbohbrchbs Histor. de Vaucluse. 
Avignone (Gaetano). Medaglie dei Liguri e d. Liguria. 

[Estratto dal v8, Atti d. Soc. Ligure di Storia Patria ; 

w. plates']. la8o. Genova. 1872 

Avil^S. *E1 fuero de A., 1865, see Fbrnandbz-Gubrra y 

Orbb (A.) 
Avogadro (Amedeo), see Meldeum (A. N.) A. & Dalton, 

Axe. *The a. laid to root of Xty., 1706, see Atterbury 

(F.), bp. 
*The a. laid to the root of popery, 1744, see Du Ludb (J. 

DE D., cte.) 
Ayrton (Edward Russell), see Davis (T. M.) Excavations : 

Biban el Moluk, Tomb of Queen Tiyi ; The excavations 

of 1907, by E. A., 1910. 
Azc^rate (Gumersindo de). Discursos leidos ante la Real 

Acad, de la Hist, en la recepcion d. G. de A. ISy G. de 

A. & R. de Urefia y Smenjaud. P1298]. 8°. 1910 

Azzi Vitelleschi (G. Degli), see Degli Azzi Vitblleschi (G.) 
Azzolini (I. Ugurgieri), see Uqubqieei Azzolini (I.) 





Bab (Julius). Bernard Skaw. [In OermanJ. a8°. 1910 

Babbitt (Irving). The new Laokoon. Essay on the confusion 

of the arts. s8". 1910 

Babeau (Albert). L'H6tel de ville de Paris et I'inventaire de 

son mobilier en 1740, see Sooibt:6 dbl'Hist. de Paris, etc. 

M6ms., t26, 1899. 
Le jardiu des Tuileries au 17^ s. & au 18« s., see SocifiTB de 

l'Hist. de Paris, etc. Mems., t28, 1902. 
Les tableaux du roi ohez le duo d'Antiu (1715) ; publ. A. B., 

see SociiiT:6 de l'Hist. de Paris, etc. M6ms., t30, 1903. 
Babelon (Einest). Sapor & Val6rien : oam6e sassanide de 

la Bibl. Nat., see Aoad. des Insor. etc. : Pond. Piot. 

Mon3. etc., tl, 1894. 
Baber. Memoirs. An abridgment, [tr.], w. intr., notes, & 

aoc. of his successors, by P. G. Talbot. 8". 1909 

Babillotte (Arthur). August Striudberg : das hohe Lied s. 

Lebens. 8°. L. 1910 

Babington ((Jhurchill). Insoriptiones Sprattianse. [From 

the Cambridge Journal of Classical etc. Philology, 1855. 

no tp. P1238]. 8°. n.d. 

Babut (B. Ch.) Le Couoile de Turin. Essai sur I'hist. des 

6glises proveng., etc., 417-450. 8°. 1910 

Bacchini (Benedetto). Lettere polemiche contro G. Picenino. 

Opera postuma, con le censure, e le osservazioni su d'esse 

d. stesso autore ; aggiontavi la di lui vita, etc. 

2p, [pagin. cont.]. 4°. Altorf. 1738. 
Bacci(Pietro Jacopo). Vita di S. Filippo Neri. Conl'aggiuuta 

d'una breve notitia di alouni suoi compagni [attr. to L. 

CoUoredo in a MS. note ; w. sep. pagin.], per opera d. 

F. G. Rioci. s4». 1672. 

Life of Saint PhUip Neri. [Tr.], n. & rev. ed. ; ed. F. I. 

Antrobus. 2v. 8°. 1902 

Baccini (Giuseppe). Le ville medicee di Cafaggiolo e di 

Trebbio in Mugello. s8o. Firenze. 1897 

Bach (Johann Sebastian), see Parry {Sir C. H. H.) J. S. B., 

Bacher (Wilhelm). Abraham Ibn Esra's Einltg. zu s. Penta- 

teuch-Comm., als Beitrag zur Gesch. d. Bibelexegese, 

beleuchtet v. W. B. [P1264]. 8". Wien. 1876 

Backhouse (B.), see Bland (J. 0. P.) & E. B. China under 

the Empress Dowager : life & times of Tzu Hsi, 3rd imp., 

Bacon (Benjamin Wisner). The fourth Gospel in research & 

debate. 8°. 1910 

Bacon (Francis), viscount Si. Albans, baron VervZam. Novum 

Organum. Newly tr. by A. Johnson. s8°. 1859 

.Of the proficienoe & advancement of learning. Ed. by G. W. 

Kitohiu. s8». 1861 

see Dubnino-Lawrenob {Sir E.) B. is Shakespeare ; w. 
repr. of B.'s Promus of formularies & elegancies, 19i0. 

„ Stebvbs (G. W.) F. B. : sketch of h. life, &o., 1910. 
Baddeley (Welbore St. Clair), see Hare (A. J. C.) Venice, 

7th ed., by A. J. C. H. & W. St. C. B., 1907. 
Baeca (Hernando de), see Babza (H. db). 
Baedeker (Carl). L'AUemagne & I'Autriche, avec quelques 

parties des pays limitrophes. 7^ id. sS". L. 1881 

Belgium & Holland. 7th ed., rev. & augm. 88°. L. 1884 

Conversation diet, in four languages : English, French, 

German, Italian. s8". L. 1889 

N. Germany. 8th ed., rev. & augm. s8°. L. 1884 

Great Britain. 6th ed., rev. & augm. s8''. L. 1906 

Greece. 4th rev. ed. 38°. L. 1909 

Italy. 3p. 

1, N. Italy. 6th ed. s8°. L. 1882 ; 13th ed. s8''. L. 1906 

2, C. Italy & Rome. 8th rev. ed. 88°. L. 1883 

3, S. Italy & Sicily, etc. 8th rev. ed. 88°. L. 1883 
The Rhine f. Rotterdam to Constance. 

9th rev. ed. s8». L. 1884. 
Switzerland & adj. portions of Italy, Savoy, & the Tyrol. 

10th ed. s8°. L. 1883 
17th ed. s8°. L. 1897 

Baerlein (Henry). On the forgotten road. s8°. 1909 

Baeza (Hernando de) [Bab9a ; Vaeqa]. Rel. de algunos 

sucesos de los ultimos tiempos del reino de Granada, see 

Granada, Relaoiones etc. ; [ed. E. Lafuente y Alcantara], 

Bagehot (Walter). The English Constitution. S8". n.d. 

Estimations in criticism. Ed. C. Lennox. 2v. [1, Poets 

& poetry ; 2, Prose-writers]. s8o. 1908-9 

Lombard St. : descr. of the money market, n. ed., w. intr, 

& corrigenda by H. Withers. sS". 1910 

Baglioni, The family of, see Ansidei (V.) Ricordi nuziali di 

casa B., 1908. 
Bahddur Ahmad Din Khan, see Ahmad Din Khan, Klian 

Bahr (Hans). Zum Streit um Bibel u. Babel. Die babylon. 

Busspsalmen u. d. Alte Test. [P1243]. 8o. L. 1903 

Bahr (Hermann). Mensch ! Roman. 2= A. 38". 1910 

Bahrens (Bmil). Poetse Latini minores. Post M. B. iterum 

rec. F. VoUmer. v2i. s8°. L., Teubner. 1911 

2i, Ovidi Halieutioon lib. 1 tragm.— Gratti Cynegetioon lib. 1 fragm. 

Baiem, see Louis IV, emp. of Germany. Quellen z. Gesch. 

L. [i.e. Die Chronik v. d. Herzogen v. B., 1309-72, etc.]; 

iibers. v. W. Friedensburg, HI, 1898. 
Baihacii, see Abu Bakr Ahmad, al Baihaqi. 
Baikie (James). The sea-kings of Crete. 8". 1910 

The story of the Pharaohs. 88". 1908 

Baildon (Henry Bellyse), see Nicholson (P. W.) *P. W. N. 

& his works ; [by B., etc.], 1886. 
Baildon (William Paley), see Yorkshire. Feet of Fines, 

1327-47 ; ed. W. P. B., 1910. 
Bailey (H. C.) Colonel Stow. [Naod]. s9,°. 1908 

BaiUehache (ctsse. F. de). EsteUe. 88°. 1910 

Bailly (Artuse). Les infortunes amours d'A. B., poesie in6d. 

de 1583, [publ.] H. de Curzon, see SociBTii de l'Hist. de 

Paris, etc. M6ms., tl3, 1887. 
Bain (F. W.) A mine of faults. Tr. f. orig. MS. by F. W. B. 

s4°. 0. 1909 
Baird, The family of, see Baird (W.) Dominus fecit : genealog. 

coll. cone, the sir-name of B., n. ed., 1870. 
Baird (William), of Auchmedden. Dominus fecit. Genealog. 

coll. cone, the sir-name of Baird, & the families of Aucb- 

medden, Newbyth, & Sauchton Hall in particular. [Ed. 

W. N. Eraser], [n. ed., ed. F. M. B. S.] 4°. 1870 

Baker (George Pierce). Development of Shakespeare as a 

dramatist. 8». N.Y. 1907 

Baker (Marcus). Geographic diet, of Alaska ; 2nd ed., prep. 

J. McCormiok, 1906, see United States : Geological 

ETC. Survey. 
Balbo (conte Cesare). Storia d'ltaha sotto ai Barbari. 

88". Firenze. 1856 
Balbus, Mensor. De asse lib. ; emend, etc. E. Bocking, see 

Corpus iuris Romani Anteiustiniani, fasc. 1, 1841. 
Balch (Emily Greene). Our Slavic fellow citizens. 8". N.Y. 1910 
Balde (Jean). Les ebauches. 88". [1910 ?] 

Baldino di Domenico, da Lucignano, see Domenico (B. di). 
Baldinucci (Filippo). Vita di F. di Ser Brunellesco, 

architetto fiorentiuo, soritta da F. B., con altra di anonimo 

contemp. scrittore ; pubbl. etc. dal Canonico D. Moreni. 

8". Firenze. 1812 
Balduinus, dbp. of Treves [Balduin], see Henry VII, emp. of 

Germany. Das Leben H. VII [i.e. Aus d. Leben d. Erzb. 

B., etc.] ; iibers. v. W. Friedensburg, H2, 1898. 
Baldwin (James Mark). Darwin & the humanities. 

2nd ed. 88°. 1910. 
Balfour (Rt. Hon. Arthur James). Criticism & beauty. A 

leot. rewritten. Romanes lect., 1909. 8°. 0. 1910 

Ball (Bt. Hon. John Thomas). Ballot consid. in conn. w. 

extension of the franchise. 2nd ed. [P1285]. 8°. 1872 

Speech, on motion for second reading of University Education 

(Ireland) Bill. Corr. & rev. [P1275]. S°. 1873 






Ballein (Johannes). J. CoDier's Angrifi auf d. engl. Biihne : 
Beitrag z. Gesch. d. engl. Dramas. 8°. Marburg. 1910 

Balmes (Jaime Luciano), see Balmbz (J. L.) 
Balmez (Jaime Luciano) [Balmes (J. L.)]. Ensenanzas 
politioas. Recopiladas por M. Alvarez y Moran. 

8°. Valladolid. 1909 
Obras : escritos postumos. 5" ed. 88°. Barcelona. 1909 

ReUquias lit. Recog. y publ. por el P. I. Casanovas. 

88°. Barcelona. 1910 
see Casanovas (I.) Apologitica de B., 1910. 
„ Llad6 (J.) B. : notas ; tr., etc. M. Polo Peyrolon 
„ RotrBB (N.) Las ideas de Balmes, 1910. 

„ La vida y las obras de B., 1910. 

Balzac (H. de). Pensees, sujets, fragmens. Ed. orig. 

une pr6f. & notes de J. Crepet. 4°. 

A woman of thirty — [A forsaken lady — La Grenadiere 

message — Gobseck]. Tr. E. Marriage ; w. pref. by G. 

Saintsbury. [repr.]. sS". 1910 

see Spitzer (L.) Die WortbUdung als stilist. Mittel, nebst e. 

Anhang ub. d. Wortbildung bei B. in s. " Contes 

drolatiques," 1910. 

Bampfylde (Charles Agar), see Baring-Gould (S.) & C. A. B. 

A hist, of Sarawak, 1909. 
Bampfylde Fuller (Sir J.), see Fuller {Sir J. B.) 
Bandelier (Adolph Francis Alphonse). The Islands of Titicaca 
& Koati. [Hispanic Soc. of Amer.]. 8°. N.Y. 1910 

Bandello (Matteo), 6p. of Agen. NoveUe. [rev. repr. of G. D. 
Poggiali's ed. Race, de' novellieri ital., vl-9]. 

4p in 9v. sS". Milano. 1813-4 

Le noveUe. A cura di G. Brognoligo. [Scrittori d'ltalia, 

2, 5, 9]. vl-3 ; [in prog.]. 8". Bari. 1910-11 

Bandiera (Alessandro Maria). NoveUe, owero sacre narrazioni, 

see NovBLLB di autori senesi, v2, 1815. 
Banerjea (S. B.) Tales of Bengal. Ed. F. H. Skrine. s8°. 1910 
Bang (Willy). Materialieu zur Kunde d. alt. eng. Dramas. 
Begriindet u. hrsg. v. W. B. 
B15 iii, [pagin. cont. f. 15 i, ii], 27, 29, 30. Ia8» & 4°. Louvain. 


Crawford (C.) Concordance to works of T. Kyd, 1906-10. [16 iii.] 

Eekhardt (E.) Die Dialekt- u. Auaiandertypen d. alt. eng. Dramas : Tl, 

Die Dlalekttypen, 1910. [27.] 

Klchards (N.) Tragedy of Messallina, ed. A. R. Skemp, 1910. [30.J 

Stopes (Mrs. C. C.) Wm. Hunnis and the revels of the Chapel Royal, 

1910. [29.] 

Bannatyne Club. 

see Holland {Sir R.) The buke of the Howlat ; [a repr. 

of D. Laing's ed. issued by the B. Club 1823], 1882. 
„ RoLLAND (J.) The Seven Sages, in Scotish metre; [ed. 

D. Laing], repr. f. ed. of 1578, 1837. 
,, Saint Giles, Edinburgh. Registrum cartarum Ecclesie 
S. Egidii de Edinburgh, 1344^1567 ; [ed. D. Laing], 1859. 
*Ban(luet (The). A political satire [in verse]. 

new ed. [P1292]. sS". E. 1885 

Banuelos y de la Cerda (Luis de). Libro de la jineta y desoend- 

encia de los caballos guzmanes. Compuesto por L. de B. y 

de la C. Lo publ., con otro tratado intit.: Pintura de un 

potro [w. Sep. pagin.], la Soc. de Bibliofilos Espanoles. [Ed. 

J. A. de Balenohana]. 8°. 1877 

Baptist Union. The Baptists & the Bible Soc. Memorial, 

reL to Bengali & o. versions of the New Test. [Drawn up by 

E. Steane]. [P1259]. 8°. 1840 

Ba^uero (A.) Floridablanca, su biog. y bibliog. 

s8». Murcia. 1909 
Bar (S.) Thorath Emeth, sive liber & praecepta & doctrinam 
accentuum libb. psalmorum, proverbiorum & Jobi cont., 
secundum Massoram et principia, quae reliquerunt R. 
Aharon ben Ascher, R. Jehuda ben BOaam, etc., comp. S. B. 
Aoc. epist. scr. S. D. Luzzatto. [In Hebrew ; & w. 2nd tp., 
in Hebrew, b.w. Wickes (W.) Treatise on accentuation' 
of poet, books of 0. Test., 1881]. 8°. Rodelhemii. 1852 

Zwei alte Thora-RoUen aus Arabien u. Palastina, beschrieben 
V. S. B. [P1264]. 8". Frankfurt a. M. 1870 

Barante (baron de). La conversion et la mort de M. de Talley- 
rand. Recit de B., recueilli par le Baron de Nervo. 

[P1280]. s8<'. 1910 

Baratta (Mario). Curiosita Vinciane. Perche L. da Vinci 

scriveva a rovescio — L. da V. enigmofilo — L. da V. nella 

invenzione dei palombari, etc. s8°. Torino. 1905 

Barbadillo (A. G. de Salas), see Salas Barbadillo (A. G. de). 

Barber (Edward) & P. H. Ditchfield, edd. Memorials of old 

Cheshire. Ed. B. & D. 8". 1910 

Barberino (Andrea da), see *Reali (I) di Francia, vl, 2i, 

Barbier de Meynard (Charles Adrien Casimir), see Ahmad 

Rashid. Notice s. I'Arabie m^rid. d'ap. un doc. turc, 

[by A. B.], par B. de M., 1883. 
Bardi ne' Medici (contessina). 7 lettere di contessina B. ne' M. 

ai iigliuoU Piero e Giovanni. [A D. Zanichelli nel giorno 

d. sue nozze offrono T. Casini e S. Morpurgo. Half-t. only. 

P1277]. 8°. [Firenze. 1886] 

Bardon Papers. The B. P. : doc». rel. to the imprisonment 

of Mary, Q. of Scots. Ed. C. Read, w. pref. note by C. 

Cotton. [Royal Hist. Soc, III, 17]. 8o. 1909 

Bardsley (Charles Wareing). Chronicles of the town & church 

of Ulverston. 4°. Ulverston. 1885 

Barese. Codice diplomatioo barese ; ed. a cura deUa Com- 

missione Provinciale di Archeologia e Storia Patria. 

vl-6 ; [in prog.]. i°. Bari. 1897-1906 

1, Le pergamene del Duomo di Bari, 962-1264 ; per Q. B. Nitto de Rossi 

e F. Nitti di Vito. 

2, Le pergamene del Duomo di Bari (cnnt.), 1266-1309; per G. B. Nitto 

de Rossi e F. Nitti di Vito— Appendice, Le pergamene di Giovinazzo, 
Canosa e Putignano sino al 1266. 

3, Le pergamene della Cattedrale di Terlizzi, 971-1300 ; per F. Carabel- 

4-6, Le pergamene di S. Nicola di Bari, 939-1266 ; per F. Nitti di Vito. 

Baretti (Criuseppe). The Italian library: cont. ace. of lives 

& works of authors of Italy. With pref., exhib. changes 

of the Tuscan language. 8°. 1757 

see CoLLisoN-MoRLEY (L.) G. B., 1909. 

„ Neki (A.) G. B. e i Gesuiti, 1899. 

Bargagli (Scipione). NoveUe, see Novellb di autori senesi, 

v2, 1815. 
Barham (Charles Middleton, 1st baron), 17S6-1813. Letters 
& papers, 1758-1813. Ed. Sir J. K. Laughton. v2. [Navy 
Records Soc, 38]. 8°. 1910 

Bari, see Baresb. 

Baring (Hon. Maurice), 4t^ son of the 1st baron EevelstoJce. 

Dead letters. s8». 1910 

Landmarks in Russian lit. s8°. [1910] 

Baring-Crould (Sabine) & C. A. Bampfylde. A hist, of Sarawak 

under its two white Rajahs, 1839-1908. 8°. 1909 

Barlow (Alfred Ernest), see Adams (F. D.) & A. E. B. Geology 

of the Haliburton & Bancroft areas, Ontario, 1910. 
Barlow (Clement Anderson Montague). The Benefices BiU. 
Text, w. notes by B. [repr. f. " The Rock." P1294]. 

s8o. 1896 

Barlow (Henry Clark), see University Coll., London. Cat. 

of Dante coll., w. note on corr. of H. C. B., by R. W. 

Chambers, 1910. 

Bailow (Horace Mallinson). The Medical Library Assoc. : a 

few obs. Repr. f. The Library Assoc. Rec, 1910. 

[P1293]. 8°. Aberdeen. 1910 

Barlow (James Wm.) Remarks on some recent publ^. cone. 

future punishment. [P1258]. 8°. D. 1865 

Barlow (Jane). Irish ways. 8°. 1909 

Barnes (Edward). A brief descr. of the Bally murtagh Mine, 

the property of the Wicklow Copper Mine Co. 

[P1237]. 8". D. 1864 
Barnes (WiUiam Emery). An exam, of the objections brought 
agst. the genuineness of Isaiah xxiv-xxvii. 

[P1249]. 8°. C. 1891 

Lex in corde. Studies in the Psalter. s8°. 1910 

Barnett (Edith A.) A wilderness winner. 2nd ed. sS". [1907] 

Barnett (Lionel David). 

see British Museum : Printed Books. Kannada, Badaga, 

& Kurg books in B. M. ; comp. by L. D. B., 1910. 

„ TamU books ; comp. by L. D. B. & G. U. Pope, 1909. 

Baroja (Pio). C6sar 6 Nada. Novela. [Las ciudades]. 

88". 1910 

Zalacain el aventurero. s8°. Barcelona. 1909 

Baron (Michel Boyron, called), see Bourgeois (A.) Le co- 

medien B., I'abb^ d'AUainval & A. Le Couvreur, 1904. 
Baronetage. The Eng. baronetage, 1741, see Wotton (T.) 
Barres (Maurice). Adieu i Mor^as. [P1279]. sS". 1910 

L'angoisse de Pascal. 40. 1910 

Barret (Emile). La petite S6viUac. Roman. 88". 1910 

Barrili (Anton Ginlio). Da Virgiho a Dante. 88". Genova. 1892 
Barrington (Michael). The lady of Tripoli. sS". 1910 

Barry (Lton). Le voyage d'H61ene — Les tablettes d'Hypatie 
— La derni^re epousee d'Ammon. s8°. 1910 

Bar Shinaya, see Elias, bar Shlnaya. 




Barth (Jacob). Beitrage z. Erklarung d. Jesaia. [Separat- 

abzug d. BeUage z. Jahresbericht d. Berl. Rabbiner- 

Seminars, 1883-4. P1246]. S". Karlsruhe. 1885 

Bajrthelemy (Anatole J. B. A. de). La colonne de Catherine 

de Medicis ii la Halle au BU, see SooitTE de l'Hist. de 

Paris, etc. Mems., t6, 1880. 
Essai sur la monnaie parisis, see Sociii* de l'Hist. de 

Paris, etc. M6ms., t2, 1876. 
Barth61emy (Emmanuel), see Hbrzen (A.) CdopsHKi. nocMepTHtixi 

CTaxeB, 1904, CoiiiBeHin, t9, 1879. 
Barthold (Albert). Zur theolog. Bedeutung S. Kierkegaards. 

[P1265]. 8°. Halle. 1880 
Bartholomseis (Vincenzo de). 
see Colo, de Perosa. La leggenda dei Dieci Comanda- 
menti ; ed. V. de B., 1901. 

„ Miscellanea di lett. del medio evo, vl, Rime antiehe 
senesi, iUust. da V. de B., 1902. 

„ MoNAoi (E.) Stud] di filol. rom., v6, [Di aloune antiehe 
rappresentazioni ital. ; by V. de B.], 1893. 
Bartholomseus, Genuensis, see Caefartjs, de Taschifellone, 

for cont. of h. Annales Januenses by B. 
Bartholomew (John George). Lit. & hist, atlas of Europe. 

[Inol. Survey of Eng. coinage, by B. Roth]. s8». [1910] 

Bartoli (I' abbe A. F.) Hist, de la Corse. tl. 8". 1898 

Bartoli ((josimo). Del modo di misurare le distantie, le 

superfioie, i corpi, le piante, le provincie, le prospettive, 

& tutte le altre cose terrene, seoondo le-vere regole d'Euclide, 

etc. s4o. Venetia. 1564 

Bartoli (Giorgio), see Teza (E.) Uu maestro di fonetica ital. 

nel cinquecento [i.e. G. B.], 1893. 
Bartoloccius (Julius). Vitae celeberrimorum Rabbinorum 

qui in sacrum codicem scripserunt comm., see Reland (A.) 

Analecta Rabbinioa, 1702. 
Baiuch. The rest of the words of Baruch : text rev. w. intr. 

by J. R. Harris. 8". 1889 

see KNEtrcKBR (J. J.) Das Buch B. : Gesch. u. Kritik, 

Ubers., etc. ; mit e. Anhang ii. d. pseudepigraph. B., 


Barzellotti (Giacomo). Monte Amiata e il suo Profeta (David 

Lazzaretti). 8". Milano. 1910 

Basile (Giov. Batt.) Lo cunto de U cunti (II Pentamerone) 

con intr. e note di B. Croce. vl. 8». Napoh. 1891 

Basilewski (A.), see Cabriere (A.) Inscr^. d'un Rehquaire 

armeu. de la coll. B. ; publ. & tr. par A. C, 1883. 
Baske (Wilhelm). Oldcastle-Falstaff in d. engl. Lit. bis zu 

Shakespeare. [Palaestra, 50]. 8°. 1905 

Bassus (Saleius), see Lemairb (N. E.) Poetae Lat. minores, 

v3, 1824. 
Bastian (Adolf). Die Verbleibs-Orte d. abgesohiedenen Seele. 

[P1245]. 1893 
Bastide (Ch.) L'Anghcanisme : I'Eglise d'Angleterre, son hist. 

& son oeuvre — La diffusion de Anglicanisme. 

s8''. Saint-Blaise. 1909 
Bataille (Henry), see Amiel (D.) H. B., biog.-crit., bibliog., 

etc., 1909. 
Bataille (Nicolas), see Guifebby (J. J.) N. B., tapissier parisien 

du 14s., 1884. 
Batchelor (John). The Ainu & their folk-lore. 8". 1901 

Bate (Herbert Newell). Hist, of the Church to a.d. 325. 

2ud impr. 88". 1903 
Bateson (Mary), see Sign, Brigittine monastery. Catalogue 

of lib. ; ed. M. B., 1898. 
Bath. Marriage allegation bonds of the bps. of B. & Wells, 

to 1755. Transcribed & ed. A. J. Jewers. [The Genea- 
logist, Suppl.]. 80. Exeter. 1909 
Bath, Somersetshire. *The new Bath guide, etc., 5th ed., 

1767, see Anstey (C.) 
Bath (William Fulteney, earl of). *Enquiry into the conduct 

of our domestick affairs, 1721-33. A sequel to [h.] Politicks 

on both sides, [<{; b.w. the 2nd ed., 1734, of it]. 8». 1734 

*The politicks on both sides, w. regard to foreign affairs, w. 

obs. on pres. state of affairs in Gt. Brit. 2nd ed. 8°. 1734 

Bathurst (James). Atomic consciousness. Abridgment. Publ. 

by W. Manning, n. subscribers' ed. Ia8°. 1909 

Batifflol (Louis). Le roi Louis XIII k vingt ans. 8°. [1910 ?] 
Batifiol (Pierre). L'enseignement de J6sus. [Bibl. de 

I'enseign. script.]. [7» 6d.] s8». 1909 

Hist, du breviaire romain. s8°. 1893 

Baude (Henri), poet. Les vers de H. B. Rec. & publ. avec Jes 

actes qui cone, sa vie par M. J. Quicherat. s8°. 1856 

Baudissin (Wol£ Wilhelm F., Graf v.) Studien zur semit. 

Religionsgesch. 2H in IB. 8°. L. 1876-78 

Bauer (Adolf), Dr. Phil. Beitrage zu Eusebios und d. byzan- 

tin. Chronographen, see Kaisbrl. Akad. d. Wiss. zir Wibn. 

Sitzungsber., B162, 1909. 
Bauer (Erwin). England u. d. Deutsche Reich. 8". L. 1900 
Bauer (Walter). Das Leben Jesu im Zeitalter der neutesta- 

mentl. Apokryphen. 8". Tubingen. 1909 

Baumann (Engen). Welche Pflichten legt die Beweglichkeit 

d. Bevolkerung d. Geistlichen u. Gemeindeorganen auf ? 

[no tp. P1249]. 8°. n.d. 
Baxter (Richard). Excerpt f. Reliquias Baxterianje : R. B.'s 

narr. of h. life & times, also Essay by Sir J. Stephen on R. B. 

Ed. w. pref., notes & apps. by Francis John [Jayne], bp. of 

Chester. 8». 1910 

Bayer (Gottlieb Siegfried) [Bayer (Thbophilus S.)]. Historia 

Osrhoena & Edessena ex numis illust. 4°. Petropoli. 1734 

Bayeux Tapestry. Reproduction compl. de la Tapisserie- 

Broderie de la reine Mathilde (11* s.). C. Tostain, 6d. 

oblong 8°. Bayeux. n.d. 
Bayley (Arthur R.) The great Civil war in Dorset, 1642-60. 

8°. Taunton. 1910 
Baylis (T. Henry). The Temple Church & Chapel of St. Ann, 

etc. : an hist. rec. & guide. s8°. 1893 

Bayonne, see Conabd (P.) La constitution de B., 1808; 

[text, etc.], 1910. 
Bazin (Rene). La barriere. sS". [1909] 

see BERSATrcouBT (A. de). R. B., 1910. 
Beaconsfield (Benjamin Disraeli, earl of). Vivian Grey. 

n. imp. sS". 1906 
see MoNYPENNY (W. F.) Life of B. D., earl of B., vl, 1910. 
Beadnell (Hugh John Llewellyn). An Egyptian oasis : account 

of the oasis of Kharga in Libyan Desert. 8°. 1909 

Beare (John Isaac). Organic jnorality ; or. Ethics of H. 

Spencer. Introd. addr. [Dubhn Univ.]. [P1297]. 8o. D. 1889 
Beame (Mrs. Catherine). Four fascinating Frenchwomen : 

Adelaide FiUeul, otsse. de Flahaut, marquise de Souza — 

Claire de Kersaint, duchesse de Duras — Marie Caroline de 

Bourbon, duchesse de Berry — Princess Mathilde Bonaparte, 

ctss. Demidoff. 8°. 1910 

Beatty (Thomas Edward). Obs. addr. to the Council of the 

Roy. College of Surgeons in Ireland July 15th, 1859, motion 

to confer w. Trinity College rel. to license in Surgery. 

[P1238]. 8°. D. 1859 
Beaufort (Henry), bp. of Winchester, d. 1447, see Collins 

(W. E.) Typical Eng. Churchmen, s2. Card. B., by L. B. 

Radford, 1909. 
Beaumanoii (Philippe de), see Bobdieb (H. L.) P. de Remi, 

sire de B., par B. ; p2, OEuvres po6t., 1869[-73]. 
Beaumarchais. Le barbier de Seville. [b.w.h. Mariage de 

Figaro, 1877]. 88°. [1878] 

Le mariage de Figaro. s8°. [1877] 

Beaume (Georges). Le maltre d'ecole. Roman. 88". 1910 

Beaumont (Alvin), see Alvin-Beatimont. 

Beaumont (Francis) & J. Fletcher. [Works]. Text ed. A. 

Glover & A. R. Waller. [Cambridge Eng. Classics]. [v8, 9, 

ed. A. R. W.]. 8°. C. 1910 

Coronation (The). [8.] 

Coxcomb (The). [8.] 

Cupid's revenge. [9.] 

Fair (The) maid at the inn. [9.] 

Island (The) princess. [8.] 

Noble (The) gentleman, [S.] 

Sea-voyage (The). [9.) 

Two (The) noble kinsmen. [9.] 

Wit at several weapons. [9.] 

Womans (The) prize. [8.] 

Beaumont (cie. Pauline Marie M. F. U. de), see Beauniee (A.) 

Trois amies de Chateaubriand : P. de B., 1910. 
Beaune (Henri). Voltaire au college, [w.] Lettres & doc^. 

in^d. 8". 1867 

Beauneveu (Andre). 
see DuBBiETi {cte. P.) Un dessin du Mus6e du Louvre 
attribue a A. B., 1894. 

„ Lasteyrie (R. de). Les miniatures d'A. B. etc., 1896. 
Beaunier (Andr6). Trois amies de Chateaubriand [Pauline 

de Beaumont, Mme. Recamier, Hortense AUart]. s8°. 1910 
Beauregard (Jean Frederic de). Statistique des monuments 

du D6pt. de Maine et Loire, [b.w. Bodin (J. F.) Recherches, 

t2, 1846]. 80. Angers. 1841 

Beaurigout (Jean), cure de St.- Nicolas-des- Champs a Paris, 

see LoNGNON (A.) Conjectures sur I'auteur [J. B. ?] du 

Journal parisien de 1409-49, 1876. 
Becchi (Gentile di Giorgio de')» d" Urbino, see Gentile, da 





Beccuti (Francesco), called " II Coppetta," see Salze (Abd- 

EL-K.) F. Coppetta dei B., poeta perugino del s. 16, 1900. 

Becher (Heinrich), see Technicai dictionaries in 6 langs., v8. 

Reinforced concrete in sub- and superstructure ; compiled 

by H. B., 1910. 

Bechtel (Friedrich). Die Peraonennamen im i^" B. d. Inscrip- 

tiones Grfecie, see Robert (C.) C. R. : Geuethliakon, 1910. 

Beck (Jean B.) La musique des troubadours. [Les musioiens 

cilebres]. sS". [1910 ?] 

Beckei (Ferdinand). Die Darstellung Jesu Christi unter d. 

Bilde d. Fisches auf d. Monumenten d. Kirche d. Kata- 

komben. [P1251]. 8°. Breslau. 1866 

Becker (George Ferdinand), see Claekb (F. W.) & G. F. B. 

Constants of nature, p5, 3rd ed., rev. & enl., 1910. 

Becker (Wilhelm). I. Tremellius. Ein Proselytenleben im 

Zeitalter d. Reformation. [Inst. Judaioum in Berlin, 

Schriften, 8. P1267]. 2^ A. 8". L. 1890 

Beckford (William), of Fonthill Abbey, see Melville (L.) ps. 

Life & letters of W. B., 1910. 
Beddard (Arthur Philip), J. S. Edkins, etc. Practical physi- 
ology. Ed. M. S. Pembrey ; contributors A. P. B., J. S. E., 
M. Flack, L. HiU, J. J. R. Macleod, M. S. P. 3rd ed. 8». 1910 
Beddoe (John). Memories of 80 years. 8°. Bristol. 1910 

see Isidore, bp. oj Seville, St. Gesoh. d. Goten, Van- 
dalen, Sueven, nebst Ausziigen aus d. Kirchengesch. d. B. ; 
libers, v. D. Coste, 3<= A., 1887. 
„ Lemaire (N. E.) Poetae Lat. minores, vl, 1824. 
Beer (Bernhard). Lebensgemalde bibl. Personen nach Auf- 
fassung d. jiid. Sage. [Tl], Leben Abraham's, [mit Anmer- 
kungen etc. no more publ. Inst. z. Forderung d. Israel. 
Lit., Schriften, Jhrg. 4. P1253]. 8°. L. 1859 

Beer (Eduard Friedrich Ferdinand). Insoriptiones vet. ad 
Montem Sinai servatae, quas Pocock, Niebuhr, etc., descr. 
Explic. E. F. F. B. fasc. 1, Inscr. centuria litteris hebraicis 
transcripta. [no more publ. With Und tp. : Studia Asiatica, 
fasc. 3]. 4°. L. 1840 

Beer (George Louis). The origins of the Brit, colonial system, 
1578-1660. 8». N.Y. 1908 

Beethoven (Ludwig van). Briefe u. Aufzeichuungen. Hrsg. 
u. erlautert v. F. PreUnger. B5, Nachtrage, Erlauteruugen. 

8°. Wien. 1911 
see ILiLisoHEB (A. C.) B. u. Wien, 1910 ? 

„ B.'s Frauenkreis, T2, 1910. 

Beets (Nicolaas) [ps. Hildebband]. Camera obscura. 24=^ 

druk. 88°. Haarlem. 1907 

Beghie (Harold). The gateway. s8». 1909 

The vigil. s8<=. 1907 

B6gon (lilichel). Un curieux du 17^ s. : M. B., intendant de 

la RooheUe. Corr. et docs. in6d., rec, publ. et annotes par 

G. Duplessis. sS". 1874 

Beheim (Michael), see Gille (Hans). Die hist. u. polit. 

Gedichte M. B.'s, 1910. 

Behrmann (Walter). Zur Kritik d. flachentreuen Projektionen 

d. ganzen Erde u. e. Halbkugel, see Koniql. Akad. d. Wiss. 

ztr MtJNOHEN. Math.-phys. Classe. Sitzungsber., 1909, 1910. 

Beitrage zur alten Gesch. Hrsg. v. C. F. Lehmann-Haupt u. 

E. Kornemann. B9. laS". L. 1909 

Beitrage z. Gesch. der Philosophie des Mittelalters. Texte u. 

Untersuch. hrsg. v. C. Baumker, G., Frhr. v. Hertling, u. 

M. Baumgartner. 

B8 iii, V, vi, vii; [in prog.]. 8°. Munster. 1910 

see Endbes (J. A.) Petrus Damiani u. d. weltl. Wissen- 

schaft, 1910. [8 iii.] 

„ Gbaf (G.) Die Phil. u. Gotteslehre d. Jahja ibn 'Adl u. 

spaterer Autoren, 1910. [8 vii.] 

„ Reisers (J.) Der Nominalismus in d. Fruhscholastik, 

1910. [8 v.] 

„ Wenok (J.) Le " De ignota Utt." ; texte in6d. & 6t. 

par E. Vansteenberghe, 1910. [8 vi.] 

Beitrage zur Kultur- u. Universalgesch. Hrsg. v. K. Lam- 

precht. Hft. 11-14; [in prog.]. 8°. L. 1910-1 

see Fbitzsohe (C.) Die Darstellung d. Individuums in d. 

" Origines de la France oontemp." v. Taine, 1910. [13.] 

„ Hbllee (G.) Die Weltanschauung A. v. Humboldts in i. 

Beziehungen zu d. Ideen d. Klassizismus, 1910. [12.] 

„ Rein (A.) Die Teilnahme Sardiniens am Krimkrieg u. 

d. offentl. Meinung in ItaUen, 1910. [11.] 

„ Weber (F.) Beitr. z. Charakteristik d. alteren Geschichts- 

schreiber ii. Spanisch-Amerika, 1911. [14] 

On everything. 
On something. 
Pongo & the bull. 

s8''. 1909 

s8". [1910] 

s8o. 1910 

8°. [1910] 

s8o. 1911 

B6jart (Madeleine), see Chaedon (E. H.) Nouv. docs, sur la 
vie de Moliere, tl, M. de Modene, ses deux femmes, et M. B., 

Beke (Charles Tilstone). Enquiry into A. d'Abbadie's journey 
to KafEa. [P1240]. 8°. 1850 

B6kefl (Remig). A Kaptalani iskolak tortdnete Magyarorszagon 
1540-ig. [M. Tud. A.]. 8°. 1910 

Bekker (1. J. de), see De Bekkeb (L. J.) 

Belcalzer (Vivaldo), see Cian (V.) V. B. e rencioloped. ital. 
d. orig., 1902. 

Belfour (A. 0.), see Homilies. Twelfth cent. h. in MS. 
Bodley 343 ; ed. A. 0. B., pi, 1909. 

Bell (Miss Gertrude L.), see Bbbohem (M. van). Amida ; 
mit e. Beitr. : " The churches & monasteries of the Tur 
Abdin," v. G. L. B., 1910. 

Bell (Harold Idris), see British Mtjsbttm : Papybi. Greek 
p. in B. M. : cat. w. texts, v4, ed. H. I. B., 1910. 

Belleisle (Lemoigne de), intendant des finances du due d' Orleans. 
Le carnet de d^penses d'un Parisien en 1758 ; publ. par A.D., 
see SooiiiTi] DE l'Hist. de Paris, etc. M6ms., t8, 1882. 

BeI161i (Lazare). Interpretations erron^es & faux monuments. 
(2e article). [no tp. P1298]. 8°. [1909] 

Bellini (Vincenzo), antiquary. Dell' antica Lira ferrarese di 
Marchesini, dissert. 4°. Ferrara. 1754 

Belloc (Hilaiie). 
Marie Antoinette. 8°. [1909] 
The old road, [i.e. /. Win- 
chester to Canterbury]. 

8°. 1910 
On anything. sS". 1910 

& C. Chesterton. The party system, 

Bellot (Andr6). Carte de I'lle de D^los, avec oomm. explic, 
see EooLBS Fbanq. d'AthJ}NES, Explor. arch, de D^los, 
fasc. 1, 1909. 

Bellucci (Ada). Nozze BeUucci Ragnotti. [Alia scrittrice A. B. 
nel giorno che va sposa al dr. 6. Ragnotti. Cont. Lanzi 
(M.) Monita salvtis — Ansidei (V.) Notizie sul ritratto di 
A. Mariotti — Degh Azzi ViteUeschi (G.) II giorno nuziale 
nelle leggi perugine nel sec. 16 — Dondolelli (C.) Camilla 
d'amore — Fumi (L.) La moda del vestire in Lucca dal 
sec. 14 al 19. P1278]. 8°. Perugia. 1902 

Bellucci (Giuseppe). Amuleti italiani, ant. e contemp. Cata- 

logo descr. [P1284]. 8". Perugia. 1900 

Folk-lore umbro. Pegno del Manzamento. [Nozze Symonds- 

Vaughan. P1278]. 8°. [Perugia. 1898] 

Leggende tifernati. [P1284]. 8°. Perugia. 1900 

Tradizioni popolari ital. [vl-3]. 88°. Perugia. 1903-8 

[1], La grandine nell' Umbria. [2], II feticismo primitive in Italia. 
[3], Un capitolo di psicologia pop. — Gli amuleti. 

Beloe (William). *The sexagenarian ; recoils, of a lit. life. 

2v. 2nd ed. 8°. 1818 
Beltramelli (Antonio). Gli uomini rossi. [II Carnevale delle 

democrazie]. n. ed. sS". Milano. 1910 

B^mont (Charles). De Johanne AngUse rege Lutetis Pari- 

siorum anno 1202 condemnato. Thesim proponebat C. B. 
[P1235]. 8" Lutetise. Parisiorum. 1884 
Benares, see Central Hindu College, B. 
Ben Asher (Aaron), see Aabon, Ben Asher. 
Benavente (Jacinto). El Principe que todo lo apreudio en los 

Mbros. Cuento en prosa. s8o. 1910 

Teatro. tl9. 88"! 1910 

Benci (Bartolommeo). "^Nota dell' armeggeria fatta B. B. alia 

Marietta degU Strozzi, il 14 di febb. 1464, in Fireuze. [Ed. 

A. Gherardi. Al Prof. C. Paoli il giorno delle sue nozze. 

„ P1277]. go. Firenze. 1876 

Benci (Gmevra de'), see Ridolfi (E.) G. Tornabuoni e 6. 

de' B. nel Coro di S. Maria Novella in Firenze, 1890. 
Benedek (Feldzeugmeister Lndwig v.) Nachgelasaene Papiere. 

Hrsg. u. zu e. Biog. verarbt. v. H. Friedjung. 3^, durch e. 

2^" Anhang verm. A. 8". Dresden. 1904 

Benedetti (Giacopone de'), da Todi, see Jaooponb, da Todi. 
Benedetto (Luigi Foscolo). II " Roman de la rose " e la lettera- 

tura ital. [Zeitschrift f. romau. Philologie, Beih., 21]. 
„ _,. ^ „ „ 8". HaUea. S. 1910 

Benedict, St., abbot of Monte Cassino, see TosTi (L.) Delia 

vita d. S. Benedetto, 1892. 
Benedictional (The) of St. .<3Ethelwold ; reprod. in facs., & ed. 

G. F. Warner & H. A. Wilson, 1910, see Ethelwold, St., 

bp. of Winchester. 




B6n6dite (Georges). 

For the following see Aoad. d. Insoe., etc. ; Fonb. Piot. 
Mons., etc. 

Faucon ou ipervier, Louvre, 1909. [17.] 

Un guerrier libyen ; flgurine 6gypt. en bronze incrust^ d'argent, louvre, 
1002. [9.] 

Une nouv. palette en schlate, 1903. [10.] 

A propos d'un buste 6gypt. [o/ AJchnaton, k. qf Egypt], Louvre, 1906. [13.] 
La statuette de la dame To\il, Louvre, 1895. [2.] 

La stMe dite du Roi Serpent, Louvre, 1906. [12.] 

Sur un itni de tablette trouvS h Thfebes, Louvre, 1900. [7.] 

B6u6dite (L6once), conservateur au Musie du Luxembourg. 

Great painters of 19o. & their paintings. 4°. 1910 

Benefices (The) Bill ; text, w. notes, repr., 1896, see Barlow 

(C. A. M.) 
Bengal. *The mutiny of the Bengal Army ; by one who has 

served under Sir C. Napier, 1857-8, see Mallbson (G. B.) 
Benn (Alfred William). Revaluations : historical & ideal. 

s8o. 1909 

Bennett (Enoch Arnold). Buried alive. A tale. s8°. 1908 

The glimpse : an adventure of the soul. s8°. 1909 

Helen w. the high hand. 380. 1910 

Bennett (Frederick), M.A. The story of W. J. E. Bennett 

& of h. part in the Oxford Church Movement of 19th cent. 

8°. 1909 
Bennett (Sir James Risdon), M.D. The diseases of the Bible. 

3rd ed. sS". 1896 

Bennett (Wm. James Early), see Bennbtt (F.) Story of W. 

J. B. B. & of h. part in the Oxford Church Movement, 1909. 

Bennigsen (Rudolf von), see Kiepbbt (A.) R. v. B., 2« A., 

Benoist (Charles). Le Machiav61isme. pi, Avant Maehiavel. 

s8°. 1907 

Benoit (Camille). La Resurrection de Lazare, par Gerard de 

Harlem, see Acad, dbs Inscr., etc. : Fond. Piot. Moa^., 

etc., t9, 1902. 

Le tableau de I'invention de la vraie oroix & I'^cole fran9. 

du Nord, ISf^ si^cle, see Aoad. des Inscr., etc. ; Fond. 

Piot. Mon^., etc., tlO, 1903. 

Benot (Eduardo). Arte de hablar. Gramatica filos6fica de 

la lengua casteUana. 8". 1910 

Bensley (E. R.), see Lopes (J. M.) & E. R. B. Nuevo dice. 

ingles-espan. y espan.-ingl6s, 7* ed., 2p, 1905. 
Bensly (Robert Lubbock). Missing fragment of Lat. tr. of 

4th Bk. of Ezra, ed., &c. B., 1875, see Ezra. 
Benson (Edward F.) The Osbornes. sS". 1910 

Benson (Eugene). Gaspara Stampa. With a sel. f. her sonnets 
tr. by G. Fleming [i.e. Juha Fletcher]. 38°. Boston. 1881 
Benson (Godfrey R.) Tracks in the snow. Ed. f. MS. of 
Rev. R. Driver by G. R. B. [Naod, by 0. S. B.]. s8". 1906 
Benson (Robert Hugh). A winnowing. s8o. 1910 

Bensusan (Samuel Levy). Home life in Spain. 8°. [1910] 

Bentwich (Norman De Mattos). Philo-Judseus of Alexandria. 

s8o. Philadelphia. 1910 

Benziuger (J.) Hebra. Archaologie. [Grundriss d. theolog. 

Wiss., Reihe 2, Bl]. 8°. Freiburg i. B. 1894 

Beowulf. B. & the Finnsburg fragment. Tr. into prose by 

J. R. C. Hall. [2nd, rev. ed.]. 8°. 1911 

B. Ed., w. intr., bibliog., notes, glossary & apps. by W. J. 

Sedgefield. [M'ter : Univ. of. Pubis., Eng. ser., 2]. 

8°. M'ter. 1910 

B. Mit ausfiihrl. Glossar hrsg. v. M. Heyne. 9^ A., bearb. 

V. L. L. Schiicking. [Bibl. d. alt. deut. Lit.-Denkmaler, 

B3, Angelsaohs. Denkmaler, Tl]. 8". Paderborn. 1910 

B., nebst d. kleineren Denkmalern d. Heldeusage. Mit 

Einltg., Glossar, etc., hrsg. v. F. Holthausen. [Alt- u. 

mittelengl. Texte, hrsg. v. L. Morsbaoh u. F. Holthausen, 

3 i, ii]. 2T. 2. verbesserte A. sS". Heidelberg. 1808-9 

see Panzer (F.) Studien z. germau. Sagengesch., Bl, B., 1910. 

Berakhoth, see Mishnah. 

Beranger (Gabriel), see Wilde {Sir W. R. W.) Memoir of 
G. B., & his labours in the cause of Irish art & antiq^., 
1760-80, 1880. 
Berard (Victor). Revolutions de la Perse, les provinces, les 
peuples, etc. s8o. 1910 

Berchem (Max van). Amida. Mat^riaux pour I'epigraphie 
& I'hist. musulmanes du Diyar-Bekr, par M. v. B. — Beitr. 
zur Kunstgesoh. d. M.-A. v. Nordmesopotamien, Hellas u. 
d. Abendlande, v. J. Strzygowski. Mit e. Beitr. : " The 
churches & monasteries of the Tur Abdin," v. G. L. Bell. 

4°. Heidelberg. 1910 

Berg (Ruben G. : son). G. Froding. [Svenskar]. sS". [1910] 

see SoDERMAN (S.) & R. G. :son B. V. v. Heidenstam — 0. 

Levertin, 1910. 

Bergasse (Nicolas). Un d^fenseur des principes traditionnels 

sous la Revolution. N. B., 1750-1832. [Letters, extrK /. 

worhs, etc.']. Intr. par E. Lamy. 8°. 1910 

Bergson (Henri). L'lvolution creatrice. 6^ ed. 8". 1910 

H. B. : ehoix de texte avec etude du systdme phil. ; 

par R. Gillouin. [Les grands phil. franj. & etrang.]. 

sS". n.d. 
Matter & memory. Tr. N. M. Paul & W. Scott Palmer. 

8°. 1911 
Time & free wiU. Auth. tr. F. L. Pogson. S". 1910 

Berkeley (Hastings). Mysticism in mod. mathematics. 

8°. 0. 1910 

Berkshire. *Untravelled B. By L. S. s8o. 1909 

Berleux (Jean) ps. Fils d'empereur : le petit prince [i.e. 

Napoleon, prince imperial, son of Napoleon III]. sS". n.d. 

Berliere (Ursmer), O.S.B. Un ami de Petrarque: Louis 

Sanotus de Beeriugen. [Institut Hist. Beige de Rome]. 

80. Rome. 1905 
see KdNiaLioHE Feiedrioh-Wilhelms Univ. 
„ VoGB (W.) Die deut. Bildwerke etc. ; bearbt. v. W. V., 

[Konigl. Museen zu B.], 1910. 
„ Wtjlbf (0.) Altchristl. u. mittelalterl. byzantin. u. ital. 
Bildwerke; bearbt. v. 0. W., Tl, [Konigl. Museen zuB.], 
Bernaldus, presbyter of Constance [Bbenold, v. St. Blasien]. 
Ohronik ; fibers, v. E. Winkelmann, 2^ A., neu bearbt. v. 
W. Wattenbach, see Gesohiohtschreibee (Die) d. deut. 
Vorzeit, 2eGesammtausg., B48, 1893. 
Bernard, Saint, abbot of Clairvaux. Opera omnia. Ace. 
Flores operum Bernardi, [by GuiUaume of St.-Martin de 
Tournai]. [Gilleberti abbatis de Hoilandia sermones super 
Cautica canticorum, ab eo loco, quo Bernardus finierat. 
De vita Bernardi Ubri 5, oonscr. Gulielmus abbas S. Theo- 
doriti, Bernardus BonsevaUis abbas, Godefridus ClarsevalUs 
monachus. Dedication signed P. BeUerus]. 

fol. Antverpise. 1576 

see MoNACi (E.) Studj di filol. rom., v7, [*La contemplacio 

de la passio de Nostre Senhor : testo catalano- 

provenzale ; tr. of work of St. B. ? ; ed. C. Salvioni], 


Bernard, monh of Gluny, see Bernardus, Morlanensis. 

Bernard, de Ventadour [Bernard, v. Yentadorn], see Dblitjs 

(N.) Ungedruckte provenzal. Lieder v. P. Vidal, B., etc., 


Bernardus, Morlanensis [Bernard, monk of Gluny]. The 

source of " Jerusalem the golden " [De contemptu mundi], 

w. o. pieces attrib. to B. Tr. H. Preble ; intr., notes, & 

bibUog., by S. M. Jackson. 8°. Chicago. 1910 

Bernays (JUarie). Auslese u. Anpassung d. Arbeiterschaft d. 

geschlossenen Grossindustrie. [Verein f. Sooialpolitik, 133i]. 

8°. L. 1910 
Berne : Stadtbibliothbk. Docs, parisiens de la bibl. de Berne ; 
publ. L. DeUsle, see SooitTfi db l'Hist. de Paris, etc. 
Mems., t23, 1896. 
Berner (Ernst). Quellen und Untersuchungeu zur Gesch. des 
Hauses Hohenzollern. Hrsg. v. E. B. 9B. [Each vol. has 
a !2nd tp.] 8°. 1901-8 

1, Aus d. Brielweohsel Kdn. Jffrledriohs I v. Preussen u. b. Familie ; hrsg. 

V, E. Berner, 1901. 

2, Eine Schwester d. grossen Kurfursten : Luise Charlotte, Markgrafln v. 

Brandenburg, etc., 1617-76; v. A. Seraphim, 1901. 

3, Der Uegierunga-Anfang d. Prinz-Regenten v. Preussen u. s. (remahlin ; 

von 1. Berner, 1902. 

4, Prinz Heinrioh v. Preussen als Politiker ; v. E. Krauel, 1902. 

6, Konrad v. Burgsdorff : ein brandenburg. Kriegs- u. Staatsmann ; v. K. 
Spannagel, 1903. 

6, Sans-Souci zur Zeit Friedrichs d. Grossen u. heute ; v. P. Hookendorf, 


7, Die Erinnerungen d. Prinzeasin Wllhelmine v. Oranien, 1761-67 ; [hrsg.] 

V. G. B. Volz, 1903. 
8 Briefwechsel zw. Heinrich Prinz v. Preusaen u. Katharina II v. Euaa- 

land ; [hrsg.] v. R. Krauel, 1903. 
9, Aus d. Zeit d. Siebenjahr. Krieges ,■ v. E. Berner u. G. B. Volz, 1908. 

Bernhard (Ludwig). Das poln. Gemeinwesen im preuss. 

Staat : Die Polenfrage. 2«, bearbte. A. S". L. 1910 

Bernhardi (Friedrich A. J. v.) Cavalry in war & peace. Tr. 

G. T. M. Bridges. With pref. by Sir J. D. P. French. 

S". 1910 




Berni (Guernieri) [Gtjbrbiero (Ser), da Gvhbio]. Cronaca, 

1350-1472 ; a cura di G. Mazzatinti ; [w.] App., Estr. dai 

Gesta Egubinorum ad a. 1300 scr. a GrefiEolino Valeriani — 

Cronica d' Ugubbio di fra Girolamo Maria da Venezia, al 

1539 — Cronaca di Gubbio scr. da un canonico Don Francesco, 

— 1419-1579, see Muratoei (L. A.) Rer. Ital. scr., t21 iv, 

Bernini (Giovanni Lorenzo) [tBEBumo (G. L.)], see Mieot (L.) 

Le Beruin en France : les travaux du Louvre et les statues 

de Louis XIV, 1904. 
Bernold, v. St. Blasien, see Bernaldus, Presbyter o/ Constance. 
Bernstein (Ed.) Evolutionary socialism. (Die Voraussetz- 

ungen d. Sozialismus etc.). Tr. E. C. Harvey. [Socialist 

Ubrary, vu]. sS". 1909 

Der Streik, s. Wesen u. s. Wirken. [Die Gesellschaft ; 

hrsg. M. Buber, B4]. s%°. [1906] 

Bernstein (Henry). Samson. Piece. s8". 1910 

Bernstorfl (Andreas, Qraf v.) Die evangel. Bewegung in 

Spanien. Beisebericht. [P1257]. S". 1870 

Bernward, Saint, bp. of HUdesheim, see Thangmartts. Die 

Lebensbescbr. d. Biscbofe B. [by T.] u. Godehard ; iibers. 

V. H. Hiiffer, 2'= A., 1892. 
Berry (Caroline F. L., dsse. de) [Marie Caroline de Bouebon, 

dsse. de Berry}, see Bbaenb {Mrs. C.) Four fascinating 

Frenchwomen : M. C. de Bourbon, dsse. de Berry, etc., 

Berry (Henry FitzPatrick), see DtrBLiN. Register of wills & 

inventories of the diocese of D., 1457-83 ; ed., w. tr., etc., 

by H. F. B., 1898. 
Berry (Miss Mary), see Russell (R. R., Lady). Some ace. of 

life of Lady R. [by Miss M. B.], etc., 1819. 
Bersaucourt (Albert de). R. Bazin. [Les c616brit^s d'au- 

jourd'bui]. s8o. [1910] 

Bertana (Emilio). U Parini tra i poeti giocosi d. setteoento, 

see GiOENALB Stoe. d. Lett. Ital., Suppl., 1, 1898. 
II teatro trag. ital. del sec. 18 prima deU' Alfieri, see Gioenalb 

Stob. d. Lett. Ital., Suppl., 4, 1901. 
Bertaut (Jules). La jeunefiUedanslalitt. frang. s8°. [1910?] 
Bertaux (Emile). L'email de St. -Nicolas de Bari, see Acad. 

DES Insce., etc. : Fond. Piot. Mon=., etc., t6, 1899. 
Berthaut (gen. Jean Augnste). Principes de strat^gie. 

Etude sur la conduite des armees. Texte. 8°. 1881 

Atlas, fol. 1881 

Berthelot (Marcelin P. E.) Sur les metaux 6gypt. : etui metaU. 

etc., see Acad. des. Inscr., etc. : Fond. Piot. Mons. etc., 

t7, 1900. 
Bertheroy (Jean) ps. Les deux puissances. sS". n.d. 

Les vierges de Syracuse. 18^ ed. 38°. 1902 

Bertbold, v. Eegensburg. 
see Kaisbel. Akad. d. Wiss. zu Wien. Sitzungsber., B142, 
147, 151-5, Schonbach (A. E.) Studien z. Gesch. d. 
altdeut. Predigt, 2-8, [B. v. R.], 1900-1907. 

„ Sankt Geobgbn, abbey. Black Forest. Der sogenannte 
St. Georgener Prediger : [medicevaZ coll. of sermons, pro- 
bably wholly or in part by B.} ; hrsg. v. K. Rieder, 1908. 
Berthold, v. Reichenau, see Bebtholdtjs, Augiensis. 
Berthold, ahbot of Zmefalt, see Gtjblph, The family of. Eine 

alte Genealogie, u. d. Monchs v. Weingarten Gesch. d. 

Welfen, mit e. Anhang aus B. ; iibers. v. G. Grandaur, 

Bertholdus, Augiensis [Bertholdfs, Constantiensis presbyter ; 

Berthold,!;. Beichenau]. Fortsetzung d. Chronik Hermanns 

V. Reichenau ; \w. Leben Herimanns] ; iibers. v. G. 

Grandaur, see Gbschichtsohreiber (Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 

2e Gesammtausg., B47, 1893. 
Bertholdus, Constantiensis presbyter, see Bertholdus, Augi- 
Berti(Tito). Paludi pontine. 8". Roma. 1884 

Bertin (Georges Eugene). Notice sur I'hotel de La VrilUere 

et de Toulouse, occup6 dep. 1810 par la Banque de France, 

see Soci:6tb de l'Hist. de Paris, etc. M^ms., t28, 

Bertolinus, Sohn d. Bonif alius, see Bonieacius (B.) 
Berton (Henry). Henri de R^gnier. Le poete & le romancier. 

s8o. 1901 
Bertoni (Giulio). Rime provenzali ined. ; [ed. G. B. ; dk 

Proposte di correzioni etc., by C. de Lollis], see Monaoi (E.) 

Stud] di filol. rom., v8, 9, 1901-3. 
Bertiand (Adrien). E. Brieux. [Les c61ebrit6s d'aujourd'hui]. 

s8o. 1910 

Bertrand (Alphonse). Les origines de la 3^ R6publique, 

1871-6 : L'Assembl^e nationale — La r^organis. de la France 

—Les lois constit. 8°. 1911 

Bertrand (Louis). Le mirage oriental. sS". 1910 

Beruete y Moret (Aureliano de), the younger. Vald6s Leal. 

8°. 1911 
Berwald (Ludwig). Vereinfachte Herleitung unharmon. trigo- 

nometr. Reihen, see Konigl. Akad. d. Wiss. zir Mtjnohen. 

Math.-phys. Classe. Sitzungsber. 1909, 1910. 
B6rys (Jos6 de), see Caillaed (C. F.) & J. de B. Le cas 

Debussy, 1910 ? 
Besalii (R. Vidal de), see Vidal de Besal* (R.) 
Besant (Mrs. Annie). The changing world, & lect=. to theosoph. 

students. s8°. 1909 

Besant (-Sir Walter). Cat. of the lib. of Sir W. B., sold by 

Sotheby, 24th March, 1902, etc. [P1233]. S°. [1902] 

Besnier (Maurice). Buste de Cesar, coU. du cte. G. Stroganoff, 

see Acad, des Insce., etc. : Fond. Piot. Mon^., etc., t6, 

Besse (Pierre). La crise et revolution de I'agric. en Angleterre, 

de 1875 a nos jours. Essai d'hist. econ. 8°. 1910 

Besser (Johaun v.), see Vabnhagen v. Ense (C. A. L. P.) 

Biogr. Denkmale, T4, J. v. B., etc., 1872. 
Best (R. H.), W. J. Davis & C. Perks. Brass workers of Berlin 

& of Birmingham. A comparison : joint rep. of B., D. & P. 

5th ed. [P1285]. 8°. 1910 
Bestimmungen aus d. Geschaftsbereich d. K. Preuss. Arohiv- 

verwaltung, see Koniglich-Prettss. Aechivveewalttjng, 

Mitt., HIO, 1908. 
Bestnjev (Alexandr Alexandrovich) [Bestuzhbv], see Mae- 

LINSKY (A.) ps. 

Betham-Edwards (Miss Matilda B.) French vignettes. A 

series of dramatic episodes, 1787-1871. 8". 1909 

Betrachtungen iiber d. grossen Operationen u. Schlachten d. 

Feldziige v. 1813 u. 1814 ; von C. v. W. [i.e. F. C. F. v. 

Muffling], 1825, see Muefling (F. C. F., Frhr. v.) 

Betts (Arthur). A glossary of ancient words, mostly in conn. 

w. fines & mulcts, [pi, A. No more publ.]. s4<'. [1907] 

Betussi (Criuseppe). II Raverta : dialogo nel quale si ragiona 

d'amore. Con la vita dell' autore scritta da G. Veroi. [Ed. 

C. TeoU]. sS°. Milano. 1864 

Bevan (James Oliver). Egypt & the Egyptians : hist., antiq., 

language, religion, & influence over Palestine etc. With 

pref. by Sir G. H. Darwin. sS". 1909 

Bevir (Edward L.) Bible or Babylon ? 

[P1242]. s8». Crowthorne, Berks. 1903. 

Bevls, Sir, of Southampton [Bovo, d'Antona], see *Rbali (I) 

di Francia; vl, seguite dal cantare di Bovo d' Antona, 


Bevolkerung (Die) d. Erde ; hrsg. v. A. Supan, etc., 1909, 

see Pbteemanns Mitt. Ergnzb. 35, 1910. 
Bewley (Sir Edmund Thomas). Some notes on the Lowthers 
who held judicial office in Ireland in 17th cent. Repr. f. 
Cumberland & Westm. Antiq. & Arch. Soc.'s Trans., v2, n.s. 

[P1237]. 8». Kendal. 1902 
Beyle (Marie Henri). The Chartreuse of Parma. Tr., w. 
crit. intr. by M. Hewlett. 8". 1904 

see MfiLiA (J.) Les id^es de Stendhal, 2^ ed., 1910. 
Bezanis (Albertus de), see Albbetus, de Bezanis. 
Bezold (Carl). Die babylon.-assyr. Keilinschriften u. i. 
Bedeutung fiir d. Alte Test. Ein assyriolog. Beitrag z. Babel- 
Bibel-Frage. [P1266]. 80. Tubingen. 1904 

see Blecher (G.) De extispioio capita 3 ; ace. de Babyloni- 
orum extispicio C. B. suppl., 1905. 
Bhagavan Das, see Das (B.) 
Biadene (Leandro). 
see *CoNTEASTO della rosa e della viola ; [ed. L. B.], 1899. 
„ MoNAci (E.) Studj di filol. rom., vl, [*La passione e 
risurrezione, poemetto d. sec. 13 ; ed. L. B.], 1885. 

.. Studj di filol. rom., v4, Morfologia del sonetto nei 

sec. 13 e 14 ; by L. B.], 1889. 

=> Studj di filol. rom., v8, [Tre miracoli del Vangelo 

provenzale dell' " Infanzia " (infanzia di Gesu) : w. 
extr. f. text ; by L. B.], 1901. 
„ Riva(B. da). Carmina de mensibus ; [ed. i. £.], 1901-3. 
„ Vidal db Besalij (R.) Las rasos de trobar e Lo donatz 
proensals ; [ed., w. intr., by L. B.], 1885-7. 
Biagi (Guido). Gli ultimi giorni di P. B. Shelley, con nuovi 
doc- s8o. Firenze. 1892 

Bibbiena (cardinale B. Divlzio da), see Divizio {card. B.) 





Complete Texts, Gen. Comms., etc. 

Epistole et Evangelii et Leotioni volgari in lingua tosoana. 

The woodcuts of the Florentine ed. of July 1495 reprod. 

in facs., w. the text ; w. tables & intr. by A. W. Pollard. 

[Roxburghe Club]. 40. p.j5_ 1910 

International Critical Commentary. Ed. S. R. Driver, A. 

Plummer, & C. A. Briggs. 8°. E. 1910 

Chronicles ; E. L. Curtis & A. A. Madsen, 1910. Genesis ; J. Skinner. 
Meyer (H. A. W.) Krit. exeget. Kommeutar iiber d. Neue 

Test, begriindet v. M., for a 9th ed. of Abttg. 5, see Weiss 

(J.) Der erste Korintherbrief, 1910. 


see Abmstronq (G.) Names 

& places in O.T. & 

Apoc, 1887. 
„ Bennett (Sir J. R.) 

The diseases of the B., 

3rd ed., 1896. 
„ Bbvir (E. L.) B. or 

Babylon t 1903. 
„ BoHMEB, (J.) Babel- 

Bibel-Katechismus in 

5000 Fragen u. Ant- 

worten fiir Bibel- 

freuude, 1903. 
„ British MtrsBUM : MSS. 

B. M. Karaite MSS. : 

descrs. etc. of six K. 

MSS. of portions of the 

Hebrew B. in Arabic 

characters, etc. ; by R. 

Horning, 1889. 
„ Erbach-Ftjestbnatt (A., 

Graf ztr). Die Manfred- 

bibel, 1910. 
„ FtJEST (J.) Gesoh. d. 

bibl. Lit., 2B, 1867-70. 
„ Gibsbbb,eoht(F.) Friede 

fur Babel u. B., 1903. 
„ Gkillbt (C.) La B. 

dans V. Hugo, 1910. 
„ Gbimmb (H.) " Unbe- 

wiesenes " : Bemer- 

kungen zu F. DeHtzsch, 

Babel u. B. I-II, 1903. 
„ Haii (W.) Reasons for 

a new version of the B., 

„ Jbeemias (A.) Im 

Kampfe um Babel u. 

B., 1903. 

Kbnt (C. F.) Kings & 
prophets of Israel & 
Judah, 1909. 

Kittel (R.) Der Babel- 
Bibel-Streit u. d. Offen- 
barungsfrage, 1903. 

K6nig(E.) B. u. Babel, 
46 A., 1902. 

Lbhmann (C. F.) Baby- 
loniens Kulturmissiou, 
Babel Bibel Streit, 


{Mrs. A. S.) 
Climaci Re- 
soriptus : fragments of 
6th cent. Palestinian 
Syriao texts of the 
Gospels, of the Acta of 
the Apostles & of St. 
Paul's Epistles ; also 
fragments of an early 
Palestinian lectionary of 
the Old Test., etc. ; 
transcribed & ed. by 

A. S. L., [Horae Semi- 
ticae, 8], 1909. 

Sheaein (H. G.) The 

that-olause in Auth. 

vers., 1910. 
VoiCK{W.) ZumKampf 

um B. u. Babel, 1903. 
Wbh (G.) Bibl. Legen- 

den d. Muselmanner, 

Wbstcott (B. F.) The 

B. in the Ch. : coll. 
& reception of the 
Scriptures, repr., 1905. 

ZiMMBBN (H.) Keilin- 
schriften u. B., 1903. 


see Raokham (R. B.) Acts of the Apostles, 4th ed., 1909. 
„ Ramsay {Sir W. M.) Pictures of the Apostolic Church, 
its life & teaching, 1910. 

Anglo-Saxon & Gothic. 
Streitberg(W.) Die gotische Bibel. Hrsg. v. W. S. [German. 
Bibl., Abtlg. 2, B3ii]. T2, Got.-grieoh.-deut. Worterbuch. 

88". Heidelberg. 1910 

The Apocryphal N.T, 
see HuGHBS (H. M.) 
„ Rosenthal (F.) 

Tr. [& ed. by W. Hone]. 8". n.d. 

The ethics of Jewish A. ht., n.d. 

Vier apokryph. Btioher aua d. Zeit u. 
Schule R. Akiba's : Assumptio Mosis — Das 4* Buch 
Esra — Die Apokalypse Baruch — Das Buch Tobi, 1885. 


see Pebttschbn (E.) VoUstandiges grieoh.-deut. Hdwbch. 
zu d. Schriften d. N.T. etc., 1910. 

Coptic & Aeabic. 
see Sohlbibbe (J.) Sahid. Bibel-Fragmente aus d. Brit. 
Museum, 1909. 


see Wbiss (J.) Der erste Korintherbrief, neu bearbt. v. 
W., 1910. 

Bible [continued]. 

J. Leusden's tr. of the Syriao verses of D. & Ezra into Bibl. 

Hebrew, w. text in Eng. Publ. orig. in 1685. Rev. & ed. 

J. S. Davidson. [P1268]. 8°. 1900 

see Joel (M.) Notizen z. Buohe D., 1873. 

„ VoLCK (W.) Vindioise D., 1866. 


see Nanillb (E.) Discov. of the Book of the Law under 
King Josiah ; tr. M. L. McClure, etc., 1911. 


40. London. 1887 


see BiDDBB (R.) tJber Koheleths Stellung z. Unsterblich- 

keitsglauben, 1875. 
„ DiLLMANN (C. F. A.) tTber d. griech. tJbers. d. Qohe- 

leth, 1892. 
„ Kohlbe (A.) Uber d. Gruudansohauungen d. Buohes 

Koheleth, 1885. 
„ Palm (A.) Die Qohelet-Litt., 1886. 
„ SoHiEFBE (S.) Das Buch Kohelet, Tl, n.d. 
„ WiNZBE (J. F.) *Comm. de loco Koheleth xi, 9-xii, 7, 



see Wbstcott (B. F.) St. P.'s Epistle to the E. : the Greek 
text, w. notes, etc., [cfe w. the Latin Vvlgate version, & 
the Eng. versions of Wiclif dh Tyndale}, 1906. 


Das Buch E. ; mit tJbers. nach D. Salomon ; hrsg. v. J. 
Heinemann. [Eeh. & Germ. P1262]. 80.1838 

see Yeates (T.) Collation of Indian copy of Hebrew Penta- 
teuch ; also collation of MS. roll of E., etc., 1812. 


see Rbdpath (H. A.) The Book of the Prophet E. ; w. 
intr. & notes by H. A. R., 1907. 


see Bible : Daniel. J. Leusden's tr. of the Syriao verses 
of Daniel & E. into Bibl. Hebrew, w. text in Eng., 
1685 ; rev. & ed. J. S. Davidson, 1900. 


see RoTTND (D.) The date of St. Paul's Epistle to the G., 

♦Defensive quadrilateral of the truth of G. [Ind. Letter 
signed Non Prseteribit. Half-t. only. P1258]. 

80. [Wrexham, c. 1854?] 

The first bk. of Moses called Genesis. Ed. by A. H. Sayce. 

[Temple Bible]. s8o. 1901 

see HuppELD (H. C. C. F.) Die Urschrift d. G. in i. wahren 

Gestalt, 1853. 
„ Kautzsch (E. F.) & A. SociN. Die Genesis mit ausaerer 
Unterscheidung d. Quellensohriften, fibers. K. & S., 
1888; 1891. 
,, KiECHHBiM (R.) Die neue Exegetenschule : Hirsch's 

tJbera. u. Erklarung d. 6., 1867. 
„ Pbtbbmann (J. H.) Versuch e. hebra. Formenlehre 
nach d. Aussprache d. heut. Samaritaner, nebst e. 
Transscription d. G., 1868. 
„ Smith (G.) Chaldaische G. ; tJbers. v. H. Delitzach, 


Die Bibel, [w. Apocrypha]. 
Luthers. [var. pagin.]. 

Nach d. deut. tJbers. M. 
Ia8''. Halle a. S. 1893 


Gospels ace. to S. Matthew & S. Mark. Ed. by the Dean 

of Ely. s8o. 1901 

The Palestinian Syriac lectionary of the G. Re-ed. f. two 

Sinai MSS. & i. P. de Lagarde's ed. of the " Evangel. 

Hierosolymitanum " by A. S. Lewis & M. D. Gibson. 

40. 1899 





Bible [continued]. 
Gospels [continued} 
see BiBKS (T. R.) Horse 
Evangelicae : or, the 
internal evidence of the 
Gospel hist., 1892. 
„ Bbiggs (C. a.) The 
Messiah of the G., 1894. 
„ Chapman (Z)oOT J.) Notes 
on early hist, of Vulgate 
G., 1908. 
„ DoBSCHiJTZ (E. V.) The 
eschatology of the G., 
„ Ephraim, St., Syrus. 
Evang. conoordantis. 
expositio ; in Lat. tr. 
a J. B. Auoher, ed. G. 
Moesinger, 1876. 
<, JoNBS (R.) TextuB 

sacr. Evang. versionis 
simplicis Syriacae col- 
latus a R. J., 1805. 

see Kells, Book of. Celtic 
ornaments f. the B. of 
K., [a Latin MS. of the 
G.l 1895. 


Das Judenthum u. d. 
christl. Verkundigung in 
d. Evangelien, 1884. 

„ Tolstoy (count L. N.) 
CEuvres compl., t21, 
Les quatre ivangiles, 
pi, [tr. J. W. Bien- 
stock], 1910. 

„ Wbede (D. W.) Das 
Messiasgeheimnis in d. 
Evangelien, 1901. 

„ WiJNSCHE (A.) Neue 
Beitrage z. Erlauterung 
d. Evangelien aus Tal- 
mud u. Midrasch, 1878. 

see Bible : 

Old Testament. 


For text in £?., see Bible : Daniel; Hosba; Job. 

see Aaron, Ben Asher. Die Dikduke ha-t^amim d. A., 

a. a. alte grammat.-massoreth. Lehrstiicke z. Fest- 

stellung e. riohtigen Textes d. hebra. Bibel ; hrsg. 

V. S. Bar u. H. L. Straok, 1879. 
„ Yeates (T.) CoUation of Indian copy of Hebrew 

Pentateuch, etc., 1812. 

Hebrews (Epistle to the). 
Epistle to the H. Tr., with notes. [With Greek text, dk 
King James's version. Amer. Bible Union. P1272]. 

4". N.Y. 1857 
see Wickham (E. C.) Epistle to the H., intr. & notes by 

W., 1910. 
H. et Joel prophetae, ad fidem Cod. Babylonioi Petropolitani 
ed. H. Straok. fol. Petropoli. 1875 

see HoESLEY (S.) H. ; tr., w. notes, 2nd ed., corr., 1804. 

Biblia ))aS er heilog ritning. 

see Baenbs (W. E.) Exam. 

of objections agst. Isaiah 

XXIV-XXVII, 1891. 
„ Baeth (J.) Beitrage z. 

Erklarung d. Jesaia, 

„ BoHL (E.) Vaticinium 

Jes. cap. 24^27, 1861. 
„ Cheynb (T. K.) Notes 

& criticisms on the 

Hebrew text of I., 


N^ ])^ing lir frummalunum. 
8°. 1908 

see Cobb (W. H.) An exam. 

of Isaiah XIII, 1892. 
„ Dalman (G. H.) Jesaja 
53, 1891. 

„ DiETTEICH (G. E. S.) 

Die Massorah d. Syrer 

in ihren Angaben z. 

Propheten Jesaia ; hrsg. 

etc. V. G. D., 1899. 
„ Fbhe (F.) Profeten 

Jesaja, 2p, 1877-9. 
„ GuTHB (H.) Das Zu- 

kunftsbUd d. J., 1885. 

Text, krit. bearb. u. iibers., 
[P1254]. 8°. Jena. 1871 

Das Gedicht v. Hiob. Hebra. 

nebst Einltg., v. A. Merx. 

Die mitteldeut. poet. Paraphrase des Buches Hiob ; hrsg. 

V. T. E. Karsten. [Dichtungen d. Deutsohen Ordens IV. 

Deutsche Texte des M.-a. ; hrsg. Konigl. Preuss. Akad. 

d. Wiss., B21]. laS". 1910 

see BiOKELL (G). Das Buoh J. nach Anleitung d. Strophik 

u. d. Septuaginta, im Versmasse d. Urtextes iibers. v. 

G. B., 1894. 

„ Gregg (T. D.) Leviathan : iron-clads in the Bible : 

expos, of Job 41, 1864. 
„ Hoffmann (J. G. E.) Hiob, [tjbers., etc.] nach H., 1891. 
„ Kautzsch (C.) Das sogenannte Volksbuch v. Hiob u. 
d. Ursprung v. H. Cap. I, II, XLII, 7-17, 1900. 

see Bible : Hosea. Hosea et J. prophetae, ad fidem Cod. 
Babylonici Petropolitani ed. H. Strack, 1875. 

Bible [continued]. 
John (EpisUes & Oospd). 
see Bacon (B. W.) The fourth Gospel in research & debate, 

1910. , ^ 

„ Chapman (Dam J.) J. the Presbyter & the 4th Gospel, 

1911. ^ . T . , 
Connbllan (0.) The Gospel ace. to St. J., m Irish; 

w. tr. ; etc., 1830. 
Godet(F.) Comm. sur I'Evangile de St. J., 2t., 1864^5. 
", Spitta (F.) Das Johannes-Evangelium als Quelle d. 

Geseh. Jesu, 1910. 
ToBLBB (J. R.) Das Evang. J. nach d. Grundtext 

(Codex Sinaiticus) getreu wiedergegeben : [Urtext, in 

Greek & German], 1867. 

see Bottchbb (F.) Die alt. Bflhnendichtungen : d. Debora- 
Gesang etc. dramat. hergestellt u. iibers. v. F. B., 
„ WiETZKE (E.) Der bibl. Simson d. agypt. Horus-Ea, 
Erkl. zu Jud. 13, 16, 1888. 

Latin Vebsions. 
see Chapman (Dom J.) Notes on early hist, of Vulgate 

Gospels, 1908. 
„ Vbeoellonb (C.) Variae leotiones Vulgatse Lat. Bibl. 
editionis quas C. V. digessit, tl, 2, 1860-4. 

see Weiss (B.) Die QueUen d. Lukasevangeliums, 1907. 

see Ulfilas. Gospel of St. M. in Gothic ace. to the tr. 

made by Wulfila in the 4th c, 1882. 
„ Webde (D. W.) Das Messiasgeheimnis in d. Evan- 
gelien ; zugleich e. Beitr. z. Verstandnis d. Markus- 
evangeliums, 1901. 
„ Zahn (T.) Komm. a. N.T., B2, Das Evang. d. M., 
ausgelegt v. G. Wohlenberg, 1910. 

see Omont (H.) Peintures d'un MS. greo de 1' Evang. de 
St. M. sur parchemin pourpre, 1900. 

New Testament. 
The N.T. in mod. speech. Tr. into everyday Eng. f. text 
of " The Resultant Greek Test." By R. F. Weymouth, 
ed. & partly rev. by E. Hampden-Cook. 3rd ed. 88". 1909 

see Blass (F. W.) Gramma- 

tik d. neutest. Griech- 

isch., 1896. 
„ BoHL (E.) Die alttest. 

Citate im N.T., 1878. 
„ Beiggs (C. a.) The 

Messiah of the Apostles, 

„ Deissmann (G. A.) Light 

f. the anc. East : N.T. 

illust. by texts of the 

Grseoo - Roman world ; 

tr. L. R. M. Strachan, 

„ Dtr Bose (W. p.) Soteri- 

ology of N.T., reissue, 

„ Feinb (P.) Theologie 

d. N.T., 1910. 
„ Geegoey (C. R.) Einltg. 

in d. N.T., 1909. 
„ Textkritik d. N.T., 


New Testament [Greek]. 
NicoU (W. R.) Expositor's Greek Test. Ed. N. 

v4, 5. Ia8<>. 1910 

see GuNKBL (H.) Zum re- 
ligionsgeschichtl. Ver- 
standnis d. N.T., 2= A., 

„ Lake (K.) Text of the 
N.T., 2nd ed., 1904. 

„ Lambert (J. C.) The 
sacraments in the N.T., 

„ Tholuck (F. A. G.) Das 
A.T. im N.T. : ti. d. 
Citate etc., 6^ A., 1868. 

„ Weiss (J.) Die Schriften 
d. Neues T. ; neu iibers. 
u. erklart, hrsg. v. J. W., 
2B, 2e A., 1907-8. 

„ WiESBLBR(C.)ZurGesch. 
d. neutest. Schrift, etc., 

„ Zahn (T.) Komm. z. 
N.T., B2, 1910. 

, Thessalonians (1st & 2nd 

Epistles); J.Moflatt. 
Timothy (1st & 2nd Epistles) 

and Titus (Epistle) ; N. J. D. 

Philemon (Epistle); W. E. 

Hebrews (Epistle) ; M. Dods. 
James (Gen. Epistle); W. E. 


6, Peter (1st Epistle Gen.) ; J. H. A . 

Peter (^nd Epistle Gen.); E. H. 

John (Epistles); D. Smith. 
Jude (Gen. Epistle) ; J. B. Mayor. 
Revelation ; J. Muffatt. 




Bible [continued]. 
Old Testament. 
Grsecus Venetua. Pentateuchi, Proverbiorum, Ruth, Cantioi, 
Eccleaiastse, Threnorum, Danielis versio Grseoa. Ex unioo 
Bibl. S. Marci Venetse oodice, apparatu orit. & philol. 
instr., ed. O. Gebhardt. Pref. est F. Delitzsoh. 

8°. L. 1875 

see Alfobd (B. H.) O.T. 
hist. & lit., 1910. 

„ Bar (S.) Thorath 

Emeth, sive liber & 
prseoepta & dootrinam 
aocentuum libb. psal- 
morum, proverbiorum & 
Jobi cont., etc., 1852. 

„ Bezold (C.) Bie baby- 
Ion. -assyr. Keilinaohrift- 
en u. i. Bedeutung fur 
d. A.T., 1904. 

„ Bttdde (C.) Das Alte T. 
u. d. Ausgrabungen, 2« 
A., 1903. 

„ The nomadic ideal 

in O.T., 1895. 

„ Casanowicz(I. M.) Par- 
onomasia in the O.T., 

„ Dblitzsch (F.) Com- 
plutensische Varianten 
z. alttest. Texte, 1878. 

„ DiETTRIOH (G. E. S.) 
Die neuesten AngrifEe 
auf d. relig. u. sittl. 
VorsteUungen d. Alten 
T., 1903. 

„ Deivbb (S. R.) Intr. to 
the lit. of the O.T., 8th 
ed., 1909. 

„ GuNKEL (H.) Die Re- 
hgionsgesoh. u. d. 
alttest. Wissenschaft, 

„ HiTziG (F.) Vorlesungen 
fiber bibl. Theologie 
etc. d. A.T., 1880. 

„ Jebbmias (A.) Die 

babylon. assyr. Vor- 
steUungen V. Leben 
nach d. Tode ; mit 
Berucksiohtigung d. 

alttest. Parallelen, 1887. 

„ Katttzsch (E. F.) Die 
bleibende Bedeutung d. 
A.T., 26 A., 1903. 

„ Kayseb (A.) Theologie 
d. Alten T., 3' A., 1897. 

„ Kirkpatbick (A. F.) 
The divine library of 
the O.T., repr., 1892. 

„ Kittel (R.) Seientifio 
study of the O.T. ; tr., 

see KoHLBR (A.) Lehrbuch 
d. bibl. Gesch. ; Alten 
T., 2 Halfte in 3v, 

„ KoNiQ (F. E.) Alttest. 
Kritik u. Christen- 
glaube, 1893. 

„ Falsche Extreme in 

d. neueren Kritik d. 
Alten T., 1885. 

„ Hebra. u. arama. 

Wbch. i. Alten T., 1910. 

„ Der Ofienbarungs- 

begriff d. Alt. T., 2B, 

„ KiTENEN (A.) Hist.-krit. 
Einltg. in d. Bucher d. 
alten T., Tl-3 i, 1887- 

„ NoLDBKB (T.) Die alt- 
test. Lit., 1868. 

„ Omont (H.) Peintures 
de I'Anc. T. dans un 
MS. syriaque du 7^ ou 
du 8e siecle, 1909. 

„ Philo, Judceus. P. & 
Holy Scripture ; or 
Quotations of P. f. 
Books of O.T., intr. & 
notes by H. E. Ryle, 

„ Reuss (E. W. E.) Die 
Gesoh. d. heil. Schriften: 
Alten T., 2^ A., 1890. 

„ SCHAAF (C.) C. S. 

Opus Aramseum, compl. 

Selecta Targumin, etc., 

„ Tholttck (F. a. G.) Das 

A.T. im N.T. : ii. d. 

Citate etc., 6^ A., 1868. 
„ Wbstphal (A.) The 

Law & the Prophets ; 

tr. etc. C Du Pontet, 

„ WiOKES (W.) A treatise 

on the accentuation of 

the Psalms, Proverbs, 

& Job ; w. app. cont. 

the treatise, assigned 

to Jehuda Ben-Bil'am, 

„ WiNCKLBE (H.) Alttest. 

Untersuch., 1892. 
„ Keilinsohriftl. Text- 

buoh z. A.T., 1892. 



Pattl & Pattline Epistles. 
Epistolae beati P. glosatse glosa 

Codex d. Wurzburger Universitatsbibl 
hrsg., mit Einltg., etc., v. L. C. Stern. 

fol. Halle a. S. 1910 
see Albxandbb (A. B. D.) The ethics of St. P., 1910. 

Gttnkel (H.) Die Wirkungen d. heil. Geistes nach d. 
Lehre d. Apostels P., etc., 3« A., 1909. 
„ Melanohthon (P.) Einltg. in d. Lehre d. P. v. Jahr 
1520 ; hrsg. v. D. J. K. F. Knaake, 1904. 

Das Samaritan. Targum z. P. In hebra. Quadratschrift 
hrsg. V. A. Briill. 

[WitK] Anhang 1, 2. In Iv. 8". Frankfurt a. M. 1876-9 
Anhang 1 : Krit, Studien uber Oriorder MS.— Fragmente [2'pagins.] 
Anhang 2 : Zur Gesch. u. lit. d. Samaritaner, nebst Varianten z. Buohe 
Genesis, [ipagins.] 

Targum Onkelos ; ed. 
etc. V. A. Berhner, 1877. 

see Pbtbemann (J. H.) Ver- 
such e. hebra. Formen- 
lehre etc., nebst d. v. 
d. reoipirten Texte d. 
P. abweich. Lesarten d. 
Samaritaner, 1868. 

„ RyssEL (C. V.) De 

Elohistse Pentateuchici 
sermone, 1878. 

„ Uhlemann (F.) Instit. 
ling. Samaritanse ; qui- 
bus ace. Chrestomathia 
Samar., Geneseos par- 
tem & reliq. Pent. hbr. 
capita compl., etc., 1837. 

„ Wiener (H. M.) Essays 
in Pentateuchal criti- 
cism, 1910. 

„ Ybatbs (T.) Collation 
of Indian copy of He- 
brew P., etc., 1812. 

Bible [continued] 
Pentatbitoh [continued], 
see Bachee (W.) Abraham 

Ibn Esra's Einltg. zu s. 

Pent. -Comm.,beleuohtet 

V. W. B., 1876. 
„ Bab (S.) Zwei alte 

Thora RoUen aus 

Arabien u. Palastiua, 

„ CtTBTiss (S. I.) De Aar- 

onitici sacerdotii atque 

Thorse Elohistiose ori- 

gine, 1878. 
„ Gesbnius (F. H. W.) 

De P. Samaritani 

origine, etc., 1816. 
„ KoHN (S.) De P. Sa- 

maritano, ejusque cum 

versionibus antiquis 

nexu, 1865. 
„ Samaritan. Studien: 

Beitrage z. Samaritan. 

P.-tJbers., etc., 1868. 
„ Massoeah. Die M. z. 

see Zezschwitz (C. A. G. v.) P. de Christi ad Inferos 
descensu sententia, 1. Ep. 3., 19, 1857. 

Prophetic Books. 
see Fbankbl (Z.) Zu d. Targum d. Propheten, 1872. 

Kent (C. F.) The sermons, epistles & apocalypses of 

Israel's prophets, 1910. 
Klbineet (P.) Die Profeten Israels in sozialer Bezie- 

hung, 1905. 
PirsEY (E. B.) The Minor Prophets ; w. a oomm., & 
intr=., 1877 ; Index, 1891. 
ScHLiBE (J.) Die 12 kleinen Propheten, 1876. 
Umbebit (F. W. C.) De Vet. Test, prophetis, clarissimis 
oratoribus, 1832. 

see Leon (Fray L. db). La perfecta casada ; [expos, del 
cap. 31 de los Proverbios], 1877 ; reimpr. de la 3* ed., 
The Parallel Psalter, being the Prayer-bk. version of the 
Psalms &; a new vers. With an intr. & gloss, by S. R. 
Driver. 2nd ed. S8". 0. 1904 

Psalterium tetraglottum, Grsece, Syriace, Chaldaice, Latine, 
adjuvante S. G. F. Perry, curavit E. Nestle. 

4". Tubingae, 1879 
see Babnbs (W. E.) Lex in corde ; studies in the Psalter, 

„ Bibliothek d. angelsaohs. Pbosa, B7, Der Cambridger 

Psalter ; hrsg. K. Wildhagen, Bl, 1910. 
„ David, hen Joseph Kimchi. Comm. in aUquot Ps. 

[Heb. dh Lat.], 1702. 
„ Ltjthbe (M.) Epist. farrago ; cum Psalmorum aliquot 

interpret., etc., 1525. 
„ Peayee-Book. B. of C. P., etc., w. the P., [Victoria], 

„ The B. of C. P., [w. (he Psalms], as rev. at Savoy 

Conference, 1662, repr., 1844. 


see Heslee (H. v.) Die Apokalypse H. ; hrsg. v. K. Helm, 

see Raabe (A.) Das Buch R. u. das Hohe Lied, 1879. 

The Septuagint version of the O.T., w. an Eng. tr. ; & w. 
various readings & crit. notes. 8°. 1879 

see Lagabde (P. A. de). Septuaginta Studien, 1891-2. 

Song oi' Solomon. 
Das Hohelied in castillan. Spraohe d. 13. Jhdts. nach d. 
Hs. d. Esoorial; v. J. Cornu. [Extr. no tp. P1284]. 

8". n.p. n.d. 




Bible [continued]. 
Song of Solomon \coniinued]. 
see BoTTCHER (F.) Die alt. Buhnendichtungen : d. Debora- 
Gesang u. d. Hohe Lied dramat. hergestellt u. fibers. 
V. F. B., 1860. 
„ BuDDE (C.) The S. of S., 1894. 
„ FErLCHENFELD (W.) Das Hohelied inhaltl. u. spraohl. 

erlautert, 1893. 
„ KossoviOH (K. A.) Canticum Canticorum ; ex Hebrseo 

convertit & explic. C. K. [to. text], 1879. 
„ Raabe (A.) Das Buch Ruth u. das Hohe Lied, 1879. 

see Jones (R.) Textus saor. Evang. versionis simpliois 
Syr. collatus a R. J., 1805. 


see Cassel (P.) Christl. Sittenlehre, Auslegung d. Briefes 
an T., 1880. 


[Gospels & Acts of the Apostles]. 

s8o. [1854] 

see Qttandt (E.) Sacharja's Nachtgesichte u. Morgenklange, 
*Bibliografia pratese, 1844, see Gitasti (C.) 
Bibliophile (Le) Frangais. 7t. la8o. 1868-73 

Biblioteca di storia italiana reoente, 1800-50 [70], 1907-10, 
see Reqia Dbpijtazione sovba gli Sttjdi di Stobia Patbia 
PEE LE Ant. Pbov. b la Lombabdia. 
Biblioteca (Nueva) de autores espafioles, bajo la dir. d. M. 
Menendez y Pelayo. [In prog.] Ia8°. 1909-10 

.see Menendez y Pelayo (M.) Origenes de la novela, tS, 


see Sebeano y Sanz (M.) Guerra de Quito, de P. de Cieza 

de L6on, [& o. works ; ed.] por M. S. y S., 1909. [2.] 

Bibliotheca. B. Americana. Colleotion d'ouvrages in6d. ou 

rares sur l'Am6r. 3t. 8°. L. 1862-4 

«ee Alvarez de Toledo (F.) Puren indomito, poema ; 

Barros Arana, 1862. [1.] 

„ Pbbbot (N.) Mem. sur les moeurs, coustumes & rellig. 

des aauvages de I'Amer. septentrionale, 1864. [3.] 

„ Yves, d' Evreux. Voyage dans le nord du Br^sU, 1613- 

14, 1864. [2.] 

*B. Erasmiana, p4r-7, 1903-8, see Ebasmtjs (D.) 

B. Indioa ; publ. by Asiatic Soo. of Bengal. 

8". Calcutta. 1897-1909 
see Abf al Fadhl ibn Mtjbaeak. The Akbarnama ; tr. 
H. Beveridge, vl, 2i-vi, 1898-1909. 
B. Lindesiana. 6v. 4°. Aberdeen & 0. 1910 

1-4, Cat. of pr. books at Haigh Hall, Wigan. 5, 6, Bibliog. of royal 
proclamations, 1485-1714, w. hist, essay on their orig. & use by R. 
Steele ; (5, Bng. & Wales ; 6, Ireland, Scotland). 

Bibliothek d. angelsachs. Piosa. Begrundet v. C. W. M. 
Grein, fortges. v. R. P. Wiilker etc. 

B7, [in prog.]. 8°. Hamburg. 1910 

7, Der Cambridger Psalter; hrsg. 

B. VSTildhagen, [B]i, Text mit 

Bibliotheqtae de TEcole des Hautes Etudes. [Publications]. 

Faso. 174, 180-187, 189. 8". 1909-11 

«ee BoiJAED (A. de). Etudes de diplomatique sur les actes 

des notaires du Ghatelet de Paris, 1910. [186.] 

„ CoEDBY (J.) Les comtes de Savoie & les rois de France 

pend. la Guerre de Cent Ans, 1329-91, 1911. [189.] 

„ Elias, bar Shinaya. Chronographie, tr. etc. par L. J. 

Delaporte, 1910. [181.] 

„ Faeal (E.) Les jongleurs en France au moyen age, 

1910. [187.] 

„ Hygintts (C. J.) H'. Astronomica; publ. par E. Chate- 

lain & P. Legeudre, 1909. [180.] 

„ Joebt(C.) D' Ansae de Villoison & rhellinisme en France, 

1910. [182.] 

„ Landey (A.) Essai econ. sur les mutations des monnaies 

dans I'anc. France, 1910. [185.] 

„ Latottche (R.) Hist, du Comt6 du Maine pend. le lO^ 

etlell<=s., 1910. [183.] 

„ PouoHENOT (M.) Le budget communal de Besan9ou au 

debut du 18^ s., 1910. [184.] 

„ Thomas (A.) Le Comt6 de La Marche et le Parlement de 

Poitiers (1418-36), etc., 1910. [174.] 

Biblioth^cLue Elzevirienne. 

see FouBNiEB (E.) Variet^s hist. & litt. : reo. de pieces en 
prose & en vers, 1855-63. 
MiEGE (G.) La relation de trois ambassades de Msgr. 
le Comte de Carlisle, 1663-4, 1857. 
Taschbebatj {J. A.) Hist, de la vie & des ouvr. de P. 
Corneille, 2^ 6d., 1855. 
BibliothecLue m6ridionale. Publ. sous les auspices de la Paculte 
des Lettres de Toulouse. 8". Toulouse. 1909 

see Mabcabeun. Poesies compl. ; publ., aveo tr., etc., par 
J.-M.-L. Dejeanne, 1909. [I, 12]. 
Bibliotheque Nationale, see Knipping (R.) Niederrhein. 
Arohivalien in d. Nationalbibl. etc. zu Paris, 1904. 


see BoTTCHOT (H.) Cat. de dessins rel. 4 I'hist. du theatre, 
Bickell (Gustav). Das Buch Job nach Anleitung d. Strophik 

u. d. Septuaginta, im Versmasse d. Urtextes tibers. v. G. B. 

[P1246]. 8". Wien. 1894 
Bickley (Francis). Kings' favourites. 8". [1910] 

Bidder (Roderich). tJber Koheleths Stellung z. Unsterblioh- 

keitsglauben. [P1265]. 8°. Erlangen. 1875 

Biddulph (Elizabeth Philippa Biddulph, baroness), of Ledbury, 

wife of 1st baron. Charles Philip Yorke, 4th earl of Hard- 

wicke. A mem. 8°. 1910 

Biddulph (John). Dupleix. s8". 1910 

Bienemann (Friedrich),y«™. Altlivland. Brinnerungen ; gesam- 

melt V. F. B. 8°. Reval. 1911 

Biermann (Georg). H. v. Zugel. [Knackfuss, 99]. 

Ia8''. Bielefeld. 1910 

Biese(Al&ed). Deutsche Literaturgesch. B3, Von Hebbel bis 

zur Gegenwart. V-Z^ A. 8o. Munchen. 1911. 

Biesenthal (Joachim Heinrich Raphael). *Zur Gesch. d. 

christl. Kirche, bis zum Anfange d. 4'"° Jhdts. Unter 

Benutzung talmud. Quellen. 3^ verbess. A. 

[P1247]. 8°. 1856 
Bifevre (cte. G. Maieschal de), see Maresohal de BiivRE 

(cte. G.) 
Bi^vre (Georges Fiangois Maieschal de Bievre, marquis de), see 

Mabesohal de Bii;vRE {cte. Q.) Le marq. de B. : sa vie, 

ses oalembours, etc., 1747-89, 1910. 
Bigelow (John). Retrospections of an active life [1817-66]. 

3v. laSo. N.Y. 1909 
Bigelow (John), jun. The campaign of Chaucellorsville. 

A strategic & tactical study. 4°. New Haven. [1910] 

Bigger (Francis Joseph). William Orr. [Northern Leaders of 

'98 (No. 1)]. 8°. D. 1906 

Bigsby (Robert). Irminsula, or, the "great pillar." A 

mythol. research. 4°. Derby. 1864 

Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde van Neder- 

landsch-Indie. Uitg. d. het. Kon. Inst, voor de Taal, etc. v. 

N.-I. volg. 7, d9, 10. 8°. 's-Gravenhage. 1910 

volg. 7, dlO, Humphius (G. E.) De Ambonse historie, 2d. in 1. 

Billaud-Varenne (Jean Nicolas). M^m. ined. de B.-V. sur les 

6v6nements du 9 Thermidor. Publ. par C. Vellay. [Brtr. 

de la Revue Hist, de la Revol. Fran?., 1910]. 8°. 1910 

Biloye. Btuoe, Bciop.-peBojioq. c6ophbki., No. 3-5, 7, 8, 1903-8, 

see Pass* (Le). 
Bindley (T. Herbert). Epistle of the GalUcan Churches: 

Lugdunum & Vienna ; w. TertuUian's Address to Martyrs 

& The Passion of St. Perpetua. Tr. w. intr. & notes T. H. 

Bindley. sS". 1900 

Binet (Alfred). Les id^ea modernes sur les enfants. s8°. 1910 
Bing(Just). H.Ibsen. [Mennesker, B2]. s8o. [1909] 

Bini (Carlo). Scritti editi e postumi, [ind. La vita etc. di 

Tristano Shandy, di L. Sterne {extr^., tr.)]. 

Ia8". Livorno. 1843 
Binney (Edward William). Obs. on the structure of fossil 

plants found in the oarbonif. strata. [Palaeontograph. 

Soc] 4". 1868-75 

Binns (Charles Fergus). Potter's craft. s8°. 1910 

Binyon (Laurence). Japanese art. fol. 1909 

Biographie. B. nationale ; publ. par I'Acad. Roy. des 

sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique. t20, 

[Rond-Rythovius. in prog.]. Table gen. des CoUaborateurs 

des 20 premiers volumes. Ia8'>. Brux. 1908-10 

*B. toulousaine, 1823, see La Mothe HotrDANOouBT [baron 

E. L. de), J. T. Latjbbnt-Gotjssb, & A. L. C. A. Dtr M4qe. 
Biographisehes Jahrbuch u. deutscher Nekrolog. B9-13. 

[1904^8, in prog.]. go. 1906-10 




BioUay (L6on). Les anoiennes Halles de Paris, see SociiiTfi 

DE l'Hist. db Paeis, etc. M6ms., t3, 1877. 
Biondelli (Bernardino), philologist. La Zeooa e le monete di 
Milano. Ia8<>. Milano. 1869 

Biovfes (Achille). Fran9ais et Anglais en Egypte, 1881-2. 

laS". 1910 
Bird (Wilkinson Dent). Leoy. on the strategy of the Russo- 
Japanese war. 8°. 1909 
Birks (Thomas Rawson). Horse Evangelioss : or, the internal 
evidence of the Gospel hist. Being an inquiry into the 
structure & orig. of the Gospels, etc. Ed. H. A. Birks. 

80. 1892 
Biryukov (P. I.) KpaTKas 6iorpa*iH Tojcroro, see Tolstoy (c. L. N.) 
A. H. T., 1910. 

I. Tregoubov, & V. Tchertkov. noMorHxe {on Doukhobors). 

Ct. iiowtcjoBieMi TojicToro. s8". Johaoht., 1897 

Bishop (Matthew). Life & advs. of M. B. Written by 

himself. 8°. 1744 

Bismarck (Otto, Fiirst v.) 

see Hatsohbk (J.) B. Werk in d. Reichsverfassung, 

„ RoBOLSKY (H.) B. u. England, 1889. 
Bissing (Henriette v.) Das Leben d. Dichterin Amalie v. 
Helvig, geb. Freiin v. Imhofi. 8°. 1889 

Bittner (Maximilian). Studien zur Laut- u. Formenlehre 
der Mehri-Sprache in Sildarabien, 1, see Kaiseel. Akad. d. 
Wiss. zu WiBN. Sitzungsb., B162, 1909. 
BJHcnson (BJOTnstjerne). Mary. Tr. by M. Morison. s8<>. 1910 
Black, publishers. Guides. Cornwall. Ed. A. R. Hope 
Moncrieff. 20th ed. S80. 1907 

Blackbourne, Suffolk. A Suffolk Hundred in 1283 : assess- 
ment of Hundred of B. for a tax of one thirtieth, & a 
return showing the land tenure there. Ed. E. Powell. 

Ia8''. C. 1910 

Blacker (Beaver Henry). Brief sketches of the parishes of 

Booterstown & Donnybrook in Co. of Dublin ; w. notes & 

annals. 2nd ed., enl. s8". D. 1861 

Blackwood (Algernon). The education of Uncle Paul. 

88°. 1909 

The human chord. 88°. 1910 

The lost valley, & o. stories. 2nd imp. s8°. 1910 

Blake (William), artist. 

see MooBE (T. S.) Art & life, [using B., etc. as illust^.], 1910. 

„ WiCKSTEED (J. H.) B.'s vision of the Book of Job, 1910. 

Blanch (Luigi). Delia scieuza militare. A cura di A. Giannini. 

[Scrittori d'ltalia, 7]. 8". Bari. 1910 

Blanche [of Navarre], q. consort of Philip VI, king of France. 

Testament de B. de Navarre, reine de France ; publ. L. 

' Delisle, see Sooi:6ti! de l'Hist. de Paris, etc. Mems., 

tl2, 1886. 
Blauchet (Jules Adrieu). Les cam^es de la croix de St.-Andr^- 
le-Baa a Vienne en Dauphine, see AcAD. DES Insce. etc. ; 
Fond. Piot. Mon^. etc., tl7, 1909. 
Blanco y Sanchez (Buflno). Quintana, sus ideas pedagogicas, 
su politica y su significacion filosofica. [Pedagogia Espaiiola, 
1]. s8". 1910 

Lengua casteUana. Arte de la lectura. 4* ed. sS". 1909 

Bland (J. 0. P.) & B. Backhouse. China under the Empress 
Dowager : life & times of Tzu Hsi. Compiled f. State 
Papers & private diary of Comptroller of her Household. 

[3rd imp.] ^80. 1910 
Bland (William), of Hartlip, Sittingbourne. Principles of con- 
struction in arches, piers, buttresses, etc. 6th ed. 8°. 1899 
Blasco Ibdnez (Vicente). Argentina y sus grandezas. 4". [1910] 
The shadow of the cathedral : a novel. Tr. Mrs. W. A. 
Gillespie. 8°. 1909 
Blass (Eiiedrich W.) Grammatik d. neutest. Griechisch. 

80. Gottingen. 1896 
Bleackley (Horace William). A gentleman of the road. 

s8o. 1911 

Les grandes oourtisanes anglaises du 18^ s. Tr. par A. 

Fournier. 8°. [c. 1910] 

Blecher (Georg). De extispicio capita 3; aco. de Babyloni- 

orum extispicio 0. Bezold suppl. [Religionsgesohichtl. 

Versuohe, etc., hrsg. v. A. Diaterioh u. R. Wiinsch, B2 iv]. 

8°. Giessen. 1905 
Bleibtreu (Carl). Die Auskunftei. Roman. 2« A. 

s8o. Munchen. 1910 

Blenuerhassett (Charlotte Julia, Lady). Louis XIV & Mme. de 

Maintenon. 8°. 1910 

Bliard (Pierre), S.J. Jureurs & insermentds (1790-1794). 

s8o. 1910 
Bliss (Frederick Jones). The development of Palestine ex- 
ploration. Ely leota., 1903. s8o. 1906 
Bloch (A.) Phoenioisches Glossar. 8°. 1890 
Blok (Petrus Joh.) Gesoh. eener Hollandsohe stad. Eene 
HoUandsche stad in de middeleeuwen. 

[2«'> druk]. 80. 's-Gravenhage. 1910 

Relazioni veneziane. Venetiaan. Beriohten over de Vereen- 

igde Nederlanden v. 1600-1795, verzameld en uitg. door 

P. J. B. [Rijks Gesch. Publ., uitg. in opdracht v. d. Min. v. 

Binnenland. Zaken, 7]. 4o. 's-6ravenhage. 1909 

Bloom (James Harvey). Shakespeare's garden. s8o. 1903 

Bloundelle-Burton (John). The last of her race. sS". 1908 

Within four walls. 88°. 1909 

Blount (Charles), translator of Philostratus. *King William 

[III] & Queen Mary conquerors. 84°. 1693 

Bliicher (Fddmarsch^l Gebhardt Lebrecht v.), Fiirst v. Wahlstadt. 

see MtTFELiNO (F. C. P., Frhr. v.) Zur Kriegsgesch. d. 1813 

u. 1814: Feldzuge d. schless. Armee unter d. Feldm. B., 

2T, 1824. 

„ Vaenhagen v. Ense (C. A. L. P.) Biogr. Denkmale, 

T3, B., etc., 1872. 

Blue Nuns, see Immaculate Conception, Order of the. 

Blum (Leon), crit. litt., ne 1872. Au theatre : reflexions crit. 

s3. 26 6d. s8°. 1910 
Blume (Wilhelm). Strategic. Fine Studie. 2« A. 80. 1886 
Blumhardt (James Fuller). 
see British MirsBtrM : Peintbd Books. Bengali books, 
Supplem. cat., 1886-1910 ; oomp. by J. F. B., 1910. 

„ Hindustani books, Suppl. oat., acquired 1889-1908; 

by J. F. B., 1909. 

Boabdil, king of Qranada [Abu 'Aed Allah Muhammad ; 

Muhammad XI ; Boabdil, el Chico]. *Rel. de la prision 

del Rey Chico, [1483], see Geanada, Relaoiones etc. ; 

[ed. E. Lafuente y Alcantara}, 1868. 

Boccaccio ((jiovanni). II Decameron. [Race, de' novellieri 

ital., v23-26]. 4v. s8o. Milano. 1816 

Novelle ventotto. Scelte dal suo Decamerone. Con. la Descr. 

d. pestilenza stata in Firenze nel 1348. [Ed. A. F. Seghezzi]. 

s8o. Padova. 1739 
Volgarizzamento di Maestro Donato da Casentino d. De 
Claris mulieribus. Pubbl. par cura di D. L. Tosti. 

2^ ed. sS". Milano. 1841 
see Ansohutz (R.) B. Novelle v. Falken u. i. Verbreitung 

in d. Litt., 1892. 
„ Antona-Teaveesi (C.) Notizie stor. s. Amorosa visione, 

[by B.], 1885. 
„ Hutton (E.) G. B., 1910. 

„ Tassoni {conte A.) Tassoniana : saggi etc., pubbl. da 
0. Bacci ; [incl. extr^. f. the Decameron of B., w. Postille 
del Tassoni], 1893. 
Boccalini (Trajano). Ragguagli di Parnaso e Pietra del para- 
gone politico. A cura di G. Rua. [Scrittori d' Italia, 6]. 

vl ; [in progl. 8". Bari. 1910 

Boccardo (Girolamo). L' animale e 1' uomo : fondamenti d. 

moderna sociologia. [P451]. la8o. Torino. 1881 

Boccia (Neri del) ps., see Beacoi (R. M.) 

Booking (Eduard), see Coepus iuris Romani Anteiustiniani ; 

oonsilio E. B., etc. ; pr^f. est E. B., 1841. 
Bode (Wilhelm), keeper of the Boyal Museum, Berlin. Ploren- 
tiner Bildhauer d. Renaissance. [2^ A.] laS". 1910 

Bodin (Jean Francois). Reoherches historiques [sur I'Anjou]. 

2« ed. 2t. 80. Saumur. 1845-6. 
Each vol. has diff. tp. 

1, Kech. hist, sur la ville de .Saumur, s. monumens, etc. [2p, pagin. cont.] 

2, Eech. hist, sur la ville d'Angera, s. monumens, etc. [2p, pagin. cont.] 

Bodleian Library. Rawlinson B. 502. A collection of prose 

& verse in Irish language, compiled during 11th & 12th c^. 

Publ. in facs. f. orig. MS. in B. L. Intr. & index by K. 

Meyer. fol. 0. 1909 

Bodmer (Johann Jacob), see Budde (F.) Wieland u. B., 1910. 
Boekenoogen (G. J.), see Van Heueok (E. H.) & G. J. B. 

Hist, de I'imagerie populaire flamande etc., 1910. 
Boer (R. C.) Die Sagen v. Ermanarich u. Dietrich v. Bern. 

[Germ. Hdbibl., 10]. 80. HaUe a. d. S. 1910 

Boethins (Anicius Manlius Torquatus Severinus). Boezio d. 

consolazione d. filosofia. Trad, in volgar florentino, da B. 

Varchi. Agg. la vita dell' autore etc. 8°. Venezia. 1765 

see MuEAEi (R.) Dante e B., 1905 




Boffito (Giuseppe). II "De prinoipiis astrologise" di Cecco 

d' Ascoli, see Giobnale Stor. d. Lett. Itai., Suppl., 6, 1903. 
Bogdan (Petru). Influenza neelectrolitelor asupra tensiunii 

de vapori a acidului acetic, see Acadbmia RomAna. Publ. 

fondului V. Adamachi, t2, 1906. 
Influenta substantelor straine asupra solubilitajjii phenyl- 

thioureei In apa, see Aoademia Romana. Publ. fondului 

V. Adamachi, t2, 1906. 
Bohatta (Hanns), see Robert Charles Louis Marie [de 

Bourbon'], duke of Parma. Kat. d. liturg. Drucke d. 15. 

u. 16. Jhdts. in d. Herzogl. Parma'schen Bibl. in Sohwarzau 

am Steinfeld ; bearbt. v. H. B., 1909-10. 
Bohl (Eduard). Die alttest. Citate im Neuen Testament. 

8°. Wien. 1878 
Vaticinium Jesaise cap. 24^27. Comm. illust. E. B. 

[P1260]. 8°. L. 1861 
Bohmer (Heiniich), Privatdozent an d. Univ. Leipzig. Urkun- 

den z. Gesch. d. Bauernkrieges u. d. Wiedertaufer ; hrsg. 

V. H. B., see Kleine Texte f. theolog. etc. Vorlesungen etc., 

T50-51, 1910. 
Bohmer (Johann Friediich). Regesta Imperii V. (Regesten 

d. Kaiserreichs unter Philipp, Otto IV, etc., 1198-1272). 

Nach d. Neubearbtg. etc. B.'s hrsg. v. J. Ficker u. E. Winkel- 

mann. B3 (Abth. 5. pagin. cont. f. Abth. 4). Einltg. u. 

Register ; bearbt. v. F. WUhelm. 4°. Innsbruck. 1901 

Bohmer (Julias). Babel-Bibel-Katechismus in 500 Fragen u. 

Antworten fur Bibelfreunde. S8". St. 1903 

Bbhn (Max v.) Guide Reni. [Knaokfuss, 100]. 

laSo. Bielefeld. 1910 
Bolelle (James), see Cassbll, publisher. New French & Eng. 

diet. ; by B., etc., rev. & enl., 1909. 

Boileau-Despr^aux (Nicolas). (Euvres compl. [Coll. d. class. 

fran9ois ; L. S. Auger]. 5t. s8". 1825 

Bois (Jules). L'humanite divine. Poemes. sS". 1910 

Boislisle (Arthur Michel de). For the following see Soci:6t:6 

DE l'Hist. de Paris, etc. Mems. 

Lea debuts de rOp6ra fran?. k Paris, 1876. 

Lea Intendants de la g^n^ralit^ de Paris, 1881. 

La place des Victoires et la place de Venddme, 1889. 

Le president de Lamcignon, 1644-1709, 1904. 

La sepulture des Valois k St. -Denis, 1877. 






Boissier (Craston). 
see DoiTMic (R.) Discours de reception [on G. B.], 1910. 
„ Faguet (E.) Reponse de E. F. au Discours de R. 
Doumic [ore G. B.], 1910. 
Bojer (Johan). Kjaerlighetens0ine. Skuespil. s8°. 1910 

Boliris (Giovanni Bona de), see Bona de Boliris (G.) 
Bolivar (Simon), pres. of the Republic of Colombia, see Petre 

(F. L.) S. B., 1910. 
Bologna. Chartularium Studii Bononiensis. Doc. per la 
storia dell' Universita di B. dalle origini fino al sec. 15 ; 
pubbl. per opera della Comm. per la Storia deU' Univ. di B. 

vl. sfol. Bologna. 1909 
Studi e memorie per la storia dell' Universita di B. [Com- 
missione per la Storia dell' Univ. di B., Bibl. " L'Archigin- 
nasio," si, vl]. 

vl, [2p, pagin. cont., in Iv.]. 8". Bologna. 1907-8 
Bompas (Cecil Henry). Folklore of the Santal Parganas. 
[Stories & legends coll. by 0. Sodding]. Tr. C. H. B. 

8°. 1909 

Bona de Boliris (Giovanni). Descriptio sinus & urbis Ascrivi- 

ensis per J. B. de B., 1589, see Razzi (S.) La storia di 

Ragusa, 1903. 

Bonaparte, The family of. Les deux cours et les nuits de 

St. -Cloud. Moeurs, debauches & crimes de la famille B. 

80. Londres. 1852 
Bonaparte (Charles J. L. Lucien), prince de Ganino. A 
geograph. & comparative list of the birds of Europe & N. 
America. 8°. 1838 

Bonaparte (Mathilde Laetitia Wilhelmina), aft. countess Demi- 
doff, pcss. of San Donato, see Demidov (M. L. W. ctss.) 
Boncompagni (Baldassare). Cat. d. bibl. B. che si vend. 
aUa pubbl. auzione, 27 Genn.-31 Maggio, 1898. 

4p. [in Iv.] 8°. 1898 
Bond (Francis). Wood carvings in Eng. churches. 

, ^. . ^ Wl, [2]. 8°. 1910 

1, Misericords. 

[2] i, Stalls and tabernacle work— 11, Bishops' thrones & chancel chairs. 

Bond (Richard Warwick). Early plays [Ariosto, Supposes— 

The Buggbears— Misogonus] f. the Italian. Ed., w. essay 

intr^. & notes by R. W. B. ago. o_ igff 

Bondo (Juul). Biskop, Dr. teol. & fil. Bruun Juul Fog's levnet. 

80. 1897 
Bonelli (Giuseppe). I nomi degli uccelli nei dialetti lombardi, 

see MoNACi (E.) Studj di filol. rom., v9, 1901-3. 
Bonheur (Rosa). Reminiscences. Ed. T. Stanton. 8°. 1910 
Boni (Filippo de). Gli Ecoelini e gli Estensi, storia del sec. 13. 

3v in 1. s8o. Venezia. 1841 

Boni (Giacomo). Hibernica. Notes on burial places & customs of 

anc. Ireland. Tr. f. "Nuova antologia." [P1237]. 8°. D. 1906 

Boni (Mauro), see Nodibb (J. E. C.) Bibl. sacr6e grecque- 

lat. ; ouvr. r^dige d'apres M. B. & Gamba, 1826. 
Boni&ce, St., abp. of Mentz, apostle of Germany, see Welli- 
BAXDUS, presbyter. Leben d. h. B. v. W., etc. ; iibers. v 
W. Arndt, 2" A., 1888. 
Boniface, count of Savoy, 1244^-63, called " Roland " ; [BoNi- 
EACio], see Telltjccini (A.) Le spogUe mortali del pr. 
Tommaso di Savoia-Carignano gia attrib. al cte. B., 1909. 
Bouifacius (Bertolinus) [Bonipacii (B.) ; Bertolintts, Sohn 
d. Bonifatius], see Caffabtts, de Taschifdlone, for cont. of h. 
Annales Januenses by B. B. 
Boninsegni (Domeuico di Lionardo), see Buoninsboni (D.) 
Bonn, Trial of Eng. residents at B. Seq. to Macdonald 
Affair. [P1240]. 8o. Berlin. 1861 

Bonnal (gin. Henri). L'art nouveau en tactique. 8°. 1904 
La manoeuvre de Saint-Privat, 18 juillet^l8 aofit 1870 : 
6tude de critique strateg. et tactique. [L'esprit de la 
guerre mod. ; w. maps]. vl, 2. laS". 1904^6 

La vie milit. du mar6chal Ney. tl. 8°. 1910 

Bonnardot (Alfred). G. Corrozet & G. Brice : Etudes bibUog. 

s8o. 1880 
Bonnier (Charles). La lign6e des poetes fran9. au XIX^ s. 

s8o. 0. 1902 
Bononiensis. Chartularium studii B., vl, 1909, see Bologna. 
Bontot (Guillaume de). L'ami de Ninon de Lenclos, ou 
I'amateur de morale facile. D'ap. la corr. de G. de B. 
[Ed. G. Derys]. sS". n.d. 

Bonvesin, da la Biva, see Riva (B. da). 
Bonvicino, da Biva, see RiVA (B. da). 

Book. B. of Buchan, by 29 contributors, 1910, see Tocher 

(J. F.) ed. 

B. of Eng. trades, &o. New (11) ed. enl. s8o. 1823 

Book of the Dead. The chapters of coming forth by day, or, 

the Theban recension of the B. of the D. Text, ed. E. A. W. 

Budge. 3v. sS". 1910 

see TiRARD (H. M.) B. of the D., 1910. 

Book-plates. Cat. of a, coll. of b.-p., sold by Sotheby, 22ud 

Feb., 1902, 1902, see Cataloottb. 
Books. '*Cat. of b., the property of a polit. economist, 1862, 

see MacCitlloch (J. R.) 
Booth (Charles). Poor law reform. Being memoranda sub- 
mitted in 1907 to the Royal Comm. on the Poor Laws etc. 
(w. addit. notes) ; w. memoranda by A. Downes & 0. Hill, 
publ. in Rep. of Poor Law Comm. 8°. 1910 

Bopp (Franz). Glossarium Sanscritum. 4°. Berolini. 1847 

Borchard (H.) Die deut. evangel. Diaspora. HI, Australien, 
Stidafrika, Siidamerika. [P1247]. 8o. Gotha. 1890 

Bordeaux (Henry). Les 6crivains & les moeurs. [2t. 1 1897- 
1900 2, 1900-02]. 2e ed. s8o. [1900-02] 

La robe de laine. ggo figio] 

Bordier (Henri L.) La Confrerie des pelerins de St. -Jacques 
et s. archives, see SooiEii} de l'Hist. de Paris, etc M6ms 
tl, 2, 1875-6. '' 

Philippe de Remi, sire de Beaumanoir, 1246-96. [2p in Iv, 
pagm. cont. p2, OEuvres poet.]. 8o 18691-73] 

Borel (Henri). Wu Wei. A phantasy based on the phil. of 
Lao-Tse. From the Dutch of H. B. Auth. vers by M 
lanson. 2nd ed. sS". 1907 

Borja (Felipe de), see SuiBEZ (D.) Hist, del maestre Ultimo 

que fu6 de Montesa y de su hermano F. de B., tl, 1889 
Borja (Pedro Luis Galcerta de), see SttAeez (D.) Hist del 
maestre ultimo que fu6 de Montesa [i.e. P. L. G. de B.], tl, 

Boria de San Romta y Fernandez (F. de), see San RomAn y 

Fernandez (F. de B. de). 
Borkowski (S. v. Dunin-), se» Dttnin-Borkowski (S v ) 
Borlace (Edmund) [Borlase]. *The reduction of Ireland to 
the crown of England. With the governours since 1172. 
With passages m their government. A brief ace. of the 
rebellion, 1641. Also, The orig. of the Univ. of Dublin, & 
the Coll. of Physicians. ggo ig^g 




Borlase (Edmund), aee Boelace (B.) 

Borner (Caspar), see Kallmeybb (R.) C. B. in s. Bedeutung 

fiir d. Reformation u. fur d. Leipziger Univ., 1909. 
Bornier (vte. E. C. Henii de), see Rostand (E.) Disoours Ton 

£.], Acad Fr., 1903. 
Borrelli de Seires (col. L6on Louis). Compte d'une mission de 

predication pour secours k la Terre sainte, 1266, see Soci:6Tt 

DE l'Hist. db Paris, etc. M6ms., t30, 1903. 
Livre de d^penses d'un dignitaire de I'^glise de Paris en 1248 

[publ.] le col. B. de S., 1904, see Livre. 
Borrocci (Francesco). *La intervenuta ridicolosa, [commedia, 

1606 ; ed. G. Crocioni], see Monaci (E.) Studi di filol. 

rem., v9, 1901-3. 
Borrowman (Robert). Beokenham past & present. 

4°. Beckenham. 1910 
Borstal. B. in 1910. Aco. of B. & the Borstal Association. 

80. 1910 
Borstal Association, see Borstal. B. in 1910 : aco. of B. & 

the B. Assoc, 1910. 
Borthwick (Algernon), see Glenbsk (A. B., baron). 
Bosanquet (Mrs. Bernard). Rich & poor. [2nd ed.]. 38". 1898 
Boscheron des Fortes (Charles Bon Francois). Histoire du 

Parlement de Bordeaux, 1461-1790. (Euvre posthume. 

2t. 8". Bordeaux. 1877 
Bosny4k (ZoIt4n de) & count L. Edelsheim-Oyulai. Le droit 

de r enfant abandonn6 et le syst^me hongrois de protection 

de I'enfance. Ouvrage publ. sous les auspices du Ministere 

Royal de I'lnt^rieur de Hongrie par Z. de B. et cte. L. E.-G. 

Avec uue pr6f. de M. le cte. J. Andrassy. 8°. Budapest. 1909 
Bosone [RaffaeUi], da Guhbio, see Bttsonb. 
Bossch6re (Jean de). La sculpture anversoise aux 15^ et 16= s. 

[CoU. d. grands artistes des Pays-Bas]. 8°. Brux. 1909 

Bossert (Adolphe). Essais sur la litt. aUemande. [si], 2. 

s8°. 1905-10 
Bossy (Albert), see Lbpbietik (P.) Le don A. B. au Musee du 

Louvre, 1903. 
Bottari (Giovanni G.) Novella, etc., see Novblle di alcuni 

autori fiorentini, 1815. 
Bottcher (Friedrich). Die alt. Buhnendiohtungen. Der 

Debora-Gesang u. d. Hohe Lied dramat. hergestellt u. 

fibers, v. F. B. [P1300]. 8°. L. 1850 

De inferis rebusque post mortem futuris ex Hebraeorum & 

Graecorum opinionibus libri duo. libri 1, grammatici, vl, 

Hebraica compl. [no more publ. P1269]. Ia8''. Dresdae. 1846 

Unseres Alphabetes Urspriinge. [P1250]. 8°. Dresden. [1860] 

Boiiard (Alain de). Etudes de diplomatique sur les actes des 

notaires du Chatelet de Paris. [H. E., 186]. 8°. 1910 

Bouasse (Henri), see M^thodb. De la m. dans les sciences, 

par H. B. [* others'], 1910. 
Bouch^Leclercct (Auguste). L'astrologie greoque. Ia8°. 1899 
Bouchot (Henri). Catalogue de dessins rel. a I'hist. du theatre 

conserves au Dept. des Estampes de la Bibl. Nat., avec la 

descr. d'Estampes recemment acq. de M. Destailleur. 

8°. 1896 
La miniature fran9aise, 1750-1825. Pr^f. de P. Masson. 

8». 1910 
Boudet (Marcellin). Thomas de La Marche, batard de France 

& ses aventures (1318-1361). [Doc». hist. ined. du 14= s. 

Extr. /. L'Auvergne hist., 6« ann^e]. 8". Riom. 1900 

Boull6 (Jules). Reoherches hist, sur la maison de St.-Lazare 

de Paris, see Societe db l'Hist. de Paris, etc. M^ms., 

t3, 1877. 
Boulting (William). Woman in Italy, f. intr. of chivalrous 

service of love to appearance of professional actress. 

8". [1910] 
Bourbon, House of, see Nbttembnt (A. P.) Henri de France, 

ou hist, des B. de la branche ainee, 1830-70, 2t, n. ed., 1875. 
Bourbon (Antoinette de), duchesse de Guise, see Pimodan (G. 

DB La V. DE R., marq. de). La mdre des Guises : A. de 

B., 1494^1583, 1889. 
Bourbon (Louise Anne de), see Charolais (Mile. db). 
Bourbon (Marie Caroline de), aft. duchesse de Berry, see Bbrry 

(C. F. L., duchesse db). 
Bourbon (Robert Charles L. M. de), duke of Parma, see Robert 

Charles L. M. [de Bourbon], duke of Parma. 
Bourbon-Cond6 (Anne Louise B6n6dicte de), see Maine (Annb 

L. B. DB B.-C, duchesse Dtr). 
Bourdon (Hilaire) ps. [i.e. Gborgb Tyrebll], see Tyrrell 

Boureau Deslandes (Andr6 F.), see Dbslandbs (A. F. B.) 

Bourgeois (Armand). Le com^dien Baron, I'abb^ d'AUainval 

et A. Le Couvreur. [P1298]. 8". 1904 

Louis XVI k Varennes. sS". 1910 

Bourgeois (Emile). Le secret de Dubois, cardinal & premier 

ministre, [1718-23]. [La diplomatic secrete au 18« s., 3]. 

8°. n.d. 
Bourget (Paul). La barricade : ohronique de 1910. 

[Play]. 88°. 1910 

[Play ; illust.]. 4°. 1910 

La dame qui a perdu son peintre — [La seconde mort de 

Broggi-Mezzastris — Une nuit de noel sous la Terreur — Les 

cousins d' Adolphe]. s8<>. [1910] 

Bourgogne (Robert, cte. de), I' Enfant, see Robert, I' Enfant, 

cte. de Bourgogne. 
Bourignon (Antoinette), «ee MacEwen (A. R.) A. B., Quietist, 

Bourne (George). The ascending effort. s8°. 1910 

Bournon (Fernand). 
see Institut de France. Cat. des MSS. de la Bibl. de 

rinstitut ; r^dige par F. B., 1890. 
„ Paris : Civic Inst. Cat. des MSS. de la Bibl. de la 

ville de P. ; r6d. par F. B., 1893. 
„ SooiETi DE l'Hist. de Paris, etc. M6ms., t6, L'hdtel 
royal de Saint-Pol, par F. B., 1880. 
Bourrilly (J.), A. Esclangon & P. Fontan. FlourUege prou- 
ven9au. (Anthol. provenjale). [Esoolo Felibrenco de La 
Targo]. s8o. Toulon. 1909 

Bourtzev (Vladimir L'vovich), see Burtzbv (V. L.) 
Bousset (Wilhelm). Jesu Predigt in i. Gegensatz z. Judentum. 

80. Gottingen. 1892 
Die Relig. des Judentums im neutestamentl. Zeitalter. 

20 A. 8°. 1906 

Boutin (Louis). Paris au temps de Saint Louis. 80. 1911 

Boutroux (Emile). E. B. Choix de textes avec une 6tude 

aur I'oeuvre, par P. Arohambault. [Les grands pWlosophes]. 

s8o. n.d. 
Bowden-Smith (A. Georgette). An Eng. student's wander- 
year in America. s8o. 1910 
Bowen (Miss Marjorie) ps. I will maintain. s8o. [1910] 
Bowen (Rev. the Hon. William Edward). Contemporary 
ritualism. A volume of evidence. Comp. by W. E. B. 

80. 1902 
Bower (John). Slate quarries as an investment. 

[P1239]. 80. 1865 
Bowerbank (James Scott). [Letter] to the members of the 
Ray Soc. [no tp. P1238]. 80. n.p. 1861 

Bowes (James Lord). Japanese enamels. With illust'. f. 
examples in Bowes coll. [2nd ed.]. la8o. 1886 

Bowles (Thomas Ciibson). Sea law & sea power as they would 
be affected by rec. proposals, w. reasons agst. those pro- 
posals. 80. 1910 
Bownas (Samuel). An account of the life, travels, & Xtn. 
experiences of S. B. [Pref. by J. Besse]. s8o. 1759 
Bowyer (Sir George), 1th bart. Dissertation on the statutes 
of the cities of Italy ; & a tr. of the Pleading of P. Farinacio 
in defence of B. Cenci &o. : w. notes. 80. 1838 
Boyce (Sir Rubert W.) Health progr. & admin, in the West 
Indies. . 80. 1910 
Mosquito or man ? The conquest of the tropical world. 

8°. 1909 

Boyd (Miss Harriet), see Hawbs (Mrs. H. B.) 

Boyd (Henry), see Monti (V.) The penance of Hugo, a 

vision on the French Revol. ; tr., w. two add. cantos by 

H. B., 1805. 

Boyle ; Fashionable Court & Country Guide. Jan. 1904, 1905. 

s8o. 1904-5 
Aft. had t. Boyle's Court Guide. 
Bracci (Riaaldo Maria) [ps. Nbri del Boocia], see Firenzb. 
Tutti i trionfi, carri, mascherate etc., andati per F., [ed. II 
Lasca], 2^ ed., corr. [by N. del Boccia, ps., i.e. R. M. B.], 
2p, 1750. 
Brachvogel (Albert Emil). Friedemann Bach. 7= A. Hrsg. 
V. E. Janke. s8o. 1907 

Braddon (Miss Mary Eliz.) Lady Audley's secret. s8o. n.d. 
Bradley (A. G.) The Avon & Shakespeare's country. 

8°. [1910] 
The Wye. Painted by S. Palmer, descr. by A. G. B. 

80. 1910 

Bradley (Andrew Cecil). Essays & studies by members of the 

English Assoc. ; coll, by A. C. B., 1910, see English Assoc 




Bradley (Henry). Eng. place-names, see English Assoc. 

Essays & studies ; coll. A. C. Bradley, 1910. 
Bradshaw (George Butler). Condemned for their country ; 
or, " No Irish need apply ! " An expos^ of the delinquencies 
of South Kensington Museum ; & a plea for the projected 
" Royal Irish Inst." sS". D. 1868 

Bradshaw (Henry), librarian of the Univ. of Cambridge, see 
Cambridge : Liebaky. Bulletin : H. B. Irish coU., 1909. 
Braga (Theophilo), see Canzioneibo portuguez da Vaticana ; 
ed. crit., acomp. de um glossario e de uma intr. por B., 
Braithwaite (B.) Poor-Law reform. Lecture, Epsom, 8th Feb., 
1910. [P1291 ; 1294]. s8». [Epsom]. [1910] 

Brambilla (Camillo). Monete di Pavia. Race, ed ordinata- 
mente diohiarate. 4°. Pavia. 1883 

Bramwell (George). *Proceedings of the House of Commons 
on passing Bills. 8°. pr. f. j>. v,se. 1809 

An 182S ed. had t. : Manner of proceeding on Bills in H. 
of C. 
Brandes (Georg). Ferdinand LassaUe. [Tr.]. 8°. 1911 

Brand! (Antonio). Guido Aretino ; d. sua vita, del suo 
tempo e dei suoi scritti. [With G.'s Opuscula de musioa]. 

8°. Firenze. 1882 
Brandon (J. Arthur), see Beandon (R.) & J. A. B. Parish 

churches, 1851. 

Brandon (John). *The Oxonian Antippodes, or, the Oxford 

Anty-Parliament. si". 1644 

Brandon (Raphael) & 3. A. Brandon. Parish churches ; being 

views of Eng. eccles. structures : aocomp. by plans & 

desert 2v. 4». 1851 

Brandon (Samuel). *The virtuous Octavia, 1598. [Prepared 

by R. B. McKerrow & checked by the gen. editor. Malone 

Soc.]. s4o. [0.]. 1909 [1910] 

Brandt (Johann Friedrich), naturalist. Bemerkungen ii. d. 

Wirbelthiere d. nordl. europa. Russlands, see Impbeatoeskoe 

Rttss. Gbog. Obsch. Der nordl. Ural, etc., B2, 1856. 

Brandt (Samuel). Eclogae poetarum Latin., in usum gymnasi- 

orum composuitS. B. Ed. 3 emend. s8°. L., Teubner. 1910 

Brandt (Sebastian). The ship of fools. 

2v. [Large paper issue]. 4". E. 1874 
Braque (Amaury), see Valois (N.) Notes sur la revol. paris. 

de 1356-8 : La revanche des freres Braque, 1884. 
Braque (Nicolas), see Valois (N.) Notes sur la revol. paris. 

de 1356-8 : La revanche des freres Braque, 1884. 
Brathwait (Richard). Drunken Barnaby's four journeys to 
the N. of Eng. In Latin & Eng. metre. With Bessy 
Bell, to wh. is added Anc. ballad of Chevy Chase. 

a. ed. 88°. 1822 

Brathwait (Richard) [ps. Hesychius PAMPHtttrs]. The 

Trimmer : life & death of moderation. [Pretended tr. by 

N. S., but wr. in Eng. by B.]. s8°. 1684 

Braun (Mrs. Lily). Memoiren einer Sozialistin. Lehrjahre. 

Roman. s8°. Miinchen. [1909] 

Brebner (Percy James). A gentleman of Virginia. 88°. 1910 

Bredero (Gerbrand Adriaensz). Werken. VoUedige uitg., door 

J. Ten Brink, H. B. Moltzer, etc. Met inleiding van G. 

Kalff. 3d. 88". Amsterdam. 1890 

Bremer (Frederika). The H family : by F. B. ; [tr.]. 

To wh. is annexed, Home ; by Miss Sedgwick. sS". 1844 
Streit u. Friede. Aus d. Schwedischen. [Ausg. Wke., B6]. 

s8". St. n.d. 

Bremond (Gabriel de), see Mancini (M.) Apologie, ou les 

veritables mem. de M. M. ; [attr. to G. de 5.] ; avec notice 

etc. par G. d'Heylli, 1881. 

Bremond (Henri). Apologie pour Fenelon. s8". 1910 

Newman. [Psychologic de la foi]. [3« ed.] s8°. 1905 

Bremond (S.), see Manoini (M.) Apologie, ou les veritables 

m6m. de M. M. ; [ed. by S. Bremond ; attr. to 0. de B.} ; 

notice etc. par G. d'Heylli, 1881. 

Brendan, St., son of FinnZoga, see O'DoNOGHUE (D.) Bren- 

daniana : St. B. the voyager, 2nd ed., 1895. 
Brenet (Michel). J. de Ockeghem, maitre de la ohapelle des 
rois Charles VII et Louis XI, see Sooiete de l'Hist. de 
Paris, etc. Mems., t20, 1893. 
S. de Brossard, pretre, compositeur, ^crivain et bibliophile, 
165..-1730, d'ap. s. papiers ined., see Sooif;TB de l'Hist. 
DE Paris, etc. Mdms., t23, 1896. 
Brennwald (Heinrich). Sehweizerchronik. B2. Hrsg. v. R. 
Luginbuhl, [Quellen z. Sohweizer Gesch., N. Folge, Abtlg. 
1, B2]. ' go. Basel. 1910 

Brentano (Clemens). 


Samtliche Werke. Hrsg. v. C. Schudde- 
B4, 5, 10. 8". Munchen. 1909-10 

i, Komanzen v. Bosenoranz ; hreg. v. V. Michels. 5, Godwi ; hrsg. v, H. 
Amelung. 10, Die Grundung Prags ; hrsg. v. 0. Brechler. 

Brenzoni-Schioppo (Laura), see Muraei (R.) M. Sanudo e 

L. B.-S., 1898. 
Breton de los Herreros (Manuel), see Lb Gbntil (6.) Le 
poete M. B. de los H. & la society espagnole de 1830 a 1860, 
Breve y sumaria relao. de un auto partic. de fee, de Mexico, 
1647, see Mexico. Autos de fe de la Inquisicion de M., 
1646-8, 1910. 
Brice (Germain), see Bonnardot (A.) G. Corrozet & G. B. : 

etudes bibhog., 1880. 
Bridge (Admiral Sir Cyprian A. G.) Sea-power, & other 
studies. 88°. 1910 

Bridges (Robert). Eden, an oratorio. 88°. 1891 

On the present state of English pronunciation, see English 
Assoc. Essays & studies ; coU. A. C. Bradley, 1910. 
Bridges (Robert), American, b. 1868. Overheard in Aroady. 

88°. 1894 
Bridget, Saint, abbess of Kildare [Brigid], see Sherlock (W.), 

canon of Kildare. Some aco. of St. B., etc., 1896. 
Briele (L6on), see Tournibb ( — ) & L. B. Archives de I'Admin. 

gen. de I'Assistanoe publ. k Paris, 1877. 

Brieuz (Eugene). L'armature : piece tir^e du roman de P. 

Hervieu. 88°. 1905 

Discours de reception k I'Acad. Fran9., prononce le 12 mai, 

1910. [on L. Halevy. P1279]. sS". [1910] 

L'ecole des belles-meres : comedie. 4^ ed. 88°. 1908 

R^sultat des courses ! comedie. s8°. 1898 

La rose bleue : oomedie-vaudeville. 2« 6d. s8°. 1905 

Voyage aux Indes & en Indo-Chine. 88°. [1910] 

see Bertrand (A.) E. B., 1910. 

& J. Sigaux. La d^serteuse : piece. s8°. 1904 

Briggs (Charles Augustus). Church unity, studies of its most 

important problems. 8°. 1910 

The Messiah of the Apostles. 8». E. 1895 

The Messiah of the Gospels. 8". E. 1894 

Brigid, Saint, abbess of Kildare, see Bridget, Saint. 

Brinckmann (C. G. von), see Beinkman (C. (J., ba/ron von). 

Brinkman (Carl Gustaf, baron von) [Brinckmann], see Gbntz 

(F. V.) Briefe v. u. an F. v. G., ■B2, Briefe an u. v. C. G. 

V. B. etc., 1910. 

Brissaud (Louis Desir^). L'administration anglaise & le 

mouvement communal dans le Bordelais. Les Anglais en 

Guyenne. 8". 1875 

Brissot (Jean Pierre), de Warville. Memoires, 1754^93. Publ. 

avec etude crit. et notes par C. Perroud. [Mems. et docs. 

rel. au 18^ & 19= s.]. 2t. 8°. n.d. 

British. B. Empire ser. vl. 8°. 1906 

I, India, Ceylon, Straits Settlements, Brit. N. Borneo, Hong-Kong 
[by var. as.], 

B. merchant : coll. of papers rel. to trade etc. of Gt. Brit. 
& Irel. ; publ. by C. King, 3v, 2nd ed., 1743, see 
King (C.) 
British Museum. 

The sculptures of the Par- 
thenon. With intr. & 
comm. by A. H. Smith. 
[Plates 6. sep.]. lafol. 1910 

Coins & Medals. 
Coins of Roman Republic 

in B.M. ; by H. A. 

Grueber. 3v. Ia8°. 1910 
Greek coins of Phoenicia ; 

by G. F. Hill. 8o. 1910 
Imperial Byzantine coins in 

B.M. ; by W. Wroth. 2v, 

[■pagin. cont.]. Ia8". 1908 

Hebrew & Samaritan MSS. 
in B.M. ; by G. Margo- 

p3i, Kabbalah, 4°. 1909 

MSS. [continued]. 
B. M. Karaite MSS. Descrs. 

& collation of six K. MSS. 

or portions of the Hebrew 

Bible in Arabic characters; 

w. reprod. of one. By R. 

Horning. 40. 1889 

Reprods. f.illuminated MSS. 

Ser. 1. 50 plates. 

2nd ed. 84°. 1910 

MS. music in B.M. ; by 
A. Hughes-Hughes. 

3v. Ia8°. 1906-9 

Natural Histoey. 
Catalogue of the books, 
MSS., maps & drawings 
in B.M., N.H. vl-3, 

A-O, [pagin. cont.]. 

40. 1903-10 


British Museum [contimied]. 
Natural History [cont.]. 
National Antarctic Expedi- 
tion, 1901-4. Nat. hist. 
v6, Zoology & Botany. 

40. 1910 


Desoript. oat. of marine 
reptiles of the Oxford 
clay, based on the Leeds 
Coll. in B.M., Nat. Hist, 
pi, by C. W. Andrews. 

40. 1910 


Greek P. in B.M. : cat., 

w. texts. v4. The Aphro- 

dito papyri; ed. H. I. 

Bell, w. an app. of Coptic 

papyri ; ed. W. E. Crum. 

40. 1910 

Printed Books. 

Books forming theRef ererice 

Lib. in the Reading Room 

of the B.M. 4th ed., rev. 

& enl. 2t (1, Authors ; 2, 

Subjects). laS". 1910 

Printed Books. Special 
foreign catalogues. 

Bengali books, Supplem. 
cat. of, in B.M., acquired 
188&-1910; comp. by J. F. 
Blumhardt. 4°. 1910 

Hindustani books. Supple- 
mentary cat. of, in B.M., 
acquired 1889-1908 ; by 
J. P. Blumhardt. 4°. 1909 

Kannada, Badaga, & Kurg 
books in B.M. ; comp. by 
L. D. Barnett. 4". 1910 

Tamil books in B.M. ; 
comp. by L. D. Barnett 
& G. U. Pope. 40. 1909 

Prints, Drawings, & 


Engraved Brit, portraits in 

B.M. By F. O'Donoghue. 

v2, D-K. Ia8». 1910 

British Record Society. Index 



Romances in Dept. of MSS. 

in B.M. ; by J. A. Herbert. 

v3. la8o. 1910 


British Hymenoptera of the 

family Chalcididse. By C. 

Morley. 8°. 1910 

Lepidoptera Phalaenae in 

B.M. v9, 10. 8". 1910 

9, Nootuidie, by Sir G. F. Hamp- 
son, & Plates to v9. 

10, NootuidDo ; Sir G. F. Hamp- 

Monograph of Cuhcidse or 
mosquitoes, mainly f.coUs. 
at B.M. By F. V. Theo- 
bald. v5. 8°. 1910 

Monograph of the Okapi, 
by Sir E. R. Lankester. 
Atlas, compiled w. assist- 
ance of W. 6. Ridewood. 
40. 1910 

Synonymic cat. of Orthop- 
tera. By W. F. Kirby. 

v3. 8». 1910 

3, Orthoptera Saltatoria, p2 
(Locustidse vel Aoridiidse). 

see Clark (H.) Letter to 
the Trustees of B.M. 
on Condition of the 
coll. of iuvertebrata, 


see Budge (E. A. T. W.) 
Texts rel. to St. Mena 
of Egypt etc., in a 
Nubian dialect ; w. 
facs. ; ed. E. A. W. ' 
B., 1909. 

„ OwEN(E.) Cat. of MSS. 
rel. to Wales in B.M., 
p2, 3, 1903-8. 

,, Wahschauer (A.) Mitt, 
aus d. Hsssammlung. 
d. B.M., vornehml. z. 
poln. Gesch., 1909. 

V38-40. [In prog.J. Ia8». 1910 

Gloucestershire Inquisitiones post mortem. p5, Edw. I-Edw. Ill, 
1302-68. Ed. B. A. Try. [40.] 

Leicestershire marriage licences, being abstracts of the bonds & allega- 
tions for marriage licences, preserved in the Leicester Archdeaconry 
Kegistry, 1B7U-1729. Transcribed, ed. & indexed by H. Hartopp. [38.] 

Worcester, Calendar of wills & admin", in the Consistory Court of the bp. 
of W. [v2] 1601-52; also marriage licences and sequestrations in the 
Probate Registry at W. Ed. E. A. Jry. [39.] 

v5. laS". 1910 

Allen (T. W.) Text of the Odyssey, 1910. [6.] 
Ash by (T.) Classical topog. of the Roman Campagna, p3, sect. 2, 1910. [5.] 
Columbarium of Pomponius Hylas ; drawings by F. G. Newton ; 

text by T. A., 1910. [5.] 

Jones (H. S.) Hist, interpretation of reliefs of Trajan's column, 1910. [6.] 
Mackenzie (D.) Dolmens, Tombs of the Giants, & Nuraghi of Sardinia, 

1910. [5.] 

Peet (T. EO Contribs. to study of prehist. period in Malta, 1910. [B.] 
Wace(A. J. B.) Reliefs in the Palazzo Spada, 1910. [5.] 

Woolley(C. L.) La Civita in valley of the Sabato, 1910. [6.] 

British Society o£ Franciscan Studies. [Publications'}. 

vl, 2. 8°. Aberdoniae. 1908-10 

see Liber exemplorum ad usum praedicantium, saeo. 13 

compos. ; ed. per A. G. Little, 1908. [1.] 

„ Peckham (J.) Tractatus tres de paupertate ; cum 

bibUog. ed. C. L. Kingsford, etc., 1910. [2.] 

Britton (Percy Wilson). Mes vacanoes d'6t6 de 1870, en 

Prance. Ed. privee. 8°. n.p. [1870] 

Brizeux (J. Auguste P.) (Euvres. n. ed., revue, corr. & augm., 

pr6o. d'une notice biog. etc. par A. Dorchain. [t]l, Marie — 

Telen Arvor — Furnez Breiz. s8o. [1910] 

British School at Rome. Papers. 

Broadbent (Sir William Henry). Life of Sir W. B. Ed. by 
M. E. Broadbent. 8". 1909 

Broadley (Alex. Meyrick). Dr. Johnson & Mrs. Thrale : incl. 
Mrs. Thrale's unpubJ. journal of the Welsh tour, 1774, & 
unpubl. corr. of Streatham coterie. With intr. essay by 
T. Seocombe. 8". 1910 

Napoleon in caricature, 1795-1821 ; w. intr. essay on pictorial 
satire as a factor in Napoleonic hist, by J. H. Rose. 

2v. 8". 1911 

see Wheeler (H. F. B.) & A. M. B. The war in Wexford, 

1798, 1910. 

Brockelmann (Carl). Gesch. d. christl. Litt. d. Orients. Von 

C. B., etc. [Die Litt. d. Ostens, B7]. 2^ A. 8». L. 1909 

Syr. u. christl.-arab. Litt,, v. C. B.— Armen. Litt., v. F. N. Finck— Kopt. 
Litt., v. J. Leipoldt— Athiop. Litt., v. E. Littmann. 

Brockett (Paul). Bibliog. of seronautios, 1910, see Smith- 
sonian Instit. Misc. colls., v55, 1910. 

Brockhage (Bernhard). Zur Entwioklung des preuss.-deut. 
Kapitalexports ; Tl, Der Berliner Markt f. ausland. Staats- 
papiere 1816 bis um 1840, see Staats- rr. Socialwiss. 
FORSCHUNGEN, H148, 1910. 

Broekwell (Maurice W.), see Konody (P. G.) & M. W. B. 

The Louvre : 60 plates, [w. descr".], ed. T. L. Hare, 1910. 
BrogUe (J. V. Albert, 6" due de). Discours. [Ed.] F. de 

Broglie. 2p. 8". 1909-10 

1, Discours polit. (1871-91;. 2, Enseignement public, 1864-96. 
Brousky (P.) H. A. PBiicKia-KopcaKOBi, fiiorpa*. o-jepui, KpaiEia 

iBfipeiTO oaeph. CnacoKi npoBSBe^eBiii. 

[P1276]. s8°. C.-n. n.d. 
Bronte (Anne), see Dimnet (E.) Les sceurs Bronte, 1910. 
Brontg (Charlotte), see Dimnet (E.) Les sceurs Bronte, 1910. 
E. Bronte, & A. Bronte, see Malham-Dbmbleby (J.) 

Key to Bronte wks. : key to C. B.'s " Wuthering Heights," 

etc., 1911. 
Bronte (Emily Jane). Complete poems. Ed. C. Shorter ; w. 

intr. essay by W. R. NicoU. 8°. 1910 

see Dimnet (E.) Les sceurs Bronte, 1910. 
Brooke (Sir Charles), rajah of Sarawak, see Baring-Gould 

(S.) & C. A. Bampeyldb. Hist, of Sarawak under its two 

white Rajahs, 1839-1908, 1909. 
Brooke (Sir James), rajah of Sarawak, see Baring-Gould 

(S.) & C. A. Bampeylde. Hist, of Sarawak under its two 

white Rajahs, 1839-1908, 1909. 
Brooke (Robert Greville, Snd baron) [Brook]. The nature of 

truth, its union & unity with the soule, etc. [Ed. J. S.]. 

s8<'. 1641 
Brooke (Stopford A.) Theology in the Eng. poets : Cowper — 

Coleridge — Wordsworth — Burns. s8°. [1910] 

Brooks (Maria Crowen), called Maria del Occidente, see Maria 

del Occidente. 
Brooks (William Henry Salter). Vestiges of the broken plural 

in Hebrew. [P1246]. 8°. Dublin. 1883 

Broomhall (Marshall). Islam in China ; a neglected problem. 

Pref. by J. R. Mott, H. P. Beach, S. M. Zwemer. Ia8°. 1910 
Brossard (S^bastien de), see Brbnet (M.) S. de B., pretre, 

compositeur, etc., 165..-1730, d'ap. s. papiers ined., 1896. 
Brosset (Marie FeUcite). nepeaocKa, Ha bhoctp. AsuEaii, 

rpysHBCKHxi qapefi ci pocciBcKaMH rocy^apiiMH, 1659-1770. 

4". C.-n. 1861 
Brougham (Henry), 1st baron Brougham dh Vaux. Opinions 

of Lord B., on politics, theology, law, science, education, 

literature, etc., etc., as exhib. in his speeches, etc. 8°. 1837 
Broughton (Sir Delves Louis), iOth bart. Records of an old 

Cheshire family : hist, of the lords of the manors of Delves, 

nr. Uttoxeter in Co. of Stafford, & Doddington in Co. of 

Chester. 4°. 1908 

Broughton (John Cam Hobhouse, baron). Historical illust'. 

of the fourth canto of Childe Harold : cont. Diss, on the 

ruins of Rome ; & an Essay on Italian lit. 8°. 1818 

Recoils, of a long life. With addit. extrs. f. h. diaries. Ed. 

Lady Dorchester. v3, 4. [3, 1822-9 ; 4, 1829-34]. 8°. 1910 
Broughton (Miss Rhoda). The Devil & the deep sea. s8°. 1910 
Brown (Alice). Country neighbors. 88°. 1910 

Brown (Charles Brockden), novelist. [Novels]. 

[6v]. 8°. Philadelphia. 1887 

[1], Wieland, [w. mem. of B.] 
[2, 3], Arthur Mervyn ; ( 
Mems. of 1793. 

[4], Edgar Huntly ; or, Mems. 

[6], Jane Talbot. 
[6], Ormond— [Clara Howaid]. 

of a 




Brown (Edward), F.L.S. Rep. on the poultry industry in 

Belgium. 8". 1910 

Brown (George), D.D. Melaneaians & Polynesians. 8". 1910 
Brown (Gerard Baldwin). The arts & crafts of our Teutonic 

forefathers. Substance of Rhind lects., 1909. 8". 1910 

Brown (Vincent). The screen. sS". 1909 

Brown (William), clerk of Common Pleas, see Lambard (W.) 

Duty & office of high constables, etc. ; coll'*, by W. L., 

enl. by W. B., 1677. 
Browne (Edward Granville). The Persian revolution, 1905-9. 

8". C. 1910 
Browning (Oscar). Memories of 60 years at Eton, Cambridge, 

& elsewhere. 8°. 1910 

Browning (Robert). Christmas eve. s8°. n.d. 

see Griffin (W. H.) Life of R. B. ; compl. & ed. by H. 0. 
Minchin, 1910. 

„ Ker (W. p.) B., 1910. 
Brownrigg (Mrs. ), see Wheeler (H. P. B.) & A. M. 

Broadley. The war in Wexford : aco. of rebellion in S. 

of Ireland, 1798, [ind. Mrs. B.'s Diary], 1910. 
Brozzi (Domenico). Dell' origine e natura del linguaggio, ossia 

etimologia d. lingua latina, coi rapporti tra 1' idee e le radici 

d. parole. 8°. Citta di Castello. 1909 

Bruce (<StV Charles), G.C.M.6. The broad stone of Empire: 

problems of crown colony administration, w. records of 

personal experience. 2v. 8°. 1910 

Bruce (Clarence Dalrymple). In the footsteps of Marco Polo : 

ace. of a journey overland f. Simla to Pekin. 8°. E. 1907 
Bruce (Philip Alex.) Institutional hist, of Virginia in 17th c. 

2v. 80. N.Y. 1910 
Bruchard (Henry de). Les chroniques du Moghreb. Etudes 

alg^riennes. sS". [1908] 

Bruel (Alexandre). Note sur le grand plan de Paris, dit Plan 

des artistes, 1793-1808, see Soci:6Ti! de l'Hist. de Paris, 

ETC. M6ms., t4, 1878. 
Notice sur la tour et I'hotel de Sainte-Mesme, see Societe de 

l'Hist. de Paris, etc. Mems., tl4, 1888. 
Recherches sur les trois premiers exemplaires du Plan de 

Paris de Verniquet, see Sooifiifi db l'Hist. db Paris, etc. 

Mems., t8, 1882. 
Brugger (E.) Mitteilungen aus Hss. d. altfranzos. Prosaro- 

mane Joseph u. Merlin, nebst textkrit. Erorterungen, v. 

E. B., see Romanischb Fokschtjnqen, B26, 1909. 
Brugmann (Carl), see Indogermanisohe FoESOHirNQEN, B25, 

26, Festschrift ftir K. B., hrsg. v. W. Streitberg, 2T, 1909. 
Brugsch (Heinrich). Die bibl. 7 Jahre d. Hungersnoth nach d. 

Wortlaut e. altagypt. Felsen-lnschrift. [P1244]. 8o. L. 1891 

Steininschrift u. Bibelwort. 2^ A. [P1243]. 8°. 1891 

Bruhns (Carl C), see Criegern (H. F. v.) Leichenrede lib. 

Jes. 40, 26-29, gehalten am Sarge d. B., 1881. 
Briill (Adolf), see Bible : Pentateuch. Das Samaritan. 

Targum z. P. ; hrsg. v. A. B. ; [w.] Anhang 1, 2, (i; Krit. 

Studien — 2, Zur Gesch. u. Lit. d. Samaritaner, etc.), 1875-9. 
Brunelleschi (Pilippo), architect, 
see Baldinuoci (F.) Vita di F. di Ser B., scritta da F. B., 
con altra di anon, contemp. scrittore ; pubbl. etc. dal 
Canonico D. Moreni, 1812. 

,, Fabbiczy (C. v.) Brunelleschiana ; Urkunden u. For- 
sohungen, 1907. 
Brunet (P. Gustave). Quelques mots rel. a la litt. macaronique 

a propos d'une satire inedite. 8°. Bordeaux. 1879 

Brunhes (Jean). La geographic humaine. Essai de classifica- 
tion positive, principes & exemples. 8°. 1910 
Bruno, Saint, abp. of Cologne, see Rtjotqerits. Leben d. 

Erzbischofs B. ; iibers. v. J. v. Jasmund, 2» A., 1890. 
Bruno, Magdeburgensis. Buch v. sachs. Kriege ; iibers. v. 

W. Wattenbach, 2" A., see Geschiohtscheeiber (Die) d. 

deut. Vorzeit, 2« Gesammtausg. , B45, 1893. 
Bruno (Giordano), «ee Auvray (L.) G. B. a Paris, d'ap. le 

tdmoignage d'un contemp. [G. Cotin], 1585-6, 1901. 
Brunot (Ferdinand). L'enseignement de la langue franjaise. 

s8». 1909 
Hist, de la langue fran9aise des origines a 1900. 

t3ii, 1600-1660, p2. 8". 1911 

La reforme de I'orthographe. 8°. 1905 

Brush (Murray P.), see Modern Langtjaoe Assoc, of Ambb. 

Pubis., v24, JEao-p, Ysopet III of Paris, [ed., w. intr. by B.'] 

Brusoni (Francesco), poeta laureate, see Cbssi (C.) Not. intorno 

a. F. B., ed ai suoi figli Livio Francesco e Virgilio, 1899. 

Bryce (George). The siege & conquest of the North Pole. 

8°. 1910 
Bryce (Rt. Hon. James). The Amer. Commonwealth. 2v. 

3rd ed., rev. w. addit. chapters. 88°. N.Y. 1908-9 

2v. n. ed., revised, w. addit. chapters. 

8°. N.Y. 1911 
Bryce (W. A.), see Stacpoole (H. db Verb) & W. A. B. The 

meddler, 1907. 
Buchan. Book of B., by 29 contributors, 1910, see Tocher 

(J. F.) ed. 
Buchanan (James Robert). The last resting place of a Lord 

Mayor, Sir M. Philip, Heme Church, Kent. Ace. of his life. 

3rd ed. [P1297]. 8°. n.d. 

4th ed. [P1291]. 8". n.d. 

Buche (Joseph). Le Mars de Coligny, Mus^e de Lyon, see 

Acad, des Inscr., etc. : Fond. Piot. Mon'., etc., tlO, 1903. 
Buchel (Arnold van). Descr. de Paris, 1585-6 ; publ. L. A. 

Van Langeraad & A. Vidier, see SooifiTE de l'Hist. de 

Paris, etc. M^ms., t26, 1899. 
Buchgewerbe, see Arohiv fitb B. 
Bucke (Richard Maurice). Walt Whitman. Added, Eng. 

critics on W. W. Ed. E. Dowden. sS". Glasgow. 1884 

Buckinghamshire. B. parish registers : Marriages. Ed. W. 

P. W. Phillimore & T. Gurney. v6 ; [in prog.]. 8». 1910 

Buckland Priory. Cartulary of B. P. in Co. of Somerset. 

Ed. by Rev. F. W. Weaver. [Somerset Record Soc, v25]. 

s4o. for subscr. only. 1909 
Buckman (S. S.), F.G.S. Monograph of the Ammonites of 

the " Inferior Oolite ser." [Palseontographical Soc.]. 

Text, vl ; Atlas, vl. 40. 1887-1907 

Buckniil (John Charles). The medical knowledge of Shake- 


80. 1860 

Budde (Carl). Das Alte Testament u. d. Ausgrabungen. 

Ein Beitrag z. Streit um Babel u. Bibel. 

2" A. [P1243]. 80. Giessen. 1903 
The Nomadic ideal in the Old Test. [Extr. f. the New World, 

1895. no tp. P1245]. 8o. [1895] 

The Song of Solomon. [Extr. f. the New World, 1894, 

no tp. P1245]. 8o. [1894] 

Budde (Fritz). Wieland u. Bodmer. [Palaestra, 89]. 8o. 1910 
Buddha, see Sacred Books of the Buddhists, tr., v3. Dia- 
logues of the B., tr., p2, 1910. 
Buddhismus. Pali-B. in Ubersetzungen ; Texte aus d. 

buddhist. Pali-Kanon u. d. Kammavaoam ; iibers. v. K. 

Seidenstiicker, 1911, see Pali. 
Budge (Ernest A. T. Wallis). Texts rel. to St. Mena of Egypt 

& Canons of Nicsea, in a Nubian dialect ; w. facsimile. Ed. 

E. A. W. B. [Brit. Museum]. 8o. 1909 

see Book of the Dead, etc. ; ed. B., 3v, 1910. 
Biidinger (Max). Die neuentdeckten luschriften uber Cyrus. 

[Aus d. Sitzungsber. d. phil.-hist. Classe d. kais. Akad. d. 

Wiss., 1880. P1246]. 8o. Wien. 1881 

Bueno (Manuel). Teatro espanol contemp. [J. Echegaray — 

A. Guimera — P. Galdos — J. Dicenta — J. Benavente — 

Linares Rivas — Los Quintero — S. Rusinol]. s8o. [1909] 

Buenos Ayres. Direocion de Desagues de la Prov. Memoria 

al Ministero de Obras Publ. de B. A. laSo. Buenos Aires. 1910 
Buffenoir (Hippolyte). Les portraits de Robespierre. Etude 

iconographique & hist. [Etudes sur le 18^ s.] la8o. 1910 
Buffin (baron Camille). Docs. in6d. sur la Revolution beige. 

1, Lettres de J.-F. Staedtler a S.A.S. le Prince Auguste 

d'Arenberg ; 2, Relation du bombardement d'Anvers 

d'apreslespapiersined. duLt.-Gen. Chazal. 8o. Brux. 1910 
Bugenhagen (Johann). Christl. Vermahnung an d. Bohmen ; 

nach d. Originaldruck v. Jahr 1546 hrsg. v. C. v. Kiigelgen, 

see Zeitgemasse Traktate aus d. Reformationszeit, H2, 

*Buggbears (The), see Bond (R. W.) Early plays [The B., etc.] 

f. the Italian ; ed. w. essay etc. by B., 1911. 
Buhl (Frants Peter William). Geographie d. alten Palastina. 

[Grundriss d. theolog. Wiss., Eeihe 2, B4]. 

80. Freiburg i. B. 1896 
Bulard (Marcel). Peintures murales & mosaiques de D61os, see 

Acad, des Inscr. etc. : Fond. Piot. Mon'. etc., tl4, 1908. 
Bulgaria, see Sbornik. COophhki aa Hapo^HH yMOTBopenan, k 18-24. 

Bulkeley (-Sir Richard), bart. Ace. of the Prophets of the 

Cevennes, see Prophetical extracts, 1794-5. 
Bullen (Frank T.) Fighting the icebergs. [Novel]. s8o. 1910 
Told in the dog watches. sgo. 1910 




Bulletins & other State Intelligence. 1905-7, Jan.-June, 1908. 

[No more publ.']. sS". 1906-8 

Billow von Dennewitz (Fteidrich Wilhelm, Qraf), see Vark- 

HAOEN V. Ensb (C. a. L. p.) Biogr. Denkmale, T8, B. v. D., 

Bulteau (Mme. A.) [ps. Jacques Vontade], see tVoNTADE 

(J.) ps. 
Bumpus (John S.) Dictionary of ecolesiastioal terms. 8°. n.d. 
Bumpus (T. Francis). The cathedrals of Northern France. 

s8o. n.d. 
Bunsen (Jlfme. Charles de), see Btjnsbn (M. I. de). 
Bunsen (baron Christian Carl Josias). Analecta Ante- 

Nicsena. CoUegit reo. illust. C. C. J. B. 3v. 8". Londini. 1854. 

1, ReliquifB lit. 2, Reliquiic canonicm. 3, Keligaise liturgicee, cum app". 

Bunsen (Mary Isabella de), nee Waddington [Bunsen {Mme. 

Charles de)]. In three legations. • 8°. 1909 

Bunsen (Victoria de). The soul of a Turk. 8°. 1910 

Buoninsegni (Domenico) [Boninsboni (Dombnico di Lion- 

ardo)]. Storie d. oitti di Pireuze dall' anno 1410 al 1460. 

Le quali si sono arriochite di postille, etc. 84°. Piorenza. 1637 
Buonsignori (Andrea) [Buonsiqnioki]. Lettere intorno alia 

morte di Lorenzo il Magnifico, con le risposte della balia di 

Siena ; pubbl. C. Paoli. [Nozze Palmieri-Buonaignori. 

P1277]. 8°. Siena. 1870 

Bnichard (John), bp. of Orta <b Civita Castellana, see Buk- 

chardus (J.) 
Burchardus (Joannes), bp. of Orta & Civita Castellana [Bur- 
chard ; BuRCKARDUs]. Diary of J. B., master of cere- 
monies to Sixtus IV, Innocent VIII, etc., 1483-1506. Tr. 

f. text publ. in Paris, by A. H. Mathew. vl, 1483-92. 

laS". 1910 
Liber notarum, 1483-1506 ; a oura di E. Celani, vl, see 

MuBATORi (L. A.) Rer. Ital. sor., t32 i, 1910. 
Burckhardt (Jacob). La civilti del secolo del Binascimento in 

Italia. Tr. D. Valbusa, con aggiunte etc. dall' autore. 

2v. S80. Firenze. 1876 
Burdy (Samuel). The hist, of Ireland, to the Union. 

8°. E. 1817 
Burg (Jos.) Kontrovers-Lexikon. Die konfessionellen Streit- 

fragen zw. Katholiken u. Protestanten. Eine Antwort auf 

protestant. AngrifEe. 8°. Essen-Ruhr. 1904 

Burge (William). Commentaries on colonial & foreign laws 

generally, n. ed., under gen. ed. of A. W. Renton & G. G. 

Phillimore. v3. 8". 1910 

Burghersh (Friscilla Anne Fane, Lady), aft. countess of West- 
morland, wife of 11th earl. Correspondence. Ed. Lady R. 

Weigall. 8". 1909 

BurgsdorfE (Conrad von), see Spannagbl (C.) K. t. B., ein 

brandenburg. Kriegs- u. Staatsmann, 1903. 
Burguero (Alfonso Danvila y), see Danvila y Buroubro (A.) 
Burgundy (Marie Adelaide, duchess of), see Williams (H. N.) 

Rose of Savoy : M. A. of Savoy, 1909. 
Burgundy (Robert, count of), d. 1S17, see Robert, I'Enfant, 

cte. de Bourgogne. 
Burke (Ash worth Peter), see Burke (Sir J. B.) Genealog. & 

heraldic diet, of the peerage, etc., 70th ed., by Sir B. B. & 

A. P. B., 1908. 
Burke (Bt. Hon. Edmund). Corr. of E. B. & Wm. Windham, 

w. o. illust. letters f. Windham Papers in Brit. Museum. 

Ed. J. P. Gilson. [Roxburghe Club]. 4°. C. 1910 

Burke (John), genealogist. Genealog. & heraldic hist, of the 

commoners of Gt. Brit. & Irel. 4v. laS". 1835-8 

Index to the pedigrees in Burke's Commoners, orig. prep. 

by G. Ormerod in 1840. [Ed. by J. R. Magrath]. 8". 0. 1907 
Burke {Sir John Bernard). Genealog. & heraldic diet, of the 

peerage & baronetage, etc. 70th ed., by Sir B. B. & A. P. 

Burke. laS". 1908 

Burke (Oliver J.) The Abbey of Ross, its hist. & details. 

n. ed. s8°. D. 1908 
Burkhardt (Heinrich). Zur Theorie d. trigonometr. Reihen 

u. d. Entwicklungen nach Kugelfunktionen, see Konigl. 

Akad. D. Wiss. zu Munchen. Math.-phys. Classe. Sitzungs- 

ber., 1909, 1910. 
Burlington Fine Arts Club. Exhibition of early Chmese 

pottery & porcelain. 4°. 1910 

Burman (P.) [Burmannus (Petbus), the elder]. Poematum 

libri 4. Curante P. Burmanno juniore. 4P. A. 1745 

Burmester (LudwigE.H.) Dioptr. Ersoheinungenbei einaugigem 

Sehen u. beschranktem Sehfeld, see Konigl. Akad. d. Wiss. 

zu MiJNOHBN. Math.-phys. Classe. Sitzungsber., 1909, 1910 

Burn (Joseph). Stock Exchange investments in theory & 
practice, w. chapters on constitution etc. of Bank of Eng. 

8°. 1909 

Burnet (Gilbert), bp. of Salisbury. Citation of G. B., for high 

treason, w. h. answer, & 3 letters to the Earl of Midletoune. 

[no tp. pagin. comm. pP. P1286]. s4o. [1687] 

*Enquiry into Reasons for abrogating the test imposed on 

all members of Pari., offered by Sa. Oxon. [i.e. S. Parker; 

by G. B.] [no tp. P1286]. 84". [1688] 

"■Letter, contg. reflections on H.M.'s Declaration for liberty of 

conscience, [by 0. B. , sometimes ascr. to D. Defoe]. 

[no tp. P1286]. 84". 1687 
Letter to Mr. Thevenot : Censure of Le Grand's Hist, of 
Hen. VIIL's divorce, etc. [P1286]. s4». 1689 

see Anne, Q. of Ot. Brit. *Life & reign of Q. A. ; annexed, 
Some polit. remarks on B.'s Hist, of reign of Q. A., 1738. 
Burns (Robert), the poet. Letters, sel. & arr., w. an intr., by 
J. L. Robertson. s8°. 1887 

Bumside (Francis Rashleigh), see National Rose See. Sym- 
posium on how to grow & show tea roses by B. etc., n. ed., 
Burr (Malcolm), see Fauna (The) pf Brit. India, incl. Ceylon 

& Burma: Dermaptera (Earwigs) ; by M. B., 1910. 
Burton (Robert), a. of "Anatomy of melancholy." The 
anatomy of melancholy. 9th ed., corr. ; pref., an ace. of 
the author. 2 v. 8°. 1800 

Burtzev (Vladimir L'vovich) [Bourtzev]. 3a cto j fit t (1 800-96). 
CdopuBKi no HOT. nojBTBi. &c. 4BHxeaii! bi Pocciti, 2 i. 

88°. London. 1897 

Bury (Richard de). Fragments of h. register, & o. docs. 

[SurteesSoc, 119]. 8°. Durham. 1910 

Bury (Thomas Talbot). Rudimentary architecture : styles 

of var. countries. 13th ed. s8°. 1906 

Bnscemi (Niccolo). Notizie d. Basilica di San Pietro detta la 

Cappella Regia. [<Ss Note w. sep. pagin.]. Race, ed esposte 

N. B. 4". Palermo. 1840 

Bushnell (David I.), jr. The Choctaw of Bayou Lacomb, 

St. Tammany parish, Louisiana. [Smithsonian Inst.]. 

8°. W. 1909 
Busone [BaffaelU], da Ovhbio, known as " Busone novella " 
[Bosonb]. Fortunatus Sioulus o sia L'avvent. Ciciliano. 
Scr. nel 1311, pubbl. da G. F. Nott. 38°. Milano. 1833 

see Mazzatinti (G.) B. da G. e le sue opere, 1885. 
Busquet (Raoul). Etude hist, sur le college de Fortet, 1394- 
1764, see Socii!T:6 de l'Hist. db Paris, etc. M6ms., t34, 
Bussell (Frederick William). Marcus Aurelius & the later 
Stoics. s8°. E. 1910 

The Roman Empire : essays on constitutional hist., 81 a.d.- 
1081. 2v. 8°. 1910 

Bussi (G. Corboli), see Cokeoli Bussi {Monsignor G.) 
Bussy (Frederick Moir). Irish conspiracies : recoils, of J. 
' Mallon, etc. 8°. 1910 

Bussy-Rabutin. Discours a ses enfans sur les divers evenemens 
de sa vie, & le bon usage des adversitez. s8°. 1694 

Butler (Arthur Gardiner). Foreign finches in captivity. 

2nd ed. laS". Hull. 1899 

Butler (Arthur John). The forerunners of Dante : a sel. f. 

Italian poetry before 1300. Ed. B. 88". 0. 1910 

Butler (Henry Montagu). Ten great & good men. s8". 1909 

Butler (Samuel), bp. of Lichfield & Coventry, see Atlas. A. 

of anc. cfe classical geog. ; [orig. compiled by B.], repr., 1909. 

Butler (Samuel), of St. John's Coll., Cambridge. Unconscious 

memory : [compar. betw. Hering & von Hartmann, w. tr^., 

etc.]. n. ed., [ed. R. A. Streatfeild], w. intr. by M. Hartog. 

sS". 1910 
see Salter (W. H.) Essays on two moderns : Euripides, 
S. B., 1911. 
Butler (Thomas), 10th earl of Ormonde, see Ormonde (T. B., 

10th earl of). 

Butler (William), A.B.I.A.L Christ Church Cathedral, 

Dublin. Measured drawings of the building prior to 

restoration. fol. D. [1874] 

Butler {Sir William Francis). The light of the West, w. some 

other wayside thoughts, 1865-1908. a8o. 1909 

Buxtorflus (Joannes), the elder. De abbreviaturis Hebraicis : 

cui accesserunt operis Talmudici recensio. Item bibl. 

rabbinica nova. Ed. 2*. sS". Basilese. 1640 

see SoHNEDBRMANN (G.) Die Controverse d. L. Cappellus 

mit d. Buxtorfen, 1879. 




Boxtorfius (Johannes), the younger, see Schnbdbemann 
(G.) Die Controverse d. L. Cappellus mit d. Buxtorfen, 
Byelinsky (Vissarion Grigorevich), see Plbkhanov (G.) 

B. r. B., 1899. 
Byhan (Arturo), see Popovioi (G.) Nuove posfcille al Diz. d. 

oolonie rumene d'Istria [6j/ A. B.], 1901-3. 
Byion (Lord), the poet, 
see Bbottghtok (J. C. H., baron). Hist, illusts. of Childe 

Harold, 1818. 
„ EiOHLER (A.) J. H. Frere, etc., s. Einfluss auf Lord B., 

„ Gkaham (W.) Last links w. B., Shelley, & Keats, 1898. 

Byron [continued], 
see Gribble (P. H.) The love aflEairs of B., 1910. 
„ NiOHOL (J.) B. [Pocket ed.], 1909. 
Bysshe (Sir Edward), see Suffolk. Visitation of S., 1664-8, 

by B. ; ed. W. H. Eylands, 1910. 
Byzantine Rite. The office for the commem. of Peter & Paul, 
ace. to the B. rite, compiled out of Servioe-Books of Ortho- 
dox Greek Church w. bibliog., pref., & notes by J. B. Waine- 
wright. 8°. 1909 

Byzantine Research Fund. (In association w. the Brit. 
School at Athens.) [Publications]. 4,°. 1910 

see ScHULTZ (R. W.) The Church of the Nativity at Beth- 
lehem ; ed. S., 1910. 





Cabanas (Augusts). Les morts myst^rieusea de I'hist. Nouv. 
6d. rev., oorr. & augm. si, Rois, reines & princes fran^. 
de Charlemagne a Louis XIII. Pr6f. du prof. Laoassagne. 

s8o. n.d. 
Cabanis (Jean), see Deokbn {Baron C. C. v. d.) Beisen in 

Ost-Afrika, B3 i, bearbt. v. J. C, etc., 1869. 
Cabia (Diego Fernandez de Cdrdoba, conde de). Doc. rel. al 

deaafio de D. A. de Aguilar y D. D. F. de C, [o. 1470], see 

Granada, Relaciones etc. ; [ed. E. Lafuente y Alcantara], 

Cadbuiy (William A.) Labour in Portuguese West Africa. 

2nd ed., w. added cb. sS". 1910 
Cade (Jack), see Clayton (J.) The true story of J. C, 1909. 
Cadier (L§on), see Saint-Mebby, Paris. Cartulaire et Gensier 

de St. M. de P. ; publ. L. C. & C. Coudero, 1891. 
Caelius Fiimianus Symposius, see Fibmiantts Symfositjs (C.) 
Caen {gen. cte. C. M. I. de), see Dboabn (gen. cte. C. M. I.) 
Csesar [d'Bste], duke of Modena <Si Beggio, see Este (C. d'). 
CsBSai (Cains Julius). C.'s Civil war w. Pompeius. Tr. w. 

intr. & notes by P. P. Long. s8<>. 0. 1906 

Gallic war. Tr. P. P. Long. sS". 0. 1911 

see Bbsnieb (M.) Buste de C, 1899. 

„ HoRKEL (J.) Die Romerkriege aus Plutarch, C, etc. ; 
libers, v. H., 2^ A., 1884. 

„ Parodi (E. G.) Le storie di C. n. lett. ital. dei primi sec, 
CsBsarius, Heisterbacensis, see Kaisebl. Akad. d. Wiss. ztr 

WiEN. Sitzungsber., B144, 159, 163, Sohonbach (A. E.) 

Studien z. Erzahlungsht. d. M.-a., 4, 7, 8, [C. H.], 1902-9. 
Caetani (Leone), principe di Teano. Annali dell' Islam. 

v3, dall' anno 13. al 17. H. 4". Milano. 1910 
Cafiarus, de Taschifellone [Caeabtts]. Die Jahrbucher v. 

Genua, [begun by C., cant, by Obertus Otobonus, Marchisius, 

Bartholomaus, L. Pignolua, G. de Murtedo, M. Ususmaris, 

Henricus v. Gavi, Marinetus de Marino, J. Suzobonus, N. 

Queroius, E. Drogus, B. Ususmaris, 0. Stanoonus, J. Auria, 

M. de Cassiuo, Bertolinua Sohn d. Bouifatius, c& an anon. 

writer ; extracts only ; cont. by 0. Panis omitted f. this ed. ; 

Des Cafarus Buch v. d. Befreiung d. Stadte d. Morgeulandes 

•precedes the Jahrbucher] ; iibers. v. W. Arndt [& G. Grandaur], 

2^ A., neu bearbt. v. W. Wattenbach u. 0. ^Holder-Egger, 

2B, see Gesohichtsohreibbb (Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2^ 

Geaammtauag., B76, 77, 1897-8. 
Caggese (Romolo). Poggia e la Capitanata. [Italia artist., 

56]. S4". Bergamo. 1910 

Cagliostro, see TsowBRiDaB (W. R. H.) C, 1910. 
Cagnat (Reni). Carthage, Timgad, T^bessa & les villes 

antiq. de I'Afrique du Nord. [Les Villes d'Art C^lebrea]. 

la8o. 1909 
Caillard (C. Francis) & J. de B6rys. Le caa Debusay. Une 

opinion de C. Debuasy, un article de R. Cor, une enquete de 

la " Revue du tempa present," le aeoret de Debussy. [Ed. 

C. P. C. & J. de B.]. sS". [1901?] 

Cailliaud (Fr6d6rie). Travels in the Oasis of Thebea, & in the 

deserts east & west of the Thebaid ; 1815-18. [With Itin. 

of excursion to the VaUey of Dakel, by Drovetti, 1818, etc.]. 

Ed M. Jomard. Tr. [Prom Sir R. Phillips's New voyages, 

s3, v7]. 8°- 1822 

Caillot (A. C. Eugtae). Lea Polyn6siens orientaux au contact 

de la civilisation. Ia8». 1909 

Cain (Georges). Lea pierrea de Paris. s8o. [1910] 

Cairo, see Hbbz (M.) Descr. cat. of objects exhib. in Nat. 

Museum of Arab art ; tr., 2nd ed., 1907. 
Caix de Saint-Aymour (Am§d6e, vte. de). Le mausol6e dea 

Puget a Senlis, see SociiiTi) de l'Hist. de Pabis, etc. 

Mems., t30, 1903. 
Calabrese (Giuseppe). Origini del melodramma sacro in 

Roma. sS". Gravina. [1907] 

Calais (Jean de), j)oe«, see Jean, de Calais. 
Caldbeok (William Roper), see Ropbb-Caidbbok (W.) 

Calderon de La Barca (Pedro). El magico prodigioso. Comedia. 
Publ. aveo intr., notes, etc. par A. Morel-Patio. 

8°. Heilbronn. 1877 
Caleca Panzano, see Panzano (C.) 
Calega Panza, see Panzano (C.) 
Calendar of State Papers, etc. 
see Patent Rolls. Calendar of P. R., Henry III, in prog., 

1910, etc. 
„ Calendar of P. R., in prog., Henry V, 1910, etc. 
Calendar of State Papers rel. to Scot. & Mary, Q. of Scots, 

1547-1603, in prog., 1898, etc., see Scotland. 
Calisto. *[Celestina : tragioomedia de C. y Melibea ; facs. ; 

ed. A. M. Huntington}, 1909, see Rojas (F. db). 

Calli§res (Frangois de). De la maniere de negocier aveo les 

souverains, etc. s8°. 1716 

Calmette (Joseph). Louis XI, Jean II et la r6vol. catalane 

(1461-73). [Bibl. meridionale, s2, t8]. 8». Toulouse. 1903 

Calmo (Andrea). Lettere. Con intr. etc. di V. Rossi. [Bibl. 

di testi ined. o rari, 3]. 8". Torino. 1888 

Calmou-Maison (Jean Joseph Robert). L'amiral d'Estaing 

(1729-94). 8». 1910 

Cidpurnius (Titus Julius), Sicvlus, see Lbmaire (N. E.) Poetae 

Lat. minorea, vl, 1824. 
Calvert (Albert F.) Catalonia & the Balearic Isles : hist. & 
descr. acct. s8o. 1910 

Calvi (Emilio). Bibliografia di Roma nel Cinquecento. 

tl. la8o. 1910 
Calvin (Jean), see Deobtje de Stotttz (P.) L'action polit. 

de C. hora de Geneve d'ap. sa corr., 1909. 
Calwer (Richard). Der Handel. [Die Geaellsohaft ; hrsg. 
M. Buber, B8]. aS". [1907] 

C&mara (J. Rodriguez de la), see Rodrigitbz db la Camaba (J.) 
Cambiagi (Francesco), see Michblozzi, The family of. Ricordi 
di famiglia, per le nozze di E. Michelozzi con la marchesa 
E. Tasaoni : [docs., etc., ed. by F. C], 1854. 
Cambiagi (Gaetano). Memorie istor. riguardanti le feste 
solite farsi in Pirenze per la nativita di San Gio. Batista. 
Race, e con annot. illuat., da G. C. 88". Pirenze. 1766 

Cambridge. Grace Book A ; rec'. of the Univ., 1542-89. 
Ed. J. Venn. 8". C. 1910 

Christ's College. 
Biograph. register of C.'s C, 1505-1905, & of the earlier 
foundation, God'a Houae, 1448-1505 ; compiled by J. 
Peile. vl, 1448-1665. la.&°. C. 1910 

see Williamson (G. C.) Portraits, prints & writings of 
Milton ; exhib. at C. C. C, 1908. 
Bulletin (Extra aeries). 

Acton coll. Classes 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 : Papacy, Canon law. 
Religious orders, Counter-Reformation. 

s8o. C. 1910 
„ Classes 17 & 38 : Spain & Portugal. 

88°. C. 1908 

„ Claaa 34 : Germany, Austria, & Hungary, 

(Gen. polit. hist.). s8». C. 1908 

,, Class 48: Polit. phil.. Social phil.. Economics, 

Law. sS". C. 1909 

The Henry Bradshaw Irish Coll., presented in 1870 & 1886. 

a8<>. C. 1909 

Cat. of the MaoCoU coll. & o. Spaniah books. s8o. C. 1910 

Cambridge (The) Hist. o£ Eng. Lit. Ed. A. W. Ward & A. R. 

Waller. v5, 6. 8°. C. 1910 

6, 6, The drama to 1642, 2p. 

Cambridge (The) Modern History. Planned by Lord Acton. 
Ed. A. W. Ward, G. W. Prothero, S. Leathes. vl2. The 
latest age. laS". C. 1910 

Camera (Matteo). Istoria della oitt& e costiera di Amalfi. 

8°. Napoli. 1836 
Cameron (Mary Lovett). Old Etruria & mod. Tuscany. 

s8°. [1909] 




Camillo (Giulio). L'idea del theatro. 34". Fiorenza. 1550 

Camm (Dom Bede). Forgotten shrines : acct. of some old 

Catholic halls & families in England, etc. 4". 1911 

Lives of the English martyrs, declared blessed by Pope Leo 

XIII, 1886-95. Written by Fathers of the Oratory etc. ; 

completed & ed. by Dom B. C. 2v. s8». 1904-5 

1, Henry VIII. 2 Queen Elizabeth. 

Camo (Cielo dal), see Ciullo, d'Alcamo. 
*Campagna (La) del 1866 in Italia. Bedatta d. sezione storioa 
del corpo di Stato maggiore. 2t, tSs Maps. 8". 1875-95 

,, ,, Complemento alia storia d. Campagna. 

[Comando del Corpo di Stato Maggiore, Ufficio Storico]. 

2v. Ia8°. 1909 
Campardon (Emile) & A. Longnon. 
see ScARAMOUOHB. La vieiUesse de S., 1690-4 ; docs. ined. 

publ. par E. C. et A. L., 1876. 
„ SooiiTE DE l'Hist. db Paeis, etc. Mems., t3, Latude 
et s. evasion ; docs. iu6d. rec. par E. C. & A. L., 1877. 
Campbell (Colin), D.D. Two Theban queens, Nefert-Ari & 
Ty-ti, & their tombs. s8». 1909 

Campbell (J. M.), assistant Ughttceeper. Notes on the natural 
hist, of the Bell Rock ; w. intr. by J. Murdoch. sS". E. 1904 
Campbell (Robert J. Roy). The Indian Mutiny: causes etc. 
Letter to Palmerston. [P1257]. 8°. [1857] 

Canada : Govt. Ptibls. 
Experimental farms : Reports for year ending March 31, 
1910. (App. to the rep. of Minister of A.) 

laS". Ottawa. 1910 
Publ^. of the Canadian Archives, no. 1-4. 

8". Ottawa. 1909-10 

Cruikshank (Lt.-Col. E.) Inventory of doc. in Canadian Archives, 

1910. [2.] 

Index to Reports of C. A., 1878-1908, 1909. [1.] 

Larocque (F. A ) Journal, f. the Assiniboine to the Yellowstone, 1806. 

Bd. L. J. Burpee, 1910. [3.] 

Murray (A. H.) Journal of the Yukon, 1847-8. Ed. w. notes by L. J. 

Burpee, 1910. [4.] 

Report of the work of the Archives branch, for 1909 ; A. 6. 
Doughty. (App. to Rep. of Minister of A.). 

S". Ottawa. 1910 
Geological Subvey of C. (Dept. of Mines etc.) 
Ann. report of division of mineral resources & statistics on 
mineral production of C, 1907-8, [by] J. MaoLeish. 

8°. Ottawa. 1909 
Summary rep. 1908-1909. 8°. Ottawa. 1909-10 

see Adams (F. D.) & A. E. Bablow. Geology of the Hali- 

burton & Bancroft areas, Ontario, 1910. 
„ Collins (W. H.) Preliminary rep. on Gowganda Mining 
Division, District of Nipissing, Ontario ; [w. Map.], 1909. 
C&Qakya, see Chanakya. 
Canale (Aehille). Raccolta del C, see Mandalari (M.) 

Cauti del pop. Reggino, 1881. 
Canaparius (Joannes). Das Leben d. Bischofs Adalbert v. 
Prag, [by J. C] ; iibers. v. H. Hufier, 2" A., neu bearbt. 
u. durch d. Leidensgesch. verm. v. W. Wattenbach, see 
Geschiohtsghkeiebk (Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2<= Gesammt- 
ausg., B34, 1891. 
Cancellieri CE^aucesco). *Descriz. de' tre pontificali che si 
celeb, n. Basilica Vaticana per le feste di Natale, di Pasqua 
e di S. Pietro. a8°. 1788 

Cancioneiro, see Canzioneibo. 

Candidus,,. of Fvlda. Leben d. Abtes Eigil v. Fulda {by C] 
u. d. Abtissin Hathumoda v. Gandersheim \by Agius], 
nebst d. tJbertragung d. hi. Liborius u. d. hi. Vitus ; iibers. 
V. G. Grandaur, see Gbschichtschbbibbk (Die) d. deut. 
Vorzeit, 2<= Gesammtausg., B25, 1890. 
Canitz (Friedrich Rudolph L., Frhr. v.), see Vabnhaqen v. 

Ense (C. a. L. p.) Biogr. Denkmale, T4, C, etc., 1872. 
Cannon (Richard), principal clerk of the Adjutant- General's 
Office, ed. Hist, records of the Brit. Army. 8°. 1844^9 

61st, 70th Foot. 
Cano (Alouso), see Mayeb (A. L.) Der Racionero A. C. u. d. 

Kunst V. Granada (Dokumente), 1909. 

Canovas del Castillo (Antonio). Hist, de la decadencia de 

Espana, Felipe III hasta la muerte de Carlos II. 2^ ed. 

con prologo de J. P. de Guzman y GaUo. Ia8°. 1910 

Cansouni^. Lou cansounie de la Prouven90, n.d., see Pkovencb. 

Canterbu^. *An exact chronolog. hist, of the lives etc. of 

the popish abpa. of C, from Austin to Poole. 8°. 1732 

Canterbury (The) & York Society. [Publications]. S°. 1909 
see SwiNFiBLD (R. db), bp. of Hereford. Registrum R. de S., 

1283-1317 ; transcribed & ed. by W. W. Capes, 1909. 

Cantinellus (Petrus). Chronioon, 1228-1306 ; a cura di F. 

Torraca, see Mtjeatobi (L. A.) Rer. Ital. scr., t28 ii, 1902. 

Canton (William). Hist, of the British & Foreign Bible 

Society. v3-5. 8". 1910 

Cantu (Cesare). Storia degli Italian!. 

4t. 2^ ed. ^8°. Torino. 1857-8 
Cautus, songs & fancies for voices & viols, 3rd ed., 1682 ; 

reprod., 1879, see Fobbbs (J.) 
Canzioneiro [«ee also Cancioneibo]. C. portuguez da Vaticana. 
Ed. crit., acomp. de um gloasario e de uma intr. por T. Braga. 

s4°. 1878 
II canz. portoghese d. Bibl. Vaticana. Messo a stampa da 
E. Monaoi. [Communicaz. d. bibl. di Roma, a cura di E. 
Monaci, vl]. 4°. Halle a. S. 1875 

II canz. portoghese Colocci-Brancuti. Pubbl. n. parti che 
complet. il cod. Vaticano 4803 da E. Molteni. [Communicaz. 
d. bibl. di Roma, a cura di E. Monaci, v2]. 

40. Halle a. S. 1880 

Canzoniere. C. provenzale A (cod. Vat. 5232), [<fc Canz. 

prov. B (cod. Par. 1592) ; ed. diplomatioa by A. Pakscher 

& C. de LoUis], see Monaci (E.) Studj di filol. rom., v3, 1891. 

C. provenzale C (Laurenziano, PI. 90 Inf. 26) ; [ed. M. Pelaez], 

see Monaci (E.) Studj di filol. rom., v7, 1899. 

C. provenzale H (cod. Vat. 3207) ; [ed. L. Gauohat & H. 

KehrU], see Monaci (E.) Studj di filol. rom., v5, 1891. 
C. provenzale J ; [ed. P. Savj -Lopez], see Monaci (E.) Studj 
di filol. rom., v9, 1901-3. 
Capart (Jean). Tete egypt., Musee de BruxeUes, see Acad. 

DBS Insoe. btc. . Fond. Piot. Mon=. etc., tl3, 1906. 
Capella (Martianus Mineus Felix), see Thulin (C.) Die 

Gotter d. M. Capella, 1906. 
Capello (Bianca). 

see FiGLiucci (F.) *Di una mascherata pastorale fatta in 
Siena per la venuta deUa granduchessa B. C, 22 di febb. 
1582, 1882. 
„ Saltini (G. E.) La fuga di B. C. da Venezia, 1883. 
Capes (Bernard). Why did he do it ? 2nd ed. 88°. [1910] 

Capes (William Wolfe), see Stephens (W. R. W.) & W. W. C. 
The bishops of Winchester : pi by W. R. W. S. — p2 by 
W. W. C, 1907. 
Capgrave (John). J. C.'s Lives of St. Augustine & St. Gilbert 
of Sempringham, & a sermon. Ed. J. J. Munro. [E. E. 
T. S., 140]. 8°. 1910 

Capitula. C. regni Siciliae, 2t, 1741-3, «ee Sicily. 
Capo d'Istria (cte. Jean), see Impeeatorskoe Russk. 1st. 

Obsoh. Sbornik, French ambassadors, t2, 3 (1817-20). 
Capon (G.) & R. Yve-Plessis. Les theatres clandestins. 
[Paris galant au 18« s.]. 8°. 1905 

Cappell Q^ouis), the younger, see Sohnedeemann (G.) Die 
Controverse d. L. C. mit d. Buxtorfen fiber d. Alter d. 
hebra. Punctation, 1879. 
Cappellano (Andrea), see Andeeas, Capdlanus. 
Capponi (Niccolo), see Vitb di uomini d' arme etc., N. C, descr. 

da B. Segni, 1866. 
Capponi (Pietro), see Vitb di uomini d' arme etc., P. C, scr. 

da V. Acciaioh, 1866. 
Capns (Alfred). Robinson. Roman. sS". 1910 

Carabellese (Francesco), see Babese. Codice diplomatico 
barese, v3, per F. C, 1899. 
*Caravaners (The), 1909, see Aenim {ctss. v.) 
Caravelli (Vittorio). P. Schettini e 1' antimarinismo : studio 
su mss. e doc. ined. Letto all' Accad. di Archeol., Lettere 
e Belle Arti, 18 giugno, 1889. [Estratto dal vl4 degli 
Atti d. R. Accad. di A., L. e B. A., of Naples]. 
_ ^ 40. Napoli. 1889 

Caidauns (Ludwig). Zur Gesch. der kirchl. Unions- u. Reform- 
bestrebungen, 1538-42. [Konigl. Preuss. Hist. Inst, in 
Rom. Bibl., B5]. la8o. Rom. 1910 

Carden (Robert W.) Life of G. Vasari : study of the later 
Renaissance in Italy. go_ 1910 

Cardonnel (Pierre), chanoine de Notre-Dame de Paris, see 
DoTTET d'Aecq (L. C.) Inventaire apres d6cds des biens 
meubles de P. C, 1438, 1881. 
Carducci (Criosu^). 

see Jbaneoy (A.) G. C, I'homme & le po^te, 1911. 
„ PoLiziANO (A.) Le stanze etc., rivedute e illust., con 
annot. da G. C, 1863. 




Carel (Pierre). Hist, de la ville de Caen, dep. Philippe- 
Auguste jusqu'i Charles IX. Nombreux docs. in&A. 

8°. [1886] 
Hist, de la ville de Caen, sous Charles IX, Hen. Ill & IV. 
Docs. in6d. 8°. Caen. 1886 

Carey (Rosa Nouohette). The mistress of Brae Farm. 

s8". 1908 

The sunny side of the hill. s8°. 1908 

Carignan (Thomas Francis, prince of), 1636-1656, see Thomas 

Fbanois [of Savoy], prince of C. 
Carlos, Don, h. I84S, see Kibkpateick (E.) Souv^. de la 

derniere guerre carliste, 1872-6, 1909. 
Carlyle (Thomas). The French Revolution ; » hist. [Intr. 
by H. Belloc]. 2v. [repr]. 88°. [1909] 

see Strole (A.) T. C.'s Ansohauung v. Fortschritt in d. 

Gesoh., 1909. 
„ Vauqhan (C. E.) C. & h. German masters, 1910. 
Caimontel (N.), see Caemontblle (N.) 

Carmontelle (N.) [Cabmontel (N.)]. Nouveaux proverbes 
dramatiques. 2t. 8". 1811 

Proverbes & comedies posthumes. Preo. d'une notice par 
la ctsse. de Genlis. 3t. 8". 1825 

Proverbes dramatiques. Preo. de la vie de C, d'une disserta- 
tion hist. & morale sur les proverbes, etc. par M. C. de M^ry. 

4t. n. 6d. 8". 1822 

*Th6atre de campagne. 4t. 8". 1775 

Carnegie Library, Seychelles. Alphabetical index to cat. 

(Authors' names), Jan. 4th, 1910. sfol. n.p. 1910 

Carnegie (Andrew). Speech at the annual meeting of the 

Peace Soc, May 24th, 1910. [Peace Soo. P1291]. 8". 1910 

W. Chambers. Address, Peebles, Oct. 19th, 1909. 

[P1280]. 88". [E.] 1909 

War as the mother of valor & civilization. [Peace Soc. 

P1291]. 88". 1910 

Carnegie (Lady Helena Mariota), d. of 9th earl of Southesh, see 

SouTHBSK (J. C, 9th earl of). Cat. of the coll. of antique 

gems formed by e. of S. ; ed. Lady H. C, 1908. 

Carnegie (James), 9th earl of Southesh, see Southesk (J. C, 

9th e. of). 
Carpenter (Edward), fellow of Trin. HaU, Camb., see Ellis 

(Mrs. E. M. 0.) Three mod. seers : [E. C, etc.], 1910. 
Carpenter (William Benjamin). The microscope & its revela- 
tions. 5th ed., prepared w. assistance of H. J. Slack. 

s8o. 1875 

Carr6 (H.), «ee Lavissb (B.) Hist, de Franc, jusqu'a la 

Eevol., t9i, Le regne de Louis XVI (1774-89), par H. C, 

etc., 1910. 

Carr6 (Henri). De rerum publicarum administratione apud 

civit. Redonum (1598-1610). Thesim proponebat H. C. 

[P1235]. 8''. Parisiis. 1888 

Carriers (Rosalba), see Malamani (V.) R. C., 1910. 

Carriere (Auguste). Inscriptions d'un Reliquaire armen. 

de la coU. Basilewski, publ. & tr. par A. C, see M]§)Langes 

orient."; testes & tr., 1883. 

Carriere (Moriz). Die phUosophisohe Weltanschauung d. 

Reformationszeit. 2T. 2^ verm. A. 8°. L. 1887 

Carrigan (William). ""Criticism of the Hist. & antiq^. of the 

diocese of Ossory [by W. C.]. By " G. P. 0." 8°. D. 1907 

Carroll (William George). Succession of clergy in the parishes 

of S. Bride, S. Michael le Pole, & S. Stephen, Dublin, etc., 

& a note on Dean Swift's birth-place ; w. a. pref. by W. 

Reeves. s4». D. 1884 

Cartellieri (G. M. Alexander). Philipp II August, Konig v. 

Frankreioh. Bl-3. 8". L. 1899-1910 

1, 1166-89. 2, Der Kreuzzug, 1187-91. 3, P. A. u. Richard Lowenherz, 

Carter (Thomas), of the Adjutant- General's Office. Hist. 

record of the Forty-Fourth, or the East Essex regiment. 

2nd ed. s8o. Chatham. 1887 
Carthew (George A.) A hist, of West & E. Bradenham, w. 

Necton & Holme Hale in Norfolk. From Public Records, 

etc. ; w. introd. by A. Jessopp. 4". Norwich. 1883 

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8°. 1870 

Caryll, The family of, see Teenqual^ion (M. db). West- 

Grinstead & les Caryll, 2v, 1893. 
Casanova (JacQLues), see Maynial (E.) C. et s. temps, 1910. 
Casanova (Nonce). Etude de femme. Roman. sS". [1910?] 
Casanova (Sofia), aft. S. Ltjtoslawska. La mujer espanola 
en el extranjero. Conferencia, Abril 9, 1910. 

[P1280]. 88°. 1910 
Casanovas (Ignacio), S.J. Apologetica de Balmes. 

88°. Barcelona. [1910] 
Casanowicz (Immanuel M.) Paronomasia in the Old Test. 
Dissert., Johns Hopkins Univ. [P1245]. 8°. Boston. 1894 
Case. ""C. agst. the Labour-Socialist party, 1910, see Towlbb 
(W. G.) 
"■C. whether Prof. Jowett in h. essay & commentary has 
contravened the doctrines of the Church of Eng., 1862, see 
Jowett (B.) 
Casentino (Donato degli di Albanzani di), da Pratovecchio 
[fAlbanzani], see BocoACCio (G.) Volgarizz. di D. da C. 
dell' opera di B. De Claris mulieribus ; pubbl. D. L. Tosti, 
2a ed., 1841. 
Casetti (Antonio). Racoolta Imbriani-C, see Mandalabi (M.) 

Canti del pop. Reggino, 1881. 
Cash (John), fi. 1780, see Pool (R.) & J. C. Views of puWic 

buildings, etc., in the city of Dublin, 1780. 
Caspari (Carl Paul). tJber d. syr.-ephraimit. Krieg unter 
Jotham u. Abas. [P1244]. S". Christiania. 1849 

Cassano. *A rel. of the action betw. the imperial army, & that 

of France ; betw. Treviho & C, 1705, see Relation. 

Cassel (David). Lehrbuch d. jvid. Gesch. u. Lit. 8". L. 1879 

Cassel (Paulus) [Cassel (Selig)]. Die Antisemiten u. d. 

evangel. Kirche. [P1241]. 88°. 1881 

Au8 d. Lande d. Sonnenaufgangs. Japan. Sagen niedergesohr. 

etc. V. P. C. Voran geht " Das Zioklein " u. nachfolgt 

" Zur Naturgesch. d. -Chuzpe." [P1241]. 8°. 1885 

Der ohazar. Konigsbrief aus d. 10. Jhdt. Beitrag z. Gesch. 

d. siidl. Russland. Von neuem fibers, u. erklart v. C. 

Zugleioh als " Antwort " 3 u. 4. [P1241]. sS". 1876 

Christl. Sittenlehre : e. Auslegung d. Briefes Pauh an Titus. 

[P1241]. sS". 1880 
Christus u. d. sooiale Frage. II. [Aletheia, Nr. 4]. 

[P1241]. 88°. 1890 

Christus u. Maria. [P1241]. sS". 1890 

Esmun : e. arohaolog. Untersuchung aus d. Gesch. Phonioiens 

u. Kenaane. 2= A. [P1241]. sS". n.d. 

Friedrioh WUhelm II. Eine hundertjahr. polit. u. kirchl. 

Erinnerung. 8°. Gotha. 1886 

Die Inschrift d. Altares zu Athen. 2« A. [P1241]. s8°. 1878 

Der Judengott u. E. Wagner : c. Antwort an d. Bayreuther 

Blatter. [P1241]. 88°. 1881 

Panthera — Stada — Onokotes : Caricaturnamen Christi unter 

Juden u. Heiden. Ein Sendschreiben an F. W. Farrar. 

[Apologet. Briefe, 1]. [P1241]. s8°. 1875 

Pauius Oder Phol. Ein Sendschreiben an Prof. Bugge 

[P1241]. sS". Guben. 1890 

Thurm u. Glooke (Symbol u. Name). Eine wissenschaftl. 

Abhdlg. [P1241]. s8o. 1877 

Volkerfrieden u. Socialdemokratie [Aletheia, Nr. 5], 1890. 

[P1241]. s8o. 1890 
Wider Heinrioh v. Treitschke. Fur d. Juden. 

[P1241]. s8o. 1880 
Wie ich iiber Judenmissiou denke. [P1241]. s8°. 1886 

Der Wiener Congress : Drama. [P1241]. 88°. Guben. 1889 

see Seven Saoes. Mischle Sindbad, Secundus ; Einltg. etc. 

d. Buches d. Sieben weisen Meister v. C, 1888. 
Cassel (Selig), «ee Cassel (P.) 

Cassell, Publisher. Diet, of Eng. hist. [Bd.] S. J. Low & 

F. S. Pulling. [rev. ed.] 8°. 1910 

New French & Eng. diet. By J. BoieUe, aided by De V. 

Payne-Payne. rev. & enl. 88°. 1909 

Cassino (Marchisius de) [Cassino (Maeohisinits db)], see 

CAEJABtrs, de TaschifeUone, for cant, of h. Anuales Januenses 

by M. de C. 

Cassius (Caius), Parmensis, see Cassitjs (T.) 

Cassius (Titus), Parmensis [Cassius (Caius)], see Thyibsius 

(A.) C. Cassii Parm. Orpheus, [really by A. T.], 1824. 

Casson (Herbert N.) Hist, of the telephone. s8°. Chicago. 1910 

Castellane (mjirq. Antoine de). Hommes & ohoses de mon 

temps. 3e ^d. 88°. 1909 

'''Castello (D) di Vinoigliata e i auoi oontorni, 1871, see ViNoi- 





Castel Rodiigo (Cristobal de Mouia, jnarq. de), see Mottea 

(C. de), m. de C. R. 
*Castigos y dotrinas que vn sabio daua a sus hijas, siglo 15, see 

Knust (H.) Dos obras didactioas etc. ; [ed. H. K.~\, 1878. 
Castillo (Fernando del) [Castillo (Hebnando del)]. Can- 

cionero general, segun la ed. de 1511, con un ap6ndice de lo 

afiadido en las de 1527, 1540 y 1557. [Ed. J. A. de Balen- 

chana]. Publ. la Soc. de Bibliofilos Espanoles. 2[t]. 8". 1882 
Catalogo gen. d. libreria ital., 1847-99. Comp. dal A. Pagliaini. 

Indici per materie. [vl], A-F. la8o. Milano. 1910 

Catalogue. Bibl. PhiUippica : cat. of further portion of MSS., 

etc. of Sir T. PhiUipps, sold 1903, etc., see Philupps {Sir T.) 
C. de la bibl. de L. Courajod, [vente du 4 au 12 mai 1898], 1898, 

see Courajod {L. C. L.) 
C. des livres rares, etc. du cabinet de F. Didot, 1810, see 

DlDOT (F.) 
C. of a coll. of book-plates, the property of a well-known 

amateur, sold by Sotheby, 22nd Feb., 1902. [P1233]. 8°. [1902] 
C. of a portion of the Crowcombe Court lib. ; sold 1903, 1903, 

see Crowcombe Court. 
C. of a portion of the lib. of the earl of Orford, sold March 

1902, 1902, see Orford (H. W. W., 4th earl of). 
C. of autograph letters & hist. doc^. f. var. coll^., sold by 

Sotheby, 5th July, 1900, etc. [P1233]. 8». [1900] 

*C. of books, the property of a polit. economist, 1862, see 

MaoCullooh (J. R.) 
C. of coll. of engravings, after Sir J. Reynolds, formed by E. 

Hamilton, sold 1891, 1891, see Hamilton (E.) 
C. of coll. of old Italian majolica, porcelain, etc., formed by 

0. E. Coope ; sold May 3, 1910, etc., 1910, see Coope (0. E.) 
C. of hist. doc. chiefly conn. w. r. of George HI, etc., sold by 

Sotheby 1903, 1903, see Harrowby (J. H. D. R., Sth earl of). 
C. of Lord Northwick's coll. of pictures, etc. ; sold by Mr. 

Phillips, July, 1859, etc., 1859, see Northwiok (J. E,., baron). 
C. of the coll. of autograph letters of W. Wright, sold 1899, 

1899, see Wright (W.) 
C. of the coU. of Sevres porcelain, etc., formed by Baron 

Schroder ; sold July, 1910, etc., 1910, see Schroder {Sir 

J. H. W.), bart. 
C. of the Hardwioke Papers etc., sold Feb., 1899, 1899, see 

Haedwiokb Papers (The). 
C. of the lib. & coll. of the works of G. Cruikshank, the property 

of E. Riggall, sold July, 1901, etc., 1901, see Riggall (E.) 
C. of the Mb. of early printed & rare bks., etc., formed by 

J. B. Inglis, sold June, 1900, 1900, see Inglis (J. B.) 
C. of the lib. of Lt.-Ool. E. G. Hibbert, sold 1902, etc., 1902, 

see HiBEEET {It.-col. E. G.) 

C. of the lib. of R. R. Madden, 1886, see Madden (R. R.) 
C. of the lib. of Sir W. Besant, sold March, 1902, etc., 1902, 

see Besant {Sir W.) 
C. of valuable bks. & illuminated & o. MSS., incl. sel. f. lib. 

of earl of Mexborough, Williamscote lib., lib. of G. B. Baker 

WUbraham, & o. properties, comp. illuminated Horae, 1st 

& 2nd fol. Shakespeare, etc. ; sold by Sotheby 17th March 

1902, etc. [P1234]. 8°. [1902] 

C. of works of art & vertu, known as the Shandon Coll. ; 

sold April, etc., 1877, 1877, see Shandon Collection. 
Catalogns. C. d. Nat. tentoonsteUing van het boek, in het 

Gemeente-Museum te Amsterdam, Juni-Aug., 1910, see 

Cathelineau (gen. Henri de). Le Corps Cathelineau pend. la 

guerre, 1870-1. 2p. 88°. 1871 

Catherine, of Alexandria, Saint. Una redazione tosco-veneto- 

lombarda d. leggenda versificata di Sta. C. ; [ed. R. Renier], 

see MoNACi (E.) Studj di filol. rom., v7, 1899. 
Catherine [de' Medici], queen consort of Henry II of France. 

Debtes et creanciers de C. de M., 1589-1606. Docs. publ. 

avec intr. par I'abb^ C. Chevalier. [Archives Roy. de 

Chenonceau]. 8". 1862 

Lettres. tlO, Suppl., 1537-87. Publ. par le cte. Baguenault 

de Puchesse. [Doc=. ined.]. 4". 1909 

see EsTiBNNE (H.) *I)isoours merveilleux de la vie, etc., 

de C, 1663. 
Catherine n, empress of Russia. Co^aneBla a> npHMtiaHigHH A. H. 

nuDBHa. H3A. HMD. aKB^. Hayin. tl-5, 7-12. 8". C.-D. 1901-7 
1-4, ApaMaiB^ecKiH co-j. 8-11, TpyfiH BCTnp,, 3aiiHCKH. 
5, [misc. pieces]. 12, ABToSiorp. aanacRH [in French]. 

7, AeTB40TTi. 
see Kbaubl (R.) Brief wechsel zw. Heinrich Pr. v. Preussen 
u. Kath. II ; [hrsg.] v. R. K., 1903. 

Catherine, of Siena, St., see Richard, de St. Victor. The cell 

of self-knowledge : Divers doctrines, taken out of life of 

St. Katherin, etc., 1910. . 

Catheux (sieur de). Une ambassade russe k la cour de ^ouis 

XIV (Journal du S. de C.) [ed., w. pref. by Prince A. Galitzin], 

see Faber (J.) La relig. des MoscOvites en 1525, 1860. 

Catholic Record Society. [Publications]. [v8]. 8°. p^. 1910 

see Immaculate Conception, Order of the. The Diary ot 

the " Blue Nuns " at Paris, 1658-1810 ; ed. J. Gillow & 

R. Trappes-Lomax, 1910. [8.] 

Caussin (Nicolas), see Rochemonteix (C. de). N. C, confesseur 

de Louis XIII, etc. ; docs. in6d., 1911. 
Caussin de Perceval (Armand Pierre). Grammaire arabe 

vulgaire pour les dialectes d' Orient & de Barbaric. 

^ ^ 3e 6d. 8°. 1843 

Cauzons (Th. de). La magie et la sorcellerie en France. 

^ ' [p]l-3. 8». [1910?] 

Cavalca (Domenico). Vite dei SS. Padri. [Adapted from 

S. Jerome]. Ed. M. A. Parenti. S". Modena. n.d. 

see Gregory I, pope. Volgarizzamento del Dialogo di S. 

Gregorio etc. ; opera di D. C, con alcune poesie deUo 

stesso, 1840. 

Cavalcanti (Guido), see Giunta (B. di) ed.. Rime : G. C, etc., 

1532; 1731. 
Cavalcanti (Guido Persico). L' Epistolario del Gravina, see 

GioRNALE Stor. d. Lett. Ital., Suppl., 1, 1898. 
Cavendish (Margaret), duchess of Newcastle', see Newcastle 

(M. C, duchess of). 
Cavicchi (Filippo). Intomo al Tebaldeo, see Giobnalb Stor. 

D. Lett. Ital., Suppl., 8, 1905. 
Caviceo (Jacopo). H peregrine. Nuovamente rev., & ris- 

tampato. [Vita de G. C. per G. Anselmo]. 

s8". [Vinegia]. 1547 
Cazes (Emilien Noel Laurent). Le Chateau de Versailles et s. 

dependances. L'hist. et I'art. 8°. Versailles. 1910 

C6ard (Henry). Une belle journee. s8<'. 1881 

Cecco d' Ascoli, see BoEriTO (G. ) II " De principiis astrologi* " 

di C. d' A., 1903. 
Cecil (Lady Florence Mary), d. of 1st e. of Lathom, wife of Rev. 

Lord William Gascoyne- Cecil, see Cecil (iJew. LordW. G.-) 

Changing China; by Lord W. G.-C, assisted by Lady F. C, 

Cecil (Lord Hugh Richard Heathcote Gascoyne-), son of 3rd 

marq. of Salisbury. Liberty & authority. s8°. 1910 

Cecil (Rev. Lord William Gascoyne-), son of 3rd marq. of 

Salisbury [Lord Rupert William Ernest G.-C.]. Chang- 
ing China. By Lord W. G.-C, assisted by Lady Florence 

Cecil. 8». 1910 

Cejador y Frauca (Julio). Tesoro de la lengua oastellana : 

Origen y vida del lenguaje. [El lenguaje, t6]. N. S. 

80. 1909 
Celestina. *[C. : tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea ; fac- 
simile ; ed. A. M. Huntington], 1909, see Rojas (F. de). 
Celier (L6once). Les dataires du 15« s. et les orig. de la daterie 

apostolique. [Bibl. des 6coles fran9. d'Ath^nes et de Rome]. 

8". 1910 
Cell. The c. of self-knowledge, pr. by H. Pepwell in 1521, 

1910, see Richard, de St. Victor. 
Cellarius (Christophorus), the elder. Rabbinismue, sive 

institutio grammatica, see Rbland (A.) Analecta Bab- 

binioa, 1702. 
Celtic ornaments f. the Book of Kells, 1895, see Kblls, Booh of. 
Cenci (Beatrice), see Bowyer {Sir G.) Diss, on the statutes 

of the cities of Italy ; & a tr. of the Pleading of P. Farinaoio 

in def. of B. C. etc., 1838. 
Centralblatt fiir Bibliothekswesen : Beiheete. 
see GiJNTHER (0.) Die Wiegendrucke d. Leipziger Samml., 
etc., Nachtrage. 1910. [35.] 

„ Hortzsohansky (A.) Bibliog. d. Bibl.- u. Buchwesens ; 
bearbt. v. H., Jhrg. 6, 1909, 1910. [37.] 

„ VouLLiiMB (E.) Die Inkunabeln d. offentl. Bibl. u. d. 

klein. Biichersammlungen d. Stadt Trier, 1910. [38.] 

Central Hindu College, Benares, see SanItana Dharma : 

advanced text-book of Hindu relig. & ethics, 2nd ed., 1904. 
Cerberus, ps., see Thbatbical Inquisitor, vl-14 ; vl, by C, 

Cerchiari (Giulio Cesare). Ristretto storico d. citta d' Imola. 

80. Bologna. 1848 
Cerda (L. de Banuelos y de la), see BaSublos y db la Cbeda 

(L. de). 




Cerezeda (M. Garcia), see GABctA Ceebzeda (M.) 
Cermenate (Joannes de), see Hbney VII, emp. of Germany. 
Das Leben H. VII [i.e. Die Chronik d. J. de C, etc.] : 
fibers, v. W. Friedensburg, HI, 1898. 
Cerro (Emilio del). Giuseppe Mazzini e Giuditta Sidoli. 

*,^ ^ s8o. Torino. 1909 

bervantes. Album Cervantiuo Aragon^s de los trabaj'os con 
que se ha oeleb. en Zaragoza y Pedrola el 3. oentario de la 
6d. prinoipe del Quijote. Publ. la Duquesa de Villahermosa. 
T. ^ .. 4°. 1905 

Don Qui]ote. 2t. sS". 1880 

La Galatea. a8o_ 1883 

Novelas ejemplares. s8o_ ]^881 

Trabajos de Persiles y Sigismunda. aS". 1880 

see Janskn do Paoo (A.) Cat. da Coll. Cervantina, 1909. 
€esare [d'Sste], duke of Modena & Beggio, see Estb (C. d'). 
Cesareo (Giovanni Alfredo). Per la data di una canzone del 
Notaro Giacomo, see Monaoi (E.) Studl di filol. rom v7 
La sirTeutesca d' un giullare toscauo, see Monaci (E.) Studi 
di filol. rom., v9, 1901-3. 
Cessi (Camillo). Not. intorno a P. Bruaoni, ed ai suoi figli 
Livio Franoeaoo e Virgilio, see Giobnalb Stob. d. Lett 
Ital., Suppl., 2, 1899. 
Cezanne (Paul), see Meieb-Geafb (J.) Impreasionisten : C, 

etc., 1907. 
Chabod](Tllomas Prangois), marquis de St.-Maurice, see Saint 

Maurice (T. F. C, marq. db). 

Chadwick (Mrs. EUlis H.) Mrs. Gaskell, haunts, homes & 

stories. • s°. 1910 

Chadwick (Hubert), S.J. Lite of Gougalo da Silveira, pioneer 

missionary & proto-martyr of S. Africa. aS". 1910 

Chadwick (W. Edward). Social relationships in the light of 

Xty. Hulaean lect»., 1909-10. sS". 1910 

ChaSers (William). Marks & monograms on pottery & 

porcelain. 12th ed., [ed.], w. addit. suppl. (1908) by P. 

Litchfield. la8o. 1908 

Chailley-Bert (Joseph). Administrative problems of Brit. 

India. Tr. Sir W. Meyer. 8°. 1910 

Chalhoub (Olaurice). La Pinlande. la8o. 1910 

Chains (Prangoise de), see Naebonne Laea (P. de C, dsse. de). 

Chamard (Francois), see Dbniau (P.) Hist, de la guerre de la 

Vendee, par D., Chamard, etc., 1908. 
Chamber (Anna), countess Temple, see Temple (A. G., countess). 
Chamberlain (Houston Stewart). Foundations of the 19th c. 
Tr. J. Lees; w. intr. by Lord Redeadale. 2 v. 8". 1911 

Chamberlain (Bt. Hon. Joseph). Imperial union & tariff 
reform : speeches May 15-Nov. 4, 1903. 2nd ed. 8°. 1910 
see Ceeswicke (L.) Life of C, 4y, 1904. 
Chambers (It.-col. G. L.) Buasaco. [Wellington's Battlefields 
illust.]. 8». 1910 

Chambers (R. W.),. librarian. University College. 
«ee Langland (W.) The Piers Plowman controversy: The 

authorship of P. P., by R. W. C. ; etc., 1910. 

„ Univbesity Coll., London. Cat. of Dante coll., w. note 

on corr. of H. C. Barlow, by R. W. C, 1910. 

Chambers (Robert W.) The danger mark. s8<'. 1910 

Chambers (William), publisher, see Cabneoie (A.) W. C, 1909. 

■Chambord (cie. de), d. 1883, see Nettbmbnt (A. F.) Henri de 

Prance, etc., 1830-70, 2t, n. ed., 1875. 

Chambrier (Mme. Alexandre de). Henri de Mirmand & lea 

r^fugies de la Revocation de I'Edit de Nantes, 1650-1721, 

[App. w. Sep. pagin.J. 8°. Neuchatel. 1910 

Chamillart (Guy). GeneraUte de Caen. Rech. de la noblesse 

faite en 1666 etc. par G. C. Publ. par un membre de la 

Soo. des Antiq. de Normandie [i.e. A. C. Du Buisson de 

Courson]. 2t & App. 8". Caen. 1887-9 

Chammurabi, king of Babylon, see Hammubabi. 

Champagne, Dues de, see Aebois de Jitbainvillb (M. H. d'). 

Hist, des dues et dea comtes de G, dep. le 63., 7t, 1859-69. 

Champion (G. C), see Godman (F. D.) & 0. Salvin, edd. 

Biologia Centrali-Amer., Inseota : Coleoptera, v4 vii, 

Rhynchophora, etc., by C, 1909-10. 

Champion (Pierre). Lea plus ano. monuments de la typo- 

graphie paris. Pr6f*. typog. des livres sortis des presses de 

Sorbonne, 1470-72. Rec. de fao-s. pr6c. d'une intr. par 

P. C. 40. 1904 

'Championnet (gen. Jean Etienne). Souvenirs du G6n. C. 

[Ed. w. Etude prelim, by M. Faure]. 2^ 6d., augm. d'une 

pr«. d'A. Sorel. 8°. [1910] 

Champlain Society. Pubhoations. v5. 8°. Toronto. 1910 

see Le Clbeoq (C.) New rel. of Gaspesia, tr., etc., 1910. 
Champney (Mrs. Elizabeth Williams). Romance of Roman 
viUas. (The Renaissance.) 8". 1908 

Champneys (Arthur Charles). Irish ecclesiastical architecture, 
w. notice of similar work in Eng., etc. Ia8<'. 1910 

Champol (P.) Lea demoiselles de Saint-Andr6. sS". [1910] 
Champolliou-Pigeac (Jean Jacgiaes). Fourier et Napoleon : 
L'Egypte et lea Cent jours. M6m. et doc. in6d. 8°. 1844 

Champris (H. Gaillard de), see Gaillaed de Champeis (H.) 
Chdnakya [CInakya ; Sanakba]. Abhdlg. d. Hrn. Weber 
fiber 100 Spruohe d. C. [ With text & tr. no tp. Auszug aus 
d. Monatsberioht d. Konigl. Akad. d. Wiss. zu BerHn. 
P1262]. 8". [1864] 

Chance (Sir William), bart. Poor law reform. Via tertia. 
The case for the guardians. 8°. 1910 

Chandos, the herald. Life of the Black Prince. By the herald 
of Sir J. Chandos. Ed., [w. tr.], linguistic & hist, notea by 
M. K. Pope & E. C. Lodge. s4». 0. 1910 

Chanson (La) de Roland, nouv. ^d. Introd. & gloss, par L. 
C16dat. sS". 1886 

Chansons. *ChSsona nouelles en iBgaige prouensal, [c. 1531. 
Facs. reprod., w. note by E. Picot.} 38°. p.p. [1909] 

Chantavoine (Henri). En Province. Lettres au Directeur 
du Journal des Dibata. Pr6f. de P. Deachanel. a8°. 1910 
Chantrey(/SiV Francis), see Abmitaob(H.) Chantrey land, 1910. 
Chants. C. popul. de la Provence, rec. etc. par D. Arbaud, 

1864, see Abbattd (D.) 
Ghapelain (Jean). Lettrea in6d. de J. C. k P. D. Huet, 1658- 
73 ; publ. L. G. Pelisaier, see Sooi:6te de l'Hist. db Paeis, 
ETC. M6ms., t21, 1894. 
Chapman (Edward Mortimer). Eng. ht. & rehg., 1800-1900. 

8°. 1910 

Chapman (Dom John), O.S.B. John the Presbyter & the 

Fourth Gospel. 8°. 0. 1911 

Notes on the early hist, of the Vulgate Gospels. 8°. 0. 1908 

Chapouuiere (Paul). Piron, a. vie et s. oeuvre. 8". Geneve. 1910 

Charassou (I'dbbe A.) Un cur6 pl6b6ien au 12s. ; Poulques. 

s8». 1905 

Charcot (J. -B.) Expedition antarctique fran9., 1903-5, 

command6e par Jean Charcot : Journal de I'Expedition par 

J.-B. C. 40. [1908] 

Charcot (Jean), see Charcot (J. B.) Exp6d. antarctique fr., 

1903-5, commaud^e par J. C. : Journal de I'Exped. par 

J.-B. C, 1908. 

Chardon (B. Henri). Nouv. docs, aur la vie de Moliere. 

[2t]. 8°. 1886-1905 

[1], M. de Mod^ne, ses 2 femmes & M. B^jart. 

2, Nouv. doc», sur les com6diens de campagne ; la vie de Mollfere & le 

Theatre de collfege dans le Maine : derDi^res d6couvertes sur M., M. 

Modfene & M. de L'Hermite, etc. 

La troupe du Roman comique [de Scarron^ devoilee et les 
comediena de campagne au 17* s. 8°. Le Mans. 1876 

Charlemagne. Der Monch v. Sankt GaUen u. d. Thaten 
Karla d. Groasen, [attr. to Notkerus Balbvlus'] ; fibers, v. 
W. Wattenbach, 3^ A., see Geschichtschebibeb (Die) d. 
deut. Vorzeit, 2e Geaammtauag., B26, 1890. 
II iviaggio di Carlo Maguo in lapagna, per conquistare il 
cammino di S. Giacomo. Pubbl. per cura di'A. Ceruti. 

2v. sS". Bologna. 1871 
see Eginhaed. Kaiser Karls Leben ; fibers, v. 0. Abel, 3« 

A., 1893. 

„ Pibteapitta (U., c. di). La seconda Spagna, e I'Acquisto 

di Ponente ai tempi di C, 1871. 

Charles, archduke of Austria, son of Leopold JI. Ausgewahlte 

miUtar. Schriften. Erlautert u. mit e. Einltg. versehen 

durch Prhr. v. Waldstatten. [MiUtar. Klassiker d. In- u. 

Auslandes]. 38°. Dresden. 1901 

Charles V, k. of France, see Delislb (L. V.) Rech. sur la lib. 

de C. V, pi & Planches, 1907. 
Charles IX, k. of France, see Gotilabt (S.) *Mem. de I'estat de 

France, sous C. IX«, 3v, 1576. 
Charles IV, emp, of Germany. Kaiser K. IV. Jugendleben, v. 
ihm selbat erzahlt ; fibers, v. L. Olaner, see Gbsohicht- 
SOHEEIBBE (Dib) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2^ Gesammtausg., B83, 
Charles V, emp. of Gerrnany. 

see GaroIa Cerezeda (M.) Tratado de las campanas etc. de 
emp. C. V en Italia, Franoia, Austria, Berberia y Grecia, 
desde 1521 hasta 1545 ; [ed. 6. Cruzada Villaamil], 1873-76. 





Charles V, emp. of Germany {continued]. 

«ce Haggakd (A. C. P.) Two great rivals (Francois I & 
C. V) etc., 1910. 

„ Maurenbrechek (W.) Karl V u. d. deut. Protestanten, 
1545-55, 1865. 

„ RozET (A.) & J. F. Lembey. L'invasion de la France & 
le siege de St.-Didier par C- Quint, 1910. 
Charles n, k. of Gt. Brit. <fe. Ireland, see Miege (G.) La relation 

de trois ambassades de Msgr. le Comte de Carlisle de la part 

du pr. Charles II, etc., 1663-4, 1857. 
Charles II [le Mauvais], king of Navarre, see Luce (S.) Negoo. 

des Anglais avec le roi de Navarre, 1358, 1875. 
Charles X, k. of Sweden, see Meijer-Granqvist (P.) C. X 

Gustaf, 1910. 
Charles XII, k. of Sweden tfc Norway, see OscAB II, k. of Sweden 

& Norway. Carl den Tolfte, 1868. 
Charles XIV, Tohn [Bemadotte'], h. of Sweden & Norway, see 

Meredith (W. G.) Memorials of Charles John, 1829. 
Charles Albert, king of Sardinia, etc. *Mem. ed osservaz. 

sulla guerra dell' indipendenza d' Italia nel 1848—9. Race. 

da un ufiSciale piemontese. {Notes hy 0. A., orig. in French; 

tr. & ed., w. docK etc., hy G. Promis]. s8". Torino. 1850 

Charles Martel, duke of Austrasia. Hist, de C. M. ; reproduc- 
tion des 102 miniatures de Loyset Li6det (1470) par J. 

Van den Gheyn. 8°. Brux. 1910 

Charles-Roux (Frangois). Les origines de I'expedition 

d'Egypte. 8°. 1910 

Charley (Sir William Thomas). The Holy City, Athena & 

Egypt, founded on personal obs. etc. 8°. 1902 

Charolais (Mile, de) [Mile, de Sens ; i.e. Lotjisb Anne de 

Bourbon, 1696-1708], see Duchesne (G.) Mile, de C, 1909. 
Charteris (Archibald Hamilton). On some present-day attacks 

on the Xtn. doctrine. [P500]. 8°. E. 1870 

Chartes & diplomea relatifs k I'hist. de France. Publ. par les 

soins de I'Aoad. d. Inscr. & Belles-Lettres. 

[t3, cfc Atlas (Iv, fol.); in prog.]. 4P, fol. 1909 

[3], Eecueil des actes de Henri II, roi d'Angleterre et due de Normandie, 
cone, les provinces frang. et les atfaires de France. Publ. sous la 
dir. de M. H. d'Arbois de Jubaiiiville, par L. Delisle. [tl], Intr. ; 
Atlas [Iv]. 

Chartres (Mrs. Annie Vivanti) [form. Vivanti {Miss A.)]. The 
devourers. a8°. 1910 

Chartreuse (La Grande). La G. C, par un Chartreux. 

30 6d. s8». Lyon. 1889 

Chartularium studii Bononiensis, vl, 1909, see Bologna. 

Chase (Frederic Henry), bp. of Ely. Confirmation in the 
Apostolic age. s8". 1909 

Chassang (Alexis). Les romans grecs. Prec. d'une 6tude sur 
le roman grec par C. s8°. n.d. 

Lea pastorales de Longus, tr. d'Arayot & Les Ethiopiennes d'H^liodore, 
tr. de Q.uenneville. 

Chassant (Alphonse A. L.) [Chassant (L. A.)] ed.. Petit 
vocabulaire latin-frang. du 13^ s., extr. d'un MS. de la Bibl. 
d'Evreux. s8". 1857 

Chassant (L. A.), see Chassant (A. A. L.) 

Chassinat (Emile). Le Mammisi d'Edfou, fasc. 1, see Institut 

(L') FRANg.iD'ARCHEOL. Obient. DU Cairb, M6m., tl6, 1910. 

Une statuette de bronze de la reine Karomama, Louvre, see 

Acad, des Inscr. etc. : Fond. Piot. Mon^. etc., t4, 1897. 

(Jhastelain (I'abbe Claude), see Dueoub (V.) L'abb6 C. C. 

et s. Diaire ou Journal, 1882. 
(Chateaubriand (vte. Francois Beni de). 
see Beaunier (A.) Trois amies de C, 1910. 
„ Danielo (J.) Les conversations de M. de C, 1864. 
„ JuLiEN, domestique de M. de C. Itin^raire de Paris a 
Jerusalem ; publ. avec intr., etc. par E. Champion, 2« 
M., 1904. 
Chatelain (Emile). 
see Denifle (H. S.) & E. C. Le proces de Jeanne d'Arc et 

I'Univ. de Paris, 1897. 

„ SociETi DE l'Hist. DE Paris, ETC. Mems., tl8, Le 

" Livre " ou " Cartulaire " de la nation d'Angleterre et 

d'Allemagne dans I'anc. Univ. de Paris, par E. C, 1891. 

Chatham (William Pitt, 1st earl of), see Rosbbery (A. P. P., 

Sth e. of). C. : h. early life and connections, 1910. 
Chatillon (Isabelle Angelique de Montmorency-Boutteville, 
duchesse de) [first ctsse. de Coligny then dsse. de Chatillon, 
aft. pcsse. de Mecklembourg-Schwerin], see Magne (E i 
Mme. de C, 2^ 6d., 1910. 

Chatterton (Edward Keble). Sailing ships. Story of their 

development, to pres. day. Ia8°. 1909 

Chatterton (Thomas), see Ingram (J. H.) The true C. ; a new 

study f. orig. docs., 1910. 
Chaucer (Geoffrey). Treatise on the Astrolabe. Ed. w. notes 

& illust., by A. E. Brae. 8". 1870 

see Fbieshammeb (J.) Die sprachl. Form d. Chaucer. 
Prosa, 1910. 

„ Lbgouis (E.) G. C, 1910. 
Chaufepi^ (H. J. de Dompierre de), see Dompibrbb de Chauee- 

piB (H. J. de). 
Chavannes (F. L. Frederic). A. Vinet. Notice & m^m^. Extr. 

de la Revue Suisse, 1847. [P1259]. ?P. Neuchatel. 1847 

Chavard (Charles) & 0. Stemler. Becherches sur Le Rainoy, 

1238-1848. 8". 1884 

Chaves (Manuel). Don Mariano Jos6 de Larra (Figaro), su 

tiempo — su vida — sus obras, bibliog., etc. 8°. Sevilla. 1898 
Chaytor (A. H.) Letters to a salmon fisher's sons. 8". 1910' 
Chazal (baron Pierre Emanuel F61ix de), see Bufein (baron 0.). 

Docs. ined. sur la R^vol. beige, 2, Relation du bombarde- 

ment d' An vers d'apres les papiers in6d. du Baron C, 1910. 
Chemical Society of London. List of the officers & fellows. 

Corrected to July, 1910. s8<>. 1910- 

Ch^nier (Andre). CEuvres completes. Publ. par P. DimofE. 

[t2], Poemes— Hymnes — Theatre. s8». [1910] 

Chenonceaux : Archives Royales de Chenoncbau. 
see Catherine [de' Medici]. Debtes et cr^anoiers de C. de 
M., 1589-1606, 1862. 

„ Diane, de Poytiers. Comptes des reoeptes & despenoes 
faites par D. de P., 1864. * 

Chernishevsky (Nikolai Gavrilovich) [Tchbrnishevsky], see 

KoROLENKO (V. G.) BocnoMBHauin, 1894. 
Cheshire. Memorials of old C, 1910, see Barber (E.) & P. H. 

Ditohfield, edd. 
Vertebrate fauna of C. & Liverpool Bay ; ed. T. A. Coward, 

2v, 1910, see Cowaed (T. A.) ed. 
Chesnay (L.), see Pbbdbizet (P.) & L. C. La m^tropole de^ 

Serr^s, 1903. 
(Siessin (Serge de), see Moulin (R.) & S. db C. Une annee de 

polit. exter. (1908), 1909. 
Chesterton (Cecil), see Belloo (H.) & C. C. The party system, 

Chesterton (Gilbert Keith). The ball & the cross. s8°. [1910] 
What's wrong with the world. 7th ed. s8<'. 1910- 

Chevalier (Aristide). Un Charlatan du 18'^ h. : Le Grand 

Thomas, see Society de l'Hist. de Paris, etc. M6ms., 

t7, 1881. 
Cheverny (J. N. Dufort, cte. de), 1731-180Z. M6m. Intr. <fc. 

notes par R. de Crevecceur. 2[t]. 8°. 1909 

1, L'ancien regime, 1731-87. 2, La ll(5volution, 1787-1801. 
Cheyne (John), see *Rbligion, worldly-mindedness & philo- 
sophy, on autobiog. of J. C, by a physician [signed J. H.], 

Cheyne (Thomas Kelly). Notes & criticisms on the Hebrew 

text of Isaiah. [P1254]. 8°. 1868 

Chiampell (Durich) [Campelli (U.)]. Hist, rsetica. Hrsg. 

V. P. Plattner. [QueUen zur Schweizer. Gesch. ; hrsg. v. 

d. Allgemeinen Geschichtsforsohenden Gesell. d. Sohweitz, 

B9]. 2t. 8». Basel. 1887-90 

Chicago : Umv. of. Decennial publications. 

sll, v6. 80. Chicago. 1903 

see Leon (Fray L. db). La perfecta casada ; con prologo,. 

etc. por E. Wallace, 1903. [sH, 6.] 

Chico (Boabdil el), see Boabdil, k. of Granada. 

Childers (Erskine). The riddle of the sands. sS". n.d. 

War & the arme blanche. Intr. by Earl Roberts. 8°. 1910 

Childers (J. W.). Lord Orford's voyage round the Fens in 

1774. [Being the journals of T. Roberts, G.- Farrington, 

& Lord Orford. Ed. by J. W. C] 8°. Doncaster. [1868] 

Children. The c. of the Chapel, n. ed., 1910, see Leith (M. C. J.) 
Childs (William Macbride). The town of Reading dur. the 

early part of the 19 c. [Univ. CoUege, Reading. Studies 

™ \°''f' '^^^*l]- 8°. Reading. 1910 

Chirol (Valentme). Indian unrest. Repr., rev. & enl f. 

" The Times," w. intr. by Sir A. LyaU. S". 1910 

Chirvanzade, ps. [i.e. Alexander Movsissian]. La poss^d^e. 

Tr. de I'arminien par A. Tchobanian. Pr6f. de F. Macler. 
_ . ,.^,,, . „ sS". 1910 

Chopm (Fredenc F.), see Liszt (F.) Gesamm. Schriften, Bl,. 

C. ; fibers, v. La Mara, neu durchgeseh. A., 1910. 




Christen (Rodolphe), see Christen (S. M.) E. C. ; the story 

of an artist's life, 1910. 
Christen (Mrs. Sydney Mary). Rodolphe Christen : the story 
of an artist's life. 8°. 1910 

Christian V, king of Denmark <Sa Norway, see Crull (J.) 

■"Mem. of Denmark, cont. the life & reign of C. V, 1700. 
Christie, The -firm of. 
For catalogues of collections sold by Messrs. Christie see the 

names of the owners. 
Christie (Emerson Brewer). The Subanuns of Sindangan Bay. 
[Philippine Isl'., Ethnol. Survey, Publ'., 6i]. 

laS". Manila. 1909 
Christ's College, Cambridge, see Cambridge, Univ., etc. of : 

C. C. C. 
Chronica. '*C. del Rey Don Guillermo, etc., siglo 16, 1878, see 
William I, k. of Eng. 
C. des Landes Osterreioh, ( — 1398) [Haqbn'schb Chbonik ; 
OsTBEREicH. Chronik V. d. 95 Herrschaften. Has, been 
attr. to Matthdus cfe Gregor Hag en, ib to Johann 8efner\ 
see MoNTJMENTA Germanise Hist., Deut. Chron., t6, 1909. 
„ fPsz (H.) Script, rerum Austriac, tl, 1721. 
Chronicles of the Pilgrim Fathers, 1910, see Masefield (J.) ed. 
Chronicon. 0. Moguntinum. Ed. C. Hegel. [Script, rer. Germ, 
in usum schol.]. 8". Hannoverse. 1885 

C. Parmense, 1038-1338, 1902, see Parma. 
Chronik. Annalen u. C. v. Kolmar ; ubers. v. H. Pabst, 
2e A., 1897, see Colmar. 
Die C. T. Stederburg ; vibers. v. E. Winkelmann, 2^ A., 1895, 
see Geraedus, Stederburg. 
C. v. Sauot Peter zu Erfurt, 1100-1215; ubers. v. G. Grandaur, 

1893, see Sankt Petee, ahbey of, Erfurt. 
Quellen z. Geaoh. Ludwigs d. Baiern [i.e. Die C. v. d. Herzo- 
gen V. Baiern, 1309-72, etc.] ; iibers. v. W. Friedensburg, 
HI, 1898, see Louis IV, emp. of Germany. 
Chroniken (Die) der deut. Stadte v. 14 bis in's 16 Jhdt. Hrsg. 
durch d. histor. Comm. bei d. Konigl. Akad. d. Wiss. 

B30. 8°. L. 1910 
Lubeck, B4. [1438-65]. [30.] 

Chroniciue. C. artesienne (1295-1304), n. 6d., & Chron. tour- 

naisienne (1296-1314); publ. par F. Funck-Brentano. [Coll. 

de testes p. serv. a I'^t. etc. de I'hist., 25]. 8°. 1899 

C. de Nantes (570-1049) ; publ. R. Merlet, 1896, see Nantes. 

C. paris. anon, de 1316-39, publ. A. Hellot, 1885, see Paris. 

Chronographus Saxo, see Magdeburg. Die Jahrbiioher v. 

M. (C. S.) ; iibers. v. E. Winkelmann, 2^ A., 1895. 
Chudeau (R.), see GAtriiBR (E. F.) & R. C. Missions au 

Sahara, t2, Sahara soudanais, par R. C, 1909. 
Chugoinot (T.), fl. 16th cent. [Hitgoinot], see MtLY (F. de). 
Le retable de Boulbon, & le miniaturiste C. a Aix-en- 
Provence, 1906. 
Chukovsky, see Shukovsky. 
Chuquet (Arthur Maxime). Lettres de 1815. [Ed. A. C.]. 

si. 8°. 1911 
see Fbuilles d'Histoirb Dir XVIP au XX« SitcLE ; 

direoteur, A. C, tl, janv.-juin, 1909. 
Church. ""C. expansion & liturgical revision. Repr. f. 
Edinb. Rev., Jan. 1861. [P1258]. 8". 1862 

Church Historical Society. [Publications']. No. 78, etc. 

s8<>. 1908 
see Collins (W. E.) The Eng. Reformation & its conse- 
quences ; repr. of 2nd ed., rev., 1908. [No n".]. 

„ ed.. Typical Eng. Churchmen, a2, Wyclif to Gardiner, 

1909. [78.] 

Church Missionary Society. Occasional papers on India. 

no. 9. The policy of the Indian Govt., opposed to the 

neutral policy in resp. of Xty. [P1257]. 8°. 1860 

Church Pageant, Fulham Palace, 1909, see English Church 

Church (Alfred John). The story of the last days of Jerusalem, 
from Josephus. 8°. 1881 

Churchill (Winston), b. at St. Louis, 1871. A modern chronicle. 

88°. 1910 

Churchill (,Bt. Hon. Winston L. Spencer), b. 1S74 ; e. son of 

Lord B. Churchill. Liberalism & the soc. problem. s8". 1909 

Churchmen. Typical Eng. C, s2, 1909, see Collins (W. E.) 

Chushingura. Chiushingura: or. The Loyal League. Tr. F. V. 

Dickins, w. notes & app. oontg. The Ballad of Takasago. 

[3rd ed.]. 8". 1910 

Chwolson (Daniel A.) Die semit. Volker. Versuch e. 

Charakteriatik. [P1255]. 8°. 1871 

Cian (Vittorio). V. Belcalzer e I'enoiolopedismo ital. d. orig., 

see GiORNAiB Stor. d. Lett. Ital., Suppl., 5, 1902. 

Cibrario (count Giovanni Antonio Luigi). Delia econ. polit. 

del medio evo. 2t. 5" ed. 8". Torino. 1861 

Cicero (Marcus Tullius). Cicerone e i suoi oorrispondenti. 

Lettere soelte ed annot. per le scuole olassiche da C. Giorni. 

s8''. Firenze. 1910 

see fAEATUS, of Soli. Phsenomena etc., interp. C. etc., 1559. 

„ Lemaire (N. E.) Poetse Lat. minores, v6, 1826. 
Cid, El. Romanoero del Cid. Tr. P. Monti. 8°. Milano. 1838 

see Hambl (A.) Der C. im span. Drama des 16 u. 17 Jhdts., 
Cielo, dal Camo, see CiULLO, d' Alcamo. 
Cieza de Leon (Pedro de). Guerra de Quito, [3° lib. de las 

Guerras ceviles del Perii], see Seeeano y Sanz (M.) Guerra 

de Quito, etc., 1909. 
Cigala (Lanfranco), see Gueeei (F.) Intorno a un verso di 

L. C, 1901. 
Cino, da Pistoia, see GiUNTA (B. di) ed.. Rime : C. da P., etc., 

Cippico (Antonio). Aspettando I'aurora. s4°. Zara. 1902 

Cipriotti (Giacomo). U Maurizio. [P823]. s8o. Bergamo. 1689 
Circourt (cte. Adolphe de). Souvenirs d'une mission a Berlin 

en 1848. Publ. par G. Bourgin. [Soo. d'Hist. Contemp., 

43, 46]. 2t. 8°. 1908-9 

Ciullo, d' Alcamo. [Cielo dal Camo ; Cielo Daloamo ; 

fViNOENZO, called Ciullo d'Alcamo], see OviDio (F. d') 

Versificazione ital. etc. : II Contrasto di Cielo Dalcamo, 

etc., 1910. 
Clapham (John). *Historie of Gt. Brit., f. the Romans first 

entrance, uutill the raigne of Egbert. 

2p in Iv, [pagin. cont.]. 84P. 1606 
For a. c. of pi see Harleian Miscellany, v7, pl. 
Claretie (Georges). Drames & comedies judiciaires. Chron. 

du Palais 1909. Pref. de M. R. Poincare. sS". 1910 

Claretie (Jules). Quarante ans apr^s : impressions d' Alsace 

& de Lorraine, 1870-1910. s8". 1910 

Clark (H. W.), see Meek (S. E.) & H. W. C. Notes on a coll. 

of cold-blooded vertebrates f. Ontario, 1902. 
Clark (Hamlet) [ps. Philooosmus]. Letter to the Trustees 

of the Brit. Museum on conditions of collection of inverte- 

brata. [P1240]. 8°. 1865 

Clarke (Sir Edward George). Selected speeches. With intr. 

notes, 8°. 1908 

Clarke (Frank Wigglesworth) & G. F. Becker. Constants of 

nature, p5, 3rd ed., rev. & enl., 1910, see Smithsonian 

Instit. Misc. colls., v54, 1910. 
Clarke (Somers), see Navelle (E.) The Xlth dynasty temple 

at Deir el-Bahari, p2, w. arohit. descript. by S. C, 

""Classification of the sciences, 1864, see Spencee (H.) 
Clausius (Rudolf J. E.) Theorie mecan. de la chaleur. 2° 

6d., refondue etc., tr. sur 3* 6d. de I'orig. allemand par F. 

Folic & E. Ronkar. 2t. 8°. Mons. 1888-93 

Claussen (Sophus). De Thul6 k Ecbatane. Poemes. Tr. 

G.-C. Cros. s8o. 1910 

Claustre (Andri de). Dizionario mitologico. Tr. 

6t. 80. Venezia. 1785-6 
Clayton (Joseph). The true story of Jack Cade, captain of 

Kent, 1450. A vindication. sS". 1909 

Clayworth, Notts. Rector's book, C, Notts ; transcr. & ed. 

by H. Gill & E. L. Guilford, 1910, see Sampson (W.) 
C16dat (Leon). De Fratre Salimbene et de ejus Chronicse 

auctoritate, disaeruit L. C. [Cont. text of the Chron. for 

llG7-nU. P1235]. 8°. Parisiis. 1878 

Clemens, Romanus. The Epistle of St. Clement. [Tr., w. 

intr.] by J. A. F. Gregg. S80. 1899 

The Hturgy of the 8th bk. of " The ApostoHc Constitutions," 

tr., &c. R. H. Cresswell, 1900, see Apostolic. 
Clement V, pope, see Lizerand (6.) C. V et Philippe IV le 

Bel, 1910. 
Clement XIV, pope. II conclave di C. XIV, 1774, 1775 J, 

see Metastasio (P. A. D. B.) 
Clement (Felix). Les poetes chretiena dep. le 4« s. jusqu'au 

15^. Morceaux choisis tr. & annot^s par C. Tr. de Carmina 

e poetis christianis excerpta, [by F. C.]. 8°. 1857 

Cleves, House of, see Iloen (T.) Die wiederaufgefund. 

Registerbiicher d. Grafen u. Herzoge v. Cleve-Mark, 1909. 
Clifford, The family of, see Clieeoed (A.) Collectanea Clif- 

fordiana, 1817. 




Clifioid (Althni). Collectanea ClifEordiana, in three parts 
[Iv]. [p3, cont. CliflEord, an hist, tragedy, has sep. pagin.]. 

8". Paris. 1817 

Clifiord (Mrs. W. K.) Plays : Hamilton's second marriage — 

Thomas & the princess — The modern way. s8°. 1909 

Sir George's objection. sS". [1910] 

Clinch (George). Some ace. of anc. excavations in West 

Wickham, Kent. 

[P1295]. 8°. p.p. West Wickham, Kent. 1884. 
Cloncuriy (Valentine Browne Lawless, Snd baron), see Fitz- 

PATRICK (W. J) The life, etc., of Lord C, 1855. 
(!los-Dor6 (C. R. Magon de), see MAaow (contre-amiral 0. R.) 
Close Rolls. Calendar of the C. R. [Calendar of State 
Papers]. , la8°. 1910 

Edwavd III, V6, 1339-41 ; Vl2, 1364-68. 

Closebnrn (gen. Kirkpatrich de), see Kibkpatkiok (E.) 
Clouston (Thomas Smith). The hygiene of mind. 

2nd ed. 8". [1906] 
Clouzot (Henri). Philibert de I'Orme. [Les maitres de I'art]. 

8». [1910] 
Cobb (William Henry). An exam, of Isaiah XIII. 

[P1245]. 8°. Oberhn, Ohio. 1892. 
Cobbett's Political Register. v25-30, 35, 36, (Jan. 1814-June 

1816, Aug. 1819-July 1820). Ia8». 1814-20 

Cobden (Richard), see UBQtTHART (D.) Ans. to C. on assimila- 
tion of war cSc peace, 1862. 
Cochem (Martin v.) Erklarung d. heU. Messopfers. Nebst 

Messandachten, etc. In neuer Bearb. v. L. Grubenbeoher. 

28. b. 37. A. s8<>. Koln. n.d. 
Cochet (Jean Benolt D6sir6). La Seine-Inf6rieure hist. & 

arch^ologique. Epoques gauL, rom. & franque. 4". 1864 
Cochin (Henry), see Pbtbaboh. P. e la Lombardia ; ooUabor., 

H. C, etc., 1904. 
Coco (Vincenzo). *Saggio storioo s. rivoluz. di Napoli. 

211 ed., con aggiunte. 8". Milano. 1806 
Cocuaud (Camille). Le retour de I'lle d'Elbe. sS". 1910 

Codex. Chmaci Rescriptus ; transcribed & ed. by A. S. 

Lewis, 1909, see Lewis (Mrs. A. S.) 
C. Theodosianus ; reo. & annot. instr. G. Haenel, see Corpus 

iuris Romani Anteiustiniani, faso. 2-5, 1837-42. 
Codice diplomatico barese, vl-6, in prog., 1897-1906, see 

Oodicis Gregoriani & Cod. Hermogeniani fragmenta ; rec. & 

annot. instr. G. Haenel, see COBPtrs iuris Romani Anteius- 
tiniani, faso. 2, 1837. 
Codin (C. Radulescu), see Radtobsotj-Codin (C.) 
Coedes (Creorge). Textes d'auteurs greos et latins rel. a 

r Extreme- Orient, dep. le 4? s. av. J.-C. jusqu'au 14^ s. Rec. 

et tr. par G. C. [Docs. hist, et g^og. rel. a I'lndochine ; H. 

Cordier et L. Finot, tl], ^8°. 1910 

CcBOr (JacoLUes), see Pbutz (H. G.) Krit. Studien i.. Gesoh. 

J. C, 1909. 
Cohen (Herman), barrister. Trade union law. 

2nd ed. s8o. 1907 
Cohen (Hermann), Ph.D. Kants Begrundung d. Ethik, nebst 

i. Anwendungeu auf Recht, Rehg. u. Gesch. 

2e verbess. u. erweiterte A. 8°. 1910 
Cohn (Jonas). Voraussetzungen u. Ziele d. Erkennens. 

Untersuch. ii. d. Grundfragen d. Logik. 8°. L. 1908 

Cohn (Max), ap. Conrat. Arbor iuris des friiheren M.-a. mit 

eigenartiger Komputation, see Koniglich-Pbeijss. Akad. 

D. Wiss. ZTJ B. Abhdlgn., Phil. -hist. Classe, 1909. 
Cohn (WiUy). Die Gesoh. d. nermann. -sicil. Flotte unter d. 

Regierung Rogers I. u. Rogers II., 1060-1154. [Hist. 

Untersuchungen ; hrsg. v. C. Cichorius, etc., HI]. 

8°. Breslau. 1910 
Cokayne (George Edward). The complete peerage of Eng., 

Scotland, Irel., Gt. Brit., & the U. K. By G. E. C. ; n. ed., 

rev. & enl., ed. Hon. V. Gibbs. vl, Ab-Adam to Basing. 

40. 1910 
Coke (Sir Edward). An exact abridgment in Enghsh of the 

11 Books of Reports of C, by Sir T. Ireland. sS". 1650 

Colasanti (Arduino). Loreto. [Italia artist., 54]. 

40. Bergamo. 1910 
Colby (Frank Moore). 
see New internat. encyclopaedia; editors, P. M. C, etc., 1910. 

„ New internat. year book, for 1909 ; editor F M C 
1910. ■ ■' 

Colby (maj.-gen. Thomas), see Londonbbbby. Ordnance 

survey of the eo. of L. ; Col. C. superintendent, vl, 1837. 

Cole (Henry Hardy). Illustrations of anc. buildings in Kash- 
mir. [Archaeological Survey of India]. 4°. 1869 
Colenbrander (H. T.) Gedenkstukken d. algemeene gesoh. 
V. Nederland, 1795-1840. Uitg. d. H. T. C. [Rijks Gesch. 
Publ. Uitg. in opdraoht v. d. Min. v. Binnenland. Zaken, 
11, 12]. D5i, ii, Koning Lodewijk, 1806-10; [pagin. cont.]. 

i°. 's-Gravenhagen. 1909-10 

Coleridge (Mary E.) Gathered leaves f. the prose of M. E. C. 

With a memoir by E. Sichel. 8°. 1910 

Coleridge (Samuel Taylor). Biographia literaria ; & two lay 

sermons. new ed. s8°. 1870 

see Litchfield (R. B.) T. Wedgwood; ace. of h. hfe, h. 

friendship w. C, incl. letters of C. to the Wedgwoods, 1903. 

Coligny (Isabelle Ang61ique de Montmorency, ctsse. de), see 

Chatillon (I. A. DE M.-B., dcsse. de). 

Colin (J.) Les campagnes du marechal de Saxe. [Publ. sous 

la dir. de la Section Hist, de I'Etat-Major de I'Arm^e]. 

p3, Fontenoy. 8". 1906 

Collatio. Lex Dei sive incerti scriptoris Mosaicarum et 

Romanarum legum coll. ; oura F. Blume, see Corpus iuris 

Romani Anteiustiniani, fasc. 1, 1841. 

Collection. C. de mon^. pour servir h, I'^tude de la langue & de 

la litt. neo-hell6niques. sIII, no. 2. 8". 1910 

«ee Gentile (P.) P. G. & A. Ach^lis : Le siege de Malte 

par les Turcs en 1565, publ. en fran^ais & en grec par 

H. Pernot, 1910. [Ill, 2.] 

*The hive : a c. of songs, 4v, var. ed., 1724r-33, see Hive. 

College (The) Elector, & Gazette Extraordinary. Trinity 

College, Dublin. No. 1-6. [No more publ.]. 4P. D. 1857 

CoUetta (gen. Pietro). Storia del reame di Napoli, 1734-1825. 

4t. s8''. Capolago. 1837 
Collier (Jeremy), the nonjuror, see Ballein (J.) J. C.'s 

Angriff auf d. engl. Biihne, 1910. 
CoUignon (Maxime). Quid de coUegiis epheborum apud 
Grseoos, excepta Attica, ex titulis epigraphicis comm. 
hceat. Thesim proponebat M. C. 

[P1235]. 8». Lutetiae Parisiorum. 1877 
For the following see Aoad. d. Iksor. bto. : Fokd Piot. 
Mon". etc. 

Aphrodite Pand6mos : relief de miroir en bronze & disque en marbre, 

Louvre, 1894. [1.] 

Bas-relief fun6raire de E6otie, Mus6e Nat. d'Athfenes, 1896. f3.] 

Deux l^cythea attlques, Louvre & Madrid, 1905. [12.] 

Groupe fun6raire en plerre calcaire, MuB6e Gr^co-Romain d'Alexandrie, 

1897. [4.] 

Lnutrophore attique, Louvre, 1894. [i.] 

TJne sculpture d'Egine : t6te d'Athina, coll. de M. le marq. de Vogii^, 

1906. [13.] 

Sculptures grecques trouv^ea k Tralles, MusSe Imp. de Constantinople, 

1903. [10.] 

Situla d'ivoire provenant de Chiusi, Louvre, 1902. [9.] 

T4te d'Eros de la coll. d'Harcourt, 1906. [13.] 

T6te de jeune fiUe, Louvre, 1895. [2,] 

T6te feminine en marbre, Louvre, 1909. [17.] 

Tiare en or oflferte par la ville d'Olbia au roi Saltapharn^s, Louvre, 1899. 

Collijn (Isak Gustaf Alfred). Libri T. Werneri, Lips, quondam 
prof., qui nunc Upsahae in Bibl. Univ. adservantur — 
Programma promotionis in facultate iuridioa studii Lips, 
anno 1509 impr. [Univ. Lipsiensi sa«. 5, 1910 celeb, 
gratul. Univ. Upsal.]. la8o. Upsali^. 1909 

CoUingwood (Harry) ps. A middy of the slave squadron. 

s8o. 1911 

Collins (John Churton). Greek influence on Eng. poetry. 

Ed., w. pref., by M. Maomillan. 38°. 1910 

Collins (W. H.), of the Geolog. Survey of Canada. Preliminary 

rep. on Gowgauda Mining Division, District of Nipissing, 

Ontario. [Canada. Dept. of Mines : Geolog. Survey]. 

[With Map]. 8°. Ottawa. 1909 

Collins (William Edward), bp. of Gibraltar. The Enghsh 

Reformation and its consequences. 4 lects., w. notes & 

app. [Church Hist. Soo.]. Repr. of 2nd ed., rev. sS". 1908 

Typical Eng. Churchmen. s2. From Wyolif to Gardiner. 

[Church Hist. Soo., 78]. 8° 1909 

Ser. 1, ed. by W. E. Collins. 

J. Wyolif, by J. N. Figgis. 

William of Wykeham, by W. A. Spooner. 

W. Coui-tenay, by T. S. Holmes 

Cardinal Beaufort, by L. B. Radford. 

C. Tunstall, by G. H. Roas-Lewin. 

S. Gardiner, by J. Gairdner. 

Collison-Morley (Lacy). Giuseppe Baretti ; w. ace. of h. 
Uterary friendships & feuds in Italy & in Eng. Intr. by 
F. M. Crawford. 8". 1909 




Colloredo (card. Leandro), see Baooi (P. J.) Vita di S. Filippo 
Neri ; con 1' aggiunta d' una breve notitia di alouni suoi 
oompagni [attr. to L. C], per opera d. G. Riooi, 1672. 

Colmai [KoLMAB.]. Annalen u. Chronik v. K. ; iibers. v. H. 
Pabst, 2e A., neu bearbt. v. W. Wattenbaoh, see Gesohioht- 
SCHEBIBER (Dib) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2e Geaammtauag., B76, 

Colmenar (Juan Alvarez de), see Alvarez db Colmenab (J.) 

Colo, de Perosa. La leggenda dei Dieci Comandamenti 
[ed. V. de Bartholomseis], see Monaoi (B. 
rom., v8, 1901. 

Coloma (Luis), S.J. Boy. 

Colonna (Egidio), Romano, abp. of Bowrges. 
de prinoipi. Volgar. traaoijtto nel 1288 ; 
di P. Corazziui. 

Colonna (Guido de), see Lydqate (J.) 

Studj di filol. 

a8». 1910 

Bel reggimento 

pubbl. per cura 

s8°. Firenze. 1858 

L.'s Troy book, 1412-20; 

[amplified version of the Hiat. destructionis Troise of G. 
delle C] ; ed., w. intr., notes, etc., by H. Bergen, 1906-10. 
Colonna (Vittoria), aft. V. d' Avalos, march, di Pescara. 
Nuove lettere ined. di V. 0. [Ed.] P. Tacchi-Venturi. 

[P1299]. 4°. 1901 
see Jeeeold (M. F.) V. C. ; w. aoo. of h. friends & h. times, 

Columban, St., see FRBDEGABitrs, Scholasticus. Die Chronik 
F., etc., d. Lebensbeschreibungen d. C. [by Jonas'] ; fibers. 
0. Abel, 3^ A., 1888. 
Columbia Univ., [New York]. Univ. bibliography, 1909. 
[Compiled by AUee L. Miller]. [P1291]. 8°. n.p. 1910 

Biological ser. [v]9. 8". N.Y. 1910 

see Wheeler (W. M.) Ants, 1910. [9.] 

Studies in Eng. S". N.Y. 1909-10 

see Albright (V. E.) The Shaksperian stage, 1909. 
„ Wright (E. H.) Authorship of Timon of Athens, 1910. 
Studies in history, economics & public law. 

v36ii, 39i. 8". N.Y. 1910 

see LiNGLBY (C. R.) The transition in Virginia f. colony 

to commonwealth, 1910. [36ii.] 

„ Murray (W.S.) Makingof the Balkan States, 1910. [39i.] 

Columbus (C), see Monte y Tbjada (A. del). Hist, de 

Santo Domingo, tl, Cristobal Colon etc., 1492-1503, 1853. 
Columella (Lucius Junius Modeiatus), see Lemaire (N. E.) 

Poetse Lat. minores, v7, 1826. 
Coman (Katharine). The industrial hist, of the United States. 

n. & rev. ed. s8". N.Y. 1910 
Comba (Emilio). Waldo & the Waldensians bef. the Reforma- 
tion. Tr. T. E. Comba. [P1247]. 8o. N.Y. 1880 
Comenius (J. A.) The great didactic. Tr., w. biog., hist. & 
crit. intr. by M. W. Keatinge. [2nd ed.]. 8°. 1910 
see Vrbka (A.) Leben u. Schicksale des J. A. C, 1892. 
Comerford (M.) Collections rel. to the dioceses of Kildare & 
Leighlin. 3s. 8". D. [1883-6] 
Comines (Philippe de), seigneur d'Argenton. The Historic of 
P.deC. [Tr.T. Danett. TFiiftThclifeofP. deC.]. fol.1614 
Comite de Patronage des Etudiants Etiangeis, see Frenoe. F. 
Univ. degrees : hdbk. publ. by C. de P. des E. E., 2nd ed., 
Commerce. Societe Internat. pour le D^veloppement de 
I'Enseignement Comm., see Havre. Le H. et le d^pt. de la 
Seine-Inferieure : Conferences faites en 1909, 1910. 
Commerson (Philibert). 

see Montesstjs (F. B. de). Martyrologe et biog. de C, 1889. 
„ Oliver (S. P.) Life of P. 0. ; cd., etc. by G. F. S. EUiot, 
Commission Royale d'Histoire de Belgictue. \Puhlications']. 

i°. Brux. 1909 
see Des Maeez (G.) & E. de Saghee. edd., Comptes de la 

vUle d'Ypres de 1267 a 1329, tl, 1909. 
„ EspiNAS (G.) & H. PiRBNNE. ed(i., Rccueil de doc^. rel. a 
I'hist. de I'industrie drapi^re en Flandre, pi, t2, 1909. 
Commissione per la Storia dell' University di Bologna. 
see Bologna. Chartularium studii Bononiensis, vl, 1909. 

„ Studi e mem. per la storia dell' Univ. di B., vl, 1907-8. 

Commissione Provinciale di Archeologia e Storia Patria, see 
Baeesb. Codice diplomatico barese ; ed. a cura della 
C. P. di A. e S. P., vl-6, in prog., 1897-1906. 
Committee of Imperial Defence, see Russo-Japanese War. 

Official hist., vl, 1910. 
Companion (A) to Latin studies, 1910, see Sandys (J. E.) ed. 
Complemento aUa storia d. Campagna del 1866 in Italia, 2v, 
1909, see Campagna. 

Complete. The o. peerage ; by G. E. C, new ed., rev. & enl.; 

ed. Hon. V. Gibbs, in prog., 1910, etc., see Cokaynb (G. E.) 
Comtat-Venaissin, see SociifeTiSi des Rbohbrches Hist, de 

Vauoluse. Rech. hist, et docs, sur Avignon, le C.-V. etc., 

tl-3, 1908-9. 
Comyn (David Charles Edward ffrench). Service & sport in 

the Sudan : reo. of admin, in the Anglo -Egyptian Sudan, w. 

intervals of sport & travel. 8°. 1911 

Conard (Pierre). La constitution de Bayonne, 1808. Easai 

d'6d. crit. {Text in Spanish & French, w. Intr. Bibl. 

d'hist. mod., 2iv]. laS". 1910 

Conciliation, see Muie (J.) *An essay on e. in matters of 

religion, etc. ; by a Bengal civihan [J. M.I, 1849. 
Concini (L§onora), marquise d'Ancre, see Anoee (L. C, marquise 


Conclave. 11 c. di Clement XIV, 1774, 1775?, see Metastasio 

(P. A. D. B.) 
Conde, The Bouse of, see Macon (G.) Chantilly & le Mus^e 

Cond6, 1910. 
Conde (Anne Louise B. de Bourbon), see Maine (Anne L. B. de 

B.-C, dsse. Du). 
Condivi (Ascanio), see Michael Angblo. Rime etc. ; preced. 

d. vita deir autore scr. da A. C, 1880. 
Condon (Edward 'Meagher). The Irish race in America. 

s8o. Glasgow. [1887?] 
Conference (A) desired by the Lords & had by a committee 

of .both Houses, 3°. Apr. 1628, 1642, see Parliament. 
Conger (Sarah PUce) [Mrs. Edwin Hued Conger]. Letters 

f. China. With particular ref. to the Empress Dowager & 

the women of China. 8». 1909 

Congo. The C. reforms, by a Belgian minister. Tr. J. de C. 

Macdonnell. [P1294]. s8<'. 1909 

Congreve (William). Comedies. [Intr. by G. S. Street]. 

2v. 8°. 1895 
Connellan (Owen). The Gospel ace. to St. John, in Irish, w. 

tr. ; & a grammat. praxis on the Gospel aoc. to St. Matthew, 

in Irish : w. intr. Irish pronunciation ; & famiUar conversa- 
tions. 38°. D. 1830 
Connolly (James). Labour in Irish history. s8°. D. 1910 
Conrad II, called " the Salic " emperor of Germany, 
see Urkunden d. deut. Konige u. Kaiser, B4, Urkunden K. 
11, 1909. 

„ Wippo. Das Leben K. II ; fibers, v. W. Pfluger, 2"' A., 
Considerations sur I'^tat actuel de la France au mois de juin 

1815 ; par un Anglais [i.e. F. A. Elia], [1815], 1909, see 

Elia (F. A.) 
Constant (Louis Alphonse). Hist, de la magie. 8°. 1860 

La clef des grands mysteres, suivant Henoch, Abraham, 

Hermes Trism^giste, & Salomon. 8°. 1861 

Constant (Baron Paul H. B. d'Estoumelles de), see Estoue- 

NELLES DE CONSTANT (Baron Paul H. B. d'). 
Constantine Pavlovich, grand duke, son of Paul I, e. of Bussia, 

see Impeeatorskob Russk. 1st. Obsoh., Sbornik. 
Constitutional Year Book (The). 1903, 1904. 8°. 1903-4 

Consuetudiues monasticse. v3. Ia8°. Typ. Montis Casini. 1907 

3, Antiquiora raonumenta maxime Consuetudines Casinenses, 71&-817 ; 
ed. B. Albers. 

Consultatio sive conaultationes veteris cuiusdam iuriscon- 

sulti ; cura E. Pugg6, see Corpus iuris Romani Anteius- 

tiniani, fasc. 1, 1841. 
*Contemplacio (La) de la passio de Nostre Senhor : testo 

catalano-provenzale ; [ed. C. Salvioni], see Monaoi (E.) 

Studj di filol. rom., v7, 1899. 
*Contrasto della rosa e della viola ; [ed. L. Biadene], see 

MoNAOi (E.) Studj di filol. rom., v7, 1899. 
Conway (Robert Seymour). Verner's law in Italy : essay in 

the hist, of the Indo-European sibilants. With a dialect map 

of Italy by E. Heawood. 8°. 1887 

Conway (Sir William Martin). No man's land : hist, of 

Spitsbergen f. 1596 to beginning of scientific explor. of the 

country. 8°. C. 1906 

Conybeare (Edward). Highways & byways in Cambridge & 

Ely. s8°. 1910 

Conyers (Dorothea). Lady Elverton's emeralds. s8°. 1909 
Conyngbam (D. P.) The Irish Brigade & ita campaigns : with 

ace. of the Corcoran Legion, etc. s8°. Glasgow. [1866] 

Cook (Albert Stanburrough) & C. B. Tinker. Select trans, f. 

Old Eng. poetry. Ed., w. notes etc., by A. S. C. & C. B. T. 

sS". Boston. [1902] 




Coope (Octavius E.) Cat. of coll. of old Italian majoUoa, 
porcelain, Limoges enamels, objects of vertu, old Eng. & 
foreign silver, formed by 0. E. C. ; sold by Christie, Manson 
& Woods, May 3, 1910, etc. ; [w. plates']. Ia8». [1910] 

Cooper (C. S.) & W. P. Westell. Trees & shrubs of the British 
Isles, native & acclimatised. 2v. 4°. 1909 

Copinger (Walter Arthui). Heraldry simplified. 

laS". Manchester. 1910 
The manors of Suffolk, notes on their hist, cfe devolution. 

v6. 4°. p.p. f. subscribers. M'ter. 1910 

6, Hundreds of Samford, Stow, & Thedwestry, w. illust. of the old manor 

see Reichlinq (D.) App. ad Hainii — C. Repertorium 
bibliog., faso. 6 ; indices fasc. I- VI, 1910-11. 
Copp6e (Prangois). Souvenirs d'un parisien — [Causeries — 

Paris : promenades et interieurs]. s8°. 1910 

see AiCABD (J.) Disc, [ore F. C], Acad. Fr., 1909. 
Coppetta (Francesco), see Bbcouti (F.), called " II Coppetta.'' 
CocLuelin (Benoit Constant), see Schobn (H.) V. Sardou et 

C. C, 1910. 
Cor (Raphael), see Caillaed (C. F.) & J. db Bbbys. Le cas 

Debussy : un article de E. C., etc., 1910? 
Corbett (Julian S.) The campaign of Trafalgar. 8". 1910 

Corboli Bussi (Monsignor Giovanni). L' opinions religiosa e 

conservatrice in Italia, 1830-50, ricercata neUe corr. etc. 

di G. C. B. ; [ed. A. Manno], see Bbgia Dbp. s. gw Studi di 

Stobia Patkia pbe lb Ant. Pbov. etc. Bibl. di storia 

ital. rec, v3, 1910. 
Corday (Charlotte), see Almbeas (H. d'). C. C, 1910? 
Corday (Michel). Le charme. s8°. 1910 

Cordey (Jean). Les comtes de Savoie & les rois de France 

pend. la Guerre de Cent Ans, 1329-91. [H.E.,189]. 8°. 1911 
Cordier (Henii). Essai d'une bibhog. des ouvrages publ. en 

Chine par lea Europeens au 17^ et au 18^ s., see MIilangbs 

orient. ; textes & tr., 1883. 
Cbrdoba (D. Fernandez de), conde de Cobra, see Cabea (D. F. 

DB C, conde db). 
Cork Historical & Archseological Society. Journal. s2, vll- 

15, 1905-9. Ia8°. [Cork]. [1905-9] 

Cork and Orrery (John Boyle, 5th earl of), d. 176S. Letters 

f. Italy, 1754^5. With explan. notes by J. Duncombe. 

2nd ed. s8''. 1774 
Cornazano (Antonio). Proverbii in facetie — [Novella — Dia- 

logo]. sS". Parigi. 1812 

Corneille (P.), see Taschbebatj (J. A.) Hist, de la vie & des 

ouvr. de P. C, 2= id., 1855. 
Cornell University. C. studies in hist. & polit. science. Issued 

by the President White School, C. Univ. v2. s8°. 1908 

see Olmstbad (A. T.) Western Asia in the days of Sargon 

of Assyria, 722-705 B.C., 1908. [2.] 

Cornish (Francis Warre). Chivalry. [2nd ed.]. s8". 1908 

DarweU stories. 38". 1910 

The Eng. Church in the 19th i;. [Hist, of Eng. Ch., 8]. 

2p. s8». 1910 
Coronation. The Coronation Service, w. intr. ; notes ; extrs. 

f. Liber Regalis & Coronation order of Chas. I. ; hist. 

accts. of coronations, etc. Ed. J. H. Pemberton. 

5th ed., rev. & enl. s8o. [1910] 
Corps do droit ottoman, reoueil des codes, etc., par G. Young, 

1905-6, see Yottng (G.) 
Corpus. C. inscriptionum Grseoarum, see Bechtbl (F.) 

Die Personennamen im 4ten B. d. Inscr. Grseose, 1910. 

C. Inscriptionum Latinarum, see Desjaedins (E.) Desider- 
ata du C. I. L. de I'Aoad. de Berlin, 5 fasc, 1873-6. 
C. iuris Romani Anteiustiniani. ConsiHo E. Bockingii, A. 

Bethmann-HoUwegii & E. Puggaei institutum. Curav. 

iidem assumptis sociis L. Arndtsio, A. F. Barkovio, F. 

Blumio, I. F. L. Goeschenio, G. Hsenelio, C. Lachmanno 

aliisque. Prsef. est E. Bockingius. [6 fasc. in 2v, w. gen. 

tp. fasc. 1 has 3 pagin^. ; fasc. 2-5 pagin. cont. ; fasc. 6 b.w. 

fasc. 1] 4". Bonnae. 1841 [1837-44] 

1, Gaii Institutionum coram. 4. Ex rec. <fc cura coram. I. F. L. Goeschenii. 

Opus ahsolvitC. Lachmannus. [aep. tp.}. 
Gaii Institutionura coram. 4. Cura A. G. Heilter. 
Domitii Ulpiani fragraenta ut videtur libri regularum quse dicuntur 

Tituli ex corpore ITlpiani. Cura E. Booking. 
Eragm'enta ut quibusdam videtur lulii Paulli De iure fisfi. Ace. frag- 

menta 2, unum Sexti Pomponii, alterum Herenni Modestinii. Item 

graduum agnatlonis vetus descriptio. Cura E. Booking. 
L. Volusii Maeciani Assis distributio & Balbi Mensoris De asse lib. 

Eraend. & annot. instr. E. Booking, 

Corpus [continued], 
C. iuris Romani Anteiustiniani [continued]. 

Qua! ex Dositbei Magistri Interpretameutorum lib. 3 ad ius pert., D. 

Adriani sententia; & epist. & Traetatus forensis maxime de manu- 

missionibus. Or. & Lat. Emend. [&] comm. instr. B, ''<"i'""S- „. 
tocoi-um ex iure Rom. Ai.teiust. ab incerto scri|,tore coll. fragniepta 

qua; dicuntur Vaticana. Ed. A. Mains; rec. A. Bethmaiin-Hollweg. 
Lex Dei sive incerti sonptoris Mosaicarum et Eomanarum legum 

collatio. Cura F. Blume. . . 

CouBUltatio sive consultationes veteris omusdam lunsconsulti. Cura 

CaHIn"tfiutionum lib. 2 & Fragmentum Papiniani. Ex lege Eomana 

VisiKotthornm. Cura E. Booking. ^ . ji ,t 

lulii Paulli Beceptarumsententiarum lib. 5. Cura L. Arndts. [App. 
Varietassoripturffi, cnll. G. Haene)]. j, „„„„» 

2, Coilicis Gregoriaiii & Codicis Hermogeniam fragraenta. Bee. <S annot. 
instr, G. Haenel. [Sep. tp.}. . ^ „ „ i r , »„ i 

2-6, Codex Theodosianus. Bee. & annnt. instr G, Haenel. [sep. tP-l- 
6 Novellffi constitutiones imp. Theodosu 11, Valeiitraiani III Maximi 
Maioriani, Severi, Anthemii. 18 constitutiones, quas I. Sirmnnclus 
divulgavit. Kec, & annot instr. G. Haenel. [Bsep.tps.i.w.fasc.l]. 

C. scriptorum eccles. Latinorum. Ed. consilio etc. Acad. 
Litt. Caesarese Vindobonensis. 

v46, 54. [In prog.]. S°. Vindobonse. 1910 
see Jeeome, Saint. Opera, sect. 1 i, rec. I. Hilberg, 1910. 


„ RuBmus(T.) Opera: pi, OrationumGregoriiNazianzeni 

novem interpretatio ; ed. A. Engelbreoht, 1910. [46.] 

Correspondence rel. to St. Columba's CoUege, 1851, see Saint 

Columba's College. 
Corrozet (Grilles), see Bonkaedot (A.) G. 0. & G. Brioe— 

etudes bibliog., 1880. 
Corser (Thomas). Cat. of lib. of C. 

pi, [sold 28 July, 1868. P697]. 8°. 1868 

Cort6s (Nareiso Alonso). J. Martinez Villergas : bosquejo 

biog.-critico. 8». Valladolid. 1910 

Cortusius (Albrigetus) & G. Cortusius, see Henky VII, emp. of 

German!/. Das Leben H. VII [i.e. Aus d. G. C. Erzahlung 

V. d. Ereignissen in Padua u. d. Lombardei, etc.] ; ubers. 

V. W. Friedensburg, HI, 1898. 

Corvin (D. Suirez), see Suaebz (D.) 

Cory (Charles Barney). Birds of Eastern North America. 
[Field Columbian Museum]. 

2p, [in Iv. pagin. cont.]. si°. [Boston]. 1899 

1, Water birds. 2, Land birds. 
The birds of Illinois & Wisconsin, 1909, see Field Columbian 
MtrsBlTM ; Zoolog. ser., v9, 1909. 
Cory (G. E.) The rise of S. Africa. A hist, of S. African 
colonisation & of its development towards the East, to 1857. 
vl, to 1820. 8°. 1910 

Coryate (Thomas). Voyage a Paris de T. C, 1608 ; extr. tr. 
et annote par R. de Lasteyrie, see SooiETfi db l'Hist. de 
Paeis, etc. M6ms., t6, 1880. 
Cosmas, Indicopleustes. The Xtn. topography of C. Ed. w. 
geogr. notes by E. 0. Winstedt. 8". C. 1909 

Cosmas, Pragens. Chronik v. Bohmen ; iibers. v. G. Grandaur, 
2« A., mit c. Nachtrag z. Einltg. v. W. Wattenbach, see 
Gbsohiohtsohebibee (Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2« Gesammt- 
ausg., B65, 1895. 
Die Fortsetzungen d. C. [i.e. Der Kanonikus'v. Wyssehrad, 
Der Monch v. Sazawa, Die Fortsetz. d. Prager Domherren, 
Jahrbiicher v. Prag, Jahrbiicher Otakars] ; fibers, v. G. 
Grandaur, see Gbsohiohtsohebibee (Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 
2= Gesammtausg., B66, 1895. 
Cosmo I [de' Medici], grand duke of Tuscany, 1S19-74. 
see Haeb (C.) The romance of a Medici warrior : Giovanni 

delle Bande Nere, added life of Cosimo I, 1910. 
„ Rossi (A.) La elezione di C. I, 1890. 
Costa (F. A. Pereira da), see Peeeiea da Costa (F. A.) 
Cotarelo y Mori (Emilio). Sobre el " le " y el " la " -. Question 
gramat. s8°. 1910 

see San Maetin (A. db). Sepan cuantos . . . Coroza orit. 
puesta a la ed. que de las Obras de L. de Rueda perpetro 
E. C. y M., 1910. 
Cotes (Mr«. Everard). The burnt offering. S80. [1909] 

Cousin Cinderella. s8°. [1908] 

Cotin (Guillaume), rdigieux de St. Victor, see Auveay (L.) 
G. Bruno a Paris, d'ap. le t^moignage d'un contemporain 
[G. C], 1585-6, 1901. 
Cotterill (C. C.) The victory of love. 88°. 1910 

Cotton (George Edw. Lynch), bp. of Calcutta. A charge to the 
clergy of the Diocese & Province of Calcutta. 

[P1258]. 8°. Calcutta. 1863 




Couard-Luys (E.) Le college de Clermont en Beauvaisis, a. 
ongines et a. principaux du 16s. k la Revolution, see SociiiTi 
DB l'Hist. db Paris, etc. M6ms., tl3, 1887. 
Couderc (Camille). 
see Lotris XI, k. of France. L'entr6e solennelle de L. XI k 

Paris, 31 aottt 1461 ; [publ.] C. C, 1896. 
„ Saint-Meeby, Paris. Cartulaire et Censier de St. M. de 
P. ; publ. L. Cadier et C. C, 1891. 
Coulton (George Gordon). Friar's lantern. 88°. 1906 

A medieval garner. Human doo». f. the four cent', preceding 
the Reformation. Sel., tr. etc. by G. G. C. 8°. 1910 

Medieval studies. [Articles repr. f. reviews, etc.]. 

no. 1-7 in Iv. 8°. 1905-[6?] 

1, The monastic legend : criticism of Gasquet's " Henry VIII. & the Ene 
• 2, Guelf & Ghibelline ; [no tp.]. 

3, Side-lights on the Franciscans ; [no tp.]. 

4, The high ancestry of Puritanism. 

5, Bomanism & morals ; [no tp.]. 

6, The truth about the monasteries. 

7, Relig. education bef. the Reformation. 

Courajod (Louis Charles L§on). Cat. de la bibl. de L. C. 

[Vente du 4 au 12 mai 1898 (Sallea Silvestre)]. [Biog. 

intr. by A. MicTiei:]. [P1233]. 8°. 1898 

La Cheminee de la SaUe des Caryatides au Mus6e du Louvre, 

see SociETE dk l'Hist. de Paris, etc. Mems., t7, 1881. 
Courses of reading & study in the New internat. encyclopsedia, 

see New. 
Courson (vte. A. de). L'insurrection de 1832 : En Bretagne & 

dans le Bas-Maine. 8°. 1910 

Court (Major Henry), Lieutenant, Bengal Cavalry, see Sheb 

'AlI, called Apsos. Araish-i-Mahfil, lit. tr. f. the Oordoo, by 

M. H. C, 1871. 
Courtenay (William), Ip. of (1) Hereford (2) London, abp. of 

Canterbury, see Collins (W. E.) Typical Eng. Churchmen, 

s2, W. C, by T. S. Holmes, 1909. 
Courtenay (-Sir William Percy Honywood) ps. [i.e. J. N. Tom], 

see Tom (J. N.) 
Courtney (William Prideauz). Dodsley's collection of poetry : 

its contents & contributors. s8°. f.p.c. 1910 

Eight friends of the great. 8". 1910 

Dr. T. Eundle— P. Metcalfe— Eev. J. Warner— " Jack " Taylor— Sorope 
Davies— Lord Webb Seymour — Lydia White— Lord J. Townshend. 

Cousin (Jean), peintre, see Pichon (6. J.) Notes sur la Chapelle 

des Orfevres, renseignements ined. sur G. Pilon, J. C. etc., 

Cousin (John W.) A short biograph. diet, of Eng. lit. s8<>. [1910] 

[repr.]. s8<'. [1910] 

Cousin (Jules). De la nomenclature des rues de Paris ; publ. 

P. Lacombe, see Society de l'Hist. de Paris, etc. Mems., 

t26, 1899. 
Notice sur un plan de Paris du 16s., d^couv. k Bale [et] Table 

des noma des rues, etc., see Societe de l'Hist. de Paris, etc. 

Mems., tl, 1875. 
Coutts (James). A hist, of the Univ. of Glaagow, 1451-1909. 

s4''. Glasgow. 1909 
Coutumier, see Dblisle (L. V.) L'auteur du Grand Coutumier 

de France [i.e. Jacques d'Ableiges], 1882. 
Couturat (Louis). L'algebre de la logique. s8°. 1905 

Couturier (H.), avocat. La preparation des Etats 66neraux 

de 1789 en Poitou ; prinoipalement d'ap. les oahiers des 

paroisses & des corporations. 8°. Poitiers. 1909 

Couve (Louis). Diadumene : statue trouv6e a D61os, Musee 

Nat. d'Athenes, see Acad, des Inscb., etc. : Fond. Piot. 

Mon=., etc., t3, 1896. 
Cowan (James). The Maoris of New Zealand. [Ed. J. Hight]. 

80. Chriatchurch, N.Z. 1910 
Coward (T. A.), F.Z.S. Vertebrate fauna of Cheshire & 

Liverpool Bay. Ed. T. A. C. 2v. 8°. 1910 

1, Coward (T. A.) & C. Oldham. Mammals & birds. 

2, Dockray (J. A.) The Dee as wildfowl resort— Coward (T. A.) & C. 

Oldham. Reptiles & amphibians— Johnstone (J.) Fishes. 

Cowley (Arthur Ernest). Some Egyptian Aramaic documents. 

[no tp. Repr. f. Proc. of Soo. of Bibl. Arch., May, June, 1903. 

pi, 2. P1268]. 8°. [1903]. 

Cowper & Newton Museum Series. No". 2-4. 

[P1292]. s8o. n.d. 

2, Letter of J. Newton to Mrs. A. Cave. 

3, Cowper's Account of his hares f. Gent's Mag., 1784. 

4, The kissing candidate letter f. W. Cowper to J. Newton, 


Cowper (William), the poet. Letters. A selection ed. E. V. 

Lucas. s8°. n.d. 

see Cowper & Newton Mus. Sbr,, no. 3, C.'s ace. of h. hares ; 

no. 4, Kissing candidate letter, 1784, n.d. 
„ Newton-Cowpbb Centenary, 1907, w. verses by J. 
Payne, 1907. 
Cox (J. G. Snead), see Snead-Cox (J. G.) 

Cox (John Charles), rector of Barton-le- Street. How to write the 
hist, of a parish. 5th ed., rev. s8°. 1909 

The parish registers of Eng. [Antiquary's books]. 8°. [1910] 
Cox- Sinclair (Edward Sinclair) & T. Hynes. Land values. 
The taxation of land values under the Finance (1909-10) 
Act, 1910. 8°. 1910 

Coyecque (Ernest). Cinq librairies parisieunes sous Fran9ois 
I, 1521-9, see Socifiii: de l'Hist. de Pabis, etc. M6ms., 
t21, 1894. 
Paris a I'Exposition univ. de 1900, etc., see Booi'&i'k de 
l'Hist. de Paris, etc. M6ms., t27, 1901. 
Paris au Salon de 1901, see 8001:61:6 de l'Hist. de Pabis, etc. 
M6ms., t28, 1902. 
Coynart (Ch. de). Les Gu6rin de Tencin (1520-1758). 
[Mainly on Mme. de Tencin db the Card, de Tencin]. 8°. 1910 
Cranach (Lucas). 

see Flechsio (E.) Cranaehstudien, Tl, 1900. 
„ WORRINQER (W.) L. C, 1908. 

Cranbrook (Gathorne Gathorne-Hardy, 1st earl of). Q. Hardy : 

a mem. w. extr'. f. h. diary & oorr. Ed. by A. E. Gathorne- 
Hardy. 2v. 80. 1910. 
Crashaw (Richard). The delights of the Muses. Ed. by J. R. 

Tutin. s8o. Gt. Fenoote, Yorka. 1900 

Crawford (Charles), of London. Concordance to the works of 

T. Kyd, see Bang (W.) Materialen, B15, 1906-10. 
Crawford (F. Marion). Stradella. s8o. 1909 

The undesirable governess. s8o. 1910 

Crawford (J. P. Wickersham]). A Spanish farce of early 1 6th c. , 

[by L. Margarit ? ; ed., w. intr. by C], see Modern Lanqttaob 

Assoc. OB Ambr. Pubis., v24, 1909. 
Crawford & Balcarres (James Ludovic Lindsay, S6th/9th earl of), 

■see Bibliotheca Lindesiana, 1910. 
Crawley (Alfred Ernest). The idea of the soul. 80. 1909 

Crescimbeni (Giovanni Mario). Storia dell* Acoad. degli Arcadi 

istituita in Roma, 1690. s8o. Londra. 1804 

Crescini (Vincenzo). 
seeMoNACi (E.) Studj di filol. rom., v6 [Note provenzali ; by 
V. C], 1893. 

„ Rameaitd, de Vaqueiras. II contrasto bilingue di R. de 
V. secondo un nuovo testo ; [ed. V. C], 1901. 
Creswicke (Louis). Life of Et. Hon. J. Chamberlain. 

4v. la8o. [1904] 
Crevecceur (baron Robert de). L. HesseUn, amateur parisien, 

intendant des plaisirs du roi, 1600 (?)— 62, see Soci^tb db 

l'Hist. de Paris, etc. Mems., t22, 1895. 
Un personnage de Tallemant des R6aux : Montbrun-Sous- 

carriere, 1594—1670, d'ap. des docs, in^d., see Socii}TE db 

l'Hist. de Paris, etc. M6ms., tl6, 1890. 
Criegern (Hermann Ferdinand v.) Leichenrede iib. Jes. 40, 

26-29, gehalten am Sarge d. Prof. Dr. Bruhns, 1881. 

[P1249]. 80. [1881] 
Crispi (Francesco). I Mille (da doc. dell' arohivio Cirispi). 

[Ed. T. Palamenghi-Crispi]. 80. Milano. 1911 

Criticism. *C. of the Hist. etc. of the diocese of Oasory [by 

W. Garrigan] ; by " G.P.O.," 1907, see Carbigan (W.) 
""C. on the Elegy wr. in a country churchyard, 1783, see 

Croce (Benedetto). Lirici marinisti. A oura di B. C. [Scrit- 

tori d' Italia, 1]. 8°. Bari. 1910 

see Basile (G. B.) Lo cunto de li cunti (II Pentamerone), con 
intr. etc. di B. C, vl, 1891. 
Croft (Sir Herbert), 5th bart. '"The abbey of Ejlkhamptou ; 

or, monumental recorda for the year 1980. 

2p, [pagin. cont. 4th ed., w. add.]. 4o. 1780 
Crofton (H. A.) How to trace a pedigree. s8o. 1911 

Croisset (Francis de) ps. [i.e. Franz Wiener], see Jbpson (E.) 

& M. Leblano. Arsene Lupin ; f. play by M. L. & F. de C, 

Croker (Mrs. B. M.) Fame. s8o. [1910] 

Croly (Herbert). The promise of American life. 

s8o. N.Y. 1909 
Cromer (Evelyn Baring, 1st earl of). Anc. & mod. imperial- 
ism, [repr.]. s8o. 1910 




Cromwell (Oliver), Lord Protector, see Gabdinbr (S. R.) C.'s 
place in hist., Tth imp., 1910. 

Cromwell (Thomas Kitson). Excursions through Ireland, etc. 
Province of Leinster. 2v. 8°. 1820 

Cronaca, D, see Pollaiuolo (S. del). 

Crosby (Ernest Howard), see Tolstoy (c. L. N.) T. on Shake- 
speare — S. & the working classes, by C. etc., n.d. 

Crosley (Henry). To the subscribers in the Irish Beet Sugar 
Co. [no tp. P1239]. 8°. [1853] 

Cross. *Masculine c. ; hist, of anc. & mod. crosses, 1891, see 

Cross (Arthur Lyon). The Anglican Episcopate & the Ameri- 
can Colonies. [Harvard hist, studies, 9]. 8". N.Y. 1902 

Crossly (Aaron). The peerage of Ireland. 

[2p.]. fol. D. 1724r-5 
pS has tp. : The signification of most things that are born 
in heraldry, etc. 

Crosthwaite (Charles J. C), vicar-general of Kildare. Bap- 
tismal regeneration, w. remarks on fatalism ; on a pamphlet 
by W. H. Ferrar ; & on the proposed revision of the Liturgy. 

[P1258]. 8". D. 1865 

Crouch (Joseph). Puritanism & art. Introd. by Rev. C. 
Silvester Home. 8°. 1910 

Crousse (H. Franz J.), see Auteiche. Les luttes de I'A. en 
1866 ; tr., annote & publ. par F. C, 5t, 1868-1901. 

Crowcombe Court, Taunton. Cat. of a portion of the C. C. lib. ; 
sold by Sotheby, 6th May 1903. [P1234]. 8°. [1903] 

Crozier (John Beattie). The first principles of investment. 

8°. [1910] 

Crue (P. de), see Dboeub db Stotttz (E.) 

Cruikshank (Lt.-Col. E.) Inventory of military doc^. in the 
Canadian Archives, see Canada, Govt. Publ*. PubK of the 
Canadian Archives, no. 2, 1910. 

Cruikshank (George), see Riggail (E.) Cat. of the lib. & coU. 
of the works of G. C, sold July 1901, etc., 1901. 

Crull (JodOCUS) *Memoirs of Denmark, cont. the life & reign 
of Christian V. Together w. an ace. of differences betw. the 
Houses of Denmark & Holstein Gottorp, etc. ; w. treaties of 
Eountain-Bleau, Altena & Plnnenbergh. By J. C. 

s8°. 1700 

Crum (Walter Ewing), see British Mtjseitm : Papyri. Greek 
papyri in B.M. : oat., w. texts, v4, w. app. of Coptic papyri ; 
ed. W. E. C, 1910. 

Cruttwell (Charles Thomas). The Saxon Church & the Norman 
Conquest. [Hdbks. of Eng. Church hist. ; ed. J. H. Burn, 2]. 

s8». [1909] 

Cry (A) f. the desart, or, testimonials of miraculous things etc. ; 
[coll. by E. M. Misson ; tr. by J. Lacy] ; pr. f. the orig., 
publ. 1707, see MissoK (F. M.) 


see Hbeodotus. H'. Hist. lib. ix, etc. ; ex Ctesia excerpta 
hist., 1566. 

„ 'IffTopla, etc. ; Ctesise qusedam, 1570. 

*Cultus arborum ; ace. of phaUic tree worship etc. ; w. bibliog. 

s8". p.p. 1890 
Cumming (Alex. D.), F.S.A. (Scot.) Old times in Scotland : 

hfe, manners, & customs. Intr. by Prof. Cooper. 

s8». Paisley. 1910 
Cunliife (Richard John). A new Shakespearean diet. 80.1910 
Cunningham (William), D.Sc, D.D., Trin. Coll., Gam. 

Christianity & social questions. s8°. 1910 

Curie (Mme. Sklodowska), wife of P. Curie. Traite de 

radioactivity. 2t. 8°. 1910 

Curie (James), F.S.A. A Roman frontier post & its people :^ 

the fort of ISfewstead in parish of Melrose. [Soc. of Antiq.' 

of Scot.] 4". Glasgow. 1911 

Curran(Sarah),sccSiEE(H.) S.C.'s&R. Emmet's letters, 1910. 
Curros Enriquez (Manuel). Obras completas. [v]3, Cartas 

del norte — La condesita — Poesias escogidas. sS". 1910 

Curtiss (Samuel Ives), prof, at Chicago Theolog. Seminary. 

De Aaronitici sacerdotii atque Thorae Elohisticse origine. 

[P1300]. 8°. L. 1878. 
Curtius (Carl). Im Zeichen der Turme [1]. Almanach ; Briefe 

aus vergang. Zeit ; Bericht des Verlags v. C. C. sS". [1910] 
Cushman (Robert). Discourse, see Masbfield (J.) ed., Chron. 

of the Pilgrim Fathers, 1910. 
Cushny (Arthur Robertson). Textbook of pharmacology 

& therapeutics. 4th ed., rev. 8". [1906] 

Cust (Robert Needham). Essai sur les anc. relig. du monde 

av. I'ere chretienne. Presente au 10'^ Congres des Orienta- 

listes, 1894. [P1246]. 8°. Geneve. 1894 

Custodi (barone Pietro), see Vebbi (P.) Storia di Milano, coUa 

contin. del barone C, 4t, 1837 ; 2v, 1851. 
Cutter (Charles A.) The new cat. of Harvard College Library. 

[Repr. f. North Amer. Rev., 1869. no tp. P1238]. 8". n.d. 
Cuvillier-Fleury (Alfred Auguste), see Aumaxe (H., due t>'). 

Corr. du due d'A. et de C.-F., tl, 1910. 
Cyaxares, hing of Media [Kyaxaebs], see Ungee (G. F.) K. u. 

Astyages, 1882. 
Cymmrodorion, or Metropolitan Cambrian Institution. 

Cymmrodoeion Record See., see Owen (E.) Cat. of MSS. 

rel. to Wales in Brit. Museum, p2, 3, 1903-8. [4.] 

Cyprian, Saint, bp. of Carthage, see KooH (H.) C. u. d. rom. 

Primat, 1910. 
Cyrus, k. of Persia, " the Great." 
see Budingee (M.) Die neuentdeckten Inschriften iiber C, 

„ Kbipee(P.) Die neuentdeckten Inschriften fiber C, 1882. 





Dabbs (George Henry RogLu6) & E. Righton. Dante : a dra- 
matic poem. 380. 1893 
Dabovich (P. E.) Nautisoh-techn. Wboh. d. Marine. 

v2 ii. 8°. Pola. 1910 
2 ii, Nautical teohn. diet, for the navy : Eng., French, German & Ital.— 
French, Eng., German <fc Ital. ; comp. by J. Heinz. L-Z. 
The German title does not occur m this vol., which has tp: in Eng 
(as above) & in French (Diet, techn. & naut. de marine). 

Dacheux (L.) Un r^formateur catholique k la fin du 15e s. 
J. Geiler de Kaysersberg ; 1478-1510 : 6tude s. sa vie et s. 
temps. ^ 8». 1876 

Dacier (Emile). Les dernieres annees d'une danseuse du 18« s. : 
does. ined. sur Mile. Sall6, see SociSii) de l'Hist. de Pabis, 
ETC. M6ms., t34, 1907. 
Dacre (Barbarina, Lady). Translations f. the Italian [chiefly f. 
Petrarch] by B. Lady Dacre. {Italian & Eng.l. 

80. forprivate distrib. n.p. 1836 
Daddi (Bernardo), see Vitzthtjm (G., Graf). B. D., 1903. 
Da Gama (Vasco), see Jayne (K. G. ) V. Da G. & h. successors, 

1460-1580, 1910. 

Dahnhardi (Oskar). Natursagen. Eine Sammlung naturdeut. 

Sagen, Marohen, Fabeln u. Legenden. Hrsg. v. 0. D. B3, 

Tiersagen. laS". L. 1910 

Dai Iiibri (Francesco), of Verona, fl. ISth cent., see Fkanobsoo, 

dai Libri. 
Daily (The) Courant, see Post-Man (The), 1698-1729. 
Daireaux (Max). Les premieres amours d'un inutile. s8°. [1910] 
Dal (Vladimir Ivanovitch). ToJKOBbiiicjoBapbaiBBoroBe.iaKopyccKaro 
asLiEa. 3e mn. no/ib pe4aKqieio H. A. Bo4y3Ha-4e-KypTeHB. 

t3, 4. Ia8''. 1907-9 
Dalcamo (Cielo), see CitrLLO, d' Alcamo. 
Dall (William Healey). List of a coll. of shells f. the GuU of 
Aden obtained by the Museum's E. African Exped., 1898, 
see Field Coltjmbian Museum : Zoolog. ser., vl, 1895-9. 
Dallolio (Alberto). La spedizione dei miUe nelle memorie 
Bolognesi. s8o. Bologna. 1910 

Dalman (Gustaf Herman). Aramaische Dialektproben. Lese- 
stiicke i. Grammatik d. jiid.-palastin. Aram. Hrsg. v. 
G. D. [b.w.h. Gramm. d. jiid.-palastin. Aram., 1894]. 

8°. L. 1896 

Grammatik d. jiid.-palastin. Aramaisch. 8°. L. 1894 

Jesaja 53 : d. Prophetemrort v. Svihnleiden d. Heilsmittlers. 

[Inst. Judaicum in Berlin, Schriften, 13. P1267]. 2^ A. 8°. 1891 

Jtidischdeutsche Volkslieder aus Galizien u. Russland ; hrsg. 

V. G. H. D. [Inst. Judaicum in Berlin, Schriften, 12. P1267]. 

2e A. 8°. 1891 
Der leidende u. d. sterbende Messias d. Synagoge im ersten 
nachcbristl. Jahrtausend. [Inst. Judaicum in Berlin, Schrif- 
ten, 4. P1267]. 8°. 1888 
D'AIton (Edward A.) History of Ireland. 

v3, 1782-1908. 8''. 1910 
D'AIton (John), barrister, & J. E. O'Flanagan. The hist, of 
Dundalk, & its environs ; w. mem. of its eminent men. 

8». Dundalk. 1864 
Dalton (John), F.R.S., see Meldkum (A. N.) Avogadro & D., 

Dangeul ( Plumard de) [ps. Sir John Nickolls], see 

NiCKOLLS {Sir J.) ps. 
Daniel (Hermann Adalbert), see Analecta bymnica medii 
£evi, v53, Die Sequenzen d. Thesaurus Hymnologicus H. A. D., 
Tl, 1911. 
Danielo (Julien). Les conversations de M. de Chateaubriand : 
ses agresseurs. 8°. 1864 

Dannemann (Friedrich). Aus d. Werkstatt grosser Forscher. 
Abschnitte aus d. Werken hervorragender Naturforscher 
aller Volker u. Zeiten. Bearbt. v. F. D. 3^ A. d. l.B. d. 
" Grundriss e. Gesch. d. Naturwissenschaften." 8". L. 1908 
Die Naturwissenschaften in i. Entwicklung u. in i. Zusam- 
menhange. [Srd ed. of Grundriss e. Gesch. d. Naturwissen- 
schaften, B2]. Bl, 2. 80. L. 1910-11 

1, Von d. Antangen b. z. Wiederaufieben d. Wissenschaften. 

2, Von Galilei b. z. Mitte d. 18. Jhdts. 

Dante, da Maiano, see Giunta (B. di) ed., Rime : D. da M., etc., 

Dante Alighieri. D.'s Convivio. Tr. W. W. Jackson. 

s8o. 0. 1909 
[Opere minori. Annot. etc. da P. FratioeUi]. 

3v. [vl, 2, 3" ed. ; v3, 5^ ed.]. s8o. Firenze. 1873-9 

1, Canzoniere — Le rime aacre & le poesie latine. 

t, Vita nuova — De vulg. eloq. — De monarchia — De aqua et terra ; con tr. 

3, Convito — Epistole. 

The Purgatorio. Rendered into Eng. verse by A. L. Money. 

s8o. 1910 
see Faeinelli (A.) Appunti su D. in Ispagna nell' etk 

media, 1905. 
„ GiGLi (G.) Di una nuova questioncella Dantesca, 1899. 
„ Giunta (B. di) ed.. Rime : D., etc., 1532 ; 1731. 
„ HoDOKiN (L. V.) The happy world : notes on the mystic 

imagery of the " Paradise " of D., 1902. 
„ MuBABi (R.) D. e Boezio, 1905. 

„ Palbbmo (P.) I Mss. Palatini di Firenze, Cont. al t3 : 
San Tommaso, Aristotele e D., 1869. 

„ I Mss. Palatini di Firenze, v2, 3, Liriche e parte del 

Paradiso, come sono nel Cod. Palatino 180, autografo 
di F. Petrarca, 1860-8. 
„ RossETTi (W. M.) D. & his Convito : a study, w. tr«., 1910. 
„ Santayana (G.) Three philos. poets : Lucretius, D., & 

Goethe, 1910. 
„ Sohieb (C. H.) Ciel & enfer ; suiv. d'un suppl. des 

comm». sur la Divine Com6die de D. A., 1866. 
„ ToYNEBE (P. J.) D. A., 4th ed., 1910. 
„ Univbesity Coll., London. Oat. of D. coll., etc., by 

R. W. Chambers, 1910. 
,, VossLEE (C.) Die gottl. Komodie : Entwioklungsgesoh. 

u. Erklarung, B2 ii, 1910. 
„ ZiNGAEBLLi (N.) Parole e forme d. Divina Commedia 
aliene d. dialetto fiorent., 1885. 
Danton (Georges Jacques). Discours. Ed. crit. par A. Fri- 
bourg. [Soc. de I'hist. de la E6vol. fr.] , la8''. 1910 

Danube: Commission EueopiSennb db D. Acte publ. rel. a 
la navigat. des embouchures du D., signe 1865. 

[P665]. s8o. Galatz. 1866 

Danvila y Burguero (Alfonso). Diplomatioos espanoles : Don 

Cristobal de Moura, l^"' marques de Castel Rodrigo, 1538- 

1613. [Real Acad, de la Hist.]. 8°. 1900 

Darboy (I'abbe Georges), abp. of Paris, see Gauthebot (G.) 

L'^ohange des otages : Thiers & D., 1910. 

Daressy (George), see Davis (T. M.) Excavations : Biban el 

Moluk ; the excavations of 1907, oat. of objects disc, by 

G. D., 1910. 

Darien (Georges). La belle France. 2" id. sS". 1901 

Biribi, arm^e d'Afrique. 2<' ^d. s8o. 1900 

L'^paulette : souvenirs d'un ofiicier. s8°. 1905 

Dario (Rub6n). Obras escogidas. 3[t]. s8°. 1910 

1, Estudio preliminar par A. Gonzillez-Planco. 2, Poeslas. 3, Prosa. 

Poema del otono, y otros poemas. s8o. 1910 

El viaje a Nicaragua e Intermezzo tropical. s8o. 1909 

Darrell (William), see *Littlbcote, [incl. life of " Wild " D.], 

Dartigue (Henry). Auguste Sabatier. Crit. litt. d'ap. sa corr. 
au Journal de Geneve. Aveo pref. de J. Aicard. 8°. 1910 
Darton (F. J. Harvey), see Sheewood {Mrs. M. M.) Life & 

times of Mrs. S. (1775-1851) ; ed. F. J. H. D., 1910. 
Darwin (Charles Robert). 
see Baldwin (J. M.) D. & the humanities, 1910. 
„ Hutton (P. W.) Some remarks on D.'s theory, n.d. 
„ Poulton(E. B.) C. D. & the Origin of Species, addresses, 

„ Thomson (J. A.) Darwinism & human life, 1909. 
Pas (Bhagavan). The science of social organisation : laws of 
Manu in the light of theosophy. s8°. Benares. 1910 




Dashkov (pcss. Ekaterina Romanovna), see Hbbzbn (A.) 

CosBHeBiff, tlO, Kh. B. p. 4., 1879. 
D'Astoiga (Emanuel), see Astokga (E. d'). 
Oaude de Fradas, canon of Maguelone, ISth cent. [Dbudb db 

Pbadas ; fPEADAS (D. db)]. Lo romans dels auzels 

cassadors ; [ed. E. Monaci], see Monaci (E.) Studj di filol. 

rom., v5, 1891. 
Daudet (Alphonse). A passion of the South. Tr. H. Blan- 

champ. s8°. 1910 

Daudet (Ernest). L'ambassade du duo Decazes en Angleterre, 

1820-21. 8°. 1910 

Nouveaux reoits des temps revolut. s8". 1910 

Daut (Johann Maximilian). The approaching judgments of 

God upon the Roman Empire, & whole Christendom ; etc. ; 

publ. by command of God to J. M. D., 1710 ; tr. B. Furly, 

1711, [repr.], see Pkophetical extracts, 1794-5. 
Dantremei (Joseph). The Japanese Empire & its econ. 

conditions. Tr. 8°. 1910 

Dauzat (Albert). La langue franj. d'aujourd'hui. Evolu- 
tion, probldmes actuels. s8°. 1908 
La vie du langage. s8°. 1910 
Davanzati (Chiaro), see Lollis (C. de). Sul canzoniere di C. D., 

Davey (Richard). The nine days' queen : Lady Jane Grey & 

her times. Ed., & w. intr., by M. Hume. 8". [1909] 

The Tower of London. 80. [1910] 

David, hen Joseph Kimchi. Comm. in aliquot Psalmos, in 

sermonem Lat. versus ab A. Janvier, {Heb. dk Lat.], see 

Reland (A.) Analecta Eabbinica, 1702. 
David (Tannatt William Edgeworth), see Shacklbton {Sir 

E. H.) The heart of the Antarctic ; [cfc] an ace. of the first 

journey to the South Magnetic Pole, by I)., 1909. 
Davids (T. W. Rhys), see Sacked Books of the Buddhists, 

tr. & ed. T. W. R. D., in prog., 1910, etc. 
Davidson (John). The testament of J. D. sS". 1908 

Davidson (Samuel), D.D. Ano. tomb inscriptions of the 

Crimean Jews, [no tp.; p. of Theological rev., Oct., 1868. 

P1263]. 80. 1868 

Davies (David), Penarth, Cardiff. The anc. Celtic church of 

Wales : where is it 1 n. ed., enl. 8". 1910 

Davies (Gerard Stanley). Renascence : the sculptured tombs 

of the 15th cent, in Rome ; w. chapters on the previous 

centuries f. 1100. S40. 1910 

Davis (Rev. Charles Henry). Apostolical & ministerial absolu- 
tion. [P124:7]. 8°. 1887 
Davis (Henry William Carless). Eng. under the Normans & 

Angevins, 1066-1272. [Hist, of Eng., ed. C. W. C. Oman]. 

2nd ed. 8°. [1909] 
Davis (Theodore M.) Excavations : Biban el Moltik. Tomb 

of Queen Tiyi. 4". 1910 

Disc, of tomb, by D.— Sketch of "life of Queen T., by 
G. Maspero — Note on age attained by person whose 
skeleton was found in tomb, by G. E. Smith — The ex- 
cavations of 1907, by E. Ayrton — Cat. of objects disc, by 
G. Daressy. 
Davis (W. J.), of Mosdy, Birmingham, see Best (R. H.), W. J. D. 

& C. Perks. Brassworkers of BerUn & of Birmingham, 

5th ed., 1910. 
Dawkins (William Boyd) & W. A. SanJord. Monograph of the 

Brit. Pleistocene MammaUa. [Palseontograph. Soc.]. vl, 

Brit. Pleistocene Felidse. 4". 1866-72 

Dawson (Arthur Altham), see Febbak (W. H.) The Xtn. 

sacrifice : remarks on sermon, 1866, by A. D., 1866. 
Dawson (Charles), F.S.A. Hist, of Hastings Castle. 

2v. Ia8». 1909 
Dawson {Sir John William). The meeting-place of geology 

& hist. 2nd ed. s8°. 1895 

Dawson (Samuel Edward). The St. Lawrence Basin & its 

border -lands : being the story of their discov., explor. & 

occup. 8°. 1905 

Dawson (William Harhutt). The vagrancy problem. The 

case for measures of restraint for tramps, loafers, etc. 

88°. 1910 
Day (Miss E. S.), head mistress of the Grey Coat Hospital. An 

old Westminster endowment : being a hist, of the Grey Coat 

Hospital as rec. in the minute bks. s8<>. 1902 

Dayot (Armand). Hist, contemp. par I'image, 1789-1872. 

oblong 4°. n.d. 
Louis XIV. Illusts. d'apres des peiutures, etc. 4°. [1909] 
De. De la methode dans les sciences, 1910, see MfiiHODB. 

De [continued]. 
De origine ac translacione et statu Romani imperii, see 

PTOLBM.«njs Lucensis. Determinatio compendiosa etc. ; 

accedit, De orig. etc., 1909. 
De Bekker (L. J.), see Stokes' cyclopaedia of music & musicians, 

to 1909-10, by L. J. De B., 1911. 
Debrett (John). Dictionary of the Coronation. 8°. [1902] 

Debussy (Claude Achille), see Caillakd (C. F.) & J. db Bbrys. 

Le cas Debussy, 1910? 
Decaen (gen. cte. (jharles Mathieu Isidore) [fCAEN (C. M. I. de), 

count]. Mem. et journaux. Publ. avec intr., notes etc., par 

E. Picard & V. Pauher. [Publ. sous la dir. de la Sect. Hist. 

de I'Etat-Major de I'Armle]. 

tl, 2, 1793-1803. [t2, 2^ ed.]. 8°. 1910-11 
Decazes (due de), see Daudbt (E.) L'ambassade du due D. en 

Angleterre, 1820-21, 1910. 
Deceased. *Facts & opinions tending to shew the Scriptural 

lawfulness of marriage w. deceased wife's sister. 

[P1240]. 8". 1864 

D6chelette (Joseph). Manuel d'arch^ol. pr6hist., celtique et 

gallo-romaine. [t]2, Arch6ol. celtique, pi : Age du bronze ; 

Apps., Iv. 8°. 1910 

Decken (Baron Carl Claus von der). Reisen in Ost-Afrika, 

1859-65. Hrsg. im Auftrage d. Fiirstin A. v. Pless. 4B in 5 

[Bl, 2, Erzahlender Theil ; B3i, ii, 4, Wissenschaftl. Theil]. 

Ia8». L. 1869-73 

Bl , Die Insel Sansibar — Beisen nach d. Niassasee u. d. Schneeberge Klli- 
mandscharo; [bearbt. v. 0. Kersfcen ; mit e. Vorworte v. A. Peter- 
B2, Neue Reisen im Inneren u. an d. Kiiste — Die ostafrikan. luselwelt 
(Madagaskar, Seschellen, Reunion, lyossib^ u. Komoren)— Reisen in 
d. Mndern d. G-alla u. Somali ; [nebst Darstellung v. R. Brenner's u. 
T. Kinzelbach's Reisen zur Feststellung d. Schicksala d. Verschol- 
lenen, 1866-7 ; bearbt. v. 0. Kersten]. 
B3, Wissenschaftl. Ergebnisse : 

Abih. 1, Saugethiere, Vbgel, Ampbibien, Crustaceen, Mollusken u. 

E(;hinodermen ; bearbt. v. W. C. H. Peters, J. Cabanis, etc. 
Abth. 2, Gliederthiere (Insekten, Arachniden, Myriopoden u. 
Isopoden) ; bearbt. v. A. Gerstacker. 
B4, Die Vogel Ost-Afrikas ; v. O. Finsch u. G. Hartlaub. 

Declaration. *D. of the Commons, cone, the grand rebellion 

in Ireland, 1643, see Ireland. 
Declaustre (Andr6), see Claxtstee (A. de). 
Decrue (P.), see Deortie de Stoutz (F.) 
Decrue de Stoutz (Francis) [Cetje (F. de) ; Deoetje (F.)]. 
L'action polit. de Calvin hors de Geneve d'ap. sa corr. 

80. Geneve. 1909 
De consilio regis Francisci I. Thesim proponebat F. D. 

[P1235]. 80. Parisiis. 1885 
Deeping (Warwick). 
The lame Englishman. 2nd ed. s8o. 1910 

3rd ed. s8°. 1910 

The rust of Rome. [Novel]. 3rd imp. s8o. 1910 

5th imp. s8o. 1910 
*Defensive quadrilateral of the truth of Genesis, c. 1854?, see 

Bible : Genesis. 
Defoe (Daniel), see Bubnet (G.), bp. =*Letter, contg. re- 
flections on H.M.'s Declaration for liberty of conscience, [by 
G. B., ascr. to D.D.], 1687. 
Degli Alberti (Mario). Piemonte e Piemontesi sotto il prime 
impero, [w. Epistolario del marohese C. E. Ferrero della 
Marmora dur. le campagne napoleoniohe], see Reoia Dep. 
s. GLi Studi di Stobia Patbia per le Ant. Peov. etc. 
Bibl. di storia ital. rec, v2, 1909. 
Degli Azzi Vitelleschi (Giustiniano). II giorno nuziale nelle 
leggi perugine nel sec. 16, see Bbllttcoi (A.) Nozze Bellucci 
Ragnotti, 1902. 
De Groot (J. J. M.) The relig. system of China. t5. On 
the soul & ancestral worship, Bk. 2, p4, 5. 

la8o. Leyden. 1910 
Dehan (Richard). 
The Dop Doctor. g8°. 1910 

[4th imp]. s8o'. 1910 

[5th imp]. 380. 1910 

Deherain (Henri). Etudes sur I'Afrique. s2, Le Cap de 
Bonne-Esp6rance an 17« si^cle. s8o. 1909 

Deissmann (G. Adolf). Light f. the anc. East. The New Test. 
iUust. by recently disc, texts of the Graeco-Roman world. 
Tr. L. R. M. Strachan. 80. 1910 

Ein Orig.-Dokument aus d. Diocletian. Christenverfolgung. 
Papyrus 713 d. Brit. Museum hrsg. & erklart v. D. 

80. Tubingen. 1902 




Deissmann (G. Adolf) [continued]. 

Die Urgesoh. d. Christentums im Lichts d. Spraohforsohung. 
_, . ,^ , ' 8». Tubingen. 1910 

Deieanne (Dr. J. M.). Le Troubadour gasoon Marooat. 

-BiXtr. des Annalea du Midi, tl6, 1903 
„ , , ,„, [P1298]. 8°. Toulouse. 1903 

Dekker (Eduard Douwes). Max Havelaar. ll*, naar den 

7 0°, door zijn weduwe herziene druk. [Free, by Studien 

over Multatuli's werken, by C. Vosmaer]. 8°. A. 1906 

Delaborde (H. Francois). Les batiments oocup^s par le Tr^sor 

des ohartes, see Sooitii de l'Hist. dh Paris, etc. M6ms., 

t29, 1902. 
Fragm. de I'enquete faite en vue de la canonisation de St. 

Louis ; publ. H. P. D., 1896, see Louis IX, k. of France, 


Le prooes du chef de Saint Denis en 1410, see SooiiiTi! de 

L Hist, de Paris, etc. M6ms., til, 1885. 

Un projet de decoration murale inspire du Credo de Joinville, 

see AoAD. des Insor. etc. : Pond. Piot. Mons. etc., tl6, 


Delafosse (Maurice). Les frontieres de la C6te d'lvoire, de la 

C6te d'Or & du Soudan. g". 1908 

De la Mare (Walter). The return. s8°. 1910 

Delany (Mrs. Mary). Letters to Mrs. F. Hamilton, 1779-88 ; 

compr. anecdotes of their late Majesties etc. 
^ 3rd ed. sS". 1821 

Delany (William), S.J., see Johnson (P. B.) Reply to 

sermons on Xtn. re-union, by D., 1895. 
De La Pasture (Mrs. Henry). The tyrant. s8°. [1909] 

Delarue-Mardrus (Lucie). Comme tout le monde. Roman. 

s8o. [1910] 
Delavigne (Andr6 de), see La Vignb (A. de). 
Delbos (Leon). Les deux rivales I'Angleterre et la France. 

88°. 1890 
Delhaize (Jules). La domination fran?. en Belgique k la fin 
du 18« & au commencement du 19^ s. t4, Le Consulat. 

s8°. Brux. 1910 

Delille (Francois). Fleurs de Provence. Rec. des podaies 

proven9ales. Aveo trad. fr. s8°. Montpellier. 1885 

Delisle (Leopold V.) 

Recherches sur la Ubrairie de Charles V. pi. 8°. 1907 

[Planches]. 4°. [1907] 

see Beenb : Stadteibliothek. Docs, parisiens de la bibl. 

de Berne ; publ. L. D., 1896. 
„ Laoomeb (P.) Bibliog. des travaux de M. L. D., 1902. 
„ Marcel (E.) Lettre orig. d'E. M. & autres docs, paris., 

1346-58 ; [publ.] L. D., 1897. 
„ SooiBTfi DE l'Hist. de Paris, etc. M6ms., t4. Notes 
sur quelques mss. du Mus^e brit., par L. D., 1878. 

„ M6ms., t8, L'auteur du Grand Coutumier de France 

[i.e. Jacques d'Ableiges], par V. D., 1882. 

Delitzsch (Franz). Complutensische Varianten z. alttesta- 

mentl. Texte. [P1272]. 4°. L. 1878 

Jesurun, sive prolegomen6n in Concordantias Vet. Test, a 

J. Puerstio ed. lib. 3. [With Snd tp. : Isagoge in gram- 

maticam & lexicographiam linguae Hebraicae, contra 

G. Gesenium & H. Ewaldum. P1254]. 8°. Grimmse. 1838 

Messianic prophecies. Lects. Tr. S. I. Curtiss. 8°. E. 1880 

Phyaiologie u. Musik in i. Bedeutung fiir d. Grammatik, 

besondera d. hebraisohe. Akadem. Rede. [P1251]. 8". L. 1868 

De* Talmud u. d. Farben. [no tp. ; part of Nord u. Stid, Mai, 

1878. P1300]. 8°. [1878]. 

see KoHLER (A.) P. D., Nekrolog, 1890. 

Delitzsch (Friedrich). Assyr. Handwbch. 8°. L. 1896 

Babel u. Bibel : Vortrag. [P1242]. sS". L. 1903 

„ „ Zweiter Vortrag iib. B. u. B. 

[P1242]. sS". St. 1903 
3. (Schluss-) Vortrag. [P1243]. 8°. St. 1905 

Babel u. Bibel, ein Riickblick u. Ausblick. [P1243]. 8". St. 1904 
Handel u. Wandel in Altbabylonien. 8°. St. 1910 

Prolegomena e. neuen hebra. -arama. Wbchs. zum Alten 
Test. 8°. L. 1886 

Wo lag das Paradies? [a.c. in P1250]. 8". L. 1881 

see Alts (Deb) Orient; Jhrg. 11, F. D., Asurbanipal u. d. 

assyr. Kultur s. Zeit, 1910. 
„ Btjddb (C.) Das Alte Test. u. d. Ausgrabungen : e. 

Beitrag z. Streit urn Babel u. Bibel, 2e A., 1903. 
„ DiBTTRioH (G. B. S.) Die neu. Angrifie auf d. relig. u. 
sittl. Vorstellungen d. Alten Test. : e. Vortrag aus d. 
Kampfe um Babel u. Bibel, 1903. 

Delitzsch (Friedrich) [continued]. 
«ee Geimme (H.) " Unbewiesenes " : Bemerkungen zu D., 

Babel u. Bibel I-II, 1903. 
,, Hommel(F.) Die altoriental. Denkmaler : o. Erwiderung 

auf F. D.'s " Babel u. Bibel," 1902. 
,, Klausneb (M. A.) Hie Babel — Hie Bibel ! Anm. zu d. 

D. 2<"^ Vortrag iib. B. u. B., 1903. 
,, Lehmann (C. F.) Babyloniens Kulturmission einst u. 
jetzt : e. Wort d. Ablenkung u. Aufklarung z. Babel- 
Bibel-Streit, 1905. 
„ Meyeb (S.) Contra D. : d. Babel- Hypothesen widerlegt, 

2H, [HI mit e. Briefe d. Prof. D.], 1903. 

„ Webbb (T.) Kaiser Wilhelm II an Admiral HoUmann 

iib. " Babel u. Bibel," 1903. 

Delins (Nicolaus). Ungedruckte provenzal. Lieder v. P. 

Vidal, Bernard v. Ventadorn, Folquet v. Marseille u. Peirol 

V. Auvergne. Hrsg. v. N. D. 8°. Bonn. 1853 

Delia Marmora (marchese C. E. Ferrero), see La Mabmoea 

{gen. marchese 0. E.) 
Delia Porta (Giov. Batt.), of Naples. Le commedie. A cura 
di V. Spampanato. [Scrittori d' Italia, 4]. 

vl ; [m prog.]. 8". Bari. 1910 
Delia Querela (Jacopo), see Michel (A.) La Madone & 

I'Enfant : statue, attr. k J. DeUa Q., 1896. 

Delia Valle (Guglielmo) [fVALLB (G. della]). Vite dei 

pittori antiohi greoi e latini. 8°. Siena. 1795 

Del Lungo (Isidoro). L' Orfeo del Poliziano alia corte di 

Mantova. [no tp. ; p. of Nuova antologia, s2, v28. P1277]. 

8°. 1881 
La patria e gli antenati d' A. Poliziano. [Estr. dall' Arohivio 
stor. ital., s3, til. P1277]. 8°. Firenze. 1870 

Uno scolare deUo Studio fiorentino nel sec. 15 [i.e. A. Poli- 
ziano]. [Estr. d. Nuova antologia, vlO. no tp. P1277]. 

8°. [Firenze ?]. [1869] 
Delorme (Philibert), see Clouzot (H.) P. de I'Orme, 1910. 
De Los Bios de Lamperez (Blanca), see Rios de LAMF:gBBz 

(B. DE Los). 
Del Portillo y Sosa (ITaime). Cronica de los templos de milagros 
que hay en el mundo de la Virgen, Cap. 9, Pena de Franoia, 
see NiETO de Silva (F.) Memorias, 1888. 
Del Rosso (P. Minucci), see MiHircci del Rosso (P.) 
Delteil (Loys). Manuel de I'amateur d'estampes du 18« s. 

laSo. [1909] 

DelvaUle (Jules). Essai sur I'hist. de I'id^e de progres jusqu'^ 

la fin du 18^ s. 8°. 1910 

Delves, Family of, see Bbouqhton {Sir D. L.) Records of an 

old Cheshire family, 1908. 
Demaison (Louis). La cath^drale de Reims. s8''. n.d. 

Dembleby (John Malham), see Malham-Dembleby (J.) 
Demetrius, Phalereus, Tfi. et Libanii qui feruntur TiJiroi iiria- 
TO\iKoi et 'E7ri(rTo\(^a?ot ;^apa'cT^pes. Ed. V. Weichert. 

88°. L., Teubner. 1910 

Demetrius, Tridinius, see Sophocles. 2. Tpo^^iSfai ; 

AyjtjLriT piov Xlepl fi^Tptoy ols exp'ho'aro 2., Tlfpi (rxt]a&Ta)v, 

2x<i^ia, 1553. 

Demidov (Mathilde Laetitia Wilhelmina, ctss.), pcss. of San 

Donato [Princess Mathilde Bonaparte, ctss. Demidoff], 

see Bearne {Mrs. C.) Four fascinating Frenchwomen ; 

Pcss. Mathilde Bonaparte, ctss. D., 1910. 

Demling (Anny). Oriol Heinrichs Frau. Roman. 88°. [1909] 

De Morgan (William). An affair of dishonour. s8°. 1910 

It never can happen again. 2v. s8°. 1909 

De' Mori (Ascanio). Novelle. [rev. repr. of G. D. Poggiali's 

ed. Race, de' novellieri ital., vl2]. s8°. Milano. 1814 

Demosthenes. D. quae supersunt. Ed. I. I. Reiske ; editio 

corr. curante G. H. Schaefero. tl, 2. 8°. Londini. 1822 

Dendy (Mary), see Lap age (C. .P.) Feeblemindedness in 

children of school-age ; w. app. on treatment & training by 

M. D., 1911. 

Deniau (F61ix). Hist, de la guerre de la Vendue. Par I'abbe 

D., publ. sous la dir. de Dom Chamard. 

t4. la8o. Angers. [1908?] 
t4 has t. Hist, de la g. de la V. par le chanoine Deniau, Dom 
Chamard, et I'abbe Uzureau. 
Denifie (Heinr. Suso). Luther & le luth^ranisme, etude faite 
d'ap. les sources, tr. aveo une pr^f. & notes par J. Paquier. 

tl. s8o. 1910 
Luther in rationalist, u. ohristl. Beleuchtung. Prinzipielle 
Auseinandersetzung mit A. Harnack u. R. Seeberg. 

8°. Mainz. 1904 




Denifle (Heinr. Suso) [continued], 
see Paeis : Univ. of P. Docs. rel. k la fondation etc. de 
rUniv. de P. ; publ. H. D., 1884. 
& E. Chatelain. Le prooes de Jeanne d'Arc et I'Universit^ 

de Paris, see Socibt^ de l'Hist. de Paeis, etc. Mems., 

t24, 1897. 
Denis (Jean Ferdinand), see Yves, d'Evreux. Voyage dans 

le nord du Br^sil, 1613-14 ; publ., etc. par F. D., 1864. 
Denmark. *Memoirs of Denmark, by J. C, 1700, see Ceull 

Dennett (R. E.) At tlie back of the black man's mind, or 

notes on the kingly office in W. Africa. 8°. 1906 

Dennett (R. E.) Nigerian studies : relig. & polit. system of 

the Yoruba. 8°. 1910 

Dennewitz (Friedrich Wilhelm, Graf Biilow von), see Bulow 

VON Dennewitz. 
Densmore (Frances). Chippewa music. [Smithsonian Inst.]. 

8". Washington. 1910 
Deputazione sovra gli Studi di Storia Patria per le Antiche 

Provincie e la Lombardia, see Begia Deputazione etc. 
De Quincey (Thomas). Confessions of an Eng. opium-eater 

[<fc 0. essays']. With an intr. note by W. Sharp. 88°. 1886 
Derbyshire Archeeological & Natural Hist. Society. Journal. 

v33. 80. Derby. 1911 

Index, vl-25. 8». Derby [1910] 

Derfflinger (Frhr. (Jeorg v.), seeVAENHAOEu v. Ense (C. A. L. P.) 

Biogr. Denkmale, Tl, D., etc., 1872. 
Der Hoeven (Jan van). Berigt omtrent het mij verleende 

ontslag als opperdirecteur v. 's Rijks Museum van Nat. 

Hist, te Leiden. • [P1240]. 8°. 1860 

Derjavin (Gavriil Romanovlch) [Deeschavin ; Deezhavin]. 

CcJOHeBia ^epJKaBHua cioOiiacBHTejiiBhiMH npHM-fiiaHiaMH a. Fpoia. 
7t. 2oe AKa4. h3a. 8°. C.-H. 1868-78. 

6, nepenacKa, 1794-1816 h 

7, CoiBBeaiH bt. npoali. 

-3, CTBTiOTBopeHiii, laCTt 1-3. 

4, 4paMaTaiecKifl coiaaeHia. 

5, nepenacKa, 1773-93. 

Der Linde (Antonius van), see Hessels (J. H.) Gutenberg : 

an hist, investig. on Van der L.'s " Gutenberg," 1882. 
D^roulede (Paul), see Eloeent-Mattee. P. D., biog. crit., 

bibliog. etc., 1909. 
Der Putten (Hendrik van), see Puteanus (E.) 
Derry Cathedral, see Londondeeey. 
Derschavin (Gabriel), see Deejavin (G. R.) 
Der Wengen (F. v.), see Wenqen (E. v. d.) 
Derys (Gaston), see Bontot (G. de). L'ami de Ninon de 

Lenclos ; d'ap. la corr. de G. de B. ; [ed. G. D.], n.d. 
Derzhavin (Gavriil Romanovich), see Deejavin (6. R.) 
Desanctis (Luigi). Roma papale descr. in una serie di lettere 

con note. 8°. Eirenze. 1865 

Descartes (Ren6), see Hamelin (0.) Le systeme de D. ; publ. 

L. Robin, 1911. 
Descaves (Lucien), see Moselly (E.) L. D., 1910. 
Deschanel (Paul). L' organisation de la demooratie. s8°. 1910 
Paroles fran9aises. s8°. 1911 

Des Gilleuls (Alfred). Le Parloir aux bourgeois, see Soci:^!^ 

DE l'Hist. de Paeis, etc. Mems., t22, 1895. 
Descrizione. *D. de' tre pontiflcali che si celeb, n. Basilica 

Vaticana, 1788, see Cancellieei (E.) 
*D. dell' isola di S. Elena, 1815?, see Saint Helena. 
Des Granges (Charles Marc). Hist, de la htt. fran9. 88°. 1910 
Desjardins (Ernest). Desiderata du Corpus Insoriptionum 

Latinarum de I'Acad. de Berlin, [by T. Mommsen]. Notice 

pouvant servir de l[-5^] Suppl. 5 fasc. 4". Paris. 1873-6 

1, Le Mus6e 6pigrapliique de Pest (tS). 2-5, [Sep. tp., pagin. cont.], Les 
balles de fronde de la Il6publ. (tl). 

Deslandes (Andi6 Francois- Boureau) [fBouEBAu Deslandes 
(A. E.) ; ps. M. D.]. Reflexions sur les grands hommes qui 
sont morts en plaisantant. u. 6d., augm. d'Epitaphes, etc. 

88°. A. 1776 
1st ed. (1714) piM. anon. 

Des Marez (G.) & E. de Sagher. Comptes de la ville d'Ypres 
de 1267 a 1329. Publ. par G. Des M. & E. de S. [G. R. d'H. 
de Belg.]. tl. 4°. Brux. 1909 

Des Michels (Etienne Abel). Kim Van Kigu Truyfn, po^me 
annamite ; Episode de Tir H^i — Tiiy Kieu sauvee du 
fleuve (vers 2164-2716) ; tr. A. Des M., see Melanges 
orient. ; textes & tr., 1883. 

Desnoyers (J.) Topographic eccMs. de la Erance. Extr. de 
I'Annuaire de la Soc. de l'Hist. de Erance. 2p. 8". 1854-62 

Des Ombiaux (Maurice). CamiUe Lemonnier, monographie 
anecdot. & doc. avec une biblio-iconographie, etc. 

s8°. Brux. 1909 

Des Ormes (A. Trudon), see Teudon des Oemes (A.) 

Despierres (Mme. Gerasime). Construction du Pont-Royal de 

Paris, 1685-8, see Soci^Ti) de l'Hist. de Paeis, etc. M6ms., 

t22, 1895. 

Des Portes (Charles Bon Francois Boscheron), see Bosohbbon 

DES Poetbs (C. E. B.) 
Destitution. Prevention of d. ; BiU to provide for prevention, 

1910, see Peevbntion. 
Destouches (Andr6 Cardinal), see Pelissibb (L. G.) Eamille, 

fortune & succession d'A. C. D., 1899. 
Determinatio compendiosa de jurisdictione Imperii auct. anon 
ut videtur Tholomeo Lucensi ed. M. Krammer, 1909, see 
Ptolem^us Lucensis. 
Detmar-Chronik, Eortsetz. Ill, T2i, 1438-65, see Chkoniken 

(Die) d. deut. Stadte : Liibeck, B4, 1910. 
De Tunzelmann (G. W.) A treatise on electrical theory & the 
problem of the universe. s8°. 1910 

Deude de Pradas, see Daude de Peadas. 

Deutsche Texte d. M.-a. ; hrsg. v. d. Konigl. Preuss. Akad. 
d. Wiss., Bl-18, 21, 1904-10, see Koniglioh-Peettssischb 
Akademie d. Wissenschaften zit Beelin. 
Deutsche Bibliographische Gesellschaft. BiMiographisches Re- 
pertorium. B5, Almanache d. Romantik ; hrsg. v. R. 
Pissin. la8o. 1910 

Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft. Beitrage zur Kolonialpolitik u. 
Kolonialwirtschaft. Hrsg. v. d. D. K. 

Jhrg. 5-12; [in prog.]. Ia8'>. 1903-10 

B6-12 have t. : Zeitschrift fiir Kolonialpolitik, etc. 

Deutsche Morgenlandische Gesellschaft. Abhandlungen fur d. 

Kunde d. Morgenlandes. B4 iii, iv, 5 i. 8°. L. 1866-8 

see EsHMtTNAZAB, k. of Sidon. Die Grabschrift d. Konigs 

E. ; fibers, etc. v. E. Meier, 1866. [4 iv.] 

„ Kohut (A.) tjber d. jud. Angelologie u. Damonologie 

in i. Anhangigkeit v. Parsismus, 1866. [4 iii.] 

„ Petebmann (J. H.) Versuoh e. hebra. Eormenlehre 

naeh d. Aussprache d. heut. Samaritaner, 1868. [5 i.] 

Die D. M. G., 1845-95. Ein Uberblick, gegeben v. d. 

Gesohaftsffihrern, Dr. Pischel, Dr. Praetorius, etc. 

8°. L. 1895 

Wissenschaftl. Jahresbericht fiber d. morgenland. Studien. 

1859-67, Oct. 1876-1881. [1859-61, v. B. Gosche, (Iv), 

suppl. to Zeitschrift d. D. M. G. B20 ; 1862-67, v. B. Gosche, 

HI, suppl. to Ztschr. B24 ; Oct. 1876-Deo. 1877, hrsg. v. 

E. Kuhn u. A. Socin, 2H (in Iv), suppl. to Ztschr. B33 ; 1878, 

hrsg. V. E. Kuhn, (Iv), suppl. to Ztschr. B33 ; 1879, hrsg. v. 

E. Kuhn u. A. MfiUer, (Iv), suppl. to Ztschr. B33 ; 1880, 

hrsg. V. E. Kuhn u. A. MuUer, (Iv), suppl. to Ztschr. B34 ; 

1881, V. H. Kern, E. Praetorius, etc., (Iv), suppl. to Ztschr. 

B37, 39]. 8°. L. 1868-85 

The Wiss. Jahresbericht ffir 1857 u. 1858, v. R. Gosche, 

forms part of the Zeitschrift d. D. M. G., B14, 17, (q.v.) 

Zeitschrift d. D. M. G. Hrsg. v. d. Geschaftsfiihrern, unter 

d. Redaction d. Prof. Brockhaus [& others]. 

B14-64. 8°. L. 1860-1910 

Register zu Bll-20. 8<>. L. 1872 

Register zu B21-30. 8°. L. 1877 

Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift fiir engl.-theolog. Forschung u. 

Kritik. Hrsg. v. M. Heidenheim. [2B]. 8». Gotha. [18eTl]-5 

cont. as : 

„ Vierteljahrsschrift ffir deutsch- u. engl.-theolog. 

Eorschung u. Kritik. Hrsg. v. M. Heidenheim. 

B3, 4. 8°. Zfirich. 1867-71 
Deutscher-Buchgewerbeverein, see Aeohiv fue Buchgewebbe, 

in prog., 1903, etc. 
Deux cours et les nuits de St. -Cloud ; Mceurs etc. de la famiUe 

Bonaparte, 1852, see Bonapaete, The family of. 
Devonshire Assoc, for the Advancement of Science, Literature, 
& Art. Report & transactions. 

vl6, 23-39. 8°. Plymouth. 1884-1907 

see Beitish Recced Soc. : Index Libbaey, v35, Devon & 

Cornwall, Calendars of wills, etc., [was also pull, as an 

extra vol. of the D. Assoc], 1908. 

Devonshire (Georgiana Cavendish, duchess of), isfwife of 6th 

duke, see Sichel (W.) Sheridan; incl. a MS. diary by 

G. Duchess of D., 2v, 1909. 

Devrient (Therese), wife of Eduard Devrient. Jugenderinner- 

ungen. se A. s8°. St. [1908] 




De Vries (Matthias), see Vkibs (M. dh). 

Dewavrin (M. L.) Le Canada ^oonomique au 20^ o. 

. , . s8°. 1909 

Dewe (rev. 3. A.) Psychology of politics & hist. s8o. 1910 

De Windt (Haiiy). Through savage Europe : narr. of journey 

throughout the Balkan States & European Russia. 8". 1907 
*Di41ogOS de la monteria ; MS. ined. ; [ed. E. R. de Uhag6n], 

1890, see Monteeia. 
Diane, de Poytiers, duchesse de Valentinois, etc. Comptes des 

receptes et despences faites en la Chastellenie de Chenonceau 

par D. de P. Publ. par l'abb6 C. Chevalier. [Archives Roy. 

de Chenonceau]. 8o_ 1864 

Diaries, see Six North country diaries, [ed. J. C. Hodgson], 

Diaz (Pero), de Toledo [fDiAz (Pedbo), doctor]. Dialogo e 

razonamiento en la muerte del marques de Santillana, 

see Paz y M&lia (A.) Opiiso. lit. de los siglos 14 a 16. 

1892. ^ 

Diaz (Porfirio), pres. of Republic of Mexico, see Godoy (J. F.) 

P. D., 1910. 
Diaz del Castillo (Bernal). True hist, of the conquest of New 

Spain. Ed. & publ. by G. Garcia ; tr., w. intr. & notes by 

A. P. Maudslay. [Haliluyt Soc, 2nd Ser., v25J. 

v3, [w. 12 maps]. 8°. 1910 
Diaz de Toledo (P.), see Diaz (P.), de Toledo. 
Dibdia (Thomas Frognall) [ps. Mbectjrius, Rusiicus]. BibUo- 

phobia. Remarks on the pres. languid etc. state of lit. & the 

book trade. With notes by Cato Parvus [i.e. R. Heber]. 

80. 1832 
Diccionario. Novlsimo d. de la lengua castellana, etc., 1896, 

see Real Aoad. Espanola. 
Dicenta (JoaoLuin). Por Bretaua. 380. 1910 

Dicey (.Sir Edward), C.B., see Edward VII, k. of Eng. King 

E. VII ; by Sir E. D., & others, 1910. 
Dickins (Frederick Victor). The Makura-kotoba of primitive 

Japanese verse. [From the Asiatic Soc. of Japan, Trans., 

v35 iv]. 8°. 1908 

see Chtishinguka, tr., F. V. D., 3rd ed., 1910. 
Dickins (Lilian), see Miller (S.) An 18th-cent. oorr. ; ed. 

L. D. & M. Stanton, 1910. 
Dickson (maj.-gen. Sir Alexander). The Dickson MSS. 

Series " C " ^ 1809-18. 

Chapts. 1-3 in Iv. 8°. Woolwich. 1908 
Dickson (Robert), F.S.A. Scot., & J. P. Edmond. Annals of 

Scottish printing, to beginning of 17th u. [Large paper]. 

2p, [pagin cont.]. Ia4°. C. 1890 
Diclich (Giovanni). Dizionario saoro Uturgico. 

vl, 2. 3a ed. 8". Fuligno. 1831 
Dictionary. *D. of the Pathan tribes on N.-W. Frontier, 1910, 

see Pathan. 
Romanized school d., Eng. & Urdii, 6th ed., 1864, see Roman- 
Dictionnaire. D. arch6olog. de la Gaule : epoque celtique, 

tl, 2i, 1875-8, see Gaule. 
D. militaire : encyclop^die des sciences milit. ; r6d. par un 

comity d'officiers de toutes armes. t2 (I-Z). Ia8°. 1910 

Didache. The D., or the teaching of the 12 Apostles. Tr. w. 

notes by G. C. Allen. 8°. 1903 

The Doctrine of the 12 Apostles. Tr., w. intr. & notes by 

C. Bigg. 88°. 1898 

Dide (Auguste). J. -J- Rousseau. Le protestautisme & la 

Revolution fran9aise. , s8°. [1910] 

Diderot ODeuis), see Tobnbzy (A.) La legende des " philo- 

sophes " : Voltaire, Rousseau, D., peints par eux-m§mes, 

Didier ( — Saint-), see Saint-Did ibb ( — ). 
Didot (Ambroise Firmin). Catalogue des livres pr^eieux 

manuscrits et imprimes faisant partie de la bibl. de M. A. 

F.-D. : BeUes-lettres — Histoire. Pr6o. d'une intr. par P. 

Paris Vente a I'Hotel des Commissaires-Priseurs, juin 

1878 ; juin 1881. [MS. prices. 2v in 1]. 8°. 1878-81 

: Theologie — Jurisprudence — Sciences — Arts — 

Beaux-arts. Prec. d'un essai sur la gravure dans les livres, 

par G. Duplessis. Vente mai 1879 ; juin 1882. 

[MS. prices. 2v in 1]. 8". 1879-82 
: Theologie — Jurisprudence — Sciences — Arts — - 

Lettres— Histoire. Vente juin 1883 ; juin 1884. 

[MS. prices. 2v in 1]. 80. 1883-4 
Didot (Firmin). Cat. des livres rares, pr^cieux, etc. du cabinet 

deF.D. S". 1910 

Diehl (Charles). Manuel d'art byzantin. 8". 1910 

MosaSques byzantines de St.-Luo, see Aoad. des Inscb. etc. ; 

Fond. Piot. Mon". etc., t3, 1896. 
Quo tempore, qua mente scriptus sit Xenophontis lib. qui 

Tl6poi inscribitur. Thesim proponebat C. D. 

[P1236]. 8". Lutetiae Parisiorum. 1888 
& M. Le Tourneau. Les mosaiques de Ste. -Sophie de 

Salonique, see Aoad. des Insoe. etc. : Fond. Piot. Mon^. 

etc., tie, 1909. 
Diehl (Ernst). Pompeianische Wandinschriften u. Ver- 

wandtes, ausgewahlt v. E. D., see Klbinb Texte fiir theolog. 

etc. Vorlesungen etc., T56, 1910. 
Diehl (WUhelm). Das Pronomen personale suffixum 2. u. 3. 

pers. plur. d. Hebraischen in d. alttestamentl. Uberheferung. 

8°. Giessen. 1895 
Dieterich (Albrecht). Nekyia. Beitrage zur Erklarung d. 

neuentdeckten Petrusapokalypse. 8°. L. 1893 

Dieterich (Carl). Gesoh. d. byzantin. u. neugriech. Litt. [Die 

Litt. d. Ostens, 4]. 2^ A. 8°. L. 1909 

Diether (Otto). L. v. Ranke als Politiker. Hist. -psycholog. 

Studie. 8°. L. 1911 

Ditmarus. Chronik ; libers, v. M. Laurent, 2« A. v. J. Strebitzki, 

mit Berichtigungen etc. v. W. Wattenbaoh, see Gbschicht- 

scHBEiBER(DiE)d. deut. Vorzeit, 2eGesammtausg., B39, 1892. 
Dietrich, of Bern, see Boer (R. C.) Die Sagen v. Ermanarich 

u. D. V. B., 1910. 
Diettrich (Gustav Ernst Samuel). Die Massorah d. ostl. u. 

westl. Syrer in ihren Angaben z. Propheten Jesaia, nach Hss. 

d. Brit. Mus., in Verbiudung mit zwei Tractaten ii. Accente. 

Hrsg. u. bearbt. v. G. D. sS". London. 1899 

Die neu. Angriffe auf d. relig. u. sittl. VorsteUungen d. Alten 

Testamentes. Ein Vortrag aus d. Kampfe um Babel u. 

Bibel. [P1242, 1243]. 8°. Giessen. 1903 

Dieadonn6 (Lucien) [ps. Jean (L.)], see Jean (L.) 
Dieulafoy (Marcel). La statuaire polychrome en Espagne du 

12e au 15^ siecle : Aragon & Castille, see Acad, des Inscr. 

ETC. : Fond. Piot. Mons. etc., tlO, 1903. 
Digges (Leonard), the younger, see Fitzmatjrice-Kblly (J.) 

Un hispanofilo ingles del siglo 17 [i.e. L. D.], 1899. 
Digha Nikaya, see Saobed Books oe the Buddhists, v2, 3, 

Dialogues of the Buddha, tr. f. Pali of the D. N. by T. W. & 

C. A. F. Rhys Davids, 2p, 1899-1910. 
Dillmann (C. F. August) Chrestomathia .^thiopica ed. et 

glossario explan. ab D. 8°. L. 1866 

Uber d. griech. tJbers. d. Qoheleth. [Konigl. Preuss. Akad., 

Sitzungsberichte. Hcdf-t. only. P1271]. la8o. [1892] 

tJber d. neugefund. griech. Text d. Henoch-Buohes. [With 

text. Konigl. Preuss. Akad., Sitzungsberichte. Half-t. only. 

P1271]. ^8°. [1892] 

see Enoch. Liber Henoch, .^thiopice, cum var. leot. ; cura 

A. D., 1851. 
Dilthey (Wilhelm), see Weltanschauung, Phil. u. Relig. in 

Darstellungen v. W. D., etc., 1911. 
Dimnet (Ernest). Les soeurs Bronte. s8°. 1910 

Diugeldey (Hugo). Etymolog. Fachworterbuch zur Mathe- 

matik, Physik, Chemie u. Mineralogie. 8°. Breslau. 1910 

Dino (Dorothge de Talleyrand-P6rigord, dsse. de). Chronique 

de 1831-62. Publ. par la princesse Radziwill. [t]4, 1851-62. 

80. 1910 
Mem. Ed., w. notes & biog. index, by Princesse RadziwiE. 

s2, 1836-40. 80. 1910 

Diocletian, emp. of Rome, see Niemann (G.) Der Palast D. in 

Spalato, 1910. 
Dion (A. de). Les seigneurs de Breteuil en Beauvaisis, see 

Siooikif, DE l'Hist. de Paeis, etc. Mems., tlO, 1884. 
Diophantus, Alexandrinus, see Heath (Sir T. L.) D. of A. 

[Arithmetica ; tr.], etc., 2nd ed., w. suppl., 1910. 
Dirr (A. M.) TpaMMaTHiecKiB o-jepKi TafiaccapaBCKaro asbiKa ci, 

TeKCiaMH etc. [in Sbornik : CBopHHKi MaTepiaiOBi wn onHcaflig 

KaBKa3a, 35]. 80. Thwbci. 1905 

Dirscfaerl (Carl). Die Anfange e. wissenschaftl. Seenkunde, 

see MtJNCHBNBB Geoo. Studien, 25, 1911. 
*Discours merveilleux de la vie, etc., de la reyne Catherine de 

Medicis, 1663, see Estienne (H.) 
*Discourse cone, the laws made agst. heretioks, by popes, etc., 

1744, see Whitby (D.) 
Ditchfleld (Peter Hampson). The manor houses of Eng. 

la8o. 1910 
see Baebee (E.) & P. H. D., edd. Memorials of old Cheshire, 




Ditmars (Raymond Lee). Reptiles of the world. 8°. 1910 

Diver (Mrs. Maud). Candles in the wind. s8». E. 1909 

Divizio (cardinale Bernardo), da Bibbiena [Dovizi]. Lettere 

di'casentinesi [B. D., A. Torsi, etc. Ed. A. Virgili. Nozze 

Gattesehi Martini- Bernardi. Half-t. only. P1277]. 

8°. [Firenze. 1893] 
Diya'-eddin Nasrullah ibn El-Athir El-Jazari [Al-Jazari ; El- 

Jazabi], see Margoliouth (D. S.) On the " Royal corre- 
spondence " of Diya'-eddin Eljazari, 1896. 
Dis (E. R. McC.) Cat. of early Dublin-printed books belonging 

to E. R. McC. D. [2nd issue, w. add. & corr.]. 

[P1302]. s8o. D. 1900 
DjanashvUi (M. G.) Ilapaqa TaMapa. 8°. Thwhci. 1900 

Djawaliki, see MAUHfrB ibn Ahmad, al-Jawaliki 
Doane (Rennie W.) Insects & disease : way in which insects 

may spread etc. diseases. [American Natur. Ser., Gr. IV]. 

8». 1910 
Dobell (Mrs. Horace) [Eliz. Mary Dobell]. Poetical works, 

w. a biog. sketch. 8°. 1910 

Dobelli (F.) I papi da San Pietro a Pio IX. 

3v. [vl, 2^ ed.] s8». Roma. 1889-90 
Dobscbiitz (Ernst v.) The eschatology of the Gospels. 8°. 1910 
Dobson (H. Austin). Old Kensington Palace, & o. papers. 

s8<=. 1910 
Dockray (John A.), see Coward (T. A.) ed. Vertebrate fauna of 

Cheshire, etc., v2, Dee as a wild-fowl resort, by J. A. D., etc., 

Documents hist. rel. aux seigneuries de Menton, Roquebrune 

et la Turbie du ll": au 16<= siecle, 1909, see Saigb (M. J. J. G.) 

& L. H. Labande. 
Dodd (Walter Fairleigh), The revision & amendment of state 

constitutions. [Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies in Hist. & 

PoUt. Sci., Extra vols., N.S., No. 1]. 8». Baltimore. 1910 

Dods (Marcus), D.D., the younger, see Bible : New Test. 

IGreek]. Nicoll (W. R.) Expositor's Gr. Test., v4. Epistle 

to the Hebrews ; by D., 1910. 
Dodsley (Robert). 
see Courtney (W. P.) D.'s CoU. of poetry, 1910. 

„ Straus (R.) R. D., 1910. 
Dolcino {Frd). Hist. Fratris D. heresiarche, di anonimo 

sincrono ; e De secta Apostolorum, di B. Gui ; a cura di A. 

Segarizzi, see Mueatori (L. A.) Rer. Ital. scr., t9 v, 1907. 
Dolger (Franz Jos.) 'Ix^vs. Das Fischsymbol in fruhchristl. 

Zeit. Bl, ReUgionsgeschiohtl. u. epigraph. Untersuch. 

(Suppl. d. " Romischen Quartalschrift "). 8°. Eom. 1910 

Dolonne (I'abbe). Le clerge contemp. et le c61ibat. 38°. [1910?] 
Domaszewski (Alfred v.) Gesch. d. rom. Kaiser. 

2B. 8». L. 1909 
Die Rangordnung d. rom. Heeres. Sonderabd. aus Bonner 

Jahrbticher, H117. 8°. Bonn. 1908 

Domece, Saint, supposed son of the emperor Valentinian {/?), 

see DoMiTius, St. 
Domeuico (Baldino di), da Lucignano. *Della venuta in 

Firenze di Galeazzo Maria Sforza, duca di Milano, con la 

mogUe Bona di Savoia, 1471. Lettere di due Senesi [B. di 

D. & Lorenzo d' Antonio Venturini. Ed. P. Gesare, etc.]. 

[Nozze Banchi-Brini. P1277]. 8°. Firenze. 1878 

Domesday. D. B. Cambridgeshire portion. Eng. tr. of W. 

Bawdwen, ed., w. orig. Latin text extended, w. intr. & 

indices by C. H. Evelyn-White & H. G. Evelyn-White. 

s4o. 1910 
D. Book : fac-s. of part rel. to Lincolnshire. Photo-zinco- 

graphed. 4". 1862 

Domestic [Domestiok]. *An enquiry into the conduct of 

d. affairs, 1721-33, 3rd ed., 1734, see Bath (W. P., e. of). 
Dominicus, de Gravina. Chronicon de rebus in Apulia gestis, 

1333-50; a cura di A. SorbeUi, see Muratori (L. A.) Rer. 

Ital. scr., tl2 iii, 1903. 
Domitius, Saint, supposed son of the emperor Valentinian (I?) 

[Dom^ice], see Natt {Vabbe F.) Les Mgendes syriaques 

d' Aaron de Saroug, de Maxime & D. [attrib. to Peschoi, 

archidiacre de Constantinople], etc. ; texte ed. & tr. par 

F. N., 1910. 
Dompierre de Cbaufepi6 (H. J. de), see Hague (The). Choix 

de monnaies etc. du Cabinet Royal de La H. ; decrites par 
H. J. de D. de C. etc., 1910. 
Domville-Fife (Charles W.) The great states of S. America. 

8°. 1910 

The United States of Brazil ; w. ohapt. on the Republic of 
Uruguay. 80. 1910 

Donado, da Lezze, see Lbzzb (D. da). 

Donaldson (John William). *Reply to Perowne's renewed 

attack. [P1262]. 8°. 1855 

Donat (Carl v.), see Russo-Japanese (The) War : Sch-Ho : 

tr. D., 1910. 
Donati (Girolamo). [Ricordi indo-iranici.] Nozze Bellucci- 

Ragnotti. [P1278]. 8°. Perugia. [1902] 

Donato, da Casentino, see Casentino (D. deqli A. di). 
Donatz (Lo) proensals, see Faidit (H.) 
Doni (Antonio Francesco). Novelle tratte d. 2" Libreria de 

A. F. D., see Novelle di alcuni autori fiorentini, 1815. 
Donuay (Maurice). Discours de reception a I'Aoad. Frangaise 

le 19 d6o. 1907, [on A. Sorel]. [P1279]. sS". 1910 

Donop (qen. Raoul Marie). Lettres sur I'Alg^rie, 1907-8. 

s8». 1908 

Dorado. "* Jornada de Omagua y D., 1909, see Urs*a (P. de). 

♦Relacion de la Jornada de Omagua y D. hecha por P. de 

Orsua, 1881, see URstrA (P. de). 
Doran (John). A lady of the last cent. (Mrs. Eliz. Montagu), 

illust. in h. unpubl. letters ; w. biog. sketch, & chapter on 

Blue stockings. 2nd ed. 8». 1873 

Dorat (Jean), see Robiqubt (P.) De J. Aurati vita et Latine 

scr. poematibus, 1887. 
Dorbon (Lucien). Repertoire des livres d' occasion en vente a 

lalib. L. D. t2,D.-L 8°. n.d. 

Dorchain (Auguste), see Brizbux (J. A. P.) CEuvres, tl, 

n. ed., pr6o. d'une notice biog. etc. par A. D., 1910. 
Dorez (L^on). Pontifical peint pour le card. G. Delia Rovere 

par Francesco dai Libri de Verone, see Acad, dbs Insoe. etc.: 

Fond. Piot. Mon^. etc., tl7, 1909. 
Dori (Leonora), see Ancre (L. Concini, marquise d'). 
Domer (Isaac August). Die Mansel-Maurioe'sohe Controverse. 

fno tp. : p. of Jahrbticher fiir deut. Theologie, B6. P1259]. 

8°. Gotha. [1861] 
Dorostamos (Athanasios), archimandrite of Mt. Athos [Doro- 

STAMUS (Athanasius)], see Elsneb (J.) Neueste Besohrei- 

bung derer griech. Christen in d. Tiirckey, aus glaubwiirdiger 

Erzehlung Herrn. A. D., 1737. 
Dorset parish registers. Marriages ; ed. W. P. W. Phillimore 

& E. Nevill. v5 [in prog.]. 8°. 1910 

Dorsey (George Amos). 
For the following see ¥1^1,11 Columbian Museum : Anthropol. 


An aboriginal quartzite quarry in B. Wyoming, 1900. [2.J 

The Arapaho sun dance ; the ceremony ot the Offerings lodge, 1903. [4.] 

Archaeological investigations on the island of La Plata, Ecuador, 1901. [2. J 

A bibliog. of the anthropology of Peru, 1898. [2.1 

The Cheyenne, 1, Ceremonial organization. 2, The Sun-dance, 1905. [9. J 

Obs. on a coll. of Papuan crania, w. notes on preservation & decorative 
features by W, H. Holmes, 1897. [2.J 

& A. L. Kroeber. Traditions of the Arapaho, 1903, see 

Field Columbian Museum : Anthrop. ser., v5, 1903. 
& H. R. Voth. The Mishongnovi ceremonies of the 

Snake & Antelope Fraternities, 1902, see Field Columbian 

Museum : Anthrop. ser., v3, 1901-3. 
The Oraibi Soyal ceremony, 1901, see Field Columbian 

Museum : Anthrop. ser., v3, 1901-3. 
Dos obras didacticas y dos leyendas saoadas de MSS. de la 

Bibl. del Escorial, 1878 ; [ed. H. Knust], see Knust (H.) 
Dositheus, Magister. Quae ex D. Interpretamentorum hb. 3. 

ad ius pert., D. Adriani sententise etc. & Traotatus forensis 

maxime de manumissionibus ; Gr. & Lat. ; emend, etc. E. 

Bocking, see Corpus iuris Romani Anteiustiniani, faso. 1, 

Dostoevsky (Theodor M.) Crime & punishment. [Tr.]. 

sS". n.d. 
Doucelina, Saint. La vie de Ste. D., fondatrice des B6guines 

de Marseille, compos6e au 13'= s. en langue proven9ale [by 

Philippine de PorceHet]. Publ., avec la tr. en franQ., et une 

intr., par J. H. Alban^s. 8°. Marseille. 1879 

Douet d'Arcq (Louis C.) Des frais d'enterrement dans Paris 

au 148 s_^ see SocitTfi de l'Hist. db Paris, etc. Mems., t4, 

Inventaire apres deces des biens meubles de P. Cardonnel, 

chanoine de Notre-Dame de Paris, 1438, see Soaiiiiii db 

l'Hist. de Paris, etc. M6ms., t7, 1881. 
Doughty (Henry Montagu). Chronicles of Theberton, a 

Suffolk village. With intr. & notes by W. W. Skeat. 

80. 1910 
Douglas (Andrew Halliday). The phil. & psychology of P. 

Pomponazzi. Ed. C. Douglas & R. P. Hardie. 8°. C. 1910 




Douglas (Sir Robert), of Olenbervie, 6th hart. Peerage of Scot- 
land, f. origin to pres. generation. fol. E. 1764 
The Scots peerage, founded on Wood's ed. of D.'s Peerage. 
Ed. Sir J. B. Paul. v7 ; [in frogJ]. laS". E. 1910 

Douglas (Sylvester), haron Olenbervie, see Glenbekviu (S. D., 

Douglas (Theo.) vs. [i.e. Mrs. H. D. Evebett]. Cousin Hugh. 
_ s8". [1910] 

Douglass (Frederick). My bondage & my freedom ; w. an 
intr. by J. M'C. Smith. sS". N.Y. 1855 

Doumio (Ren§). Discours de reception [on 6. Boissier]. 
Seance de I'Acad. Fr. du 7 avr., 1910. P1279]. 8". 1910 
see Eaquet (E.) R^ponse de M. E. F. au Discours de B. D., 
Doutt6 (Edmond). La soci6t6 musulmane du Maghrib : 
magie & relig. dans I'Afr. du nord. 8°. Alger. 1908 

Dovlzi (cardinale Bernardo), see Divizio (cord. B.) 
Dowden (Edward). Essays mod. & Elizabethan. 8°. 1910 

Dowden (John), 6p. of the Scottish Bpiscopal Church in Edin- 
burgh. The church year & kalendar. [Camb. hdbk. of 
liturg. study]. sS". C. 1910 

The medieval Church in Soot. ; w. biog. sketch. 

8». Glasgow. 1910 

Dowden (Richard) [Dowden Richaed (R.)] Walks after wild 

flowers ; or, the botany of the Bohereens. sS". 1852 

Downing (Clement). Compendious hist, of the Indian wars, 

w. ace. of Angria the pyrate, transactions of a squadron 

under Commodore Matthews sent to suppress the pyrates, 

etc. s8°. 1737 

Doyle (James), iJ. C bp. of Kildare <fe Leighlin, *Letters on 

the state of Ireland ; addressed by J. K. L. [i.e. J. D.] to a 

friend in Eng. 8». D. 1825 

Drachmann' (Anders Bjorn), see Pindae. Scholia Vetera in 

P. Carmina ; rec. D., 2v, 1903-10. 
Drachmann (Holger), see Vbdel (V.) H. D., 1909. 
Drage (Geoffrey). The imperial organization of trade. 

8". 1911 

Drager (Otto). T. Mundt u. s. Beaiehungen zum Jungen 

Deutschland. [Beitrage zur deut. Literaturwiss., hrsg. v. 

E. Elster, 10]. 8°. Marburg. 1909 

Drake (Maurice). Wrack. s8<'. 1910 

Drama. The minor Elizabethan d. ; [ed. w. intr. by A. 

Thorndyke], 2v, 1910, see Thoendike (A. H.) 
Drapeau rouge (Le), see Keasnob Znamya, 1906. 
Draper {Mrs. Eliza), see Steene (L.) Works & life, [York ed.] ; 
Letters, v3. Journal to Eliza & Var. letters, by L. S. & E. D., 
Drawing Congress (International). Internat. Drawing Cong., 
London, 1908. lUust. hdbk. to exhibition. Ed. K. 
Snowden. 4". [1908] 

Drerup (Engelbert). Omero. Versione fatta s. 1^ ed. (orig.) 
tedesca da A. Cinquini e F. Grimod. App. di. L. Pernier. 
[Le orig. d. civilta ellenica. CoUez. di Monografie illust., 
Ser. : Storia d. civilti, 1]. i°. Bergamo. 1910 

Driart (Pierre), chambrier de St. Victor. Chron. parisienne de 
P. D., 1522-35 [publ.] F. Bournon, see SooiiiTi) de l'Hist. 
DE Paris, etc. M6ms., t22, 1895. 
Driault (Edouard). NapoMon & I'Europe. La poUt. ext^ri- 
eure du Premier Consul, 1800-3. S°. 1910 

& G. Monod. Evolution du monde mod. Hist, polit. & 

soc, 1815-1909. S80. 1910 

Drinkwater (Harry), M.D., F.B.S. Lecture on MendeUsm. 

8°. 1910 
Driver (Rev. Robert), B.D., character of fiction, see Benson 
(G. B.) Tracks in the snow ; ed. f. MS. of R. D. by G. R. B., 
Driver (Samuel RoUes). Introd. to the lit. of the Old Testa- 
ment. 8th ed., rev. 8". E. 1909 
see Bible : Psalms. The Parallel Psalter, being the Prayer-bk. 
vers, of the Psalms & a new vers.; w. intr. & gloss, by 
S. R. D., 2nd ed., 1904. 
Drogus (Henricus), see Caffaeus, de Taschifellone, for cont. of 

h. Annales Januenses by H. D. 

Drouhet (Charles). Le poete Fran9ois Mainard (1583?-1646). 

Et. crit. d'hist. Htt. .^ 8°. [1909?] 

Drumann (Wilhelm). Gesch. Roms, in s. Ubergange z. 

monarch. Verfassung. B4ii. 2^ A. ; hrsg. v. P. Grobe ; 

[in prog.]. 8°. L. 1908 

Drury (W D ) Home gardening : a manual for the amateur. 

sS". 1898 

Drusius (Joannes), the elder. De particulis Chaldaicis, Syriaois, 

Thalmudicis & Rabbinicis, see Rbland (A.) Analeota Rab- 

binica, 1702. 

Dryden (John). Poems. Ed., w. intr. & notes by J. Sar- 

geaunt. s8°. 1910 

Du Bellay (Joachim). CEuvres po6t. [t]2, Recueils de 

sonnets, [t2]. Ed. crit. publ. par H. Chamard. [Soo. d. 

Textes Fran?. Mod.]. s8». 1910 

see ViLLBY (P.) Les sources ital. de la " Defiense etc. de la 

langue fran?.," de J. Du B., 1908. 

Dublin. Ordnance Survey. D. District. Parts of sheets 

101, 102, 111, 112, 120, 121. s8o. [Southampton. 1904] 

Register of wills & inventories of the diocese of D. in time of 

Abp'. Tregury & Walton, 1457-83. Ed., w. tr., notes, & intr., 

by H. F. Berry. [Roy. Soc. of Antiq. of I., Extra vol. 

1896-7]. laS". D. 1898 

The registers of the church of St. Michan, D. p2, 1686-1700 ; 

w. index, 1636-1700. Ed. H. F. Berry. [Parish Reg. Soc. 

of Dubhn, 7]. Ia8». D. 1909 

With 2nd tp., intended as a gen. tp. for pi, 2. Pagin. cont. 

Water Works, Dublin. Rep. f. Committee No. 2, Feb., 1859. 

[P1239]. 8°. D. 1859 
see Saint Maby's Abbey, Dublin. 
Dublin University. Calendar. 1868 ; '75 ; '79 ; '84 ; '91 ; 
'92 ; '94 ; '98 ; 1902-3, 2v ; 1904-5, v2 ; 1905-6, vl ; 
1906-7, vl ; 1907-8, vl ; 1908-9, vl. 88°. D. 1868-1908 
1902-3, 1905-6, 1906-7, 1907-8, 1908-9, have added The 
ordinary papers set in [the previous years}, 
see Aemsteongi (6. F. S.) Ode in comm. of tercentenary of 
Univ. of D., 1892. 
Trinity College. 
see College (The) Electoe, No. 1-6, 1857. 
„ KoTTABOS ; a college miscellany, vl, No. 1-5, 7, 8, 10, v2. 
No. 8, 1869-75. 
Undeeqbaduatb Philosophical Society, see Weight (C. E.) 
Univ. of D. : Undergrad. Phil. Soc. : Address at opening 
of session 1861-2, 1862. 
Dublin University Review (The). May, June, 1885 ; Jan., 
Maroh-Aug., Oct., Nov., 1886 ; April, 1887. [Parts o/ vl-3. 
12p in 2v. 1885 & 1886 contain poems, etc., by W. B. Yeats]. 

4", 8". D. 1885-7 

Dublin University Zoological & Botanical Association. Rep. 

of proc. for presentation of an address & testimonial to Capt. 

Sir F. L. M'Clintock. [Extr. f. pl, v2, of the Proceedings. 

P1238]. 8°. D. 1860 

Dubois (card. Guillaume), abp. of Cambrai, see BotrEGEOis (E.) 

Le secret de D. (1718-23), n.d. 
Du Bois-Reymond (Emil). Darwin versus Galiani. 

[P682]. 8°. 1876 
Duboscq (Andr6), see Louis Bonapabtb, k. of Holland. L. B. 

en HoUande d'ap. s. lettres, 1806-10 ; [publ.] A. D., 1911. 

Du Bose (William Porchier). The Soteriology of the New 

Test. reissue. sS". N.Y. 1906 

Du Bourg (dom A.) L'abbaye de St.-Germain-des-Pr^s au 14^ 

s., see SooifiTiE de l'Hist. de Paeis, etc. Mems., t27, 1901. 

Du Chatelet (Mme.), see Hamel (F.) An 18c. marquise: 

study of E. Du C, 1910. 
Duchesne (E.) M. I. Lermontov, sa vie et s. oeuvres. 8°. 1910 
Duchesne (Gaston). Mile, de Charolais, procureuse du roi. 
Amours de Louis XV & des demoiselles de Nesle, etc. 

8". 1909 

Duchesne (I'abbe Louis). Christian worship : its origin & 

evolution. Tr. M. L. McClure. 3rd Eng. ed. ; rev., w. add'. 

8». 1910 
Fastes episcopaux de I'anc. Gaule. t2, L'Aquitaine & les 
Lyonnaises. 2« ^d., rev. & corr. 8". 1910 

Hist. anc. de I'Eglise. 

tl-3. [tl, 46 ed. ; t2, 3^ ed.]. S°. 1908-10 

Duckworth (Wynirid Laurence Henry). Morphology & 

anthropology. Hdbk. for students. 8°. C. 1904 

Du DefEand (marq. Marie). Unpubl. corr. w. d'Alembert,. 

Montesquieu, etc. ; followed by letters of Voltaire to Mme. 

Du D. Tr. by Mrs. Meeke. 2v 8°. 1810 

"■Due canzoni a ballo dal " Liber solatij," 1907, see Golino (S. di). 

Du Faouet (Marion) [Tbomel (M.)], see LoEiDAN (J.) La 

grande misere & les voleurs au 18^ s. ; M. du F. & ses. 

" Assocife," 1740-70, 1910. 

Dufour (A.), see Pabis. Hist, du siege de Paris sous Henri IV 

en 1590, [publ.] par A. D., 1881. 




Dufoui (Valentin). L'abbe C. Chastelain et s. Diaire ou 
Journal, see Sooieti! db l'Hist. de Pams, etc. M6ms., 
t8, 1882. 

Dofourc^ (Albert). Etude sur les Gesta martyrum remains. 

t2-4. 8°. 1907-10 

2, Le mouvement l^gendaire l^rinien. 

3, Le mouvemetit l^gendaire gi'6gorien. 

4, Le ii6o-manich6isme et la l^gende chr6tienne. 

Dugmore (A. Radclyfie). Camera advs. in the African wilds. 

s4o. 1910 

Duguit (L6on). Traite de droit constitutionnel. tl, Th^orie 

generate de F^at. 8°. 1911 

Du Lude (Jaciiues de Daillon, cte.) *Tlie ax laid to the root of 

popery [n. ed. i.w. Whitby (D.) *Diso. cone, laws made agst. 

hereticks, 1744]. 8°. D. 1744 

Dumas (Alexandre), pere. The black tulip, [repr.]. sS". [1909] 

Le chevalier de Maison-Rouge. laS". 1898 

Twenty years after. [repr.]. s8°. [1909] 

„ „ „ 88". n.d. 

Dumas (Gr.) Elementare Herleitung d. Weierstrass'schen 

" Vorbereitungssatzes," see KoNiOL. Akad. d. Wiss. ztj 

MuNCHEU. Math.-phys. Classe, Sitzungsber., 1909, 1910. 

Du Mege (Alexandre L. C. A.), see La Mothe Houdanooitiit 

(le baron B. L. de), J. T. Lattbent-Goitsse, & A. L. C. A. Dtr 

M. *Biographie toulousaine, 1823. 

Dumoulin (Maurice). Les anoetres d' Alfred de Musset. 

38°. 1911 
Dunbar (William), the poet, see SiEiNBEBaEB (C.) Etude sur 

W. D., 1908. 
Duncan (Robert Kennedy). The chemistry of commerce. 

8°. N.Y. [1907] 
Dunin-Borkowski (Stanislaus v.), S.J. Der junge De Spinoza. 
Leben u. Werdegang im Lichte d. Weltphilos. 

laS". Munster i. W. 1910 
Duniway (Clyde Augustus). The development of freedom of 
the press in Massachusetts. [Harvard hist, studies, 12]. 

8». N.Y. 1906 
Dunn-Pattison (Reginald Philipson). The Black Prince. 

80. [1910] 
Dunstan (James), vestry derh of Bromley St. Leonard. Hist, 
of the parish of Bromley St. Leonard, Middlesex, w. hist, 
illusts. s8o. 1862 

Diintzer (Heiurich). Wiirdigung d. goetheschen Faust, s. neu. 
Kritiker u. Erklarer. [P374]. 8". L. 1861 

Duplain fceres, booksellers. Cat. d'un cabinet de livres choisis. 
Ib.w. Hoym { Count C. H. v.) Cat. libr. bibl. C H\ de H., 
1738]. 8". Lyon. 1748 

Dupleix (Joseph Francois), see Biddtoph (J.) D., 1910. 
Duplessis (Georges). 
see BfiGON (M.) Un curieux du 17« ». : M. B. Corr. et 
docs., pubL etc. G. D., 1874. 

Duplessis (Georges) [continued]. 

see Pabis. Coll. de dessins sur Paris ; publ. G. T>., 1891. 
Duplomb (Charles). Notice sur I'hotel du Min. de la Marine, 

see SociiiTB db l'Hist. de Paris, etc. M6ms., t5, 1879. 
Dupont (Paul). Hist, de I'imprimerie. 2t. 38°. 1854 

Dupuy (Ernest). Alfred de Vigny, s. amities, s. rfile litt. [t]l, 

Les amities. sS". 1910 

Du Puy (Henri), see Puteantjs (E.) 

Duc[uesnel (F61ix). A la flamme de Paris. Roman. sB". 1910 
Durand-Gr6ville (E.) Hubert et Jean van Eyck. 

40. Brux. 1910 
Duras (Claire L. R., duchesse de) [Claike de Kbbsaint, 

duchesse de D.], see Bbabnb {Mrs. C.) Four fascinating 

Frenchwomen : C. de Kersaint, dsse. de D., etc., 1910. 
Duret (Theodore). Manet & the French impressionists : 

Pissarro — C. Monet — Sisley — Renoir — B. Morisot— Cezanne 

— Guillaumin. Tr. J. E. C. Flitch. 84°. 1910 

D'Urfey (Thomas). Wit & mirth . or pUls to purge melan- 
choly ; coll. of ballads & songs. [Coll. by D'U.]. 

6v. 88°. 1719-20 [1 repr. 18—] 
Durham. Memorials of old D., 1910, see Lbiohtoit (H. R.) ed. 
Durham (Miss Mary Edith). High Albania. 8°. 1909 

Durkheim (Emile). L'ann^e sociologique. Publ. sous la dir. 

de E. D. tU (1906-9) ; [in prog.]. 8°. 1910 

Durning-Lawrence (Sir Edwin), Bt. Bacon is Shake-speare. 

With a reprint of Bacon's Promus of formularies & elegancies, 

coEated w. orig. MS. by F. B. Bickley. 8". 1910 

Durrieu (ete. Paul). Un dessin du Musde du Louvre attribu^ 

k A. Beauneveu, see Aoad. dbs Insob. etc. : Fond. Piot. 

Mons. etc., tl, 1894. 
Dussaud (Rene). Les civilisations prehelleniques dans le 

bassin de la mer Eg6e : Etudes de protohist. Orientale. 

Ia8<>. 1910 
Dutbie (David Wallace), see Sheepshanks (J.), bp. A bishop 

in the rough, ed. D. W. D., 2nd impr., 1909. 
Duveyrier (Henri). Exploration du Sahara [tl], Les Touareg 

du Nord ; [Smp})!. w. sep. pagin. No more publ.]. 8°. 1864 
Du Vfenois (Elisee). Notre hist, racont^e a I'avance par 

Nostradamus. Interpretation de la lettre k Henri II, des 

Centuries et des Presages pour les faits accomplis dep. 1555 

jusqu'i nos jours. 8°. 1910 

Dyck (Walther v.) tfber d. singul. SteUen e. Systems v. 

DifEerentialgleichungen erster Ordnung, see Koniol. Akad. 

D. Wiss. ztr Mdnchen. Math.-phys. Classe, Sitzungsber. 

1909, 1910. 
Dyson (C. C.) The Ufe of Marie Am61ie, last queen of the 

French, 1782-1866. 8". 1910 

Mme. de Maintenon, h. life & times, 1635-1719. 8°. 1910 

Dyunkln (N. I.) & A. I. Novikov H. M. KapaHSHBi. Biorpa*la 

&o. no4i> pe^aKqiea B. PafioBa. 8°. C.-n. n.d. 

E. (0). 




E. (0.), see, Eton College. E. under Hornby, by 0. E., 1910. 

Early English Text Society. [PubUcationa}. Original series, 

97, 137, 139, 140 ; Orig. ser., Extra issue, 139 b, c, d, e, f ; 

Extra ser., 97, 103, 106. [in prog.]. 8". 1906-10 

see Akdebne (J.) Treatises of fistula in ano, hssmorrhoids, 

& clysters ; f. 15th-cent. tr. ; ed., w. intr., etc., by D'Arcy 

Power, 1910. [139.] 

„ Capgeave(J.) J. C.'s Lives of St. Augustine & St. Gilbert 

of Sempringbam, & a sermon ; ed. J. J. Munro, 19lb. 


„ Homilies. Twelfth cent. h. in MS. Bodley 343 ; ed. 

A. 0. Belfour, pi, 1909. [137.] 

„ Langland (W.) The Piers Plowman controversy, 1910. 

[Orig. s., Extra issue, 139 b, c, d, e.] 

„ Lydqate (J.) L.'s Troy book, ,1412-20 ; ed., w. intr., 

notes, etc., by H. Bergen, 1906-10. [E. S., 97, 103, 106.] 

East London College (Univ. of London). Calendar. Session 

1910-11. s8». 1910 

Eberhaid (Johann August). Synonym. Hdwbch. d. deut. 

Sprache. 17" A., durchgangig umgearb., v. 0. Lyon. 

80. L. 1910 

Eberhardus, of Batisbon, see Hbkmannus, ahhas Altahensis. 

Die Werke d. Abtes H., nebst d. Fortsetzungen s. Jahrbucher 

\hy E. etc.] ; fibers, v. L. Weiland, 2^ A., 1898. 

Ebersolt (Jean). Eresques byzantines de N^r^ditsi d'ap. les 

aquarelles de M. Brajlovskij, see Aoad. des Inscb. etc. : 

Fond. Piot. Mon^. etc., tl3, 1906. 

Ebhardt (Hans). Die Rache d. Heimat. Roman. s8». [1909] 

Ecclesiasticus. The orig. Hebrew of a portion of E. (xxxix 15 

to xlix 11), w. the early versions & an Eng. tr. ; followed by 

the quotations f. Ben Sira in Rabbinical lit. Ed. A. E. 

Cowley & A. Neubauer. 4°. 0. 1897 

Facsimiles. i°. [0. 1897] 

Die Spriiche Jesus', d. Sohnes Sirachs. Hebra. Text, mit 

Anmerk. u. Wbch., hrsg. v. H. L. Strack. [Inst. Judaicum 

in BerHn, Schriften, 31. P1266]. 8". L. 1903 

see KoNiG (F. E.) Die Originalitat d. hebra. Siraohtextes, 


Mabgoliottth (D. S.) Essay on place of E. in Semitic lit., 


„ The origin of the " Original Hebrew " of E., 1899. 

Ecclesie, see MAONraiCBNCiA Eoclesie. 

Eccott (W. J.) The background. s8o. 1909 

His indolence of Arras. s8<>. E. 1905 

Eckhardt (Eduard). Die Dialekt- u. Auslandertypen d. alt. 

eng. Dramas, Tl, see Bang (W.) Materialien, B27, 1910. 
Eckhardus, more/to/ /Si!. OaXli'Kc-KB.KRTiVslY, junior, Ekkehart]. 
Casus Sancti GalU ; nebst Proben aus d. iibrigen lat. ge- 
sohrieb. Abthlgn. d. St. Galler Klosterchronik ; fibers, v. G. 
Meyer v. Kronau, see Gbschiohtscheeibeb (Die) d. deut. 
Vorzeit, 2= Gesammtausg. , B38, 1891. 
Eckhardus, abbot of XJrau [Ekkehard, v. Aura]. Chronik ; 
fibers. V. W. Pflfiger, see Geschichtschkeibee (Die) d. 
deut. Vorzeit, 2« Gesammtausg., B51, 1893. 
Eckhart (Meister). Buch d. gottl. Trostung u. Von d. edlen 
Menschen (Liber benedictus), hrsg. v. P. Strauoh, see 
Kleine Texte ffir theolog. etc. Vorlesungen etc., T55, 1910. 
Eeole Francaise d'Athtaes. Explor. arch^olog. de D61os faite 
par I'Ec. Fr. d'A. sous les auspices du Ministers de I'lnstr. 
Publ. cfe aux frais de M. le Due de Loubat. Publ. sous la 
dir. de T. HomoUe & M. HoUeaux. 

[faso. 1]. Introd. fol. 1909 
Bellot (A.) Carte de I'lle avec comm. explic, 1909. [1.] 

Ecole Spfeciale des Langues Orientales Vivantes, [Paris]. 

[Pubhoations]. s2, v9. laS". 1883 

see MELANGES orientaux ; textes & tr., 1883. [2 ix.] 

Ecole Sup6rieure de Commerce du Havre, see Havre. Le H. 

et le ddpt. de la Seine-Inferieure : Conferences faites en 

1909, 1910. ^ ,-r , -r 

Ecoles Prang. d'Athenes et de Rome, see Celieb (L.) Les 
dataires du 15" s. et lea orig. de la daterie apostohque, 1910. 

Economist. *Cat. of books, property of a polit. c, 1862, see 

MaoCullooh (J. R.) 
Edda, see V6L8trNOA Saga; w. certain songs f. the elder E., 

tr., 1888. 

Edelsheim-Gyulai {count Leopold), see Bosnyak (Z. de) & ct. 

L. E.-G. Le droit de I'enfant abandonn6 et le syst^me 

hongrois de protection de I'enfance, 1909. 

Edgar (prof John), M.A. (Qlasg.) & M. Edgar. The Qt. 

Pyramid passages & chambers ; corrobor. the phil. etc. of 

the Divine plan of the ages. vl. laS". 1910 

Edgar (Morton), see Edgar (J.) & M. E. The Gt. Pyramid 

passages & chambers, etc., vl, 1910. 
Edictus ceterasque Langobardorum leges, cur. F. Bluhme, 

1869, see Langobardi. 
Edinburgh. Registrum cartarum Ecclesie S. Egidii de E., 
1344^1567, 1859 ; [ed. D. Laing], see Saint Giles, Edin- 
Edinburgh Literary Almanack, see Janus ; or. The Edinburgh 

Lit. Almanack, 1826. 
Edkins (J. Sydney), see Beddard (A. P.), J. S. E., etc. Practi- 
cal physiology ; ed. M. S. Pembrey, 3rd ed., 1910. 
Edmond (John Philip), see Dickson (R.) & J. P. E. Annals 

of Scot, printing, 2p, 1890. 
Edward, the Black Prince, 
see Chandos, the herald. Life of the B. P. ; ed., [w. tr.], 

notes by M. K. Pope & E. C. Lodge, 1910. 
„ Dunn-Pattison (R. P.) The Black Prince, 1910. 
Edward H, k. of Eng., see Selden Soc. Year Books of E. II, 

v5, 1313-4, vl, 1910. 
Edward HI, k. of Eng. 
see *Reign (The) of King E. Ill [a play. a. 1589], 1910. 
„ RirviONY & Raineval (M. A. H. D. H. de La C. de M. 
DE R., 9' marq. de). The Plantagenet Roll of the 
blood royal ; table of the descendants now living of 
E. Ill, Anne of Exeter vol., cfe Clarence vol., 1905-7. 
Edward IV, k. of Eng., see Stratfobd (L.) E. IV, 1910. 
Edward VII, k. of Eng. King E. VII. Biog. & personal 
sketches, w, anecdotes. By Sir E. Dicey, W. T. Stead, 
Mrs. O'Farrell, C. Lowe, & others. s8o. 1910 

see FiLON (A.) L'Angleterre d'E. VII, 1911. 
„ GoTTGH {Lt. T. B.) Boyish reminisc. of H. M. the King's 
visit to Canada in 1860, 1910. 
Edward [Farnese], duke of Parma <& Piacenza ; 1612-46 
[Odoardo], see MiNUOOi del Rosso (P.) Le nozze di 
Margherita de' Medici con Odoardo Farnese, 1885. 
Edwards (Arthur W.), rector of Tamlaght-Finlagan. An 
appeal to candour & justice : letter to the Rev. G. Scott, 
in ref. to h. " Nepotism etc." 

[P1238]. 8°. Londonderry. 1864 
Eeden (Frederik van). De Nachtbruid. De Gedenkschr. van 
V. Muralto. 84°. 1909 

Eeles (F. C.) Tradit. ceremonial & customs connected w. the 
Scottish liturgy. [Alcuin Club collections, 17]. ^8°. 1910 
Egan (P. M.) The illuat. guide to the city & county of Kil- 
kenny. S80. Kilkenny. [1884] 
Egerton, The family of, see Milton (J.) M.'s Comus ; w. 
notes & a family memoir [the E. family in the 17th cent] by 
the Lady AUx Egerton, 1910. 
Egerton (Hakluyt) ps. Eng. & Rome. A study in Catholic 
assent. s8°. Leighton Buzzard. 1910 
Egger (Joseph Georg). Foraminiferen d. Seewener Kreide- 
schichten, see Konigl. Akad. d. Wiss. zu MiJNOHEN. 
Math.-phys. Classe. Sitzungsber., 1909, 1910. 
Eggleston (George Cary). The hist, of the Confederate war, 
its causes & its conduct. 2v. 8°. 1910 
Egil, Saint [Eiqil]. 
see Candidfs, of Ftdda. Leben d. Abtes E. etc. ; fibers, v. 

G. Grandaur, 1890. 
„ WiLLiBALDTjs, presbyter. Leben d. h. Bonifazius v. W., 
d. Abtes Sturmi v. E., etc. ; fibers, v. W. Arndt, 2" A., 





Eginhaid. E.'s Jahrbucher — Aus d. Paulus .Diakonus Gesch. 
d. Bischofe v. Metz — Die letzten Forteetzungen d. Predegar ; 
iibers. v. 0. Abel, 2^ A., bearbt. v. W. Wattenbacli, see 
Geschiohtschbbibbe (Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2^ Gesammt- 
ausg., B17, 1888. 
Kaiser Karls Leben ; fibers, v. 0. Abel, 3" A., bearbt. v. W. 
Wattenbach, see Geschichtschebibeb (Die) d. deut. 
Vorzeit, 2« Gesammtausg., B16, 1893. 
Les oeuvres d'E. Tr. A. Teulet. 88°. 1856 

Egypt. The emancipation of E. By A. Z. Tr. 8". 1905 

Govt. Pttbls. 
see Hbbz (M.) Descr. cat. of objects exhib. in Nat. Museum 
of Arab art ; tr., 2nd ed., 1907. 
Egypt Exploration Fund. [Publications']. 1910. 

see Naville (E.) The Xlth dynasty temple at Deir el- 

Bahari, p2, 1910. 
., OXYEHYNOHUS Papyri, ed., w. intr. & notes, by B. P. 
GrenfeU & A. S. Hunt, p7, 1910. 
Egypte, see Institut Eeanq. D'AROHEOEoaiE Oeibntale. 

Annales du service des antiq'. de I'E., in prog., 1907, <fcc. 
Egyptian Research Account, see Peteie (W. M. F.) The 

palace of Apries (Memphis II), 1909. 
Ehrhard (Auguste). Une vie de danseuse : Fanny Elssler. 

sS". 1909 

Ehrmann (Philipp). De juris sacri interpretibus Atticis. 

[Religionsgeschichtl. Versuche, etc., hrsg. v. A. Dieterich u. 

R. Wunsoh, 4 iii]. 8°. Giessen. 1908 

Ehrt (Carl). Versuch e. Darstellung d. hebra. Poesie nach 

Beschaffehheit i. Stoffe. [Programm d. Gymnasiums z. 

heiKgen Kxeuz in Dresden. P1262]. 8°. Dresden. 1865 

Eichler (Albert). J. H. Frere, s. Leben u. s. Werke, s. Einfluss 

auf Lord Byron. [Wiener Beitr. z. engl. Philologie, 20]. 

8°. Wien. 1905 
Eigil, Saint, see Egel, St. 

Eisler (Robert). Weltenmantel u. Himmelszelt. Religions- 
geschichtl. Dntersuch. z. XJrgesch. d. ant. Weltbildes. 

2B, [pagin. cont.]. Ia8°. Munchen. 1910 
Ekai Kawaguchi, see Kawagttchi (E.) 
Ekkehard, v. Aura, see Eokhaedus, abbot of Urau. 
Ekkehart, monk of St. Gall, see EcKHAEDtrs. 
Ella (Fe. Aug.) Consid. sur l'6tat aotuel de la France au 
mois de juin 1815 ; par un Anglais [i.e. F. A. E.], [1815], 
see Newcastle (M. C, duchess of). Letters to h. husband ; 
etc., w. a repr. of " Consid. etc.," 1909. 
Elias, bar SMnayd, metropolitan of Nisibis ; fi. 10c. [Elib 
Bab-Sinaya]. Chronographie. Tr. d'apres le ms. add. 
7197 du Musee Brit, par L. J. Delaporte. 

[H. E., 181]. 8". 1910 
Eliot {Sir Charles Norton Edgecumbe), see Aldbe (J.) & A. 

Hancock. Brit, nudibranchiate Mollusoa, p8, 1910. 
Elizabeth, q. of Bohemia, see Hay (M.) Winter queen : hist. 

of E., q. of B. ; a romance, 1910. 
Elizabeth, g'. of Eng., see Mbybe (A. 0.) Eng. u. d. kathol. 

Kirche unter E. etc., Bl, 1910. 
Elizabeth, princess, daughter of Andrew III, king of Hungary, 
see Staoel (E.) Das Leben d. Schwestern zu Toss; samt 
d. Leben d. Prinzessin E. ; hrsg. v. F. Vetter, 1906. 
Elizabeth Charlotte, Markgrdfin v. Brandenburg, 1617-76, see 

Louisa Chaelottb. 
El-Jazari, see Diya'-edddst Naseullah ibn El-Athib El- 

Ellinger (Georg). E. T. A. Hoffmann, s. Leben u. s. Werke. 

80. Hamburg. 1894 
Elliot (Daniel Griraud). 
For the following see Field Colttmbian MtrsBiTM : Zoolog. 


The caribou of the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, 1901. [3.] 

Cat. of mammals coll. by B. Heller in S. California, 1904. [3,] 

Cat. of mammals f. the Olympic Mountains, w. descr^. of new species, 

1899. [I.] 

A cat. of the coll. of mammals in the Field Columbian Museum, 1907. [8.] 
Check list of mammals of the TS. Amer. continent, the W. Indies & the 

neighboring seas, 1905. [6. ] 

Descr*. of new species etc. of mammals & a new generic name proposed, 

1904. [3.] 

Descr". of new species etc. of mammals f. California, Oregon, etc., 1903. [3.] 
Descr. of new species etc. of mammals f. Oklahoma Territory, 1899. [1,] 
Descr. of new species etc,, of mammals f, the Indian Territory, 1899. [1.] 
Descr'. of new species of genera Heteromys & XJrsus f. Washington & 

Mexico, 1903. [3.] 

Descr. of new species of mountain goat, 1900. [3, ] 

Descr. of new subspecies of marten f. the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, 1903, 

Descr". of 27 new species etc. of mammals, coll. by E. Heller, 1903. [3.] 

Elliot (Daniel Giraud) [continued]. 

Field (^ohjmbian Museum : Zoolog. sbb. [cont.]. 

The land & sea mammals of Middle America & the W. Indies, 2p, 1904. [4.] 

A list of a coll. of Mexican mammals, 1903. (3.] 

List of mammals coll. by E. Heller in the San Pedro Martir & Hanson 

Laguna Mountains etc. , 1903. .„.'■' 

List of mammals f. Somali-land obtained by the Museum's B. African 

Exped.,1897. ^ . „„„,.. .'^ 

List of mammals obtained by E. Heller f. coast region of N. California & 

Oregon, 1903. 


List of mammal's obtained by T. Surber, chiefly in Oklahoma & Indian 

Territories, 1899. ^ . , . „ J ■' 

List of mammals obtained by T. Surber, in New Brunswick & Quebec 

1901 ^ -^ 

List of mammals obtained by T. Surber, in N. & S. Carolina, Georgia & 

Florida, 1901. . ^ „r . ,, » ' ' 

Lists of mammals, princ. rodents, obtained in Iowa, Wyoming, Montana, 

etc.. w. descr». of new species, 1898. , ,. . „ '?"^ 

List of the land & sea mammals of N. America, suppl. to the Synopsis, 

1901. f^'l 

On sundry collections of mammals, 1896. [1.1 

. Prelim descr". of new rodents t. the Olympic Mountains, 1899. [1.] 

Remarks upon 2 species of deer of genus Cervus 1 Philippine Archipelago, 

1897 ^^■' 

Synopsis of the mammals of K. America & adjacent seas, 1901. [2. ] 

Elliot (G. F. Scott), see Olivbb (S. P.) Life of P. Commerson ; 

ed. [cfc partly] by G. F. S. E., 1909. 

Elliott (Edward), Prof. of. Politics in Princeton Univ. Bio- 

graph. story of the Constitution : study of the growth of 

the Amer. Union. 8°. N.Y. 1910 

Ellis (Mrs. Edith M. 0.) Three mod. seers : [J. Hmton— 

Nietzsche— Edward Carpenter], s8". [1910] 

Ellis (H. Havelock). Studies in the psychology of sex. 

v6. 8". Philadelphia. 1910 
Ellis (S. M.) Wm. H. Ainsworth & h. friends. 2v. 8°. 1911 
Ellwood (Thomas). History of T. E. wr. by himself. With 
intr. by H, Morley. s8». 1885 

Eloi, St., see Febdbgabius, Scholasticus. Die Chronik F,, d, 
Lebensbeschreibungen E., \by Ouen, St., abp. of Rouen], 
etc. ; tibers. v. 0. Abel, 3e A., 1888. 
Eloquence. *Nouvelle alMgorique, ou hist, des derniers 
troubles arrivez au royaume d'6., 2e 6d., 1659, see FuEB- 
tiebb (A.) 
Eisner (Jacob) [Elssnee], Neueste Beschreibung derer griech. 
Christen in d. Turckey, ausglaubwfirdiger Erzeblung Herrn A. 
Dorostamus : aufgesetzt, erlautert etc. v. J. E. s8<>. 1737 
,, ,, Fortsetzung d. Neuesten Beschrei- 
bung, Zusatze u. Erlauterungen. Nebst e. Anhange v. d. 
Vortreflichkeit d. gelobten Landes. [b.w.h. Neueste Be- 
schreibung, 1737]. s8o. 1747 
Elson (Louis Charles). Shakespeare in music. Collation of 
musical allusions in Plays of S., w. explanation, derivation 
etc. [6th imp.]. 8°. Boston. [1908] 
Elssler (Fanny), see Ehbhaed (A.) Une vie de danseuse : 

F. E., 1909. 
Elton (Oliver). Milton & party. [Eng. Assoc, Leaflet, 9], 

[P1290], 80. 1909 
Emancipation. The e, of Egypt, by A, Z. ; tr,, 1905, see 

Emanuel (Montague Rousseau). The principles of arbitra- 
tion : manual of law. s8">, 1910 
Emelrich, king of the Ostrogoths, see Hbemanbic, 
Emiliane (Gabriel d'). *The frauds of Romish monks & 
priests, 3rd ed. S8". 1691 
Emmet (Robert), see Siee (H.) S. Curran's & R. E.'s letters, 

Emoud (G.) Hist, du College de Louis-le-Grand, anc. coU, 
des J^suites k Paris, jusqu'en 1830, 8°, 1845 

Encyclopeedia. E. Britannica. 

vl-28. 11th ed. 4°. C. 1910-11 

E. of relig. & ethics. Ed. J. Hastings, w. assistance of J, A, 

Selbie, v3, Burial-Confessions, [In prog.] i°. E, 1910 

E, of sport & games. Ed. by the Earl of Suffolk & Berkshire. 

vl— 2, A-Hound breeding. 

[In prog^. n. & enl. ed., w. iUusts, la8°, 1911 
The new internat. a., 1910, see New. 
Endelechius (Severus Sanctus) [Sevbeus Sanctus, Rhetor], 

see Lbmaibe (N. E.) Poetse Lat. minores, vl, 1824. 
Enderlein (Erich). Zur Bedeutungsentwicklung d. bestimm- 
ten Artikels im Franzos. mit besond, Berucksichtigung 
MoHeres, see Romanische Forschungen, B26, 1909, 
Endres (Joseph Anton). Petrus Damiani u, d, weltl. Wissen- 
schaft. [Beitr. z. Gesch. d. Phil. d. Mittelalters, 8 iii]. 

8°. Munchen. 1910 
Engel (Moritz). Die Losung d. Paradiesfrage, 8". L, 1885 




10 Edw. VII & 1 Geo. V [1910]. 8". [1910] 
v4-16. 2nd rev. ed. laS". 1891-1900 

5, 1830-36. 6, 1837-42. 7, 1843-46. 

9, 1852-57. 10, 1858-62. 11, 1863-67. 
13, 1872-75. 14, 1876-80. 15, 1881-83. 

England. *E.'s Reformation, 2v, 1715, see Wabd (T.) 
♦Historie of Gt. Brit., f. Romans, untill raigne of Egbert, 
1606, see Clapham (J.) o e . 

♦Magistracy & govt, of E. vindic, 1689, see Shower (Sir B.) 
Ihe national expenditure of the United ICingdom ; pref. by 
P. W. Hirst, 1911, see Hirst (E. W.) ^ ' i* "^ 

The Russo-Jap. war; ofBoial hist, (naval & miUt.) ; prep 
by Hist. Section of Committee of Imperial Defence vl 
1904 ; & Maps, 1910, see Russo-Japanese War. 
Public Gen. Acts. 
The Statutes. 

4, 1814-30. 

8, 1847-52. 

12, 1868-71. 

16, 1884-86. 

Engleheart (George), see Williamson (G. C.) & H L D 

Englehbart. G. E., 1750-1829, 1902. 
Engleheart (Henry L. D.), see Williamson (G. 0.) & H. L. D. E. 

G. Engleheart, 1750-1829, 1902. 
English. The E. baronetage, 1741, see Wotton (T.) 

Lives of the E. martyrs, 2v, 1904-5, see Camm {Dom B.) 
El^lish (The) Association. Essays & studies by members of 
the E. A. Coll. by A. C. Bradley. go. 0. 1910 

Bradley (H.) Eng. place-names. 
Bridges (R.) On present state of Eng. pronunciation. 
Ker (W. P.) Browning. 
Neilson (G.) Blind Harry's Wallace. 
Saintsbury (G.) Shakespeare & the grand style. 
Sichel (E.) Some suggestions about bad poetry. 
Vaughan (C. E.) Carlyle & his German masters. 

Leaflets. nos. 4, 9-11, 13-17. 8°. [0.]. 1907-10 

seetBRADLEY (A. C.) Shelley's view of poetry, 1907. [4.] 

„ Elton (0.) Milton & party, 1909. [9.] 

„ PowLBR (J. H.) The teaching of Eng. composition, 1910. 


„tGkant (W.) What still remains to be done for Scot, 
dialects, 1909. [11.] 

„ GiLt, {Miss). Early stages in teaching of Eng., 1910. [14.] 

„ Hereord (C. H.) Bearing of Eng. studies upon Nat. 
life, 1910. [16.] 

„ Hope (A.) ps. Dialogue, 1909. [No no.] 

„ Ker (W. p.) Romance, 1909. [10.] 

„tLBE(S.) Impersonalaspectof Shakespeare's art, 1909. [13.] 

„ A Shakespeare reference lib., 1910. [15.] 

English Church Pageant, Fulham Palace, 1909. The book of 

the E. C. P. Comp. by H. P. AUen, H. N. Bate, P. Dearmer. 

E. E. Dorhng, W. H. St. J. Hope, C. R. Peers, & C. 0, 

Skilbeck ; & ed. C. R. Peers. 4°. [1909] 

English (The) Review, vl-3. (Dec. 1908-Nov. 1909). 8". 1908-9 
Enhardus, Fvldensis, see PiTLDA. Die Jahrbiicher v. P., [by 

E. etc.] ; ubers. v. C. Rehdantz, 2^ A., 1889. 
Ennius (Quintus), see Lemaire (N. E.) Poetae Lat. minores, 

vl, 1824. 
Enoch. Liber Henoch, ^Ethiopice, cum variis lectionibus. 

Cura A. Dillmann. . [^ pagin'.]. s4P. L. 1851 

see Dillmann (C. E. A.) tJber d. neugefund. griech. Text 
d. Henoch-Buches ; [w. text], 1892. 
Enqiuiry. *An e. into the conduct of our domestick affairs, 

1721-33, 3rd ed., 1734, see Bath (W. P., e. of). 
♦Enquiry into Reasons for abrogating the test etc., offered 

by Sa. Oxon, 1688, see Btjrnbt (G.), bp. 
Eormanric, i:ing of the Ostrogoths, see Hermanrio. 
Ephraim, Saint, Syrus. EvangeUi ooncordantis expositio. 

In Lat. tr. a J. B. Aucher, cujus versionem emend., adnot. 

must. & ed. G. Moesinger. 8". Venetiis. 1876 

Epicurus. ,„,„ 

see Hicks (R. D.) Stoic & Epicurean, 1910. 
„ JoYAU (E.) E., 1910. 
Epilykos, see Pottibr (E.) E. : c6ramique greoque, 1902-3. 
Epistole et EvangeHi et Lectioni volgari in Ungua toscana, 
1495 ; w. intr. by A. W. Pollard, 1910, see Bible : Com- 
plete Texts, bto. 
Erasmus (Desiderius). *Adagia qusecumque ad hanc diem 
exierunt, P. Manutii studio, etc. ab omnibus mendis vmdi- 
cata, etc. [Ed. A. Manuzio]. fol. Plorentise. 1575 

♦Bibliotheoa Erasmiana : bibUog. des oeuvres d'E. [Publ. 
de I'Univ. de Gand. Extr. de la Bibl. Belgica]. 

[p4r-7]. 8°. Gand. 1903-8 
[41 CoUoquia. [5], CoUoquia selecta; Traductions. [6], Tables des 
CoUoquia; Tables des CoUoquia selecta et des tr. 

[7], Morise 

Erasmus (Desiderius) [continued]. 

Opus epLstolarum. Denuo recog. et auct. per P. S. Allen. 

t2, 1514-17 8". 0. 1910 

see Meyer (A.) Etude crit. sur les reK d'E. & de Luther, 
Erbach Piirstenau (Adalbert, OraJ zu). Die Manfredbibel. 

[Kunstgeschichthohe Porschungen, 1]. 4". L. 1910 

Erdmann (Benno). Betrachtungen u. d. Deutung u. Wertung 

d. Lehro Spiuozas, see Robert (C.) C. B. -. Genethliakon, 

Erdmann (Nils). G. af Geijerstam, Tor Hedberg, E. Joseph- 
son, see SvBRiGB. S. nat.-li'tt., vl9, 1909. 
Erfurt, see also Sankt Peter, abbey of, Erfurt. 
Erhard (Johann Benjamin), see Varnhagen v. Ensb (C. A. 

L. P.) Biogr. Denkmale, T9, 10, Denkwurdigkeiten d. 

J. B. E. [Ed. by V. v. E.], 1874. 
Eric XIV, king of Sweden [Erik], see Ahlqvist (A. G.) 

Konung E. XIV: s sista lefnadsar (1568-1577), 1878. 
Erizzo (Sebastiano). Le sei giornate — [Del nascimento di 

Attila, re degli Ungheri]. [rev. repr. of G. D. Poggiali's ed. 

Race, de' novellieri ital., vll]. s8<>. Milano. 1814 

Erman (Creorg Adolph). Einige Untersuchungen iib. d. Salz- 

gehalt d. Meerwassers etc. [extr. f. Poggendorff's Annal. 

BlOl]. [P1239]. 8°. n.d. 

Ermanarich, king of the Ostrogoths, see Hermanrio. 
Ermrich, hing of the Ostrogoths, see Hermanrio. 
Ernest-Charles (J.) 
Le theatre des pontes, 1850-1910. 2^ 6d. sS". [1910] 

3e ed. sS". [1910] 

Errera (Paul). Das Staatsrecht d. Kouigreichs Belgien. 

[Offentl. Recht d. Gegenwart, B7]. 8". Tubingen. 1909 

Erskine (John), Ph.D. Leading American novelists. 

sS". N.Y. 1910 
Erskine (Mrs. Steuart). A royal cavalier ; the romance of 

Rupert, Prince Palatine. 8°. 1910 

Eschmunazar, hing of Sidon, see EsHMtrNAZAB. 
Esclangon (Am^d6e), see Bottbeilly (J.), A. E., & P. Pontan. 

Plourilege prouvenQau, 1909. 
Escott (Thomas Hay Sweet). The story of Brit, diplomacy. 

8". 1908 
Escovedo (Pedro de Estrada y), see Estrada y Escovedo 

(P. DE). 

Esher (Reginald Baliol Brett, Snd viscount). To-day & to- 
morrow, & 0. essays. 8°. 1910 
Eshmunazar, hin^ of Sidon [Asohmaneser ; Eschmttnazar ; 
Eschmun-bzer ; Esmxjnazar]. Die Grabsohrift d. Konigs 
E. ; ubers. u. erklart v. E. Meier. [Deutsche Morgenland. 
Gesellschaft, Abhdlgn., 4 iv. P1251]. 80. L. 1866 
see HiTziG (P.) Die Grabschrift d. E., 1855. 
„ MoAEiTB Stone. Die Inschrift auf d. Denkmal Mesa's ; 
mit e. Anhang betreffend d. Grabschrift d. sid. Konigs 
E. ; ubers. etc. v. S. J. Kampf, 1870. 
,, Roller (I.) Mem. sur I'lnscr. funeraire du sarcophage 

d'E. ; texte, tr., etc., 1875. 
„ Schlottmann (C.) Die Inschrift E., 1868. 
Esmuuazar, king of Sidon, see Eshmunazar. 
Espinas (Georges) & H. Pirenne. Recueil de doc=. rel k I'hist. 
de I'industrie drapiere en Plandre. Publ. par G. E. & H. P. 
[C. R. d'H. de Belg.] pi, t2 ; [in prog.]. 4°. Brux. 1909 

1, Des origines k I'^poque bourguignonne : t2, Deynze — Hulst. 
Espion. '''L'e. anglois, ou corr. secrete entre Milord All'eye 
et Milord AU'ear, n. 6d., lOt, 1784-5, .see Pidansat db 
Mairobbet (M. P.) 
EspitaUer (Albert). Napoleon & le roi Murat, 1808-15. 8°. 1910 
Espronceda (Jos6 de). Poesias. 8". 1840 

Esra, see Ezra. 
■"Essay (An) on conciliation in matters of religion, etc. ; by a 
Bengal civilian, 1849, see MuiR (J.) 
Essays. E. & studies by members of the English Assoc. ; 

coll. by A. C. Bradley, 1910, see English Assoc. 
Essays and Reviews. 
see JowBTT (B.) *Case whether J. in h. essay etc. has con- 
travened the doctrines of the Church of Eng., etc., 1862. 
„ Williams (R.) Persecution for the Word [on author'' s 
Bunsen's Biblical researches in E. & R.], 1862. 
Essex. Peet of fines for E. vl, 1182-1272. Ed. R. E. G. 
Kirk. [Essex Arch. Soc.]. 8". Colchester. 1899-1910 

Essex Archaeological Society, see Essex. Peet of fines for E., 
vl ; ed. R. E. G. Kirk, 1899-1910. 




Essig (Hermann). Die Weiber v. Weinsberg. Lustspiel. 

s8» 1909 
Estaing (Charles Henri, cte. d'), admiral [Estaing (Charles 
Hectok, cte. d')], see Calmon-Maison (J. J. R.) L'amiral 
d'E. (1729-94), 1910. 
Estana (B. de Villalba y), see Villalba y EstaSa (B. de). 
Este (Cesare d'), duhe of Modena & Reggio ; 1562-16S8 
[fC^SAE \d' Este\, duke of Modena], see FoBTtrsTA (S. Di F. 
d'A.) Le nozze di V. de' Medici con C. d'E., 1869. 
Este (Virginia d'), wife of Cesare d'Este, duke of Modena <fc 

Reggio, see Medici (V. de'). . 
Estienne, The family of. Nouveaux docs, sur les Estienne, 
imprimeurs parisiens, 1517-1665, [publ.] H. Stein, see 
SociETE DE l'Hist. DE Pams, ETC. M6ms., t22, 1895. 
Estienne (Henri), 15B8-98. *Disoours merveilleux de la vie, 
actions & deportemens de la reyne Catherine de Medicis. 
[b.w. Henry III, k. of France, Rec. de diverses pieces, 1663]. 
s8°. suivant la copi'e impr. a la Haie. 1663 
see Hbkodottjs. H'. Hist. Hb. ix, etc. ; Apologia H. S'. 
pro Herodoto, 1566. 
*Estoria del Rrey Guillelme, siglo 14, 1878, see William I, 

k. of Eng. 

Estournelles de Constant (Baron Paul H. B. d'). France & 

Angleterre. Doc^. fournis par M. d'E. de C. s8°. 1904 

Estrada y Escovdo (Pedro de), see Mexico. Autos de fe de la 

Inquisicion de M., etc., [Relac. aumaria del auto partio. de 

fee, 1646 ; P. de E. y E., 1646], 1910. 

Etll6 (Hermann), Rudagi's Vorlaufer u. Zeitgenossen, see 

Fleischer (H. L.) Morgenland. Forschungen, 1875. 
Ethelwold, St., bp. of Winchester [.^thblwold]. The Bene- 
dictional of St. M,., bp. of W. 963-84. Reprod. in faca. f. 
MS. in lib. of Duke of Devonshire, & ed. w. text & intr. by 
G. F. Warner & H. A. Wilson. [Roxburghe Club]. 

fol. 0. 1910 
Eton College. The E. Register. p6, 1889-99. [Old Etonian 
Assoc.]. s4'>. p.p. Eton. 1910 

Eton under Hornby : reminiscences & reflections, by 0. E. 

88°. 1910 

Ettmayer (Carl v.), see MEYER-LtiBKE (W.) Prinzipienfragen 

d. roman. Sprachwiss., Tl, Benotigen wir e. wiss. deskriptive 

Gramm. ? ; v. K. v. E., 1910. 

Eucken (Rudolf). Christianity & the new idealism. A study 

in the reUg. phil. of to-day. Tr. L. J. Gibson & W. R. B. 

Gibson. sS". 1909 

Eudel (Paul). Cat. de la bibl. de P. E. [Vente du 12-16 mai, 

1898. Plates]. 2p. 8°. 1898 

Eudocia, consort of Peter I, called the Gt., emp. of Russia. 

*Hist. d'E. Feodorovua. s8''. L. 1861 

Eugenie, empress consort of Napoleon III, see Legge (E.) 

Emp. B., 1870-1910, 2nd imp., 1910. 
Eugyppius, abhas. Leben d. heil. Severin ; libers, v. K. 
Rodenberg, see Geschichtschreiber (Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 
2'= Gesammtausg., B4, 1884. 
Euler (Leonhard), see Heath (Sir T. L.) Diophantus of 
Alexandria : [Arithmetica ; tr., etc.], 2nd ed., w. suppl. 
cont. solutions of D. problems, by E., 1910. 
Euling (Call), see Mittelhochdbutsche. Kleinere m. 
Erzahlungen, etc., B2, Die WoKenbiittler Hs. 2, hrsg. v. 
E., 1908. 
Euripides. Iphigenia in Tauris. Tr. into Eng. verse w. expl. 
notes by G. Murray. s8°. 1910 

New fragments of the Antiope of E. [ Ed. by J. P. Mahafy. 
no tp. P1298]. 8». n.p. n.d. 

see Salter (W. H.) Essays on two moderns : E., S. Butler, 

„ Verrall (A. W.) The Bacchants of E. & o. essays, 1910. 
„ Wecklein (N.) tjber d. Hypsipyle d. E., 1909. 
Europe. '"Tables genealog. des maisons souveraines de I'E., 

see KooH (C. G. de). 
Eusebius, Pamphili, bp. of Ccesarea in Palestine, see Batter 
(A.) Beitrage zu E. und d. byzantin. Chronographen, 
Eustace, St. ds Martyr [Eustaoio]. *De vn cauallero Placidas 
que fue despues cristiano e ouo nonbre E., [siglo 14?], see 
Knttst (H.) Dos obras didaoticas etc. ; [ed. H. K.I, 1878. 
Eustaoio, St. <fc Martyr, see Eustace, St. etc. 

Evans (Charles). American bibUog. A chron. diet, of books, 

pamphlets & period. pubUcs. pr. in U.S.A., 1639-1820 ; 

w. bibliog. & biog. notes. v6, 1779-85. 4°. p.p. Chicago. 1910 

Evans (John Thomas). Church plate of Radnorshire, w. 

chantry certificates (1548), etc. App. on primitive saints of 

R. by A. W. Wade-Evans. 4". Stow-on-the-Wold. 1910 

Everett (Mrs. H. D.) [ps. Theo Douglas], see Douglas (T.) 

"Everyman" w. o. interludes, incl. 8 miracle plays. [Intr. 

by E. Rhys. repr.]. s8°. [1910] 

Evreux (Yves d'), see Yves, d'Evreux. 

Ewald (Carl) [ps. Singleton (J.)]. Tanker og oplevelser 

efter Systemskiftet. sS". 1903 

Ewald (Ferdinand Christian), see Talmud. Abodah Sarah, 

Oder der Gotzendienst ; Mischna u. Gemara, mit e. Einltg. 

u. Anm. hrsg. v. F. C. E. 2^ A., 1868. 

Ewald (G. Heinrich A. v.) Abhdlg. ii. Entstehung, Inhalt u. 

Werth d. SibyUischen Biicher. Aus d, 8. B. d. Abhdlgn. 

d. Konigl. Gesellschaft d. Wiss. zu Gottingen. [b.w. 

Chwolson (D. A.) Uber d. tJberreste d. altbabylon. Lit., 

1859]. s4o. Gottingen, 1858 

Syntax of the Hebrew lang. of the Old Test. Tr. by J. 

Kennedy. 8". E. 1879 

see Dblitzsch (F.) Jesurun, etc., [Isagoge in gramm. & 

lexicographiam linguae Hebraicse, contra Gesenium et 

E.], 1838. 

Ewing (James Alfred). The steam-engine & o. heat-engines. 

3rd ed., rev. & enl. 8°. C. 1910 
*Exact. ""An e. chronolog. hist, of the lives etc. of the popish 

abps. of Canterbury, 1732, see Canterbury. 
■"An e. list of names of Brit, officers of foot, kill'd & wounded 
in the Battle of Longueville, 1709, see Malplaquet, Battle 
Exempla virtutum et vitiorum, 1555, see Hbroldt (J.) ed. 

Alaska- Yukon-Pacific, see Seattle, below. 
Jamestown Expos., 1907. 
New York at the J. Expos., Norfolk, Virginia, 1907. 
Prep, by C. Reynolds. la8o. Albany, N. Y. 1909 

Japan-British, 1910. 
An iUust. cat. of Japanese modern fine arts displayed at 
J.-B. Exhibition. la8o. Tokyo. 1910 

Hlust. cat. of Jap. old fine arts displayed at the J.-B. Exhib. 

Ia8°. Tokyo. 1910 
Norfolk, Va. 

see Jamestown Expos., 1907, above. 
Paris, 1900. 
see CoYECQUE (E.) Paris a I'Expos. univ. de 1900, etc., 1901. 
„ ScHiLBERSZKY (C.) Monogr. de la horticulture en 
Hongrie ; red. pour I'Expos. univ. de 1900 a P., 1900. 
Seattle, [1909]. 
Report of the Legislative Committee f. the State of New 
York to the Alaska- Yukon-Pacific Exposition 1909. 

Ia8°. Albany. 1910 

Ejdmeno. (Antonio). Don Lazarillo Vizcardi. Sus investiga- 

ciones milsioas, recogidas etc. por A. E. [A fictitious work, 

by A. E. Ed. P. Asenjo Barbieri]. Dalas a luz la Soc. de 

Bibliofilos Espanoles. 2t. 8°. 1872-3 

Extreme-Orient (L'). Textes d'auteurs grecs et latins rel. h 

rE.-0., 4e s. av. J.-C. jusqu'au 14e s. ; rec. et tr. G. Coedes, 

1910, see CoEDiis (G.) 

Eyck (Hubert van), see Duband-Greville (E.) H. et J van 

E., 1910. 
Eyck (Jan van), see Durand-Gr^ville (E.) H. et J van E 

Eyre (Sir Vincent). A fortnight's tour among French ambu- 
lances. With app. by H. M. Merridew. [P1257]. 8°. 1870 
Eyschen (P.) Das Staatsrecht d. Grossherzogtums Luxem- 
burg. [Offentl. Recht d. Gegenwart, BU]. 

^. „ . 8°- Tubingen. 1910 

Ezra. Die Esra-Apokalypse (IV. Esra). Tl, Die tJberhefer- 

ung. Hrsg. v. B. Violet. [Die griech. christl. Schrift- 

steller d. 1™ 3 Jhdte.]. g". L. 1910 

The missing fragment of the Latin trans, of the 4th book of 

E. Ed. w. introd. etc., by R. L. Bensly. 40. c. 1875 

see Kaeisch (R.) Das 4e Buch E. auf s. Quellen untersueht. 





Faber (Joannes), bp. of Vienna [tFASRi (J.)]. La relig. des 
Mosoovites en 1525. Tr. [db Une ambassade russe k la 
cour de Louis XIV (Journal du Sieur de Catheux) ; ed. 
Pr. A. Galitzin, w. h.-t. & sep. pagin.]. s8°. 1860 

Fabi6 (Antonio Maria), see Lopez de Villalobos (F.) Algunas 
obras ; [ed., w. life & comm., by A. M. F.], 1886. 

Fabre (Ferdinand). L'Abb6 Tigrane. sS". 1905 

Fabri (Joannes), bp. of Vienna, see Fabeb (J.) 

Fabriczy (Cornel v.) 
For the following see Jahrbuch d. Konigl.-Pbbttss. Kunst- 


Die Bildhauerfamilie Ferrucci aus Fiesole, 1908. [29.] 
Brunelleschiana ; Urkunden u. Forschungen, 1907. [28 1 
Giuliano da Majano, 1903. [24 ] 
Gluliano da Sangallo, 1902. [23.] 
Krit. Veraelchnis toskan. Holz- u. Tonstatuen bis zum Beginn d. Cinque- 
cento, 1909. [30.] 
Michelozzo di Bartolomeo, 1904. [26.] 
Nanni di Miniato, detto Fora, 1906. [27 ] 
Niocolb dall' Area, 1908. [29.] 
Pagno di Lapo Portigiani, 1903. [24!] 
Simone del Pollaiuolo, II Cronaca, 1906. [27!] 
Vincenzo da Cortona, 1904. [25.] 

Facts. *F. & opinions tending to shew Scriptural lawfulness 

of marriage w. deceased wife's sister, 1864, see Deceased. 
Fage (Ren6). Vers les steppes et les oasis, Alg^rie-Tunisie. 
Pref. de J. Claretie. sS". 1906 

Fagel (Gaspac), Grand Pensionary of Holland. Letter to J. 
Stewart giving acct. of the Prince & Princess of Orange's 
thoughts cone, repeal of test & penal laws. 

\no tp. P1286]. s4". [Amsterdam. 1688] 
For another ed. see Somers, Tracts, t9. 
Fagiuoli (Giovanni Battista). Bime piacevoH. 

15v in 5. sS". CoUe. 1827 
see Palagi (G.) La» viUa di Lappeggi e il poeta G. B. F., 
Fagniez (Gustave). Fragm. d'un repertoire de jurisprudence 
paris. au IS^ s. ; publ. G. F., see Societe de l'Hist. de 
Paris, etc. Mems., tl7, 1891. 
Kecher. sur la commune de Vemars-en-Franee, see SocifiT:6 
DE l'Hist. de Paris, etc. Mems., t2, 1876. 
Faguet (Elmile). La demission de la morale. s8°. 1910 

Les dix oommandements. 

ftl, 2, 4; tl, 3e 6d.; t2, 4, 9^ ed.] s8». n.d. 
[1], De ramour de soi [2], Del 'amour. [4], De I'amiti^. 
Le feminisme. . s8°. 1910 

Mme. de Sevigne. [Les femmes illustres]. sS". [1910] 

Propos de theatre. s3, 5. sS". 1906-10 

Reponse de M. B. F. au Discours de R. Doumic. [On 
G. Boissier. Seance de I'Acad. Frang. du 7 avril 1910]. 

[P1279]. S80. [1910] 

Faliz (Ludwig). De poetarum Romanorum doctrina magica 

qusestiones. [ReHgionsgeschichtl. Versuche, etc. hrsg. v. 

A. Dieterioh u. R. Wiinsch, B2 iii]. 80. Giessen. 1904 

Faidit (Hugues). 

see OviDio (F. d'). Versificazione ital. etc. : [incl. chap, on 

II Donato provenzale of H. F.], etc., 1910. 

„ ViDAL DE BESALti^ (R.) Las rasos de trobar e Lo donatz 

proensals, [the latter by H. F.], 1885-7. 

Fairbaim (Andrew Martin). Studies in relig. & theology. 

The Church : in idea & in hist. 8°. 1910 

Falconieri (Francesco di Silvestri), see Silvestbi-Faloonieki 

(F. DI). 

Fallow (T. M.) Memorials of old Yorkshire. Ed. T. M. F. 

8». 1909 
Falc[ue (Maurice). Le prooes du Rhone et les contestations 

sur la propri6t6 d' Avignon, 1302-1818. [Soc. des Becherohes 

Hist, de Vaucluse. Recher., t2]. 8°. 1908 

Falstafi (Sir Jobn) [see also Oldcastle {Sir J.)], see Baske 

(W.) Oldoastle-F. in d. engl. Lit. bis zu Shakespeare, 1905. 
Fanet (Valfere). Paris militaire au 18^ s. : Les casernes, see 

Socii!Tii DE l'Hist. de Paris, etc. Mems., t31, 1904. 
Faouet (Marion du), see Du FAouisT (M.) 

Faral (Edmond). Les jongleurs en France au moyen &se, 

[H.E., 187]. 8°. 1910 

Mimes fran9ais du IS'' sidcle. Contrib. b, I'hist. du theatre 

oomique au moyen age. [Cent, texts of Le privilege aux 

Bretons, La paix aux Anglais, Les dits de I'Herberie, Les 

deux bourdeurs ribauds]. 8°. 1910 

Farinaccius (Prosper) [Faeinaoio], see Bowyeb [Sir G.) Diss. 

on the statutes of the cities of Italy ; & a tr. of the Pleading 

of P. F. in del of B. Cenci &c., 1838. 

Farinelli (Arturo). Appunti su Dante in Ispagna nell' eta 

media, see Giornalb Stob. d. Lett. Ital., Suppl., 8, 


Faris ibn Yusuf, Al-Shidyak. A practical grammar of Arabic 

language. Rev. by H. G. WiUiams. 4th ed., rev. & augm. 

sS". 1891 
Famese (Margherita), wife of Odoardo Farnese, duke of Parma, 

see Mbdici (M. de'). 
Famese (Odoardo), duke of Parma & Piacema ; I6IS-46, see 

Edward [Farnese], d. of Parma etc. 
Famol (Jeffery). The broad highway. Romance of Kent. 

aSP. 1910 

Farr (Florence). Modern woman h. intentions. s8". [1910] 

Farrer (Reginald). Alpines & bog-plants. 8°. 1908 

The Anne-Queen's chronicle. s8°. 1909 

Farrere (Claude) ps. L'homme qui assassina. 7'= ed. 38°. 1907 

IT^id. sS". 1907 

Mademoiselle Dax, jeune fille. 23'' ed. 38°. [1910] 

Lamaison des hommes vivants. s8". [1911] 

Les petites aUi^es. 12^ 6d. s8°. [1910] 

Farrington (George), see Child ees (J. W.) Lord Orford's 
voyage round the Fens, 1774 ; [Being the journals of G. 
Farrington, etc.], 1868. 
Farrington (Oliver Cummings). 
For the following see Field Columbian Museum : Geolog. 

Cat. of the coll. of meteorites, 1903. (2.] 

A fossil egg from S. Dakota, 1899. [1.] 

Hdbk. & cat. of the meteorite coll., 1895. [1.] 

Meteorite studies, 1, 1902. [1.] 
1, Wew mineral occurrences. 2, Crystal forms of calcibe from Joplin, 

Missouri, 1900. [1.] 

Obs. on Indiana caves, 1901. ' [1.] 

Obs. on Popocatepetl & Ixtaccihuatl, 1897. [i.] 

Obs. on the geology and geography of W. Mexico, incl. an ace. of the 

Cerro Mercado, 1904. [2.] 

Fasti oonsulares Imp. Bomani v. 30 v. Chr. b. 565 n. Chr. ; 

bearbt. v. W. Liebenam, 1909, see Liebenam (W.) 
Fauchier-Magnan (A.) Lady Hamilton, 1763-1815. S°. 1910 
Faugere (A. Prosper) ed. Journal du voyage de deux jeunes 

HoUandais i Paris, 1656-58. Publ. par A. P. F. ; nouv. 

6d. publ. avec la coUab. de L. MariUier. 8°. 1899 

Fauna (Tlie) of Brit. India, incl. Ceylon & Burma. 8». 1910 

Dermaptera (Earwigs) ; by M. Burr. 

Faure (Claude). Etude sur I'admin. et I'hist. du Comtat- 

Venaissin, 13-151= s. [Soc. des Recherches Hist, de Vaucluse. 

Recher., t3]. 8". 1909 

Faure (Iiucie F61ix-) [Goyau (L. Felix-Fauee-)]. La vie et 

la mort des fees. Essai d'hist. litt. s8°. 1910 

Faure (Maurice), see Championnet {gen. J. E.) Souvenirs du 

Gen. C. [ed. w. Etude prelim, by M. F.], 2" ed., 1910. 
Fausset (Andrew Robert). Ireland & the Irish, past & present. 

[P1261]. s8o. 1854 
Faust (Dr. Johann), see Rohde (E.) Das engl. Faustbuch u. 

Marlowes Tragodie, 1910. 
Faventinus (M. Cetius), see Vitruvius Pollio (M.) Vitruve ; 

[ed., etc., by A. Choisy}, t3, [cont. Opusc. de F. etc. rel. a 

I'architecture], 1909. 
Favourites. The f . of Henry of Navarre ; by Le Petit Homme 

Rouge, 1910, see Hbnby IV, k. of France. 
Fay (H. M.) Hist, de la lepre en France. [t2], Lepreux et 

cagots du sud-ouest. Pr6f. du Prof. G. Ballet. 80. 1910 

Fea (Allan). Old English houses. 8°. 1910 




Peder (Alfred Leonhard), S. J. Studien zu Hilarius v. 

Poitiers, 1, see Kaiseel. Akad. d. Wiss. zu Wien. Sit- 

zungsber., B162, 1910. 
Feeble-Minded. The problem of the f.-m. Abstract [by Mrs. 

W. Slater] of rep. of Roy. Comm. on Care & Control of the 

F.-M. Intr. by Sir E. Fry, & oontribs. by Sir P. Galton, 

etc. 8°. 1909 

Fehr (Fredrik). Profeten Jesaja. Ett gammaltestamentligt 

utkast. 2[p]. [P1246]. 8». Upsala. 1877-9 

Fehr (Hans). Hammurapi u. d. salisohe Kecht. 

8". Bonn. 1910 
Fehrle (Eugen). Die kult. Keuschheit im Altertum. [Re- 

Lgionsgeschichtl. Versuohe, etc., B6]. 8°. Giessen. 1910 

Feilchenfeld (Wolf). Das Hohelied inhaltl. u. sprachl. 

erlautert. [P1246]. 8". Breslau. 1893 

Feine (Paul). Theologie d. Neuen Test. laS". L. 1910 

Feldmann (Constantine). The revolt of the " Potemkin." 

Tr. C. Garnett. 88°. 1908 

Felici (Tommaso Aurelio de). Leggende e tradizioni patrie. 

vl, 2. 8». Napoli. 1855 
Felix-Faure-Goyau (Lucie), see FAtrEE (L. F.-) 
Fenelon (Frangois de Salignac de la Mothe), abp. of Oambray. 
see Beemond (H.) Apologie pour F., 1910. 

„ Lbmaiteb (J.) F., 1910. 
Fenton (James). Hist, of Tasmania, f. 1642. 

8». Hobart, Tasmania. 1884 
Ferber (Johann Jacob) [Fekbee (John James)]. Travels 

through Italy, 1771 & 1772. Letters to Baron Born, on nat. 

hist., partic. mountains & volcanos of that country. Tr., w. 

notes, & pref. on mineralogy, by R. E. Raspe. 8°. 1776 

Ferdinand, of Cordooa, d. 1498 [fFEBNANDus, Corduhensis'], see 

Ha VET (J.) F. de C. et I'Univ. de Paris au 15^ s., 1883. 
Feret (I'abbi Pierre). Hist, diplomat. La France & le Saint- 
Siege sous le 1^'' Empire, la Restauration & la Monarohie de 

juiUet. tl, Le 1" Emp. & le S.-S. laS". 1911 

Fergusson (James), architect. Hist, of Indian & Eastern 

architecture. Rev. & ed., w. add. : Indian arch, by J. 

Burgess, & Eastern arch, by R. P. Spiers. 2v. 8". 1910 

Orig. pvil. as p. of F.'s Hist, of archit. in all countries. 
The rock-cut temples of India. lUust. by photographs taken 

by Major Gill ; descr. by J. F. 8". 1864 

Fermat (Pierre de), see Heath {Sir T. L.) Diophantus of 

Alexandria : [Arithmetica ; tr., &c.], 2nd ed., w. suppl., 

oont. aoc. of F.'s theorems etc. conn. w. D. analysis, 1910. 
Fernandez (Francisco de Borja de San R. y), see San RomIn 

Y Feknandez {P. DE B. de). 
Fernandez de Cordoba (D.), conde de Oabra, see Cabea (D. F. 

DE C, conde de). 
Fernandez de C6rdoba (Gonzalo), the " Great Captain." 
see Giovio (P.) Illustrium virorum vitae, [De vita etc. 
C. F. C. ; etc.], 1551. 

„ Martinez de La Rosa (F.) Obras compl., t3, H. Perez 
del Pulgar, [con Las hazanas del Gran Capitan by P. del 
P.], 1844. 
Fernandez de Santa Ella (Rodrigo) [Rodbiqo (Ifoese)], see 

Hazanas y la Rua (J.) Maese Rodrigo, 1444-1509, 1909. 
Femandez-Guerra y Orbe (Aureliano). El fuero de AviMs. 

Disc, leido en junta piibl. de la Real Acad. Espanola. [App. 

w. Sep. pagin.]. Ia8°. 1865 

Femandez-Guerra y Orbe (Luis). J- R. de Alarcon y Mendoza. 

[Real Acad. Espanola]. ^8°. 1871 

Fernandez Montana (Jose). Mas luz de verdad hist, sobre 

Felipe II el Prudente y su reinado, con docs. in6d. y descr. 

del Escorial. 2* ed. oorr. y aum. 8°. 1911 

Femandus, Cordubensis, see Ferdinand, of Cordova. 
Fernow (Bernhard Eduard). The care of trees, in lawn, 

street & park. With list of trees & shrubs for decorative 

use. s8<>. N.Y. 1910 

Ferrar (William Hugh), Baptismal regeneration. 

[P1258]. 8°. 1865 
The Xtn. sacrifice. Remarks on sermon, 1866, by A. Dawson. 

[P1258]. 80. D. 1866 
see Ceosthwaite (C. J. C.) Baptismal regeneration, etc. ; 
on a pamphlet by W. H. F. ; etc., 1865. 

„ Haeeis (J. R.) Further researches into hist, of Ferrar- 
group, 1900. 
Ferraro (Giuseppe) ed. Poesie pop. reLg. del sec. XIV ; 

pubbl. G. F. s8''. Bologna. 1877 

Ferrero (Guglielmo). The greatness & deoUne of Rome. vl. 

Tr. A. E. Zimmctfn. [repr.]. 8". 1909 

Ferrero della Marmora {marchese C. E.), see La Makmoea 

(gen. marchese C. E.) 
Ferreto, v. Vicenza, see Fberettjs, Vicentinus. 
Ferretto (Arturo). Notizie intorno » Caleoa Pauzano, trova- 
tore genovese, e alia sua famigUa, 1248-1313, see Monaoi 
(E.) Studj di filol. rom., v9, 1901-3. 
Ferretus, Vicentinus [Fbeeeto, v. Vicenza], see Henry VII, 
emp. of Germany. Das Leben H. VII [i.e. Aus. d. Gesch. 
d. F., etc.] ; tibers. v. W. Friedensburg, HI, 1898. 
Ferriman (Z. Duckett). Home life in Hellas : Greece & the 
Greeks. 8°. [1910] 

Feirucci, The family of, see Fabriozy (C. v.) Die Bildhauer- 

familie F. aus Fiesole, 1908. 
Ferrucci (Francesco), see Vitb di uomini d' arme etc., F. F., 

scr. da F. Sassetti, 1866. 

Feuchtersleben (Ernst, Frhr. v.) Health & suggestion : 

dietetics of the mind. Tr. & ed. L. Lewisohn. 88°. N.Y. 1910 

see PoLLAK (G.) Hygiene of the soul : mem. of a physician 

etc. [i.e. E. v. F.], 1910. 

Feuillerat (Albert). John Lyly. Contribution a I'hist. de 

la Renaissance en Angleterre. 8°. C. 1910 

Feuilles d'Histoire du XVH' au XX= Siecle. Direoteur: A. 

Ohuquet. tl, janv.-juin, 1909. 8°. 1909 

Fianaigecht, see Mbyee (K.) F. ; a coll. of ined. Irish poems 

&c. rel. to Finn, w. tr., 1910. 
*Fidele & Fortunio, the two Italian gentlemen, [c. 1584. 
Adapted f. " II Fedele," by L. Pasqualigo. Prepared by 
P. Simpson & checked by the gen. editor. Malone Soc.]. 

s4o. 1909 [1910] 

Field Columbian Museum, Chicago. Publications. Each part 

has Sep. tp. 

Anthropological series. v2-5, 8, 9. Ia8°. Chicago. 1897-1905 

Dorsey (G. A.) An aboriginal quartzite quarry in B, Wyoming, 1900. 


The Arapaho sun dance ; the ceremony of the Offerings lodge, 1903. 


Archoeological investigations on the island of La Plata, Ecuador, 

1901. [2 v.] 

A bibliog. of the anthropology of Peru, 1898. [2 ii.] 

The Cheyenne, 1, Ceremonial organisation. 2, The Sun-dance, 1906. 

[9 i, ii.] 
Obs. on a coll. of Papuan crania, w. notes on preservation & decora- 
tive features by W. H. Holmes, 1897. [2 i.] 

& A. 1. Kroeber. Traditions of the Arapaho, 1906. [6.] 

& H. H. Voth. The Mishongnovi ceremonies of the Snake & Antelope 

Fraternities, 1902. [3 iii.] 

The Oraibi Soyal ceremony, 1901. [31.) 

Kroeber (A. L.), see Dorsey (G. A.) 

Simms(S. C.) Traditions of the Crows, 1903. [2vi.] 

Thompson (E. H.) Kuins of Xkichmook, Yncatan, 1898. [2 iii.] 

Voth (H. R.) The Oraibi Powamu ceremony, 1901. [3 ii.] 

The Oraibi summer Snake ceremony, 1903. [3 iv.] 

The traditions of the Hopi, 1905. [8.] 

see Dorsey (G. A.) 

Botanical series. vl. Ia8°. Chicago. 1895-1902 

Millspaugh (C. F.) Contrib. to the flora of Yucatan, 1896-8. [1 i, iii, iv.] 

Flora of the Island of St. Croix, 1902. [1 vii.] 

Plantse insute Ananas., Cat. of plants. coll. on Isle of Pines, Cuba, 

by J. Blain, 1900. [1 vi.] 

& L. W. Nuttall. Flora of W. Virginia, 1896. [1 ii.] 

Nuttall (L. W.), see Millspaugh (C. F.) 

Uline(E. B.) Studies in the herbarium, 1, Higinbothamia, etc., 1899. [Ivi.] 

Geological series. vl, 2. ^8°. Chicago. 1895-1907 

Farrington (O. C.) Cat. of the coll. of meteorites, 1903. [2 ii.] 

Fossil egg f. S. Dakota, 1899. [1 v.]' 

Hdbk. & cat. of the meteorite coll. , 1896. [1 i.] 

Meteorite studies, 1, 1902. [1 xi.] 

1, New mineral occurrences. 2, Crystal forms of calcite f. Joplin, 

IVIissouri, 1900. [1 vii.] 

Obs. on Indiana caves, 1901. [1 viii.] 

Obs. on Popocatepetl & IxtaocihuatI, 1897. [1 ii.] 

■ Obs. on the geology and geography ol W. Mexico, incl. an aoc. of 

the Cerro Mercado, 1904. (2 v.] 

liOgan (W. N.) Contrib'. to the paleontology of the Upper Cretaceous 

series, 1899. [Ivi.] 

Nichols (H. W.) The ores of Colombia f. mines in operation in 1892, 

1899. [liii.] 

Uiggs (B. S.) Carapace & plastron of Basilemys sinuosus, f. Montana, 

1906. [2 vii.] 

Dinosaur beds of the Grand River Valley of Colorado, 1901. (1 ix.) 

The fore leg & pectoral girdle of Morosaurus, 1901. [1 x.] 

The Mylagualidffl ; an extinct family of Sciuromorph rodents, 1899. 

■ Structure and relationships of Opisthoccelian Dinosaurs, 2p, 

1903-4. [2 iv, vi.] 

Slocom ( A. W.) List of Devonian fossils coll. in W. New York, 1906. [2 viii.] 

New crinoids f. Chicago area, 1907. [2 x.j 

see Springer (F.) 

Springer (F.) & A. W. Slocom, Hypsocrinus, a new genus of crinoids f. 

the Devonian, 1906. [2 ix.] 
Williston (8. W.) N. Amer. Plesiosaurs, pi, 1903. [2 i.] 
On the osteology of Nyctosaurus (Nyctodactylus). w. notes on Amer. 

Pterosaurs, 1903. [2 iii.] 




Keld Columbian Museum [coniinuedl 

^TlloiT 3. i9oe-io -"■ '■ '°- ''"'^'°- ''''-'' 

n»IW^ w\ The birds of Illinois & Wisooiisin, 1909. [9. ] 

bS^oI m ^\ Thl°'.''-£°"- "Al'^'S^ '■ *■"« «»« °* Aden, 1898. [1 ix 
— Ca?'otmamS»u ^SiTk* S'^^?,'"'' Peninsula, Alaska, 1901. [3 v. 
~ oS- if" *?r^^^, ™}'' ?y B Heller i„ s. California, 1904. [8 xvi. 
speoieB?18M "'^"P'" Mountains, w. desor.. of new 

r£i- ?.*,?*i.'"i°"- °' mammals in F. C. Mus., 1907. '^ Ts.'l 

~ne?ghtdn'gfe^!S'^°""^''- ^"-- continent, the W. Indie &^ 

~^r"poaed,°im!'' '^'""*' ^'°' °* m^m™^'^ * "■ new generic name 
""Ton? °'^'' '°* "^'^ ^^^"'''^ ®''^- °' mammals f. California, Oregoif et^c! 


■ Desor. of new species etc. of mammals f. Oklahoma Territory, 1899: 

Descr. of new species etc. of mammals f. the Indian TerritoryS'ggg! 

~& Mexico" 19oT^^^°'^^ "' ^™"°' ^^'^'■''mys & Ursus f. Washington 

Descr. of new species of mountain goat, 1900. fg" 1 

— -Desor. of new sub-species of marten f. the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, 

rs ix 1 
Descr". of 27 new species etc. of mammals, coll. by E. Heller, 1903. 

— icinJ^ '*°'' * ^^^ mammals of Middle America & the W. Indies^2p, 


List of a coll. of Mexican mammals, 1903. [3 viii j 

— -List of mammals coll. by E. Heller in the San Pedro Martir & 

Hanson Laguna Mountains, etc., 1903. fS xii 1 

List of mammals f. Somali-land, 1897. [1 vi ] 

— ; Ijst of mammals obtained by T. Surber, chiefly in Oklahoma & 

Indian Territories, 1899. n xvi 1 

— - List of mammals obtained by E. Heller f . coast region of N. Call- 

forma & Oregon, 1903. (S xi 1 

— -List of mammals obtained by T. Surber in New Brunswick & 

Quebec, 1901. [3 ij; i 
-List of mammals obtained by T. Surber in M". & S. Carolina, Georgia 

& Florida, 1901. [3 jy] 
List of the land & sea mammals of N. America, suppl. to the 

Synopsis, 1901. [2 jj.] 
Lists of species of mammals, princ. rodents, obtained in Iowa 

Wyoming, Montana, etc., w. descr>. of new species, 1898. [1 x.] 

On sundry coll", of mammals, 1896. [1 iii.] 

Prelim, descr". of new rodents f. the Olympic Mountains, 1899. [1 xi!] 

Remarks upon 2 species of deer of genus Cervua f. Philippine Archi- 

■pelago, 1897. [1 vii.] 

• Synopsis of the mammals of N. America & adjacent seas, 1901. [2.] 

Hay (0. P.) On certain portions of the skeleton of Protostega gigas, 

1895. * '[l°ii,j 

On some coll", of fishes, 1896. [1 iv.j 

On the skeleton of Toxochelys latiremis, 1896. [1 v.] 

On the structure & development of the vertebral column of Amia 

1895. ■ [1 i.] 

Meek (3. E.) Contrib. to the ichthyology of Mexico, 1902. [3 vi.] 

Fresh-water fishes of Mexico north of Isthmus of Tehuantepeo, 1904. 


The Genus Eupomotis, 1900. [3 ii.] 

List of fishes & reptiles obtained by Exped. to Somali-land in 1896, 

1897. [1 viii. J 
Notes on a coll. of cold-blooded vertebrates f. the Olympic Moun- 
tains, 1899. [1 xii.] 
Notes on a coll. of fishes & amphibians f. Muskoka & Gull Lakes, 

1899. [1 xvii.] 
& H. W. Clark. Notes on a coll. of cold-blooded vertebrates f. 

Ontario, 1902. [8 vii.] 


see Cory (C. B.) Birds of Eastern N. America, [Spec. ed. 

pr. for F. C. M.], 2p. 1899. 

Field (Claud). A diet, of Oriental quotations (Arabic & 

Persian). 8". 1911 

Fielding (Henry), see Goddbn (G. M.) H. P., inol. newly 

disc, letters etc., 1910. 
Fierens-Gevaert (H.) La peinture en Belgique, musses, 
eglises, colls., etc. : Les primitifs flamands, t3. 

4P. Brux. 1910 
a, D6buts du les. : fin de I'id^al gothique. J. Bosch, Q. Metsys, Gossart, 
dit J. de Mabuse, J. Patinir, H. Bles, le maitre des figures de femmea 
k micorps, B. van Orley, les van Coninxloo, les deux van Clfeve. 

Fife (Charles W. Domville-), see Domvillb-Fife (C. W.) 
Figaniere (Jorge Cesar de). Bibliographia hist, portugueza. 

8°. 1850 

Figgis (John Neville). The Gospel & human needs. Hulsean 

lects., 1908-9, w. addits. 5th imp. 88°. 1910 

see Collins (W. E.) Typical Eng. Churchmen, a2, J. 

Wyclif, by J. N. P., 1909. 

Figliucoi (Flavio). *Di una masoherata pastorale fatta in 

Siena per la venuta della granduohessa Bianca Cappello, 

22 di febb. 1582. [Lettera di F. F. Md. G. E. Saltini. 

Per le nozze di P. Campani con C. Spadoni. P1277]. 

s8o. Firenze. 1882 
Figueroa (G. de Silva y), see Silva y Figubkoa (6. de). 

Figwood (John). The prelude: contrib. towards a hist, of the 

election for the Univ. [of Dublin]. [P1238]. 8". D. 1865 

Filippi (Filippo de). Ruwenzori. An ace. of the exped. of 

Prince Luigi Amedeo of Savoy, Duke of the Abruzzi. [Tr. 

C. de Filippi]. With pref. by the Duke of the Abruzzi. 

Ia8°. 1908 
Filleul (Adelaide), ctsse. de Flahaidt, aft. marchionesse de 

Souza, see Sotjza {Mme. de). 
Filon (Augustin). L'Angleterre d'Edouard VII. 8°. [1911] 
FilosoHa. *Florea de f., siglo 13, see Knttst (H.) Dos obras 

did4cticas etc. ; [ed. H. K.], 1878. 
^Financial Reform. Tract no, 1, The Queen's Colleges & the 

Queen's Univ. in Ireland. By a taxpayer. [P1239]. 8°. 1857 
Finberg (A. J.) Turner's sketches & drawings. Ia8°. [1910] 
Finck (iSranz Nikolaus), see Brookblmann (C.) Gesoh. d. 

christl. Litt. d. Orients v. C. B., F. N. F., etc., 2^ A., 1909. 
Findlay (John George). Humbugs & homilies. 

s8o. Chrietchurch, N.Z. 1908 
Fines. Feet of F. for Co. of Yorkshire, 1327-47 ; ed. W. P. 

Baildon, 1910, see Yorkshire. 
Feet of F. for Essex ; ed. R. E. G. Kirk, vl, 1899-1910, see 

Finn, see Fionn. 

Finnemore (John). The lone patrol. s8°. n.d. 

Finsch (Otto), see Dboken (Baron C. C. v. D.) Reisen in 

Ost-Afrika, B4, Die Vogel Ost-Afrikas, v. 0. F. u. G. Hart- 

laub, 1870. 
Fionn, son of Cumhall, see Meyer (K.) Fianaigecht; a coll. 

of Irish poems, etc. rel, to F., w. tr., 1910. 
*Fioravante, see *REAiii (I) di Francia, vl, Ricerche, seguite dal 

hb. d. Storie di F., 1872. 
Fiore di virtii, \sometimes aitr. to Tommaso Leoni & to Tommaso 

Gozzadini], see Frati (C.) Ricerche sul F. di v., 1893. 
Firenze. Ricordi di F., 1459, di autore anon., [o poerri] ; a 

cura di G. Volpi ; [«;.] App., Estr. d. Terze rime in lode 

di Cosimo de' Medici etc., see Mttratoei (L. A.) Rer. Ital. 

scr., t27 i, 1907. 
Tutti i trionfi, carri, mascherate o canti carnascialeschi, 

andati per F., dal tempo del magnifico Lorenzo de' Medici, 

fine air anno 1559. [Ed. hy II Lasca}. 2^ ed. corr., con 

diverSi MSS. collaz. [by Neri del Boccia, ps., i.e. R. M. 

Bracci]. 2p, [pagin. cont.}. s4P. [Lucca]. 1750 

Firenzuola (Aguolo). Novelle, see Novelle di alcuni autori 

fiorentini, 1815. 
Firmianus Symposins (Ceelius), see Lbmairb (N. E.) Poetae 

Lat. minores, v7, 1826. 
First. *The f. Duke & Duchess of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 

1910, see LoNGtrEviLLE (T.) 
Firth (Charles Harding). The House of Lords during the 

Civil War. 8». 1910 

The parallel betw. the Eng. & Amer. civil wars. Rede lect., 

1910. s8°. C. 1910 

Fischer (Bernard) . Talmud. Chrestomathie, als Lesebuch zu d. v. 

ihm ed. Winer' schen Grammatik bearbt. v. B. F. 8°. L. 1884 
Fischer (Wilhelm), in Graz. MurweUen. Erzahlungen. 

3e A. s8°. Miinchen. 1910 
Fish (Carl Russell). The civil service & the patronage. 

[Harvard Hist. Studies, 11]. 8°. N. Y. 1905 

Fishherg (Haurice). The Jews : study of race & environment. 

8". 1911 
Fisher (Herbert A. L.) F. W. Maitland. A biog. sketch. 

8". C. 1910 
*Fishes, flowers, & fire as elements etc. in phalUo faiths etc. 

s8<>. p.p. 1890 
Fite (Emerson David). Social & industrial conditions in the 

North dur. the Civil War. s8». N.Y. 1910 

Fitschen (Jost), see Schmeil (0.) & J. F. Flora v. Deutsehlaud, 

Fitz-Adam (Adam) ps., see Moore (E.) 
Fitzgerald, The family of, see Uziblli (G.) La leggenda dei 

tre Valdelsani oonquistatori dell' Irlanda ; [on the families 

of Gherardini <& Fitzgerald], 2* ed., 1908. 
Fitzgerald (Percy H.) Life of Sterne, [partly re-written], 

2v, 1904, see Sterne (L.) Works & Hfe, [York ed.], 1904. 

Samuel Foote. A biog. 8°. 1910. 

Fitzgibbon (Gerald). Letter on the New (Dnbhn Corporation) 

Water Works BiU. (1861.) [P1239]. 8°. D. 1861 

Fitzmaurice-Kelly (James). Un hispanofilo ingles del siglo 17. 

[Extr. del Homenaje a Mentodez y Pelayo : Estudios]. 

[P1298]. 8°. Madrid. 1899 




Fitzpatrick (William John). The life, times, & cotemporariea 
of Lord Clonourry. s8<>. D. 1855 

Flack (Martin), sec Beddabd (A. P.), etc. Practical physi- 
ology ; ed. M. S. Pembrey, contributors M. F., etc., 3rd ed., 
Flammeimont (Jules). Histoire de Senlis, 1405-41, see 

SocifiTfi DE l'Hist. de Pabis, etc. M^ms., t5, 1879. 
Flaubert (Gustave). L' Education sentimentale. 6d. definitive. 

s8°. 1909 
see Maupassant (G. de). CEuvres compl., CEuvres posth., 

t2 : Etude sur G. F., etc., 1910. 

„ Mooee(T. S.) Art & life, [using F., etc. as illust^], 1910. 

Flechia (Giovanni). Note lessicali ed onomatologiche ; ed. 

Gius. Flechia, see Monaci (E.) Studj di filol. rom., v9, 


Flechsig (Eduard). Cranachstudien. Tl. 8o. L. 1900 

Fleischer (Heinrich Leberecht). Morgenland. Forschungen. 

Festschrift Herrn. Prof. Dr. H. L. F., 1874, gewidmet v. 

H. Derenbourg, etc. 8". L. 1875 

Miiller (F. A.) Das arab. Verzeichniss d. aristotel. Schriften, [w. Arabic 

& Greek texts], 
Eth6 (H.) Rtldagi's Vorlaufer u. Zeitgenossen. 
Philippi (F. W. M.) Der Gruiidstamm d. starken Verbunis im Seml- 

Mauhub ibn Abmad, al-JawcUlkl. Livre des locutions vicieuses ; publ. 

H. Derenbourg. 
Stade (B.) Erneute PriifuDg d. zw. d. Phbnicischen u. Hebraiachen 

Maimun ibn Sals, catted ai-A'sha. Lobgedicht aut Muhammad ; [ed.] 

V. H. Thorbeuke. 
AI-Kindi. Al-K. als Astrolog, [texts of Al-E.'s " RiscUatfi midk al-'Ardb 
wa-kammlyatih " cE: p. of Abu Ma'shar's " Opitfs de magnis conjunc- 
tionibus," w. comparative study] ; v. O. Loth. 

see MtJLLEK (F. A.) Mem. of F., 1892. 
Fleischmann (Hector), see Robespierre (M. M. C.) C. 
Robespierre et ses Mem. ; ed. crit. prec. d'une intr., etc., 
[62^H. F.], 1909. 
Fleming (David Hay). Hist, notes cone, the Coronation oaths 
& the Accession declaration. 3rd ed. [P1305]. 8". B. 1910 
Fleming (James Sturk). Ancient castles & mansions of 
Stirling nobility. Descr. & illust. by J. S. F. 

s4°. Paisley. 1902 
Old nooks of Stirling. Delineated & descr. by J. S. F. 

s4'>. Stirling. 1898 

Flemming (Johannes), see Solomon, k. of Israel. Ein jud.- 

christl. Psalmbuoh aus d. 1™ Jhdt. (The Odes of S.); 

aus d. Syr. iiber.s. v. J. F., 1910. 

Flemming (Paul), see Varnhagbn v. Ense (0. A. L. P.) 

Biogr. Denkmale, T4, P. F., etc., 1872. 
Fletcher (Banister Flight). Valuations & compensations. 
Text-book on practice of valuing property, etc. 3rd ed., 
rev. & re-wr. by B. F. Fletcher & H. P. Fletcher. s8''. 1905 

& H. P. Fletcher. The Eng. home. Intr. by the Duke of 

Argyle. 8°. [1910] 

Fletcher (Herbert Phillips). 
see Fletcher (B. F.) Valuations & compensations; 3rd 
ed., rev. & re-wr. by B. F. F. & H. P. F., 1905. 

„ & H. P. F. The Eng. home, 1910. 

Fletcher (John), dramatist, & W. Shakespeare. Two noble 
kinsmen, 1634. [Tudor Facs. Texts ; J. S. Farmer]. 

Ia8°. Issued for suhscr. 1910 
Fletcher (Robert Huntington). The Arthurian material in 
the chronicles, espec. those of Gt. Brit. & France. [Harvard 
Studies & notes in philology & Ut., vlO]. 8°. Boston. 1906 
Fleuriot (Zenaide M. A.) Cadette. 4e ed. s8o. 1893 

Fleury (Gabriel). La oathedrale du Mans. s8°. n.d. 

Floigl (Victor). Cyrus u. Herodot nach d. Keilinschriften. 

[P1265]. 8". L. 1881 

Florence. I manoscritti Palatini di Firenze ordinati ed esposti 

da F. Palermo, vl-3, tfe Cont. al v3, 1853-69, see Palermo 


*Le pitture del Quartiere di Papa Leone in Palazzo Vecchio, 

[F.]. [P1277]. 8". Firenze. 1861 

Florence, of Rome. *F. de R., chanson d'aventure du 13 s. 

Publ. par A. Wallenskold. [S. d. A. T. F.]. tl. 8». 1909 

Florent-Matter. Paul Deroulede. Biog. crit., suivie d'une 

bibhog. etc. [Cel6b. d'aujourd'hui]. sS". 1909. 

*Flores de filosofia, siglo 13, 1878, see Filosoeia. 

Floresta general. [Ed. P. Oyanguren. Soc. de Bibliofiloa 

Madrilenos, 3]. tl. 8o. 1910 

1, Floresta espauola de AI. de Santa Cruz de Dueiias— Floresta eepafiola 

de F. Asensio. 

Florian, see Vezinbt (F.) Moliere, F. et la litt. espagn., 1909. 

Floridablanca (Jos6 Mofiino y Redondo, conde de), see Baquero 

(A.) F., su biog. y bibliog., 1909. 
Flors (Las) del gay saber, estier dichas las leys d' amors, tr. 

de MM. d' Aguilar & d' Escouloubre, see f Gatibn-Abnotjlt 

(A. F.) Mon. de la litt. romane, 3t, 1841-3. 
Flower (-Si> William Henry). Introd. lect. to the course of 

comparative anatomy deliv. at Roy. Coll. of Surgeons of 

Engf, 1870. [P1289]. 8". 1870 

Flowers. *Fishes, f. & fire as elements in phallic faiths, 1890, 

see Fishes. 
Fliickiger (Friedrich A.) La Mortola. A descr. of the garden 

of T. Hanbury. Tr. H. P. Sharpe. 8°. p.p. [E.] 1885 

Fliigel (Felix). Flugel— Schmidt— Tanger. Diet, of Eng. & 

German languages. With spec. ref. to P. F.'s Universal 

diet. ; ed. I. Schmidt & G. Tanger. 2p. 8th ed. Ia8». 1909 
1, English. German. 2, German-Eng. 
Fliigel (Joh. Gottfried), see Flijobl (F.) Flugel— Schmidt— 

Tanger : diet, of Eng. & German languages, 2p. 8th ed., 1909. 
Flying Post, [London\, see Post-Man (The). 
Fock (Gustav), bookseller, Leipzig. Cat. dissert, philologicarum 

classicarum. Verzeichnis v. Abhdlgn, aus d. Gesamtgebiete 

d. klass. Philologie u. Altertumskunde. 2^ A. 8". L. 1910 

Fog (Bruun Juul), see Bondo (J.) Biskop etc. B. J. F.'s 

levnet, 1897. 
Fogazzaro (Antonio). Leila. Romanzo. s8". Milano. 1911 
Le poesie. [n. ed.]. s8<'. Milano. 1908 

Folengo (Teofllo) [ps. Merlin Cocai, Limerno Pitooco, 

Teipbruno]. Opere maccheroniche [Publ., w. intr. by 

A. Portioli]. 3v in 4. laS". Mantova. 1882-89 

1, La Zanitonella— II Baldo. 

2, II Baldo— La Moscheide— Le lettere e gll epigrammi. 
3i, L'Orlandino di Limerno Pitocco. 

3ii, II Caos del Triperuno. 
Foley (Edwin). The book of decorative furniture, its form, 
colour, & history. vl. 4°. 1910 

Foligno (C), see Petrarch. P. e la Lombardia ; coUabor., 

C. F., etc., 1904. 
Folkard (Henry Tennyson). Scotland & the Scots : books in 

Wigan Free PubHc Library. [P1293]. Ia8''. Wigan. 1910 

Folk-Lore Society. Publications. v67 ; [iraprogr.]. 8°.1910 

see Hartland (E. S.) Primitive paternity, v2, 1910. [67.] 

Folljuet, V. Marseille, see Foulques, de Marseille, bp. of 

Folz (Hans). Die Meisterlieder d. H. F. ; hrsg. v. A. L. Mayer. 

[Deutsche Texte d. Mittelalters, hrsg. v. d. Konigl. Preuss. 

Akad. d. Wiss., 12]. 8°. 1908 

Foncin (Pierre). Les Maures & I'Esterel. 88°. 1910 

Fondation Piot, see Academie des Inscriptions etc. 
Fonseca (Martinho Augnsto da). Subsidios para um dice, de 

pseudonymos, iniciaes e obras anon, de escriptores portu- 

guezes. Com. prolog, p. T. Braga. 8°. 1896 

Fontaine (Andl6). Les collections de I'Acad. royale de pein- 

ture et de sculpture. [L'art dans Tano. France]. 8". 1910 
Fontainebleau, chateau de. Le chateau de F. au 17^ s., d'ap. 

des docs, inedits, par E. Miintz et E. Molinier, see SocitTB 

DE l'Hist. de Paris, etc. Mems., tl2, 1886. 
Fontan (Peire). Lou Calen — Le croisset (Aveo tr. fran?. de 

I'auteur). s8°. Touloun. 1909 

see BotTBBiLLY (J.), A. Esclangon & P. F. Flourilege 
prouven§au, 1909. 
Fontaue (Theodor). Briefe. 2" Sammlung. Herausgeber : 

0. Pniower u. P. Schlenther. B2. 2^ A. 8". [1910] 

Fontanges (Mme. Haryeti). Les femmes docteurs en medeoine 

dans tons les pays. 3« id. s8°. 1901 

Fontenayo (Guido de) [Guido, Bituricensis], see Hbroldt 

(J.) Exempla virtutum et vitiorum, G. de Fonte Nayo De 

rebus humanis variorum exemplorum lib., 1555. 
Foord (Alfred Stanley). Springs, streams & spas of London : 

hist. & associations. 8°. 1910 

Foord (Arthur H.) Monograph of the carbonif. Cephalopoda 

of Ireland. [Palseontograph. Soc.]. 4°. 1897-1903 

Foot (Frederick J.) Meteorolog. journal kept at Ennistimon 

& Ballyvaughan, Co. Clare, 1861. [Royal Dublin Soc, 

1862 ; no tp. P1239]. 8". [1862] 

Foote (Samuel), see Fitzgerald (P. H.) S. F. : biog., 1910. 
Foote (William Henry). Sketches of North Carolina, hist. & 

biographical, iUust. of principles of her early settlers. 

8°. N.Y. 1846 
Forbes (Duncan), prof, of Oriental languages. King's College. 

A grammar of the HindiistAm language. Added, Selection 

for reading, with a vocab. [sep. pagin'.]. 8°. 1858 


Forbes (John), printer to Bon-Accord [Aberdeen]. Cantus, 
songs & fancies for voices & viols. With into, to musick 
as taught in Aberdeen. [3rd ed., 1682, reprod. by photo- 
lithography for New Club Ser.]. Jo. p^J^/. 1379 

Foiie (col. Francis), see Foedb [col. L.) Lord Olive's right 
hand man : mem. of Col. F. F 1910 

Forde (coZ. Lionel). Lord Olive's' right" hand man : mem. of 
Col. Francis Forde. go igj^Q 

Forder (Archibald). With the Arabs in tent & town. 

u J ,^ s8°- [1902] 

^"'^'Jl?^.^^^^^'"*'^^ (^■) '^he Black book of Paisley, &, 
o. Mbb. of the Scotiohronioon, [by F.], 1885. 

Foreign. '►The politicks on both sides, w. regard to f. affairs, 
2nd ed., 1734:, see Bath (W. P., e of) 

Foreign Office List. 1909. ' 8" [1909] 

Forel (Auguste) The sexual question. Eng. adaptation by 

0. F. Marshall. |-2„d ed.] 8°. [1909] 
Forerunners (The) of Dante, sel. f. Ital. poetry, 1910, see 

Btttler (A. J.) ed. r j< , 

Forii, see FoBOLiviBNSES. 
Formby (John). The American Civil War. A concise hist. 

[With Maps, sep. vol.]. go. 1910 

Formont (Maxime). La Florentine. [Reflets du passe 

italien]. gg". 1910 

Forohvienses. Annales F., ad a. 1473 ; a cura di G. Mazza- 

tinti, see Mubatori (L. A.) Rer. Ital. scr., t22 ii, 1903. 
Forrest (George W.) Selections f. the State Papers of the 

Governors-General of India. Ed. G. W. F. 

vl, 2. 8". 0. 1910 

1, Warren Hastings : Intr. 2, Warren Hastings : Docs., [incl. Hastings' 

Mems. rel. to the state of I. (1786), Narr. of insurrection in Banaris 
(1781), etc.]. 

Forster (E. M.) Howards End. 4th imp. sS". 1910 

Forster (Robert Henry), see Knowlbs (W. H.) & R. H. F. 
Romano-Brit, site of Corstopitum : acot. of excavations 
dur. 1907-8, conducted by Corbridge Excav. Fund, 1909. 

Forster (Wolfgang). Prinz Friedrich Karl v. Preussen. 
Denkwiirdigkeiten aus s. Leben. Vornehmlich auf Grund 
d. schriftl. Nachlasses d. Prinzen bearbt. u. hrsg. v. W. F. 
2B. [1, 6e A. ; 2, 2^ A.]. Ia8». St. 1910 

Forsyth (David), M.D., D.Sc. Children in health & disease. 
A study of child life. 8°. 1909 

Fort (Paul). Ballades fran^aises. s8-ll. sS". 1906-10 

8, Coxcomb ; pr6c. du Livre des visions, et de Hen. III. 

9, Ile-de-France. 

ID, Morfccert ; prSo. de Villes & villages, Cantil^nes, & d'une Etude sur les 

" Ballades fran^." par L. Mandin. 
11, La tristesse de Thomme ; pr6c. du Kepos de I'^me au bois de I'Hautil. 

Fortescue (Hon. John William), 5th son of Srd e. Fortescue. 
Hist, of the Brit. army. pi in 2v [2nd ed.] ; v5, 6. 8". 1910 
1, To close of Seven Years' War. 
5, 1803-7. 6, 1807-9. 

Fortini (Pietro). Novelle, see Novelle di autori senesi, vl, 

Fortuna (Simons di Filippo d'Albizzo). Le nozze di Eleonora 
de' Medici con Vincenzio Gonzaga. [Letter, 1584. Ed. G. E. 
Saltini & C. Oargiolli. Per le nozze del. Prof. G. Pacinotti 
con B. Bicchierai. P1277]. %°. Firenze. 1868 

Le nozze di Virginia de' Medici con Cesare d'Este. [Letters, 
1586. Ed. 6. E. Saltini. Per le nozze di F. Angelelli con 
S. Dalmasse. P1277]. 8°. Firenze. 1869 

Forum (The). v35-8 (July, 1903-June, 1907). laS". [1903-7] 
Foscolo Benedetto (L.), see Benedetto (L. F.) 
Fossa (capt. F. de). Le chateau de Vincennes. [Petites 
monogr. des gr. edifices]. sS". n.d. 

Foster (John Watson). Diplomatic memoirs. 2v. 8°. 1910 

Foster (William). English factories in India. 

[v4], 1630-3. 8°. 0. 1910 
Foster-Melliar (Andrew). The book of the rose. 8°. 1894 

Foucher (Alfred). La Madone bouddhique, see Acad, dbs 
Inscr. etc. : Fond. Piot. Mon^. etc., tl7, 1909. 
Sculptures greco-bouddhiques, Louvre, see Acad, dbs Inscb. 
ETC. : Fond. Piot. Mon^. etc., t7, 1900. 
Fougferes (Gustave). S^Hnonte. La ville, I'Acropole et les 
temples. Relevls et restaurations par J. Hulot ; texte 
parG. P. fol. 1910- 

FouiI16e (Alfred). La d^mocratie polit. et soc. en France. 

8". 1910 

Foulques, de Marseille, bp. of Toulouse [Folqfbt]. Le 

troubadour F. Ed. crit., pr6o. d'une et. biog. & litt., & 

suivie d'une tr., d'un comm., etc. 8°. Craoovie. 1910 



Foulc[ues, de Marseille [continued], 
see Dbhus (N.) Ungedruckte provenzal. Lieder v. P. 
Vidal, F., etc., 1853. 
Foul^ues, cure de Neuilly-sur-Marne, see Chabasson {I'abbe 

A.) Un cur6 pWb^ien au 12s. : F., 1905. 
Fourier (baron J. B. J.), see Champollion-Figeac (J. J.) F. 

et Napoleon, 1844. 
Fonrnier (vice-amiral E.) La polit. navale et la flotte frang. 

M". 1910 
Fouruier (Edouard), misc. miter. Vari6t6s hist. & litt. ; rec. 

de pieces volantes en prose et en vers. Revues & annot. 

par E. F. [Bibl. Elz^v.]. lOt. s8». 1855-63 

Fournival (Richard de). Le bestiaire d'amour ; suivi de la 

r^ponse de la dame. Pub], par C. Hippeau. s8". 1860 

Fowke (Gerard). Antiquities of Central & S.-E. Missouri. 

[Smithsonian Inst.]. 8". Washington. 1910 

Fowler (Edward), bp. of Gloucester. "'Texts examined which 

papists cite for proof of the insufficiency of Scripture & 

necessity of tradition, [by E. F. ; pp. 53-76 of " Papacy 

not founded on Scripture." no tp. P1286]. s4o. [1688] 

Fowler (J. H.) The teaching of Eng. composition. [Eng. 

Assoc, Leaflet, 17. P1290]. 8°. [0.] 1910 

Fowler (William), of Winterton. Correspondence. Ed. J. T. 

Fowler. 8". p.p. 1907 

Fox (John), the martyrologist [or, Foxe], see Townsend 

(G.) Remarks on the errors of Mr. Maitland in h. Notes 

on the oontrib^. of T. to new ed. of F.'s Martyrology, pi. 

Fox (William Johnson), see Gabnett (R.) Life of W. J. F., 

1786-1864 ; by R. G., concluded by E. G., 1910. 
Fox-Davies (Arthur Charles). The troubles of Col. Marwood. 

sS". 1909 
Fragment d'un repertoire de jurisprudence paris. au 15« s. ; 

publ. G. Fagniez, 1891, see Faqniez (G.) 
Franc (Christian). La security nationale & le peril exterieur : 

L'Angleterre & la Triple-Alliance. s8". 1893 

France [Fbanoia]. Consid. sur I'^tat actuel de la France au 

mois de juin 1815, [1815], 1909, see Elia (F. A.) 
Grandes chroniques de F., see Rbinach (S.) Un MS. de la 

bibl. de Phihppe le Bon k St. -Petersbourg [i.e. an ilium. 

MS. of the G. 0. de F.], 1904. 
'''Hist, de F. illustree. 2t. 4". Larousse. n.d. 

1, Des orig. a 1610. 2, 1610 a nos jours. 
""Li reali di F., ed. novissima, 1781, see Rbali. 
Convention Nationals [1792-5]. 
Recueil des Actes du Comite de Salut Public, avec corr. 

ofBo. Publ. par F. A. Aulard. tl9, 20, [21 dec. 1794- 

11 mars, 1795. Docs. in^d.]. laS". 1909-10 

Rapports au Ministre [de I'lnstruction Publique. By var. 
a".]. [Does. ined. b.w. Rapports au roi, 1835]. 4°. 1839 

40. 1874 

see AiiFONSE, de Poitiers. Corr. administrative ; publ. A. 

Mobnier, t2, 1900. 
„ Cathebinb [de' Medici]. Lettres, tlO, Suppl, 1537-87 ; 

publ. le cte. Baguenault de Puchesse, 1909. 
„ Fbance : Convention Nationale. Rec. des Actes du 

Comite de Salut Public, tl9, 20, 1909-10. 
„ Gaule. Diet, archeolog. de la G. : 6poque celtique, tl, 
2i, 1875-8. 


see Institttt (L') Fbanq. d'Abchbol. Obient. dti Caibb. 
Mem., in prog., 1902, etc. 
MinistJiee db la Gubbee. 
Annuaire officiel de I'arm^e fran?. 1906, 1907. 8°. 1906 


see Fbanco-Gebman. Les orig. diplomat, de la guerre de 
1870-71; recueil de docs. publ. par le M. des A. E., 
tl-3, 1910. 
France (Anatole) ps. Le crime de Sylvestre Bonnard. 

s8o. [1908] 
The elm-tree on the Mall. Tr. M. P. Willcocks. 8°. 1910 

Penguin Island. Tr. A. W. Evans. 8". 1909 

La vie litt. 4s. s8'>. [1907-8] 

The wicker work woman. Tr. M. P. Willcocks. 8°. 1910 

Francesco, dai Libri, of Verona, f,. 16th cent., see Dobez (L.) 

Pontifical peint par F. dai L., 1909. 
Francesco (Don), canonico di Gubbio. Cronaca di Gubbio, 
1419-1579, see Bebni (G.) Cronaca, 1350-1472 ; a oura 
di G. Mazzatinti, 1902. 




Franchetti (Leopoldo) & S. Sonnino. [La Sicilia nel 1876]. 

[2 lib.]. 8°. Firenze. 1877 

1, Franchetti (L.) Condizioni polit. e ammin. d. S. 

2, Sonniuo (S.) I contadini in S. 

Fiancia, see Fbance. 
Francis, St., of Assisi. 
see GoFFiN (A.) St. P. d'A. dans la Idgende et dans I'art 

primitifs itaUens, 1909. 
„ Leo, of Assisi. S. F., the mirror of perfection, tr., 

„ Tamassia (N.) St. F. of A. & h. legend ; tr., w. pref. 
by L. Ragg, 1910. 
Francis I, k. of France, 
see Decrue (F.) De consilio regis F. I, 1885. 
„ Hagqakd (A. C. P.) Two great rivals (F. I & Charles V) 

etc., 1910. 
„ Paris. *Journal d'un bourgeois de P. sous F. I, n. ed., 
Francis, Saint, de Sales. CEuvres. Ed. compl. Publ. sur 
I'invitation de Mgr. Isoard par les religieuses d'Anneey. 
tl6, Lettres, v6. 8°. Lyon. 1910 

Francis (M. E.) ps. The wild heart. sS°. 1910 

Franck (C6sar A. J. G. H.), see Indy (V. d') F., tr., 1910. 
Franck (Johannes), Privatdocent at the Univ. of Bonn. Mittel- 
niederland. Grammatik, mit Lesestiioken u. Glossar. 
2^ neubearbeitete A. 8». L. 1910 
Franco-German. Les origines diplomatiques de la guerre de 
1870-71. Recueil de docs. publ. par le Min. des Affaires 
Btrangeres. tl-3. 8°. 1910 

1, 25 d^c. 1863-21 fevr. 1864. 2, 22 fevr.-9 mai 1864. 3, 10 
mai-31 juillet 1864. 
Francotte (Henri). Finances des cites grecques. 8°. 1909 

Frank (Beinhard), see Pitaval (Der) d. Geobnwart ; hrsg. 

V. B. F., etc., in prog., 1904 etc. 
Frankel (Zachaiias). Zu d. Targum d. Propheten. 

[P1269]. laS". Breslau. 1872 
Franklin (Alfred). Les armoiries des corporations ouvri^res 
de Paris, see Sooiete de l'Hist. de Paris, etc. Mems., 
tlO, 1884. 
Notice sur le plan de Paris de Pigafetta, see Sooi:feT:6 de l'Hist. 
DE Paris, etc. Mems., t2, 1876. 
Franklin (Jane Lady). Letter to Visct. Palmerston, w. an 
App. [cfc letter to the Sec. of the Admiralty]. 

2nd ed. [P1240] 8°. 1857 
Frankreich. *Journal e. Reise durch F., 1787, see La Roche 

(M. S. V.) 
Fraser (David). The Marches of Hindustan, the record of a 
journey in Thibet, Trans-Himalayan India, Chinese Turke- 
stan, Russian Turkestan, & Persia. 8°. 1907 
Fraser (Mrs. Hugh). Giannella. s8». [1909] 
Fraser (John Foster). AustraUa : the making of a nation. 

s8». 1910 
Fraser (Robert). Statist, survey of the co. of Wexford, drawn 
up by order of the Dublin Soc. 8". D. 1807 

Frati (Carlo). Ricerche sul " Fiore di virtii " [sometimes 
attr. to Tommaso Leoni & to Tommaso Gozzadini], see 
MoNAoi (E.) Studj di filol. rom., v6, 1893. 
*Frauds (The) of Romish monks, etc., 3rd ed., 1691, see Emiliane 
(G. D'). 
Frazer (James George). Totemism & exogamy. A treatise on 
early forms of superstition & society. [Incl. repr. of h. 
Totemism, 1887]. 4v. 8°. 1910 

Fredegarius, Scholasticus. 
see EoiNHABD. E.'s Jahrbiicher — Aus d. Paulus Diak. — Die 
letzten Fortsetzungen d. F. ; fibers, v. 0. Abel, 2= A., 
,, Gbsohichtschreiber (Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2^ Gesammt- 
ausg., Bll, Die Chronik F. u. d. Frankenkonige, d. Lebens- 
beschreibungen d. Abtes Columban, [by Jonas], d. 
Bischofe Arnulf, Leodegar u. Eligius [by St. Ouen], d. 
Konigin Balthilde ; ubers. v. 0. Abel, 3^ neu bearbt. A. 
V. W. Wattenbach, 1888. 
„ Gregory, of Tours. Zehn Buoher frank. Gesoh. ; iibers. 
V. W. V. Giesebrecht, B2, 2« A., Als Anhang, Sagen aus 
F., etc., 1886. 
Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina, consort of William V, pr. of 
Orange. Die Erinnerungen [in French] d. Prinzessin W. 
an d. Hof Friedrichs d. Grossen, 1751-67, [hrsg.] v. G. B. 
Volz, see Bernbr (E.) Quellen etc. y,. Gesoh. d. Hauses 
HohenzoUern, B7, 1903. 

Frederick I, emp. of Germany, called " Barbarossa." 
see Otto, bp. of Frisingen. Thaten F. ; iibers. v. Horst 

Kohl, 1894. 
„ Ragewin. Fortsetzung d. Thaten F. v. Otto v. Freising ; 

iibers. v. Horst Kohl, 1894. 
„ SiMONSFBLD (H.) Urkunden F. Botbarts in Italien, 
Folge 5, 1909. 

„ Zur Gesch. F. Rotbarts, 1909. 

Frederick III, emp. of Germany, d. Ip3. 
see Grunbbok (J.) Die Gesch. F. Ill etc. ; iibers. v. T. 
Ilgen, 1899. 

„ Pitts II, pope. Die Gesoh. F. Ill ; iibers. v. T. Ilgen, 1899. 
Frederick III, Elector Palatine. Briefe F. des Frommen, 

(1559-76), mit verwandten Schriftstiicken. Gesammelt 

u. bearb. v. A. ICluckhohn. 

2B in 3 [B2i, ii]. 8°. Braunschweig. 1868-72 
Frederick I, k. of Prussia, see Berner (E.) Quellen etc. z. 

Gesch. d. Hauses HohenzoUern, Bl, Aus d. Briefwechsel K. 

F. I u. s. Familie ; hrsg. E. B., 1901. 
Frederick II, k. of Prussia, " the Great." Die Kriege P. d. 

Grossen. Hrsg. v. grossen Generalstabe. T3, Der 7jahr. 

Krieg, B8. Ia8». 1910 

Frederick, of Swabia, hero of romance, see Friedbich, v. 

Frederick, duke of York <Ss Albany. A circumstantial rep. of 

the evidence & proc. upon the charges agst. the Duke of Y. 

in the capacity of Commander in Chief, 1809. By G. L. 

Wardle bef. the House of Commons. Incl. letters of the 

Duke of Y. ; the speeches of the members ; etc. 

Albion Press ed. 8". 1809 
Frederick Charles, prince, see Forsteb (W.) Prinz F. K. v. 

Preussen : Denkwiirdigkeiten aus s. Leben, 2B, 1910. 
Frederick Christian [II], duke of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg- 

Augustenburg ; d. 1814, see Sohulz (H.) F. C, 1910. 
Frederick Henry Louis, prince of Prussia [Henry, pr. of P.]. 
see Kbattel (R.) Briefwechsel zw. Heinrioh Pr. v. P. u. 
Kath. II V. Russland ; [hrsg.] v. R. K, 1903. 

„ Pr. Heinrich v. P. als Politiker, 1902. 

Frederick William H, k. of Prussia, see Cassel (P.) F. W. II, 

Frederick William IV, k. of Prussia, see Wagbner (H.) Die 

Politik F. W. IV, 1883. 
Fred6ricc[ (Paul). Essai sur le role polit. et social des dues de 

Bourgogne dans les Pays-Bas. 8°. Gand. 1875 

Fregoso (Battista) [Fttlgosius (Baptista)], see Heroldt (J.) 

Exempla virtutum et vitiorum, B. Campofulgosi Dictorum 

factorumque memorabiHum [lib. ix], 1555. 
Fremaux (Henri). La famiUe d'Etienne Marcel, 1250-1397, 

see SociETB de l'Hist. de Paris, etc. M6ms., t30, 1903. 
French. F. ambassadors, see Imperatorskoe Rdssk. 1st. 

Obsch. Sbornik. 
F. University degrees. Hdbk. of information for foreigners. 

Publ. by Comity de Patronage des Etudiants Etrangers. 

2nd ed. 8°. 1910 
French (George), historical writer. Hist, of Col. Parke's 

Administration of the Leeward Islands ; w. an aco. of the 

Rebellion in Antegoa, 1710. 8°. 1717 

Frere (Pi. Son. John Hookham), see Eichler (A.) J. H. F., 

s. Leben u. s. Werke etc., 1905. 
Frere-Orban (Hubert Joseph Walther), see Hymans (P.) 

F.-O., 2t, n.d. 
Freund (Ernst). The poUoe power. Public policy & constitut. 

rights. 8°. Chicago. 1904 

Freund (Leonhard). Zur Gesch. d. Ehegiiterreohtes bei d. 

Semiten, see Kaiserl. Akad. d. Wiss. zu Wien. Sitzungs- 

ber., B162, 1909. 
Frey (Carl). Studien zur Michelagniolo Buonarroti u. zur 

Kunst s. Zeit, [T]3, see Jahbbuoh d. Konigl. -Pbeitss. 

KXTNSTSAMMLITNGEN, B30, Beiheft, 1909. 
Friederich (Rudolf). Die Befreiungskriege 1813-1815. Bl, 

Der Friihjahrsfeldzug 1813. 2« A. 8°. 1911 

Friederichs (Miss Hulda). The romance of the Salvation 

Army. Pref. by Gen. Booth. 8". 1907 

Friedjung (Heinrich), see Benedek (L. v.) Naohgelassene 

Papiere ; hrsg. u. zu e. Biog. verarbt. v. H. F., 3^ A., 1904. 
Friedlander (Ludwig), prof, zu Kdnigsberg. Darstellungen 

aus d. Sittengesch. Roms, v. August bis z. Ausgang d. 

Antonine. 4T. 8^ verm. A. 8". L. 1910 

Roman life & manners under the early Empire. v3. Tr. 

by J. H. Freese. 88". [1909] 




Frietoch, v. Schwaben, hero of romance. Friedrioh v. 

bchwaben ; hrsg. v. M. H. Jellinek. [Deutsche Texte d. 

M..-a. hrsg. V. d. Konigl. Preuss. Akad. d. Wiss., 1]. 8". 1904 

Friedrich-WUhelms-Universitat, see Koniqmchb F.-W.-Univ., 

Friends' ffistorical Society. Journal supplement. 

_ „ no. 8. 80. 1910 

see Quakers. Extracts f. State Papers rel. to Friends, si, 

1654-8, 1910. -^ [g] 

Fries (Carl). Studien zur Odyssee. [B]l, Das Zagmukfest 

auf Schena. [Mitteil. d. Vorderasiat. Gesell, 1910, 2/4]. 

Fries (Ellen). Markvardiga qvinnor. Svenska qvinnor. 

_ . , s8". 1891 

Friesnammer (Johann). Die spraohl. Form der Chaucerschen 

Prosa. [Studien z. engl. Philologie ; hrsg. L. Morsbach, 
_ ?*2.]- _ , 8". Halle a. S. 1910 

Frisoni (Gaetano). Dizionario mod. genovese-ital. e ital.-g. ; 

arricchito di una raccolta di proverbi liguri e seguito da un 

Rimario dialettale, oomp. dal P. A. F. Gazzo. 

s8». Genova. 1910 
Fritzsche (Carl). Die Darstellung d. Individuums in d. 

" Origines de la France contemp." v. Taine. [Beitrage 

z. Kultur u. Universalgesch., 13]. 8°. L. 1910 

Frobenius (Leo). Kulturtypen aus d. Westsudan, see Pbtbk- 

MANNS Mitt. Ergnzb. 35, 1910. 
Froding (Gustaf), see Beeg (R. G. : son) G. F., 1910. 
Frohner (Wilhelm). ApoUon : bronze archaique du cte. M. 

Tyszkiewioz, see Acad, des Insob. etc. : Fond. Piot. 

Mous.etc, t2, 1895. 
Froidevaux (Henri). De regiis concihis Philippo II Augusto 

regnante habitis. Thesim proponebat H. F. 

[P1236]. 8°. Pariaiis. 1891 
Froment (Nicolas), f,. 15 cent., see Mandach (C. de). Un 

atelier provenjal du 15'= siecle : les oeuvres de N. F., 1909. 
Froment (Pierre). Petit-Prince. s8". 1893 

Froning (Richard). Frankfurter Ghroniken u. annalist. 

Aufzeiohnungen des M.-a. ; bearbt. v. R. F., see Geotepend 

(H.) Quellen z. Frankfurter Gesoh., Bl, 1884. 
Frontinus (Sextus Julius), see Hekoldt (J.) Exempla virtu- 

tum et vitiorum, F'. Exemplorum, sive Strategematum 

[Ub. iv], 1555. 
Frost (Frederick J. Tabor), see Arnold (C.) & F. J. T. F. 

Amer. Egypt : reo. of travel in Yucatan, 1909. 
Frothingham (Arthur Lincoln). Le modele de I'^glise St.- 

Maclou a Rouen, see Acad, des Inscb. etc. -. Fond. Piot. 

Mons. etc., tl2, 1905. 
Roman cities in Northern Italy & Dalmatia. 8°. 1910 

Fry (Mrs. Elizabeth). Mem. of the life of E. F., w. extr^. f. 

h. journal & letters. Ed. by two of h. daughters [K. Fry 

& R. E. CressweU]. 2nd ed., rev. & enl. 2v. 8". 1848 

*Fuero (El) de Aviles, 1865, see Feenandez-Gdekra y Oebb (A.) 
Fulco, of Neuilly-sur-Marne, see FotrLQUBS, cure de Neuilly. 
Fuld (Leouhard Felix). Police administration : a crit. study 

of police organisations in the U.S. & abroad. 8°. N.Y. 1909 
Fulda. Die Jahrbucher v. F. u. Xanten, [the Jahrb. v. F. 

hy Enhardus Fuldensis, Rudolfhus Fvldensis, etc.] ; ubers. 

V. C. Rehdautz, 2^ A., neu bearbt. v. W. Wattenbach, see 

Geschichtschreibeb (Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2^ Gesammt- 

ausg., B23, 1889. 

Fulda (Ludwig). Herr u. Diener. Sohauspiel. 88°. St. 1910 
Fulgosius (Baptista), see Feegoso (B.) 

Fuller (Sir Joseph Bampfylde). Studies of Indian life & 
sentiment. S°. 1910 

Fuller (Thomas), D.D., prebendary of Salisbury. Church hist, 
of Brit, until 1648. Pref. & notes by J. Nichols. 

3v. [3rd ed.] 88°. 1868 

Hist, of the Holy Warre. 4th ed. sfol. 1651 

A Pisgah sight of Palestine & the confines thereof ; w. the 

hist, of the Old & New Test, acted thereon. s8". 1869 

Fuller (-Sir Thomas Ekin), K. CM. 6. Rt. Hon. C. J. Rhodes : 

a monograph cfe a reminiscence. 8°. 1910 

Fuller-Maitland (J. A.) EngUsh carols of the 15th cent., 

f. a MS. roll in the Ub. of Trinity Coll., Cambridge. Ed. 

J. A. F. M. With added vocal parts by W. S. Rookstro. 

4P. n.d. 

FuUerton (George Stuart). An intr. to phil. 8". N.Y. 1908 

A system of metaphysics. 8°. N.Y. 1904 

Fumi (Luigi). La moda del vestire in Lucca dal sec. 

14 al 19, see Belltjooi (A.) Nozze Bellucci Ragnotti, 


Funck-Brentano (Frantz). La Bastille des com^diens : Le 

For I'Eveque. 7« ed. 88°. 1910 

Furetifere (Antoine). *Nouvelle aI16gorique, ou hist, des 

derniers troubles arrivez au royaume d' eloquence. 

2e 6d., rev. & corr. 88°. 1659 

Fiirst (Julius). Gesch. d. bibl. Lit. u. d. jud.-heUeni8t. Schrift- 

thums. 2B. 8°. L. 1867-70 

Hebra. u. chalda. Handwboh. iiber d. Alte Test. ; mit e. 

Gesch. d. hebra. Lexicographie. 

2B. 2= verb. A. 8". L. 1863 
see Dblitzsoh (F.) Jesurum, sive proleg. in Concord. Vet. 
Test, a J. F. ed. lib. 3, 1838. 
Fnrstenau (Adalbert, Qrafza Erbach), see ERBACH-FtrBSTENAu 

(A., Graf zd). 
Fiirstenfelder, see Lotris IV, emp. of Germany. Quellen z. 
Gesch. L. [i.e. Die F. Chronik, sometimes attr. to Volcmarus 
abbot of Fiirstenfeldt, etc.] ; ubers. v. W. Friedensburg, HI, 
Furtwangler (Wilhelm). Die Idee d. Todes in d. Mythen u. 
Kunstdenkmalern d. Griechen. 

Tl. 20 A. [P476]. 8°. Freiburg im Br. 1860 

Fuseli (Henry). Lectures oh painting, deUv. at the Royal 

Acad. With add. obs. & notes. 4°. 1820 

Fusil (Louise). Souv. d'une femme sur la retraite de Russie. 

[Nouv. Coll. hist, pour la jeunesse; publ. Ctsse. C. D'Ar- 

juzon]. s8». 1910 

Fusoris (Jean), chanoine de Notre- Dame de Paris, see Mirot 

(L.) Le proces de J. F., 1415-6, 1901. 
Fussell (Joseph H.) Incidents in the hist, of the theosophical 
movement founded in New York, 1876, etc. 

[P1284]. Ia8<'. Point Loma, California. [1910] 

Futterer (Carl). Durch Asien. Erfahrungen, Forschungen 

u. Sammlungen wahrend d. v. Dr. Holderer unternommenen 

Reise. Hrsg. v. K. F. B3. Ia8». 1911 

3, Naturwissenschaftl. u. meteorolog. Ergebnisse, [by var. authors, w.5 
pagin.] ; mit. e. Vorwort v. "W". Paulcke. 

Fyvie (John). 

Wits, beaux & beauties of the Georgian era. 

8°. 1909 





Gagnon (Ernest). Chansons pop. du Canada. Rec. & publ. 

aveo annot^. par G. 5e id. 8". Montreal. 1908 

Gaidoz (Henii), see MtLtrsiNB : rec. de mythologie, etc., pub. 

par H. G., in prog. 
Gaiife (F.) Le drame en France au la's s. 8". 1910 

Gaillard (Victor Louis Marie). Reoherches sur les monnaies 

des Comtes de Flandre. 2p in Iv. i°. Gand. 1852-7 

Gaillard de Champris (Henry). E. Augier et la com^die 

sooiale. [With bibliog.]. 8". 1910 

Gairdner (James), of the Record Office, see Collins (W. E.) 

Typical Eng. Churchmen, s2, S. Gardiner, by J. G., 1909. 
Gains, the jurist. Instit. comm. 4 ; ex rec. & cum comm. 

I. F. L. Goeschenii, etc. — [Instit. comm. 4 ; cura A. G. 

Hefiter — Instit. lib. 2 etc., ex lege Romana Visigotthorum ; 

cura E. Bocking], see Corpus iuris Romani Anteiustiniani, 

faso. 1, 1841. 
Galbraith (Joseph Allen). Statement in explan. of evidence 

rel. to the construction of the Boyne Viaduct. 

[P1240]. 8°. D. 1858 
The Vartry water scheme. Statement as to quantity of 

water in River Vartry. [P1239]. 8°. D. 1861 

Galcer&n de Borja (P. L.), see Boeja (P. L. G. db). 
Galeazzo Maria [Sforza], duke of Milan, see Sfokza (G. M.) 
Galiano (A. Alcala), see AlcalI Galiano (A.) 
Galigai (Leonora), see Ancke (L. Concini, marquise d'). 
Galitzin (-pcss. Barbe Nicolaievna) [Galitzine], see Golovin 

(ctss. B. N.) 
Gall, St., abbot. Leben d. heil. G. [by Wettinus}, u. d. Abtes 

Otmar, [by Gozbertus, rev. by W. StraboJ ; iibers. v. A. 

Potthast, 2" A., n. bearbt. v. W. Wattenbach, see Gbschicht- 

SOHRBIBBR (Dib) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2^ Gesammtausg., B12, 

Gallavresi (Giuseppe). Lettere dirette al cte. di Montalembert 

dai suoi corrispondenti piemontesi ; [ed. G. G.], see Regia 

Dbp. s. qli Stttdi di Storia Patria per le Ant. Peov. 

BTO. Bibl. di storia ital. rec, v2, 1909. 
Galletti (Alfredo). L'opera di V. Hugo neUa lett. ital., see 

Giornalb Stor. d. Lett. Ital., Suppl., 7, 1904. 
Galliean Churches. The epistle of the G. C. ; tr., etc., 1900, 

see Bindley (T. H.) 
Gallo (Torre al), see Torre al Gallo. 

Gallon (Tom). The great gay road. sS". [1910] 

Galloway (William Johnson), a. of " The operatic problem." 

Musical England. 88°. [1910] 

Galopiu (Amould). Ninon de Lenclos, d'ap. sa corr. amoureuse, 

etc. rp2, Lettres de N. de L. au marq. de S6vign6]. 

^ s8o. [1910] 

Galpin (Francis William). Old English instruments of music, 

their hist. & character. [The Antiquary's Books]. 

8°. [1910] 

Galsworthy (John). Justice. A tragedy. s8». 1910 

A motley. [2nd imp-]- s8<'. 1910 

Gamazo (Gabriel Maura). Rincones de la histona : Apuntes 

para la historia social de Espafla. [tl, siglos 8-13]. 8°. 1910 
Gamba (Bartolommeo), see Nodier (J. E. C.) Bibl. sacr^e 

grecque-lat. ; ouvr. redige d'apres M. Bom & G., 1826. 
Gandellini (G. Gori), see Gori Gandbllini (G.) ^ 

Gane (Nicolae). Bogdan Petrioeiou-Hasdeu. Cu raspuns de 

I. C. Negruzzi. [Acad. Romana]. 1*80. 1909 

Gante (Pedro de). Relaciones de P. de G., secretario del 

duque de Najera, 1520-44. [With Varias an^cdotas, * 

Capitulos (53-5) de una croniga de Hen. VIII de Ingla- 

terra rel. a la visita que hicieron a dicho reyno los duques 

de Naiera y de Alburquerque. Ed. P. de Gayangos]. 

Dalas a luz la Soc. de Bibliofilos Espanoles. 8°. 1873 

Garbs (Richard K.) Kaiser Akbar von Indien^^Rede.^ ^^^^ 

Garcia Cerezeda (Martin). Tratado de las campafias etc. 
del emp. Carlos V en Italia, Prancia, Austria Berbena y 
Grecia, desde 1521 hasta 1545. [Ed. G. Cruzada yiUaamil]. 
Publ la Soc. de Bibliofilos Espanoles. 3t. 8". 1873-b 

Garcia de la Biega (Celso). Literatura galaica. El Amadis 

de Gaula. S". 1909 

Gardening. *Systema horti-culturse : or, the art of g. 1677, 

see WooLRiDOE (J.) 
Gardiner (Edward Norman). Greek athletic sports & festivals. 

s8". 1910 
Gardiner (Samuel Bawson). Cromwell's place in history. 

7th imp. s8o. 1910 
Letters & papers rel. to the First Dutch War, 1652^4. [Navy 

Records Soc, 37]. v4, [ed. C. T. Atkinson]. 8". 1910 

Gardiner (Stephen), bp. of Winchester, see Collins (W. E.) 

Typical Eng. Churchmen, s2, S. G., by J. Gairdner, 1909. 
Gardner (Edmund G.), see Richard, de St. Victor. The cell 

of self-knowledge ; 7 treatises pr. by H. PepweU, 1521 ; ed. 

w. intr. by G., 1910. 
Gardner (Ernest Arthur). Six Greek sculptors. s8°. 1910 

Gardner (Percy). Modernity & the Churches. s8». 1909 

Garibaldi (gen. Giuseppe). Poema autobiog. (dair autografo). 

Carme alia morte e altri canti inediti ; pubbl. G. E. Curatulo. 

88°. Bologna. 1911 
see Hbrzbn (A.) CoiiiHeHiH, t9, Camicia rossa, 1879. 

„ Stiavblli (G.) Garibaldi nella lett. italiana, ed. pop., 
Garland (Charles H.), see Latham (A.) & C. H. G. The 

conquest of consumption, 1910; n. & rev. ed., 1911. 
Garnett (Edward), see Garnett (R.) Life of W. J. Fox ; by 

R. G., concluded by E. G., 1910. 
Garnett (Bichard), of the B.M., the younger. Life of W. J. 

Fox, 1786-1864. By R. G., concluded by E. Garnett. 

8». 1910 
Gamier (Edouard), genealogist. Tableaux gen^alog. des 

souverains de la France et de ses grands feudataires. 4". 1863 
Garnier (col. John). The worship of the dead, or the origin & 

nature of Pagan idolatry & its bearing upon the early hist. 

of Egypt & Babylonia. n. ed. 8°. 1909 

Garrick (David), see Knight (J.) D. G., 1894. 
Garrold (R. P.), S.J. A fourth form boy. s8». 1910 

Garstang (John). The land of the Hittites : ace of explora- 
tions & disc in Asia Minor, w. descr. of the Hittite mons. 

With bibliog. [Intr. note by A. H. Sayce]. 8°. 1910 

Gascoigne (George). [Complete works. Cambridge Eng. 

2v. 8°. C. 1907-10 

1, Posies (1576). Ed. J. W. Cunliffe. 

2, The glasse of governement (1575) — The princely pleasures at KeneX- 

worth Castle — The Steele glas (1576) & o. poems & prose works [incl. 
The droome of doomes day ; pi tr. f. Innocent III]. Ed. J. W. 

see Woodstock. The Queen's entertainment at W., 1575, 
incl. the Tale of Hemetes, & a comedy in verse, probably 
by G., 1910. 
Gascoyne- Cecil (Lord Hugh B. H.), see Cecil {Lord H. R. 

H. G.-) 
Gascoyne-Cecil (Rev. Lord William), see Cecil {Rev. Lord 

W. G.-) 
Gaskell (Mrs. Eliz. Cleghorn), see Chadwick {Mrs. E. H.) 

Mrs. G., haunts, homes & stories, 1910. 
Gaskin (Robert Tate). The old seaport of Whitby, chapters 

f. the hfe of its bygone people. s8°. Whitby. 1909 

Gaspar (Camille). Le peintre c6ramiste Smikros, a propos 

d'un vase du Mus6e de BruxeUes, see Acad, des Inscr. 

etc. : Fond. Piot. Mon^ etc., t9, 1902. 
GascLuet (Francis Aidan), see Coulton (G. G.) Medieval 

studies, no. 1, The monastic legend : criticism of G.'s 

" Henry VIII & the Eng. monasteries," 1905. 
Gaston (I'abbe Jean). Une prison parisienne sous la Terreur : le 

convent des Benedictines Anglaises du Champ-de-l'Alouette. 

[P1284]. 8". 1909 
Gastoue (Amedee). L'art gregorien. [Les maitres de la 

musique]. sS". 1911 

Gatacre (Hon. Beatrix Lady). General Gatacre : Hfe & 

services of Sir Wm. F. Gatacre, 1843-1906. 8°. 1910 




Gatacre {gen. Sir William Forbes), see Gataore (Hon. B. 

Lady). Gen. 6. : story of life & services, 1910. . 
Gathorne-Hardy {Hon. Alfred E.), see Cbanbkook (G. G.-H., 

1st earl of). G. H. : a mem. Ed. A. E. G.-H., 1910. 

Gatien-Arnoult (Adolphe Felix). Monumens de la litt. romane 

dep. le M^ s., publ. par G.-A. 2^ publication. Ia8°. [1849] 

Las joyas del gay saber ; rec. de potSsies en langue romane couronn6ea 

par le Consistoire de la Gaie-Science de Toulouse, 1324-1498, avec la 

tr. et des notes, par J. B. Noulet. 

Gatty (Alfred). The poetical character : illust. f. the works 
of A. Tennyson. Lecture, Sheffield, 6th Dec, 1859. 

[P1298]. 8°. 1860 
Gauchat (Louis), see Canzonieeb provenzale H ; [ed. L. G. & 

H. Kehrli], 1891. 
Ganckler (Paul). 
For the following see Acad. d. Inscb. etc : Pond. Piot. 
Mons. etc. 

Un cat. figure de la batellerie grioo-rom. ; la mosaique d'Althlburus, 
1905. [12.] 

Le domalne des Laberii k TJthina, 1896. [3,] 

MoBa'iques tombales d'nne chapelle de martyrs k Thabraca, 1906. [13.] 
Les mosa'iques virgiliennes de Sousse, 1897. [4.] 

La patfere de Bizerte, 1896. [2.] 

Gaule. Diet, arch^olog. de la G. : epoque celtique. Publ. 

par la comm. institute au Ministers de I'lnstruction Publ. 

etc. [Does. in6d.] tl, 2i, [A-Lig.]. fol. 1875-8 

Gautherot (Gustave). L'echange des otages : Thiers & Mgr. 

Darboy. Pref. de M. de Marcere. s8<'. 1910 

Gauthier (L^on). Ibn Thofail, sa vie, ses ceuvres. [Eoole 

des lettres d' Alger, Bulletin de oorr. afric, t42]. 8°. 1909 

Gautbier-Villars (Henry), [ps. Willy], see Willy, ps. 

Gautiei (E. F.) & B. Chudeau. Missions au Sahara. t2, 

Sahara soudanais, par R. Chudeau. 8". 1909 

Gautier (iTudith), aft. Mme. Catulle Mendes. Le Kvre de jade. 

Poesies tr. du ohinois. Nouv. 6d., augm. 8°. [1908] 

Gautier (Theophile), the elder. Les beaux-arts en Europe. 

1855. 2s. 88°. 1855-6 

Gravio (Heniicus de) [Gavi ; Heneictjs, marchio de Gavio], 

see Caffabtts, de Taschifellone, for cont. of h. Annales 

Januenses hy H. de 0. 

Gayet (Albert). Trois stapes d'art en Egypte : L'Empire 

pharaonique — L'ecole d'Alexandrie — Le Khalifat arabe. 

sS". 1909 
Gayraud (I'ahhe). La crise de la foi, ses causes & ses remedes. 

88°. 1904 
Gazier (Augustin). La Bastille en 1743, see Sooibt:e de 
l'Hist. de Paeis, etc. Mems., t7, 1881. 
Les dernieres annees du card, de Retz, 1655-79. These. 

8". 1875 
La Guerre des Farines (mai 1775), see SooitT:^ de l'Hist. 

DE Pabis, eto. Mems., t6, 1880. 
Melanges de litt. & d'hist. 88°. 1904 

Gazzo (Ang. Federico), see Feisoni (G.) Diz. mod. genovese- 
ital., etc. ; seguito da un Rimario dialettale, comp. dal 
P. A. F. G., 1910. 
Gebhardt (Oscar v.) 
see Bible : Old Test. Grsecus Venetus ; ed. 0. G., 1875. 
„ Petbb, Apostle tSb Saint. Das Evangehum u. d. Apoka- 
lypse d. P. ; hrsg. v. 0. v. G., 1893. 
Gebhardt (Victor). Historia general de Espana y de sus 
Indias. 6t in 7. [6i, ii, pagin. cont. ; tl, por A. del Villar]. 

Ia8». 1861-4 
Geddes {Sir William Duguid). Musa Latina Aberdon. [New 
Spalding C.]. v3, Poetae minores : ed. W. K. Leask. 

4°. Aberdeen. 1910 
Geffroy (Gustave). Lea musses d'Europe : Berlin, Kaiser 
Friedrich Museum. 40. n.d. 

Geflroy (M. Auguste). La colonne d'Arcadius a Constantinople 
d'ap. un dessin, see Acad, des Inscb. etc. -. Fond. Piot. 
Mon^. etc., t2, 1895. 
Geibel (F. Emanuel A.), see Kleibomeb (G.) E. G., 1910. 
Geiger (Abraham). Lehr- u. Lesebuch z. Spraohe d. Mischnah. 
2 Abthlgn. in iw. (1, Lehrbuch; 2, Lesebuch). 

88°. Breslau. 1845 
Sadducaer u. Pharisaer. Sonder-Abdruck aus d. 2. B. d. 
jiid. Zeitschrift fiir Wissenschaft etc. 

[P1263]. 8". Breslau. 1863 
Salomo Gabirol u. s. Diohtungen. [Inst. z. Forderung d. 
Israelit. Lit., Schriften, Jhrg. 12]. s8°. L. 1867 

Was hat Mohammed aus d. Judenthume aufgeuommen ? 

[P1263]. 8°. Bonn. 1833 

Geiler (Johann), von Kaiserberg, see Dacheux (L.) Un 
r^formateur cath. a la fin du 16s. : J. G., 1478-1510, 
Gelzer (Heinrich), 1847-1906 ; professor at Jena. Byzantin. 
Kulturgesch. [Ed. by his son, H. Gelzer]. 

8°. Tubingen. 1909 
Geistliches u. Weltliches aus d. turk.-griech. Orient. 

8". L. 1900 
Gelzer (Matthias). Studien zur byzantin. Verwaltung Agyp- 
tens. [Leipziger Hist. Abhdlg., Hft. 13]. 8°. L. 1909 

Gemeindeflnanzen. [Verein f. Sooialpolitik, 127 i-iii]. 

B2 i-iii. S". L. 1910 

2 i, Einzelfragen d. Finanzpolitik d. Gemeinden ; mit Beitrttgen v. 0. 

Landsberg, B. Mischler, W. Boldt, A. Pohlmann u. T. Kutzer. 
2 ii, Die Gemeindeflnanzstatistik in Deutschland : Ziele, Wege, Ergeb- 

nisse ; v. 0. Most. 
2 iii. Die Entwicklung u. d. Probleme d. Gemeindeabgabenwesens in d. 

Stadten etc. d. preuss. Industriebezirke ; v. H. LUcker. 

Geminiauus, St., bp. of Modena. Relatio translationis corporis 
S. G., 1099-1106 ; a cura di G. Bertoni ; [w.] App., Carmina 
Mutinensia etc., see MtTEATOEl (L. A.) Rer. Ital. scr., t6 i, 

Genealogist (The), Supplement, see Bath. Marriage allega- 
tion bonds of bps. of B. & Wells, to 1755, 1909. 

Genebrard (Gilbert), abp. of Aix [Genbbraedits]. Elirayayli 
ad legenda etc. Hebrseorum & Orientalium sine punctis 
soripta, — Meditationes & Tabulae Rabbinicse, see Reland 
(A.) Analecta Rabbinioa, 1702. 

Genevieve, St., of Paris. Vita. Prolegomena consoripsit, 
textum ed. C. Kunstle. s8». L., Teubner. 1910 

Genoa. Die Jahrbiioher v. G. ; ilbers. v. W. Arndt [<fc G. 
Grandaur], 2'= A., 1897-8, see Cafeabits, de Taschifellone. 

Gentil de Vendosme (P.), see Gentile (P.) 

Gentile, da Urbino, bp. of Arezzo [Gentile di Gioboio de' 
BJiCCHi, da Urbino]. Alcune lettere di G. da U. a Lorenzo 
il Magnifico stato suo discepolo. \_Ed. D. Buonamici. Per 
le nozze Soria-Vitta. P1277]. 8°. Firenze. 1870 

Gentile (Pietro) [Gentil de Vendosme (Pierbe)]. P. Gentil 
de Vendosme & A. Achelis. Le siege de Malte par les 
Turcs en 1565, publ. en frangais & en grec par H. Pernot, 
[i.e. the first of P. G.'s Deux veritables discours (1567), 
with A. A.'s versified adaptation Bi/3aiov mpiexov ttjs MtiAraj 
TToKiopKiav (1571). CoU. de mon^. pour servir a I'etude de 
la langue & de la litt. n6o-heI16niques, sIII, no. 2]. 

80. 1910 

Gentz (Friedrich v.) Briefe v. u. an F. v. G. Hrsg. v. F. C. 
Wittichen. B2, Briefe an u. v. C. 6. v. Brinckmann u. A. 
Miiller. 8". Miinchen. 1910 

Genzardi (Nie.) Le fran^ais & I'italien. [All before p. 65 
wanting, b.w. Zambaldi (F.) Gramm. ital., 10" ed., 1892]. 

8°. Firenze. [1892] 

Geological Survey of England & Wales, etc., see Judd (J. W.) 
Geology of Rutland, etc., 1875. 

Georg (Carl). Schlagwort-Katalog. B6 i, 1908-10, A.-K. 

Ia8". Hannover. 1910 

George II, k. of Gt. Brit. <i> Ireland, see Lucas (R.) G. II & 
h. ministers, 1910. 

George (Stefan). Das Jahr d. Seele. 4^ A. s8o. 1908 

Der Teppich d. Lebens u. Die Lieder v. Traum u. Tod, mit 

e. Vorspiel. 46 a. s8». 1908 

Georgia. nepenacKa, ea hroctp. aswKax^, etc., 1861, see Bbosset 
(M. F.) 

Georgian Society. Records of 18c. domestic architecture & 
decoration in Dublin. v2. 4°. D. 1910 

Gdrard, de Harlem, see Gebabdtjs, van Harlem. 

Gerard, de Leyde, see Geeabdits, van Harlem. 

Gerard (Dorothea), aft. Mme. Longard de Longgarde. Itin- 
erant daughters. 38". [1907] 

Gerard (Morice) ps. Purple love. s8". n.d. 

Gerardus, Augustanus [Gebhaed]. Das Leben Oudalrichs, 
Bischofs V. Augsburg; iibers. v. G. Grandaur, see Ge- 
schichtsohbbibeb (Dib) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2" Gesammtause.. 
B31 ii, 1891. ^ 

Gerardus, van Harlem [Geeaed, de Harlem ; GiKAED, de 
Leyde], see Benoit (C.) La Resurrection de Lazare, nar 
G., 1902. ^ 

Gerardus, Stederburg. Die Chronik v. Stederburg, [gen. attrib. 
to G., but probably not by him] ; libera, v. E. Winkelmann, 
2= A., iiberarbt. v. W. Wattenbach, see Gesohichtsohbeibbe 
(Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2= Gesammtausg., B62, 1895. 




Gerbaud {capitaine Pierre Francois Jean Baptists) [Gkbbatjd 
DE Maloanb]. Le capitaine G., 1773-99. Les voloutaires 
de la Greuse en 1791, etc. Docs. publ. & annot6s par M. 
Mangerel. [Cont. G.'s Lettres dh Journal de la campagne 
d Jigypte, w. Notice biog., etc.]. 8°. 1910 

Gergy (J. J. L. de La V. de), see Langtjet de La Villenbttve 

DE Gekqy (J. J.) 
Gerhard, v. Augsburg, see Gekardus, Augustanus. 
Gerlach, AM v. MuMJumsen, see Gerlactjs, MUooic. 
Gerlacus, Milmic [Geblach, AU v. MuHhausen'], see ViN- 
OBNTTOS, Pragensis. Die Jabrbticlier v. V. u. G. ; tibers. 
V. G. Grandaur, 1895. 
Germanicus Csesai. 
see fABATTjs, of Soli. Phsenomena etc. : intern. G. 0. etc., 

1559. ^ 

„ Lemaieb (N. E.) Poetse Lat. minores, v6, 1826. 
Germany. *Impressions of G. ; by an American lady, see 
Geiefin {Mrs. M.) 
Reports on labour & social conditions in Germany. [Tariff 
Reform League]. 2v. Working men's tours, Nos. 1-5. 

8". 1910 
The Russo-Japanese war, prepared in Hist. Section of 
German Gen. Staff, tr. K. v. Donat, in prog., see Rtrsso- 
Japanese War. 
Gerola (Giuseppe). Bassano. [Italia artistica, 59]. 

84°. Bergamo. 1910 

Gerritszoon (Hessel). Journanx etc. de marins hoUand. et 

portugais de la navig. aux Antilles et sur les c6tes du Br6sil ; 

tr. par E. J. Bondam, see Rio de Janeieo : Bibl. Nac. 

Annaes, v29, 1909. 

Gerstacker (Carl Eduard Adolf), see Dbokbn {Baron C. C. 

V. D.) Reisen in Ost-Afrika, B3 ii, Gliederthiere, bearbt. 

V. G., 1873. 

Geschichte. Zur Gesch. d. Christl. Kirche, bis zum Anfange 

d. i*"" Jhdts., 1856, see Biesbnthal (J. H. R.) 

Geschichte der Europaischeu Staaten. Hrsg. v. A. H. L. 

Heeren, E. A. Ukert, etc. [In prog.] 8°. Gotba. 1910 

Osman. Eeicbes ; v. If . Jorga, B3, bis 1640, 1910. 

Geschichtschreiber (Die) d. deutschen Vorzeit. Hrsg. v. 

Pertz, Grimm, etc. [Lieferung 79]. 88". L. 1886 

Windeck (E.), b. 1S80. Das Deben Kdnig Sigmuiids; ubers. ^. Dr. v. 

Hagen. [79.] 

„ „ [Hrsg. V. Pertz, Grimm, Watten- 

bach, Holder-Egger, & others']. 2<= Gesammtausgabe. 

[Bl-90 in 30 ; in prog.] s8°. L. [1884^1910] 
A gt. number Nach d. Ausgaben d. Monumenta Germanise. 

TJrzeit, Bl-4. 
6<» Jhdt.,B6-9. 
lO" Jhdt., B28-38. 

11" Jhdt., B39-48. 
12=" Jlldt., B49-68. 
13»" Jhdt., B69-78. 
15«" Jhdt., B87-90. 

Adalbert, St., bp. of Prague, see Canaparius (J.) 

Adamus, Bremensis. Hamburg. Kirehengesch. ; ubers. v. J. C. M. 

Laurent, mit e. Vorworte V. J. M. Lappenberg, 2" A., neu bearbt. v. 

W. Wattenbach, [1893]. [44.] 

Adelaide, St., cnnsort of Lolhaire, k. of Italy, & aft. of Otto I emp., see 

Odilo, St., Cluniac. 
Agathias, see Procopius, of Ccesarea. 
Agius, presbyter, see Candidus, ofFulda. 
Albertus, Arijentinensis, see JVtatthias, Neoburgensis. 
Albertus, Stadensis. Chronik ; libera, v. F. Wachter, [1896]. [72.] 

Alcuinus Die Lebensbesclireibungen d. hi. Willibrord, [v. A.], Gregors 

V Utrecht, [v. Liudger], Liudgers, [v. AlMrled], u. Willehads v. 

Bremen, [v. St., Ansgar] ; tibers. v. W. "Wattenbach, etc., 1888. [14.] 
Alexander, of Lyons, St. dc martyr, see Budolphus, Fuldensis, & Megin- 

hardus,Vi<;de«sis. . , „ ,« 

Altaich Die grdsseren Jahrbiioher v. A., [attr. zn p. to Wolfher v. 

midesheim(Wolferus, canon.)] ; tibers. v. L. Weiland, 2« A., [1893]. [46.] 
Altfridus.ftp. o/ilfMM(er, see Alcuinus. „ r, ^ r-,oo^, 

Ammianus Marcellinus, Auszuge aus A. M. ; ubers. v. D. Coste, [1884]. 

Annalista Saxo, «ee Saohsische (Der) Annalist. 

Ansgar, S(., sec Alcuinus ; Eembert,^*. ,. „ „ ^ ^ -^ 

Arnoldus, abbot of Imbech, Chromk; iibers. y. J. C. M. Lament, rait e. 

Vorworte v. J. M. lappenberg, 2« A., neu bearbt. v. W. Wattenbach, 



Arnulphus bp. of Metz, see Fredegarius, Seholastieus. 

Astronomus, j)S., see Theganus, cAorefiisc. IVeror. 

Aut-sburg. Die Jahrbticher v. A. ; iibers. v. G. Grandaur, [1893]. [49.] 

Auria (J.), see Ca£farus, de Taschifellone. 

Baldulnus, aip. of Treves, see Henry VII, emp. of Germany. 

BartholomsBUB, Oenuensis, see Caflarus, de TaschifeUons. 

^ede, see Isidore, bp. of Seville. . w!„i,oi™».,., 

BevukUm, presbyter of ConsUmce. Chromk; ubers. v. E. Wmkelmann 

2= A neu bearbt. v. W. Wattenbach, [1893]. [48.] 

Bernward St., bp. of Hildesheim, see ThangmamB. 
Berthold 'abbot of Zwiefalt, see Guelph, ThefamUy of 
BtvttLmiS,Auginsis. Fortsetzung d. Chronik Hermanns v. Beichenau ; 

[w. Leben Herimanns]; ubers. v. G. Grandaur, [1893]. [47.] 

Geschichtschreiber (Die) [continued]. 

Boniface, St., see 'WillibalduB, presbyter. 

Bonilacius (B.), see Caflarus, de Taschifellone. 

Bruno, St., ahp. of Cologne, see Euotgerus. 

Bruno, Magdebttrgensis. Buch v. s&ahs. Kriege ; iibers. v. W. Watten- 
bach, 2» A., [1893]. [45.] 

Cassar (C. J.), see Horkel (J.) 

Caflarus, de Taschifellone. Die Jahrbiioher v. Genua, [beg%m by C, cont. 
by Obertus, Otobonus, Marohisius, Bartholomaus, L. Pignolus, G. de 
Murtedo, M. Ususmaris, Henricus v. Gavl, Marinetus de Marino, 
J. Suzobonus, N. Queroius, E. Drogus, B. Ususmaris, 0. Stancouus, 
J. Auria, M. de Cassino, Bertollnus Sohn d. Bonifatius, <& an anon. 
vMter ; extracts only ; cont, by 0. Panis omitted f. this ed. ; Pes 
Cafarus Buch v. d. Befreiung d. btadte d. Morgenlandes precedes the 
Jahrbiioher]; iibers. v. W. Arndt [* G. Grandaur], 2' A., neu bearbt. 
V. W. Wattenbach u. O. Holder-Egger, 2B, [1!'97-B]. [76, 77.] 

Canaparius (J.) Das Leben d. Bischofs Adalbert v. Prag; iibers. v. 
H. Hiifler, 2° A., neu bearbt. u. durch d. Leidensgesch. verm. v. 
W. Wattenbach, [1891]. ,. [34.] 

Candidus, ofFulda. Leben d. Abtes Eigil v. Fulda lby,C.] u. d. Abtissin 
Hathumoda v. Gandersheim [by Agiits], nebst d. tjbertragung d. hi, 
Liborius u. d. hi. Vitus ; Ubers. v. G. Grandaur, [1890]. [25.] 

Cassino (M. de), see Caflarus, de Taschifellone. 

Cerraenate (J. de), see Henry VII, emp. of Germmiy. 

Charlemagne. Der MBnch v. Sankt Gallen ii. d. Thaten Karls d. 
Grossen, [attr. to Sfoikerus Balbulus] ; Ubers. v. W. Wattenbach, 3« 
A., [1890]. [26.] 

see Eginhard. 

Charles IV, emp. of OerwoMy. Kaiser K. IV, Jugendleben, v. ihm selbst 
erzahlt; Ubers. v. L. Olsner, [1899]. [83.] 

Chronik (Die) v. d. Herzbgen v. Baiern, see Louis IV, emp. of Germany. 

Chronographus Saxo, see Magdeburg. 

Colmar. Annalen u. Chronik v. Kolmar; ubers. v. H. Pabst, 2« A., neu 
bearbt. v. W. Wattenbach, [1897J. [76.] 

Columban, St., see Fredegarius, Seholastieus. 

Conrad II, called " the Salic," envp. of Germany, see Wippo. 

Cortusius(A.) & G. Cortusius, see Henry VII, emp. of Germany. 

Cosmas, Pragens. Chronik v. Bohmen ; Ubers. v. G. Grandaur, 2" A., 
mit e. Nachtrag z. Einltg. v. W. Wattenbach, [1896]. [66.] 

— — Die Fortsetzungen d. C. L^.e. Der Kanonikus v. Wyssehrad, Der 
Mbuch V. Sazawa, Die Fortsetz. d. Prager Domherren, Jahrbucher v. 
Prag, Jahrbucher Otakars] ; tibers. v. G. Grandaur, [1895]. [66.] 

Ditmarus. Chronik ; iibers. v. M. Laurent, 2° A. v. J. Strebitzki, mit 
Rerichtigungen etc. v. W. Wattenbach, [1892]. [39.] 

Drogus (H.), see Caflarus, de Taschifellone. 

Eberhardus, of Ratisbon, see Hermannus, aM)as Altahensis. 

Eckhardus, monk of St. Gall. Casus Sancti Galli : nebst Proben aus d. 
Ubrigenlat. geschrieb. Abthlgn. d. St. Galler EUosterchronik ; Ubers. 
V. G. Meyer v. Kronau, [1891]. [38.] 

Eckhardus, abbot of Urau. Chronik ; ubers. v. W. Pfluger, [1893]. [51.] 

Egil, St., see Candidus, ofFulda ; Willibaldus, ^es&i/ier. 

Eginhard. E.'a Jahrbucher — Aus d. Paulus Diakonus Gesch. d. Bischbfe 
V, Metz— Die letzten Fortsetzungen d. Fredegar ; tibers. v. 0. Abel, 
2« A., bearbt. v. W. Wattenbach, 1888. [17.] 

Kaiser Karls Leben ; tibers. v. 0. Abel, 3« A., bearbt. v. W. Watten- 
bach, [1893]. [16.] 

Eloi, St. , sec Fredegarius, Seholastieus. 

Enhardus, Fuldensis, see Fulda. 

Erfurt, see Sankt Peter, abbey of. 

Eugyppius, abbas. Leben d. heil. Severin ; tibers. v. K. Rodenberg, 
[1884]. [4.] 

Ferretus, Vicentinus, see Henry VII, emp. of Germany. 

Fredegarius, Seholastieus. Die Chronik F. u. d. Frankenkonige, d. 
Lebensbeschreibungen d. Abtes Columban (v. Mbnch Jonas), d, 
BischMe Arnulf, Leodegar u. Eligius [by St. Ouen], d. Konigin 
Balthilde; Ubers. v. 0. Abel, 3°, ii. bearbte. A. v. W. Wattenbach, 
1888. [11.] 

see Eginhard ; Gregory, of Tours. 

Frederick I., emp. of Germany, called " Barbarossa," see Otto, bp. of 
Frisingen ; Ragewin. 

Frederick III., emp. of Germany, d. 11*93, see Grunbeck (J. ) ; Pius TL.,pope. 

Fulda. Die Jahrbiicher v, F. u. Xanten, [the Jahrb. v. F. by Enhardus 
Fuldensis, Rudolphus Fuldensis, etc.]; ubers. v. C. Kehdantz, 2° A., 
neu bearbt. v. W. Wattenbach, [1889], [23.] 

Ftirstenfelder (Die) Chronik, see Louis IV, emp. of Germany. 

Gall, St., abbot. Leben d. heil. G., [by Wettinus], u. d. Abtes Otmar, [by 
Gozbertus ; rev. by W. Strabo] ; ubers. v. A. Potthast, 2" A., n. bearbt. 
V. W. Wattenbach, 1888. [12.] 

Gavio (H. de), see Caflarus, de Taschifellone. 

Genoa, see Caflarus, de Taschifellone. 

Gerardus, Av.gustanus. Das Leben Oudalricha, Bischofs v. Augsburg; 
ubers. v. G. Grandaur, [1891]. [31 ii.] 

Oeim&as, Stederburg. Die Chronik v. Stederburg, [gen. attr. to G., tut 
probably not by him]; ubers. v. E. Winkelmann, 2" A., Uberarbt. v. 
W. Wattenbach, [1896]. [62.] 

Gerlacus, Milovic, see Vincentius, Pragensis. 

GodeJridus, count of Capenberg, see Norbert, St. 

Godefridus, mona^hus S. Pantalionis Coloniensis. Die Kdlner Kbnigs- 
chronik [attr. to G. ; w. 5 anon, continuations, <fc the cont. of Martin 
abp. of Gnesen] ; tibers. v. K. Platner, 2'> A., neu bearbt. etc. v. W. 
Wattenbach, [1896]. [69.] 

Gothard, bp. of Hildesheim, see Thangmarus. 

Gottesgnaden, abbey, see Norbert, St. 

Gozbertus, abbot, see Gall, St. 

Gregory, of Tours. Zehn Bucher frank. Gesch. ; tibers. v. W. v. Giese- 
brecht, 2» A., [B2 has Anhang, Sagen aus Fredegar u. d. Chronik d. 
Frankenkonige, [1886]. [8, 9.] 

Gregory, bp. of Utrecht, see Alcuinus. 

GrUnbeck (J.), b. 1U7S. Die Gesch. Friedrichs III u. Maximilians I ; 
tibers. V. T. Ilgen, [1899]. [90.] 

Guelph, The family of. Bine alte Genealogie d. Welfen, u. d. Monchs v. 
Weingarten [? Wemerus, abbas] Gesch. d. Welfen, mit d. Fortsetz- 
ungen u. e. Anhang aus Berthold v. Zwiefalten ; tibers v. G. 
Grandaur, [1896]. [68.] 

Quercius (N.), see Caflarus, de Taschifellone. 




Geschichtschieiber (Die) [continued}. 

Gulielmus, de Murtedo, see Caffarus, de TascMfeUo^ie. 
Hathumoda, abbess of Gandersheim, see Candidua, of Fulda. 
Helmoldus. Chronik d. Slaven ; iibers. v. J. C. M. Laurent u. W. 

Wattenbach ; mit e. Vorwort v. J, M. Lappenberg, 3« neubearbt. A. 

V. B. Schmeidler, 1910. [66.] 

Henricus, de Rebdorf, Kaiser- u. Papatgescb. ; libers, v. G. Grandaur, 

(1S99). [85.] 

Henry IV, emp. of Germany. Das Leben H. IV, [attr. to Otbert bp. of 

Liige & others']; iibers. v. P. Jaff6, 2'' A., neu bearbt. v. W. Watten- 

bach, 1S98. [60.] 

Henry VII, emp. of Germany. Das Leben H. VII [i.e. Des A. Mussatus 

Kaisergesch.— AuB d. G. Corlusius Erzablung v. d. Ereignissen in 

Padua u. d. Lorabardei — Aus d. Geach. d. Ferreto v. Vicenza — Die 

Cbronik d. J. de Cermenate — Nikolaua v. Butrinto ii. d. italien. 

Heei'fahrt H. VII— Aus d. Chronik d. G Villani v. Florenz— Aus d. 

Tagebuche d. Ser G. di Lelmo — Aus d. Leben d. Erzbiachofs Balduin 

T. Trier] ; iibers. v. W. Friedensburg, 2H, [1898). (79, 80.] 

Herbordus. Leben d. Bischofs Otto v. Bamberg; libers, v. H. Prutz, 2^ 

A., neu bearbt. v. W. Wattenbacb, 1894. [66.1 

Hermannus, abbas Altahensis. Die Werke d. Abtes H., nebst d. Fortsetz- 

ungen s. Jahrbiicher [&i/ Eberhardus of liatubon etc.] u. andereu 

Altaicher Aufzeichnungen ; libera, v. L. "Weiland, 2e A., neu bearbt. 

etc. V. 0. Holder-Bgger, [1898). [78.] 

Hermannus, Contractus. Chronik ; libers, v. K. Nobbe, 2'' A., durch- 

gesehen v. W. Wattenbaoh, [1893]. [42.] 

see Bertlioldua, Augiensis. 

Hermannus, abbas S. Martini Tornac, see Norbert, St. 

Hildesheim. Die Jahrbiicher v. H. ; libers v. E. Winkelmann, 2"= A., neu 

bearbt. v. W. Wattenbach, [1893]. [63 ] 

Hincmar, abp. of Rheims, see Saint-Bertin, abbey of. 
Horkel (J.) Die ilbmerkriege aus Plutarch, Casar, Vellejus, Suetonius, 

Tacitus — Tacitus' Germania ; iibers. v. J. H., 2"^ A., n. bearbt. u. 

eingeleitet v. W. Wattenbach, 2 Abtlg. , [1884]. [1, 2.] 

HucbHldus, see Willibaldus, ^)'es6j/(er. 
Ibrahim ibu JakHb, see Wittekindus. 
Isidore, bp. of Seville, St. Gesch. d. Goten, Vandalen, Sueven, nebst 

Ausziigen aus d. Kirchengesoh. d. Beda Veuerabilis; iibers. v. D, 

Coste, 3« A.,[1887]. [10.] 

Joannes, Victoriensis. Das Buch gewisser Gesch. [Chron. Carinthise] ; 

libers, v. W. Friedensburg, [1899]. [86.] 

Jonas, abbas Elnonensis, see Fredegarius, Scholasticus. 
Jornandes. Gothengesch. nebst Ausziigen aus s. rdm. Gesch. ; libers, v. 

W. Martens, [1884]. [6.] 

Kblner (Die) Kbnigschronik, see Godefridus, mon. S. Pantal. Colon. 
Lambertus, Hersfeld. Jahrbiicher; iibers. v. L. F. Hesse, 2** A., neu 

bearbt. v. W. Wattenbach, [1893]. [43.] 

Lambertus, Parvus, see Sankt Jacob, abbey of. ' 

Lebwin, St., see Willibaldus, presbyter. 
L6ger, St., see Fredegarius, Scholasticus, 
Lelmo (G. di), see Heni-y VII, emp. of Germany. 
Liborius, St., bp. of Le Mans, see Candidus, of Fulda. 
Li6ge, see Sankt Jacob, abbey of. 
Lioba, St., see Willibaldns, presbyter. 
Liudprandus, bp. of Cremona. Aus L. Werken ; libers, v. K. v. d. Osten- 

Sacken, 2= A., neu bearbt. v. W. Wattenbach, [1890]. [29.] 

1jao.\s\,emp.of Germany, Ak. of the Franks, see Nigellus (E.) ; Theganus, 

chorepisc. Trevir. 
Louis IV, emp. of Germany. Quellen z. Gesch. L. d. Baiern [i.e. Die 

Fiirstenfelder Chronik v. d. Thateii d. Ftirsten, 1273-1326, sometimes 

attr. to Volcm,arus abbot of Fiirstenfeldt — Die Chronik v. d. Herzbgen 

V. Baiern, 1309-72- Das Leben L. IV, 1282-1347— Ludwlg d. Baier, v. 

A. Mussato— Aus d. Chronik d. G. Villani] ; tibers. v. W. Friedensburg, 
2H, [1898]. [81, 82.] 

Ludger, St., see Alcuinus. 

Liittich, see Sankt Jacob, abbey of. 

Magdeburg. Die Jahrbiicher v. M. (Chronographus Saxo) ; iibers. v. 

B. Winkelmann, 2« A., neu bearbt. v. W. Wattenbach, [1896]. [63.) 
Marbach. Die Jahrbiicher v. M. ; iibers. v. G. Grandaur, [1896]. [74.] 
Marchisius, scriba, see Caffarus, de Taschifellone . 

Marinetus, de Marino, see Cafifarus, de Taschifellone. 

]Martin, abp. of Gnesen, see Godefridus, ^non. S. Pantal. Colon. 

Matilda [of Germany], q. contort of Henry I, emp. of Germany. Das 

Leben d. Kbnigin M. ; iibers. v. P. Jaff6, 28 A., neu bearbt. v. W. 

Wattenbach, [1891]. [31 i.] 

Matthias, Neoburgensis. Die Chronik d. M., [sometimes attr. to Albertus 

Argentinensis ; w. conts.] ; libers, v. G. Grandaur, mit Einltg. v. L. 

Weiland, 1892. [84.] 

Maximilian I, emp. of Germany, see Griinbeok (J). 
Meginhardus, Fuldensls, see Rudolphus, Fuldensis, & M. 
Mussatus (A.), see Henry VII, emp. of Germany ; Louis IV, emp. of 

Nicolaus, Botroniinensis, see Henry VII, emp of Gemuvny. 
Nigellus (E.) Lobgedicht auf Kaiser Ludwig u. Elegien an Kbnig 

Pippin ; libera, v. T. G. Pfund ; neu bearbt. v. W. Wattenbach, 2^ A. 

[1889]. [18.] 

Nithardua, S. Richarii abbas. 4 Blicher Geschichten ; iibers. v. J. v, 

Jaamund, 3^, neubearbt. A. v. W. Wattenbach, [1889]. [20.] 

Norbert, St., abp. of Magdeburg. Leben d. hi. N. ; nebst d. Lebens- 

beschreibung d. Grafen Gottfried v. Kappenberg, u. Ausziigen aus ver- 

wandteu Quellen [i.e. Hermann, Vond. Wundern d. hi. Maria v. Laon, 

Buch 3, Cap. 1-9 ; Die Grlindung d. Klosters Gottesgnaden ; etc.] ; 

iibers. v. G. Hertel ; mit e. Nachtrag v. W. Wattenbach, [1896]. [64.] 
NotkeruB, Balbxclus, see Charlemagne. 
Obertua, Cancellarius, see Caffarus, de Taschifellone. 
Odilo, St. , Cluniac. Das Leben d. Kaiserin Adalheid ; libers, v. H. Hufler, 

2" V. W. Wattenbaoh durohgeaehene A., [1891]. [36.] 

Otbert, 6^. of IMge, see Henry IV, emp. of Germany. 
Othmar, St., see Gall, St. 

Otto I, bp. ofBarnberg, d. 1139, St., see Herbordus. 
Otto I, emperor, see Roswitha. 
Otto, bp. of Frisingen. Der Chronik d. Bischofs 0., 6. u. 7. Buch ; iibers. 

V. Horst Kohl, [1894). [67.) 

Thaten Friedrichs ; iibers. v. Horst Kohl, [1894). [69.] 

see Ragewin. 

Geschichtschreibei (Die) [continued}. 

otto, de S. Blasio. Chronik ; iibers. v. Horst Kohl, [1894]. [68.] 

Ottobonus, scriba, see Caffarus, de TaschifeUane. 
Ottocar II, k. of Bohemia, see Cosmaa, Pragens. 

Paris (M.) Ausziige aus d. grbsseren Chronik d. M. v. P. [& aus d. 
Chronik d. Roger v. Wendover] ; iibers. v. G. Grandaur u. W. Watten- 
baoh, [1896], [73.) 
Paulus, diaconus. P. D. u. d. librigen Gesohiohtschreiber d. Lango- 
barden ; libers, v. 0. Abel, 2» A., bearbt. v. R. Jacobi, [1888]. [16.] 

• see Eginhard. 

Pepin I, k. of Aquitaine, see Nigellus (E.) 
Pignolus (L.), see Caffarus, de Taschifellone. 

Pius II, pope. Die Gesch. Kaiser Friedrichs III. ; iibers. v. T. Ilgen, 
2H, [1899]. [88, 89.) 

Plutarch, see Horkel (J.) 

Pohlde. Die Jahrbiicher v. P., [attr. to Theodorus Palidensis] ; 
libers, v. E. Winkelmann, 2« A., neu bearbt. v. W. Wattenbach, [1894]. 

Prag, see Cosmas, Provens. 

Procopius, of Cmsarea. Gothenkrieg ; nebst Ausziigen aus Agathias, etc. ; 
libera, v. D. Coste, [1885]. [7.] 

Vandalenkrieg ; iibers. v. D. Coste, [1886). [6.] 

Prudentius (G.), St., bp. of Troyes, see Saint-Bertin, abbey of. 
Quedlinburg. Die Jahrbiicher v. Q. ; iibers. v. E. Winkelmann, 2« A., 
neu bearbt. v. W. Wattenbach, [1891]. [36.] 

Ragewin. Fortsetzung d. Thaten Friedrichs v. Otto v. lYeising; libers. 
V. Horat Kohl, [1894]. [60.] 

Rainerua, m^n. S. Jacobi Leod., see Sankt Jacob, abbey of. 
Regi-ao, Prumiens. Chronik; ubera. v. B. Dlimmler, 2" A., [1890]. [27.] 

Die Fortaetzung d. R. ; iibers. v. M. BUdinger, 2» v. W. Wattenbach 

neu bearbt. A., [1890). [28.] 

Renibert, St. Leben d. Erzbiachofe Anakar u. Rimbert, [the hife of 

Anskarby R., the Life of R. anon.]: libera, v. J. C. M. Laurent; mit 

e. Vorwort v. J. M. Lappenberg, 2" A., neu bearbt. v. W. Wattenbach, 

[1889]. [22.] 

Richer, French chronicler, 10th cent, i Blicher Geach. ; iibers. v. K. v. d. 

Osten-Sacken, neu bearbt. v. W. Wattenbach, 2^ A., [1891]. [37.] 

Roswitha. Gedicht ii. Gandersheims Grlindung u. d. Thaten Kaiaer 

Oddo I ; libera, v. T. G. Pfund, 2" neu bearbt. A. v. W. Wattenbach, 

[1891]. [32.) 

Rudolphus, Fuldensis, see Fulda ; Willibaldus, i)rc8!>i/*er. 

■ & Meginhardus, Fuldensis. Die Ubertragung d. hi. Alexander; 

libers, v. B. Richter, 2« A., neu bearbt. v. W. Wattenbach, [1889]. 


Ruotgerus, Leben d.Erzbischofs Bruno v. Kbln; libers, v. J. v.Jasmund, 

2« A., neu bearbt. v. W. Wattenbach, [1890]. [30.] 

Silchsische (Der) Annalist [Annalista Saxo] ; iibers. v. E. Winkelmann, 2" 

A., neu bearbt. v. W. Wattenbach, [1894). [54.] 

Saint-Bertin, abbey of; at Sithiu. Die Annalen v. St. B. u. St. Vaast, 

[the Annalen v. St. B. in 3p {pi anon.,pB by Prudentius bp. of Troyes, 

p3 by Hincmar abp. of Rheims)] ; iibers. v. J. v. Jasmund, 2'^ A., neu 

bearbt. v. W. Wattenbach, [1890]. [24.] 

Saint- Vaast, see Saint-Bertin, abbey of. 

Sankt Gallon, Monk of, see Charlemagne. 

Sankt Jacob, abbey of, IA4ge. Die Jahrbiicher v. St. J. in Liittich — Die 
Jahrbiicher Lamberts d. Kleinen — Die Jahrbiicher Reiners ; iibers. v. 
C. Platner, [1896]. [70.] 

Sankt Peter, abbey of, Erfurt. Chronik v. S. P., 1100-1215 ; libers, v. G. 
Grandaur, neu eingelt. v. W. Wattenbach, [1893]. [52.) 

Severinus, St. , see Eugyppius, abbas. 
Slgismund, emperor, see Windeck (E.) 
Stanconus (0.), see Gaffarus, de Taschifellone. 
Stederburg, see Gerardus, Stederburg. 
Strabo(W.), see Gall St. 

Sturmius, abbot of Fulda, see Willibaldus, presbyter. 
Suetonius Tranqnillus (C), see Horkel (J.) 
Suzobonus (J.), see Caffarus, de Taschifellone. 
Tacitus (P. C), see Horkel (J.) 

ThangmaruB. Die Lebensbeschreibung d. Bischbfe Bernward [by T.] u. 
Godehard [by Wolferus] v. Hildesheim ; libers, v. H. Hiifler, 2=, v. 
W. Wattenbach durchgesehene A., [1892]. [40.] 

Theganus, chorepiscopus Trevirensis. Die Lebensbeschreibungen Kaiser 
Ludwigs d. Frommen, y. T. u. v. sog. Astronomus ; iibers. v. J. v. 
Jasmund, 2" A., neu bearbt. v. W. Wattenbach, [1889]. [19.) 

Theodorus, Palidensis, see Pohlde. 
Ulric, St., bp. of Augsburg, see Gerardus, Augustanus. 
Ususmare (B.), see Caffarus, de Taschifellone. 
Ususmare (M.)., see Caffarus, de Taschifellone. 
Velleius Paterculus (C), see Horkel (J.) 
Villani (G.), see Henry VII, emp. of Germany ; Louis IV, emp. of 

Vincentius, Pragensis. Die Jahrbiicher v. V. u. Gerlaoh ; libers, v. G. 
Grandaur, [1895). [67.] 

Vitus, St., see Candidus, of Fulda. 

Volcmarua, abbot of Fiirstenfeldt, see Louis IV, emp. of Germany. 
Welfen (Die), see Guelph, The family of. 
Wendover (R., of), see Paris (M.) 

Wernerus, abbas Weingartensis, see Guelph, Tlie family of. 
Wettinua, see Gall, St. 
Wilibrord, St., see Alcuinus. 
Willehad, St., bp. of Bremen, see Alcuinus. 

Willibaldus, presbyter. Leben d. h. Bonifazius v. W., d. h. Leoba v. 

Rudolf V. Fulda, d. Abtes Sturmi v. Blgil, d. h. Lebuin v. Hucbald ; 

libers, v. W. Arndt, 2« A., 1888. [13.] 

Windeck (B.), 6. 1S80. Das Leben Kbnig Sigmunds ; libera v. Dr. v. 

Hagen ; mit Nachtragen v. O. Holder-Bgger, [1899]. [87.) 

Wippo. Das Leben Kaiser Konrad II ; nebst Ausziigen aus d. Jahr- 

biichern v. S. Gallen u. d. Schwab. Weltchronik ; libers, v. W. Pflliger, 

2= A., neu bearbt. etc. v. W. Wattenbach, [1892]. [41.) 

Wittekindus. Sachs. Geschichten; libers, v. B. Schottin, 2« A., neu 

bearbt. v. W. Wattenbach; nebst d. SchriJt u. d. Herkunft d. 

Schwaben u. Abraham Jakobsens Berlcht ii. d. Slavenlander, [1891). 

Wolferus, canon., see Altalch ; Thangmarus.. 
Xanten, see Fulda. 


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1900. [3.) 

Giovanni (Ser), Fioreniino. II Pecorone. [rev. repr. of O. D. 

Poggiali's ed. Race, de' novellieri ital., vl6, 17]. 

. 2v. 88". Milano. 1815 
Giovio (Paolo), bp. of Nocera, the elder. lUustrium virorum 

vitsB. fol. Florentiae. 1551 

De vita & rebus gestis 12 Vicccomitum Mediolani principum. 

De vita etc. magni Sfortise. 

De vita etc. Consalvi Ferdinand! Cordubse. 

De vita etc. Francisci Ferdinandi Davali, March. Piscarise. 

Giraldus, Cambrensis. The Itinerary through Wales & the 
Descr. of Wales. [Hoare's tr. Intr. by W. L. Williams]. 

88". [1908] 

Girard, de RoussiUon, regent of Provence, 855-70. "'Girart de R. 
chanson de geste. Tr. P. Meyer. 8°. 1884 

Girard (Joseph) & P. Pansier. La cour temporelle d' Avignon, 
14« et IS'' s. [Soo. des Recherches Hist, de Vaucluse. 
Recher., tl]. 8<>. 1909 

Girard (Philippe), dit Mondor, see Mondob (N.) ps. 

Girardin (Mme. Emile de), see SscHi) (L.) Delphine Gay, Mme. 
de G., 1910. 

Girolamo Maria (Fra), da Venezia, de' Ganonici Reg. di S. 
Salvatore. Cronica d' Ugubbio, al 1539, see Bbeni (G.) 
Cronaoa, 1350-1472 ; a cura di G. Mazzatinti, 1902. 

Giulia, see Ottinbllo. La storia di 0. e 6. ; poemetto pop.,, 
[ed. A. d'Ancona], 1867. 

Giuliano, da Majano, see Faebiozy (C. v.) G. da M., 1903. 

(Huliano, da Sangallo, see Fabeiczy (C. v.) G. da S., 1902. 

Giunta (Bernardo di) [ps.?], ed. Rime di diversi antichii 
autori tosoani : Dante — Cino da Pistoja — Guido Cavalcantii 
— Dante da Majano — Guittone di Arezzo — Diversi autori — 
Incerti, e d' altri. 8". Venezia, 173L 





Giostino, the historian, see Justinian. 

Gladstone (Hugh S.) Birds of Dumfriesshire. 8°. 1910 

Gladstone {Rt. Hon. William Ewart). Corr. on Church & 

religion. Sel. & arr. by D. C. Lathbury. 2t. 8°. 1910 

Glaser (Ph. Emmanuel). Le mouvement Utt. (Petite chron. 

des lettres), 1909. Pref. de M. Prevost. 88°. 1910 

Gleichen-Russwuim (A. v.) Geselligkeit. Sitten u. Gebrauche 

d. europa. Welt, 1789-1900. 88°. St. 1910 

Glenbervie (Sylvester Douglas, 1st baron). The Glenbervie 

Journals. Ed. & arranged by W. Sichel. 8". 1910 

Glenesk (Algernon Boithwlck, baron), see Lucas (R. J.) Lord 

G. & the " Morning Post," 1910. 
Glengariff. *Guide to Killarney & G., n. ed., 1835, see 


Glory. G. of the Shia world ; tr. & ed. by P. M. Sykes, 

assisted by Khan Bahadur Ahmad Din Khan, 1910, see 

Sykes (P. M.) 
Gloucesteishiie. G. Inquisitiones post mortem, p5, Edw. I- 

Edw. Ill, 1302-1358, ed. E. A. Pry, see Beit. Reo. Soo. 

Index Lib., v40, 1910. 
Gneditch (P. P.) Mciopin hckvcctbt.. 3t. s4». C-D. 1897 

Gneist (H. Rudolph v.) Die Militarvorlage v. 1892 u. d. 

preuss. Verfassungskonflikt v. 1862-6. ' 8". 1893 

Gnophoso (Chiistophoro) ps., see VrLiAL6N (C. db). 
Gnosopho (Christophoro) ps., see Villai,6n (C. de). 
Gobelin, family of, see GtriEriusY (J. J.) 
Gobineau (cte. Joseph Arthur de). Trois ans en Asie, 1855-8. 

n. ed., [ed. L. Schemanu]. 8°. 1905 

Godard (Andre). Les madones comtadines. s8°. 1910 

Godden (G. M.) Henry Fielding. A mem. Incl. newly disc. 

letters & records. 8°. 1910 

Godeau (Autoine), bp. of Orasse cfc Vence. La vie de S. 

Augustin. 2« ed., reveue. 4°. 1679 

Godefridus, count of Oapenberg [Gottpkied, Oraf v. Kappen- 

berg], see Nokbbbt, St., abp. of Magdeburg. Leben d. hi. 

N.; nebst d. Lebensbeschreibung d. Grafen G., etc.; tibers. 

V. 6. Hertel, 1895. 
Godefridus, monachus S. Pantaleonis Coloniensis. Die 

Kolner Konigschronik, [attr. to G. ; w. 5 anon, contin., & 

the cont. of Martin abp. of Gnesen] ; ubers. v. K. Platner, 

2<! A., neu bearbt. etc. v. W. Wattenbach, see Gesohicht- 

SOHBEIEEK (Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2« Gesammtausg., B69, 

Godet (Frederic). Commentaire sur I'Evangile de Saint Jean. 

2t. 8°. 1864^5 
Godfrey (Walter H.), architect. The parish of Chelsea, pi. 

[Survey of Memorials of Greater London, 2]. 4°. [1909] 

Godi (Antonio), see Goditjs (A.) 
Godius (Antonius) [Godi (Antonio)]. Cronaca, 1194-1260 

[in Latin] ; a cura di G. Soranzo ; seguono tre elenchi di 

famiglie vioentine, see Mueatobi (L. A.) Rer. Ital. scr., 

t8 ii, 1909. 
Godman (Frederick Ducane). Natural hist, of the Azores or 

Western Islands. 8°. 1870 

& 0. Salvin, edd. Biologia Centrali-Amerieana. 

4°. 1909-10 
Insecta : Coleoptera — v4 vii, Rhynohophora, by G. C. 
Godoy (Sos6 Francisco). P. Diaz, president of Mexico. 

s8». N.Y. 1910 
Godsal (major P. T.) The storming of London, & the Thames 

Valley campaign. Military study of conquest of Brit, by 

the Angles. 8°. [1908] 

Goehts (Paul), see Gohts (P.) 
Goethals (P61ix Victor). Diet, g^n^alog. & herald, des 

families nobles du royaume de Belgique. 

4t. 4". Brux. 1849-52 

„ „ Table alphab^tique, par A. Herry. 

4°. Brux. 1883 
Miroir des notabiHtes nobiliaires de Belg., des Pays-Bas & 

du Nord de la France. 2t. 4°. Brux. 1857-62 

Goethe-GesellsohaJt. Schriften. B25. 40. 1910. 

see Ottingen (W. v.) Goethe u. Tischbein, 1910. [25.] 

Goethe (Johann Wolfeang v.) Gesprache. Hrsg''. : W., 

Frhr. v. Biedermann. 

BIO, 1755-1832, Naohtrage. 8". L. 1896 
G. u. s. Preunde im Briefwechsel. Hrsg. a. eingeleitet v. 

R. M. Meyer. [BI, 2, 3]. s4o. 1909-11 

Werke. Hrsg. im Auftrage d. Grossherzogin Sophie v. 

Sachaen. B5 ii. 8". Weimar. 1910 

Goethe (Johann Wolfgang v.) [continued]. 

W.) F. 
G., 1790- 

see SoHOLL (J. 

Schlegel & 

1802, 1906. 
,, SiME (J.) Life of G., 

„ VOGBL (J.) & E. TeAU- 

mann. G. als Student, 

see Heinemann (C.) G., 3^ 
A., 1903. 


(A. H.) Etwas, dasG. 
gesagt hat (1817), 1910. 

„ Ottingen (W. V.) 6. u. 
Tischbein, 1910. 

„ Santayana (G.) Three 
phitos. poets : Lucre- 
tius, Dante, & G., 1910. 

GofE (A.) & J. H. Levy. Politics & disease. [Personal Rights 

series ; ed. J. H. Levy, 3]. s8". [1906] 

GoiBu (Arnold). St. Fran9ois d' Assise dans la Mgende et dans 

I'art primitifs italiens. 8°. Brux. 1909 

Gogarten (Emil). tJber alpine Randseen u. Erosionster- 

rassen im besondern d. Linthtales, see Pbtebmanns Mitt. 

Ergnzb. 35, 1910. 
Gogh (Vincent van). Briefe. 4« A. 38". 1911 

see Meibe-Geaee (J.) Impressionisten : Van G., etc., 1907. 
Gogol (Nikolai Vasil'evich). Les ames mortes. Tr. E. 

Charriere [w. Considerations s. N. Gogol & La litt. russe]. 

2t. s8o. 1859 
Gohts (Paul). Berlin als Binnenschiffahrtsplatz, see Staats- 


Goldsmith (Oliver). The deserted village, a poem. s8". n.d. 
Goldstiicker (Theodor), see Manit. Manava-Kalpa-Sdtra ; 

together w. Comm. of Kumarila-Swamin, w. pref. by T. G., 

Goldziher (Ignaz). Vorlesungen iib. d. Islam. [Religions- 

wissenschaftl. Bibl., 1]. s8o. Heidelberg. 1910 

Goligher (William Alexander), see Spencbe (H.) Desor. 

sociology. No. 10, Greeks : Hellenic era ; compiled & 

abstracted by G., etc., 1910. 
Golino (Simon di). *Due canzoni a ballo dal " Liber solatij " 

[of S. di G. Ed. L. Suttina. Nozze Dorigo-Podrecca. 

P1278]. 8°. Perugia. 1907 

Golitsuin (pcss. Barbe Nicolaievna), see Golovin {ctss. B. N.) 
Golovin (ctss. Barbe Nicolaievna) [Golovinb ; nee pcss. 

Galitzin ; Galitzine ; Golitsuin]. Souvenirs, 1766- 

1821. Avec une intr. & des notes par K. Waliszewski. 

8". 1910 
Goltz (Colmar, Frhr. v. der). Von Rossbach bis Jena u. 

Auerstedt. Ein Beitrag z. Gesch. d. preuss. Heeres. 2^, 

neubearbt. A. v. " Rossbach u. Jena." 8°. 1906 

Gomez de Avellaneda de Sabater (Gertrudis). Obras lit. 

Coleccion compl. 5t. 8°. 1869-71 

Gondomar (Diego Sarmiento de Acuna, conde de). Cinco 

cartas polit.-ht., 1613-22. [Ed. P. de Gayangos]. Publ. 

la Soc. de Bibhofilos [Bspafioles]. 8". 1869 

see Lyon (F. H.) D. de S. de A., Conde de G., 1910. 
Goudriu de Pardaillan de Montespau (Louis Antoine de), due 

d'Antin [fPAEDAiLLAN DE GoNDEiN (L. A. db)], see 

Babeau (A.) Les tableaux du roi chez le due d'Antin, 

1715 ; publ. par A. B., 1903. 
Gonzaga (Eleonora), wife of Vincenzo I Gonzaga, of Mantua, 

see Medici (E. de'). 
Gonzaga (Vincenzo I), of Mantua, b. 156S, see Foetuna 

(S. DI F. d'A.) Le nozze di E. de' Medici con V. G., 

Gouz41ez-Blanco (Andr6s), see DAEfo (R.) Obras escogidas, 

vl, Estudio prelim, par A. 6.-B., 1910. 
Goodvnn (Francis), architect. Domestic architecture, being 

designs for mansions, villas, etc. 4°. 1833 

Gordon Samson (G.), see Samson (G. G.) 
Gore (Charles), bp. of (1) Worcester (S) Birmingham. The 

creed of the Xtian. [7th ed.]. 8". [1905] 

Orders & unity. 38°. 1909 

Goriainov (Sergius) [Gobiainow (Seegb)]. Le Bosphore & 

les Dardanelles. Etude hist, sur la question des d^troits, 

d'ap. la corr. diplomat. d6pos6e aux Archives centrales de 

St.-Petersbourg etc. Pref. de G. Hanotaux. 8°. 1910 

Gori Gaudellini (Criovanni). Notizie istoriche degl' intaglia- 

tori. [In diet. form]. 3t. s8°. Siena. 1771 

Gorky (Maxime) ps. Une confession. Roman. Tr. S. 

Persky. 88°. n.i. 

Bacca WertSHOBa. (Maib). [Wassa Shelesnowa (Die Mutter)]. 

80. Berlin, n.d. 
41iTH. K0Jie4lii. [Kinder]. 80. Berlin, n.d. 


Gorky (Maxime) [continuecn. 
MaiBfi KomeM.KOHi. DoBtm. [Matwej Kosohemyakin]. 

Hy^aKB. C^eBU. [SonderUnge]. 8° Berlin n d 

Gorra (Egidio) Dell' epentesi di iato nelle lingue romanil' 

see MoNACi (E.) Studj di filol. rom., v6, 1893 
Gorst (Rt. Hon. Sir John Eldon). New Zealand revisited. 

Gosche (Hacmann Richard AdolJ). Wissenschaftl. JaW 
benoht uber d. morgenland. Studien, 1859 etc., v. R. G. 
I8b8 etc. see Deutsche Mobqenland. Gesellschaft. 

trosnng (W. G.) Labrador : discovery, explor., & develop- 
ment. '' 8'' 1910 

®°A (^- .J- Edmond). Journal de E. G., sooi^taire de la 
Com6die.Pran9., 1822-1901. Publ. par M. Got. Pr^f. 

r^l^A r Trr;^ . "• ^^ ^^- ^^°- 1910 

Uothard, bp. of midesheim [Godbhabd], see Thangmabus. 
Die Lebensbesohr. d. Bisohofe Bernward Vay T.] u. G (by 
Wolferus] ; iibers. v. H. HufEer, 2^ A., 1892. 
Gotnjsnburg, see Svebiges Oeeentliqa Bibliothek : Stock- 
holm, G., etc. Accessions-kat., in prog., 1887, etc. : Tio&rs 
Register, 1896-8. 
Gott (Samuel), see t*N0VA Solyma, the ideal city, attr. to 
Milton, [but probably by S. G.] ; intr. etc. by W. Beslev 
1902. -^ ^ •" 

Gottesgnaden, abbey, see Nobbbet, St., abp. of Magdeburg. 
Leben d. hi. N. ; nebst Ausziigen [i.e. Die Grundung d. 
Klosters G. ; etc.] ; iibers. v. G. Hertel, 1895. 
Gottfried, Graf v. Kappenberg, see Godeebidus, count of 

Gotti (Aurelio). ItaUani del seoolo XIX. Con pref. di P T 
Mattiucci. la8o. QasteUo. 1911 

Gottheb (Theodor). Die Weissenburger Hss. in Wolfenbtittel, 
1910, see Kaisebl. Akad. d. Wiss. ztt Wien. Sitzunssber 
B163, 1909. " 

Gotz (Walter Wilhelm). Konig Robert v. Neapel (1309-43), 
s. Personliohkeit u. b. Verhaltnis zum Humanismus. 

80. Tiibingen. 1910 

Gotzkircher (Sigmand), see Lehmann (P.) Haushaltungsauf- 

zeichnungen e. Miinchener Arztes aus d. 15. Jhdt. FS. G 1 


Gough (lieut. Thomas Bunbury), R.N. Boyish reminiso. of 

H.M. the King's visit to Canada in 1860. 8°. 1910 

Goulart (Simon), the elder. "^Memoires de I'estat de France, 

sous Charles IX^. 3v. s8». Meidelbourg. 1576 

Gould (George M.), M.D., see Stedman {Miss L.) & G. M. G. 

Life & letters of E. C. Stedman, 2v, 1910. 
Gouldsbury (Cnllen). The tree of bitter fruit. s8". 1910 

Gourd (Jean Jacques). Philosophic de la rehg. Pr6f. de E. 
Boutroux. 8". 1911 

Gourdon de Genouillac (N. J. Henri). Diet, des iiefs, seign- 
euries, chatellenies, etc. de I'anc. Prance. 8°. 1862 

Gourmont (Remy de). Epilogues. s5. sS". 1910 

This ser. has t. : Nouveaux dialogues des amateurs sur les 
choses du temps, 1907-10. 
Sixtine. Roman de la vie c6r6brale. n. ed. s8"'. 1910 

Gousse (J. T. Laurent-), see Laubent-Gousse (J. T.) 
Gout (Paul). Le Mont-Saint-Michel : hist, de I'abbaye et de 
• la ville, etc. 2t, [pagin. cont.]. laS". 1910 

Goya (F.) Les Caprices de G. Prec. d'une etude etc. par 
T. Leclere. Ia8». [1910?] 

see Looa (V. v.) F. de G., 1910. 
Goyau (Lucie Felix-Faure-), see Faubb (L. F.-) 
Goz (Carl v.) Das Staatsrecht d. Konigreichs Wiirttem- 
berg. [Oflfentl. Recht d. Gegenwart, B2]. 

8°. Tubingen. 1908 

Gozbertus, abbot of Saint Oall, see Gall, St. Leben d. heil. G. 

[by Wettinus] u. Otmar, [by Gozbertus ; rev. by W. Strabo] ; 

iibers. v. A. Potthast, Z^ A., 1888. 

Gozzadini (Tommaso). Fiore di virtvi [sometimes attr. to T. G.], 

see FiORB. 
Gozzi (conte Carlo). Memorie inutili. A cura di G. Prezzolini. 
[Sorittori d' Italia, 3, 8]. 2v. 8°. Bari. 1910 

(Jrabower (Rolf). Die finanzielle Entwicklung d. Aktien- 
gesellschaften d. deut. ohemischen Industrie u. i. Bezie- 
hungen zur Bankwelt, see Staats- it. Socialwiss. Fob- 
SCHUNGBN, H144, 1910. 


Gracia Dei (Pedro de). 

see JtTLitrs II, pope. Las 15 preguntas del papa J. a G. D. 
sobre la reina Dofia Isabel, 1892. 

„ Paz Y Melia (A.) Opiisc. lit. de los siglos 14 a 16, Crianza 
& virtuosa dotrina, 1892. 
Grades (The) of life : being letters on immortality, ed. [but 

really by] M. Sopote, 1909, see Sopotb (M.) 
Gradis (Henri). Hist, de Bordeaux, n. 6d., oorr. & compl. 

jusqu'4 la fin du 19^ s. 8". Bordeaux. 1901 

Graf (Arturo). L' Anglomania e 1' influsso inglese in Italia nel 

sec. 18. S". Torino. 1911 

Graf (Dr. Georg). Die Phil. u. Gotteslehre d. Jahja ibn 

'Adl u. spaterer Autoren. [Beitrage z. Gesoh. d. Phil. d. 

M.-a., 8vii]. 8°. Miinster. 1910 

GrafBn (R.), prof, a, I'Institut caih. de Paris, & F. Nau. edd., 

Patrologia orientalis. t5, [ed. prince Max de Saxe, R. G., 

F. N. ; in prog.]. la8o. 1910 

Agapius, of Menbidj. Kifcab al-'TJnvan : hist, universelle ; id. & tr. par 
A. Vasiliev, pi i, 1910. [6.] 

Nau (F.) Les 16geades syriaques d'Aaron de Saroug [par son disciple 
Paul], de Maxime & Dom^ce [par Peschoi, archidiacre de Constanti- 
nople], d'Abraham, maltre de Barsoma [attr. to his disciple Stephen], 
(fe de I'empereur Maurice ; texte syriaque 6d. & tr. par F. N.— Lea 
miracles de St. Ptol6m6e ; texte arabe id. & tr. par L. Leroy, 1910. [5.] 

Nestorieune. Hist, nestorienne in6d. (Chron. de S6ert), pl ii., publ. par 
A. Sober, tr. par P. Dib, 1910. [5.] 

Patriarchs. Hist, of the p. of the Coptic Church of Alexandria, [coll. by 
Severus, bp. of Al-Ushmunain] ; Arabic text, tr. etc. by B. Evetts, 
[p]3, Agathon to Michael I (766), 1910. [6.] 

Ter Israel. Synaxaire arm6nien ; publ. & tr. par G. Bayan, avec le 
concours de S. A. R. le prince Max de Saxe, [p]l, Mois de Wavasard, 
1910. [5.] 

Graham (capt. Harry J. C.) The Mother of Parliaments. 

8°. [1910] 
Graham (Stephen). A vagabond in the Caucasus, w. notes of 

h. experiences among the Russians. 8°. 1911 

Graham (William), ed. of the " Twentieth Century." Last 

links with Byron, Shelley, & Keats. s8». 1898 

Grail, see Abthtjb, k. of Britain. Vulgate version of the A. 

romances, ed. f. MSS. in Brit. Mus., by H. 0. Sommer, vl, 

Lestoire del Saint 6., 1909. 
Grais (ffra/R. F. H. Hue de), see Hub db Geais (Graf R. F. H.) 
Granada. ""Ansichten v. Spanien : G. etc., 1835, see Spanibn. 
Relaoiones de algunos sucesos de los liltimos tiempos del 

reino de G. [Ed. E. Lafuente y Alcantara]. Publ. la Soc. de 

Bibliofilos Espafioles. 8». 1868 

Bel. de algunos sucesos de los i^ltimos tiempos del reino de G., por H. 

de Baeza. 
Uel. de la prisioii del Rey Chico, [i.e. Bodbdil, h. of Granada]. 
Doc. rel. al desaflo de D. A. de Aguilar y D. D. Fernandez de C6rdoba. 

Grand- Carteret (John). 19^ sieole, en France. Classes, 
moeurs, usages, costumes, inventions. 4°. 1893. 

Le jeune premier de I'Europe devant I'objectif caricatural. 
[Alfonso XIII, k. of Spain]. s8°. [1910?] 

Raphael & Gambrinus, ou Fart dans la brasserie. 8". 1886 
Grandes ohroniques de France, see Rbinach (S.) Un MS. de 
la bibl. de Philippe le Bon a St.-Petersbourg [i.e. an illumi- 
nated MS. of the G. c. de F.], 1904. 
Granlund (Sten), see Holme (C.) ed.. Peasant art in Sweden, etc., 

[Sweden by G. ; tr.], 1910. 
GranoLvist (Paul Meijer), see Mbijbb-Geanqvist (P.) 
Grant (capt. Maurice Harold) [ps. Linesman]. The makers 
of black basaltes. 4°. E. 1910 

see Maubioe {Sir J. F.) Hist, of the war in S. Africa, 1899- 
1902; compiled by direction of H.M.'s govt., 4v, [of wh. 
t4 is by M. H. (?.], 1906-10. 
Graphische Gesellsehaft, see Taeoochi (Die) ; zwei itaUen. 
Kupferstichfolgen aus d. 15. Jhdt. ; [G. G., Ausserordentl. 
VerofEentlichung 2], 1910. 
Grasset (lieutenant). Malaga, province fran9aise, 1811-2. 

8°. n.d. 

Grasset (Joseph). The marvels beyond science (L'oocultisme 

hier, etc.), w. pref. by E. Faguet. Tr. of 2nd French ed., by 

R. J. Tubeuf. 8". N.Y. 1910 

*Grasso Legnajuolo, see Novelle di alcuni autori fiorentini, 

Grassoreille (Georges). Histoire polit. du Chapitre de Notre- 
Dame de Paris pend. la domin. angl., see SooiiTfe db l'Hist. 
DB Pabis, etc. Mems., t9, 1883. 
Gratius, Faliscus [Geattius]. 
see Bahbbns (E.) Poetse Lat. minores, v2 i, 6. Cynegeticon 

lib. 1 fragm., 1911. 
„ Lemaibe (N. E.) Poetse Lat. minores, vl, 1824. 




Grattius, Faliscus, see Geatius, Faliscus. 

Graven (Hans). Pyxide en os repr6s. la naissance d'Apollon 

& de Diane, Louvre, see Acad, des Insck. etc. ; Pond. 

PiOT. Mons. etc., t6, 1899. 

Graves (Alfred Perceval). The Irish song book. With orig. 

Irish airs. Ed., w. intr. etc., by A. P. G. 4th ed. sS". 1897 

Graves (Charles L.) Party portraits, & o. verses. sS". 1910 

& E. V. Lucas. *Signs of The Times : hustlers' almanack 

for 1907. 88". [1907] 

Graves (iJew. James). Letters & despatches rel. to the taking 
of the Earl of Ormonde by O'More, 1600. From the Irish 
corr. in the State Paper Office, London. Ed. J. G. 

8". D. 1862 
Graves (Robert Perceval). Suggestions on the subject of 
university degrees for women. 

[P1280]. 8". [D.] not pull. n.d. 
Giavesande (Laurens Storm van 's). The rise of British 
Guiana ; compiled f . h. despatches by G. A. Harris & J. A. J. 
de ViUiers. [Hakluyt Soc, II, 26, 27]. 

2v, [pagin. cont.]. 8°. 1911 
Graviua (Griovanni Vlncenzo), see Cavaloanti (G. P.) L'Epis- 

tolario del Gravina, 1898. 
Gray (Thomas), engineer; 6. X850. The buried city of Kenfig. 

80. 1909 
Gray (Thomas), the poet. Poems. With crit. notes, a hfe of 
the author, etc., by J. Mitford. 8". 1814 

Works, with mem^. of h. life & wr. by W. Mason. Sub- 
joined, extr., philolog., poet. & crit. f. the author's MSS. sel. 
& arr. by T. J. Mathias. 2v. 4°. 1814 

see YoTTNG (J.) *Crit. on the Elegy, 1783. 
Grazzini (Antonio Francesco), called " II Lasca." [I narcisi. 
Madrigali. Ed. A. B. Delia Rosa. Nozze Baroffio-Francio- 
sini. no tp. P1278]. S°. [Firenze. 1877] 

see FiBENZB. Tutti i trionfi, carri mascherate etc., andati 
per F., [ed. II Lasca, i.e. A. F. G.], 2^ ed. [by N. del 
Boccia], 2p, 1750. 
Greek Church. The orthodox confession of the Eastern Church, 
f. the version of P. MogUa. Tr. [hy P. Lodvel ?]. Ed. w. 
pref. by J. J. Overbeck, & w. intr. notice by J. JN. W. B. 
Robertson. 8°. 1898 

Greely (Adolphus W.) Hdbk. of Polar discoveries. 

4th ed., rev. & enl. 8°. 1910 
Green (John Richard). Short hist, of the Eng. people. 

s8<>. 1875 
Greene (Edward Lee). Landmarks of botanical hist., pi, 
Prior to 1562 a.d., 1909, see Smithsonian Instit. Misc. 
colls., v54, 1910. 
Greene (Robert), the poet. Friar Bacon & Friar Bungay — 
James IV, see Thobndikb (A. H.) Minor Ehz. drama, v2, 
Greenwood (Alice Drayton). Empire & Papacy in the Middle 
Ages. 3rd ed. s8°. 1902 

Greffolino di Valeriana. Estr. dai Gesta Egubinorum ad a. 
1300 sor. a G. V., see Bebni (G.) Gronaca, 1350-1472; a 
cura di G. Mazzatinti, 1902. 
Gregg (Tresham Dames). Leviathan : iron-clads in the Bible. 
Expos, of Job 41. [P1258]. 8°. 1864 

Gregh (Fernand). La chaine eternelle. Poemes. s8». 1910 
Gregorianus. Cod. Gregoriani etc. fra^menta ; rec. & annot. 
instr. G. Haenel, see Cobpus iuris Romani Anteiustiniani, 
fasc. 2, 1837. 
Gregory, Nazianzen. T. Rufini orationum G. N'. novem 
interpretatio ; ed. A. Engelbrecht, see Rufinds (T.) 
Opera, pi, 1910. 
Gregory I, pope. Volgarizzamento del Dialogo di S. G. e dell' 
Epistola di S. Girolamo ad Eustochio ; opera di D. Cavalca, 
con alcune poesie deUo stesso. s8°. Milano. 1840 

Gregory, of Tours, 
see Geschichtschbeibee (Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2<' Gesammt- 
ansg., B8, 9. Zehn Biicher frankischer Gesch. ; libers. 
V. W. V. Giesebrecht, 2B, 2^ A., [B2 has Anhang, Sagen 
aus Fredegar u. d. Chronik d. Frankenkonige], 1886. 
„ MoNOD (G.) Les origines de I'historiographie k Paris : 
Les Gesta regum Francorum, 1877. 
Gregory, bp. of Utrecht, see Alcttintis. Die Lebensbeschrei- 
bungen d. hi. WiUibrord [v. A.], G. v. U., [v. Liudger], 
etc. ; ubers. v. W. Wattenbach, etc., 1888. 
(Jregory (Caspar Rene). Einltg. in d. Neue Testament. 

8". L. 1909 
Textkritik d. Neuen Test. 8". L. 1909 

Grenfell (Wilfred Thomason). Labrador, the country & the 

people. By W. T. G. & others. 88°. N.Y. 1909 

Grenville (Anna), ctss. Temple, see Temple (A. G., ctss.) 
Gressmann (Hugo). Musik u. Musikinstrumente im Alton 

Test. [ReUgionsgesohichtl. Versuche, etc., hrsg. v. A. 

Dieterich u. R. Wiinsch, B2 i]. 8". Giessen. 1903 

Greswell (William Henry Parr). The story of the battle of 

Edington. S°. Taunton. 1910 

Gr^ville (E. Durand-), see DuEAND-GBi)viLi-E (E.) 
Greviile (Robert), Snd baron Brooke, see Bbookb (R. G., Snd 

Grew (Edwin Sharpe) & M. S. Grew. The court of William 

IIL 8°. [1910] 

Grew (Marion Sharpe), see Gbbw (E. S.) & M. S. G. Court 

of WiUiam III, 1910. 
Grey (LadyJacae), see Davby (R.) The nine days' queen: 

Lady J. G. & h. times, 1909. 
Gribble (Francis H.) The love affairs of Lord Byron. 8o. 1910 
The passions of the French romantics. 8°. 1910 

Grice (J. Watson). National & local finance. Review of 

rels. betw. central & local authorities in Eng., France, 

Belgium & Prussia, during 19th c. Pref. by S. Webb. 

S". 1910 
Griechische Dichterfragmente, 2H, 1907, see Schubaet (W.) 


Griechischen (Die) christl. Schriftsteher d. 1"" 3 Jhdte. Hrsg. 

V. d. Kirchenvater-Comm. d. K. Preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. 

[In prog.']. 8°. L. 1910-11 
see EzBA. Die Esra-Apokalypse (IV. Esra), Tl, hrsg. v. 
B. Violet, 1910. 

„ Theodobet, bp. of Cyrus. Kirchengesoh. ; hrsg. v. L. 
Parmentier, 1911. 
Grier (Sydney C.) The path to honour. 88°. E. 1909 

Griffin (Mrs. M.) *Impressions of Germany. By an Amer. 

lady. 8". f.p.c. Dresden. [1866] 

Griffin (William Hall). Life of R. Browning ; w. notices of 

h. writings, family & friends. Completed & ed. by H. C. 

Minchin. 8°. [1910] 

Griffith (George C), novelist, b. 1859. The angel of the revolu- 
tion. • cheap ed. s8°. 1895 
Griffiths (Charles John). Narr. of the siege of Delhi, w. acct. 

of the mutiny at Ferozepore in 1857. Ed. H. J. Yonge. 

8°. 1910 
Grillet (Claudius). La Bible dans V. Hugo d'apr^s de nom- 

breux tableaux de concordance. 8°. 1910 

Grimeston (Edward), see Geimstone (E.) 
Grimme (Hubert). Das Gesetz Chammurabis u. Moses. 

[P1243]. 8°. Koln. 1903 
" Unbewiesenes " : Bemerkungen zu P. DeUtzsoh, Babel u. 

Bibel I-II. [P1242]. s8». Miinster i. W. [1903] 

Giimstone (Edward) [Geimbston], see Mayebne Ttjbquet 

(L. de). Gen. hist, of Spaine, unto 1583 ; tr. & cont. unto 

[1605] by E. G., 1612. 
Grimthorpe (Edmund Beckett, baron). Differences betw. the 

first & last Prayer-book. [P1256]. 8°. n.d. 

Grin (Francois). Journal de F. 6., religieux de St. Victor, 

1554-70 ; publ. A. de Ruble, see Socifiii) db l'Hist. db 

Pabis, etc. M6ms., t21, 1894. 
Groen van Prinsterer (Gulielmus). Archives de la maison 

d'Orange-Nassau. s5, tl, 1766-79 ; publ. par F. J. L. 

Kramer. 8°. Leyde. 1910 

Groethuysen (Bernhard), see WELTANsoHAtniNG, Phil. u. 

Rehg. in DarsteUungen v. W. Dilthey, B. G., etc., 

Grolier (Jean), vicomte d'Aguisy, see Lb Roux de Linoy 

(A. J. V.) Recherohes sur J. G., 1866. 
Grrouau (Geoig). Die Kunstbestrebungen d. Herzoge v. 

Urbino, see Jahebitch d. Konigl.-Pebdss. Kunstsamm- 

LTJNGEN. B25, 27, Beihefte, 1904^6. 
Grosse (Julius). Ausgewahlte Werke. Hrsg. v. A. Grosse. 

3B. s8<>, [1908-9] 
Bl, 2, ea£h have S pts., w. sep. tp. <fc pagin. 

1 i, Gedichte, mit Biog. d. Dichters u, Einltg. v. A. Bartels, 

1 ii, 3 i, EraShlende Dichtungen, mit Einltg. v. r. Muncker, 2H. 2 ii, 

Dramen, mit Einltg. v. H. t. Gumppenberg. 3, Novellen u. Bomame, 

mit Einltg. v. J. Ettlinger. 

Grosseren (Die) Jahrbiicher v. Altaich ; iibers. v. L. Weiland, 

2e A., 1893, see Altaich. 
Ch:osseteste (Robert), bp. of Lincoln, see Lbchlbk (G. V.) 

R. G., 1867. 





Grote (John). Essays & reviews. Exam, of Lushinston's 

rii'l^T^i,^*"- [P1259]. 80. C 1 862 

BroteJend (Hermann). Quellen z. Frankfurter Gesohiohte. 

ilrsg H G. 2B. laSo. Erankfurt a. M. 1884-8 

Each vol. has a 2nd tp. 

^' ^'KFroufn/""''"'"'*" "■ *™''"^*- Aufzeiohnungen d. M.-a.i bearb. 

^' ^i'pS^nlhtf ^''??""i^","• annalist- Autzeiohnungen d. aeformationa- 
B jun Darstellung d. Frankfurter Belagerung v. 1652 ; bearb. 

Grouchy (Emmanuel Henri, vte. de) . E. Jabach, ooUeotionneur 

pansien, 1695, see Soci4t:6 dk l'Hist. de Paris, etc. 

M6ms., t21, 1894. 
Meudon, Bellevue et Chaville, see SooifiTfi de l'Hist. de 

Paris, etc. M6ms., t20, 1893. 
Grove {Sir George). Dictionary of music & musicians. Ed. 

J. A. Puller Maitland. v5 8° 1910 

Groves OVilliam Horner). The hist, of Mansfield. 
■^° ^ „ 8". Nottingham. 1894 

..Grueber (Herbert Appold), see British Mitseum : Coins & 

Medals. Coins of Roman Republic in B.M. ; by H. A. G., 

Griinbeok (Joseph), h. 1473 [Grtjnpbck]. Die Gesch. Eried- 
riohs III u. Maximilians I ; fibers, v. T. Ilgen, see Gb- 
SCHICHTSOHREIBER (Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2^ Gesammtausg., 
B90, 1899. ^ 

Griinberg (T. Koch-), see KooH-GRiJNBERa (T.) 
Grundriss d. theolog. Wissensohaften, bearbt. v. Aohelis, 
Baumgarten, etc. 
|1« Reihe, T2 iii, T5 i; 2^ Reihe, Bl-5. 8". Ereiburg i. B. 1894-9 
see Benzingeb (J.) Hebra. Archaologie, 1894. [II, 1.] 

„ BiTHL {E. P. W.) Geog. d. alten Palastina, 1896. [II, 4.] 
„ Gfthe (H.) Gesch. d. Volkes Israel, 1899. [I, 2 iii.] 

„ HoLTZMANN (0.) Neutestamentl. Zeitgesch., 1895. 

[II, 2.] 

„ Kaftan (J.) Dogmatik, 1897. [I, 5 i.] 

„ Kktoee (G.) Gesch. d. altchristl. Litt. in d. 1™ 3 

Jhdten, 1895 ; Nachtrage, 1897. [II, 3.] 

„ PiBPBB (P.) Kirohl. Statistik Deutschlands, 1899. 

[11. 5.] 

Grunpeck (J.), h. 1473, see Grtjnbbce; (J.) 

Grunzel (Joseph L.) System d. Industriepohtik. 8". L. 1905 

System d. Verkehrspolitik. 8°. L. 1908 

Gsell (St^phane). Recherches arch6olog. en Alg&ie. [Descr. 

de I'Afrique du Nord]. 8°. 1893 

Guarini (Giovanni Battista), see Rossi (V.) B. G. ed. II pastor 

fido, 1886. 
Guasti (Cesare). *Bibliografia pratese ; oomp. per un da 

Prato [i.e. C. G.]. 8°. Prato. 1844 

Gubbins (George Gough). " What doctrines & practices did 

St. Patrick teach ? " Rev. ed. w. notes by G. 

2nd ed. [P1261]. 38°. D. 1889 
Gubernatis {conte Angelo de). Storia comp. d. usi nuziaU in 

Italia e presso gli altri popoU indo-europei. 

2^ ed. riv. etc. s8". Milano. 1878 
Guelph, The family of. Eine alte Genealogie d. Welten, u. 

d. Monchs v. Weingarten [? Wernerus, abbas]. Gesch. d. 

Welfen, mit d. Eortsetzungen u. e. Anhang aus Berthold v. 

Zwiefalten ; fibers, v. G. Grandaur, see Gbschichtschbeibeb 

(Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2» Gesammtausg., B68, 1895. 
Guerber (Helene Adeline). Legends of the Rhine. 

4th ed. 88°. N.Y. n.d. 
Guercius (Nicolaus) [Qtjercius], see Cafeaeits, de Taschi- 

fellone, for cont. of h. Annales Januenses by N. 6. 
Gu6rin (G. Haurice de), see Lefranc (A.) M. de G., 2^ 6d., 

Guirin de Tencin, The family of, see Tencin, The family of. 
Guerra Juntiueiro (Abilio). [Obras compl.]. [tl-3]. Tr. 

castellana de E. Marquina. 88°. Barcelona, n.d. 

1, Los simples— OraoWn al pan— Oracidn i, la luz. 

2, Patria— Finis Patriae— El cazador Simdn— A luglaterra. 

3, la musa en ooios— La lAgrima— Victoria de Francia. 

Guerre Russo-Japonaise, see Rttsso-Japanesb War. 

Guerri (F.) Intorno a un verso di Lanfranco Cigala, see 

MoNACi (E.) Studj di filol. rom., v8, 1901. 
Gnerriero (Ser), da Gubhio, see Beeni (G.) 
Guevara (Antonio de), 6p. of Ouadix & of Montenedo. Epistolas 

familiares. p2. S8". Anveres. 1665 

Guiardinus. G. ; Bruchstuoke e. latein. Tugendspiegels naoh 

d. Basler Hs. ; hg. v. J. Werner, see Romanische Eoe- 

SCHUNOBN, B26, 1909. 

Guicciardini (Francesco). Delle istorie d' Italia libri xx. 
[With Vita di E. G., scr. da D. M. Manni]. 

8t. 8". Firenze. 1818-9 
Ritratti, alloouzioni e pensieri, soelti d. Storia d' Italia. 

88°. Firenze. 1872 

Gulches (Gustave). Un monsieur trds bien — Le but. s8". 1910 

*Guida al forestiere per I'augusta citt^ di Perugia, 1784, see 

Orsini (B.) 
*Gnide to Killarney & Glengariff, n. ed., 1835, see Killarnby. 
Guido, AretinuB, see Brandi (A.) G. A. ; d. sua vita, etc., 

[w. G.'s Opuscula de musica], 1882. 
Guido, Biiuricensis, see Eontbnayo (G. de). 
Guidonis (Bernardns), bp. of (1) Tuy (S) Lodhie [Gui]. De 
secta Apostolorum, see Doloino (Frd). Hist. Eratris D. 
etc. ; a cura di A. Segarizzi, 1907. 
GuifErey (Jules J.) 
For the following see SooiETi] db l'Hist. de Paris. M^ms., 

Destruction des plus belles tentures du mobilier de la Couronne, 
1888. [14.] 

Les Gobelins, teinturiers en ^carlate au Jaubourg Saint-Marcel, 1904. [31.] 
Les manufactures paris. de tapisseries au 17° s., 1892. [19.] 

Les Mays de Notre Dame de Paris, 1887. [13.] 

N. Bataille, tapissier parisien du 14» s., 1884. [10.] 

N. Houel, apothicaire parisien, fondateur de la Maison de la Charity 
chr6tieune etc. , 1898. [25.] 

Les orig. de la tapisserie de haute et basse lice ^ Paris, 1882. [8.] 

Guilford (Everaid L.), M.A., see Sampson (W.) Rector's 
book, Olayworth, Notts ; transcr. & ed. by H. GiU & 
E. L. 6., 1910. 
Gulielmus, de Murtedo [Midtedo], see Caffarits, de Taschi- 

fellone, for cont. of h. Annales Januenses by G. de M. 
Guillaome, monh of St.-Martin de Tournai [Gitlielmijs, 
monachus S. Martini Tomacensis'], see Bernard, St., abbot 
of Clairvaux. Opera omnia ; aoo. Flores operum Bernardi, 
\by G.], 1576. 
Guillaume (James). L'lntematiouale. Docs. & souvs., 
1864-78. t4. 80. 1910 

Guillemot (Etienne). Les forets de Senlis : 6t. sur le regime 
des forSts d'Halatte, de Chantilly et d'Ermenonville, see 
SooifiT]^ DE l'Hist. de Paris, etc. M6ms., t32, 1905. 
Guimar (Michel). Annales nantaises, ou abregS chronologique 
de I'hist. de Nantes. Ed. rev. & eorr. 80. Nantes. [1802] 

Guimbaud (Louis). Un grand bourgeois au 18« s. Auget de 
Montyon (1733-1820). 80. 1909 

Guimet. Annales du Mus^e G. t32. 40. 1909 

see MoBET (A.) Cat. du Mus6e G. : Galerie 6gypt., stMes,- 
bas-reliefs, etc., 1909 ; Planches, 1909. [32.] 

Bibl. de vulgarisation, t21, 1906. 

see Renel (C.) Les reUgions de la Gaule, 1906. [21.] 

Guinness (Geraldine). Peru : its story, people, & relig. 

Illust. H. G. Guinness. 80. 1909 

Guise (Antoinette de Bourbon, duchesse de), see Bottebon 

(A. de), dsse. de G. 
Guittone (Frd), d'Arezzo. Rime. 2v in 1. 80. Firenze. 1828 

see Gitjnta (B. di). ed.. Rime : G. di A., etc., 1731. 
Guizot (Francois de Witt), see Witt-Gttizot (F. de). 
Guizot (Frangois P. G.), see Rapports au Roi et pieces [by 

F. P. G. G. Does. in6d.], 1835. 
Gulielmus, monachus S. Martini Tomacensis, see GiriLLAtrME, 

monh of St.-Martin de Tournai. 
Gumllla (Jos§). Hist, natural, civil y geografica de las naoiones 
situadas en las riveras del Rio Orinoco. Nueva impr., 
corregido [sic] por I. Obregon, etc. 

2t. 840. Barcelona. 1791 

Gundacker, v. Judenburg. Christi Hort ; hrsg. v. J. Jaksche. 

[Deutsche Texte d. M.-a., hrsg. v. d. Konigl. Preuss. Akad. 

d. Wiss., 18]. 80. 1910 

Gundel (Wilhelm). De steUarum appeUatione et religione 

Romana. [Religionsgeschichtl. Versuche, etc., hrsg. v. 

A. Dieterich u. R. Wfinsoh, B3 ii]. 8°. Giessen. 1907 

Gunkel (Hermann). Israel u. Babylonien. Der Einfluss 

Babyloniens auf d. Israel. Relig. [a Snd copy in P1242]. 

80. Gottingen. 1903 

Die Religionsgesoh u. d. alttestamentl. Wissenschaft. 

Vortrag. [P1284]. 80. 1910 

Die Wirkungen d. heil. Geistes nach d. popularen Anschauung 

d. apostol. Zeit u. d. Lehre d. Apostels Paulua. 

3e A. 80. Gottingen. 1909 
Zum religionsgeschichtl. Verstandnis d. Neuen Test. 

2« unverand. A. 8°. Gottingen. 1910 




Gunn (Maurice James). Print restoration & picture cleaning. 

8». 1911 
Gunning (Susannah), jorm. S. Minifie. A letter addressed 

to his Grace the Duke of Argyll. 3rd ed. 8°. 1791 

Criinther (Otto). Die Wiegendrucke d. Leipziger Sammlungen 

u. d. Herzogl. Bibl. in Altenburg. Nachtrage. [Centralblatt 

f. Bibliothekswesen, Beih., 35]. 8°. L. 1910 

Giinther (Siegmund). Untersuch. iib. Wackelsteine u. damit 

zusammenhang. Denudationserscheinungen, see K6nigl. 

Akad. d. Wiss. 7A3 MiJNCHBN. Math.-phys. Classe. Sitz- 

ungsber., 1909, 1910. 
Gury (Joannes Petrus). Compendium theologise moralis. 

Correctionibus auctum etc. a R. P. H. Dumas. 

2t. 5" ed. 8». Lugduni. 1890 
Gustavus Adolphus, hing of Sweden. *Minne frin Gustaf II 

AdoUs-resten, 1894. [P1271]. 4». [1894] 

Gutenberg (Johann), see Hessbls (J. H.) G. . was he the 

inventor of printing ?, 1882. 

Guthe (Hermann). Gesch. d. Volkes Israel. [Grundrias d. 
theolog. Wiss., T2, B3.] 8°. Freiburg i. B. 1899 

Das Zukunftsbild d. Jesaia. Akadem. Antrittsvorlesung. 

[P1265]. 8°. L. 1885 

Guy (Heniy), of the Univ. of Toidouae. Hist, de la po6sie 

fran9. au 16" s. [Bibl. litt. de la Renaissance, n. s., t4]. 

tl, L'^cole des rh^toriqueurs. Ia8°. 1910 

Guyot (Yves). Economic prejudices. Tr. P. Rothwell. s8». 1910 

Socialistic fallacies. s8o. [1910] 

Guys (Constantin), see Mbiee-Gbabe (J.) Impressionisten : 

C. G., etc., 1907. 
Gwinner (Wilhelm v.) Schopenhauer aus personl. Umgange 
dargestellt. 3^ neugeordnete u. verb. A. [w. t.J S.'s Leben. 

8°. L. 1910 

Gyp, ps. L'amoureux de Line. s8°. [1910] 

Une passionnette. 18« ed. s8°. 1893 

Les petits joyeux. s8°. [1910] 

Gyulai (count L. Edelsheim-), see EDELSHBiM-GYtrLAi {count L.) 

H. (J.) 




H. (J.), see *Reliqion, worldly-mindedness & philosophy, by 

a physician [signed J. H.], 1860. 
Haberlandt (Gottlieb). Die Liohtsinnesorgane d. Laubblatter. 
TT-,. ,. .r, 8<>. L. 1905 

Haberlin (E. J.) .^s grave : d. Schwergeld Roms u. Mittel- 

italiens, einschliesslioh d. ihm vorausgehenden Rohbronze- 

wahrung. Bl, Die Munzverzeiohnisse. 

4°. Frankfurt a. M. 1910 

Tafelband. fol. Frankfurt a. M. 1910 

Hadrian, emp. of Rome. Quse ex Dosithei Interpret. Ub. 3 

ad ius pert., D. Adriani sententise & epist. ; Gr. & Lat. ; 

emend, etc. E. Booking, see Corpus iuris Romani Ante- 

iuatiniani, fasc. 1, 1841. 
Hagen (Friedrich Heinr. v. der). Beweis dass Martin Luther 

nie existirt hat. Separat-Abdr. aus d. Berl. Conversations- 

blatt fiir 1838. 2e A. [P1258]. sS". 1883 

Hagenbeck (Carl). Beasts & men : experiences for half a 

century among wild animals. Abr. tr. by H. S. R. Elliot 

& A. G. Thacker. "With intr. by P. C. Mitchell. Ia8°. 1909 
Hagen'sche Chronik, see Chbonioa des Landea Osterreich, 

Haggada, see Talmttd. 
Haggard {It.-col. Andrew C. P.) The amours of Henri de 

Navarre & of Marguerite de Valois. 8°. [1910] 

Two great rivals (Franjois I & Charles V) & the women who 

influenced them. 8°. 1910 

Haggard (H. Rider). Morning Star. s8°. 1910 

Hague (The) [La Hayb]. Choix de monnaies & medailles 

du Cabinet Royal de La H. ; decrites par H. J. de Dom- 

pierre de Chaufepie & A. 0. van Kerkwijk. fol. La Haye. 1910 
Hahn (Ludwig). Zwei Jahre preuss.-deutscher Politik, 1866-7. 

Sammlung amtl. Kundgebungen etc., v. d. Schleswig- 

holsteinschen Krisis bis z. Griindung d. ZoU-Parlaments. 

Hrsg. V. L. H. 8°. 1868 

Hahne (Hans). Das vorgeschichtliche Europa ; Kulturen u. 

Volker. [Monographien zur Weltgesoh. ; hrsg. E. Heyok, 

30]. Ia8». Bielefeld. 1910 

Halle (Martin). Life of R. Pole. 8°. 1910 

Haileybury College. H. Register, 1862-1910. Ed. L. S. 

Milford. 4th ed. 84°. 1910 

Hain (Ludwig), see Rbiohling (D.) App. ad H.-Copingeri 

Repertorium bibliog., fasc. 6 ; indices fasc. I-VI, 1910-11. 

Hakluyt Society. [Publications]. 2nd ser., v25-7. 8". 1910-11 

see Diaz del Castillo (B.) True hist, of conquest of New 

Spain; ed. G. Garcia; tr. A. Maudslay, v3, 1910. [II, 25.] 

„ Gbavbsandb (L. S. van 's). The rise of British Guiana, 

comp. f. h. despatches by C. A. Harris & J. A. J. de 

VilUers, 2v, 1911. [II, 26, 27.] 

Hakluyt (Richard), see Mabkham {Sir C. R.) R. H., h. life & 

work, 1896. 
Haldane (Jit- Hon. Richard Burden) [visa. Haldanb o/ Cloari]. 

Universities and national life. 3 addresses. s8°. 1910 

Hale (col. Lonsdale Augustus). The horrors of war in Great 

Britain. [P1291]. 8". 1910 

Halivy (Ludovic), see Beieux (E.) Disc, de reception a 

I'Aoad. Fr. [on L. H.l 1910. 
Hall (Alfred Daniel). The feeding of crops and stock. sS". 1911 
Hall (John R.) The Bourbon restoration. 8°. 1909 

Hall fWhitmore). Reasons for a new version of the Bible. 

* ' [P1262]. 8°. 1860 

Hallavs (Andr6). En flanant : A travers la France. Autour 

de Paris. sS". 1910 

Halliday (W.) The book of migratory birds met w. on Holy 

Island & the Northumbrian Coast, added accounts of wild 

fowling etc. . 80. [1909] 

Halliwell-PhiUippS (J. 0.) Diet, of archaic & provincial words, 

etc., f. 14th c. 2v. 10th ed. 8°. 1887 

Hallwich (Hermann). Mnf Biicher Gesoh. Wallensteins. 

3B. [B3, Beilagen]. 8°. L. 1910 
Halphen (Louis). Recueil d'annales angevines et venddmoises, 
publ. H., 1903, see Annalbs. 

Hamel (Adalbert). Der Cid im span. Drama des 16 u. 17 

Jhdts. [Zeitsehrift f. roman. Philologie ; Bhfte. 25]. 

8". Halle a. S. 1910 
Hamel (Frank). An 18c. marquise : study of E. Du Chatelet 

& h. times. 8°. [1910] 

Hamelin (0.) Le systeme de Descartes. Publ. L. Robin ; 

pref. E. Durkheim. 8". 1911 

Hamilton (Alex.), gen. in the service of the U.S., see Hamilton 

(A. M.) Intimate hfe of A. H., 1910. 
Hamilton (Allan McLane). Intimate life of A. Hamilton. 

8°. N.Y. 1910 
Hamilton (count Anthony). Memoirs of Count Gramont. 

Ed. A. Fea. 8°. 1906 

Hamilton (Edward), M.D., physician to the London Homoeo- 
pathic Hospital. Cat. of coll. of engravings, after Sir J. 

Reynolds, formed by E. H. ; sold by Christie 1891. [MS. 

prices. P1234]. 8". [1891] 

Hamilton (Emma, Lady), see Fauchiee-Maqnan (A.) Lady 

H., 1763-1815, 1910. 
Hamilton (Gen. Sir Ian Standish Dlonteith). Compulsory 

service. Intr. by Rt. Hon. R. B. Haldane. 88°. 1910 

,, ,, 2nd ed., w. notes on the Admiralty 

view of risk of invasion. s8°. 1911 

Hamilton (Mary), M.A. Greek saints & their festivals. 

s8<>. E. 1910 
Hamilton (Peter Joseph). Colonial Mobile. An hist, study, 

1519-1821. rev. & enl. ed. 8». Boston. 1910 

Hamilton (WilUam), of Fanet, Donegal. Letters cone, the 

northern coast of Antrim. Together w. the nat. hist, of 

the basaltes, etc., in the northern counties of Ireland. 2p 

in Iv. [p2 has haif-t. only]. [n. ed.] 8°. D. 1790 

Hamilton (William), of Wishaw. Desor. of the sheriffdoms of 

Lanark & Renfrew. [Compiled ab. 1710. Facs. of the 

Maitland Club ed., Glasgow, 1831. New Club Ser.]. 

4". Paisley. 1878 
^ammurabi, king of Babylon [Chammueabi]. H.'s Gesetz. 

Von J. Kohler & A. Ungnad. B4, Ubers. Urkunden, 

Erlauterungen (Fortsetzung). laS". L. 1910 

see Altb Obibnt (Dee), Jhrg. 4, Die Gesetze H., fibers, v. 
H. Winckler, 1902. 

„ Fehe (H.) H. u. d. sal. Recht, 1910. 

„ Geimme (H.) Das Gesetz Ch. u. Moses, 1903. 

„ 6ttli(S.) Das Gesetz H. u. d. Thora Israels, 1903. 
Hampe (Carl). Deutsche Kaisergesch. in d. Zeit d. Saher u. 

Staufer. 8». L. 1909 

Hampshire. H. parish registers. vl2, Isle of Wight, mar- 
riages. Ed. W. P. W. Phillimore, J. H. Oglander, & S. 

Andrews. 8». 1910 

Hampson (Sir George Francis), 10th bart., see Beitish Museitm : 

Zoology. Cat. of Lepidoptera Phalsense in B.M., v9, 10, 

by H., 1910. 
Hamsun (Knut), «ee Moebuegee (C.) H. ; e. lit. u. psycholog. 

Studie, 1910. 
Hanapus (Nicolaus), patriarch of Jerusalem, see Hbboldt (J.) 

Exempla virtutum etc., N. H. Virtutum & vitiorum exempla, 

Hanbury (Thomas), see Fltjckigeb (F. A.) La Mortola : a, 

descr. of the garden of T. H. ; tr. H. P. Sharpe, 1885. 
Hancock (Albany), «ee Aldee (J.) & A. H. Brit, nudibranchi- 

ate Mollusca, 1910. 
Hancock (William Neilson). On the prospects of the beet- 
sugar manufacture in Ireland. [P1239]. 8°. D. 1851 
Report on the statistics of flax culture in Connaught & 

Munster, 1865. [P1239]. 8°. D. 1866 

Handasyde, ps. The heart of Marylebone. sSP. 1910 

Handbook. *H. to Xtn. & eccles. Rome, pi, 2, by H. M. & 

M. A. R. T., 1897, see Tukbb (M. A. R.) & H. Malleson. 
Handbuch d. mittelalterl. u. neu. Gesch. Hrsg. v. G. v. 

Below u. F. Meinecke. [In prog.]. 8°. Munchen. 1910 

see Holtzmann (R.) Franzos. Verfassungsgeach. v. d. 
Mitte d. 9. Jhdts. bia z. Revolution, 1910. 




Handel (Georg Friedlich), see Rolland (R.) H., 1910. 
Handler (G. H.) [fOpsuiATHEs (G. H.) ps.] Tva/iai, 
sive thesaurus sententiarum & apophthegmatum ex 
scriptoribus Graecis prsecipue poetis. Coll. etc. G. H. 0. 

8°. L. 1884 

Handworterbuch d. Staatswissenschaften. Hrsg. v. J. Conrad, 

L. Elster, etc. 3^^, umgearbte. A. B6. Ia8". Jena. 1910 

Hanna (Henry Bathurst). The Afghan War, 1878-80: 

causes, etc. v3. 1910 

Hannay (James 0.). M.A. The spirit & orig. of Xtn. mon- 

asticism. sS". 1903 

Hannibal, see Wilkinson (H. S.) H.'s march through the 

Alps, 1911. 

Hanotaux (Gabliel). La demooratie et le travail. s8°. 1910 

Origines de Tinstitution des intendants des provinces d'ap. 

les does. in^d. 8°. 1884 

Hanseatic League. Hanserecesse : 3, 1477-1530. Bearbt. v. 

D. Schafer u. F. Techen. Hrsg. v. Verein fur bans. Gesoh. 

B8. 4». L. 1910 
Hansische GescMchtsoLuellen. Hrsg. v. Verein f. bans. Gesch. 

N.F., B3, 1906 
see Techen (F.) Die Biirgerspracben d. Stadt Wismar, 
1906. [N.F., 3.] 

Hansischer Geschichtsverein. Pfingstblatter. 

Blatt 6. 8°. L. 1910 

see Tbohbn (F.) Wismar im Mittelalter, 1910. [6.] 

Hapgood (Hutchius). Types f. city streets. 88". N.Y. 1910 

HapsbuTg, The House of [Habsbottrg], see Rubbkecht (0.) 

L'orig. du type familial de la maison de H., 1910. 
Hareeus (Franciscus) [fVERHAEB]. Annales ducum seu 
principum Brabantiae totiusq. Belgii. 

3t in 2, [pagin. of tl, 2 core*.], fol. Antverpise. 1623 
Harden (Maximilian). Kopfe. 16= A. 8°. 1910 

Hardenberg (Carl August, Filrst v.), see Koser (R.) Die 
Neuordnung d. preuss. Arohivwesens durch d. Staatskanzler 
Fursten v. H., 1904. 
Hardwick (Bess of), see Shrewsbxjby (E. T., countess of). 
Hardwicke Papers (The). Cat. of the H. P. & MSS., 
removed f. Wimpole Hall, the property of the earl of 
Hardwicke ; sold by Sotheby Feb. 1899, etc. 

[P1234]. 8». [1899] 
Hardwicke (Charles Philip Yorke, 4th earl of), see Biddtjlph 
(B. P. B., baroness). C. P. Yorke, 4th earl of H., 
Hardy (B. C.) Philippa of Haiuault & h. times. 8°. 1910 

Hardy (Gathome), see Cranbsook (G. G.-H., 1st earl of). 
Hardy (Thomas), novelist. The dynasts : an epic drama of 
the war w. Napoleon. [Compl. ed.]. s8°. 1910 

Tess of the D'Urbervilles. [Wessex novels, vl. repr.]. 

s8<>. 1909 
Hardy (Sir William), see Lancaster, Duchy of. The charters 

of the Duchy of L. ; tr. & ed. by W. H., 1845. 

Hare (Augustus John Cuthbert). Venice. 7th ed., rev. By 

A. J. C. H. & St. Clair Baddeley. s8». 1907 

Hare (Christopher). The romance of a Medici warrior : story 

of Giovanni d. Bande Nere, added life of h. son, Cosimo I, 

Grand Duke of Tuscany. 8°. [1910] 

Haren (Onno Zwier van). Recherches hist, sur I'etat de la 

reHg. ch^tienne au Japon, relativement a la nation hoUand. 

Tr. 88°. Londres. 1778 

Harington (iJro. Henry), ed., Nugae antiquae : orig. papers 

in prose & verse, in r. of Hen. VIII — James [I], by Sir John 

Harington & others : seL by H. H. 

3v. n., corr., & enl. ed. sg". 1779 

Harington (Sir John). A short view of the state of Ireland, 

wr. in 1605. Ed. W. D. Macray. 38". 1879 

see Harington (H.) ed., Nugae antiquae ; by Sir J. H. & 

others, n. ed., 1779. 

Haristoy (Just). L'imp6t sur le revenu. 8°. 1910 

Harleian Society. Publications, v60, 61 ; Registers, v39. 

s4o. 1910 

see Saint Bene't & St. Peter, Paul's Wharf, London. 

Registers ; ed. W. A. Littledale, v2, 1910. [Reg^., v39.] 

„ SuEEOLK. A visitation of S., 1664^1668, by Sir E. 

Byssche ; ed. W. H. Bylands, 1910. [61.] 

„ Surrey. A visitation of S., 1662-8, [by Sir E. Bysshe] ; 

ed. Sir G. J. Armytage, 1910. [60.] 

Harmand (Jean). L'automne d'un prince : le duo Philippe 

d'Orleans & la marquise de Montesson, 1773 (lettres in6d.). 

88". 1910 

Harnack (C. G. Adolf). Bruchstiioke d. Bvangeliums u. d. 

Apokalypse d. Petrus. [Texte u. Untersuch. z. Gesch. d. 

altchr. Lit., 9 ii]. 8°. L. 1893 

The constitution & law of the Church in the first two oent^. 

Tr. F. L. Pogson. Ed. H. D. A. Major. s8'>. 1910 

Entstehung u. Entwickelung d. Kirchenverfassung u. d. 

Kjrchenrechts in d. zwei ersten Jhdten. Nebst e. Kritik 

d. Abhdl. R. Sohm's : " Wesen etc. d. Katholizismus," 

u. Untersuch. ii. " Evangelium," " Wort Gottes " u. d. 

trinitar. Bekenntnis. 8°. L. 1910 

Lehrbuch d. Dogmengesch. 

3B. 4'= verm. A. laS". Tubingen. 1909-10 
Mihtia Christi. Die christl. Relig. u. d. Soldatenstand in d. 
ersten 3 Jhdten. [b.w. Texts & studies, v7, p4, 1905]. 

8°. Tubingen. 1905 

PhiUpp Melanohthon. Akad. Festrede, 1897. [P689]. 8°. 1897 

see Deniele (H. S.) Luther, Auseinandersetzung mit H. 

etc., 1904. 

Harper (William Bainey). Elements of Hebrew syntax by an 

inductive method. 8°. N.Y. 1888 

Harpfer (Alfred). Die Probleme v. Hansen u. SnelUus. 

[Abhdlgen. z. Gesch. d. Mathematik, Hft. 26 i]. 8". L. 1910 

Harris (James Bendel). Further researches into the hist, of 

the Ferrar-group. 4°. 1900 

Harris (Lawrence). With Mulai Hafld at Fez. s8o. 1909 

Harrison (Miss A.), aft. Mrs. F. H. Spencer, see Hutchins 

(B. L.) & A. H. A hist, of factory legislation; pref. by 

S. Webb, 2nd ed., 1911. 

Harrison (E. J.) Peace or war east of Baikal ? [With treaties 

cfc docs.]. 8". Yokohama. [1910] 

Harrison (William), canon of Windsor. Descr. of Eng. in 

Shakspere's youth ; the 2nd & 3rd books of h. Desor. of 

Britaine etc. Ed. F. J. Furnivall. p2-4 [p2, 3, in Iv, 

pagin. cont. p2, 3, New Shakspere Soo. ; p4, Shakespeare 

library.]. laS". 1878-1908 

2, The 3rd book, w. map of Shakspere's routes to London, plans, etc. 

3, 4, Supplement [w. bits i. Churchyard, Iforden, Coryat, Fynes 
Morison, etc.]. 

Harrison (Wilmot). Memorable Dublin houses. sS". D. 1909 
Harrowby (John Herbert Dudley Ryder, Bth earl of). Cat. of 

hist. doc. chiefly conn. w. r. of George III under admin, of 

earl of Bute, etc. ; sold by Sotheby 9th May 1903. 

[P1234]. 80. [1903] 
Hart (Albert Bushnell). The Southern South. 88°. N.Y. 1910 
Hart (Bernard), see MtJNSTEBBBRa (H.) Subconscious 

phenomena by H. M., etc., n.d. 
Hart (John Henry Arthur), see Bible: New Test. [Ctreek}. 

NicoU (W. R.) Expositor's 6r. Test., v5, First Epistle of 

Peter, by J. H., 1910. 
Harting (James Edmund). Our summer migrants. 

[3rd ed.] 88". 1901 
Hartland (Edwin Sidney). Primitive paternity. The myth 

of supernatural birth in rel. to the hist, of the family. 

[Folk-Lore Soc, 67]. v2. 8°. 1910 

Hartlaub (G. F.) Matteo da Siena u. s. Zeit. laS". Str. 1910 

Hartlaub (Georg), see Decken (baron C. C. v. D.) Reisen in 

Ost-Afrika, B4, Die Vogel Ost-Afrikas, v. 0. Finsoh u. G. H., 

Hartmann (Agnes), see Taubekt (A.) 
Hartmann (August). Histor. Volkslieder u. Zeitgedichte v. 

le"" b. 19="» Jhdt. Gesammelt u. erlautert v. H. B2, Von 

Mitte d. 17»" b. zu der d. 18"" Jhdt. 8". Munchen. 1910 
Hartmann (C. R. Eduard v.), «ee Butler (S.) Unconscious 

memory : [compar. betw. Bering & v. H., w. tr^., etc.], 

n. ed., w. intr. by M. Hartog, 1910. 
Hartmann (Georg Leonhard). Gesch. d. Stadt St. Gallen. 

88°. St. GaUen. 1818 
Hartmann (It.-col. L.) Les offioiers de I'arm^e royale & la 

Revolution. go. igio 

Hartmann (P.) Conflans prds Paris, see Socii}T6 de l'Hist. 

DE Paris, etc. M^ms., t35, 1908. 
Hartogs (Friedrich). tJber d. elementare Herleitung d. 

Weierstrass'schen " Vorbereitungssatzes," see Konigl. Akad. 

D. Wiss. ZTT MiJNOHEN. Math.-phys. Classe, Sitzungsber. 

1909, 1910. 
Hartwig (Paul). Dana6 dans le cofEre : hydrie, Mus6e de 

Boston, see Acad, des Insoe. etc. . Fond. Piot. Mon". 

etc., tlO, 1903. 
Hartzenbnsch (Eugenio). Apuntes para un cat. de periodioos 

madrilenos desde el ano 1661 al 1870. la8o. 1894 




Harvard Historical Studies. Hist, studies 9, 11-14. 

8°. N.Y. 1902—10 

see Cross (A. L ) The Anglican Episcopate & the American 

Colonies, 1902. r r - 

" ^y^^l"^^^ (C- A.) Development of freedom of the press 

in Massachusetts, 1906. [12.] 

„ Pish (C. R.) The civil service & the patronage, 1905. 

rii 1 

" 5Jo»»is (W. A.) Frankpledge system, 1910. [U.'] 

„ MTTNRO (W. B.) The seigniorial system in Canada, 1907. 

[13 ] 
Harvard University : Harvard Studies in Comparative Lit'., 
see Santayana (G.) Three philos. poets: Lucretius, 
Dante, & Goethe, 1910. nj 

Harvey (William), travelling student of the Royal Acad, of Arts, 
see ScBTJLTZ (R. W.) The Church of the Nativity at Beth- 
lehem, by W. H., etc. ; ed. R. W. S., 1910. 
Harvey (William Henry). An inquiry into the probable orig. 
of the human animal on the princ. of Darwin's theory of nat. 
selection, etc. [P1238]. 8». p.p. [1860] 

Harwood (Edward), see Nodier (J. E. C.) Biblioth^que 
sacree grecque-lat. ; ouvr. redig6 d'apres M. Boni & Gamba 
[or rather their tr. of E. Harwood' s "View etc. of the classics "], 
Hasdeu (Bogdanu Petriceicu), see PHTRioEioir-HASDBir (B.) 
Haslam (JSew. William). Perran-Zabuloe ; mt. an ace. of the 
Oratory of St. Piran in the sands, etc. sS". 1844 

Hasluek (Frederick William). Cyzicus ; hist. & antiqs. of 
that city, & of the district adjacent, w. towns of Apollonia 
ad Rhyndacum, Miletupolis, Hadrianuther^, Priapus, 
Zeleia, etc. 8". C. 1910 

Hassall (Arthur). European hist., chronology, arranged, 
476-1910. ^ s8o. 1910 

[n. ed.]. s8o. 1910 

Hassert (Ernst Emil Curt). Deutschlands Kolonien. 2S 
erweiterte u. umgearbte. A. 8°. L. 1910 

Hastings (Rt. Hon. Warren), Gov.-Oeneral of India, see 
, EoRREST (G. W.) Sels. f. the State Papers of the Governors- 
General of India, vl, 2, W. H., [ind. (in v2)H.'s Mems. rel. 
to the state of I. ( 1786), Narr. of insurrection in Banaris ( 1781 ), 
etc.] 1910. 
Haswell (William A.), see Parker (T. J.) & W. A. H. Text- 

bk. of zoology, 2nd ed., 2v, 1910. 
Hatbumoda, abbess of Gandersheim, see Candidus, of Fidda. 
Leben d. Abtes Eigil [by C] u. d. Abtissin H. [by Agius] ; 
fibers. V. G. Grandaur, 1890. 
Hatschek (Julius). Bismarcks Werk in d. Reichsverfassung. 
Rede. 8°. Tubingen. 1906 

Haughton (Samuel). On the tides & tidal currents of the 
Irish Sea & Eng. Channel. [P1239]. 8°. D. 1858 

Haugmard (Louis). E. Rostand. [Les cel6brit6s d'aujourd'- 
hui]. s8o. [1910] 

Haupt (Paul). Der keilinsohriftl. Sintfluthbericht : eine 
Episode d. babylon. Nimrodepos. [P1250]. 8°. L. 1881 

Der keilinsohriftl. Sintfluthbericht. [Separatabdr. aus E. 
Sohrader, Die Keilinschr. u. das Alte Test., 1882. P1250]. 

8». [1882]. 
Hauptmann (Carl). Judas — [Einfaltige — Graf Michael]. 

8°. Munchen. 1909 

Hauptmann (Crerhart). Der Narr in Christo : Emanuel Quint. 

Roman. 3* A. 8°. 1910 

Die Ratten. Berliner Tragikomodie. s8°. 1911 

Hausser (Ludwig). Gesch. d. Zeitalters d. Reformation 

1517-1648. Hrsg. v. W. Oncken. 3^ A. 8". 1903 

Ha vet (Julien). Maitre Pernand de Cordoue et I'Univ. de 

Paris au 15« s., see SociBTii de l'Hist. de Paris, etc. 

M^ms., t9, 1883. 

Havre. Le Havre et le d6pt. de la Seine-Inferieure (Etudes 

6oonomiques). Conf. faites au Cours intern, d'expansion 

commerciale tenu au Havre en 1909. [Soc. Intern, pour le 

Develop, de I'Enseignement Comm. : Ecole Sup^r. de 

Commerce du Havre]. laS". [1910] 

Hawaiian almanac & annual. 1911, T. G. Thrumm, compiler. 

8". Honolulu. 1910 
Hawes (Albert G. S.), see Satow {Sir E. M.) & A. G. S. H. 

Hdbk. for travellers in C. & N. Japan, 1881. 
Hawes (Charles Henry) & H. B. Hawes. Crete the forerunner 
of Greece. With pref. by A. J. Evans. sS". 1909 

Hawes (Mrs. Harriet Boyd) [Boyd (Miss H.)], see Hawes 
(C. H.) & H. B. H. Crete the forerunner of Greece, 1909. 

Hawkins (Bush Christopher). Cat. of books mostly f. presses 
of first printers, showing progress of printing through 2nd 
half of 15th 0. Coll. by H., cat. by A. W. Pollard & deposited 
in Annmary Brown Memorial at Providence, Rhode Island. 

4". 0. 1910 

Hawtrey (Valentina). In the shade. s8o. 1909 

Hay (Ian). A man's man. s8°. B. 1909 

Hay (Marie). The winter queen : hist, of Elizabeth Stuart, 

Queen of Bohemia. A romance. 8°. 1910 

Hay (0. P.) 

For the following see Pield Columbian Museum : Zoological 

ser., vl, 1895-9. 

On certain portions of the skeleton of FrotoBtega gigas, 1896. [1. ) 

On some collections of fishes, 189fi. [1-1 

On the skeleton of Toxochelys latiremis, 1896. tl-l 

On the structure & development of the vertebral column of Amia, 1896. [1. ] 

Haydn (Joseph). H.'s diet, of dates, etc. By B. Vincent. 

25th ed., to midsummer, 1910. 8°. 1910 

Haydon (A. L.) The riders of the plains : rec. of Royal N.-W. 

Mounted Police of Canada, 1873-1910. 8°. 1910 

Hayem (Fernand). Le mar^chal d'Ancre et Leonora Galigal. 

Notice biog. [of the author] par A. Lefranc. 8°. 1910 

Hayes (George), one of the justices of the Court of Queen's Bench. 

flayesiana. [With mem. by Mr. Justice Wills. Ed. E. Mac- 

rory]. 8°. Duncairn Private Press. 1892 

Hayes de Marcire (E. L. G.), see MaroJirb (E. L. G. H. de). 

Haynes (Edmund Sidney Pollock). Divorce problems of 

to-day. 8°. 1910 

Hayward (Edward E.), see Higgs (M.) & E. E. H. Where 

shall she live 1 1910. 
Hayward (Sir John). Sanctuarie of a troubled soule. 

newly corr. k inl. 2p in Iv. s8°. [1631] 
Hayward (Walter Brownell). Bermuda past & present. 

s8». N.Y. 1910 
Hazanas y la Rua (Joaquin). Maese Rodrigo, 1444^-1509. 

8°. Sevilla. 1909 
Hazard (Paul). La Revolution Franj. et les lettres ital., 
1789-1815. 8°. 1910 

Hazell's Annual. 1906, 1907. 8". 1906-7 

Hazen (Charles Downer). Europe since 1815. 8°. 1910 

Headlam (Arthur Cayley). History, authority & theology. 

8". 1909 
Headlam (Cecil), see Headlam (W. G.) W. H. : his letters & 

poems ; w. mem. by C. H., etc., 1910. 
Headlam (Walter George). W. H. : his letters & poems. With 
mem. by C. Headlam, & a bibliog. by L. Haward. 8°. 1910 
Heard (John Bickford). Prize essay on Xty. in India, [no 
tp. ; p. o/ Dublin Univ. Mag., May, June, 1859]. 

2p. [P1259]. 8°. 1859 
Hearn (Laicadio), see Noguchi (Y.) L. H. in Japan ; w. Mrs. 

H.'s Reminisc, 1910. 
Hearn (Mrs. Lafcadio), see Noguchi (Y.) L. H. in Japan ; 

w. Mrs. L. H.'s Reminisc, 1910. 
Heart (The) of Marylebone, see Handasyde, ps. 
Heath (Sidney). Old Eng. houses of alms. A pict. record 
w. arch. & hist, notes. 4°. 1910 

Heath (Sir Thomas Little). Diophantus of Alexandria 
[Arithmetioa, tr., etc.]. A study in hist, of Greek algebra. 
2nd ed., w. suppl. cent. ace. of Permat's theorems etc. conn, 
w. Diophantine analysis, & solutions of Diophantine pro- 
blems by Euler. 8°. C. 1910 
Hebert (Marcel), prof, a, I'Instit. des Hautes- Etudes. Le 
pragmatisme : etude de ses diverses formes anglo-am6r., 
fran?., ital., et de sa valeur rehg. 2^ 6d., aveo la r6ponse de 
W. James. " s8o. 1910 
Hebler (Carl). Die Philosophic gegenuber d. Leben u. d. 
Einzelwissensohaften. 2« A. [P503]. 8°. 1874 
Hebraischen. Auswahl hist. Stucke aus h. Schriftstellern, 

1840, see Auswahl. 
Hebrew. ""Ano. H. inscriptions in the Crimea, 1869, see 

Wright (C. H. H.) 
Hechler (William Heniy). The Jerusalem bishopric. Doo^. 
w. trs., chiefly f. " Das evangel. Bisthum in Jerusalem," 
1842, publ. by command of Frederick William IV, king of 
Prussia, arr. & supplemented by W. H. H. [3 pagin".]. 

8°. 1883 

Heckenbach (Josephus). De nuditate sacra saorisque vinculis. 

[Religionsgeschichtl. Versuche etc., 9 iii]. 8°. Giessen. 1911 

Hecker (MaxF.), see Schiller (J. C. P. v.) S. Personlichkeit, 

Tl, gesammelt v. M. H., 1904. 




H§dervdry, The family of, see RadvAnszky (Baron B.) & L. 

ZAvoDSZKY. A Hldervary-csalad oklev61tara, 1231-1526, 

kl, 1909 ; Oklevel-hasonmasok, 1909. 
Hedin (Sven). Overland to India. 2v. 8°. 1910 

Trans-Himalaya : disooveriea & advs. in Tibet. 2v. 8°. 1909 
*Hedwig in Eng., 1909, see Spottiswoode (Miss S.) 
Heeringa (K.) Bronnen tot de geschiedenis van d. Levant- 

schen handel. Verz. K. H. [Rijks Gesch. Publ. Uitg. in 

opdracht v. d. Min. v. Binnenland. Zaken, 9, 10]. 
Dl i, ii, [pagin. cont.], 1590-1660. la8o. 's-Gravenhage. 1910 
Hefele (Carl Joseph v.), *?■ "/ Rottenburg. Hist, des conoiles 

d'ap. les docs. orig. Tr. faite sur la 2^ 6d. allemande, corr. 

& augm. de notes par H. Leolercq. 

t3 ii ; Ipagin. cont. f. tS i]. 8°. 1910 
Hefele (Dr. H.) Die Bettelorden u. d. relig. Volksleben 

Ober- u. Mittelital. im 13. Jhdt. 8». L. 1910 

Hegel (Georg Wilhelm Friedlich). The phenomenology of mind. 

Tr., w. intr. etc., by J. B. BaiHie. 2v, [pagin cont.]. 8". 1910 
see MaoTabgakt (J. M. E.) Comm. on H.'s logic, 1910. 
Heidenstam (Vemer von), see Sodeeman (S.) & R. G. : sou 

Beeg. V. V. H.— 0. Levertin [sdK'], 1910. 
Heidrich (Ernst). Alt-niederland. Malerei. 200 Nachbil- 

dungen mit gesch. Einfiihrung etc. v. E. H. [Die Kunst in 

Bildern]. Ia8''. Jena. 1910 

Heilborn (Emst). Die steile Stufe. Roman. sS". 1910 

Heilige (Die) Regel Mr e. voUkommenes Leben, e. Cisterzienser- 

arbeit d. 13. Jhdts. ; hrsg. v. R. Priebsch. [Deutsche 

Texte d. Mittelalters, hrsg. v. d. Konigl. Preuss. Akad. d. 

Wiss., 16]. 8». 1909 

Heine (Heinrich). H.-Reliquien : neue Briefe u. Aufsatze 

H. H. Hrsg. v. M., Frhrn. v. Heine-Geldern u. G. Karpeles. 

8". 1911 
Memoiren. Hrsg. G. Karpeles. 3^ A. s8°. 1909 

Mem. f. h. works, letters, & conversations. Ed. G. Karpeles. 

Tr. G. Cannan. 2v. 8°. 1910 

Heinemann (Carl). Goethe. 3«, verbess. A. laS". L. 1903 

Heinrich, v. Hesler, see Hbslee (H. v.) 
Heinrich, v. Neustadt. Heinrichs v. N. " Apollonius v. 

Tyrland," " Gottes Zukunft " u. " Visio PhiUberti " ; hrsg. 

V. S. Singer. [Deutsche Texte d. M.-a., hrsg. v. d. Konigl. 

Preuss. Akad. d. Wiss., 7]. 8°. 1906 

Heinrich, v. Selbach, see Hbnbictjs, de Behdorf. 
Heinrich, d. Taube. see Hbnkicus, de Bebdorf. 
Henricus, marcMo de Gavio, see Gavio (H. de). 
Henricus, de Bebdorf [Heneicfs, Surdus ; Hbinkich, d. 

Taube ; Heinkioh, v. Selbach]. Kaiser- u. Papstgeach. ; 

ubers. v. G. Grandaur, see Geschiohtsohebibee (Die) d. 

deut. Vorzeit, 2^ Gesammtausg., B85, 1899. 
Henricus, Surdus, see Heneictjs, de Bebdorf. 
Heinse (Johann Jacob Wilhelm). Ardinghello u. d. gluckseeligen. 

2e A. [Hrsg. V. C. Schiiddekopf]. [Werke, B4]. sS". L. 1907 
Heintze (Albert). Die deut. Pamiliennamen geschichtlich, 

geograph., sprachlich. 3^, verm. A., hrsg. v. P. Cascorbi. 

laS". Halle a. S. 1908 
Heinz (Julius), K. u. K. Linienschi-ffs- Capitdn, see Dabovich 

(P. E.) Nautisch-techn. Wbch. d. Marine, v2 ii, comp. by 

J. H., 1910. 
Heiss (Alois). Les medailleurs de la Renaissance. 

[p8, 9]. fol. 1891-2 

[8], Florence & les Florentins du 15" au 17" sifecle, pi, 1891. 
[9], Florence, p2, Florence & la Toscane sous les M^diois [1532-1737], 

Held (Hans Heinrich Ludwlg von), see Vaenhaoen v. Ense 
(C. A. L. P.) Biogr. Denkmale, T7, H. v. H., etc., 1873. 

Heliodorus, see Chassang (A.) Les romans grecs : Les 
Ethiopiennes d'H., etc., n.d. 

Heller Edmund). Five new rodents f. British E. Africa, 
1910, see Smithsonian Instit. Misc. colls., v54, 1910. 
A new sable antelope f. British E. Africa, 1910, see Smith- 
sonian Instit. Misc. colls., vSi, 1910. 

Heller (Georg). Die Weltanschauung A. v. Humboldts in i. 
Beziehungen zu d. Ideen d. Klassizismus. [Beitr. z. Kultur- 
u. Universalgesch., 12]. 8o. L. 1910 

Helm (William Henry). Jane Austen & her country-house 
comedy. 8°. 1909 

Helmoldus [Helmold]. Chronik d. Slaven ; iibers. v. J. C. M. 
Laurent u. W. Wattenbach ; mit e. Vorwort v. J. M. Lappen- 
berg, 3^ neubearbt. A. v. B. Schmeidler, see Geschicht- 
scheeibbe (Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2'^ Gesammtausg., B56, 

H^loise, see Walepfe (M. de). H., amante & dupe d'Ab^lard, 

Helv6tius (Claude Adrien). A treatise on man ; his intellectual 

faculties & his education. Tr., w. addit. notes, by W. 

Hooper. 2v in 1. n. ed. 8°. 1810 

Helvig (Amalie v.), form. Freiin v. Imhoff, see Bissing (H. v.) 

Das Leben d. A. v. H., 1889. 
Helwig, see Hblvig. 
Hinault (Charles Jean Francois), pres. au Parlement de Paris, 

see Maey [Leszczynska]. Lettres in^d. de la reine M. L. et 

de la dcsse. de Luynes au Pr6s. H. ; publ. par V. Des 

Digu^res, 1886. 
Henckens (lieut. J. L.) M6m. ; s. service milit., 1803-16. 

Publ. E. P. C. A. Henckens ; pr6f. F. Masson. 

8°. La Haye. 1910 
Henderson (George). Norse influence on Celtic Scotland. 

8°. Glasgow. 1910 
Henderson (Richard). The estate manager. 8". 1910 

Henne-am Rhyn (Otto). Gesch. d. Rittertums. 8". L. [1893] 
Henneiiuin, de Liege [Jean, de Liege]. Un tombier li^geois 

h, Paris au 14s. : Inventaire de la succession de H. de Li^ge, 

1382-3 ; [publ.] A. Vidier, see Socii]T:6 de l'Hist. db 

Paeis, etc. M6ms., t30, 1903. 
Hennessy (Henry). Terrestrial climate as infl. by distribution 

of land & water at diff. geological epochs. 

[P1239]. 8°. D. 1859 
Henrichsen (Erik). V. HizSrup. [Mennesker, B3]. 84". [1910] 
Henrietta Maria, q.c. of Charles I, k. of Gt. Brit, dk Ireland, 

see Mottevillb (Mme. de). Mem. on life of H. M. ; ed. 

M. 6. Hanotaux, 1880. 
Henry, emp. of Constantinople. *Hist. de Enrrique fi de 

Oliua, rey de Iherusalem, emp. de Constantinopla. {Rom- 
ance. Ed. P. de Gayangos]. Publ. la Soc. de Biblidfilos 

Espanoles. 8°. 1871 

Henry H, h. of Eng., see Chaetes & dipldmes rel. ^ I'hist. de 

France, t3, Recueil des actes de H. II cone, les provinces 

frang. etc., tl, & Atlas, in prog., 1909. 
Henry H, h. of France, see Williams (H. N.) H. II : h. court 

& times, 1910. 
Henry m, k. of France ; r. 1674-89, [dk h. of Poland, 1673-5]. 

Rec. de diverses pieces, servant k I'hist. de H. III. 

s8o. Cologne. 1663 

Journal durfegnedoH. Ill, par M.S.A.G.A.P.D.P. [i.e. L. Servin ; extr. 

f. Journals of P. de L'Estoile]. 
L'Alcandre, ou les amours du roy Henry le Grand, par M.L.P.D.C. [? i.e. 

posse, de ConW], 
Le divorce satyrique, ou les amours de Marguerite de Valois sous le 

nom de D.B.H.Q.M. ; [? by P. V. Palma Cayet]. 
La confession de M. de Sancy, par L.S. D.A. [i.e. T. A. d^Aubign^}. 

Henry IV, k. of France. The favourites of H. of Navarre. 

By Le Petit Homme Rouge. 8". 1910 

Lettres ined. du roi H. IV au chancelier de Bellievre, 1581- 

1601 ; publ. d'ap. les MSS. de la Bibl. Nat. par E. Halphen. 

80. 1872 
see Alcandeb. *L'Alcandre, ou les amours du roy H., 

„ Haqgaed (It.-col. A. C. P.) The amours of H. de Navarre 

& of Marguerite de Valois, 1910. 
„ Paeis. Hist, du siege de Paris sous H. IV en 1550, 

[signed G. Ch. ; publ.] A. Dufour, 1881. 
„ PioAEBTTA (F.) Rel. du siege de Paris par H. IV ; tr. 
A. Dufour, 1876. 
Henry H, emp. of Germany, St. ; b. 973, d. 10^4, see Uekunden 
d. deutsohen Konige u. Kaiser, B4, Urkunden Konrads II, 
mit Nachtragen zu d. Urkunden H. II, 1909. 
Henry IV, emp. of Germany ; 1060-1106. Das Leben H. IV, 
[attr. to Otbert bp. of Liege <fc others] ; libera, v. P. Jaff6, 
2^ A., ueu bearbt. v. W. Wattenbach, see Gesohicht- 
SCHEEIBEE (Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2^ Gesammtausg., B50, 
Henry VII, emp. of Germany ; 1269-1313. Das Leben H. 
VII [i.e. Des A. Musaatus Kaisergesch. — Aus d. G. 
Cortusius Erzahlung v. d. Ereignissen in Padua u. d. Lom- 
bardei — Aus d. Gesch. d. Ferreto v. Vioenza — ^Die Chronik d. 
J. de Cermenate — Nikolaus v. Butrinto ii. d. italien. Heer- 
fahrt H. VII.— Aus d. Chronik d. G. Villani v. Florenz — Aus 
d. Tagebuche d. Ser G. di Lelmo— Aus d. Leben d. Erz- 
bischofs Balduin v. Trier] ; ubers. v. W. Friedensburg, 2H, 
see Geschiohtsoheeibee (Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2^ Gesammt- 
ausg., B79, 80, 1898. 




Henry, the Minstrd, see Nbilson (G.) Blind Harry's Wallace, 

1910. ■^ 

Henry, prince of Prussia, see fFBEDEEioK Henry Louis, p. 

of Prussia. 
Henry (Mitchell). Speech on motion for second reading of 

Irish Education Bill, w. additions. [P1275]. 8". 1873 

Hensel (Kurt W. S.) Gedaehtnisrede auf E. E. Kummer, see 

Abhdlon. z. Gesch. d. Mathbmatik, Hft. 29, Festschrift 

z. Feier d. 100. Geburtstages K., 1910. 
Hensel (Werner). Die Vogel in d. provenzal. u. nordfranzos. 

Lyrik d. M.-a., see Romanische Forschtjnoen, B26, 1909. 
Hepdin? (Hugo). Attis, s. Mythen u. s. Kult. [Religions- 

geschiohtl. Versuche, etc., hrsg. v. A. Dieterich u. R. Wunsch, 

1]; , . 8". Giessen. 1903 

H6pites (Antoine Th.) Dictionnaire greo-fran9. * fran9.-greo. 

[t2, 3, Gr.-Fr.]. 8". Athenes. 1909-10 

Heraclides, of Pontus, see Hbroldt (J.) Exempla virtutum 

& vitiorum. Ex HeracUde Be politiis, 1555. 
Herbert (Agnes). Two Dianas in Somaliland. 8". 1908 

Herbert (Edward G.), B.iSc. Newsera : sociahst romance. 

8". 1910 
Herbert (John A.), see British Museum : Romances. Cat. of 

romances in Dept. of MSS. ; by H., v3, 1910. 
Herbert (Solomon). The first principles of heredity. 8°. 1910 
Herbordus [Hbrbord]. Leben d. Bischofs Otto v. Bamberg ; 

ubers. v. H. Prutz, 2^ A., neu bearbt. v. W. Wattenbach, see 

Geschiohtschreieer (Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2i= Gesammt- 

ausg., B55, 1894. 
Herennius Modestinus, see Modestinus (H.) 
Heretics [Hbreticks]. *Disc. cone, the laws made agst. h., 

by popes, etc., 1744, see Whitby (D.) 
HerEord (Charles Harold). The bearing of Eng. studies upon the 

nat. life. [Eng. Assoc, Leaflet, 16]. [P1290; 1293]. 8°. 1910 
Herigerus, see Hirzbl (0.) Abt H. v. Lobbes, 990-1007, 1910. 
Herimann, ij. Beichenau, see Hermannus, Contractus. 
Hering (Ewald), see Butler (S.) Unconscious memory : 

[compar. betw. H. & v. Hartmann, w. tr^., etc.], n. ed., w. 

intr. by M. Hartog, 1910. 
Hermse Pastor. The Shepherd of H. [Tr.] C. Taylor. 

2v. 80. 1903-6 
Hermanaricus, king of the Ostrogoths, see Hermaneio. 
Hermannsson (Halld6r), see Islandica ; an annual rel. to 

Iceland, etc., v3, Bibhog. of the Sagas of the Kings of 

Norway & related Sagas & tales, by H. H., 1910. 
Hermannus, abbas Altahensis. Die Werke d. Abtes H., 

nebst d. Fortsetzungen s. Jahrbtioher [by Eberhardus of 

Batisbon etc.] u. anderen Altaicher Aufzeichnungen ; iibers. 

V. L. Weiland, 2^ A., neu bearbt. etc. v. 0. Holder-Egger, 

see Gesohichtsohreibbr (Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2^ Ge- 

sammtausg., B78, 1898. 
Hermannus, Contractus [Herimann, v. Seichenau]. 
see Bbetholdus, Augiensis. Fortsetzung d. Chronik H. ; 
[w. Leben H.] ; fibers, v. 6. Grandaur, 1893. 

„ Qbschiohtschreibbb (Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2« Gesammt- 
ausg., B42, Chronik H. ; iibers. v. K. Nobbe, 2" A., 
durchgesehen v. W. Wattenbach, 1893. 
Hermannus, abbas S. MartiniTornac. [Hermann], see Norbert, 

St., abp. of Magdeburg. Leben d. hi. N. ; nebst Auszugen 

[i.e. H., Von d. Wundern d. hi. Maria v. Laon, Buch 3, Cap. 

1-9 ; etc.] ; fibers, v. G. Hertel, 1895. 
Hermanric, king of the Ostrogoths [Emeleich ; Eormanric ; 

Ermanarich ; Ermbnrbkk ; Eemerich ; Eemrioh ; Her- 
manaricus ; Jormunrekr], see Boer (R. C.) Die Sagen 

V. Ermanarich u. Dietrich v. Bern, 1910. 
Hermant (Abel). Daniel— [Le double prestige— Un patnote— 

Les vacances de Miss E. Chalegreen]. v^Vtt 

Hermant (Godefroi). M^m^. sur I'hist. ecclfe. du XVII s. 

(1630-63). Avec intr. & notes par A. Gazier. tb, ibbd. 

Hermes, Trismegistus. Hermes Trismegiste. Tr. compl. 
prec. d'une 6t. sur I'origine des livres herm^tiques, par 

L. Menard. . n . tx ■ ■ 

Hermogenianus. Cod. Gregoriani & Cod. Hermogeniani 

fragmenta; rec. & annot. instr. G. Haenel, see Corpus 

iuris Romani Anteiustiniani, fasc. 2, 1837. 
Hermonymus (Gregorius), see Omont (H.) G- H. de bparte, 

maitre de grec h. Paris et copiste de mss., 1476, l«Sb. 
•Bxxo, of Alexandria. Del vuoto ; volgarizzamento di B. 

Davanzati, see Palermo (F.) I manoscntti Palatini di 

Firenze, v3, 1868. 

Herodes, the orator, see Theopompus, of Chios. T.'s Hellenika ; 
mit e. Beilage fl. d. Rede an d. Larisaer [i.e. Herodes, Ilepl 
voAiTitas, w. text] eto. ; [ed., w. intr.], v. E. Meyer, 1909. 

Herodotus. Herodoti Historise lib. ix, & de vita Homeri 
libellus. lUi ex interpret. L. Valise adscripta, hie ex 
interpret. C. Heresbaohii : utraque ab H. Stephano 
recog. Ex Ctesia excerptae historise. Icones quarunda 
memorabihll struoturartl. Apologia H. Stephani pro 
Herodoto, eto. [b. w. Herodotus. 'laropia, etc., 1570. 
" Icones " wanting]. fol. H. Stephanus. [Paris]. 1566 

'HpoSirov 'IffTopta, etc. Historia, sive, Historiarum lib. ix. 
Ctesise qusedam. [Ed. H. Estienne]. 

fol. H. Stephanus. [Paris]. 1570 

H6roet (Antoine), bp. of Digne. OSuvres po6t. Ed. crit. 
publ. par F. Gohin. [Soc. d. Textes Frang. Mod.] s8». 1909 

Heroldt (Johann), Basilius. Exempla virtutum et vitiorum, 
atque etiam aliarum rerum historictos conscripta, per 
authoresqui apudGraeoos et Latinos prsestantissimihabentur. 
[Ed. by J. H.] Iv in 2. fol. Basile*. [1555] 

N. Hanapi Virtutum & vitiorum exempla. 
Valeri Maximi Factorum & dictorum memorabilium [lib. z}. 
.ailiani Varise hist. [lib. U, (?*. <Sc Lat.]. 
M. A, Coccil Sabellici Exemplorum [lib. ix]. 
Aristotelia QHconomicarum dispensabionum exempla. 
B. Campofulgosi Dictorum factoruinque memorabilium [lib. ix]. 
Parthenii Nicaensls De amatoriia affectionibus lib. [Gk. tb Lat.]. 
Guidonis de Foiite Nayo Blturicensis, De rebus humanis var. exem- 
plorum lib. 
IVE. Maruli Spalatensis De vita religiose per exempla institueuda. 
Ex Heraclide De politiis. 
S. J. JTrontinl Exemplorum, sive Strategematum [lib. ix]. 

H6ron de Villefosse (Antoine). 

For the following see Acad. d. Inscr. etc : Fond. Piot. 
M6ms. etc. 

Athlfete : bronze de I'^cole d'Argos, Louvre, 1894. [1.] 

^Bacchus eufant : statuette de bronze, trouv6e k Vertault, 1896. [3.] 

Buste de Ptol6m6e, roi de Maur6tanie, Louvre, 1895. [2.] 

Le canthare d'Alise, 1902. [9.] 

Lampe roniaine avec l^gende, 1895. [2-] 

Les sarcophages peints trouv6s h Carthage, 1905. [12.] 

TSte d'Apollon, Louvre, 1894. [1.] 

Le trisor de Boacoreale, 1899. [6.] 

Herpicb (Hans). Die Eisverhaltnisse in d. sfid bayer. Seen, 

see MiJNCHENER geog. Studibn, 26, 1911. 

Herre (Paul). Quellenkunde zur Weltgesch. Ein Hdbch. 

Unter Mitwirkung v. A. Hofmeister u. R. Stfibe bearbt. u. 

hrsg. V. P. H. 8°. L. 1910 

Herrick (Robert), see Moorman (F. W.) R. H., 1910. 

Herrmann (Paul). Island in Vergangenheit u. Gegenwart. 

T3, Zweite Reise. la8o. L. 1910 

Herry (Alphonse), see Gobthals (F. V.) Diet, genealog. etc. 

des families nobles du royaume de Belgique ; Table alphabet., 

par A. H., 1883. 

Hertfordshire. An inventory of the hist, monuments in H., 

1910, see Royal Commission on Historical Monuments 


Hertwig (Oscar). Der anatom. Unterricht. Vortrag, Univ. 

Jena. [P1289]. 8". Jena. 1881 

Hervieu (Paul). Discours de reception a I'Acad. Fr. [on E. 

Pailleron], 21 juin, 1900. [P1298]. Ia8''. 1900 

Theatre oomplet. [t]3, Le d^dale — Le r^veil — Modestie — 

Connais-toi. s8°. [1910] 

«eeBKiEUX(E.) L' armature, piece tireeduromandeH., 190.5. 

Herz (Max). Descr. cat. of objects exhib. in Nat. Museum of 

Arab art. Tr. G. Foster Smith. [Egyptian Govt. : Comm. 

f. Preservation of Monuments of Arab Art]. 88°. Cairo. 1907 

Herzen (Alexander), the Elder. C6opbhkt. aocMepiaMxi. cTateii. 

3e H3/I. 8°. Carouge. (Geneve). 1904 

CoHHHeHiH. lot. 8». Geneve. 1875-79 

Erinnerungen. tJbertragen, hrsg. u. eingeleitet v. 0. Bfik. 

2B. 8°. 1907 
Herzog (Eugen), see Meyer-Lubke (W.) Prinzipienfragen 
d. roman. Sprachwiss., Tl, Das to-Partizip im Altroman- 
ischen ; v. E. H., 1910. 
Herzog (Rudolf). 
Der Abenteurer. 

2.-10. A. 88°. St. 1907 
Der Adjutant. 

2.-4. A. s8°. St. 1908 

Auf Nissenskoog. Schau- 

spiel. 38°. St. 1907 

Die Condottieri. Schau- 
spiel. 2<= A. 88". St. 1907 
Das goldene Zeitalter. 

s8°. Dresden. 1900 
Der Graf v. Gleichen. 

2e A. sS". St. n.d. 

Hesdin (Jacguemart de), see Lastbyrib (R. de). Les minia- 
tures d'A. Beauneveu & de J. de H., 1896. 




Hesiod, see Meyek (E.) H.'s Erga u. d. Gedioht v. d. funf 

Menschengeschleohtern, 1910. 
Heslei (Heinrich v.) Die Apokalypse H. ; hrsg. v. K. Helm. 

[Deutsche Texte d. Mittelalters, hrsg. v. d. Konigl. Preuas. 

Akad. d. Wiss., 8, (Dichtungen d. Deut. Ordens, 1)]. 

8°. 1907 
Hess {A.)> numismatist. Die siebenbiirg. Munzen d. fiirstlioh 

Montenuovo'schen Miinzoabinets, mit Tafeln. 

Ia8°. Frankfurt am Main. 1880 
Hesse (Hermann). Gertrud. Roman. 

[5^ A.]. s8». Miinohen. 1910 
Hesselin (Louis), see GBi)VECOEUE (6. R. db). L. H., amateur 

parisien, intendant des plaisirs du roi, 1600(?)-62, 1895. 
Hessels (Jan Hendrik). Gutenberg : was he the inventor of 

printing ! An hist, investigation embodying a crit. on 

Van der Liude's " Gutenberg." 8». 1882 

Hessen. Jahresbericht d. Denkmalpflege im Grossherzogtum 

H. Bearbt. u. hrsg. im Auftrag Grossh. Min. d. Innern. 

[B]l, [1902-7]. Ia8". Darmstadt. 1910 

Heubaum (Alfred). J. Heinr. Pestalozzi. 8°. 1910 

Heuick (E. H. van), see Van Heueck (E. H.) 
Heuzey (Leon). 
For the following see AoAD. D. Inscb. etc. : Fond. Piot. 

M6ms. etc. 

Les armoirieB chald^ennes de Slrpourla, 1894. [1.] 
le chien du roi Soumou-ilou, fouilles du capt. Cros en Chald6e, 1905. [12.] 

La Minerve de Chantilly, 1897. [i.] 

Le taureau chald^en k t6te humaine & ses d6riv6s, 1899. [6.] 

Taureau chald^en androc^phale, 1900. [7.] 

Une des Bept Btfeles de GoudSa, 19U9. [18.] 

Le vase d'argent d'Ent6ni6na, 1895. [2.] 

Hewlett (Maurice). Letters to Sanchia upon things as they 

are. [Extracted f. Open Country]. sS". 1910 

Rest Harrow : comedy of resolution. s8°. 1910 

Heywood (William). A hist, of Perugia. Ed. R. Langton 
Douglas. 8°. [1910] 

Hibbert (It.-col. Edward Geoige). Cat. of the lib. of Lt.-Col. 
H. ; sold by Sotheby 9th April 1902, etc. [MS. prices. 
P1234]. 8°. [1902] 

Hibbert (Francis Aidan). The dissolution of the monasteries, 
as illust. by suppression of rehg. houses of StafEordshire. 

s8°. 1910 
Monasticism in StafEordshire : growth, influence & suppres- 
sion, of the relig. houses. s8°. Stafford. 1909 

Hichens (Robert Smythe). Bella donna. s8o. 1909 

, 2v in 1. sS". 1909 

2v. sS". 1909 

Hicks (Robert Drew). Stoic & Epicurean. [Epochs of 
philos.]. 8°. 1910 

Hiesemanu (Martin). How to attract & protect wild birds. 
Tr. E. S. Buchheim ; w. introd. by Duchess of Bedford. 

2nd ed., w. revs. s8°. 1911 

Higgins (Alexander Pearce). The Hague Peace Conferences 
& o. internat. conf°. cone, the laws & usages of war. Texts 
of conventions w. comm'. Ia8°. C. 1909 

Higgins (Patrick). Brief sketch of the life of George Mao- 
Namara, of Cong Abbey. [P1275]. 8°. Ennis. 1899 

Higgs (Mary) & E. E. Hayward. Where shall she live ? The 
homelessness of the woman worker. s8°. 1910 

Highams (E. E.) Across a Continent in a man-of-war : log 
of H.M.S. " Pelorus " 1906-9 ; w. ace. of h. cruise up the 
Amazon. s8<'. 1909 

Hilary, St., bp. of Poitiers, see Eedeb (A. L.) Studien zu H. v. 
Poitiers, 1, 1910. 

Hildesheim. Die Jahrbiicher v. H. ; fibers, v. E. Winkelmann, 
2<= A., neu bearbt. v. W. Wattenbach, see Gesohioht- 
SCHBBIBEB (Dib) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2<' Gesammtausg., B53, 

Hildesheimer (J.) Die Beschreibung d. herodian. Tempels 
im Tractate Middoth u. bei Flavins Josephus. [Jahres- 
Bericht d. Rabbiner-Seminars. P1270]. 4°. [1877] 

Hilgendorf (Franz), see Decken {Baron C. C. v. d.) Reisen in 
Ost-Afrika, B3 i, bearbt. v. P. H., etc., 1869. 

Hill (George Francis). Note on the mediaeval medals of 

Constantine & HeracUus. [repr. f. Numismatic Chronicle, 

ser. 4, vlO. P1305]. 8°. 1910 

see Beitish Mtjsettm : Coins & Mbdais. Greek coins of 

Phoenicia ; by G. F. H., 1910. 

TTill (Leonard), see Beddaed (A. P.), etc. Practical physi- 
ology ; ed. M. S. Pembrey, contributors L. H., etc., 3rd ed., 

Hille (Georg). Cbersicht u. d. Bestande d. k. Staatsarchivs 

zu Schleswia. [Konigl. Preuss. Archivverwaltung, Mitt., 4]. 

^ '■ ^ 8°. L. 1900 

Hilliers (Ashton). The master-girl. 88°. [1910] 

Hilpreeht (Herman Volrath). Die Ausgrabungen d. Univ. v. 

Pennsylvania im B§l-Tempel zu Nippur. [P1266]. 8°. L. 1903 
Der neue Fund z. Sintflutgesohichte aus d. Tempelbibl. v. 

Nippur. • 8". L. 1910 

Hilton (Walter), see Riohabd, de St. Victor. The cell of 

self-knowledge : A devout treatise compiled by W. H., etc., 

Himerius, the sophist. Hi. Sophistae quse reperiri potuerunt, 

vid. Eclogae e Photii Myriobiblo repetitse, & Declamationes. 

Rec, emend., Lat. vers. & comm. illust., diss, de vita 

Himerii prsemisit G. Wernsdorfius. [J. C. Wernsdorfii 

Prsef., cum narr. de vita etc. G. Wernsdorfii]. 

8". Gottingse. 1790 
Hinchingbrooke, 1910, see Sandwich (E. 6. H. M., 8th e. of). 
Hinckes (Ralph Tichborne). 7 years of the Sugar Convention, 

1903-1910. sS". 1910 

Hincmar, abp. of Eheims. De ordine palatii. Ed. V. Krause. 

[Fontes Juris Germ. Antiq. ex Mon. Germ. Hist. sep. ed.]. 

8°. Hannoverse. 1894 
see Saint-Beetin, abbey of. Die Annalen v. St. B., [pS byH.]; 
fibers. V. J. v. Jasmund, 2^ A., 1890. 
Hind (Wheelton). Monograph of the Brit, carboniferous 

Lamellibranchiata. [Palaeontograph. Soc.]. 2v. 4°. 1896-1905 
Hinkson (Mrs. K. T.) Betty Carew. s8». 1910 

Hinneberg (Paul). Die Kultur d. Gegenwart ; i. Entwickelung 

u. i. Ziele. Hrsg. v. H. T I, Abtlg. 4 i, Z" vermehrte A. ; 

Til, Abtlg. 4 i. laS". 1909-10 

Niese (B.) Staat u. Gesellsohaft d. K6mer, 1910. [II, 4i.) 

Wilamowitz-Mollendorf (U. v.) Staat u. Gesellschaft d. Griechen, 1910. 

[IL, 41.] 

Hinton (A. Horsley). Practical pictorial photography. 

2p in Iv. 88°. 1910 
Hinton (James), surgeon, see Ellis {Mrs. E. M. 0.) Three 

mod. seers : [J. H., etc.], 1910. 
Hippeau (Celestin). Les 6crivains normands au XVIP s. 

Du Perron — Malherbe — Bois-Robert — Sarasin — P. Du Boso 

— Saint-Evremoud. s8". Caen. 1858 

Hirsch (Samson Raphael), see Kiechheim (R.) Die neue 

Exegetenschule : H.'s Ubers. u. Erklarung d. Genesis, 1867. 
Hirst panels W.) The nat. expenditure of the United King. 

Pref. by F. W. H. sS". 1911 

Hirst (WUliam Alfred). Argentina. Intr. by M. Hume. 

8". 1910 
Hirzel (Oskar). Abt Heriger v. Lobbes, 990-1007. 8°. L. 1910 
Hispanic (The) Society o£ America, see Bandeliee (A. P.) 

The Islands of Titicaca & Koati, 1910. 
Hissey (James John). Untravelled Eng. 8". 1906 

Histoire. *H. d'Eudoxie Feodorovna, 1861, see EtrDOOiA, 

consort of Peter I. 
*H. de France iUustree, 2t, n.d., see Feance. 
*H. nestorienne in6d., pi ii, publ. par A. Sober, etc., 1910, 

see Nestorienne. 
Historia [see also Estobia]. *H. de Enrrique fi de Oliua, 1871, 

see Heney, emp. of Constantinople. 
H. Fratris Dulcini heresiarohe, di anonimo sincrono, 1907, see 

DoLciNO {Frh). 
*H. geografica, civil y poUt. de la isla de S. Juan Bautista de 

Puerto Rico, 1788, see Abbad y Lasieeba (I.) 
Historical [incl. Histoeic]. *Historic doubts rel. to Napoleon, 

n. ed., 1865, see Whately (R.) 
Historical Account of the Public Transactions in Christendom, 

see Post-Man (The). 
Historical Manuscripts Commission. [Ptdilications']. 

8". 1910-11 

British Museum MSS., see 
Welsh language, MSS. in, 
v2 iv, 1910. 

Dropmore, MSS. of J. B. 
Fortescue at D., v7, 1910. 

Fortescue, J. B., v7, 1910. 

Lords, House of, N.S., v5, 
1702-4, 1910. 

Mertoun House, Berwick- 
shire : R., vl. 

Polwarth, Lord : R., vl. 

Salisbury, ro. of : Calendar 

of MSS. : pl2 (1910). 
Stopford - Saokville, Mrs. : 

v2, 1910. 
Stuart papers at Windsor 

Castle: v4 (1910). 
Welsh language, MSS. in : 

v2 iv, Brit. Museum, 1910. 
Windsor Castle, Stuart 

papers at : v4 (1910). 


^Rnv!f n"!!°'"""^"*' (England), Royal Commission on, see 

HoYAL Commission on H. M. (Eng ) 
History [HiSTORiBl^ *H. of Gt. Brit.,f. Romans first entrance, 
until! raigne of Egbert, 1606, see Clapham (J.) 
w TT ! E°glisli Church. Ed. W. R. W. Stephens & 

^ .-^ w > .. M8 i. «• 88°- 1910 

«ee GOENISH (F. W. ) Eng. Ch. in the 19th c, 2p, 1910. [8.] 

r" ^o tl^e patriarchs of the Coptic Church of Alexandria, 

Lpjd, 1910, see Patriarchs. 

Hitchcock (Ethan Allen). Eifty years in camp & field: 

diary of Major-Gen. E. A. H. Ed. W. A. Croffut. 

8° N Y 1909 
Hitching (P. K.) & S. Hitching. References to Eng. surnames 
m IbOl. An index to surnames in printed registers of Eng. 
parishes dur. first year of 17th cent. 

TT-i -u- ,c . „ 8*°' Walton-on-Thames. 1910 

Hitehmg (S.), see Hitching (P. K.) & g. H. References to 

Eng. surnames in 1601, 1910. 
Hitzig (Ferdinand). Die Grabschrift d. Eschmunazar. 
„ , ^ , [P1251]. 8». L. 1855 

Vorlesungen uber bibl. Theologie u. messian. Weissa- 

gungen d. Alten Testaments. Hrsg. v. J. J. Kneucker. 

Mit Lebens- u. Charakter-Skizze. 8". Karlsruhe. 1880 

see MoABiTE Stone. Die Inschrift d. Mesha, tibers. u. 
erortert v. E. H., 1870. 
*Hive (The). A collection of songs. 

4v. [vl, 2nd ed., rev. ; v2, 4th ed. ; v3, 3rd ed.]. sS". 1724-33 
Hobbes (Thomas). Elementa philosophioa de cive. s8<>. A. 1647 
Hobhouse (Walter). The Church & the world in idea & in 

hist. [Bampton lect=.]. 8°. 1910 

Hobson (John Atkinson). The industrial system : inquiry 

into earned & unearned income. n. & rev. ed. 8°. 1910 

A modern outlook : studies of Eng. & Amer. tendencies. 

s8". 1910 
Hobson (William Topham). St. Patrick, & h. supposed conn. 

w. Rome & the Isle of Man. 

[P1261]. s8°. Douglas, /. o/ M. [1889] 
Hockendorf (P.) Sans-Souci zur Zeit Friedrichs dea Grossen 

u. heute ; see Bernbr (E.) Quellen etc. z. Gesch. d. Hauses 

HohenzoUern, B6, 1903. 
Hocking (William John). Cat. of the coins, tokens, medals, 

dies, & seals in the Museum of the Royal Mint. v2, Dies, 

medals & seals. 8°. 1910 

Hodgkin (L. V.) The happy world. Notes on the mystic 

imagery of the " Paradise " of Dante. s8°. 1902 

Hodgkin (Thomas), D.C.L. The wardens of the Northern 

Marches. Lect., 1907. [Univ. of London]. 8°. 1908 

Hodgson (Francis Cotterell). Venice in the 13th & 14th cents. 

A sketch of Venetian hist., 1204-1400. s8". 1910 

Hodgson (John Crawford), see Six North country diaries, 

[ed. J. G. H.I, 1910. 
Hodgson (William Hope). The ghost pirates. s8°. 1909 

Hodinka (Antal). A Munkacsi g6r6g-katholikus puapoks^g 

t6rt6nete. [M. Tud. A.]. 8". 1909 

Hoeven (Jan van der), see Der Hoevbn (J. van). 
Hoffmann (Andreas Gottlieb). Gramm. Syriaoa quam post 

opus H. refecit A. Merx. 8". Halis. 1867 

Hoffmann (Christian Gottfried). Scriptores rerum Lusaticarum 

ant. & recentiores. Prsef. & intr. prsemisit C. G. H. 

[4t in 1, tl has 2p]. fol. Lipsise. 1719 
Hoffmann (D.) Der oberste Gerichtshof in d. Stadt d. Heilig- 

thums. [Jahres-Bericht d. Rabbiner-Seminars. PI 270]. 

4". [1878] 
Hoffmann (E. T. Wilhelm). Samtliche Werke. Hist.-krit. 

Ausgabe, mit Einltgn., etc. v. C. G. v. Maassen. 

B3, Nachtstucke. 9P. Mtinohen. 1909 
see Elunger (G.) E. T. A. H., 1894. 

„ Herzbn (A.) CoioHeHia, t2, 1876. 
Hoffmann (F.) Hymn tunes of the anc. Irish Church f. the 

Petrie Coll. [P1299]. 4". D. n.d. 

Hoffmann (Johann Georg Ernst). Hiob. [Ubers, etc.] nach H. 

[P1244]. 8". Kiel. 1891 
Hofmann (Prof. Carl B.) Kenntnisse d. klass. Volker v. d. 

physikal. Eigenschaften d. Wassers, 1909, see Kaisbrl. 

Akad. d. Wiss. ztj Wien. Sitzungsber., B163, 1909. 
Hofmann (Dr. Ernst), see Impbratorskob Russkoe Geograp. 

Obsch. Der nordl. Ural, etc., B2, verfasst v. E. H., 1856. 
Hofmeister (Adolf), see Hbrre (P.) Quellenkunde z. Welt- 

gesoh. J unter Mitwirkung v. A. H., etc. ; hrsg. v. P. H., 



HoJstede de Groot (Cornehs). Cat. raisonn6 of works of Dutch 

painters of the 17o. Based on the work of J. Smith ; by 

H. de G., w. assistance of K. Freise & K. Erasmus. Tr. 

& ed. E. G. Hawke. v3. laS". 1910 

Hogarth (David George). Accidents of an antiquary's life. 

80. 1910 
Hogg (Lewis IVIaydwell). What is doing in furtherance of 

Church reformation in Italy ? A letter to the Bp. of Penn- 
sylvania. [P1257]. 8". 1867 
HohenzoUern, The House of, see Bbhner (E.) Quellen u. 

Untersuch. zur Gesch. d. Hauses H., 9B, 1901-8. ' 
Holbach (Mrs. Maude M.) Bosnia & Herzegovina. s8°. 1910 
Holbein (Ambrosius), see Koglee (H.) Erganzungen z,. 

Holzschnittwerk d. H. u. A. H., 1907. 
Holbein (Hans). The dance of death, in engravings on wood 

by Mr. Bewick : w. letter-press illusts. s8". 1825 

see KoQLBR (H.) Erganzungen z. Holzschnittwerk d. H. 
u. A. H., 1907. 
Holcombe (Arnold). The odd man. 88°. 1910 

Holder (Charles Frederick). The Channel Islands of Cali- 
fornia. 8". 1910 
Holderer ( Dr. ), see Fftterbr (C. ) Durch Asien : Erfahrungen, 

etc. wahrend d. v. Dr. H. unternommenen Reise ; hrsg. v. 

K. F., Bl-3, 1901-11. 
Holdich (col. Sir T. Huugerford). The gates of India : an 

hist, narrative, w. maps. 8°. 1910 

Holland : Govt. Publ^. 
«ee Blok (P. J.) Relazioni veneziane : Venetiaan. Beriohten 
over de Vereenigde Nederlanden v. 1600-1795, verzameld 
en uitg. door P. J. B., 1909. 

„ CoLENBRANDEK (H. T.) Gedenkstukken d. algemeene 
gesch. v. Nederland, 1795-1840, D5 i, ii, 1909-10. 

„ Heeringa (K.) Bronnen tot de gesch. v. d. Levant, 
handel, Dl i, ii, 1910. 

„ Khuttel (W. p. C.) Acta d. partic. Synoden van 
Zuid-Holland, 1621-1700; uitg. d. K., D3, 1646-56, 1910. 

„ PoSTHUMtrs (N. W. ) Bronnen tot de gesch. v. de Leidsohe 
textielnijverheid, verzameld door N. W. P., Dl, 1333- 
1480, 1910. 
Holland (Elizabeth, Lady). Spanish journal, [1802-5, 1808-9]. 

Ed. by the Earl of Ilohester. 8°. 1910 

Holland (Sir Richard), author of " The buke of Howlat." The 

buke of the Howlat. [A repr. of D. Laing's ed. issued by 

the Bannatyne Club, 1823. New Club Ser.]. 

40. Paisley. 1882 
Hollander (Bernard), M.D. Hypnotism & suggestion in daily 

hfe, educat., & medical practice. s8o. 1910 

HoUeanx (Mam^ice). Explor. archeolog. de D61os faite par 

I'Ecole Fr. d'Athenes etc., publ. sous la dir. de T. HomoUe 

& M. H., 1909, in prog., see Eooles Franq. D'ATHi)NES. 
HoUeanx (Maurice). Figurines b^otiennes en terre ouite a 

decoration geometr., see Acad, dbs Inscr. etc. ; Fond. 

PiOT. Mons. etc., tl, 1894. 
HoUins (Dorothea). The quest. Drama. s8o. 1910 

HoUis (Henry Park). Chats about astronomy. s8o. n.d. 

Holmberg (E. J.) Den liturgiska stridens ooh Uppsala motes 

historia, etc. [P1249]. 8°. 1893 

Holme (Charles), ed.. Peasant art in Sweden, Lapland & Ice 

land. [Sweden by S. Granlund ; Lapland & I. by J. Jessen ; 

tr. E. Adams-Ray. Studio, Autumn No., 1910]. laSo. 1910 
Holmes (Charles John). Notes on the Post-Impressionist 

painters : Grafton Galleries, 1910-11. s8o. 1910 

Holmes (D. T.), B.A. Literary tours in the Highlands & 

Islands of Scotland. s8o. Paisley. 1909 

Holmes (Frederic Morell). Brave Sidney Somers. s8o. 1911 
Holmes (Oliver Wendell) the elder. The autocrat of the 

breakfast-table. s8o. 1893 

The poet at the breakfast-table. s8o. 1893 

The professor at the breakfast-table. s8o. 1893 

Holmes (Thomas Scott), see Collins (W. E.) Typical Eng. 

Churchmen, s2, W. Courtenay, by T. S. H., 1909. 
Holmes (WUliam Henry), see Dorsey (G. A.) Obs. on a coll. 

of Papuan crania, w. notes on preservation & decorative 

features by H., 1897. 
Holtzmann (Oscar). Neutestamentl. Zeitgesch. [Grundriss 

d. theolog. Wiss., Reihe 2, B2]. 8o. Freiburg i. B. 1895 

Holtzmann (Robert). Franzos. Verfassungsgesch. v. d. 

Mitte d. 9. Jhdts. bis z. Revolution. [Hdbch. d. mittel- 

alterl. u. neu. Gesch., hrsg. v. G. v. Below u. F. Meinecke, 

Abtlg. 3]. 80. Miinohen. 1910 




Homer. Iliade. Trad. nouv. par Leoonte de Lisle. s8°. n.d. 
The Odyssey. Rendered into Eng. prose, by S. Butler. 

8o. 1900 
Odyssde. Tr. nouv. par Leconte de Lisle. sS". n.d. 

[v3], Bks. 17-24. 8°. 1910 
eristarum Lat. opera, 
see MiLY (F. de). Le oof- 
fret de St.-Nazaire, & 
le MS. de I'lliade de 
I'Ambrosienne, 1900. 

„ MiJLDEB (D.) Die Ilias 
u. i. Quellen, 1910. 

,, PoTTiBR (E.) Vases 
points grecs 
hom^r., 1909. 


Odyssey. Tr. J. W. Mackail. 
see Allen (T. W.) Text of 

the Odyssey, 1910. 
„ DnEEtTP (E.) Omero ; 
versione fatta da A. 
Cinquini e F. Grimod, 
„ Feibs (0.) Studien zur 

Odyssee, Bl, 1910. 
„ Lang (A.) The world 

of H., 1910. 
„ Lemaire(N. E.) Poetse 
Lat. minores, v3, Hom- 
Homilies. TweKth cent. h. in MS. Bodley 343. Ed. A. 0. 
Belfour. pi. Text & tr. [E. E. T. S., 137]. 8». 1909 

Hommel (Fritz). Die altoriental. Denkmaler u. d. alte Test.: 
e. Erwiderung auf Delitzsoh's " Babel u. Bibel." 

[P1242]. sS". 1902 
Die Semiten u. i. Bedeutung fur d. Kulturgesch. 

[P1244]. 8». L. 1881 
HomoUe (Th6ophile). L'aurige de Delphes, see Acad, des 
Insck. etc. : Fond. Piot. Mon». etc., t4, 1897. 
Explor. aroh^olog. de Delos faite par I'Ecole Fr. d'Athenes 
etc., publ. sous la dir. de T. H. & M. HoUeaux, 1909, in 
prog., see Ecoles FEAN9. D'ATHiNES. 
Hone (Percy F.) Southern Rhodesia. 8°. 1909 

Hood (Robin). Robin Hood's garland. s8°. York. n.d. 

Hooker {Mrs. Mary). Behind the scenes in Peking : experi- 
ences during siege of Legations. 8°. 1910 
Hooker (Richard), see Paget (F.) Intr. to 5th book of H.'s 

Treatise of the laws of eccles. polity, 2nd ed., 1907. 
Hooker (William Dawson). Notes on Norway ; or, journal 
of a tour to the northern parts of Norway, 1836. (Unpub- 
lished). 8°. Glasgow. 1837 
Hooper (Luther). Hand-loom weaving, plain & ornamental. 

s8°. 1910 
Hope (Anthony) ps. Dialogue. [Eng. Assoc.]. 

[P1290]. 8°. 1909 
Hope (James Fitzalan). A hist, of the 1900 Parliament. 

vl, 1900-1. S8''. 1908 
Hope (William Henry St. John). Fountains Abbey, York- 
shire. 8°. Leeds. 1900 
Hopf (Ludwig). The human species consid. f. standpoints 
of comp. anatomy, physiology, pathology & bacteriology. 
Eng. ed. [by W. H.]. 8°. 1909 
Horace. Works. Rendered into prose, w. notes etc., by J. 
Lonsdale & S. Lee. [Globe ed.]. sS". 1883 
Horse Semitiose. No. 8 ; [in prog.]. 4". C. 1909 
8, Codex Climaci Rescriptue : fragments of 6th cent. Palestinian Syriac 
texts of the Gospels, ol the Acts of the Apostles & of St. Paul's 
Epistles ; also fragments uf an early Palestinian lectionary of the Old 
Testament, etc. ; transcribed & ed. by A. S. Lewis. 

Horkel (Johann), Die Romerkriege aus Plutarch, Casar, 
Vellejus, Suetonius, Tacitus, [dh others'] — Tacitus' Germania, 
Ubers. V. J. H., 2^ A., n. bearbt. v. W. Wattenbach, see 
Geschiohtschbeibee (Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2= Gesammt- 
ausg., Bl, 2, 1884. 

Horn (Dr. Paul). Gesch. d. tiirk. Moderne. [Die Litt. d. 
Ostens, 4. b.w. Dieterich (C.) Gesch. d. byzantin. etc. 
Litt., 2^ A., 1909]. 2e A. 8". L. 1909 

Hornby (James John), D.D., Headmaster of Eton, see Eton 
College. E. under H., by 0. E., 1910. 

Home (Anton). Gesch. v. Frankfurt am Main. 

4e, verb. A. 8°. L. [1902] 

Homing (Reinhart), see Beitish Museum : MSS. B.M. 
Karaite MSS. : descr^. etc. of six Karaite MSS. etc. ; by 
R. H., 1889. 

Homung (Ernest William). Raffles. s8". n.d. 

Horsley (Samuel), bp. of (1) St. David's (B) Rochester (S) St. 
Asaph. Hosea. Tr. : w. notes. 2nd ed., corr., etc. 
And a sermon on Christ's descent into Hell [& the inter- 
mediate state]. [The sermon has Sep. pagin. P1272]. 

40. 1804 

Hortzschansky (Adalbert). Bibliog. d. Bibl.- u. Buchwesens. 
Bearbt. v. H. Jhrg. 6, 1909. [Cent. f. Bibl., Beiheft 37]. 

8". L. 1910 

Herup (Viggo), see Heneichsen (E.) V. H., 1910. 

Hosidios Geta, see Geta (H.) 

Houdancourt (baron E. L. de La Mothe), see La Mothe Houdan- 

oouET (baron E. L. de). 
Hoiiel (Nicolas), see Guiepeey (J. J.) N. H., apothicaire 

parisien, etc., 1898. 
Houston (Arthur). The Univ. of Dublin & the Govt, of 

Ireland Bill. Letter. [P1275]. s8°. 1893 

see O'CoNNELL (D.) D. O'C, h. early life & journal, 1795- 
1802 ; by A. H., 1906. 
Houtin (Albert). The crisis among the French clergy. Tr. 

F. T. Dickson. s8o. 1910 

Howard (Burt Estes). The German Empire. 8°. N. Y. 1906 
Howard (Henry Molyneux Paget), 19th earl of Suffolk & Berk- 
shire, see SuPEOLK (H. M. P. H., 19th e. of). 
Howard (L. G. Redmond-), see Rbdmond-Howaed (L. G.) 
Howitt (Mary). Wood Leighton. s8°. 1848 

Howley (Edward). The universities & secondary schools 

of Ireland, w. proposals for their improvement. 

s8o. D. 1871 
Hoym (count Carl Heinrich v.) Cat. librorum bibl. C. H. 

(^omitis de Hoym. Digestus & descr. a G. Martin. 

8°. Parisiis. 1738 
Huber (Michael), b. ISlJf, O.S. B. Textbeitrage zur Sieben- 

schlaferlegende d. M.-a., see Romanische Foesohungbn, 

B26, 1909. 
Hucbaldns, see Willibaldus, presbyter. Leben d. h. Boni- 

fazius V. W., d. h. Lebuin v. H., etc. ; libers, v. W. Arndt, 

2= A., 1888. 
Huch (Ricarda). Der Hahn v. Quakenbriick u. andere NoveUen. 

5e u. 6e. A. s8». 1911 
Hudson (William), M.A., F.S.A., & 3. C. Tingey. edd.. 

The records of the city of Norwich. 

v2. la8o. Norwich. [1910] 
Hudson (William Henry), F.Z.S. Intr. to the study of lit. 

s8<>. 1910 
A shepherd's life : impressions of the S. Wiltshire downs. 

8°. [1910] 
Hue de Grais (Graf Robert F. H.) Hdboh. d. Verfassung 

u. Verwaltung in Preussen u. d. Deut. Reiche. 

201= A. 8°. 1910 
Hughes (C. E.) A book of the Black Forest. 80. [1910] 

Hughes (H. Maldwyn). The ethics of Jewish Apocryphal lit. 

8". n.d. 
Hughes (Thomas), a. of " Tom Brown," see Selee (It.-col. 

S. G. F.) Notes on " Tom Brown's schooldays," etc., 

Hughes (Thomas), S.J. Hist, of the Soc. of Jesus in N. 

America, colonial & federal. Documents, vl, in 2p, (1605- 

1838), [pagin. cont.]. Ia8°. 1908-10 

Hughes-Hughes (Augustus), see Beitish Museum : Music. 

Cat. of MS. music in B.M. ; by A. H.-H., 3v, 1906-9. 
Hugo, count of Pietrafitta, see Pieteaeitta (U., c. di). 
Hugo, de Sancto Charo, Cardinal, see Sassen (J. H. H.) H. v. 

St. C, 3. Tatigkeit als Kardinal, 1244-63, 1908. 
Hugo (Hermannus). Pievx desirs. Imites des latins du 

R. P. H. H., par P. I. lurisc, mis en lumiere par Boece a 

Bolswert. [In verse dk prose, w. plates]. 

s8". [Antverpiae]. 1627 
Hugo (Victor). 
see Galletti (A.) L' opera di V. H. nella lett. ital., 1904. 

„ Gbillbt (C.) La Bible dans V. H., 1910. 

„ Laeeoumet (G.) La maison de V. H., 1895. 
Hugoinot (T.), fl. 15th cent, see Chugoinot (T.) 
Hugou de Basseville (N. J.), see Monti (V.) The penance of 

Hugo ; wr. on 000. of death of N. H. de B., 1793 ; tr. 

H. Boyd, 1805. 
Huhn (E. H. Th.) Deutsoh-Lothringen. Landes-, Volks- u. 

Ortskunde. 8°. St. 1875 

Hull (Edward), F. O.S. Reminisc. of a strenuous life. 8°. 1910 
Hulot (Jean), see FouoAbes (G.) Selinonte ; releves et 

restaurations par J. H., 1910. 
Hulshof (Dr. A.) Verslag van een onderzoek te Rostock 

naar HSS., drukwerken en besoheiden belangrijk voor de 

geschiedenis v. Nederland. 8". 's-Gravenhage. 1909 

Humboldt (Alexander v.), see Helleb (G.) Die Weltan- 
schauung A. v. H.'s in i. Beziehungen zu d. Ideen d. Klassi- 

zismus, 1910. 
Humboldt (Caroline v.), see Humboldt (W. v.) W. u. C. v. H. 

in ihren Briefen, Bl-4, 1910. 




Hwnboldt (WUhelm v.) W. u. C. v. Humboldt in ihren 
Briefen. Hrsg. A. v. Sydow. Bl-4. [Bl, G^ A.]. Ia8°. 1910 
1, Brlefe aus d. Brautzeit, 1787-91. 

I' j;?';,?:.'^"™*l»'""S bis zu Humboldts Scheiden aus Rom, 1791-1808 
' ^^"■''."'■Kertum u. preuss. Staatsdieust : Brief e aus Eom u. Berlin- 

A.onigsD6r^, 1808—10, 
4, Federn u. Sohwerter in d. Freiheitskriegen, [1812-16]. 

see Spranger (E.) W. v. H. u. d. Reform d. Bildunes- 
wesens, 1910. 
Hume (Fergus). The carbuncle clue. 2nd ed. s8°. n d 

Humphreys (Arthur L.) Materials for the hist, of Wellington" 
Somerset. 2p. laS". 1908-10 

1, Wills, 1372-1811. 2, Manorial court rolls, 1277-1908. 
Humphries (Sydney). Oriental carpets, runners & rugs & 
some Jacquard reproductions. 40, igjo 

Hungary. Annuaire statistique hongrois, nouv. cours l.^ Ifi 
(1907-8). Tr. officielle. 40. 1909 

Magyar statisztikai kozlemenyek. [In Hung. <b French^. 
Uj sorozat. k24, 26-28. 4°. 1909 

24, Flume hajd- ^a Ariiforgalma az 1906 ^s 1907. 
26, Malomipara az 1906. 

H' PA'i°i"•^'■^.'?!*"' "^^ i* population en 1900, plO, RSsumi des rSsultata. 
28, 1908 in kulkereskedelmi forgalma. 

Hunnis (William), see Stopbs (C. C.) W. H. & the revels of 

the Chapel Royal, 1910. 
Hunt (Leigh). The world of books, & o. essays. [The 

Bibelots, ed. J. P. Briscoe]. s8°. 1899 

see MoNKHOTJSE (W. C.) Life of L. H., 1893. 
Hunt (Violet). The wife of Altamont. sS". 1910 

Hunt (William) & R. L. Poole. The polit. hist, of Eng. Ed. 

W. H. & R. L. P. v6, 8. 80. 1910 

«ee Lodge (R.) Hist, of Eng., (1660-1702), 1910. [8.] 

„ Pollard (A. E.) Hist, of Eng., 1547-1603, 1910. [6.] 
Hupfeld (Hermann C. C. F.) Exercitationes ^thiopiose, sive 

obs. crit. ad emend, rationem gramm. Semiticse specimen 

primum. [no more publ.l. 40. L. 1825 

Die Ursohrift d. Genesis in i. wahren Gestalt. [no tp. ; part 

of Deutsche Zeitschrift fiir christl. Wissenschaft etc., Jhrg. 

4. P1272]. 40. 1853 

Huret (Jules). En Allemagne : La Baviere et la Saxe. 

s8o. 1911 
Hurmuzaki (baron Eudoziu de). Doc. priv. la Istoria Romani- 

lor, culese de E. de H. [Acad. Romana]. vl3. 4o. 1909 

13, Texte grecefti, privitoare la istoria rom4neaBC&, culese si publ. cu 
intr., etc. de A. Fapadopulos-Serameus. 

Husband (M. F. A.) Diet, of the characters in the Waverley 
Novels of Sir W. Scott. 8°. 1910 

Huss (John). 
see KiTTS (E. J.) Pope John XXIII & Master J. H. of 
Bohemia, 1910. 

Huss (John) [continued]. 

see Zeitgemassb Traktate aus d. Reformationszeit, HI, 
Die Gefangenschaftsbriefe d. J. H. [i.e. Vier christl. 
Briefe, verteutscht samp e. Vorrede M. Luthers] ; nach 
d. Originaldruok d. Jahr 1536 hrsg. v. C. v. Kiigelgen, 

„ H6, Von Sohadlichkeit d. Tradition, [Verdeutsch 

duroh W. Linck] ; nach d. Originaldruck [1SS6?} hrsg. 
V. C. V Kiigelgen, 1905. 
Hutchins (B. L.) & A. Harrison, aft. Mrs. F. H. Spencer. A 
hist, of factory legislation. Pref. by S. Webb. 

2nd ed. rev., w. a new chapt. 8°. 1911 
Hutchinson (Rev. Henry " Neville). Extinct monsters & 
Creatures of other days. n. & enl. ed. 80. 1910 

Hutchinson (William), F.8.A. Hist, of Cumberland, etc. 

2v. 40. Carlisle. 1794 
Hutten (baroness von). The lordship of love. s8°. 1909 

Hutten (Ulrich v.) Briefe an Luther, [w. Anhang, H. an 
Pirckheymer] ; [in Latin] ; nach d. Originaldrucken hrsg. 
V. E. Spranger, see Zeitoemasse Traktate aus d. Refor- 
mationszeit, H3, 1903. 
Hutton (Edward). Giovanni Boccaccio. A biog. study. 

80. 1910 

Rome. s8o. [1909] 

Hutton (Frederick WoUastou). Some remarks on Darwin's 

theory. [Repr. f. " Geologist " mag., no. 40. no tp. 

P1238]. 80. n.d. 

Hutton (Henry Dix). Prussian land-tenure reforms etc. 

[a.c. in P1239]. 80. D. 1867 

Hutton (William Holden). Elementary hist, of the Church in 

Gt. Brit. [Oxford Church Text Bks.] 2nd ed. s8o. 1902 

Huxley (Thomas Henry), see Report (A) of a sad case, Owen 

V. Huxley [satirical], 1863. 
Huysmans (Joris Karl). Prieres et pens^es chr^tiennes. 
Aveo intr. et notes par H. d'Hennezel. s8o. Lyon. 1910 

see Vroncotjbt (R.) H. & I'ame des Foules de Lourdes ; 
notes de orit., suivies d'un repertoire de Tceuvre cathol. 
de H., 1910. 
Hyginus (Caius Julius). H'. Astronomica ; texte du ms. 
tironien de Milan. Publ. par E. Chatelain [&] P. Legendre. 
[H. E. 180]. 80. 1909 

Hylton (Hylton George Hylton JoUifle, Srd baron). Notes on 
thehist.of parish of Kilmersdon, Somerset. 80. Taunton. 1910 
Hymans (Henri). Antonio Moro, s. oeuvre et s. temps. 

40. Brux. 1910 
Bruxelles. [Les vUles d'art cel^bres]. laSo. 1910 

Hymans (Paul). Erere-Orban. 2[t]. 80. Brux. n.d. 

1, 1812-57. 2, La Belgique <fc le 2« Empire. 

Hynes (Thomas), see Cox-Sinclair (E. S.) & T. H. Land 
values. The taxation of land values, etc., 1910. 




Iberydle (Pierre Lemoyne d'), see Lemoynb d'Ibbrvillb (P ) 

S" .?*i^iH?^^*''y* Yahya), see Yahya ibn 'Adi (A. Z ) 

Ibn At-Tlktak4 [Ibn At-TiqiaqI]. Al-Fakhrl : hist des 

dynasties musulmanes, 632-1258 de J. C. ; avec des prolteo- 

menes sur les prinoipes di. gouvernement ; tr. & annote par 

K^^Amar see Mission Scibntif. dtj Maeoo. Archives 

Ibn Sirln, al- Basrl, see Muhammad ibn SIbIn. 

Ibn ThofeiQ, see Abu Bake, ibn Al-Tui-ail (A. J.) 

Ibrahim ibn Jakub [Abraham Jakobsen], see Wittbkindus 

Sachs. Gesoh. ; fibers, v. R. Sohottin, 2'= A. ; nebst A J 

Berioht ti. d. Slavenlander, 1891. 
Ibsen (Henrik), see Bing (J.) H. I., 1909. 
Ignatius, bp. of AntiocA, St. Epistles of St. 1. [Tr ] J H 

Srawley. 2 v. sS" i9o6 

nbert (Sir Conrtenay). The govt, of India. Suppl. chapter 

(Indian Councils Act, 1909). [b.w.h. The govt, of India]. 

8°. 0. 1910 
ndephonsus [Ilbfonso], St., abp. of Toledo, see Salazab db 

Mendoza (P. DE). EI glorioso doctor S. I., 1618. 
Defonso, San, abp. of Toledo, see Ildephonsus, St. 
Dgen (Theodor). Die wiederaufgefund. Registerbiicher d. 

Grafen u. Herzoge v. Cleve-Mark. [Konigl. Preuss. Arohiv- 

verwaltung, Mitt., H14]. 8°. L. 1909 

see Knipping (R.) & T. I. Die neuen Dienstgebaude d. 
Staatsarchive zu Coblenz u. Dusseldorf, 1907. 
Imbart de La Tour (Pierre). Les origines de la R^forme, t2, 

L'Eglise cathol.— La crise cfc la Renaissance. 8°. 1909 

Imbriani (Vittorio). 12 conti pomighanesi, con varianti 

aveUinesi, montellesi, bagnolesi, ecc. Illust. da V. I. 

s8<>. Napoh. 1876 
Racoolta I.-Casetti, see Mandalaei (M.) Canti del pop. 

Reggino, 1881. 
ImhoS (Amalie v. Helvig, /orm. Freiin v.), see Helvig (A. v.) 
Immaculate Conception, Order of the. The Diary of the 

" Blue Nuns," or Order of the I. C, at Paris. 1658-1810. 

[With Constitutions & Rule]. Ed. J. Gillow & R. Trappes- 

Lomax. [Cathohc Rec. Soc, 8]. 8". p.p. 1910 

Imperatorskoe Busskoe Archeologicheskoe Obschestvo. 

H3B-6cTia BOCTOTHaro 0T4'BjeBia. Hacit nepBaa. 8°. C.-H. 1858 
Imperatorskoe Russkoe Geograficheskoe Obschestvo [Kaisee- 

lioh-Russisohe Geogeaphisohe Gesellsohaft]. Der 

nordliohe Ural u. d. Kiistengebirge Pai-Choi, untersucht u. 

beschrieben v. e. in 1847, 1848 u. 1850 durch d. K.-Russ. 

G. G. ausgeriisteten Expedition. 

2B. 4P. St. Petersburg. 1853-6 

1, Geograph. Ortsbestimmungen u. magnet. Beobaohtungen, v. M. 


2, Verfasst v. d. Leiter d. Ural-Exped. Dr. E. Hofmann — Bemerkungen 

iiber d. Wirbelthiere d. iidrdl. europa. Russlands, besonders d. nbrdl. 
Ural's, V. J. F. Brandt— i'lora Boreali-Uralensis : uber d. Verbreitung 
d. Pflanzea im nordl. Ural, v. F. J. K-uprecht. 

BaBtciiH. t44. 8°. C.-n. 1909 

Imperatorskoe Busskoe Istoricheskoe Obschestvo. CfiopaiiK'B. 

125-127, 129-131. laS". C.-H. 1906-10 

Anna, empress. ByMara Ka6Haeia mhbhctpobi A. 1731-40. Han. 

no4i pe4aKi?ieio A. H. «HjannoBa, t9, 10. [126, 130.] 

9, 1739. 10, 1739. 

Austrian ambassadors. 4Hn.i0MaTHiecKa« nepenacKa aBcipificKaxi 

nocioBi &o. npa pycCEOMi ^Bopli. [Diplom. corr. in German,]. 

1, 1762 (Cte. E. C. de Mercy-Argenteau). [18.] 

2, 1762-4 (Cte E. C. de Mercy-Argenteau). [46.] 

3, 1763-71 (Eiirst Lobkowitz, Baron v. Seddeler). [109.] 

4, 1772-76 (Ffirst Lobkowitz, Baron v. Seddeler). [125.] 
Cdnstantine Pavlovich, grand duke. Corresp., tl, see 

Nicholas I. 

French ambassadors. dOHeccHia *paaay3CKBXT, Bpe^cTaBHTejeS 

Bpa nyccKOMi Asnp* a pyccaaxi npe4CTaBHTejeii apa *paBny3CK0MTi 

4Bop*. no4i pe4aKiiiea A. A. UoJlOBqoBa. [Corr. diplomat. In 


3, 1819-20 (Gen. Pozzo di Borgo, Cte. de Nesselrode, Cte. 

de La Ferronnays, Cte. Capo d'Istria etc.) [127.] 

Imperatorskoe Busskoe Istoricheskoe Obschestvo [continued]. 
Karpov(G. T.) najiaTHBKH AHnjoviai. CBOoieiiiB 4neBBeH roccia 
c-b 4ep!iiaBaMH BaocipaBauHH, [t7 ; tl-6 ed. by K. ; t7 has 
no editor's name]. 

7, DaJiaTaaitH 4aajOMaT. cnomeaifi MocitoBCnaro rocyAapcTBa ct. 

niBe4crtaMi rocy4apcTBOMi, tl, 1556-86. [129.] 

Kaunitz {Graf), see Lobkowitz {Fiirst J. M. S.) ; Seddeler 

{Baron v.) 

Lobkowitz {Fiirst J. M. Sagan). 4oaeceBia Kayaaiiy. 1772-76 

[Reports of L. to Kaunitz. In German]. [125.] 

Nicolas I, emperor. Corresp. de N. I et du grand due 

Conatantin, tl, 1825-29. [131.] 

naMaTBaiHi diinjonaT. cnomeHia upeaae^ Poccia n 4epiKaBaMa 

BBocTpaBBBiMB, t7. See Karpov (G. T.) 

Seddeler {Baron von). 4oBeceaia Kayaaiiy, 1769-76. [Eeports 

of S. to Kaunitz. In German]. [109, 125.] 

Sweden. UauainaKH 4aDJ0MaT. cnoaieBia MhcuoBCKaro 

rocyiiapcTBa ci mBe4CKBMi rocyAapcTBOMi, tl, 1556-86. [129.] 

Imperial Defence, see Committee oe Impeeial Dbeenob. 

Imperiale e Beale Accademia Aretina di Scienze, Letteie ed 

Arti. Atti. vl-4 in Iv. [v3, 4, publ. together, w. 1 tp. 

& 1 pagin.]. 8°. Arezzo. 1843-6 

Impressions. *l. of Germany, 1866, see Geifmn {Mrs. M.) 

India. I., Ceylon, Straits Settlements, etc., see Beitish 

Empire ser., vl, 1906. 
*The' results of missionary labour in I. Repr. f. Calcutta 
Rev., Oct. 1851. ■ [P1257]. 8°. 1852 

Grovtrnment Pubis. 
Aech.^olooical Sukvey op I. 
see Cole (H. H.) Illust*. of auc. buildings in Kashmir, 1869. 
Impeeial Lieeaey. 
Cat. p2, Subject-Index to the Author-Cat., vl, A-L. 

laS". Calcutta. 1908 

Legislative Dept., Codes, etc. 

Chronological tables of the Indian Statutes. Compiled by 

F. G. Wigley. 8°. Calcutta. 1909 

General rules & orders made under enactments in force in 

Brit. 1. v4, 1907-9. lag". Calcutta. 1910 


see Pathan. *Dict. of the P. tribes on N.-W. Frontier, 1910. 

Indian. The policy of the Indian Govt., etc., 1860, see Chuech 

MissiONAEY Soo. Occas. papers on India, no. 9, 1860. 
Indias. Nobiliario de conquistadores de I., 1892, see 

Indicatore genovese, see Neei (A.) La soppressione dell' 

" L g.," 1910. 
Indogermanische Bibliothek. Hrsg. v. H. Hirt u. W. Streit- 
berg. Abt. 1 : Sammlung indogerman. Lehr- u. Hand- 
bticher. Reihe 2, Worterbiicher, Bl. 

s8». Heidelberg. 1906 
seeWALDE (A.) Latein. etymolog. Worterbuch, 1906. [I, 2i.] 
Indogermanische Porschungen : Zeitsohrift fur indogerman. 
Sprach- u. Altertumskunde. 

B16-26 ; [in prog.]. 8". Str. 1905-9 

B25, 26, form Festschrift fiir K. Brugmann, hrsg. v. W. 

Streitberg, 2T. 

Anzeiger fiir indogerman. Sprach- a. Altertumskunde : 

Beiblatt zu d. I. F. B16-25, [in prog. b.w. the Zeitschrift 

abaoe]. 8°. Str. 1905-10 

Indy (Vincent d')- Cesar Franok. Tr. w. an intr. by R. 

Newmarch. 8°. 1910 

Influenza. *La i. degli Ital. conquistati sui loro conquistatori, 

1873, see Tomassetti (G.) 
Ingemarson (Magnus), see Nylandbe (C. U.) Composita 

verborum [per M. I. coll.], 1889. 
Inglis (J. B.) Cat. of Ub. of early printed & rare books, & 
illuminated & o. anc. MSS., formed by J. B. I. (property of 
C. Inglis) ; sold by Sotheby June 1900, etc. [MS. Prices. 
P1234]. 8°. [1900] 

Ingpen (Ada M.) Women as letter-writers. Collection of 
letters sel. & ed. by A. M. I. s8°. 1909 





Ingiam (John H.) The true Chatterton. A new study f. 
orig. docs. 8°. 1910 

Innocent m, pope. 
see Gascoigne (6.) Compl. wks., v2, The droome of doomes 
day, [pi tr. f. I. Ill De contemptu mundi, by 0. G., 
1576\ 1910. 
„ Mannuooi (F. L.) Del Libro de la misera humana con- 
dicione, prosa genovese ined. del sec. 14 [a tr. of B. 
Oianiboni's version of I. Ill's " De contemptu mundi" ? ; 
w. extr. f. text], 1901-3. 
IncLuisitiones : I. Post Moetbm. Calendar of I. P. M., 
& o. analogous does, in the Public Record Office. t6, 
Edward II. \in prog. Calendars of State Papers]. 

laS". 1910 
Abstracts of Wiltshire I. P. M. in r. of Charles I, 1901, 
see British Rbo. Soc. . Index Lib. 
Gloucestershire I. P. M., pl-5, 1893-1910, see British Rec. 
Soc. : Index Lib. 
Inscriptiones. I. Grsecse insularum maris jEgaei. Cons, et 
auct. Acad. Litt. R. Boruss. ed. 

fasc. 5 ii, 8. fol. BeroUni. 1903-9 

6, 1'. Cyoladum. Ed. F. Hiller de Gaertringen. 
8, 1", insularum maris Tliracici. Ed. C. Fredricli. 

♦Inscriptions in anc. Karaite Hebrew MSS., 1869, see Wright 
(C. H. H.) 
Institut de France. Catalogue des MSS. de la Bibliotheque de 
I'l. R^dige par F. Bournon. 8°. 1890 

Institut Francais d'Arch6ologie Orientals du Caiie. Annales 
du service des antiqs. de I'Egypte. [Ministere des Travaux 
Publics. Impr. de I'lnst. F. d'A. 0.]. 

t8. laSo. Le Caire. 1907 
Memoires publ. par les membres de L'l. F. d'A. 0. du C. 
[Ministere de I'lnstruction Publ. etc.]. 

til, 16, 28. \ln prog.l fol. Le Caire. 1909-10 

Chassinat (E.) Le Mammisi d'Edfou, fasc. 1, 1910. [16.] 

Mallet (D.) le Kasr el-Agoflz, 1909. [11.] 

Massignon (L.) Mission en M^sopotamie, 1907-8, tl, Relev^s archtol,, 

1910. [28.] 

Institut (L') HeraldioLue Universel, see Bietstap (J. B.) 

Planches de rArmorial g^n. de B. ; par V. RoUand, tl, 2, 


Institut z. Forderung d. Isiaelitischen Literatur. Schriften. 

Jhrg. 4, 7, 11, 12. [Jhrg. 4 in P1253]. 8°. L. 1859-67 

see Beer (B.) Lebensgemalde bibl. Personen, [Tl], Leben 

Abraham's, 1859. [4.] 

„ Geigbr(A.) Salome Gabirolu. s. Dichtungen, 1867. [12.] 

„ Levy (M. A.) Gesch. d. jiid. Mtinzen, 1862. [7.] 

„ Neubatjer (A.) Aus d. Petersburger Bibl. . Beitr. u. 

Doc. z. Gesch. d. Karaerthums u. d. kara. Lit., 1866. 


Institutum Judaicum in Berlin. Schriften. Nr. 1-4, 6, 8, 10, 

12-15, 31. [2, 3, 8, 12, 13, 2" A. ; 6, 3" A. ; 14, i" A. P1266, 

1267]. 8°. Karlsruhe, [L., Berlin, Miinchen]. 1886-1904 

Nr. 2, 14. [2, 3e A. ; 14, 8<= A. P1266]. 

8°. L., [Miinchen]. 1900 

see Aboth. nux 'ij-is : Mischna-Traktat ; hrsg. etc. v. H. L. 

Strack, 3^ A., iOOl. [6.] 

„ Becker (W.) TremeUius, 1890. [8.J 

„ Dalman (G. H.) Jesaja 53 : d. Prophetenwort v. 

Siihnleiden d. Heilsmittlers, 1891. [13.] 

„ Jiidischdeutsche Volksheder aus Gahzien u. Russ- 

land ; hrsg. v. G. H. D., 1891. [12.] 

,, Der leidende u. d. sterbende Messias d. Synagoge, 

1888. [4.] 

„ EccLESiASTictrs. Die Spriiche Jesus', d. Sohnes Sirachs ; 

hrsg. V. H. L. Strack, 1903. [31.] 

„ JOMA : d. Mischnatraktat " Versohnungstag " 

etc. V. H. L. Strack, 2" A., 1904. 
„ Laible (H.) Jesus Christus im Thalmud, 1891. 
„ Marx (G. A.) Jiid. Fremdenreoht, etc., 1886. 
„ Strack (H. L.) Der Blutaberglaube, 1892. 

„ „ „ 81= A. [w.t. Das Blut etc.], 1900. [14.] 

„ Einltg. in d. Thalmud, 2^ A., 1894. [2.] 

„ „ „ 3<' A., 1900. [2.] 

,, — — Die Juden, dvirfen sie " Verbrecher v. ReUgions- 

wegen " genannt werdeu ?, 1893. [15.] 

Intermedes espagnols (Entremeses) du 17^ s. ; tr., aveo pref. 

& notes par L. Rouanet, 1897, see Bouanet (L.) 
International. The new i. encyclopsedia, 1910, see New. 
The new i. year book, for 1909, 1910, see New. 



International Societies. 

see Commerce. Soc. Internat. pour le D6veloppement de 

I'Enseignement Commercial. 
„ Drawing Congress (Internat.) 
"■Intervenuta (La) ridicolosa, [commedia, 1606], 1901-3, see 
Intze (0.) Nicholas Rowe, [w. repr. of h. Tamerlane, Poems, 
tfc Shakespeare's biog.]. 4°. [Heidelberg. 1910] 

losselian (Platon I.) Onncaeie 4peBH0CTea ropo^a Tn4.ieca. 

80. TH*JHCI. 1866 
Iota, ps. " Whoso breaketh an hedge." 38°. 1909 

Ireland. A declaration of the Commons, cone, the grand 
rebellion in I., w. examinations of persons of quality etc. 

s4°. 1643 
*Letters on the state of I. ; addressed by J. K. L. to a friend 

in Eng., 1825, see Doyle (J.) 
*The reduction of I. to the crown of England, 1675, see 

see Association jor the Preservation of the Memorials 

OE THE Dead in Ireland. 
„ Watekford & S.-E. OF I. Soc. 
Government Publications : Parliament. Rules & orders 
to be observed in the Upper House of Pari, of Ireland. 

80. D. 1784 
""Ireland's case briefly stated, 2p, 1695-1720, see Rbily (H.) 
Irvine (Alexander). From the bottom up : life story of A. I. 

s8o. 1910 
Irving (Henry). How to know the trees. sS". 1910 

Irwin (D. Hastings). War medals & decorations issued to 
Brit, milit. & naval forces & allies, 1588-1910. 

4th ed., enl. s8o. 1910 

Isabella I, g. of Spain, see Julius II, pope. Las 15 preguntas del 

papa J. a Gracia Dei sobre la reina Dona I., [in verse], 1892. 

Isaverdentz (Hagopos). The sacred rites & ceremonies of the 

Armenian Church. s8o. Venice. 1876 

Isidore, hp. of Seville, St. Gesch. d. Goten, Vandalen, Sueven, 

nebst Ausziigen aus d. Kirchengesch. d. Beda ; iibers. v. 

D. Coste, 3<= A., see Gbschichtschreibbr (Die) d. deut. 

Vorzeit, 2^ Gesammtausg., BIO, 1887. 

Islandica ; an annual rel. to Iceland & the Fiske Icelandic 

Collection in Cornell Univ. Library. Ed. G. W. Harris. 

v3. 80. Ithaca, N.Y. 1910 

3, Bibliog. of the Sagas of the kings of Norway <& related Sagas & tales, 
by E. Hermannsson. 

Islington, Public Libraries. Select cat. & guide : classified Kst 
of best books in [Metropolitan Borough of I., P. L.]. s8o. 1910 
Israel (Ter), see Ter Israel. 
Israels (Jozef), artist, see Zilcken (P.) I., 1910, 
Issaverdens (James), see Isaverdentz (H.) 
Isserles (Moses), see Moses, ben Israel Isserles. 
btituto Storico Italiano. [PuMications]. 8°. 1910 

see Lucca. Begesto del capitolo di L. ; pubbl. dall' I. S. I. 
a cura dei P. Guidi e 0. Parenti, vl, 1910. 
*Istorie pistolesi ovvero d. cose avvenute in Tosoana dall' anno 

1300 al 1348, 1733, see Pistolesi. 
Italia. *La campagna del 1866 in I., 1875-95, cfc Complemento 
alia storia d. Campagna, 1909, see Campagna. 
""Mem. ed osservaz. b. guerra dell' indipendenza d'l. nel 
1848-9 ; race, da un ufficiale piemontese, 1850, see Charles 
Albert, k. of Sardinia, etc. 
Italia artistica. [no.] 54-9 

sceCoLASANTi(A.) Loreto, 
1910. [54.] 

Casgese (R.) Foggia e 
la Capitanata, 1910. 


Gerola (G.) Bassano, 
1910. [59.] 

[in prog.]. 4P. Bergamo. 1910 

see Lanzi (L.) Terni, 1910. 


„ NicoLosi(C. A.) IlLito- 

rale Maremmano. Gros- 

seto-Orbetello, 1910. 

„ Pesbnti(P.) Bergamo, 
1910. [57.] 

Italian. ""Fidele & Fortunio, the two I. gentlemen, [o. 1584], 

1909 [1910], see Fidblb. 
Italiana. Bibhoteca di storia i. reoente, 1800-50 [70], 1907-10, 
see Rbgia Deputazione sovra gli Studi di Stoeia Patria 
PEE LE Ant. Prov. e la Lombardia. 
Italiani. *La influenza degli I. conquistati sui loro conquis- 
tatori, 1873, see Tomassetti (G.) 
[Raccoltade'novellierii.,vl-17, 20-26], 1813-6, sceRACOOLTA. 
Italicarum. Rerum I. scriptores : race, 500-1500, ordinata da 
L. A. Muratori, u. ed., in prog., 1902 etc., see Mueatori (L. A.) 






Emigrazione e oolonie : Rapporti dei agenti diplomat, e 
consol. t3, America, p3 : Stati Uniti— Cuba— Measioo— 
Guatemala, etc. 8°. 1909 


Annuario militare del regno d' I. 1905-8. [ Two vol. for each 
2/eoJ-]. go. 1906-8 

1, Ufflolall in aervizio attivo pormanente ed impiegati civili 2 Ufllc 
in congedo. ' ' 

Italy [continued]. 

MiNisTBRO Di Agbioolttjba, Industria b Commercio (Diebz. 


Statistioa d. emigrazione ital. per I'Estero, 1908 e 1909 ; con 
una app. di confront! internaz. si°. 1910 


Ordinamento del Casellario Giudiziale (1902-8). 

^8". 1908 
Ives, d' Evreux, see Yves, d' Eweux. 




Jabach (Everhard), see Geotichy (E. H., vie. db). E. J,, I 

oolleotionneur parisien, 1695, 1894. 
Jacberns (Raymond). Three amateur scouts. sS". 1910 

Jacks (Lawrence Pearsall). The alchemy of thought. 

8". 1910 

Mad shepherds, & other human studies. s8<>. 1910 

Jackson (Cyril). Unemployment & trade unions. Pref. by 

Viscount Milner. ago. igio 

Jackson (Samuel Macauley), see Bbrnabdus, Morlan. Source 

of " Jerusalem the golden," etc. ; tr. H. Preble ; intr., 

notes, & bibliog., by S. M. J., 1910. 

Jacob, 6e« Joseph Abendana, see Judah, ben Samuel. Cuzary, 

s. 12 ; tr. por J. A., [w. Coment. al C. por J. A.], 1910. 
Jacob, Mar, bp. of Edessa, see Ylkim, Mar, bp. of Edessa. 
Jacob (Violet), wife of Arthur Jacob. Irresolute Catherine. 

s8». 1908 
Jacobsen (Emil). Sodoma u. d. cinqueoento in Siena : Studien 
in d. Gemaldegalerie zu Siena. Mit e. Anhang 11. d. nieht- 
sienes. Gemalde. Ia8''. Str. 1910 

Jacobsohn (Lndwig). tJber d. Kerne d. menschl. Hirnstamms, 
see Konigl.-Pkbuss. Akad. d. Wiss. zu B. Abhdlgn., 
Phys.-math. Classe, 1909. 
Jacobsthal (Paul), see Wilamowitz-Mollbndoki'f (U. v.) 
Nordionische Steine ; mit Beitragen v. P. J. ; hrsg. v. U. 
V. W.-M., 1909. 
Jacobus, V. Auria, see Atjbia (J.) 
Jacopo V, d' Appiano, see Appiano (J. V. b'). 
Jacopone, da Todi [fBEUBDETll (G. de')]. Laude. Seoondo 
la stampa fiorentina del 1490, con prospetto gramm. e 
lessico a cura di G. Eerri. [Soc. Filologica Romana]. 

8". 1910 
JacQiuard (Joseph Maiie), see Humphbibs (S.) Oriental 

carpets, etc. & some J. reprods., 1910. 
JaCDLues (Norbert). Der Hafen. Roman. s8°. [1910] 

Ja'faribn Muhammad (Abu Ma'shar), al-BalkU [Apomasar]. 
see Ai-KiNDi. Al-K. als Astrolog [texts of Al-K.'s " Risalat 
fi mulk al-'Arab wa-kammlyatih " <fc p. of Abu Ma'shar's 
"Opus de magnis conjunctionibus," w. comparative 
study] ; v. 0. Loth, 1875. 
„ MtJHAMMAD lEN SiKlN. Apomasaris [or rather M. ibn 
;S.'s] Apotelesmata ; I. Leunclaio interprete, 1577. 
Jailja ibn 'Adi, see Yahya ibn 'AdI. 
Jahn (Otto), see Pebsiits. Satirarum liber ; cum scholiis 

antiquis ed. 0. J., 1843. 
Jahibuch d. Kon^lich Preussischen Kunstsammlungen. 

B20-30. 4°. 1899-1909. 
B23 onwards have Beihft. as below. 


ToEStatuen bis zum Beginn d. 
Eur Kunst s. Zeit, [T3], 
TJrbiBO, 1904-6. [25,27.] 

Fabriozy (G. v.) Die Bildhauertamilie Ferrucci aus Fiesole, 1908 

• Bruiielleschiana ; Urkunden u. Forsohungen, 1907. 

Giuliano da Majano, 1903. 

. Giuliano da Sangallo, 1902. 

Krit. Verzeichnis toslcan. Holz- u 

Clnquecento, 1909. 

jUichelozzo di Bartolomeo, 1904. 

Namii di Miniato, detto Fora, 1906. 

Niccolb dall' Area, 1908. 

Pagno di Lapo Portigiani, 1903. 

Simone del Pollaiuolo, II Cronaca, 1906. 

Vincenzo da Cortona, 1904. 

Frey (C.) St. zur Miehelagniolo Buonarroti u. 

Gronau(G.) DleKunstbestrebungend. Herzoge „ .^ . ,„^„ >,„ , 

K.ogler(H ) Erganzungen z. Holzschnittwerk d. H. u. A. Holbein, 1907. [28.] 
ludwig (G.) Antonello da Messina u. deut. u. niederiand. Kiinstler in 

Venedig, 1902. t^^-^ 

Archival. Beitrage zur Gesoh. d. venezian. Malerei, 1903-5. [24, 26.] 

Neue Funde im Staatsarchiv zu Venedig, 1903. [24.] 

Mayer (A L.) Muiillos Arbeiten liir d. Sevillaner Kathedrale, 1908. [29.] 
— Der Bacionero Alonso Cano u. d. Kunst v. Granada (Dokumente), 

1909. t""-' 

Register zu B. 21-30. 4°- 1910 

Amtliche Berichte aus d. Konigl. Kunstsammlungen. Bei- 

blatt z. Jahrbuch etc. Jahrgang 30. 4°. 1908-9 

Jahrbuch d. Zeit- u. Kulturgesch. 1909. Jahrgang 3, hrsg. v. 

F. Schniirer. S". Freiburg im Br. 1910 

Jahrbiicher. Die grosseren J. v. Altaioh ; fibers, v. L. Weiland, 

2e A., 1893, see Altaioh. 
Die J. Otakars, see Cosmas, Pragens. Die Fortsetzungen d. C. 

[i.e. J. 0., etc.] ; fibers, v. G. Grandaur, 1895. 
Die J. T. Augsburg ; fibers, v. G. Grandaur, 1893, see Atjgsbueg. 
Die J. V. Fulda u. Xanten ; fibers, v. C. Rehdantz, 2^ A., 

1889, see Fulda. 
Die J. V. Genua ; fibers, v. W. Arndt [& G. Grandaur], 2" 

A., 1897-8, see Caitfabus, de Taschifellone. 
Die J. V. Hildesheim ; fibers, v. E. Winkelmann, 2^ A., 1893, 

see Hildesheim. 
Die J. T. Magdeburg ; fibers, v. E. Winkelmann, 2" A., 1895, 

see Maodbeubo. 
Die J. v. Marbach ; fibers, v. G. Grandaur, 1896, see Mabbach. 
Die J. V. Pohlde ; fibers, v. E. Winkelmann, 2e A., 1894, see 


Die J. V. Prag, see Cosmas, Pragens. Die Fortsetzungen d. C. 
[i.e. J. V. P., etc.] ; fibers, v. G. Grandaur, 1895. 
Die J. V. Quedlinburg ; fibers, v. E. Winkelmann, 2" A., 1891, 

Die J. V. St. Jacob in Lfittich, etc. ; fibers, v. C. Platner, 
1896, see Sankt Jacob, abbey of, Liege. 
Jahresbeiicht der Denkmalpflege im Groasherzogtum Hessen, 

in prog., see Hessen. 
Jahresbericht iibei d. Foitschritte d. reman. Philologie, see 

Kbitischee Jaheesbeeioht eto. 
Jakobsen (Abraham), see IbbahIm ibn JakSe. 
Jaloux (Edmond). Le boudoir de Proserpine. 8°. [1910] 

James I, k. of Aragon [Jayme]. Gestas del rey Don tfayme 
de Aragon. [Aragonese version. Ed. R. Foulch^-Delbosc. 
Soc. de Bibhofilos Madrilenos, 1]. 8°. 1909 

James n, king of Gt. Brit. <Sb Ireland, 
see BuENET (G.), bp. *Letter, contg. reflections on H.M.'s 
Declaration for Kberty of conscience, [by G. B., ascr. to 
D. Defoe], 1687. 
„ Sand BBS (F.) Abrege de la vie de J. II ; tire d'un ecrit 
du R. P. F. S., par F. Bretonneau ; avec des sentimens 
du roy, sur sujets de pi^te, 1703. 
James I, k. of Scot. The Kingis Quair, & the Quare of jelusy. 
Ed., w. intr., notes, eto. by A. Lawaon. 8°. 1910 

James IV, k. of Scotland, see Skelton (J.) A ballade of the 

Scottysshe kynge [on James IV at Flodden Field], 1882. 

James (Henry), novelist. The finer grain : [The velvet glove — 

Mora Montravers — A round of visits — Crapy Cornelia — 

The bench of desolation]. sS". [1910] 

James (William), prof, at Harvard, see Hbeeet (M.) Le 

pragmatisme, 2^ ed., avec la reponse de W. J., 1910. 
Jamestown Exposition, see Exhibitions : Jamestown, 1907. 
Jammes (Francis). Ma fille Bernadette. aS". 1910 

Jamot (Paul). 
see Acad, dbs Insce. etc. : Fondation Piot. Mon^. etc., 
publ. par I'Aoad., sous la dir. de G. Perrot etc., avec le 
concours de P. J., tl-17, in prog., 1894^1909. 

„ Mon^. etc., tl, [Venus pudique : statuette de bronze. 

Louvre ; par P. J.], 1894. 

,, Mon^. etc., t2, [Venus a la coquille : deux figurines de 

terre cuite. Louvre ; par P. J.], 1895. 
Jane (L. Cecil). From Metternich to Bismarck. A textbook 
of European hist., 1815-78. s8". 0. 1910 

Janet (Pierre), see Munstebeebg (H.) Subconscious pheno- 
mena by H. M., etc. n.d. 
Jannsen {Sir Theodore), see King (C.) Brit, merchant, coU. 

of papers f. origs. of T. J. etc., 3v, 1743. 
Janot (Denis). Catalogue des editions fran9. de D. J., Ubraire 
parisien, 1529-45 ; publ. H. Omont [w. facsimile], see 
Socibt:6 de l'Hist. de Pabis, etc. Mema., t25, 1898. 
Jansen do PapO (Antonio). Cat. da CoU. Cervantina com que 
a Bibl. Nac. do Rio de Janeiro concorreu a Expos. Commem. 
do 3" Cent, do D. Quixote, 1905. Organ, por A. J. do P. 

laS". Rio de Janeiro. 1909 
Also cont. in Rio de Janeieo : Bibl. Nac. Annaes, v29, 1909. 




Jansseu (Johannes). Bin 2"== Wort an meine Kritiker. Nebst 

Erganzungen etc. zu d. 3 ersten Banden m. Gesch. d. deut. 

Volkes. 8". Freiburg im Breisgau. 1883 

Hist, of tbe German people after the close of the Middle Ages. 

vl5, 16, tr. A. M. Christie. 8''. 1910 

Janus; or, The Edinburgh literary almanack. 8". [E.] 1826 
Japan, see Russo-Japanese War. Operations maritimes de 

la guerre R.-J. Hist. oflBciel publ. par I'Etat-Maj. Gen. de 

la Marine Japon., pi, tr. H. Rouvier, 1910. 
Japanese. The J. Empire. General information. [Suppl. to 

the Times, July 19, 1910, cfe b.w. it] fol. 1910 

Jaray (Gabriel Louis). La poUt. franco-anglaise & I'arbitrage 

internat. Pr6f. de 6. Hanotaux. 38°. 1904 

Jardin. Le plaisanoe et fleur de rethorique, [by Jean de 

Calais or Jourdain .?]. Reprod. en faos. de l'6d. publ. par 

A. V6rard vers 1501. [S. d. A. T. E.]. la8o. 1910 

Jashar. *0n three books, purporting to be The Book of J. 

[P1250]. 8". n.p. n.d. 
Jastrow (Joseph), see MtJNSTEEBEEO (H.) Subconscious 

phenomena by H. M., etc., n.d. 
Jasui Shiuhei [Jasui Tschitjhei]. " Bemmo," oder d. Irrthums 

Darlegung. Eine Abhdlg. gegen d. Christenglauben. Mit 

e. Vorwort v. Schimadzu Saburo. Aus d. Japan, ins Engl. 

T. J. H. Gubbius. Deutsch v. K. Friederici. 

[P1300]. 8°. L. [1876] 
Jatakas. The Jataka w. its comm. Ed. V. Fausb^U. 

v5-7. 8°. 1891-7 

v7 has Snd tp. : — Index to the Jataka & its comm., by D. Andersen. 

Jaussen (B. P. Antonin), see Mission Arch6olog. en Arable, 
[1], De Jerusalem au Hedjaz M6dain-Saleh, par J., etc., 
Jawaliki, see Mauhub ibn Ablmad, al- Jawallhl. 
Jayne (K. G.) Vasco da Gama & h. successors, 1460-1580. 

80. [1910] 
Jean, de Calais, poet, see Jardin. Le j. de plaisance et fleur de 
rethorique, [by J. de C. or Jourdain ?] ; reprod. en faos. 
de I'ed. publ. par A. Verard vers 1501, 1910. 
Jean, de Liege, see Hbnneqttin, de Liege. 

Jean (It. C.) Les Touareg du Sud-Est. L'Air, leur role dans 

la polit. saharienne. Ia8''. 1909 

Jean (Lucien) ps. [i.e. Diefdonnb (Lucien)]. Parmi les 

hommes : NouveUes — Petits caracteres — Petites gens de la 

cit6 — Notes — Garnet de route — Le romantisme nietzechien. 

Notice de G. Valois. 2^ ed. sS". 1910 

Jeandet (Jean Pierre Abel). Etude sur 16^ s. : France et 

Bourgogne. Pontus de Tyard, seigneur de Bissy, evSque 

de Chalon. 8°. 1860 

Jeanroy (Alfred). Giosue Carducci, I'homme & le poete. 

8°. 1911 
Jehuda, Ben- BiVam, see Judah, Ben Balam. 
Jellinek (Georg), see Oeeentliohe (Das) Recht d. Gegenwart; 

hrsg. V. G. J., etc., in prog., 1908, etc. 
Jennings (Louis J.) Field paths & green lanes in Surrey & 
Sussex. 5th ed. s8°. 1907 

Jenny (Henri Ernest), see Rossel (V.) & H. E. J. Hist, de la 

htt. Suisse, 2t, 1910. 
Jepson (Edgar). No. 19. S80. [1910] 

• & M. Leblanc. Arsene Lupin. [ Novel]. From the play 

by M. L. & F. de Croisset. aS°. [1909] 

Jeremias (Alfred). Die babylon.-assyr. Vorstellungen v. Leben 

nach d. Tode. Mit Beriicksichtiguug d. alttest. Parallelen. 

[P1244]. 8". L. 1887 
Im Kampfe um Babel u. Bibel. [P1242]. S80. L. 1903 

Jeremias (Johannes). Moses u. Hammurabi. 

[P1243]. 8". L. 1903 
Jerome, Saint. Lettres choisies. Nouv. tr. aveo le texte latin. 
Par F. Lagrange. 5* 6d. s8°. 1899 

Opera. [Corpus script, eccles. Lat., 54]. 

sect. 1 i. 8°. Vindobonse. 1910 

Epiatulse. pi. Keo. I Hilberg. [1 i.) 

see Cavaloa (D.) Vita dei SS. Padri ; [adapted from J,], 

ed. M. A. Parenti, n.d. 
„ Gregory I, pope. Volgarizzamento del Dialogo di S. G. e 
deU' Epistola di S. Girolamo ad Eustochio ; opera di 
D. Cavalca, 1840. 
Jerrold (Douglas W.), see Jeerold (W.) D. J. & " Punch," 

[w. h. contributions], 1910. 
Jerrold (Maud F.) Vittoria Colonna ; w. ace. of h. friends & h. 
times. 8°. 1906 

Jerrold (Walter). Douglas Jerrold & " Punch," [w. h. con- 
tributions]. 8°. 1910 
Jerusalem. The J. bishopric : doc=. w. tr^., chiefly f. " Das 
evangel. Bisthum in J.," 1842, arr. etc. by W. H. Heohler, 
1883, see Hechler (W. H.) 
Jessen (Jarno), see Holme (C.) ed.. Peasant art in Sweden, etc. 

[Lapland & Iceland by J. ; tr.], 1910. 
Jesus Christ. 
see Abbott (E. A.) " The Son of man," study of the thoughts 

of J., 1910. 
„ Batiffol (P.) L'enseignement de J., 7« 6d., 1909. 
„ Bauer (W.) Das Leben Jesu im Zeitalter der neutesta- 

mentl. Apokryphen, 1909. 
„ Becker (P.) Die Darstellung J. C. unter d. Bilde d. 

Fisohes, 1866. 
„ BoussET (W.) Jesu Predigt in i. Gegensatz z. Judentum, 

„ Cassel (P.) Christus u. Maria, 1890. 

Panthera — Stada — Onokotes : Caricaturuamen 

Christi, 1875. 
„ GuNDACKBB, V. Judenburg. Christi Hort ; hrsg. v. 

J. Jaksche, 1910. 
„ HoRSLEY (S.) Hosea ; tr., 2nd ed. ; & a sermon on 

Christ's descent into Hell, 1804. 
„ King (H. C.) Ethics of J. [W. B. Lect., 1909], 1910. 
„ Laiblb (H.) J. C. im Thalmud, 1891. 
„ LjTJNGBBRQ (N. W.) Chronologie de la vie de J., 1878. 
„ MoNACi (E.) Stud] di filol. rom., vl, [cont. La passione 
e risurrezione, poemetto Veronese del sec. 13 ; ed., w. 
intr. etc., L. Biadene], 1885. 

„ Studj di filol. rom., v7, [cont. *La contemplacio de 

.la passio de Nostre Senhor : testo catalano-provenzale ; 
tr. of work of St. Bernard of Glairvaux ? ; ed. C. Salvioni], 

„ Studj di filol. rom., v8, [cont. Tre miracoU del 

Vangelo provenzale dell' " Infanzia " (Infanzia di Gesi) ; 
w. extr. f. text ; by L. Biadene], 1901. 
„ MoNTEFioRB (C. G.) Some elements of the relig. teaching 

of J., 1910. 
„ Schweitzer (A.) Das Abendmahl im Zusammenhang 
mit d. Leben J. u. d. Gesch. d. Urchristentums, HI, 2, 

„ The quest of the hist. J., 1910. 

„ Spitta (F.) Das Johannes-Evangehum als Quelle d. 

Gesch. Jesu, 1910. 
„ SwBTE (H. B.) The ascended Xt., 1910. 
„ Weiss (J.) Christ; the beginnings of dogma, tr., 1911. 

,, Christus : Die Anfange des Dogmas, 1909. 

„ J. in Glauben d. Urchristentums, 1910. 

,, J. V. Nazareth : Mythus oder Gesch. ? 1910. 

,, Wrede (D. W.) Das Messiasgeheimnis in d. Evangelien, 
Jenne (S. Mary E.), baroness St. Hdier, see Saint Hbliee 

(S. M. E. J., baroness). 
Jevons (William Stanley). The State in rel. to labour. Ed., 
w. intr. by F. W. Hkst. ■ 4th ed. s8o. 1910 

Jewish (The) Historical Society of Eng. [Publications]. 4°. 1910 
see RiQQ (J. M.) ed.. Calendar of Plea Rolls of the Exchequer 
of the Jews, v2, Edward I, 1273-5, 1910. 
Joachim (Josef), see Moser (A.) J. J., Neue A., B2, 1910. 
Joanne. Collection des Guides- Joanne. Bretagne : les routes 
les plus fr6quent6es, par P. J. s8". 1905 

Marseille & ses environs par A. Saurel. 4^ ed. s8". 1880 

Normandie. s8o. 1903 

Joannes, presbyter Civitatensis, see Jttlianus, Oivitatensis, for 
ed". of Chronicle by Julianus alone, or by Jidianus & J. 
Joannes, Smobonus, see Suzobonus (J.) 

Joannes, Victoriensis. Das Buch gewisser Gesch. [Chron. 
CarinthiBe] ; ubers. v. W. Friedensburg, see Gbschioht- 
SCHREIBEE (Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2^ Gesammtausg., B86, 
1899. ® 

Jo61 (Dr. M.) Notizen z. Buche Daniel— Etwas ii. d. Biioher 
Sifra u. Sifre. Zwei Programm-Arbeiten. 

[P1246]. 80. Breslau. 1873 

Jcergensen (Johannes). Pelerinages franciscains. Tr. T. de 

Wyzewa. s8°. 1910 

Johann, v. WUrzburg, poet, fi. 1314. Wilhelm v. Osterreich ; 

hrsg. V. E. Regel. [Deutsche Texte d. Mittelalters, hrsg. v. 

d. Konigl. Preusa. Akad. d. Wiss., 3]. 8°. 1906 


■^"^1°' a'1 °^ ^'■<^9on, see Calmette (J.) Louis XI, Jean II 
& la r6vol. oatalane, 1461-73, 1903 

'°^' t i"'i"'"' ^«l?°^«^»o (B.) Hist. del. seiior D. Juan ; 
[ed. A. Rodriguez Villa], 1899. 

John I, A. of Castile & Leon, see Palma {El hacUlUr). Divina 

1879 '°° ^ "^'"^^ *^^ ^'^''"'' ^" *'^"p° '^^^ ""^y '^^ ^•' 

John, k ofMng see Bbmont (C.) De J. Luteti* Parisiorum 

anno 1202 condemnato, 1884. 
John, prince, son of Ferdinand & Isabella, k. cfc q. of Spain, see 

OviEDO Y ViiDiis (G. P. DE). Libro de la camar£ del pr. 

Don J., etc., 1870. ■ 

John XXm, pope, see ICitts (E. J.) J. XXIII & Master J. Hus 

of Bohemia, 1910. 
John, 0/ Wiirzburg, poet, fl. 1314, see Johann, v. Wiirzburg. 
John Rylands Library, Manchester. Cat. of an exhib. of orig. 

edo. of the princ. Eng. classics, March to Oct., 1910. 

,„, . . 8°. Manchester. 1910 

Johns (Charles Alex.) The forest trees of Brit. 

_,„,., 9th ed. 8°. 1903 

Johns Hopkins Umversity. Studies in Hist. & Polit. Science. 
Ser. 27 vi-xii. 89. Baltimore. 1909 
Laprade (W. T.) Eng. & the French Eevol., 1789-97 [27 viii-xii 1 

Mathews (J. B.) Legislative & judicial hist, of the 15th amendment 

[27 vi-vii.] 

" » Extra vol., N.S., No. 1, see Dodd 

(W. E.) Revision & amendment of state constitutions, 1910. 
Johnson (Edmund C.) 
Annuities to the blind. Ed. w. pref., by his son. 

4th ed., corr. to 1910. 8". 1910 
„ „ Appendix to 4th ed. ; ed. S. Johnson. 

8". pr. f. p. c. 1910 
Johnson (Euphemia) [Effie Johnson]. Devotional aspira- 
tion. 38°. 1906 
Fact & fable. s4". 1901 
Johnson (Philip Bernard). Reply to a course of sermons on 
Xtn. re-union, by W. Delany. [P1247]. 8°. D. [1895] 
Johnson (Samuel), LL.D. 
see Broadley (A. M.) Dr. J. & Mrs. Thrale, 1910. 
,, Raleigh (W.) Six essays on J., 1910. 
Johnson (Stuart), see Johnson (E. C.) Annuities to the 

blind ; App. to 4th ed. ; ed. S. J., 1910. 
Johnston {Sir Harry Hamilton). The Negro in the New World. 

laS". [1910] 

Johnston (Reginald Fleming). Lion & Dragon in Northern 

China. 8". 1910 

Johnstone (James), of Liverpool. Conditions of lite in the sea : 

short acct. of quantitative marine biological research. 

8». C. 1908 
see Coward (T. A. ) e(Z., Vertebrate fauna of Cheshire, etc., v2. 
Pishes, by J. J., etc. 1910. 
Joinville (Jean de), see Delabobdb (H. E.) & P. Latjer. Un 

projet de decoration murale inspire du Credo de J., 1909. 
JoUiffe (Hylton George H.), 3rd baron Hylton, see Hylton 

(H. G. H. J., 3rd b.). 
Joly (Henri). Problemes de science oriminelle. sS". 1910 

Joma. Der Mischnatraktat " Versohnungstag " ; hrsg. u. 
erklart v. H. L. Strack. 2^ neubearbt. A. [Inst. Judaicum 
in Berlin, Schriften, 3. P1266]. 8°. L. 1904 

Jonas, abbas Elnonensis, see Ebbdbgaritjs, Scholasticus. Die 
Chronik P., etc., d. Lebensbeschreibungen d. Abtes Columban 
[by J.] ; fibers, v. 0. Abel, 3^ A., 1888. 
Jonathan, ben Uzziel, see fEiHERiDGB (J. W.) The Targums 
of Onkelos & J. ben U. on the Pentateuch, etc. ; f. Chaldee, 
Jones (E. Alfred). Old Eng. gold plate. 4°. 1907 

Jones (F. Wood-), see Wood- Jones (P.) 

Jones (Henry), M.A., of the Univ. of Glasgow [prof of Moral 

Philosophy]. The working faith of the social reformer, & o. 

essays. 8°. 1910 

Jones (Henry Arthur). The censorship muddle & a way out of 

it ; letter to the Rt. Hon. H. Samuel. [P1294]. 8». 1909 

Jones (Henry Donald Maurice), see Spencb (H. D. M.), aft. 

H. D. M. S.-J. 
Jones (Henry Stuart). Classical Rome. [Grant Allen's Hist. 
Guides]. s8o. [1910] 

Hist, interpretation of the reliefs of Trajan's column, see 
British School at Rome. Papers, v5, 1910. 
Jones (John Viriamu), see Poulton (E. B.) J. V. J. & o. 
Oxford memories, 1911. 


Jones (Richard), rector of Llanychan. Textus saor. Evange 
liorum versionis simplicis Syriacse, juxta ed. Schaafianam, 
coUatus cum 2 codd. MSS. in Bibl. Bodleiana repositis, neo 
non cum cod. MS. comm. Gregorii Bar-Hebrsei, a R. J. 

40. 0. 1805 

Jones (Rufus M.) Studies in mystical relig. [repr.]. 8". 1909 

Jones (Theophilus), deputy registrar of the Archdeaconry of 

Brecon. Hist, of the county of Brecknock, [n. ed.] Enl. 

by notes coll. by Baron Glanusk.. 

vl, 2, in Iv. 4". Brecknock. 1909 

Jones (Thomas Rupert) & H. Woodward. Monograph of 

the Brit. Palaeozoic Phyllopoda (Phyllocarida, Packard). 

[Palsontograph. Soo.]. 4°. 1888-99 

Joran (Theodore). Les feministes avant le f6minisme. 

[si, 15-18S.]. 8". 1910 

Christine de Fisan — Erasme — Covneille Agrippa — Agrippa d'Aubign^— J. 
de Malstre— De TEscale— Mile, de Gournay— Du Bosc— Saint-Gabriel 
^Decrues-Goussalt— Dsse. de Liancourt — J. Lawrence. 

Jordan (Louis Henry). Comparative religion. A survey of 

its recent lit. Section 2, 1906-9. 8". E. 1910 

Jordan (Louis Henry) & B. Labanca. The study of religion in 

the Itahan universities. s8°. 1909 

Joret (Charles). D'Ansse de ViUoison & rhell6nisme en Prance 

pend. le dernier tiers du XVIII'' s. [H. E., 182]. 8". 1910 

Jorga (Nicolai), see Gesch. d. EuropI. Staaten : Osman. 

Reiches, v. N. J., B3, 1910. 
Jormunrekr, king of the Ostrogoths, see Hbrmanrio. 
^Jornada de Omagua y Dorado, 1909, see Uesita (P. de). 
Jornaudes. Gothengesch., nebst Auszugen aus s. rom. Gesch; 
fibers. V. W. Martens, see Gesohichtschbeiber (Die) d. 
deut. Vorzeit, 2^ Gesammtausg., B5, 1884. 
Jorreto y Paniagua (Manuel). Cantares, seguidillas, versos 
para abanicos. 6" ed. s8°. 1886 

Jorys (M. H.) Le Mvre d'heures. [Narod}. 

88°. Barcelone. [1909] 
Joseph, of Arimathea, see Brugger (E.) Mitteilungen aus 

Hss. d. altfranzos. Prosaromane J. a. MerUn, 1909. 

Joseph, ben Ephraim Caro [Joseph Kaktt ; Joseph Qaro]. 

*Sulchan-Arukh (Gedeckte Tafel), oder das Ritual- u. 

Gesetzbuch d. Judenthums. [With the additions of Moses 

ben Israel Isserles]. Ubers., u. mit Quellenangaben, 

Erlauterungen etc. versehen, v. J. A. P. E. L. V. v. Pavly, 

etc. [Ll-4, pagin cont. ; no more publ.}. 8°. Basel. 1888 

see Marx ( G. A. ) Jud. Premdenreoht, etc. ; [on Der Sohulohan 

Aruch {of J.), etc.], 1886. 

Joseph, ben Gorion, ps. [Josippus]. Der arab. Josippus. 

[German tr. of Arabicversion.J Von J. WeUhausen. [Kouigl. 

Gesells. d. Wiss. zu Gottingen, Abhdlgn. P1271]. 4°. 1897 

Joseph, the patriarch, see Wingkler (H.) Abraham als Baby- 

lonier, J. als Agypter, 1903. 
Josephine, empress consort of Napoleon I. 
see Meneval {baron N. J. E. de). L'imperatrioe J., 1910. 
„ Sergeant (P. W.) The Empress J., 2v, 1908. 
,, TuRQUAN (J.) La gen. Bonaparte, n.d. 
Josephus (Flavius). Volgarizzamento d. Istoria d. guerre 
giudaiche. Testo di lingua antico, ridotto a piu sana lezione 
da L. Calori. [CoUez. di opere ined. o rare]. 

2v. 80. Bologna. 1878-9 
see Church (A. J.) Story of the last days of Jerusalem, f. J., 
J6sika (Miklos). Abafi. [J. M. Regenyei]. 

8* kiadas. sS". Budapest. 1895 
A Csehek Magyarorszagban. [J. M. Regenyei]. 

6"^ kiadas. s8°. Budapest. 1895 
Josippus, see Joseph, ben Gorion, ps. 

Joubin (Andr§). L' Athena Hope, see Acad, des Inscr. etc.: 
Pond. Piot. Mons. etc., t3, 1896. 
Le Marsyas de Tarse, Mus6e Imp. de Constantinople, see 
Acad, dbs Insob. etc. : Pond. Piot. Mon^. etc., t6, 1899. 
Jourdain ( — ), French poet ?, see Jardin. Le j. de plaisance et 
fleur de rethorique, [by Jean de Calais or J. !] ; reprod. en 
faos. de I'ed. publ. par A. V6rard vers 1501, 1910. 
Jourdain (I'abbe), secretaire de la Bibliothique du Roi. La 
Bibl. du roi, 1718-36 : Journal de I'abbe J. ; publ. H. Omont, 
see SociETii de l'Hist. db Paris, etc. M^ms., t20, 1893. 
Jourdain (Charles). Le CoU6ge du Cardinal Lemoine, see 
Soci:&Ti) DE l'Hist. db Paris, etc. M6ms., t3, 1877. 
Un compte de la nation d'AIlemagne de I'Univ. de Paris au 
15s. [w. text], see Sooi:6T:fi db l'Hist. db Paris, etc. M6ms., 
tl, 1875. 




Jourdain (Charles) [continued]. 
La taxe des logements dans I'Universite de Paris, see Soci:ete 
DE l'Hist. de Pakis, etc. Mems., t4, 1878. 

Jourdain (M.) Hist, of English secular embroidery. s4". 1910 

Jouinal. J. d'un bourgeois de Paris, see LoNONON (A.) Con- 
jectures sur Fauteur [J. Beaurigout ?] du Journal parisien de 
1409-49, 1876. 

*J. d'un bourgeois de Paris sous Fran5ois I, u.ed., 1910, see Paris. 

J. du voyage de deux jeunes Hollandais a Paris, 1656-8; publ. 

par A. P. Faugere ; nouv. id., 1899, see FAUQiRB (A. P.) 

*J. e. Reise durch Frankreich, 1787, see La Roche (M. S. v.) 

Jouveau (Marius). Elements de gramm. proven9ale. 

88°. Marseille. 1907 

Jowett (Benjamin), D.D., Master of Balliol College, Oxford. 
*Case whether J. in h. essay & commentary has contravened 
the doctrines of the Church of Eng., w. opinion of Queen's 
Advocate [R. PhilUmore]. [PI 259]. 8». 1862 

Joyas (Las) del gay saber : rec. de poesies en langue romane, 
avec la tr. etc., par J. B. Noulet, sec Gatibn-Aenotjlt (A. F.) 
Mon. de la litt. romane, 2^ publ., 1849. 

Joyau (Emmanuel). Epicure. [Les grands philos.]. 8°. 1910 

Joyce (Patrick Weston). English as we speak it in Ireland. 

88°. 1910 
A reading book in Irish hist. s8°. 1900 

Jubilees, Booh of. Das Buch d. Jubilaen oder d. Kleine 
Genesis. Unter Beifugung d. rev. Textes d. in d.Ambrosiana 
aufgefundenen latein. Fragmente sowie e. v. A. Dillmann 
aus zwei athiop. Hss. gefertigten latein. tjbertr. erlautert 
u. hrsg. V. H. Ronsch. 8°. L. 1874 

Judah, Ben Balam [Jehtjda, Ben-Bil'arri], see Wiokes (W.) 
A treatise on the accentuation of the poet, books of the 0. 
Test., Psalms, etc. ; w. app. cent, the treatise, assigned to 
J. Ben-B., on the same subject, in orig. Arabic, 1881. 

Judah, ben Samuel, the Levite [YbhitdI Ha-Levi]. Cuzary, 
s. 12 ; tr. del arabe per Yehuda Abentibbon y del hebreo 
por R. Jacob Abendana. Publ. A. Bonilla y San Martin, 
con un apend. de M. Menendez y Pelayo, \w. Comentarios 
al Cuzary por J. Abendana]. s8". 1910 

Judd (John W.) Geology of Rutland, & parts of Lincoln, 
Leicester, Northampton, Huntingdon, & Cambridge, w. 
intr. essay, etc. App., w. tables of fossils, by R. Etheridge. 
[With bibliog. Memoirs of Geological Survey of Eng. & 
Wales]. 8°. 1875 

Jiidischdeutsche Volkslieder aus Galizien u. Russland ; 

V. G. H. Dalman, 1891, see Dalman (G. H.) 
Judith, Book of [see also Bible : Apockypha]. 

see Wolff (0.) Das Buch J., 1861. 
Jukes-Browne (Alfred Joseph). The building of the British 

Isles. 3rd ed., enl. 1911 

Julian, see also Giuliano. 
Julian, of Majano, see GitrLiANO, da M. 
Julianus, canonicus, see Jitlianus, Civitatensis. 
Julianus, Civitatensis [Juliahus, canonicus']. Chronica, 1252- 

1364, [hy J. alone, or hy J. & Joannes presbyter Civitat. 

together] ; a cura di G. Tambara ; [inch] Epitome, see 

Mtjkatoei (L. a.) Rer. Ital. scr., t24 xiv, 1906. 
Julien, domestique de M. de Chateaubriand. Itineraire de Paris 

a Jerusalem. Publ., avec intr. et notes par E. Champion. 

2e ed. 8". 1904 
Julien (Stanislas A.) Les Avadanas. Contes & apologues 

indiens ; suivis de fables, de poesies & de nouvelles ehinoises. 

[Extr. fr. Yu-Un compost par Youen-thai]. Tr. S. J. 

3t. sS". 1859 
Julius n, pope. Las 15 preguntas del papa J. a Gracia Dei 

sobre las excelencias de la reina Dona Isabel, [in verse], 

see Paz y MfeiA (A.) Opiisc. lit. de los siglos 14 a 16, 

Julius Speratus, see Spebatus (J.) 
Jung (Rudolph). Frankfurter CJhroniken u. annalist. Auf- 

zeichnungen d. Reformationszeit ; nebst e. Darstellung d. 

Frankfurter Belagerung v. 1552 ; bearb. v. R. J., see 

Grotefend (H.) Quellen /.. Frankfurter Gesch., B2, 

Junaueiro (Abilio Guerra), see Gitebea JimQTJBiRo (A.) 
Jusserand (Jules J.), see Lanqlanb (W.) The Piers Plowman 

controversy : Piers Plowman the work of one or of five, 

J.'s 1st reply to Prof. Manly — M's Answer — J.'s 2nd reply, 

etc., 1910. 
Justin, Martyr, Saint. The apologies of J. Ed. by A. W. F. 

Blunt. s8o. C. 1911 

Justinus, the Historian [Giustino]. G. historico nelle historie 

di Trogo Pompeo, trad. T. Porcacchi. s4°. Vinegia. 1561 

Juvenal. Satire. Tr. del F. Consolini. 

2^ ed. 8°. Faenza. 1885 
Juventinus (Albus Ovidius), see Lemairb (N. E.) Poetse Lat. 

minores, v7, 1826. 





v^l^ ^r"l-T,-I°"'*f° '^^ Esperanto. go. Paris. 1910 

KabiSCh (Richard). Das vierte Buck Esra auf s. Quellen 

untersuoht. [P1266]. 8°. Gottingen. 1889 

>?K Bin "*^' ^°g™^*il^- [Grundriss d. theolog. Wiss., 
„ . ' ir\^- ., , 8». Freiburg i. B. 1897 

Kaiserhche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Wien. Sitz- 

ungsbenchte. B162, 163, 8°. Wien. 1909-[10] 

Register zu BUl-150. 

8°. Wien. 1906 

Aptowitzer(V.) Die syr. Bechtsbuoheru. mosaisch-talmud. Recht., 1909. 

Bauer (A.) Beitrage zu Eusebios und d. byzantin. Chronograplien, 1909'. 

Bible : Coptic, see Schleifer (J.) "'' 

Bittner (M.) Studien zur Laut- u. Formenlelire der Mehri-Sprache in 
Sudarabien, 1, 1909. Mg2 1 

Euseblus, Pamphili, bp. of Cmmrea in Palestine, see Baur (A.) 
Feder (A. L.), S.J. Studien zu Hilarius v. Poitiers, 1 1901. [162] 

rreund (L.) Zur Gesch. d Eheguterrechtes bei d. Setniten, 1909. [162.1 
Geyer (R. Beitrage z. Diwan d. Ru'bali, 1910. [163.] 

Gottlieb (T.) Die Weissenburg^r Hss. in Wolfenbiittel, 1910 [16:! ] 

Hilary, Si., bp. of Poitiers, see Feder (A. L.), S.J. 

Hofmann (C. B.) Kenntnise d. klass. Vollf er v. d. physikal. Eigenschaften 
d. Wassers, 1909. [16.3.] 

Luscliin Ton Ehengreuth (A.) Der Denar d. Lex Salica, 1910. [le's] 

Ru'bah, see Geyer (R.) 

Schleifer (J.) Sahid. Bibel-Fragmente aus d, Brit. Museum, 1909. [162.] 

Schbnbaeh (A. E.) Studien z. Erzilhlnngslit. d. M.-a., 8, 1909. [163.] 

Sieveking(H.) Aus Genueser Rechnungs- u Steuerbiiohern, 1909. [162.] 

see ScHENKL (H.) BibKotheca patrum Latin. Britannioa, 


Kaiserlich-Koniglich Osterieichisches Archaologisches Institut, 
see NiEMAKN (G.) Der Palast Diokletians in Spalato, 1910. 

KaiseTlich-Russische Geographische Gesellschaft, see Iimpeba- 

EalS (Gerrit). Geachiedenis d. Nederlandsohe letterkunde. 

d6. 8°. Groningen. 1910 

Kalidasa. The Megha Diita ; or Cloud messenger. Tr., w. 

notes etc., by H. H. Wilson. [P1260]. 80. Calcutta. 1814 

Ealischei (Alfred Christlieb). Beethoven u. Wien. Aus d. 

Nachlass hrsg. u. erganzt v. L. Hirschberg. [B. u. s. Zeit- 

genossen, 4]. 8». [1910?] 

Beethovens Frauenkreis. [B. u. s. Zeitgenossen, 3]. T2. 

Aus d. Nachlass hrsg. u. erganzt v. L. Hirschberg. 

8°. [1910] 

Ealkofi (Paul). Briefe, Depeschen u. Berichte uber Luther t. 

Wormser Reichstage 1521. Aus d. Engl., Itahen. u. Span. 

fibers, u. erlaut. v. P. K. [Vereiu f. Reformationsgesch., 

Schr.]. 8°. Halle. 1898 

Eallash (V. V.) Cjobi pycCKofl -iHTepaTypu, see Tolstoy (c. L. N.) 

-I. II. T., 1910. 
Eallmeyer (Richard). C. Borner in s. Bedeutung fur d. 
Reformation u. fur d. Leipziger Universitat. 8". Zittau. 1909 
Kalpa Sutra. Manava-Kalpa-Siitra, see Manu. 
Eammavacha, see PlLi-Buddhismus in tjbers. ; Texte aus d. 
K., etc., fibers, nebst Erlauterungen v. K. Seidenstficker, 
Kampf (Saul Isaac), see Moabite Stone. Die Inschrift auf d. 
Denkmal Mesa's ; mit e. Anhang betreffend d. Grabschrift 
d. sid. Konigs Esohmunazar ; fibers, etc. v. K., 1870. 
Kane (Sir Robert). Discorso inaug. per F apertura del CoUegio 
d. Regina in Cork, etc., 7 Nov., 1849. [Tr. by B. Angeli]. 

[P1238]. 8". Dobblino. 1849 
see Angeli (B.) Answers to 31 alleged errors in the Ital. 
transl. of Sir R. K.'s Inaug. address, deUv. 1849, 1856. 

„ Comments on list of errors in transl. of Sir R. K.'s 

Address, etc., n.d. 
Kant (Immanuel). tjber Padagogik. Mit Einltg. u. Anm. 
versehen von Prof. Dr. 0. Willmann. 8°. L. n.d. 

see Cohen (H.) K.'s Begrundung d. Ethik, 2^ A., 1910. 
Karadschitsch (Vuk. Steph.), see Kabaji6 (V. S.) 
Karajic (Vuk Stefanovid) [Kabadschitsoh (V. S.)]. Lexicon 

ed. 3'" (publica), emendata et aucta. Ia8<>. Belgradi. 1898 
Has 2nd tp. : CpncKH pjeiHHK &c. 

Karamsin (Nikolai Mikhailovich) [Kaeamzin], see DYtrNKm 

(N. I.) & NoviKOv (A. I.) K., n.d. 
Karpov(GennadyTheodorovich). DaMaiBHHB ^anjoMaT. cHoraeaia 

4peB8ea PocciH ci /lepaiaBaMH BBOCTpaHBUMH, [t7], see Impera- 

TOESKOE Rtjssk. Ist. Oesch. Sbornik. 
Kastenfrage. Die Stellung d. evangel. -luth. Missionare in 

Ostindien z. K. u. insbes. zu d. " Entscheid," 1850-60. 

Aus d. Akten etc. hrsg. v. d. Comite d. evangel. -luther. 

Vereins " fur Mission ohne Kaste." 

[P1257]. 8°. Dresden. 1865 
Kaubnann (Carl Maria), of Frankfurt a. M. Die Menasstadt 

u. d. Nationalheiligtum d. altchristl. Aegypter in d. 

Westalexandrin. Wuste. Ausgrabungen d. Frankfurter 

Bxped. am Karm Abu Mina, 1905-7. Bl, mit 613 Abbil- 

dungen, etc. 4°. L. 1910 

Kaufmann (Moritz). Socialism & mod. thought. 

2nd ed., rev. & enl. s8". [1906] 
Kautsky (Carl). The class struggle (Erfurt Program). Tr. 

W. E. Bohn. s8<'. Chicago. 1910 

Kautzsch (Carl). Das sogenannte Volksbuch v. Hiob u. d. 

Ursprung v. Hiob Cap. I, II, XLII, 7-17. 

8°. Tubingen. 1900 
Kautzsch (Emil Fr). Die bleibende Bedeutung d. Alten 

Testaments. 2^ A. [P1266]. 8°. Tubingen. 1903 

Grammatik d. Bibl. - Aramaischen. Mit e. Erorterung d. 

arama. Worter im Neuen Test. 8". L. 1884 

Mitteilung fiber e. alte Hs. d. Targum Onkelos (Cod. Socini 

No. 84). Halle'sches Osterprogramm. 

[P1271, 1299]. 4". Halle. 1893 
Uber d. Derivate d. Stammes pnx. [Einladung z. akad. 

Feier. P1271]. 4°. Tubingen. 1881 
& A. Socin. Die Genesis mit ausserer Unterscheidung d. 

Quellenschriften. tJbers. v. K. u. S. 

[P1245]. 8°. Freiburg i. B. 1888 
Die Genesis mit ausserer Unterscheidung d. Quellenschriften. 

Ubers V. K. u. S. 2^A. [P1245]. 8°. Freiburg i. B. 1891 

Kawaguchi (Ekai), Shramana. Three years in Tibet. 

8°. Adyar. 1909 
Kayser (August). Theologie d. Alten Test., see Makti (C.) 

Gesch. d. israeht. Relig., 3^ A. v. K.'s Theologie etc., 1897. 
Kay-Shuttleworth {Hon. Nina L.) A life of Sir W. Parish, 

1796-1882. la8o. 1910 

Keach (Benjamin). Progress of sin. s8°. Berwick, n.d. 

Kearton (Richard). Nature pictures ; reprod. f. photographs 

by B. & C. Kearton, w. desoript. text by R. K. [vl]. 4°. 1910 
Keary (Charles Francis). The pursuit of reason. 8". C. 1910 
Keatinge (Maurice Walter). Studies in the teaching of history. 

8°. 1910 
Keats (John). Poemes et poesies. Tr. prec. d'une et. par P. 

Gallimard. s8». 1910 

see Geaham (W.) Last links w. Byron, Shelley, & K., 1898. 

,, WoLEE (L.) An essay on K.'s treatment of the heroic 
rhythm & blank verse, 1909. 
Keble (John). The Christian year. s8°. n.d. 

Keeling (Frederic). The labour exchange in rel. to boy & girl 

labour. [P1285]. 8°. 1910 

Kebr (Paul Fridolin). Regesta Pontificum Romanorum. 

Jubente Reg. Soc. Gottingensi congessit P. F. K. Italia 

Pontifioia, v2-4. Ia8". Berohni. 1907-9 

2, Latium. 3, Etruria. 4, Umbria Picenum Marsia. 
Kehrli (H.), see Canzonibbe provenzale H ; [ed. L. Gauchat & 

H. K.], 1891. 
Keiper (Philipp). Die neuentdeokten Inschritten fiber Cyrus. 

Programm. [P1265]. 8". Zweibrucken. 1882 

Keith (Field-Marshal James), see Vaenhagbn v. Ense 

(C. A. L. P.) Biogr. Denkmale, T7, J. K., etc., 1873. 
Kells, Book of. Celtic ornaments f. the B. of K., [a Latin MS. 

of the Gospels. Pref. by T. K. Abbott]. 4". D. 1895 

see Westwood (J. 0.) The Book of Kells, 1887. 
Kelly (Miss Myra). Little aliens. s8". 1910 




Kelsiev(VasilyIvanovich),«ecHEKZEN(A.) CfiopoHKi nocMepiBuxi 

CTareB, 1904. 
Kelvin (William Thomson, baron), 
see King {Mrs E.) Lord K.'s early home, 1909. 

„ Thompson (S. P.). Life of W. T., 2v, 1910. 
Kelynack (Theo. N.) Medical examination of schools & 

scholars. [Essays by var. authors']. Ed. T. N. K. Intr. 

by Sir Lauder Brunton. 8°. 1910 

Kempe (Margery), see Riohabd, de St. Victor. The cell of 

self-knowledge : A short treatise of contemplation, taken 

out of Book of M. K., etc., 1910. 
Kempis (Thomas a), see Storb (R. ) Concordance to Latin orig. 

of De Imitatione Christi, 1910. 
Ken (Thomas), bp. of Bath & Wells, see Sancboft (W.) The 

proceedings & tryal in case of abp. of Canterbury, bp. of 

Bath & Wells, etc., 1688, 1739. 
Kennedy (J. M.) The religions & philosophies of the East. 

sS". [1910] 

Kennedy (James), B.D. Introd. to Bibhcal Hebrew. 8». 1889 

Studies in Hebrew synonyms. 8°. 1898 

Kent (Charles Foster). The kings & prophets of Israel & 

Judah, f. division of the Kingdom to the Babylonian exile. 

[Hist. Bible]. s8». 1909 

The sermons, epistles & apocalypses of Israel's prophets f. 

beginning of Assyrian period to end of Macoabean struggle. 

8°. 1910 
Ker (Annie). Papuan fairy tales. 8". 1910 

Ker (William Faton). Browning, see English Assoc. Essays 

& studies ; coll. A. C. Bradley, 1910. 
On hist, of ballads, 1100-1500. [From Proceedings of Brit. 

Acad., v4]. 8". [1910] 

Romance. [Eng. Assoc, Leaflet, 10]. [P1290]. 8°. 1909 

Kerameus (A. Papadopulos), see Papadopulos-Kerambtjs 

Kerkwijk (A. 0. van), see Hague (The) Choix de monnaies 

etc. du Cabinet Royal de La H. ; decrites par H. J. de 

Dompierre de Chaufepie & A. 0. van K., 1910. 
Kerlei (Dietrich Heiniich). Bie Patronate d. Heiligen. Ein 

alphabet. Nachschlagebuch fur Kirchen-, Kultur- u. Kunst- 

historiker, etc. s8°. Ulm. 1905 

Kern (J. Hendrik C.) Wissensehaftl. Jahresbericht uber d. 

morganland. Studien, 1881, v. H. K.,etc., 1885, see Deutsche 


Kern (Otto). Die Herkunft d. orph. Hymnenbuchs, see 

R0BEaT(C.) C. R. : Genethliakon, 1910. 
Keruahan (Mrs Goulson). The mystery of Magdalen. 

8°. [1906] 
Kerr (John), LL.D., inspector of schools in Scotland. Scottish 

education, school & university, to 1908. 8°. C. 1910 

Kersaint (Claire de), aft. duchesse de Duras, see Dukas (C. L. R., 

duchesse de). 
Kersten (Otto), see Dbcken {Baron C. C. v. d.) Reisen in 

Ost-Afrika, Bl, 2, [bearbt. v. 0. K., 1869-71. 
Keutgen (Friedrich). Untersuohungen uber d. XJrsprung d. 

deut. Stadtverfassung. 8°. L. 1895 

Key (Ellen). Drei Frauensohicksale : [Sonja Kovalevska — 

Anne C. LefBer, Duchessa di Cajanello — V. Benedictson 

(E. Ahlgren). Ubertr. v. M. Franzos]. s8». 1908 

Keyserling ift^af Hermann v.) Prolegomena zur Natur- 

philosophie. _ 8°. Miinchen. 1910 

Khan Bahddur Ahmad Din Khan, see Ahmad Din Khan, Khan 

Khitay Nameh, see 'Ali Akbab, Saiyid. 
Khu-en-Aten, king of Egypt, see Akhnaton. 
liepert (Adolf). B. v. Bennigsen : Riickblick auf d. Leben 

e. Parlamentariers. 2^ verm. A. 8°. Hannover. 1903 

Kierkegaard (Seiren A.), see Babthold (A.) Zur theolog. 

Bedeutung K., 1880. 
Kilkhampton. *The Abbey of K., 2p, 1780, see Ceoet 

{Sir H.) 
Killamey. * Guide to K. & GlengarifE. 

n. ed., rev. & corr. sS". D. 1835 
Killen (William D.) The Hfe & doctrine of St. Patrick. 

[P1261]. 380. Dublin. 1874 
Kimchi (David), see David, ben Joseph Kimchi. 
King. *K. William & Queen Mary conquerors, 1693, see 

Blount (C). 
*The true chronicle hist, of King Leir [variously attr. to Kyd, 

Lodge, Marlowe, Greene & Peele]. 1605. [Tudor Facs. 

Texts ; J. S. Farmer]. 4°. Issued for subscribers. 1910 

King (Charles), Chamber Keeper to the Treasury. British 

merchant : coll. of papers rel. to trade & commerce of Gt. 

Brit. & Ireland. First publ. by C. K., f. origs. of Sir T. 

Janssen, etc. 3v. 2nd ed. 8°. 1743 

King (Charles T.). The Asquith Parliament (1906-1909). 

sS". 1910 
King (Charles T.), publisher. Hand-map of the New Forest. 

sS". 1897 
King (Mrs Elizabeth). Lord Kelvin's early home. Recoil. 

"of his sister Mrs E. King ; w. family letters & a chap, by the 

ed. E. T. King. ' 8°. 1909 

King (Miss Elizabeth Thomson), see King (Mrs E.) Lord 

Kelvin's early home ; w. chap, by the ed. E. T. K., 1909. 
King (Henry Churchill). The ethics of Jesus. [W. B. Noble 

Lect., 1909] S8''. N.Y. 1910 

King (James), vicar of St. Mary's, Berwick-upon-Tweed. 

Hist, of Jedburgh Abbey. [P1305]. sS". Jedburgh. 1910 

King (Leonard William). [A hist, of Babylonia & Assyria. 

vl]. Hist, of Sumer & Akkad. An ace. of the early races of 

Babylonia to the foundation of the Babylonian monarchy. 

laSo. 1910 
King (Peter King, 1st baron). Notes of domestic & foreign 

affairs, dur. r. of George I & George II. [ Only half-title ; 

extr. f. King (P. K., tth baron). Life etc. of Locke, v2, 1830, 

etc. {(j^.v. for other copies)]. 8°. [c. 1830] 

Kingis (The) quair, var. ed., see James I, k. of Scot. 
Kingscote (Mrs. Howard). The one moment. s8°. [1909] 

Kingsland (William). Scientific idealism, or matter & force 

& their rel. to life cfc consciousness. 8°. 1909 

Kingsley (Charles). '"Speech of Lord Dundreary on hippo- 
campus question. [P1238]. s8°. 0. 1862 
Kingsley (JfcTws Mary H.), see AebicanSoc. Journal; founded 

in mem. of M. K., in prog. 
Kingsley (Rose (J.) In the Rhone country. 8°. 1910 

Kingston (William Henry Giles). Fred Markham in Russia. 

s8". n.d. 
Kinkeldey (Otto). Orgel u. Klavier in d. Musik d. 16. Jhdts. 

8". L. 1910 
Kinnaird (Arthur Fitzgerald Kinnaird, 10th baron). Bengal, 

its landed tenure & police system : speech, H. of C, June 11, 

1857. [P1257]. 8°. 1857 

Kipling (Rndyard). Rewards & fairies. s8°. 1910 

The seven seas. 15th ed. s8°. [1909] 

Kirby (William Forsell), see Bbitish Museum : Zoology. 

Synonymic cat. of Orthoptera, by W. F. K., v3, 1910. 
Kircher (Carl). Die sakrale Bedeutung des Weines im Alter- 

tum. [Religionsgeschichtl. Versuche etc. ; hrsg R. Wiinsch 

u. L. Deubner, B9 ii]. 8°. Giessen. 1910 

Kirohheim (Raphael). Die neue Exegetensohule. Eine krit. 

Dornenlese aus Hirsch's t)bers. u. Erklarung d. Genesis. 

[P1262]. 8°. Breslau. 1867 
Kireef (gen. Aleksandr). Le gen. A. K. et I'Ancien-cathoh- 

cisme. [Recueil de ses articles etc., ed.] Mme. 0. Novikoff. 

8°. Berne. 1911 
Kirk (R. E. G.), see Essex. Feet of fines for E., vl ; ed. K., 

Kirke (Henry), M.A., B.C.L., Oxon. The first Enghsh con- 
quest of Canada ; w. ace. of earliest settlements in Nova 

Scotia & Newfoundland. 2nd ed., enl. s8''. 1908 

Kirkpatrick (Alex. Francis). The divine lib. of the 0. Test. ; 

its origin, etc. [repr.]. s8°. 1892 

Kirkpatrick (Edward) [gen. Kibkpatbiok de Closebubn]. 

Souvenirs de la derniere guerre carUste, 1872-6. 8°. [1909] 
Kirsch (Johann Peter). The doctrine of the communion of 

saints in anc. Church. Study in hist, of dogma. Tr., [w. 

intr.] by J. R. M'Kee. s8o. E. [1910] 

Kirste (Johann). Die Bedeutung d. oriental. Philologie. Eine 

Antritts-Vorlesung, Univ. Graz. [P1246]. 8°. Wien. 1892 

Kisfaludy-Tdrsas&g Shakespeare-Bizottsdga, see Magyab 

Shakbspeabe-Tae., in prog., 1908, etc. 
Kittel (Rudolph). Der Babel-Bibel-Streit u. d. Offenbarungs- 

frage. [P1242]. sS". L. 1903 

Gesch. d. Volkes Israel. B2, Das Volk in Kanaan. Quellen- 

kunde u. Gesch. d. Zeit bis z. babylon. Exil. 

2S voUst. neubearbeit. A. 8°. Gotha. 1909 
The scientific study of the Old Test., its principal results, & 

their bearing upon relig. instruction. Tr. J. C. Hughes. 

s8». 1910 
Kitts (Eustace J.) Pope John XXIII & Master John Hus of 

Bohemia. 8°. 1910 


^Sf ^^^J'i) . ^'^ Babel-Hie Bibel ! Anm. zu d. 
KlSh«^»f i ^.°'''l;^ ^^- 2- ^- B- [P1242]. s8o. 1903 

Kleibomer (Georg). Emanuel Geibel : s. Leben u. SchafEen. 

Wloin /D.,j„n^ * /^, , 8». Gotha. 1910 

Klein (Rudolf). A. Oberlander. [Internat. Art Series]. 

l^o-°mr^.r^°'\- [i-"--^- A. Oberlander]. fo'. Jglo 

Klem (WUhelm). Praxiteles. lago l 1898 

Klemclausz (Arthur). Histoire de Bourgogne. 'so. 1909 

Kleine Texte fur theolog. u. philolog^ Vorlesungen u. 
Ubungeu. Hrsg. v. H. Lietzmann. 

[T]41-43, 47-56, 58, 59. s8». Bonn. 1909-10 

h?sg. v^H. R*""""^" ^- ««^<=''- >»■ Bauernkrieges u. d. Wiedertilufer ; 

'^'^v.^K D. ^°'"P«'*"'3''>>« W-andineohriften u. Verwaudtes^msgewlhit 

^"afber^S^d^M.^^^* "• S°i"- IfOstung u. Von d, edlen Menaihen 
CLiber benediotus), hrsg. v. P. Strauch. rss i 

Leitzmanu (A.) Kleinere geistl. Gediohte d. 12. Jhdts., hrsg. v. A. L. 

Chr ; ra t Kaiseriiste etc. ; beai-bt. v. W. L. [41-43 in In.l 

I-ietzmann (H.) Latein. altkirchl. Poesie ; auagewahlt v. H. L. 

*^*?h^?.^ ?i"''''S'*,'i*'"- Kirchenpoesie, [T]l, Anonjme Hymuen'd.T'e 

liiiULS.; ea, V. ir. JVl. [52—53 in Id 1 

Mishnah. Der Misnatraktat Berakhoth, niit Bemerkungen v. W.' Stark! 

Stark (W.) Altjud. liturg. Gebete, ausgewahlt u. mit Blnlfcg. hrsg. v. 

^ . " [38.] 

Klemere mittelhoohdeut. Erzahlungen, Pabeln u. Lehrgediohte, 
Bl-3, 1904-9, see Mittelhochdetjtsohe. 

Kleinert (Paul). Luther im Verhaltniss z. Wissenschaft u. i. 

Lehre. Rede, Berlin. [P1270]. 4". 1883 

Die Profeten Israels in sozialer Beziehung. 8°. L. 1905 

Ktostermann (August). Die Gottesfurcht als Hauptstuck d. 
Weisheit. Rede. [P1249]. 8°. Kiel. 1885 

Uber deutsche Art bei Martin Luther. Ein Vortrag. 

^ [P1246]. 8°. Kiel. 1884 

Kluckhohn (August), see Prkderick III, Elector Palatine. 
Brief e F. des Frommen, gesammelt u. bearb. v. A. K., 2B, 

Huge (Theodor). Die Lykier ; i. Gesch. u. i. Inschriften, see 
Alte (Der) Orient ; Jhrg. 11, 1910. 

Kneucker (J. J.) Das Buoh Baruch. Gesoh. u. Kritik, tJbers. 
u. Erklarung auf Grund d. hebra. Urtextes. Mit e. 
Anhang ii. d. pseudepigraph. Baruch. 8°. L. 1879 

Knight (Joseph). D. Garriok. [large paper ed.]. Ia8°. 1894 

Knipping (Richard). Niederrhein. Arohivalien in d. National- 
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& T. ngen. Die neuen Dienstgebaude d. Staatsarchive 

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[Ed. H. K.]. Dalas a luz la Soc. de Bibliofilos Espanoles. 

8°. 1878 

Florea de fllosofla, siglo 13. 

De vn cauallero Pl^cidas que fud despuea cristiano 6 ouo nonbre Eustacio, 

[siglo 14J. 
Estoria del ilrey Guillelme, [siglo 14], 
Castigos y dotrinas que vn sabio daua a sus hijas, siglo 15. 
Chrbnica del Rey Don Guillermo, Key de Ynglaterra etc., y de la Reyna 

Dofia Beta, 8U mujer, siglo 16. 

Knuttel (Willem Pieter Cornelis). Acta d. partic. Synoden van 
Zuid-HoUand, 1621-1700. Uitg. d. W. K. D3, 1646-56. 
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Kobbing (Georg) [G. Kobbinck]. Merkwiird. Hexen-Process 
gegen G. K. z. Coesfeld, 1632 ; mit e. Vorrede begleitet v. 
J. Niesert. s8». Coesfeld. 1827 

Koch (Christophe Guillaume de). *Tables g6n6alog. des 
maisons souveraines de I'Europe. 4°. Strasbourg. 1782 

Koch (Edward H. A.) Leaves f. the diary of a literary ama- 
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Koch (Hugo), professor at Braunsberg, b. 1869. Cyprian u. d. 

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[Texte u. Unters. z. Gesch. d. altchr. Lit., 35 i]. 8". L. 1910 

Koch-Griinberg (Theodor). Zwei Jahre unter d. Indianern. 

Reisen in Nordwest-Brasilien, 1903-5. 2B. la8o. 1909-10 

Koechlm (Raymond). Un rotable frangais du 14« s., Mus^e de 

Berlin, see Aoad. des Insor. bto. : Fond. Piot. Mon^. etc., 

tl6, 1909. 

Les retables franj. en ivoire du comm. du 14^ siScle, see Aoad. 

DES Inscr. etc. : Fond. Piot. Mons. etc., tl3, 1906. 

Kogler (Hans). Erganzungen z. Holzschnittwerk d. H. u. 

A. Holbein, see Jahrbtjch d. Konigl. Pbbtjss. Ktjnstsamm- 

LTJNQEN, B28, Bhft., 1907. 

Kohlbrugge (I. H. F.) Die Gehirnfurchen malay. Volker 

verglichen mit denen d. Australier u. Europaer. Ein 

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Verhandelingen, sect. 2, dl5 i]. la8o. A. 1909 

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Abdruck aus d. " Neuen kirchl. Zeitschrift," 1890. P1265]. 

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Kohler (August), professor at Erlangen <fc Bonn. Lehrbuch d. 
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2 Halfte [in 3v ; H2, Tl, 2]. 8". Erlangen. 1875-93 
tjber d. Grundanschauungen d. Buches Koheleth. Rede. 

[P1270]. 40. Erlangen. 1885 
Kohler (Josef). Zur Lehre v. d. Blutrache. 

[P1284]. 8°. Wiirzburg. 1885 
Kohler (Rudolf). Das Christenthum innerhalb d. Armee nach 
s. Bedeutung fiir d. Volksleben. 

[P1249]. 8°. Heilbronn. 1880 

Kohlschiitter (Ernst Volkmar). EureTraurigkeitsoUinFreunde 

verkehret werden : Predigt. [P1249]. 8". Dresden. 1881 

Wann werden wir Ruhe haben mitten in der Unruhe der 

Zeit ? Predigt. [P1249]. 8°. Dresden. 1880 

Womit soil ioh vor den Herrn treten ? Predigt. 

[P1249]. 8°. Dresden. 1878 
Kohn (Samuel). De Pentateucho Samaritano, ejusque cum 
versionibus antiquis nexu. Diss., Univ. Viadrina. 

[P1263]. 8°. L. 1865 

Samaritan. Studien. Beitrage z. Samaritan. Pentateuch- 

tJbers. u. Lexicographic. [P1263]. 8°. Breslau. 1868 

Kohut (Alexander). Semitic studies in memory of Rev. Dr. 

A. K. Ed. by G. A. Kohut. 8°. BerUn. 1897 

Ubei d. jud. Angelologie u. Damonologie in i. Abhangigkeit 

V. Parsismus. [Deutsche Morgenland. Gesellschaft, Abhdlgn., 

4 iii. P1251]. 8". L. 1866 

Kohut (George Alex.), see Kohttt (A. ) Semitic studies in mem. 

of A. K. ; ed. G. A. K., 1897. 
Kolde (Theodor). Luthers Selbstmord. Eine Geschichtsliige 
P. Majunkes beleuchtet v. T. N. 

3« verb. u. verm. A. [P1248]. 8°. Erlangen. 1890 

Noch einmal Luthers Selbstmord. Erwiderung auf Majunkes 

neu. Schrift. [P1248]. 8°. Erlangen. 1890 

Kolmar, see Colmar. 

Kolner (Die) Konigschronik ; libers. v. K. Platner, 2« A., 

1896, see Godefridus, mon. S. Pantal. Colon. 
Kommission Hir Neuere Gesch. Osterreichs. Veroffentlich- 
ungen. [B3]. laS". Innsbruck. 1907 

see Pribram (A. P.) Osterreich. Staatsvertrage : England, 
Bl, 1526-1748, 1907. [3.] 

Kondakov (Nikolai Pavlovich). MaKeAOHla, apxeoj. DyieinecTBie. 
H3A- Hwd. AKa4. HayKi. la8o. C.-H. 1909 

see Tolstoy (count Ivan I.) & N. P. K. PyccKin jpeBeocTH, 
etc., tl, 3, 5, 1889-97. 
Kbnig (Friedrich Eduard). Alttestamentl. Kritik u. Christen- 
glaube. [Extr. f. Neue Jahrb. f. Theol. P1245]. 

8°. Bonn. 1893 
Babyloniens Kulturu. d. Weltgeschiohte. [P1242]. sS". [1902] 
Bibel u. Babel : e. kulturgeschichtl. Skizze. 

4e A. [P1242]. s8°. 1902 
Falsche Extreme in d. neu. Kritik d. Alten Test. 

[P1270]. 4°. L. 1885 

Die Hauptprobleme d. altisraelit. Religionsgesch. gegeniiber 

d. Entwickelungstheoretikern. 8°. L. 1884 

Hebraisches u. arama. Worterbuch z. Alten Test. u. e. dentsch- 

hebra. Wortregister. Ia8°. L. 1910 

Der OffenbarungsbegrifE d. Alten Testamentes. 

2B in 1. 8°. L. 1882 
Die Originalitat d. neulich entdeckten hebra. Sirachtextes. 

[P12661. 8". Freiburg, i. B. 1899 




Eonig (Georg Matthias). Bibl. vetus et nova in qua Hebr., 
Chald., Syr., Arab, Pers., ^gypt., Grssc. & Lat. Sorip- 
torum, etc. patria, aetas, nomina, libri recensentur & 
exhibentur a G. M. K. 4P. Altdorfi. 1678 

Eonigliche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Miinchen, see 
Chroniken (Die) d. deut. Stadte v. 14 bis ins 16 Jhdt. ; 
hrsg. durch d. hiator. Comm. bei d. K. A. d. W., B30, 1910. 
Mathemat.-physikal. Classe. Sitzungsberichte, 1909. 

8°. Miinchen. 1910 
Behrmann (W.) Zur Kritik d. flachentreueii Projektionen A. ganzen 

Erde u. e. Halbkugel. [1909.] 

Berwald (L.) Vereinfachte Herleitung unharmon. trigonometr. Ueihen. 

Burkliardt (H.) Zur Theorle d. trigonometr. aeihen u, d. Entwioklungen 

iiach Kugelfunktiunen. [1909.] 

Burmester (L. E. H.) Dioptr. Erscheinungen bei einaugigem Sehen u. 

besohranktem Sehfeld. [1909.] 

Dumas (G.) Eleraentare Herleitung d. Weierstrass'schen *'Vorberei- 

tungssatzes.y [1909.] 

Dyck (W. V.) Uberd. singul. Stellen e. Systems v. Differentialgleichungen 

erster Ordnung. [1909.] 

Egger (J. G.) Foraminiferen d. Seewener Kreideschichten [1909.] 

Guiither(S.) Uutersuchungen Ub. Wackelsteine u.damitzusammenhang. 

Denudationserscheinungen . [1909.] 

Hartogs (F.) tjber d. elementare Herleitung d. Weieratrass'sclien 

" Vorbereitungssatzes." [1909.] 

Lagally (41.) Geodat. Netze auf Botationsfliiclien. [1909.] 

LUroth (J.) Eine Bemerkung zum Michelson. Versuch. [1909.] 

Lutz (C. W.) Eine neue Form d. Ebert Aspirationa-Apparates. [1909.] 
Messerschmitt (J. B.) Uegistrierungen einiger stideuropa. Erdbeben 

anf d. Mlinchener Erdbebenstation. [1909.] 

Schuster (J ) Ein. Beitrag zur Pithecanthropus-Frage. [1909.] 

Seeliger (H. v.) tJber d. Anwendung d. Naturgesetze auf d. Universum. 

Sommerleld (A.) Uber d. Ausbreitung d. Wellen in d. drabtlosen 

Telegraphic. [1909.] 

"Vogel (E.) Tiber d. Temperaturveranderungen v. Luft beim Strbmen 

durch e DipsselstnUe. [1909.] 

Voss (A. E. ) Uber Kurvenpaare im Raume. [1909.] 

Wien (W.) Uber positive Strahlen. [1909.] 

Philos.-philolog. u. hist. Classe. Sitzungsberichte, 1909 (in 9 
Abhdign.) 8». Miinchen. 1910 

Coeur (J.), see Prutz (H. G.) 
Euripides, sre Weeklein (N.) 
Frederick I, see Simonsfeld (H.) 
Gotzkircher (S.), see Lehmann (P.) 
lehmanii (P.) Haushaltungsanfzeichnungen e. JMiinchener Arztes aus 

d. iV. Jhdt. [S. Gotzkircher]. [1909.] 

Maxiraus, Tyrius, see Meiser (C.) 

Meiser(C.) Studien zu iVIaximos Tyrios. [1909.] 

Prutz (H. G.) Krit. Studien. z. Gesch. .1. Creura. [1909.] 

iliezler (S.) Die bayer. u. schwab. Ortsnamen auf -ing u. -ingen ala 

liistor. Zeugniase. [1909.] 

Simonsfeld (H.) Urkunden Priedrich Kotbarta in Italien, Folge 5. [1909.] 

Zur Gesch. Frifdrich Eotbarta. [1909.] 

Vollmer(F.) Leamigeii u. Deutungen. [1909.] 

Weeklein (N.) Uber d. dramat. Behandlung d. Telephoamythus u. iib. d. 

l)r,amen 'Oo-T-oAoyot, Ki/Bipoi, SuVSeiiri/oi. [1909,] 
Uber d. Hypsipyle d. Enripides. [1909.] 

Eonigliche Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat, [Berlin], see Lieb- 

MA?,-N (0.) Jurist. Fakultat d. UniT. B., 1910. 
EonigUches Museum, [Berlin], 
see VoOB (W.) Die deut. Bildwerke etc. ; bearbt. v. W. V., 


„ WuLFF (0.) Altchristl. u. mittelalterl. byzantin. u. ital. 

Bildwerke ; bearbt. v. 0. W., Tl, 1909. 

Eoniglich-Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. 

Abhandlungen. 1909, in 2v. 4°. 1909 

Cohn (M ) Arbor iuris des friiheren M.-a. mit eigenartiger Komputation. 

[1909(Phil.-hist. Clasae).] 
Conrat (51.), see Cobn(M.). 
Jacobsohu (L.) Uber d. lierne d. menschl. Hirnstarams. 

[1909 (Phys.-math. Classe).] 
Jaco)istlial (P.), see Wilamowitz-lVIbllendorff (U. v.) 

Korn (A.) Uber Minimalflachen, deren Raiidkurven wenig v. ebenen 
Kurven abweichen. [1909 (Phys.-math. Classe).] 

Loofs (F.) Das Glaubenabekenntnia d. Homonaianer v. Sardica. 

[1909 (Phil.-hist. Clasae).] 
Meyer (B.) Gediichtniarede auf E. Schrader. [1909 (Phil -hist. Claase).] 
PischeUE,,), see Schulze (W.) 
Schrader (E.), see Meyer (E.) 

Schulze (W.) Gediichtuisrede auf R. Pischel. [1909 (Phil.-hist. Classe).] 
Seuffert (B.) Prolegomena zu einer Wieland-Ausgabe, 6. 

[1909 (Phil.-hist. Classe).] 
Waldeyer(W.) Der Processusretromastoideus. [1909 (Phy. -math. Clasae).] 
Wielaud (C. iJ.), see Seuffert (B.) 

Wilamowitz-Mbllendorff (U. v.) Nordion. Steine: mit Beitr. v. P. 
Jacoljstlial ; hrsg. v. U. v. W.-M. [1909 (Phil.-hist. Classe).] 

Eoniglich-Preussische Akademie dei Wissenschaften zu Berlin. 

Deutsche Texte d. M.-a. ; hrsg. v. d. K. P. Akad. d. Wiss. 

Bl-18, 21. 8°. 1904^10 

see Alexander, the Great. Der Grosse A. ; hrsg. v. G. Guth, 

1908. [13.] 

„ Bible : Joe. Die mitteldeutsche poet. Paraphrase des 

Buches Hiob ; hrsg. v. T. E. Karsten, 1910. [21.] 

Eoniglich-Pieussische Akademie [continued]. 

Deutsche Texte d. M.-a. [cont.]. 

see FoLZ (H.) Die Meisterlieder d. H. F. ; hrsg. v. A. L. 

Mayer, 1908. [12.] 

„ Fkiedrich, v. Schwaben, hero of romance. P. v. S. ; hrsg. 

V. M. H. Jellinek, 1904. [1.] 

„ GuNDAOKEK, V. Judeniwg. Christi Hort ; hrsg. v. 

J. Jaksche, 1910. ■ [18.] 

„ Heilige (Die) Regel fiir e. vollkommenes Leben, e. 

Cisterzienserarbeit d. 13. Jhdts. ; hrsg. v. R. Priebsch, 

1909. [16.] 

„ Heinrioh, v. Neustadt. H. v. N. " ApoUonius v. Tyr- 

land," " Gottes Zukunft " u. " Visio Philiberti " ; 

hrsg. V. S. Singer, 1906. [7.] 

„ Heslbr (H. V.) Die Apokalypse H. ; hrsg. v. K. Helm, 

1907. [8.] 

„ JoHANN, V. Wurzburg. Wilhelm v. Osterreich ; hrsg. v. 

E. Regel, 1906. [3.] 

„ LiLiE (Die), e. mitteltrank. Dichtung in Reimprosa, u. a. 

geistl. Gediohte ; hrsg. v. P. Wiist, 1909. [15.] 

„ MiTTELHOCHDEiTTSOHB. Kleinere m. Erzahlungen, 

Fabeln u. Lehrgedichte, Bl-3, [hrsg. v. A. Leitzmann, 

etc.], 1904-9. [4, 14, 17.] 

„ RuDOLE, V. Ems. Willehalm v. Orlens ; hrsg. v. V. 

Junk, 1905. [2.] 

,, Sankt Georgbn, abbey. Black Forest. Der sogenannte 

St. Georgener Prediger : [coll. of sermons, probably 

byBertholdv.Begensburg]; hrsg. v. K. Rieder, 1908. [10.] 
,, Staqbl (E.) Das Leben d. Schwestern zu Toss; samt 

d. Vorrede v. J. Meier u. d. Leben d. Prinzessin Elisabet 

V. XJngarn ; hrsg. v. F. Vetter, 1906. [6.] 

„ Tatilbr (J.) Die Predigten T. ; hrsg. v. F. Vetter, 1910. 

„ TiLO, V. Cvlm. Gedioht Von siben Ingesigeln ; hrsg. v. 

K. KochendorfEer, 1907. [9.] 

„ VoLKS- u. GeseUschaftslieder d. 15 u. 16 Jhdts., Bl, 

hrsg. V. A. Kopp, 1905. [5.] 

Eoniglich-Preussische Archivverwaltung. Mittheilungen. 

Heft 3-16. 8°. L. 1900-10 

Bestimmungen aus den Gesohaftsbereich d. K. Preuss. 

Archivverwaltung. [Mitt., HIO]. 8°. L. 1908 

see AirsFBLD (E.) IJbersioht ii. d. Bestande d.' k. Staats- 

archivs zu (Koblenz, 1903. 
„ fBAR (M.) Ubersioht ii. d. Bestande d. k. Staatsarchivs 

zu Hannover, 1900. 
„ HiLLB (G.) tjbersicht ii. d. Bestande d. k. Staatsarchivs 

zu Schleswig, 1900. 
,, Ilgen (T.) Die wiederaufgefund. Registerbiicher d. 

Grafen u. Herzoge v. Cleve-Mark, 1909. 
„ Knipping (R.) Niederrhein. Archivahen in d. National- 

bibl. u. d. Nationalarchiv zu Paris, 1904. 
„ & T. Ilgen. Die neuen Dienstgebaude d. Staats- 

arohive zu Coblenz u. Diisseldorf, 1907. 
„ KosEE (R.) Die Neuordnung d. preuss. Archivwesens 

durch d. Staatskanzler Fursten v. Hardenberg, 1904. 
„ Kritsch (B.) Gesch. d. Staatsarchivs zu Breslau, 1908. 
„ LiJDicKE (B.) Konigs- u. Kaiserurkunden d. Konigl. 

Preuss. Staatsarohive u. d. Koniel. Hausarchivs bis 

1439, 1910. 
„ Meinabdus (0.) & R. Martiny. Das neue Dienst- 
gebaude d. Staatsarchivs zu Breslau, etc., 1909. 
„ Mbntb (0.) & A. Warschaitbr. Die Anwendung d. 

Photographie fiir d. archival. Praxis, 1909. 
„ Warschatjbr (A.) Mitt, aus d. Hss. d. Brit. Museums 

zu London vornehml. z. poln. Gesch., 1909. 

» Ke stadt. Archive in d. Provinz Posen, 1901. 

EonigUeh-Preussisches Historisches Institut in Rom. 
see KuNSTGESCHicHTLioHB Forschungen ; hrsg. v K P H I 

in R., Bl, 1910. 
„ Meyer (A. 0.) Eng. u. d. kathol. Kirche unter Elisabeth 

u. d. Stuarts, Bl, 1911. 

Eonigsmarck (Graf Hans v.) A German staff officer in India : 

impression of his travels through the Peninsula ; w. an 

epilogue. Tr. P. H. 0. Williams. 8°. 1910 

Eoninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, see Kohlbruoqe 

(I. H. F.) Die Gehirnfurohen malay. Volker vergUohen 

mit denen d. Austraher u. Europaer, 1909. 

Eoninklijke Bibliotheek ['s Gravenhage]. Catalogus van de 

pamfletten-verzameling berustende in de K B Door 

W. P. C. Knuttel. D6, 1796-1830. 84". 's Gravenhage. 1910 




Konody (Paul G.) & M. W. Brockwell. The Louvre ; 50 

plates m colour, [w. desert]. Ed. T. L. Hare. 4°. 1910 

r?j5^S'J^?' "^^ VOLKS- u. Gesellschaftslieder d. 15 u. 16 
Jhdts., Bl, hrsg. v. K., 1905. 

Koppel (EmU). Studien z. Gesch. d. italien. Novelle in d. 

engl Litt. d. le'"" Jhdts. [Quellen etc. z. Sprach- u. Cultur- 

gesch. d. german. Volker ; hrsg. v. B. Ten Brink, etc., 70]. 
„ „, ^ 8°. Str. 1892 

;^^." ir , ^""^^ ' "^^ ^'^^ <'°™™- of the Imam Aboo al- 

Qasim MaAmood bin 'Omar al-Zamakhshari, entitled " The 

llashshaf an .Sfaqaiq al-Tanzil " [In Arabic]. Ed W N 

Lees & Mawlawis Khadim ifosain & 'Abd al- J?ayi. 
_. ,. ^ fv, 2v. la4o. Calcutta. 1856-9 

K.orn (A.) Uber Minimalflachen, deren Bandkurven wenig 

V. ebenen Kurven abweichen, see Koniglich-Preuss. 

Akad. d. Wiss. ztj B., Abhdlgn., Phys.-math. Classe, 1909. 
Koiolenko (Vladimir Galaktionovich). BocnoMHHaiiin n H. r. 

lepBBimeBCKOMx. [P1301]. S". London. 1894 

BtiTOBoe nsjeoie. (3aMl!TKB nyS^aqHCTa o CMepinoB Ka3BM). Ci A. 

H. ToJCTOro. [tjber d. Todesstrafe]. 8°. Berlin, n.d. 

Korsakov (N. A. Rimsky), see Rimsky-Korsakov (N. A.) 
Korting (Gustav). Etymolog. Worterbuch d. franzos. Sprache. 

Ia8°. Paderborn. 1908 
see Tamilia (D.) Postille al vocab. latino-romanzo del K. 
d. Prov. di Campobasso, 1901. 
Koschwitz (Eduard). Gramm. hist, de la langue d. F61ibres. 

8°. Greifswald. 1894 
Kosei (Reinhold). Die Neuordnung d. preuas. Archivwesens 

durch d. Staatskanzler Fiirsten v. Hardenberg. [Konigl. 

Preuss. Archivverwaltung, Mitt., H7]. 8°. L. 1904 

Eossovich (Kaetan Andieevich) [Kossowicz (Cajbtanits)]. 

Cauticum Canticorum. Ex Hebrseo convertit ex explic. 

C. K. [With Heb. text. P1246]. 8°. Petropoh. 1879 

Kossowicz (Cajetanus), see Kossovich (K. C.) 
Kostlin (Julius). Luthers Leben. 2e A. s8°. L. 1883 

EostyleS (Nicolas). La crise de la psychologie experimentale, 

le present & I'avenir. 88". 1911 

Eoszul (A.) La jeunesse de Shelley. s8». 1910 

Eottabos. A college miscellany. [Trinity Coll., Dublin]. 

vl. No. 1-5, 7, 8, 10 ; v2. No. 8. [vl. No. 1, 2nd ed.]. 

8°. D. 1869-75 
see ITyrrell (R. Y.) & iSirE. Sullivan. Echoes f. K. ; ed. 
T. & S., 1906. 
Koiter (Chlistoph) [Kottbrus (Christopher)]. The lives, 

prophecies, etc., of C. K. & C. Poniatonia ; pr. f. the orig., 

publ. 1664, see Prophetical extracts, 1794^5. 
Kotteius (Chiistophei), see Kottek (C.) 
Eovalevsky (Sophia), see Key (E.) Drei Frauensohicksale : 

[S. K., etc.], 1908. 
Kowalski (M.) Geograph. Ortsbestimmungen u. magnet. 

Beobachtungen, angestellt v. M. K., see Imperatorskoe 

RtrssKOE Geogeaf. Obsoh. Der nordl. Ural, Bl, 1853. 
Ko Zi Ki, see Rosny (L. L. de). Ko Zi Ki : mem. de I'antiq. 

japon. ; tr. du Jap. & comm. en Chinois par L. L. de R., 1883. 
Eiasnoe Znamya [itoacHoe snnMn]. JKypeaji nojx peiaKniefi A. 

AniHTeaTpoBa. No. 1-4 in 1 vol. 8°. Paris. 1906 

Krauel (Richard). Brief wechsel zw. Heinrich Prinz v. 

Preussen u. Kath. II v. Russland, [hrsg]. v. R. K., see 

Bebnbr (E.) Quellen etc. z. Gesch. d. Hauses HohenzoUern, 

B8, 1903. 
Prinz Heinrich v. Preussen als Politiker, see Bernbb (E.) 

QueUen etc. i,. Gesch. d. Hauses HohenzoUern, B4, 1902. 
Krenkel (Max). Welche Stellung haben wir Protestanten d. 

segenwart. jesuit.-klerikalen Bewegung gegeniiber einzu- 

nehmen ? [P1257]. 8°. Dresden. 1866 

Kriegk (Georg Ludwig). Deutsches Biirgerthum im M.-a. 

Nach urkundl. Forschungen u. mit bes. Beziehung auf 

Frankfurt a. M. 8°. Frankfurt a. M. 1868 

„ ,, neue Folge, nebst e. Anhang enthalt. 

ungedr. Urkunden aus Frankfurt. Archiven. 

8". Frankfurt a. M. 1871 
Kriegsgeschichte. Zur K. d. 1813 u. 1814 : Die Feldzuge d. 

schless. Armee unter d. Feldmarschall Blilcher ; von C. v. W., 

2T, 1824, see Motfling (F. C. F., Frhr. v.) 

Kristeller (Paul), see Tarooghi (Die) ; zwei italien. Kupfer- 

stichfolgen aus d. 15. Jhdt. ; [pre/, by P. K.], 1910. 
Kritischer Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der romanischen 
Philologie. Hrsg. V. K. VoUmoUer, [Bl, K. V. u. R. Otto]. 
Mitredigiert v. G. Baist, etc. Bl-lO (1890-1906). [Bl is 
descr. as Jhrg. 1]. laS". Miinchen, [L., Erlangen]. 1892-1910 
Kroeber (Alfred L.), see Dorsey (G. A.) & A. L. K. Tradi- 
tions of the Arapaho, 1903. 
Kropotkin (prince Petr A.) The great French Revolution, 
1789-93. Tr. by N. F. Dryhurst. 8°. 1909 

Kriiger (Franz), see Osborn (M.) K., 1910. 
Kriiger (Gustav). Gesch. d. altchristl. Litt. in d. 1"" 3 Jhdten ; 
Naohtrage. [Grundriss d. theolog. Wiss., Reihe 2, B3]. 

8". Freiburg i. B. 1895-7 

Kriiger (Paul), Dr. Jur. Die Patagon. Anden zw. d. 42. u. 

44. Grade siidl. Breite, see Peteemanns Mitt. Ergnzb. 

35, 1910. 

Krusch (Bruno). Gesch. d. Staatsarchivs zu Breslau. [Konigl. 

Preuss. Archivverwaltung, Mitt., Hll]. 8°. L. 1908 

Passiones vitseque sanctorum asvi Merovingioi et anti- 

quiorum aliquot. [Mon. Germ. Hist. : Script, rer. Merov., 

t5]. [t3]. Ed. B. Krusch & W. Levison. 4°. Hannoverae. 1910 

Kueueu (Abraham). Hist.-krit. Einltg. in d. Bucher d. alien 

Testaments hinsichtlich i. Entstehung u. Sammlung. [T3 i, 

hrsg. V. J. C. Matthes]. Deutsche Ausgabe v. T. Weber. 

[T2, 3 i, V. C. T. Miiller]. Tl-3 i, in 4v [1 i, ii]. 8°. L. 1887-94 

1 i, Die Entateliung d . Hexateuch. 1 ii, Die hist. Biicher d. a. T. 2, Die 

prophet. Biicher. 3, Die poet. Biicher, i, Die Poesie u. d. gnomischen 


Over de mannen d. Groote Synagoge. [Extr. f. Verslagen etc. 

d. Koninklijke Akad., Afd. Letterkunde, 2"ie Reeks, d6. b.w. 

Hofimann (A. G.) Gramm. Syriaca, 1867]. 8°. A. 1876 

Kiigelgen (Constantin v.), see Zeitgemasse Traktate aus d. 

Reformationszeit ; in Verbindung mit andern Gelehrten 

hrsg. V. C. V. K., Hl-6, 1902-5. 

Kuhl {Major). Bonapartes erster Feldzug 1796, d. Ausgangs- 

punkt mod. Kriegfiihrung. 8°. 1902 

Kiihn (Garolus). De dialectica Platonis. 8". Berohni. 1843 

Kuhn (Ernst). Wissenschaftl. Jahresbericht iiber d. morgen- 

land. Studien, 1876 etc., hrsg. v. E. K. etc., 1879 etc., see 

Deutsche Moegenland. Gesellschait. 

Kuhn {FrJir. Franz v.) Der Gebirgskrieg. 2e A. 8°. Wien. 1878 

Kumirila-Swdmin, see Manu. Manava-Kalpa-Siitra ; to 

gether w. the Comm. of K.-S., 1861. 
Kummer (Ernst Eduard). Festschrift z. Feier d. 100. Geburts- 
tages K., mit Brief en an s. Mutter u. an L. Kronecker. 
[Abhdlgen. z. Gesch. d. Mathematik, Hft. 29]. 8°. L. 1910 
Kungligt Vetenskaps Societeten i Uppsala. Till K. V. S. i U. 
vid dess 200-Arsjubileum af Uppsala Univ., 1910. 

laS". Uppsala. 1910 

see Ramstkom (M. ) E. Swedenborg's investig. in nat. 

science, etc., 1910. 

Kunstgeschichtliche Forschungen. Hrsg. v. Kgl. Preuss. Hist. 

Institut in Bom. Bl. 4°. L. 1910 

see Erbach-Furstenau (A., Graf zu). Die Manfredbibel, 

1910. [1.] 


[Nos.] 99-102. [In prog.}. ^8°. Bielefeld. 1910 

see BiERMANN (G.) H. v. Zugel, 1910. [99.] 

„ BoHN (M. V.) G. Reni, 1910. [100.] 

„ OsBOEN (M.) F. Kriiger, 1910. [101.] 

„ Servabs (P.) A. Z., 1910. [102.] 

Kurella (Hans). C. Lombroso : mod. man of science. Tr. 

M. E. Paul. s8o. 1911 

C. Lombroso als Mensch u. Forscher. [Grenzfragen d. 

Nerven- u. Seelenlebens ; Lowenfeld, Heft 73]. 

8". Wiesbaden. 1910 
Kuyper (Abraham), see Lasco (J. a). Opera ; rec, vita 

auctoris enarravit, A. K., 1866. 
Kyaxares, Icing of Media, see Cyaxabes. 
Kyd (Thomas). 
see Crawford (C.) Concordance to works of T. K., 1906-10. 
„ Thorndikb (A. H.) Minor EHz drama, vl, T. K., The 
Spanish tragedy, 1910. 




Labanca (Baldassare), see Jordan (L. H.) & B. L. The study 

of relig. in the ItaUan universities, 1909. 
Laband (Paul). Deutsohes Reiohsstaatsreoht. 6« A. [OfEentl. 

Recht d. Gegenwart, Bl]. 8°. Tubingen. 1909 

Labande (Leon Honor6), see Saiqb (M. J. J. G.) & L. H. L. 

Doc3. hist. rel. aux seigneuries de Menton, Roquebrune et la 

Turbie du ll^ au 16« sidcle ; reo. par G. S. & L.-H. L. ; publ. 

aveo une intr. etc. par L.-H. L., 1909. 
Labarthe (Gustave). Le theatre pendant les jours du Sidge & 

de la Commune (juillet 1870 k juin 1871). s8<> 1910 

La Baume (Marguerite de), aft. wife of E. de Raymond de 

Mormoiron, cte. de Modine, see Chaedon (E. H.) Nouv. does. 

sur la vie de Moliere, tl, M. de Modene, ses deux femmes, 

etc., 1886. 
La Baume Le Blanc, The family of, see Le Bktjn (E.) Les 

anoetres de L. de La Valliere, 1903. 
Lab6 (Louise). Les Elegies et les sonnets. Pr6c. d'une notice 

par T. de Visan. s8°. 1910 

La Beetle (Estienne de), see Aemaingatid {Dr.) Montaigne 

pamphletaire : Fenigme du Contr'un [cant, text of Disoours 

de la servitude volontaire, by La B.'\, 1910. 
Labour- Socialist Party. *Case agst. the L.-S. party, 1910, see 

TOWLEB (W. 6.) 

La Cartrie (Tonssaint Ambroise, count de), see Cartrie (c. T. A. 


Lacey (Thomas Alex.) A Roman diary, & o. docs. rel. to the 

Papal inquiry into Eng. ordinations, 1896. 8°. 1910 

Lacombe (Bernard de). Talleyrand the man. Tr. A. 

D'Alberti. 8". 1910 

La vie privee de Talleyrand : son Emigration — son mariage — 

sa retraite — sa conversion — sa mort. 8". 1910 

Talleyrand, Eveque d'Autun. s8". 1903 

Lacombe (Paul), iibliothicaire hon. de la Bibl. Nat., h. 

Gentilly, I84S. Bibhog. des travaux de M. L. Delisle. 

8". 1902 
Lacombe (Paul), h. at Gahors in 1834, see Rombise (A. de). 

Voyage a Paris, 1634-5, [publ.] P. L., 1887. 
Lacoste (Guillaume). Hist. g6n. de la province de Queroy. 
Publ. par les soins de L. Combarieu & F. Cangardel. 

4t. 80. Cahors. 1883-6 

Lacour-Gayet (G.) La marine miUtaire de la Prance sous 

Louis XIII et Louis XIV. tl. Ia8». 1911 

1, Richelieu, Mazarin, 162i-61. 

Lacroix (Paul). Bibliographie Molieresque. 8". Turin. 1872 
*L8elia. A comedy acted at Queens' Coll., Cambridge, pro- 
bably Mar. 1st, 1595. Intr. & notes by G. C. Moore Smith. 

sS". C. 1910 

Lafage (Leon). Par aventure. Roman. 88". 1911 

Laiargue (Paul). The evolution of property f. savagery to 

civilization. s8°. Chicago. 1910 

La Faye (Jacques de). Amities de reine. [Marie Antoinette, 

etc.]. Pr6f. du marq. de SEgur. 8". 1910 

La Ferronnays (cte. Pierre Louis Auguste Ferron de), see 

Impbratobskoe RtrssK. 1st. Oesch. Sbornik, French 

ambassadors, t3 (1819-20). 

La Fite de Pellepore (le cte. Vladimir de) [ps. Piotrb 

Artamoe]. La Russie hist., monumentale & pittoresque. 

Par P. A., aveo la collab. de J.-G.-D. Armengaud. 

2t. la,4P. 1862-5 

Lafond (Paul). L'aube romantique : Jules de RessEguier & 

ses amis, Chateaubriand, etc. sS". 1910 

La Fontaine (Jean de). Contes et nouvelles en vers. Ed. coll. 

sur les textes orig. 2t in 1. sS". [1875] 

Fables. Ed. coll. sur les textes orig. 2t in 1. s8°. [1876] 

Laforest (Franz Thiard de). Spalato u. s. Alterthiimer. 

8°. Spalato. 1878 
An accomp. vol. of photographs is wanting. 
Lagally (M.) Geodat. Netze auf Rotationsflachen, see Konigl. 
Akad. d. Wiss. ztt MiJNOHBN. Math.-phys. Classe, Sitzungs- 
ber., 1909, 1910. 

Lagarde (Paul Anton de), form. P. A. de Botticher. Septua- 

gintaStudien. Aus d. 37. [& 38.] B. d. Abhdlgn. d. konigl. 

Gesells. d. Wiss. zu Gottingen. 

2T. [P1271]. 40. Gottingen. 1891-2 
La Giclais (H. G. M. Magon de), see Maqon de La Giclais 

(H. G. M.) 
Laible(Heinrich). Jesus ChristusimThalmud. Mite. Anhange: 

Die thalmud. Texte, mitgeteilt v. G. Dalman, \w. sep. pagin. 

Inst. Judaioum in Berlin, Schriften, 10. P1267]. 8°. 1891 
Laicus, ps. Council of Trent. Papal oecumenical councils as 

exhib. in the Council of T., 1545-63. [P1257]. 8°. 1869 

Laing (David), see Saint Giles, Edinburgh. Registrum cart- 
arum Eoclesie S. Egidii de Edinb., 1344-1567 ; [ed. w. hist. 

notices by D. L.], 1859. 
Lair (Jules). Histoire de la seigneurie de Bures, see SociETi; 

DB l'Hist. db Paris, etc. M^ms., t2, 1876. 
La Jonchere (G6rard Michel de). Un financier a la Bastille 

sous Louis XV : Journal de La J. ; publ. A. Babeau, see 

SooifiTB DE l'Hist. de Paris, etc. Mems., t25, 1898. 
Lajos, see Lotris. 
Lake (John), bp. of (1) Sodor <fc Man (2) Bristol (3) Chichester, 

see Sanoroet (W.) The proceedings & tryal in case of abp. 

of Canterbury, bp. of Chichester, etc., 1688, 1739. 
Lake (Kirsopp). Text of the New Test. 

3rd impr. (2nd ed.) s8o. 1904 
Lallemand (Leon). Hist, de la charity. t3, 4 i. Ia8''. 1906-10 

3, Le moyen &ge (10" au I6» s.) 

4, Les temps mod. (16" au 19" s.); pi, Des theories en matifere d'assistance 
— Les pestes et les ^pld^mies — La lutte contre la mendicity — De 
rorganisation des 6tablissements hospitallers. 

Lalor (William). Remarks in conn. w. a proposal for extend- 
ing railway accommodation of Dublin ; w. map & sections. 

[P1275]. 80. D. 1872 
Laloy (Louis). La musique chinoise. [Les musioiens celebres]. 

S80. [1910?] 
La Marche (Thomas de), see Botjdet (M.) T. de La M. & ses 

aventures (1318-1361), 1900. 
Lamarck (J. B.) Lamarck : choix de textes & intr. par G. 
Revault d'AUonues. s8°. n.d. 

La Marmora (gen. marchese Carlo Emanuele) [Ferrbbo dell a 
Marmora (marchese C. E. ), principe di Masserano]. 
see Dbqli Albebti (M. ) Piemonte etc. sotto il primo impero, 
[w. Epistolario del marchese C. E. F. della M. dur. le 
campagne napoleoniche], 1909. 
„ Regia Dep. s. gli Studi di Storia Patria per le Ant. 
Prov. etc. Bibl. di storia ital. rec, vl, Alcuni episodi 
del risorgimento italiano illust. con lettere e mem. ined. 
del gen. C. E. F. deUa M. ; [ed. M. DegH Alberti], 1907. 
Lamartine (Alphonse de). (Euvres choisies ; [publ.] R. 
Waltz : PoEsie. sS". 1910 

see Masson (P. M.) L., 1911. 
Lamb (Charles), see Sidney (iS»> P.) Some sonnets of S. f. L.'s 

Last essays of Elia, 1910. 
Lamballe (princesse de). M^m^. de la Prinoesse de Lamballe, 
aveo une intr. du P. Andr6. 8". [1910] 

Lambard (William). The duty & office of high constables of 
hundreds, petty constables, etc. CoU'*. by W. L., enl. w. 
additions by W. Brown. sS". 1677 

Lambeau (Lucien). 
For the following see Paris : Comm. mtfnioip. dtt vieux Paris. 

L'Abbaye-aux-Bois de Paris (1638-1906), 190S. 
L'ano. cimetifere paroissial de Ste. -Marguerite (1624-1904), 1904. 
Le convent des hospltaliferes de St. -Thomas de Villeneuve, rue de Sevres 

(1698-1907), 19U7. 
Les dames de St. -Michel, L'ancien convent de la Visitation de la rue 

St.-Jacqnes (1724-1906), 1906. 
L'hdpital des enfauts-trouv^s du Faubourg St.-Antoine (1674-1903), 1903. 
L'H6tel de la Vieuville, rue St.-Paul, 1907. 

L'Hfltel du Marquis de Villette, maison mortuaire de Voltaire, 1904. 
La maison roy. de I'Enfant-JSsus, actuell. Hflpital des Enfants-Malades, 

rue de Sfevres (1694-1908), 1907. 
TJn vieux convent parisien: les Dominicaines de la Croix, de la rue 
Charonne (1639-1904), 1908. 




Lambert, v. Hersfdd, see Lambbrtus, Hersfeld. 
Lambert, d. Kleine, see Lameeetus, Parvus. 
Lambert (Tobn C.) The sacraments in the New Test. 

8°. E. 1903 
Lambertus, Hersfeld. [Lambeet]. Jahrbiicher ; ubers. v. 
L. F. Hesse, 2'= A., neu bearbt. v. W. Wattenbaoh, see 
Geschichtscheeibee (Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2" Gesammt- 
ausg., B43, 1893. 
Lambertus, Parvus [Lambeet, d. Kleine ; Lambeetus, mom. 
8. Jacobi Lead.], see Sankt Jacob, abbey of, Liege. Die 
Jahrbiicher v. St. J. — Die Jahrbiicher L. ; libers, v. C. 
Platner, 1896. 
Lambertus, mon. S. Jacobi Leod., see Lambbetus, Parvus. 
*Lamento di Pisa e la risposta si disse fe lo Imperadore a Pisa, 

1858, see PuciNO, da Pisa. 
Lami (Stanislas). Diet, des sculpteurs de I'eeole fran9. au 
188 s. Pref. de H. Roujon. 2t. laS". 1910-11 

Lamoignon (Chretien Francois de), see Boislisle (A. M. de). 

Le president de L., 1644-1709, 1904. 
La Mothe Houdancourt (baron Etienne Leon de) [aft. La 
MoTHE Lanoon], J. T. Laurent-Gousse, & A. L. C. A. Du 
Mege. *Biog. toulousaine, ou diet. hist, des personnages 
qui se sont rendus celebres dans la ville de Toulouse ; par 
une see. de gens de lettres [i.e. E. L. de La M. H., J. T. 
L.-G., do A. L. G. A. Du M.] ; ouvrage preo. d'un pr6ois 
de I'hist. de Toulouse, etc. 2t. 8°. 1823 

La Mothe Langon (baron E. L. de), see La Mothe Hottdan- 

couET {baron E. L. de). 
Lamp^rez (Blanca de los Rios de), see Rios db Lamp:6eez 

(B. de los). 
Lampros (Spjnridion P.) Cat. of the Greek MSS. on Mt. 
Athos. Ed. S. P. L. 2v. 4°. C. 1895-1900 

Bach vol. has a 2nd tp., in Greek. 
Lamy (Etietme), see Beegasse (N.) Un defenseur des prin- 
cipes traditionnels sous la Revolution : N. B. ; intr. par 
E. L., 1910. 
Lancaster, Duchy of. The charters of the Duchy of L. Tr. 
& ed. by W. Hardy, [w. texts], & pr. by order of the Chancellor 
& Council of the Duchy. 8°. 1845 

Lancelot, of the Lake, hero of romance [Lancelot del Lac], see 
Aethtje, k. of Britain. Vulgate version of the A. romances, 
ed. f. MSS. in Brit. Mus., by H. 0. Sommer, v3 i, Le Uvre de 
L. del Lac, pi, 1910. 
Landon (Judson Stuart). Constitutional hist. & govt, of the 
U.S. 2nd rev. ed. 8". Boston. 1905 

Landry (Adolphe). Essai economique sur les mutations des 
monnaies dans I'anc. France, de Philippe le Bel k Charles 
Vn. [H. E., 185]. 80. 1910 

Lanfranco, Cigala, see Cigala (L.) 

Lang (Andrew). The Ulac fairy book. Ed. A. L. 88°. 1910 

Sir Walter Scott & the Border minstrelsy. 8". 1910 

The world of Homer. . 8». 1910 

Lang (Carl Heinrich, Bitter v.) Gesoh. d. Eiirstentums 

Ansbach-Bayreuth, [v. L.], in 2. A. neu hrsg. v. A. Bayer. 

Bl, 1486-1557. 88°. Ansbach. 1911 
Lange (Fr.) F. Paludan-MuUer. 8". 1899 

Lange (Jolmnn), botanist, see Willkomm (M.) & J. L. Pro- 

dromus florse hispanicse, 3v, 1861-80. 

Langbam (Thomas), broker. Nett duties & drawbacks payable 

on merchandize. 8th ed., rev. & enl. s8°. 1758 

Langland (William). The Piers Plowman controversy : 

Piers Plowman the work of one or of five, J. J. Jusserand's 

1st reply to Prof. Manly — J. M. Manly's Answer to J. J. 

Jusserand — Dr. Jusserand's 2nd reply to Prof. Manly — 

The authorship of Piers Plowman, by R. W. Chambers. 

[Articles repr. f. Modern philology <fc The modern language 

review. Forewords by P. J. Purnivall]. [E. E. T. S., 

Orig. s.. Extra issue, 139 b, c, d, e]. 8°. 1910 

Langlois (Ernest). Nouvelles fran^aises in6d. du 15'= si^cle. 

[Ed. E. L. Bibl. du 15o si^cle, 5]. 8°. 1908 

Langobardi. Edictus ceterseque Langobardorum leges. Cum 

constit. et pactis prinoipum Beneventanorum. Corr. recudi 

cur. F. Bluhme. [Fontes Juris Germ, antiqui]. 

8°. Hanoverae. 1869 
Langon (paron E. L. de La Mothe), see La Mothe Houdan- 

COUET (baron E. L. de). 
Languet de La Villeneuve de Gergy (Jean Joseph), bp.of Soissons, 
aft. abp. of Sens. Mem^. sur Mme. de Maintenon & la cour 
de Louis XIV, see Lavallbe (T.) La famille d'Aubign6 
etc. ; suivi des Mem=. ined. de L. de G., 1863. 

Lankester (Sir Edwin Kay). Science f. an easy chair. 

3rd ed. sS". [1910] 

see British Museum : Zoology. Monograph of the Okapi, 

by L. ; Atlas, compiled w. assistance of W. G. Ridewood, 


Lanoir (Paul). L'espionnage allemand en France. s8°. n.d. 

Lanson (Gustave). Hist, de la litt. fran9. 

11« id., revue. sS". 1910 
Lanzac de Laborie (L^on de). Paris sous Napoleon. 

[t]2-6. s8". 1905-10 

2, Administration — Grands travaux. 

3, La cour & la ville— La vie & la niort. 

4, La religion. 

5, Assistance & bienfaisance — Approviaionnement. 

6, Le monde des affaires & du travail. 

Lanzi (Luigi). Terni. [Italia artist., 55]. s4°. Bergamo. 1910 

Laon, see Saint-Vincent, L. 

Laou-Tsze [Lao-tsze]. L.-t. Buch v. hochsten Wesen u. 

v. hochsten Gut (Tao-te-king). Ubers., mit Einltg. etc. 

laS". Tiibingen. 1910 
see BoEEL (H.) Wu Wei : a phantasy based on L.-T., [tr.], 
2nd ed., 1907. 
Lapage (Charles Paget). Feeblemindedness in children of 

school-age ; w. app. on treatment & training by M. Dendy. 

[Manchester Univ., Pubis. . Medical ser., 13]. 

8°. M'ter. 1911 
Lapini (Bernardo), da Monf Alcino, called Ilicini. Novella, 

see NovELLE di autori senesi, v2, 1815. 
Laprade (William Thomas). England & the French Revolu- 
tion, 1789-97. [Johns Hopkins Univ. St. in Hist. & Poht. 

So., Ser. 27 viii-xii]. 8°. Baltimore. 1909 

Lara (FrauQoise de Chains, dsse. de Narbonne), see Naebonne 

Laea (F. db C, dsse. de). 
Larcom (Bt. Hon. Sir Thomas Aiskew), bart., see London- 

debey. Ordnance survey of the co. of L., vl, [ed. Sir 

T. A. L.], 1837. 
La Roche (M. Sophie v.) Erinnerungen aus meiner dritten 

Schweizerreise. s8°. OfEenbach. 1793 

♦Journal e. Reise durch Frankreich, v. d. Verfasserin v. 

Rosaliens Briefen [i.e. M. S. v. La iJ.]. s8°. Altenburg. 1787 
*Tagebuch e. Reise durch d. Schweitz. Von d. Verfasserin 

V. Rosaliens Briefen. s8°. Altenburg. 1787 

La Rochejaquelein (marquise de). Memoires sur la guerre de 

Vendee, publ. d'ap. les mss. du baion de Barante, et annot^s, 

par M. Vitrac et A. Galopin. 8°. n.d. 

Larocciue (Francois Antoine). Journal of L. f. the Assiniboine 

to the Yellowstone, 1905 ; ed. L. J. Burpee, see Canada : 

Ageicultuee. Publ^. of Canadian Archives, 3, 1910. 
La Rosa (Francisco M. de), see MaetInez db La Rosa (F.) 
Larousse, publishing firm, see Feanoe. *Hist. de F. illustr^e, 

2t, n.d. 
Larra (Mariano Jos^ de) [ps. Figaeo], see Chavbs (M.) L. 

su tiempo — su vida — sus obras, 1898. 
Larroumet (Gustave). La maison de V. Hugo : impressions 

de (^uernesey. s8°. 1895 

Lart (C. E.), see Saint Gbemain-en-Laye. Parochial regis- 
ters of St. G.-en-L. : Jacobite extrs. of births, etc. ; w. 

notes & appds., ed. L., vl, 1910. 
La Sale (Antoine de). L'hist. du Petit Jehan de Saintr6 et 

de la jeune dame des Belles Cousines. Transpos6e en 

frangais mod. avec notice par L. Haugmard. s8°. 1910 

L'hystoyre & plaisante cronicque du Petit Jehan de Saintre 

& de la jeune dame des Belles Cousines. Publ. aveo pref., 

etc., par G. Hell^ny. s8°. 1890 

Lasco (Joannes a), lJfi9-1660, bp. of Veszprim. Opera ; reo. 

vitam auctoris enarravit A. Kuyper. 2t. 8°. A. 1866 

Lasierra (Inigo Abbad y), see Abbad y Lasibeea (I.) 
Lassalle (Ferdinand J. G.), see Bbandbs (G.) F. L. ; [tr.], 1911. 
Lassar-Cohn (Dr.) Chemistry in daily life. Tr. M. M. P. 

Muir. 4th ed., rev. & augm. 8°. 1909 

Lasswitz (Kurd). Gesch. d. Atomistik v. M.-a. b. Newton. 

2B. 8". Hamburg. 1890 

1, Die Erneuerung d. Korpuakulartheorle. 

2, Hohepunkt u. Verlall d. Korpuskulartheorie d. 17. Jhdts. 

Lasteyrie (Robert de). 

see AoAD. dbs Insce. etc. : Fond. Piot. Mon^. etc., 
publ. par I'Acad., sous la dir. de G. Perrot & R. de L., 
tl-17, in prog., 1894-1909. 

„ Mon^. etc., t3, [Les miniatures d'A. Beauneveu & 

de J. de Hesdin ; par R. de L.], 1896. 


Lasteyrie (Robert de) [continued^ 

R'deS 1902' '""^P*"' ^■^^"«- ^" °^°y«"age; par 
For the following see Sooi^te de l'Hist. de Paris, etc. Mems. 

Notice sur u„ oouteau du 11= s. conservf Ma B^^LNkt! m9. [b j 

^"con^^rl^'^"^' ^■^■' * ^- H- Garland. The conquest of 
consumption : an econ. study. sg". 1910 

Latifl (Alm4) Effects of war on property; w. a note on 

belligerent rights at sea, by J. Westlake. 8° 1909 

Latouche (Robert^^ Est. du Comt6 du Maine pend. k "lOe et 

(Jean Hbnei)], see Campardon (E.) & A. Lononon. L & 
s. evasion ; docs. ined. rec. par E. C. & A. L 1877 
„^ * ^r^^"^^ Vasilevlch). Donima; osfiopeBui CTareil no 
ncT., &c. CKHoui, KaBKasa n rpe^ecKHXi KojOHiB Ba noOepeatbHxi 

Lauer (PhiUppe). ^^^ ' ' ^^"^ 

«ee AOAD. des Inscr. etc. : Eond. Piot. Mon^. etc., tl3 

l^a capsella " de Brivio, Louvre, par P. L., 1906 

" "^^T*''°,nL®*''-' *-^^' ^^ *'^^^°^ ^"^ Sancta Sanctorum, par 
ir. Ij., 1906. 

„ Delaborde (H. F.) & p. L. Un projet de decoration 
murale inspir^ du Credo de Joinville, 1909. 
Laurana (Francesco) [Latjraka (F. da)], see Mttntz (E.) Le 

sculpteur L. & les mon^. de la Renaissance a Tarasoon, 1897 
Laurent (Michel), see Mahelot (L.) & M. L. La mise en 

scene a Paris au 17^ s. ; m6m. de L. M. et M. L. • publ 

E. Dacier, 1902. ^ 

Laurent (Raymond). Etudes anglaises. Intr. de R. J E 

T '^^^^?-r, s8o. 1910 

Laurent-Gousse (Jean Theodore), see La Mothb Hotjdait- 

couRT {baron E. L. de), J. T. L.-G., & A. L. C. A. Du MioE. 

*Biog. toulousaine, 1823. 

Laurent-Rysor ( — ). Les passionnees. 88°. [1910] 

Lauret (Rene). Line, hist, lorraine. s8". 1910 

Laurie (Arthur Pillans) . Greek & Roman methods of painting : 

comments on statements by Pliny & Vitruvius about wall 

& panel painting. s8". C. 1910 

Lauris (Georges de). Ginette Chatenay. Roman. sS". 1910 

Lauvriere (Emile). Alfred de Vigny, sa vie & son oeuvre. 

sSo. 1909 

Lauzun (Armand Louis de Gontaut, diu> de), due de Biron ; d. 

1794, see Maugras (G.) La fin d'une soc. : L. & la cour 

intime de Louis XV, 2^ ed., 1893. 

Laval (Ed.) For works by L. in conjunction with H. Nimier, 

see NiMiER (H.) & E. L. 
Laval (Ramon A.) Oraciones, ensalmos i conjuros del pueblo 
chileno comp. con los que se dicen en Espafia. [Congreso 
Cientif. Intern. Amer.]. 8°. Santiago de Chile. 1910 

Lavallee (Thdophile). La famille d'Aubign^ & I'enfance de 
Mme. de Maintenon. Suivi des Mem^. in^d. de Languet de 
Gergy sur Mme. de Maintenon & la cour de Louis XIV. 

la8o. 1863 
La Valliere, The family of, see Le Bettn (E.) Les ancetres de 

Louise de La VaUiere, 1903. 
La Valliere (Louise F., duchesse de). Reflexions sur la miseri- 
corde de Dieu ; suivies de ses lettres & des sermons pour sa 
veture & sa profession par MM. d'Aire [J. L. de Fromen- 
iihes] & de Condom [J. B. Bossuet]. 6d., rev., annotee & 
pr^c. d'une etude biog. par P. Clement. 2t. s8». 1860 

see Le Brun (E.) Les ancetres de L. de La V., 1903. 
La Vigne (Andr6 de), see Anne [of Brittany]. Le sacre d'Anne 
de B. et s. entree a Paris en 1504 [par A. Delavigne?; publ.] 
H. Stein, 1902. 
La Villemarque (T. Hersart, vie. de). Myrdhinn ou Merlin, s. 
hist., a. oeuvres etc. n. ^d. sS". 1862 

La Villeneuve de Gergy (J. J. L. de), see Languet de la Vellb- 

NEUVB DE Gergy (J. J.) 
Lavisse (Ernest). Hist, de Prance, jusqu'a la Revol. Publ. 
avec la coUab. de MM. Bayet, Blooh, etc. t9 i, Le regne de 
Louis XVI (1774^89), par H. Carr6, P. Sagnac, E. Lavisse. 

[In prog.]. s4o. 1910 



Lavrov (Petr Lavrovich). Blorpa<i>la n. A. JlaopoBa. 

[P1301]. 88". 1899 
Law (Ernest). Shakespeare as a groom of the chamber. 

s4o. 1910 
Law (William), «. of " A serious call," etc. Works. [Facs. 
repr. ; ed., w. mem., by 0. B. Morgan]. 
9v. 8". 1762; p. repr., Brockenhurst [<fc Canterbury]. 1892-3 
Lawlor (Hugh Jackson). Chapters on the Book of Mulling. 

8°. E. 1897 
Lawrence (Sir Edwin Durning-), Bt., see Durning-Lawrence 

(Sir E.) 
Lawrence (Robert Means). Primitive psycho-therapy & 
quackery. 8°. 1910 

Lawrence (Thomas Joseph). Principles of international law. 

4th ed., rewr. 8° 1910 

Lawrie {Sir Archibald Campbell). Annals of the reigns of 

Malcolm & William, kings of Scotland, 1153-1214. CoU., 

w. notes & index, by Sir A. C. L. 8°. Glasgow. 1910 

Laws (B. G.) The two-move chess problem. s8°. 1890 

Lawson (Alexander), see James I, k. of Scotland. The Kingis 

quair, & The Quare of ielusy ; ed., w. intr., etc., A. L.. 


Lawson (-Sir Wilfrid), Snd bart. Sir W. Lawson. A memoir. 

Ed. G. W. E. Russell. s8°. 1909 

Laymann (Paul). Processus juridicus contra sagas et veneficos : 

e. rechti. Process gegen d. Unholden u. zauber. Personen. 

[In German]. Posterior et corr. ed. s4°. Aschaffenburg. 1629 

Lazarevsky (Al. M.) Ma.iopocciacKie nocnoJHTue KpecTbaee 

(1648-1783). 8". KIbbt,. 1908 

Lazarovich-Hrebelianovich (prince <fc princess). The Servian 

people, their past glory & their destiny. By Prince L.-H., 

w. the coUab. of Princess L.-H. (E. Calhoun). 

2v, [pagin. cont.]. 8". [1910] 
Lazursky (V. Th.). TojctoB h Cipaxoei, see Tolstoy (c. L. N.) 

Jl. H. T., 1910. 
Lazzaretti (Davide), see Barzellotti (6.) Monte Amiata e il 

sue Profeta (D. L.), 1910. 
Leal (Valdes), see Vald^s Leal (J. de). 
Leask (William Keith), see' Geddes (W. D.) Musa Latina 

Aberdon., v3 ; ed. L., 1910. 
Le B6 (Guillaume), see Omont (H.) Specimens de caracteres 
hebreux, [grecs, latins et de musique], graves par G. Le Be, 
1545-92 ; publ. H. 0., 1888-9. 
Lebeau (Henri). Otahiti. sS". 1911 

Leblanc (Maurice). Arsene Lupin, gentleman-cambrioleur. 
Pref. de J. Claretie. s8o. n.d. 

see Jbpson (E.) & M. L. Arsene Lupin ; f. the play, 1909. 
Lebon (Andre). Das Verfassungsrecht d. franzos. Repubhk. 
[Offentl. Recht d. Gegenwart, B6]. 8". Tiibingen. 1909 

Lebon (Ernest). E. Picard, biog., bibhog. analytique des 
ecrits. [Savants du Jour]. Ia8'>. 1910 

Le Bon (Gustave). Lois psycholog. de revolution des peuples. 

9^ ed. s8°. 1909 
La psychologic polit. & la defense sociale. 88°. 1910 

Lebrija (Antonio de), see Antonio, de Lebrixa. 
Lebrixa (Antonio de), see Antonio, de Lebrixa. 
Le Brun (Eugene). Les ancetres de Louise de La Valliere : 
g^nealogie de la maison de La Baume Le Blanc. Ia8°. 1903 
Lebwln, St. [Lbbuin], see Willie aldus, presbyter. Leben d. h. 
Bonifazius v. W., d. h. L. v. Hucbald, etc. ; iibers. v. 
W. Arndt, 2^ A., 1888. 
Lecaron (Frederic). Essai sur les travaux publics de Paris au 
moyen age, see Sooiete de l'Hist. de Paris, etc. Mems 
t3, 1877. 
Les origines de la Municipalite parisienne, pi, 2, see Soci:6Ti) 
DE l'Hist. de Paris, etc. M6ms., t7, 8, 1881-2. 
Lechartiei (Georges). L'irreductible force. 88°. [1906] 

Lechat (Henri). Athena devant Erichthouios, Musee de 
I'Acropole d'Athenes, see Acad, des Insor. etc. : Fond. 
Piot. Mon». etc., t3, 1896. 
La tete Rampin, Louvre, see Acad, des Inscr. etc. : Fond. 
Piot. Mon^. etc;., t7, 1900. 
Le Chatelier (Henry). Le9ons sur le carbone, la combustion, 
les lois chimiques. 8". 1908 

Lechler (Gotthard Victor). R. Grosseteste, Bischof v. Lincoln. 
[Zur Feier d. Reformationsfestes, Leipzig, b.w. Beer (E. F. F. ) 
Inscr. vet., 1840]. 4°. L. [1867] 

Lecigne (C.) Le fl6au romantique. 88°. [1909] 

Lecky {Mrs. Elisabeth), wife of W. E. H. Leclcy. A memoir 
of W. E. H. Lecky. 8°. 1909 





Lecky (,Rt. Hon. William Edward Hartpole), see Lbcky {Mrs. 

E.) A memoir of W. E. H. L., 1909. 
Le Clerc (Gustave). Un fief de I'abbaye de Saint-Magloire de 

Paris: La seigneurie de Vaudetard k, Issy, 1117-1790, see 

Soorini! DE l'Hist. db Pabis, etc. M6ms., t9, 1883. 
La Maison des Champs duooUege de Louis-Ie-Grand; L'abbaye 

royale de Saiate-Anne d'Issy ; les pr&tres de Saint-Eranpois 

de Sales, see SoorfeTE de l'Hist. de Paeis, etc. M6ms., 

tl3, 1887. 
Le Clerc (Jean), of Amsterdam, 1657-1736. *Hist. d'Emeric 

cte. de TekeU. Par * * * * [i.e. J. Le G.\ 

2« kA. rev. & augm. s8". Cologne. 1694 
Leclerc (Nicolas Lucien). Hist, de la m^deoine arabe. Expos6 

des tr. du grec. Les sciences en Orient, leur transmission k 

rOooident par les tr. latinos. 2t. 8°. 1876 

Le Clercgt (Chr6tien). New relation of Gaspesia, w. the customs 

& reUg. of the Gaspeaian Indiana. Tr. & ed., w. a repr. of 

the orig. by W. F. Ganong. [Champlain Soc, 5]. 

80. Toronto. 1910 
Lecleie (Albert), -prof, agrige h I'Univ. de Berne. Pragmatisme, 

Modernisme, Protestantiame. s8°. 1909 

Led^re (Tristan), see Goya (F.) Les Caprices de G. ; prdc. 

d'une 6tude etc. par T. L., 1910? 
Le Couvieur (Adrienne), see Bottbgbois (A.) Le com^dien 

Baron, I'abb^ d'Allainval & A. Le Couvreur, 1904. 
L^curenz (Lucien Th.) Saint-Pol-de-L6on : La Cath^drale — 

Le Kreisker. [Petites monogr. des gr. edifices]. s8°. n.d. 

Le Dantec (F61ix). La stability de la vie : 6tude 6nerg6t. de 

revolution des eap^cea. 8°. 1910 

Ledeier (Paul). Die Entwickluug d. siidafrikan. Union auf 

verkehrapolit. Grundlage, see Staats- tj. Sooialwiss. Fob- 

soHiTNGEjr, H149, 1910. 
Lee (Katharine) ps. Christian symbolism. sS". [1910] 

Lee (Sidney). The French Renaissance in Eng.: lit. rels. of 

Eng. & France in 16c. 8". 0. 1910 

Great EngUshmen of the 16th cent. [n. ed.] s8°. [1907] 

A Shakespeare reference Lb. [Eng. Assoc, Leaflet, 15]. 

[P1290]. 8". 1910 
Leech (Arthur Blennerhassett). Irish riflemen in Amer. 

s8». 1875 
Leech (Henry Brougham). Handbook for Unionist speakers. 

[P1285] 8o. D. 1910 
Lees (Frederic). A summer in Touraine. 8°. [1909] 

Lees (James Cameron). The Abbey of Paisley, f. its founda- 
tion till its dissolution, w. notices of subsequent hist, of the 

Church, & app. of illust. docs. [New Club Ser.]. 

s4<>. Paisley. 1878 
Lee- Warner (Sir William). [The protected princea of India. 

2nd ed., rev., w. i.] : The native atates of India. 8°. 1910 
Lefevre-Pontalis (Eugene). Le chateau de Coucy. Intr. 

hist, de Ph.. Lauer. [Petites monogr. dea gr. Edifices]. 

s8°. n.d. 
Leffler (Anna Carlotta), aft. dssa. di Gajanello, see Key (E.) 

Drei Frauenschioksale : [A. C. L., etc.], 1908. 
Lefranc (Abel). Maurice de Guerin. [App. Lettres & 

po6siea in6dites etc. Les lettres et les id^es dep. la Renais- 
sance, 1]. [26 6d.]. s8<>. 1910 
Legendre (Adrien Dlarie). Elements of geometry & trigono- 
metry ; w. notes. Tr. [T. Carlyle]. Ed. D. Brewster. 

With notes, etc. & intr. chapter on proportion. 8°. E. 1824 
Le (Jentil (Greorges). Le poete M. Breton de los Herreros & 

la society espagnole de 1830 a 1860. 8". 1909 

L6ger, <S(., see Pbbdbgabitts, Scholasticus. Die Chronik F., 

d. Lebensbeschreibungen L., etc. ; fibers, v. 0. Abel, 3* A., 

Leger (Augustin). La jeunesse de Wesley. [L'Angleterre 

relig. & les orig. du M6thodiame au 181= a.]. 8°. 1910 

Leges. L. Langobardorum, see Langobabdi. 

L. Visigothorum antiq., ed. K. Zeumer, 1894, see Visigoths. 
Legge (Donado da), see Lezze (D. da). 
Legge (Edward). The Empress Eugenie, 1870-1910 : the 

statement of h. case — The Emperor's story of Sedan — Ace. 

of h. exile etc., & reminisc. of the Prince Imperial. 

[2nd imp.]. 8». 1910 
Leggenda. Leggenda de' SS. Pietro e Paolo ; testo antico 

toscano, [ed. L. Razzolini], 1852, see Peteb, Apostle & St. 
Le Goffic (Charles). L'ame bretonne. sl-3. [si, 3« ed., augm. ; 

b2, 3, 2"= 6d. La Bretagne & les pays celt., 1, 5, 8]. 

sS". 1908-10 

Ventose. [Roman]. s8" [1910?] 

Legouis (Emile). G. Chaucer. [Les grands 6drivains 6tr.]. 

s8o. 1910 
Le Grand (Ldon). 

For the following see Sooi^Tt de l'Hist. db Paeis, etc. M6ms. 

Les E^guines de Paris, 1S93. [20.] 

Les MaisoDS-Dieu & l^proserles du diocese de Paris au 14^ s., d'ap. le 

registre de visites du d«6gu4 de I'^vdque, 1361-69, etc., 1897-8. [24, 26.] 
Les Quinze-Vingts jusqu'li leur translation au faubourg Saint-Antoine, 

13-18a,, 1887-8. [13,14.] 

La r^gle de l'H6tel-Dieu de Pontoise, 1891. [17.] 

Leguay (Pierre). La Sorbonne. [Les etudes oontemp.]. 

s8o. 1910 
Lehmann (C. F.) ps., see Lbhmann-Hattpt (C. F.) 
Lehmann (Paul). Haushaltungsaufzeiohnungen e. Mtin- 

chener Arztes aus d. XV. Jhdt. [S. Gotzkircher], see Konigl. 

Akad. d. Wiss. zv MiJNCHBN. Philos.-philolog. Classe, 

Sitzungsber., 1909. 
Lehmann-Haupt (Carl F.) [ps. C. F. Lehmann]. Babyloniens 

Kulturmission. Babel-Bibel-Streit. [P1242]. s8". L. 1903 
Babyloniens Kulturmission einst u. jetzt. Ein Wort d. 

Ablenkung u. Aufklarung z. Babel- Bibel-Streit. 

2e A. [P1243]. 8°. L. 1905 

Die historische Semiramis u. i. Zeit. 8°. Tubingen. 1910 

Le Houx (Jean). Vaux-de-Vire d' Olivier BasseUn & de J. Le 

H. auivis d'un choix d'anc. Vaux-de-Vire & d'anc. chansons 

normandes. Avec notice prelim, etc. par A. Asselin, L. 

Dubois, Pluquet, J. Travers, & C. Nodier. n. 6d., rev. & 

publ. par P. L. Jacob. sS". 1858 

Leicestershire. L. marriage licences, being abstracts of the 

bonds etc., preserved in the Leicester Archdeaconry Regiatry, 

1570-1729 ; transcribed, ed. & indexed by H. Hartopp, 1910, 

see Beitish Reoobd Soo. Index Lib., v38, 1910. 
Leidsche. Bronnen tot de gesch. v. de L. textielnijverheid, 

verzameld door N. W. Posthumus, dl, 1333-1480, 1910, see 

Posthttmus (N. W.) 
Leighton (Henry R.), F.B.Hist.S. ed., ]VIemorials of old 

Durham. 8°. 1910 

Leiningen (FUrst Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Emich), see Valentin 

(V.) Fiirst K. L. u. d. deut. Einheitsproblem, 1910. 
Leipoldt (Johannes), see Bbookelmann (C.) Geach. d. christl. 

Litt. des Orients v. C. B., J. L., etc., 2"= A., 1909. 
Leipzig, C7»ij;. o/, see CoLLijN (I. G. A.) Libri T. Werneri etc. 

[Univ. Lips. saec. 5, 1910 celeb, gratul. Univ. Upsal.l, 

Leith (Mary C. J.) [Leith {Mrs. Disney)]. The children of 

the Chapel ; including. The pilgrimage of pleasure, a 

morality play by A. C. Swinburne. n. ed. (3rd). s8°. 1910 

Leitzmann (Albert). 
see Kleinb Texte fur theolog. etc. Vorlesungen etc., T54, 
Kleinere geistl. Gedichte d. 12. Jhdts., brsg. v. A. L., 

„ MlTTELHOCHDEUTSCHE. Kleinere m. Erzahlungen, etc., 
Bl, Die Melker Ha., hrsg. v. L., 1904. 
Le Jolis (Auguste). Notice aur I'orig. et I'etabliasement de la 

foire St. -Clair de Querqueville. 

3e M. [P1295]. 8". Cherbourg. 1855 
Leland (John), the antigimry. Itinerary, c. 1535-43. [v5], 

p9-ll, w. two apps., glossary & gen. index ; ed. L. T. Smith. 

8". 1910 
*Life of L., w. notes & bibliog. [Attr. to Edward Burton]. 

8". 1896 
Lelmo (Giovanni di), da Comugnori [Lemmo], see Hbney VII, 

emp. of Germany. Das Leben H. VII [i.e. Aus d. Tagebuohe 

d. Ser 6. di L., etc.] ; ubers. v. W. Friedensburg, H2, 

1898. ^ 

Lely (Richard). Poems & trans, on several occasions. 

8". 1727 
Le Maire (Jean Baptiste Charles). La poHce de Paris en 

1770. Mem. ined. compost [par Le M.] par ordre de G. de 

Sartine sur la demande de Marie-Th6r6se et publ. par 

A. Gazier, see SooifiTfi de l'Hist. db Pabis, btc. Mems., t5, 

Lemaire (Nicolas Eloi). Poetae Latini minores, [ex reo. 

Wernsdorfiana]. Notis vet. ac novia illuat. N. E. L. [BibUo- 

theca classioa Lat.]. 7v, <fc Indices [Iv]. 8°. Parisiis. 1824-6 

1, Gratii & Nemesiani Cynegetioa, T. Calpurnii Siculi Eclogse Q Bnnii 

Seven Sancti, Bedjo, Septimii Sereui, Ausonii, Cassii Parmensis' 
Optatiani Porphyrii, & alicirum Carmina. ' 

2, Satirica Elegiaea, Lyrica, & alia qusedam Carmina. 

3, Luoilu Junioris, Saleii Bassi, & aliorum Carmina heroica : Enithalamia 

& Homenstarum Latinorum opera. 


Lemaire (Nicolas Eloi). Poet* Latini minores [continued]. 

4, KutUu Numatiani Itinerarium, Priaolani PerieKeais & alia ooera 

l=^Vmr/a™ """'o™- Carina t.o?raphtea!'VSa 

6, Eiifl Festi Ayieni Descriptio orbis terraj, Ora maritima & Carmina 

« n.™.°=?= ej^lem Arateaphtonomena&prognos ca ' 

' item M ZlSJm il'ir'"' ^ «T-?'^"'<=' '^"™'°'' «" Arato translata ; 
™ra M. Manila Astronoraioon lib. 6 ex rec. J. ScaliEerl 

■ & alionmrit™^'!""'?" -""T'?* ColumelKerPalTadii, Vomani, 
T„™'«^°^ ? Amatona & Lucliora Maximiani Etrusci, Ofllii 
Juventini, Sperati, Symposii, Hosldii Gotaj, & Ausonii 

Lemaitre (Jules). F^nelon. sgo rigioi 

Lembey (J ¥.),see Rozbt (A.) & J. F. L. L'invasion de la 

i^anoe & le siege de St.-Didier, 1544, 1910. 
Lemmo (G. di), da Gomugnori, see Lelmo (G di) 
Lemoigne de BeUeisle (— ), see Belleislb (L. de). 
Le Moine (Jean), cardinal, see Jotjrdain (C.) Le CoUeae du 

Cardinal L., 1877. 
• Le Moiturier (Antoine), see Maequet de Vasselot (J J ) 

Deux ceuvres de A. Le M., 1896. 
Lemon (Mark). Leyton Hall, & o. t. 3v. sS". 1867 

Lemonnier (Camille), see Des OMBiAtrx (M.) C. L., mono- 

graphie aneodot. & doc. aveo une biblio-ioonographie, etc., 

Lemoyne d'lberville (Pierre), see Reed (C. B.) First great 

Canadian : P. Le M., sieur d'L, 1910. 
Lempriere (John), D.D. A classical diet. With value of coins, 

weights etc., & a chronolog. table. 8". 1908 

Le Nain (Antoine), see VALABEiGUB (A. ) Les freres Le N., 1904. 
Le Nain (Louis), see VALABBfiGUE (A.) Les freres Le N., 1904. 
LeNain (Mathieu), see VALABRi]atrE (A.) Les freres LeN., 1904. 
Lenau (Nicolas) ys., see Reynatjd (L.) Recher. sur la date 

des poesies lyriques de L., 1904. 
Lenclos (Ninon de). 

see BoNTOT (G. de). L'ami de N. de L. ; d'ap. la corr. de 
6. de B., n.d. 

„ Galopin (A.) N. de L., [Lettres au marq. de S6vign6, 
etc.], 1910. 

„ RowsELL {Miss M. C.) N. de L., 1910. 
Leu6ru (Marie). Les affranohis. Piece. Pr6f. de F. Gregh. 

s8o. 1910 
Lendtre (G.) ps. The Tribunal of the Terror : study of Paris 

in 1793-5. From the French of G. L. by F. Lees. 8°. 1909 
Lenz (Max). Kleine histor. Schriften. Ia8''. Munchen. 1910 
Lenz (Rudolf). Die Indian. Elemente im chilen. Spanisoh. 

[Sonderabzug aus : Beitr. /,. roman. u. engl. Philologie, 

Festschrift fiir W. Foerster]. 8°. Halle a. S. 1902 

Leo, of Assisi. S. Francis of Assisi, the mirror of perfection. 

Ed. by P. Sabatier. Tr. by S. Evans. sS". 1898 

Leoba, St., see Lioba, St. 
Leon (Fray Luis de)) [F. Luys de Leon]. La perfecta 

casada [expos, del cap. 31 de los Proverbios], texto del s. 16. 

Reimpr. de la 3" ed. con prologo etc. por E. Wallace. 

[Chicago : Univ. of. Decennial pubis., SII, v6]. 

8°. Chicago. 1903 

Le6n (Ricardo). Alcala de los Zegries. Novela. s8°. 1910 

El amor de los amores. Novela. s8°. 1910 

Casta de Hidalgos. Novela. 2^ ed. 88°. 1910 

La escuela de los sofistas. s8°. 1910 

Leoni (Tommaso). Fiore di virtd [somefo'mes attr. to T. i.], 

see FiOKE. 
Leopardi (conte Giacomo). Pensieri di varia filosofla e di bella 

letteratura di L. 2<^ imp. v2, 4r-7. sS". Firenze. 1905-7 

Leopold I, Fiirst V. Anhalt- Dessau, see Vaknhagen v. Ense 

(C. A. L. P.) Biogr. Denkmale, T2, L., etc., 1872. 
Le Paulmier {doct. Claude Stephen). D. Amonio, medecin de 

Louis XIV et de Mme. de Sevign6, see Sooi:^tb de l'Hist. 

DE Paris, etc. M^ms., t20, 1893. 
J. Le Paulmier, docteur -regent de la Faculty de m^decine de 

Paris, medecin du roi Henri III etc., see SooiETfi de l'Hist. 

DE Paris, eto. Mems., t21, 1894. 
Mondor et Tabarin seigneurs feodaux, see Sooibte de l'Hist. 

DE Paris, etc. M^ms., tlO, 1884. 
Le Paulmier de Grentemesnil (JuUen) [Jitlianus Palmaritjs], 

see Le Paitlmieb (C. S.) J. Le P., medecin du roi Henri III 

etc., 1894. 
Le Plongeon (Augustus). Queen Moo & the Egyptian sphinx. 

2nd ed. Ia8". N.Y. 1900 
Sacred mysteries among the Mayas & the Quiches, 11,500 

years ago : their rel. to the sacred mysteries of Egypt, 

Greece, Chaldea & India, 
to the Temple of Solomon. 

Freemasonry in times anterior 
3rd ed. 8°. N.Y. 1909 

99 LEVY 

Leprieur (Paul). Le don Albert Bossy au Mus^e du Louvre, 

see Acad, des Inscr. etc. : Fond. Piot. Mon^. etc., tlO, 


Le Queux (William). Lying lips. 88". [1910] 

The red room. sS". 1909 

Spies of the Kaiser. s8°. 1909 

Lermontov (Mikhail Yur'evich), see Duchesne (E.) M. I. L., 


Le Roux de Lincy (A. J. V.) Essai hist, et litt. sur I'abbaye de 
Fecamp. 8°. Rouen. 1840 

Le livre des legendes : Introd. [no more puU.'] 8°. 1836 

Recher. sur J. Grolier, sur sa vie & sa bibl. ; suiv. d'un oat. 
des livres qui lui ont appartenu. [With " Planches & fac- 
simile," fol.]. 80. 1866. 
Le Roy (Alexandre), bp. of Alinda. La religion des primitifs. 
[Et. s. I'hist. des religions, 1]. 2" 6d. s8°. 1911 
Leroy (L.), see Nau (I'ahhe F.) Les legendes syriaques d' Aaron 
de Saroug, etc. — Les miracles de St. Ptolem6e ; texte arabe 
6d. & tr. par L. L., 1910. 
Leskov (Nikolai Semenovich). nojHoe coCpaRie co^HReeiii; ci 
Siorpa*. oiepKOMT,. 36t. 3e mn. 8°. C.-n. 1902-3 
Leslie (Charles), M.A., 1650-17^Z, see Atterbitey (F.), 5j). 
*Axe laid to root of Christianity, [hy F. A., sometimes attr. 
to 0. L.], 1706. 
Lespinasse (Ren6 de). Le Nivernais et les comtes de Nevers. 

[t]l. 80. 1909 
Lessert (A. C. Pallu de), see Palltt de Lbssebt (A. C.) 
Lessing (Gotthold Ephraim), see Babbitt (I.) The new Lao- 

koon ; essay on the confusion of the arts, 1910. 

L'Estoile (Pierre de). * Journal du regne de Henry III, par 

M. S. A. G. A. P. D. P. [i.e. L. Servin ; extr. f. Journals of 

P. de L'E], see Heney III, king of France. Rec. de diverses 

pieces, 1663. 

Registre-Journal de L'E., 1574^89 ; notice et extr^. publ. 

H. Omont, see Sooiete de l'Hist. de Paeis, etc. M6ms., 

t27, 1901. 

Lesueur (Daniel) ps. Du sang dans les t^nebres. [pi], Plaviana, 

princesse. s8o. [1910] 

Letchworth Village, Eastern New York State Gustodiai 

Asylum. Rep. [& 2nd rep.] of the Commission to select 

a site for the Eastern N.Y. State Custodial Asylum [L. 

Village]. [2v in 1]. 8o. Albany. 1908-9 

1st ann. rep. of Board of Managers. 8o. Albany. 1910 

Le Tourneau (Marcel), see Dibhl (C.) & M. Lb T. Les mosa- 

iiques de Ste. -Sophie de Salonique, 1909. 
Letter. *L., contg. reflections on H.M.'s Declaration for 
liberty of conscience, [by G. Burnet, ascr. to D. Defoe], 1687, 
see Bttenet (G.), bp. 
*L. to the Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Peel, on plan for converting the 
Royal Dublin Soc. etc. into a Nat. Instit. for Ireland. 

[P1275]. 80. 1864 
*Lettera (Una) d' una gentildonna fiorentina del sec. 15, 1874, 

see Strozzi (A.) 
♦Letters. L. on the state of Ireland ; addressed by J. K. L. to 
a friend in Eng., 1825, see Doyle (J.) 
*News 1. of 1715-16 ; ed. A. F. Steuart, 1910, see News. 
Lettres. L. de 1813, si, 1911, see Chitquet (A. M.) ed. 
Leupp (Francis Ellington). The Indian & his problem. 

80. N.Y. 1910 

Leusden (Jan), see Bible : Daniel. J. L.'s tr. of the Syriao 

verses of Daniel & Ezra into Hebrew, etc., 1685 ; rev. & ed. 

J. S. Davidson, 1900. 

Levati (Ambrogio). Viaggi di F. Petrarca in Francia, in 

Germania ed in Italia. Descr. dal Prof. A. L. 

5v. 80. Milano. 1820 
vS cont?. app. : Dialoghi con S. Agostino. 
Levertin (Oscar). 
see SoDERMAN (S.) & R. G. : son Berg. Verner v. Heiden- 

stam— 0. L., [Sel'.], 1910. 
„ SvERiQB. S. national-htt., 1500-1900, planlagt af 0. L., 
etc., vl6, 19, 1909. 
Levisou (Wilhelm), see Kkusoh (B.) ed., Passiones vitaeque 
sanctorum aevi Merovingici etc., tS, ed. B. K. & W. L., 
Le^atre (Joseph). Alphabet du piegeage. Notice hist, par 
G. de MaroUes ; pref. par E. Christophe. sS". 1911 

Levy (Emil). Provenzalisohes Supplement- Worterbuch. 
Berichtigungen u. Erganz. zu Raynouards Lexique Roman. 

B6, P-Q. 80. L. 1910 




Levy (Joseph Hiam). The necessity for criminal appeal as 

Ulust. by the Maybrick Case & the jurisprudence of var. 

countries. Ed. J. H. L. 8°. 1899 

Short studies in econ. subjects. [Personal Rights series ; 

ed. J. H. Levy, 1]. s8». 1903 

see GOFP (A.) & J. H. L. Politics & disease, 1906. 

Levy (M. A.) Gesch. d. jiid. Mtinzen. [Inst. z. Forderung d. 

Israelit. Lit., Schriften, Jhrg. 7]. 8°. L. 1862 

Phonizische Studien. [4H in IB]. 8°. Breslau. 1856-70 

Phoniz. Worterbuoh. \ Phoniz. Studien, 1856-70]. 

8". Breslau. 1864 

Lewin (George Harrison Ross-), see Ross-Lewin (G. H.) 

Lewis (Mrs. Agnes Smith), wife o/ S. S. Lewis. Codex C)limaci 

Rescriptus. Fragments of 6th cent. Palestinian Syriac 

texts of the Gospels, of the Acts of the Apostles & of St. 

Paul's Epistles ; also frag, of an early Palestinian lectionary 

of the Old Test., etc. Transcribed & ed. by A. S. L. [Horse 

Semiticse, 8]. 4°. C. 1909 

see Bible : Gospels. The Palestinian Syriac lectionary of 

the Gospels ; re-ed. by A. S. L. etc., 1899, 
„ Studia Sinaitica, no. 12, Forty-one facs. of dated Xtn. 
Arabic MSS. ; w. text & tr. ; by L., etc., 1907. 
Lewysohn (Ludwig). 60 Epitaphien v. Grabsteinen d. israeUt. 
Friedhofes zu Worms, regressiv bis z. Jahre 905, nebst biog. 
Skizzen etc. [P1253]. 8°. Frankfurt a. M. 1855 

Lex. L. Francorum Chamavorum, see Lex Ribuaria et Lex 
Fr. Ch., ed. R. Sohm, 1883. 
L. Ribuaria ct Lex Francorum Chamavorum. Ed. R. Sohm. 
[Fontes Juris Germ. Antiq. ex Mon. Germ. Hist. Sep. editi]. 

8°. Hannover*. 1883 

Leyden. Rijks Mttseum van Natxtuklijkb Hist., see Dek 

HoEVEN (J. van). Berigt omtrent het mij verleende ontslag 

als opperdirecteur v.'s R. Museum, 1860. 

Leyendas. Dos obras didacticas y dos 1. ; [ed H. Knust], 

1878, see Knttst (H.) 
Leze (Donado da), see Lbzze (D. da). 

Lezze (Donado da) [Lboob (D. da) ; Leze (D. da)]. Hist. 
Turchesca, 1300-1514. Publ., adnotata, impreuna cu o 
intr. de I. Ursu. Ed. Acad. Romane. 8". 1909 

L'Heimite (Madeleine de), aft. wife of E. de Raymond de 
Mormoiron, cte. de Modene, see Chabdon (E. H.) Nouv. 
docs, sur la vie de Moliere, 2t, 1886-1905. 
Libanius, see Demeteius, Phalerius. D'. et Li. qui feruntur 

TjJitoi iTTLffToKtKOL ot 'EiTiiTToXifiaLOi xapaKTljpes, 1910. 
Libel. *Due canzoni a ballo dal " L. solatij," 1907, see 

GOLINO (S. di). 
L. exemplorum ad usum prsedicantium, saec. 13 compositus a 

quodam fratre minore Anglico de provincia Hibernise. Sec. 

cod. Dunelm. ed. per A. G. Little. [Brit. Soe. of Franciscan 

Studies, 1]. 8°. Aberdonise. 1908 

Liborius, Saint, bp. of Le Mans, «ce Candid us, of Fulda. 

Leben d. Abtes Eigil etc., nebst d. Ubertragung d. hi. L. ; 

iibers. v. G. Grandaur, 1890. 
Libli (Francesco dai), of Verona, fi. 15th cent., see Fkancesoo, 

dai Libri. 
Libri (Guglielmo). M. Libri et les journaux anglais. 

[P640]. 8°. 1851 
Libro de los Siete Sabios de Roma ; tr., por D. de Canizares, 

1892, see Seven Sages. 
Lichtenberger (Andre). Tous heros. s8°. [1910?] 

Lichtenberger (Henri). Gospel of superman : phil. of F. 

Nietzsche. Tr. J. M. Kennedy. s8<'. E. 1910 

Liebenam (Willy). Fasti consulares Imp. Romani v. 30 v. 

Chr. bis 565 n. Chr. ; mit Kaiserhste etc. ; bearbt. v. W. L., 

see Klbinb Texte f. theolog. etc. Vorlesungen etc., T41-43, 

Liebmann (Otto), Dr. jur., h. 1857. Die jurist. Fakultat d. 

Univ. Berlin, v. i. Griindung bis zur Gegenwart in Wort u. 

Bild. Mit 450 hslichen. Widmungen. Hrsg. v. 0. L. Festgabe 

d. Deut. Jur.-Zeitung z. Jahrhundertfeier d. Friedrich- 

Wilhelms-Univ. zu Berlin. oblong 8». 1910 

Liedet (Loyset), see Chablbs Maetel, duke of Austrasia. Hist. 

de C. M. : reprod. des miniatures de L. L., 1470, par J. Van 

den Gheyn, 1910. 
Li6ge [LtJTTicH], see Sankt Jacob, abbey of, Liege. 
Lienhard (Friedrich). Oberhn. Roman. 2^ A. 8°. St. [1910] 
Lietzmaun (Hans). 
see KXEINE Texte fiir theolog. u. philolog. Vorlesungen u. 
tJbungen; hrsg. v. H. L., T41-43, 47-56, 58, 59, 

Lietzmann (Hans) [continued], 
see Kleine Texte fiir theolog. u. philolog. Vorlesungen u. 
tlbungen; hrsg. v. H. L., T47-49, Latein. altkirchl. 
Poesie; ausgewahlt v. H. L., 1910. 
Life. *The 1. & reign of Queen Anne, 1738, see Anne, q. of Gt. 
Brit, (fc /. 
The 1. of Lord Montague, an Irish nobleman : into wh. is 
introduced the history of the Hon. John ****** or the fatal 
effects of gaming, [a novel]. By an officer. 2v. s8°. 1791 
Light, The family of, see Temple (J. A.) Annals of two 

extinct families of the 18th c. (von Ltiders & L.), 1910. 
Ligne (Charles Joseph, prince de). Mes hearts, ou ma tete en 
libert6. Reflex, choisies, ordonn., & accomp. d'une not. 
& d'une bibliog. par F. Caussy. 88°. 1906 

Lignitz (Gen. Viktor v.) Scharnhorst. [Erzieher d. preuss. 
Heeres]. 2" A. sS". Oldenburg i. Gr. n.d. 

Lilac. The 1. fairy book, 1910, see Lang (A.) ed. 
Lilie (Die), e. mitteKrank. Dichtung in Reimprosa, u. a. 
geistl. Gedichte ; aus d. Wiesbadener Hs. hrsg. v. P. Wiist. 
[Deutsche Texte d. Mittelalters, hrsg. v. d. Konigl. Preuss. 
Akad. d. W,ss., 15]. 8". 1909 

Liliencron (Detlev, Frhr. v.) Ausgewahlte Briefe. 

2B. 1-3^ A. sS". 1910 

LUlie (Arthur). Influence of Buddhism on primitive Xty. 

[2nd ed., w. t. : India in primitive Xty.]. 8°. 1909 

Lilly (William Samuel). Idola fori : exam, of 7 questions 

of the day. 8°. 1910 

Limerick Field Club. Journal. 

vl, 2, (1897-1904), in Iv. 8°. Limerick. 1901-5 
Limerno, Pitocco, da Mantoa, ps., see Folenqo (T.) 
Linanges (Charles, prince de), see Leiningen (Filrst Cael 

F. W. E.) 

Lincoln (Abraham), pres. of the U.S. Speeches & letters, 

1832-65. [Intr. by J. Bryce. Taken f. Compl. wks. of 

A. L., by J. G. Nicolay & J. Hay. repr.]. sS". [1910] 

Lind(Benno). tJber d. letzte Fermatsohe Theorem. [Abhdlgen. 

z. Gesch. d. Mathematik, Hft. 26 ii]. 8». L. 1910 

Linesman, ps. [i.e. Capt. M. H. Geant], see Geant {Capt. M. H.) 

Lingelbach (W. E.) The Merchant Adventurers of Eng. ; their 

laws & ordinances w. o. doc'. [Pennsyl. Univ. Tran". 

&repr'. f. orig. sources of Eur. hist., s2, v2]. 

8°. Philadelphia. 1902 

Contains a repr. of The Lawes, customes & ordinances 

of the ffellowshippe of Merohantes Adventurers of 

Eng. Coll. & digested into order by J. Wheeler, 1608. 

Lingley (Charles Ramsdell). The transition in Virginia f. 

colony to Commonwealth. [Columbia Univ. Studies in 

Hist., etc., 36 ii]. 8°. N.Y. 1910 

Linschoten-Vereeniging. Werken uitg. door de L.-V. 

1, 2, in 3v [2 i, ii]. 8°. 's-Gravenhage. 1909-10 
see LiNSCHOTBN (J. H. van). Itinerario, voyage, 1579-92, 
1910. [2.] 

„ May (J. C.) De reis van J. C. M. naar de Ijszee en de 
Amerikaansche Kust, 1611-2 ; verzameling van beschei- 
den uitg. door S. MuUer, 1909. [1.] 

Linschoten (Jan Huygen van). Itinerario, voyage ofte 
schipvaert van J. H. van L. naer Oost ofte Portugaels 
Indien, 1579-92. Uitg. door H. Kern. [Linschoten- 
Vereeniging, 2]. 2d. 8°. 's-Gravenhage. 1910 
Linton (William James). Life of J. G. Whittier. [With 
bibliog., by J. P. Anderson]. 8". 1893 
Lioba, St. [Leoba], see Willibaldus, presbyter. Leben d. h. 
Bonifazius v. W., d. h. L. v. Rudolf v. Fulda, etc. ; iibera. 
V. W. Arndt, 2^ A., 1888. 
Lippe (Chayim David). Bibliog. Lexicon d. jiid. Lit. d. 
Gegenwart u. Adress-Anzeiger. Schema mit Adressen v. 
Rabbinen, etc., nebst Angabe sammtl. Schriftwerke u. 
Zeitschriften. 8". Wien. 1881 
Lipsins (Richard Adelbert). Die edessen. Abgar-Sage. 

[P1252]. 8°. Braunschweig. 1880 
Lirici marinisti ; a cura di B. Croce, 1910, see Ceooe (B.) 
Liszt (Ferencz). Gesammelte Schriften. 

4B in 2. Neu durchgesehene A. s8°. L. 1910 
1, F. Chopin ; iibers. v. La Mara. 2, R. Wagner ; iibers. v, L. Ramanu. 

3, Die Zigeuner u. ihre Musik in Ungarn ; iibera. v. P. Cornelius. 

4, Ausgewahlte Schriften ; nach d. Ubers. v. L, Raniann hrsg. v. J. Kapp. 

Gesammelte Schriften. [Hrsg. v. L. Ramann]. Allg. 

Inhaltsiibersicht ; v. J. Kapp. Ia8°. L. 1910 

Litchfield (Mrs. Henrietta E.) Richard Buckley Litchfield : 

a mem. s8°. p.p. C. 1910 


Litchfield (Richard Buckley). Tom Wedgwood, the first 

photographer : aoo. of h. Ufe, h. discovery & h. friendship 

w. b. T. Coleridge, inol. letters of C. to the Wedgwoods. 

8°. 1903 
see LiTOHMELD {Mrs. H. E.) R. B. L., 1910. 
Litterarische (Das) Echo. 

5e"--9" Jhrg. (Okt. 1902-Okt. 1907). Ia8°. [1902-7] 
Little (Andrew G.), see Liber exemplorum ad usum prjedican- 

tium ; ed. per A. G. L., 1908. 
Little (Archibald John). Gleanings f. 50 years in China 

Rev. by Mrs. A. Little. 8» 1910 

*Littlecote, 1900, see Watney (V. J.) 
Littmann (Enno), see Beockelmank (C.) Gesch. d. christl. 

Litt. des Orients, v. C. B., E. L., etc., 2^ A., 1909. 
Liturgies, see Neale (J. M.) ed., The L. of S. Mark, S. James, 

S. Clement, S. Chrysostom, S. Basil, etc., 4th ed., 1896. 
Litzica (Constantin), see Academia RomanA. Bibl. Acad. R. : 

cat. ms. grecesti, 1909. 
Liudger, St., see Ltjdqer. 
Liudprandns, bp. of Cremona. Aus L. Werken ; fibers, v. 

K. V. d. Osten-Sacken, 2^ A., neu bearbt. v. W. Wattenbach, 

see Geschichtschbeiber (Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2^ Gesammt- 

ausg., B29, 1890. 
Liverpool Financial Reform Association. Financial Reform 

Tracts. New ser., no. 23, Governmental model farming, etc. 

[P1239]. 8°. Liv'l. [1858] 
Lives. L. of the English martyrs ; completed & ed. by Dom 

Bede Camm, 2v, 1904-5, see Camm {Dom B.) 
*Livets Lygtemsend, 1902, see Thaning (V.) 
Llvlandische. AltUvland. Erinnerungen ; gesammelt v. F. 

Bienemann, 1911, see Bienemann (F.) 
Livre. L. de depenses d'un dignitaire de F^gUse de Paris en 

1248 (fragment) ; [publ.] le col. Borrelli de Serres, see 

SOCIBTE DE l'HiST. DE PaRIS, ETC. M6ms., t31, 1904. 
Livy. Hist. Romanarum libri qui sup. Ex recensione I. N. 

Madvigii ; ed. I. N. M. & I. L. Ussingius. 

4v [eachv. has Sp b. together; var. edK]. 8". Haunise. 1864-86 
T. Livi Periochse omnium libr., Fragmenta Oxyrhynchi 

reperta, Julii Obsequentis Prodigiorum lib. Ed. 0. Ross- 
bach. sS". L., Teubner. 1910 
Lizdrraga (Fr. Reginaldo de). Descr. del Peru, Tucuman, 

Rio de la Plata y Chile, see Serrano y Sanz (M.) Guerra 

de Quito, etc., 1909. 
Lizerand (Georges). Clement V et Phihppe IV le Bel. 8°. 1910 
Ljungberg (Nils Wilhelm). Chronologie de la vie de Jesus. 

[Tr. With pref. signed F.W. P1246]. 8". Lund. 1878 

Llad6 (Juan). Balmes: notas sobre su personalidad y sus obras. 

Tr., con un prologo d. M. Polo Peyrolon. s8°. Vich. 1910 
Lloyd (J. A. T.) Two Russian reformers : I. Turgenev — 

L. Tolstoy. 8°. [1910] 

Lloyd (John Edward), prof, of hist. Hist, of Wales, f. earliest 

times to the Edwardian conquest. 

2v, [pagin. cont.]. 8". 1911 
Lloyd (William), bp. of (1) St. Asaph (Z) Lichfield & Coventry 

(3) Worcester, see Sancroft (W.) The proceedings & 

tryal in case of abp. of Canterbury, bp. of St. Asaph, etc., 

1688 1739 
Lloyd-George (Rt. Hon,. David). The people's will. 8". 1910 
Loane (M.) Neighbours & friends. 88°. 1910 

Lobkowitz {Fiirst Josef Maria Sagan), see Imperatorskoe 

RtrssK. 1st. Obsch. Sbornik. 
Loch (Charles Stewart). Charity & social life. s8o. 1910 

Locke (William J.) Simon the jester. s8°. 1910 

Lockyer (Sir J. Norman) & Winifred L. Lockyer. Tennyson 

as a student & poet of nature. s8°. 1910 

Lockyer (Winifred L.), see Lookyer {Sir J. N.) & W. L. L. 

Tennyson as a student & poet of nature, 1910. 
Locman. L'. Fabulse [Arabic text] ; annot. crit. & glossario 

explan. ab M. Roedigero. 

Ed. 2a emend. 84°. HaUs Saxonum. 1839 
*Locrine. [Tragedy] " Newly set foorth, overseene, and oorr., 

by W. S.," 1595. [Tudor Faos. Texts ; J. S. Farmer]. 

4°. Issued f. subscribers. 1911 
Lodge (Sir Oliver J.) Easy mathematics, chiefly arithmetic. 

[repr.]. 88°. 1906 

Reason & beHef. sS". [1910] 

The survival of man. A study in unrecognised human 

faculty. 2nd ed. 8". [1909] 

Lodge (Richard). Hist, of Eng. (1660-1702). [Polit. Hist, of 

Eng., 8]. 80. 1910 


Loewenfeld (Carl), see Lowbnebld (C.) 

Loga (Valerian v.) Francisco de Goya, mit 71 Tafeln. [Meis- 
ter d. Graphik ; Voss, 4]. 4". L. [1910] 

_ Logan (William Newton). Contributions to the paleontology 
of the tipper Cretaceous series, 1899, see Field Columbian 
MtrSETJM : Geolog. ser., vl, 1895-1902. 
Logerot (Mme. G.) [ps. G. Rbval], see Rbval (G.) ps. 
Loisy (Alfred). La relig. d'lsrael. 

2= ed. augm. 88°. Ceffonda, pr^s Montier-en-Der. 1908 

The relig. of Israel. Tr. A. Galton. 88°. 1910 

Loli6e (Pr6d6ric). Talleyrand & la soc. fran?. dep. la fin du 

r. de Louis XV jusqu'aux approches du Second Empire. 

[Du prince de B6n6vent au due de Morny]. [pi]. 8°. 1910 

LoUis (Cesare de). 

see Canzonibre provenzale A, [<fc Canz. prov. B ; ed. A. 

Pakscher & C. de L.], 1891. 
„ GiORNALE Stor. d. Lbtt. Ital., Suppl., 1, 0. de L., Sul 

Canzoniere di C. Davanzati, 1898. 
„ MoNAOi(E.) Studj difilol. rom., vl,[Deiraddoppiamenti 
postonici ; by C. de L.], 1885. 

„ Studj di filol. rom., v2, [Cantigas de amor e de 

maldizer di Alfonso el Sabio re di Castiglia ; by C. de L.], 

„ Studj di filol. rom., v8, [Noterelle spagnole ; by C. 

de L.], 1901. 

„ Studj di filol. rom., [v8, 9, pubbl. da E. M. & C. de 

L.], 1885-1903. 
Lomax (R. Trappes-), see Traffbs-Lomax (R.) 
Lombardi (p- Francesco). Anzio antico e moderno. Opera 
postuma. 8°. 1865 

Lombroso (Cesare). 
see KtJRELLA (H.) C. L. als Mensch u. Forscher, 1910. 

„ C. L. ; tr. M. E. Paul, 1911. 

London. L. citizens in 1651, a transcript of Harleian MS. 

4778. Ed. w. notes & index by J. C. Whitebrook aided by 

W. Whitebrook. 84°. n.d. 

The L. prodigal, 1605 [ascr. to Shakespeare], for reprs. see 

Shakespeare (W.) 

see Islington. 

„ fST. Stephens, Westminster. 
London (The) Citizen's Year-Book. 1910. 88°. 1910 

London County Council. The story of the L.C.C. Articles 
by " The Times " special correspondent. 8°. 1907 

London, Edinburgh, & Dublin Philosophical Magazine and 
journal of science. s6. v7-14. 8°. [1904-7]. 

London Library. Cat. of the L. L.- By C. T. Hagberg Wright. 

40. 1903 

Suppl. 1-7 (1902-March 1, 1910). By C. T. Hagberg 

Wright. 40. 1904^10 

Subject-index of the L. L. By C. T. Hagberg Wright. With 

app. & synopsis of headings. 4o. 1909 

London Municipal Society, see Towlbr (W. G.) Case agst. 

the Labour-Socialist party, 1910. 

London Topographical Society, see Whitehall. The Palace of 

W., f. the picture at Windsor Castle representing Charles II 

etc. witnessing the Lord Mayor's procession to Westminster 

1683, 1909. 

London (Jack). Martin Eden. s8o. 1910 

Londonderry. Ordnance survey of the oo. of L. Col. Colby 

superintendent, vl, [Mem. of the city & north-western 

hberties of L., Parish of Templemore; ed. SirT. A. Laroom]. 

40. D. 1837 
First vol. of a ser. of local mem. to accompany the Ordnanoe 
Survey of Ireland. No more publ.? 
The register of Derry Cathedral (S. Columb's), parish of Temple- 
more, L., 1642-1703, w. pref. by R. Hayes. [Parish Register 
Soc. of DubUn, v8]. laSo. Exeter. 1910 

Longfellow (Henry Wadsworth). " Hyperion," " Kavanagh," 
& " The trouveres." With an intr. by W. Tirebuck. 

s8o. 1887 

Poems. Sel. f. best ed». 2v. s8o. 1880 

Longinus (Dionysius Cassius), see BoiLEAtr-DESPRBAUx (N.) 

(Euvres, var. ed., for tr. of Longinus. 
Longnon (Auguste). 
see Aebois de Jitbainville (M. H. d'). Hist, des dues etc. 
de Champagne, dep. le 68., t7, Livre des vassaux du 
comte de Champagne et de Brie, 1172-1222 ; publ. par 
A. L., 1869. 
„ Campabdon (E.) & A. L. Latude & s. Evasion ; docs. 
in6d. rec. par E. C. & A. L., 1877. 




Longnon (Auguste) [continued]. 

see SCAEAMOUCHE. La vieillese de S., 1690-4 ; docs. in6d. 

publ. par E. Campardon & A. L., 1876. 
„ SoCIETi DE l'HiST. DE PaBIS ETC., M6ms., tl, A. L., 
L'lle-de-France, 1875. 

„ Mems., t2, A. L., Conjectures sur I'auteur [J. Beauri- 

gout ?] du Journal pariaien de 1409-49, 1876. 
Longnon (Henri). Le chateau de Rambouillet. [Petites 
monogr. des gr. edifices]. s8°. n.d. 

Longperier (Adrien de). Inscription du regard de Belleville, 

see SociETE de l'Hist. de Paris, etc. Mems., tS, 1882. 
Longueville. *An exact list of the names of the Brit. oflScers 
of foot, kill'd & wounded in the Battle of L., Sept. 11, 1709. 
[Single sheet, l.w. Post-Man, 1709-11]. fol. 1709 

Longueville (T.) *The first Duke & Duchess of Newcastle- 
upon-Tyne. 8». 1910 
Longus. GU amori pastorali di Dafni e di Cloe. Tr. A. Caro. 

8°. Londra. 1786 
see Chassang (A.) Les romans grecs : Les pastorales de L. 
etc., n.d. 
Loning (Edgar). Gesch. d. deut. Kirchenrechts. 

Bl, 2. [no more publ. .?]. 8". Str. 1878 

1, Einltg.— Das Kirchenrecht in Gallien v. Constantin bis Chlodovech. 

2, Das Kirchenrecht im Reiche d. Merowinger. 

Loots (Friedrich). Das Glaubensbekenntnis d. Homousianer 
V. Sardica, [w. text], see ICoNiGLiCH-PKBtrss. Akad. d. 
Wiss. ZTJ B. Abhdlgn., Phil. -hist. Classe, 1909. 
Leitfaden zum Studium d. Dogmengesch. 

4^, umgearbte. A. 8°. Halle a. S. 1906 

Lope de Moros. H " Romance de L. de M." : nuova ipotesi 

[by G. Petraglione; w. text], see Monaci (E.) Studj di filol. 

rom., v8, 1901. 

Lopes (Jose M.) & E. R. Bensley, etc. Nuevo dice, ingl^s- 

espafi. y espan.-ingMs. 

7'' ed., aumentado. 2p in Iv. ^8°. [1905] 
Lopez (P. Savj-), see Savj-Lopez (P.) 

Lopez de Ayala (Pedro). El libro de las aves de ca9a ; 
con las glosas del duque de Alburquerque. [Ed. P. de 
Gayangos]. Publ. la Soc. de Bibliofilos [Espanoles]. 

8». 1869 

Lopez de Villalobos (Francisco). Algunas obraa. [Cartas, 

etc. Ed., w. life cfc comm., by A. M. Fabie]. Publ. la 

Soc. de Bibli6filos Espan. 8". 1886 

Lor^dan (Jean). La grande misere & les voleurs au 18. s. : 

Marion du Faouet & ses " Associes " 1740-70. 88°. 19X0 

Loiedano (Griov. Francesco), the younger. Opera. 

t3, [1st tp. wanting]. s8°. Venetia. 1653 
3as 2nd tp. : Vita d'Alessandro III & also conts. Morte 
del Volestain, Vita del cav. Marino, etc. 
Lorentz (Dr. H. A.) Nova Guinea. Uitkomsten der Neder- 
land. N.-G.-Exped. in 1907. Onder leiding v. H. A. L. 

v8, Botanique, livr. 2. 4». Leiden. 1910 
Lorenzo [de' Medici], the elder, called " The Magnificent," 
see BuoKSiGNORi (A.) Lettere intorno alia morte di L. ; 

pubbl. C. PaoU, 1870. 
„ ToKNABtroNi (L.) Tre lettere di L. T., ed altre lettere 
cone, al matrimonio di L. con G. Orsini, 1859. 
Lorey (Eustache de) & D. B. W. Sladen. The moon of the 
fourteenth night : being the private Ufe of an unmarried 
diplomat [i.e. E. Vaimont] in Persia dur. the Revolution. 

80. 1910 
Lori (Jacopo), see Tiqbi (G.) Canti popolari toscani ; [ind. 

Le disgrazie d. Mea, by J. L.], 1856. 
Loria (Achille). Contemp. social problems. Tr. by J. L. 
Garner. S8". 1911 

Lorimer (Miss Norma Octavia). By the waters of Egypt. 

8°. [1909] 

Lorris (Guillaume de) & Jehan de Meung, see Benedetto 

(L. F.) II " Roman de la rose " [by G. de L. <fc J. de M.] 

e la letteratura ital., 1910. 

Loth (Arthur). L'6ohec de la restauration monarchique en 

1873. 8°. 1910 

Loth (Otto), see Al-Kindi. Al-K. als Astrolog [texts, w. 

comparative study] ; v. 0. L., 1875. 
Loti (Pierre) ps. Le chateau de la Belle-au-Bois-Dormant. 

s8<'. [1910] 

CEuvres compl. [t]10. Vers Ispahan — La troisieme jeunesse 

de Mme. Prune. 8". [1910] 

Lottery. *A scheme for raising 1,800,000L for the service of 
1712 bv wav of 1., etc. [Single sheet:'-? b.w. Post-Man, 
1712-16]. L--S ,? fol. [c. 1712] 

Lottery-tickets. *Proposals for erecting an ofBce for advancing 
the value of blank I.-t. [Single sheet, b.w. Post-Man, 
1709-11]. fol. [1710?] 

[re-issue, b.w. Post-Man, 1709-11]. 

fol. [1710?] 
Louis IX, !c. of France, St. 
see Knox (W. F.) The court of a saint [L. IX], 1909. 
„ Socibt:6 db l'Hist. de Paris, etc. M6ms., t23, Fragm. 
de I'enquete faite a Saint-Denis en 1282 en vue de 
la canonisation de St. L. ; publ. H. F. Delaborde, 
„ ViOLLET (P.) Les 6tablissements de St. Louis dans le 
Beauvoisis, 1882. 
Louis XI, Jc. of France, 
see Calmette (J.) L. XI, Jean II & la revol. catalane, 

1461-73, 1903. 
„ SooitTii DE l'Hist. db Paris, etc. Mems., t23, L'entr^e 
solennelle de L. XI a Paris, 31 aoiit 1461 ; [publ.] 
C. Couderc, 1896. 
Louis Xni, k. of France, 
see Batiffol (L.) Le roi L. XIII a vingt ans, 1910? 
„ Patmobb (K. A.) Court of L. XIII, 1909. 
Louis XIV, k. of France, 
see Blenneehassbtt (0. J., Lady). L. XIV & Mme. de 

Maintenon, 1910. 
„ Dayot (A.) L. XIV, illusts., etc., 1909. 
„ MiROT (L.) Le Bernin en France : les travaux du 

Louvre et les statues de L. XIV, 1904. 
„ Saint-Matjrioe (T. F. C, 2e m. de). Lettres sur la oour 
de L. XIV, 1667-70 ; publ. avec intr. et notes par 
J. Lemoine, 1910. 
Louis XV, k. of France, 
see Dttchesnb (G. ) Mile, de Charolais : amours de L. XV 

& des demoiselles de Nesle, etc., 1909. 
„ Maugkas (G.) La fin d'une soc. . Lauzun & la cour 
intime de L. XV, 2^ ed., 1893. 
Louis XVI, k. of France, 
see Bourgeois (A.) L. XVI a Varennes, 1901. 
„ Segur {marg. P. de) Au couchant de la monarchie : 
L. XVI et Turgot, 1774-6, 1909. 
Louis XVII, k. of France, see Lambeatt (L.) L'anc. cimeti^re 
paroissial de Ste. -Marguerite : Inhumation du dauphin, 
etc., 1904. 
Louis XVm, k. of France ; 175S-1&S4, see Stbngee (G.) 

The return of Louis XVIII ; [tr.] Mrs. R. StaweU, 1909. 
Louis I, emp. of Germany, 6s k. of the Franks, 
see NiGELLxjs (E.) Lobgedioht auf Kaiser L. etc. ; (ibers. 

V. T. G. Pfund, 2e A., 1889. 
„ Thegantts, chorepisc. Trevir. Die Lebensbesohreibungen 
Kaiser L., v. T. u. v. sog. Astronomus ; fibers, v. J. v. 
Jasmund, 2^ A., 1889. 
Louis IV, emp. of Germany. Quellen z. Gesch. L. d. Baiern 
[i.e. Die Fiirstenfelder Chronik v. d. Thaten d. Fiirsten, 
1273-1326, sometimes attr. to Volcmarus abbot of Fiirstenfddt 
— Die Chronik v. d. Herzogen v. Baiern, 1309-72 — Das 
Leben L. IV, 1282-1347 — Ludwig d. Baier, v. A. Mussato 
— Aus d. Chronik d. G. Villani] ; fibers, v. W. Friedensburg, 
2H, see Gesohichtsoheeiber (Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2" 
Gesammtausg., B81, 82, 1898. 
Louis II, k. of Hungary [Lajos], see Szab6 (D.) A magyar 

orszaggyul6sek tort^nete II L. koraban, 1909. 
Louis, Sanctus, of Beeringen, see Berli^re (U.) Un ami de 

Petrarque : L. S., 1905. 
Louis Bonaparte, k. of Holland ; aft. cte. de Saint- Leu. L. B. 
en Hollande d'apres s. lettres, 1806-10 ; [publ.] A. Dubosoq. 

80. 1911 

see Colenerander (H. T.) Gedenkstukken d. algemeene 

gesch. V. Nederland, D5 i, ii, Koning L., 1806-10, 


Louis Philippe [de Bourbon], due d' Orleans, 1725-85, see 

Orleans (L. P., d. d'). 
Louisa Charlotte, MarkgrSfin V. Brandenburg ; Herzogin v. 
Kurland, 1617-76, see Seraphim (A.) Eine Schwester d. 
gross. Kurfiirsten : L. C, Markgrafin v. B., 1901. 
Louise Anne, de Bourbon, see Charolais (Mile. db). 
Louvet de Couvray (Jean Baptiste), see Rivers (J.) L. : 
revolutionist & romance-writer, 1910. 


Lovarini (Emilio). Not. sui parenti e s. vita del " Ruzzante," 
see CxioENALE SroE. B. Lett. Ital., Suppl., 2, 1899. 

IjOW (A. Maurice). Tlie Amer. people: a study in nat. 
psychology. ^ ^ •' 8„_ 1909 

LOW (Sidney James), see Cassbll, publisher. Diet, of Eng. 

hist. ; [ed.-] S. J. L. & F. S. Pulling, [reu. ed.], 1910. 
Lowe {Sir Hudson). Dans la ohambre de NapoMon mourant. 

Journal m6d. de H. L. ; [6d.] P. Tr^meaux. 38". 1910 

Lowell (James Russell). My study windows. With an intr. 

by B. Garnett. ggo, iggY 

Lowenfeld (Carl). Investment units : oorap. statements of 

Stock Exchange securities. [P1299]. 4°. M'ter. 1910 

Lowndes (Mrs. Belloc-). When no man pursueth. s8o. 1910 
Lowndes (M. E.) The nuns of Port Royal, as seen in their 

own narratives. 8". 0. 1909 

Lowther, The family of, see Bewlby (Sir E. T.) Somenotes 

on the Lowthers who held judicial office in Ireland in the 

17th cent., 1902. 
Loyola (Ignatius), Saint, see Thompson (E.) St. I. L • ed 

J. H. Pollen, 1909. ' ' 

Liibeck. Die Chroniken d. deut. Stadte. 

B30 (Bi). 80. L. 1910 

Detmar-Chronik, 1438-65, [B30, 1910]. 

Luca (Mariano de), S.J. Praelectiones juris canonici quas in 
schola institutionum canonicarum habebat M. de-L. 

[5v]. 8°. Romse. 1897-8 

[1], Intr. geu. [2], Liber de personia. [3], Liber de rebus eocles. [41 

Liber de judidis eocles. [5], Liber de delictis & poenis eccles. 

[<& Index gen. ]. 



Lucas (Edward Verrall). Mr. Ingleside. 
One day & another. 

s8o. [1910] 
s8o. [1909] 

2nd ed. sS". [1909] 

The second post : companion to The gentlest art. 

2nd ed. s8<>. [1910] 

see Graves (C. L.) & E. V. L. Signs of The Times, 1907. 

Lucas (Perceval). Heathfield memorials, coll. f. the parish 

records etc. 40. 1910 

Lucas (Reginald), a. of "Another point of view." George II 

& his ministers. 8". 1910 

Lucas (Reginald Jaflray). Lord Glenesk & the " Morning 

Post." 8°. 1910 

Lucas (St. John WeUes Lucas). The first round. 

2nd ed. 88°. [1909] 

The Oxford book of Italian verse, 13th c.-19th c. Chosen by 

St. J. L. s8°. 0. 1910 

Lucca. Regesto del oapitolo di L. Pubbl. dall' Istituto 

Storico Ital. a cura d. P. Guidi e 0. Parenti. [Regesta 

Chartarum Ital.]. vl. 8". 1910 

Luce (Simeon). 

For the following see SooiiTi) de l'Hist. de Pakis, etc. 


Docs, nouveaux sur E. Marcel, 1880. [6.] 

Les menus du prieur de St.-Martin-des-Champs en 1438 et 1439, 1883. [9.] 

If^gociations des Anglais avec le roi de Navarre, 1358, 1875. [1.] 

Le tr6sor anglais h. Paris en 1431 et le procfes de Jeanne d'Arc, 3879. [6.] 

Lucena (Juan de). Carta exhortatoria a las letras, see Paz y 

M^LIA (A.) Opiisc. lit. de los siglos 14 a 16, 1892. 
Libro de vida beata, see Paz y Melia (A.) Opiisc. lit. de los 

siglos 14 a 16, 1892. 
Luchaire (Acbille). La soc. fran9. au temps de Philippe- 

Auguste. 2e ^d. 8". 1909 

Lucian, of Samosata, see Villalon (C. de). El crotalon, [in 

imitation of L.'s " Oallus "], 1871. 
Luciani (Lnigi). Linee gen. d. fisiologia d. cervelletto. 

prima mem. [Real Istit. di Studi Super, eo. in Firenze]. 

[P1299]. Ia8". Firenze. 1884 
Luciguano (Saldino di Domenico da), see Dombnico (B. di). 
Lucius (P. E.) Der Essenismus in s. Verhaeltniss z. Juden- 

thum. 8°. Strassburg. 1881 

Liicker (Heinrich), see Gbmeindefinanzen, B2 iii. Die Ent- 

wicklung u. d. Probleme d. Gemeindeabgabenwesens in d. 

Stadten etc. d. preuss. Industriebezirke ; v. H. L., 1910. 
Lucretius. De rerum natura. With notes & tr. by H. A. J. 


2v (1, Text & notes ; 2, tr.) 2nd ed., rev. & enl. 8°. C. 1866 
see Santayana (G.) Three philos. poets : L., Dante, & 
Goethe, 1910. 
Liiders, The family of, see Temple (J. A.) Annals of two 

extinct families of the 18th c. (von Liiders & Light), 


Ludger, St. [Lhjdqbe]. 

see Alouinus. Die Lebensbeachreibungen d. hi. Willi- 
brord [v. A.], Gregors v. Utrecht, [v. L.], L., [v. Altfried], 
etc. ; iibers. v. W. Wattenbaoh, etc., 1888. 

„ tMiJNSTER. Die Geschiohtsquellen d. Bisthums M., B4, 
Die vitsB sancti L., hrsg. v. Diekamp, 1881. 
Liidicke (Reinhard). Die Konigs- u. Kaiserurkunden d. Konigl. 

Preuss. Staatsarchive u. d. Konigl. Hausarchivs bis 1439. 

[Konigl. Preuss. Arohivverwaltung, Mitt., H16]. 8°. L. 1910 
Ludolf (Hiob), the elder. Lexicon iEthiopico-Latinum ; 

acoessit authoris Grammatica. Nunc primum ed. cura 

J. M. Wanslebii. 84°. Londini. 1661 

Liidtke (Willy), see Aberoius, Ip. of HieropoUs. S. A', vita 

ed. T. Nissen, Suppl. A', titulus sepuloralis, expos. Guil. L. 

& T. Nissen, 1910. 
Ludwig (Gustav). Antonello da Messina u. deut. u. niederland. 

Kiinstler in Venedig, see jAHRBtroH d. Koniol.-Pretjss. 

KuNSTSAMMLUNOEN, B23, Beiheft, 1902. 
Archival. Beitrage zur Gesoh. d. venezian. Malerei, see 

Jahrbuoh d. Konigl. -PREtrss. Kunstsammlungen, B24, 

26, Beihft., 1903-5. 
Neue Funde im Staatsarchiv zu Venedig, see Jahrbuoh d. 

Konigl.-Preuss. Kunstsammlungen, B24, Beiheft, 1903. 
Luigi Amedeo Criuseppe Maria Ferdinando Francesco, duhe of 

the Abruzzi, see Filippi (F. de). Ruwenzori ; ace. of the 

exped. of Prince L. A. ; [tr. C. de Filippi] ; w. pref. by the 

Duke of the A., 1908. 
Lukach (Harry Charles) . A bibliog. of Sierra Leone, w. intr. essay 

on the origin, character, & peoples of the colony. 8°. 0. 1910 
LuUi (Giovanni Battista), see Ltjlly (J. B. de). 
Lully (Jean Baptiste de) [Lulli (Giovanni Battista)], see 

PRUNlilRES (H. L.), 1910? 
Lunadoro (Girolamo). Relazioue d. Corte di Roma. Ritoccata, 

aocresoiuta, etc. A. Zacoaria. 2p. s8°. 1824 

Lund, see Sveriqbs Oeeentliga Bibliothbk : Stockholm , 

L., etc. Accessionskat., in prog., 1887 etc. 
Lundequist (Nils Wilhelm), see Sverigb. Sweriges Rika s 

Lag ; utg. af N. W. L., 7<= uppl., 1855. 
Lung-Too. Novelle cinesi tolte dal Lung-tu-kung-ngan ; tr . 

C. Puini. 8". Piacenza. 1872 

Lupton (Thomas). All for money, 1578. [Tudor Facs. Texts ; 

J. S. Farmer]. Ia8°. Issued for subscribers. 1910 

Liiroth (Jakob). Eine Bemerkung zum Michelson. Versuch, 

see KoNiQL. Akad. d. Wiss. zu Munchen. Math.-phys. 

Classe, Sitzungsber., 1909, 1910. 
Lusaticarum. Scriptores rerum Lusatioarum ant. & re- 

centiores, 4t, 1719, see Hoepmann (C. G.) 
Luschin von Ebengreuth (Arnold). Der Denar d. Lex Sahoa , 

1910, see Kaiserl. Akad. d. Wiss. zu Wibn. Sitzungsber. , 

B163, 1909. 
Luther (Martin). Epistolarum farrago ; cum Psalmorum 

aliquot interpretatione, etc. [Ed. V. Opsopoeus]. 

s8". Haganose. 1525 
Reden zur Feier d. 400. Geburtsfestes L., Leipzig, 10-11 

Nov. 1883. [P1248]. 2^ verm. A. 8°. L. 1883 

Werke. Krit. Gesamtauag. 

30 i, iii, 41. laS". Weimar. 1910 
see KoLDE (T.) [cont.] Noch 

BIO, Abt. 1, Halfte 1 
see Denible (H. S.) L. & 

lutheranisme, tr. etc. 

J. Paquier, tl, 1910. 
,, L. in rationalist, u. 

christl. Beleuchtung, 

„ Hagbn (F. H. v. der). 

Beweis dass M. L. nie 

existirthat, 2eA., 1883. 
„ Kalkobb (P.) Brief e, 

Depeschen u. Berichte 

fiber L. v. Wormser 

Reichstage 1521 ; 

fibers., 1898. 
„ Klbinbrt (P.) L. im 

Verhaltniss z. Wissen- 

sohaft u. i. Lehre, 1883. 
„ Klostermann (A.) 

t)ber deutsche Art bei 

L., 1884. 
„ KoLDB (T.) L. Selbst- 

mord, 1890. 

einmal L. Selbstmord, 

KoSTLiN (J.) L. Leben, 

Majunkb (P.) Die 

histor. Kritik u. L. 

Lebensende, 1890. 
L. Lebensende, 

Meybr (A.) Etude crit. 

sur les rel'. d'Erasme 

& de L., 1909. 
Sallmann (C.) L. 

angebl. Selbstmord 

nach P. Majunkes 

Geschichtslfige, 1890. 
Schwbizer (A.) Zwin- 

ghs Bedeutung neben 

L., 1884. 


bekannte hs. Predigten 
u. Scholien L., 1888. 




Lutoslawska (Sofia), see Casanova (S.), aft. S. L. 

Luttes (Les) de I'Autriche en 1866 ; tr. annote & publ. par 

F. Crousse, 5t, 1868-1901, see Autbiche. 
Liittich, see Liegx. 
Latz (C. W.) Eine neue Form d. Ebert. Aspirations-Appa- 

rates, see Koniol. Akad. d. Wiss. ztj Munchen. Math.- 

phys. Classe, Sitzungsber., 1909, 1910. 
Luynes (Marie Louise d'Albert, dsse. de), see Maky [Lesz- 

czynskd], Lettres Ined. de la reins M. L. et de la dsse. 

de Luynes au Pr^s. H^nault ; publ. par V. Des Digueres, 

Luys, de Leon, see Leon ( Fray L. de). 
Luys (E. Coiiard), see CoiiARD-LuYS (E.) 
Lnzan (Ignacio de). La poetica 6 reglas de la poesia en 

general, y de bus principales especies. 4°. Zaragoza. 1737 
Luzio (Alessandro). Studi e bozzetti di storia lett. e polit. 

2v. s8°. Milano. 1910 

1, G. Acerbi e la Bibl. ital., etc. 2, Radetzky, etc. 
Luzzatto (Leone). II oongiuntivo e 1' indicative ital., see 

MoNAOi (E.) Stud] di filol. rom., v2, 1887. 
Luzzatti (Luigi). Liberte de conscience et liberty de science. 

Etudes d'hist. constitut. Tr. par J. Chamard. 8". 1910 

Luzzatto (Samuel Davide). Grammatik d. bibl.-chalda. 

Sprache u. d. Idioms d. Thalmud Babli. Mit Anmerkungen 

hrsg. [tr.'] V. M. S. Kriiger. [P1253]. 8". Breslau. 1873 

Lyall (Sir Alfred Comyns). The rise & expansion of the 

Brit, dominion in India. 5th ed., enl. 8°. 1910 

Lyall (Edna) ps. In the golden days. s8". n.d. 

Ly^ate (John). L.'s Troy book, 1412-20. [Amplified 

version of the Hist, destructionis Troiae of G. delle Colonne]. 

Ed., w. intr., notes, etc., by H. Bergen. With side-notes 

by Dr. FurnivaU. 3p, ['pagin. cont.] [E. E. T. S., E. S., 97, 

103, 106]. 8°. 1906-10 

The serpent of division. Ed., w. intr., notes, & glossary by 

H. N. MacCracken. 4P. 1911 

Lyly (John), the Ewphuist. 
see Fbitillerat (A.) J. L., 1910. 

„ Thoendike(A.H.) Minor Eliz. drama, v2, J. L.,Endimion, 
Lynch (Edward Melville). A parish providence. A country 

tale. With intr. by Sir C. Gavan Duffy. sS". 1894 

Lynd (Robert). Home life in Ireland. 8°. [1909] 

Lyon (Francis Hamilton). Diego de Sarmiento de Acuna, 

Conde de Gondomar. 88°. 0. 1910 

M. (D.) 




M. (D.) Reflexions sur les grands hommes, n. 6d., 1776, see 

Deslandbs (A. F. B.) 
M. (H.) Handbook to Xtn. & eooles. Rome, pi, 2, by H. M 

& M. A. R. T., 1897, see Tukbr (M. A. R.) & H. Malleson. 
Maartens (Maarten) ps. The price of Lis Doris. 

2nd ed. sS". [1909] 
Maas (Paul). Fruhbyzantin. Kirchenpoesie, Tl, Anonyme 

Hymnen d. 5-6 Jhdts. ; ed. v. P. M., see Rleine Texte f. 

theolog. etc. Vorlesungen etc., T52-53, 1910. 
Macalistea: (R. A. Stewart). The memorial slabs of Clon- 

macnois. King's Co. ; w. an app. on the materials for a 

hist, of the monastery. [Roy. Soc. of Antiq'. of Irel.]. 

8°. D. 1909 
MacAulay (Allan). The eagle's nest. sS". 1910 

MacBride (Ernest William), see Shipley (A. E.) & E. W. M. 

Zoology, 2nd ed., 1904. 
MacCabe (Joseph). Prehistoric man. 38°. [1910] 

Maccabees. The fourth Book of M., & kindred doc'., in 

Syriac. Ed. R. L. Bensly ; w. intr. & tr. by W. E. Barnes. 

8°. C. 1895 
sec NiESE (B.) Kritik d. beiden Makkabaerbvicher ; etc., 
MacCall (Hardy Bertram). Riohmondshire churches. 

8". 1910 
MacCall (Sidney). The dragon painter. sS". [1910] 

MacCallum (M. W.) Shakespeare's Roman plays & their 

background. 8°. 1910 

MacCalmont (Frederick Haynes). Parly. Poll Book of all 

elections, 1832-1910, w. alphabet, lists of members & 

candidates, etc. Orig. comp. by F. H. M., rev. & enl., 7th 

ed., [by W. H. Rowe]. s8°. 1910 

MacCarthy (Desmond), see Russell (F. A. M., ctss.) Lady 

J. Russell : a mem., w. sels. f. h. diaries & corr. Ed. D. M. 

& A. Russell, 1910. 
MacCarthy (Justin Huntly). The gorgeous Borgia. s8°. 1908 
MacCarthy (Michael J. F.) Irish land & Irish Uberty. Study 

of the new lords of the soil. 8°. 1911 

MacClintock (Sir Francis Leopold), see Dublin Univ. Zoo- 
logical ETC. Assoc. Rep. of proc. for presentation of an 

address etc. to Sir F. L. M'C, 1860. 
MacClintock (Walter). The old North trail ; or. Life, legends 

& relig. of the Blackfeet Indians. 8". 1910 

MacClure (Edmund). British place-names in their historical 

setting. sS". 1910 

MacColl (Norman), see Camekidge : Lieeaby. Cat. of the 

MaoColl coll., etc., 1910. 
MacCosh (James). OfEenes Sendschreiben an d. Kirchen 

Deutschlands. [no tp. ; p. of Jahrbiicher fur deut. Theo- 

logie, B6. P1259]. 8°. [Gotha. 1861] 

MacCracken (Henry Noble). Magnificenoia Ecclesie, [tr. ; ed., 

w. intr. by M.], see Modern Language Assoc, of Ambb. 

Pubis., v24, 1909. 
MacCready (Christopher Teeling). Dublin street names, dated 

& expld. 88°. D. 1892 

MacCullagh (Francis). The fall of Abd-ul-Hamid. Pref. by 

Mahmud Shefket Pasha. 8°. [1910] 

MacCulloch (John Ramsay). *Cat. of books, property of a 

political economist ; w. orit. & bibliog. notices. 

^ 8". p.p. 1862 

MacCunn (Florence A.) Sir Walter Scott's friends. 

MacDermott (Martin). The new spirit of the Nation ; or, 

ballads & songs by the writers of " The Nation." Cont. 

sonas & ballads publ. since 1845. Ed., w. intr., by M. MacD. 

^ [plT]. 2nd ed. sS". 1896 

Macdonald (,Capt. George Varnham). Debate on the Mac- 

donald affair in the Prussian House of Deputies, May 1861 ; 

tr. [P1240]. 8°. Berlin. 1861 

Macdonald (J. Ramsay), M.P. The awakening of India. 

Socialism & govt. 2v. sS". 1909 

Macdonald (James Middleton). Massilia-Carthago sacrifice 

tablets of the worship of Baal. Faos., ed., tr. etc. by 

J. M. M. 8». 1897 

Macdonald (Ronald). The red herring. [Novel, founded upon 

h. play]. s8°. 1910 

MacEvoy (John). Reasons for the estabhshment of a free 

hbrary & an industrial college, Dublin. [P1240]. 8°. D. 1864 

MacEwen (Alex. R.), D.D. Antoinette Bourignon, Quietist. 

s8o. 1910 
Macfle (Ronald Campbell). The romance of medicine. 

8». 1907 

Science, matter, & immortahty. s8°. 1909 

Macgillivray (William), 1796-1852, see Macgillivbay (W.) 

Life of W. M., 1910. 
Macgillivray (William), W.8., author of " Bob Lindsay." 
Life of Wm. Macgillivray. With a scientific appreciation 
by J. A. Thomson. 8°. 1910 

Machar (Agnes Maule). Story of old Kingston. 

8°. Toronto, n.d. 
Machault (Guillaume de). Poesies lyriques. Ed. compL, avec 
intr., etc., publ. sous les auspices de la Faculty d'Hist. & 
Philol. de St.-P6tersbourg par V. Chichmaref. 

2t, [pagin. cent.]. 8°. [1909] 
Machault d'Arnouville (Jean Baptiste de), see Mabion (M.) 

M. d'A., 1891. 
Machiavelli (Niccold). Discourses on the first decade of 
Livius. Tr. by N. H. Thomson. 8». 1883 

The Florentine hist. Tr. N. H. Thomson. 2v. s8°. 1906 

see Benoist (C.) Le Machiavelisme, pi, 1907. 
,, NovELLB di alcuni autori fiorentini. M., Novella, 1815. 
Macllwain (Charles Howard). The High court of ParUament 
& its supremacy. On boundaries betw. legislation & 
adjudication in Eng. 8°. New Haven. 1910 

Macinghi (Alessandra di Filippo), see Stbozzi (A.) 
Macintosh (William Carmichael). A monograph of the Brit. 
Annelids. v2, p2, [pagin. cont. f. pi], Polychaeta, Syllidse 
to Ariciidse. [Ray Soc.]. fol. 1910 

Mackail (John William). Lectures on Greek poetry. 8°. 1910 
Wm. Morris & his circle. Lect. [P1298]. 8°. 0. 1907 

MacKechnie (James). Meredith's allegory The Shaving of 
Shagpat. s8°. 1910 

Mackenzie (Duncan). Dolmens, Tombs of the Giants, & 
Nuraghi of Sardinia, see Bbitish School at Rome. Papers, 
v5, 1910. 
Mackinlay (James Murray). Ancient church dedications in 
Scotland. Scriptural dedications. 8°. E. 1910 

Maclagan (Robert Craig). Evil eye in the W. Highlands. 

8°. 1902 

Religio Sootica, its nature as traceable in Scotic saintly 

tradition. 8". E. 1909 

MacLaughlin (James). My friend the Indian. 8°. 1910 

Maclean (Arthur John), bp. of Moray, Ross & Caithness. 

The ancient church orders. [Camb. hdbks. of liturg. 

study]. s8°. C. 1910 

Macleod (Miss Fiona) ps. Poems & dramas s8°. 1910 

Macleod (John J. Rickard), see Beddaed (A. P. ), etc. Practical 

physiology ; ed. M. S. Pembrey, contributors M., etc., 3rd 

ed., 1910. 

Macmillan, publishers. Guide to Italy & Sicily. 6th ed. 

[rev. by T. Ashby]. s8°. 1911 

MacmUlan's Magazme. v89-92. (Nov. 1903-Oct. 1905). 

8°. 1903-5 
New Ser., vl, 2. (Nov. 1905-Oct. 1907). [No more publ.]. 

8°. 1906-7 

MacNab (Robert). Murihiku : a hist, of the S. Island of 

New Zealand & the Islands adjacent & to the south, 1642- 

1835. 8°. Wellington. 1909 

MacNamara (George), of Cong Abbey, see Higgins (P.) Brief 

sketch of the life of G. M., 1899. 
Macnamara (Nottidge Charles). The evol. & function of living 
purposive matter. [Intern. Soient. Ser. 97]. s8°. 1910 




MacNamaia (Bawdon). Obs. on the position occupied by 
the Corporation of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, 
w. ref. to the Board of Trinity CoUege, DubUn, etc. 

[P1238]. 8°. D. 1859 

Macnamara (Thomas James), M.P. TarifE reform & the 
working man. 8°. 1910 

Macnaughtan (S.) Us four. s8''. 1909 

MacNeill (Elizabeth), wife of Sir J. MacNeill, formerly E. 
Wilson, see MacNeill {Rt. Hon. Sir J.) Mem. of Sir 
J. M., & of h. 2nd wife E. Wilson ; by their grand-daughter 
[F. J)/.], 1910. 

Macneill {Sir John), LL.D. The Boyne Bridge; w. oorr. 
etc. [P1240]. 8». D. 1860 

MacNeill (Mt. Hon. Sir John), 1795-1883. Memoir of Rt. 
Hon. Sir J. M., & of h. 2nd wife Eliz. Wilson. By their 
grand-daughter [F. M.']. 8°. 1910 

Macon (Gustave). Chantilly & le Mus^e Cond6. 8°. 1910 

Macpherson (Hector), junr. The romance of mod. astronomy. 

s8». 1911 

MacTaggart (John McTaggart Ellis). Commentary on Hegel's 
logic. 8°. C. 1910 

Madan (Arthur Comwallis). Living speech in C. & S. Africa. 
An essay intr. to the Bantu family of languages. 8". 0. 1911 

Madden (Richard Robert). Cat. of a coll. of portraits in oil, 

etc., property of M. ; sold 1886. [h.w. Madden (T. M.) 

Memorials, 1886]. s8». D. [1886] 

Cat. of the Ub. of R. R. M. Sold, 1886. \b.w. Madden 

(T. M.) Memorials, 1886]. s8<'. [1886] 

Monuments of primeval antiquity of identical type, etc. 

existing in N. Africa, Ireland, etc. [b.w. Madden (T. M.) 

Memorials, 1886]. sS". 1862 

Testimonials in approv. of services of M., in var. colonial 

apptmts., 1833-49. [b.w. Madden (T. M.) Memorials, 

1886]. 8°. D. 1861 

see Madden (T. M.) Mems. of R. R. M., 1886. 

Madden (Thomas More). *Memorials of R. R. Madden. 

8". D. 1886 

Madison (James), 'president of the U.S. Writings. Ed. G. 
Hunt. v9 (1819-36). 8". N.Y. 1910 

Madras, see Thtjbston (E.) Castes & tribes of S. India ; by 
E. T., etc., [M. Govt, publ.], 1909. 

Madrigal (A. de), ip. of Avila, see Tostado (A.) 

MtBcianus (L. Voluslus), see Voltjsitjs MLa;ciANus (L.) 

Maeterlinck (L.) Le genre satirique etc. dans la sculpture 
flamande & waUonne : les miserioordes de stalles (art & 
folklore). Ia8». 1910 

Maeterlinck (Maurice). Mary Magdalene. A play. Tr. A. 

Teixeira de Mattos. s8''. [1910] 

Monna Vanna. Tr. A. Sutro. 2nd ed. s8°. 1907 

The treasure of the humble. Tr. A. Sutro. With intr. by 

A. B. Walkley. [repr.]. sS". 1907 

MafEei (march. P. Scipione). Verona illustrata. [n. ed.], con 
giunte, note e corr. ined. dell' autore, [<fe Notizie int. alia 
vita etc. del march. M., iy C. P. Villa. Op. class, ital. del 
sec. 18, 112, 113, 121, 124, 125]. 

4p in 5v [1 i, ii, pagin. cont.J. 8°. Milano. 1825-6 

1, 1st. d. cittk e d. prov. detta Venezia, flno alia venuta in Italia dl Carlo 

2, 1st. letteraria. 3, Notizia delle cose pid osservabili. 
4, Trattato degll anflteatri. 

Magalotti (conte Lorenzo). Novelle, see Novblle di alouni 

autori fiorentini, 1815. 
Magdeburg. Die Jahrbiioher v. M. (Chronographus Saxo) ; 
libers, v. E. Winkelmann, 2" A., neu bearbt. v. W. Watten- 
bach, see Gesohichtsohebibeb (Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2" 
Gesammtausg., B63, 1895. 
Maggs Bros. Choice coll. of decorative engravings, sporting 
prints, etc. [P1302]. 8°. 1910 

Engraved portraits etc., principally 18 & 19 cent'., f. stock 
of M. Bros. [P1302]. 8». 1910 

Rare autograph letters, doc', etc. on sale by M Bros. [Cat., 
Nos. 253, 258]. [P1302] 8o. 1909-10 

Rare books, prints, & autographs f. stock of M. Bros. 

[P1302] 8". 1910 
■"Magistracy & govt, of Eng. vindic, 1689, see Shower {Sir B.) 
Magne (Emile). Mme. de Chatillon (Isabelle-Ang6hque de 
Montmorency). [Femmes galantes du 17^ s.]. 

26 ed. 88°. 1910 

Magnificencia Ecclesie, [tr. ; ed., w. intr. by H. N. McCraeken\, 

see MoDBBN Langttaoe Assoc, oe Ambb. Pubis., v24, 1909. 

Magnin (Charles). Les origines du theatre antiq. & du 
theatre mod., ou hist, du glnie dramat. jusqu'au 16« s. 

[tl, no more publ.']. 8". [1838] 
Magou (contre-amiral Charles Ren6) [Maoon de CLOs-DoEt], 
see Maqon de La Giclais (H. G. M.) Le oontre-am. M., 
Magon de La Giclais (Henri Georges Marie). Le contre- 
amiral Magon. [Trafalgar], [no tp. ; part of Revue mari- 
time, tl34]. [2p]. 8°. [1897] 
Maguire (Thomas), prof, of Moral Philosophy in the Univ. of 
Dublin. The will in ref. to Dr. Maudsley's " Body & will." 
Lect., [DubUn Univ.]. [P1297]. 8°. D. 1883 
Magyar statisztikai kozlemenyek, lij sorozat, k24, 26-8, 1909, 

see HuNGABY. 
Magyar Shakespeare-Tir. Kiadja a Kisfaludy-Tarsasag 
Shakespeare-Bizottsaga. Szerkeszti Bayer Jozsef. 

kl, 2, [in prog.]. 8". 1908-9 
Magyar Tudomtoyos Akademia. 
see Bekeei (R.) A kaptalani iskolak torttoete Magyarors- 

zagon 1540-ig, 1910. 
„ HoDiNKA (A.) A Munkaosi gorog-katholikus piisp6ks6g 

tortenete, 1909. 
„ Rad vAnszky (Borore B.) & L. ZAvoDSZKY. A Hedervary- 
csalad oklev61tara, 1231-1526, kl, 1909; Oklev61- 
hasonmasok, 1909. 
„ Szab6 (D.) A magyar orszaggyiiMsek tortenete II Lajos 
koraban, 1909. 
Mahaffy (John Fentland), see Spenceb (H.) Descr. sociology. 
No. 10, Greeks : Hellenic era ; compiled & abstracted by 
M., etc., 1910. 
Mahan (Alfred Thayer). The interest of Amer. in internat. 
conditions. sS". 1910 

Mahbuh, of Menbidj, see Agapitjs, of Menbidj. 
Mahelot (Laurent) & M. Laurent. La mise en sc^ne a Paris 
au 17« s. ; m6m. de L. M. & M. L. ; publ. E. Dacier, see 
SociETB DE l'Hist. DE Paeis, ETC. Mems., t28, 1902. 
Mahler (Arthur). Polyklet u. seine Schule. Beitrag z. 
Gesch. d. griech. Plastik. 8°. Athen. 1902 

Maiden's. *The second M.'s tragedy, 1611, 1909, see Second. 
Maigron (Louis). Le romantisme & les moeurs. 8°. 1910 

Maimonides. Commentar z,. Tractat Makkoth, im arab. 
Urtext u. hebra. Ubers. hrsg. v. J. Barth. [P1246]. 8°. n.d. 
De jure pauperis et peregrini apud Judseos, [tfc Tractatus de 
proselytis]. Latine vertit & notis illust. H. Prideaux. 
[Heb. <Se Lat.]. s4o. 0. 1679 

MaimQn ibn feais, called al-A'sha. Lobgedicht auf Muham- 
mad ; [ed] V H. Thorbecke, seeFLEiscHEB (H. L.) Morgen- 
land. Forschungen, 1875. 
Mainard (Frangois), see Maynabd (F. de). 
Maindron (G. R. Maurice). La gardienne de I'idole noire — 
[Hist, du berger Nicolas et de Ja demoiselle Monette — La 
l^gende singuUere et naive des Sept Dormants d'Ephese — 
Veridique hist, de la vierge Marine — Le miraculeux serpent 
de Fondi]. s8o. 1910 

Maine (Anne Louise Ben^dicte de Bourbon- Cond6, dsse. du), see 
Piepape (gin. L. de). A pcss. of strategy : life of A. L. B. 
de B.-C. ; tr. J. L. May, 1911. 
Maintenon {Mme. de). 
see Blennebhassett (C. J., Lady). Louis XIV & Mme. de 

M., 1910. 
„ Dyson (C. C.) Mme. de M., her life & times, 1910. 
„ Langfet de La Villenbuve de Geegy (J. J.) M6ms. 

sur Mme. de M. etc., 1863. 
„ LavallSe (T.) La famiUe d'Aubign^ & I'enfance de 
Mme. de M., etc., 1863. 
Maison (J. J. R. Calmon-), see Calmon-Maison (J. J. R.) 
*Maistre Pierre Pathelin hystori^, reprod. de I'^d. impr. vers 
1500, 1904, see Pathelin (P.) 
Maistre {cte. Xavier). Voyage autour de ma chambre ; suivi 
de I'Exp^d. nocturne, et du L6preux de la cit6 d'Aoste. 
[b.w. Saint-Pierre (J. H. B. de). Paul & Virginie, n.d.]. 

sS". [1877] 
Maitland Club. 
see Hamilton (W.) Descr. of the sheriffdoms of Lanark & 
Renfrew ; [compiled ab. 1710, facs. of the M. 0. ed., 
1831], 1878. 
„ Paisley. Registrum Monasterii de P. ; Cartas, privilegia, 
etc., 1163-1529 ; [facs. of the M. C. ed., 183^], 1877. 
Maitland (Frederic William), see Fishbb (H. A. L.) F. W. M., 


Maitland (Samuel Roffey). Letter to a friend on the Tract 
for the times. No. 89. [P650]. 8". 1841 

see TowNSHND (G.) Remarks on errors of M. in h. Notes on 
the contribs. of T. to new ed. of Foxe's Martyrology, 
pi, 1842. ^ ^^ 

Maizeroy (Rene) pa. L'amour prodigue ; [cfc o. t.]. sS". 1910 
Majano (Criuliano da), see Gitjliano, da M. 
Major (Charles). A gentle knight of old Brandenburg. 

s8o. N.Y. 1909 
Majunke (Paul). Die histor. Kritik ii. Luthers Lebensende. 

2e A. [P1248]. 8°. Mainz. 1890 
Luthers Lebensende. 4« verm. A. [P1248]. 8°. Mainz. 1890 
see Koldb(T.) LuthersSelbstmord.GesohiohtsliigeM.'s, 1890. 

„ Noch einmal Luthers Selbstmord, 1890. 

„ Sailmann (C.) Luthers angebl. Selbstmord naoh M.'s 

Gesohiohtalilge, 1890. 

Malabari (Phiroze B. M.) Bombay in the making ; mainly a 

hist, of judicial institutions, 1661-1726. Intr. by Sir 

G. S. Clarke. 8°. 1910 

Malamani (Vittorio). Rosalba Carriera. 

2" ed. riv., etc. 4°. Bergamo. 1910 
Malcolm IV, Icing of Scotland, see Lawbie {Sir A. 0.) Annals 
of reigns of M. & William, kings of Scot., 1153-1214, 1910. 
Mle (Emile). L'art rehg. du 13e s. en France. 

3^ M., augm. 4°. 1910 

Malespini (Criacotto) [Malispini], see Malespini (R.) Storia 

fiorentina di R. M., col seguito di 6. M., ridotta a migUor 

lezione etc. da V. FoUini, 1816. 

Malespini (Ricordano) [Malispini]. Storia fiorentina di R. M., 

col seguito di G. Malispini, dalla edificazione di Firenze sino 

aU' anno 1286. Ridotta a miglior lezione e con annot. 

illust. da V. FoUini. 4°. Firenze. 1816 

Malham-Dembleby (John). Key to the Bronte works : key to 

C. B.'s " Wuthering Heights," " Jane Eyre," & h. u. works. 

s8o. 1911 
Malispini (G.), see Malespini (G.) 
Malispini (R.), see Malespini (R.) 

Malleson (George Bruce). *The mutiny of the Bengal Army. 
By one who has served under Sir G. Napier. 

2p, [pagin. cont. P1258]. 8». 1857-8 
Malleson (Hope), see Tukbk (M. A. R.) & H. M. Hdbk. to 

Xtn. & eccles. Rome, 4p, 1897-1900. 
Mallet (Dominique). Le Kasr el-Agouz, 1909, see Instit. 

FKANg. d'Aboh. Oeient. dtj Caibe. M^ms., til, 1909. 
Mallett, Family of, see Thomas (R.) Notes about the Row- 
land, M., etc. families, 1909. 
Mallock (William Hurrell). The nation as a business firm. 

8". 1910 
Mallon (John), see Bitssy (F. M.) Irish conspiracies : recoils. 

of J. M., etc., 1910. 
Malon (Charles Henri de), seigneur de Bercy. Topographie 
hist, de la seigneurie de Bercy. Publ. par A. de Boishsle, 
see Sooiet:6 de l'Hist. de Pabis, etc. M6ms., t8, 1882. 
Malone Society. [Publications']. ai°. 1909-10 

Collections. p3, {pagin. cont. f. p2]. s4°. 1909 

see Brandon (S.) *The virtuous Octavia, 1598, 1909 [1910]. 
„ *FiDBLE & Fortunio, [c. 1584], 1909 [1910]. 
„ Pbblb (G.) *The arraignment of Paris, 1584; prep, by 

H. H. Child & checked by W. W. Greg, 1910. 
„ *Sbcond (The) Maiden's tragedy, 1611, 1909 [1910]. 
, *ToM Tyler & h. wife, [repr. f. ^nd imp., 1661 ; prep, by 
6. C. Moore Smith & W. W. Greg], 1910. 
M4nava-Kalpa-Sutra ; together w. Comm. of Kumarila- 
Swamin, 1861, see MANir. ,„„„i, 

Manchester, Univebsity of. Publications. 8°. M ter. 1909-11 
English Sebibs, No. 1, 2. 

«ee BBOWtTLP. B. ; ed. w. intr., etc., by W. J. Sedgefaeld, 

1910. [^-J 

Shbavyn (P.) The literary profession in Elizabethan 

age, 1909. [!•] 

Medical Seb., No. 13. , , , j, t, i 

see Lapaqb (C. P.) Feeblemindedness in children of school 

age 1911 \.^^-\ 

Mancinlorte-Sp'erelli (Msgr.) Cat. d. bibl. appartenuta alia 

c. m. di Msgr. M.-S. Vendita dal 18 apr. etc. 1898. \hw 

Bonoompagni (B.) Cat. d. bibl. B., 1898]. f- 1898 

Mancini (Marie), aft. wife of prince C°^°»«<'' -J''"^*"*^^ J 

Naples. Apologie, ou les veritables m6m. de M. M. [iid. 

hy S. Bremond, sometimes attr. to G. de Bremond\. 

notice & notes par G. d'Heylli. sS 



Mandach (Conrad de). Un atelier proven^al du 15'* siecle : 
le " St. Michel " du Mus6e Calvet, la " Piet4 " de Villeneuve- 
les-Avignon, & les oeuvres de N. Froment, see Acad, des 
Insoe. etc. ; Fond. Piot. Mon^. etc., tl6, 1909. ' 
Mandalari (Mario). Canti del popolo Reggino. Race. ed. 
annot. da M. M. Pref. di A. d'Ancona, etc. 

s8». Napoli. 1881 
Race, del Canale— Race. Imbriani-CaBetti— Canti inert, di Melito-I'orto- 
Salvo— Canti greoo-calabri di Roghudi, riv. etc. G. Morosi. 

Mandelslo (Johann Albreoht v.) The travels of M. f. Persia, 
into the East-Indies, see Olbabiits (A.) Voyages & travells, 
1633-39, [tr.] J. Davies, v2, 2nd ed., 1669. 

Mandeville (Sir John), see Mttbbay (D.) The Black Book of 
Paisley, & o. MSS. of the Scotiohronicon [hy Fordun], w. 
note on John de Burdens, otherwise Sir J. M., & the Pesti- 
lence, 1885. 

Mandin (Louis), «ee Fort (P.) Ballades fran9., slO, pr^c. 
d'une Etude sur les " Ballades fran?." par L. M., 1909. 

Manet (Edouard). 
see DuEBT (T.) M. & the French impressionists ; tr. J. E. C. 

Fitch, 1910. 
„ Meieb-Geafe (J.) Impressionisten : M., etc., 1907. 

Manfred, k. of Naples dk Sicily, see Ebbach-Fdestenaxt (A., 
Grafzv). Die Manfredbibel, 1910. 

Mangan (James Clarence). Poems (many hitherto un- 
collected). Centenary ed. Ed., w. pref. & notes, by 
D. J. O'Donoghue. Intr. by J. Mitchel. 8°. D. 1903 

Mangerel (Maxime), see Geeeatid (capt. P. F. J. B.) Le 
capt. G., 1773-99 : doc", publ. & annotes par M. M., 1910. 

ManUius (Marcus), see Lemaieb (N. E.) Poetse Lat. minores, 
v6, 1826. 

Maniui (Lorenzo). Memorie storiche d. citta di Cremona. 

2t in 1. 4°. Cremona. 1819-20 

Manitius (Maximilian). Gesch. d. latein. Lit. d. M.-a. Tl, 
Von Justinian bis zur Mitte d. 10. Jhdts. -[MuUer (I. v.) 
H. d. k. A.-W., IX, A2, Tl]. Ia8°. Miinchen. 1911 

Manly (John Matthews), see Langland (W.) The Piers 
Plowman controversy : Piers Plowman the work of one or 
of five, J. J. Jusserand's 1st reply to M. — M.'s Answer to 
J. J. J.'s 2nd reply ; etc., 1910. 

Mann (Bev. Horace K.) Lives of the popes in the early 
Middle Ages. v4, 5. 8°. 1910 

4, 5. Formosus to Damasus II, 891-1048 (4, 891-999. 
5, 999-1048). 

Mann (Mary E.) Avenging children. s8°. [1909] 

Manner. *M. of proceeding on Bills in House of Commons, 
1823, [this ed. not possessed, but for the first], see Beamwbll 
(G.) *Proc. of H. of C. on passing Bills, 1809. 

Mannhardt (Wilhelm). Wald- u. Feldkulte. B2, 2= A., 
besorgt v. W. Heuschkel. 8°. 1905 

Manning (Frederic). Poems. s8°. 1910 

Scenes & portraits. [2nd ed.]. s8°. 1909 

Manno (Antonio). Aneddoti documentati suUa censura in 
Piemonte dalla restaurazione alia costituzione, see Rbgia 
Dbp. s. gli Studi di Stobia Patbia pee le Ant. Peov. 
ETC. Bibl. di storia ital. rec, vl, 1907. 

Mannucci (Francesco Luigi). Del Libro de la misera humana 
condicione, prosa genovese ined. del sec. 14 [a tr. of B. 
Giamhoni's version of Pope Innocent Ill's " De contemptu 
mundi " ? ; w. extr. f. text], see Monaci (E.) Studj di filol. 
rom., v9, 1901-3. 

Man's case for giving a million votes to women. Ed. f. 
speeches deliv. in the House of Commons on Pari. Franchise 
(Women) Bill. 8°. 1910 

Mansel (Henry Longueville), dean of St. Paul's, see Doenbe 
(I. A.) Die Mansel-Maurice'sche Controverse, 1861. 

Manstein (Christoph Hermann, Frhr. v.) Mem. sur la Russie, 
1727-44. 11. ed., corr. par la main de Voltaire. [Abregd 
de la vie de M., par Huber]. 2v. s8». 1860 

Mantegna (Andrea), see Taeooohi (Die) ; zwei itaUen. Kupfer- 
stichfolgen aua d. 15. Jhdt. ; [incorrectly attrib. to A. M.], 

Mantua (Eleonora Gonzaga, duchess of), see Medici (E. de'). 

Manu. Manava-Kalpa-Siitra ; a portion of this work on 
Vaidik rites, w. the Comm. of Kumarila-Swamin. A fac- 
simile of MS. in Lib. of H.M.'s Home Govt, for India, w. 
pref. by T. Goldstucker. 4°. 1861 

see Das fB.) Science of social organis. ; laws of M. in the 
light of theosophy, 1910. 

Manual. M. of military law, 5th ed., 1907, see Wae Opfioe. 




Manumissionibus. Tract, forensis maxime de m.; Gr. & 

Lat. ; emend, etc. E. Booking, see Corpus iuria Romani 

Anteiustiniani, faso. 1, 1841. 
see Erasmus (D.) *Adagia qusecumque ad hanc diem 
exierunt, P. M. studio vindic, etc., 1575. 
Manzoni (conte Alessandro). I promessi sposi — Storia della 

colonna infame. Curata nel testo da A. Cerquetti ; preo. 

da cenni biog. di L. Beltrami. i°. Milano. 1900 

Maquet (Adrien). Hist, de I'Etang-la-Ville, see Society de 

l'Hist. db Pabis, etc. M6ms., tU, 1885. 
Marangoni (GHovanni). II divoto pellegrino guidato, n. viaita 

d. quattro Basiliohe di Roma per il giubileo dell' anno 

santo, 1750. sS". 1749 

Marbacta. Die Jahrbucher v. M. ; iibers. v. G. Grandaur, see 

Gbsohichtschkeibeb (Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2e Gesammt- 

ausg., B74, 1896. 
Marcabrun [Maeoaebu]. Poesies compl. Publ. aveo tr., 

notes & gloss., par J.-M.-L. Dejeanne. [Bibl. meridionals, 

si, tl2]. 8". Toulouse. 1909 

Marcel, The family of, see Fremaux (H.) La famille d'E. 

Marcel, 1250-1397, 1903. 
Marcel (Etienne), prevdt des marchands de Paris, 
see Fremaux (H.) La famille d'E. M., 1250-1397, 1903. 

„ Luce (S.) Docs. nouv. sur E. M., 1880. 

„ SooiiTE DE l'Hist. DE Pabis, ETC. Mems., t24, Lettre 
orig. d'E. M. & autres docs, parisiens, 1346-58 ; [publ.] 
L. DeUsle, 1897. 
Marcere (EmUe Louis Gustave Hayes de). Hist, de la R6pub. 

de 1876 a 1879. p2, Le seize mai & la fin du Septennat. 

s8o. 1910 
Marchand (J.) De Massiliensium cum eois populis commercio 

tempore quo bella in Christi honorem gesta fuerunt. Thesim 

proponebat J. M. [P1236]. 8°. Paris. 1889 

Marche (Thomas de la), see La Maeche (T. de). 
Marchegay (Paul), see Saint-Floeent, abbey of. Chartes 

etc. du monastere de S.-F. pres Saumur, publ. P. M., 

Marcbese (Andrea), harone di Oronte. Parlamenti generali, 

nel regno di Sicilia, 1494r-1658 ; raccolti da A. M., con 

I'Aggiunta di quelli del 1661-1714 del Dr. P. Battaglia. 

Con mem. istor. etc. di A. Mongitore. fol. Palermo. 1717 
Marchess (Vincenzo Fortunato). S. Marco, oonvento dei 

Padri Predicatori in Eirenze. Illust. princ. nei dipinti 

del B. Giov. Angelico con la vita d. pittore. 

fol. Firenze. 1853 
Marches! Buonaccorsi (Georgio Viviano) . Monumenta virorum 

illust. Gallise Togatse. [b.w.h. Vitas virorum illust. Foroliv., 

1726]. s4°. Forolivii. 1727 

Vitse virorum illust. Foroliviensium. 84°. Forolivii. 1726 

Marchesini (E.) Note filologiche, see Monaoi (E.) Studj di 

filol. rom., v2, 1887. 
I perfetti ital. in -etti, see Monaci (B.) Studj di filol. rom., 

vl, 1885. 
Marchisius, scriba, see Caefaeus, de Taschifellone, for cont. of 

k. Annales Januenses by M. 
Marchot (Paul). Dans quel sens en France et en Italic le 

boucher est-il le tueur de "boucs"?, see MoNAci (E.) 

Studj di filol. rom., v9, 1901-3. 
Encore andar(e) — [La plus anc. aube, etc.], see MoNAOi (E.) 

Studj di filol. rom., v8, 1901. 
Marcoat, troubadour, see Dejeanne (J. M.) Le Troubadour 

gascon M., 1903. 
Marczali (Henrik). Hungary in the 18th cent. [Tr. A. B. 

YoUand). With intr. essay on earlier hist, of Hungary, by 

H. W. V. Temperley. 8». C. 1910 

Marden (PhUip SanJord). Travels in Spain. 8". 1909 

Mareschal de Bievre (G. F.), marquis de Bievre, see Bii)VEE 

(G. F. M. DB B., marg. de). 
Mareschal de Bievre (cte. Gabriel). Le marquis de Bievre : 

sa vie, ses calembours, ses comedies, 1747-89. 8°. 1910 

Margaret [de Valois], g.c. of Henry IV, h. of France, 
see Haggard (It. -col. A. 0. P.) The amours of Henri de 

Navarre & of M. de V., 1910. 
,, Henry III, k. of France. Rec. de diverses pieces. 
*Le divorce satyrique, ou les amours de M., 1663. 
Margarit (Luis), see Modeen Language Assoc, of Amer. 

Pubis., v24, A Spanish farce of early 16th c, [by L. M.? 

ed., w. intr. by J. P. W. Crawford], 1909. 
Margoliouth (David Samuel). Essay on the place of Ecclesi- 

asticus in Semitic Ut. ' s4°. 0. 1890 

Margoliouth (David Samuel) [continued:]. 
On the " Royal correspondence " of Diya'-eddin Eljazari. 
[Extr. des Actes du 10« Congres Internat. des Orientaliates. 
P1246]. 8°- Leide. 1896 

The origin of the " Original Hebrew " of Ecclesiasticus. 

8°. 1899 

see Studia Sinaitica, no. 12, Forty-one facs. of dated Xtn. 

Arabic MSS. ; w. obs. on Arabic calligraphy, by M., 


Margoliouth (George), see Beitish Museum : MSS. Hebrew 

& Samaritan MSS. in B.M. ; by G. M., p3 i, 1909. 
Margolis (Max Leopold). Manual of Aramaic language of 
Babylonian Talmud. Grammar, chrestomathy & glossaries. 

s8°. Munchen. 1910 
Mari (Giovanni). Ritmo latino e terminologia ritmica medi- 

evale, see Monaci (E.) Studj di filol. rom., v8, 1901. 
Maria, dd Occidente [i.e. Maria Gowen Brooks]. Zophiel ; 
or, the bride of seven. Ed. [w. intr.] by Z. B. Gustafson. 

s8». Boston. 1879 

Maria Theresia, q. of Hungary & Bohemia, q.c. of Francis I. 

Briefe einer Kaiserin : M. T. an ihre Kinder u. Freunde. 

[Ed. 0. Krack]. 8". 1910 

Mariana (Juan de), see Mondbjab (G. db M. I. de S. y P., 

marq. de). Advertencias a la Hist, del P. J. de M., 1746. 
Mariano Catalina (D.) Poesia Urica en el teatro ant., colecoion 
de trozos escogidos por D. M. C. t2-4. sS". 1909-10 

2, Trozos relig., 82. 3, 4, Trozos filosdflcos y raorales, si, 2. 
Marie Amelia, [de Bourbon], q.c. of Louis Philippe, see 

Dyson (C. C.) Life of M. A., 1910. 
Marie Antoinette, q.c. of Louie XVI, k. of France, 
see Belloc (H.) M. A., 1909. 

„ La Fays (J. de). Amities de reine : [M. A. etc.], 1910. 
Marine (The) Engineer & Naval Architect. 

v32 (Aug. 1910-July 1910). 4°. 1910 
Marinetus, de Marino, see Caffarus, de Taschifellone, for cont. 

of h. Annales Januenses by M. de M. 
Marini (Giovanni Battista), see Marino (G. B.) 
Marino (Ctiovanni Battista), foet [fMARiNi (G. B.)]. 
see Caravblli (V.) P. Schettini e 1' antimarinismo, 1889. 
„ LoREDANO (G. F.) Opera, v3. Vita del cav. M., etc., 1653. 
„ Mbnghini(M.) La vita & le operedi G. M., 1888. 
Marion (Marcel). Maohault d'Arnouville : etude sur I'hist. 
du controle gen. des finances, 1749—54. 8°. 1891 

De Normannorum ducum cum Capetianis pacta ruptaque 
societate. Thesim proponebat M. M. 

[P1236]. 8°. Parisiis. 1892 

Markham (Sir Clements R.) The Incas of Peru. [App., 

Apu OUantay, a drama, tr.]. 8°. 1910 

R. Hakluyt : h. life & work ; w. ace. of aims etc. of the 

Hakluyt Society. [P1305]. 8". 1896 

Markino (Yoshio). A Japanese artist in London. 8°. 1910 

Markov (Eugeny Aleksandrovich). OiepKH KaBKaaa. 

H3A. 2oe. Ia8°. C.-O. [1904] 

Marlborough (Sarah Churchill, duchess of), wife of 1st duke. 

Opinions. Pub. f. orig. MSS. [by Sir D. Dalrymple, Lord 

Hailes]. s8°. [E.] 1788 

Marlinsky (A.) ps. [Albxandr Alexandrovioh Bestujbr]. 

HaBajM. DoBtcTi. 1613 roAa. [P1276]. 88°. C.-n. n.d. 

Marlowe (Christopher). [Best plays]. Ed. H. EUis, w. intr. 

by J. A. Symonds. [Mermaid Ser.]. s8°. n.d. 

Works. Ed. C. F. Tucker Brooke. s8°. 0. 1910 

see RoHDB (R.) Das engl. Faustbuch u. Marlo'wes Tragodie, 


Marmora (marchese C. E. Ferrero della), see La Marmora (gen. 

marchese C. E. ) 
Marocaines. Archives m., vl-8, 16, 1904^10, see Mission 

Scibntif. du Maroc. 
Marquet de Vasselot (Jean J.) Un coffret reUquaire du tr^sor 
de Quedlinburg, see Aoad. des Inscr. etc. : Fond. Piot. 
Mons. etc., t6, 1899. 
Deux oeuvres d'A. Le Moiturier, see Acad, des Inscr. etc. ; 

Fond Piot. Mon». etc., t3, 1896. 
Quelques pieces d'orfevrerie limousine, see Acad, des Insce. 
etc.: Fond. Piot. Mou'. etc., t4, 1897. 
Marquina (Eduardo). Canoiones del momento. Odas de la 
oiudad y horas tragicas. Prologo de E. Gomez Carrillo. 

s8°. [1910] 

Dona Maria la Brava. [Play]. s8°. 1910 

Marqniset (Alfred L.) Le vte. d'Arlinoourt, prince des roman- 

tiques. s8°. 1909 




Marriage (Ernest), see Makkiaqb (M.) & E. M. The sculptures 

of Chartres Cathedral, 1909. 
Mwriage (Margaret) & E. Marriage. The sculptures of 

Chartres Cathedral. Les sculptures de la cath^drale de 

Chartres. Text in Eng. & Ft. g". C. 1909 

Marriott (Charles). The intruding angel. s8». 1909 

Marriott (John Arthur Ransome). English polit. institutions. 

Intr. study. s8°. 0. 1910 

Second chambers : an inductive study in polit. science. 

8». 0. 1910 
Marsh (Richard), novelist. A woman perfected. s8". [1907] 
Marshall (Archibald). The squire's daughter. 

2nd ed. sS". [1909] 
Marshall (Charles), chaplain to Lord Mayor of London, 1849-50, 

& W. W. Marshall. The Latin Prayer Book of Charles II ; 

or, an aco. of the Liturgia of Dean Durel, w. a repr. & tr. of 

the Catechism therein cont. 8°. 0. 1882 

Marshall (William Wilkinson), see Mabshall (C.) & W. W. M. 

The Latin Prayer Book of Charles II, 1882. 
Martel (E. A.) Le Trayas (Esterel-Var). [Extr. de I'Annuaire 

du Club Alpin rran9ais, 1897]. [P1295]. 8". 1898 

Martens (Eduard v.), see Dboken {Baron C. C. V. D.) Reisen 

in Ost-Afrika, B3 i, bearbt. v. E. v. M., etc., 1869. 
Martens (Georg Friedrich v.) Nouveau recueil gen. de trait^a, 

etc. Cont. du grand rec. de G. F. de M. 

s6r. 2. Table gen., tl-35. 8». L. 1910 
Martens (Kurt). Literatur in Deutschland : Studien u. 

Eindruoke. s8o. 1910 

Marti (Carl). Gesch. d. israeUt. Relig. 3« verb. A. v. A. 

Kayser's Theologie d. Alten Test. 8°. Str. 1897 

Martin, abp. of Gnesen, see Godbeeidus, mow. S. Pantal. Colon. 

Die Kolner Konigschronik ; [w. cont. of M.'\ ; ubers. v. K. 

Platner, 2= A., 1896. 
Martin (Charles Trice). The record interpreter : abbrevia- 
tions, Latin words & names used in Eng. hist. MSS. & 

records. 2nd ed. 8°. 1910 

Martin (Gabriel), see Hoym {Count C. H. v.) Cat. libr. bibl. 

C. H. Comitis de Hoym, Digestus & descr. k G. M., 1738. 
Martin (Henry), admin, de la Bibl. de I'Arsenal. Les joyaux 

de I'Arsenal. [t]2, Le Romuleon. 40 planches reproduisant 

les miniatures, initiales, etc., du ms. 667 de la Bibl. de 

I'Arsenal. 8". n.d. 

Martin (Rudolf). Unter dem Scheinwerfer. 1-4:^ A. s8°. 1910 
Martinengo-Cesaresco (ctssa. Evelyn L. H.) The place of 

animals in human thought. 8°. 1909 

Martinez (Alberto B.), see Abqbntine Rbpuelio. Censo gen. 

de educat. levantado May 1909 ; por A. B. M., 2t, 1910. 
Martinez de Cala y Harana del Ojo (Antonio), see Antokio, 

de Lehrixa. 
Martinez de La Rosa (Francisco). Obras compl. 

5t. 8°. Paris. 1844-5 

1, Poesias ; poStica espafl.; ap^nd. sobre la poe'sia didactica, la tragedia 

y la comedia espafi. 

2, Obras dramitioaa. „ .^ , ., « 

3, Heraaii Perez del Pulgar, [con Las Hazanas del Gran Capitan] DoHa 

Isabel de Soils. 

4, 5, Bspiritu del siglo, 2t. 

Martinez de Toledo (Alfonso). Arcipreste de Talavera (Cor- 
vaoho 6 Beprobacion del amor mundano). [Ed. C. Perez 
Pastor]. Lo publ. la Soo. de Bibliofllos Espaiioles. 

8». 1901 

Martinez Villergas (Juan), see Coetes (N. A.) J. M. V., 1910. 

Martiny (Rudolf, see Meinaedtjs (0) & R. M. Das neue 
Dienstgebaude d. Staatsarchivs zu Breslau, etc., 1909. 

Marulo (Marco) [Maeulltjs (Maeotjs)], see Heeoldt (J.) 
Exempla virtutum et vitiorum, M. Maruh Spalatensis De 
vita religiose per exempla instituenda, 1555. 

Marvaud (Angel). La question sociale en Espagne. 8°. 1910 

Marx (Carl). The poverty of phil. (A reply to La la 

misere of M. Proudhon.) With pref. by F. Engels. Tr. by 

H. Quelch. s8°. Chicago. 1910 

Revolution & counter-revol. ; or, Germany in 1848. Ed. 

E. M. Aveling. [2nd ed.]. sf. 1904 

see AvELiisro (E. B.) The students' M. : intr. to study of 

M.' Capital, 5th ed., 1907. ^. .^ 

Marx (Gustaf Armin). Judisches Fremdenrecht, antisemit 
Polemik u. iiid. Apologetik. [On Der Schulchan Aruch (o/ 
Joseph ben Ephraim Caro), etc. Inst. Judaicum in Berlin 
Schriften, 1. P1267]. 8°. Karlsruhe. 1886 

Mary H, q. of Gt. Brit, db Ireland; 166^-94, see Blotjnt (C.) 
*King William & Q. M. conquerors, 1693. 

Mary, q. of Scots, see Baedon Papbbs : doc^. rel. to the im- 
prisonment & trial of M. ; ed. C. Read, 1909. 
Mary [Leazczynshd\, q.c. of Louis XY, h. of France. Lettres 
in^d. de la reine M. L. et de la Duchesse de Luynea au 
President H^nault. Publ. avec portraits, fao-simile et 
introd. par V. des Digueres. 8°. 1886 

Mary, the Virgin, 
see Alfonso X, h. of Castile cfc Leon. Cantigas de Santa 

Maria, 2v, 1889. 

„ Cassbl (P.) Christus u. M., 1890. 

"'Masculine cross ; hist, of anc. & mod. crosses. Also aoc. of 

phallic faiths etc. sS". p.p. 1891 

Masefleld (John), ed.. Chronicles of the Pilgrim Fathers. [Ed., 

w. intr. by J. M.]. s8». [1910] 

Morton (N.) New Eng.'s memorial ; & Suppl. Winalow's Eel. 
Cushman'a Discourse. Winslow's Brief narr. 

Smith (J.) Bug, '8. trials. 

Multitude & solitude. s8°. 1909 

The tragedy of Pompey the Great. s8''. 1910 

Mason (Alfred Edward Woodley). At the Villa Rose. sS". 1910 
Masorah, see Massoeah. 

Maspero (Gaston). Egypt : anc. sites & mod. scenes. Tr. 

E. Lee. 8". 1910 

[Hist, of anc. peoples of the classic East], [vl, 2]. Ed. 

A. H. Sayce ; tr. M. L. McClure. lag". 1910 

[1], The dawn of civilization ; Egypt and Chaldeea. repr. : 5th ed. , [4th ed. 

was brought up to date by a.]. 
[2], The struggle of the nations: Egypt, Syria, Assyria. 2nd ed., w. 


Ruines et paysages d'Egypte. 8°. [1910] 

see Acad, des Insce. etc. : Fond. Piot. Hon", etc., tl, 

G. M., Le scribe accroupi de Giz^h, 1894. 
„ Davis (T. M.) Excavations: Biban el Moliik ; Tomb of 
Queen Tiyi, Sketch of life of Q. T., by G. M., 1910. 
Mass6 (H. J. L. J.) Chats on old pewter. 8°. 1911 

Massee (George). Diseases of cultivated plants & trees. 

s8». 1910 
see National Rose Soo. Hdbk. on the fungoid & insect 
pests of the rose etc. by M. & F. V. Theobald, 1908. 
Masserauo (C. E. Ferrero della Marmora, principe di), see La 

Maemoea {gen. marchese C. E.) 
Massiguon (Louis). Mission en M^sopotamie, 1907-8, tl, 
Eeleves arch^ol., see Institut Fean^. d'Aeoh. Oeibnt. du 
Caiee. Mem., t28, 1910. 
Masson (Frederic). Petites histoires. 5e iA. &&>. 1910 

Masson (Gustave). The dawn of European lit. ; French ht. 

a8°. 1888 
Masson (Pierre Maurice). Lamartine. Acad. Fran9., Prix 
d'eloquence, 1910. s8<>. 1911 

Masson-Forestier (Alfred). Autour d'un Racine ignore. 

8°. 1910 

Massorah [fMASOBAH]. Die M. z. Targum Onkelos, enthal- 

tend M. magna u. M. parva. Ed. u. comm. v. A. Berliner. 

[P1255]. s8°. L. 1877 

Masuccio, Salernitano. II NoveUino di M. S. Restituito alia 

sua ant. lezione da L. Settembrini. s8°. Napoli. 1874 

Mate (Chas. H.) & C Riddle. Bournemouth, 1810-1910. 

Pref. by Duke of Argyll. 8». Bournemouth. 1910 

Mater (Andr6). La politique relig. de la Republ. Fran9. 

s8°. 1909 
Mathew (John), The Manse, Coburg, Victoria. Two repre- 
sentative tribes of Queensland ; w. an inquiry cone, the 
origin of the Australian race. Intr. by A. H. Keane. 

s8". 1910 
Mathews (John Mabry), Fellow in Polit. Sc. Legislative & 
judicial hist, of the 15th amendment. [Johns Hopkins 
Univ. St. in Hist. & Polit. Sc, Ser. 27 vi-vii]. 

8°. Baltimore. 1909 
Mathias, v. Neuenburg, see Matthias, Neoburgensis. 
Mathias (Thomas James). *The pursuits of Ut., a satirical 
poem. Added an app. ; the citations tr. ; etc. 

16th ed. 4». 1812 
Mathieu (card. Francois D6sir6). CEuvres oratoires. [tl], 
Lettres pastorales et disoours acad., avec un avant-propos, 
et le discours prononc6 aux obseques par M. Barres. 

8». 1910 

Mathiez (Albert). Le Club des Cordeliers pend. la crise de 

Varennes et le massacre du Champ de Mars. Doc^. publ. 

avec des ^claircissements etc. par A. M. 8°. 1910 




Matilda [of Germany], q. consort of Henry I, emperor of 
Germany. Das Leben d. Konigin M. ; ubers. v. P. JafE6, 
2« A., neu bearbt. v. W. Wattenbaoh, see Gesohioht- 
SCHREIBER (Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2" Gesammtausg., B31 i, 
Matilda, of Magdeburg. Matelda & the Cloister of HeUfde. 
Extrs. i the Book of M. of M. Sel. & tr. by F. A. Sevan. 

sS°. 1896 
Matilda Lsetitia WiUielinina [Bonapaetb], pcss. of San Donato, 

see Demidov (M. L. W., ctss.) 
Matte (Louis). Crimes & procds polit. sous Louis XIV. 

s8°. 1910 
Matteo, see also Matthew. 
Matteo, di Giovanni [Matteo, da Siena], see Habtlattb (G. F.) 

M. da S. u. s. Zeit, 1910. 
Matter (Florent), see Flokent-Mattbk. 

Mattheeus, de Griffonibus, Memoriale hist, de rebus Bono- 
uiensium, [ — 1472] ; a, cura di L. Frati e A. Sorbelli, see 
Mtjkatori (L. a.) Rer. Ital. sor., tl8 ii, 1902. 
Matthews (J. Brander). Moliere, his life & his works. 

8°. 1910 

A study pi the drama. 8". 1910 

Matthias, Neoburgensis [Matsias, v. Neuenburg]. Die Chronik 

d. M., ^sometimes attr. to Albertus Argentinensis ; w. cont^.] ; 

iibers. v. G. Grandaur, mit Einltg. v. L. Weiland, see Ge- 

SOHICHTSOHREIBEK (Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2« Gesammtausg., 

B84, 1892. 

Manclair (Gamille) ps. La religion de la musique. 

i" &d. &8°. [1909] 

Maude (Aylmer). Essays on art. s8°. 1902 

1, Introd. to What is Art ? 2, Tolstoy's View of art. 

War & patriotism. [P1292]. s8°. [1900] 

Maudsley (Henry), see Maqotbe (T.) The will in ref. to 

Dr. M.'s " Body & will," 1883. 
Maugain (Grabriel). Etude sur revolution intellect, de I'ltalie 
de 1657 a 1750 env. laS". 1909 

Maugras (Gaston). La fin d'une soci6te : Lauzun & la oour 
intime de Louis XV. . 2^ ed. 8°. 1893 

Manhub ibn Ahmad, al JawallTcl [DjawIlJkI]. Livre des 
locutions vicieuses ; publ. H. Derenbourg, see Fleischer 
(H. L.) Morgenland. Forschungen, 1875. 
Maupassant (Guy de). 
CEuvres completes. 

Bel-Ami. ?f>. 1910 

Monsieur Parent. 8°. 1910 

Mont-Oriol. 8°. 1910 

CEuvres posthumes, [t]2 : Les dimanches d'un bourgeois 

de Paris — La vie d'un paysagiste — Etude sur G. Flaubert 

• — L'ame etrangere — L'Ang^lus. 8°. 1910 

Manpoint (Jean), prior of Ste.- Catherine-de-la- Couture. Journal 

parisien de J. M., 1437-69 ; publ. par G. Fagniez, see 

SOOIBTE de l'HIST. DE PARIS, ETC. M6ms., t4, 1878. 

Maura Gamazo (Gabriel), see Gamazo (G. M.) 
Manrel (Andre). Petites viUes d'ltahe. 

sl-3 [si, 6<= ed. ; s2, 3^ 6d.]. s8». 1909-10 
Maurenbrecher (Wilhelm). Karl V u. d. deut. Protestanten, 

1545-55. Nebst e. Anhang v. Aktenstucken aus d. span. 

Staatsarchiv v. Simancas. 8°. Dusseldorf. 1865 

Maurer (Conrad v.) Vorlesungen iiber altnord. Rechtsgesch. 

Hrsg. V. d. GeseU. d. W. in Kristiana. B5, Altisland. 

Strafrecht u. Gerichtswesen. 8°. L. 1910 

Maurice {Sir J. Frederick), b. I841. Hist, of the war in 

S. Africa, 1899-1902. Compiled by direction of H.M.'s 

govt. 4v \_w. Sep. vol. of Maps to each vol.]. laS". 1906—10 
vl-3, by Sir J. F. M. v4, by M. H. Grant. 
Maurice (J. Frederick Denison), 1805-73, see Dorneb (I. A.) 

Die Mansel-Maurice'sche Controverse, 1861. 
Mauricius (Flavins Tiberius), emp. of the East, see Nau (I'abbe 

F.) Les legendes syriaques d' Aaron de Saroug, & de M. ; 

texte ed. & tr. par F. N., 1910. 
Max Wilhelm August Albert Golgov, prince of Saxony, b. 1870, 

see Graei-in (R.) & F. Nait. edd., Patrologia orientahs, 

t5, [ed. prince M., R. G., F. N.], 1910. 
Maxime, Saint, supposed son of the emperor Valentinian (I ?), 

see Maximus, St. 
Maximianus, Etruscus, see Lemaire (N. B.) Poetae Lat. 

minores, v7, 1826. 
Maximilian I, emp. of Germany, lJiS9-lB19, see Gktjnbeck; 

(J.) Die Gesoh. Friedr. Ill u. M. I ; fibers, v. T. Ilgen, 


Maximus, Saint, supposed son of the emperor Valentinian 

(I ?) [Maxime], see Nau (I'abbe F.) Les Mgendea syriaques 

d' Aaron de Saroug, de M. & Dom^ce [attr. to Peschoi, 

arohidiaore de Constantinople], etc. ; texte 6d. & tr. par 

F. N., 1910. 
Maximus, Tyrius. Philosophumena. Ed. H. Hobein. 

s8°. L., Teubner. 1910 
see Meiser (C.) Studien zu M. T., 1909. 
Maxwell (Bt. Hon. Sir Herbert E.) of Monreith, 7th Bart. A 

century of Empire, 1801-1900. v2, 1833-68. 8°. 1910 

Maxwell (William Babington). The rest cure. s8'>. [1910] 

May (Jan Cornelisz.) [Mey]. De reis van J. C. M. naar de 

Ijszee en de Amerik. Kust, 1611-2. Verzameling van 

besoheiden uitg. door S. MuUer. [Linsohoten-Vereeniging, 

1]. . 8". 's-Gravenhage. 1909 

May (Leonard Morgan). Charlton : near Wool wick, Kent. 

Inscriptions in the old parish church, w. notes on hist. & 

families. Ia8°. Blackheath. 1908 

Maybrick (Mrs. Florence Elizabeth), see Levy { J. H. ) Necessity 

for criminal appeal as illust. by the M. Case, etc., ed. J. H. L., 

Mayer (August L.) MuriUos Arbeiten fur d. Sevillaner 

Kathedrale, see Jahrbuoh d. Konigl.-Preuss. Kitnstsamm- 

LtTNGEN. B29, Beiheft, 1908. 
Der Racionero Alonso Cano u. d. Kunst v. Granada (Doku- 

meute), see Jahrbuoh d. Konigl.-Pbbdss. Kunstsamm- 

LUNGEJT. B30, Beiheft, 1909. 
Mayer (Ernst), prof, at Wiirzburg. Italien. Verfassungsgesch. 

V. d. Gothenzeit b. zur Zunftherrschaft. 2B. 8". L. 1909 

Mayer (Otto), Dr. jur., b. I846. Das Staatsrecht d. Konig- 

reiohs Sachsen. [Offentl. Recht d. Gegenwart, 9]. 

8°. Tubingen. 1909 
May erne Turguet (Louis de). The generall hist, of Spaine, 

unto 1583. Tr., & cont. unto [1605] by E. Grimeston. 

fol. 1612 
Maynard (Frangois de) [Mainard (F.)], see Drotjhet (C.) Le 

poete F. M., 1583?-1646, 1909? 
Mayuial (Edouard). Casanova et s. temps. s8°. 1910 

Mayor (Joseph Bickersteth), see Bible: New Test. [Greek]. 

NicoU (W. R.) Expositor's Gr. Test., v5, Gen. Epistle of 

Jude, by J. B. M., 1910. 
Mazois (Francois). II palazzo di Scauro, osaia desor. d' una 

casa romana. 1° volgar. h. 2=^ ed. frang. da F. L. 

8°. Milano. 1825 
Mazzatinti (Giuseppe). Bosone da Gubbio e le sue opere, see 

MoNAOi (E.) Studj di filol. rom., vl, 1885. 
Poesie relig. del sec. XIV ; pubbl. secondo un oodice eugubino 

da G. M. s8». Bologna. 1881 

see Cebbo (E. del). G. M. e Giuditta Sidoli, 1909. 
Mazzoni (Guido) [Paganino ; Paguenin ; Pagueny], see 

Vitby(P.) Une ceuvre de G. M. ou de s. atelier : Dormition 

de la Vierge, Fecamp, 1900. 
Meade (L. T.) Brother or husband. 8°. 1909 

Mecklenburg-Schwerin (Isabelle A. de M., pcsse. de), see 

Chatillon (I. A. de M.-B., dcsse. de). 
Mecklenburg- Strelitz (Adolphus Frederick, duke of), see Adol- 

PHTTS Fbbdebiok, d. of M.-S. 
Medici, House of the. 
see Sommi-Picbnaedi (G.) Esumazione etc. d. ceneri del 
principi Medicei fatta 1857 : processo verbale e note ; 
[ed. G. S.-P.], 1888. 

„ Young (col. G. F.) The M., 1909. 
Medici (A. Pazzi de'), see Pazzi (A.) 

Medici {contcsina Bardi ne'), see Bardi ne' Medici (contessina). 
Medici (Eleonora de'), wife of Vincenzo I Gonzaga, of Mantua ; 

1566-1611 [Gonzaga (E.)], see Foetuna (S. di F. d'A.) 

Le nozze di E. de' M. con V. Gonzaga, 1868. 
Medici (Giovanni de'), capitano delle Bande Nere, d. 15Z6. 
see Hare (C.) The romance of a Medici warrior : G. d. Bande 
Nere, 1910. 

„ ViTE di uomini d' arme etc., G. de' M., scr. da G Rossi, 
Medici (Lorenzo de'), duke of V rhino ; lJfiZ-lB19, see Gioe- 

GETTi (A.) L. de' M. e lacopo V d' Appiano, c. 1881? 
Medici (Margherita de'), wife of Odoardo Farnese, duke of 

Parma & Piacenza [Farnese (M.)], see Mintjcci del Rosso 

(P.) Le nozze di M. de' M. con Odoardo Farnese, 1885. 
Medici (Virginia de'), wife of Cesare d' Este, duke of Modena <Ss 
Beggio ; b. 1588 [fEsTE (Vieginia d')], see Forttjna 

(S. DI F. d'A.) Le nozze di V. de' M. con 0. d' Este, 1869. 




Meehan (C. P.) The rise & faU of the Irish Franciscan monas- 
teries, & memoirs of the Irish hierarchy in the 17th cent. 

„ , „ [2nd ed.] sS". D. 1869 

Meek (George), bath chair-man. G. M., Bath chair-man. By 
himself. With intr. by H. G. Wells. sS". 1910 

Meek (Seth Eugene). 
For the foUomng see Field CoLtrMBiAN MtrsErfM : ZoOLoai- 


Contribution to the ichthyology of Mexico, 1902. [3.] 

The tresh- water ashes of Mexico north of Isthmus of Tehuantepeo, 1904. 

The Qenus Eupomotis, 1900. [3 'j 

List i)f fishes and reptiles obtained by F. C. Museum E. African Exped. to 

Somali-land iu 1896, 1897. [1.] 

Notes on a coll. of cold-blooded vertebrates f. the Olympic Mountains. 

1899. [l/] 

Notes on a coll. of fishes and amphibians f. Muslioka and Gull Lalie. 

1899. [l_j 

& H. W. Clark. Notes on a coU. of cold-blooded verte- 
brates f. Ontario, 1902, see Field CoLUMBiAiir MtrsBUM : 
Zoolog. ser., v3, 1900-4. 
Meginhardus, Fuldensis [Meoinhabt], see RuDOLPHUs, 
Fuldensis, &. M. Die tJbertragung d. hi. Alexander; 
libers, v. B. Richter, 2" A., 1889. 
Meginhart, monk of Fvlda, see Meginhaedtts, Fuldensis. 
MSgnin (Pierre). Los aoaros parasitos. Tr. de P. P^rez 
Sanchez. [Bibl. de ciencias m^dioas, 8]. s8°. n.d. 
Meier (Ernst), see EsHMtriTAZAB,, k. of Sidon. Die Grabschrift 

d. Konigs E. ; fibers, etc. v. E. M., 1866. 
Meier (Johannes), Dominican, ft. 1454, [Meyer], see Staqbl 
(E.) Das Leben d. Schwestern zu Toss; samt d. Vorrede 
V. J. M. ; hrsg. v. F. Vetter, 1906. 
Meier-Carafe (JlQius). Impressionisten : Guys — Manet — Van 
Gogh — Pissarro — Cezanne. Mit e. Einltg. fiber d. Wert d. 
franzos. Kunst u. Abbildungen. 4°. Mfinchen. 1907 

Meijer-GrancLvist (Paul). Carl X Gustaf : " Den forste 
Pfalzaren." 8°. [1910] 

Meinardus (Otto) & R. Martiny. Das neue Dienstgebaude d. 
Staatsarohivs zu Breslau u. d. Gliederung s. Bestande. 
[Konigl. Preuss. Archivverwaltung, Mitt., H12]. 8». L. 1909 
Meinhold (Paul). Arndt. s8». 1910 

Meiser (Carl). Studien zu Maximos Tyrios, see Konigl. Akad. 
D. Wiss. ZTT MtJNCHBN. Philos.-philolog. Classe, Sitzungsber., 
Melanchthon (Philipp). 
see Harnaok (C. 6. A.) P. M. ; Akad. Festrede, 1897. 
„ Zbitgbmassb Traktate aus d. Reformationszeit, H5, 
P. M., Einltg. in d. Lehre d. Paulus v. Jahr 1520 [i.e. 
Declamatiuncula in D. Pauli doctrinam <fc Epistola ad 
J. Hessum] ; nach d. Urdruck hrsg. t. D. J. K.. F. 
Knaake, 1904. 
Melanges orientaux. Textes & trs. ; publ. par les prof, de 
I'Ecole Sp6c. des Langues Orient. Vivantes. Ia8°. 1883 

'Abd Allah ibn 'Abd Al Kadir. L'incendie de Singapour en 1828 ; tr. par 

I'ahbS P. Favre. ^ , „ 

Ahmad Rashld. Notice s I'Arabie m^rid. d'ap. un doc. turc, [iy A. fl.J, 

par A. C. Barbier de Meynard. 
^AU Akbar, Saiyid. Trois chapitres du Khitay Namfeh ; texte persan & 

tr. par C. Schefer. 
'All ibn Sa 'd ( Abu al-Hasan), sultan of Granada. Quatre lettres missives, 

1470-YS ; texte arabe publ. & tr. par H. Derenbourg 
Carrifere (A.) Insor". d'un Eeliqualre arm^n. de la coll. Basilewaki ; publ. 

& tr. A. C. , , , ^, . , 

Cordier (H.) Essai d'une bibliog. des ouvrages publ. en Chine par les 

Europ6enaaul7=&aul8"s. .1 -o ■ j j 

Des Miohels (B A ) Kim Vkn KiSu TruySn, po^me annamite ; Episode de 

Tir Hai— Tiiy Ki6u sauvie du fleuve (vers 2164-2716), tr. A. Des M. 
Mlller(E.) Fragments inM. de litt. grec 

Picot (E.) Notice biog. & biblidg. sur N. S. Milesou. ^ ^ ^ 
Rosny (L. L. de). Ko Zi Ki : memorial de I'antiq. japon.; tr. du Japonais 
& comm. en Chinoia par L. de E. ,,„,,„ , j „ *■ 

Sofr,,ny, bp. of Vratsa. La Bulgarie ii la Bn du 18= s.: mim. de S.; tr. 

VinsonTE.'' H. J.) Un dpisode du po^me ^pique Sindamani ; [ed. A tr.] 
par J. V. 
Meldrum (Andrew N.) Avogadro & Dalton, the standing in 

chemistry of their hypotheses. With pref. by F. R. Japp. 
•' 8°. E. 1906 

Melia (A. Paz y), «ee Paz Y Melia (A ) 

Melia (Jean). Les idees de Stendhal. 2" 6d. s8o. 1910 

Melliar (Andrew Foster-), see Foster-Mblliae. 
MMnsine* rec. de mythologie, litt. pop., traditions & usages. 

Pubrpar H. Gaidoz & E. RoUand. t2-10. 4°. 1884-1901 

MelviUe (Lewis) ps. The life & letters of W. Beckford of 

Ponthill [With Descr. of Fonthill Abbey, by J. Storer, 

1812, & a bibHog.J la8°- 1910 

Melville (Lewis) ps. [continued^. 
W. M. Thackeray. Biog. inol. letters & speeches & a bibliog. 

2v. 8". 1910 
M61y (Fernand de). 

For the following see Acad. d. Insce. eto. ; Fond. Piot. 

Le cam^e hyzantin de NicSphore Botoniate k I'Heiligenkreutz, 1899. [6.] 
Le coflfret de St.-Nazaire de Milan, & le MS. de I'lllade de I'Ambrosienne, 

1900. [7.] 

Le retable de Boulbon au Louvre, & le miniaturiste Chugoinot k Aix-en- 

Provence, 1906. [13.] 

La tete d'Eros de la coll. d'Harcourt, 1906. [13.] 

La t6te de Laocoon de la coll. d'Arenberg, 1909. [16.] 

Le trisor de la saoristie des patriarches de Moscou, 1906. [12.] 

Vases de Caua, 1903. flO.] 

*MenK>ires de I'estat de France, sous Charles IX«, 3v, 1576, 

see GoTJLABT (S.) 
*Memoirs of Denmark, by J. C, 1700, see Ceull (J.) 
Memorials. M. of old Cheshire, 1910, see Barber (E.) & P. H. 

DlTOHFlBLD., edd. 
M. of old Durham, 1910, see Leightok (H. R.) ed. 
M. of old Sussex, 1909, see Mundy (P. D.) ed. 
M. of old Yorkshire, ed. T. M. Fallow, 1909, see Fallow 
(T. M.) 
Memorials o£ the Dead in Ireland, see Assooiatios foe the 

Pebsebvation oe the M. oe the D. 
*Memorie. M. ed osservaz. 3. guerra dell' indipendenza d' Italia 
nel 1848-9 ; race, da un uflSciale piemontese, 1850, see 
Chaeles Albbet, k. of Sardinia, etc. 
■*M. istoriche di pifi uomini illustri pisani, 1790-2, see Pisani. 
Mgna, St., of Egypt [Menas ; MInIs]. 
see Btjdge (E. A. T. W.) Texts rel. to St. M. etc., in a Nubian 

dialect ; ed. E. A. W. B., 1909. 

„ Kauemann (C. M.) Die Menasstadt u. d. National- 

heiligtum, etc., Bl, 1910. 

Menander, the poet. L'arbitrage. Ed. orit., notes & tr. par M. 

Croiset. [Extr. de la Revue des etudes grec, t21]. 8°. 1908 

M§nard (Louis), see Hbembs, Trismegistus. H. T. ; tr., prec. 

d'une &t., etc. par L. M., 1866 ; 1910. 
Menas, St., see Mena, St. 
Mendel (Gregor Johann), see Dbink water (H.) Lecture on 

Mendelism, 1910. 

Mendelssohn (Sidney). South African bibliog. Cat. of the M. 

library, w. notices of works not included etc. By S. M., w. 

descr. introd. by I. D. Colvin. 2v. laS". 1910 

Mendousse (P.) L'ame de 1' adolescent. 8°. 1909 

Menendez Pidal (Ramon). L'6pop6e castiUane a travers la 

litt espaguole. Tr. de H. M^rimee. Avec. une pref. de E. 

Merim^e. S8". 1910 

Menendez y Pelayo (Marcelino). Origenes de la novela. 

t3. [Nueva Bibl. de a^. esp.]. laS". 1910 

3, Novelas dialogadas, con nn estudio prelim. 

M6neval (baron Napoleon Joseph Ernest de). L'imp&atrice 
Josephine. 8°. [1910] 

Menghini (Mario). La vita e le opere di Giambattista Marino. 
mi «8°- 1888 

Mensor (Balbus), see Balbtjs, Mensor. 

Mente (Otto) & A. Warsohauer. Die Anweudung d. Photo- 
graphie ffir d. archival. Praxis. [Konigl. Preuss. Archiv- 
verwaltung, Mitt., H15]. 8". L. 1909 

Menzini (Benedetto). Arte poetica. ed. 2*, acoresciuta, etc. 
con alcune canzoni, et elegie. sS". 1690 

Merati (Gaetano Maria). Selections f. M. on the ceremonies 
of the Church. s8". 1837 

Mercurius, Busticus, ps., see Dibdin (T. F., 

Meredith (George). Beauchamp's career. rev. ed. s8°. 1910 
Celt and Saxon. s8». 1910 

see MaoKbohnib (J.) M.'s allegory The Shaving of Shagpat, 

„ PH0TiADi;s (C.) G. M. . sa vie., etc., 1910. 

Meredith (William George). Memorials of Charles John, King 
of Sweden & Norway. With a disc, on polit. character of 
Sweden. 8°. 1829 

Merivale (John Herman), 1779-18U, see Koch (E. H. A.) 
Leaves f. diary of a lit. amateur : J. H. M., 1819-44, 1911. 

Merivale (Louisa A.) I poeti ital. moderni. A sel. of extrs. 
f. mod. Ital. poets, w. Eng. notes & biog. notices. S8". 1865 

Merker (M.) Die Masai. Ethnograph. Monographie e. 
ostafrik. Semitenvolkes. 2^ vermehrte A. laSo. 1910 

Merlet (Ben6), of Chartres. La cath^drale de Chartres. 
[Petites monogr. des gr. Edifices]. s8". n.d. 




Merlin [Mybdhinn]. Birth of M. " Written by W. Shakespear 
& W. Rowley," 1662. [Tudor Facs. Texts ; J. S. Farmer]. 

Ia8°. Issued for subset. 1910 

see Arthttr, k. of Britain. Vulgate version of the A. romances, 

ed. f. MSS. in Brit. Mus., by H. 0. Sommer, v2, Lestoire 

de Merlin, 1908. 

„ Bbuggbe (E.) Mitt, aus Hss. d. altfranzos. Prosaromane 

Joseph u. M., 1909. 
„ La ViiiLEMAEQtri (T. H., vte. de). Myrdhinn ou M., s. 
hist., s. oeuvres, s. influence, n. ed., 1862. 
Meilin (Alfred). Decouverte d'une cuirasse italiote pres de 
Ksour-Es-Saf, Tunisie, see Acad, des Inscb. etc. : Fond. 
PioT. Mons. etc., tl7, 1909. 

& L. Foinssot. Bronzes trouves en mar pres de Mahdia, 

Tunisie, see Acad, des Insce. etc. : Fond. Piot. Mon^. 
etc., tl7, 1909. 
Merlin Cocai, ps., see Folbnoo (T.) 
Merridew (H. M.), see Eybe (Sir V.) A fortnight's tour 

among French ambulances ; app. by M., 1870. 
Merry (William Walter). Orationes tum Creweianae tum 
gratulatorise in Theatro Sheldoniano plerumque habitse. 

8°. 0. 1909 

Mertschiitz (H. v. Scbweinichen u.), see Schweinichen (H. v.) 

Merx (E. 0. Adalbert). Doc^. de pal6ographie hebraique et 

arabe. 4°. Leyde. 1894 

Idee u. GrundUnien e. allgemeinen Gesch. d. Mystik. Akadem. 

Rede, 1892. [P1271]. 4°. Heidelberg. 1893 

Die Ideen v. Staat u. Staatsmann im Zusammenhange mit 

d. geschichtl. Entwicklung d. Menschheit. Festrede, Univ. 

Heidelberg, 1892. [P1271]. 4». Heidelberg. 1892 

Speoimina Targumica e codd. Londin. et Caroliruhensibus 

selegit M. [P1245]. 8°. [Heidelberg. 1881] 

see Bible : Joe. Das Gedicht v. Hiob ; hebra. Text, krit. 

bearb. u. fibers., nebst Einltg., v. A. M., 1871. 

„ Hoffmann (A. G.) Gramm. Syriaca quam post opus 

H. refecit M., 1867. 

Mesonero Bomancos (Ramon de). Manual de Madrid. Descr. 

de la corte y de la vUIa. 2^ ed., aumentada. s8". 1833 

Messerschmitt (J. B.). Registrierungen e. siideuropa. Erd- 

beben auf d. Miinchener Erdbebenstation, see Konigl. 

Akad. d. Wiss. ztj MtJNCHEN. Math.-phys. Classe, Sit- 

zungsber., 1909, 1910. 

Messina (Antouello da), see Antonello, da M. 

Metastasio (Pietro A. D, B.) H conclave di Clemente XIV, 

1774. Dramma per musica. [La poesia e d. P. M. Arranged 

by Abbate Sertor]. 88°. [1775?] 

Opere. 12t. 8°. Parigi. 1780-2 

M^thode. De la m. dans les sciences. Par H. Bouasse, 

P. Delbet, E. Durkheim [c& others. Pref. signed P. F. 

Thomas]. 2^ 6d. sS". 1910 

Metternich (FUrst Clemens W. N. Lothar von), 177S-1S59. 

Lettres a la ctsse. de Lieven, 1818-9. Publ., avec une intr., 

etc., par J. Hanoteau. Pref. de M. A. Chuquet. 8». 1909 

Mexborough (John Horace SavUe, Sth earl of), see CATALOotrE 

of valuable bks. etc., incl. sel. f. lib. of e. of M., etc., 1902. 

Mexico. Autos de fe de la Inquisicion de M. con extractos 

de sus oausas, 1646—8. [Docs, para la hist, de Mexico, 

publ. por G. Garcia, 28]. s8°. Mexico. 1910 

Estrada y Escovedo (P. de). Relac. sumaria del auto partic. de fee, 

Mexico, Abril, 1646. 
Breve y sumaria relac. de un auto partic. de fee, Mexico, Enero, 1647. 
Helac. del tercero auto partic. de fee, MarQO, 1648. 

Mtjseo nacional. 

Anales. 2^ epocha, t2-5. Ia8". 1905-8 

Mtjseo nacional de Aeqtjeologia, etc. 

Anales. tl. Ia8». 1909-10 

Mey (Jan Cornelisz.), see May (J. C.) 

Meyer, publishing firm. Meyers grosses Konversations- 

6«, neubearbte. A. B22, Jahres-Suppl., 1909-10. 8°. L.,1910 
Meyer (Andre). Etude crit. sur les relations d'Erasme & de 
Luther. Pref. par C. Andler. 8°. 1909 

Meyer (Arnold Osltar). England u. d. kathol. Kirche unter 
Elisabeth u. d. Stuarts. Bl, Eng. u. d. kath. K. unter 
EUs. [Bibl. d. Kgl. Preuss. Hist. Inst, in Rom., 6]. 

8". Rom. 1911 
Meyer (Eduard), of Leipsic. 
see Koniglich-Pbbtjss. Akad. d. Wiss. ztj B. Abhdlgn., 
Phil. -hist. Classe, E. M., Gedachtnisrede auf E. Sohrader, 

Meyer (Eduard) , 

see RoEEBT (C.) C. R. : Genethliakon, E. M., Hesiods 
Erga u. d. Gedicht v. d. funf Mensohengeschleohtern, 
„ Theopomptjs, of Chios. T.'s Hellenika, mit e. Beilage 
ti. d. Rede an d. Larisaer etc. ; [ed., w. intr.], v. E. M., 
Meyer (Hermann Henry Bernard), see United States : Lib. 
of Congbess, for bibliographies compiled under the direction 
of M. 
Meyer (Jacobus), historian. Commentarii sive annales rerum 
Flandricarum hbri 17. {^Md. A. Meyer]. 

fol. Antverpise. 1561 
Meyer (Jobannes), see Meier (J.) 

Meyer (Kuno). Fianaigeoht, being a coll. of ined. Irish 

poems & tales rel. to Finn & h. Fiana, w. Eng. tr. [R. I. A., 

Todd Lect. Ser., 16]. 8°. D. 1910 

see Bodleian Lie. Rawlinson B. 502 : coU. of prose & 

verse in Irish language ; publ. in facs., intr. & index by 

M., 1909. 

Meyer (Ricbard M.) Altgerman. Religionsgesch. 8°. L. 19l0 

Meyer (S.) Contra Delitzsch ! Die Babel-Hypothesen wider- 

legt. 2H. [HI mit e. Briefe d. Prof. F. Delitzsch. HI, 2" 

A. P1243]. 8". Frankfurt a. M. 1903 

Meyerbof (Otto). Beitrage i,. psycholog. Theorie d. Geistes- 

storungen. [Abhdlgn. d. fries'schen Schule, N.F., B3 ii 

(part of)]. 8». Gottingen. 1910 

Meyer-LUbke (Wilbelm). Prinzipienfragen der roman. 

Sprachwiss. W. M.-L. gewidmet. [Zeitschrift f. roman. 

Philologie, 26]. Tl. 8°. Halle a. S. 1910 

1, Ettmayer (C. v.) Bendtigen wir eine wiss. deskriptive Grammatik? 
— Pusgariu (S.) Zur Rekonstruktion des Urrumanisehen. — Herzog 
(E.) Das to-Partizip im Altromanischen. — Kbsler (M.) Das Vigesi- 
malsystem in Komanischen. 

see MoNACi (E.) Studj di filol. rom., v7, [cant. Giunte ital. 
alia Roman. Formenlehre (Gramm. d. roman. Sprachen, 
B2) di W. M.-L. ; by C. Salvioni], 1899. 
Meynard (Charles Adrien C. Barbier de), see Babbier de 

Mbynaed (C. a. C.) 

Miall (Louis Compton). The Sirenoid Ganoids, w. a descr. 

of the Brit, fossil teeth of Ceratodus. [Palseontograph. 

Soc.]. 4". 1878/1907 

Miansarov (M. M.) Bibliographia Caucasica et Transcau- 

casica. tl. [No more publ.]. 8°. St. P. 1874-76 

Michael Augelo. Le rime di M. ; testo. [Tre lezioni sopra 

le rime di M. [by M. Giuducci <Ss B. VarcJii). Lettere di 

M. Ed. A. Maggiori]. s4o. [Rome]. 1817 

Rime e lettere. Preced. d. vita dell' autore scr. da A. Condivi. 

sS". Firenze. 1880 
see Feby (C.) Studien zu M. Buonarroti u. zur Kunst s. 
Zeit, [T]3, 1909. 
Michaelis (Sebastieu). The admirable hist, of the possession 
& conversion of a woman seduced by a magician, etc. ; 
annexed a Pneumology, or disc, of spirits [w. sep. tp. dh 
pagin.]. Tr. W. B. s4». 1613 

Micbaud (Joseph Francois), see Napoleon I, emp. of the 
French. ""Storia d. quindici settimane ; [tr. (/. the French 
of J. F. M.?)], 1815. 
Michel (Andre). Hist, de I'art jusqu'a nos jours. Publ. sous 
la dir. de M. t4. La Renaissance, pi. 4°. 1909 

For the following see Acad. d. Insce. etc. Fond. Piot. 

La Madone dite d'Auvillers, Louvre, 1903. [10.] 

La Madone & I'Bnfant : statue en bois, attv. i. J. Delia Querela. Louvre, 

1896. [3.] 

St. Matthieu (!) ^crivant ; bas-relief en pierre. Louvre, 1906. [13.] 

Statue tombale de L. de Sancerre, [died] 1402, Abbaye de St.-Denis, 

1894. [1.] 

Lea statues de Ste. Anne, St. Pierre & Ste. Suzanne, Louvre, 1899. [6.] 
La Vierge & I'Enfant: statue en pierre peinte. Louvre, 1906. [12.] 

Michel (Wilhelm). Das Teuflische u. Groteske in d. Kunst. 

2e A. 8°. Miinchen. 1911 

Micbell (E. B.) The art & practice of hawking. 8°. 1900 

Micbelozzi, The family of. Rioordi di f amiglia. Per le nozze 
di E. Michelozzi con la marchesa E. Tassoni. [Doc^., etc., 
ed. by F. Oflmbiagi ; incl. FiUppiche contro gU Spagnuoli, 
di A. Tassoni, prec. da un disc, di G. Canestrini, etc.]. 

8°. Firenze. 1854 

Micbelozzi (Eugenio), see Michelozzi, The family of. Ricordi 
di famiglia, per le nozze di E. M. con la marchesa E. Tassoni, 


Michelozzo, di Bartolomeo, see Fabeiozy (C. v.) M. di Barto- 

lomeo, 1904. 
Michon (Etienne). 
For the following see Aoad. d. Insor. etc. : Fond. Piot 


Adolescent an repos ; statue, Louvre, 1894 

Un bas-relief de bronze. Louvre [<{; Note addit.1, 1905-6 

Bas-reliefs hist, romains. Louvre, 1909 

Esculape jeune : statuette, Louvre, 1896 

Jeune flUe drap6e: statue, Louvre, 1896 

Ji!?''*?.*. Jun^raire en niarbre de style attique. Louvre, 1906. 

Tete d Athena Parthtoos, Louvre, 1900. 

Tete d'athlfete. Louvre, 1894. 

TSte de femme de I'^poque d'Hadrien, Louvre, 1897. 


Midrash, [see also Sifba & Sifre]. 
see WuNSCHB (A.) Neue Beitrage z. Erlauterung d. Evan- 
gelien aus Talmud u. M., 1878, 
Miege (Guy). La relation de trois ambassades de Mgr. le 
Comte de Carlisle de la part du pr. Charles II, roi de la 
Grande -Bretagne, vers Alexey Michailovitz, czar de Mos- 
covie ; Charles, roi de Suede, & Fr^d^ric III, roi de Dane- 
mark & de Norvege, 1663-4. n. ed., rev. & annot. par le 
prmce A. Galitzin. [Bibl. E1z6t.]. sgo. 1857 

Mielziner (Bev. M.) Intr. to the Talmud. App., key to 
abbreviations. 8". Cincinnati. 1894 

Migault (Jean). Les dragonnades en Poitou. Journal de 
J. M., 1681-8. Publ., avec une intr. & des notes, par N. 
Weiss & H. Clouzot. s8°. 1910 

Migeon (Gaston). Les arts du tissu. [Manuels d'hist. de 
I'art]. go. 1909 

Deux oeuvrea de la Renaissance ital., Louvre, see Acad, des 

Insce. etc. : Pond. Piot. Mons. etc., tl2, 1905. 
Le tireur d'epine : bronze de la Renaissance ital., Louvre, 
see Acad, des Inscr. etc. : Fond. Piot. Mons. etc., tl6, 
Trois faiences orientales lustrees. Louvre, see Acad, des 
Inscr. etc. : Fond. Piot. Mons. etc., tl3, 1906. 
Migne (J. P.) ed. Patrologise cursus completus. Patrologia 
latina. v85, 86, Liturgia Mozarabica. Ia8°. 1862 

Mihalache (D.), see Radxtlescu-Codln (C.) & D. M. Sarba- 

torile poporului cu obioeiurile, etc., 1909. 
Mikami (Yoshio). Mathemat. papers f. the Far East. Comp. 
& ed. by Y. M. [Abhdlgen. z. Gesch. d. Mathematik, Hft. 
28]. 8». L. 1910 

Mildmay (Herbert St. John), see Mildmay (S. St. J.) & H. 
St. J. M. J. L. Motley & h. family ; further letters etc. ; 
ed. [S. St. J. M.] & H. St. J. M., 1910. 
Mildmay (Mrs. Susan St. John) nee Moiley & H. St. John 
Mildmay. John Lothrop Motley & h. family. Further 
letters & records. Ed. [S. St. J. M.] & H. St. J. M. 

8». 1910 
Milescu (Nicolas Spatar) [Spafary ; Spatak (Nicolas), de 
see Imp. R. Arch. Obsch. Boctoh. ot4-6.j., t2, M., Docojlctbo 

CnaeapH {Manchu text & tr.), 1888. 
„ PicoT (E.) Notice biog. & bibliog. sur N. S. M., 1883. 
Milford (Lionel Sumner), M.A. Haileybury Register, 
1862-1910 ; ed. L. S. M., 4th ed., 1910, see Haileybitry 
Military. Manual of m. law, 5th ed., 1907, see War Oefice. 
Mill (John Stuart). Letters. Ed., w. intr., by H. S. R. 
Elliot. With a note on M.'s private life, by M. Taylor. 

2v. 8°. 1910 
Mille (Pierre). La biche ecrasee. 88°. [1910] 

Miller (Emmanuel). Fragments in6d. de litt. grec, see 

Melanges orient. ; textes & tr., 1883. 
Miller (Frank). The poets of Dumfriesshire. 

8°. Glasgow. 1910 
Miller (Gerrit Smith), jr. Descr. of a new species of hippo- 
potamus, see Smithsonian Instit. Misc. colls., v54, 1910. 
A new rodent of the genus Saccostomus f. British E. Africa, 
see Smithsonian Instit. Misc. colls., v54, 1910. 
Miller (Irving Elgar). The psychology of thinking. 

s8°. N.Y. 1909 
Miller (Sanderson). An 18th-cent. corr. ; letters to S. M. 
Ed. L. Dickins & M. Stanton. 8°. 1910 

Millet (Gabriel). Monuments byzantins de Mistra. Materiaux 
pour I'^tude de I'architecture et de la peinture en Grece aux 
14e et 15^ si^cles. Rec. et publ. par G. M., avec le conoours 
de H. Euatache, S. Millet, J. Ronsin et P. Roumpos. Album 
de planches. 1^4°. 1910 


Millet (Gabriel) [continued]. 
Mosaiques de Daphni : Adoration des Mages, Anastasis, 
see Acad, des Inscr. etc. : Fond. Piot. Mon^. etc., t2, 

Millet (Philippe). La crise anglaise. 88°. 1910 

Scfenes dlectorales— La r^forme constitut.— Le problfeme financier— La 
terre— Hbre-^change et r^forme douani^re. 

Millis (C. T.) Problems conn. w. trade schools. Address, 
Cardiff, 1909. [P1294]. sS". n.p. [1909] 

Millner (John). A journal of marches, battles, sieges, etc., of 
armies of the allies in their war agst. the armies of France, 
in Holland, Germany, & Flanders. Digested into twelve 
campaigns, 1701-12. 8°. 1733 

Mills (Arthur). Colonial constitutions : outlines of forms of 
govt, in Brit, dependencies. [P550]. 8". 1891 

A brief abstract of h. C. c. 

Mills (J. Saxon). England's foundation : agriculture & the 
State. Pref. by Earl of Denbigh. s8°. 1911 

Millspaugh (Charles Frederick). 
For the following see Field Columbian Museum : Botanical 

Contrib. to the flora of Yucatan, 1896-1902. [i.] 

Flora of the Island of St. Croix, 1902. [i.] 

Plantfo insulse Ananas. Cat. of plants coll. on Isle of Pines, Cuba, by 

J. Blain, 1900. (i.) 

Flora of West Virginia, 1896. [i.] 

Milton (John). M.'s Comus : being the Bridgewater MS. ; 

w. notes & a family memoir [the Egerton family in the 17th 

cent.] by the Lady Alix Egerton. s4o. 1910 

Paradise lost. [Canto 1. Tr. into Hebrew by J. E. Salkinson. 

P1262]. 8". [Altona. I860?] 

see Elton (0.) M. & party, 1909. 

„ Williamson (G. C.) M., 1905. 

„ Portraits, prints & writings of J. M. ; w. app. & 

index by C. Sayle, 1908. 
Mimes fran5ais du 13« siecle, 1910, see Faeal (E.) 
Minas, St., of Egypt, see Mbna, St., of Egypt. 
Minchin (Harry Christopher), see Grippin (W. H.) Life of 

R. Browning ; completed & ed. by H. C. M., 1910. 
*Mines (The) of Wioklow, 1856, see Wicklow. 
Minifie (Susannah), aft. S. Gunning, see Gunning (S.) 
*Minne fri,n Gustaf II Adolts-Festen, 1894, see Gustavus 

Adolphus, h. of Sweden. 
Minor. ■ The m. Elizabethan drama ; [ed. w. intr. by A. Thorn- 
dyke], 2v, 1910, see Thorndike (A. H.) 
Mint, Royal, see Hocking (W. J.) Cat. of the coins, tokens, 

etc., in the Museum of the R. M., v2, 1910. 
Mintslov (Sergy Budolfovich) [Minzlopp]. P-fiAiaamin KHnra 

BaneHaTannsra vh Poccia aa pyccKOMi. nsun-i. 8°. C. D. 1904 

Minucci del Rosso (Paolo). Le nozze di Margherita de' Medici 

con Odoardo Farnese, duca di Parma e Piacenza. Lettura. 

[P1277]. 8°. Firenze. 1885 
Mirabeau (Honor6 G. BiqLuetti, cte. de), see Trowbridge 

(W. R. H.) M., 1907. 
Mirabaud (Paul). Bibhog. des oeuvres de R. Topfier. Avec 

une intr. par A. Parran. Extr. de " R. Topfler " par 

A. Blondel & P. Mirabaud. 4°. 1887 

Mirmand (Henri de), see Chambkier (Mme. A. de). H. de 

M. & les refugi^s de la Revocation de I'Edit de Nantes, 

Mirot (L£on). Le Bernin en France : les travaux du Louvre 

et lea statues de Louis XIV, see SociETi de l'Hist. de 

Paris, etc. M6ms., t31, 1904. 
Le proces de maitre J. Fusoris, 1415-6 : Episode des n^gocia- 

tions franco-anglaises, see Sooi:6te de l'Hist. de Paris, etc. 

Mems., t27, 1901. 
Un trousseau royal a la fin du 14^ s., see Soci:§)TB de l'Hist. 

DE Paris, etc. Mems., t29, 1902. 
Miscellanea di letteratura del medio evo. [v]l. Rime antiche 

senesi, [race, da Celso Cittadini], trovate da E. Molteni e 

illust. da V. de Bartholomseis ; con app. [Inventario d. 

carte di E. Molteni. Societa Filol. Romana. P1278]. 

8°. Roma. 1902 
Miscellanies. *Phallic m., 1891, see Phallic. 
Mishnah [see oZso Talmud]. mWnij Tl, Aboth di R. Nathan, 

Seder Taunaim w' Ammoraim u. Varianten zu Pirke Aboth. 

Hrsg. u. erlautert v. S. Taussig. 

[P1245]. 8°. Munchen. 1872 




Mishnah [continued]. 

Mischna-Lese oder Talmud-Texte relig.- moral. Inhalts ; in 

vokalisirtem Urtext mit deut. tJbers. u. Anmerkungen ; 

V. S. A. WolfE. HI, 2, [pagin. cont. P1264]. 8°. L. 1866-8 

see Ab6th. nuN 'pns : M.-Traktat ; hrsg. etc. v. H. L. Strack, 

3' A., 1901.' 
„ JoMA : d. Mischnatraktat " Versohnungstag " ; hrsg. etc. 

V. H. L. Strack, 2e A., 1904. 
„ Kleinb Texte fiir theolog. etc. Vorlesungen etc., T59, 
Der MiSnatraktat Berakhoth in vokalisiertem Text, mit 
Bemerkungen v. W. Stark, 1910. 
„ Maimonidbs. Commentar z. Tractat Makkoth, im arab. 
Urtext u. liebra. tJbers. hrsg. v. J. Earth, n.d. 
*iyiisogonns, see Bond (E. W.) Early plays [M., etc.] f. the 
Italian ; ed., w. essay by B., 1911. 
Mission AicheoIogioLue en Aiabie. [1], mars-mai, 1907, De 
Jerusalem au Hedjaz Medain-Saleh, par RR. P. P. Jaussen 
& Savignao. [Soc. Frang. des Eouilles Arch^ol.]. Ia8°. 1909 
Mission Scientifi^ue du Maroc. Archives marocaines. Publ. 
de la M. S. du M. v7, 8, 16. 8°. 1906-10 

16, Ibn At-Tiqtaqa. Al-Fakhri ; hist, des dynasties musulmanes, 632-1258 
de .7.(3. ; avec des prol^gonifenes sur les principes du gouvt. ; tr. 
& annot^ par E. Amar. 

MiSSOU (FianQOis Maximilien). A cry f. the desart, or, testi- 
monials of miraculous things in the Cevennes ; [coll. by 
F. M. M. ; tr. by J. Lacy], pr. i. the orig., publ. 1707, see 
Pbophbtical extracts, 179i-5. 

Mistral (Frederi), see Sohoen (H.) F. M. et lalitt. provengale, 

Mithouard (Adiien). Les marches de I'occident : Venise — 
Grenade. s8". 1910 

Mittarelli (Giovanni Benedetto), see Mtjkatobi (L. A.) Eerum 
Ital. scriptores, n. ed., lind. Suppl. of M., in prog.], 1902 

Mittelhochdentsche. Kleinere m. Erzahlungen, Fabeln u. 

Lehrgedichte. [B]l-3. [Deutsche Texte d. M. -a., hrsg. v. d. 

Konigl. Preuss. Akad. d. Wiss., 4, 14, 17]. 8°. 1904-9 

1, Die Melker Hs., hrsg. v. A. Leitzmann ; 2, Die Wolfenbiittler Hs. 2., 

hrsg. V. K. Euling ; 3, Die Heidelberger Hs. cod. Pal. germ. 341, 

hrsg. V. G. Roseuhagen. 

Mittheilungen d. KonigKch-Preuss. Archivverwaltung, in prog., 

see Koniglioh-Pbetjss. Aechivveewaltung. Mittheilungen. 

Moabite Stone. Die Inschrift auf d. Denkmal Mesa's Konigs 

V. Moab, mit c. Anhang betreffend d. Grabschrift d. sid. 

Konigs Esohmunazar iibers. u. erlautert v. S. J. Kampf. 

[P1251]. 8°. Prag. 1870 

Die Inschrift d. Konigs Mesa v. Moab. Hrsg. v. R. Smend u. 

A. Socin. Text. 8°. Freiburg i. B. 1886 

„ Tafel. 4°. Freiburg i. B. 1886 

Die Inschrift d. Mesha. tjbers. u. erortert v. F. Hitzig. 

[P1251]. 8°. Heidelberg. 1870 
see NoLDEKB (T.) Die Inschrift d. Konigs Mesa, 1870. 
„ Schlottmann (C.) Die Siegessaule Mesa's, 1870. 
„ Wright (W.) *The M. Inscription, 1870. 
Moch (Gaston). La representation vraiment proportioneDe. 

8°. 1910 
Modena (Cesaie d'Este, duke of), see Estb (C. d'). 
Modena (Virginia d'Este, duchess of), see Medici (V. de'). 
Mod4ne (Esprit de Raymond de Mormoiion, comte de), see 

Raymond de Moemoibon (E. de). 
Modern Language Association of America. Publications. 
v21-24 (N. s., vl4-17 \ind. Proceedings of annual meeting, 
1905-8]. 8». Baltimore. 1906-9 

Jilsop. Ysopet III of Paris [ed., w. intr.] by M. P. Brush. [24.] 

Crawford (J. P. W.) A Spanish farce of early 16th cent., [by Inds 
Margarit ? ; ed., w. intr. by C.]. [24.] 

MaguiBcencia Ecclesie ; [tr. ; ed., w. intr, by H. JV. ifcCracken]. [24.] 
Young (G) Some texts of liturgical plays, [ed. T.]. [24.] 

Modestinus (Herennius). Fragm. H. M. ; cura E. Booking, 
see CoBPTTS iuris Romani Anteiustiniani, fasc. 1, 1841. 

Moffatt (James), D.D., see Bible : New Test. [Greek]. 
NicoU (W. R.) Expositor's Gr. Test., v4. Epistles to the 
Thessalonians, by M., v5. Revelation, by M., 1910. 

Mogila (Petr), metropolitan of Kiev, see Gbeek Chubch. The 
orthodox confession of the Eastern Church, f. the version of 
P. M. ; tr. ; ed. etc. by J. J. Overbeck, etc., 1898. 

Moguntinum, see Chbonicon MoGrruTiNUM. 

Mohabbab, of Menbidj, see Agapius, of Menbidj. 

Mohler (Johann Adam). Relation of Islam to the Gospel. 
Tr. J. P. Menge. [P1259]. 8". Calcutta. 1847 

Mole (Marion). Vera of the strong heart. s8<>. 1910 

MoU^re (J. B. P. de). 

see Chabdon (E. H.) Nouv. docs, sur la vie de M., etc., 2t, 

„ Laoboix (P.) Bibliog. Molieresque, 1872. 
„ Matthews (J. B.) M., h. life & h. works, 1910. 
„ ToLDo (P.) L'oeuvre de M. & sa fortune en Italie, 1910. 
„ V^ziNET (F.) M., Florian et la litt. espagn., 1909. 
Molina (Tirso de) ps., see Rfos db LAMPiiBBz (B. de los). Del 

siglo de oro (est. lit.) [T. de M., etc.], 1910. 
Molinier (Enule). 
see FONTAINEBLEATJ, chateau de. Le chateau de F. au 17^ s., 

d'ap. des docs, in^d., par E. Muntz & E. M., 1886. 
„ Saint S:6pulcbe, Paris. Inventaire du tr^sor de I'^glise 

du St.-Sepulcre de Paris, 1379, [publ.] E. M., 1883. 
„ Saint Victor, abbey of, Paris. Fragm. d'un inventaire 

du tr6sor de I'abbaye de St.-V., 15s. ; publ. par E. M., 1882. 
For the following see Aoad. d. Insce. etc. : Pond. Piot. 

Un buste d'entant du 16" si^cle, coll. de la marq. Arconati-Visconti, 1899. 


La descents de croix : groupe en ivoire du 13« sifecle, Louvre, 1896. [3.] 

L'6vang61iaire de I'Abbaye de ]VIorlenval, conserve k la Cath^drale de 

Noyon, 1896. [2.) 

Un phylactfere du 13" si^ole, coll. de M. Le Roy, 1897. [4.] 

Molteni (Enrico). 

see Canzoniebb. II o. portoghese Colocci-Brancuti ; pubbl. 

da E. M., 1880. 
„ Miscellanea di lett. del medio evo, vl. Rime antiche 
senesi, trovate da E. M. ; con app. [Inventario d. carte 
di E. M.], 1902. 
Moltke (Helmuth C. B., Oraf v.) Militar. Werke. [Hrsg. v. 
Grossen Generalstabe. In prog.]. 

IV, Kriegslehren, Tl. 8°. 1911 

Molyneux Asylum, Dublin. A statement of efforts made by 

the Committee desirous for reform in the M. I. for Blind 

Females, Peter Street, Dublin. [P1238]. 8". D. 1857 

Mombritius (Boninus). Sauctuarium, seu vitae sanctorum. 

Novam banc ed. curaverunt duo Monachi Solesmenses. 

2t. Ia8». Parisiis. 1910 

Mommsen (Theodor).* Gesammelte Sohriften. B6, Histor. 

Schriften, B3. 8°. 1910 

Monaci (Ernesto). Communicazioni d. bibl. di Roma etq. per 

lo studio d. lingue e d. letter, romanze, a cura di E. M. 

vl, 2. 4". Halle a. S. 1875-80 

see Canzonieee. C. portoghese Colocoi-Brancuti ; pubbl. 

n. parti che completano il cod. vaticano 4803 da E. 

Molteni, 1880. [2.] 

„ C. portoghese d. Bibl. Vatioana ; messo a stampa 

da E. Monaci, 1875. [1.] 

Studj di filologia romanza ; pubbl. da E. M. [v8, 9, pubbl. 
da E. M. e C. deLollis. v9 has no tp. tfc no " indice "]. 

9v. 8°. Roma, [cfc Torino]. 1886-1903 

Alfonso X. , the Wise, see LoUis (C. de). 

Andreas, Capellanus, see Rajna (P.) 

Antona-Traversl (C.) Notizie stor. s. Amorosa visione [by Boccaccio'], 

1885. [i.i 

Bartholomaeis (V. de). Di alcune ant. rappresentazioni ital., 1893. [6.] 

see Colo, de Perosa. 

Bartoli (G.), see Teza (E.) 

Bernard, St., abbot of Claircaux, see .Tesus Christ. 

Bertoni (G.) Rime provenzali ined. ; [ed. G. B. ; <{; Proposte di corre- 

zioni etc., iy 0. de Lollis], 1901-3. [8 9.] 
Biadene (L.) Morfologia del sonetto nei sec. 13 e 14, 1889. '[4!] 
Tre miracoli del Vangelo provenzale dell' "Infanzia" [Infanzia di 

Gesii; ui. extr.f. text], 1901. [s ] 

see Contrasto d, rosa etc. ; Jesus Christ ; Vidal de Besalii (R.) 

Boccaccio (G.), see Antona-Traversi(C.) 

Bonelli (G ) I nnml degli uccelli nel dialetti lombardi, 1901-3. [9.] 

Borrocci(F.) La intervenuta ridicolosa, [commedia, 1606 ; ed. G. Crooi- 

oni], 1901-3. [9,] 

Busone, da Gubbio, see IVTazzatinti (G.) 
Byhan (A.), see Popovici (G.) 
Caesar (C. J. ). see Parodi (E.G.) 
Canzoniere. C. provenzale A ; [& Canz. prov. B ; ed. A. Pakscher & 

C. de Lollis], 1891. [3.] 

. C. provenzale C(Laurenziano, PI. 90Inf.26) ; [e(J.M.Pelaez],1899. [7.] 

C. provenzale H (cod. Vaticano 3207) ; [ed. L. Gauchat & H. Kehrli], 

1891. [6.] 

C. provenzale J ; [ed. P. Savj-Lopez], 1901-3. [9.] 

Catherine, of Alexandria, St. Una redazione tosco-veneto-lombarda d. 

leggenda versiflcata di Sta. C, 1899. [7.] 

Cesareo (G. A.) Per la data di una canzone del Notaro Giacomo, 1899. 

La sirventesca d'un giuUare toscana, 1901-3. [9] 

Cigala (L.), see Guerri (F.) 

Colo, de Perosa. La leggenda del Dieci Comandamenti ; [ed. V. de 
Bartholomaeis], 19U1. [g.j 

Contemplacio (La) de la passio de Nostre Senhor, see Jesus Christ. 
Contrasto d. rosa e d. viola ; [ed. L. Biadene], 1899. [7.] 





[sometimes attr. to Tommas'o 


Monad (Ernesto) [continued]. 
Studj di filologia romanza [cont.]. 
Cresciui (V.) Note provenzali, 1893. 

■ see Rambaud, de Vaqueiras. 

Dante Alighieri, see Gigli (8.) ; Zingarelll (N.) 

1891 ^''*'^*^- ^° ■■omans dels auzels casaadora ; [ed. E. Monaoi], 

Donatz (Lo) proensals, see Vidal de Besalti (R.) '^'^ 

trobar'eto.''" ^°"'"'' Proenaals. see Vidal de BeaaW (B.) Rasoa de 

Ferrett.j (A ) Nottzie intorno a Caleca Panzauo, trovatore genoveae e 

alia sua famialia, 1248-1313, 1901-3. vi^io tenoveae, e 
Fiore di virtti, see Frati (C.) ^ •■' 

■^^™901-3**''"''^ ^°'° lessioali ed onomatologlohe ; ed. Gius. Flechia, 
Frnti(C.) Rioerohe sul "Fiore di virtti" '• — -'- ' "■ '^■■' 

Leoni<S: to Tommaso Gozzadini], 1893. 
Gauchat (L.), see Canzoniere provenzale H. 
Giacorao, Notaro, see Cesareo (G. A.) 
Gigli (G ) Di una uuova questioncella Dantesoa 1899 
Gorra (E.) Dell' epentesi di iato nelle lingue romaDze, 1893 
Qozzadini(T.), sec Frati (C.) 

Guerri (F.) Intorno a un verso di Lanfranoo Cigala 1901 
Innocent III, pope, see Mannuoci {F. L. ) ' ' 

Intervenuta (La) ridioolosa, see Borrooci(F.) 
Jesus Christ. La oontemplaoio de la passio de Noetre Senhor- testo 

catalano-provenzale ; [tr. of work of St. Bernard of Ciairvauxt ; ed C. 

o»ivioiiij, ioyy. ffy -1 

La passione e risurrezione ; [ed. L. Biadene], 1885. ri'l 

■ — - see Biadene (L.) '■ ' 

Kehrli (H.), see Canzoniere provenzale H. 

Korting (G.), see Tamilia (D.) 

Leoni (T.), see Frati (C.) 

LoUis (C. de). Cantigas de amor etc. di Alfonso el Sabio re di Castiglia, 

1887. ro 1 

Koterelle spagnole, 1901. fg'j 

Dei raddoppiamenti postonici, 188B. n'l 

see Canzoniere provenzale A. 

Lope de Moros. II "Romance de L. de M. " : nuova ipotesi [hu G 

Petraglione; Ml. «ea;i), 1901. [8] 

Lazzatto(L.) II congiuntivo e 1' indicativo ital., 1887. [2.] 

Mannuoci (F. L.) Del Libro de la misera liumana condicione, prosa geno- 

vese ined. del sec. 14 [a tr. of B Giamioni's version of Pope Innocent 

Ill's " De contemptii mundi " ? ; w. extr. f. text], 1901-3. [9 1 

Marchesini (E.) Note fllologiche, 1887. [a]] 

I perfetti ital in -etti, 1885. [Ij 

Marchot (P.) Dans quel sens en France et en Italic le boucher eat-il le 




tueur de "boucs "?, 1901-3. 

Encore andarCe) [La plus anc. aube, etc.], 1901. 

Mari (G.) Ritmo latino e teriniuologia ritmica medievale, 1901. 
Mazzatinti (G.) Bosone da Gubbio e le sue opere, 1885. 
Meyer-Liibke (W.), see Salvioni (C.) 
Nicoli(P.) n dialetto mod. di Voghera, 1901. 

Novati (F.) Un nuovo ed un vecchio tramm. del Tristran di Tommaso' 
[w. text], 1887. [2.] 

Ovidic) (F. d'). Per il dialetto di Campobasso, 1901-3. [9.] 

Palischer (A.), see Canzoniere provenzale A. 
Panzano (C), see Ferretto (A.) 
Parma, see Restori (A.) 
Parodi (E, G._) I rifacimenti e le tr. ital. dell' Eneide di Virgilio prima 

del rinascimento, 1887. [2.] 

Le storie di Cesare nella lett. ital. dei primi secoli, 1889. [4.] 

Pascal (C.) Note etimologiche, 1899. [7.] 

Passione (La) e risurrezione, see Jesus Christ. 

Pelaez (M.), see Canzoniere provenzale C. 

Petraglione (G.), «ee Lope de Moros. 

Petrarch, see Scarano (N.) 

Popovici (G.) Nuove poatille al Diz. d. colonic rumene d'latria [6y .4. 

Byhan], 1901-3. [9.] 

Provenzale, see Canzoniere p. ; Trattato p. 
Rajna (P.) Un framm. di un codice perduto di poesie provenzali, 

1891. ■ [6.] 

Osserv. sull' Alba bilingue, 1887. [2.] 

Tre studi per la storia del libro di Andrea Cappellano, 1891. , [6.] 

Rambaud, de Vaqueiras. II contrasto bilingue di R. de V. secondo un 

nuovo testo ; (ed. V. Creacini], 1901. [8.] 

Rasoa (Las) de trobar, see Vidal de Beaald (R.) 
Restori (A.) Appunti teatrali spagnuoli, 1899. [7.1 

La collez. CC* IV. 28033 d. Bibl. Palatina-Parmense, 1893. [6.1 

Riva(B. da). Carmina de mensibus ; [ed. L. Biadene], 1901-3. [9.] 

Salvioni (C.) Giunte ital. alia Roman. Formenlehre [Gramm. d. roman. 

Spraohen, B21 di W. Meyer-Liiblse, 1899. [7.) 

La riaoluzione palatina di fc e j nelle Alpi lombarde, 1901. [8.1 

see Jesus Christ. 

Savj-L(ipez(P.), gee Canzoniere provenzale J. 

Scarano (N.) Fonti provenzali e ital, d. lirica Petrarchesca, 1901. [8.] 

Tamilia (D.) Postille al vocabolario latino-romanzo del Korting d. Prov. 

di Campobasso, 1901. [8.] 

Teza(E.) Un maestro difonetica ital. nel cinquecento [i.e. G. Eartoli], 

1893. [6-1 

Note portoghesi, 1886. [11 

■ Sylva de varios romances (1698), 1885. [1.1 

Toldo (P.) Etudes sur le theatre comique franc;, du moyen age et sur le 

rdle de la nouvelle dans les farces et dans les comedies, 1901-3. [9.] 
Trattato provenzale di penitenza ; [ed. C. de Lollis], 1891. [6.] 

Tristram, knight, see Novati (F.) 
Vidal de Besalii (R.) Las rasos de trobar e Lo donatz proensals, [the 

latter by H. Faidit ; ed. L. Biadene], 1885-7. [1, 2.1 

Virgilius Maro (P.). see Parodi (E. G.) 
Zingarelli (N.) Parole e forme d. Divina Commedia [of Dante] ahene d. 

dialetto florent., 1886. [1-1 

Monaldesco (Ludovico Bonconte), see Pistolbsi. *Istorie pisto- 
lesi etc. daU' anno 1300 al 1348, [attr. to L. B. M.], 1733. 

Bloualdi (Goido), see Pistolesi. *Ist. pistolesi etc. ; e 

Diario del Monaldi [? 0. M.], 1733. 
nionastier (Antoine). Hist, de I'Eglise vaudoise dep. son 
origine, & des Vaudois du Pigment jusqu'4. nos jours. 

2t in 1. 8°. 1847 
Moncorps (vte. de Saviguy de), see Savigny de Monoobps 

{vte. de). 
Mond^jar (G. de Mendoza Ibanez de Segovia y Feralta, marq. 
de). Advertencias a la Hist, del P. J. de Mariana. Van 
anadidas algunas cartas : publioa G. May&ns i Sisoar. 

fol. Valencia. 1746 
Mondoi (N.) ps. [i.e., Philippe Gibabd], see Lb Patjlmibb 

(C. S.) M. et Tabarin seigneurs f^odaux, 1884. 
Mongitore (Antonio), see Maechesb (A.) Parlamenti gen., 
nel regno di Sicilia, 1494-1685 ; raocolta da A. M., con 
mem. istor., etc. di A. Mongitore, 1717. 
Monier-Williams (Sir Monier). Study of Sanskrit in rel. to 
missionary work in India. [P1260]. 8°. 1861 

Monkhouse (W. Cosmo). Life of Leigh Hunt. s8°. 1893 

MonlauT (R.) Apr6s la neuvieme heure. 45« 6d. s8". 1909 

Monmouth (Geoffrey, of), 
see Pletchbe (R. H.) Arthurian material in chronicles, 

[mainly G.], 1906. 
„ Ulbbich (A. ) tJber d. Verhaltnis v. Wace's Roman de Brut 
zu 8. Quelle, d. Gottfried v. M. Hist, regum Brit., 1909. 
Monod (Gabriel). 
see Dbiaitlt (E.) & G. M. Evolution du monde mod. ; 

hist. poKt. & soo., 1815-1909, 1910. 
„ SooiETfi DE l'Hist. de Paeis, ETC. Mems., t3, G. M., 
Les orig. de I'historiographie a Paris : Les Oesta regum 
Francorum, 1877. 
Monod (Wilfred). Certitudes. , sS". 1911 

Monroe (Will S.) Bohemia & the Ceohs. s8". Boston. 1910 
Monroe Stowe (A.), see Stowe (A. M.) 
Montaga (Edward George Henry), 8th earl of Sandwich, see 

Sandwich (E. G. H. M., 8th e. of). 
Montagu {Mrs. Eliz.), wife of E. Montagu, see Doean (J.) 
A lady of the last cent. (M.), iUust. in h. unpubl. letters, 
2nd ed., 1873. 
Montague (Lord), character of fiction. The life of Lord 
Montague, an Irish nobleman, etc., [a noveC] by an officer, 
1791, see Life. 
Montague (C. E.) A hind let loose. sS". [1910] 

2nd imp. s8". [1910] 

Montaigne (Michel de). Essais. Avec les notes de Coste. 

lot. [t6 wanting}, n, 6d. s8°. Londres. 1754 
see Abmainoatjd (Dr.) M. pamphletaire : I'enigme du 
Contr'un, 1910. 
Montalembert (cte. Charles Forbes Rene de), see Gallaveesi 
(G. ) Lettere dirette al cte. di M. dai suoi oorrispondenti 
piemontesi ; [ed. G. G.], 1909. 
Montanes (D. Su4rez), see Sttabbz (D.) 

Montbel (Guy de). La condition polit. de la Croatie-Slavonie 
dans la monarchie austro-hongroise. 2^ 6d. 8°. 1910 

Montbrun-Souscarriere (Pierre Michel), see GEi)VEO(EirE (R. 
de). Un personnage de Tallemant des R6aux : M.-S., 
1594-1670, 1890. 
Monte Cassino, see CoNSUBTtrDiNES monasticse, t3, Antiq. 
monumenta maxime Consuetud. Casinenses, 716-817 ; ed. 
B. Albers, 1907. 
Monteflore (Claude G.) Some elements of the relig. teaching 
of Jesus, aoc. to the Synoptic Gospels. [Jowett Leot^., 
1910]. sS". 1910 

Montelius (Oscar). La civilisation primitive en Italie dep. 
I'intr. des m^taux. [In prog.] : 
pi, Fibules & Italie septentrionale. Texte. 

4". Stockholm. 1895 
Planches. 4". Stockholm. 1895 

p2, Italie centrale. Texte, [v]l. 4°. Stockholm. 1910 

„ „ Planches. 

[2p, w. 1 tp.]. 4". Stockholm. 1904 
Montenuovo {Filrst Wilhelm von), see Hess (A.) Die sieben- 

biirg. Munzen d. fiirstl. M.'schen Munzcabinets, 1880. 
Monteria. *Dialogos de la m. MS. in6d. [Ed. E. R. de 
Uhagon]. Publ. la Soo. de» Bibliofilos Espanoles. 8°. 1890 
Montespan (Louis Antoine de), due d'Antin, see Gondein de 

Paedaillan de Montespan (L. A. de). 
Montesson (Charlotte Jeanne, marquise de), see Haemand (J.) 
L'automne d'un prince : le due PhiHppe d'OrMans & la 
marq. de M., 1773, lettres in^d., 1910. 




Montessus (F. B. de). Martyrologe et biog. de Commerson, 

see SociBTE des Sciences Naturelles de Sa6ne-et-Loike. 

Bulls., t3, 1889. 
Monte y Tejada (Antonio del). Hist, de Santo Domingo. 

tl. [Crist6bal Colon etc., 1492-1503. No more puU.]. 

6°. Habana. 1853 
Montgomeiy (capt. Alexander). Poems & o. pieces f. Laing 

MS., No. 447. Supplementary vol. Ed. w. intr. etc. by G. 

Stevenson. [Scott. Text Soc., 59]. 8°. E. 1910 

Montgomery (James), poet. Sketch of the hist, of the missions 

& of the Church of the United Brethren, called Moravians. 

[hcdf-t. only. P1259]. 8°. [1862?] 

Montgomery (L. M.) Anne of Avonlea. [4th imp.]. sS". 1909 

Kilmeny of the orchard. s8". 1910 

Monthly (The) Review. 

V14-27 (Jan. 1904^June 1907). [No more puU.]. 8°. [1904-7] 
Monti (Vineenzo). The penance of Hugo, a vision on the 

French Revol. Wr. on occ. of the death of N. H. de Basse- 

ville, envoy at Rome, 1793. Tr. into Eng. verse, w. two 

add. cantos by H. Boyd. s8". 1805 

6ee Pasini (F.) Un plagio a danno di V. M., 1905. 
Montmorency (Francois, due de), marechal de France, see 

Ruble (6. A. de). F. de M., gouv. de Paris etc., 1880. 
Montmorency (Isabelle Angelique de), see Chatillon (I. A. 

DE M.-B., dcsse. de). 
Montoto y Rautenstrauch (Luis). Obras compl. 

[v]l, 2. s8°. SeviUa. [1909-10] 

] , De re lit. 2, Noches de luna : poesias. 

Monts (Carl, Graf von). La captivity de Napoleon III en 

AUemagne. Tr. P. Bruck-Gilbert et P. Levy. 8°. [1910] 

Montyon (baron Antoine Jean Baptiste Robert Auget de) 

[fAUGET DE MONTYOIT (A. J. B. R.)], See GtrlMEAUD (L.) 
Un grand bourgeois au 18« b. ; Auget de M. (1733-1820), 
Monumenta Germaniae Hist., 500-1500. Auspiciis etc. Soc. 
aperiendis fontibus rerum German, medii sevi. Ed. G. H. 
Pertz. [In prog.]. 4». Hannoverae. 1884-1910 

see Geschichtschreibeb (Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, [a gt. no. 
Nach d. Ausgaben d. Mon. Hist.], 2^ Gesammtausg., 
in prog., 1884, etc. 
Deutsche Chroniken. t6. 4°. 1909 

Osterreich. Chronik v. d. 95 Herrschaften [Chronica des 
Landes Osterreich, (-1398)] ; hrsg. J. Seemiiller. 


see Urkundbn d. deut. Konige u. Kaiser, B4, 1909. [4.] 


see Krusch (B.) ed., Passiones vitseque sanctorum etc., t3, 

1910. [5.] 

Monuments. Fondation E. Piot, Mon». etc., publ. par I'Acad. 

des Inscriptions etc., tl— 17, in prog., 1894-1909, see Acad. 

des Inscr. etc. 

Monypenny (William Flavelle). Life of B. Disraeli, earl of 

Beaconsfield. vl, 1804-37. 8". 1910 

Moor (Antonis), see Mob (A.) 

Moore (Arthur), dramatic urriter. Archers of the long bow. 
Story. sS". 1904 

Moore (Arthur William). The story of the Isle of Man. 

2nd imp. 88°. 1902 

Moore (Benjamin), prof, of bio-chemistry, Univ. Coll., Liverpool. 

The dawn of the health age. s8o. 1911 

Moore (Edward) [ps. Fitz-Adam (Adam)]. For var. ed^. of 

The World [1753-6], ed. by E. M., see Woeld (The). 
Moore (Greorge), novelist. Memoirs of my dead life. 

[3rd ed.]. s8°. 1908 

Moore (J. L.) Tudor-Stuart views on the growth, status & 

destiny of the Eng. language. [Studien z. engl. Philologie ; 

hrsg. L. Morsbach, H41]. 8°. Halle a. S. 1910 

Moore (Sir John William). Meteorology, practical & applied. 

2nd rev. & enl. ed. 8°. 1910 
Moore (T. Stnrge). Art & Kfe, [using Flaubert <fc Blake as 
illusf.']. s8». 1910 

Moore (Thomas), the poet. Rhymes on the road, fables, etc. 

s8o. Paris. 1823 
Moore (W. Harrison). Constitution of the Commonwealth 
of AustraUa. 2nd ed. 8°. Melbourne. 1910 

Moore (Willis Luther). Descriptive meteorology. 

8». N.Y. 1910 

Moorman (Frederic William). Robert Herrick : biog. & crit. 

study. 8°. 1910 

Moors (H. J.) With Stevenson in Samoa. sS". Boston. [1910] 
Mor (Antonis) [Mode (A.) ; Mobo (Antonio) ; Moeb {Sir 

Anthony)], see Hymans (H.) A. Moro, 1910. 
Moran (Thomas Francis), see Woodbubn (J. A.) & T. F. M. 

Amer. hist. & govt., 1906. 
Moranvill6 (Henri). *Le songe veritable, pamphlet poUt. 

d'un Parisien du IS'' s. ; publ. H. M., 1891, see Songb. 
Morburger (Carl). Knut Hamsun : e. Uterar. u. psycholog. 

Studie. 88°. L. 1910 

Mordaunt (Elizabeth Mordaunt, viscountess). Private diarie. 

[Ed., w. mem., by the Earl of Roden ; MS. deciphered & 

printing superintended by E. Macrory]. 

s8°. p.p. Duncairn. 1856 
More (Sir Anthony), see Mob (A.) 

More (Paul Elmer). Shelburne essays. s7. 88°. N.Y. 1910 

More (<S»V Thomas), Lord High Chancellor of Eng. *The 

Book of Sir T. Moore (Harleian MSS. 7368, c. 1590-6). 

[A play. Tudor Facs. Texts ; J. S. Farmer]. 

fol. Issued for subscribers. 1910 
Utopia. R. Robinson's trans., w. Roper's Life of M., & 

some of h. letters. Ed. G. Sampson, w. intr. & bibliog. by 

A. Guthkelch ; added Latin text of Utopia, repr. f. Ist ed. 

s8». 1910 
Moreas (Jean). Variations sur la vie et les livres. s8". 1910 

see BAEEi)S (M.) Adieu ^ M., 1910. 
Morehead (Charles). Memorials of the life & writings of R. 

Morehead. Ed. C. M. s8°. E. 1875 

Morehead (Robert), see Mobehead (C.) Mem. of the life & 

wr. of R. M., 1875. 
Morel (Edmund D.) The future of the Congo. 

[P1294]. 88°. 1909 
Morel-Payen (Lucien). Troyes et Provins. [Les villes d'art 

c61ebres]. laS". 1910 

Moret (Alexandre). Cat. du Musee Guimet : Galerie 6gypt., 

steles, bas-rehefs, monuments divers. [Annales du Mus6e 

Guimet, 32]. 4» 1909 

Planches. 4P. 1909 

Morgan (J. H.) The House of Lords & the constitution. 

Intr. by Lord Loreburn. sS". [1910] 

Morgan (John Fierpont). Cat. of the collection of jewels & 

precious works of art, property of J. P. M. Compiled by 

G. C. WilUamson. fol. p.p. 1910 

Cat. of MSS. & early pr. books. Forming portion of lib. of 

J. P. M. [Illust.']. Early pr. books, [ed. A. W. Pollard]. 

3v, [pagin. cont.]. 4°. f.p.d. 1907 

Cylinders & o. anc. Oriental seals in the lib. of J. P. M. ; 

catalogued by W. H. Ward. 4°. p.p. N.Y. 1909 

Morian (Jacques). L'epreuve du feu. 88°. 1910 

Morley (Claude), see Bbitish Museum : Zoology. Cat. of 

Brit. Hymenoptera of the family Chalcididae ; by C. M., 

Morley (Lacy CoUison), see Collison-Moelby (L.) 
Mormoiron (Esprit de Raymond de), comte de Modkne, see 

Raymond de Mormoiron (E. db). 
Morning Post, see Lucas (R. J.) Lord Glenesk & the " M. P.," 

Moro (Antonio), see Mob (A.) 
Morocco, see also Marocainbs. 
Moros (Lope de), see Lopb db Moeos. 
Morosi (Giuseppe). Canti greoo-calabri di Roghudi, riv. etc. 

G. M., see Mandalaei (M.) Canti del pop. Reggino, 1881. 
Morosov (V. S.) 3a 04H0 cjobo. (Fiir c. Wort.) PaaCKaai, ci 

npe4HCJ0Blejn> .1. H. TojCToro. s8°. Berlin, n.d. 

Morris <* Co., decorators. Brief sketch of the Morris move- 
ment & of the firm founded by W. M., wr. to commem. the 

firm's 50th ann., 1911. s8°. p.p. 1911 

Morris (E. W.) A hist, of the London Hospital. S80. 1910 

Morris (William), poet. 
News f. Nowhere, etc. 11th imp. s8°. 1910 

see Mackail (J. W.) W. M. & h. circle, 1907. 

„ MoBBis cfc Co. Brief sketch of the Morris movement & 
of the firm founded by W. M., 50th ann., 1911. 
Morris (William Alfred). The Frankpledge system. [Harvard 

Hist. Studies, 14]. 8°. N.Y. 1910 

Morrison (E. W.) Lays of a lyrical lounger. s8". 1910 

Morse (Hosea Ballon). International relations of the Chinese 

Empire : the period of conflict, 1834r-60. [With despatches 

& bibliog.']. 8°. 1910 

Mortensen (Johan). August Strindberg, see Sveeige. S. nat.- 

litt., vl7, 1910. 




Mortet (Charles). Le livre des Constituoiona demen^es el 

Chastelet de Paris ; publ. C. M., 1884, see Paris. 
Mortet (Victor). M. de Sully, 6v§que de Paris, 1160-96, see 

SoCIETf) DE L'HlST. DB Pabis, bto. M6ms., tl6, 1890. 
Morton (Nathaniel). New Eng.'a mem. ; & Suppl., see Masb- 

FIBLD (J.) ed., Chron. of the Pilgrim Fathers, 1910. 
Moscovie. *Relation curieuse de la M. en 1687. [b.w. 

Eudooia, c. of Peter I. *Hist. d'E., 1861]. s8o. L. 1861 

Moscow. Specimina palseographica cod. Graecorum & 

Slavonioorum Bibl. Mosq. SynodaUs, sseo. 6-17. Ed. 

Sabas, episc. Mojaisky. [With Russian t. also. Descr". in 

Sussian & Latin]. la4o. MocKua. 1863 

Moselly (Emile). L. Desoaves. [Les c616brit6s d'aujourd'hui]. 

sS". [1910] 
Moser (Andreas). Joseph Joachim. 

B2, 1856-1907. Neue A. sS". 1910 
Moses, hen Israel Isserles [MosBS Yssbblbs], see Joseph, hen 
Ephraim Caro. *Sulohan-Arukh ; [w. the additions of M.] ; 
fibers., etc., v. J. A. F. E. L. V. v. Pavly, Ll-4, 1888. 
Moses, the Lawgiver. 

see Grimme (H.) Das Gesetz Chammurabis u. M., 1903. 
„ Jerbmias (J.) M. u. Hammurabi, 1903. 
Moses, hen Shesheth. Gomm. upon Jeremiah & Ezeqiel, w. tr. 
& notes, by S. R. Driver. [a.c. in P1255]. 8°. 1871 

Moses (Montrose J.) The lit. of the South. 8°. N.Y. [1910] 
Mosso (Angelo). The dawn of Mediterranean civilisation. 
Tr. M. C. Harrison. 8". 1910 

Escursioni nel Mediterraneo e gU scavi di Greta. 

8°. Milano. 1907 

Most (Otto), see Gbmeindeeinanzbn, B2 ii, Die Gemeinde- 

finanzstatistik in Deutschland : Ziele, Weee, Eraebnisse ; 

V. 0. M., 1910. 

Motley (John Lothrop), see Mildmay (S. St. J.) & H. St. J. 

Motley. J. L. M. & h. family ; further letters etc. ; ed. 

[S. St. J. M.] & H. St. J. M., 1910. 

Motta (Emilio), see Petrarch. P. e la Lombardia ; coUabor., 

E. M., etc., 1904. 

Motteville (Mme. de). Mem. on the life of Henrietta Maria. 

[Mem. ayant servi a Bossuet pour I'oraison funebre]. Ed. 

M. G. Hanotaux. [Camden Soo.]. s4o. 1880 

Moule (Handley C. G.), bp. of Durham. The Evangehoal 

School in the Church of Eng. s8". 1901 

Moulin (Ren6) & S. de Chessin. Une annee de poht. ext^rieure, 

[1908]. Avec. pr6f. de M. P. Deschanel. sS". 1909 

Moulton {Sir John Fletcher). Some thoughts on causation 

in health & disease. An addr. to the Faculty of Med. of 

Univ. of Leeds, 1909. [P1289]. 8°. [1909] 

Moura (Cristobal de), marques de Castel Bodrigo, see Danvila 

Y BuBQiTERO (A.) Diplomatioos espan. ^ Don C. de M., 


Monrret (Fernand). Hist. g6n. de I'Eghse. 

[t]3, 5. 80. 1909-10 
3, L'Eglise & le Monde barbare. 5, La Eenaissance & la E6forme. 
Movsissian (A.) [ps. Chibvanzadb], see CHiRVANZADfi, ps. 
Mozans (H. J.) Up the Orinoco & down the Magdalena. 

8°. N.Y. 1910 
*Mucedorus, 1598. [A play ; sometimes attr. to Shahespeare. 
Tudor Facs. Texts ; J. S. Farmer]. 

Ia8°. Issued for subscribers. 1910 
Muddock (J. E.) For honour or death. sS". 1910 

Mudge (Isadora Gilbert) & M. E. Sears. A Thackeray diet. 

8°. 1910 

Miiffling (F. Carl F., Frhr. v.) Betrachtungen fiber d. grossen 

Operationen u. Schlachten der Feldzfige v. 1813 u. 1814. 

Von C. V. W. s8o. 1825 

Napoleons Strategic im J. 1813. Von C. v. W. s8<'. 1827 

Zur Kriegsgesch.'d. 1813 u. 1814. Die Feldzuge d. schles. 

Armee unter dem Feldmarschall Bliicher. Von C. v. W. 

2T in Iv. s8°. 1824 
Muhammad, the Prophet, 
see Geiger (A.) Was hat M. aus d. Judenthume aufgenom- 

men?, 1833. 
„ Maimuk" ibn Sais, called al- A'sha. Lobgedicht auf M. ; 
[ed.] V. H. Thorbecke, 1875. 
Muhammad XI, king of Granada, see Boabdil, h. of Granada. 
Muhammad Aischin, see AisoHiN(M.) 

Muhammad ibn Sirin, al-Basrl. Apomasans [or rather, M. ibn 
S.'s] Apotelesmata, sive de signiflcatis et eventis insom- 
niorum ex Indorum, Persarum, .iBgyptiorumque disciplina. 
I. Leunolaio interprete. sS". Francofurti. 1577 

Muir (John), D.G.L. *An essay on conciliation in matters of 

relig., & on the proper adaptation of instruction to the 

character of the persons taught, w. application of the 

subject to missionary proceedings. Repr. f. Church of Eng. 

Quarterly Review, rev. etc. By a Bengal civilian [i.e. 

J. M. P1259]. 8". Calcutta. 1849 

Notes of a trip to Kedarnath etc., in 1853 ; [<* Some ace. of a 

journey f. Agra to Bombay, notp. P1259]. 8°. [E. 1855] 

Reasons for the estabhshment of a Sanskrit chair in the Univ. 

of Edinburgh. [P1259]. 8». E. 1860 

Muir (Ramsay). Peers & bureaucrats : two problems of Eng. 

govt. s8o. 1910 

Muirhead (John H.) By what authority ? The principles 

in the reports of the Poor Law Comm. Intr. by Sir 0. Lodge. 

2nd ed. 8". 1909 

, 2nd ed. 8°. 1910 

This ed. has t. : Starting point of Poor Law reform. 
Mulai Hafld, sultan of Morocco, see Harris (L.) With M. H. at 

Fez, 1909. 
Mulder (Dietrich). Die Ihas u. i. Quellen. 8". 1910 

MuUem (Louis). Contes ondoyants & divers. Pref. de 
G. Gefiroy. sS". 1909 

Miiller (Adam), see Mtjller v. Nitbrsdobe (A. H.) 
Miiller (Erich). De Grseoorum deorum partibus tragiois. 
[Rehgionsgesohichtl. Versuche etc., hrsg. v. R. Wunsch u. 
L. Deubner, B8 iii]. 8". Giessen. 1910 

Chap. 1 was publ. at Kbnigsberg as a Dissert, w.t. " De Gr. 
deorum partibus Jisohyleis." 
Miiller (F. August), 1848-9$, Orientalist. Das arab. Ver- 
zeichniss d. aristotel. Schriften, [w. Arabic & Greek texts'], 
see Fleischer (H. L.) Morgeuland. Forschungen, 1875. 
Mem. of H. L. Fleischer. [Tr. H. Szold ; repr. f. Smithsonian 
Rep., 1889. P1245]. 8°. Wash. 1892 

Miiller (George A.) Mentone & its neighbourhood : past & 
present. Ed. J. E. Somerville. &°. 1910 

Miiller (George F.), of Bristol, see Piebson (A. T.) G. M. of B., 

Miiller (Iwan E. P. v.) Handbuch d. klass. Altertumswissen- 

B2, Abtlg. 2 ; B9, Abtlg. 2, Tl. Ia8<'. Mflnchen. 1910-11 

see Manitius (M.) Gesoh. d. latein. Lit. d. Mittelalters, Tl, 

1911. [9, A2, Tl.] 

„ Stolz (F.) & J. H. ScHMALZ. Latein. Grammatik, 4^ A., 

1910. [2 ii.] 

Miiller (Joel), see Talmud. Masechet Soferim ; d. talmud. 

Tractat d. Sohreiber ; hrsg. u. comm. v. M., 1878. 
Miiller v. Nitersdorf (Adam Heinrich) [Mulleb (A.)]. Etwas, 
das Gothe gesagt hat. 1817. 

[Repr. Ed. H. Feigl. P1297]. 8». [Wien]. [1910] 
see Gentz (F. v.) Briefe v. u. an F. v. G., B2, Briefe an u. 
V. C. G. V. Brinokmann u. A. M., 1910. 
Mulling, Book of, see Lawlob (H. J.) Chapters on the Book 

of M., 1897. 
Mulot (Francois Valentin). Journal intime de I'abb^ M., 
1777-82 ; [publ.] M. Tourneux, see Societ:^ db l'Hist. de 
Pabis, etc. Mems., t29, 1902. 
Multedo (Gulielmus de), see GirLiELMirs, de Murtedo. 
Miinchener geographische Studien. Hrsg. v. S. Gfinther. 
Stflok[e] 25-6. 8°. Mfinchen. 1911 

Diracherl (0.) Die Anfange e. wissenschaftl. Seenkunde, 1911. [25.] 

Herpich (H.) Die Eisverhaltnisse in d. siidbayer. Seen, 1911. [26.] 

Munday (Anthony). Fidele & Fortunio, a comedy of two 
Itahan gentlemen (1584). [Ed. F. Flfigge. no tp. ; p. of 
Archiv f. d. Studium d. neu. Sprachen u. Lit., B123]. 

8°. Braunschweig. 1909 
Mundt (Theodor) [Mundt (Gottlieb T.)]. Die Gesch. d. 
Gesellschaft in i. neu. Entwickelungen u. Problemen. 

2e verm. A. s8<'. L. 1856 
Spaziergange u. Weltfahrten. 3B. s8°. Altona. 1838-9 

see Dbagbb (0.) T. M. u. s. Beziehungen z. Jungen Deutsch- 
land, 1909. 
Mundy (Percy D.) Memorials of old Sussex. Ed. P. D. M. 

8°. 1909 
Munoz (Andr6s). Viaje de FeUpe II a Inglaterra, por A. M., 
impreso en 1554, y relaciones varias relativas al mismo 
suceso. [Ed. P. de Gayangos]. Dalas a luz la Soc. de 
Bibhofllos Espanoles. 8°. 1877 

Munro (William Bennett). The seigniorial system in Canada. 
[Harvard hist, studies, 13]. 8°. N.Y. 1907 




Miinsterberg (Hugo). Problems of to-day, f. the point of 

view of a psychologist. 8°. 1910 

Psychotherapy. 8". 1909 

Subconscious phenomena. By H. M., T. Eibot, P. Janet, 

J. Jastrow, B. Hart, & M. Prince. s8''. n.d. 

Miinsterberg (Oscar). Chines. Kunstgesch. 

Bl. laS". Esslingen a. N. 1910 
Miintz (Eugene). 
see Acad, dbs Insob. etc. : Eond. Piot. Mon^. etc., tl, 
E. M., Les plateaux d'accouch^es cfe la peinture sur 
meubles du 14^ au IQ" si^cle, 1894. 

„ Mon=. etc., t4, E. M., Le soulpteur Laurana & les 

mon^. de la Renaissance k Tarascon, 1897. 

„ Mon3. etc., t7, E. M., Tapisseries allegor., 1902. 

„ EoNTAiNBBLBAtj, chateau de. Le chateau de F. au 17" 
s., d'ap. des docs, ined., par E. M. et E. Molinier, 1886. 
„ SooiETE DE l'Hist. DE Pabis, ETC. Mems., tl8, E. M., 
L'Aaad6mie royale de Peinture et de Sculpture et la 
Chalcographie du Louvre, 1891. 

„ Mems., t24, E. M., La bibl. de I'anc. Acad, royale de 

Peinture et de Sculpture (Bibl. de I'Ecole nat. des Beaux- 
Arts), 1648-1793, 1897. 

,, Mems., t26, E. M., Le College des Bernardins et les 

artistes paris. du 14' s., 1899. 
Murari (Rocco). Dante e Boezio (contrib. alio studio d. 
fonti dantesche). s8°. Bologna. 1905 

Marin Sanudo e Laura Brenzoni-Schioppo, see Giobnalb 
Stoe. d. Lett. Ital., Suppl., 1, 1898. 
Muiat (princess Caroline), 1833-1902. My memoirs. [Ed. 
R. Leighton]. 8°. 1910 

Mnrat (Joachim), Ic. of Naples. *Memorie sopra M., e rel. d. 
sua guerra coll' Austria e dell' ultima sua catastrofe. [b.w. 
Napoleon I, *Storia d. quindici settimane, 1815]. 

s8". Geneva. 1815 
«ee Espitalieb (A.) Napoleon & le roi M., 1808-15, 1910. 
„ Wbil (M. H.) Le revirement de la polit. autrioh. a 
regard de J. M., etc., 181^5, 1909. 
Muratori (Ludovico Antonio), see fTABTiNitrs (J. M.) Rerum 
Ital. scriptores 1000—1600, [cjenerally considered a suppl. to 
M.'s Rer. Ital. scr.], 1748-70. 
Rerum Italicarum scriptores. Race, degli storici ital., 
500-1500, ordinata da L. A. M. n. ed., [incl. the suppl^. of 
Tartini & Mittarelli], riv., ampliata e corr. con la dir. di 
G. Carducoi e V. Fiorini. t3 ii, 6 i, 8 ii, 9 v, ix, 12 iii, 16 i, 
18 ii, 19 ii, 21 iv, 22 ii, 24 xiii, xiv, xv, 27 i, 28 ii, 31 i, 32 i. 
[In prog.]. 4°. Citta di GasteUo. 1902-[10] 
Each p. of a vol. has a $nd tp. describing the contents, & also 
a Sep. pagin. t3 1 i, 32 i, form p. of the Accessiones no viss. 
Aliprandi (B.), see Nerlius (A.) 

Beini (G.) Cronaca, 1360-1472; a cura di G. Mazzatlnti ; [w.] App., 

Estr. dai Gesta Egnbinorum ad a. 1300 scr. a Greffolino Valerian!— 

Cronica d'Ugubbiodi fraGirolamo Maria da Venezia, all539 — Cronaca 

di Gubbio scr. da un canonico Don Francesco, 1419-1579. (21 iv.] 

Burchardus (J.) Liber notarum, 1483-1506 ; acura diE. Celaui, vl. [32 i.] 

Cantiuellus (P.) Chi-onicon, 1228-1306 ; a cura di F. Torraca. [28 ii.] 

Dolcino iFrh). Hist. Fratris D. heresiarche, di anonimo sincrono ; e De 

secta illorum qui se dicunt esse de ordine Apostolorum, di B. Gui ; a 

cura di A. Segarizzi. [9 v.] 

Dominicus, de Gravina. Chron. de rebus in Apulia gestis, 1333-50. 

[12 iii.] 
Firenze. RicordidiF.,1459, diautore anon., [a ^oem]; acura di G. Volpi; 
[w.] App., Estr. d. Terze rime in lode di Cosimo de' Medici etc. [27 1.] 
Forolivleiises. Annales F., ad a. 1473; a curadi G. Mazzatinti. [22 ii.] 
Francesco (Don), ccmonico di Gubbio, see Berni (G.) 
G^minianus, St., bp of Modena. Kelatio translationis corporis a. G., 
1099-1106; a cura di G. Bertoni ; \w.] App., Carmina Mutinensia etc. 

Girolamo Maria (.Frd), see Berni (G.) 

Godius (A.) Cronaca, 1194-1260 [in Latin] ; a cura di G. Soranzo ; seguono 
tre elenchi di famiglie vicentine. [8 ii.] 

Greffolino, di Valeriana, see Berni (G.) 
Guidonis (B.), bp. of (1) Tuy (f) Lodive, see Dolcino (Frd). 
Joannes, presbyter Civitatensis, see JULIANUS, Civitaiensis. 
Julianus, Civitatensis. Chronica, 1252-1364, [by J. atone or by J. & 
Joannes presbyter Civitat. together]; a cura di G. Tambara ; [incl.] 
Epitome. [24 xiv.] 

Matthseus, de Griffonibus, Memoriale hist, de rebus Bononiensium, 
[—1472] ; a cura di L. Frati e A. Sorbelli. [18 ii.] 

Nantiporto (Notaio del), see Pontani (G.) 

NerliUB(A.) Breve chron. monasterii mantuani s. Andree ord. Bened., 
800-1431 ; a cura di 0. Begani; [w.] App., Aliprandina, o Cronica de 
Mantua all' anno 1414, di B. Aliprandi, [a poem]. [24 xiii.] 

Muratori (Ludovico Antonio) [continued']. 

Rerum Italicarum scriptores [cont.]. 

Notaio del Nantiporto, see Pontani (6.) 

Palmerius (M.) De captivitate Pisarum liber ; a cura di G. Scaramella. 

[19 ii.] 
Parma. Chron. Parmense, 1038-1338 ; a cura di G. Bonazzi. [9 ix.] 

Petrus, de Ebvlo. De rebus Siculis carmen ; a cura di E. Kota. [31 i.] 
Pontani (G.) II diario romano di G. P., gik liferito al "Notaio del 

Nantiporto," 1481-92 ; a cura di D. Toni [3 ii.] 

Savonarola (G. M.) Libellus de magniiicis ornainentjs regie civit. Padue 

a cura di A. Segarizzi. [24 xv.] 

Sozomenus, Pistoriensis. Chron. universale, 1411-55 ; a cura di G. 

Zaccagnini. [16i.] 

Murdoch (James). A hist, of Japan, vl, to 1542. Publ. 

by the Asiatic Soo. of Japan. 8°. 1910 

Murdoch (W. G. Blaikie). Memories of Swinburne : w. o. 

essays. s8°. E. 1910 

Muret (Marc Antoine), see Ronsabd (P.) Les Amours de 

P. de R., [Livre 1], comment^es par M. A. de M., n. ed., 


Murillo (Bartolom6 Esteban), see Maybe (A. L.) M. Arbeiten 

flir d. SeviUaner Kathedrale, 1908. 
Murray (Alexander Hunter). Journal of the Yukon, 1847-8 ; 
ed. L. J. Burpee, see Canada, Ageictjlttjbb. Publ^. of 
Canadian Archives, 4, 1910. 
Murray (Alex. Stuart), keeper of the Dept. of Greek dh Roman 
Antig^., Brit. Museum. Sarcophage de Clazomene, Musee 
Brit., see Acad, des Iksob. etc. : Fond. Piot. Mon». 
etc., t4, 1897. ' 
Murray (David), LL.D., F.S.A. Scot. The Black book of 
Paisley, & o. MSS. of the Scotichronicon [by Fordun], w. 
note on John de Burdens, otherwise Sir John Mandeville, 
& the Pestilence. [New Club Ser.]. 4°. Paisley. 1885 

Murray (John Tucker). Eng. dramatic companies, 1558-1642. 

2v. 8°. 1910 
1, London companies. 2, Provincial companies^ — .'^PP' 
Murray (Richard), provost of Trinity College, Dublin, see 

Abbott (T. K.) Logic versus M.'s logic, 1881. 
Murray (William Smith), Ph.D. The making of the Balkan 
States. [Columbia Univ., Studies in hist., etc., 39 i]. 

8°. N.Y. 1910 
Murray's Handbooks. Cathedrals of Eng. W. division : 
Gloucester — Hereford — Worcester- — Bristol — Lichfield. 

new ed. 88°. 1874 

Hdbk. of travel-talk : coll. of questions, etc., in Eng.', French, 

German & ItaUan. 18th ed. s8°. 1897 

Holland & Belgium. 19th ed. s8°. 1876 

Murtedo (Gulielmus de), «ee Gtjlielmtjs, de Murtedo. 

Musa Latina Aberdon., 3v, 1892-1910, see Geddes (SirW. D.) 

Mus6e National d'Athenes, see Athens. 

Muse's (The) pocket companion ; a coll. of poems [by var. 
18 c. authors]. s8<>. 1782 

Mussatus (Albertinus) [Mttssato]. 
see Hbney VII, emp. of Germany. Das Leben H. VII 
[i.e. Des A. M. Kaisergesch., etc.] ; ubers. v. W. Friedens- 
burg., HI, 1898. 
„ Louis IV, emp. of Germany. Quellen z,. Gesch. L. [i.e. 
Ludwig d. Baier, v. A. M., etc.] ; iibers. v. W. Friedens- 
burg, Halfte 2, 1898. 
Musset, The family of, see Dtjmotjlin (M.) Les ano§tres 

d'A. de Musset, 1911. 
Musset (L. C. Alfred de). CEuvres oomplementaires. R^unies 
et annotees par M. AUem. s8°. 1910 

see DuMOtTLiN (M.) Les ancetres d'A. de M., 1911. 
♦Mutiny (The) of the Bengal Army ; by one who has served 

under Sir C. Napier, 1857-8, see Malleson (G. B.) 

Muzzi (Salvatore). AnnaU d. citta di Bologna dalla sua orig. 

al 1796. [8t]. 8°. Bologna. 1840-6 

Myhrman (David Wilhelm), Sumerian admin, docs., dated 

in reigns of Kings of 2nd dynasty of Ur, f. Temple Archives 

of Nippur. [Pennsylvania ; Univ. of P. Babyl. exped. 

Ser. A, v3 i]. 4°. Philadelphia. 1910 

Myrdhinn, see Meelin. 

♦Mysteries of the Rosie cross, or the hist, of the Rosicrucians 
etc. s8". 1891 





♦Nacion (La), 1810-1910, 1910, see Akgentinb Rbptjblio. 
Naevius (Cnaeus), see Wissowa (G.) N. u. d. MeteUer, 

Namatianus (Claudius Rutilius) [Nttmatiantts (C. R.)], see 

Lemaire (N. E.) Poetse Lat. minores, vi, 1825. 
Nangis (Cruillaume de), see Pakis. Chron. paris. anon, de 

1316-39, pr6o. d'add". k la Chron. frang. dite de G. de N., 

1206-1316 ; publ. A. HeUot, 1885. 
Nanni, di Miniato, surnamed JPora, see Fabkiczy (C. v 1 N 

di M., 1906. 
Nannucci (Vicenzio). Manuale d. lett. del primo sec. d. 

Hngua ital. 2v. 2" ed. [v2, ed. G. TortoU]. sS". 1856-8 

Nantes. * Album-souvenir de la revocation de I'Edit de N., 

1685. [Soc. des Trait^s ReUg. de Paris]. 

2e M. [P1271]. 40. 1885 
Chronique de N. (570 environ-1049). Publ. avec intr. & 

notes par R. Merlet. [Coll. de textes p. serv. a I'et. etc. de 

I'hist., 19]. 8". 1896 

Nantipoito. II diario romano di G. Pontani, gia riferito al 

" Notaio del N.," 1481-92, 1907, see Pontani (G.) 
Napier (Bobeit), see Shandon Collection. Cat. of works 

of art & vertu, formed by R. N. ; sold April 11, etc., 1877, 

Napier (gen. Sir William Francis Patrick), 1785-1860. Hist. 

of the war in the Peninsula & S. of France, 1807-14. 

[Cavendish ed.]. 6v. 88°. 1886 

Napoleon I, emp. of the French. MiUtar. Schriften v. N. 1. 

Erlautert durch Boie. MiHtar. Schriften v. Scharnhorst. 

Erlautert durch Frhr. v. d. Goltz ; \w. sep. pagin. MiUtar. 

Klassiker d. In- u. Auslandes]. 8°. Dresden. 1901 

Portafoglio di Bonaparte preso a Charleroi li 18 giugno 1815. 

[ Tr. h.w. Napoleon I, *Storia delle quindici settimane, 1815]. 

88°. Genova. 1815 
*Storia d. quindici settimane, o 1' ultimo regno di Bona- 
parte. [Tr. (/. the French of J. F. Michaud?)]. 

si°. Genova. 1815 

see AbeantIis (L. J.,dsse. d'). 

Mem'. : souv". intimes 

surN., 1769-1801, 1910. 
„ Bboadley (A. M.) N. 

in caricature, 1795— 

1821 ; w. intr. essay by 

J. H. Rose, 2v, 1911. 
„ Champollion-Eigbao 

(J. J.) Fourier & N., 

„ CocTJAirD(C.) Leretour 

de I'lle d'Elbe, 1910. 
„ Dbiatjlt (E.) N. & 

1' Europe : la polit. 

exter. du Premier Con- 
sul, 1800-3, 1910. 
„ Espitalibr (A.) N. & 

le roi Murat, 1808-15, 

„ KtTHL (Major). Bona- 

partes erater Feldzug 

1796, 1902. 

Napoleon IQ, emp. of the French, 
see Lbogb (E.) The Empress Eugenie, 1870-1910 : 
Emperor's story of Sedan, Ace. of h. exile, 

MoNTS (C, Graf v.) La captivite de Nap. Ill en Alle- 
magne ; tr., 1910. 
Napoleon, prince imperial, son of Napoleon III ; 1856-79, 

see Berlbttx (J.) Fils d'empereur, n.d. 
Napoli. *Saggio storico s. rivoluz. di N., 2^ ed., 1906, see 

Narbonne Lara (Franeoise de Chalus, dsse. de), see Welvebt 
(E.) Autour d'une dame d'honneur ; F. de C, 1910. 

see Lows (Sir H.) Dans la 
chambre de N. mour- 
ant ; Journal ined. de 
H. L.; ed.P. Fremeaux, 

„ MtJFFLlNG (F. C. F., 

Frhr. v. ) N.'s Strategie 

im J. 1813, 1827. 
„ RiNiEBi (I.) N. e Pio 

VII, 1904-13, 2v, 1906. 
„ S'aint-Didieb ( — ). 

Notti dell' abdicazione 

dell' Imp. N., 1815. 
„ WHATBLy(R.) *Historic 

doubts rel. to N., n. 

ed., 1865. 
„ YoTJNG (N.) Growth of 

N., 1910. 
„ Ztjklindbn (gen. E. A. 

F. T.) N. & ses mare- 

chaux, 2t, 1910. 



Nares (Robert). Glossary ; or. Collection of words, etc. wh. 

have been thought to require illustration, in Eng. a'., partic. 

Shakespeare & h. contempt, new ed., w. add. by J. 0. Halli- 

weU & T. Wright. 2v. 8°. 1888 

Nash (Thomas), satirist. Works. Ed. R. B. McKerrow. 

v4, 5. 8°. 1910 

4, Notes. 5, Introd. & index. 

Nathan, the Babylonian, Rahhi, see Mishnah, diV rm, Tl, Aboth 

[falsely attrib. to R. N.] etc., 1872. 
Nation (The). [With which is incorporated The Speaker]. 
vl-6. (March 2nd, 1907-March 1910). 4°. 1907-10 
National. The n. expenditure of the United Kingdom; pref. by 

F. W. Hirst, 1911, see Hirst (F. W.) 
National Antarctic Expedition, 1901-4. N. A. E. Nat. hist. 
v5, Zoology & Botany. [Brit. Mus. ; Nat. Hist.]. 4°. 1910 
National (The) Home-Reading Union, see Readers' (The) 

Review, [piM. by N. H.-R. U.], in prog., 1909, etc. 
National Liberal Club: Political Economy Circle. Trans- 
actions, vl, 2. Ed. J. H. Levy. 8o. 1891-5 
National Protestant Union, see Walsh (W.) Episcopal 

patronage etc., 1884. 

National Rose Society. Annual. 1906-8. 8°. 1906-8 

Arrangements for 1907, 1908 ; incl. list of members, schedules 

of prizes, by-laws & regul., etc. 8°. [Croydon pr.] 1907-8 

Hdbk. on pruning roses. Compiled by a Committee of the 

Soc. s8o. [Croydon pr.]. [1906] 

Hdbk. on the fungoid & insect pests of the rose, entitled 

Enemies of the rose by G. Massee & F. V. Theobald. Ed. 

by E. Mawley. sS". [Croydon pr.}. 1908 

Hints on planting roses. By a Committee of the N. R. S. 

5th ed., w. rev. Usts of roses. s8°. [Croydon pr.]. 1906 

„ 6th & rev. ed. sS". [Croydon pr]. 1908 

Rep. of the Conf". held by the N. R. S. in 1900 on " Roses 
for garden decoration." 3rd ed. 88°. [1900] 

Report on the constitution of rose soils. By a Committee of 
the N. R. S. 3rd ed. n.d. 

Symposium on how to grow & show tea roses by P. R. Burn- 
side, 0. G. Orpen & F. Page-Roberts, new & rev. ed. 1904 
National Union of Teachers. Report, 1910; and list of 
members, 1909. 8°. [1910] 

*Nature worship. An aoc. of phallic faiths & practices anc. & 
mod. By the a. of " Phallicism." s8<>. p.p. 1891 

Natzmer (Gneomar Ernst v.) TJnter d. HohenzoUern. Denk- 
wiirdigkeiten aus d. Leben d. Gen. 0. v. Natzmer. 

[4B]. 8°. Gotha. 1887-9 
[1, 2], Alls d. Zeit Friedrich Wilhelms III (Tl, 1820-32 ; T2, 1S32-9). 
[3, 4], Aus d. Zeit Friedrich Wilhelms IV (Tl, 1840-8 ; T2, 1848-61). 

Natzmer (Gen. Oldwig Leopold Anton v.), see Natzmer (G.E.v.) 
Unter d. HohenzoUern ; Denkwiirdigkeiten aus d. Leben d. 
Gen. 0. V. N., 4B, 1887-9. 

Nau (I'abbe P.) Les Ugendes syriaques d' Aaron de Saroug [par 
son disciple Paul], de Maxime & Dom^ce [par Pesohoi, 
archidiaore de Constantinople], d' Abraham, maitre de 
Barsoma [attr. to his disciple Stephen}, & de I'empereur 
Maurice ; texte syriaque 6d. & tr. par F. N. — Les miracles 
de St. Ptolem^e ; texte arabe 6d. & tr. par L. Leroy, see 
Gbaeein (R.) & F. Nau. Patr. orient., t5, 1910. 

Navarro Villoslada (Francisco). Amaya 6 Los Vasoos en el 

siglo VIII. Novela hist. 3t. 88". 1909 

Pona Urraca de CastiHa. Novela hist. 2t. 88°. 1910 

Navez (Louis). Les champs de bataille hist, de la Belgique. 
2[p] in 3v [2 i, ii], & Suppl. [Iv]. 

[p2, n. 6d.]. 8°. Brux. 1902-10 
1, Depuis la bataille de Courtrai jusqu'k la campagne de 1815. 
[2], La campagne de 1816 : Les Quatre-Bras, Ligny, Waterloo, et Wavre 
2t. [The gen. t. Les champs de bataille etc. omittedfrom ips. of this p.]. 
Suppl., Louvain, 12 aoflt 1831. 

Naville (Edouard). The discovery of the Book of the Law 

under King Josiah. Tr. M. L. McClure, w. introd. by Prof. 

Sayce. 88". 1911 

The Xlth dynasty temple atDeir el-Bahari, p2, w. archit. descr. 

by S. Clarke. [30th mem. of Egypt Explor. Fund]. 4". 1910 




Naville (Theodore). Les sacrifices levitiquea et I'expiation. 

8". Lausanne. 1891 

Navy Records Society. [PubU.']. v37, 38. 8». 1910 

see Barham (C. M., 1st baron). Letters & papers, 1758-1813 ; 

ed. Sir J. K. Laughton, v2, 1910. [38.] 

„ Gardinbk (S. R.) Letters & papers rel. to the First 

Dutch War (1652-4), v4, ed. C. T. Atkinson, 1910. [37.] 

Neale (John Mason). Letters. Sel. & ed. by his daughter 

[M. S. Lawson]. 8°. 1910 

The Liturgies of S. Mark, S. James, S. Clement, S. Chrysostom, 

S. Basil, & the formula of the ApostoHc Constitutions. Ed. 

N. 4th ed., w. pref. by Dr. Littledale. s8o. 1896 

Neale (Walter). The sovereignty of the States. An oration. 

sS". N.Y. 1910 
Nebrija (Antonio de), see Antonio, de Lehrixa. 
Nehrissensis (3!lius Antonius), see Antonio, de Lehrixa. 
Neck (L6on van), see Van Nboh (L.) 

Negri (Ada). Dalprofondo. s8". Milano. 1910 

Neilsou (George). BHnd Harry's Wallace, see English 

Assoc. Essays & studies ; coil. A. C. Bradley, 1910. 
Neilson (Miss Nellie). Customary rents, see Vxnogradoff (P. ) 

Oxford studies in social & legal hist., v2, 1910. 
Nelli (Francesco). Un ami de Petrarque : Lettres de F. N. k 
Petrarque. Publ. par H. Cochin, aveo une intr. & des notes. 

sS". 1892 
Nelli (Giustiniauo). Due amorose noveUe, see Novblle di 

autori senesi, v2, 1815. 
Nemesianus (Marcus AureUus Olympius), see Lemaikb (N. E.) 

Poetse Lat. minores, vl, 1824. 
Neri (AchiUe). G. Baretti e i Gesuiti, see Giobnalb Stob. d. 
Lett. Ital., SuppL, 2, 1899. 
La soppressione dell' " Indicatore genovese," see Rbgia Dep. 
s. GLi Sttjdi di Stobia Pateia peb lb Ant. Peov. btc. 
Bibl. di storia ital. rec, v3, 1910. 
Neri (Pilippo), St. 
see Baooi (P. J.) Life of St. P. N. ; [tr.], u. & rev. ed. ed. 

P. I. Antrobus, 2v, 1902. 
„ Bacci (P. J.) Vita di S. F. N., etc., 1672. 
Neri del Boccia, ps., see Bbaogi (R. M.) 

Nerlius (Antonius). Breve chron. monasterii mantuani s. 

Andree ord. Bened., 800-1431 ; a cura di 0. Begani; [«).] 

App., AUprandina, o Cronica de Mantua all' anno 1414, di 

B. Aliprandi, [a poem], see Mubatobi (L. A.) Rer. Ital. scr., 

t24 xiii, 1908. 

Nesbit (E.) Fear. s8°. [1910] 

Harding's luck. 8°. 1909 

Nesselrode (Carl Robert, Graf v.) Lettres et papiers du chanoe- 

lier Cte. de N., 1760-1856 ; publ. par le cte. A. de Nesselrode. 

t8, 9, 1840-50. 8°. n.d. 

see Impbbatobskob Rttssk. 1st. Obsoh. Sbornik, French 

ambassadors, t2, 3 (1817-20). 

Nestle (Eberhard). Die israeht. Eigennamen naoh i. religions- 

geschichtl. Bedeutung [Verhand. uitg. door Teylers Godge- 

leerd Genootschap, N.S., d5. 5. w. Hoffmann (A. G.) Gramm. 

Syriaca, 1867]. 8°. Haarlem. 1876 

Nestorienne. *Hist. n. ined. (Chron. de Seert), pi ii, publ. par 

A. Scher, tr. par P. Dib, see Gbaffin (R.) & F. Nait. Patr. 

orient., t5, 1910. 

Netherclilt, Family of, see Thomas (R.) Notes about the 

Rowland, Mallett, & N. famihes etc., 1909. 

Nettement (Alfred F.) Henri de France, ou hist, des Bourbons 

de la branche ain^e, 1830-70. 2t. n. 66.., augm. sS". 1875 

Nettlefold (J. S.) Practical housing. With pref. by Rt. Hon. 

A. Lyttelton. pop. ed. 8°. 1910 

Neubauer (Adolf). Aus d. Petersburger Bibl. Beitr. u. Doc. z. 

Gesch. d. Karaerthums u. d. kara. Lit. [Hebra. Texte, w. 

Sep. pagin. Inst. z. Forderung d. Israelii. Lit., Schriften, 

Jhrg. 11. 6.W. Geiger (A.) Lehr- u. Lesebuch z,. Sprache d. 

Mischnah, 1845]. s8°. L. 1866 

Neubaur (L.) Die Sage vom ewigen Juden. 

[P1249]. 8". L. 1884. 
Neuburger (Max). Hist, of medicine. Tr. E. Playfair. 

vl. 40. 1910 
Neumeister (Werner). Die natiirl. Grundlagen fur d. Eisen- 
industrie in Deutschland u. in den Vereinigten Staaten, see 
Staats- tj". Sogialwiss. Fobsohungbn, H150, 1910. 
Nevers, see Bbgitbil des historiens de la France, Obituaires, t3, 
0^. de la Province de Sens, t3 (Dioceses d'Orleans, d'Auxerre 
& de N.), 1909. 

Nevill (Lady Dorothy). Under five reigns. Ed. by her son. 

8°. [1910] 

Nevill (Ralph Henry). Light come, light go. Gambhng, 

gamesters, wagers, the turf. 8°. 1909 

NeviUe (Parke). Descr. of the Dublin Corporation water 

works. [P1275]. 8". D. 1875 

New. The new Bath guide, etc., 5th ed., 1767, see 

Anstey (C.) 

The new internat. enoyclopsedia. Ed. D. Coit Gilman, 

H. Thurston Peck, F. Moore Colby. 20v.. Ia8°. N.Y. 1910 

,, ,, Courses of reading & study in the New internat. 

encyo. Ia8». N.Y. 1910 

The new internat. year book. For 1909. Ed. F. Moore 

Colby. la8o. N.Y. 1910 

The new peerage ; or, Pres. state of the nobility of Eng. ; 

[v2, Scotland ; added. Extinct p. of Eng. & Scot. ; v3, 

Ireland]. 3v. 8°. 1769 

„ 3v. 2nd ed. 8». 1778 

New Club Series. 4o. Paisley. 1877-85 

see Forbes (J.) Cantus, songs & fancies, [3rd ed., 1682], 1879. 
„ Hamilton (W.) Descr. of the sheriffdoms of Lanark & 

Renfrew, 1878. 
„ Holland (Sir R.) The buke of the Howlat ; ed. D. 

Donaldson, 1882. 
„ Lees (J. C.) The Abbey of Paisley, 1878. 
„ Mtjbbay (D.) Black book of Paisley, & o. MSS. of the 

Scotichronicon, 1885. 
„ Paisley. Registrum Monasterii de P., 1163-1529, 1877. 
New Falseographical Society. Facs. of anc. MSS., etc. 

8p in 2v. (Plates 1-200.) fol. 1903-10 
New Spalding Club. Annual reports [b.w. pubis, of the Soc.]: 
23rd, [b.w. Geddes, v3]. 4". 1909 

see Geddbs (W. D.) Musa Latina Aberdon., v3, 1910. 
Newall (Hugh Frank). The spectroscope & its work. 

s8". 1910 
Newcastle (Margaret Cavendish, duchess of). Letters wr. by 
C. Lamb's " princely woman, M. N." to h. husband ; by 
his " fine old whig " W. Plumer to the 3rd Duke of Portland 
& Lord W. Bentinck ; also by h. " old bencher " S. Salt ; 
f . the originals at Welbeck Abbey. Together w. a repr. of 
" Consid. sur I'^tat actuel de la France au mois de juin, 1815 ; 
par un Anglais " [i.e. F. A. Eha. With intr. & apps. by 
R. W. Goulding. Roxburghe Club]. 40. 1909 

see LoNGTJEViLLE (T.) *First Duke & Duchess of N.-upon- 
Tyne, 1910. 
Newcastle (William Cavendish, 1st duhe of), 169Z-1676, see 
LoNGiTEViLLE (T.) *First Duke & Duchess of N.-upon- 
Tyne, 1910. 
Newman (Card. John Henry), see Bbemond (H.) N. ; [psy- 
chologic de la foi], 3« 6d., 1905. 
*News letters of 1715-16. Ed. A. F. Steuart. Pr. f. papers in 
possession of C. E. S. Chambers. 8°. 1910 

New South Wales. Official year book, 1908-9, [by] J. B. 
Trivett. 8". [Sydney]. 1910 

see Yeab-Book of N.S.W., 1905-7. 
Nevrte (Horace W. C.) CaUco Jack. 2nd ed. 88°. [1910] 

Newton (F. G.), see Ashby (T.) Columbarium of Pomponius 

Hylas ; drawings by N., text by A., 1910. 
Newton (John), rector of St. Mary Woolnoth. 
see CowPER cfe Nbwton Mttseum Seb., no. 2, Letter of J. N. to 
■ Mrs. A. Cave, 1797, n.d. 

„ Newton-Cowpeb Centenaby, 1907, w. verses by 

J. Payne, 1907. 

Newton-Cowper Centenary (The), 1907. With verses by 

J. Payne. [P1292]. s8o. Olney. [1907] 

New York, state. 

see Exhibitions : Jambstown Expos., 1907. N.Y. at the 

J. Expos., Norfolk, Virginia, 1907 ; prep, by C. Reynolds, 

„ Sbattle, [1909]. Rep. of the Legislative Comm. f. 

the state of N.Y. to the Alaska- Yukon-Pacific Exposition 
1909, 1910. 
„ Letchwobth Village, Eastern N.T. State Custodial 
Ney (marechal Michel), prince de la Moshowa, see Bonnal (gen. 

H.) La vie milit. du marechal N., tl, 1910. 
Niccol6, see also Nicholas. 
Niccolo, dair Area, see Abca (N. ball'). 

Nichol (John), prof, of Eng. Lit. in Univ. of Glasgow. Byron. 
[Eng. Men of Letters]. [Pocket ed.]. sS". 1909 




Nicholas, see also Nicool6. 

Nicholas I, emp. of Russia. Corresp. de N. et du grand duo 
Conatantm, tl, 1825-29, see Impbeatoeskob Russk. 1st 
Obsch. Sbornik. 
Nichols (Henry Windsor). The ores of Colombia f. mines in 
operation in 1892, 1899, see Pibld Columbian MusEtrM ■ 
Geolog. ser., vl, 1895-1902. 
Nicholson (Edward W. Byron). Can we not save architecture 
m Oxford ? [P1299]. 4°. [0]. 1910 

Nicholson (Joseph Shield). Elements of polit. eoon. 

2nd ed., [repr.]. 8". 1909 

Nicholson (Peter Walker). *P. W. N. & his works. Issued by 

a committee of the artist's friends for pr. circulation. [By 

H. B. Baildon, etc.]. 4.o_ jj 1886 

NickoUs (Sir John) ps. [i.e. — Plttmaed de Dangetjl]. 

Remarks on the advantages etc. of France & of Gt. Brit w 

resp. to commerce. (Pretended) tr. f. Eng. Tr f the 

French orig. sgo. 1754 

Nicolai (Rudolf). Gesch. d. neugriech. Lit. 8°. L. 1876 

NicoMdes (Constantinos) [NikolaIdes]. 'ErvnoxoyiKhv Ki^iKhp 

TJjs KovTo-o^XaxiKVs yKdaaris. ' lag". & 'Afl^yais. 1909 

Nicolau (Valeriano Weyler y), see Weylee y Nicolatt (V.), 

marq. of Teneriffe. 
Nicolaus, Botrontinensis [Nikolaits, v. Butrinto], see Hbney VII, 
emp. of Germany. Das Leben H. VII. [i.e. N. ii. d. italien. 
Heerfahrt H. VII., etc.] ; iibers. v. W. Friedensburg, H2, 
1898. ^ 

Nicoli (Pierfrancesco). II dialetto moderno di Voghera, see 

MoNAOi (E.) Stud] di filol. rom., v8, 1901. 
NicoU (William Robertson), see Bible: New Test. [Greek']. 

N. (W. R.) Expositor's Gr. Test. ; ed. N., v4, 5, 1910. 
Nicolosi (C. A.) II Litorale Maremmano. Grosseto-OrbeteUo 
[Italia artist., 58]. s4P. Bergamo. 1910 

Nieboer (Dr. H. J.) Slavery as an industrial system : ethno- 
logical researches. 2nd, rev. ed. Ia8». The Hague. 1910 
Niebuhr (Carl). Die Chronologic d. Gesch. Israels, Agyptens, 
Babyloniens u. Assyriens v. 2000-700 v. Chr. 8°. L. 1896 
Niederaltaich, see Altaich. 

Niederle (Lubor). La race slave : statistique-d^mographie- 

anthropologie. Tr. L. Leger. sS". 1911 

Niemann (George). Der Palast Diokletians in Spalato. 

[K. K. Osterreioh. Archaolog. Institut]. obi. fol. Wien. 1910 

Niese (Benedictns). Drei Kapitel eleischer Gesch., see Robeet 

(C.) C. R. : GenethKakon, 1910. 

Kritik d. beiden Makkabaerbiicher ; nebst Beitr. z. Gesch. 

d. makkaba. Erhebung. [P1266]. 8°. 1900 

Staat u. Gesellschaft d. Romer, see Hinnebeeg (P.) Die 

Kultur d. Gegenwart, II, 4i, 1910. 

Niesert (Johann Heinrich Joseph), see Kobbino (G.) Merk- 

wiird. Hexen-Process gegen G. K. zu Coesfeld, 1632 j mit e 

Vorrede begleitet v. J. N., 1827. 

Nieto Ae Sava, (Felix), marques de Tenebron. Memorias. [With 

Ap. cont. Cronica de los templos de milagros que hay en el 

mundo de la Virgen, por J. del Portillo y Sosa, Cap. 9, etc. 

Sd. A. Canovas del Castillo]. Publ. la Soc. de Bibliofilos 

Espanoles. 8°. 1888 

Nietzsche (Friedrich W.) The genealogy of morals ; tr. 

H. B. Samuel. Peoples & countries (fragment) ; [tr. J. M. 

Kennedy]. [Compl. wks. ; Levy, vl3]. s8°. E. 1910 

The joyful wisdom (" La gaya scienza "). Tr. T. Common ; 

w. poetry rendered by P. V. Cohn & M. D. Petre. [Compl. 

wks. ; Levy, vlO]. s8». E. 1910 

The wUl to power. Attempted transvaluation of all values. 

Tr. A. M. Ludovici. [Compl. wks. ; Levy, vl5]. 

v2. Books 3 & 4. s8°. E. 1910 
see Ellis {Mrs. E. M. 0.) Three mod. seers: [N., etc.], 

„ LiOHTBNBBEGBB (H.) Gospel of Superman : phil. of N. ; 

tr. J. M. Kennedy, 1910. 
„ Pallae:6s (V. de). Le cr^pusoule d'une idole : N., 

Nietzscheisme, Nietzsch^ens, 1910. 
„ SeilliAeb (E.) Nietzsohes Waffenbruder, E. Rohde ; 
tjbertragung, 1911. 
Nigellus (Ermoldus). Lobgedicht auf Kaiser Ludwig u. 
Elegien an Konig Pippin ; fibers, v. T. G. Pfund ; neu 
bearbt. v. W. Wattenbach, 2^ A., see Gbschiohtschebibbb 
(Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2'= Gesammtausg., B18, 1889. 
Nightingale (Florence). Notes on nursing. n. ed. 8°. 1909 

Nikolaus, v. Butrinto, see NicOLAirs, Botrontinensis. 

Nikolsky (V. A.) CTeiibita Paanm) h PaaHHrnimnna [f/apoAni.m 

iiiHiKeiiiH o-L PocciH, 17. B'liia.] [P1276]. s8°. C.-n. n.d. 

Nimier (H.) & E. Laval. Les armes blanches : leur action et 

leurs effets vuln6rants. s8°. 1900 

De r infection en chirurgie d'arm^e. s8°. 1900 

Les explosifs, les poudres, les projectiles d'exercice : leur 

action & leurs effets vuln^rants. s8°. 1899 

Les projectiles des armes de guerre : leur action vulndrante. 

s8°. 1899 

Traitement des blessures de guerre. 88°. 1901 

Nissen (Theodor), see Abbeoius, bp. of Hieropolis. S. A*, vita 

ed. T. N., Suppl. A', titulus sepulcraUs, expos. 6. Liidtke & 

T. N., 1910. 

Nitersdorf (A. H. Miiller v.), see Mijllee v. Nitbesdoeb' 

(A. H.) 
Nithardus, S. Eicharii abbas. 4 Bucher Geschichten ; fibers. 
V. J. V. Jasmund, 3'=, neubearbt. A. v. W. Wattenbach, see 
Gesohiohtscheeibee (Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2" Gesammt- 
ausg., B20, 1889. 
Nitti di Vito (Francesco), see Baeese. Codice diplomatico 

barese, vl, 2, 4-6, per P. N. di V. etc., 1897-1906. 
Nitto de Rossi (Gt. B.), see Baebsb. Codice diplomatico barese, 

vl, 2, per G. B. N. de R. etc., 1897-9. 
Nobiliario de conquistadores de Indias. [Royal decrees. Ed. 
A. Paz y M61ia]. Le publ. la Soc. de Bibliofilos Espanoles. 

8". 1892 
Nodier (J. E. Charles). Bibl. sacr^e grecque-latine ; tableau 
des aut. inspires & des aut. eccles., dep. Moise jusqu'a 
Thomas-d'Aquin. Ouvr. r6dig6 d'apres Mauiro Boni & 
Gamba [or rather their tr. of E. Harwood's " View etc. of the 
classics"]. 8°. 1826 

Contes. [With ^nd tp. : Contes ohoisis]. Ia8°. 1846 

Trilby — Le songe d'or — Baptiste Montauban — La f6e aux miettes — La 
combe de rhomme mort — In6a de las Sierras— Smarra — La neuvaine 
de la Chandeleur — La l^gende de la Sceur Beatrix. 

Noel (Conrad). Sociahsm in Church hist. s8°. 1910 

Noguchi (Yone). Lafcadio Hearn in Japan, by Y. N. ; w. 

Mrs. L. H.'s Reminiso. s8°. 1910 

Noldeke (Theodor). Die alttest. Lit. in e. Reihe v. Aufsatzen 

dargesteUt. 8°. L. 1868 

Die Inschrift d. Konigs Mesa v. Moab. 

[P1251]. 8". Kiel. 1870 

Kurzgefasste syr. Gramm. 2" verb. A., mit e. Schrifttafel v. 

J. Euting. 8". L. 1898 

Die semit. Sprachen. [German orig. of " Semitic lang'." in 

"Encyclopaedia Brit.," w. additions. P1246]. 8°. L. 1887 

Nolhac (Pierre de), see Peteaech. P. e la Lombardia ; coUa- 
bor., P. de N., etc., 1904. 

Nonnus, of PanopoUs. Dionysiaoa. Rec. A. Ludwich. 

v2. s8°. L., Teubner. 1911 

Non Praeteribit, ps., see Bible : Genesis. *Defensive quadri- 
lateral of the truth of G. ; [incl. Letter signed Non P.], c. 

Norbert, Saint, abp. of Magdeburg. Leben d. hi. N. ; nebst d. 
Lebensbeschreibung d. Grafen Gottfried v. Kappenberg, u. 
Auszfigen aus verwandten Quellen [i.e. Hermann, Von d. 
Wundern d. hi. Maria v. Laon, Buch 3, Cap. 1-9 ; Die 
Grfindung d. Klosters Gottesgnaden ; etc.] ; fibers, v. 
G. Hertel; mit e. Nachtrag v. W. Wattenbach, see Ge- 
SCHICHTSCHEEIBEE (Dib) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2« Gesammtausg., 
B64, 1895. 

Nordenskiold (Friherre N. Adolf Erik). Periplus. An essay 
on early hist, of charts & saiKng-directions. Tr. F. A. 
Bather. fol. Stockholm. 1897 

Norfolk. N. parish registers. Marriages. Ed. W. P. W. 
Phillimore, F. Johnson, [& G. H. Holley]. v5. 8°. 1910 

Norris (William Edward). The Countess Radna. 

pop. [4th] ed. s8<=. 1894 
Not guilty. 88°. 1910 

Northeote (James), R.A. Mem. of Sir J. Reynolds. Com- 
prising orig. anecdotes of disting. persons ; & anal, of h. 
discourses. Added, Varieties on art. 4°. 1813 

The Varieties on art has sep. pagin. 

Northwick (John Rushout, baron). Cat. of Lord N.'s coU. of 
pictures, cabinet of miniatures & enamels, furniture, etc., 
at Thirlestane House, Cheltenham ; sold by Mr. PhiUips, 
26th July, 1859, etc. Ia8<>. [1859] 

Norton (Thomas), barrister. Gorboduc, by T. N. & T. Sack- 
viUe. For eds. <Ss references see Saokvillb (T.), 1st e. of 
Dorset & T. N. 




Norwich. Calendar of N. deeds enrolled, etc., 1910, see 
Rye (W.) 
Records of the city of N., 2v, 1906-10, see Htjdson (W.) & 
J. C. TiNGBY, edd. 
Nostradamus (M.), see Bv Viqnois (E.) Notre hist, raoont^e 
a I'avance par N. ; interpretation de la lettre k Henri II, 
des Centuries etc., 1910. 
*Nota deU' armeggeria fatta B. Benci alia M. degli Strozzi, 1464, 
in Firenze, 1876, see Benci (B.) 
Notaio. II diario romano di G. Pontani, gi^ riferito al " N. 
del Nantiporto," 1481-92, 1907, see Pontani (G.) 
*Notizie storiche dei palazzi e ville appartenenti aUa R. Corona 
di Toscana, 1815, see Tosoana. 
Notkerus, Balbidus. 
see Analbota hymnica medii sevi, v63. Die Sequenzen d. 
Thesaurus Hymnologicus H. A. Daniels etc., Tl, Liturg. 
Prosen l*'' Epoche, insbes. die d. N. B. zugeschrieb., 
etc., 1911. 
„ Charlemagne, for the work on C. by the "Monk of St. 
Gall," sometimes attr. to N. 
Notre-Dame, la grande confrerie. > Docs, nouveaux sur la gr. 
c. N.-D. aux pretres et bourgeois de Paris ; [publ.] H. 
Omont, see Soci:6te de l'Hist. de Pabis, etc. Mems., 
t32, 1905. 
Notre Dame de Paris, see Guufiiby (J. J.) Les Mays de 

N. D. de P., 1887. 
Nottinghamshire. N. Parish Registers : Marriages. Ed. 
W. P. P. Phillimore [S others]. vl2, 13, 15. 8°. 1909-10 

12, Thurgarton Wapentake, p2. 13, Broxtowe Wapentake (cent.). 
15, Newark Wapentake, p3. 

Noulet (Jean Baptiste). Las joyas del gay saber : rec. de 
poesies en langue romane, avec la tr. etc., par N., see Gatibn- 
Aknotjlt (A. r.) Mon. de la Htt. romane, 2« publ., 1849. 
*NouvelIe allegorique, 2^ ^d., 1659, see FuBETii)KE (A.) 
Nouvelles. N. fran9aises du 15« sieole, 1908, see Langlois 
(E.) ed. 
N. pages anthologiques, tl, 1910, see Waloh (G.) 
Novalis, ps. Devotional songs. German & Eng. Coll. & 
ed. by B. Pick. [Pref by P. Carus]. sS". Chicago. 1910 
Novati (Francesco). 
see MoNAOi (E.) Studj di filol. rom., v2, F. N., Un nuovo 
ed un vecchio framm. del Tristran di Tommaso, [w. 
text], 1887. 
„ Pbteakch. p. e la Lombardia ; oollabor., F. N., etc., 
Novelise Constitutiones imperatorum Theodosii II, Valen- 
tiniani III, Maximi, Maioriani, Severi, Anthemii ; 18 
constitutiones, quas I. Sirmondus divulgavit ; rec. & 
annot. instr. G. Haenel, see Cokptts iuris Romani ante- 
iustiniani, fasc. 6, 1844. 

Novelle. N. cinesi tolte dal Lung-tu-kung-ngan ; tr. C. Puini, 
1872, see Lttng-Too. 
N. di alcuni autori fiorentini. [rev. repr. of G. D. PoggicUi's 
ed. Race, de' noveUieri ital., vl3]. s8°. Milano. 1815 

Grraaso Legnajuolo — L. Pulci — N. Machiavelli — L. Alamanni — A. Firen- 
zuola— A. r. Donl— S. Salvucci— L. Magalutti— G. Bottari. 

N. di autori senesi. [rev. repr. of 0. D. PoggicUi's ed. Race, 
de' noveUieri ital., vl4, 15]. 2v. sS". Milano. 1815 

1, G. Sermini— P. Fortini. 2, B. Ilicini— G. Nelli— S. Bargagli— A. Soz. 
zini— A. M. Bandiera. 

NoveUieri. [Raccolta de' n. ital., vl-17, 20-26], 1813-6, see 

Novikov (Mme.) [Mme. Olga N.], see Kirbbb {Gen. A.) Le 

g6n. A. K. et I'Anoien-cathoHcisme. [Recueil de ses 

articles etc., ed.] Mme. 0. N., 1911. 
Novikov (A. I.), see Dyunkin (N. I.) & Novikov (A. I.) 

Kapasianrn,., n.d. 
Novisimo dice, de la lengua castellana, etc., 1896, see Reai 


Noyes (Alfred). Collected poems. 2v. sS". 1910 

1, Loom of years— Flower of old Japan— Forest of wild thyme— Forty 
singing seamen. 2, Drake — Enchanted island — New poems. 

Nueva Espafla, see Mexico. 

Numatianus (Claudius ButUius), see Namatianus (C. R.) 

Nurullah, Khan, ps, see Sykes (P. M.) 

Nutt (Alfred). Influence of Celtic upon mediaeval romance. 

2nd ed. [P1292]. s8<>. 1904 

Studies on the legend of the Holy Grail, w. esp. ref. to the 

hypothesis of its Celtic origin. 8°. 1888 

Nuttall (Lawrence WUliam), see Millspaugh (C. P.) & L. W. N. 

Flora of W. Virginia, 1896. 
Nylander (Carl Uno). Composita verborum [per Magnum 
Ingemari coll], Separataftr. ur Pedagogisk Tidskrift, 1. H. 

[P1247]. 80. Halmstad. 1889 
Larobok i hebraiska spr8.ket. 8°. Upsala. [1887] 

Ofversigt af den svaga verbalbildningen i Arabiskan. 

[Lithographed. P1246]. 8°. Upsala. 1890 
Om kasusandelserna i Hebra. Akad. Afhandling. 

[P1247]. 8°. Upsala. 1882 
Om Papyrus Rainer. Separat ur Upsala Univ. Arsskrift 
1888-91. [P1246]. 8". Upsala. 1890 

Semitiska studier i Sverige under flydda tider. 

[P1247]. 8". 1889 

Uber d. Upsalaer Hs. Dala'il al Nubuwwa d. Abu Bakr 

Ahmed al Baihaqi. [With extra.]. S°. Upsala. 1891 

Nyst (Bay). La caverne. Hist, pittoresque d'une famiUe 

humaine etc. Roman, prec. d'une intr. doc. 

[2^ 6d.]. 8". 1909 





Oberlander (Adolf), see Klein (B.) A. 0. 1910 
ObMtus, Cancdlarius. Annales Januenses, 1164-1173, see 
tMTJEATORi (L. A.) Rerum Ital. Script., t6. 
,, ,, [a»to<A. ed.], «ee tMoNiTMENTA Germ. Hist., Sor., tl8. 
J) or the cont. of h. Annales J., see Cafeabtjs, de Tasohi- 


Objects. Phallic o., monuments & remains, 1889, see Phallic. 
Obras. Dos o. didacticas ; [ed. H. Knusf], 1878, see Knust 

O'Brien, Family of, see Westropp (T. J.) Carrigogunnell 
Castle & the O'Briens of Pubblebrian, Limerick, 2p, 1907-8. 

O'Brien (Charles), designer. British manufacturers companion : 
treatise on calHoo printing. [2v in 1]. 88°. 1792-5 

O'Brien (William). An olive branch in Ireland & its hist. 

S"- 1910 
Obsequens (Julius), see Livy. T. Livi Periochse omnium Ubr., 
Fragmenta Oxyrhynchi reperta, J. 0. Prodieiorum lib. : 
ed. 0. Rossbach, 1910. 
Observateur. ^ *L'o. anglois, see Pidansat db Mairobert 
(M. F.) L'espion anglois, etc , orig. piibl. under t. : L'obs. 
anglois], u. ed., lOt, 1784^5. 
Occasional papers on India, no. 9, 1860, see Church Mission- 
ary Soc. 
O'Connell (Daniel). D. O'C. ; his early life & journal, 1795- 
1802. By A. Houston. 8°. 1906 

O'Connor (Timothy Clifford). The image of a cross in pagan, 
Xtn., & anti-Xtn. symbolism. [P1247]. 8o. D. 1894 

Octavia, wife of Marcus Antonius, the Triumvir. *The 

virtuous 0., 1598, 1909 [1910], see Brandon (S.) 
Odilo, St., Gluniac. Das Leben d. Kaiserin Adalheid ; fibers. 
V. H. Huffer, 2^ v. W. Wattenbach durchgesehene A., see 
Geschiohtscheeiber (Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2* Gesammt- 
ausg., B35, 1891. 
Odoacdo [I'arnese'], duke of Parma db Piacenza ; 161S-46, see 

Edward [Farnese], d. of Parma etc. 

O'Donnell (Fiancis Hugh). A hist, of the Irish parUamentary 

party. 2v. 8°. 1910 

Political priests & Irish ruin : Paraguay on Shannon up to 

date. 8°. 1910 

O'Donnell (Hugh Eoe) Lord [prince] of Tyrconnel, 15719-160S, 

see O'Grady (S.) H. R. O'D. -. Irish hist, play, 1902. 
O'Donoghue (Denis). Brendaniana St. Brendan the voyager, 
in story & legend. 2nd ed. 8°. D. 1895 

O'Donoghue (Freeman M.), see British Museum : Prints, 
etc. Engraved Brit, portraits in B.M. ; by F. O'D., v2, 1910. 
Oesteriey (William Oscar Emil), see Bible : New Test. 
IQreek]. NicoU (W. R.) Expositor's Gr. Test., v4. Epistle 
to Philemon, Gen. Epistle of James ; by 0., 1910. 
Ofientliche (Das) Becht d. Gegenwart. Hrsg. v. G. JeUinek, 
P. Laband, etc. Bl-U. go. Tubingen. 1908-10 

see Errera (P.) Das Staatsrecht d. Konigreichs Belgien, 
1909. [7.] 

„ Eyschen (P.) Das Staatsrecht d. Grossherzogtums 
Luxemburg, 1910. [11.] 

„ Groz (C. V.) Das Staatsrecht d. Konigreichs Wurttem- 
berg, 1908. [2.] 

„ Laband (P.) DeutschesBeichsstaatsrecht, 5= A.,1909. [1.] 
„ Lebon (A.) Das Verfassungsrecht d. franzos. Republik, 
1909. [6.] 

„ Mayer (0.) Das Staatsrecht d. Konigreichs Sachsen, 
1909. [9-] 

„ Rhamm (A.) Das Staatsrecht d. Herzogtums Braun- 
schweig, 1908. [4.] 
„ Saripolos (N. N.) Das Staatsrecht d. Konigreichs 
Grieohenland, 1909. [8.] 
„ Ulbrich (J.) Das osterreich. Staatsrecht, Neubearbtg., 
1909. [10.] 
„ Ullmann (E., Bitter v.) Volkerrecht, Neubearbtg., 1908. 


„ Walz (E.) Das Staatsrecht d. Grossherzogtums Baden, 

1909. [S-] 

Office, see Byzantine Rite. Office for commem. of Peter & 

Paul, ace. to B. rite, 1909. 
Ofllius Sergianus, see Lemaibe (N. E.) Poetae Lat. minores, 

v7, 1826. 
O'Flanagan (James Roderick), see D'Alton (J.) & J. R. O'F. 

The hist, of Dundalk, etc., 1864. 
Ogilvie (George). Obs. on the genetic cycle in organic nature. 

[P1239]. go. E. 1859 
Ogilvy (James S.) Rehcs & memorials of London town. 

4°. 1911 

O'Grady (Standish). Hugh Roe O'Donnell : a 16th o. Irish 

hist. play. [P1275]. s8". Belfast. 1902 

Ohnefalsch-Richter (Max H.) Graeco-Phoenioian architecture 

in Cyprus : w. spec. ref. to the Ionic volute. [Extr. f . Roy. 

Inst, of Brit. Architects, S3, v3, 1895. P1299]. 4". 1895 

Ohnet (Georges). L'aventure de Raymond Dhautel. 

3^ ed. 88". 1910 

Oiselet. Le lai de I'oiselet, poeme frang. du 13^ s. Publ. & 

accomp. d'une intr. par G. Paris. [Impr. pour le mariage 

Depret-Bixio]. sS". 1884 

Okeghem (Jean) [Ockeghbm (J.)], see Brenet (M.) J. de 0., 

maitre de la chapelle des rois Charles VII et Louis XI, 1893. 

O'Kelly (Patrick). Hist, of Ireland, since the expulsion of 

James II. 8". D. 1855 

Oldcastle (Sir John) [see aZso Falstaee {Sir J.)]. *Sir J. 0. 

[Play], 1600. [Tudor Faos. Texts ; Farmer]. 

4". Issued for subscribers. 1911 
Sometimes attr. to Shakespeare. For other ed^. see Shake- 
speare (W.) SuppL to ed. of plays publ. 1778, 1780; 
Shakespeare (W.) The S. apocrypha; ed. 0. Brooke, 
see BiSKE (W.) O.-Falstaff in d. engl. Lit. bis zu Shakespeare, 
Olden (Thomas). S. Patrick & h. mission. A lecture. Pref. 
by the Lord Primate of all Ireland. [P1275]. 8". D. 1894 

Oldfield (Edmund), F.S.A., see Wyatt (Sir M. D.) Notices 
of sculpture in ivory ; & A cat. of anc. ivory-carvings, by 0., 
Oldham (C), F.Z.S., see Coward (T. A.) ed. Vertebrate 

fauna of Cheshire, etc., by T. A. C, C. 0., etc., 2v, 1910. 
Olearius (Adam). Voyages & tra veils of ambassadors sent by 
Frederick Duke of Holstein, to the Great Duke of Muscovy, 
& the King of Persia, 1633-39, cont. a hist, of Muscovy, 
Tartary, Persia, etc. Added The travels of J. A. de Mandelslo 
f. Persia, into the East-Indies. [Tr.] J. Davies. 

2v in 3. 2nd ed. corrected. 4». 1669 
v2 has tp. Voyages and travels of J. A. de Mandelslo into 
the East-Indies, 1638-40, [tr.] J. Davies, 2nd ed. 
O'Leary (Bev. De Lacy). The Apostolical Constitutions & 
cognate doc=., w. spec. ref. to their liturgical elements. 

S8". 1906 

Olevano (Giovanni Battista). Trattato. Nel quale vien 

posto il modo di ridurre k pace ogni sorte di privata inim- 

icitia nata per oagion d' honore. Aggiontovi in quest' ultima 

impr. un suppl. dell' auttore, etc. sS". Milano. 1620 

Olive (Pedro Maria de). Dice de sinonimos de la lengua 

casteUana, see Real Acad. Espanola. Novisimo dice, de 

la lengua c, 1896. 

Oliver & Boyd's Edinburgh Almanac. 1904, 1906. 

sgo. E. 1904^6 

Oliver (Samuel Fasfleld). Life of Philibert Commerson ; an 

old-world story of French travel & science in days of Linnseus. 

Ed. [& parUy] by G. F. Soott EUiot. 80. 1909 

Olivier (Louis). En Sicile. Guide du savant & du touriste, 

par L. Caberti, etc. sous la dir. de L. 0. s8°. n.d. 

OUanta [Ollantay]. 

see Kaiseblichb Akad. d. Wiss. zu Wibn. Denksohriften, 

B24, J. J. Tschudi, Ollanta. 
„ Markham {Sir C. R.) Inoas of Peru, [app; Apu 0., a 
drama, tr.], 1910. 
Ollivier (0. Emile). Philosophie d'une guerre, 1870. s8°. 1910 




Olmstead (A. T.) Western Asia in the days of Sargon of 
Assjrria, 722-705 e.c. A study in Oriental hist. [Cornell 
studies in hist. & polit. science, 2]. s6°. N.Y. 1908 

Olshausen (Justus). Lehrbuch d. hebra. Sprache. 

8°. Braunschweig. 1861 

see ScHBADEK (E.) Gedachtnissrede auf J. 0., 1883. 

Olston (Albert B.) Mind power. s8». 1909 

Omagna. *Jornada de 0. y Dorado, 1909, see Ues^a (P. de). 

*Relacion de la j ornada de 0. y Dorado hecha por P. de Orsiia, 

1881, see UnsuA (P. de). 
Oman (Charles William Chadwick). England bef. the Norman 
Conquest : hist, of the Celtic, Roman & Anglo-Saxon 
periods to 1066. [Hist, of Eng., ed. 0. Oman, vl, by C. 0.]. 

80. [1910] 
Hist, of Eng. vl ; v2, 2nd ed. ; v6. 8°. 1909-11 

see Davis (H. W. C.) Eng. under Normans & Angevins, 
1066-1272, 2nd ed., 1909. [2.] 

„ Robertson (G. G.) England under the Hanoverians, 
1911. [6.] 

Ombiaux (Mauiice des), see Dbs OMBiAtrx (M.). 
Omont (Henri). 
see AoAD. des Iksce. etc. ; EoND. PioT. Mon'. etc., t7, 
H. 0., Peintures d'un ms. grec de FEvang. de St. Matthieu 
sur parchemin pourpre, Bibl. Nat., 1900. 

Mons. etc., tl2, H. 0., Dosiades & Th^ocrite offrant 

poemes k ApoUon & a Pan, 1905. 

Mons. etc., tl7, H. 0., Peintures de I'Ano. Test. 

dans un MS. syriaque du 7<^ ou du 8« siecle, 1909. 

Notee-Dame, la grande confrerie. Docs, nouveaux sur 

la grande confrerie Notre-Dame de Paris ; [publ.] H. 0., 

Saint-Denis. Inventaires du tresor etc. dans I'eglise 

de I'abbaye de St.-Denys en 1505 et 1739, publ. H. 0., 

SociliTfi DE l'Hist. de Paeis, etc. Mems., tl2, H. 0., 

G. Hermonyme de Sparte, maitre de grec a Paris et 

copiste de mss., 1476, 1886. 

Mems., tl4, 15, Specimens de caracteres hebreux 

[grecs, latins et de musique], graves par 6. Le Be, 1545- 
92 ; publ. H. 0., 1888-9. 

M6ms., tl8, H. 0., Essai sur les debuts de la typo- 
graphic grecque a Paris, 1507-16, 1891. 
Val-Notee-Damb. Cartulaire de I'hopital de I'abbaye du 
Val-Notre-Dame, 13^ s. ; [publ.] H. 0., 1903. 
see fETHEEiDGE (J. W.) -The Targums of 0. & Jonathan ben 

Uzziel on the Pentateuch, etc. ; f. Chaldee, 1862-5. 
„ Kautzsch (E. E.) Mitteilung iiber e. alte Hs. d. Targum 

0., 1893. 
„ Massobah. Die M. z. Targum Onkelos ; ed. etc. v. A. 
Berliner, 1877. 
Operations maritimes de la guerre R.-J. Hist, officiel publ. 
par I'Etat-Maj. General de la Marine Japon., pi, tr. H. 
Rouvier, 1910, see Russo-Japanese Wab. 
Opsimathes (G. H.) ps., see Handlbe (G. H.) 
Op&sculos lit. de los siglos 14 a 16, 1892, see Paz y Melia 

Orange, see Soci:6te dbs Reoheeohbs Hist, de VAuoLtrss. 
Rech. hist, et docs, sur Avignon, le Comtat-Venaissin et la 
principaute d'O., tl, etc., in prog., 1908, etc. 
Orbaan (J. A. P.) Sixtine Rome. 8". 1910 

Greet (gen. vie. Gaspard M. Stanislas Xavier Aragonnes). 
EroeschwiUer, Sedan & la Commune, racontes par un temoin. 
Lettres & souv. du gen. d'O. ; publ. avec notice biog., etc. 
par L. Le Peletier d'Aunay. sS". 1910 

Ordnance [ind?. Oednance Stjevev etc.]. 
see Dublin. Ordn. Sur v. : D. Distr. ; parts of sheets 101, 

102, etc., 1904. 
„ LoNDONDEBBY. 0. survey of the co. of L., vl, 1837. 
O'Reilly (Joseph P.) Quelques extraits des Annales d'Irlande. 
Annies m^morables de froid et de secheresse en Irlande et en 
Europe, et leurs rapports avec les periodes de taches solaires, 
etc. [P1237]. 8°. Rochechouart. 1894 

Orlord (George Walpole, 3rd earl of), see WAiiPOLE (G.) 
Oriord (Horatio William Walpole, 4*^ eorZ of) [creation 
1806]. Cat. of a portion of lib. of earl of 0. ; sold by Sotheby 
March 1902. [With plates. P1234]. 8". [1902] 

Origines (Les) diplomatiques de la guerre de 1870-71 ; rec. de 
docs., tl-3, 1910, see Fbanoo-Geeman. 

Orleans, see Rbottbil des historiens de la France, Obituaires, 

t3, 0^. de la Province de Sens, t3 (Dioceses d'O., d'Auxerre 

etc.), 1909. 
Orleans (Louis Philippe, dm d') [ti'Ouis Philip [de Bourbon] 

d. d' Orleans ; 172S-85, see Habmand(J.) L'automne d'un 

prince, Le due P. d'O. & la marquise de Montesson, 1773, 

lettres in6d., 1910. 
Ormanian (Malachia). L'eglise arm^nienne, s. hist., sa 

doctrine, etc. Ia8''. 1910 

Ormerod (Frank). Lancashire life & character. 

s8o. Rochdale. [1910] 
Ormerod (George), see Bubkb (J.) Index to the pedigrees in 

B.'s Commoners orig. prep, by G. 0., 1907. 
Ormonde (Thomas Butler, 10th earl of), see Gbavbs [rev. J.) 

Letters etc. rel. to the taking of the Earl of 0. by O'More, 

1600 ; ed. J. G., 1862. 
Oronte (Andrea Marchese, barone di), see Mabchese (A.) 
Orpen (Goddard H.) [Archaeological papers : Ireland, 1894^ 

1909. Repr. f. Journal of Proceedings of Royal Soc. of 

Antiq. of Ireland, no tp.]. 8°. 1894^1909 

Orpen (0. G.), see National Rose Soo. Symposium on how 

to grow & show tea roses, by 0. G. 0., etc., n. ed., 1904. 
Orpheus. Orphica. Rec. E. Abel. Accedunt Procli hymni, 

hymni magici, etc. 8°. L. 1885 

see Keen (0.) Die Herkunft d. orph. Hymhenbuchs, 1910. 
Orsini (Baldassaie). *Guida al forestiere per 1' augusta citti 

di Perugia. 8°. Perugia. 1784 

OrsoUe (Ernest). Le Caucase & la Perse. s8o. 1885 

Orson, see Valentine & Oeson. 
Orsiia (Pedro de), see Ubsua (P. de). 
Ortega Rubio (Juan). Historia de Espafia. 8t. 8". 1908-10 

1, Bdad antigua— Edad media hasta Alfonso VI. 2, Edad media : desde 
Alfonso Vl hasta los Reyes cat61icos. 3, Bdad media : Keyes catdlicos. 
4, Edad moderna : Dinastia aiistriaoa. 5, Edad media : Dinastia 
borbbnica. Edad contemp. : Guerra de la Independencia y Jos^I — 
Fernando VII. 6, Edad contemp. : Isabel II hasta la muerte de 
Alfonso XII. 7, Edad contenp. : Regencia de Maria Cristiua. 8, 
Edad contenp. : Alfonso XIII. 

Ortiguera (Toribio de). Jornada del Rio Maranon [the 
expedition of P. de Ursua tfc L. de Aguirre], see Sebeano y 
Sanz (M.) Guerra de Quito, etc., 1909. 
Orton (C. W. Previt6), see Peevitii-Oeton (C. W.) 
Orwell, ps., see Smith (Waltee C.) 
Osborn (Max). Franz Kriiger. [Knackfuss, 101]. 

Ia8». Bielefeld. 1910 
Oscar H, k. of Sweden <& ' Norway. Carl den Tolf te. Tal. 

[P1249]. 8". 1868 
Osgood (Irene) ps. [i.e. Mrs. R. H. Sheeaed]. Servitude. 

88°. n.d. 
Osmaston (Francis P. B.) The Paradise of Tintoretto. Essay. 

4°. Flansham. 1910 

Ossory. * Criticism of the Hist. etc. of the diocese of 0. 

[by W. Carrigan] ; by " G. P. 0.," 1907, see Caeeigan (W.) 

Osten-Sacken {Baron Carl Robert v. d.) Record of my life 

work in entomology. 8°. Cambridge, Mass. 1903 

Osterreichische. 0. Chronik von d. 95 Herrsohaften, see 

Cheonioa des Landes 0. 

0. Kunsttopographie. Hrsg. v. d. K. K. Zentral-Komm. f. 

Kunst- u. Hist. Denkmale. B4. 4°. Wien. 1910 

see Plbsseb (A.) & H. Tibtze. Die Denkmale d. poHt. 

Bezirkes Poggstall, 1910. [4.] 

0. Staatsvertrage : Eng. ; bearbt. v. A. P. Pribram, Bl, 

1907, see Peibeam (A. E.) 

Osterreichisches Aichaologisches Institut in Wien. 

see ScHEADEB (H.) Archaische Marmor-Skulpturen im 

Akropolis-Museum zu Athen, 1909. 

Sondersohriften. B7. 4°. Wien. 1909 

see WiLHBLM (A.) Beitr. z,. griech. Inschriftenkunde, etc., 

1909. [7.] 

Ostrogorski (M.) Democracy & the party system in the U.S. 

s8o. N.Y. 1910 

Ostrovsky (Aleksandr Nikolaevich). Chefs-d'oeuvre dramat. 

Tr., & pr6c. d'une etude sur la vie & les oeuvres de A. N. 0., 

par E. Durand-Gr^ville. Chacun k sa place — L'orage — 

Fleur de neige. 88". [1889] 

Ostwald (Hans). Berlin u. d. BerUnerin. Eine Kultur- u. 

Sittengesch. laS". 1911 

Ins Freie ! Novellen. 88°. 1905 

Otakar n, king of Bohemia, see Ottocae, k. of Bohemia. 

Otbert, bp. of Liege, see Heney IV, emp. of Germany. Das 

Leben H. IV, [attrib. to 0.] ; ilbers. v. P. Jaff6, 2^ A., 1893. 




Othmar, St., see Gall, St. Leben d. heil. G., [by Wettinus] u. 

2e A 1888 '''"* ' ''^' *^ ^' ^"'"^"'^ ' ^''^™- ""■ ^- ^"t^'^^s*' 
Otmar, see Othmae. 
Otobonus, scriba, see Ottobontjs, scriba. 
Ott (ABdreas C.) Eloi d'Amerval u. s. " Livre de la Diablerie," 


Ottinello. La storia di 0. e Giulia. Poemetto pop., [ed. w. 

intr. by A d'Anoona]. s8°. Bologna. 1867 

Ottingen (Wolfgang v.) Goethe u. Tischbein. [Goethe- 
«.«-^?o ' ^^- 40. Weimar. 1910 

Ottll (Samuel). Das Gesetz Hammurabis u. d. Thora Israels. 
/Mi T r ^ „ , [P1243]. 8°. L. 1903 

Otto I, bp. of Bamberg, d. 1139, Saint, see Hbebordus. Leben 

d. Bisohofs 0. ; ubers. v. H. Prutz, 2" A., 1894. 
Otto I, emp., see Roswitha. Gedicht ti. Gtandersheims 

Gruudung u. d. Thaten 0. I ; libera, v. T. G. Pfund, 2" A., 

Otto, bp. of Frisingen [Freising]. Der Chronik d. Bisohofs 

0. 6. u. 7. Buch ; libers, v. Horst Kohl, see Geschioht- 

SCHEEIBEE (Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2^ Gesammtausg., B57, 

Thaten Priedrichs ; iibers. v. Horst Kohl, see Geschicht- 
SOHEEIBBE (DiE) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2e Gesammtausg., B59, 
1894. ^ 

Fortsetzung d. Thaten Friedrichs v. 0. ; iibers. v. Horst Kohl, 
1894, see Raqewin. 

Otto, de S. Blasio. Chronik ; iibers. v. Horst Kohl, see 
Geschiohtsoheeibbe (Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2^ Gesammt- 
ausg., B58, 1894. 

Ottobonus, scriba [Otobontts], see Caebar-d-s, de Taschifellone, 
for cont. of h. Annales Januenses by 0. 

Ottocar n, Ic. of Bohemia [Otakae], see Cosmas, Pragens. 
Die Fortsetzungen d. C. [i.e. Jahrbiicher 0., etc.] ; iibers. 
V. G. Grandaur, 1895. 

OttoUni (Vittore). La rivoluz. lombarda del 1848 e 1849. 

S80. Milano. 1887 

Ottoman. Corps de droit ottoman, rec. des codes, etc., par 
G. Young, 1905-6, see Young (G.) 

Oudalrich, Saint, bp. of Augsburg, see Uleic, St. 

Ouen, St., dbp. of Rouen, see Feedegaeitjs, Scholasticus. Die 
Chronik F., d. Lebensbeschreibungen Eligius [by 0.], etc. ; 
libers, v. O. Abel, 3e A., 1888. 

Ovid, see Baheens (E.) Poetse Lat. minores, v2 i, 0. HaUeuti- 
con lib. 1 fragm., 1911. 

Ovidio (Francesco d'). Per il dialetto di Campobasso, see 

MoNAOl (E.) Studj di filol. rom., v9, 1901-3. 

Versificazione ital. e arte poetioa medioevale. 88°. Milano. 1910 

inci. II Donate proveiizale [of H. jPotdit] — Sul tiattato "De vulgar! 

eloquentia" di Dante— La nietrica d. canzone secondo Dante— II Con- 

trasto di Cielo Dalcamo. 

Oviedo (G. F. de), see Oviedo y VALDi)s (G. F. de). 
Oviedo y Vald6s (G. F. de) [Oviedo (G. F. db)]. Libro de la 
oamara real del pr. Don Juan, e offijios de su casa e serui9io 
ordinario. [Bd. J. M. Escudero de la Pena]. Publ. la Soo. 
de Bibliofilos Espanoles. 8°. 1870 

Owen (Edward), barrister. Cat. of MSS. rel. to Wales in Brit. 
Museum. [Cymmrodorion Rec. Ser., 4]. 

p2, 3, [pagin. cont.f. pi]. Ia8''. 1903-8 
see Palmee (A. N.) & E. 0. Hist, of ano. tenures of land in 
N. Wales & the Marches, 2nd ed., 1910. 
Owen {Sir Richard), K.C.B., see Repoet (A) of a sad case, 

Owen V. Huxley [satirical}, 1863. 
Owen (Robert), ihe tocialist, see Heezen (A.) CoiBBeriiH, t9, 

Oxenham (John). Lauristons. s8°. [1910] 

Oxford. Athenae Oxon., hist, of writers, etc., 2v, 1691-2 ; 
n. ed., 4v, 1813-20, see Wood (A. a). 
The Examination Statutes rev. to June 14, 1910, etc. 

8°. 0. 1910 
The 0. book of ballads ; chosen & ed. by A. QuiUer-Couch, 

1910, see Qitillee-Codch (A.) 

The 0. book of Italian verse, 1910, see LtroAS (St. J. W. L.) ed. 

The 0. English diet. The work is known by the abc/ue t., but 

the tp. reads : A new Eng. diet, on hist, principles, etc. Ed. 

Sir J. A. H. Murray. v7 i, ii; 8 i. 4°. 0. 1906-10 

7 i, 0-Pf. ; ed. Sir J. A. H. M. 7 ii, Ph-Py ; ed. Sir 

J. A. H. M. v8 i, Q-R ; [ed.J W. A. Craigie. 

0. studies in social & legal hist. ; ed. P. VinogradofE, v2, 1910, 

see ViNOGEADOI'E (P.) 
*The Oxonian Antippodes, or, the 0. Anty-Parliament, 1644, 
see Beandon (J.) 
Visitor's guide to 0. , 5th issue, 1 892, see Paekee ( J. ) & Co. , publ'. 
*Oxonian (The) Antippodes, or, the Oxford Anty-Parhament, 
1644, see Beandon (J.) 
Oxyrhynchus (The) Papyri. Ed., w. tr. & notes, by B. P. 
Grenfell & A. S. Hunt. [Egypt Explor. Fund]. 

p7 ; [in prog.']. laS". 1910 
see LiVY. T. Livi Periochae omnium libr., Fragmenta 0. 
reperta, etc. ; ed. 0. Rossbach, 1910. 
Oyanguren (Pablo), see Floeesta general ; [ed. P. 0.], tl, 1910. 




^^ST^Tt-^^^r^fnT' ^^'^^^' *^' ^''""»^'"' ^- ^^^9, see United 
thP T«J>^ '^■n^S?^^^- ^«P- °f tl^o Ge°l- Survey of 

^*ma%!eto^'^'^" ^ g"<l«t° tl^«" Pyrenees. With_^app.: 

P^?lll^pi!Jl!?/*.'''^S^°^' "'' '^^^^^^ =° P^?° (ANTONiof ^^ 
^«.n^/^°1?^- ^°™™«r°- [^<i.F. Ramirez de Arellano. 

marq de la Pueusanta del VaUe]. Publ. la Soc. de Biblio! 

ilos Espanoles. go j^ggQ 

Page (Thomas Nelson). John Marvel assistant. 88°. n.d. 

Pa«e-Rol)erts (F) see National Rose Soo. Symposium on 

A^Lf°'^ * ^^°'^ ^''^ "^"^^^^ ^y ^- ^■-^■' etc-, new & rev. 
ed., 1904. 

Page-Roberts (William). Farewell : a sermon, St. Peter's, 

Vere St., Dec. 8, 1907. sg" p p [19081 

Pages (L6on). Hist, de la relig. ohr^tienne au Japon 1598- 

1651 comprenant les faits rel. aux 205 martyrs b^atifi^s le 

7 juiU^t 1867. 2p. 80. 1869-70 

Paget (Francis), bp. of Oxford. lutr. to 5th book of Hooker's 

Treatise of the laws of eooles. pohty. 2nd ed s8» 1907 

Paganino (G.), see Mazzoni (G.) 

Pagliaini (Attilio), see Catalogo gen. d. libreria ital., 1847-99 ; 

oomp. dal A. P., Indice per materie, vl, 1910. 

Pagno, di Lapo Portigiani, see Fabkiozy (C. v.) Pagno di 

Lapo Portigiani, 1903. 

Paguenin (G.), see Mazzoni (G.) 

Pagueny (G.) see Mazzoni (G.) 

Pailhade (Emil de Rey-), see Rby-Pailhade (E. db). 

Pailleron (Edouard), see Hervietj (P.) Disc, de reception k 

I'Acad. Fr. [on E. P.], 1900. 

Pain (Barry). The exiles of Faloo. s8". [1910] 

The gifted family. 2nd ed. s8°. [1909] 

Pais (Ettore). Ano. legends of Roman hist. Tr. M. E. 

Cosenza. 8o_ 1906 

Storia d. Sioilia e d. Magna Greoia. [Storia d' Italia dai 

tempi piii ant. sino alle Guerre puniche, pi]. 

vl. 8°. Torino. 1894 

Paisley [Passblet]. Registrum Monasterii de P. Cartas, 

privilegia, oonventiones ahaque munimenta complectens, 

1163-1529. [Facs. of the Maidand Club ed., Edinburgh, 

1832. New Club Ser.]. s4o. Passelet. 1877 

Pakscher (Arthur), see Canzonibbb provenzale A., [<6 Canz. 

prov. B. ; ed. A. P. & C. de Lollis], 1891. 

FalsBontographical Society. 

see BiNNEY (E. W.) Obs. on the structure of fossil plants 

found in the oarbonif. strata, 1868-76. 

„ BucKMAN (S. S.) Monograph of Ammonites of " Inferior 

Oolite ser.," Text, vl ; Atlas, vl, 1887-1907. 

„ Dawkins (W. B.) & W. A. Sanford. Brit. Pleistocene 

Mammalia, vl, 1866-72. 

„ FooKD (A. H.) Carbonif. Cephalopoda of Ireland, 


, „ Hind (W.) Brit, carboniferous Lamellibranchiata, 2v, 


„ JoNBS (T. E.) & H. WooDWAKD. Brit. Palaeozoic 

PhyUopoda, 1888-99. 

„ MlALL (L. C.) The Sirenoid Ganoids, etc., 1878-1907. 

„ Phillips (J.) Brit. Belemnitidse, 1865. 

„ Whideoenb (G. F.) Devonian fauna of S. of Eng., v2, 

3, 1892-1907. . 

Palaestra. Untersuch. u. Texte aus d. deut. u. engl. Philologie. 

Hrsg. V. A. Brandl, etc. [B]50, 89, 96. 8". 1905-10 

see Baskb (W.) Oldcastle-FalstafE in d. engl. Lit. bis zu 

Shakespeare, 1905. [50.] 

„ Bttddb (P.) Wieland u. Bodmer, 1910. [89.] 

„ Gille(H.) Die hist. u. polit. Gedichte M. Beheims, 1910. 


Palagi (Giuseppe). La villa di Lappeggi e. il poeta G. B. 

ft iFaginoli. [6.w. Bacoini (G.) Le ville medicee di Cafaggiolo 

etc., 1897]. s8°. Firenze. 1876 

Palermo (Francesco). I manosoritti Palatini di Firenze 
ordinati ed esposti da F. P. 

vl-3, (* Continuazione al v3. 4°. Firenze. 1853-69 

1. [Various MSS.,de£crs. & extracts.] 

2. Dante Alighieri. Liriohe e parte del Paradise, come sono nel Cod 

Palatino 180, autografo diP. Petrarca [App. in v3]- [Yar. MSB. 
Desors. & extracts.] ' 

3. Telf 8iU8 (B.) Delle cose naturali ; [volgarizzamento di F. Martelli]— 

Hero, of Alexandria. Del vuoto ; volgarizzamento di B. Davanzafci 
— Uucellai (0.) Dialoghi fllosoflci, [Villeggiatura IJ— App. al v2. 
3, Cont. Palermo (F.) San Tommaso, Ariatotele e Dante, ovveio della 
prima fllosofla italiana. 

Palestine Exploration Fund. Quarterly statement. 

1903-8 in 3v. 8». 1903-8 

see Abmstbong (G.) Names & places in 0. Test. & Apo- 
crypha, 1887. 
Palestinian Syriac (The) leotionary of the Gospels ; re-ed. 

_by A. S. Lewis & M. D. Gibson, 1899, see Bible : Gospels. 
Pali-Buddhismus in tJbersetzungen. Texte aus d. buddhist. 

Pali-Kanon u. d. Kammavacam ; iibers. nebst Erlauter- 

ungen v. K. Seidenstiicker. 8". Breslau. 1911 

Palladius Rutilius Taurus .aimilianus. 

see Lemaibe (N. E.) Poetae Lat. minores, v7, 1826. 

„ ViTEUviFS PoLLio (M.) Vitruvc; [_ed., etc.,by A. Choisy], 
t3, [cont. passages de P. rel. k I'architecture], 1909. 
Pallar^s (V. de). Le cr6puscule d'une idole : Nietzsche, 

Nietzscheisme, Nietzsch^ens. s8°. 1910 

Pall Mall Gazette. Popular guide to the House of Commons, 

elected Dec, 1910. Ia8°. 1911 

Pallu de Lessert (A. C16ment). Les Fastes de la Numidie sous 

la domination romaine. Bxtr. du Recueil d. notices etc. 

de la Soc. arch, de Constantine, v25. 8°. Constantine. 1888 
Palm (August). Die Qohelet-Litt. [Bibliog.}. 

[P1244]. 8°. Mannheim. 1886 
Falma (El bachiller) [? Palma (Alonso de)]. Divina retribu- 

cion sobre la caida de Espaua en tiempo del rey Juan I. 

[Ed. J. M. Escudero de la Pefia]. Publ. la Soc. de Biblio- 

filos Espaiioles. 8°. 1879 

Falma (Alonso de), see Palma (El bachiller) [? Palma (A. de)]. 
Palma Cayet (Pierre Victor). *Le divorce satyrique, ou les 

amours de Marguerite de Valois sous le nom de D. R. H 

Q. M., [? by P. V. P. C], see Heney III, k. of France. Reo. 

de diverses pieces, 1663. 
Palmarius (JuUanus), see Le Paulmibb db Gkentembsnil (J.) 
Palmer (Alfred Neobard) & E. Owen. History of ancient 

tenures of land in N. Wales & the Marches. 

2nd ed. 8°. pr. for the authors. 1910 
Palmer (J. E.) British canals. 88°. 1910 

Palmer (Sutton), see Bradley (A. G.) The Wye, painted by 

P., descr. by B., 1910. 
Palmer (William Scott) ps. The diary of a modernist. s8». 1910 
Palmerius (Matthias). De captivitate Pisarum liber ; a cura 

di G. Scaramella, see Mubatori (L. A.) Rer. Ital. ser 

tl9 ii, 1904. 
Palmerston (Henry John Temple, 3rd vise), X784-i865. 

*Materials for true hist, of Lord P. (Repr. f. " Free Press," 

1865). [P1297]. 8°. 1866 

Paludan-Miiller (Frederik). Poetiske Skrifter i Udvalg. 

Indledning, etc., ved C. S. Petersen. 3b. 8°. 1909 

see Lange (F.) F. P.-M., 1899. 
Palumbo (V. D.) Grammatica elementare d. lingua portoghese. 

[MetodoGaspey-Otto-Sauer]. 88°. Roma. 1910 

Pamflle (Tudor). Joouri de copii. [Acad. Romana. Din 

viea^a pop. roman, v6]. 8". 1909 

Pamphilus (Hesychius) ps., see Bbathwait (R.) 
Paniagua (M. Jorreto y), see Jobbeto y Paniaqtta (M.) 
Pannier. (Leopold). M6ry-sur-0ise et s. seigneurs au moyen-age, 

see SooifiTB db l'Hist. de Paris, etc. M6ms., tl, 1875. 
Pansier (P.), see Gibabd (J.) & P. P. La cour temporelle 

d' Avignon, Mfi et IS^ s., 1909. 
Panvinio (OnoMo), see Platina (B.) La hist. d. vite de' 

pontefici, a Paolo II ; con le uite de gli altri ponteflci 

sequenti fino a Pio IV, dal H. P., 1563. 




Panza (Calega), see Panzano (C.) 

Panzano, The family of, see Fbkkbtto (A.) Notizie intorno 

a C. Panzano, trovatore genovese, e alia sua famiglia, 1248— 

1313, 1901-3. 

Panzano (Caleca) [Caieqa Panza], see Fbeeetto (A.) Notizie 

intorno a C. P., trovatore genovese, e alia sua famiglia, 

1248-1313, 1901-3. 

Panzer (Friedrich), prof, at Frankfurt a. M., b. 1870. Studien 

z. german. Sagengesoh. [B]l, Beowulf. 8°. Munchen. 1910 

Papadopulos-Kerameus (A.), see Htjbmuzaki (haron E. de). 

Doc. priv. la Istoria Romanilor, culese de E. de H., vl3, 

Teste grecefti, culese si publ., etc. de A. P.-K., 1909. 

Papinot(E.) Historical & geog. diet, of Japan. 8". Tokyo. [1909] 

Parabosco (Girolamo). Idiporti. {reny.repr.of G. D. Poggiali's 

ed. Race, de' novellieri ital., vlO]. s8°. Milano. 1814 

Paidaillan de Gondrin (Louis Antoine de), due d'Antin, see Gon- 

DRIN DE Pardaillan db Montespan (L. A. de), due d'Antin. 

Paidessus (Jean Marie). Collection de lois maritimes ant. au 

18e s. 6t. 4°. 1828-45 

Pardo Bazdn (Emilia). Misterio. sS". 1910 

Parini (Giuseppe), see Bbrtana (E.) II P. tra i poeti giocosi d. 

settecento, 1898. 

Anon, wobks, etc. 
Chron. paris. anon, de 1316-39, pree. d'add^. a la Chron. 
fran?. dite de G. de Nangis, 1206-1316 ; publ. A. Hellot, see 
SooiETE DE l'Hist. de Paeis, btc. M6ms., til, 1885. 
Collection de dessins sur P. ; publ. G. Duplessis, see Socibtb 

DB l'Hist. de Paeis, etc. M^ms., tl7, 1891. 
The Diary of the " Blue Nuns " at P., 1658-1810 ; ed. 
J. Gillow etc., 1910,seclMMACirLATE Conception, Orderofthe. 
L'Etat civil des citoyens nobles de P. en 1789 ; [publ.] 

A. Trudon des Ormes, 1899, see Teudon des Oemes (A.) 
Fragment d'un repertoire de jurisprudence paris. au 15« s. ; 

publ. G. Fagniez, 1891, see Eagnibz (G.) 
Histoire du siege de P. sous Henri IV en 1590 [signed 0. Gh. ; 
publ.] A. Dufour, see SociETB de l'Hist. de Paeis, etc. 
Mems., t7, 1881. 
Histoire generale de P. ; coU. de docs. publ. sous les auspices 
de I'EdiJite parisienne. 4°. 1905-9 

"■Journal d'un bourgeois de P. sous Fran9ois I, 1515-36. 
li. ed., avec intr. etc., par V.-L. BourriUy. 8°. 1910 

Le livre des Constitucions demenees el Chastelet de Paris ; 
publ. C. Mortet, see Societe de l'Hist. de Paris, etc. 
Mems., tlO, 1884. 
Registres des deliberations, tl2-14, 1905-9, see Civic Instit., 
Aechives Nationales. 
see Knipping (R.) Niederrhein. Archivalien in d. National- 
bibl. u. d. Nationalarchiv zu Paris, 1904. 
Civic Institutions, etc. 
Cat. des MSS. de la Bibl. de la ville de P. [Hotel Carnavalet] ; 
r^dige par F. Bournon. 8". 1893 

Registres des deliberations du Bureau de la ville de P. [Hist, 
gen. de Paris]. tl2-14. 4". 1905-9 

12, 1598-1602 ; id. P. Gu^rin. 13, 1602-5 ; i6. P. Gu^rin. 
14, 1605-10 ; id. L. Le Grand. 

see BABEAT7 (A.) L'H6tel de ville de P. et I'inventaire de son 
mobiUer en 1740, 1899. 
Commission municipalb dit viettx Paris. 
Proces-verbaux. Annee[s] 1903-9. 4». 1904-10 

These vol", contain the following " Annexes." 
Lambeau (L.) L'Abbaye-aux-Bois de P. (1638-1906). [1906.) 

L'aDC. cimeti^re paroissial de Ste. -Marguerite (1624-1904). [1904.] 

Le couvent des hospitaliferes de St.-Thomas de Villeneuve, Rue de 

Sfevres (1698-1907). [1907.] 

Les dames de St.-lVliche], L'ancien couvent de la Visitation de la rue 

St. -Jacques (1724-1906). [1906.] 

L'hfipital des enfants-trouv^s du Faubourg St, -Antoine (1674-1903). 


L'H6tel de la Vieuville, rue St.-Paul. [1907.] 

L'HOtel du Marquis de Villette, maison mortuaire de Voltaire [1904.] 

La maison roy. de I'Enfant-J^sus, actuellement Hdpital des Erifants- 

Malades, Rue de Sfevres (1694-1908). [1907.] 

Un vieux couvent parisien : les Dominicaines de la Croix, de la rue 

Charonne (1639-1904). [1908.] 

Soh^fer (G.) L'H6tel des Conseils de guerre, Rue du Cherche-lVlidi. [1907.] 

Taxil (L.) Une operation de voirle au IS" s. : demolition des maisons 

construites sur les Ponts de Paris, etc. [1909.] 

Tableau 6tabl. la concordance entre le nura6rotage actuel de 

maisons de I'anc. Paris et les differ, num^rotages que ces maisons ont 
portSs k div. ipoques etc., 3p, 1903-4. [1903-4.] 

EscoLO Pakisenco d6d" Felibrigb, see Peovbnce. Lou 
cansoumie de la P., adouba per L'E. P. dou F., n.d. 

Paris [continued]. 
Univeesity of p. 

see Chatblain (E.) Le " Livre " ou " Cartulaire " de la 

nation d'Angl. et d'AUemagne dans I'anc. U. de P., 1891. 

„ Denielb (H. S.) & E. Chatblain. Le proces de Jeanne 

d'Arc et I'U. de P., 1897. 
„ Socibtb de l'Hist. de Paeis, etc. M^ms., tlO, Docs. 
rel. a la fondation et aux premiers temps de I'Univ. de 
P. ; publ. par H. Denifle, 1884. 
see Saint Meery, Paris. 
„ Saint Sepulceb, Paris. 
„ Saint Viotob, abbey of, Paris. 
„ Val-Notee-Dame, Paris. 
Paris, son of Priam. *The arraignment of P., 1584, [by G. 

Peele], 1910, see Peele (G.) 
Paris (A. Faulin). De la BibMotheque Royale et de la necessity 
de publier le cat. des Hvres imprimes. [P639]. 8°. 1847 
Paris (Gaston). Mediaeval French lit. [Tr. by H. Lynch]. 

S80. 1903 
Le Petit Poucet & la Grande Ourse. 88°. 1875 

see OiSELET. Le lai de I'o., poeme franj. du 13^ s. ; publ. etc. 
G. P., 1884. 
Paris (Matthew). Auszvige aus d. grosseren Chronik d. M. 
V. P. [& aus d. Chronik d. Roger v. Wendover] ; tibers. v. 
G. Grandaur a. W. Wattenbach, see Geschichtscheeieee 
(Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2^ Gesammtausg., B73, 1896. 
Paris (Pierre), maitre de Conferences d, la Facvlte des Lettres de 
Bordeaux. Buste espagnol de style greco-asiat., trouv^ h, 
Elohe ; Louvre, see AoAD. DES Inscr. etc. ; Fond. Piot. 
Mons. etc. t4„ 1897. 
Le Diadumene de Madrid, see Acad, des Inscb. etc. ; Fond. 

Piot. Mons. etc., t4, 1897. 
Promenades archeologiques en Espagne. [v]l. s8". 1910 

Vases iber. du Mus^e de Saragosse, see Acad, des Insce. etc. ; 
Fond. Piot. Mon^. etc., tl7, 1909. 
Parish Register Society of Dublin. [Publication^']. 

v7, 8. laS". Exeter. 19ip 

see Dublin. The registers of the church of St. Michan, 

D., p2, 1686-1700 ; w. index, 1636-1700, 1909. [7.] 

„ Londondbery, Diocese of. Register of Derry Cathedral 

(S. Columb's), Templemore, Londonderry, 1642-1703, 

1910. [8.] 

Parish (iS«> Woodbine), see Kay Shuttleworth [Hon. N. L.) 

Life of Sir W. P., 1796-1882, 1910. 
Parke (Daniel), see French (G.) Hist, of P.'s administration, 

Parker (Edward Harper). Studies in Chinese relig. 8". 1910 
Parker (H.) Anc. Ceylon. An ace. of the aborigines & of 
part of the early civilisation. 8°. 1909 

Parker (James) & Co., publishers. The visitor's guide to 
Oxford. [5th issue]. s8°. [1892]' 

Parker (John Henry). A B C of Gothic architecture. 

3rd ed. s8o. 1882 
Parker (Samuel), bp. of Oxford, see Burnet (G.), bp. ♦En- 
quiry into Reasons for abrogating the test imposed on 
members of Pari., offered by Sa. Oxon [i.e. S. P.], 1688. 
Parker (Thomas Jeftery) & W. A. Haswell. A text-book of 
zoology. 2v. [2nd ed.]. 8''. 1910 

Parkin (Charles). Hist. & antiqs. of Yarmouth. 

8°. Lynn. 1776 
Parkinson (Edward). Hist, sketch of the Cathedral of the 
Holy Trinity of Down, Downpatrick. 

[P1275]. 8». Downpatrick. 1904 
Parliament. A conference desired by the Lords & had by a 
committee of both Houses, concerning the rights & pri- 
vileges of the subjects. Discoursed by Sir D. Digges, Sir 
E. Littleton, Master Selden, Sir E. Cooke. With the 
objections by Sir R. Heath. 3°. Apr. 1628. s4°. 1642 

■^The Oxonian Antippodes, or, the Oxford Anty-Parl., 1644, 

see Beandon (J.) 
House of Commons. 
see Bkamwell (G.) *Proceedings of the H. of C. on passing 
Bills, 1809, [18S3 ed. had t. *Manner of p. on Bills in 
H. of C.]. 
„ Ireland. A declaration of the C, cone, the grand 

rebellion an I., 1643. 
„ Pall Mall Gazette. Pop. guide to H. of C. elected 
Dec, 1910, 1911. 


^*^fc^!ff- ^; ^°^P°,°^' °* elections, 1832-1910, w. lists 
of candidates, etc., 7tli ed., 1910, see MacCalmont (F. H.) 

a S''*'^ Franchise BUI, 1910. .ee Mah's case for giving 
a million votes to women ; ed. f. sTjeeches dpliv on 2nH 
reading of P. P. (Women) Bill, 1910.^ 
Parma. Chron. Parmense, 1038-1338 ; a cura di G Bonazzi 
.ee MtTRATORi (L. A ) Rer. Ital. scr.', t9 ix 1902 ' 

L%J'^- ^^^aT- ^^^^^ ^- ^'^1- Palatina-Parmense, 1893, 
see Rbstobi (A.) 

Parma (Margherita Famese, dwc^ess of), see Medioi (M. db'). 
Paima (Odoardo Farnese. duhe of), miz-jfi, see Edwabd 
\_tarnese\, d. of Parma etc. 

Parma (Robert C. L. M. de Bourbon, duke of), see Robert 
Charles L. M. [de Bourhon], d. of P. 

^^A°% <|^»^to Giaeomo). I rifacimenti e le traduzioni ital. 
7^\ Jl® J ? ,^' T'fgi^o P"™a, del rinascimento, see Monaci 
(Ji.) btud] di filol. rom., v2, 1887. 
^,V^°"^ di Cesare nella lett. ital. dei primi seooli, see Monaoi 
(K) Stud] di filol. rom., v4, 1889. 

Parry (Sir C. Hubert H.), bart. The evolution of the art of 
music. 4tjj gj ggo 1905 

Johann bebastian Bach. Story of development. 
_ ,, . [repr.]. 8°. N.Y. 1910 

Parthemus, of Nic(Ba, see Heeoldt (J.) Exempla virtutum et 

vitiorum, Parthenii Nicaensis De amatoriis affectionibus lib. 

[GVeefc* Lat.'], 1555. 

Partington (S. W.) The Danes in Lancashire & Yorkshire. 

80. 1909 
Pascal (Andri). Le desert de la Grande-Chartreuse ou Hist, 
des Chartreux. 3^ ed. sS". Grenoble. 1892 

Pascal (Blaise). 
Discours sur les passions de I'amour (attribue h. Pascal). 
Avec un comm. de E. Faguet. s8°. 1911 

see BARRi:s (M.) L'angoisse de P., 1910. 
„ Saint Gyres (S. H. N., visct.) P., 1909. 
Pascal (Carlo). Note etimologiche, see Monaoi (E.) Studi di 
filol. rom., v7, 1899. 

Pascoe (Francis P.) Notes on nat. selection & the orig. of 
species. [P1292]. s8o. 1884 

Pascoli (Giovanni). Lyra romana ad uso d. souole classiche. 

sS". Livorno. 1895 
Pasini (Ferdinando). Un plagio a danno di V. Monti, see 

GioRNAiE Stor. d. Lett. Ital., Suppl., 8, 1905. 
Pasqualigo {conte Luigi), see *Fidelb & Fortunio, the two 
ItaUau gentlemen, [c. 1584 ; adajited f. " II Fedde," by 
L. P.I, 1909 [1910]. 
Passe (Le). Bujoe, ncmp.-peBOJioq. ceopflHK-i. 

No. 1-5, 7-12. S80. & 80. London & Paris. [1900-]1909 

No. 1, 2, 6. in Iv ; 3-5 6. in Iv; the pagin. of 1-3 cont. ; 9-10, 

& 11—12 are publ. as Iv. ; only No. 7 cfc onwards have tp. Le 

Passe. Bbuoc; cOopBHK'L noHCTopiH pyccK.ocBO(!o4HT. ABHateaia. 

Passelet, see Paisley. 

Passerini (conte Lu^). Storia degli stabilimenti di beneficenza 
e d' istruzione elementare gratuita d. citta di Firenze. 

80. Firenze. 1853 

*Passioue (La) e risurrezione, poemetto Veronese del sec. 13 ; 

[ed., etc., L. Biadene], 1885, see Monaci (E.) Studj di filol. 

rom., vl, 1885. 

Pastor (iMimg). Erlauterungen u. Erganzungen z,. Janssens 

Gesoh. d. deut. Volkes. Hrsg. v. L. v. P. 

B7, 6H. 8". Freiburg im Breisgau. 1910 

Schmidlin (J.) Die kirchl. Zustande in Deutsohland 

vor d. SOjahr. Kriege nach d. bischofl. Diozesanberioh- 

ten an d. Heiligen Stuhl, 1910. [7.] 

The hist, of the popes, f. the close of the Middle Ages. [Tr.]. 

v9, 10, ed. B. F. Kerr. 80. 1910 
Patent Rolls. Calendar of P. R. [Calendar of State Papers]. 

Ia8<>. 1909-10 
Edward III, vlO (1354-8). Henry III, [v6], 1268-66. 
Henry T, vl, 1413-16. Henry VI, v6, 1452-61. 

Pater (Walter H.) Appreciations, w. Essay on Style. 

Essays from The Guardian. [Lib. ed.]. 8°. 1910 

Gaston de Latour. Prepared for press by C. L. Shadwell. 

[Lib. ed.]. 8". 1910 
Imaginary portraits. [Lib. ed.]. 8". 1910 

Marius the Epicurean. [Lib. ed.]. 2v. 8°. 1910 



Pater (Walter H.) [continued]. 

Miscellaneous studies : aeries of essays. [Lib. ed.] 8°. 1910 

Plato & Platonism. [Lib. ed.]. 80. 1910 

The Renaissance : studies in art & poetry. [Lib. ed.]. 8°. 1910 

Pathan. *Dict. of the P. tribes on N.-W. Frontier of India. 

Prepared by Gen. Staff Army Headquarters, India. 

s8». Calcutta. 1910 
Pathelin (Pierre). *Maistre P. P. hystori^. [Farce]. Reprod. 
de r^d. impr. vers 1500 par Marion de Malaunoy. 

8°. Macon. 1904 
Patmore (K. A.) The Court of Louis XIII. 8°. [1909] 

Patriarchs. *Hist. of the p. of the Coptic Church of Alex- 
andria, [coll. by Severus, bp. of Al-TJ shmunain] ; Arabic 
text, tr. etc. by B. Evetts, [p]3, see Graffin (B.) & F. Natj. 
Patr. orient., t5, 1910. 
Patrick, /Sai«<. *The life of St. P. [P1261]. sS". DubUn. 1861 
see Gttbbins (G. G.) " What doctrines & practices did St. 

P. teach ? " 1889. 
„ HoBSON (W. T.) St. p., & h. supposed conn. w. Rome & 

Isle of Man, 1889. 
„ Killbn (W. D.) Life etc. of St. P., 1874. 
„ Olden (T.) S. P. & h. mission, 1894. 
„ Ryan (A.) St. P., n.d. 
Patterson (Charles Frederick). New mode of self -registering 
quantity of sun-Ught per day. [f. Royal Dublin Soo. 
Journal, 1859. P1239]. 8". [1859] 

Patterson (It.-col. John Henry). In the grip of the nyika. 
Further adv. in Brit. E. Africa. 8". 1909 

Paul, AposUe <fc Saint, see Peter, Apostle cfc St. Leggenda de' 

SS. P. e P. ; testo antico toscano, [ed. L. RazzoUni], 1852. 
Paul, disciple of Saint Aaron of Saroug, see Nau (Vahbe F.) 
Les Mgendes syriaques d' Aaron de Saroug [par son disciple 
P.], etc. ; texte id.. & tr. par F. N., 1910. 
Paul {Sir James Balfour), see Dottglas (Sir R.) The Scots 
peerage, founded on Wood's ed. of D.'s Peerage ; ed. P., v7, 
in prog., 1910. 
Paul (Madeleine). La porte sombre. Roman. s8°. 1910 

Faulhan (Fr.) La logique de la contradiction. s8°. 1911 

Paullin (Charles Oscar). Commodore John Rodgers, 1773- 
1838. A biog. 8°. Cleveland, Ohio. 1910 

Paulus, diaconus. Paolo D. d. orig. et fatti de i re Longobardi. 
Tr. L. Domenichi. 88". Vinegia. 1548 

see EoiNHABD. E.'s Jahrbuoher — Aus d. P. Gesch. d. 

Bischofe v. Metz, etc. ; iibers. v. 0. Abel, 2^ A., 1888. 
„ Geschiohtsohbeibee (Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2^ Gesammt- 
ausg., B15, P. D. u. d. iibrigen Geschichtschreiber d. 
Langobarden ; fibers, v. 0. Abel, 2^ A., bearbt. v. 
R. Jacobi, 1888. 
Paulus (Julius). Fragmenta ut quibusdam videtur I. P. De 
iure fisci ; cura E. Bocking, see Corpus iuris Romani 
Anteiustiniani, fasc. 1, 1841. 
Receptarum sententiarum lib. 5 ; cura L. Arndts ; [app. 
Varietas scripturse, coU. G. Haenel] ; see Corpus iuris 
Romani Anteiustiniani, fasc. 1, 1841. 
Pausanias, the traveller. Graecise descr. Ed. etc. H. Hitzig ; 
comm. add. H. Hitzig & H. Bluemner. v3 ii, Phooica— 
Indices. laS". L. 1910 

Pavie (Altdr6). MedaiUons romantiques. Lettres in6d. de 
Ste.-Beuve, D. d' Angers, etc. 8°. 1909 

Payen (Lucien Morel-), see Morbl-Payen (L.) 
Payen-Payne (De V.), see Cassbll, publisher. New French & 

Eng. diet., by P. -P., etc., rev. & enl., 1909. 
Payne (John), a. of " The Masque of Shadows," see Nbwton- 

CowPBE Centenaby, 1907, w. verses by J. P., 1907. 
Paz y M61ia (Antonio). Opuscules ht. de los siglos 14 a 16. 
[Ed. A. P. y M.]. Los publ. la Soo. de Bibliofilos Espanoles. 

8°. 1892 
libro de los Siete Sabios de Koma ; tr. de latin en romance, por D. de 

SAtira de felloe i infellce vida, por el oondestable de Portugal. 

Libro de vida beata, por J. de Lucena. 

Carta de J. de Lucena, exhortatoria i. las letras. 

Tratado que hizo el Tostado de cdmo al ome es necesario amar. 

Diilogo i razonamiento en la muerte del marquis de Santillana, por P. 

Diaz de Toledo. 
Proverbioa en rimo del Sabio Salamon, rey de Israel. 
Dezir que flzo J. Rodriguez del Padron contra el amor del mundo. 
Las 15 preguntas del papa .Tulio & Gracia Dei sobre las excelencias de la 

reina Dofla Isabel. 
Crianza i virtuosa dotrina, por Gracia Dei. 

see NoBiLiABio de oonquistadores de Indias ; \_ed. A. P. y M.], 





Pazzi (Alessandro de') [Pazzi de' Medici]. Tre lettere, 

[1524r-6. Ed. P. Rajna. Nozze Forstner de Billau — 

De' Pazzi. P1278]. 8°. Firenze. 1898 

Peabody (Francis Greenwood). The approach to the social 

question. 88°. N.Y. 1909 

Peace Society, see Carnegie (A.) Speech at ann. meeting of 

Peace Soc, May 24, 1910. 
Peacock (Thomas Love). Plays : [The dilettanti — The 

circle of Loda — The three doctors]. Ed. A. B. Young. 

s8°. 1910 
Pearson (J.) & Co. 500 important books, MSS., & autograph 

letters. vl, A-H. s4P. [1910?] 

Rare & valuable books, on sale by J. P. & Co. 

No. 79. [w. plates]. 2p. [P1233]. 8°. n.d. 
Peary (Robert Edwin). The North Pole. Introd. by T. 

Roosevelt. s*". 1910 

Pease (Miss Katherine), see Routledqb [Mrs. K.) 
Pecham (J.), abp. of Canterbury, see Peckham (J.) 
Peck (Hany Thurston), see New internat. encyclopaedia ; 

editors, H. T. P., etc., 1910. 
Peckham (Joannes), abp. of Canterbury [Pboham]. Trac- 

tatus tres de paupertate. Cum bibliog. ed. C. L. Kingsford, 

A. G. Little, F. Tocco. [Brit. Soc. of Franciscan Studies, 2]. 

8°. Aberdoniae. 1910 
Pecori (Lnigi). Storia d. Terra di San Gimignano. 

8°. Firenze. 1853 
Pedr&rias de Almesto ( — ). 
see UsstrA (P. de). *Jornada de Omagua y Dorado [the 
expedition of P. de U. etc. : ? by P. de A.], 1909. 

„ *Relacion de la Jornada de Omagua y Dorado hecha 

per P. de Orsua ; [.? by P. de A.], 1881. 
Pedro, constable of Portugal, b. 14^9, see Pbtee, constable of 

Peek (.Sir Henry), bart., see Pinches (T. G.) Inscribed 

Babylonian tablets, [CoU. of P.], p2, 3, 1890. 
Peel (Sir Robert), Srd bart., see Letter to P. on plan for 

converting the Royal Dublin Soc. etc. into a Nat. Instit. 

for Ireland, 1864. 
Peele (Creoige). *The arraignment of Paris, 1584. [Prep. 

by H. H. Child & checked by W. W. Greg. Malone Soc.]. 

84°. 1910 
see Thorndike (A. H.) Minor Ehz. drama, vl, David & 
Bethsabe, by P., 1910. 

„ Minor Eliz. drama, v2. The old wives' tale, by 

G. P., 1910. 
Peerage. The complete p. ; by G. E. C, n. ed., ed. Hon. V. 

Gibbs, in prog., 1910, etc., see Cokaynb (G. E.) 
The new p., 1769, see New. 
The Scots compendium : or. Pocket p. of Scotland, 1826, 

see Soots. 
Peers (C. R.), see English Church Pageant, Fulham Palace, 

1909. The book of the E. C. P. ; ed. C. R. P., 1909. 
Peet (T. Eric). Contribs. to the study of the prehist. period in 

Malta, see British School at Romb. Papers, v5, 1910. 
Peile (John), see Cambridge : Christ's College. Biog. 

register, 1505-1905, etc. ; comp. by J. P., vl, 1910. 
Peirol, V. Awvergne, see Pbirol (A.) 
Peirol (Antoine) [Pbirol, v. Auvergne], see Delius (N.) 

Ungedruckte provenzal. Lieder v. P. Vidal, P., etc., 1853. 
Peirol (Antoine). [A. Peyrol], see Saboly (N.) Li Nouve de 

S., de P. e de J. Roumanille, etc., 1897. 
P^ladan (Jos6phin). La philosophic de L. de Vinci d'ap. s. 

manuscrits. s8°. 1910 

Pelaez (Mario), see Canzoniere provenzale C;.led. M. P.], 1899. 
Pelham (Henry Francis). Essays [on Roman history]. Coll. 

& ed. [w. biog. note] by F. Haverfleld. , ^8°. 0. 1911 

Pelissier (Leon G.) Famille, fortune & succession d'A. C. 

Destouches, see SociETi: de l'Hist. db Paris, etc. M^ms., 

t26, 1899. 
Pellepore (cte. V. de La Fite de), see La Fite de Pblleporb 

{cte. V. de). 
Pellicer (Casiano). Tratado hist, sobre el origen y progresos de 

la comedia y del histrionismo en Espana. 2p in Iv. 88°. 1804 
Pellipar, Londonderry, see Skinners' Company. Rep. of 

deputation of S.' Co., who visited the manor of P., 1853, 

1873, 1874, 1876, 1853-76. 
Pellissier (Georges). Anthologie des prosateurs frang. contemp. 

tl, Les romanciers (1850 a nos jours). 88". n.d. 

'Anthologie du theatre frang. contemp. (Prose & vers ; 1850 

a nos jours). . 88"; [1910] 

Pellissier de Reynaud (E.) Annales Alg6riennes. n. 6d., rev., 
corr. & cont. jusqu'a la chute d'Abd-el-Kader ; avec un 
app., cont. le Resume de l'Hist. de I'Algerie de 1848-54, etc. 

3t. 8°. 1854 
Pemberton (Joseph Hardwick). The Coronation Service, w. 

intr., etc. ; ed. J. H. P., 5th ed., 1910, see Coronation. 
Pembray (Marcus Seymour), see Beddard (A. P.), etc. 

Practical physiology ; ed. M. S. P., etc., Srd ed., 1910. 
Peualver (Juan). Dice, de la rima de la lengua castellana, 
1892, see Real Acad. Espanola. Novisimo dice, de la 
lengua c, 1896. 
Penjon (Auguste). Avignon : la ville & le Palais des Papes. 

n. ed. sS". Avignon, n.d. 

Pennington (Arthur Robert). The Counter-Reformation in 

• Europe. Pop. ed. 8°. 1901 

Pennington (Arthur Stuart). The Argentine Republic ; its 

physical features, hist., fauna, flora, geology, lit. & commerce. 

8°. [1910] 

Pennsylvania : University of P. Babylonian exped. of 

U. of P. Ser. A : Cuneiform texts. Ed. H. V. Hilprecht. 

v3 i. 4°. Philadelphia. 1910 
, see Myhrman (D. W.) Sumerian admin, doo^., dated in 
2nd dynasty of Ur, 1910. [Ser. A, 3 i.] 

Dept. of Hist. Tran^. & repr^. f. orig. sources of European 
hist. 2nd ser. v2. 88°. Philadelphia. 1902 

see LiNGELEAOH (W. E.) Merchant Adventurers of Eng., 
their laws & ordinances w. u. doc^., 1902. [ser. 2, v2.] 
Penny (Mrs. Frank E.) Sacrifice. s8". 1910 

The unlucky mark. 88". 1909 

Penstone (M. M.) Town study. 8°. 1910 

Pepin I, hing of Aquitaine, see NiGBLLUS (E.) ' Lobgedioht auf 
Kaiser Ludwig u. Elegien an Konig P. ; iibers. v. T. G. 
Pfund, 2e A., 1889. 
Pepwell (Henry), see Richard, de St. Victor. The cell of self- 
knowledge ; 7 early Eng. treatises pr. by H. P., 1521, 1910. 
Perdrizet (Paul). Terres cuites de I'Asie Mineure, see Acad. 
DBS Inscr. etc. ; FoND. PioT. Mon=. etc., t4, 1897. 

& L. Chesnay. La metropole de Serrds, see Acad, des 

Inscr. etc. : Fond. Piot. Mon^. etc., tlO, 1903. 
Pereira da Costa (F. A.) Nogoes sobre o estado prehist. da 
terra e do homem, seguidas da desor. de alguns dolmins ou 
antas de Portugal. Com a tr. Franceza por M. Dalhunty. 
[With Sndtp., in French]. 4°. Lisboa. 1868 

Perez (J. Gestoso y), see Gestoso y Perez (J.) 
Perez del Fulgai (H.), see Martinez db La Rosa (P.) Obras 
comp., t3, H. P. del P., [con Las hazanas del Gran Capitan, 
by P. del P.], 1844. 
Perez 6ald6s (Benito). El caballero encantado. 38". 1909 

Casandra. s8°. 1905 

Episodios nacionales, s3, Vergara. s8°. 1906 

Episodios nacionales, s4. Prim. sS". 1906 

Perks (C), see Best (R. H.), W. J. Davis & C. P. Brass- 
workers of Berlin & of Birmingham, 5th ed., 1910. 
Perles (Felix). Zur althebra. Strophik. [b.w. Dalman (G. H.) 
Gramm. d. jiid.- palastin. Aramaisch, 1894]. 8°. Wien. 1896 
Perles (Joseph). Etymolog. Studien z. Kunde d. rabbin. 
Sprache u. Alterthiimer. [P1262]. 8". Breslau. 1871 

Pernot (Maurice). La polit. de Pie X, 1906-10. Pr6f. de 
E. Boutroux. 88°. 1910 

Perosa (Colo de), see Colo, de Perosa. 

Perrin (Miss Alice). The charm. 2nd ed. s8». [1910] 

The stronger claim. s8°. 1903 

Perrot (Georges). 

see AcADtMiB des Inscriptions etc. : Fond. Piot. Mon'. 

etc., publ. par I'Acad., sous la dir. de G. P. etc., tl-17, 

in prog., 1894-1909. 

„ Mon°. etc., tl, Tete de femme, Louvre ; par 6. P., 


„ Mon8. etc., tl3, Une statuette de la CyrenaSque & 

I'Aphrodite Anadyomene d'Apelle ; par G. P., 1906. 

Perrot (Nicholas), French Govt. Agent in Canada. Mem. sur 

les mosurs, ooustumes & reUig. des sauvages de TAmfe. 

septentrionale. Publ. par J. Tailhan. [Bibliotheca Amer., 

3]. 8°. L. 1864 

Perry (John Tavenor). Dinanderie. A hist. & descr. of 

medieval art work in copper, brass & bronze. 4°. 1910 

Persat (Maurice). Mem., 1806-44. Publ. avec une intr. & 

notes par G. Schlumberger. 8°. 1910 

Persius. Satirarum liber. Cum schohis antiquis ed. 0. lahn. 

8°. L. 1843 




^^^hj^^ Western Atjstealia. Cat. of books in Public Lib. 

of W. A., vl, 1905. 
Pertusier (Charles). La Bosnie consid6rde dans s. rapports 

aveo I'Empire ottoman. 8°. 1822 

Pertz (Georg Heinrich), see Gesohichtsohebibbb (Die) d. deut. 

Vorzeit ; [hrsg. v. P., etc.], 2f> Gesammtausg., in prog., 1884, 

Perugia. *6uida al forestiere per 1' auguata citta di P., 1784 
see Obsini (B.) ' 

Peruzzi (S. L.) Storia del oommeroio e dei banohieri di 
Firenze, 1200-1345. 8°. Firenze. 186 

>• -ApP- [b-w. the Storia, above]. 

„ ^ , ^. 8°. Firenze. 1868 

Peschaud (Marcel-Charles), see Pratt (E. A.) State railways ; 
w. tr. of P.'s articles on " Les chemins de fer de I'Etat beloe " 
1907. ° 

Peschoi, archdeacon of Constantinople, see Nau {I'abbe. F.) 
Lgs Mgeudes syriaques d' Aaron de Saroug, de Maxime & 
Domece [attrib. to P.], etc. ; teste ed. & tr. par F. N., 1910. 

Pesenti (Pietro). Bergamo. [Italia Artistica, 57]. 

s4». Bergamo. 1910 

Pestalozzl (Johann Heinrich), see Heubattm (A.) P., 1910. 

Peter, Apostle (Ss Saint. Das Evangelium u. d. Apokalypse d. P. 

Im Lichtdruck hrsg. v. 0. v. Gebhardt. 8". L. 1893 

Leggenda de' SS. Apostoli P. e Paolo. Testo antico toscano. 

[Ed. L. Razzolini]. 8°. Beggio. 1852 

see DiETEBiCH (A.) Nekyia, Beitrage zur Erklarung d. 

neuentdeckten Petrusapokalypse, 1893. 
„ Haknaok (C. G. a.) Bruchstuoke d. Evangeliums u. d. 
Apokalypse d. P., 1893. 

Peter [Damianus], St., see Endkes (J. A.) P. D. u. d. weltl. 
Wissensohaft, 1910. 

Peter, constable of Portugal, b. 14£9 [Pedbo]. Sitira de 
felice 6 infelice vida, see Paz y M^lia (A.) Opiisc. lit. de los 
siglos 14 a 16, 1892. 

Petermann (Julius Heinrich). Versuch e. hebra. Formenlehre 
nach d. Aussprache d. heut. Samaritaner, nebst e. Trans- 
scription d. Genesis, u. d. v. d. recipirten Texte d. Penta- 
teuohs abweioh. Lesarten d. Samaritaner. [Deutsche 
Morgenland. Gesellschaft, Abhdlgn. fur d. Kunde d. Morgen- 
landes, B5 i. b.w. Geiger (A.) Ursohrift u. tJbers. d. Bibel 
etc., 1857]. 8°. L. 1868 

Petermanns Mittheiluugen aus Justus Perthes' geograph. 
Anstalt. Erganzungsband 35. Ia8°. Gotha. 1910 

Bevolkerung (Die) d. Brde. Hrsg. v. B. Behm, A. Supan, etc. 13, 1910. [35.] 
Frobenius (L.) Kulturtypen aus d. Westsudan, 1910. [35.] 

Gogarten (E.) Uber alpine Eandseen u. Erosionsterrassen im besondera 

d. Linthtales, 1910. [36.] 

Kriiger (P.) Die Patagon. Anden zw. d. 42. u. 4!(. Grade siidl. Breite, 

1909. [36.] 

Peters (Wilhelm C. H.), 1815-83, see Dbcken (Baron C. C. v. d.) 

Reisen in Ost-Afrika, B3 i, bearbt. v. W. C. H., P., etc., 1869. 

Petersberg, abbey of, Erfurt, see Sankt Pbtee, abbey of, Erfurt. 

Petersen (Julius), 6. Strassburg, 1878, see Sohilleb (J. C. F. v.) 

S. PersonUchkeit, T2, 3, gesammelt v. J. P., 1908-9. 
Petit (Le) Homme Rouge, ps. 
see Henby IV, k. of France. Favourites of H. of Navarre, 

„ tTuiLBRiES. The court of the T., 1852-70, 1907. 
Petit (Louis D.) Bibliog. der Middelnederlandsche taal- en 
letterkunde. D2, 1888-1910. 8°. Leiden. 1910 

Petraglione (Giuseppe), see Lope de Mobos. II " Romance de 

L. de M." : nuova ipotesi \by G. P. ; w. text], 1901. 
Petrarch. F. P. e la Lombardia. Collabor. : A. Annoni, H. 
Cochin, C. Foligno, E. Motta, P. de Nolhac, F. Novati, 
A. Ratti, R. Sabbadini, A. Sepulcri. [Miscellanea di studi 
storioi etc. d. Soo. Storica Lombarda]. Ia8°. Milano. 1904 
Letters to classical authors. Tr., w. comm. by M. E. Cosenza. 

s8o. Chicago. 1910 
De' rimedii dell' una e dell' altra fortuna. Volgar. G. Dassa- 
miniato ; pubbl. C. Stolfi. [Collez. di opere ined. o rare]. 

2 lib. 80. Bologna. 1867 
La vita solitaria. Volgar. ined. del sec. 15; tratto da un 
oodice deir Ambrosiana pel dott. A. Ceruti. 

2[v]. s8». Bologna. 1879 
see BebliAbb (U.) Un ami de P. : Louis Sanctus de Beer- 

ingen, 1905. 
„ Daobe (B., Lady). Trs. f. the Ital., [chiefly f. P.] by Lady 
D., 1836. 
GlANNUZZi Savblli (F.) Aroaismi nelle rime del P., 1901 

Petrarch [continued], 
see Lbvati (A.) Viaggi di F. P. in Francia, in Germania ed 

in Itaha, 5v, 1820. 
„ Nblli (F.) Un ami de P. ; Lettres de F. N. a P. ; publ. 

par H. Cochin, 1892. 
„ Palermo (F.) I Mss. Palatini di Firenze, v2, 3, Liriche e 

parte del Paradiso, autografo di P., 1860-8. 
„ ScARANO (N.) Fonti provenzali e ital. d. lirica Petrareh- 
esca, 1901. 
Petre (Francis Loraine). Simon Bolivar. 8". 1910 

Petriceicu-Hasdeu (Bogdanu), see Gane (N.) Bogdan P.-H., 

Petrie (William Matthew Flinders). Egypt & Israel. sS". 1911 
The palace of Apries (Memphis II). With oh. by J. H. 
Walker. [Brit. Sch. of Arohseol. in Egypt & Egypt. Res. 
Ace.]. 4°. 1909 

Petronius Arbiter (Titus). La matrone d'Eph^se. Tr. litter- 
ale de J. Redni, pr6c6d6e de la tr. en verse de J. de La 
Fontaine, & suivie du texte latin. 8°. 1911 

Petrus, de Ebulo [Ansolinus (P.)]. De rebus Sioulis carmen ; 
a oura di E. Rota, see Mubatori (L. A.) Rer. Ital. sor., t31 i, 
Petzholdt (Julius). Bibliotheoa bibliog. Krit. Verzeichn. der 
das Gesammtgebiet d. Bibliog. betreffenden Litt. d. In- u. 
Auslandes. 8°. L. 1866 

. Peyrol (Antoni), see Peieol (A.) 
Pfannkuche (Ad.) Die Konigl. deutsche Legion (Kings 
German Legion), 1803-16. s8<'. Hannover. 1910 

Pfister (Fliedrich). Der Reliquienkult im Altertum. Halbb. 
1, Das Objekt d. Reliquienkult. [Religionsgeschichtl. 
Versuche, etc., hrsg. v. R. Wvinsch u. L. Deubner, B5]. 

8°. Giessen. 1909 
Pfleiderer (Edmund). Der moderne Pessimismus. 

[a.c. in P1247]. 8°. 1875 

Pfleiderer (Otto). Primitive Xty., its writings & teachings in 

their hist, connections. v3, tr. W. Montgomery. 8°. 1910 

Pfnor (Rudolph). Le mobilier de la Oouronne & des grandes 

coU. du 13= s. au 19= s. [3t ; t2, 3, wanting], fol. [1872-6] 

Phsedrus. Fabulae cum appendioe duplici. Reo. etc. C. H. 


ed. stereotypes C. Tauchnitianse nova impr. 38°. L. 1867 
Phallic. *P. objects, monuments & remains. s8°. p.p. 1889 

*P. Miscellanies ; facts etc. of sex worship, chiefly in the re- 
ligions of India. By the a. of " Phallicism." s8°. p.p. 1891 
Philibert, Saint, see Heinrich, u. Neustadt. H. v. N. " Apol- 
lonius V. Tyrland," " Gottes Zukunft " u. " Visio Phili- 
berti " ; hrsg. v. S. Singer, 1906. 
Philip [de Bourbon], duhe of Parma see Stryienski (C.) Le 

gendre de Louis XV : Don Philippe, 1904. 
Philip IV, k. of France, 
see LiZBEAND (G.) Clement V et P. le Bel, 1910. 
„ SooiiiTi! DE l'Hist. DE PARIS, ETC. Mems., t2, Ordon- 
nance in^dite de P. le Bel cone, les metiers de Paris (1307). 
Publ. par J. M. Richard, 1876. 
PhiUp, landgrave of Hesse, see Rockwell (W. W.) Die 

Doppelehe d. P. v. H., 1904. 
Philip, duke of Orleans ; 17$5-85, see OBLi)ANS (L. P., 

due d'). 
Philip II, k. of Spain, 
see Fbbnandez Montana (J.) Mas luz de verdad hist, sobre 

Fel. II y su reinado, etc., 2a ed., 1911. 
„ MuNOZ (A.) Viaje de Felipe II a Inglaterra, por A. M., y 
relaciones varias, 1877. 
Philip in, k. of Spain, see Silva y FiGtrEROA (G. de). Com- 
entarios de la embajada que de parte del rey F. Ill hizo al 
rey Xa Abas de Persia, 1903-5. 
Philip V, k. of Spain. *An aoc. of the king of Spain's [P. V's] 
arrival etc. at Lisbon. [Single sheet, b.w. Post-Man, 
1704-8]. sfol. 1703 

Philip Augustus, k. of France, 
see Cartbllibei (G. M. A.) P. II. August, Bl-3, 1899-1910. 
„ Froidbvaux (H.) De regiis oonciliis P. II Augusto 

regnante habitis, 1891. 
„ Luchaire (A.) La soc. frauQ. au temps de P.-A., 2^ 6d., 
Philip (James C), D.Sc. The romance of mod. chemistry. 

8°. 1910 
Philip (Sir Matthew), Lord Mayor of London, 1463-4, see 
Buchanan (J. R.) Last resting place etc. of Sir M. P., 
3rd ed., n.d. ; 4th ed., n.d. 




Philipon (Edouaid), anc. Hive de V Ecole des Charles. Les 

Iberes. Etude d'hist., d'arohdologie & de linguistique. 

Avec une pref . de d'Arbois de Jubainville. s8°. 1909 

Philippa [de HainauU], queen consort of Edward III, see 

Hakdy (B. C.) Philippa of H. & her times, 1910. 
Philippe, Infant d' Espagne et due de Parme, see Philip [de 

Bourbon], duke of Parma. 
Philippe (Charles Louis). Dans la petite ville. s8". 1910 

Philippi (Friedrich WUhelm Maithi). Der Grundstamm d. 

starken Verbums im Semitischen, see Fleischer (H. L.) 

Morgenland. Forschungen, 1875. 
Wesen u. Ursprung d. Status oonstructus im Hebraischen. 

Beitrag z. Nominalflexion im Semit. iiberhaupt. 

[P1264]. 8°. Weimar. 1871 
Philippi (Fritz). Auf der Insel. Zuchthausgeschichten. 

88°. 1911 
PhiUppine Islands. Mineral resources of the P. I. ; w. state- 
ment of production during 1909. Issued by W. D. Smith. 

[Bureau of Science, Manila]. laS". Manila. 1910 

Ethnological Sukvey. Publications. 

v6 i. laS". Manila. 1909 
see Christie (E. B.) The Subanuns of Sindangan Bay, 1909. 

Phillipps (iSi> Thomas), 6art. Bibliotheca PhiUippica : cat. of 

further portion of MSS. etc. of P., sold by Sotheby Apr., 

1903 etc. [P1234]. 8°. [1903]. 

Phillips (John), F.R.S.; 1800-7 A. Monograph of Brit. 

Belemnitidae. [Palseontograph. Soc.]. 4°. 1865 

Phillips (Stephen), poet. The new Inferno. s8°. 1911 

Pietro of Siena. Drama. s8». 1910 

Pllillipson (Coleman). The international law & custom of 

ancient (jreece and Rome. 2 v. 8". 1911 

Phillpotts (Eden). The fun of the fair. sS". 1909 

The haven. sS". 1909 

The thief of virtue. sS". 1910 

Philo, Judoeus. Philo & Holy Scripture ; or. Quotations of 

P. f. Books of Old Test. Intr. & notes by H. E. Kyle. 

sS". 1895 
see Bbntwich (N.) P.-J. of Alexandria, 1910. 
Fhilocosmos, J)«. [i-e. H. Clark], see Claek (H.) 
Photiades (Constantin). George Meredith : sa vie-^son imagina- 
tion — son art — sa doctrine. 88°. 1910 
Photius, patriarch of Constantinople, see Himeritjs, the sophist. 

Hi. Sophistse quae reperiri potuerunt, vid. Eclogae e Photii 

Myriobiblo repetitae etc. ; rec, Lat. vers, illust. etc. G. 

Wernsdorfius, 1790. 
Piacenza (Maigherita Farnese, duchess of), see Medici (M. de'). 
Piacenza (Odoardo Farnese, duhe of), lOlZ-j^O, see Edward 

[Farnesel, d. of Parma etc. 
Piat (Alfred). Cat. de la bibl. de feu A. P. [Vente du 31 

janv. 1898, au 21 janv. 1899]. 4p. [pl-3 in Iv]. 8°. 1898-9 
Piazza (Carlo Bartolomeo). Eorterologio owero le sacre 

stazioni romane e feste mobili. sS". 1858 

Pica (Vittorio). Attraverso gli albi e le cartelle. [Sensazioni 

d' arte]. s2. 4". Bergamo. 1907 

Picard (Andre). L'ange gardien. Comedie. [h.w. Bourget 

(P.) La barricade, 1910]. 4». 1910 

Picard (Emile), see Lebon (E.) E. P., 1910. 
Piccolomini (AlessandlO), abp. of Patras & coadjutor abp. of 

Siena. De la institvtione di tvtta la vita de 1' homo nato 

nobile e in citta' libera. s4o. Venetijs. 1542 

Ficenardi (G. Sommi-), see Sommi-Picenardi (G.) 
Ficenino (Giacomo), see Bacchini (B.) Lettere polemiche 

contro G. P., 1738. 
Pichon (baron J6rdme). Notes sur la Chapelle des Orfevres, 

renseignements ined. sur G. Pilon, J. Cousin etc. du 16" 

s., see SociETt de l'Hist. de Paris, etc. Mems., t9, 1883. 
Pick (Bebrendt), see Antikbn M'&nzen (Die) Nord-Griechen- 

lands, Bl, Dacien u. Moesien, Halbband 2 i, bearb. v. P., 

u. K. Regling, 1910. 
Pickering (John) [Pikbring]. The hist, of Horestes, 1567. 

[Tudor Facs. Texts ; J. S. Farmer]. 

Ia8''. Issued for subscribers. 1910 
Pickthall (Marmaduke). The vaUey of the kings. s8''. 1909 
Pic6n (Jacinto Octavio). Obras completas. 

tl-3 ; [in prog.]. s8°. 1909-10 

1, Dnlce y sabrosa. 2, La Honrada. 3, Juanita Tenorio. 
Picot (Emile). Notice biog. & bibliog. sur N. S. Milescu, 

ambassadeur du Tsar Alexis Mihajlovifi en Chine, see 

Melanges orient. ; textes & tr., 1883. 

Picut (Georges M. R.) Recherches sur les quartiniers, cin- 

quanteniers et dixainiers de Paris, see SooiETi db l'Hist. 

DE Paris, etc. Mems., tl, 1875. 

Pidansat de Maaobert (M. F.) *L'espion anglois, ou corr. 

secrete entre Milord AU'eye et Milord AU'ear. [The first 

4 vols., by P. de M., orig. publ. under the title : L'observateur 

anglois]. lOt. n. ed., corr. & augm. s8°. Londres. 1784^5 

Pi6pape (gen. L6onee de). A princess of strategy : life of 

Anne Louise B^n^dicte de Bourbon-Cond6, Duohesse du 

Maine. Tr. J. L. May. 8°. 1911 

Pieper (P.) Kirchl. Statistik Deutschlands. [Grundriss d. 

theolog. Wiss., Reihe 2, B5.] 8». Freiburg i. B. 1899 

Pierce (Franklin), of N. Y. Federal usurpation. s8". N. Y. 1908 

Pierson (Arthur Tappan). George MiiUer of Bristol. Intr. 

by J. Wright. s8°. [1899] 

Pietrafitta (Ugonetto, conte di). La Seconda Spagna, [attr. to 

U. di P.] e I'Acquisto di Ponente ai tempi di Carlomagno,. 

[attr. to Aldolieri]. Testi di lingua ined. del s. 13 ; ±ratti 

da un ms. dell' Ambrosiana per A. Ceruti. 

sS". Bologna. 1871 
Pigafetta (Filippo). 
see Franklin (A.) Notice sur le plan de Paris de P., 1876. 
„ SociETB DB l'Hist. de Paris, etc. Mems., t2, F. P., 
Relation du sidge de Paris par Henri IV ; tr. A. Dufour, 
Pignolus (Lanfrancus), see CAFPARtis, de Taschifellone, for 

cont. of h. Annales Januenses by L. P. 
Pigou (Arthur Cecil). The policy of land taxation. 

[P1285]. 8°. 1909 
Fikering (John), see Pickering (J.) 
Pilgrim Fathers, see Masepibld( J.) e«Z., Chronicles of the P. F., 

Pilon (Germain), see Pichon {b. J.) Notes sur la Chapelle des 

Orfevres, renseignements ined. sur G. P., etc., 1883. 
Pimodan (Gal^iel de La Valine de Barecourt, m,arg. de). La 
mere des Guises : Antoinette de Bourbon, 1494-1583. 

8". 1889' 

Pinches (Theophilns Goldridge). The antiq^. found by Mr. 

H. Rassam at Abu-Habbah (Sippara). [Repr. f. Trans, of 

Soc. of Bibl. Arch. P1249]. 8°. 1884 

The Babylonian chronicle. [Repr. f. Journal of Roy. As.. 

Soc. P1249]. 8°. [1894] 

Inscribed Babylonian tablets. [Coll. of Sir H. Peek]. 

p2, 3, [pagin. cont. Half-titles only. P1271]. 4°. [c. 1890?] 
New version of the Creation-story. [Repr. f. Journal of 
Roy. As. Soc, 1891. P1249]. 8°. [1891] 

Notes on recent discoveries in Assyriology. [P1249]. 8°. [1892] 
Relig. ideas of the Babylonians. [P1249]. 8". n.d^ 

Ya & Yawa (Jah & Jahweh) in Assyro-Babylonian inscrip- 
tions. [ Repr. f. Proc. of Soc. of Bibl. Arch, no tp. P1249].. 

8°. [1892] 
Pindar. Scholia Vetera in P. Carmina. Rec. A. B. Drach- 
mann. 2v. 88°. L., Teubner. 1903-10 

1, Scholia in Olympionicas. 2, Scholia in Pythionicas. 

Pinsker (Simchah). Einltg. in d. babylon.-hebra. Punkta- 

tionssystem, nach d. im " Odessaer Mus. d. Gesellsohaft fiir 

Gesch. etc." befindl. Hss. bearbt. ; nebst e. Gramm. d.. 

hebra. Zahlworter (Jesod Mispar) v. Abraham ben Esra,- 

hrsg. u. comm. v. S. P. [In Hebrew. With Snd tp., in 

Hebrew. P1254]. 8°. Wien. 1863- 

*Pintura de un potro, see BaSuelos y de la Ceeda (L. db).. 

Libro de la jineta etc., 1877. 
Plot (Eugene), see Acad, des Insce. etc. : Fondation 

Pioi;. Fond. E. P., Mon^. etc., publ. par I'Acad., sous la. 

dir. de G. Perrot etc., tl-17, in prog., [tl cont. intr. : E. P.,. 

par G. Perrot], 1894-1909. 
Piozzi (Mrs. Hester Lynch), see Bboadley (A. M.) Dr. 

Johnson & Mrs. Thrale : incl. Mrs. T.'s unpubl. journal of 

the Welsh tour, 1774, etc., 1910. 
Piranesi (Giovanni Battista), see Samuel (A.) P., 1910. 
Pirenne (Henri), see Espinas (G.) & H. P. Ree. de doc^. rel... 

k I'hist. de I'industrie drapiere en Flandre, pi, t2, 1909. 
Pirk€ Abdth, see Ab6th. 

Pirou (Alexis), see ChaponniJire (P.) P., 1910. 
Pirci6 AbOth, see Ab6th. 
Firson (Jules). Le latin des formules merovingiennes & 

carolingiennes, see Romanisohe Forschungen, B26, 1909. 
Pisa. *Lamento di P. e la risposta si disse f^ lo Imperadore- 

a P., 1858, see PuciNO, da Pisa. 




Fisam. *Memorie istoriohe di piu uomini illustri pisani. 
[Pref. 0/ t2 signed D. G. B. F., t3 C. A., t4 M. A. ¥.]. 

4t. 4°. Pisa. 1790-2 
Pisani (Paul). L'^glise de Paris et la Revolution. [Bibl. 
d'Hist. Relig.]. 

tl-3 [1, 1789-92. 2, 1792-6. 3, 1796-99]. sS". 1908-10 
Pischel (Richard). 
see Dbtttsohe Morgenland. Gesbllschaft. Die Deutsche 
Morgenland. Gesellsohaft, e. Uberbliok, gegeben v. P. 
etc., 1895. 
„ ScHULZE (W.) Gedachtnisrede auf R. P., 1909. 
Pischon (Call Nathanal). Der Einfluss d. Islam auf d. hausl., 
sociale u. polit. Leben s. Bekenner. [P1252]. 8°. L. 1881 
Fiscicelli (Mauiizio). Nel paese dei Bango-Bango. 

la8o. Napoli. [1910?] 
PissailO (Camille), see Meieb-Grafb (J.) Impressionisten : 

C. P., etc., 1907. 
Pistolesi. *Istorie pistolesi ovvero delle cose avvenute in 
Toscana dall' anno 1300 al 1348, [aitrib. to Zanobio, canon 
of Pistoja, it to L. B. Monaldesco] ; e Diario del Monaldi. 
[Ed. A. M. Biscioni ; w. notes by the editor, R. Martini tSs 
J. Corbinelli}. s4°. Firenze. 1733 

.471 earlier ed. of the Ist. pistolesi ufas publ. in 1578 w. t. Istoria delle 
cose avvenute in Toscana dall' anno 1300 al 1348, etc. 

Pitaval (Der) d. Gegenwart. Almanaob interessanter Straf- 
falle. Hrsg. v. R. Frank, 6. Roscher, H. Schmidt. 

Bl-6; [in prog.]. 8°. L., [S Tiibingen]. 1904^11 
Pitocco (Limerno) ps., see Folenoo (T.) 
*Pitture (Le) del Quartiere di Papa Leone in Palazzo Vecchio, 
1861, see Florence. 
Pius n, pope. Die Gesoh. Kaiser Friedrichs 111. ; fibers, v. 
T. Ilgen, 2H, see Gbsohiohtsohkbibeb (Die) d. deut. 
Vorzeit, 2« Gesammtausg., B88, 89, 1899. 
Pius Vn, pope, see Rinieri (I.) Napoleone e P. VII, 1804-13, 

2v, 1906. 
Pius X, pope [Giuseppe Saeto], see Pbrnot (M.) La poht. 

de P. X, 1906-10, 1910. 

Platen (August, Graf v.), 1796-1836. Der Biiefwechsel. 

Hrsg. V. L. V. Soheffler u. P. Bornstein. Bl. 8°. Munchen. 1911 

Platina (Baptista), Gremonensis. La hist. d. vite de' pontefici, 

sino a Paolo II ; con le uite de gli altri pontefici sequenti 

sino a Pio III, dal H. Panuinio. s4o. [Venetia. 1563] 

Plato. Five dialogues of P. bearing on poetic inspiration. 

FTr. bv Shelley, etc. ; intr. by A. D. Lindsay. Everyman's 

lib. : Plato, vl]. s8°. [1910] 

Socratic discourses by P. & Xenophon. [Tr. by J. S. Watson, 

etc. ; intr. bv A. D. Lindsay. Everyman's Lib. : Plato, 

t2] s8°. [1910] 

Symposium. Ed., w. intr., etc., by R. G. Bury. 8°. C. 1909 

see KuHN (C.) De dialectica Platonis, 1843. 

„ Pater (W. H.) P. & Platonism, 1910. 

Schmidt (H.) P. Kratylus im Zusammenhange dar- 

gesteUt, etc., 1869. 

Piatt (Hugh E. P.) A last ramble in the Classics. sS". 0. 1906 

With " Index to proverbial phrases." This tndex 

also covers the a.'s previous work "Byways in the 

Plattard (Jean). L'oeuvre de Rabelais. 8°. 1910 

Platter (Thomas), the younger. Descr. de Paris, 1599 : pul)l- 

L. Sieber, see SociiT* de l'Hist. de Paris, etc. M6ms., 

t23, 1896. 
Plautus (Titus MaCCius). Aulularia. With notes & an intr 

by W. Wagner. 2nd ed., re-wr. sS". C. 1876 

Menaechmei. With notes crit. & exeget. & ^^g/^^^'^ig;! 

Trinummur' With notes, crit. & exeget., by W. Wagner 

2nd ed., rev. & em. sS". l.^. i-oia 
*ce Schroder (P.) Die phoniz. Sprache, mW <*• Anl'^-ng 5 
Erklarung d. pun. Stellen im Ponulus d. P., 1869. 
Wex (F. C.) De Punicis Plautinis, 1839. 
Playfair (major Alan) 

PlJviah?^'(Lvon Playfair, 1st baron). On teaching universities 
"'f eTaSg bod^s.' 3rd ed., w. ref. to Ins^,^--^^^^^^^^ 

tion. .„ "^ 

Plekhanov (Georgy). B. r. bi!.hhck.b.^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^ 

Plfeent (Charles). Le culex : poeme pseudo-Virgilien. ^Ed. 
crit. & explic. par G. P. 

The Garos. Introd. by Sir J. B. 
8°. 1909 

Plesser (Alois) & H. Tietze. Die Denkmale d. polit. Bezirkes 
Poggstall. Bearb. v. A. P. u. H. T., mit Beitragen v. J. 
Bayer u. H. Sitte. [Osterreioh. Kunsttopog., 4]. 

4". Wien. 1910 
Plessis (R. Yve), see Yve-Plessis (R.) 
Pliny, the elder, 
see Laurie (A. P.) Greek & Roman methods of painting : 

comments on statements by P. etc., 1910. 
„ Turner (W.) T. on birds : birds noticed by P., etc. ; 
ed., by A. H. Evans, 1903. 
Flumard de Dangeul (— ), [ps. Sir John Nickolls], see 

NiCKOLLS {Sir J.) ps. 
Plumer (William), see Newcastle (M. C, duchess of). Letters 
wr. by Lamb's " princely woman, M. Newcastle " ; by h. 
" fine old whig " W. P. to the 3rd Duke of Portland & 
Ld. W. Bentinok, etc., 1909. 
Plummer (Alfred). The Church of Eng. in the 18th cent. 

s8°. [1910] 
Plummer (Charles). Vitse sanctorum Hibernise, partim hac- 
tenus ined., recog. proleg. notis etc. instr. C. P. 

2t. 80. 0. 1910 

Flunket (Oliver), E.G. abp. of Armagh, see Reily (H.) 

Ireland's case briefly stated ; annex'd. The last speech 

etc. of 0. P., 2p, 1695-1720. 

Plunkett (_Bt. Hon. Sir Horace Curzon). The rural life 

problem of the United States. s8<>. N.Y. 1910 

Plutarch, see Horkel (J.) Die Romerkriege aus P., etc. ; 

fibers. V. H., 2^ A., 1884. 
Podmore (Prank). The newer spiritualism. 8». 1910 

Poe (Edgar Allan), see Ransome (A.) E. A. P., 1910. 
PoetsB. P. Latini minores, v2 i, 1911, see BXhrens (E.), ed. 
P. Latini minores ; notis iUust. N. E. Lemaire, 1824-6, see 
Lemaire (N. E.) 
Poggiali (Gtaetano Domenico). 
see Novellb. N. di alcuni autori fiorentini ; [rev. repr. of 
G. D. P.'s ed.], 1815. 

„ N. di autori senesi ; [rev. repr. of G. D. P.'s ed.], 


Pohlde. Die Jahrbfioher v. P., [aUrib. to Theodorus Pali- 

densis] ; fibers, v. E. Winkelmann, 2« A., neu bearbt. v. 

W. Wattenbach, see Geschichtsohrbiber (Die) d. deut. 

Vorzeit, 2" Gesammtausg., B61, 1894. 

Poincare (Henri). Savants et ecrivains. 38°. [1910?] 

Poinssot (L.), see Merlin (A.) & L. P. Bronzes trouves en 

mer pres de Mahdia, 1909. 
Polano (Pietro Soave), see Sabpi (Fra Paolo). 
Pole (Card. Reginald), see Hailb (M.) Life of R. P., 1910. 
Polemes (J5annes). Aiipa. 'hvOoKoyia. s8». iv 'ASiivais. 1910 
Politics [Politicks]. *The politicks on both sides, w. regard 

to for. affairs, 2nd ed., 1734, see Bath (W. P., earl of). 
Poliziano (Angelo). Le stanze, I'Orfeo e le rime. Rivedute 
e illust. con annot. [& disoorso] da G. Carducci. 

s8». Firenze. 1863 
see Del Lunoo (I.) L' Orfeo del P. alia corte di Mantova, 
1881. , 

La patria e gli antenati d'A. P., 1870. 

Uno scolare deUo Studio fiorentino nel sec. 15 

[i.e. A. P.], 1869. 
PoUaJuolo (Simon iel),surnamed II Gronaca [tPoLLAioLOj, see 

Faericzy (C. v.) S. del P., 1906. 
Pollak (Gustav). The hygiene of the soul: memoiB of a 
physician & philosopher [i.e. E., Frhr. v. Feuchtersleben]. 
^ ^ sS". N.Y. 1910 

Pollard (Albert Frederick). History of Eng., 1547-1603. 
[Polit. Hist, of Eng., v6]. 8°. 1910 

Pollard (Alfred WUliam). 
see Bible : Complete Texts, etc. Bpistole et Evang. & 
Lectioni volgari in lingua toscana, 1495 ; w. tables & 
intr. by A. W. P., 1910. 
Hawkins (R. C.) Cat. of bks. mostly f. presses of first 

printers, coll. by H., cat. by P., 1910. 

Morgan (J. P.) Cat. of MSS. & early pr. books, p, 

" Ub of M. : early pr. books, ed. A. W. P., 3v, 1907. 

PoUnitz (Carl Ludwig, Frhr. v.) *Amusemens des eaux 

d'Aix-la-Chanelle. Par I'auteur des Amusemens des eaux 

^g gpa, 3t. sS". Amsterdam. 1736 

Polovtzov (Aleksandr Aleksandrovich). 4oHecenin tpaBuyscKHXT. 

iipoicTaBHTejiea npn pyccKOiii. ABop*. ( Corr. diplomat, des ambas- 

sadeurs etc. 1814-30), t3, in prog., 1908, see Impbratorskob 

RussK. 1st. Obsch. Sbomik. 





Polycletus, the scvlptor, see Mahleb (A.) P. u. s. Schule, 1902. 
Pompeii. Pompeianisohe Wandinsohriften u. Verwandtes ; 

ausgewahlt v. E. DieU, 1910, see Dibhl (E.) 
Pomponatius (Petrus), see Douglas (A. H.) Phil. & psycho- 
logy of P. P. ; ed. C. Douglas & R. P. Hardie, 1910. 
Pomponazzi (Pietro), see Pomponatius (P.) 
Pomponius (Sextus). Fragm. S. P. ; cura E. Booking, see 

Corpus iuris Romani Anteiustiniani, faso. 1, 1841. 
Poniatouia (Christina), see Poniatowska (K.) 
Poniatowska (Krystyna) [Poniatonia (Chkistina)]. The 

Hves, prophecies, etc., of C. Kotterus & C. P. ; pr. f. the 

orig., publ. 1664, see Kottbk (C.) 
Pontalis (Eugene Lefevre-), see Lef^jvee-Pontalis (E.) 
Pontani (Craspare). II diario romano di G. P., gia riferito al 

" Notaio del Nantiporto," 1481-92 ; a cura di D. Toni, 

see MuRATORi (L. A.) Rer. Ital. sor., n. ed., t3 ii, 1907. 
Ponten (Josef), see Rbthel (A.) A. R. Werke in 300 Abbild 

ungen ; hrsg., [mit s. Leben u. s. Kunst] v. J. P., 1911. 
Pool (Robert) & J. Cash. Views of public buildings, monu 

ments & other edifices in the city of Dublin, w. hist, descr" 

40. D. 1780 
Poole (Reginald Lane), see Hunt (W.) & R. L. P. Polit. hist. 

of Eng. ; ed. W. H. & R. L. P., v6, 8, 1910. 
Pope (Geoige Uglow), see British Museum : Printed Books 

Tamil books ; comp. by L. D. Barnett & G. U. P. 

Popery. *The ax laid to the root of p., 1744, see Du Ludb 

(J. DE D., cte.) 
Popovici (Criuseppe). Nuove postille al Dizionario d. colonie 

rumene d'Istria [by A. Byhan], see Monaci (E.) Studj di 

filol. rom., v9, 1901-3. 
Porcellet (Philippine de), Dame d'Artignosc, see Doucblina, 

St. La vie de Ste. D., composee au 13« s. en langue proven- 

9ale [by P. de P.?] ; publ., etc. par J. H. Alban6s, 1879. 
Porphyrins (Publilius Optatianus), see Lemaire (N. E.) 

Poetae Lat. minores, vl, 1824. 
Porphyry, the -philosopher, see Aristotle. 'Apia-roTsK-ns. A. 

Opera omnia ; rec, etc., J. T. Buhle ; [vl, P. Isagoge], 

Porreno (Baltasar). Hist, del senor D. Juan de Austria. 

[Ed. A. Rodriguez Villa]. Publ. la Soc. de BibUofilos 

Espanoles. 8". 1899 

Port (C^lestin). Diet, hist., geog. & biog. de Maine-et-Loire. 

3t. laSo. 1876-8 
Portillo y Sosa (J. del), see Del Portillo y Sosa (J.) 
Porto Rico, see also Puerto Rico. 
Portugal ^eter, constable of), b. 14S9, see Peter, constable 

of P. 
Post Boy, [London], see Post-Man (The). 
Postgate (John Percival). Dead language & dead languages ; 

w. spec. ref. to Latin. Inaug. lect., Univ. of Liverpool, 

Dec. 10, 1909. [b.w.h. How to pronounce Latin, 1909]. 

8». 1910 

How to pronounce Latin. 3rd ed. 8°. 1909 

Posthumus (N. W.) Bronnen t»t de gesch. v. de Leidsche 

textielnijverheid, verzameld door N. W. P. [Rijks Gesch. 

Publ., uitg. in opdracht v. d. Min. v. Binnenland. Zaken, 8]. 
dl, 1333-1480. 40. 's-Gravenhage. 1910 
Post-Man (The), & The historical account, etc. 

Jan. 1, 1698-April 24, 1729, in 6v. fol. 1698-1729 
No. 1 {1694) was called Account of the Public Transac- 
tions in Christendom, it was then cont. as Historical 
Account of the P. T. in C. until 1695, when it became the 
P.-M., etc. Many parts are wanting, some of which have 
been replaced by The Flying Post, The Post Boy, The 
Daily Courant, <fc 0. periodicals. 
Potro. *Pintura de un potro, see Banuelos y de la Cerda 

(L. de). Libro de la jineta etc., 1877. 
Potter OVIary Knight). The art of the Vatican. sS". 1906 

Pottier (Edmond). 

For the following see AoAD. D. Insor. etc.: Fond. Piot. 


Vne clinique grecque au 6" sifecle : vase attique de la coll. Peytel, 1906. [13.] 

Cratire grec, Louvre, 1894. [1.] 

Deux coupes k fond blanc de style attique, Louvre, 1895. [2.] 

Epilykos : ctoamique grecque [2p], 1902-3. [9, lO.] 

Tite arehaique de terre cuite, Louvre, 1899. [6.] 

Trois figurines de terre cuite, Louvre, 1895. [2.] 

Vases peints grecs h. sujets hom6riques, 1909. [16.] 

Pouchenot (Marius). Le budget communal de Besangon au 
d6but du I8e s. [H. E., 184]. 8°. 1910 

Pougin (Arthur). Musiciens du 19« s. : Auber — Rossini — 

Donizetti— A. Thomas — Verdi — Gounod — V. Mass6— Reyer 

— L. Delibea. sS". 1911 

Poulsen (Frederick). Fragm. d'un vase funeraire decouvert 

a D^os, see Acad, des Insck. etc. : Fond. Piot. Mon». 

etc., tl6, 1909. 
Poulton (Edward Bagnall). Charles Darwin & the Origin of 

Species. Addresses, etc. 8". 1909 

J. V. Jones & o. Oxford memories. 8°. 1911 

Pound (Ezra). The spirit of romance : charm of the pre- 

Renaissance lit. of Latin Europe. 8". n.d. 

Poupardin (Ren6). Cartulaire de St. -Vincent de Laon : 

analyse et pieces ined. ; [publ.] R. P., 1902, see Saint- 
Vincent de Laon. 
Pourot (Paul). Tolede, son hist., ses Mgendes, ses monuments. 

s8o. 1910 
Powell (Edgar). A Suffolk Hundred in 1283 : assessment of 

the Hundred of Blackbourne, etc. ; ed. E. P., 1910, see 

Powell (Ellis Thomas). Practical notes on management of 

elections : 3 led', on Pari, election law & practice. 8°. 1910 
Powell (Frederick York). Some words on allegory in Eng., 

paper read 1895 ; added Foreword by [Sir] E. Clarke ; 

Reminiscences, by J. Todhunter, & table of dates, 1850- 

1904. [Sette of Odd Volumes, Opusc, 38]. s8°. p.p. 1910 
Poynting (J. H.) The pressure of light. s8». 1910 

Pozzetti (Fompilio). L. B. Alberti laudatus. Ace. comm. 

Italicus, quo vita ejusdem et scripta ined. monumentis 

illust. 40. Florentise. 1789 

Pozzo di Borgo (cte. Carlo Andrea), see Impeeatoeskob Russk. 

1st. Obsch. Sbornik, French ambassadors, t2, 3 (1817-20). 
Prachter (Carl). Richtungen u. Schulen im Neuplatonismus, 

see Robert (C.) C. R. : Genethliakon, 1910. 
Pradas (Daude de), see Daudb de Peadas. 
Pradel (Fritz). Grieoh. u. siidital. Gebete, Beschworungen u. 

Rezepte d. Mittelalters, hrsg. u. erklart v. P. [Religions- 

geschichtl. Versuche, etc. hrsg. v. A. Dieterich u. R. Wunsch, 

B3 iii.]. 8°. Giessen. 1907 

Prag. Jahrbticher v. P., see Cosmas, Pragens. Die Fortsetz- 

ungen d. C. [i.e. J. v. P., etc.] ; ubers. v. 6. Grandaur, 

Prank (Jacobus). De antiquis gentium Gothicarum insignibus 

dissertatio. [b.w. Schefierus (J.) De ant. regni Svecise 

insignibus, 1678]. s4". Londini Goth[orum]. 1697 

Pratese. *Bibliog. pratese, 1844, see Guasti (C.) 
Prato (Cesare da). R. viUa del Poggio Imperiale. [b.w. 

Baccini (G.) Le ville medicee di Cafaggiolo etc., 1897]. 

s8''. Firenze. 1895 
La Torre al Gallo e il suo panorama. Estr. dal giornale La 

vedetta. [b.w. Baccini (G.) Le ville medicee di Cafaggiolo 

etc., 1897]. s8o. Firenze. 1891 

Pratorius (G. F. Franz). tJber d. Herkunft d. hebra. Accente. 

8». 1901 
Pratt (Anne), aft. Mrs. John Pearless. The ferns of Great 

Britain, & their allies the club-mosses, pepperworts, & 

horsetails. 3rd ed. 8°. n.d. 

Pratt (Edwin A.) Irish railways & their nationalisation. 

[P1305]. 8°. 1910 
State railways. With a trans, of M. Peschaud's articles on 

" Les chemins de fer de I'Etat beige." s8°. 1907 

Praxiteles, see Klein (W.) P., 1898. 
Prayer-Book. The B. of C. P., pr. by Whitchurch, March 

1549, called The First Bk. of Edward VI. [Repr.] i°. 1844 
The B. of C. P., pr. by Whitchurch, 1552, called The Second 

Bk. of Edward VI. [Repr.] 4°. 1844 

The B. of C. P., called The First Bk. of Q. Elizabeth, pr. by 

Grafton, 1559. [Repr.] i°. 1844 

The B. of C. P., King James, 1604, called The Hampton Court 

Bk. 4". 1844 

The B. of C. P., as pr. at Edinburgh 1637, called Archbishop 

Lauds. [Repr.] 4". 1844 

The B. of C. P. [w. the Psalms'] as rev. & settled at Savoy 

Conference, 1662. Repr. 4°. 1844 

B. of C. P. f. orig. MS. attached to the Act of Uniformity of 

1662. With app., by J. Cornford. 8°. [1892] 

The B. of C. P., etc., together w. the Psalms. [Victoria]. 

40. 1844 
The B. of C. P., 1886, comp. w. the first P. B. of Edward VI, 

1549. Ed., w. intr., by W. Miles Myres ; pref. by bp. of 

Oxford. 8". 1887 


Prayer-Book [continued]. 
La liturgie, ou le Livre des pri^res publ., etc., cont. en outre le 

*Th!"Jf^'-l f.v, ^^ ,, s8o. Londres. 1863 

'ihe Spoils of the P.-Book." rP12581 8° 1866 

see Grimthoepb (E. B., baron). Difierences betw. first & 

last P.-b., n.d. 

„ Marshall (C.) & W. W. Marshall. The Latin P. B. of 
Charles II, 1882. 

Prediger, see Sankt Gborqen, abbey, Black Forest. Der 

sogenannte St. Georgener Prediger ; hrsg. v. K. Rieder, 

PremoU (Palmiro). II tesoro della Ungua itaUana. Vocabo- 

iario nomenolatore (spiega e suggerisce parole,, sinonimi, 

!..''■ ^ = .^ . ^1- 4°. Milano. [1909] 

Preservafaon of the Memorials of the Dead in Ireland, see 


Preston (Thomas), LL.D., 1537-98. Cambyses, King of 

Persia, [o. 1584. Tudor Facs. Texts ; J. S. Farmer] 
„ , _, 4:°. Issued for subs. 1910 

Preston Thomas (H.), see Thomas (H. P.) 
Preuschen (Erwin). Vollstandiges griech.-deut. Hdwbh. zu 
d. Schriften d. Neuen Testaments u. d. ubrigen urchristl. 
_ ^'*- „ la8'>. Giessen. 1910 

Prevention. P. of destitution. A Bill to provide for p. of 
d. & better organisation of pubhc assistance ; w. annota- 
tions by editors of " Poor-Law Officers' Journal." 
„ .,, [P1285]. s8". 1910 

Previt6-0rton (C. W.) Political satire in Eng. poetry. 

s8o. C. 1910 

Prevost (Vdbbe). Manon Lescaut. s8°. n.d. 

Prevost (G. A.) Armorial general de France (Edit de novembre 

1696) G^nerahte de Rouen. Publ. d'apres le ms., avec 

intr., notes & tables par G. A. P. [Soo. de I' Hist, de Nor- 

mandie]. 2t. 8°. Rouen. 1910 

Prevost (Marcel). Discours de reception h, I'Acad. Fr. \pn 

V. Sardou], 21 avr., 1910. [P1298]. 8°. 1910 

Feminites. s8". 1910 

Preyer (David C.) The art of the Netherland galleries : hist. 

of Dutch school of painting. sS". 1908 

Pribram (Alfred Francis). Osterreich. Staatsvertrage. Eng. 

Bearbt. v. A. F. P. [Komm. f. N. Gesch. Osterreiohs]. 

Bl, 1526-1748. ^8°. Innsbruck. 1907 
Priebsch (Robert), see Heiligb (Die) Regel fur e. vollkom- 

meues Leben ; hrsg. v. R. P., 1909. 
Primmer (Jacob). J. P. in Rome. 8°. Dunfermline. 1897 

Prince (Morton), see Mttnstbrberg (H.) Subconscious 

phenomena by H. M., etc. n.d. 
Priscianus, see Lbmaieb (N. E.) Poetae Lat. minores, v4, 


Privy Council. Acts of the' P. C. of Eng. Colonial ser. Ed. 

W. L. Grant, & J. Munro, under supervision of Sir. A. W. 

Fitzroy. s2, 3. 8°. Hereford. 1910 

v2, 1680-1720. v3, 1720-45. 

Prize. Reports of P. Cases, 1745-1859, 2v, 1905, see RoscoB 

(E. S.) ed. 
Problem. The p. of the feeble-minded ; abstract of rep. of 

Roy. Comm., 1909, see Fbeblb-mindbd. 
Proceedings. *P. of the House of Commons on passing Bills, 

1809, see Bramwell (G.) 
Proclus, Diadochus, see Orpheus. Orphioa ; rec. E. Abel, 

accedunt P. hymni, hymni magici, etc., 1885. 
Procopius, of OcBsarea. Gothenkrieg ; nebst Ausziigen aus 
Agathias, etc. ; fibers, v. D. Coste, see Gesohiohtschebibbr 
(Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2« Gesammtausg., B7, 1885. 
Vandalenkrieg ; ubers. v. D. Coste, see Gesohichtschrbibbe 
(Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2^ Gesammtausg., B6, 1885. 
Promis (Carlo), see Charles Albbet, h. of Sardinia, etc. 
*Mem. ed osservaz. s. guerra dell' indipendenza d' Italia nel 
1848-9 : [notes, by C. A., orig. in French ; tr. <fc ed., w. 
doc. etc., by C. P.], 1850. 
Promptus, ps. The principles of home defence. 8°. 1904 

Prophetical extracts. [Intr., <fc reprints']. 

no. [l]-5 [4p], in Iv. 8". 1794-5 

The vol. contains ip'. for the Intr. & for no. 2-5, but the 

pagin. of no. 2-3 is cont. Each reprint except the Intr. 

has also a sep. tp. 

Intr. Cont. an aco. of the Prophets of the Cevennes. By Sir B. Bulkeley. 

With the vision of Lewis XIV, [d; several prophemes]. 
The approaching Judgments of God upon the Roman Empire & Christen- 
dom; etc. Publ. J. M. Daut, 1710. Tr. B. Furly, 1711. 



Prophetical extracts [continued]. 

A cry f . the deiart, or, testimonials of the miraculous things lately come 
to pass in the Cevennes. [Coll. F. M. Mission ; tr. J. Lacy.] Pr. (. 
the original, publ. 1707. 

The lives, prophecies, etc., of C. Kotterus 6c 0. Ponlatonia. Pr. f. the 
original, publ. 1664. [With other prophedes.] 

^Proposals for erecting an office for advancing the value of 

blank lottery-tickets, 1710?, see Lottery-tickets. 
Protestant Watchman (The) : devoted to the dissemination 

of Protestant truth & loyal Orangeism. vl. 8°. D. 1848 

Protestants. "'P. doom in popish times. 

[no tp. P1286]. s4<'. [1689?] 
For a.c. see Somers, Tracts, v9. 
Protheroe (Ernest). Nobby's luck. 8°. n.d. 

Prou (Maurice). 
Manuel de pal^ographie lat. et fran^. 3^ ed. 8". 1910 

Album. S'' ed. 40. 1910 

see Saint Maur dbs Fossfis. Fragm. d'un obituaire de 
St. M.-des-F. ; publ. M. P., 1888. 
Proudhon (Pierre Joseph), see Marx (C.) The poverty of 

phil. ; a reply to La phil. de la misere of P., tr., 1910. 
Prouv6n$o, see Peovbnce. 
Provence [PEOtrvENgo]. Chants populaires de la P., rec. 

etc. par D. Arbaud, 1864, see Abbaijd (D.) 
Lou oansounie de la P., adouba pdr I'Escolo paris. dou 

Felibrige. 8°. Avignoun. n.d. 

Provenzale. *Trattato p. di penitenza ; [ed. C. de LoUis], see 

MoNACi (E.) Studj di filol. rom., v5, 1891. 
Providence, Rhode Island, see Annmary Brown Memorial, 

Prudeutius (Galindo), Saint, bp. of Troyes, see Saint-Bbetin, 

abbey of. Die Annalen v. St. B., [pS by P.] ; ilbers. v. 

J. V. Jasmund, 2" A., 1890. 
Prunieres (Henry). LuUy. [Les musiciens celebres]. 

s8o. [1910?] 
Prntz (Hans G.) Krit. Studien zifr Gesch. Jacques Coeurs 

des Kaufmanns v. Bourges, see Konigl. Akad. d. 

Wiss. zij MtJNCHEN. Philos.-philolog. Classe, Sitzungsber., 

Psychical, see Annals (The) of Psychical Science, 1906-10. 
Ptolemseus Lucensis [Baethom^us db Lucca ; Thole- 

M«us Lucensis]. Determinatio compendiosa de juris- 

dictione Imperii auct. anon ut videtur Tholomeo. Ed. 

M. Krammer. Accedit : Tract, anon De orig. ac translacione 

et statu Romani Imperii [also attr. to Ptolemceus Lucensis]. 

[Pontes Juris Germ. Antiqui]. 8°. Hannoverse. 1909 

Ptolemy, the geographer. Geographicse enarrationis, libri 

octo. Ex Bilibaldi Pirckeymheri , tralatione, a M. Villa- 
no vano recog., etc. Adiecta scholia, etc. Quinquaginta 

tabulse adnectuntur, etc. Aco. index, f ol. Prostant Lugduni 

apud H. a Porta ; [excudebat G. Trechsel, Viennse]. 1541 
Ptolemy, k. of Mauretania, see Heron de Villefossb (A.) 

Buste de P., 1895. 
Ptolemy, Saint, martyr at Memphis [Abtolmaous], see Nau 

(I'abbe F. ) Les legendes syriaques d' Aaron de Saroug, etc. — 

Les miracles de St. P. ; texte arabe ed. & tr. par L. Leroy, 

Publishers' Circular (The). Christmas no. 1903. laS". 1903 
Pubhus Terentius Varro, see Vaeeo (P. T.) 
Pucci (Antonio), poet. Lamento di Firenze per la perdita di 

Lucca, scritto nel sec. 14. [In verse. Ed. G. Carrara. 

Nozze Grotta-Chicca. P1278]. 8". Lucca. 1878 

Pucino, da Pisa [Puoino d' Antonio m Pucino]. ""Lamento 

di Pisa [by P.] e la risposta si disse fe lo Imperadore a Pisa. 

Poesie. 8". Pisa. 1858 

Puerto Rico [Porto Rico ; San Juan Bautista de P. R.]. 

*Hist. geografica, etc. de la isla de S. J., 1788, see Abb ad y 

Lasibrra (I.) 
Paget (Anne Nicole Godefroy), d. 1673, wife of P. Puget, see 

Caix de Saint-Aymoue (A., vte. db). Le mausolee des P. 

a Senlis, 1903. 
Puget (Pierre), d. 1674, see Caix de Saint-Aymoue (A., vte. 

de). Le mausol6e des P. a Senlis, 1903. 
Pulci (Luigi). Novella, see Novelle di alcuni autori fiorentini, 

Pulling (Frederic Sanders), see Cassbll, publisher. Diet, of 

Eng. hist. ; [ed.] S. J. Low & F. S. P., [rev. ed.], 1910. 
Pulteney (William), earl of Bath, see Bath (W. P., e. of). 
Punch, see Jeeeold (W.) D. J. &. " P.," 1910. 




Punnett (Reginald Crundall). Mendelism. s8<>. C. 1905 

Pursuits (The) of Ht., 16th ed., 1812, see Mathias (T. J.) 

Purves (George T.) Xty. in the ApostoHc Age. sS". 1900 

Pusgariu (Seztil), see Meteb-LtSbkb (W.) Prinzipienfragen 

d. roman. Sprachwiss., Tl, Zur Rekonstruktion des Ur- 

rumanisohen ; v. S. P., 1910. 

Pusey (Edward Bouverie). The Day of Judgement. A 

sermon. 2nd ed. [P1257]. 8°. 0. 1840 

The Minor Prophets ; w. a comm., & intr». 4°. 0. 1877 

„ „ Index, [b.w. the above]. 4°. 1891 

The Rule of faith, as maintained by the Fathers, & the Ch. 
of England : a sermon, [P1257]. 8°. 0. 1851 

Pushkin (AlexandrSergyeevlch). CoHHHeHia nymKHEa. Hsa. Hmh. 
AKa4. HayKi. tl, 2. [tl, h34. 2oe, npHroTOBHJt Ji. MaHKOBi.] 

laS". C.-u. 1900-5. 

1, JnpHiecKifl CTHxoTBopeHiii, 1812-17. 

2, „ „ 1818-20. 

Puteanus (Erycius) [Hbndeik van deb Puttbn ; Henri 
Dtr Ptty], see Simae (T.) Etude sur E. P. (1574-1646), 1909. 

Putten (Hendrik van der), see PtrTEANirs (E.) 

Pycraft (W. P.) The British Museum of Natural History 

(South Kensington). s8<>. [1910] 

A hist, of birds. With intr. by Sir Ray Lankester. 80. [1910] 

Pythagoras, see ScHUEfi (E.) P. & the Delphic Mysteries; 
tr., rev. ed., 1910. 





Qaro (Joseph), see Joseph, ben Ephraim Caro. 

Qoran, see Koban. 

Quakers. Extracts f. State Papers rel. to Friends. [Friends' 

Hist. Soo., Journal suppl., 8]. si, 1654-8. [Intr. hy 

K. A. Roberts]. 8°. 1910 

Qualichinus, fi. 1SS6, see Wiliohik. 
Quandt (Emil). Sacharja's Nachtgesicbte u. Morgenklange. 

Eine Auslegung d. prophet. Buohes Sacharja's. [, 

Weil (G.) Bibl. Legenden d. Muselmanner, 1845]. s8°. 1870 
Qnare [Quaie]. The q. of jelusy, see James I, k. of Scot. 

The Kingis quair, & The Quare of j. ; ed. w. intr., etc. A. 

Lawson, 1910. 
Quedlinbuig. Die Jahrbiicher v. Q. ; ubers. v. E. Winkelmanu, 

2^ A., neu bearbt. v. W. Watteubach, see Gbschioht- 

SCHBEIBBB (Dib) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2^ Gesammtausg., B36, 

Queen. The Queen's Majesty's entertainment at Woodstock, 

1575, 1910, see Woodstock. 

Queen's College, Oalway. Calendar, 1904-5. s8°. D. 1905 

Quellen und Untersuchungen zur Gesch. d. Hauses Hohen- 

zoUern ; hrsg. E. Berner, 9B, 1901-8, see Bebnbb (E.) 
QueHenkunde zur Weltgesch. ; bearbt. u. hrsg. v. P. Herre, 

1910, see Hbbbb (P.) 
Quentin-Banchart (Pierre). Les chroniques du chateau de 
Compi^gne. s4o. [1910?] 

Quercius (Nicolaus), see GirBBCitrs (N.) 

Querido (I.) Toil of men. [Tr. F. S. Arnold]. sS". [1909] 

QuUichinus, f,. 1X36, see Wilichin. 
Quiller-Couch (Arthur Thomas). From a Cornish window. 

s8». Bristol. 1906 
The Oxford book of ballads. Chosen & ed. by A. Q.-O. 

sS". 0. 1910 
Quintana (Manuel Jos6), see Blanco (B.) Quintana, s. ideas 

pedagogioas, etc., 1910. 
Quinton (R. F.), M.D. Crime & criminals, 1876-1910. 

S80. 1910 

J ' J ,'/ jfj>-!' 





Raabe (An^eas). Das Buch Ruth u. das Hohe Lied; im 
Urtext behandelt, ubers. etc. v. R. [P1252] S° L 1879 

Gememsohaftl Gramm. d. arisohen u. d. seiuit. Sprachen. 
Vorau e. Darlegung d. Entstehung d. Alfabets 

Rabelais (E^angois). [P1254]. 8o. L. 1874 

see Plattabd (J.) L'oeuvre de R., 1910 

„ Spitzer(L) Die Wortbildung als stiiist. Mittel exemplif . 
an R., 1910. '^ 

Rabusson (Henry). Le frein. sgo rigiQi 

Raccolta. [R. de' novellieri ital.]. 

[vl-17, 20-26]. s8°. Milano. 1813-6 
see Bandello (M.) Novelle, 
1813-4. [1-9.] 

„ Boccaccio (G.) U Deca- 
meron, 1816. [23-26.] 
„ De' Mobi (A.) Novelle, 
1814. [12.] 

Ebizzo (S. ) Le sei gior- 

see Novelle. N. di alcuni 

autori fiorentini, 1815. 


.. N. di autori senesi, 

1815. [14, 15.] 

„ Pakabosco (G.) I di- 

porti, 1814. [10.] 

„ Sacchetti(F.) Novelle, 

1815. [20-22.] 

4v. s4". Palermo. 1817 
Autour d'un R. 

nate, etc., 1814. [11.] 

„ Giovanni (Ser), Fioren- 

tino. IlPecorone, 1815. 

[16, 17.] 

R. di rime antiche toscane. 

Racine (Jean), see Masson-Fobestieb (A.) 

ignore, 1910. 
Rackham (Richard Belward). The Acts of the Apostles. 

An exposition. [Westminster Commentaries]. 

4th ed. 8°. [1909] 
Racowitza (Frau Helene v.) [Princess H. v. R.]. Autobio- 
graphy. Tr. C. Mar. s°. 1910 
RadclifEe- Whitehead (Ralph). Pictures for schools. [Arrows 

of the dawn, 3. P1291]. 8o. Montecito. 1901 

Radetzky {Fddmarschall Graf), see Lirzio (A.) Studi e 

bozzetti di storia lett. e polit., v2, [ore R., etc.], 1910. 
Radford (Lewis Bostock), see Collins (W. E.) Typical Eng. 

Churchmen, s2, Card. Beaufort, by L. B. R., 1909. 
Radot (Robert Vallery), see Valleby-Radot (R.) 
R&dulescu-Codin (C.) & D. Mihalache. Sarbatorile poporului 

cu obiceiurile, etc. [Academia Romana. Din viea^a pop. 

roman, v7]. 8°. 1909 

Radv4nszky (Baron Bela) & L. Zivodszky. A Hedervary- 

csalad okleveltara, [1231-1526]. 

[M. Tud. A.], kotet 1. 8". 1909 

„ „ Oklevel-hasonmasok. 8°. 1909 

Raffalovitch (Arthur). Annee econ. & financiere 1909-10 : 

le marche financier. 8". 1910 

Ragewin [Rahewin]. Eortsetzung d. Thaten Eriedrichs v. 

Otto V. Freising ; fibers, v. Horst Kohl, see Gesohicht- 

SCHBBIBEE (Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2^ Gesammtausg., B60, 

Raimbaut, de Vaqueiras, see Rambaitd, de Vaqueiras. 
Raimond (C. E.) ps. The Florentine frame. s8°. 1909 

Raimund (Ferdinand). Werke. Hrsg., mit Einltg. u. Anmerk- 

ungen ver^ehen, v. R. Ffirst. 3T in Iv. s8". n.d. 

1, Der Barometermacher — Der Diamant d. Geisterkonigs — Das Madchen 

aus d Feenwelt. 
?, Moisaaurs Zauberfluch— Die gefeaselte Phantasie— Der AlpenkBnig u. 

d. Menschenfeind, 
3, Die unheilbringende Krone— Der Verschwender— Vermischte Sohrif- 


Raine (Allen) ps. Of the wings of the wind. sS". 1903 

Rainer, arcMuhe of Austria; I. 18S7, see Nylandeb (C. U.) 
Om Papyrus Rainer, 1890. 

Rainerns, mon. 8. Jacdbi Leod. [Reineb, v. St. Jacob}, see 
Sankt Jacob, abbey of, Liege. Die Jahrbucher v. St. J. — 
Die Jahrbucher R. ; fibers, v. C. Platner, 1896. 

•Rainy (Robert), see Simpson (P. C.) The life of R., 1909. 

Rajna (Pio). 
see MoNACi (E.) Studj di fllol. rom., v2, P. R., Osserv. 
sull' Alba bilingue del Cod. Regina 1462, 1887. 

Rajna (Pio) 

see MoNAOi (E.) [cant.]. Studj di filol. rom., v5, P. R., Un 
frammento di un codice perduto di poesie provenzali, 1891. 

>, Studj di filol. rom., v5, P. R., Tre studi per la 

storia del libro di Andrea Cappellano, 1891. 
„ "'Rbali (I.) di Francia, vl, Rioerhe [sic] intorno ai R. di 
F. per P. R., 1872. 
Raleigh (Walter), M.A. Six essays on Johnson. 8°. 0. 1910 
Ramage (Crauhird Tait). The nooks & by-ways of Italy. 

8°. Liv'l. 1868 

Rambaud, de Vaqueiras [Raimbaut]. II contrasto bilingue 

di R. de V. secondo un nuovo testo ; [ed. V. Cresoini], see 

MoNACi (E.) Studj di filol. rom., v8, 1901. , 

Ramsay (Sir William Mitchell). Pictures oiE the Apostolic 

Church, its life & teaching. 8o. 1910 

Ramstrom (Martin). E. Swedenborg's investigations in 

natural science & the basis for h. statements cone, the 

functions of the brain. [Kungl. Vetenskaps Soc. i Uppsala]. 

Ia8». Uppsala. 1910 
Rangachari (K.), see Thubston (E.) Castes &; tribes of 

Southern India ; by E. T., assisted by K. R., 1909. 
Ranieri (Antonio). Delia storia d' Italia dal 5 al 9 secolo. 

8". Brusselle. 1841 
Ranke (Leopold von), see Dietheb (0.) L. v. R. als Politiker : 

hist.-psycholog. Studie, 1911. 

Ransome (Arthur). E. A. Poe : a crit. study. 8°. 1910 

Raoul, de Houdenc. Samthche Werke, hrsg. v. M. Fried- 

wagner. B2, La vengeance Raguidel. 8". Halle a. S. 1909 

Rapports. R. au Ministre [de I'lnstruction Publique], 1839; 

1874, see Feanob : Doc. ined. 

R. au Roi et pieces [by F. P. G. Guizot. no tp. Doc=. in^d.]. 

4». [1835] 

Rasos (Las) de trobar, 1885-7, see Vidal db Bbsal^t (R.) 

Rathery (E. 3, B.) Influence de 1' Italic sur les lettres franf., 

dep. le XIIP s. jusqu'au regne de Louis XIV. 8". 1853 

Ratti (Achille), see Pbtbabch. P. e la Lombardia ; coUabor., 

A. R., etc., 1904. 

Rauch (Fedor v.), the elder, b. 18SS. Briefe aus d. grossen 

Hauptquartier der Feldzuge 1866 u. 1870/1 an die Gattin 

v. F. V. R. Hrsg. v. F. v. Rauch. . 8». 1911 

Rantenstrauch (Luis Montoto y), see Montoto y Rautbn- 

STEAirCH (L.) 

Ravenscroft (W.) The Comacines, their predecessors & th. 

successors. s8°. 1910 

Rawson (Mrs. Maud Stepney). Bess of Hardwick & her 

circle. 8". 1910 

Ray Society. 

see Aldbb (J.) & A. Hancock. Brit, nudibranchiate 

MoUusca, p8 (Suppl.), 1910. 
„ Bowbebank (J. S.) [Letter] to the members of the 

R. S., 1861. 
„ Macintosh (W. C.) A monograph of the Brit. Annelids, 
v2, p2, 1910. 
R4y (Praphulla Chandra). A hist, of Hindu chemistry f. 
earliest times to middle of 16th c. With Sanskrit texts, 
tr., etc. 

v2. [The Sanskrit texts have sep. pagin.]. s8". Calcutta. 1909 
Raymond de Mormoiron (Esprit de), comte de ModHe, see 
Chabdon (E. H.) Nouv. docs, sur la vie de Moliere : 
M. de Modene, etc., 2t, 1886-1905. 
Razzi (Seraflno). La storia di Ragusa. Prec. dagli appunti 
biog.-critici del Pr. L. Ferretti ; con intr., etc. del prof. 
G. Gelcich. 8". Ragusa. 1903 

Conts. Descriptio sinus & urbis Ascriviensis per J. Bonam 
de Boliris, in verse, w. sep. pagin. 
Read (Carveth). Natural & social morals. 8°. 1909 

Read (Conyers), see Baedon Papbbs : doc^. rel. to the im- 
prisonment & trial of Mary, Q. of Scots ; ed. C. R., 
Reade (W. Winwood). The martyrdom of man. 18th ed., 
w. an introd. by F. Legge. sS". 1910 




Readers' (The) Review : monthly guide to books & reading. 
[Publ. by Nat. Home-Reading Union, etc.]. 

vl, Feb., 1908-Jan., 1909. 8". 1909 
Real Academia de la Historia [Madrid], 
see AzoAEATE (G. db). Disoursos leidos en la recepcion d. 

G. de A., 1910. 

„ Danvila V BtrEGTJEBO (A.) Diplomat, espan. : Don 

C. de Moura, marq. de Castel Rodrigo, 1538-1613, 1900. 

Real Academia Espanola. Novisimo dice, de la lengua castel- 

lana. Publ. por la Acad. E. ; anadidas, augm. con un 

suplemento y seguido del dice, de sinonimos de P. M. de 

Olive y del dice, de la rima de J. Penalver, [w. sep. tp'. <b 

pagint]. 4°. Paris. 1896 

see Alcazab (B. del). Poesias ; ed. de la R. A. E., 1910. 

„ Alfonso X, k. of Castile cfc Leon. Cantigas de Santa 

Maria, 2v, 1889. 
„ Feenandbz-Guerra y Oebe (A.) El fuero de Avil^s ; 

disc, leido en junta publ. de la R. A. E., 1865. 
„ Fernandez-Gtterea y Obbe (L.) J. R. de Alarcon y 

Mendoza, 1871. 
„ Rtteda (L. db). Obras, 2t, 1908. 
Reali. *Li r. di Francia. 

ed. novissima, corretta. 8°. Venezia. 1781 
*I r. di Francia. vl, 2 i. 8». Bologna. 1872-92 

1, I U. di F. : Ricerhe [sic] intorno ai B,. di F. per Pio Eajna, seguite dal 
lib. d. storie di Fioravante e dal cantare di Bovo d'Antona. 

2 i, I it. di F. di Andrea da Barberino. Testo crit. per cura di G. 

Recamier (Mme. Jeanne F. J. Adelaide), see Beatjnieb (A.) 

Trois amies de Chateaubriand : Mme. R., 1910. 
Recherches hist, et docs, sur Avignon, le Comtat-Venaissin et 

la principaute d'Orange, tl-3, 1908-9, see Societe des 

Reoher. Hist, de Vaucl-use. 
Reck (J. St.) Gesch. d. grafl. u. furstl. Hauser Isenburg, 

Runkel, Wied, verbunden mit d. Gesch. d. Rheinthals zw. 

Koblenz u. Andernach. 4°. Weimar. 1825 

Record Office (Public). Lists & indexes. 

No. 4. New & rev. ed. ; 31-34. fol. 1909-10 
4, List of plea rolls of various courts in P.R.O., 1910. 

31, Inquisitions, v3, James I. 

32 i, ii, Placita de Banco, 1327-8. 2p, \pagin. cont.]. 

33, Inquisitions, v4, Charles I & later, w. apps. 

34, List of orig. ministers' accounts in the P.K.O., p2. 

Recaeil. R. d'annales angevines et vendomoises, publ. par 
L. Halphen, 1903, see Annalbs. 
R. de diverges pieces, servant a I'hist. de Henry III, roy de 

France, 1663, see Henry III, h. of France. 

R. des historiens de la France. Publ. par I'Acad. des Inscr. 

et BeUes-Lettres. [In prog.]. 4". 1909 

Obituaires. t3. Obituaires de la Province de Sens, t3 (Diocfeses d'Orl^ans, 

d'Auxerre & de Nevers) ; publ. par A. Vidier & L, Mirot, sous la dir. 

& avec une pr^f. de M. A. Longnon. 

Redmond (John E.) Home Rule : speeches. Ed., w. intr. by 
R. B. O'Brien. 8°. 1910 

see Redmond-Howard (L. G.) J. R., 1910. 

Redmond-Howard (L. G.) J. Redmond : biog. study in Irish 
politics. 8». 1910 

Redpath (Henry Adeney). The Book of the Prophet Ezekiel. 
Intr. & notes by H. A. R. [Westminster comm.]. 8°. 1907 
*Reduction (The) of Ireland to the crown of England, 1675, 
see BoRLAOE (E.) 

Reed (Charles B.) The first great Canadian : story of P. 
Le Moyne, sieur d'IberviUe. 8°. Chicago. 1910 

Rees (<S*> John David), .ff.C./.^'. Modern India. s8». 1910 

Reese (Albert M.) Development of brain of American alliga- 
tor : the paraphysis & hypophysis, 1910, see Smithsonian 
Instit. Misc. coUs., v54, 1910. 
The development of the Amer. alligator, 1908, see Smith- 
sonian Instit. Misc. coUs., v51, 1910. 

Reeves (E. A.), F.R.A.8. Hints to travellers. Ed. for 
Royal Geog. Soc. by A. E. R. 2v. 9th ed., enl. s8<'. 1906 

Reeves (Hon. William Pember). New Zealand. [Story of 
the Empire : ed. H. A. Kennedy]. 2nd ed. sS". n.d. 

Reference. *R. cat. of current Ut. 

3v, [vl Index]. 8°. J. Whitaker. 1910 

Reflexions. R. sur les grands hommes, n. ed., 1776, see 
Deslandes (A. F. B.) 

Regesta Pontificum Romanorum ; congessit P. F. Kehr, 
Itaha Pontificia, v2-4, 1907-9, see Kbhb (P. F.) 

Reggio (Cesare d'Este, duke of), see Este (C. d'). 

Reggio (Virginia d'Este, duchess of), see Medici (V. de'). 

Regia Deputazione sovra gli Studi di Storia Patria per le Antiche 
Provincie e la Lombaidia. Biblioteca di storia ital. reoente, 
1800-50 [70]. 3v. laS". Torino. 1907-10 

Corboli Bussi (,Monsignor G.) L'opinione relig. e conservatrice in Italia, 

1830-60, ricercata n. corr. etc. di G. C. B. ; [ed. A. Manno]. [3.] 

Degli Alberti (M.) Piemonte e Piemontesi sotto il primo impero, [w. 

Epistolario del marchese C. E. Ferrero della Marmora dur. le cam- 

pagne napoleoniche], [2.] 

Gallavresl (G.) Lettere dirette al cte. di Montalembert dai suoi corrispon- 

denti piemontesi ; [fid. G. G.]. [2.] 

La Marmora (gen. marchese C. E.) Alcuni episodi del risorgimento ital. 

illust. con lettere e mem. ined. del gen. C. E. F. della M. ; [ed. M. 

Degli Alberti]. [1.] 

Manno (A.) Aneddoti doc. a. censura in Piemonte d. restaurazione alia 

costituzione. [1.] 

Neri(A.) La soppressione dell' "Indicatore genovese." [3.] 

Sforza (G.) L'indennitk ai Giacobini piemontesi perseguitati e dan- 

neggiati, 1800-2. [2.] 

Tellucoini (A.) Le spoglie mortal! del principe Tommaso de Savoia- 

Carignano gi^ attrib. al cte. Bonifacio di Savoia. [2.] 

Weil (M. H.) Le revirement de la polit. autrich. h regard de J. Murat, 

& les n^gociations secrfetes entre Paris & Vienne, 1814-5. [2.] 

Regino, Prumiens. Chronik ; iibers. v. E. Diimmler, 2« A., 
see Geschiohtschbeibbb (Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2^ Gesammt- 
ausg., B27, 1890. 
Die Fortsetzung d. R. ; libers, v. M. Biidinger, 2^ v. W. 
Wattenbach neu bearbt. A., see Geschiohtsohreibbr (Die) 
d. deut. Vorzeit, 2« Gesammtausg., B28, 1890. 

Registrum. R. Monasterii de Passelet, etc., 1877, see Paisley. 

Reghng (Kurt Ludwig), see Antiken Mijnzbn (Die) Nord- 
Griechenlands, Bl, Dacien u. Moesien ; Halbband 2 i, 
bearb. v. B. Pick u. K. R., 1910. 

R6gnier (Henri de), b. I864, see Berton (H.) H. de R., 1910. 

Rehmke (Johannes). Das Bewusstsein. 88°. Heidelberg. 1910 

Reichel (Oswald J.) Solemn Mass at Rome in 9c. 

2nd ed., w. addits. [P1291]. 8°. 1895 

Reichling (Dietericus). Appendices ad Hainii-Copingeri Re- 
pertorium bibliog. Addit. et emend. , ed. D. R. 

Fasc. 6 ; Indices fasc. I-VI. 8". Monachii. 1910-11 

Reid (George Archdall O'Brien). The laws of heredity. With 
a diagrammatic representation by H. Hall Turner. 8°. [1910] 

Reid (Sir T. Wemyss). Memoirs, 1842-85. Ed., w. intr., by 
S. J. Reid. 8°. [1905] 

*Reign (The) of King Edward III. [c. 1589. Attr. by some to 
Shakespeare. Tudor Facs. Texts ; J. S. Farmer]. 

Ia8°. Issued for subscribers. 1910 

Reilhac (count A. de). La ohapelle Notre-Dame de Reilhao, 
fondee au 14s., par C. de Reilhac et quelques autres sepul- 
tures de la meme famiUe, see Societe db l'Hist. de Pabis, 
etc. Mems., tl2, 1886. 

Reilhac (Clement de), see Reilhac {count A. db). La chapelle 
Notre-Dame de Reilhac, fondee au 14s., en I'egHse Saint- 
M^dard-lds-Paris, par C. de R. etc., 1886. 

Reily (Hugh). *Ireland's case briefly stated ; or, ace. of 
transactions since the Reformation. Annex'd, The last 
speech etc. of 0. Plunket, arch bishop of Armach. 

2pin Iv, [pagin. cont.]. [pi, newed.]. s8°. n.p. 1695-1720 

Rein (Adolf). Die Teilnahme Sardiniens am Krimkrieg u. d. 
offentl. Meinung in Italien. [Beitr. z. Kultur- u. Universal- 
gesch., 11]. 8". L. 1910 

Reinach (Salomon). 
Orpheus : hist. gen. des religions. 11^ 6d. rev. sS". 1909 

12^ ed. s.%°. 1909 

Repertoire de la statuaire grecque et romaine. t4. s8°. 1910 
Repertoire de peintures, 1280-1580. t3. s8°. 1910 

For the following see Acad. d. Insce. etc. ; Fond. Piot. 

Aigle en marbre, coll. de lord Wemyss k Gosford, 1806. [3.] 

Un bas-relief de Panticap(Se (Kertch), au Mus^e d'Odessa, 1896. [2.] 

Un MS. de la bibl. de Philippe le Bon k St.-Pitersbourg [i.e.aiilluminated 
MS. of the Grandes chron. de France], 1904. [11.] 

Panthfere de bronze, coll. de baron B. de Rothschild, 1897. [4.] 

TSte en marbre de la Coll. Singher, 1S96. [2.] 

Yas dori k reliefs, Mus^e de Constantinople, 1903. [10.] 

Reinach (Theodore). ApoUon : statue trouv^e k Magnesia 
du Sipyle, Musee Imp. de Constantinople, see Acad, des 
Inscb. etc. : Fond. Piot. Mon^. etc., t3, 1896. 
Le sarcophage de Sidamara, [2p], see Acad, des Inscb. etc. : 
Fond. Piot. Mon^. etc., t9, 10, 1902-3. 

Reiner, v. St. Jacob, see Rainbbus, mon. S. Jacobi Lead. 

Reiners (Jos.) Der NominaUsmus in d. Fruhscholastik. 
Nebst e. n. Textausg. d. Briefes Roscelins an Abalard. 
[Beitrage z. Gesch. d. Phil. d. M.-a., 8 v]. 8°. Miinster. 1910 

Reitemeyer (Else). Beschreibung Agyptens im Mittelalter, 
aus d, geograph. Werken d. Araber zusammengestellt v. 
E. B. 80. L. 1903 




♦Rejected addresses, 12th ed., 1813, see Smith (Ja.), solicitor 

etc., & H. Smith. 
Rdaoion. *R. de la prision del Rey Chioo, 1868, see Boabdil, 

«. of Granada. 
*R. de todo lo que suoedio en la Jornada de Omagua y Dorado 

heoha por P. de Orsiia, 1881, see UKS-drA (P. be). 
R. del tercero auto partic. de fee, 1648, see Mexico. Autos 

de fe de la Inquisioion de M., 1646-8, 1910. 
Relaciones. R. de algunos sucesos de los ultimos tiempos del 

reino de Granada, 1868, see Gkanada. 
R. historioas de los siglos 16 y 17, 1896, see Uhaq6n (F R 

Reland (Adrian). Analeota Rabbinica, comprehend. libeUos 

& aha quae ad lectionem & iuterp. coxum. Rabbinicorum 

faciunt. [4 pagivf.]. s8°. Ultrajecti. 1702 

Gtoibrard (G.) Eio-aya.-)/)) ad legenda etc. Heliraeorum & Orientalium 

sine punctis scripta. 

Meditationes & Tabulae Eabblnicse. 

Gellarius (C.) Rabbinismus, sive institutio grammatioa. 

Drusiua (J.) De particulis Chaldaicis, Syriacia, Thalmudicis & Rabbinicis. 

Bartoloccius (J.) Vitse oelebcirimoruni Sabbinorum qui in Sacrum 

codiceni scripserunt comm. 
David, 6e»i Joseph Kimchi. Comm. in alicxuot Psalmos, in sermonem Lat. 

versus ab A. Janvier iHeb. A ia(.]. 

Relation. *R. curieuse de la Mosoovie en 1687, 1861, see 

*La r. de trois ambassades de Msgr. le Comte de Carlisle, 

1663-4, 1857, see Miegb (G.) 
*A r. of the action betw. the Imperial army, & that of France ; 
betw. Trevilio & Cassano 16th Aug., 1705. 

[Single sheet, b.w. Post-Man, 1704-8]. sfol. 1705 
Religion. *An essay on conciliation in matters of r., etc. ; 

by a Bengal civilian, 1849, see Mtjib (J.) 
*R., worldly-mindedness & phil., strictures on the autobiog. 
of J. Cheyne, etc. by a physician, [signed J. H.]. 

[P1297]. 8". [Dresden]. 1860 
Religionsgeschichtliche Versuche u. Vorarbeiten. 
Bl, 2 i-iv, 3 i-iii, 4 i-iii, 5, 6, 7 i-iii, 8 i-iii, 9 i-iii. 

8°. Giessen, 1903-11 

Bl— 4, hrsg. V. A. Dieterich u. R. Wiinsch ; B5-9 iii, 

hrsg. V. B. Wiinsch u. L. Deubner. 

see Abt (A.) Die Apologie d. Apuleius v. Madaura u. d. 

ant. Zauberei, 1908. [4 ii.] 

„ Appel (G.) De Romanorum precationibus, 1908. [7 ii.] 

„ Blechee (G.) De extispicio capita 3 ; ace. de Baby- 

loniorum extispicio C. Bezold suppl., 1905. [2 iv.] 

„ Ehemann (P.) De juris sacri interpretibus Atticis, 1908. 

[4 iii.] 
„ Fahz (L.) De poetarum Rom. doctrina magica quses- 
tiones, 1904. [2 iii.] 

., Fehble (B.) Die kult. Keuschheit im Altertum, 1910. 


„ Grbssmann (H.) Musik u. Musikinstrumente im Alten 

Test., 1903. [2 i.] 

„ Gtindbl (W.) De steUarum appellatione et relig. 

Romana, 1907. [3 ii.] 

„ Heokbneaoh (J.) De nuditate sacra sacrisque vinculis, 

1911. [9 iii-] 

„ Hbpding (H.) Attis, s. Mythen u. s. Kult, 1903. [1.] 

„ KiECHBB, (C.) Die sakrale Bedeutung des Weines im 

Altertum, 1910. [9 ii-] 

„ MiJLLEB (E.) De Grsecorum deorum partibus tragicis, 

1910. [8 iii-] 

„ Pfistee (F.) Der Reliquienkult im Altertum, Halbb. 1, 

1909. [5-] 
Pbadel (F.) Griech. u. siidital. Gebete, Besohworungen 

u. Rezepte d. M.-a., 1907. [3 iii.] 

„ RirHL(L.) De mortuorum judicio, 1903. [2 li.] 

„ Schmidt (E.) Kultiibertragungen, 1909. [8 ii.] 

Schmidt (H.) Vet. phUosophi quomodo judicaverint de 

precibus, 1907. [4 i-] 

„ Schmidt (W.) Geburtstag im Altertum, 1908. [7 i.J 

'„ Tambobnino (J.) De antiq. dsemonismo, 1909. [7 iii.] 

Thulin (C.) Die Gotter d. M. Capella u. d. Bronzeleber 

V. Piacenza, 1906. . [3 j-] 

WlCHTBR (T.) Reinheitsvorschriften im grieoh. Kult, 

1910. f^ H 
„ Weinbeich (0.) Ant. Heilungswunder, 1909. [8 i.] 

ReligionswUsenschaftUche BibHothek ; hrsg. v. W Streitberg 

& R. Wiinsch. Bl 8". Heidelberg. 1910 

see Goldzihee (I.) Vorlesungen fiber d. Islam, 1910. [1.] 

Rembert, Saint [Rimbeet]. Leben d. Erzbischofe Anskar u. 

Rimbert, [Life of Anskar by Bimbert, Life of Rimbert, anon.]; 

ubers. v. J. C. M. Laurent ; mit e. Vorwort v. J. M. Lappen- 

berg, 2« A., neu bearbt. v. W. Wattenbach, see Geschicht- 

SCHEEIBEE (Dib) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2^ Gesammtausg., B22, 

Renard (Jules), b. 1865. Histoires naturelles. s8°. [1908] 

La lanterne sourde. Coquecigrues. 

Nouv. id. augm. s8o. 1906 

Nos fr^res farouches : Ragotte, [etc.]. s8°. [1907] 

Poll de carotte. s%°. n.d. 

Sourires pino^s. u. 6d. S8". 1892 

Renaudot (Eusebe), the elder, 1613-79. Journal d'E. R., 

regent en m^decine, k Paris, 1646-79 ; publ. C. Trochon, 

see SociBTB de l'Hist. de Paeis, etc. Mems., t4, 1878. 
Renel (Charles). Les religions de la Gaule avant le christiaiy- 

isme. [Annales du Musee Guimet. Bibl. de vulgarisation, 

t21]. s8o. 1906 

Reni (Guido), see Bohn (M. v.) G. R., 1910. 
Rennert (Hugo Albert). The Spanish stage in the time of 

Lope de Vega ; [contg. List of Spanish actors & actresses, 

1560-1680]. 8". N.Y. 1909 

Report (A) of a sad case, recently tried bef. the Lord Mayor, 

Owen V. Huxley, merits of the gt. recent bone case. 

[P1238]. 8». 1863 
Reports. R. of Prize Cases, 1745-1859, 2v, 1905, see Rosooe 

(E. S.) ed. 
R. on labour & social conditions in Germany, 2v, 1910, see 

Rerum Italioarum scriptores : race, 500-1500, ordinata da 

L. A. Muratori, n. ed., in prog., 1902 etc., see Miteatoei 

(L. A.) 
Resseguier (cte. Jules de), see Lafond (P.) L'aube roman- 

tique : J. de R. & ses amis, 1910. 
Restori (Antonio). Appunti teatrali spagnuoli, see Monaci 

(E.) Studj di filol. rem., v7, 1899. 
La ooUezione CO* iv. 28033 d. Bibl. Palatina-Parmense ; 

comedias de diff. autores, see Monaci (E.) Studj di filol. 

rom., v6, 1893. 
♦Results (The) of missionary labour in India, 1852, see India. 
Retana (Wenceslao Emilio). Noticias hist.-bibhograf. de el 

teatro en Filipinas, hasta 1898. lag". 1909 

Rethel (Alfred). A. Rethel : des Meisters Werke in 300 

Abbildungen. Hrsg. [mit s. Leben u. s. Kunst] v. J. 

Ponten. [Klassiker d. Kunst, 17]. laS". St. 1911 

Retz (card, de), 1614.-79, see Gaziee (A.) Les dernieres 

annees du card, de R., 1665-79, 1875. 
Reuling (Carlot Gottflid). Quellen im Sande. Roman. 

s8''. 1908 
Reure (le chanoine 0. C.) La vie et les oeuvres de Honore 

d'Urfe. 8°. 1910 

Reuss (Eduard W. E.) Die Gesch. d. heiligen Schriften : 

Alten Testaments. 2^ A. 8". Braunschweig. 1890 

Renter (Gabriele). Sanfte Herzen. 3" A. sS°. 1909 

Reval (Gabrielle) ps. [i.e. Mme. G. Logbeot]. La bacheliere. 

Roman. S80. [1910] 

Revault d'AUonues (G.), see Lamaeck (J. B.) L. ; choix de 

textes & intr. par R. d'A., n.d. 
Revermort (J. A.) Lucius Scarfleld. A philosoph. romance 

of the 20th cent. sS". 1908 

Revlllout (Eugene). L'anc. Egypte d'ap. les papyrus et les 

monuments. t4 ii. 8°. 1908 

4 ii, Le papyrus moral de Leide; texts, transcrit, avec tr. & comm. 

Revon (Michel). Anthologie de la litt. japonaise des orig. 

au 20^ s. s8°. [1910] 

Rey (Abel). La th^orie de la physique chez les physiciens 

contemp. 8". 1907 

Rey (Auguste). L'ecole et la population de St.-Prix dep. 

1668, see Socibte de l'Hist. de Paeis, etc. . Mems., t5, 

Reynaud (E. Pellissier de), see Pblmssiee de Retnattd (E.) 
Reynaud (Louis). Recherches sur la date des poesies lyriques 

de Lenau. These. [P1236]. 8°. 1904 

Reynolds (Cuyler), see Exhibitioks : Jamestown Expos., 

1907. New York at J. Expos. ; prep, by C. R., 1909. 
Reynolds (Sir Joshua), see Nobthoote (J.) Mem. of Sir 

J. R., 1813. 
Rey-Pailhade (Emile de). Essai sur la musique & I'expression 

musicale et sur I'esth^tique du son — Les instruments de 

musique ano. et mod. laS". 1911 




Rhamm (Albert). Das Staatsrecht d. Herzogtums Braun- 
schweig. Bearb. zum Teil nach Otto's braunsohweig. Staats- 
recht. [Offentl. Recht d. Gegenwart, B4]. 

8». Tubingen. 1908 
Rhodes (Et. Hon. Cecil J.), see Fuller {Sir T. E.) Rt. Hon. 

C. J. R., 1910. 
Rhodes (James Ford). Hist, essays. 8°. N.Y. 1909 

Ribot (Th^odule A.), see Muiststbrbekg (H.) Subconscious 

phenomena by H. M., T. R., etc., n.d. 
Ricasoli Rucellai (0.), see Rttcellai (0.) 

Ricci (Corrado). Art in Northern Italy. [Tr.]. s8°. 1911 

Riccio (Gennaio). Le monete d. antiche famiglie di Roma, 
fino alio imperadore Augusto, inclus. co' suoi zecchieri. 

2* ed., accresc. 4°. Napoli. 1843 

Richard, de Saint Victor. The cell of self-knowledge. 7 early 

. Eng. mystical treatises pr. by H. Pepwell, 1521. Ed. w. 

intr. & notes by E. G. Gardner. sS". 1910 

A treatise named Benjamin, of the mights & virtues of man's soul, by E' 
of St. v.— Divers doctrines, taken out of life of Saint Katherin of 
Scenes — Short treatise of contemplation, taken out of Book of M. 
Kempe— A devout treatise, compiled by W. Hylton — A devout treatise 
called the Epistle of Prayer — A very necessary Epistle of Discretion in 
stirrings of the soul — A devout treatise of discerning of spirits. 

Richard (Adh^mar). Souvenirs, experiences, reflexions etc. 

d'un penseur moderne : La vie — Le sommeil — La mort — 

L'eternite — Mes conclusions. Ia8°. Geneve. 1905 

Richard (Jules Marie). Le tombeau de Robert I'Enfant aux 

Cordeliers de Paris, see Sooibte de l'Hist. db Paris, 

ETC. Mems., t6, 1880. 
Richard (Richard Dowden), see Dowdbn (R.) 
Richard O'Monroy (vie.) j)«. Gloriette. s8°. [1905] 

Richards (Herbert Paul). Aristophanes & others. 8". 1909 
Richards (Nathaniel). Tragedy of Messallina, the Roman 

emperesse, ed. A. R. Skemp, 1910, see Bang (W.) Materi- 

alien, B30, 1910. 
Richardson (Charles Francis). A study of Eng. rhyme. 

s8<'. Hannover, N.H. 1909 
Richelieu (card, due de), see RocHEMONTBix (C. db). N. 

Gaussin et le card, de R. ; docs, ined., 1911. 
Richer, French chronicler, 10th cent. 4 Biicher Gesch. ; iibers. 

V. K. V. d. Osten-Sacken, neu bearbt. v. W. Wattenbach, 

2e A., see Geschichtschreibbr (Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 

2e Gesammtausg., B37, 1891. 
Richer (Paul). Anatomie artistique : descr. des formes 

exterieures du corps humain au repos & dans les princ. 

mouvements. 4°. 1910 

Richter (Carl). Les jeux des Grecs et des Romains. Tr. A. 

Breal & M. Schwob. 88°. 1891 

Ricketts (Charles). Titian. Ia8'>. [1910] 

Ridder (Andre de). 
For the following see Acad. d. Insor. etc. : Fond. Piot. 


Amphore k figures rouges, Cabinet des M6dailles, 1900. 

Bronzes syriens, 1905. 

Miroirs grecs k reliefs, 1897. 

Statuette de bronze, Mus^e Central d'AthSnes, 1895. 


Ricordi di Firenze, 1459, di autore anon., 1907, see Firenzb. 
Riddle (Charles), borough librarian, Bournemouth, see Mate 

(C. H.) & C. R. Bournemouth, 1810-1910, 1910. 
Rideout (Henry Blilner). The twisted foot. sS". 1910 

Ridewood (W. G.), see British Museum : Zoology. Mono- 
graph of the Okapi, by Sir E. R. Lankester ; Atlas, com- 
piled w. assistance of W. G. R., 1910. 
Ridge (William Pett). Nine to six-thirty. s8". [1910] 

Ridgeway (William), prof, of Archaeology, Cambridge. The 
origin of tragedy, w. spec. ref. to the Greek tragedians. 

80. C. 1910 

Ridolfl (Enrico). Giovanna Tornabuoni e Ginevra de' Benci 

nel Coro di S. Maria Novella in Firenze. Estr. dall' Archivio 

stor. ital., s5, t6. [P1277]. 8». Firenze. 1890 

Riega (Celso Garcia de la), see Garcia de la Riega (C.) 

Rietstap (Johannes Baptist) [Rieststap]. Planches de 

1' Armorial G6n. de J.-B. R. Par V. RoUand. 

tl, 2, A-F. 4°. 1903-9 

tl is without tp. , but has frontispiece : Armoiries des families 

contenues dans L' Armorial gen. de R., publ. par L'ln- 

stitut H^raldique Univ. 

Riezler (Sigmund). Die bayer. u. sohwab. Ortsnamen auf -ing 

u. -ingen als histor. Zeugnisse, see Koniol. Akad. d. Wiss. 

zu MtJNCHEN. Philos. -philolog. Classe, Sitzungsber., 1909. 

Rigg (James McMullen). Calendar of the Plea Rolls of the 
Exchequer of the Jews preserved in the Public Record 
Office. v2, Edward I, 1273-5. Ed. J. M. R. [Jewish 
Hist. Soc. of Eng.]. 4°. E. 1910 

Riggall (Edward). Cat. of the lib. & coll. of the works of 
G. Cruikshank, property of E. R., sold by Sotheby, July, 
1901, etc. [P1233]. 8°. [1901] 

Riggs (Elmer S.) 
For the following see Field Columbian Museum : Geological 

Carapace & plastron of Basilemys sinuosus, t. Montana, 1906. [2.] 

Dinosaur beds of the Grand River Valley of Colorado, 1901. [1.] 

The fore leg & pectoral girdle of Morosaurus, w. note on the Genus 

Camarosaurus, 1901. [1.] 

The Mylagaulidse : an extinct family of Sciuromorph rodents, 1899. [1.] 
Structure & relationships of Opisthocoelian Dinosaurs, pi, Apatosaurus 

Marsh p2, The Brachiosauridse, 1903-4. [2.] 

Righton (Edward), see Dabbs (G. H. R.) & E. R. Dante : 

a dramatic poem, 1893. 
Rime. Raocolta di r. antiche toscane, 4v, 1817, see Raccolta. 
R. antiche senesi, trovate da E. Molteni e illust. da V. de 
Bartholomseis, 1902, see Miscbllanba di lett. del medio 
evo, vl, 1902. 
R. di diversi antichi autori toscani, 1731, see Giunta (B. 
di), ed. 
Rimsky-Korsakov (N. A.), see Bronsky (P.) H. A. P.-K., n.d. 
Rinando (Costanzo). II risorgimento ital. Conferenze del 
Prof. C. E., con App. bibliog. [Scuola di Guerra]. 

8°. Torino. 1910 

Rinhuber (Laurent). Relation du voyage en Russie fait en 

1684 par L. R. 8". Berlin. 1883 

Rinieri (Ilario). Napoleone e Pio VII, 1804-13. Relaz. 

storiche su doc. ined. dell' Archivio vaticano. 

[2v]. 8°. Torino. 1906 

Rio de Janeiro : Bibliothbca Nacional. Annaes da B. N. 

do Rio de J. ; publ. sob M. C. Peregrino da Silva [cfc others']. 

v29. Ia8<'. Rio de Janeiro. 1909 

29, i, Cat. da Coll. Cervantina, organisado por A. Jansen do Pa?o — ii, 
Journaux etc. de marins hoUand. et portug. de la navig. aux Antilles, 
etc. ; ms. de H. Gerritsz tr. par E. J. Bondam — iii, Vida do Padre Jofl6 
de Anchieta pelo Padre P. Rodrigues — Iv, A Bibl. Nac. em 1906 : 

Rioja (Francisco de), poet. Poesias. Corr., anadidas 6 ilust. 

con la biog. y la bibliog. del poeta, por C. A. de la Barrera 

y Leirado. Publ. la Soc. de Bibliofilos Espanoles. 8". 1867 

Adiciones a las poesias de R., en su ed. de Madrid, 1867. 

Por C. A. de la Barrera y Leirado. [Sociedad de Bibliofilos 

Andaluces, ser. 1]. 8°. Sevilla. 1872 

Rios de Lamperez (Blanca de los). Del siglo de oro (estudios 

lit.) [Tirso de Molina {ps.) etc.] ; con prologo del D. M. 

Men^ndez y Pelayo. [Obras compl., t3]. s8". 1910 

Ritchie (Leitch). Wanderings by the Seine. [Turner's 

Picturesque tour]. 8". [1835?] 

Rittmeyer (Rudolph). Seekriege u. Seekriegswesen in i. 

weltgeschichtl. Entwicklung. Bl, 2. Ia8". 1907-11 

1, bis 1740. 2, 1739-93. 

Riva (Bonvicino da) [Bonvbsin da la Riva]. Carmina de 

mensibus ; [ed. L. Biadene], see Monaci (E.) Studi di 

filol. rom., v9, 1901-3. 

Rivers (John). Louvet : revolutionist & romance-writer. 

8". 1910 

Rivett-Carnac (col. John Henry). Many memories of life in 

India, at home & abroad. 8°. 1910 

Rivington (Septimus). Hist, of Tonbridge School, from 1553. 

3rd ed., enL 80. 1910 

Rivista delle Biblioteche e degli Archivi. Diretto dal Dr. 

G. Biagi. v8-13. Ia8». Firenze. 1897-1902 

vlO-12 have tp. Rivista delle biblioteche etc., e 

Bollettino d. Society Bibliog. Ital. 
tp. of vis wanting ; t. on paper covers is Rivista d. bibl. 
etc. ; organo officiale d. Soc. Bibl. Ital. 
Rivoira (G. T.) Lombardio architecture : its orig., develop- 
ment & derivatives. Tr. G. McN. Rushforth. 2v. 4°. 1910 
Robert [d'Anjou], king of Naples, d. 134S, see Gotz (W. W.) 
Konig R. V. Neapel, s. Personlichkeit u. 0. Verhaltnis zum 
Humanismus, 1910. 
Robert, the Devil. *Roberte the DeuyU. Metrical romance 
f. an anc. iUum. MS. 8°. 1798 

Robert, I'Enfant, cte. de Bourgogne, d. 1317, see Richard (J. M.) 
Le tombeau de R. I'Enfant aux Cordeliers de Paris, 1880. 


Robert, de Sorhon. De consoienoia et De tribua dietis. Publ 
aveo intr. & notes par F. Chambon. [Coll. de textee t)" 
serv. a l'6t. etc. de I'hist., 35].< 8° 1902 

Robert Charles Louis Marie [de Bourhon], duke of Parma 
Catalog d. liturg. Druoke d. 15. u. 16. Jhdts. in d. Herzosl' 
Farma sehen Bibl. in Sohwarzau am Steinfeld. Im Auftrage 
S. K. H. Herzog R. v. P. bearbt. v. H. Bohatta. 

D 1. i ,„ ,. J. 2T. 4°. Wien. 1909-10 

Robert (Carl), prof m Berlin. Carl Robert zum 8. Marz 1910 
Ocenethliakon. Uberreioht v. d. Graeoa Halensis. \Vol of 
essays presented to C. R. on his 60th birthday]. S°. 1910 

Nmse(B.) Drei Kapitel eleischer Gesch. 
Wlssowafa.) Naevius u. d. Meteller. 

Itvn'mV'ni"^ Pf'so'iennamen Im 4t« B. d. Inscriptiones GriEcte. 
Kern (0.) Die Herkunft d orph. Hymnenbucha. 
Prachter (C.) Eichtungen u. Schulen im Neuplatonismus. 

^rjl ;?T x°*^!°'*^..?''S* »• d-.Gedicht V. d. 5 Menschengesohlechtern. 
WUcken (U.) Die attisohe Penegese v. Hawara 

Erdmahn (B.) Betraohtungen u. d. Deutung u. Wertung d. Lehre 

Roberts (Morley). Sea dogs : sea-comedies. aS". 1910 

Roberts (R. Ellis). Samuel Rogers & his circle. 8°. [1910] 

Roberts (Thomas), volunteer on hoard Lord Orford's "Fleet," 
1774, see Childbbs (J. W.) Lord Orford's voyage round 
the Fens, 1774 ; [Being the journals of T. R., etc.], 1868. 

Robertson (C. Grant). England under the Hanoverians. 
[Hist, of England ; ed. C. Oman, v6]. 8°. [1911] 

Robertson (James Alexander). List of docs, in Spanish 
archives rel. to the hist, of U.S., printed or of wh. transcripts 
are preserved in Amer. libraries. [Carnegie Inst, of W.]. 

laSo. W. 1910 

Robertson (James Craigie). Plain lect. on the growth of the 
Papal power. 88°. [1876] 

Robespierre (Augustin Bon Joseph), see Robespierre (M. M. C.) 
C. Robespierre et ses Mem. [aur sea deux fr^res] ; 6d. crit., 
etc., [by H. Fleischmann], 1909. 

Robespierre (Charlotte), see Robespierre (M. M. C.) 

Robespierre (F. Maximilian J. I.) 
see Botfenoik (H.) Les portraits de R., 6t. iconographique 

& hist., 1910. 
„ Robespierre (M. M. C.) C. Robespierre et ses M6moirea 
[aur ses deux freres] ; 6d. crit., etc., [by H. Fleischmann], 

Robespierre (Marie Marguerite Charlotte). Charlotte Robes- 
pierre et ses Memoires [sur ses deux freres, prec. d'une intr. 
par Laponneraye]. Ed. crit. pr^c. d'une intr., etc., [by 
H. Fleischmann. 3" ed.]. 8°. [1909] 

Robins (G. M.) [Mrs. L. Baillie RBYirotDs]. Out of the night. 

aS". n.d. 
" Thalassa ! " a8o. 1906 

Robinson (major-gen. Charles Walker). WeUington's cam- 
paigns : Peninaula — Waterloo, 1808-15 ; also Moore's Cam- 
paign of Corunna. pi, 3rd ed. 8». 1908 

Robinson (James Harvey). Introd. to the hist, of Western 
Europe. v2. 88". Boston. [1902] 

Robinson (S. L.) The cross-roads. A play. sS". D. [1910?] 

Robinson (William), LL.D., 1777-1848. Hist. & antiq^. of 
Edmonton, Middlesex ; added an App. [Extra illust.]. 

8". pr. for the a. 1819 

Robiquet (Paul). De Joannis Aurati poetse regii vita et 
Latine scriptis poematibus. Thesim proponebat P. R. 

[P1236]. 80. Paris. 1887 

Robolsky (Hermann). *Bismarok u. Eng. Gesch. d. Bezie- 
hungen Deutschlands u. Eng. seit d. Krimkriege. aS". [1889] 

Rocheblave (Samuel). Agrippa d'Aubign6. sS". 1910 

Rochemonteix (Camille de). N. Caussin, confeaseur de Louia 
XIII et le card, de Richeheu. Docs. in^d. 8°. 1911 

Rock. *Archaic r. inBcriptions, 1891, see Archaic. 

Rockwell (William Walker). Die Doppelehe d. Landgrafen 
Philipp V. Heasen. 8°. Marburg. 1904 

Rod (Edouard). Le glaive et le bandeau. a8°. 1910 

Le paateur pauvre. sS". 1911 

Rodgers (commodore John), see Pattllin (C. 0.) R., 1773- 
1838, 1910. 

Rodrigo (Maese), see Fernandez de Santa Ella (R.) 

Rodrigues (Pedro). Vida do P. J. de Anohieta, see Rio DB 
Janeiro : Bibl. Nac. Annaes, v29, 1909. 

Rodriguez de la Cimara (Juan) [RoDEfQUBz del Padeoh]. 
Dezir contra el amor del mundo, see Paz t M:6lia (A.) 

Opiiso. lit. delossiglosl4A16, 1892. 

Obras. [Ed. A. Paz y M61ia]. Publ. la Soc. de Bibhofiloa 


8°. 1884 


Rodriguez del Padr6n (J.), see RooEfouEz db la CImaea (J.) 
Rodriguez Marin (Francisco). Quisioosillas. Nuevas narrac. 

anecdoticaa. s8°. [1910] 

Rogers (Robert William). The rehg. of Babylonia & Assyria, 

espeo. in its relat'. to Israel. Lect». 8". 1908 

Rogers (Samuel), poet, see Roberts (R. E.) S. R. & his 

circle, 1910. 
Rogers (W. S.) Garden planning. 4°. 1910 

Rogissard ( — de) [Rogissart]. Anmuthigkeiten v. Italien, 

odergenaueu. merokwurdigeBesohreibung. tJbers. s8°. 1706. 
Rogissart ( — de), see Rogissard ( — de). 
Rohan (Herminie, duchesse de). Les d^voilees du Caucase : 

notes de voyage. s8°. [1910] 

Rohde (Erwin), see SsiLLiiRB (E.) Nietzsches WafEenbruder, 

E. R. ; tJbertragung, 1911. 
Rohde (Richard). Das engl. Faustbuoh u. Marlowes Tragodie. 

[Studien z. engl. Philologie ; hrsg. L. Morsbach, 43]. 

8°. Halle a. S. 1910 
Rojas (Fernando de), of Montalvan. *[Celestina. Tragi- 

comedia de Caliato y Melibea. no tp. Facs. of first known 

ed. (Burgos, F. A. de Basilea, 1499),/. a copy in the possession 

of J. Pierponi Morgan. Ed. A. M. Huntington]. 

8". [N.Y. : De Vinne Press. 1909] 
Roland, count of Savoy, see Bonieace, count of Savoy, 1244-63, 

called "Roland." 
RoUand (John). The Seven Sages, in Sootish metre. [Ed. 

D.Laing. BannatyueCIub]. Repr.f.ed.of 1578. 4°. E. 1837 
RoUand (Romain). Hsendel. [Les maltres de la musique]. 

s8». 1910 
Jean-Christophe : La fin du voyage. 

[tl], Les amies. 8^ 6d. s8°. [1910] 

118 6d. s8o. [1910?] 

John Christopher. Dawn & Morning. Tr. by G. Cannan, 

[of the 1st S vol. of French ed.]. a8°. 1910 

Musioiens d'autrefois : L'op^ra avant I'op^ra — TJ " Orfeo " 

de L. Rosai — Liilly — Gluck — Gr^try — Mozart. a8°. 1908 

Rolland (V.), see Rietstap (J. B.) Planches de I'Armorial 

G^n. de R. ; par V. R., tl, 2, 1903-9. 
Roller (Isaac) [Roller (E.)]. M6m. sur I'inacr. fuu&aire du 

sarcophage d'Eschmounezer, roi de Sidon. Texte, tr., 

comm. & obs. crit. sur les tr=. ant6r. par E. R. [In French & 

Hebrew, 2 tf:\. [P1252]. 8". 1875 

Roman (A. de San), see San Roman (A. de). 
Romania : recueil trimeatre oonsaor6 k I'etude des langues & 

des litt. romanes. Annee 10-14. Ia8". 1881-5 

Romanische Forschungen : Organ fur roman. Spraohen u. 

Mittellatein. Hrsg. v. K. VolImoUer. 

B26. 8°. Erlangen. 1909 

Amerval (E. d'), see Ott (A. C.) 

Arx (S. V.) GiovanDi Sabadino degli Arienti u. s. Porrettane, 1909. [20.] 

Brugger (E.) Hitteilungen aus Hss. d. altfranzos. Prosaromane Joseph 

u. Merlin, 1909. ' [26.] 

Enderlein (E.) Zur Bedeutungsentwicklung d. bestimmten Artikels im 

Franzbsischen mit besond. Beriicksicht. Moliferea, 1909. [26.] 

Guiardinus. G. ; Bruchstiicke e. latein. Tngendspiegels nach d. Baaler 

Hs. ; hg. V. J. Werner, 1909. [26.] 

Hensel (W.) Die Vogel in d. provenzal. u. nordfranzos. Lyrik d. M.-A., 

1909. [26.] 

Huber (M.) Textbeitrage zur Siebenschl^ferlegende d. M.-A., 1909. [26.] 
Joseph, of Arinmth&a, see Brugger (E.) 
Merlin, see Brugger (E.) 
Monmouth (Geoffrey, of), see TJlbrich (A.) 

Ott (A. C.) Eloi d'Amerval u.s. " Livre de la Diablerie," 1909. [26.] 

Pirson (J.) Le latin des formules m^rovingiennes & carolingiennes, 

1909. ■ [26.] 

Sabadino degli Arienti (G.), see Arx (S. v.) 
Seven Sleepers, see Huber (M.) 
IJlbrich (A.) TJber d. Verhaltnis v. Wace's Soman de Brut zu s. Quelle, 

d. Gottfried v. Monmouth Hist, regum Brit., 1909. [26.] 

Wace (R.), see Ulbrich (A.) 
■Werner (J.) Zur mittellatein. Spruchdichtung, 1909. [26.] 

Romanized school dictionary, EngUsh & Urdli. 

6th ed. s8o. Calcutta. 1864 
Romanovsky (V. E.) OiepKH H3t HCiopiH rpysla 

8". Ta*.iHci. 1902 
Romans grees, see Chassanq (A.) Les romana grecs, n.d. 
Rombise (Antoine de). Voyage a Paris, 1634-5, [publ.] 

P. Laoombe, see Sooibtb de l'Hist. db Paris, etc. M6ms., 

tl3, 1887. 
Rome. *Handbook to Xtn. & ecclesiastical R., pi, 2, 1897, 

see TiTKBR (M. A. R.) & H. Mallbson. 
Romish. *The frauds of Romiah monks etc., 3rd ed., 1691, 

see Emiliane (G. d'). 




Romuleon, IMediceval anon. hist, of Borne, sometimes atir. to 
Robert da Porta & to Benvenuto d'Imola], see Mabtin (H.) 
Les joyaux de 1' Arsenal, t2, Le R. ; 40 planches, repro- 
duisant les miniatures, etc., n.d. 
Bondet (Laurent Etienne). Une visite aux Camaldules de 
Grosbois en 1760 ; [publ.] A. D., see Sooibtb de l'Hist. de 
Paeis, etc. Mems., t9, 1883. 
Ronsaid (Pierre de). Les Amours de P. de R., [Livre 1], 
commentees par M. A. de Muret. n. 6d., publ. d'ap. le texte 
de 1578 par H. Vaganay ; pr6c. d'une pr6f. par J. Vianey. 
IWith App. bibliog.]. si". 1910 

see Vaganay (H.) Odes de P. de R., n. ed. publ. par H. V., 
Index bibliog., 1910. 
Bonsch (Hermaim), see Jubilbes. Book of. Das Buch d. 

Jubilaen ; brag. v. H. R., 1874. 
Rooseboom (Matthijs P.) Tbe Scottisb staple in the Nether- 
lands : ace. of trade rel^., 1292-1676 ; w. calendar of 
must. docs. • 8°. The Hague. 1910 

Roosevelt (Theodore). Biological analogies in history. 
[Romanes Leot., 1910]. 8°. 0. 1910 

Root (John Wilson). The decline & fall of consols. 

[P1305]. sS". 1910 

A reconstructed House of Lords. [P1305]. 38°. 1910 

Roper-Caldbeck (William). The nation & the army. s8». 1910 

RoQLueplan (Nestor). Regain : la vie parisienne. s8°. 1857 

Res (Mrs. Amanda M'Eittrick). Delina Delaney. 

s8°. Belfast, n.d. 

Irene Iddesleigh. s8". Belfast. 1897 

Rosa. *Contrasto della r. e della viola ; [ed. L. Biadene], 

1899, see Coittbasto. 

Rosa (Fiancisco Martinez de la), see MAETiwEz de La Rosa (P.) 

Roscelinus (Joannes), see Reinebs (J.) Der Nominalismus 

in d. Friihsoholastik ; nebst c. n. Textausg. d. Briefes R. 

an Abalard, 1910. 

Roscher (H. Gtustav Th.), see Pitaval (Deb) d. Gegenwabt ; 

hrsg. V. R. Frank, G. R., etc., in prog., 1904 etc. 
Roscoe (Edward Stanley). Reports of Prize Cases determined 
in the High Court of Admiralty, etc., 1745-1859. Ed. 
E. S. R. 2v. 8°. 1905 

Roscoe (Thomas). The Italian novelists. Sel., tr., w. notes. 

4v. 2nd ed. s8°. 1836 

Rose (John Holland), see Bboadley (A. M.) Napoleon in 

caricature, 1795-1821 ; w. intr. essay on pictorial satire 

as factor in Nap. hist, by R., vl, 1911. 

Rosebery (Archibald Philip Primrose, 5th k. of), Chatham : 

his early life and connections. 8°. 1910 

National policy ■ speech, Chesterfield, Dec, 1901. 

[P1297]. 80. 1902 

The reform of the House of Lords. Speeches, 1884, 1888 & 

1910. 8°. 1910 

Rosen (Erwin), In the Foreign Legion. 8°. 1910 

Rosenhagen (Gustav), see Mittelhochdetjtsohb. Kleinere 

m. Erzahlungen, etc., B3, Die Heidelberger Hs. cod. Pal. 

germ. 341, hrsg. v. R., 1909. 

Rosenthal (P.) Vier apokryph. Biicher aus d. Zeit u. 

Schule R. Akiba's : Assumptio Mosis — Das vierte Buch 

Esra — Die Apokalypse Baruoh — Das Buch Tobi. 88°. L. 1885 

Rosicrucians. *Mysteries of the Rosie cross, or hist, of the 

R., 1891, see Mystbbibs. 
Rosier (Margarete). Die Fassungen d. Alexius-Legende, mit 
bes. Beriicksichtigung d. mittelengl. Versionen. [Wiener 
Beitr. z. engl. Philologie, 21]. 8». Wien. 1905 

see MBYBE-LtJBKB (W.) Prinzipienfragen d. roman. Sprach- 
wiss., Tl, Das Vigesimalsystem im Romanischen ; v. 
M. R., 1910. 
Rosny (L. Lton de). Ko Zi Ki : memorial de I'antiq. japon. ; 
tr. du Japonais & oomm. en Chinois par L. de R., see 
Melanges orient. ; textes & tr., 1883. 
Ross (Mrs. Janet Ann). Florentine palaces & their stories. 

s8°. 1905 
[Trani. Sep. ed. of chapter 8 of J. A. B.^s La terra di Man- 
fred! ; tr. di I. de Nicol6 Capriati. Ed. V. Vecchi. Per 
le nozze d. Sig. E. Careano coU' Avvocato L. Beltrani. 
no tp. P1278]. 8". [Trani. 1898] 

Ross (John), missionary at Newchang. The orig. reUg. of 
China. sS". E. n.d. 

Ross-Lewin (George Harrison), see Collins (W. E.) Typical 

Eng. Churchmen, s2, C. Tunstall, by G. H. R.-L., 1909. 
Rossel (Virgile) & H. E. Jenny. Histoire de la litt. Suisse, a 
nos jours. 2t. s8<>. 1910 

Rossetti (WilUam Michael). Dante & his Convito. A study, 

w. trs. sS". 1910 

Rossi (Agostino). La elezione di Cosimo I Medici. [Estr. 

dal tl, s7, degM Atti del R. 1st. veneto di scienze, etc. 

P1277]. 8°. Venezia. 1890 

Rossi (G. B. Nitto de), see Nitto de Rossi (G. B.) 
Rossi (Giovanni Girolamo), ftp. of Pavia, see Vite di uomini 

d' arme etc., Giovanni de' Medici, scr. da G. R., 1866. 
Rossi (Vittorio). Battista Guarini ed II pastor fido. Studio 

biog.-crit., con doc. ined. [Scuola di Magistero della R. 

Univ. di Torino, Pubbl.]. S°. Torino. 1886 

Rosso (P. Minucci del), see Minttcoi del Rosso (P.) 
Rostand (Edmond). Chantecler. Piece. s8°. 1910 

[L'lllustration]. 4p in Iv. 4". 1910 

Discours de reception k I'Acad. Fr. [o» the vte. E. G. H. de 

Bornier]. [P1279]. sS". 1903 

see Haugmabd (L.) E. R., 1910. 
Rostowzew (Michael). Studien ^. Gesch. d. rom. Kolonates. 

1'^^ Beiheft z. Archiv f. Papyrusforschung u. verwandte 

Gebiete ; hrsg. U. Wilcken. 80. L. 1910 

Ro§[U (V.) AUmentarea ora^elor cu apa. Procedeurile intre- 

buin^ate la captarea apelor subterane In Germania, see 

Aoademia Romana. Publ. fondului V. Adamachi, t2, 1906. 
Ameliorarea terenurilor de cultura prin drenagiii ^i irigatiune 

in Austria, see Aoademia Romana. Publ. fondului V. 

Adamachi, t2, 1906. 
Roswitha. Gedicht ii. Gandersheims Grundung u. d. Thaten 

Kaiser Oddo I. ; iibers. v. T. G. Pfund, 2^ neu bearbt. A. 

V. W. Wattenbach, see Geschichtsohbbibeb (Die) d. deut. 

Vorzeit, 2" Gesammtausg., B32, 1891. 
Rote Fahne (Die), see Kbasnoe Znamya, 1906. 
Roth (Bernard). Survey of Eng. coinage, see Babtholombw 

(J. G.) Lit. & hist, atlas of Europe, 1910. 
Rothery (Guy Cadogan). The Amazons in antiquity & mod. 

times. 8". 1910 

Rothkegel (Walter). Die Kaufpreise fur landl. Besitzungen 

im Konigreich Preussen, 1895-1906, see Staats- v. Social- 


Rott (Hans). Kleinasiat. Denkmaler aus Pisidien, Pamphy- 

lien, Kappadokien u. Lykien. DarsteUender Teil v. H. R., 

nebst Beitragen v. K. Michel, L. Messerschmidt u. W. 

Weber. [Studien ii. ohristl. Denkmaler ; hrsg. v. J. Ficker, 

N.F., Hft. 5, 6]. Ia8°. L. 1908 

Rouanet (L4o). Intermedes espagnols (Entremeses) du 17'' 

s. Tr., avec pref. & notes par L. R. s8°. 1897 

Rouen, Armorial general de France ; generaUte de Rouen ; 

publ. d'apres le ms. par G. A. Prevost, 2t, 1910, see PsiivosT 

(G. A.) 
Rougemont (E. de). ViUiers de 1' Isle- Adam. Biog. & bibliog. 

s8o. 1910 
Roughead (William), see Slateb (0.) Trial of 0. S. ; ed. 

W. R., 1910. 
Roulin (Eugene), O.S.B. La croix de la coll6giale de ViUa- 

bertran, see Acad, des Insoe., etc. ; Fond. Piot. Mon^. 

etc., t6, 1899. 
Tableau byzantin inedit, Musee Episc. de Vich, see Acad. 

DBS Inscb. etc. : Fond. Piot. Mon^. etc., t7, 1900. 
Roumanille (Joseph), see Saboly (N.) Li Nouvd de S., de 

Peyrol e de J. R., etc., 1897. 
Round Table. La tavola ritonda : I'ist. di Tristano, 2p, 

1864-5, see Teisteam, knight of the Bound Table. 
Round (Douglass). The date of St. Paul's Epistle to the 

Galatians. 88". C. 1906 

Round (John Horace). Peerage & pedigree : studies in peerage 

law & family hist. 2 v. 8°. 1910 

Roure (Narciso). Las ideas de Balmes. s8°. 1910 

La vida y las obras de Balmes. s8°. 1910 

Roulland (L^on). La foire St.-Germain sous Charles IX, 

Henri III et Henri IV, see Societb de l'Hist. de Paeis, 

ETC. M^ms., t3, 1877. 
Roundell (Mrs. Charles). Lady Hester Stanhope. 88". 1909 
Rousseau (Jean Jacques). 
see DiDB (A.) J.-J. R. : le protestantisme & la R6vol. 
fran§., 1910. 

„ ToENEZY (A.) La l^gende des " philosophes " ; Voltaire, 
R., etc., peints par eux-mfemes, 1911. 

„ Vallbttb (G.) J.-J. E. Genevois, 1911. 
Rousset (Camille F. M.) La conquete de I'Alg^rie, 1841-57. 

2t. [<fc Atlas]. 80. 1889 
Hist. g6n. de la Guerre franco-aUemande, ( 1870-1). tl. 40. n.d. 


^T^^l-f 4^p ■ ^wHt'^^^' T' ^"'''' ''' lio^Ti-si'OE {W. S.) 
'S' Mrs. K. R. With a prehistoric people, 1910 

Routledge (W. Scoresby) & Mrs. K. Routledge. With a nre- 

historio people : the AkiMyu of British S Africa. ^ 

Roux (Francois Charles), see Charles-Roux (F ) ^°' ^^^'^ 

uL^V^^^'^h %i ^^^^^ <°-> N. R.. [w. repr. of h. Tamer- 
lane, Poems, <fc Shakespeare's bio<r ] 1910 

^Mltffl '?'"?^ °f ^«^ Thomas (R.) Notes about the R., 
Mallett, etc. families, 1909. 

Rowley (William), dramatist, see Merlin. Birth of M • 

Written by W. Shakespear & W. R.," 1662 1910 
Rowntree (B. Seebohm). Land & labour. Lessons f . Belgium. 

go 1910 
Rowsell (Miss Mary C.) Ninon de L'Enolos & h. century. 

Roxburghe Club. ^°' ^^^^ 

see Bible : Complete Texts, etc. Epistole et Evangelii 

et Lectioni volgan in lingua toscana, 1495 : w. intr bv 

A. W. Pollard, 1910. ^ 

„ Burke {Bt. Hon. E.) Corr. of B. & Wm. Windham, 

w. 0. illust. letters ; ed. J. P. Gilson, 1910. 
„ Ethelwold, St., bp. of Winchester. The Benedictional 
of St. M. ; reprod. in facs., & ed. w. text & intr. bv 
G. F. Warner & H. A. Wilson, 1910. 
„ Newcastle (M. C, duchess of). Letters wr. by Lamb's 
" princely woman, M. Newcastle " to h. husband ; by 
W. Plumer to the 3rd Duke of Portland & Ld. W. 
Bentinck ; also by S. Salt ; f. the origs. at Welbeok 
Abbey ; w. a repr. of " Consid. sur l'6tat actuel de la 
France, 1815; par un Anglais" [i.e. F. A. Elial, 
Royal Commission on opium : Minute of dissent by H. J. 

Wilson, 1895, see Wilson (H. J.) 
Royal Archseological Institute. Manual for use at the Ripon 
Meeting, commencing July 21st, 1874. 

[P451]. 80. Ripon. 1874 

Royal Blue Book, etc. 1905, 1906. s8». 1905-6 

Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin. To the Fellows of the 

R. C. of S. [Paper on relations w. Trinity College, DvMin. 

Signed by R. Adams, E. Hutton, T. E. Beatty, & R. Mac- 

Namara. no tp. P1238]. 8°. n.p. [1859] 

Royal Commission on Historical Monuments (England). An 

inventory of the hist, monuments in Hertfordshire. 4°. 1910 

" A separate Stationery Office publication " ,• see London 

Lib. List of Pari. Papers for Sep. of the Commissioners. 

Royal Dublin Society. 

see Feaser (R.) Statist, survey of the co. of Wexford, 1807. 

,, Letter to Rt. Hon. Sir R. Peel, on plan for converting 

the R. D. S. etc. into a Nat. Museum for Ireland, 1864. 

Royal Geogiaphical Society, see Reeves (E. A.) Hints to 

travellers, 2v, 9th ed., 1906. 

Royal Historical Society. [Publications]. Camden 3rd ser., 

vl7. 8». 1909 

see Bard on Papers : doc^. rel. to the imprisonment of 

Mary, Q. of Scots ; ed. C. Read, 1909. [Ill, 17]. 

Royal Institution of Gt. Brit. Notices of proceedings. 

vl8, 1905-7. 8". 1909 
Royal Irish Academy. Transactions. v32, 3 sections in 1 vol. ; 
v33. Section A pi. Section B pi, 2. [No more publ.]. 

i°. a. 1902-7 
Todd Lecture Series. 
see Meyer (K.) Fianaigecht, 1910. [16.] 

Royal Museum of Fine Arts, Antwerp, see Antwerp. 
Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Extra volumes. 
see Dublin. Register of wills & inventories of the diocese 
of D., 1457-83; ed., w. tr., etc., by H. F. Berry, 
„ Macalister (R. a. S.) The memorial slabs of Clon- 

macnois. King's Co., 1909. 
„ Orpen (G. H.) Archseolog. papers : Ireland, 1894-1909. 
Royal Zoological Society of Ireland. A descriptive cat. of 
animals in ooU. of the Z. Soc. of Dublin ; etc. 

[P1238]. 8". D. 1833 
Anneal to the public on behalf of the Z. S. of I. 
^^ [P1238]. 8". D. [1837] 

Rozet (Albin) & J. F. Lembey. L'invasion de la France & le 
siege de Saint-Didier par Charles-Quint en 1544. D'apr^s 
les d6peches ital. de F. d'Este, de H. Feruffino, de C. Capilupo 
& de B. Navager. 8°. 1910 



h. Bonifazius 
libers, v. W. 

V. W., 


Rozieie (Ernest de). Cat. des livres & mss. compos, la bibl. 
herald. & geneal. de E. de R. Ia8°. n.d. 

Rua (J. Hazanas y la), see HazaS-as y la Rua (J.) 
Ru'bah, son of al-'Ajjaj, see Geyer (R.) Beitrage z. Diwan 

d. R., 1910. 
Rubbrecht (Dr. Oswald). L'origine du type familial de la 
maison de Habsbourg. Ia8<'. Brux. 1910 

Rubens (Sir Peter Paul). Correspondance de R., & doc^. 
6pistolaires cone, sa vie & ses oeuvres, [1600-49]. Publ., 
tr., annotes par C. Ruelens [& M. Rooses]. [Codex diplo- 
maticus Rubenianus ; publ. sous le patronage de I'Admin. 
Communale de la ville d'Anvers]. 6t. 4". Anvers. 1887-1909 
Rubio (Juan Ortega), see Ortega Rubio (Juan). 
Ruble (baron Alphonse de). Le coUoque de Poissy, sept.-oct. 
1561, see SocifiTE de l'Hist. de Paris, etc. Mdms., tl6, 
Fran9ois de Montmorency, gouverneur de Paris, etc., see 

SocitT^ DE l'Hist. de Paris, etc. M6ms., t6, 1880. 
Paris en 1572, see SocitTE de l'Hist. de Paris, etc. Mdms., 
tl3, 1887. 
Rucellai (Orazio) [Ricasoli Rucellai (0.)]. Dialoghi 
filosofici, [Villeggiatura 1], see Palermo (P.) I manoscritti 
Palatini di Firenze, v3, 1868. 
Rudaux (L.) How to study the stars. Astronomy w. small 
telescopes, etc. & notes on celestial photography. Tr. 
A. H. Keane. 8». 1909 

Rudolf, V. Ems. Willehalm v. Orlens ; hrsg. v. V. Junk. 
[Deutsche Texte d. Mittelalters, hrsg. v. d. Konigl. Preuss. 
Akad. d. Wiss., 2]. 8". 1905 

Rudolphus, Fuldensis [Ruodolf]. 
see FuLDA. Die Jahrbiicher v. F., [by B. etc.] ; ubers. v. 

C. Rehdantz, 2e A., 1889. 
„ WiLLiBALDus, presbyter. Leben d. 
d. h. Leoba v. R. v. Fulda, etc. : 
2= A., 1888. 

& Meginhardus, Fuldensis. Die tjbertragung d. 

Alexander ; libers, v. B. Richter, 2" A., neu bearbt. 
Wattenbaoh, see Geschichtschreiber (Die) d. 
Vorzeit, 2^ Gesammtausg., B21, 1889. 
Rueda (Lope de). Obras. Ed. de la Real Acad. Espanola. 

2t. 38". 1908 
see San Martin (A. de). Sepan cuantos ; Coroza crit. 
puesta a la id. que de las Obras de L. de R. perpetro E. 
Cotarelo y Mori, 1910. 
Ruflnus (Tyrannius). Opera. [C. S. E. Lat., 46]. 

pi. 8°. Vindobonse. 1910 
1, Orationum Gregorii Nazianzeni novem interp. ; ed. A. Engelbrecht. 

Ruhl (Ludw^). De mortuorum judicio. [ReUgionsgeschichtl. 
Versuche, etc., hrsg. v.'A. Dieterich u. R. Wiinsch, 2 ii]. 

8». Giessen. 1903 

Rumphius (Georgius Everhardus). De Ambonse historic, 
2D, see Bijdbagen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde van 
Nederlandsch-Indie, volg. 7, DIO, 1910. 

Ruodolf, monk of Fulda, see Rudolphus, Fuldensis. 

Ruotgerus. Leben d. Erzbischofs Bruno v. Koln ; iibers. v. 
J. V. Jasmund, 2fi A., neu bearbt. v. W. Wattenbach, see 
Geschichtschreiber (Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2e Gesammt- 
ausg., B30, 1890. 

Rupert, prince, son of Frederick I, king of Bohemia, see 
Erskine {Mrs. S.) A royal cavaher, R., 1910. 

Ruprecht (Eranz Joseph). Flora Boreali-TJralensis : Uber d. 
Verbreitung d. Pflanzen im nordl. Ural, see Impbratoeskob 
Russ. Geog. Obsch. Der nordl. Ural etc., B2, 1856. 

Rusden (George William). W. Shakespeare, his life, works, 
& teaching. 8°. Melbourne. 1903 

Rushout (John), baron Northwick, see Northwiok (J. R., 

Russell (Hon. Bertrand A. W.), ^nd son of visct. Amberley. 
Philosophical essays. 8°. 1910 

Russell,(CharlesE. B.) Young gaol-birds. s8°. 1910 

Russell (Charles Edward). Why I am a socialist. 

8°. N.Y. [1910] 

Russell (Frances Anna Maria, countess), wife of Ld. John 
Bussell. Lady J. Russell : a mem., w. sels. f. h. diaries & 
corr. Ed. D. MacCarthy & A. Russell. 8". [1910] 

Russell (Rt. Hon. George William Erskine). Sketches & 
snapshots. 8°. 1910 

see Lawson (Sir W.), Snd bart. Sir W. L. ; ed. G. W. E. R., 
Russell (Harold A.) Constructive socialism. s8°. 1910 





Rnssell (Rachel Russell, Lady), Snd d. of Thomas, 4th earl of 
Southampton; wife of W., Lord Russell, "the Patriot." 
*Some ace. of life of R. Wriothesley, Lady R., by [Miss 
M. Berry], letters f. Lady R. to h. husband, 1672-82, w. 
misc. letters to & f. Lady R. ; added, 11 letters f. D. Sidney, 
Countess of Sunderland, to G. Saville, Marq. of Halhfax, 
1680. 40. 1819 

Russell (William Russell, Lord), 1639-83, see Shower {Sir B.) 
*Magistracy & govt, of Eng. vindic. : ans. to defence of 
Ld. R.'s innocence, 1689. 
Russia. OOiuiB qepKOBHO-o.iaBflHo-pocclHcKiH MOBapb, 2 1., 1834, see 
Le passe; Bujoe, HCTop.-pesojioa. cOopnHKi, No. 1-5, 7-12, 1900-9, 
see Passe (Lb). 

DaMflTHHKH 4anJ0MaT. CBouieniii iipeBHeii Poccin ct> ^epiKaBaMH 

HDOCTpanflbiMH, tl-7, [tl-6 ed. G. T. Karpov], see Impbea- 

TOBSKOE RtrssK. IsT. Obsch. Sbornik. 

Sbornik : COopiiHKT. jiaiepiaJOBi hm onacaHia MtcTHOCTeiS 11 luieMCHb, see Sbornik. 

Russian cartoons, see Russo-Japanese War, 1904-5. [Coll. 

of B. c], 1904-5. 
Russkaya Musa. PyccKan Mysa CoOpanie craxoTopeinfl noeioKi 19 
B'CKa. CociaBHJi n. a. laSo. C.-U. 1904 

Russo-Japanese War, I9O4-5. [ Collection of Russian cartoons}. 

lafol. [1904-5] 

Guerre R.-Japon., 1904^5. Historique, redige a I'Etat- 

major g^n^ral de Tarmee russe. [Tr.]. tl i, ii. 8°. 1910 

1 i, ii, BvSnementa d'Extrfime-Orient av. la guerre et pr^p. 6. la guerre. 

Official hist, (naval & military). Prepared by Hist. Section 

of Committee of Imperial Defence. 

vl, to 24th Aug., 1904 ; <fc Maps. Ia8'>. 1910 

■Operations maritimes de la guerre R.-J. Hist, officiel publ. 

par TEtat-Maj. General de la Marine Japonaise. pi, tr. 

H. Rouvier. 8". 1910 

Russo-Japanese War [continued]. 
The R.-J. war : the battle of the Scha-Ho.. Prepared in Hist. 

Section of German Gen. Staff. Authorised tr. by K. v. 

Donat. 8°. 1910 

Maps. 8°. 1910 

Russwuim (A. v. Gleichen-), see Glbichbn - Russwuem 

(A. V.) 
Rustafjaell (Robert de). The light of Egypt, f. recently disc. 

Predynastic & Early Xtn. records. laS". 1909 

Rusticiano, di Pisa [RusTico]. Girone il Cortese. Romanzo. 

Volgarizzamento ; pubbl. con note dal Dr. F. Tassi. 

8°. Eirenze. 1855 
Rustico, see Rtjstioiano, di Pisa. 
Rnvlgny & Raineval (Melville A. H. D. H. de La C. de M. de R., 

96 marq. de). The Plantagenet Roll of the blood' royal ; 

table of the descendants now living of Ed. III. Anne of 

Exeter vol. 4°. 1907 

„ „ Qarence vol. 4°. 1905 

Ruzzaute, ps. [i.e. Angblo Beolco], see Lovarini (E.) 

Not. sui parenti e s. vita del " R.," 1899. 
Ryan (Arthur). St. Patrick, apostle of Ireland. 

[P1261]. s8". n.d. 
Rydberg (A. Viktor), see Svbrige. S. nat.-litt., 1500-1900, 

vl5, Warburg (C.) V. R., etc. [sets.], 1910. 
Ryder (John Herbert Dudley), Sth earl of Harrowhy, see Hae- 

ROWBY (J. H. D. R., 6th earl of). 
Rye (Walter). Calendar of Norwich deeds enrolled, etc. 

4°. n.p. 1910 
Ryle (Herbert Edward), hp- of (1) Exeter (S) Winchester, see 

Philo, Judceus. P. & Holy Scripture ; or. Quotations of 

P. f. Books of Old Test., w. intr. & notes by R., 1895. 
Rysor (Laurent), see Lattrent-Rysor ( — ). 
Ryssel ((3arl Victor). De Elohistse Pentateuchici sermone 

comm. histor.-crit. [P1249]. 8°. L. 1878 

S. (P.) 




S, (P.) OCmift UepKOBBO-CJaBflHO-pOCCiacKiH CJOBapL, 2 1., 18S4 SPP 

SoKOLov (P. I.) >' ' > io<54, see 

SaaJfeld (Jacob Christoph Friedrieh). Gesch. d. Universitat 

Gottmgen 1788-1820. 8". Hannover. 1820 

babadmo degUArienti (Giovanni), see Abx(S.v.) G S d A u 

s. Porrettane, 1909. 
Sabas, bp. of ilojaUk, see Savva, hp. of Mojaisk. 
Sabater (Gertrudis Gi de Avellaneda de), see Gomez de Avel- 


Sabatier (L. Auguste), see Dartigtje (H.) A. S. . crit. litt., 

Sabbadini (Remigio). 

see GiOKNALE Stok. d. Lett. Ital., Suppl.,'6, R. S., Un 

biennio umanistioo (1425-6), illust. con nuovidoc, 1903. 

„ Pbtbaboh. p. e la Lombardia ; coUabor., R. S., etc., 


Sabellico (Marco Antonio), see Heboldt (J.) Exempla 

virtutum et vitiorum, S'. Exemplorum [lib. ix], 1555. 
Sabios, Siete, see Seven Sages. 

Saboly (Nicolas). Li Nouve de S., de Peyrol e de J. Rou- 

manille, etc. Ed. rev. s8». Avignoun. 1897 

Sacchetti (Franco). Novelle. [rev. repr. of G. D. PoggiaU's 

ed. Race, de' novellieri ital., v20-22]. 3v. s8°. Milano. 1815 

Novelle. 2v. s8°. Firenze. 1860 

Sachsische (Der) Annalist [Annalista Saxo] ; fibers, v. E. 

Winkelmann, 2^ A., neu bearbt. v. W. Wattenbach, see 

Geschichtschebiber (Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2« Gesammt- 

ausg., B54, 1894. 

Sacken (Baron C. R. v. d. Osten-), see Osten-Sacken {Baron 

G. R. V. D.) 
Sackville (Tiiomas), 1st e. of Dorset, & T. Norton. Gorboduo : 
Ferrex & Porrex, 1561. Ed. by L. T. Smith. [Engl. 
Sprache- u. Literaturdenkmale des 16-18 Jhdts. ; K. 
VoUmoller]. s8o. Heilbronn. 1883 

see Thobndikb (A. H.) Minor Eliz. drama, vl, Gorboduo, 
by T. Norton & T. S., 1910. 
Sacred Books of the Buddhists tr. by var. oriental scholars & 
ed. by T. W. Rhys Davids. v3. S". 1910 

3, Dialogues of the Buddha. Tr. f. Pali of the Digha Nik^ya by T. W. & 
C. A. r. Khya Davids, p2. 

Sacred (The) Books of the East, tr. ; ed. F. Max Miiller. 

v50. 8». 0. 1910 

Gen. index ; comp. by M. Winternitz ; w, pref, by A. A. Macdonell. [50.] 
Sa'di. The rose-garden of Sa'di. Sel. & rendered w. intr. 

by L. Cranmer-Byng. 3rd imp. s8°. 1910 

Sageret (Jules). Paul le nomade. [Roman]. s8°. [1909] 

*Saggio storico s. rivoluz. di Napoli, 2a ed., 1806, see Coco (V.) 

Sagher (E. de), see Dbs Mabbz (G.) & E. de S. Comptes de 

la ville d'Ypres de 1267 a 1329, tl, 1909. 
Saglio (Edmond). Le triptyque de St.-Sulpice, Tarn, Mus^e 

de Cluny, see Acad, des Inscb. etc. ; Fond. Piot. Mon^. 

etc., t2, 1895. 
Sagnac (Philippe). La Revolution du 10 aoiit 1792 : la 

chute de la royaute. s8<'. 1909 

see Lavisse (E.) Hist, de France, jusqu'a la R6vol., t9 i, 
Le regne de Louis XVI (1774^89), par P. S., etc., 1910. 
Saige (M. J. J. Gustave) & L. H. Labande. Doc', hist. rel. 

aux seigneuries de Menton, Roquebrune et la Turbie du 

n^ au lae siecle. Rec. par G. S. & L.-H. L. Publ. avec 

intr. etc. par L.-H. L. [CoU. de doc", hist. publ. par ordre 

de S. A. S. le prince Albert 1" de Monaco]. 

4". Monaco. 1909 
Saint Bene't & St. Peter, Paul's Wharf, London. Registers. 

Ed. W. A. Littledale. v2, Marriages : St. B., 1619-1730. 

[Harleian Soc, Registers, v39]. ^*°-t1^^*^ 

.-Saint-Bertin, abbey of; at Sithiu. Die Annalen v. St. B. u. 

St. Vaast, [the Annalen v. St. B. in 3p {pi anon., pZ by 

PruderaiuB bp. of Troyes, p3 by Hincmar abp. of Rheims)] ; 

fibers. V. J. v. Jasmund, 2« A., neu bearbt. v. W. Wattenbach, 

see Gesohiohtschbeibbb (Die) d. deut Vcrzeit, 2« Gesammt- 
.ausg., B24, 1890. 

Saint Columb, cathedral of, see Londondbbby. 

Saint Columba's College, Bathfarnham. Corr. rel. to St. C.'s 

College, May, 1851. [P1238]. 8°. D. f.p.c. 1851 

Saint-Denis. Inventaires du tresor etc. dans I'^glise de 

I'abbaye de Saint-Denys en ,1505 et 1739 ; publ. H. Omont, 

see Socitit de l'Hist. db Pabis, etc. M6ms., t28, 1902. 
Sainte-Chapelle. Le Tresor de la Ste.-C. : Inventaires ; 

[publ.] A. Vidier, see Sooii)Tt de l'Hist. de Pabis, etc. 

M^ms., t34, 35, 1907-8. 
Saint-Florent, abbey of. Chartes etc. du monast^re de S.-F. 

pres Saumur, cone. I'lle-de-France, 1070-1220 env. ; publ. 

par P. Marchegay, see Society db l'Hist. de Paris, etc. 

M6ms., t5, 1879. 
Saint Germain-en-Laye. Parochial registers of St. G.-en-L. : 

Jacobite extrs. of births, marriages & deaths ; w. notes & 

appendices, ed: G. E. Lart. vl, 1689-1702. 8°. 1910 

Saint Giles, Edinburgh. Registrum cartarum Ecolesie S. 

Egidii de Edinburgh, 1344^1567. [Ed. w. Hist, notices by 

D. Laing. Bannatyne Club]. 4°. E. 1859 

Saint Helena. *Descrizione deir isola di S. Elena, [no tp. 

b.w. Napoleon I, *Storia d. quindioi settimane, 1815]. 

s8o. [Genova? 1815?] 
Saint James, abbey of, Liege, see Sankt Jacob. 
Saint Mary's Abbey, Dublin. *Remains of St. M.'s Abbey, 

D. Their explorations & researches, 1886. [By var. 

authors]. i°. D. 1887 

Saint Maur des Posses. Fragm. d'un obituaire de St.-M.- 

des-F. ; publ. M. Prou, see Societe de l'Hist. de Paris, 

ETC. M6ms., tl4, 1888. 
Saint Merry, Paris. Cartulaire et Censier de St. M. de Paris ; 

publ. L. Cadier et C. Couderc, see Soci:6t:6 de l'Hist. db 

Pabis, etc. Mems., tl8, 1891. 
Saint Peter, abbey of, Erfurt, see Sankt Peteb. 
Saint S^pulcre, Paris. Inventaire du tresor de I'eglise du 

St.-Sepulcre de Paris, 1379, [publ.] E. Molinier, see SociSte 

DB l'Hist. db Pabis, etc. Mi^ms., t9, 1883. 
Saint- Vaast, abbey of ; at Arras, see S aint-Bebtin, abbey of. 

Die Annalen v. St. B. u. St. V. ; fibers, v. J. v. Jasmund, 

2= A., 1890. 
Saint Victor, abbey of, Paris. Fragm. d'un inventaire du 

tresor de I'abbaye de Saint-V. de Paris, 15s. ; publ. E. 

Molinier, see SociEiTi! db l'Hist. de Pabis, etc. Mems., 

t8, 1882. 
Saint- Vincent, Laon. Cartulaire de St.-V. de L. ; analyse et 

pieces ined. ; [publ.] R. Poupardin, see Societe de l'Hist. 

DB Pabis, etc. Mems., t29, 1902. 
Saint-Aymour (Am^d^e Caix de), vicomte, see Caix de Saint 

Aymottb (A., vte. de). 
Saint Cher (Hugues de), se^ Hdgo, de Sancto Charo. 
Saint Cyres (Stafford Harry Northcote, viscount). Pascal. 

8". 1909 
Saint-Didier ( — ). Notti dell' abdicazione deU' Imp. Napoleone. 

[Tr.? no tp. b.w. Napoleon I, *Storia d. quindici setti- 
mane, 1815]. s8». [Genova? 1815] 
Sainte-Beuve (Charles Augustin). Le livre d'or de S.-B. publ. 

a I'occasion du centenaire de sa naissance, 1804-1904. [By 

var. as. with bibliog.]. 4". 1904 

see Teodbat (J.) La salle a manger de S.-B., 1910. 
Saint Helier (S. Mary E, Jeune, baroness), wife of 1st baron. 

Mem. of 50 years. 8». 1909 

Saint John Mildmay (Herbert), see Mildmay (H. St. J.) 
Saint John Mildmay (Susan), see Mildmay (S. St. J.) 
Saint Maurice (Thomas Francois Chabod, ^« marq. de). Lettres 

sur la cour de Louis XIV, 1667-70. Publ. avec intr. et 

notes par J. Lemoine. 8°. [1910] 

Saint-Pierre (J. H. Bernardin de). Paul & Virginie. s8<>. n.d. 
Saint-SaSns (C. Camille). Harmonie & melodie. s8°. [1907] 
Saintsbury (George E. B.) Histor. manual of Eng. prosody. 

s8'>. 1910 
Hist, of Eng. prosody f. the 12th c. v3, Blake to Swinburne. 

8°. 1910 




Saintsbuiy (George E. B.) [contimied]. 
Shakespeare & the grand style, see English Assoc. Essays 

& studies ; coll. A. C. Bradley, 1910. 
Salaman (Malcolm Charles). Old English mezzotints. Text 

by S. ; ed. C. Holme. [Studio: Special Winter No., 

1910-11]. Ia8°. 1910 

Salas Baibadillo (Alonso Crer6uimo de). Bos novelas. [Bd. 

F. R. de Uhagon]. Reimpresas por la Soc. de Bibliofilos 

Espanoles. 8". 1894 

El cortesano descort^s, [comedia], 1621. 

El necio bien afortuuado, 1621. 

Salazar (Eugenio de). Cartas de E. de S., vecino y natural 

de Madrid. [Ed. P. de Gaycmgos]. Publ. por la Soc. de 

Bibhofilos Espanoles. ' 8°. 1866 

Salazar de Mendoza (Pedro de). El glorioso doctor San 

Ilefonso, arcobispo de Toledo, etc. s4°. Toledo. 1618 

Saleius Bassus, see Bassus (S.) 
Salillas (Rafael). En las Cortes de Cadiz (Revelaciones 

acerca del estado poUt. y social). 88°. 1910 

Salimbeue (Fra), Minorite, see Cledat (L.) De Fratre S. et 

de ejus Chronicaa auctoritate ; [cont. text of the Chron. for 

1161-ni-Z\, 1878. 
Salle {Mile. Marie), see Daoier (E.) Les dernieres ann^es 

d'une danseuse du 18^ s. ; docs. ined. sur MUe. S., 1907. 
Sallmann (Carl). Luthers angebl. Selbstmord nach P. 

Majunkes Gesohiehtsluge. [P1248]. 8°. Kassel. 1890 

Salmon (George), provost of T.C.D. The eternity of future 

punishment ; &, Place wh. this doctrine ought to hold in 

Xtn. teaching. Two sermons. 2nd ed. [P1258]. 8». D. 1865 
Salomon HI, hp. of Constance, see Zbllbb (U.) S. Ill, 1910. 
Salomon (Felix). Die deut. Parteiprogramme, 1844-1900. 

[Quelleusammlung ^. deut. Gesch. ; hrsg. E. Brandenburg 

u. G. Seehger]. 2H. 88". L. 1907 

Salt (Samuel), see Newcastle (M. C, dvchess of). Letters 

wr. by Lamb's " princely woman, M. Newcastle " ; etc. 

also by h. " old bencher " S. S. etc., 1909. 
Salten (Felix). Olga Frohgemuth. sS". [1910] 

Salter (William Henry). Essays on two moderns : Euripides, 

S. Butler. 8°. 1911 

Salter Brooks (W. H.), see Bkooks (W. H. S.) 
Saltini (Guglielmo Enrico). La fuga di Bianca CappeUo da 

Venezia. [P1277]. 8°. Firenze. 1883 

Salvioli (Carlo), see Salvioli (G.) & C. S. Bibliog. univ. del 

teatro drammatico ital., vl, 1894-1901. 
Salvioli (Giovanni) & C. Salvioli. Bibliog. universale del 

teatro drammatico ital., con partic. riguardo alia Storia d. 

musica ital. [App. w. sep. pagin.]. 

vl, [A-C]. Ia8°. Venezia. 1894-1901 
Salvioni (Carlo). 
see MoNACl (E.) Studj di filoL rom., v7, [*La comtemplacio 
de la passio de Nostre Senhor : testo catalano-pro- 
venzale ; ed. C. S.], 1899. 

„ Studj di filol. rom., v8, [La risoluzione palatina di 

keg neUe Alpi lombarde ; by C. S.], 1901. 

„ Studj di filol. rom., v7, [Giunte ital. alia Roman. 

Formenlehre (Gramm. d. roman. Sprachen, B2) di 
W. Meyer-Lubke ; by C. S.], 1899. 
Salvucci (Salvuccio). Novelle, see Novelle di alcuni autori 

fiorentini, 1815. 
Salza (Abd-el-Kader). F. Coppetta dei Beccuti, poeta peru- 

gino del s. 16, see Gioenalb Stor. d. Lett. Ital., Suppl., 

3, 1900. 
Salzer (Ernst). tJber d. Anfange d. Signorie in Oberitalien. 

Beitrag zur italien. Verfassungsgesch. [Hist. Studien, 

verofEenthcht v. E. Ebering, 14]. 8°. 1900 

Samaritanische (Das) Targum z. Pentateuch ; hrsg. v. A. 

Briill ; [w.] Anhang 1, 2, 1875-9, see Bible : Pentateuch. 
Sampson (Rev. William), rector of Clay worth. The Rector's 

book, Clayworth, Notts. Transcribed & ed. by H. Gill & 

E. L. Guilford. 8°. Notts. 1910 

Samson, see Wibtzkb (E.) Der bibl. Simson d. agypt. Horus- 

Ra, 1888. 
Samson (George Gordon). How to plan a house. 8°. 1910 
Samuel (Arthur). Piranesi. 8". 1910 

Sanakea, see Chanakya. 
Sanatana Dharma : advanced text book of Hindu relig. & 

ethics. Publ. by Central Hindu College, Benares. 

2nd ed. 88°. Benares. 1904 
Sancerre (Louis de), constable of France, d. 14OS, see Michel 

(A.) Statue tombale de L. de S., 1894. 

Sanchez (R. Blanco y), see Blanco y Sanchez (R.) 

Sancroft (William), abp. of Canterbury. The proceedings & 
tryal in case of abp. of Canterbury, bp. of St. Asaph, bp. of 
Ely, bp. of Chichester, bp. of Bath & WeUs, bp. of Peter- 
borough, & bp. of Bristol. In Court of King's-Bench, 1688. 

88". 1739 

Sanct Jacob, abbey of, Liege, see Sankt Jacob. 

Sanctorum. Vitae s. Hibernise, recog. etc. C. Plummer, 1910, 
see Plummbb (C.) 

Sanct Peter, abbey of, Erfurt, see Sankt Peter. 

Sancy (Nicolas Harlay de), see AtrBiGNfi (T. A. d'). *La 
confession de M. de S., 1663. 

Sand (George) ps. Consuelo. [Tr.]. s8°. [1908] 

La Mare au Diable. s8». [1908] 

Sanday (William). Christologies, ano. & mod. 8". 0. 1910 

Sanders (Daniel H.) Zitatenlexikon. Eine Sammlung v. 
Zitaten, Sprichwortern, etc. S^^, verbess. A. s8°. L. 1911 

Sanders (Francis), 8.J. Abrege de la vie de Jacques II roy 
de la Grande Bret., etc. Tire d'un ecrit du R. P. F. S., par 
F. Bretonneau. Avec des sentimens du roy, sur sujets de- 
plete. s8». 1703 

Sanders (Lloyd). Old Kew, Chiswick & Kensington. 8°. 1910- 

Sanders (T. W.) Roses & their cultivation. 6th ed. s8°. 1909 

Sanderson (Robert), bp. of Lincoln. Episcopacy (as established 
by law in Eng.) not prejudicial to regal power. 8°. 1673 

Sandwich (Edward George Henry Montagu, 8th earl of). 
*Hinchingbrooke. s4°. p.p. 1910 

Sandys (John Edwin). Companion to Latin studies. Ed. 
J. B. S. 8». C. 1910 

SanSord (William Ayshford), see Dawkins (W. B.) & W. A. S. 
Brit. Pleistocene Mammalia, vl, 1866-72. 

San Francisco. Report on causes of municipal corruption in 
S. F., as disclosed by investigations of Oliver Grand Jury, 
etc. [P1297]. 8°. San Francisco. 1910- 

Sangallo (Giuliano da), see Giuliano, da S. 

San Juan Bautista de Puerto Rico, see Porto Rico ; Puerto 

Sankt Gallen, 3Ionk of, see Charlemagne, for the work on C. 
by the "Monk of S. G." 

Sankt Georgen, abbey, Black Forest. Der sogenannte St. Geor- 
gener Prediger : [medice^al coll. of sermons, probably wholly 
or in part by Berthold v. Begensburg] ; hrsg. v. K. Rieder. 
[Deutsche Texte d. M.-a., hrsg. v. d. Konigl. Preuss. Akad. 
d. Wiss., 10]. 8''. 1908 

Sankt Jacob, abbey, Liege [Saint James ; Sanct Jacob]. Die 
Jahrbiicher v. St. J. in Lilttich — Die Jahrbiicher Lamberts 
d. Kleinen — Die Jahrbiicher Reiners ; libers, v. C. Platner, 
see Geschiohtschreieer (Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2« Gesammt- 
ausg., B70, 1896. 

Sankt Peter, abbey, Erfurt [Peteesbebg ; Saint Peter ; 
Sanct Peter]. Chronik v. S. P., 1100-1215; fibers, v. G. 
Grandaur, neu eingeleitet v. W. Wattenbach, see Geschicht- 
schreibbr(Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2" Gesammtausg., B52, 1893. 

San Martin (Alonso de). Sepan cuantos. . . . Coroza critica 
puesta a la edicion que de las Obras de L. de Rueda perpetro- 
E. Cotarelo y Mori. s8». 1910 

Sannazaro (Jacopo). Le opere latine. Recate in versi ital., 
etc., da F. Scolari. 8°. Venezia. 1844 

Has ^nd tp. : II parto d. Vergine. 

San Roman (Antonio de). Hist. gen. de la Yndia Oriental,, 
los descubrimientos, y conquistas, que ban hecho las armas 
de Portugal, en el Brasil, y en otras partes de Africa, y de 
la Asia ; y de la dilatacion del Santo Evangelic hasta el 
ano de 1557. fol. Valladolid. 1603 

San Romdn y Ferndndez (Francisco de Borja de). El Greco 
en Toledo : nuevas investig. acerca de la vida y obras de D. 
Theotocopuli. 8°. 1910 

Sansovino (Francesco). Cento Novelle scelte da piu nobili 
scrittori. Di nuovo reformate etc. s4°. Venetia. 1598- 

Santa Cruz (Melchior de). Floresta espafiola, see Flobbsta 
general ; [ed. P. Oyanguren], tl, 1910. 

Santa Ella (Rodrigo Fernandez de), see Fernandez de Santa 
Ella (R.) 

Santayana (George). Three philosophical poets : Lucretius, 
Dante, & Goethe. [Harvard Studies in Comparative 
Lit., 1]. 8°. Cambridge, [Mass.]. 1910- 

Sant' Elena, see Saint Helena. 

Santillana (Inigo Lopez de Mendoza, marq. de), 1398-1458, see 
DfAZ (P.) Dialogo e razonamiento en la muerte del marq. 
de S., 1892. 



Santley {Sir Charles). Reminiscences of my life 8" 1909 

Sanuto (Marino) the young ar, see Murari (Rl' M s' e L 
Brenzoni-Sohioppo, 1898. v / . . 

^T%' fg^/'^-^^'^o^- Carmina, cum Sapphus aliorumque 

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M. E Paguet. ,8„ „_^, 

A reprint of h. Quarante ans de theatre, [t3]. 
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Sardou (Victorien). 
4'cePREVOST (M.) Biscours de reception k I'Acad Er. [on 
V . o.], 1910. 

„ SoHOEN(H.) V. S. et C. CoqueUn, 1910. 
Sargeaunt (B. E.) The Royal Monmouthshire Militia : descr. 

f. 1660 to time of its transfer to the Special Reserve. 4". 1910 
Saigon, k. of Assyria, see Olmstbad (A. T.) Western Asia 

in the days of S., 722-705 B.C., 1908. 
Sajcipolos (Nikolaus N.) Das Staatsrecht d. Konic^reichs 

Griechenland. [Offentl. Recht d. Gegenwart, B8]. 
„ . 8°. Tubingen. 1909 

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Couucel of Trent, etc. Tr. by N. Brent. 3rd ed., added, 

divers passages, etc. cone, the truth of this hist. fol. 1640 

Neue Briefe (1608-16). Hrsg. v. K. Benrath. 8». L. 1909 

Sartine (A. R. J. G. Gabriel de), comte d'Alby, n29~l80l, see 

Le Maibe (J. B. C.) La poKce de Paris en 1770 : mem. 

compose par ordre de G. de S. ; publ. A. Gazier, 1879. 
Sarto (Giuseppe), aft. Fins X, see Pius X, pope. 
Sassen (J. H. H.), O.F. H. v. St. Cher, seine Tatigkeit als 

Kardinal, 1244^63. 8". Bonn. 1908 

Sassetti (Filippo), see Vitb di uomini d' arme etc., F. Eerrucci, 

scr. da F. S., 1866. 
Satow (El. Hon. Sir Ernest Mason) & A. G. S. Hawes. Hand- 
book for travellers in Central & N. Japan. 

s8». Yokohama, Kelly & Co. 1881 
For later ed^. see tMuBBAY's Handbooks. 
Sauer (Carl Marquard). Ital. conversation-grammar. 

6th ed. 8°. 1891 
Sauerlandt (Max). Deutsche Plastik d. Mittelalters. 

[2^ A.]. 84°. Diisseldorf. [1909] 
Saurel (Alfred), see Joanue : Coll. des Guides- Joanne : 

Marseille & ses environs, par A. S., 4'= ed., 1880. 
Savelli (F. Giannuzzi), see Giannuzzi Savelli (F.) 
Savignac (iJ. P. Raphael), see Mission Arch^olog. en Arable, 

[1], De Jerusalem au Hedjaz Medain-Saleh, par S., etc., 1909. 
Savigne (E. J.) Guide a Vienne (Isere). sS". Vienne. 1879 

Savigny de Moneorps (vte. de). Almanachs illustres du 18^ 

siecle. Avant-propos de G. Vicaire. Ia8°. 1909 

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Beriioksiohtigung d. Naturtheater in Thale am Harz u. 

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Savj-Lopez (Paolo), see Canzonieeb provenzale J ; [ed. 

P. S.-L.], 1901-3. 
Savonarola (Giovanni Michele). Libellus de magnificis 

ornamentis regie civit. Padue ; a cura di A. Segarizzi, see 

Mtjbatori (L. a.) Rer. Ital. scr., t24 xv, 1902. 
Savva, bp. of Mojaisk [Sabas], see Moscow. Spec, palaeo- 

graphica cod. Graec. & Slav. Bibl. Mosq. Synod. ; ed. S., 1863. 
Sawyer (Sir James). Contributions to practical medicine. 

4th ed., w. add'. s8°. Birmingham. 1904 
Points of practice in maladies of the heart. Lumleian lects. 

s8o. Birmingham. 1908 
Saxe (mareohal de), 1696-1750, see Colin (J.) Les oampagnes 

du m. de S., p3, 1906. 
Sayce (Archibald Henry). Origin & growth of relig. as illust. 

by the relig. of the ancient Babylonians. [Hibbert Lects., 

1887]. 2nd ed. 8°. 1888 

see Bible : Genesis. First bk. of Moses called Genesis ; 

ed. A. H. S., 1901. 
Sayings of the Fathers, see Ab6th. 
Sbornik. COopntiKi maTepiJUOBb 4JH ODHcariia MliCTiiocTeii h D.ieMeHX 

KaBKasa. Bunvi-Ki, 17, 23, 32, 34, 35, 38. \_Each vol. has 

3 div. dh sev. pagin.]. 8°. Tn*JHCT,. 1893-1908 

COopnHKT. 3a HapoAHH yjioTBopeiinn. nayKa h KHHiKniiHa HSAaoa 

Mhuhctcpctboto Ha napo^Hoio npocBtmeime. Kenra 18-24. 

laS". Co*Ha 1901-1908 
Vols, after 18 have najaBa BiJrapcitOTO kii[«kobiio ApymecTBo. 

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St. Calixte. Hist. & descr., etc. 8°. Rome. 1909 

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cronolog. dei Papi, Imperatori etc. — Ant. topog. di Roma]. 

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Scaramouche. La vieiUesse de S., 1690-4 ; Docs. ined. publ. 

E. Campardon et A. Longnon, see SooiETi de l'Hist. de 

Paris, etc. Mems., t2. 1876. 

Scarauo (Nicola). Fonti provenzali e ital. d. lirica Petrarch- 

esca, see Monaci (E.) Studj di filol. rom., v8, 1901. 
Scarron (Paul), see Chardon (E. H.) La troupe du Roman 

comique [de S.] d^voiMe, etc., 17s., 1876. 
Schaaf (Carl). C. S. Opus Aramseum, compl. Gramm. 
Chaldaico-Syriacam : Selecta Targumin, cum vers. Latina, 
& annot. : Lexicon Chaldaicum, fibris V. T. Chaldseis etc. 
accomm. [3 paging]. sS". Lugd. Bat. 1686 

Schafer (Dietrich). Deutsche Gesch. 2B. 8». Jena. 1910 

1, Mittelalter. 2, Neuzeit. 
Scharnhorst (gen. Gerhard Johann David v.) 
see LiGNiTZ (gen. V. v.) S., 2" A., n.d. 

„ Napoleon I, emp. of the French. Militar. Schriften — 
Militar. Schriften v. S. ; erlautert duroh Frhr. v. d. 
Goltz, 1901. 
Schaumburg-Lippe (P. Wilhelm E., Oraf zu), see Varnhagen 
V. Ensb (C. a. L. p.) Biograph. Denkmale, Tl, Graf W. 
z. L., etc., 1824 ; 1872. 
Schechter (Solomon). Doc', of Jewish sectaries. 

2v. 4°. C. 1910 

1, Fragments of a Zadokite work, ed., w. tr., intr. & notes by S. S. 

2, Fragments ol the Book of the Commandments by Anan, ed., w. intr. 

& notes by S. S. 

Sch6fer (Gaston). L'Hotel des ConseOs de guerre. Rue du 
Cherche-Midi, see Paris : Comm. MtrNioip. dtj vieux Paris. 
Proces-verbaux, 1907. 
Scheiferus (Joannes). De antiqvis verisqve regni Sveciae 
insignibus, liber singularis. s4°. Holmise. 1678 

Schelling (Felix E.) English literature during the lifetime 
of Shakespeare. [Bibliog.']. 8°. 1910 

Schelling (Priedrieh Wilhelm Joseph v.) Einleitung zu s. 
Entwurf e. Systems d. Naturphilosophie. 8°. Jena. 1799 

♦Scheme (A) for raising l,8O0,0O0L for the service of 1712 by 
way of lottery, etc., c. 1712, see Lottery. 
Schenkl (Heinrich). Bibliotheca patrum Latin. Britannica. 
[Aus d. Sitzungsberichte d. Kais. Akad. d. Wiss.]. 

3B in 1. 8o. Wien. 1891-1908 
Schettini (Pirro), see Caravelli (V.) P. S. e F antimarinismo, 

Schier (Carl H.) Ciel & enfer, ou descr. du globe celeste 
arabe ; suivie d'un suppl. des comm'. sur la Divine Comedie 
de Dante Alighieri. [P1269]. Ia8<'. Dresde. 1866 

N.B. — This copy contains the suppl. only. For another 
ed., without the suppl., see his Globus coelestis Arab, etc., 
Globus coelestis Arabicus qui Dresdas in Regio Museo Mathe- 
matico asservatur. [P1269]. laS". L. 1865 

SchiSer (Sinai). Das Buch Kohelet. Nach d. Auffassung d. 
Weisen d. Talmud u. Midrasch etc. 

Tl. [P1244]. 8". Frankfurt a. M. n.d. 
Schilberszky (Charles). Monographie de la horticulture en 
Hongrie. Red. pour I'Expos. univ. de 1900 a Paris. 

4°. Budapest. 1900 

Schiller (Ferdinand C. S.) Riddles of the sphinx : studies in 

the phil. of humanism. n. & rev. ed. [3rd]. 8°. 1910 

Schiller (J. C. Friedrich v.) Sammtliche Schriften. Hist. 

krit. A. Im Verein mit A. Ellissen, R. Kohler, W. Miildener, 

H. Osterley, H. Sauppe if. W. VoUmer, v. K. Godeke. 

15T, [5 & 15 each in 2B]. 8°. St. 1867-76 

8, Gesch. d. SOj". Kriegs. 

9, Kleine hist. Schriften. 

10, Asthet. Schriften. 

11, Gedichte. 

12, WaUenstein — Maria Stuart. 

13, Macbeth — Die Jungfrau v. 
Orleans— Turandot. 

14, Die Braut v. Messina — Der 
Neffe als Onkel— Der Farasit 
—Wilhelm Tell. 

15 i, Letzte Dichtungen u. Kach- 

15 ii, Nachlass — Demetrius. 

1, Jugendversuche. 

2, Die Rautaer — Wirtemberg. 


3, Fiesko — Kabale u. Liebe — 

Khein. Thalia. 

4, Arbeiten d. Leipzig-Dresdner 

5 i, Dom Karlos — Worterver- 

zeichniss [zu T2-5 ij. 
5 ii, Don Karlos. 

6, Vermischte poet. u. prosa. 

Schriften, 1787-92. 

7, Gesch. d. Abfalls d. Vere- 

inigten Niederlande v. d. 
span. Uegierung. 




Schiller (J. C. Friedrich v.) [continued]. 

Samtliche Werke. [Horenausgabe]. 

Bl, 2. 8°. Miinchen. [1910] 
Scliillers Personlichkeit. Urtheile d. Zeitgenossen u. Docu- 
mente gesammelt v. M. Hecker. 3T. 8". Weimar. 1904-9 
B2, 3, gesammelt v. J. Petersen. 
Schioppo (Lama Brenzoni-), see Brbnzoni-Schioppo. 
Schipper (Jakob M.) A hist, of Eng. versification. [Tr. of 
Grundriss d. engl. Metrik]. 88°. 0. 1910 

Schirmer (Henri), Dr.-es-Lettres. Le Sahara. 8°. 1893 

Schlatter (Adolf). Die Theologie d. Neuen Test. 

2T. 8°. Calw. 1909-10 
1, Das Wort Jesu. 2, Die Lehre d. Apostel. 
Schlegel (C. W. Friedrich v.), see Scholl (J. W.) F. S. & 

Goethe, 1790-1802, 1906. 
Schleiier (J.) Sahidische Bibel-Fragmente aus d. Brit. 
Museum, see Kaisekl. Akad. d. Wiss. zu Wibn. Sitz- 
ungsber., B162, 1909. 
Schlesinger (Kathleen). Instruments of the modern orchestra 
& early records of the precursors of the violin family. 

2v. 8°. 1910 

1, Modern orchestral instruments. 

2, Precursors of the violin family. 

Schlich (Sir William). Manual of forestry. v2, 3. [2, Silvi- 
culture. 3, Forest management]. 4th ed., rev. 8°. 1910-11 
Schlier (Joseph). Die zwolf kleinen Propheten. Ein Weg- 
weiser fiir d. Gemeinde. 2« A. [P1255]. 8°. Nordlingen. 1876 
Schlottmann (Constantin). Die Inschrift Eschmunazars Konigs 
d. Sidonier geschichtl. u. sprachl. erklart. 

[P1251]. 8°. Halle. 1868 

Die Siegessaule Mesa's, Konigs d. Moabiter. Oster-Pro- 

gramm d. Univ. [P1251]. 8». Halle. 1870 

Schlumherger ((Justave L.) 

For the following see AcAD. D. IifscK. etc. .- Fond. Piot. 

Un coffret byzaiitin d'ivoire, Mus^e Kircher k Home, 1S99. [6.] 

La croix byzantine dite des Zaccaria, Cath^drale de GSnes, 1895. [2.] 
Deux bas-reliefs byzantius de steatite, coll. de la ctsse. R. de B6arn, 

1902. [9,] 
L'insor. du reliquaire byzantin, catMdrale d'Aix-la-Chapelle, 1905. [12.] 

L'ivoire Barberini, louvre, 19u0. [7.] 

Ivoire byzautin de I'anc. Coll. BonnaffS, 1899. [6.] 

TJn ivoire chrdtien, Louvre, 1894. [1.] 

Un tableau reliquaire byzantin du lO'^ sifecle, 1894. [1.] 

Schmalz (J. Herm.), see Stolz (F.) & J. H. S. Latein. Gram- 

matik, 4'= A., 1910. 
Schmeil (Otto). Lehrbuch d. Botanik. 26. A. 8°. L. 1910 

& J. Pitschen. Flora v. Deutsohland. Ein Hilfsbuch. 

7^ A. s8o. L. 1910 

Schmidliu (Joseph). Die kirchl. Zustande in Deutschland 

vor d. 30]ahr. Kriege etc., see Pastoe (L.) Erltgen. etc. 

zu Janssens Gesch., B7, 1910. 

Schmidt (Eduard Oscar). Die naturwissensohaftl. Grund- 

lagen d. Philos. d. Unbewussten. 

[a.c. in P1252]. 8". L. 1877 
Schmidt (Ernst). Kultiibertragungen. [ReUgionsgeschichtl. 
Versuche etc., hrsg. v. E. Wiinsch u. L. Deubner, B8 ii]. 

8°. Giessen. 1909 
Chap. S was publ. at Heidelberg as a dissert, w. i. " Die 
Einfiihrung d. Sarapis in Alexandria." 
Schmidt (H.), Oherstaatsanwalt in Mainz, see Pitaval (Dbr) d. 
Gegenwaet ; hrsg. v. R. Frank, G. Roscher, H. S., in | 
prog., 1904 etc. 
Schmidt (Heinrich). Veteres philosophi quomodo judi- 
caverint de precibus. [Rehgionsgeschichtl. Versuche, etc., 
hrsg. V. A. Dieterich u. R. Wiin«ch, B4 i]. 8". Giessen. 1907 
Schmidt (Hermann), Direhtor d. Gymnasiums zu Wittenberg. 
Platos Kratylus im Zusammenhange dargestellt, etc. 

8». Halle. 1869 
Schmidt (Immanuel), of Lichterfelde, see Flugel (F.) Fliigel- 
Schmidt-Tanger : diet, of English & German languages, 
2p, 8th ed., 1909. 
Schmidt (Wilhelm), Oberlehrer am Gymn. zu Darmstadt. 
Geburtstag im Altertum. [Rehgionsgeschichtl. Versuche, 
etc., hrsg. v. R. Wiinsch u. L. Deubner, B7 i]. 

8°. Giessen. 1908 
Schmiedel (Paul Wilhelm), see Thobbubn (T. J.) The 
Resurrection narratives & mod. crit. ; a critique of S.'s 
" Resurrection narratives " etc., 1910. 

Schnedermann (Georg Hermann). Die Con tro verse d. Ludo- 

vious CappeUus mit d. Buxtorfen uber d. Alter d. hebra- 

Punctation. [P1265]. 8". L. 1879- 

Das Judenthum u. d. christl. Verkflndigung in d. Evangelien. 

8". L. 1884 
Schnitzler (Arthur). Der junge Medardus. Dramat. Hist. 

3*^ A. s8°. 1910 

Schcen (Henri). Frederic Mistral et la litt. proven^ale. 

[Extr. de la Revue de Belg.]. 8°. 1910 

Victorien Sardou et C. Coquelin. [Extr. de la Revue de 

Belg.]. 8°. 1910 

Scholl (John William). P. Schlegel & Goethe, 1790-1802 : 

early German romanticism. [Repr. f. Publ. of Mod. Lang- 

Assoc, of America, 21]. 8°. Baltimore. 1906 

Schollenberger (J.) Die schweizer. Eidgenossenschaft v. 1874 

bis auf d. Gegenwart. 8°. 1910 

Schonbach (Anton E.) Studien z. Erzahlungslit. d. M.-a., 8, 

1909, see Kaiseel. Akad. d. Wiss. ztj Wien. Sitzungsber.,. 

B163, 1909. 

Walter v. d. Vogelweide : ein Dichterleben. [GeistesheJden, 

Bl]. 3^ A. s8°. 1910 

Schopenhauer (Arthur), see Gwinnek (W. v.) S. aus personl. 

Umgange dargestellt, 3'= A., [w.t.] S.'s Leben, 1910. 

Schrader (Eberhard). Gedachtnissrede auf J. Olshausen. 

Aus d. Abhdlgn. d. Konigl. Preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. zu 

Berlin, 1883. [P1270]. 4». 1883 

Die Namen d. Meere in d. assyr. Inschriften. Aus d. Abhdlgn. 

d. Konigl. Akad. d. Wiss. zu Berhn 1877. [P1272]. 4». 1878 
see Meyek (E.) Gedachtnisrede auf E. S., 1909. 

Schrader (Hans). Archaische Marmor-Skulpturen im Akro- 
polis-Museum zu Athen. [Osterreich Arch. Inst.]. 

4". Wien. 1909 

Schreiner (Olive). Woman & labour. 8°. 1911 

Schroder (Sir John Henry William), bart. [Schkodee {Baron 
von)]. Catalogue of the coll. of Sevres porcelain, Eng. & 
Oriental porcelain, jewels etc., formed by Baron S. ; sold 
by Christie, etc., 1910, etc. ; [w. plates]. ^8". [1910] 

Schroder (Paul), Orientalist. Die phoniz. Sprache. Entwurf 

e. Gramm. nebst Sprach- u. Schriftproben. Mit e. Anhang ; 
Erklarung d. pun. Stellen im Ponulus d. Plautus. 

8°. Halle. 1869 

Schubart (W.) & U. v. Wilamowitz-MoUendorff. Griechisohe 

Dichterfragmente. [Berliner Klassikertexte ; hrsg. v. d. 

Kgl. Museen zu Berhn, H5 i, ii]. 2H. Ia8o. 1907 

1, Bpisohe u. eleg. Fragmente ; bearbt. v.S. u. ■W.-M.,mit e. Beitr. v. 

F. Bucheler. 

2, Lyrische u. dramat. Fragmente ; bearbt. v. S. u. W.-M. 

Schiick (J. Henrik E.), see Sveeige. S. national-litt., 1500- 

1900, utg. af H. S., etc., vl6, 19, 1909. 
Schulenburg (Matthias Johann, Graf v. der), see Vaenhagen 

V. Ensb (C. a. L. p.) Biogr. Denkmale, Tl, Graf M. v. d. 

S., etc., 1872. 
Schultz (Mile. Jeanne). Jean de Kerdren. s8°. [1907] 

Schultz (R. Weir). The Church of the Nativity at Bethlehem. 

By W. Harvey, W. R. Lethaby, 0. M. Dalton, H. A. A. 

Cruso, & A. C. Headlam. Ed. R. W. S. [Byzantine 

Research Fund]. 40. 1910 

Schulz (Hans). Friedrich Christian, Herzog zu Schleswig- 

Holstein. Ein Lebenslauf. 8". St. 1910 

Schulze (Hermann), Prof. d. Staatsrecht at Heidelberg, see 

tSTENGEL (C, Frhr. v.) Das Staatsrecht d. Konigreichs 

Preussen, [1st ed. by H. S.,] 1894. 
Schulze (Wilhelm). Gedachtnisrede auf R. Pisohel, see 

Koniglich-Peeuss. Akad. d. Wiss. ztj B. Abhdlgn., 

Phil. -hist. Classe, 1909. 
Schnpfer (Francesco). Delle istituzioni polit. longobardiche. 

s8o. Firenze. 1863 
Schure (Edouard). Pythagoras & the Delphic Mysteries. 

Tr. F. Rothwell. rev. ed. s8". [1910] 

Schiirer (Emil). Die Gemeindeverfassung d. Juden in Rom 

in d. Kaiserzeit, nach d. Inschriften dargestellt. Nebst 45 

jiid. Inschriften. [P1272]. 4". L. 1879 

Schuster (Julius). Ein Beitrag zur Pithecanthropus-Frage, 

see Konigl. Akad. d. Wiss. zu Munchen. Math.-phys. 

Classe, Sitzungsber., 1909, 1910. 
Sehwabe (Paul), see Specht (F.) & P. S. Die Reichstags- 

Wahlen, 1867-1907, 2^ A., 1908. 
Schwally (Friedrich). Das Leben nach d. Tode, nach d. 

Vorstellungen d. alten Israel u. d. Judentums, einschhesslich 

d. Volksglaubens im Zeitalter Christi. 8". Giessen. 1892 




Schwarzau am Steinfeld, Lower Austria, set Robert Charles 
i.OTTis Marie [de Bourbon], duke of Parma. Kat. d. liturg 
Drucke d. 15. u. 16. Jhdts. in d. Herzogl. Parma'sohen 
J°i°I- in S. am S. ; bearbt. v. H. Bohatta, 1909-10. 

Sehweinichen (Hans v.) [fSoHWEiNicHEN v. Mbrtschubtz] 
Die Thaten u. Fahrten d. Ritters H. v. S. Hrsg v H 
Conrad. 2B. 8°. Miinchen. 1910 

Schweitz. *Tagebuoh e. Reise duroh d. S., 1787 see La 
Roche (M. S. v.) 

Schweitzer (Albert). Das Abendmahl im Zusammenhang 
mit dem Leben Jesu u. d. Gesoh. d. Urchristeutums. 

Hft. 1, 2. 8°. Tiibingen. 1901 

1, Das Abendmahlaprohlera. 

2, Das Mesaianitata- u. Leidensgeheimnis. 

Xhe quest of the hist. Jesus. A orit. study of its progress f . 

Reimarus to Wrede. Tr. W. Montgomery. With nref 

by F. C. Burkitt. 8°. 1910 

Schweizer (Alexander). Zwinglis Bedeutung neben Luther 

Festrede. [P1248]. 8». Ziirich. 1884 


Ense (C. a. L. p.) Biogr. Denkmale, T6, Graf v. S.,eto., 1873. 

Schwickerath (Robert), S. J. Jesuit education : its hist. & 

principles viewed in light of mod. educat. problems. 

2nd ed. sB". St. Louis, Mo. 1904 
Schwind (Moritz v.), see Klein (E.) M. of S., 1910. 
Sciences. *Classification of the s., 1864, see Spencer (H.) 
De la m^thode dans les sciences, 1910, see Methode. 
Scinde, see Aitkbn (E. H.) Gazetteer of Pro v. of S. .vol. A, 

Omt. publ., 1907. 
Scotland. Calendar of State Papers rel. to S. & Mary, Q. of 
Scots, 1547-1603, in P. Record Office, Brit. Mus., & else- 
where in Eng. Ed. W. K. Boyd. v6, 1581-3 ; [in prog. 
Scottish Record Publsi.]. Ia8°. E. 1910 

Privy Council. 
Reg. of the P. C. of S. Ed. & abr. by P. H. Brown. Ser. Ill, 
v2, 3 ; [in prog. Scot. Rec. Publ».]. laB". E. 1909-10 

2, 1665-9. 3, 1669-72. 
Scots (The) compendium : or. Pocket peerage of Scotland. 

2v. 38°. E. 1826 

Scott (Ernest). Terre Napoleon : hist, of French explorations 

& projects in Australia. 8°. [1910] 

Scott (Creorge), rector of Banagher. The death & burial of 

all abuses in the Church, earnestly desired, in a letter to 

A. W. Edwards. [P1238]. 8°. Londonderry. 1864 

Nepotism & favouritism deprecated, in a letter to the Lord Bp. 

of Derry & Raphoe. [P1238]. 8°. Londonderry. 1864 

see Edwards (A. W.) An appeal to candour : letter to G. S., 

in ref. to h. "Nepotism etc.," 1864. 

Scott (Harold Spencer), see Sbccombe (T.) & H. S. S. In 

praise of Oxford, 1910. 
Scott (James (Jeorge). The Burman, h. life & notions. 

[3rd ed.]. 8°. 1910 

Scott {Sir Walter), 1st hart. ; 1771-1832. Ivanhoe. With 

intr. essay & notes by A. Lang. s8°. 1906 

see Husband (M. F. A.) Diet, of characters in the Waverley 

Novels, 1910. 
„ Lang (A.) S. & the Border minstrelsy, 1910. 
„ MacCunn(F. A.) Sir W. S.'s friends, 2nd imp., 1909. 
„ Skene (J.) Memories of Sir W. S. ; ed. B. Thomson, 1909 
Scott (William Robert), D.Phil., Litt.D. The constitution 
& finance of Eng., Scottish & Irish joint-stock companies 
to 1720. ■<^2. 80. C. 1910 

2, Companies for foreign trade, colonization, fishing & mining. 
Scottish Text Society. [Publications. v59]. 8°. E. 1910 

see Montgomery (capt. A.) Poems & o. pieces, supplement- 
ary vol. ; ed. G. Stevenson. [59.] 
Scriptores. S. rerum Lusaticarum ant. & recentiores, 4t, 

1719, see Hoefmann (C. G.) 

Scrittori d' Itaha. [vl-9 ; in prog.]. 8°. Bari. 1910-11 

see Bandbllo (M.) Le novelle ; a cura di G. Brognohgo, 

vl-3, 1910-11. [2. 5, 9.J 

Blanch (L.) Delia scienza milit. ; a cura di A. Giannini, 

1910. [^■-' 

„ Boccalini (T.) Ragguagli di Parnaso e Pietra del 

paragone politico ; a cura di G. Rua, vl, 1910. [6.J 

Croce (B.) Lirioi marinisti ; a cura di B. C, 1910. [1.] 

',] Dblla Porta (G. B.) Le commedie ; a cura di V. 

Spampanato, vl, 1910. ,. „ „ A •-' 

Gozzi {conte C.) Mem. inutili ; a oura di G. Prezzolim, 

vl, 1910. L^-J 

Scultetns (Abraham). Medull^e theologise patrum syntagma. 

In quo theologia priscorum primitivse eeolesise doctorum 

expressa, [atq.] i R. Bellarmini, C. Baronii, G. de Valentia, 

etc. corruptelis ita vindicatur etc. b4P. Francofurti. 1634 
Sea songs & ballads ; sel. by C. Stone, 1906, see Stone (C.) 
Sears (M. Earl), see Mudgb (I. G.) & M. E. S. A Thackeray 

diet., 1910. 
""Seaside watering places. 

20th year of publ. Season 1896-7. s8<>. [1896] 
Seattle, Washington, see Exhibitions : Seattle, [1909]. 
Sebillet (Thomas). Art po^tique fran9oys. Ed. crit., avec 

une intr. etc., publ. par F. Gaiffe. [Soc. d. Textes Fran9. 

' Mod.]. s8°. 1910 

Seccombe (Thomas), M.A. & H. S. Scott. In praise of Oxford : 

an anthology in prose & verse. History & topography. 

8°. 1910 
Sech6 (L6on). Delphine Gay, Mme. de Girardin, dans ses 

rapports avec Lamartine, V. Hugo, etc. [Muses romantiques] . 

8°. 1910 
♦Second (The) Maiden's tragedy, 1611. [Prepared by the gen. 

editor. Malone Soc.]. s4''. [0.]. 1909 [1910] 

♦Secouda (La) Spagna & I'Acquisto di Ponente, etc., 1871, 

see Pibtrafitta (U., c. di). 
Seddeler (Baron von) [Zbddelbr], see Imperatorskoe Russk. 

1st. Obsch. Sbornik. 
Sedgvdck (Anne Douglas), aft. Mrs. B. de Selincourt. Franklin 

Kane. 88". 1910 
Sedgwick (Catharine Maria), see Bremer (F.) The H 

family ; to wh. is annexed. Home, by Miss S., 1844. 
Sedgwick (E.) Promise. s8<=. 1910 

Seeberg (Reinhold), see Deniele (H. S.) Luther, Auseinander- 

setzung mit S. etc., 1904. 
Seeley (Sir John Robert). The expansion of Eng. 

[repr. of 2nd ed.] sS". 1909 
Seeliger (Hugo, Bitter v.) tJber d. Anwendung d. Natur- 

gesetze auf d. Universum, see KoNlGL. Akad. d. Wiss. 

zu MtJNOHEN. Math.-phys. Classe, Sitzungsber., 1909, 

Seert. *Hist. nestorienne ined. (Chron. de S.), pi ii, publ. par 

A. Scher, etc., 1910, see Nestorienne. 
Segni (Bernardo), see Vite di uomini d' arme etc., N. Capponi, 

descr. da B. S., 1866. 
Segond (J.) La priere : etude de psychologic reUg. 8°. 1911 
Segur (marquis Pierre de). Au couchant de la monarchie : 

Louis XVI et Turgot, 1774-6. ,. 8°. [1909] 

Seidenstiicker (Carl), see PlLi-Buddhismus in tJbersetzungen ; 

libers, nebst Erlauterungen v. K. S., 1911. 
Seidler (Gustav). Budget u. Budgetrecht im Staatshaushalte 

d. constitut. Monarchie, mit besond. Riicksichtnahme auf d. 

osterreioh. u. deut. Verfassungsrecht. 8°. Wien. 1885 

Seidlitz (Woldemar v.) A hist, of Japanese colour-prints. Tr. 

A. Heard Dyer & G. Tripler. 4». 1910 

Seilliere (Ernest). Nietzsohes Waffenbruder, E. Rohde. 

tJbertragung. 8°. 1911 

Selden Society. Pubhcations. v24. 4P. 1909 

Year Books of Edward II. v5. The Eyre of Kent, 1313-4, 

vl. Ed. F. W. Maitland, L. W. V. Harcourt, & W. C. 

BoUand. 4°. 1910 [24.] 

Selfe (lieut-col. Sydney Gerald Fred.) Notes on the characters 

& incidents depicted by T. Hughes in " Tom Brown's school- 
days " ; w. inform, as to Rugby school, 1828-42. 

[P1280]. 8°. [Rugby?]. 1909 
Seligman (Edwin R. A.) Principles of economics, w. spec. ref. 

to American conditions. [American citizen ser. ; ed. 

A. B. Hart]. 4th ed., rev. & enl. 8». N.Y. 1910 

The shifting & incidence of taxation. 

3rd ed., rev. & enl. 8». N.Y. 1910 
Seligmann (C. G.), M.D. The Melanesians of Brit. New 

Guinea. With ch. by F. R. Barton ; & app. by E. L. GibUn. 

8°. C. 1910 
S61incourt (Mrs. Basil de), see Sedgwick (A. D.), aft. Mrs. de 8. 
Selles (Eugenio). Tragedia de celos, [<fc o. t.]. s8<>. 1910 

Semenofl (Valdimir). The price of blood. Sequel to " Ras- 

plata " & " The battle of Tsushima." Tr. L. Lewery & 

F. R. Godfrey. s8<>. 1910 

Semiramis, queen of Assyria, see Lehmann-Haupt (C. F.) Die 

histor. S. u. i. Zeit, 1910. 
Semper (Carl), see Deoken {Baron C. C. v. d.) Reisen in 

Ost-Afrika, B3 i, bearbt. v. C. S., etc., 1869. 




Semrau (Fianz). Wiirfel u. Wurfelspiel im alien lYankreioh. 

[Zeitschrift f. roman. Philologie, Beih. 23]. 

8". Halle a. S. 1910 
Sens, see Recueil des historiens de la France, Obituaires, t3, 

Qs. de la Province de S., t3, 1909. 
Sens (Mile, de), see Chakolais {Mile. de). 
Septimius Seienus (Aulus), see Lejiaike (N. E.) Poetse Lat. 

minores, vl, 1824. 
Sepulcri (A.), see Petkakch. P. c la Lombardia ; collabor., 

A. S., etc., 1904. 
SepAlveda (Ricardo). El Corral de la Pacheca. (Apuntes para 

la hist, del teatro espanol) ; con un prdlogo de J. Monreal. 

s8°. 1888 
Serao (Matilde). La conquista di Roma. Romanzo. 

s8o. Napoli. 1910 
" Sterminator Vesevo." Diario dell' eruzione Aprile 1906. 

s8°. Napoli. 1910 
Seraphim (August). Eine Schwester d. gross. Kurfursten 
' Luise Charlotte, Markgrafin v. Brandenburg, 1617-76, see 

Bekneb (E.) Quellen etc. z. Gesch. d. Hauses Hohenzollern, 

B2, 1901. 
Sergeant (Philip W.), B.A. The Empress Josephine, 

Napoleon's enchantress. 2v, [pagin. cont.]. 8°. 1908 

Sergeenko (P. A.), see Sebqybenko (P. A.) 
Sergi (Giuseppe). Orig. e difius. d. stirpe Mediterranea : 

induzioni antropolog. 8°. Roma. 1895 

Sergianus (O&lius), see Ofilius Sbrqiantts. 
Sergyeenko(P.A.) To.icToii n ero coBpeMeBUHKM — Tojctoh h HexoBi, 

see Tolstoy (c. L. N.) .1. H. T., 1910. 
Sermiui (Gentile). Novelle, see Novblle di autori senesi, vl, 

Seranno y Sanz (M.) Guerra de Quito, de P. de Cieza de Leon — 

Jornada del Rio Marauon, [the expedition of P. de Ursiia cfc 

L. de Aguirre], de T. de Ortiguera — Jornada de Omagua y 

Dorado [the expedition of P. de Vrsua dk L. de Aguirre ; 

? by Pedrdrias de Almesto, & founded upon the work by F. 

Vazquez] — Descr. del Peru, Tucuman, Rio de la Plata y 

Chile, de Er. R. de Lizarraga. [Ed.] por M. S. y S. [Nueva 

Bibl. de a', esp. : Hist, de Indias, t2]. laS". 1909 

Sertillanges (A. D.) S. Thomas d'Aquin. [With Index 

bibliog. Les grands philosophes]. 2t. 8°. 1910 

Sertor (Gaetano), see Mbtastasio (P. A. D. B.) II conclave 

di Clement XIV, 1774 ; [arranged by Abbate S.], 1775? 
Servaes (Franz). A. Zorn. [Knackfuss, 102]. 

Ia8». Bielefeld. 1910 
Service (Robert W.) Ballads of a Cheechako. s8°. 1910 

Servin (Louis). * Journal du regne de Henry III, par M. S. 

A. 6. A. P. D. P. [i.e. L. S. ; extr. f. Journals of P. de 

V EstoUe], see Henky III, king of France. Bee. de diverses 

pieces, 1663. 
Seton-Thompson (Ernest E.) ps. Life-histories of Northern 

animals : an ace. of the mammals of Manitoba. 

2v, [pagin. cont.]. 4P. 1910 
SeufEert (Bernhard). Prolegomena zu e. Wieland-Ausgabe, 

6, see Koniglich-Pbbuss. Akad. d. Wiss. zu B. Abhdlgn., 

Phil. -hist. Classe, 1909. 
Seven Sages [Book of Sindibad : Seven Wise Mastebs]. 

Misehle Sindbad, Secundus — Syntipas. Ed. [in Hebrew], 

emendirt u. erklart. Einltg., etc. d. Buohes d. Sieben weisen 

Meister v. P. Cassel. s8». 1888 

see Paz y Melia (A.) Opiisc. lit. de los siglos 14 a 16, Libro 
de los Siete Sabios de Roma ; tr. de latin en romance, 
por D. de Canizares, 1892. 

„ RoLLAND (J.) The S. S., in Scotish metre; [ed. D. 
Laing], repr. f. ed. of 1578, 1837. 
Seven Sleepers, see Htjbbe (M.) Textbeitrage zur Sieben- 

schlaferlegende d. M.-a., 1909. 
Severus, patriarch of Alexandria. De ritibus baptismi, & 

sacrae synaxis apud Syros Christianos receptis, liber [Syriac 

tfc Latin] : G. Eabrioio Boderiano exsoriptore cfe interprete. 
. [With Syriacse linguse prima elementa, by J. A. v. Wid- 

manstadt (sep. tp. & no pagin.) ; tfe Preces (sep. pagin.)]. 

34°. Antverpiae. 1572 
Severus, bp. of Al-Vshmunain, see Patbiabchs. *Hist. of 

the p. of the Coptic Church of Alexandria, [coll. by S.], 

[p]3, 1910. 
Severus Sanctus, Rhetor, see Endeleohitts (S. S.) 
Sevigne (Mme. de), see Fagtiet (E.) Mme. de S., 1910. 
Seward (Albert Charles). Fossil plants. 

v2 ; [in prog.]. 8°. C. 1910 

^Sexagenarian (The), etc., 2nd ed., 1818, see Bbloe (V-) 

Sextus, Pythagormus [Xystus]. The ring of Pope Xystus, 
together w. Prologue of Ruflnus. [Tr.], w. oomm. by 
F. C. Conybeare. sS". 1910 

Sextus Pomponius, see Pomponitts (S.) 

Seychelles, see Cabnegie Libbaey, S. 

Seydlitz (Friedrich Wilhelm, Frhr. v.), see Vabnhagen v. 
Ense (C. a. L. p.) Biogr. Denkmale, T2, S., etc., 1872. 

Seymour (Frederick H. H.) Up hill & down dale in ane. 
Etruria. S". 1910 

Seymour (Walter). Ups & downs of a wandering hfe. 

8°. 1910 

Seyyid Aly Ekber, see 'Ali Akbab, Saiyid. 

Sforza (Galeazzo Maria) [fGAiiEAzzo Mabia [Seobza], duke 
of Milan], see DoMBNioo (B. di). *Della venuta in Firenze 
di G. M. S., con la moglie Bona di Savoia, 1471 : lettere 
di due Senesi [B. di D. & L. d'A. Venturini], 1878. 

Sforza (Giovanni). L' indennita ai Giacobini piemontesi 
perseguitati e danneggiati, 1800-2, see Reqia Dep. s. gli 
Stxjdi di Stobia Patbia peb le Ant. Pbov. etc. Bibl. 
di storia ital. rec, v2, 1909. 

Sforza (Muzio) [fATTENDOLi (M.), called Sforza], see Giovio 
(P.) lUustrium virorum vitse, [De vita etc.- S. ; etc.], 1551. 

Shackleton {Sir Ernest Henry). The heart of the Antarctic : 
story of the Brit. Antarctic Exped., 1907-9. With intr. 
by H. R. Mill ; [<*] aco. of the first journey to the S. Magnetic 
Pole, by T. W. E. David. 2v. laS". 1909 

Shakespeare (William). 

The Caxton ed. of the complete works of W. S. With annot. 

a gen. intr. by S. Lee. 

Each play has a sep. pagin. 
Gen. intr. Comedy of errors. 
Two Gentlemen of Verona. 
Love's labour's lost. Mer- 
chant of Venice. 
I All's well that ends well. 
Midsummer-night's dream. 
, Taming of the shrew. 

Merry wives of Windsor. 
, Much ado about nothing. As 

you like it. 
, Twelfth night. Measure for 

, Pericles. Cymbeline. 
, Winter's tale. Tempest. 
King Henry VI., Pts. 1 & 2. 

20v. 8". [1910] 

10, King Henry VI., Pt. 3. King 

Kichard III. 

11, King Richard II. King.Tohn. 

12, King Henry IV., Pts. 1 & 2. 

13, King Henry V. King Henry 


14, Romeo & Juliet. Titus 


15, J ulius Caesar, Hamlet. 

16, Troilus & Cressida. Othello. 

17, Macbeth. King Lear. 

18, Timon of Athens. Antony 

& Cleopatra. 

19, Coriolanus. Sonnets. 

20, Poems. Indices & Glossary. 

Works. [The Arden Shakespeare] : 8°. Methuen. [1907-10] 

The comedy of errors. Ed. H. Cuningham. 8°. [1907] 

King Henry VI, pi. Ed. H. C. Hart. 8". [1909] 

Henry VI, p3. Ed. H. C. Hart. S". [1910] 

Works. Ed. W. E. Henley. [The Edinburgh Folio]. 

lOv. sfol. E. 1901-4 
Bound in Jfi parts w. one play to each part. Sep. pagin. 
for each vol. ds not for each p. 
Comedies, histories, & tragedies. Beprod. in faos. f. ed. of 
1623. fol. London, Methuen. 1910 

The London prodigal, 1605. [? by S. Tudor Faos. Texts ; 
J. S. Farmer]. Ia8°. Issued f. subscribers. 1910 

Plays (Single editions). 
Merry wives of Windsor. 1602. Ed. W. W. Greg. [Tudor 
& Stuart Lib.]. 8". [0.]. 1910 

Re Lear. Tragedia. Tr. e note di A. Cippioo. 

s8o. Torino. 1907 
La tragedie de Macbeth. Tr. avec intr. & notes par M. 
Maeterlinck. sS". 1910 


ee Bakeb (G. P.) Develop- 

see Fletchbb (J.), dram. 

ment of S. as a drama- 

& W. S. Two noble 

tist, 1907. 

kinsmen, 1634, 1910. 

„ Bloom (J. H.) S.'s 

„ Intze (O.) N. Rowe, 

garden, 1903. 

[w. repr. of h. S.'s 

„ BTrcKNiLL(J. C.) Medi- 

biog.], 1910. 

cal knowledge of S., 

„ Law(E.) S. as a groom 


of the chamber, 1910. 

„ CirNLiErE(R. J.) Anew 

„ Lbb(S.) a S. reference 

S. diet., 1910. 

library, 1910. 


„ MacCallttm(M.W.) S.'s 

(Sir E.) Bacon is S., 

Roman plays & their 

etc., 1910. 

background, 1910. 

„ Elson (L. C.) S. in 

„ Maoyae Shakbspbabe- 

music, 6th imp., 1908. 

TAb, in prog., 1908, etc. 


Shakespeare (William) [continued]. 
-Kefbebnobs [cont.]. 

see Merlin. Birth of M. ; 

" Written by W. S. & 

W. Rowley," 1662, 

„ *MirCBDOKUs, 1598; [ai- 

trih. to 8.], 1910. 
„ Narbs (R.) Glossary 

etc., new ed., w. add. 

by Halliwell & Wright, 

„ Oldoastle(/S8V J.) *Sir 

J. 0., [play; ? by S.], 

var. eds. 
„ Reign (The) of King 

Edward III [c. 1589, 

sometimes attr. to S.] 

„ RusDBN(G. W.) W. S., 




«ee Saintseury (G. E. B.) 
S. & the grand stvle. 

„ SiDGwiOK (F.) Sources 
& analogues of " A 
midsummer night's 
dream," 1908. 

„ Stratford-upon-Avon. 
Catalogue of books, 
MSS., etc., exhib. in 
S.'s birthplace, 1910. 

„ Tolstoy (C.L.N.) T. on 
Shaljespeare, n.d. 

„ Whall (W. B.) Shake- 
speare's sea terms ex- 
plained, 1910. 

„ Winter (W.) S.'s Eng- 
land, 1910. 

Shakespeare's Birthplace, Stratford-upon-Avon, see Stratford - 


Shandon Collection. Cat. of works of art & vertu, known as 
the S. Coll., formed by R. Napier ; sold by Christie, Manson 
& Woods, April 11, [May 14, June 4, June 11, etc.], 1877. 
[lst-4th portion. 318. prices. 4p in Iv, pagin. cont.]. 

8°. [1877] 

Shaw (Carlos Fernandez). Canciones de Noche-Buena. Sel., 

reunidas y orden. por C. F. S. sS". 1910-11 

Las figuras del " Quijote." Comedia. [P1280]. s8o. 1910 

La tragedia del Beso. Poema dramatico. s8». 1910 

Shaw (Cr. Bernard). The doctor's dilemma. Getting married, 

& The shewing-up of Blanco Posnet. sS". 1911 

see Bae (J.) B. S., 1910. 

Shearin (Hubert G.) The that-clanse in the Auth. vers, of 

the Bible. [Transylvania Univ. Studies in Eng., 1]. 

80. Lexington, Ky. 1910 

Sheavyn (Phcebe). The literary profession in the Ehzabethan 

age. [Univ. of Manchester, Eng. ser., 1]. 8°. M'ter. 1909 

Sheehan (canon Patrick A.) Geofirey Austin : student. [Novel]. 

3rd ed. sS". D. 1901 

Lisheen, or the test of the spirits. s8°. 1907 

The triumph of failure. 3rd ed. s8». [1901?] 

Sheepshanks (John), bp. of Norwich. A bishop in the rough. 

Ed. D. W. Duthie. 2nd impr. 8°. 1909 

Shelley (Henry C.) Inns & taverns of old London. s8o. 1909 

Shelley (Percy Bysshe). Poetical works, f. orig. ed=. Ed., 

etc., by R. H. Shepherd. 3v. [Large paper ed.]. ^8". 1888 

Prose works, f. orig. ed=. Ed., etc., by R. H. Shepherd. 

2v. [Large paper ed.]. 8°. 1888 
see BiAGi (G.) Gli ultimi giorni di P. B. S., 1892. 
„ Graham (W.) Last links w. Byron, S., & Keats, 1898. 
„ KoszuL (A.) La jeunesse de S., 1910. 
Shelly, Family of, see Shelly (J.) Memor. of the fam. of S., 

Shelly (John), of Plymouth. Memor. of the family of Shelly 
of Gt. Yarmouth. 4°. f.p.c. 1909 

Sher 'AIT, called Afsos. The Araish-i-Mahfil : or Ornament of 
the assembly, lit. tr. f. the Oordoo, by M. H. Court. 

8°. AHahabad. 1871 
Sherard (Mrs. Robert Harborough) [ps. Irene Osoood], see 

Osgood (I.) ps. 
Sheridan (Et. Hon. Richard Brinsley B.), see Sichel (W.) S., 

2v, 1909. 
Sherlock (Thomas), bp. of (1) Bangor (Z) Salisbury (S) London. 
Letter on the late earthquakes. [P374]. 8°. 1750 

^"Supplement to the Letter, [author not known]. 

4th ed., rev. [P374]. 8°. 1750 

Sherlock (William), canon of Kildare. Some ace. of St. 

Brigid, & of the see of Kildare, w. its bishops, & of the 

ca^edral. [P1237]. S°. D. 1896 

Sherrill (Charles Hitchcock). Stained glass tours in Eng. 

80. 1909 
Sherwood (capt. Henry), see Sherwood (Mrs. M. M.) Life & 

times of Mrs. S., f. the diaries of Capt. & Mrs. S., 1910. 
Sherwood (Mrs. Mary Martha), wife of Henry Sherwood. Life 
& times of Mrs S. (1775-1851), f. the diaries of Capt. & Mrs. 
S. Ed. P. J. Harvey Darton. 8°. [1910.] 

Shipley (Arthur Everett). 
& E. W. MacBride. 

Pearls & parasites. 8°. 1908 

Zoology, an elementary text-book. 
2nd ed. 8o. 0. 1904 
Shiuhei (Jasui), see Jasui Shiuhei. 

Shore (Rev. Thomas), d. 1863. The Churchman & the free- 
thinker. [P1259]. 80. 1862 
Shorter (Clement K.) Highways & byways in Buckingham- 
shire, w. illust. by F. L. Griggs. 8". 1910 
Shower (Sir Bartholomew). '"Magistracy & govt, of Eng. 
vindicated : ans. to defence of Ld. Russel's innocence. 

[pi. no tp. P1286]. s4o. [1689] 

For a. ed. see Somers, Tracts, v8. 

Shrewsbury (Elizabeth Talbot, countess of) [Haedwiok (Bess 

OF)],5eeRAwsoN(i/?-s. M. S.) Bess of H. & her circle, 1910 

Shukovsky (K.) [Chtjkovsky (K.)]. On. 'lexooa no iiaruHxi. ^neB. 

3e B34. s8o. ' .-li. [1908] 
Shuttleworth (Hon. Nina L. Kay), see Kay Shttttleworth 

(Hon. N. L.) 
Sibert (Marcel). Etude sur le Premier Miuistre en Angleterre 
depuis ses orig. jusqu'i I'^poque contemp. 8o. 1909 

Sibylline Oracles, see Ewald (G. H. A. v.) Abhdlg. ii. 

Entstehnng, etc., d. Sibyll. Bucher, 1858. 

Sichel (Miss Edith). Some suggestions about bad poetry, see 

English Assoc. Essays & studies; coll. A. C. Bradley, 


Sichel (Walter). Sheridan ; incl. a MS. diary by Georgiana 

Duchess of Devonshire. 2v. 8o. 1909 

Sterne : a study. Added the Journal to Eliza. 8o. 1910 

Sicile. En S. ; guide du savant & du touriste, n.d., see Olivier 

Sicilia, see Marchess (A.) Parlamenti generali, nel regno di 

S., 1494^1658, etc., 1717. 
Sicily. Capitula regni Sicilise quse ad hodiernum diem lata 

sunt, ed. cura Deputatorum. [Ed. F. Testa]. 

2t. fol. Pauormi. 1741-3 
Sidis (Boris). The psychology of suggestion. Intr. by W. 

James. s8o. N.Y. 1910 

Sidgwiek (Frank). The sources & analogues of " A midsummer- 
night's dream." Compiled by P. S. s8o. 1908 
Sidgwiek (Nevil Vincent). The organic chemistry of nitrogen. 

8o. 0. 1910 
Sidney (Sir Philip). Some sonnets of Sir P. S. f. C. Lamb's 

Last essays of Elia. [Fd. S. Humphries], fol. p. pr. E. 19X0 
see Symonds (J. A.) Sir P. S., 1902. 
Sidoli (Giuditta), see Gerro (E. del). G. Mazzini e G. S., 1909. 
Siena e il suo territorio. [By var. authors ; Ed. L. Lazzeri]. 

80. Siena. 1862 
Siete Sabios, see Seven Sages. 
Sieveking (Heinrich). Aus Genueser Rechnungs- u. Steuer- 

buchern, see Kaiserl. Akad. d. Wiss. ztj Wibn. Sitzungs- 

ber., B162, 1909. 
Siira, Midrash, see Joel (Dr. M.) Notizen z. Buche Daniel — 

Etwas ii. d. Biicher Sifra u. Sifre, 1873. 
Sifre, Midrash [fSiFRi], see Joel (Dr. M.) Notizen z. Buche 

Daniel — Etwas ii. d. Biicher Sifra u. Sifre, 1873. 
Sigaux (Jean), see Bribux (E.) & J. S. La deserteuse, 1904. 
Sigismund, emperor [Sigmund], see Windeck (E.) Das Leben 

Konig S. ; iibers. v. Dr. v. Hagen, 1886; 1899. 
Signs of The Times ; by the authors of " Wisdom while you 

wait," 1907, see Graves (C. L.) & E. V. Lucas. 
Silberrad (Una L.) Ordinary people. s8o. 1909 

Silburn (Percy Arthur Baxter). The governance of Empire. 

80. 1910 
Silva (F. Nieto de), marques de Tenebron, see NiETO DE SiLVA 

Silva Maia (Joac[uim Jose da). Memorias histor., etc. da revol. 

do Porto, 1828, e dos emigrados portuguezes. [Ed. E. J. da 

Silva Maia]. 8o. Bio de Janeiro. 1841 

Silva y Figueroa (Garcia de). Comentarios de la embajada 

que de parte del rey de Espana Felipe III hizo al rey Xa 

Abas de Persia. [Ed. M. Serrano y Sam]. Los publ. la 

Soo. de Bibhofilos Espanoles. 2t. 8°. 1903-5 

Silveira (Gongalo da), S.J. [Sylveira (G.), see Chadwick; (H.) 

Life of S., 1910. 
Silvestri-Falconieri (Francesco di). Lucia : canto. 

[P1280]. s8o. Roma. 1910 
Simar (Th.) Etude sur Erycius Puteanus (1574r-1646), 

consid. sp6c. dans I'hist. de la philologie beige et dans son 

enseignement k I'Univ. de Louvain. 8°. Louvain. 1909 

Sime (James). Life of Goethe. 8o. 1888 




Simionescn (loan). For the following see Academia RomIna. 
Publ. fondului V. Adamachi, t2, 1906. 

Asupra cAtor-va pescl fosill din tertiarul romanesc. [II, 12.] 

Constit. geologica a termiilul Prutxilul din Nordul Moldovel. [II, 7.] 

Contribut. la geologia Moldovel dintre Siret si Prut. (II, 9.J 

Descr. c^'tor-va foslle tertiare din Nordul Moldovel. [II. 6J 

Studii geologice si paleontologice din Carpatii Sudici : 4, Fauna jurasicS 

dinBucegi. ' ' [11,13.] 

Thynuus Albui, un nou peste fosil oligocen din muntele Cozla (Piatra- 

JSr.) ' [II, 15.] 

Simmonds (Peter Lund). The commercial diet, of trade 

products, etc. new ed., rev. & enl. 8°., 1892 

Simms (Stephen Chapman). Traditions of the Crows, 1903, 

see Field Columbian JSItiseum : Anthrop. ser., v2, 1897- 


Simon (D. W.) Hist. Xty. & the spiritual Kfe. An address. 

[P1257]. 8°. Birmingham. 1870 

Simonsfeld (Henry). Urkunden Friedrich Rotbarts in Italien, 

Folge 5, see Koniol. Akad. d. Wiss. ztr lUtJNCHEif. Philos.- 

philolog. Classe, Sitzungsber., 1909. 

Zur Gesch. Friedrich Rotbarts, see Koniol. Akad. d. Wiss. 

zu MuNCHBN. Philos.-philolog. Classe, Sitzungsber., 1909. 

Simpson (Frank). The walls of Chester ; old gates & new ; 

the towers ; the siege ; etc. 8°. Chester. 1910 

Simpson (Harold). A century of ballads, 1810-1910, their 

composers & singers. With chapters on " Old ballads & 

ballad-makers." 8°. [1910] 

Simpson (Patrick Carnegie). The life of Principal Rainy. 

2v. 8". 1909 
Simpson (Robert James). Notes & illust^. of North Creake 
Church & Abbey. [Leaves f. my sketch book, v8]. 

s4°. n.p. [? 'p.p.]. 1896 

Sinclair (Edward S. Cox-), see Cox-Sinclair (E. S.) 

Sinclair (Miss May). The creators. s8». 1910 

Sinclair (Upton). Samuel the seeker. sS". [1910] 

Sinclair (William Macdonald), archdeacon of London. The 

Churches of the East. [P1256]. 8°. 1898 

IMemorials of St. Paul's cathedral. 8°. 1909 

Points at issue betw. the Church of Eng. & the Church of 

Rome. 4th ed. [P1256]. 8°. 1896 

Sindamaiji, see Vinson (E. H. J.) Un Episode du poeme 

epique S. ; [ed. S tr.] par J. V., 1883. 
Singleton (James) ps. [i.e. Cakl Ewald], see Ewald (C.) 
Sinues de Marco (Maria del Pilar). El Alma enferma. Novela 
orig. 2t. n. imp. s8". 1910 

Sion, Brigittine monastery of Sion, Isleworth [Syon]. Cat. 
of the lib. of S. monastery, Isleworth. {Compiled probably 
in early 16th cent.]. Ed. M. Bateson. 8°. C. 1898 

Sirmond (Jacques). 18 oonstitutiones, quas I. S. divulgavit ; 
rec. & annot. instr. G. Haenel, see CoEPUs iuris Romani 
anteiustiniani, fasc. 6, 1844. 
Sirr (Harry). Sarah Curran's & R. Emmet's letters. 

[P1275]. 8°. Plaistow. 1910 
Sismondi (J. C. L. de). Hist, des republ. ital. du moyen age. 

8t. 5« ed. 8°. Brux. 1838-9 

Hist, view of the lit. of the S. of Europe. Tr., w. notes, by 

T. Roscoe. 4v. 8°. 1823 

Six North country diaries. [Diaries of J. Aston, C. Sanderson, 

N. Bee, J. Thomlinson, T. GyU & N. Brown. Ed. J. C. 

Hodgson. Surtees Soc, 118]. 8°. Durham. 1910 

Skarstedt (Carl Wilhelm). Quantum frequens agnomina- 

tionum usus apud Hebraeos in litteris sacris interpret, valeat 

disq. [Lunds Univ. Arsskrift, t31. P1271]. 

4". Lunda3. 1895 
Skarstrom (William), Jf.X>. Gymnastic kinesiology : manual 
of the mechanism of gymnastic movements. 

8°. SpringEeld, IHass. 1909 

Skeat (Walter William), prof, of Anglo-Saxon. Early English 

proverbs, chiefly of 13. & 14. centuries. Coll. by W. W. S. 

s8°. 1910 
Etymological diet, of Eng. language. 

n. ed., rev. & enl. 4°. 0. 1910 

Skelton (John), poet laureate ; I46O ?-lB$9. A ballade of the 

Scottysshe kynge. Repr. in fascimile w. an hist. & bibliog. 

intr. by J. Ashton. 8°. 1882 

Magnyfycence, a goodly interlude (o. 1516). [Tudor Facs. 

Texts]. 4°. [1910] 

Skemp (A. R.), see Bang (W.) Materialen, B30, Richards 

(N.) Tragedy of Messallina ; ed., [w. intr.], by S., 1910. 
Skene (James), of Bubislaw, b. 1775. IMemories of Sir W. Scott. 
Ed. B. Thomson. [Skene Papers]. 8". 1909 

Skias (Andr6). Skyphos k figures rouges trouve a Bleusis, 

JMusee Nat. d'Athenes, see Acad, des Insce. etc. ; Fond. 

PiOT. Mons. etc., t7, 1900. 
Skinner ( JSew. John), D.D., see Bible : Compl. Texts. Intern. 

Crit. Comm., Genesis, by J. S., 1910. 
Skinner's Company, London. Rep. of the deputation of 

Skinners' Co., [who] visited the manor of Pellipar, 1853, 

1873, 1874, 1876. 

[4v.] 8°. (1873, 1874, 1874, p.p.c.) 1853-76 
Slack (Henry James), see Caepentee (W. B.) The microscope 

& its revelations ; 5th ed., prepared w. assistance of S., 

Sladen (Douglas B. W.), see Lorby (E. de) & D. B. W. S. The 

moon of the fourteenth night, 1910. 
Slater (Oscar). Trial of 0. S. Ed. W. Roughead. 

8°. E. [1910] 
Slavonic. Odmiii npnnooni-ciaBfiHo-poccilicKia ciOBapi., 2 i., 1834, 

see SoKOLOV (P. I.) 
Slocom (Arthur Ware). 
see Field Columbian Museum : Geolog. ser., v2, A. W. S., 
A hst of Devonian fossils coll. in W. New York, 1903-7. 

„ Geolog. ser., v2, A. W. S., New crinoids f. Chicago 

area, 1903-7. 

„ Speingee (F.) & A. W. S. Hypsocrinus, a new genus of 
crinoids f. the Devonian, 1906. 
Slosson (Edwin Emery). Great American universities. 

8°. N.Y. 1910 
Small country houses of to-day ; ed. L. Weaver, 1910?, see 

Weaver (L.) 
Small (Albion Woodbury). General sociology. An exposition 

of tlie main development in sociolog. theory from Spencer 

to Ratzenhofer. 8°. Chicago. 1905 

Smart (William), prof, of polit. econ. in Glasgow. Economic 

annals of the 19th c, 1801-1820. 8°. 1910 

An iutrod. to the theory of value on the lines of Menger, 

Wieser & Bohm-Bawerk. n. ed. 88". 1910 

Smeaton (W. H. Oliphant). The story of Edinburgh. [IVIedi- 

seval Town Ser.]. sS". 1905 

Smenjaud (Rafael de Urena y), see Ueena y Smenjaud (R. de). 
Smikros, see Gaspae (C.) Le peintre ceramiste S., 1902. 
Smith (A. G. Bowden-), see Bowdbn-Smith (A. G.) 
Smith (Arthur Hamilton), see Beitish Museum : Antiquities. 

The sculptures of the Parthenon ; w. intr. & comm. by 

A. H. S., 1910. 
Smith (Charles Roach), 1807-90. Cat. of Anglo-Saxon & 0. 

antiquities discov. at Faversham, Kent, & bequeathed by 

W. Gibbs to the S. Kensington Museum. [P1295]. 8°. 1871 
Smith (Mrs. Charlotte). Elegiac sonnets. 

5th ed., w. add. sonnets & o. p. s8°. 1789 
Smith (D. Nichol). The functions of criticism : lect. deliv. bef. 

[Oxford] Univ., 1909. [a.c. in P1298]. 8°. 0. 1909- 

Smith (David), M.A., D.I)., see Bible : New Test. [Greek]. 

Nicoll (W. B.) Expositor's Gr. Test., v5. Epistles of John,. 

by D. S., 1910. 
Smith (Ellen). Reigate sheet of the one-inch Ordnance 

Survey, [w. 6 maps b. sep.]. 8". 1910 

Smith (Bev. Frederick). Some investigations into Palaeolithic 

remains in Scotland. [From Proc. of Phil. Soc. of Glasgow. 

P1295]. 8°. Glasgow. 1898-9 

Smith (George), of the Brit. Museum ; 1840-76. Chaldaische 

Genesis. Ubers. v. H. Delitzsch. Nebst Erlaiiterungen etc. 

V. F. Delitzsch. [P1300]. 8°. L. 1876 

Smith (George Sidney) The doctrine of eternal punishment. 

[P1258]. 8°. D. 1865 
Smith (Grafton Elliot), see Davis (T. M.) Excavations: 

Biban el Moluk, Tomb of Queen Tiyi ; Note on age attained 

by person whose skeleton was found in tomb, by S., 1910. 
Smith (H. B. Lees), M.A. India & the tariff problem. 

s8o. 1909 
Smith (Horace), 1779-1849, see Smith (Ja.), solicitor etc. & H. S. 

""Rejected addresses, 12th ed., 1813. 
Smith (James), solicitor to the Ordnance ; 1775-1839 ; & 

H. Smith. '^Rejected addresses. 12th ed. s8». 1813 

Smith (John), governor of Virginia, etc. ; 1680-1631. New 

Englands trials, 2nd ed., 1622, see IVIaseeield (J.) ed.. 

Chronicles of the Pilgrim Fathers, 1910. 
Smith (S. Percy). Hawaiki : orig. home of the Maori. 

3rd ed. s8o. Christchuroh, N.Z. 1910- 
Smith (Thomas Cooper). Slate quarries in Wales considered 

as an investment. 3rd ed. [P1239]. 8". 1864- 



Smith (Walter Chalmers) [ps. Orwell]. The Bishop's walk 
Icfe 0. poems]. By Orwell. aS". C. [18611 

Smithsoman Institution. Misc. collections. 

vSl, 54, 55. 8°. W. 1910 

^^^A./irA ool'f mt*"'"" °' "'" ^'"'"''' """"^I'^"'^ : a '=oII- of trans, by 

Brockett (P ) Biblio'g. of mronautica, wio. fch' 

rev fZ^ * <"■ ^- ■*">="■■ Constants of nature. p5, 1910, Srd 'edi? 

Greene (E. L.) landmarks ot bolanioal hist., pi, Prior to 1662 ii.i,, 
Heller (E.) B new rodents t. British E. Africa, 1910 ffid'! 
;^.f ."n '''=\*''l? antelope f. British E. Africa, 1910. 64 
Millei (G. S.) Descr. of a new species of hippopotamus, 1910. rsi i 
A new rodent of the genus Saecostomus f. British E. Africa, 1910. 

Reese (A. M.) The development of the Amer. alligator, 1908. fsi'l 

"~1 hypop{;?11", ma ' "''"" "' "'' ^'''^"'^" =''"S''to>' ■■ ">e Parapllysis 
Towusend (C. H.'t.) The ta.TOnomy of the Muscoidean flies, 1908. [Bl'.] 

Bureau of Ethnolooy : Bulletins. 
see BusHNELL (D. I.) The Choctaw of Bayou Lacomb, 1909 
„ Densmorb (F.) Chippewa music, 1910. 
„ PowKE (G.) Antiquities of Central & S.-E. Missouri, 1910 

Smollett (Tobias George). The adventures of Peregrine Pickle. 

o _L,_ ^ • « . sS". n.d. 

Smyth (major Benjamin), M.V.O. A hist, of the Lancashire 
Fusihers, formerly XX regiment. 

2v (1, 1688-1821 ; 2, 1822-1903). 8°. D. 1903-4 

Snead-Cox (J. G.) Life of Cardinal Vaughan. 2v. 8°. 1910 

Snell (Frederick John), M.A. The customs of old England. 

_ , s8o. [1911] 

Snowden (J. Keighley), see Drawing Conorbss (Intern at.) 
Internat. D. Cong., London, 1908 : illust. hdbk. to exhibi- 
tion ; ed. K. S., 1908. 

Soeiedad de Bibli6fllos Espafioles. {Publications']. 

8°. 1866-1905 
see Aguilar (P. de). Memorias del cautivo en la Goleta de 

Tiinez, el alferez P. de A. ; [w. Relacion de J. Zanoguera 

etc. ; ed. P. de Gayangos], 1875. 
„ Banublos y de la Cerda (L. de). Libro de la jineta 

etc., compuesto por L. de B. y de la C. ; con otro tratado 

intit. : Pintura de un potro ; [ed. J. A. de Balenchana], 

„ Carvajal (M. de). Tragedia Uamada Josefina ; prologo 

por M. Canete, 1870. 
„ Castillo (F. del). Cancionero general ; [ed. J. A. de 

Balenchana], 1882. 
„ ExiMBNO (A.) Don Lazarillo Vizcardi : sus investi- 

gaoiones miisicas ; {ed. F. Asenjo Barbieri], 1872-3. 
„ Gante (P. de). Ilelaciones de P. de G., 1520-44 ; [ed. 

P. de Gayangos], 1873. 
,, Garcia Cerezeda (M. ) Tratado de las campanas etc. 

del emp. Carlos V ; [ed. G. Cruzada VillaamilJ, 1873-6. 
„ GoNDOMAR (D. S. DE A., conde de). Cinco cartas polit.- 

lit., 1613-22 ; [ed. P. de Gayangos], 1869. 
„ Granada. Relaciones de algunos sucesos de los liltimos 

tiempos del reino de G. ; [ed. E. Laftiente y Alcdntara], 

„ Henry, emp. of Constantinople. *Hist. de Enrrique fi de 

Oliua, etc. ; [ed. P. de Gayangos], 1871. 
„ Knust (H.) Dos obras didacticas y dos leyendas ; [ed. 

H. K.], 1878. 
„ Lopez de Ayala (P.) El hbro de las aves de caga ; con 

las glosas del duque de Alburquerque ; [ed. P. de Gayan- 
gos]*, 1869. 
„ Lopez de Villalobos (F.) Algunas obras; [ed. A. M. 

Fabie], 1886. 
fLuNA (A. de). Libro de las virtuosas e claras mujeres ; 

[ed. M. Menendez y Pelayo], 1891. 
„ Martinez de Toledo (A.) Arcipreste de Talavera 

(Corvacho 6 Reprobacion del amor mundano) ; [ed. C. 

Perez Pastor], 1901. 
„ Montbria. Dialogos de la m. ; MS. ined. ; [ed. F. R. de 

Uhagon], 1890. 
„ MuNdz(A.) Viaje de Felipe 11 a Inglaterra, por A. M., y 

relaciones varias ; [ed. P. de Gayangos], 1877. 
„ NiBTO DE SiLVA (F.) Memorias ; [ed. A. Canovas del 

Castillo], 1888. 
„ NoBlLiARio de conquistadores de Indias ; [ed. A. Paz y 
Uma], 1892. 


Soeiedad de Bibli6filos Espanoles. [Publications, continued]. 

see OviEDO Y VALDts (G. F. db). Libro de la oamara real 

del pr. Don Juan, e offifios de su casa e seruiQio ordinario ; 

[ed. J. M. Esoudero de la Pena], 1870. 

„ Padilla (P. de). Romancero ; [ed. F. Ramirez de 

Arellano], 1880. 
„ Palma {Bl bachiller). Divina retribucion sobre la caida 
de Espafla en tiempo del rey Juan I ; [ed. J. M. Esoudero 
de la Pena], 1879. 
„ Paz y Mblia (A.) Opdsculos literarios de los siglos 14 a 

16 ; [ed. A. P. y M.], 1892. 
„ PorreSo (B.) Hist, del senor D. Juan de Austria; [ed. 

A. Rodriguez Villa], 1899. 
„ RiojA (F. de). Poesias ; corr., etc., por C. A. de la 

Barrera y Leirado, 1867. 
.. Rodriguez db la CAmara (J.) Obras; [ed. A. Paz y 

M6Ha], 1884. 
„ Salas Barbadillo (A. 6. de). Dos novelas; [ed. F. R. 

de Uhagon], 1894. 
„ Salazar (E. de). Cartas ; [ed. P. de Gayangos], 1866. 
„ Silva y FiGUEROA (G. de). Comentarios de la embajada 
que de parte del rey de Espana FeUpe III hizo al rey Xa 
Abas de Persia ; [ed. M. Serrano y Sanz], 1903-5. 
„ Uhag6n (F. R. de). Relaciones historicas de los siglos 

16 y 17 ; [ed. F. R. de U.], 1896. 
„ Ursi^a (P. de). *Relaoion de la Jornada de Omagua y 
Dorado hecha por P. de Orsua [<fc L. de Aguirre] ; [? by 
Pedrdrias de Almesto, dh founded upon the work by F. 
Vazquez ; ed. F. Ramirez de Arellano], 1881. 
„ Valbra (D. de). Epistolas ; con otros cinco tratados ; 

[ed. J. A. de Balenchana], 1878. 
„ Villalba y Estana (B. de). El pelegrino curioso y 
grandezas de Espaiia, [lib. 1-7 ; ed. P. de Gayangos], 
„ Villal6n (C. de). El crotalon ; [ed. F. del V.], 1871. 

,, Ingeniosa oomparacion entre lo antiguo y lo 

presente ; [ed. M. Serrano y Sanz], 1898. 
Soeiedad de Bibli6fllos Madrilenos. [Publications]. 

[tl-3]. 8". 1909-10 

see Floresta general ; [ed. P. Oyanguren], tl, 1910. [3.] 

„ Jabses I, king of Aragon. Gestas del rey Don Jayme de 

Aragon ; [ed. R. Foulch6-Delboso], 1909. [1.] 

„ Velez de Guevara (L.) El diablo cojuelo ; [ed. A. 

Bonilla y San Martin], 1910. [2.] 

Societa Bibliograflea Italiana, see Rivista delle eiblioteche 

B dbgli archivi, vlO-12, Rivista etc., e BoUettino della 

S. B. I. ; vl3, Rivista etc., organo officiale della S. B. I., 


Societal Filologica Romana, see Miscellanea di lett. del medio 

evo, vl, 1902. 
Societe de I'Histoire de France. Annuaire-BuUetin. 

Annee 1870. 8°. 1870 
Societe de I'Histoire de la Revolution Frangaise, see Danton 

(G. J.) Disoours ; ed. crit. par A. Fribourg, 1910. 
Soci6t6 de I'Histoire de Normandie, see Prevost (G. A.) 
Armorial gen. de France (Edit de novembre 1696), 2t, 1910. 
Society de I'Histoire de Paris et de I'lle-de-France. Table 
deoennale des publ^. de la Soc. de I'H. de P. etc. 

3^ ser., 1894-1903. 8o. 1909 
Memoires. tl-32, 34-6. 8". 1875-1909 

Ableiges (J. d'), see Delisle (L. V.) 

Amonio (D.), see Le Paulmier (C. S.) 

Anne [of Brittany]. Le sacre d'Anne de B. et s. entree k Paris en 1504 

[par A. Delavigne?; publ.] H. Stein, 1902. [29.] 

Arc (Jeanne d'), see Denifle (H. S.) & E. Chatelain ; Luce (S.). 
Auvray(L.) Docs, parisienstir^s de la bibl. du Vatican, 7-13« s., 1892. 

G. Bruno k Paris, d'ap le t^moignage d'lin contemp. [C. Cotin] 1585-6, 

1901, [27.] 

Babeau (A,) L'Hdtel de ville de Paris et I'inventaire de son mobilier 

en 1740, 1899, [26,] 

Le jardin des Tnileries au 1?" s. & au 18' s,, 1902. [28.] 

Les tableaux du roi chez le due d'Antin, 1715 ; publ. A. B., 1903. 

Bailly (A.) Les infortun6s amours d'A. B., po6sie in6d, de 1583, [publ.] 

H. de Curzon, 1887. ■ [13,] 

Barthaemy (A, J. B. A. de). La colonne de Catherine de Mddicis k la 

Halle auBliS, 1880, [6,] 

Essai sur la mounaie parisis, 1876, [2,] 

Bataille (N,), see Guiflrey (J, J,) 
Beaurigout (J,), see Longnon (A,) 
Belleisle (L. de), Le carnet de dipenses d'un Parisien en 1758 ; publ, par 

A. D., 1882, [8.] 

Berne : Stadtbibliothek, Docs, parisiens de la bibl. de Berne ; publ. L. 

Dellsle, 1896. [23.] 

Bernini (G. L.), see Mirot (L,) 

soci6t6 DE L'HISTOIRE 








Societe de I'Histoire de Paris et de !'lle-de-France [continued]. 
Memoiros [cont.]. 

Bertin (G. E.) i^otice sur I'hfitel de La Vrilli^re et de Toulouse, occup6 

dep. 1810 par la Hanque de France, 1902. 
Biollay(L.) Les anc. Balles de Paris, 1877. [3.] 

Blanche [of Navarre]^ q.c. of Philip VI, of France. Testament ; publ. 

L. Delisle, 1886, ' [12.] 

Boislisle(A. M. de). Les debuts de I'Opiva fran?. ii Paris, 1876. 

Les Intendant.s de la generality de Paris, 1881, 

Laplace des Victoires et la place de Venddme, 1889. 

Le president de Lamoignon, 1644-1709, 1904. 

La sepulture des Valois h St.-Denis, 1877. 

Bordier(H. L.) La Confr^rie des p^lerins de St. -Jacques et s. archives, 

1876-6. [1, 2.1 

Borrelli de Serres (L. L.) Compte d'une mission de predication pour 

secours h la Terre sainte, 1266, 1903. [30.] 

see Llvre de d^penses. 

Boull6 (J.) Becherchcs hist, sur la maison de St.-Lazare de Paris, 1877, 

Bournon(F.) L'hOtel royal de Saint-Pol, 1880. [6.] 

Braque (A.), see Valois (N.) 
Braque (N.), see Valois (N.) 
Brenet (M.) J. de Ockeghem, maltre de la chapelle des rois Charles VU 

et Louis XI, 1893. [20.] 
S. de Brossaid, pretre, compositeur, 6crivain et bibliophile, 165..- 

1730, 1898. [23.] 

Briele (L.), see Tournier (— ) & L, B. 
Brossard (S. de), see Brenet (M.) 
Bniel (A.) Note sur le grand plan de Paris, dit Plan des artistes, 1793- 

1808, 1878. [4.] 

Notice sur la tour et I'hdtel de Sainte-Mesme, 1888. [14.] 

E,echer. sur les trois premiers exemplaires du Plan de Paris de 

Verniquet, 1882. [8.] 

Bruno (G.), see Auvray(L.) 
Buchel (A. van). Descr. de Paris, 1686-6 ; publ. L. A. Van Langeraad & 

A. Vidier, 1899. [26.] 

Busquet (R.) Etude hist, sur le college de Fortet, 1907. [34.] 

Caix de Saint-Aymour (A., vte. de). Le mausoI6e des Puget k Senlis, 

Latude & s. Evasion : 


docs, in^dits rec. 

L. Q. 


Campardon (E.) & A. Longnon 

par E. C. & A. L., 1877. 
Cardonnel (P.), see Douet d'Arcq (L. C.) 
Chapelain (.T.) Lettres inid. de J. C. k P. D. Huet, 1658-73 ; publ, 

Pihssier, 1894. 
Charles II, fc. of Navarre, see Luce (S.) 
Chastelain (Vabbi C), see Dulour (Vabbi V.) 
Chatelain (1*1.) Le " Livre " ou " Cartulaire '' de la nation d'Angleterre et 

d'Allemagne dans 1' anc. Univ. de Paris, 1891. [18.] 

see Denifle (H. S.) & E. C. 

Chevalier (A.) Un Charlatan du 18= s. : Le Grand Thomas, 1881. [7.] 

Coryate (T.) Voyage k Paris de T. C. , 1608 ; extr. tr. et annotS par E.. de 

Lasteyrie, 1880. [6.] 

Cotin (G.), see Auvray (L.) • 

Couard-Luys (E.) Le college de Clermont en Beauvaisis, s. orig. et s. 

principaux du 16s. k la Revolution, 1887. [13.] 

Couderc (C), see Louis XI, h. of France. 
Courajod (L.) La Chemin^e de la Salle des Caryatides au Mus6e du 

Louvre, 1881. [7.] 

Cousin (1.) De la nomenclature des rues de Paris ; publ. P. Lacombe, 

1899. [26.] 
Notice sur un plan de Paris du 16s., d^couv. a Bale [et] Table des 

noms des rues, etc., 1875, [1.] 

see Pichon (b. J.) 

Coyecque (E.) Cinq librairies paris. sous Framjois 1, 1621-9, 1894. [21.] 

Paris k I'Expos. univ. de 1900, etc. 1901. [27.] 

Paris au Salon de 1901, 1902. [28.] 

Crfevecoeur {baron R. de). L. Hesseliu. amateur parislen, etc. 1600 (?)-62, 

1896. [22.] 
Un personnage de Tallema,nt des E6aux ; Montbrun-Souscarri^re, 

1694-1670, 1890. [16.] 

Dacier (E.) Les derniferes anuses d'une danseuse du 18^ s. : docs. in^d. 

sur Mile, Salle, 1907. [34.] 

Belaborde (H. F.) Les batiments occup^s par le Tresor des cliartes, 

1902. [29.] 

Le proems du chef de Saint Denis en 1410, 1885. [11.] 

see Louis IX, k. of France, St. 

Delisle (L. V.) L'auteur du Grand Coutumier de France, \i.e. Jacques 

d'Ableiges] 1882. [8.] 

Notes sur quelques Mss. du Mus6e brit., 1878. [4.] 

see Berne ; Stadtbibliothek. 

Denifle (H. S.), see Paris. 

& E. Chatelain. Le procfes de Jeanne d'Arc et I'Univ. de Paris, 

1897. [24.] 
DesCilleul8(A.) Le Parloir aux bourgeois, 1895. [22.] 
Despierres (Mme. G.) Construction du Pont-Koyal de Paris, 1685-8, 

1895. , [22.] 
Destouches (A. C), see Peiissier (L. G.) 

Dion (A. de). Les seigneurs de Breteuil en Beauvaisis, 1884. [10.] 

Douet d'Arcq (L. C.) Des frais d'enterrement dans Paris au 14« s., 

1878. [4.] 
Inventaire apr^s decfes des biens meubles de P. Cardonnel, chanolne 

de Notre- Dame de Paris, 1438, 1881. [7.] 

Driart (P.) Chron. parisieune de P. D., 1522-36; [publ.] F. Bournon, 

1896. [22.] 
Du Bourg(doOT A.) L'abbaye de St.-Germain-des-Prea au 14e s., 1901. 

Dufour (V.) L'abbe C. Chastelain et s. Diaire ou Journal, 1882. [8.] 

Duplessis (G.), see Paris. 

Duplomb (C.) Notice sur rh6tel du Ministfere de la Marine, 1879. [6.J 
Estienne, The family of. Nouv. docs, sur les Estlenne, Imprimeurs 

parisiens, 1617-1666 ; [publ.] H. Stein, 1896. [22.] 

Fagniez (G.) Fragm. d'un repertoire de jurisprudence paris. au 16e s. ; 

publ. G. F., 1891. [17.] 
Recher. sur la commune de vemars-en-France, 1876 [2.] 

Society de I'Histoire de Paris et de I'ile-de-France [continued']. 
M^moires [cont.]. 

Fanet (V.) Paris niilitaire au 18b. : Les casernes, 1904. [31.] 

Ferdinand, of Cordova, see Havet (J.) 

riammermont(J.) Hist de Senlis, 1406-41, 1879. [6.] 

Fontainebleau, chAteaude. Le chkteau de F. au 17"= »., d'ap. des docs. 

ined., par B. iliintz et E. Molinier, 1886. [12.] 

Franklin (A.) Les armoiries des corporations ouvriferes de Paris, 1884. [10.] 

Notice sur le plan de Paris de Pigafetta, 1876. [2.] 

Fremaux (H.) La tamille d'Etienne Marcel, 1250-1397. 1903. [30.] 

Fusori (J.), see Mirot (L.) 

Gazier (A.) La Bastille en 1743, 1881. [7.] 

La Guerre des Farines (mai 1776), 1880. [6.] 

Gesta regum Fraiicorum, see ,Monod(G.) 

Giard (— ) Etude sur I'hist. de l'abbaye de Ste.-Genevifevede Paris juaqu'k 

laflndu 13«s.,1903. [30.] 

Grassoreille (G.) Hist, polit. du Chapitre de Notre-Dame de Paris pend. 

la domiu. angl., 1883. [9.] 

Gregory, of Tours, see Monod (G.) 
Grin (F.) Journal de F. G., religieux de St. -Victor, 1664-70; publ. A. de 

Ruble, 1894. [21.] 

Grouchy (E. H., vt£. de). E. Jabach, coUectionneur parisien, 1695, 1894. 


Meudon, Bellevue et Chaville, 1893. [20.] 

Guiffrey (J. J.) Destruction des plus belles tentures du mobilier de la 

Couronne, 1888. [14.J 

Les Gobelins, teinturiers en ecarlate au faubourg Saint-Marcel, 1904. 


Les manufactures paris. de tapisseries au 17"^ s., 1892. [19.] 

Les Mays de Notre Dame de Paris, d'ap. un ms. aux Archives nat., 

1887. [13.] 

N. Bataille, tapissier parisien du 14'^ s. , 1884. [10.] 

N. Houel, apothicaire parisien, fondateur de la Maison de la Charite 

chretienne etc., 1898. [26.] 

Les origines de la tapisserie de haute et basse lice k Paris, 1S82. [8.] 

Guillemot (B.) Les forgts de Senlis : et. sur le regime des forfits d'Hal- 

atte, de Chantilly et d'Ermeuonville, 1905. [32.] 

Hartmann (P.) Conflans pr^s Paris, 1908. [35.] 

Havet (J.) Maltre Fernand de Cordoue et I'Univ. de Paris au 15e s., 

1883. [9.] 

Hennequin, de hUge. Un tombier liegeois k Paris au 14s. ; Inventaire de 

la succession de U. de Lifege 1382-3 ; [publ.] A. Vidier, 1903. [30.] 

Henry IV, k of France, see Paris ; Pigafetta (F.) 
Hermonymus (G.), see Omont (H.) 
Hesselin (L.), see Crfevecoeur (6. R. de). 
HoUel (N.), see Guiffiey (J. J.) 
Jabach (E.), see Grouchy (E. H., vte. de). 
Janot(D.) Cat. des editions fran^. de D. J., 15'29-4.5 : publ. H. Omont, 

1898. [26.] 

Jourdain (I'abb^). La Bibliothfeque du roi 1718-36 : Journal de I'abbe J. ; 

publ. H. Omont. 1893. [20.] 
Jourdain (C.) Le College du Cai'dinal Lemoine, 1877. [3.] 
Un compte de la nation d'Allemagne de I'Univ. de Paris au 15= s., 

1875. [1.] 

La taxe des logements dans I'Univ. de Paris, 1878. [4.] 

Journal d'un bourgeois de Paris, see Longnon (A.) 

Lacombe (P.), see Romtaise (A. de). 

Lair (J.) Hist, de la seigneurie de Bures, 1876. [2.] 

La Jonchfere (G. M. de). Un financier k la Bastille sous Louis XV; 

Journal de La J. ; publ. A. Babeau, 1898. [26.] 

Lamoignon (C. F. de), see Boislisle (A. M. de). 

Lasteyrie (R. de). La date de laporte Ste.-Anne k Notre-Dame de Paris, 






— Docs. ined. sur la construction du Pout-Neuf ; publ. R. de L. 

Fragm. de comptes rel. aux travaux de Paris en 1366, 1878. 

Notice sur un couteau du 11" s. conserve k la Bibl. Nat., 1879. 

Latude (H. M. de), see Campardon (E.) & A. Longnon. 
Laurent (Michel), see Mahelot (L.) 
Le Be (G.), see Omont (H.) 

Lecaron (F.) Essai sur ies travaux publics de Paris au moyen kge, 1877. 


Les origines de la Munioipalite parisienne, pi, 2, 1881-2. [7, 8.] 

Le Clerc (G.) Un fief de l'abbaye de Saint-Magloire de Paris : La 

seigneurie de Vaudetard k Issy, 1117-1790, 1883. [9.] 
La Maison des Champs du college de Louis-le-Grand ; L'abbaye 

royale de Sainte-Anne d'Issy ; les pr§tres de Saint-Francois de Sales, 

1887. [13.] 
Le Grand (L.) Les Beguines de Paris, 1893. [20.] 
Les Malsons-Dieu & leproseries du diocfese de Paris au 14" s., 

d'ap. le registre de visites du deiegue de I'evSque, 1361-69, etc., 

1897-8. [24, 26.] 
Les Quinze-Vingts jusqu'k leur translation au faubourg Saint- 

Antoine, 13-18s., 1887-8. ,. [13, 14.] 

La rfegle de I'HOtel-Dieu de Pontoise, 1891. [17.] 

Le Maire (J. B. C.) La police de Paris en 1770. Mem. ined. compose 

par ordre de G. de Sartine & publ. par A. Gazier, 1879. [6.] 

Le Moine (J.), see Jourdain (C.) 
Le Paulmier (doct. C. S.) D. Amonio, medecin de Louis XIV & de 

Mme. de sevigne, 1893. [20.] 

. J. Le P., medecin du roi Henri III etc.. 1894. [21.] 

. Mondor et Tabarin seigneurs teodaux, 1884, [10.] 

L'Estoile (P. de). Registre-Journal de L'E., 1674-89; notice et extr'.; 

publ. H. Omont, 1901. [27.] 

Livre de depenses d'un dignitaire de I'eglise de Paris en 1248; [publ.] 

le col. Borrelli de Serres, 1904. [31.] 

Longnon (A.) Conjectures sur l'auteur [J. Beaurigout?] du Journal 

parisien de 1409-49, 1876. [2.] 

L'lle-de-France, 1875. [i.] 

see Campardon (E.) & A. L. 

Longperier (A. de). Inscription du regard de Belleville, 1882. [8.] 

Louis IX, k. of France, Saint. Fragm. de I'enquete faite k Saint-Denis 

en 1282 en vue de la canonisation de St. L. ; publ. H. F. Delaborde, 

1896. [23.] 




Soci6te de I'Histoire de Paris et de I'tle-de-France [continued]. 
Memoirea [cont.]. 

Louis IX *. of Prance, Saint [oont.], see Viollet(P.) 

«Z<thr^- f' fi'T^'"'- I-'entr^e aolennelle Ue Louis XI ii Paris, 31 

aoiU 1461 ; [publ,] c. Couderc, 1890. , 

Louis XIV fc. o,t France, see Mirot (L.) '■'^^■' 

Luce (S.) Docs, nouveaux sur E. JVluruel, 1880. re i 

Les menus du prieur de St.-Martin-des-Cliamps en U38 et U39, 1883. 

Nigociations des Anglais avec le roi de Navan-e, 1368 1876 fi'i 

Le trtsor anglais i\ Paris en 1431 et le proems de Jeanne d'Arc, 1879. 

Mahelot (L.) & JI. Laurent. La mise en so{.ne h Paris au 17» s. ; m6m 
de L. M. et M. L. ; publ. E. Dacier, 1902. VWg] 

]Malon (C. H. de) seigneur de Bercy. Topographie hist, de la seigneurie 
de Bercy ; publ. par A. de Boislisle, 1882. <=i=ueuue 

laaquet fA. ) Hist, de I'Etang-la-Ville, 1885. 

Marcel, The family of, see Freniaux (H.) 

Marcel (E.) Lettre orig, d'E, M. & autres docs, paris., 1346-68 • 
L. Delisle, 1897. ' 

see Fremaux (H.) ; Luce (S.) 

Marchegay(P.), see Saint-Florent, abbey of 

Maupoint (J.), Journal parisien, 1437-69 ; publ. G. Fagniez, 1878 14 1 

Mirot (L.) Le Beruin en France : les travaux du Louvre et les statues de 

Louis XIV, 1904. rgj T 

— - Le proems de maitve J. Fusoris, 1415-6 : Episode des nSgociations 

franco-angl., 1901. r27 i 

Un trousseau royal k la fln du 14° s., 1902. [291 

Jklolinier (E.), see Fontainebleau, cMteaii de; Saint S(5pulcre Paris- 

Saint Victor, abbey of, Paris. ' 

Mondor (N.), ps., see Le Paulmier (C. S.) 
Monod (G.) Les origines de I'historiogi-aphie k Paris : Les Oesta renum 

Francorum, 1877. r3 i 

SJontbrun-Souscarrifere (P. M.), see Crfevecceur (R. de). 
Montmorency (F., due de), see Ruble (6. A. de). 
Moranvili6 (H.), see Songe. 
Mortet (C), see Paris. 

Mortet (V.), M. de Sully, iv^que de Paris, 1160-96, 1890. [16.] 

Mulot(i'. V.) Journal intime de I'abbS M., 1777-82 ; [publ.] M. Tourneux 

1902. f29.j 

Miintz (E.) L'Acadimie royale de Peinture et de Sculpture et la Chalco- 

graphie du Louvre, 1891. ' [18.] 
La bibl. de Tanc. Acad, royale de peinture et de sculpture (Bibl. de 

I'Bcole nat. des Beaux-Arts), 1648-1793, 1897. [24.] 

Le Collfege des Bernardins et les artistes paris. du 14° s., 1899. [26.] 

see Fontainebleau, chdteau de. 

ITangis (Guillaume de), see Paris. 

Notre-Dame, la grande covfr^rie. Docs, nouveaux sur la grande confr^rie 

TH.-T). de Paris ; [publ.] H. Omont, 1906. [32.] 

Okeghem (J.), see Brenet (L.) 
Omont (H.) Essai sur les d6buts de la typographic grecque k Paris, 

1607-16, 1891. [18.] 

6. Hermouyme de Sparte, maltre ile grec kParis etc., 1476, 1886. [12.] 

Specimens de caractferes h6breux, [grecs, latins et de muslque], graves 

par G. Le Bi, 1545-92 ; publ. H. O., 1888-9. [14, 15.] 
see Notre-Dame, la grande confririe ; Saint-Denis ; Val-Notre-Dame, 

Pannier (L.) M^ry-sur-Oise et s. seigneurs au moyen-kge, 1876. [1.] 

Paris. Chron. paris. anon, de 1316-39, pr6o. d'adds. k la Chron. Iran?. 

dite de G. de Nangis, 1206-1316; publ. A. Hellot, 1886. [11.] 

Coll. de dessins sur P. ; publ. G. Duplessis, 1891. [17.1 

Hist, du siJige de P. sous Henri IV en 1690, [signed G. Ch. ; publ.] 

A. Dufour, 1881. ['-l 
Le llvre des Constitucions demen^es el Chastelet de P. ; publ. G. 

Mortet, 1884. [10.] 
TJnlv. of P. Docs. rel. k la fondation etc. de rUniv. de P. ; publ. H. 

Denlfle, 1884. . [lO-J 

Univ. of P., see Chatelain (E.) ; Denifle (H. S.) & E. Ohatelain. 

P^lissier (L. G.) Famille, fortune & succession d'A 0. Destouches, 

1899. [26.] 

Philip IV, jfc. of France. Ordonnance in^d. de P. le Bel cone, les metiers 

de Paris 1307 ; publ. par J. M. Richard. 1876. [2.] 

Pichon (b J.) Notes sur la Chapelle des Orfiivres, renseignements inid. 

sur G. Pilon, J. Cousin etc. du 16° s., 1883. [9.] 

Pioot (G. M. K.) Recherohes sur les quartiniers, cinquanteniers et 

dixainiers de Paris, 1876. [^-1 

Pigafetta (F.) Rel. dusifegede Paris par Henri IV; tr. A. Dufour, 1876. [2.] 

see Franklin (A.) 

Pilon(G.), sec Pichon (6. J.) ,,.,„., ,„„„ ,„^ , 

Platter (T.) Descr. de Paris, 1699; publ. L. Sieber, 1896. [23.] 

Poupardin (R.), see Saint-Vincent de Laon. 

Pr.m(M.), gee Saint Maur des Fosses. 

Puget (A. N. G.), see Calx de Saint- Aymour (A., vte. de). 

PugetfP.), seeCaixdeSaint-Aymour(A.,uie. de). 

Reilhac (iount A. de). La chapelle Notre-Dame de Reilhac, fond6e au 

14s., par C. de Reilhac etc. 1886. [l^-J 

Reilhac (C. de), see Reilhac (coMut A. de). , , „ „, , ,„„ ,. , 

Renaudot (E.) SAe elder. Journal 1646-79, pubL C Trochon, i878. 4. 
Uey (A.) L'^cole et la population de St.-Prix dep. 1668, 1879. [6.] 

Riohald (J. M.) Le tombeau de Robert I'Enfant aux Cordeliers de Pans, 

Robert,' i'£n/»mS,c(£ow8roi/me, see Richard (J. M.) 

Eombise (A. de). Voyage k Paris, 1634-5, [publ.] P. Lacombe 1887. [13.] 
ROTdet(LrB.) rnevisfteauxCamaldules de Grosbois en 1760; [puM.] 

Roiflia^d^LO La foire St. -Germain sous Charles IX, Henri III et 

RuwITfi! i^'de^'Le colloque de Poissy, Sept.-Oct. 1661, 1890. 
F. de Montmorency, gouverneur de Pans etc, 


, 1880. 


- Paris en 1672, 1887. 


ili^tTnis." Inv^ntai'res du tr^sor etc dans l^lise de I'abbaye de 
St, I > en 1606 et 1739: publ. H. Omont, 1902. ,,.i. '^ 

Sainte-Chapelle Le tr^so? de la Ste.-C. : Inventaires ; [publ.J A. V^d^e^r, 

[34, 36.] 

soci6t6 des trait^s religieux 

Soci6t§ de I'Histoire de Paris et de I'lle-de-France [continued]. 
M6moires [cant ]. 

Saint-Florent, abbey of. Charles etc, du monastere de St.-F. prfes 

Sauniur, cone. I'lle-de-France, 1070-1220 en v. ; publ. par P. Marchegay, 

1879. '"^ \l] 

Saint Maur des Fosses. Fragm. d'un obituaire de St. M.-des-F. ; publ. 

M, Prou, 1888, [14,] 

Saint Merry, Paris. Cartulaire et Censier de St. M. de P. ; publ. L. 

Cadier & C. Coudero, 1891, [18,] 

Saint S6pulere, Paris. Inventaii-e du tr^sor de I'iglise du St.-S^piilcre 

de Paris, 1379, [publ,] E, Miilinier, 1883, [9.] 

Saint Victor, abbey, Paris. Fragm. d'un inventaire du tr^sor de I'abbaye 

de St, V, de Paris, 16s, ; publ. par E. Molinier, 1882. [8.] 

Saint-Vincent de Laon. Cartulaire de St.-V. de L. : analyse et pieces 

m&&.; [publ.] R. Poupardin, 1902. [29.) 

Salld {Mile. Marie), see Dacier (E.) 

Sartine (A. R. J. G. G de), cte. d'Alby, see Le Maire (J. B. C.) 
Scaramouche. La vieillesse de S., 1690-4. Docs. inSd. publ. par B. 

Campardon & A. Longnon, 1876. [2.J 

Songe. Le s. veritable, pamphlet polit. d'un Parisien du 15° s.; publ 

H. Moranville, 1891. [17.] 

' Stein (H.), see Anne [of Brittany] ; Estienne, The family of. 
Sully (M. de), see Mortet (V.) 
Tabarin, ps., see Le Paulmier (C. S.) 
Thomas, le Grand, see Chevalier (A.) 
Tournier ( — ) & L. Brifele. Archives de 1' Admin. g6n. de I'Assistance 

publique k Paris, 1877. [3.] 

Trudon des Ormes (A.) L'Etat civil des oitoyens nobles de Paris en 1789, 

1899. [26.] 

Val-Notre-Darae, Paris. Cartulaire de I'hdpital de I'abbaye du V.-N.-D., 

13° s.; [publ.] H. Omont, 1903. [30.] 

Valois (N.) Notes sur la rSvol. paris. de 1366-58 : La revanche des frferes 

Braque,1884. [10] 

Verriiquet (B.), see Bruel (A.) 
Versoris (N.) Livre de raison de N, V., avocat au Parlement de Paris, 

1519-30 : publ. G. Fagniez, 1886. [12.] 

Vidier (A.) Notes et docs, sur le personnel, les biens et I'admin. de la 

Ste.-Chapelle, 13-15'> s., 1902. [28.] 

see Hennequin, de Lidge ; Sainte-Chapelle. 

Viollet (P.J Les 6tablissemeuts de St. Louis dans le Beauvoisis, 1882. 

Quelques textes pour servir k I'hist. polit. des Parisiens an 15° s., 

1878. [4.] 

Vitu (A. C. J.) Maison des Pocquelins et Maison de Regnard aux Piliers 

des Halles, 1633-1884, 1886. [11.) 

Zwinger(T.) Btat de Paris au 16° s. Extr. de "Methodus apodeniica,"' 

1577 ; tr. J. Cousin, 1876. [i.] 

Soci6te des Anciens Textes Francais. [Publications]. 

8°. 1909-10 

see Florbncb, of Some. *]?. de R., clianson d'aventure du 

13 s. ; publ. par A. WallensJjold, tl, 1909. 
„ Jakdin. Le j. de plaisanoe et fleur de rethorique, [by 
Jean de Calais or Jourdain ?] ; reprod. en faos. de 
I'ed. publ. par A. Verard vers 1501, 1910. 
Soci6te des Antictuaires de Picardie. M^moires. 

Ser. IV, t5, 6. 8°. 1908-10 
Societe des Recherclies Historiques de Vaucluse. Reolierohes 
hist, et docs, sur Avignon, le Comtat-Venaissin et la princi- 
paut^ d' Orange. ' tl-3. 8°. 1908-9 

see Falqite (M.) Le proces du Rhone et les contestations 
sur la propriete d' Avignon, 1302-1818, 1908. [2.] 

„ Fatjbe (C.) Etude sur I'admin. et I'hist. du Comtat- 
Venaissin, 13-15<= s., 1909. [3.] 
„ GiBABD (J.) & P. Pansier. La cour temporell& 
d' Avignon, W et IS^ s., 1909. [1.] 
Societe des Sciences Naturelles de Saone-et-Loire. Bulletins. 
t3, 1885-8. 40. Chalon-sur-Saone. 1889 
t3, Montessus (F. B. de). Martyrologe & biog. de Commerson. 

Societe des Textes FrauQais Modernes. [Pvilications]. 

s8o. 1909-10 
see Dtr Bellay (J.) CEuvres poet., t2 ; 6d. crit. publ. par 

H. Chamard, 1910. 
„ Hbboet (A.) OEuvres po^t. ; ed. crit. publ. par F. 

Gohin, 1909. 
„ Sebillet (T.) Art poet. fran9oys ; ed. crit., aveo une 

intr. etc., publ. par F. Gaiffe, 1910. 
Society des Traites Religieux de Paris. 
see fJBouiLLfi dtt Chabiol (marq. L. J. A. de). Souv. & 

fragments pour servir aux mem. de ma vie c& de mon 

temps, 1769-1812 ; publ. par P.-L. de Kermaingant,. 

tl, 2, 1906-8. [35, 41.] 

CiBCOTJBT (cte. A. db). Souvenirs d'une mission a Berlin 

en 1848 ; publ. par G. Bourgin, 2t, 1908-9. [43, 46.] 
„ fFEEBAND (cte. A. F. C.) IVIems ; publ. par le vte. de 

Broc, 1897. [13.] 

„ fLAMEEKT (I'abbe P. T.) M6ms. de famille de L., sur la. 

Revol. et I'Emigration, 1791-9 ; publ. par G. de Beau- 

sejour, 1894. _ [6.] 

„ Nantes. ""Album-souvenir de la revocation de I'Edit. 

de N., 1685, 2« 6d., 1885. 




Societe luteinationale poor le D^veloppement de I'Enseigne- 

ment Commercial, see Commerce. 
Society of Antiaaaries oJ Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Arohseologia 

.^liana : or misc. tracts rel. to antiquities. 

New ser. v25. 8°. 1904 
Society of Antiauaries of Scotland, see Cuele (J.) A Roman 

frontier post & its people : fort of Newstead, 1911. 
Society of Writers to the Signet. List of books added to Lib. 

of Soc. in 1909. 4°. E. 1910 

Socin (Adolf). Mittelhoohdeut. Namenbuoh. Nach ober- 

rbein. Quellen d. 12»" u. 13™ Jhdts. 4°. Basel. 1903 

Socin (Albert). Arab. Spricbworter u. Redensarten, gesam- 

melt u. erklart v. A. S. [ Text d; tr. Einladung z. akadem. 

Feier, Tubingen. P1272]. 4°. Tiibingen. 1878 

see Kautzsoh (E. F.) & A. S. Die Genesis mit ausserer 
Unterscheidung d. Quellenschriften, iibers. v. K. & S., 
1888; 1891. 

see Albbrti (E. ) S. ; e. Versuoh iiber ihn nach d. Quellen, 

„ Plato. Socratic discourses by P. & Xenophon, 1910. 
Sbderhjelm (Jarl Werner). La nouvelle fran?. au 15'= s. 

[Bibliotheque du 15^ s., tl2]. 8". 1910 

Soderman (Sven) & B. G. : son Berg. Verner v. Heidenstam 

— Oscar Levertin, see SvBRlQBS. S. nat.-Iitt., v21, 1910. 
Sodoma, see Jaoobsen. (E.) S. u. d. cinquecento in Siena, 

Sofrony, 6p. of Vratsa. La Bulgarie a la fin du 181= s. : mem. 

de S. ; tr. s. le texte orig. bulg. par L. Leger, see M:elauges 

orient. ; testes & tr., 1883. 
Sohm (Rudolph), see Harnace (C. G. A.) Entstehung etc. 

d. ICirchenverfassung etc. ; nebst b. Kritik d. Abhdl. R. 

S.'s : " Wesen etc. d. Katholizismus," 1910. 
Sokolov (Petr Ivanovich) [ps. n. C] Ofiiiiiii nepnnBHO-cjaBano- 

pocciiicKiii c.iOBiipb. 2 i. S°. C.-II. 1834 

Soldevilla (Fernando). El aiio politico 1909. Ano 15. 8». 1910 
Solomon, h. of Israel. Ein jud.-christl. Psalmbuch aus d. 

1™ Jhdt. (The Odes of S., publ. f. the Syriac version by 

J. R. Harris, 1909) ; aus d. Syr. iibers. v. J. Flemming, 

bearbt. u. hrsg. v. A. Harnack. [Texte u. Unters. z. Gesch. 

d. altchr. Lit., 35 iv]. ' 8°. L. 1910 

Somerset. Quarter Sessions records for Co. of S. [Somerset 

Record Soc, 24]. v2, Charles I, 1625-39. Ed. E. H. 

Bates Harbin. s4°. 1908 

S. parish registers : Marriages. vl2, 13, ed. W. P. W 

PhiUimore etc. 8°. 1910 

Somerset Record Society. 

v24, 25. 84°. printed f. subs. only. 1908-9 
see BtrcKLAND Pbiory. Cartulary of B. P. in Co. of Somer- 
set ; ed. F. W. Weaver, 1909. [25.] 

„ SoMBESET. Quarter Sessions records for S., v2, 1625-39 ; 

ed. E. H. Bates Harbin, 1908. [24.] 

Sommer (Heinrich Oskar), see Arthur, Je. of Britain. Vulgate 

version of the A. romances, ed. f. MSS. in Brit. Mus., by 

H. 0. S., vl-3 i, 1908^10. 
Sommerfeld (Arnold). 'Uber d. Ausbreitung d. Wellen in der 

drahtlosen Telegraphie, see Konigl. Akad. d. Wiss. ztr 

MtTNCHEN. Math.-physik. Classe, Sitzungsber., 1909. 
Sommi-Picenardi (Guido). Esumazione etc. d. ceneri dei 

principi Medicei fatta 1857. Processo verbale e note. 

[Ed. G. S.-P. Estr. dall' Archivio stor. ital., s5, tl, 2. 

P1277]. 8°. Firenze. 1888 

Songe. Le S. veritable, pamphlet polit. d'un Parisien du 

15<= s. ; publ. H. Moranville, see Sooiet6 de l'Hist. db 

Paris, btc. M6ms., tl7, 1891. 
Songs. *The hive : a collection of s., 4v, var. ed., 1724-33, 

see Hive. 
Sonnino (Sidney), see Franchetti (L.) & S. S. La Siciha nel 

1876, lib. 2, Sonnino (S.) I contadini in S., 1877. 
Sophia Charlotte, queen consort of Fred. I of Prussia, see 

Varnhagbn v. Ensb (C. A. L. P.) Biogr. Denkmale, T4, 

Konigin S. C. v. P., etc., 1872. 
Sophocles. 2. TpajijiSiat. AriiiTiTplov toC TpiKXiviov Uepl /leTpav 

oTs e'xP'^iraTo 'So'pofcXris, Hepl ffxvt^'^'^'"'! 2x'i^'a. [Ed. A. 

Turnebus]. S40. Parisiis. 1553 

" AriiMriTplov Uipl fi^Tpav etc." has sep. tp. tfc pagin. 
A] ax. Ed. R. C. Jebb. [Catena Classic. ; ed. A. Holmes & 

0. Bigg]. s8». n.d. 

The tragedies of S. Tr. into Eng. prose by Sir R. C. Jebb. 

[repr.]. S80. C. 1905 

Sopote (M.) The grades of life : being letters on immortality. 

Ed. [but really by] M. S. [P1297]. 8». [0.] [1909] 

Sorel (Albert), see Donnay (M.) Discours de reception k 

I'Acad. Fr., 1907 [on A. S.], 1910. 
Sosa (J. del Portillo y), see Del Poetillo y Sosa (J.) 
Sotheby, fi>">n of auctioneers. 

see Catalogue. C. of a, coll. of book-plates, sold by S., 
Feb., 1902, 1902. 

,, C. of autograph letters & hist. doc=. f. var. ooll'., 

sold by S., July, 1900, etc., 1900. 

,, C. of valuable bks. & illuminated & o. MSS., incl. 

sel. f. lib. of earl of Mexborough, etc., sold by S., March, 
1902, etc., 1902. 
Sotheby (William). Italy & o. poems. sS". 1828 

Sotomayor (Antonio Valladares de), see Valladabes de 

Sotomayoe (A.) 
Souguenet (L6on). A la decouverte de Londres. Notes d'un 
explorateur fran9ais au 20" siecle. 8°. Brux. 1909 

Soulas d'AlIainval (Leonor Jean C), see Bourgeois (A.) Le 

com^dien Barori, I'abbe d'A. & A. Le Couvreur, 1904. 
Souscarriere (Pierre Michel Montbrun-), see Montbeun- 

SouscarriSrb (P. M.) 
Southampton Record Society. Publications. 

Ia8". Southampton. 1909 

see Speed (J.), M.D., 1703-81. The hist. & antiquity of 

Southampton, w. conjectures cone, the Roman Clausen- 

tum ; ed., etc., by E. R. Aubrey, 1909. 

Southesk (James Carnegie, 9th earl of). Cat. of the coU. of 

antique gems formed by 9th e. of S. Ed. Lady H. Carnegie. 

2v. s4». 1908 
South Kensington Museum, see Smith (C. R.) Cat. of Anglo- 
Saxon & o. antiq^. discov. at Faversham, Kent, & be- 
queathed by W. Gibbs to S. K. M., 1871. 
Souza (Mme. de) [Adelaide Fillbul, marq. de Souzd], see 
Bearne [Mrs. C.) Four fascinating Frenchwomen : A. 
FiUeul, etc., 1910. 
Sozomenus, Pistoriensis. Chronioon universale, 1411-55 ; a 
cura di G. Zaccagnini, see Mueatoei (L. A.) Rer. Ital. 
scr., tl6 i, 1908. 
Sozzini (Alessandro) [Sozzini (A. di Girolamo)]. Novelle 
tratte dalla Race, di burle ec. poste insieme da A. S., see 
Novelle di autori senesi, v2, 1815. 
Spafary (N.), see Milbsou (N. S.) 

Spain [see aiso Spanien]. Anuario militar de Espafia. [Minis- 

terio de la Guerra]. 1907, 1908. 8". 1907-8 

Spanien, *Ansichten v. S. Granada u. d. Alhambra. 

[Jennings' Landscape annual, 1835]. s8°. London. 1835 

Spannagel (Carl). K. v. Burgsdorff, ein brandenburg. Kriegs- 

u. Staatsmann, see Bernee (E.) Quellen etc. z. Gesch. d. 

Hauses HohenzoUern, B5, 1903. 

Sparrow (W. Shaw). The Eng. house : how to judge its 

periods & styles. 8°. 1908 

Spatar (Nicolas), de Mile^ti, see Milbsou (N. S.) 

Speaker (The). new ser., v9-15. fol. [1903-7] 

Afterwards incorporated w. The Nation, q.v. 
Specht (Fritz) & P. Scbwabe. Die Reichstags-Wahlen, 
1867-1907. 2e A. 8». 1908 

Specimina palseographica cod. Grssc. S& Slav. Bibl. Mosquensis 

Synodalis ; ed. Sabas, 1863, see Moscow. 
Speckmanu (Diedrich). Herzensheilige. s8". 1910 

Speed (John), M.D., 1703-81. The hist. & antiquity of South- 
ampton, w. conjectures cone, the Roman Clausentum, wr. 
ab. 1770. Ed., w. intr., etc., by E. R. Aubrey. [South- 
ampton Record Soc.]. Ia8°. Southampton. 1909 
Speltz (Alexander). The styles of ornament f. prehist. times 
to middle of 19th cent. 3500 examples, w. descr. text. Tr. 
f. 2nd German ed., rev. & ed. by R. P. Spiers. la8o. 1910 
Spence (Charles Hickson). The teaching of civics in public 
schools, w. pref. by A. A. David. [P1305]. 8°. Bristol. [1909] 
Spence (Henry Donald Maurice), aft. Spence- Jones. The early 
Xtns. in Rome. 8°. [1910] 
Spencer (Mrs. F. 'B.), formerly Miss A. Haeeison, see Haeeisoit 

{Miss A.) 
Spencer (Herbert). Classification of the sciences. 

[n. tp. Pl'239]. 8°. [1864] 
Descriptive sociology. Nos. 9, 10. fol. 1910 

9, Chinese ; compiled & abstracted by E. T. C. Werner ■ ed H E 

10, Greeks ; Hellenic era ; compiled & abstracted by J. P. Mahaffy & 
W. A. Goligher ; ed. H. E. Tedder. 




or, Ethics of H. S. ; 

Spencer (Herbeit) [continued], 
see Bbare (J. I.) Organic morality 
intr. addr., 1889. 
Spenli (Jean Edouard). Rahel, Mme. Vamhagen v. Ense. 
Hist, d'un salon romant. en AUemagne. 8°. 1910 

Spenser (Edmund). [Poetical works]. [3v]. 8". 0. 1909-10 
[1], Minor poems ; ea. E. de Silincourt. 
[2, 3], Faerie Qneene ; ed. J. 0. Smith, 2v. 

see Warton (T.) Oba. on the Fairy Queen, n. ed., 1807. 
Speratus (Julius), see Lemaibe (N. E.) Poetse Lat. minores v7 

Speroni degli Alvarotti (Sperone). Opere. [ Ed. N. dalle Laste 
& M. Eorcellini]. 5t. 4". Venezia. 1740 

<5, Vita di S. S. degli A. soritta da M. Porcellini, etc. 
.see ViLLBY (P.) Les sources ital. de la " Deffense etc. de la 
langue frang." de J. Du Bellay ; [app. Sp. Speroni, Dial, 
d. lingue], 1908. 
Spielmann (Marion H.) British portrait painting to the 
opening of the 19th century. 2v. Ia4". 1910 

Spiers (Richard Phen6), see Andebson (W. J.) & R. P. S. 

Architecture of Greece & Rome, 2nd ed., enl. by S., 1907. 
Spinoza (Benedictus de). Ethics & " De intellectus emenda- 
tione." [Tr. A. Boyle, w. intr. by G. Santayana]. 

sS". [1910] 
see Dtjnin-Borkowski (S. v.) Der junge De S., 1910. 
„ Eedmans" (B.) Betrachtungen ii. d. Deutung u. Wertung 
d. Lehre S.'s, 1910. 
Spitta (Friedrich). Das Johannes-Evangelium als Quelle d. 
Gesch. Jesu. 8". Gottingen. 1910 

Spitzer (Leo). Die Wortbildung als stihst. Mittel exemplif. an 
Rabelais, nebst o. Anhang lib. d. Wortbildung bei Balzac. 
[Zeitschrift f. roman. Philologie. Beih., 29]. 

80. Halle a. S. 1910 

Spoils. *The "S. of the Prayer-Book," 1866, see Pbayee-Book. 

Spooner (William Archibald), see Collins (W. E.) Typical 

Eng. Churchmen, s2, William of Wykeham, by W. A. S., 


-Spottiswoode (Miss Sybil). *Hedwig in Eng. 

" Marcia in Germany." 
Spranger (Eduard). Wilhelm v. Humboldt u. 


Springer (Frank) & A. W. Slocom. Hypsocrinus, a new genus 

of crinoids f. the Devonian, 1906, see Field Columbian 

Museum : Geolog. ser., v2, 1903-7. 

Spyri (Johanna). Heidi. [Tr.]. aS". n.d. 

Staats- und Socialwissenschaftliche Forschungen. Hrsg. v. G. 

SchmoUer, etc. Heft 143-50. 8°. L. 1910 

Abadjieff (C.) Die Handelspolitik Bulgarieus, 1910. [143.] 

Brookhage (B.) Zur Entwicklung des preiiss.-deut. Kapitalexports, Tl, 

Der Berliner Markt f. ausiand. Staatspaplere 1816 bis um 1840, 1910. 

(148, b.w. 147.] 
•GBhts (P.) Berlin als Binnensohiffahrtsplatz, 1910. [147.] 

Giabower (E.) Die flnanzielle Entwicklung d. Aktiengesellsohaften d. 
deut. cliemischen Industrie u. i. Beziehungen zur Bankwelt, 1910. 

[144, 6. TO. 143.] 

Lederer (P.) Die Entwicklung d. sildafrlkan. Union aul verkehrspolit. 

Grundlage, 1910. [149, ( 147.] 

Neumelster (W.) Die nattirl. Grundlagen tiir die Bisenindustne in 

Deutsohland u. in den Vereinigten Staaten, 1910. (160, b.w. 147.] 

Kothke^el (W.) Die Kaufprelse fur landl. Besitzungen im Konlgreicli 

Preussen, 1895-1906, 1910. [146, b.w. 143.] 

Swart (F.) Zur fries. Agrargesch., 1910. (146, ii.w. 143.] 

Stacpoole (Henry De Vere). The drums of war. s8». 1910 
Garryowen : the romance of a race-horse. [Novel]. s8°. 1909 

& W. A. Bryce. The meddler. s8°. 1907 

Stade (Bernhard). Erneute Priifung d. zw. d. Phonicischen 

u. Hebraischen Verwandtschaftsgrades, see Flbischbe 

(H. L.) IMorgenland. Forschungen, 1875. 
Stadtler (J. F.), see Buefin (baron C.) Docs. in^d. sur la Revol. 

beige, 1, Lettres de S. k S. A. S. le Prince Auguste d'Arenberg, 

(7 aoiit^7 nov. 1830), 1910. 
Staedtler(J.F.),«ee Stadtler (J. P.) 
Staffordshire. CoU^. for a hist, of S. Ed. by Wilham Salt 

Arch^olog. Soc. [N.S., vl3], 1910. 8". 1910 

Stagel (Elsbet). Das Leben d. Schwestern zu Toss ; samt d. 

Vorrede v. J. Meier u. d. Leben d. Prinzessin Elisabet v. 

Ungarn. Hrsg. v. F. Vetter. [Deutsche Texte d. Mittelalters 

hrsg. V. d. Konigl. Preuss. Akad. d. Wiss., 6] 
Stais (Valerios), see Athens : Nat. Museum. 

vl, 2, par V. S., [vl, 2= 6d.], 1909-10. 
Staley (Edgcumbe) . The dogaressas of Venice. 
:Stampa (Gaspara), see Benson (E.) G. S. ; 

sonnets, tr., 1881. 

By the a. of 

sS". 1909 

d. Reform d. 

8". 1910 

Guide illustre, 

go. [1910?] 
r. a sel. f. her 

Stanconus (Obertus), see Caffaeus, de Taschifellone, for cont. 

of h. Annales Januenses hy 0. S. 
Stanford, pMishing firm. Portable map of India. s8°. 1885 
Stanhope (Lady Hester L.), eldest d. of 3rd earl Stanhope ; d. 

1839, see Roundbll (Mrs. C.) Lady H. S., 1909. 
Stanton (Mary), see Miller (S.) An 18th-cent. corr. ; ed. 

L. Dickins & M. S., 1910. 
Stanton (Theodore), see Bonhbue (R.) Reminiscences; ed. 

T. S., 1910. 
Stark (W.) 
see Kleine Texte fiir theolog. etc. Vorlesungen etc., T58. 
Altjiid. liturg. Gebete, ausgewahlt u. mit Einltg. hrsg. 
V. W. S., 1910. 
„ Mishnah. Der MiSnatraktat Berakhoth, mit Bemerk- 
ungen v. W. S., 1910. 
State Papers. [Calendar of] letters &, papers, foreign & 
domestic, of reign of Henry Vril. v21, p2, [1546-7. General 
Index. Cal. of State Papers]. Ia8°. 1910 

Cal. of State P. : Colonial ser., [vI8] America & West Indies, 
1700 ; Ed. C. Headlam. [Cal. of State Papers]. 8o. 1910 
Statement (A) of efforts made by the Committee desirous for 
reform in the Molyneux Asylum for Blind Females, 1851, see 
MoLYNEUx Asylum. 
Stathara (Edward Phillips). Privateers & privateering. 

8°. N.Y. 1910 

Statistisches Jahrbuch fiir d. Deutsche Reich. Hrsg. v. Kaiserl. 

Statist. Amte. Jahrgang 1910. 8°. 1910 

Stavenhagen (Willibald). Die Kiistenbefestigungen d. ausser- 

deut. Seemachte. 8°. 1909 

Stedeiburg. Die Chronik v. S. ; iibers. v. E. Winkelmann, 

21= A., 1895, see Geeaedus, Stederhurg. 
Stedman (Edmund Clarence), see Stedman (Miss L.) & G. M. 

Gould. Life & letters of E. C. S., 2v, 1910. 
Stedman (Miss Laura) & G. M. Gould. Life & letters of E. C. 
Stedman. 2v. 80. N.Y. 1910 

Steele (Robert Reynolds), see Bibliothbca Lindesiana, v5, 
Bibliog. of royal proclamations, 1485-1714, w. hist, essay on 
their origin & use by R. S., 1910. 
Steeves (George Walter), M.D. Francis Bacon : sketch of h. 
life, wks. & lit. friends ; chiefly f . bibliog. point of view. 

s8o. [1910] 
Stein (Henri). Nouv. docs, sur les Estienne, imprimeurs 
parisiens, 1517-1665, [publ.] H. S., 1895, see Estienne, The 
family of. 

Le sacre d'Anne de Bretagne et s. entree a Paris en 1504 [par 

A. Delavigne ? _; publ.] H. S., 1902, see Anne [of Brittany]. 

Steinberger (C^cile). Etude sur W. Dunbar. [These]. 

[With hihliog.]. 8°. D. 1908 

Steiner (Rudolf. Theosophy : intr. to supersensible knowledge 

of the world & the destination of man. Tr. E. D. S. 

s8o. 1910 
Steinmeyer (Franz Ludvpig). Beitrage z. prakt. Theologie. 
[T]2, Der Dekalog als katechet. Lehrstoff. 

[P1253]. 8°. 1875 
Stellung (Die) d. evangel. -luth. Missionare in Ostindien z. 

Kastenfrage, etc., 1865, see Kastenfeage. 
Stemler (Octave), see Chavaed (C.) & 0. S. Recherches sur 

Le Raincy, 1238-1848, 1884. 
Stenger (Gilbert). The return of Louis XVIII. [Tr.] Mrs 
R. Stawell. 8°. 1909 

Stenton (Frank Merry). Types of manorial structure in the 
Northern Danelaw, see Vinogeadofe (P.) Oxford studies 
in social & legal hist., v2, 1910. 
Stephen, disciple of St. Abraham ; ft. 5th cent, see Nau (Vdbbe F.) 
Les l^gendes syriaques d' Aaron de Saroug, d' Abraham [attrib. 
to S.], etc. ; texte ed. & tr. par F. N., 1910. 
Stephen (Caroline Emelia). Light arising : thoughts on the 
central radiance. s8o. C. 1908 

Stephen (Bt. Hon. Sir James), 1789-1859, see Baxtee (R.) 
Excerpt f. Reliquiae Baxterianae, also Essay by S. on R. B. ; 
ed. F. J. Jayne, 1910. 
Stephens (William Richard Wood), dean of Winchester, & 
W. W. Capes. The bishops of Winchester : pi, Birinus to 
Stigand, by W. R. W. S — p2, Walkelin to Gardiner, by 
W. W. C. Bepr. f. " Winchester Diocesan chronicle." 
[Sp in Iv, w. Sep. pagin. cfc one gen. tp.]. 

s4o. Winchester. 1907 
Stern (Ludw. Chr.), see Bible : Paul. Epistolse beati P. 
glosatae ; Irisch-lat. Codex, hrsg., Einltg., etc. v. S., 1910. 




Sternberg (Chailes H.) The life of a fossil hunter. Intr. by 
H. F. Osborn. [Amer. Nature Ser.]. ' 38°. N.Y. 1909 

Sterne (Laurence). \\'orks & hfe. 

[12 v]. [York ed.]. 8". N.Y. [1904] 
The tp. of each vol. is in accordance with its contents 
{see below) ; Works & life is the half-t. 

Life. By P. Fitzgerald. [Partly re-written.] Intr. by W. L. Cross. 2v. 
Letters to his most intimate friends. Intr. by W. L. Cross. 3v. [v3 has 

t. Journal to Eliza & Various letters; by L. S. & Elizabeth Draper.] 
Sentimental journey through France & Italy. Intr. by W. L. Cross. 
Sermons. Intr. by W. L. Cross. 2v. 
Life & opinions of Tristram Shandy. With intr. by W. L. Cross. 4v. 

see BiNl (C.) Soritti, [incl. La vita etc. di Tristano Shandy, 
di L. S. (extr^., tr.)], 1843. 

„ SiOHBL (W.) S. ; added the Journal to Eliza, 1910. 
Steuart (A. Francis), see *News letters of 1715-16 ; ed. S., 1910 
Steven (Edward IVQllar). Medical supervision in schools, Gt. 

Brit., Canada, U.S., Germany, & Switzerland. 8". 1910 

Stevens (E. S.) The veil : a romance of Tunisia. sS". [1909] 
Stevenson (Henry Thew). The EHzabethan people. 

s8<=. N.Y. 1910 
Stevenson (Robert Louis). The Master of Ballantrae. 

[Repr.]. 80. 1908 
see Mocks (H. J.) With S. in Samoa, 1910. 
Stiavelli (Criacinto). Garibaldi nella letteratura itahana. 

ed. pop. s8». 1907 
Stillingfleet (Edward), bp. of Worcester. *An appendix [to 

S.'s Council of Trent, etc.], in answer to J. W., S.J., cone. 

prohib. of Scripture in vulgar languages by Council of 

Trent. [pagin. comm. pUfi. P1286]. sV. [1688?] 

Stockholm Kongl. Bibliothek, see Sveeiges Oefeniliga 

BiBLiOTHBK : Stockholm, etc. Accessions-kat., in prog., 

1887 etc. 
Stockhorn (Frhr. Carl v.) [Stockhoenbr v. Stabein], see 

Wengen (F. v. d. ) Der Feldzug d. grossherzogUch badischen 

Truppen unter Frhrn. K. v. S. gegen d. Vorarlberger u. 

Tiroler 1809 ; hrsg. v. 0. v. Stockhorn, 1910. 
Stockum (W. P. van), jr. La Ubrairie, Timprimerie & la 

presse en HoUande a travers 4 siecles. Doc^. rec. & 

annotes par W. P. van S. [Reliure reprod. de la rel. de 

J. Veldener, 1476]. fol. La Haye. 1910 

Stoddart (Jane T.) Against the referendum. Intr. by W. R. 

NicoU. s8o. 1910 

Stokes' cyclopsedia of music & musicians, to 1909-10, by 

L. J. de Bekker. 8°. 1911 

Stokes (Miss Margaret McN.) On two bronze fragments of 

an unknown object, Petrie coll. [Fr. Archseologia, v47. 

P1299]. 40. 1882 

Stokes (Whitley) & J. Strachan. A supplement to Thesaurus 

palieohibernicus, vl, 2. By W. S. 8°. HaUe a. S. 1910 

Stolz (Friedrich) & J. H. Schmalz. Latein. Grammatik, 

Laut- u. Formenlehre, Syntax u. StUistik. IWit i. Anhang 

iiber latein. Lexikographie, v. F. Heerdegen. 4« A. [Miiller 

(I. V.) Hdboh. d. k. A.-W., 2 ii]. 8°. Miinchen. 1910 

Stone (Christopher). Sea songs & ballads. Sel. by C. S., w. 

intr. by Adm. Sir C. Bridge. sS". 0. 1906 

Stone (Darwell). Outlines of Christian dogma. 

4th ed. s8". 1907 
Stoney (G. Johnstone). On the physical constitution of the 

sun & stars, [repr. f. Proc. of Royal Soc, No. 105, 1868. 

P1239]. 8°. [1868] 

Stonham (Charles). Birds of Brit. Islands. v4. 4°. 1910 

Stopes (Charlotte Carmichael). William Hunnis & the revels 

of the Chapel Royal, see Bang (W.) Materiahen, B29, 1910. 
Storer (James Sargant). Descr. of Fonthill Abbey, 1812, see 

Melville (L.) The life etc. of W. Beckford ; [w. Descr. of 

F. A., by S.], 1910. 
Storia. Complemento aUa s. d. oampagna del 1866 in Italia, 

2v, 1909, see Campagna. 
♦Storia delle quindici settimane, 1815, see Napoleoh- I, emp. 

of the French. 
Storm (Theodor). Briefe an Friedrich Eggers ; mit e. Lebens- 

skizze V. F. Eggers u. Gedichtproben, hrsg. v. H. W. Geidel. 

8». 1911 
Briefe in d. Heimat, 1853-64. Hrsg. v. G. Storm. 8°. 1907 
Storm van 's Gravesande (Laurens), see Geavesandb (L. v.) 
Storr (Rayner). Concordance to the Latin orig. of the De 

Imitatione Christi by T. k Kempis. 8°. 1910 

Story (The) of the L.C.C. : articles by " The Times " spec. 

corr., 1907, see London Co. Council. 

Stosch (Albrecht v.) Denkwurdigkeiten, [6. 1871]. Briefe u. 
Tagebuchblatter. Hrsg. v. U. v. Stosch. 2" A. 8». St. 1904 
Stow (John), historian & antiquary. A survay of London. 
Ed. H. Morley. • s8o. 1893 

Stowe (A. Monroe). Eng. grammar schools in r. of Q. Eliza- 
beth. [Columbia Univ., N.Y., Contrib. to education 
Teachers CoU. ser., 22]. 8». N.Y, 1908 

Stoyanov (Dmitr Xr.) OojoaieHneio iia iiieriiiTt npii rjosaKomioTo 
Hiicjn^Biine ciiope4b naii-CTapoTO phmcko npaeo \wiih bibliogr.]. 

^8°. Cp-lijeui. 1909 
Strabo. Geographic. Tr. nouv. par A. Tardieu. 

4t. [tl, 3<= k&. ; 2, 2" ed.]. 88°. 1880-94 
Rerum geograph. hbri xvii. I. Casaubonus rec, emend., 
ac comm. illust., etc. Adj. est G. Xylandri Latina versio. 
Ace. F. Morelli observatiunculse. 

fol. Lutetise Parisiorum. 1620 

The Comm. of Casaubon <fc the Obs. (Spicilegia) of 

Morel have a sep. pagin., & the Index has no pagin. 

Strabo (Walafridus), see Gall, St. Leben d. heil. G. [by 

Wettinus] u. Otmar, [by Gozbertus ; rev. by W. S.] ; fibers. 

V. A. Potthast, 2e A., 1888. 

Strachan (John), LL.D., prof, of Greek, see Stokes (W.) & 

J. S. Thesaurus palseohibernicus, Suppl., 1910. 
Strachan (R. H.), M. A., see Bible: New Test. [Greek]. 
NicoU (W. R.) Expositor's Gr. Test., v5. Second Epistle 
Gen. of Peter, by R. H. S., 1910. 
Strack (Hermann L.) Abriss d. bibl. Aramaisch : Gram- 
matik, Texte, Worterbuch. [S pagin'. P1268]. 8°. L. 1896 
„ „ 2" A., [w.t.] : Gramm. d. bibl. Aramaisch, etc. 
[Texte dk Wbch. wanting. P1268]. 8». L. 1897 

„ „ 3^ A., [w.t.] : Gramm. d. Bibl.-Aramaischen, 
etc. [2 pagin'. P1268]. S°. L. 1901 

„ „ 4« verbess. A., [w.t.] : Grammatik d. Bibl.- 

Aramaischen. 8°. L. 1905 

Der Blutaberglaube in d. Menschheit, Blutmorde u. Blutritus. 
[Inst. Judaicum in Berlin, Sohriften, 14. P1267]. 

4« A. 8". Munchen. 1892 

,, „ 8^ A., [w.t.] : Das Blut im Glauben u. Aber- 

glauben. [P1266]. 8». Munchen. 1900 

Einltg. in d. Thalmud. [Inst. Judaicum in Beilin, Schriften, 

2. P1267]. 2e A. 8°. L. 1894 

3e A. [P1266]. 8°. L. 1900 
Die Juden, diirfen sie " Verbrecher v. Religions wegen " 
genannt werden ? Aktenstiicke gesammelt v. H. L. S. 
[Inst. Judaicum in Berlin, Schriften, 15. P1267]. 8°. 1893 
see Aboth. nux •ii.-iB -. IMischna-Traktat ; hrsg. etc. v. 
H. L. S., 3^ A., 1901. 
Straker (F.), fellow of the Bankers' Institute. The money 
market. s8». 1904 

Stratford (Laurence). Edward IV. 38°. 1910 

StratSord-upon-Avon. Cat. of books, MSS., works of art, 
antiq. & rehcs, exhib. in Shakespeare's birthplace. [Com- 
piled by R. Savage]. s8°. Stratford-upon-Avon. 1910 
Stratton (Alfred William). Letters f. India. With a mem. 
by h. wife A. B. Stratton, & intr. note by Prof. Bloomfield. 

8». 1908 
Straus (R.) Die Juden im Konigreieh Sizilien unter Nor- 
maunen u. Staufern. [Heidelberger Abhdlgn. z. mittl. u. 
neu. Gesch.]. 8". Heidelberg. 1910 

Straus (Ralph). Robert Dodsley, poet, publisher & play- 
wright. . 8°. 1910 
Strauss (David Friedrich). The opinions of S., as embodied 
in h. Letter etc. Tr. [P1260]. 8°. 1844 
Street (George Slythe). People & questions. s8°. 1910 
Streitberg (Wilhelm). 
see Bible : Anglo-Saxcn & Gothic. Die got. Bibel ; hrsg. 

V. W. S., T2, 1910. 
„ Religionswissbnsohaftliohe Bibl. ; hrsg. v. W. S., 
etc., in prog., 1910 etc. 
Strindberg (August). 
see Bablllotte (A.) A. S., 1910. 
„ McRTENSEN (J.) A. S. [Sel'.], 1910. 
Strole (Albrecht). T. Carlyle's Anschauung vom Fortschritt 
in d. Gesch. [Beitr. z. Forderung christi. Theol., Jhrg. 
13, v]. 8°. Gutersloh. 1909 

Strozzi (Alessandia), 1408-70 [Macinqhi (A. di Filippo)]. 
*Una lettera d'una gentildonna fiorentina [i.e. A. S.] del 
sec. 15, [a Filippo suo figliuolo]. [Sd. I. Del Lungo. Per 
le nozze Forteguerri-Guicciardini. P1277]. 

8». Firenze. 1874 


Strozzi (Pietro), marshal of France, see Vite di uomini d' arme 

«t P- S-. scr. da A. Albizzi, 1866. 

Jjtrunz (Franz). Gesch. d. Naturwissenaohaften im M.-A. 

Stryienski (Casimir). Le gendre de Louis XV : Don IhiliOTe 
infant d'Espagne et due de Parme. 8° A 9041 

Mesdames de Franee, filles de Louis XV. Does. in^d. 

Strzygowski (Josef), see Berohbm (M. van). Amida-Blnr*' 

zur Kunstgesch. d. M.-A. v. Nordmesopotamien, Hellas u' 

d. Abendlande, v. J. S., etc., 1910. 
StuarMones (Henry), see Jones (H. S.) 
Stubbs (Charles WUliam), dean of Ely, [aft. bp. of Truro], see 

Bible : Gospels. Gospels ace. to S. Matthew & S. Mark • 

ed. by the Dean of Ely, 1901. ' 

Stubbs (Wmiam), 6y. of Oxford. Germany in the later Middle 

Ages, 1200-1500. Ed. A. Hassall. 8° 1908 

Stubs (Rudolf), see Hbeeb (P.) Q.ueUenkunde z. Welteesch • 

unter Mitwirkung v. S., etc. ; hrsg. v. P. H 1910 ' 

Studer (GottUeb Ludwig). Uber Eis u. Sohnee.' Die hochsten 

Gipfel d. Schweiz u. d. Gesch. i. Besteigung. 2^ A. um- 

gearbt. u. erganzt v. A. Waber u. H. Diibi. 
„. ,. , 3 Abt. sS". Bern. 1896-9 

MUdl e mem. per la storia dell' University di Boloana vl 

1907-8, see Bologna. 
Studia Sinaitica. no. 12. s4o. C. 1907 

12, Forty-one facs. of dated Xtn. Arabic MSS. ; w. text & tr ■ by A S 
Lewis & M. D. Gibson ; w. obs. on Arabic calligraphy, bv D.' S. 
Margoliouth. '^ " ' "■ " 

Studio (The). 

[Spring No. 1910]. 
see Williamson (G. C.) Portrait miniatures, 1910. 
[Autumn No., 1910]. 
see Holme (C.) Peasant art in Sweden, Lapland & Iceland ; 
ed. H., 1910. 
[Winter No., 1910-11]. 

see Salaman (M. C.) Old Eng. mezzotints, text by M. C. S. ; 
ed. C. Holme, 1910. 
Studj di filologia romanza ; pubbl. da E. Monaoi, 1885-1903, 

see MoNACi (E.) 
Stuiel (Ren6). Jacques Amyot, traducteur des vies paralleles 
de Plutarque. s8o. 1908 

Stnrgis (Russell). Hist, of architecture. v2, Romanesque 
& Oriental. Ia8°. N.Y. 1910 

Stuimius, abbot of Fulda [Stubmi], see AVillibaldus, pres- 
byter. Leben d. h. Bonifazius v. W., d. Abtes S. v. Eigil, 
etc. ; libers, v. W. Arndt, 2" A., 1888. 
Stutz (TJlrich). Der Erzbischof v. Mainz u. d. deut. Konigs- 
wahl. 8°. Weimar. 1910 

Su4rez (Diego) [SuIrbz CorvIn ; Sitarbz MontanSs]. Hist, 
del maestre ultimo que fue de Montesa [i.e. P. L. Galceran 
de Borja] y de su hermano F. de Borja. La manera como 
gobernaron las memerables pla9as de Oran y Marzaelquivir, 
reynos de Tremecen y Tenez en Africa, etc. [Ed. F. 
Guillen Robles. Publ. la Soc. de Bibliofilos Espanoles]. 

[t]l. 8". 1889 
Suarez Corvin (D.), see Suarez (D.) 
Su4rez Montanes (D.), see StrlRBZ (D.) 

Subconscious phenomena by H. Miinsterberg, T. Ribot, P. 
Janet, J. Jastrow, B. Hart, & M. Prince; m.d., see Mtjnster- 
BERO (H.) 

Sudermann (Hermann). Das hohe Lied. Roman. 

16.-20. A. sS". St. 1908 
Suetonius Tianquillus (Caius), see Hoekel (J.) Die Romer- 

kriege aua Plutarch, S., etc. ; iibers. v. H., 2^ A., 1884. 
SufSing (Einest R.) Eng. church brasses, 13-17 c. 8". 1910 
Suffolk. A S. Hundred in 1283 : assessment of the Hundred 

of Blackbourne for a tax ; ed. E. Powell, 1910, see Blaok- 


A visitation of S., 1664 to 1668, by Sir E. Bysshe ; ed. W. H. 

Rylands. [Harleian Soc, 61]. Ia8<>. 1910 

Suffolk (Henry Molyneux Paget Howard, 19th earl of), see 

Encyclopedia of sport ; ed. by Earl of S., etc., var. ed. 

*Snlchan-Arukh (Gedeckte Tafel) ; iibers., etc., v. J. A. F. E. L. 

V. V. Pavly, Ll-4, 1888, see Joseph, ben Ephraim Caro. 
Sullivan (William Kirby). Facts & theories ; or, real pro- 
spects of the beet-sugar manufacture in Ireland. 

[P1239]. 8°. D. 1852 
The manufacture of beet-root sugar in Ireland. 

[P1239]. 8». D. 1851 



Sully (Maurice de), bp. of Paris, see Mortet (V.) M. de S., 

6veque de Paris, 1160-96, 1890. 
Sunderland (Dorothy Spencer, countess of), wife of 1st earl; 
aft. wife of R. Smythe, see Russell (R. R., Lady). Some 
aco. of Lady R., etc. ; added, 11 letters f. otss. of S. to 
G. Saville, Marq. of Hallifax, 1680, 1819. 
Supplement. *S. to the Bp. of London's Letter on earthquakes, 

4th ed., 1750, see Sherlock (T.) 
Surrey. A visitation of the county of S., 1662-8, [by Sir 
E. Bysshe]. Ed. Sir G. J. Armytage. [Harleian Soc, 60]. 

Ia8». 1910 
Surtees Society. Publications. 

vll8, 119; [in prog.]. S°. 1910 
see Buby(R., de). Fragments of h. register, & o. docs., 1910. 


„ Six North country diaries, 1910. [Il8.] 

Survey (The) of Memorials of Greater London. Monograph of 

the Committee, 2. 40. [1909] 

see GoDEREY (W. H.) The parish of Chelsea, pi, 1909. [2.] 

Sussex. Memorials of old S., 1909, see Mundy (P. D.) ed. 

SutcIiSe (Halliwell). A winter's comedy. S8". n.d. 

Sutor (lieut. Allan). 2 speeches on military discipline & 

efficiency. [P1305]. s8o. [1910] 

Sutton & Sons, Beading. Culture of vegetables & flowers. 

10th ed. 8». 1902 
Suzobonus (Joannes), see Caefarus, de Taschifellone, for cont. 

of h. Annales Januenses by J. S. 
Sverige. Sveriges nat. litt., 1500-1900. Planlagt af 0. 
Levertin, utg. af H. Schiick och Ruben G. : son Berg. 

[v]10, 15-17, 19, 21. 8". [1909-10]. 

10, Vetterlund (F.) Svensk romantik. v2. 

15, Warburg (0.) V. Rydberg— P. Wlkner. 

16, Vetterlund (F.) Svensk lyrik Mn tlden efter 1860 (" Signatui-ei-na " 
och andra) : Snoilsky— af Wirsin— Baekstrom— Bjorck— Gellerstedt— 
Melin— A. Waatberg. 

17, Mortensen (J.) A. Strindberg. 

19, Erdmann (N.) G. af Geijerstam— Tor Hedberg— E. Josephson. 

21, Soderman (G.) & R. G. : son Berg. V. v. Heldenstam— 0. Levertin. 

Sweriges Rikes Lag, gillad etc pS, Riksdagen ar 1734. Med 
forandringar, utg. af N. W. Lundequist. 7<= uppl., med 
Stadganden, till Okt. 1855. [Bihang, w. sep. pagin.]. 

8°. [1855] 
Sveriges Offentliga Bibliothek: Stockholm, Upsala, Lund, 
Goteborg. Accessions-katalog. Utgifven af Kongl. Bibl. 
genom E. W. Dahlgren, [dh others]. 

[v]l-23. [vl8-19 in Iv., pag. cont. In prog.]. 8°. 1887-1910 

Tioars-Register, 1886-95. 8". 1896-8 

Swann (Alfred J.) Fighting the slave-hunters in C. Africa. 

Intr. by Sir H. H. Johnston. 8°. 1910 

Swart (P.) Zur fries. Agrargesch., see Staats- u. Socialwiss. 

FORSCHUNGEN, H145, 1910. 
Sweden, see Imperatorskoe Russk. 1st. Obsoh. Sbornik. 
Swedenborg (E.) The generative organs. Tr. J. J. G. 
Wilkinson. 8°. 1852 

Opera poetica. s4°. Upsalise. 1910 

see Ramstbom (M.) S.'s investigs. in natural science, etc., 
Sweet (Henry). Anglo-Saxon reader. With grammar, metre, 
notes & glossary. 8th ed., rev. 88°. 0. 1908 

Swete (Henry Barclay). The ascended Christ. A study in 
the earliest Xtn. teaching. a?,°. 1910 

Swift (Jonathan), dean of St. Patrick's. Letters wr. by J. S., 
& sev. of h. friends, 1703-40. With notes, etc. by J. Hawkes- 
worth. [Ed. by T. Wilkes]. 3v. 80. 1766 

Poems. Ed. W. E. Browning. 2v. sS". Bohn. 1910 

see Carroll (W. G.) Succession of clergy in parishes of 
S. Bride, S. Michael le Pole, etc., & note on S.'s birth- 
place, 1884. 
Swinburne (Algernon Charles). Notes on Poems & reviews. 

80. 1866 

see Lbith (M. C. J.) The children of the Chapel; including 

The pilgrimage of pleasure, a morality play, by S., 


„ Murdoch (W. G. B.) Memories of S., etc, 1910. 

Swinfleld (Richard de), bp. of Hereford. Registrum R. de S., 
1283-1317. Transcribed & ed. by W. W. Capes. [Canter- 
bury & York Soc]. 8°. 1909 

Swinstead (George Hillyard). The story of my old-world 
garden & how I made it in a London suburb. 4°. 1910 

Switalski (Martin). Gesch. d. poln. Lit. 88°. Kempten. 1908 





Switzerland, see Sceweitz. 

Sybel (Heiniich C. L. v.) Die deut. Nation u. d. Kaiserreich. 

8°. Diisseldorf. 1862 

Sykes {Ella C.) Persia & its people. 8°. [1910] 

Sykes (Percy Molesworth) [Nubullah, Khan, ps.']. The glory 

of the Shia world. Tr. & ed. f. Persian MS. [hut really 

written] by P. M. S., assisted by Khan Bahadur Ahmad Din 

Khan. 8°. 1910 

Sylveira (Gonzalo), see Silveiba (G. da). 

Symonds (John Addington) the younger ; 1840-93. Renais- 
sance in Italy. [v3], Fine arts. n. ed. 8". 1909 
Sir Philip Sidney. [Eng. Men of Letters]. sS". 1902 
Symposius (C. Firmianus), see Pirmianus Symposius (C.) 
Synge (John Millington). Deirdre of the Sorrows. 

8°. Churchtown. 1910 
The shadow of the glen, & Riders to the sea. s8°. 1910 

Synge (John Millington) 

The tinker's wedding. Comedy. 

88". D. 1907 
4v. 80. 1910 

1, [Plays : In the shadow of the glen, Biders to the sea, Tinker's wedding, 
Well of the saints]. 2, [Plays : Playboy of the Western world, Deirdre 
of the sorrows ; Poems & translations]. 3, [Aran Islands]. 4, [In 
Wicklow, In W. Kerry, In the congested dlatricts & Under ether]. 

Syon, monastery, laleworlh, see SiON. 

Syrett (Netta). OUva L. Carew. sS". 1910 

*Syriac8B linguae prima elementa, 1572, see Widmanstadt 

(J. A. V.) 
*Systema horti-cultursB : or, the art of gardening, 1677, see 

Syxtus (P.), O.C.S., see Scaglia (S.) 

Szabd (Dezso). A magyar orszaggyiilSsek tortenete, II. 
Lajos koraban. [M. Tud. A.i. 8". 1909 

T. (M. A. R.) 




Mondor et T. seigneurs 

^' J^\^- ^-^ Handbook to Xtn. & eodes. Rome, vl 2 bv 
H. M. & M. A. R. T., 1897, see Ttjker (M. A. R. & H 

MaLLESON. ; '^ J.J.. 

Tabaiin, ps., see Le Pattlmier (C. S.) 
feodaux, 1884. 
♦Tables g6n6alog. des maisons souveraines de I'Europe, 1782 see 

KOOH (C. 6. DE). 

Taboada (Luis). Los ridiculos. Prologode J. Ziiuiga. sS" nd 

Tacatus (Publius Cornelius), see Hoekel (J. ) Die Romerkriege 

aus Plutarch, T., etc., Tacitus' Germania : fibers, v H 2e 

A., 1884. ' 

TaJt (WiUiam Howard), pres. of the U.S. Political issues & 

outlooks. Speeches, 1908, 1909. 88° 1910 

Tagebuch. *T. einer Reise durch d. Schweitz, 1787, see La 

Roche (M. S. v.) 
Taine(HippolyteA.) Etienne Mayran. Fragments. [Roman]. 
Avec une pref. de P. Bourget. 88°. 1910 

see Fbitzsche (C.) Die Darstellung d. Individuums" in d. 
" Origines de la France contemp." v. T., 1910. 
Takriti, al-, see Yahya ibn Haeie, al-Takrltl. 
Talbot (Elizabeth), countess of Shrewsbury, see Shrbwsbtjey 

(E. T., c. of). 
Talbot (It.-col. Frederick Gilbert), see Babbr. Memoirs; an 
abridgment, w. intr., notes, & aoc. of his successors, bv 
F. G. T., 1909. 
Tallemant des R§aux (Gr^deon). Rois, grandes dames & 
beaux esprits d'autrefois d'apres T. des R. Avee apps. & 
notes par A. Meyrao. [tl]. 8°. [1910] 

tTallentyre (Stephen G.) ps. Early-Victorian. A village 
chronicle. sS". 1910 

Talleyrand (prince de), 1754-1838. 
see Baeante (5. de). La conversion et la mort de T., 1910. 
„ Lacomeb (B. de). T., eveque d'Autun, 1903. 

„ T. the man ; tr., 1910. 

„ Vie privee de T., 1910. 

„ LoLiEB (F.) T. & la soc. fran9., pi, 1910. 
Talmud [.see also Mishnah]. 
''>33 ^lDbn ]D[m3-] niDii nDoo [TaJMy^i BaBajOBCKiB]. 

23v in 12. 4°. Warszawa, Berlin etc. 1863-5 [1875-9] 

Abodah Sarah, oder d. Gotzendienst. Ein Traktat aus d. T. 

Mischna u. Gemara, mit e. Einltg. u. Anm. hrsg. v. F. C. 

Ewald. 2^ A. 8°. Niirnberg. 1868 

Der babylon. T. in s. haggad. Bestandtheilen ; iibers. u. 

durch Noten erlautert v. A. Wiinsche. 2 Halbbande 

[H2 in 4 Abthlgn.]. 8». L. 1886-9 

Der Jerusalem. Talmud in s. haggadischen Bestandtheilen, 

in's Deutsche ubertr. v. A. Wiinsche. [h.w. Dukes (L.) 

Rabbin. Blumenlese, 1844]. 8». Ziirich. 1880 

Masechet Soferim. Der talmud. Tractat d. Schreiber. Hrsg. 

[in Hebrew] u. comm. v. J. MiiUer. 8». L. 1878 

Talmud Babli. Babylon. T. [Bl], Tractat Beraohoth, 

Segenspruche. Mit Obers. u. d. Comm. Raschi u. Tosephoth, 

etc., Einltg. in d. T., etc. Von E. M. Pinner. [With SnA 

tp., in Hebrew. No more publ.]. fol. Berlin. 1842 

.see BiBSBNTHAi (J. H. R.) Zur Gesch. d. Christl. Kirche, 

unter Benutzung talmud. Quellen, 1856. 
„ Bttxtorfius (J.) De abbrev. Hebraiois : cui access. 

operis Talmudici recensio, ed. 2=', 1640. 
„ Dblitzsch (F.) Der T. u. d. Farben, 1878. 
„ Fischer (B.) Talmud. Chrestomathie, 1884. 
„ Laible (H.) Jesus Christus im T. ; mit e. Anhange : d. 

thalmud. Texte, mitgeteilt v. G. Dalman, 1891. 
„ Ltjzzatto (S. D.) Grammatik d. bibl.-chalda. Sprache 
u. d. Idioms d. T. Babli; hrsg. [tr.] v. M. S.- Kruger, 1873. 
'" L.) Manual of Aramaic language of 
: grammar, etc., 1910. 
Einltg. in d. T., 2^ A., 1894. 
3" A., 1900. 
4e A., 1905. 
Neue Beitrage z. Erlauterung d. Evan- 
Midraach, 1878. 

Margolis (M. 

Babylonian T. 

Strack (H. L.) 

selien aus T. u. 

Tamara, q. of Georgia, see Thamar. 

Tamarati (Michel). L'^glise g^orgienne des orig. jusqu'i 

nos jours. Ia8". Rome. 1910 

Tamassia (Nino). St. Francis of Assisi & h. legend. Tr., w. 

pref. by L. Ragg. 8°. 1910 

Tambornino (iTulius). De antiquorum dsemonismo. [Religions- 

geschiohtl. Versuche, etc., hrsg. v. R. Wiinsch u. L. 

Deubner, B7 iii]. 8°. Giessen. 1909 

Tamilia (D.) Postille al vocabolario latino-romanzo del 

Korting d. Prov. di Campobasso, see Monaci (E.) Studj 

di aiol. rem., v8, 1901. 

Tanger (Gustav), «ee Fltjgbl (F.) Flugel-Schmidt-Tanger : 

diet, of Eng. & German languages, 2p, 8th ed., 1909. 
Targumica. Speoimina Targumica etc., 1881, see Meex 

(E. 0. A.) 
Targums, see Bible. 
Tariff Reform League, see Germany. Reports on labour & 

social conditions in G., 2v, 1910. 
Tarocchi (Die). Zwei italien. Kupferstichfolgen aus d. 15. 
Jhdt. 50 Tafeln. [Graphische Gesellschaft, Ausserordentl. 
Verbffentlichung 2. Pref. by P. Kristdler. These engrav- 
ings have been incorrectly attr. to A. Mantegna]. fol. 1910 
Tartinius (Joseph Maria), see Mijratori (L. A.) Rerum Ital. 

soriptores, n. ed., [incl. Suppl. of T., in prog.], 1902 etc. 
Taschereau (Jules Autoine). Hist, de la vie & des ouvr. de 
P. Corneille. (OE. oompl. de C, prelim.) [Bibl. Elz^v.]. 

2e ed., augm. s8o. 1855 
Tasso (Torguato). Cinquanta madrigali ined. alia granduch- 
essa B. Cappello. [Ed. Q. Gargani. P1277]. 

8°. Firenze. 1871 

Rime soelte & Aminta, col Discorso s. differenze poetiohe, e 

col Carme del Cav. V. Monti. [The Aminta has sep. tp. & 

Sep. pagin.]. s8°. Milano. 1824 

Tassoni (conte Alessandro). Tassoniana. Saggi di scritti 

ined., pubbl. da 0. Bacoi. [Inx:l. sonnet Contro la corte ; 

cfc extr'. f. the Decameron of Boccaccio, w. Postille del Tassoni. 

P1278]. 8». Firenze. 1893 

see MiOHELOZZi, The family of. Ricordi di famigUa ; [docs,, 

etc. , ed. by F. Cambiagi ; incl. Filippiche contro gli Spa- 

gnuoli, di A. T., prec. da un disc, di G. Canestrini etc.], 


Tassoni (marchesa Eleonora), see Miohelozzi, The family of. 

Ricordi di famiglia, per le nozze di E. Miohelozzi con la 

march. E. T., 1854. 

Tattvarayasvami [Tatwarayaswami]. Sasivarna potham : 

or the doctrine of Sasivarna. A Vedantic poem. Tr. f. 

Tamil by T. Foulkes. [P1259]. 8". 1862 

Tatwarayaswami, see Tattvarayasvami. 

Taubert (Agnes), aft. Hartmann. Der Pessimismus u. ». 
Gegner. [b.w. Venetianer (M.) Schopenhauer als Scholas- 
tiker, 1873]. 8". 1873 

Tauler (Johann). Die Predigten T. ; hrsg. v. F. Vetter. 
[Deutsche Texte des M.-a., hrsg. Konigl. Preuss. Akad. 
d. Wiss., Bll]. Ia8». 1910 

Taussig (Frank William). The tariff hist, of the U.S. 

5th ed. 80. [1909] 
Tavernier (Jean Baptiste) [baron d'Aubon], see Thompson 

(R. C.) T.'s travels in Mesopotamia, 1910. 
Tavola ritonda. La t. r. : V ist. di Tristano, 2p, 1864r-5, see 

Tristram, knight of the Bound Table. 
Taxil (L.), geomHre du Service du Plan de Paris. Une opera- 
tion de voirie au 18* s. : demolition des maisons oonstruites 
sur les Fonts de Paris & etabl. de quais en bordure de la 
Seine, see Paris : Comm. mfnicip. dtj viedx Paeis. Proces- 
verbaux, 1909. 
Tableau 6tabl. la concordance entre le numerotage aotuel 
de maisons de I'anc. Paris et les differ, numerotages que 
ces maisons ont port6s k div. epoques etc., 3p, see Paris : 
Comm. mtjnicip. du vibtjx Paris. Proces-verbaux, 1903-4. 
Taylor, Family of, see Taylor (T.) Life of J. Taylor ; w. 
acct. of the Taylors & Websters of Ashburne, etc., 1910. 




Taylor (Isaac), canon of York, 6. 18S9. The hist, of the 

alphabet. 2v. n. ed. 8°. 1899 

1, Semitic. 2, Aryan. 
Taylor (John), LL.D., prebendary of Westminster ; 1711S8, 

see Taylor (T.) Life of J. T., etc., 1910. 
Taylor (Thomas), M.A., F.S.A. Life of J. Taylor, friend of 

Dr. S. Johnson ; w. an acct. of the Taylors & Websters of 

Ashburne, eto. 8°. [1910] 

Tchernishevsky (N. G.), see Cheenishevsky (N. G.) 
Tchertkoff (Vladimir), see Bieytjkoff (P. I.), etc. nuMoriire, 

Techen (Friedrich). Die Burgersprachen d. Stadt Wismar. 

[Hans. Geschichtsquellen, N.F., B3]. 8°. L. 1906 

Wismar im Mittelalter. [Pfingstblatter d. Hans. Geschichts- 

vereins, 6]. 8". L. 1910 

Technical dictionaries in 6 languages. (Dein)iardt-Schlomann 

Set.) v8, 10. S80. 1910 

8, ReiDforced concrete in sub- and superstructure ; compiled by H. 

10, Motor vehicles ; ed. R. Urtel. 

Teedon (Samuel). Diary, 17 Oct. 1791 to 2 Feb. 1794. Ed. 

T. Wright of Olney. s8». 1902 

Tegner (Esaias), bp. of Wexid. Axel. [Tr.] R. G. Latham. 

[P1260]. 8°. 1838 
Tejada (Antonio del Monte y), see Monte y Tejada 

(A. DEL). 

Tekeli (Emeric, comte de), see Tokoly {count I.) 

Telesio (A.), see Thylbsitts (A.) 

Telesius (Bernardinus). Delle cose naturali ; [volgarizzamento 

di F. Martelli], see Palermo (F.) I manoscritti Palatini 

di Firenze, v3, 1868. 
Telluccini (Augusto). Le spoglie mortali del principe Tommaso 

di Savoia-Carignano gia attrib. al cte. Bonifacio di Savoia, 

see Regia Dep. s. oli Studi di Stoeia Pateia pee le Ant. 

Peov. etc. Bibl. di storia ital. rec, v2, 1909. 
Temperley (Harold William Vazeille). Senates & Upper 

Chambers. sS". 1910 

see Makczali (H.) Hungary in the 18th cent. ; w. introd. 

essay on earlier hist, of Hungary, by H. W. V. T., 


Temple (Anna Grenville, countess) [Chambbe (Anna)]. Poems. 

s4°. Strawberry-Hill. 1764 
Temple (John Alexander). Annals of two extinct families 

of the 18th c. (von Liiders & Light), w. ace. of their vicis- 
situdes in Hamburg, Bath, The East Indies, British Guiana, 

& Canada. 8°. 1910 

Temple (William), headmaster of Repton. The faith & mod. 

thought. Sixlect. Intr. by M. E. Sadler, [repr.]. s8o. 1910 
Temple Bar. 

V129-32. N. ser., vl, 2. [No more publ.]. 8». 1904-6 
Tencin, The family of [Gu^ein de Tencin], see Coynaet 

(C. DE). Les Guerin de Tencin (1520-1758), 1910. 
Tencin {card, de), see Coynaet (C. de). Les Guerin de Tencin 

(1520-1758), 1910. 
Tencin (Mme. de), see Coynaet (C. de). Les Guerin de 

Tencin (1520-1758), 1910. 
Tenebr6n (P. Nieto de Silva, marques de), see Nibto de Silva 

Teneriffe (Valeriano Weyler y Nicolau, marq. of), see Wbylee 

y Nicolatt (V.) 
Tennent (Sir James Emerson). *Mr. Whitworth & Sir J. E. T. 

y. Frazer's Mag. P1239]. 8°. 1864 

Tennyson (Alfred Tennyson, isifcoroH). Poet, works. sS". 1890 

Suppressed poems, 1830-60, & "the Lover's tale," (1833). 

[Avon Booklet, vl. No. 3-6, no tp.]. 

sS". Avon Glen, Warwick. 1903 
see Gatty (A.) Poet, character : illust. f. the works of A. T., 
lecture, 1860. 

,, LocKYEE {Sir J. N.) & W. L. LocKYEE. Tennyson as a 
student & poet of nature, 1910. 
Terence. Adelphoe. Latin & Eng. Acted by students of 

the Univ. of Michigan, June, 1882. 8°. n.p. n.d. 

Ter Israel. Synaxaire armenien ; publ. & tr. par G. Bayan, 

avec le ooncours de S. A. R. le prince Max de Saxe, [p]l, 

Mois de Navasard, see Geaeein (R.) & F. Nad. Patr. 

orient., t5, 1910. 
Testa (Francesco), bp. of Syracuse, aft. archbp. of Monreale, 

see Sicily. Capitula regni Sicilise, etc., [ed. F. T.], 2t, 


Texte und Untersuchungen ^. Gesoh. d. altchr. Lit. Hrsg. 

V. Gebhardt u. Harnack. [B9 ii], 35 i, iv. 8°. L. 1893-1910 

see Harsack (C. G. A.) Bruchstucke d. Evangeliums 

u. d. Apokalypse d. Petrus, 1893. [9 ii.] 

„ Koch (H.) Cyprian u. d. rom. Primat, 1910. [35 i.] 

,, Solomon, Ic. of Israel. Ein jiid.-christl. Psalmbuch aus 

d. len Jhdt. {The Odes of S.) ; aus d. Syr. ilbers. v. 

J. Flemming, bearbt. u. hrsg. v. A. Harnack, 1910. 

[35 iv.] 
Textes. Testes d'auteurs grecs et latins rel. k 1' Extreme- 
Orient, i^ s. av. J.-C. jusqu'au 14^ s. ; rec. et tr. G. Coedes,. 
1910, see CoEDES (G.) 
Texts. *Texts examined wh. papists cite for proof of the 

insufficiency of Script., 1688, see FowLBE (E.) 
Texts & studies : contrib^. to Biblical & patristic literature. 
Ed. J. A. Robinson. v7, [p4]. 8". C. 1905 

7, [pU], A study of Ambrosiaster ; by A. Souter. 
Teza (Emilio). Un maestro di fonetica ital. nel cinquecento 
[i.e. G. Bartoli], see Monaci (E.) Studj di filol. rom., v6, 
Note portoghesi, see MoNACi (E.) Studj di filol. rom., vl, 

Sylva de varios romances (1598) ; note bibliog., see Monaci 
(E.) Studj di filol. rom., vl, 1885. 
Thackeray CWUliam Makepeace). A shabby genteel story. 

sS". [1857?] 

Thackeray. [Sel. f. h. works. Masters of lit.]. Ed. G. K. 

Chesterton. s8<>. 1909 

see Melville (L.) ps. W. M. T., 2v, 1910. 

„ MuDGE (I. G.) & E. M. Seaes. A T. diet., 1910. 

Thamar, queen of Georgia [Tamaea], see Djanashvili (M. G.) 

UapHna r., 1900. 
Thangmarus. Die Lebensbeschreibung d. Bischofe Bernward 
[by T.] u. Godehard [by Wolferus] v. Hildesheim ; iibers. v. 
H. Hiifier, 2^, v. W. Wattenbach durchgesehene A., see 
Geschichtscheeieee (Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2"= Gesammt- 
ausg., B40, 1892. 
Thaning (Vilhelm). *Livets Lygtemsend. En Beretning. 

8». 1902 
Thayer (Abbott Handerson), see Thayer (G. H.) Concealing- 
coloration in the animal kingdom : being a summary of 
A. H. T.'s discoveries ; intr. essay by A. H. T., 1909. 
Thayer (Gerald H.) Concealing-coloration in the animal king- 
dom : being a summary of A. H. Thayer's discoveries. 
Intr. essay by A. H. Thayer. 4". N.Y. 1909 

Theal (George McCall). Hist. & ethnography of Africa S. of 
the Zambesi, 1505-1795. v3. The Cape Colony to 1795, 
the Koranas, Bantu, & Portuguese in S. Africa to 1800. 

8°. 1910 
The yellow & dark-skinned people of Africa South of the 
Zambesi. 8". 1910 

Theatre de campagne, 1775, see Carmontelle (N.) 
Theatrical (The) Inquisitor ; or Lit. [Monthly] mirror. 

vl-14. [vl, by Cerberus]. 8°. 1812-19 

Theganus, chorepiscoput Trevirensis. Die Lebensbeschrei- 

bungen Kaiser Ludwigs d. Frommen, v. T. u. v. sog. Astro- 

nomus ; fibers, v. J. v. Jasmund, 2'= A., neu bearbt. v. 

W. Wattenbach, see Geschichtschreiber (Die) d. deut. 

Vorzeit, 2" Gesammtausg., B19, 1889. 

Thenius (Otto). Das Evangehum d. Evangelien. An Strauss, 

in Beziehung auf dessen Leben Jesu. [P1251]. 8°. L. 1865 

Theobald (Frederick Vincent). 

see British Mdsbum : Zoology. Monograph of Culicidae or 

mosquitoes, by T., v5, 1910. 
,, National Rose Soc. Hdbk. on the fungoid & insect 
pests of the rose by G. Massee & T., 1908. 
Theodore, k. of Corsica, see Varnhaoen v. Ense (C. A. L. P.) 

Biogr. Denkmale, Tl, Kon. T. v. C, etc., 1872. 
Theodore, of Pohlde, see Thbodoeus, Palidensis. 
Theodoret, bp. of Cyrus. Kirchengesch. Hrsg. v. L. Parmen- 
tier. [Die griech. chr. Schriftsteller d. ersten 3 Jhdte.]. 

80. L. 1911 

Theodorus, Palidensis [Theodoeb, of Pohlde], see Pohlde. 

Jahrbiicher v. P., [attrib. to T.] ; fibers, v. E. Winkelmann, 

2" A., 1894. 

Theodosius n, emp. of the East, [403-50], see Codex Theo- 

dosianus ; rec. & annot. instr. G. Haenel, 1837-42. 
Theophrastus. Ilepl A€|ems hbri fragmenta. Coll., disposuit, 
proleg. instr. A. Mayer. s8°. L., Teubner. 1910' 


Theopompus, of Chios, the historian. Theopomps Hellenilca. 

Wit e. Beilage ii. d. Rede an d. Larisaer [i.e. Herodes, Depl 

woAireias, w. text] u. d. Verfassung Thessaliens. [Ed., w 
. m/,-.J, ^ . E. Meyer. 8°. Halle a. S. 1909 

ineotocopuli (Domenico), called El Greco, see San RomAn y 

iEENAXDEZ (F. DB B. DB) El Greco en Toledo, 1910 
Thesaurus. T. palaeohibernious, Suppl., 1910, see Stokes (W ) 

& J. Strachan. 
Thiard (Pontus de), hp. of Chulon, see Tyaed (P. de). 
™^rs (L. Adolphe), pres. of French Republic, see Gautherot 

(G.) L echange des otages : T. & Mgr. Darboy 1910 
Thilo, V. Cidm, see TiOL, v. Culm. 
Thirion (Eugene). Galerie Cli. Brunner. Expos, des ceuvres 

du peintre E. T. (1839-1910). [Pref. by L. Roger-Miles]. 
„, . , , „ [P1280]. 8°. 1910 

Tmrlestane House, Cheltenham, see Northwiok (J. R., baron). 

Cat. of Lord N.'s coll. of pictures, etc., at T. House : sold 

1859. etc., 1859. 
Tholemeeus Lucensis, see Ptolem^tts Lucensis. 
Tholuck (F. August G.) Das Alte Test, im Neuen Test. 

6<= A. [P1251]. 8°. Gotha. 1868 
Thomas, de Eccleston. Tractatus de adventu Fratrum 

minorum in Angliam. Ed. notis & coram, illust. A. G. 

Little. [Coll. d'^tudes et de docs., t7]. 8". 1909 

Thomas, le Grand, see Chbvalibb (A.) Un Charlatan du 18« 

s., le Gr. T., 1881. 
Thomas Francis [of Savoy], prince of Carignan, 1596-1656 

[ToMMASO, di Savoia-Carignano], see Tbllxjccini (A.) Le 

spoglie mortal! del pr. T. gia attrib. al cte. Bonifacio di 

Savoia, 1909. 
Thomas (Antoiue), archiviste paleographe. Le Comte de La 

Marohe et le Parlement de Poitiers (1418-36) : rec. de doc^. 

ined., prec. d'une etude sur la geographic hist, de La Marche 

au 14? et 156 s. [H. E., 174]. 8°. 1910 

Thomas (Edward), of the Bengal Civil Service. The chronicles 

of the Pathan kings of Delhi, illust. by coins, etc. 8°. 1871 
Thomas (Herbert Preston). The work & play of a government 

inspector. With pref. by J. Burns. 8°. E. 1909 

Thomas (John), perpetual curate of Llangennech. The Welsh 

interpreter; or an Eng. & Welsh vocab., w. familiar dialogues. 

3rd ed. sS". Carmarthen. 1828 
Thomas (I'abbe Jules). Le Concordat de 1516, o. orig. — s. hist. 

au 16e s. 2p. 8". 1910 

1, Les origines du Concordat de 1516. 

2, Les docs, concordataires. 

Thomas (Ralph). Notes about the Rowland, Mallett, & 

Netherchft families etc. [P1305]. 880. f.p.c. 1909 

Thompson (Edward H.), American archwologist. Ruins of 

Xkichmook, Yucatan, 1898, see Field CoLtrMBiAN Museum : 

Anthrop. ser., v2, 1897-1903. 

Thompson (Francis), poet. New poems. [3rd ed.]. s8°. 1907 

St. Ignatius Loyola. Ed. J. H. Pollen. 8°. 1909 

Thompson (Reginald Campbell). Journey in the Western 

Hittite country betw. Angora & Eregli. [Repr. f. Pro of 

Soc. of Bibl. Arch.]. [P1295]. 8°. 1 

On some " Hittite " clay tablets from Asia Minor. [Repr. f. 

Proc. of Soc. of Bibl. Arch.]. [P1295]. 8°. 1910 

Tavernier's travels in Mesopotamia. [Repr. f. The Scot. 

Geograph. Mag., Mar., 1910. no tp. P1295]. 8». [1910] 

The third tablet of the series Ludlul bel nimeki. [Repr. f. 

" Proc. of Soc. of Bibl. Arch., 1910. P1284. re. tp.]. 

8°. [1910] 

Thompson (Silvanus Phillips). Life of W. Thomson, Baron 

Kelvin. [Withbibliog.]. 2-v, [pagin. cont.]. 8°. 1910 

Thompson (William), Michmond, Surrey. Hdbk. to the 

Housing & Town Planning Act, 1909. 8". 1910 

Thorn's Official Directory o! the United Kingdom. 

1904, 1905. 8°. D. 1904-5 
Thomsen (Peter). Systemat. Bibliog. d. Palastina-Lit. 

B2, 1905-9. 8°. L. 1911 

B2 has title Die Palastina-Literatur. 

Thomson (James), 1834.-8Z. W. Whitman : man & poet. 

Intr. by B. Dobell. s8°. 1910 

Thomson (John Arthur), b. 1861. Darwinism & human life. 

S. African lects., 1909. • 8". 1909 

The science of life. An outline of the hist, of biology & its 

recent advances. s8°. n.d. 

see Macgillivkay (W.) Life of W. M., w. apprec. by T., 1910. 


Thorburn (Thomas James). The Resurrection narratives & 
mod. crit. A critique mainly of Prof. SchmiedeFs "Resur- 
rection narr." in the Encyclop. Bibhca. 8". 1910 

Thorndike (Ashley Horace) [Thorndykb]. The minor 
Ehzabeth. drama, [w. intr. by A. T. Everyman's Library]. 

2v. s8». [1910] 

1, Pre-Shakespearean tragedies : Norton (T.) & T. Sackville. Gorboduc 
— Arden of Feversliam— Peele (G.) David & Bethsabe— Kyd (T.) 
The Spanish tragedy. 

2, Pre-Shukespearean comedies: Udall (N.) Kalph Roister Doister— 
Lyly (J.) Endimion— Peele (G.) The. old wives' tale— Greene (K). 
Friar Bacon & Friar Bungay— Green (B,,) James IV. 

Thorndike (Edward Lee). The elements of psychology. 

2nd ed. s8o. N.Y. 1907 
The principles of teaching based on psychology. 

s8°. N.Y. 1906 
Thorndyke (Ashley), see Thorndike (A. H.) 
Thornton (Mrs. Annie), see Thornton (E.) & Mrs. A. T. 

Leaves f. an Afghan scrapbook, 1910. 
Thornton (Ernest) & Mrs. A. Thornton. Leaves f . an Afghan 

scrapbook : experiences in Kabul. 8°. 1910 

Thorold (Algar). Six masters in disillusion. 8°. 1909 

Thorpe (Sir Edward), see Thorpe (Sir T. E.) 
Thorpe (Sir Thomas Edward) [Thorpe {Sir Edward)]. Hist. 

of chemistry. v2, 1850-1910. s8°. 1910 

Thucydides. 0. ^epi rov TleKotrowritnaKov iroAe/iou ^L$\la OKT<i). 

Th. de bello Peloponnesiaco lib. viii. lidem Lat., ex interpret. 

L. Vallaj, ab H. Stephano recog., etc. fol. [Paris]. 1564 
The Latin tr. has sep. pagin. 
&. ZvyypcKpii. Mit erklar. Anm. hrsg. v. K. W. Kruger. 

2B. [Each B. has 2H., w. sep. tp. & pagin^., b. tog'dher. Bl i, 

2e verm. A.]. 8". 1846-55. 

Thulin (Carl). Die Gotter des Martianus Capella u. der 

Bronzeleber v. Piacenza. [Religionsgeschichtl. Versuche, 

etc., hrsg. v. A. Dieterich u. R. Wiinsch, B3 i]. 

8". Giessen. 1906 
Thurston (E. Temple). The greatest wish in the world. 

22nd ed. s8<>. 1910 
Thurston (Edgar). Castes & tribes of Southern India. By 

E. T., assisted by K. Rangachari. [Madras Govt. publ.]. 

7v. 8°. Madras. 1909 
Thurston (Mrs. Katherine Cecil). Max. sS". 1910 

Thylesius (Antonius) [Telesio (Antonio)]. C. Cassii Par- 

mensis Orpheus, [really by A. T.], see Lbmairb (N. E.) 

Poetse Lat. minores, vl, 1824. 
Tibaldeo (Antonio), see Cavicohi (F.) Intorno al T., 1905. 
Tiele (Cornelis Petrus). Die Assyriologie u. i. Ergebnisse fiir 

d. vergleichende Religionsgesoh. Rede. Aus. d. Holland, v. 

K. Friederiei. [P1300]. 8°. L. [1877] 

Tiersot (Julien). Notes d'ethnographie musicale. s2. La 

musique chez les peuples indigenes de I'Amerique du Nord 

(Etats-Unis et Canada). 8». [1910] 

Tietze (Hans), see Plesseb (A.) & H. T. Die Denkmale d. 

polit. Bezirkes Poggstall, 1910. 
Tigri (Giuseppe). Canti popolari toscani [incl. Le disgrazie 

della Mea, by J. Lori]. Race, e annot. da G. T. 

s8°. Firenze. 1856 
Tille (Alexander). Yule & Christmas, their place in the Ger- 
manic year. 8°. 1899 
Tilo, V. Culm [Thilo]. Gedicht Von siben Ingesigeln ; hrsg. 

V. K. KochendorfEer. [Deutsche Texte d. Mittelalters, 

hrsg. V. d. Konigl. Preuss. Akad. d. Wiss., 9 (Dichtungen 

d. Deut. Ordens, 2)]. 8°. 1907 

Times (The). 
see Graves (C. L.) & E. V. Lucas. Signs of The Times, 
[satire], 1907. 

„ London Co. Council. The story of the L.C.C. ; articles 
by " The T." spec, corr., 1907. 

„ Vaticajt Council. [A vol. of newspaper cuttings, m,ainly 
f. " The Times "], 1869-70. 
Timkovsky (N. I.) To.i-tomi., see Tolstoy (c. L. N.) J. II . 

Timon, of Athens, see Wright (E. H.) Authorship of T. of 

A., 1910. 
Tinayre (Mme. Marcelle). L'ombre de I'amour. 38°. [1910] 
Tingey (John Cottingham), see Hudson (W.) & J. C. T. edd., 

Records of the city of Norwich, v2, 1910. 

Tinker (Chauncey B.), see Cook (A. S.) & C. B. T. Select 
trans, f. Old Eng. poetry ; ed. A. S. C. & C. B. T., 1902. 




Tinseau (Leon de). Alain de Kerisel. 7« ed. sS". 1889 

Les deux consciences. s8°. [1910] 

Faut-il aimer ? sS". 1892 

Tintoretto, see Osmaston (F. P. B.) Paradise of T., 1910. 

Tiiaboschi (Girolamo). Dizionario topog.-storico degU stati 

Estensi. 2t. 4<>. Modena. 1824-5 

Storia deUa letteratura ital. 9t in 16v. S". Milano. 1822-6 

t5 in 2p ; t6 in 3p ; t7 in 4p ; t8 in 2p ; t9, Indioe generale. 

Pagin. of var. pts. is cont. The vols, are also numbered 


Tirard (Helen Mary). Book of the Dead. Intr. by E. Naville. 

sS". 1910 
Tischbein (Johann Heinrich Wilhelm), 1751-18S19, see Ottin- 

GEN (W. V.) Goethe u. T., 1910. 
Tischendorf (Lobegott F. Constantin). Haben wir d. achten 
Schrifttext d. Evaugehsten u. Apostel ? 

2^ A. [P1269]. laS". L. 1873 
Titchener (Edward Bradford). Text-book of psychology. 

[enl. ed.]. sS". N.Y. 1910 
To take the pla,ce of h. Outline of ps. 
Titian, U77-1S76, see Rioketts (C.) T., 1910. 
Tiyi, queen, see Davis (T. M.) Excavations : Biban el MoWk, 
Tomb of Queen T. ; Disc, of Tomb, Sketch of life, etc., 
Tobit [see also Bible : Apoceypha]. The Book of Tobit. 
Chaldee text f. MS. in Bodleian Libr. w. o. Rabbin, texts, 
Engl. trs. & the Itala. Ed. A. Neubauer. s8<>. 0. 1878 

Tobler (Johann Rudolf). Das EvangeKum Johannis nach d. 
Grundtext (Codes Sinaiticus) getreu wiedergegeben. 
[Urtext, in Greek & German. P1262]. 

8». Schaflfhausen. 1867 

Tocher (J. F.), B.Sc. The Book of Buchan : scientific 

treatise, by 29 contributors. Ed. & arranged J. F. T. 

[Buchan Club]. s4o. Peterhead. 1910 

Toft (Albert). Modelling & sculpture. Account of methods 

& processes. 8°. 1911 

Tokoly (count Imre) [Tekbli (Emeeio, comte de)], see 

Lb Cleec (J.) *Hist. d'Emeric cte. de T, 2= ed., 1694. 
Tola (Fasquale). Dizionario biog. degli . uomini illustri di 
Sardegna. 3 v. laS". Torino. 1837-8 

Toldo (Fietro). L'ceuvre de Moliere & sa fortune en ItaMe. 

8°. Turin. 1910 
Etudes sur le theatre comique fran9. du moyen age et sur le 
role de la nouvelle dans les farces et dans les comedies, see 
MoNACi (E.) Studj di filol. rom., v9, 1901-3. 
Toledo (A. Martinez de), see Maetinez de Toledo (A.) 
Toledo (Fernando Alvarez de), see Alvarez de Toledo (F.) 
Tolomeus (Claudius). II Gesano, see Teissino (G. G.) II 

Castellano ed II Gesano de T., 1864. 
Tolstoy (count Ivan Ivanovich) & N. P. Kondakov. Pyccrdn 
/IpeBnocTa BT> n;iMaTHriKaxi HCKyccTBa. 

tl, 3, 5. laS". C.-n. 1899-97 

1, KjaoCHieJKia ijpeBirocTii lOHiEOii I'occiH, 3, 4peBB0CTH BpeMCHi 

nepecejeHia aapoAOB^. 5, KypraHBbia apeBFocm h Kja^ti 

4OM0nrojbCKaro nepro4a. 

Tolstoy (count Leo Nikolaevich). J- H. TojctoS. Eiorpa*ia, 

xapaKTepiiCTHKii, BocaosixRaHia. CfiopHHKi CTaieii : II. H. 

BnpiOKOBa. B. B. Kajuania, B. 0. .lasypi^taro, D. A. CeprtenKa, h H. 

n. THMKOBCKaro. Ia8°. MocKBa. 1910 

MejKie paBCKasM. 8°. Berlin. [1910] 

IlBCbMa 1848-1910, CoSpaFiHua D. A. CeprteHKo. 8". 1910 

XiiHcTlanCKoe y^eFiie. 2oe azu. [P1301]. 88". Christchurch. 1900 

ffiuvres completes. t21, Les quatre evangiles, [pi]. [Tr. 

de J. W. Bienstock]. sS". 1910 

Appeal to social reformers. Tr. V. TchertkofE & I. F. M. 

[P1274]. 88". n.d. 
" Bethink yourselves ! " Tr. V. Tchertkoff & I. F. Mayo. 

[P1274]. s8o. [1904] 
The divine & the human & o. s. Tr. V. TchertkoiS etc. 

[P1273]. s8o. Christchurch. n.d. 
The end of the age, prec. by The crisis in Russia. Tr. V. 
Tchertkoff & I. F. Mayo. [P1273]. s8°. Christchurch. n.d. 
The godson. Tr. N. . . . & A. C. Fifield. 

[P1274]. s8o. Christchurch. 1901 
A great iniquity. Tr. V. TchertkofE & I. F. Mayo. 

[P1273]. sS". n.d. 
How I came to believe (" My Confession "). 

3rd impr. [P1274]. s8<=. n.d. 
How much land does a man need ? A story. 

[P1274]. 88°. Christchurch. 1901 

Tolstoy (count Leo Nikolaevich) [continued]. 

If you neglect the little fire. A story. 

[P1274]. s8o. Christchurch. 1901 

Ivan the fool. Tr. A. Maude. 88°. [1901] 

The Kingdom of God is within you. Rev. & corr. tr. Ed. 
A. C. F. & I. F. M. 88". n.d. 

La loi de I'amour et la loi de la violence. Tr. E. Halp^rine- 
Kaminsky. Pr6c. d'une lettre de T. k propos da la " Barri- 
cade " de P. Bourget. 2» ed. 88°. [1910] 

Modern science. [P1273]. sS". n.d. 

A murderer's remorse. [The law of violence & the law of 
love <Sb 0. essays}. s8°. Christchurch. 1909 

Earlier eA. of A. murderer's remorse has t. Forty years. 

On life. Tr. M. & A. Cook etc. n. ed. s8°. Christchurch. n.d. 
The one thing needful. Tr. V. Tchertkofi & I. F. Mayo. 

[P1273]. sS". n.d. 
The overthrow of hell & its restoration. Tr. V. TchertkofE 

& I. F. Mayo. [P1274]. s8<>. n.d. 

The Russian Revolution. Tr. L. & A. Maude etc. 

8°. Christchurch. 1907 
Three days in the village, & o. sketches, 1909-10. Tr. 

L. & A. Maude. 88°. 1910 

To the working people of all countries. Tr. V. Tchertkoff 

& I. F. Mayo. [P1274]. 88°. n.d. 

T. on land & slavery : a selection. [P1273]. s8o. Glasgow. 1909 
Tolstoy on Shakespeare. 88°. Christchurch. n.d. 

Tolstoy (li. N.) S. & the drama— Crosby (E. H.) S. & the working 
classes — G. Bernard Shaw on Shakespeare — The Press agst. Shake- 

The two pilgrims. A story. 

[P1274]. sS". Christchurch. 1901 
Vie et ceuvre : m^m^., souv^., lettres, extr^. du journal intime, 
etc. Reunis, coordonn^s & annot. par P. Birukov, revises 
par L. T., tr. par J. W. Bienstock. 

tl-3. [tl, 2, 46 ed.]. s8<>. 1906-9 
What shaU we do ? Rev. & corr. tr. Ed. A. C. F. & I. F. M. 

88°. n.d. 
Where love is, there God is. A story. 

[P1274]. 88". Christchurch. n.d. 
Work while ye have the light. Tr. 

[P1274]. sS". Christchurch. n.d. 
see Bieytjkov (P. I.), etc. IIoMorHTe, 1897. 
,, Lloyd (J. A. T.) Two Russian reformers : I. Turgenev — 

L. T., 1910. 
„ Maude (A.) Essays on art, 1902. 
*Toni Tyler & h. 'wife, [sometimes attr. to W. Wager ; repr. f. 
Snd imp., 1661. Prep, by G. C. Moore Smith & W. W. Greg. 
Malone Soc. reprs.]. 84". 1910 

Tom (John Nichols) [calling himself Sir W. P. H. Couktenay]. 
The eccentric productions of C., to wh. are added " The 
Lion," [1832-3]. [P1240]. 8°. Canterbury, n.d. 

Tomani (Buoso). Delia Compagnia de' TagHa Cantoni. 

s8°. Venetia. 1601 

Tomassetti (Giuseppe). *La influenza degli Ital. conquistati 

sui loro conquistatori. 8°. 1873 

Tomlinson (John Tomlinson). Collected tracts on ritual. 

Ed. or written by J. T. T. 8". [1888 etc.] 

Consists of several sep. tracts, publ. at var. dates, w. 

gen. tp. 

Tommaso, di Savoia-Carignano, 1S96-1656, see Thomas 

Francis [of Savoy], prince of Garignan. 
Topfier (Bodolphe), see Mieabaud (P). Bibliog. des oeuvres 

de R. T., 1887. 
Torcy (gen. Louis Joseph Gilles de). Les Espagnols au Maroc 
en 1909. Ia8». 1910 

Torelli (Giuseppe) [ps. Arco (Cieo d')], see Aeco (C. d'). 
TorfsBUS (Thormodus) [Toeefjstjs]. Orcades, seu Rerum 
Orcadensium hist, libri tres. fol. Havniae. 1715 

Tornabuoni (Criovanna), see Ridolpi (E.) G. T. e. G. de' 

Benci nel Coro di S. Maria Novella in Firenze, 1890. 

Tornabuoni (Lucrezia). Tre lettere di L. T. a Piero de' Medici, 

ed altre lettere di vari cone, al matrimonio di Lorenzo il 

Magnifico con C. Orsini. Ricordo di nozze nel gennaio 1859. 

[Ed. C. Guasti. P1277]. 8°. Firenze. 1859 

Tornezy (A.) La legende des " philosophes." Voltaire, 

Rousseau, Diderot, peints par eux-memes. 8°. 1911 

Torsi (Andrea), see Divizio (il card. B.) Lettere di Casen- 

tinesi [B. D., A. T., etc. ; ed. A. Virgili], 1893. 


ToscMa. Bollettino d. leggi, deoreti imperiali e deliberazioni 
a. uiunta di T., pubbl. nei dipartimenti dell' Aruo, dell" 
MT™,! «°? e del Mediterraneo. [In Italian dh French 
mtn Znd tp., in French : Bulletin des lois, etc.]. 

18v. s8o. Firenze. [1808-9] 
" ,. ludice. Comp. dal dott. N. Vallerini. 
*x„(.„ . ... s8o. Firenze. [1809?] 

, lo.? ,2r^i °"^^ero d. cose avvenute in T. dall' anno 1300 

JNotizie storiohe dei palazzi e ville appartenenti aUa R 

Corona di T. [By 0. D. AnguUlesi .?]. s8°. Pisa. 1815 

lOSCane, see Raccolta di rime antiche t., 4v, 1817 
Tostado (Alfonso), de Madrigal, hp. of Avila. Tratado de 

oomo al ome es neoesario amar, see Paz y MfiHA (A ) Ouiisc 

ht. de los siglos 14 a 16, 1892. ^ 

Tosti (Luigi). Delia votadi San Benedetto. Disoorso storioo. 

J!.d. lUust. go. Monte Cassino. 1892 

Toulousame. *Biographie t. 1823, see La Mothb Houdan- 

COURT (6aroTO E. L. de), J. T. Lauebnt-Gotjssb, & A. L C A 

Du Mbge. ■ ■ 

Tournaisienne. Chrou. t. (1296-1314), see Chboniqtje arttei- 

enne, etc. ; publ. par F. Funck-Brentano, 1899. 
Tournebize (Henri Francois). Hist, polit. et relig. de I'Arm^nie 

jusqu k 1393. lag". [1910?] 

Tourmer (— ) & L. Brifele. Archives de 1' Admin. g6n. de 

1 Assistance publ. a Paris, see SocifiTt de l'Hist. de Paris 

ETC. M^ms., t2, 1877. 
Towler (W. G.) *Case against the Labour-Socialist party : 

hdbk. of facts & figures. [Publ. by London Municipal Soc.]. 

8°. [1910] 
Townsend (Charles Henry Tyler). The taxonomy of the 

Muscoidean flies, 1908, see Smithsonian Instit. Misc. 

colls., v51, 1910. 
Townsend (George), canon of Durham. Remarks on the errors 

of Mr. Maitland in h. Notes on the contrib'. of T. to new ed. 

of Foxe's Martyrology. pi. [P648]. 8". 1842 

Townshend (capt. A. F.) A military consul in Turkey. 

8". 1910 
Toynbee (Arnold), see Toynbeb (G.) Reminisc. & letters of 

J. & A. Toynbee, n.d. 
Toynbee (Edith). True stories f. Scottish hist. s8<=. [1896] 
Toynbee (Gertrude). Reminisc. & letters of Joseph & Arnold 

Toynbee. Ed. by G. T. s8°. n.d. 

Toynbee (Joseph), F.S.S., see Toynbee (G.) Reminisc. & 

letters of J. & A. Toynbee, n.d. 
Toynbee (Paget J.) Dante Alighieri, h. life & works. 

4th ed., rev. & enl. [1910] 
Trabalza (Giro). Storia d. grammatica ital. 8°. Milano. 1908 
Tracts. T. for the times, see Maitland (S. R.) Letter to a 

friend on the T. for the t.. No. 89, 1841. 
Trades. Book of English t., n. ed., 1823, see Book. 
Traherne (Thomas), B.D. ; 1636?-1674. Poems of felicity. 

Ed. H. I. BeU. 8°. 0. 1910 

Trajan, emp. of Rome, see Jones (H. S.) Hist, interpret, of 

reliefs of T.'s column, 1910. 
Trappes-Lomax (Richard), see Immaculate Conception, 

Order of the. The Diary of the " Blue Nuns " at Paris, 

1658-1810 ; ed. J. Gillow & R. T.-L., 1910. 
*Trattato provenzale di penitenza ; [ed. C. de Lolhs], see 

MoNAOi (E.) Stud] di filol. rom., v5, 1891. 
Traube (Ludwig). Quellen u. Untersuch. zur latein. Philo- 

logie d. Mittelalters. Hrsg. v. L. T. B2. la8o. Munchen. 1907 
2, Nomina sacra ; Verauoh e. (Jesch. d. christl. Kurzung ; v. I. T. 
Traumann (Ernst), see Vogel (J.) & E. T. Goethe als 

Student, II, G., d. Strassburger Student, v. E. T., 1910. 
Treacy (William P.) Irish scholars of the penal days : ghmpses 

of their labors on the continent of Europe. s8°. N.Y. [1887] 
Tregoubov aO. ««« Bibyukov (P. I.) <fcc. noMornTe, 1897. 
Treitschke (Heinrich v.), see Cassel (P.) Wider H. v. T., 1880. 
Trelawny (Edward John). Letters. Ed., w. intr. & notes by 

H. Buxton Forman. 8°. 0. 1910 

Trelawny (/Sir Jonathan), 3rd hart., hp. of (1) Bristol (Z) Exeter 

(3) Winchester, see Sancroft (W.) The proceedings & tryal 

in case of abp. of Canterbury, bp. of Bristol, etc., 1688, 1739. 

Tremellius (Immanuel) [Tbbmellio (Emanuelb)], see Becker 

(W.) I. T. ; c. Proselytenleben im Zeitalter d. Reformation, 


Trenqualeon (Max de). West-Grinstead & les CaryU. Etude 

hist. & relig. sur le comt6 de Sussex. 2v. 8°. [1893] 



Trevena (John). Granite. s8o. 1909 

Written in the rain. s8°. [1910] 

Treves, see Trier. 

^eves {Sir Frederick), hart. Uganda for a holiday. 8". 1910 
Triehaud (Jacques Marie). Itindraire du visiteur des princi- 
paux monuments d' Aries & d. environs. 

24e ^d. s8o. Aries. 1885 

Trier [see also Teevbs], see VouLLitME (E.) Inkunabeln d. 

oflEentl. Bibl. etc. d. Stadt T. ; mit e. Einltg. " Zur Gesch. 

d. Stadtbibl." v. G. Kentenich, 1910. 

Trigo (Felipe). La clave. Novela. s8o. [1910] 

Las ingenuas. Novela. 2t. 5* ed. sS". [1910] 

La de los ojos color de uva. Novela. 2^ ed. sS". n.d. 

Trimmer : life & death of moderation, 1684, see Brathwait (R.) 

Triperuno, ps., see Folbngo (T.) 

Trissino (Giovanni Giorgio). II CasteUano di T. ed II Cesano 
di C. Tolomei. sS". Milano. 1864 

La Sofonisba. Tragedia. Ricorr. & ristampata. 

s8o. Venetia. 1585 

Tristram, hnight of the Round Table. La tavola ritonda : 

r istoria di Tristano. Testo di lingua ; pubbl. F. L. PoUdori. 

[CoUez. di opere inedite o rare]. 2p. 8". Bologna. 1864^5 

see NovATi (F.) Un nuovo ed un vecchio framm. del. Tris- 

tran di Tommaso, [w. text], 1887. 

Tristram (W. Outram). Moated houses. 8°. [1910] 

Trollope (Anthony), 1815-8S. The warden. With intr. by 

Frederic Harrison. s8". 1909 

Tromel (Marie), see Du FaouSt (M.) 

Tronci (Paolo). Annali Pisani, [-14401. 4t. 8". Pisa. 1828-9 
Troubat (Jules). La salle a manger de Sainte-Beuve. 

s8°. 1910 

Trowbridge (W. R. H.) Cagliostro : the splendour & misery 

of a master of magic. 8°. 1910 

Mirabeau, the demi-god. 8". 1907 

Triibner (Nicolas). Catalogue of dictionaries & grammars. 

2nd ed., enl. & rev. 8°. 1882 

Trudon des Ormes (A.) L'Etat civil des citoyens nobles de 

Paris en 1789, [publ.] A. T. des 0., see Soci^Tt de l'Hist. de 

Paris, etc. Mems., t26, 1899. 

Truman (Olivia M.) The spirit juggler. s8°. 1907 

Tschackert (Paul). Unbekannte hs. Predigten u. Scholien 

M. Luthers. Aufgefunden, beschr. etc. v. T. 

[P1248]. 8". 1888 
Tschiuhei (Jasui), see Jasui Shiuhbi. 

Tubino (Francisco Maria) . Hist, del renacimiento lit. contemp. 

en Cataluna, Baleares y Valencia. laS". 1880 

Tucker (Thomas George). Life in the Roman world of Nero & 

St. Paul. 8°. 1910 

Tuckwell (William) . Practical remarks on teaching of physical 

science in schools. [P1240]. 8°. 1865 

Tudor Facsimile Texts. Under supervision & editorship of 

J. S. Farmer. 4° & fol. Issued for subscribers. 1910-11 

see PiOKBEiNG (J.) The 
hist, of Horestes, 1567, 

Preston (T.) Cam- 
byses. King of Persia, 
c. 1584, 1910. 

*Rbign (The) of King 
Edward III, c. 1589, 

Shakespeare (W.) The 
London prodigal, 1605 

Skelton (J.) Magny- 
fycence, [1910]. 

Wageb (W.) The 
longer thou livest the 
more fool thou art, 
c. 1568, 1910. 

Wapull (G.) The tide 
tarrieth no man, 1576, 

Whetstone (G.) Pro- 
mos & Cassandra, 1578, 

Tugan-Baranowsky (M.) Modem socialism in its histor. 
develop. Tr. M. I. Redmount. 88". 1910 

see Flbtchbe (J.) & W. 
Shakespeare. Two 
noble kinsmen, 1634, 

„ King. *The true chron. 
hist, of K. Leir, 1605, 

„ *Locrine. " Newly set 
foorth, overseene, and 
corrected, by W. S.," 
1595, 1911. 

„ Lupton (T.) AU for 
money, 1578, 1910. 

„ Mbblin. Birth of M. ; 
" Written by W. Shake- 
speare & W. Rowley," 
1662, 1910. 

„ More (Sir T.) *The 
Book of Sir T. Moore ; 
[a play], 1910. 

„ *MuoEDOBUs,1598,1910. 

„ Oldcasti,b(SiV J.) *Sir 
J. 0., [play], 1600, 1911. 




Tuker (M. A. R.) & Hope Malleson. Hdbk. to Xtn. & ecclesi- 
astical Rome. ip in 3v. sS". 1897-1900 
Ij Xtn. monuments of Rome. 2, Liturgy in Borne. 
3, Monasticism in Rome. 4, Ecclesiastical Rome. 

Tunstall (Cuthbert), b-p. of ( 1 ) London, (2) Durham, see Collins 

(W. E.) Typical Eng. Churchmen, s2, C. T., by G. H. Ross- 

Lewin, 1909. 
Turbervile (George). Booke of hunting, 1576. [The noble 

arte of venerie or hunting, repr. Tudor & Stuart Lib.]. 

8°. [0.] 1908 
Turgenev (Ivan Sergyeevich), see Llcyd (J. A. T.) Two 

Russian reformers : I. T. — L. Tolstoy, 1910. 
Turgot (Anne Robert Jacques), haron de I'Aisne, see Seqttk 

(marq. P. de). Au couchant de la monarchic : Louis XVI 

& T., 1774-6, 1909. 
Turkey. Corps de droit ottoman, rec. des codes, etc., par 

G. Young, 1905-6, see Young (G.) 
Turner (Cuthbert Hamilton). The hist. & use of creeds & 

anathemas in the early centuries of the Church. 

2nd ed. 88°. 1910 
Turner (Francis), hp. of (1) Rochester (Z) Ely, see Sanokoi't 

(W.) The proceedings & tryal in case of abp. of Canterbury, 

bp. of Ely, etc., 1688, 1739. 
Turner (Joseph Mallord William), see Finbebg (A. J.) T.'s 

sketches & drawings, 1910. 
Turner (William), dean of Wells. Turner on birds : hist, of 

princ. birds noticed by Pliny & Aristotle. Publ. 1544. 

Ed., w. intr., tr., notes & app. by A. H. Evans. 8°. C. 1903 

Turquan (Joseph). La gen. Bonaparte. sS". n.d. 

Turquet (Louis de Mayerne), see Maybene Ttjkqttbt 

(L. de). 
Tutt (James William). The Brit. Noctuse & their varieties. 

4v. 8». 1891-2 
Tutti i trionfi, carri, mascherate etc., andati per Eirenze, 

[ed. II Lasca], 2* ed., corr., 2p, 1750, see Fikbnze. 
Twining, Family of. The Twinings in 3 centuries. Annals 

of a great London tea house, 1710-1910. [By A. M. B. 

P1297]. 80. [1910] 

Twisleton ( Hon. Edward T. B.), brother of 13th baron Saye & 

Sde ; 1809-74. Evidence as to the religious working of the 

Common Schools in Massachusetts. [P513]. 8°. 1854 

Two. *Fidele & Fortunio, the two Italian Gentlemen, 

[c. 1584], 1909 [1910], see Fidblb. 
Tyard (Pontus de), bp. of Chalon-sur-Saone, seigneur de Bissy, 

see Jbandet (J. P. A.) Etude sur 16'= s. : France et Bour- 

gogne : P. de T., 1860. 
Tjmdall (John). Lessons in electricity at the Royal Inst., 

1875-6. . s8°. 1876 

Typical English Churchmen, s2, 1909, see Collins (W. E.) 

Tyrrell (George). The Church & the future, n. imp. sS". 1910 

1st ed. p. p. in 1903, pvil, under the ps. of Hilaire Bourdon. 

Tzfi Hsi, empress dowager of China, see Bland (J. 0. P.) & 

E. Baokhotjsb. China under the Emp. Dowager : life & 

times of Tzu Hsi, 1910. 





Udall (Nicholas). Ralph Roister Doister, see Thobndike 

(A. ti.) Minor Eliz. drama, y2, 1910 
Ufienbach (Zacharias Conrad v.) Merkwurdige Reisen durch 

Niedersachsen, Holland u. Engelland. [Ed. J G Schel 

horn. Tl contains Leben Z. 0. v. U ] 

TT ^ XT ^^- *°- [^^' 2' ^ankfurt ; T3, Ulm]. 1753-4 

TJgonetto, see Htjqo. 

Ugurgieri Azzolini asidoro). Le pompe sanesi, o' vero relazione 

delli huomini, e donne illustri di Siena, e suD stato. 

■,«„„. -- . „ , 2p. 8°. Pistoia. 1649 

TJh^bn (Francisco R. de). Relaciones historicas de los siglos 

16y_l/ [£rf. F. R. de U.]. Publ. la Soc. de Bibliofilos 

Jispanoles. go jggg 

IMand (J. Ludwlg). Schriften zur Gesch. d. Diohtung u 
^*g«- 8B in 7. 8». St. 1865-73 

\, 2, Gesch. d. altdeutschen Poesie. 
■3, Gesch. d. deutschen Dichtkunst im IB. u. 16. J 

^' ^Volks»ede" bI]""^"*'^"' ^'"' ^""^ *^' ■ "^"^ '"°''" "■ niederdeutsche 
i' AP'^f "^^ ^" '*'■ Voikaliederii— tjber das altfrauz. Epos. 

5, v\ alther y. d Vogelweide-Der MinnesaDg-tJber d. Aufgabe e. 

Gesell. fuv deutsohe Sprache— Zur Gesch. d. Freischiessen— Uber d 
Sage vom Herzog Ernst. 

6. Sagenforschungen. 7, Sagengesch. d. german. u. roman. Vdlker. 
8, Schwabische Sagenkunde, Bl— Abhdlgn. aus Pfeiffers Germania. 

Uhlemann (Friedrich). Institutiones linguse Samaritan* ; 
quibus ace. Chrestomathia Samaritana, maximam Geneseos 
partem & selecta reliq. Pentateuchi libr. capita oompl., 
notis iUust. & glossario locupletata. 2p in Iv (1, Instit. ; 
2, Chrestomathia & Gloss. [Gloss, w. sep. pagin.]). 

-.n., 8°- ^- 1837 

umemann (Maximilian Adolph). Israeliten u. Hyksos in 

Igypten. [P1262]. 8". L. 1856 

Das Todtengericht bei d. alten Agyptern. Rede, Gottingen. 

[P1263]. 8". 1854 
"Olbrich (Alfred). Uber d. Verhaltnis v. Wace's Roman de 

Brut zu s. Quelle, d. Gottfried v. Monmouth Hist, regum 

Brit., see Romanisohe Forschttngen, B26, 1909. 
TTlbrich (Josef). Das osterreich. Staatsrecht. Neubearbtg. 

[Offentl. Recht d. Gegenwart, 10]. 8°. Tubingen. 1909 

TJlfllas. The Gospel of St. Mark in Gothic according to the 

tr. made by Wulfila in the 4th o. Ed., w. gramm. intr. & 

gloss, index by W. W. Skeat. s8". 0. 1882 

TJline (Edwin B.) Studies in the herbarium, 1, Higinbothamia, 

Dioscoreacese ; New Amaranthacese, see Field Columbian 

Mus. : Botan. ser., vl, 1895-1902. 
TJllmann (Carl). Reformers before the Reformation, princ. 

in Germany & the Netherlands. Tr. R. Menzies. 

2v. [vl, 4th ed. ;. v2, 3rd ed.]. 8°. E. 1874-7 
TJllmann (Emanuel, Bitter v.) Volkerrecht. Neubearbtg. 

[Offentl. Recht d. Gegenwart, B3]. 8<>. Tubingen. 1908 

Ulpianus (Domitius). D. U. fragmenta ut videtur libri 

regularum quae dicuntur Tituli ex corpore Ulpiani ; cura 

E. Booking, see Cobpus iuris Romani Anteiustiniani, fasc. 

1, 1841. 
TJlric, Saint, bp. of Augshurg [Ottbalbich], see Geeaedus, 

Augustanus. Das Leben 0. ; iibers. v. G. Grandaur, 1891. 

TJIster Journal of Archseology. 

vl-14. [tp. of vl2 wanting]. laS". Belfast. 1895-1908 

In the Intr. to vl the conductors say that this may he 

regarded as a new series of the periodical with the same t. 

published 18S3-6^. 

TJmbreit (Friedrich Wilhelm Carl). De Veteris Testament! 

prophetis, olarissiinis oratoribus. [Natalitia Car. Friderici 

Badarum ducis. P1272]. 4". Heidelbergae. [1832] 

■Onderhill (Evelyn). The column of dust. s8°. [1909] 

"linger (Georg Friedrich). Kyaxares u. Astyages. Aus d. 

Abhdlgn. d. k. bayer. Akad. d. Wiss. 

[P1270]. 40. Miinchen. 1882 
United Kingdom. For anon, works in the titles of which the 
form is " United Kingdom," see Enoland. 

United States. 


The revolutionary diplomatic corr. of the U.S. Ed. under 
direction of Congress by F. Wharton, w. prelim, index, 
& notes hist. & legal. 6v. 8°. Wash. 1889 

Geological [& Geogeaphioal] Suevey. 

Annual report[s]. 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 7th (1880-'81, 1881-82, 
1884-'85, 1885-'86). Ia8°. Wash. 1882-8 

Geographic diet, of Alaska, by M. Baker. 2nd ed. ; prep, by 
J. McCormick. ' 8°. Wash. 1906 

Geological [& Geograph.] Survey of the Territories. Annual 
report. lst-3rd. (in Iv. 1867-9). [2nd ed.]. 8°. W. 1873 

Report of the G. S. of the Territories. F. V. Hayden, geologist- 
in-charge. vlO. 4». Wash. 1876 

10, A. S. Packard. Monograph of the geometrid moths or phalsenidse of 
the U.S. 


Meyer (H. H. B.) Select list of leP. on sugar, chiefly in its 

economic aspects. Compiled under dir. of M. Ia8". Wash. 1910 

University College, London. Cat. of the Dante collection in 

lib. of U. CoU., L. ; w. note on corr. of H. C. Barlow, by 

R. W. Chambers. s4p. 0. 1910 

*Untravelled Berkshire ; by L. S., 1909, see Beekshiee. 

Unwin (Mrs. J. Cobden), see Httngey (The) forties ; w. intr. 

by Mrs. 0. U., 1905. 
see KtTNGLiOT Vetenskaps Soc. i. U. 

„ SvEEiGES Opeentliga Bibliothbk ; Stockholm, U., etc. 
Accessions-kat., in prog., 1887 etc. 
KoNGL. Univeesitet I U. 
see CoLLiJN (I. G. A.) Libri T. Werneri etc. [Univ. Lips. 

sffic. 5, 1910 celeb, gratul. Univ. Upsal.], 1909. 
„ Ramsteom (M.) E. Swedenborg's investig. in nat. 
science, etc.. Till Kungl. Vetenskaps Soc. i U. af U. 
Univ., 1910. 
Ural. Der nordl. U., 1847-50, Kaiserl.-Russ. Geograph. 
Gesell. ausgeriist. Exped., 2B, 1853-6, «ee Impekatoeskoe 
Rttsskoe Geogeap. Obsoh. 
Urbino, the dukes of, see Geonau (G.) Die Kunstbestrebungen 

d. Herzoge v. U., 1904^6. 
Urbino (Gentile da), see Gentile, da Urbino. 
Urdtl. Romanized school diet., Eng. & U., 6th ed., 1864, see 

Urena y Smenjaud (Rafael de), see Azcaeate (G, de). Dis- 
cursos leidos ante la Real Aoad. de la Hist, en la recepcion 
d. G. de A. ; [by G. de A. S R. de U. y S.], 1910. 
Urf6 (Honore d'), see Retire (le chan. 0. C.) La vie etc. de 

H. d'U., 1910. 
Urkunden. Urkunden d. deut. Konige u. Kaiser. Hrsg. v. d. 
Gesellschaft f. altere deut. Gesohichtskunde. [Mon. Germ. 
Hist., Dipl. Regum et Imp. Germ., 4]. B4. 4°. Hannover. 1909 
4, Die Urkunden Konrads II mit Nachtragen zu d. Urkunden Hein. II 
hrsg. V. H. Bresslau. 

Ur^ubart (David). Answer to Cobden on assimilation of war 
& peace, etc. [P1240]. 8°. 1862 

An appeal agst. faction. [P1240]. 8". 1843 

The Declaration of Paris : letter to Gregory. 

[P1240]. 8". 1866 
Urse, d'Abetot, see Appleton (L.) Urso d'A. & the Castle of 

Worcester, etc., 1910. 

Ursfta (Pedro de) [fOpsuA]. *Jornada de Omagua y Dorado 

[the expedition of P. de U. & L. de Aguirre ; ? by Pedrarias 

de Almesto, tfe founded upon the work by F. Vazquez], see 

Seeeano y Sanz (M.) Guerra de Quito, etc., 1909. 

*Relacion de la Jornada de Omagua y Dorado heoha por P. 

de 0. [<Ss L. de Aguirre]. [? By Pedrarias de Almesto, & 

founded upon the work by F. Vazquez. Ed. F. Ramirez de 

Arellano, marq. de la Fuensanta del Valle]. Publ. la Soc. 

de BibUofilos Espanoles. 8". 1881 

see Ortigueea (T. de). Jornada del Rio Maran6n [the 

expedition of P. de U. tb L. de Aguirre], 1909. 
„ tSouTHEY (R.) The expedition of 0., 1821. 




Urtel (Rudolf), see Technical diets, in 6 languages, vlO, 

Motor vehicles ; ed. R. U., 1910. 
Usener (Hermann). Das Weihnaohtsfest. Kapitel 1-3. 2^ A. 

[Religionsgeschichtl. Untersuch., Tl]. 8°. Bonn. 1911 

Usher (Roland G.) The reconstruction of the Eng. Church. 

2v. 8". 1910 
Usill (George William). Practical surveying. A text-book. 

9th ed., rev. & enl. by A. Beazeley. s8<'. 1908 

Ussher (James), 6p. of Meath, abp. of Armagh ; 1681-1656. 

An answer to a challenge made by a Jesuite in Ireland. 

Wherein the judgement of antiquity is delivered, & the 

noveltie of the now Romish doctrine discovered. [3rded.,corr. 

& enl.]. Whereunto other treatises are adjoyned. s4°. 1631 
Tile " other treatises" which have sej). tp'. & pagin^., are : 

A sermon preached bef. the Commons, 18th Feb., 1620. 2nd ed., corr. 

A briefe delaration of the universalitie of the Church of Christ, etc. : 
sermon, 20th June, 1624. 3rd imp., corr. 

A disc, of the religion anciently professed by the Irish & Brittish. [enl.] 

A speech deliv. in the Castle-Chamber at Dublin, 22. Nov., 1622. At the 
censuring of officers who refused to take the Oath of Supremacie. 

ITsosmare (Bonusvassallus), see Catoaetts, de Taschifdlont, 

for cont. of h. Annales Januenses hy B. U. 
Ususmare (Marinus), see CAFrAEtrs, de Taschifellone, for cont. 

of h. Annales Januenses by M. U. 
Uzanne (Octave). Etudes de sociologie feminine ; Parisiennes 
de ce temps en leurs divers miUeux, 6tats at conditions. 

8". 1910 

L'6ventail. laS". 1882 

L'ombrelle — le gant — le manchon. laS". 1883 

Uzielli (Gustavo). La leggenda dei tie Valdelsaui conquis- 

tatori dell' Irlanda. [On the families of Gherardini <fc 


2^ ed., con corr. ed aggiunte. [P1237]. 8". Firenze. 1908 

Uzureau (I'abhe), directeur de I'Anjou Historique, see Deniatj 
(F.) Hist, de la guerre de la Vendte, par D., U., etc., 





Vaccme therapy. V. t. : its admin., value, & limitations A 

discussion, opened by Sir A. E. Wright. [Ed. J. Naohbar 

iYom Proc. of Royal Soc. of Medicine, 1910, v3]. laS" 1910 
Vachon (Marius). La Renaissance frang. L'architecture 

nationals — Lea grands maitres magons. Pr6f. de H. 

Daumet. ^o figio] 

Vaega (Hernando de), see Babza (H. db). 
Vaganay (Hugues). Odes de P. de Ronsard, u. 6d. publ. par 

H V. Index bibliog. s4<'. Lyon. 1910 

Valanregue (Antony). Les freres Le Nain. 8°. 1904 

Vald^S (A, P.) El idUio de un enfermo. sS"! 1894 

Marta y Maria. ggo" igoe 

Valdes (Juan de), the Spanish reformer. Instrucion cristiana 

para los ninos, en ocho lenguas. Christl. Kinderlehre. 

[Spiritual milk, octaglot. Ed. E. Bbhmer]. 

laS". Bonn. 1883 
Trataditos. 8°. Bonn. 1880 

Valdes Leal (Juan de), see Berttetb v Moeet (A. de)» V L 

1911. ^ ' 

Valentin (Veit). Fiirst Karl Leiningen u. d. deut. Einheits- 

problem. 8". St. 1910 

Valentine. *V. & Orson. The two sons of the Emp. of Greece. 

Newly corr. & amended. s4o. 1677 

Valera (Diego de) [Valeba (Mosbn Diego de)]. Epistolas. 

Publ. con otros cinco tratados del mismo autor la Soc. de 

Bibliofilos Espanoles. [Ed. J. A. de Balenchana]. 8°. 1878 
The S works besides the Epistolas are : 

Tratado en defensa de virtuossas mugeres. 

Espejo de verdadera nobleza. 

Preheminenoias y cargos de los oflciales d'armas. 

Tratado de las armaa, publ. con el tltulo de Tratado de los rieptos i 

GiTimonial de prinoipes. 

Valera (Mosen Diego de), see Valeea (D. de). 
Valeriano (GreSolino di), see Gkeefolino, di Valeriano. 
Valerius Maximus, see Heeoldt (J.) Exempla virtutum et 

vitiorum, V'. M'. Factorum & dictorum memorabilium [lib. 

x], 1555. 
Valladares de Sotomayor (Antonio), see Abbad y Lasieeea (I.) 

*Hist. geog., etc. de la isia de S. Juan Bautista de Puerto 

Rico ; dala a luz Don A. V. de S., 1788. 
Valle (G. della), see Della Valle (G.) 

Valle-IncMn (Bamdn del). Cuento de abril. Escenas rimadas. 

88°. [1910] 
Vallery-Radot (Robert). Leur royaume. 3^ ed. s8'>. [1910] 

Vallette (Gaspard). Jean-Jacques Rousseau Genevois. 

8". 1911 
Val-Notre-Dame, Paris. Cartulaire de I'hopital de I'abbaye du 

V.-N.-D. au diocese de Paris, 13* s. ; [publ.] H. Omont, see 

SooiBTE DE l'Hist. DE Paeis, ETC. Mems., t30, 1903. 
Valois (Noel). Notes sur la revol. paris. de 1356-58 : La 

revanche des freres Braque, see Societe de l'Hist. de 

Paeis, etc. Mems., tlO, 1884. 
Van Buchel (Arnold), see Bitchel (A. van). 
VandeUi (Giuseppe), see *Beali (I) di Francia, v2 i, testo crit. 

per cura di G. V., 1892. 
Vandervelde (Emile). La Belgique et le Congo. 8°. 1911 

Vanel (Crabriel). Une grande viUe aux 17« & 18* s^. [tl]. La 

vie pubUque a Caen : moeurs & coutumes. s8°. Caen. 1910 
Van Henick (Emile H.) & G. J. Boekenoogen). Hist, de 

I'imagerie populaire flamande et de s. rapports avec les 

imageries etrang^res. 4°. Brux. 1910 

Van Neck CLion). Vieux Bruxelles iUustre. laS". [1910] 

Vag[ueiias (Rambaud de), see Rambattd, de Vaqueiras. 
Varenne (Jean Nicolas Billaud), see Billatjd-Vaeenne (J. N.) 
Varices hist. & litt. : rec. de pieces volantes en prose & en vers 

[Bibl. Elz6v.], 1855-63, see Foubnibe (E.), ed. 
Varnhagen von Ense (Carl August L. P.) Biogr. Denkmale. 

[Ausgew. Schr., 2« Abth.]. lOT. 3« verm. A. 88°. L. 1872-4 
1, Graf W. zur lippe— Gral M. v. der Schulenburg— Konig Theodor von 

Corsica — Frhr. G. von Derfflinger. 
2 Mrst Leopold von Anhalt-Dessau— Gen. Frhr. von Seydlitz. 
s' ITurst Blucher von Wahlstadt. 

Varnhagen von Ense (Carl August L. P.) [continued]. Biogr. 
Denkmale [continued]. 

*' -^^^'."""""S— I'rhr. F. von Canitz— J. v Besser— KBnigin Sophie 

Charlotte v. Preussen. 
6, Graf L. v. Zinzendorf. 

6, Gen. H. K. v. Wlnterfeldt— Feldmarsohall Graf v. Schwerin. 

7, Feldmarsohall J. Keith— H. v. Held. 

8, Gen. Graf Billow v. Dennewitz. 

9, 10, Denkwiirdigkeiten d. Philosophen u. Arztes J. B. Erhard. 

Vamhagen von Ense {Frau Rahel A. P.), wife of G. A, Varn- 
hagen von Ense; 1771-1833, see SpBNLt (J. E.) Rahel 
Mme. V. V. E. : Hist, d'un salon romant. en Allemaane, 
Varro (Marcus Terentius). De lingua Latina quae sup. Rec. 
G. Goetz et F. Schoell. Ace. Grammaticorum Varronis libr. 
fragmenta. 8". L. 1910 

Varro (Publius Terentius), Atacinus, see Lemaiee (N. B.) 

Poetse Lat. minores, v4, 1825. 
Vasari (Giorgio). Caprioci e aneddoti di artisti. 

88°. Firenze. 1878 
see Cabden (R. W.) Life of G. V., 1910. 
Vasiliu (Alexandra). Cantece uraturi ?i bocete. [Acad. 
Romana. Din vieata pop. roman, v4]. 8°. 1909 

VasQluez (P.), see Vazquez (F.) 

Vasselot (J. J. Marauet de), see Mabquet de Vassblot (J. J.) 
Vatican Council. [A vol. of newspaper cuttings, mainly from the 
"' Times," containing contemp. articles on the F. Council, 
& incl. tr. of the Encyclical letter of Pius IX, 1864, dk text & 
tr. of the accompanying " Syllabus"]. la4o. [1869-70] 

Vaticana. *Descriz. de' tre pontificali che si celeb, n. Basilica 
v., 1788, see Cancbllieei (F.) 
Locorum ex iure Rom. Anteiustiniano ab incerto soriptore 
coUectorum fragmenta quae dicuntur V. ; ed. A. Mains, rec. 
A. Bethmann-HoUweg, see Cobpus iuris Romani Ante- 
iustiniani, fasc. 1, 1841. 
Vaucluse, see SocifiTfi des Rechebohbs Histobiques de 

Vaughan (Charles Edwyn). Carlyle & his German masters, see 
English Assoc. Essays & studies ; coU. A. C. Bradley, 
Vaughan (Herbert), cardinal, abp. of Westminster, see Snbad- 

Cox (J. G.) Life of Cardinal V., 2v, 1910. 
Vaughan (Herbert M.) The last Stuart queen : Louise, 
Countess of Albany : her life & letters. 8°. 1910 

VazQLuez (Francisco) [Vasquez]. 
see Uesfa (P. db). *Jornada de Omagua y Dorado [the 
expedition of P. de XJ. etc. ; ? by Pedrdrias de Almesto, 
& founded upon the work by F. V.], 1909. 

„ *Relacion de la Jornada de Omagua y Dorado hecha 

por P. de Orsiia ; [? by Pedrarias de Almesto, & founded 
upon the work by F. V.], 1881. 
see Mantj. Manava-Kalpa-Siitra, w. Comm. of Kumarila- 

Swamin, etc., 1861. 
„ Wilson (H. H.) Intr. to Rig- Veda Sanhita, 1852. 
Vedel (Valdemar). H. Drachmann. [Mennesker, Bl]. 

s8°. [1909] 

Vega (Lope de), see Anschutz (R.) Boccaccios Novelle v. 

Falken u. i. Verbreitung in d. Litt., nebst L. de V. Komodie : 

El halcon de Federico [text], 1892. 

V61ez de Guevara (Luis). EI diablo cojuelo. [A reproduction 

of the I64I ed. ; ed. w. intr. by A. Bonilla y San Martin. Soc. 

de Bibliofilos Madrilenos, 2]. 8". 1910 

Velleius Paterculus (Cains), see Hoekel (J.) Die Romer- 

kriege aus Plutarch, V., etc. ; tibers. v. H., 2'= A., 1884. 
Vendosme (P. Gentil de), see Gentile (P.) 
Venezia {Fra Girolamo Maria da), see Gibolamo Maeia [Era). 
Venturi (Adolio). Storia deU' arte ital. [v]7. La pittura del 
quattrocento, pi. Ia8''. MUano. 1911 

Venturini (Lorenzo d' Antonio), see Domenico (B. di). *DeIla 
venuta in Firenze di 6. M. Sforza, etc., 1471 : lettere di due 
Senesi [B. di D. & L. d'A. V.], 1878. 




Vercellone (Carlo). Varia3 lectiones Vulgatae Latinse Bibli- 
orum editionis qiias C. V. digessit. 

tl, 2, [no more puU.]. 4". Romae. 1860-64. 

Verci (Giovanni Battista) [Vbrci (Giambattista)], see Betussi 

(G. ) II Raverta ; con la vita dell' autore scritta da G. V., 


Verein fiir Hansische Geschichte, see Hakseatic League. 

Hanserecesse, in prog., 1910 etc. 
Verein fiir SocialpoUtik. Schriften. 

B127 i-iii, 132, 133 i. [In prog.] 8°. L. 1910 

Verhandlungen d. Vereins f. S. in \\'ien, 1909. 1, Zum 

Gedachtnis an O. Hanssen, v. 0. F. Knapp — 2, Die wirt- 

schaftl. Unternehmungen d. Gemeinden — 3, Die Pro- 

duktivitat d. Volkswirtschaft. [132.] 

see Bebnays (M.) Auslese u. Anpassung d. Arbeiterschaft d. 

geschlossenen Grossindustrie, 1910. [133 i.] 

., Gemeisdefinanzen, B2 i-iii, 1910. [127 i-iii.] 

Verhaer (Franciscus), see HAEa;Trs (F.) 

Verhaeren (Emile). Les rythmes souverains. Poemes. 

sS". 1910 

see ZwBiG (S.) E. V., s. vie, s. ceuvre ; tr. P. Morisse et 

H. Chervet ; [w. bibUog.], 2<= ed., 1910. 

Vermiglioli (Giovanni Battista). Delia zecca e d. monete 

perugine. [App., w. sep. pagin.]. 4°. Perugia. 1816 

Verniquet (Edme), see Beuel (A.) Recher. sur les trois 

premiers exemplaires du Plan de Paris de V., 1882. 

Verrall (Arthur Woolgar). The Bacchants of Euripides & 

0. essays. 8°. C. 1910 

Verri (Pietro). Storia di Milano, colla contin. del barone 

Custodi. 4t. s8°. Capolago. 1837 

Versehave (Paul). La HoUande polit. . un parti catholique 

en pays protestant. s8°. 1910 

Versoris (Nicolas). Livre de raison de N. V., avocat au Parle- 

ment de Paris, 1519-30 ; publ. G. Fagniez, see Sosiete de 

l'Hist. db Paeis, etc. M^ms., tl2, 1886. 

Vertebrate. Vertebrate fauna of Cheshire & Liverpool Bay ; 

ed. T. A. Coward, 2v, 1910, see Cov^aed (T. A.), ed. 
Veselovsky (A. A.). JwSoBnaa mpuKU xviii BtKa. 8°. C.-n. 1909 
Vetterlund (Fredrik). Svensk lyrik frlin tiden efter 1860 
(" Signaturerna " oeh andra), see Sveeige. S. nat.-litt., vl6, 
Svensk romantik, v2, see Sveeigb. S. nat.-litt., 1500-1900, 
vlO, 1910. 
Vezinet (F.) Moliere, Florian et la litt. espagnole. sS". 1909 
Viagglo. *I1 V. di Carlo Magno in Ispagna ; pubbl. per cura 

di A. Ceruti, 2v, 1871, see Chaelbmaqne. 
Vialla (S.) Marseille revolutionnaire. L'arm^e-nation, 1789- 
93. Ia8°. 1910 

Viallate (Actaille). La vie polit. dans les deux mondes. Publ. 
sous la dir. de A. V. 

annee 2, 3. 1 oct. 1907-30 sept. 1909. 8°. 1909-10 

Viaud (ii. P. Prosper). Nazareth & ses 2 eglises de I'Annoncia- 

tion & de St.-Joseph ; d'apres les fouilles recentes. Prati- 

quees sous la dir. du p. P. V. s4<'. 1910 

Vicaire (Georges). Manuel de I'amateur de livres du 19« s., 

1801-93. Pr6f. de M. Tourneux. 

t7, [Sable-Zurcher]. Ia8''. 1910 
Victoria (The) hist, of the counties of England. sfol. 1910 

Nnttingham ; ed. W. Page, v2, 1910. 

VidaJ (Pierre), troubadour, see Dblitjs (N.) Ungedruckte 
provenzal. Lieder v. P. V., etc., 1853. 

Vidal de Besalu (Ramon). Las rasos de trobar e Lo donatz 
proensals, [the latter by H. Faidit ; ed., w. intr., by L. 
Biadene], see Moh"aoi (E.) Studj di filol. rom., vl, 2, 

Vidier (Alexandre). Notes et docs, sur le personnel, les biens 
et Tadmin. de la Ste.-Chapelle, 13-15^ s., see Societe db 
l'Hist. de Paeis, etc. M6ms., t28, 1902. 
Un tombier liegeois k Paris au 14s. : inventaire de la succes- 
sion de Hennequin de Li^ge, 1382-3 ; [publ.] A. V., 1903, 
see Hennequin, de Liege. 
Le tresor de la Ste.-Chapelle ; [publ.] A. V., 1907-8, see 

Viebig (C.) ys. Die heilige Einfalt. Novellen. 9^ A. s8°. 1910 
Die vor den Toren. Roman. s8°. 1910 

Vierteljahrsschrlft fiir deutsch- u. engl.-theolog. Forschung u. 
Kritik, see Detitsohe Vieeteljahesschrift ftjr engl.- 
theolog. Forschung etc. 

Vigny (cte. Alfred de). 
see Dupuy (E.) A. de V., s. amities, s. r61e litt., tl, 1910. 
„ LAUVRiisE (E.) A. de v., sa vie & son oeuvre, 1909. 
Viking Club. Year-book. sS". [1909] 

Villaespesa (Francisco). Bajolalluvia. Poesias. sS". 1910 
Villalba y Estana (Bartholome de). El pelegrino ourioso y 
grandezas de Espana, [lib. 1-7]. [Prose & poetry. Ed. 
P. de Gayangos]. Publ. la Soo. de Bibliofilos Espanoles. 

2[t]. 8°. 1886-9 

Villalobos (F. Lopez de), see Lopez db Villalobos (F.) 

Villal6n (Cristobal de) [ps. Christophoro Gnophoso (or 

Gnosopho)]. El crotalon. [In imitation of Lucian's 

" Gallus." Ed. F. del V.]. Publ. la Soc. de Bibliofilos 

Espanoles. 8°. 1871 

Ingeniosa comparacion entre lo antiguo y lo presente. [Ed. 

M. Serrano y Sanz]. Publ. la Soc. de Bibliofilos Espanoles. 

8". 1898 
Villani (Giovanni). 
see Henry VII, emp. of Germany. Das Leben H. VII. 
[i.e. Aus d. Chronik d. G. V., etc.] ; iibers. v. W. Friedens- 
burg, H2, 1898. 
„ Louis IV, emp. of Germany. Quellen z,. Gesoh. L. [i.e. 
Aus. d. Chronik d. G. V., etc.] ; iibers. v. W. Friedens- 
burg, H2, 1898. 
Villar (Antonio del), see Gebhardt (V.) Hist. gen. de Espana 

y de sus Indias, tl, por A. del V., 1861. 
Villari (Pasoiuale). L'ltalia da Carlo Magno alia morte di 
Arrigo VII. s8''. Milano. 1910 

Mediaeval Italy, f. Charlemagne to Hen. VII. Tr. C. Hulton. 

8°. 1910 
Villars (Henry Gauthier-), see Gauthier-Villars (H.) 
VUlefosse (A. H6rott de), see H:6eon db Villefosse (A.) 
Villergas (Juan Martinez), see Maetinbz Villeegas (J.) 
Villette (Charles, marquis de), see Lambbatj (L.) L'Hotel du 

Marquis de Villette, etc., 1904. 

Villey (Pierre). Les sources ital. de la " Deffense etc. de la 

langue fran9." de J. Du Bellay. [App. Sp. Speroni, Dial. 

d. lingue]. s8». 1908 

Villiers de L'Isle Adam {comte Philippe Auguste M. de), see 

RouGEMONT (E. de). V. de L'l.-A. : biog. & bibliog., 1910. 

Villoslada (Francisco Navarro), see Navaeeo Villoslada (F.) 

Vinarev (Iff.) Koa*.iHKTu bt. nepaoB AyMl. 8°. C.-n. 190'7 

Vinaya Fitakaqi. V. P. . one of the principal Buddhist Holy 

Scripts, in the Pali language. Ed. H. Oldenberg. 

5v. 80. 1879-83 

1, Mahavagga. 2, Cullavagga. 3, 4, Suttavibhanga. 5, Parivftra. 
Vincent, see also Vincbnzo. 

Vincent (Benjamin), see Haydn (J.) H.'s diet, of dates; by 

B. v., etc., 25th ed., 1910. 
Vincentius, Pragensis [Vinobnz, v. Prag]. Die Jahrbiicher v. V. 

u. Gerlach ; fibers, v. G. Grandaur, see Gesohichtsoheeibbb 

(Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2" Gesammtausg., B67, 1895. 
Vincenz, v. Prag, see Vincentius, Pragensis. 
Vincenzo, called Civllo d' Alcamo, see CiULLO, d' Alcamo. 
Vincenzo, da Cortona, see Fabriczy (C. v.) V. da C, 1904. 
Vinci (Leonardo da). 
see Baratta (M.) Curiosity Vinoiane, 1905. 

„ PfiLADAN (J.) La philosophie de L. de V. d'ap. s. manu- 
scrits, 1910. 
Vincigliata. ""Il castello di V. e i suoi contorni. 

8°. Firenze. 1871 
Vinet (Alexandre R.), see Chavannes (F. L. F.) A. Vinet : 

notice & mem'., 1847. 
VinogradoS (P.) Oxford studies in social & legal history. 

Ed. P. V. v2. 8°. 0. 1910 

2, Types of manorial structure in the Northern Danelaw, by F. M. 

Stenton— Customary rents, by N". Neilson. 

Vinson (Elie Honore Julien). Un Episode du poeme 6pique 

Sindamani ; [ed. & tr.] par J. V., see Melanges orient. ; 

textes & tr., 1883. 
Vinycomb (John). Arms of the Bishoprics of Ireland. [Repr. 

f. Ulster Journal of Arch., 1896]. 

[P1293]. la8o. f.p.c. Belfast. [1896] 
Violet (Bruno), see Ezra, ps. Die Esra-Apokalypse, Tl, 

hrsg. V. B. v., 1910. 
VioUet (Paul). Les 6tablissements de St. Louis dans le Beau- 

voisis, see SociETi) de l'Hist. de Paris, etc. M6ms., t8, 

Quelques textes pour servir h, I'hist. polit. des Parisiens au 

15^ s., see Societe db l'Hist. db Paris, etc. M6ms., t4, 1878. 


Virgili (Antonio), see Divizio {il card. B.), da Bibbiena. 

.L,ettere di casentinesi [B. D., etc. ; ed. A. V.], 1893. 

VirgUius Maro (Publius). L'Eneide. Comm. per le souole 

classiche da C. Giorni. 

J „ , Libri 1-3, con illust., etc. sS". Firenze. 1910 

Lies Oteorgiques. Tr. nouv. aveo le texte en regard par H 

Lantome. ^^^^ 1910 

Upera, cum comm. Servii, Philargyrii, Pierii. Ace. F. 

Ursini, G. Fabricii, et aliorum, ac prseoipue N. Heinsii 

notse nunc primum ed. : quibus animadv. etc. add. P. 

Burmannus. Post cujus obitum euram suscepit P 

Burmannus jun. 4t. 4°. Amstelsedami. 1746 

Virgil, ir. J. Jaekson. ggo. jgog 

Works, rendered into Eng. prose, w. introd^, etc.," notes & 

an index by J. Lonsdale & S. Lee. [Globe ed.]. s8°. 1879 

see Gattckler (P.) Les mosaiques virgiliennes de Sousse, 

„ Parodi (E. G.) I rifaeimenti e le trad. ital. dell' Eneide 

prima del rinasc, 1887. 
„ PLtsBNT (C.) Le culex: poeme ps.-V. ; ed. crit. & 
expHc. par C. P., 1910. 
♦Virtuous (The) Octavia, 1598, 1909 [1910], sec Brandon (S.) 
Virtutum. Exempla virtutum et vitiorum, 1555, see Heboldt 

(J.), ed. 
Vischer (Hanns). Across the Sahara, f. Tripoh to Bornu. 

8°. 1910 

VlSCOnti, The family of, see Giovio (P.) Illustrium virorum 

vitse, [De vita etc. 12 Vicecomitum Mediolani principum ; 

etc.], 1551. 

Visigoths. Leges Visigothorum antiquiores. Ed. K. Zeumer. 

[Fontes Juris Germ, antiq. ex Mon. Germ. Hist. Sep. ed.]. 

8°. Hannoverse. 1894 
VitSB sanctorum Hibernise, recog. etc. C. Plummer, 1910, see 

Pltjmmbr (C.) 
Vite di uomini d'arme e d'affari d. sec. XVI narrate da contem- 
poranei. [Ed. by Cesare Guasti ?]. s8°. Firenze. 1866 

Pier Capponi, scr. da V. Acciaioli. 

Giovanni de' Medici, scr. da G. G. Rossi e discorso di Q. B. Tedaldi. 
Niccolb Capponi, descr. da B. Segni. 
Francesco Ferrucci, scr. da F. Sassetti. 
Piero Strozzi, scr. da A. Albizzi. 

Vitelleschi (G. Degli Azzi), see Dbgli Azzi Vitbllesohi (6.) 
Vitiorum. Exempla virtutvfm et vitiorum, 1555, see Heboldt 

(J.), ed. 
Vitruvius Pollio (Marcus). Vitruve. [De aschitectura. Ed., 

w. French tr., etc., by A. Choisy]. 4t. ^8". 1909 

1, Analyse. 2, Texteettr.,livresi-vi. 3, Texte ettr.,livresvii-x—Textes 
annexes [Opusc de Faventinus et passages de Palladiiis rel. k I'archi- 
tecture, etc.]. i, Figures. 

see Latjrie (A. P.) Greek & Roman methods of painting : 
comments on statements by Pliny & V., 1910. 
Vitry (Paul). Deux tetes decoratives du 13" siecle, see Acad. 

DBS Inscb. etc. : Fond. Piot. Mon". etc., tl3, 1906. 
Une oeuvre de G. Mazzoni ou de s. atelier : Dormition de la 

Vierge, Fecamp, see Acad, des Inscb. etc. : Fond. Piot. 

Mons. etc., t7, 1900. 
Une tete de Christ du 12i= siecle, see Acad, des Inscb. etc. : 

Fond. Piot. Mon^. etc., tl6, 1909. 
Vitu (Auguste C. J.) Maison des Pocquelins et Maison de 

Eegnard aux PiUers des HaUes, 1633-1884, see SociifeTii de 

l'Hist. de Pabis, etc Mems., til, 1885. 
Vitus, Saint, see Candidas, of Fulda. Leben d. Abtes Eigil 

etc., nebst d. Cbertragung d. hi. V. ; ubers. v. G. Grandaur, 

Vitzthum (Georg, Graf). Bernardo Daddi. 8°. L. 1903 

Vivanti (Miss Annie), see Chartrbs (Mrs. A. V.) 
Vizcardi (Lazarillo) ps., see Eximeno (Z.) 
Voge (Wilhelm). Die deut. Bildwerke u. die d. anderen 

cisalpinen Lander. Bearbt. v. W. V. [Konigl. Museen zu 

Berlin, Besohreibung d. Bildwerke d. christl. Epochen, 2<= A., 

B4]. 4°. 1910 

Vogel (Emil). Ober d. Temperaturveranderungen v. Luft 

beim Stromen durch e. Drosselstelle, see Konigl. Akad. d. 

Wiss. ZTJ MuNCHEN. Math.-phys. Classe, Sitzungsber., 1909. 
Vogel (Dr. Julius) & E. Traumann. Goethe als Student. I, 

Goethes Leipziger Studentenjahre, v. J. V. II, Goethe, d. 

Strassbureer Student, v. E. T. [w. sep. tps. tfc pagin.]. 

8". L. 1910 
Voeiie (marquis Charles Jean Melchior de). Malplaquet & 

Denain. ^8". 1892 



Vogiie ((Vc Eugene Melchior de). Les routes. Pref. par le 

cte. d'Haussonville. s8". 1910 

Volck (Wilhelm) [Volckius (Gulielmus)]. Vindiciae Dani- 
elic*. [C. Ulmanni semissec. celebr. P1272]. 

40. Dorpati Livonorum. 1866 
Zum Kampf um Bibel u. Babel. 

[P1242]. s8'>. Rostock i. M. 1903 
Volckius (Gulielmus), see Volck (W.) 

Volcmarus, abbot of Fiirstenfddt, see Loiris IV, emp. of Germany. 
Quellen z. Gesch. L. [i.e.' Die Fiirstenf elder Chronik, some- 
times attrib. to V., etc.] ; fibers, v. W. Friedensburg, HI, 
1898. ^ 

Volkmann (Hans). Emanuel d'Astorga. Bl. s8''. L. 1911 

1, Das Ijeben des Tondichters. 

Volks- u. Gesellschaftslieder d. 15 u. 16 Jhdts. [B]l, hrsg. v. 

A. Kopp. [Deutsche Texte d. Mittelalters, hrsg. v. d. 

Konigl. Preuss. Akad. d. Wiss., 5]. 8". 1905 

1. Die Xieder d. Heidelberg^ r Hs. Pal. 348. 

Volkslieder. *Judischdeutsche V. aus Gahzien u. Russland ; 

hrsg. V. G. H. Dalman, 1891, see Dalman (6. H.) 
VoUmer (Friedrich). Lesungen u. Deutungen, see Koniol. 
Akad. d. Wiss. zu Munchen. Philos.-philolog. Classe, 
Sitzungsber., 1909. 
Volsky (Z). Bca Cndap!.. g". C.-n. 1908 

Volsunga Saga: the story of the Volsungs & Niblungs, w. 
certain songs f. the elder Edda. Tr. by E. Magnusson & 
W. Morris. Ed., w. intr. & notes by H. H. Sparhng. 

sS". 1888 

Voltaire. Annals of the Empire ; f. the reign of Charlemagne ; 

constit. a part of a compl. ed. in Eng. of [7.'s] works. Tr. 

by D. Williams, H. Downman, etc. 8°. 1781 

This proposed ed. of T'.'s works does not appear to have been 

carried further. 

Candide. [b.w. Prevost (Vabbe). Manon Lescaut, n.d.]. 

s8o. [1877] 
La Henriade. 40. Londres. 1728 

First ed. publ. with the author's sanction. 
Le siecle de Louis XIV. 11. ed. s8°. n.d. 

see Beattne (H.) V. au college, 1867. 
„ Dtr Deefand [marq. M.) Unpubl. corr. ; followed by 

letters of V. to Mme. Du D. ; tr., 1810. 
„ Lambeau (L.) L'Hotel du Marquis de Villette, maison 

mortuaire de V., 1904. 
„ ToENEZY (A.) La legende des " philosophes " : V., etc., 
peints par eux-memes, 1911. 
Volusius Meecianus (Lucius). Assis distributio ; emend, etc. 
E. Bocking, see Corpus iuris Romani Anteiustiniani, fasc. 1, 
Volz (Gustav Berthold). 
see Bbbneb (E.) Quellen etc. z. Gesch. d. Hauses Hohen- 
zoUern, B9, Aus d. Zeit d. 7jahr. Krieges ; v. E. B. u. 
G. B. v., 1908. 
„ Febdebica Sophia Wilhelmina, consort of William V, 
pr. of Orange. Die Erinnerungen an d. Hof Friedrichs d. 
Grossen, 1751-67 ; [hrsg.] v. G. B. V., 1903. 
Vomanus, see Lbmaibb (N. E.) Poetae Lat. minores, v7, 1826. 
Vosmaer (Carel), see Dekkeb (E. D.) Max Havelaar, 11" 
druk [Prec. by Studien over Multatuli's (i.e. E. D. D.'s) 
werken, by C. V.], 1906. . 
Voss (Aurel Edmund). Uber Kurvenpaare im Raume, see 
Konigl. Akad. d. Wiss. zu Munchen. Math.-phys. 
Classe, Sitzungsber., 1909, 1910. 
Vossler (Carl). Die gottl. Komodie : Entwicklungsgesch. u. 
Erklarung. B2 ii, Erklarung d. Gedichtes. 

8". Heidelberg. 1910 
Voth (H. R.) 
see DoKSBY (G. A.) & H. R. V. The Mishongnovi ceremonies 
of the Snake & Antelope Fraternities, 1902. 

„ The Oraibi Soyal ceremony, 1901. 

„ Field Columbian Museum : Anthrop. ser., v3, H. R. V., 
The Oraibi Powamu ceremony, 1901-3. 

,, Anthrop. ser., v3, H. R. V., The Oraibi summer 

Snake ceremony, .1901-3. 

,, Anthrop. ser., v8, H. R. V., The traditions of the 

Hopi, 190.5. 
Voullieme (Dr. Ernst). Die Inkunabeln d. ofientl. Bibl. u. 
d. kleineren Biichersammlungen d. Stadt Trier. Zusam 
mengesteht v. E. V. Mit e. Einltg. " Zur Gesch. d. Stadt- 
bibl " v. 6. Kentenich. [Centralblatt f. Bibliothekswesen : 
Beih. 38]. 8°. L. 1910 




Voynich (,Mrs. E. L.) An interrupted friendship, sS<>. 1910 

Voynich (Wilfrid M.) lUust. oat. of early printed books, etc. 
offered by W. M. V. [No. 26]. 2p. [P1302]. 8». [1910] 

Voysey (JJcv. Charles). Defence on charges of heresy, Dec. 
1869. [P1238]. 8°. 1869 

Vrbka (Anton). Leben u Schicksale des J. A. Comenius. 
Mit e. Verzeichnis d. neu. Comenius-Literatur. 

s8". Znaim. 1892 

Vries (Matthias de), L. A. Te Winkel, <fe others, edd., Woorden- 
boek d. Nederlandsohe taal. Til. 8°. 's-Gravenhage. 1910 

Vroncourt (Raymond). Huysmans & I'ame des Foules de 
Lourdes. Notes de crit., suivies d'un repertoire de I'oeuvre 
cathol. de H. sS". Tours. 1910 

Vrooman (Cari S.) Amer. railway problems in the light of 
European experience. 8°. 0. [1910] 

Vulliaud (Paul). La crise organique de I'^glise en France. 
[Etudes contemp.]. s8o. 1910 

W. (C. H. H.) 




W. (C. H. H.) *Ano. Hebrew inscriptions in the Crimea, 1869. 

see Wright (C. H. H.) . ' "' 

♦Inscriptions in anc. Karaite Hebrew MSS., 1869, see Wright 

(C. H. H.) 
Wace (Alan John Bayard). The reliefs in the Palazzo Spada, 

see British School at Rome. Papers, v5, 1910. 
Wace (Robert), see Ulbrioh (A.) tjber d. Verhaltnis v. 

Waoe's Roman de Brut zu s. Quelle, d. Gottfried v. Mon- 
mouth Hist, regum Brit., 1909. 
Wachter (Theodor). Reinheitsvorschriften im griech. Knit. 

[Religionsgeschiohtl. Versuche etc. ; hrsg. R. Wunsch u. L. 

Deubner, B9 i]. S". Giessen. 1910 

Wackernagel (Rudolf). Gesch. d. Stadt Basel. 

B2 i. laS". Basel. 1911 
Waddington (Francis). Le protestantisme en Normandie, 

1685-1797. 80. 1862 

Wagener (Hermann). Die Politik Priedrich Wilhelm IV. 

8°. 1883 
Wager (William) [Wayeb]. The longer thou livest the more 

fool thou art (c. 1568). [Tudor Paos. Texts ; J. S. Parmer]. 

Ia8°. Issued for subscr. 1910 
*Tom Tyler & h. wife, [sometimes attr. to W. W. ; repr. f. 

2nd imp. 1661 ; prep, by 6. C. Moore Smith], 1910, see Tom. 
Wagner (Richard). (Euvres en prose. Tr. J. G. Prod'homme 

et P. OaiU6. t6, 1851-60. s8". [1910] 

see Cassbl (P.) Der Judengott u. R. W., 1881. 

„ Liszt (F.) Gesamm. Schriften, B2, R. W. ; iibers. v. 
P^ ii SL. Ramann, Neu durchgeseh. A., 1910. 
Wainewright (John Bannerman), see Byzantine Rite. Office 

for commem. of Peter & Paul, ace. to B. rite, compiled etc. 

by W., 1909. 
Wake (Charlotte, Lady). Reminiscences. Ed. L. Wake. 

8°. E. 1909 
Walch (G.) NouveUes pages anthologiques. tl. sS". 1910 

Walde (iUois). Latein. etymolog. Worterbuch. [Indoger- 

man. Bibl. ; hrsg. v. H. Hirt, etc., Abt. I, Reihe 2 i]. 

s8o. Heidelberg. 1906 
Waldeyer (Wilhelm). Der Processus retromastoideus, see 

KoNiGL.-PREtrss. Akad. d. Wiss. ztr B. Abhdlgn., Phys.- 

math. Classe, 1909. 
Waldo (Pierre), see Comba (E.) W. & the Waldensians, 1880. 
Walefie (Maurice de). H^Ioise, amante & dupe d'Abelard. 

[Les femmes illustres]. s8°. [1910] 

Walker (Leslie J.), S. J. Theories of knowledge : Absolutism, 

Pragmatism, Realism. sS". 1910 

Walker (R. J.) 'AvtI /»'«*■ ^^ essay in isometry. 

2v. 8°. 1910 
Wallace (Alfred Russel). The world of life. A manifestation 

of creative power, directive mind & ultimate purpose. 

80. 1910 
Wallace (Edwin). Outlines of phil. of Aristotle. 

ster. ed. s8o. C. 1898 
WaUe (Paul). Au Br6sil. [2t]. 8°. [1910] 

[1] De rCraguay au Rio Sao Francisco ; Pr6f. de M. E. Levasseur. 

[2]) Eio Sao Francisco k I'Amazone. 


see Hallwich (H.) Ffinf Bucher Gesch. W., 3B, 1910. 

LOBBDANO (G. F.) Opera, v3, Morte d. Volestain etc., 

1653. , ^ ,. . 

Waller (Augustus D.) Physiology, the servant of medicme 
(Chloroform in the laboratory & in the hospital). 8°. 1910 
Walpole (George), Srd earl of Orford, see Childebs (J. W.) 

Lord Orford's voyage round the Fens, 1774, 1868. 
Walpole (Horace), m earl of Orford, 1717-97. Cat. of royal 
& noble authors of England, w. lists of their works. 

2v. 2nd ed. sSo. 1759 
Correspondence of H. W. w. 6. Montagu, etc. (1735-97). 

3v. new ed. 8°. 1837 
T e+tpra on France & the French Revol. [Blackie's Eng. Texts]. 
^^ s8«. 1908 

Walpole (Horace) 4111 earl of Orford, 1717-97 [continued]. 

Letters on the American War of Independence. [Blackie's 

Eng. Texts]. s8o. 1908 

Letters to Countess of Ossory, 1769-97. Ed., w. notes, by 

Rt. Hon. R. V. Smith. 2v. 2nd ed. 8°. 1848 

Letters to Rev. W. Cole, & others ; 1745-82. 4". 1818 

Letters to Sir H. Mann, Brit, envoy at court of Tuscany. 

Ed. by Ld. Dover. 3v. 8". 1833 

Letters to the Earl of Hertford. Added, Letters to H. Zouch. 

[Ace. to pre/, this is v9 of an ed. of W.'s works]. 4°. 1825 

Private oorr. (1735-97). 4v. 80. 1820 

Walpole (Horatio William), 4th earl of Orford [1806 creation], 

see Oeford (H. W. W., th e. of). 
Walser (Gabriel). Neue Appenzeller Chronick oder Beschrei- 
bung d. Cantons AppenzeU, etc. Samt e. chronolog. Erzeh- 
lung u. tj. Anhang d. Instrumenten, Diplomatum, etc., 
[w. Sep. pagin.]. s8o. S. GaUen. 1740 

Walsh (Walter). Episcopal patronage in the Church of Eng. ; 
Romanizing movement. Comp., w. intr.,by W. W. Pref . by 
Lord Ebury. Publ. by Nat. Protestant Union. 

[P1271]. la8o. 1884 
The religious life & influence of Queen Victoria. 8°. 1902 

Walther v. d. Vogdweide. 
see ScHONBAOH (A. E.)- W. v. d. V., 1910. 
„ Uhland (J. L.) Schriften z. Gesch. d. Dichtung, etc., 
B5, W. V. d. V. etc., 1870. 
Waltz {Mme. Ren6). La vie interieure. s8o. 1909 

Walz (Ernst). Das Staatsrecht d. Grossherzogtums Baden. 
[OfEentl. Recht d. Gegenwart, B5]. 80. Tubingen. 1909 

Wapull (George). The tide tarrieth no man, 1576. [Tudor 
Facs. Texts ; J. S. Farmer]. laS". Issued f. subscr. 1910 

War Office. Administrative directory, 1909. 8°. 1909 

Cat. of the W. 0. Lib. p2. [half-t. only]. 8°. [1910] 

Handbook of medical services of foreign armies. p3, Austria- 
Hungary ; p4, Russia. [P1292]. sS". 1910 
Manual of military law. [5th ed. ; ed. W. M. Graham- 
Harrison]. 8". 1907 
Warburg (Carl). V. Rydberg — P. Wikner, see Sveeige. 

S. nat.-litt., 1500-1900, vl5, 1910. 
Ward {Very Rev. Bernard). Dawn of the Catholic Revival 
in Eng., 1781-1803. 2v, 8°. 1909 

Ward {Mrs. Edward Matthew), see Ward (Mrs. H. M. A.) 
Ward {Mrs. Henrietta Mary Ada), wife of Edward Matthew 
Ward, E.A. Reminiscences. Ed. E. O'Donnell. 80. 1911 
Ward (Henry Snowden), F.R.P.S., b. 1865. The Canterbury 
pilgrimages. 8°. 1904 

Ward (Herbert). A voice f. the Congo, comprising stories, 
anecdotes & descr. notes. 80. 1910 

Ward (Mrs. Humphry). Canadian born. s8°. 1910 

Letters to my neighbours on the present election. 

[P1305]. 8°. 1910 

Ward (Josephine Mary). Great possessions. s8o. 1909 

Ward (Thomas), schoolmaster. England's Reformation. 

Poem. 2v in 1. sS". 1715 

Ward (William Hayes), D.D., see Morgan (J. P.) Cylinders 

& o. ancient Oriental seals in lib. of J. P. Morgan ; catalogued 

by W. H. W., 1909. 

Wardle (Gwyllym Lloyd), see Frederick, duke of York & 

Albany. A circumstantial rep. of the evidence & proc. 

upon the charges agst. the Duke of Y. ; by 6. L. W. bef. 

the House of Commons ; etc., 1809. 

Warner (George Townsend), M.A. Landmarks in Eng. 

industrial hist. Hth ed. s8o. 1910 

Warner (Richard), rector of Chelwood. A tour through the 

northern counties of England, & the borders of Scotland. 

2v. 80. Bath. 1802 

Warschauer (Adolf). Mitteilungen aus d. Hsssammlung. d. 

Brit. Museums zu London vornehml. z. poln. Gesch. [Konigl. 

Preuss. Archivverwaltung, Mitt., H13]. 80. L. 1909 




Warschauer (Adolf) [continued]. 

Die stadt. Archive in d. Provinz Posen. [Konigl. Preuss. 

Archivverwaltung, Mitt., H5]. 8°. L. 1901 

see Mexte (0.) & A. W. Die Anwendung d. Photographie 

fiir d. archival. Praxis, 1909. 

Warton (Thomas), poet laureate. Observations on the Fairy 

Queen of Spenser. 2v. n. ed. 8°. 1807 

Washington: Carnegie Institution of W. [Publications, 

No. 74 i-iii, 124]. laS". W. 1908-10 

see Akthur, k. of Britain. Vulgate version of the A. romances, 

ed. f. MSS. in Brit. Mus., by H. 0. Sommer, vl-3 i, 

1908-10. [74 i-iii.] 

„ Robertson (J. A.) List of docs, in Spanish archives rel. 

to hist, of U.S., 1910. [124.] 

Washington (Booker T.) The story of the negro : rise of the 

race f. slavery. 2v. 8". 1909 

Wasmann (Erich), S.J. Comp. studies in the psychology of 

ants & of higher animals. Auth. Eng. vers, of 2nd German 

ed. Enl. & rev. by the author. s8". St. Louis, Mo. 1905 

Modern biology & the theory of evolution. Tr. f. 3rd 

German ed. by A. M. Buchanan. 8". 1910 

Wasseimaun (Jakob). Die Masken Erwin Reiners. Roman. 

4e A. s8». 1910 
Wateriord & South-East of Ireland Archaeological Society. 

vl-12, 1894-1909. [In prog.]. 8°. Waterford. 1894-1909 

v8 & 9 b. in Iv. 

Watkins (Alfred). Photography. W.' manual of exposure & 

development. 4th ed. sS". Hereford. 1908 

Watney (Vernon James). Cornbury & the Forest of Wych- 

wood. fol. p.p. 1910 

*Littlecote. [Ind. life of " Wild " Barrett]. 

[■2nd ed.]. 4P. f. p. c. 1900 
Watson (col. Sir Charles Moore). British weights & measures 
as described in laws of Eng. f. Anglo-Saxon times. s8<>. 1910 
Watson (Edmund Henry Lacon). Barker's. A chronicle. 

sS". 1910 
Watson (Henry Brereton Marriott). Romance at random. 

s8<>. 1909 
Watson (William), poet, writer. Sable & purple, w. o. p. 

s8<'. 1910 
Watt (Lauchlan MacLean). Attic & Elizabethan tragedy. 

8°. 1908 
Watteau (Antoine), see Alvin-Beaumont. Un probleme 

d'art : W. en Allemagne : L'enseigne. de Gersaint, 1910. 
Wattenbach (Wilhelm), see Alcuinus. Die Lebensbeschrei- 
bungen d. hi. Willibrord, [v. A.], Gregors v. Utrecht, [v. 
Liudger], etc. ; ubers. v. W. W., etc., 1888. 
Watts (Mary S.) Nathan Burke. s8<'. N.Y. 1910 

Way (T. R.) Reliques of old London suburbs north of the 
Thames, drawn in lithography by W., w. intr. & descripts. 
by H. B. Wheatley. 4°. 1898 

Wayer (William), see Wager (W.) 

Weale (B. L. Putnam) ps. The conflict of colour : examin. 
of racial problems. 8°. 1910 

The human cobweb ': romance of old Peking. 

[repr.]. sS". 1910 
Weaver (Frederic William). Cartulary of Buckland Priory in 
Co. of Somerset ; ed. F. W. W., 1909, see Buckland Pbioey. 
Weaver (Lawrence). English leadwork : its art & hist. 

4°. 1909 

Small country houses of to-day. Ed. L. W. 4o. [1910] 

Webb {Mrs. Beatrice). For hooks wr. in conjunction w. S. Webb, 

see Webb (S.) & Mrs. B. W. 
Webb (Sidney) & Mrs. B. Webb. Hist, of trade unionism. 

(n. ed.) 8°. 1911 

The state & the doctor. 8». 1910 

Weber (Albrecht). Modern investigations on anc. India. 

Tr. F. Metcalfe. [P1260]. 8". 1857 

see ChAnakya. Abhdlg. d. Hrn. W. iiber 100 Spriiche d. C. ; 

[w. texts tr.],'lS6i. 

Weber (Frederick Farkes). Aspects of death & their effects 

on the living, as illust. by minor works of art, esp. medals, 

engraved gems, jewels, etc. 8°. 1910 

Weber (Friedrich). Beitrage z. Charakteristik d. alteren 

Geschichtsschreiber ii. Spanisch-Amerika. Eine biog.- 

bibliog. Skizze. [Beitr. z. Kultur- u. Universalgesch., 14]. 

8». L. 1911 

Weber (Theodor). Kaiser Wilhelm II. an Admiral HoUmann 

ub. " Babel u. Bibel." [P1242]. 88". Gotha. 1903 

Webling (Peggy). The story of Virginia Perfect. [Noud]. 

2nd ed. s8». [1909] 
Webster, Family of, see Taylor (T.) Life of J. Taylor; w. 

acct. of the Taylors & Websters of Ashburne, etc., 1910. 

Weoklein (Nikolaus). Uber. d. dramat. Behandlung d. 

Telephosmythus u. fib. d. Dramen '0<rTo\6yoi, K(i;3ipoi, 

iivSenri/oi, see KoNiGL. Akad. d. Wiss. zu MiJNOHBN. 

Philos.-phUolog. Classe, Sitzungsber., 1909. 

Uber d. Hypsipyle des Euripides, see Konigl. Akad. d. Wiss. 

zu MtJNCHBN. Philos.-philolog. Classe, Sitzungsber., 1909. 

Wedekind (Frank). In alien Wassern gewaschen. Tragodie. 

20 A. sS". Munohen. 1910 

Der Stein der Weisen. Eine Geisterbesohworung. s8°. 1909 

Wedel (Heinrich Friedrich Paul von). Deutschlands Ritter- 

schaft i. Entwickelung u. i. Bltite. 8". Gorlitz. 1904 

Wedgwood (A. F.) The shadow of a titan, [repr.]. 88". 1910 

Wedgwood (Josiah), the elder, see Williamson (G. C.) Imperial 

Russian dinner service : story of a famous work by J. W., 


Wedgwood (Thomas), see LiicHnBLD (R. B.) T. W., account 

of h. life, etc., 1903. 
Weese (Artur). Munchen : eine Anregung zum Sehen. 

Ia8». L. 1906 

Weigall (Arthm' E. P.) A guide to the antiq. of Upper Egypt, 

f. Abydos to the Sudan frontier. s8°. [1910] 

The life & times of Akhnaton, Pharaoh of Egypt. 8°. 1910 

Travels in the Upper Egyptian deserts. 8°. 1909 

Weil (Gustav). Biblische Legenden d. Muselmanner. Aus 

arab. Quellen zusammengetragen u. mit jud. Sagen ver- 

ghchen v. G. W. 8°. Frankfurt a. M. 1845 

Weil (M. H.) Le revirement de la poUt. autrich. a I'egard de 

J. Murat, & les negociations secretes entre Paris & Vienne, 

1814-5, see Regia Dep. s. gli Sttjdi di Storia Patbia per 

LE Ant. Prov. etc. Bibl. di storia ital. rec, v2, 1909. 

Weingarten (Hermann). Der Ursprung des Monohtums im 

nachconstantin. Zeitalter. 8°. Gotha. 1877 

Weinreich (Otto). Antike Heilungswunder ; Untersuoh. z. 

Wunderglauben d. Griechen u. Romer. [Rehgions- 

geschichtl. Versuche, etc. , hrsg. v. R. Wunsch u. L. Deubner, 

B8 i]. 8". Giessen. 1909 

Weinthal (Leo), see Anglo-Aerican Who's who ; ed. L. W., 

Weiss (Bernhard). Die Quellen d. Lukasevangeliums. 

8°. St. 1907 
Weiss (C. von), i.e. F. C. F. o. Muffling, called C. v. W., see 

MtTEFLiNG (F. C. F., Frhr. v.) 

Weiss (Johannes), Prof d. Theologie zu Heidelberg. Christ : 

the beginnings of dogma. Tr. V. D. Davis. s8°. 1911 

Christus : Die Anfange des Dogmas. [Religionsgesch. 

Volksbficher ; hrsg. F. M. Sohiele]. s8°. Tubingen. 1909 

Der erste Korintherbrief, voUig neu bearbt. v. W. [Meyer, 

Komm. u. d. Neue Test., Abtlg. 5, 9i= Auflage]. 

[8°. Gottingen. 1910 
Jesus im Glauben d. Urchristentums. 8°. Tubingen. 1910 
Jesus V. Nazareth : Mythus oder Geschichte ? Eine Ausein- 
andersetzung mit Kalthofi, Drews, Jensen. Vortrage. 

8°. Tubingen. 1910 
Die Schriften d. Neuen Test., neu fibers, u. erklart v. 0. 
Baumgarten, W. Bousset, etc. Hrsg. v. J. W. 

2B. 2% verm. A. 8°. Gottingen. 1907-8 

1, Die drei alteren Evangelien— Die Apostelgesch. 

2, Die Briefe — Die johann. Schriften. 

Weiss (Max). Die Volkerstamme im Norden Deutsch- 

Ostafrikas. si°. 1910 

Welch (Charles), F.S.A. Hist, of the Worshipful Co. of 

Paviors of city of London. With brief notices of London 

streets, etc. 4°. p.p. 1909 

Wellhausen (Julius). 

see Joseph, ben Gorion, ps. Der arab. Josippus ; [ German 

tr.] ; V. J. W., 1897. 
„ Zahn (A.) Israelit. u. jfid. Gesch., Beurteilung d. 
Schrift d. W. 1894, 1895. 
Wellington (Arthur Wellesley, 1st duke of), see Robinson (C. W.) 

W.'s campaigns, etc., pi, 3rd ed., 1908. 
Wells, see Bath. Marriage allegation bonds of bps. of B. & 

W., to 1755 ; trans. & ed. A, J..Jew,ers, 1909. 
Wells (H. Gr.) The history of Mr. Polly. s8°. [1910] 

see Meek (G.) G. M., Bath chair-man; by himself; w. 
•intr. by H. G. W., 1910. 




Welsford (Joseph WUliam Wilson). The strength of England. 

:^ .P°l'tioo-eoonomlc hist. f. Saxon times to r. of Charles I 
nr 1 ^ P""®*- ^y ^^- Cunningham. sS". 1910 

W^schmger (Henri). La guerre de 1870 : causes & responsa- 
w 1* V 2t. 80. 1910 

Weltanschauung. Philos. u. Relig. in Darstellungen v. W 

Dilthey B. Groethuysen, etc. lago. 191 i 

Welyert (Eugtae). Autour d'une dame d'honneur : Fran- 

9oise de Chalus, Duohesse de Narbonne-Lara (1734-1821). 

go [19101 
Wemyss (,Mrs. George), novelist. The professional auiit. 

Wenck (Jean), de Berrenberg. Le " De ignota litt." de J W 
centre N. de Cuse. Texte in6d. & it. par E. Vansteenberahe 
[Beitrage z. Geach. d. Phil. d. M.-a., 8 vi]. 8». Munster. 1910 

Wenck (Martin). Die Gesch. d. Nationalsozialen, 1895-1903. 

8°. 1905 

Wendover (Roger, of), see Paris (M.) Ausziige aus d. grosseren 
Chronik d. M. v. P. [* aus d. Chronik d. R. v. W.] ; fibers 
V. G. Grandaur u. W. Wattenbach, 1896. 

Wengen (Friedrich von der). Der Feldzug d. grossherzoghch 
badischen Truppen unter Frhrn. Karl v. Stockhorn gegen d 
Vorarlberger u. Tiroler 1809. Hrsg. v. 0. v. Stockhorn. 

8°. Heidelberg. 1910 

Werner (E. T. C), see Spenobe (H.) Descr. sociology, No. 9, 
Chinese ; compiled & abstracted by W., 1910. 

Werner (Jakob). Zur mittellatein. Spruohdichtung [texts'], 

Werner (Thomas), see Collijn (I. G.,A.) Libri T. W'., Lips. 

quondam prof., Upsalise in Bibl. Univ. adserv., etc., 1909. 
Wernerus, abbas Weingartensis [Weenher, AU v. Weingarten], 

see GiTELPH, The family of. Eine alte Genealogie, u. d. 
- Monchs V. Weingarten [.^IF.] Gesch. d. Welfen ; fibers, v. 

G. Grandaur, 1895. 
Wemher, Aht v. Weingarten, see Wernbrtjs, abbas Weingar- 
Wemsdorf (Gottlieb), the younger [WBRNSDOEffius], see 

HiMEBiTjs, the sophist. H'. Sophistse quae reperiri potuerunt ; 

rec, Lat. vers, illust. etc. G. W. ; [J. C. Wernsdorfii Prsef., 

cum narr. de vita etc. G. W.], 1790. 
Wemsdorf (Johann Christian), see Lbmaire (N. E.) Poetse 

Latini minores, [ex rec. Wernsdorfiana], 1824-6. 
Wertheimer (Eduard v.) Graf Julius Andrassy, s. Leben u. s. 

Zeit. Bl. 8". Stuttgart. 1910 

Wesley (John). Extract of J. W.'s journal, f. h. embarking 

for Georgia, to h. return to London [1735-7/8]. 

3rd ed. s8°. Bristol. 1765 
Extract of J. W.'s journal, 1737/8, to h. return f. Germany. 

\b.w. Extr. of J. W.'s journal, f. h. embarking for Georgia, 

etc., 1765]. 3rd ed. s8o. Bristol. 1765 

Extract of J. W.'s journal, 1738-9. {b.w. Extr. of J. W.'s 

journal, f. h. embark, for Georgia, etc., 1765]. 

2nd ed. 88". Bristol. 1748 
Extract of J. W.'s journal, 1739-41. [b.w. Extr. of J. W.'s 

journal, f. h. embarking for Georgia, etc., 1765]. 88°. 1744 
Extract of J. W.'s journal, 1741-3. [b.w. Extr. of J. W.'s 

journal, f. h. embarking for Georgia, etc., 1765]. 

88°. Bristol. 1749 
see Legeb (A.) La jeunesse de W., 1910. 
Westcott (Brooke Foss), bp. of Durham. The Bible in the 

Church : collection & reception of the Scriptures. 

[repr.]. s8». 1905 
St. Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians : the Greek text, w. notes 

etc., [& w. the Latin Vulgate version, & the Eng. versions of 

Wiclif & Tyndale. Ed. J. M. S.] 8°. 1906 

Westell (W. Percival), see Coopbb (C. S.) & W. P. W. Trees 

& shrubs of the British Is., 1909. 
Western Australia. Cat. of books in Public Lib. of W. A. 

(Queen Victoria Jubilee Memorial). Comp. by J. S. Battye, 

etc. vl, A-L, [no more 'puU.']. 84°. Perth, W.A. 1905 

Westlake (John), see Latifi (A.) Effects of war on property ; 

w. note on belligerent rights at sea, by J. W., 1909. 
Westminster, see fSi. Stephens, Westminster. 
Westminster (The) Review. vl60-68. 8°. 1904-7 

Westminster (Matthew, of). Flores historiarum, prsecipud 

de rebus Britannicis usque ad a.d. 1307. sfol. Londini. 1570 
Weston (John), dramatist. The Amazon queen ; or. The 

amours of Thalestris to Alexander the Great. A tragi- 
comedy. s4«. 1667 

Westphal (Alexandre). The Law & the Prophets, or the 
revelation of Jehovah in Hebrew hist. f. earliest times to 
capture of Jerusalem by Titus. Being the work entit. 
" Jehovah." Tr. & adapted by C. Du Pontet. With 
foreword by the Bp. of Winchester. 8°. 1910 

Westropp (Thomas Johnson). The anc. castles of co. Limerick. 
3p. [Extr. f. Roy. Ir. Acad., Proc, v26. P1288]. 

8°. D. 1906-7 

The cahers of co. Clare. [Proof for Roy. Ir. Acad., Proc, 

83, v6. no tp. P1288]. 8". [1900-11] 

Carrigogunnell Castle & the O'Briens of Pubblebrian in co. of 

Limerick. 2p. [Repr. f. Roy. Soc. of Antiq. of Ir., v37, 

38. no tf. P1287]. 8°. [1907-8] 

The churches of co. Clare & orig. of eccles. divisions. [Repr. 

f. Roy. Ir. Acad., Proc, s3, v6. P1288]. 8». D. 1900 

The cists, dolmens, & pillars in Eastern half of co. Clare. 2p. 

[Repr. f. Roy. Ir. Acad., Proc, v24. P1288]. 80. D. 1903 

The cists, dolmens, & piUars of the Western half of co. Clare. 

[Extr. f. Roy. Ir. Acad., Proc, v26. P1288]. 8°. D. 1907 

Descr. of anc. buildings & crosses at Olonmacnois, King's 

Co. [Repr. f. Roy. Soc. of Antiq. of Ir., v37. no tp. 

P1287]. 8°. [1907] 

Dolmens at Ballycroum, nr. Feakle, co. Clare. [Repr. f. 

Roy. Ir. Acad., Proc, s3, v6. P1288]. 8°. D. 1900 

Early forts & stone huts in Inishmore, Aran Isles, Galway 

Bay. [Extr. f. Roy. Ir. Acad., Proc, v28, sect.. C. P1293]. 

Ia8°. D. 1910 

The monastery of St. Brigid, Kilcrea, & the Castle of the 

MaoCarthys. [P1293]. ^8°. n.p. n.d. 

Notes on Askeaton, co. Limerick. 4p. [Repr. f . Roy. Soc. of 

Antiq. of Ir., v33, 34. no tp". P1287]. 8". [1903-4] 

Notes on promontory forts in co^. of Waterford & Wexford. 

[Repr. f. Roy. Soc of Antiq. of Ir., v36. no tp. P1287]. 

8". [1906] 

Notes on the antiq. of Ardmore. [Repr. f. Roy. Soc. of 

Antiq. of Ir., v33. no tp. P1287]. 8". [1903] 

Prehist. remains (forts & dolmens), borders of Burren, co. 

Clare. 2p. [Repr. f. Roy. Soc of Antiq. of Ir.. v35. no 

tpK P1287]. 8°. [1905] 

Prehist. remains of N.-W. Clare. 2p. [Repr. f. Roy. Soc. of 

antiq. of Ir., v31. no tp'. P1287]. 8». [1901] 

Promontory forts in the " Irrus," co. Clare. 2p. [Repr. f. 

Roy. Soc. of Antiq. of Ir., v38. no tp'. P1287]. S". [1908] 

" Slane in Bregia," co. Meath : its friary & hermitage. 

[Repr. f. Soc of Antiq. of Ir., v31. no tp. P1287]. 

8°. [1901] 

A study of the Fort of Dun Aengusa in Inishmore, Aran Isles, 

Galway Bay. [Extr. f. Roy. Ir. Acad., Proc, v28, sect. C. 

P1293]. Ia8". D. 1910 

A survey of anc churches in 00. of Limerick. [Proof for Roy. 

Ir. Acad., Proc, v25. no tp. P1288]. 8°. 1905 

Types of the ring-forts in E. Clare. 2p. [Extr. f. Roy. Ir. 

Acad., Proc, v27, sect. C. P1293]. Ia8<'. D. 1908-9 

Westwood (John Obadiah). The Book of Kells : a lect. 

[P1299]. 40. D. 1887 
Wettinus, monachus Augiensis, see Gall, iS(., abbot. Leben d. 

heil. G. [by W.], etc. ; fibers, v. A. Potthast, 2^ A., 1888. 

Weulersse (Georges). Le mouvement physiocratique en 

France, 1756-70. 2t. 8". 1910 

Wex (Friedrich Carl). De Punicis Plautinis meletemata ad 

G. Gesenium. [b.w. Gesenius (F. H. W.) De Pentateuch! 

Samar. orig., etc, 1815]. s4o. L. 1839 

Weyler y Nicolau (Valeriano), marquis of Teneriffe. Mi 

mando en Cuba, 1896-7. tl, 2. 4°. 1910 

Whall (W. B.) Shakespeare's sea terms explained. 

s8o. Bristol. 1910 

Wharton (Edith). The fruit of the tree. s8o. 1907 

Tales of men & ghosts. s8o. 1910 

Wharton (Francis), D.D., LL.D,, see United States : Foreign 

affairs. Revolutionary diplomatic corr. ; ed. F. W., 6v, 


Whately (Richard), abp. of Dublin. ■'■Historic doubts rel. to 

Napoleon Buonaparte. n. ed. [P1258]. 8°. 1865 

Wheatley (Henry Benjamin), see Way (T. R.) Reliques of 

old London suburbs north of the Thames, drawn by W., 

w. intr., etc., by H. B. W., 1898. 

Wheeler (Edmund). What shall we do at Delhi ? An 

^Englishman's letter to the humanitarians. [P1257]. 8°. 1857 

Wheeler (Ethel Rolt). Famous Blue-Stockings. 8<>. [1910] 





Wheeler (Francis), 1776-1820. Francis Wheeler. [Repr. of 
a broadsheet. Ed. T. J. Westropp. P1299]. 

laS". Margate. 1904 

Wheeler (H. F. B.) & A. M. Broadley. The war in Wexford : 
ace. of the rebellion in S. of Ireland, 1798, f. orig. docs. 
[ind. Mrs. Brownrigg's Diary]. 8". 1910 

Wheeler (John), secretary to the Soc. of Merchant Adventurers, 
see LiNQELBAOH (W. E.) The Merchant Adventurers of 
Eng. [cant, a repr. of The lawes, customes & ordinances 
of the ffelloweshippe of Merchantes Adventurers of Eng. 
CoU. etc. by J. W., 1608], 1902. 

Wheeler (WiUiam Morton). Ants : their structure, develop- 
ment & behavior. [Columbia Univ. Biolog. ser., 9]. 

8». N.Y. 1910 

Whetstone (George). Promos & Cassandra, 1578. [Tudor 
Facs. Texts ; J. S. Farmer]. si". Issued for subs. 1910 

Whidbome (George Ferris). Monograph of the Devonian 
Fauna of the S. of Eng. v2, 3. [Palseontograph. Soc.]. 

4». 1892-1907 

2, Fauna of the Limestones of Lummatou, "Wolborough, Chircombe 

Bridge, & Chudleigh. 

3, Fauna of the Marwood & Pilton Beds of X. Devon & Somerset. 

Whitaker (Joseph), see Refeeenob cat. of current lit., etc., 

Whitby (Charles J.) Makers of man. A study of human 

initiative. 8°. [1910] 

Whitby (Daniel), D.D. *Disc. cone, the laws made agst. 

hereticks, by popes, emperors & kings, councils, etc. With 

pref. agst. persecuting hereticks. Re-published w. intr. 

8°. D. 1744 
Whitcomb (Merrick). A lit. source-book of the Renaissance. 
2nd ed., w. sel. bibliog. s8°. Philadelphia. 1903 
White (Andrew Dickson). Seven gt. statesmen in the warfare 

of humanity w. unreason. 8°. N.Y. 1910 

White (Arnold). The views of " Vanoc," an Englishman's 

outlook. s8o. 1910 

White (James George), deputy of Walbrook Ward. Hist, of 

the Ward of Walbrook in city of London, together w. ace. 

of aldermen of the ward, & of the two remaining churches, 

w. their rectors. 8°. pr.f.p.c. 1904 

White (John Claude). Sikhim & Bhutan : 21 years on the 

N.-B. frontier, 1887-1908. la8o. 1909 

White (Newport John Davis), see Bible : New Test. [Greek}. 

Nicoll (W. R.) Expositor's Gr. Test., v4. Epistles to 

Timothy & Epistle to Titus ; by W., 1910. 
White (Percy). An averted marriage, & o. stories. s8°. [1910] 
The lost halo. s8». [1910] 

White (Thomas), bp. of Peterborough, see Sanceoft (W.) The 

proceedings & tryal in case of abp. of Canterbury, bp. of 

Peterborough, etc., 1688, 1739. 
White (William), bookseller. Plans for the purification of the 
f Thames, etc. [P374]. 8°. 1860 

White (WiUiam Allen). The old order changeth. A view of 

Amer. democracy. s8<>. N.Y. 1910 

White (William Hale), M.D. Materia medica : pharmacy, 

pharmacology & therapeutics. 11th ed. 88°. 1909 

Whitebrook (J. C), see London. L. citizens in 1651 ; ed. 

J. C. W. aided by W. Whitebrook, n.d. 
Whitehall. The Palace of W. From the picture at Windsor 

Castle representing Charles II & his Consort witnessing the 

Lord Mayor's procession to Westminster Oct. 29th 1683, 

on the occasion of his being sworn before the Barons of the 

Exchequer. [E. Walker Ph. sc.]. Published by the London 

Topog. Soc. atlas fol. 1909 

Whitehead (John), of Bickley, Kent. Exploration of Mount 

Kina Balu, N. Borneo. fol. 1893 

Whitehead (Ralph RadclifEe-), see Radclipee-Whitbhead. 
Whitman (Walt). 
see Btjoke (R. M.) W. W., 1884. 

„ Thomson (J.) W. W., 1910. 
Whittaker (Edmund Taylor). Hist, of the theories of aether 

& electricity, f. Descartes to close of 19 c. 8°. 1910 

Whittier (John (JreenleaJ), see Linton ( W. J. ) Life of J. G. W., 

Whitworth (Sir Charles). State of the trade of Gt. Britain 

in its imports & exports, f. 1697. 

2p in 1, [sep. pag.]. fol. 1776 
Whitworth (Sir Joseph), see Tennent (Sir J. E.) Mr. W. & 

Sir J. E. T., 1864. 

Whymper (Edward). Greenland. [Extr. f. Alpine Journal, 
1870. no tp.]. [P1295]. 8°. [1870] 

Wichmann (Arthur). Nova Guinea. Uitkomsten d. Neder- 
land. N.-6.-Expedit. in 1903 onder leiding v. W., etc. 

v2 i. 40. Leiden. 1910 
2 i, Bntdecltungsgesch. v. N.-G. (1828-85) v. A. W. ■ 
Wickes (William). A treatise on the accentuation of the 
poet, books of the 0. Test., Psalms, Proverbs, & Job. With 
app. cont. the treatise, assigned to Jehuda Ben-Bil'am, on 
the same subject, in orig. Arabic. 8°. 0. 1881 

Wickham (Edward Charles). The Epistle to the Hebrews. 
Intr. & notes by E. C. W. [Westminster Comm^.]. 

8''. [1910] 
Wicklow. *The mines of W. [The introductory chapters 
of a notice on " The mines & gold streams of W."]. 

s8». 1856 
Wicksteed (Joseph H.) Blake's vision of the Book of Job, w. 
reproductions of iUusts. 8°. 1910 

WicUf (John). De officio pastoraU. Ed. 6. V. Lechler. 

[P1269]. laS". L. 1863 

see Collins (W. E.) Typical Eng. Churchmen, s2, J. W., 

by J. N. Figgis, 1909. 

Widmanstadt (Johann Albrecht v.) ♦Syriacae linguae prima 

elementa, 1572, see Sevektjs, patriarch of Alex. De 

ritibus baptismi, etc., liber, 1572. 

Wiegand (Theodor). Priene. Ein Begleitwort «,. Rekon- 

struktion v. A. Zippelius. [Sonderabdr. aus d. 25. B. d. 

Neuen Jahrbvicher f. d. klass. Altertum, etc.]. 8°. L. 1910 

Tafel. atlas. L. 1910 

Wiel (Alethea). The navy of Venice. 8". 1910 

Wieland (Christoph Martin). Gesammelte Schriften. Hrsg. 
V. d. deut. K.omm. d. K. Prenss. Akad. d. Wiss. 

Abtlg. 1, B3. 8". 1910 
I, 3, Poetische Jugendwerke, T3 ; hrsg. v. F. Homeyer. 
see Budde (F.) W. u. Bodmer, 1910. 
„ Setjefbbt (B.) Prolegomena zu e. W.-Ausgabe, 6, 1909. 
Wien (Wilhelm). tJber positive Strahlen, see Koniql. Akad. 
D. Wiss. zu MiJnchen. Math.-phys. Classe, Sitzungsber., 
1909, 1910. 
Wiener (Franz) [ps. Feancis de Ceoisset], see Cboisset (F. 

de) ps. 
Wiener (Harold M.) Essays in Pentateuchal criticism. 

8". 1910 

Wieseler (Carl). Zur Gesch. d. neutestamentl. Schrift u. d. 

Urchristenthums. 8°. L. 1880 

Wietzke (Emil). Der bibl. Simson d. agypt. Horus-Ra. 

Erkl. zu Jud. 13-16. [P1244]. 8°. Wittenberg. 1888 

Wiggin (Kate Douglas). Penelope's English experiences. 

lUust. C. E. Brock. [3rd ed.]. s8°. 1901 

Wigley (Frederic George), see India : Legislative Dept. 

Chronolog. tables of Indian Statutes ; compiled by W., 


Wigram (Eirene). The affair of the envelope. s8''. 1910 

Wigram (William Ainger). Introd. to the*hist. of the Assyrian 

Church, 100-640. sS". 1910 

Wikner (Carl Pontus), see Svbeige. S. nat.-litt., 1500-1900, 

vl5, Warburg (C.) C. Rydberg— P. W. [sels.], 1910. 
Wilamowitz-MoUendorfi (Ulrich v.) 
see HiNNEBEEG (P. ) Die Kultur d. Gegenwart, II, 4 i, U. v. 

W.-M., Staat u. Gesellschaft d. Griechen, 1910. 
„ Koniglich-Pebuss. Akad. d. Wiss. ztr B. Abhdlgn., 
Phil.-hist. Classe, 1909, Nordionische Steine ; mit Bei- 
tragen v. P. Jacobsthal ; hrsg. v. U. v. W.-M. 
„ Sohubaet (W.) & U. V. W.-M. Griech. Dichterfrag- 
mente ; bearbt. v. S. u. W.-M., 2H, 1907. 
Wilcken (Ulrich). Die attische Periegese v. Hawara, see 

RoBEET (C.) C. R. : Genethliakon, 1910. 
Wilde (Jane F. S., Lady), see Wilde {Sir W. R. W.) Memoir 
of G. Beranger ; [w. Concluding portion of the Mem., bv 
Lady W.], 1880. 
Wilde (Oscar P. O'F. W.) The sphinx. s8». 1910 

see GiDE (A.) 0. W. : In memoriam (souv.) — Le " De 
Profundis," 1910. 
Wilde (Sir William R. W.) Memoir of G. Beranger, & his 
labours in the cause of Irish art & antiq^., 17'60-80. [With 
Concluding portion of Mem., by Lady Wilde {sep. tp.) & 
List of water-colour sketches by G. B. {sep. pag.)}. 

8°. D. 1880 

Wildenbruch (Ernst Ad. v.) Blatter vom Lebensbaum. [Ed. 

B. Litzmann]. 8°. 1910 


Wuuelm (Adolf). Beitrage z. grieoh. Insohriftenkunde, mit 
fh •'^"^^"ge u. d. oflentl. Aufzeiohnung v. Urkunden. 
LOsterreioh. Arch. Inst, in Wien, Sonderaohr. 7]. 

4fi. Wien. 1909 

Wahelm (Franz), see B6hmbb (J. F.) Regesta Imperii V- 

A?'°v? "^^ ^e"l>earbtg. etc. B.'s hrsg. v. J. Picker, etc., B3; 

„,r"*"- ^' Einltg. a. Register ; bearbt. v. F. W., 1901. 

WUhelmina;, consort of Prince Frederick Henry of Prussia 

[Pnnzessin Heinmoh], see Bbbneb (E.) Quellen etc. z. 

Gesch. d. Hauses Hohenzollern, B9, Aus der Zeit des Tjahr. 

Krieges : Tagebuchblatter u. Briefe d. Prinzessin Heinrich 

u. d. konigl. Hauses ; v. E. B. u. G. B. Volz, 1908. 

WUhelmina, consort of William V, prince of Orange, see Preder- 

iCA Sophia Wilhelmijsta. 
Wilibald, see Willibaldits, presbyter. 

Wilibrord, St., bp. of Utrecht [Willibbord], see Alctjinijs. 
Lebensbeschreibungen d. hi. W., etc. ; ubers. v. W. Watten- 
bach, etc., 1888. 
Wilichin, fl. 12S6 [Qualichintjs ; Quilichinus ; Wilkin], 
see Alexander, the Cheat. Der Grosse A., \a free tr. of the 
A. of W.-\ ; hrsg. V. G. Guth, 1908. 
Wilkin, fl. 1S36, see Wiliohin. 

Wilkinson (Henry Spenser). Britain at bay. 8°. 1909 

Hannibal's inarch through the Alps. 8°. 0.1911 

Willcocks (M, P.) The way up. 88°. 1910 

Willehad, St., hp. of Bremen, see Alouintjs. Die Lebens- 
beschreibungen d. hi. Willibrord [v. A.], W. v. Bremen, 
[v. St. Ansgar], etc. ; ubers. v. W. Wattenbach, etc., 1888. 
Willey (Arthur), D.Sc. Convergence in evolution. 8°. 1911 
"William I, k. of Eng. *Chr6nica del Rey Don Guillermo, 
Rey de Ynglaterra etc., y de la Reyna Dona Beta, su mujer, 
siglo 16, see Knust (H.) Dos obras didacticas etc. : \ed. 
H. K.-], 1878. 
♦Estoria del Rrey GuiUelme, siglo 14, see Knust (H.) Dos 

obras didacticas etc. ; [ed. H. K.'\, 1878. 
"William HI, k. of Eng. 
see Blount (C.) *King W. & Q. Mary conquerors, 1693. 
,, Fag EL (G.) Letter to J. Stewart, giving acct. of Prince 
& Princess of Orange's thoughts cone, repeal of test & 
penal laws, 1688. 
William I, German emp., see Bebneb (E.) Quellen etc. zur 
Gesch. d. Hauses Hohenzollern, B3, Der Regierungs-Anfang 
d. Prinz-Regenten v. Preussen u. s. Gemahlin ; v. E. B., 
William II, German emp., see Webbb (T.) Kaiser W. II. 

an Admiral HoUmann ub. " Babel u. Bibel," 1903. 
William, the Lion, k. of Scotland, see Lawrie (Sir A. C.) 
Annals of reigns of Malcolm & W., kings of Scotland, 1153- 
1214, 1910. 
William Salt Archaeological Society. [Publications]. 8°. 1910 
see Staeeordshieb. Coll^. for a hist, of S., N.S., vl3, 1910. 
Williams (Hugh Noel). Henri II : h. court & times. 8°. 1910 
A rose of Savoy : Marie Adelaide of Savoy, duohesse de 
Bourgogne, mother of Louis XV. 8°. [1909] 

Williams (James). Thomas of Kempen. [Verse]. 880.1909 
Williams (Joshua). Principles of the law of real property. 
21st ed., re-arranged etc. by T. C. Williams. 8". 1910 

Williams (Rowland), D.D., vicar of Broad Chalke. Persecu- 
tion for the Word. With postscript on the interlocutory 
judgement & the present state of the case. [On author'' s 
Bunsen's Biblical researches in Essays & Reviews. P1259]. 

8". 1862 

Williams (William). A vocabulary of familiar dialogues in 

Eng. & Welsh ; etc. [6.M). Thomas (J.) Welsh interpreter, 

1828]. s8°. Carnarvon. 1832 

Williamson (George C), Litt.D. The Imperial Russian 

dinner service : story of a famous work by J. Wedgwood. 

4». 1909 

Milton. s8°. 1905 

Portrait miniatures. Text by G. C. W. Ed. by C. Holme. 

[Studio, Spring no., 1910]. laS". 1910 

Portraits, prints & writings of J. Milton ; w. app. & index by 

C. Savle. Exhib"*. at Christ's College, C. Milton Tercentenary]. 

^ la8o. [C.]. 1908 

see Morgan (J. P.) Cat. of coll. of jewels & precious works 

of art, the property of J. P. M. ; compiled by G. C. W., 


& H. L. D. Engleheart. G. Engleheart, 1750-1829, 

miniature painter to Geo. III. 4°. 1902 


WUlibaldus, presbyter [Wilibald]. Leben d. h. Bonifazius v. 
W., d. h. Leoba v. Rudolf v. Fulda, d. Abtes Sturmi v. 
Eigil, d. h. Lebuin v. Hucbald ; fibers, v. W. Arndt, 2* n. 
bearbt. A., see Gbsohiohtsohreiber (Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 
20 Gesammtausg., B13, 1888. 
Williston (Samuel Wendell). North American Plesiosaurs, 
pi, 1903, see Field Columbian Museum : Geolog. ser., v2, 
On the osteology of Nyctosaurus (Nyctodactylus), w. notes 
on Amer. Pterosaurs, 1903, see Field Columbian Museum : 
Geolog. ser., v2, 1903-7. 
Willkomm (Moritz) & J. Lange. Prodromus florae hispaniose. 

3v. 8°. Stuttgartiae. 1861-80 

Willrich (Hugo). Judaica. Forschungen zur heUen.-jiid. 

Gesch. u. Litt. 8". Gottingen. 1900 

Willy, ps. [i.e. H. Gauthibb Villaes]. Le mariage de Louis 

XV. d'apr^s des docs. nouv. & corresp. in^d. de Stanislas 

Leczinski. 8°. 1900 

Wilpert (Joseph). La Cripta dei papi e la Cappella di Santa 

Cecilia nel Cimitero di Callisto. Ia4<'. 1910 

Wilson (Elizabeth), aft. wife of Sir J. MacNeill, see MacNeill 

Wilson (Henry Joseph), M.P. Royal Commission on opium : 
Minute of dissent by W., w. h. notes, etc. [Suppl. to " The 
Friend of China," May, 1895. P462]. 8». 1895 

Wilson (Horace Hayman). Intr. to the Rig- Veda Sanhita. 

[P1259]. 8». Calcutta. 1852 

Wilson (James), A.M., T. CD. The politician & statesman on 

Ireland. [P1240]. 8". D. 1868 

Wilson {Rt. Hon. James), 1805-60. Legislative Council, 

Calcutta ; Financial statement. Corr. & revised, [w. 

Apps.]. 8°. Calcutta. 1860 

Legislative Council, Calcutta. Speech on a paper currency 

for India, [& App.]. [b.w.h. Legisl. Council : Financial 

statement, I860]. 8°. Calcutta, i860 

Wilson (John)„ M.A., T.C.D. New light on old problems: 

thoughts on science, theology, & ethics, [n. ed. of Thoughts 

on science, etc.]. 8°. 1904 

Wiltshire. W. parish registers : Marriages ; ed. W. P. W. 

Phillimore h J. Sadler, etc. v9, 10. 8". 1910 

Wimarson (Nils). Sveriges krig i Tyskland, 1675-79. 

8°. Lund. [1897-1903] 

Winckler (Hugo). Abraham als Babylonier, Joseph als 

Agypter. [P1242]. sS". L. 1903 

Alttestamentliche Untersuch. 8°. L. 1892 

Die babylon. Kultur in i. Beziehungen zur unsrigen : Vortrag. 

[P1242]. s8<>. L. 1902 

Gesch. Babyloniens u. Assyriens. [Volker u. Staaten d. alten 

Orients, 1]. 8°. L. 1892 

Die Gesetze Hammurabis ; fibers, v. H. W., 1902, see Altb 

Orient (Der), Jhrg. 4, 1902. 
Keilinschriftl. Textbuch z. Alten Test. Hrsg. v. W. [w. tr.]. 

8°. L'. 1892 
Windeck (Eberhard), b. 1380 [Windeckb]. Das Leben 
Konig Sigmunds ; fibers, v. Dr. v. Hagen, 1886, see Ge- 
SCHICHTSCHEBIBEB (Dib) d. deut. Vorzeit, Lfg. 79, 1886. 

„ [anoth. ed.], mit Nachtragen v. 0. Holder-Egger, see 
Gbsohiohtschbbibbb (Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 2« Ge- 
sammtausg., B87, 1899. 
Windham (Rt. Hon. William), see Bubke (Rt. Hon. E.) Corr. 

of B. & W., w. o. illust. letters ; ed. J. P. Gilson, 1910. 
Wingfield (Hugh Edward). Introd. to the study of hypnotism. 

s8o. 1910 

Winslow (Edward). Relation [1622] ; & Brief narration 

[1646], see Masbeield (J.) ed.. Chronicles of the Pilgrim 

Fathers, 1910. 

Winstanley (D. A.) Personal & party govt. A ch. in the 

polit. hist., 1760-6. 38°. C. 1910 

Winter (William), poet, writer. Shakespeare's England. 

8°. N.Y. 1910 

Winterfeld (Carl). Vollstandige Gesch. d. deutsoh-franzos. 

Krieges v. 1870 u. 1871. 8". 1871 

Winterfeldt (Gen. Hans Carl v.), see Vaenhagen v. Ense 

(C. A. L. P.) Biogr. Denkmale, T6, H. K. v. W., etc., 1873. 

Winternitz (Moriz), see Saobed books (The) oe the East, tr. ; 

ed. F. Max MfiUer, v50, Gen. index, comp. by M. W., 1910. 
Winzer (Julius Fridericus). *Comm. de loco Koheleth xi, 
9-xii, 7. [Rector Univ. Lips, indicit, 1818-19]. 

3p. [P1271]. 4". [L.? 1818-19 




Wippo. Das Leben Kaiser Konrad II. ; nebst Ausziigen aus 

d. Jahrbuchern v. S. Gallen u. d. Schwab. Weltchronik ; 

libers, v. W. Pfliiger, 2^ A., neu bearbt. etc. v. W. Watten- 

bach, see Geschichtschkeibee (Die) d. deut. Vorzeit, 

2" Gesammtausg., B41, 1892. 
Wissenschaftlicher jahresbericht iiber d. morgenland. Studien, 

1868 etc., see Detjtsche Moegenland. Gbsellsohaft. 
Wissowa (Georg). Naevius u. d. Meteller, see Robert (C.) 

C. R. : GenethUakon, 1910. 
Withers (Hartley). Stocks & shares. 8°. 1910 

Witkop (Philipp). Die neuere deutsche Lyrik. 

Bl. 8°. L. 1910 

1, Von Friedrich v. Spee bis Holderlin. 

Wittekindus. Sachs. Geschichten ; fibers, v. R. Schottin, 
2'= A., neu bearbt. v. W. Wattenbach ; nebst d. Schrift ii. d. 
Herkunft d. Schwaben u. Abraham Jakobsens Bericht ii. 
d. Slavenlander, see Geschichtsohbeibee (Die) d. deut. 
Vorzeit, 2" Gesammtausg., B33, 1891. 
Witt-Guizot (Francois de). Les reflexions de M. Houlette — 
notes SUT 1' education. s8°. 1909 

Wohlenberg (Gustav). Das Evangelium d. Markus ; ausge- 
legt V. G. W., see Zahn (T.) Komm. z.. Neuen Test., B2, 
WolJerus, canon. [Wolfhee, v. Hildesheim]. 
see Altaich. Die grosseren Jahrbiicher v. A., [attrib. in 

part to W.] ; libers, v. L. Weiland, 2<= A., 1893. 
„ Thanqmaeus. Die Lebensbeschr. d. Bisohofe Bernward 
[by r.] u. Godehard [by W.] ; ubers. v. H. Hiiffer, 
2« A., 1892. 
Wolfi (Julius). Der Sachsenspiegel. Eine Gesch. aus d. 
Hohenstaufenzeit. [Fiction]. s8". 1909 

Wolff (Lucien). An essay on Keats' s treatment of the heroic 
rhythm &. blank verse. 8°. Paris. 1909 

Wolff (Otto). Das Buch Judith. [P1300]. 8°. L. 1861 

Wolff (Salomon .Abraham), see Mishnah. Mischna-Lese ; 
mit deutseher tjbers. u. Anmerkungen ; v. S. A. W., HI, 
2, 1866-8. 
Wolfher, v. Hildesheim, see Wolfeeits, canon. 
Wolski (Kalixt). La Pologne : sa gloire, s. souffrances, s. 
evolutions. s8'>. 1911 

Women, International Council of. Report of Trans, of 4th 
Quinquennial meeting, Toronto, 1909 ; w. reports of the 
National Councils & Internat. Standing Comms., 1908-9. 
Ed. by Countess of Aberdeen. 8°. 1910 

Wontner (Adrian). The Lords, their hist. & powers. s8°. 1910 
Wood (Anthony &). Athense Oxonienses, hist, of writers & 
bps. who have had their education in Univ. of Oxford, 
1500-1690 ; added, the Fasti, or Annals of [0.]. 

2v in 1. fol. 1691-2 

Wood (Sir Henry Trueman). Industrial Eng. in middle of 

18th 0. s8o. 1910 

Woodburn (James Albert) & T. P. Moran. American hist. & 

govt. A text-book. 8". N.Y. 1906 

Wood-Jones (F.), F.Z.8. Coral & atolls : their hist., descr., 

theories of orig., etc. 8°. 1910 

Woodstock. The Queen's Majesty's entertainment at W., 

1575, f. fragment of ed. of 1585, incl. the Tale of Hemetes 

the hermit, & a comedy in verse, probably by 6. Gasooigne. 

Intr. by A. W. Pollard. 

repr. at Oxford, 1903 & 1910. s4o. 0. 1910 
Woodward (Henry), F.B.S., see Jones (T. R.) & H. W. Brit. 

Palaeozoic Phyllopoda, 1888/99. 
Woodward (Horace Bolingbroke). The geology of water- 
supply. s8<'. 1910 
Woodward (William Harrison). Short hist, of expansion of 
Brit. Empire, 1500-1902. [repr.]. s8<>. C. 1907 
WooUey (C. L.) La Civita in the valley of the Sabato, see 

British Schoqi, at Rome. Papers, v5, 1910. 

WooUey (Reginald Maxwell). The liturgy of the primitive 

Church. sS". Cambridge. 1910 

Woolridge (John). *Systema horti-culturae : or, the art of 

gardening. 8". 1677 

Woordenboek. W. d. Nederlandsche taal, in prog., 1910, 

etc., see Veies (M. de), L. A. Te Winkel, & others, edd. 
Wootton (A. C.) Chronicles of pharmacy. 2v. 8". 1910 

Worcell (Stanislas). 
see Heezen (A.) CoiHHeeia, tlO, Cuepit C. D., 1879. 
, CSopHHKi, [C. B.], 1904. 

Worcester. Calendar of wills & admin=. in the Consistory 

Court of the bp. of W. [v2] 1601-52 ; also marriage licenses 

& sequestrations in the Probate Registry at W. ; ed. 

E. A. Fry, see Beit. Reo. Soc. Index Lib., v39, 1910. 
Wordsworth (John), bp. of Salisbury. The National Church 

of Sweden. [Hale Lects., 1910]. 8". 1911 

Wordsworth (WUliam), poet laureate. Poetical works. 

4v. n. ed. sS". 1832 
Workman (Fanny Bullock) & W, H. Workman. Ice-bound 

heights of the Mustagh. Ia8°. 1908 

Workman (William Hunter), see Workman (F. B.) & W. H. W. 

Ice-bound heights of the Mustagh, 1908. 
World (The) [1753-6]. [Ed.] by A. Fitz-Adam. 4v. 88°. 1794 
World Missionary Conference, 1910. Report of Commission 

1-8. [9v]. sS". E. [1910] 

1, Carrying the Gospel to all non-Xtn. world. 2, The Church in mission 
field. 3, Educ. in rel. to christianieation of national life. 4, Mis- 
sionary message in rel. to non-Xtn. religs. 5, Training of teachers. 
6, Home base of missions [* Bibliog.]. 7, Missions & govts. 8, 
Co-operation & promotion of unity. [9], Hist. <fc records of the 
Conf. ; w. addresses at evening meetings. 

Worringer (Wilhelm). Lukas Cranach. [Klass. lUustra- 
toren, hrsg. K. Bertels, 3]. laS". Miinchen. 1908 

Worsfold (William Basil). The principles of criticism. 

n. ed. s8o. 1902 
Worship. *Nature w. ; ace. of phallic faiths etc., 1891, see 

Worth (Thomas Burnet). Exeter cathedral & its restoration. 

80. Exeter. 1878 
Wotton (Thomas). The English baronetage : cont. genealog. 
& hist. ace. of all the Eng. baronets, etc. Added, An ace. 
of such Nova-Scotia baronets as are of Eng. families, etc. 

4v in 5 [3 i, ii]. 8". 1741 
Wraner (Henrik). Helgdaesbilder och hvardagshistorier. 

8». [1893] 
Wreath (A) of Xmas carols & poems, 1906, see Andeews 

(W.), ed. 
Wrede (D. W.) Das Messiasgeheimnis in d. Evangelien. 
Zugleich e. Beitr. z. Verstandnis d. Markusevangeliums. 

8°. Gottingen. 1901 

Wright (Sir Almroth Edward), see Vaccine thbeapy. V. t. : 

its admin. , value, & limitations ; discussion opened by Sir 

A. E. W., 1910. 

Wright (Charles Edward). Univ. of Dublin. Undergraduate 

Philosoph. Soc. Address at opening of session 1861-2. 

By C. E. W. [P1259]. 8°. D. 1862 

Wright (Charles Henry Hamilton), D.D. *Anc. Hebrew 

inscriptions in the Crimea, [no tp. ; part of Christian 

Observer, May, 1869. P1263]. 8o. 1869 

The importance of linguistic preparation for missionaries. 

[P1240]. 8°. 1863 

♦Inscriptions in anc. Karaite Hebrew MSS. [no tp. ; part of 

Christian Observer, July, 1869. P1263]. 8°. 1869 

Wright (Charles Theodore Hagberg). 

see London Libeaey. Cat. ; by C. T. H. W., 1903 : Suppl. 

1-8, 1904-11. 

„ Subject-index ; by C. T. H. W., 1909. 

Wright (Ernest Hunter). The authorship of Timon of Athens. 
[Columbia Univ., Studies in Eng.]. 8°. N.Y. 1910 

Wright (Sir Robert Patrick). The standard cyclopedia of 
mod. agriculture & rural econ. Under editorship of W. 

v8-10, Lan-Sho. 8". 1910 
Wright (Thomas). A volume [& A second vol.] of vocabu- 
laries. Ed. f. MSS. by T. W. [Library of Nat. Antiq. ; 
J. Mayer]. 

[2v. ; vl, 2nd ed.]. la8o. p.p. [vl, Liverpool]. 1873-82 
Wright (William). Cat. of the coll. of autograph letters of 
W. W. ; sold by Sotheby June etc. 1899. 

[5th day's-7th day's sale]. [P1234]. 8°. [1899] 

Wright (William), prof, of Arabic, Cambridge. *The Moabite 

Inscription, [no tp. ; part of North British rev., Oct., 1870. 

P1251]. 8°. [1870] 

Writers' (The) & artists' year book. Directory for writers, 

artists & photographers, 1910. s8». 1910 

Wroth (Warwick), see British Mtjseitm : Coins & Medals. 

Imperial Byzantine coins in B.M. ; by W. W., 1908. 
Wulff (Oskar). Altchristliche u. mittelalterl. byzantin. u. 
ital. Bildwerke. Bearbt. v. 0. W. Tl, Altohristl. Bild- 
werke. [Konigl. Museen zu Berlin, Beschreibung d. Bild- 
werke d. christl. Epochen,-2'= A., B3]. 4". 1909 




Bl. 8". L. 1910 
B4. S". L. 1910 

Wundt (Wilhelm Max). KJelne Sohriften. 

B4, Mythus u. Relig., Tl, 2«, neu bearb. A- 
Wiinsche (August). Neue Beitrage z,. Eriauterung d. Evan- 

gelien aus Talmud u. Midraach. 8". Gottingen. 1878 

Wiirzburg: Universitatsbibliothek, see Bible : Paul. 

EpistolsB beatl P. glosatse ; Irisoh-lat. Codex d. W. Univ.- 

Bibl., 1910. 
Wust (Paul), see LiLiB. Die L., u. a. geistl. Gedichte ; 

V. P. W., 1909. 

Wyatt (Sir Matthew Digby). Notices of sculpture in ivory, 
by W. ; & A cat. of anc. ivory-carvings in var. ooUs. by 
E. Oldfield. [Arundel Soc.]. 4P. 1856 

Wykeham (William vf), bp. of Winchester, Ld. High Chan- 
cellor, see Collins (W. E.) Typical Eng. Churchmen, s2, 
W. of W., by W. A. Spooner, 1909. 

Wylie (I. A. R.) The rajah's people. 5th ed. s8". [1910] 

Wynn (Miss Frances Williams). *Diaries of a lady of quality 
[F. W. W.], 1797-1844. Ed., w. notes, by A. Hayward. . 

2nd ed. sS". 1864 





Xanten, see Fttlda. Die Jahrbiioher v. F. u. X. ; fibers, v. 

C. Rehdantz, 2^ A., 1889. 
Xenophon. Scripta minorg,. faso. 1, Oeeonomioum, Con- 
vivium, Hieronem, Agesilaum, Apologiam Socratis con- 
tinens. Post L. Dindorf ed. T. Thalheim. 

88°. L., Teubner. 1910 
X. omnia quse exstant opera. Quorum interp. k diversis 
datam H. Stephaniis recog., etc. In Leunclavianse interp. 
errores insignes inquisitio H. Stephani : interim dum app. 
ad annot. Grsecse ed. suae subjunctas difEert. [With ind 
tp., without date, <fc cont. list of contents], [b.w. Xenophon, 
H. TCi (ra>(6niva $t$\ia, 1581]. 

fol. [? Paris : H. Stephanus]. 1596 

Xenophon [continued]. 
Sevotl>avTcis Tci (ra>(6fieva Pi$\la. X. quse extant opera. 
Annot. H. Stephani, multum looupletatae. 

ed. 2". fol. [Geneva] : H. Stephanus. 1581 
The Annot. have sep. pagin. ' Foratr., which formed pS 
of the 1st ed., see sep. entry, 
see DiEHL (C.) Quo tempore, qua mente soriptus sit X. lib. 

qui ndpoi inscribitur, 1888. 
„ Plato. Socratio discourses by P. & X., tr., 1910. 
Ximenez de Urrea (Pedro Manuel). Cancionero. Publ. por 
la Exoma. diputacion de Zaragoza. [Bibl. de Escritores 
Aragoneses : Secc. lit., t2]. 8". Zaragoza. 1878 

Xystus, Fythagorceus, see Sbxtus. 







Yaiya ibn 'Adi (Abfl Zakariya) [Jahja ibn 'AdI], sec Gkaf 
(Lt) Die Phil. u. Gotteslehre d. J. ibn 'Adi u. spaterer 
Autoren, 1910. 

^^^^ 'Jf ^**' '^-^«*''»«» [Abtt Nase Yahya ibn Hame] 
1 he 31st chapter of The lamp that guides to salvation. 
lArab^c text]. Ed. W. Cureton. [P1249] 8° 1865 

Yftklib, 3Iar, bp. of Bdessa [Jacob]. Letter by Mar J. on 
Syriao orthography ; also a tract by the same author, & 
a Disc, by Gregory Bar Hebrseus on Syriac accents. Ed 
w. tr. & notes, by G. Phillips. 8° 1869 

Yale University. Report of Y. U., 1904/5, 1905/6. 

„.. . , ,. , s8°. [New Haven]. 1905-6 

xatsimirsky (A. I.) HOBtsnuaa noihCKan .iiiTopaTvna nri, IgfiS 

2t. 80. C.-n. [1908] 
Year Books. Year books of Edward II, v5, Eyre of Kent 
1313-4, vl ; ed. F. W. Maitland, L. W. V. Harcourt & 
W. C. Bolland, 1910, see Selden Society. 
Year-book of Australia. 1904. 8°. [1904] 

For another publication, entitled OflScial year book etc., 
see AtrSTEALiA. 
Year-Book of New South Wales. 1905-7. Comp. by ed. of 
Year-Book of Australia. 8°. 1905-7 

For the Official year book, see New Sotith Wales. 
Yeates (Thomas). CoUation of an Indian copy of the Hebrew 
Pentateuch, w. prelim, remarks : cont. descr. of the MS. 
& of others coll. by C. Buchanan ; collation of a MS. roll 
of Esther ; & MegiUah of Ahasuerus, f. Hebrew copy, w. 
tr. \h.w. Beer (E. F. F.) Inscr. vet., 1840]. 4°. C. 1812 
Yeats (William Butler). Deirdre : being v5 of Plays for an 
Irish theatre. 88°. 1907 

The green helmet & o. poems. 

8°. Churchtown, Dundrum. 1910 
see Dublin Univbesity Review (The), 1885, 1886, [parts 
of ; cont. poems, etc., by W. B. Y.], 1885-6. 
Yehud^ Ha-Levl, see Judah, ben Samuel, the Levite. 
Yole (Jean). Les arrivants. [Roman]. 2^ ed. sS". 1910 

Yonge (Charles Duke). EngHsh-Greek lexicon. 

n. ed. 40. 1865 

Yonge (Charlotte Mary). Countess Kate, & The Stokesley 

secret. [repr.]. s8''. 1902 

Yorke (Charles Philip), 4tf>- earl of Hardmche, see Haedwicke 

(C. P. Y., m e. of). 
Yorke (Curtis) ps. Wayward Anne. sS". [1910] 

Yorkshire. Feet of Fines for Co. of Y., 1327-47. Ed. W. P. 

Baildon. [Yorkshire Arohajol. Soc. Rec. ser., 42]. 8°. 1910 

Memorials of old Y., ed. T. M. Fallow, 1909, see Fallow 

(T. M.) 

Yorkshire ArchaBologieal Society. Library of the Y. A. S. 

Index corrected to Dec, 1897. 8". Leeds. 1898 

Record ser. v42 (1910). 8°. 1910 

see YoEKSHiEE. Feet of fines, 1327-47 ; ed. W. P. 

Baildon, 1910. [42.] 

Yoshio Mikami, see Mikami (Y.) 

Young (Alexander), of Blackheath. Cat. of coll. of mod. 

pictures & water-colour drawings, chiefly of Barbizon & 

Dutch Schools; 3rd portion of coll. of A. Y. Sold by 

Messrs. Christie, June 30th etc., 1910. [w. plates]. 4°. 1910 

Young (Carl). Some texts of liturgical plays, [ed. Y.], see 

MoDEEN LANOtTAGE Assoc. OF Amee. Pubis., v24, 1909. 
Young (George), b. 1872 ; son of Sir G. Young, 3rd bart. Corps 
de droit ottoman. Recueil des codes, lois, etc. de I'Empire 
Ottoman. 7t. 8°. 0. 1905-6 

Young {col. George Frederick), C.B. The Medici. 

2v. 8°. 1909 
Young (Harold Edgar). A perambulation of the Hundred of 
Wirral in the Co. of Chester. Introd. by W. F. Irvine. 

8°. Liverpool. 1909 

Young (John), prof, of Greek in Glasgow. *Criticism on the 

Elegy wr. in a country church yard. 8°. 1783 

Young (John Radford). A letter to the Earl of Clarendon, in 

ref. to the mathemat. professorship in the Queen's College 

for Ulster. [P1238]. 8". [1850] 

Young (Norwood). The growth of Napoleon : a study in 

environment. 8°. 1910 

Younghusband (Ethel). Glimpses of East Africa & Zanzibar. 

80. 1910 

Younghusband {Sir Francis Edward). India & Tibet : hist. 

of relations f. W. Hastings to 1910, etc. 80. 1910 

Ysserles (Moses), see Moses, ben Israel Isserles. 

Yve-Plessis (R.) Essai d'une bibhog. fran9aise de la soroellerie 

et de la possession d^moniaque. Pr6f. par A. de Rochas. 

80. 1900 

see Capon (G.) & R. Y.-P. Les theatres clandestins, 1905. 

Yves, d^Evreux, missionaire. Voyage dans le nord du Bresil, 

fait dur. 1613 et 1614 par Y. d'E. Publ., avec introd., etc. 

par F. Denis. [Bibliotheca Americana]. 80. L. 1864 

Z. (A.) 




Z. (A.), see Egypt. Theemancipationof E., by A Z tr 1905 
ZaehMias, rhetor, bp. of Mityhne. The Eeclesiastic'al history 

of Z. R. Tr. by P. J. Hamilton. S" jj j, 1892 

Zahn (Ernst). Einsamkeit. 88° St 1910 

Zahn (Johann Kleophas Adolph). IsraeUt. u. iiid. Gesch 

Beurteilung d. Schrift v. J. Wellhausen 1894. Mlt Beilagen 
ry ,, /mu .. . -r. [P1249]. 8°. Gutersloh. 1895 

Zann (Theodor). Komm. zum Neuen Test. Hrsg. v. T. Z. 

B2! 80. L. 1910 

2, Das Evangelium d. Markus ; ausgelegt v. G. Wohlenberg. 1. u. 2. A. 

Zakoskin (Michail Nikolaevich). Kj.ibMa Pcimmib. 

„ ^ ,^. ^ [P1276]. 88°. C.-n, 1908 

Zambaldi (Francesco). Grammatica ital. 

lOS' ed. s8». Milano. 1892 

Vocabolano etimologioo ital. 8°. Citta di Castello. 1889 

Zambino, canon of Pistoja, see Zajtobio. 
Zamenhof (Ludwig Lazare). Fundamenta krestomatio de la 

lingvo esperanto. Sesa eldono. [Esperanto verkaro de 

I^°- Z.]. s8o. Paris. 1909 

Zamflrescu (Duiliu). Poporanismul in lit. Cu raspuns de 

T. Maioresou. [Acad. Romana]. laS". 1909 

Zanobio, canon of Pistoja [Zambino ; Zbnoeio], see Pistolbsi. 

*Istorie pistolesi etc. dalF anno 1300 al 1348, [attr. to Z.] 

Zanoguera (Joan). Relacion del suceso de la Goleta y fuerte 

de Ttinez y isla del Estano, see Agtjilak (P. db). Memorias 

del cautivo etc., 1875. 
Zanoni (Eniico). Pagine di storia contemp. del risorgimento 

ital. s8o. Torino. 1876 

Zdvodszky (Levente), see Radvanszky {Baron B.) & L. Z. A 

Hedervary-csalad okleveltara, kl, 1909 ; Oklevel-hason- 

masok, 1909. 
Zeddeler {Baron v.), see Sbddblbe (B. v.) 
Zehnpiund (Rudolf). Babylonien in s. wichtigsten Ruinen- 

statten, see Altb (Dee) Okient ; Jhrg. 11, 1910. 
Zeitgemasse Traktate aus d. Beformationszeit. Hrsg. v. C. v. 

Kilgelgen. Hl-6. sS". L. 1902-5 

1, Die Gefangenschaf tsbrief e d. J. Hus [i.e. Vier christ] . Brief e, verteutscht 

sampt e. Vorrede M. Luthers], 1636 ; hrsg. v. C. v. Kiifcelgen. 

2, 'Bu^eiihagens Christl. Vermahnung an d. Bdhmen, 1546 ; hrsg. v. C. v. 


3, Huttens Briefe an Luther, [w. Anhang, Hutten an Pirckheymer] ; [in 

Latin]: hrsg. v. E. Spranger. 

4, Zwinglis Vademekum fiir gebildete Jiinglinge [i.e. Quo paoto ingenui 

adolescentes forinandi sint, prajceptiones], 1523 ; hrsg. v. C. v. 

5, Melanchthons Blnltg. in d. lehre d. Paulus t. Jahr 1620 [i.e. Declam- 

atiuncula in D. Pauli doctrinam d: Bpistola ad J. Hessum] ; hrsg. v. 
D. J. K. F. Knaake. 

6, J. Hus Von Schadliohkeit d. Tradition, [Verdeiitsch durch W. Ijinck, 

15SS1] ; hrsg. v. C. v. Ktigelgen. 

Zeitschrift d. Deutschen Morgenland. Gesellschaft, B 14^62, 

1860-1908, see Deutsche Mokgenland. Gbsbllsohaet. 
Zeitschrift f. roman. Philologie. Hrsg. v. G. Grober. 

B31-33 ; Suppls. 28-33. 8». Halle. 1906-9 
The Bihliog. Suppls. to B28-33 are b. sep. 

. .Register z. Bl-30. Zusammengestellt 

"v. L. Beszard. S". Halle a. S. 1910 

Beihefte. H21, 23-26, 29. 8°. Halle a. S. 1910 

see Benedetto (L. F.) II " Roman de la rose " e la lettera- 

tura ital., 1910. [21-] 

„ GiBBACH (E.) Synkope u. Lautabstufung, 1910. [24. J 

Hamel (A.) Der Cid im span. Drama des 16 u. 17 Jhdts., 

1910. [25-] 

Zeitschrift f. roman. Philologie \continmd]. 

see Mbyer-Lubke (W.) Prinzipienfragen d. roman. Sprach- 

wiss., Tl, 1910. [26.] 

,, Semratj (F.) Wiirfel u. Wiirfelspiel im alten Frankreich, 

1910. [23.] 

„ Spitzes, (L.) Die Wortbildung als stilist. Mittel exemplif. 

an Rabelais, etc., 1910. [29.] 

Zeller (Eduard). Kleine Schriften. Unter Mitwirkung v. H. 

Diels u. K. Holl hrsg. v. 0. Leuze. Bl, 2. 8°. 1910 

Zeller (Jules). Entretiens sur I'hist. du moyen age. 

pi i, ii, 2 ii. [pi i, ii, 3= 6d.]. s8o. 1884-92 

1 i, Chute de I'Empire remain— Invasions harbares— L'Sglise chritienne— 
Clovis & les M6rovingiens. 

1 ii, Civilisations chr6tieune & mahom^taue — Jiistinlen — Mahomet — St. 

Gr6goire-le.Grand — Charlemagne & les Carolingiens. 

2 ii, Villes & communes— Eoyaut^ frang.- Philippe-Aug. & St. Louis— 

Bonilaoe VIII & Philippe le Bel. 

Zeller (Ulrich). Bischof Salomo III. v. Konstanz, Abt v. St. 

Gallen. 8°. L. 1910 

Zenobio, canon of Pistoja, see Zanobio. 
Zeumer (Carl). Leges Visigothorum antiquiores ; ed. Z., 

1894, see Visigoths. 
Zeuss (Johann Caspar). Grammatica Celtica. ed. 2^ curavit 

H. Ebel. laS". Berolini. 1871 

Zezschwitz (C. A. Gerhard v.) Petri Apostoli de Christi ad 

Inferos descensu sententia, 1. Ep. 3., 19. [P1264]. 8°. L. 1857 
Zhishman (Joseph). Das Ehereeht d. oriental. Kirche. 

80. Wien. 1864 
Zhukovsky, see Shitkovsky. 

Zilcken (Philip). Jozef Israels. s4o. Bergamo. 1910 

Zimmeru (Heinrich), Ph.D. Keilinsohriften u. Bibel nach i. 

religionsgeschichtl. Zusammenhang. [P1242]. s8o. 1903 

ZingarelH (Nicola). Parole e forme d. Divina Commedia 

aliene dal dialetto fiorentino, see MoNACi (E.) Studj di 

filol. rom., vl, 1885. 
Zinzendorf (Nicolaus Ludwig, Oraf v.), see Vaknhagen v. 

Ense (C. a. L. p.) Biogr. Denkmale, T5, Graf L. v. Z., 1873. 
ZippeliUS (A.), seeWiBGAND (T.) Priene. Ein Begleitwort z. 

Rekonstr. v. A. Zippelius, 1910 ; Tafel, 1910. 
Zoological Society of Dublin, see Royal Zoological Society 

OE Ikbland. 
Zorn (Anders Leonard), see Sbkvaes (F.) A. Z., 1910. 
Ziigel (Heinrich von), see Bibkmann (G.) H. v. Z., 1910. 
Zunz (Leopold). Die gottesdienstl. Vortrage der Juden, 

histor. entwickelt. 2^ mit e. Register verm. A., hrsg. v. N. 

Brtill. 80. Frankfurt a. M. 1892 

Zur. *Z. Gesch. d. christl. Kirche, 3^ A., 1856, see Biesbnthal 

(J. H. R.) 
Zurlinden (gen. Emile Augusta P. T.) Napoleon & ses mare- 

chaux. [2t]. s8o. 1910 

[1], Napolion. [2], Les mar^chaux. 

Zweig (Stefan). Emile Verhaeren, s. Tie, s. oeuTre. Tr. 
P. Morisse et H. Chervet. [With bibliog.]. 2« ed. s8o. 1910 
Zvnnger (Theodor), M.D., the elder. Etat de Paris au 16« a. 
Extr. de " Methodus apodemica," 1577 ; tr. J. Cousin, see 
SocifiTfi DE l'Hist. de Pakis, etc. Mems., tl, 1875. 
Zwingli (Ulrich). 
see Zeitgemasse Traktate aus d. Reformationszeit, H4, 
U. Z., Vademekum fiir gebildete Jiinglinge [i.e. Quo pacto 
ingenui adolescentes formandi sint, prseceptiones] ; nach 
d. Urdruck v. Jahr 1523 hrsg. v. C. t. Kugelgen, 1904. 
„ Sohweizbr (A.) Z.'s Bedeutung neben Luther, 1884. 




The names of books of reference consulted have been placed in ( ). 

^^ ^n^f/n™^' °* ^^^ "1!*^?" °^ *^« foUowing anonymous and 
pseudonymous books have been ascertained :— 

♦Adventures in Borneo, [fiction], 1849. Btj Mrs. C. G F 
Orore. {Notes <fc Queries, slO, vj,, 'page 7-8, 1905) 
^TL\'^t^'\'^l^°7^^ Lewes & Brlghthelmston, ed. 
!/■/*:»., ^9;PaulD„nvan. {Letter f. H. D. Roberts, 
of the Brighton Public Lib. db B M ] 
♦Bismarck in Versailles, 1870-1, 1886. By Hermann 
Robolsky. {Stuttgart, Kat. d. stand. Bibl. S., 1907) 
Die Blutbeschuldigung gegen d. Juden, 2^ A., 1883. Hrsq 
V Emanuel Baumgarten. (Pop. Wiss. Monatsbl. d. Jul 
hrsg. V. Mendelssohn-Verein, S. Jhrg., No. 3, page 71) 
*Bnefwechsel einer englishen Dame tiber d. Judenthum 
u. Semitismus, 1883. By Hirsch Gratz. {Allgemeine 
Deutsche Biog.). 
♦ChristHche Zeugnisse gegen d. Blutbeschuldigung d. Juden, 

1882. Hrsg. v. Alois MuUer. ( Holzmann). 
♦Confessio medici; By the writer of The young people, 1908 

By Stephen Paget. ( Who's Who). 
♦Creed of Buddha, 1908. By Edmond G. A. Holmes 

♦Creed of Christ, 3rd ed., 1906. By Edmond G. A. Holmes. 

Dante Alighieri : Inferno. ♦Comento alia Cantica dell' 
Inferno di D. A. di autore anonimo, 1848. By Graziuolo 
de' Bambagiuoli. ( Cornell Univ. Lib. Cat. of Dante Coll 
vl, page 116, 1898-1900). 

An Italian tr. of C. de' B.'s work which was written in 
Latin in 13^4. 
♦A description of more than 300 animals, etc. ; rev. by A. D. M., 
H. F. S. A., n. ed., 1812. By Ange Denis Mac Quin. 
{Diet, of Nat. Biog.). 
♦Eritis sicut Deus, 2^ A., 1855 ; & Aufschlusse, 1860. By 
Wilhelmine Friedrike Gottliebe Canz [not Marie Schwab]. 
{Kbnig {R.) Deutsche Literaturgesch. ; Meyer {R. M.) 
Grundriss d. neu deut. Lit., page 190, 1907 ; Pineau (i.) 
Evolut. du ronian en AUemagne, page 18S, 1908). 
♦Fair Diana ; by Wanderer, 1884. By EUm Henry D'Avig- 

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♦Die Garantien d. Macht u. Einheit Osterreichs, 1859. By 
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zeichniss, 187S-5). 
♦Die Geheimnisse d. sachsischen Cabinets, 1745-56, 2B, 1866. 
By Carl Friedrich Graf Vitzthum von Eckstadt. {DaM- 
mann-Waitz, Quellenkunde d. deut. Gesch., 6' A., 1898). 
♦Das geistige Doppelleben, 1856. By Hubert Beckers. 

{Brockhaus, Vollstdndiges Verzeichniss, 187S—S). 
♦Gereimte Ratsel aus d. deutschen Reich, 1876. By Gustav 

Pfizer. {Reimer [0.], of Berlin ; Verla^skat., 1895). 
♦Italienische Krieg u. d. Aufgabe Preussens, 1859. By 
Ferdinand Lassalle. {Allgemeine Deut. Biog., tb Stamm- 
hammer {J.) Bibliog. d. Sooialismus). 
♦Josephe Miinsterberg, 3B, 1850. By Jodoeus Deodat 

Hubert Temme. {Allgemeine Deutsche Biog.). 
♦Der Krieg d. Congressidee v. e. Freunde d. Wahrheit, 1868. 

By Moritz Adler. {Holzmann). 
♦Leben u. Thaten d. Konigs v. Preussen Friderici Wilhelmi, 
1735. By David Fassmann. {DaMmann-Waitz, Quellen- 
kunde d. deut. Gesch., 6. A., 1894, tfc Allgemeine Deut. Biog.). 
♦Lebensbilder, geschichtliche u. KulturgeschichtHche, 2T, 

1868-9. By Eduard Petri. {Allgemeine Deutsche Biog.). 
♦A loose rein ; by Wanderer, 1887. By EUm Henry D' Avig- 
dor. {Jewish Ency., <fc Boase, v4). 
♦Marcia in Germany, 1908. By Miss Sybil Spottiswoode. 

{Ath^ncEum, June, 1911, page 660). 
♦Memoirs of Sophia Dorothea, consort of George I, 2v, 1845. 
By Robert Folkestone WiUiams. {Greenwood {A. D.) 
Lives of Hanoverian queens, vl, page vii, 1909). 

The meteorology of Sussex, 1874-5. By Frederick Ernest 

Sawyer. {Letter f. H. D. Roberts, of Brighton Public Lib.). 
♦On mankind their orig. & destiny, 1872. By Arthur Dyot 

Thomson. {Allibone, cfc Gushing). 
♦Un mot sur I'ouvrage du marq. de Custine : La Russie en 

1839, par un Russe, 1843. By K. Labensky. {Querard, 

Supercheries, vS, page 447-8). 
♦Notes on the Caucasus; by Wanderer, 1883. By Elim 

Henry D' Avigdor. {Jewish Ency., cfc Boase, v4). 
♦Pan-Germanic doctrine : a study of German polit. aims, 1904 

By Austin Harrison. ( Who's Who). 
♦Le pape [Pius IX] & le Congrds, 1859. By vte. de La Gueron- 

niere, 1859. {Walpole, Hist, of 25 years, vl, page S69, & 

Cavour, Lettere di, v3, p385). 
♦Review of the Proceedings agst. R. Bentley in Cambridge ; 

By N. 0., M.A. of the same univ., 1719. By John Byrom. 

(Bartholomew's Bentley bibliog., 1908). 
♦La Russie & I'equilibre europ^en ; Par un Homme d'Etat, 

1854. Bi/ Ewerbeck. {Querard, Supercheries, v2, page 300). 
Russische Wandlungen, 1882. By JuUus Wilh. Alb. v. 

Eckardt. (Stuttgart, Kat. d. stand. Bibl. Stuttgart, 1907 

[page 588] dh Deimold. LandesbiU. D., Kat. d. Zuaanqe. 

1869-95, 1896). 
♦Russland unter Alex. II : zur innern Gesch. etc., 1855-60, 

1860. By Aurel Buddeus. (Brockhaus, Vollstdndiges 

Verzeichniss, 187S-5). 
♦Russlands inneres Leben, 3B, 1846. By Eduard Kolbe. 

(Engelmann Oeogr. Bib.). 
♦Salmon fishing in Canada, 1860. By Wilham Agar Adamson. 

( Boase, v4). 
♦Schweizerisohe Zustande, 1856. By G. F. Kolb. (Zurich, 

Lib. Cat., 1898 ; dk Bibliog. d. Schweizer. Landeskunde. 

♦The scourge of Venus, [a paraphrase f. Ovid, by H. A., 1614] 

1876-80. By Henry Austin. (Diet, of Nat. Biog. dk Hufh 

Lib. Cat.). 
♦Stunden der Andacht, 25^ A., 1846. Hrsg. v. J. H. D. 

Zschokke. ( Oodeke [C] Grundriss z. Gesch. d. deut. Dich- 

♦Das Unbewusste Geistesleben u. d. gottl. Ofl'enbarung, 1859. 

By Hermann, Furst zu Wied. (Brockhaus, Vollstdnd. 

Verzeichniss, 1872-5). 
♦Who is the real enemy of Germany, 1868. By Onno Klopp. 

(Biogr. Jahrbuch, 8, page 123 ; di: Klopp (0.) Sammlunq d. 

Werke 0. K., 1903]. 
♦The young people ; By one of the old people, 1906. By 

Stephen Paget. ( Who's Who). 
♦Zur Geschiohte d. ungar. Freiheitskampes, 2B, 1851. By 

Baron Nicolaus Josika. (Kertbeny (C.M.) d; G. Petrik. 

Ungarns deut. Bibliog., 1801-60, 1886). 
♦Zweihundert Bildnisse u. Lebensbeschreibungen beruhmter 
deutscher Manner, 2"= A., 1857. By Ludwig Bechstein. 

(2) Names which have been found to be pseudonyms : — 

Ackworth (John) ps. [i.e. Rev. F. R. Smith, of Patricroft, 

Manchester]. (Literary Year- Book). 
Agnus (Oime) ps. [i.e. John C. Higginbotham]. (Literary 

Year- Book). 
Anderson {capt. Lindsay) ps. [i.e. Alexander Christie]. 

(Boase, v4). 
Barine (Arvede) ps. [i.e. Mme. C^cile Vincens], {Qui ites- 

vous ?). 
Corvo (Frederick Baron) ps. [i.e. Frederick William S. A. L. M. 

Rolfe]. (Literary Year- Book). 
De Burgh (A.) ps. [i.e. Edward Morgan Alborough]. (Litei- 

ary Year- Book). 
Dehan (Richard) ps. [i.e. Miss Clotilde Graves]. 


Ellangowan, ps. [i.e. James Glass Bertram]. {Boase, v4, page 

Ferval (Claude) ps. [i.e. baronne Aimery Harty de Pierrebourg, 
nee Marguerite Thomas- Qalline]. ( Qni eies-vous ?). 

Gerard (Frances A.) ps. [i.e. Geraldine Fitzgerald]. {Times, 
May S, 1910). 

Gilbert (George) ps. [i.e. Miss M. L. Arthur]. {Catholic Who's 

Gilpin (Sidney) ps. [i.e. G. Coward]. {Bookseller, 189S, page 

Graham (Scott) ps. [i.e. Miss Hazelton Black] {Who's Who 
Year- Booh). 

Gray (Annabel) ps. [i.e. Mrs. Cox, 6. ISSS]. {Literary Year- 

Hall (Owen) ps. [i.e. James Davis, dramatic author}. 

Jetsam, 1897 ; The track of a storm, 1895. The ps. 
has also been used by H. H. Lush. 

Halsham (John) ps. [i.e. G. Forrester Scott]. {Literary Year- 

Hare (Christopher) ps. [i.e. Mrs. Andrews]. {Nield). 

Hilliers (Ashton) ps. [i.e. Henry Marriage Wallis]. {Literary 
Year- Booh). 

Holcombe (Arnold) ps. [i.e. Arnold Golsworthy]. ( Who's Who). 

Holland (Clive) ps. [i.e. Charles J. Hankinson] {Who's Who 
Year- Book). 

Home Counties, ps. [i.e. J. W. Robertson-Scott]. ( Who's Who). 

Jacomb (A. E.) ps. [i.e. Miss A. Jacomb Hood]. {Literary 
Year- Book). 

Leigh (Aston) ps. [i.e. Mrs. Alice Mangold Diehl]. {Who's 
Who Year- Book, & Literary Year- Book). 

Miltoun (Francis) ps. [i.e. Mr. Mansfield]. {Who's Who 
Year- Book). 

Ozenham (John) ps. [i.e. William Arthur Dunkerley], {Who's 
Who Year- Book). 

Prior (James) ps. [i.e. James P. Kirk]. {Nield). 

Rhoscomyl (Owen) ps. [i.e. Owen Vaughan]. {Who's Who 
Year- Booh). 

Sekon (G. A.) ps. [i.e. George Augustus Nokes]. {Who's Who 
Year- Booh & Literary Year- Book). 

Strada (Jules de) ps. [i.e. Gabriel Jules Delarue]. {Mend^s, 
Mouvement poet, frang., 1867-99 [page $78]). 

Thirlmere (Rowland) ps. [i.e. John Walker]. {Literary Year- 

Vernon (Eugene) ps. [i.e. Docteur Veeck]. ( Echo de Paris, S, 4, 

Wanderer, j)«. [i.e. Elim Henry D'Avigdor]. {Jewish Ency., 
tSa Boase, v4). 

Wardle (Jane) ps. [i.e. Oliver Madox Huefier]. {Who's Who). 

Wylde (Katheiine) ps. [i.e. Miss Helen Hester Colvill]. {Liter- 
ary Year- Book). 

Wynne (May) ps. [i.e. M. W. Knowles], {Literary Year- 