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Government Anthropologist. 











The first twelve stories were recorded from the mouth of 
various members of my staff. The remainder were taken 
down at Bo School and read by the narrators into the 
phonograph. The text of my transcription did not, however, 
on subsequent examination, correspond to the phonographed 
text, iind the printed text is a compromise. The stories are 
l)rinted as spoken, and uniformity of spelling has not been 
aimed at where pronunciation varies. 

N. W. Thomas. 



Introduction ... y 

Grammar ^jj 

Stories i 


§1. The Timne language is spoken in the area shown on 
the map (Vol. I, Frontispiece), but it is only of late years that 
it has reached the sea north-west of Sierra Leone. Schlenker 
said, writing in 1854, that they possessed the south side of 
the River Sierra Leono from 11° 15' to 13° 10' W. and 
from 8° 15' to 9° 6' N. These limits are not very precise, 
but it is clear that the westerly extension refers to the 
Kwi:i country, north of the colony proper ; the eastern 
boundary is placed nearly thirty miles too far to the east, 
and the northern boundary nearly the same amount south of 
its proper place. 

§2. Koelle {Polyglotta Africana) gives specimens of Baga 
and Landoma, both of which are closely allied to Timne, and 
the Landoma appear to be the Eio Xunez Baga, of whom he 
says that they have a different language from the Lsles de 
Los and Rio Pongo Baga. 

A Timne tradition recorded by Schlenker says that the 
Baga (Baka) were expelled by the Timne from Port L<}ko. 
If this is so, it is clear that there must, have been a Baga 
invasion preliminary to the Timne invasion, said to have 
come from the east, as it is clear tliat Timne and Baga are 
fractions of a single tribe. 

It is, however, difficult to see how the Baga, on this 
theory, reached their present seat, unless they are more 
numerous than appears to be the case. The Rio Pongo 
would perhaps be accessible by sea, but the Rio Nunez 
appears to be too remote for a wholesale emigration by sea, 
and a land journey can hardly be regarded as probable. 

As the Timne tradition makes them immigrants from the 
east some four (?) hundred years ago, contemporaneously 
with a Mandingo migration apparently, it is at least 
equally probable that the Timne were separated from the 
Baga groups by a wave of Susu invasion, as that the Baga 
were forced away from Port L^ko by pressure from the 

Timne or in actual war. There is said to be a Landoman 
tradition that the Timne migrated east under pressure of the 

§3. As to the position of Timne among "West African 
languages, there is not much light. It belongs to the sub- 
family which inflects nouns by means of prefixes, and makes, 
as a general rule, the adjective, and in the case of inanimate 
objects the pronoun added to the verb, follow the prefix of 
the noun— e.^. k-ent ko-bana ko-bak ar-on ara-fino 
(a big tree blocks the good road). 

It is thus brought into relation with both the Bantu and 
the Hamitic families of languages, and some thirty years ago 
G. A. Krause {Zeits. f. afrikanische u. ooeanische Sprachen, 
I, 250) maintained that Timne is actually a Bantu lan- 
guage. His arguments are, however, vitiated by the 
assumption that all Bantu roots are monosyllabic. More- 
over, out of the fifteen Bantu roots assumed by Krause in 
his best examples, only eight are recognised by Meinhof in a 
form approximately resembling that demanded by Krause's 

Further, it is generally recognised that the roots of a con- 
siderable number of Bantu words are identical with those of 
the Soudanese languages ; no mere partial evidence of root 
identity, therefore, carries the matter further. As regards 
the formative elements, these are by some Bantu scholars 
derived from an Hamitic language ; and if they were taken 
over by the proto-Bantu, they may equally well have been 
taken over by Soudanese tribes in close contact with 
Hamitic languages. At the present day non-prefix lan- 
guages in the vicinity of prefix languages tend to take over 
their prefixes and the general construction dependent on 
their use. 

There is, however, so little agreement upon either the 
essential characters of the Hamitic languages or the frontier 
between Hamitic and Soudanese, that theories seem to be 


§4. The following sketch of Timne grammar does not 
profess to be more than a summary of Schlenker's work, 
with which I have compared bulky manuscript materials 
kindly loaned by the Church Missionary Society. Eeferences 
to Schlenker's grammar are in Clarendon type, e.g., S. 5. 





1'), resembles gb ; 


. glottal 

r, flap r. 

stop ; often 



r-, rolled r. 




s, fricative, as in show. 

f, bilabial. 

t, postdental, unexploded ; 

Ii (rare). 

resembles English 'th in 




t (ts), retroflex t, often heard 


as tr, or c, 



n, velar nasal. 



a, father. 

i, ravine. 

a, forward a. 

i, it. 

e, the (before consonant). 

0, so. 

A, but. 

Q, all, pot. 

e, close e. 

u, fool. 

e, very narrow e. 

u, foot. 

% let. 



ai. Qi, oi. 

au. ui. 

§i. ai- 

' high ; Mow ; "" falsetto (long), or numbered (1, high ; 4, low). 
~ sign of nasalisation. 

§6. As regards the consonants the most conspicuous 
features are the absence of g, and relative unimportance of d 
on the one hand, and the presence of an exploded retroflex 
t (t) ; as an auslaut it is derived, at least in some cases, 
from an earlier form tu.. 

It should, however, be noted that g is found in combina- 
tion with b (b), though the sound often resembles kp more 
closely than gb. 

Final r* is frequently strongly rolled ; s is midway between 
s and sh and is perhaps a retroflex s. 

Among the vowels the distinction between open a (a) and 
closed a (a) is sometimes important ; the latter sometimes 
becomes. 8; generally speaking a is the common vowel; the 
difference is made in these pages only when confusion might 

a, a, e, e, and i, i, are distinguished only where there is 
risk of confusion. 

Letters are pronounced as in Southern English, unless 
otherwise stated. It should be remembered that consonants 
are usually very fully articulated, so as to produce the effect 
of a neutral vowel sometimes, e.g., Tumgk, samgk ( = smoke). 
In the texts, which present the sounds as heard, these 
intensive vowels have, as a rule, been noted, where the 
individual words are not separated, as in gkal^pa (= q kal 
pa), he again said. 

Some of the vowels are diphthongised, especially before n ; 
and the vowel in ten is almost the same as in English chain. 

The falsetto tone is used with monosyllables such as 
9Qnk, all. 

§7. Stress. — The stress usually falls on the first syllable 
of a word, exclusive of prefixes ; the incidence is not changed 
by a suffix. There are a few exceptions such as kabal§,i, 
basket ; kar3, scrape off. In the case of nouns with insepar- 
able prefixes the first syllable takes the stress, as the vowel 
is properly part of the word, though normally no Timne word 
begins with a vowel, pronouns excepted. "Where a noun is 
associated with a word that may be a verb or an adjective, 
the main stress falls on the verb in the first case, on the 
noun in the second. 

§8. Tones. — The role of tones in Timne is comparatively 
small, owing largely, no doubt, to the part played by prefixes 
in distinguishing the homophones. Among words dis- 
tinguished by tones may be cited : 

bi, hole ; hi, black, 
asixm, fast; asiim, dark. 

Tones also play a certain role in sentences, e.g. : 
kqwyu, and the other. 
kowQU, and he went inside, 
kgwtjw^n, and the otiier went inside. 


§9. The key to the Timne language is the use of prefixes 
(and to a less extent of suffixes, see §53). 

(a) Prefixes are used with all nouns to denote the indefinite 
and definite states, corresponding to nouns in English 
without or with the article ; and each of these forms has a 
corresponding plural (see Table II, S., 13-19, 195-208). 

(b) The adjective takes a corrL'sponding prefix, and is in 
many cases formed from the verb simply by tlie prefix. 
(S., 18, 237.) 

(c) Pronouns are distinct for nouns indicating animate and 
inanimate objects; possessive pronouns of the animate class 

and all pronouns of the neuter class, take a form correspond 
ing to the prefix of the noun to which they refer (Table II, 
S., 69-111). 

§10. The following lists show the principal prefixes 
(Table II), with the classes of nouns (Table I) to which they 
mainly refer; (a) are nouns indicating animate objects, 
(6) are nouns referring to inanimate objects (S., 19). 

Table II also shows the correspondence of the more import- 
ant classes of pronouns, and of the prefixes of the numeral. 

Table I. — Classification of Nouns. 

1. Q (a) ... («) human and rational subjects, 

2. a (§) ... (a) animals, birds, snakes, etc. 

na (b) (i) shrubs, vegetables, products 

(some), trees (some); (ii) tools, 
furniture (in consonance with aka, 
§ka, thing). 

3. a (ta, §) ... (a) large animals, 
na ... 

4 Q (t 8) • • • («) large annuals, 


5. k(e), (t[8]) ...(a) small animals, insects, collective 

(J) large trees and long objects. 

6. i, a (m[a]) ... (a) small quadrupeds, birds, insects. 
n(a) ... ••■(&) some trees. 

7a. r(a), (ta) ... (a) animals and collectives. 


7b. ra (na) ... (J) rope-hke objects. 
8. ma ... ■■■(!>) liquids. 

9- (§) (*) (ii) materials, goods (in consonance 

with ey^t things). 

10. Q ... ■■■ Q>) local nouns. 

11. a, ^, k§, ma, (6) abstract nouns. 

Q, ra, s, ta. 

§11. (a) It is clear from the table that certain prefixes are 
used in the singular only : 

d(a), i, k(8), n, o, r(a), ra, t(a), u, \v ; 

others are used in the plural only : 

na, P(a). y(a), y<>- 

Either singular or plural are : 

a, §, ni(a), n(a), t(a), s. 

(i) Of these § and q are unchanged in the definite state ; 
but u is sometimes found for ^ in the indefinite state. 

(c) ko, po, r a, and (.8, become ka, pa, ra and ta in the 
definite state, but may also prefix the vowel a, which is used 
with the indefinite forms ka, ma, na, na, ra, ta, t8na, cows, 
t.ana, the cows. 

(d) ana may be changed to an before d, n, t; am before 
b, m, p ; an may also be used for an and am, aud is found 
before b, f, and k; man may be used for ma. But these 
variant forms are used only with novms : e.g. antis, knife, 
ampgro, Porro, anfam, people, etc. 

(r) The ordinary vowel for forming the definite state is a, 
but i may be used with ri(a) in the singular and ma in the 

§12. It is of some importance to note that the prefix is 
inseparable in words that originally began with a vowel, such 
as kota, cloth ; rim, word; nant, fire. Where the preposi- 
tions ro or ra precede such words, the prefix is not dropped 
according to the ordinary rule (§68), f.^'-'rokgr, in the farm, 
robump, on the head. 

In other respects, however, inseparable prefixes follow the 
same rule as separable prefixes. 

§13. Adjectives follow their nouns in the definite .state ; 
a is the definite prefix for all save — 

(i) Adjectives with nouns in q or y, which take §. 
(ii) ., ,. ., „ or w, „ „ 0. 

(iii) „ „ „ „ i(n), i(ma), which take i. 

Anomalous Fokms. 
§14 Certain anomalous prefixes and forms are found in 
nouns in common use : — 

(a) tas^m, mas^m, beetle, 
kalop, §lop, fish, 
wer, ter, rat. 

wir, tir, goat, 
wor, tor, duiker. 

(b) wan, wut, child, 
wat, afQt, child, 
wuni, afom, person. 

(c) nof, yof, moon, 
raf on, afon, hair, 
k at a, mat a, hand, 
kayaka, dayaka, good rice, 
kela, pala, rice grain, 
rasa, mas a, breast. 

tei, matei, thing, matter, character. 

§15. A number of words have either no plural or no 
singular form, e.g. afat, iron; makomp, palm wine; edi, 
dust; SQnt, pubic hair. 



§16. (a) Abstract -(verbal) nouns are formed from verbs by 
prefixing ka to the infinitive; e.g. kabak, being hard, hard- 
ness, from bak, to be hard; kobal, expulsion, from bal, to 

(b) Other nouns are formed by the prefixes a, ^, ra, eis; 
e.g. abiai, journey, from biai, to go on a journey ; edi, 
victuals, from di, to eat; rabaki, old age, from bak i, to 
be old. 

(c) Local nouns are formed with a prefix o, corresponding 
to the noun oder, place (understood). Similarly tools, etc. 


take the prefix a, corresponding to aka, thing ; materials 
take Q, corresponding to ijy^t, things. 

((!) Nouns denoting an agent are formed by a prefix o 
from verbs, e.g. obok, a mourner, from bok, to mourn. 

(e) Many verbal nouns are joined to wuni, person, to express 
the same idea; wuni kedif is equivalent to odif, murderer. 


§16. Gender Ih not indicated by any change in nouns ; sex 
is shown by the use of the words runi (male) and b^ra 
(female), or by different words, e.g. katapi, cock ; kabet, 

§17. In pronouns (§9) two genders, common and neuter, 
are distinguished. 

Number and Case. 

§18. Number is indicated by the prefix (see ante, §10). 
The direct object of a verb, of which there may be two, or 
even three (§ 50), follows the verb. Of, to, with, etc., are 
indicated by prepositions or by the form of the verb in 
certain cases, e.g. y<jna, to make for (a person) (§§52, 53). 

§19. The vocative is indicated ('() by its place, or (b) by 
the absence of prefix, e.g. yari, pussy. 


§20. Attributive adjectives are (a) Derived from verbs Ijy 
the addition of prefixes determined by the form of the 
noun (§13), e.g. baki, big; bak, laden; baki, unloaded. 
(b) Compounded by verbs and governed nouns: gba amera 
ban, passionate; otui fat, inaccessible; qfqi tei, talka- 
tive. The verbs so used are: b a, have; k as i, refuse, fail ; 
bQt, be pleasant; iqi, be easy; tara, know; tui, be hard; 
yQiiki, be soon, quick. Verbs compounded with tei, thing, 
expressing adjectives with the terminations able, -ive, -ish, 
-ful, etc., may be placed under this head, (c) From other 
nouns which may drop their own prefixes, <■.//. ost;m okapet, 
a town animal. {d) From these adjectives are formed 


negative adjectives by prefixing t e (t § e). (e) B ^, all ; be r, all ; 
reman, pure, all; stjnk, all; son, only, and other adverbs, 
are used as adjectives. S., 46-50. 

§21. Adjectives derived from transitive verbs are used in 
an active sense (with an object), or a passive sense, e.g. 
tanki, which means either melting (active) or melted. 

It should be observed that certain participial adjectives 
have a gerundial sense, e.g. bar a, to be added; whereas dif 
means simply "killed." 

§22. Attributive adjectives follow the nouns they qualify. 
Wuni, wan, and a few other nouns take adjectives without 
prefixes (see §§ 9, 13). 

§23. Predicative adjectives take no prefix, unless they 
immediately follow yi, to he, or a similar verb ; if an adverb 
separates verb and adjective, or the verb is negative, no pre- 
fix is used. (S., 237.) 

§24. Adjectives are compared by the use of ta, yet; gta 
bunda, it is bigger; or tas, tasi, tasa, past. 

For the superlative the word b§, all, must be added: 
Qtasina btj, he is best. (S., 52.) 

§25. Personal (u used with nouns denoting animate beings) 
possessive adjectives are : mi, mu, on, su, nu, nan, with the 
appropriate prefix, which is the same for all persons, except 
sometimes the third (see Table II for neuter forms, used with 
nouns denoting inanimate beings. (S., 103.) 


1st person. 

3rd person. 

9, u, w (indef.), ke 
na, a 

kemi ... 



Q, QW, ka, aka 

ta, t, s 

ata, at, as, ta 




mami ... 



rami ... 




To face page xiv. 






A (plural). 



B (plural). 


a-, ria-... 

. ma-, ta-, cj-, y^-, ya-, 

am(a)-, am-, an- 

2 : da-, ra-, ra- . 

.' na-, ta-, e-, y^-, ya-, 


;ijs- ... . 



4 : i-, a-, na- 

. ma-, man- ... 

. ina-, aii(a)-, an- 

") ke- 

. tg-, pg- 

. ka-, aka-... 

6 nia-, nian- 

. (pi. of 1,4) 

. ama-, aman- 

7 na- 


. ana- 

8 0-, u- ... 

.j a-, na-, to ... 

Q-, owq- . . . 

9 pg- 

. (pi. of 5) 

. pa-, apa- . . . 

10 ta- ... 

. (ma-) 


11 ta- 

. (pi. of 1,3,5,8) .. 

. ta-, ata- ... 


yQ-. ya- 

.(pi. of 1, 2) 


%j%-, §ya- 

ama-, ta-, ata-, tj-, tjy^-, etc. 
ana-, ta-, ata-, e-, ey^-, etc. 

ama , anian- ... 
ta-, ata-, pa-, apa- 

an(a)-, am-, an-, ta-, ata 


tPossessive (neuter). 

Verbal (neuter). 


Demonstrative. Eelative. 





3rd. I Subjective. ! Objective. 


rami, dami 

ami, imi 
kgnii (kami) 
mami ... 
naiui ... 
kami ... 
pami ... 
tami . . . 
tami . . . 

A. — Separable. 

. ncin ..." na 

. roil ... da, ra, ra 

. yon ... e... 

. iiQi'i ... na 

. koi'i ... ka 

. mqi'i . . . ma 

. non ... na 

. kqn ... q . . . 

. pqi'i . . . pa 

. ton 

. tqn ... tg 

. yQTi ...- e ... 

ri, di 




ma, na 


kq (kqn) 



ana, ane 












(jye, qya 



ama . . . 





?ye, sya 

10, 13 

r-, ow 



k-, ow- 







2, etc. 


...:(n-) ... 


. . . anaraii. 


...; om- 


. .. qwqmaran. 


... §- 


. ..' qyeran. 


... m- 


... amaran. 


... n- 


... anaran. 


... om- 


... qwqmaran 


... pa- ... 


... aparan. 


... t- 


... ataran. 


B. — Inseparable. 











t-> p- 

m-> y- 

n-, s- 








in- ... 








tqn ...■• ta 

ta, ps 

ti, pi 



ate, ape 

ata, apa 

§ye, §ya 

* The pronominal forms refer to column 1 of prefixes only. 

t For possessives with animate nouns see §25. 

The ordinary form, compounded by a word meaning " of " 
and a personal pronoun, always follows the noun ; the 
emphatic form generally uses the prefix q (a) when it agrees 
with a noun denoting a living being, and usually precedes 
the noun. (S., 79-85.) 

With neuter nouns the prefix corresponding to the noun is 
used (Table II; S., 103-108). There is also a form com- 
posed with ti, it, the, preceded by the proper prefix, which 
refers solely to inanimate objects; kati (pi. anan) is also 
used as a demonstrative, meaning " that." (S., 109.) 

§26. Interrogative adjectives are the same in form as the 
pronouns (see §39). 

§27. Demonstrative adjectives prefix a to the distinctive 
consonant of the prefix of the noun, followed by e, e.g. are, 
ake, this; Qwe and ^ye are used with q, d, q, y. § is 
dropped and an added to form the second demonstrative, e.g. 
a ran, that ; ke, ran are added to the full form of the 
emphatic pronoun (§34) to form a compound demonstrative, 
e.g. diare, it is this ; diaran, it is that. (S., 303-316.) 

§28. Indefinite numeral adjectives are : — 

b^, SQnk, all. 
son, only. 
iQm, another, 
nam, a certain. 



§29. Numerals take different forms according as they are 
used absolutely, with nouns denoting animate beings, or with 
nouns denoting lifeless objects. In the latter case the form 
of the prefix follows that of the noun (see Table II). 

Living beings. 





pin ... 


Qkia, ukin. 


















[tamat] rokin (with one), etc. 




[tamat] de ran (with two). 


[tamat] re sas (with three). 


[tamat] r§nanl§ (with four). 




[tpfAt] pin. 


[tqfAt] paran. 




kaba pin. 


kaba tQfAt. 


taba tar^n. 


taba ter^n tpfAt. 


taba tasas. 


taba tasas tqf At. 



taba tanltj. 


taba tanl^ tQfAt. 


kQmQ kin. 


kQmQ kin liin rokQm (one 
on top). 


tQmQ taran. 


awul hin. 


Qwul jQran. 


Qwul IcQmQ kin. 


§30. Tamat and tgf At may be omitted in the following 
numbers: 6-9, 11-19, but only in continuous counting. 
§31. Ordinals are — 

mQta J 
tando, second. 

Succeeding numbers are formed with a relative pronoun 
and the verb beka, make; i:g. qwq beka asas, third; the 
same form is used for second also in the case of some inani- 
mate objects. 

§32. Distributives are formed by repeating the numeral, 
kin ukin, one by one. Adverbial numbers are formed by 
adding an to the forms win, maran, etc. 

Like possessive adjectives, pronouns fall into two classes : 
{a) personal, used by nouns denoting animate beings ; 
(b) neuter, used by neuter nouns. 


The personal pronouns are used with a verb in two forms : 
(a) simple, (&) emphatic ; in all but the third person plural 
the form of the subjective differs from that of the objective 
pronoun (S., 71, 72) ; there is a third form, used without a 
verb. The simple forms are : — 










mo ... 


mi (na) 
mu (dq) 

S8 (a) 
no (a) 
na ... 


§34. Emphatic pronouns are formed from these by adding 
the letters in brackets. Absolute pronouns are ibrmed by 
adding n to these forms again. 



§35. Eeflexive pronouns are formed by reduplicating the 
emphatic form and adding uq (self) to the second word. 

§36. Pronouns compounded with uq, (here with, to, or from) 
and rQ (there with, to, or from), have special forms for the 
third persons, nqn, nan; otherwise the simple objective 
forms are used, e.g. nqmu, here with you. 

§37. Demonstrative pronouns are as follows : — 








These may be compounded with emphatic personal pro- 
nouns, e.g. kQUQwe, this one. Absolute forms add an, 
owean, this one. 

§38. The relative pronoun is qwq, plural ana. 

§39. Interrogative pronouns are : 

kan(j, who, whom, 
ko, what, 
reke, which, 
to, how many. 

§40. Indefinite pronouns are : 

bQ, SQnk, all. 

kin, one, some one. 

iQm, another. 

nam, wuni, some one. 

wunQ(h), such an one. 

wuni wuni, every one. 

Each other is expressed by a form of the verb (§52). 


§41. The form of these is determined by the prefix of the 
noun (see Table II ; §9 (c)). 

§42. The simple form as a rule has a in its subjective, i 
in its objective form. 

§43. Absolute pronouns are formed by adding n to the 
emphatic pronouns, e.g. k^ngn, (this is) it. 

§44. Emphatic pronouns are formed : (a) by adding a to 
the objective form of the simple pronoun, save that ki 
becomes kgng, or wq ; (&) by eliding the i of the words thus 
formed ; (c) by dropping the a and assimilating the form to 
that of the objective pronoun; kgncj becomes kqn ; q and 
pa are used with impersonal verbs. (S., 91.) 

§45. Eeflexive pronouns are formed from the absolute 
pronouns by adding n§ to the reduplicated form. Contracted 
forms are also in use, e.g. (full form) pian pian q, (contracted) 
pia pian^, pQp^n^. 

§46. Demonstrative pronouns are formed from demonstra- 
tive adjectives (§27) by adding an ; arean, this one. 

§47. Relative pronouns differ from demonstrative adjec- 
tives by suffixing a instead of e to the distinctive prefix 
consonant, e.g. aka, apa, which. 

§48. Interrogative pronouns are formed like the absolute 
pronouns by adding a; the only exception is k(jna. 

§49. Indefinite pronouns are : 

ra, rakal ., • 

'. > somethmg. 

^ei tei, everything. 


§50. The form of the verb undergoes no change, but the 
moods and tenses of European languages are expressed by 
auxiliary verbs and particles. Verbs are personal or 
impersonal ; the latter frequently take two objects. Some 
personal verbs may take three objects, e.g., yepara mi ko 
alii, borrow me a canoe from him. 

The transitive and intransitive (or passive) forms of the 
verb are often the same, e.g., b^tar, to love, or, to be lo\ed. 

B 2 


In other cases a change of suffix marks the. difference, e.g., 
liqti, pluck off, BQte, drop off. 

§51. There are a small number of suffixes (S., 116-140), 
and combinations of these raise the total number of possible 
modifications of the root of the verb to nearly 50 ; but the 
majority are of small importance. 

§52. Veebal Foems. 

1. Eadical. 

2. Eeflexive ... ... ... ntj. 

3. Directive (" for " or " with ") (i) na (a is used with 5, 7, 

9, and in doubly rela- 
tive verbs witb 8). 
(ii) 9r. 

4. Inchoative (beginning) ... a, o. 

5. Eeciprocal (spontive) . . . anQ. 

6. Causative ... ... ... (i) os. 

(ii) a. 

7. Eeversal ... ... ... (i) i. 


8. Pretence ... er. 

9. Frequentative ... ... 8s, ot. 

§53. (2) The reflexive usually implies that the action of 
the radical or simple verb is exercised on the subject, e.g., 
difn§, to kill oneself; but the meaning may also be given 
by an English passive, e.g., dinn^, to be lost. 

(3) The directive verb has two objects, when it is transitive 
in the simple form ; the second object is (1) the person for 
or against whom something is done or the instrument with 
which it is done, e.g., besa, to dig with, or (2) a local relation 
such as about, to, on account of, e.g., balar", to dispute about. 

(4) The inchoative form signifies "beginning to," e.g., bia, 
to grow dark. 

(5) The reciprocal form combines the reflexive and direc- 
tive form and signifies " doing for each other," or of its own 
accord, e.g., fatan§, to come near each other, or of one's own 


(6) The causative form turns an intransitive into a 
transitive form, e.g., bakes, to make heavy. 

(7) The revertive form implies that the action of the 
simple verb is reversed, e.g., kanti, to open (kanta = to 

(8) The suffix (o)r indicates a pretence of the action of 
the simple verb, e.g., bar, to pretend to have. 

(9) The frequentative form implies the repetition of the 
action of the simple verb, e.g., bokas, to cry much. 

§54. The above forms may be combined in various ways, 
e.g., the suffix asiaan^e indicates doing something for each 

§55. In addition to suffixes, the meaning of the verb is 
modified by (a) auxiliary verbs, and (6) particles, which serve 
to indicate what are in European languages termed moods 
and tenses. The following table shows the principal modifi- 
cations for mood and tense : — 

Table III. — (a) Auxiliary Verbs, (b) Particles, 
(c) Interjections. 

1. Subjunctive (ought, would, (&) na, nan [2, etc.]. 


2. Potential (can, could) ... (a) ball, tana. 

3. Conditional (S) be [(!)]. 

4. Negative ... ... ... (6) h§, fe, te (emphatic) 

[.2, etc.J. 

5. Hortative (let) ... ... (6) ta, mt; (1st sing.); ma, 

niQ (3rd sing.) [1 ; 1 or 2]. 

6. Optative (prayer) («) kankq, yanden. 

„ (prayer against) (h) kankq te, yanden te, 

(c) sakg, tehQ. 

[1] indicates that the word stands at the beginning of the 
sentence, [2] that it is in the body of the sentence. 

The first form of these moods may be illustrated by a 
simple sentence : be ibalih^ na bal, ifl were not able to 


t a (5) is used at the beginning of the sentence, tcjkQdi, 
let him go and eat ; ma is used for the second person singular 
and all persons of the plural; maifanta, let us lie down, 
kankc) (6) followed by a verb in the indicative, yand^n by the 
imperative ; a negative may be added ; or sako, saki, teho 
be used to express a wish that something may not happen, 
e.g., tehg (tg) ma tapmie, mind don't chop me. 

§56. Verbs may also be compounded into other verbs, 
e.g., baki sQt, to be difficult to sew — 

(1) bak, to be difficult. 

(2) bek, to be fit. 

(3) bqt, to be sweet. 

(4) fgi, to be easy. 

(5) kasi, to refuse, fail. 

(6) tara, to know. 

(7) tui, to be hard 

(8) y^nk, y§nki, to be quick. 

(9) ba, to have, governing a noun, e.g. — 

(a) ba am^ra, have sense, intend. 
(&) ba kor, be pregnant, 
(c) ba kadi, have to end. 

§57. Conjugation. (S., 407-422.) 


iyi Qbal ; mine me balan. 

iti bal ; ibQ bal, etc. 

ipon bal. 

iti (ita) bal ; mine me bal. 

iti kfj bal. 

iti re bal ; iti pon bal. 

iti re pon bal. 

bal (sing.), bal nan (plu.). 

bal, kabal ; tabal, takabal. 

bal, balan. 

§58. The perfect is formed by the auxiliary verb pon, to 
finish ; the future may be formed with ti or ta, with the 

Aorist tense 
Progressive tense 

Perfect tense 
Future tense 

„ perfect tense 
Imperative mood 
Infinitive mood ... 


particles me, mg, ma, used as mentioned above (§55), or by 
using the verbs kg, to go, re, to come. 

The progressive tenses are formed with yi, to be, and the 
simple participle; the particles me, mQ, ma, with (a) the 
participle in an, and(i) the verbs kg and re ; the particles ti 
or ta with the simple participle ; or the verb bQ, to be engaged 
in, with the simple participle. 

§59. There is, properly speaking, no present tense, as the 
form ibal means I write, or I wrote. 

The participle is either active or passive in meaning ; bal 
means writing or written ; the suffix a n indicates that the 
action continues at the time of speaking. 

§60. The passive form is often supplied by the third person 
plural with a as the pronoun ; adif k^;, he was killed ; or by a 
real passive use of the verb, akant ka pon butas, the 
stick has been shortened. Some verbs like bptar, to love, 
are both active and passive in sense ; and other verbs may be 
found in a passive sense, e.g., masar ame ma ba kapat, 
these stones have to be cut. In this connection it may be 
recalled that participial adjectives are also active or passive 
in sense. 

§61. The subject stands first ; when the subject is a noun, 
a reinforcing pronoun precedes the verb. The interrogative 
sentence follows the same order as the affirmative. 

§62. The object follows the verb ; and when there is more 
than one object, they follow the inverse order defined Ijy the 
suffixes of the verb, the object of the simple verb coming 
last (§50). 

§63. In the second person singular imperative no pronoun 
is needed ; in the plural it follows the verb, and any object 
pronoun precedes it. If the imperative is negative (with te) 
the pronoun precedes the verb. 

§64. A pronoun object may follow the auxiliary verb and 
precede the principal verb, on which it really depends ; e.g., 
qtapon mu sgm.he will altogether devour me. 

§65. Two pronouns are used with impersonal verbs — q and 
p9 ; Q expresses a state which was or used to be, oris regarded 


as usual ; pg is used of the immediate past and the present ; 
Q yimli tenpn, it is gloomy to-day ; pa bia, it is getting 
dark. Pa is commonly used with the long form of the verb.e.^'., 
pa lompi, but it is possible to say q lomp or q lompi, 
though the latter usage is infrequent. 


§66. Adverbs may be single words or phrases; in the 
former case they may be used generally, or associated with 
certain verbs or adjectives. 

Generally speaking they follow the word they qualify ; a 
few come between pronoim and verb, or auxiliary and main 

§67. Among the more important adverbs are : — 

(a)b§ ... 

all, wholly. 


.. aU. 

ben . . . 



. . again. 

bo ... 



. . . yet (not). 

fisa . . . 



. . . not. 

hali ... 



. . . how. 

iQmp ... 



. . . not. 


quite, first. 


. . . in vain. 

(6) bat ... 



. . . aU day. 




. . . soon. 

bes ... 

all night. 


. . . formerly. 

ha ... 



. . . now. 

nana ... 

to-day (past). 


. . . to-day (not 

(c) de, re, di, 


d^, rtj... 




ran, ro 



id)h^ (ta), 



ko ... 




teke . . , 


tela . . . 


For fuller lists, see Schlenker, §§171-185. 

The falsetto tone is used with some monosyllabic adverbs, 
e.g., s'^iik. 


§68. A preposition precedes the noun it governs, and the 
prefix of the noun is dropped ; many of them are used as 
adverbs also, 
(a) dg, rtj ... ... ... with. 


... till. 

ka, ka ... 

... in, through, by, from, at, on, of 

with, etc. 


. . . with. 


. . . except. 

ta, ta, toka 

. . . for, after, as to. 


. . . here with. 

ra, ro ... 

... at, in, to. 


. . . there with. 

It should be observed that the sound a indicates nearness, 
o remoteness ; cf. the vowels ran (near), ro (remote) yonder. 

With the prepositions ra and ro the prefix is usually 
dropped, ropet, in the town. 

The principal conjunctions are : — 



be payi . . . 





d§, r^ ... 

... and, or. 


... and. 

kama . . . 




ma, m^, mg 

... as. 


... and. 

tanho . . . 

that not. 


... therefore 


... for. 

y«j, yi •■• 

... and. 



TiMNE Stories. 

The Sleepy Men 

The Greedy Man and the Sponge . . 

The Amorous Man 

Marriage of the Spider 

The Sheep and the Cat 

The Waker of the Dead, etc 

The Two Old Women 

Why Chimpanzees Don't Farm 


The Woman and Her Daughter 

Love of Wives .. . 


The Spider and the Rich Man's Son 
The Man and the Ronshong ... 

The Man and the Krifi 

The Jealous Man 

The Spider and the Skin 

The Spider and the Chameleon 








How to Play Wari 

The Man With Four Oiildren 
The Spider and the Chameleon 
The Spider and the Hare 

The Twins 

The Spider and the Krifi 

The Chameleon and the Lobster 

The Girl and the Python 

The Spider Wishes to Marry... 




AnF8M nakadika. 

The Sleepy Men. 

Anfam nakadira naran an Ban§. Tq qwq yif : 

Men sleepy two met together. So the other asked : 

mbgri mQhk(ji ? TQpa = a bal mi 

my comrade, where are you going? So he said : they drive me away 

ta kadira kabana TqP^ munQna di mankqyi 

for sleeping too much. So he said ; where are you going ? 

Tqw(J Qkali ma pai ta kadira kabana tabalmi. 
So the other one said : say for sleeping too much they drive me. 

TqtqtQkQ Qpa mainyira rasQno ; kamainyira, diQ 
The first one said : let us sit here ; so they sat, there 

Qdira ; r^ Sinyiian q ra mir kg te ainyiran 

he slept ; there the python came and swaUowed him ; so the python 

Qkal robat kankwi gkal kg mir kg 

went to water-side ; and the crocodile again swallowed him ; 

de qka, romant (jr5 kal m!r ankw! ; 

there the water animal came and again swallowed the crocodile ; 

dQ (jklpara (Jd^ka k(Jtan de Qre dif 

there the hunter came walking, there he came killed 

Qka romant. 
the water animal. 

De a re tin k^, r^ a re bAp ankwi, 

There they came and skinned it, there they found the crocodile, 

d^ awura ankwi, kakal tin ankwi, 

there they took out the crocodile, again skinned the crocodile, 

de ab.\p aliiyiran, de akal tin afhyiran, 

there they found the python, there they again skinned the python, 

de a kn bAp glahba ; dig Qponsin^ 

there they found the man ; there he wiped himself 

paraf kQpa ibiin dira. Tl q kal kg 

quickly and cleanly, so he said : I nearly slept. So he went again, 

kobik ro gnan gyi, dg gkg bAp 

and reached where his comrade was, there he went, found 

abaf ankant, han kari potoi ; di 

they brushed the bush, till they have burnt ; there 

a kg kuta kama kg kAp kg katala ; dig 

they went to hoe and scratched him with the hoe ; then he 

gponsing kgpa ibun dira. 
wiped himself and said : I nearly slept. 



Oyeba kangkg gbAp oyeba radire gbaf ankant ; 
He who has " sponge " finds onewho is greedy brushing the bush ; 

gkarang makgmg ; mgbak obAf 

he brings with him palm fibre ; when he meets him who brushes 

ankant tg korikg tgpa ta kangkg tgdir* 

the bush, he salutes him, he says : for sponging, that's why he 


tgwg gpa mingn niAgn taradir" rgbana tg iwur- 

so the other says : I myself for greediness great I come from 

ropet tgpa han ipo bAf akgr ake 

the town ; he says : till I finish brushing the farm this, 

nbelie di re anak. 
you cannot eat here rice. 

Tgpa ampaipami tidine ni hantankan ; 

He says my pipe I will be satisfied to eat for ever ; 

gpobAf ; tg odir* gpa dine ni bo 

he finishes brushing ; so greedy man said : only be satisfied with it 

kgrg tibalamu yetgmedi. 
but I wUl " greedy " you my food (not give you food). 

Qrani kadirobana gtonboi gkerg adaradi 

The wife of the greedy man, when she cooks, carries the food 

rokant ; nqke kanapi qt& t^nsa tafati. 

to the bush ; the sponge obstinate stays looking for grains that 


Tgn^ke kanapian Qpa anfam amu nakq kaBansami ; 

So the sponger says : your people, they go and welcome me ; 

a : fll'juk^ na ropet tara dirarau. Tapa 

they say you ran in the town on account of your greed. So they 
from them say : 

tv4ikQ(l(j ; tQpa titraikf} lian karen kaluluk ; 

try him ; so he says : I will try him for a whole year ; 

rgyi han ka pobAf ; han kayqta 

there he stays till they finish brushing ; until the trees out down 

epowos han, katgi. C/yira tun ; Qmpaipami 

finish drying all, they burn, he sits obstinately : my pipe is 

ab^kaini ; rQyirk han kapuwunkar" 

enough for me ; there he sits till they have cut down stumps 

feu ; tqpa takan^ke tg at^lami kanka 

altogether ; so he says for sponging I am called so that 

i re balamu radir- ka awQn kob§,la kg 

I come and drive away greed fioiii you. And they keep on refusing 


anant kanka gfutauQ k gsuingk kgniQ gokang 

fire, so that he may stop smoking so that he may get up ; 

kg kgwai matis gpak kalVi takangke 

so he went and bought matches, twenty packets ; for sponging 

tQ dibo son ta kapiin yenkin radir". Ta akgtela mi 
I come only for removing now greeil. So they went and 

called me 
from the east. 

Dir obaiia gkonhwi anwutnati osiirnarana 

(ireedy obstinate man when he bears these children, sends them 

ropet ka wont kgu Q nantapo nakg' Spala. 

to town to his brother. He says : they will finish for him the rice. 

Ta ngkg kanapian ypa omine tangkgdi. 

So greedy sponger says : I will keep on sponging. 

Eoyi hail kakuta han ka bum akgr" 

There he stays till they have hoed till they have watched over the 


han kapala palql. kan^k^ kanapisn otemar- kabanka 
till the rice is ripe. So greedy sponger builds a farm house, 

k Qpa apgla palQl apj tai tara do mafita §fuke ate 

so he says : this rice that is ripe I must know where they throw 

the husk of it. 

Taradirobanan opa man^k^ Bu k§r§ apalapa 

So greedy man says : you watch pot only but this rice 

ntamh^pide. Nanaman kone mAni owop bo 

you will not taste it here. Comrade he himself he persists in 

kasumQkokon tun 
his smoking only. 

Ahfam ropet kansumar- n^ke kanapian a' tatraibo tun 
People in town send to sponger, say that he must try only 

kanka Qwura yenkin dii" kanapian ropet 

so that he may take out now the obstinate greedy man in town, 
(i.e., bri&g back) 

kama n§ke kanapian jq y^t kprnani y'Qrani ka 
so that sponger makes friendship with wife of 

dii" kanapi ; ke oboi~akQ tin t^tgn qwqii 

obstinate greedy man ; so the woman begins now to go to 

l^QkeakQ anak. 
steal for him. rice. 

kQ Qbom kg Qpa hiqIq §sura mkarana ? kp 

So the woman says how many chapters do you read ? he says : 

k^me taran ; kg Qbom kgpa Qwade, owosami 

two hundred ; so the woman says keep trying, my husband 

<}karan Bo §sura kaba trai ka man wurakQ 

learnt only chapters twenty, try that you bring him 

ropet anwutami me kom hq, (Jpo somarana 

to the town ; my children I bear, all, he has sent them, 

to the town. 

Ka anwQntngn arekorikQ kQpa nant 

So bis brothers came and visited him ; so he said : fire 

naytjri tonun ; kamankal. 

iB not here to-day ; so they returned. 

Ka ambarinano ar^sQ korikQ yq kal bo sq pi 

So his father's brothers came again to visit him ; he only said 


mqmQmQ tab Qpa. T§ dir* kanapian Qpa : 

the same words he said before. So the obstinate greedy man said : 

Q : nakQ lukami a^ey^ti kote kanka 

he said They came and brought me this thing because bo that 

kQiepimi radir- k^r^ tubai^ pk' 

he came and plucked the greed from me but it matters not, 

ta ambarinano ankalSne. ty Qten om^ri, q 

so his father's brothers returned. So he sought mori man, said : 

tQiDQii qteyq owur- kq deyq ; 

let the mori man do that he does not go out ; so he came do ; 

Q atasoma gpuri tane. 

he (obstinate because he has been used to it. 
man) .said : 

Danyini ban k^b^ra moton ; kq kauQ gmanekgn 
There they sat till the woman cooked ; she told her friend 

kQ bQ iwura tani anak kq yira yindi ; 

she said if I soon take out the rice, go and sit and eat ; 

Qruni mQtalaman yqiii, kQputono, 

the man when he heard this, as soon as cooking was done, 

kQmo ffeane kama akane nQk§ kanapiari 

he " dies " (in pretence), so that they told the sponger 

kQiUQkotgri tara afi radir- kanapi 

to go and announce death of the obstinate greedy man 

ropef. Kq ikqqri nan^wi 

in the town. So he said I will not go there ; this comrade 

q, minan m^re n^ke t^n QyQnii radir- 

he said, I when I watch pot, so he does me greediness. 

C 2 


Ta' n§ke ka napiaii Qpa mant^Bo son ropet 

So sponger said : let us not send to the town 

k^tin iM tatala yi kasankiii. Ta pb^ra gpa 

for nothing, I have the hoes and cloth. So the woman said : 

m, owosemi ofQJQ man ka akasanke kgniu k' 

no, my husband should not be buried with cloth your and 

gfpy^ bgsa katala kamu ; tankgbo ropet ; 

should not be dug with hoe your ; you must only go to the town ; 

tq opaman : m m ik6§ anak ainye nyi niila tApa 

so he said : no I will not go ; this rice is what I have long been 

n§ke tasadi ni Boe. 

watching for, we must eat it only. 

Tayira Qtan, ka antamana ; QtQma ka owunffi 
So they sat a little, so they stood ; namesake of the dead 


kQmo der", gkarane kota kamare kasanke ; 

he came, brought with him cloth so that they came and 


dir-ka napian kamawurSkQ kamakg b^s 

the obstinate greedy man, they bring him oat they go and dig 

kaboma kamabasi kg, kamakgbot roboma 

the grave, they took him, they went and put him in the grave ; 

kamaboposai" tonQ amfos na b^n§ bo 

they filled iu the grave ; behold the corpse they buried only ; 

kQmokal wufut§ ri. kginokobas anak kama 

he returned rose up quickly He went and took the rice ; he 
from there. 

buk§ne ni y' Qranikpn ; tunghg ampala kabip ; 

ran with it and his wife ; behold they forgot the spoon ; 

Mankptgyira tak§,die aneh§ kabip; 

when they went and sat to eat, they did not see the spoon ; 

n^k^kanapiah §nana kgmo tanana kabip 

sponger saw them, he carried for them the spoon, 

kg k^ke kkdmandi y^t bQ kamankorin^ 

he said here it is, and they ate things all, they saluted each other. 

kamans^l kamantunkala y^t kamaiikQn^ ropet. 

they laughed, they packed the things, they returned to the town. 

Mambe ropet; kgkas kgn Ql^m 

When they reached the town ; to his father, he counted 

§PQn kahK kQ mu^i n^k^ kobinan mamy. 
pounds twenty ; he thanked great sponger thanks. 

Man who is left alone on account of his amorousness. 

TAp5 glanba koinyirari Qba malanba obana 

Long ago a man sat there, he had great love (desire) for women. 

Qr^bu^Qne onant,^ bq, t' Qbai gt^lakg ; 

When he remained without marrying, so king called him ; 

r' gkgyira. Qkobo yirare tabal 

there he (went) (and) sat. When he sat there, woman palavers 

tabeti anrani iia Qbai ypolan barana. T' qbai 

many, the wives of the king he has copulated all. So the chief 

QsekQ k(jk(}tila. Qkq bo tilaky, 

tied him, he went and sold him. When he went and sold him 

tQpa ka irake kebakimi, katilanimi : r Qlafati 

80 he said this leaving, I am tired of it, selling me ; there he 

iisQm uf'alir, tQ okQ yi rokant ; 

changed into a flying animal ; so he went and lived in the bush ; 

kgrn^kwa bosonan ; anati^kg tApa t^r^i 

he went on lamenting ; those who did not know him before, 

anankQ bwi a : kakam ; t^ qbasa mofila 

when they see him, they say : bat ; so he hung swinging ; 

Qpa : yd 6. 

he said : ya o (don't). 

Kananta ka' Panis. 
Marriage of Pa Spider. 

Ob^ra kgnakom; kdp^: wuni kakabur- 

A woman was born j they said : person with scar 


Qnantayako ; Pa Nisan kgyokan^ kQpa 

should not marry her ; Mr. Spider got up, and said 

Qtananta ob^ra, ta' anfam iia ob^ra ampa 

he will marry the woman, so the people of the woman said : 

k(}t§n ar^ka na ansin. mq der QbAp ambok 

go and find skin of snake. When he came, he found the snake 

QpofosnQ gfu. k^kSn^ ambok q yepuml 

had just taken a new skin ; he told the snake, lend me 

anfossmu, kQyepekQ ; Qbasi anfos kQWQn, 

your cast skin ; he lent it to him, he took the skin and puL it on, 

kQmo kone kanfam na ob^ra ; ampa^ tayi ; 

and went to the people of the woman ; and they said nothing ; 

kakalapa ~kQtQii rasek ransip areka wurmatir 

ad they said again go and find tooth of leopard which is bleeding ; 

QbAp ansipe kgpa ko di fenta nQyen 

when he met the leopard, he said : come here and lie down here, 

kansip niQkQfenta kamaiiat kg 

and the leopard when it went and lay down, they scratched him, 

modira komonSpakQ ka rasik kgmoratuse 

and it slept, and he hit it on the tooth and it fell out, 

kamansakan^ re kgrnoker^ri kgkQSQn 

and they scattered there, and he carried it and gave it 

takananta, kSpk ka kgt^n meberma kakQn ; 

for the marriage, so they said go and find wine of iroko ; 

kQSQkgkeya makomp perescjk kgniQ 

he went on stealing all night palm wine ; before morning he went 

kgsek katfta ka kokqn ; mapasQk bat kanfam 

and tied calabash to iroko : when morning came the people 

anankQ ^n gbaki ki ri kq sqna,, 

saw him take it off from there and he gave it to them, 

kakelQpa kgban lilnyiran ukali nkaraJcQ ; 

and they said again go and fetch python live and bring it ; 

inQbAp a!nyira kgpa ankant iwope 

when he found the python, he said the stick I hold 

katasimu kgb^l 
is longer than you ; 

refanta ba 
come and lie down 

and the python 

and let me see ; 

QPQnsa ; 
denied it : 

ahd he said 

kqmosek kg 
and he tied it, 

and he carried it 

kSinyiran niQfenta ; 

; and the python came and 

lay down ; 

kQkQSQn. kdpa 

and gave it and they said : 

qkur" kobana k(jkQne 

the family is big ; so he went, 

koten Qbah atSsoma 

go and find bush cow, because 

kqtQn etcjk kgkQlap nant bat bat kcjban 

and found wood, made fire in early morning ; and a bush cow 

niQderi, kQresaya kg napkq rol^p kgniofumpg 

came there, and warmed itself he hit it on the neck and it fell ; 

kainaii basikq I'lapa karakatapi kQingnker^kQ. 
and they took it up and told Mr. Spider junior and he carried it. 

kS ptV k^bau skadandi Qkqyep kg 

And they said go and bring camel (?) ; he went and borrowed it from 

ka owQ bakwe ka lankli kg k<j kQr§ 

the one who has it and they handed it over to him but 

rakii ; kqker^kq, kgkQSQn 

anything and he carried it, and gave it 

kSpa kgtQU SkQiQ ; 

And they said go and find ground-squirrel ; 

ko okgbQskQ 

qsQnq ti 
he did not give 

for the marriage. 

QtQns ambi 

he sought the hole and he went and dug it up, 
kQkQSou takananta. kSpa 

and he carried it. 

and gave it for the marriage. And they said go and find 

(jka, romaiit ykQiiQ kq bek qkS, romant ; kane ampa 
hippo ; he went and i found hippo ; he spoke of pala\er 

he went and 

na kananfa kpka lomant 
nf the marriage and the hippo 

kQk(}t(}rikQ okri romant. 
and he showed him hippo 

kgkerQkQ kgkosQn 

and carried him and gave it 

said : 



for the marriage. 

and they went 

and they tied him 

k apa 
And thev said : 

^tQmo, bQ ; 


dancers, all ; 

he gave 


be nakq 

he said 

if you go 



so they came 

and took 


kQt^n afem atSmo, kQt^n 
go and find dancers, and he found 

ataba kq yepena 

tobacco and borrowed (?) theiil ; 

ikQteboyano ; kanko ; 

I will go and dash you ; and they went ; 

ob^ra kamalanklikp ko. 

the wife ; they handed her over to him. 

Kal^m^ y aInyarian. 
Shbbp and the Cat. 

Obai koinyirari ; kQkom kalgm^ y§ yarian ; alpk^nyin 
The king* was there ; he begot a sheep and a cat ; once on a time 

kaiiban^ ; ka kalgm^ gpa : min^ pan QtabQter- ; 

they met ; so the sheep said : it is I my father loves better ; 

ta pa ainyari Qpa : oinyeman min^pan Qtabptar" ; 

so the cat said : you tell a lie, it is I my father loves better ; 

ta kalgme gpa : 8wa, mankQtan i bprn' 

so the sheep said : all right, let us go and let fall droppings 

kargn wapa ; kainyari op§, : \va'; kalomQ 

on father's bed ; so the cat said : all right ; the sheep 

kgmokQTiQ kQmokQbom ka grgn tanfam ampa : 

went and let fall droppings on the bed, and the people said : 

kalgm^ Qbom ka gr^n k Qbai ; Qpa 

the sheep lets fall droppings on the bed of the king ; he said : 

kgnopunsi kamapunsi kalgm^ t6 kalkal 

go and wipe it off, and they wiped it off ; the sheep returned 

k ainyari kQpa: mapanafi pan inin 

to the cat and said : when I told you just now that it is I father 

QtabQter- owa ipobgin §nini 

loves better, all right, I have let fall droppings ; dung 

* He was king of Roiemere, towards north. 


amawotan munQn kQin^mar". Ainyari kQmokQn^ man 
they are wiping now ; you go and try. The cat went away also 

qkQfanta kar^n wa qML Anfam 

went and lay down on the bed of the king. People 

anlafati lafatikg k^re gtaininta b(}m ; 

turned it over and over but it did not have courage to defecate ; 

Qbai QWQn bo rosete ; ainyari otQ tuntune 

the king went into the house ; the cat left its squatting 

k amf^t amananko ainpa : 0, ainyari 
and the children saw it, and said : O, the cat 

bcjm. Tq (jbai Qpa : sapakg noba 

defeecate. So the king said : beat it 

kama sapakQ 
So they beat it 

to deffficate ; 

wantH to 

so that it goes away 

kqmofiuke ; 
and it ran away ; 

kalome gpa : 
the sheep said : 

ten min^ pah Qtabotar". 

so I am loved by my 

father better. 

tubSapa mfiiiQii Ainyari tqpa : ininan 
it matters not to you. The cat said : I am 

ank^bunan ka neyi kalgnie ; 

when they went and saw the sheep, 

anentoi yi makpsapmu t^uini, 

yfiii see you are beaten for faeces, 

T ainyari Qpa : 
And the cat said : 

mi wankom. 

ainyi riBo 
They were there, 

they did not separate yet. 

kantik kamander- 
and strangers came 

ka Qbai ebasi kalgmg Qboyana ; ainyari (jwur-. 

and the king took the sheep and gave to them ; the cat came out 

qkq ka kalQniQ, Qpa anantQi, munijn munQ y Qtar 

and went to the sheep ; and said : you see you, you are the slave. 

al'iQyamu tongn 
you are given away to-day, 

they will kill you 


we shall eat you up. 

Anfam ab5ya kalgm^ 
The people received the sheep. 

they did not kill it, 

they took it. 


ankQ bukg kq ampoyesi kg ambakQ 

they -went and washed it, they dressed it, they carried it 

rorQnan. Ten wuni owuni tonsil Qsata Ba tgii kalom^ 
to their home. So everyone now when he gets now a sheep 

ka sataka oBak kcjn belih, ptansan^ kalgm^ ka Qbai 
for sacrifice he hangs on it bells, he imitates the sheep of the king 

oboya tApl. 

that he gave long ago. 

Ainyari ot^bo yi Qfentabo kailankgn^ Qbai. 

The cat as it is left lies down only on country cloth of the king. 

Qtiati bip ater d' ainyari otAp tApe kasQm ter- 
He catches the rats, there the cat began long ago to eat rats 

ta motebSfe. Ambai ton ambgtkcj 

for he didn't clean a farm. The kings themselves put him 

taka som atei™, ta ter* kQsom elankgnel an ; 

for eating rats, for the rats eating their country cloths ; 

ainyari ten totongn Qyema§ sg tantan wuni ba 

the cat so to-day does not want again to follow one who has 




The waker (of the dead), the far seer, the life restorer,* 

the GREAT walker. 

Nankgbglian, kilisano, tgsainyisamano kgt kobSna 
The far seer, the waker, the life restorer, the great walker 

na kgbane da kurumasaban otorana wunibom, 

met together and Kurumasaba sent down to them a woman ; 

na bQ ainy^makg k§rg antQ owg mgsatakw^, 

they all wanted her but they did not know the one who would get 

kaiibasikg kant^kg pasantJkian. 

they took her and left her (in care) of Pa Santigi. 

* i.e., one who can restore life to dead. 


Kahlto rotgrgn kampa : be sarekale, 

And they all went far in the east and they said : when we return, 

OWQ mgnanta Qb^ra satara kq. 

the one who will marry the woman we know him. 

MantekQiiQ amba §pQn yaran ; kankg 

When they were going they had pounds two ; they went 

wgis may§nt§, makana, tasur- anwais y§t 

and bought sesame, ground nats, guinea corn, they buy things 

SQiik, ahkala kqtfla, kankansak^rodi. 

all, they go and sell, so that they may get richer. 

NenkQbqliaii ki^pa; iwQrap Qb^ra masaretimi otu. 
The far seer said : I dreamt the woman we fight for is sick. 

Kamanwur andii'Q d^rod^r ta ka pa Santiki 

They started and did not sleep anywhere till to Pa Santigi's, 

antQ ob^ra kab§n§. Mambe rg kqa 

(with whom) they left the woman to be kept. When they reached him 

ambap qb^ra qfi ; tokilisan Qpa : q, 

they found the woman dead ; so the waker said : ah, 

manapa Iqn, obqra namanantakwS, ow§,, 

as you said, the woman you are going to marry, all right, 

(}fi ; tqsainyisamari tqpa : san sabalhq 

she is dead ; the life restorer he said : we have nothing 

mamasayfiwQ ; tqsainyisaman tqpa ininah titosainyisamQn. 
to do ; the life restorer said I will restore her life. 

Tqkilis Qpa minan takjlis kq bqpi mbali tQsainyisamqn. 
So the waker said I will wake her, if you can restore her life. 

Kjlisan kqmo kjlisakq, tQsainyisaman kqmo igsainyisamgn. 
The waker waked her, the life restorer restored her life. 

K^fckobSnan kQmQre bqlqii taw qraonant obqra. 
The fast walker began to ask who will marry the woman. 

Kqtokobanan tQ kalqpa mankoinii kambaki, 

The walker said again : let us go to our head people, 

kamansakg tiinka ta QmQnSata obqra. 

80 that we may go and argue who will marry the woman. 


Ambe hq rgk^i ta ankanQ kambaki 

When they reached their destination, they discussed with the head 




am bap 
they found 

their people 

ampofi kampobok 
all dead ; they performed the 

Tq kalikQbQlian opa 
So the far seer said : 

the woman 

atesoma minenkQ k^pa ^tutiij 

because I saw her, I said she is sick, 

ta kQt kobana pa : f^u mimQnantako 
so the fast walker said : no, I will marry her, 

tasoma sabapkg bqpi ^tina 

so that we found her ; if not for that 

I will marry her 

t^soma sader ; 
so that we came ; 

I walked with you, 

we should have 

found her buried. 

Ta okalisan Qpa : 
So the waker said : 

f'S^u mimQnant 
no, I will marry 

gb^ra ; atasoma mink^lis kg, ta tpsainyisainQ 
the woman ; because I waked her ; the life restorer 

feu, mimanantakQ Qtasoma mifikalainyisamQ. 
No, I will marry her because I restored her life. 

said : 

ampa : 
said : 

The head people 

among you all. 

samanken^kQ kQt-kobana 
must keep her for fast walker, 

is not here, 

wuni tQ Qbqra, 

He who is going to marry the woman, 

naburgke jq spb^ ; t^n 

You all have done well ; so we 

mgkQji baki. 
because he is older. 

A Mori man 

Qyi ropet kanlgnati ; ka kg tqrikq 

was in the town at that time ; they went and showed him 

katak ; 
the palaver ; 

kankant sap, 
they opened a shop, 

tQt^nan aset 
so he found them a house ; 

and the woman 

kanko yirari 
they went and sat there ; 

tq tatila ri. 
was left selling there. 



The Old Woman and the Old Woman. 

Qya kQiiQyirari kanyi re yatki 

A woman was sitting there, and they were friends, 

18 okoskQn oya obakign. Qya obaki owe 

and her companion an old woman. This old woman bore 

kqiikom wankqn ka kgyep kab^n ka okoskQn 

her daughter and she went borrowed a bangle from her companion, 

Qya obaki ; kq ker^ki ihq QSQnkQki, 

the old woman ; she brought them when she gave it to her, 

kQresiilki kanlank na owanakgh ^wat 

she came and put it on the leg of her daughter when 

opobo ^Qnai, kab§n kobaka ra kanlonkQn 

the child was full grown, the bangle stuck on her leg 

kafoine sq wurari. QwQba kab^ni 

it is not easy to take from there again. The one who had the 


Q^alabo kopS, owan kqxi Qpo^Qnai, ay^ma 

when she heard say that the child was full grown, they want 

tr^nakgyi, kQkQrik^ii q re ban kab^n 

to marry her, she went there and said : I have come for the bangle 

kami. TonQi qkoskqwe k^m^ta Qlatgn asiran 

my. Behold this friend before has been doing unlawful 

abaki mader ; (jlaleserakij nwQla, akgm 

violence ; she had spoilt for her a kola tree, that bears 

tofatanQn, tab^ntQ okosa kon Qy^P^i'Q kw^. 

very many, for a broken pot her comrade borrowed from her. 

Qwiniani, maba mati mayikg, gribo ta 

This one, for that vexation was in her, when she came for 

kab^nk^ni, QWQJn Qkgt^n kg tab^n talgm ; 

her bangle, that one went and found for her other bangles ; 

tqpa ly^maa ki, tas bQ kami. ^liyQ mihQ ; 

she said : I do not want it, unless mine. There is no help ; 


kamako Tbak anlenkna owat ob^ra, asuli 

they went and cut the leg of the child, they took off 

kaB^n asQnkg ; owatob^ra gfi. 

the bangle and gave her ; the child died. 


Why the Chimpanzees do not brush (farm). 

Tawbto- riayira tApS ; kantang kadi mant 

The chimpanzees they sat long ago ; they used to eat tree 

makomi ; argbopa takebafe, ri ampa 

fruits ; when they said about brushing, there they said : 

[naJantotokQ ka kabaf ambot tQr tan. 

the first thing [they do] in the brushing [is] they put their farms. 

anrebo kgne rokant takabafe, ampa ma tap h§ 

"When they went to the bush to brush, they said we should not cut 

ak§p, afutu, alan§, gtanka, Qgbot, 

(different kinds of grass and trees) 

abei, abibia, anunk, akant, abamp ; 

(different kinds of grass and trees) 

dainyiroi katakalras ropet, 

there they sat and said let us return now to the town, 

kabaf kalasa. 
the brushing is spoilt. 

Ambebe ambap glanba Qtina 

When they reached there, they met the man roofing 

anset ; ankalbo ankQtansane 

the house ; when they returned they went and imitated 

mqm planba mgsete k§rg ant^ti kgpai 

as the man built the house but they did not know to say 

dorata ramafenta : nan anwgn kafanta rokgm 

that it is under, they lie down : they lie down on the tops, 

QkQm kqdetoin ka sapana. Tampai : ma kabaf 

the rain comes and beats them. So they said : as the brushing 


kalasai, inantSronu rokamp kamesakQ wai yQt 

is spoilt, let us go down to Freetown, so that we may go and buy 


abafa ; ampai bo kQii§ aninkararian 

to brush with ; when they were ready to go their mothers-in-law 

ampa : ^a, ambanana takal. Pa Roton 

said : let them cany for them hampers. Mr. Frog, 

pakaaShkan antekQ antatan. Tawoto anbasi 

Mr. Chameleon, they will follow. The chimpanzees took the 

takal ; ankfjn§ k^r^ kapetopet abebQ 

hampers ; they went but every town they reach, they 

atadiri; yettjdi ambd ampodiyi ; 

have to eat there ; the food they have they have eaten all ; 

Qkot5 ampodi, malap niabapona ; ankg rokant 

the load they have eaten, shame caught them ; they went in the 

bush ; 

afiwiir^ Bq ropet tan botQhe 

they never came out again in the town, now they only 

anrekea ka tqv anfani ambafe. 

come and steal from the farms the people brush. 

Ya pa wotonan ainyg tApa antamarQ kabaf. 

So Messrs. Chimpanzee did long ago ; they failed to brush. 

Pa kanankan oy^mabo basi ankal^ngn kabul 

Mr. Chameleon when he wants to take his hamper ; the hunch on 

his back 

kaselQ^kg de gtQ tApa oyitQn yil^n. 

does not agree for him there he is left long ago, he lives slowly. 

Paioton obasi ankalaiign k^r^ Qbun ay^ takaratara 

Mr. Frog takes his hamper but there is no forehead to hang 

rabina; qwqu dosaiii qsik^posima 

the rope ; he puts it in the mouth. all the teeth break out, 

tanroto ot^t toiiQn (jba^SQ Qsik. 
80 the frog is left to-day without teeth. 




Qlanba koyiri lanti kgnant wunibom ; 

Young man sitting there was, and he married a woman ; 

kg wunibom or^basi kom ka kaloba kakor* 

and the woman came and conceived on the shin and the belly 

kaba taren tgfAt tanl^. Algk^nyin owoskQn gpa tankgt 
took 14 years. One time her husband said let them go 

t^n etgk y' anresuiioh af^t ; 

and find wood, and her mates (fed) the young ones ; 

aiikqn^ Bwi, anwut na aiiresurion ansek §lik ^tgk 
when they went, the children of her mates tied bundles of wood, 

ansara ainy^ma kone ; Qpa mbq 

they put on head, they wanted to go ; she said, friends, 

tgn^minu §tQk§ ; tanresunon ampa sa ta bmgmu 
find for me wood ; so her mates said : it is not we who 

prevented you 
kak6me ; tgwat kakaloba opa : ya 

from giving birth ; so the child in the shin said : mother, 

kapili kanbuma ; oya mgkapili kanbuma 

go round the shrub ; the mother when she went round, the shrub, 

kakaloba makakanane kowat mpwur ri 

the shin cracked and the child came out from there 

karanean ; opotot§na. komotgn 

with perspiration ; he was full grown. And he (^ound) collected 

^tok §bati, kgrnosek yelik kgmosara 

wood plenty, and he tied it in a bundle, and put on his head, 

kgrnokQiie ropet ; k<5himan§ rokurkuruk 

and went to the town ; and he went straight to the yard 

Qpakgn ; rngb^ri kQino fak Qtgk ; 

of his father ; when he got there, he dropped the wood ; 


anlikifi §tok§ ny§ b^ wuni Qtama kansenan^ owgn 

bundle of wood this, if person stands on thLs side, and that (one) 

kanset qlqm oBal^ naiikQ. 

[stands] on the other side, he cannot see him. 

Qfakbo anlik 
When he dropped his bundle, 

Qkom tonQn ten mine>i 

she bore to-day, so I am 

kgrnoki^b^mpa aBgrniiiqii 
and builds a hut of his own ; 

yamM opd : (Jtfem owatowe 

Qpa : mine yan 

he said : it is I, mother 

Konisara ; kgrnokgne 

Konisara ; and he goes 

tQ' oyola 
so the rich 

tQ yira ; 
so he sits down 

backbiter says ; Sir, this child, if you don't kill him, 

QtedJfmu ; 

ho will kill 


\o Qtiin {js6m ; ka kotela Konisaran kyder-. 
so the man sends ; they go and call Konisara and he comes. 

ObebSi qkaskgh qtela granikc) Qlgm ; 

When he comes, his father 


Qrefon kq 
he comes and shaves her 

clean ; 

he says : 

owat obqrSwe 
this woman 

And they go ; 

l)an Qsoini 
father sent 

kqya kamii, 
to your mother, 


another wife of his ; 

Konisara ker§ 
onisara, carry 


so she may go and plait it 

(her hair). 

Qbel'ioi kgyakw^ Qpa : 

when he comes, his mother says : 

teli kamaretelami ; iknboi 

some time ago to come and call me ; when I went 

k' (jkowura owat ob^rSwe g : kaniarerukg ; 

and he went and took out this woman, he said : you come and plait 

her ; 

gpobo kane ampai gyakon gbok : g' 

when he finishes telling the matter, his mother cries : said : 

(() mitap rem wuni kakatolone ? 

how can I begin come and plait a person with shaved head ? 

kgmgtgnt gyakgn ; gyak gtanka boi, gpa 

He consoles his mother ; when his mother ceases, he says 



t^nm! ramQS ; Qjakgn komot^nri Qsgn kg ri ; 

find for me an egg ; his mother finds it and gives it to him ; 

kgpa b^kgi kgpai, tiko son kg ram^s are ; 

he says : if I go to father, I will go and give him this egg ; 

to make for me 

kabant yi kes^pgn. 
a bone and a comb. 

Kgmgyokan^ kgmgkgne ka gpakgn ; gbe ri boi, 

He gets up and goes to his father ; when he reaches there 

gpa : pa' yanokurimu g kame karamu 

he says : father, my mother salutes you, she says : let me bring 

for you 
ramQS are kama ndebankg kebant yi kasgpgn 

this egg so that you come and make for her a bone and a comb 

tak esanti ; iker^. Opa : ob^miyg, 

to go and comb out ; I carry it. He says : he does not 

kgmotank ; oyolayamfa ob^boi 

know what to do and keeps silence ; the rich backbitei', when he 


gtim gwatgwe b^ndifgkqwe gtadifmu. 

Sir, this boy if you don't kill him, he will kill you. 

Anion ati Konisara gkalane tgn kaselan. t gtim 

That time Konisara returns with a laugh. So the man 

gkalgsom kamakgt^la Konisaran; Konisaraii 

sends again to go and call Konisara ; Konisara 

gbgboi gkaskgn gwura 

when he comes his father takes out 


he says : 

and dish it 


ker^ ya kemu ; 
carry to your mother ; 

taro tamtaderan ; 
basins seven ; 

kela kin gsonkg ; 

one grain of rice and gives 
him ; 
tQ kg tun ki' 
let her go and cook it, 

atik antedgmi 
strangers will come to me 

kgrnokgug kgmokgkanq Qyakg mpa nyi. 

when he comes, he goes and relates this matter to his 



Qya kgkQmo b8k sq' 
And his mother cries again ; 

kqkal tqntq kq 
and he consoles her again ; 

kqyakq tgfla ; 

and his mother becomes silent ; 

alfika nap^pQ, jk. 
seed of calabash, mother, 

tgkal pa t^n^mi 

and he says again find for me 

Kgya kQmotQn ni kgrnosQiiko ni 
And his mother, finds it and gives it to 


and he says : 

bekqi kapai 
if I go to father 

be ap^pe fiy^ 
if there is no calabash, 

anluka fiyi 
and plant this seed 

tikan^kgii anak amiqi^ rgs 
I will tell him the rice cannot be 

teen bbQiy^ma tQkq^^p 

so if he wants, let him go 

^PQpeati re ma ros tani. 

and the calabashes of it there you dish in the 


Kqmqyo kan^ k^kgnq ka qpakgn ; qbe ri boi 

And he gets up and goes ; and goes to his father ; when he reaches 


kamakarSmu anluka nyi apqpe 
let me bring for you this seed of this 

tQpi ni kaki kainanlQkQ 

come and plant it now, and let it grow 

kqmebak kaman piinJ 

and get old, (let you) pluck them, 

kamantaiyi ; 
and dry them ; 


kgmQpa yan q 
he says, mother said, 

aiflyi ; kamande 
calabash ; (let you) 

kamankoui ^pqpq 
and bear calabashes ; 

kaman bayi 
(let you) break them 


(let you) give me them, let me carry them, 

bqpos tete 
if they presently dry 

kaniQyam QkqbQsa yi 

and let mother go and 

scrub them 

mande tan diyi 

they are going to eat it in 

the afternoon. 

Qtiiii Qbamiyg kgrnqtank; Konisaran 

The man does not know what to do, and keeps silence ; Konisara 

kQmnkalanQ kaselau ka yakgn ; Qyola yamfa kQmoder 
returns laughing to his mother ; rich backbiter conies 

D 2 

kginqros ri 
and dish there 

anak na anl^ik, 
rice of the strangers. 


kQinokal pa gtim owatowe b^ndif^kg^ 

and says again : Sir, this child, if you don't kill him, 

Qtedifmu ; kcjingsom ka kptela Konisaran ; 

he will kill you ; and he sends and calls Konisara ; 

makQnisara dere tgkas kgpa : wankemi kko y^t 

when Konisara came, his father says, my son, what things 

yankarami§ ? To wuni mgtap mgljaii rames 

do you bring for me these ? How can man begin to make egg 

kabant i kasepoi ? Ta' Konisar gpa : be nan wuni 

into bone and comb ? So Konisara said ; if you see a person 

gkbali^ ban ram^s kabant kasgpa td' wuni gbelig ru kutSlun. 
cannot make an egg into bone and comb, so one cannot plait barehead. 

TgkaskQn gkal pa : To wuni mgt^p aluka n§pgp§ 

So his father said again : how can one plant a seed of calabash 

arei nyin manlgko mambakg ? Ta' Konisara opa : 
one day, it grows, it gets big? So Konisara said': 

benenk wuni gbelig tgp aluka nap^pg anlgko arei iiyini, 
if you see one cannot plant seed of calabash and it grows in one day, 

t^ wuni gkbalig t^p kala ka Igko arei nyin adiki 

so one cannot plant one grain and it grow one day and they eat 

• anrei nati. Kgnisaran kgmgkalane kgySkgn ; 

it that same day. Konisara returns to his mother ; 

aretgl^mi okaskgn gpat at§.r abati ; rabati olgm 

other wives of his father boil tar much ; next morning 

Qsomar k^ q Kgnisaran tgder* nina 

he sends to him ; he says : Konisara let him come to-morrow 

b^t; Konisara gtal ti boi gtgn adandal abana 

morning ; Konisara when he hears of it, he finds basin big 

gsarayin gkgng par^sgk gkgtama kanwindo raygr- ; 

puts on his head he goes at dawn, he stands near the window ; 

gkori gkaskgn ; gbasi amMtan antar gkusar kgn 

he compliments his father ; he takes the pot of tar, pours it on him, 


qnan^ ofi 
he thinks he died, 

robump kgn ; 
on his head ; 


he returns 

o^^ti kopS, Qba adandal 

he does not know that he has a basin 

^adira dira 
When it sleeps 

Qker^n ka Qpaktjn ; 
he carries it to his father ; 

enygma b^mp' abile 
you want to make a canoe, 

gkaskqn gponbo kal antare, 

his father when he finishes turning the tar, 

roset kQn Qk^temsr antar. 

to his house ; he goes and puts the tar down. 

Boi inarSi mal^manS gbasi antar 

(several) days counting* he takes the tar, 

qpa m^tel Spa 

he says when I heard they said : 

ikar' antarane, irebalQr mu. 
I bring this tar, I come to help you. 

Qyolayamfa kgder kgpa Qtim Qwatowe b^udif^kg^ 
Rich backbiter comes and says : Sir, this boy, if you don't kill him, 

(jtadifmu ; tQtim Qpa bg mari minu 

he will kill you ; so the man says : my comrade, help me, 

min§ tamrQkQ, Antam kanwop Konisaran kansik kanbatQ akal 
I have failed. People hold Konisara they tie and hamper 

him in a hamper, 

akQfitakQ karoban. ankgn bo nani 

go and throw him in the sea. When they have gone for a long time, 

pabakana aiibasi ankal amb^ta ron 

they get tiied, they take the hamper they put on the road, 

anwon rokaut ankqpim okom. Kgnisaran 

and go in the bush, they go and pick fruit. Konisara 

tgte efanta cjtik ufula kQmobek 

so he stays (there) lying down Fula stranger so he comes 

Qkorikq kQinonkane 

he salutes him, and asks him : 

Ka Kgnisaran 
So Konisara 

(jkalkQ kori 
returns the salute 

t^ki abati mwi ? 
why are you hampered ? 

kQ niinan ayema 

so he says : I, they want 

* ('.('., after several days. 


ko pQlpmi rabai ra romant k^nikQ yiri 

to go and crown me king of the water, so ttat I may be there 

okande. Tgful opa a' iyema nan 

paramount chief. So the Fula says : Ah, I want them to put on 

sara rabai ; takpniser opa sgnii akuti kamu kame 

the crown ; so Konisara says : give me your load so that 

lenklimu rabai ; tgful' Qpa owa 

I hand to you the kingship ; so the Fula says : all right j 

kqmolankli akuti ka Konisara Qpa sallmi, 

so he hands over the load ; so Konisara says : loose me ; 

kgmoselikQ . qmgwiira ka kankal, kpfula 

so he looses him and he takes him out of the hamper ; and the Fula 

mpfonta kg Konisara osekkg kqbatiakQ kankal, 

lays down and Konisara ties him and hampers him in the hamper 

kgrnobasi akute kprnokgne ; kQpa nigtakgne 

and he takes his load and goes ; and he says, when he will go, 

nt^re yampan kamu a kp tonun 

you are left here with your folly ; they are going to-day 

fitamu roban. 

to throw you into the sea. 

Konisaran gkal ak§ kanset ngn ; Qb§ boi 

Konisara returns then to his house ; when he reaches 

Qkaskg tal ti oyolayamfa komokel der kppa gtim 

his father hears of it ; rich backbiter comes again said my man, 

owatQwe bgndif^kow§ gtedifmu. 

this child, if you don't kill him, he will kill you. 

Kgnisaran meni koko bg otipri QSQn gfing ; aiitgt 
Konisara himself everything he does to it kindness, the fly 

rngtal apay^h kgrnokp ttjri ti Konisaran. 

when it hears they say so, he goes and shows it to Konisara. 

Kgnisaran gfir' antabul^no ; gkaskgn Qsom q : 

Konisara beats his tabulen (drum) ; his father sends, says : 

Kgnisara tgder ka Konisara mok§ gbe boi 

Konisara let him come, and Konisara goes, when he gets there, 


tgkas kqpa, q is3,k peiii, beyi no iy^mi tipa nai 
his father says I scattered fundi ; if I were a liar, I would have said 

mQlgma nkarainyi k^r^ mit^ ey^mi payi mQyi 

about the size of this yard, but as I am not a liar, it is like 

dunbili ten apeni api iy^ma ansyk^pi tgng lias b^s. 

Magbili, so the fundi this, I want you to pick it, all to-night. 

Konisara k^niokal kabokan kg kak kqmq ban^k^ ko akak 
Konisara returned crying and the ant meets him and the ant 

yifakq kgy^mun kiloi, yatki fing ? tQpa 

asked him why are you crying, friend good ? And he said : 

pan osak peni q : kami SQkgpi tonun bas. Td' akak 

father scattered fundi, he said: pick it all to-night. So the ant 

Qpa t'^bok kgdira sasgkopi b^s mu 

said : Do not cry, go and sleep, we will pick it all for you, 

yanko samien. Konisara kgrnokgng, kqkqfanta. akak 
I and my comrades. Konisara goes and lays down. The ant 

kqmQsom kq takq tanorii anipobanQ s^nk ; kg kangna 
sends and the ants of this world all meet all ; and he tells them 

Qyatki kasu Konisaran ntqn su mapant, q 

our friend Konisara he hires us for work, he says : 

kaniasabas kg apeni api Ankqsanqn aiuali,ne kamansane, 
let us pick for him this fundi. His friends agree ; they stoop, 

ygnka kar§ndatQn kabekan, ampopil'ias ankgkar ambqk 

bufore midnight comes they finish picking it, they hold the bag, 

do ainbotapi ankergkq ; Qmutina mamo, 

where they put it, they carry it to him ; he thanks them, 

ahkalSiic. Bat Konisaran rjkerq amb^kan apeni 

they return. In the morning Konisara takes the bag of fundi 

k QpakQn. 
to his father. 

Konisara qkalabui qyola yamfa kglder kqpa Qtim gwatowe 
When Konisara returns rich backbiter cumes and says : Sir, this child, 

bgndif^kqe kntadifniu ; Tcitini Qsom ka Konisara 

if you don't kill him, he will kill you. So he sends to Konisara 


ka Konisara oder, kg : 

when Konisara comes, he says : 

iyema nkobamikg 
I want you go and bring it for me, 

ib§C onk obi rowpr^ 
I have cow black in the cattle yard 

Tana tabi a^^ti 

The black cows are many 

in the yard. 

Qkaskpn q 
his father said : 

itadifmu ; 
I will kill you ; 

he salutes him, 

where are you going 

sent me 

in the yard. 

keep quiet, 

I am going to sit on, 

KQnisaran kgrnok^n^ kabokan, otam gboke 
Konisaran returned crying, stood crying, 

ampa nye msomm b^ntamro nye 

this palaver I am sending you, if you fail to do it, 

kamai oban§ Konisaran, Qkg kabokan 

the bee meets Konisara as he goes crying, 

ta Konisaran Qkalakq kori 
so Konisara returns the salute 

kaboke ; ta Konisara Qpa : 
with crying ; so Konisara says 

g takQbankg ona kdbi 

said ; let me go and bring for him his black cow 

atana tabi ajpatiri ; ta kamai gpa 

and the black cows are many there ; so the bee says : 

tebok be sakg tani 

don't cry, if we go presently, 

kgkStikg knnon. 

go and loose it, it is the one. 

and said : 


the cow 

is quiet 

ka mankgn^ 
and they went 


the bee 

manibe rowgr^ 
when they reached the yard, 

kgrngfalir gkg rens ^na ka Konisaran mgkQkSti kg 
flies goes and sits on the cow and Konisara goes and looses it, 

kamankgne ropet gkglankli k gpakgn. 

and they go 

to the town 

and hand it over 

to his father. 

Qyola yamfa kgder- kgtim 
Eich backbiter comes says : Sir, 

gtadifmu. Tgtim gpa 

he will kill you. The man says : 

kgmgta ri atjrar! tApa 

gwatowi bendifgkgg 

this child, if you don't kill him 

Konisara kg robola 

Konisai'a go in deep water 

anbelina gbai gtgtgkg. 

sink there, they dropped there long ago the bell of the king first, 


Konisaran kQmolcQn^ kabQkan kpbe roban kcjnkwi 

Konisara returns crying, reaches the sea and the crocodile 

motalakQ kankwi mgwur kQkorikq ka kgnQn Qkal kg 
hearH him and crocodile comes out and salutes him and he returns 

akoii ; kankwi gyif Konisaran 

the salutation ; and the crocodile asks Konisara : 

mai'iboke ; Ta Konisara Qpa 

crying ? So Konisara says : 

takarewura anbellna ob&i 

to come and take out the bell of the king 

ray father 

why are you 

sends me 

t§ mibok. 
that's why I cry. 

go and lie down, 

Ka Konisara niQkSl 
So Konisara returns 

And the crocodile 

tikqwura m' 
I will go and take 

and lies down, 

kqtas takwi, kgtas takwi, 

he pusses crocodiles, he passes crocodiles, 

kq kcjbap anbelih kg n^mt^nean 

he goes and finds the bell and he begs 

kank^ker§ ni kanbap roban 

and they hold it and carry it to the shore 

Konisaran k^mutina niamo 

Konisara and he thanks them and 

from deep water, 

Qpa kal 
says : return, 

the belljor you. 

kankwi mgrngta, 
and the crocodile sinks, 

kgtas takwi ; 
he passes crocodiles ; 

his comrades 

kan kerQ nye 
and they carry it to 

kgbatini ; 

strikes (the bell) ; 

Qyolayanifa tgpa gtim bQndife Qwatowe, 

rich backbiter says : Sir if you don't kill this boy, 

Qtadifmu ; pawone^ kanlal ampe ka 

he will kill you ; it was not long the grass field burnt and 

Konisaran gkQn^ri kq kqyira kah bantane kargf 

Konisara goes there and sits on the edge and a horned snake 

(jtb/r kabukq ma nant nayema tgi kw§ ; ka Konisaran 
comes with running as the fire wants to burn him ; and Konisara 

takes him 

and puts him 

in his bag 

and he carries it 


robat kQter kargf okgn^ 

to the water-side and lets it go ; and the snake goes 

ka kgnokalane mapgdira dira kargf gder 

and he returns ; when it slept and slept, the snake comes 

roset ka Qtim Qbap qbat^ 

to the house of the man, he meets the favourite wife 

ka otim Qtab^nt qtim kargf 

of the man, she was scratching her husband's head and the snake 

Qrqbat Qrani ka Qtim ka wunibom ofi ; 

comes and strikes the wife of the man and the woman dies ; 

Qyolayamfa rngtoltie QtkQ ka qtim 

the rich backbiter, when he heard of it he goes to the man 

qpa : Otim, bqndifq owatowe, Qtedifmu 

and says : Sir, if you don't kill this boy, he will kill you 

Tqtim Qsom ka Konisara, Qpa, Konisara tqder 
And the man sent to Konisara, says : Konisara, let him come. 

Ma Kpnisara dere, topa arqf oredif 

When Konisara comes he says : the snake came and killed 

orani kemi ; ten retarnkp Te KQnisaran (jtane 

my wife, so come and wake her up. So Konisara goes 

aron kQbanq arpf ; ta argf gpa 

on the road and meets the snake ; and snake says : 

remankge ta' Kgnisara Qpa : ikg tgn 

where are you going ? and Konisara says : I am going to find 

atgl takakgtQmi Qbatg ka gtim 

medicine to go and wake the favourite wife of the man, 

Qwgn arpf gdife. Targf Qpa : min§n 

the one the snake killed. So the snake says : it is I 

minkgdif grani ka Qtim kQrQ munkisis mi 

who went and killed the wife of the man, but you saved me 

kanant ten tikisismu kgng kgkanQ Qtim 

from fire so I will save you ; go and tell the man 


ta tat§n k6but koygla yamfa. kaniakulan 

he should get the heart of a rich backbiter, to mix 

with the medicine. 

Tempi, tempi tas abai katemp k^mokgl kgkgkane 
Wise, wiser than the wise kings, goes and tells 

Qtim, k(}tim motela Qyola yamfa kQkaiiQ 

the man, and the man calls the rich backbiter and he tells 

anlahba tanfumpQrkg kamanfaikQ ; 

the young boys, let them fall on him and cut hia throat ; 

kamanfumpQrkQ kamanfgikq ; kasQn Kgnisaran 

and they fall on him and cut his throat and give Konisara 

k^but Qmotan oron kg kqbop argf, kargf 

his heart ; he follows the road and goes and meets snake, and the 

mgtQrikQ antpl k^sim Qbuma yati k^t^m ^iQm, 

shows him the medicine, he breaks its leaves, and chews some, 

kgwop ^Ifjm kgkel ropet kq kqtuf Qwat obqra 

and holds some, he returns to the town, he goes and spits on the 


ekayi rosankgri kgnepkg eyi rotakQn 

these leaves in his mouth, and he knocks her, with those in his hands, 

kqwatob^ra m^tame. Ntara qwq yi Qyola yamfai 

and the woman wakes. Do you know who he is, the rich backbiter ( 

m rii ; Pakal^me, gkQngn. 
Yes ; Mr. Sheep, him. 

Anfam ropet Qwatowe ant^SQ mamayokwQ, 

People in the town, this boy, they don't know what to do to him 


tampa : mamb^sakgnu ebi Qbglgn kema ri 

so they say : let us dig for him a hole deep so that we meet there, 

ksma KQiiisaran (jdebwi at^rikgri k^mokgyirari 

so that if Konisara comes, they show him there and he goes and 

sits there.- 

KamanbQS g,rabi. 
And they dig the hole. 


Tempi tempi tas abai ka tempi kgmQtel ti ; 

Wise beyond the wisdom of kings hears of it ; 

komQt^la Qtank, kcjtaiik mgb^sakQ kowur 

he calls ant bear, and the ant bear dug for him and comes out 

rgna roset han kambi anfem amb^si ; QkQbutg 

to their house as far as the hole the people dug ; he only goes 

t§ Qpgpal kQmQwui" ka Kgnisaran 

and leaves thin (partition) and he comes out and Konisara 

mgmutikQmQmo, komokgne. Manfam ampob^se 

thanks him, and he goes. When the people finish digging, 

kanbans^ri tanterflkaruk kanr^n aiibata kantamar kawaii 
they put across there small sticks and spread mat and put the chair 

rokom ; kamfer" antabule kanfam anbane wuni 6 wuni 

on the top ; and they beat the drum and people gather every one 

aselQy§k(} tako ira ka kawan kati 

they don't agree for anyone to go and sit on that chair 

patas Konisaran. Ma Kgnisara dere ka atgrikQ 

except Konisara. When Konisara came they showed him 

kQmQyirari tgp^iisa tapa yira bo ; ka gyira 

to go and sit there, he refused and they said just sit ; and he sat 

kama pae sima Qtira robi Qsunti dQtank gtalne . 

and it broke fell in the hole and he burst where the antbear 

kab^se : gkgne rosetakQn. Anfam antgti kgpa 

digging ; he goes to his house. People do not know to say 

okgne anbasi masSr- anapas^ri anbas ebitgra 

he is gone ; they take stones, they throw there, they take bottles, 

anapasari anbasi §kant anapasari 

they throw there, they take the sticks, they throw there, 

anane oylri awe' sadifkg tpnu. 

they think he is there, they say thus, we have killed him to-day. 

Padira direbwe anturikalane ; a' sara tongn 

When it slept, slept, they gathered ; they said : we offer to-day 
asatka ta Kgnisara. Kgnisara kgrngtal ti 

sacrifice for Konisara. Konisara when he hears of it, 


kgrngliankebS kgbQt kampQpe kgker^ antunkalanq 

he beats bread he puts in the calabash, he carries ; they gather 

kqpa itgl kapS. naySma wura asatka ta Kgnisara 

he says I hear (to say) that you want to offer Konisara's sacrifice 

ten yirebalamu Anfam bQ ant^SQ mamayow^ 

so I come to help you. People all do not know what to do 

te ant^n abatg abalma y§ apinkaran kanscjnkQ, 

so they find a sword, a dagger, and a gun ; they give to 


kampa : kpne pS"!!!. Kgnisaran kgmqkQnQ kQwnfi kaiit 
and say : go away. Konisara goes away, he goes into the 


hail kgbap wat oruni kokorikQ kQWQn 

till he meets a man and he compliments him ; and the other 

kQlkq Qkori ; kgyif kq remanwiire 

returns the salutation ; and he asks him where are you from, 

remankQy^ ? tqpa iwjir- kantQfasu 

where are you going ? So he says : I come from our land — 

rotempi kamankorine kamansel 

Wise man's land — and they shake hands and they laugh ; 

kg minQ sy rq wur". 
80 he says : there I too come from. 

Ke KQiiisaran Qpa iw^n I'jo daru ka k^tan. Tgpa 

And Konisara says : I only go in the world walking. So he says : 

nyesgn ? Ta Kgnisar Qpa : minSi Kgnisara ; 

what is your name ? So Konisara says : I am Konisara ; 

tgpa Qya kemvi nyesgna kQbonti 

so he says : your mother, what is her name, and he names it ; 

topa : Qpamu nyesgna ta Kgnisara bouti ; 

so he says : your father, what is his name, and Konisara names it ; 

tgpa sayi karainyin sayi kasgnyin 

so he says : we are of one mother, we are of one father, 

luinQn meyt Sarabaki. Sarabakian tgpa kake miin 

I am Sara senior (old). Sara senior says : now, you, 


Kgnisara, muyi tgn Saramfet. Ta' Sarabekian gpa 

Konisara, you are now Sara junior (child). So Old Sara says : 

k§r§ min§ sq kabal ka balami ten ngsare yinoe 

but I myself it's drive, I have been driven so where we are here, 

usQm re masuter^kg yt Ta' Saraf§t qpa : 

here is a beast, it should not be shot at. So young Sara says : 

owa tQt§ber§ bgb^r^ tesutarkg 

all right, let it not reach here, if it reaches here, I will shoot it. 

P8w5ni^ QS^m. kQmobik Saraf^tan k(}mQsfi.t8rkQ 

It is not long, beast comes, young Sara shoots it 

ka asum onwam rokant riankintin Kaman wuriri 
and darkness falls on the bush in daylight. And they come out 

of there ; 

anwqn kant haln kamambe ropet. Kapet kati 

they go in the bush till they reach the town. Town that, 

kobi obai kamankqne ka obai kobai gyana 

it has a king, and they go to the king, and the king lodges them, 

katon tar6 teren tobana kasQnti af^t ab§ra afane, 

and they cook basins two big, they give them girls, virgins 

naraii kanker^ Sarabekiari na Sarafetan anak. 

two, and they carry Sarabeki and Sarafet rice. 

Sarabekian na Sarafetan kamantedi ; mampodie 

Sarabeki and Sarafet are left eating ; when they finish 


anbasi §p^p§ kantanar- rayar* ; mapabi^ 

they take calabashes, and put aside ; when night comes, 

ypbai Qyg sq kQpa : g namf et ab^ra nye manu 

so the king does again, he says ; you young girls (let) you 

kgnodira kantikane. Sarabaki na , Sarafetan 

go and sleep with these strangers ; Sarabaki and Sarafet 

maker^n anake kaygso inQ nanan. 

when they carry them the rice, they do again as before. 

Amfet ab^ra, kgwp' Qkgfanta ka Sarabaki kglgm 

The young girls, that one lies down with Sarabaki, and the other 


QkQfanta ka Sarafet. Sarafetan mamf^t ab^ra andira tq' 
lies down with Sarafet. Sarafet, when the girk sleep, tells 

kane QWQntikQn : kgtQ mandif amfet ab^ra. Ta' Sarabaki 
his brother : brother, let us kill the girls. So Sarabaki 

Qpa : manteyQ. Qkarbo owgntakgn dira 

says : let as not do it. He waits only, his brother sleeps, 

kqniQfai Qkqn kgrnok^fai gkaw^ntakgn 

he cuts his (girl's throat), he cuts his brother's (girl's throat), 

k()mot§mi owgntekgh kqpa : ipofai amf^t ab^ra. 

he wakes his brother and says : I have killed the girls. 

Kamankanti karekararQn kamanwur kamankglSep 
And they open the back door, and they go out and they go and 


aiupol qbana rosarak^nd^ ropet ray^ir, randira. 

cotton tree big in the praying field near the town ; there they slept. 

MapasQkabate gbai qnaha han aret Qbeper, 

When day breaks the king does not see them till the sun is high, 

han aret akalQ kQmot^n afam ka siin ekadare 

till sun is turning and he gets people and they break the door 

kawQn d£}kor" kakqbap amfet aberafi 

and they go inside and they go and find the dead girls 

kamare tqri ti gbai. K^mofir antSbule 

and they come and tell it to the king. And he beats drum 

kama k^Bane rosarak^nd^ k^bai moko yira 

and they go and gather in the praying field and the king goes and 


kampolo rata, ro Sarabaki na Sarafet aiibepe kQsom 
under cotton tree where Sarabaki and Sarafet climb and he 


anfam alQm karon datQrcjii anlgm karon dapil anlcjiii 
people some on the east road, otheis on the west road, others 

kandfi;} anlgm kam§rQ q 

on the north road, others on che south road, he says : 

beiifiiiflna wopnSnu, naker^na. 
if you see them, hold them, bring them. 


Sarafetan topa : koto ijema sgte robai robump. 

Sarafetan says : brother, I want to urinate on the king's head. 

teyg ; Qselai, IcQmosQtg 

don't ; he does not agree, so he urinates 

k^bai mglaketQ; ka Sarafetan 

and the king looks up ; and Sarafet 

rgder" kobai motela mant 

on his face ; and the king calls for water 

kQWontekgn gpa 
and his brother says : 

robump ka obai, 
on the king's head, 

defsecates on him 

ka kara mant 

kgre ane rgder* 


and they bring water and he comes and washes his face and he says ; 

look at them ; 

come and cut it. 


they are here 

And people go 

ka nent ayi 
on this tree 

ankoban tabap 
and bring axes 

on the top, 

and cut 


mayemabanti ni 

the cotton tree, when they want to finish (cutting) it, smooth (grey) 


mQWur kakglg kgr^bat ni kampolo 

comes out from hole in tree, comes and knocks it, and the cotton tree 

comes back 

And the people 

banti nyg 
to finish (cutting) it, 

Kamfam ankal 
When the people 

finish cutting it 

owur sgyi 
comes out again. 

ygn^ mg 
made like 

mainyi lanti 
as it was before. 

kotgt^ko gyi 
in the beginning. 

mankaltap ampolo ; 
cut the cotton tree again 

the lizard 

tap ni, 
cut it again, 

ta Sarafet gpa 
Sarafet says : 

tasutarkg ; 
I will shoot it ; 

mamyema sg 
when they want again 

gkal wur kgkabbati ni. 
comes out again and knocks it 

manfem ainyema 

and the people want to 


be akgtka 
if the lizard 

as soon as he was finished 

akgtka owur- Sarafetan kgmgeutarko ; ampolon kapa 
lizard comes, Sarafet shoots it ; the cotton tree, as soon 

gfiinipQwu, ambar- Qtas kgBasina riaii 

as it begins to fall, the hawk passes, and takes them from there, 

Cjfalirana. Ambar* Qfaliri bo hSTn e Sarafetan 

and flies with them. The hawk flies long till Sarafet 

kQpa: kqtq ambar- amfer nqn bupi kQmgrafkQ 
says : brother, the hawk's backside stinks, and he sticks in 

ambalma kambai" m^tirona kamanfumpQ 

the dagger, and the hawk lets them go and they fall 

kahbalan kamanfi. 

on the stony place, and die. 

P9wuni§ ankunsese qdev kQmgsitarna 

It was not long, the tortoise comes and breaks wind, 

ijmqtar Sarabaki komotame. Kankunsese Qpa 

he first did it to Sarabaki and he wakes. And the tortoise says ; 

iyema temi qw§ ; ta Sarabai qpa : te ; ta ankunsese 
I want to wake this ; and Sarabaki says : stop ! and tortoise 

Qpa mtqmimui teii nietetami qwgin. Ta Sarabakiah 
says : I waked you so I will wake that one. And Sarabaki . 

Qpa : olas t^ii ankusese tqt^mi Sarafetan. 

says : he is bad, that's why Tortoise wakes Sarafet. 

Sarafetan kat^mlo gwop ankunsese ; q 

Siirafet, as soon as he wakes, holds Tortoise ; he says : 

ifir" akunsese, k(jt(}, wopmikq ikqtqn 

I have found a tortoise, brother, hold it for me I am going 

nant ; m^kgnq kakat^n anant, gwQntkqn qkane 

to find fire ; when he goes to find the fire, his brother tells 

ankunsese anen ki mapatinayi ; kgmQter kq ; ankunsese 
tortoise, you see I told you ; he lets it go ; tortoise 

niQterkQi kgrnglumaue paron ro Sarafetan 

when he releases him, goes straight on road where Sarafet 

otane kamanbane no Sarafetan kgrnqbip kq tgpa : 
passed and they meet ; here Sarafet catches him ; he says : 



kQtQ, iBip okamio qwqh tete Basi, iboyamu ; 

brother, I have caught mine, that one just, take it, I dash you ; 

ka Sarafetan niQtQi kg kQinQsgrn kp bQ. 
and Sarafet roasted it and ate it up all. 

Mgrekale tQWQnt kQpa : mansekan^ ; ta 

When he comes back, his brother says : let us separate ; and 

Sarafet Qpa owa' ; ka Sarafetan rngkon^ kg kgbap 

Sarafet says : all right ; and Sarafet goes and he finds 

oya gtefonkr ; tpkori ko tgya okalkg 

a woman weeding ; he salutes her ' and the woman returns 

okori tQpa iremara muwi? 

the salutation ; he says : shall I come and help you ? 

Toya Qpa : kcjras robanka nkotoya 

So the woman says : go iirst to the farm house, you go and roast 

owan kami ak^l^lQ. 
for my child the cricket. 

Ka Sarafetan mQkcjn^ robanka kgkQtpi akelele 

And Sarafet goes to farm house goes and roasts the cricket, 

kQ SQn Qwat, k§r§ Qwat QSQm!^ ak^l^l^, 

gives to the child, but the child does not eat the cricket, 

tQbasi Qwat kgtQi kgr^n kankusQ 

so he takes the child, roasts, and puts on top of fire stove. 

kQtela Qya Qpa ya itgi ak^l^l^, 

and calls the woman and says : mother, I roasted the cricket, 

isQn Qwat k§r§ QSQmiQ t§ tgi Qwat 

I gave the child, but he did not eat, so I roasted the child 

ke SQn ak^l^l§. Toya Qbalakp ; kgniokgn^ kg 

and gave to the cricket. So the woman drives him ; he goes 

kebap okabi kgkori kg kpkSbi 

and he meets a blacksmith ; and salutes him, and the blacksmith 

gkalkg okori kgpa : iyema re yira ngrgmu 

returns the salute, and says : I want to come and sit with you, 

ikaran rakS,bi te gkabi gpa : gwa ; 

I learn blacksmith work ; so the blacksmith says : all right, 


all right, 

ka Sarafet gpa 
' and Sarafet says : 

gkabi gba karot obana. 

the blacksmith has a big scrotum. 

Alpkoi nyin ka Sarafetan 

Once on a time 

the blacksmith 

doesn't know ; 

kfjmQyira ri 
and he sits there, 

Qtoir afat 
heats iron 


rokaran ; 
in the fire ; 

mgkabi Qyira 

when the blacksmith sits 

the blacksmith 

kakabani Sarafetan Qwura rafat rafai 
hammering, Sarafet takes the iron hot 

kginoraf karot ka 

and he pierces the scrotum of 

Qkabi kqt^ tu 

The blacksmith stays sick 

kQDiQ Y)Qm koli 

he beats rice and ground nuts, and packs it 

kqmQWur Qkg kat^ns Sarafetan. 
and goes out in seaioh of Sarafet. 

from the fire 

and he runs away. 

alQkgbgli mepo fisakg^ 

a long time ; when he is better, 

kginQtapar ki rabutu 
in a bag 

Bqbe d^r- 
When he reaches place 

Qpa ikq kat^ns 

he says : I am going 

kavQt kokabi ; 
the blacksmith's scrotum ; 

ayif kg reniankni 

and they him : where are you going, 

wulanba QWQputer tgh 

in search of a man, who has burst 

he passed. 

When he goes 

wine anfam ampa 
once people say : 

hane kQmok9l>ap 
far till he meets 

<>y^ nQ 
he is not here, 


kgrngkori kg ka Sarafetan mgkal kg okori kgnu i yif kn 
he salutes him and Sarafet returns the salute ; and he asks him : 

reure reniankni 

where are you from ? where are you going 1 

ot^ti kapi Sarafet kgnon ; 

does not know to sa^v, Sarafet he ; 

kapS, gkabi kgngn, nwgputar 

to .say lilauksniith he [was], he burst 



Sarafetan gt^vti 
Sarafet does not knuw 

the scrotum. 

E 2 


Ta' Sarafet Qpa min§ minoi iputar karot 

So Sarafet says : here I am, I burst the scrotum 

kakabi lanti kgbont Qkabi ainyes 

of the blacksmith long ago ; and he named, blacksmith's name 

yi kapet r' qbekge ; tokabi ofumparkQ 

and the town where he found him, so the blacksmith falls on him 

kgmosekq komcjbakQ d^ranQn Moberokoi 

and ties him and he carries him to his own place. When he reaches 


QbasikQ Qkobot rofant rata ; pabi^bwe 

he takes him, he puts him under the bed ; when night comes 

ampoton awpn anak roset atemara na 

they finish cooking, they carry the rice in the house they put it for 

Qwat rofant ray^r ; gkabi Qpodi f^u Qy^kg 

the child near the bed ; the blaaksmith eats all, he does not 

give him. 

<}wat Qyirabotgn tad!^ gkap kg 

The child when he sat to eat, he (S.) scratches him (child), 

Qpa : wat, wat, bami Qwat gsap 

and says : child, child, give me a handful, child takes 

gtak rofant rata, otaka kasan konko owat Qnotu kg, 
he points to bed, under, he points his mouth, child pushes in rice, 

jqj(i hkn kowat oposgn anaknon. 

.•so he does till the child has given him his rice. 

MapasQk bate kokabi ingkos^li kg ; 

When the day breaks, the blacksmith * goes and looses him ; 

xqyirai talgkg bgli. 

there he sits for a long time. 

algnin masomna takakgtqn gtgke ; 

.Once they were sent (S. and the children) to go and find wood ; 

kgmotunk ri mokgng hanq kgbang Sarabakian 

he runs from there, when he goes, till he meets Sarabaki ; 

kahkorine kaiisQl. 

they shake hands and laugh. 


Kamankalkgn^ nan aranah kan kgbap asoiula 

They go again the two of them and they go and meet a lion 

ka kayanka k^n kankurikg tans(jinla gkalane okuri. 
in his cave, they salute lion and the lion returns the salute. 

Ta Sarafetan gpa : sade nprgmu sare rusama 

And Sarafet says : we come to you, we come to be trained, 

sabah^ kas i karan ; tansqinlapa: owa 

we have no father and mother ; so lion says : all right, 

kamanwon kakayanka ka koyira. Qlgko nyini kansgnla 
and they go in the cave and sit down. Once the lion 

(jkan^ Sarabakian kama Saraftjtan gkQpaya kg 

tells Sarabaki that Sarafet should follow him (lion) ; 

gkqkiipara tfj Sarabakian Qtqii Sarafetan kgpai 

he goes hunting ; and Sarabaki tells Sarafet that 

ansginla Qpa kQmokQpai kg ninaii ankokapara 

the lion says, that you go and follow him to-morrow to hunt 

ta Sarafet rjpa owa imalane. ankan^l'io kakakg kaparai 
and Sarafet says all right, I agree. When they go hunting, and 

kansginla ingkan^ Sarafetan tgsat ang anah Ij osgmi 

the lion tells Saiafot ; stop here in wait ; if you see a beast 

ntelami ire autarky minei tatas rodiro yan 

you call me, I come and shoot him ; I will jjass before there (yonder), 

ta Sarafetan gpa owa ; kgmgte yira ri. I'awoni^ 

and Sarafet says : all right ; he stays there sitting. It is not long 

kQWQnnodir- ta Sarafetan gkori kg to 

when a duiker comes and Sarafet salutes him and 

qwgr gkal kg gkuri; t() oyif ky Sarafet 

the duiker returns the salute ; so he asks Sarafet : 

komanre ygngi ? Tq Sarafet gpa tama ri 

what do you come to do here ? And Sarafet says : stand there, 

tgbukg ansginla namgre satan tgwgr- gbuke 

do not rini, the lion comes to watch, and the duiker runs ; 

k Qtak nigkal der ka Sarafet okori kg sg 

and again the bush buck comes and Sarafet salutes again. 


ka kgngkalkn mon sq kore kg kal sq yif kp 

and hie returns the salute himself, and he asks him again 

nQHiQWQ yifkQ nabowi ka Sarafetan okal man oBaki 
as that one asked him before and Sarafet again answers himself 

nag mQBak nan QWQrg, k Qtak mobuk^ ; 

as he answered in time past the duiker, and lizard runs ; 

dera bf Qtabal kq kamansoinla 

comes all, he drives him away and the lion 

wis^m os^m 
every beast 

does not get 


os^m odif, 
animal to kill 

karet rati 
on that day ; 


when they return, 

kama Sarafetan 
that Sarafet 

goes and tells 

otesQ paia kq rekakQkapera. 

may not follow him again to go and hunt. 

Ten ninai Sarabak kqm kqpaia kq pabi^bwl 

So to-morrow Sarabaki will go and follow him when night falls ; 

Sarafetan tqtela Sarabakian kqkcjkan^kQ 

Sarafet calls Sarabaki ; he goes and tells him, 

bepi makgno nan yenk rekal, tasoma iyema ninan 
if you go to-morrow quickly retui'n, because I want to-morrow 

bato ansoinla ; kamabesabip kqi kamasafStane 

to set trap for the lion ; so that if we catch him, that we stop 

kan§sak(} ta Sarabakian Qpa qwS. Mapasgk bate, 

fearing him ; so Sarabaki says all light. When day broke, 

Sarabakian yansginla aiikqnq kakqkapara ; mankpn^ 
Sarabaki and the lion go to hunt ; when they go, 

Sarafet akqiq Sarabakian pyo^ mo Sarafetan 

Sarafet stays, Sarabaki does not do like Sarafet, 

b§nank uspmi qtqvi ansoinla sutarkp. Sarafetan 

if he sees animal, he shows the lion and he shoots it. Sarafet, 

niotei kprnotpbempa kabati takabgt ansginla. 

when he was left, he makes a trap to set for the lion. 

Aret qi. Sarabakian kpmotun kansginla 

When sun is getting lower Sarabaki runs away from the lion. 


kfjmQre won kakayanka. Sarafetan komolumpara 

and comes and enters in the cave. Sarafet sets 

kabati Qsat ansginla ; ansQinla mapabie (Jt^ns t^ns 

trap he hides for the lion ; lion when night falls seeks and seeks 

Sarabakian tekakalauQ k§r§ Qneye kg kijmQsek 

for Sarabaki to return but he does not see him, and he ties 

taS^m Qclif rabena kgmolirisQna rodarah kon ; 

the animals he killed with a rope and drags them behind him ; 

Qb^boi kqmoyema wgn kakayanka kprnosap 

when he reaches and wants to enter the cave he is caught 

kakabati ka Sarafetan rngk^bati^kg k^botar 

by the trap and Sarafet hampers him and puts him down. 

Pasgkaboi Sarafetan kgnionank antika fola k^mokgrina 
When day breaks Sarafet sees the Fula strangers ; he salutes 


kamankal kg (jkori kginomutina kauder 

they return the salutation and he calls them, and they come : 

" remankoi kweny^mai " tampa : 

" Where are you going, what do you want ? " They say : 

sakg ropil sakgtQu do waia atan 

we are going towards the west, we are going to find where to buy 

a dog, 

niabQUQ mati mami tare tarau tala pdi 
the money for it is this, basins two full." 

Ta Sarafetan Qpa : naneh^au tan ami abana ibatei 
And Sarafet says : do you not see my dog, big, I hampered, 

tatila k(j tantik ampa yasawaira mukw§ 

I will sell it ; so the strangers say : let us buy it from you, 

tQpa wd,' ; kantik inanbasi ataro ta mabgno 

so he says : all right ; and the strangers take the basins of gold, 

taran kanson kg ka kgno mobasi ankal 
two, and give him and he takes the hamper [of the lion] 

kansQinla tantik ayifakg antanamu nesaiiQ ; 

and gives them and the strangers ask : your dog, what is his 

name ; 


topa ainyeseriQii eyi : " haK mbatj amera 

he says : his name is : " still you have no thought, 

k§r§ mba afpr" " ; topa k^r§ minueneker^kw^ 

but you have eyes " ; so he said : but as you are carrying it, 

kar nu na tas tapet awulinin namota sali tq 

wait till you pass towns one thousand and one, before you loose it ; 

tampa owd'. Ankan§bo hane antas • 

and they say all right. When they go a long time, they pass 

bo ras tapet tanl§ ansali kg kprnokalan^. Sarafetan 
only four towns, they loose it and it returns. Sarafet 

kginonanko kQmokaneti owQiitakgh kamaiiBep karalil 
sees him and tells his brother and they climb on a rope 

l§mp l^mp kaman kobe rokgiii mansQinla gdere 

quickly, and they reach high up ; when the lion comes, 

kQmonana kginokorina kgmowop ralil kgrngbep 

he sees them, he compliments them, he holds the rope, and climbs, 

kgPQ kobe ratono Sarafetan mgbakar alii, 

but as he reaches the middle, Sarafet cuts the rope, 

kansginla mofumpg kanbalah dorata kgli. 

and the lion falls on the stones underneath and he dies. 

Sarafet na Sarabakian kankala ropet kamakQkanti ri 
Sarafet and Sarabaki return to the town, go and open there 

Qsap. Ansaparie, kane lumane bainye, obakio, 

a shop. The shop, who is the rightful owner, the old one or 

gfeto ? 
the young one ? 

Oya yq wanukqn ub^ea. 
The Woman and Her Female Child. 

Oya' koyirare lante ; gbSkoko; kgrekom 

A. woman sat there long ago ; she had nothing ; she came and 

watobf ra okin ; watob^rawe katisa kgii wuni kati oye 
bare girl one ; this girl, her beauty, a person like that 


tAp5 nqru owatowe QpoBo t^nai 

was not there long ago in this world ; this child, when f he was 

full grown, 
kanfom aruni manbunti taka nantakq ; Qker§ akala, 
the men started for it to marry her ; he brought money ; 

qya wop owQ kalakerg akala; 

the woman held [it] ; the other one again brought money ; 

(jya Qmalane sq ander anfam tamat nab^ ; 

the woman agreed again ; and they came people five all ; 

(}ya Qmalane mamantadeie. 

the woman agreed, when they are to come. 

Alqko nyin Qya kgrnotiipi ka Kurumasaba, 

Once on a time the woman repented to Kurumasaba, 

Q Kurumasaba to my^yi ibak ob§ra okin 

she said : Kurumasaba, what shall I, do, I have only one girl, 

afam aruni tamSt nabq ander ati takananta kg. Q : 

five men all come for it to marry her. She said : 

Kurumasaba y^rimi kakom aw\it alai k^m^sqn afam 
Kurumasaba, give me bearing children many, that I may give 

ainyi kama sa bap^ne kapaiiapa. 

these people, that we leave one another without palaver. 

Pabiyl'iwS kgmofanta tadira kg w^rap 

When night fell she lay down to sleep ; she dreamt 

Kurumasaba QsoiaarkQ omalaika; niomalaika gdere, 
Kurumasaba sent to her an " angel " ; when the angel came, 

tqpa : Kurumasaba (Jkorimu Qsomi dgrgmu O 

he said : Kurumasaba salutes you, he sends me to you. He said : 

ntola rokQ I'lO dise awute, tamala]) mayema 

you begged from him yesterday children, for shame wants 

wopmftwe, oteiii k^mgre kangmu kamantQn 

to catch you, she said let me come and tell you that you find 

keilQme, owi'r-, atan yenyari kainankantana 

sheep, goat, dog, and a cat, and that you shut them 

roset ygwan kamu tapali ; bQpi yoyi 

in the house, and your child, for a whole day ; if you do it 


ntsata wut. Pesgk B5pot§ Qya kpinQt^n 

you will get children. When day broke the woman found 

kalome gwer ' antAn yenyarih; mQposStanai 

the sheep, goat, dog, and cat ; when she got them, 

nan anlei komoBasina k§r§ okang wuni 

the four of them, she took them, but she did not tell person 

mare anie kprnokantana roset y' owan kgn 

this dream, she shut them up in the house, with her child, 

pgpiara bo p§,li ; rafoi kpniokalafenta 

for the whole day ; in the evening she lay down again, 

k omalaika ton rngkaltor" komore kangko 

and the angel then came down again, and came and told her, 

Q bepesgke kgkanti roset kamankeli ri 

said, if day break, go and open the house, so that you look in there ; 

aramanbep re araniG rian Kuru oboya mu ri. 

what you find there is yours, Kuru presents it to you. 

Pesgkg bopote oya kgrnoygkane komokokanti 

When day broke, the woman arose ; she went and opened 

roset ; mokanti yi afet abgra tamat liawur ri. 

the house ; when she opened it, five girls came out from there. 

Owan kgn okomi Qt§ kg sg. 

Her daughter she bare, she does not know her again. 

Kurumasaban gposakg tesgm oten kalgmeo, owir6 
Kurumasaba has changed these beasts, the sheep, goat, 

antanS, owainyareo, gposakgna ranfam akapet bg. 
. dog, and oat, changed them to town people all. 

Anlgn ati pabigng tgn marei gya ambotane 

That time it happened then the days the woman fixed 

anfam are tgn owankgwe mabek ; 

with those people that ask for her daughter have come ; 

manderi grebg gkgbasi : orani kamu, 

when they came, this one came, he went and took : your wife, 

gyi roset Qwuni gkgne gkgtit ukin, gkgng ; 

she is in the house. The person went, chose one, went away i 


yOJQna b^. nabg amposata ab§ra tonQin QlapasQ 
80 she did to them all. All have got wives ; behold the last one 

kQnd^basi owan kgya bSn. Ampoker^na. 

<!ame and took the woman's real child. They have carried them. 

Qya QtQboyi re amer^n anyir^ 

When the woman was left sitting, her mind does not rest, 

atesoma Qt^s Qwangkq ^^ti. Tqkal tupi ka 

: because she does not know her real child. So she repented again to 

Kuruinasaba qkala bosg dirq Kurumasabah gkal somar kg 
JKurumasaba. When she slept again Kurumasaba sent to her again 

tekQpi : bepi nyema tara owankemwi kqne nkgka k^ri 
to say : if you want to know your daughter, go and visit 

arik5mane amu s'^iik. 
flons-in-law your all. 

PasQkQ bopotS Qya kgmowur kgrnQk^kori 

The day broke, the woman set out, she went and visited 

(jkamanQkqn tgtQkfj. Qb§ IJwe okoman^kgn 

her first son-in-law. When she reached her son-in-law, 

Qselan^kQ finQ ; pabi^bwS kQinnyakg 

ho welcomed her well ; the night fell, he lodged her, 

kqmokq kori kg ; gkobQkori kgi tqpa : 

he went and visited her ; when he went and visited her, so he said : 

aty^ ntarakon^a owankamu bQti 

■oh, mother, you know how to bear, your child real 

kalQm^ bo hali ikqm nioka I'lon^kQ. 

is just like a sheep [sheep only] ; only rain should not touch her. 

Qkaniane kQmokalane Qyat^bwi 

The son-in-law returned, when the woman remained, 

amerangn kalri, kgpa! kalgme lanti kQiigh. 
her mind went there, to say sheep long ago [is] this. 

PasqkQl'iopote kQinotas Qkale kqne kakoman^kqii 
When day broke she passed, went again to her son-in-law 

olqm ; mgberi qwq sq selaneko 

other ; when she reached there, that one again welcomed her 


finQ Qkal SQ qkqjakq. Pabi^BwS 

well ; he went and lodged her again. When night caine, 

QkalQsgko sumarkg okal pa : a,jk 

he again paid her a night visit ; he again said : oh, mother, 

owankamu, ampahkenon weroBoyati; qkalane. 
your child, her foUy is goat-like ; he returned. 

Oya t^Bwe ameranon kalakalre q 

When the woman left, her mind reached there again, she said : 

§wer tApa kQnQwe. PesqBopotS QmokalpSi 

the goat long ago [is] this. When day broke, she started again,. 

kalokQne ka okomane kolgm yakalbo sq Bainyakg 

went again to son-in-law another ; so they treated her well agaitt 

mo antotokQiian Qtase ; pabi^liwl okoman^kQri 

as the first one of them she passed ; when night fell her son-in-law 

okalsokQ korikQ. Opa q' ay^, 

went and paid her a visit again. He said : again, oh mother,. 

owan kamu nkome Qtanboyati ow^bakwe 

your child you bare, dog-like only, the one who owns it,, 

QiiiQiiQiieyi Qyolaneyi kgno mo tatanbo. okalaneljwe 

be he poor, be he rich, he will only follow him. When he returned,. 

Qya aminanQn ankqre takopai antan lanti kgng. 
the woman's mind went there to say the dog long ago is this. 

PasQko bopote Qkal tas ka okomane kqlgm ; 

When day broke, she started again to her son-in-law other, 

gbe ri bwe okal sq selan^kc} fing Qyako 

when she reached there he received her well, lodged her- 

mo antQtQkQ Qtas ainyokgbwe Pabi^bwe 

as the first [ones] she found did to her. When night fell 

okoman^kQn gkokorikQ Qpa: ^y^ owankamu 

her son-in-law visited her he said : oh mother, your child 

kome aiyari kgnQiikon bo Qfad^n kamu dp bg tare ta kakq be. 
you bare, a cat you bare only, your enemy there she loves to go. 

Qkalan^bwi amera n* Qya ankalri takopai 

When he returned the mind of the woman returned there to say,. 


ainyare tApa kgiiQwe. PasQkQbopotS qya kQmotas 
cat long ago [is] this. When day broke, the woman started, 

lUQkQne han kqmoliik kakSmane kalopasQ. 

she went till she reached to her son-in-law the last. 

Kabe kakoman^kgn Qselan^kQ finQ, Qkqya 

As she reached her son-in-law received her well, he lodged 

kQ d^rQ finQ, Q^enyakQ finq. Pabi^BwS 

her in a fine place, he treated her well. When night fell, 

QkQ ri c/k^jkori oninkarakQn Ainyirabo 

he went there and visited his mother-in-law. When they sat 

antat^lmai tcjkoinan^ kQpa a naninkara 

chatting, son-in-law said : Ah, mother-in-law, 

munqntara kon )ja owan kamu Qwuiii wqtqtin. 

you know how to bear, your child is a person indeed. 

QtQwuni Qbqttjr bo tQ^igyq ata wuni Qbqnai 

What one likes is what she does, what one hates 

Qyo eti Qkomanqkq qkalanqliwi amerahgn 

she does not do it. Her son-in-law when he returned, her mind 

kqre takQpS owanakqn kqiiQwe. Qdirare maran 

went there to say my child is this. She slept there twice, 

kQniokalane dor^naii. 
she returned to her home. 

Atqsoma wuni mante t^n akainyamu mbqt:^rukin 

Why person must not find wives and love one 

n6^n ukin. 


Nt^n aiisabuii at! tqkq (li) kQnqirari ; kokonanta 

You do not know its reason, fowl sat there, he went and 

ab^raii arai'i ; ambqraii timen ati k^kgnanta ; 

married wives two ; those wives themselves he went and married ; 

Nar)oiuli) kqran okoubonanta Nabondo QtQuanta 
Nagbondokari he went and married Bondo, he went and married 


Marin mare kgnotabQtr okgBo bcjti Mare Bondgkari 
Mari ; Mari he loved better when he loved Mari, 'Bondokari 

abQtr kg katqii kati akain rgwurkg kgkgbafa kgr. 

he did not love during that time he went to bush and brushed farm. 

Dowurubo okgbafkq okgrokoti 

There he came out only, he went and brushed a farm ; that farm 

dgt^la Marin q : kgtglami Qbgndokorian 

there he called Mari ; he said : Go and call for me 'Bondokorian ; 

mpa kgne tgkar ami mant ; ^kgbo 

he said : go, let her bring me water ; when she went 

kakatela 'Bqndokarian, 'Bondokari q rabumpara 

to go and call Bondokari, Bondokari said : My head 

miroban mgyusgke anonka maren tgyokane 

is aching, as she is four-eyed you see Mari that's why she got up ; 

kgpa mba rabumpar grobano, mqmekaran 

she said : you have (her) head aching I am bringing it ; 

okobob§ke rngkerg mant qsikabo 

when she reached in carrying the water ; when she pushed 

Qruni mgtim o'yif-bo ukara mant topa : 

the man when the man asked who brought the water, she said : 

m ; 'Bgndokari orqbobgke tqpa : itatiton 

yes ; Bondokari when she reached, she said : I know they have 

mibgno tgpa manqtim qtim o'yokonetQn gkqbirj. 

hated me, said man himself the man got up and reached there. 

Oni^mg karan katqn kati gkain dgyukane,. 

She said I am trying it during that time there she got up 

kqmo kgne 
when she went 




1. Saiu 

Eecord 655. 


2. Mr, Tomas Qyiri 

Is Mr. Thomas there ? 

3. A okerQSU a patroly^ 
We go out this time a patrol 

abaki maderde 
strong (hard). 

4. Ampatrol ro nam yainyi 
The patrol there was 

Bq bQti rokamalu. 
sweet in Kamalu. 


Eo Kuntaia 
In Kuntaia 

mad(jre de 


very hard 

kam kande 
with Kande 

Qtim akunekq 

The man they tell him 

apgla kQsum ka Qbai ; 

for the rice he sent to 

the king ; 

he did not get it. 

Qdor rabun dif ri 
Hunger nearly killed there 

the labourers. 


Qyiri o, Qyiri. 

He is there, he is there. 

T^taiai ta ador- ador* 
It is not a simple thing for ithe 

sarekabomai mabati tahq. 
hunger we had on the way. 

Mebati tahq 
It is not a joke. 

Ro Kuntaia dador robuii 
In Kuntaia the hunger nearly 

killed us. 

theydid not get it. 

mabeti tahQ. 
It is not a joke. 


S uri — continued. 

8. Qbai akori ha 
The king, they went there 

masSs tafali 

till three times on a single 

Qsumara^ apala. 
he did not send the rice. 

9. k§r§ Qtim, kgnoder 
But the man he came 

ataim ales 
in a bad time. 

10. Owampa nti mon. oyi mo 
Yes, that palaver it seems 

abaki madQrgde 

11. Okelsobasisu 
He took us again 

QkalsukerQ Makuta. 
and carried us to Makuta. 

12. ^ 


13. E, kQre be awopamu 
Yes, but if they catch you 

Saiu — continued. 

OsataQ apela 
He did not get rice. 

ap9 niQpanQsuf'Tle. 
the one that will do to feed us. 


K§r^ abaki mad^rede kake 
But it is hard now 

kaputaboto taser 
it passes the mark ; 

ma S8wurb§ owa peeyi 
since we left, it was not like that. 

Do k(}bom ador 
There we went and starved for 

k8boma kobana 
Starvation great. 

Mine tame kokus ekump 

I went and turned out the palm 


in the night. 

Aba nanu may^me 

They have nothing to do to me. 


Suri — continued. 

karake §rane, hm, apanane. 
in stealing that, hm, it is 

14. K^r§ Qsinare 

But there are medicines 

15. TuM mutayi 
It has you palaver ? 
(Does it not matter to you ?) 

16. Bqtuba mutai nina 
If it matters to you by and 


17. Amas kal dir 
When we came again 

to that place there. 

18. Ka Kande Pareya ; 

To Kande Pareya : 

it was sweet. 

19. Nyiemon,iub!}lokQtok()ti 

You lie, you used to walk 

20. K§re nikQkakSah 
But you used to go about 
the palm wine ; 

namamun mabero 
you who drink palm wine. 

Saiu — continued. 

nayQ k^sas 
they did it purposely. 

Mine §t§ti bo 
I did not know only. 

Tubi, niitai, ah, 

It matters not to me, ah, 

mai bo nun 

it is only one (medicine). 

Tei otei tiy§ 
Nothing will happen. 


Ah, minete obqtr wati 
Ah, I did not know sweetness its. 

ik^takot kQi-^ni 

I walked about, but I did not 

QbQtr wati 
see sweetness its. 

ikey^ri maber 
I did not steal palm wine there. 


Suri — continued. 

21. Ny^maii 
You lie. 

22. Mbariy^m 
You have a lie. 

23. ak^r§ taim algme 
But once on a time you 

mberimi rokit^n ; 
belched to me in the kitchen ; 

itela maber ibgnt 
I smelt palm wine. 

24. Maber^ma t§na 
The seeming palm wine was 

mayere tgn 
not there then ; 

maberema tan 

a little palm wine was 

ni§ma kar 
what they brought 

§,di kakatoia tabo 
there in baking bread. 

25. Mbariy^ui ko§nkey§ri 
You have a lie, what did you 

steal there 


26. K^re nQbolgkQ ka 
But you (pi.) used to go 



Saiu — continued. 

I do not lie. 

not at all. 

Ayermima, aui§ 

They gave it to me, that which 

at^ne kakatoi ateboi 
remained in baking the bread. 

ikey^ri maber 

I did not steal palm wine there. 

ikey^ri koko 

I did not steal anything there. 

Qtim Qpa ^tanlQkg 

the man said the time he was 

amibasinu ropet 
employing us in town 

ikerQiiata kakokeya 
I did not carry them to go out 


Pa Nisan y' qwanka 
Mr. Spider and the Son 

A man 

sat there, 

he bore 

OF THE EicH Man. 

owankgn uk!n* Qwa 
his one son, and he 

tepanis oyokaue 

met the child ; so he said : 

Qr§ tontj pai ifi 
he is going to die to-day, 

ten teremaremu, 
so I will come and help you, 

gba k^n Q^^ti mQpai fie 

had much propeity when he was dying ; so Mr. Spider got up and 

kqkQbap owat ; tQpa : k wan kami Qpamu kom musSn 

oh, my son, your father bore you 

Qr^ba wuni kalanQ ; 
you will have no one to look to ; 

kqwat qpS, wa. Qtini 

so the child said all right. The man 

o^ubo hail qpai bo fie ka panis gmoyokane 

was sick, till he was near death, and Mr. Spider got up 

kcjkgbe Pa kamaian ; tQpa Qtim oyola kpnakom wan ukin ; 
went and met Mr. Bee ; so he said a rich man bore one son ; 

gygma kakefi, ten mare kgne nkgwnn ka wosut ; 

he is dying now, so let us come and go, you go and enter his nose ; 

b§p9 pa tokeb^nQ kgniantgri atQf Qbgli 

when they talk of burying him so that you show a far country, 

kamakgri ; aberiboi 

that we may go there [to bury himj ; when they reach there, 

nkal tqri atof abgli algm ; yamaJQ I'lo tankan 

you show another far country ; so you should do for ever, 

hail kQmot§ apai bo b^iie ntawur" idsut ; 

till he rots. When they are ready to bury, you go out from the 

pains Qpa : 
Mr. Spider suid 

Pakamai gmalane aiikgne at.isomg, 
Mr. Bee agreed ; let us go, the reason is, 

bepi apohi^'iiQ SQrQ bu kale .sore rant; kgii. 

wlieii they finish burying, when we return, we come and share the 

F 2 


Pa Kqmaian kabekQ owgn dosut katim oii 

Mr. Bee as he readied, lie entered the nose of the dead man, 

Qwat gteti. Pa Kginaia kQingl^n q : 

the boy did not know. Mr. Bee sang and said : 

k^rososo, Pakaramina, pay§yai 

Had I been carried to Susu-land, father and mother, I should 

have been well. 
(Ch.) So nai §nai ^nai nanka so nai. 

ABasikg abotkg kambentg ; ankgn^ han 

They took him and put him on the bier ; they went till 

kamb§ros6so ; ambe ri boi tgkal pa : 

they reached Susu ; when they reached there, so he said again : 

K^rotimne pa karaminai paiya 

Had I been carried to Timne, father and mother, I should 
have been well. 

(Oh.) Enai Qnai §nai nanka so nai. 

YoyQ h'Sh Qtim Qtopokate. 
He did so till the man rotted. 

TQwan ka qtim Qpa : Qpamu Qy^ma pote 

So the man's son said : my father is beginning to rot, 

manenk kgnu, halimu iiiQfQfe. 

let us bury him here, though he is talking. 

Pa Nisan Qbasikq oyema kqbukqkQ 

Mr. Spider took him, pretended to go and wash him, 

ra pai kamai owur ; mowure tqpa Panis, 

there Mr. Bee came out ; when he came out he said : Mr. Spider, 

sqke nu nqyq anu anq tekami marinu mqnatai inaii ; 

hush, you do here so that I help you, as if they were not all 

there before ; 
omomarana kam ampomank ; 

and he helped them, so that they finished burying ; 

kamankalane roset ka otim ; nanibqke 

and they returned to the house of the man ; when they reached. 


Pa Nisan yowatan areyiran^ k^h. 

Mr. Spider and the child came shared the property. 

Pa kamai gpa : BotQn Pa Nis mineya ? 

Mr. Bee said : now Mr. Spider, what of myself ? 

ta panis Qpa : ibiliesoye ramu ; nasasanloh 

So Mr. Spider said : I cannot again give you ; it's you and the 

ikabelan b^pi ntak^pati 

corpse we carry on the head, if you are going to talk about it, 

kg ka owat rngkoyQinu. kgrno |cQne kgwat, 

go to the child, he will go and give you. He went to the child, 

kQyer" kq otan, kqmo kgne kayint ^bana 

and he gave him a little, he went to the big tree 

QkQt^nsa ki. ten kamai wuiii qkq bg {o kak§ 

to go and make it grow. So the bee, when person goes now 

yema wura ramairoi gtak^^ Qk^nkami 

and wants to take out his honey, he stings him, my prope^t^•, 

ketun tApa owat oy^mi ki^h. 

little long ago, the child gave me is this. 

Qlanija' Yt AronSon. 
The Man and Ronshong (Krifi). 

Olanbd' kgyiri lauti' ; kowur alokoinyiu ; 

The man was there long ago ; he set out once on a time, 

k(j Iq bqi tatui'ik. Padirabwe 

he went and sank fish traps. When it slept (after one day) 

gk^ribo takgrngm tatunke 

when he went there to go and try the fish traps, 

gbap^r glop gkalang. Alqko olgko QkQiibtj 

he did not find fish there, he went back. Always he went there, 

Qbape^ glop katatunk inobqite yitaingbap ti^. 

he did not find fish in the traps, as he dipped them, he did not find 

them so. 

AlgkQ nyiiii k^kqiig ka pahihi okerg otaba, 

Once on a time he went to Pa Alulu (soldier bird) he carried tobacco 


niQbQkQ kQ pa Alulu ideradgmii 

when lie reached him, he said : Alulu, I come to you 

komande tupesame ; minbat tetunk tame 

so that you may come and divine for me, I set my traps 

k^xq t^nkSn tankan ibgp reto §16p m^m^bQi te 

but for ever and ever I never find fish there, as I sank them 

yi tamibap eti hq ampanti neyi tqk§taim a ^t^nkan 
is not how I find them, this matter is what puzzles me, and I never 

ibapl re wuni. Tanlulu opa wa ; kpinotupes ; 

find a person there. So Alulu said : all right ; he divined ; 

ko bet^ragbatr ninap^re sgk t^n kesQte 

he said : BatreBstr, to-morrow at dawn find a whip 

kesQb^ kemgn kQinankane robat raygr 

the best you can that you go and hide near the water side, 

ntanenk owuni q kQmQtn tetunk tamwi. Qlanba Qmokalane 
you will see a person going to try your traps. The man returned 

kQmgkQbak tastjt^ tesQb^ ; kijmQkQmankane robat rayar. 
and went and cut whips good ; went and hid near the stream. 

P8won§' aronson komobek ; kqmowQn dgbat 

It was not long till the ronshon came, he went in the water 

mQpaiwQni kQingbusune s'^nk gbasi yet 

when he was ready to go in, he took off his clothes all, he took the 


qhqt roban ; Qwqn mant gkqbap tatunk 

he put on the land ; he entered the water, he went and found the 


kQiita katunko owat aruni omanken^ ositQ : pup. 

as soon as he lifted his trap, the man who hid broke wind : " pup." 

Tahrons Qpa itel pup. Tgwat ^runi opa : hm. 

So the ronshon said I hear " pup." So the man said : hm, 

tekbo pupa mentol^ pupi . g pbarg 

when you hear " pup,'' will you not hear " pup " ? he says, the 


kginyQ pup mumbarQ niQndere. 

he makes " pup " ; are you the owner of here, you come here. 


Tanronson owur robat komoBuke Qp§l y§t(}n 

So the ronshon came out of the water, he ran away and forgot his 

owat oruni qljal balkg hah gwQh dokant. Qwat Qruni 
the man ran after him, till he went in the bush. The man 

kQmQkal gk^Basi Qyet anrunsuh mgkfjne ropet. 

returned and took the things of ronshon, he went to the town. 

Mob§ ropet k(}mqk(}u(j rgnu rQset. PabiQbw§ 

Wlien he got to the town, he went to his house. At night 

aroiison kgrnQcler ropet or^bat anset na olahba 

ronshon came to the town, he came round the man's house 

kal')ihk8rah. Pes^jkobwe olahba kQiuokane ahwqntnqh 
Hhouting. When day broke the man told his brothers, 

af(jt harah ampah mainyi sQhk. 
young two, case as it is, all. 

TahwQQt- iiqh ampa kqtq mahkQiiQ nu sasasah 
So his brothers said : brother, let us go, the three of us, 

ggkgkala ^j^i^ anronsoh ; kamayokanQ kamankgn^, 

we go and return the ronahon's things ; they rose and went, 

kapoh kapet kamahban§ otim obaki 

as soon as they finished the town they met an old man. 

krjtim baki Qpa : nan mabasi adara owuni naker^ri 

The olil man said : you take people's property, you carry it 

vQnu ropet \^^ aqiisr emu kainahbas y^t 

to your town ; so give it to me ; so they took the things, 

kamansQh otiniobaki. TgwQnt of^t (jpa 

gave them to the old man. So the young brother said : 

k^r§ tahrain su tambahk h' ak^to mala kokus 

but you must pay us for the trap of brother, they used to empty 

(jlope. Tqtim baki Qpa qwS kqmokanti ahbamfa 

of fish. So the old man said : all right, he opened the bag 

kitwuni owuni gbasi arainyema. Qwgnt obaki 

and every one took what he pleased. The elder brother 

bambahki kymobasi antgnky ywQnt andakwtj 

who had the trap took the chisel the one next to him 


kQinoBasi rab^na. OwQnt of§t kQmQbasi ampos. KQtim baki 

took the rope. The youngest took the purse. The old man 

mQbasyQt ey§t§ni k^mokal; ainyi ineni 

took the things which remained, he returned, there 

amahkalane ropet. QwQntobaki basi antpfiko^ 

returned to the town. The big brother who took the chisel 

kQmQwop ksb^ra mabSr Igkcj o iQkg. OwQnt gwobasi rabina 

he held getting palm wine always. The brother who took the 


alQkQ olQkQ b§pi biei pasQkgbote Qtebop una 

every time when night falls ; when day breaks he will find a 


akotar ko ka rabina. 
tied to his rope. 

QwQnt Qf§t Qbasi ampos loko olgkQ okanti ni b§ 

The young brother took the purse, every time he opens it 

gtabep akala yi mbgngn mala ri. 
he will find money and gold filling it. 

Anfam asas ainye or^ke taba katempi ? 
(Of) these three people, who was wisest ? 

Qlanba' yi Okhifian. 
The Man and the Krifi. 

Olanba' koinyiri lanti' kgba §t§ne onaran, okin kgnoi 
Man was there once, he had two dogs, the one 

kiiikoyanduri qIqui kgnoi Karo. 
is Kinkoyanduri the other Kcro. 

kQban anola. 
he had his kola tree. 

Anola nye 
This kola 

Okrifi konyi tAp§ nQru 

The krifi was once in the 


ny^ ba kakom kobana 
has the big crop. 

mQ ni son neyi tApg roru. Algko nyin olanba ow§ kgnwur 
for it was alone in the world. Once this man set out ; 

QtekQpim QtQlata pkr;fi ; 

he said he was going to pick the kola nuts of the krifi ; 


tan tarn ampa : 
so people said : 

would eat him. 

wuni nopimtj hi be wuni opimi ni okrifi 
no one should pick it if one picked it the krifi 

TakynQpa: tuba j)a in^ti kQpimi tahfaiii 

So he said : it matters not, I am going to pick it, so people 

aiiipa 'wa. MapasQkg bote kgnions^k §tennQn naran kantahk 
said all right. When day broke, he tied his two dogs to the post 

na raljentan kqn; komokgne, obSnaneakSle tokcjbetQ atnki ; 
of his verandah ; he went, he carried hamper to put kola nuts in ; 

mobe re kgrnobep ahola, kgmowQfi kapiin 

when he reached there he climbed the kola tree, he began to pick 

atQla; Qkrifi Qw§b angla 

the kola ; this krifi who had the kola tree, 

Qk(}wqnt mq rokamp 

he goes feeding as far as Freetown, 

ingteyqmi QkQwqnt opoto k§r^ wuniowiuii 

I am not a liar, he went for food to white man's land but any onu 

I'lep anola ni fi b(; pim ri tqla b§ 

who climbs that kola tree, to pick there any kola nuts, 

Qtatar eti. 
he will know about it. 

I would have said 

be inQiyenie 
if 1 were a liar 

but as 

MQtolaiiba we, 

As this man 

(jbep anqla, 
climbed the kola, 

liabokiah ka laftian : 
running and tumbling 

kan soko bafti ka yifon, yifpn, koli^ma. 

80 he came 

okrifi komotati 
the krifi knew about it, 

bafti ka lafti licfti 

When he ciime 

k^niowura kabak kqh k^motap ahant : 
hu took his axe and began to chop the tree. 

isoh tong wuni o, 
I eat a person 

kobo isQii otongh korobon kobuh. Qlaiiba tgpa : karmi 
to-day. The man said : wait for me, 

kginglimini Ktiruinasaba mq kafi ka totongn mirefian. 
I say gooil-bve to (iod 

because it's death I come to die to-day. 


Tqkrifi Qpa : wa'. kqmoBep rokgin ka olimpati 
So the krifi said : all right. He climbed to the top, the summit of 

anola kgrnotela ^tan nQn naran. Etsnkamantel kamanpim 
the kola, and he called his two dogs. The dogs heard and broke 

rabena, Qkotaraiia kamanre kaBukien: 
the rope that they were tied with and came running 

" Kingweyanduri soy^mbe y^mbe, karo soy^mbe." 
(dog's walk) 

Metan manre kabuke, §tQf manfita tApa 

When the dogs came running, the earth they threw long ago 

dodaraiikan yipol mowur ka ariQla gkrifi 

behind them and pieces that come from the kola tree, the krifi 

mQtap§ y§tunk§lan§ S8k§ totonQn tatin atin 

was chopping, gathered together and become to-day these mountains 

niasanenk kake norui. Etan mambek ambap Qkrifi, 

we see now in the world. When the dogs came and found the 


ainyerane kQ bo ratgn. Qlanlaa kQinQtor kanant 
they divided him in the middle. The man came down from the tree 

kQbopimatQla s*^nk. Atola tati ta asak totongn 

and gathered all the kola nuts. These kola nuts scatter now 

kadaru ; d§ro der kQla. 
in the world to-day ; everywhere kola. 

Olanba Bakatdt Kqbana. 
Great Jealousy Man. 

Olanba konoyirari kQiuba katut kabana ; kqnanta 
A man sat there, he had jealousy great ; he married 

abQra abqti ; kgsek takpbet asas, wanduni mqka ri. 

women many ; he tied mud fences three, young man should not go 

Arani nqii be ukin okom wanduni, owura kalqnt 

His wives if one gives birth to a boy, he takes out the child 


rokun kalQnk^n Qpa kQt^n wunibom upil 

behind the yard, the father goes and finds a woman different 

tekarnaserkQ. B^pi abom ub^rai kgnamas^r 

to suckle it. If they bear a woman she is suckled 

rokunk. Anton ati mQbot ri. 

in the yard. This law is what he put there. 

QbatQ kQn kandin§k§n§ kgrnani owat oruni 

His favourite wife came and made friends with a young man, 

okapara ; mandina nkamena kati gredif us^m 

a hunter ; when they became friends, he killed an animal 

oy^ma to ker§ k^ ; tgb^ra Qpa : kQr§ owosami 

he wanted to give her ; so the woman said : but my husband 

tiStargti. Tqruni Qpa : b^na ^Qtane rebate 

will know about it. So the man said : if you go to the water side 

nbebek antoma iyinkta utama. 

when you reach the toma tree I shake, you stand. 

Mahk(} robate kowat oruni mQyirikta 

When they went to the water side, the man shook 

Qb^ra kQmotama ; kqwat oruni imjtap osem. 
and the woman stood ; and the man put in the meat (in the pan). 

Kgkane ka ropet apotorana bg 

When they reached the town they help them all down, 

kqnoin ayinkg kg tora ; ta gtim kabansa. 

and she was not helped down quickly ; for the man not to get angi y. 

Maretora kg, kamare bapar osgm tgruni ypa : 

When they helped her down, and found the meat, tlie man said : 

kang bot osQin owe ; tgb^ra Qpa : mine te 

who put in this meat ? so the woman said : I do not know 

mqsakQnuti robat ; tqruni Qpa : kur'gkoinye 

because we went to the water side ; so the man said : God gave it 

mikQ. Oruni uigder ri, t(;pa : TQWosam Qpai ? 

to me. When the man came, he said : what did your husband say ? 

tgbgra npii : Qpa bo kuru kginye mikg ; tgpa 6lie,' 

80 the woman said : he said only : God gave me it ; so he said : 


^he, samaretun afanta. Owat oruni mqdire, 

Aha, we will come and lie down (cohabit) to-day. When the man came, 

ub§ra Qsatakq rofunk rokgrn. anlQ anti kgni 

the woman put him up in his granary that time rain 

kab!r ; qtim qyarear Qpa kQr^na mi 

was threatening the man shivered, he said : go and spread for me 

rofunk rata. Malep anant owat oruni 

under the granary. When they lighted the fire the young man 

owun Qbakik(}; Qiani^ maran^j mapstar Qtim ; 

was hot greatly, he perspired, and the sweat dropped on the man ; 

oyif -kompat mi ; tqb§ra kQpa anfuiik 

he asked : what is dropping on me ? so the woman said : the granary 

anbap^ton. T^tim Qpa: ninan akpba 

must have leaked. So the man said : to-morrow they will go 

Qn^pal are sgt lari. Owatoruni obakas napol 

and get grass and come and repair it. The man cut the ropes 

kama pa naktine kwi, kpnigtora ri 

so that when the flash of lightning came he fell from there 

kgrnofumpar Qtim ; q kuru q t^rtjbamu 

and fell on the man ; he said . God says : I must come and take you 

Qstjm kQh pulgsQmi. K^moyokan^ owat oruni 

for his meat you ate up the other time. He got up and the young man 

k^mobalbalkQ panaktine bwi g : kgnp mibalbalan 

ran after him when the flash comes ; he says : I am running after 

him ; 
kapun aiikobio owat oruni Qrtjkal 

as soon as they get outside the fence, the young man returned 

Qrtjfanta y' ob^rakpn. Qtim qhnki^ 

and came and cohabited with his woman. The man ran 

qpon tatgf taraii katamakwe t^n kian ; kgr^kal 

he finished two countries, then his standing is this ; he returned, 

anranio QWQnanta bt} (jkor- dgsiaii^ tgn 

his wives, any one he sees, were pregnant ; so he swore 

tApa ka katut apon. 

long ago that he would not be jealous again (jealousy was finished). 


Panisa yi anreka tean. 

Mr. Spider and the Skin Rotten. 

Eecord 734. 

aIqIcq nyin paiiisa, Qfir- areka n' atak 

Once on a time Mr. Spider found a skin of a bash buck 

ate r' akbgnkQ kgker^ nye kgngyema Qtek 

rotten in the forest ; he carried it ; he wanted the bush buck 

Qnisa kg wa kQinQbot kg yiki ha tanke Panisa 
to fear him and put him in respect till for ever. Mr. Spider 

(jwQn anreka ainy§ kg kgn^ robanka ka 

put on the skin this ; he went to the farmhouse of 

tjtek Qtek mcjnankwt} gnaiiQ 

the bush buck ; the bush buck when he saw him he thought, 

(jkas kQWQh kgyifk^ ko yqmwe ? kgpa 

companion his ; and he asked him, what ails you ? he said : 

jtanisa kqntufar mi dis wa touQn ni bo ton tean 

Mr. Spider spat on me yesterday ; and to-day it became rotten ; 

nesa kgnon bptufaramu matQ ; mQpon yQyen 

fear him, if he spits on you, you rot ; when he finished, do so (?) ; 

kQkgbukQ kgrekale kQpa mpiari 

he (S.) went and washed, he returned, he said : good day, 

yemi daradiQ kQniQSQn kq anak are o arei 

give me something to eat ; he gave him rice ; every day 

gmqyQ ban apala pa atak bun pgpo 

he did so, till the rice of Mr. Bush Buck nearly finished. 

kqkQne ka QniQn palQmo betarabat. 

He (B.) went to the diviner Mr. "Hare" (running) 

bQinpaye kanQini kama^kQiie mankgnq ambApatgn 
" do the rite," tell me that he goes when they went, they found 

panis Qkar kgrngyi ta anak ka palQni Qpa 

Mr. Spider waiting ; he asked for rice, and Mr. Hare said : 

iuiak aiy§ rQ ts^raniu kQtufara fia k^r koko 

rice is not here for you ; he (S.) spat en them but nothing 

riyQnQ ^api be wuni na yn tt;i te tasar- 

happened ; therefore if anyone does a thing, do not do too much. 


Eecord 735. 
Panis E8 pananka. 
Mr. Spider and Mr; Chameleon. 

Kare^i ake tas^m anbeli fpf panis 

The year when the beasts could talk, Mr. Spider and 

ra panankan ayi yatki are nyin panisa ksjkane 

Mr. Chameleon were friends ; one day Mr. Spider told 

panankan mankgne b§s mawon panankan 

Mr. Chameleon : let us go and dig bush yams ; Mr. Chameleon 

kQpa Qkw§ panisa kqkgn^ b§s mawon 

said he would not go ; Mr. Spider went dug yams ; 

kgkara ma roset ekgn kgyif panankan 

he brought them to house his ; he asked Mr. Chameleon 

tokamSrakQ kakab^mpa nant ra kakapatma Pananka 
to help him to make a fire, and cook them. Mr. Chameleon 

kqkasi tekeygyi Panisan kq b§mpa nant kQpatma 
refused to do so. Mr. Spider made fire, he cooked them ; 

mg Qponpatma kgyif sq pananka 

when he finished cooking them, he asked again Mr. Chameleon 

tekemarikq kakabus ma Pananka kqkasisQ 

to help him to peel them ; Mr. Chameleon refused again 

tekiygyi Panisan kgbansa kqpa ndigma 

to do so. Mr. Spider was vexed, he said : " you don't eat them " ; 

iygma mawon. Panisan kgyg mapant b§ 

" I don't want bush yams.'' Mr. Spider did the work all 

kQbetma kantik kgkqng kg kol;. Mq kgnQ 

he put them in a basket, he went to walk. "When he went 

Pananka kgdi mawon b§ kgrg mq qbqndi ma 

Mr. Chameleon ate the yams all but when he was eating them 

qt§l afem aufqf kqdi ma Igmp l§mp ; kqfsnta rofent akqn 
he heard people talk ; he ate them quickly ; he lay in his bed. 

mopanis oder ri kqyif kanq di mawon ami 

When Mr. Spider came, he asked : who ate my bush yams ? 


panankan kglk i^^ k^r^ maiikQne 

Mr. Chameleon answered : I do not know but when they went 

nai itela nan afam anfgf Panis kQpa anan yokan§ 
away I heard people talking. Mr. Spider said : No, get up, 

kama ikeli akgr kamu ken akor kamu kijQ kobanaiyan. 
let me see b'elly your ; why your belly what makes it so big ? 

Ibqnan di af^f panis kat^pa rim k^Bun 

I was just eating air. Mr. Spider without saying a word ground 

^b^riBQ kgkere panankan ri^bat ray^r kQwtjta 

pepper ; he took Mr. Chameleon to the water near ; he squeezed 

kQ ka mawon mawur. Kapanis c/pa i^afita 

him ; and the yams came out. And Mr. Spider said : I will throw 

mu robat k ankwi Qdi mu tamankiji 

you in the water to the crocodile, he eats you because you stole 

niawonami kapanis Qfita kg kankwi odi kg 

my yams. Mr. Spider threw him to the crocodile ; he ate him. 

Panisan kqyak mawon anqn kqpo ma di. 
Mr. Spider took his yams ; he ate them all. 

Eecord 736. 


'BAk kant b^mpa ki balane abil, bepi ainyema b^nipa ki 
Cut wood, make it like a canoe if you want ; make it, 

owa b^s mabi tanitrukin rabap ainyin owa sq kaiibap alQni. 
and dig holes six on one side and again on side other. 

Mayih§ niabQlgn Qtasar- bot masar n maluka manl§ 
They are not deep too nmch ; put stones or seeds four 

rabi nyin mab^inpa kaba manle. Ka otap na 

in one hole make them twenty-four. At the beginning of 

uriwol nabali kuluiia be nyema mbutaiia ka 

the game you can mix them ; if you want, you put them on 

iinbap aimi nialon bo rabinyin q be nyema 

the side your, some only in hole one ; or, if you want, 


nbot me kqnanu sat^la ki kebgra. 

you put them in your adversary's ; we call it " to go early." 

mampon ukin kanu gBali kake kg anwol alompi 

When they finish, one of you can now go the game straight, 

takebasi masara niQn kur rabi nyin gbot aiayin rabi nyin 
by taking stones his, taking in hole one, he puts one in hole one ; 

k§r§ mambot h§ SQ ka ambi ronpo basi njQ. 

but you don't put again in the hole where you finish taking them. 

Bepi mfir masar bijt bo rodi ka Qnanu 

If you find stones exact only, in front of your adversary, 

rabi nyin more q masas basi na k§r§ tebasiiia 

in hole one, two or three, take them but don't take them 

be mayiri manle rabi nyin. 
if they are four in hole one. 

Anwol afam naran ayi tawol ni owa aiyi s(j 

The game, people two play it, and ought 

ta yapasane nye ; Qnanu niQpukQ owa mung so ankg. 
to take turns in it ; when your adversary and you again you go. 
. finishes going 

Bepi mfir Qnanu owol qIas gbahQ so masar 

If you find your adversary plays badly he has not again stones 

ka mabi mQn, owa munQn mba na rabi nyin takakp 

in holes his, and you have them in hole one, to go only 

bo bQt mara q masas owa mabehQ so roromu pori, 

exactly two or three, and don't reach again to you, finish, 

basi bQ saba ati tafgf ibak rabump anbalisQn 

take all ; we have it, saying " I cut on the head " ; you can give 

Qnanu tabei tanle k^rQ bepi nbAkhe kor abump 

your adversary debts four, but if you don't cut his head 

ndifkQ ansQnkQ rabei rin bepi Qyema hQ 

you kill him, you give him debt one ; if he wants not, 

nsQn kg tabei ; masar Qsata gbeli botas na 

you give him debts ; the stones he gets he can put there again ; 

kamanakQ hali mabe Lq ka mabi no bQ. 

so you go again ; even if they reach not to holes his all. 


Bepi Qyema ttjbotas mabi mara gwa bQyema 

If he wishes, let him put holes two, and, if he wishes, 

tamatasyi mq masar niQ mababat. 

more, according to stones his plenty. 

Qw§ adif kgintAp kakQ Qwa bepa atam kq sq 

The one who is killed, he begins to go, and if he is conquered, 

qbali SQ kQ ha Qba masar bob^t ta mabi 

he can again go, till he has stones only exact for holes 

tamtirukin mq. Bepa Qbasar kg ha sq adif kg 

six his. If he continues going till he is again killed, 

gba rabe rin kakg kalApasQ ke itgri mu satelaki 

he has debt one. This going last that I show you we call it 

" to feed myself." 

Eecord 738. 

Qlanba 'bamfet ananle. 
The Man [who] has Children four. 

Qtimbaki kgnqyiri kf,)ba afet iiaiile. Amfqt ai'iaale any§ 
A man old once had children four. These children four, 

anesama maiyi, Bunboto, 'Band^, 'Baiikali, Qwa 'Bankoi. 
their names are Bungboto, Bande, Bankali and Bankoi. 

Qwat Qwe ba, ainyisana Bankoi, qba katiri kandgranon bg ; 
The who had the name of Bankoi had yams on all his body ; 

katiri ake aiiwQnt. ngii ala ki damar kqrq anbalie yo ki 
yams these his brothers used to cure ; but they could not do it, 

kamakayqnk ; tqn taiib^nkQ atasomi ta nokq na katiri 
ao that it cured ; so they hateil him for the filtliiness of yaws ; 

ankaiiQ ko kgrnq te sq kasa ratun kan atasomi 

they told -him not to mix his sickness with them, because 

kqukQiioser Qwa qyema yq kamakatiri kay^nk. 

he is a witch, and he does not want to do, that yaws heal. 



Kamapeye na tgn ratu are rabali^ manwap kg l§mp 

that it may be that this sickness cannot catch him easily 

karargli Qwat qwe ba katiri gkan^ na kapa 

in this world {?). The boy who had yams, told them that 

ratu gre - ^QhQ kgnta linan^hQ . ten 

this sickness, he did not draw it to himself so 

an yetek jq kgnigkulg na atesomi ratu are 

they ought to permit him to accompany them because sickness this 

maleika kqnQsqn kg ri. Qwat kapon kafgf 

an angel gave him here. The boy after he finished talking 

b§t QWQnt baki kgniQwop kg kgmgsap kg fing kakangkg kapa 
just brother big caught him beat him well, told him that 

Qwoni glako kane kgrngte sq kulan na. 

long ago he used to tell him not to again mix with them. 

Qwat gkan§ na kapa gtakQkang ti Qkaskgn kgkgne 
The boy told them that he will go tell his father ; he went 

kgkas kQkangon ati anw^ntngn ainyg kg gwat 

to his father, he told him what his brothers did to him ; the boy 

kapo bo lom btjt k^kaskgn mobal kg. Qwat 

when he finished telling just, his father drove him. The boy 

obapgng kapet kateus raradi k§r§ qba wuni 

wandered in the town, in search of food ; but has no one 

SQn kg. Easpk ralpmi amf^t aruni anwQn kafgf 

to give him. Day next, boys young began to tell 

ta qwat Qwe Qwa yetetqt ofinQ. Qwat obera owq ba 
of boy this ' and action good. Child girl who has 

aines na BomselQ kprnqtala ti kqmQwur ro tprgn 

name of Bomselo heard it ; she came from the east 

kat^ns Qwat Qruni qw§ ba katiri takabala rqnoii. 
to look for the boy who had yams, to marry him there. 

AnwQnt na Qwat Qwe ba katiri mantal kgpa 

The brothers of the boy who had yams heard say 

Qwat qbqra Qyi rorun ka nahkgwQn asumotan 

the girl is on the road and they went and took their gowns. 


kankgliansa kg. BomselQii (jbang na roron 

and went to welcome her. Bomselo met them on the road, 

kQmQtasna QWQnt Qbaki kgnioyif Bomselgn bepi 

and passed them ; the big brother asked Bomselo if 

Qbali bala rgngn k^r^ BomselQn mcjpQnsa qlqm sq 
she could marry him but Bomselo refused ; another again 

kQmQkQyifkQ kqriiQkal sq p^nsa qwe fat Qwat 

went and asked her ; she again refused ; she comes neai' the boy 

qwe ba katiri kQixifjkQ yif kcj kQmc/kanQ kg kapa 

who had yams ; he asked her. She told him that 

bepi qtenB ta tarefi taseri gbali^ iiankgi tasekQ 

if she searches years few cannot see him, she will become 

Qraiii kqh. Qwat qhqra. kqmqkqne ropet katQiisan 

his wife. The girl went to the town searching 

kat^us Qwat owe ba katiri kqmgmAnkQ kgmQkQkaiiQ 

for the boy who had yams ; when she saw him, she told 

(jkas kqii kapa oyemakq ramarakQ kqkas 

his father that she wants hiiu cured him and his father 

mokol'>as9k(} qwat ub^ra (jkaue qwat oruui imiabat 

took him to the girl ; she told the boy to-morrow morning 

kamakot r' ambonka qwat kqmqiyq ati qkanekqi ; 

walk to the lake the boy did what she told him ; 

kqyi wat qruni find, 
he was boy handsome. 

Qwat ubqra kqmqkanq qkas kama aset na aset aljana 
The girl told the father that house their house big ; 

ta nanara anset aiiiye naposet ; rafqiye koinan 

foi' the two the house this they built ; in the evening when 

kqfanta kowat ubqra nigkane gwat oruni 

tbey go to sleep ; the girl told the boy to 

kqmqUek kasani kalql kambdbi nqn qwat oruui 

cut wound small in her neck ; the boy 

niqpcnsii, atqsoma qiyqnq kg tei latino tgii Ml'aliq dif kq 
ref UMiil, because she did him good [things], so he cannot kill her 

G 2 


telqme tar 
sheep, goats, 

and the boy. 

kgrngkol sq kane kqmQBok qwat kqm q^Ak 

she said again ; he should cut the girl, when he cut, 

kamatir mampat marg rotqf ka tasoi tana 
blood drops two on the ground, and horses, cows, 

owa yi tesqm talqm anwur. 
and also animals other come out. 

Ka rasqk ralqme kqmqkan^ kqsq 

On the next day she told him again ; 

mqgbAk . kapala temank pindi qwayi qt qtqp 

when he out, rice, corn, fundi and other vegetables 

qlqm kqmq wur kqliasi atar keta tamat 

other a hundred came out ; he took slaves twenties, five 

kqmqsqna qkas qwayi qset keBa tamat anwont 

he gave to his father, and also houses twenty-five, brothers 

asas ainyi kqmqbasi mabqnq tqfqt tamat kqmqsqn iia 
three these took gold (pounds) ten-five they gave them ; 

kankanq na kqpa bqpi tarqn taran tatase qtoBakna ; 

they told them that : if years two pass, he will hang them ; 

mataran tabeke, kqwat qwe ba aines na 

when the two (years) reach and the boy who had the name of 

Bankqi mqwura olanba kqmokqdif na ; qwat qbqra 

Bankoi sent out a man to kill them ; the girl 

mqnqmtqne kqmqsek na atar. Malan tq tonqn eyqtqtql 
begged, he tied them as slaves. So to-day, cattle 

yi amiet anaran ainyina. Ainye 

and children four are theirs. This 

yi eyqtqtqp me 
and cultivated plants 

antaka sasu kapa 
teaches us that 

be wuni qba rotui tebi ankq. 
if anyone has a disease not to hate him. 

Record 737. 

The Spider and the Chameleon. 

Panis na Pa kananka antor" rokamp 

The Spider and the Chameleon went down to Freetown. 


mamankqne kamfir tamai rakglq manfir 

As they were going, they found bees in a hole. When they found 

tamai ainye kaman kq ban nant takarewura ha. 

the bees these, then they went fetched fire to take them out. 

Panisafi kqmqkane Pakanaiikan wan rek^n^ 

The Spider told the Chameleon, " child, come and look," 

ma Pa Kananka ok^n§ nisan kymyton kg kyfAnt 

when the Chameleon peeped, the Spider pushed him, he fixed 

an^te ka akglq nankan gyi ka akglg mare 

the rag in the hole ; the Chameleon was in the hole days 

t-amatrukin kg gtaktAkn^ gwa kgwur yi Qraka i,'boi 
five one, then he struggled and came out with honeycomb fat ; 

Qraka eyi kgbant kgmgpas gwa kgnakat 

these honeycombs he broke he made into balls and fried. 

nankan nigjion nakat tabote gsgn 

The Chameleon when he finished frying the balls, he gave 

gyakgn gtgn gwa kgkane kgkgng bgp roset rokgm 

his mother hers, and said he was going to climb on the house top, 

gwa kgmgt^la Pauisaii kgpa Panise retamo 

and then he called the Spider and said : " Spider, come and taste " ; 

nankan komgkane Panisan kapa kgn nankan gyakgn 
the Chameleon told the Spider that he. Chameleon, his mother 

kgngdif atgsomi gbakikg ka narik kg. Panisan 

he killed, because he was tired of seeing her. The Spider 

mg talyane kgmgkg bAk kant kabana kgdif gyakgn 
when he heard so, he went to cut wood big and killed his mother, 

kgbant ro tabot gwa kgpat kgrg t^^Jot talglbe' bg. 

he crushed into balls and cooked but the balls did not cook at all. 

Pa Kananka kg kane pa nisan kgmgkat: tabot ka glakaj 
The Chameleon then told the Spider to put the balls on stumps 

kama anrgi rafais ti kgrg tabot talgl hg sg. 

so that the sun may heat them but the balls cooked n(jt again. 

Pa Kananka kgmgkane gya kgri : ya tora 

Tlic Chameleon told his mother : Mother, come down, 


iyema bo kala pa Msan inasQijnQn. Pa Nisan 

I want only to return the Spider his tricks. The Spider 

inQtel yane q [kg] mobok bau Qtara ti kapa akal 

when he heard so he cried aloud he knew that they returned on 

him only. 

Eecord 739. 

Amump na Panis waiyi Pal^me. 
The Story of the Spider and the Hake. 

Are nyih ka Pa Ms q&r~ kab^nkat ; k^^kQ ka pal^m 
One day the Spider found a skull ; he went to the Hare ; 

k^kq pa Pal^me mandikgne kamaskp rokant 

he said : " Hare, let us come, let us go to the bush, 

kamaskg kapera owa' mandikgne Pal^mo Qpa. 

let us go hunting." " All right, come, let us go,'' the Hare said. 

Palem§ Qker§ antAn mankqne pon§ ka abip aboboro 

The Hare took a dog, when they went ; soon they caught a " fox.'' 

Pa Nisan k^ko pa kgno kab^nkat kgn kadif. 
The Spider went and said it was his skull that killed. 

Lpkq alqkq oyq mqyq kqr^j alqkq nyin ka antAn 

Every time he did the same but one time the dog 

qkqlqsa qna ka qbai ow' qmatqla antura. 

caught the cow of the chief which they called the bull. 

Pa Nisan, mqkqinyi ofat, kqtqla Palqmq kqkan^ kq kapa 
The Spider, for he was near, called the Hare, and told and said 

antAnamu qlAsa qna ka qbai ta pal^m opa 

your dog has injured the cow of the chief, so the Hare said 

ktjrq enimq nlapa kapa kabqnket kanni kamala iQsa 

" But you used to say that your skull is what catches 

tas^m Yqlapan kqr^ tono ipa kapa antAnramu 

the beasts." " I said so, but to-day I said that your dog 

caught them.'' 


Pawoni^ kanlanba qder k^nank iia kgtQla na 

At last the man came and saw them, he called them ; 

ma mantuiika ; kQker§ na na Qbai gbai mQbali 

as they argued, he carried them to the chief ; the chief can talk 

fgf katak fingi kgpa i Pa Nisan mank^ tasomi 
palavers well ; he said . you, Spider, you steal because 

kab^fikat kamu kabaliQ iQsa ahoYyorqh q \v§ro. Ta ybai 
your skull cannot catch a " fox " or a rat. So the chief 

Qpa . kqnQ, kgrngsQii tana tamtrukin, iiaran ta qbai 
said : he, let him give cows six, two to the chief, 

nanle tapal^m. Pa Nisan kqbasi autis kqkqbAk abump , 
four to the Hare. The Spider took the knife and cut the head 

ra qna kqkqb^s rotqf kgkqbot ri wuni o wuui 

of the cow and dug in the ground and put it, no one 

qt^e y^te kqmaukanq roron. Pawoniq 

knows it, and went and hid on the road. Very soon 

kasusunaraii anke rq tana taintrukiu ankerqna ropet 
two Susu men came with cows six taking them to the town 

mqnahai kqtqla nbqi qnq ka qbai 

when he saw them he called them and said : the chief's cow 

qwqu dabi warenaniarimi kamas wura kq 

has fallen in a hole ; I beg you to help me to pull it out. 

mander ri andimqmar ri kamanwura kqi rabump kantosi 
They come and try to pull it out ; the head they pull up ; 

kapanis qpa iyq qua ka qbai nadif ti 

and the Spider said : now, the cow of the chief, you killed it, 

yanu bo kqrq bepi nasqmi tana ipa yq ti qbai 

you only, but if you give me the cows I tell nothing to the chief 

owe wuni oIas wa qwqbaki rofqr ; bepi qnanoi qdif nu 
who person bad and cruel ; if he sees you, he kills you ; 

ta anfani nasqnkq tana kqrq qyqmaqna 

so the men gave him the cows but he does not want them, 

qkqbgrquda ; uiaiifam anqmtqne kq 

he is going to make a report. When the men begged 


mq telq kqpa ibasi na atasami sayimu 

before he agreed, he said : I take them because you and I 

riyatki. kQsqn anaran ka qbai Qwa ananle ka pal^m 
are friends. He gave two to the chief and four to the Hare 

are alqm ka qbai qkane anlanba haran kama kqdif qna 
next day ; and the chief told men two to kill one 

ukin. Pa Nisan tatak kqtunk kowur rosefc 

cow. The Spider in the night ran away, left the house 

and went into 

kq qna mqfi 
so the cow died 

ka antinkq 
and they skinned it 

rokor ka qna q kqbAk kabul; 

the belly of the cow to cut the heart ; 

ka anfam ander 
and the people came 

ka anson amfet 

and gave the children 

kamankqyak ni mankqne kantAp 

to wash it ; when they began 

ka panis owur kqpa nan 

the Spider came out and said : you, 

asqnyqno qfqre mandefita yqt qlAS eyi karuma 

did not give you eyes to throw things bad these on gown 

rami rafino mandernukqne kama ikqrqndanu 
my fine, come let us go that I report you 

ka ambAp onan ofi 
and found the cow dead 

the stomach 

koyak ni 
to wash it, 


in the town 

kqsqnkq tana b^ 
he gave his cows all 

ka qbai mankqne ka qbai 

to the chief ; when they went to the chief, 

tayqt yqn qnqkose. 

for the things his that were dirty. 

Kapanis qker^kq karani kqn Nakr. Bepi antedifna 
The Spider took it to his wife Nakr. If they are not killed, 

yankaki kqnqma sumo (?) 
they are still eating it. 

amumpami apone 
My story is done ; 

look at it 



Twins two MoiinA and Kbreyombo. 

Owoni ywoiii gtas, glanba yola (jnoyiri kgba tabari 

Long ago a man ricli lived, he had twins 

iiarafi tabari ainyi amb(}t§ranQ tiug. Anf^t 

two ; twins these loved each othei' well. The children 

ua^alaky lama katakat aiitake sq lUta tjbamp gwa 

used to go fishing often ; tiny learn too to set traps for l)ii ds and 

aula is(^ ky kapini makonii iiiaiiant ray^r ka 

they are used to go alscj l,, pick fruits of the tree near 

kayafika ka ankrifi cjIas. ktjr§ tabari malatnii 

the cave of the bad, but the twins, when they only 

tain makomi amc Mv,m\ luaukoiui auifir kiijia aloko I'n; 

tasted fruits these the tree hure, found that eacli time 

andi makomi antaln^ mabcjiitj kgi^j Qlasin^mi takaiiQuu 
they ate the fruits they felt happiness, but 1 am soi it to toll you 

kapa qbok I'laran iiaiyi kauant aiiatisg ro tabari 

that two snakes lived on the tree same where the twins 

mankypim makomi. tjbok iiaraii aiyika I'laut ainyi 

go to pick the fruits. Snakes two which lived on the tree there, 

amf§t iiaiikypim makomi ka oliiitapir 

[of which] the children go and pick the fiuits lae on the top 

wa nant own art makomi meyi ka fjliiitapir wa I'laiit 

of the tree, and also the fruits ai e on the top of the tree 



Maiiii'tjl I'laiyi robqnkcj maud! makomi kaiital abok 
The boys were in the wood, eating the fruit, they In-iiiil a cry 

ylqsiinj rojiel kail kamaiikal kal^uk^ ropet l<t;'\' 

pitiful in tlieir town ; they leturned running to the town but 

mambek kamaiiKr ka])ii okas kyii oti 

when tlie.\ reaeheil it tliey found tliiit tlieir father was dead : 

kt^rc amftjt aiikol kastjl inl'ioiiky ka uaiit 

liut tlie chiUlren returned laughing tip the wchmI u> the tree ; 


k^iQ, ah, ma ambek gdtjre ka ankrifi mawopna 

but, ah ; when they reached the spot, the hrifi caught them 

kamanker^wura kakayankakan kalas, ka anyq 

and took them to their cave bad, and they make 

amf^t anaran antomg atQiny any^pyi ta anwQh aroi. 

the boys two dance a dance which is that they wear the mask. 

Ankrifi amba anaita alqko nati owa anclif he amf^t 
The hrifi had good temper at the time and did not kill the boys. 

k§r§ kamahkane na kgii§ kantj afaniaiiu kapa 

but told them to go and tell youi- people that 

antol iia ankrili 
the " Society " of krifi ; 


that they are not wet, 

kama anrei awos 
that the sun dries ; 

iilan na pou kasa ka 
you have joined to 

ta ^rgh lui 
for masks our is 

kere ampa 
but the palaver 

owa areore 
and every day 

bepi ampoiuer otane 
if they are damp a little, 

ta natai na 
that they are dried 

atasoma bepi amBgisa amfet anfibn. 
because if they get wet the boys die. 

K^r^ tenapau^ kapa amf^t liaba boton kara 

But do not forget that the boys have only their mother, 

hali kas okaskan ofi ; mgrgbtiinyi gyakgn 

their father is dead ; Morba this his mother 

k^r^ are nyiu Morabaii na Kereumbo 
but one day Morba and Kereyombo 

no father 

did not love him 

kamaiikgn^ lama 

went to - fish 

kaka oyakon , 
and their mother 

k(jniotai aron 
(liied the mask 

that they may be dry. 

niayapquier otaii. Ma anyi ka 
as they are damp a little. While they were 

kalaniai akqni kaniakabia niapab!^ ka Mgroba kan§ 

fishing the rain then darkened ; when it grew dark Morba tells 

Kereumbo maiikalan^ ropet, alasoma yaii 

Kereyombo : let us come back to the tow because mother 

Qbali^i tail iwgii argn ami, apa roii, bepi ambqise, 

cannot carry in mask my, they say, the mask, if it is wet, 


tasafibo. PswonQ k ytasar kakijui der (jya kofi 

we must (lie. It is not long passes before rain comes. His mother 

koiiiobaHi aryn ka Kereiimlxi kyniotei owe ka Moioha 
took the mask of Kereyombo, and left that of Morba 

rokara kqniQtahQisa kaina aiikrifi audifkg k^r^,' iiia 

outside tliat it must get wet and the kriji kill him, but ii-s 

Mgi-Qbaii otara kapa qyakoh gbqtarah^j ky kQuigpa 

Morba knew that his mother did not love him, he told 

Kereuiulid inva lantyii luikantjnm kapa aryii ami 

Kereyombo : all liglrt, to-day 1 told you, that: nuisk my, 

yaii obali<j tQi'ia k(^ kakgin inpa iiiuiio tQtQn 

mother ( annot laiiy it from the rain ; I said you to-day 

kqri owa kak(j iba botgii kakgfi kt^r^ niai'ikgnfiri 
go there ; and now I have only to go and die ; l)ut let us go die : 

owa ka Keieumb(j ylat h^ Morohaii kgnio basi aryn 

and then Kereyombo was iKJt wet Morba took the mask 

kgloniaiii! robqnkQ opaiko komj kgiiio 

went stiaight towa)ds the wood ; started to go, and 

wtjii robgnko(j Keieiuiilio kgniopa kaiiie kaiiiasa uaranan 
entered the wood ; Kercyonilup said wait that we two 

sakqn(jti. Myrgbayi tiypa r (^ iiiiin;i'i K)koii(.;l')o ikgliiiiansy 
we go die. Morba said : no, I will go alone, i;o die alone, 

atasoiua ilasar alaheri (jiiii kcrt; Keieunibui'i kQinopa m 
because I broke my promise ; but Kereyombo said . ah, 

milii tqu bot kaiaei(jini k.ipa ryfi lir iiiiinji\;iiitjfi 

I put a promise in my mind, thai, wlierc \u\\ die, I will ilie : 

tieiiyi iiiaiikoin; sokoF tmio kopaw.i niai'ikoin' 

so k't us go, let us die to-day lie said : all rinlit, let us ^r,,, 

kiunaHakgti aiitai'iaii(^rni"i Miinsim; kam:i ai'ikownn kanii'i 

that we die on the road ; sailly tliey go on tlie road 

arc luaukyut; lako ili inakoiui aiiia nala 

that they are used to go to eat fr\iits which they used to 

piiii ka nant, aiiipoln^ ras fat kakayai'ika kaiiiaiital 

pick on the tree : tliey are not yet near to the eave when they 


atader rodikari, 

heard someone coming in front of them, 

kaiuaky tafl 
to go and die 

and they came out 

kQiiio okertjiia royanka ahkrifi 

and cai'ried them to the cave ; the krifi 

tasan tof At 



pa iiiawur 

said let us come out 

t^te raoyQ 
now anything to do : 

: we have not again 

ka Qkrifi Qwopana 
and the krifi took them 

ukin okin Qbantjne 
every one had mouths 

takasQm amfet ainyi ambek ba bgt 

to eat the boys there ; when they reach exactly 

kama wopana ampunsane punsaiie iia kampuu an SQiii. 
to take them, they stoop to them and eat them all up. 

Olokati wati. Tian bepi wuni qba aftjt takQrusame 
(Moral.) So if a person has children let him behave 

lebijiiana bQtar okin okin. 
not to have love one one. 

the Spider 

Amump Mapanis Yr ankrifi. 
A Story of the Spider and the Krifi. 

Akrifi amba QniQs k^rQ ante amabenyi. 

Some krifi collected eggs but did not know how to hatch them. 

jrabene qkq kantqf iia 

happened to go tu their country, 

kqyanQ kavyntakt^ii ka iQniakq 

he lodged with his brother ; tliey told him 

owa atqri ko Qd^r. 
and they showed him the place. 

I'anisa bat bat okoue 

The Spicier early in the morning went 

kykau^ I'la kopa otava 

and told them, that he knew 

Are iiyin 
One day 

when he went. 


the stor^ 

to the kriii 

nianiabiju (.;ni§s ; aiikrifi 

how to liatch eggs ; the hrifi 

ambat kq yi mb^ni^Miibaiia, k§r^ oy^iika t.vp k^yg ina]taiit 
received him with great jny but before he set to do work 


kQ kan§ na kapa ayi takanta kg kanset temrei 

he told them that they must shut him in the house for days 


Aiikrifi anselrj owa mrei inatAn anis Qpudi 

The krifi agreed and in a few days, the Spider ate up 

Sjin^s b^ patas bo rin are bsjnQ anrei alqm, 

the eggs all except only one, that is hatching. Next morning 

kg kanQ aiikrifi kepa okgn^ kgr§ y^nka kanti 
he told the hrifi that he was going but before you open 

ans§t neyi te kar ha ikgnQ aboli pgn mapayi amf^t 

the house, you are to wait till I get far away, or else the chicks 

will follow me. 

Aiikrifi ankar ha gkqn^ gbtjli ainy^nka kanti 
The krifi waited till . he was far, before they opened 

anset owa anlqkQ nati anis gkyne ka (jwgntakQn. 

the house and by that time the Spider had gone to his brother. 

Ahkrifi ainyira owa ankulq tamrei infjjioti, owa ka katgn 
The krifi sat and cried for many days and in the midst 

ka qnqsine wan qbar qder day^r kan kqyif na 

of sorrow their, a hawk came near them and asked them 

atjSsoma mankulq ainy^h ka kan§ kq' kapa panis 

why they sorrowed ; they were quick to tell him that the Spider 

qpodi Qm^s yan bg ambar qtamatemahQ kqkqn^ 

had eaten their eggs all. The hawk did not wait, he went to 

kapanis owa okan^ kq kamankqne kokqt yikqnq owa 
the Spider and told him to go and walk with him ; and 

kaiikqne ka od^r ro ankrifi ainyi. Panis qnAnk kapa 
they went to the place where the krifi were. The Spider saw that 

amfat ankrifi, qkane ambar kapa 

they were near the krifi, and told the hawk that 

qkqQ sq kadi owa pabar qnAnk kapa panis 

he would not go further, and the hawk saw that the Spider 


Qyema Y)\ik^ oBasikg k^buken^ kg kankrifi 

wished to run away ; lie took him and carried him to the h^Ji ; 

amumakg y^mbQiiQ tama ygs no Qfinq. 
they thanked him with joy for deed his kind. 

Kake panis Qpot§ ka ankrifi. Anbasikg 

Now the Spidei' was left with the krifi. They took him 

owa anbotko rakal §bana §lqli anyi anfita 

and put him in a hamper of bananas ripe, which they threw 

robat amerana takalun anis, k^rtj 

into a stream ; they intended to drown the Spider, but 

ankal ankgne d^r pebQlgnhe kur kankrifi. Panis 
the hamper drifted to a place not far from the krifi. The Spider 

Qwur kankal owa kgtap kadi ebana 

came out of the hamper and began to eat the bananas, 

k§r§ ankrifi anAn kcj Qwa yinamp anbma tatqn k^r§ 
but the krifi saw him and with hooks fished for him, but 

qlQmp oyQn anainp otema ratAnk qtqla 

as soon as a line held on a root, he called out : 

I am caught. 

Ankrifi antelbo anlin anfqs ana be 

The krifi, when they heard this, pulled strength their all 

amqranon ka kara panis roban kakayQin anemp 
they wished to bring the Spider asho're ; in doing so, their hooks 

opotia ka qtsnk. Panisa qkisi. 
were left in the roots. The Spider escaped. 

Panankan na Pa Lampan. 

The Chameleon and the Lobster. 

QlqkQ hyin iya kgngyiri kQkom watab^ra ifino owatibtjra 
Once an old woman lived ; she bore a girl beautiful ; girl 

awe kqnakerq ro antgf antalane Qwa gwe y§ma 

this was carried to where the country ends and who wished 


takanant-akQ ta fik^bankg ro daru ratalanQ kakg ka 

to marry her must go where the world ends, to go where 

watib^ra Qwe taiuba kafAsi kabaii kabana cTwura ka karakqn 
girl this ; must cross the sea big take (her) from her mother, 

anfsm b§ kantamrq kakarakq ka tas^m amb^mpa tabil 
People all failed to bring her and the beasts made canoes 

tebana kantAp arabias ana pasampan kapa ibali^ timan§ 
big to begin their voyage. The Lobster said : I cannot hurry, 

ikar ras ampokQiiQ may^nka tap ambias^mi 

I will wait till they have gone before I start my voyage. 

tas^ni ananda pokpn^ anlfjin anbasi tar^ii k^mekin 

The beasts have gone, some take years hundred 

ka tebik ka wat ubgra Pasampan mijnAnk I'la 

and not reached the girl. The Lobster when he saw them 

ambora kowid kpb^mpa abil 

[how] they did before him stayed and made a canoe 

na kapoka kqtAp ambiasariQn kanrei alym 

■of midrib of palm and began his voyage ; on the day next 

bat pasampan tarei nin kobap nan laba 

«arly the Lobster in one day found them that have 

tar^n ^aba k^tas nan kgbek owatibQra 

years scores ; he passed them, he reached the girl 

kgpa kamatonakQ Qwat ibgra kqpotan ka pasampan ; 
he said, to cook for him ; the girl cooked for the Lobster ; 

qpodi kapa aurealgm pasampan kgtAp mbias nan 
he has eaten ; the next day the Lobster started their voyage ; 

kabAp na are altjm ador qbak nan ; kantola 

they found them next Any, hunger overcame them ; they begged 

kq yina kampa sq kamQbakana 

him to give them ; they said again to embark them 

kqbakna mayeiaa takabek. Tq Panarikai'i kykane 

he took them on they wished to reach. So the Chameleon told 
board ; 

t.astjm kamanqi pasampa Qwatibtjra kama 

the beasts to take away from the Lobster the girl, to 

SQnkg ka sek 

give him, they tied 

kg romant • 


in the water ; 

han tonQn. 
till to-day. 


the Lobster's 

owatibtjra ; kafita 

girl ; they threw 

ka panankan gbasi qwatib^ra. 

and the Chameleon took the girl 


A Girl will not mabrt a Man who has a Scar. 

Obera kqkqne kom wanekon qwanQwi 
A woman bore her child ; this child. 

kqkane gkara kqn ibali^ bala. re wuni 

I cannot many anyone 

kqn fino 
she beautiful 

ander kowat obqra teka nanta kq 

came to the girl to marry her 

atasoma amba tebur 

she told her mother 



when it grew,, 

ba kabur 
who has a scar,. 

The chiefs 

kerq qselqhq 
but she did not agree 

antamrq takanant kq. 

they failed to marry her> 

qder ropet owatubqra qnAnkq 
One day a boy came to the town, the girl saw him,. 

because they had scars 
Are nyin watoruni 

kqbukq kqlanba ofqt 
she ran to the man young, 

kqbasi kq rqset akqn ' 
she took him in her house, 

kakara kq kqpa : 

to his mother, she said : 

basi ntqna qwos amu 
take and cook for your husband, 

basi ntona owos amu 

kqpa munayi qwos ami 

she said . you are my husband ; 

she went 

kqsoh kq qyira 
she gave him a seat, 

apala apala sq 
rice is spoiled again,. 

iya qna yema fi 

mother the cow is dying ;" 


" mother, 


" take and cook for your husband ; " " mother, groundnuts- 

matei basi ntona owos amu 

are rotten ; " " take and cook for your husband ; " 


" mother,. 


amaro malas sq Fjasi mpoton wos amu ol^jasi 

the oil is spoiled ; " " take and cook for your husband." She took 

ytiteyi b<{ kfjkgtona cjlanba gfet mg 

these things all, she cooked them [for] the young man ; when 

Qpotonyi gbasi araradi rokgnkori kgkert; 

ahe finished cooking them, she took food in the room, she took ; 

glanba ofet kgbak ka raradi kgbus rokgran kgbot 

the young man cut the food and dug underneath and found 

anak kc/btjinju owat obt;ra gderbasi eyet 

the rice and he kept it ; the girl came and took the things ; 

meyibi owat obgra gder kgnkgn ka glanba gftjt 

when it was dark the girl came to the room ; and the young man 

Qpa kg kgban vqhqbq ra raargntiman gwatob^jra kara 

said to her : go, bring a hammer and nails ; the girl brought ; 

glaiiba gftjt gtan tarare bg kanaf Auta glanba 

the young man fastened doors all and they lay down ; the young 

gftjt osake I'liran kgmi gwat obtjra owat obgrai 

man turns into python, swallows the girl ; the girl begins 

owon kabok mgtalgn : " yiai yiai kgukoytjrt; ; 

crying as she sings : " worthless, worthless 

yiai yiai kgnkoyt;rg ; amfanta madirei 

they lie 

kgnkoytirg, ainirah gt9ineri0i, kgnkoytjr^j 

the python will swallow me 

koiiko ; yaii yaii kgnkoytjrt; kgnko " ; kgr(j 


anfara anane gtawul ai'ikoye. 

the people thought he was playing ; they did not go. 

Owat ubt;ra gbok sg rgrim ralgl : " yaii yaii, 
The girl cried again in voice small : 

kgnkoygry, kgnkoygrt;, afAiit amadire kgiikoyt;rt;, 
kgnkoytjr^j ainiran gtanieriui kgnkoyt;rg 


kgnkgn yaii yaii paia konko ikon^." anfem 


b§ ropet ant9mne ander atabataBat ka karare 

all in the town wake ; they come knocking at the door, 

k^rg kakantiy§ ka olanba Qder tun karare 

but it did not open ; a man came pushed the door 

kakant§ ma anwQni ainiran pfanta otgf 

and it opened ; when they get in ; the python lay on the ground ; 

kanbai kptulun rokor kgwat obgra owur.' 

they split it straight in the belly and the girl came out. 

Pa NIS QYEMA T9K8 nai^ta. 
The Spider wishes to marrt. 

W]inibuni kQiigyiri kgba watibgra ifino gwatibgra 

A woman lived ; she had a daughter beautiful ; the girl 

kpng tesa Qwe' oyema tekananta kwe ta gkara 

pleased who wished to marry her was to bring 

y^t^sas kabanti kal^ §tini araiik akeli owa 

things three, a cage full of wild geese, a living elephant, and 

rasik rosip raba matir ate takane afam b§ gwa tas^m 
the tooth of a leopard bleeding ; she told people all and beasts 

targkant kafam ander ketqtgkQ ikin ikin 

in the bush ; the people came at first, one one, 

k^rg namb§ kampotamrq qwa anlQm amfi kamapant. 
but they all failed, and others died in the work. 

KelgpasQ ka tas^m tarokant ander mQmabaki ambana 
At last, the beasts in the bush came by ages, the big 

owa ambaki mad^r kankQ kgtQtpkQ k^rg nainb§ 

and the strong went first but they all 

kampotamrq. ka tas^m arakarak ander kapaisan mqbQn^ 
failed. And the beasts smallest came, jumped for joy 

ka tatak tan telql ta kakqkan kankq ikin ikin namb§ 
their feet little, for their turn ; they went one one ; they all 


kantamro tan Bo panisaii 

failed except only the spider ; 

IcQkQnQ kanikara kgn sq 

he came to his mother-in-law again ; 

mgder ta kak^kgn 
when he came for his turn ; 

kgyif kg' 
he asked her 

kq mapant 
what work 

mcjyo may^nka osata Qwatib^ra gwa mQpun 

he should do, before he gets the girl ; and when he finished 

kokane ti mapant 
she told him the work 

rabatbat ralqm panisaii kqyokane 
early morning next the spider woke ; 

kgkgn^ katabat ray^r y^kQbantian kqkan§ ^tim 

he went near the streams with a cage ; he told the wild geese 

kapa kgnQ anbasi ktjrQ yi anfam ropet kapa ^tim 

that he took a bet with people in the town that wild geese 

mqkq ibanrj ; kq kqbo 

like this I have here ; when he went on 



la kabanti 
fill a cage 

n' ^tim 
to the geese 

k^pa ^tim anbalie yqt! 
that geese cannot do it ; 

kansalq kakafqf kapanis kanwqm kakabanti 

they agreed to the words of the spider and went in the cage 

owa nan b^ naiipowon panisan kqtan kadare kqkerq na 
and they all went in ; the spider 

kanikara kq 
to his mother-in-law ; 

not long, 

he took them 

to the town 

he woke, 

he said : 

kq kqne kamapant 
he went to the work ; 

" good day, 

ka parankan qpa 
and the elephant said : 

karqmu robabaliot 
brings you very early 

shut the door ; 

robat bat ralqm sq 

very early next [day] again 

niqkqbanq pa rankan 
when he met the elephant, 

tenyiba tonqni 
how are you to-day ? " 

pa rank 
Mr. Elephant, 

niinay^nki mader 
" I am very well. 

to see me ? " 

panisan mqyi 
The spider was 

k^r^ ko 
but what 

a beast 

otempi kqpa asomi afam abaki ropet takader 

clever ; he said : I am sent by old people in the town, to come 

owa takanqmu kapa munqn ballq der tankan ropet 

and tell you that you cannot come one day to the town, 


hali ras afir antabule to asomi teketela mu 

even when they beat this drum. So I am sent to tell you 

tonqn owa kQl!i9k akAnt kghot ki ka anient na arank 
to-day ; and he out a stick, put it in the ear of the elephant 

owa kqroparQpa ki arank qtelane Qbpti ; QbQn.§ kg 

and turned it ; the elephant felt nice, it pleased him 

tekekg ropet na panisan ka wunibom vqjiv^ 

to go to the town with the spider where the woman was ; 

are al§ni beka masas panisan kgkgn^ rokant 

next day, which was the third, the spider went to the bush 

Qlati kQbgmpa nant nebana owa kgtla tasgm be kamander 
thick ; he made fire big and called the beasts all to come 

saia ray^r pasipan kqyira rakima 

and bask near ; the leopard sat there where smoke 

makgkg ye ka' son kqn nisan owura rabpbQ rodaran kg 
was going in his mouth ; the spider took a hammer behind him, 

kg gnAp rasik ra pasip kgwurari ansip 

he knocked the tooth of the leopard and took it out. The leopard, 

arimrg robana kgpa kwg owura rasik rami kweygmwi 
voice big, said why he took out tooth my, what have you 

done ? 
panisan gyar kgpa pa mineyi tekawura rasik 

The spider trembUng said : " Father, I take out the tooth 

rgmu iyata nan kewurari kgrg tera mi tg' tongn 
yours, I mistake them to take out, but forgive me for to-day, 

kqrtj pa ibasi ri tg ansip glan ka kg gngsine 

but, father, I take it now." The leopard felt sorry 

kgkangkg gbasiri owa oteyi sg yg' Panisan 

and told him to take it and never do it again. The spider 

gmamo kgfing gbasi ri gkerg ri ka ninkara kgn 

thanked him well ; he took it ; he carried it to his mother-in-law ; 
kgsata grani kgn kasgnkg owatibgra owa 

he got his wife ; he was given the daughter and 

they married.