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QfatncU HmuEraita ffitbrary 

Mijuta, Hem @otk 
















By W. E. CRUM 









' I ^HE present Catalogue forms the second issue in the series of 
-*■ descriptive catalogues or guides to the collection of Oriental and 
Western manuscripts in the John Rylands Library. 

The entire cost of producing this volume has been defrayed, in 
part by Mrs, Rylands herself, and in part out of the estate of the 
deceased lady, by direction of the executors of her will. 




March lo, 1909. 





Biblical . . . , . 


Homilies, Epistles &c. 
Narratives, Acts, Martyrdoms 
Magic, Medicine 
Miscellaneous . . . . 

Legal and Financial : 



Contracts . 


Rent Receipts 

Partitions . 

Sales . 

Debts . 


Doubtful . 
Lists and Accounts 



Biblical ....... 




Narratives, Acts, Martyrdoms 

Philological Works 

Letters ........... 






















Names of Persons 245 

Names of Places 251 

Greek and other Foreign Words ^53 

Coptic Words 261 

Arabic Wouds 269 

Subject Index 271 


THE manuscripts described in this catalogue are among those bought by Mrs. Rylands 
of the Earl of Crawford, in 19011. To these only one (no. 433) has since been added. 
The collection consisted of two distinct parts : the earlier to be acquired (A) was brought 
together by the late (the 25th) Earl, then Lord Lindsay, who bought a number of 
Archdeacon Tattam's Bohairic MSS.^ Of the Sa'idic literary MSS. in the Bihltotheca 
Lmdesiana, which had been Tattam's, I have been able to identify nos. 2, 8, 11, 12, 
14, 67, 69, 70, 87, 91, 92, 94, 96, 97 ^ Some Sa'idic leaves — I know not which — had 
been given to Lord Crawford by the Rev. R. Lieder*; others (so Mr. de Ricci has 
informed me) were once in J. Lee's collection {pb. 1866). The other section (B) had 
been bought of two well-known Gizah dealers^ by the present Earl of Crawford, in 
1898. To it belong all the papyri, with a much smaller member of parchment and 
paper fragments. This section contains no Bohairic texts (excepting no. 421). 

In 1868 the late Lord Crawford employed the Rev. J. M. Rodwell to arrange 
and describe his MSS. Mr. Rodwell assigned to them the numbers whereby they 
have since been known, and which, as sub-numbers in square brackets, serve to 
distinguish this older collection (A) in the present catalogue^; and he moreover drew 
up descriptions of 59 of them''. To these Dr. E. A. W. Budge, in 1893, added short 
descriptions of four more MSS. (nos. 63, 434, 443, 455). After the purchase of the 
second collection (B), I was invited to compile a catalogue of the whole, upon a more 
extensive scale. Lord Crawford, with that liberality whereof many scholars have had 
advantage, agreed to his MSS. being transmitted for this purpose to the British 
Museum. Subsequently Mrs. Rylands, and eventually her trustees and hbrarian, by 
generously allowing the remainder to be sent me, rendered the continuance and com- 
pletion of my work possible. 

The older collection (A) consists of MSS. in the two main dialects. The Sa'idic 
parchment MSS. came, as usual, from the library of the White Monastery: this is 
demonstrable from the relationship of many of the fragments to others elsewhere, of 
ascertained provenance. The few Bohairic parchments (nos. 436 fif.) are of Nitrian origin, as 
their frequent connexion with those brought thence by Tischendorf, and now in Leipzig, 
testifies. The paper volumes came either from Nitria or from the Cairene churches. 

The ultimate provenance of the second collection (B) is not easier to fix than in 
similar cases elsewhere*. Internal evidence, however, shows that so large a proportion 
of it relates to the neighbourhood of Ashmunain, that we may be justified in referring 

' Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, i. 355. logue (no. 401) 'over 130 '. 

"^ Tattam's sale was at Sotheby's, on June 16, 1868, * Stated in rough notes by the late Lord Crawford, 

six months after his death. now in the Rylands Library. 

' Thanks to the kind loan by Prof. Erman of ° With, I think, the eight exceptions mentioned 

M. Schwartze's copies (1848). The sole reference to below. * V. Table, p. 244. 

his Sa'idic MSS. in Miss Platt's Journal of a Tour ' Descriptive list now in the Rylands Library. 

^•c, 1842, is vol. i, 102. In the list, ZDMG. vii. 94, * The fact that it was bought of two dealers makes 

174 vellum leaves are mentioned; in the sale-cata- more than one ^roz;e«a«ce probable. 


to the whole as 'the Ashmunain collection '—at least in a negative sense, when dealing 
with the 8 numbers clearly independent of the large body of papyri ^ (nos. 232, 255, 
288, 291, 316, 347, 365, 465). The presence in collection (B) of five Fayyumic fragments 
may be evidence against a single place of origin: one of them (no. 412) is part of 
a MS. elsewhere, which is believed to have been obtained in the Fayyum. Another 
curious text, in unmistakable, though perhaps artificial, Bohairic (no. 460), is difficult 
to account for here I 

More important is the group of papyri showing, in varying proportions, the 
Ahmlmic dialect. We may count 13 of them; some, however, such small fragments 
that it is hardly fair to decide their linguistic position. The idiom of this group ranges 
from a practically pure Ahmlmic (no. 396), through a hybrid stage (nos. 269, 270, 292, 
311, 352), down to fragments where an e- for *.-, -ei for -i, -Hoy for -ny, an p- with 
Greek verbs, may perhaps be taken as vanishing traces of the old dialect » (nos. 271, 
273, 274, 275, 301, 312, 314). Yet we have no grounds so far for assigning these texts 
to a district appreciably south of Ashmunain, albeit the name of that town itself, so 
frequent elsewhere, does not occur in them. The presence of this ancient dialect, 
in unimpeachably Sa'idic surroundings, would alone be a testimony to the varieties 
of age among our documents, did not remarkable differences of script bear independent 
evidence of this. The pieces tainted with an Ahmlmic colouring are all, it will be seen, 
written in hands far older than those usually exemplified in such collections of papyri — 
older, indeed, than any hitherto published Coptic documentary MSS.* Certain of the 
hands I have ventured to ascribe to the 4th-5th centuries (nos. 268 ff".), one or two, 
more closely, to the 4th (nos. 270, 311). A number of these early texts {v. no. 268) 
are addressed to an ecclesiastical dignitary, named John. Were I right in regarding 
the recipient of all as one and the same person — and the assumed chronological 
diversity between the hands is not too wide to permit this — we should thence have 
evidence that such varieties of dialect — nos. 268, 272, 276, are in a pure Sa'idic — ^were 
coeval, though not necessarily coeval in a single district; for we do not know from 
what distances these letters may have been sent. 

An estimate, based upon the table, p. 241, shows that, among the 298 Sa'idic documents 
(nos. 115-409, 462-465), ' the number of MSS. assigned to each succeeding century 
thenceforth increases rapidly, down to the 8th, which claims a third of the total, and 
together with which may be counted some 70 more, doubtfully placed in the century 
preceding or following. Thereafter the numbers again diminish, the latest period 
(iith-i2th century) having only three. A type of script, exceeding all others in obscurity, 
is that whereof Pll. 7 and 8 give the first published specimens ^ It appears to have 
developed in the loth century. Among these younger MSS. are of course all those 

^ Unless my memory deceives me, these were the ne'seq, ca.Tic. F. Index. The idiom ofdistricts south of 

papyri which I saw on sale in the neighbourhood of Ahmim shows similar traces. V. Crum, Ostr. pp. xix, 

the Ezbekiyah, in the winter of 1897-98. xx. 

' Ffl/j)/n<s documents with Bohairic tendency have * Br. Mus. Catal., PI. 11, 711, PI. 12, 1102 and 

not hitherto been met with S. of the Fayyum (v. Br. no. 1252 are alone comparable. I am ignoring the old 

Mus. nos. 572, 1237). magical texts (Br. Mus. nos. 1223, 1244, Pap. Lichatschef, 

' Notable peculiarities, unsupported by the pub- ed. Turaief, Russian Archaeol. Soc, xviii, 1907). 
lished Ahmlmic texts, are: a.eq = 4.a.q, bWeey, xxzey, ^ Excepting Br. Mus. Catal., PI. 15, 1214. 


written upon paper (i8 nos.) or parchment (3 nos.)'. The paper MSS. in the hterary 
sections likewise {e.g. liturgical and magical), belonging as they do to this same 
'Ashmunain collection', must be reckoned to the latest group of our texts. Further 
evidence, were it needed, of the late use of these two materials could be had from the 
fact that only upon them are the texts to be found wherein the idiom displays a Bohairic 
tendency I Another characteristic of at any rate post-Muslim times may be mentioned 
here. Krall had noticed ^ that documents emanating from Muslims are distinguished, 
now and then, by an oblique double stroke, in place of the more usual cross, before 
the beginning of the text {v. PI. 6). Of the 13 instances in this catalogue, 11 are in 
texts characterized by Muslim names; and it is noticeable that the Muslim witness 
in no. 214 employs these strokes, while the Christian signatures have the cross*. 

In this connexion I would offer some supplementary comments upon the Plates, 
and the grounds for the selection of the specimens reproduced. 

Plate I shows first three types of uncial, no. 310 a very uncommon one for private 
documents. No. 175 confirms Krall's axiom ^, that 8th century scribes tend to avoid 
ligatures. No. 279 appears here by an error. At the time the plates were composed, 
I had intended to read the final date er i (assuming some local era or year of office). 
And, even now, I cannot but record that the final letter bears but small resemblance to 
the iv^/ or 18/ , usual in documents of the Muslim period ; and further, that the metathesis 
of e i[^/\ for iS/ e, is equally abnormal ". No. 7 is a specimen of that type of uncial often 
met with in parchment MSS. in 'Ashmunain' (as distinct from 'White Monastery') 
collections, but hitherto seldom facsimiled'. It may be compared with the script of 
the Uncanonical Gospel fragment. Pap. Oxyrh. vol. v, PI. i, placed by the editors as early 
as the 4th century, a date, however, to which I should not venture to assign our no. 7. 

Plate 2 contains one dated text ('Addenda' = no. 464), written in the same year 
as Br. Mus. no. 162*; 4 liturgical pieces, nos. 49 and 55 showing what scraps were 
deemed sufficient for use as 'choir slips'; while the two lower specimens are from the 
series of early letters addressed to 'John' {v. above). 

Plate 3. These (excepting no. 413) are among the oldest MSS. in the Rylands 
collection. The character of no. 311 may, as a whole, be compared with that of Pap. 
Oxyrh. no. 299 (Ep. Rom. i), which is regarded as of the early 4th century, or with 
Pap. Amherst, PI. xxi, 'late 4th or early 5th'. The writer of the former of these, 
however, attempts a more regular, literary script than ours. 

Plate 4. No. 271 again recalls the above-named Oxyrhynchus and Amherst papyri, 
though the comparison must not be made from the same standpoint as for no. 311. 
No. 270 resembles 4th century hands, such as that reproduced in Br. Mus. Greek 

^ Ordinary literary uncials upon parchment are (in nos. 581, 639 only a single stroke) show the same 

not here in question. state of things ; only the group nos. 1167, 1168, 1169 

^ Witness the use of noc (v. Index). Similarly might appear ambiguous (cf. here no. 279). H. I. Bell 

in Br. Mus., where only one instance, and that clearly has observed the same usage in the Jkow (Aphrodito) 

a late text (no. 582), is on papyrus. The earliest dated papyri. ' Fuhrer, p. 49. 

occurrence known to me is in the colophon Paris 132 S * It is to be observed that the edge of the papyrus 

fol. 67, A. D. 928. is not broken. 

' Fuhrer (1894) p. 53, Mitth. Rain. v. 45. ' Br. Mus. Catal., PI. 8, no. 171 is an instance of 

* Cf. this sign in B. Moritz's Album, p. 113, 1. 13 a similar type on papyrus, 
from below (after i^». The Brit. Mus. instances « V. Hyvernat's Album, ix, 2. 


Catal. ii, Pll. 102, 104, 105 or Deissmann's Licht vom Osten, p. 146, No. 396 is the 
most outspoken of our Ahmlmic texts. Though not free from literary affectation, its 
hand approaches certain informal 4th century types in its e, c, -y. 

Plate 5. No. 352 resembles Br. Mus. Greek Catal. iii, Pll. 84, 87 (middle of 6th 
century) ; but perhaps it is younger than these. No. 312 may be classed with no. 276 
(PI. 3), no. 292 with no. 271 (PI. 4). No. 313, though with a preponderance of uncial 
forms, has certain ligatures and irregularities which I take to point to the 4th or 5th 
century. (For further specimens of these early hands, v. PI. 10.) 

Plate 6 represents . a substantially later epoch than those preceding. Nb. 407 
much resembles PI. viii of the Rainer Fuhrer (a.d. 827). No. 287 may be somewhat 
earlier. No. 390 has, in 1. 2, a remarkable ligature used also in the above Rainer papyrus 
and in nos. 380 and 405 here. But whether all three belong to one period, it is difficult 
to say. No. 398 goes a decided step farther towards the highly ligatured type shown 
in the next two plates. 

Plate 7. Of these three hands, no. 362 is presumably the oldest; but several 
of its forms (n, n), and especially the ligature jvi, are already those which characterize 
the later hands— that of no. 372, for example, which is of the same type with Br, Mus. 
Catal., PI. 15, no. 12 14. 

Plate 8 gives two more specimens of these most difficult hands. Both may be 
somewhat earlier than no. 372 on the foregoing plate. 

Plate 9. The tall characters above the tachygraphic text in no. 410 recall the 
conventionalized strokes flanking the Greek ^ and Graeco- Arabic protocols, as well as those 
heading mediaeval (imperial and papal) deeds; cf. also PI. 10, no. 159. The Arabic 
lines in no. 214 closely resemble the early 8th century hands of the Jkow papyri 2. 

Plate 10, being the first of three additional plates, not contemplated at the outset, 
returns again to an earlier period. No. 273 may be a rough example of the type 
Pap. Amherst PI. xxi ; yet it might be considerably younger. No. 320 has features 
in common with Pap. Amh. cl (a.d. 592) ; but I should incline to place it later than this. 
The fantastic subscription to no. 159 is not unlike that in Vitelli's 3rd and nth plates. 
This scribe's normal hand is of a type constantly met with among ' Ashmunain ' papyri. 

Plate II. The subject with which no. 277 is concerned — the treatment of 'fugitive' 
peasants — might incline us to place the MS. in the early 8th century, beside the Jkow 
texts ^ The script is indeed not far removed from that of Br. Mus. Catal, PI. 4, 
Or. 6205. An 8th century date too for no. 319 is suggested by the Greek script of 
line I, which is similar to that of the Greek parts of the Arabic papyri from JkOw ; 
also by the Coptic script, itself quite of the JkOw type. On the other hand, it is 
to be observed that the protocol does not appear yet to contain any Arabic text *. 

Plate 12. The Coptic hands in nos. 142 and 180 may be estimated by help of 
the earlier Greek accompanying them, which is ascribable, in both cases, to the 
8th century. In no. 137 we may see (11. 4, 5 and subscription) both the Greek and 
Coptic styles of a single scribe. 

' E.g. Br. Mus. Catal, no. 171. = y. Bell in/. Hell. Stud, xxviii. no, note. 

'^ Cf. Papyri Schott-Reinhardt, ed. C. H. Becker, * The supposed Arabic letters are, I think, merely 

Taff. iii-v. stains, not written characters. 


Few, beyond the small circle of specialists, can be expected to explore a mass of 
texts such as those here published. For the benefit, therefore, of such as the literary 
(theological or historical) materials may interest, I shall here draw attention to some of 
the pieces especially noteworthy in these respects. 

Among the Biblical texts is one hitherto unique (no. 421), parts of which are in 
the British Museum \ It is probably the oldest of Bohairic New Testament MSS. 

The Liturgical texts comprise a group (nos, 25-29) of Greek hymns (printed in 
this catalogue since they were employed in the service of the Coptic church), showing 
an unknown system of musical notation. The abbreviated directories, too, of lessons 
and hymns (nos. 54 ff.) are of interest. No. 430 is an unusually full example of the 
Theotokia, whereof the analysis given may be a guide in classifying this type of text. 
The collection possesses one of the rare MSS. of the Antiphonary (no. 435), and that 
for only a part of the year. The work would well repay investigation. In the hymn- 
book no. 433, two names repeatedly occur {v. p. 240), which should be those of authors. 
It is to be hoped that a key to their identity may eventually be found. 

Conspicuous among the Homiletic texts is no. 62, which purports to be an unknown 
work of Athanasius. The problem of authorship in no. 65 remains unsolved. John 
of Lycopolis appears to me the most likely claimant ^ The fragments of Festal Letters, 
if such they be (nos. 81-83), ^re not without interest. Perhaps they represent the copies 
(translations ?) communicated to the respective monasteries ^ 

Fragments of two Apocryphal texts are here (nos. 84, 86), the latter awaiting 
identification; also part of a new Salomonic legend (no. 85). No. 94 is an interesting 
Encomium on the Forty Martyrs. The indications of authorship are tantalizingly 
insufficient. No. 95 makes it probable, as in so many other cases, that the Bohairic 
Life of Macarius was adapted from an existing Sa'idic version; while no. 411 shows 
us a fourth recension — Sa'idic, Bohairic and Syriac are already known — of the popular 
Story of Dioscorus *. No. 99 is not without its interest for students of Severus. The 
apologetic dialogue, no. 449, may be noted here. 

The Magical and Medical section includes several interesting texts : the long 
recipes in no. 106, with their numerous Arabic botanical terms transcribed, and the 
Arabic charms and magical ritual in no. 467. 

Turning now to the ' Documents ', we have illustrations in nos. 128 ff". of that surety 

system, so widely developed in Byzantine and Muslim Egypt «; interesting contracts 

(nos. 139, 144, 153), unusually lengthy and well preserved leases (nos. 158, 159) and 

remnants of a will (no. 462), the only one, so far, from Ashmunain. Among the 

most curious pieces in the collection are the inventories of church property (no. 238), 

and hangings (no. 244), and that of clothes, with many remarkable Arabic terms, 

including one which suggests an etymology for the obscure Latin quadrapulus (no. 243). 

' Catal. no. 739 {v. PI. 11). * But the note on p. 240 (arfp. 29) raises the ques- 

^ Since no. 70 was described, I have found a fragm. tion as to the true title and principal subject of this 

by the same hand, in the Cairo Patriarch's collection, work. The vol., to which Zoega clxv &c. belonged, 

which in its lower margin {cf. no. 65), shows the name ended at any rate with a Life of John of Lycopolis. 
[iw9e.]mtHc. This, calling in question the authorship ^ It is observable that deeds of this class are quite 

of Brit. Mus. no. 204 &c., further complicates the rare in Greek, but plentiful in Coptic papyri (so notably 

nroblem. among the Jkow-Aphrodito texts). The guarantors 

3 Cf. Br. Mus. Cat, no. 464, Crum, Ostr., p. 7, n. 4. would be the village peasantry, ignorant of Greek. 


Finally, among the Letters, the series addressed to 'John' (nos. 268 ff.) and already 
described, is conspicuous by reason of its unusual antiquity. Indeed, these, with the 
remaining letters of that early period, might be reckoned the most valuable element in 
the entire collection. Beside the bishop's official letter (no. 267), we may place the 
private letter of another bishop (no. 461), in many ways a highly interesting document. 
Letters which throw light upon the working of the provincial administration are nos. 277, 
319, 346, while nos. 320, 321 illustrate fiscal procedure. 

Something should be said as to certain methodical features of this catalogue. 
Whereas all the MSS. composing the older collection (A) are described, the same 
has not been done with the later, 'Ashmunain' stock. Here I have been allowed 
to use discretion, and so have described but a selection of the great mass of fragments, 
abandoning a considerable quantity of impracticable material to a limbo. Such texts 
as are printed have been all collated, most of them several times ; and it is not without 
satisfaction that, on a final revision, I have, in many cases, found in print corrupt or 
questionable readings to which a sic might deservedly have been added. I am well 
aware that many a passage, in the documentary texts, has not yet been adequately 
read : as here printed, it is but too often impossible to extract from them a reasonable 
meaning \ But it is earnestly to be hoped that this and the similar papyrus collections 
will, in time, be attacked afresh by other students; for such texts are destined to yield 
invaluable contributions both towards Coptic vocabulary and syntax. The commentary 
upon the texts offered in the foot-notes may often appear unduly meagre, considering 
the problems raised. But I have preferred to restrict it to what was needful, seeing no 
reason to repeat arguments here or multiply evidence which those interested can quite 
conveniently find elsewhere. The chronological Table on p. 241, is a concession to 
criticisms upon my British Museum Catalogue ; but it is still with the utmost diffidence 
that I print it. The reproduction of dated papyri, primarily of those still lying buried 
at Vienna, would be among the greatest boons conferable on Coptic scholarship. 

Only two abbreviations occur frequently : Br. Mus., followed by a number, i. e. my 
Catalogue of the Coptic MSS. in the British Museum, 1905, and Krall, i. e. Corpus 
Papyr. Raineri, vol. ii, Krall: Rechtsurkunden, 1895. 

In conclusion, I must express my hearty thanks to the John Rylands Librarian, 
Mr. H. Guppy, who, with unwearied amiability, has acceded to my various requests 
and throughout facilitated my work in the most liberal way; also to Mr. Hart and 
the readers and staff of the Clarendon Press, whose skill has never been overtaxed 
nor their patience exhausted in the slow and troublesome task of printing a book so 
complicated as this. And I would thank those friends too — Dr. Kenyon, Sir Herbert 
Thompson, the Rev. G. Horner, and Mr. H. I. Bell — who, by kind loans of books or the 
verification of references, have made it possible to carry out such work at a distance from 
all libraries. 

W. E. CRUM. 

Aldeburgh, February, 1909. 

' One of the most constant obstacles to the correct reading of non-literary hands is the complete similarity 
between -y and q. 



!•— Parchment ; a fragment; 8x7 cm. i col, 23+ lines. Script: small, square 
uncials, »>, aa, y each in a single stroke. 

Genesis xxvi. 21-25, 26-29 (?), the latter passage, on the verso, being all but illegible. 
The following is the restored text on the redo^:— 

]e • e>.qT[ujo'YK "xe] 
[e&o\ g^JUin]A«.a>. eTJii.[iLi&,'y ns'i] 
[ic&.d.K • js.q]ujiRe nKeuj[tOTe •] 
[d.'YKpme "^je ok £iTKe'yei[' e>.q] 
[Aio-yTe €]necp&.n; 'seTJU.n[T'Si.] 
23 ["se • d.qJTUiO'Yn "^e eiioX g^iui 
[iUA.d<. eTjui]iLia>.'Y • e^qiyiKe nue 
[ujujTe • &.'Y]to jLino-YAAiuje ct 
[fiHHTc • dwqiijo'YTe enecp*.n 
[•scTeTO-Youjc e]£io\ • eq-sw aji 
[aioc 'seTenoJ'Y ekn-soeic ©"Yto 
[igc Ka,n efeo\ e^.j-yoj'y^ 

23 [jujuion g^i-jsju. 2]nKJ>.g^ - e^qei 

[•jkC e^oTV. £^ eTJAJUu.ev'y e-sit 

24 [TigojTe AAn&.n&.aj] • ^.n-soeic 

[cTJuumaw'Y Jv'yoj ne-sA.jq • 2;ed.noK 
[ne nno'YTe n2>iipa>,g^d>,]A>. hck 
[eio>T • juinppg^oTe • -^Jigoon 
[t^iwp njuuuLd^K d^'Yui ■<^n]i>.cjuio'Y 
[epoR nTA.Td>.igo uineJRcnep 
[jmak eTfiediiipdwg^dJU. neRJejwT 

25 ]T 

2 [2]. — Parchment; 3 complete leaves; now 28x21 cm. Pp. p*;-p^; ^, ^. 2 cols, 
of 30 lines each. Script : hand of Ciasca xv and Brit. Mus. Catal. nos. 17 and 937. 

Foil. I, 2 : I Samuel xxviii. 16 — xxx. 5. Published by Erman, Bruchstucke &c. 
(Gotting. Nachr., 1880), and thence by Ciasca, i. 182. 

• References to this passage in Zoega, p. 583. ' Or gp&i gjui, as there is space for more in the gap^ 



Fol. 3 : 2 Samuel xvii. 19-29. Published by Erman and Ctasca. 
Begins jne-xe cajuio-yhX. Ends g^itTep'YJuioc[. 

3. — Parchment; a fragment; 5^x71 cm. 2 cols. Script: small uncials, »>, **; -y each 
in a single stroke. 

Job vii. 8-11 (omitting 8 b) in Greek, and 2, 3 in Coptic, with the cola marked in 
the margins. 

op(o[nTOc iue] [no'yg^iUg^&.\] eqpg^OTe g^HTq 

e ojcnep ne«i^[oc a^noRdweawpoen] [Aineq-soeic a^'yoj] ei^qg^e cyg^*.! h 

a^n o'yno'Y [£iec] 

c ejs.n t»a>.p Siltoc [Ka^Ta^^H eic a^-JkHn] [h nee jwitnc no'y]'sa^!6eR[€ eqa'e] e 

o-yK CT! iuiH a^naiiH [ct eneq&e]Ke 

"^ CY*^ o-y AtH en![cTpe\lrH eic] [TMTe Ta^g^e g^touiT n]Ta>,ig^'Ynojuime T 

TO« i-xion [oiRon] [eg^eitefcawTc] e-yujo'yeiT 

H o-y^ oy AiH €n[n'n(o a^fTon ctj] [g^eno-yigH •a^.e ng^]ice [neTTO n&.i] i^ 

[o] Tonoc [awfTO'y] ] 

e ak[Takp cyn o^yxe etrw t^eicoiuiak!] ] lA 

4. — Parchment ; a fragment ; 7I x 6 cm. i col. Script : rough, irregular uncials. 

Psalm iv. 7, 8. 

After g^noyg^e^nic, awWaXcyia.. 

Verso : Ta«.A.c eutHnai. nakV\raw'\AA[ 

5. — Papyrus ; a fragment ; 21 x 20 cm. Pp. — , ]ric. i col., in orixoi. Script : cf. Ciasca 
vii for a slight resemblance. 

Psalms {redo) xxxvi. 27-34, {verso) 38 — xxxvii. 4, all incomplete. 
The only legible variant from Budge's text is ver. 27, nqna^Rio. 

6. — Parchment; a fragment; 13IX9 cm. (a complete page ca. 17x14 cm.), i col. 
Script: cf. the Berlin Psalter, ed. Rahlfs {Gotiinger Abhandl., N.F. iv, 1901), which 
shows a very similar but not identical hand. About 24 lines in a page. 

Psalm Ixxxviii. 14^20, 24-32. 

The following variants from Budge's text are visible : — 

ver. 20, nsx for Ain; 26, ^neiepuioy; 28, a^noR n-xei; 29 and 32, «.peg^; 31, epuja^neq-; 
32, ncectoujq. 

^ V. the Index and C. Schmidt, Acta Fault {1904), p. 19. 


/.—Parchment; a complete and a damaged fol. ; the former 6|x6| cm. i col., 
18 lines. Script: minute, square uncials, a., \ xa., -y each in a single stroke. 

Proverbs xxiii. 34 — xxiv. 7; 23-27. 

The following are the variants from Ciasca's text (ii. 176) :— 

xxiii. 35, Kna^-soocne •sene'y^io'Ye epoi a^-Y^ Juniij.R«.g^ — «wnoR -xe ncicocYW Jvune 
epe — '^nawCioo'Yg^ ; xxiv. I, eTg^oo-Y — njuumioo-Y ; 2, [jv-yw] epene'YcnoTO'Y [-sio] AAng^ice ; 
3, A.'Yu) eufik'Yca.g^ioq — i^-yw om. ; 5, ; 6, cp€T£ioH©ia>. o^-e juiimg^HT ; 7, epcTcot^ia. -xe ; 
8, Aiepe[ncot^oc] ; 23, netjA».c o-ycHqe — qKawO-yoajq — nnujnpe nnpix^ue om ng^enReec. 

After ver, 23 little is legible; [ne«Ti.]qce'yg^ is the last word discernible. 

8 [31]. — Parchment; 4 complete leaves; now 34|x26|cm, Pp. pR©-p7v.<?. 2 cols., 
35-37 lines. Script : cf. Hyvernat viii. 3 and Ciasca xiii ; titles being in a sloping 
hand, cf. Hyvernat x. Initials, floral scrolls, birds and animals in margins in red, yellow 
and green. 

Jeremiah xxxix (xxxii). 42 — xliii (xxxvi). 7. Published by Erman, Bruchstucke &c., 
and thence by Ciasca, ii. 256. 

Begins ]e'sjjinei?V.«.oc. Ends aiiiajito e&o^ A«.n[. 

9. — Parchment ; 10 x 8 cm. Palimpsest : (a) square uncials, only a few letters visible ; 
{h) of Zoega's 9th class, i col. 

(6) Tobit viii. 16, 17. ' Finished is the Confession (efo/toXoyT^o-is) of the father-in-law 
of Tobias.' Then, 'The prayer of Tobit which he pronounced on beholding his son, 
when he had gone out toward him from the house,' i\T*.qei g^HTq jmnHi, followed by 
xi. 14. These passages are published by Maspero, Mission fran^., vi. 291. 

10. — Parchment ; a fragment ; 12 x 9 cm. Script of Zoega's 3rd class. P. p^».. 
Ornaments and pen-trials in margins. Verso blank. 

Matthew i. 13-16. Begins [isqilo-Y-x a.qio'Y'iw -^.e. Ends ^^^[j AAAJui^piev] Td.!. In 13, 
d.'^ujpjs.; in 14, Actop»wC. 

"{X [3]. — Parchment ; 6 complete leaves ; now 37 x 28 cm. 2 cols., about 44 lines. 

Pp. I©-\. Script : small ; cf. Ciasca iii, x, xvii. Initials, scrolls and animals in red, green 

and yellow; the letter t^ in red and yellow. 

Mark ix. 19 — xiv. 26. Published by Amelineau in Recueil de Travaux &c., v. 106. 

Begins iKO-sq dioK. Ends nTepo'ycjjio'y[. 

The sections are marked: iv^ at ix. 33, kh at x. l, ii© at 17, Aaw [sic) at 46, Xfc 

at xi. I, Xc^ at II, X^ at 19, Xe at 27, ?Cc at xii. i, A^ at 13, Ah at 18, TV© at 28, H 

at 35, JsA. at 41, JSci {sic) at xiii. 32, jS^ at xiv. 3, He at 12. 

B 2 


12 [5].— Parchment ; 7 leaves; now 35IX27I cm. 2 cols., 35 lines. Pp. pqe-["]- 
Script : v. Palaeographical Society,. Oriental Series, PI. LXXX. Scrolls red and green, 
titles to chapters (in top margins) red. 

Luke iii. 8— vi. 37. Published by Amelineau in Recueil de Travaux &c., v. 118. 

Begins ]TeTnTJi«.&,p|jQei. Ends -senne-YRpme juuuiciJTn[. 

The Ammonian canons and sections are marked as in the Greek. The titles of 
the larger chapters are : c. eT&enenTa.-y^tteiwg^jvnttHc ; \. eTjfeenneip».ciAoc M.ncujTHp, aao 
^. Aiip S ; H. eT&eiTCTepenenitS^ n-^i^.ijjionion g^iwuiq. imp S ; e. €TfceTigtoAi.e AincTpoc. 
Ate H. Atp E ; T. eT&enenT«.'yT*.\(3'o g^ng^ettajtoite cyujofie. jue e. imp p ; JS. CT^iCTCoo'yg.c 
«iit£it; i^. eT^ncTcofig^ enTekqXo. ime c. iup 51; i?. eT&eneTcHf?. iw \. A«.e ic. Atp e; 
i^. eTfeeXeyei nTe^toKHc. iiie i^. AAp c; Te. cT^ieneTepeTeqs'i's ujo-yioo-y. ai© R»w. a*P 
\\ ic." €T&enciOTn nn&,nocTo7V.oc. iuo ie. Ai.p h; F^. eT&eAiiA».R&.picAJioc. **.© e. 

13 [1]. — Parchment; 5 leaves; now 29^x21 cm, 2 cols., 27 lines. Pp. p»l-pi. 
Script: that of Balestri, Tab. 13 (Zoega liv). Initials, floral scrolls &c., brightly 
coloured. In the margins are birds (pS), human figures (p^, the blind man, Zacchaeus), 
and trees (pi). 

Luke xvii. 18 — xix. 29. Published by Amelineau in Recueil de Travaux &c., v. 126. 

Begins ]€iju.H'<^ neiijiiutM.o. Ends eq-sco aia«.oc[. 

The numbers of the sections are written in the margins in a later hand : ^j>> at 
xviii. I, ^& at 9, ^t^ at 18, ^-x at 35, ^e at xix. i, ^c at 11, '^ at 12, ^h at 15; while 
in the original hand titles are sometimes given : at xviii. i eT^ieneKpiTHc nTdw-xiKijn, 
at 9 eT&€iit^a>.p!ccMoc iuinnTe\a)nHc, at 15 eT&enigHpe ujHtjL, at 18 eT£le^pA*Jll^>.o, at 35 
eTfcen&We, at xix, i eTfie'5i.|)(;^jvioc. 

14 [4]. — Parchment ; 8 leaves ; now 35 x 27 cm. 2 cols., 29 lines, ruled. Pp. pne-cS:, 
being quire i?. Script : cf. Ciasca xxiii. Floral scrolls in margins in red, green and 

Galatians i. 14 — vi. 16. Published by Amelineau in Recueil de Travaux &c., v. 131. 

Begins jg^AAnawC^eitoc. Ends &.*Yt>> e-jsiuniHTV. iui[. 

The sections are marked in a later hand : S at ii, i, ? at iii, 2, S at 15, e at iv. 12, 
c at V. 16. 

15.— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 3I x 7f cm. Script : rounded uncials, leaning slightly to left. 
Recto. Titus iii. 15 with subscription. 
Verso. Philemon 6, 7, All incomplete. 


16.— Parchment; a fragment; 7^x9 cm. 2 cols. Script: small, square uncials of 
early type ; cf. Cod. Sinaiticus. 

Hebrews iv. 12, 13, 15, 16, v. i {verso), 3-5, 7-9. 
Note the forms ppetj- and Teeig^e. 

iv. 13 ]ng^o cn».Y 

]nn*w ng^dwpxtoc 
]k&.c eqo ppeq 


]€R Al 



V. 3 Te.7V.o eg^pjw! [g^a^n^dk] 
oc nqT*w?V.o g^iotoq 
[2^d>.]poq UTceig^e 
4 [g^i^]neqttoJ6i€ • Kepc 

[. .] &.K JU.nT&,€IO 

[. . .jeyeme jujtioq 
[€ii]o?V. g^iTJunnoY 
[tc] • K2ikTdk ee ndkd^pci^ 

]coo"y «A.q 

15 [eu}iig^i]ce njjuu&n 
aL7V.\»w eq^oHT [g^«] 

16 T«no&e • AAaipn[-<^ nen] 
o-yoeKS'e g^no['yn«>.p] 
pHcidL eneep[o«oc] 
UTC^ewpic 'seK[&.c] 
CKCsi no'yn[a». isr^\ 

u) nTttg^[e e-y^awpic] 

V. I fcoHee[iaw • a^p^iepe-Yc] 
<c»2kp [niiui 


7 n&.igK[&.K . . , 
eiH • ^.-yto ai[ 
€poq e£io\ £[ 

8 KJ>Linep en[ujHp€] 
ne akqc&o[ 

d!io[\ g^iTnnenT»i.q] 

efeoTV. [ eo-yl 
o« nijii[eT 

17. — Parchment; a fragment; 19^x25 cm. 2 cols. Pp. poe, pn. Script: cf. Hyvernat 
ix. I, CiASCA iv. Initials moderately enlarged. No ornaments or colours. 
I John iii. 11-14, 15-17, 19-21, 23 — iv. i. 

The principal variants from Woide, p. 219, are: iii. 11, **« {sic)', 15, niju umTqwKg^ 
Ajuiai'y ajdwCKcg^; 21, epeTAineng^HT. 



18.— Papyrus; a fragment; 8x8| cm. From the same MS. as Brit. Mus. Catal., 
PI. lo, no. 967. 

Presumably a New Testament text, but unidentified. 

'ibres f 





]npo eip*. 










]Hy nnen 


] Teitoy 


j . eioiT 


1?" ■ 


]njs. eToy 


jdk-yo) d.qe 


]\ei nre 


] . ipa>.e 


] • qcT 



•^a. «■!.[ 

•2E . €«[ 


19.— Paper ; a fragment ; 12 x 9 cm. Script of Zoega's 9th class. 

Prayer of Incense. 12 lines. 
[o]'yty'\HA KujoYg^HttH. Begins Tnnpoct^epm jLineKeiUT[o e]£io'\ not no-yyjoyg^HnH «cTOt 
«ctmo-yfie. After it, eic oy g^i^a. is. (rest illegible). 

l^erso : remains of earlier Coptic and Arabic texts. 

20. — Parchment; a fragment; 17x10 cm. Palimpsest: (a) in 2 cols. Script: small, 
square uncials; {b) at right angles to preceding. Script of Zoega's 9th class, often 

(a) 2 Peter i. 7 and ii. i in Greek are legible. 

(b) Prayer referring to the Departed. The following can be read : — 

. . . ne^i nTa>.n6KJUionor'ewHc n.'yc ^ neqcnoq eToytK^JSi g^a^pooy g^isnnuje iuinec'^oc awa^Y 
enejunigak noc CTpe-yei eTOTR nneg^ooy AAimawpgocii. nneKJU.onot»enHc n'yc g^eiteyg^iKon 
eno'yoein nee neiRcon nKaki^feAoc eT£ieiujie>.em enecTdw-ypoc eqca>Kpa.,(!^eid>. e^snncyg^iRuin 
epeneyccoAiai THpq oyo£ieuj tt©e «oyD(^ioi)n . ^ . 

. . . pHTOtt Mneppo 'i.e^'i. 'seK»aa>.Tq neuTa^JvcoTq JvRUjonq epoK eqit^^oYW^ ^ineK a^-y^H^- 
nqc! g^nna^t^akOe*. KeneRHi •*• a>.i° not -^i m>.y noYAiepoc juinneRneTOYakaii . . . 
. . . niu>T "yc uinnniv Toyawaifi npeqTaaig^o a>.'yio ng^iutoycuon ^ 

. . . 'those for whom Thine Only begotten Son did give His blood upon the wood 
of the cross. Make them worthy, O Lord, to come unto Thee in the day of the appearing 
(Trapova-Ca) of Thine Only begotten Son, in a form (elKciv) of light, like to the form of the 
angels, through the sign of the cross that is traced {t,wrypd^av) upon their forms, their 
whole body being white as snow ' . . . 

. . . Psalm Ixiv. 4, 5. ' O Lord, grant unto them a portion with Thy saints ' . . . 

21. — Paper; complete; 19x7^ cm. Script: irregular, of Zoega's 9th class. Was 
folded some 9 times. 

' A Prayer of the Kiss of Peace (do-irao-jnos) of Saint Gregory/ 

oyu}^^ KTC nawiTioc r^epiropioc nawcna^cjiiiio : — 

^^ sic sic 

RCAAajLidwawT ncrc ^-^ jiKeniore nc'^pe nnino(3' «igiiHpe jua^-yawaw-y • ncTrvi no-ynna. mog^ 
€ca.p^ niju. • ncTJUO-yg^ imeugHT epuje g^ie-yt^pocHttH^ • nenTa^feo-ywna^g^ na>.it efioA 
iL&niujjuitge na».i eTW ng^ttuiecTHpion ena.Taw'yoq • nenTa.q^^awpi'^e M».n n^^-ycia. Ta.i nXoniR'y 

^ Ac. xiv. 17. 


jw-YW nawTnegr cuoq e&oTV. • nenT*.qT*>£on ep*.Tn csimeqo'Ycid.cTHpioK eT£».g^OTe a.-yw 
eTg^2keoo'y • ncnT»wqTpeTK'Ynonei UKawCt'e'Xoc ujcone g^nnpcoAie • nenTa^qeipe AtncwTC nnen- 
Ta."Y^P«o^^ S.P*'* ng^HTq ejum eiuuioq • [verso) nenTa^qntog^ nne;x^!poxop<5o« nnenKo&e 
"xine^opn ee^qnajg^ nTd.nH^'y juiiTec£M erigoon R»wTa>.po« • nc'-^pe g^p*.i ng^HTq Ai.nepiUAee*ye 
K&Hpp'Yq CTa.q&.a.'y «juuuia>n • Td^a^c n&.tt nor CTpenme eg^o-yn u}»>poR n«e«- 
Twfcjvg^ g^ncYon juno-y'^iReocHnH • Tjvg^on ep&.Tn e-stineKe-yciSTHpion eTO-y^&ij eno 
na.TTOii'Xjui •seRNJiwc ene-<^ neno<YO! epoR g^no-yTcoT ng^HT «nic^c • epeneng^HT ccAtcot eiio\ 
g^ncHiicTecic niAt nnon-Ypoc • d.-yto «i?*wdL« eneitniga. eTpenevcniv'^e nnettepH-y g^no-ynj 
€cd'Y&a>A e.«n\*ke»>'Y ng^HnoRpHCJc. 

' Blessed is the Lord, the God of our fathers, Who alone doeth great marvels ; Who 
giveth to all flesh a living spirit ; Who fiUeth our hearts with joy and gladness ; Who did 
reveal to us this (divine) service that is an unspeakable mystery; Who hath granted to 
us this reasonable and bloodless sacrifice; Who hath set us at His altar, terrible and 
glorious ; Who hath caused the fellowship {kolvcovlo) of the angels to be with men ; Who 
did perform the redemption of them that had sinned against Himself,' &c., ending 'and 
make us worthy to greet one another with a holy kiss, without any hypocrisy/ 

Ferso : part of an earlier Arabic text. 

22. — Parchment; a fragment; 14x4 cm. Palimpsest: [a) script of Zoega's ist or 
2nd class ; (b) of his 9th class, i col. 

(b) End of a Prayer in Greek, relating to the Communion, followed by a Rubric 
in Coptic: — 

]€ic dwc^ecin ajuiekpTiwn hciohthc e^ a.'yTton JuieTeiw\»jut&»>no'yci« ».iUiHn — (^^ aoiHM — 
ce\y*.7V.e • itTcno'YHHfi eT«>njvt^fcep! osi kce en\»ji«.8>.2 nqTakaw-Y eneiTttouj jujuutawq eno'Ya^''' 
nceg^aju.awAoi»i cgpjvi €'sv)[o'y] nq'siTO'y nTOTO-y on nenicS/ jli[. .] juks'ojui* nTv.ewiw'Y cti njvq 
»wWa>, WToq n[€]TM«kT!H nnenpec[ 

'They sing (^dWeiv), and the celebrating (ava^epeiv) priest takes 3 portions (?) and 
gives them to them that partake with him, one by one, and they make confession 
(ofioXoyeLv) over them and he (then) takes them from them again. To the bishop none 
may give, but it is he that gives to the priests ' . . . 

23. — Papyrus ; a fragment ; 4I x 14I cm. Script : uncials of an early type. Fibres on 
recfo |. 

From a Prayer, perhaps relating to Ordination. 

] TOTT-yo-YTtt ctOTiua'e epo«« | J-yujcone «^jvto;x^oc na^nocToAoc | ]Tn na^i neRuepiT 
u)Hp€ ic ne^^ nen-xoeic | TKJnoo-Y AineRnne-yAt^ eTO'Y&.&Jfe | ]ajito €^o\ CTpeqTefiofc nqA*a,g^q 
n&oxM. I ]jLt.nT£iep[e] | 

' '0 Xao's. ' ? ? KXaa-fM. » ? enoya. noy«>. * ? Auunojg'oju.. 


24.— Paper; 27IX4I cm. Script : cf. Brit. Mus. Catal., PI. 7, no. 490, col. i. 

Prayer from the paschal Office of Foot-washing {cf. Brit. Mus. Catal. nos. 833, 1247), 
to be said over the basin (Xe/cavij), 'without sprinkling the lentils ^' After the text, it is 
said that this prayer is from 'the book of Joseph/ presumably either the owner of the 
book copied or the author of some liturgical work. 

nA.ine neuj\H\ CTTVeR^n-y nnofujuj en&.ptgm • Rtu.8jui&j),T nox 

nno-YTe nnji>.nTa)RpawT(op neiioT enencsoeic a^.'Yio nenno-YTe irenctop ic ^^ : nettTawqujaw'se 
nigopn g^iiTa^npo itneqnpot^T/ eTcya^aii : nenTa^qcwTe imRenoc nnp(ojuLe e&o\ g^nTAtnT- 
g^Aig^a.'X CTCdwuge nn<xidw£t g^nncTepeneRjuionoi^enHc n'yc ei g^WTca^pR^ neii'soeic ic ^qc : 
ne«TJvq-<^ ee nawit <s.non eTpenTioo-yn g^akneqc-<foc dw*Y{o eu-oouje eg^p*,.! csnngofi AinncYog^e : 
nenTakqiXl^awpi'^e «&.n niiRb) efio\ nneimofie giTnn'suiRM. nneSno HRecon hs^^i\ a^qTcaiion 
eneqiAHCTHpion CTO'yjii.Aii g^iTnnen'soeic ic ne^^ : nenTa»,qT&.8J2i eneqjudLeHTHc g^nnTepeq- 
Tojo-yn t^J>».p g^nn-xinnon a>.qR&. Keqg^oiTe eg^pa^i a^q-xi ncY^-yn-^noR {XevTLov) a^qjAopeq euioq • 
ci-^iw 2vq«e's iTJuoo-Y ctX-yr^^kh awqj>wp;)(;^H nioi nneo-YcpHTC nneqAiis. b^r^iii efeoTO-Y g^nnAnn- 
{verso) --^non eTjuinp ejuoq iK'^m ne-sd.js.q na.'y 'seeiu.e scoy nenT*.i&.i!)ii «HTn KTooT«3'e 
'2keTttA*.o'YTe poi -senoc ^w-yw nce^g^ ei>.*Yw R2i>.?V.aJc tctr'soj juujloc &noR ^?^vp^e euj-se e^noR -jLe 
is.\iK\ ncTncyepHTC noc J)».'yo> nce^g^ eigige epoT« eia>. no'YepHTe HnexettepH'y c^^csxayr cjvp 
nenTJs.iaw*J^ nHT« ktooth g^oiwTTH'yTn excTKawawC eT£ieni*.i noc ic ne^^ X^P^'^^ "*^" nnecjuiOT 
eTK^nottei "seRakAkC eneujwne ncHHR'A.'Yponajuuuioc AARneRneTO'yiwaii e«a.nocT/ g^iTitTe^d^pic : — 
nevine neuj?V.'\ eT?V.'YR&,nH na.n'suiioju.e nitocHt^ne. 

' Blessed art Thou, Lord, God, Almighty, the Father of our Lord and our God, our 
Saviour, Jesus Christ; Who spake first by the mouth of His holy prophets; Who did 
redeem the race of man from the bitter slavery of the devil by the coming of Thy 
Only begotten Son in the flesh, our Lord Jesus Christ; Who showed us how to bear 
His cross and to tread upon serpents and scorpions; Who granted us the remission of 
our sins by the purifying of a second birth,' &c., followed by an abstract of John xiii. 4-15. 

25. — Paper ; complete ; 32 x 5 cm. Script of Zoega's 9th class, across width of strip. 
Greek Hymn to the Virgin, preceding the recital of the diptychs. F. Daniel, Cod. 
Liturg., iv. 119^. This and the following numbers show a remarkable system of musical 
notation, consisting in from i to 6 oblique strokes, with a few other signs, above certain 
syllables. I have failed to find examples of it elsewhere. The R. P. L. Petit (Constanti- 
nople) is of opinion that this system, otherwise unknown to him, indicates the duration of 
the notes, but, at the same time, their rhythmic emphasis. He suggests that in the strokes 
we may seek the origin of the 'grace notes' now in use in the Greek church music. 
Dom A.W1LMART (Solesmes) has referred me to Thibaut's art,, Byz. Zeitschr., viii. 122, 
where signs somewhat resembHng ours are discussed. 

' For AinoTtgeuj na^pigiit or Aino-ytgwig ju.iie.pmi« onit, nor do the native descriptions, Abfl'l-Barakdt(VANSLEB, 
or perhaps juLnoyig-igen ' when unable to procure.' I know Hist., 153), or Ibn Sabba', 161, 

not to what this rubric refers, but there is no doubt about = I owe the identification to Mr. C. N. Faminsky, ana- 

the reading. The Greek rite (Goar 743) throws no light gnostes of the Russian church, London. 



eni cy • y^iii^oic • KiIi5(|^&.pfr(>>iAenoi * nkcii • oi rtumc • a.ppe\ow • to cycTKiiZk. ksLi ^ncon • 
TO t^enoc • onTi&.ci«.€tton H8>.e k&.i n»Lp2k'i.icoc \ociKon • n«>.pee«iRO« * KJs.'y[x;^iuji8i • e^ ic ec 
ec&.pK(oeH • Kdwf ndTi-aLion i^ei^onett • 6 npo &.iu>r[o« "yn^p^HC ec • thk p&.p cyn • juiHTp&.tt 
epo«on enoiHcett • Kii>.f thk cy t^aCcTep^ Ti^^Tfrepai, cynon • Sknip<?aiC&.TO • eni cy • ^a^ipoic • 
RM^a^piTCiiiuienoi • m>.cb. • h rticic • -xo^aw coi : — : — : — 

Below, in different ink and hand : t^oic Hn&.p;)(^Hc. 
Verso blank. 

26. — Paper, 3 pieces pasted together ; complete ; 21 x 7I cm. Script of Zoega's 9th class. 
Greek Hymn on Christ's birth (cf. Luke ii. 11-16). The superhnear notation is more 
elaborate than in the preceding number. 

t« , ^ & ^ — *£f A , „ ^ .. « ^ « t « 

i^o'Y CTe^eH • Hiuin cnuutepon • ic ^c • o rc - en noAi ■^js.'j^* lo^oy niouienHC s h jutei^CH • 

S cTpa^Tie • TO« ^t»TC? • end-YKTort ^IpohtIc • "^o^a*. en •yv^'ycTH eof* s eni i?hc YpHHHc • en 

dwHopconHc • H-yxoRik / 9 nXeon cne'ycainTec • to fipet^oc • Rumenon in t^lLTnH « "^lo na>.nTec 

nicTH * e-Y^ooo-ynTon ce • npocR-YnHcojuien : — 

Verso : remains of Arabic and Coptic texts (earlier). 

27. — Paper; complete?; 16 x yf cm. Script of Zoega's 9th class, i col., across width 
of strip. 

Greek Hymn on the Flight into Egypt. Cf. the next number. Superlinear notation 
as before, though more sparing. 

AAHpion - A«.ec»&. R/ na^paL-xo^on • r^ onTe . iA.eei rh • i-i^en n-yRTOc tco Vojch* • (ocbeH o 
A.t»ce\oc eio • R/ ^eci eirepeic \jvfein • Ton ne-xion r^ [A«.aw]pi&juL / onoc en^HpujcaLC • Tcon 
p-yAAa.Tujn npot^HTcon e.^n eR[H]p'Y^a^c s 6 Atecalc 6 Hca.Ya,c • e^ ef-ynTw eRa.?V.&.c • Ton 
yn xxoy c«yn lAHTepa. / Y'i.o'Y epx^Te 6 rc • net^e^e Ro-yd^H Hnoxo-YAienoc s KiiTe\bM^m 
Twn ct^'yn-'^ion • aw-YTOc coica^i Ton Xa^on co-y • ^no Tcon aajia.p4ain / 

Verso : remains of Arabic accounts (earlier). 

28.— Paper; a fragment; 17IX9I cm. Script of Zoega's 9th class, i col., across 
width of strip. 

Greek Hymn on Christ's sojourn in Egypt and return thence (cf. Matt. ii. 15, 20), with 
superlinear notation. 

iJtocHt^ n-yRToc • !neH[ . . . ]Ton / e^ ec-ynTw eRa.\[ Ton] yn Mxoy c-f n AiHTep- 

[j. • ec<e]perc Xai»fn / [ ]5 • na.nT[ ]£,[.. ]\on • -xi^ to'yto[. . .]noTHn / e'n x^y 

€b'YnTa5[.]\[. .]t(o ih\«- r&.tjC toh ^pxeiron j?ece\on • exp-yAia^TfceenTec ca.t^(Sc / c-yAe- 
pon H ec-ynTon • npot^^nice-yci.n t<S i?y • Ton i-i^toXon R^eepoHTec • 5^ o clop n^pa.t«rneTa:i • 
epxcTo 9 -xe'cnoTHc • enf wet^e^e Ro-yt^H nnoxo-yjuienoc / § thh ec"ynT(S Aioxofp^c eRRaL- 

eepoRTec • o^t^iXuSn ^-yTHc / oee'n \S.6c e'c-ynTUj"- -jCeoiteoS. iR/Te-ye • cioenne Talc 
v^'yx^c Huton : — 

Verso : an Arabic account (earlier). 


29. — Paper ; complete ; 12x7! cm. Script of Zoega's 9th class. 

Greek Psalm verses for liturgical use on the ist of Epiphi. Superlinear notation. 

OH : enJin • a Te^c cjs.pRa>.c (&c., Ps. Ixxviii. 2, 3 without notation), after which, 
j8' o ec HTVeocdLn eenn • cic thw K\Hpondjjii&.n co-y • eiLtJLt.i»>n&n tou nd^on Toin ».t»ion 
ccy • oelttTo i\hjuL • (oc onopot^'yTV.awRion (ib. i). 

Verso : Arabic. 

30. — Paper; complete ; 8| x 7^ cm. Script of Zoega's 9th class. 
Greek Psalm verses as before. 
Heading nee . . eT2kUawT : pc<. 

wc eu.ei?ik\'YiUitl^oH Ta^ epi^ak cof ile (&c., Ps. ciii. 24, l). 
Ferso : i line of Coptic. 

31. — Paper; complete; 7x7 cm. Script of Zoega's 9th class. 
Greek Psalm verses as before, for morning service (opdpov) on the 8th Hathor, 
op qii : a^e-yp : h o iic efeawciTV.e'Yceii (&c., Ps. xcviii. l^). 

Ferso: Arabic (earlier). 

32.— Paper; complete; 10x6 cm. Script of Zoega's 9th class. 

Greek Psalm verses as before, for morning {opdpov) and evening (to XvxviKov) services. 
i^ op : R/ eni Ta. 'Yv|r'Y7V.e (&c., Ps. xvii. 34, 35). 


Xy : nS : s ema^c (&c., Ps. Ixxxviii. 20). 
Ferso blank. 

33.— Paper; almost complete; i8x8| cm. Script of Zoega's 9th class. 

Greek Psalm verses for the i8th of Thoth^ followed by a Hymn to Christ. 

©S co-y lii c?u) [. . .] nno-yTc «nKoy[Te naw-YJojna.g^ efcoX 2^nc[iu>n] :— lOt^oHccTe o [w. Toin] 
m en c.i(on (&c., Ps. Ixxxiii. 8, 9); after which, o^e'Yc thc •a.o^HW npoepx^Te • on 
Ta. xepo[*Y]^'** npeiLio<Ycin s Ta. [cjawpawt^um'Ycm ^.^?Ioc a.f?ioc a.uioc ei Ri • on no i(o 

CR'YpH^en • i^e o aumnoc [5^]'-— t IPT^*^ R^V^e^Ton:— [ ] a.«?ioc 6 eeoc €n[i] tu>'Y. 

Ferso: perhaps related to the above, ecTin uj^p e juiepjv eic THn e-Xe-ycm To-y 
•^.ecnoTa. lUAuin \y ^Tt ^^^ a^n^-YnTon*:— H neofi^wTicee h ncpiAiHo-Ycin. Also an earlier 
Arabic text. 

' It is the festival of the Four Beasts. " Perhaps nothing here. 

» Perhaps the Exaltation of the Cross. * According to the calendar, 24th Pachons. 

C 2 


84.— Paper; complete; 16x5! cm. Script of Zoega's 9th class, i col, across width 
of strip. 

The Trisagion 'farced.* 

b^K^ioc o ec • o <^i HAAd^c d.noc • R/ h con ».TpenToc • k^ juLin2wC ec ♦ *.i»ioc ic^x^-ypoc 
o €K &,ce€nidwn t(0 "ynepe^xi^onToc • ic^'^poc • eniTe^ajmen m?ioc akea>.nj>.TOc • o c-<foeic 
■^i HAJt.^.c • 6 TOtt 'i.iaw c-^m e&n&. k^ •ynon.iita.c c&,pKi • R/ '^I^^lwCon • R/ e&.n».Tio • R/ 'yconoc 
'Ynikp;)(;^Hc • «>.e&.n».Toc • eXencon hu.&.c ♦ •^o^Jw • R/ rhji / &.ciaw Tpi*.c eAeHcon HiULd>c / 

Verso blank. 

35. — Paper; a fragment; 22 x iif cm. Script of Zoega's 9th class. 

Greek Hymn to the Virgin, divided into 4 (the first 5)-line stanzas. The name 

of the melody (•^x°^) ^^ " nawca. npo[ . Then ;x^*.ipe n8wnaw[ ]aa«h • ;x^a.i[pe 

Each phrase begins with ^awipe', e.g. ^a>.ipe jvi»A.eH s «>.[^p]e).nTe • ;x^epe -i-inc thc iohc • 
^epe *.^pjvnTe Unp • ^a^ipe eHCdw'ype thc ortoc "^cohc. 

Verso : Arabic. 

36. — Paper ; complete ; 28 x 8 cm. Script of Zoega's 9th class, i col., across width 
of strip. 

Greek Troparia in honour of Claudius, the Antiochene martyr^, with the name of 
the melody {^x°^)- 

o X. _ 

>X< Tp : H : o e« Rpa>.nio'Y : — o akOAoc^ope to^ ^y g niRHt^ope R?V.a>.'YTioc ■ ajid^pTHc 

Tijuie eniRHca>c • s thk nA&.nHn Tton i-xoiXoM/ s T-ypawimo-Y As.2>.ni&.n sLniTVjin • fcjs.c«>.noc 

■Ynejumen • oee« TpiccT€?5aw«e R^ak-yTioc/ y^n Ton en Ru.(on • Tec npecfeiec cof cujoHne 

HjASkC/ ojcnep fa>.p o rc • "ynep To-y rociaoy to ejuL&. • to nHRioHTon €^[e]^ea>.n • § ew 

"xo^Hc To*yc AiawpTHpec / 6 "Ynep Tcon eyepceTHn • thh v^fy^Hn co-y nSkpe-xoiRen • cwcon 

t«lC \]y"'y^a>.c HJULOin « 

«.Woc: — mxuhjulhh en-^o^on R^eiw-YTioc • cfuaepon'xi^js.c • h hicth CYna^iTceXHc 
Xope-yo-ycin • ^ei eopTa.';;oAAen / Ton a^i^aina, Ton Ra.'Jv.ojn • 01 a^ctonicajuienoc • s Ton 
'2k.poA&on RivXon Te?Veci.nT/ Ton i-xtoTV.on THn \a.Tpi&.n • Ajia.niA.n RawTcna^THcen / s Ton 
'x'Ypa.nnon &,ni\Hn • o'yR/HTOHeHca^n 01 a>.i»ioi ^ • s Ton noco-ynTon'yo'Ycin • s •aweuionion 
e^akficT*.! • "^.10 •x-ycoiiiHcon ^n • maw cbica^i Tion &,nep(on(on • Re -xo^a. coi : : : 

Verso : earlier text, cut through ; probably same hand. It consisted of Psalm verses, 

' C/. the 'AKadio-Tos'Yfivos and the Bohairic Theotokia, Conies, II, Brit. Mus. Copt. Catal. nos. 328, 1222. 
pp. 64, 92, 102, 136, 329 &c. 3 In the next number this is oxKcnT0H»HC4.n c^iXo- 

' V. Synaxarium, nth Kihak, nth Baunah, Amelineau eeon. 


in Greek with Coptic translations : Ixvii. 3, cvi. 32, 31 and 41-43 (omitting 42 b). Below 
this is, 

jui€]pRO'Ypio'y : \^iiJx : jS^ : 

]dwRHTd>,n « 

]p : k5I 

1 o 5C o e, _ 

jAACTp ikpenicR/ • ey^ei e(o : h : 

37.— Paper ; 3 pieces pasted together ; 26| x 7 cm. Script of Zoega's 9th class. 

Greek Troparia to Philotheus, the martyr^ Redo: except for the saint's name, 
the texts are identical with those of no. 36. 

Ferso : each of the 3 pieces had a text : 2 were Greek, one having kovi* a^nTit^ui- 
itHcic • uennHceoc. — t^wTi co-y t^ioTi co-y en €i7Vjujl nTVoen o&.p coy to ^ {siC expl.); the 
Other Pss. xxvi. 16, viii. 5. The 3rd was Coptic, apparently a letter : 

]oc[. .]».K. ^k'YT^Ju,oI 
]XP*^ n&tOR eTjuuLo 
]eic R2w&q e^q-soo-Y K[a»]q 
]ttne a|d.qepncqeweH 
]p©€ nT&.qKaw*Y enc& 
]Tdjuioi 'senTa^.q'sooc 
]«d.pp&.<3'e?V. ei£sHR 
]\ eTO'Ynakg^ neq-soioj 
OkJyjvRton ©eo-^oope ws-O 

38. — Parchment ; a fragment ; 10 x 13 cm. Palimpsest : (a) script of Zoega's 4th class ; 
{b) I. script of Zoega's 9th class, i col.; 2. c/. Hyvernat x. i col. 

{b) I. Hymns. The melody of the first is nnawTKCT ; its text, relating to a saint or 
martyr, neviawTR ctor -sepo • d.RM.i[ye Ka.?V.u>c g^enawRtoii • js.TeKO'Ycicv inim cg^pM uj&.n[p]p[o] 
noc enes'ojm • a^Rg^a^peg^ €neKcco[jui2ik eqT^jJJJiH'Y • a^naft SwJvr enepo : — 

Title of the second, uo^ Begins a^X-f etor o-Yca^ie • to nRo-yi gAJi[. .]\e2^i[. .]oc • enme 


' V. Synaxartum, i6th Tyhi. ' KovTaKiov. ' V. Aeg. ZeiiscAr., xxxix. log. 


39. — Paper ; complete ; 20 x 5I cm. Script of Zoega's 9th class. 

Greek Hymn in honour of Dioscorus, patriarch of Alexandria, and the dogmas 
which he upheld. 

c[H]AAepon o Ra.[. . .] o AA€[t»2wc] Okiocuopoc • R/[. . .] . . ps^iow RJV'YX'"**^' 

T&,i[. .JToiri ccy epc [. . .] n / **&.[. . . Ra..]Tet^ponHc*w« jwipecitt • R/ th« Tpia^-^a. RTP^^t' •] * 
ocie "xiocRope/ wc o h^ioc 7V«w^r[. .] €n[. .jce^o-yn o -yc • To-yc ?V.oco*yc co-y rocjahcic • 
nruuLHn [o]cjc •2>.iocRope r^ [. .]\oj[.]co(:|^[. .] 'i.i['x&,]cRd^'\e thc CRR^Hcia^n co*Y €t5pon'<^ce« • 
npecfccyoKTak "ynep FUiicon cioeHite T«k,c VJr'y^e».c "Yjuiton. 

Verso : remains of an Arabic text (earlier). 

40. — Paper; 2 pieces pasted together; complete; i6x 11^ cm. Script of Zoega's 9th class. 
Hymn (?), treating of the Communion, with reference to the deacon's bidding, 
aavdcraa-de dWTjXous. The punctuation may indicate the mode of recitation ^ C/. nos. 25 ff. 
O'ynos'ne neoo'Y : n«ei«kp^iepe'Yc : nTawnncyTe coTno'y e'yg^imeqeRRAHciak = o'ynots' 

. o 

owne nTMO :: nnmpccri'YTepoc : iu.nwi'i.iK/OC * •: e-yROiTe eniju,&. itepigo'yioo'Y = uj*wpen'^iR/ 
wgj eSioX en^a^oc : cK&.cna*.'^ nneTnepH'Y : g^ncyni eco'Y&.aJi<$> 3akpen7V.&.oc g^ojwfe.;. niujHpe 
«Te ncyoeitt •: ti ne-Yo-Yoi eg^o^yn :•: nceawcna^'^e nne-yepH-y = {verso) A«.a>.p«eA«.nuj2w Teno-y = 
«neRa>.cnA,cAioc CTcyekAii me.n.CMXO'^ epoR : Ai«tt€ak»?ce\oc = : : •s.eRb.iKC ^nnntKi : enea'ine 
cno'ynjv : • AjmofRW €.lio\ nnennofie rs^tc ncRnos' nnak : — 

41. — Parchment ; a fragment ; 12 x 13 cm. Palimpsest : (a) illegible (erased ?) ; 
(b) I col. Script : small, of Zoega's 9th class. 

(b) Hymns, divided by lines. The following, relating to the reception of the law 
by Moses, can be read. 

]npo?^HTHc e.Mxn nenTA.[iTjijui]oq ena^coo-y aaio'Y n&.i eg^pa>.i [e-SAAJniTOo-Y t&.'<^ «jivR 

».Wo^: — b,suLoy Ta>,-<^ niuiHT etgd^-xe «&.r ako'^chc nenpot^HTHc cjulh qsi nnixiHT eajA.'se 
n8.R fciTO-y MiTT&,a^'Y en&.\aw[oc] e-Y^avng^a^peg^ ena^nxo^H a^-yw ncecojTAJt ecwi ujawi[uje] 
(dividing line here). 

Verso illegible. 

42-— Parchment ; a complete leaf; 12x10. Palimpsest: {a) script of Zoega's 4th 
class ; (b) clumsy script of Zoega's 9th class, i col., 12 lines. 

Hymn to the melody -xmH^e ( = Tn'Y^* and referring to Isaiah xxvi. 2. Begins 
ajuio'Y uja^poH Teno-y to na.nnoo' eng^poo-y Hca.eia.c« ncnpot^HTHc netiTa.q'se nequja.'se 
g^iTciinncYTe. Ends He Kijjine iii7v.a>.oc CTnaiiioR eg^o-yn eng^HTOf. 

' Brit. Mus. Catal. no. 973 has a somewhat similar Aeg. Zeitschr., xxxix. no. 
punctuation. < V. I. c, 109. 

= :b.iK«.ioc, error for •i.ia.Konoc. ' 'Loud-voiced Esaias.' Cf. Leyden, iJ/^"^. Copies, 125, 

' aXXos, i.e. another hymn to the same melody. Cf. hc&i&c n»>nemo(3''x(? no^a') engpooY- 


43.— Parchment; a fragment; 7^x9 cm. Palimpsest: (a) illegible; (b) script small, 
of Zoega's 9th class. 

{b) Hymns. One, relating to Zacharias, begins CTiieo-Y "ne^^xl^^pia^c ] e.h.o\ 

•sce.qna.'Y [ ] *.qepa.nicToc. Above it is c^(crTixos). One on the other side 

refers to the Redemption, Paradise and the Virgin, 

44.— Parchment ; a complete double leaf; together 121x18 cm. Script uneven, of 
Zoega's 9th class, i col. 

Hymns, relating (i) to John the Baptist and (2) to Shenoute. 

(i) narrates Christ's baptism. Its first part ends -senawine nawcgHpe umppa^TcwTA* 
nctoq. Then -^o^/ K/ nm R/, followed by a second part, o-Yujaw-se htc ^^ d.qiga)ne 
iy».uo^ nujHpe if^awXA^pJa^c &c., which ends jumtoq g^a.po« to n£ia.nTicTHc luji; 
qigene2_THq £a.pon Teqna. newno^e e&oTV.. This contains the verse: 'At the tenth hour 
(-seiuAHT) of the night ^ came Jesus to the Jordan, to John.' 

{2) headed c^ ne^c : o'ya.cna.cAioc e-zuunttKOT ujeno'ifTe, Begins tiTRo-YAAa.- 
Kivpioc nixitOT ^eno'yTe nenua.Tot^opoc. Ends a.Rpuia. AinncoiTHp g^nTeqAAMTepo 
enc Atno? e-ston ne«enoT ig. qujeneg^THq g^a.pon qRa.nenno£ie eiioK. 

45- — Paper; a fragment; 16x5^ cm. Script of Zoega's 9th class. 

Hymns referring to Christ's appearances after the Resurrection. The beginning 
of the first is lost. After 3 broken lines: ncfcee-Yc: — [• . .] r».i neTR-Yniopoc^ • npioAie 
na.TeujnH jLia.pia. Tna.p ecaJin / a.noR nenTaLiAJtcy a.i(on2^ • a.iTOiO'yn g^ineTjuoo'yT • a.!cio2 : — 

n -2. * • ©"YCiUH €cg^o7V.(3' akicwTiA epoc • eg^o-yn enTa^t^oc encp • '2seu.a.pi2^aju epigme 
nca.nijLi. • eic £HTe d.qTU)0'Y« g^meTjmoo-YT / a.\7V5'^ iuam. eTi»a.\i'\.ea. • TeTHa.(3'nTq g^iiUAa. 
€Txia.*y • TCTcytoajT eneqjuiTO eSio\. • uTa.p-'^ no'Y'sa.i eni7V.a.oc T[Hpo'Y]°! — 

46 — Paper; a fragment; 8^x12 cm. Script of Zoega's 9th class. 

Hymn to the Twenty-four Elders, for the 24th Hathor^, using the words of 
Revelation iv. 2, 4. 

n a.'' •'^ a.cna.cjL& : 8.0^? '• *^ * 

a.ina.'Y a.«[oR] ia)a.nnHC eg^neponoc g^menH-Ye e-yRUiTe neeponoc ene[ . . ] epcR^ 
? [ ] epeK^ [ ] g_AJio[oc 

Verso : remains of an Arabic text. 

* C/. the homily of Proclus, Rossi, Papiri II. ii. 6i. * (^X"*) ^rXayios S ; v. I. c, 109. 

^ Perhaps the name of a melody; v.Aeg.ZeiiscAr.,xxxix. ' Perhaps nothing here. 

109, Brit. Mus. Catal. no. 975. ^ V. Synaxan'um, sub die. ' (^x"') TXayios a. 

^ Name of a melody; v.Aeg. Zeilschr., I. c, 108. 


47.— Parchment ; 13IX4 cm. Script small, of Zoega's 9th class, i col., across 
width of strip. 

Four Hymns relating to Theodore Stratelates^ The strophes refer to his birth (?), 
to his heathen mother and Christian father, and to his employment by Diocletian as 
a general. Each is preceded by the name of its melody. 


u}HpujHjuL « n-xdJtope • b^ns^y «ji.r eneq^o • 'seAiHneTTttTwn epoq • o-yneTUjoje poRne • 

st'c . 

KRO-YWigT «».R nR-"^ eoo-y nji>.q : — 

n -i. TbMLOi eiuua. epena^icoT ng^HTq • tsTfia nTepTaoAOi €nqpd>.K • efcoTV. 'seAinmjv'Y 
epoq eneg^ Tajn&.a.'Y npg^en \&.&.'y epoi • eojom qong^ Taju.01 CTjutc • T&iitoR uj&.poq t&.3'(o 
g^«>.g^THq ■ «qT»juioi eTnic-<^c eTco-yTajn •>>aje : — 

n&ujHp' j)kpa>.Js.T e^euio • eniMtoT r».t«w c&.p^ • efJ&eo'yei'a.ajTV.on • euja.qo'YwiHq 

nqfiwTV. c&oTV.* 

(verso) ojawincop-s epo g^ojoiTe T&,Ra>.A.Te nctoi (o 'Tajuia<a>.'Y • TjvnicTe-Ye ne^^ ' T^pujiv 

£!TqAAKTppO : — 

ncyikf? nppo •^lOR^H-'^&.no cwtaa cpoit Tntgaw-se neud^R • AAnp^-yni AAnpo-yaiTVc 

sic sit: sic 

eg^HT • CTfiennoAoc •seqn&.ujT CAievTe • eic oeo-xtopoc ntgnpoc nqcncY ce o'ystocop AAju.2».Tene 
g^iTqa'oui fsooY ecwq T*.pq«.iige rstOR • Teq(3'coTn eneR-se.'se THpcy : — 

48- — Parchment ; 16 x 2| cm. Script small, of Zoega's 9th class. Text across width. 

Hymns relating to Theodore Stratelates. The war in Arabia (st'c) in which he 
took part and the dragon which he slew at Euchaita are mentioned. 

]oc [ne]cTp[akTH]?V.awTHc nno?V.«YA*&.p^HC ego'yTaLioq* akneRjA^pT'ypion ujtone «o'y«o<3' 
euiHW epeneqRjvpnoc CYt^^ Aing^HT €«i\!s.oc • cyon t\\ax eTnis.ei €neR[AA]e)>. nigcone 
itaw'Y eno-ysa.! • 2}**-^ "*** • [• • •]" eTi)>.m».'y e'ynot?' eg^oTe d>.noR g^innoTVeiuioc eT&.p»iiij!k • 

(verso) epeiifid.p£i8>.poc coo-Yg^ eg^o-yn cyjiiiige Anneco-xtop ♦ awma.'Y eeeo'^u>p • epeneq- 
RonT&.pio« g^nTcqo'i's • nTa^qg^toTV. e£io\ ai.q6(ji>R en-sice • awq<5'ujTn eK€T'<^ neu.2ik,q : 

sic sic 

igoAAeTT etgnnp nTa^iita^'y epoc • g^nrc^pewRit cy^.^'^o*^ ' nTiiweeo'^(>i[ 

49 — Parchment; irregular shape; 12x5 cm. Script small, of Zoega's 9th class. 
Text across width of strip, divided into paragraphs. 

Initial words of Hymns referring to various events in the story of Theodore Stratelates. 
]eq[. .] ekng^a>.c[ioc] TMOO'y : 
■^g^i • p ' «poAine : -sensv-yc "^iorXh 2. 
^e necTpev • ;x^epe niuid.pT netgo'yT&.ioq : 'se-spo aior co oeo^eic g^HTe^(jun eg^o-yn 

tgeno-yxa.! * ne-sa^q «a.q -seeT • a>.pH'y rhivciot** mccoi nt<ep£io\ • 

' On this martyr v. Nilles in Z./. Kath. TheoL, 1880, ^ -ajOKXHTiaLnoc. 

120. Coptic texts are Zoega, pp. 28, 56, Cairo no. 8021. ^ Te^gH. 

Leyden no. 55 refers to Theod. the Eastern. * Presumably names of melodies. 


ne£^^0(^ ».nTHu.oc THpq a^g^e p^Tq ne.'^ Ainppo -sepenno'YTe 

[oj-YA^ne nno'YTe :[....] n'^i2i^o7V.o[c . . . .] nenTjwqo'y[ ] •siigo's^ : 

Verso : 

Jfee eeo nTe[ ]Aie n*.i awqju.o'yg^ e 

] [. . . .]e "seni^oc awHi^o'Y^pc ng^ocon 

Ra^TVaic : iieTO'Y«wawfe <xe eeo e^qTWoo-Y a^qeine'^^b.b^ e^jfTV-oi^io • 

cajTiA e "seco fcia*. junoo'Y ni'sms'onc nTa^qujione g^i'i^noAic : 

JQioR «HTn •seTioo'Y« nTeTit^toR enpne 

\ ^ 

n t»' D^e eeo-xw necpawTH^dw euoqz'seeeo ngiAig^awpV.] jun^c -spo wx^&jlx&oax ■^pmn juina>.oc 

e^na^cTa^ci na^AiepiT [. .]TO'y[. . .]en[. .] 

50.— Parchment; 13IX3 cm. Script small, of Zoega's 9th class. Text across width 
of strip. 

Hymn relating to Theodore Stratelates, who here promises help to some one in 
distress, perhaps merely any one invoking him. 

[. .]'^ic.[. .] ■sSkiioRne © • necpa^TH nioiT juniTono* • Ta>.iei u|».poR Tawncyg^At eju. • 
Ta>.o'YW«g^ epo ena>.eoo'y • Jitnppg^oTe najmepiT • ^^ujoon nejm&R eCtOH • t^.to'^sor g^mcR- 
©Aiv^ric THp • TeneRp&.«j : — 

Verso blank. 

51.— Leather; apparently complete; 6xi6|cm. Script: sloping uncials; c/.Crvm, 
Ostraca, PI. i, no. 71. 

Pen-trials, consisting of phrases from Hymns. 

of jmnno-YTC epoR ulujsx jvitne nRipi ;x^&.ip€ | •i^e.yibxfe. no*Yoem nppo MTj^qei 
uimp&u^e I -seAuuion n&.me 'se^a>.ipe no'Yoem juite WTa^qei Ki^n a.qpo'Yocm epon ^ 

Verso : beginning of same text, in upright uncials. 

rjf ^» %-0f\ § . n^A\ ' "^ 

52.— Papyrus; a fragment; 18x13. This 
facsimile represents all that allows of being 

Text in a peculiar script. Line i begins 
with awTTa^CRa.t^oc, 2 with nSwATV./, /'. e. ? aWos {cf. *^ ^ti \ La \ \ yt 

no. 41 3), perhaps names of melodies. The signs \ / *^ 

resemble certain musical characters*, but also f\ A / 

some stenographic systems \ '/Ji i ^ M 

= ' The father of this toVos,' here the patron saint, not the one of which the Inzienlum m the present Catalogue should 

abbot (Brit. Mus. Catal., pp. 58, 84 a, Georgi, Col/uiA. 26, relate. ' And Erman, ITop. VolkshH. 43- 

Cledat, Baouit, II. 96). Three churches of S. Theodore at * Gaisser in Or. Christ, m. 423. 

Ashmunain (?) are in the list, Brit. Mus. Catal. no. iioo, to ' J. Havet in Ac. des Inscr., CR. 1887, 351. 


53 [20 a].— Parchment ; 3 complete leaves; now 29|x2i| cm. Pp. k^-kc. i col., 
28-33 lines. Script : cf. Zoega, class vii, no. 29, or (especially for a.) Ciasca xiv. All 
initials and rubrics in red\ From the same MS. as Brit. Mus. Catal. no. 147, and most 
probably Leyden no. 32. 

Directory of Hymns in Greek ^ and Coptic for certain days in the months Thoth, 
Phaophi and Hathor. Cf. Brit. Mus. Catal. nos. i57-i59; Leyden nos. 32, 37, 38, 
Paris 129=" foil. 1 15-120, Clarendon Press nos. 18, 19, and Georgi, Frag. Ev. S. J oh., 203, 
for similar texts. 

The following are the rubrics and the opening words of the hymns; the former 
are underlined. 

P. kS. «(3'i n&.TAiO'Y iui&.'yawdwq AJ.nem&.-y efcsk-iRawioc ea^n-soeic K&.2K.q ncoiq^ neitTJwq- 

enefULteneenToc tj^-yt^ iiocHt!^ Tcy •a.iRMO'y* &c. 
"YAAttoc e'sit-<^pHKH Ti.'yo e-xxtnireTCYJiwaij 

e^A-Re weoo'yT nujes. n&.nik, icocHt^ nnoTa^pioc^ 
"Yuinoc C'xit'^pHnH eic jmnoiuiojcyMott o noiA*.e«oK oiiRaJoc wc t^oini^ ^ jvn 

•seiAOJ'YCHc cY^^a^ AAKnaka^poin g^imeqo'YHH& i>.«?ioc o ec Zw-yco cjsjlioyhX g^nnercnei- 
RjvAei Jiineqp&.« ^ a^t^ioc €ic;)(;^'Ypoc &c. 

■YAinoc c''yjs.t'peTv.ion •Yv^o'yTe tou rk 

■yAtnoc c'SAi.nakCnavCAi.oc x«.e?V.|)(^ice'xeR o epe'Yt eic Tcqg^m&.^o'Y g^nco-yca^igq neoo'yT 

"yjuinoc e-snTCOcYg^c e^eTVe^e^To' Ok.ak'yei'x ■yiunoc e-xif^pHnH o eipoic ccy'" *'^o^»w ndwTpi* 
oitocen Rc" *r».i nm* oc enoinoicojAAen th« 

P. Rfc. co'Ycoo'Y uaw©ojp nuja>. nneneioTe eTcya^Siii naoiocToXoc i^ ntta.'Y «c'yn«>.r»e 
Tpica^nioc e-jsjuinpaw^ic 

'2k.o^dw coi 5c^ &.nocTO?V.(»in Res.-y^Huis. iu.&.pT'ypajn iwCa^Wies, with Tpia-a.yiov &c. 

neoo'Y nswR ne^c nojcyajcyY nnawnocTo\oc nTe\H\ H*iJu.8>.pT'Ypoc &c. 

■ The alternations of black and red seem here, as else- archimandrite of Tabennese; cf. Brit. Mus. Catal. no. 146 

where, to be often irregular. Leipoldt, Schenule, 90, 160. Several saints of this name 

^ On the Greek of such texts v. Hesseling in Het are in the Bohairic calendar ; w. r5th Mechir, 25th Pharm 

Museum, VI, no. 11. iithPachon, as well as martyrs. In Brit, Mus. Catal. no. 

' Ps. xxxvi. 25. * Cf. Matt. i. 20. 175 is apparently a dignitary of the White Monastery. 

* V. Leyden Catal., p. 213. Joseph was Shenoute's ' Ps. xcviii. 6. ' Ps. Ixxvii. 70. 

secretary and Sevrepapios ; v. Miss. /rang., IV, 6g, 424, 459, " Ps. cxxxi. 9. 

465. He is not found in the Bohairic calendar. * * Words between stars are in smaller, sloping script. 

° Ps. xci. 13. " Ps. cix. 4. 

' Cf. Leyden Catal., p. 214, though this may be the " This festival does not occur in the calendars. 


Tton xia^pT-Ypon o ^opoc ks^j thu n^peewo-Y ° n?VJieu)c Sec. 
'j'uiwoc e<2£ttn8>.cni>.CA«.oc iifc(jo\ 

nenTa.nno'YTe Rd.s.'y g^niieRR'AjFicia, «ujopn neTii^HTo-Yne «d.nocTo?V.oc &c. *'i.o^a. n2.Tpi* 
*.qco)Tn AAiUAKTCMoo'Yc nneTo-yng^ wcioq Jvq^pjvn epoo-Y sed.nocTO?V.oci Sec. *Rb.i urn 

RM ^>.I^.eItt* 
^.tjcoiTfi uin&.'Y^oc «g^&.e xstsxooy THpo-y &c. 

P. K?. fiAnoc csJiTcocyg^c noiHRon 

■a^o^js. coi a.nocTo\con Ri,yy^HAxiy. n^wcaw nnoH enec^>.To Ton im^ 
•yiAKoc e'sn-<^pH«H 

a.nocTo7V.oi rj>wI jma-pT-ypoi r8>.i n*.nTec npot^HTOic &c. 

H&.nocTo?Voc junjjuu.&.pT'Ypoc e>.'yuj iienpot^HTHc &c. 
noiHRon oxtoo-Ycion haicic ■^o^oTV.ot'O'yAten njn.THpdk Ra^i "yko cyn a^dtoK iim &c. 

TeTpijvc jiia,'y*.a.c t».i CTK^eoo-y k&.c neiioT iunnigHpe AinnenHST eTo-Y^^a^ &c. 


jLiNpT-Ypoitt TOi> Rd.'y;)(;^HJu.&. ^qc. o ec o epeic tio« no^-YTe-Yiutaw Ton a.nocTo?V.wn &C. 

co'Y^Aio'YM najN AAneqToo-Y n'^ujon^ ^Tpica.t'ioc* 

dkCioc o ec jwPioc eic^'Ypoc Swi^ioc a>.e8wn«kToc o c»kpR(o©eic -^.i HAJidwC e?V.eHcon haa&,c 
OTi t^i?V.i>,nepo)naic 01 o eni Tton •)Q€.^o'^SIiisul Ra>.eR«.enoc Te*. noTdouoiJv ■y^akTi. eni 
Toin ju-CTpon a^-yTon To^yc R&pnoc thc phc a^'y^Hcon Ra^i n^Hennon Ta*. cenrunak 
THc cHc 01 a^t^ceTV-oi enenoico-ycen ce Ra^i o ^opoc tick '^.iR&.icon •i.o^'ycin ce 
Taw noio'ynTa*. eipHnn 

•yuinoc'YawC'tTeTV.ion * 

noijuenon Ton icpaJiTV. npoc;)^€co otiro (sic) 

P. iwk. "Yjunoc e'juuna.cnawCAJioc 

cox npenei •a.o^aw awt^ceXoi -i.o^akCO'ycin H o-YpawHOi Tton CYpa^ntoKS &C. 
•yAAHoc e-snTCoo'Yg^c nTC'yujH 

Tai noA-yojuiawTai ^epo-yfiein Ra^i e^a^nTep-yt^ak cepa^ii^in, with tersancius. 

' Luke vi. 13. ' Ps. cl. 6. \ oyp&noi Twit oYP«wnon ty&qei exu.n&peit'peXoc 

' This corresponds to the Bohairic calendar. a»ix.«J«J^ °^ egjwne TKTfpi«.KKTe. 

* After this the following rubric has been erased ; ' Ps. cxlviii. 4. 

D 2 


'xo^'Ycm ce Ton en hjukoh Twn e-yept^HTe Ton \^'yX°" H"^" &C. 

Tn-^eoo-y nawR ne^t nenno-YTe neipeqpneTnawno-Yq AinnAAV|r'YX" ^^^ 


Tdk ^(^epo'Yfiin A*eT», Tojn cepjs.(i^iA» -yAtnon awneiinojuen, with tersandus. 

TA.'yo whA e'suinna^'y entgawng^a^i^idi'^e 

Tpiis.c a.c'i&.c en oiutoo-Ycion THn CRR'XHci&.n co-y ^ 'xi«.(i5'y\jw^on r&.i a*h eic na^nTec 
en nicTon t^'y^aw^on o en ^i^iakC a.nawn&.'ycoju.enoc 
noiHRon D^opoc eno-ypawnie •yAtnoijuien ce, with tersandus. 

P. Re. 
noiHRon {sic) OkO^a^n TO-y e^ n\Hcon th cRHnnc oti na^pefeH Js.-yToc jAco-ycHc^ &c. 

neq£i(o\ a^neoo-y jumno-yTe Ato-yg^ HTecRHnH g^jj.nTpeuKO'ycHc &(0r eg^o-yn epoc &c. 
TRfpia^RH e'SAAna.px»>^^ €^o<^ julix'^^ nn&.'y ncyna^fe Tpiea.i^ioc 

•:^o^ak en •y^ricTic e^ R»>.i eni cthc eipnnH a^i^ioc o ec^* &c. 
neqfcto\ neoo-y AAnno-yTe eg^nncT-soce TcqeipanH ^i-sAinRa^g^* qcy^J*^ nf^i nno-yTe &c. 
•yjuinoc e'SAine'ya.i^peTV.ion noiHRon 

oi o-ypawnoi T(on cypa^najn enecon co-y ive^ &c., ending a.'WnXo'yiaw 

P, Rc. •yAj.noc e'SJUtna>cna>.cti.oc 

^opoc akt»t»e?V.iRon, ending a^'WH^o^yia^ 
•yAAnoc e-sn-'^pHnH 

^opoc a.t't^eTV.iRon Ra.i nna^ra^ "i.iR».i(on, ending -yAAneiTe Ra>.i •ynep'ynco'yTe &c. 
nojHRon -^o^aw na^Tpi' 

c-ynei a>.i^i?e\con o |)(;^opoc Toin "ynepawnajn Tojn o-ypa^non &c., ending awWH^cyia. 
noiHRon OI a.iTC«e\oi ■yjuino'ycin ce e ftdkCiTV-e-yc Tton a^na^nTon &c. 

co-yAAnTcnoo-yc na>.e(op Ttujaw juinawp|x^akT5i^e\oc eTO'yaka>fi AjiiD(^aji\ ■yuinoc e'snTcoo'yoc 

juiiD(^aji\ a>.p|j(|^»e\o'y ^iTO'ypi'oc TO-y e^ npecfee'ycon enep iux.(on &c. 

Ati^x^awH^ na».p^a>.cce\oc a^'yto n^iTO'ypt^oc Ainno-yTC eqenpec&e'ye g^a^pon &c. 

' From -^la. to n&.nTec has been altered. * Then gnnpuAic AineqoYOJtg erased. 

^ Cf. Exod. xl, 28, 29. " Cf. Ps. cxlviii. 4. 

' Luke ii. 14. ^ Cf. on^. k. 


cTpi^Tie Tton *.ece7V.ton Tui n?V.Hoioc Tcon oiuTeipAiion &c., with Tpia-dyLov. 
*'PX*''^^^^OT A*«X*^^ • • • • '^^^ »wt5Pe^ton •YAAJio'Ycm ce &c. 

54.— Parchment ; 9 x 7^ cm. i col. Script of Zoega's 9th class. 

Directory of Lessons ^ for the 4th Mesore, commemoration of Besa, Shenoute's 

>X< juecop • S • £iHc&. nikpjuL&n'^pI • np^ : o^ • *,qc(OTn nTcc^'YV • ^A*o • E • ktok <i.e 
a^RCY^-g^R nc».TJkcfcto • H Rop ■ S • g^coc coc^oc n&.p|x^iT • ncTp • S €ijj'sej!^TeTn'si+ [oec •] S: - 
TCRR^HciJv s'e . ne • CTg^n^o'Y'ai.awi • \Jr/ • oc • ivpi niAe-ye nTCRc-yndwoio • h ^ •senno'YTe 
n&.ito'yg^jui nciuS • Xo^ • ih • o'YosKS'e m eTiut-y tg&poi ctccotjui en&.u}d^<se ujv «th^&.2s.'y 
g^A«Jii\ • H Re • g^umTpeic ROTq : — 

Verso blank. 

55. — Parchment; 22X2| cm. Script small, of Zoega's 9th class. Text across width. 
Directory of Lessons^ for the loth Tybi. 

f^ai ' I • np* • axiK • Ropin • n • e'ynTJk.n ci.e Atu.A.'Y nniepHT • neTp • b. • neiu}»,'se no'^wT 
nj>>,[ju.]€pdw • [np]ak • h. • g^nTna^ige -^e UTcy^H n&.'YAoc • vy v • R& • iac^ nTcpeqfeioR -^e eg^cyn 
enpne • jga^/ eieipe nndwi g^ttjvig ne^o-Ycia^. : 

Verso: h n«.i • juL&e&.i • g^pa>^i g^Rneg^oo-y eTjuuu.jw'y (blank). 

56 — Parchment; 13 x3 cm. Script small, of Zoega's 9th class. Text across width. 

Directory of Lessons ^ 

n[ ] nTa-qxeg^o. • h ro^jwc rtcotr juinio-Yoeiiu €T€t« • \y/ • q • jma.pwnH'Ye o-YRoq 

jLid.p[. .] d.'Yw ne-jsjvq wbs^ g^Aineg^oo-y CTjuuu.a.'^ : np • Tui • iunH'Ye na.o'jfwng^ e£io\ • Ropi • 
aC • ■'^o'yajig •a.e eTpcTneijuie na.cRH'^f ['se]nene[!OTe 

Verso : 

RTelpeo-YMLos-] no'Yoei[uj] o-yeme a.['y]pg^fcjs. gAinec(3^Hp eT£ie'se2>.TRenHC'^*. • vy/ pc"' 

ea^XswCc*. ^no(3' eTO-yoigc • h S^ • g^no-yTH-Y ns-oouis qnd.o'yojuiq ^b. \. nTe-yno^f 

en.qes.Rakr'Rdw'^e [ 

' The lessons are Ps. Ixxvii. 68, 2 Tim. iii. 10 or i Cor. Acts xvi. 25, Ps. xxii, Matt. xxi. 12-24 or iii. i. 
iii. 10, I Pet. ii. 3, i Thess. ii. 14, Ps. Ixxiii. 2 or Ixviii. 36, * TrpoKtift.a'ov. 

Luke vi, 47— vii. 9 or viii. 40. B.'s death, 6th Mesore in ° The lessons are ? or Col.i. 21, Ps. xcv. 11, ? (Gosp.), 

I;thiop, calendar. Ps. Ixxxviii. 6, i Cor. x. i, Acts xxvii. 9, Ps. ciii. 26 or xlvii. 8, 

" TrpoKeifi€vov ; cf. Brit. Mus. Catal., pp. 32, 517. Matt. xiv. 22. 

= The lessons are Ps. xli, 2 Cor. vii, i, 2 Pet. iii. 8 {or 7), ' Note i^oca* for the usual <5'onc. 


57-— Paper ; 2 pieces pasted together; almost complete; 18 x 5 cm. Script of Zoega's 
9th class. 

Psalm Verses and Directory of Lessons^ for the 2nd Payni. 
pHe R».'Y;)(^HconTJs.i ocicik! en •i.o^H (&c., Psalm cxlix. 5). 

Verso : 

na^Y £[ ?S jua. o-ya.g^o eqg^Hn op^ xtis. a^c^to HTcpeic o'YOJ eqo'Ye£^c».g^«€ np^ A.C : 
e^p g^no'yniC'<^c ia.K(o£i &c. 

Across this, an earlier Arabic text. 

58.— Parchment ; irregular shape; iixsf cm. Script small, of Zoega's 9th class. 
Text across width. 

Directory of Psalms, in Coptic and Greek*, for the — Hathor. 

Jvoujp • i»en^ • "Ky « q^ . o'^on «ia± €TA*.neqK(jiTe na^<si '^.[{opon] na^q : nj^KTec [h] r['y]- 
K^trt aw'YTO'Y • oico-ycin -xoipak : — 

op'' ttB n-soc awRo-Yeuj nRuawg^ : H-Y^ORHca^c ile thm ph« ccy • »wnecTpe\^awC • thvi 
aki^Aia^Atocia^n lawRcoft : 

Verso : 

T^ • \^i>JKf KTj cen • ak«i[ne] Ainoc : "Krf • enecRa^TUj tco rco • ■yioi e[eo'Y] (blank) 

59. — Parchment: 11x2^ cm. Script (in 2 inks) small, of Zoega's 9th class. Text 
across width. 

Above, remains of an earlier(?) text. Then : 

O T 

>]y'a.'\jui ^^ &,na.c s a>.«aw\*Yiui ^ o*YgnHpene ncrc g^me-soce : 
^y ju.a.pejuinH'Y[€ 

Verso, in i column : 

^ 50^ ^ _ 

na>, S, naw-y y, en? • fi (blank) 

60.— Paper; complete; 18x14! cm. Script of Zoega's 9th class. 

Directory of Lessons for (i) the Enthronement of a Bishop and (2) for his return 
to the city'. 

' The lessons are Ps. xxiv. Matt. xiii. 44, t5. xi. t, ' avacrrao-ts koI dvaXiji/^n The two Psalms are xcii. 4, 

Ps. xxxiii, Heb. xi. 21. xcv. 11. 

' opOpov. ' TrpoKtifievov. " The lessons are (:) John xvii, 4, Matt. xvii. t, Ps. 

* The Psalms are Ixxv. 11, Ixxxiv. 2, xxviii. i. Ixxxviii. 15, Heb. v. i, i PeL ii. 9, Acts xiii. 14, Ps. cix (?), 

° ? ytwT^a-eoii ; c/.no. zl, verso. Luke vii.9 (or x. 22); {2) Pss. cxx, Ixxxiv, Heb. ?, i Pet.ii. 

^ TO X.vxyiK6v. ' opOpov. 16 (?), Acts x. 25, Ps. ix. 4, Luke viii. 40. 


neepoMiCAA no-y ] xiKy : uo a.noR | s.i'^eoo'Y wjvk £i : | op ut^ : aihwcswC | -^e^ ng^oo-Y ] 
np HH : T-a-iK/O I cynH iuinng^a.n | eqpeoc : ti^^X} I epe-ye «?«.p «ia* | ncTp S htcotk | •i.e 
nTeTno-yc^e ] np/ a.'Yio iiTepo-Y I ^^^ eg^cYW eTc-y | na.t»(ot»H « v^a.'X | po : a^not . . . | [TVlo-y 
j^-yoj a^qKOTq | (here dividing line) neg^ocy Kig».peo'Y | eiiic uoTq CTnoA. | np pR s n^ | 
eqpe • uepeno'yaw | ncTp • S : itg^im | g^a^A : np/ &.c|u}(S -^e WTepe | ncTp iunR eg^o^y | y^bJK o : 
ak.Rg^iii.o|oc g^ineRepo | \o'^ g^iunTpeic noTq &njuLH|Higc | 

Verso : Ao^ kc : £iuinT]peic KOTq doiAUiHyse | ujoncj cpoo-Y | 

Also remains of an earlier Arabic text. 

61- — Parchment; (i) a complete leaf, 24|xi6 cm., and (2) a fragment. Palimpsest: 
(i) a. Script : cf. Ciasca iii, 2 cols. ; b. at right angles to preceding. Script of Zoega's 
9th class, I col. (2) a. Script : cf. Ciasca ii or vii, 2 cols. ; b. as in (i) b. 

(i) a. On S. Mercurius. V. below. 

b. Abbreviated Concordance (?) to the Psalter, for liturgical use, Cf. Brit. Mus. 
Catal. no. 977^. Section i, fiUing recto and verso, headed nx^a^A. juino\ic, contains 
Psalms XXX. 22, ix. 15, xlv. 5, xliv. 10, xlvii. 2, xliv. 11 &c., referring alternately to 'city' 
and 'daughter.' Most verses are separated by z=, only once by:$^. 

(2) a shovi^s Mark xiii. 33, 34. 

b. The Concordance continued by Psalms Ixii. 2 (with title), Ixxiv. 7, Ixxviii. 7 
and 5 or 6 more, each containing the word 'desert.' Another section, headed v^JvWei 
nTiopTp, contains verse 2 of Psalms cxix, cxx, cxxi and following, several of the titles 
being included. A third section, headed \ya.?v.?v.ei e'sioT^ii, contains Psalm Ivi. 7. Here 
all verses appear to be separated by ^. 

The idiom is marked by the forms <5^ and not. 

' The positions of these letters show that the paper was ' Also Berlin, Kgl. Bibl., Or. 409 (Rahlfs, Sahid. Ps., 

already in holes when the Coptic was written. 6, Anm.) 


62 [25].— Parchment ; 6 complete leaves; now 32|x2i| cm. A palimpsest: (i) the 
earlier texts; 2 cols., about 30 lines. Script of Zoega's 6th-8th classes; (2) the later; 
I col., 50-60 lines. Script : small, sloping, cf. Hyvernat ix. 2, col. 2, or Brit. Mus. Catal., 
PI. 6, no. 465. From same MS. as Brit. Mus. Catal. no. 185 &c. 

I. The later texts are from several Homilies. The leaves, as now bound, are not 
consecutive ; it is however most probable from their contents that foil. 2, 5 and 6 should 
follow each other in that order. 

Foil. 2, 5, 6. A passage from this text is, on p. ^X^ of the Curzon fragment of no. 63, 
cited and attributed to Athanasius. It does not however appear among his published 
works ; cf. the biblical quotations, not to be found, in this sequence, in the Benedictine 
edition. The text is moreover identical with that of Brit. Mus. Catal. no. 990. The 
following is an abstract. 

Vain swearing is to be avoided, that our life be profitable and worthy. Those that 
'walk angelically' must shun the desires of the flesh, must live on herbs and water, 
not on flesh and wine, eat sparingly, keep vigU rather than sleep. But let such as cannot 
attain the heights (' hill tops ') at least cast away worldly desires, that they be not led astray 
from God's service. Fleshly desires, gluttony {-KoiKiaKos^), cunning, drunkenness &c. beget 
greed of wealth and divers cares. Let us be like Lot, who was content with a small city. 
Let fornication be far from us, lest we nourish a consuming fire. Let us not be unbelieving, 
rather let faith be displayed. Let * none see thee behaving unseemly and say, ' This is he 
that discipHnes himself {aa-)(elv), to attain the gift of heaven ; this is the disciple and pupil of 
the wise teacher ; this is the man chosen from the world and reckoned to the angels of 
heaven.' Let Christ be glorified in thee ; if worthy of Him, show forth His glory. Thy 
limbs have been sanctified ; let them not be joined unto harlots. Abuse not nature : 
marriage is for the begetting of children alone, A help {^o-qdoi) has been given thee ; 
make use thereof in holiness. The flesh should not overrule the spirit. Converse spiritually, 
sing psalms ; these are the medicines of God's house, healing the soul. Follow not fleshly 
pleasures, such as wine feasts (o-u/attoo-iov) ; though wine may be used moderately. This I say 
not to the baptized (' enlightened ') alone, but to those also that prepare. The baptized must 
be worthy of their light. Great is Christ's grace ; but see thou sin not after knowledge. 
Who receives a king but first prepares his house? Thus came John, to prepare for Christ. 
Return then not to evil, even though nature draw thee thither. The word of God and 
prayer, these will conquer the passions. For a little pleasure's sake, estrange not thyself 
from the eternal blessedness. We are able to repent ; let us pray for one another. Woe 
to unbelievers, estranged at the last from God ; none can then bewail but his own sins. 

■ The Coptic prefix shows that the Greek word was an abstract noun. 2 -phis is the passage cited • v. p, 27. 


Now is the time to struggle and to help ourselves and to put on the wedding-garment. 
Christ set up for us a cross, which is our salvation ; He who with His father created man, 
Who took flesh in the Virgin Mary, on our behalf, very God of very God, true light of 
true light, without beginning nor end ; unto Whose Godhead the prophets did testify ; 
this deathless Jesus, Who died in the flesh for us, was made man like us, like us died 
according to human dispensation (oi/covo/iia), but on the third day rose again, according to 
the scriptures and, in unspeakable glory, ascended into heaven and there sat upon His 
father's right ; this same Jesus, God's Son, Who in the Holy Spirit entered Mary's womb, 
declared to His disciples that the very body which dies shah rise again. They believed 
on Him and worshipped; let us do likewise and henceforth depart from all sin— list of 
sins — ; for such as do these shall not inherit the kingdom. What shame to us to remain 
in sin, when once we have known God. What shame to hear a layman ( swearing 
falsely, by God's name, above aU a monk or son of the church. Better they had not 
known God, than thus to set His commandments at naught. Let us pay heed to Him, 
and so become united unto Him. Through Him the martyrs were strong and would not 
deny Him ; and thus, in the persecution, they, by their good choice (vpoaipea-ts), became 
His comrades, and when brought to Alexandria (Rakote) and set before the tyrant's 
judgement-seat, arrayed like thieves in skins, they heard his exhortation : ' Obey the laws 
of our lords the emperors and be ashamed before them. For in their benevolence and 
care for us, they do counsel {crw^ovkeveLv) us to worship the gods. Obey them, then, 
and be saved from an evil death, giving joy to us and all that behold you. For because 
of your disobedience are these tortures set here.' Hearing this, the martyrs looked 
toward heaven, remembering Jesus that had died for them, and elected to die rather at 
men's hands, than to fall into the hands of the living God. Their various deaths. All 
ended their martyrdom bravely, trusting that Christ would give their bodies to them 
again. May we also, through His name, attain forgiveness. 

Quotations : John xv. 8, cf. i Cor. xv. 31, Gal. v. 24, 2 Cor. x. 3, Gen. xix. 16, tb. 22, 
tb. xiv. 8, Ezek. xvi. 49, i Sam. ii. 30, cf. i Cor. iii. 17, 2 Cor. vi. 14, James ii. 12, Rom. viii. 13, 
Eph. V. 18, 19, cf. I Tim. v. '23, tb. i. 13, 14, Luke iii. 8, 7, 2 Pet. ii. 22, Matt. xxii. 12, 
Jer. xlviii. 10, tb. xvii. 5, Gen. i. 26, Ps. ci. 28, Luke xxiv. 37-39, John v. 29, Rom. x. 12, 11, 
ib. xii. 5, Matt. x. 32 or Luke xii. 8, Matt. x. 28. 

Fol. 3 a. Basil of Caesarea; from Prooem. in Regul. fus. tradat. (Migne, P. G., 31, 
892, 893). Title at top of page : ojuswioc ng^a^eiot fii.ci7v.ioc nenicRonoc nTK».ic».pij>w . . . 
eq4c£ioi) ng^enciWY juumevsno-YTe eqnppoTpeni jjuutoo'y eTpe-Y^^^^wni'^e ^nneg^fiH-Ye ktiamt- 
e-ycefiHc «iM eT-sno n».n jmnwng^ uja^eneg^ g^no-YeipHnn «Te [nno-YTe]. Begins: -^nj>.p».Ke^\ei 
AjuuioiTn efeoX g^iTHTa^i^e^nH iutnen-soeic Ic ne^ n».i «TJvqT«.».q aaaaiu «Aioq g^s^wennofie 
AAJvpeng^iTooTH ^oinoii enpoo'yuj nnejuivlr'YX" «.»^p€nA*K»'?. n2.HT e-sniAneTujo-YeiT xxuaw- 
ajopn niiioc . . . The text however differs considerably from the Greek, which is longer. 
Quotations : Matt. xxv. 46, xxiv. 46, xxviii. 19, 2 Cor. vi. 3, Matt. v. 22, John xiii. 8, 
Rom. X. 13, 14, Matt. vii. 21, vi. 5, i Cor. xiii. 3. 

Fol. 4 a. Chrysostom ; from the 6th Discourse commenting upon the Epistle to the 
Hebrews. Title at top of page : ouie^ioc lumeg^coo-Y nTVoeoc nxe n^-yno**""***' eswqxj.'Yoq 


n&\ iujia.Rjs.pioc i(og^j>wn«HC nexpHco^TOjuioc . . . eq^^epimehe-ye KTenicTO^H AAnpoc g^efepa^ioc 
g^no-YeipHnn. Begins : em'^H(^e ei.KigHpe«jHui Komwnei ecnoq 2.*<^*^PS mot^ g^iowq on 
«-^2^e awq«.eTe;)(^e ena^i jua.po'Y'sitgme Teno-y «(3'i ng^Jvipe-i-iKOC nevi eiTToip's wnXococ e!io\ 
nTeqcjvp^ i.'yo) AA2i.po'Y'2£iujme on n(5^i n(i^JvnTJ>.cia.cTHc nswi exosco juuaoc -seAtneqeppoJAAe 
g^no'YAAe umcYAAnTawTncoaine e'YT(o<3'e epoq no'yt^&.nTawCi*. juino'YJUt-nTepg^aw'X. . . . The text ends 
with the story of Lazarus and Dives. Quotation : Heb. ii. 14. The only homily on Hebrews 
quoting this verse is no. 5, with the text of which the Coptic passage does not correspond. 

Fol. I a. This passage resembles more than one in Chrysostom's Homilies 
{e. g. horn. 3 on I Thess. iii), but is not identical with any. On rejoicing at afflictions. 
An athlete expects not luxury but rigour. If there are no longer persecutions to face, 
yet have we those from within to withstand. It is not for Christians to fight with others, 
but rather to shed their blood for Christ and to crucify the flesh and the world. (Fol. b) 
Now the battle is with all our inward passions. Quotations : John xvi. 33, 2 Tim. iii. 12, 
I Cor. X. 13, Matt. xxvi. 41, xvi. 24, Eph. vi. 12-14, Isa. xxi. 3 (?), Job xxxi. 12. 

II. The earlier texts. From parts of at least two MSS. Foil, i, 2, 3, 5 appear to 
be by one scribe {cf. Ciasca ix), foil. 4, 6 by another {cf. Ciasca xiv, Hyvernat xii. 2 or 
Georgi, Fragm., tab. iii, p. 304). 

Fol. I, the last of a quire. P. le, all but illegible. The first words refer to God's 
choice of Saul as king. P. ic treats of Herod, Pilate and Christ brought before them. 
The following is the text : — 

]©i\haa nneig^ocy nTepeg^Hpoi-xHc -^e njs.'Y eic A-qpa^uje e«ji».Te o> g^Hpoj-xHc *a»^ti>>jjioi 
•jsedwUjne neKpA^uje nTepcKnjvy ene^c eig-seKpavige eT^eo-Y AineRCYWigT n&.q cT^ecy iuineK- 
nicTe-ye eneHTa.q'-^ n».K nTeie>.p^H nTRO-yppo e^nne g^Hpco-j^Hc «TK0'YTeTpi>.».p2>(;^Hc ca.p js.'Yto 
eneHTa^KnicTe'Ye epoq nj^nTOic eneqna.^ nd>.R encYuiHTepo en&.a^c eTSvi eTCTiviTC Ta^Tne a^Wjiw 
nTd^Rcoujq a>.g^HpiO'^Hc c(o^q enic e>.qTnnoo'Yq JuniXa^Toc e».qa>.iTei encYeipHnn efeoX 
g^iTooTq Ri^Tes. ee WTdkne'yjs.c'ce'X.icTHc -sooc -se^.g^npco'^Hc coujq iUinn[eq]cTpa^Te'YiL«.evi t^ 
».q<3'oo\eq €n[o'Y]g^ no'Yw6[«i] a^q-xoo-yq ju.m'XawToc a^'y[p]ui£iHp ene'yep[H'Y] "^iJWATie- 
g^o[o'y] CTAjuu.N'Y ^&i g^Hpca-xHc M.n[ni]\a.Toc Rev?V.toc ».q'2£[ooc] r\.(Si na.nocTo'Xoc -seT- 
ju.[nT]ig6Hp juin€i[Roc]iAoc o'YA*.nT['s».]'seTe enno'Y[Te]^ €ig'2£eAJLM.o[nJcco]Tju. •sea.g^Hpw-xHc 
cottj[q] A*nneqcTpa.[T€'Y>utJv hiaa neTnawCwfiie §niiui to nj>.e[HT] o-yne na.i nT[a.R]a.a,q u> 
g^Hpoi-^Hc CR^^AAOOc e[pe]nno'YTe juin[TH]pq akg^epa^Tq e[ 

Fol. 2 a. Apparently from a Homily upon Easter. The following is the text, from 
col. 2, 1. 3. njs.ine neg^oo-y juinpj>.uje na^me neg^oo-y HTCYd^pocynH ea.nei eg^pM e-sAtnei- 
g^oo-y nujiw M.a^.pencioo'yg^ eg^o-yn ijinnenepH'y nxeno-ynoq juuuion g^ncyo-ynoq AAmviRon 
Aijvpenj>.pxit©a-i eneig^oo-y nouo-y en-xojK e&o\ enAJumii-ycTHpion eTO-yivdii g^no-yxMo 
nctOAAa. jjiawpeng^toTn AinnenepH-y e-sHRpijipAA Aj.a.pena.cnjs.'^e nnenepH-y g^no'yni eccyavaii 
a.n-soeic Tojo-yn iLta^penTcoo-yn nMjmvq «TenctOTA«. eneT;)(^ope'ye g_ieH A*juoq. Fol. b illegible 

' Luke xxiii. 11. = James iv. 4. 



Fol. 3 a illegible ; fol. b blank. 

The remainder of these earlier texts are described in the next section of the 

63 [24c + 66].— Parchment; (i) the larger part of a leaf and (2) a small fragment, 
the former 22 x 20 cm. Paging lost. 2 cols., 27 + ruled lines. Script : cf. 'P\. 6 in Not. 
et Extr. des MSS., xxxiv (Amelineau). Initials not enlarged but accompanied by small 
scroll-ornaments in red. From same MS. as Curzon 109 (flf. 15-76) and Zoega no. cciv. 

Besa^, Epistle of, (i) addressed to a woman, reproving her for vice or misconduct. 
The authorship is to be presumed from the titles preserved in the other fragments of 
the MS. The text consists chiefly of quotations: 'As thou hast turned from me, so will 
I turn from thee, saith the Lord,' Luke xiv. 35, Ps. xlviii. 20, Rom. viii. 35 (here cited as 
from ' our holy fathers '). The following phrase is also legible (fol. i b) : — 

a^pg^Aiooc njs.*Y g^ntio'Yg^ioo'Ye wee no'Y»i»ORe ec(5'eeT aajs.'y^.Jn.c Js.-yto ewp-scog^A* junK8*.g^ 
g^nno'ynopneiJ>k iu.ttKO'YK^s.KI^)>. 2^p'xi «e Mo-Yixeeuje «cioaj e-yjspon ne cyg^o imnopsiH i\qujo)ne 
«e A.p'siujme «Ma>.g^p«o'yo« niin AineiiCYTe epoi g^coc pa«.[m]hi a^'yio g^toc [ 

Zoega's leaves show parts of at least three epistles, while the Curzon fragment 
(Tiiit-TiuLe, T^-'Y^e, ^yiie-'YJuiH, =y«5:-'^, ^-c^Kii, with many inaccuracies of pagination) 
has ten complete and part of an eleventh. These are addressed (t^c) to Maria, mother 
of John, and Talou ^, mother of Macarius, reproving discontent and insubordination ; 
(tw) to certain disturbers of the congregation ; (too) to Maria, sister of Matai, chiding 
her for pride ; (TqS) to certain who have stolen the belongings of the sick ; (=y©) also to 
thieves, apparently nuns; (^) to such as break the commandments of 'our fathers'; 
(Yk^) horatory, to the brethren, quoting (^y^) ' the beloved of God, Apa Athanasius => : 
Let none see thee behaving unseemly {aaxvi^ovelv) and say, "This is the man that 
disciplines himself (aa-Kelv) to attain the gift that belongeth unto heaven'" &c. ; (^y"^) to 
Matthew, who had renounced the monastic virtues and gone to Thessalonica * ; 
(t1^) to Antinoe«, reproved for quarrelsomeness; {^fo%) to Herai, quoting 'our holy 
father, Apa Antonius^: Of a truth, my beloved, our carelessness and our humiliation 
and our departure (from righteousness) are not hurtful to us alone, but to the angels 
also they are a pain and to all the saints in Christ Jesus'; {y^) to 'those that have 
renounced their constancy (uTro^aovT?) and departed from us.' ' Our holy fathers, from the 
day when they brought together these monasteries, sent not after men to make them 

1 Other works by him : Zoega ccxxxvi, Brit. Mus. Catal. 
no. 175, Paris 130=, fol. 128 (an Epistle 'to the people that 
dwell in the iiroiKia, at the time when they set to fighting 
one with another . . .' Begins b.. neieXa.x'CToc neTcg*.! 
nncnpecfiyTepoc Aiitifa.ijvKonoc AinncnpoitoHTHC »xn- 
rtKCc^a^XwiDTHc), Clarendon Press no. 22, Tne, tiv^ (so 
Leipoldt, Schenuie 41). 

= Cf. Cairo 8474 TeXo-y (TaXoOs, Spiegelberg, Eigen- 
name?i, no. 333). 

' From the text no. 62, q.v. 

* 'which is foolishness.' Cf. 2 Tim. iv. 10. 

^ V. Zoega 510. 

^ Letter to the Arsinoites, P. G. 40, 986 D. Antony 
is cited by Shenoute also: Cambridge Univ. Libr., Add. 
1876, 2 (as quoting Prov. xxiv. 8, not found in his works, 
P. G. 40). S. also cites A.'s ;3ios (referring to Christ's visit 
to the spirits in hell), Zoega 419. But the passage has 
no relation to any in Aihanasius' Vita. 

E 2 


monks by force, nor compelled they any man on account of his possessions. Neither 
have we done this; for man shall not be forced to virtue^ . . . ;' (^qS) to Herai, who had 
renounced her constancy. 

64.— Parchment; 2 double consecutive leaves; 17x13 cm. i col. Script in 2 sizes; 
cf. CiASCA xxi. 

Cyril of Alexandria, from the Explanation {Ittikvcrii) of the Twelve Chapters =^ = Migne, 
P. G. 76, 309, Anathema xi. 

Fol. I a. Above text : To-y awi^io-y R-ypi^Xo-y. 

Td^wg^OTe juia^peqgjame ni>«.&. 

Aw-yo) ncTit^.'sooc ■seTa.Kecya.Te eqg^oTp njuuu2i>.q va.ii>. ©•yjs.^i^. h -seqcyHg^ «£Htc aiaa^tc 
£toc eco-ya^aii neqTjui'xooc ju.a.'A.TV.on "seo-yuing^Te a.-yoi cypeqTa^ng^oTc kjs.tjs. ee KT^iujpn'xooc 
■seTCivp^ juin\oi5ocTe t&,i eT(fol. 6)-T8wng^o eAtnTHpq M.8>.[p]eqaj(one M^>^A^>w : — 

e«Taw\o eg^pidi ^.-yoii n-xoiR e&oTV. Kcye'yciaw €CT&.ng^o a.'yuj eccyawisii eco «^tt(oAa«. 
g^nTCKKX'yciaw ennicTcye epoq ^encyccoAAdk npcoAte «>.n «ee no'yoit mo. ncTen'si xiAioq 
g^ojuioiuic -^e on necnoq eTxa^iH-y JvWa*. g^coc encojiuai Ai«necttoq g^no-yAJie ixnTVococ 
«Ta..qpc&.p^ ncTK-si jLtJLS.oq nes.i €T'<^(ong^ jmnTHpq o'yca>.(fol. 2a)-p^ t»a«.p eitee nTAwcyon 
n[iiu.] jmna'oju. iuumoc cTa-ng^o h e-<^ {o«g^ KToq t»a..p ncoiTHp j!>.qpju.nTpe innawi eq-jtu) uuuoc 
*s;cHTc«>.p^ ■'^ g^H-y js.n n^awaw-y neimaC "^e nexTa^ng^o • enei-jkH -xe Tca^p^ jmn'A.ococ TCTti'si 
JUUU.OC T«noi iuujLoc 'seo'ypeqTaw«g^o -^e Kee cTepenccoTHp -sco aauloc -xeRawTa^ ee nTa^qTa^cyoi 
«(3'i na^ioiT cTong^ a^noK g^to "^oneg^ eTf!ena>.icoT as.'yco neTna^.o-yoitT neTAiuu.a.'y g^wtoq on n».cong^ 
CT^tHHT (fol. b) enei^HTc necrtopioc jLinncTeine M.Moq g^juneiujo-sne no-yuiT ce^ioj^ efto^ 
HTs'OAi, ju.neinois' uuu.'ycTHpion cT^ena^i a^ncg^a^i jmneiawna^eeinaLTiauioc eno'yoing^ €&o\ 

nTcyxt-nrakCeliHc : — 

Ret^ak?V.awion \h. 

ncTenqg^OAAO^ocei a.n cseawirXor^oc Ainno-yxe «jn(fol. 3 fl:)-g^ice g^«Tca>.p^ a«.'yco •sea.-yc'^o'y 

Aumoq g^HTca^p^ a.-yto ■sea.q'si ^ne lAnAto-y g^nrca^p^ ea>.qujojTie ntgepn ujuice efio\ g^nncT- 

sAOO-yT Ka.Taw ee -xenoing^ne a.'yto npqTa^ng^one g^oic no-yTe «.a>,pqujcone nawn&.eexi&. : — 

(fol. U) epiAcnia. 

cyawTujTTg^ice juinne a.-yco cya^TAto-yne n^ococ nee6o\ g^iTnnno'yTe nicoT Tetb'ycic 
<ca.p imnno-yxe na.TUja.'se epoc o-yH-y e6o\ juing^ice a^-yoj nToc T€^o iuinTHpq a..'yco 
cp-xa^eiT enAAO-y a.Wa. kc toi equjoon efioTV. g^n-^o'yciaw no-yioT na'i nXot^oc neeJ&oX 
g^jmnnofTe nicoT a^qTaoxio na.q uumm juumoq (fol. 4 a) no-yca^p^ euja.-ysnoc €[. . .] •xeKa.c 
eqna^ojn g^ice eT[£iHH]Tn g^iuineTHn etgn g^i[ce] a.'yio nqjAO-y 'jscKa.c eqena^g^iin efioTv. g^iuinTawKo 
umnjutcy g^OAAa^ioc nqT[o'y]nc nqcojiuia. uumm ejuuui[oq] g^oic no-yxe nqujome na^na^pxH 
nnenTaw-yenKOTK iuinpwiuie c^p enxeng^e tgoon nigepn «juui[j]ce e&oX g^nnTjuoo-yT enca.n7V.ococ 
nee6o\ g^jmnno-yTe nnor na^i nra^qg^^ynojuionH encJ^oc ea.q'si -"^ne iunAAO-y eT£iHHT[n] enToqne 
n<soeic Aineocy ea^quju g^sce g^nTca^p^ Ka^Ta. nr'pa.d^H (fol. B) [enji-^.H •i.e na.n-jk.oRAiaw [eJTeoo'V 
a.<ya> eT'sa.g^AA [cejcywui eeine eg^o-yn eTnjc[T]ic eTco'yTcon no-ypojiie nee npu>juie niiui 
• V.Journ. Theol. Stud, v, 131. ^ Paris 131', fol, 42 appears to be from the same work. 


[el-Y^co lAwoc ^ewToq nuTi^q^^noiuonH enc[^]oc g^^^pon [e]T£.en*.i i.vic£^*.i «neij.iii.- 

Below, an ornament and ic ^ nms.. 

65 [32].— Parchment ; a complete leaf; now 29X22icm. Pp. c^, c^, being the last 
fol. of qu. T^, so presumably from the second volume of the MS. 2 cols., 26 lines. 
Script : c/. Ciasca xxvi. No colours. Characteristic is the variously ornamented mono- 
gram IS, iS nex^ &c., in the jower margin of many pages. To the same MS. belonged 
Curzon no. no (pp. ^-n, cig-cttfi), Zoega ccxliiii (pIi?-p«H), Paris Vol. 131^ foil. 39, 40 

Homily or Epistle. On p. cn^ the work ends with the subscription luia.nno'Y e^n- 
iTHcic -\ The next page is occupied with a colophon, which, after the recital of a short 
creed », states that 'this Kavcjv of the blessed Apa John' had been lost, until 'God gave 
it us in a small book, written in ancient writing ' eqcHg^ «jvp;x^j>.ion K This was then tran- 
scribed i^nnooneq as a memorial and entrusted to 'our fathers that are in the desert,' to 
be kept in the church on the hill of the Virgin ®, so that all who wished might get comfort 
therefrom and find grace with 'this great and perfect reXetos archimandrite, Apa John.' 
That this is not Chrysostom is certain from the biblical quotations and the title archiman- 
drite. John of Lycopolis has this title, Zoega p. 37, and would be honoured in Shenoute's 
monastery; but no work of his is extant ^ The rank of John, bishop of Parallus 
(Borlos)'', likewise excludes him. Nor does John 'the monk, of the Thebaid,' as yet 
an obscure but prolific homilist, appear to be our author*. 

The 32 Curzon leaves of this MS. are apparently the work of one author; for in 
both its fragments frequent reference is made to the 'brethren,' whom the writer 
addresses, and who dwell in 'the holy tottoi of Christ,' wearing the habit (rxviia, and 
further, ' our holy father ' is cited in both (' the words of scripture and the saints, especially 
of our holy father,' ' the commandments given us by God through our holy father,' ' our 
holy father, in whom God spake'). His 'epistles' are quoted as follows: {p. oh) 'A 
heathen or heretic or a blood-shedding gentile, if he turn to God, it is meet God should 
receive him, rather than the brother of this sort, that doeth these abominations in His 
holy TOTTOL, while bearing God's holy name and the (monastic) habit'; (p. oe) 'All the 
sinners that have died, since Cain until now and those that shall die unto the world's 

' Zoega's reference to ' classis iv ' is a mistake. 

'^ P. oe has iwaLnnoy in the lower margin. 

^ On prefatory creeds v. von der Goltz in Texfe u. 
Unl., N. F., xiv (2), 97. 

* Paris 131'. 49 Kecga.! wb.'f'yii'i^n- = scripti juxia 
veterem formam, P. G. 43, 357 (Epiphanius, De Gem) 

' More probably 'church of the Virgin on the hill.' 
Her TOTTos in ' the desert of Apa Shenoute/ Paris 131'. 35 ; 
her church in the White Monastery, Synax., 2 Ter (Tubeh). 

° Unless he be identical with John tyKXucrTo^, archi- 
mandrite of Siflt and afterwards bishop of Hermopolis, 
contemporary with Theophilus (Zoega p. 107, Brit. Mus. 
no. 184). Another John, of Scete, also a prophet, was con- 

temporary with Theodosius II (Nau in Journ. As., 1903, 
i. 243, cf. Brit. Mus. no. 333). 

' He lived about a.d. 600 (zi. Hist, of Patriarchs 
EvETTS, 477, Synax., 19th Kihak). Paris 131'. 15 is head- 
ing of a sermon by him ' on St. Michael and on the blasphe- 
mous books of the heretics read in the churches of the 
orthodox '). 

' Mr. E. W. Brooks has kindly sought in the Syriac 
MSS. of his writings (Brit. Mus. Add. 17,169, 17,170, 14,611 
and 17,167) for the long texts here described, but has 
failed to find them. According to Cureton {Corp. Ignat. 
352) he was a contemporary of Evagrius Pont. {ph. ca. 401). 
The scribe of Add. 17,172 held him to be John of Lycopolis. 


end, are taken down to Hell, even as the Gospel saith'; (p. "ie) 'Woe, woe unto them 
that are not in this state and that have not this {sc. purity) in the congregations of God'; 
(p.TX^) 'Woe unto them that are companions one to another in slandering (/caraXaXia), 
that run one to another in great eagerness, that they may fulfil it together'; (p. caa) 'It is 
said concerning two races (of animals) that they do cast up their eVi6'u/xiat by their mouths : 
one race is among the birds that are in the waters and the other is among the insects 
that are upon the earth. Even so are such men as slander and as hearken willingly.' 
The phraseology in some of these strongly recalls Shenoute\ 'Our holy father Apa 
Athanasius ' is also quoted : (p. «^) ' Preserve the honoured image of man ; for thou 
shalt not be called man when thou doest the deeds of bestiality {-aXoyov).' 

The texts treat (Curzon) of repentance and its especial need for those dwelling in 
monasteries ; of wisdom and its value. The unrepentant are likened to Cain, the men 
of the Deluge, Pharaoh, those smitten in the desert, Korah, to those that refused the 
prophets and apostles, to the heathen and the heretics. If the ancient world was not 
spared, wherefore should we be ? (Zoega) Of the creation of Adam and his rule over 
the beasts ; of Cain, Abel, Noah, Abraham &c. (Rylands, Curzon) Of philanthropy 
and misanthropy, the charitable and the uncharitable. The latter shall stand upon the 
left ; they belong all to the Devil. Of diligence at prayers (o-vVafeis). Of the blessedness 
of those ' of our yStos,' and of them that understand good and evil. Of slanderers and 
their hearers; they are like fornicators and thieves. What man sows shall grow, 
and spread, whether evil or good. Of the Lord's Prayer, which is commented at length. 
Finally, a long doxology, blessing God. 

Characteristic of the largest fragment is the expression ' the Almighty {iravTOKp.) Jesus.' 
The occasion of writing is indicated by pp. oh and c'A. of the Curzon fragment, where 
reference is made to ' these five days ' that are quickly passing. But I do not know to 
what season this could apply. The fast of Holy Week would last six days^ 

The biblical quotations in the various parts of the MS. are : (Curzon) Matt. viii. 12, 
Prov. xxvi. 3, X. 13, Jer. vii. 23 (or xi. 4 or xxiv. 7 ?), Ps. Ivii. 5, 6, Prov. xviii. 9, xvii. 28, 
xviii. 9, 10, Exod. iii. 5, Josh. v. 15, Acts viii. 23, Ps. xxiii. 6, John viii. 21, Heb. xi. 7, Gen. vi. 15, 
2 Pet. ii. 5, ib., 2 Cor. xi. 13, John v. 25, (Zoega) Isa. i. 3, Gen. i. 28, xxvi. 23, xiii. 10, 
xxvi. 12, xxxi. 12, xxxvii. 14, (Rylands) Prov. xvii. 5, Exod. iv. 17, Ps. cxxxvi. 11, 12, 
Mark xii. 28-32, (Curzon) ib. 34, Luke x. 29 ff, i Cor. iii. 3, Matt. xvi. 27, i John ii. 11, 
2Thess. ii. 3, i Cor. vi. 18, iii. 16, 17, Matt. xxv. 41, Amos vi. 12, Isa. xlv. 22, Jer. iii. 22, 
2 Cor. vi. 17, I Cor. vi. 2, Matt. vii. 12, 13, ib. v. 44-48, Luke iii. 10, 11, Heb. xiii. i, 2, 
Jer. ix. 7-9, Matt. vi. 3, v. 16, x. 26, i Tim. v. 25, Jer. xxvii (1). 22, Prov. xxv. 28, xix. 21, 
XX. 6, Ps. xxiii. 6, Gal. v. 10, Ps. xxxii. 12, Ixxxviii. 16-19, Eccles. i. 15, Col. i. 5, Job ix. 25 
Ps. cxxvi. I, I Cor. xii. 3, John xv. 5 ('without us'), Heb. xiii. 8, 2 Cor. ix. 7, Isa. Iv. 2 
('Wherefore do ye labour'), Eccles. i. 9, 2 Tim. ii. 19, James i. 26, Ps. c. 5, xlix. 20-23, 
Matt. xiii. 31, James iv. 11, Jer. ii. 26, Matt. vi. 9fiF., Eph. iv. 32, Matt. xii. 47-50, 2 Cor. 
vi. 3, Gen. iii. 19, Isa. xl. 6, 22, 15. 

' Dr. Leipoldt observes that this is true conspicuously ^ So in a sermon on Easter, Paris 131= 51 neicoov 

of the first quotation. ngoof. 


Portions of these texts are in Leyden no. 81, Zoega no. ccxliv, Paris Vol. 131^. 
125-133, while Brit. Mus. Catal. no. 229, Paris Vol. 130I 70, 126, Vol. 131^ 23 belong at any 
rate to the same MS. as the two last of these. 

66 [60].— Paper ; a bound volume ; 20 foil. ; 34 x 24 cm. 2 cols. Script : a modern 
Egyptian hand. Copy made presumably for the Rev. H. Tattam, since there are many 
annotations in his hand in the margins. A note, also by him, states that the transcript 
was finished at Malta in 1839. 

The text is that of the Curzon fragment of the preceding number, which had probably 
been lent to Tattam by the 14th Baron Zouche (Robert Curzon). The original leaves 
are copied in the sequence ce-cnfi, ^-n, «'. e. that in which they are at present, and pre- 
sumably were then already, bound. 

67 [24b]. — Parchment; 6 complete leaves; now 31x22 cm. Pp. Tqe-^, 2 cols., 
30 ruled lines. Script : v. the photograph of the last page, Hyvernat viii. 4. Small, red 
ornaments beside each initial. From the same MS. as Brit. Mus. Catal. no. 198, Leyden 
no. 67, Paris Vol. 130'^ 120, Vol. 131^. 66, 105, 106, 109, Curzon no. 109, flf. 7-14, and 
possibly Zoega no. cc, though this has no coloured ornaments and a different style of 
page numbers. 

Shenoute, Homilies or Epistles of Pp. Tqe-TqS contain denunciations of various carnal 
sins ; on pp. Tqe-=yc the text takes the form of a prayer or thanksgiving to God ; on 
p. -yc, a new homily. The large initial letter of this last contains the scribe's name, 
;)^picTot^opoc t^i.'Wiot^pivt^o'y [v. Hyvernat, /. c.) The text embraces that of Zoega 
no. ccx* and the passage pp. ^-^ recurs in Brit. Mus. Catal. no. 194, f 4, while ib. no. 193 
shows passages identical with the Curzon fragment of the present MS. The following 
are examples of the text : — 

P. TCje. o-yoGi ne TJs.TTe ng^oq «d.iJs.Tq iu.neTeuineTAiiakTO'Y enTJs.pno'jsc eg^cyn eg^pa^q 
ew-yoj €j)^p«eqTc e!io\ g^npco TSig^oq «ee e«Ti.ppg^».g^ tifcWe g^«.nTpepigpn riToiju. nno-Y^J^A 
xxb.yb.bJTe^ ^nno'^&i-s. juunm juujlo • npiOAJie CTcg^o-YopT eTCjuin^ecjs.g^o'Y -xenq g^i-scoq a.« dioX 
•sexin^end^pjs.t^'Ycic 's.e.txntizs.b^y • cycon &.nne nTd^i-xooq 'senujs.'xe njvna^TH nTeiJUiinG «ptojue 
iw-yco ne-YCAiOT jmnoitHpon ceg^oo-y €ne'Y*^KJ>>.®*>.pci». Js.'yui ne-ya^Ra^ea^pcia. g^ocy encTnH'y efco\ 
g^npojo-y A.'ypa^Tcoo'yn enTa^io tsJicoiULb- eiRcon ju.nno'yTe ntxis. no-ycog^ nnes.i?pe?Voc js.-ys.js.q 
xjLjjLiK iKS-oeiTVe nn-i.e.ijuionion s^kti Tpe-yjuo-yg^ (p. Tqc) xxnud. eqo-ya.aii ^.-y^o-yg^ xxnn^ 

o-ypoJAie «.£« KdwTJs. eiROjn junno-yTene npwAJie i.?V.?V.8. ©•yRa.RO-^a.i^jiion s.\He(ocne 
npojjue £nTe.qton nTeqa^cxHimoc-ynH eneTepeo-ycnqe HTOOTq ejvqnTc eg^pa.1 g^iAnecuoeig^ 
epoq iuuuLin Auuoq eTpeqiUtoo-yTq «£Htc Jv-ya) «q«o'yo'yT ng^enROO-ye «AiAA«.q 
npujiue CTCooq enTJ^neiOTe eTO-yiwdii e^'yio cTnoei g^ng^co^i nisa. cg^a.1 eTfiHHTO-y g^HKG-yenicToTVJi 
•seepeTCHqe iuine'yTJvRO g^Jkne'yTon cycs'opis' g^nAAn-yTVjc neaxnTe'. 

1 ' The holy fathers ... in their epistles : " The sword of p. 52 2> 5- The prophets and apostles are caUed ' our holy 

their destruction is in their bosoms, while they dwell (?) at fathers' by Shenoute, e.g. Clar. Press no. 31, 2. 

the gates of hell." ' Another quotation is added in Zoega 


P. Tq^. neTeAAnqco-Ytonq jm^vya^a^q «»^^ ng^e'ynnno'YTe h nTa^qco-ynne^x^^c 
ottcy «(3'i ncTeipe nneqAAeXoc iuumeXoc mjui».?V.js.koc £ipeq«KOTK Atng^oo-yT s.-yoJ ctowq 
omoeiK g^mop«H g^j'smts'onc jui«&OTe nitx. 

P. Tqe. «TORne nito-yTe juuue juis.'Ya.awK Jk-yio no-Yocin A.'yto nwng^ njs.rj^ooc n-soeic 
nppo irna^nTOHpjvTCop aw-yio euj-se cynpiOAAe (p. y) g^i'suinKJs.g^ epeTeKjjie ng^HTcy g^no-yAte 
H».i neTiunuja. ncyuiigT nes.K js.non "^e i^non g^eiKS'o'A. a.-yoi a^non g^e«p(OAAe a^tt JvuAAnTAte 
c6oK efioTV g^npuin a.npc».nAA«TttO'y's THpw js.nn\dv«»k g^ioycon js.«[go>ne a.'XHewc nee ng^ena..- 
Kis.ej>wpTOc imncKAATO eiio\ €.Tiie.n»^\ q-snio «TeiUAnTawTc&oi «(3'i neimS nTju.e cTuj&.'se g^nnen- 
npod^HTHc enTik'yco'yainq efeoX •sea^qo-yciig^ njumAaw-y. 

P. ye.. HcsuLisjULiKb^T a^-yoj wa.ia.TO'y MHeTKna^TMocy edoK £^«jinca.T».n».c jiAnneq*xJs.iA«.u)K 
a.-yoi neqAAnT«.ce£iHc KCiu.ajuLdw;s.T eneipe nneTxte jumxok «juintgjs. ng^e«iu.&. nujoj(p. ^Yc)-ne 
wikk jv-yco neneioiT iuinneKnnes. dw-yu) neKin.ccte7v.oc junneKcyto^ THpo-y • RCM.»aAJs.Js.T a.'yco 
HSviivTo-y nnenTa-RnTO-y eg^pa.! g^nneg^ftH-ye M.n-i.iaiio'Xoc nee (read imng^e) eg^pa.1 g^nnno-yn 
aw-yto cKg^a^peg^ on epoo-y eTJAg^e eg^pa^i enigtoKg^ eTA*Juia>.'y "sea.RO-yis.ujo'y ng^o*yo -^e nere- 
utncyren T^ne eneg^ nneqg^^njviw'y ercg^oyopr ■see'ynjs.ujwne na^K A«JuiepiT ncynp. (End 
of homily.) 

The beginning of another homily refers to the crowds which had fled to the gate 
of the monastery on the occasion of a Nubian inroad ^ : — 

eio-yoig^ on ctoot -"^eoo-y (read e^^-) utn-soeic nno-yre a.'yto eujng^AAOT nTOOTq g^nneq- 
avca^eon THpo-y^'y nuumawH -^na^-sooc ■jseninoa' JuuuHHOje n^^a^eiHc enTav'y(5'oei'\e 
epon H ea.'yo'ytog^ slmjixxik junpo nnicyna.t'wcH a.'yco neyKWTe THpq jumne-yg^iojuie urnne-y- 
ujHpe g^iocTe eTpe-ypai.'xo'yoiT nujo npwjuie h g^oyo epooy epenecnH-y THpo'y tga.TnneTeAinig'ojui 
juuLioo-y •i.ia.Ronei na^-y nujojuiT ne.(stc expl.) 

68 [23]. — Parchment; 6 complete leaves; now 27^x21 cm. Pp. cne-co. 2 cols., 
25 lines. Script : cf. Ciasca iii, especially for r and g^. Initials enlarged and, on some 
pages, coloured red, as are the letters ^ and o; other pages have no colours. From 
same MS. as Zoega no. clxxxix. 

Shenoute, Homily by. Zoega's fragment shows that it is directed against an idolater, 
possibly the Sovf (v. p. ^), who was seducing the people. The following are examples :— 

P. c^. awTV-TV-a. nne^g^pnnpMJUia.0 npeq-sints-onc eTiutiAaw-y AinTO-yTv.a.a.'y ng^cofc e-xco epoi 
ncawTpe-ysooc -seeRKTO nng^HT nng^HRe e&oTV. iuumon eTjuiepR^ia. g^eKS-uiAs. g^eig^ojft niA» 
Te-yfTOA* a^-yio expe-y-xooc •sea.qei eg^o-yn enenni t^a^nepuin a.qqej nncTcno-ywigT na^-y e-yujme 
na^n •2£€iuineneuj(5'jL«.(5'oju. eK0i7v.*y juumoq, 

P. c|^. nee on eTAAneqo-yeiTe Atn^a^c nneT-xeio-ya. epoq Teno-y a^-yoi 
nneT-xoj a*aioc cseo-yno-yTe a.«ne noTncT enecHT a.7V.? cena^noTneT a^-yio ncencoo a^-yco 
ne-y'Xa.c na.nojg^s'e a^-yto nqeire AAircon eTepen-soeic ic na.Tcaiioo'y eneg^oo-y ene-yRcoionc. 

P. ^. neTpg^OTe g^HTq eno-ypwAte eigevqAio-y ev-yco eg^HTq eno-yujnpe npcoAie na.i 
euji^'yiijoo'ye nee no'yx°P'*"o<^ ne-yujofce j.n eg^enujHpe tgrui enawTcooyn euja.-yqojg-e a.-yw 
nceTppe g^uinTpe-yccjOTJUi eneg^pocy eng^en£ia>.u}oop h a.-ynai.'y epocy. 

' V. Leipoldt's Schenute 172 and in Aeg. Zeiischr. xl. 130, where this text is printed from Paris MSS. Cf. also Brit. Mus 



Mg^eXTV-Hu 'i.oXoAASw e-sooc g^ajinTpeqei eneiAta. -seiwipAAoig^e pw -xeKpoo-YT. 

P. c^c. cecg^o-yopT n&e\ neT-soj jumtoc ■xeneiga.'Yc^o'Y nno-yTc h •seyjekpeno'YTe juo^ 
cecg^o-YopT n&€.i neT-xco aluoc "seeuj-seo'YKO'YTene nno-yTe e^g^poq juneqeijuie '2senT»>n'2>.ia.- 
fioXoc €1 T(on nTaw-y-xenivi e^ioTv. •ses.'YctoTjji g^ueicofi nppo nno-YTC nnj>.nTU)Kpa.Tcop eq-sno-Y 
nn-^k-ftwiAioiu ^TiXAXiKy •senTa.Kei tuju AAno-YeiAte enno-Yc nneTo-YcwTAj. epoo-y cseg^j^n (r^aa? g^s^g^) 
Hcon j.nno-yTe uiiv-xe g^nnecpj^r^H. This is compared to Elisha's question to Gehazi 
(2 Kings V. 25), and similar lessons are then drawn from God's questions to Adam 
(Gen. iii. 9) and to Moses (Exod, iv. 2), Joseph's to his brethren (Gen. xlii. 7), Christ's 
concerning Lazarus (John xi. 34), God's to Abraham (Gen. xviii. 9), the angel's to the 
women (? John xx. 13), Christ's to Mary (iia^pig^aom, ib. 15), or on the road to Emmaus 
(Luke xxiv. 17), or to the disciples (John xxi. 5 and Mark vi. 38), or the woman (Luke 
viii. 45). Then p. co : g^ojuioicoc epuja.nTK*.Rid. jutneKeioiT nca^'i.&.nd^c ntog^ h necnws'e 
ng^HTK to ng^e^^Hn ncpg^o-yeui^g^K MJLt.nT».Tn&,g^Te -"^na^-xooc eig^oAio^ocei rnxxe -secY 
juLonon qcoo"Yn -seeic necnoq g^a^poc juumuTcnocyc npojuine ».W»i. qcoo-yn juluoc ■sinecnoHTc 


UTecjuuAivdw'Y'YRepaviue'yc pavTcoo-YK Ai.ncg^itJs.Js.'y nT2>.qT*>Ai.eiotj g^uneqcg'i'S g^jiineqwng^ 
ic WToq coo*Yn enenTJs.qn?V.».cc»i iixMXOoy gn©H neTcoo-yK '3:eneq(5/c expl.) 

69 [34, 28, 23 a, in this order]. — Parchment; 8 complete leaves; now from 28|x24| 
to 32 X 25 cm. Pp. 5Ie-f (the last of qu. S). 2 cols., about 30 lines. Script : c/. Ciasca 
xi, Hyvernat xi. 4. Its peculiarities are indicated in Brit. Mus. Catal. no. 202. From 
same MS. or by same scribe as Brit. Mus. no. 202, Paris Vol. 130^ 75-83, Vol. 130^ 62, 
Vol. 131*. Ill, Vol. 131^ 91, no. Vol. 1311 38, Vol. 129^*. 130, ZoEGA cxciv, cccviii (2), 
Leyden no. 80, Cairo no. 8006. It is clear from some of the pagination and incidental 
quire-marks that all these are from at least two distinct volumes ; e.g. our leaves have 
the same pages as some of Zoega cxciv, while the pages of another part of that fragment 
are the same as part of Brit. Mus. no. 202; again, Leyden 80, pp. c^, co with quire- 
mark iH, would scarcely be from the first volume of the MS. 

iShenoute, Homily or Epistle by ^ The text is partly identical with Zoega no. cci 
(p. n = Z., pp. n©, o, p. He col. 2 = Z., p. o*:, p. ^ col. 2 = Z., p. op). The author rebukes vice 
and exhorts to virtue, addressing himself to nuns as well as to monks. The following are 
examples of the text not given by Zoega : — 

P. «. n&.K&.©Js.pToc j>>.« juumAwTene o-yptojue eq«8kg^AA cYncap-s iuumoq efeo\ jmnpioAjie 
eTO'Y».J>ii cy-^e o-Yg^no ikh juuua>.Te eqn».pu}is.'Y *.« eek«>.q ne'Yci^. Atn-soeicire ner-jsevg^iu. 
e-Ynojp-s jujuoq eSioX jutneTTMH-Y uawTis. Ke«TO?V.H e^A-TV.*. nonHpon itiju. -sinng^i^n ers'ooM.e 
ujawg^p*.! ee-YnoKpHcic g^€«*.K«>.©ivpTonn€ ^.-yw nerna^'xtog^ epwo-y eTen».ine nqjs.^.'Y equj&.ttTAA- 
ca^g^wq eiio\ ajuuioo-y qnjvigwne nawKa^ea^pToc nns.g^piLinno'YTe nee eT€g^en»LK»>e».pcia.iie 
Mofie niAA ima.^pHKpjuinno'YTe n»ju.e T».iTe ee eTO-Y-sio juumoc eg^en-xma.cTHc nceccYTion 
d.11 •sea.Ka.eJvpToc cT&ene'Y^fiH'Ye n*.Kiwe*.pTon a.'Yto hctco-ytwu 'seKa.ea^poc cTfiene'Yg^'Ye 
n'^iKdkioK i\yi>i n.e.'Y^.^n juujlc. 

' Leipoldt, Schmute i6o, holds the authorship doubtful. 



P. nc. MTjy.iTa.'Yena.i *.« (p. n^) woe ng^<Y neng^fcH-Ye t^^^P KeTTpeitei^».o£€ -^g^a^n 
epon a.-yoi Ma.MO'YC cf^ a.p«. TniiJv«jieTi.«oei «.p*. Trm».g^(o cpon encwo-yg^ M^n eg^o-Y" 
no'Yopt'H g^fjineg^oo-Y itTopi^H Attms'to^n e&o\ Atn^a^n «**€ junno'VTe cuj'setteinortHpon 
«Tei(5'oT ujoon eic o-yno-Yon epoq^ AineTOja.'xe •seq-scu juneTenqujoon »>n eig-xeceigoon 
•^e aw'yto cepg^o-yo cie cepnofie na\ M€T(3'«&.piKe cncTUj^w-xe. 

70 [24 a] — Parchment ; 8 complete leaves ; now 32-3 x 24-3 cm. Pp. c\o-c?i^. 2 cols., 

32 lines. Script : v. Mingarelli, Aeg. Codd. Reliq., p. 30, no. iv. Initials moderately 

-enlarged, without ornaments or colours. By same scribe as Zoega ccxiii, cclxxvii(i), 

Brit. Mus. Catal. no. 204, Paris Vol. 78. 41, Vol. 131=. 54, 67, Vol. i3i«. 32 ^ and Mingarelli 

no. iv. 

Homily, probably by Shenoute, on God's (or Christ's) creation of the universe, His 
favour and protection to Israel; on Christ's humble birth, human life, sufferings and 
passion (with very many quotations from or references to the Gospels); on the punish- 
ment of the wicked and the blessedness of true believers. P. "S shows the end of the 
homily. The following are examples: — 

P. cA.e. nenTi>.qnj!kTawCce ttniitof?" nppo e«>.qi«.o'YO'yT ng^eitppioo'y (p. cSi) cyTA.'xpH'y 
ea>.qqtOT€ efeo^ Mg^ewg^eeitoc enA.igaiO'y «».i eTepeTop<?H g^i-snne'yKeujoj'sn nenTJs.qTpen(5'epto& 
•jumai-YCHc KToq c-yg^oq TTa.A.iM o« ea^qKToq e-yarepoife A.qujirtne g^nTcqs'i's itee exeneqc 


P. CAiii. R&.I t^«>,p a^qigine g^waiq eT^ieg^eng^fiH'ye nee «o*yp(o*jie nawTcocyn nee nxa^q- 
"xneneitoT iUTiu}Hpeiyfui nTA.qo'yuJuj eTAkXa'oq -seeic s^o-yHp no'yoeiu} "sinTawneki TJs.g^oq g^coc 
euj-xenqcoo-yit Js,n itee on nTJs.qujine eT&e^A.'^A.poc •senTiwTeTnKa.».q Toin. 

P. cH^. •'^g^THK enecjiioT iLinpcoM.e nTJvg^a^g^ ng^wfe t»lKo «TooTq h neqeine "seeqc 
nawig Ajuume A.'yu) Hnd^eijuie -seneine nTa^qujione g^junTpeqpnofie jumncs^nciouj 
nTa>.qigoiine ujuon a.n'soeic ujtone ng^HTq eTfiHHTn g^jiinTpeq ppuijuie ujiwnTqjuinptOM.€ 
CTeqa^p^H h TeqjLinTawTnofie AAnTiunTc&,eie nTev^-y^H najopn g^jven ju.n».Tcujcone 

Tto eTU) T€no*y nneriuie Ain'soeic ic ncena.'y epoq a^n nee eTcHg^ .... Tto eToj nnexp- 
jmoeig^e Teno-y e-snneqts'oiu iunneqg^fiH'ye THpo-y e-ycooT**. epoo'y g^n(p. cHe) ne'yAta.&.-xe 
M.nnenTaw'ynjs.'y enAia^ein «.nnT».?V.(5'o THpo-y HTSkqjva.'y jutne-yAATO eiio\ h onTe'yAJtHTe 
aw-ypa^TnA-g^Te o-yHp nT-ynoc unonnpon ea.'ysoKO'y efeo\ gAAnjjiaw AineKpa^nion ojuinTpe-y- 
ujujne noyju.o'yser ncycoT g^nTKA.KiSk g^iTHTecino nneTg^i'scooy. 

' The use of OYon with o-^n. is sometimes remarkable. 
It means either (i) 'There is (are) who . . .'e.g. Zoega 
352 OYHOTOit A1114.Y Tenoy, 355 OYnoYon eqeipc, 
437 tieTeoYnoTT'"^ nTooToy, Rossi II, i. 74 oyito-yost 
ejwqposoYWTe, Stern § 265 oY«ofoii eqo nc\«.x*'^f<"^ 
and Boh., Mus. Guim. xxv. 8 0^110^011 oypo e-xitniK&gi, 
Luke xxiv. 39 oykoyok juuu.01 i^\ (.yovra. (Boh. eoyore); 
or (2) ' There is a debt, responsibility, with him towards . . . ,' 
e.g. in the present text, and in no. 68, C5, nn&£pnp(DAi.e 

uft.p niAi eTgeXnic {sic) eic OTfoyo {sic) noyon epoi 
ntooTOY a.TfW OYenTa>Y cpoi AJUu.«.Te, ih. c^*., cpu{«>.n- 
nqcfiOYi . . . cgo^ep genpwAie . . . ofenoyoit epooT, 
Brit. Mus. Catal. p. 163 neTeoyno-yon epoi ngHTq, 
Zoega 480 CTpenereoTnoTfon cpoq kw eAo\. Obscure 
is here no. 70 CAi.e=Mark xiv. 63 nepxpuws'e xertOY 
AiAiitTpe epoy noyoit (Woide, Balestri epo^ •smTeito-y, 
cf. Boh.) 

' Correct reference thus to Paris MSS. in Brit. Mus. Catal. 


P. cue. es.'Ye^Tnc'Yppo -xe g^tocoq dw-yto nno-yTC iicawp^ max enige Jk-YO-ywiu epenecwoq 
g^pjKi g^i-xiiTcoo-yg^e u-scoo-y AiMne-YRcigHpe niKtiK ts'ot juma^aoAO'YX iuumd^Te e^M exg^opig 
eg^pa.1 e-xojo'Y UTa.'YOAAKq a^XTVa. Hn.TiK nuji MTopc^H THpc UTawCO-Yio ecei €g^p».i e-xwo-y *.'yw 
on ecn^s.eI. 

CYnoAiTe-Ye g^iio-YAie g^oeiiie eyiKC\ie.i g^no-YAinTna.peenoc g^etiRoo'Ye e-yg^a^peg^ ene-Y'^aojioc 
g^oiue e^-yqi Aine-yc-'foc jv-Yo-Yawg^o-Y iicojq g^enKOOfe efca^awMiy nng^HKC g^micTUjon na.'y 
g^oitte CYiHAAUje g^Mg^enigTV-TV. iuing^ennHcTiaw'. 

71 [30]. — Parchment; 2 complete leaves; now 31x24cm. Pp. [qa., q&]; qc, q-a.. 
2 cols., 27 or 28 lines. Script : c/. Hyvernat xi. 3, though there the character is smaller. 
From same MS. as Brit. Mus. no. 213, Leyden no. 68 and Cairo no. 8009 ^ 

From a Homily or Epistle by a successor or disciple of Shenoute. On the blessings 
of Christ for the righteous and on the punishment of the wicked. Quotations : i Cor. vi. 9 
and V. 11; also the following from 'our holy father 3, which he said and wrote as a testi- 
mony to all generations unto the world's end,' (p. qfc) ■xeo'yoi wm •sea.'yfj'onT nee no-ypeq- 
•sicye a^'Yco a^'ycoug^T nee KCYpeqgtOTfe hs^wr g^iTno'Y^^C'ceXoc na^Tna^ eg^pa^i enTonoc e.^ 
«g_HTq -seKawc €TeTuna>.eijuie -sejutneii'xeXawaw'Y nuja^-se equjofie enawttecipa^c^H ; and again, a^-YW 
qpiui«Tpe OK nuumawK wcS\ nexai^io'^iKisSi tieitOT g^niienTakn'soo'Y "sinnujopn 's.evis.Wf. ee 
eTiiawujwne Kitpeqpuofie THpo-y. The first of these (to ng^HTq) recurs in Brit. Mus. no. 214 
and Lemm {Kl. Kopt. Stud. no. xlv. 0194) has shown that the words are Shenoute's. 
Those immediately following (-seHa.c), on the other hand, occur in MS. Curzon no, cf 
(on which v. no. 65), and, together with the writer's style, suggest that this fragment is 
likewise by the ' John ' to whom the other is ascribed. 

Further examples of the text : — 

co'YitneTn^me aw^YW TeTiiuiH jmncTng^tofi (o ncTpoKg^ nca. iteifeoTe a^-YW eTpg^o-YcswH 
uAioof eiioK g^nwTonoc june^^ itce-siTH-YTti g^ioo-Y eg^o-Yn £Miuin'YXH enTa.'YO'YWM aiaioo-y 
MHTit epa.TO'Y Kwa.cce?V.oc enTa.'YRto ncwo-Y WTe-Y^^pX" '^T^* eg^pa.1 a.-ynopne'Ye Ainttigeepe 
itnpujjuie a.'YW epa.TO'Y nncH^awC wa.px^'JOC «Ta.<YUjTopTpnRa.g^ g^Aine-Yioitg^ a^-YW epa^TO-Y 
HnpAico-i-Oiuia. jui«t<OAAoppa. ita^i WTawO-YRWg^T g^too-y ^oK g^n-me AAno'yeHn a^qpoKg^o-y 
€Tfe€TiuinTpeqnKOTK M.img^oo'yT neTwujfeeepe ca^pne Taw-yco niteTticnH'y a^nite epawTO-y nwg^eX- 
^H itpequjJXUjeei'i.ajXoK epa.TO-y KKg^a^iperiKoc jumo-yon «iai CTnop-s €feo\ nTKa^eoAiim 
eKK^Hcia. epa.TO'Y nwio-yxa.! itTa^-yc^o-y »xne^ jiino'yon m%x UTa.'ysiujo'SMe eg^o-yn epoq 

ena.1 neTniiaw-sooq g^iio-yciige g^MTfea^cawMoc jmnKWg^r litmqnT eTpwRg^ AineTncioua. 
AtitTeTeTitvy-YXH JUuiAJ^^a^^ot aw-yto eT-siK^a. nTeTnvJr-yxH Ai«n€Tiica>A»2. euneTeTifsi c&o\ 
^juineqcMoq nex^ Ti (o npeqnROTH iumMeoo-yT j^TeTnpo-yN no-ywT Aiun-xiJ^oXoc g^it^en-sHp 
c'YTOouie epwTit a.n a.-yio £ng^encna.Ta.:\a. nno-yTii ^nne ejvqAie£TteTng^HT j^qnooueq j.-yio 

1 This passage has a marked resemblance to that from Mus. 213 ^ t ^ c^ . 

SHmovTE^,Copi.Osiraca,m.i3. . "^V ^dy father' also m the Leyden fragment 

== On the title occurring in the Cairo fragment, v. Bnt. (p. 333)- 

F 2 


72 [36].— Parchment ; 6 complete leaves ; now 32I x 24! cm. Pp. THe-rf . 2 cols., 
36 lines, pricked down middle of leaf. Script : cf. Ciasca xxv, though there the letters 
are heavier and closer. Initials moderately enlarged, accompanied by small floral scrolls 
in red and green. By the scribe of Brit. Mus. Catal. no. 257 and a number of leaves in 
Paris {v. op. cit.), of which 1321. 56 at least seems related in contents to ours. V. also 
Forbes Robinson, Copt. Apocr. Gasp., xxii. 

From a Homily, apparently upon the Virgin or the Birth of Christ. Mary is likened 
to Gideon's fleece, to a well-watered land whence the rod of Jesse springs. Joseph 
renounced all worldly possessions to obtain Mary \ She is a pearl in the midst of other 
jewels, in a meadow girt about by the sea, the fish in which live all at peace. When 
the pearl's time is fulfilled, it joins that other pearl which lies below the water in its 
shell -seK, and together they mount up and illuminate the field and trees. The pearl in 
the meadow is now named *w;)(^«wthc, according to the reckoning nwcon of its time, which 
is mo, that is, 1000 and iqo and 10. Now 100 is 10 times 10 aiht amjiht, and this is 
Jesus ; for He is a»ht (truth) ^- On the road to Jerusalem, Mary brings forth her child 
in a wayside tomb and lays him in a manger. Joseph calls in Salome, the midwife, 
who forthwith proclaims the virgin-birth. The very flesh which Jesus had from Mary 
shall sit on the Father's right. For Him who bade the earth be the ix-i^rpa of all men 
did the Virgin suffer in childbirth. The magi forsake their magic and bring gifts. Herod 
thinks they come to seek John the Baptist; whom, being unable to find, he slays 
Zacharias. The latter is secretly buried; none see his blood. The weeping of Rachel 
(Matt. ii. 18) is explained by the story of an Israelite mother's bereavement in Egypt, 
There was joy in all the world at Christ's birth ; he reopened to men the gates of Paradise 
and took in the soul of Abel, so that his blood, which still cried out, might be silenced. 
The phoenix, burnt upon the altar, rises on the third day as a worm from the ashes, grows, 
again puts forth wings and every 500 years returns to the temple and altar {sic expl.) 

Forbes Robinson, /. c, xxiii. 196, 235, has translated considerable passages of the 
text and noticed its relations to the Protevangelium &c. 

73 — Parchment; a fragment; 191x25cm. 2 cols. Script: cf. Hyvernat xii. 2. 
Initials &c. red. 

Homily (?) relating here to the Virgin's conception (Luke i. 39 ff.) The following 
occur : — 

g^w '^njvtow ^uipic cyno-ycid. ^^^^<3'oul(3'A^ g^Mtta.s'i'x €TR«.\».g^H KT&.(5^pHn Ta.njk'Y ^[ea. .]c<itoc s 
Hg^H[Tc &](dpe efioTv. [t&.Jha.'y eiicKi^e nTJ^-YtocR na^TTciiRO Ainnci.nei;x^ponoc cawVAio'vp «eptoTe 
n'^n«>.Ka>.TOOT e[fco\ 

«Tep€iu)g^».nnHc na^-y [eJTjAS.a.'y «neq['xo]eic jvcei €p«wT[c itJTeqAjusa.-y a.q[ujTop]Tp eTCi 
eq2^[MOH] &.qcKipT[ak. 

■ Of. Matt. xiii. 45- upon the word here should show that the writer was an 

' For this obsolete word cf. Erman, Aeg. Zeitschr., Egyptian. 

1883, 96, 1895, 49; also.Leyden Catal. 459. The play 3 nXor«oc seems unsuitable. 


TCA.p^ Ain7V.ot«oc T».i CTO no-YJv ncvyiOT jmnTAinTiio'yTe nneg^ UTa.'YCOTqq epocTe t&oxx 

74.— Papyrus; a fragment; 11 x 15I cm. Script : cf. Brit. Mus. Catal, Pll. 9, no. 279, 
and 10, no. 967. 2 cols. 

Homily (?), relating here to Christ's conception and birth, on the 27th of Epiphi. 
The following phrases can be read : ]pn eqp«.iye a.'yco eqpocYT ne-se^q na^c 'S6'x;^».ipe 
TenTekC(3'«2^juoT n-soeic KtJtu.e ^a^ipe Tppoi ew-yw'y [. . .] nppo[ 

75 — Parchment; a complete leaf; 13 x 14 cm. Script : c/. Hyvernat x. i col. 
Homily (?), relating here to Christ's birth and baptism and to our redemption thereby. 
The baptism by John is narrated, with incidents of attendant angels and of waters in 
awe receding. The heavenly voice says : ' This is my beloved son, in whom my will 
hath been fulfilled. Obey ye him.' 

Begins ]na^p eTO'Y«>^J>«i» iLii^.pi8>. ^.c-snoq maji eg^pa.1 e'SJU.nKs.o . Ends ju.j>.penqi e.ho\ ^jui[ 

76.— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 9I x 13 cm. Script : c/. Ciasca vii for certain features. 
Homily (?)', commenting on the narrative of Christ's Passion. 
]cMoq TJvi cynTe Te-'^ia. KTiwne^^ -sooc ■se-'^ofce eT^HHTc g^iinec^oc • MTcpenio'Y'^k.M 

Mg^oo-y awiTaomocY v's^.y Ainjs.TO'YTekTV.oi enc-<|oc •se'^[ 

] blood. This then is the reason (airta) why Christ said, ' I thirst,' upon the cross. 
When the Jews that were around the cross heard (the words) ' I thirst,' and had beheld 

the soldiers [ 

] vinegar into my mouth, that I may (?) find cause (dTroXoyta) to give, on that day, 
in the time when I come in the last day. For I told them, ere I was raised upon the cross, 
that I [ 

77.— Parchment ; a fragment; 23x22 cm. Pp. ^, ^. 2 cols. Script: hand of Brit. 

Mus. Catal. no. 230^. 

Homily, here quoting the Beatitudes (Matt. v. 4 ff) and admonishing to piety, charity 

and other virtues. 

» The ist pers. sing, in the second passage suggests a text like that in Revillout's Apocr. Copies, Patr. Or. II. 163. 
» ^/.J., p. 519. 


78.— Papyrus; a fragment; i4|xiicm. Script: recto, rounded, upright uncials; 
verso, sloping, ligatureless. Fibres on recto ->. 

Recto : Greek text, treating of doctrinal (Christological) questions. 

Tito npi €m».i I ] a.'YTO'Y toic rti | ] ^ eit to> npl | jf eeoTHc e-a-H | ] k*.i A^-yToc 
T . . I ]MmTe[ 

Ferso : Coptic text, on similar subjects. 

] eneg^o-YO aa[ | kcjuiot nncT-si eg^cyK e.^ \ g^ito-YJUte nenTaw'Y'snoq[ | epen^i nHuj ».n itce«[ | 
IKS'! Tts^in-sooc RbJviK [T]t^(iinH [ I n-soejic g^junTpqujujne «c».p^[ | ]^q &.non neTAAHp »>'Yw[ | ]k- 
nH-ye (TO-YTccTin erased) g^iT[ | JcTpneTo-YH-Y e6o\ e[ | JaLTAiitTo-y*. neTO'Yeetop[ei AiAAoq 

79.— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 4I x i8| cm. Script : sloping uncials, cf. Hyvernat x. 

Homily (?), here relating to Susanna and the elders. 

Fibres -^. ]'so'YTJvqTe n... «p(p jui^pitMa.'y on | -seo-y neMTa^qujcone imenpecfi-YTepoc 

CMiKy I cTg^nT&a^'Y'X.toii g^ajinTpe'yenie'yiAi eco'YCJ)wit[M«>.] | fc«w ...[... . m]kotk «eM.».c awnncyTC | 

Fibres f . k]tok •a.e g^tocoK ceAjto-YKg^ hjuok dL-yto ^wpic naw . . . | o-yn o-ynois' k-sswC** ».ig 

. . . nT».naAH . « . cjuihtm | 'senjvd.c eq . . Ho-y uja^mg^Awg | n nt\TeAX<fMX&o»x . . . . [ | 

. .]'s«TiTp«.ni'^a>, €t[ 

80.— Papyrus; a fragment; iilxiicm. Script: small, few ligatures. Fibres on 
recto (?) |. 

A collection of Aphorisms, mostly from Solomon or Sirach, but with extra-biblical 
additions. One quotes 'a philosopher.' 

+ eio einaw'Y^ ene^cefeHc eq'sic[e iuioq | itoe itnueTpoc €n\ifca>.«oc js.i[c8kTq | a^to-seit 
imcK^TtTq a^iigiHe [. . . . | vi\[. . . . | + jvysino-y cyt^'yTv.oco'q^oc "seo-yne n | T^g^o 

epa>.Tq eno-yno^ic ne-sa^q "se | goTa>.n Te epgj2>w«neRO'Yi cujta* | eca^nnoa' ».y(o nTnnos" 
ga^peg eTg^oT[e] | nn-xoeic nawJi'i.toc cna^iguine ecTaw-xpH-Y | + co?V.OAx.o>tf a^qRuiT eitcifHi a^^TVak. 
jmepen | eT-soce ofoig g^«Tajuiiio Wfj'i'x ua^Ta^ T|ge eTCHg^ -seTncTe n».eponoc aw'yw nK».gne | 
ne ng-ynonoTion ena.'Yep[HT]e + 

Ferso (other direction) : + na^tgnpe ctoTju eca.Ta.cfcto «nepTa.n | g^oTK ^ AAHcawpe^ msut 
e-soi KneKJUiHCTHp[i] | on epoq | + eaa^peneTTi * geno-Ygton kto efcoX | eg^entopRH u} 

^enokCopoK 5 jgajfe | nefia.TV. cneptoo-y | + nnepepajfenp enTige 'xttn€TeT[. . . ] | «co*y- 

cwfee nc(>j[R] I -fcygHRe" n-sawCigHT AJino'ypejuuji[awo] | «peq«in(3'0Mc n-soeic aaoctc wjui[oo'y] I 

81. — Papyrus; a fragment; 4IX9I cm. Script: sloping semi-uncials. Fibres on 
recto \. 

Festal Epistle (?). This is made likely by the phrase ' as the time (we ?) 

' Ps. xxxvi. 35. ' Isa. Ixvi. r. " Prov. xxi. 14. ^ C/.i Eccli. viii. 2. 

' Eccli. xxxiii. 21 (xxx. 29). This, with the same addi- ' Cf. Eccli. xxv. 2. 

tion, in Berlin Aeg. Urk., Kopt. no. 32, § 50. 


approach the Feast of the Resurrection/ by the Hteraiy script and by the text being 
confined to one side of the leaf^. 

JpnAiee-ye imeooo'Y "**[ 

Ferso blank. 

82— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 8 x 15 cm. Script : c/. Zoega's 9th class for some features. 
I col. 

Festal Epistle (?, cf. no. 81) with a quotation from the 2nd \6yos of 'Gregory, the 
most saintly bishop ^' 

j-yeniiX^eipi p«.p eqi AiAid.-y n[, juneeoo-y g^iTKReneeoo'Y[, ]po<^ niteg^ioo-ye 

eTco'YTU>[«, ]ppHcopioc ng^a.dtoTa.Toc tte[nicKonoc, ]£AAnjui€g^cHa."Y n\ococ HTi5.[, 

]Md.K ««eTepen\ococ cgng^jce «g^H[TO'Y 

Ferso blank. 

83 — Papyrus; a fragment; 11x40cm. Script: slightly sloping uncials; cf. Hyver- 
NAT X. Fibres on redo |. 

Festal Epistle (?, c/. no. 81), treating here of doctrinal questions (the character and 
relations of the persons of the Trinity). 

Is. €£^o['Yii I ] na-T-snoq [ | ] jik-su^x^poitoc j^ycd 2.^en[ | ejioiT ew-sn^ponoc a.-yco £^*weH 

fe g^no-yg^e KJvTT«>.'yoc juepeneiioT pjs.p no>u>ne €.n[ | Jpujnpe h lAmTaT e[To]'yd.«w[6 

n[ig]Hpe ueqncooine €T(3^mpeiujT h junndw €qo'ya.Nj& [ | ] nennal eqcyjve^ A*eq[n]u)Ci)it[e .... 
&.[TAt.]KTg^i'xiOTHc jLineiuiT H itujHpe A^qujoon ca^p MakT[ | noijcone n&\ itg^s-^ioTHc •X^'P' • • • 

HTO'yei Tcyei nttg^'ynocTdkCic dw'yu) e-ynop-s e^n eTiuin[T | ](5' ttTcyci**. TeTpi&.[«: ^^]a^p 

eT[about 16 let.] ttJs.Tco«Tc lu&.'ysiHne . . t .itxtoc 2^««[ 

Ferso blank. 

' The only Festal Letter extant in the original, Grenfell- ^ I have not found the words here visible in the and 

Hunt, Gk.Pap. II. 163 = New Palaeogr. Soc, Ft. 3, pi. 48, Oration of Gregory Nazianzene. 

is written thus. 


84.-Parchment; a fragment; 5x13! cm. 2 cols. Script: small, square uncials, 
»., Ai, "Y each in a single stroke as in Brit. Mus. Catal., PI. 8, no. 171. 

Adam and Eve. From the apociyphon ed. Tischendorf, Apocal. ApocK, 1866, 
'Apocr. Mosis,' f^ 31, 32 (beg. ^ woa-ov xpo^°^)> but with considerable differences^ 

Redo : 

[. . .]€ "-^Hi^pRe 

[oj-ynp npojuine 
[e]iong^ • juinpg^en 
[n]g^o)fe €poi n&. 
[cs]oeic &.-^d.«jL 
[n]c(jaTn me. 
[njnoyTe ' to 
[Te awj-^a^Ai ne 

Verso : ] ? ? 
T20L10- epoi -seit 

TJk uumoc en-xec 


pq •seeneqneik 
ikni'Xi «&.! itis'i 
nnoyTe -sen 
neqitiktift. g^js^poi • 
TOTe »>.cTUioyn 

ne-sa^q •seeiujS 
Aioy A«.np['s]cog^ 


n-xoeic T«no 
oy nquja^-xe was. 

AAHTK €t6h 

HT • nqn».o6ujq 
KT&.p e^n epoi * «^'\ 
"Xsw qnswtgine n 

p. .«.[ 
«&. ui«tai.h[t] 
noes' ^ iueT[aw] 
itoiaL njwi '2£e^>w[I] 
na..p&,6&. A*.n[eR] 
juiTO efeoX • ■^[tio] 
feg^ ULULOK nei[oiiT] 
Mpeq«i[sw«g^THq ■<^] 

JUieTJ>.lt0[l&. ltA.l] 

] how many more years I have to live. Hide not the thing from me, my lord Adam, 
elect of God.' Then Adam said unto Eve [ 

] Adam. He said, ' When I die, touch me not in my place, until the Lord send and 
speak with you {pi.) concerning me. For He will not forget me, but will seek [ 

] gave it (?) me. For I know not the manner of my meeting with the ruler (Seo-TroxTjs) 
of all, whether God will threaten (dTreXelv) me or whether He will have mercy on me.' 
Then [Eve] arose [ 

] mercy (?) and greatness. Give me repentance (/ieravoia), for I have transgressed 
{vapaPaCveLv) before Thee. I beseech Thee, merciful father (?), give me repentance [ 

' The fragment Berlin Kopi. Urk., no. i8i, is also from an Adam apocalypse. ^ Perhaps Ta>e.c ? 



85 [25].— From the earlier texts of the palimpsest no. 62, which see. 

Fol. 5. From the same MS. as foil. 1-3. Pp. [kS:], IS. Of fol. a much is illegible 
or uncertain, while the beginnings or ends of many lines are hidden by the present 
binding. The text relates a legend of the building of Solomon's temple. ThabOr, 
king of the gentiles {^dvo-i), appears to meditate war with him; but hearing at night 
the noise of the spirits (Sat/AoVtoi/) whom Solomon was forcing to build for him, he 
is terrified and realizes that for such an adversary he is no match ; he would be 
trampled down like the potter's clay. At the end of the fragment is a reference to 
the SeKavot, 

I have failed to find any trace of such a story. The name Thabor might suggest 
the well-known Thamur-Shamir-Sachr ^ ; but the legends have apparently no common 
element except the temple building. 

P. [h5I] ] . • • coXo 

[juiio]h nppo &HK 

]n encTKOi 

]h • nppo 
[ej&iiojp £cocoq 

]»LToq g^noy 


[n]£io\ a>.-c(o 
[a>.q]ijiOKJU.eK xi 

[juoq] n^i e&.£itop 
[npp]o fseM(3'i 

p]no?V.ejJioc juin 
[co?V.o]iJiu)n nppo 

[AJinJHi Ain-soeic 

]c -^e ■^KA.pno 
[■Xeiajoc «jujui&.q 


]it 'seeq'sopjLt g^n 

]t rseqneikp 
_[no]?V.eAAOc junco 
[?V.o]a*.ojm • €IC 

[n-^jiklAAOniOK TH 

[poy] • a^yei ey . Tn 


fiioK g^awg^TAJin . . . 
juinepne • dwYW 
g^ennois' Mg^fcHo-ye 
nswajwoy jv-y 
ujoane g^iT«T&. 
ujH KMtone «T&.y 
no-soY e^oK g^ojc 
«^e CTpenKdig^ kia* 

€JLl&.Te • tlTC 

peqcwTAA epooy n 
&\ e&.£i(ji)p nppo 
jvqujTopTp eiAd. 
TC dL-yto &.qneg^ce 


ne-sswq nawq «£ 


cyne neig^pooy jum 
«ei(3'[ojii.] nTdw-yojui 
ne • dwpny epe 
nKJs.2^ iutn . . . 
ctofie jLinecrt^Y 
&.nppo co?V.OAi(on 
cw&e ncsevq -se 
Auuon n«.co« xx 

{sic) n&.K 

' V. M. GrOnbaum, iV^Kif Beilrage 288 and in ZDMG. xxxi. 204; also Singer in Z./ur deutsches Allerlum xxxv. 183. 




Aionion «e«TJv'y 
ei eyoiT ncone 

T««*SOI xinHi 

Atn^oeic eToy 
KiOT Ajumoq • 
KTepeqctOTAA eM*.i 
KfJi e2s.feiop nppo 

ujTopTp e.ixbjre eq 
■SU) AlilAOC g^AAneqg^HT 
■^s^iiULonion epp 

ne enKWT iunHi 
AAn-xoeic eie &.hk 
«!**. jvHOK -seeiep 
no?V.eii.oc «A)ULi».q 
qn^wKeTVeye ncepi 
KC e6o\ e<s{Oi aim 
RAtHHttje nee 

«©e ju.noA«.e juLnne 
pajmeyc nxe 
peqTtooyn -^.e eg^TO 

oye itis'i ©»ii[(jop] 
nppo n«g^e[©noc] 
j>.q6oiJK eg^p»>.[J en] 
HI akYco[ 

oytog. eToo[Tq e] 
igiite H eg_o[Tg^eT] 
H ejijo'sne e[q'sa> ai] 
Mxoc juiKnp[po co] 
Xcjuion • [ 
©OTe wnen[ 
g^YnoT&.cc[e na^q] 
iwcigojne ■^[e mtc] 
pcnppo co\[ouico«] 
ei eg^pski eTjLt[€g^] 
TH 1 «poju.n[e 
KCOT enH[i jui] 
n-xoeic &.[yawp] 
^ei «<5'i «*^awi[juioHi] 
on e.'T^ey\[o eyp] 
g^iofe enHi [uinnoy] 

TC • «wg^OIM[e 

nu)T nTOOT[ 

«it'xeKa>.Mo[c nM&.g^] 
pAinppo co['\.o] 
Aicon &.'Y*[ 
€TepK«jioc [a^-Y] 
cgcone a*ju.[&.y] 

86. — Papyrus ; a complete leaf; 28| x lyf cm. Script : cf. Brit. Mus. Catal., PI. 8, 171, 
PI. 10, 967, Rossi, / Papiri II. iv, Tav. II. 2 cols., ca. 22 lines. Initials not enlarged. 
Ink brown. Fibres on recto \. 

An apocryphal narrative, probably prefatory to an apocalypse ^ Whether the twelve 
apostles are addressed by Christ, or the seventy-two disciples, is doubtful. 

awnoajToTV-OC -xmneg^ooy «TawqcoTnoy «a..q jiijuia>.©HTHc eq-soj auuloc "seejc g^HHTC a^iccTn- 
TH^Tn na^i juumaLeHTHc e£io?V. g^iiTeujqecnooyc n^cupaw awULicyTe epaiTK •senakCMH'v awyai 
na>.K^HpottOJAoc eTTawiHy TenoY -xe £u>fe itiju. eTeT«awcgme ixccoq efeoX g^iTOOT CTfeenoYtouj 
vma.iio« THpoy iui«nTa>,g^o epa^a^Tq KiteKKTVjtcia. THpoy juiKnTa.ajeoeiig WTawnawCTa^cic eTO-yawa^fc 
A*.«nTai.gio epa^awTq itTOiKOYxienH THpc AAnnTtoig juin6awnTi[c]Ata^ juitmn.T's . . . .'s. CTfeen- 
g^e©«[oc] THpoy e£!o[\] '2£eoY«OYA«.[H]Httie ujA».uj[e] MHes'^co?V.[o«] Atneoyoeiig eTAAuia^y • Tenoy 
^e gine Kca.g^oi& niiui • awyui (verso) ■^nawoyong^oy epcoTK g^K[o]ypa.uje efioTV. «e«TOJTHite 

' Perhaps =-\e {c/. i Kings vi. 38). 

Cf. phrases e.g. in M/m. de r Inst, f rang, au Caire ix. 100 (Lacau). 


iteniTponoc itTGUiqecnooYc wx^P*^'ya. [g^e] efeo\ g^nnd^ecooy n\\ 2.«ok «t«.i^ 
**n&.citoq g^jvpooy ^«*.ujme nco>q efeoX g^iTOOTTH-yxn ujiite g^AtneTng^HT THpq b.yiii -^ms.oy- 
ong^oy epcoTW THpoy • Ta^niee juncTng^HT e-yg^ny AAnKOCAtoc THptj eiioK -seuTtoTn jnu- 
aii;X^*.h\ jAJHTiiipiHTV. • M».ccoTn nevp^js-cc-e^oc nTOiTMite nq&.iujine 110^0" ki** itTSw-y- 
niCTC-ye epoi iLllm^).JUlOY ju.nTik.&.n&.CT«>.cic e.Toy!s.»Ji • M».nocTO?V.oc i^e. nTepoycojTim e«js,i 
g^nptoq jmnujHpe jmnno-yTe jv*Ype>.uje eji«.&.Te ew-yo) ivypignHpe 'se[ 

] apostles, from the day when He chose them for Himself as disciples (/la^TjTTjs), 
saying, ' Lo, I have chosen you for myself as disciples from the 72 regions (x«^/3a) and 
I have called you my brethren and my honoured heirs {kXtjpovoixos). So now everything 
that ye shall ask of me, regarding the desire of all the ages {almv) and the establishment 
of all the churches (e/c/cXTjo-ia) and the preaching of the holy resurrection (dmo-Tao-ts) and 

the establishment of all the world (oi/cov/ieVr;) and the ordinance of baptism and the 

on behalf of all the gentiles (cOvoi) — for there was a multitude of idolaters at that time — 
so now enquire concerning all things and {verso) I will reveal them unto you gladly; 
for ye are entrusted with {iirlTpoTros) the 72 regions ix^pa). If one fall from among my 
sheep, those for whom I gave my blood, I will seek him at your hands. Enquire with 
all your heart and I will reveal them all unto you and will incline {irdOeiv) your heart 
toward the benefit of the whole world (koV/xos). For ye, with Michael and Gabriel, my 
chosen archangels, ye are the messengers to every one that hath believed (Trio-Teuew') on 
me and my death and my holy resurrection (dj/ao-rao-ts).' 

But (Se) the apostles, when they had heard these (words) at the mouth of the Son of 
God, rejoiced greatly and marvelled that [ 

87 [29].— Parchment ; 4 complete leaves ; now 32 x 23 cm. 2 cols., 32 or 33 lines. 
Pp. ^v^-% Script : cf. Ciasca v, though there the letters are smaller and more regular. 
Initials enlarged and, with the letter ^, coloured red. From same MS. as Zoega 
no. cxxxii, Brit. Mus. no. 287, Leyden no. 51, Berlin, Kgl. BibHothek, Or. 1607, ff. i, 2 
(juie, « ; po, pi), Paris 129". 85-87 (pHe-pM^ ; — , — ). 

Andrew the Apostle, Acts of\ Published by Guidi, Ace. dei Line, Rendic. Ill, 
20 sem., 368, and translated by him, Soc. Astat. Ital., Giorn. II. 22. The corresponding 
Arabic text is in A. S. Lewis, Hor. Semit. III. 3, IV. 2, the Ethiopic in Budge, The 
Contendings &€., I. 141, II. 164. 

88.— Parchment ; a fragment ; 5 x 3i cm. Palimpsest, from the upper part of a double 
fol. : (I) 2 cols. Script : cf. Ciasca xvi ; (II) at right-angles to preceding. Script of 
Zoega's 9th class. 

' On the localities of Andrew's preaching, v. Brit. Mus. ce>RKoc, those wicked cities . . . ,' with which cf. Budge, 

Catal. no. 297 and Paris Vol. 129^^ 88, where the text of /. c, I. 184, Lewis, I.e., p. 26, and Lipsius, Apokr. Aposl. I. 
his martyrdom begins: 'After A. had gone to preach 621 &c. 

among the Scythians necKHenc and to oppiMioc and 

G 2 



(I). Acts, wherein Jesus and John (the apostle?) play a part. The sequence of 

rectos and versos is uncertain. There are probably some 25 lines missing from each 

Fol. a. Recto. Verso. 

g^ooy eT[AAAi.&.Y] nn]a>. CToy 

&.*y(o nTe[pei(jij] [jka^fe jvqeioijpA*. e-soiq 

g^dwMttHc [ ] , , po^JLie 

Fol. b. Recto. 

•2£eT(3'OA*. *Annoy 
Te 'soop eg^tofe hiaa 
8.^01 HTcynoy e^q 
« Teqari-s enecHT 

[iAAio]c 'jseju.nitoy 
igaw'se HoywT 
2>.n neMTawi-sooq 
epoH ic "^e a^q 
g^[A«.]ooc e-sHTpog^ 

%x^K'le. AJUULoq a.q 
ajuivg^TC «Teq(5'i's 
»wq£t(OK eg^p*.! e 

"SWTpOg^Te • 

AUULivp McopeT A.q 
coKoy 2 eg^p&.i g^n 
Tpog^Te »wnc&.g^ 

Fol. fl. ] that day. And when John had [ 

] Holy Spirit (?), he looked (?) upon him [ ] man [ 

Fol. b, ro. ] saying, 'The power of God is mightier than all'; and forthwith he brought 
his hand down [ ] garment [ 

he] wished to prove him and he seized his hand and went down to the 
caldron. [ 
vo. ] saying, ' Not (?) one word did I say unto thee,' But Jesus sat down (?) 
by the caldron [ 
] took three girths of wool and drew them through (?) the caldron ; and 
the teacher looked [ 

For the other text, v. below. 

89 [25]. — From the earlier texts of the palimpsest no. 62, which see. 
Fol. 6. From the same MS. as fol. 4 (z/. no. 90). 

Probably from an Encomium on St, Michael (cf. no. 90). Dionysius the Areopagite 
is the narrator, and tells of St. Paul's visit to Athens, the earthquake and a vision of the 
archangel. On Dionysius v. von Lemm in Bull, de PAc. imp., v^ s6r., xii, and Amelineau, 
Contes I, I, which deals with the same events. 

' Apparently a straight letter, not e. 

Altered from coKq. 


Fol. a. jo-y UT».^ uo'YCjjio'y Ju.«OYeY;)(^&.picTi&. JUl^^wpx*^^^e'^^o<^ iUIX*^'^' eT&eitaroiii 
lAMueignHpe KTivyujcone £^AineqTonoc eToya^e.^ e&.mj>.Y epoo-y g^nna.finvX ea^yujoine efeoTV. 
g^iTAinKo-yTe CA-qenepcei ng^evg^ nignHpe -smnujopn g^iTOOTq «jineqiiO(3' n».p;)(^a.iTi?eXoc 
iii.ilJd^e.H'X. &.ciijione -ake g^iAneoyoeiuj KTALneeciiHcioc jv-yo) ng^iepoc n&.nocTO?V.oc nc^vg^ n2>L'y'\oc 
ei eg^oyn e[&.eHii]K&.ic ^wtJT^k.lgeoeIUI ng^HTC junK-ypHCjuiaw Atnoysavi efioTV. -seTnoTVic eTJuujiek.f 
necXo&e g^itTjmnTpequjjuuje ei-iwOiTV-on eneg^oyo ue-yng^eiujiawcoc ng^HTC jumg^envy'e'yTonpo- 
t^HTHC eynTV-awKdw nupoijuie Mcjk.nfioTV. jiine^Qc a.'Y'^iwKej ncdwnjuL&.K&.pioc n^vyTVoc a^qei e£ioA 
g^ndwOHnna^ic TnoXic &.qg^onq wg^eitKO-ifi ng^ooy d..noK -xe •xionncioc j!».iitKOTK HTeyigH 
(fol. b) ]e&o\ g^M.njv[3i lines illegible] UTOoy neuTj^.'yai.'yju.ioYpuei nneinos' Mg^fiHye Tne 
«A«nR&.g^ MKtteti^tocTHp juLiiKUjHn jumng^JvAswawTe jmnKeeYpioit ju.nn'sakTqe juttiitTfinoo'ye 
e&.7V.dwCcai. Ajmneiepcooy Ai.Mjuin'yt^H juuuooy efio\ •seju.neo'Yoeiig eTAJUJiJvy ueiULn&.TencooYii 
jLinno-yTC poyoein epoine awTV-TVa.. «eioiiic g^ione g^HTiUMTg^e^XHrt j>.?V.?V.&. [5 lines illegible] 
g^MKOoye eyakg^epSkToy ejueyeigg^jLiooc eAAeyimoyTe g^nTeytgcvYUj^e jijtnnn&. c'&.p g^Kpwoy 
eTi "xe eijuoKjueu ena^i g^i-SAinajuawnriKOTK a^yoj eijuieXeTa.. usxooy d^qawg^epawTiq g^i-soii w&\ 
oypwjme «oyoem AAnecjutOT itoycTpawToneT&.p|x^Hc HiTeiHi&.ioc eqarooAe g^noyXiiionH^oit ^ 
eqxiHp noyjuto-sg^ qn[ 

90 [25] From the earlier texts of the palimpsest no. 62, which see. 

Fol. 4 a, illegible ; fol. b has part of the story of the conversion of Matthew, the 
scribe, attributed to Severus of Antioch. {V. Budge, St. Michael 86, Amelineau, 
Conies I. 103.) 

ne-se nppo ua^q -senaweitoT jun^awawy itaLKUJ^y juumoK g^iunoycouj THpq «neKg^HT neni- 
CRonoc "^c a^qciop efioA mtcmtc iuinTonoc epena^TnoXic THpc p&.uje nM»iJs.q awq-soRq efioTv. 
^iuuAMTcawie iwM. a^yoj a.q^ juineq7V.tofiuj iutng^oyn itajAAoyn nefeoT Mg^ooy a.qg^a.Piaw'^e AMAoq 
£KcoyiLinTCMOoyc jmne&OT a^ecop a.yto a^qiuioyTe enTonoc jmnpa^n aaaii^*^^ na.p;X^a.t'ee\oc 
epena^TnoAic THpc cooyg^ eypuja.. juina.pX' jliix*>^h^ eyigoon THpoy n&i AMAHHuje g^noy- 
oypoT <s€a.ypiLinujaw jmnawpx^^^^^^oc juu^x^a^HT^ Mqujtone g^nTeyno*\ic ».nig&. «Ana.px- 
ULi'XJb.iiX ujione eqo n-xmTV.oyn n\^is. AtneqTiwg^o epa^xq eTTAwemy a^yio nuja. Aing^a^cij^cAAOc 
juneqTonoc €Toya.awfe junncawna.! awiuig^&.«nHc nenicKonoc uja.'se Awmppo eq-xto i&uoc 

91 [26].— Parchment ; 8 complete leaves ; now 31 x 2i| cm. Pp. ^^-% being quire '^. 
2 col., ca. 26 lines. Script : cf. Ciasca xxii. Initials moderately enlarged and coloured 
red; marginal ornaments red, green and yellow. From same MS. as Brit. Mus. no. 334, 
ZoEGA clii, Paris Vol. 129". 82, 83 and Cairo no. 8023 { = Rec. de Trav. iv. 154). 

St. George, Miracles of. Published by Budge, St. George of Cappadocia, 1888, 
p. 190 ff. 

» On this word v. Proc. Soc. Bibl. Arch. xxvi. 6i. 


92 [27 + 44] — Parchment 1; 4 complete leaves; now 3o|x22| cm. Pp. n?-q, the 
proper order of the leaves being no. 27. i, 2, no. 44, no. 27. 3. 2 cols., ca. 30 hnes. 
Script: v. Ciasca xiii, though there the character is rather thicker. Initials, marginal 
ornaments &c. in red. From same MS. as Paris Vol. 129". 49-54, Vol. 131'. 61. 

Ptolemy nTeXejAH, Martyrdom of. Published by Rossi, / Papiri . . . di Torino I, 
V. 49, from a copy of Schwartze. 

Ptolemy was 18 years old and the son of Nestorius, a citizen (;jTo\irtv6^e.vo<^ of 
Nekintore (Denderah ^) in the Thebais. His teachers were Papnoute of Pboou and Doro- 
theus, who had urged him to martyrdom. The hegemon, whom he finds at ' Tohe of the 
Horses^,' attempts to win him by mildness, but Ptolemy repels him and is condemned to 
various tortures. The 24th Hathor is mentioned as the date of his trial. The last of the 
above Paris leaves relates to the miracles at his toVos *. Rossi has published (/. c. 45) 
fragments of the martyrdom, under Diocletian, of a saint of the same name, whose day 
is the nth Kihak and who occurs^ in Abu '1-Barakat's calendar (Paris MS. arabe 203). 
According to Amelineau, Les Ades 198, these two are identical. nToXoAie son of the 
Eparch is in the list of martyrs in Hyvernat, Ades 100. Paul and Ptolemy are martyrs 
in Berlin, A eg. Urk., Kopt. 183. To some one of these a church at Ishnin was dedicated 
(Abu Salih 91a). 

93. — For description v. no. 61. 

(i)a. S. Mercurius, Miracles of^ E.g. ^nawTajucoTn to n\&.oc AiAie^moyTe cKenos' 
MtgnHpe MTa.cuj{one efio\ g^iTOOTq AAng^».i?ioc slsl. ncTpa.TH\jvTHc • ne-yttOYnpec^repoc •i.e 
oA*.nTonoc lAng^jvcioc jui. ns^i -^e e«e&.q«wi8wi g^nnq^oo-Y a.-^^ neoYcot^ocne K&.Ta>. niKOCiiAoc 
«>.yuj epe[ 

94 [33 + 45] — Parchment; 8 complete leaves and one slightly damaged; now 
32|x 25 cm. Pp. — , — ; — — (last of quire c) ; — , — ; qe-pT. 2 cols., 34 ruled lines. 
Script : cf. Ciasca i and xiii. Initials slightly enlarged and accompanied by small scroll 
ornaments in red and green. From same MS. as Brit. Mus. no. 348 and by the scribe 
of Paris Vol. 130^ 121 and Clarendon Press no. 29. 

Sebast^ Forty Martyrsof l^ The proper order of the leaves is no. 33, toll. zba,iab 

( = pp. qc, q'^), 2 a 6 ( = pp. qH, qe), no. 45 = pp. qe-p7. 

• On p. n^ a pencil note says this MS. was given by ^ As Uilk.1, of which the Ethiop. QT'tt- is a mis 

Mr Leider {v. Brit. Mus. no. 924). reading. This calendar has other Ptolemies on Babeh i, 

V. Amelineau, Ge'ogr. 140. and Tubeh 19. 
K-Xi^2.^occms-mJiec.deTrav.x\.izA,Rev.EgAT^.i6%, = V. Synaxarium, 14th and 25th Hathor Paris MS 


m a graffito near Denderah, where a martyr Pt. is also arabe 263. Fourteen of his miracles ^0*1 are referred to 

named, and in one of the present papyri (». Index). in Leyden MSS., p. 436. 

' Cf. Paris MS. arabe 150, 6. 7 p^rfs 129"'.' 7^ relates to these martyrs. 


The Encomium of which this is a part is not identical with any pubhshed text 
The writer mentions (p. pe) his 'first encomium' on the subjects A terminus a quo for 
the time of composition is the quotation (p. p^) from Severus of Antioch (pb. 538) The 
following IS the text of 33, fol. 3 :— v oj / 

ei] TOOTK epoq e^vjvq • oyKoyn uTooy iteTe^pxei eeecTcopii. i.«oK ^w eioyee "^wo^ 
eis-X £.eMi\e ^m^^oy «^ooy • k^t^ ee o« «Te.yoYe^c*.g^»e «*., ^iuineyujopn necnu)- 
«ion • eivneme<^e Tenoy a> ti^Aiepj^Te •senemeToya.ii, «eTnj.ig(one ne.pxHC'oc j.yto ncwTHp 
ene-YeiTRUJxiiou • Aij^pnccoT** g^noynscTic a.^n-j.icTe.'^e eit(3'co«jT ».« enenujev^e Me-Xj^x'^^Ton 
oyA».x««^Ton i52.pne xtnneqKeigjvse • j^?1\j^ e«oT**[e nJicTeye -senemeTo-yaweJi HeT«a.uju>ne 
Mi^pxHcoc 2.^(0 ncwTHp ene-YecK(OA«on AA[]u>Tii* ^noynicTic iw'sifa.jc[T«.^e] -seneme 

[(col. 2)-TO'y2.j^, 8 lines lost] eYt5p^vue • [ ] ^imnujoujoy e.n- Te.iTe ee encon inneTU|a.^e 

'xe2vC'i5io« awyw neineTOY«.«.6 jAAAawpT-ypoc neTtga^se -senHpn neTeyt^ Aing^HT junpojAte^ • 
OTfKO-yn neTHj^i^pxei enciop e&o?V A*nei?V.ot«oc h neiet-KWiuiioM Axawpiuiee-Ye e£io\ -seo-y- 
niHTw-ynoc ujvuj ks^ot neTTe^g^o aaaaou • eMujJ»^MTAJiKaw neng^HT eg^oyn ecwTAi g^no-Ycop-s nirge 
epoc epcAixiivpT-Ypoc wen -^wt^p^v.i^ei mjvk j^yw a.yTa.-yo epon im[(f. 3 a) 8 lines • e.cig]cone 
£AAn[R*.i]poc Ain-i-icocAAoc epeu'i.ijv&oTV.oc Toyno-Yc Mo-Ynot^ «x*"^" e-^tUTeKKTVHcijs. • 
pwoy g^AAnuawipoc eTiuumawy -soo-y ng€na.pxojn no'Yi.igiHT rj>.t«. no\ic 
CRO^jv^e Ko-YOtt MiA» CTnawg^oAAoAocei iuinpivn june^c • eivnevp^wn eTjuuunv-Y ^^^^e «ro?V.&.c- 
THpion e-YUjo&e ene-Yepn-Y g^iTxinujo-sne juineTg^mo64.Ae naw-Y n-a.ijvfio^oc e-Yneg^uj^qne mjv<y 
epoo-Y e-YRH eg^pni g^^vpcoo•Y iuumm AtAAoo-Y iui[a.]?V.[icTe>.] eTi.7Ve letters egpa^i e-swo-Y 
A.'YCAAH o-YTpoxoc AineMmc xinecjiAOT iuins'eAfS^iX juing^oi epen^e^^oj^e UTO-YCipe a^ige epoq 
A.*Y(0 neRjaLpeMeTAAjuuvY '^'TC npoijuie e-SAinROT eTjuuma.'Y e-sHTeq-sice eyccoR iutuoq enjvoo-Y 
eosAiRROT tgd.MTeTeq&.ne g'coX's eweq^fic^ • \omon ncenepujo-YJiAHHige n-sMc iiRiogT 
ig&,o'Yno(3' nno-YC g^i-sjuinRdwg^ ncecRpRpnROT itTpoxoc ju.«np(OA«.e eTg^i-soiq iyj>.nTeKeqc«.p^ 
AiitneqRcec (So's.e. eqo?V.R KCA.n&.g^o'Y npoc nRtogT jjtneTpoxoc • goxid^ioc g^e«Reopp&.iiojt 
itinvcewMicTHc on e'YCTtoTn[e] na.'Y epooy iui«w(f. i a)-?V.icT&. e-si^ne Mxtooy • tote ?V.omon 
MTepeneg^AAe jxitd^Toi ndjLie &c. 

{continued) When the forty soldiers learn that the edict against the Christians has been 
published, they meet together at the standards {(liyvov) and determine to fight for Christ 
as they would for their earthly king. Candidus, one of their number, moved by God, 
urges them to go at once to the station of the standards r-yrj^h nRciRnon*. There all 
pledge themselves by the golden image of Christ o-Yg^iRWM kro-y^ g^Koyiijo'YigT g^MT-so 
nueifiT to confess Him to the death. In the praetorium their comrades try to withhold 
them, reminding them of their past exploits and of the glory their band (dpt%os) has 

' ' Their encomium,' 33, 3 b, means apparently the mar- heels.' With s'eXs'iX cf. s'e.XiX (Brit. Mus. Catal. 

tyrs themselves. no. 266); also oycj'Xis' (?) ngajuige, Budge, St. George 

^ Psalm ciii. 15. i78=oy«.cTHpioit, ib. 9. 

' 'An iron wheel, in the fashion of the water-wheel (?) * Knge, a>/x,ta in LXX. To the instances in Aeg. 

of the field, with .... of ... . hung thereon. And they Zeitschr. 1886. 91, add Paris 129". 127 (? Severus Ant.) 

were wont to lay a man thereon, upon his back, stretching brawling priests fetch sticks from TKnge jun-»ycie>cTH- 

him backward upon the wheel, until his head reached his piore. 


gained through their valour, (fol. 2.) But the martyrs push them aside, repeating Christ's 
words (Matt. v. 29, 30) and, presenting themselves to the magistrate (St/cao-TT^'s), they 
loudly proclaim their faith. The magistrate attempts M^ith bribes to dissuade them, 
reminding them of the difficulties in their course and of the numbers who have yielded 
either to (p. qe) flattery or threats. They reply that they value only Christ and His faith 
(Matt. xvi. 26), that other gods are but stone and wood, that nothing can turn them from 
their purpose and that they are ready for any punishment eT&enawi T-xiAitopiJs^ eTp&.MJvK«5&.ne juljuloc e-scon iunee eTpett&.e&.iTei MM&.Hcuujie HTawMCAinTCY iunnenppo neyic. 
The rest of their diroXoyia consists oi quotations; Matt. xvi. 26, Ps. Ixi. 11, Prov. xi. 4, 
Isa. xl. 6, 7, James i. 10, 11, ib. v. i, 2 and one not identified ^ In the meantime the 
saints are put in prison till the magistrate shall decide on their punishment, and there 
Christ appears and greets them with the words of Matt. x. 22. Next day they are 
again brought before the magistrate and condemned to be frozen to death in a lake 
near the town cy^iaamh g^js.TitTno'A.ic epeneDQicoit AAime^pHcT&.A^oc ujo-yo e-soic, where 
the cold is such that not only water and oil become as lead Ta^g^Tg^^^ but even wine in 
its bottles there becomes hard {Tnja-a-etv) like stone. Forthwith the saints cast away 
their clothes and hasten to the lake. There, in the freezing night and bitter north wind 
epcTRennoH jmnTH-y MJuig^iT ni6e g^tio-Yciige, plunged in the water e&."yT{o?V.c ng^HTc, they 
attempt again to proclaim their faith; but the words are interrupted by the shivering 
of their bodies «>.Wa. nepenuj&.'se nny efcoA g^wpioo-Y g^KcycooyTn &.*y(o KeqcoAn g^nTe-y- 
TJk.npo R&.TJS. ?V.e^!c eT&enecTpTp AJineycajjuiaw uinnnoein nne'yAjieTv.oc, the pain of that frost 
penetrating to their marrows tg^.ne'yj^^TR^c \ Who can realize their torture ? None 
can adequately praise (ey/cw/xia^eti') them, as I said in the Trpooiiiiov of this poor discourse 
{koyos). I rejoice at the mention of them, as did Severus at the names of Basil and 
Gregory, saying, 'If ye will believe me, each time that I mention (pvoiidleiv) their 
names, my soul rejoiceth {eixppaiveLv).' I must tell of the bath oyg^o-Yo epome aja^-se epoc, 
placed near by, as a snare for them, for it seduces one, whereat the rest grieve (1C0r.xii.26), 
and their guard (/fovyStKXa/jios) sees 40 angels descending with 40 crowns, yet one returns 
heavenward with his. Thereupon declaring himself a Christian, he joins the saints in 
the lake, thus being likened to the penitent thief and to the labourer summoned at the 
eleventh hour, who received the full wage Tca^Teepe cToycx. Next day their bodies 
are ordered to be burned. One of them, being still alive, is left behind in the hope 
that he may recant. But his mother herself, in her zeal g^jmn-sno-yq Atnecg^HT eg^o'yn 
enno-yre, though old and weak, seizes and carries him to where the rest are burnt. What 
can I add of this woman to what we said in the first encomium ? True love to God can 
bring even forgetfulness of nature, as when Abraham was ready to sacrifice Isaac ea^q^- 
AA^g^Tc riTS'NpTe jtuum jJu*.oq ^Ke€.c{read k€hc) neqigHpe no-ycoT, and did indeed in intention 
sacrifice him, for he knew not that God would prevent him, as the wise man (cro(/)os) saith, 

' oYenpo) eAiecoifeiiteTe ■xecKna.cS'to eiipooTfT w that belong unto him that did sow thee on the earth, shall 

itexopfoe itiieKgpoy eTHn itTooTq ju.nenTa.q'soK f.nK«>g go by quickly. And where wilt thou hide thee from the 

nikOYeiiie gnoYS'enH ^yiM eRn*.gonK cTum ee^Aijuie sun's heat and the time of summer?' 
AinpH AiimKiLipoc xxTiunMAx, ' It is a winter that passeth ^ For this word v. Aeg. Zeitschr. 1883. 156. 

not. For thou shalt cease to flourish, O grass; thy days ' Gen. xlv. 18 (Paris 43, 196), Job xxi. 24. Boh. a.TK«.c. 


in recounting (taro/ji^eiv) his life (/Stos); or as Jephtha, who made his daughter a sacrifice 
unto God. To this woman her Isaac was not given back AAno^eg^AAx^^P''^^ "^^'^ iuneci- 
civ«.k; she must return home comfortless, yet greatly comforted and glad. Should any 
ask if ever I knew a woman reckoned to the band of martyrs or to the priesthood for 
oflfering sacrifice to God, and her sacrifice her own entrails {cnrXdyxvov), I should name 
this woman. She stood by the fire and heard the voice of her son's bones and flesh as 
they crackled e-Ypatfypeg", like damp wood e-yAHK jmnjvTO'yujoo'Ye in the devouring flames, 
through the humours g^e^Ta^g-fcec of the flesh ^ She has indeed no part with the mother 
in Solomon's judgment, who could not bear even to hear of the child's death eitneceujqi 
epoc g^oXoic o'Y'2'.e ujawnpa. nctoTxi eiuAo-Y. But this woman of adamant Teicg^iite -^e «toc 
Kd.'i.ijiioc may be likened to Job in his bereavement {stc expl.) 

95- — Parchment ; a fragment ; 12x31 cm. 2 cols. Script : cf. Balestri 35 and Zoega's 
5th class. Marginal ornaments, sometimes red. 

Macarius the Egyptian, Life ofl The following examples correspond respectively 
to pp. 98, 1. 14; 99, 1. II ; 100, 1, 6, and loi, 1. i of the Bohairic version {Musee Guimet xxv). 

] g^AAOT «Te nnoyTe eq-soi uumoc "jseg^cofi nijui JiTJvn'soeic "sooy na^i ik'^'^siOK efio\ ewine^'y 
epocy eio«g^ g^nnaiiJswTV. • k*.i cjvp KepAAiHUOuie kxb^'^>( j>.n ucTO-YHg^ £^ai.tua.&. eTAiAi.A.*Y 
aL?V.?V.»^ ik'Yctoo'yg^ [ 

SwyRcoTV-g^ eg^o-yK e-Y-sio juumoc -seaLpi nn^v «juu«.*wM nTepeqco-YenTCYCAiH &.qepoe g^wc 
eqg^iiutq ne-sis.'Y KMC'YepH'y -seqenROTKne g^HKOO-Ye -xe^ 

a^Ygcso-zs: -^e n&i iteTAtJuia.'Y g^iTiAneiijTopTp eTR(OT€ epoo-Y Sw-Y^iitone i.*YKo?V.g^ AAnpo 
A.'YOi iw'yuoys eg^oyw epoq n-soeic -^e «eq[ 

e-YUJUj efeoTV. ■se&.u'spo epon u) ng^Wo hka-kcvyphoc • nxoq '^e. A-qenei-^Jn (eVirt/Aav) «i>.'Y 
^AinpawH jutn-soeic jvqnoujno-Y dioK nee itniuj-se • necnHy ■2».e «&.'Yn&.p&.Rj)wAei Auuioq "seRft-c 
eq-<^ ejuiTOit[ 

96 [35].— Parchment; 4 complete leaves; now 32x24 cm. Pp. pi^-pK^, numbered 
in a later (?) hand on rectos only. 2 cols., 30 ruled lines. Script : cf. Hyvernat viii. 4, 
but for e., tb. 3. Initials enlarged but plain. From same MS. as Zoega no. clxxxv (i), 
Brit. Mus. no. 350, Paris Vol. 132^ 3. 

Hilaria, daughter of Zeno, History of. Published by Amelineau, Proc. Soc. Bibl. 
Arch. X. 198. The last 2 pages correspond in part to Rossi, / Papm I. v. 52 ^ Paris 
Vol. 78. 39 and Leyden no. 56 are from other copies of the same story, which is further 
narrated in the Synaxarium, Tubeh 21. A Syriac version is found in several MSS. 

1 «.<?fiec, *.T&ec, V^s- Trees wither, eAJin*.T&. ge^poo-r, ^ On this work ». E. C. Butler, Lausiac Hist. I. 220. 

Paris 131^32 ; so too Clar. Press 32, po7, Curzon 109, -rn^. ' V. von Lemm in Bull. Ac. imp., NS., I (xxxih). 518. 



{v. Wright's Catalogue sub nom. and Nilles, Kalendarium^ I. 223), and an Arabic in 
Brit. Mus. Or. 4403 and Bodleian, Cod. Charsh. xc. In 'these the substance of the story- 
is the same, though they differ from the Coptic in detail \ 

97 [37]. — Parchment ; 6 complete leaves ; now 28 x 22 cm. Pp. p-i^. 2 cols., 26 lines. 
Script : v. H yvernat ix. 2, clearly by the same scribe and dated a. m. 722 ( = a. d. 1006). 
Initials, stops &c. bright red. 

Gesius and Isidorus, the Story of 2. These brothers had a variety of adventures and 
were at length miraculously led to discover the relics of John the Baptist near Emesa. 
ZoEGA nos. clvii, clviii are from other copies of the same story, which, with the present 
leaves (from a copy by Schwartze), are published by Steindorff, Aeg. Zeitschr. 1883, 137 ^ 
The saints were commemorated on the 12th Pharmouthi (;o. Zoega clvii); but this is 
apparently recorded only by the Ethiopic Synaxarium, 12th Miyazya, where in the Saldm 
the appearance of the Baptist to them and the sick man whom they tended are referred 
to. For parallel legends of the Baptist's relics v. Acta SS. June 24th, 612 ff. 

98- — Papyrus ; a fragment; 21 x 14 cm. Script : heavy, cf. Zoega's 4th class. 2 cols., 
20+ lines. Note the system of superlineation. 

From a narrative wherein a king and his horse occur. Whether recto and verso 
(sequence doubtful) concern the same persons and incident is uncertain. 

Recto. -* 

]&.qa.p5(^ecee H-xooc -secYne luuo'y : nTepeqiioouje "^e eeH «o'yko['Yi «.]qeT e'sno['Yp]wjuie 
eqcK-yTV.TV.ei CYTenjutHHuje THpq • a^qujine Q£e[o'Y]ne nji^i : [. . . .]e8.'YTj.[iLioq] eTf!HH[Tq . . . .] 
f'[ ]wq[ ]e gj&.no[. . .] a^-yco OY['s]aiIJapene . . 'Y'2£.e[ 

Verso. \ 

j'sa.i^jvpi'^e nswq UTnTeAe-Yoepoc CTfinHT • h.'^ [IIn]pK».j!.q €fe[to]K enno^ejuioc •^ 
«Ti.7V.e epoq • Aiimccoc g^wojq &.[q. .Jo-Ye^. • dwqno['Y^]e SineRAojui [eT]g^i'sn[Teqaw]ne a.q[. . . 
eg^]pa>.i 8>.qK[aw«wq] KJvg^H-Y nT[nop](5'ypd». ni . . • i>wqqiT[ 

] he began to say, 'What is death?' But after he had gone forward a little, he came 
upon a man striving {(tkvW^w) among (?) all the crowd, and he asked, 'What is this?' 
And (?) they told him concerning [him ? ] and he is a mighty man[ 

]for(?) I have granted (xapiC^iv) him freedom on my(?) account. And suffer him 
not to go to the war, for I have but lately ridden him.' But thereafter he [ ] and 

cast down the crown that was on his head and he [ ] and stripped him of the purple 
robe {vopcjivpa) of [ ] and took[ 

' VoN Lemm has also identified the epistle, Brit. Mus. work is ascribed either to Alexander of Alexandria or to 

Catal. no. iioi, as belonging to this story. He intends to Athanasius. 
edit the whole material. 3 Leipoldt has printed a fragment of another MS. 

''It seems from Aeg. Zeitschr. 1883, 157 that this (Berlin £/>-/^., Kopt. no. 188). 


99.— Parchment; i fol., 35x30! cm. Page-numbers lost. 2 cols., ca. 34 lines. Script 
of Zoega's 8th class. Initials, stops, the letter ^ &c. red. 

Severus of Antioch, from a Life of It corresponds verbally with the Syriac version 
of the Lt/e by John of Beth-Aphthonia \ ed. Kugener (Patrol. Or.), pp. 248 [164], 1. 8-251, 
1. 10, with the omission of the dogmatic passage, pp. 249, 4-250, 7. 

The passage relates to Severus' refutation of the opinions of Sergius the Grammarian ^ 
and others of his opponents. 

rv -i*v StC 

ng^».ipeci&.p;)(^Hc mjvy THpo-y MTJvyujcone g^ieH juiiULon • d.qcg^&.i MO'ynog' itcyitoiropia. 
g^Js.TC'YMg^O'^oc «;x;^2i.?'2lIOH eq-zsto xijuioc -xeKawTV-oic e^-ysooc g^itTC'yiig^O'Jk.oc CTiuujia.'Y 
•sea.neu'socic ^"YOi neitncYTC ic ne^^ ujcone g^ini^Ycic cutc eyo enoy*. Ainne'yepH'Y 
jLi«Mc&.TiJinTO'Y*^ • aw-YOj Teqg^'YnocTivcic ito'ycoT eq-sw ajulioc "seneTnicTC'ye n-^-oe cyo 
nee nneT-soi juumoc ■seo'^t^'Ycic MoycoTTe Tec^-ycic Atn'Xoc'oc ea^q-xicawp^ g^no-YAie • n7V.oiToc 

■^e KTiwqTJkyoq evqjjinpwuje jujuMTxiMTpe n&.n eg^o-yn ena.itenejoTe(col. 2)Me a^-yw m[ ] 

a.y(o Jvqop's[ ] npoc ee «[ ] ei)vqn?V.e>.CT[€'ye . . , Atjiuiooy ».qo'yi).[ •]'OAA ujvp K[7V.»k8w'Y M]pa)iuie €e?V.[ec])(|^ei . .]n&.Tpet§e itH[ .'Y cg^&.ico'Y eijuiHTei 
TS'Oiui uinnoar ce-YHpoc AJiJvyA.ak.q &.qcT'Y?V.iTe'Ye I'&.p juuuoq «-<^g^e THpc €&.qe\e^ei jujmoq • 
g^cocTe iiTeMeKTdw'YOYCUj cyKcyi g^nweq-xoKJUis. cwfce Kca.TeqxiitTSwncS.i'jke'YTOc • isr^Kii TKecyii- 
g^o-^oc mtenT&.qpcYKHPopoc itJsq eTeTa^|)(^&.?V.RH'i>(jaMTe e^q-jLinncye iuumoc eco tiKd^Ke g^iTn- 
jieiiTJvqg^opi'^e juuu.oo'y ct^hhtc ^ • A^TV-TV-Sk eneicbLH nRj»,ipoc a^nne Teito'y it'^oc'AJ.A.Ti'^e isr(iji 

expenTa^'ye ec itTsiieTV. neqnequja.'sc e£soX THpcy e^[ ]''J^^[ (fol. b) ] 

ii^o'yp[ ]q ce'yHpoc [ ]qT&.*Ye ujo[ait ]g^js.c<ijv en[ Ke>.]TJs. neicpaoi- 

[uid^TiKoc e]TA*JU.a>,y [ .]e nTa.icco[TA«. . . . ejneTepeng^evipeTiKoc oujo-y Jk.i'sooc epoq -zte- 

g^ijuoi iiTJN.KigT.«.pcou g^Ho-YKekptoq AincKTiVYe ^d^aw-y g^ai?V.oc ng^o-yo epoc ea».KO'yion itptoq 
iLineiiiO(5' Auutcyi K&.T&.poM JvqcwTVn c'&.p KMitoiyne umen-^oirjuak «ee eojA.'yniopK no-yujHii 
jLiitneqno'yne • MTepeo-yKO-yj •i.e noiyoeiuj igoine a.n'i.iawfcoTV.oc eiiie itKGiia.C'^c^^ csnuinicTot 
g^uicTC itTeTenpot5i-<^aw Ai.naw'yTv.oc nujoyptgnHpe juuuoq -^sojk efeo'X. ea^q-xooc* ^eo'yng^enpwju.e 
niK.Ttoo'yn g^iwuiTTH-yTii e-yTiw-yo ng^eMuj&.'se e-ynoone g^wcTe eTpeycoJH luuuuLJs^eHTHc [g^injwg^cy 
juumooj'y • [neo-yttoyemJcRo (col. 2)ncc ejvneqg^HT ji^?V.eiCc[e] Js.qTV.o juumoq eqTA.g^e '2k.e g^&.eH 
iunptoige eiioyoeiuj g^AinTig^e MO-yft.AenTMW&.noc iuniJ.eiwpKi(on jLt«e'yTH;)(;^Hc jmite-yi-OKHcic 
«.qKiv&o?V. HT&.i-MTepeqg'enneo'yoejuj g^js.g^T«neMog^e Js>n MepeneTiuuuiJ).^ rta^p -stoiuuLioc -senccojuia^ 
jutneuiio-yTe ne^^ neMTawq&.jvq no-ya. KO'ywT iujuj.&.q g^iTrtTg^Jvcus, AAJs.piai • jvqpcyg^'ynocTa.cic 
HO-yoiT iujuu.&.q e'yo'ynv^'y;)(;^H juuu.oq nnwepjv '2£e&.qjs.aiq nawTign£ice jvy^ its.Tju.o'y 'xiuee 
MTJs.qpoY&. noyoJT jmimAoi^oc e^-yoi) •jseqg^ynociceix.i esii nnennj^eoc no-yn Att^icyuon ^.^w 
eAin-a.iaiio^H ug^HToy • g^oiujvioc oit neg^KO junneiiie jjinng^ice KTCg^iH xumoouje AiUiUAO-y 
d>?V.?V.i>. '2£«TJs.q«jnn«ii g^KO-yt^awiiTevcii*. dw-yco g^ncyxie &.n [ 

' C/. KRtfGER in Byz. Zeitschr. 1905, 633. 

^ Cf. Zachar. Rhetor, ed. Ahrens-Kruger, 349. 

' Here the Syriac is much fuller. 
* Acts XX. 30. 

H 2 


100- — Papyrus; almost complete; 5|x7|cm. Script: clumsy uncials. 

Recto \. 

Prayer to 'the God of Saint Leontius\' ' If I remain in the house where I am and 
stay within, with my mother, my mind shall be at rest and I shall bear (?) a living child.' 
The rest obscure. 

Above the text, three crosses. 

+ TiKoyTe nt5s.nio[c] | \eonT« ei^ivKS'io [ 2^!niHi eig^itowq | T«^(3'oi ng^oYW «-«t[*.]| M.».»>"y 
nag^HT «i. j lATon Tes.RSw ujHpe « | oing^ n«>^n9 n^P OT'?[ I "^2.^ 9'? I 

Verso : remains of a letter (earlier). 

101. — Papyrus; a fragment; 6x8| cm. Script: rounded uncials. 

Presumably a Charm, since it preserves (i) the beginning of at any rate one Gospel 
(Mark i. 2) and (2) part of the list of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste \ Above the latter 
is a dividing line of dots. 

Recto. ]KawT«>. oe CTcHg^ 2."'?9 | *>^J*'*^ neJnpot^HTHc -seeic g^H | htc ^]n&>'sooY n».&.c«i»e'\oc | 
g^!i«.Te]KgH MqcofcTc KTCR | (margin) 

Verso. '^oiu.HTies.noc oy^TV-Hc | HJcyX'^^ cAi.Skp«>.KTo[c • cici | n]«!Oc • oa.Ae'Xioc • K'Y[piX- 
\ I oc] ij^i^oyc^ion • K[a.ioc ] (margin) 

102. — Paper; a fragment; 25x10 cm. Script of Zoega's 9th class. 

Charms, the first against ophthalmia, the second 'a safeguard in everything.' The 

former invokes the lance wherewith Christ was pierced and refers presumably to the 

legend of Longinus' blindness ^ 

Above are magical letters *. Then one line, [. . .]Ta.gjujeRiKa. •, followed by 

similar signs. Then : oy^Ra^c M6d.\, followed by 4 signs and this text : nenme wg^ojo-yT 


neitine nciiue ne«me nuje nRdwtgouj neKTJvycoKUiAAjv'^e iuiuoq g^i'SAinTOioy nie"5;eRiH'\ 
nenTawycoRq awyceRCORq a>.y&.iLq n\oRx[H] &.'YTa>.awq enecnnp wiHco-yc g^i'suinuje AAnec^c 

' Of Tripoli's. For his healing powers, v. Nau in An. Urk., Kopt. nos. 19, 20, Rec. de Trav. xx. 174, Hall, 

Boll. xix. 10, Raabe, Petrus der Iberer 103, the Ethiop. Copt, and Gk. Texts, p. 39. 

Synax., ist SanS (Brit. Mus. Or. 659, loi a), Brit. Mus. ^ V. Acta SS., Mart. iii. 373 B, Gretser, De S. Cruce, 

Catal. p. 409. Lib. I, xxxiv, Tiixemont, Me'm. I, note xxxix, F. de MAly, 

^ These elements are thus combined in the Leyden Exuviae sacr. cpolitan. 55. Christ pierced by the lance is 

charm book {MSS., 475); the former also in M. A. Murray, invoked in Vasiliev, Anecd. Gr. Byz. 334 y. 
The Osireion, p. 39 and no. 104 here; the latter in Berlin * V. Brit. Mus. no. 369, PSBA. xxviii. 97, pi. i. 


MvyeioH xtnoo-Y ^Tj^pncp axmxor w neume «ne r.[. .]T[.]'yTe.'Yoq Tey . . nncwiua. nic nxc 

•se[.^ . . .] eRMHY e^o-yn pcoq eKiuiy e[f,]o'\ g^iTiiWojn M^npoceyx[« KTiaA]i.pis^ 

THivp TJvYoyoc cei,[o\] airt^^oc ^ 5ao t^xh. Below this, a line of Arabic letters^, almost 
illegible : «UU^4^t.t.l^^nP.f. 

'Male iron, female iron'', iron of wood of », that was named (ovofidCeLv) upon 

Ezekiel's mount*, that was pulled and plucked and made a lance (Xoyxv) and set in Jesus' 
side, upon the tree of the cross of Sion (?), this day ! I adjure thee, O heavenly iron, 

which was the body of Jesus Christ ; for thou goest in thou 

comest forth by the might of this prayer which Mary the Virgin spake without (?) the 
tomb. Yea, yea, quickly ! ' 

Verso. A bove : end of a text. Then a pentagonal frame, wherein a head, with the 
letters nA[ ]c^nX above it. Below this, in the hand of redo: oypweic g^itg^wfi miA-'-^SIp- 
ep • ojp • ^p • pe • po • pc • ei • oc • o^ • oc • ^ • o^ • er • Ti • 5^ • to • or • 5of • Sp ' -yp * oq • -yoJ * «F ' 
^•f7-K-^-Ti'n-KS-T»:-ci- p^ui • io^ -e^-nK-cS.- ^^ep • 5IaL -HEi', and six more lines of 
syllables, ending ^.q-swH e.iio\. Below this, one line, ending ]eiijajoigi . 

103 — Paper; a fragment; 15x8 cm. Script: small, sometimes ligatured, n has 
the form v. 

Charm, most of which is illegible. The following can be read : Tajuij)>.&.YTe jud^pid. 

TeKifee , TCKi&e nTewnen-soeic ic ne^^ c(o e.iio\ itg^HTC g^junpjs.n CTecti^pawiTic 

ecujo^eg^ g^i-sAAng^HT eju.&.pidw Tni^peenoc g^Atnpswn encjvujtj e-s . . . h eTO*ya>.e>.6 e'yscR'swK 
eT[g^nTui]ecT«g^HT enjtOT n&.MT{OKpawT(op d^eHio-yco g^ijinp&.it enenTakq-sooc •se&.noK u.ena>.icoT 
b.noii oy&. CTenevine ic ne^e g^jumps^n cikMiik ikSiSiis. d.Md>. : &ii\&.n&.edw • HJs.q\2»w • &.Kp&.AA&. • 
^jiwAAiwpi • HAy " TiSuw^ • S^^too)^^ • 'i^copeK cpoK eTee-ycis*. iu.neKjuio«ot^e«Hc nu}Hpe ic 
nt^^ . g^pa^oywi . nee KTJvKct^'^e AAnnoTHpion ng^HTc. 

'. . . my mother is Mary. The breast , the breast whence our Lord Jesus Christ 

drank. In the name of the seal {<T<j}payi<;) that is imprinted on Mary the Virgin's heart. 

In the name of the seven holy, burnished that are upon the breast of the Father, 

Almighty {the 7 vowels). In the name of Him that said, "I and my Father are one," that 
is Jesus Christ. In the name of {magical names). I adjure thee by the sacrifice of Thine 
Only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, Rabboni^, in like manner as Thou didst sign the cup.' 

Verso mostly illegible. 

104 Paper; almost complete; 19x14 cm. Script: irregular, of Zoega's 9th class. 

Much faded. The sheet was several times folded. 
Charms and Recipes. 

' Dots below indicate doubtful letters. ' ' ia^ujoig, 'rue,' cannot be read. No Arabic word 

2 ' Male,' ' female ' ; c/: the charms in^^^. Zeiischr. 1895, seems, in the context, suitable. Is it a Coptic compound } 

48, 132, also Griffith & Thompson, ZJ^wo/. Magical Pap., * V. ? Ezek. xvii. 22. 

p. 173, note. ' Apparently one letter after gpe^^o-yni. 


The text is divided into sections. The first is filled chiefly with magical signs or 
letters (cf. no. 102). 

Sect. 2. Legible are : ]«^t g^icowc T^^yo itjvi g^i's«oYnH2^[, ]X^** ' ^^'^^ **X^P^ • 

Sect. 3. ng^a.'s (Son nTa^nen eis.noq g^mswtgoaj eqTV.HK Tcoq g^mp ^(Soix eajoA*HT 

Sect. 4. oytg^HTV. TCRTiiwYoq «e'\j>..Js.Y e-scsawT^e eaj\oKC i^\ jc eig^iio.&.piA- : a>.iei icojs.««hc 
eig^n?V.ic&.feeT ne-xe n-soeic ic ■seM.nepTpeTV.&.&.y n . o . . . e . . oy g^o\oc h . . . "^s . . . . "SMp 

^^^T • • [^'l^o'i "lA* g^AAnig^ooy nxi jAK^oy^H t&.i Ta^npo xinoc^s.o)e 

TcnTj^cse na..! : '2£eMnepTpe\»L&.Y n-xawT^e \okct js.«ok ^.W^w AA&,peii's&.T6e THpoy A«.nKiwg^ 
gjcone ncowe ima^ejuTO efcoA nTeneTg^i-xnnK&.g^ THpoy wjcane «ee noyoiiie AtHoynenme 
AinA.ejuTO'y efeoTV. 'seT^.npo noc c&.f!es.coe TenTSwCite «evi a^yco nujaw-xe lin-soeic g^«AJie«e 

Sect. 5. eiT^ie TepiAOHT Juitrn&.ciK jun-xoTujoitTe. Here follow magical letters, the 
vowels (7 times each) and ^»juawe, a.-^ton&.i, oHwa.iopjs. . . , cjvfia>.to[e], ».M&.t . . (verso) . . . ne 

mtjvi oya,. thc ^oy K&.n«e«cooeg^o«e'r.n KoycoT T&.Js.q eneqajiOTe ei iLia.C'^^e 


Sect. 6. oyujTVHA. TCRTA.'yoq Teqwoyg^Ai. nXis.Y nixx : n-jsice aaricot nortq enujnpe 
AAnncHYJUJ*. e.Toyb.iK!i T».p^H ju.neqjvrn?e\ioit CToyjs.&.fi • K2k.Taw Ai»Leeoc K&.T&. A«.&.pKoc KdwTiiL 
^OYRSwC Ka^Td. iw&,n«Hc nwnswg^ on nTeneu'soeic ei eqeT^wa^q eKeqAA».©yTHC eg^pd^i cxrirf oy ec . ^ 
(9 lines more, mostly illegible). Ends neg^ooy THpoy jun[«>.con]j).2^ &.noK hiaa nuje ^^ 

Sect. 7. o'yju&.2>.'y eujd^cj>.g^ep&.Tc g^ioycg^ume 5 jmci eic ei eqiLftO'y[Te e«]qju.a..e"yTHc s^yg^e 
o-fpco rtcn ^ (g lines more, illegible). 

Sect. '2 contains a recipe, in which oil and words apparently magic play a part. 
Perhaps for the use of 'a mother in childbirth.' 

Sect. 3. 'Xhe fever. Take the cummin; pound it with moistened rue^; soak it 
with for three days. He will cease (to be ill).' 

Sect. 4. 'A prayer, which when thou speakest, there shall no insect be able to bite 
(thee) : — O Jesus, I am in Mary ! O John, I am in EHzabeth ! The Lord Jesus said, 

" Let not any at all me, NN., on this day and this night." The 

mouth of the Lord Sabaoth it is did say this: "Let not any insect bite me. But let all 
the insects of the earth become stone in my presence and let all that are upon the earth 
become even as stone and iron in my presence." For the mouth of the Lord Sabaoth 
it was did say this and the words of the Lord are true. It is finished *.' 

Sect. 5. 'Concerning the and the 23 days' feverl' The rest obscure. 

' Not cfoc. ^ Not pwAjie. * Also in no. 105 below and a charm against negAioAi 

^ C/. Ai^ujOTig. Axnnd>ciK, in S. de Ricci's hands. LabIb, Did., s.v., gives 

■* Thus, without eAo\, at the end of several recipes, cik Boh., ^>i!l ^J^ ' tertiary fever.' It seems to be Sa'id. 

Stern, Aeg. Zeitschr. 1885, Tractai §§ vii, xii, xviii. in Br. Mus. Catal. no. 260. 


Sect. 6. 'A prayer which when thou speakest, will protect from everything :— The 

height of the Father, the of the Son and the Holy Ghost; the beginning of the 

holy Gospel according to Matthew, to Mark, to Luke, to John ; the Hfe (?) which our 

Lord came to give to His disciples upon the ', 'all the days of my life, 

NN., the son of NN. (6 Selm), for ever and ever. Amen.' 

Sect. 7. 'When a mother stands by {?)' a woman:—! have come(?)'' and Jesus 
is come and calleth His disciples. They have found a 

105.— Parchment; 6|x6cm. Script: sloping uncials. Was folded 5 times in width 
and thrice in height. 

A Charm against various maladies, opening with the palindrome sa^or arepo tenet 
otera rotas, abbreviated. 

cdwTOip epi ^ eTJJsenopm juiimewCiK * Ainn^wpoiy jiiitneg^iuio ^ iuimTinKSwC ^ Ticopn epoK 

sic lie 

HTOK> ;)Q^nci . . 

106. — Paper; 2 fragments joined, complete; 25x17cm. Script: recto, uneven, of 
Zoega's 9th class ; verso, cf. Brit. Mus. Catal., PI. 7, no. 489. 

Medical Recipes. Lacunae and uncertainties in reading, apparent irregularities of 
grammar, besides many unfamiliar words, make the sense often obscure. Help may be 
had from the other Coptic alchimistic and medical texts : Stern's Tractat in A eg. Zeitschr. 
1885, 102 {cf. Brit. Mus. Catal. no. 374), Bouriant's in Ac. des Inscr., CR. 1887, 374, 
ZoEGA p. 626 {cf. DuLAURiER in Joum. As. 1843, 433), Berlin Urkunden, Kopt. nos. 21, 22, 
25, 26, the Bodleian papyri a 1, a 2, a 3 ; and, for the Arabic words, Ibn al-Baithar 
(Leclerc) in Not. et Extr. xxiii, xxv, xxvi and the articles of Steinschneider in WZKM. 
xi, xii, xiii and of P. Guigues in Joum. As. 1905, nos. i and 3. 


g^Ainpa^n ennoTC • wena^ig^pe 2^enKOjA.2>,2^ 
■SI ite»LK oypjvqTooY uTViTVoog^e qujooye 
Kj)>.a>.q enTV.coK'' ujjvnTeqTVcoK ec^^.Ie* ^eg^.q 
Tq • <3'on neqei enecHT (jv\oq ^ enKWg^T 'i.[. . . .]) 
5 e«XM.oq -"^ coqxq g^inco?V.eq c&.t iteqKoyK^ 
ciioX • T«w?V.o neujjvqei enecHT g^incoAq iv?V.oq 
enKCOg^T -"^ n2vcoi^&.p MA.i&.Tj>.npec iueniL\ 
;)(;^ieipe xtexinKHAie nujoMTe • xipconec 

' Either subject or verb must have some special ' Xou Ko-riX-q, 'cup.' V. Griffith & Thompson, 

meaning. C/: f Brit. Mus. p. 253, note 9 (jL^Jl ^1. Demoi. Magical Pafi.,^)- id. 

2 Or the first word the interjection =*>eio vai. * Scarcely «>Xe for Te.\o ; but e^-\o 'remove' seems, 

' Presumably ApeFno]. here and below, to give no sense. The words in brackets 

* V. no. 104. « gAiOAi. are erased. 

^ TK6.C cannot be read. " ' K-'i^d ' ? 


coyci* imecopcoKecoyc -^ eaji te.^^b.tx 
10 Kev.TJ!k.YOYJ!w • eenooy igeTV.tgto'Xc T^b^y 
eT&bJA.b.2y • jmitnneg^ eciui ♦ nb^n. neg^ 
K&.ipe * &.KHT eiiooy ^i's(onc&.g^Te • ti^b^y 

oyTV.&.^.'y npo^g^e ck&.'Xoj eKO-yooiu.: — 
15 -^ nRO)?V.A.g^ o« 

•SI ^^vK nnH[. . . . Mji.TV.e.Y • -"^oy euji Tpg^ajui eyujXcoX ^ 

eyuiHYe t».«>.c . . . ithctc «&.h uja^nTCKCooq •s- -xi ita^K 

««OYi>.p&.nco * ettepojT «it».'\;)(^&."\ec ■> g'on Tecna^tye 

».?V.oc e[nc]j!kg^Te tg&.«Tecg^juioiJi oyawg^qc ^ efeoTV. • epni 
20 e[ ]^ MTO • ■"^ oyei g^iMiTO encHT 

eTn&.uj nepcoTC ecg^Hjm jui2s.peqcooq g^iT^iH 

TC Tcqco n'se[. .] eptOTC ene».Tc«.g^Te g^i-soic 

\ejui?VwAA eeyA. . es. . . n . KOTCitH uja. . . . g^mKe».g^ 

pawl ei epoK kc&.t " OY'^.^.^>>^Y eg^pa^i g^i . ncKg^HT 
25 Moe noycooYg^e • *si nj>.K eyT . ig^e* gjaL 

Tq jueneKcnoToy eniujojuieT eg^ooy ckcco 

AiiLioq CKciTC egp&.i • i>.y^ TeK-si Te-ygiKH 

nejjiHite juniujoiAHT eg^ooy jnoit' ajjs^Kci 

TC gpiM eniujojLiHT eiigooy 
Verso. 30 o-ynek-g^pe «c&.ie k2v'\(oc • 

ooTe * TCKoyoAAq g^j>.tgcopn A«.nj!>.TeK[oY]co±i ?V. 

h.y : eKoywA*. «uioq nnujw eKeoyojuq jutnepi . . ne 

nei».it AinepoyetJiTHfeT o^'xe -xeMe tgs>.[K]o'r\ . g^ n 
Q,^ CKg^HT S^ ujii^KO-YWAi g^».poq * Jvyuj ujawqT[. . . .]n». 

fiJvTV. Mqco-sn nn2k.noYcip" nqK».?V.o'\[. . . .] ng^jui 

oy .eie Ki^riT . . fca^TV. oya*. noy . . g^Kg^uifc [niui] €TC«>.g^oyn [e]npiouie 

•SI «J».K no'y«i.pp;s.[ju&.« .] n eqRHK Tdw 

jvy e-yiucy . . eoj . . . y equnq kt' ng^ooy 
40 CKico nu.oo'Y . g^ . . . ejutooy uuumne Ainncwc 

> This and next word obscure, though reading certain. egoYit Prov. xi. 26, Luke xix. 43, ujcotju Ezek. xxxiii. 22, 

^ iii/^'- Isa. lii. 15, besides the usual *jui*.gTe Job xxxi. 23, Psalm 

' ? For ujXujidX. Ixviii. 18 &c. Here the first meaning might be applicable: 

■* Recurs {v. Index) as a measure of flax, written with ' evacuate, purge,' if the action of the drug is intended, 
double p, so possibly ^pl, *l^l, 'a quart,' a milk- or corn- ' ' Certainly.' V. Crum, Ostraca no. 83. 

measure in Spain ; v. Dozy i. 503, Ducange, Gloss. Lai., * -swrtT ' try,' ' test ' ; but ootc ' womb ' seems impossi- 

arroba, Engelmann-Dozy 203. ble, as 2nd sing. masc. is used throughout, tootc might 

' ? For OY6.gc. Cf. Stern, I.e. § xvi. perhaps be read. 

" CITE egpjwi, here and below, is difficult. In Num. ° The signs for 'and' and ' half in this MS. are jden- 

V. 17 (Br. Mus. 1 221) it varies with noyxe egp*.!. In tical. 

Wisd. xvii. 19 (Peyron) \\.=<jvvix^(T6ai, (though Br. Mus. '" Scarcely 'hemorrhoid'^^l, jjiJl (^.TuRAiEF,.^a/i;rz- 

Or. 5984 has cine egp*.!). Elsewhere o-iive';!(eo-6at =01111 alie po Arched. Christ. Egipta, no. 9, aLXnecoyp). 


UI&.TOY &e\ . . . g^i-sttoyco^ifi • ri^^y e-yg^jit 

•s e[q]^2£H[q m5] ng^ooy nxnl noyujH • HitToy eg^p 

^* [o]Y9« g^i-snoycoTv.ife UyS ng^ooy 

ujawriToy . . . e g^mcRfio -si kjvk itoyd.ccinin Mcd.i 

enKco^T g^wn neqc&jviee ^ oyij tJ Keqiw mk . . e 
e-stooy • ci.£^T[e g^Jvlpooy . e ne-yc^iviee ej netg-s 
M oyi.a.q • ei nd.c[ci]nm oyjs,2s.q Td^jvy eneqiw eqg^i 
■sconca^Te Twg^ ecwoy js^mtoy^icoA e£so?V. • 

50 ei mKOOYe[.] eTeiteviite •^ 

t>.ccm&Hn\ • oygji • Te^pcinei ^ igi • {vMoyMoyX ^ tgi 
Jv7V.K&.pj^M£ioy?V. ij uji • £ip&. ctawne-sHq • j>.?V.g^top j8 
. . oynpT equjooy ^ • iuievc ij e^ccHjunoy^ i^ 2>.cc8.ej>wp /3 
a.TVoyA.pc equjooye ij &\o& kcijia ^ £ip&. eiA':£w\ ^ 

55 cmswnii ij y^nTiHyx"^ ^ JvKa.pKJs.p2^iwp S [. .]».nton ^ 
ei oy&. OY&. uje^ajw^oy s'on mig ^itooy T&,2^oye . 
nneyepHy CTeneuj-sHM jjntneccmin g^wn neq 
poi g^i'stoncd.g^Te Ki^b^y Toyniio Te^g^oq K*.\toc tjv 

60 ^y nTawKoyajju. oYeni?ioM TCKg^iuj is.H • eneiuj jvn * k 
<*it^e7Vie g^Js.poq • uje.qKJve&.pi'^e junpo iu.neRg^[H]T 
jg^qfi^'yAe « • ewyw neg^ooy nujevKOYWM. n[£H] 
Tq junep^scoK g^».THcg^iAie jmnepoyeitTH^T oyTC 


"SHitH eye ep(OTe thuh it«end>.g^pene • le — 
65 o*yna>.g^p eca> g^a>.Tdw?V.g^tOA*juie • OYCis.ine juinujoiiUL S Tenpw 

^^jvem •>.p ?V.a.K MigKHKH?^ei« a enoy*. [oyi»] ' 

ei ujeXigoj^oY oyoujAAoy g^iiitooy «H(?^n8w«>.Y nne'\[. .] 

o\e. Tdwg^c ecynKHK e«epcoTe n^^g^H •'y . . . 

nenfio ToyigocYe ntiji noi^K ?^oq 
70 ne 6 n».?Vjui».TK8>.A. • co nequ^ g^awpoyg^e 

»iyu) neqy g^ei^igtopn jvyo) KneKepg^oyo epoq. 

The first recipe is for an unidentified malady \ It consists of a quart (4th part) of 

dried bdellium ^, to be subjected to the fire and sieve, 5 drams ^ of sugar ''of , gum 

of astragalus % and gum arabic ^ respectively being added. After grinding and shaking, 

' A prescription for this malady in Berlin Ur/i., Kopt. Stern § xiv. 

no. 25. The only known meaning is ' strike/ ' knock.' In *^1\\. Cf. Stern § xiv ujoyKep, here no. 109 

Stern § viii KoXg is different but equally obscure. coy5CX*>P- 

^ Also XeXtoge and ? Woge (Rossi I, v. 48), where it » J.,j3ol. 

may well be the doum palm JiU (so Labib, Did). ^ In Bodl. Copt, a 2 (P), 28 ixoo-y nKHXJuiie (? koixixi) 

' ^4, J, as often in Stern; thus with igi, in no. no and Kuja^ttTe. 



this is to be mixed with oil of sesame or of nuts and set on^ the fire. The mixture to be 
bottled and eaten fasting, in the evening. 

The second recipe (1. 15) is for the same malady. 5 drams ^ of white , shaken 

and measured, are to be placed in a Half a quart (?) of pure ' milk having been heated, 

the first ingredient is to be divided (?) into . . . parts and one of them added to the milk. 
This is to be drunk and, thereafter apparently, the remaining cold milk. The rest of 
this recipe (11. 23-29) is obscure. 

It is difficult to say to what the third {verso), ' a very fine medicine,' relates. Its primary 
ingredients are garlic and dried raisins. It is to be taken fasting in the morning; and 
after (?) it, neither fish nor certain herbs are to be eaten. From 1. 38 it may be translated : 

' Take thee a peeled pomegranate (?) *. Place them {sic) in cold water of for 3 days, 

washing them in (fresh?) water daily. Afterward cut them up (?) and roll on 

a sieve. Put them in strong {lit. acid) vinegar for 2 days and 2 nights. Take them out, 

one (?) on a sieve, for 2 days, until {or so that) they in the cool. Take fine dried 

raisins °; take out their seeds. Take 2 liters of pure* honey and put them on the fire, 

their froth '. Add half a liter of black (?) ^ honey thereto. Set fire beneath them, 

their froth. Throw in ^ the garlic by itself, throw in the raisins by themselves and 

add them to the honey that is on the fire. Stir them together ", till they dissolve. Throw 

in the remaining (medicaments), namely: ginger", i measure; ^^, | a measure; 

pepper ", | a measure ; gilliflower ^*, | a measure ; seed of , 2 ; dried of roses ", 

1; mastich, \; spikenard'*, |; ",2; dried saffron'^, f ; of sesame", 2; seed 

of onion, §; mustard^", |; ^', |; feverfew ^^ i; ,2. Throw them in, one by 

one. Shake them. Take the ^' from them. Mix them together, namely the garlic 

and the raisins. Cover (///. hide) its {sc. the vessel's) mouth (when) on the fire. Allow 
them to cool. Mix them thoroughly. Put them in a bottle 2*. Thou shalt eat a mithkal- 

weight thereof; and when thou hast eaten a jar^° (thereof) and hast , thou 

shalt have benefit therefrom : it will cleanse {KadapCletv) the mouth of thy belly and will 
benefit (?) ^* the head. And the day thou eatest thereof, go not in unto a woman, neither 
eat fish nor herbs " nor milk. The number of the medicaments is 19. 

(1. 65). A medicine to drink against fever 2'; good in summer and winter: — Nastur- 
tium, , 2', I (measure) of each. Throw (them) in. Shake them. Knead 

' a.KHT in Stern § xii, Bodl. Copt, a i (P), fol. 2, and '^ Not arsenic {8>pceKiKwii Zoega 630), as for internal 

here indicates action by fire on a dissolved substance. use. 

«.- might be imperative. ^ JiliJl . " JiiJill . 

" ^oy and -^ above are assumed identical. '^ i-Ko-yepT might be read, but c/. i.y " J*iJl. 

' jjjlil. So Stern p. 118. " Arabic unidentified; recurs below. " ^^M. 

* ? ^j[j>J\ epxi&n. ' i-*-^l • " Perhaps both words merely mean ' cabbage,' since 

° Lit. ' genuine.' Cf. loite xtxie, neg xxxxe., ssK^e xxsxe. csxx is (sometimes) a general term. 

{/ourn. As. 1905, 3.413)- In Brit. Mus. no. 920, f. 242 a, =" a-ivam. ^' Greek? ^ UssU)!. 

neg xxxxe ^^ oj;. It is frequent in the Demotic ^ itg 'urine' in Isa. xxxvi. 12, Mid. Eg. So in Bodl. 

Papyrus (». above), pp. 44, 50, 76 &c. Copt, a 2 (P), 44 oyuji luiy eqnoce. But here unlikely. 

'? c&HHTe ; but the meaning seemd unsuitable. -■' i^jAoll. So in Stern. ''^ ayyt'iov. "'' ? (ucAeXeiv. 

^ Scarcely K«ju.e or Ki.Ke. Third letter i, p or -y- ^ -sne. InAc.des Inscr.,Ci?. 1887, 376 "sHtte. Species 

' -©i twice in Turaief, /. c. unidentified. 

'" T(Dg ncs.-, as in Bodl. Copt, a 2 (P), 16, 19 &c. ^ Jiil. 

" iW>"- ^ ? JSlii-, but here apparently a plural form. 


them with water Mix it with ajar ^ of cow's milk. Place it (?) to cool and 

dry. The amount of it to be swallowed (?) =* is 2 mithkals. Drink two-thirds thereof in 
the evening and its (other) third in the morning and thou shalt not go beyond that.' 

107-— Parchment ; a fragment; 9x4! cm. Palimpsest: (a) illegible; (p) script 
irregular, of Zoega's 9th class. 

(d) A Medical Recipe, neujione THpoy nT^!^.^e jummcjuuvy cya.itKet^^o'A.oc 

V sic ^ sic 

AAnn[e]'y[epH]'y KJ>>.jv['y .... jvjne KJvd.[. . .]oy wcopT njv[\]8vY e-scoq [. . .]-<^e.enij>>.[ 

'All the maladies of the head and eyelids. (For) a ' that is painful. Take 

a hen's (?)* egg; break it; add thereto oil and a little vinegar. Mix them together and 
place them . . . head. Place . . . .^ of white wool thereon ' 

Verso (different hand) : Ji^nnpone eTJvi Ainnc'^ne %x%xo(l. 

108.— Parchment ; 6|x8|cm. PaHmpsest. Script: (a) and (6) Zoega's 9th class. 

(a) An Ophthalmic Recipe. Very faded and illegible. 

g^jjiia.X eswpp(^H niipjAO-y ng^Aioy « cKoq eK(U)Rwnji.T eqg^Hjm * o'YenTHH(3' -jscHakpTd.Aiion 
uuuiHTpiueKHjuie senigiqe eoyajHit eqpHT g^nna^nTOoy n[o]e no-Y^iio tig^epwiJ^n epeHeq(3^o)fee <• 
^01 itcyKoyi nee «g^nc«>.q eKs.c'iaj nequje eqeine Ains^ng^epjuLawii 

'Eyes that begin to exude salt water— Hoopoe's bloody heated; a herb named 
cardamum, in the Egyptian tongue shife\ which is a tree that grows in mountain regions ^ 

like a pomegranate tree, its leaves being somewhat long ^ like Its wood is 

like that of the pomegranate.' 

(})) A List {v. below). 

109.— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 5 x 10 cm. Script : irregular uncials.^ Recto \. 

From a Medical Recipe. Ashes (?)" of vine-wood are to be placed on the fire, and 
the face is to be anointed with oil and other things. 

JKJvpfiwne e«uieit£Ao\e tjv«j5 enKWg^r e-y HSSiSo^ ^j.\ev." ho-yuj Ateiuig^ Ti.^c 
ncKg^o .... ejuju[ 

' ? dyyerov. ' Unknown. Or ' in Egyptian (it is) the blight (? ujHfee, 

== But WM.K ejmoq cannot be read. rust) of a tree &c.' 

^ Paris 44, f. 68 ^ nKec^i^Xoc ^^nyl *U , Kirchee 74 'Not known in Sa'idic, except once as g^n-, Amelineau, 

niKe*«.\(.c J.1 medulla. But «.n- is obsTure. G^ogr. 127 ( = Pans 129". 96)- 
^ C ' For ujoi V. Isa. v. 18. 

■' V. Brit. Mus. Catal. p. 263, note, and Index here. 10 qjt Kircher 199 x*'PO^'""* ^^S- X^'P^-) '^f- Kap/8a)v, 

» ? A bandage. ndplSovvov) i^j>. (leg- 1;*=^)- 

* Prescribed in the Demotic Paparus (w. above), pp. 42, " c or q might be read for g. 

158, 194; its heart in Parthey, Zwei Zauberpap., no. 3, 

18. V. Ibn al-Baithar no. 2251. 

1 2 


no. — Paper; complete; 17x51cm. Script: irregular, of Zoega's 9th class. 
A Recipe for preparing a certain dish, though the final words would apply rather 
to a medicine. Much is obscure and translation difficult. 

@3'iM0'Y(0A» o-ytgruA enejui's(o?V. eqs'eoja'wcg c^h-y^ enptoige Ta>.[\]o niAOCY enKOJg^T 
[T]js.!vy eg^p&.i epoa^ AteyAteg^ ecijji: tdJKx a.cgj^epia' ^ : finpfeep CAtiuiooY eya.£iH6ep: <3^on 
cyoeiK enpuict^opaw Xok Ta>.a>.fe e£pjs.i : ct^oK/ js.cco'yxX*'? ^ * ^^'^^ e^je : TJ»>.nne« : ^ uji : 
SJwCc 'i^ oytj oji : ninpe * oyna^^ ^ tjs.t cYgJi Tcpg^ajm ^ a cuj-shm TisLa^y eg^pa>.i epoc : eyewfeHpfiep 
cyjvg^ efeo\ TecK^io •' : oycoaj. naiK fecoK eneng^wfe nepoywA* e>.« e-swc cy^ itnepccAi.oo'Y »^k 
e-scoc ea.q'sojK efioA Ka.\ajc. 

'A food. A few moistened onions, a sufficient measured Set water upon the fire 

and put them therein, but (so that) they fill it not Put (with them) oil of sesame. 

Boil them and let them boil. Take a light (?) sacramental loaf, add it ; (also) sugar 

of . . . ., 5 measures ; cummin, 2 measures ; mastich (?), 5I measures ; pepper, | a measure 
. . . . ; one dram of garlic. Add them thereto and let them boil ; set them aside to 
cool. Eat (thereof and) go to thy work. Eat not (else) besides it nor drink besides it. 
It is quite complete.' 

Ferso : remains of an earlier text. 

Ill — Parchment; apparently complete ; 2 x 9 cm. Script : rounded uncials. 
Possibly used as an Amulet by the writer, ' Matthew the little, of POrb \' 
^ AA&.eeeoc Ko-yi npjunajpfe : niKdw : g^jvjuHtt. 

' As in \oK, below, the prefix appears to be omitted. « As in Stern, op. cit. § xvi. 

^^i- "• no. 106. 7 Cf. TO dpKoSi/, Parthey, Zwei Zauherpap., no. 2, 19. 

'^^■^^?>- ' V- no. 106, 1. C). 8 Rgcurs only in no. 120, 


112. — Parchment; a fragment; I3|x8cm. Palimpsest: (a) 2 cols., rounded uncials; 
(b) 2 cols., small hand, cf. Ciasca xv. Initials and ornaments red. 

(a) New Testament text, as shown by the number jufe, visible in one margin. 

{b) Redo and col. i of verso unidentifiable. Verso, col. 2, part of a colophon, in 
sloping script, referring to the donation of the MS. to a church \ 


■<^ cyn • nno['yTe neMTek.qtgton] 

epoq nH['^topoM n2v£ie^] 
n'xiK&.i[oc j^-yw TeeyciSk] 
AineMeico[T a,iipawg^2uu. ^.-yu)] 
n'XenTOM [cMa^Y "^^ Te^Hpj^] 
dw-yoj najo[yg^Hne « 
eqeu}Oi[n epoq xin 
KTJ>.nen[ juji)i&.i] 

&.cawnH [ 

qi neqp[oo'yaj g^uineqnpoc] 
g^o-^oc jui[jijiin jujuoq a..q] 
cjuMTq [ &.qTi>.&.q ego-Yn e] 
TeKK?V.Hc[i&. « 4JL&.ine ] 

113.— Parchment; irregular shape; 21 x 4 in. Script : small, of Zoega's 9th class. Text 
across width, divided into paragraphs. 

Greek-Coptic Vocabulary. Several of the words are not biblical. 
■ze^. . 2w'2>.iKiTe • ce-si juxioq ns'oitc • 

■^eyt^oc • ncoeiuj ng^coTp nujconfi* 
-^H^oT-ynoc • neTpoeic eTecg^iJue « 
'^'Y?V .awAto • njuoY itcnfie ^ • 

' Lacunae tentatively filled from a prayer in the line i. . 

Anaphora of Mark (Cyril); v. the Cairo Euchologion, ' ZvXci^^v 'julap' seems unlikely. The Coptic may 

p. 5ciS, Brightman, p. 129- . ^^ ' '^^'^"^ °^ '=^'^" ' °' ' °^ '^'■' 

2 Possibly belongs to a preceding word, as this is not 


•^ojawpKec : mct'si eg^oyit enoiiig^ : 
■^oJHc awp^Ht»oc : nes.pD(^Hcoc Ainioitg^ : 


lA. : noce : 

(broken off here) 

114 [51]. — Paper; 12 complete leaves, being foil. 35-38, 44, 45, 50, 51, 53-56 of the 
volume as now bound ; 17 x 13 cm. i col. with Arabic opposite. 15 lines. Pp. n-nfe, tie, 
o, oK, n^, mi, q^-q^. Script : regular, sloping, of Zoega's 9th class. Stops and a few 
initials red ; ornaments red and yellow. 

Sa^idic-Arabic Scala preserved in Paris MSS. coptes 43, 44 1 These leaves are from 
the Sa^idic version of the biblical and ecclesiastical jJu*, of John, bishop of Samannud *. 
They show words from St. Mark, the Pauline and Catholic Epistles, the Odes and the 
liturgical books. The Vocabulary was here followed by the same author's Grammar, also 
in Sa^idic {v. Paris 44, fol. 23 b). Preserved (foil. 53-56) is a passage corresponding to the 
Bohairic text in Kircher, pp. za-^a. 

The text differs not materially from that of Paris 44 : a word more is occasionally 
added, another omitted ; the Arabic equivalents are sometimes not identical. It may be 
noted that this scribe does not write cTcypi^, eTcjs.jui!iKH, as in Paris 44. 

' Note this archaic (or Bohairic) word. ' C/. Brit. Mus. Catal. no. 491. 

' *t,u)fjLiov?, since the first Coptic word perhaps means * For this work ». Mallon in Melanges de la Fac, Or. 

'drink.' The second is obscure. C/. toy-U-Hk i5^, de TUmv. de Si. Joseph {Beyvouth), i. 11 ']. 
Paris 44, 85^. 



115.— Papyrus; a fragment; 35x30cm. Recto \, except first selis. Script: small, 

Above the text a ' protocol ' in large brown characters, alternately Greek and Arabic, 
beginning h hv6[L<xT\.. Of the Arabic sJJl ^1 sJl ^ [ is legible. 

The villagers {KoivoTi]^^) of Senepo^ to the treasury (Sij/xoo-tos Xo'yos^), represented by the 
Amir of Shmoun, with a request for a tax remittance (?). 

At end legible '^coonoioy k8>.i oju[ooycioy TpiaL-^oc 
In middle ]npcoTHc \vin^ 
+ iviton THOiMOJTHC enTi[xi]e ceneno g^iTOOTW &.non g^epoyo-s neie\&. nnp &,yu) 

nju.d.K/ igenoYTe ju.niepejuidwC nujniULiSwK/ KoWoyeoc xtttis.e&.n&.cc nujnnii&.K/ t:^i7V.[ 
5 njiAdwK/ n-aji^e Aiittg^H?V.ia>.c nuinnjji2».K/ ndwy^oc eitcg^jvi en-^HJuocioc ?V.oi^ h[toi] nen[^y° 
nneuuipsw iiTino?V.ic tswI ujxioyn xinnecTouj ■seenei-^k.H MTitei &.Hn&.p&.K[«>.A.ei n]Tn[e].[ 
nnis-uje itnne . . oc itTipoAine Ti>.i ■xecc&.pecKe.i-^eK/ i^^ TA.peTHTi cc'kAjh e«. . . 
npo>xi[nen]TiJU.e . . (S'oj . WTCcouje Kg^to-se «&epg^(o[q] ec^oiftdwjuuuoin nuj . [ 

In middle ]ti2^ojuoA.oci[&. 
Traces of 3 more lines. 

Verso : i line ]Xoq [. . ».n]&. Kip[o]c [space] ^^ . . X tenoju^io + 

116-— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 22 x 15 cm. Script : 11. i, 2 ligatured, the rest ligatureless. 
Recto \. 

Part of an earlier Arabic account (unpointed), perhaps relating to the text on the other 

side. It begins^Hai3l ^J^ T^ y^i" <^' V^'t . This was followed by columns of names 

' Cf. Krall cxlv, Brit. Mus. no. 391 (JSme), Crum, Siy/x. Xdy., namely (^toi) Kurra ibn Shartk.' 

Ostr. no. 407. * The Stot/cTjnJs as village magistrate at Shmoun, Brit. 

" Cf. Sevo/i/Su), MiTTEis, Griech. Urk. no. 99, and the Mus. nos. 1159, 11 80, and often in the J6me documents; 

same form on verso here, or as agent or steward of a landowner, BGU. 323, 368. 

' So expressly in a fragment Brit. Mus. Or. 6201 a ° Or nen['soeic. 

&c., nTk.HAi. \. HTOi nen^soeic pe.uii-2k, neyKXeecxa^Toc ° Not fyKX-rj/ia. 

nejuupa. itTinoXic tai ig[AjLOT«] jmimecToig. C/. ' Jl^l seems impossible. The next may be^iyj , ^Jj 

no. 160. In the Jkow (Aphrodito) papyri constantly, 'the orja.^j. 


with two sums of money opposite each. The names appear to be, o-Us ».Jj^, 

Verso : a statement of taxes paid by certain villages (?) to the treasury {Sr}[i6cno<; \oyos), 
represented by the Amir of Shmoun, 

+^ov(np£Ci}s S/ [lovcrat vl pat,iS 't/y '8 [ | ttoXccds ^ S/ ku/J ctTra /cup e .ap' kt; [ | 

+ g^Ainpa>.M JunHO'Y'[Te] Js^noK kocjuiih. '[iKHTHc | np(oijinju.onjvcTHpion eToy&.&.6 «[ | 
encg^ivi nn-^HAiocioc Aococ h ne«*2£oeic.[ | ne'yK^V.eecT&.TOc ndwAiip&. «Tino?V.ic t&.i ajA)io[Yn | 
nnooY CTecoyujojueTne M^oi&.[g^K | (the rest blank). 

117.— Papyrus ; complete ; gf x 13I cm. Script : small, ligatured ; cf. Brit. Mus. Catal., 
PI. 15, no. 1 1 67, and Rossi, Papiril. i, Tav. iv. Recto \. 

Note from Yezld, son of 'Abd er-Rahman ^ to Severus, son of Bane * of Shmoun, 
informing him of the amount due by him for the tax in 'this the loth Indiction, (for) the 
canon, the 9th Indiction.' Cf. no. 118. 

■e o . 

-> cyn le-^i-i. -y 8>.fc'i.ep[a>.]At[&.«] nqcg^*.i ce-ynpoc | nuj«fi&.Me nptOAiTno\ic jgAtoyit 'seiie>.i«e | 

MT«wCT&.g^oK AiMOoy Mi»Taw2(LY €nA.oc< neno-yfe | e . cjume ju.[oo]y ninjv^^ MJULup TCipojune 

The blank papyrus below this is folded and fastened with a clay seal and ribbon 
[cf. no. 119), the former having traces of a two-lined Cufic inscription. 

Verso blank. 

118.— Papyrus ; complete ; 15 x 18 cm. Script : hgatured. Recto \. 
Note from Yezld, son of Seeid \ similar to the preceding, addressed to Severus, son 
of Mark, the goldsmith. The tax is to be paid to the uTroSeKTijs, what he had already paid 
being deducted. 

cy« le-^i-x yio ceei-i. nqcg^a.1 wceyHpoc noge luiawpKOc t^SwYitoyq | npoiAie ^aaoyk 
-senawme eitT[«.CTi.]g^0K e^ooy «0Tj>.i.y e-rg^-yno'a.oixi" I "kocJ""^ ng^yno-i-eK/ gnne-i.HJiAo 
eTKJvTaw&a.^/ eTCdwKK/-^ M-x I \ cTenawme | oygoXoK/ AiMoyTpixiHcm epene«Ti.KTJ!.«wq ujjvnooY 
Hn epoK I yt/ ap v ay eyp p. pea r) i^/<r | ^tSt/c ovv^ [space] ap v ay \ yi, I ay 

' In ^^.1 and ^.4^ above, /and n are not formed. ^ No. 117 apparently in the same hand, but the father's 

^ This should be Shmoun itself. name is there different. 

' Quite uncertain. C>^ no. 119. ' Unintelligible to me. 

* Also the addressee in Brit. Mus. nos. 1 1 6 7-1 1 69 and « /. e. i^ip ISckov (?) 6vo/.c£tw, or simply IS^kZv. 'lStK6v 


no. 118 here. V. also no. 214. recurs in no. 151 here, Brit. Mus. no. 1088 and Ae^ 

» For ? nen'2.o^(oT^Toc), though it cannot be so read. Zet/sc/ir. xxix. 22, where it seems to mean ' own property,' 



I19.-Papyrus ; a fragment ; 13! x 16 cm. Script : moderately ligatured. Recto \ . 
Note similar to the preceding, addressed to Victor, son of Claudius, of ThOnei. 
jv&-2.]epj^j.n2 nqc^^i n&iKTCop kTV^^yti npwxie econe it [ ]; «oq noypcojue eqoioce 



n ^y 

]d.TemiTTd.YK . , -yon . . . ecfi . . . . | ]t )8 m^/ ^ 

/AT7 I ] /x /A 1/3 n 7 TOic Komw n y /a^ | ] yi n y 4" /aiy 

The ribbon, with its seal, tying the folded end of the leaf, is still attached. The 
position of certain worm-holes show that ribbon and seal were folded inwards. Cf. no. 121, 

A. fragment of clay seal. B C passes through the back of the papyrus. 

D continues C. E continues B. 

120 — Papyrus ; a fragment ; 11 x i8| cm. Script : almost ligatureless. This text is on 
the verso, fibres ->. Recto is no. 160. 

Receipt (dTro'Set^is) by Apa Kyros, a husbandman, for money contributions towards 
the dvSpia-iJios *, the Kavcov of the 6th Indiction ^ and Bairdvr] of the 7th. One apparently of 
the contributors is from 'the eastern POrf^' 

i>.]ms. Rypi noyooie nuje nnAtdwK/ iiocHt:^ npuijue ujjiioYn | i(og^]&.itnHc nuje imxia^K/ 
eycefee n»Lna)pq neifliiT | ] luuepoc scdwt'si awyio e^in^poy wtootm neKewtfxpiAAOc | ]nK&.n(OH 
ncKTHc in ^y jiiM'aLd.nawnH neJ&'^ojuHc in ^/ eTen[aw!ne | ]c. nnoyfii yt/ ap v a e.n fi/ eym^'s. na^K 



*wicjun Teid^no-jkei^ic | cto]P epoc + yej' p.ecrop [.] iv^/ -j — ! — \ + [ iTijawno-^ei^ic nee eccHg^ [ 


aira k j 

121. — Papyrus; a fragment; iilxiScm. Script: uneven, ligatured. Recto f. 

I. Receipt by Bane of , on the north of Shmoun, to Apa Severus, for the 

' V. Brit. Mus. no. 1042. Presumably the ©Si/is of 
the Greek documents. 

"^ ^^J\ J-c. Cf. no. 117. 

' 'AvSpicr/Ao's ; V. no. 120, 

* Arjixocriov, avSp., Sawavr] paid together in an 8th cent. 

Jk6w papyrus (Brit. Mus. Or. 6208). 'AvSp. also in Cairo 
no. 8076. V. no. 222 below. 

* C/. Brit. Mus. no. 1050 and here no. 117. 

8 Or Orf. F. no. iii. 



Sr]^6crLov {half a solidus) of the 7th Indiction, the deed being dated in the 9th. Whether 
Severus is himself the contributor is uncertain. Reference is made to sea-service in 
Africa ^ 

+ jswttOK fe&.ne ntge nniJi&.K/ lawKoife npcojiie[ ] neju^iT HigAioyn TnoTVic eicg^evi nii^- 
ce-ynpoc [ | tgiAoyn -sec oYnawige ng^oTV-OK^ is.cei toot g^ . [ | . Ph\n . . oc npcjoxie nneiTixie 
M«o'yw[T|eeq itTa^e^pHKH g^ivTeuiocion '5 i«°/ t»iy n[ | ci« fid^ne ctoi + t^iLOti^H k e i« / 

2. In the Other direction and a different hand, the opening formula of a deed, mention- 
ing Babylon. 

[4-ett o«OAj.js.Ti THc ] iwCiftkC '^wonoioy k&.i ojuooycioY en AAOita^Ti^ | Tejccs^pec r*.i 
"i.CK&.THc ew fcj>.fcY[\a)n] + [ 

Seal and ribbon still close a fold of the papyrus above line i [cf. no. 119). 
Verso : ]n . M. juineecone ^ n r . Hand of i. 

122.— Papyrus; complete; 21x6^ cm. Script: irregular, ligatureless. Recto -^ . 
Receipt (dTroSet^ts) by Moui, a deacon, to Apa Severus, for the contribution {^idypa^ov^) 
to the h-riixoa-iov of the loth Indiction, paid by 'his men.' Cf. the Severus in no. 121. 

+ JS.HOK juo-yi I nie?V.&.|)(|^icToc | e-^iJs.K/ npoiJu|nju.js, njui&.TOi | eicg^jvi nepoiiie | eyg^a^g^THu 
TOR I &.ndi. ce^Hpoc | •se&.i'si 2!>.in|?V.HpoY tootk | g^^wne-yTidLKpevlt^oM ckti Aioq | «&.« g^«Te-| 
xiocion eTe|Kj>.Tec it-x/ | e-ycopecs' ««^k | &.icjuin|T^ic na^K I eicTH^i epoe | iioyi 

Verso : -t- ? ? A^ns^ ce | [-yHpoc 

123.— Papyrus; complete; io|xi6cm. Script: ligatureless, uneven. Verso -^ . 
Receipt by Severus, a priest, for tax-money of the current, ist Indiction, from 
Apa Markos and Shenoute and for one (measure) of 'good' wine. 

Verso : -<f ceyHpoc nie?V.jv enp/ nfccg^awi e&,n». AijvpKoyc | 'secitawy ^ Tpijuutc rtnoyfe u^ t o ct 
OTfna.ige | g^».nKTejuocn iKyiM oyniwUjTpixjucc nnoY^i | g^a.ajm[o]'y[T]e g^iTOOT^ et^i6&.AioY« oyb. 
KHpn I Tttevnoyfi g^e^TepoAine Ta>.i npwTc vi^/ | \l tt a. ij a ceyHpoc np/ tictoixj + 

Redo : remains of an earlier account, in red ink. 

' In 5 neeq is doubtless to be read. ' Africa ' in a ^ Formula usual in the Jk6w texts ; v. Br. Mus. Cat. 

similar connection in the Jkow papyri (Brit. Mus. Or. 6210, PI. 5, Or. 6204. 
6222, i), in reference to the supply of sailors for the annual = V. no. 119. 

cursus against the Greeks. V. Becker in Zeitschr.f. Assyr. * V. Crum, Ostraca no. 410 &c., Krall no. ccxi. 

XX. 90. s For -seeic cne.y. 


124.-.Papyrus ; 2 fragments ; 6| x i6f and 9I x 14I cm. Script : various. Some m 
red mk. 

• ^T'^^T ^?f ^^""^^ P^'"^ ^^ *^ monastery, or the ' rock,' of Apa Thomas \ They are 
issued by Apollo 'of the o^c.'a'^ and by Pachomo 'of (the monastery of) Ama Sophia,' 
and addressed to Apa George, the archimandrite or head {hi great man) of the former 

Redo |. 

I. ] S : y' i^ ^iK-/ ciTTo 87,/.° s oyrov rpicr^^eK^^ ^^/ XP ^ te SeK[ | /^ y i^^ ,8 /.eXx'creSeK crro^ + 
Below this, in red ink, ]i.feiK/ o'yci[ev]c | +8.n?Voi na^Toycia. nqc^j.i im-xmeon «TneT[p8. | 

c*e(o]pcioc newpix^HAJieiwTpiTHc [ 

II. ] KCTHKs. . I ev]nAto nq[. . . nj^Tlo-ycia. cth^h +| (L\^i^i ttn'xiKe[o]M nnjuoHocTH|pioM 
«]^v^J^ ecoii^c ^itotthytu evne^ newpwoc | ]c -xeec oyneuje (above h^o^ok/ m ;) e.cei ctoot 
eiTOTTHTfTit I e.]RTi . . . oy Kj^M g^iiTipojune •a.i.i TpicKeT[HR]s. I ]/ e.n\(o ns.Toycij. cthx [ + ] | 

Verso -^. 

L iw]na. i?etop<Te nnots- npcoAAe -2£ec ujoaiht [ | ] neK-xHjuocion ^ij « y ojueoc KeojLio[ . . . n]- 
2.9^9^/ g.*'" I ] *2>>ipoAine -a.Jvi TpiTHc i ^^ niy^g^wjuw cto?^ ec'pj.t^e /I | ^ K-a. | i-a. -a. | 

Another hand. evJAAd. co^ft^I^s. neqcg^A.i Ain-a.meoK n».ne. ©cojuswc | ] Kcopce niioY(3' 

II. +^ n*.g^a)Aia> «^Ai[a. coylt^idw neq[cg^j^i | g^jTooq K&.na^ cewpire nnotS nptoxie -seec [ | 
e-i.wcoT g^Sw-i-ipoAine T^s.I Tpic Ke'2wHKe.[ j ecpevt^ fj. t^evojt^ R"r i-a. i. + n».g^[tojuo> | c]g^e<i jun-i.HKewu 
nawn&. ©coai».c g^iT[ooTR | -sjeec igjuoyw g^o^OK/ &.yei e'a.{jO(OTn[ | ]ic Ke-i-eKavTHc \^, +] ns^g^iojuio 


125-— Papyrus ; a fragment; i8 x 12 cm. (i) i?^f^o f. Script : sloping, irregular uncials. 

Receipt (d77oSei^ts), issued by of Ter6t enapake*, for a tax (?) paid by the ^Uaiov 

of a monastery, through its administrator {irpovo7]Tij<s). 

+ a..noK [^ I njvKe eicg^&.i enn'2k.i[Ke>.ioii | [.jujTeg^* j^itootk nT[oR] &,neiw e[ | m&.ithc -sLeawi^i 
akinTVHpoy too[tr | ckti juuuoq ttd.i g^e>^evnaw eica^K n[ | g^e^Tipouine rb.\ tp!ctri'^€[k&.thc in-X/ | 
e.Tenjs.iMe co Kip&.Tn eR[ . ]uonTe[ | jiwIcjum TTij>.no'^i^ic ni.R »,«[ | + fiiRTwp np/ a^eniTpene 
njvi [ I + e^noR fiiRTwp np/ nijje «iuli[ | npcoxiTepoJT ne)wni«.Re eic[g^jvi 

' The archimandrite and the ' father ' of this monastery * This recurs in a fragment in the series Brit. Mus. Or. 

occur in our papyri {v. Index), but it is not mentioned 6201 a &c. V. here no. 196, note. 

elsewhere. neVpa presumably corresponds to Tooy. The * This line erased to give room for the address of the, 

' irerpa of Siut ' occurs in ZoEGA 370, Cledat's Baouii i. text on verso. 
43; in no. 139 here 'the it. of Apa Victor.' * Cf. Krall no. cxxx and here no. 187, which make 

^ To whose estate does this refer ? Cf. the use in Brit. it probable that the monastery here is that of S. Phoeb- 

Mus.nos. 162, 629, and the obscure expressions in Kenyon, ammon. Is it possible to connect this with Boh. ujeeg 

Cdtal. ii. 30, 235. and so with t^aLnoc i^oiliaju.(i)ii nTe^fopa., Turaief, 

^ Not line r. Materialie no. 7 f 

K 2 


126 — Papyrus; a fragment; 15 x18 cm. Script: small, ligatured. Recto f. 

Document, perhaps relating to taxation. Visible are the names [xepKovpo covctto, 
■n-a/x^w t,oLT, [TT]axyiu avovc[)o, yprjy wo, each with a sum of money opposite it ; below these, 
a total yi/ M i8y ; below which, in a different hand, ] t^eoipce naje nnuiawK/ «.ee^«».ce npwAie 

ajjuoyn tictoi | eT[! . . . .]&./ «©e eccHg^ ejuoc + ivhok 'xcop[o©]e nuje «njui>.K/ \eo«Tioc | 

i>li]c2^«.i [g^j)wp]oq •snqttoi + 

Verso blank. 

127- — Papyrus ; almost complete ; 21 (?) x 31! cm. Script : small, rarely ligatured. 
Redo |. 

Agreement (6ju.oXoyta) between the community of Tletm ^ and a landowner, as to the 
rent to be required of him. C/. the phraseology of Turaief, Materialie po Archeol. Christ. 
Egipta, no. 6, and Krall no. cxlv. 

+ [TKoiity] «nTiJue T^HTjm £itoot« &.«o« g^H'\ia.[c] juiKioiCHt^ n&.nHYe xiwoYHeiuj juinnA.- 
Aioyn itnenu)^ | junnceene iteoyooei nertTiAte tTV-htai encg^[A.i n]&.na>. SwcI^oy n['\]&.npoT&.Toc 
nttje Knjui2!wK&.p/ 7V.e . . . [ npojjue ajuioyn '2seeini'2k.H epeT&.K2 oyg^oi g^«OYJs.neH/3 nujoyjuoyTe 
epoq -xet^oi nxAiHTe a^KCi efio\ | . . 'seKA.'soq nnKawpnoc nTeTa>.pTHc ih[ ^J\ jn.Kej'nTq aLq'2£j>wj>>.'se * 

ncKUj-so g^KOwq \enoit | awitniee junKCitepHY T&.peKfii Teya^coY [ ]topq «niTiJue oywT 

T^TJu. nc^sooy KneiKa>.pnoc | noyoiT Tcra^pTHc ik-x/ Tenoy oytt Teng^ojuoTV.ocei 'jseneite- 
[ig]&.[ju.&.]g^e ^ juoH e\jv2i.Y n'2k.'y[ju.o]cion g^Ji^pooy | o^*'xe "xeneMeujAievg^e juok e-xocyy na^pe 
n[K]&.pnoc tiTeipoAie t^.!" TeTa>.pTHc m-x uj*>^eneg^ | »l'\?V.&. hitti TAteToye nKep&.Tn Ainn .... 

naju[(i:^ifi[o\e]id>. eriuj[pK nnito-yTc] ] [nevKTo]Kpa.TOjp JU.«^[oy2£]^l^.I KH[eTawp;x|^ei] extort -reHett-». aiok npo[c | in middle TpiTHc | Remains of two more lines, giving 

signatures in different hands, the first being loicH?^. 

'The community (/coivottjs) of the village of Tletm, (represented) by us, Helias and 
Joseph, the headmen, and Weeish and Pamoun and Enoch and the rest of the husbandmen 
of our village, Tldtm, we write to Apa Aphou, the illustrious (Xa/iTrpoTaros), son of the late 

Le . . . , of Shmoun. Seeing that (eVetSTj) thou hast (?) a field in , which is called the 

Middle Field, thou didst set about (?) to plant it for the crop (/capTros) of the 4th Indiction 
and didst find it to be hard (to till) and thou wast not able to plant it ; and (XoittoV) we did 

agree {ireiOeiv) together that thou shouldst take their price (?) (and shouldst) it for this 

same village, Tletm, and shouldst plant them for this same crop (/capTro's) of the 4th Indic- 
tion ; so {ovv) now we agree {opoXoyelv) that we shall not be able to make a claim on (?) 
thee for any tax {Syjfiocnov) on their account, nor ever to make a claim on (?) thee beyond 

' TX^(9/.is P. Amherst cxxii, Vitelli no. 50, now * Q^ ■s».^w, applied in Num. xiii. 21 (Peyron) to land 

Etlidem. e p Qf. ejn&ge in no. 148. 

^ Equivalent to othtk-? « ' This (current) Indiction' seems impossible, owing 

' gnnjuL*.ne might be read, h possibly cancelled. to the 3rd, in the last line. 


them, except for {^apd) the crop (..) of this 4th Indiction; but (S^XXd) that thou shalt pay the 

II carats and the corn-tax {ii^^oX^) for thy freight. We have drawn up this 

agreement {6ixo\oyCa) for thee, concurring {a-roLxelu) therein, any doubt {df,<j>,fio\[a), 

and sweanng by God Almighty (Trai^roKp.) and the health of those that rule {dpxeiv) over us, 
that we shall not be able to contravene {Trapa^aiveiv) thee, according to {jrpo^)' . . . 'The 
3rd Indiction ' occurs doubtless in the date of writing. 
Verso blank. 


128.— Papyrus; a fragment; 13 x22 cm. Script : ligatured. Ink red. Recto \. 

Deed of Surety {6p,oXoyLa) for certain persons who had been entrusted to the writers' 
custody and whom they undertake to produce when required, at Tnouhe \ 'The nome of 
TouhO * is mentioned ^ 

]AttiooTf g^AtnTooj TOTf£0) a^KCMTOY A^'xi'a^oY J^Ju^ooy eTOOT[« | ttjvy msx nuja^KUime 
nccooy ctootk TweKToy TMn&.pjs.j'aLi-i.oY MMOoy n&.K nTWoyg^e ei •i.H juo[i]c'e t«cu)k 

encopK enKoyTC nnes.nTOKp&.Twp xjinjneY'X2vi niten-soeic eTs^p e-ston T*.pnt5Y? mhtm | 

npoc Tec(3^oxi + | ju . . . . ei n . copoc'awpo . . en -i^J^oi-i. ceyHp S k 

^^[about 12 let.] awno?V.Aa) t^oiSi ci/ jfc | + a.«oK . . . ?ufu«. nis.Tno'yg.e tio juju«Tpe + 1 

[ + &,«OK icog^]d.«ttHc n^MnAtj>>.K/ juHnev npuiAie itj[jnoYM] | tio JUxtnTpe + 

129 — Papyrus ; a fragment ; lof x 322- cm. Script : rarely ligatured. Recto -> . 

Deed relating to a surety for the sacho* of Paul, and consisting of a letter addressed 
by Theodoracius, a high official, to the sureties, and of their undertaking and signatures. 
The whole, including these signatures, seems to be by the hand of the notary, excepting 
the four crosses themselves. 

+ ivnoK nnyp/ eeo-^top&.Ke nen-^o^/ ni?V?V,0/^ npiOAJie ujjuioyn eicg^jki Miop-xSkitHC | 
junxi&.pKoc AJinfeiKTajp on xtttd^nik, KoWoyee iiepoiAie igjuoyn | •seenei-xH 
iwTMe&.nTi(i^a>«H ^ na^i enenpocconoii ev^A.^o jtini.'yA.e | npoc TeTMedw«Tit^ajitHcic iKyiii SwTiteuTq 
itdii *snTeTne8wAJi(L^i&&.Ae [ [ 

* ' The Sycomore.' A place ? C/. Tno-yge in a koo-iiiko's ; also here, in a list {». Index) gwAec Koyi ca^x^ 
Theban (?) ostracon, TuRAiEF in ^«//. ^r./w/.'99, 440. and Berlin P. 4977 goire nca^x^- Appears as in the 

' V. Krall no. cxvi. employ of another, in present and another text here and 

' For ctoK c/. Revillout, AcUs 57, 61, here no. 199, Brit. Mus. nos. 627, 1089. In Brit. Mus. no. 571 appar- 

Br. Mus. Or. 6205 (Jk6w) Ta.pKCWK ga^npocTiAiwre nijLX. ently like c^g; c/. PSBA. xxi. 249. 

* A title, not yet adequately explained. Sometimes ° "Ei/SoforaTos, lAAovo-rptog. Cf. the ko/it;? in no. 207. 
a clerical official (Crum, Oitraca no. 36); cf. Rev. /gypi. ' V. Krall cxvi, Brit. Mus. no. 457- 

X. 164, where ' sacho-cloihts' are contrasted with 'secular', 


Ferso : 

eTi2^0Aio\o»?ii. [ ] epeg^ojq «iai e[n(o]«ne g^HnoKeic[ej>w]i [itHTn . .]• eneT[«]la)p'x 

(rr//tt/ o-r/jtii/ o-Ty/it/ o-T;/i.t/ 

et^e" (^^L e m-^./ i + f-|— L f-f-| f-H" 1— J— T I + ^«°^ Iop•:.^vnHC xitti*J.pKoc 

top8avr/s fw.pKO's jStKTopos ^ikto/jos 

lAitfeiRTwp junfciRTOip on jLi« (blank 1) t«ctoiX/ 1 eTig^ojuo\oP!aw nee eccHg^ caaoc + e^noK 

jco&.nnHC nno nTs>.icg^8ki g^2>wpoo'y •seco'ynoi &.n -^ 

130.— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 17I x 13 cm. Script : ligatureless. Becto f . 
Agreement {ofioXoyua) addressed by several sureties {iyyirqT-q?) to Theodosius and 
Longinus, both of high rank, and relating to a single person, (whom they undertake to 
produce) at their own risk. The hand is apparently that of the first surety. 

sic J. I 

+ en onojuiJkTi Toy na^Tpoc rj>>,i Toy yioy [ | etrps^t^H t^A-tot^i ennivK»>i'i.eKJs.TH th[c | 
-t- dwnon neiTpyHTHc eoysw g^ynoirpjs.ti^e [ | ni . y nnecyuiion nnoy^L noya^ e.oyis. [ \ efc&.'^H[A]0Y 
nxiioq g^icawc ^ £8kneqnp[ | nTCOTn nK-yp^ eeo-^oce nen'2k.o^oT[ | ?V.oiTi^ine ruAetT»w?V.onpenec- 
Td,Toc n[|ju.HTviy-icne nne^one nefeoT nTipoAAn[e | onojua^'^e^ njuoq nneqnpoctonon xi[ | 
n».T?V.oKToc n&.TCT&.'ypoc ns.Tc;)(;^Hjji[&. nAj.onjs.^oc * | eTnawg^ynoAinHCRe njiion eTfiHH[T | njs.T?V.».^y 
nnpot^dwcic ng^ynoReic[oavi | nTOOTq nujopn ng^e ^ niJJi nTa>.no'y[ | g^oAAoTV.oc'iak nHTn e>.ncToi^ei 
spoc [ I nn&.nTORpa.T{op junneyse*.! nn[ | npjs.£T n^e niuu.2vRa.p/ eycTS^ee n[ | nXenTuvpHc ^ 

I — j— I + d^noR (i]^i?V.o[eeoc | 

Verso : remains of a Greek account, containing the amir's name, paliS '' ey^-^) afxip. 

131.— Papyrus; a fragment; 9x14cm. Script: sloping, ligatureless. Recto \. 
Deed of Surety, in similar phraseology to that of no. 129, with a fine of 6 solidt. 
The list on verso is presumably that of the sureties. 

]nTmo?V.ic noywT uj.tioyn •s.^t[ | ] enj!.t»0AienH HTipoiune Ta^i eRTH[c | ] HTivnigHpnono- 
AAev7;e niioq [ | ] htooth TnnTq Tnna.p&.'i.j'2».oy nmoq [ | ]na.T[c];)(^HAij>. niu.on8.;)(^oc tl^oyn 

nig[ I nja.'^ cooy n[g^o]\oRo[T/] nnoyfe nHT[n] 

Verso: legible are /Aaio aTro ep/^, a-n-a vok/ ii-qv, kW~ a-Lp ano bxjjekio^, kolv a^^ crevov, 
KOiv vorapio, pifjl) atro ttXo, airoXXw vl[. 

1 Apa Colluthus' name is wanting. Jk6w (Brit. Mus. Or. 6212, 6226"), 'without word or 

' 'S'f. this ofioXoyla. Cross or festival-day.' C/. perhaps Crum, Osiraca no. 42. 

' ? [itTe.nuipn]oKOii.jv^e; cf. no. 131. In Turaief, Materialie no. 6 and Krall cxlv is an 

^ Cy: no. 131. ' Without word, without cross, without obscure phrase of similar purport. 

monk's habit.' Presumably there is a difference in meaning ^ Cannot be the same as in Krall cxxv. 

from the common na-Tgjvn ne^TnoAioc {cf. S.v£v SUr]^ /cat « Acvnaptos lintiarius (Herwerden). 

KpiVctos, St'^a iravTos vo/jlov &c.). In Krall no. cxiii 'with- ' XJi... 

out word{?) or cross or Sunday {«vptaAc^) or festival-day' ; ' a" place? Cf. the name n<^€'Xios, Brit. Mus. Catal- 

so in id. cxiv and here no. 132. In deeds of surety from p. 450. 


132.-Papyrus ; a fragment ; i8| x 14 cm. Script : clumsy, ligatureless. Recto \ . 
Deed of Surety {kyyia, 6f,oXoyia) relating to certain villagers who had been delivered 
to the amir. _ Ihe writer (sing.) now undertakes to produce them for the person addressed 
On verso a similar text, possibly by the same hand, mentioning the amir Nagea^ and the 
place Pma npeshoeij'*. 

«[«]oq enuTixie ^Kiame nc^Te-yuc^ij. [ | ig],„e „c(oo"y nTOTn THn^.p^TiToy nsxoy [ \ ^wq] 
mxx encome ^e^ni^wq o-ytop« mj^k J.iCAi[«|T]eig^ojuio?Vopia. «ee cch^ mjui[oc] + [ 

Below this the names of guarantors and (?) guaranteed. 



veTfi LaKK/ 


^IK, ' ? 

S a.ecrXa. 


VT0X°y (J)0l/3 

S cro(j)La yafji ay * 


ovvo<f>p fl 

S o-ocfiia yafi ay 



Verso : (the upper part apparently blank.) 

]t Atitneg^Hy [10 letters | ] ni^nj^ fnKTwp na.n-a.iKeyxHt «..[!] illegible [|]ctoc ^ it[i.ii]epa. 
Me.i?t». nige MoynH[ | ]TiAie j^Tneujme Tiei^ccHaw Mg^OAto[\ot'i8w | ]«em na.TAoc'[oc] uawTfawypoc^ 
. . . [ I ]Tn AinneT . enoy-siTq' . . h [ | ]oc Ki.nj.i s npeiuiiTxii. nnujoei-x t[ 

133.— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 38I x 9 cm. Script : various. Recto \ . 

List of those who go surety for Elias, with the amounts guaranteed. Each hne is in 
a different hand. 

] + &.noK fiiKTop nnujnnjuiwKJvpioc juHna*. Tiet»[«?i2s. Mg^H\]i&,c hi?' soywT g^o^OK/ [«] k I 
+ evMOK lepHAiF nignnjuijvK/ j».ne. K-y[pi]c npxi-xiocKopi ^ " Ti[enn]yjv | Mg^H^i&.c hc^ ujoAittT 
Mg^oXoK"^/ n 7 1 + awttOK> nige nnjiidwKa>.pioc oyeitofip Tienrtia, MH\i2k.e uti . 11 qTOoy 

Mg^o\oK/ w S I + j^.noK AAH Tiepc'ia. «g^H?V.iewC ti . . oy mjuht itg^oTV.OK'^/ yt/ n t | another 

line, ending yty n t 

134. — Papyrus ; a fragment ; 19I X 13 cm. Script : ligatureless. Recto \. 

Undertaking, with surety (iyyvri), by Theodore, a vine-dresser, addressed to , 

regarding the cultivation of the latter's vineyard. On verso, in another hand, a payment 
(or ? receipt) of money by Theodore, here called an ivrdyiov ". 

' Cf. ndLKca., Brit. Mus. no. 586. May be t^ , iua.lj or and probably Brit. Mus. no. 11 14. 

Aij. The father's name perhaps begins x^. ° Probably for euxAeeo-TaTos. 

^ Unknown. Possibly translates yvfjivdo-iov. ' V. no. 130. 

' The place whence guarantors and guaranteed come. ' V. Brit. Mus. Catal., p. 448. 

Perhaps read ^^>.s'e {cf. n&Ke in no. 125) or cf. taj.oy«- ' eyyur;. 

giva'c in a fragment, Brit. Mus. Or. 6201 a &c. *" Cf. Mepls Aioa-KopLhov, Mitteis, Urk. no. 90. 

* ya/xeTTj avrov. " As in nos. 196, 215, Brit. Mus. no. 458, Grenfell, 

B A 

avnyiovxos. Occurs in Sph'nx x. 2, Krall clxvii, Gk. Papyri ii, no. xcviL 


+ ^>wttOK eeo'i.ojpe netj'juie ntge «n(3'co[7V. | Tmoy -Jwe eitgoon g^Axx^j-a.^^ !(og^&.«n[Hc ^ | nuje 
nTuu.e>.K&.pioc «ujo'[ye | nptOAie lyjuioyn 'seTip&.ige T!g^ojui[o?V.opei2 1 nne-rpoc ne.&xxe 

T».pe&pneK(3'ooAi [ | Kni^[. . . neJJJiOT nTip[o]-iine m£[ | kjvk i.6 • . .[KJawit a^fee . g^ [ | n-xmeq . 

(x>fe . . . . Ta>.q'si[ I nneqRiwpnoc •srtrteoycAAA.g^ k[ | aMXis.y a>.Tfto «KttJs.K&, o . A . w . <5^ • [ I n*-**<5J- 
&o\ei8w (above m>.v) eni tco Te^Ti [ | neKarwju awyw nuj*.ioY[ | ncR&JULe k».r nA.TAoco[c | 
n . . nTOi)^ n&ixiAx Mn[ | nna^UTOKpawTOip AAnn[oY]'x[*.i | MTiec^pyH eyoip-s K&.K oy[m | g^iTitna.- 
CTiv-ypoc &.inji>p«>.[K».Xe | 

Verso : ]wpe npcoAinjma. ns^nd. tgcAiOYTe | ] npoinoHTHc ntge «nAJia.K».p/ | "sjeeic K».mjvuje 


g^o'XoKOTTM I ] TpiJUHcm g^nTivC(i52v?V.ei«. I poejic Jiineie«T».iTm kjvk | Jin-^"/ a + -^ — \ — [- + i^noK | 
]cyo\')(^€.\ enieitTJviTin wee eqcHg^ ajuaoc + | ] npwAie cgAioyM «Tevi g^jvpoq + 

135. — Papyrus; a fragment; 46x20cm. Script: ligatured. J^edo, top seh's -*, rest f. 
At the top, remains' of a Greek and Arabic protocol in 3 or 4 11. of large, brown characters, 
of which line i begins ev ovo/i,[aTi. 

Deed of Surety (lyyv-qTiKj) ofioXoyCa^), addressed in the ist pers. plur. to a high official 
of Shmoun*. It probably guarantees the work of Apollo Elias for 5 months to come. 

[Entirely obliterated] | n-y junneYciuuwoif «&.OYainek.g^ efeo^ g^e[n]cHT «Tiec'C'YHTiKH[ | 
«Tm[o?V.ic] T&.I jaAAoyn AJinnecTOig •seeni'^.H &.nn&.pa^Kdw7v.ei lumuiTn T»wpeT«[€ | e . . . .ti efiepg^ojq 

npoc'Y'MH©i&. KTioy nefeoT Mg^ooy &.TneigiMe[ | tm . . juie "seoyptouineniAioMakCTne^ a^noWco 

g^H\i&.c iiTA.« . [ I ng^toq oyconiwg^ nmn efco\ •seq^[iw]tgtone no-xe Kypo k . . . | . . . . e-xton £^&.poq 
itTCTMUjoine nT(OT« ne^a.Km'i.Tf[ttoc ."jwn [ | ]caxn g^ojt)to\ocei2< nmn g^a^poq «.yu> [e]Kuje.n- 
ujwne . . , nei ncen[ | [2 quite illegible lines] | + eyp [i [rest illegible] | n^Tepjui[o]Y[Te] , . 
TicTH^e Ripe 2iwno^"\[(o] ic»>k enco^^;^ • "9 [ 1 Kyp»LK[oc] ep«H[ 

Ferso : traces of i line at top. 

136.— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 4 x i2| cm. Script : ligatureless. Recto \ . 
End of a Deed of Surety, the author of which was a womanl 

ec'i?]yH MCToi epoc MoipK imnoyTe nna.nTOKpjvTiop | ] a. TeTujHpncga.! tictjm CTig^oiuoTVo/ 

eco nec-t'YH | T]Hpc «TigoAAO?V.oc'i2v eco itet-o^YH -f-f-j- + j^mok | ]uji5iit itTawic^a.! ^a^pooy 

•2£«coy«oei aL« + I ] 


> Apparently a place ; in Br. Mus. Or. 6201 b &c. * Perhaps the pagarch or amtr, from the phrase in line . 

«epo>^e mV^g .(.g^itKc. C/.nc.2.l^c{stc,notn.^!^oy), = Enclitic -rte twice is suspicious; but 'the monastery 

ViTELLi, i^a/^rz no. 73, and Krall cxui nc2p[ Jwp. of Apollo ' can scarcely be read 

But possibly read T^g-. ' e ^^,,,vS..o., with the meaning of dK.VSv.05. In Jk6w 

^ A phrase common in contracts; v. Krall cxui, cxxvii, papyri, Br. Mus. Or. 6201 &c., T^^epTH^Tn en*.,,KertTmoc 

isrit. Mus. no. 1073- C-/. o/toAoy5 tKovo-WDS, or exovtrta yvmyar;. Pevooq, '^ 

= C/ll 2 and 8 and no 136. The phrase is frequent ' To read cT^Hpn would be quite unusual here, 

m the Jkow papyri, e.g. Brit. Mus. Or. 6205. s Reading certain ; name new. 


137— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 14 x 33 cm. Script : sloping, almost ligatureless. Recto \. 
Deed of Surety {h/yv^i), addressed by 3 guarantors 1, presumably from ThOne \ to 
a superior, on behalf of one person. 

R-YPJ^KOC nige n*.noX\ui tictoixci eTiet-cx-YH ^ | i.noR ^.n*. iuione noje'XTVco «nT^-Ypme 
ncAApic'' nuje nt^Hy TericToixei eTi|GC5t-yH i>.noR Tj^ypme nnoimiKoc neoiwe e.icg^a.1 ^a^poo-y 
KTd.'YeiiiTpone nj^i | enco-ynoei ncg^a.! jmi ^ ^ e.noK nu}n «s.n«. «one -seTeo 
«AAK|pe eTei^cnj^^Vm ^ j^noR nepHT eige t^ifi -xeTio imnpe^s^'Xm ^ | ^ a.noR n(3^w\ 
nuje nioijvnnHc n npAtnewne tio njueTpe el-xia.ct^6.?V.ia. f ^f | f Si e/^ou ra.vpivo ey/aat^ ^^^ 

138.— Papyrus; a fragment; 17x12 cm. Script: ligatured. Recto \. 12+ lines. 
Deed of Surety, entres. (eyyva«i). Only the final phrases, e-Yiop-s o-yn, the oath by 
God and the health of the rulers, and the witnesses. The latter are r7P!».[roc] son of 

with the title npj^K/^, son of itoes^nnc, Atd.eei.ioc son of Two of them 

come from nRoyi Tv-ycjli ^ All are in the same hand. 


139. — Papyrus; 2 fragments; together 15x25! cm. Script: unskilled, ligatureless. 
Recto \ . 

Agreement (So^ov') between David and Praxia^", regarding a marriage". 
+ g^iu.npj).n junno-yTe nujopn i.noR •xa.'yei'a. eicg^js.1 junp^.^lcia. ■xenTa.ini^^ee neiUH e.pT- 
«H! Tcyujeepe uLn».|ujHpe s^iciUHnTC «h*jih eigoAAT ng^».?V.a.Rog^Te iumjo-YTpAAHctt jjt«o'Y'\jin- 
Tce junoyRd.nTV.KS'e jLino[Y]e?V.o . e [Ai.n]lo'Y«J«£^epii. juno-YJutigTajTe a.-yoj Ta.p«pTUje7V.eeT [ai«| 
itHjtutpH'Y ona^uje epoi [about 14 lett. HHllnnpH-Y ^^ein-xi juiHnTi a.'y[about 16 lett] | tiiti 
nqfecRC ju«nen«Hp[H'Y + a.noR ■xa.'Yei*^ neTaj|pncg^a.x TicTH^jd^e | . . .]en&. . r nujoi na^TneTpe 
nevne. £iiR[TOi)p 

'I have consented {TreWeiv) with thee and thou hast assigned ^^ (?) thy daughter to my 
son; and I have agreed with thee upon 3^ soltdi and a napkin (?)" and a 1* and a 

^ Assuming that uTOi^av and pAXHTpe have here the 
same meaning. ^ V. no. 119. 

= 'Presence,' 'delivery'? C/. BGU. 362,viii. 9, price 

of briclcs cruv TrapayiDyrj. 

* There is perhaps space for more than this. 


^ Apparently a title. Perhaps for iica^steAipic, 'seller 
of musium! But Is. Ixiii. 2 has xx-^tvaTfyroi, which the 
Boh. takes for a person, peqgwju.!. Perhaps the same man 
in Krall no. Ixii. 

' TTpaKTOip. 

* Cy. Krall ccliv. Two villages named Lysimachis in 
Kenyon, Ca^al. ii. 96 ; but the MS. is from the Fayyiim. 

' This word, for a judicial decision, in Brit. Mus. Or. 
4878, 4884 (Jeme papyri). A Brit. Mus. fragment in Or. 
6201 A &c. begins n*.ine noi.o'zon iit4,i[ . 

" Fem. of Hpa^ias. '^ 

" The only Coptic document relating to marriage is 
the contract Recueil vi. 70. 

^^ ? From Tno. ■^ nni cannot be read. ^' ? XLvtwv. 

" Either for Ke.XXia'e KoXlyiov (Brit. Mus. nos. 1096, 
1 103 &c.) or formed with K«.n- (v. Crum, Copt. MSS. 32). 



^ and a ^ ^nd a comb^; and that we should hold the wedding together, half* (the 

expenses being) mine (?) together, in buying and selling we should 

give his wage in common.' David and a witness (in a different hand), from 'the -rrirpa^ 
of Apa Victor,' sign. 

Verso : + nTO^on n-iL^.'Yej'^i. [space] ju«np8>.t»ciev + 

140 — Papyrus; a fragment; io|xi7cm. Script: uneven, ligatureless. Recto \. 

Undertaking (ojnoXoyta) as to work to be done, too fragmentary to be intelligible. 

] . CO) 'so)(OTn[ I a.]ma.7v.a>.KJv'A.i rumoR [ | ]ca>.epg^to&^ niut eTiiR[ | ]Tno\ic «awTRiwT&.t5po«i 
g^n\&.[aw'Y| ]'^^^ «Rpg^(o£i epo! g^oic . ig . Xcg^ng^tofe | ]HdwR Tig^OAioXouidk «»wR cictoi- 
^ei poc l^^pJHcope nuje nniui8>.R«wpioc '^a.^&.pis.c tictoi | ]c nuje niTA*&.Rjs.p/ [cFejtopt^e np[to]jui- 
I ]e (blank) 

141 — Papyrus; a fragment; 91x9cm. Script: moderately ligatured. Recto f. 
Undertaking (6/AoXoyia) by a workman to perform his work diligently, but saving 
{(f)vXd(ro-eLv) his own freedom {iXevOepio)^. 

T]eTneg^'ynop«?!», THpc n»wTORne'Y[e | lo-yT efiioTV. £«o'Ycno*Y'^H e^-sn | ]e ek7v.?V.a>. Ts.t^'yX/ 
nTawe^e-yeepie.. | ni]jji €TKeo'Y*<.ttITO'Y -xe 'snneTneen[ | oJ-yk e>.!cxin Tig^Oiuo?V.ot»s»w nHT[n | 
]ne'Y'2s:a^i nneT».p G-xom Ta^poeic | 2>.no]R judwRd«.pe tictoi CTig^ojuo^ot^iJs. + | nujo'Ypneqiu.Jee'ye " 
RO^TVo-yoe nenTJs.q«jo)n€ nnp^" ] ]e ngjei^ nnjiidkRekpi/ ojeno'^Te npcoiue | ujjmjo'yit tio lumeTpe + 

142. — Papyrus; a fragment; 7x8 cm. Script: moderately ligatured. Recto (?)\. 
Undertaking (o/xoXoyia) by Peter, a hired workman. Line i probably relates to his 
wages, 1. 2 to the conditions by which he is bound. 

o]'y<3'oc nciAA iu.noYg^oTV.OR''/ | ]eneg^ ei •i.e e!Uj&.noY(ocg | ]€iTe g^d^na^fceRe »wnoR ncTpoc | 
jTig^oAioTVodaw «HTn | 

Ferso : remains of a Greek account of expenses during a year, mentioning two 
churches and signed by Eustephius^-, an oZkow'/ao?. 

+ 6eSo)f}[a]K XKpacr 8/ t(ij[ | ^ iraK^/ evavXeox; hiacj)^ t ayl~ e[ | (ftajx l / t, e*" (^a/x 11/8°/ T] Ovpl 
Kepari \ + eucrTe(^[t]os eX / olk°/ arroi + 

' Unknown. ' Cf. no. 144. 

^ ? Coptic and Greek combined. The context suggests ' Diflferent hand. 

tpwv, epia. ■" C/. nos. 146, 161 and Vitelli, Papiri p. 1 19 yei/oE^evos 

' V. Brit. Mus. no. 1096. ypa/A/taTtu's, Rev. e'gypf. iv. 61 yo/ojoievos Sta/coi/os, Krall 

* Quite uncertain. Read ?, but not O'jfns.ige. no.cxxvii. 27. 'Late' or 'deceased '.?,». Preisigke, (?r. /'a/. 

* V. no. 124. Slrasshurg, no. 20. 

' T«.ep- scarcely possible. ^' Different hand. 

' gwJwK would imply a mutual undertaking. ^^ This name in Vitelli no. 64, Mitteis no. 26. 


143.— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 16 x 14 cm. Script : clumsy uncials. Redo \ . 

Undertaking (here merely x'^P'^V'^) addressed to a bishop, by CoUuthus, an artizan \ 
] ncnicKonoc eni-xH j)>.i|ii(*)K efcoTV. enTonoc Ajin|g^iiwKioc e^na. g^^^pe Mpg^io[6] | epoq Tcno-y 
njiTawja^^ ^|K(ja uumoq efeoTV. eniToc | Sw-yio ^e^noTdice TAtpg^coft epoq | eTto ro Atn'soeic eng^doji 
tuxx I a>.noK RoTV.TV.o'Yeoc ng^aju. -"^cTHl^ei eni^s^pTHc nee eqcg^Hg^ | jjiuioq -^ 2».'yio nTa^icg^».i 
ni|^i>.pTHc iico'yM.nTawce ] «|x;^oijs.2^k nT-^eKdwTec | n-^eK-^ut^noc "^ 

' Seeing that I went out to the tottos of the holy Apa Hare ^ and worked there, now 
I do resign (?) it {sc. the work done?) to the totto? (?); and I renounce^ {diroTaa-o-eLv) working 
there. And thou art master of every artizan.' Dated i6th Choiak, loth Indiction. 

J/^erso : part of a rough scroll ornament. 

144. — Papyrus; 30X 33 cm. 2 seh's-io'ms visible, 13 cm. apart. Script : irregular, liga- 
tured. Redo f. 

Undertaking (6/xo\oyia) by a sailor to work for a year on board a ship named ' The 
Apa Severus.' 

+ iKixoR iio[£j>w]KnHc nneefi nuje ktujij^k ^'[eoiipl^e n[p(o]uie igAio-Yn eicg^a^i Kuewpcte | 
nneefs nu}[€ «ju]e7v.j!.c nnpcoiue ujiuo-yK on ■seenei'^.H nTe^meiee nT».7V.e nejiis.K £ioc | nee£i 

SIC . 

eTK[o'yi] nb.[n». cje-ynpoc [ts.'si] nTOOTK ejuiceojcic ■sinenoo-y eTeco-YAiHTHHne | Hnjs.p- 
AAOVTC nejfeoT [nJTipoAine ug^icowc '2k.eRi^TH[c m]-^?/ een uja^-swH eTCcpojune € | nefsOT 
c-vn en'2k.[eR]j>.THc in-x"/ T€[noY -z^e ■<^^ojuio"\o]c'ei TJv(3^ui eio nneefs CTiRe^paiin | g^ne^e-Yeepi*. 
WAX Hd.TORne'ye nd.TRj!.TA.(^ponei -xnneng^ton TV.Js.a.'Y enenepn-y | ^nneTepennoTfTe n[d.n]Tq 
[eg^jo-yn e-swn a.'yoj tiiti Td.n8.7V.ocie>. nei.noTei.RTOc [g^]».e>.ne).* ce-yHpoc | g^a.-sinenoo'Y e©H 
igevn-sojK eTecpoAine e.'Y[to] puie.nTecpojuine -sojr [en]Tnn£i©e | liJinenepHy Tnoywg^AtcwK 
Ainne[ji]epH['y e>.?V.?V.ev'Yioig [enjtop-s e!i[o\] \ ejuioR eio nneefi nexij>.R CTiRO-f i Re).pev&[n 

eni t]oi T[e>.T]i £o?V.or- cne^-y enoySi enpocTi/ | nncTUjoon ne.i [about 12 lett.] Aioo-y 

enei'i.H Tei.iTe ©e nJTei.c'i.o^H g^nTnutHTC ^lo-ycon ece>.©H eTpnei e2^o[yn AinlnenepH-Y Ta.Te>.?V.e 
iiejuLb^R eTiRoyi ] Ke>.pe>iin estop's oyn e>.icxin Tig^oiuio*\oci[*. n]i.R eicToixei epoc g^iTnna.cH- 
juiei"/ I e.iRO)puj g^nRevieTVe-yeepoc e>.ypjuieTpe epoc eiiopn enno-yTe nnevnTORpe.Twp ne-Y-se.! ! encT- 


e^pXei e-swn T«.pipoeic nd.R npoc tec&oslx eyp /a ^ap/A te t^/ Sckt/ I j j" + ».«or iio».nnHc | nnee6 

I O) 

eTOjHpncg^e.! ticto^ eTi^ojuoX"/ nee eccHg eAtoc + j + ^noR -^locRope nuje nn^^n^pioc 
eeo-xcope npcoxie igjuto-yn tio juumnTpe eTi^ojuoAot'iev + | + [i^non . .]Tope nuje nnixe^R^pioc 
eeo'a.oce nptojuie tajuo-yn tio jutAinTpe eTSg^oxioXoc^iJ^ | [ 

Ferso : + eojLxo\°/ niioi.nnHc [n]neefe [space] n[poj]«e uixiOTr[n] 

> Supposing this very rare word to be that in z^m, ^I"«- ■^°- 3;i, ?/: Spiegelberg, I:^gennamen, no. 15). 

P^uXXe I Brit. Mus. no. 459- ! 2^ ''"''' r"° Tm H , 

^ ^ ? Hatre, who had a monastery at AswSn (Eg. Expl. ^ For g.- perhaps e- should be read. 

Fund's Jiepor/, 1902-3, 62); or "Apctos, "Apr], An (Brit. 

L 2 


' I, John, the sailor, son of the late George, of Shmoun, write to George, the sailor, 
son of Melas, likewise of Shmoun. Seeing that (eVetS^^') I have agreed {TreWeiv) to embark 
with thee as sailor upon the little ship (Kapd^iov^) "Apa Severus", and (to receive) hire 
(jLiio-^wcrts) of thee 2 from to-day, the 15th of Parmoute of the year in which we now are, 
the loth Indiction, henceforth, until the fulfilment of its year, namely the month Paope, 
in God's will, of the nth Indiction %• now therefore I undertake {ofioXoyelv) to remain as 
sailor on this ship, in all freedom* {iXevOepia), without sloth {oKveuv) or neglect {KaTa(fipoveiv). 
(It is agreed) that we will conceal nothing, one from the other, of what God shall bring 
to us ; and we will give (to each other) the proportion fixed (avakoyia, dnoTaKTo?) from 
(? the takings of) the "Apa Severus", from to-day henceforth, until the fulfilment of its 
year. And if its year be fulfilled and we agree {TreCdeiv) together, we will set sail again 
together. But if I wish to part from thee, while I am a sailor with thee upon the little 
ship, thereupon {inl t£) I will pay 2 gold soh'dt as fine {Trpoa-Tifjiov), (all) that I have 
(being at thy disposal). For (evreiSry) thus it hath seemed good (eSo|^e«) between us together, 
from henceforth, that we should make common cause and that I should embark with thee 
upon the little ship. For thy assurance, therefore, I have drawn up this agreement 
(ojLtoXoyta) for thee and do consent (o-rotxetv) thereto by my signs (cnjju.etoi'). And I have 
begged other freemen (iXevOepo^) and they have witnessed it, while I swear by God 
Almighty and by the health of them that rule (apx"^) over us, that I will observe (it), 
according to its terms.' After the date and John's signature, those of 2 witnesses. 

145. — Papyrus; a fragment; 8|x2ocm. Script: sloping uncials. Redo f. 

Agreement (oiioXoyelv) between {plur.) and the hUaiov of a monastery (toVos). 

'Our father the bishop' and 'the rest of the clergy '® are mentioned. 

joy jutnueYepH-y ^oipic ?^d.j>wY «[ [ ]i>. ^^inepurpa^fi^H g^ic-yita^pna^i^H e«g^oxio\ot?ei | JToy 
KTig^e if^iKikion Aften imiTonoc ero'^h.hsSi | JneiteiojT e.TO'^b<i>.Si nenicRonoc [jL«.w]&iKTtop I n]ceene 
««eR\HpiROc HT . . Ai | jui«n]ccoo'y R&.Tis. Kevipoc •sineTeno'Y «jes.e«eg^ . . . k ^»^p | 

Verso : traces of accounts. 

146 — Papyrus; a fragment; 17x19 cm. Script: ligatured. Recto \. 

End of an Agreement (pp.oKoyia), showing the date'' and witnesses' signatures. 

]n&.R eig^*Ynocpa>.[t^e | ]e epoc a.-ypju.eTpe epoc eicopR npo[ | npoc Tecaroju. + eirp jui 
ns.;)QUjn ?■ *.p i-^ jn°-f H-*»>n[oR | Tig^ojutoAoiriaw ee cg^Hg^ aaoc -f +9 a^itoR [ | . . . .] 

dknTinoo-Y --^o Auu.«Tpe cTcii^ouLoKoxsih. nT[ j [ijci-xojpoc neie\^/ k-^is^rO/ ngje «iTjuie^Ra^p[ioc | 
. . 2s,icto]TAi g^iTtineTcuiine iuumoc -h +1° a^noR c[ | ujome nnp^/ " tio rumeTpe eTig^ojuo- 

^ouia^ *"■&.![[ I 

' The writer takes this as feminine. lout, Acies, p. 51, and here no. 174. 

* This use of jiia-duHn^ should indicate that John hired ° As probably in Krall clxiii. 

the ship, but the rest of the deed scarcely bears this. ' V. K^nyon, Catal. i. 197, iii. 280, and Brit. Mus. 

' Perhaps Paope is an error, for as it stands, the term no. 420. 
is but for five or six months. * F. no. 141. * Different hand. ' Original hand ? 

* For this form of ^oKilv, v. Brit. Mus. no. 1175, Revil- " Different hand. " V. no. 141. 


147— Papyrus; a fragment; 8x9! cm. Script: few ligatures. Recto \, excepting 
the lowest part. 

End of an Agreement (6/xoXoyta) and witnesses' signatures, two being from Neuoi^ 

Tj.pjit^'YAj.ce «j.R npoc tcc^oa* | c]oAoiuiiott tkcto eTia^cj^j^^ia, | ]koc npuixine-Yoi ttTa^'y- 
jvopujT dwic£».i I ]nAA».Rjvpioc2 10) . cHn npcoju«e'Y[oi | ]xe^ CTii^ct^e. + 

148 — Papyrus ; a fragment ; 15^ x 8 cm. Script : ligatured. Redo \ . 

From an Undertaking (o^oXoyia) by Maria (or Marianus) perhaps relating to land 
cultivation, the salt mentioned* being possibly a manure. 

]na}Hpe iUA«.Ka>p/ j^k , . . . | j-smenoo-Y cTeco'ycna.'Yne | J-yi enwme eqTi ^juo-y ] ] . TeR&is. 
€n«.TeTMe5 | j'xnneTttejkiAe.g^e | en]i tw t^^tj coo-y ng^oTVoR/ j nne.nTOR]pj>.T(op iutHne^-sa.! | 
Jg^iuto-y e-yttTq t».t»ji»o« | g^OAtjoAoi^iis. Kee eccHg^ lumoc | j^io rujiriTpe + | ]*. . . . djuo-yn 
Tio aji«Tpe + 

Verso : + e[ojiio?V]oi7ii>w juzvpie^ [ 

149.— Papyrus; a fragment; 151x17 cm. Script: moderately ligatured. Recto \. 
The end of an Agreement (do-^aXeia) by Herwoj, a husbandman, with the signatures 
of witnesses. 

] e-xton T».pip[oic npo]c Ta'OAi €ti&.c<:^j^!\/ eyp yi. [••-]§ t^/ »-[noR] | g^epo['y]o's no['Yoie 
TicT]oi;X;^ei evM^c^b^'K/ + j(02^».«[ | R^.pIoc ce'yH[poc] npojuie tgAAcyii -^o uumnTpe + | ceoipcte 
npcojuie ujAi[o'y«] tio njnuTpe eTii>.cf^[ek]\ «th eTcjuune n[iLioc + | + RoTV.Ao'yee nuje 
Miujii»kR*.p/ ia^[.]e nnojutm"/ [| ujcone j^itoot d^-yto dwicg^a^i g^jvgepo'yo's ncyooie neiT 

Verso, and on Recto at right angles to the above, a Greek account (earlier), headed 
+ yv T tirjxap p^fi. Each line begins with ctto op (the first of these being throughout by 
another hand), which is followed apparently by a name. Among these are A/jo-tjs', ■^w^", 
T^a/AouX", Ii€rt,poiTt,^^, the last two being of interest for their transcription of &. 

150. — Papyrus ; a fragment ; 7I x 10 cm. Script : various. Recto 1 . 

End of an Agreement (6/AoXoyta) relating to land. The scribe (vo/it/co's) Ammone is 
possibly the 'notary' of another text {v. Index). 

' V. Brit. Mus. nos. 1041 ('north of Shmoun'), 1059 antiquity, v., ^.^., Wilcken in ArcMv ii. 308. 

('west of Shmoun'). Krall, p. 208, compares Nawai, ^ For ju.n«.TeT«-. « This word corrected, 

opposite Rodah; so too Amelineau, G/ogr. 286 (the ' and ' Perhaps one hand, 

parallel Greek cited omits it). ' Cf. a-pcic, Spiegelberg no. 26. 

2 Different hand. ^ Different hand. " Cf. nc>^fa), Crum, Ostr. no. 445. 

' I can find no other such reference to salt in the " s'aJu.oyX. 

papyri. As manure {sebdch) it was perhaps known in '^ ne'xpw^ or nes'pws'. 


I J.icog^e* nt^o-yn HTH«e5+ [ | ] cTig^oiuo^ot^ja. + + eeo'x[ | ]e + + ^ j^ji^j^ji^jHe nnoAtiU/ 2.^[ 

151 — Papyrus; a fragment; lylxiocm. Script: upright, ligatureless. Redo |. 
Undertaking (o/AoXoyta) by a lessee or tenant, referring to the annual rent, to his own 
payment of expenses {SaTravrj) and wages and to the fine in case of default. Written by a 


a.C(i!^]s.\eij». cpoq CT^ie •seitT&.qpAi.eWonTOi'' [ | T]€qg^e'yfjiiaj eRS>.[a..]q «ht« efio^^ [ [ ]5^es.i 
no-YnikigTpiiiHcin TepojJin[e | ]oot g^2>.TTig^ai6 Temcy Ti2^ojuio'\o»?e[i | ] epoq g^i-xd^ni^nH g^ifiCRe 
^nn&.g^i'x[iRon | ]«n«.g_i'^iRon cy-xe •sttniaj-sooc [ | c'YnJTc'Xei Hiuoc nHT« nnjs.pjLio'yT[e | ]thc 
in-xiRTionoc a.'yio «toc on een^ ^[ I JHg^ ei -xe nnntb'Y^»>^c.ce nmn. np[oc | Jno-yfi nnpocTi- 
xxon eJg^'Y^OReIce^^I n[ | g^OAiO^V.oc'ia*. nHT« eicopR «ntto*yTe nn[e>.ttTORpj)^TCijp | ] eyp/ (pajx /8 iv° e 
+"!coj)knnHc neieXcw) nige[ | ]».nopei xioc + +ii»knoR RaincTe>.«Ti[«e | jjuioc i^iTei njttoi + 
+ A^noR[?V.e I £Oiuo\o]t5ns. nTAwneTOuiine lumoc [ |n«]ojuiR/^^ «T&.Tig^ojuio7V.ofiaw ajtone 


152- — Papyrus; a fragment; 18x13 cm. Script: ligatured. Recto \. 

Agreement (6ju,oX.oyia), with receipt for money paid. 

ujlJUicYn TnoXic eicg^e>.i na^njiw i(0£&.hhc nen'^o^''/ | ]ic •seem "^w Ti£oiiO?V.oce! 'sejs.i'xi 
is.'Y^^I ] Asjuocy «j!>.i Tincy on Tig^ojuo^ocei | ] Teig^OiaoAoceiak nj>kR eicToi epoc | JTa^peit^-y 
npoc TCcg'OA* + eypa(f)/ /x r a i^^ 6 \ ]nee eccHg^ cjuioc + awttOR ujeno'yTe ixc-yn | tcthcjic 
AincTCAiine xuuoc | g^JoAioXoc'eia. g^iTHTCTHcic AineTCjuine iuumoc I jb.'^iti tio njjuiTpe + 

153 — Papyrus; a fragment; 12x33 cm. Script: sloping semi-uncials. Recto f. 
Undertaking (ojnoXoyta) by Theodosius, a priest, relating apparently to certain clerical 

JR'X.HpiKoc eui&.'y6(0R enT«>.ajeoei«i g^AinoYcoig nnito-yTe | juij-si \».&.y ttR&.icon g^&.ni>wp8>.- 
A*ep[. .] g^js.n&.nA.c o'Y'^e oit ajli-^ ^* A2».Js.'y | g^jooq mas. euja^qei g^cyw g^«nTekUjeoeiig 'ximho'yko'yi 
igawcynos" | ]c nneR^npiRoc nruujs. ni^en,pioc RoTVoe eiTe g^oxiT nfe&.po>g^ (above £iaw\oT) 
o'Y'i,[e I ]6coH £«^nig^toq KTenxiai T2s.s.'y g^icooiT g^meTn[H]Y ju[n]ec(oi me. | ]m?ioc ©eo':^(*)pe 
g^smi^juoy e<yoL> g^KnjvCon&.g xienToice itTenToc j Juj-^ \ococ nns>.na>.c Ris.T&. poxine •stme'Ypoin 
A*-»k'y epoq ■ — | ]t:^(oq Ra«.?V.(oc -^ ».ttOR ©eo-jwoci nie?^/ wnpecfi-yT/ '■^cToi^ei Tig^oiAo'A.ot'iJs. + 

' ? Cf. Brit. Mus. no. 1013. ^ Different hand. no. 159. 

' 'We happening to be in.' C/. Trapdyuv, Brit. Mus. ' Also in no. 158 and Brit. Mus. no. 1013. Cf. Archiv 

no. 395. / Pap. iii. 420, koX avi^s cijbcf^s. 

* Not cejTiwge. '° Different hand. " Different hand. 

* ' The inner dyke ' seems grammatically impossible. " First hand. 
Perhaps read nnTHnc. " 4.^0) «>in\HpoY. 

« First hand. ' ?? //.oXD^rovpyds. " The '^ has two dots, here in the opposite, not parallel, 

' Of land 'handed over' by outgoing tenant. Cf. angles. C/i Brit. Mus. nos. 472, 1121 &c. 



' ] clergy (kXt^/jik^s) that go to the "preaching" \ by God's will, [I will not] take 

aught again as ^ or as TraTras^ nor will I give aught, ] everything that shall 

come in to the "preaching", from a small thing to a great, ] the clergy (kX.) of the 

place* of St. CoUuthus, whether bronze «, or (? eire) ] go on account of this 

matter, and that the place entrust me therewith and them that come after me, 
]St. Theodore, at my death or during my Hfe. But (jnevrot ye), ] be able to render 

account (Xdyos) as TrairSs annually; for they shall hide naught from him, ] the 

matter well.' 

Ferso : address erased. 

154.— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 9I x lo cm. Script : rarely ligatured. Recto f . 

Deed of Security (Xoyos), with the formula 'Lo, here is the word of God to thee^' 
The writer had sealed it with his ring. 

n\o]coc enno-YTe nTooT[K | eg^Jo-yn encKHi "sennakpneeooY ttA.[K | ]':k.e •2£e«Ka>.c'Yn5(^(ope 
Kptojui[e I ]i.KncoT '2£mieK»ju<:5i£iev?V.e ep[ | £!oy\]i'^e nnei'Xoeoc enaw^o-yp ji evay y iv[ 

155 — Papyrus ; a fragment ; 11 x io| cm. Script : almost ligatureless. Redo ->. 
Deed of Security {cf. the preceding), issued by the community (/cotTOTiys) of Tbak6 
npestratd'', addressed to a woman. 

+ g^juinpi>.« nnno-yTe TR[oinoTHc | ffeewKe nnecTpa^TH | g^Ainc[ | cto Js.«on K'ypi&.K/ 
ujestCYTe [ | poc jumewtiofiion epjuid,c[ | aji«kocxi&. t5oi?V.HX«.io[« | ncnne THp£i Kep(0ju[ | n&. 
Tecg^ijue nJsiips.g^dJL& [ | . . ]n?V.oi?oc nnno-YTC nToo[T 

Verso : ] [space] ci^Kjvtidw g^iTooTfi . . | AjiT£!e>.Ke + 

156 — Papyrus; complete; 18x19 cm, Script: irregular, seldom ligatured. Recto \. 
Text cancelled by lines drawn across it. 

An Acknowledgment (dcr^aXeia) by Jamoul of Pamata, to Rashld (or Ar-Rashid), amir 
(of Shmoun^). 

^ This must have an unknown, technical meaning. 

^ A mistake for Trapa/j.ovdpt.os unlikely. 

^ ? Head of the monastery. C/. Br. Mus. no. 544, 
Crum, Oslr. no. 308, n. But here ? not merely of clerical 
functions ; cf. Br. Mus. no. 1156 and a letter here, where 
an apx(ov is called peju.n«>ne>. 

* Translates roVos, either ' church ' or ' monastery '. 

° ia.pw2 occurs in Brit. Mus. no. 1171, Crum, Os/r. 
no. 379. If i«.\oT is a correction =&&pu)T, then v. ib. 
no. 459. 

* This is used either, as here, in a promise that the 
recipient shall not be further troubled, that nothing further 

shall be required of him, i. e. as a kind of receipt ; or in 
an order to perform specified work. V. Crum, Ostr. 
no. 107 ff., Brit. Mus. no. 1024, WZKM. 1902, 265, Hall, 
Copt, and Gk. Texts, pp. 99, 100, 147, Guidi in Rendic. 
1906, 475. 

' Tbake in Krall no. clxxxii and apparently here 
no. 20g. Cf. a fragment in Brit. Mus. Or. 6201 b &c., 
•vLrinT&e.Ke. The second word perhaps = o-rpaTij-yds or 
(rTpaTrjXa.TTj'i, V. Br. Mus. no. 1 05 1. 

* The same amir in a document, Brit. Mus. Series 
Or. 6201 A &c. Perhaps t^Tib. for a^noy. 


eicg^iwi ne.n*. [».]p*.^iT [ ]awAiipjs. | The remainder (15 11.) is mostly illegible. It relates 

to the repayment of money, Tiigoon ng^eTCiuoc TA.n'XHpoy juok. The date of writmg is 
co-y . . . junefioT Toifce «TeipoAAne tj»>,i g^enTeRa^THc Jit-X/ . Among the witnesses is 
'2k.iocR[opoc] the deacon, son of the late RocAte. iTpAiiawttTi[noo]Tf. 

157 — Papyrus; a fragment; i2X35icm. Script: much ligatured. Recto \. Text 
cancelled by cross-lines. 

End of an Agreement (do-^aXeta) by Theodore, son of Leontius, with signatures of 
two witnesses and a scribe. 

]e nTd>.i'2L!8>.cTi\e Auuioq g^nTi&.C(^A.\eiiw | ]cq g^im€jji[. .jitTA.icju.nTq whth a^yco T«kaknoTa».cce 
ttTnoAiHM neTUio]on «m THpq [oyno^R [nj^R e'vaip-s k^wR mcair Tia^ctbewAei «&.r eig^Yno- 
cpMij^e epoc «T&.(3'i'x eicToi eiwpR ennoYTC nn&.«TORpBkT(op jumno'ysa*.! «ReT».p e-suitt 
•s«n!ujn»wpaii&. juxioc + | eyp /I ^a.p\L i iv°/ 8 + + ^a^noR eeo-^tope noje «njiJ.*.R&.p/ AeoitTn 
npcoxie ajjuoYn TicTOi^ei CTiakCt^a^^eidw | wee eccHg^ juuuoc + +^ t^oi&awJut»jicon ne?k. 

npe nuje KnjiiawRa.poc RoWo'Yee npwAie igjucyn --^o juTpe + | +* feeni*jum g^iuinnjs. 
nnno'YTe [np]e nuje raijui8>.Rjs.p/ !&.Rw£f npojiie ujiAoyn | tio AJUJi«Tpe +^ a^Koyti^ neieTS?^/ 
ng^'Yno'akiJs.R/ np(OA*e igAAoyn nTa^TiSwCt^awTV./ ujtone £itoot + 


158.— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 55I x 35 cm. 3 5^/?5-joints visible, 14 cm. apart. Script : 
sloping semi-uncials. Recto \ . 

Lease (fjica-Ocoa-L';) of land by Sophia, daughter of Mercurius (11. 2, 34) of Shmoun, 
to Macarius, son of George, of the iiroULov of ' Pawan eniot ^' 

n^e KIUAJ&.RAPIOC i^ewptre npci)juna>.oYj).M [«iwt g^Ai]nTO«j 111^0.0^11 

RYP&. COtl^ia*. TTI]JUII0)T«>.TH TCgC RnR-YP/ JUtepRO-YpiOC TptOAAC igjjto'Y« OR 

neTUi]pncg^[a,!] ju&.R»>pe [n]oyooie [g^«]o[Y](jaig wen,Tp2^THq'' 
epen|x;^]po[n]oc iiTJUHTe npoAine [nn] '2£ineTRa»Ta>,cnopjv 
5 in-xiRTioJnoc nR&.pnoc -^e g^AAnoycoig nnncyTe 

ijfi.i]R[Tj]onoc a^-yio nT[o]c on een' «n€T'^ia>.«:^epecei 
]g^ . . TiTe jue« «R&.g^ RiwicTCOTe "xe ncges.q9 

' Cf. a phrase in no. 167 and dworaTTo/tevos t<S -irpo- Brit. Mus. no. 1071, Krall vi, and noya^n in this Catal. 

vo/xt'o) t5v iyyvriTwv in Fap. Oxyrh. CXXXvi. (v. Index); also YLoafinnvovi^ai BGU. 860, Tloafi.iniJjrfTri'; 

^ Different hand. This signatured was specially can- Vitelli no. 2. But na.- is a difficulty; cf. ? na^ovon 

celled. nnoyii Zoega 336. 

' Different hand. ■* Different hand. ' F. Krall cxxvii. 9, clxxix. » F. no. 151. 

" First hand, specially cancelled. ° Occurs WZKM. 1902, 266. Cf. iga.qc ' desert', con- 

° In series Br. Mus. Or. 6201 a &c., a place nAYi-KeiwT trasted with cultivable land, K«.g as in Brit. Mus. no. 107^. 

(reading rather doubtful). Cf. perhaps noyi^n neujooc At beginning of line, should be ctiotc. 





]n!oop .«jittneTe>.«g^HK€!cee>.i epo eTenTeTa>.pT[on] 

]«ni«.e>k iiKOJTe^ AinTpco) jLtitTndkUje n[nTH]ne^ 

T(5'in]R(o eg^o-yn^ AJiuTis'inei efeoTV. A*nnceene iiite'^iKawion 

]ce n[ce]Tia)g^e Kiij»wq g^iKJ>>.g_ kjs.t«w TRoiKtonia^* n«>.ndk 

TA. . . . [jLi«T]R'ypj>. e-yXot^iis. T[u}H]Hp[e] Kno-yjmeKKiwpioc ng^iiwi n [K]*.iHJuiicy 

]xiepoc g^nnpnii^ nmojg^e 
HJajiicY g^MnKJ».ipH£i MHioig^e imejui«T itnes'ooui 
JxAimo-YHAiicy xiepoc g^uTUjojuiTepHfi ««c£Titog^e nneAisiT ed^ooyTti ''' 
. ceTiawg^g^oyuip '' ju.nno'yHJiiic'Y Jiie[poc] g^nTujojuTepHfi «nteTia>.g^(5'trtAJi e*yoMJs.g^^ eyTivg^Hy 
epa^Tcy AimTn&.uje nujen m[ijui eqpHT] g^icrtoy neTTi K^pnoc AinneTTi e>.n AJirmefeH«e [xiii] 
TKe>.uj^ AAnnTCTs^pTon A«.epo[c] . .. .niyHi cnj^'y [eiTc] n».nejuig^iT ^peuidw nKCOTc c«iw*Y 
g^i-sajq eiTC iti.g^o'yn iuinenoiRe[ion] A*.nne'YA)t*>. nRWTe nnepcocYe iuinnTeT»wpTOU 

ao Atepoc g^n(i^oo['YT«] n eTe«e^i>.pTH[c]ic ^^ AinnTeT&.pTon juepoc g^nnicju. 

. n . g^e [e]Te[nTak'Y]pH'\a».cTHpin^^ junnT€T»wpTon Aiepoc g^nnenoiReion e'yAAO'YTe epoq 
'se[naw]o'YJv« hkot AtnnTeTdkpTon juiepoc g^nTCKR'X.HciJs. e'YAto'yTe epoc 'seni>.p^€«>.t5t^e7v.oc 

jumnTeTa^pTon juiepoc g^nTno'Yg^e AinTfS'iKRW eg^o'Yn AinT(5'i«ei efeoTV jum-xiRSwion [nwA] 
eTawttg^HReiceiwJ eni(3'ooiui AAnnieitog^e e'yigoon g^nneRTHju^. ttns.o'Ya^tt nitoT g^itnetJiA. n- 
25 poeic'X.i^ KnefcToo-Y n-so-YoiT g^unTOUj viTinoTV.ic Tdwi iJiiiuio*yn no-yHAiicY jutepoc 
g^nnieiwg^e Tak-soo-Y g^n«».(3'pco(0(3' nR^^pnoc niAn eio-YawUifti* t«.ti ne g^jvneyt^opoc TcpoAtne 
€Te«j)>,ine igoiuieT Kg^oXoROTTin nnoyfii'YTpiAJiHcm n-xo-yrcnoo-Yce oy^oc nRepj».Tiu 
eno-ve*. ncvaw nn-sixioo'v^^nuio -xe to juh i?enoiTO equje^ngjione" Ka>,ri ewi-so His.n nniso Ri^n 


A.g^tofc ni-ti ens.imo'yTene" igwne t&.t! Tnjs.uje nnit^opoci' ^^^ ^^^ ^^ yy ^^^ ^t^ ^^^ ^ n 

1 Lit. ' turning-place', joined here and 1. 19 with ' cattle- 
fold.' In 1. 18 wells have ' turning-places' attached to them. 
C/. the vBpeviMiLTa with o/oyava belonging to them, Vitelli 
no. 50. The verb 1. 32 {v. note 1. 33) refers to irrigation 
by means of cattle; so in no. 159, 10, and Brit. Mus. 
no. 1 1 15. C/. probably KVKXevrrjpLov, Kenyon, CataL iii. 
266. V. Cronert & WiLCKEN on KVKXeveiv, Arch.f. Pap. 
iii. 116, iv. 201. 

2 Zoega's examples and Habak. i. 10 show this = 
ypiiuj. ' dyke.' 

3 C/. Brit. Mus. no. 1023, Krall no. i. 12. 

* V. Brit. Mus. no. 1016, since which publication Greek 
instances have appeared: Vitelli nos. 13, 73> Mitteis 
no. 21, Kenyon iii, pp. 359, 268. It has been taken to 
indicate a community of property. 

» V. Krall xcii, xcv, whence the meaning 'part' is 

« ZoEGA 295, 2ooTTit=MiGNE FL. 73. 952 vta=6S6i 
(Moscow, Synodal Libr., MSS. 452, 163, communicated 
by O. VON Lemm). 

' Hwor should be a place (Krall cclv, Brit. Mus. 
1159, ^^^^ ^°- 211), but the context and la^gKi^g Brit. Mus. 
1073, la^giia-g^ Krall xcii, make this doubtful. 
* eyoyoniLg ? 

» Here and 1. 32, K«.ig fem. C/. Vitelli no. 50, 
share in KaXa/jaa. 

" C/. Kenyon, Ca/al. iii. 259. 

" Hardly space for so much in gap. Or read . . . 
rjXiacrrqpiov, VlTELLI, /. c. 

" C/. Brit. Mus. no. 397, a share in a church. 
" C/. Grenfell-Hunt, Fay. Towns, 154, /xaySZXov, 

" C/. Corp. Rain, i, no. xlii, cis cnropav rjv iav /SovXrj- 


^^ Cf. Brit. Mus. no. 1172, here no. 166. 

" Cf. P. Amh. Ixxxv, v<j>afjLiJMs {v. Gentilli, Con/r. 
d'Afii/o, p. 363), Grenfell, Gk. Papyri i, no. Ivii, rS 11 
a.pp6x<^, TO p,ri €111. 

" V. Brit. Mus. no. 1013. 

^' V. Gentilli, op. cit., 299. 



30 n[i]«:^opoc ©"Ytt M^d^pHciKon Ti..[T]aw*wq ne niuecopH ne&oT Tepojune a^-YO) T«>.ie Hxiep^ ^ n 

nenp . . . WTne nnK&,ipoc «t! ^p-yciKOM eiTi Hpn g^l'x^s>^^.nH no'yHAi.ic'y 

-i-e nitepoc g^ttne3'oo[A*. jun]TR&.^ T«>RtoTe eg^oo-Y g^nnewT[e]&«oo'Ye jLiM«&,Tpot^ooYe 
xi«[M&.]%[Re] ».[xih]o'y^ Tenpio [Ai]en . . [n]iuioo'Y ^ c-ynTC enefiOT nujoiAi. 'i.e KAtcy maaht 
eni Toj KTO R-yp*. cot^i*. nTe&i Tnjvige KncenHJUus. nnpn e&e^.igojne g^nno-yg^KiAicY 

35 Aiepoc g^nnes'ooju juK'nT&.ige «ne .... [M]ujHn nixx expHT g^ioio'y T&iii Tn&.ige g^oJCOT 
juK . . . . g^ . . e «gice T&.TI -^e ga^TT^Xot'oc nTcynHeeid^ nn-xcoioTVe Tcpojune 
no-yRep&.Tin o'Y(3'oc g^jvpjv&.p* jun[oY]\[e>.]gH nnpn js.c xitto-yei «ejupic ju.«^ 
eq(3'op(5' e&o\ Ain'xo'Y(OT «g&.A(OJui AinTc^peia. itiS'i.i.a'e jm-xcoioAe [ju]nTe;)(;^pei&. wneg^ 
a^HOR nniuj^ . . . no'yo th ne^poitoc KTiJUHTe Kpoxtne eiaw 

40 cii, . . [uriouijoc Tdwi exTi nTe^o'yciaw noyon mux erjuiceoy «eeq 

uj[a>.HpTUio]pne npoAine Kqc-Ycogi [n]&coR Ka>.q nq^uiR ^nnitg^wR «J)lI j^noR «. 

ni-scoR ne^ponoc itTijuiHTe itpojune ei -xe eiuja^^no'yoiig «fetoR n&.i tjiw on^tie 

g^a^eH Taw-scoR ne^ponoc nriJUHTe ttp[ojune TeiwT]i iji«[t . . . .]h ng^oXoROTTin 

itno'yfi «npocTi[ju.o« na>.Tga«.n] nawTnoAioc nA.T?i»k».'y Rj»jur^i£soXeiJk eig'ynoReice»ki «e 

45 iuinga>£i Kixt enioine €T£ieno'Ytop['2s] o-yn d^iccon Tiuuceoicic ne ».iti cTJs.'ypoc epoc 
MTj>.<3'i'x js.'ycgA.i g».poi -snTinoi js.n &.in;>.R2v?V.ei «^eyeepoc a.'ypjiinTpe 
[gjvpoi eiwpR enMo-yjTe n[A,KTo]Rpa,.TOi>p Ai.nne'ysa.i nneit'xicooYe eTajuia>.gTe 


[C'SOJM Ta.peipoe]ic ne npoc tccs'ojui + eyp/ </)a<u<^t a/ ii'S'/ la I I 1 + 

[ + a^noR jLia>.Rawpe no'yjooie nige mreiopne TicToiD(^e[i e]TiaLC(;^ak?V.e[iaw Kee ccH]g k[xioc] 

50 +8a.«oK a^n»w Rypi nuje Ki>.ea>.n[a.cioc osnqnoi] a.« + AiHita. nige n 

iLMA.Ri!vp[ioc Tio juJAiRTpe +''[a>.ttoR] itogawKRHC nicXdw^x^ ^^^^/ "JH^ TixAa>.Ra>.pioc 


sic 5(^ 

npoiAte ujAAo-y -^o iixiRTpe + + '^aw;x|^».pi[a.c] nieTVaw/ [np/] nujiiiTxiA.R . . .n-^ 

About 9 cm. blank below this. 

Lines 1-15 show that the lease is for a period of 10 years ^ from the seed-time 
{KaTaa-TTopd) of the ... year of the Indiction. The property consists of the lessor's 
shares in various vineyards, fields &c., with the usual rights attaching (Sia(^e>eo-6'ai) 
thereto, according to the KOLvoivia of Apa T . . . and Eulogia, step-daughter (?) of Sophia. 
Among the lands to be leased are some on the west of the vineyards and a share in the 
third-portion of fields on the west of the highroad (1. 15). From here we may translate : 
' and (?) the fields and thy half-share (i7/Aioru /xepos) in the third-portion of the 

' C/. ? Brit. Mus. no. 1073. Krall no. ccxiii, where it occurs in similar lists of con- 

" This obscure phrase also in no. 160 and Grenfell, tributions (farm and dairy produce &c.). In no. 159 one 

op. cit., no. Iviii, eToi/tws ?X" f^KXeBo-ai. to avro y^wpyiov in is valued at 2 carats. 

T^s €/x^s ^(oo?? tSv kclI rp€<t,of^ivwv ^ap i/^ov. Cf. also = TicRa.pHn in Krall ccxiii. 44; as here in no. 159 

(cuKXevW, Kenyon, Catal. i. 171, and 1. 10 above. Presumably =Sio-Kapiov. 

» Ti Axooy, Krall no. xci. Cf. ti ck«.i, ib. xcii. In « Different hand. 

Br. Mus. no. 434 ro, the debtor (lessee) shall give 3, in 1 Different hand, 

no. 427 4 waterings to the field. e Qf. Waszynski, Bodenpacht i. 91 Anm., and here 

* Presumably = Tp«.*.pe, Brit. Mus. no. iiii. Cf. no. 163. 


gardens under cultivation (?) and in good condition (?), and the half of all the trees growing 
therein, those that bear fruit and those that do not, and the dates and the reeds and the 
4th part [of the] 2 wells ; but that on the north, wherein are 2 watering-places (?), and that 
within the farm {iiToiKiov), with their watering-places for the rushes, and the 4th (1. 20) 

part of the highroad the outfit (iidpTva-L?) and the 4th part of the the 

cattle shed {TavptjXaa-Tijpiov) and the 4th part of the farm {inoU.) called " Pawan eniot" and 
the 4th part of the church (e/c/cX.) called the Archangel Michael('s), and the 4th part of the 
sycomore, and entrance and exit and all rights (8i«raiov) appertaining to (avy^Kea-eai.) these 
vineyards and these fields, which are in the property (KX'^j/i.a) of " Pawan eniot " in the 
(1. 25) mt'gddl watch-towers of the Eighty, in the nome of this town (ttoXis) of Shmoun. 
And (jiiv) thy half-share {-rjfi. fiep.) in the fields I will sow with my seed, of whatsoever crop 
(fcapTTo's) I wish, and will pay thee as their rent (^dpos) yearly, namely, 3 gold soh'dz and 
a tremt's of 22^ carats (/cepana), for each of the water-taking (fields). But (Se) the (desert-) 
sand, if it should happen (to come), which heaven forbid {to p.rj yeVotro), whether {Koiv) 
I have sown or (Koiv) have not sown, or if {kclv) anything (sent) of God have befallen, 
I will pay half the tax ((^0/305), namely, 3I gold sok'dt less 22| carats by the Alexandrian (?) 

standard. (1. 30) And (ovv) this rent in coin (xpva-iKov) I will pay thee in 

the month Mesore, yearly; and my 19 days {nfiepa) of at the period (/catpds) 

of paying the money (rent), I paying wine and expenses {Sandvrj). But (Se) thy half-share 
{rjfi.^ fi.) of the vineyards and the reeds I will water (?) them with (?) my beasts and my 

and my herdsman's wage. And (jnev) in winter I will give (them) 2 waterings 

a month, but (8e) in summer 10 waterings ; whereupon (cttI tw) thou, the lady {Kvpa) Sophia, 
shalt take the half of the produce {yemjixa) of wine, and it shall be in thy (1. 35) half-share 
(i7/A. ju..) of the vineyards, and the half of every tree that grows therein ; while I likewise 

take the half and the labour, but (Se) pay according to (Xdyos) the custom {a-vvi^deia) 

of the vintage, yearly, i| carats (/ce/).) for and a measure of old wine and one of new 

(museum) and a well-filled (?) dish {SLa-KoipLov) and 20 cheeses and the needful amount 

(x/aeia) of loaves and the needful amount (x/o-) of oil. I shall not be able to 

. . the period (xp-) of these 10 years, while I (1. 40) , which gives power 

(i^ova-La) to every one that lets {jxicrOovv), that if he fulfil the first year and wish to depart, 
he may depart. I however shall not be able to depart ere I have completed the period 

ixp-) of these 10 years. But if {el Si) I shall wish to depart, and before I shall 

have completed the period (xp-) of these 10 years , I am ready (eroi/x,os) to pay 

gold sok'dt as fine {irpoa-TLp.ov), without judgement, without law {vofios), without 

any doubt (aix<l>Lfio\Ca), while I am at thy disposal {viroKela-e ai) (1. 45) with all that is mine. 
For thy security then (ovv), I have drawn up for thee this deed of lease (iii<r6(oa-ii) and have 
set a cross (o-ravpds) thereto with my hand ; and they have written for me, because I know 
(yodv) not how. And I have requested {irapaKaXelv) other freemen (eXev^epo?) and they have 
witnesse;d it. And I swear by God Almighty {iravTOKpdTCjp) and the health of our lords 
that rule over us, that I will observe this deed of lease {iiia0.) for thee, in accordance with 
(irpds) its authority. I wrote it {iypaxjja) on the ist Phaophi, nth Indiction.' Here follow 
the (r7]iJ.(Mv of the lessee and the signatures of 3 or 4 witnesses. 

M 2 


159.— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 22 x 35 cm. Script : seldom ligatured. Recto f . 

Lines 1-5 and the letters fito in 6 are supplied by a fragment, 6 x 9^ cm., in the British 
Museum (Or. 6201 a &c.). 

Lease (^aio-^cuo-i?) of land by to lonobri (Onnophrius), a husbandman and 


]uje TjvTs.'Xoo'Y e . . . [ I THpc «AAKT(3'iue Ta.[ I Tig^OAioXoPi awUOK icon[o]£ip[ I ujHpncg^ivicq 
nee efio juuui[oc | o-Ya^a^T jutnTRs.^^ ^npc jv'Y(o[ | v^ m^/ Ta^no)[ . . n]£ico ne['\ooXe about 22 lett.] 
Ta^enTO-Y «*^k eg^p*.i | oja.TO'Y'sajoj^es uinTOH'e [about 25 lett.]coto[. . . . Jawt^opoc ei *xe eKajis.n- 
a>.j>.q I nis-ojAA TSw-xi nj>iieKe nee no['yoeie niAi about 12 more]tHHn hiaa eqpHT epoo-y 

Ai.nne'Y^pHcic * | THpo-y e-yong^eRicee ene[ ]n*>^2.[ ]'\ei&.^ THpc nTn».ige 

nTumTO-yoeioeie | 10. Ta..Ti ne-yg^eouioo'Y® "[^iT T?["P]*** Aien tjs.riotc'' epocy niAcy nAtnTH 
aw-yto TTigajA* Ta^ROiTe epoo-y niAO-y n|A*.nTcnoo'Yc a.-yco [. . . TJvJna.-'sq ' nAio-y neojAio'yn a.'yoj 
neujjvi^oq epoo-y ntome^ a>.'yco>.no'yn o-ycouj | e£i(OR na^q naLTepo-yoeie [n]i^.K tio 
ng^eToiJuiwc^ajT'0 nxta. THpq s'AAe o-yoeie Ta.epTeqg^-yno'ypt^ia^. nuinT|o'yoeie g^iuinTS'Aie 
a^-yo) Taw-si (above Taw) to o^yoeie A«.nTa.To s'Ate nRa^pnoc niiu. e&awUjcone eTeno-yon €fiToo'y|ne 
g^ajutnTo-yoeie a^-yto ncyon e^Too-y g^ajmnTariAe a^-yto a^ng^awTV-aJiJia. niA*. e£ia.igoine g^I^IlJl^. | 
15. TnTa^a^q g^-ynioiu. ei-ik-e awn-sip ei-^e a^ng^awTV-OJuia*. niu. aw-yw Ta^Ti naLcynneeia^ TepoAine eTe- 
na^ine | g^aojinTo-yoeie g^iumTS'juie (nn-scooiTVe above) ^a^.g^'y cynTe nepn hx. Ta^icy ng^awXtOAi Ta>.io'y 
nHi'i no'a^akore -xicRawpin cna^^y | o-y^HCTe nneg^ cypa^awp £a>.Repa.T!n cynTe^^ aw'yco nenaw-soq^^ 
nixoK. nn'2£0i0ij'\e TnTa>.awq g^iniOA*. a.'yoi g^iino-yiogj jmjiAnno'yTe TakO-yoog^ g^jmncRTHiAa. a.'yui 
AAnncaLne^ponoc nTiAiicecocic Ta^Ra^ neR)uia>. na^R efeoTV. nee efio asjuloc | a^'yco -zsinneiepTUjopn 
npoxine ta.'sooc "seio-ycouj efiioR na.i ejuHTi Taw-swR ne^ponoc nTeiAiiceojcic eiujawno-ycoig | 
20. efiajR na^i'scoR TWAicewcic tio ngeToiuicoc Ta^Ti coo'y ng^oAoROTn ne'ycT/^* na^Tg^a^n 
nawTnoAtoc na^T^awa^'y ng^coq | najui«^i6o\eiaw eioipR Ajinno-yTe na^nTOT^pawTtop ju.nne'yxawi 
nen-sicoo'ye nenpioo-y •snneieujna^.pa.fiak n'Xa^a.'y ntgaw-xe ] eqcHg^ g^nTiJuiiceoicic e-yuip-x na^R 

a>.!cjun TiAAicecocic na.R + ei^p/ eneit^ Re cyn i-^ in^/ + -j — | L [ ^ a^noR icono&p nuje 

nna^TV-aw-y no-yoeie a^-yto nets'jxe tictoi|J(^/ TiAticecocic nee eccHg^ euioc + Ro^^Xo-yee 1 nieTVakX / 
A«.np^/ noje nnjua>.Ra.p^ fiiRTCop npwjuTcecjco^* nTa^qRopigT a.icg^a>^i g^a^poq ■snfcnoi cg^a«.i a.n a^-yco 
TIO niAeTpe + | + Kocwa. ni^a^^icTOC np^/ tio uieTpe + + a.noR a^na. g^top nige njuHna. 
TIO njunTpe eTijmicecocic ney cHg^ juoc + 


' So in Brit. Mus. no. 1080. » Cf. noxq, Zoega 490, the only instance. 

"^ Fern, as in no. 158. ' Altered from nwK. 

' For ? uja^nToy-. ig«>«.T itoy- is hardly possible. " Assuming this to be from pwige. 

' Cf. Revillout, Acles rs. " Cf. Boh. hi felyos, Lev. v. 11. 

^ ? t^i\oK*.\ci«.. Cf. Brit. Mus. no. 1064, note. "^ Wrong gender. " For ? ncTTKita^-. 

« 24.AXOOT in a letter here ; v. Index. Perhaps ' proper- » V. Krall v, Ivi, Brit. Mus. no. 1014. eycTa^eejAwn 
tion ', ' portion ' of water. for f.v<na.Q^ov. 

1 V. no. 158. " Krall Iv. Cf Vitelli no. 50, Seo-™. 


Lines 1-5 show the lessee's name and a reference to ' all the reeds.' From line 6 : 

' ] 14th Indiction, and I will the vines (?) and deliver them to thee, 

until (?) they be gathered. But (/.eWot ye) rent {<f>6pos). But if (d Si) thou make 

of it a vineyard, I shall receive my wage like every husbandman, of every tree 

that grows thereon, with the full use {xpw>-^) of them appertaining {av-qKea-dai) to 

whole of the half of the husbandman's duty. (1. 10) And I will give them their 

watering: in winter i+ixev) I will irrigate (?) them with 15 waters and in summer I will 
irrigate (?) them with 12 waters and I will sprinkle (them with) 8 waters ; and what 

1 sow thereon (shall be) mine. And if Anoup shall wish to depart and not to be husband- 
man for thee, I am ready (eroi/Aos) to suffice for the whole property {hi place), (both as) 
vinedresser and husbandman. And I will perform its husbandman's and vinedresser's 
service {vtrovpyia) and receive my share as husbandman and my share as vinedresser, 
in every crop (/ca/jTros) that there shall be, namely, the 4th part for husbandry and the 
4th part for vinedressing. And all expenses {avakoyyLa) that shall occur upon the property, 
(1. 15) we will add it (?) to the vat, whether it be (eire) ointment or (etre) any expense {av.). 
And I will give my customary-presents [avvrjdua) annually, namely, for husbandry and 
vinedressing : at the vintage, 2 measures of old wine, 50 cheeses, 50 pairs of loaves, 

2 dishes i^ia-Kapiov), a sixth (feo-TT^s) of oil, a at 2 carats («:ep.). And what we shall (?) 

expend at the vintage, we will add to the vat. And if God will, I will dwell on the estate 
{KTrjfia), and after the period (xpows) of this lease (^ta-d.), I will give over thy property 
(lit. place) to thee, even as it (now) is. And (I undertake) that I will not pass the first year 
and (then) say, I wish to depart, unless (d fit] tl) I have fulfilled the period (xp.) of this lease 
(ixCa-d.). If I shall wish (1. 20) to depart and have not fulfilled this lease (jj-io-d.), I am pre- 
pared (erot/Aos) to pay 6 soh'dt of proper weight (euo-ra^/Aos), without judgement, without law 
(i/o'/Aos), without any matter of doubt (d/x,^i/3oXia). I swear, by God Almighty {vavTOKp.) and 
the health of our lords the kings, that I shall not be able to transgress {Trapa^aiveiv) any 
word written in this lease [jxCcrd.). As an assurance for thee, I have drawn thee this lease 
{p.L(r0.). 1 wrote it {iypaxjja) on the 29th Epeiph, by God's will [ariiv 6e^), 14th Indiction.' 
Here follow the a-qiielov of the lessee and signatures of 3 witnesses, one of whom, the 
priest Victor, of TsesiO, had acted as scribe. 

1 60-— Papyrus. This is the recto of no. 120. Script almost ligatureless. Probably 
by scribe of no. 211. Fibres \ . 

Lease of land. The nature of the cultivation is uncertain ; the lessee undertakes to 
pluck^, pound^, and card^ its product and to deliver its crop {Kapnoi) to the hiqp.6<Tios Xoyos*. 

1 C/. gwwXe in a fragment Brit. Mus. Or. 6201 a &c., ktc nc«.Ta.n«>cne Axoyn e&oX gxingwwXe, which, omitted 

TixpewcTi itjvK juinT«.ce Ai«.p e\a.c Teas? «.en\[H]p[oTf] by the Greek {PG. Ixxxviii. 1953 d), seems parallel to 

nTe-j-T^Ka. tijuih ■senaL-y niAi epencKJua^gc n«>ei eio\ nitrTeLv. 

Tiiei TngooXoy ne.K. Hence and from Zoega 528 per- ' V. FSB A. xxvii.170. 

haps ' pluck ', ' gather.' But v. Brit. Mus. no. 171, ckh (i), ' C/. kwk in Isa. xix. 9, ' carded,' o-xio-rds, of flax. 

njkTe:5Y<=*<= nnpWAJiene gwwXe gno-ifgwi oygwi -^e. " V. no. 116. 


]epoq g^ima.Tfenoo'yc Atitna.Tpor^oo'Ye AinnaiiCKe bjLXHy^ [ \ n^oo'Xeq T».g^oo\eq Ta.coA*eq 
TJvRORRq Ta.a.a.q «[ | TJvnjvpa.'a.i'i.o'y nneqR«.pnoc en-a.HJUOCioc Xopoc g^*.po[ | e.».»w« na^p*. 
niTpiAAHcm cn^'Y nnoySi viTi.K'Tb^i.y nd.i [ | Tawn*.p».'2.i'i.[o'Y ju]AAoq o« en'i.HAiocioc ^ot^oc 
&.'s[« [ t;^'Y?V.a>.c]c.e n&.R npo'r(3'[o]Ai ttTi[Aiice(ocic | 

161.— Papyrus; a fragment; loxiocm. Script: ligatured. Redo f. 

End of a Lease (/aio-^wo-is) by to Phoebammon, showing the witnesses' 


p]g^wq £^i(oijoq TC«o['Y | g^ooj-y eTeco-yAiitT'SJuinne n[ | J-xe-yTep*.. \n Tj>.pg^[(oq [ ]g^ ep€[ . . . . ] 
ere-Yg^a^ [ | ] a^icjun Tijuiceo-Ycic kkr is.[ |ju]8.g^q «».r enqjua. g^Aino-ytouj [nnno-YTC | ]e nefcoT 


uTCipojune ernny t . . [ | ] [ } _j , + a^noR (:^oi£i»JUuuw« nui[ ] ] '^cTOixei CTeiAiiceo-Ycic + 

+ A.noR f I nju]a.R/ li^oi&JMUiuwn np[(oiJi]e igjuo'Y«[ |».5]cg^a.i g^a^poq -sMqnoie ».« a.'YW -^i \ 
©leo-xwpe nuje nnxiewRa.p/ Js. . . . | 

Verso : address, illegible. 

162. — Papyrus; a fragment; islxyfcm. Script: ligatured. Redo j. 

Lease {iil(t0co(tl<;) of 3 arouras from to Christopher. 

npjoiiAie ajjuicyti on Tipa..ig[e] | ] cyn eew crthc i^/ eeH | ]n cejueg^ ceujA^A-T^ nee e-yo [n]«.oc| 

sic KOY^T 

]eiHfeT g^i-sHTRO * nncjs n | K]o'Y«>^a}q TiwO?V.oy T&.T1 n*.R | ]Toine no-Yooie n-xiRa^ion* |np]od^».cic 
Ti»wTaw?V.o neco'YO lej'ytop'x na^R a«.iCAJLn TiiAice^ | ^picTJod^ope' nTojHprt | ]t!o AAnTpe + 

Verso: +iuiicetO/ a^po v[ 

163. — Papyrus ; a fragment ; 12 x 29^ cm. Script : moderately ligatured. Recfo \ . 

Lease (/xiV^wa-ts) from a monastery to , for 12 years ^ 

•sjjneTipojune no-ytJiiT ecnH-y cyn Tpei[c | n]e^ponoc nTAtHTcnoo-Yce npoAtne Ai[H]ig<5'OA* 
•xe [ I ]e HceTiojg^e iga^nTi-sajK ne;)(^ponoc nTiJUHTcnoo-Yce npojjme ei "^e eimawno-Ytouj I ]en • opoc^ 
nTAtnTcnoo-Yce npojune eqnA.npo'y eiRin-x'Yne'ye nnxn | e-Ylcop-s oyn nTi[e]ijjiott».CTHpion 
e^Toyi>.iJi a^noun TiiLiicooi/ nn-rn | ]«'\e'yoepoc a.['y]pAiinTpe e[po]c [ 

' F. no. 158, 1. 32. ■* The identical phrase in a fragment Br. Mus. Or. 

^ V. Krall cxc, Brit. Mus. no. 1021. Perhaps 6201 b &c. F. no. 166. * Different hand. 

' whether they be full or lacking' in weight. ^ An unusually long lease. V. here no. 158. 

' C/. Krall i. 12, kw goyn also fem. ' nexponoc or ne<^opoc ? 


164.— Papyrus ; a fragment; I7ix6|cm. Script: small, ligatured. Recto \. 
Lease of land for 4 years (?) from the hUaiov of (the monastery of) St. Severus, through 
its fj>povTLa-TTJs\ to George (?), son of Philotheus. The yearly rent is to be paid in corn. 

nAi]a.R/ (^i^oeeoc npoiAie igAJi[o'Yn | g^]iTooTK »wnjs. ne^ny net5po[nTicTHc | ]I hikr aSno 
npoAine[ | eclKH-Y c^^n nptoTHc i^^ niieT'a.iJv?5[epicee | ]e nnxtaw e-YJUio-YTC epocj •2£[ | 
Jnect^opoc TepoAine «uj[o]AjieT np[ | g^eTo]iiu.oc TSwnTVHpo-y mjuok ejji[ l&jppe'YO'Y e-yujA- 
uj(o\ [ I ] AAWg^coq niJUL enoiine |^&.h[ | ] epoc eiwpR nnKO-YTC n[ | ce(o]pc<e nuje nnjuia.K/ 
«5i\o[eeoc I n]uje MiLtAd.K/ nigo'Ypneqiji[ee'Y€ ] ]AJinTpe + | niy]e HnA!ia.R/ xxiini>. 

Verso : JeqcAtine tuioc nn*xi[Kekion | «:5js.»?ioce'YHp[oc 

165- — Papyrus ; almost complete ; 8| x 30! cm. Script : clumsy semi-uncials. Recto \ . 
Agreement (do-^aXeia) between the heirs of Victor and the <j)povTLcrT7J<; and aTroKpia-dpio^ 
of a monastery. 

•^ 2>.non «eR?Vjiponoji!ioc it&iR[T(«ip nJeg^pjHp^ g^iTiteKu)^ nequjHpe junc2vpj»,. Teqtgeepe 
AtitTe-ylceitiew Jung^eTVJvpiji*. x«.KnjvTi[. .]'Y sJLi\Ti>,A3.tK.ii^ Tenju.dwaw'YTe Aid>.pi&. g^no-yawieAio-Yo-y^ 
CMcg^jiwi I niujio'Y«i>.cTHpion'^b.iJi m^ntx ^epHJUion g^iTHs^n^. g^iop nent^poiiTicTHc g^jTitt^ifc- 
injuo'Y I nawnoRpHcjs.pHc -seeni-akH ju.RTi.iO'YpHg^* i\xxi>s^ nneAig^iT rt-jso nni^Hi eg^HT js,Rcen- 
^copi I nektt ^initnROog^ nniwHi endwHi^ eneeiqT ijjeweng^ip dwioyoin imi^po eneejqr eng^ip 
Tino-Y I tikaj ng^e-xejuoc t«'<^ oynujHjueiiT nco-YO rutTn nujs'op «juoq eTeposwcne* -sinlnooy 
eg^paki eTCco'ycoo'y ruuHco'Ypine neen«dwTHc xn-xiR/ isr^m eRuj&.no'Ytoiy '' efiiTq | utoot TeTiiio 
nnn-soeic eTJU.'si ig(5'op mtootii e«ujd,«o'y(oig g^town eTjui'<^ uja^op [ TMoyHn unenpo eg^HT 
nneeiqT AinRoog^ junenHi ^ ctrp/d. juHccypn "^ e in'iy | iw-YOi i».noR dwR'^ione na^ttdii^/ KT&.y- 
ew^ioy luioi &icg^2)wi g^&.pooy ^ccenoi | hc£&.i ».« e^-yto -^to luunTpe + -^ + + + cejuion 
a^qp^wg^aoii n?V.akiu*.ne + ujMis.o'YT[. . . .]pe 

Verso, in semi-Greek script : + b.&<^i^\/ t^euoA* ^ R/ Ryp/ &ir/ t^pnp' jvn oyojIiAo-Y 
eT^tenoypeg^ + 

'We, the heirs {kXtjpovoixos) of Victor, the , represented by Enoch, his son, and 

Sara, his daughter, and Teugenia " and Helaria and Pati..u and Tamane, our mother being 
Maria, from Waiemow, we write to the holy monastery of Apa Chaeremon, represented by 
Apa Hor, the <f>p., and by Phoebammon, the o-tt. Seeing that {iTreiByj) I have not a bare- 
space (?) on the north of the wall of my house, northward, thou didst give us leave 
{a-vyxcopeiv) (of occupation), from the corner of my house, eastward, as far as the street, and 

^ As a monastic official, Krall cxxvii. 8, clxiii, here no. ^ Possibly po /By, though y can scarcely be read; nor 

165. In Brit. Mus. no. 379 it appears to vary with SioLK-^rris. have I found po, ' part,' thus used. 

= A quite unknown word. ' en- altered from en-, or vtce versd. 

» Unknown. ' Possibly t^pl^.p. 

' F. Crum, Of/r., no. 81, note. ' 'Their relatives' (for ytvea) is less likely, though 

° Presumably superfluous. Greek names with preformative Copt, t- are rare. 


I have opened my door eastward, upon the street ; so now we are prepared (Iror/^os) to 

give you {pi.) half a third (?) of corn as rent therefor, that is, , from to-day onward, 

being the 6th of Mesore of the 9th Indiction. And ^ if thou shalt wish to take it from me, 
ye have the right not to receive rent of us. If we, on the other hand, shall wish not to pay 
rent, we will open our door on the north, eastward of the corner of our house.' Signature 
of the scribe and witness and crrjfieiov of the magistrate. 

166.— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 21 x 9 cm. Script : small, few ligatures. Redo ->. 

Lease (/aio-^wo-is), wherein a previous one is referred to, from the hUaiov of a monastery 
(tottos) to the Kuyots Hamoi. 

+ n-xiRMon AinTonoc eTO'Yava.[fc | «eM.\^'y;)(;^H uinnccoAJiJs.>. K'Yp[ I n-xvji.K^ Ainnceene 
[u] .... oo-y [ I «e-YpjMt ncg^a.1 nnn-Ypic g^^juioi [ | ■xeeni'ji.H nTa^TnecAtn o-yaaic n«.[n| ncAien 
nTi.'Y':£i AAOO-y g^n . "y . ». [ | jmng^nKOO-ye n . . . -xi npe • T [ I nneiiTH m-xiKTionoc eTeT«e- 
c[Ti».Te2 I ttTome [noj-yooie^ tchcy T«2^0AA[o?V.oce | ujs.n-xoiK «n;)(^ponoc [kt]jx[ | ng^oAoK^ 
n-^HJu. -Ti jLioq nT[ | tiaaic jiHTit i.ncToi epoc t[ | +*i..».rhc neieTV-^-xL | npo)A*.e gjAAO-yn 
TicTo[ I +^hsvis. K^Ypi neieTVa^^ nnp naje nn«.[j>.K | +6'2L8>.n!H?V. nic7v.j>.;)(;^ n-i.iai[R | 

Verso : traces of an earlier text. 

167 — Papyrus ; a fragment ; 12 x 18 cm. Script : moderately ligatured. Recto \ . 

End of a Lease {jj-ia-O a(7i<;) from to Apostolus and George, with witnesses' 


]nefcoT iiTipoiuine noycoT eq-^OAAH i^/ | ]'\^^ . ec».pecK».! nHTK enKttT'yne'Ye Ain | Je-Ytop-x 
[«^s.]K i.[i]cg^a,i [TiJAAiceo-ycic na^K | e'Xe'yJeepoc [Tp]e'YpAAHTp[e] epoc encopK nnno-YTe | le-ston 
TUt^'Y'Xjs.cce nHT[«] npoc tccis'oa* + | ».Mon]cTo'\oc uintrecopue «eTgjHpncg^*.i TncTo;)(]^ei + 1 
•^loclRope nenTe^qigciOTie nnnp^^ npoiiuie ujiuio'y[n] | ]poc* irnje ttiuxjvRJsp/ cecopt»e npiouie [ 

Verso : an account {v. below). 

168- — Papyrus; a fragment; 7x18 cm. Script: semi-uncials. Recto \. 
Lease to a husbandman, for 5 years. 

]ii-\o eio no-yooie | ]ne eii>.noTA.cce «T&oHeei2». nnnojuioc' | jo-y eqgj».npT^opne npouine 
nqo-yoiuj | ]'s[o)]r ne|)(;^poMoc utiti n|^po]noc htjtj npouine | npjocTiuion h^tTV.s.jh.'Y | 

' The following conditions are obscure, there being *■ * and ° Different hands, 

several alternative readings: ertiga.rt-, uTooTTe Titw. ' Cf. no. 141. ' Different hand. 

^ Nryo-Tia; z;. Index. ' Cf. Archiv f. Pap. iii. 421, dTroTarroVevos 7rao->; 

' Recurs in no. 162. ' The husbandman's w^^-measure.' ^oiy^eta vo/xcov ; also no. 157 here. 



169— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 17 x i6i cm. Script : sloping, ligatureless. Recto \ . 
Agreement (do-c^aXeia), probably regarding a Lease. An amount of corn (? as rent) 
is to be delivered at (the lessor's) house, in Shmoun. House-property seems likewise to 
be dealt with. 

jixJiTH '2^e UTome tiTe^nei nef^touj c«i/ «/ a.p^/ [ | Jno-Ytouj nnno-YTe nennn nefi[oT | o]y xhkr 
enHRHi g^«^AAO'Yn[ | £ipp]e'YO'Y e-Yi^pecRe tt».R[ | ]& Tinpoeeamiaw eni tu> MKajuiA.[g^T€ | 
]eneqpo ©"Yn eg^HT A*ttn€q'2.iR[e.ion2 1 ] Aumoq nRnejmeceswi epoq «[ | n]ijui CRO'yji.ujq kc"xi igg-opf | 

nno-yJTe nn^wKTORpa^Tcop <snniu{n[&.pdit;s. | ] ;)(;^oii.R ih ik'X/ 


I I I 


? ? 

■{- +&.nOR [ I +iw«OR 

n...».c3 n^e n*\€o[nTioc | e.]noR* a^neejuwoc nMOTa^p/ n[ | miJor'^ Ro\ee nuae KIUul^Jl^>.pI[ 

170.— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 9 x i8| cm. Script : almost ligatureless. Recto \ . 
Probably a Lease. A field named Teshne . . .« is perhaps mentioned. 

nig]e nniuus.R/ cpHt^ope npcoAiie ujaao"Y« eicg^swi ttx^re^g^ niX[ | ]q eq^opts^ eiioK'' eg^toq miah 
ne>.i nTewiwo-sq eng^oi €Teuj«H [ | le-rnTO-Y nco-YO tiTRcyi nome* ^.-yw t».ti tteR[ | J-xHnnawpiu.o'yTe 
«ee nT[ | £]o\ort wcyfi ne^Tg^i>.[n | ] npoc Teca'OAi . . [ 

171- — Papyrus; a fragment; 7^x35 cm. Script: ligatured; cf. Br. Mus. Catal., PI. 14, 
no. 1024. Recto \. 

Lease (/xio-^wo-ts) of a house, whereof the boundaries (yeirvta) are given. The annual 
rent is 2 carats. This deed is subsequent to a ojitoXoyta previously drawn up by the lessor. 
The lessee (?) signs in Greek. 

t^ejwppe nuje nnA.'y^oc ne**.g^iT TRd^ind^uje uhi TcoiTe niqT riHi m^nis. fciRTtop nuje 
naoio'yt^ «*wi«e | nei^eiTnie^ licvi na>,R g^js.neuits'op Tepoiuine KRep*.Tn ciiTe yi/ k/ ^ niujs'op 
©•yn TikTawdii Tepojuine | npoc t&oul nTeRg^ouio\ot5ia>. nTe>.RCJUi«TC Wd^i encRCop's o'yh d>.icu.n 

TiAticetocic KNR eig^'ynolcrpawt^H epoc wvit.&VTs. eyp iravvi 8 [ ] + [ ]ot "yioc 

idwRROjfio'Y *'"° epju-o-YnoTV.*/ | . . . ct aaoi h nd^po-YCH [Aiicecocic about 10 lett. + «>.mor T]jv«Ypi«e 
npu)iuie uiAto-yn | tio AUunTpe eTijuiice[uJcic | [. . .JAinTpe eTMJiic[eiocic 

Verso : part of an Account beginning + Xoy/ xp^o-lov. It consists of names, each 
preceded by S/. 

' Name or title ? C/. Krall xxxiv, clxvii. 

^ Cf. phrases in Krall cxxv. 

' Possibly ncTpoc. 

* and ° Different hands. 

* V. Krall cxxx and perhaps Br. Mus. no. 1014. Or 
? not a name, merely ' garden.' 

' F. no. 158, 38 for this verb. 

* V. Br. Mus. no. 1043. 



172 — Papyrus; a fragment; 8x ii| cm. Script : neat, ligatureless. Redo \. 

Lease (jlu'o-^ojo-is) of part of a house, giving its boundaries. Cf. phrases in Krall cxxv 
and Br. Mus. no. 1015. '• 

] npcoAie cgajto-YK [ | ] nenTCKa.i'i.eR'f/ m-i."/ een jyineT'x[ja.t5epecee 1 | ] ncAtnT erenivme 
«[ I liarojpe-s g^neJveiT epGneqp[o | ] HT-smentop «ejui[ | ] epioTti g^itTUjcoTe Ai.n[ | -xilRivion 
niju. eTJn.«£^HK/ €neTK[2 | ]ti nHTn g^jineqgi(3'op Tepojuine k[ | ka.]t». pojutne TepoAine ^-yoj 

Verso : -Jf iilo-O/ fiep" oik" evyo [space] 

173. — Papyrus ; a fragment ; 24I x 27 cm. A complete seh's is 14 cm. Script : sloping, 
often ligatured. Redo f. 

Lease (fjuicrdcaa-L?) of 10 arouras from to Paul, son of Agene*, of Pehental^ who 

employed Teleme*, headman of his village, to write for him. 

nneniojT «wi?e[n]e wt . q ju. . . . . ec na>.K n . \oy . - T«ig&.[ | toijlioc ti AxikiJae [nJRepa^Tn t«t»>.b».'y 
n&.R Tepojuin[e] T€po[A*ne | w . k . . eie n . . . . nn TWBkno'xi^ic Mj>.tt TwnTV.Hpo'y M.*M.f[ | ju.oo'Y 
KTOifce nefioT Tcpojuine 'sinenR[aw]p[noc | «TnejuiTHc in*^// ujiwcyoeiig kiia endka^q 
en-xo . m . m [ I cycop-x cyn na^R »w«ciuiK Tijuiicecocic nTarios [n]n»k[ne] | nnenTijuie TC^exie entopR 
enno-yTe ^^^v^TORp[^s.T(Jop] | •2£ene[it]€ignjs.pajfe». juuulor irpoc Ta'Oii HTe«AWcecoc[ic] | +eypa^ei' 
JL/ (jjacixf)/ 16 ivZ/ 8+ +ak«oR na^'y^H naje ju.niu.a..R/ | a^irene npcoAi.neg^nTA.TV. tictoi^/ eTiAtic- 
eiocic ttee €c[H]g^ | txtxoc £^is.poi juiMne>.c«H'Y + + d^noR TeXeiAG ne^ne «ne[g^H;T«^\] | e^icg^M 
g^jvpoo-y Jk.'yto Tio nAjutTpe + +''2knoR lepHjmiawC nige jmlswnoWoi npoiAtneg^riTeikTV. on -^o 
«A«iTpe eTeiAAicetocic + | +8a^noR i<niK g^wp nige nnpa^eiCRe^ irp-yiunegnTikTV. tio HAtcTpe 


eTeiJutceoJcic + 
Verso blank. 

174.— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 39 x 9 cm. Script : ligatured. Redo \ . Above, remains 
of an Arabic (?) protocol. 

Agreement (ojnoXoyia) addressed by to the hUaiov of a monastery, relating to 

a heritable Lease (iixcfiVTeviJLa) in certain land. 

^ C/. Krall cxxvii. 12. 21, Ti.s'ene (? fem.) Br. Mus. no. 1086. (The Rev. P. 

' Was eneK[ . ' Was nneK- Peeters S.J. suggests the Roman family-name Aggenus, 

' A name almost confined to Middle Egypt (except Agennus, Agenus, Agenius, used here as a personal name.) 

Grenfell, Gk.Pap. ii, xc, Edfu). In Hall, Copt, and Gk. « HeevraX Kenyon, Catal. i. 173, HeevTaXis BGU. 553. 

Texts, p. 132, a martyr with Serenus, at Tehne, ib. 145, Perhaps Behdal, near Miniah. 

a saint named with Apollo. Var. e.cs'ine Krall cxiii, « i^ilj , Karabacek. But cf. nToXejaaios. 

ekue«i.?i5. xxix, «.KHttc Cledat, .ffao^zVii. 82, AyevisViTELLi ' Different hand. * Different hand. 

no. 65, Ayavtos Kenyon, Ca/a/.iii. 247. C/.Hayivrj'sBGU. ° ? IIpto-Kos. 



uiA.e«£ + eyp/ /a | g^oJAAoXocid. nee eccHg^ ajuuloc [ io)]g^iMinHc npjji».nTi/ | ]e juuuloc + | ]^o 

175 — Papyrus ; a fragment ; 5^ x 15 cm. Script : v. PI. i. Redo f . 

Deed relating to a heritable Lease {iiJb^vTevTLKri 6/AoXoyia). L. i apparently shows the 
date, which would be a.m. 437 = a. d. 721. L. 2 has an obscure reference to the Thebaid. 

T]eTp».ROCiocTO*Y TpidwROCTO-y eir^OMXoy en epjuio'yn[o'X.ei | ] i[. . .] • piCTO-y * eiifia.i'^oc 
+ I ] e'stoo'Y nejut^'YTe'yTiRH g^ou.oTV.opid.. e-Yop-s [ | ] u}d>,eneg^ e-ycjuiine nAAOO-y 

Aittwe'YepH'Y g^n[ 

176- — Papyrus ; a fragment ; 8 X 14 cm. Script : ligatureless. Redo]. 

From a Deed relating to a heritable Lease (e/A^vVeujaa). One party appears to be the 
'master'^ George and Hatre. On the verso a Greek tax receipt. 

]e ':^epiga>.nd.n& £i».ci?V.e g^o)co[q | o*yoj [^]^^ « . fiii niR . q [ | «TooTO'y nnc».g^ t^ewpce 

A«.ng^js.Tpe [ I Tepoiine eni TUi nToq . « . . «a.pi [ | ; eujj>>.pe\yewg^ »?ecop[cte | 

e£(dwnd^p&ii&. g^'YnoReice^wi a^'yoj jui.Ke.[ | e'YRHfe^ HTem8wnTic'Yt?^t^pa«^^on '' nesjit^e[Te'yjui». (?) | 
qg^ojAoA.oc'ei -SLe HToq j^njs. £'\e -se . . « [ | e . 0*^ (oy above) nneTpiiL».Hci[n] cn[j>.'y] nno'Yfe «[ 

Verso, in another hand. 

+ eoie Re ec^ "^^ R'Ypo'Y "xiocRope . 
ewp8 eu yy ap a + ■i.wpoeeoc ctoi • | blank 

[ I &.no •xruiocioY Teccji.pecR&.i'xeRa>.T[Hc] | in-i./ 

177.— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 15I x 12 cm. Script : ligatured. Redo \ . 

Deed of Authorization {hnTpoirri), addressed to a woman. The writer undertakes 
certain duties as to the reeds and plants and as to ' enclosing their walls.' Two places, 
Shbek^ and Pma nserge, are mentioned. 

' One would expect 2nd rather than ist plur. 

^ V. no. 144. 

' 'IfTxvuv ; c/. Br. Mus. no. 1013 and here no. 183. 

* Before p possibly x- -A- local name ? 

^ cj>.g 'teacher, master' ( = 8tSacrKaXos in New Test.), 
so, as here, apparently a title of respect (Br. Mus. nos. 
1172,1183, Krall xcv &c., an abbess Tc«.g, Bull. Inst, 
fr. V, fasc. I, pi. xi); or joined with a designation of trade, 
occupation (Br. Mus. nos. 1037, 1066 carpenters, here 
nos. 215, 216 corn or fruit-dealers, Cledat, Baouit ii. 
97 builder, ib. 159 e^yi?Tiys, Paris 131'. 34 goldsmith &c.). 

As a church official, = ? reader (Br. Mus. no. 144, Leyden 
MSS. p. 153, cf. Cledat I.e. 98, peqwuj), The c . reTiJue, 
a village official (=vo/i,iKos, Krall cxxxviii), colleague of 
the headman (Br. Mus. no. 1079), acts as scribe {ib. 461, 
Krall v); cf. the ca.x°> PSBA. xxi. 249. 

" Refers to the doubling of the rent (or price) in case 
of default. 

' V. Br. Mus. no. 1013. 

° V. Crum, Ostr., no. 409, note. 

' Recurs in Br. Mus. Or. 6201 b &c. 

N 2 


c^o]i£iaLAjuji(on ng^!ep[e'Yc^ | ncj^o^ £^n«}£iHK €i[cg^j(Li | n]juiA.K/ KOiuic Tpiui[ | o-yoei]^ 
-xmenoo-Y €T[eco'Y | JKa.i'^eR'^/ m^/ mc[ j [. .jrtha**. nAia. ttcepi-e [ | k»jui jurtne'YenTHa' 
t».'xit[ I T&.aipq weyso eg^o-yn tc[ | Xa^evy nK8>.TJiw(i^po«Hcic n[ 

Verso : + eviTpo r ffijl[ | . . . [ | 

178- — Papyrus ; a fragment ; 5| x 28 cm. Script : ligatured. Redo f . 

Beginning of a Deed, from the deacon, son of OkOipooe of Shmoun, to Apa 

Taurinus, relating to a former lease, -seni'^H ^.Kcyit.n cyuiiceajcic nis.i. Taurinus is 
apparently the juiecoTepoc (jnei^ore/aos^). The text was cancelled by cross-lines. 


179 — Papyrus ; complete ; 22 X 13I cm. Script : ligatured. Verso -^. 
Tax Receipt, in very short terms. 

+ 2..noK -^locR/ iumj^noXXoi | •sea^H'si* neRn«>.KTton | a^fiei ctooth t«cto! + The rest 
is blank. 

Recto : remnants of Greek accounts (earlier). 

180. — Papyrus; a fragment; 7^x13 cm. Script: sloping uncials. Verso -^. 

Tax Receipt from Eulogia to the 'master'^ Phoebammon, for i^ carats, being the rent 
{iraKTov) for her share (/Ae/aos) in 

4. cyXoiTiai, Tecc£A.i nnca^g^ t5oi£i»ju[ijioin | mtootk g^aknn»,RTon g^^s.^^JLlepo[c | eTewivine 
o'YK'YpakTiM o'ya'oc £«>[ [ ci)p<s cyn is.icToiD(;^ei + e'Y^oireia. [ | blank 

Redo: remains of Greek text (earlier). 

181 — Papyrus ; complete ; 9! x i8| cm. Script : moderately ligatured. Redo f . 
Receipt (dTrdSetfis) by the SUaiov of the 'altar'" of St. George, represented by the 
priest Shenoute, to Apa Philotheus, for the rent (^dpos) of certain fields, viz. 2 tremista 

' 'lepeijs; cf. Br. Mus. no. 1031. In a Br. Mus. frag- are reduced, 
ment, Or. 6201 b &c., c^iepeyc nnTOOY^ ° F. no. 1^6. 

' SxoAao-TiKo's. " So in Krall Ixxvi. C/. the similar use of toVos, 

' The Jk6w papyri make it dear that this is the Greek e.g. here no. 145, of ^iKT-^piov, Krall clx, /^ovaoT^piov, 

equivalent to Xikgikite. i6. Ixxxvi, Trerpa, here no. 124. In Br. Mus. no. 1046 

' -xc indicates the elliptic brevity to which the formulae juia> and c^tXoiro'vtov seem identical. 


+ n-xiRivioM Mne-yciiwCTHpiow CTO'yjvaii (^s^pioc p ewpce | g^iTOOT ujeno-YTC np eicg^jiwi 
ivnsw t^iXoeeoc •see.i'si | d^-ym a.m^Hpo'y iitootr eiieti^opoc g^jvniwg^c cr-xo jiii(above eRTi 
A»[.]noq ne-yAAOo-y) | e-yujoon g^AAnigenno-yci CTenjvme cnaw-y CTpeAAHcm | eno-yfe g^evTipojune 
T*,i CRTHc ... n u^ C'ytops nevK is.i]cA*« Tij^no'a.ei^ic «a.r eicToi ujeno-yTe np ctoi + 

Ferso : Greek accounts (earlier). 

182.— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 10 x 9^ cm. Script : moderately ligatured. Redo \ . 

Receipt by Phoebammon, son of George, for rent (?) paid by All written by 

one hand. 

ceojpjpe npuiAie saAio-yK eicg^a.1 [ | ] •xei.i'si e.'yto a.m'XHpo'y mt[ootr] nn[ | ]e nefeoT 
«'2k.€R^THc itt^^ uj!vco'y[ | g^oAoROTTJK «n[o]'Yq €.yo M'2:o'yTc[Moo'Yc I ]K§r €kJ^ CTfeeneRtop-x 
o-yn [ I ».p]xei e-xoin Ta.pit^-yAawCce «j>wR [ | ] + j^moh t5oi&«Jui[Ai(on | ] nuje Mnjua.R2.p/ 

Verso : «5oifid.]AJUu.uin nige «t»eu)pi?e [space] npio[A«.e 


183- — Papyrus; a fragment; 13x23 cm. Script: ligatureless. Redo f. 

Preliminary phrases to a Deed of Settlement (SiaXuo-ts), addressed by of 

Shmoun, to , a woman, styled Ti/AtwrctTij*. It is to be deposited in the public 

library ^ 

jo'ya.Tpg^THq e's[ | T!'2k.i]e».'\*ycic ecop-s g^KdkCr^[ik?V.eidw «iju. | ecicj^^'y ecTa.'spH'y K»kTnj)ipj)iii>.- 
cic navTRiiu. '2£m[ [ ]nc[. . .]c a^'yio eiKOJ lumoc eg^p».i £nT'XHM.[ | tjvJckojxih A*.MTewnpo&.ipecic 
nawTTV.awdk'y iiRpoq [ | i^nJdwTH g^is>.Ma>.i^RH g^mepscpivt^H g^icynakpnawiTH &.noR [ | niye] Mnx«.dwKi)>.p/ 
XeoKTiit npiojuie ujAi.o'yn eicg^a^i «i[ | TTi]A*.iiOTa>.TH T^e nnjuiJs.Hdwp/ ■ nMTJs.qujo)[ne •' | 
piojutje ajjuicyn o« Tipa>.[ige] Tig^oxtoTVocei 2k«[o]K[ 

184. — Papyrus ; a fragment ; 17 x 15 cm. Script : ligatured. Redo f . 
A Family Settlement (yew/cr) SiaXuo-is), addressed by (plur.) to Apa Prashe. 

] junneiJs.Mg^».7V.[ajAii«. about 1 1 lett.] | ]i»^ niAx g^njuis. riju e-yns.eiu.t^d.Hi'i^e | ]r s^n*. npjvige 
jutiMeKR^Hp"/ igsw€Keg^ jvnciun | g^]itneTpne«eRe na^R nnjueg^con citak-y | T]a>.'yoc epoit neTnoi 

' ? A place. C/. Br. Mus. no. 1055, rteigenne.itmic. * C/. no. 158. 

^ Signs perhaps stenographic; in-jk/ yi/ can scarcely ' Brifx-oa-ia y8i/3Ato^7jKjy. Deeds relating to monastic 

be read. affairs placed in the library of the monastery, Revillout, 

' (K^/ might be read, not evir'^,. Acles 83, 97. « V. no. 141. 


eHeTJ>.p;)(;^ei e-soin | ] THpc ttTuretHRH •ji.iJk.TV.'ycic epeTitg^-YnocTa^cic [ ] Tccfeefcaviojcic 'SMnenuj;)(;^pto 


185 — Papyrus ; a fragment ; 14 x 13^ cm. Script : small, moderately ligatured. Redo f . 
Agreement (6ju,oXoyta) apparently relating to the Sale (? or lease) of land. Perhaps 
a place, Hotr, is mentioned. 

]c eig^oTp e[p]oRi g^e^TiRNpnoc «neA*.nTHc n-^iRTionoc | ] nit&.TTi«je[it]ece ^ «htk g^a^poq 
uiA.eKeg^ €iTe [j>»no]R | ]i«eRR7V.Hponojuoc uja^eneg^ enei-xH Jvg^oifi niAi | ] «TA.TMeciiinTq n»wi 
e-YOip-x itHTti a^icxitt Tig^ouioTV.or'iev | nnak]«TORp2>wTOip Ta^t^'y^swcce mhtk npoc t^c&ojul | 
npoijxjie g^ojTp neTujHpiTcg^awi tictoi eTi£^OAAoA.odJs. «ee ccHg^ eiA[oc] | pcojjue igjjio'yn 
iiTis.Jcg^«.! g^Js-poq + I nojHpje d^oi&isjuuLiwii npooAte ujxio'yn tio JUinTpe + | ] . . . c nenTj>>.qgjtone 
unp3 npcojme ujAtoyit tio [AJumujTpe + 

Verso blank. 

186 — Papyrus; a fragment; 5|x8|cm. Script: ligatureless. Recto \. 
Presumably from a Deed of Sale (? or of Gift). 

JAJittfiTOO'Y n . • . ouj . I ] ciTe g^ito-Y* ng^oAACT | ]. e eiTC g^noy n^iX-se | CTTJdwiH'Y cg&.neTCHii| | 
] . epoc npoc n[ 

Verso : parts of 2 lines in a Greek hand, giving a date, lv^^. 

187- — Papyrus ; a fragment ; 13 x 6 cm. Script : ligatureless. Redo f . 

Probably from a Deed of, or relating to, Sale. A monastery or church of St. Phoeb- 
ammon is named^ 

]h nnH! «,. R-ypi igonq €[ | ]« img^awCioc ^^oifii^AJuucort MajT[ | Jo-yTn dw-yto ncp'soeic 
HRH! n[ I ] Ra>.« A.c^Hpc'Ye g^i>.p[oq] R&.n [ 

188.— Papyrus; a fragment; 44x37 cm. Script: even, ligatured; hand of nos. 204 
and perhaps 173. Redo, top selis-->, rest \. 

' This rare verb appears to imply consent or agree- ' Note the peculiar form of negative, 

ment with. An equally obscure instance in WZKM. " F. no. 141. 

1902. 266. «>noK perhaps, not cpoK. ■" This form in Br. Mus. no. 1064. ^ Cf. no. 125. 


Above the text, a 'protocol/ in tall, brown characters like those in Br. Mus. 
nos. 171, 1077. 

Undertaking (6/Ao\oyia) by John, a deacon, of Shmoun, to the Kvpcs, Apa Mercurius\ 
to whom he had formerly sold certain fields. M. had then agreed to pay 3 carats yearly 
as their tax [SrjiJioa-Lov), representing both ififioXi] and xP'^'^^k^^, since they produced no corn. 
For this John thanks him and now undertakes not to demand any additional tax payments. 
Reference is further made to handing the deed of sale (ir^ao-ts) to M. and to the latter's 
inheritance in the said land. 

a>.noK nog^ek.MKHC neieTVakix^ K'xi8>.K/ nuje nrL)uia>.Ki!».pioc fiiRTiop npo^iue ujxio'ym eicg^j^j 

d^ndw jutepKO'Ypioc nuje «..*>.. np^ ^ s>ns>. d^cH . -y npiojue ujjuo'yw on -seenei-^H e^iTi . . 

5-oi[T]e niwg^e ne>.R ciioX. . . . i . e'\d. . . T*iiTe ccTicog^e e'y . . ?ii co-y e-yit idua. eTjiJUJi[js.]'y 

ne , eit&e^ (rest illegible) 

5 [.]»>.R. ..eXoYciTC npoc t&oxx tiTenp».cic nTe>.icAinTc ite^K sul poju[ne] 

. . . . ei d^indwpd.Kdw7V.ei juor^nRawie'\[e'Yoe]poc Ta^pcR . »w 

[. . d.jR'si Timevp&.RTV.HCic i>.RTi ujojLtTe KR[e]pa.[Tn g^A.J-a.HJU.ocion epcoo-y Ra>.[T«.] 

pojtine g^«^ejuiio?V.H g^i^p-YciRon enei-xH jumTi.'Y[co]'YO juuujs.'y + TCRoy g^p*-* 

[g^«] . e . . Ti tiTfiii Tie'YX*>'P'*^'^*' "^'^ 'sejs.R'si Tdwn»wpiikR?V.Hcic ctoot e>.RJ^n[is.'^i-] 
10 [-^o-y] nawRep«k[T]ia. g^s.poo'Y Rjs.Ta» poju[ne] t^ . . . Xonio-Y 

. . . [nnjs.MTo]Rp&.TO)p ju[Kno'Y]'2E[e>.i nn]'s[icoo'ye 

oyre. jii£soXh oyte. ;)(^pYtiROM uj&.eHe£ oyoeiuj [rest illegible] 

ncTKH-f Ainecuji •smteiujiioys (S'eTV.a.a.'Y n-^iuAocion g^a^poR^ nc».[rest illegible] 

ne-Y-^HxiociOK ene^px^^JO? • • o'Y'^e n[rest illegible] 

15 . H oyi^^ ejixSioXii o-ytc ^eipoi?pjs.(^eies. jk-XXa.'y [ ceT-] 

lujg^e uTJviRa.d.'y «a.i g^ji[n]AJiJw cTexiivy g^[Tfno]Reice nTiin».[ 

e . [&.c]t^[^v'^.]e{^v •i.e m».r s<iivna.'i.i'2>>OY n«wR iiTcnpivcic nTe[ 

. . . pojjunAta. «nd.?V.?V.Jv:vi* enei-joi Toyej nTd.iTi.a.c ttevR Ta.p[e]RR'\Hpo/ . UTa.[ 

20 ..a...juieg^ iiTenpa^cic TMJUiOTMec n*.R6 ^eoyei g^n«enT».i . . a. . . . *.ieT o-yei 

a.n . lui ?V.dwa.Y^!Ju[e . . ej-ywp-s oynivR s^icAin 'r[ 

Hg^OAio?Vo[ciJ>. M]Ti.0^i's THpec 2.^01 ».iROip[ui n2^]nRJ».ie'\[eTfeepo]c j^yp[ 

ei c ia&.eKeg^ oyTe js.uor cyTe nd^RAnpo/ g^a^Rdw a^nei- 

[ei»&o?V.H o]'yTe ^p-yciROK «igop[ 

25 juin[no'Y]'SJs.i €nen'sic[ooYe 

Verso blank. 

^ Perhaps the same person as in Br. Mus. no. 1136 ' 'The place (Frd.os) of Palladius '^ Unknown. 

,, „ = 7. Br. Mus. nos. 1013, 106 1 and here no. 158. 

and here no. 158. , ^ , . , „ , .. 

' Perhaps nn«eji*.p/ . ' Perhaps e^wK. " For this phrase v. Krall no. clvu. 


189- — Papyrus ; a fragment ; lo x i6 cm. Script : ligatureless. Recto f . 

Deed of Sale {irpacrLs), in the form of a receipt for payment of i solidus ( + ?), ' by the 
city standard,' as the price of a large plank of wood (?)\ described as in a rough, unworked 
state 2 and old. Its size is also given. 

] . . ic ntge unAJiJs.Rjvpioc io'yctjs. nptOAine . r\o [ . Jti AinujHpe xinpnc KTino\ic t2>.i 
ujjmcytt 'xeTijg^oju.o'Xot^ei •sea.i'si e^yto !\Hpoy ktooth . . . . | junooy erecoy ^Tooyne 
AAndwOiKe nelsoT KTipo[iJine] | t».s TpiTHc ik-^iktiohoc nT'2>.iKawiis. tijuh ktmos" | mxho&c ng^oi 
itige MJU.j>J!cnoo['yc] nn . . . . -x . '\e | na.ii^iTV.OKa^TVjKTon nawna^c ecu}[ | \wikwiki>.c nA.K ciioK npoc 
ee n[ ] [ejTenj>.ine oy2^o'\oKOTT![M | [. . , .] nnigi nTno\ic ci/ y^/ n a[ 

Verso : +Tenpj»LCic KTnoa'e [space] Kg^oi K&.nakC a^yto n | n».t^i?V.oK*.\H ^a^ • • • | 

190. — Papyrus ; a fragment ; i2| x 25 cm. Script : rarely ligatured. Recto \ . 

Deed of Sale {-rrpaa-ii) by , son of Taurinus, son of Apostolus =, of arable land, 

to Leontius, a subdeacon. The price is 4 soltdi, already paid. The village Telbont is 

]aje nT&.Ypi«e nuje nj>.nocT[. . . njpoiite ujAto-yK on €i92.[*>^*] | [M^eonTJn t^yno-^ies-KOin 

nuje ju.nAi.dvK2s.pjoc eeo-^ojpe npj»ji[Ti]no?L[ic I ]g^ooy.T...e nnp[.]Ti[.]nK . . . . c epoc K».Tiv 

• ' • • • , ^ ^^.^ 

juiiT'soeic I ]TJs.avc efioTV. nr'T«>.».c ng^y[about 8 lett.]«Koi(on' MneKUjHpe ] im^j-xoc* «c"2ti 

j«.iceto[c!c eTjecoyxoyT | juna^pJjug^oTnne hckthc in-^/ €peT[. . .] . . e '2we[. Te]?V.- 

fiotiT ecg^AA I eTOYAio]YTe epoq 'xeawp^a^iT/ enpoc n[eci»e]TKiJs. ttJsp^QJvion enqTcyg^o | 
•2k.iKJs.]ioi)juiav THpoy KJs.Tak TeKK[e^eyc!c] ti[To]H neTUjuin Jvna^ ?V.eoMT«; | TTiJUiHTje t«>.i Siiooy 

Hg^o7V.oKOTT[ii ]Hn i^\ y^ « -xeccp, I ] Tig^oAio'Xoi^ei •xe&.i-xiTC [ ] nn2s.(5'i'2£ 

jLiimoyK I Ai8>.p]TYpoc ey . jLi . eH[. . .] eTe[ ]oc e[y]noppj)>.?5H enoye. | ]ytt[ 

Verso : + npa>.cic juj^poc-xo . ? 


191-— Papyrus ; complete ; 24 x 8| cm. Script : ligatureless. Recto f . 

Undertaking (do-<^aXeta) by Pebe to repay a debt to Leontius. 

^ a^noK ne6e naje imojs.«nHc ncyjmu.^^oc'' npu)A*e ujAioyn eicg^jsi | n^XeoMTU nige 
Hoe^Tpe npujAAe igjuoyn oit 'seTi;)(^pecocTei nawR j KJs.e».p(oc rswI a^noKpoTwc^ MoyTpiJUHcnt 
ucdwUjfie oyfj-oc nR[e]p« | wnigj «p«.KOTe yi/ rpr]/ ^ Ivy aX^/ + n».i oyu tio ng^eToiAioc | 

> nos'e ngoi {verso) ' piece of meadow ' ; but 1. 6 recalls ' ®eA;85i/^is. V. Krall no. cxxxiii. ^ p^j. ^^^ j,^ p 

the known phrase, =(rai'ts (Ezek. xxvii. 5, Rossi, Papin I, « co\ 'gather crops.' V. Zoega 583, here no. 162. 

iii. 12), unless here 'wooded meadow.' C/. no. 213. ' V. Krall, p. 28. 

^ The single instance of di^tXoKaA.jjTos in Sophocles, ' Of thirteen instances, all but two read thus (Krall vi 

Ztx., relates to an 'unswept' cell. But <j>iXoKaX€i:v is airoKpiT., ib. xlviii anroKper.). In Pap. Amh. cli. 14 the 

applied to land; Kenyon, Catal. ii. 326. editors read a.TTOKp[C\To)<s. 

' Grandparents named, no. 204. » Tremision of same value as in no. 158. 


T*.TJv»>q MJkK AAttTeqjuHce mii^Y msx eKCY^^igfi epcTJUHce nn | [■sjiitenooy eTecoYcii».y 

MTU)£ie neJ^OT ttTipojii[ne ] ] in-i."/ een ne^Tg^s^n^ Ma^TMOAioc mj>.tA&.jvy mjkajkl^i- 

fco\[eiJ< TJ>^T&.a>.q] | kjvk MMdw-Y kiaa eRO'Ya«.«l]i eni Tto tjvti TpwuHcm cn[a.'y . . eneR]|a>pe's o-yii 
dwicjuin Tii.c?:^».'A.€ia>. [n]awR eiwpeK cnno-YTe nn*wtt[To]Rpd.TO)p T&,pipoeic tt&.R npoc Te[c]&oax 

eig^-YnoReicea*.! «&.k jui«|g^tofc nwu entoine eyp°-/ tv^l jS tv^/ ^ -j — j — [ + &.«or nefee | nuje 

Ki(oa<.nnHc toictoi^ci €Tie>.ct^».\eia>. woe eccHg^ euoc + | + js.noR ceiopc'e nuje njui*kR«kpi[o]c 
jULHRdw nptOAie ujiACYM «Te^icg^!s.! I g^i>.poq '^snfinoi *>.« + 2 a,iioR t^pnt^ope nige tt^picTCi-oipe 
npoLkjuLe I ojimcyn tio AJumMTpe eTid>.c(:^£>w\eidw mss^icoiTxa. g^iTnneTCjuiiie | lumoc +* d^noR 

. sit: 

itoJiwMnHC ne[i]ep»k^!CTOc n'^.ta^K/ tio itiiHTpe | MTpeTiBkCt^awpid. wee ecg^Hg^ ejuioc + 

X X 

Verso : + Tawc<i^a^\eiaw wnefce jic^mxsx nuje Kiu)g^».M«Hc 

' I, Pebe, son of John, the o-u/iju,axo5, of Shmoun, do write to Leontius, son of Hatre, 

likewise of Shmoun, saying : I owe (x/aewo-Tcii') thee, clear and {diroKpoTox;), a 

tremision of 7! carats, by Alexandrian standard, that is (ytVerai), 7^ trem. of Alexandrian 
weight (^vyw). This then {ovv) I am ready (eroi/ios) to pay thee, with its interest, at any 
time that thou wish, the interest being reckoned from to-day, the 2nd of TObe, of the 

Indiction and onward, without judgment, without law (vo/aos), without any doubt 
{afx^i fiokiai), and to pay it thee at any time that thou wish; (otherwise,) then (eVl tw) to 
pay 2 tremisia. For thy assurance therefore (pvv) I have drawn up this undertaking 
(dcr^aXeia), swearing by God Almighty {navTOKp.) that I will observe it for thee, according 
to (irpos) its authority, I being at thy disposal (wiro/cetcr^at) with all that is mine.' Then 
the author's cnj/xetov and assent (o-Toixeti') and the signatures of the scribe and 2 witnesses. 

192 Papyrus; a fragment; 12x15cm. Script: almost ligatureless except last hne. 

Redo t- 

Acknowledgment of debt of 2 soh'dt less {Trapd) 6 carats, by a woman to a nun, 
Ama Ei . . ., the interest being at (Trpo's) i of 

]tpn Tpiojme ^juio-Yn eicg^d.1 itejuaw ei[ | ] wg^oTV-OROTTiit cr^-y n».pd. co €no'Y»' no'y[». | ]e 
AiRTO-YiLiHce npoc cyTCTawpTon e[ | ]n nn».pAJig^oTnnH HTnciuinTHc m[ | ] r^tiKU. le m-i./ ne«.nTHc 

193 Papyrus ; a fragment ; 7 x 31 cm. Script : large, clumsy uncials. Recto \ . 

Acknowledgment by two vinedressers of Sike6s^ of the loan of i solidus less (Trapd) 
6 carats ^ from the 'master' CaUinicus. The term is for two months. 

• F. no. 130. ° ^ ^^^ ^"'^'^' ^" ^ fragment in Br. Mus. Or. 

2 and ' Different hands. 6201 b &c. 

« Different hand. ° ^- "O- ^92- 



;XlpeiocTH na.K no?VoRo|TTm na^paw co TitTa^e^q kj>.k ujs.^'o'Yaiht ne^jvpAAO-ylei ne«TeK».i'i.e- 
KdwTHc iit-^iK, jiTawttosiTq iiTOOTK | e'yne'yaj&.n eirpis.^^/ axeyii^ i e in-^ fea..Me cTOi;)(;^ei *aoi +[ 

Verso (on right half only, owing to the manner of folding the leaf) : i line, at end of 
which t^awpAAO-yei i le m['jL/] 

194.— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 6^ x 15I cm. Script : seldom ligatured. Redo f • Above 
1. I a cross. 

Acknowledgment of a debt by , son of Pehmot of '. One witness is 

from Hage^ 

]c n^e mie^AiOT npoiiii . *.a.T g^«jinT[ouj | ^pe]o>cTe rta^K K».e».poc k».i A.noRpoTco[c | ]tjs.- 
Tiva.'y wna.'Y kim. eKO-yaLUjo-y ntt&.[ | njs.]^w« la. e^px' *? ?^/ + ^^°^ o.J^eeiJs.c n[ | feiJKTtop nuje 
tiuHn&. npuiAA «£a».(5'e &.ie[ 

Verso : the address, illegible. 

195 — Papyrus ; a fragment ; 28 x 25I cm. Script : regular, ligatureless. Redo f , 
Undertaking (do-<^aXeta) as to the repayment of a debt of 20 soh'dt. ' 

JTpiiiH nei[ nei'soj'ywT n[g^]o?V.OK''/ cyn t[ | ] juuuok ahaocy [2^]juino['YOiuj nnncyre 

.... nJcne^'Y itefeoT n[ | •sijnenoo'y eTeco'Y'xo'Y[T ] ? | iiawT?V.]a.^'Y nnpo- 

ti^a.c[ic* about 15 let.]«>. n«>.K eicToix^* | [eiiopn w]n«o'yTe nn»LnTtoRp»kT(»>p Tawt^-YAa^cce nmn 

n[po]c t[(5'ojui I ] + A.noK <^ ngje nnjud^K/ niiioYpnqjuee'Y[e ]e npiojuie 

ajjucyn ■'^ctoix | ] + ^^kok i(ji)&.nnH[c MojcYpneqAtjcYe AeowTioc | [tio lujiMJTpe €ti[js>c]- 

t^ak?V.i€i«>. g^iT«[T2>.iTHC!c wnJcTciAine Ajumoc + + ^ a^noK | juejcye €T«8>.no'yq njui&.K/ a^ns*. K'^pi 
np(Ou.€ ujiuo'YR '^o «A*.«Tpe eTia^ct5aw'\ei&. g^iTMTaLiTHcic | 

196- — Papyrus; a fragment; 2i|x36cm. Script: moderately hgatured. Redo f. 
Agreement (do-(^a\eta) as to debt. The writer, Theodore, son of Leontius, owes to a 
monastery the price of certain grain supplied. Lacunae make the exact meaning uncertain. 
The text was cancelled by cross-lines. 

gjAAJcyit eic[g^]aki[nn]'xiRawion eTO'ya>.ak£i nna^'soeic | ] scTixP^tocTei hht« Kdiedk.p(oc | ] epoi 
g^inak?V.oca>.pm RTeccawpecRSwi'xeR'^/ | ] . . . tUirtTcnoo'YC wg^oTVoR"/ | ne'Y[c]Tf n['2£0'YTc«oo]'Yc 
«Rep».T« npo[c about 16 let.] Ra. Ka.T«Rpoq . g^aLnenTeRa^i-^eR'^/ in-^"/ | WTooTq «TeTMen\Hp[o'Y 
RJjLioq g^iouiTTH'yTit n[about 12 let.Jakno-jkej^ic WTeTRe-si TCTMeawno"^ | g^awncHTeRa.i'xeR''^ win^, 
yi/ o-t/ ap/ i y tyS/ y) neice «[p]Toq «[co'yo] o-yn Tig^ojuo^ot^ei TawTa^a^'Y €nca>.HRing^p | g^awptOTK 
nennn ne&oT itTipojune itg^iojtoc nptoTHc ![«'»>/ «a.T?V.a».aw'Y «g^^n]epeecic a.-yw nein i^. -n 

' Perhaps nothing more here. TWgco nga.s'e, Krall ccxliL 

^ The first letter probably n or re. ' V. no. 130. 

' (y TJu.oTnga-s'einaBr. Mus.fragment{Or.620iA&c.), " Different hand. 


Tig^OAio\or«€i I T!^-s\ ewtik^wx khth epoo-y on g^aAno-yoJuj Knno'YTe g^a.Tip[oiine uo-YtoJT nen- 
TeKJs.i'i.eK'^/ m-i."^ WTeTiteTi nceene | HTeTne-ss TeT«e«.no"^ epeneTUjoon «a.i THpq g^-ynoK^/ 
KHTH ujjvUTin^Hpo-Y iu*u>Tn npoc T&ouL HTii.ct^s.'Xeii. eitopR I enno-YTe nnjv«TOKpj).T(op 
TJkpeipoeic MHTtt npoc t&oul nTiSwCt^i^Xeia. e-Yiop-jt mhth i.icjuinTiJ>.c(:^«.7Vei8. mhtm | nT«.icg^a.ic 
THpc nTiw<3'i's a^iRoipuj g^'Xe'Yeepoc T['ypjun]Tpe epoc + eyp li ^ ke ivS"/ a + i.noK | 
eeo-xcope nuje MnA»£».K».p/ !\.eonTm txctoi eTW).ct58v\ei[».] n[ee ccHJg^ aajuloc nT».icg^Js.ieic THpc 

«Taw(5'!'2£ + I 

Ferso (cancelled). + jvct^ivTve/ 0-^ yS ^ v i/3 7; [ 

'. . . of Shmoun, I write to the holy BUaiov of my lord^ [, ] : I owe (xpecoa-Teiv) you, 

clear and (/ca^a/ows, a-iroKpoTOii) [, ] me, with (?) my Xoydptov^ of the 14th Indiction 

I, ] 12 soh'dt, of full weight {evo-radfios) of 12 carats, according to (Tryods) [, ] without 
fraud, for the 15th Indiction, from him (?), and that ye on your part receive them fully 
(ttXtjpovv) [, ] receipt (dTrdSeifi?) and that ye receive your receipt (dir.) for the 15th Indic- 
tion, that is for (ytVerai) 60 artabae of corn at i2| (?) solidi^. These 60 artabae then (oSv) 
I undertake (o/ioXoyeii/) to deliver to the artichoke-seller* on your behalf, in the month Epfip, 
of this year in which we are, the ist Indiction, without any delay {inrdpdeai^^). And for 
these i2i (?) soh'dt I agree {6[io\.) also to hand you an acknowledgment (eVrdyiov), if God will, 
for this same 15th Indiction ; and you shall pay the remainder and shall have your receipt 
(ttTrdS.), all that I have being at your disposal {{nroKela-ddi), until I shall fully pay {ttXtjpovv) 
you, according to (Tryods) the authority of this agreement (do-<^dXeia).' Then the usual oath 
and date of writing, 25th Pachon, ist Indiction. 'And I have requested other freemen 
{i\ev6epo<;) that they would witness it.' There are however no signatures. 

Also, on verso, a list of names, with amounts of grain (o-i/ ap) or money (ape) opposite 
each, headed + aw ek° rpi lvB°/ OaO i. ivh°/ 8. Among them are MapKov crTtirir, Urjpir, 
©eoStooou up T TTttTra?. Several names are followed by the place of residence or origin, 
aiTo kY> o-'^o 6o)t^\ ttTTO TeyOTe/Aa)^ a7r[o .]<^ews. Much is illegible. 

197.— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 19I x 18 cm. Script : ligatureless. Recto \ . 

Undertaking (dcr<^d\eta) to repay a debt, addressed by Justa, a merchant, to , 

a woman. The text was cancelled by cross-lines. 

] p o?V.ok[ I ] nno-Yit «[ | ] KiVTAii^a^[*y] najuit^ifio'XeiJ). epeneTig[oon | ] jviomn TiJvc«5*.?V.ei&. 

ne eicTOi;xi^* ^P°*^ [ I **]"''"P^ ^P°*^ eitopK nnwoTfTe nn&.nTo[Kpa.TU)p | ]oc + -{— { — \ + »wnoK 

' C/. Krall cxxvii. ' V. Pap. Amh. cli. 

= Recurs Krall cxi. Cf. Crum, Osir. no. 415. 'Or r,?/. 

' The 71 (or ? k) should have the stroke above if a ' Cf. ©orems (gen.), Mitteis, Urk., no. 15. 

fraction, " Tepraynw^, Kenyon, Calal. iii. 123 (? 5/; TepTc/xySS^ts). 

* Krall ccxlv compares /«v<ipa, while Paris MS. 44, From a fragment, Br. Mus. Or. 6201 b &c., where TepwT- 

81^ has uH««.pH 'lotus.' Br. Mus. no. 1114 and a g«.\e =T€pToyK/ on verso, it appears that T^prov, TepT- in 

letter here {v. Index) mention bundles of it. Greek texts=Tcpu>T in Coptic. 

O 2 


\oy<m,. neajoiT ne[T| ] js^mok^ 7*.;)Qj).pi*.c nuje mtuuijvkj>wP/ cecop^e nptoiA[ | ^nJojo'ypnqiAee'Ye 


ncTpoc nptoiuie ujaio-yh tio m[ | po)]ju.e ujiAO-ytt tio tujtWTpe eTiJk.c«5Js.A.ei». nee ecH[2^ | ^jnawna* 
feiRTCop nnp npiOAJte ajjUCYn nT».Tiis.[c(^dw\ei«>. | n]fcno\ »l« + + + 

198.— Papyrus ; a fragment; slxigcm. Script : small, ligatured. Redo]. 

Undertaking (eux/3>?o"rTjTi/c^* do-^aXeta) by Damianus, as to the payment (or repayment) 
of money. The price of a donkey is mentioned. The deed was written by a vo[iik6s. 

JiiTTijuiH nnioj nT«wqaj[ | euja^Rci eTno\ic a^MTJitocy h p[(o]ju.e enojRixe . Rep nA.nTo[ | 

Ti.n^Hpo'Y "JiAOK ene[i ng^oXoR/ eig^-ynoR^/ iurmeTUjoon na>.i THpq[ | eiiopR nnno-YTe 

nn».«TORp[«>.Tto]p Tdwpoeic [rtj^R n]poc T(3'o[aa nT]ie'YXP'*^'''^*''"**^" ikCt^^?V.€i&. | ju, t )8 i^/ )8 j-|-| 


+ &.noR '^djuL[i] neTcgHpn[cg^».i t]ictoi eTie'y^picTeiTiRH awcti^^'; + + [^k.KOR [ nnoiAiR/ 
«Tn[o\i]c ujiioyn tio lutitTpe eTis>.ct^»«.'\ei8w «T2>.cuj(jane g^iTOOT [awj-yoj awi[c]gawi g^e>.|neTTJ 
CTaw'Ypoc + + ^ 2>LnoR Roomeii. nuje nniu.&.R/ 2s.nTC0tte [ 

199. — Papyrus ; a fragment ; 34I x 21 cm. Script : thin, moderately ligatured ; c/. Brit. 
Mus. Catal., PI. 4, Or. 6205, 11. 1-3. Redo f . The text is cancelled by cross-lines, often 
obliterating the writing. 

Undertaking (6/i,oXoyia) as to payment (or repayment) of money. The amir (of 
Shmoun), Abil Saal", is mentioned; also Hamoi, the vord/jios. 

]*soeic iJioy cA.a.'X ne'yR' [najuLipa>. | njuje nnAi».K/ jaeno'YTe n[pe]juiTenno\ic efeo\ 

T I 

[■jte] I ]ci2>. £^A4.n«jL2s. [eTju.jAiik'Y e^-ytJ^ wqit g^dojioi nito cqnH-Y | TJeyg^e g^[jjin]oYaiiij Atnno'YTe 
n[g^]o'Y« «M.ttTH I ] nefeo[T «]Tipoiu.e tiki neitT€R[ji>.i'^]eR[eikTHc i«]^/ | ]eTi[n]poeecjuii&. TUg^ojLt.oTV.ocei 
thcojr' g^jvg^coq | ]Tiii«.n g^js.0'y[ ]€[•]£. neig^oiq | ^Je-yTV.ocjouieitoc [ [ti-] 

^OjuoXociA. UHTtt ncTOix[ei epo]c + |nH]Tn n[poc TJecs'OAi eyp^ ju. ad"/ kc i^/ le \ ^oaxo\]o[m]}%. 


«ee ecHg^ €ju[oc] + ^ ».«or [ | g^OAtojAoniaw nee eccHg^ ejuoc + | ] TiCT[oiD(|^]ei €Tig^OAjio'\oci&. nee 
eccHg^ ejmoc + | ]" tio juuJiitTpe €Tig^oiuio\oi?'ia>. [ | jmejcye" RoWo-yee nptoiute [ | ]neTTi 
cTik-ypoc ^iifi[noi &.« 

Verso : list of names (none remarkable) and money, in a Greek hand, mostly 

200.— Papyrus; a fragment; io|xi9cm. Script : ligatureless. Verso ^-. 

Agreement (do-c^dXeta), whereby Anoute^^ undertakes to return a borrowed , when 

required, or to pay a fine of i solidus. 

' and 2 Different hands. ' Original hand. na^ga-X {leg. ce^ga^X). ' V. no. 128. 

" A new word. ' Different hand. « This line added between the others. 

« Recurs in Br. Mus. Or. 6721 (10) (Jgme). Probably ■>■ " and " Different hands. 

=J|1. V. Mitth. Rain. ii. 162. Cf. CikSCK,Paptri, no, vi, 12 Avou^is, Kenyon, Catal. iii. 255. 


■"^ jMtoK'YTe no-Yoei nqcg^*,! Kwevndw'YXe nuje «ti[ | ».na^ KoXee 'seeni'i-H d^mopuj a.K'^ 
TopRj^i n».i 2^ . [ I AinncYTe ms.y niui eRRj>.p;)(^pia. juuji[oc . | jitoc tj>.jvc «d.K n[Te]cg^e iKyoi 

t^AwAei*. + [ I npec^i'YTep/ T^s.qRopuJ a^icg^Jvi g^e^poq ^e . . [ | '^o imitTTpe + 
Recto : traces of an earlier text. 

201. — Papyrus; a fragment; 9|x8 cm. Script: ligatureless, sloping; c/. Crum, 
Ostraca, ' Hand A.' Recto \ . The text is cancelled by cross-lines. 

Undertaking by the %iKa.iov of a monastery (or church) ^ to repay a loan to a woman. 

^ n'^iR[jvio]n uin[ | cto-y*^*^ [n]*.n2». e[ | io-yctc nenpoe[cTO>c | juumd^piis, TAia.a.'Y [ | 
T«D(|^piou)CTe «[e I MttCYq TnTdwa^q «e [ | npoc nuja^ewp €qewUjo)[ne ^ | R»i.p]noc nTecc8wpecRaki'i.[ \ 
\wr^/ €t»p2>.?5/ iULHn[ I TpicRiii'^eRJs.[THc I + + + d^noR nndkn[ak | nec^pe^ti^e'YC KT»knn&.[n&.| 
ejniTpenH uiwi g^juinpd.n[ | aLSc£^a>.i + 

Verso : [space] lo-ycTc + 

202> — Papyrus ; a fragment ; 9I X i2i cm. Script : ligatureless. Recto \ . 

Agreement (do-<^aXeta) by Nahrow as to the payment (or repayment) of corn*. 

]TeR»wHoeHRH g^neoo'yT | ] g^ojuio?V.oc<i d..ttOR ndkg^pocY ^e | ]t n«wi . Tjs.TakA.'y npoc tc'Y'^'Y- 
nsvULic I en]j tu) Ta^^^-ynoRicea^i «.ng^(oq him. | nncYlTC nna>.nTORp&.TU)p M.nne'Y'SA.i | ] nuje 
newnoWio tictoi^ci eTi&.ct5»L?V.eiJs. | e]niTpionH mjh-i ».icg^a.i + d^noR £t&.ne naje n Ig^ij-xiRon^ 
+ + +^ R'Ypoc nxe\^/ n-^id>.Ron tio MjmnTp + | jui]«Tpe + «c|'' T]iekC(^e^?V.eid. lyione g^iTOOT + 

203- — Papyrus; a fragment; 17x17 cm. Script: clumsy, ligatureless. Recto \. 

Agreement (do-^aXeia) by George as to payment due for corn. The place Pekrot « 
is named. 

]tio AiTpe + I ]th..cti^ g^oTVoROTTW cKSk'y g^e^TTCijuie 8 iieico-YO | m]«ji enwine g^enoceS 
itdkR ujaknTeRjutCYg^ Mxooy p" nncYTJe nne».MTtORp&.T(op T&.peipoeic mb^r npwc | js.]c!i^jv?V.idw + 

cn5p».t^H c^doA R T iM-^/ |++J+ [t'e](japi?e + dwMOR i?ecopi?e ncTigeppn cg^e^i | ]TiJvct^a>.'A.i8>. ee 
eccHg^ M.OC + dwnoR g^wpciHcioc | jui]js.Rji>.pioc nsw-y^Voc npcoiuncRpoT e^icg^iki g^js.pofi osen | ] tio 
luteTpe + dwitoK juLHndw nuje Rt^-Y^Jwunjicon | ]«Tj»iiHc tio lUACTpe Tii.c«:^i^?V.iJs. + 

Verso : a drawing of a cup or chalice. 

' The word has been altered. * Since aTrodnjKr] is used. 

^ Of St. Theodore {v. nos. 153 and 238) or Thomas ° ]«jKon could be read. 

(v. no. 124). ° ^.nd ' Different hands. 

= V. no. 210, Krall x.xix and xli. ig«.e>p apparently ' Unknown. ^ Corrected. 

' valuation ' here. " '''■ Krall xxix for the verb. 



204-— Papyrus; a fragment; lyx 15 cm. Script : cf. Br. Mus. Catal., PI. 14, no. 1024 
for the type. Recto \. 

Agreement (do-^aXeta) by Trashe (Trasias) of Takala^ (Takales), to deliver 9 artabae 
of corn, already paid for, to the brothers Andreas (?) and Herakleides, at their house in 
Shmoun, in PaOne of the next year, free of carriage I Two witnesses sign. 

+ a.«OK Tp».a}e Tuje nu.&.ped^ Tige^ iuAe[. .] | TpcojUTSi.Kaw'A.a. g^unToaj ncgjuo-yn + eicg^&.i [n]- |^pe&.c* Aing^Hpjk.RA.ei'a.c necnH-Y [ | rte'yepH'Y 'seT!;)(^peoicTi nH[T« . . . .] | V|f[iT] KepToq nccyo 
MTa«>in\Hpo'y nT[oo]TH'Y[Tn] | nTe'YTi*jiH ci/ n® ci/ o Ma>.i 'VhJitKhs^ hhth [ | itTeTWoine^ nn*.u)Ki 
e le \vC^i Mco'yo en[»Lno'yo'Y] | [e'Yjgl^tgoi^ e'YT^H'Y akyoj Ti\ak7V. . -^ [ | nneT«Hi g^najjucyw ««j^t- 

g^HAie [ I ei -xe A«,niT*.j>.'y hhtm ihsix v^it[ | TiiuiH + ei»p/ ^oi[a>.K] | "^ in-x"/ "a^* 

+ ii^noK Tpa^uje TeT[ | €TiawCt^».\eies. -j- A.[ito]K iaw[ | ntti[e nn]AA&.K«>.pioc^o'Y nptOAie 
igi*o'Y[w I nTakicg^a^i g^a>.poc -sencnoei i>xi \ a^'ya) tio tutnTpe + + ».noK ioj&.«k[hc] | nuje « 
npcDAjie ajucyit -"^o junTpe eTi|e>.ctf^».?V.ei»w + 

Verso : + a.(T^a^i o-i/ 6 ' [space] rpacrtas [X. . . acrapevLK . | ra/caXes 

205 — Papyrus; a fragment; 15x27 cm. Script: ligatured. Redo f. 

Agreement {aa-^aXeia) by Athanasius of Tbakeile^", to repay to Apa Severus a loan of 
, oil and incense (?). 

+ ivejs.nd.ce npcoiATfi&.Kei'Xe g^o.nToig igutcYn Tno\ic eicg^a^i «jvni». ce'YHp[oc | . . . .] 

npwAie ujaAO'yn TnoAic "seenei-xH Ti.ina.pj>.i?e\e juok T».p[eK | [....] hj>w . «iM C'swn 

e^Ainoo-Y ng^oof CTecoyso'YTi.cene u. .... t^ ... | [about 15 let.]fee Atitcna.'y H[^]HCTe [tt]€g^ 
M».[about 10 let.] | ] AinfiiTOO n^[HCT]e kctc u}[. .] \\[ \ (o]pH's ne^K o-yrt bACMxa T€i[e.C(^i)w\]e». na.K 
eicToi epoc eiwpK enno-YTe | e]TJ>.pxe e-soin Ka.Ti>. iiepoc max TNpnpoeic «d.K npoc 'vSOki. 
TeiJvct52.7v.ejv + I ]pwAAT&JvKe ^o AiHTpe + J_0 e,„oR [about 10 let.]€ | | jvttou 


civAAo-YHX cToc np(Oii[e iglAio-Yn [ | ] jvYto tio AiHTpe + Most of the last two lines is 


206.— Papyrus ; 2 disconnected fragments ; each 8^ x 8 cm. Script : ligatured. Recto \. 
Undertaking by Enoch, a husbandman, to repay 100 jars of wine, in Tobe of (the 
current ?) year, with a fine for non-delivery. If any be spoilt, it shall be exchanged. The 
place Pma nleonti(us) is mentioned. 

' QC? KrallcIx. 16. 

^ V. Krall xxii, cxxxii. 

' Grandparents named; cf. no. 190. 

* 3rd letter rather a.. 

° Like an angular fi,=? aprdfiai. 

' V. Krall cxxviii. 

' Not TS.T4.N[e]. 

' A might be read. Above, in place of le, one expects 
e in-i./. 

' Mr. Kenyon suggests ev aX\ri\eyyv{r]) and possibly 
fj.ap6as . . . «xt k((o/«,i;s) in the next gap. 

"• One witness is from Tbake {v. no. 155). Are they 
variants of the same ? 


c«co]x no-Yooie nige unAi[j.KJ.p/ ? ] o-y [ | ] . . e nige nniuie.K^p/ 

• • • • [ ? ] K[J»^ee^]p[u)c] KA.I j^noKpoTwc [ | ]n:\Hpo'Y KTC-ya.iKj^ijv TiiLi[H ? ]Tonoc Td.n7V.H- 
po<Y KAAOK [M>ioo'Y[ i nK2^]ipoc en-saioj^e urk-yL ? ]hc in-x"/ uje itKe.-i.o'Yc luipn [ | ]aa eio 
no-Yooie epoc e-YAio-yTe e[poc "se ? nJKe.-i.O'Yc mipn g^nnceiuciuia. «h[ \n]u.i>. n*\eoMTm nnpn 
iifcppe en».[«o'Yq ? ] m>.ii epoo-Y uj2^Ta)£ie nefioT mt[ | ]X(x)JLtHcne tga^KS^nTqi g^iioo-Y 
cqT[ ? ] Juioo'Y Ta.TJvs.'Y na^K luipn eni.«[o'Yq | ] jtninTVHpo-Y iuaok nnHp[n ? ] eni Tto 
T&,Ti fcroo-Y Hg^o\oR[ 

Verso: enu)];)(^ no-yooie nuje niuiii«.K/ [space] [ ? ] illegible. 

207.— Papyrus; complete; ii|xi8cm. Script: rarely ligatured. Recto \. 

Undertaking (dcrcjfcaXeia) by John and Athanasius, vinedressers, to repay to the Kvpa 
Eudoxo, daughter of the ko'/at^s Theodoracius ^, 141 new (?) wine-jars, whereof the former 
will supply 53, the latter 88. 

+ dwnoK itog^dLitHc AjLtid^edknawce ne.&unv^ mtc ojaicym encg^d^i HTCii'soeic K'ypdw | c'Y'J'.o^o'y 

sic . 

TUje iuj.awK&.pioc nROjuiic oH-YTUipSkRH •seTen^peuic | uhtk KSwOi^poc K*ki a^noKpoTtoc itye 
£^Ai.e'yei nA.e^g^'Y KKO'yt^on | itfeHpe ^.noK Axen ia)[g^ev]nHc Ti^peojcTC WTdLicy aamiiiojuit | 
ek-yio »>woK d^edwitdwce TS^x^petocTJv itfiToo-y «'so'yu)Te juiitujjLio'Yn | ^\/ KO-Yt^ • aa^ •> /o/xa na*^! 
Tenujoon g^CTOUAcac TeiiTA.&.'y iihtk | [nn]&.'y kiju. eTneoy[».ig]c. nnj).Tg^&.n MHji>.Tnoju.oc | [uha.]t- 
?V.dwdwY Mg^uiq nn«>JU.«5i&o\eia>. + eyp"- etoe ♦ y iif^k.// h | •^ js.iiok T»dLM&,«oc nTie>.KOit tio 
lUAitTpe + ewHOK eitco^ | n^e xinmo'YTe itTdwicg^a.! g^e^poo-Y "settcoYitoie a^n | a.'yio tio 

JUJU/p + 

Verso : a.ct^a.^'^ n" nf" iw"* [space] (the rest illegible) 

208.— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 11 x 8| cm. Script : sloping uncials. Recto \ . 

Undertaking (? aa^aXeia) as to the supply of 40 jars of wine, to be delivered in 
Mesore. The addressee bears apparently a title*. 

^ jiwnoK KoAee nuj[e | eicg^*.! nnpioAig^To a.[ | nptoiue igAto-Yn on 'seT[ | g^Aie nKa.TO'yc 
«Hpn [ I g^oiTetioc Ti.Ta.'Y n[ivK | [kja^thc m-X/ xjiHcop[ | [n]j)Jut5ifiio\iJ». . im![ | e-ycop^ «a.K 
oyn A.i[ I njvK d.noK KO?V©e n[ | Xie>. itTawicg^»wi eic[ 

Verso : traces of an earlier text. 

> C/. Krall xxix and Vitelli no. 65, 13. negTo alone seems to be a title. Perhaps = [^tttcvs. But 

= Cy: ? no. 129. ' ? Aio«Vo« ; w. Krall ccxxxiv. is the form ptx)jui- allowable, except with place-names ? In 

* C/. Krall xlviii and a letter here {v. Index). In both Alexandria there was a bath named 'iTnros (Lumbroso 

the personal follows npwAigTo; also in a fragment Br. in Clugnet's Btos toG 'A/3/35 Aaw^\, 113)- Might this be 

Mus. Or. 6201 A &c., while in another, Or. 6201 b &c. imitated thence? 


209-— Papyrus; a fragment; i9|x 17 cm. Script : large, few ligatures. Redo f , 
Undertaking (do-<^aXeia) by Theodore, as to the delivery of 1800 jars of wine, due at 
the vintage (KapTros) of the ensuing year, to be supplied from his own estate (KTrjfxa). 
Theodore was his own scribe. One witness signs. 

] n-^iJvRton . . [ I ]pe npoiixe tgiio-YW [ -xeTiix^peujCTe! n».]K Kawea^ptoc | ka-i »LnoKpoTO)c 
ifju.T'SAtHM Moje I MKJsw'^o'YC ^1/ Kis.'^/ aco \ HM TSwTiv&.'Y MJS.R MTCipojune Ti^i \ ecHH'y nnK&.pnoc 
Hitoo-^OHC in I TawTawftw-Y mjs.k g^injs.KTHAAJs, g^iTSwqtoi^ I €K».noo*Y eiKin-^'yKO'Y «««■» epoo-y | 

[ uj]js,Tw6e nefcoT I [«a.T7V^^.a^'Y nj»ju.tbi]feo\ej». eicopK | [jmnitoyTe na.«TOKp]&.Twp 

Tivpit^-Y^^^? 1 [WA^K npoc T(5'ojLt n]T!d.ct^d.\eia. I ei?^pA.t^/ ai e in "^ + d^noK eeo'xtope | tictoi^^^ci 
eTi8>,c(:^a>.\e!e>>. e^'yto a^noK | »>icg^&.ic THpc «tjs.<5'!'s + + a^noK niga*. | np nuje «nAs.».K&.p!OC 
Ko? npwAie ojAicYn | tio uiHTpe + 

Verso blank. 

210. — Papyrus; a fragment; 11x20 cm. Script: moderately ligatured. Redo |. 
Undertaking (ao-^aXeta) to supply wine, in its jars, at a valuation (?) \ 

]&.ttOK tgeno'YTe t».[. . .] ujitcyn e tinpn «[ | g^K«e'YKO'Y<^oM Mnig».*.p e[q]«.aj(one 

[ I Ta.Ti nexeno'Yq khth (above w'5J>>.x[*']p) ««>.Tg^»^n njs.TKOJu.[oc hjs.tA.J&.js.'Y w[».ju- 

(^ifco?V.eiJv [ I Ta.pit^Y'^'^*'*^*^^ nmn npoc vt&omx nTiak[c<:^a>.7V.]ei&. + e-yfi [ \ cepHite npcojue {giAoyri 
TicTOi;)(^ei eT!aL[c«5&.?V.]eiaL nee €c[cHg^ | nige nniui&.K8wpioc fiiRTtop npwjue ujAtoyn [ | nA*.&.K&.pioc 
IC&.K npwAie ajAAoyn tio AiKTpe + 

211 — Papyrus ; a fragment ; 12^ x 13 cm. Script : few ligatures. Redo f . 
Undertaking as to supplying a material the nature of which is uncertain : perhaps 
flax. ' Thy balance ' (Kaju,7ravos) is mentioned. It is due partly in Thoout, partly in Paope. 
The village Hwor^ is named. 

iM-^JiKTioMoc e« epA±[oYno\e! ] ] . np[ajjji]nTiAAe g^oycop g^uinToa} uj[juoy« | troXic 

'seTi5(;^pe(jiicTi kj>lK K&.e&.p(oc k[js.i | n]o\ic tjvi cgjuioyn nneRKawju.n&.noc epeTs^po itTa>.g^T* 

2I I ]tia«.h «tooth npoc oe nTawnc-yjuitil^wnei epoc «e«ji[js.]K a.[ | ]q eg^uie [«\i]Tpa^ 11X&.C ng^oiKe^ 
oyn TIO Mg^CTOiiuioc &.n[oK | ] . - Tn&.ige juien g^ioioy neoo-yT TKJkiniwige "^e Mn&.on[€ | 

212 — Papyrus; a fragment; 14-1x85 cm. Script: various. Redo f. 
Undertaking by PgOl (Pkulis^) to supply something to the 'master' Phoebammon, 
the Kapwann)';'', who recurs in nos. 215, 216. It is to be delivered in Paone. 

' Unintelligible, gi-, in this and preceding word, " Epithet of flax, ' combed ' ? Or a noun, beginning a 

? for g!t-. new clause ? 

^ F. no. 201. 6 The equation has not occurred hitherto. C/. 

' V. here no. 158, Peg6sh=Pekusis. 

* Cf. ? i^poy (fern.), Rossi, Pap. \, v. 51, perhaps an "< Cf. Br. Mus. no. 1060; also Kenyon, Catal. iii. 115, 

instrument of torture. Here it is of lead. a xapir. officially appointed for Hermopolis. 


nR^XiOY np/ 

Verso : + j>wc?:5js.?v.ei&. n(3'to['!V. 


213.— Papyrus; a fragment; loxyf cm. Script: ligatureless. Recto \. 
Acknowledgment of a loan of (or debt for the price of) certain shirts ^ {Kaixta-uov). 

K&.[ I itnivpuig^oTn ne£iOT[ | t&.ti o'yTpiiuiHcin KA.T[^>w | K».pioc awiicyf^ np[ 


214. — Papyrus; a fragment; i3X2if cm. Script: v. PI. 9. Redo f. 

Undertaking (p^o\oyta) by Antony, a deacon, not to make further claims {ivdyeiv) 
regarding 40 solidi, already paid. 

The signature of each witness is in a different hand. One of them is an 'interpreter.' 

]«g^o'\.[ I g^o]?V.oKOTTiM g^ioiuio'y cyujSwawT 8v[n | aihcocy eiiaLito'yo'y Teuo'Y o'yM Tig^ojuio?V.ofei 
■jseawneg^iuie «g^o^[oKOTTm] | ei ctoot nTcyg^e^ nneig^oo'Y uo'yuiiT •sjineieuepe n&.K g^js.poo'Y p['yTe | 
o«yTe s'eAjs.&.y npwuie enoiine cytop-s n&.R ^s.ICiLlll Tig^OAioTVociaw itJ>.[K | jvyio* epuj&.n&.iteenepe'^ 

/ X X ^ 

«a>.K g^a^poo'y TA.ew&.K «ewjuiepiJL«.[Hoc° | epoc + /l tt i ap^ ity y + a.MTC0iie nie?^/ k-xia-K/ nujun- 

AtdwK^Lp/ g^HpaLK^ei-aJi nptojuig^[ | ♦ a^noK itiis'eg^ nTHpKO"yA*-i>>^«^ tio juuiiiTpe ♦ + swMok 

awcyi^KpiTe^ nuje[ | oeo-^uipe npcoime ujajlo'^u -^o itunTpe ^_5Ac ^^o-^\ JdL> ^i ^iMO 0-%^*^ 

i:>»iO^\ IJ\ jXi,o oAA-?^i ev* z^^jI* Prof. C. H. Becker translates the Arabic (from a facsimile) : 
' Muslim 1" b. Bashsher(?), from H . . . .", testifies as to the 40 dinars, that he has paid 
them to Antonius, magistrate of How (Diospolis)^^ They were" to be required by 
Ant. of Severus b. Bane, and now S. b. B. is free^* as to the 40 dinars (due) to 

^Zz'/.' pieces of shirts.' Recurs in a Petrie fragment (Dgr ^ A fragment in Br. Mus. Or. 6201 a &c., ^wlCi^^te 

Balaiza). The precise qualification is obscure. C/. Paris na.K rtTeie-no^eig^ic eeipe {sic) xxmxor n^AxepiAinoc 

131^, 3^ (of effeminate monks) cene.KW nccooy iiTiioiS'e ge-neigoXoR/ . 

nXefiiTCon neooy (? ei«>*.y, v. Hist. Za«f . xxxii) itn*.it6.- ' V. no. 146. ' i.e. ^jU^yJI ^. 

5^wpiTHC nceTdjuuo ita^Y itgenujTHit KKopa.s'eit (.' KopaKi- ^ 'Acru-yKpirios. -d. s reaumg. 

vos) gijuoXoxe (iJioXoxn) gie&piem (? epfein Kircher). " B.'s reading. I prefer ji^\=n^ix>xxe jgAio-ifn. C/. 

" V. Krall xxix. ' C/. Br. Mus. no. 1037. Krall iii, n*.Tno\jc. 

* This line was inserted later. '' I think distance would make this unlikely. 

» The 3rd e was cancelled. " B.'s reading. " B.'s reading. 



215 — Papyrus; complete; 19x1 if. cm. Script : irregular, ligatureless. Redo-*. 
Receipt (d7rdSet£i9, hnayiov) by Apa (A)mon, cucumber-seller, of Hanepioor^ to the 
'master' Phoebammon, the Ka/airwnjs of Shmoun^ for half (the price of) the cucumbers 
from the (monastery) of St. Phoebammon. 

+ (jiOL^afKov SeSw/c/ ano ttjctukiX^ e<^ VH'''9' • • • | " o-p/ o^f Tf ? I illegible [ rt/fo .... 

Ti . . av aroL + | + e^noK 2s.n:>.AAton nca.p6o«Te* np(*)jui|g^».nenioop eicg^*.i 

nx^rjvg^ c^oi£idkJULu.(on | nK«>.pn(onHc nptoiuie ujaio-ym •scjs.i'si | i<yoi d.inXnpo'Y mtootk Mxn^uje 

„ crvtu 

sic ^ '^ 1 A o /> I I 1 

it*.K cyM awicjuin | ^IeHT^iwC'IH n&.K eicTOi;)(^ei epoc + eyp fi \ ■xuifii a iti/ ya -) — j — {- + &^«ok 


Verso : + eprayi/ . . .1, (jiotfi ? ? 

216. — Papyrus ; a fragment ; 7f x 13 cm. Script : uneven, some ligatures. Ferso ->. 
Receipt by Victor, a carpenter, to the Kapvctivr)'; {v. last no.), for 2 soh'dt towards (?) 
the price of the crop {Kapiros) from the orchard {iriaiidpiov) of the irpoda-Teiov^. 

nno'Yn ew-yei toot | eg^p2iwi eTTiAAH nnRa^pnoc nnncoAuvpn ennpoNCTion" ttno[o] | eTCcoy- 
AiHTOYcene nnevione ne&OT MTipoimne tjs.[i] | chthc \n.'^f> yi XP ^ ^ ^7P /* ■?■■ a 1^/+''-] — j — {- 
+ SwHOK I mKT(op t^[ajui]ige tictoi^ci + 

Redo : remains of a letter ; Kpnito.s' wg^oiq tckti legible. 

217-— Papyrus; almost complete; 21 x 13 cm. Script : clumsy, hgatureless. Redo-^. 
Receipt by Benjamin for various articles. 

+ 2>wM[ok £!e\iJs.]AAin eicg^a.1 ttTa^ctoit | (added above fciR[ )ee[. . . g^AAJt^uifi nT».ct:^a.*\i&. | 
A*ncH&.y oys'oc ng^oXoKOTTn | necne^y n[. . .]c d.'Yio Tna^uje | iuuui&.T«ce eic o-Yg^oiTC e^cei | 


€TooT £».o'Yna>ige h^oWohtt | g^AAng^wfe «T^iC(^».\I^v j j.-yw o-yna.^ g^«.\!y-ic eit|Kepd.T« 
£[o]AAevioc oit o-YneitlTCtiTHC uuuonoxoc g^JvoyTepA | oiiteioc oynevigTepAAecM «6ht I 

sic ' 

OAteo-Yc Ke«Te«a.pio« cMe^Y | itiijefeHne MnoR fce\i»juii[n] | eicTHxei g^ps.1 g^iuit^w£i ii|nicMJvY 
oya'oc «g^o?V.ORo[TT]« | eic «a>.i aw-yeiei ctoot 

■ Recurs in a letter here {v. Index). monastic official; also in Br. Mus. Or. 6201 b &c. 
' ^- "OS- 212, 216. 5 A south and a north orchard occur in Vitelli no. 50. 

' StKinjXaTov. But a fern, is wanted here. « Corrected. 

* Recurs in no. 235. Is it a variant of cew ii-? QC ' The two dates are hard to reconcile. Instead of the 

c&pnHg Cledat, Baouit ii. 160, PI. cviii, apparently a cross, perhaps «. 


' I, Beliamin (Benjamin), write to my sister, In regard to the matter of the 

agreement (do-<^aXeia) as to the 2^ solidi, the^ 2 and the half ^ . ^ ^ garment 

has reached me, worth a \ solidus, as regards the agreement (ao-0.), and a cloak (TraWioi/) 
worth 9 carats ; item (6ju,otais) a monk's cloak (? eTrevSuTTjs) worth a tremision ; item a | tremision- 
worth of palm-branches ; iV^m 2 centenaria of palm-fibred I, Beliamin, assent (o-Toixeiv) in 
regard to the matter of the 2| solidi. Lo, they have reached me.' 


218 — Papyrus; a fragment; 8|x9|cm, Script: ligatureless. Recto \. 
Probably from the beginning of a legal document. The person mentioned is from 
Sbeht* (Lower Apollinopolis). 

Jnoje umjiiKK^ c:^oi£t&,[ijLucon | npuixic^iHg^T Tno[?V.ic 

219* — Papyrus ; a fragment ; 9^ x 7 cm. Script : ligatureless. Recto \. 
Beginning of a document by the kolvov of a church or monastery. 
Jf nKomion e[ | juLniu)CHe^ [ | nuje MfiiRT[iop | AJinn»wnrio'YT[e | (space) ^ cenna.'XH n[ | 

220. — Papyrus; a fragment; 2fxi3cm, Script: moderately ligatured. Recto \. 
Document from the ZUaiov of St. Phoebammon's monastery^, represented by a deacon. 

+ n-xiRe.ion CTO'Y&.Jkii nt^&.«^ioc (i^o[ifiJ!JUJUiion | . nijeXev^^R/ €icg^&.i KJ^nocT[ 

221.— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 14 x 14 cm. Script : of Greek type, ligatured. Recto \. 
The o-Tj/xeia of Dionysius and Agene, authors of a legal document. 

- c» - a 

(TVfxto oiovrja-io r cru/xto 

n i r \ i i : 

£ . Trartpiov ° ayevrj rapaKort 

Beside these, a.n». f t nejuonnHcio and below this, g^s^pojo-y sexia^-yHoi aw-yw tio 
luuieTpe + 

' Or ? nnecne^Y, ' (in payment) for the 2.' Lower Apollinopolis (Amelineau, Geogr. 463). The site 

^ Greek ? of the latter is thus fixed at the present K6m Esfaht, 8 m. 

' Used for monk's clothing (ujTHre ituj.), Paris I3I^ further South. W. Max M«ller had proposed Sbeht= 

37. Hence ae^iviov. Edfu {Eec. xxi. 199). 

* D6r Balaiza, whence a group of documents came " V. no. 125. 

{v. Crum in Petrie's Gtze/i and Rifeh), is there repeatedly « V. Br. Mus. no. 1013 and p. 521. 

called ' the monastery of the 5yios Apa Apollo, in the vo/x-os ' Untelligible, as AgenS is masculine {v. no. 173). Can 

of the iroh.% Sbeht,' a town otherwise identified with the ra- here be that which follows the other names ? 

P 2 


222.— Papyrus; complete; 30x17cm. Script: small, ligatureless. Recto \. 

A List (Xoyos) in 30 lines, being the names of those who are to pay the poll-tax ' 
e-yTi *.iiTpicjuioc, for the 8th Indiction. All names are double, the second being usually 
that of the father. Each is followed by o-yTpiuiHcm (or TcpuiHcm) and n yi. Remarkable 


among the names are g^&.poo-y^, (ShMz>.<^, ncmXawpHc, ncTp^., iwg^avViHc neA*.no* KoAoKoeyc, 
t^oiKiv, neg^ieifi, cmis^c tgittoyTe, n&.itg^Jn.Tv.cctuiaL^, ujCTOip, y\ilzk-^i>., is.n»> Ripe nces.|)(^o J>^jl«./^, neirno 
TawnrnA, K&^ope. The last 3 lines are isr^^s^ TcpAAHcm cna.'Y fceye [about 15 let.] | sw-yTi 
&.noo'YT€^ enoydw no-Yis. eirpj^t^/ ? | r^i/ y^j n e r«.i n C/, after which some words 
have been erased or are in a fainter ink. 

Verso. Remains of another List of names, in a different hand. Legible are io>g^».nHc 

223.— Papyrus; a fragment; 15x25 cm. Two texts. Script of (a) Greek, of (b) 
sloping semi-uncials. Fibres on (a) \ . 

(a) Remains of an Account, wherein the following names &c. occur: ]aTra ijXias, 

]apTOKOTrov, ^t/3 yvaj,Eoi<s ets rovca^, TrrjXis" k/ verpo atro vijcrou", Kepijuaec? (rrpar/ v ■n-\vKa<;, 
iravXos oiKovo/ airo viqcrov, avov(f)/ aXtcrou, tov jxaprvp/, tov ireyTy]. Opposite each is a numeral 
preceded by by ^\ 

[b) The Coptic consists of pen-trials : a^itoK t5H&«.At±iwH several times ; Psalm 1. 1-3 
(incorrectly) «^^ ne^i nnoyTC k^tj^ neKttos' ima. aiKTi. nj).igj>.i MTeKxi«TUj«.itg^THq qcore efioA 

Koyoeiuj ni«; epistolary formulas [ + g^e.eH] ng^coq mxx ^ujme ^cne.'^e xineg^Xog- mtck &c. 

• V. no. 120. This view of dvSp«r^o's is proposed by « d/^TrfXovpyo's. ' Plur. of*.TioT? 

H. I. Bell 

' Reading certain. Appears to be a trade-name. 

3 ^^ ^'""'"' ^;- ^"!- "°- ^°^5- ' Same form in Krall cxvi. But there it is a nome- 

C/.K<.n^g /...,, 3B6 K, ^ . <=3P''=^1 ; here probably f/ the village Toov, Kenyon, Ca/a/. 

'The dumb man. Its recurrence below shows it not iji. m, Vitelli no. 50 &c. "«, v. . 

to be a name. 10 /-•/■ „„» .„ t? n/r „ _ 

J Tj „,.,,. , ^ ^ „ V- neNic, Br. Mus. no. 438, ncXeic i?<;rt<«7 xv. q. 

Followed by his son , so must be a name. Recurs " Not known in the Hermopolite district 


224— Papyrus ; complete ; 34 x 8 cm. Script : ligatured. Recto ^. 
' List of names, apparently of monastic officials. Each occupies a separate line. 

,ic ^ """^*^ npec£y, j^ni^ g^^(?opi npecfe/, a.nj>. -^a^x^T*^ npec6/, j.n«. na^yXoc npecfi/, a.n«. 
i(*i'£i^uuHc np/, j^n^v eeoa^topoc npecfy, eeo-i^wpoc ■i.ia.K/,\wiiioc ^i2.K/, a.-xpie.noc •a.ia.K/, 
a^HTmooc '2via.K/, £iiKTU)p npecfe/, *.ed.MiwCioc •, \yd.THc •a.e'YTep/^^ cenoyeHc "xe-yTep/, 
*.nj>w njv"\u)c3, a.[ ], fiiKTwp o thc TVcx^ok/*, t^oifieviuuuKon ©-yp/^, iojmuihc e.n 


225.— Papyrus ; complete ; 25 x 14 cm. Script : small, Greek type. Recto -^. 
List of names, possibly relating to a tax on goldsmiths^. 

[ . -yji\v(Toxooyv aTro'^" t^?- v i6s: Then these names, in 10 lines, with two sums of money 
opposite each : icj^kio kocS, cTet|^»-tt npecfy, ©eo-^wpo ncTpo, ^oih. ncTpo, s^nev w^/ nexpo, 

js.. , .c KOC«., t^ecopi^i j>.Jae..cT", e^juto. -xi/ ctc?^/ np, '^js.;)(^&.pi ceitO'y, js^noWoj £iikt, e^^i^i t^i^RuoaH. 

* *v 

Below these, in a Coptic hand, + s.hok cTet^jvne np*^ Ajuteeo-i.oipe tmctoi + 

226. — Papyrus; complete; ly-jxii cm. Script: small, ligatured. Recto \. 

'List [yvSicris) of the men that have not paid the KX.acr/Aa", from among the '*,' 

followed by the names of 5 men. Then, ' This is (the money) that has been extracted in 
the year, for the registration {KCLTaypa<j>rj)'^^, having been previously fixed as regards 
Sarapamon.' The third section seems to relate to money paid". 

+ Teirn «nepu)iuie itncyTi k'X&.caas. | g^niieiooYM | cjs^pjvnjsjuuui g^wp | io^cta. c&.pawn».xi.(on I 
ncyc ca^pa^ndjiAcoM | ujeiicyTe cd^pcwneunooii | loycTaw «.HHd>. j ojivi e | 

+ nes.! nenTJvyMTCY e.iio\ iiTpouine [ g^iTKa^T&.c'p&.t^H nTa.-yo'yco eycuiHTO'Y | g^&.cjs.p&.n«L- 
jULCon a77o v o-i y{ f?VT ^ "■ I 

_ I 0/ o/| 0/0 

+ «jvi iteuTa..'YT»wAoy epooy J g^^.KypiA.K/ v y g^awcujoy v y \ g^ajuHMa. v y yi v a. 

' Recurs here (zi. Index) and (? a.g&s'op) Revillout, " Ayevis ? 

Actes 100. Cf. A<^op, Br. Mus. no. 1075, and 'Axoipis. " In Br. Mus. no. 6og this occurs in connection with 

^ SevTcpaptos. the IfxPohq {sic) tax. The Br. Mus. Aphrodit6 (Jkow) 

' Recurs Kenyon, Catal. ii. 326. papyri use KXacr/xaTa as ' items ' or ' details ' of a Karaypa^r;, 

* I cannot identify this. tax-register (H. I. Bell). 

^ dvpwpos. ^ vo(TOKoijii!.ov, V. Br. Mus. no. 1077. " Unknown word, found in Krall Ixxviii, xciv, and in 

' tUtwv. ' Not jvne. aiwhchc. a letter here (v. Index). Name of a trade or office. 

' An instance from prechristian times, Wilcken, Gr. Mr. Griffith suggests ' bath-man '; cf. c-jooy-n. 

Oslr. i. 403. '" V. Krall iii. 

'^ The precise meanings of Ta.\o are yet to be dis- 

" Cf. Br. Mus. no. 1075, k^a Sre/cs. tinguished. 



227.— The same MS. as no. 40. 

Ferso. An earlier text, in a small hand, was an Account containing the following 
names, several of which are uncommon : iuimjv g^epHc, i^g^j.«Hc ^ ?V.euji\ ^n[j^ K]ipi 
najua^pHc g^j^Tiutoicip^, j^nS cipi -y AicpuSpc -y uiy'Xiyi^.^'^^ ui^xxm y cwAtoon, citoK, feiKTwp 

228.— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 4 x 4l cm. Script : small, some ligatures. Verso ->. 
From a List of names. 
♦ ca.ioc np' «.a.piaw« * [ | b.Sii'x.e^ [ \ a.'i.pis.noc Ta^M.OT[ [ 

Recto. ]eqe le'^i-x^ . [ and traces of an earlier text. 

229— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 6| x 7I cm. Script : small, ligatured. Verso -^. 
A List of names, followed each by obscure words. 
jcjv jk^I I neXoe .... a. j).g^cHT«w« [ | ^.ttoyn g^o-YSJtHOY a^g^cH («v) [ | &Mxe^n »wg^cHT&.«[ | 

230.— Papyrus; a fragment; 15 x 7 cm. Script : ligatured, irregular. Recto ■^. 
From a List of names, in 2 (or more) columns. Among the few legible are nKyTV-ics, 
niwAiitt, loycTC, g^&.Tpe. 

231. — Cloth of pink colour^; 7x8| cm. Script: large, clumsy uncials. 
Apparently three names : M.s.nt'^g^H^* ] ».n&. KoXee ] rswc&h | Above 1. i the cloth is 
folded once or twice and tacked down. 

232. — Papyrus; a fragment; I3|xi2cm. 
Recto -*. Not from the Ashmunain collection. 

An Account relating to taxation. 

Script: ligatureless, except ist line. 

' Cf. ? p»,a{c. 

" iUL&.pKc seems to be further south than Shmoun ; 
V. Br. Mus. nos. 1153, 1154. With next r/i ? Te/Ao-ipis, 
Wessely, Siudien v, no. 9. 

' Cf. } Journ. As., 1888, 372, roKi^-^, Fuhr. Rain. 
no. 684, Pilheu, assuming a misreading in our text. 

' C/.jy:»a., Br. Mus. no. 865 n. 

' V. no. 129. 

' V. no. 212. 

' Cf. the Rainer Fahrer, 1894, p. 12. 

"> Or -cigH. 

" Or -cw or -cjul (? ^U). 



+ Xo7 fTTTp^ an 8r}fi(TL s avSpiafiov 7re/AT7j[s lv% followed by names with sums of money 
opposite each. Among them: xyHng^uipi, cs^Awai^, Te<?poAine3, t^wRs., nea-wuj,*, 

2 3 3. — The wr50 of no. 167. 
An Account (Xo'yos). 

+ njvme n\oc«oc Kn[n]Tic».Tq cg^pj^is mcwcy^ + | ^^7 trewppe | The following names 
and words have each a sum of money (n) and an amount of corn (a^ Tp) opposite them : 
AAone AAit'^j^ix^&.p^&.c, KoAee ©, cmncoyo^e, t^ic^, eg^wTe, &.n«wKype, g^jvycjvi. 

234.— Paper; a fragment; 14x11! cm. Script of Zoega's 9th class. 
An Account, very obscure in detail. It shows Muslim names, and numerals 
(? money), with dates, and other words. 

g^Ainp&.n ennoyTC uujopen g^ojfe^ | nujopen itg^ocy: eT&.ojg^ ne | noYcoig g^in».6e 
juL&.ce: I nenciTC n^.iS'OTe': cjvTa.Ke" | i^&OTe.: -ik.:'y'Xo'Ycep": -^i | uieg^OAAeT'^: ei: | [.]cj>wee 
oyAAHTe news' 0T€ | ce^TawKe — --^ : &.no'yXo'y|cep : — '^ np&.cTe | [.]ipa>^ : h: cawT&,K€ :'OTe | 
[. &.]noyAoYcep : -^ : juieg^ojuieT | [ — ] -^ : eiLnoyXoycep | ]: ca^TewKe | [ 

235' — Papyrus; a fragment; i2| x 15 cm. Script: ligatured. Redo and verso uncertain. 
An Account, consisting of names with numerals opposite each. Among them : ro7v.?V? 

T T 

«wp^e\'\i, lop H7V.I&.C, citon, ^a^H^, A*on V^jswp&on", oiuiice, juepK/, eic&.K, niAeieeoc, 

g^A.(3'e(5'i*, ne(3'u>u). 

236. — Papyrus ; a fragment ; 13I x 12 cm. Script : v. PI. 7. Versa ->. 
An Account of 13 names with numerals opposite each. Among them are tc^cmh, 
eeo'i.ujp («v:), lo-yceqis, then 'the total' tisX&oaslX^^^, and after this, -sopne nKipa^KH pK 
TAieg^cHHTe nKip&.KH ; nawng^H-y", awg^AAHT^^ At bottom of the list, neKT*.ncene" ap a 

Redo: remains of an Arabic text (earlier). 

' ' Son of Horus'? Perhaps in a letter here (». Index, ' 8td. " Suppl. ? nixi. 

giop); V. Spiegelberg, Eigennamen, p. 33 (7). ' Scarcely e.S'oXTe, as it occurs often. 

^ V. Crum, Ostr. no. 51. 
' TeKpo/ATTtos, Br. Mus. no. 10^7 and Or. 6212. 
* V. Br. Mus. no. 580. 
° K p. 56 n. 6 above. 
° Cf.'i'&x. Mus. no. 580 for a similar name. 

'' The cucumber-seller.' F. no. 215. 

^ iiJJ. " ? e>ne. ngHy. 

8 j^l. " Not e.q- or eii-. 



237- — Paper; a fragment; 5f x 7! cm. Script: rough uncials. 
From a List of names with numeral opposite each. 

^ I ]iiTCHp;)(^H ^ — ^ I ]pKe — a \ 'i^'i\i< n&.nog^e'' — y 

oYe«o]6pi — ^ I 

Verso : Arabic account 

t^iJ'Xoee — a \ 

238.— Papyrus; complete; 45|xi8|cm. 3 5g//s-joints, 15 cm. apart. Script: small, 
regular {cf. Crum, Coptic MSS., pi. 3, xiv). Redo ] . 

Inventory of the movable property of a church of St. Theodore, presumably at Ashmun- 
ain*. Its author, Ignatius, perhaps recurs in Turaief, Materialie, no. 7. Several of the 
objects are difficult to identify. 

+ g^AAncyoiig Ainno-yTe niAifieiiTon ak^a-pi eeo-xujp 

A«.nR».ica.pi« g^iTooTq juin'xi&.K/ i[r'«2kT]e Ai.n[oo'Y ] coy- ^ 

iui«TJs.cene xajih.^Mxo'^Te. nefioT iiTeipofjLine . . i«]'^ 

o-YKO-yi n[ iuumawCjuHcin [a] 

5 noTHpm cnev-y ^g^^s.T [jB] 

ujOAiTe nKo;)(^'\ itg^a^T [y] 

[oJ-ye^awCRe^on mtjiw^t [a] 

[. . .]«j[. . .] juuu.a.nnj>. [?] 

cgiAO-yn [nno](3' nK».Ta.neTe>wc5I -q 
10 coei nRo-yi itRJs.T&.neTA.cM.«. n©'Yci&.CT [t] 

'so'YTC8>.Hjtje no-YH^on npo K.t, 

CO ncm-xuiiim Ain^o'yAi.a.piK/ .^ 

o'ycin'^wnm na^nTiCRirt ^ 

Tio-y itCTpoijuid. KRop'2k.i«a. e 

15 o'Yeiinp[oAA]a.\m AinepciavTiK/ a 

O'yca.Rm Ai\^ijuii©ion AtnoRq a 

CTA.Ta.pejw cit[Te] o 

&TO Alexin . A. iULiij>.cnHcm Aiiioyg^pcRe 

nTJvpei g 

&Too'y ncKenawCiAa. ng^fioc § 

20 o-yeRcn&.cjuiev uumcTaw^e ^^ 

oycKenjvcjua^ «g^ic[&.'y]pm/ ^ 

RO-yi KCReii cnA.-y nTVe-yR/ « 



' Or -ao-yHaL. 

= C/:TcepxoT, TceXxoy, Br. Mus. no. 414. Perhaps 
contains the name of the goddess Selket. TcepKa^g, TjgHp- 
Ki.2, Br. Mus. Or. 6721 (i) is probably different. 

' V. Aeg. Zeitschr. xl. 61. The name is common at 

Bawit, V. Cl^at ii. 82, 120. 

\ The same church probably as in Br. Mus. no. uoo 
A similar inventory in Grenfell & Hunt, Gk. Pat ii 
p. 161. '^' ' 

" Not space for xinooY eTecoy. 











o-YnoTHponTV-iTHc Jui«Teq£idwcic 

25 CllTC HCKdkti^n ng^OAt«T 

Ko-yi ncciiAijvpicT , cnTe o« 

Tioy KKHpie^n . 

30 ujOAATe MciT?V.jv tifiSwpwT HnoA-yt^awtt 

cawigq no . o . n£ia,pu>T 

cy^dwpiceTioM wcg^iAte 
35 oyujjjto'y KO'Yo)['s]e 

oyciT^ii n-soiKx*. 


ei*.nu)T citTe iiTivTVo Keouijvcn 

40 oy^piii-xoc[«in]e 

oynawuj^ecTHc itneg^ 

Uiiie. iiKoyi kk[&.m]ickc itcojp coyo e6o\ 

+ n5M«.Te neie?V.d./ n-Jwie^K/ nuje nnjujvKi>.pioc ©Go-a^cope npcojue 
ujAioyn TiCTOi;)(^ei eniJufieMTon nee eqeng^ CAtoc + 

Verso, near top : ]dwPi ©eo [ 

'By the will of God. This is the Inventory {inventum) of the (church oQ 
St. (aytos) Theodore, at the Caesareum, (made) by the deacon Ignatius, the i6th day 
of the month Parmoute, in this . . . th year of the Indiction. 

A small of magnesium {jxayvrianov^), 2 silver cups {iroTripiov), 3 silver spoons 

{Ko^idpiov), a six-legged-vessel (efacr/ceXoV^) of lead, . . . napkins i^dinra^), 8 large curtains 
(K:ara7reVao-/Aa*), 6 small altar curtains, 27 door hangings (ovtjXov), 6 linen cloths {o-lvS6vlop) 
embroidered (irXou/iapi/co's), a linen cloth for an awning [avTiaKLov), 5 curtain-like coverings 
{a-Tpcjixa, KopTiva), a Persian embroidered garment {iiJivXovfidpLov ^ irepa-LaTiKos), a patchwork ^ 
bag (a-aKKLov) of white-lead (colour, xjjLiiveLov), 2 candlesticks [aTarapea''), 4 of magnesium 

45 oY?V.eR&.itH on iifij^pcjOT ttb.TVLb.i.'^ie. 
oyRo-Yi n?V,eRi.nH on n£iJs.pwT 
oyRo-yi ncR&.(5« on Ajuinecg^ofic 

OyROyi M(5'd.?V.».g^T tt2^0JUl[«]T 


CYcoyiia^piCT ecno-sT 
50 oyMO(5' ng^itawek.'Y ttfuvpojT 

Tioy WTpo nfejipwT 

oy-soi M&&.p(A>T «e^&.7V.'Y;)(|^n 

oyRoyi iig-poojuine ii£i&.paiT 

S5 oyRajunjvnoc «&.TeigHTe 

oycndk'Xic itiycocj 

oynjvige m<3'j>.^&.2^t M2.0**"''' 

TI HTHfee 

60 £iTooy ncKsojimit 

ujOAiJiT nujH7V.RiA JLinney^^Hcic 
oyTv.A.g^H MHpn 





' V. Bkrthelot, In/rod. a Vet. de la Chimie, 2 2 1 , on the 
difficulty of identifying various senses of /tayvj^o-ta. lb. 255, 
it appears to sometimes = hematite. Mr. G. F. Hill refers 
me to Forcellini, s. v. magnes,=^lapis Heraclius. In a Jkow 
text a xesies of magnesium occurs. V. also no. 239 here. 

" Cf. iiaa-KeXijs (SoPHOCLEs). 

' Butler, Churches ii. 109 'dalmatic' Cf. Kircher 
118, 121. 

* On this curtain v. Gelzer's Leant, von Neapolis, 
p. 132. 

^ Cf. €/nrXoviJiog. Perhaps ' peach-coloured ' instead, of 
' Persian.' Cf. nepc*>TiKon (^si'c) in a fragment, Berlin P. 


" noKq=7reTaAov, Exod. xxix. 6 {cf. Lev. viii. 9). 

' Staiarium {staniarium), kovSoXu^^^vios, Corp. Glcssar. 
iii. 270. 




(<^t . . . , iiayvrja-Lov) and a girdle (?/5e/cos), 4 linen coverings {a-Keiraa-fia), a silk {iierd^iov) 

covering (o-k.), an Isaurian (lo-aupi/co's^) covering (o-k.), 2 small white coverings {o-k., XevKoi), 
2 large brass dishes {keKavrj), a vessel for cup-washing {iroriqpoTrXvT'q'i) with its stand (^ao-ts), 
2 bronze bowls (o-kol^lov), a small water-vessel {KafiKa^iov^), 3 small saucepans {rriyavov) and 

2 small ladles {? i,o)ix(ipvcrTpo<;^), 5 candle-lighters*, 3 brass buckets {crtTka, iroXu^ai'os^), 

2 bronze pitchers, 7 brass , a small hook (oy/cti/os), a woman's (xa/jto-ifTtoi'^), 

a peg used in weaving ' (?), a bucket (o-iVXa) for washing, a hoe (/lAa/ceWa *), 2 ' for 

weaving (?) shirts (Ka^da-Lov), a censer {Ovii^iarripiov), an iron " staff (/5a/3So?), half a :vgs/^5 
of oil", 70 small baskets (Kravio-Ktoi') for distributing corn^^ (col. 2) a small covering {arKi-rrrf) 
of goatskin (aiyeios) for bees, a cotton cap (? <j!>aKto\iov^^), a brass dish (Xexan?) without 
handles and a small brass dish (XeK.) and a small bowl {a-Ka^iov) with its lid, a small iron 

caldron, a ^* ladle (? lot fidpva-r pa's), a large brass vessel, 5 brass wheels (t/)oxos), 

a brass boat'* with six lights {k^akvxvoi), a small brass dove", a cup (? kotvXtj "), a measure 

(KafiTravoi) without , scissors (onraXts) for hair-cutting, an iron half(-measure) caldron, 

5 bricks", a bier (Kpa^fiaTLov), 4 benches {a-KaixvLov), 3 bells with their chains (aXuo-t?), 
a measure" of wine, 31 books ^''. 

Ignatius, the humble deacon, the son of the late Theodore, I assent {a-Toix^iv) to this 
inventory, as it is written.' 

239.— Papyrus ; complete ; 12 x 15 cm. Script : ligatureless. Redo f . 
List of articles stolen from the writer's house. 


pecT«22« o-yAswem^s ncg^RWg^T | oycnjv'X.ic^* ng^a.o'Ye o-yajor nuja^i^s | o-fAiuviue nujig^Hwe | .oyi^e 
cttjvy nfia^pcoT ti nome nco-yo | [o'Y]<i^».<fivpen itcg^iAAe | o[y] . . roc jjis^KHHcen^' eajj^-Y^i ihaao-ym 

' Or lo-TopiKos ? ' painted,' hisioriatus. 

' f KavKoXiiov. ' K. no. 239. 

* Cf. K-r\pm.Trrrp. But KHpi&i^e could be read. 

° Perhaps *7roXu(j(>avos. 

' (y. no. 239 x»-P«cTioY, also ? Crum, Oslr. no. 459 

' o^w'se Isa. xxxviii. 12 iKTt/i.civ (of weaving), Paris 
131°. 47 epenegiox»c ii[i.]w«2 itcepeione ncexci^Ao 
eTCo^ii. Aincwje iiceoywwse nTeiajTHit iic*.2Tne ; in 
Br. Mus. no. 171 cpezzj^cipoD/Dyctv, also in Zoega 592. V. 
also Crum, Oslr. nos. 403, Ad. 57. 

' Hence the Coptic and Arabic (Js^) forms. 

' First word unknown. tjwXo related to weaving, Lev. 
xix. 19, Is. iii. 23, ZoEGA 375, FSBA. xxix. 305. C/. too 
the weaver's tax, nTCAAOce {S-rjiiocnov) nT«.\e ujTHn, in 2 
receipts from Der Balaiza (Petrie, Gtzeh and Ri/eh). 
'° Scarcely space for nenme. " Or ' for oil.' 

" Does this refer to seed-time ? coyo would scarcely 
be used for the eucharistic elements. But v. no. 253 here. 
C/. Can. Alhanas., p. 125, note. 

" Or ^a.KfXo';. Cf. c^&.s'ekpe in nos. 239, 243, 246, and 
V. Butler, op. cit., ii. 148. 

" ? For no'xs' ' broad.' 

'° C/. irXoidpia in Grenfell's list, Gk Pap. ii. i6t. 

" V. Kraus, re. ii. 822. 

" Cf. KOTfTOT\H no. 240, KOY-i.oY\H no. 254. 

" Scarcely bricks of clay ; cf. no. 242, 

» Or ' for wine.' 

" Books entered last, as in Crum, /. c. 

^^ Cf. gj^e tiTwn {sic) in Br. Mus. no. 420 ; and ib. 
no- 395 oyge^eTwn eqTO^ c'soe, parallel with ujAioy. 
The meaning ' peg ' would also suit the g«ju.e which at 
Abydos marked the river's rise (». Crum in M. A. Murray's 
Osireion, p. 42). 

^^ H<ofmpv(TTpos, V. no. 238. M V. no. 242. 

" V. no. 238 and Br. Mus. no. 699. 

" Assuming this the word applied to cloth in Matt. ix. 16. 

Not KOYi, 27 F. no. 238. 

V. no. 238. Cf. xapwrnW cavipana, Corp. Glossar. 




' These are the things (o-KeuTj) that have been stolen from my house. A peg (?). A 

builder's ax. A ladle (?). A steel for fire. A (pair of) tailor's scissors (o-TraXts). 

A new cushion. A (pair of) scales for weighing incense. 2 brazen 5 otpe-measures 

of ^ corn. A woman's head-cloth ((/)aKe\os, ^a/ctoXioi/). A of magnesium that holds 

8 xestai of oil. A carpenter's knife. An iron chain {catena). A woman's 

Verso (earlier) : remnants of a Greek list of names, with sums of money opposite each. 
Among them apoov, Tt,woip'^, ttoXolv. 

240. — Papyrus; a fragment; 7^x13 cm. Script: seldom ligatured. Recto \. 
List of vessels in metal, apparently deposited at Shmoun. 

] npoc ee WTai.MTiJvTH'XH^ juooc g^iTurnwcic + nicKe'Y[H* | cynaLti&.TV.Hit^ Mfi«..\(OT eq(3'o\<5' ^ 
nfcHfi[.] I oYci'xis*.'' nfi&.?V.u)T ncg^iime | o'Y^[e]cTHc ncoj aioo'y n^swXcoT | cyRoyTOTf^ ncto AJiooy 

K£l[«k]'\.OJT I O-YX***"**" MJU-^g^ CiSipCIK [* 

Verso : ] . .'awXajoY e&oX [space] + £iujAJio'Y[n 

241.— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 32 x 12 cm. Script : rarely ligatured. Recto \ . 
A List of various articles of property, including land. 

] o-y-sojioiuie w[it]vyiw?V[iuioc \ .&.n cita^-y no-yoi . [ | oYg^H^c n&i.p(OT [ | o-Yg^itSwy ti&jvpwT 
[ I TH ncjswTU) K8.£jpjv« . H[9 | ©"yROYi KJ.T. , . ixxiK [ | «J^>.?V.oo•Yl'> cHttTe nfi*.p[tOT I cnsv-Y MO-yH^Vn" 
ng^&[oc I cnj^-Y wo-yhXk nK».[ | ujoaakt m^o^thp nfiawpcoT [ | co^^ nceTito^e MKd.g^ | c.TCg^ 
UTO . T.H[ I J^YW o-yceTico[g^e | . . . «e npoc [ | ey/a^ ^ B'^d a[\ +h»)ch?5 nieXa^X • •[ I TicTHxe 
enien . .^^ [ 

242.— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 6 x 12! cm. Script : sloping semi-uncials. Recto ->. 
A List of various articles. 

] ^h£ic cmz^t ng^OAAnT na.i[ | AAnKe-Yg^JiwTVycic AAmte[ | w . pcow ■ \j>.m" ckn-y ««[ i ng^OAinT • 
oyRe\iji\ ng[ojuinT | nfca.pu>T • o-yTHfie" ng[ojui«T | cooy xxm^Wm ujAioyn [ | ] H(?ooY[ne 

243 Paper; complete; 21x18 cm. Script of Zoega's 9th class. The leaf was 

many times folded. 

1 Or ' for' ^ Cf. xiowpe. ° I cannot identify this. 

»&aMo€v. OrreadT,*.cTH\H&ao-rax«v? -'Wheel'? C/. Givm, Framm. Copit,vi, v 3l8.^rii 

' This word added in a different hand. a letter here (j- Index). 

^ ? WmoK. » For ? ^op^. " Velum. V. no. 238 ^ - Different hand. 

' I cannot identify this. '' Apparently not ivray^v or eyypa<j>ov. 

' <ra\<rUtov. V. Krall in MM. Rain.v. 33. In Paris " V. no. 239. ^^ ? -r^ M«. 

44, 85 a, .ap....a ,j^, next to Wan.ov. In Vienna - Clearly not an ordinary ' bnck. C/. ? Br. Mus. 

„ , , .. ^ / no. io<o and Crum, t?j//-. Ad. 58. 

Q 2 



A List of clothes and of articles in metals Many of the names are clearly tran- 
scripts from the Arabic and their identification here is but tentative. 


noc ic ne^c iv (o 


oycTTe « 77 



5 CIO xxmi>.&e niKnm>Mi>J\.e 

jw-y o'Y»>.ppiTe : ^..y o'YKJv'XAjvce 
HA.T'^ns^s' Js.'Y o'yA.'X.Ka.T- 
p&.no'y'\'\i oynoipig nzk.T-^nawS' 
10 b^y nequjtOT ajoiiUTe 

CHHTC juuuiJs.TTH\e xinoiptg 

oysiaw\2^».pHpe Sw-y cooy cysi 
ujojuiHT : b^y 0'y».'\juija'a>.p 
Jta.'A.K&'yWi : ■"^oy 
Ai.t^j^a' M^^ojfcec 
20 Kcyi c&.;)(;^o : ^.-y cm>.y m>.\- 

JS.Y feTOJ «JvAjLiaw\&.q 
uswO-yen ecTRii : ^.-y chm- 
25 Te Aixia.HTe'Xe juLtiwpa^ne 
a.'y igwAATe ng^ivXcec 
ftw-y cyccypc nwcyq (later ink) 
(col. 2) nXa.'y Kfea^poiT 

^ ' sic *» 

oyajuij^na^pi : ».y o-ys.TTe^cc . 

30 jvy o'y&.?V.npiK e^y ujoiAATe!ni ai.'y nTV-iK-sepMH 
a^.'y cHKTC MA.TV.g^Js.c&.'se 
a^y oyei nncyi }><y cyTV^.a^y 
n-^ cTOi eig^piKi a^y Tpog^Te 

35 &.y oya^'A-X^pttin ».y oy- 
a.\a.eHTe cHit ng^poq AJine- 
nme a^y cH«Te H'sa^.g^'X.e 
a.y ujoixieT Kg^nfeec M&a.poT 
a.y CHHT€ MKoysoy ^&.nHg^ 

40 a.y oyKoyi \iok enfea^poT 
a>.y oyrfO(3' eToyKa^nec 


a.y cHMTTe juuua».eic noje 

'The Lord Jesus Christ. A uu — A set of towels ^ (worth) 8 soh'di A ^ 

An ankle {hi foot) ring. (5) Six of cloaks*. A brocaded « garment and*' a cloak'' and 

a brocaded cap* and a (garment of) Katrabbul make'. A brocaded coverlet^" (10) and its 
pillows". 3 bed-covers 1^ and a towel". 2 handkerchiefs for spreading^* and a woollen 
cap and a cloak" and a veil of " (15) and 3 caps worked with silk" and 6 woven and 

' If church property, cf. the^^jiT^l ^IjjJI vjLJj pU* 
SiUll Jl lj.3., found in the Cairo churches in the nth 
century. Makrizi, ffiiat ii. 495. 

^ is» Lane. Why a sum of money here only is not 

' Presumably Arabic. 

* i Anaialus, cf.KiKCHEK 120 &n&n\in. But perhaps 
Arabic. For na.s'e v. no. 2 1 3. 

» p.LjjJI. F. Karabacek, MiUelalt. Gewebe {1882) 22 fif., 
A. V. Kremer, Cullurgesch. ii. 290. 

' Note 4.Y always for t^-^ija. 

' ilijl. In Paris 44, f. loo=ir€pij36\aiov. 

^ d..jjl3, Bowjld, SAMji^, 

' J^y», named after the district W. of Baghdad 
(». Le Strange, Baghdad 113, M. Streck, Alfe Landsch. 
Babyloniens 232). This stuff appears not to be known 

(Mr. G. Le Strange), though Baghdad was famous for 
textiles. V. Karabacek, I.e., 28, 29, Fuhr. Rain. no. 738, 
Kremer ii. 286. This should be the etymology of the 
hitherto unexplained quadrapolus, quadrapulus (not quadru- 
plus, Beissel, Bilder 268), used in the Liber Pontif. (i. 499, 
ii. 55, Duchesne) of costly altar-cloths, curtains. The 
earliest instance relates to ca. 790. 

'" Sa'id. nwpuj not elsewhere. Boh. <^(>)puj also rare : 
Mtis. Guim. xvii. 57. 

" But in Rossi i, v. 42 clearly 'bag.' " iilsAl. 

" (rdjSavov is transcribed juo*-. (Dozy). 

" Jj>U;. Berlin Ostr. P. 4977 jlji«.kth\i. Same as in 
1. 25? But why they«»z. ending.? Sense of nwpuj here 

'' TraUi'ov, ^,. i« ? plajl or iiC 

" yy^. For ■s.i v. no. 244. 



a head-clothi of Katrabbul make. 5 turbans of linen (?)^ (20) and 2 head-cloths. 

(A) linen (?) mantle « (worked with) pearls* and 4 mantles of sttbmm-colour' and (25) 

2 square 6 handkerchiefs and 3 chains^ and a gold pin. 

The articles of metal : a candlestick^ and a cup« (30) and a jug^" (?) and 3 dishes " and 

^^^ '^ and 2 1'^ and a small one and a thing for giving forth incense and the 

cauldron (35) and a hand-basin 1* and a perfume-box i«. 2 iron stoves ^^ and 2 ovens" and 

3 brass lamps and 2 small vessels for oil^* (40) and a small brass vessel and a large vessel" 
and 2 20 Qf wood.' 

Verso, in a different hand :'y nMcyc nawpa. mio-Yq Tcot^nv nd.pd^ nione juujih^i. 

In the other direction, part of an earlier Arabic text. 

244. — Papyrus; a fragment; 35 x 19 cm. Script : clear, few ligatures. Ferso -*. 

A List of clothes or altar coverings, curtains &c.^' Opposite each item is eif 
( = etSos) a. Many of the descriptive terms used are rare and difficult of appreciation ^^ 
The identifications here are merely suggestions. 

] eo . n [n]js.iciott «es.'Ya>^n ««efeiu> 
[o'Yn]Sk?V.?V.jn wAcykou k&.ic<ioii ncjuiep«eion 
CYCAtepneoK MKcnpicon n».«Tio« eq-siKcyi iijconT nv^euiie'y 
cYujTn HOWi^eoM ecsiHor g^icna^oH 
5 CYUJTn n-sto^ cc-sikot g^icne^eH 



^ (ftaKLoXiov, V. no. 238. I assume gw&ec to=2l!ioc {cf. 
1. 22); but possibly a verb, ' covering,' with ztS}QP as object, 
for which v. no. 129. 

^ i_iU, but should here he/em. {cf, 1. 23). 

^ ^rs^lj or 'Chinese' ^jJ)\. 

^ V. no. 244. ^ IxijA,. ' aXvcris. 

^' A*i~o, ij-^, 'Abd al-Latif 571. 

" Assuming n- the article, x might be read for -s.. 

Possibly for ne>.\x^P*'""j C^ '• 35- 

^' Arabic, unidentified. 

" Altered from -rten. >_*^^l Xf-pvv^, Dozy. 

'^ sx>ix!l. " For 2pw. 

" C/: ? Boh. -sivgiH. 

" Taking Koy- for koyi. V. Crum, Cj/r. no. 465. 
Koyso-y n-ri iieg in a Br. Mus. Jk6w papyrus. 

" ?? SoKavrj. 

'" tja-3" ' a place where wood grows,' not possible here. 
Perhaps for yuayts ? 

'^ Not a biblical quotation. 

^'^ Other hsts: Stern in Aeg.Z. '85, 41, Crum, C(?//. 
MSS., no. xlvii. Three words mean ' garment ', ' covering ' 
here: ujTHn, g&oc, TraXAtW. The ist in the Bible varies with 

goiTe for i[x,a.TLov {v. Matt. ix. 20 and Mark v. 27, Matt. xxiv. 
18 and Mark xiii. 16 and Acts ix. 39 in Woidj:) or ^ituv. 
The 2nd, here, Zoega 316, Br. Mus. no. 11 14, Krall ccxlv, 
/em. (? distinct from gliwwc, g&ooc masc), in Lev. xvi. 4, 23 
= Xivov's, Boh. Uk"]f ; cf. ib. 32, where \ivf\v is Sa". ei«.a.Y. 
In NT. o^di/j;, o^dvtoi/ is rendered by Sa'. giwwc. Boh. giiwc 
nie.y, ujenTW nia^y. Instances of ' linen ' are Berlin P. 
4977, contrasted with copT 'wool,' Zoega 628 tocic ng., 
Crum, Osir. no. 368 goire ng. Zoega 316 a//. = MiGNE, 
PG. 65. 261 (TTixapLov kivovv=FZ. 73. 981 iunica linea. 
But it also acquired, as here, a general meaning, e.g. Br. 
Mus. no. 480, Crum, I.e. Ad. 62, Eliasapok. 122 g. kojuc, 
Pzif/zi 375 g. iteiA«.Y. The iraXXiov, besides being the 
monk's cloak, is a secular head-covering, Can. Eccles. 43 
Lagarde, also a bed-cover, Vita Joh. Eleemos. §§ xxi, xxvii, 
Mirac. S. Menas no. 5 ; here perhaps an altar-cloth, as in 
the Liber Pontif., passim, (fif. the use of vesfts^ On the 
balUn in Coptic church v. Butler, Churches ii. 118. 
■ 2' Comparable, if not identical, names of stuffs and 
garments, compounded of botanical terms, may be found 
in Karabacek, Mitielallerl. Gewebe, pp. 4, 5, 33 &c., and the 
same in Oesierr. Monatsh. f. d. Orient xi. 253/4; Latin 
names in the ' Charta Cornutiana ' {Liber Pontif. i, cxlvii). 
Cf. also Br. Mus. Or. 62 11 ujTHrt noyHpT. 


CYUJTn uvyeiAioHit ccsikot g^icna^oH 
o-YtOTK n»>'Y»'M -sconeg^ ccsirot g^icnjvoH 

o-YCAtepneott «na.?Uie«Hn eq-siigconT 
10 o'Y'^.oo'Y Kn2w\ftAe«HH n&.«»ion 

15 o'YJUia'^^wT on ecigoitT ecnj^en g^iKOT 

CYOJuioc ecTpot^Hn ecsmwxea.. g^iJvnoWAtc 

©"Yofioc on ecsia.nouijuic 

cYg^&oc na^njvg^ hcthaj. 

o'Y^^oc na^n^g^ njs.'Yei»''Y^" 
20 cyg^feoc on n».n«wg^ 

cyg^fcoc noccia. ccsikot 

cyg^fcoc na^nawg^ on 

oyiiioc rai-Y^H (altered from ? n-yTV-H) 

©"Yg^feoc ecsiainoojjuic 
35 ©"YS.^®*^ ecsmo-xeai. £^i».noto**ec n&.iP!:/ 

cyg^fcoc ncTpo(L^Hn ecsino'i.eak n».nri/ 

cyg^feoc on ecujonr n&.njv2^ 

O'Yg^feoc nawnooijuic 

kIo*at[. . .]K».^iKn . . n . . . nno-yq 
30 cna.'Y n'\oT[ 

KjoiATe neni|)(;^epn 

ajiTcnocYce ng^aw^a^cic €p€nRa..eii«.a>. 2}9"S 

] of goat's hair (aiycios), honey-coloured. A white (XevKos) goat's hair covering {n-aWiov) 
of Smyrna fashion ^ {<Tfivpvio<;). A C3qDress-coloured {KVTrapicra-Lvos) Smyrna (covering) of 
goat's hair, having a little white-lead (i/ft/xu^tov)-coloured pattern woven therein I An 
on3rK-coloured^ (ovuxtos) robe, having wheels* and stripes^ {a-irdOrj). (5) An onion (?)-coloured 
robe, having wheels and stripes (o-tt.), A white-lead (t|»i|u..)-coloured robe, having wheels 
and stripes (o-tt.). A robe of apple hue », having wheels and stripes (o-tt.). A white (XevKo's) 

* Or ' myrrh-coloured,' though the next occurrence of Mus. Guim. xvii. 131. 
the word makes this less likely. " For (nraOiq cf. Br. Mus. Or. 6201 a &c., fragment of 

" Tsi as here and below recurs in Crum, Copt. MSB. letter, ]iw*>nnHc nepi5<^YTHC ajnT(»[p]i kjulo nn&.\\in 

no. xlvii •sicTa>Ypoc, Berlin P. 4977 goiTe eq'xixepic nn'2k.eKe.noc[ | Jiioc •seenToqn(e) necn&eH nT6.nKopoYC 

(x"pw). (? Koptv's) Tjvq ne o-yioig 0^11 Te-ynOY I ['rena.'si Tienic]- 

' (^ ? the spice ' onycha,' Exod. xxx. 34 ; also oitj'xivos, to\h ncDXes" n-jkeKaLnoc etoX K4.n n&.\\in eTqgH 

applied to a garment in Pap. Oxyrh. cxiv. (? nTeqge) K«.it neciT*>eH [. 

« V. Liber Pontif. i. 432, 'ornavit in rotis.' Perhaps « Cf. Br. Mus. no. 476, o-yXwtig^ n-sjuineg ecujo[ttT 

cf. the angel's orixapiov whereon were ' great wheels ' Tpo^os, (^sic). 



robe woven with anah-signsK A Smyrna (cloak), palm-embroidered {irdXiievos^ having a 
woven pattern. (10) A palm-embroidered (vaX.) garment of goat's hair (aiy.). A covering 
(iraX.) of lentil (? ^dKLvo<s) ^ hue. An onion-coloured (?) covering {iraX.). An apple-hued cover- 
ing {ttoK.). a robe of honey-colour (15) and a woollen garment (/AaWcDrds*), woven 

with stripes {a-ir.) and wheels. A dress of {crTp6(j)iovy, having skirts (iroSea^) and 

shoulder-straps (eVwjMis''), and a dress with shoulder-straps (ctt.). A dress of stibium- 
colour * with anah-signs. A dress of variegated colour with anah-sxgns,, (20) and a dress 

with anah-signs. A dress of (oyyia^), having wheels, and a dress with anah-s\gns. 

A dress of felt (? ttIXos ^^). A dress having shoulder-straps (eircuju,is). (25) A dress of goat's 

hair (aty.), having socks (u-oS.) and shoulder-straps (eir.). A goat's hair dress of 

{(TTpo^iov), having socks (iroS.), and a dress woven with anah-signs. A dress with 
shoulder-straps (eV.). 3 ... of shoes (? KoXlyiov) of gold (? colour). (30) 2 coverlets (? XciStf). 
3 (? eTTtxet/oiov"). 12 chains (aXuo-ts) with the collar (xa^ij/ia) attached thereto. 

Recto. The earlier text, a Greek list of names and sums of money in several 
columns. Among them iwawov Ka.-s.iya, Trepa-ov, ixrjva kovl, neprjT, fiapKOV a-avqpTT, firjvacriov, 
tnvovd -sovxip. 

245.— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 9I x 17 cm. Script : almost ligatureless. Verso -*. 
List of clothes and the like. 

Jcm-^/ npoc CO et^oAoH/ enigujn juumoo-Y | ]Te e^^oKoR/'^iUAioi^ « ^ | I&too-y ng^oXoK/ 
Item e&a|u>n ajuuloo'Y • • Tcaii'^Hju./ « tj | jiunjUAio-Yn g^o^oK/ ncm-i./ npoc co n 18' | 

o V . ** I 

]oq KO-YTpiJU Kiuiocsyi^ « a y | j " ^ I 

Redo : remains of a Greek account. 

246._Papyrus; complete; 13x6cm. Script: ligatureless. Ferso \. 
List of clothes and the like. Above 1. i a cross. 

+ o'yiyTH« eiuiN\\cS | o-yf^^n^.*^ its.«5t[n]Tio« n^'yj.n | o-y^^oc «oc?c-ij. 1 o-yc^X^j. n2_TO 
»xmiecx.^\inoc I o-Y-^T^w «^J>.^ewpn | o'y'^'yt'H nc^^nen ] o-y^-yph njvXe^j^Jvpn j blank. 

» Can this be the crux ansaia ^ ? Phonetically 
it is possible (Sethe). (C/ Leipoldt, Schenute 29.) Very 
rare on Coptic textiles; v. Swoboda in Arch. Ehrengabe f. 
De Rossi, 103, 105, Taf. vi; Forrer, Fruh^hr. Altert. aus 
Achm., Taff. viii. 4, xii. i, 2. As an ornament in books: 
Turin, S2:iA. Eccli., fly-leaf, and Pap. ^vice,ed.C. Schmidt, 
p. 38 ; on stete : Crum, Copt. Monum. (Cairo), pU. xxvi-xxxi. 
The only Coptic word e^ng, aiX-f,, is unsuitable. But cf. 

no. 254. 

^ Not in the dictionaries. Cf. Ipalmaius. 

' Recurs in a letter here (». Index). 

* (^ no. 246. In no. 247 m-cWwt. ^ But .^/w. 
/ra«f. i. 408 jneXtoT nig*>p, probably =/ai?X(oti7. 

* arpocjiuov, a sort of headdress, Pa/. 0.;^)^^. xxxiii, can 
scarcely be compared. 

« Recurs Krall ccxl. 

' Krall ccxlv *.n(j>wxjLHC. Cf. Crum, Co//, il/5'5. 
no. xlvii «.nnoT-»»JC, Kircher 117 «>.noAiic. 

^ Recurs in no. 243. 

' Recurs in no. 246. 

1" Or ' a door {irvXrj) curtain.' 

" No such word in the dictionaries. 

'2 I can suggest nothing here. Apparently recurs in 

next line. 

>' ? //.dSios. Very rare in the papyri (Vitelli no. 60) 
and scarcely appropriate in this list. 


'A woollen robe\ A coloured Egyptian cloak I A dress of ^- A horse's 

saddle {sella) with its bridle. A pair (? levyt]) of head-cloths*. A pair of towels. A pair 
of napkins (?)^' 

247-— Papyrus; a fragment; 6|x9f cm. Script : rough uncials. Verso -^. 
A List of clothes. 

] o-YnawWrn Ko-ycofig} [ | ncYOi&uj o[it | ditto [ | 'V itg^fiooc riojonT n[ | oyjuieA- 
^wt" on «igo[nT | ^JTOO-y «Ka.\&.Ri'\^&. .^ [ | ] «(5&.(3'[* 

248. — Papyrus ; 2 fragments ; the larger, 9I x 7 cm. Script : uncials, early type. 
Recto —>. 

Account of wine supplied to various persons. 

Frag. I. n\ococ MHpHn[ Frag. II. ]o!ii[.] Aa^g^H ? . [ | ]a) npcoiAnawnXoo'Y^ o-y- 

^^2.[" I ]^°^ o'Y^jvg^H . . . [ I jc'ipoc \i<i^H cnT[e | c&.p]a.nioi« n*.pc"yitT&.p/" o-y^a.g^H 

[ I ]nHi MTdw-yMTO-yw " eg^pswi juin[ | ]kj>.i AA«Tcnooyc m«o . [ | cjg^iiite !\eo«THn uj[ | ] ne-ycon 

iep[H«,i&.c I 

249.— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 10 x sf cm. Script : very small, few ligatures. Ferso ->. 
Account (\070s) of oil supplied to various persons, some of them oil or fruit dealers. 
eic nTVonoc iteneg^ t[ | ^a^nujopn ncon^^ [ | g^s^poi awitOK nTJSwi[ | 2.^ULone ncj>.««e[g^ | g^e.«.ne. 
K-ype [n]ce.«[Meg^ | g^eviTAiepo nTjviTi.[ | £awKs.T8.i"[KHc | ^^.neTpoc nc8.nne^ [ | g^a^jto- 

Recto. ] exi^Tf neTipowne «? | ] « e ^ ^y ,^ ^ ^.j" | j ° j^ ^ ^^ x ^ ^^^ | ^ « ^ (illegible). 

250.— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 17! x 7 cm. Script : small, ligatured. Recto -*. 
List (ypZai,) of oil bought of the persons named, for (?) the 9th and loth Indictions. 

[ I (space) I ea.poo'Y [ -5 1 n / 

' F. no. 244. lo , , . 

2 / TT -r ^ Argentarius. n Rpn,i „Tr.». 

; And in Bn M„s. O. 6^^. (Jkaw). 'AX^So. " PP Z^^or TnT x^T ^^^^'^ ^^ ^^^''• 

Pans .^. 44. 86. has X.^...p. J,^, equivalent to •; Or Jd ,.\,Xo (for'eSo) ^,W.[ . 

« F. no. 244. ' .apd.aXXov, a hood. thou Jthe Un '"'^ h^"^ abbreviations ? for .X«o. X^rpa, 

* c^*.^, <^a..JW. r. no 238. '^°,",^^*;'^""^o>-d IS not usually so represented. 

' V. :Br. Mus. no. 1076, also Goodspeed's Papyri name " ^'^ ^"^ cancelled. An unknown place- 

{CMcago Dec. Public, vol. v) p. 20 and Cairo no. 10270. " ' i\„. / ,u t. , , 

70- £Xa.ovpyo9, though 1. 6 might suggest merely iXato.. 


2^1'— Papyi"us; a fragment; 21x6cm. Script: neat, ligatureless. Recto and verso 

Remams of Accounts, headed ] . neA i^/ igevpo[ and relating in part to oil, ]«eg^ utjvu- 
Tj^j.'Y ef!o\ g^iT[n, var. \\[. The following are legible :— 

T T 

] iipwAie AiTUAon/ or pwAiruAon/. Another headed j>.]njs.p;xi" eneiKa^pnoc, followed by 

jacKo-yTHXe [ , g^j>.Td.nTcifii\e g^iTn[ , g^jvTfi€p(3'coT3 g^iTH[ . . On verso the names nj^coii 
Ko7V.?V.[o'Yoe], R-Ypoc, K-YpiawK/, ixms'O. 

252. — Papyrus ; a fragment ; 22 x 18 cm. Script : rarely ligatured. i?^<:/o \. 
Account of charges by a builder (?). The numerals presumably represent money*. 

]enHi njvna. p».ige •snTjy.i | jnTipouine t[is.i] | i-x m-i^f | above o ^, g^a^TitHce^ mt».irotc 

^Lipo'Ygoo'y g^iojcoc / fS' I g^aw«eiTn nTa-inonKCY efcoX A-ipg^ocy cw.js.'^ g^Kjooio-y (Ainnioi 

above) / y \ g^&.necnH?V.ivio« nTJs.i-snoq «T«>.neKcoT cjiinTq / y8' | £^«^Te[about 14 let.] ec 
I g^a^npo nTakicju.«Tq nTJs.t5jsjuuje po'yg^oo'Y g^itoioq a | g^Js.nei£iT nTJiwiujono-Y nfe &.nA. 

eeo-xtope nnp^ / 8' | g^es.Tuje ^ nTe>>iTJs.&.c eneK?V.Jsii«wKT / a | g^&.nTui£ie iiT&.inoitKO'Y g^ineq- 
CTiJi?V.on «jLnn&.io> / a | g^es.T'so nTevxo'YJ'i.g^c €.ixo\. g^i-sHnencop ^ / «• | g^s^Tenw ' nnpo 
nc^ip / I 

Verso : [ + ] nAo^oc [ ] tt&.ndw pjs.uje 

'. . . for the house of Apa Rashe, since I have this year of the 14th Indiction, 

as follows {ovTOii): For the which I built, taking a day thereto, |. For the earth 

that I removed, taking 2 days thereto, with the donkey, 3. For the cave {(nr-qkaiov) 

which I acquired and which the builder set in order, 3^. For the , si For 

the door which I made and which the carpenter worked a day upon, i. For the nails 
I bought of Apa Theodore the priest, \. For the wood (?) that I put to the couch, i. 
For the bricks which I took over to his stable {a-TafiXov) with my donkey, i. For the wall 
which I added (?) to the roof, i. For the bolt of the street door, f. 

1 ' 

253.— Papyrus; complete; 20x17! cm. Script: ligatured. Redo \. 
Account of various expenses, apparently supplied by the persons named. 

' ? dypos as a place-name. uncertain. 

■" Possibly It for ax. Hardly the place in Amelineau, ' Perhaps for Tno^e ntge. The next word (reading 

Geoo-r. 415. certain) apparently in a letter here as kp«Ju>.kth, but femi- 

* C/. ieps-ooyT, Fargflt, Farshflt (Amelineau, op. cit. nine. Cf. Grenfell & Hunt, Gk.Pap. ii. i6i, Kpa^iKnov. 

178), though this lies much further south. ' This verb similarly in Br. Mus. no. 1089 and li. 

' The preceding stroke elsewhere^ytVcrat. no. 112; also in a letter here {v. Index), Erman, Kop^. 

= o{Pr<«s. r. Kenyon, a/a/, iii. 248 (Bell). F. also Volhli//. 27, and Jiev. e'gypt. ix. 152, Krall civ. The 

Br. Mus. no. 1076. meaning is not certain. ^ 

« V. Br. Mus. no. 329. In a J6me pap. Louvre, ' K Br. Mus. no. 259 and Lord Amherst s Pachomms 

E 7986, nm eTepeTnos' nitHce giwwq. Meaning still papyrus : a door with laoujT gmWe gi^ox^oc gienu,. 





g^i.eH«ji.cH tgowTe 8/ scoi.n i^no- e-yns n / | g^awneco-yo «Tenpocqjopj^ g^iT««j^pRoc k 7 
2;,^] . . oq 2^iT«!».Kco j.nTOjn s *^nftw THp n 8' | 2.».n -riJi g^^TJ^'XtoT 8/ J^Wei-a. * n ? 

[2^».] KH g^iTHcetto/ n a | traces of 7 more lines. 

Verso : remains of a Greek account. 

254 Papyrus ; a fragment; 22x i8| cm. Script : ligatured. Redo \. 

An Account, in 17 lines, of various expenses, headed ho^hm./ cujaacyk, with a sum 
of money, preceded by k/', opposite each. Legible are : e^npip, e^J^neT^, g^^TenujoiT', 

SIC - . 

255 — Papyrus; a fragment; 25|xii cm. Script: seldom ligatured. Redo (?) |. 
Not from the Ashmunain collection. 
Account of various expenses. 

] «ep(jiiAAno£^c niigoTe na.ea.K['2 | i^noWoj na^^fci^ g^a.n&.g^ooY nT[ | n-xia^K/ sjujiycHc 
ncj^itHpn [ I neg^ocy epe2».n&. etojuw^c g^e^xn £Ai.niwg^[e | nnTevn-soq e.!io\ en-jsoiioTv.e [ j ne«T«>.n- 
piojme cooq itTA.'Yei e6[o'\" 

Below this and on verso, in different script and ink, a list of names, with sums of 
money opposite each. Among them /Sijo-a/iwv, a-adovX^*, ana /^ao^l05'^ aTj-a cop. 

256.— Papyrus ; a fragment; 9^x7 cm. Script: few ligatures. Redo f. 

Account of various expenses. 

] g^dwceno-YTe a^no , . .Tex.n(o[ | g^^i.1 «Tuje nawna. K'Yp[ | g^a.iico'^ ^eoip a^no ea.\^['6 | 

g^a^g^top na^nuia. Hn«i[ | g^a.TCKKTV.Hciaw Mjuia.npo[ | g^a^TeignH «n*jiaw « . [ | g^a^TTiiitH itT [I 

t^awPic feiK/ [ 

Ferso : remains of Accounts in the same (?) hand. 

' For ? Twg. ' Or ujone. a mat or shawl. 

V. no. 119. 11 Por ? nri, an abbreviation ? 

* e^l. C/. ^.\\I•a.I, Krall 11 v. Ti.XwT presumably « The place might be nuioTC, Krall cxviii (but c/. 

not a name. provenance of this text), noge being part of its name. Or 

K^paruL. ' Or *.noT, ' Unknown. perhaps Sh6tep, with 'Athanasius' followin<^. 

' Upo^aXn;?. Given among church officials, with " ' For what the men drank on departing ' 

^|,d),rr„ and f aV<.Sd., in Paris 44. 6oi;so too, after the » C/. Boh. ys^^oyK ' ichneumon '. V. probably Krall 

lector, m Br. Mus. no. 514. Ixi. g. 

' ^■'^0.238. 15 F.Crum, O./r. no. 116. 

" V. no. 244. Here too it seems to be an ornament on ■« Krall cclxii. 23. C/. OaUov, Vitelli no. 50. 


257— Papyrus ; a fragment ,-7x9 cm. Script : ligatured. Recto \. 
Account of various expenses. 

+ e.«g^i.\aiAAd. oepS | g^j^nK^X^j^K/ tta.Ts.TTa.[ | g^a.imnTSwiTSwSw'Y weeoni eJJiKH[ | g^j.nHnTa.1- 
Tika».q neeon etjRH [ | g^[av 

258.— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 9 x 14 cm. Script : moderately ligatured. Verso ^. 
Account of various expenses, partly in Greek and often obscure. 

Recto : remains of another Account. 

259.— Papyrus; a fragment; 13x11 cm. Script: ligatureless. Verso ^. 
The end of an Account of various expenses •*. 

Jc^e «epc2vTec — «o£i t | ]ecoya.n a.'Xg^a.i — nofe t |'YiOAA na.u — «o6 i | T]a.pi;)(^en 
— «ofi a I ]■ q 

Recto : remains of an Arabic account (earlier). 

260* — Papyrus; a fragment; Sfxiyf cm. Script: rarely ligatured. Verso ^>. 
List of Doves, supplied (?) at different dates. 

+ na^ine n?V.ortoc itneo'epoouine n? | + g^'Ye (cyis" erased) Treptcrrep ^ \ g^a^ccy- 
AATCitooyc TT^picTT^p ? | g^akCCYuitiTawqTe TreptcTTe/) 7 | g^aw[co'yji«.T ? Trep («y 8 | g^a.coYiui«Tak . . u 
nepia-Tep ft | blank 

i?^c/o : part of a letter. 

261. — Papyrus ; a fragment; 13 x 7I cm. Script : c/. Zoega's 4th class, i (?) column. 
Verso -^. 

List of Books. 

'^ a^naw ci?V.a.[c | n'2£tocoiJi[e | n-soiOJAie [ | nujOAJUiT [ | nKa^Ta. jl«.[ | ne'ya.cue[\iou | Tiua.p- 
T'y[piaw I a>.n&. «aig^p[ooY'' | blank 

Recto : part of a list or account (earlier). 

* ■ ? ©eW. ^ vorapLoi. ' messenger ' : Krall no. ccxxxiii (engaged in tax-coUect- 
" e.pre.THC, ipydTrj^; epv = £pyov. ing). Br. Mus. Gk. Pap. Inv. 151 5 (paid for work inrovpyCa 

* Victor mo-Tt/cos BaySuX(ui/os. For ina-T. V. Index, on a mosque, H. I. Bell). 

° Despite Krall's quotation, Rainer Mitth. ii. 60, there ' noi!i=«OTffi, simply 'money', 

are cases in which o-v/x/xaxos seems something more than ' V. Synaxarium, 7th Hathor. 

R 2 



262.— Papyrus; 2 disconnected fragments; the larger, 8^x11! cm. Script: recto, 
moderately ligatured, of Greek type ; verso, almost ligatureless, uneven. 

Recto \ . An Account, showing the names of various garments. 

0X1/1 iiTJjwRoit feiKT[cop I oAi/ Ti RoX'Xee [ I lacuna | o%x, i(jiia.M«&. [ | ojui/ Ta.TV.iwy^ 
— — m[ I OJU/ KJumjcia. I af . i^\ \ out/ ti Kijuiick { a . [ | OiX/ n'\o'y*A*.K!Jv * 

OJU./ JU.&.pi2^j!JL«. 

\\ a 

Ij [ I illegible IJ a[ | ojU/ n'X.oyjua.KiJv a^ cixt . . . H&.^ic 

Verso -> . A List (yyojo-t?) of the articles (o-Kreur?') belonging to the deceased (ju,aKr.) 

T*.iTei^Kcocic «MecKe'y[H «t«.'y | co-y nToorq nnjua>.K».p[ | In the remaining lines can 
be read oyfe . , « Ainoyxt . e . , oyTOOTc nuia>.TC «, o'ya.^eXei ncwg^e, oyKO'Y'itoy, cyn^.'Win 
eoswA. eTT&.[ , oyg^Aiii eujTHn ecg^o . [ , oycefi^em enine[ne 

263. — Papyrus; complete (?) ; 12^x8 cm. Script: ligatured, of late type. Recto |. 
An Account of expenses. 

. TI 8 1/ ^ ht .. A.K€ «*.g^iA • \ f 1^ loiawHitHc [ a g^&.Tei.p2^iviJt '^ \ 1/ a cisJXsxis. ^ a I e g^i^it a 
g^oXoK/ I a Tna^peenoc Kcyi t»Hpo.|y8 RtoAtHTC | a KwcTine | blank 

264.— Papyrus; a fragment; 5I x 5 cm. Script: sloping uncials. Recto f. 
Account {Xoyo:;) of shcep, wool &c. 

+ n».ine n^ococ [ | necooy juttfi[iwijune | ncopT R2^io[ | nTVco^ain . [ | OY».\n*.c[ » I 

MKJ!>.'YttJl>.K[ " I 

265. — This is the verso of no. 108. 

List of months, with numerals opposite each. The forms are eoo-vT. o^^etop 
X'^'X '^^^, "^X'P, njwpii^oT, na^pAtoy^, e^nujooc, na^toite ennnn. 

266 — This is the later text of the palimpsest no. 88, q. v. 
From a Word-list, in single column, showing Greek and Coptic words " beginning 
with 1 and o, but classed here merely on phonetic, not grammatical, principles '\ They are 

« Possibly ^.iTi or + T, (imperat.). The sign following 
-Kcparta; c/. preceding no. and Br. Mus. nos. 1090, 11 31. 
If this IS ^j^, cf. the use in Br. Mus. no. 459, where 
the coin seems likewise unsuitable. 
' Orni^Nju*.. 

» Arabic is improbable with this script. '» Kavv6.K.^. 

K Krall in Mitth. Rainer iv. 132 and no. 113 here 
next to which the present text ought to have been placed. 

Note that ^, in the Coptic words=Kc, while in the 
ureek it sometimes =£^-. 

' o/toto)?. = A name ? Cf. Ta^Xoy, TaXoiSs. 

' Presumably l^yt] ; cf. Crum, Ostraca, Ad. 36, Kenyon, 
Ca/al.ii. 314, Br. Mus. no. 1103. 

* TrXovfjidKiov, plumatium. 

^ TooTc obscure. That it should =8t^pos(BsHAi) seems 
due to confusion with tos'c ; v. Job xxix. 17, Prov. ix. 14, 
Rossi I. iii. 47. In Paris Scala 44, 122a is the phrase 
«.qgice e.qcKOTeTe ma^itTeneqcwxia. epKa^-siq giTenTp*.gT 
AiirrwTHC ixSX\ hj^. J^" sx-^ ^^\ ^ -bj ,_^_ 
KiRCHER 432 gives^,i— J, which might be suitable here. 


separated into groups according to the vowel following the initial letter. A considerable 
space in the MS. divides the first from the second syllables, and the incompleted words 
show that the latter were added after all the first syllables had been written down. 

^j^iTHC, ^J^Te, ^^To, 2.i^n^ aj^ne, ^^.^I, ^j^ («y, ^j.. 
?,enoc, ^ecTHc, ^.^^J^p, ^ec^i, ^CTO-y, ^e, ^^e. 

2.HpU)n, ^HHUJU, ^HTHp, ^.Hp^C, ^H, ^H. 

2,1pm, ^i (6 times). 

^oiAjie, ^OAiecY, ^op^ic, ^oppiAi, aoo-y", (verso) ^opieT, ^o-yTu. 

^■Y (7 times). 
2;w (7 times). 
ojK (6 times). 

OH, OH. 

oine, oieiK, oijue, 01 (4 times). 


267.-Paper; 2 fragments; the larger, 19 x 17 cm. Script of Zoega's 9th class. 
26 lines. The leaf was folded while the ink was wet; an impression therefore of other 
lines often crosses and obscures the text. Parts of 11. 1-4 are given from this impression 
on the verso. 

Official Letter from the bishop of Shmoun to his flock, relating to a theft. One 
exactly similar is published by Steindorff, in Aeg.Zeiischr. xxx. 37, fragments of others are 
among MSS. in Mr. De Ricci's hands ^ and, apparently, in Mitth. Rawer v. 33- Cf. also 
Br. Mus. no. 633 and the Arabic letter, ed. Reinhardt, in the Ebers Festschrift, p. 89. 

jui[imecTOoig ^] \ THpo'Y niajicpa.T^ e^Ate Mjuioo-y g^iut[n5S x^P^'^^l I epe[noc caao-y ep]ojTH 
g^ncAio-Y ni[xx AiimSlK] | [a.-yco neno-yp*^!" jui]nneTnuj[Hpe «n«eTnuje]epe aak«k;^ m%x eTUjoon 
HHTtt [g^esjuinn] | eniTa. ^ •i.e a^ng^cofi nwg uja^p •xed.-yfecoK eg^o-yn | enni eTxii^e^-y nci^o-yen* 
e^-yqi ©"yepToq ] eco-yo nd.«eco ^ ne>.ppMico « ncmen «a.|*AecHn ' «TTA.noi lAeo-yj^XeKTiop • Xoi 
eiTe I g^ooy-T eiTC cg^iAie eiTe ujuumo eire pA)i|tt^iuie nTA.qfS^ono-y nneqo-yoKg^O'y ^iio\ \ 
eqeujcone g^a.nca.g^o-y juin°iiui AAiinenpot^HT|HC s.'yio e&oTV. g^nTTe>.npo KT^>^^.nTe\^>. | eqeia».d.p * 
epooy «ec «Td.qaj»-2-p eco-xoliuid. juiHROAioppa. eqeei « g^ps^i e-xcoo-y ttlKecdvOO-y | nT».- 
no-yRd.'XHJUiv^ic jmnneln'XHKH AJin'soicoAAe «ico6 lAnneca^g^oy | JUtnuieg^pH n\]y-2».?VjLi. epemcd.g^o-y 
«j>.uj(ja|ne nee noyiteg^ g^ntte-yKeec a^-yjAepenca.g^o'y | eqeujione nA.'y Aino-yeig necM-cy 
eqeiTiOT I ciiioTV. ulxx eiiga^-xe eo-yoti itiji*. nT[js.q<3'on niclo-yo jL«.nuici[ne]n A».itKm».noi 


nn[€qo'yong^o'y] | eiio\ nneitTj».qiAAe epooy eq-xi %a.[ ] | a.'yco nAJ>.c nj>.TJ».piKe qeujwne 

«pjuLg^€ I eTfieo'yn?V.Hpoc:^opi&. >" 

' With God('s help) ! , by the mercy of God, the humble {ekdxicrTo<;) bishop of 

this Christ-loving city (ttoXis) Shmoun and its whole nome. My beloved, whom I love 
in the Lord, greeting {xaipere). The Lord bless you, with every spiritual and heavenly 
{■7rvev[jLaTLK6<;, lirovpavLoi) blessing, and your sons and your daughters and everything that 
is yours. Amen. Thereafter (eTretra) : the matter hath reached us, that they have entered 
the house of the mother of Sawep and have taken an artaba of corn and 6 quarts of 
flax (o-iVirtov) and 2 (?) chickens and a cock (dXe'/cTojp) ; now (XoittoV) whether (eire) it be man 
or (etre) woman or stranger or native that hath taken them and doth not make them 
known, he shall be under the curse of the law (w/ios) and the prophets. And. by the 
mouth of my humility (-eXa^.) He shall be wroth with them, even as He was wroth with 

' Mr. De Ricci generously allowed me the use of his " n«jue=? neju.; cf. no. 368. Yet here we have 

copies. frequently. 

'' As in the parallel texts. THpoy presumably for THpq. ' V. p. 56 above. 

' Axj LI. Cf. Br. Mus. nos. 549, 633. May not the ' cnnTe, as ns^noi is fern.; v.Mitih. Rain. iv. 128. 

frequent eiteiS^ be sometimes for eTrtira? » V. Spiegelberg in Sphinx v. 200. 

< ? i_*ixi. V. Br. Mus. no. 658. Gk. Pap. Inv. 1514 » eine. 

has 2^<Denr. Or ? u;*!^^. What is ' Du'eib ', Fiihrer Rainer, "> Seems displaced here ; cf Steindorff. 
no. 551 ? 



Sodom and Gomorrah, and He shall bring upon them the curses of the Apocalypse and 
the plagues (nXrjyr]) of the book of Job and the curses of the io8th Psalm. And these 
curses shall be as it were oil in their bones. " They have loved cursing : it shall be theirs. 
They desired not blessing : it shall depart far from them." I mean any one that shall have 
taken the corn and the flax and the chickens and sliall not display them unto such as 

have known ^them, he And the blameless tongue shall go free. For an assurance 


268.— Papyrus ; almost complete ; 19 x 14 cm. Script : heavy, uncials of early type \ 
V. Plate 2. Recto \. 

Letter from Apa Shoi to ' his dear brother, Apa John '. 

This, the following 6 numbers, and no. 276 are addressed to John, whom, judging by 
the relative antiquity of script in all of them and by certain incidental names and phrases, 
I take to be the same person. He was presumably a monastic dignitary. Several more 
of our papyri, apparently of a like age, may also belong here, although no John is named 
in them. And cf. perhaps Br. Mus. Greek Catal. iii, Pap. 981 ('4th cent.', provenance 
unknown) ^. 

sic ^ 1 , 

dwna«. ujoej nenpecfc-yTelpoc uinToo'y lAnnojuiT^ neTcg^a^i imnequiepiT | Hcon a.^^^. itog^»L«nHc 
g^aiwOH I -^e ttg^ojfe nisjt ^ujine epoR | ew-yuj irecturY THpo-y Kd^Te^. | ne-ypawK nencTeujuje | c»»>pne 
CTpenei uja^pou js.\'\js. | epiy&.nn'soeic pg^na^q Txitti^ei | Teno'YO'e ^ca.i n».K eT^enenlKcyei 
HujHpe nawnncYTe | cTpeRpTeKa'oxi njuuu-a^q | kjs-tjs. imo'YTe rcoo-yh jLi|ng^ice epei * e-soiq js.-yto 
TnpljuinTpe g^a^poq eniTC nen|ei<*)T &.ne,. ns^Hce nepa-jivTC^d*.! juing^oiifi ' Siqeia^e ^ ] efeoTv. g^u . 
[. . . ju.]n«ujneplnis. «.ng^uj[£i Tcnjo'YS'e n|TORn€ nen[. . . -'] jutmicawlnncyTe [oJ-y^^^J g^jun-soeic | 
ncoH [juLtiepiT 

Verso blank. 

' Apa Shoi, the priest (Trpeo-yS.) of the mount of Pnomt, writeth to his dear brother, Apa 
John. Before all things I greet thee and all the brethren by (Kara) their names. For 
{ya.p) we ought to have come to thee, yet (dXXa) if it please God, we will come. So now 
I write to thee concerning our young son, Papnoute, that thou mayst exert thyself with 
him according to («:ara) God('s grace). Thou knowest the trouble that is upon him, 
and we do testify thereto. Seeing that {Irt^ilr]) our father Apa Paese . . .' The rest is 

269— Papyrus ; 3 disconnected fragments, the largest 13 x 9^ cm. Script : uneven, 
tolerably early uncials. V. Plate 3. Recto -*. 

Letter from Apa Shoi to ' his dear father, Apa John ' \ greeting others also and ' all 
the brethren that are with thee '. St. Paul is quoted \ 

' Possibly written more carefully by the scribe of no. 269. " Above ei a lelter, perhaps t.' 

But cf. the difference in terms of salutation. ' Alternatives are ncpj^ewTepc^'nTgwA. All very un- 

" WiLCKEN would make this John a bishop, Arch./. Pap. certain. 

•, ^,Q 6 Or ci(?e. ' Does not look like «oeic. 

» An unknown place. 'Mount' here presumably= ' Shoi perhaps the writer of no. 268. F. also no. 301. 

monastery. ° -^gHT suggests i Cor.xiii. 3, but it hardly seems suitable. 



ujoi neTc;g^*.i nne]quiepiT moix a^ira. ioJ2^8.|nHC 2.A»nQ£Oi[c x^'P^Tle^ g^^vTeg^H [u.]e\i 
uowfe I nixx ^ujine ep[0K li^iuilepiT «iojt Sw-yto *.njk ee|oTpc xin^wne^ io[not5p]ei Ain^na. 
eeot^i-Xe ] imnnecHH-y T[Hpo'Y eJTnAAeK/ ^pa.iges'e | €iui[j^]Te ^eT[AinT]*ANmo'YTe CTng^HTK | 

[ «2.»']2. n<^on eTpenjuieTe|[;)(^e ]«ia^ tm €Tepe| [ ]tc 

o-y A«.o«o« ^>.lto« | [ iTRpo-y K^>^T^^ neTi [ M.]««[2^]HKe At«[ . . 

|]ne ^Aiee-Ye | [ jnett-ra.itd.'Y^oc | [ ]^wq 

u . . *.i*.*vT I [ ]«*^[^]2.H'Y «ne|] ? | [ '. . •] epoc 'se[ ]to«[ ] | 

[ ]na.A*epiT «e[i(OT ^]ps.«ie eAAd.[Te] AAn|[ ]a.i enTJ».TeK[«nT]tg2^neg^THq na.?.' I [e^oj^ 

g^Hue-yg^ice THp[o]'y nceiiHTo on | [ . . ] WTeneKg^HT o «juito« CT^eneei | [. . .] ettTa.Trtnd.'y n».K 
exfeHTo-Y eTpeK|[. . .] k^^tjs. ncTeg^na^K blank 

270-— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 29 x ii cm. Script : v. Plate 4. 6^ that of nos. 313, 399, 
and of the Psalter, Fiih-er Rainer, Taf vii. Recto ^. 

Letter from Porphyra^ to Apa John, whom he addresses as 'thou man of God', and 
whose help he entreats once again. He then narrates his interrogation at the /Srjfjia of the 
prefect {fj-yeiJicov), and ends with salutations to Theodore, Petosiris * and ' all those with thee '. 

The idiom is remarkable, showing several Ahmlmic forms \ 

nopt^'^p*. neTCg^a^i na^nj*. | Kog^ii^nec '^pnjs.pjviiSw'Xi jua«.or | -^c^^nc mxiok ^co[o]'yne j 
■seNKiidwe U&.I jtg^eit[. . .] | MJs.e wdwi on A*niRecon [A».]|np'^ wn «ejuiJs.i KJ>>[T]d. « . . . . | -seitTaivttpaiju.e 
T«w . . . 1 COOK jmric'^ wn ncjuieK.! g^njjfeoTV «TT&.pjui»wT&.'Y . . ojuia. epoK | ■^ uiiutoK np[co]*±€ 
AAlnno-yTe •-^o'YOiiuj eeeqpen ^ A«jLie 'X€itT&,i'2£[oc] -seeoy | g^AiniiHjuiev . ei^ .JTs^t^HKeJAAton 'sno'yi 

'se[nT]RO<Yeo'y | ne-s*.! '2£caknRo['y . .]yo 2>.« | ne'xeq csje cjoo-yue | ne-xA-i "xe^ ]ne 

jKil-xcq £^e«g^[. . na.p&.R]d.\i ai|m.ok ■^ iu.[ju.OR .] g^^^pg^ | fie-i.e nj)^njs.iR . [ ]iULoq | niwi "xefioHei 

**^[ ]|noc cg^jyi o'Yen\4j-To[\H . . . .] | 'sc'Y'^id.Rtonne ' "^^TP[ I ^«J"iee g^i.poTHn[ | eaw^^>. 

©€0'a>.u>pe ^«j'i«]e ej)^n«>| ncTocipic neRi[(OT] ■•^ujiiie | eueTKeAACK TH[po'Y] I blank 

271.— Papyrus ; a fragment; 11 x 17! cm. Script; early, upright uncials, of a type 
unusual in private documents. F. Plate 4. Recfo -^. 

Letter from to 'his brother' John, greeting several persons, requesting the 

recipients' prayers, and asking that the TrpaiTrdo-tros should send Palo \ (to remain) till he 
recover from his illness. 

]cg8vi Ai[n]eqcon ^^•Yco neq j ]itoj^«H[c] ^uame epoR Tone | [gnTA.v^f'YlXH THpc [xtjnnnS: 
3.7(0 '^hj^h'X I eTin[o-YT]e eTpe[R]o'y<si.i nj^i ^.^w n]Ri^H\ e-xcoei a.'Yto ^ujine eeeo<2w(opoc | 

' Not space for wponitoyTe, which no. 271 suggests. 4th century. 
Perhaps wpimoTTe. Onnophrius is rarely if ever found » C/. the usage of the Ac/a Paidi, and here nos 202 

^■'th ^. 352, 396. ■ ' 

' Possibly n^g^n ; v. end of preceding line. e Altered. One expects a verb, ' relate to thee.> 

' Forphyramasc. apparently unknown. Only IIop^vpios ' -xcy added later 

is found. Forms Justa, Petra therefore not analogous. s r,,,,^ ;„ ^ jj^. ^ (Aphrodito) fragment. Cf. ? it*.\ov 

• Ilerocripts, a name practically extmct after the 3rd or ni.\4.Y- ' o j 1, 



nq-sooY cjvn*.\co nujH|pe ncj^TpoiniAe ^ juq«Tq ^ enuma, uji.«| [T]eq\o equjojne iuo« ne^Sw-Y 
nis.ei I [ 

272.— Papyrus ; 2 fragments ; the larger, 10 x 9 cm. Script : early type ; v. PI. 4. Recto ->. 

Letter to ' the beloved in the Lord ' Apa John {v. no. 268). It contains a request as to 
an old man who had been put in custody*. Reference is made to his daughter, long 
deceased, to his son-in-law and to the magistrate. 

a. Jcg^i.1 tti^na. i(02^e!.nnHc | jui]epiT g^xin-soeic yjsyfe. \ ] niui ^^ujine eneKo-Y-siM | 

b. ] e-ynTdwRq -seTa.! | nnjo-YTe Toiyc juneqcionT | eT]i!iend>! ^jv^io-Ytye juuulok | ]e o-yg^Wo 
€qH?V. eg^o-yn | ni]7V.aA)ujiu)n na.p;x^con n | ] e-snt^dwi viTequjeepe | (iKK]o -xe eic o-ynot? h | Tejq- 
igeepe jmo-y ejui | n]ce(>nH eTpeqncoT | T]a.g^oq nc-soo-y n[ 

273.— Papyrus ; almost complete; 25|xi5|cm. Script: of early type. V, PI. 10. 
Recto — *. 

Letter from Kelbaule', his 'servant', to Apa John. 

[ ] neiTcg^es.1 nneqxiepiT | [nejcoT iu)jv]nHc «eeiHnne «ni uj&.poR | [ ] 

neo-y . cojk a^-yoi ^ujoine | juiTiiu}e[x . . . .] ujawpoK Re^Ts^ TcynH-^Hlcic " AAire [ ]th Teno-y 

yTVjcTv. e-soiei | iiTenu[o'YTe ■^(3'Jojui \ib^\ -^nno-y ujj^poR | Teno'yig'e ic nencon x^eitTea^nic '' 
AkeilTnnoo-yq ujd,.poR (■se&.ne.p^ton -sooc nes.! above) "seqg^Hig €Tfieo'y| cya^nis.c'cteon 
iipwjjiene | Ra^TSw TcynHTCcic A.'JV'Xdw oyfycofi Ra^JTa. v^y-WJULSk Tencys'e nenpa^t^juus. rig^eit | (above 
"seawpi cycno-yxH nccg^a.! nes.[n]a>. i(08v«hc nnpec^) | eitog^ene ea^njuooy qiTcy eueK.vlj-d.^ | 
iteRCivRTtopMe a.yna.'y g^too'y eng^tofi | oteqa'tOM.e s^yxooc «*.q -secjuujie | «cl^Hce«.on eT&eg^en- 
Roo-ye jji2^pe|qRJvaw'y ni>wR elio\«ji.p;x^oiit | igng^THoy g^a^poq eqnTV. eg^o-yu Rce|'^ 
cyRcyei encyjs. g^en.poq Teno'yo'e 2vne|^e juumoq nqr&.'ye ©e epoR -xeqlg^Huj js-ca^eon iiiui 
eTeR«ai.uj«kak'y M€|Ai,j>kq Jvpico-y "xeTeicooYne ^° iLineq|g^ujig ^^ujine enecKHo-y THpcy eTg^»w|THR 
RjvTdk «e'ypi>,n cysivi g^nn'soeic | na^eicoT iuepiT ^ujine epoR nswCiioT | [M.e]piT [. . .JneRg^jug^a.^ 
ReTvijak-yXe | [about 10 let.] nj).eia)T jmepiT 

' writeth to his dear father, John. I had decided to go to thee , and 

I was sick and unable [to go ?] to thee, according to the information (? o-uveiSijo-ts) of 

So now pray for me, that God may give me strength to come to thee. And now here is 

' Does this form one name? C/. 1 Pap. Tehtunis 8i, below. Cf. the use in Pap. Oxyrh. cxxiii. 
'kpKvovTL'i. If not, nreoyTe is difficult. With e>po 5/: e^pooy. ' An unknown name. For Tee^nic Sir H. Thompson 

" SttTopvctXos. * Possibly a letter before A«.q-. suggests an abbreviated form of dd h\p ef 'nh (comparing 

* C/. nos. 373, 311 and a)\ egoY« in Rossi I, v. 26. 'ViS>^=dd hr). 

" Recurs in a Jkow pap. Cf. KaAa^SeAis, KaAaySaiXis, ' This insertion inevitably disturbs the construction. 

BGU. ; ? KeUa^Saev's, Kenyon, Caial. i. 193 ; also Ke.\e>- ' For ? ca^g. Or cf. no. 320. 

ju^yXe, Crum, Ostr. no. 345. '" Supposing an old-Sa'idic form, as e.g. in the Elias 

' It is difficult to give this the same meaning here and Apokafypse. 



our brother Psenteapis ; I have sent him to thee, because the magistrates (apxcyv) told me, 
saying that he is troubled regarding a matter of business {vpayfia). He is a man valuable 
(dvay/caros) as to judgment (o-uvetSr^o-i? ? reliability), yet weak in body (a-wfia). So now the 
business (7rp.)— 'be diligent {cr-rrovByf),' they said, ' and write to Apa John the presbyter'— is 
one of fields which the (river's) water hath carried away; and they are those of the 
'master' (?) tax-collector (e^a/crap). And they saw how the affair was becoming difficult, 
and they said to him, ' Appeal unto the prefect {riyefiatv) for other (fields), that he would 
concede them unto thee ;' and the magistrates (apx-) will have pity on him, while he is 
imprisoned, each of them giving a little on his behalf. Now, therefore, suffer (auexecrdai) 
him to relate to thee the manner in which he is troubled. Any benefit {dya66v} that thou 
canst do unto him, that do ; for I am acquainted with his trouble. I greet all the brethren 
that are with thee by their names. Farewell in the Lord, my dear father. I greet thee, 
my dear father, [I, j thy servant Kelbaule , my dear father.' 

Verso : tj>.&.c nd^n2v iuij>k«nH[c 

274. — Papyrus; a fragment; 7^x7 cm. Script: relatively early ; v. PI. 2. Rector. 

Letter from to (his) 'lord and master', John. 

Kypioi TOJ Tecno[TH | eia.[tt]«Hc £a.eH aa[ | «t[. .Jpaw^ioy nen[ | ne[.]Tq eTM.T&.Te[ | &.q[. .]i(ooiT 
nTJu[ I TA.ccotte £«igHp [ [ ^ ncTfa^ei efcoTv. eiina.[ | nswCTec a^qTiwHO t[ | ne[.]\»w&.'y ei efio[7\.| 

Verso : traces of an account. 

275.— Papyrus ; a fragment; 4 x 11 cm. Script of no. 396, but here Recto \ . 

Letter from (?) Theodore [or Theodosius) to (?) John, whose charity he appears to be 
praising, while making a request. 

]ige ».-2£tm;xi«P*' ' «x[n]nop[t5d.«oc | ]neiWT -seKa^c Te^io-y 2 eq[ | jnwpa. pnjvpopa. ^ jLua^i | 


Verso : ](* kohhc eeo'i.{ji>[ 

276.— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 26 x 6 cm. Script : early type ; v. PI. 3. Redo ->. 

Letter from Germanus cepAAj^ttoc, nTj.\j.m[u>poc], to J^na. ico^i.nnHc, greeting also those 
with him Mxnniecnny eT]iuA«^q ^*in^oeic xl^ipc]. The writer is evidently making an 
appeal on behalf of neipco^^e e«T^qei «[^n ] ^€«s.Ka.pi. A woman and her son, some- 
thing given in pledge ]Taw^^q ne-yco, and poverty [AiJitTg^HRe are referred to. 

Verso : some words, apparently not the address. 

' X altered from ^. , p ^^^^^^^^ 

^For?T*.^^.OT. ' Half of a cross X. 



277.— Papyrus ; a fragment; 371x18 cm. (height and width complete). Script: 
V. PI. II. Recto \. 

Letter from a high official to the person (2nd sing.) responsible for the 'strangers' 
resident in or passing through the pagarchy. The affairs of such strangers (<^vyaSes) 
are a conspicuous element in the Jkow (Aphrodite) documents ^ whence it is indeed 
probable that the present letter is from the governor himself. The opening words, 'the 
men of Peiom (Fayyilm) and those of [Hnes?] and those of Shmoun and those of Kos^' 
presumably indicate the districts whence the ' strangers ' had come. 

^nep]u)A«.neiojii ju.nniv| nJjvigiuo'Yn junndwKcoc | ujutJAio exina>.a.'yee* | ]h neype>,it Mt^Tnooy | 
5. ]&.iq eyT(ou| nj>>.R | ]i j)wKcg^&.iHc d^KTitooyc vosa \ nJtOT^ 'seTV.jv&.y epoijuie g^iwoy | ]THpoxine 
H ■sKttejmoo'Y ene ] ] «&.i \oinoti TiTHig Tcng^toq | 10. ]e ms^k d.Kci«.n TeiK&.T«>.cp&.<i^H kjvi | 
JTnooY cYJv g^nnenTJs.Kcg^iwico'Y K«k[i] omtoc timoi | a^n [-xnJTiwOY ko?V.€i ujjiok eTjutTMoycoy 

uj&.TenoTf | [. . . .]h . g^ . <s. nTd.K[c]g^jvjHccj ii[ev]i g^ico[o]y jiw-yto ti | [ ]Kniee neit ujajuulo 

efioTV.* pnTeRnjs.i?a.p I 15. [. . . igJAJUuio «TeiJuiiue ujAwTenpoeicjuiJiw «[....] I a>.'y[a) TjiojpK na^H 
nnnoyTe '2£e«[<s.]juie ca.^'X. eTfie|[n]no['Y]Te xton JuteiKet. oyajjuuLio itoyoiT e«j!vHeini».i»&.p j 
[n]T2».i[o'y]u)Kg^ ne'Yp[js.« \\\is.w efioTv.^ ei-jk.e nnTd,qp|[n]e|)(]^ponoc g^ioioy ei-jk.e ^K^q^lw^i! eixiHrei 
T«wnawpg^icTa>. | 20. [n]Aioq "Xoinon eud^'xi nj».cg^Jvi js.n»wY e'\8>.a>.y hujaixao KTei|jui«e efioyHg^ 
onTKnj>.c'2vp nTdwicg^*.! ne-ypa^it «»lK | g^nHnTawyncoT g^icoo-Y 'smeAj.nTH npojAne eneicHT | 
MTepRTttCYcoy ^ KJS.I wcooyTH g^iTOOTq nnjs.pu)iuie | e£s«^Ti Ki<cg^».i hj^k. eic g^HHTe on j>>.ina.p&.i^- 

sic I 

K?e?V.e ' «naK.pi0Ju.e | 25. •snnqcjv&.TR enoA igii.nTq'si «eujAtJuio KTeumme | «totr nTRTno-Yco-Y 
«a.x Hiuuma^q s^yoj oktoc eujoine | wnjvTKeijuie epooy ujawnooy couj g^m&.goY + | (verso) + a^-yuj 
avReiAte cnxxA. eyg^ioicoq b^yixt jKUce^TiOToy | eT(5^inTKO'Yco'Y eei nRoypcojuie eqgHuj i" «pqR^.T^>.- | 
30. -*poMei efeajoon g^jj^oys^opHs^c n^iion eTqvy-YX" i ^'^ g^o?V.toc !\omon e[R]a.'si nT».enicTo'\H | 
Tnoo-y MeujJUJU.o eTxxjLxt>.y «j\i hcocytr | [about 10 let.]u}».RT«ooYq «iM AJinnpa^it ] [nne-YeiJoTe 
Ainnpa.« nneyTijuie junnpa^n «ne-y | 35. ]oin enTi[juie «T]».Ke«TO'Y eiioTV. | g^itooy g^RTRnawt^a^p 
awvw Tttoo-y ne-YujHpe [ g^nteyg^iojuie «xi».2^y Ajmnno-yfi KTa.R-ssTq | blank 

' V. Becker in Z./. Assyr. xx. 96 and H. I. Bell's 
article mjourn. Hell. St., 1908. 

2 The context makes it very improbable that this is the 
Kos (Kfls) between Keft and Luksor. The alternative is 
that wiiich the legend of Christ's sojourn in Egypt identi- 
fies with Koskam (Paris 131', 102, Sermon of Timothy of 
Alex., nTOoy nKWC=Br. Mus., Or. 604, 32 a col. i fendta 
dabra Quesqudm, and again later), placed by the Arabic 
versions of this legend (Br. Mus. Arab. Cat., Suppl. p. 820), 
by Abii Salih 78 a and the Synaxarium (6th Hatfir) at or 
close to Al-Muharrak, i.e. a little S.W. of Al-Kflssiyah, some 
texts indeed identifying Koskam and Kfissiyah (Budge, 
Mirac. of Virgin, Meux MS., 1900, pp. 67 and 125, 
Amelineau, G^ogr. 555). ThisKos-Koskam-Kfissiyah then 
— CuscB, other forms of which name (as H. I. Bell points 
out) closely resemble it: Geo. Cypr. Kovo-os, Hierocl. 
'A/como-a, Byz. Zeitschr. ii. 25 KoBo-i?. Amelineau has 
seen (Ge'ogr. 494) that this is the K6s S. of Terot, reached 

by the travellers from Bawit (Zoega 366). The Kfis, named 
with Shmoun and ' the low land ' (i^jiH Ji-l as Dr. Wessely 
informs me) as an administrative district in Fiihrer Rainer 
no. 725, is presumably the same. Hence the form Al- 
Kiissiyah, originally applied to such a district, subsequently 
(like Al-Ahnassiyah) restricted to its chief town. 

' About 12 letters are missing from 11. i to 5. 

< Altered. Perhaps only one *k. The word should be 
avOcvTiKfiv, presumably not the present document. Cf. Br. 
Mus. no. 12 1 1. » Or o-ifWT. 

' Or in some technical sense? Cf. no. 323. 

' efio\ may belong to Ka.. 

' Cf. ? nT*.pK-, Br. Mus. no. 1102. 

' Cf. Br. Mus. Pap. Inv. 1341 (Aphrodito), k-Kerpi- 
i/fa//,t[v] yap roi airooToAu) ij/iaii' \i!r\ a.TroKivr]6^vai ex croij axP'S 
Av ktX. (Bell's copy). 

" ' In danger ' of punishment ? The precise meaning of 
these phrases is obscure. 

S 2 


In the other direction, the address: +e7rtcrTo f i 

(1. 6) '] which thou hast written and sent me, ] no man among them, ] this year, 
or {i) since the water^, ] to me. But {Xolttov) I am decided that the matter, ] thee 
(and) thou hast drawn me up this Hst (/caraypa<^7j), ] send one of those {of whom) 

thou hast written to me. Indeed [ovtus) I know (voelv) not what hath hindered {KcoXvetv) 

thee from sending them hitherto which thou didst write me concerning them. And 

I (desire that ?) thou consent {Treidetv) to remove the strangers from thy pagarchy {Trayapxio) 

these strangers until a 's delay {npodea-iJiia). And (?) I swear to thee by God 

that of a truth, excepting for the sake of God, I will surely excuse not one stranger of 
those from these pagarchies whose names ^ I have shown thee, whether (etre) he have 
spent time (xpovos) there, or whether (eire) he have not, but {el fiij n) I will produce 
(TTapia-Tavai) him \ And (\ot.) when thou shalt receive my letters, see to each such stranger, 
dwelling in thy pagarchy, whose names I have written unto thee, of such of them as have 
fled away, from 15 years and under*, that thou send them to me carefully, by my man, 
who will give thee my letters. Lo, too, I have charged {irapa-yyeXeLv) my man that he quit 
thee not ere he shall have received the aforesaid strangers of thee and thou send me them 
with him. And verily (oi/rw?) if thou hast not taken knowledge of them till to-day — Read 
on the back — (verso) and know the place where they are, and prepared them for sending, 
then art thou a man in danger and neglectful {-KaracfypoveLv), liable to be ensnared, that 
valueth his own life (V'^x^O not at all (oXw?). But (Xot.) when thou shalt receive my epistle 

(eVto-T.), send me these strangers carefully send it me, with the names of their 

fathers and the names of their villages the village whence thou hast taken them 

in thy pagarchy. And send (the names of) their children and their wives with them and 
the money that thou hast taken.' 

278 — Papyrus; 2 unconnected fragments; the larger, pxSicm. Script: small, liga- 
tured. J?ecio -^. 

Letter from Flavius Mercurius, a pagarch, through Severus «, to the headmen of the 
villages and the priests {Upevsy of the homesteads {inoUiov), that are (?) rated in his 
a-LyCWiov. It relates to certain workmen (epyarT^s) to be supplied. Details are not clear. 
It is to be noted that for the smaller local subdivisions, the clergy are the responsible 

+ <f)\ p.eplKovpe'' a-v] irayap Si e/xo crevrjpo | neqcg^s.1 [it««.n.]HYe nneTume AAKneoiepe-Yc I 

' I.e. the inundation. ' I.e. of the strangers. « V. no. 177. It should be read in Br. Mus. no 1180 

» 'Except 1 have him produced' would seem more logical. 1. i. Cl. Ganneau, liec. cTArc/i. v. 389, gives an instance 

* C/. Br. Mus. no. 1079, where the returnable age is 14 from mediaeval Palestine, 
and upwards, egpe^i. The reference here to the wives and ' Probably not space for the full name 

children of the strangers would rather require ' upwards '. » S^^Sw would seem merely to add emphasis 

But Matt. ii. 16 shows that cnecHT must have its usual ' ■ Do not stay (spend time) reading my letter and not 

meanmg. CA no. 319. sending.' 



c^e-a^on | eiiAHTTi nT[eTu]eTnooT('co'Y na^y i.yu) ] nnepnT[. . , ,]e . woy . e . ime[ 

279.— Papyrus ; complete; gx6\ cm. Script: z;. PI. i. Recio->. 

Letter requesting Apa Cyrus, son of Colluthus, to supply 3 camels (2 on the 7th, i on 
the 8th), for water-drawing at the amir's house. Dated 7th Phamenoth, 5th Indiction ''. 
Cf. Br. Mus. nos. 1167-1169. 

o-YOJUj UTOK ».nj^ K*Ypi [ KoWo-Yee «uti ujojuieT | efS'jsju.oy'JV enAiia. ruji».g^[ju.oo'Y enni 

enen"^ naoiip*. I cHjvy nco'ycjvujq o-Ya. | wcoyujjuo-YM // ^a/A C e i^/ | Below the text, a clay 
seal without engraving, which, when the papyrus was folded, lay inside. 

280. — Papyrus; complete; pfxiScm. Script: seldom ligatured. Recto \. 

Letter from Zacharias, ' his servant ', to his lord, the comes. 

+ MUjopn jueit ttg^ujq nwji TinpocK-Yiiei HTeTuejuT'^soeic [ ^.i-si mtecg^es.1 HTeTnexiT'soeic 
is.\\\ neTiies'iv'Yon &.ino'A.<5'o'y juin|ncis.g^ ^iKTajp nioo-Yn* &.iigiMe cyn •senTa.necu&.nTJs.'Xon ] 
igojne g^mum i>s<^ [epo]c -senTa^qajione g^jejjme iUJsvKSwpe | JdiiiTc ».inepju.j>kTice * [juijiu-oc e.i's[i] 
Tecec'<?'yH •^e neg^ ] js-'yuo eic igjutoyn iiKosjuuiiw ^ nuje j).i[Tno]o'ycoY KTeTHeiAT-soeic | 
KTs^ig^e nesKOis.^ CTpeno-Y ^ MAieyij^i^pHcixio'Y Skicopno-y js.iTnoo'Yco'y hhth | js.'yco TiKCopuj 
nnaw'soeic nneTnen^. TA.g^oi UTeTiieTi t^oifs^juuuLajJi | e^copiT (above iutUTew) nT€Tne(3'&.Tfon 
nqo-yevg^ TJs.Ke \\is.\ "^ nco'YTcO(5' nujHjui ns'es.ts'e nswi | aw-yto eic ruu.on;)(;^opoc ^-iTnoo-yq KTCTnejUT- 
-soeic jumneq^o-YP * + •xecri/ 

Verso. + Td.&.c nnftw-soeic nKouioc [space] g^iTif^s.^*'?'*'*^ neq(3^».'Y0« + 

'Before everything, I salute {jrpoa-KwCiv) your lordship. I have received your lord- 
ship's letters and have brought your servants and caused them to agree with the 'master' 

Victor, the I enquired, therefore (oSv), on whose account the disturbance (o-Kaj/SaXov) 

had happened, and I found that it had happened on account of the wife of Macarius. Her 
I brought and bastinadoed (TreVart^eiv), and I took her surety {lyyvy]) that she would not 
again {lit. ever) quarrel (/xaxeo-6'at). And here are eight pieces {Koiiiia.) of wood which I have 
sent unto thy lordship. I found these bits remaining over (? XetVetv) : they will not (?) be of 
use (x/o^o-t/Aeueiv), and I cut them (up? off?) and have sent them unto you. And I beseech 
my lord, that your kindness reach me, and that you give Phoebammon, the guardian, and 

1 Y. no. 342. of wood, as here. In Leont. Neapol. xix, Gelzer, of marble. 

= I 'had hesitated to read e ^1 ; but Messrs. Kenyon ' Altered. The n following is superlined and so, the 

& Grenfell both read so. ' V. no. 226. scribe being elsewhere consequent, should not end a word. 

» Of Trekfjiari^w I find only one instance {Uiymol. But with mxcy- cf. nitec- above. 

Magn\ Cf. iHH iine\AJLe> as a punishment, Crum, Copt. ' Or Te>.K en^i? t^kb for Tws-e seems improbable. 

MSS., no. xi. ' Cf- Crum. '^•f^''-' ^^- 4^ "• For ^e ring-key, v. Gayet, 

" lnKRAi.LCCxlii,Rossi,iVi«w.Co<f.64, tArt Copte 58, Strzygowski's Cairo Catal., p. 337. 


the ass unto thy servant (? i. e. me), so that he continue to bake (?) for me, and that I may 
have a few loaves baked. And here is the bolt O^oxXo's) ; I have sent it to your lordship, 
with its key. (I salute) thee, master (Seo-TroVa).' 

281.— Papyrus ; almost complete ; lo x 32 cm. Script : clear, seldom ligatured. Recto f. 
Note that 2. has the form oi\. 

Letter from the headmen of Pouani, his 'servants', who 'venture {jo\\Lav) to write 
to their lord, Apa Victor'. He had written to them, but his messenger could not be 
found, and they now request him to represent them before the comes and arrange the 
despatch of certain business. 

TeK[«.nT'so€Jc] 1 epneiinpocwnon ^ jiHDLtjs. junKoxiec iifeTMOcy npcojjie ita^n eficiLie* epotj jsnon 
»[(5'o'Y^ AinneyJlepHoy TenTenpojAte ^ thocy Tey^JvpicTiJs. mhth 'xeavintoTV.s' ks^i c*.p 

Teuea^pg^e'' .tttt[ ] | xtnRoiACc {sw-yco eT6et^o\oKOTT« xuLi8vK&.pe eTnecg^a.1 rijiwtt CT^iHTfe 

enuj&.wei eg^pj>.i Te[tt ] | njmepiciuioc ^ eyigikKT«v*\oq K&.q en.«.epicAioc «jjs.Kg^e poq'yTawXoq KToq MiydkfiTB.[ ] | +o'ys&.i g^jmn-soeic -t- 

Verso. TJ>wj(.c AAnen-soeic nennp[ocT]*.T[Hc] [space] nK^ypic ».njs. iiiRToip + g^iTnneq(?^js.oyo« | 
n^nno'ye jui[no'y]».« + 

282.— Papyrus ; a fragment; 9x31 cm. Script: ligatureless. Recto \. 

Letter from to his ' God-guarded master and brother, the lord Theodore, the 

great comes ' '. It treats of various matters, giving instructions as to payment for certain 
clothes and the purchase of provisions. The bishop and dux are mentioned; also Antinoe. 

]uj».pen<xii.Kwn cicoii ej eTno"\ic T*.g^A«. nK-yp/ Kypi ndwTen?V.JvTejv ^o A»n».njv «weiv«j^ce 
AAitnKypi ».n». Kypi nige n"\».TOtt" | Jnenicuonoc -i^e ng^oyo uja^''JVe! iuumoqi^ nq-smoy 
n-xoy^ gj^poi j^yw jxnpTi ^e^^^y AAn-i.ievR°/ j.e».H».ce uja^itTcq | ]ROTe enei eq^HK . inenic- 
Ronoc's iv-yw eujwne Aine».nj>. ».eJ^^^^cc ix\ kjvctpoaahh eneqHi fiiToy cttwr ctor Anng^coq | ]ome 
ujjvnTencsoeic ^i iioeiT g^HTH qHiiT en»JH j^yto rw nemqT «nH! TiToofeefe e-xoinpo jvvw rw 

^itTiRoo-Y I T]pix*Hcin n«[ ]co)«e Tpocic -r^q nj.i e^oy^^oc ^.yoj linnoTei* h^'^ooc 

csej.STi oyRep^.Tm «^.q ^icowqi^ | e]caje.«Q£ooc on •^ses.ioyw'se " ncji»s.nH« '^ „j^^ ^,^0^ ^^ 

\ j^'^/'^^" M V, 1 • . ^ ° ^° *^ ^'^^^ ^^'^'■^^^- ^"' the Coptic line accom- 

» V. no Ti '" Pl";=-"a»e 's found. panying it has simply ' My brother, Apa Th.' 

. 0.321. cxiiie. " TA-axEra as a place-name is unknown. 

Kead neTitsi- or Teitita.-. ° Read TettToe- " Of 5 a ' -d ^ a i 

^appctv. For the mserted h, cf. Br. Mus. no. 1 1 2 3. " Altered. i3 pfrst letters not » n nor nrf. 

; Should refer to partition of property. But cf. phrases " Altered from ^nno J °' AUered 

m Krall Ixiv, Ixv. . p. „,_ ^^^_ „ ^_ ^^_ ^^^_ ^- 



pjvTm c».p I ] . . evyio e^wne 2^ . . . oyc Tnoo-y o-ycoiui n'\&.js.'Y oycojui ii».i jsw^oi cg^j^i g^oiq nijui | 
jcooyw A.n "SKTawTM . . . oyoY iSw-yoi Toofioy + 

Verso. + T&) deo(f)vX°-/ jx Secr^/ aSeX^w ku/jw [space] Oeo^ojpo? tw jaeyaX° koju'^ 7r[ | o aSeX^[ | 
+ n&.co« s>.njs. eeo-xwpe [space] TieniCTO?V.H juinRyp[ | n&,[T]n'\jvTee>>. + 

283 — Papyrus; 2 fragments; the larger, 12x23 cm. Script: irregular; cf. Br. Mus. 
Catal., PI. 14, no. 1024. Recto \. 

Letter to a comes, to whom, the writer says, he has sent the fishermen. 

cjg^iwi nneq-isoeic nKOJUiic •xeg^a.eH n[ | ]tit&juo «TeTne*ieT[ | ]a«au.e[ | ? lines lost | ]&.Tneju.e 
[ I ]js.p enig^ooy e-yTi xxooy e&oX [ | ]£»*«>. nnenT&.-yTSw&.y niM ee eTneKe^eye jmoc [ JnTwig 
jviTKOoyq MHTM eTfienecYwg^e -aLC eic g^HHTe SkiTMocyccY «Te | JyeiT eTfiedwita^ituvc -xe jutifiiR- 
Tcop eic g^HTe a^Y^o eyg^Hno'ypi?! eujuine tgt | ]Ke'\e'Ye tojuj oya^ nz^i juio« ju.iojntoTV.ts' ^ 
juin«a<noRpicic eTe^oici^. ju.mho'ytk | ]«>.T'<^ oyxiwi g^M-n-xoeic + 

Verso blank. 

284. — Papyrus; a fragment; iiix2icm. Script: ligatureless. Recto \. 

Letter from to ' his lord, the comes '. The dyke (x^ij-o.) is often mentioned, and 

the cattle to be pastured (?) there. 

iKTieq-xoeic nKOAiic oseaviujcon KJvg^ice THpoy g^itnee? | ]oipoq ».'y'^°'^"^ i^i-sooy eg^pa^i 
MOjA-'xe n.ejuLis.oy | jTKHg^e &oxs. epon g^nnHTeqnoo'ye eHitToy^iiixxis. |n]e(3'(3'ptO(5' ^ ^.-Y^ 
js.ia)2^»w«KHc n^vne ncYKTpoiqi* nt>.i | ]pcoiut»AeTiJuie THpo-y •se&.KTi ?V.octoc na.n awRO^wn nen | 
n]2.Rd. KHpiojuie na.« eitoTV. s.n nK-ycene «s.nwpHR eiio\ \ ] -seKneneKTi "Xortoc na.'Y ne<sj>.'Y 
«*.! "xeivg^g^ev 5 ivRTi I ]ujo«Te eic g^Hxe eic n7\.oc nwi'soo-yq mhthr [ ]nt^u)£i a.-y^ fccoien « -soo-y 

Verso. ](3'onoy e-ypcug^x ng^ng^oiTe «a.i ne-y | InRiviXe-yo-ye' -se ee Kjvy g^iono-yq 

jvig^e I I'ya.RW lujii. na^n ».i8.g^HT « a^pnc nR-yo-ye^ [ Joy Ta.-xoo-ycoy mhthm jvyto eujwne 
TeTiiHRa^i I liJinn».no-yHpijje ita.! ^o\ Taw-soo-y na^i rhthh e£pa.i [ iT^pitic itnexwAia. 

In other direction : -? Jf S ^ [^, the round mark having been crossed by the ribbon. 

285.— Papyrus ; almost complete ; 34 x i3 cm. Script : moderately ligatured. Recto f. 
Letter from Zacharias to 'his sincere friend (yi^TjVios <^aos) Rashid, the most glorious 
(eVS.) amir' ', referring to the taxes of certain villagers. 

> An unknown noun. ^ C/.Uhe interjection ^ge. 

» This verb, with sxn-, refers usually to a person. ' V. no. 320 &c. 

V. no. 280. ] ;"^^"''- 

' Here and in 1. i perhaps for nen-. ' Or W^t^"^- 

* Or -TpwqH. ApparenUy the village in Kenyon, '' V. nos. 280, 319. 

Calal. iii. 225. 


[ + ] ^*tnp*.n en[«0YTe] -^^^X^py^c nqcg^^i Knqc-itHcioc «^i\oci ^^^,^ ne« Tip[Hn]H 
HNR juteKenc*.n*.i | [.'^]e«pcoiu[n]Ti[iLite] nni^^one . «o« ^ eYenT^<^«^ g^nneAXg^iT «ttjxio[Tr«] 
\omo« KelXe-ye | [. . . .]Km .... ncoyno\^oy e6o\ en[e]T^jj^cpi^^on ^yco €[igcon]e a^ygj^Toy 
noy\!>.^y (nothing ?) l'[ l^^T ^T<^ TejpHitn «TKen[o.o]^ [nosoejic + ey/)/ /., 

Verso. pacr^iS ev a/xi^ ra.p . ^[alxlalp • • • + • • /? '^'^^ • 

286.— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 7^ x 12 cm. Script : ligatured. Recto \. 

Letter to an amir, named Abou Pilal^, [nerraojeic m€i[wt] e^6oy niTv.a.X neynX/ M»^[ip».]. 

Beyond the mention of npwiuie K-^(opoe[€], there is nothing to note. 

287- — Papyrus ; a fragment; 17 x 16 cm. Script : v. PI. 6. Recto f. 

Letter to a high official *, addressed as ' dear brother ', regarding the affairs of ' the 
young deacon Mone '. Above the text, a cross. 

eeotJ^lyTVswK"^/ nen*^ lUAepiT «con 'sees.yT&.juiott | ]».V'? eTno?V.ic &.noy{o«j ecg^^<I enTi | ct]- 
6enRoy! "^uslk"/ ixone CTitecooyH -xej^HTi | ] nj>i.q «q(TSkJvq efio\ above) ^oinoK Redeye ^ 
TeTtieepoyneTttj>.ii | ] a^yoj Re'\e[ye] unepujcon g^pe^ n&.n | ]n€ttTj>.Tneiyonq cjunncTRe^ococ | 
c]eene nTJwTne-siTq enoyq eTiies'cone | ]oTq'wne epwTn ^ TeTKCTi «&.q | ejeot^yA/ 
tten'^ AiepiT neon g^iTUiteicg^iLi + 

Verso : remnants of the address. 

288.— Papyrus ; a fragment; 14IXI1 cm. Script: curved uncials. Not from the 
Ashmunain collection. 

Letter from to Taurinus, a bishop. Besides complimentary phrases, ' the 

monastery ' and ' wool ' are referred to '. 

JTHpq Ainj^g^HT AiHTi^v^yxH I ng^ynonlo'i.ioH nneyoepHTe aattsw ] ] j.yoj ^concn on tctk | 
]neyoyo!Uj nKCTimpoceyxH | JcTigoon Ke«8.i itTcnwoy | ] g^Ain-soeic xep^Te | ]iTnTHyTn 
eeeneere | Iqa.'seoyg-OAA htcth | ]e^^i rtcopT rhth | l^jjuioTnoy n^^R s^yto | ]TJvc«8.nH ne«8.n | 
]n KcopT nqTJvj^y | ]eciioTHoy ttj.« [ ]ior fcipooyig g^j^new | e6o]7y. g^iTOTHyn eqnny | 

^ Cf. Pap.Amh. cliv Kenyon, Cat. iii. 244. Misunder- Br. Mus. no. 11 14), or pagarch (Br. Mus. no. ir.56) or 

standing yvijcrios in Br. Mus. no. loii, I added a needless 'headman' (here no. 339). 

'^'^' " ^^- no- 308. 6 F. no ^46 

' Cf. such names as ni».Po», Pap.Amh., I.e., and ' C/" Br Mik: nnc Tr.-,r tx« u .i,- ^ ■ 

,.,,..,.,„ c ' /- , o/. ur. luus. nos. 1031, 1103, where this verb is 

several with initial Hta-. equally obscure. 

' J^. i>y e"i>T seems unlikely referring to an amtr. « Thp nnnsnal fnrmc ^^ j /. • n 

4 m J. -i .Si' 1 \ /I, o unusual forms concn and aiotk- (transit.) may 

' (Oeoi^vAaKTos, evdofoTarosapply toa«wa(hereno. 282, be noted. 9 r/" nn= -> q*. 

L/. nos. 343) 3°7' 


{verso, in other direction) : ]ei 'se&.n-sjo.'se | ] "xeo-yncyoju imeTn [ ] num CTioo-Yn e-scon | ]4 
imoyspo iuinie | join «a.i utc nno-yTe | T]eTng^2).i&Hc jvyco | ]e cysawi mj.m 

In the original direction : + ^b.b.a juncTt^opj jjine^ £^[no'Yiu.e 1 | Ta.-yP'"^ nenicKo[noc 

289.— Papyrus ; 2 disconnected fragments; the larger, iif x2i| cm. Script: sloping 
uncials ; cf. Crum, Ostraca, PI. i, no. 71. Recto \. 

Letter from Sarapamon, head (?) of the community of the ' rock ' of Apa Thomas 2, 

to , archimandrite =■ of another monastery. Gaps and many illegible letters make 

details obscure. His humility (-eXaxi-o-ros) does obeisance {irpoa-Kweiv) and (greets by 

this letter), till such time as God shall make him worthy to do so in person (Kara Trpoa-conov), 
and so fulfil his joy. He relates that certain youths have fled from the monastery (jJiovao-T.) 

and gone south, to the roVos of There they had induced {irdOuv) certain sailors (?) 

trading in grain, to take them north. The writer has therefore sent his son, the deacon 
Germanus, to seek the fugitives, and begs his ' most saintly (po-iaraTo^) father ' to authorize 
{wpoTpeireiv) that undertaking ikoyoi) be given them in his name (that they shall suffer) 

nothing beyond (Trapa) their strength and that no man shall {irapepx^o-daC) them in any 

wise (and that they shall be readmitted) as before, in peace {elprjvj]). ' For thy most 
saintly {oa-.) fatherhood knoweth {voelv) the storms of youth (and how such) as these are not 
of experience for going abroad, neither know they what it is seduceth (?) them.' He begs 
therefore that the archimandrite will persuade (Tret^etv) and despatch them, that he may 
continue (to be grateful) also in this respect (p-epos). He asks that he maybe worthy to have 
news of his correspondent's health by letter (eV.), that his joy may be full. 

niio-YTe iwevT Mxincga. «pn2vi riktis. npocumon iiTeii».pe>[uje -scok e£io\ ? ] | Koyi nujHpe 

noJT £^AAiiJUio«d.cTHpiou b.y^\ epHc cnTonoc «^Ti[»^ ? ]€nj>wc[. . . I nee-Y fiJiR enci.K co-yo * 
jv-ynjee uumooy eTpeqiTO-y ^ eg^HT nxxsju^y [ ? n».pj>.]Kaw?V.ei «TeTtt|2^oc!(OTJ>.Toc neioiT 

eic neitujHpe n-j^iSwROon c^epjma.Ke j>.iTM[KOO'Yq ? ]«u}"te k|cu)oy HTeximpoTpene 

^& . . . TeTHTi Xot-oc 6 uaw-y £^jiAnd.p[evn ? \i>]t^y ng^wfi na.pdw | Te^'^'o" oy^^ -xeKiie- 

pojime ns^peXee^ xxsLXOoy rs^tj. 7y.i!i.-v rcjuiot . . [ ? ]9« KTe-yg^e g^n^|pHnH ose-reTn- 

2^oci(OTJ.TOC neiwT uoi iiKg^oeum nTJUUTUjHpe . [ ? ]^Teixiine <sence|'sonT jvk efcioR 

enujAAAAO oya.e ncecoo-yn i>.[n\ iineTqs juumooy 's[e ? nj^pjvRjv]\ei nTeTMAA«T|e!u)T 
Td^peTimiee Mjuooy iiTeTnTWMOo'Yco'Y nswii Te^pnAto-yn e&o[\ est ? TeT«Aa]uTei(OT 

» The same style of address in Jiev. /gyp. ix. 137, 139, ^^.k is uncertain. ' Corn-grinding ' (erne) seems unlikely. 

142 &c and Crum, Ostr. no. 50. Contrast Br. Mus. C/ in a Balaiza (Petrie) fragm. c^k^ht, an obscure noun, 
no 1 121. All these are to bishops. and Br. Mus. no. 487, TC^KAxooy. 

» F nos 124 294 " -^^l ^"' illegible; v above quite uncertam. 

' 6,^ta,Taros usually a bishop's epithet: 7?ev. /gypt. ix. " Cf. the formula, ' Here is God's word to thee,' Crum, 

143 i4<5 &c., Br. Mus. nos. 449, SM- Here o<rc<5r,?. (as in Odr. nos. 107 &c., and especially Guidi m Rendu. 1906, ig. 
a fra- Br Mus. Or. 6201 b) was intended, or a form with ' Exact meaning doubtful, as m Crum, /. c, no. in. 
x^ht!'; v. the gender. Cf. eeo^ca in no. 339- Cf ? the obscure use in Fap. Amh. civ. 

* Or ? ite eyiHK, or eyfiHKe (AeKe). The sense of 


nTenen|p*.«je -swr efeoTV. f o-y-s*.! ^riT-g-oxi nTCTpia^c eToyj^Jvfe «g^OA*ooYc[ioc ? | 

Verso. ] ? swpxi"*^"'^^/ [space] cjvpjvnsjuumcon nTneTJpa. nbMb. oaiAAa.c 

290.— Paper ; complete ; 19 x 14 cm. Script : upright, of Zoega's 9th class. 28 lines. 
The leaf was folded six times in width, once in height. Phrases and words are often 
separated by a colon. 

Letter addressed in adulatory terms to a superior, whom the writer begs to accompany 
him to 'Apa Antonius', presumably the famous monastery in the eastern desert, mentioned 
also in a Cairo papyrus (8025). 

^ c-yu a^itoK nipeqepnofce uhd^^s.hTv. nijuno) ^tgme tK-^iM --^epg^oYO npocRine &.y{o ■■^na.g^T 


g^i'suin&.g^o eio^YwigT niieo'YepHTe ^nn^-xoeic rteioiT na^n^s. (5) eeto-^op niujoyTdwioq g^iTxinwo-yTe 
ju««po)AAe T\er(LSiXi>.MXi>.hJT g^Atneqfuoc Sw-yca eToyaJi g^Aineqg^HT nujoYUjoy UTeiLVjr'y^H *.yoi 
nco\c€\ jmna^g^HT epenoc Tc ne^c Ta>.juoi encKg^o g^txoYp^io)uje enei-^H eic g^s^g^ ng^oo'y 
e'siMTi.ei eT'xiJ)wK[on]!dw ^ eiajnie itca^fiajK eg^o-YH Js.n;>w a^iiTcom iuinen&.?V.g^j>^i ^ etgfiiT eg^cyn 
eT£iett8k\g^e(5'oc * eyg^mTWO'Y ^ o'Y'^e AtncTg^oTe Riwa>.T TJvei TB>.(i5)!3'en neKcgine ?V.oino« eic 
TiAACTawitid. " eTfiienncyTe TCRei Te«£icoH eg^cyri ejs.Tie>. jswiiTconi Tenoyeg^ neng^o g^i-xnitettepH'y ^ 
awpH-y uj&.Mepnejuinuj».. ^ TCMoyeg^ «e«Keec g^Al.^Ju.^s. e.TxxsiXh^'^ (20) -"^juiee-ye 'seuje>.yepg^(o6 
eTAppeqK! " g^^cui MKYpi&.KH TfeiificoK eg^oyit g^xino-ytouj jmnno'yTe g^«Tjuieg^ce».iijfie 
uj&.«(3'on nA."\AA».giJie?V. " Tena.'A.H epoq s.iton necttes.'y ^^^wjirie epoK Ki!>.\oc (25) a^Yoo '^ na^igine 
ju.Tt&.'2£oeic KeioiT Mg-YKo-YXiienoc im cTet^en junniveitoT &,no'Y?'YJLiJH[« " junmcnHy THpo-y 
cyssa..! g^AJinoc dJUHtt nn ca.'yoTV. ujiiie epoK kj^Xoc 

'With God('s help) ! I, the sinner Michael, the dumb man, greet and greatly reverence 
{irpoa-Kwfiv) and cast myself upon my face, worshipping the feet of my lord father. Papa 
Theodore, honorable before God and man, who is blessed in his life and holy in his heart, 
the pride of my soul (^pv.) and solace of my heart. The Lord Jesus Christ show me thy 
face in gladness ! Now (eVetSr?) it is many days since I came to the service {SiaKovia) and 

sought means to go to Apa Antonius ; and the have not been able to bring me 

(thither), because of the that are on the desert, nor (ovSe) did fear suffer me to go 

and visit thee. But (XoittoV) I humbly beg (-/.erai^ota), for God's sake, that thou come and that 
we go to Apa Antonius and lay our faces one to another : perhaps we shall be held worthy 
to lay our bones there. I think that they will be preparing the caravan (?) on the 6th Sunday 
{KvpcaKT]) and we (will) go thither, if it be God's will, on the 7th : we will take the litter (?) 

^ Cyi iv T<u /ie/DEi TouTO), 2 Cor. ix. 3 &C. 9 ? jLiLjJl 

" Some ' service ' connected with monastic life. F.Br. i» l.^ Thp scpr^^ i;tt=r .=.,f • ,t ^^ , 

AT„c n^ .fin s A„u,v \ I 11 1 „ '^'^ ' -^ "^ ^^"^■^^cl litter, scHt siHce 1 2 7 2 (Lanc, iT/ofi?. 

Mus. no. 463. Arabic. 6.\p4.ieig less like y. PJo- ch nW tr. M^kt^ ^o^ ^ i u ■ • 

,.,. B<-n .'.ui. , -^6 •' '^''- -"^'^ to ™ekka, cannot be here in question. 

' ^.pHT ig*.pe- in Krall ccxvm. 19, 22, Erman, J^opi. here no qoo verso <vuoy;viOYAieA ana 

Volksh'ii. 6. ■ ^ ^ 



and mount thereon, both together. I greet thee much (KaXws). And give my greeting to 
my lord father the hegumenns, Papa Stephen, and my father Apouhoumfen and all the 
brethren. Farewell in the Lord. Amen. Papa Saul greets thee much (/caX^s).' 

Verso blank. 

291--^Papyrus ; complete; 6^x36 cm. Script: even, sloping uncials; cf. Crum, 
Ostraca, PI. i, no. 71. Recto \. Not from the Ashmunain collection. 
Letter to an ecclesiastical superior. 

■<^ eic neiuLHT nujco^Vg^ hkcyj iiKiig^np^ a.iTMKoo'Ycoy uuiujxto'Yne x]Lti2vipe it^juc aw-yw 
oyAta^ipe ] nep&inc 2 ju.hujo'X cua.'y noitj epejunT2>wce iifeto ^ g^iwo-Y ^y^^ c&.ujq oys'oc n\iiTp/ 
iicTHiAoy * en».jnp/ jui».pKocne neTcoTn -iwe eg^oifi niiu. Tii&.cn&.'^e juneg^\o<5' nTeKJurtTjuuvinoyTe 
eTjuinigjs, nT&,io «iAt | juiitneKJU.epes,Te eTiux!ui&.u Ki>.Te>w pjs.n enevof'ses.i g^iineTUU}?V.H?V. ero'^^is.isSi 

' Here have I sent these 10 sprigs of small artichokes and 8 bundles of straw and 
a bundle of papyrus and 2 bunches of lettuce, having 16 leaves on each (?), and 7! liters 
of stibium (?), belonging to the priest Mark. Yet (8e) what is above all valuable : we greet 
(do-Tra^etv) the sweetness of thy piety, that is worthy of all honour, and our beloved that are 
with thee, by name. May we keep health through thy saintly prayers. The Holy Trinity.' 

292. — Papyrus; 2 disconnected fragments; the larger, 10x19! cm. Script: early 

uncials. V. PI. 5. Recto -*. 

Letter to a superior, whom the writer entreats to remember him and no longer to 
regard him as a stranger, citing Matt. ix. 12. He professes his devotion and asks for 
a letter, while referring to one previously written to 'my brother Comodus''. The idiom 
is peculiar, e. g. ei = i, ujujee, axw- = aimt-, Aieey, Ke>.e.c, in?i.p, M-a.e «. 

sic , 

eyouj eAiJvTe neTeijjiaeene eTpeKpne^xiee-Y itpeq ] ji^TeKAAine i.-yto eTTs.eiH'y ^AinuoyTe nxeKg^e 
Hn ena. m^rc 1 ] neTO-YO-s ni?avp eujoone juumeq-si nea^em epoq Ra^Ta. ee | Te]MO'y(5'e na^eicoT 
CTTa^esHy ^nawpjs.He>w?V.ei juuutou Ha.a.c CKcp | ] epoei uee nniujJX«.o ^th^ C'a.p epoK £^A*naw^HT 
njvpa. iiCT 1 ]y juuuok g^iiinctojuia. na^g^HT u-Ji.e uioRg^ ejue^Te -senKwn xi. \ ]k oyTe g^uuero'YHTf 
iuumoK ituTawCio t'a.p a.« AAoei epnajuieey | ]t eujcone eg^n^K n2veicoT CTT^veiHy cg^j^ei iio-y- 
enicToXH jla| ]\ Aiumoei eTOOTq itee MTa^KCg^avei« KOAiooi.e ckcyh | ]c nevei •xea.KCg^awei 
Ka.q eTlliHTq URTJUts-wiOT eTa.w.nXa.J^-y | ]o kjv . KJVT^. [n]e2^£tfio-y[e | a line lost here 


' V. Br. Mus. no. 1 1 1 4. ' "^ ^^"^"' °^ """• 

» C/ epAin t^jy. KiRCHER 198 (Peyron's reference, ' Perhaps recurs in Vitelli no. 64. Ko/i/.oSos seems 

p. 41, is incomplete), Labib, DicL, ^'3f improbable. 

» Possibly • stalk' rather than ' leaf. ' For the last v. nos. 6 and 314 

T 2 

I40 SA^DIC MANUSCRIPTS n*.q ^«o-y[ | ]k ecenctonn 8.«or «^J.p wniujcn | n]^ev(OT eTTJ^eiHTf ^yo) 

nK(3^wujT epoei nee itniujAiiuio | ]ai nee «o['ya.] nneRAA[e]p».Te [ 

Verso blank. 

293.— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 6| x 25 cm. Script : v. PI. 5- C/. no. 352 and Brit. Mus. 
CataL, PI. I, no. 395. Redo f . 

Letter from to his 'dear father, Apa Hagor^'. 

iTa.K'soo-f [«]j.i [juinj!.ci]wT no^iawRwit -seKa^TJ. na.tta.uj ero-yTn utnnenepHY | Jne g^iTHAAHTe 
AAvmR-ypic a.n«. fciRTwp t^a^pa^mTHc -^ ^no'Y s^noR Aie« uja.^RO'Y na.'X.ot'oc | la.fco'Xei A*en 
eujwne htor ro-ycouj efiw^V. n\ococ efioTV. ro juneR-soeic ^ nnoyTC ita. | ] A*nivit«wig i^yin 
eTfeenAAa. nna^no-Yn eK^j».ttei epnc Ro-yujuj ro) | ] igj>.tt«a.Titd.q rj>.ijui&. n^VHR AinpTeTCRX^yx"* 
o\n?wpi epoi g^n'A.js.Jk.'Y e | itejncpHy -^ oy's.a^.i g^xin-soeic + 

Verso. -^ T&.j>.c juinajuepiT kkot &.n». g^a. [space] i^^op g^iTR[ 

294. — Papyrus ; a fragment ; 6| x 30 cm. Script : sloping, ligatureless. Recto \ . 

Letter from to ' the pious and reverend Apa Amoun, father of the ' rock ' ^ of 

Apa Thomas', referring to a deed of gift (Swpea) of a garden, and ending, 'And believe 
me, that nothing that I can do for you will I conceal from you.' 

[ + ] iwi'si TenicTO^H'yTe ey.'Yw eic g^HHxe &.icg^awi CT-sawcp^ e».ig^tOK eTOOTOY | 
[about 16 let.]cToc 'xeno'Yei efco\ g^A*neig^wfe cnei-^H owicoig T-aktope^. HTcigitrt | [about 12 let.] 
TA^awC tiHTti eg^o-YR exneTpa. Js.Y[ai] nicTe'Y[e «]js.i ■seg^oife ihjji e->^««wUj(5'AJi<5'oju. | [eA.]&.q nHT« 
■^Rawg^onq epoiTR ».« o-y-sa.! g^Ain-soeic -^ 

Verso. [+ Ti.]iwc AAnAAawiHoyTe ».yoi cTTa.iH'Y [space] i\n»w Swiuo-yn neioiT nTneTpe>w 
n^kn^. ecojuLd^c [ ? | 

295.— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 14 x 22 cm. Script : hgatureless ; cf. Crum, Ostraca, 
PI. I, no. 71, though the type is different. Recto \. Note the breathing here on h (^), as 
in Sinuthian and other parchment MSS. 

^ Letter to an ecclesiastical (?) superior, regarding a dispute as to the management 
(StoiKTjo-is) of certain commemorative offerings {irpoa-^opa) \ 

]^i-sooc epoo[-y ^]e[. . . no]tgq nc's^Tf "^^ •:£exino['Y . . ] I 1 'Vn^^pxRe.'Xei HTeKAinTeioiT 
cTpeRpTJ^n^ I ] A RceqjTq nj^y THpq enei enaja.nRi.j.q nxei^c | ]\^8.y tiomncic M^nxq 

' ^- "°- 2 ==4- « Read MnpTpe-. 

= /.^. 'of Pharan' in Sinai. (The ref. Tattam, Lex. s y. no% 124 289 

872 appears to be wrong ; Zoega clix does not show the « A line" over' cp "supports this reading. Person or 

word.) pla(,g p 

' A similar locution, Mission fram. iv. 824. 7 v r„„,, n 1 t> nyr 

J •' '^- V. Crum, Ostr. no. 135, Br.Mus.nos. 398, 399, 445. 



dw-yio ivnecMH-Y ^oiR efeoX | Ai]nm&.pj».tTe .njuoq -sinAincstoco'Xe oy-jk.e nKe'ptoAAe cancelled) | 
■xioiJRHTHc 1 lAniiiA.'y epoq osiitju.n'soiojTv.e o-y^e | ]\i^'^ iig^ojfe cic g^HHTe a^iTajue TeKAtUTeitOT | 
]ko e-ytga^nnoajq ^T^>.p no-yaw no-ya^ Mi^qi poo-YUJ 2.^ \ jnpoct^op*. nT£fuuLd^Kd.pie< \ujLi<i>.y &oi 
ecxiHii e 1 ]TeKA«.UTei(*iT •seH^M&.Kj)w&.'Y a^n e-si ?V.[&.]6L'y ax | ».ko]k g^uicoT H'^-ud.tji a^n h «ceqiTq 
THpq me. | npoct^ojpjk, Xo g^i-stoi h ncenoujq iiT^-p'soeic en&. | ] s>.pi T&,ej)>.nH uctyTVjtX e-xton 
HTen-soeic njvg^^ | ] KJs.n ne«AtepiT iieKOT + h a>.»7i&, T[p]i&.c + + + 

296. — Papyrus; a fragment ; iix2i|cm. Script: ligatureless. Redo \. 

Letter from 'the humble' , 'who ventures to write to his lady mother,' whose 

feet he kisses. He, from the mention of his 'son, Apa Mena', is perhaps an abbot; she an 
abbess. He has a request to her : ' I know (that everything that thou dost ask) of the Lord 
befalleth.' ' If I should do all, yet could not I repay (thee for all) thou hast done for me.' 

JeTV-ftw^iCTOc nqTo\»ji&. qcg^a^i ep&.Tq iiTq-xoeic iuuu.Js.a,.'Y | ] ng^wq itiui TiA-cn^.'^e enncHT 
eno'YO'YpHTe i>sf<Xi Tiujiiie | R]a^T«>. Kcypawii jsw-yio enei-xH a.n&.con -xiocKopoc ei eg^HT a.q-xooc | 
cJHnHAAa. [. . ,]uj e-yo MMTHT[ne]*jiine ep^xioi'XH ^ iuitptoiuie | JcyigHpe [Tinj>.]pes.Ki.'\ei o['y«] €jjlo 
Ta^pcTivyo n&.p&.n | ]cnj^g^[. .]n . e . . eip[e nJAtoc MTa^.-yujoine Tico[o'yn] | ]oq nTOOTq jun-soeic 
[e]6jvujo>ne a.-ytJi g^wq «ia* ] ]" vJr&Ju.«>.pe'Yc * cg^js.i ms.\ T^.'xejTq iie «.nep[. .] | ]e i^'^m eitg&.nep- 
g^ooq nixt 'i.ia.cju.evg^e ^ ^.n [...][] . ewpa^a^Y nsxi i.yui ujme eTa^ctone T^>.^»».TIH Tono-y | ]Tiujme 
CTaw-soeic lAiAJs.a.'y Tono-y a^-yui T«.«jOA)iTe |n]«.uiHpe s^n^. jyi[H]u*w igme epo TOito-y 2^710 npo[. .] | 
ojjme epo TOKO-y ak-yto Tiujiite eTis.c^a.nH«[e] | ojysi).! g^Ain'soeic h js.»?jjv Tpii^c -^ --f . 

Verso. '^ TKb^.a nTa«.'socic xx [space] jut&.[js.'y 

297.— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 8| x 22 cm. Script : sloping, ligatureless. Redo f • 
Letter to a superior, wherein reference is made to ' the father of orphans and judge of 


Above 1. I a cross. 

^ npoc TeTiiKeAe-ycic b.i's.ooy eiao'X Aine[ ] j».i'sooYq hhth enei-i^H o-yn awitKoyi [ | AineitoT 

MMopt^j>.MOc juKncKpjTHc tt[«e]x[«]p[^ 1 nc<'V*^*Y^':'MW"H iia^i Ta.g'iiTO'y Ta.Ka.j^'y dio\ + 

Verso. ] [central space] x"^ 

298.— Papyrus; complete; 15x12cm. Script : ligatured. Verso -^. 

Letter to a superior regarding the measurement of certain land and money 

1 Here presumably the administrator of private pro- ' Apparently Sa/^apcvs as a name. (^ perhaps Cled at, 
perty, not a magistrate. C/. nos. 354, 369. Baouil, pi. xxix, e.n*^ <|rj^i.piTHC, and Crum, I.e., p. xviii, 

2 n».gxien. note 3. 

= XoXri. Cf. Crum, Oslr., no. 325, here no. 305. ' For ^n6.iHAi«.2e {/em). 


:\omoii c^^.! neR«oieiu« | na.i Ti.(on e-soq TinpocK/ ne | blank 

i?.c^. : remains of an earlier Arabic text and of a still earlier account in Greek numerals. 

299.-Papyrus; a fragment; i6|x 15 cm. Script: ligatureless. Ve^^so-^. 
Letter to a superior, of obscure purport. 

niieefe | ]e enneYO-Y^^eie e-yxepo^ I iT^ 'seAl^.«(5'me t««^2.0Y I ]^**^" £^n-xcpipK | 

lo-ye T..KO> 2.0T" e«eYeu,oi 1 ]nHH eie c^^^i ene.nH-ye | ]«n^o.oeic ujcone eT&e | ]t(o^ e«^ 
^.W*. c^.IT^.J.'Y I i]cj.H uji.TK eno-YHp . . . . [ ]c*.TeT^ce ««ok n^ie ] ]r ^ei ^^oy eope^ erefce ] 
]».K ^>.'XHT[^^^.T(J0XOc + Tinpoc \ ] 

Recto. + [na.j'xoeic iiiti.i' [space] [ 

Also traces of an earlier text, the address of which is visible : 

+ [Tb^iKc] n^oi!ii.3ULXM.i^n [space] nKi>>pTiu)[nHc] ' ^iT«['^j.]XJ^pi»'9 [ 

300.— Papyrus ; a fragment; loxiocm. Script: ligatureless. Redo f. 

Letter to a superior, apparently from an absent member of his household ('our 
honorable house'). Antinoe is mentioned. 

n]o toq max pn . . eK[ ] OY]epHTe xinTeKAAnTn[ ] ]nneuHi THpq tte'Y?V.oiT[iAAeitoc | 

]Hc iUttconiHHAii 8 rrnee[q | ] K[o]?V.'\».eon e"if£^«a^HT!noo[Y | ]&TOO'y nujon ».[ \ ]TJvTtoeH[KH | 
]g_«tte[ 1 

Verso. T]i.8vC nnekXiepiT itcsoeic iteiWT [ 

301- — Papyrus; a fragment; 13 x loi cm. Script: moderately ligatured, early type. 
Redo -^ . 

Letter to a superior, containing a request. The script and the mention of Apa Shoi 
suggest a connection with nos. 268, 269. 

] iu.Tts.o'yoiJUj ev?V.\i^ | ]h&.c 'S€j»cjui[. .] MTO-xei | ] e&.nis. ujoei eswiTnoo-Yq ] ] '^soeic [n]a.ei(jOT 
eej».^ioY I ]jui&.pecg^io epoei e | ] •seAAiiXawS^Y rtA.».«Ti ^ | ]o'Yeg^cjs.g^K[e] n^i AiniTce'" | ]cg^Js.i 
!tjs.ei CT^ie ujoi ik.t'es.eo ] ev]ia.nis.c'K»L'^e exioq ct^ihtk | jLi]npTco T«.2k.^iojcic efio\ | ]pg^iofi [. . .] 
Ain2s.g^e'\. r'i.p e^ii | ]c^BwC«(ot'H [. .]c j 

1 From Pniotone 'transfer'. pleasure'. But a fragment in Br. Mus. Or. 6201 b has o-yio 

' PPiJall. C/. no. 374. neunoeixiA. OY«oai'ne. 
' diravTav. " V. no. 158. ' F. no. 212. 

'■ 'They took of me.' This seems to be the meaning ' This name as cohxh**. 386. 

in no. 324 &C. » ? dvrtXe'yetv. 

" Recurs in Br. Mus. no. 11 16. Perhaps ^ 'thy " Sic. Read here tctc and below tcto. 



302.— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 13 x 13I cm. Script : almost ligatureless. Recto \ . 

Letter from Paul of Simou \ a servant, giving news and saying that he is sending 
certain things. 

^ ^eK3'^.o'You nj^-Y^Ve npwAiciAioy [ ] ^j^en xxn itg^toq miai TinpocK['ynei | e.iTUoo'Yq 

coa^iuj 3 cnjvy n . [ | i^Yco tgenno'yTe ^ena^g^e . [ | blank 
Verso. g^i]T«neK(3'i.oyo« na.-yXe np * 

303 — Papyrus; a fragment; 8x9! cm. Script: moderately ligatured. Possibly the 
same as no. 302. Redo \. 

Letter from Paul the /3o'j?6'os, of Parow', his servant, to Theodoracius the xap7•ouXaplos^ 
mentioning Easter {avda-raa-L^)''. 

+ neTneg-a.-yoH [n]a.Y?V.e n£icoHe[oc | ee'Y-a.copa.Ke [n]exJ>-pTo'\a.pH[c | 2^&.T«wiid.cTi>.[ci]c 
Ainex^ eic . [ | KtTv.e-ye iuieT[ne](5^ewyoH nco[y | Tiviiji [ J nnn epnc i,.y[ | na.i <seYiteT[ | 
«g^oj£i aL'XKTeTn[e | 

Verso. g^]iTHneK3'iiw*Yon nis.'y'Xe n^wHe/ nn&,pooY 

304. — Papyrus; a fragment; Sxioicm. Script: almost ligatureless. Recto \. 
Letter to (?) Phoebammon. It contains the phrase [n]iijev ttT&.Hd.cT*.c!c nne^. 

305. — Papyrus; a fragment; io|xi4cm. Script: ligatured. Recto \. 
Letter, probably from a servant (s's^'yon) to his master. Shmoun is mentioned. 
ne]qTo'\jui&. eqcg^is.1 nneqosoeic ] T]inpocKyiiH UTeTneAinT'soeic | ]eipD(;^o\H nc&.q eT^ie [ 

sic ' . . ' 

]eii g^'YJiJAio'yK jveiju. «g^epo'yo'2£ | ] 'seitog^dwitnHC ncjs.g^ nTixie * | ]\hx. neqccauiiw js.q-si ne-ycn- 
T&.'^in I ] ujen.nTeT«eg^e e-iSoK. nciou | ] nnju.ei'^OTepoc ' Td^pq^^oi epon | ] nosoeic -xecn + 

Verso. ]c^j [space] x-***^ ^ [ 

306. — Paper; a fragment; 8|xiocm. Script: sloping, ligatureless. n is v. 

Letter from a servant {v. address), referring to financial transactions with flax and 
barley, and mentioning ApourrCshet (Abu '1-Rashid). 

] Tiujme TeKiiiHTUj«.?L . | ] . noc g^ivpeg^ eneRwng^" q^^M^^ltP**^ ^^"^ 2^i]^HciJv qn^. 
neKpiwUje . | ] wixi epenoc Ki>.is.K'YppaiujeT | ]r&\ nceene neqcmneii j^-yto ».qTi..|i]o-ycTe 

^ V. no. 401. "^ Not pojmne. ' Scarcely the high official in nos. 129, 207. 

2 V. Br. Mus. no. 1102. * I cannot read ciaioy here. ' Not generally so designated. V. next no. and Crum, 

^ C/. in Br. Mus. Or. 6201 a, t^oi nTa.n«>pooy. 60 n. * He recurs in no. 329. 

Another ns^poi is an hroUwv in a Jkow fragment. ' V. no. 178. " V. nos. 309, 317, 337. 


144 ^ 

LJt eino>ppa>B.T 1 (verso) nl=HUorc .jo^n """'f""'';',- ' ' i^X Uo^ neH^me 

In the other direction, the address: n^K<^^o'^[on \ ] ^nXi>^ [ 

307— Papyrus. The recto of no. 260. Script: semi-uncials. -,^.„„„, 

lL from his 'servant', PhUip^ to 'his lord', beginning ^^^f^l^^J;^^^. 

^x ^ r I ^ mnrp Unps couta n ng the words nj^n-sip Mce>.RTq 
nenpocKHni Aineq-xoeic kj>.t». t - [ ] o more nnes LuuLcmiiiig 

Atei-Xo g^i-sioq u}[j.nT, and ending [o-YJ-^i^i g^xin<soejc TecnoTJ^ / 

308.-Papyrus ; a fragment ; 9 x i8| cm. Script : large, rarely ligatured Redo t • 
Letter from his 'servant', John, to a superior. He is ventunng (roX/xa.) to send 
some fish and other things. 

«!>.« j>.p[i 1 Ta.KJvnH nejuiNii pwcone + •i.ecnoT[a. | 

Verso : (different hand?) x/^y ifd 

309.— Paper; a fragment; io|x7cm. ^ 

Script : c/. Crum, Coptic MSS., PI. 3, xv. ^ 

Letter from a servant to his master. ti^..**^— -^ 

^ neK2^**e^\ [ 1 ^npocKHMM «[ ] 4 ^ -1^ *« i 1 A\ ^ ' y' 

«.[ I "xenTSwicg^Jvi [ I a^ny-Y" o-yepToq [ • 'lO 

F^r50. An Arabic Receipt (later). 'Abd 
al-Maslh ^ brother of Abu '1-Yumin, has paid 
^o\, for A.H. 388 = A.D. 998, f + l dinar and 
i + 1 ^ira/, towards the taxes jb^^ of Ashmu- 
nain. Scribe : ? Bishai ^jI^j, son of Shanu- 

310- — Papyrus ; a fragment ; 17 x 12 cm. Script : fine, of Zoega's ist class, but for ax, 
which is rounded. V- PI. i. Recto -^. 

Letter from a widow. The script, the very high figures involved and the reckoning 
in ' talents ' * point to the 4th century. 

' Unknown verb. ' Does Xpio-ToSovXos occur so early ? For the next 

^ V. Br. Mus. no. 1107 &c. name, v. no. 290. 

' ciKe varies with -aito in the alchimistic texts. ' For this tentative reading I depend wholly on Kara- 

* PXaySts. V. Br. jVIus. no. 11 14. bacek, Mitth. Rain, ii, Taf. Ill (esp. no. 5) and pp. 160 ff. 

' Same use of this in no. 287. Cf. KiXevcrov {v. Br. The Berhn Ara6. Urkunden no. 7 is a similar receipt. 

Mus. no. 613). ' V. Kenyon, Caial. iii. 237. 


^^°y ^^^ ] -lAnnlcwc i.n[. . . . i] ^TuuuLi.^ \ «ey TeqAi8.a.y • nKejujw^n 

euTa^qceene epnc | 5. jv-yco imncwc j^neujwT | on CTXiuua.'Y £,(o[k] c^ht |^e juumoq | 
JvqTj.^q «T«OTfivpxt«iK2 I j.q^o-Y[ . ]». epoq | 10. "seo^nT*.! AJt«Tca.ujqe | ntSii. 
iKymg^wp*- epoq | JvqoTnq eg^o-yn • evq-silxq ncs'onc Hje.nTqc^e.1 ( ite.q eneqigHpe en£«i.q 

*.n I 15. «.qTevi.T nTitn^-ynawpHc « | ne^nTinooy ik[\ . .]i «e.i|Ti epoe[i] a.qK8.«.T [e6o]\ | [TjeKo-ya-e 
€q[. ...]». I . e A»xi[o]i e-sn . . . e | 20. AJinTis.Hce • o-Y-i-e juniloywAi n[g^H]TO'y AAnicoi njg^H- 

TO'y[ei]o nx«P*^ «<^ 1 AinTc[«oo]Yc npojune | 'siKTa.[ n]Ta.q|25.-\o 2.*'[ | «[ | 

'. . . price and he Thereafter that sent his mother and she brought 

southward the rest of what remained. And thereafter that merchant too went north 
and constrained (dmy/ca^eiv) him and dehvered him to a magistrate {apxov), a papa, and 

he him, saying, ' He is my debtor for 170,000 talents.' And he shut him up and 

maltreated him, till, against his will, he wrote (making over) to him his children. He 

delivered me to the of Antinoe ; and he to enquire of {alTelv) me and he 

let me go. Now therefore me to (?) and Taese. Neither (ovSe) have I 

eaten thereof (?) nor have I drunk; and I am a widow (xvp") now 12 years, since I 

ceased to 

Ferso : remains of a Greek (?) list or account. 

311 — Papyrus ; a fragment ; 22 X 16 cm. Script : early uncials. F. PI. 3. Redo ^. 

Letter, citing Jeremiah's weeping over Jerusalem and Christ's pity for the blind, 
and begging the recipient's good offices with the prefect {-qyefiwv), 'I know [that whatsoever] 
thou shalt say, God will grant it thee.' The writer, describing his miserable state, says 
that he has sold his clothes. The recipient perhaps a monastic superior {v. the last line). 

L. 4. iep] piAjie g^JveiHiJi^ js.i[. .] | ] ic ig«g^THq g^jvtifeWecy &.q | Tcjig^e ujng^THK 
OM KO'Ywg^Ai. 2.^ I ]d>,«d>.Kpine jjluoi jjinTp*. | ]t e'Yuj2!wMO'Yi»ig^ on eTOOToy | ]&. ng^HT g^iTnncK- 
ui^hTV. I ]po! A.yo'yoj cjs.p c'Y"^ g.01 * ^Jc c&.i!gqe | ]eiH?V. eg^o'^n eT^e[o'y] ' '<^nj!».p*wK».7V.i | g^jxnoT 
iiTOorq jLi.?]^HC<ejLiton "^coo-yne | ] eRHs.'jtoo'y nno-yTe h&.t&.jx.'y n«>.R i^pi | ji«.]nTT&.\enaipoc «>.i'<^ 
nawg^oiTe efeo\ ei | ]ajiio'^ ewqTis.?V.e ptoq eg^pis.i •sejs.'Yeic o-yT*. | ]n&.£ipef«c " ndjuie eiong^ 
€TawKaw[n]H junnoyTC | jpnc nt^oyong^T e[ng^]Hr'eiui(on | ] *.n . . 8>.no5(^H ^^ n8L<s[oei]c ■>^conc 
jui| ]r g^nnujonp ^^ g^&.[g^T]HR eRU|ii«.nn&. | €uj]a>ne eRUje^nnz). €['s«o]'Y&.ce&Hc | c]cotjui -seg^juLn- 


uj^-se [. . .]oK iwRnJv I ]o'yT[. .JTg^con eAXis.[.] Ra.n e-rSie. | ]«.?V.jsw g^wc uinoAiT[ ] . ex | ]uiine epoR 

ndju.[ ] I eTnju]Ai.i>.R THpoy nawT*. ney[p!vn . . .j-xoii 

' Not space for eigwT. * Perhaps xx, not »,. 

" Note the use of this preposition, and in 1. 15. ' Unusual in Sa'idic; perhaps archaic. V. Rahlfs's 

' C/:Br.Mus. no.1156, Kenyon, Ca/.ii. 160, 299, where Sah.Psalter, p. 18 n.>, ^raTTos, need not be an ecclesiastical title (but v. Deiss- ' Cf. Ptslis 279, 26, where pgoi is obscure (' be ready, 

MANN, Licht V. Ost. 150). But the force of pju- is not clear. desirous ' .?). 

* I know of no other instance of this in Coptic documents. ' Not space for more. For h\ egoy n z-. no. 2 7 2. 

» V. Hall, Copt, and Gk. Texts, p. 69 (5) £ms.pic, " Bpe'^Sts, brevis. 

possibly a title. If gy were explicable, ns^pHC might be " V. no. 352. 

' on the south of A.' " ? Te]KgK nujopn. 




312.-Papyrus; 2 disconnected fragments; the larger, 11x6 cm. It is not possible 
to ascertain their exact distance apart. Script : small uncials of early type ; v. PI. 5- 

Recto ->. • > u I, If f 

Letter to a revered personage, asking for an application on the writers behalt to 
the primiceriusK In 1. 4 KM]c^.p might be read ; but the emperors Trajan and Maurice, 
thus combined, would be hard to explain. Presumably neither is intended'^. In 1. 5 
perhaps a title *a7ro vTroiivqiiajcov, thus accounting for the genitive plural \ 

]ipa.^i[o]'Y[ 1 ] A*nnc«.n[. . .]eTp€Rujn|[eTHK J^j^ioy wnpiwiRHpoc ct^iht ] ] c-^^p 

Tpjvia.noc jv-Yto Aij^-ypia^ic | g^j'YnojuinHJUi.TOjn eTpey | ] Tenoys^e ^^.IlOT -^ni | ] £o)fe[ ? ]naw 
g^iTOOTK epoo'Y ue^Ta. | ]nTeKAinTa.t'«.eoc [ ? ] nno-yTe 'V '^°°'^^ ng.HTO-y • | ] c-J^p «^k n^MOJT 
[ ? n]o-yTe -seTeajTHn eT^itooiT | ] . n r«.T8w o'Yai[ ? o-viiilng^THq AAKO'yi^c'A.nH | 

l-Y na.1 g^no'YJwn[ ? J-y<Tj>.n THpo-y | iJut^^T 2.wcTe ct[ ? ] ng^enKoo-Ye 

eytgawawT e£io\ ng^H | TenJo-YS^e ns^icoT [ ? nja.'xoeic g^jAnno-yTe | o]&ajR epoi ».X[\a. 
? jti«.]peneRna. Ts^goi g^noYO-enH • | T]eRJui«T«[ ? i^lTft'i TeRAAnTi.i-A.eoc- | 


]neju.To e£io\ [jmnjnoyTe • (blank) 

313. — Papyrus ; a fragment ; 14 x 13^ cm. Script : v. PI. 5. Recto ->. 

Letter from to his ' dear brother ', whose prayers and help are asked : ' But 

we are confident (6app€iv) that all things whereunto thou dost set thy hand, God it is doth 
work (ivepyeiv) with thee therein and bringeth them to pass.' The writer is further sending 
herewith, fastened up*, the letter which he had received from the bishop. He speaks also 
of a woman, apparently suffering from an internal malady. 

]ceT o'yv^'YX" "••'^'^sooc c».p | 'xee[p]ena.ujHpe [£]a.TH'y r&.ta. o*yjv«J>>.'?|rh • Js.'YTpiTJs.[jv]q 
eo'ynp&.[.] . epoi eei|gHgj a.Wi. Tnea.ppjs'e 'se2^cij[q] nijui eTR|njs.g^[i t]ootr epooy nnoyTe 
CTenept^ei ka*|jujs.r ng^HTO'y eqcooyTit iuumoo'y neiRC-ya. | on THniCTcye 'xenqnA.pjs.TS^oju 
h[jvr] A.M I eic T[e]nicTo\H on enTJs.n€niCRonoc Tn[n]o|o'yc njs.[i] awiTHHo-yc n!s.R ecjuHp tjvi 

'se|eKe€i[A*e] eng[ . . Jepiei. nTeRjunT;x^pH|cTOC ^ [ c]&.p js.cei eh.o\ mjs. "seeReleiAie 

^[e ]ocne a.'yoi) no'YRO'yi «>.Hne | necn[ j'ycgiAAe -jstofie nneiTOO'Y[n J-se neTnecg^o'yn 

poRg^ I e'SH[ ] gHTc eTCTtecujHpe -^gjilne e[poR iuinneTnxjL«ji«.]R THp[oy] r».[tjs. nJe-Ypa^n | 
6 o'y's[ivi g^AAn]*2£[oe]ic iuu.e|piT [«co]n chuj^h'X. | e'sto[i + ] 

314.— Papyrus ; a fragment; 28x7 cm. Script: large, ligatureless, of early type. 
Recto —^. 

Letter to a superior or some revered personage ', begging his benevolence for ' the 

' Or possibly plural. 

° Kenyon's suggestion. The script seems too early for 
M.'s reign. Trajan, Valens' general {oi. 378), is not known 
to have been in Egypt. Br. Mus. Gk. Catal, iii. 228 names 
Trajan, an eparch at Hermopolis, in 357. 

' Cy. ab actis, a memorid and 2 Sam. viii. 1 6 ctti rmv viro- 
/wrujuxTutv, a commentariis. Genitives thus are rare in Coptic : 
ZoEGA 282 a.iTO ■^oyRwn, Cairo 8462 a.noTpi&oYnon («ir). 

Usually not declined : Cairo 8432 4.noTpiAoirnoc, Br. Mus. 
no. 255 a.noKOAJLiToc, 355 *knonp«.mociToc, Paris 44. 121^ 
*.novp4ai«.4.TiKoc, Rossi, Nuov. Cod. 16 jvnogpHTwp. 

* I.e. closed vi-ith the usual ribbon and seal (though 
I know of no other instance of AJioyp with this meaning). 

° V. no. 314. 

* These are short lines, as in Pap. Amh. cxlv. 
' Cf. perhaps phrases in no. 313. 


brothers Joseph the deacon and AmmoniCn the reader', concerning whom Isaac had gone 
to law\ The idiom is archaic 2. 

Remnants of 5 hnes, beginning na.[ . 

L. 5 ends 2.f^\&n n^[u)]q [xx]m \ ^igme epoK | tomo-y k».ta. | ee MTMca.«>K [e]i 3 | e£io*\ 
eT&enelcnHo-Y i^^^i^'^ \ ^TI^.Ro^oe | jumijumwuicon |«n(ocTHC [«]!ee nTe.Tei;jui«[T]|xpHc- 
Toc nto^ n|igi.o'Yon n[i]A* «W|pecno)g^ uigj.[n]|ecnHOY ^1007 ei|o)CH^ juien8uuuuiu)|niu)n ^to[q] 

nc-j^p I MTj.ipj^[^i]o'Y AAOK I €T£ienec[«HO'y] 'se|Re.2.c eK[e . . .]i.po|R* . ■ys.^e . [ ]e [ Traces 

of 5 more hnes. 

315 — Papyrus ; a fragment ; 8 x 18 cm. Script : rarely Hgatured. Recto f . 

Letter to a superior, asking charity and mentioning the ' place of Apa Macarius ' and 
the 'lord bishop'.^HT ] jATon toko-y -aiGTeTiteipe nnawjAe^e | ]T€TnpTi.fa.nH junt^Hoe Kpwjue riki j 

^npocK-Ynei «ht« tomo-y Jv-y^ Jvkok | -sojeic nenscRonoc ujd.n-^juniyd. na^y cpwTH 
Verso : + Ti^a^c wnaw-socic nicoT e^niv uj[ 

316— Papyrus; a fragment; yxiSfcm. Script : ligatureless. Recto \. Not from 
the Ashmunain collection. 

Letter from 'his son' John to Apa Daniel, asking for help. 

no-xT ikg^o-Yn ».[ | rig^wq Ta>.iAie poq A*«w?V.\on ■i.e on -jseneKCKolnoc -seqc n*.uj Ajuuiue 
Tin^pawR*wA.i Aindw-soeic | kcrot TawpeqR».T«.pjvRe Witweoye THpo-y KlneTUjak-zse neAjts^q qujme 
g^>.g^o)q •sejuMTiwilpwjuie eqMa>.ujine g^A«.n&.g^o)q ca>.p(jaT« ^ j,y(o eiTdwppHO'Y e^pa^i e'jsjmnnoyTe 
RHXAHTn eni eRtge^.nn&.'y | epos ^jjineTujoon auuloi n&.ttTo>c Rna^igine | (verso) £^Ai.nj).g^ujq 
?Vj£non Aie^peneRttOf?' ««». | juinTeRno(3' nei^Rivne ctouj eg^o-yn epoi ncy . | necRH^Vjuioc ^ rri 
epHc AinndwCOM Rjs.?V.i]nexe Tn^a^-se n€Jii».'y tkti ng^oA.oR° | cnak-y Ra^-Y tc^ti '' cRTikReon [ 

Above 1. I of verso the address : +Td.ivc Ajmaw'soeic rcjiot iwn&. Ta^niHA. icog^j^RHc nequjHpe 

' cast me in to matter, that I may know it ; but more still {fiaXXov Se) what 

thy intention (ct/cottos) is. I beg {TrapaKokdv) my lord father that he bring to nought 
(? Karapyeiv) all the thoughts of them that talk with him, while he enquireth into my 
affair *. For I have none that will enquire into my affair save you, and I confide in God 
and you. For (cTret) if thou shouldst see me in the state wherein I am, thou wouldest 
certainly (irai/Tws) enquire into my affair. But (XotiroV) let thy great pity and thy great 

^ Taking ei eio\ in the sense (=£vay£ii') frequent in in Leyden MSS. p. 486 {sic) and Turaief in Bull. Ac. Imp. 

the Jeme deeds. 1899, 440. 

2 C/. the forms ntga.-, Kt'a.p {v. no. 292). ' One expects coyTi, though iiToy-, Toy- is to be met 

' Above the line. Perhaps i only. with in Sa'idic. 

* Perhaps o belongs to the next line. ' Or ? 'prying into my affair', in spite of the false 

' The normal form should be ncik&WwTn. concord. 

* Iw.z's. necK. Cf. Ckum, Ostr. no. 61 and iiWK necK. 

U 2 


love (dyof.^) that are so great toward me, make endeavour {.KvX^6,)to come southward 
with my brother CaUinicus, that we may talk with them and give them the 2 sohdt and 
that they give a receipt (evTayiov) . . . 

317— Paper ; complete ; 17I x 5 cm. Script : much faded ; cf. Zoega's 9th class. 
Letter to a superior, whom the writer, inter alia, asks for some vinegar. 

+ c^ ^, 1 ^npocK/ *.-y^ I '"^.^e wnjo'Y^^i «TeR«|HTA*epiT n|con e-rTJ^H-Y | 

epeiiQioeic g^a^lpeg^ eneRcong^^ | ^h T!T*^o« I •Jsea.nen. . | 7 lines, almost wholly illegible | 

AiHTCon -solo-Y o'YXa.ROit I eg^HJUL-s eql-sHq ^ ri».i Ta.J€'YX*'P*<^'^°T I "^? I 

Verso : remains of an Arabic text (earlier). 

318— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 8 x 9I cm. Script : moderately ligatured. Redo \ . 

Letter to an ecclesiastical (?) superior, mentioning an application to the amir on behalf 
of an old man. Bousiris is named. 

]r/ lumepiT n'xo[ei]c ? | npoc]e'Xee nen"^ njuuiip*. CTfeeng^Wo | ]TOiig 0'YC'yAiAA''?C 

n2^'y'Yri • g. [ | ] tjuuoi •senpwAino'Ycipe [ | jfewR i.i&moy [ \ ja.'y eio-YWig &oi. .[ 

Verso. +T(o [ejeot^'Y^/ ? [ 

319. — Papyrus; complete; 34|xi6cm. Script: v. PI. 11. Verso -^. 

Letter (called a-iytWiov) from a pagarch, through his son ^ to certain villages and * to 
the inhabitants of Psoi-Ptolemais. It relates to the collection of taxes. Krall's nos. iii 
and iv are documents of the same class. 

[. . .](/)X/ a-evov a-vv vayap 8i/ €[io laxapia vto av nqcgA.1 nna.nH'Ye ] nMeju.&. CTTawCce^ 
eTet?n(ocic nT«>.iT«>.».c nn&.con | »>n«>. dwii^o-y •seTernecoo'YK •sejvnA.eioiT igHpnne>.pikCrfei7V.e | khth 
CT^ieneco'YO nTeA*iio\H ijinT».i?opjs.cja>.^ Aj.n|Tecn[ep]M.OY^o^i*>^ nTeTnecoo'ygo'Y eic g^HHTC oyn \ 
&.iTn[oo]'Yq &.in&.pdiCTKTei\e n^ll.q T2>.pqigitte ncawTeTneeA«.|6o7lH ju.nTeTnecnep[iuio'Y]£io\!«>. uiitTeT- 
ned^fopawciak | ecnA.Hpo'Y a^'Y^^i &.in&.paw<?t»ei\e na^q Ti>>.pqcu)Tr[ | g^ncpaJuuDL Me*Ynopoc g^nneT- 
neTiAie nco'Y2^'Yno'^[e5(^e] | 10. mioo-Y »>*yco »>.»7f ei?V.e ka.'y T&.po'Yno'Yg^ •yno-ypi^oc ] efcoX'' 
RawTA. TiAie nco-YTogq eRa, a.'yto | a«,ct'ei\e njvy on ■setmo'YTi o'yepToq nco'yo H | 
Ajioia^g^* KTwawg^ wpojAjie eYg^i-snnRjiwg^ iga.nTO'y|n'\[HpoY n]Te*ji&o7V.H innTecnepju.o'y&oTv.ja. 

> V. nos. 306, 337. = V. no. 348. » Or merely 'are entered, reported'. V. Br. Mus. nos. 

' The waly represented by his son, Fiihr. Rain. nos. 1079, 1131, Krall iii, here no. 278. 

554. 558. ° Apparently a tax in Wilcken, Ostr. i. 132. 

« Assuming that Ik in 1. 22 implies contrast, these vil- ' The difference between cwth and itOYg efioX is not 

lages should be near Psoi, 150 miles south of Shmoun. clear. 

Can the writer then be pagarch of Shmoun ? Yet in no. 215 * Cf. Br. Mus. no. 1055. Greek perhaps /xoliov, Pap. 

Hanepioor and in Krall ccxlii Pb6ah seem near the latter; Hibeh 49, 8 n, Eg. Expl, Fund, Arch. Rep. 1905-6, 14. 
so too */3v, Arch.f. Pap. iv. 452 and (? same) Bilv, ib. 429. 



TqvVTXH^ I ^m;.p^cixes\e it^-y ^eepuj^noTooie en*.o^|T,«ene t« o^<^[. .^j ncoyo h o^Aip 
nTu>^£ I e«oypco«e ^copic c£^i en<oine h oyon en^.n*.e.o>T| nqcone^^q u^Tnooyq „^.i 
TJ^pqr^ c&o. n|pco**e eig^Tcp^TccoT^ ^"""tou, nTcoTit | <xe nepe^v^oi o^cou, Te-rneTuiu, 
c^p..«xt c«^T I eTTHu, eueTnopoc itco^^^no^ex^ "necoT^o | rni^coe^e «„e^.ne^,oop 
AtnnqcnoiKin ^nneTne 3|j^^^,£,j,^g ^.i^io^^Xi^e nneien^e^TVm* «n*.^oyp + | 

+ eyp/ {J, TT KT] t^/ ap a + f L.8. j 

'. . . Flavius Senouthius, by God's will pagarch, through me, Zacharia his son, writeth 
unto the headmen of the places that are indicated {rdcrcreLi^) on the list (y^cicris) which I have 
given to my brother Apa Aphou. Ye know that my father hath already charged 
{vapayyAeLu) you concerning the corn of the corn-tax (e/.^oXr?') and the purchase-money 
(dyopaa-Ca) and the seed-corn {(nrepp.olio\ia), that ye should gather them in. Here, then iplv), 
I have sent him and have charged {irap) him that he require your corn-tax (e/^/S.) and 
your seed-corn and your purchase-money (dy.) in full (ttXij/doCv). And I have charged 
{irap) him to choose well-to-do scribes {ypaiiiiarev?, evTTopo?) from your villages, that they 
may receive {v^oSexeo-0ai) them; and I have charged (irap.) them that they appoint a repre- 
sentative (virovpyos) for each (/<ara) village and set him over another place. And I have 
further charged {-Trap.) them that they give {or sell) not an ariaba of corn nor a bundle (?) 
of straw to any man upon earth, ere he have fulfilled the corn-tax {ifi/S.) and the seed- 
corn {(nrep.) and the purchase-money (dyop.) and their general tax (ST^/xoVtof) ; in short 
(airXm), let none among you give occasion against himself {■rrp6(j>aa-L^, Kara, rpvxn). I have 
charged {wap.) him that, should an husbandman belonging unto a village sell (?) unto any 

man a of corn or ('^) a basket of straw, without (x^^pts) a writing of mine or {■^) one of 

my father's, he shall bind him and send him unto me, that he may teach the men, if they 
be disobedient in this nome. But (8e) ye, men of Psoi, I desire that ye set up two scribes 
(yp.), being of authority and well-to-do (eun-.), that they may receive (woSex.) the corn of 
PbOah and Hanepioor and its homesteads {iTroLKLov), so that ye fail {dfi<f>[/3a\XeLv) not. 
I have sealed (/SovXXt^eii') this order (o-tyiXXiov) with my ring.' Then the date and the clay 
seal, the design (not inscription) on which is no longer recognizable. 

Redo. Protocol (fibres -*) in 4 lines of tall, brown characters, i and 3 of which 
begin with a sign or letter resembling <f). The end of an Arabic fine can perhaps be 

320. — Papyrus; complete; 3o|xi3 cm. Script: v. PI. 10. Recto ^>. 

Letter relating to the assessment and collection of taxes from certain localities. 
Though complete, the text is unusually difficult of exact interpretation. 

' Or ' to the detriment of his soul '. ' Altered from {sic) -seii-. 

" ? «'ix (». Br. Mus. no. 1066) or s'Xo), though neither * Krall iii and iv are thus named, 

have been found used of grain ; or s'on oXiya, Revel, iii. 4. 


Above 1. I, y^Mxv. 

^ uypawKoc neTcg^Jv.1 nnciwg^ •^lonycH | -seg^awOH xien ng^cofi mu. ■<^tgiKe | epoiTn a^.-yoj 
eni-xH &.i&(OK &.iivnjs.Kd^|'^e iteeneeTe nTuuL^. nd.n& iit^ae. | 5 eT6enK(ji>iuiHKa>.eHKHc ^ ewyi ^ eg^pa^i | 
uncawg^ neTp«>. A.q'sooy TcniCTO^H | «js.i e6o\ 'senp'se^'se ^ AAHpoijme | itjua. i>.'i.e\t]^H * ne-sivyoY 
'segj»>.pe|iiA«.&. ^.-jLe^t^H --^ oje <soyTH £iiojee | 10 6cor «nA*&. nc&.g^ nexpis. «».y '2£e|uja.penK(Oii«.H- 
K&.eHKHc ei T(on e|«.on npcoc « naxb^ A.-^.e^t^H npcoc Ttitiw | K&.n&. 6js.h€ uievpeuje ce AiKO-ya. | 
« nAA&.YOY * epen-xyo fuiicy Tcon | 15 eRa>.Ton '' Ta^^yoy e-soio-Y ' cktoc | eyijie -^moy 
eigwne Koycouj ?V.ek.^aw | cpooy ei osjv'se A*«ncjs.g^ neTp»w (-xe above)eqo'yo)uj | Koyd^HCH 
Knuje -soyTH AinTeyg^yuie | jvyw ney^yo haaicy t(o« €ka.toh | 20 eujoine qoytouj Koyt^HCH 
H».! g^swiixiak. I Miw-xeXt^H THMUjme ci.K&.y eiujiaw | Ki^na. feene (-xenjj.y above) eie^ tcom cij^t 
e6o\ I AAo« Ta.qcg^a.1 n».i •senp-ss.'xe | AiKixAia. a.-xe^d^H nqcg^j>.i eT^enxta. | 25 KJ>.n&. 6dw«e 

¥ I ■TZC jjC J2C 

^noy eijxe ^eigi>.qKJ>. ) k&. ni€Rj>.TOM e^HRon Aiiawi" g^miia. | m>.'i.e\<^H AARTeyg^HAte "sei 
(z/^r50) -seKAAAAOH eigtone ujevqR^. t5H|R».Tort eiRocmeRTe AARTeyg^H|3o-AAe ei c^sxi tt\i e£io\ 
•xetgme | c».nceene riuan R».n». fia.Re | etgwne or eqqoywty igsw-se | AAHoyoM KAAooy «wrii 
eie cg^a.1 Hd.i | •seawt^HRei.TOH €^hrort«w AAia. | 35 AARTcyg^HxAe ei ctoot ra.TAAl'SJvse HAAAAjvyoy 
g^«.v]y-a.i2 mRnj|44„jt;^Q„^„<. oy-2£i,i g^AAR-xoeic | enei-xe ne-sa.yoy "xetga.penAAa. a.o^eTVJd^H -^ oje 
-soyTHTH RAAft.^ fij^Re | 40 . . rj^^" v^eene a.yco ohaac Hnoya. | noya. ^^^ 

'Cyriacus (Kyrakos) writeth unto the 'master' Dionysius, saying: Before all things 
I greet you. And because that (eVetST?) I went and constrained {avayKdCeLv) the monastery 

of the place of Apa Bane regarding the village- {Ka>fjiriKa0r,Kri,), they have gone 

to the 'master' Petra and he hath despatched the letter (iTncrroXyj) to me saying 'Be 
not at enmity with the men of the place of Adelphius.' They said, the place of Ad. payeth 
125. Give us thy help (fioyjeelv) and go to the place of the 'master' Petra; see whither 
the village-. . . (Kcof..) belongeth, whether (?) to {■,Tp6,) the place of Ad. (or ^^?) to Up6,) 
that of Apa B. The 161 will be their part, the 2| of the hundred (Sv'o ^>tcr. rS,v e.aroV) 
being imposed on them, besides (eW.) the freight-charge. If now thou desire to share 
(?Xaxa.) therein, so contend with the 'master' Petra, for he would remit (.o.^.'^ the 
125 with their freight-charge and the 2^ of the hundred. If he desire to remit {L.) these 
for the i^ace of Ad and that we should seek to impose them on the place of Apa B 

ttXV of Ad h T f " '' ""'"^ ^""'" *° "^' ^^^^"g' ' ^' -^' -' ^-^^ with 

the place of Ad. ; he wrote not concerning the place of Apa B. So now, learn whether 

he will excuse (?) the 161 upon the place of Ad. with their freight-charge or no I he 

from h:X: S tT -'^^^^^^ - write to me^to requfre' t^e re^maindt 

rom the place of Apa B. Further, if he desire not to speak with one among them so write 

to me, saying, I have received the 161,' that I may not contend with them as^o the'shaTe (!^ 

' Perhaps an official, so not the Ku,fji.r,KdToiKos ' villager ' like anri if t, >., 

of MiTTEis, [/rL 99. Neither Ka,,.r,Kaer,yrrr^s nor -ocKv^, is The Z: " ™".= f™"- ""P"' as merely directive is unlikely, 
known. Such a word as ^..^.J^^Js'Llua^ryZ ' L t .T^t, '°^ '^ '^^^f"'' 

gender. A compound of ^G/xa is scarcely possible. < is their assessm ' ? ' ^"^^^ ^ "^ ^°""^ technical sense, 
Altered from «.yei. 7 -p, 

» Unknown as a verb, that in Br. Mus. no. 169 being s J.''^'^'^ '^' """' °^ ^ '"''• 

presumably different. Possibly = pxe^^e 9 " . ^^S- 

* ? 'ASi\i>Los. Cf. ^lon-rcH above. xo ^h " ^ ^"" ^^'^' ^"' ^^^ *""'• ^''''^^ ^^ ^°'^ ^o. 

» A clause crucial for the sense, but obscure ei " I ^'^ ^^""^ numbers now expressed in Greek ? 

? ' appertain to ', ' regard ', if kcoxihk. were an impost or the >« ^ ! °" 7"'"^ ^^ improbable here. 

P Has been altered. C/ no. .73. " Half effaced. 



of the village- (k^/x.). Farewell in the Lord. For (eVeiSi,') they said, ' The place of Ad. 

doth pay 125; the place of Apa B. shall (?) pay the rest and the freight-charge of each." 

321.— Papyrus ; complete ; 19 x 40 cm. Script : ligatured, uneven. Recto \. 
Letter from Prashe, probably at Babylon, to the amir, regarding tax-collection. 

1. « g^nnpa^M nniioyTe npdwUje neTne(?«woyoM eqcg^«.i K[ney]K\^i na^juipa. TipnnH He.K nMK 

g^nnKoyTe ju««ce>.iidwi TevpeTeRAJiKT-xoeic 

2. eiAie 2 cT^eneipcoiie e'Yg^Jiwg^THK h HTenaw-soeic -si ne-Ye^a^i?! ^ iiTCTneTnooyq njvi e£HT enei 

co'YTi ^na.c'Ke ep[oi] eT^HHTO-Y *»^T^ co-yti g^fijs.* n- 

3. tiud.a.Aie'^ neTnenpocujs n..»wpi6 eyTi *.w«vCKe epoi eT&ene^j».i?i lyd^g^pdwi eiuuoy 2.y(»> 

» sic ' 

A.'YfiiTn eg^o[Y]nne iwTi nenine' epon g^a^neig^wq 

4. a^yu) [T]*.p[i]TdwJu.o TeKJumT-soeic eT^enpoiJue nTa.Tnecg^».i n*.i eg^HT •seT&.TV.ooy kjs,i epnc 

dLnew^o^OTiwToc -xoeic ncynnoyAoc * ReXe-ye 

5. TA.poycg^is.1 nepoijuiij>.£iy\*^/ THpoy -smenRoyi igewn[n]o(3' enei CT^ieneig^toq n^i nneMujTa.- 

7V.OOY epHc MHTK d.yu) eujione na^.'soeic 

6. KcTVeye feoyaiuj [nnje^jvcin ^ TJvTnoo-Yq nHTn epHc ^^'^[lo] ei co . nqcg^js.1 eg^HT 

eneii ncyjuLfeoy'Xoc ujd.i&.ct^a.TV.i'^e 

7. lumoo-y Ta^Tnocycoy mhth epnc enei epenoyeju, . oy en&.'soeic eneig^coq n«..i e^nne -jsiueee 

KTai.nA.'soeic cg^a>.j n».n eg^HT 

8. ^J>>,ijvcc5&.?v.!'5e nxioo-y TawTnooycoy mhtk [rest illegible] 

9. [all illegible till end,] g^JTooTq 

10. TmpocKj nn&.*soeic g^iTtmeicg^A.1 fi cpapfiov ltj lv° 8 

' In the name of God ! Prashe, your servant, writeth to the most renowned (eu/cXe- 
eWaros) amir. Peace unto thee from God. Thereafter : (I write) that thy lordship may 
know concerning those men that are with thee, or else (? rj) that my lord take their iidyLov 
and send it northward to me. For {iveC) I am in difficulty [avdyKy]) because of them and 
Mohammed, thy representative {Trpoa-miTov), is perturbed ,1 being in the utmost dif- 
ficulty'" as to the iidycov; and we were brought in and put in irons on this account. And 
(I would) inform thy lordship as to the men of whom thou didst write northward to me, 
saying, Send them south to me. The most glorious (ei'SofdraTos) governor (o-u/a^ouXos) hath 
commanded to inscribe all the men of Babylon, from small to great ; so (eVet) for this cause 
have we not been able to send them south unto you. And if my lord bid and desire the 
i^dyLov, that I should bring it southward to you and and he write northward to 

1 The gap might hold more than this. " The last letters might be epoi (? nj^pj.poi). 

» For this form v. no. 322. ' S^S^pow. The Aphrodito letter, Br. Mus. no. 1358, 

» From Br. Mus. no. 444 and Pap. Rhind ii (Edin- tells how the pagarch's agent (at Babylon) had been ira- 

burgh), where ist 2nd and 3rd i^iy^o. of the year occur, it prisoned for failure to pay certain taxes (H. I. Bell). 

should be a sort of tax. ' Title of the Muslim governor. F. C. H. Becker, 

^ pe«+ pA*. ' excitable ', Giron, Ligendes 63. Papyri Schott-Reinhardt i. 35- Occurs too m Rossi, Papin 

= Cf. Br.Mus. Or. 6721 (3) (JSme), where ' the ,rp. of the I. i, Tav. 4 «, and in Vollers-Leipoldt, Ratal, d. islam. . . . 

most glorious amir' is mentioned; and Or. 6218 (Jk6w) Bss. zu Leipzig, p. 410. 

the .p. of the pagarch ; also no. 281 here. ' Or [ney]. " Lit. ' constrained unto death . 


the most glorious (eVS.) governor (o-vV)8.), I will put them under guard (<lo-«/.aXt'M and send 

them south to you. For (iireC) not my lord for this very matter from the begmnmg 

when my lord wrote northward to us, I will put them under guard {aa-(f>.) and will send 

them to you I make obeisance to {irpoa-Kwelv} my lord by this letter. 

i8th Pharmouthi, 4th Indiction.' 

Verso: the address in one line, illegible. 

322— Papyrus ; complete ; 15 x 11 cm. Sc;'ipt : moderately ligatured. Recto \ . 
Letter relating to the collection of village taxes. It is difficult to translate intelligibly. 
+ Ta.peReiiJie 1 <2£eene[i'x]H [jv]4ji[h]«j». ti Meg^iojjie ^ KRpepnc ^ | na^q a^HfioTO-y efioA CTarm- 
».na.iTei | hjuioo['y] . . <5^w cpfee «€i Ki.K ema.a'n cpfie | uji.TTAii'X.e. * «nepoy».g^ na^cg^iwi g^HneRfS-i-xs | 
uiJs.«TRn\HpoY nneRTiJue eni neTe|ig«>.RUja)a>T tumoq g^jiTT&ii\2». Aiei?V.o | eiTi Ai&.R?V.».£iin 
en€Rfe«w\ cvih.y uj&.«|Tin\Hpoy «ju.or " &."yto (Sixsn oypeqjpoeic «^>LR g^js.g^THR ' Toujq eRypia^ROC j 
uj8w«TRn?V.Hpoy itiAoq -sMneRcxin | tiaih noy&. ujawnreR-si [n]€q['^iRjs.ioit ' itTOOTq | Awyco esc 

Tienic[To\H ivjiTttoo-yc K&.R I t[ ]«,.«[. . .] . H . . e . g^icowq | -sMn . i . . . ct . . e . . . + | 

enei T«w«ek<PRHTe ' 

Verso : the address, apparently erased, excepting the initial + 

(' I write) that thou mayest know that, seeing (eiretSif) Mena hath made the women his 
heirs (?? kXtj/jos), we have erased them in regard to demanding {taxes avaiTeiv) of them. 
. . . find leisure to go to thee, I shall have leisure until the (? making up of the) register 
(Ta/3Xa). Lay not down my letters from thy hands, ere thou hast paid (tj-Xtj/joCi') (? on 
behalf of) thy villages. For (cTrei) as to that which thou lackest in the register, I will not 
cease to lay a bandage {lit. strap ii.ayK\dpiov) upon thy two eyes, until I shall have paid 
(ttX.) thee (it). And take thee a watchman and assign him unto Cyriacus, until thou shalt 
have paid it ; for thou shalt not fix a price (ti/ai?) for any one till thou shalt have received 

of him his (Si/caiov). And see, I have sent thee this letter (eVto-roXT?) . , For 

(eTTci) it is (a matter of) importance (way/oj).' 

323.— Papyrus ; complete ; 20 x 2o| cm. Script : moderately ligatured. Recto \ . A 
clay seal and ribbon were attached. 

Letter from Jeremias, notary, to his 'altogether God-beloved, most honorable 
brother' Elissaius, deacon and notary. 

+ iln«c^^Tp^.cxln Tojopn nenicTO?V.H n^^R g^iTOOTq K^oyRj^c ndwiixia. nneg^oyopi" | «wqei 

> I find only two letters commencing thus elliptically, « I have no idea what this phrase means 

i7Z' 3^''2^-^"^-"°-;'56; both address superiors. ' 2-2T„ might be ' into thy house ' or m;rely pleonastic 

C/. also gojcTe Ta>peR-, Br. Mus. nos. 1064, 1065. -with ««.k. 

' After •xe all quite uncertain. i • T,,of riWitt, • ^»a~ -^ 1.1 rr 

3 A ■ . r ^- r X , T, J^' "^"'^ ^^^'"s unsuitable. V. perhaps Krall 

An mstance of Kk-qpos for K\ripov6p.oi, Revillout, clxxxiii here no 358 

Aciesgg. But the parallel text, Br. Mus. Pap. civ, shows > This in another ink and ? hand, added perhaps by the 

this as probably an error. In Br. Mus. no. 1051 npHpec is author, not his scribe 

equally obscure, and there /cX^pos seems still less suitable. " F. no 211 anH'nf.r>,ar.c ■!?„ - t. , • 

* V no 401 » C/ Krait ccxxviii o T, ,1 ?■ . perhaps Krall cxm. 3. But here it 

y. no. 401. L/. KRALL ccxxvni. 9. should mclude a personal name 



uvy-yX"^ -seeujuine AAi.«2vg^ep&.Tn njujuii,q 2 | thm neeiog^e efio\ g^i'stoq jma^qfecoH eg^oyn 
enqTiAAe wq-so o-ysice^ | neitog^e Xomoit equjjvnei na.K epnc j!.§iepe.TK HAuunvq ni?n o-ynog- \ 
HAiepoc neitog^e efioTV. g^i-jsioq ncTe^TVoq * e'sniteptoAJUUtuv nneg^oyop | nca.nii.uHew'^e njuooy 
uco-ysooy nceene exAa.K(3^n ee ifi.iomei njuioq | awg^ep2>wTK nxuudwq on ujd.KTi.ei epnc epuj*wK- 
Te^peiJk ujome | THKoyt^i'^e HoyujHJU n-i-HxiocioH «j)wq g^a^poo-y ujn«jvj>.c. i^Wa. na^MTioc | 
(3'o> g^i-jinnqg^iofc nct-a.JoiKei luuioq tti?Ti ^^.p^s.\^J■'y^H Mi.q | iy&.ttTivei epHc Ti&.cn&.'^e utck- 

'After that I had drawn up the first letter (eV.) unto thee, (sent) by the hand of Lukas 
of Pma npehwor, and he had left us ; when he had done half the journey, going south- 
ward, he drew up a letter (eTr.) to me, being disheartened, (and saying) that if we stay not 
by him and relieve him of (the burden of) these fields, he will not enter his village and 

(will not) sow a of land. But (Xoittov) when he cometh south to thee, stay by him and 

relieve him of a large portion (/ac/jos) of fields and impose it on the men of Pma npehwor and 
compel {avayKoileLv) them to send the remainder which thou canst not find means to manage 
{BiOLKetv). And stay by him till I come south. If need (xp^m) arise that we remit {Kov(f>C- 
Cciv) for him a little of the tax (ST^/AoVtov) on their account, we will do so. But by all means 
(dXXa TrdvTCJs) continue (to attend) to his affair and manage (Sioik.) it, and give him heart 
{irapaijjvxi]), till I come south. I greet (do-ir.) thy piety (^eoe^iXeia) by these letters.' 

T ~f~ T 

Verso. TOJ Tew n ©eot:^i7V^/ ti«.».i'"/ e.<a.e\t^'" [space] eA.icca.iw •a.ia.K°/ S no + iepejuiia.c no + 

324.— Papyrus; complete; 13x21cm. Script : moderately ligatured. Recto \. 
Letter from Mohammed, son of , perhaps to Victor. 

. sic 

♦ fiiK}^ I a.RO^TV.O'yee Ta.juoi na.nAia. ne-ypa.yjei « ■ o-ycoxi [ o-ycoAi ne-iJi- 
AAOciujn nnqTijme ena^wn neTHa.Ti n».c2^a.i na.K | eno-ywai a.a.q ncuja.Tq ene[n]Ta.q- 
©[ylw-^tn g^a.QsineneiAia.7 | ena.£OY e^wne a.KTO«jq » eie nnpAia.g^e« HAAoq e^j^a.^- [ 2^^oT 
Ti eia.TK eneTeujawKUja.Tq ejmoq eg^o-yn eneKHi | a.?V\a. ei;u}a.nTOUjq -sineneixia. eoH iya.KU}me ] 
iica.n'XHAiociton CTOOTq « /a df k^ / 

Verso. « cyn jLi[a.]ajuie'2. 71 S [space] |»i[k/] • • • o^P k[o]\\o'y « | a^i'i.e . . 

' Colluthus (he of Pma neurashei) hath informed me that its headman hath devoured 
the tax-money (St^/aoViov) of his village. When thou receivest him that shall give thee my 

, Cf. uiKooijwxeiv. Greek nor Arabic appearance. Rashid (z'.Krall cxvi. 19) 

» Or 'support him'. An instance with «.n- ?, Crum, is, on all grounds, unlikely. 
Osir. no. 314. Neither this nor the next verb is clear in ' V. Br. Mus. no. 1054 and no. 144 here for the pre- 

meaning. position. 

» V. Br. Mus. no. 1013 &c. ' For f'^SS thus v. no. 136. But perhaps 'If thou so 

■* V. no q2o decide ', and similarly below {v. Zoega 342). 

» Prece'ding ihe name is a sign somewhat resembling ^ ' V. Br. Mus. nos. 1107, 1158, Krall civ, Turaief, 

If Victor is the addressee, Scd would be out of place. MaUriafy no. 6, here nos. 148, 298, 370, assummg this = 

« u, altered from cv. The name has neither a Coptic, e^^-ge. C/. Axeg. in Krall cxl cxlvn, Br. Mus. no. 582. 

uj altered from C7. The name has neither a Coptic 



letter, if thou wilt, make him headman and require of him what he^ hath squandered, from 
this time {lit. place) backward. If thou appoint him, then take not aught of him for the 
past. Keep an eye upon that which thou dost require of him, in thy house. But (dWa) 
if thou wilt appoint him, so shalt thou, from this time onward, demand of him the 

The 22nd of Thoth.' 

325._Papyrus ; a fragment ; 13 x 26 cm. Script : sloping, rarely ligatured. Recto f. 
Letter from Mark of Pletm^, his 'servant', to 'the most glorious amir'. It relates to 
the taxes {Zidypa^iov) payable by the districts north and south of Shmoun. The amir (?) 
is begged to provide a pass {a-iyiWiov^) for some one. 

+ g^mTp&.it nnnoYTe jmi^pROC neTne<3'ii.oYO« n».n?V.HTxi neqcg^js.1 eqnpo[cK'YMei | -seTipHWH 

AinncyTC ecetgwne ««>.« JiinKc&.«&.i eic koxiic iL«jiawTo[i | [ ]k Aine^-socic 

eTT».iHoy Td^pencTMN ujwne nTen[ | [.]n'^i8..Kp&,iL^on «e«po)juie neijig^iT nujAioyn A*«npHc 
ittgAio-yM [ I McjcxAtt o-ycme^eii nnipo^uie entonne eqg^nTawg^po-yJS * ['x]et^i\oe[eoc | t^on tt2k« 
i>rf[iii Ti]nakpa».R«L\€i K[n]»w'2£oeic KekC&.eoc e[ | 

Verso. ]\mer^vCK, [space] itAJUipjs. neTne(5'&.oYOM jj.&pKoc ni>.nXHTAi + 

326 — Papyrus ; a fragment ; 7f x yf cm. Script : moderately ligatured. Recto \ . 
Letter from Isaac to the ku/dis Christodorus ' {or Christophorus), beginning, ' I desire 
that, so soon as ye receive this letter. . .' It relates to a payment {KarafioXij) of taxes ^ 
Antinoe is mentioned. 

[+ o-ylwtg Te-ytio-y eTK»w'2£i'' TienjcTo[\H | ]oi eg^pswi ecoo-yTW *jinTKawT&.&[o\H | »w]«TiMooy 
€nig».is,T e'y«5o\7V.[ic » | JncTitg^wq uj«.YCiJ>.M[e ^ | ]».Te «TiwiT«ooy neig^w[ | Tn]ooyq khtm 
TJvpeTfTi nn 9 «[ I ]« '2£meeui«wmj>.Y enK[ ] ]K».pa.feHn " + Kevi pj).p uj«.pe[ | [locg] g^mawg^oy | 
{verso) n]ttoyTe -xe ncTcooYn R-ypi XP*[ I ]'^"*'2. TeRKj>.Tev£io?V.H n'\[H«| (in other direction) 

327 — Papyrus ; a fragment ; 81 x 21 cm. Script : seldom ligatured. Recto | . 
Letter from Bane, a village scribe ^^ to Apa Victoria, his superior, referring to certain 

1 Presumably the peculating headman. » Cf. Leont. Neap. (Gelzer) ^7, lUa (.^o'XXns), 1<jtw 

= nXv^/^ts, Wessely, Studien v. 73. gj Ste /cat Kipirw, misunderstood by me Ostr Ad 15 note 

' ^- Krall cxx and Kenyon, Catal/^ni. CLtJCNEx's 'A^^a Aavt^X, pp. 12, 32, show .^dX\«=Kcpa' 

Cf. i.jykj Abd al-Latif 689, Abfl Salih 55 h, or possi- tiov as a labourer's day-wage. The Coptic version {ih 84) 

bly Asjlij, though i.='s would be abnormal. gives </>. = o[p/ciov (dpyi^ptov). 

''A Kvpis Christodorus in Krall xxix, Br. Mus. » Sia^vo,, 'disturb, trouble.' (^ Br. Mus.nos. 1131,1209. 

"°'»"rr^A r.^ ,-c- '"Kapfi^tov. " Apparently not necnHv. 

« V. Crum, Ostr. no. 409. For eTexnin.-. « v. Br. Mus. no. 1079 &c. >» V. ? nos. 281, 293. 


+ neTne^a.'yon fc*.Ke ncK^ misxe. neqc[^8.i | ^na. umnb. •seg^a.eH jum n^wq ituu Tinpoc- 

UHT« eg^pevi nneg^ooy CTCJUJi^'y junniuj[ j lysiToy tga^Tmoy + 
Ferso. ] [space] a^na. fciRTtop + g^iTM£i&,nc nc&.g^ tiTixxe. 

328.— Papyrus ; a fragment; 9^x7 cm. Script: small, ligatured. Verso-*. 

Letter giving instructions as to the taxes required of the villages under the recipient's 
charge. The phrases ' a tremis of each (Kara) village/ ' I will require of thee 10 solidi,' 

]T . ?C~ neTii&.Ti K».cg^jvi kjs.k | wJpwjuneKTijue js.K&.»."f | o]YTpijiiHcm KdwT*. Tixie g^n | 
g^ynjo-ypi^ei epon iw-Yoj e».ppei | ]e igj>.iiga.TK kaaht Kg^o?V.OHj | awfe-i.JeXXa. enei nnawTCKcoyto | 
]»Lg^e nna.1 ene'yj^iawr'pj ] Jfeg^iH ecujHuj nnp/cS | ]y •*• 

Recto : the address, * a-w ofiap vl a/SSeyo"^ [space], and, in the other direction, remains 
of an Arabic letter in semi-Cufic script (eariier), relating likewise to taxation *. 

329. — Papyrus; a fragment; 8|xii|cm. Script: almost ligatureless. Redo f. 
Letter relating to taxation and mentioning a village scribe found also in no. 305. 

] • eujHpe Kjog^swHHc v^*>.g^ «TiA*e n[ | g^»^e]H jum Mg^toq ihjh Tinp[oc]K'y[Mei | n]HoyTe 
e£id>.poeic epoJTtt ene[ | ]eq . . a.&,t ^ enei eg^pjs.1 mhth [ | Rdw]Ti.£io?V.H g^moyoiuj [AAn]ito[YTe | ] 
nj>.eiioT ju.n8>.n&. co^Vojuwk n[ | ]js.&.c CT^iet^wq enTiAie &.yo> [ | £i]oiee * Tnooy nivn uxon 
ui[\]H\ [ I 

Verso. ] iiy ifQ/'' [ 

330. — Papyrus; 3 fragments, the distances between which cannot be determined; 
the largest, 8x11 cm. Script : moderately ligatured. Recto ->. 

Letter (since the 2nd person is used), difficult of interpretation. It is divided into 
paragraphs, each beginning elliptically with <uo-§e (aicrTe)^ The writer seems to complain 
that, when sent south, the pagarch had not assisted him, but had paid greater respect to 
(him who bore) 'the false name, archimandrite'. The sum of 1263 solidi is in question, 
also a tax-instalment {^idypa^ov) ; further ' the house of the nuns ' and something stolen 
and given to 'another monastery'. 

» Kiparia. ^ Perhaps + instead of ^. « A fragment of a letter in Br. Mus. Or. 6201 a is simi- 

» Presuniably the author, though standing first. larly divided thrice by gtocTe, introducing in each case a 

* The words J J» ^ {v. no. 401) and Jy-, occur. request; while another letter, ib., begins +gwcTe T«>peKKW 

= I cannot read k*.j»t. « V. nos. 284, 320 &c. iuxe> . . . Here however it does not appear to serve that 

' No trace of x- Presumably it stood on the left of purpose. 

the space. 

X 2 



]Ainma.e*.noRpHcic » | [(ocj'i.e g^nnTpeRcg^a.1 riJuaR \ epnc Ainenn«.Pi.p ti toot [ ».\7V.». 
j.qT! TenpoTiAA'^ jji|npa.n ^ nno-^'s. 'seK^ix\k \ [loca^e . . .]e[ . .]'^e nujop^p | [ l^^P 

[^ ? 11 ^ ' 

cNx[o ]ft9Y! I SJ"" nno-yfe on enjuia. | txnn acr^y \ [(o]c'2.e (on above) -sHne-yTi 

^awaw-y £».[. . .] | 

[. .]€ eY°Y^** ^T*^^ e-yt^opei |htj».r .» a.-yo) na.T'i.ia.t^pa.c^on | wc-i.e TawpeTCTnenTO-y n».i 

eg^o-yn | o-ya. cya. g^iTOOT ce-si Te'y|'H -seg^nawig juujime|ne| (ocxe 'sene'yi.ia^i^pa.d^on 

na^p^JMonne n )^ | 

(wr5o) ] (oc-i-e eTfeenHi nniliionawX" I ^'^'^^ eT^eneKcon a>['y(o] ] ojcxe cT^ieneqeiWT 

[a.'yw] I neqcnny nTak'y6(o[K . . .] | enx(o[ ] [ 

eqg^irtfcT Autioo-y eq[. . . .]\\e jjuutoo-y eRejuonak.cTHp | blank 

331.— Papyrus ; almost complete ; lo x 21 cm. Script : irregular, some ligatures. 
Redo f. 

Letter wherein the writer tells his ' dear lord brother ' that he has sent Apa Zacharias's 
man, ' that thy pity may attain us to (the extent of) 5 soh'dt. For I have been taken to 
the place of payment {-KaTa^dWetv) and they have . . .^' 

+ a^ipawige WTMis'n t . . eTinpot^'ycic a^icg^awi eiuj[ine] eTeR|juHTAiepiT n-xoeic neon Tenpo- 
t^*ycic re. [TJa^i '' eic | nptoAte nR-yp/ "^a^^a^piawc awi-soo-yq njs.R Ten]eRnaw Ta^g^ort enTio-y 
ng^oTV.OR'^/ eni c&.-yfeiT enjua*. n|RawTaw6a.?V.7V.i co'yTi Tiujine TCRjuHTJuiepiT | n-soeic neon 
g^iTnneicg^awi + 

Below the text, a clay seal bearing a figure difficult to recognize. 
Ferso : the address, illegible. 

332.— Papyrus ; a fragment; io|x3i cm. Script: ligatureless. Redo ]. 
Letter from Colluthus to his 'saintly lord father', begging the loan of 2 soltdi, to be 
repaid as in the preceding year, so as not to anger him \ He has had no opportunity to 
buy ' the wine (? as instructed). 

Above 1. I, yxti^. 

^ ^i^OH AAnajj^-se HTHAieTe^jvxiCTOc TnupocR-ynei A*n[g^'ynono'xion] | MTCTnAAeT-soeic 
i(OT cTo-yevi^ nen-soeic lOTe eTOY[jvJvfe\ei] | nTCTHJueT-soeic itOT eTOYa.a.6 na^iuiTc 
"jscKj^jvc €peT[eTnAieT'so€ic] | kot eTo-ye.aii naiioHoi epoi eg^o^o^-OTce cna^-y Ta^Ta^a^-y [M]TeTn- 

' l^ */°'' "^ ' , , .. ' '^^^ P^^'^se is apparently incomplete, ti being without 

' ? irpoTifiri as substantive. an object. 

» Possibly a letter before n. t K Br. Mus. no. 1137 

* Uncertain whether there was more in this line. Pos- > XWv, as in Rossi, Nuov. Cod. 37, 38. ti*.- ap- 

sibly It precedes immediately the second fragment. parently for n+it«,- o/. .j • o. c^j 

' n perhaps erased. Perhaps nothing after k. » The rare verb Tooy. 


weT-soeic lUiT ] eTo^^^fc ncoyo nee cnoyq i^yto epuiNnn-^soeic t(oui TU.ei neTnu}?^\ | 
eToyjv^ nee xxmXyni xixicoTn ncnoyq Tij.\Yni ^.n nTpoAine e^yto Tnn..p8.R*.?y.ei | nxeTn- 
weTicoT eToye^j.^ eT£.eoy2.oXot^oTce nnpn -seTeTnAieT-xoeic loiT | eTo-yi.ii, coo-yn -sewnen-s-n 
ee nxooy em^^p^RivXei nT[eTnxieT':£oeic ioot] | eToye.*.ii •^seKj.i.c eTexnxiieTcsoeic iu>t na^fcoHei 
epoi + oysevi g^AAnosoeic na.l'soeic i(OTe eToyjvjJi + h a.i?ijv Tpii.c + 

Ferso. [+ Te^jvc nnj.-jtoleic icot eTO'Y[space]i.dis 4- g^iTnuo'X'Xo'Yeoc nieXevx 

333 — Papyrus ; a fragment ; 4I x 34I cm. Script : few ligatures. Redo f . 
Letter to a ' brother ', with a request for clothes. 

nd.pev]Rd.\e nTeR«.nTcon Ta^penTi ujojuiTe | [nujTHn about 28 letters] ».iT*.a.y g^iwo-y iuton 
nno-yTe coo-yn xi.n'Xd.s.'y | nujTHn nniiuijv e-yujA.nei Te^Ti oyei oya.^ g^mjoy jma^peneune. tjvooi 
nt«Ti TUjOAiTe nujTHn naw-y | e-ynHy eg^HT e^yw Tnooy ncKoyto eTne^noyq ^[^^!] Tj^pieixiH 
eneRO-ysa.! nTens^g^HT eitTon | + o'^'s.ts.i g^jun-zsoeic njuu&.ino['YT]e neon + 

' I entreat thy brothership that thou wouldest give [me] three robes God 

knoweth, there are here no robes, that, when they come, I might give one to each of 
them. Let thy kindness reach me and give them the three robes, when they come 
northward. And send thy good news to me, that I may know of thy health and my heart 
be at rest. Farewell in the Lord, my pious brother.' 

334 — Papyrus; a fragment; 16 x19 cm. Script: uneven, seldom ligatured. Redo \. 
Above 1. I a cross. 

Letter, the writer of which begs for (the loan of?) an ox for (use as far as ?) the ferry. 
He offers to make and deliver various articles of clothing, perhaps in payment of a debt. 

+ TniiwpjikRawTV.ei nTCTnejunT-xoeic [,]e[. .]ie[ ] | o-yrfenH \\\i Kjawne-sioop ai[. . .]. . ig 

• • • X.P^'^°*^''^^* n|oy£o?V.OR/ TeTneepT^lv^'[^v^]H nTeTneTJs.».q njvi eT[n]e[o]-]Ctouj oy^yc'H ^ | 
ncdk£id>.nin enswnoyc enT&.icju.nTc Td.Tn[o]oyc nH[Tn] e[T]eT[n] Icyioig ujojuiht neniRKi^jvpn * 

ig&.iTnooyc[o'Y] n | cn&.'y g^es.oyg^o'XoR/^ eTneo['y]eu| £it[ooy] g^e . . . . | . . eTn2ik.K<o 

i^nTinooy ig&.iTnoo'yq nH[Tn ] | ti e . coy [ | ».TneepTa>.i^ji>.TiH n[ | [g^]i£io\ Seo-ir" + 

335.— Papyrus; complete; 10x14cm. Script: ligatured. Redo \. 

Letter from « Titoue to the presbyter Peter, referring to certain sailors who had been 
sent to the latter, claiming of him 2 soh'dt. 

1 Altered. ' For f £oye>. * ? i-!rLKe<j)dXmov. Not found in the sense of headdress. 

' C/. Br. Mus. no. 1103. Frag, in Br. Mus. Or. 6201 b, ' ' Two for a sobdus.' 

Tco n7XPH ncm-^wnm. ° Assuming the abbreviations to = [7r]p[os] and 7r[a]p[a]. 


iig^oXoK^/ epoR eigtone TJneeTe | [np]oc oe KTa.qT*^oi cto [. .Jey on A.'yco | ^[ ]ep[ 

. . .]eR[ ];T*^Tit[.] I nqpwjjie nn[. . .]eig*.qTe^KOK g^s^neig^we . | /* i f t^/ 

At the lower edge of the leaf, a clay seal with traces of a Cufic inscription. 

336.— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 8 x 17^ cm. Script : rarely ligatured. Redo j . 
Letter containing various requests and referring to a loan on security. 

]eg^ H oytiA,N^Y enji.nno'YTe neg^ nTHJUHTc' oe ctcr | ]ci eneuja.RO'y&.g^ ^V.A.a.'y 
neo-yco nc'si ojht ng^o\oR^/ ni7TnooYcoY | Jra.a.'Y ni^n iga.n».no?V.oci'^e axsxooy e^neyx.i>.^icTei 
n*wq I Jjuteqc-YUiig on ^Atno-Y^ui nnno^YTe n^nco-y^XTVe Jvn | ]g^HT eqg^oo'y enefeWe \omon 

A.pi d.n&.TOOTR nTCRC. I 

337.— Paper; a fragment; 8x13 cm. Script: irregular, almost ligatureless. n is v 
and y j . 

Letter to a woman, perhaps asking for money. 

+ cn ^npocR/ jxno'Y'Jsa.i nToyAi|eTAiepi nctone ecT[A.i]HY epenoc g^«^pe£ enjO'yajneg^ ^ 
juenoyigHpe uteneqico epejnoc Ra^awy nn a^yco ec Tepnoein ^ eg^o)co|6 hiaa -sejuieig^OAieT eTOOTn 

€c|[i2 letters]neTeg^nawi ne|[ 

338 — Papyrus ; complete ; 20^ x 32^ cm. Script : small, ligatured. Redo f . 

Letter to a high official, regarding 2 shiploads of acacia wood*. Lacunae make 
details obscure. 

[ + ] eic nei-soi [cnja^-y [awjioTno-y n^onTe a.iR[a.]aw'y e6[o?V. njcoyna.! a.O/ ^ g^iTOOTq nne-y- 
niCTiRoc s e-yTaw^H-Y | e-xwo-Y a.-yoi eic npa^n nne-xHy AinnpawH nnenicTiRoc eyTa^XHy e-xoiov 
AinnR&.TA.T!iie nTa.'yTa.^ooy | g^iojo-y a^icjuHTq KTeTnee-yRAf/ n'soei[c . . .Y eTTaw![H]Y cawnec[HT] 

iiTienicTO^H [a.-ylw eic [, .]a. .[. . .J-ye . | [ jfrnToy (eg^HT above >=) nny g^mawg^oy nnneicg^a^i 

nn[. .] awioTn Ra^Tocnre t^^a^p n-i.ia.noAAH ^ ».icg^[a.]i wr'y[. . .] | g^iTOOTq nne-YnicTinoc e-VTa.'X.H'Y 
e-swoy coy^ . . . nlnooy Ta.pena.-soeic eiAte a.icg^a.j TinpocR-y | a^yco Tia.cna.'^e e-snt^'Ynonoos.ion 
nxeTnee-yRTyf/ n'so[ei]c exihAwy .... a^O/ jS 

• Or en^n^oTfTene guTn- ^ V nos. 306, 317. » So used in Justinian (Sophocles) and Leont. Neap. 

I no. 344. For Tep- ./ Tep^- of the future ; also (Gelzer 55, 60). In Krall Ixiv, Ixv (./ Br. Mus. no. 675) 

the Boh forms in Bessarzone v„. 1 9 (Guim). the meaning is obscure. Cf. Becker, Pap. Schott-R. i. 47 

; C/. Kenyon, Catal. ui. 186. ^vhere it is used in making 49, where the ship's y»J, and ^1 are clearly distinct, 
agricultural implements. On acacias as taxable church » The insertion stands almoiTabove pme.POT 

property, v. Krall m (read n*.iteeKK\Hci^). 7 y. Kenyon, Catal. i. 223 Pap Amh cliv ' 


In a different hand (?) and ink. 

€17 \i^«i iraxovL^ va.1 atro nay \vk^^ 8/ irCKarl niT' am poi;[)8]ee? . . aixrjp a4 if \ 

ei7 \i^^ p.r)va vav am nay epixovnoX^ ei^ ^ /iouTOet" 8/ wiXaro tti^ ano' povJ3ee<: €v X'^P'-^ 

apafiwv aKf p.[.] \ 

Verso. ^ eyp, [ ] blank | + [i]Sr ayf eeo<t>lXo Seo-f iiioy eue/D7 [space] Tw Tar 

. . \//as v/xas . . .'' 

Also (fibres t), in a different hand. 

+ n'\oc»[/ n]o'YnocT*.cic [Ai]niULi.K8.p/ £i[».]ite | g^ft.nnj>.Rj8 eT\a.R [ ]yn \ g^a^nnawR; 

e\^oi» a-L apl"^. . .]fi \ g^».n[ju]&. Kng^awiPi[oc KO]\\>y | g^a^Tcericog^e «[kj>.]2^ ..KOiuic | g^a.nne.u'^ 

eneg^pma^p . -i" | g^A.npo ^ nng^oi . . . . | g^^).»w^aw £hrt/ [ ] | g^*.net^opoc k . . a^n ci^d^a^R . po 

yeya. Each item has a figure opposite it, preceded by/^'. Their total concludes the 
column : 7v v y / -y^ 

Then a second account, headed a^t^^^**: g^a.n-jiJHjSi cne.Xa.c'Yn a^. . . .a Uy | g^a.n'jkHjm 
c\^oi I g^&>ne^ecTHc nwg^ | g^a^noi/ Rit^ i^, with the total below : yi/ v y / e 

' Lo, I have loaded the 2 ships with acacia (wood) and have despatched them this 
day, the 2nd of Hathor, in charge of their supercargos {nia-TLKos) that are aboard them. 
And here are the names of the ships and the names of the supercargos that are aboard 
them and the list of (Kara) villages where they were loaded ^^ ; I have drawn it up for your 

renowned (euKXeta) , honored lordship, at the bottom of this epistle (eV.). And see, 

the that have been brought north come on the back of this letter for 

I have loaded 2 jars (/caSos) for distribution (Stavojuij). I have written the at the 

hand of their supercargos (mo-.) that are aboard them, that my lord may know. I have 
written and do worship (npoa-Kweiv) and kiss the footstool {aamdleLv, vnonohiov) of your 
renowned (eiJ/cX.), honored lordship. (Written ?) on the 2nd of Hathor.' 

The accounts on the versO' — 'The list of the property (Xo'yos, vnoaTaa-L^) of the late 
Bane' — have no connection with the foregoing. 

339.— Papyrus ; almost complete ; 12 x 21 cm. Script : moderately ligatured. Redo \. 
Letter from Apa Cyrus to the headman, Phib. 

+ g^awOH juen itg^oiq uijui Tiujine ttTCRoeot^-yTvT/^* KAtepiT n-soejc nicoT | -^'Xei 
lUAOK ttfujme M[ca.]t5u)q nnejtog^e e-yKTOOTq | n[nn]03' nptoAte" «t^iyme nca^'^wq . . .^^ 

' H. I. Bell suggests Eis to ki/Bcpvov {Xipvpvov), a kind ' Pactum. 

of large ship (Suidas). The expected names of the ships » It will be noticed that Psoi-Ptolemais, far south of 
appear wanting. Shmoun, occurs here twice. Cf. no. 319. 

" Cf. iie.KOYi, in Jk6w texts, e. g. Br. Mus. Or. 6205. " Riparius. V. Pap. Amh. cxlvi. 

» The pagarchy of Lycopolis. Below, that of Her- " K.joanov. V. Kenyon, Catal. in. 276. 

mopolis. nayapvi'a and vUo<i seem identical. " V. Br. Mus. no. 1076. 

« „ , ' IS For T&Xo 91- V. Br. Mus. no. 11 19. 

Cf. TAxovxwcp in the Antinoite nome. Petrie. Gizeh " ^eo-^^X^'a (k. Br. Mus. nos. 481, 1151) or ^co-^cXcara- 

and Rifeh 41 '"°5 ■" ^""^ *^ sender cf. oo-KOTaros m no. 289 

" Cf ? Br". Mus. no. 1171, Tjuo-rn^gi. '' V. Crum, Ostr. no. 119. 

' Cf addresses of Br. Mus. nos. 1 1 15, 1 156. " Not gujcTe, possibly ^-^^ 



itna.Tenoo'Y | ojoune 'sepeitj.nog^e g^i* Ttone a.\^e. eq&i>in ^oeKj-e -seioTfoiuj | x^P"" epoo-y 
eni ec na^x^p"^ hmtoot equja^no^wtg «ei et^oo-YTit . e . | [. . . At]eT». Kik^o-Y « enne aici « 
uja^poq uja^nTenenosofic ne-^iiiC^ |[. . .]i na^x^^p"^ Ta.npocNpee8 gpoq g^».g^.Aa.e iga.qKa.e.T 
€6o\ I [.]f [.]q «».i awivc ^omon Tina.p«.Re.\ei awuor nr'iya.'se «eA«.».q | [-xeijc &to «poAine 
nncqTi A.a.a.f itJ^i a.-yw Tpojune Tiwq£ico[R] | HJvq e.qTi na^wptOAie ns.'Y THpo-y «neqTi «».i 
jvHOR n\Hn \ g^e hiaa eqc-ywig ti «jvi npoc Tpotjine jji».peqTi a.-yw eujwne | [.l-yo-YwiS ?o 
Hdwicog^e eeH jma^peqcAAn x^'P^ ^^^ epoo-y' eujwne rnxon \ [iuiv]peqR». na^icog^e «a.i efioA 
g^iRaw».g^ jtiju. eqc-Yiottj g^iT««eic[g^dwi] Tittjme | epoR + 

' Before all things, I greet thy God-favoured {eeo<^Ckia ?), beloved lord and fatherhood. 
I beg (TrapaKaXelv) thee to enquire into the matter of the fields that the ' great man ' holds, 

and to enquire into the matter , that thou mayest know that I am a tax {Srjfioaiov)- 

payer {hi bearer) : I have need (x/jeia) of pity for myself, this day ; and that thou 

mayest be aware (voeiv), ere to-day pass, that my fields are very But (aXXd) he maketh 

pretence, saying, 'I wish for a deed (x^pT-ij?) regarding them.' For (cTrei) see, I hold my 

deed (x^p-)- If he wish to come to the road, rightly (jaero, Kokov); nay, I will 

not go to him, till our lord, the renowned (ev/cXeeo-raTos) my deed (x^p-) and 

I approach [trpoa-ekOeiv) him on account of (?) and he let me go free 

And (XoiTToV) I beg {TrapaK.) thee to speak with him, for it is 4 years that he hath paid 
me nothing; and the year that he departed, he paid all the men their (money), but me 
he paid not. But (ttXtjV) let him pay me yearly, in what soever way he will. And if 
he wish to sow my fields henceforth, let him draw up for me a deed ix^p.) regarding 
them ; if not, so let him deliver unto me my fields, with any land he will. I greet thee 
by these letters.' 

Verso. [ + t]».a.c wn^ne -f [space] ^ife -f ^iTn».n^ R'ype -+• 

340 — Papyrus; complete; 19x17 cm. Script: clumsy, ligatureless ; resembles that 
of no. 393. Verso -^. The recto is palimpsest, but both texts were perhaps by the same 
scribe. The earlier was insufficiently erased, and it is difficult to say to which text 
11. 1-3 redo belong. 

Letter from his servant, Agathonicus, to Apa Phoebammon. He recounts his 
dealings with the husbandmen of Pathethnoube and PepOgm '«, whom he has employed 
in certain agricultural processes". He tells of his difficulties (or experiments) with a 
water-wheel (?), as to which he requests instructions. There is also a question as to 
reed gathering ; but little of the whole can be confidently interpreted. 

' qi perhaps implying oppression. « Cf. no. 3i8. 

' ' A hundred mercies ' seems improbable. ' Was epou 

3 Altered. * A qualitative ? or g.T a>„e ? lo For the rst, ./ ? ncroxvol^, (Tox^ovM BGU. 552, 

V. Ckum, Ostr. no. 107. 'For ^e.«. P. Amh. Ixxi ; the 2nd occurs perhapsTn Wi. cxlv. 

Possibly 2 or 3 letters at end. One expects • amtr ', " The verb *„ot2I. is difficult : neither ' yoke ' nor coire 

'""^ "' """"■ >-- (Lev. xix. 19) seems suitable to a meadow. 


CTeTlKo-Yi uecTij^Tei HT^mj. njnoo-Y ^g^o-Yn en|3-ooiu «on *.«*.nenoi^iut 2}^oj tco Tc-yc^o | 
5. OH nTj^iujnojTv.a' o-yn xtno-YCHjuii.x°<^' I *^JTpen[ .]i.Te€eno-Y^e nj.££i t5o[i] | xion 

ne[about 15 let.] | j^-yco i^i^[oo'y nTijenicTo^H whtu n\ . . cg^svi , . . «ft.i noo-v c . . «Tetbi?Voee I 
sic ' • • t; . . I 

10. eT^jvnoujc ^s.T€iAAe eTectyoAt aw-yw | Tio-yiwe TeniCTo'XH CTjujuiiw'y i.n dw'yo) | eic uaoAAitT 
ng^oo-y '^^! t^oi nT|AAoy jk-yoj Ri^Ta. Ten nTdwi-xooc epwTn | -sea.i'si ujavTVoo-y ^ eneujt^op 
Aini'siTC I 15. jKien jgA.TV.oo'y eg^pd.1 d.ijui«.g^c nxfiiT | a.iTi).».c enecHT Te.nd.'y -seujevc^ Teilg^ajmoo-y * 
Tivi eujwne iga^Tneg^e o-yei g^*.|THT[n] -xitc eujcone AAon c^^i htojuj | nj>.i tsv^rh no-yei = g^a^THi 
AtoK ncj>.Tei|20.-2^d.AAoo'y Ta.i jjiec^ av-yco . . jutH . i na^i | -seno-yojui ucocope ks^uj •x.nene^js. 
etgcone | AtniujKtooipe na^TeTw HT-sa^ie couj g^mdwg^o-y | {redo) juiJ>.\'\ott T(rest illegible) | 
(illegible) Jvq-soolc -se [about 12 let.] necTdii?V.on eic | ncqpwAte a.qei Ts^sii ne^q eujwne 
eq-si (JoX I 5. ujme «CA.neqg^(jaq co-yTa^sij nsis juom | eic cocy iig^oo-y fienTOOTq fiOHoia^^ o-yw | 
TCTuecg^jvi K&.I eTfiet^u)£i ktujjvXooy | xsLon nito-yTe coo-yn t^ajuuje nny epoq «.|AiH«e'' 
ejgojne jvMOKne euja^iTiHue juoc | 10. i\iio\ Te.Ti[ ]e juioc o-ysa.! g^jutnl-xoeic '^e[cno]TSw + 

In the other direction : + T&.&.C Ainsw-xoeic js.n»> [space] t:^oifcj»jucjo« g^iT«neTKe(ye>.*yoM 

a.R».eoMiK€ + . Beyond this, traces of 2 lines, in the hand of the earlier text, with witnesses' 

341. — Papyrus; almost complete ; 11x18 cm. Script: almost ligatureless. Redo \. 
Letter giving instructions regarding the treatment of certain vineyards. Above the 
text, a cross. 

+ KTd^neioyoie enoine ei einiKXxo xxxx[o]i | •seeKJv.n&.tiKeiw'^e juju[o]q T&.pqmoTe' enes'toju. | 
enjudi juinui'WHc ' ^.[ijea.'yju.jv'^e o-ycouj 9'y[n] |Aj.nep[n«s.]pa>.Ke ^° juuioq Ji^ni Keno-yq tcju- 
n&..pAi.oii I neKTJvg^os eg^pa^i ncocyTn + 

'Seeing {iireiS-i]) this husbandman of mine hath come and told me that thou dost 
compel {oLvayKoiCeLv) him to water (?) the vineyards at Pma mpnilles, I was surprised 
{davixdleiv). (]VIy) desire therefore {ovv) is : pass him not by (Trapayeiv) and bring the 
money, so that properly.' 

Verso : the address . e'y]'2i.0KiiiAUJT [space] (illegible). 

342 Papyrus; a fragment; 17x33 cm. Script: ligatureless. Redo \. Above 1. i, 

a cross. 

* QC no. 342. ' The Little Fast ' appears to commence * F! no. 159. 

the Pascha : assuming v-qinia and Aioyp egoyn identical, ^ Presumably Zioikuv, as in ro. 9. 

V. Oxford MS. Hunt. 3, pjue, where the 3rd Sat. in Mechir ° V. no. 320. 

is headed c'ZLjuinKypiKxie^ {v. Crum, Ostr., no. 18 n.) eTen- ' ? ' The carpenter is expected daily.' 

KOTi xi^oyp egoynne, while p^^, the next Sat.,is headed ' V. no. 158, 16, and Krall cxii. 

nnoa' xxxx. ePOTn=.jJl ^ jUI o-JI. V. also Crum, ' A place? 

I.e., no. 60 n. and Leipoldt in K.Vollers's Leipzig Cata- " V. Crum, Ostr., no. 61 n., Br. Mus. no. 462; but the 

logue ( 1 906), 421. meanings suggested scarcely suit here. 

' crv>/Aaxos. = T- no. 241. " Quite uncertain. Perhaps ■a.eAinec^Aj.o. 



Letter from the headmen of Tohe ^ to a superior, regarding 20 workmen engaged 
upon his dyke (xw/ia). 

[ + ] Kaj[o]pn [jii]e[«] nnojjs.'se T[€n]npocK'ynei nTCRjuMTJuepiT n-xoeic «co« A-n-si necg^^.! 
[MJTeK ... I a^-Yto [e]Tfcen[ei]'xo'y(»>T npc" . .^ en . neK;)(^coxiJ>w eK^^>.p*.K^lw!^.eI «TeiiA*«TJUiepiT neon 
tt . oi . . g^ . . . I «pj>.cTe eTeTKo-yi «ecTiA.Te ^ tiTJuen 2>.noKpicic na>.K ttj&>«TO>Ki nng^oiq THTitocY 
«ep[i:'awTHc na.]R | js.-yio nKO-Yxe neTcoo-yn iu.nenn». ncM-xoeic n^is.p * TJ>>.g^on T2kWa».PH ^ KT*>.cei 
eg^p^.! HToc nnig&,«|T«oo'Yc enecHT + o-Y-sivi g^nn'soeic + 

Verso. TJs.[js.c ? ] g^iT««j.Tt[H'Y€] | enroig^e + 

o43. — Papyrus; 2 disconnected fragments; loxiil, 131x14cm. Script: sloping 
uncials. Recto \. 

Letter to a superior (perhaps an advocate), regarding dykes and canals, and the work 
to be done on them. 

g^p]HTwp8 THpoy a.Tfaj[ ) ei(Ai]T iwchc^ t na.px[ | Jo-y luxoo-y co'y[ | fcoH]ee epo« awMKd.p[ | 

[n]»'PX?[ ? ] • TcjAAOTito-y k[«.7V.](oc Ta^-xpooy | A.pi &.W[nH ]eMar[ ? "sJivTC 

MiienTqs T«T^CTa.Ko nen|xwA»a^ aio« ^Ti.-xpH'y k».t[». ? ]gHT ^eg^oic awnno-yTe ti 

Twios I Mcot^ia. tiHTH *.TeT«e'j.i[ » ? JuRO-yi eiAie ivpi Ta.c-a.nH Aia^pe-ylijioyTw t^oiuiT i» 

nTa.qnai[ ? nlnoyTC e-yRa.i.c efio\ nTma^ipoAine | nawTTHpo-y Aio-yrn t^OAAT [ ? ]k 
eTn€uie.npT2vC'2.nH TCTneajme | cj^d^coq neiga.qHn iuAOTn[ ? ]y «TeHigHpe Mttepoijme 
cxMAe I ivyw enei<i^ ^.T«eKe'^e'y[c ? ]^ o^ynp npwAte p^ioq eTcssvTc" | «jLiad&Ta.ce 
npwAte pgw[q ? ] na.'soeic + 

344.— Paper; a fragment; 8x 11 cm. Script : sloping, ligatureless. 

.1. . ^f^ ''^^*'",^ *° ^^^ ^"^^^^"^ °*' ^ ^^"- ^"'^h ^s obscure. The writer complains 
that of the 5 workmen {ipydrrj,) sent him, '3 are sick and not one hath done me proper- 
work. Later he says 'I was at pains to write unto thee and thou hast not sent me any 
reply (dTroVpwns). ^ 

2^0. ^^ngcoq n^o ( ^T-co ne«T^Royoepeq - , „^, „,^„^ „..p„^^ec I a.igox.eT igco»e 
eiiocoTT ^yco neoy .pcvy^coq equ,H„, | „.. ^y^, epen^iT^o - .TeeK|^o nnoTxe .*ena.K 

(...5.) cy eepHc «,eo-T .«., I «o„ ..goce ec^.. „.k j neuep oy.noKpoc „., | .^J 

' V. no. 92, note, adding from Br. Mus. Or. 6201 a &c., ^ ^ hio ' 

Tioge Axn«>\oY\oY. lo „ 

' Assuming this an abbreviation for ipydrr,,. There is • deliver T' Tn ^7^' ""^""^ ■"''■"'" ''""' '° '"^^'^ * P^^'' 

not space for the full word. p ^^f * -^^ ^°=''^ ^99 ewoTiteq simply =^oiwai, 

c. no. 340. vaoTOvXapios. 12 T H,, „^* i 1 1 •^■^aiv.. 

» 'Discount.' Ki'^A^'^/^.xxxi, note, also here no. 278 - r ° ^T "".^ ®"^ '"'' ^^ interpreted thus. 

• A p^o>p in P^^. 0.^_yr^ cli, perhaps in Br. Mus! ccxxviii ij "°' "^^ ^""^ P'obably Krall 

no. 1023 (reading there correct). u jS., ' 

' <^ corrected from n. , "^ '^"^ *^^' ^^ow a Mid. Eg. tendency, one might 

« First , perhaps erased. It has 2 dots, 2nd x has not. i> toe".'^'^ no^ ^''" 



j^m^wq T^qg^lpwjguj e«OR a.-yw igon | xieKoyo^ «?pw«€ mm | Atene^pp*. . -yV ujon iui[e]R|^e'y 
o-Ypco^e oTfoe n4o«|[eT Along margin of redo ]sul^ n^q ^.jgon xion, and of i/^rso 

nu}me «».! ^ujm[e 

345— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 10 x 8 cm. Script : seldom ligatured. Redo f . 

Letter containing nothing noteworthy except aw-yw nuje.s.p eneq«o[T] and [a.-ylw nige^^p 
enitoTne j^p^^ «[ , referring to the value ^ of barley. 
yerso : part of a legal document. 

346.— Papyrus; complete; i8ix23icm. Script: moderately ligatured. Redo I 
Folded about 11 times in height and width. 

Letter from Iszem i^l^), son of Belal {J^^^y, to Severus, son of Bane*. It relates 
to the fodder to be supplied by a certain village. The letters q and -y (sing, and plur.) are 

+ A.-yRO'yi g^nneKg^toq ei lyd^poi nn€nT».Kj>.j>.q a.-ycu d.ina.'y itneig^wq ^^vI | i^ipg^oTe 
•sttTeKg^pouj s ecswnptoAAe e-y^ajn g^pe" eic t^xsLxxome. nnoTivp/' | eviTnoo-yq «a.K ?V.omon 
&.M[&.]'y eng^wq HT[d.j]^noYK epoq e«Ti.'yujum | g^[p]e eqpHT n&is. jmets^i-s » cg^jkicq [. . .]c a.-yw 
cg^jv.1 2_[. .la.i^ecsHneptoitilnTULie g^JsJieg^pe d!io\ nnpwjute itTa^qujton na'i's xxttSx-s. dwyio | neTeujivKg^e 
epoq nTawq-jso o'yKd.g^ Tnoo-yq njvi e^yio cywHivg^ ng^iaq itj>.i | efeo\ 'xKTd.q'xo cycyHp rtcoyo 
oyHp MiwT cynp ng^pe h ■xitTe^.q-so | eTna^uje h 's[n]T«wqiijion nKis.g a^q-xcq cg^i.1 njs.i THpq 
g^&,g^TK itnjs.TeKcg^a.icq | nd^i ^.^yoi «npKO)\y npuMJie [nJTJs.'yujcon n&xs. iuniJi's €Te««R&,i" 
neyg^pe | m>jy eisoX t e i^/ ^ 

' Somewhat of thy matter hath reached me, of what thou hast done ; and I have seen 
this thing and have been afraid lest thou art hard upon the men that are buying 
fodder. See here, I have sent unto thee Ammonius, the notary (wra/jios). Now {\oltt6v) 
see to the matter as to which . I enquired of thee, (namely,) that fodder hath been 

bought (while still) standing, and directly. Write it and write against the 

villagers for fodder, on account of (?) that man who bought directly. And him thou 
shalt find to have sown land, send me ; and set forth for me the matter, as to how much 
corn, how much barley, how much fodder he hath sown, or {-t]) whether he hath sown 
up to the half, or (17) whether he hath bought the land and hath sown it. Write down all 
this for thyself, ere thou write it to me. And hinder {KaXvecv) not such men as have bought 
directly, whose fodder we (?) do excuse them. 9th Tubi, 4th Indiction.' 

Verso. « (Tvv Lo-Cefi vi fiyjkaX [space] creyT]pa> /3avov * 

' After &. a ligature or abbreviation. Arabic ? ' These 2 words inserted in a blank, in different ink. 

2 V. no. 201, also Krall in WZKM. xiv. 234. V. perhaps no. 150. 

3 (jf jjQ_ 2gg_ ' Lit. 'hand and or with hand'. The phrase is un- 
' Severus (dat.) is apparently the recipient, though he, known to me ; it may refer to private dealing, regardless of 

as a rule, is named first. S. perhaps recurs elsewhere ; the due contribution or of official inspection. 

V. nos. 1 17, 214. ° Perhaps 3 letters missing ; g4.poi or gpea ? 

' An elliptical subjunctive? ' V. no. 387. " eTeTitit- might be read. 


847-— Papyrus; complete; 6x21 cm. Script : clumsy, ligatureless. Verso -^. Not 
from the Ashmunain collection. 

Letter from George to his 'father', Apa Kolthe (Colluthus), to whom he is sending 
beans. Heracleopolis Magna is mentioned. 

+ Ta.e>.c cTtj^icoT nb. koTV-oh g^iTencecopi^e | eic -so-yoT nepToq Mo-Ypo) e.'Xa.'y ^ dwiTenoo-y- 
co-Y [ «a.K nTj>« iuttoycHc npAieg^nic Ta^a^Y n«.i | aw-yoj o-yoine Ta^peR^iTc «a.R ujjkc ncooy 
g^iJTennd.^ JCi>.d.K b^yin eic Tome MTenoo-YC na.R | KTA^itgiToy axoc Sw-yu) --^ o-y^OTC ^ wnpn 

Redo. + Ti.awc eneK.i[space]toT na. Ko\eH | g^iTeni^ewpce 

Parts of an earlier protocol, in large, brown characters, are visible on recfo. 

' Here are 20 artabae of white beans which I have sent thee, of what my brother Moses 
from Hnis gave to me. And an oipe (thereof I wish) that thou take for thyself. Ask for 
them from the papa (?) Isaak. And lo, I have sent thee the oipe, having measured them 
therewith ^ And give a ^0/5- worth of wine to the sailors as their wage. Farewell in 
the Lord.' 

348.— Papyrus; a fragment; 13^x21 cm. Script : of the same type as nos. 341, 360. 
V. PI. 8. Recto \. Through the first lines, part of the Arabic protocol, ]o^. 

Letter from Simeon, his son, to SilOn*. He informs him that, thanks to God, who 
had guided him, Amrous = had reached them safely. Among the subjects of the letter 
are certain transactions in flax ; but the script is difficult and details remain obscure. 

+ CYK TipHHH imHo-Y wa^K AAMneKcwoYg^ eg^oYH THpq TiTajuoj <i.e kaacok '2seng^[ | nicg^a.1 
na.K a^nnoYTe -si aaocit eawAipoYC aiii na.n eq«a.g^xi eTV.a.a.'Y ene" neg^Ai[o]T [ennoYTe] I ujHn^ 
jvYW awi-xi HTCRcg^a.! iKioiujcs S e^ieiAie eneTeitg^HTc epeTawr^oYpa. [ | enn a^ncmno^ Ta^^o) g^a^oHR 
j^ROYtopn ttj^nj^ TVoYJ^" mjvi eujopn ext[ | jvROYiopn Ka.i g^mawa-aws-e g^a^n aS^ a.M(?HTOY eY-^sHq" 
a.R'xoo'Y Ha.1 [ | ga.M aS^ kS WTj^noYpe^ Ta.\io H«iura.a.p na.i a.n ©Y-xe nTMna.y egcofe a. . t[ I 
ogoi «^R gj^rtecRfiYe eTRH t^ip eTOOT« -setgoin e.R-sof.OY g^i-s^ | a.\\ AJtefeme g^icpo-Y e-yy nTa^yep- 
OYgwAicT n^i RgHoj j^R j^RHjwn RRgH[ | fco\ 2vRcga.i Ka.1 -seefeoX Rc 01 RecmA no'i'xi'^ rLior 
^€YKm [ I po«ne efime rr^s-i^^ RROYg^oci^ j,^oi a.Rcga.i Ra.v -seRecmn (above raicohchc) 
a.R^[ I Tefeepttje'X.eeT ga.R aS' a^Y^ • . h -shr -xeefioX He g^ma.s'iTv.'X [ | '2£eTJUi[ 

* V. KRALLviii. a.\a.Y often in the alchimistic texts different. 

(Stern, Aeg. Z. 1885, the Bodleian papyri &c.). 10 rJcu^s Ann. du Service viii 84 

' V. Crum, Ostr. no. 348. n cf -o^ m„„ , _ 

3 As in Matt. vii. 2 &c. Cf. IWi. Ix. also aS to v L""' ' "/' rT^'^T'^'r^ ^^' """'^ '' 

4 An unknown name ^^ t ^ ' ' ""^^^ ^^P' ^°P'' '' '' ^^'^ 
» ,»., elsewhere «axApoT, ^oiipoc. Tnlnce; Z', ^"^^ .^"J" ^^ (^)' 7. 1° '^itre. In these 

« 'r^e^ooT. C/ the phl^se in Kra.i. ccxxviii. 3. than hot'- ' ""'^ " ""' '""^ 

' K. 2 Cor. ix. 15. 12 _,x» 

« Fern. ? because confused with im,TTo\rj. n ^Jerld °' ^f-^^,' corn-stalks ', Lane. 

' The letter above is for oy; in 11. 9, 10 apparently 


Verso. ] KRcuio-Yg^ 7V.d.j>.Y a^y . eg^o-yn mki eg^HT g^AJinoywuj nnuoyTe b.yoi sul[ \ ne co-y- 
X&iAJiivn Axon Keqciim cjuoht &.n cys*.! g^iAn-^sc 

The address is + Ti^a^c enevmepj mw ci^ojit [space] g^iTnc-Yxteuiu neqignp" 

349 — Papyrus ; 16 x 23I cm. Script : ligatured and difficult, perhaps that of no. 372. 
F. PL 8. Recto \ . 

Letter from Apa Kire (Cyrus) to his 'dear father', Mena. So little has been read 
with certainty, that the sense remains obscure. It relates to business transactions, sums 
of money ^ and litr<x of flax {a-Linrov = a-T'nnTiov) being mentioned. Arabic words occur. 

sic /. . 

+ £^jL«.np«s.M enno'YTe nujopn g^cofi niju [ eicg^a-Ji eiujine naaj.[epiT] | hicot junnd. 

AAHnen.Ai.epiT neon '^a.^^i^is.pi&.c [about 14 let.]J>«.'y aa««5 . e AAm&.ie [. .] | AArio-yKoJSiep AAnno'Y's«>^i 
ne^nenHi THpq 'sinenRO'yi cajs-nitot? titaaao nAAo|K n2».iiOT ■sepujNiinno'YTe nu aaocit^ c^a.h'A. 
nujcoT eccyujine ^ TOOTq nc&.o'Y ... | 5 . . epe : -q g^iuicoc nujakpenno-yTe -si AioeiT [n]*wq 
Tnei TOOTK cg^A.1 ney . . . | kjs.i ne'y?V.ici&. * e,*Yui nawicoT ujenno'yTe es.[.]uj&.js.pd>.T aj&.T • . . 'sen 
... I nTdw-YttTOY &.'Yi» nawTne-yg^oKg^R ° AAon ujennoyTe nni . . ite g^ins^i o'Ya. | e^nieiiie iioK. 
g soq oawcnsw'Y . . . ee enTa^'ye! eg^o-Yn e-scoi e».*Yio n».itOT «joi)|ne e^nncYTe -sj aaocit enig^H-Y 
na^TAoRC evnni : rj ei tootr . n cg^a^i | 10 nivi hs^isi na^iWT rtjs. X k6<^ cmnon ceene g^js.THi 

Aion iK\ I ns^R oyj.! con evTV-TV*. epemio-YTe --^ y^jt^^ic epoq ujs.j'so'Yco'Y njs.R a.'Yoj 

nawitolT jx.iT«Tioivo'y -sepuja^nnnoyTe niee^ TO-yRW feoTV. nee [nJTa^a.&.'Y | R*.Ta>. X i^j g^Js. : a 
g^na.TV.o'YJvca.T . . epige>.nnno'YTe niee t[o'y]rco iio\ \ nee nTniawy nne'Xa.a.'Y noi-soy ujiwpe- 
nncYTC nn : a eg^pa.1 g^iiowq | 15 na.TV.^Js.'XHc ^ nHTn ey-xRUi feoTV. . a.Tv.Tv.js. Ticyioig njJune 
g!u)& I TeRO-YWRj n tkS^ g^&.THi g^a>.ncinnon nTaviRawaw-y efioTV. g^».THAAepoya.n^ | a^Y^ nno-yTe 
neTcoo-yn -^snni'sn : /cS^ o'ya.^d' Te-y : jutj awi-snoc e&o\ | . . . . Tiujme epoR o-ysa.! g^nncsoeic'J | 
(verso) oya.'A.a. a-i-sitc c-sa.'se a.JO'yoAAC aw-yco a^icg^a.1 na.R g^a^g^a^TCR | 20 ng^a.?Viieecio ?V.oinon na^ioiT 
nnenooju ti exiTon na^R a-ncg^a^i na^i a.Wa. | na^itOT Ticoo-yit a.n ena.ejH'y jy.noR g^a.THR a^Wa. 
ujione ng^coq ti eAA|Toni\R TCR-so-yq Ha.s nee eqc-yng^ g^a^THR igion iga^Hni^e g^a^T : ^ ei'i 
uia.ilTa.a.c na^R ujwne Tenniee -ripHnn na^R^^ j^yco na^icoT . h . . . igme n|pcoAAe Tnpo-y £a.THH 
Ra."\u)c a.-yto>T eia^Rom <smo-yi 'sn[. . .] 'sep|25-aja.nnno'yTe -si AioeiT epAinna. ujine 
TOOTq nca. : xe ng^o?\.OR/ eTOOTq | a.yco a^q-sooc -serine -vnyijb.iiK on nca.Ri \ le a.'yw na^icoT 
[......] I epoR a.-ycjo AAC-sH-yi* <seujion necna.-y Ra^XiRen^* na.i a.yco na.jwT igenlno-yTe 

1 The : preceding the figures should stand for v. ' ub/"- 

2 V. Mitth. Rain. v. 46. ' Verso continues the text, notwithstanding this final 
' Alternative readings, itigw -reno-y. salutation. 

* EiXvo-ia ' safety'. V. Br. Mus. no. ii55- " Perhaps -Aee only. 

" Reading certain. A new verb, unless =20'X2'x. » For eic. F. no. 353. 

" This locution in Krall ccxxviii. 19. " Presumably ='it is well'. 

' Cf. eipe new\x«>a>^«'= u^^ (Stern), Aeg. Z. 1885, w y. no. 352. " KaXiyiov. 

104, 118. 


In other direction : ^ ^ 

+ Ta.a.c na^epiT mwT junna. (g^Xo below) + [space] g^iTitJ^nj. Kip nqujHp 

350— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 17 x 12 cm. Script : thin, ligatured. Recto f • 

Letter of instructions as to transactions relating to wine (?), flax, ropes, corn and money. 
Jcooy naje nKo\a.en n^n t[ | Ta^Ta^x"' 'ra.Ta.a.-f ef.o\ TJ^T«o[oy | ]poq iv-yco -jsi iteiJ^c- 
t^a^Xja. ttTOOTq ixxx[ \ ] epoq TeqTa.'Xo igHT ju<c]nTe «Ko\^e[n^ | ] nnxxn-v ng^o^"/ «niAi^ 
a.q-x«o'Vj[ I lTa.Ti na^c-enHxia. «a.K ?y.omo« ii[ \ Tn]ooY nj^i e^HT j^TfOi TCKigj^Tq kro\^[ | ]e- 
cmnoiit na.1 juiHnecna.pTioM jtin[ | a.-y](o -xnoy t^oiA^JuwH nnepKJ^'2.[ | ]eTi^ei epnc j^-yio nnepxi 
Tome npiOA]i[ | ] luuoq cg^a.1 Ka.i a^YCO a^g^epa^TK jaa.nTO'Y^ | ] a.-yto «ja.T ircgHKO-YxieTa. * 
itnaiojueT Hg^o'\[°/ 1 ]tw« h no-yq J^T**^ *^P' npooY«I ^™^ Ra.'\[a)c | ojuj g^ma^g^oy | (z/^rso) 
] Ra.*\(oc uja.RTO'YTa.'Xo TeujAAoyne [ | ]g^HT ena^nooy e^yto -sRoy j^Ma.cTa.[ce | ] KTeq&i TeyajHT 
tiKO-yXa.en eYTa.RH['Y | ]tsi cna.'y ng^o\oRj nco-Yo Hnuja.[ | ]n€<3'coig v^JvnHpn eni jviTawa^y 
ita.q [ I ]e nneRedi ig»>«Te'Y[<2£]oo'Y na.[ | jooy neypiOAie eg^HT neAia.[ | ] . . g^Atn'soeic + 

351.— Paper ; a fragment ; 8| x 8 cm. Script : moderately ligatured, but difficult. 
Letter greeting Abu Geber^ and relating to wine, corn &c. 

]na.i aw-yco nigm n-y g-enep* | ] awyoi &n neqigm g^a^poi | ]uja.poq (S'on RtoWo-ye ^to . | 
]n p cna.'Y ena.TVa'copwn ' | ]ng^ . . ei a.'yoi) Tttooy ?- 8 | j-si necoyo | ]g^ooq a.-yoi | 
Verso : Arabic (earlier). 

352. — Papyrus; a fragment; i8-2-xi9cm. Script: of relatively early type; v. PI. 5. 
Redo |. 

Letter from to his ' dear lord ', Apa CoUuthus. It relates to corn which the 

writer had been bidden to send, to orders received from the comes and to various other 

The idiom shows several semi-Achmimic forms^ 

njpAAg^To' a^Tia. KoTv.TV.o'Yee g^a^oH aah «g^(o6 | TjeRxieT-soejc Redeye .seTa^Xo necccyo I 
jAino-yeei npuiAjie eitHg^e Ra.! ca^p n« | ]eec na^i 'xeeuja.i mr-si ^oy «ige «pTo6 I ] ne'sefi 's[e».- 
nJKOjLiec KeTVe-ye n».i K-<^g^e a^ig^sce sxni&en | nRoJAtec^cg^a.1 epnc neh eni npoc ee 
eiiLie 1" epofi efuuee-ye | ]ncene ^a^efipe cco^e HTcpiCiuie -seaiiRcaTe CRa^TC | enjicTo7Vjua.ii iga^TC- 

' Or niRi. The oblique stroke may=K£paTta. Revillout, Ac/es 74, kcoajlhti in a Jkow frag. 

" K Br. Mus. no. 1141. » Cf. Br. Mus. nos. 586, 707, Rainer Fii/irer, Taf. viii, 

' KoWadov, KoXXaOiov is treated as fem. in Krall j^Aoy efi^t^o. 

ccxxxiv, ALM. Bain. v. 32, Br. Mus. nos. 334, 657, 1097, « Or g-enip. ' ? ^^.i, pi. of xj\j=.. 

1 04 1 (cn-re kk., but crii^YHO kk.). 8 ^^^^ ^^^ eitHge, ne^icfi, ^^Tn, «.n-, cooyKe. Cf. 

■* This compound name recurs in Crum, Copt, MSS. nos. 270 &c. s V. no. 208. 

no. lii ; 5/: ? Mission frang. iv. 702. KoyAiHTe alone in " Altered. Perhaps cipe. " iTricrrakixa. V. below. 


!^]Tnq T2V :\omon eajwne Kd.epTj^i?a.nH ni^ei epnc t« | iKo-v-XHTn ^ a.n eei ^i-si enicTo^H «Te 
nnoAtec TenipojAte | Jo-yTe «Ta.iep&o'\ ecHuje niKO'yi coo-yne THpo-y ncpa^tiS =* | ]oJEie epooy 
ens tiaiicoR g^iineei jvk "snTiwiawnc n'sos 2.*a | ] eKevxi ujht'Y ripTo^i na^pajm'Y epoK 
Kcoyo I ] . JAe eic neniCTO^Uia. mtoot dw-yuj j).iTaw?V.o neei en-soi juinwp efc j ;)(^]ei\ie.c TeTp«.KOci«.c 
ocKTOHKoriTe^ enT«.*Tnoo'Y no-yw ne.i iig^wfs niAt | ].oe Te^g^oi juiKne^H-Y eop2.t:^/ e.not-ojU/ 
•i> « H in*^/ + + + 

Verso. +TiKis.c junsdutepiT n'soe[ic [ 

In the other direction : ]'sea.niKO'Yi <soo& •xcttd.'xi Hpnn a.n egj = (blank) 

353 — Papyrus. This is the verso of no, 125. Script : Hgatureless. Fibres -». 
Letter relating to transactions regarding dates and corn. 

"f g^eko-y Aten ng^wq «ijul Tjujme epoK «[ | jAnTeug^iJUie junneKigHpe jun[ | nna. « eniTH 
d.inwp'Y's next.2s.K tj^.[ | fi-yne jumno-YTpixjiHcin g^a.iujutT [ | enpToq nfe-Yne e>.'yei €toot>>. 
n[ I uLHcm Alton nno-yTe ne-r&.nTV.Hpo'y [ [ ei' -si isw-si nexpijuiHcm e-xwco-yo* «[ | ju.i.K 
^jvne-s'ynoo'Y ».'Y[&.] xsloi [ [ «pToq nccyo g&.poq Ta.-Tjs.ji.'y «Ta.[ | ti g^-YAie g^jvpoo-Y eujtone 
•yiTcoo'YLn | ^"yoi kcti g^'yjue g^a^pocy ei Td>ju.o€J t[ | iyi.peneqg(ji)q <5'con ujaicyk npToq 
«c[o'Yo I neTs.'siTq cTeneToin' (S'ain ujAJio['Ytt | [--Ig epoR euineKTi u[ | junon ujenno-YTC 
(A)Ro[ I e-soiei g^jvMTeiuiocioj« jui[ | .'U.hi[ j ti njn,ton[ | g^a^THK ax[ 

On redo : ^ Te>.a.c ««[ 

354. — Papyrus; a fragment; 9 X II cm. Script : rarely ligatured. Verso -^. 

Verso. Letter from the priest (lepevs) Enoch of Tesh . . - ", his ' servant ', to Apa 
Shenoute, a StotKijrij's ^^ Corn is the subject dealt with. But the text is palimpsest and 
often hard to read. 

■<f n€TM(3'a».'yon ento^ t^iepe'yc ^^ nTeuj[ | e^nik jgeno'yTC n-a^iRa^iTHc g^i^eH jueit [ | no-Yoeiuj 
niA* ec -xe titsojio juuaok '2£e[ | eTiiui*k«Jv<3'o'y . "Kw.^^ ^.r-sooc '2£ei&.[ | AtncRi ncsiCO-YO eic n^-KOT 
e[ I ige nno-yTe ncdwcyoine no'y[ | neii efc-sto juhaoc epeneq [ | ujoon nj».n A.n[ | TaLnnjs.'y -senf | 

Recto. The address : ] n-aLiRSwiTHc g^iTnneqo'a.'Yon enio;^^ and traces of an earlier text 
(perhaps not that visible on verso). 

' Plur. of wKoxn- V. no. 311. ' For eie? C/. Br. Mus. no. 11 16, here no. 349. 

'i ? Contains the verb KuXuW. QC no. 277. ^ w altered. 

3 p ypdaaa. ° The T in Twn and in 1. 6 t*. is almost identical with <^. 

* These high figures recall no. 310. " Q^ Teujiut, perhaps a place, Krall cxxx. 

" This presumably relates to the preceding text, but is " V. no. 369. 

suddenly broken off. " Priest as ' servant ' in no. 355. 

' ? For nn&neKHi. " Or x for ^' Perhaps contains aiTij/na. 

j58 SA^DIC manuscripts 

355.-Papyrus ; a fragment ; 7I x 2i| cm. Script : almost ligatureless. Recto \ . 
Letter from 'your servant Apollo' the \.pe<>^\ to a superior, mentionmg 40,000 reeds, 
4 workmen and a measure ^ of honey. 

[+ ne]T[«eK^.o^on *.no\7V[(o n^il^peoc neq-roTU*^ eqc^^i **[ 1 [^l^eH «n £(o6 m« 

npRivTHc [ 1 efia^poeic epcoT« jmenRevn encqiw ujoon g^awTn[ 
F^rso. ]qe [space] X"^ '^^ '^'^'^ 

356— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 61 x 7I cm. Script : very small, ligatured. Recto \ . 
Letter to a superior, mentioning the places Delke and . . . .ndog^ and speakmg of 
gathering fodder in the meadow. 

]i emptocK-Yne nsjuiepiT n-^soeic itoT[ | ] epoo-Y eg^o-Yn e^H^ne ec^fe ^"Yw ne[ | ]m-^oi<3' 
epjvCTC j."fco nepK*. «*^[ | e]&o7V e.« e°^°^ ^T^ '^""'Y ne<?^o'Y^[ I 1^ ^^^^'^'^ ^P^^°*Y «^°* 
dw-Y^ I ]t t^oifiajuKon Ainn'i.i^K/ Ta.'YP"te[ | ] blank 


Verso. ]t cTiviH'Y 

357-— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 15I x 16 cm. Script : ligatured. Recto \ . 

Letter from John to (Apa) Severus, a merchant (Tr/Day/xarevrijs). It seems to contain 
a request or instructions as to certain buildings or land. 

[ + n]«|opn juin ng^ioq nijui TinpocR-Ynei J^-Y^ [ ] T]Hpq AAttTenAAS.s.'Y AAJtujeno-YTe nern- 
5gHp[e I ]ic KTei.i'sno'YTH'YTn epoc nccg^».i naji n[ | ]q g^oTV-OC -smeee>.TK efioTV. ?V.oin[on | 
j-ye g^iTOOTq nnpcoAte e6».Ti^i.1 na.K •seoo'Y [ | ] ecne^y kroo^ asulxik juia.peqnoono'Y efcoX 
g^i'SH[ I ] aw-Ytrt Ti (S^i-s n^q g^a^poi ncTenTa.i'sno'YR epoq ig[ | ]RRO)pu} JuuAoq eT^enepo aihhi 
nj>.«Toc nco'Y[ | ] nTeRiAnT-soeic neon Ainno'Y'sa.i AtnenHi THpq [ 

Verso. ]iJv ce'YHpo''' npa^t^jJi + itog^jswnnHC neR . . . neiHn[ 

358- — Papyrus; a fragment; 13x22 cm. Script: small, ligatured. Redo \. 
13+ lines. 

Letter, mostly illegible. It relates to money matters and wine (?) : ti hro nKoWawoe. 

The last 6 lines are . . . g^a.g^TH'Y e-YtJoin [ \oi3'e is.noR pco . . e nR^-YXeg^ n&.R g^oTVioc 
poi [n]eTn&.no'Yq eit g^HHTe e!».icg^&.i n|g€po'YO'x CTftHHTO-Y nonRO-Y efioX g^A.g^TH'Y Rii^n ».RT8>.ak'Y 

^ V. no. 354. 6201 B, a fragment, nenoiRioit nnouj hthKrc gAinToug 

'^ a corn measure, Aeg. Z. xxx. 39. Cf. Br. Mus. [nmiioyn epe nTon]oc nc^e.t'ioc «.iioWw giinei- 

nos. 1135, IZ05. In the alchimistic pap., Bodl. Copt. (P) touj [noytoT]. Now ii..i, Amelineau, Geogr. 175. The 

a I, a mixture is to be put into a cloth eyToeic ecua^peg toVos referred to would therefore be that at Bawit, some 7 

and tied to {or in) a Ka.n. miles further south. For the second name, cf. formations 

' The first is thXrc in Krall Iviii. Cf. in Br. Mus. Or. like ax*, n-rws'. 


en^coR I enn « ktj^rthoo-yco-y mm g^iTooTq es^na. THp neRo-fsa.! ^e'Yq s-uj CRc^e.! | 
e«A[o]q Mj^i AAnneTeRoye^mcj T&^q enei rj^Xoj^ Tjiyme eTCRjuuiTcon g^iTuneicg^^vi + 

359.— Papyrus; a fragment; 11 x 10 cm. Script: seldom ligatured. Recto \. 

Letter from Theodore to Apa Enoch, an d/)xtcrv/t|aaxos. Wine in the cellar (/ceXXapiov), 
the tower {nvpyo-i^) and a cell are mentioned. 

+ o-Yoiig Te-yno-Y eRes-si [ | nenpn eT2^nnRe?V.?V.jKp[m | ennypt'oc iuun^Tpi jui[ [ o-ycon 
e)uoo['y I TeqT».2>.'Y [ | AinpR».».[ | RCi.neq[ | ».i[ 

Verso. Jsjnjs [space] exi.w^ na^pxic-yAA** | + g^iTne[eo'xu)]pe . . 

360.— Papyrus; a fragment; sfx 18 cm. Script: rarely ligatured. Redo \. 

Letter asking that 2 o-Kevij of wine may be sent, ' because of this soldier (that is come ?) 
to us.' 

]'yTe ncoit epng^ojq * nuTnoo'y | jcnd^-Y ncRe-ye nnnpn n&.n ncoo-YTH 
eT^ieneiJuiawToi | ]e g^i-ston + 

Verso. + nju.e^.inoyTe «[ ] evR^.[ 

361. — Papyrus; a fragment; 37x31 cm. 2 s^/zis-joints visible. Script irregular, often 
ligatured. Recto \. 

Letter from to a superior {'thy fathership '). The writer relates first that he 

('we') had caused the son of Anastasius to swear regarding a money matter and had 
disputed with him to the uttermost ('unto death' ^), with the result, apparently, that 
payment was promised by the 3rd day of the Feast". The affairs of 2 ^orjOoC, Papo' 
and Phoebammon, are then dealt with, and it is suggested that letters should be written 
them; for 'thy word is different from" that of other men'. A guarantee, cancelled in 
comphance with the addressee's instructions, is referred to. 

The writer's idiom is faulty and peculiar (somewhat Middle Egyptian), and frequent 
corrections make the reading uncertain. 

■^ d^H'si nnenecTO^H RTCRiunTeKjOT dknes.ujo'Y Js.Hawcnjs.ce aajuoo-y tutj^juo JiTCRJUiRTeiajT | 
•2£ejs.«cx)pR enuje" n*.na.cT&.ce CTfiet^oTVoRTce a^ncio-se^^ nexiawq u}^peM eiuuioY nel-secj 

^ Can this be the ttTraf Xeyd/ievov in Jobxi. 18, /xepi/tva.? no. 385. Presumably the Paschal festival. 
^ ? i-wl Ka\(o. '' Cf., Br. Mus. no. 1086. 

' V. Crum, Ostr. no. 310 n. ; also Zoega, p. 95 infra, ' Assuming o"Yi«T = oyeT. Otherwise one must trans- 

' t^ie village tower.' late ' the same as ', which gives less sense. 

< Cf. pnnos' «gwq, Br. Mus. nos. 1131, 1207. ' 'Adjure' {Miith. Rain. v. 120, Br. Mus. nos. 1007, 

Recurs in no. 321. Cf. biblical tws BavaTov. ioo£ 

' Berlin Ostr., P. 1076, nujojuT junufe.. Cf. here '" For .? ujwse. 



■seeTita.TJUiNT «<?me ncoi juinMg^ooy cna^y WTepeq-sooc WTCig^e jvi&ei «ei;KOOi THpo-y a.i6oR 
epoq Mqit n^oi no-ya^e 8.qno[. . . .] exooTn eTpeqTa.d.q «».« igj^| 5 -J^nuja^HT «n«i».a. 
aw-yw eT^enawnoi nfeoneoc •2£ecn[ei]'a.H a.KCit« nTVot^oc era. . [.] | nujAioyrt «[about 21 let.]xi 
a.K'sooc ■xeegja.qe^nt^eifio^H ■seeila.ujigeTTH'yTit Aanneceene a.K<sooc -xeujawK-^ coo-y npToq 
nco-yco qTooei epon n|Recotgqi a^-yw eT^et^wq «Hiia.Re ^ a^na^Aeq a.n«Tq eg^o-yn'ye 3 eqiga^ntgaw-y * | encjuo-y epenncyTe «a.Ta.a.q Maw-sa^y^ TUTa^itOK a.'yuj 
exfeet^coq juna^nw n£ioH|io -eoc a.i'sa.. . . .•s[(»] jjnioc KUjeme ca>neTenoK eio-ycouj na^g^o- 
TVoKOTce cna^-y Ta.-sa.-ylo'y na.q eg^pa.1 qxa.a.'y enua. CTepoi Ta.7V.o eiTCi xxnce. jAHCTqg^e 
■seepea.Tia. ujiito-yTe | itAAa^n eiTnec jjineKS'eine nna.'y KTawq-xooc n-^g^e a^d^oifej^axiiton 

nfioHeoc ei epoq a.ilcio'se n€Aia.q -seaiioK [ ] necRH'y nTceiAie » na.c a.'yuj eujoine 

eR&AAt5ei&o\[H] I [elT^ieHeco-yo a.noR era.Ta.a^'y ngo-yn ena^m Ro-ywtg ©"yn AiawpeTCRxtnTeicoT 
cga.1 ©[-yjiis -cnecTo?V.H efcoTv. na.-y o-yeia. juK^oifeajuuucon o-yeia. Ainawnco o-yiOT neRuja^-xe o-ytOT 
nawpa>|Ai€ mui aL-yto -snAi.mia.'y ivTa.neRgppa.'y ' Ta.£on eT^Gfi^oifiajuLiKon n*. . . . en . . | [ . . J-s^q 
a.n6a>\ ntyxope efeo\ a.'yio Ra>.Ta. ee nTa^R-sooc ^e[about 15 let.] | [.fio]Heoc Ainqn^'^ na>.e!R 
e6o\ ujdwaw£i[ 

Parts of 8 more lines are visible, but nothing consecutive can be read beyond the 
phrase (1. 24) ] eRo-ywiyTa.pRoi Atu.a.'y [ 

362- — Papyrus; almost complete; 17 x 16 cm. Script: ligatured; v. PI. 7. Recto f. 

Letter the contents of which, but for a reference to 2 solidi, are obscure. The name 
Ai06b (oo.l) occurs. 

+ cyn TipHttH na.R a.icga.1 neicg^a.1 | na^R nT».ei g^iTia^noRpicic eTa.nig[. .]|Te a.<yaj 
a.'yTajuio! ■snTa.'yei e[.]pcoo.[.] | r(o Ra.TV.a.nTip-yn '" aw-ysi cna^-y €g^o\[oRT/] | a.'yca nncTCJUionT 
a.nne n\Hn g^e | ti cna.'y egoXoR^ nawiaiajfe aah uja.ujwne | TO-ya^TVoo-y na^R nRa.p aL-yto 
nnepujine | •snTaw'yRas.^e raaor g^cooiR Aion | TOO'y ne-y^pia.^' nutOR TipHHH na>.R + 

F(?r5o' blank. 

363.— Papyrus; a fragment; 3^x14 cm. Script: sloping semi-uncials. Cf. Crum, 
Ostraca, PI. I, no. 71. Recto \. 

Letter referring to certain money, which is to be received and weighed. 

+ a.pi Ta.t?a.nH nr"si neiTpijjiHcn nTo[oTq nlrmpec^Tcpoc ncujiTq (nasq erased) aw-yoi 
t[! T]|na.ige «go"\oROTTn na.q on n7[ | . &js,n Ti-seg^ . . nTa.Ta.a.c na.R [ 

' For ? igwsft {c/. cwse above), assuming the rest of the = ^.Tuja^y. « ckcvh nTcc?iAte 

phrase omitted. Or ' The rest may be neglected ' (ne abso- ^ Reading certain ; ? gpoo-r ' voice ', command, 

lute y Lagarde, Aeg. 240, Rossi ii, H. 28). « por ? ne^-. » ? For p„t,. " Or read Tiovn 

For ? n^n^^KH, ' the matter of importance.' " For «ji3L0n htoov n^-v-n-vn... Y„,/„ fV,nc ;„ a' 


J:' or .' njwni.i7KH, ' the matter of importance. " Knr ....«.» r..,-™ v / 1 ■ > o- 

p. ' ^ ror Miion nTooy I1CTP5C.P'*'' Xpeta thus m ^^^.Z. 

B'^T eeq-. '85, 30, Br. Mus. nos. 591, 592 (note the Mid. Eg. tendency 

SJ^tW possible. here, shown by ge). 


364.— Paper; a fragment; iox6| cm. Script: cf, Zoega, Tab. vi, n. xxxviii and Br. 
Mus. CataL, PI. 7, no. 190 for the type. 

Letter referring to money g^o-Y^o-YROTTit and showing the word Ki8.^, i.e. an 
Arabic form of ixayK\d^Lov\ One line is Ke^npojung^oifiien . [ , a place-name found else- 
where I The form noc occurs. 

365 — Papyrus ; a fragment ; 14 x 22 cm. Script : rounded, clumsy uncials. Redo f . 
Note the peculiar superlineation. Not from the Ashmunain collection ^ 

Letter from Pahom to the papa Victor. Apparently there is inconsistency in the 
pronominal suffixes. 

■<^ g^A-GH xien iinuj&.'se («y epoTii eni-xe &.ie[i]| eg^HT a.R'<^ TiAjiwiiii Huje n^i ikR-sooc ns.i 
[■se] |«ptojj.e o-ycouj nujHJut Umitine a.'Yio t[ | juna^g^pe • g^a^copeT ^tio-y eic npa)ju[e]| eigione 
KO-ycouj eT&.^>.'Y tta,tj eie t».[«.'y] j Ta.ujd.-xe nju[j!.K eic iiiTpjsw * D^icAXivroy [ | e.iiie.n&'A.&i^ ^ 
iSnca^g^ iSjiAcof^cHc 'seii[nK]]cuiMTO'y «».i ujjv, • -^noy • pTJs.Ka«.nH «»?cRe?V.«w ai.o[r]| itu-siTC njs.q 
•sejvng^ojui " ej ««>.k eg^HT ewq-sooc [-se] | d.icSinTO*Y e^ipROT' cna^'y '' epoq' Skige €p[ ^ | neqciuinTO'y 
Tino-y AAiypcnc».g^ juio-ychc • cg^«wi[ | juing^dju. qcAAnToy Ta.pewTpoo'Yia • TdwCi na>.R eg^H[T| 
cysj^i gTin-xoesc 

' Before speaking, I (greet) you. Seeing that (eVetSTj) I went north and thou didst 
give me the piece of wood and didst say to me that the men wish for the small iron 

(tool ?) and the colour for wool ; here then is the man. If thou wouldest give them 

him, do so (?), and I will speak with thee (on the matter). See, I have made the caps 

(liLTpa). . . As for the of the 'master' Moses, in as much as thou (?) hast not yet 

made them for me, be so kind (-dyaTnj) as to bestir thyself (o-KuXXeiv) and take them (?) to 
him. For the workman went north to thee and said that he had made them and had set 
two 'wheels' thereon. (But) I found that he had not made them. So now let the 
' master ' Moses write to the workman, that he may (?) make them and that I be freed 
from care and come north to thee. Farewell in the Lord.' 

Verso. ■^ TJS.S.C iinni^TiJs. £iikt [space] top g^ifnn&.g^oi[«. 

366.— Papyrus; a fragment; 8x 15 cm. Script: almost ligatureless. Recto f. 

Letter, probably from a superior, since no salutations are used and instructions are 
given. The ' place ' of Peter is mentioned. 

+ avo-ypcojute ei eqnpoceAee «».i [ | g^impn nTa.-ypme n«.iUA*w KneTpoc [ MTe-y-]] 

no-y eTiia^-si nTienicToTVH tuoo-y 1 tge^HTqiii^g^q ^ nncTe ? | nnepK».j^4 crtocj 

? I [T]€T«eajiit^ifio^[e] a.i'^noppa.t^e epoc + | +^" ^acrtXtos vrreyp^^x x 

Verso : address, illegible. 

1 F no q2 3 ^ Cyiitgd^Ai below, though the name Paham (never found 

= A fragment in Br. Mus. Or. 6201 a, npioAi[TnT\H] in Shmoun texts) might be intended. 
nPoAn PAxn-rott, neJuigiT {c/. Vitelli no. 75. /8opW W''^) ' ^ ^'""^ °f ornament ; v no. 244. 

nLoMc TM u,^oT«- and ne. poc uTnyXH ngoAn. ^ To judge by the other lines, there should not be space 

» On the frame is the name ' A. Pettersen '. for [oc ^]. ^ C/. «0T2 efioX m no 319. 

4 F. KiRCHER 119. ' ? Gloves. " Different hand and mk. "' C/. Krall cxlv. 19. 

Z 2 


367— Paper; a fragment; sfx 12 cm. Script : Brit. Mus. Catal., PI. 6, no. 465. 
Letter with instructions. Unusually obscure. 
]^iy eujon «.|%«.2.«^ '^^^^ ^x'^o^, neTUiog^e.i.A ^ | AieKHig TeKS-on o*\jvj^y = : ^mon | 

368.— Parchment; complete; 20x14cm. Script: slightly sloping, of Zoega's 9th 
class. 29 lines. 

Letter from Joseph to his 'dear and honoured brother', Phoebammon. Such is the 
irregularity of the idiom, that little is intelligible. The urgent affairs of Joseph's daughter 
are in question and Peter is bearer of this letter relating thereto, George having previously 
been sent, but in vain. Two witnesses, provided apparently by the recipient at the writer's 
instance, sign below. 

cr^vt g^jjinp».« eiTHO'YTe «iyopen eg^wq mui e^noK eicHt^ eicg^a^i eitgme poK n&juiepiT 
Hcoit eqT^>.IH'y c]^i£i&.juLe epenoc. KS^jikK* q^^ ;)(;^&.pic itawK g^^o'YciJs.^ (5) qR»w neKpis.u}e «».i 
ujd.n&.nif!€ Mg^Jiwie juLen€nca.nd.i epenoc kj^k eic nei^con ncTpoc iwio'y og^peq " w.i>.^ n»>iLt€n»«.cg^Js.i'' 
?VHno« eTfienoc eTfiepwAAe ».« netgavnoc^ epj)>.K&.nH iuumoq g^inis.Tav(io)igep Td..&.q eneTpoc 
neiya^RTSkq «e^.q »>qei toot euotr iwio-yg^ep ei^iiopce ncoi is.n».ccH nign Kniw?V.g^aa*ioopi^ 
lAneKTJk.iL'Y «&.q "X-Hnon CT^enoc «neK£^a.'ye(5'i" ejnoi e^n Ti^ei pHc a.-y js.«ok OYpco(i5)juie 
AAcyJi^i itccoi d.'yw eisvg^e ntsr^ ecswie csvie aaow eiAine^i eic -^^.g^e iuniTSvOjep A.-yco ng^ooy eT^vI'^ 
nig^OAieT iidwK »xe\h^i>^^ -sooq epoK aw-y j>w«ok enis-p^^ noc i>s^ixi ujcone euepg^oTe g^A-poi Ai.euja'OAA 
(20) T&.e«vJk.A.?V.e\€ -xwK g^Skpooy 15'on n&.cg^a,.i TeKO'yiwg^q g^Jk.THK i.'yo) tcr'^ qToo-y epoouie 
juiTTicToc e*2£wq hs^tii ujcone cypiojjie n».Teu}'\aiTne " g^&.THK T^>L^^.q ejuiHTpe e-sscoq TeRT^>.^lw'Y n2>.q 
TcqeitTo-Y ^^^ (25) ««t np&.« enno-yTe poK" ujji.K'^ rrot n*.i epnc g^ft^nig^ojuieT »>«or'5 njvna. 
R^aw-yTe eio AAAAHTpe d^noR'" n-i.ijkR cb^yinoc n-y n-jLiwRiH^ eio uuuiht enicg^i.ieTa.eicHt^ cg^a^iecq. 

Verso blank. 

369.— Papyrus ; complete; 8 x17 cm. Script: moderately ligatured. Recto \. 
Letter from Taurinus to Stephanacius, a Stoi/cTjrrfs". Very obscure. 
Above the text, a cross. + ti o-Yna^uje ng^oXoR'^/ nv^i>.Ha^noT «qcju«Tc na.[.] is I hi».X" 
Aioiton AAJ^peqttiMTOY'Yo['Y] ) j.'yw R;^n nneRei njs.\ o« Aia.pia'H neRg^fiHye | a.Rj.iv'Y 

'" 'Hinder, prevent' perhaps suitable; but what is the 

^^'^- "? Aine, ' Indeed no.' 

"; v. Br. Mus. no. 1132. 

" ? i»,U,j, W. of Deirout. 

" ? C/. the frequent eic nXo^-oc, no. 154 above. 

" Different hand. le Original hand. 

" Either the writer is a person of very exalted position 
(note the tone employed, the absence of all salutations), or 
fc^otK,r^s IS not here the local magistrate, but a private 
servant; c/. no. 295. 

" TcnT[e] cannot be read. 

V. Job xh. 2 2, = ^|({XEi^poi/, ixvprjilz-^piov. 

' Arabic. 

" ' Thou canst not take some.' But ordinary grammar 
forbids this. Or jmcKHig for AxeiyakK ? 

' ' But urge him (and) enquire if (?) he is desirous of 
their matter.' 

• C/. Br. Mus. no. 582 &c. 

' V. Mitth. Rain. v. 28 for this and following phrase. 

* For ? ©Tfopgeq. V. no. 344. 

' ? ; v. no. 267. 
' This form of relative below and Krall ccxxviii. 23, 
ccxxxvi, Erman, Kopt. Volkslitt. 27. 

" f A nisbeh Irom the place Hamiur; v. no. 227. 


e[n]ei nno-yTe nefco luiitTpe ei . ^[. .] | AieKttjTojo-yn g^a^poii m.moic c«.p 'seeiujs.n|cxo*\«.'^e 

e^iwipeTCOc neqg^iTO'Yg^ui^ + 

' Give half a soh'dus to the jar-seller, that he may therewith make for me (?) perfume- 
pots. Only (ixovov) let him make them good. And even if {ko-v) thou come not to me 

again, let me find that thou hast done thy work. For (eVet) God is witness thou 

shalt not be able to bear with me. For indeed {-rrdvTmydp) if I spend (more) time (o-xoXa^eiv) 
here, I shall go eastwards. — And see and compel (amyfca^eiv) his apprentices ; take sureties 
[eyyvr]) of them that they will work for him, especially (efatpeVcas) while he is at Touho.' 

Verso. [ + ] T».»^c « cT€t5».najR.e [space] n-xiom"^/ + g^xTHTd.'Ypme + 

370.— Paper ; a fragment ; 22 x 9 cm. Script : 2 hands, both of Zoega's 9th class. 
Letter of obscure purport. The writer mentions his children who are hungry, money 
and loaves which the recipient has. Verso : over 21 lines. 

] pCUtOI I [ UJjOJUieT «g^U)|[?V.UJROTTen g^]iS.pOI TCy | [ jlg^I g^JVg^THK I [ ]2_ 

TCKts'i's e-sw I [. . . .] cTeKKA. ndwiynpe | [. .]k e-yg^oKep^ o'y»-'\|[. .]»^ g^eie HTevKcJon* ne(yi>.(3'e | 
g^a^g^THR awKO-Yope njvy eo'Y'|oTeq e£io?V. o'Y^^»>^A.Tiewn|ne5 ^.-y AAneRauuevg^e ju.|iutoo'Y " a^it ne.&s.(Se 
e'Y2^Jtte|o'Yoi'' AAcneyg^iTKo ni^y | eiio\ Te'Y<5'ono'Y «»«.k | ujawiiTdw-xwcoq epoK T8»|feoujK efioTV* 
€?ia>.dky KiAA I ju.enT&.K jue-YpoiiiAe ii.nj)».J&|poei^ ««: eg^oj\u>ROT|Ten g^ing^wq lyd^i&oujK | efio«V 
■<^ujine poK KJi>.|?V.oc ic o'^'s.i>.\ g^axnoc 

Redo : the earUer text. Only small parts of the Hnes remain. The name 
[a^Jfeo-Ycciopcap, [d^jfiwcctopajp" occurs. 

371 — Papyrus; a fragment; i6|xio|cm. Script: small, ligatureless. Redo f. 
Letter, perhaps mentioning Fustat. 

L. 3 ] a^iTdwi^q JUinTJ^qTe u | ]eq£icoTC €^o\ . . nejuig^iT | ]Te i.qpg^na.q s.'y['x]ooc -sj). | 
Jco'Y'so'YTes.qTe KT[u)]^[e] | ]i epa^Tq juinoyxig^pa^q epoi | ]net5(joc2».Ton" THpq jAnKS'me | 


g^?V.o]n\en n&.pd. nuji j^iciotjul | ] Tiujme neouepiT ntgnpe ] jujHpe o-y-sjvi g^jun-sioeic | ] ^.-yw 

• In MS. CuRZON no, c\7, c\h, Twoyn ge.- appears (Kfissiyah). Nor can we draw conclusions from Cairo stele 

to mean ' depart from '. 8329. ToygO) necoyo on a stele from S. of Siut (F. Petkik, 

= Note Yakut's variants, iii. 516, J^l, Jr^jJl, 'in the 1907) and ? in Krall xcviii may be different again, 

northern Sa'id,' on west bank.' Apparently the form (si ' [&a)]K or [efio]\. Note Boh. gonep. 

has since replaced this. The dialect of Krall's cxvi * Or eiiTa.K- or h (fi) t«.r-. 

implies for his Toyw proximity to the Fayy<im. If this be " Read ? *.\\ hUi\ 'bread crumbs', Almkvist 

Taha al-'Amudain, then Taha al-Madinah (the nome-capital) in 8th Or. Congr. ii. 394. 

■must be different. For the latter was in the prov. of Ashmun- ' V. no. 324. ' Perhaps the town ; v. no. 147- 

ain (Abfl Salih 74(2) and was probably the Taha SE. of * This verb in Br. Mus. no. 1152. 

Tfih al-Hail (Amelineau, Geogr. 524), i. e. Twge Ta-itegTcowp ' A added above. '° ^j^l j>} ■ 

(k no. 92 above). ' Pergoush (read ^j,,^ Abfl Sahh 86a, " ^oa-aarov. The preceding ne perhaps the article- 

c/. Paris 302 f. 27 u^l^^yjjin the nome of touh6' (Zoega 367) C/. A. J. Butler, Arai Conquest 340. 

hardly helps to locate it, for the speaker is residing S. of Kos ^ na. altered from iva.. 


872.-Papyrus ; a fragment ; 32 x 10 cm. Script : much ligatured ; v. PI. 7- Verso \ . 

Letter from to his 'dear and honoured brother Phoebammon, son of Basil'. 

Beyond the fact that previous letters and money are in question, I can, owing to the 
difficulty of reading, say little as to the contents. 

+ ^junpa^n enito-yTe ouiopn[ | ujiite eno-Y-sa.! enj.«epiT neon cttjJ « . [ | mc^j^i neicgiM 

n^neR[ | ne c»i»piH*\ Ta^Kcg^a^jefj a.m[ | a^Ks^a^c ieTe2.^THK j^iTHnoo-y [ | pwwe ch^ coo-y 
imqiywnn n«[ | jS eg.o'^CK/ \i\c eTeg^8.Ti.n\VYX« ^t i i° ^'^^2.^* ^ " «2.°^^*V menoyTC jvyco 
[ I a^iepno-Y^ v k/3 eg^oTv^cK/ e«9q S s^mn n[ | io*^« 9T "J^ckti «^r tij^c . [ | aaok j^ng^ice eitTi 
oce ujJ.iieTi[ I e^^poq Knewa.! a.-yw e^icg^a^i na.K nei[ | 15 ne^ g^J^THi'Y^ i^yoi i^Tfc[ ] 
ua.K Bw-yto eT&eo-f pwne eic K!g^«[ ] cyeHa- efioTV. ».7V.\j^ nig^H-y nj^i[ | nepTi oce ecooy S 
a.i'so'YicoY Hi^R [ I «eTa.h3^onoY a.RTa.Sw'Y 2^».n€KUjHp[e | 20 <?! TRCg^e^i na.i c-y Tig^iya a.« 
uj».[ 1 TeR<3'ono'Y TeRTa.js.'y g^ioiR n^[ \ g^wfj cpoi a.-yco »w!cg^a.i WRipi o'yHp[ | wm. y t-r ng^HT 
na.'^oii aw-ycu no-y [ | o^-ne a.'yHujnoeme g^a. . . T«P9T [ I ^5 ^'Pt'Jne «oq c-y ujtone a^nep . n[ | 
neKHuj tgion , ne[ | rsuxoc ^ 

Above the text, the address : + ra^a^ enaoAcpiT neon CTTa:? [space] [ | <5oi£s -y\e 
epen-soic [space] [Raka.t.| 

Redo : part of an Arabic text (earlier) ; v. PI. 9. This Prof C. H. Becker reads 
tentatively: '^ (1) jUj.cA^-? i^/\j ^cU ^Aii> jJJI JIL] | Jjl .Li ^^| sAz (J.4^]j ^1 |»X:^1^ 

jtSUAii. «^Ac j^Aui 5.Axo i-Jh^I ^J» He does not venture to read the difficult words, in 

another hand, beyond 1. i. Of the date, IVIuharram, a.h. 3i9 = Jan.-Feb. a.d. 931, he says 
there is no doubt. This gives a terminus a quo for dating the Coptic text. 

373. — Paper; a fragment; i6|xi2 cm. Script: sloping, ligatureless, but often 

Letter dealing with various matters. 

The opening lines, mostly illegible, contain greetings, jui«a.n8. ? , niioT €na.pAA[ 
jA«n^ ? , AA«(3'iH!'\3 AAHim g^H[ | AinnjwT er'a^-ypiH'X. AAitncene nen'\[ | epenoc pa^peo 
eneycwo'ya.g^ eg^o-yn [ | a.j-xifspon : j^-yoj lAitca^itawi • neg^iOAie [ | A5inTa.^a.H"\ Ta^cwKe • A«.«».n[ | 
. . . a.-y • AA«Ta.Aiina. jAKe[ | rtg^H . . -yt^HttH* Atenreigepe [ | epenoc cjmo'y epooy • nomoy «iaa [ | 
Re^Ta. ee Ta.qcAAO-y • na^qpa^g^aot [ | a.-yoj xtnca^na.! • ■sa.ei eSxo\ g^[ | ecg^a.1 • awiosoo-ycoy khtm • 
n[ I jvnevg^HT fcoiTV. efeoA • a*[ | a^-yaj eT&e'^2vuo«oc • eoss-o [ j {verso) aw-yco eujione • ».a.pRa.THC • 
e[ I AAeoyna.TeJtJ^Tentici • t€[ | j^-yio Hnca.njvf!OT • ec ^igme g^[ | a.\a.'-'TH-yTn t[ | 
«cNi • ei Tj^Ti oyTepg^^A* g^jv[ | o-y • epenc^Ri en g^jcowc : juie[ | ng^a.1 eTqena'a.'yg^^ • Ka.n 
• [ I nne(?io nj^TO'yopHg^ • ncTigi-y [ j e-ycH • neHgja.qHn necg^a.1 epH[c | g^iAia. HfS'a.o'yon • 

' Perhaps Kei- and in 1. 16. A similar ligature in 1. ii, s q,. g'j„j\_ 

here read as S. 4 Or Ain^^HitH. 

'- ' Vielleicbt ein Kaufmannzeichen lA^,' Becker. a j^^_ Qne ^vould expect the article *.\-. 


TCTS-u nujine • Aind.[ | inneKipd. • epenoc [ | niojTe iyioT[ 

Along margin of recto, a line containing eoxep no-yujHpe. 

374.— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 28 x 25 cm. Script : ligatured; cf. PI. 7, no. 362. i?^c/o ^. 
Letter dealing with various matters. ' The amirs ' are often mentioned. Its interest 
however lies in the reference to Hnes (Heracleopolis) as being further south ^'. It was 
therefore written presumably at Babylon, -v and cj are generally indistinguishable. 

]«.! AAiin ... I TVo-yAei a.'yw g^a^n \\: . 7v.omon epg^cofe Kee CKo-ytouj | ]q ns.K Ttioo-ycq 
epHc Aij^n I ]Tevei WivR Aiunujev^Ho-Y* 2.w«^£ | ]T^ coo'yii t . . hrto-y ne^K Tj^jvy | . . e£io\ epg^coq 

g^iTcqTiAiH «ee e[KO'Y]u)ia [ ] eng^toq | nujjvqHnnuja. nawa^q eicxiHiiTq g^inajfci juitn&o\ 

enjs.Hi enei | ujennoyTe -senivg^HT Tj^-spH-Y tc . h a.'YOJ «eg^na.i n«eK|ca.a.T uja^nTen- 

jAOoy coXns a.« iwyui 2s.ipa.iyH e-swnAAa. nTa^KJCAinnTq Ka."\u>c av-yoi nigawiino'yTe[ . . .]hh 
enieoo-y eTj|poAAne t&.i uja^ncAitHn g^toq uiaa g^i[. . . njeKg^i-s awyw | a.fcioco nega.2»c«^J«A " 
euaoAepa. a^'^TUJuj cn[. . . a.]jjiepaw epon eu}| ] Taw?V.Ka.Waw7 | 2.710 na^Teng^wq enajuepa. [....] 
«eujeMeiA*iAi8 | AinneqepHy ajwig efioTV. igawnToye?V.o nuoyq | enajuiawg^e itiiocY epoq a^-y^ 

ik.'yctop noxone | neptoAie eyg^i-stoTa.Xg^ie . aw-yco .... nn-y eg^HT | ]aji«.epak e-yKH epnc 

€g^«Hc I ] Ka^q eqa.ujH npuijue nqcTocy eg^HT | ] t[ 

Verso. Scarcely two consecutive words are legible, but the closing words are ] ncTpoc 
lyine epoK Ra^TVioc | aL-yto pajuLaw'^^^.n^ igme epoR. 

375. — Papyrus; a fragment; 9 x24 cm. Script: small, almost ligatureless. Recto \. 
Letter to a superior, consisting, so far as preserved, of declarations of the writer's 
devotion and desire — like that of the bhnd for light — to see the recipient, whose wife, 
Cyra^", and her children he also salutes, 

+ wiyopn xxxi. ngtoq niju. TinpocR-ynei e-snt^'Ynono'i.iOH no-yepHTC KnajuepiT «rso[eic] | 
«coH nnpocT/^^ jULMTaojiepiT it-xoeic ncojite R'Ypak AtnnecajHpe Ai.«neTneHi THpq nno'YT[e] | 
ncTCOCYii -seawTiawg^HT aator tomo'Y eTawicioTAA ncTneo'Y'sawi eT«*Yq "sea.T[H]eepr[[. . . .] | [. .] 
nno['yTe n]q«aLn?V.[Hp]ot^opej xjumtOTn •s[eT]iu}ine «cawneTneo'Y'2£«wi g^iTno-Yon ni[A*.] | q« . • 
CTikg^e jLtxiin ejuoi eee nnfieTVe qo-Ytouj e[«aL'y enoyjoeju Ta>.g^eTe TaLi eiCYcouj | ena.'Y 
ena^jmepiT n'soe[!C nnjpocT/ niioyTC nqnaL[ | jnnqujei Takakna>.nTai. enaoLt[epiT | [ 

Verso. + T[a.8w]c nnajuepiT n'so[eic 

' Can this be a Coptic verb ? It recurs below. instructive context. 

2 The amir. ^ ' Not with my consent shalt thou depart ere the (inun- 

' ' To the south of HnSs' would require eiipHc or npHC. dation) water hath been apportioned.' C/l cwXn in Br. 

* ig«L\oof cannot be read. An uncatalogued fragment Mus. nos. 1116, 1146. Yet one might here read coXc. 

in a similar script in this collection has the phrase et-su) * Perhaps a derivate of J^. ' C/i ?Ki^\e in no. 298. 

xuuLOC ■sKTa^nujs.Xioy C2o[ (perhaps cgi-i), while a letter ' lA^ is a common name, ^U less so. ' ijl^- 

in Br. Mus. Or. 6201 a has ti ap^ kj iti^pigm n^a^nXoyc '" Cf. ? the lady in Br. Mus. nos. 1 105, 1 106. In Krall 

o _^ V,,..-, ..«>.. .xj.. r-cTj^j^ff njvr no. cxiix. 6 read Kvpa.cei ; cf. Br. Mus. no. 5^0 note. 

TJU.(ji)n«k5(^H ga.n a nTA.nigA.XiO'jf cg«.i ita.! ■seTj^j^q n&c. ""• ^ ^ \r > j 00 

And the word occurs in 2 Balaiza fragments, but without " 7rpo<TT6.Tq%. 


376— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 14I x ii cm. Script : ligatured ; cf. PI. 7, no. 236 for the 

type. Recto \. 

Letter of obscure purport, from 'his brother', Severus, son of Agfinah (?). 

iTexnee-yK^/ iutepT n-^soeic neon [ «]epT n^oeic neon enn^g^A* nee*»OT | [enno-yTe 
ujHni ]TeTWT*tepI neon ^enT«.^T*.«oi | Ipe-soq e£,o\ g.^npa>«e ne-ri^e | ]?Var|iie^ 

egp^i T*.qTe.*.q \o" ne.con | J-soo-yq Teq-^i o-yc^e.. n^i nneTn^ | ]':.eniTenTJ Aj.j.-v n^ Xa 
neu} 1 ]q eng^wq on ncj^Ten X^ eg^pM ] ] 2.o>oc <si o-ycg^J^i nJvJ eneqpWAie [ ]en np^^n ei!.o\ 

CKecon + e-y . . • . I 


Verso : the address in Arabic, *wUl t>? o^^j^ ?-^^ e>^ [ 

377._Papyrus ; a fragment ; 14 x 13 cm. Script : Hgatijred ; cf. PI. 7, nos. 236, 362 for 
the type. Verso ->. 

Letter of obscure purport. 

negAAOT enno'YlTe jgHn^ nninevy ecg^jiwi enwTnne | ]\ic ciaihti o-ya^ nTa.-i-wpoee | ].*wUj6 
enTa^ieijue eneTneeysswi eTnj!.n|[o'yq c-y]* ti TOOTTH-yTn TiTe.^AO htct | ]nTa.».no'Wu) 

nj.TcTv.iTV.e^ ti njuoi eTpxcg^^>.I | ] . & awfi-sw amaoc •seqg^i-xionefipa.n | ]7Vu) iuna.TioWto Tcxne- 
ReXe-ye TCTneTnoy ccoq | ]k g^nxec enn^iTwpn ncioq AAs^g^ ne£(p»Ln | ]oy '2:iT&.'\n2>.pjs. na.6 
a^-yoi) necg^Swi en&.?UAwg | blank 

Recto. End of an unpointed Arabic text (earlier). Legible : I jjfc UjlxT JjUuI j_5»[ 
^CaI^ ».>jO |M.3j [ I 5l3l l^ 1^1 sJ (?)^jai?. [ I ^jf\ j/oii 

378- — Papyrus ; a fragment ; 6| x 15^ cm. Script : ligatured. Recto f . 

Letter from Yezld, son of 'Abd er-Rahman, to Athanasius George, son of Colluthus \ 
from Great Mjew^ on the north of Shmoun. The subject is obscure. 

<■ cy le-i^ei-^ y &.q^epajuj..n nqeg^js.1 nswea^n c^ecop<?e koTv.'o | np(oxiT[n]o<5' niu.'SH'y nnng^iT 
tgAio-yn T|iyTn g^nnnxio . . . . a..y g^nne-i.ia.cToTv. gnn^ioX | Jo-ynswige | Parts of 2 more 
lines show figures. 

379 — Papyrus ; a dilapidated fragment ; about 21 x 16 cm. Script : ligatured ; cf. 
PI. 7, no. 362 for the type. Recto (?) \. 

Letter noticed here on account of the following phrase on verso : -secg^a.! nigme na^i 

xi;neK . . leic^ n\Hn ge ncyio'" Ainefi|pwjuie g^j>.poj Ka^?V.ujc jvyto -xino-yfe •s&.i'si I t&.t[js. 

nj^ Keno\x^=lll« I ^J^ go^[ The Coptic appears to be a direct continuation (its first 

' C/ no. 348. 2 Altered. ' Not TeXoXe. Apparently a place. 

» Perhaps x for t. A coin or measure which I do not » Or Colluthus perhaps the grandfather. But the reading 

recognize. is uncertain. 

^ Perhaps iSUI ^rene ; v. no. 173. s A place T*i^„y in a fragment, Br. Mus. Or. 6201 b. 

V. nos. 348, 376. 6 Not p^gjg 10 y^ g^_ j^^g_ j^^_ J ^^^ 



word is ivy w) of 3 Arabic lines immediately preceding it and beginning, after the basmala, 
jJJi ^J\. Above them is the writer's name : ^y^ e^> Oj\o o-«. 
The cryptogram in the 4th line does not yield to the usual keys^. 

380— Papyrus; a fragment; iSfxg cm. Script: ligatured; cf. PI. 8, no. 348 for 
the type. Recto \ . 

Letter, wherein the following phrases are legible : ne^-soeic TIT^>Ju[o], eiog^e p[«.]TK 
eniv&e?V(OM 'while I await thee at Babylon', [jiieg^loiuieT ns.^^ou'ujj.p ^ „„y ^^^^,^ 

j^^AiHT^ njv7v.[, ivyco om k7* t^ifi ju«k7 yj^\, {verso) unvmip fejJie^ion 'I will stay 
at B.', ivg^AiHT jvyu) awirpawg^HAis. Further, nnoyTe shows the ligature noticed in no. 390. 

381.— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 14 x 10 cm. Script : sloping, ligatureless. Verso ->. 
Letter referring to the dux and the amir and their journeys. Shmoun is mentioned. 
+ a^i-si necg^a^i nTeKJu[MT | oy's[&.]i [a.jiejvyju&.'^e . [ | nny eg^HT AineKevne[ | jHJuoyit 
unnpxin[ | -xoeic im<xoy^ tiKUjpuj e [ | awyw MenT».q».y ^weawiia^ce npo[ | UTa^qg^e oyiyHju 
mojg^e eyKH[ | ».q£i&.K TVece^ juoq ».qAjioyp \w[ \ £htk uiiw«TeRn'so niiog^e eic[ | ni>juiep&.c 
itHy epHc g^i<^ooyT[M | eg^HT eic neg^my mti;x1*^'^*>^[ I n2.°°T w}»«^nToyna^p&.pe epnc [ | nuji.y- 
T&.&.y eg^oytt McoyjuoTit g^[ J g^ingjoj g^i-itiooy uiJvUTeTMu&.y [ | A.yco ujen«oyTe iiTciepg^oTe 
a^nL I Ju.eujg'OAi Jtjuu.01 oycoju Kemei^[ | eqKH nujoi eqToyjuioyTM nce[ | &.yu) neg^ooy HT^-n-^oy^ 
jUMndJu.e[pjvc I £i&.ne eT&eiiicog^e evnitoyTe &.c junoy[ 

Redo (same hand). + juoite nTa^g^e epoq npoyg^e eTjui[ 
(A Greek hand, earlier) ]a7ro xeipos a-ov, ] So/ci/Aijo-ei. 

382. — Papyrus; a fragment; I3|xi2cm. Script: much ligatured and ambiguous. 
C/. PI. 7, no. 362. Recto f. 

Letter treating of various matters. The writer's 'dear mother' is several times 

] . . ROJ doTi. eng^oi uj&.nTK« ju[ | njoytouj jmnnoyTe ».yo) ndjuiepi neon [ | ]ti ngji iiu p 
g^in-^dwiju-ocjoM *l[ I ]ceM.Hc' eMawToyTd^neR Teqei eg^oy«[ | ]itn«juiepi H'soexc neon cg^&.! na^q 
Tq[ I ] neTnep;)(;^pie>. a^yoj eioyng^ efioA g^mHi | Jennoyre ti nnTtooj ena^t'S* &.noR -^e ne | 
]eignoj?' npu)c ee nT*.RCg^js.i; njs.i | Jntgine nTJOJiepi njui&.&.y -secigoon | ] £i«oc junee ei-sco 
g^eng^ooy ng^ooy | ] epoc nawXtoc nneqnjv oyjs. nTA.?k.H epoc | ]t ciroj pnc tio nnea.p~^ -senTOR | 
e]Tefien«.A<3'oyne '<> nT*.'sooycoy n[ | g^]j^poi rswAujc junR7 cia. " junH?L[ 

' Its last letter possibly A. V. Crum, Ostraca, no. 488. no. 580, 17 read? giXec (=\4.c) enigeei. 
« Mohammed rarely thus ; v. no. 234. The next word ' Possibly e after 2nd c. ' in^itoyq cannot be read, 

perhaps .UJJ, a kind of tax-collector (Dozy). ' ? Ba.ppo%. Cf. the frequent use of Qappfw. 

s j^,_ 4 ,,5^^5. » ^^1. "> Cf. Mitth. Rain. v. 55 T^.X^'oynne ill. 

^ Cf. Xeci, Crum, Copt. MSS. p. 78. In Br. Mus. " V. Br. Mus. no. 1142. 

A a 


Ferso (in other direction). ]*.?igme ^^poi r^Xcoc ^^^ "^^[^^'Y I ] ^'Y**^ "^pet^^^Y 
^00^ necjgme km | ] ujeneTep, «on a,(.n hoot tk^.toy 1 jo^ en^i epon ^n e^p.. ^n-npo^ 

383.-Papyrus ; a fragment ; ii| x 17 cm. Script : rarely ligatured, irregular. Redo f. 

Letter from Papostolus, son of Bane, of Bousiris in the nome of Shmoun, to his 
brother, Abba Severus. It relates to an agreement (do-</.c£\eta) belongmg to Bane, son oi 
John (?), at present in S.'s hands. On the back was the copy {tcrov) of Bane s account 

+ i.noK na^nocT nuj[e n]iuuia.K/ fe8.n[e | no-ycipe g^nnTOOj ntgiio-yn tho^ic [ | nige^nnAAe^K, 

[ n]pw4ie ttjAAoyn [ to]|io no^wT ■seo'veMTJ^^'tte nuje nJco[ | k epeoyevct^j^ «tootk 

eToifi-re . e<xu) xto . . . [ | nnefen^Hpo-y a*oi Hoc THpc *.ies ».[i]nj>.pi.K2^?V.ei «[m.ok | i^yiM 

b.RTKn^pyTi. • • •]« e«»^Rne ujawRCiuiK 7^on[oc | .ejutaii itK^e epo6[ a.]c(:5Jv"\eiJ». a.Wa. «kti 

Te[ I ] (inserted above following «jswct]^a.?v.) | ]ti . eto naii 'sen[ 

Ferso. ]\°^ co« [space] a^TW t^nncioc bMb. ce-YHp^ + l g^iTnnawnocT'Ycipe +. Below 
this, in another (?) hand, [ne^m]e t^icoit nnXoc « n«9 (rest illegible) | . . . . jvq-sooc 
-xeqcjuooKT epertjs. [ ] nB,.pjs.poq • €<^ \ neKTS^q-sooc •xetiTM'SiTq «h[ ] • y 

384.— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 7x17 cm. Script : moderately ligatured. Redo \. 
Above 1. I a cross. 2. has the form '5. 

Letter to a woman, beginning «i]a* Tiajme eTo-YAATxiepiT | and containing greetings 
from liwitne nnoT, [a.n]oWu>, eyt^Kjuiij!., tgeno-YTe, giSioyr^ (masc). It continues, giving instruc- 
tions as to various articles of property belonging to the writer, a.^^ fcwiee^ eT&elnjucYc 
T[«oo]'Yq nb.\ juimjvg^oiTC g^iT«neTpj>. | h juuuon . . . \a.KTe b.'^ui cg^^.j npevn enpoouie «&.i | 
Tiweijuie [ep]oq eT£!et5[w]fe eTeKpjsi»&.KTH3 Td^-si Tqei^c"Y" 1 '•"^^'t "[enoj-yq whth | {verso) ii«.*yt«> '^^ 
neco-Yo «Te* ujeitcYTe to(?oy g^AwioYwaj ] enno-yTe jw^io eniiuta^xe npocKynei juiucoTn | 

385.— Papyrus ; 15 x 19 cm. Script : redo, ligatureless ; verso, almost so. Redo f. 
Redo. Letter to a superior, wherein 'the 7th day of the feast '« and a rent ((^dpos) of 
80 artabae of corn are mentioned. 

npoc^Tcni nTeK[ | -seTj^sii nj^q [about 12 letterslno-y tgnjji Aie . [ |'YO(3'nq «.iti [nTpi-] 
«Hcion nj.y j^i^ice «[ | «hc n-soeic xxon Texpis^ n«.qTe ne^i.^ -^^"i I «Ja.ncj.igq .«Tigi«. 
g^nno-ywuj nnrto-yTc ufj^meg^ OYe[ | KTeKAiHTOioeic + ^.^co eT^e j^^iio-yn nT*.T».[ [ eiiTHTn 
qToo-y n-so-ycoT itnepToq ncoyo itr^opoc e[ | ecKH e^o\ ng^HTq TeTHoi t^*.p «eea.i^coujT 
Kc».[ I liH-^soeic Redeye -xi cg^a.1 na.i MTcneTHcott neW[f 

' Hardly a Coptic name. 6 rr v,„\ ™ - x 

2 T/ ^„c „B. , <■ » Tr -'' "«^°T«:Tpe, niXoycTpioc as a name; but in 

_F^cs _8,,3»»c.^S. J^ma o.„ (Br. M„s. „os. 3,6, 385, 4.8). H„e perhap. 

c. uu. jui. lAAouarpios as a title. 


Verso. Letter from Shenoute to and Silas, relating to vine-cultivation. The 

condition of the fields is dealt with and ploughing referred to. The vine-dressers, he 
learns, have fled : he will neither pursue them nor make them promises (Xoyos). The 
recipients are instructed to seek out others to replace them, taking a due of half a sohdus 
of each. This is apparently to go towards the expense of reeds (?) and of ploughing. 
Isaac had sued the writer for a tremis (as rent ? tax ?) for the vineyards : this is apparently 
to be settled ; but the phrases are obscure, as indeed are many details, though the reading 
is usually certain. 

[ + *wi]'ss KCRcg^a^i cKcg^a.1 «&.i eT[fie]«icog^e 'se&.'Y|[ . . • .]o nno-YTc coo-yn tio He^nnpe^ 

it[A*,OK . . . ] I [• . . . ] g^d^THK Te».K . UL . . cg^&,i '2£e[ . . JHp js . e[ ] | [ • • • • ] ncKJs.ei nA.[ . . . 

n]?V.Hn Ticoo'Ytt | ['s;e]RHp iieR2^[ujfe e]e «Te>.RCg^&.i «Jvi | [eJ'rfienes'AiH'YO'y 'xe*^['Yn]u)T 

npcoTon A«.e« | iuunuiT ecwcY cyo^e on juiiti TVotroc \\b^^ i<yi>i TiAAee-y | ':um\^^<uLiy.ioyiXi>>.^ 

co['Yc]r«w€x niojg^e A.'yco eni'ik.H A.icd>.R ei fcoTV. nejutdwi | eyTpixiHcn g^&.ns'ooju. en^.'sp-s^ «it6 
ajbnfo I eg^pe d^yo) RncRTa^Jsi.'y -suTii CTeujoi ^ Ti^tJi ene^slxia. £a>.n7v.(joc ee CRoycouj juei.p£nRdajL 

ju-oyp I nRdwjuL juon ^oo*yn '2se[ ] a^yoj nno-yTC | cooyn "xeR . . yjme n(?ooiLi ....p.p. a^y 

2fiy I poA*.ni[ . . ]ce>>g^q wn . eg^eu^wR eco[ . ] . . 

The address is on the other side, above the text : [ ]aiT« jlimci\js,c + £it«- 


386.— Papyrus; a fragment; 4x301cm. Script: ligatureless. Redo \. 

Letter from Cosma to Victor, 'his brother,' giving various information and 

[ + ] Kujopn jueu ng^wfe nijui Ti^iue KTeRiAHTCon g^jun-^soeic y^^/ tits^axo nTeRA«iTc[o« | 
J-scRawTa^ ee jiTa^iei e&oA j^itootr a^R-sooc ^euja^ifetoR ts^-xi Tna^uje ng^oTV-OROTTti Rcoy[o | 

]eg^nuj[ ]£iu»R ilp TJ>.Re>.ne -xH-y neujneg^' cruvy nb.\ e^yto i.pi TSwRe^ne ti g^THR [ | ] a.yu) 

Tiujme eneiReyi ujnpe j^yco •sny neR[ | ] ^M-n-xoejc [ 

Ferso. + t».».c jutn^wcoit fiiRTcop [space] g^iTHROcAie. ne£ic[oR 

387.— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 10 x 8| cm. Script : moderately ligatured. Recto f . 
Letter, giving various instructions. 

Ti]o njgnHpe rjuor enno<y en[ | ]6.yei e«A*^T epeiinoyTe noi [ | ]^r^ e^Tpe efio\ j^rTVo 
e[R I ]Ti«H RTMJUOTnoT ue.R« [ 1 ] oem eTe«TenA*HTe n[MX | ]r j.rr^ ^01 e&o\« epe[ \ ]*.i 

8 A new word ? -spfoV for s'poS' would be abnormal 

' V. no. 398. . '^'- ■■ 

2 Corrupt? Sense could be made by omitting «e.i. in this idiom. , r .• • ,• ^^ti.i. 

' ^ 'That they may be again {or in addition) paid {or ^ One is tempted to take , for a disjunctive particle. 

•' , , ' ? ' Send 3 half-measures oi oil. 

may continue to pay). s /-/- „^ ^Qo i t 

* f = K*ai below. Scarcely for ^^*x, as its plural occurs » C/. no. 343- C/. no, 382, 1. i- 


A a 2 


njvn'X.oj^ •sea.g^epa.TK et|w[£i2 | ]pa,i iuiettTtd.coM d.'YW e.«ou ^[ \ ]»wneig^oj6 d.i'sooc <seA*ecep[ [ 
n]eig^to6 aw^Yuj tiujikc nd^con &.[ | 

Verso. Jtt-soeic nitoT Ji>.njk. [ 

388-— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 14 x 8 cm. Script : uneven, rarely ligatured. Verso -^. 
Letter, giving instructions as to the purchase of various articles. 

« cytt js.[. .]e3 ctKopce [ | « cyn CKjg&.K'xi ttMJvc2^Js.[i | ti chmtc «ome Mito[T | ejvfcpjs.- 

g^aoji i.'Yai [ I ign tgeiuHT eg'\js,ei[n* | 2>.'yco o"fn&.gg ntge jun[ | eciAt acyo) iJULoy pH[c | ne 
ncKA.pH'Y^ TaL|)(^H « [ [ ^.-you "si MOY«>^nioM TeqK».[ | eK».c eg^cyn Ha^i blank 

Recto : remains of an Arabic text (earlier), naming DerUt, ^jji^ ,^^ .... 

389. — Papyrus; a fragment; i3fxii|cm. Script: late, ligatured. Recto f. 
Apparently two texts, since the recto, mostly illegible, ends with TinpocK/ a.yco ti[ 

Verso : probably same hand. Its writer gives certain instructions and threatens his 

] pcoAie Tttoo-Y en[. . . .]| igme ncwq eic con[. . .«] | Mneneijme -seTfeeoy Xo? I t»juioi 
enTCOuj eng^ioq | A.-yw cepwuje epoc enefeg^wq [ enei Kcooyn wee MTawicjs.j».TK | e&o\ g^i-scoc 
js.'Yw eKaj2vn{Ka. o'Yig*w'se niguine g^ine^jg^wq AteKejgTWO'Yn g^&.T«w|8wpiKe \oi cg^swi km 'se&ligme 
ncioq €.Tllie.oy ne-ik.isw'' | TinpocK/ + 

. 390.— Papyrus ; a fragment; 11 x 11 cm. Script: ligatured; v. PI. 6. The ligature 
in no-YTe, 1. 2, recurs in a papyrus dated a.d. 827 I Verso -^. 
Letter of invitation. 

« THpHttH itjvK e&o\ I g^iTttnttoyTe titsjuo | ajluok -senujaw | noo-y Xomon | jmulo-y epp».i 
g».K|(3'oi g^j>.g^THi Ainoo-y I [ . • . ] Ainepig-o) m>jT . \ 

'Peace unto thee from God. I (would) inform thee that to-day is the festival. Come 
up then (XotTToV) and stay to-day with me ... . Be not . . . .' 

Recto : an Arabic text (earlier), showing the name Nasr, ^^ ^J\ oUT. 

391— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 7i x 9l cm. Script : some ligatures. Recto \. 

From a letter. ]n. . .e niAi^<xto[V | eJ^e]H xx^ „^oiq «i« ti[ | ] TeT«e^« nejKO'y[i | 
iw]g^2^tt«Hc (:^iepeY[c^'' I g^Jiw'X.lwAJi oyp&.a.pii o[y 

W Apollo. ' F. Krall ccxxviii. 6, ccxl. « The Rainpr ;7»VA»-^r tS^. T^f - rr . 

'Not^^noK. -Nasturtium.' ^ f ^p„L ^^^^^e Rainer/'^^r.r, 1894, Taf. vm. F. also nos. 380, 

' Space for cne.-]f ; but could this be thus used? » v. no. ii;8. 

" 'Ifpcu's. F. nos. 177, 278. " V. no. 158. 



392 — Paper; a fragment; gx 12 cm. Script : ligatured. 
Letter treating of various matters. 

+ CY '^Hjm epoR Kev|\(jc) epenoc Kd^d^K dwi-xtoliofi epou g^iTnjvp' eKTJs.|iULOi -seTMOY neKcs^^x^^o^ | 
n*.i Ta>.epTeR&.noK|pa,.cic "Xox g^iTaiii | 

Recto : part of an Arabic account (earlier), mentioning Fustat, LlLuuilU .... 

393. — Papyrus ; a fragment ; 14 x 15 cm. Script : clumsy uncials. Resembles that of 
no. 340 and, in a less degree, that of no. 165. Redo -». 
Letter from to his ' brother * 

^ g^jk©H jun g^coii iiiAi Tiigme endwCo[n | eni-a.H ^vKeJ xinxg^ocY xinKyK ee n[ | ai&,k junpfjoj 
eKT&."\e juoTe e[g^p8wi^ | ct^iht eiiion ckhhy s^n ct^iht ^M- I Kc.oTft>itt<^ ni^nH'Y [ . . n]\Hn iuin[p | 
•xeeRHH'Y evTVAa^ epena>.g^HT g^oce h[ | -xoopn e-yTa^.g^o jutoi js.'Yto npts'w €r[ | jui&.i julor ncniee 
e^n ei* jumeeRppoyto [ | tuxis. junpo Ajmig^ooy eneg^ evyu) [ | [e]poR eT£ienuj«w*2se n'sto[.] n-stOR . • »■[ | 
3ULisr(TiKyoc 'seni.KO'Y ti c[ | coy eRUja^eiAAe n&.co« h[ | ju.ein».y epoK eie AineRUj(ja[ | jue ei 
TawKA-y epoR })<yi)i euju>n[e | n&.i g^«>.poc eie umppcYO) kjiwI uj&.[ | eotoR g^uiuiT on id^ppo^fw 
RdwR [ I ] Tiajine [ 

394. — Papyrus; a fragment; 11x12cm. Script: almost ligatureless. Redo f. 

Apparently a letter, though beginning with the words, 'This is the judgement that 
God hath given . . .'^ It then proceeds to relate certain events. 

+ na^me t^jvn MTa^nRoyTe Tawaw[q | jiwT2vg^(op8 Tcaiioi egnx*^pTHc ei[ [ a.'yw awtj-sooc 
•sej>wiai\H\ [ I necRC-Ye «Ta.cci>K£ njvi eli[ | KTig^e eie ujjs.cawa.c tme[ | Tecg^ijme «t[ | uja.-yeipe 
np[oc I blank 

395.— Papyrus ; complete ; 8 x 27 cm. Script : sloping uncials ; cf. Hyvernat ix. 2, 
col. 2. Redo t . 

A writing exercise, in form of a letter. 

+ [c]Yn TinpocR-ym e[n]o'Y'SJ>wi «njuuepi[T] n-soeic nicoT R[Tfp]i enijuta^x®*^ I ^""*'2.«'r 

Lower down + Wyn TinpoRyRe n{sic) Verso. Arabic pen-trials. 

^ ? The Virgin's church, * ? eie. 

' F no 120 ° Is this comparable with the formula, ' Lo, here is God's 

» 'i)o not continue to raise (thy) shoulders.' Can this word' &c. {v. Crum, Osir. no. 107, Br. Mus. no. 1024)? 

have the meaning of the modern idiom ? ' V. Kkall clxvii, Cairo 8409 (clearly fern.). 



896.— Papyrus; a fragment; i6xii|cm. Script: of early type, v. PI. 4. By the 
scribe of no. 275. Note the careful superlineation. Recto ->. 

Letter, whereof a woman is the subject, a conversation with her being reported. The 
dialect is fully Achmimic, but as differing in degree only from other of our texts, in which 
Sa'idic preponderates, it is placed among them. 

■sei-se I ] HTti'^cTaiTe nee ni | ]eog^e eTfeeo-y a^TeTJua. -sere | ]cco«e -xe^ ^it*.^ en enoiuiT | 
]TpeY nee ».n».K Spcg^JAie* | je^e.AAe'YTe iuia.^ -seTa.cwne | ] -^nAwKOiT^ en o-yTe -^na.^ | levioy 
en^a^Yne g^con -se | lo-ycg^iAie o-yii gn».\ | ]ca.^qe'' ilAA2^i nitna. | ]q g^coT iiTip(above koJtcs 
HTc' I ] iLul^>.'Y nojLift.pc | ]«£ nm Soyna.a' | ]no'Y&.iig 

397.— Papyrus; a fragment; 12^x131 cm. Script: uneven, moderately ligatured. 
Verso -*. 

Letter from John and his mother to his 'dear lord brother ' 

Jng^cofs niJLi a.noR enui xinTeqjua.a.'Y | nee Jerie nenpoijui THpoy Tenigine epou | ] titsoao 
HjmoR neiwcon -xeonTc \] .(^ n&}>. Ta^js^q Tpojuine eTHnen | Y^c ei nTR-si o'y^a.Tie ^° eieipe | 
cJ^awico-Y njuoo-y na^K ^eo'Y<5' | ]ai 'xea.neKcg^a*.! ei | Jna^Ta^n . . jia | 

Recto : + Ta^a^c nnajmepi n-xoejc neon [ ; also remains of an earlier Arabic text. 

398-— Papyrus; a fragment; 16x10 cm. Script: v. PI. 6. Recto \. 
Letter of uncertain purport. 

« g^Ainpa^n enno-yTC Tiuji[ne | tio nTCKttjnHpe 11 nna^y nuj8.[ | ojine etoi o-Y^xe AieKTno[o'y | 
eefiHpe a.n epigawnnpcojue [ | a.'Ya) eie g^wpion a.iTno[o'yq | na.i uja^nTeKei na^i eg^pa^i [ | nonpicie 
g^a^g^THi a^-yoi €[ | ncTpoe AinneiRO-Yi tg[Hpe | a.-yenToy "seepenuje nna.[ | e . iga^nei eg^pa^i neps'aj 
n[ I noywuj enno'YTe t^ . [ 

399.— Papyrus ; a fragment, complete in height and width; 3ox8f cm. Script: 
early type, almost ligatureless ; c/. that of no. 270. Recto -^. 

Letter to a woman", referring to legal affairs. 

^ enei-xH [ | nej^nj^-y^Voe ;^q [ | ^yeynT^en's e[ | en^a.n a.noR -xe itinoyl'xi •Xa.a.y n«j[a.]^e 
ep[ . . ] I ni-mei[. .] a.n r^ . . | en^a.n [ | Ta.. . oc -2: . [ | a.y w . na.[ | a^p^ooe '■?..[ | junpH . p . 

• After I was c or a,. ^ ist p was altered. " Usually ^o itign. juuuou or +pajn. xi^toK. 

.'^^^^\ r. * ^ '"^^ ^' " Assuming 1. 6 to be a quotation. 

^ ^ ?Ax^^ fern. But AxeTTe, li^^oy-ve, should have " In literary texts <rv.raa<recreat usually^gcon; but v. 

'"'^'■J Crum, Os/r. nos. 356, Ad, 49. Sometimes it is 'bid fare- 

7 "" "^""l"' A <■ u J '''^^^'' '^Y"-r*.7e, Rossi, Nuov. Cod. 30, Giron, IJgendes 64, 

' ^q altered, former perhaps erased. Borllpian MS f-r^nt ^ ^ 1 c I 1 r t, 

s '\„„ ' 9 ,n , , , -tsoaieian ivib. copt. ^. 3 (a fragment apparently from Br. 

p was w. It was t. " ? <jyaV,?. Mus. no. 359). 


[ ] I nujawse e-y . , M'2tH[ . . . ] | epoctj-e Ta.KU) eKe[ . . . ] | o'yi.d.T ibMK-^^oy . . . . | juionoji 

Te.2^AAo[o]c ... I ujA.n'^eiJuut rs[ . . . . ] | g^HTTo-y ni^i cevp[ . . . . ] | juHTpe "SHJUHpH i.p[ . . . ] | 
■i.copH nno[ . . ] 2_^[ . . ] I 2.*^n m^i[ | ei [ | e'y[ | kw[ | n[ | blank. 

400 — Papyrus; a fragment; 13x261 cm. Script: clumsy, ligatureless. Redo f. 

Letter from to 'our dear son' John, the purport of which is obscure. It opens 

with greetings to several persons. eicg^avi | ]Tne Ai«JLijs.Kpe | cjTJvyptoY junneyss,.! | [ Jo-y €£io[?V.] . . . 

ennoyre •sKTdJu.awKj*|p[e] eRoy &oym ':soo'y £2k.?V.o|Ko[T] hc 

ivy eujiuipe Tb.\c.b.H nio> ' | •sen . . K&.niDQ^e . . . epne eco [ttJTig^H eipnc eT&e 

n«[oY]Te eni ei . eiimKO'yi uj[H]pe jvWKe ujes.iTeTiJic | 10x10 .. g^nTeTn[juH]Te ng^oiuiR . tuhi^ 
e».YCrt eTUje>.nuji«e | [ ] ujHpe ti ng^ . . coc ns^Y Sw-yco'Ypne | 

Verso. [nenjiiep]xT nujnpe ico [space] 2s.[«nHc ? 

401. — Papyrus; a fragment; I3|xi2cm. Script: small, ligatured. Ferso ->. 

Letter, mentioning the place TsesiO^ and concluding, 'But go if thou wilt or stay 
if thou wilt.' 

j-sttTJikKei eg^oyii eKiucT igdwnoo'y 1 • •]?! eg^oyn eTcecico ?V.oinon TiwpH | ] 

ei eg^cyn epoc | . . ] nTiTnocy ecwK eTTev&A*. * | ?V.oxnon eKo-ytouj ei CKO-yujuj j 0^10 
+ [/a] . . . . t / la + 

Redo. Remains of an earlier Arabic text, in unpointed semi-Cufic character ^ It 
is a list, probably relating to taxation, and consisting of names of Copts, followed by those 
of their domiciles, several of which remain to be identified. The two last lines show 
Muslim witnesses. 

•«• cyn niyon^ "y Aa^p . [ 

[.]Aa}\ (♦-vJL> ^^i] c>? _y^ '^O (_^ <>[4-*i 

' Difficult to read otherwise. Dots above i. ' Neither/ nor w are elsewhere formed as here; but 

2 Not neTJtHi ' V- no. 159. the reading 'Apollo' is irresistible. 

* V. no 322 whence it appears to relate to taxation. « C/. cixioy in no. 302 and Br. Mus. no. 1 130. 

C/. T*J.\m, Aeg. Z. 1885, 34, and Ji, in MtM. Rain. ii. ° ^""-^J^r- ^fJf '^TT^' , 

163. InLAGARnE,^.^.223T*.M.>(T*.tM=Kv/3o«. " C/DESACY,^Wa/-Z^/f/-693^A 

» C/ B. MoRiTZ, Ar. PalcEOgr. pi. 106 (a.d. 731) or " Possibly 15G. Bisa is usually Uj and is a very rare 

C. H. Becker, P. Schott-Reinh. i, no. i (a.d. 710). '^^T' ^ . ^ 

6 ^^1. Presumably the writer of the Arabic text. Cf. May end with n. 

■-y- ^ 13 T pannot read ^Ui. ist letter 1 m. " ? riW. 

no. 32! 

" I cannot read tjl^i. ist letter ? w. " ? ^"^ 


402.— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 8 x 6| cm. Script : rarely ligatured. Ferso -». 
Letter containing the description of a man's features, referring to 'heavy eyebrows^', 
' the hair of his beard ' and a ' strap (j^ayKkd^iov^) on his back '. 

] . c o-YpwAte eqTHtgne | itJeqeju-sMg^ pHT | ]\xhiii g^itTequiopeT | Ai.]».K'\»iim g^nneqcoi | 
Recto : traces of an Arabic text in semi-Cufic script (earlier). 

403.— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 4I x 14 cm. Script : early type ; v. PL 4. Redo f . 
Letter of uncertain purport. 

cneifsoeic hiwt €TOYd.&.q [ 

Ferso : traces of the address. 

404. — Papyrus ; a fragment ; 7I x 13 cm. Script : moderately ligatured. Redo f . 
Letter, the language of which is particularly obscure. In 1. i the Nile seems to 
be mentioned*. 

]Kjs.TOi ni7V.oY AJi«nR{jiJAiHc Tnei eneM[ . .]| ](3'KTq Swyoj &.1KC0 enejua^ THpoy [. .] | p«>^]cTe 
iiTR'Ypi&.KH ?V.oino« e>.«ic nnq [.] | jejuia^'y aw'yco top's eitpoK &.d.jLt2k. ici | n&.nTOR]p&.Ttop eTcnHy 
eni €TejLiniei | ]ti eni eiKj^Te^e eT^HTH-YTit | ]'\.y^ • tjs.ithoo'y n&.ujHpe A-MCYTe | 

405.— Papyrus ; a fragment; 4X 13I cm. Script : late, ligatured. Ferso ->. 

Letter (?) containing the words, 'for a remembrance of the beginning of our holy 
fasts of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Our God.' 

]hi ej g^iwtoq [ | ] e-Yepiuiee-Ye nTj>.p;xiH itnentiHCTiJv | e^'oyd.&ii nne«'soeic Tc ne^^ 
nennoyTe^ [ | nJAJuuHTit | 

Redo : traces of an account. 

406.— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 6| x i2| cm. Script : clumsy, ligatureless. Redo f . 
Letter mentioning— possibly addressed to— a tribune. 
c]2^^.I epj^Tq AineTpifeo-ynoc [ ]"xooc epoi g^pa.1 AAncKHi | ]qHi t^iin^K xxm^ . . . juia^c | 

' C/. Mus. Guimet XXV. 62 epe'sioq pHT. 3 Note this early form. 

= Occurs in Milth. Rain. v. 48. Possibly here refers to ^ Ne.'Xov? Nilopolis is unlikely. kcJ™ is difficult : 

marks of punishment. In Br. Mus. no. iii3readAi*.K\«.tice 'the lower part of the river' ? 
>ayKXa/3t^iv. Cf. Rev. Egypol. ix. 170 (' 200 strokes '). = Ligature as in no. 390. 


407— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 27I x 10 cm. Script : v. PI. 6. Recto \ . 

Letter beginning ♦ TmpocR/ nTeKx*HTAA[epiT, and containing the phrases ptojme] uTa.- 

«jj>wpoi ecocYTM 

408.— Papyrus ; a fragment; 9X 12 cm. Script : sloping uncials resembling Zoega's 
9th class. Verso —>. 

Letter of uncertain purport. 

^ £^AAnpa.n Ainno-yTe ttigo[pn | pe.juia. ec^a^i eiujme a.-yw jui[ | tm a.-yw •xa.ivfewK ne>.K 

TH[pq I Tjvei Aw-yto ecg^xe enecujHpe nT[ | a.?v.a.i g^svnecujj jv^a. g^jvnigi nTe[ | MTa.nepswTiya.'xe next 

[ • • • ]'!^q[ 

On the redo, the beginning of a Greek legal text, mentioning the x^P^°v Pouanp- 

]iov Kai IcooiraLov crov vuafia/ \ ] lvS /^ tij? irapovcTT]'; ivSi/crtcuvos | ] tt/ avr -^wpio 
TrovavTr^Lyeo's \ ] Xaixirpoj/ + eySatoiS-rjs + | 

409- — Papyrus; a fragment; 15x17cm. Script: clumsy uncials. Redo f. 

Letter from Claudius ' his servant ' to the Kvpts Apa Cyrus ^, presumably an official 

+ g^e^eH jui« Meg^ojq nwjt TinpoocKHne | [nJTeKAiT-soeic eniTC a>.nei epa^i js.nndw][p]».R&,?V.e 
axon eeTfiCTecg^iAie Ts^peK | [js.]».c kmi e&o?V. &.KwpHK 'seiu.iKa.&.c | [e]£io7v. xineTTM-jscoTv.jikg^* njuiocy 
eJ&oA I [?V.]en(ji>n^ &.icno'YTi>.cce e^iTHpefeiRTop | [ejine" epuijuie ej>kqQso?V.&.q ^ ei!io\ eXenoin e».i| [c]g^e>.i 
eina>.piwRdw?V.e kuor T».peR&.B.c Kes-q | [e]&oA -seg^coq nijui eTepTeKju-HT-soeic | RawTHCYccy ki^i 
g^iTHneKS'Js.on Tm2i>.|[dw]iwY ts^^h (different hand) TVmon Tin&.p».Ra>.?Vi ruuicoTn | [about 14 let.] 


Verso (by the 2nd hand). [ + Ta.&.c] nnivseic nRipec a^na. | Ripe neq(3'a.o'Yo« RXa^-YTe + 

' Before all things I do obeisance {Trpoa-Kweiv) to thy lordship. Since (cTreiSij) we came 
up and requested (TrapaKaXelv) thee concerning the woman, that thou wouldst release her 
unto us and thou didst swear, saying, ' I will not release her ere ye have drawn the 
water;' then {Xolttov) I was diligent (o-TrovSa^etv) and had Victor bring (?) the man that 
had drawn it. And (Xoltt.) I have written begging {irapaK.) thee that thou wouldst release 
her unto him. For everything which thy lordship shall send me by thy servant, I will 

1 > 

dWd .... dWd, expressing alternatives ? Guimet xvii. 264, elsewhere =c^ionK. 
^ Cf. the forms in nos. 158 note, 281. ^ Not space for eXenwn as below. 

' V. no. 282. * Or ujme or s'ine or possibly ■si. 

* Cf. Br. Mus. nos. 1036, 1130. Boh. s'wXg in Mus. ' Or -soXqq. 

B b 


speedily (Taxv) perform. And (Xoitt.) P beg (irapaK.) you would release her 

unto us ' 

410.— Papyrus ; a fragment ; 7| x i6 cm. F. PI. 9. Redo (?) f . 

Text written in some system of cryptogram or stenography, representing probably a 
Greek text. Some signs resemble those in the Rainer Fukrer, Taf. xiii. 444. Letters of 
the ordinary alphabet are frequently used. Above this is a line of tall characters similar 
to those in Crum, Ostraca, p. 85 (facsim.), Ad. 6. 

Verso (?) : the text continued. 

' This is a different person. 


^11-— Papyrus; a fragment; 8xii cm. Text in one column. Script: heavy uncials, 
differing much on recto and verso. V. PI. i for recto \ On the verso there is an undeniable 
resemblance to the loth century type of Bohairic hand from Nitria. 

Dioscorus of Alexandria, narrative relating to. The text corresponds to pp. 59, 60, 
275, 276 of Nau's Syriac version I 

[•jkiocKoJpoc nndwq 
] tt-xe cYei 
[g^Ai.nn&,?V.?V.ak]KTion^' T&. 

[n-se noX^J'YpiJs. • *,.q 

€2^]?V.Hi ne-zseq 
[■se ] 'iLiocKopoc 

u}oo]n ws^a^n . 

icoT KcaiiH[A. •xe&.q-sa.c] 
H-se ecjv-y* '2£[e«.8w?V.oYg^u>n] 
eg^oyw itse M[eg^a.0Y a*.-] 
HAAoy AAnak[ia>T tiTawg^to-] 
Tefe juin2s.c[dwn levKUiq •] 

ncaw^TV. '2£e[nTi.HeqcMH-] 

412. — Paper; a fragment; 7^x10 cm. Script: uneven, of Zoega's 9th class, = Br" 
Mus. Catal., no. 527, to which MS. this appears to belong ^ 

From a medical work, showing portions of 3 recipes. The second mentions ' raven's 
gall ', ' camphor ' and refers to a wine shop. It may be a preventive of intoxication. 

'-{ ] [ 

0isxi nciigi juin&iiajR ' eK2».Ajin[ 

ei ceK . K2).?V.;x;^awfcuiwp * 0'^o[ 

oiite eA.qe?V. . . piTV. enpi «ee[ 

' Cf. also the Leyden papyrus book {MSS., p. 471). 

' Journ. As., 1903. 

^ A not impossible form. The first visible letter is not &. 
The text here appears to differ from the Syriac. 

* Cf. Gen. xxvii. 41. 

" A difference in dialect alone prevents me connecting 
it also with Berlin, Kopi. Urk., No. 26 (P. 81 16, 81 17), which 
is identical in script and measurements (Dr. Schubart 

kindly sent a photograph). There may be a difficulty too 
in reconciling the provenance of the Br. Mus. and Berlin 
MSS. with ours. 

* ? »-jlil.l ' paralytic '. 

■^ Bile of various animals was used {v. indices to Ber- 
thelot's Chimie au Moyen Age), but I do not find the 

»^yl5il. So in the above Berlin MS., 81 16 a, 8. 

B b 2 


AASw «co epn (3'&.n uj8jui-<^ e\enp[ 

Verso : Arabic. 

[n]cn8wq ena. [ 

413.— Papyrus; a fragment; iifxiscm. Script: early; v. PI. 3. Redo f. 

Letter from Phoebammon to Justus, giving certain information relating to agriculture, 
and making requests. 

. st'c 

jv]tt&.R ?5oiiaj.juuuicott : neTcg^ei [ ] ]csw« : g^Ainsw^HT THAq : Mxn[ | ]igion :|)Qg^iLs.awT : 
ijiitn[ I ]t^ itCTi neivfceKH hck: Swyoj [ | T]a.£^j>.K : M.neTV.Keo'y e-ywcq n[ | uj]&.TenijiJ».oY : KOiTi : 
g^«g^oi)[ I TjefittA.O'yi : eT£iJv?V.T€i : a^-yw [ | ]i : JunettKjTa.o'yji^s^c. : ne[ | Jigi : nxtey : A-yto aw<V.! 
Ta^Rjs.n[H I J»L'y](p j>.?V.i t&.kj>lIth : £ei itn!?«wjuo'y['A. | ]HTj>.q t^ : Sw-yoj Tiv&.K : x«.neTe?V.[€ | jg^ioyi 

Verso. T]eic loycTe [space] g^iTec^oifeftLAuutcoit 

414— Papyrus; a fragment; iifxpcm. Script: sloping, ligatureless. Recto \. 
Letter addressing the recipient as 'my brother' and referring to transactions in corn -. 

eujcone [ | iga^n co-yi. g^Ji.'Xs.i ixn[ \ naisTna.-j-ceT eujoj[ | ti : a co-yj^ nec«.ign[ | 3'a)Ai[ . . ]t «a.q 

c«At.[ I •ri[. . .]oq iteq ig[ | small parts of 5 more lines. 

Verso (f) : Arabic. 

415. -Papyrus ; a fragment ; 4I x 25 cm. Script : rarely ligatured. Recto (?) ->. 
Letter of obscure purport. 'Thy soul,' the writer says, 'will contend with mine.' 
Innenei n^K on ^j.iti 3 „oy[ | ]oy \^i «,i.\eTeKxVYX« "^^ ^en iuteTcoi *."fco \j. 

e^iTi[ I ] TeTe^Ti nnoTf^ n^ajH^i \eMj.igT^K xie.i Ta^oY[ | l*i^ n^Tita^R o« ^^.iti ^.-yoj 

nigoni K(5'i« . Kd^p^wK [ 

The fragment has been used in a binding (?), and the other side is covered with 
brown glue. 

' Perhaps iieK+?i. „ i .. r „ , 

The: preceding the numerals presumably = v. ^.^. Z.. 1898, .39)? Otherwise the dialect appears 

This seems to recur m 1. 4. Can na.K=«.n4.K and Fayyfimic. 



416 [9].— Paper; a volume in modern binding; no foil.; 28 x20 cm. i col. of about 
20 lines, with Arabic opposite it as far as p. 41 b. Script : 2 modern hands, the second 
starting at p. 42 a and showing a good example of contemporary calligraphy. On the 
fly-leaf, the usual elaborately-coloured (red, yellow, green) cross. 

Job, complete. Of this MS., Tattam, to whom it belonged (fly-leaf ' Tatt. 373 '), 
says ^ that it was copied, while he was in Egypt, ' from an ancient one in the patriarch's 
library,' and then collated ^ with a MS. 'belonging to the Rev. Mr. Schleinitz'. 

417 [8]. — Paper; a volume in modern binding; 206 foil.; the page 171x13cm. 
Script : a heavy 14th century hand. Initials and stops, up to fol. 60, in red. i col., 15 Hues. 
Paged incompletely. In each quire, of 5 double leaves (qu. 7, renovated, is of 3 leaves), 
omitting qu. i, the paging is upon the rectos of its first half only; thus in qu. 2, only 
pp. i^ to le are paged. This shows that the paging (which seems to be in the original 
scribe's hand) was done before the leaves had been folded or written upon. Foil. 61-65 
are renewed- by a somewhat later, foil. 126, 133-135 by a quite modern scribe. 

I. Foil. I a — 60 b, Proverbs i. i — xiv. 26 (the end of a quire). The other MSS. of this 
book likewise end here {v. Br. Mus. no. 724) and, being all of younger date than ours, 
may be but copies of it. The text is divided into paragraphs, but not into larger sections. 
Once or twice there is an orthographic correction ^J^^J, in the margin. For editions of 
the book, v. Br. Mus. Catal., I. c. 

II. Foil. 61 b — 206 b, Job, complete. This text was used by Tattam for his edition 
(1846), as is evident from the final computation ' found in only one of the three copies ' 
he used (z'. his p. 181) and to be read on fol. 206/^ of the present MS. == The main 
divisions of the text are at chh. iv. i, vi. i, ix. i, xi. i, xii. i, xv. i, xvi. i, xviii. i, xix. i, 
XX. I, xxi. I, xxii. I, xxiii. i, xxv. i, xxvi. i, xxvii. i, xxix. i, xxxii. i, ib. 17, xxxiv. i, xxxv. i, 
xxxvi. I, xxxviii. i, xxxix. 33, xl. i, xlii. i, ib. 7. Orthographic corrections are indicated 
by e/^<o, doubtful (? faulty) places as^J^o 'collated' (or 'to be collated'), a blank on 
fol. 65;^ as y^^, preferable readings as ^^ or, on the authority of the oldest copy, 

1 Job, preface. The fly-leaf shows too the price he fol. 49 h, and there too breaks off with THpoy. 

paid for it : ' 200 peasters.' * On fol- 204 i, this refers to the numeral c (200), which 

"" In 1839, says a note on p. 109 a. V. the companion the older MS. wrote «r Jhll Iaa Jc, thus indicating a con- 

volume, Br. Mus. no. 725. siderable age. 


This computation however is also in Br. Mus. no. 724, 

I go 


The final note (fol. 206 5) states that the book was the property (i^iic) of 'the poor 
servant of (JO Almighty God', Michael, deacon of the church of Atrlb, who hopes for 
His pardon, mercy and grace. 

Fol. 61 a, an Arabic note (probably not much later than the Coptic script), detailing 
the 36 times that the various limbs and features of a newly-baptized boy are to be signed 
with the holy oil^ : j^x^ ■i.^o^\ Uoy^\ e>^ d^^^ '^f^ o^ L>"c>ili o^tJ-^b (^^^ ^o^^ 

The MS. belonged to Tattam ^ ; v. first fly-leaf, bearing the note ' Tatt. 372 '. Chapters 
too and verses are throughout marked in his hand. 

418 [12].— Paper ; 258 foil., in modern native binding ; paged on versos ; 30I x 22 cm. 
Script : (i) foil. 5^-93 a, a regular, if somewhat sprawling i8th century hand; (2) foil. 936 
to end, a stiffer, more compact hand. Initials, stops, the letters t^, £, 1 in red. i col. of 
(i) 20-24 and (2) 25 lines, with Arabic opposite it. 

Foil. 5 ^-214 b. Jeremiah. 

Foil. 215^-232 (5. Lamentations, with the Prayer of Jeremiah. 

Foil. 222b-24gb. Baruch, beginning (as a sequel to Jeremiah) with ch. liii. 

Foil. 249^-2583. The Epistle of Jeremiah. 

An Arabic colophon by the scribe, on fol. 258 b, states that the work was ended on 
the 29th Ablb, a.m. 1512 = a.d. 1796. 

The MS. belonged to Tattam, as a note of contents at the beginning and the marking 
of chapters and verses in his hand throughout indicate ^ 

419 [10].— Paper; 147 foil, (first 2 and last 6 blank), in modern native binding; paged 
on versos; 31 x22| cm. Script : a regular, i8th century hand. Head-lines, initials, stops, 
the letters t^, £, 2. in red. i col. of 18-22 lines, with Arabic opposite it. 

Daniel, opening with the History of Susanna. The apocryphal 14th vision is on 

p. pRP(5. 

The text is preceded by 4 pp. of Arabic, giving a sketch of contemporary biblical 
history, a summary of the prophecies and 6 ethical reasons for their revelation (the 

• V. Vansleb, ms/oire 203, TuEi, Jiiiuak 32. ' Presumably it is that given him by the Duke of 

' Presumably that given him by Lord Frudhoe ; v. Job, Northumberland ; v. Proph. Maj. I, Prsefatio. 



display of divine might, confounding of idolatry, humiliation of Babylon &c.). It is 
headed J^U e^U 2oy> (^_^ ^1.^x^1^ v^y>\ ^^ 1^^ ^1 JLo^o oUT J^ zUo-i^. 
It begins jU^ iJ^ cSt>^W ("''^) JUij^^ ty^ JjU (^^Jl loj^ <Ju«, JUo ^/l (J^ b'' cy^.. 
and ends J\oX^\ ^^.v*^ ^» ^\ ^,0 i=LuX>l evo <:,y:j. U ^^JIjI^^ j^^^U ^^ ^^y:^ ^^1 o-oLJl^ 

O>yol 5J c^iV^ji' t_5^ 5ouut)J ^.^ t_^ly(i ^UXiil. <>iu^lj SLsyyjAAi yy^ o^ 

A note by the scribe, on p. 141 a, states that the work was finished on the 29th Misra, 
' the end of the year ' ju^ 'iAt a. m. 1511 = a. d. 1795. The scribe was Claudius, hegumenus, 
' serving poU^ ^ the great martyr Apa Tir ' ^o \.^1, in Siut 2. 

The MS. belonged to Tattam, as numerous marginal variants (in ink) and the chapter 
and verse notation (in pencil) in his hand show '\ 

420 [11]. — Paper; 1 19 foil.; paged on ^^rso5; European binding ; 23x15-3 cm. Script: 
quite modern. Initials, stops &c. in red ; cross on fly-leaf, head-piece and largest initials in 
red, green and yellow, i col. of 20 lines, with Arabic opposite it. 

Daniel, beginning with the History of Susanna and terminating with that of Bel 
(13th vision). 

The MS. belonged to Tattam, as the chapter and verse notation and an occasional 
variant in his hand show *. 

421. — Papyrus; 6 fragments ; the largest, 8x6 cm. Script : a heavy, Bohairic hand of 
the loth century, similar to those of the Vatican MSS. or the Curzon Catena ; v. Brit. 
Mus. Catal., PI. 11, no. 739. 

A Gospel MS., unique hitherto in being in the Bohairic dialect though upon 
papyrus. Other fragments of the volume are Brit. Mus. no. 739. 

The largest fragment here shows St. Matthew xxi. 14-16, 23-25, as follows : 

14. ]«3'».'\[ Verso. 23. ]Aiiitinp[ 
]p^a.5[ ]Rips «[ 

] [ ]og^ niui n[ 

15. jiepe-ye n[ 24. Jpoyoj n[ 
]'Y-[ ] '^K».iyene[ 
] e£!oA ^eHn[ ]ujion ».peT[ 

16. ] 'xeiocA.itna. [ ]«ok g^w ^n[ 

]RC(OTe [ 25. JCOAIC MTe[ 

' V. Br. Mus. no. 7zq note. ° ^- Proph. Maj., Piasfatio viii, ' Copto- Arabicus in folio.' 

" Not in Aba Salih or Makrizi, but now one of the two * V. Proph. Maj., Praefatio viii, ' Copto-Arabicus in 

churches in Siflt;' v. list appended to J-Jj/Jl J l^\ i^^l quarto et recenter transcriptus.' 

i;a.j^ll, Cairo, 1896. 


422 [15].— Paper ; 287 (sic) foil., in oriental binding (wooden boards with coarse leather 
back); paged on versos; 35x26 cm.; i col. of 25 lines. Script: a regular, 14th century 
hand, 'excepting foil. 1-39, 269-285 (286, 287 blank), which are by a much later scribe, 
foil. 74, 126, 215 being also in a later, though again different, hand. These last 3 foil, 
replace coloured and gilded ^ initial pages, which have been cut out. Most initials, 
head-lines, stops &c., the letters ^, £ are in red; larger initials with marginal scrolls 
in red, green and yellow. 

The MS. is described at length as M, in Horner's Bohairic New Testament i, 
p. cxii. 

The Four Gospels. St. Mark begins on fol. 74 a, St. Luke on 126 <^, St. John 
on 215 a. 

The words, fol. 74 a, ».«epg^HTC /^eif^'soju, htc t^-^ HeAi.ninee«s.neq ktc «eqert'^o?V.H 
a.Hc5e &c. are intended to translate the familiar ^}\ t_j^i a^iy^ cm**^ si31 ijJii (^^yXXi. 

The scribe's name is on fol. 214 a : «>.pi na-ute-yi eefcet^^ a.«OK nie\&.;)(^icToc cixiwn 

Fol. 214^, this Arabic note of dedication' by Ibrahim of Shubra, dated a.m. 1230 
= A.D. 1514: 

ji}Ji^ js.*^^^! l>"<jjlL1 oU53! lt>A (^^^j5^i sJJl L>. o^-U o^;s5^l f^j-il ^\c> sJJ c^sJL! 

t_5ol^ " U^6^!n)1 _^.(jJli <-^/^^ t-S^-^-? W^l (►A.^*^! U^^.O-'i] jr^.O (_,^ s^aIc SfJJl .^5^li *i^^\j^\ 

p\£UJ!^ »^^^ fUibpi e^o s-^j-su o*-vi UU^ »^J1 (Ja=>.j <• pl^jJl (_^ v/tj-> jJJl Tf^^ic U>lo 2(11 jiJ:^\j e^yol ei^A«4l e^A«Aiyj,\ c>a*^.^I t^juoLJl UiNjJI ^ J^so o^l p.bU"} 

JUJO ^ylc 0;-U 

The MS. belonged to Tattam«, as a pencil note, 'Tattam 400,' on the inside of 
the binding (beginning) and the chapter and verse notation in his hand testify. 

423 [14].- Paper; 150 foil, (last blank) in a fine native binding, partly renewed- 
paged on versos; 17.7x26! cm.; i col., 19 lines, with Arabic opposite it Script' 
a regular, 14th century hand. Initials, stops, the letters ^, £ in red; head-lines, quire- 

' FoL .14 3 retains plain traces of this. s , ,,„„,^ ,„, ^,^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^_ 

V. Br. Mus. no. 1132. Mission iv. 607 shows it to In the later note, fol. 285 a, the name is spelt ^c.,^ 
be in the noma of O.xyrhinchus. ^sx^ is almost oppo- " Horner takes this apparently for .0 W 

site MaghSgha. , „ , , & ' 

3 T w J u tj T. . . , Horner takes the writer of this note for Tohn oard 

Translated by Horner Pointed here as in MS. (94th) Patriarch, doubtless he who also wrote the note 

S. V. 

There were several Shubras ; ». Am^lineau, Ge'ogr., Horner, /. c, Ixi'v infra. 

' Presumably no. 3 in the list, ZDMG. vii. 94. 


ornaments, larger initials, and marginal scrolls, as well as the elaborate cross on fol. i b, 
red, green, blue and yellow. Gilding also is used in this cross and in all the head-lines. 
The MS. is described by Horner, in his Bohairic New Testament iii, p. Ixi. 

Foil. 2 a — 996. The Revelation of St. John. The margins are full of Arabic 
glosses, in a contemporary (?) hand and red ink, giving closer versions of the Coptic 
(sometimes headed iS) or, in black, a divergent Arabic (headed i). Rarely the reading 
of another copy (ns=uu3 or Jwvs^l ».=Buui) is given, or the Coptic emended. 

The liturgical rubrics, indicating the hymns and antiphons proper to the lessons from 
the Apocalypse, whereof Horner (iii, p. Ixvi) has given a translation, are, in this MS., 
as follows \ Certain of them are found in the liturgical books. 

Ch. i. 10 — H "Y efia^-Y c;4&.i nitn eT&.Kn».Y eptoo-y 


ii. I — H c g^cofi^ ndwine nn CTeq-su) AJUuKooy Kipi ms.oc, 

ii. 18 — H icocHf^ ■<^cg^ijui cseie'^ek£ie?V. 

H -"^KlfKOTOC. 

iii y — H <3'oi«jT' f^H eeM».(3'po -"^tt^wa^iq 
fcajg^eju. Ajuio-y TeKn^>L'Y. 
iii. 14 — Tf H niJU-Yt g*! hnk no-yt^a.^pi 

iv. I iv iwfc* JS.m»wY JS.MOK ItOSwHUHC 

jfctog^eAA e.TiK'xe.n m^ici . 

£iiog^eju. nmejuiKeAA. 
vi. i—'Y o-yc^a^pice^'Y eo-yg^eo ny;j>M.e . 

ficag^eju nipcoxti eTTa.TV.HO'yT . 

(J) "' 

vii. 9 — T -"Vpi^iBJ JviKaw-y eo-Yttiiy t^Hpi 

viii. I — ^ necigoujT'' e.'y^^q gtconi ^enTc^e 
fiojg^ejui ».'2k.dju. awfieTV.. 

ix. 6 — "Y ii».io^8 nig^oyiT no-yoi ».qcim 


1 Words underlined are in red. It will be observed margins of homiletic or narrative texts {e.g. Eg. Expl. Fund, 

how irregularly this has been carried out. Abbreviations Hepori 1901-02, p. 52 supra). 
are for ^vos and oT^g^iUL (presumably identical here with ' Recurs Aeg. Z. xxxix. 109. 

Lgel) It is difficult to distinguish between the two; ' Recurs /... 109. Note the Saxd.c form retamed. 

boih seem to correspond to ^ (cf. Horner, Comecr. Serv. * Tuki iJ/J«. cn^. 

020 with TuKi, Euch. i. p^, pnH &c. and Br. Mus. no. 894). ' ^^S- Z. l-c- Br. Mus. no. 894. 

Referred, as here, to a biblical text, o-r^ge^ must be the ^ Cf. Aeg. Z. etc neujocgT. 

response sung in conjunction with a lection (con nwuj) ; ' ^«^- -Z^-> ^- '^• 

V. Br. Mus. nos. 144 n., 147, 326 and many instances in 

c c 


H a.i'sejui nicHoy. 

xu. I — -y £d.«oi oycg^ijui ecsoA-g^ jut^pH 
bo tioye(^oaxTivib<\. 

xiii. I — y ne^KOT^ na^p a>.ina>Y eo'yKia}'^ iutnoXic 

(J) 0) 

xm. II — f Jkitte-s njuL d^&,ine (^jlxik itTg^ynouio 

xiv. I — -y jviitawY eoyg^iH^ M«&.'y eoyg^iH^ 
fewg^eju oyKejuiKeii. 
xiv. 12 — y -^y^oi^b^ oi o'yni&.TO'y 
fcwg^CAi netoreit "^e^. 

xiv. 17 — "y awttiite m^i ».\ni>.y eoymuj'^ tfojc^Hpi 


H niHoyfi. 

XV. 5 — -y &.'ypeA)L«.&.o itH €Ta«.neeo\oi»oc 

fiwg^eiA Teno-ywuiT. 

XVI. 12 — -y eyt^pawne A.'yepti^e'yi * 

fewg^ejj. «w<xa.AA iJie\. 
xvii. I — -y d^ifewK dio\ i>.m\Tr eoycg^iiAi 

H npo\otTOK^ 
xviu. I — -y eefieoycgriMS -^cg^iAti erawKne^-y epoc 

XIX. II — H Te2^p{0A*a.«s&. &.m2).'y eo-yg^oo ncyoifeig 

X ., 

H !l\ 

XX. o — "Y A*g»Ta.i'X( opoK o'yjLiek.Ka.pioc 
H T€(3'oci em . 

W — A 

XXI. I — -y A.itt»L'y ec a.iMii.Y eoYfies.Ki eoMectoc 

H A.mftw'y e'p n|)(^'\oA». 

xxi. 21 — H eajwn neoK eft2..Ki umittioj"^ no-ypo 

X ^ — 

H eujoin tteoRne n&,cwTHp. 

■ Aeg. Z., 1. c. - Br. Mus. no. 893. « Aeg. Z., /. .., Br. Mus. no. 972. 

' ^- "• ' • '^"^TT'- ' The 2nd • authentic ' mode. 

' A lituro-ical term ? 


On fol. 93 a a passage is introduced into ch. xxi. 19 (after K^Kocriir^ixlvoi), indicated 
as a hymn to be sung by the bishop 1. After it, ver. 19 is continued, fwS Aec^i. Ver. 21 
is headed epeneitcajTHp ^^enuoiL Aeci. 

^ On fol. 99 b, after the end of ch. xxii, is the following, by the original scribe : 
eTVN S K^TViopp^^S ncTpS t. ^ J^ c^l t>^ ^bU^ Lo.^. ^^IJ^ ui^^ J^ 

Jl cv-^li ^iJ asb J,LkJl e^vS:^!^ ^p\j ^\Ji^\j ^\ ^ u^^ ^c^^ j^x^^ y, 

tXt.s^ ^-*A^^ ^^^o^ i<>?^5 
On fol. 100 a, the following Blessing (with Arabic), to be recited before the 
Apocalypse ^ nicAioy (^y^i) eTO-Ytouj %xxxo(i{sic) ^a.'seit^j.not»a.\<YJJivyic 

CAAoy epoi ic ^A*eT*.noii. ;x^a> mhi efeoTV na^cKHo-y neiuins.uiHpi Ttofig^ e-stoi g."^^ 

HTcnawOc iHc ^ niKJvTi hhi itTawtooj ^eimeqKojmoc «Ta.a.peg^ ene^enTO^H «Ta.^ wo-y 

Ajineqpjvn e© 0705^ nTd.<sto «(OTe« n^a.noc'a.AyAiv^ic itxe nia^woc iwa^HiiHc'eTV.icTHc 

o-yog^ (1006) nina^pecnoc niAaeitpiT nre (l^^ ^eno-yuteeAAHi epeneqcjuoy eeo-yj^ igoini 

nextd^n neAinicAAOy itTe iih eeo-yawfi THpo-f CT^etiTt^e Mg^o-yo '2k.e ng^o-yo Micjuio-y «Te 

Tenoc THpen ^eoTOKOc eooya^ ^e,ci«w juavptdw ^peq-st^et^^ ■Seiio-yAAeojuiHi. The blessings 

are then asked of nipeqepo-ycomi (^!y>:^)l) Michael, Gabriel, (loi a) Raphael and Souriel; 

of the 4 bodiless (e>j>.t>..j:c=ax<._^l) Beasts and 24 Elders; of John, TTp68po{xo<;, /SaTTTLo-T-q? 

(^loJ]^ (_iiLJl), the priest, son of the priest, kinsman (o^u^ ^o) of EmmanueP; 

of the 144 virgin children ( JliLI) ; of the Apostles ; (loi b) of the 3 holy children (^.^aj) ; 

of the archdeacon and protomartyr Stephen; of the victorious martyr, the morning 

star, my lord king George; of SS. Theodore Stratelates and Theodore the Eastern 

and his (Ar. their) 2 companions ; (102 a) of St. Mercurius (jyiXoTraTijp and St. Apa 

Mena ; of St. Apa Victor and Kvpu Claudius, his fellow ; and of all the martyrs ; and 

of our righteous father the great Abba Antonius and the just Abba Paul; {102b) of the 

3 SS. Macarius and Abba John and Abba Pishoi (^L^a^); of the Romans Maximus 

and Dometius; of Abba Moses and Abba John the Black; of Abba Pachom and 

Theodore, his disciple ; of Abba Shenouti the archimandrite (103 a) and his cross-bearing 

children; of Benipi (<j-?.l>^) and his disciple, the presbyter John; of the great Abba 

Parsoma the Naked; of the whole choir of the cross-bearers &c. ; {103 b) of St. Mark, 

evangelist and apostle, light of the land of Egypt; of our father archbishop NN. and 

of our fathers the orthodox bishops ; and above all ng^o-yo n>.c ng^o-yo, of the all-holy 

Trinity. (104 a) nceigconi n^^oju. woio-y oy^Aoa*. ny^iK noiii efioA ncei e^pni csenTavt^e'X&.oc THpeq eTOWo'y^' ^enTSwiawt^idk neKH7V.HCI^>L niniuj^ nejumiRcysi ni5e7V.7V.oi hcaa- 

Miak^oioyi Kig^iocyT Keuinig^iOAAi nejuiniJs.p^ojn eTeoyHT ^ennawijua. -"^noy «h e^b^yi neiAHH*yi nejuinH eT&.ysoc «&.« ee^HToy ^ej^pi neiuu.e'yi (104 b) ;4ennHi jultioc oyog^ "^^^2.° 

eptOTen oi nsvUjHpi nejutia^igepi cToo-yHT enijuijs. ^^noy g^injv KTeTenqa^i .Savpoi 5eiiii8kUjoqT oyog^ 

MTCTen^con epoiTen nTe^'^smcaw'si efioTV. -setJiH e^-sco .i t . M oq noJTen t^wi ^.ttiie j^Wsw t^Swt^'^ 

cToit^ne. The writer goes on to ask indulgence for his shortcomings, to exhort to 

' V. Horner iii, p. Ixviii. ' So in the Sinuthian liturgy, Paris MS. 68 iif, and 

' Cf. ? Mai, Scr. Vet. Nov. Coll. V, Codd. Copt., no. xvi. Tuki's Theotokia cie. 

C C 2 


watchfulness ajp(oic and, God being prone to mercy, to repentance. He speaks thus 
from love toward his hearers; silence would be blameworthy «T*.igcon. ei^Hfi 
oa^neTenitofcu He desires that they may be all {106 a) saved together and his sadness 
turned to joy. Finally he addresses Christ on behalf of those whose names he had 
already given, that they and he be remembered in the heavenly Jerusalem, enoyo^ 
aen^vy-YX" ^^n^ci^'^^^, that the peace of God may encompass them on all sides. 
' Say with me, my children and my brethren together, Amen.* 

Fol. 1066 has the scribe's colophon, referring to the preceding if^, and dated 
A.M. 1091 = A. H. 777 (= A.D. 1375). After the date, it continues ^^\ ^UxaI c^^ ^dj 

J^l^ ^1 sJiU?. jju.:^^ ^ g^yy41 (ffyui bt>.A^ j^ ^U -U^ J^ i>^ oMusJl JS^\ \^ 

ulj.VL^ g^jbu.* njo-^^ sJd^ cv"*^ sJaU oc ^juai. J\ 2t*3lk?. ev« c^ J^. 5^^ c^aCuxI^ « envoi 

Along the margin, nig^HKi nmepAii nie*\.8.x**^'^°'^ juons. S npecfc-y neTpoc n&.- 
Tponx" 5*5 w*'! M»«.q «juiH«. The scribe came therefore from Dronkah, S. of Siut '. 

Also, in a later hand, a note of dedication to the church of the Virgin in Harat 
Zuwailah (Cairo), 's-J^) S,\^u 8t>A.uJl e>»*»Jl 'i*^> ^,5^ ci5j u^ucyJii^ oUOl IJJ*. 

The latter portion of the volume, foil. 109-149, is in Arabic. 

Foil. 149-142. An Introduction to the Revelation, in rhymed prose, addressing 
readers or hearers as 'beloved brethren', 'O my masters (St>LJO present here.' In the 
MS. CuRZON 15 of the Revelation 3, p. pe, this is attributed to the Awlad al-'Assal 
JLujJl o^\ U*^ »-^tvi> and is to be read 'before the reading of the Revelation in 
Arabic '. The piece does not appear to be noticed in lists of their works *- It begins 

\j^JCi [^jX^\ L^t>J| p»_^^^i O^bJ]^ U^'J^'^ '^y^J ^^y^J (JuLJl i^J^^ 0-^cvi!| oN^l ^Mxi 

(^Jj! L/^o^i5l ,_ytoil . ^\Ju^\j (^U^sJI e^\ • ^^oi) o^\ji\ sJ^iJSi L»^b5i o-ujbl? 

^A,».ASVs»Jl ^\yi'^]jM>St • JU>t5 JO.OjAC ev< U/0 ^1 (jy (_>ujb cjixc* • JuJlxai UjkaJliL. • 5^^^ Vilt).* 

• jtij^j:^ (?)>sl4Ai| tvsvj .^liJl (Ji'Ucl ^^Li^ . t^ys^ cyLuL. jXoUi p^l^-jfiui. The writer quotes 
Ps. cxx(cxxi). 4 and (147a) refers to the day for which he writes as 'the day which 
the Lord hath made, the time that He hath prepared for mercy and made ready. 

This is the day the greatest of the week, whereon appeared the living Light, 

the day whereon He opened the broad road to paradise, whereon types were made 

clear in a plain tongue {^\ e,UJJL? ^y^i] v:^^:!,) ' Gabriel dons a white robe 

(u'W^-)» the token of joy (146 b), Michael arrays him in a garment (ejj^) of gladness, 

' C/. Journ. Theol. Stud, v, 558, 563. The scribe of ^ This explains the fragment let in to the fiy-leaf • v 

MS. Hunt. 256 (a.d. 1388) was Senouthius htc aiosSXoc Hornkr iii, p. Ixii. ' 

k^A^) . . . «^na. [6.-KS) xpjow (x'-P'O") J-Tp^ix ca^t^pHc ' V. Horner's Boh. NT. iii p Ixiv 

n^noK Xet-OT (Avkov) (pp. pq^, c^?). . p. Mallon in/.«r«. As. 1906 (ii), 52 1. 


brightly glittering (^yJl sLiL?). Further quotations are from Ps. xcix(c). 4, Jer. ix. 23, 
James (cited, 146 a, as ' Peter, chief of the apostles ') i. 9, 10, Matt. v. 3, xxiii. 27, 26. 
Finally the intercession of the Virgin, 4 Beasts, 24 Elders, saints, apostles, is recom- 
mended. On 143 a is a rubric, introducing John, the Apostle and Evangelist, and 
sketching his history. On 142 b, a the writer concludes with a wordy profession of his 
inadequacy and a prayer for indulgence. 

It is evident therefore that the book was intended for use in the Easter service 1. 
The following rubric, from the above Curzon MS., gives the ritual of procession and 
hymn to follow the reading of the Revelation. 

J\Jb ^J>J3^\ ^^)\ p%U> lv*^ (JyiJI e^-s^ U3 ^s^J^svAi ^^ U^ l^^l {j,Jki ^o t)JM ^ 
(_>a3^ (.Xs^ 4^_^LjiJ\.j \^o^. sj^v*^ "^j -ii/* <JJ«^ 'iilc^l sJJ. yluJi oUT ty-Juilsi. ,»jb. o|,yi 

-JsJjaO \yJf^jaJ^^ ^^^ eA-^*« TJolaiS' (jjult)-iJ! 5>i^.^ 0^^^/^l olXSo t^<>ll ?V*^1 (.ly-w -.llai 

On 140 6 begins an Arabic version of the Revelation. It appears to be that whence 
the variants in red ink in the first part of this MS. are drawn {v. above). A later hand 
has added the Coptic sections in the margin. 

' A rabric in no. i6, fol. 311, refers to its being read ' Marcus Bey Simaika informs me that ,*iOb is 'at 

on Easter Eve. V. also the Gauharah an-nafisah of Ibn length', the notes being each long sustained by many 

Sabba (Cairo, 1902), p. 170. repetitions of the syllables sung to them. It is contrasted 

2 In the Cairo Euchologion 105, written iuLsJill. with ^ (Tuki, Missale 151), which implies reading, in- 

Mr. EvETTS suggests avoKoyiov. The etymology given stead of singing. The y-jSU is (now) a metal cymbal. 
(? by the editor) in Ibn Sabba , p. 96, is fantastic. ■* Presumably for d-c|y- Horologion. 


424 [i6].-European paper; 344 foil, paged on versos, in a restored native binding; 
51 X 34i cm.; 27 lines with Arabic opposite. Script : a large, regular hand. Head-lines, 
stops and the usual letters in red; large initials, sectional divisions in red, green and 
yellow. On the fly-leaf an elaborately ornamented cross. Dated, fol. 343 a, a.m. I477 = 

A. D. I761. 

Lectionaiy for the Paschal season (Palm Sunday ^K-ypi^KH nTe ne-yXo^enoc till 
Easter Day ^kypij>.kh nitiaj^ eTe^a.n8wCTa.cic nre neito^)!. In the final subscriptions it is 
entitled ■i^c>^\ ^.k^i v^. Lessons (from the Old and New Testaments) are given 
for the 5 canonical hours of each day, interspersed with 12 Homilies. The lessons for 
each day are preceded by those for the foregoing night; the ist hour of the former 

being termed ' First hour of the night e-swpg^ j^u.) of ', the ist of the latter being 'Early 

morn, uiwpn Ji^, of '. The opening lessons, for Palm Sunday morning, are 

Ps. cxxi. I, John xii. i, Ps. Ixvii, Luke xix. i \ Those for the night of Monday {i e. 
Sunday night) begin on fol. 21 a, those for Monday on 32 a, for the night of Tuesday 
on 57 b, for Tuesday on 69 a, for the night of Wednesday on 105 b, for Wednesday on 
117 a, for the night of Thursday on 139 a, for Thursday on 150 Z* (here ritual, lessons 
and prayers for the service of the Basin ^j\3^\ \aKdv7], 168 a), for the night of Friday 
TTapaa-KevT] on 20I b, for Friday on 242 a (with ritual for the Exaltation of the Cross, 
258^='), special lessons of the nth and 12th hours of Friday on 291a, for the Saturday 
of Joy {sic) on 301*^, for the o-waft? on 3140!, for Easter Sunday on 3326 and evening, 
po-Yg^i 5.aAc, on 342 b. 

Among the lessons are the passages from Ecclesiasticus, Wisdom, and Joshua, 
printed by Bouriant from a similar book *, and practically identical in extent with ours. 
He has also printed the incidental Homilies ^ by Shenoute (foil. 38 b, 55 b, 74 a, 120 a, 
182 b), Severus ^ (137 a), Athanasius (289 b, 303 a). Those of Chrysostom on 152 b, 
oyon g^&.n^^fiHO'yi eitiie'yi epoio-Y and 194 b, -^niKy cTJs.p ecyjuHuj AinicToc, are not printed ; 
only those on 80 b, ^o-ycouj -^e o-yk and 251(3!, o-y ncTcnnji.ig'scoq. 

Two hymns occur among the lessons : fol. 306 a, on Saturday morning, a.-yji^uj 
nencuip enaje htc nicTJv-ypoc, containing a narrative of the Crucifixion ; and fol. 341 a, 
on Sunday morning, s'lofwim (^lo^fiomi oj niTojoy ktc hi-jscoit, ' Be thou illumined, 
O Mount of Ohves.' The lesson from i Corinthians for Saturday's crwafts is also to 
be sung j^a;lsoJ1 e>sJo. 

' Cf. Br. Mus. no. 1247. 

" As in Lagarde, OrientaJia p. 7. 

' Cf. Br. Mus. no. 774. 

^ Recueil de Trav. vii. 82. 

' V. Br. Mus. no. 774, Codd. Vatic. Copt, xxxi and xxxiv. 

" 'Severian' in Bouriant and in Ethiopia (Wright's 
Cat. ccvii). But the passage is not in Migne; it might 
recall the homily in Zoega p. 120. 


On foil. 68 b, 116 b the sections end with the verses 

A reader's or owner's note on fol. 116 6 and subscriptions by the scribe, on 343 a, b, 
state that the MS. was dedicated to the church of St. George, above the great church 
of the Virgin of Harat Zuwailah' (^| o-Jl j«a^ bUW or jjb^;, s,!^ jUyyJ' iyi«^), in 
Dair al-Habash, by u^ob y>\ »JJI oU.. The scribe was Colluthus joU, priest of the 
church of the Virgin at the Steps ^ in Babylon ^.^Jl ^jyiJLo in Old Cairo, and the 
date A.M. 1477 = A. D. 1761. Above this subscription is the name (in Coptic) and seal of 
Mark, the io6th patriarch. 

The MS. belonged to Tattam, as a note on the fly-leaf in his hand shows. 
Fol. 344 does not belong to this MS. It is an episcopal letter. K no. 461. 

425 [6, 7]. — Paper; 4 foil, in a modern binding; now 25 x 17I cm. Foil, i, 3 are from 
the same MS., in one col. of 21 lines ; fol. 2, from another MS., has 20 lines ; fol. 4, 
from a third, has 21. Scripts : all may be of the 14th century, fol. 4 being probably 
the earliest. Red initials, stops &c. are used in all. 

I. Foil. I, 3 (the last and first leaves of quire ne). The Psalter. Fol. 3 has Pss. cxliii. 
13-15, cxliv. 1-8; fol. I has the Ode of Moses (Exod. xv. i-io), with an ornamental 
heading, indicating a new section of the volume. 

II. Fol. 2, p. c^. A Lectionary, showing i Cor. ix. 7 (end of a lesson), i John v. 
14-19. Incipits and explicits in Arabic (later) in the margins. 

III. Fol. 4. A Lectionary, showing Mark ix. 43-50, and, for Morning Prayer of 
the 3rd day of the Forty Days' (fast, Ar. (juo<>iLi pyaJi ev* i^^ 5JM.aaJl ev* UUJl ^^l), 
Ps. xxiv. II, 12, and Matt. ix. 9 (beginning of a lesson) ; incipit in Arabic. 

' V. Butler, Churches i. 271. ' This church in IVIai iv. 194. V. AbQ Salih, foil. 41 b, 43 b. 


426 [59].— Paper; 284 foil. S paged on versos; 14-4x12 cm., with modern blank 
leaves at beginning and end, foil. 1-3 being also relatively modern additions; in 
European binding. 16 lines with Arabic opposite. Script : heavy, regular; y rests upon 
a horizontal stroke. Subordinate parts (the deacon's) are in a neat, sloping hand {e.g. 
foil. 79-85). Initials, stops, head-lines, the letters ^, £ in red ; quire-ornaments, larger 
initials and scrolls in red, green and yellow; so too occasional birds and animals in 
the margins (foil. 159, 223, 251 &c.). But the first lines of the principal prayers &c. 
are gilt^ while facing the beginning of each Anaphora (foil. 1156, 182 3) is a beautifully 
illuminated page, in red, blue and gold arabesques, ornaments in similar style and 
colours heading the subsequent texts. 

The Anaphoras of SS. Basil, Gregory and Cyril, mainly for the priest's use, though 
giving the deacon's part with tolerable fullness. The initial text = p. pqn of the Cairo 
Euchologion. The Anaphora proper of Basil begins on fol. 57 b, the diptychs on fol. 76 
containing only the names of Mark, Severus, Cyril, Gregory, Basil, Anthony, Paul and 
Macarius. This is followed by the list of patriarchs, which ends with Cyril b. Laklak 
{ob. A.D. 1243), so dating the MS., or its originals The Anaphora of Gregory begins 
on fol. ii6fl!, that of Cyril on 183 a;, with the prayer of John BocTpmoc on 186 a*, and, 
after it, one attributed elsewhere to Severus ^ One or two prayers found here appear to 
be lacking from the printed editions (on foil. 258 ejs.R-^ njvit jmnig^iioT, 261 iteoK noc c^h 
cT2^qpiKi). The Anaphoras are followed by 6 prayers: before and after food { = op. cit., 
pp. ^VSN '^'hP^, st private offerings e-yciA. no*yj».j (beg. Ten-<^2^o epon n^^ nenno-y-^ 
0i ll^^k^eYCI^>.), after the diptychs {op. cit., toh) ; then, added in a later hand (perhaps 
belonging to another MS.) at the do-7rao-)u,os« {op. cit., •y^'i.) and, in yet another hand, 
one at Morning Incense {op. cit., ?Vh). On fol. 278 b \s q. note, possibly by the original 
scribe, ending thus Rj).\!o]c'p2>.t5oc ciaacow | ]^^ Mell.'^^v^^a.^H | ] h?L, and therefore written 
in A.D. 1288. 

The MS. has been studied, constantly annotated (with cross and biblical references 
and with translations of words) and paged throughout by a 17th or i8th century hand I 
In 1835 it was the property of J. Enschede of Haarlem, for whom C. Leemans examined 
it. Subsequently (as his writing on foil. 269, 270 shows) it became Tattam's. 

' Foil. 70, loi are bound upside down. ^^\^\ ^j^l Lo.^; 'the thiice blessed'. Presumably both 

* Fol. 1753 has such letters simply painted yellow, refer to Chrysostom, who sometimes replaces John of 

showmg madvertently the stage preliminary to gilding. Bostra ; i-. Renaudot (1847) i- 203, 282. (Bostra and 

' After Cyril, Severus of Antioch is added ; in the Cairo Basora are clearly confused; for Paris 129=", f. 122 has 

edit, and Br. Mus. no. 817 he stands after Benjamin *e prayer Ren. ii. 421 z'w/ra as by J. bishop nWTpmoy.) 
{ob. 1331). May this indicate that the types of those texts = V. Cairo ed.. c^^r; cf. Renaudot 296. 

are of this later date ? ° JJI iXo. 

^ In the Arabic J^Wl \^y_, in the Cairo ed., t^ c^^e ' Much like's hand in MS. Bodleian. Or. 325. 


427 [19] — European paper; 192 + 22 blank foil., paged on versos; i5-8xio-5 cm., 
in native binding ; 13 lines, with Arabic opposite. Script : a regular, i8th centuiy hand. 
Initials, stops &c. red ; larger initials, quire and some sectional ornaments and the cross 
on the ist fly-leaf, red, yellow and black. Dated, fol. 190*^, a.m. 1465 = a. d. 1749. 

The Euchologion, ^^jsj^^^ x°^°^*°"» containing (i) foil. 1-3, the ceremonial u^i^ 
as to the 36 ' crossings ' o.W^^ occurring in the liturgy : 18 made upon the sacra- 
mental elements, 18 upon the clergy and people, also 6 s^\j ss^, i.e. upon the bread 
after touching the wine and conversely; and instructions ,J^ as to the 'indications' or 
'pointings' {i.e. with the finger) oj^Uil, occurring in the anaphoral service i; (2) foil. 4- 
127, the Anaphora of St. Basil, giving mainly the priest's part and corresponding 
pretty closely with the Cairo edition 2; (3) the priest's part in the Prayer of Morning 
Incense ^ ; (4) 8 of the prayers lUxui appended in the printed text to the Anaphoras *. 

The long Arabic subscription, foil. 190-192, shows that the MS. was written by 
Sa'd, the scribe of no. 431, who sold it in a.m. 1480 to Fadl-Allah Abu 'Abd al-Maslh, 
for 367 riydls^ (about ;^8 105.), the binding o-<)-^^ having cost 25 {?riydls, iis. 6d.). 
Sallb, deacon -.oli. of the Virgin's Church at s^jo^]^, is likewise prayed for. On 
fol. 1926 a note gives the climax Ij. of the Inundation'' and the proclamation thereof 
vjy^ as having occurred on the 3rd of Misra in a.h. 1178 = a. d. 1764, and is followed 
by a short prayer. 

This MS. was in Tattam's collection. 

428 [51], foil. 111-122.— Paper; 12 foil., paged on versos; 18x13 cm.; i col., 15 
lines, with Arabic opposite. Script : characterized by xx. of the form u and 7 resting 
on a horizontal stroke. A few initials, head-lines and stops (not the letters ^, £) in red. 

The Anaphora of Cyril. The sequence of the leaves is 111-116, 121, 117, 118, 
119, 120, 122; the first corresponding to p. ^oe of the Cairo Euchologion. 

429 [52].— Paper; 205 foil, from various MSS., in a restored native binding; the 
leaves here described, 157 x 10 cm. ; not paged. Script : an uneven, modern hand (but 
the text is principally Arabic). Title and rubrics in red. 

Foil, (counting from end) 2-17. The Service of the Holy Lamp^ (?)c>a3^ cy^ oUf 
O^o-ill (Jj'.tvi*3|. 'First let him gather 7 priests s^, and let them fill a lamp with 
olive oil and put therein 7 wicks JSlxi, then set it aside vjOji^j; then let him say the 
Thanksgiving 0^*4^ (ujengiimoT).' The liturgy following corresponds to some extent 
with TuKi's print {Rituale, pp. p?v.e fif.). The ist prayer is that on T. p. pAi-a.. The 


> AH this is on pp. yX? ff. of the Cairo Euchologion " V. Lane, Mod. Eg. (1837) ii. 380, 

^ A former suburb of Cairo. V. Abfl Salih, fol. 44 a, 

^ Op. cit., p. pqH. ' Op. cit., pp. K and \«.. Makrizi, Churches, no. 18. ' V. Lane ii. 259. 

* Op. cit., pp. xnff- The first is a Greek piece = ' /. e. Extreme Unction, F. Vansleb, Zfzf/. 213 and f/; 

Renaudot (ed. 1847) »• 73- Legrain in Ann. du Serv. des Ani. viii. 253. 

D d 



Arabic lessons (fol. 6) are: James v. 10-20, Ps. vi. 2, i {sic), John v. 1-7 (this is not 
complete), Eph. vi. 12-18 (not in Tuki). Coptic lessons (fol. 8^): Ps. xxiv. 17, 18, 
Matthew vi. 14-18 (with Arabic). The Arabic prayers which follow these (fol. 10^ are 
apparently neither in Tuki nor in Br. Mus. no. 438. The ist begins: 'We pray Jhee, 
O Lord, God of might ( = sabbaoth). Merciful, mighty in all things, to look upon Thy 
servant, NN . . .' The 2nd: 'O Lord, pitiful and of great mercy, who desirest not the 
death of the sinner. . .' The 3rd: 'O Lord of peace ^, physician of _bodies_ and 
spirits . . .' The 4th : ' O ye Saints, unto whom belongeth healing . . .' This last is by 
far the longest. 

This MS. was Tattam's : it bears his name on the fly-leaf. 

For the final portion of the volume v. no. 458. 

For the Arabic portions v. Addenda. 

430 [17] European paper; 420 foil., paged on versos, in European binding; 

28|x22 cm. 17 hnes, with Arabic opposite it. Script: a good 19th century hand. 
Smaller initials, head-lines, stops &c. in red ; larger initials in red and yellow. Dated, 
on p. Tnfi 6, A.M. 1549 = A. D. 1833. 

The Psalmodia (».ji.t>jjuail, elsewhere Theotokia), for the service (j^tvsxs) of the 
month of Klhak, containing the 7 Theotokias, 4 Odes and Hymns ('^sswi) for that 
month ^ 

The arrangement of this copy differs widely from that of Tuki's print : it contains 
many more pieces^ and much resembles Br. Mus. no. 863. The preliminary sections 
however, up to p. \e., correspond generally to the first 23 pp. of Tuki. The following 
table shows the disposition of the successive groups of hymns and their corresponding 
places in Tuki's edition, the pages of the latter being given in figures. Where these 
are absent, the piece is not found in Tuki. 

P. -Jk. = Tuki p. i, ^ent^pa^n. 

1=7, TWOYttOy. 

i-^ = 5, Ps. 1. 

i^ = 20, Madih^ on the Resurrection, to be said only between Easter (c>a*3!) and 

the end of Hatur. 
k£i = 10 (the Psalter extracts are in a different sequence). 
X6 = 264/^*, Absdliyah on ist Ode. 
■Xg- = 23, ist Ode (Moses). 
= 27, ?V.wfcuj, Madih. 


' An analysis and description of the Theotokia by identical phrases. 
Mallon in Rev. Or. Chre't. 1904, 1 7- = Written indifferently ..j. or i^s. throughout. 

= But these often much resemble the hymns printed for * 261-270 are numberFerroneously given twice over in 

the corresponding occasion ; they may indeed open vi-ith Tuki. 


*x^ = 268 b, Absdliyah on Theot. for 2nd Day. 
"•i-, another, dw-^s^jji cti eqoi . . . e^qnd^g^jmecj. 
*xi^ = 81, Theotokia for 2nd Day. 

1«» = 87, ^(rtfiuj. 

K-Jk, Tarh^ on preceding Theot., b^'x^xx niujopn. 
ne = 271, Absdliyah on Theot. for 3rd Day. 
ni, another, swc^t^ cwTn. 
^ = 90, Theotokia for 3rd Day. 
^e = 95, \ojiiig. 

^T, Tark on preceding Theot., nix^oAi. 
^•^ = 274, Absdliyah on 2nd Ode. 

o, another, &.ui(oini jui&.pen£wc. 

ot» = 28, 2nd Ode (David). 

OT = 32, Madih, JLta-peuoyajng^. 

OH, Tarh on preceding Ode, AA*wpenep\^e>.?Vm. 
OH = 277, Absdliyah on Theot. for 4th Day. 

TI&, another, sjucoim THpo-y mnicToc. 

TV?, another, js.peis'ici WTi^^leg. e'seii)«iAie'Yi. 

qd. = 99, Theotokia for 4th Day. 

qT = 105, ?£iuj, le'^eKinA. 

qH, Tarh on preceding Theot., MiTa.»?jjie!^. 
qe = 280, Absdliyah on Theot. for 5th Day. 

p£i, another, j>.noc t^>^. 

p'^ = 108, Theotokia for 5th Day. 

piT, Madih before t^^ (S^n evTajnew-y. 

piH = 118, ?V.o)£iuj, <:^-^ r^H JN.TUjne^'y epoq. 

pie, Tarh on preceding Theot., Aioj-ycHc ca^p. 
pR = 284, Absdliyah on 3rd Ode. 

pRt», another, a^pi g^AAOT. 

pRT^, an alternative (j-Xjsvo^), s^nawg^HT. 

pK'^ b = 33, 3rd Ode (Three Children). 

p?v. = 286, Absdliyah on preceding Ode. 

pTV-jL = 189, on same. 

p?V.e = 38, Doxology on same. 

p7v.T, TarA on preceding Ode, &.qTJvgo. 
^\\, Absdliyah on the Virgin, Angels, Apostles &c., eoioiini ite^penoYcoigT. 

pjuc, another, j>ju.uiini THpoy ^eno-Yee^H^V. 
pjuLe = 38^, Litany (^c^lsixyi)' 

pn'^ = 266, Doxology to be said here and at the Incense ( ^ys>^\ ^^). 

pne = 269, Doxology to Gabriel. 

' The ^}> is given in Arabic, except for the opening pair the figures are erased, 

phrases. ' MS.j^^. 

'^ Pp. pKij-, pK7 are by error repeated, but in the first * =niTwli2. 

D d 2 


pne Rubric: after «eo (46) and tarh to the proper saint ^ (J^\ c^^), 
sing the tarh x^P^ "^ ^ ^na.pee«oc. 
p^s., Absdliyah on MeR«M, a^ma^cpg^HTc t^jUoir 

p^./Doxology on the Great Fast, for the nights of Sundays (ojcv-) m Kihak, 
neKttdwi (o nes.oc. 

p^e, 7arA on preceding, Teit^g." ^P°*^- 
po, Absdliyah for Friday, a^iepeTin. 

po-a. = 290, another, «wMok 5&.ni's(»j6. 

poT, another, e^noc (i^^. 

pn, iI/a<:/iA for the same, ouujfjJi)! »i)i (<-*.W Lio->I- 

pn& = 121, Theotokia for Friday. 

pne, ;i/afl?f^ on preceding Theot, before the Ju^, in rhymed Arabic, ^\^. c5cH< 

pn-^ = 125,^JUO'Y'^. 

pnH^, Tarh on preceding Theot., TCAiawpoioyT «eo. 
pile = 293, Absdliyah on Theot. for Saturday. 

pqc, another, ».noc t^^ cco-m. 

pqH = 130, Theotokia for Saturday. 

cfe, Tarh on preceding Theot, ■^^.TooiXefc. 
c6, Absdliyah to Gabriel before the ist oi,U.^ jviitj^epg^HTc 

c?" = 135, ist o),Ui. 

cH, TarA after the foregoing, x^P^ "^ *^ ^nj>.pee«oc. 
CH, Absdliyah to Gabriel at the 2nd t.i>],Li, ajuiwmi THpo-y ^enoYpa-igi. 

C16, 2nd o>ijL>i, x^P^ ■'^•cK'YnH. 

ci"^, Tarh on foregoing, to Gabriel, x^P^ nmitg-^ ncaiipiHTv.. 
cie = 296, Absdliyah on next following, a.ttoR ^j^niscofe. 

ciH, Doxology on Theot. {sic), oj neitoc inc. 

CK, Tarh after preceding, nx^ niXoiroc. 
cKeiw = 299, Absdliyah on 4th Ode. 

cR-x, another, a mixture {^y>) of Greek and Coptic*, i>.RUiHn;5ici neiUHi. 

cR';^, another, j»jui(omi A«.a.peno*YwuiT. 

c\ = 46, 4th Ode (David). 

cX-^, Tarh on preceding, ».(3'i ^enneTw-si's. 
c\e = 303, Absdliyah on Theot. for Sunday. 

c?Vh, 7l/a^?/! by Abia 's-Sa d of Abatlg (^^^syoio^sj!), to precede a^iRui^, U'jO^ ?>.tv«^ 

c\e, Absdliyah on same Theot., i>wiR(o-<^ wcojr. 

ouic = 51, another to Our Lord and throughout the year. 

cjme = 54, \u)fiUi, TVomoM. 

' Presumably this refers to the Antiphonary. ^ Hymns by this author are printed on pp. 24-29, 94, 

' Practically=i22. 183 of i^l i^yjl of Yuhanna Girgis and Gubran Efendi 

' Plur. of (?) q^b xepe (misread in Br. Mus. no. 864). Ni'mat Allah (Cairo, 1892); but not the present piece. 

' A number of Greek words are introduced into the V. below. 
Coptic sentences. 


cAiT, Absdliyah on same Theot., ^.Ica>T€AJl ««e cicon. 
CA10, another, on ciOy«L« (cejuo-y^i), ewAioimi niAa^oc. 

citc^ = 54fF. and 305 ff., Theotokia for Sunday including lections from St Luke 
mterspersed with passages from this Theotokia and their 7 paraphrases 
j^yJ<xi {cf. p. T\e). ^ 

coo = 63, Tarh on foregoing, at the ist cexio-y^. 

co-i., Absdliyah at 2nd cejuoyr^, a^t^^ n2.^emoc. 

coH, another, auuLcomi; niXivoc ^eno-YciAH. 

cn»., from Theotokia, ceuioy^. 

— , Tarh to Virgin, on 2nd ccaio-y^, ^ oyni«.^. 

cn£i, Absdliyah on 7thjyyuoL>, a.m&.€p£HTc. 

en?-, Madih^ on the Seven (5<:. Theotokias^); Arabic couplets,, each with a Coptic 
refrain beginning ju2vpi&.. 

cim, 7th j^^xuJLi, coXce^ n«ieRK?Vjicia.. 

cq, \ neon JUAiHm. 
cqi», Greek Troparion (juLi) to Virgin, x^pe we jma^pia. (Coptic throughout). 

cqT, TarA after ^ neon, «juL(omi ninicToc 

cq-^, Absdliyah J^y:^\ ^J^ to a stringed instrument, d.T<^ 

T, coiTeiA ui nawAienpev<^. 
TP, Maddih to Virgin for the ^su*us in Klhak, o^ b p,c?;pL5. 

Te, Madih before jvYJutoY-<^ (begins as last). 

T"^ = 68, a^'Y-JiAO'^-'^. 

— = 307, Tarh after foregoing. 
TH, Absdliyah on following. 

i\iK = 68, final j^oujb on ce«jtoy<|, tcoi ng-yKa^noc. 
TiH = 75, between Easter and end of Hatur. 

Tie, Tarh on the spiritual labourers ^ tyAAiUa^^l sJimJI, to the melody (ii^k*) ot 
(5^1 OTftoini, «kqjuio*y-<^ n-se noc. 
tk£i = 315, Absdliyah on ncRnawi. 

TK€, Tarh, nenna.! oj njvno-Y^, by priest only, to same S-i^ as before. 

TKH = 152, Angelic Hymn, followed by a Tarh. 

t\ Subscription : The end of what must be read in the Seven and the Four, on 
the Sundays (o^fj-a-) in Klhak. 
tX, What must be read at Evening Pi-ayer in Klhak, on Sunday nights. 

— = 235, Absdliyah on Theot. of Saturday. 

tTv.'x, Madih to Virgin, Arabic and acrostical, cJ^^ <S)i>s- (^ p^tv^'- 
'r\e. = 130, Theotokia for Saturday (as above). This section consists of the 9 
successive 3-strophe divisions of this Theotokia (v. Tuki), after each of 
which come 6 paraphrases* {^^^^^\xi). In the ist of these, the 'Greek' 
(ls^Jj)' ^^^ 4 hnesof the strophe rhyme alternately; in the 2nd, 'the Replacer' 
(^iisco), the lines (all but the last) generally rhyme in pairs, while the last 

' ^ Jc, or on the 7th jyJu, as before. V. the next. ' Printed on p. 20 of the above hymn-book. 

* Refers to Matt. xx. 8. * Given by Tuki, 240 ff., without any headings. 


of one strophe serves again as the first of the next ; in the 3rd ' the Bohairic ' 
i"the 4 lines a|ain rhyme alternately. The 4th -"- .^ j^^ -- 
p^^n of the above Abu 's-Sad- the 5th, that of the ^^^^^ ^f ^^^ 
of Kau^ MU)1); this series is regularly followed by a blank as if for the 
insertion of another; th.-6th is that of the patriarch Mark 3_. The 4^ 
5th and 6th series are in Arabic only ^ The 8 remaining divisions of the 
Theotokia are upon pp. txi, T«e, th, th-:., T«e, r<^^, t^h, toG. 

T05-, Taruhdt for Sundays in Kihak : . , ^ . A\..c.r■rr>.r^n^ 

-, ist Sunday, 4-^ ^enn.e^oo^ ( = Luke i. 5,^3, but with constant divergence 

from the biblical text), followed by another (U..I sij), a paraphrase, in Arabic, 

of the same story (to i. 25). 

TOH, 2nd Sunday, 5enni^.f.oT ^^t^{ = tb. i. 26-38), with a highly apocryphal para- 

phrase, in Arabic. 
Toe, 3rd Sunday, *.ct(o«c ^e { = ib. 39-56), with an Arabic paraphrase as before. 
Tu^, 4th Sunday, ^.nicHoy c.e ^og. { = ib. 57-80), with paraphrase as before. 

-m^ = 141, What must be read at Morning Prayer, after the Psalms. 
Tqfe = 152, Angelic Hymn (nsv^wj). 
TqH = i6o, Doxologies to the Saints. Not so numerous nor in the same sequence 
as TuKi's. Severus of Antioch is included ("Y'^). The last is to the reign- 
ing (JbLsJl sic) patriarch. 
-Yie, Madik on the Doxology ke i»j.p (above p. pif^), composed by Al-Bardanuhy«; 

Arabic, acrostical. 
'Yi'5 = 205, final Doxology. 
yv;,, Preface (5.-<t>is) to Creed, Tena-ici uuulo eiAs.-y. 

•YiH, The Creed (jL«„)Jill ^^==\'^ ^j ^\ s^oill ^^VxbJ^ ^f'H ^eno-yxieeAiHi 

The MS. is adorned with full-page paintings, in gouache and gold, overiaid with 
varnish. They are either by a European hand, or imitated from western modals. On 
the fly-leaf is a Crucifixion, on p. kj. a picture of David, on xx^, iah Adam and Eve in 
Paradise, on q the 7 Archangels (?), on p?- the burning bush (Moses wearing a modern 
bishop's mitre), on pK9 the 3 Children, on cKe the Cross &c., on cn^i the Virgin and Child. 
On pnfii are marginal ornaments in the same style, including a double-eagle. 

This volume was in Tattam's collection, as various notes in his hand testify. 

431 [20]. — European paper; 370 foll.^ paged on versos; 21-5 x 30-5 cm., in a European 
binding, wherein the outer sides of a previous native binding are preserved, 19 lines, 

' Printed op. cit., p. 24. Al-Bardanflhy (». below), 'Arabic' 

^ This, I presume, is the meaning of the «w3a^ "From the village aajJj/., between Al-Kais and 

' I cannot ascertain which of the 7 Marks is intended. Qolosna. Some of his hymns are printed in the above 

* These hymns and their sequence are different in book, pp. 51, 140; but there this is ascribed (p. 58) to 

no. 431. In Cambridge Univ. Libr., Add. 3064, their Gadd Allah, an author represented on pp. 156, 202. 

titles and sequence are ' Greek', Abd 's-Sa'd, the Patriarch, « Fol. 322 is misplaced ; it should follow 189. 


with (usually) Arabic opposite, in a regular i8th century script, probably all by one 
hand. Initials, stops, head-lines &c. are in red. Dated, fol. 369 a, am. 1478 = a.d. 1762. 

The Psalmodia or Theotokia, here simply ^U,l ^^S j^ ^i sj^.^, U. The 
arrangement, in the first portion of the volume, is practically identical with that of no. 430; 
but later on the sequence of the pieces differs considerably from that. The ist Ode is on 
fol. 25, the 2nd Theotokia on 33, 3rd Theot. on 41, 2nd Ode 50, 4th Theot. 57, 5th Theot. 
67, 3rd Ode 81, 6th Theot. n6, 7th Theot. 125, 4th Ode 151, ist Theot. (Sunday) 160. 
Fol. 224 6 = no. 430, p. Tni?; fol. 243 = Tuki 1601. On fol. 268 are the Doxologies for the 
chief festivals, to precede those on 'The Seven and the Four'. On 2876 is the Deacon's 
Office, ic ne^THp. Fol. 319 b gives the series of paraphrases on Sunday's Theotokia, = no. 430, 
p. TA.e. But though these same texts are, so far as they go, found there too, they are here 
designated (and in this sequence) 'Greek', 'Little' (^a*^!) ', 'the Replacer' (o^Ml), 
'Arabic,' the last being the compositions of Abu 's-Sa d. On fol. 343 b begin other 
hymns (c:>=J), each with its l^^^ among them, on fol. 345, one relating to Thomas 
(John xx). On 3596 is the Creed. On 366 a part of the Deacon's Office again, ^^nn 

ivAiHn e^xiHu IC njvTHp e[c]igon nexijvK. . . The last piece is a ^^JJ juLi, to follow 

the Pauline lesson. 

Fol. 369 a, b has a wordy colophon, giving the scribe's name as Sa'd c>»^\ deacon 
of the church of c>iv«e-^ ^j^> near Kalyub^, who wrote it for the 'archon' and deacon, 
Lutf Allah, called b. as-Sabbag, of Al-Kais, but resident in Misr. 

The MS. was in Tattam's collection. 

432 [18]. — European paper; 201 foil., paged on versos, in native binding; 
15-7 X IO-6 cm. Some 15 lines, without parallel Arabic. Script : an uneven i8th 
century hand. Stops, head-lines, initials &c. red, sectional ornaments red, yellow and 
green. On the ist fly-leaf an elaborately coloured cross by a later hand. Dated, on 
fol. 201, A.M, 1467 = A. D. 1 751. 

The Psalmodia or Theotokia. The quires, as far as fol. 157, and perhaps after 183, 
are in confusion. A native hand has, subsequently to their present disordering, frequently 
adapted the guiding catch-words to this erroneous arrangement; so increasing the con- 
fusion. The proper order of the leaves is as follows : 14-28, 2-13, 29-87 ^ 148-157, 
138-147, 128-137, 118-127, 108-117, 98-107, 88-97, 158-183, [gap of? foil.], 184-201. 

The text, like that of no. 430, shows the two series of Odes and Theotokias combined. 
On p. K'5 is the hymn preceding the ist Ode, on p. ^^ that preceding the 3rd Theotokia, 
on p. ajL-i. that preceding the 4th, and so on. These hymns, 'due to be read in the 
month Kihak,' and on p. pe. Next follow Doxologies for use between New Year 

' On 262 3 is a hymn to Sj^ _)3.1 j^', not the same as (iropaXXa^) of P. Peeters, Byz. Z. igo'j, 302, which is 

that printed by Leipoldt, Aeg. Z. xliii. 152. indeed supported by Br. Mus. no. 894. 

" Can this and the title of the same series in no. 430, * V. no. 427. On fol. 57 a, his father was "Attiyah iJjc. 

' Bohairic,' be the same word, misread in one case ? ^ Now written Ishf in. 

' Cf. Br. Mus. no. 906. But v. the explanation ^ One fol., between 74 and 75, has been cut out. 



( 2V^^ '^^) ^^^ ^^^ Festival of the Cross, on p. p-^ others for that festival, p. pi for 
Christmas (tot€ pain); then those for Baptism (Epiphany), Lent, the Saturday of Lazarus, 
several for Palm Sunday, for Easter (totc pwn again). Ascension; then Absdliydt for 
Lent, Pentecost, the Apostles, one for general use ((J;*aw) a^icioTeA* e«ic«^ (Tuki 228), 
a troparion for alternate chanting (^^^! ,^) in Lent. On p. pnc are the 9 Arabic 
paraphrases (^^<w.\jb) for Klhak by Aba 's-Sa'd [p. no. 430, p. T\e ff), here without author's 
name. Then follow two Madaih, after which begins (fol. 182) the Deacon's Office from 
the Anaphora^: a^unn ajuH«, ic na.THp «.moc. On fol. 185 is the list of Patriarchs, 
ending with John the 105th (1727). The 12 virtues of the Holy Spirit, troparia for the 
Dominical festivals, for Christmas and for the o«AJiI=:s of the (newly) married ^ and a 
Madih for Klhak, to the melody of (iv^) k»wi ca.p (Tuki 266), end the volume. 

On the last leaf is the scribe's note: he was the ^_^ Colluthus jLxlii, schoolmaster 
(3 JliL;s5l i^oU^) at SiQt, and wrote this ^y^^s^ at the behest of the deacon George, son 
of the mdallim Gabriel, resident in (oLUJI) the neighbourhood (j^A^b) of the same town. 

This volume is from Tattam's collection. 

433 [69].— Paper ; 217 foil., paged on versos, in a restored native binding ; 21 x 147 cm. 
15 hues. Script : an even, i8th century hand. Initials, stops, Arabic headings &c. in red. 
Hymns cyl-Jl^.|. All are acrostical ; a few only are found in Tuki's Theotokia. 

(I) To the melodies Watos {fidro,) and Adam alternately, for certain festivals of the 
calendar, beginning with New Year's Day ;.^| o., e.«(omi THpoy «Te«+ coov 
«noypo. Those following are to John the Baptist (2nd Thoth), e.m«.epoHTc and 
^K^ici ^^„eu)c ; the Cross (7th Thoth ^}, ^^^^^'K,n co nm.cToc and ^.T^hococ Tenn^o^ • 
he Virgm (21st Thoth), ^a.m, ^po^ 5eno^ee\H\ and ^.m^.p ^ = Juki c\^. the 
atter bemg also for the 21st of each month and for the eve of. all Sundays • 
the Virgm agam .,cc.Te« = T. ck„; George (7th HatOr), e^Wcoc ..jcg., „e.„ and 
.XHecoc TeKn.^| epoK; the Four Beasts (8th), *.«o.m. TKpo^ co n.\L and e^o^ 
cg.po. ^^ooy ; Michael (12th), .pe, epo„ CO e^.„o^„7. and ...0..^ ^oh iTnal 
(15th), .yp^cH, jacn. and .m.^^ epoK n.noy^; the Twenty-four Elder; (24thT 
^Pee7.n.c epoK and .pe, .po. ; Mercurius (25th), e^.. J ^.pel "i ^ d 
^o>™ .„poy ^^ooy; Sergius and Bacchus (loth Babeh), .LZ rZyt 
mmcoc and ^.,„, n..n^ .oy; Theophanius, called also rL ^J and .Z " 
(2ist Babeh), ^lep^eTVnic epoR and ^i-n^i.^ «x*ok ^^ ^^ 

Te™p,e and Ma..,.ao™ of .He „el „„.,. ^S;.^'?.*^^!^ 'r !:: 

• K no. 431 and Br. Mus. no. 890. ^ i^ pcp^ . 

^ Br. Mus. no. 889. /;• ^^^f ^j^'^- i35 n. These 2 hymns tell nothing 

His name is found also on p. ^9 a. ,1 ^- ^^ ''^^'^' according to Makrizi {Churches no i^ 

* This should be the 17th. alter A.n. tohR . ■ ;. 

after a.d. 1398. 

' Not thus in the calendars. 

•no. 435. 


UTeito-YcoujT and ^coim uipeqxiei ; Isi (Paesi) and Thecla (8th), ^.m^^ep^HTc and 
e.?V.Heioc TCHUivg^^ ; Barbara' (do.), J^ma^ep^HTC (o mniCTOc and SwiTwfi^ aaaaok na.tto'y^. 

(3) Fol. 130 b. ^\a.]\^A, Watos and Adam, for the Sundays in Klhak, on the 

Theotokias, preceded by one at Evening Prayer .L41 s^ = Tuki c\e. The suc- 
ceeding hymns are given by Tuki on pp. c^h b, coa., co';, en (here one not in T., 
j^iepcTin ^KtioR nmepxii), cqc, tc<, Tie, cqr (here 2 to Gabriel, for 22nd Kihak), cn^. 

(4) Fol. 176 a. c:>UJUa>l for the Vigil napaiJLovyj e/^^ of Christmas, z. e. the 28th Klhak, 

on the successive Theotokias, according to the week-day upon which that date falls. 
That for Monday is a^oypj^uji ujtoni imt^oo-y; the others are respectively^'Y- 
AiiopiToc igdwiig^HT ^d.ej<-2k.sjui, iwpiv^j)w?V.i« co nmiCTOc, s.^^^ cd^-xi juutwycHc, e.iiia.epg^HTc 
to nmicToc, svAitomi o) ttixpHCTi».«oc, i.pi\:y-j»w\m Kd.7v.oc. Similarly on Christmas 
(29th Klhak) the 7 appropriate hymns are ^^pjcTiu htot, ji.'yjuiici njvit juit^oo'y, e^jutoim 
THpo-Y MTcng^coc, e^t^^ (as at the Vigil), jvaawihi (as at the Vigil). In the middle 
of this last the volume ends. It is impossible to say how much is lost. 

A large number of the hymns have, as a last strophe, a petition on behalf of 
'Nicodemus', s^kok niKepjui n., possibly their composer'; others end with a similar 
but anonymous prayer. 

A note on fol. 179 a states that the MS. was dedicated perpetually to the church 
of SS. Cyrus and John in Old Cairo ^ ■i.^,^\ ya^; while one on fol. 208 Z* tells that 
the cost was borne by the deacon S,Lio, son of Michael, overseer^Wb of that church. 

This MS. belonged to Prof H. Middleton, who acquired it at Dair Marl Tadrus. 

434 [62]. — Paper; 97 foil., several being blank, in native binding of plain red velvet. 
Paging, beginning at the end*, on versos poS^-crf^. 21-25 lines; 201x15 cm. Script: 
regular but cramped. Head-lines, stops, initials &c. and the usual letters in red. Dated 
(fol. 946) A.M. 1325 = A. D. 1609. 

A Collection of Hymns to the tone Adam, for various festivals throughout the 

year, entitled (fol. ga) ^\ '^^'^\ ev* »^ j^d^. t>l r*^o\ cyUJLo^l '_>i*^ ^umJ~> (_?<>^ 

{v. also the colophon). The collection is similar to that of no. 69 ; cf. also Br. Mus. 
Catal., no. 890. 

Foil. 3, 4, a hymn to the Virgin for general use, lS^x^, followed by 4 blank leaves 
and perhaps not properly belonging to the rest of the book. 

The saints honored (besides various festivals of Christ, the Virgin and Archangels) 
are Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Anthony, Barsauma the Naked, Bifam (Phoebammon) 

' The text mentions her festival in the church of ^ The name Nicodemus is not in use among the Copts. 

T«.p*.£iii. nrnpojuieoc ^^)\ 5.1», presumably that destroyed ' V. Amelineau, Ge'ogr. 577. 

in A.D. 131 8 {M&knzi, C/iurc/ies, no. 3). Yet the prox- ' Presumably with a view to an Arabic text and, 

imity here of hymns to Paesi and Thecla may indicate perhaps, since 171 is the lowest figure, as a second 

the other ch. of B. {v. Butler, Churches i. 235, Makrizi, volume. 
/. c, no. 9). 

E e 



of Wasim, Claudius, George the Great, George of Alexandria (7th Hatur), John Baptist, 
Marina \ Mercurius, Mena, Peter and Paul, Shenoute, Theodore the Eastern, Theodore 
Stratelates, Victor. The dates of their commemoration are those usual m the calendar. 
The hymns to the Virgin on the 2nd, 3rd and ist Theotokias (fol. 18 ff.) are m Tuki, 
pp. 268^, 271, 303. 

Fol. 85 b has a hymn for a martyr 'who has no psalt'; his name is to be inserted 
at the end of each strophe ^^. On 87 a is one for 2 saints falling upon the same day; 
on 88 a, one for all saints. 

All hymns (excepting one to Christ at New Year, fol. 82 b) are acrostical ; hence 
perhaps the poverty of invention which they display. 

The colophon, fol. 94 b, names Girgis^ son of the deceased mdallim BarsQm, as 
provider of the book, in the following terms : yb i^jJl ^lAl (f,^*^^ ^'>^ (-^3 (^ 

^ oUc^sJl cy^ ^A» Jo-^. ev^ ^\ ^ 'L>"^yi cko iOji^ u^*^ '^.A^li- |-,b:N51 eylJl^i?^! 

£_>:aU cAAAisJ! ^'^\ s^j vo-^j sJU. cKff ^(j-? ^i\ \j^j ^^i ^j^^ t/^3 ^^J ^^ ^<y» 

^yS (_^ii.U5 sJ;s)l C^l 5^ i^yil^^ T^jjJ> ^iUuJ 'lUuixJ JUa^ ^O (J-*^ ^T^J^- (*~^^' ''^i^\^^^ 

^\ '^.A^Uai! LJ'jJCii, (^saCux^^ ^xj\^\* '!Uj=iy3U (.jsAsaOl 

435 [22 and 21]. — European paper; 142 and 155 foil, respectively, paged on versos, 
several being blank at each end; in modern native binding of red leather; 30x21-3 cm.; 
I col. of some 25 lines, with Arabic opposite. Script : a coarse but regular i8th century 
hand. Initials, head-lines, stops &c. in red; quire and other ornaments in red, green, 
yellow and black; so too an elaborate cross on the fly-leaf of each volume. The 
subscription to each volume bears its date: the first, 19th Klhak, a.m. i5I5 = a. d. 1799; 
the second, 4th Amshlr of the same year. 

The Antiphonary, Difnar^, for the months of Tut and Babeh, Hatur and Klhak. 
Title : (22) •>..>l^ e^3 j^ t_5j-=a^. (^\>. J^o e-^UT ■>.yi>^. ^o^, (2i)^UiL> eJ<>XAi 

The work consists of Hymns appropriate to the saints and festivals of the calendar^ 
For each day there are 2 hymns; but if more than one commemoration is inscribed 
for the same day, each has usually but a single hymn. The praise of more saints than 
one may be combined in a single hymn. The hymns are called vye.^! ^,0^, rarely 

' Date (23rd Hatdr) omitted. = The Gottingen MS. (Lagarde, Orient. 43) has in full 

= Assuming the preceding al-maMn to be but a title c^UjJoI. L?,Uij Abfl 1-Barakat, Paris 203, f. 108 3; cf. Br. 

(as ? in Aba Salih, f. 39 a &c.). In Horner's Boh. N. Test. Mus. no. 920, ^c^oms.pi. Elsewhere Usj.' 
i, p. xcix, it is apparently a name. « Qf. this verb in MS. Curzon 134'^ Ka^VaJuepoc eqep- 

' I notice but one to this tone : the last (fol. 92), on gwfi ^j^J ^enitiKrpii.KH &c. 
the Ascension. 7 Perhaps a reference to its use on p. pne of no. 430. 

« May we hence assume, the scribe being given no Its place is at Evening Prayer, after the Psalms and Theo- 

name, that in reality Girgis himself wrote the book ? tokia, before the Incense (Cairo Euchologion, pp. ^, h). 



(towards the beginning of the month) ^).\ They are in the usual 4-verse strophe and 
of varying lengthy some have but 6 strophes, others 16 or 20. The first of the two hymns 
is to the tone (-^x^s e>=sJ) Adam, the second to that of Watos; rarely (towards the 
beginning of the month) this order is inverted. Each of the Adam hymns closes with 
the words ^iTeimj^g^o neAiumpoce-vx" "^e NN., the Watos hymns with TOifig^ Ain5^ 
eg^pHi e-^swK nTcqx*^ nemiofii «ivn e^oK; or where these are inapplicable, with others, 
e.g. (17th Hatur) the Cross : g^iTenT-soim eTis-oci nre nic^c noc *.pj g^itoT Hi.u aauxw ciioK 
MTe He««o£ii and ■xeqcM.ft.poio-yT n-se noc mc nejmneqc^c MpeqTe>.Hg^o &c. Few hymns 
are throughout acrostical, i.e. with initials of successive strophes following the letters of the 
alphabet (7th, 9th, 12th Hatur); sometimes this system is maintained through part of the 
hymn (22nd Hatur) or in alternate strophes only (3rd Klhak); often the same letter or 
word is used as initial for every strophe (7th Tut, 21st Babeh, 21 Klhak). The first 
hymn is now and then interrupted midway by the rubric ;^^» -^ii ^\^ JUb. UaU eve, 
indicating that the remainder is to be sung before the picture (etKwi') of the saints 
Sometimes the hymns apostrophize the saint to whom they refer, at other times his 
story is told in narrative form. 

The basis of the work, so far as the narrative hymns are concerned, is clearl}'- the 
Synaxarium. This would not apply to the many pieces which consist merely of pious 
meditations upon the subject under commemoration^. But the stories in the Synax. 
are of course never fully narrated : only selected incidents and features are alluded to. 
Where the Synax. gives no story, the Antiphonary alludes to none. Not infrequently 
however materials appear to have been used beyond what the Synax. — at any rate in its 
usual recensions forms — offers ; the following are instances. At the festival of Chrysostom 
(i6th Tut and 17th Hatur) Theophilus and Epiphanius are mentioned, 'Jezebel' is alluded 
to and ' Theognostus ' is the deceased owner of the coveted vineyard ; the people of 
the isle ' Atrakis ' * are converted by his preaching. The notice of Severus of Antioch 
(2nd Babeh) makes reference to his exile in Egypt; how, on attending a church there 
and finding none to whom he might give the do-iracr/ids, he kisses the picture of the 
Virgin and Child, whereupon his lips cleave thereto and he is thus recognized by the 
congregation \ Of Paul of Tamma (7th Babeh) we are told how he brought to life, 
baptized and again sent to rest certain dead pagans ; and we learn there that the name 
nigoi (iiTe) iepfui.ii\c was commemorative of the prophet's visit to Pshoi^ On the nth 
Hatur the martyrdom of Michael of Damietta is added. Once a monk in Shihet, he had 
removed to Cairo ^ married a Muslim » wife and become apostate, yet only to repent 8 
days later, make pubhc profession of his faith and, despite the ' king of Misr's ' efforts 

1 In Babeh and Hatflr. But in the Borgian copy 
{Coplo 60) this word regularly replaces ^J-. The verb 
—J..* is in these texts rendered by eyc^oxim (eit/ji^/xeiv). 
C/. eyc^WAAiek, Theotokia pKC. 

"^ Pictures are mentioned in these volumes of the 
following : the Baptist, Stephen, the Virgin, Sergius and 
Bacchus, Matthew, the Apostles, George, the 4 Beasts, 
Michael, Gabriel, Mena, Onnofrius, Cosmas and Damianus, 
the 24 Elders, Mercurius, Paese and Thecla, Behnam, 

Christmas. Cf. the lists in Butler, Churches i. 50 if., 
lOI ff. &c. 

' There is no question of direct translation, especially 
impossible in hymns acrostical and the like. 

' V. Br. Mus. nos. 308, 983. 

^ The little said in the Lives of Severus as to his sojourn 
in Egypt does not refer to this (Goodspeed's Ethiop. Conflict, 
p. 713 ; but the and hymn appears to refer to that work). 

« V. Basset's Synax., 25th Kihak, and Aeg. Z. xl. 61. 

' THoXic '^peqs'po i^yi iijjil. ' ' Ayapn/jvoi. 




to persuade him, suffer death by fire. The 'new' martyr Sallb nicTevypoc too (3rd 
Klhak), 'who came at the eleventh hour, yet received the whole day's wage,' is unknown 
to the Synax. Evidence of the later introduction of this piece may be seen in the 
absence of the usual Arabic parallel to the short Coptic text, the version ^.uJi being 
added, and at greater length, subsequently 1. As a consequence of his public profession, 
he was sent in chains to Cairo. There he was tortured and paraded through the city, 
bound to a crosslike frame and mounted on a tall camel, while a herald cried his accusation 
before him. After execution, his body was to be burnt ; but the flames refused to devour 
it and, having been secured by the faithful, it was deposited by the patriarch in a church '\ 
Again the martyrs Behnam and Sarah (14th Kihak) have, we are told, no place in the 
Synax., but are found in the Antiphonary^ This must apply however to the parti- 
cular recension used, for others show even two versions of their story *. Various lesser 
divergencies from the available texts of the Synax. are observable : the hymns to 
Macarius of Tkow (27th Babeh) are evidently compiled with the help of the narrative 
of Dioscorus; the name of the priest is given who baptized Eustathius Placidus 
(27th Tut) ; Cleophas (ist Hatur) was one of the disciples who journeyed to Emmaus ; 
the number of the Nicene fathers (9th Hatur) was foreshadowed by that of Abraham's 
servants %■ the number of pieces into which James the Persian (27th Hatur) was cut 
is 32 ; the place of martyrdom of Cosmas and Damianus (22nd Hatur) is Aegae (e)«Tee>.c 
■^no?v.ic«; Sarapamon (or Sarapion) foretells the conversion and martyrdom of Arian 
(28th Hatur). 'The Book of Testimonies' {t.e. the Il\-r]po4>opiai) of Peter the Iberian 
(ist Klhak) is cited with the works of Timothy and Severus. 

Confusions are not infrequent: e.g. 24th Tut, Gregory the monk and Gregory 
Theologus ; 21st Hatur, the last named and Gregory Thaumaturgus. On the 23rd Hatur 
we read that, in place of Dionysius of Corinth, ' The Book of Hymns ' p^^lkll oUr has 
D. the Areopagite ■'. 

That the author, though a poor Coptic scholar, was familiar with the literature is 
evident from the quantity of Greek words employed, many of them of but rare occur- 
rence in ordinary texts \ It might even seem, here and there, that he had drawn upon 
Greek texts ; cf. the phrases : archbishop of ^pwiuijvHia. tw oito-yAAa. a.-yTHc 14*^ U, 5.^^,^ 
(9th Babeh) ; AAne^qo-yw** noycom . . . e.'Wj, o-yt^i.fcj. Ke^Ta. po-yoi (30th Babeh) ; ;ee«m- 

' As in the fragment Er. Mus. no. 888. s i^jji i..^ ; <\ \ <'■ \\ ■ , i -i. 

It appears from the expressions used (L_^l »la jil.l 4 t/ f„„^^v, ^^^ -' „ , ' 

M ^r V JJ , I iM. II -iT wi,\.v, ? ^-Forgets 6>«a.jr., pp. 158 and 288. Our hymn 

K T'^-'^^y ^^" ^1^ U^)that this IS the seems to resemble the 2nd of these texts V also 

church to which the present MS. belonged. From the WOstenfeld 181 Cf C V^ a 

history of Saiib in Paris MS. arabe 152, f. 92, we learn that ^gIII^^,. ^' "°"™""^'' ^"^^"^^^ '7- 

he came from iijLijl (nujoTe, Krall Rechtsurk. cxviii) near s y. PSBA xxx 

Ashmunain, that he was brought in custody to Cairo, ' V. PSBA y.\\x 205 

tortured and executed (as above), in ,_,l5,^l j-j \^ ^ ^.\ ^^ s p ^„ .', ' r\ „ 

(f. 100 b), on the 3rd Klhak, a.m. ii29=a.d. 1413. Not *.TKe«on, ^.^kh ' ebony', cf Kircher i« p^„,„, >r7 1 > -II 

to be confused with his namesake of 28th Miyazya, also 'plum', AlmLt) floi J tZx -^11"^^ 

martyred by the Muslims. He was from the town Maksur L^., W.'^ CaZX' I'"' ^'r^;^""' ^^°:'^'- 

(?^^) and was buried beside the blessed John of Barkdl (J J JlaZl^ ' T"' '^'^^7^"'^?' '^"'^""'' 

(o^^^VO. .-.. Heracleia in Pontus (^ Br. Mus. no! 1^^ (.U^.^ :;;rr' '''''^'"' -'''" '^'^^' ^^^^ 

865 n., Synax. 4th Sane). -^ " ^ -^ ' r /■ 


eooy xinm^n^c ^mTopoc (nth Hatur). Possibly however these mean no more here 
han the frequent Greek locutions to be found throughout the Theotokia and other 
liturgical books. 

It is abundantly clear, from the strange forms of many proper names, that the 
Coptic text of the narrative hymns is mainly a version from the Arabic; witness the 
following examples: ^\^pion ^/y^^^J..,, ^n^. to\oc ^J^l^] for ^.JJ^bU, e.npe.Koc ^]^\ 
for ? u«rj^.| 'l^pa^ ^T«^««oc LM.^bjl for o-^.3b^! ^, -^epo^^i ^ojjo for ?^^j;U (George*), 
e^p-i.e^ olo^L TtptSdrris, MX!s\^Tmn ^^^x^;^ for MeXtr.^i'T?' «, ne.?y.a.pia.«oc and emopiitoc 
^>-^j^^ e>«^b^^b for ou^Ai^^, cfiwn v:^!, ciop^^^ instead of Typoc, ^oT'^*^ 
c$;y- for ^jy^ ^copi. Q^ also the locution (vol. 2, ?V^ a) eTa.tjTa.ceoq cTeq^/yx" 
5^^^ C5^' ^^^ (»^^- On the other hand, }s.^b.eoy, 8.1113.1107, K^^pnoy &c. may be reminiscent 
of the genitives in the diptych lists I 

As to the authorship and date of the Antiphonary, Vansleb states « that it was 
the work of the patriarch Gabriel b. Turaik (1131-1146). But the words in Abu 
'1-Barakat's list, on which he presumably relies, are" Jl ^.jji^ j^^l ji^uuJl olxT 
oIa^^J! cJ-A^l^ ^ J^jcio.^ {spaced") yUx<j cJ_;U»t)Jl (J^'^ <^.Ji> o^ Jb^ Ui| .^r^^Jl 
t>W^b5]j e><v^.4>-«3i t)^^]^, whence it appears that for the Difndry no author is named. 
Further, on the 9th Tut the eclipse is commemorated which occurred in a. d. 1242, 
showing that the source here drawn upon (a recension of the Synax.) was compiled 
after the time of Gabriel". Seeing that it is unknown at what period the earliest 
recension of the Synax. arose— the reputed authors, Peter al-Jamil of Mallg and Michael 
of Atrib, lived respectively before 1363 and ca. 1425 1^ — we cannot rely upon the relation- 
ship of the two works as a guide in dating. 

A book bearing the name 'AvTL(f)0)vdpvov was in use about the 8th century. That 
is roughly the date of the Fayyum papyrus in which, among other books, the name 
occurs". None of the known copies of the present work is older than the i8th century'*. 
Their texts appear to correspond with ours. 

The present copy belonged to Tattam, as his handwriting (with date 1840) on the 
fly-leaf of each volume and often in the margins, shows. He paid '210 piastres' for it. 

The following may serve as specimens of the hymns. The line-division within 
the strophes here follows the metre, not the fortuitous divisions by the scribe. 

' Abfi '1-Barakat's calendar (Paris 203, f. 257 i) has ^ Histoire 62. ' Paris 203, f. 108 d. 

^j^^\J]ai\ Ptolemaus. " Showing that the meaning of the name was no longer 

'' V. Br. Mus. no. 986, though no Hierax appears in known. 
the Synaxarium. " Renaudot, Hisl. 513, even supposes that a later 

^ Cf. Hypatius and Andreas, {Synax. 20th Sept.) Gabriel is intended. 

* Perhaps George, the friend of Abraham {v. 9th Tflbah, ^'^ Works of Peter described by Abfi '1-Barakat ; v. 

18th Bashans, PSBA. xxix. 289). Fokget 202, Basset Riedel in Gotiing. Nachr. 1902, 688; Michael's date (on 

266 give this variant. Ethiop. (Or. 658. i7r a) too Ddrudi, what authority ?) by Assemani in Mai iv. 93. 
but that is inconclusive. Or cf. the name Toypo-^e., '' Crum, Copt. MSS., p. 61. 

Balestri-Hyvernat, Ada i. 202. " The Gottingen MS. 1788 (Lagarde, Orient. 43), the 

° Abfi '1-Barakat LdjJU. Vatican (Borgian) MS. 1738. I have procured specimens 

° As in Acts xii. II, where {/; the Coptic. of both by the kindness of Prof. Pietschmann and 

' PSBA. XXX. 259. Mgr. Ehrle. 



Vol. I, p. ^b- Moses. ij^\S}\ 

(o ni;)(;^pHcocTOA«.oc 
o)^ efeoTV. epon 
5enoAiH'\- n^ocoo-YTC 

2. 8maw nTeRT2>ju«.on 

enT&.!0 AATievipioiAi 
eT&.qc&.'si neut^-^ 
g^i'xennTtoo'Y nci«js. 

cjk'^si neiiiutwYcHc 
miTTaouteo efeoTV. 

etjAAOg^ ;Se«n!^pa)Ai 

5. Ill o'YstiJ>>^TK neoK 


to AACo-ycHc nminpotf^HTHc 


6. Xea^RepIi neg^oo'y 

neAjJS ne-soipg^ 

CRCJS.'SJ iteiAt^-'^ 

7. O-yujfioiT cd>.p HUje 

&.qg^ioi)Tq tfxe juiai'y<^Hc 


.v^^j c^^ c5-r ^y -^^ ^ "^^^ '^-^^ 

e^pHi et^ioM. naF»>P» 

8. Gqepc-yAiAiettm n»^« 
junuje jmnc^c 
eTzs-yj^uj noc e-scoq 

0. O'yUJ'^**?* j>.?V.Hetoc 
ne n'siRi eA*Hp 
nnen^Hpi ajltiicTv. 
^ent^iojm ntg^wpi 

10. IIco-ycHc nmpot^HTHc 
«a.q^iiojjL-^ itojo-y 

ecepoyoiini epcocy 

11. eTeniujfetrtT ee'Y 
npeqipx nnxujt^Hpi 

CTIS.qt^COp'X iUlf^IOA*. 

12. Hoi'YCHc ninpoti^HTHc 
nCAATTiTVevoc THpq 

•se/SencycooY 'c^.p is.q(?i looy 

13. SiTcnnie-YX" 

Vol. 2, p. AIT <^. Onnophrius (2nd hymn). 

neoq o« h^oc &a.toc (_^LL i>sOo Coij ^3 

1. IIjchoy ca^p M:im&.TiKon 

A.nigjs.RX.^ na^g^penttCHoy nifieti 
Ainosittton^ niteniO'^ ee-y 

2. Ha.1 eT«iY<3'ici ng^cYo 

n».pjs. Tc^-Ycic «->^Ai.eTptoAii 
eefce'-^cno'Y'^H eTcoYToin 
KTe TCYTipog^epecic 

6ti ua^p neTei.'Y«5i>i«2^ a^w 

^eno'Y'2Liek.Rp!c\c ajuuihi 

O-yg^uife nujcYepujt^Hpi Ajjuioq- 
ne r^fsioc uLn&.ip(OAi.i ne«AHi 

nieeofi^opoc d^Ma,. cYitot^ep 



5. ^dwi eT&.q£is>.ujq ^eno'Y'sioK 

juiTitooy THpq iiTC nawiKocjLtoc 

es.1 eTiuon e&^CYW Atiioq 

6. C\,qcoTn ne>.q eepujc^np 

KUieHpioit g^inujjvqe 
eg^oTC HTeqfyiAie 
;^ett«iptoo'Yia JuijicoTiKon 

7. Hes.1 CTCAijuLC iunipiOAii e;4pHS 

enqco'^ efsoTv. «ejLinTJ>^RO 
e-yipi AiniKa^''^ jm^ieWe 
e£to\ 2.*>^nieAi,i jujuhi 

8. 6e£ie?:^iswi eqis'ici UTeqciiH 

Ainpotf^HTiKon eq-soi iuuuoc 

oyog^ js.iigtoni g^inuja^qe 

eTJs.q«»wg^«jieT g^awO'Yc^'P^^^HO'y 
CTigoepeiop htc tl^ioui 
KTC n&.ifi!oc eTtgon '^ho'y 

10. na.ipH-'^ ^SeuoYno-Yc eqpHc 

s^qepequjconi ^encYSkCia^i 
ii-se neqcRe-yoc niioHTon 

11. 6qepo jujuoq cdinujoji nnig^wiAAi 

iiTe '^KA.Kia*. AinoiiHpoc 
itj).i CTtOiuic juuuLon enecHT 
enKakTj)>.R\icAi.oc enina^eoc 

12. Ila^ipH'"^ equjconi itawTpaiO-YUJ 

e&oTV. g^j!>.-<^Kpic!c if^ne-si 
&.quid.uiy ■it.M oq ^ennieitTH's 
nejug^js.n£iOT&.UH n&.npion 

13. IIoiTic «Te-^ce>.p^ 

ei«s.nis.n©ponoH eqg^WTn AAiULOc 
e©pec(3'«e'xcoe iutninnaw 
ee^ ^eno-Yg^xpHKH 

14. Xeevqepg^eTV.nsc ^e«nmujs. 

cyog^ nsi.qiULe'Yi ^enneqg^HT 

nTe c^pswUji HSLTCftL-xi juumoq 

15. Tw&g^ SLXTioc e£pHi €.OS.<X>ll 


436 [41].-Parchment; a complete leaf; 33|x22i cm.; pp. - ^, the last of quire le. 
I col., 37 lines, in paragraphs. Script : cf. Hyvernat, Album xxn or xl. 2. 

Homily treating here of Christ's burial and the visit of the women to the tomb. 
The quotations are from St. Mark. Salome is here called a rich woman who brought 
ointments to the tomb\ and the angel is said to have taken the form of a youth m 
order that the women, and especially Salome, who was not used to the sight of angels, 
might not be terrified. 

Mcon eTawHig^ioiui ige nwo-y eniAig^e^Y a.q-senjwi imna.ipH'^ g^OTC eTj>.t^pH ujJvi eT».ci «xe 
«*.pii^ ^AAJviTQ.Jiw'XmH MejuuLiJ>.pii. ttTe ij.kco£ioc nejuc^.'XoxiH wJ^pie^ -seoyn htc i».KCofcoc 
nciuuudwpis. KTC icocHTOc nooc p(o oriTC eiASwy jmnoc la^Kcofioc cj>.p «eA*icocHTOc neAACiAAwn 
iteAAio-y^awCtte nicuHO'y Ka.T».c».p^ MTe noc cs.'Xoajih "xe neo'Ype>wJu».OTe ncg^iiti xaricth neoc 
C&.P g^uic es^cepcTin ^eHo-ywa^g^-^ eepecmi ng^js.itco'xen eniA4.g^*.*Y cyog^ eewg^c AineqcoiAAs. 
eTo-yjsii oyog^ Seitn'sittepo'YUje hojoy eniiAg^s^y oyog^ CTa^yqa.,! ««o'Y&&.'\ eniycoi a^ynawy 
enicotti ejs.ycKepK(opq it». -iLC CTN-yuje e^o-yn enumg^Swy ^.yn&.'y eoy^eTV-Ujipj eqg^CAici c&.oyi- 
itSwAA eq-^sH^ HO'YCToTv.H ecoyofiig n2s.i;ie'(\.ujipi "j^e o« eT&.qca.9£S epoq n-se nie-yi^.t^ceXicTHc 
eo-yjk.cce'XocTie eefieiiig^iojui! oseoyit g^iux ttToyujTeju.epg^O'^ a>.qepncAtOT Ko-y^eT^ujipi ii-xe 
niawnceAoc ng^oyo -xe eefcecev'XoAj.H •seoyni TeccYitHesjv j>witT[e] enaky eakCtceTV-Oc ee£>et^a>.i 
».qepncjuiOT no-y^e^ujipi n-se nia.c'ue^oc oyog^ xiesw^icTSw CTavqna.'y epcooy eyep^c^ (p. t^) 
ca^TOTq a.qw'Xi it^g^O"^ efeo^ g^a^pwo-y it2^ -xe on ne-jta^q Kaicy w^se nia^r'iTe'A.oc •xejuia.ige 
«coTe« a.'soc tmeqjua.eHTHc tieuineTpoc •jseqna.cpujopn epcoTen e'<^ca.'\i'\ea,^'Y 
epoq juiiu.a.'Y g^Hnne aki-soc nwTen eefieo-y "^e akqeptl^ixeyi AAnexpoc iAna.iiu.»w fseg^iMak 
itTcqeAis •sea.noc ujenTeqAAeTa^nia. epoq eeilie'^-a.pHHcic nxe nraoiTV efeoTv. ea.q^ npoeyAiia. iia^q 
e^o-yn enawi^ton «^AAeTa>nocTo\oc g^iTeiteujoui^ n^^-smeponojua.'^m AAneqpa^n om2k MTcq- 
ujTextepAAK».£ itg^HT enig^o-yo eefieTa^piiHcic Aini-soiX e&o?V. ea.i eTa^cujconj Ka.q Ra^Ta. 
o'yc'yn\(OfHcic g^ma. nT€[about 15 let.]a,ceenHc xumm e«.iAoq oyog^ itTcqigTeAi^X^avg^eHq 
e[po]q •seiAAia.'ya.Tq oy^^.e'^Xei^in o'Y'2^e mt CTepenoc iiaw-xoTO-y neTpoc -xeoyn 
^erm-xmepeqccoTeAA encqpa.« eTa.yepoMOA^a.'^m Ajuuoq ^eitpwq nnig^JOAti g^iTeAAitia.c-rteTV.oc 
j^qujtoni \omon ^eno-yrHig^ nnpoeyiiia. nexto-ypwoYTq itg^HT ena^ujooq ea^qujen^AAOT «TOTq 
%XTV^ ■ «a.q efeoTV oyog^ a.qeponoAAa.'^m juutoq on neiui«eqiuia.eHTHc itn •i.e on 
ne-xe ne'Y2.t-TC\icTHc -xeeTJ^qTcoitq iiujopn xtnieg^ooy ng^o-yiT ktc nsca.Ma.TO« a^qoyong^q 
nujopn ejuxpiaw ^u.a.O'^aw'^ittH en e[T 

' Note this confusion of Salome impo^opm with the rich harlot converted by Simeon, V. Acad, des Inscr., CR. 1903, 
2^g,Journ. Theol. Si. vi. 582. 


437 [42].— Parchment ; a complete leaf; 33IX26 cm. Pp. — , ^, the last of quire ^. 
I col., 34 lines, in paragraphs. Script : cf. Hyvernat, Album xxxvii. No colours. The 
verso is often illegible. 

Homily, apparently treating of charity and love to one's neighbour and quoting 
Malachi ii. 10, Amos vi. 4, 5. The following are specimens of the text : jvnep&.ppioc e^oyn 
eitH eTHn CTakitf^'ycic noyaiT ncAi&tt o*Yog^ Rd^Taw t^pH-'^ «itiee«e&. htc ni&.(i^(o^ «&.p;)(^eoc 
itH eTa>.niRa>.Ta>.R\HcjLioc lyioni ee&HTO'Y eni-xH eyipi itg^jvnfS'm'xoitc cyog^ ey/StoTefi 

(p. ^)-T[OTf 

F f 


438 [2 b].— Parchment; complete but for the outer edge; 31 x 19I cm.; i col., 30 lines. 
Script : a heavy, square hand, of the Nitrian type. 

Elijah the Prophet. The text is merely a paraphrase of i Kings xix— xx. 4. Elijah 
is however spoken of almost as a Christian saint (6 ayvo^ H.), to whom, before his 
translation, God promises powers similar to those granted to dying martyrs and saints. 
His help shall be especially efficacious to travellers by sea and land^ and in times of 
famine. The text may be from an Encomium. 

jiinpo<5[H]THc itTeRtgeiiiaj a^itoK cs^p -\-H«.OTfoefieH e6o\ e[K]TexiM».y et^xioy 5a«.-^c'yn[Te]\ia. 
HTC na.iea>K e.We. ^nawO-ycopn ng^^&.p*jie. n^P^A* nT[oTf]o?VK en(3^ici enixii^. nexiTon 
[e]TJ).icefiTaiTq n».K ^^tta.TpeneRpa.n &i (ooy g^i'2teit[nK8w]2^i juti^pH'^ exA.i'^ oioy «Ana.^[{»jR] 
juwycHc oyssn nifcen eTcSeng^o-sg^e-x [«i]6en a.'YujivttToofig^ juuuoi e'y['sio] ixtioc 'setj^-'^ xinid.- 
cioc h['\ijs.c] «m itHi ■<^n2s.ccoTejui epwo-y e-yg^Hoj ;4ent^iOAi le «n&.p(o[o'y] le hiaiowt xiaiouji 
le ^eno[Y2^e]£(ain ■<^mjs.«js.i noioy n;)(;^(o?V.[eju] c^h CTKa^qi r^paioYUj Aineufi[ioc] neiUTeKTTO?V.HTi&. 
UTeqc5H[Tq] eoyswiA ■<^ttj>.ca>\'s «netj«[ofii] MT&.epequjaini ne«Ji&.K ^ett[T^oj]pjs. «Te «h 
[e]T[oK]5 evqTtonq wse ni&.cioc H\ia>.c A*.e[«eM]cjk.itaki a«.qipi K2k.T*w ncii^'si Ainofc a^qj-siuii 
ne'Xiceoc ngjHpi «iu)Ci«.t^[eT] eqc;)(^aki 1116 ng^efii ne^e a.q^ui[?V.exi] «kq(0?V.i MTeqAieXcoTH 
iwqcjs.T[c {verso) €g^]pHi e-soiq ^en^^oynoy &.qK8>. nig^efii ncwq ^.q^'o'si [«]c&.ni8>.cioc nTViawC 
eq-soi jujuoc [tt]js.q "xe-^naajiottji «cwk n2>.[!]aiT [n]e'xe nia^pioc hTVisvC njvq •xcxeAiMou.-"^ o> 
n&.ujHpi 'sejs.noc ipi no-ynaii ne)UL&.K d^qxa^ceo n-sse [ej'Xiceoc e^q^uiT juniifi ng^e[£>]i neg^e 
^>.qd^a.coY ^.qTHiTOY [«]«iA«.Haj i>.'>[oyoMxoy ^.qjuotgi [tt]c^s.^I&.CIoc h\ij>.c &.qu}wni n».q 
[JJ11M.&.OHTHC [ . ]TO«ne eTj^qujojnj jue«enca>.n;s.i neo-Yon oyiog^a.Tv.oTV.i nxe KAi!0'Y[o]'y©e nicpe*,- 
hAithc eq^eitT et^iiog^e Mx;)(^&.»>f! noypo ne-xe [«.];)(^iK.a.6 nnsito-Yoyee -^s.e.xxoi nni [itJncKiog^- 
jv'Xo'Xi -seq^eMT ec^toi [j).]ttOK ^itjv^ k«.k «Teqige£iiu) [;S]enKejLijs. eqcoTn eg^oT epoq [nje-se 
nj^feoyoyee na.q -sennecojaini hhi eopi^ HTK'A.Hpono[A4]iJv «^ hs^k oyon htswR 
ri[olyAiHig «d.iT2.oo« Aij^poypwig! [e]poK [a.]q^e na.q n^e j^x^^a.^! e^oyw eneqni jvqenKOT 
e-xeimeqa^'Xo's a^qg^wfic Aineqg^o AineqoyojAt oy^e juneqcoi eqoi ny^oKi eefce[ 

439 [47 b].— Parchment ; a complete leaf, 26 x 18 cm. Pp. — , \. Script : cf. 
Hyvernat, Album xxxviii or xli. 2. i column, in paragraphs, 29 or 30 lines. No colours.' 

Michael the Archangel, Miracles of We have here the beginning of a stoiy of 
Elias, a rich citizen of Pemje (Oxyrhynchus), who gave alms at the monthly festivals^ 

IntrocfVol"!"'™"''" '''"''■ " '^""' ^"'- '^^'''' ' ""^ *^ ^^^^ °f ^^^^ '"«"^^' *^t in Hathor being 

miToa., noce -. specially important. 


of .the archangel, and of John, a thief. Possibly from the Homily by Peter of 
Alexandria, Cod. Vatic. Copt. Ixi, which treats of Michaels 

epoq MOY^o « • oi jui-xi^jvhTV nies.p;)(;^ eoo-YawJ^ii kook oyujoTW-enpiTH THpu 
oyog^ o'Y'siuii AXJLioK ^en8>.i?j>.eon mfien • iieoKne eT&.t^-<^ e« ni7V.ei.oc nxe KeMujHpi juinic?V. 
eg^pHi cneK<si-2E eq-soj [uuuoc] ajuaoj-ychc -seg^nnne ic ^ndwoyujpn junjs.awt?i?e?V.oc [g^ewj-siOK 
cioTeju Kctoq «eo'yH[!] n&.pj>.nne eT;)(]^H g^i-soiiqne^ • qepAieepe ^&.poK on n-xe t^iw£ipiH?V. 
mjvp])(|^H&.t^tTe?V.oc eqca>.*2£i nciu.<^d.niHA. nieeot^opoc eq-jsoi jlxjuloc 'sees.noK ^vy^ .6ennino?Veju.oc 
HTC ii&,p^(OK Knmepcic ^ • d^qi K-se jui^&JiA. nA.p^a)n ht . . Tcon ©"Yog^ na^p^wn tc gjopn 
a,.qepfioHeiit epoi jk.ico'snq iJums^Y • •2£enTek.TA.[AAO juJuok e«eKg^op[a>,c]ic (p. TV.) es.TeTenn«.Y to 
«djuiep&.'<^ enT2>wio xini*>.p^He!>.ci?e'\oc eeoY^ii iui;)(^!s.H7v. ■seo'ynjuj'<^ne qitwg^eAA no-yon ni&en 
epeeg^eHoy* ^h epoq ■^na.TSJu.toTen "ake on eo'yg^iofi e&.qujtoni ^ienneveg^oo-y • iteo'yon 
OYpcoAii -xe ^ien^no'Xic neiA-se eneqpjs,Mne h\i&.c eoYpswinxone gaijs.^(o eq-<^ AAnujd.1 AAni».p- 
|)(|^Ha>,c't»e?V.oc juii^evHTV. KiwTdw &feoT • na^q-^ nX"^ n^ecTec ennpn neuR K^ecTcc nneg^ Ke^Te^ 


avfioT neju.-^ nR-yrt'^inawpion ^ enwm neoyon o-ypwjuii -^^e g^oiq neqp».nne iwjvhmhc equjon 
cdJ^o'X AJineqpo eqoi hcomi • euj(on «TeH\!ii.c -^ iuiniuj&.i juns.qiuio'y^ e!co&.nnHc e^oyn 
eneg^ -seeqiiAOc-^ Mjuoq ee^ieiteqeg^fiHOYJ • e>.cuj(i)ni 'i.<i eTi.H?V.ii».c en nK^toX enujtoi ^enneq- 
ivXoAi iwquji niTV.-^ n^ecTec nnpn n^epi e^qTHiToy e[ 

440 [39].— Parchment ; 2 leaves; 32|x24|cm. Script: v. Hyvernat, Album xxxiii, 
which may be by the same scribe. Described by Forbes Robinson, Apocr. Gasp. p. xxviii. 
Joseph the Carpenter, Death of The text corresponds (fol. i bound in wrong order) 
to Lagarde, Aegyptiaca p. 3, oyog^ awc^oj — 4, e^oyn eneqm; (fol. 2) to ih. 7, [^enoy- 
juteTJ^eXAo enawnec — 8, eTeoyon[\|r'yx"]- ^- RoBiNSON, I.e., 221 ff gives the variants 
from Lagarde and on pp. 131, 134 translates the text. 

441 [46].— Parchment ; 2 complete leaves; 28X 19 cm. Pp. — «6, — hh. i column, 
28 lines. Script : cf. Hyvernat, Album xxxii and xlii. 4. No colours. 

Mary the Virgin, Falling asleep of The MS. is described by Forbes Robinson, 
Apocryphal Gospels, p. xxvi. The text is that of Cod. Vatic. Ixi (Zoega p. 94) = Robinson 
p. no, 1. 13— 116, 1. 6, who on p. 219 gives the variants. 

The Leipzig University, Vol. xxvi, fol. i (pp. - ^) is a leaf of the same MS. and 
relates the attempt of the Jews to carry off and burn the Virgin's body so as to secure 
its miraculous benefits. 

> The mention of Oxyrhynchus recalls the Pseudo- ^ This prosthetic e also in eg&HOTi belo.v_ Other texts 

petrine text, ed. C. Schmidt, pp. 7, 3X (Jexte u. Unl., with this feature- -^- Amelinhau, Rec de Trav. v.. i66, 

J^_ p_ ^y Rossi, Cinque MSS., p. 83 ff. 

" ^Cf. Exod. xxiii. 20, 21. ' Cf. Dan. x. 20. ' Kivrrjvdpiov. 

F f 2 


442 [47 a].— Parchment ; the lower part of a leaf; i8 x i6 cm. i column, in paragraphs. 
Script : cf. Hyvernat, Album xviii, though the resemblance is but partial. 

Basilides, Martyrdom of The passage corresponds to p. 23, cap. vii of the Ethiopic 
version ed. Pereira {Corp. Scr. Chr. Or., Acta Mart, i, Versio). Cf. also Amelineau, Les 
Ades 163 fif., Hyvernat, Les Acies i ff., Synaxarium, nth Thoth. Leipzig University, 
Vols. xxiv. 14, 15 and xxvi. 23 ' are perhaps from the same MS. 

Fol. a. ] iSeno-Yg^o equieg^ npa^igi nc-sa.q njvq <sexepe fc^ci^iTHc nicTpa.T-y^&.THc me 
"X^ X^P^ ^" eTj).nxc c^».i Atneqpjs-n itg^pHi ;Senci(o« neiiiAHXt Atfiepi x^P^ "5" 
eTa.«€qiuiCTna.HT c^og^ iga^nieponoc me. tf^ x^P^ ^" €T«a.igconi na.pxY^Tpa.TY«?oc 
iennit^HO'Yi juit^pH''^ [ 

Fol. b. ] Junig^iHfi ic[8 or 9 let.]ni y^e^e t^H eTi>.y(^».c neqn».\A^Tion ne**- 

juuA*.pn8wpiTHc «Te TTio^ic£iH& rzseiinojui''^ Ainepepg^o-^ jvnoK ■«^ujon neju^vK a^noRne 
JLHX*«^H^ ni&.pxH»wt»ce\oc t^H eTcgon [ 

443 [61]. — Paper; 148 foil., paged on versos', in modern binding; 21-3 x 14-5 cm.; 
I col., 15 lines. Script : a regular hand, slightly resembling Hyvernat i or liii. 2. Initials, 
head-lines, stops, the letters (^, £ in red. Described by Budge, Martyrdom and Miracles 
of St. G., 1888, p. xii. 

St. George, texts relating to. 

I. Fol. I (p. \ii), his Martyrdom. Beg. niaw]uioc trewpt'ioc e-snnifiHJuaw, = Budge, I.e., 
p. 13, 1. 14. 

II. Fol. 59 a, Encomium by Theodosius, bishop of Jerusalem, on his Miracles, the 
building of his tottos at Diospohs and the deposition there of his body, on the 7th of 
Hathor, = Budge, p. 38 ff. 

The ist Miracle begins on fol. 73 a, the 2nd on fol. 82 b, the 3rd on 91 b, the 4th 
on 101b, the 5th on 105 <^, the 6th on 112 a, the 7th on 120 a, the 8th on 126 b. The 
concluding leaves of the book are, as now bound, in disorder. After fol. 138 should 
follow, foil. 145, 146; after them, foil. 139-144 (pon). Here a lacuna of 6 foil, is followed 
by foil. 147, 148 (pne, pirr). The last words are kh'y^ MTwoy. 

Dr. Budge gives the variants from this MS. on p. 214 ff. of his work. 

The MS. belonged to Tattam. 

444 [51], fol. i26.-Paper; i5|x lof cm. P. ^. i col. of some 15 lines. Script : 
relatively modern. 

St. George, probably from an Encomium on. His name does not occur, but the 

' V. Leipoldt in K. Vollers's KalaL, p. 391 &c. 

' From fol. 39 onwards the paging, originally erroneous, was subsequently corrected. 



mention of the widow's crippled son, the queen's conversion and martyrdom, and the 
servants who secured the saint's body^, make the ascription certain. 

"2.0TO -^e -VXMP*^ ncg^mi • en exjvtjipi Ainecg^s^n • ^ewnme. i>.^'ris.\&o necujHpi • MxSieWe 
o-Yog^ n&\\e. • j^qToynoc efioA ^ennH CTigaini • wh eTj^-Ynawy e-yepjueepe • (verso) 070^ 
i^qTJvceo n^oTCpo • enmi^g^^ Kopeo-i^o^oc • ^.cuJ^.uJKI e^jueToypo • awco-vwoq nexxmj^ • n«.\m 
eq-sHK neq-i.poxioc • 5enoy«.eTr'e«neoc • neuuueT'suipi • of^og^ a.qepuja.i «ejunxc • ^SeneAACT- 

445 [38].— Parchment; a single leaf; 32|x2ii cm.; i column, 30 lines. Script: 
identical with Hyvernat, Album xxxiii. No colours. 

Pijimi, Life of ='. Published by Amelineau, Mems. de la Miss. iv. 247, and again by 
Leipoldt, Sinuthii Vita &c., i. 77 {Corp, Scr. Chr. Or.). . Leipzig University, Vols. xxiv. 9 
and XXV. i are probably from the same MS.^ 

446 [49].— Parchment ; a complete leaf; 32x24 cm. Pp. — , pi, the last of quire 5:; 
I column, 32 lines, divided into paragraphs. Script : v. Hyvernat, Album xli. 3, 
probably by the same scribe. Stops in red. 

Gregory of Nyssa; from the Oration on Gregory Thaumaturgus. The text 
corresponds to Migne, Pair. Gr. 46, 925 B from 17 Se (ruyKLvrjdelo-a to ib. C, koI ocra 

ei/cos '^v. 

Other leaves from the same MS. are Leipzig University, Vol. xxiv, foil. 6, 28, 29, 
34, 41, Vol. xxv, foil. 14, 17, 24*. Six foil, of a Sa'idic version are MS. Clarendon 
Press (Woide), fragm. 54. 

447 [40, 43 a]. — ^^Parchment ; 2 leaves and a fragment ; 30I x 19^ cm. ; i col., 35 or 36 
lines. Script : c/. Hyvernat, Album xli. i and 2. No. 40, fol. i Z» is paged h «. 

Sergius of Athribis, Martyrdom of. Cf. Synaxarium, 19th Mechir, and Zoega, p. 30. 
The proper order of the leaves seems to be no. 43, f. i b, a, no. 40, f. i a, b, f. 2 b, a. 
Leipzig University, Vol. xxiv. 13 is from the same MS.« and probably precedes (though 
not immediately) no. 43. The Leipzig leaf relates first the prayer of Sergius and 

' These incidents are narrated on pp. 305, 313. 324 of that that work drew upon the Life. The Leipzig leaves 

Budge's St. George and on pp. 197, 202 of AMiLiNEAu's do not refer to Shenoute. 
Conies ii. ' ^- Leipoldt, /. c, pp. 390, 400. 

2 Rather than of Shenoute, who only appears inci- ■* V. I. c, p. 389 &c. 

dentally in the story. The recurrence of this incident in ^ Possibly a letter precedes h. 

the Synaxarium {v. Wustenfeld, p. 172) merely shows ' F. Leipoldt, /.f., p. 391. 



Theodore his father^ for all who commemorate or honour them, then the appearance 
of Christ promising to entrust their bodies and memorial chapel to Juhus of x.!i^2.<^. 

No 43 tells how Julius undertook to write [Sergius's] history and to preserve his 
and his companions' bodies. It also relates a miraculous cure worked by Sergms m 
prison and the summons, on the 13th Mechir, to trial before the magistrates, sitting on 
the TTpoBknaa on the river bank, east of the town. ^ . , 

No. 40 The people cry out that they are Christians. Thereat Cyprian the magis- 
trate^ is wroth and questions Sergius, who, confessing Christ, is reminded of the many 
who have suffered death for that name. Euius^, the general, bribes and threatens in 
vain and Sergius is placed upon the ipMrdpiov. Here Christ again appears to comfort 
and encourage him, promising him fame like that of Victor, son of Romanus, and 
hailing him father of many martyrs. Then Meneson ^n^ x*e«ecto«^ the priest, hearing 
of Sergius's trial, goes with two deacons to the ^w"- There being invited to sacrifice, 
he sends to the church for baptismal water and oil, wherewith he anoints the crowd, 
who again confess their faith. The heathen avo/1105, further enraged, accuse him of 
enchanting their city. Meneson replies (stc expL). 

448 [43 b].— Parchment ; the bottom of a leaf; 15X 19I cm. ; i col., 33 lines. Script 
appears identical with Hyvernat, Album xxxvi. Stops &c. in red. 

Thomas (of Shentelet), Martyrdom of {v. Synaxarium, 27th Payni and Amelineau, 
Les Ades 105) «. Other fragments of the same MS. are Leipzig University, Vol. xxiv, 
foil. 43, 45-48. The present leaf would come between foil. 46 and 47. They relate 
how Thomas caused a statue of Apollo first to fall and crush those of other gods, 
then to pursue and almost strangle Culcian^, the ijye/Awv, whereat the people declare 
for Thomas's god. The saint is then imprisoned, and there twice refuses to do sacrifice 

When in the boiHng calderon xoKkLov he throws some of its contents and blinds 

the riyencov, yet takes pity on him at Arian's entreaty and heals him. Thereafter he 

is brought forth from prison and, as he leaves, is asked to heal one possessed 

He is placed upon the kpiL-qTapiov and stretched till his bones separate. Michael 
appears and cuts his chains. Our present dilapidated leaf tells how, when brought out 
of prison and thrown to wild beasts, a she-lion licks ' his feet and in a human voice 
sings his praises. 

449 [48].— Parchment ; a single leaf; 28 x19 cm.; i column, 27-29 lines, in para- 
graphs. Script: cf. Hyvernat, Album xlii. i, also xH. i, though that of our leaf is less 
even than either, its y and m being especially clumsy, while ix has the form u . 

• Theodore is called the o-xoXoo-ti/cos in Zoega, /. c. generally appears to omit it. Thomas of TanphSt (Hyver- 
' Cyprian is Theodore's brother and ijye/iiiv of Athribis ; nat, Actes loo) is presumably a different person. 

*• 2:oEGA. 6 Amelineau has here Armenius, the governor of Alex- 

» [e]Tioc. V. VON Lemm, Kl. Kept. St., no. viii. andria; in the Ethiopic he is nameless. Arian is in both 

* Mentioned m Zoega, /. c. The name is presumably Thomas's final executioner. 

Mvao-cov (Acts xxi. 16, which the Boh. appears persistently ' Xw^g, not Boh. in Peyron. V. Balestri-Hyvernat 

to misread). Ada i. 30, io6. 

" The Ethiopic Synaxarium gives the story ; the Coptic 


From a Discussion between an Archbishop and a Jew. Mr. F. C. Conybeare has 
kindly sought for this passage, but in vain, among the early apologies and dialogues of 
a similar nature. He observes that the Christian claim to be the true keepers of the 
Law is a common feature of such compositions. 

Fol. a. «eic neRHo-Y^ n'<^^ "[« e]T«.'Ye[Ke]K e£io\ ^enn[Kj>.2^!] nxHAt[i ]wiy 

K[«eTeu]io^ nnoyevpeg^ eneq[Ko]Aioc i.noc (ouj MH!XPH[c]Tie.noc g^woy j^q^^ nwo-Y Mneqc(OAta> 
«eAAneqcno[q] miAs.nnes. exg^Hn e-yoi ... 1 wo-Ytgo npojuLni kc Pi.p uckio^ e«d.nocTo'\oc 
j^yTcesiion en&.iAie^.nnjx. eeo'Ya>.£i t^a.! g^Hnne *wnon dwiiujoini Ke^peg^ enoynoju.oc oja^.e^io'Yn 

et^oo-Y o-yog^ [ jX nM».p[. . .]riq iij[&.e]neg^ 2>.neKio->^ o-ywaa imiAiawima. j^.-yjuoy ^kne«Io■^ 

g^ojoy oycoAA iinijLid.nnd. a.ycoH^ igeweMeg^ ne-^se nioyzwd.! "sencoc k-sio kc^jvi hhj aih 
1WXP"*^'^**'"°'^ JuiojcyT iieojoy e>.n ne-se niJ^pxHeniCRonoc -set^AAoy iunn ktc nMKOcjuoc 
oyoixe^ efeo? t^H jieoq eeuiswg^ei Kneti-xi-js najuien^ t^a^ine luuto-y neneg^ (fol. b) [ne-se 

n]io"|Cxen.i *s[eqc^]Ho'yT [....] 'xe[ ] ene[. . . .Jjvjuen'^ [ne-sje ni&.px.HenicKonoc •2£e[«'^- 

o-Yuojy eTa.'Y[eK] -"^ujeHn [u]Te icocHt^ nidwKcoft neq[icoT] iw[qpi]iji[i] enecHT g^i-scoc oyog^ 
awnequjHpi -^^ itoiu.'^ nes.q eyoycou} eceXccoTV-q iieoq -xe ixneqcyoiiy ecoXceTV. 2>.7V.?V.j>. nawq-xo) 
axixoc 'se-^njs.uje khi enecHT e[AJiien'<^ about 12 let.].i na>.ujHpi ne^^in ou eTen.qoyopn 
nnequjHpi e^HJi*! eigen coyo eTd>.q«8w'Y epwoy n-se icocHt^ awqco-yojno'y o-yog^ [«).q] . ig^eTV.^ 
epojoy eq-so) jxuloc 'seiieoiTeit g^a^rt-sHp cTawpeTeni ejmoyujT juniKivg^j neojoy •2k.e ewyoytoujT 
jjuuoq eysoj uuuoc -seco ne«oc tieKe£ii&.iK g^».Hpcojijii a-nne nnjvipH^ 

'saying. Behold thy Gods, Israel, they that brought thee forth from the land of 
Egypt ^ [After that He had] called your fathers, they kept not His law (vo'/aos), and 
the Lord called the Christians instead and gave unto them His body and His blood, 
the hidden manna*, to [reign?] for a thousand years. For {koX yap) our fathers the 
Apostles taught us concerning this holy manna : lo, we it is have kept their law (vo/aos) 

unto this day and for ever. Thy fathers did eat this manna and are dead ; 

but our fathers did eat of this manna and lived unto everlasting ^' 

The Jew said, ' How (ttSs) sayest thou this to me ? Do Christians then not die ? ' 

The Archbishop (apx'^'^-) said, ' The death indeed (jiriv) of this world (koV/aos) passeth. 
But he that shall fall into the hands of Hell {Amenli), this is death everlasting' (fol. ^). 

The Jew said, 'It is written Hell {Amenti).' 

The Archbishop said, '[When?] they brought Joseph's coat unto Jacob, his father, 
he wept over it. And his sons encouraged him, wishing to comfort him; but (8e) he 

would not be comforted, but rather (dXXa) said, I will go down to [Hell] my 

son «. And again {ttoXiv), when he sent his sons to Egypt, to buy corn, when Joseph 

beheld them, he knew them and [he] them, saying. Ye are spies and are come 

to spy out the land. But {hi) they worshipped him, saying, O, our lord, thy servants 
are not men of this sorf.' 

1 Not space for no-rpo, Rev. xx. 4. ' R«^- "• '7- ' C/. John vi. 58. 

= Possibly s'tgeX. ' C/. Exod. xxxii. 4. ' Cf. Gen. xxxvii. 33-35. ' Cf. Gen. xln. 8. 


450 [50].— Paper; 257 foil., paged on versos, in native binding. Script: tolerably 
regular. Dated on last fol., a.m. 1487 = a. d. 1771. The MS. is incomplete and the quires 
in confusion : their proper sequence is I4i(iiii^)-i49, 1-9, 91-110, 40-49, 20-29, 60-69, 
30-39, 10-19, 50-59, 70-89, 111-140, (lacuna), 90, 250-257 (to). 

Grammars and Vocabularies. 

I. P. AXh.b. Ibn Katib Kaisar, tf^jOAxJl, Beg. eqeca.-si JJb c>» (=Kircher^ 2,Qa, 

V. Mallon^ 125). 
II. P. nfia. Aba '1-Faraj b. al-'Assal, ■i^oj\^ {v. Mallon 122). 

III. P. oil a. Al-Wajlh al-KalyQbl, 'i^.UsJ! [I.e. 126). 

IV. P. q'^ a. At-Tikah {sic) b. ad-Duhair!, ■»,/«<>ii! (/. c. 129). 

V. P. pnfe b. Index to the Vocabulary following (but the index begins on pn-i. b), 
which is divided into 32 (Jyoi. The 5ca/a ( = Kircher 42) begins on pn-r^; 
its 2nd chapter o\-> is on poe a, its 3rd on cTV^ a, 4th on cuTk. b, 5th on c^fi a, 
6th on c^e^, 7th on cofc6 ( = K. 215), 8th on co?-a (=K. 221), 9th on cne6 
( = K. 238). After p. cv^b ( = K. 245) is a lacuna. P. t&=K. 261. 

P. pMT a has the scribe's name : icojs. ntgnpi nuoiL igcywo'y. 
From Tattam's collection. 

451 [58] — Paper; 163 foil, and 8 blank, in Europeon binding; 30x22cm. Script: 
a modern hand. Dated, fol. gb, a.m. 1555 = a. d. 1839. 

Grammars and Vocabularies. The corresponding pages of 'The Baramous MS.' 
are noted in the margins, fol. i being p. na. of that copy (which the sequel shows to 
have been in confusion). 

I. Fol. lb. As-Samannudl, jUcmU ( = Kircher 2a, v. Mallon 117). 

II. Fol. gb. Ibn Katib Kaisar (fol. 12 = Baramous t). 

III. Fol. 16 a. Abu '1-Faraj b. al-'Assal ( = B. p. k*.). 

IV. Fol. 21 b. Al-Wajlh al-Kalytlbl (=B. la.). 
V. Fol. 29 a. At-Tika b. ad-Duhairl ( = B. ne). 

VI. Fol. 46 a. The Scala Magna ^\ olxT (= B. ^h). Kircher's chap, xxiv (p. 225) is 
on fol. 81 a. After nmpoRYAieHon (K. 236) follows ^fia^igop &c (K 253) then 

^'^"L^a"' f' ^^°^; , ?'. 'T'"'" °^''" ^'^^'^ subsequently from Kircher's. 
Fol. 86 3 = K. 239, fol. 87 i = K. 243. 

* Lingua j£gyptiaca Restituta. 

' In M/langes de la FaculU Orientale, Beyrout, vols, i, ii, 1906, 1907. 


VII. Fol. 8gb. The Vocabulary of Ibn al-'Assal ( = K. 275). 

VIII. Fol. 1366. That of As-SamannudP, comprising words from the Psalter, N. Test, 
and Liturgical books. 

This MS. was in Tattam's collection. 

452 [57].— Paper; 218 foil., in a modern binding like that of no. 451; 28x20 cm. 
Script: a modern hand. Dated, p. cmb, a.m. 1556 = a.d. 1840. 

Grammars and Vocabularies. 
I. Fol. 4 a. Ibn Katib Kaisar, 
II. Fol. II a. Al-Wajih. 

III. Fol. 21 a. Al-Mu'taman b. al-'Assal, j^cmII \ 

IV. Fol. 29 a. Ibn ad-Duhairi. 

V. Fol. 51 b. As-SamannudI, j^oxLI, beginning with the text Mallon 120 in/ra. 
VI. Fol. 66 b. Paradigms, headed 'sJiS .U^^j)! ^i and beginning ne.oc, nenoc, neqoc. 
VII. Fol. 69 a. Scala Magna j^\ fXJ\, = Kircher 42 {v. Mallon 260). The 10 
chapters ol^^l begin successively on foil. 69 a, -jj b, 101 b, 104 b, iii b, 113 a, 
115 b, 117 a, 121 a, 125 a. 
VIII. Fol. 131 a. Abu Ishak b. al-'Assal, Rhymed Vocabulary ( = K. 275). There is an 
omission at the end corresponding with K. 476, no-YKoq to 479, -"^ g^iujTq. 

On the last fol. is the scribe's colophon, which states that the MS. was copied 
from an old one (^.oJ> lJoS at Dair al-Baramus^ and corrected UUiiL by another at 
Dair Abu 's-Saifain, in Cairo. The scribe was Takla Haimanot *, one of the clergy poliw 
of the 'Marcian Church ' in the Azbakiyah. Tattam has noted the correspondence of pages 
with the original (which appears to have been in confusion), viz. that p. 6 of this copy 
= 11 of that, p. 21 = 51, p. 29 = 29, p. 52 = 1, p. 69 = 46. Thence it appears to follow 
its model regularly to p. 218 = 132. 

From p. 69 Tattam has likewise noted the correspondence with the 'Sahidic 
Lexicon ' : p. 69 = Sah. P-mt, and so consecutively till p. 125, which = Sah. p^^H. This 
Sa'idic vocabulary is sometimes termed ' No. 3 '. 

453 [53]. — Paper; 337 foil., in European binding; 22x16cm. Script: a modern 
hand. Dated, fol. 297 a, a. m. 1559 = a. d. 1843. 

Grammars and Vocabularies. 

I. Fol. 4 a. An introductory dissertation. Beg. ^y^j (J^^ ,^s^ 5.AkJi31 ci^^l vo^ 

iijs^. On 4 b, a chapter entitled l4J^^ <^j»^ ^_g^\ g^Uso Lyjj=>-. This ends 

with the words Kei^Tj^^eonion, ns^uip, -^j^nKiAe, niujenqi. 

' C/. Mallon, I.e. 119 I'n/ra. intended for As-Suryani. 

' For this variant of his name v. Mallos, /ourn. As. * Who also wrote no. 453 and Br. Mus. no. 922 

1905 (ii), 516. (Mallon). 
' On the present binding is Turiani MS., presumably 

G g 


II. Fol. 8 a. Abu '1-Faraj b. al-'Assal, 'i^o^. 

III. Fol. 13 b. Ibn Katib Kaisar. 

IV. Fol. 19 b. Al-Wajih. 

V. Fol. 27 a. As-Samannudt. 
VI. Fol. 36 b. Ibn ad-Duhairi. 

VII Fol 55 a Abu Shakir b. ar-Rahib, '^o^, printed by Mallon, p. 232. It 
enumerates the books whence it was drawn ^ and ends with the date of 
completion of the original = a. d. 1270 ^ and of the present copy (as above), 
by the scribe Takla Haimanot ^y^U^ ^5^^^ Then follows the authors 
Grammar, the sources of all quotations being given in the margin up to 
fol. 59a. On fol. 80 a, a section (?of the same) beginning^ ^^ >^' ^-^ r=' 
^1 Ojj^\ ^^- On 836, a chapter^ ^1 J^ii\ pb5^i p^-^l c^- 
VIII. Fol. 90 a. A grammar entitled ° dijii]j l^Ui>^ jp^l JU3Ji o^\y ^5* ^r^^^ <-M^ 
i_So^^\j c5^A^=^i c:>-o Ua». It opens with the alphabet and with lists of words, 
e.g. £!e«I^alm, ^la^ejuni, £iHe*\eeui, feioc. The Sa'idic consists in frequent equiva- 
lents (in red ink) for the Bohairic examples. A comparison with Tuki's 
Rudimenta shows that our MS. is either a mere copy of that publication 
(issued in 1778) or that both are drawn from a common source. The former 
appears the most probable inference, Tuki's work having been done at Rome, 
presumably from a MS. already there''. 

It will be seen that the MS. bears a close resemblance to Br. Mus. no. 920, 
though the latter omits this final section. MS. Paris no. 53 is also of this type I 
IX. Fol. 183 a. The Scala Magna. 
X. Fol. 230 b. The Scala of Abu Ishak b. al-'Assal. 

XI. Fol. 276 b. The Scala of As-Samannudi (cf. Br. Mus. no. 920, f 196 flf.). 
XII. Fol. 323 a. List of ^isho'^ncs, published by Am^lineau, La Ge'ogr. 574*. 

XIII. Fol. 325/^. List of Churches in 'Egy\)\., published I.e. 579. 

XIV. Fol. 328 b. Lists of words from the Pentateuch, Antiphonarium, and Encomiums 

on St. Michael. Final words : mfeep'scoo'Y, jueeejuion, &.'^ai«js.i, hX. 

454 [54].— Paper; 192 foil, in native binding; 21x17cm. Script: a modern hand. 
Dated, fol. 178^, a.m. 1514 = a. d. 1798. 

Grammars and Vocabularies. 

I, Fol. 4 a. Abu '1-Faraj b. al-'Assal, iUtvio. 
II. Fol. 9 a. Ibn Katib Kaisar. 
III. Fol. 15 a. Al-Wajih. 

> Among them the puzzling i^l, foe which Mallon ' According to Hwernat, Etude sur le Versions {Rev. 

(236) suggests the plausible etymology, e.xn in the plural. BiM. 1896-97), p. 18, Tuki's MS. was recently in the 

' Cf- no. 454. ' Scribe also of no. 452. Borgian Museum. 

' V- Mallon 259. " L. c. 260. « This I owe to Father Mallon. 

« The title likewise of Lord Amherst's grammar ; v. ' The foliation there given is incorrect. 

Mallon 263. 


IV. Fol. 25 a. Ibn ad-Duhairi, and, fol. 41 a, an introduction to his work, partly 

printed by Mallon 130. 
V. Fol. 41 b. Abu Shakir ( = no. 453, fol. 55 a). The date at which the original of 
this was completed was a.m. 980 = a. d. 1264 1; its (?) scribe was Hanna Abu 
Sulaiman, attached to the northern church of St. Michael, in the lower ' 
Handak^ (^^JljuJI. 
VI. Fol. 42 b. His grammar. The sources of the examples are given in the margins 

{cf. no. 453). 
VII. Fol. 66 a. Scala of Abu Ishak b. al-'Assal, with references for all the examples 
(a list of the abbreviations ^^ ^)-v*»*i>, indicating these sources, is given on 
fol. 65 a). 
VIII. Fol. 1026. As-Samannudi, 'i^(^. 
IX. Fol. 108 b. His Scala. 

X. Fol. 136 a. The short Preface = no. 453, fol. 80 a. 
XL Fol. 139 a. The Scala Magna, ending on fol. i.'^ib. 
XII. Fol. 172 a. The Scala on fol. 307 a of no. 453. 

XIII. Fol. 176 a. List of Bishoprics (unfinished). 

XIV. Fol. 178 a. Certain formulce used in the Ordination of a bishop (e'\».x*'^''"°'^ ° 

TJs.niHoc eniCRonoc . . .). 
XV. Fol. 178 b. eefsenecouj w-^Ka.'^od^'yXe^Kion . . . ., ending with the scribe's (?) date, 
as above. 
XVI. Fol. 179 a. Index to Scala Magna. 

XVII. Fol. 180 a. Words from the Consecration of Lector, Sub-deacon &c. 
XVIII. Fol. 189 a. List of Churches, as in Ameuneau, Geogr. sil- 
XIX. Fol. 190 b. List of Bishoprics, beg. e.'\e^».n'a.pi2>., pe>.Ko^, e£ia.ajoy, -Vp*^S"'^; 
jueXe-x, ».p£!eve. Not identical with any of those printed by Amelineau, 
op. cit. 558 ff. 
XX. Fol. 191 b. Greek proper names, used y;.^\ ^J, = no. 453, fol. 327 a and Br. 
Mus. no. 920, 261 a. 

This MS. belonged to Tattam. 

455 [68].— Paper; 268 foil.; 22^ x 16 cm. Script: a modern hand. 
Grammars and Vocabularies. On the fly-leaf is a note: 'Copy of the Coptic- 
Arabic dictionary in the possession of the Coptic patriarch at Cairo, of which he has 
allowed the transcription, I beUeve for the first time— John Bournely^' 

I. Fol. 2 a. Ibn ad-Duhairl. 
II. Fol. 29 b. Abu Shakir; beg. bj.^ U. bli o-^j, published by Mallon 233. 

' Mallon points out that in ,no. 453 the year is a.d. ' V. Amelineau, Geogr. 511 (ff. 220). 

1270, while in Br. Mus. no. 922 it is, as here, 1264. Does » I cannot be certain of the reading of this name, 

this indicate a difference in the works copied ? Perhaps Bowring. 

G g 2 


III. Fol. 32 Z». His 9^o^,=l-c. 238 (though here somewhat longer), preceded by a Hst 

of abbreviations for the references in ^ytji\,\ ^LjJ] of Abu Ishak b. al-'AssSl. 

IV. Fol. 68 a. The Scala of Abu Ishak. 
V. Fol, 155^. The Scala Magna. 

VI. Fol. 256 b. The short Preface = no. 453, fol. 80 a. 

VII. Fol. 263 a. Abtj Ishak's Introduction to his Scala, entitled ^a^U cJy' i^^ >^-y 
ty^jAll jJoJI oUT. Printed and translated by Mallon, 216, from Paris MS. 51. 

456 [55]. — Paper; 57 foil., in native binding; 22|xi6cm. Script: the Coptic is in 
Tattam's hand, the Arabic by a native. 

I. Fol. I a. As-Samannudl, 

II. Fol. 20 b. Ibn Katib Kaisar. 

III. Fol. 33 a. Abii '1-Faraj 'b. al-'Assal. 

IV. Fol. 44Z>. Al-Wajlh. 

457 [56].— Paper; 139 foil.; 20x13! cm. Script: as in no. 456. 

The Scala Magna of Shams ar-Riasah, followed, fol. 133 b, by a list of words 
from the Consecrations of hegoumenos, priest and deacon. Beg. jvitawfia.^ ^ennicneTVeon 
^e«fi^fiy\o« itx«"» neTfcefiioC. The last 5 foil, of the volume are copied, by Tattam 
from a vocabulary. ' 

458 [52]. Foil. 204-i72.-Paper ; 16 x 11 cm. Script : a regular i8th or 19th century 
hand. The leaves are in confusion. 

The Scala Magna. The leaves correspond as follows to Kircher's print. 
Fol. 204 = K. p. 193 infra. Fol. 183, 182 = K. 254-257. 

203 198 supra. 181 

202 264. 180 

201-192 (?) 57-70. 17^ 

190-188 116-120. 177 ^^^ 


187-184 124-131. 176-172 


459 [51].-Paper; 126 foil. The volume is made up of parts of 11 MSS ■ th, 
largest, x8Jx:3cm. Script: all the hands are tolerably e'ar.y (T^h or ."th^ent): 

■ C/. terms in the list of Cairo churches, Amelineau, G^ogr. ^>j>j. 


The Vocabulary of As-Samannudi. With the exception of foil. 35 &c. {v. no. 114 
above), 11 1 &c. {v. no. 428), the volume appears to consist of this Scala. The following 
is the proper sequence of the leaves of the different MSS., so far as indicated by 
visible pagination. An asterisk = sequence not ascertained. 

MS. a, Foil. 89, I, 105, 106, 2*. 

MS. i8, Foil. 9, 92, 26, 40, 3*, 7*, 8*, 123*. 

MS. y, Foil. 41, 48, 4*. 

MS. S, Foil. 52, 67, 95-98, 5*, 24*, 46*, 68*, 99-101*. 

MS. e. Foil. 14, 10-13, 15, 90, 16-18*. 

MS. I, Foil. 29, 30, 28, 27, 26, 22, 23, 21, 20, 31-34, 39; 42, 43, 47; 9i' 102-104, 108, 

107, no. 
MS. -q, Foil. 57-66, 71-88. 
MS. d, Foil. 69, 70. 
MS. I, Foil. 124, 125. 


460.— Papyrus ; complete but dilapidated ; 26| x 21 cm. Script : much ligatured. 
Ferso |. 

Letter from Apa Mena, Theodore, Co (?) and Bounopher (Onnophrius). It 

relates to Zoleman, son of Saeit {o^^) and to the purchase of certain 'large vessels' 
{a-Kevj]). More than this it is difficult to ascertain, owing to the peculiarity both of 
idiom and script. The former, although the MS. belongs to the Ashmunain collection, 
is an almost pure Bohairic, but written with the help of Greek letters to express certain 
of the Coptic sounds \ The tail of the uj projects far to the left and then is looped 
back to the right. The initial of the name Zoleman can hardly be c (which elsewhere 
has the normal form) : it is a mere curve, 5, presumably derived from 1 and scarcely 
distinguishable from s 'and'. Very puzzling is the sign in 11. 2, 7, 12. Since ^ does 
not occur, this might be taken to represent it ; yet it is difficult to account for an 2. in 
these 3 places. It might be taken for ligatured j^.'X; indeed in 11. 12, 13 the doubtful 
letters a.i might well be read thus. But in the former 3 cases, jv cannot be so precisely 
disconnected from the rest of the ligature. Boh. £ appears to be represented by x- 
Final y (in internal syllables as well as words) is merely a curve above the preceding 

+ 5(;^ennpxn ?^^ i.noK 's.e.b^.nh. axU s eeo'2».o>poc s ko ^ | S fioynofL^Hp encx&.ei e«uji[«]j 
c. . €w^ Tino -s. ['^(jo]|?V.eju.2ivn nujHpi chcit hk . . . ig . t:^«e[m]«jT | ecKH^i Ta^t^ojont^ 
«jj>.o.xs.c -se Ka^ujont^ junri | 5-'2£juh« . s *Ji . . . . epoR uieijiet5Ta.AAOR nmiujT ecKH£i[i]| Tet^Ti m>.R 
y^ennH. epeniig . e . . ca.KjLtwo e^y^o . e. | noo-Y '^oiTV.euia.H I^e6^c^>.t5 . nHR&.'seeit]^ emujT I 
TOTo ujont^.. T?53on CR[Hfii] tta^pROtt *.H o-yTHR. I -sifeconei ujd.R-seci . nee!.pAAOTi[. . . .] 
eujoAATi I ID nosiojon rh igeno-si igivR-siAii K&.itHd^ uja^c | •se&,Tia.Roy pevoeipa^TSwAiep ajwnawn- 
cw cRH&i I nj>.«Hr^ s ^iX"**X^? x^^^9^*TeR • cwTexi I -sefion cRHfei naw«H(:^ ecAAa^T . TJ5.1 . 
Ka.\»>ita.« : I epuio iga.R'seiAO na^nno igj>.no s nona^c^Hp | 15 Ta.ei epnc igo'Y*^ oyuj 
fioynofi^Hp Tawei epnc eia.e . | TiRa^To '^oiAeM.a.n nignpi chcit Te^x" 'sea.RocAAa. | ceniRO-xi 
ei epHc Tet^oTV-ocsmi o-^sa^ei x^^noc jkJuiHn + 

Recto. . a^eicxHT TaveienicToXoi uj^r cto Amn-xjunn nenH[n] and, at the other end of the 
leaf, the address, whereof only xe" juJi s no-yno^np is legible. Also remains of 
an earlier text, apparently in the same idiom, since "TooTr^ can be discerned. 

> C/. Mm. Rainer ii. 57, v. 41, Crum, Copt. MSS. xliii. » jst letter ? i ; instead of *. ? a stroke. 


461 [16].-Paper; a sheet inserted at the end of the volume {v. no. 424); 45x30^ cm 
Script : a tolerably even, i8th or 19th century hand. Ferso blank. 

Letter from 'the poor Athanasius, the bishop of Tapotheke (Abutlg)', named thus 
above the text. Above it too are : ^^iie T^^^e^nic «„e.epeo^ and ^en^p^.„ «.^^ nipeq- 
^en^HT nin^HT, also in form of an interlaced monogram, oycooT ^^nun er^oci s^^^ 
Athanasius was, m a.d. 1789, resident in the monastery of Antonius in -^.^U though 
entitled 'bishop in the see of Abutig'. Elsewhere he is 'bishop . . . from the mon of 
Ant., m the see of Abutlg '3. But in Br. Mus. no. 920 he is also enicKonoc i?^Sii* 
Does this mean that in 1806 he held the titular see of Jerusalem^? In 1811 he again 
appears as bishop of Abatlg^ He had been consecrated by the 107th patriarch Tohn 
(1770-1797)^ ' ^ '-^ 

The present letter was written from Upper Egypt to a friend in Fustat. The clumsi- 
ness of the language, besides several phrases obviously translated from Arabic, are 
evidence that Coptic was but an artificial acquirement at the time. 

nig^oyxT HTe CAxoy iuSien ct-shk eho\ Hejutnig^AioT | THpoy cTg^tofic e£io\ e^pni e-sen- 

niignpi eTCAie^pwo-YT | t^H eTepce^ecee niopeo-a.o^oc eTTj>.iHoyT | nij»wp;x^o)n eToi 

imiig^ niAtei nixienpiT 5ennuiev£|5-^ eTco-yxoin ktc nenoc mc n^c nice.5 fis^cot^ t5av|H?V.ij^c 

eqecAto-y n-se t^^^ eg^pm e-xoiq ^enmciuio'Y xi | imilTiKOK eTe.-yi eg^pm e-senneqs.nocToTV.oc 

Mex«.Heq|npo!^HTHc neAie-xenitH CTipi juneqc-YcoKj «eAineqeH|TO?VH ^enoeitejv ni£ien giTcn- 

«mpec£iijs. uTe ^na^p^ | 10 ucHO'y nifjen awJUH« jjienenca.nijs.iR nxe nicjuio'y egpni | 

e-suicj ne« «Annd.TiKon nja^poq Tenni>w|TiwAAOK neniynpi -seic^enniegooy 

e&oTV. nj^HTq efsoX ^en^j^^Hxii june^qi epon e£io7V. ^eneHnoy j no-yenicToTV.H eTUjon n5HTC 

n-se TCTeng^ipHiiH | 15 o-yog^ neng^HT eqyaeopTep efeoTV. gJTeneHnoy juaw?V.icT&. | ■zie&.'YTjs.- 

Mxoii -se^en^HAii o.niiuio'Y no-yg^o^ Jeno-yg^C"^ | oyog^ Ten\]^'y^H j).cepA*Ka.g^ ejuiawUjaj 

eftx.&.u}(o en^ujt*^^ | eg^pnj e-scoK w n&.ujHpi iuumenpiT neiue'sennenujHpi | THpoy CTUjon 

^en^HiAJ is.non -^e g^con Ten-'^g^o | 20 en^^ nenno-y^ g^ines. nTeq(o?V.i efeo\ g&.pon nejui- 

e!io\ I g».p(OT€n no-yjuoy nejuig^oifi nifien eTgoJoy oyog^ | eqeepen^^s.Y encTcngo 5eng^&.n- 

»wC&.eon ni£ien •:• | UJini epon e-senneRiojT nejuineHHi THpq neunH eT|,ioinT epon THpoy 

njini epon e-sennioyH^ nxe ■<^eKK?V.|25-HciJs. -i^e^iXe nextni-^iewKonoc ujim e-sennenlujHpi 

coTVojuoiH nejuu<.&.pKoc nipeuipeniiTTe nejuj«ji&.p|KOc o'^&ts.'s. nejmneqHi THpq nejunepcwjuj**. 

neAJt.icdL2vK I neunn THpoy npext^oinon igxni e'seniknTOjni neAJdi.ndw | noy^ nejucenoyeioc 

nipeju.citO'^ ujini e-sent^fKon Atni|30-iwt5t»e'\oc «:^&.icochc^ nejuneqcnnoy neti.e'xenfi^^iuJK 

AJ.jniji.doc npeqc^&.i nni(3^icey nejj.neqcnHoy nejj.nujHpi jj.|ncon jj.neqiu)T <?eajp»Tioc ujini 

csenncdw.^ cetopcioc ni | c^Lno'H'si nejj.nequjHpi nejj.nigHpi nTe neqignpi cetopt«Joc | ninoyxj 

* C/". the Arabic corresponding to these 2 phrases in * Inadvertently omitted in my Catalogue. 

another of Athanasius's books, Horner, Boh. NT. i, p. Ivii ° At one time a metropolitan under Alexandria ; v. 

infra and in Br. Mus. no. 920, 267 b. Vansleb, Hist. 32. 

'^ MS. CuRzoN 147, last fol., whereof A. was himself the ° Horner i, p. cxxii. 

scribe, sis'li. ' L.c. Ixxxii. Elsewhere Peter. Their names and 

' MS. CuRzoN 118 (a.d. 1795), last fol., (j-jjjJI^jj ^^ dates are uncertain; cf. Hsts in Stern (Ersch and Gruber) 

je^j>\ (o5^. • • • and Mrs. Butcher's Siory of the Church. 


iteiituH eT^co«T epcoo-Y ajn« e-senni.igHpi xP'c|35-to'Y'2.o'\oy ^^nienicKonoc nCAiKocHr^ 
t^a.ninpecfe'YTepoc | itejmneqcon nejujuix^^nX nipeqn^Tf neAioeo'i.wpoc nipeqjuii iteAA- 
«ix«^h\ nii^pxHTeRTon neA^iix*^"*^ niROTr<si ] (a/ow^ margin) tgmi e'seneeo'j.ajpoc hcaa- 
co7\.OAitcon «ipeiutt5(0T^ o-yo^ a.'soc nwo-y •seniAio'y'Xg. ^q^o?. i^^PO" I SJi«» eoseniiJ^pROc 
nipeqc^a.! na'iRi'V nexinequjHpi ujmi e<sennicj.^ itocHt^ ^5^^I^^Kofeoc | 40 neqneqojHpi 
ujmi e-seimeMUiHpi ceito-Yoioc t^jvxiopea. neiie-senfi^fewK t^^^^I(i5».A»co« | igmi epoK e-sen- 
ue«iHHpi itio-YHfi THpo-Y MTVawmoc «eAi«iOYHi!( THpo-y juuuo«i^x°*^ rtexinH THpoy | CTUjini 
eg^pHi e-xcoit njwXm «h THpo-y eT5».TOTe« rta^oiiMi e-senenno-Y :• O-yog^ neqlpeqc^e^J nig^HKi 
nmepjuii ncTencon t^ewpcioc t^a^Kocjua. eqeujme e-seneHno-y neftAel-seno-yon wifeen eToy- 
ept^M-e-yi ^enTJMenicTo^H :• eujcon "xe awKiga.n«jm! e-sent^Aioy 5e«|45-«5AAa.pic -xeqxK 
^€«nepo«oc «Te ^aaom S itCAiKocKajui Auua.7a.T0Y •:• Tg^ipHim ■a.e hItc no3 eceujconi e-sen- 
ennoY niigeng^iiOT -xe r^a.?:^-^ aja^meneg^ THpoy a,AiHn ■:■ 

' (May) the first of every blessing (be) that fulfilled on and all grace (be) that over- 
shadowing the blessed, worshipful {.a-£^€a0at) son, the orthodox (op^dS.), reverend deacon, 
the great ruler {dpx(ov), the loving and beloved, (who is) in the right (5) faith of Our Lord, 
Jesus Christy 'master' Basoph^ the son of Elias. May God bless him with the spiritual 
{nvev^iaTiKO's) blessings that did descend upon His apostles and His prophets and upon 
such as do His will and His commandments (ivToXtj), in all generations (yevea), through 
the intercession (vr/jeo-ySeta) of the Virgin {napO.) (10) at all times. Amen. 

After the ascription of blessings unto him and the spiritual salutation {-irvevfi., ddrTrao-juds) 
to him, we shall inform thee {sic), our son, that, since the day whereon we came forth from 
Fustat, there hath not reached us from you a letter (eV.), wherein is (news of) your health^, 
(15) and our mind is troubled regarding you, especially {iiaXvo-Ta) seeing we have been 
informed of the terrible plague * (that is) in Fustat, and our soul (t/fu.) was very greatly 
grieved on thy account, my beloved son, and that of all our children that are in Fustat. 
But we, for our part, do beseech (20) Christ, our God, that (iva) He will take from off us 
and you both plague and every evil thing, and that He will suffer us to see your face in 
all prosperity (ayadov). 

Greet on our behalf thy father and all thy house and all them that are related unto 
thee. Greet on our behalf the priests of the church (25) (of) Zebile ^ and the deacons. 

Greet our son Solomon and Mark of Rosetta« and Mark ' and all his house and 

Persoma^ and Isaac and all those in Chonon". Greet Antonius and Apa Noub and 
Senouthius, the men of Sioti '">. Greet the Servant of the (30) angel (ayyeXo?), son of 

' C/. phrases in the Arabic colophon of no. 434. '^*.fiH\K in Horner's Boh. NT, i, p, cv; veSioyKon else- 

' ■ ",lj. Very probably the person wrongly called v/here {Bull. Inst /rani:, i. I'jo). 

'Yfisuf in Br. Mus. no. 724, where the name is (_i.»|jj » Thus spelt in the Scales; v. Amelineau, Geogr. 

('Ia)a(7a(/>). He was scribe of MS. Curzon 118 and dwelt in sgg &c. 

the Darb Adam, on the bank (^^j) of the Azbakiyah pond ' Apparently a name or epithet. Pronounce ? OshaJ. 

{I. c, f. 165 (5). Ci.^ in such a text would translate Jbi*. s Barsauma. 

' Lit 'peace '. C/. ^\^. a c/. xi.oxpnon, Amelineau, op. cil. 578. 

* Lit. 'death'. So below. Cf. axot in Turaef, " Perhaps for TeAicio.^ Damsis, or ^nepciio^ Gizah 

Matermly, no. 12. {op. cit 580); possibly even for ciwovt Siflt (cf. peujiTTe 

' Harah Zuwailah. F. Butler, C/^arcto i. 271. Spelt above). 



Joseph, and his brethren, and the Ser\'ant of the Holy One (aytos) ^ the(ir) lordships' scribe, 
and his brethren and the son of his father's brother, George. Greet ' master ' George the 
dyer, and his sons and his son's son, little George, and those related unto them. Greet 
my son (35) Christodulus of (the household of?)- the bishop, and Joseph of (the household 
of?) the presbyter, and his brother and Michael the overseer ^, and Theodore the weighing 
officer*, and Michael the architect (ap-^iTiKToyv) and little Michael. Greet Theodore and 

Solomon the ^, and tell them that the wax hath reached us. Greet Mark the scribe 

of the treasury'' and his son. Greet 'master' Joseph, son of Jacob, (40) and his sons. 
Greet our son Senouthius, son of Dorea'', and the servant, son of Piphamon. Greet on our 
behalf all our sons the lay (XaiKos) priests * and all the monastic (/xomxos) priests and all 
such as do greet us. Further {ttoXiv) all they that are with us will greet you. 

And his scribe, the poor cinder, your brother George, son of Cosma \ would greet you 
and all them that are mentioned in this epistle (ctt.). 

And (Se) if thou shouldest ask concerning the plague in (45) the southern country, 
(we would inform you) that it is in the diocese {dpovoi) of the Two Shmouns" and 
Koskam alone. 

And (8e) may the peace (dp-qirq) of the Lord be upon you. And (Se) thanks are (due) 
to God unto all ages. Amen,' 

1 This should be the translation of u-jJ^' J^ ! the pre- 
ceding of e)^l J-c. Marcus Bey Simaika informs me 
that both are common among the Copts of to-day. The 
fashion thus to translate seems not unusual ; v. Lagarde, 
Aeg. 238, PSBA. xxix. 201, 202. Of names now in use 
a large number are given on p. 355 flf. of the work cited on 
p. 204, note. 

'^ I know not if t^a.- can have this meaning. 

° peii- should imply a place-name. So here scarcely 
' masons ', ' sculptors ' (the verb has a variety of meanings). 

* Lii. ' of money ' (drachmas). 

' Probably intended for an Arabic name ; perhaps xj^j , 
though Simaika tells me that this is rare. 

' Presumably the secular clergy. C/. Cairo Eiichol. x^, 
ncitiO'^ AjLHOna.5<^oc Ke neitiO'J' nXi^iKOC. 

' This is the translator of the Bohairic Apostolical 
Canons in a.d. 1804 (Lagarde, Aeg. 238, cf. p. iv infra). 
" Ashmunain, 

H h 


462.— Papyrus ; a fragment; 17x38 cm. (width complete). Script: unusually large, 
sloping uncials, characterized (like several hands among the Ashmunain documents) by the 
absence of the middle tooth in w and ig. Cf. PI. 10, no. 159. Recto \ . 

Will of Pouroushi and Archontia, relating to land to be inherited by their son, 
Justa (Justus). The only will hitherto found among Ashmunain papyri. 

ak]noM no'ypo'Y[ig juina.p5(^tio«Ti8k] | ]r«w£ xinenujnpe io-yct*^ eT»^».[q efio\] | ] xieiiTOice -xe 

jLi«c«wnjuio[y] 'i.[e n]a>.p^ci)M|[Ti». ]y . • Mfcsei neit^opoc | ] M&.C ng^oYit u}js.i[ ]c | Js.p- 

;)(^{o]nTiev .«Ti TeqcmocKeyH [«]&.q n[. .] | t . . ui . . . n . . . . eTA.«cjLiHnTC &.[no]K noypoy^ 
AAK&.p^a)iiTi8w A*[. .] ] "sineqg^oiTe kti g^iwcoq lAHMHitca^niioY -^e nqp-soeic itTiciTKOg^e | 


KTJs.KajHpncg^&.ic ncei epiwi epoq ju.«e . [ | Tcneuj . THHoy A*oyg^ eneHT&.«TJv«>.q [ 

Verso blank. 

463 — Papyrus ; a fragment ; 10 x 7 cm. Script : ligatureless. Fibres -*, 

Guarantee {lyyvt]) by Theodore to the /cv/ais Taurinus, regarding a working tenant, 
for whom he goes surety and whom he will himself replace in case of failure, provided 
Taurinus retain him (the tenant) until the covenanted term. Cf. no. 134. 

]etto[ I i-xe nnqpoe epenKe[. | . . .] . . eni tco tio n2^e]T0iiu.(pc itneq-xe nqpnTi | npojune 
«».K Ti^KWTe^ I M».K ».ttOK aw-yto «npp(OJA€ I KWTe g^a^poi eni toj t«wTi | *ji».ivq k^oAokottm 

nR-vp/ I T2.'Ypme nj^ . TeR[qo]Rq | fco\ igswiiTeq-swR «eqpoiutne I . . e . RigMto-Ytouj eqoRq I 

[€]fc0\ I 

Verso. ^^ y^R aamth Rg^oXoROTTtt | no-yq «a.T\a.»wY n«ouir5ifi.o\<- | eioipK a.noR oeo'i.ojpe | 
nnno-YTC nnj^nTORpjvTcop | • npoc | eroAt eTiet-c-yH epeg^coq xa%x \ enoime g^-yno- 
Reice».i Ma.R | +*A.noR eeo'i.wpe nige n|n«.n«OYTe tictoi^/ | eTiec^cyH nee eccHg^ | jliaioc 
+ *».ttOR uid^R|&.pe nnjw nnoYT[e 

464 — Paper ; complete ; 9 x 6| cm. Script : v. PI. 2. 
A Tax-receipt«, obscure but interesting, as being dated, 'in this year 397.' The 

; ^- ^'- ^"^ P- ^^l . ' Different hand. . Different hand 

' V. nos. 158, 159, Krall cxii. s R,f„„ t u ^ • ^ ^ i^merent nana. 

3 T-k » ^k ■ • .u J. . . -^e'ore I had recognized the nature of this text the 

I he text here is m the reverse direction and there Pi^f,.., ko^ u , ^ ai. 'c ui mi» icai, mc 

being traces of a line above that first preserved the I wi Saw ,h 7 """''t ' ^'^ '°"''" ^''" ^''^ ^° 

difficult to account for. ^ ' ^ T"^^'"^, the description from its erroneous context and 

relegate it to this place. 


corresponding Arabic {verso, end of 1. 3) has 398. This is doubtless the MusHm era, in 
which 397 = A. D. 1006-7. 

«/ S g^i-<^poiuine TJS.I Ty^ | unoo bH^ coy iv^ eTio£i:| g^i-sojiiis'i's ^ ejuwncwp | s ««»^c»^p! 
%x\\. S xx/ ^en | nenei ^^^o•Y^K^s.ceJll. | 

Mansur and Naser have paid a sum which, according to 1. i of the Arabic, should be 
7 vo/LtiV/ittTa. Yet the sign following «/ is more like 'half, that for 7, in the dates, being 
differently formed. The meaning of 11. 4, 5 is obscure : possibly a transcript of Arabic 
words. Is Abu '1-Kasim another payer? His name appears to terminate the last line 
of Arabic, which begins V^^ ^y<aA/<> o^. ^J^ ^»o 

465.— Papyrus; complete; 6x8| cm. Script : seldom ligatured. Verso -^. Not 
from the Ashmunain collection. 

Account (\dy05) for half a ^eVty^s* (?) of oil, paid to the boys who guard the vineyard- 

+ ^*.e(op le enTVoKoc neKoyi [ ujHpe eTpeic sx^ox Ain(?lwA* oTfn^ig ^e[c]Tp^ mmg^ 
c^etoprte cth^c + 

Redo. A Greek Account. 

466.— Another fragment having been subsequently joined to that given on p. 107 as 
no. 219, the text now reads 

^ nKomcau enTiiue [ | xtnicocH^ «e.nHT[e | njge n6mT(op ««[ ] ^nn^nnoT-re ii«ie 
n.[ I space | ^ cenn*.<^H «nnceene [ | c^oife^xt^con o fconeoc [ \ j-soxxth n[ ] ]to« 

eTc[ |n]uje [« 

The authors are the kolpou and headmen of a village. 

> The second o was corrected to n, for ix... ' ^' can scarcely be read in the Arabic_ 

« The ?orm of gi.n- usual . g. in the alchemistic texts. ^ Rather |.Wpc| or another d.mmutwe form. 

H h 2 


467 [52].-The Arabic Texts bound together in no. 429 fiH foil. 2-1 71 (counting from 
the end). The 3 hands in which they are written all appear tolerably modern. 

A. Foil. 2-17. The Service of the Holy Lamp, described as no. 429 above. 

B. Foil. 18-48, in a different hand. Four Prayers u:>UU. i. ' Prayer for general 
use' c:.U.b51 J^^^^'^- Beg. ^<,JS.\ ^y^. o'c^a- W J-^J^ e^^ d^"^- ^^^ ^- ^^^^ 
(each petition ends thus). 2. ' Prayer to be said each day and may God accept the sayer.' 
Beg. '^ JJ'^; U ^\ '^\ ^b)^ b5 ^\■=v^w. 3. 'Prayer for absolution, from the Gospel of 
Luke.' Beg .oL?\..^Jl^ b^ S^\ J^\ e^o U J >^^ (each petition begins thus). 
4. ' Prayer composed from the Scriptures,' by iilksJl e>Ailsvil i^^iw. Beg. ^^^i^^ c^*^"^ U 
o^ Jl ^J\ ^^\ ^ ^:=rj^\ ^c>^\ (each phrase, for half the prayer, begins with ^5^=^-). 

C. Foil. 49-145. Prayers o\.JJ^, 50 in number, by 'the virtuous and pious priest ^, 
Anba Peter of Sedment ' ^o-x^S or ^Jki^cyku^\'■. The ist begins oja^sU^I £j>y.o \o\ f^-UI 
^j^ Qji vo-^\ (_^. ^J. Several are modelled closely upon the phraseology of the 

D. Foil. 147-162. ' The Ritual of the Service of Abu TarabO, for him whom a mad 
dog hath bitten' c^lXJl t_^\ {sic)shs. oL y^ jjI J^ c^>>. This curious magical 
service has been edited, in a rather more condensed form, by E. Galtier ^ Other copies 
of it are in the Vatican ^ and one, incomplete, in the Aberdeen University Library*. 

The sequence of the ritual differs in the MSS., those of Galtier (G) and Aberdeen 
(A) resembling each other as against ours (R). The rubric, with which all open, is in R, 
<«:yv..iAa^ ^*'^^9 ^^ i^ o^'^. cMj s^*-?. y^ j<y^ cJ^**?. <— "^(^ ev <c>lvji. A'^m (_yjbl5Ji 4>ji^l.>. 
A^juj A4.=aJ« c><sl=' i-:>i>//^ o-^.o-^ r^'J*" '-^t^ J"*^ ^-^ j^-^-?-} ^ovV^ <>:>?.*) (J^'5 J*^Xs> |\5j !>.•?. Ja 

««.! nHi t^^, a^pTCK, -i-o^a. nexpi, a.X, Re\ Ke\ iveX yyis ^ Teno-YwujT^ ^^^j Li>^ ^_,ys«^J! 
(_^)yAj\ cjyii, j»i 0«=^i J^v-^i cJ^i?. »^^\ (^1 ey^oi^Hcon e^uLnn Te«(oY)wu|T uluok e"^ n^^ ^ 
c5y^l e>sJJL>. Here follow the Lessons in Coptic and Arabic «: Eph. iii. 13-15 (Ar.-i7), 
Ps. vi. I, 2, Matt. XV. 21-28, followed by the ' Response' oy> of the Gospel^ the 3 Prayers 
(for fathers, peace and congregation) and this Blessing, IjenoYiAeeiiHi epeniciioy me 

• In the Fayyfim. V. Makrizi, Monasteries no. 32, As- ' Mai iv. 187, v. 146. I have not consulted these MSS. 

Safadi, Tdrih p. 22,3. Oiher works of Peter 'the Arme- ■« The MS. belonged to Dr. Grant Bey and is dated 

nian': Riedel, Katal . . .AM 'l-Barakdt p. 698, Mai iv. a. d. 1795. b Qlive-oil F p r8 n 

pp. 248, 250 ZoTENBERG's Elhiop. Cat. p. 73. His date, • Presumably the melody proper to the hymn in Theo- 

according to Mai s MS., should be a.d. 1260, not 1062. tohia p. 141 ; cf. Cairo Euchologim p. 30. The following 

Brdletinde Hnst. fran,. iv. 105. The identification .„>,, &c. are doubtless from the Service of Morning Incense^ 

with ©cpa^v has been questioned (P. Peeters in Anal. Boll. but I cannot precisely identify each 
XXV. 341). Cl. Ganneau proposes ®£pa7r£,;W (Rec. d'Arch. ' V. Eucholog. pp. 19, 46 &c. 

Or. vii. 369). Were it not that a different transcription « The lessons nnH thiir c=r,„I,,„., • ,u • j.^r • 

/ .u.-ijir X jjT ,, -^ "'^ 's'-sons, ana tneir sequence inthe service, differ in 

(prosthetic 1 and J, for ^) seems needed, I would suggest the other MSS. : in G Rom xv 1-4 Ps vi cj 2 Toh v 

\yj = 1p^^(y\ a saint of many transformations {v. H. 1-18; in A, Rom. vi. 12, 13 Ps kiv 4 2 Toh v' ,-i8 ' 
GUnter, Zf^f«fl'^«-^/a(fzf« 66), to whom the demon appears ' ? THp Dnv^i^rv,, • 't. . J • • 

in form of a fiery-eyed dog (4cne. P. G. 1x4, 1316C). Cairo l^.i 03 ''"^ """'^"^ ^^"'^"^^"' "^•'' 


nidwCR-yTHc d^Mdw ei^pno-Y njuto^ociTHc ewqei •3SiOc{sic) THpo-y -se^AAHH «>.ceuj(oni. Then 
comes the History B;aa« of Abba TarabO. Beg. ^»\S3\ J^\ pbl ^y lol^W^I J^j ^_y ij^ 
^_^^^l^.o^i?.o. It relates how this pious and charitable person, zealous for martyrdom, 
suffered at the hands of the pagans and lay in prison until released by the edict of 
Constantine; and how thereafter he chanced to encounter at midday a mad dog, 'the 
water dripping from his mouth, fierce and walking awry, as one lame, turning this way 
and that, his eyes being as yellow gold and he like unto one drunken with wine,' 55-?^*" 'U^ 
wUa^j ji.Aa>.U)| vo^j 2J.As^UJl ffjji ^^J>s. (Jla^J; ^^^NjJI J,a^ ^4^ i_^ i^-^^- W^?^-»^ ^^^ <^'' 
^^4^1 eve i^l^Vf ybj yLo^iJI c^jJVf. Seeing him thus possessed, Abba T. prays and 
Michael, forthwith coming to his aid, slays the dog with his wand \~>ac. The evil spirit 
promises never more to enter where the names of God and Abba T. may be ; while the 
angel announces that God has given the saint power over ' this foul spirit ', both in life and 
after death, so that when either man or beast be bitten and the victim cry on the God ot 
Abba T., 'straightway, by the will of God, I {sc. Michael) will take forth from him its 
poison and he shall not be shaken ^y:y^., nor upset, nor terrified, neither shall aught of ill 

befall him, nor the mad dog's poison harm him Make their sign in God's name 

and thine.' A widow's only son, being bitten, is sent by his mother to Abba T., bearing 
a present of 7 unsalted loaves, 7 fresh, unsalted cheeses e^v?^ ^ b^ ^^^, 7 bunches 
of grapes ol^ and a little olive-oil and wine, all wrapped in a white cloth^l;!. On 
learning his need, Abba T. summons 7 pure boys jUk^ ^^ e>^^< and, biddmg them 
follow him and respond to each word he shall say, he sets the widow's son with his gifts 
before him, placing in front of him the oil and wine and a jar sl^j of fresh water. Then 
he turns 7 times round the bitten boy, followed by the 7 children, to whom he says, 
'Welcome children JUL^)! Wi ^ W^^; peace unto you,' while they reply, 'And unto 
thee peace O master.' He : ' What seek ye ? ' They : ' Healing we seek, for this unhappy 
one, that the mad dog hath bitten.' He: 'Depart in peace. The Lord shall cure and 
heal him for His trusty promise unto me. His servant, that do confess His name.' Here 
follows a long prayer by Abba T., including Ps. xc. The ceremony concludes with further 
ritual The first of the 7 boys approaches the priest, the whole congregation meanwhile 
joining hands, and says, ' Peace unto thee, O teacher of teachers*.' The priest replies, 
questioning him as before ; but here healing is sought for all such as may have been bitten. 
Then as each time they repeat their circuits round the supplicant, 7 to right and 7 to leit, 
thev say mceene nicene^. Then the priest takes the first boy's hand and all bark ^^. 
like dogs and bite at the unleavened bread >iJi e^ J^^, until it is consumed the 
victim standing in their midst the while and saying, 'By the prayers of the saint^^ Abba T. 
may the Lord accept your prayers and grant me healing speedily, after which the pries 
dismisses them with his blessing «. To this ritual is appended the following charm, useful 

, ^ , , M, . r • ^ W^iL Aom. more material means. '. . . and he {sc. the victim) shall 

tr J^y\. yji^ ^ ^j^- J^j. ^^^ ^^^ p.^^^ ^^ unleavened cake that has been placed in 

= G A gjUl. ^^^ ^.j ^^^ j^^gj^ fj.pjjj jj^g l3oys' i^pij^r.) mouths and shall 

* Reading ^^,^^1 J« for jjAl |J"- ^^ anointed with the oil and shall drink of the water and 

= MS. A, nicee. Perhaps meant for some lorm oi ^^^^ therewith; so shall he be made whole by the blessing 

vuxrewiv. of the saintly Abba T. Thereafter the priest shall say the 
« MS. A has lost some leaves here, but its last words ^^ , 

show that the results of the ritual were to be ensured by 



against trembling^' ^D ^cv^.U- 'Let him write (this) upon two leaves of paper e>^,^ 
and he shall be healedby God Almighty's leave. And this is what he shall wri e : In he 
name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful. Let the trembling ^=^ die out from the 
body of NN., the son of NN.' Here 3 magical signs ^ Ui-m_3. ^jml^, «.JlJL=^-<. the ist 6, 
the 2nd 3, the 3rd 6 times. 'O plant, sprouting in the body ! he that dieth, doth die d^ 
die, by the power of Him that liveth and dieth not' e>^. u^ r^ C5* ^^^' ^^' ^-^ 

^y^. b5 eiJJi ^J^^ ^y^ "^y '^y '^y- 

E. Fol. 163 a, b. A Charm against the Evil Eye. This text, similar in several 
features to Syriac^ and Greek charms^ is found in identical form in Ethiopic^ ^ 
o^\ ^ ^^1 ^y^. bo^ ^\S W ■ij^\^ e>-*3l e.y:, eiLUJl ^=J1 OJUJl Jji ^> ^ 

^ir Uy.! o^^ [c^]^ ^ tf^<^^:^5^3 jiij d^i jJ ^>^\ ^y^. ^^^<^ vW^ ^'-^ '■^■j^ u<*J 

»y^^l [e;.J^\ ^4 yj^ bj-Axu »J yUii U^3 1^. U ^^^^ ^^-= (^^ J^ cf*^^ ^ 

(i63 3)LUo]NJjlj «l^l Jl »>k> !o]^ I4XJ c>*la» cJ^i [ii^i]^ iJ>3 \o\j, \^)^. W»;>i* Ufc,!^ 
vc>A JU» rfJvA v:,ir ul »J-A^b5^ J^ gyy-4,1 ^^*^. bj-^w, oU-l» c^^bJ^ <_5» t^y^ob Ulj^ 

^iJ^ L5i^!? L5»>^^ S^-?;^ »^^^ c5^ ^vh -'^^ ^^^»>^|^ Ub^cM=vi 5.j>.op\ '^.i^Ul e>A*J\ 
UaI j.Ji,lAAl c:>».i> '■i'^^\ vjjb (_Ubi. ^cV.£ o^ 'iJi.oJ^ 'jJj^aUI (xV*J^ 'fcJ*^ ^^==*^* (-5/s«J|^ 
Lm»»X° i-^;^ '^t'H? iw£j<>*5^ ^y »t>A*^l e>^l sxliA^ («V) (_5l<>i»)\ eyjjbL^l <_yl i^b^ol 
^]j ^y (J^ U/b)^^ 1/^:^51^ ^Ul=b51 (J-^51^ A^iiJl^ ^3^ e>A^.^l^ .Ij-gAJl (^A-^e;^ ^==o^^l 
ewyol (_5^^*2 jJJi L/J^-? «/!i^^ 06*5l <-:^b5-^ (-V^ 1^^ C'^y*'^ 0?y*>tv' ^<^ 

' In the name of God, the Creator, the Living ! Pronouncing of the charms of the Eye 
and the Glance " : — When Our Master Jesus Christ (unto whom glory) was walking by the 
Lake of Tiberias, He and His pure disciples, lo, an old woman, forth from whose mouth 
went flames of fire ' to a length of 60 ells ; and she had tusks and claws, like to the claws 
of a lion ; and her eyes gleamed like gold ; and she was very frightful to behold. Our 
Master Jesus Christ (unto whom glory) answered and said unto His disciples, ' Who is 

this^?' And her being was not hid from Him, but in order that what they would 

do unto her I And they said unto Him, 'O Our Master, this is the wicked Evil Eye, 

' A symptom of hydrophobia. 

" Of a type not unHke those common in Muslim magic, 
e.g. Z.f. Assyr. xx. 409, line 14. 

' Cf. those published by H. Gollakcz, nth Or. Congr., 
Pt. iv, esp. pp. 92, 93. 

* Cf. Reitzenstein, Poimandres 2^), 298. 

^ Two versions exist among the charms collected by 
Prof. LiTTMANN. Dr. W. H. Worrell (Michigan Univer- 
sity), who is editing these {Stud. z. abessin. Zauberwesen), 
has kindly supplied me with versions. 

' Ethiop., ' Prayer concerning NadarS.' Worrell hesi- 
tates, on phonetic grounds, to identify this with Arab. ijiu. 

' The Ethiop. confirms this, though the form appears 

' The question in the Eth. is the disciples', the reply 
Christ's. But the following explanatory words are there 

" Reading ^^53. I do not understand the following 
words. Perhaps y,lj . Eth. has no parallel. 


which, when ^ she looketh upon a ship saihng in the sea, overturneth it with those therein ; 
and when she looketh upon a horse in its course, upsetteth it with its rider ; and when she 
looketh upon a cow about to be milked, cutteth off its milk ; and when she looketh upon 
a woman and her children (163 b) before her '^, they go speedily to destruction.' And Our 
Master Jesus Christ answered and said to His disciples, ' If these be the deeds of this 
accursed, wicked Eye, take ye her and burn her with fire and scatter her unto the 4 winds, 
the east and west and south and north.' And the accursed, wicked Eye shall go forth 
from Thy servant that beareth this prayer, by the might of 'I am that I am '3, Adonai, 
the Lord of Hosts, El Shaddai, and by the mediation of the Lady and Mistress Mary, 
the Virgin, and by the might of Marl Marcus the Evangelist, and all the martyrs and 
saints and the fathers and the prophets and the pure and holy apostles, now and evermore 
and for ever and ever. Amen. Finished and completed is the prayer of the Eye and the 
Glance, by the help of God Almighty. Amen.' 

F. Foil. 164-166. The Letter of Abgar to Christ,^ cJtjJl * ^_J^yi.o\Ji^ (^y*>.o^\ oJU^ 
^\ ^\ Upi iC^ ^so\, and Christ's reply, ^\ bj.<w, ev^ ^\ys^\. The text is the same 
as that edited by Hyvernat in Tixeront's Origines de I'Eglise d'Edesse, pp. 98, 200, ending 
with the names of the 7 seals affixed to the second Letter. 

G. Foil. 167-171, in a different hand. Extracts Jyai from the Gospels : Luke i. 
26-38, ib. X. 38-42, Matthew xii. 35-50, Luke i. 39-56. Each ends with siJ o^\y 

> The same enumeration in Eth. as here. Z.f. Assyr. xx. 244 ; also the above Syriac charms, pp. 79, 

2 5 ,. go, and L. Blau, AlijUd. Zauberwesen 103. 

3 V. Exod. iii. 14. For this name, thus transcribed, and * Stc for u-j),Vcjl. 
the following, v. Goldziher in ZDMG. xlviii. 359 and 


n. = note. 

Page 3, line lo. Read pKc. 

„ 7, 1. 15. Read gineKA.if^H. 

„ II, penult. Read HTvepiJULttOYCiit (virepu/AvoBo-tv). 

„ 14, note 5. Cf. Cod. Vatic. Arab, clxxii, 99 3 t_«a-L« 

„ 15, 1. 14. Junker (in Oriens Christ, vi. 332) points 
out that this is identical with part of Brit. Mus. 
no. 161. 

„ 16, 1. if from below, ns.'fc. The devil loq. 

„ 17, n. 2. Cf. Balestri-Hyvernat, Acta (CSCO.) 
i. 194, t^iWT juiiTJwiAxon&CTHpion, Mission f rang. 
iv. 175, c^iojT ij.n«.iTonoc, Hist. Patr. (Evetts) 
510, J»il IJA Ul (of Macarius in Scete). 

„ 19, n. 4. Read a>p5(^*.rue\oc . 

„ 24, 1. 21. Read do-Ktiv. 

„ 29, I. 19. I may here mention a fragment in the 
collection of the Patriarch, at Cairo, which shows 

the following colophon : Jikyw ■s[ jife 

clio\ iineqfiioc ns'i itJu.&K«>pioc e.Ti«> iwgivn- 
HHC n«.n«.5(^u>piTHC ncoY'soTfTO")fe AtneioT 
oa.«^top neTeu(*,-]fju.oyTe epoq gwiuq [gnoY]- 
cjfnTA.fju.i, s[en]a.p[*.]'^[ei]coc gno-]feipHii[H 
&c. This fragment is from the MS. of Zoega 
no. clxv, Brit. Mus. no. 333. Another, from the 
same MS. and in the same collection, shows a 
decided relationship with the chapter on John 
of Lycopolis in the Hist. Monach. The title 
'Paradise', applied thus to a Life of John, is 
noteworthy. (Cancel reference in note 6 to Brit. 
Mus. 333.) 

„ 38, 1. 5. For ]ninTe[, read ]in en tio [n]pi | ]k4> | 
This is perhaps, like no. 81 ff., a Festal Leiter. 
The Greek text was upon one side only. 

„ 39, n. I. Add: the long 8th century Letter, lately 
acquired for Berlin. 

„ 46, 1. 9. For T6he, v. p. 173, n. 2. 

„ „ 1. 15. The full text in Basset's Synaxarium 
{Patrol. Or.), nth Kihak. 

„ penult. On the Greek texts relating to these martyrs 
V. now Krumbacher, in Munich Academy, Abh. 
xxiv. Bd. (iii), 78. 

„ 47, 1. 20. Read: about 13 letters. 

„ ,, n. 3. In Balestri-Hyvernat, op. cif., 13, a 
wooden wheel, •xewXiX, is used to saw the martyr's 
body in two; cf. ib. 72 dtrr^ptoi', 113 rpoyxi<i. 

I. 54i n. 5. ciK occurs in Hyvernat, Actes 313, infra. 

» 59) n- 3- «.itRet^o\oc is merely ey/ce'^aXo?. The form 
fkitKe^oXoc also in Balestri-Hyvernat, ii, 
144 &c. 

„ 61,1.18. The formula should be TeKK\Hci«> HTnoXic 
Axjuikinexcj though there is hardly space for 
all that. 

„ 63. A photograph of no. 115 appears in Caetani's 

Annali, ii (I), 696. 
„ 68, 1. 20. For poAie, read poAine. 
,, 69, 1. 15. For cion, read cjun. 
„ „ penult. <^t^')Qo is here rather a name ; as such 

it is frequently found in the Jkow (Aphrodit6) 


Page 70, 1. 13. Read g4,Tteqnp[octonon. 

„ n. 4. Preisigke's publication {Griech. Pap 

zu Strassburg, i (II), 1908, nos. 46 ff.) of a series 
of 6th century deeds of surety suggests an ex- 
planation of these formulae. Aoyos would be 
' excuse ', crraupos and crxrjf-'''- /iovap^oij (.'') would 
refer to exemption or asylum, claimed on the 
ground of proximity to sacred objects {cf. P.'s 
6u(j)v x"paKTj;/3a)v) or of monastic vows; while 
' Sunday ' and ' festival ' would correspond to 
P.'s dyi'as KvpiaK^'S . . V£ dwpd/CTOv rjfjiipais (KenYON 
suggests iv iiJ,-rrpa.KT(0 ■^fj.epa). Cf. also Pap. 
Oxyrh., cxxxv, cited by Wenger, Rechtshist. 
Papyrusstud. 59. 
„ 71, I. 15. Traces of the protocol are visible, above 
the text, on the verso. 
78, 1. ^from below. Read Ajiep[oc]. Cf. Revillout, 
Actes iie. 
,, 82, 1. 3. For egooy, read epooy. 
„ „ 1. 16. For cwit, read cajlh. 
„ „ n. 5. A Balaiza fragment (now in the Bodleian), 

with a list of utensils, has nma.^ niS'wps'. 
„ 86, n. I. For 32, read 33. 

,, 87, 1. 24. The occurrence of \ivuja>ne is to be noted 
(cf Brit. Mus. Catal., p. 522, infra). But there 
is no evidence whence the present MS. came. 
„ 88, no. 166. For recto, read verso, and conversely. 
,, 90, 1. 3. The following small piece has since been 

added above 1. i : ] Tifiepi npWAie iijai[ 
„ „ n. 4. This name in Arabic : Amelineau, Ge'ogr. 
399, 403, the Synaxarium having Ijlcl. Jb.^ 
123, one might read 'jIcI {cf. Hall, I.e.), did 
not Ethiopic 'Agabiyos' confirm 'Agapit'. 
„ 92, nos. 179, 180. These are not tax, but rent 

„ 96, n. I. The picture kissed by Severus {v. p. 211, 

1. 28) is painted upon a t^W'si nuje ~^. 
„ 98, n. 3. Cancel reference to Krall. nvrwow there 

is a man's name. 
„ 107, no. 219. V. no. 466. 
„ III, n. II. Or ? J.y!l^J. 

„ 116, n. 9. Discussed at length in ZDMG. Ixii. 552. 
„ 124, n. 9. This needs modification. The script may 

well be of the 8 th century. 
„ 165, «//. Aie'sHy. C/; Brit. Mus. no. 1118, AAC's&q. 
„ 193, n. I. On o-yiogexi and related questions, v. 

Junker in Oriens Christianus vi (1906), 343. 
„ 209, 1. 15. I have since noticedHthat this ' Nicode- 
mus' occurs similarly in no. 431, foil. 67a 
(=TuKi 284 supra, though the name is omitted) 
and w^b {Absdliyah for Friday), which corre- 
spond respectively to foil. 43 a, 59 a of no. 432. 
Further, no. 431, fol. 86 iJ similarly names 
'Sergius' c».pRic = nos. 432, fol. 52 a and 433, 
177 i5=TuKi 289 supra (omitting name). These 
hymns are all acrostical ; so too are those 
naming ' Nicodemus' (24 in all) in no. 433. 



a = first half of century, b = second half. 






or year 


or year 


or year 


or year 














? „ 


















8 a 
















8, 8-9 





88 {a) 













a. A.D. 1050 
















II a 
















II a 




II a 












? 6-8 






ca. A.D. 600 






9-1 1 








A.D. 1006 




? 6-8 




9-1 1 











20 (i) 









62 {a) 





2 2 {a) 







7 a 





















19 a 



107 (6) 




8 a 







108 {i) 


? 6-7 

















? II-I2 






112 (6) 







8 a 






8, 8-9 

?8 a 

















? 10 





T 1 

I 1 






or year 


or year 














8 a 




























A.D. 721 




















8 a 




8, 8-9 



























































196 (a) 

























7, 7-8 
















9, 9-10 


















ro. 8 a, vo. 8 




















































or year 



4. 4-5 

8 a 



8 a 











? 8 









5, 5-6 



6, 6-7 












































or year 


8-9, 9 


7 a 

8 a 


8 a 


ca. A.D. 600 








6-7, 7 




7, 7-8 











9-10, 10 










A.D. 931 









or year 

Number or year 


or year 


or ) ear 



401 8 a 







402 8 







403 6 


A.D. 1375 





404 7-8 


A.D. 1761 





405 9 




A.D. 1771 



406 6 


? 14-15 


A.D. 1839 



407 9 


A.D. 1749 


A.D. 1840 



408 8 




A.D. 1843 



409 f 6-7 




A.D. 1798 


ro. 8 a, vo.'S b 

410 ? 


A.D. 1833 






A.D. 1762 





Middle Egyptian 


A.D. I75I 





411 ? 7-9 

412 lO-II 


A.D. 1609 


? 13-14 




413 6, 6-7 

414 ? 8 


A.D. 1799 





415 ? 9-10 


JJ ' 


















4, 4-5 

416 19 







417 14 




A.D. 1006-7 



418 18 







419 A.D. 1795 


? 17-18 





420 19 





I 1 2 



































2 b 


20 a 




51 114 




























23 a 








24 a 








24 b 








24 c 









6-', 85, 89, 90 

43 a 




1 1 




43 b 





























424, 461 



47 a 








47 b 












numbers= pages. n. = note. 

= more than once on this page. 

eJ!i«>CT (? A^a 2t£ks), 1 09. 
^A'^cWew, 155. 

dii'^epdju.&ii, father of Yezid, 64, 176. 
ei.&'^cp2JUi&.n, 65. 

A^Sep{paaiuiv), father of Omar, 155. 
aJieX, biblical, 61. 
«iiiXep[ ,110. 
«>&\«.pion, saint, 213. 
i-noYXio-yJUJin, 138. 
^kIlo•y\K4.ceJU, 235. 
A.noifXoYcep, III. 
eJaoy iu\«.\, 136. 
«knoyppwujeT or e.n(j)-, 143. 
tkkoy c&SkX, 100. 
jkAoycctopwp, 173. 

&&pe^£«ju., e>qpjkg*ju., biblical, 61, 174. 
— . 79. 87, 120, 123, 172, 180. 

a>Iip6>2HAi, i77- 
jw?^ (? Aycvts), 109. 
Ayaprjvos, 2 1 1 n . 

ikfcne, father of Paul, 90. 

a>fene, 90, 176 n. 

Ayevi; (fem. ?), 107. 

AyevL^, 90 n. 

Aggenus, Agennus &c., 90 n. 

«.-2^aju., biblical, 40, 214. 

— , name of a melody, 2 1 4. 
ASeX<f>ioi, 150 n. 
«.-^pia.itoc, 109, no. 
e.e&ruvcioc, e.^eknd.ce, 102, 103, 109, 

134. 177- 
— , father of George, 68. 

— , son of George, 176. 

— , son of Phil[ , 63. 
(a.)'&&n«LCi«., III. 
A/ctopts, 109 n. 
AXia-ov (gen.), 108. 
d.\\ci-^, 122, 
ejuuu.(jj[tuoc], 109. 
iJuiAiwne, 78, 133, 163. 
ajuuuLUnlun, 147. 
ejULOyn, 140. 
«juLCon, 106. 

eojipoYC, 164. 

«.it«.tuewc, 135. 

*.na,CTa>ce, 166, 169. 

4>nTvpe*.c, 102. 

AsieejuLioc, 89. 

&.noAion, son of Ermias, 79. 

noYfi (a.ttOY&), 231. 

i-itofn, 84, no, 178. 

^tioyfc {AvovOk), ioi, 184. 

Avoui^tos, father of Pachymius, 68. 

ekitoyt^, father of Apa Victor, 89. 

— , 80, 105, 108. 
eiLitTiitooc, 109. 
4.iiT(j)it{ioc), 122. 
aLKTwni, ? saint, 138. 
eiKTwne, father of Cosma, 100. 

— , son of Heracleides, 105. 
a.rtTwni, 231. 
d.n"^t)i)Ke, 87. 
ekHft. ToXoc, 213. 
«.noXXio, saint, 168 n. 

— , father of Cyriacus, 73. 

— , father of Jeremias, 90. 

— , father of Mone, 73. 

.-^, son of Phoebammon, 69. 

— , son of Wenober, 71. 

— , 70, *72, 92. IOI. i°9. 122. 135. 
168, 176, 178. 
«.n«LXo, father of Bane, 98. 
*.nXw, 67, 144, 180. 
iknoXXwnioc, 109. 
a.nocT[oXoc], father of Taurinus, 96. 

— , 88, 107. 
6.npe.Koc, ? saint, 213. 
e^pekigiT, 80. V. pe-ujiTk.. 
Aptios, Apr], 75 n. 
Apoov, 108 n., 115. 
6,ponnoTfTe, 129. 
ApTTvovTis, 129 n. 
ApoTys, 77. 

a.pXeXXiT(Hc), III. 
e.pXwnTi«>, 234. 
e.CH. If, 95- 

jvcy^KpiTe (AcrvyKptTtos), son(?) of 

Theodore, 105. 
«.YK«.Kioc, saint, 213. 
ikt^OY, father of la . . ., 102. 

— , son of Le. . ., 68. 

— , 148. 

«Lg*k(3'op, 109 n. V. ga>(3'op. 
AgJUHT, III, 177, 

Abgar Letters, 239. 

Abtl '1-Baraldt, 213. 

Abfl '1-Faraj b. al-'Assal, 224, 226, 228. 

Abfl Ishak b. al-'Assal, 225-8. 

Abfl 's-Sa'd, 204, 206, 207. 

Abfl Shakir b. ar-Rihib, 226, 227. 

Abfl TarabQ, saint, 236. 

Adam and Eve, Apocryphon of, 40. 

Adam, name of a melody, 208, *209, 

Alexander of Alexandria, 50 n. 
Andrew, apostle, 43. 
Antinoe, 27. 
Antonius, Anthony, saint, 27, ib. n., 138, 

195, 209. 
Apollo, god, 222. 
Apollo, saint, 107 n. 
Arian, persecutor, 212, 222. 
Armenius, persecutor, 222 n. 
'Assal, al-, 196, 224-7. 
Athanasius, saint, 24, 27, 30, Son., 198. 

— , bishop of AbMg, 231. 
jii \i\, Ab^ Dir, 191. 
JIll j^, 'Abd Allah, 183. 
i^«j>Jl JljC, 'Abd ar-Rahman, 65 n. 
J-^jll _^.l Abfl '1-Wasl, 240. 
-«i _j3l, Abfl Nu'aim, 185. 
j^ ol, Abfl Tahir, no n. 
LjJ jjI, Abfl Tarab6, 236. 
^.1, Abgar, 239. 
j^.^J, Ablarion, 213. 
(jlijjl, Adonai, 238. 
wlcl (?), Aginah, 176 n., 246. 
x^\, Ahmad, in, 177. 
^jfi, 'Amr, 164 n. 



j^s., 'Amr, 183. 
(jjitlil, Anatalus, 213. 
ij.ail, Andfinah, 105. 
^jjjlc^l, Argadifls = u-^^^jl, 239. 
i^^Lk^l, Astafan, 64. 
iJic, 'Attiyah, 207 n. 
i_^«;bj, Aubitifls, 213. 

fci^ne, father of Papostolus, 178. 

— , father of Severus, 64. 

— , son of Apollo, 98. 

— , son of Jacob, 66. 

— , son of John(?), 178. 
&«.«e, loi, 155, 159, 177. 
lia.ciKioc, of Caesarea, 25. 
Bao-iXios, 6&ci\e, 78, 91, 171, 174. 
&*.ci\iTHC, saint, 220. 
&&.coc^, <—SL^\, 231. 
&e\i6juin, 106. 
fieiiiejuiiit, son of Jacob, 80. 
fcHca., archimandrite, 21. 
B»7(ra/nu)V, 12 2. 
fiiKTwp, father of CoUuthus, 84. 

— , father of Enoch &c., 87. 

— , father of John, 95. 

— , son of Anouph, 89. 

— , son of Claudius, 65. 

— , son of Mena, 71, 98. 

— , *67, 69, *7i, 76, 104, 106, 
107, 109, no, 123, 124, 133' '34- 
135. 140, 153. 155. 159. 171. 
179. 185, 235. 
ioynoc^Hp, V. o-]fetto£ip. 
Barbara, saint, 209. 
Barsauma the Naked, 209. V. Parsoma. 
Barsdm, f«j-y)., father of Girgis, 210. 
Basil of Caesarea, 200. 

— , Rules of, 25. 
Behnam and Sarah, saints, 212. 
Benipi, saint, 195. 
Besa, saint, 27. 
Bifam (Phoebammon), 209. 
Victor, saint, 195, 210, 222. 
.Li), Bashsher, 105. 
s.Lij, Bashsharah, 209. 
iju,, Batrah (Peter), 183. 
^U), Bifam (Phoebammon), 64. 
j:ilj, Bilal, 163. 
(^U-^, BishS}, 195. 
i^Lij, ijyi-^i, 144, 192. 
Jaii,, Buktur (Victor), 183. 
iJy., Bttlah (Paul), 64. 

T-jJipiHX, archangel, 43, 219. 
— 'I74. 

^'Moc, no. 
nertrta.'^H, 107, 235. 
fepii*.rtoc, 123, 130, 137. 
xrewpuioc, t«e{Dpt"e, PKDpre, saint, 93. 

— , father of Athanasius, 176. 

— , father of John, 75. 

— , father of Macarius, 82. 

— , father of Phoebammon, 93. 

— , father of Zacharias, 100. 

— , son of Athanasius, 68. 

— , son of Cosma, 232. 

— , son of Mena, 97. 

— , son of Melas, 75. 

— , son of Paul, 89. 

— , son of Philolheus, 87. 

— , 67, 74, 77, 80, *S8, 91, loi, 109, 
no. III, 122, 164, 172, 180, 185, 
213 n., *23i. 
I'pHt'opioc, ^pHuope, Theologus, Na- 
zianzene, 7, 39 (.''), 200, 212. 

— , son of Christodorus, 97. 

— , son of Zacharias, 74. 

— , 68, 89. 
Gabriel, archangel, 196, 203, 204, 209. 

— , b. Turaik, patriarch, 213. 

— , of Kau, 206. 

— , 208. 
George, saint, 45, 195, 208, 210, 220. 

— , of Alexandria, saint, 210. 

— (Girgis), son of Barsflm, 210. 
Gesius and Isidorus, story of, 50. 
Gregory of Nyssa, 221. 

— Thaumaturgus, 212, 221. 
— , monk, 212. 

<ull jU., Gadd Allah, 199, 206 n. 

.s^ih-i. 213- 

•i.«JuiMte, 93, 98, 100. 
TAjuLia^noc, 103. 
■2k.£LniHX, prophet, 219. 

— , father of Zacchaeus, 172. 
■:i,4LniH\, 88, 108, 147. 
•^.i^Tefa., 73. 

ik.&oi'i,, son of Severus, 69. 
■^epoY"^!, saint, 213. 
■i.iOKXH'^, *i6. 
■i.ionHcioc, Areopagite, 45, 212. 

— , 150- 
■i.iocRopoc, patriarch, 14, 187, 212. 

— , son of Theodore, 75. 

— , son of Cosma, 80. 

— , 88, 91, 92, 141, 173. 
■i.ojuLHTii.«oc, martyr, 52. 
Tpocic (-^pocic), 134. 
•jLtope*., 232. 

•jkCopoeeoc, •2>.copoee, son of Leontius, 

•2>.wpoeeoc, 91, 92, 136, 176. 
Dionysius of Corinth, 212, 
Dives and Lazarus, 26. 
Dorotheas, saint, 46. 
Duhairi, ad-, 224-7. 
i«i)j , DaMmah, 90 n. 
JLibDanySl, prophet, 191. 
jjIj, Da ad, 177. 
ijjjilij!lliu.>, Diocletian, 237. 
sj^.j, Durai', 233 n. 

eXis'a.fieT, mother of the Baptist, 37. 

eXiccjkioc, 153. 

en(ji)5(^, son of Pinoute, 103. 

— , son of Victor, 87. 

— , 68, 72, 103, 167, 169. 
e^ixxi.-'Xpc, 178, 181. 
epjui*>c, father of Anobion, 79. 
ecewy, biblical, 187. 
e-y^OKHCic {sic), heretic, 51. 
ey^o^oy, daughter of Theodoracius, 

efXofia,, 81, 92. 
eyXor'ioc, saint, 17. 
eyceAioc, eYci^ioc, martyr, 220. 

— , father of John, 65. 

— , 228. 
eycTa-^e, 70. 
Ev(TTe(^ios, 74- 
e^THXHc, heretic, 51. 
eYc^HJuijw, 178. 
eif?*'. Eve, 40. 
eujoY(?), 109. 
egwTe, III. 
Elijah, prophet, 218. 
Epiphanius of Cyprus, 211. 
Euius, persecutor, 222. 
Eustathius Placidus, 212. 
LslxiJl {sic). El Shaddai, 238. 

^*'X*'Pi»'C, father of Gregorius, 74. 
— , son of George, 100. 
— , 82, 91, 104, 109, III, 121, 133, 

136, 142, 148, 156, 165. 
7ik5(^eyc, 109. 
Ci^xeoc (Zacchaeus), son of Daniel, 

ZotT, father of Pambo, 68. 
Zacharias, father of the Baptist, 15, 36. 
Zeno, emperor, 49. 
Ij^, Zakariya, 64. 

gHpe.KXei-a.H, father of Antonius, 105. 



gHpa-KXei-xe, 102. 

gHpwa.HC, 26. 

h\i«.c, gH\i<vc, son of Paul, 63. 

— , 68, 71, 72, 108, III, 219, 231. 
HCd.i«>c, prophet, 10, 14, 52. 
Hc^fj^^ioc, martyr, 52. 
Elias, 218. 

Esaias (Isaiah), ' loud-voiced,' 1 4 n. V. 

•ea-A-Wp, king, 41. 
ee^nXo-Yc, 175 n. 
■ee-pTkC"^, TiptSanjs, 213. 
»«.pnoY, saint, 237. 
•»eo-3b>[ ,78. 
eeo'^bopd.Ke, 69, 74- 
oe-yTs-wpaLKe, 143. 

■»HYTWp4.KH, 103. 

eeo-^wpoc, ^eo'^wpe, Stratelates, saint, 
16, 17. 

— , saint, 78, 112. 

— , father of Asyncritius, 105. 

— , father of Dioscorus, 75. 

— , father of Ignatius, 1 1 3. 

— , son of Leontius, 80, 99. 

— , son of Papnoute, 234. 

— , son of Pg61, 72. 

— . i3> 86, 99, 104, *i09, III, 121, 
*i28, i3o(?), 13S, 138, 169, 230, 
eeo'^oce, father of JTope, 75. 

— 10, 78. 
■econ, 123. 
'eeot^iXe, 128, 
•eiiiiAi, 175- 
emopiitoc, saint, 213. 
ooTep, Theodore, 175. 
eoyna. or ^oyh*.(?), 112. 
»(ji>Ax«.c, 67, 122. 

Thabor and Solomon, legend of, 41. 
Thecla, saint, 209. 

Theodore Stratelates, saint, 16, 17, 195, 

— , the Eastern, saint, 195, 210. 

— , of Tabennese, 195. 
Theodosius, bishop of Jerusalem, 220. 
Theognostus, 211. 
Theophanius (Teji &c.), saint, 208. 
Theophilus, patriarch, 211. 
Thomas of Shentelet, martyr, 222. 

i«.Kio&, ia>K(»)q, biblical, 187, 223. 
— , father of Bane, 66. 
— , father of Benjamin, 80. 
— , father of Peter, 71. 
— , 89, 109, 122, 232. 

eie^Kwn, 165. 

ia.niie, 178. 

n'ua.Te, son of Theodore, 112, 113. 

ie7CRiH\, prophet (?), 52. 

1671-^., son of 'Abderrahman, 64, 176. 

— , son of Seeid, 64. 

— , no. 
iepHAxiei.c, prophet, 145. 

— , son of Apollo, 90. 

— , son of CoUuthus, 63. 

— , son of Apa Cyrus, 7 1 . 

— , 120, 122, 153. 
geXa^pid., Hilaria, daughter of Victor, 87. 

lOp'J^a.KHC, 69. 
IO-lfi.B>I, 35, 37, 223. 

loycToc, loycTe, saint, 220. 

— , father of Mercurius, 68. 

— , loi, no, 143, 188. 
soycfi)., son of Pouroush, 234. 

— , 96, 100, 109. 
icew&K, cic«.e.K, father of Gamoul, 80. 

— , 67, 72, 104, III, 142, 147, 154, 
164, 179, 231. 

ICiiKIOC, 109. 

ici(?), Isis, 184. 

ici'^wpoc, 76. 

KjodLnnei., 124. 

i(>)».iinHC, icog&nKHC, Baptist, 15, 36, 54. 

— , apostle, 15, 44(?). 

— , Chrysostom, 26. 

— , bishop, 45. 

— , author, 29. 

— (?), father of Bane, 178. 

— , father of Pebe, 96. 

— , father of Pgol, 73. 

— , son of Colluthus, 102. 

— , son of Eusebius, 65. 

— , son of George, 75. 

— , son of Leontius, 98. 

— , son of Leshi, no. 

— , son of Mena, 69. 

— , son of Philotheus, 82. 

— , son(?) of Severus, 77. 

— , son of Victor, 95. 

— , 70. 72, 73. *78, 91. 97. 103. 108, 
*io9, 119, 120, 122, 124, 127, 
*i28, *i29, *i3o, 135, 143, 144. 
147, 168, 180, 182, 183, 219, 224. 
uo (iwa^nitHc), a melody, 13. 
i^iwwA, i~r>j>\, 170- 
i-Tfon, ? ^jjil, 183. 

iwno&p {Ovvovtjipw's), son of Palau, 84. 
iwch:^, the patriarch, 187, 223. 

— , the Carpenter, "10, 18. 

— , the notary, 18. 

iwcHt^, father of Apa Cyrus, 65. 

— , 9. *68, 77, 98, 107, 115, 120, 
147, 162, 231, 235. 
eicHt^, 172. 
loyceq, in. 

James the Persian, martyr, 212. 
Jephtha, biblical, 49. 
Hilaria, Zeno's daughter, 49. 
John Baptist, 36, 208, 210. 

— , relics of, 50. 

— , of Lycopolis, 29, 240. 

— , disciple of Benipi, 195. 

— , ' monk of the Thebaid,' 29. 

— , eyicXEiCTTOS, 29 n. 

— (Colobus), 195. 

— the Black (Kame), 195. 

— of Scete, 29 n. 

— of Bostra, 200. 

— of Parallus, 29. 

— of Beth-Aphthonia, 51. 
— , writer, 29. 

— of Sammanfld, his Scala, 62. Cf. 
224 ff. 

— ) 93''d patriarch, 192 n. 

— , 105th patriarch, 208. 
Joseph the Carpenter, death of, 219. 

— , Shenoute's secretary, 18 n. 

' — , Book of,' 9. 
Isi (Paesi), saint, 209. 
Julius of Khebehs (Akfahs), 222. 
f^\/\, Ibrdhim, 64, 177, 192, 210. 
j=r-.!, Ishak, 64. 
d-jtil, Ish'ayah, 240. 
J.<jU]I La^, Yflhanna '1-Fadil, 200 n. 
^,^\ e>Jdl \^ji, Yahanna '1-Mutallat 

at-Tiibah, 200 n. 
i_i,aLj, Yuwasaf, 232 n. 

KJI.IOC, martyr, 52. 
Ke-Xet^ope, 108. 
Kd.Xinexe, 147. 
Ki^XXmiKoc, 109. 

K&XXjIHKe, 98. 

Ke.rt6.2, 108 n. 
Kd.n*j, 71. 
Kji^ct Q f^^), no. 

Ka,Td>I, 12 0. 
KaQSiva, 119. 
KeXA^fXe, 129. 
Kep/Aaeis, 108. 
KAavSios, martyr, *i2. 
K.\b.yTi, father of Victor, 65. 
KXa-TfTC, 172, 185. 

KoXXoy^oc, KoXXo-jfoe, KoX«e, saint, 
78, 159. 
— , father of Apa Cyrus,. 133. 



KoWoyeoc, father of Jeremias, 63. 

— , father of John, 102. 

— , father (?) of Paul, loi. 

— , father of Phoebammon, 80. 

— , father of Psha, 104. 

— , son of liw.e, 77. 

— , son of Victor, 84. 

— > 69. 74, 75. 89, 100, 103, *iio, 
*iri,i2i,i24, 153, 157, 164,166. 
KXA.~, Colluthus, 70. 
Ko\o (? KoWoY-&oc), 176. 
KoKoKoeyc, 108. 

KOAWC, 92, 154, 159 (?). 

KOAio'^e, 139. 
ROYAiHTe, 166 n. 

KOfJU-CTa., ITttJIt-, 166. 
KWAlHTe, 124. 

K0C1JL&, father of Dioscorus, 80. 

— , father of George, 232. 

— , son of Antonius, 100. 

— , son of Philemon, 79. 

— , *64, 84, 109, 179, 230. 
KOfTHXe, ? name, 121. 
KYpe., 175. 
KTP^'Cei, 175 n. 
Kifp».Koc, son of Apollo, 73. 

— , 72> igo- 
KYpi^Roc, 73, 109, 121, 152. 
KTpi&n/, son of Shenoute, 79. 
K-ypJ^-^-oc, martyr, 52. 

— , of Alexandria, 28. 
Rf poc, RTpe, Ripe &c., father of Jere- 
mias, 71. 

— , son of Athanasius, 82. 

— , son of Colluthus, 133. 

— , son of Joseph, 65. 

— , 63, 64, 72, 88, 94, 98, lOT, 108- 
II, 120, 121, 122, *i34, i6o, 166, 
R(jocT4>nTiite, 78, 134. 
ROjcTine, 124. 

Katib Kaisar, ibn, 224, 225, 226, 228. 
Claudius, saint, 12, 195, 210. 

— , 191. 
Cleophas, biblical, 212. 
Cosmas and Damianus, saints, 212. 
Culcian, persecutor, 222. 
C3'prian, persecutor, 222. 
Cyril b. Laklak, 200. 
Cyril of Alexandria, 200. 
idJ, Kaltah (Colluthus), 64, 208. 
j^ ^J, Abfl Kir (Cyrus), 183. 
^j~ai^, Kiryakus, 64. 

Xs^ron (PAokuv), 134. 

XeonTioc, XeoitTn, martyr, 52. 

— , father of Dorotheus, 68. 

— , father of John, 98. 

— , father of n . . . e>c, 89. 

— , son of Hatre, 96. 

— , son of Theodore, 80, 96, 99. 

— , 93, 120. 
Xeuji, father of John, no. 
Xjc*.fieT, Elisabeth (biblical), 54. 
Xor"ciKe, 70. 
Xoyj».(?), 164. 
XoYR&c, 152. 
Lazarus, Saturday of, 208. 
Longinus, saint, his blindness, 52. 
Lutf Allah, b. as-Sabbag, 207. 

/I (? Mi^m), 71. 

Ai4.[ , 97. 

ju.&ikAxe'^, 151, 153. V. AiegOAicT. 

»xt>»h.\oc, 73. 

xj.i,eeii.c, 98. 

Ai.«i,«-&eoc, 60. 

Maio, 70. 

xx&R&pe, juL&K&pi, son of George, 80, 


— , 74, 121, 130, 133, 134. 147. 
183, 234. 
Ai2kX2kTinH, saint, 2x3. 
AievitT-igH, ? name, no. 
juL&p^A., mother of Trashe, 102. 
AXivpij. the Virgin, 15, ^^37, 51, "53, 

54, 195- 

— , wife of Victor, 87. 

— , 77, lOI. 
uaLpi&jLt, Virgin, 10. 
AxakpigekAX, Virgin, 15. 

— , Magdalene, 33. 

— , 124- 
Aijwpuiwit, heretic, 51. 
Aia>pRoc, evangelist, 216. 

— , father of Severus, 64. 

— , 66, 69, 99, 119, 122, 139, 
154, 231. 
Aie>YPi<5'ic, Mauricius, 146. 
A».eX«,c, father of George, 75. 
McAp^to-eScK, 67. 

Aienecwn (? Mrao-oji'), saint, 222. 
AiepRoypioc, martyr, 13, 46. 

— , father of Apou Siri, no. 

— , father of Sophia, 80. 

— , son of Justus, 68. 

— , 95. Ill, 132- 
AiepoT«.n, ^\^, 165. 
^legoAieT, 111,177. V. Aie.«ju£'2.. 

AiH (?JUHn4>), 121, 230. 

AiKHiL, AiHit&c, Ai.ina>, father of Apa 

Hor, 84. 
— , father of George, 97. 
— , father of John, 69. 
— , father of Victor, 71, 98. 
— , son (.?) of HerSs, no. 
— , son of Phoebammon, loi. 
— , 70, 82, 87, *io9, 119, 141, 152, 

155, 159, 165, 166. 

Mijvao-ios, 119. 

aii5(^a.hX, archangel, 19 n., *20, 21, 
43. 45, 81, 219, 220. 

— , 138, 232. 
juon, I n. 
xione, father of Sarapion, 73. 

— , son of Apollo, 73. 

— , III, 120. 
Aioyi, 66. 
iiioKCwp, 235. 
AitoycHC, prophet, 14, 20, 214. 

— , 122, *i64, 171, 184. 
Movtrat, 64. 
AXO^Xoc, 196 n. 
Macarius the Egyptian, 49, 200. 

— , the three SS., 195. 

— of Tk6w, 212. 

— 27. 
Maria, 27. 
Marina, saint, 210. 
Mark, evangelist, 195. 

— , patriarch, 206. 
Mary, the Virgin, 25, *36, 54, 197, 208, 
209, 211. 

— , falling asleep of, 219. 
Matai, 27. 
Matthew, 27. 

Maximus and Dometius, saints, 195. 
Mena, Menas, 195, 208, 210. 
Meneson, saint, 222. 
Mercurius, saint, 23, 46, 195, 208, 210. 
Michael, archangel, 29 n,, 44, 196, 20S, 
222, 226. 

— , miracles of, 218. 
Michael of Damietta, martyr, 211. 

— of Atrib, 213. 
Michael, 190, 209. 
Moses, prophet, 214. 

— , Apocryphon of, 40. 

— , saint, 195. 
Mu'taman, al-, 225. 
Sjli., Makarah, 64. 
u-V" Markus, evangelist, 238. 
u'j./*' Marwan, 165 n. 
u-^, MatawOs, 183. 
u"^, 196 n. 



JoU.-*', MikhSytl, father of Rufayil, 196. 
Aj^, Mflnah, 64. 
JL*, Muslim, 105. 

nAtoYo-yee, biblical, 218. 
ii«.rea., son of oynH[ ,71. 
n*.cj.p, 235. 
na^gpooYi saint, 123. 

— , lOI. 

uecTwpioc, heretic, 38. 
ni\«juLu.(i>n, 129. 
iiiS'eg, 105. 

NOK/, 70. 

Nestorius, father of Ptolemy, 46. 
Nicodemus, author (?), 209, 240. 
i^U, NSgiyah, 7 in. 
4*^, Nagiyah, 71 n. 
xJo , Nakf, 7 1 n. 
^1, Nasr, 180. 
^, Nigilj, 105 n. 

oa.\e\ioc (Valerius), martyr, 52. 
OYe.\enTinieknoc, gnostic, 51. 
ofJvN-Hc, martyr, 52. 
oyenotp, father of Apollo, 71. 

— 165. 
fio"]fnot^Hp, 230. 
ofenoApi, 112. 

O/juip, son of 'Abd ar-Rahman, 155. 
Owovifipioi (= iwnofip), 84. 
Owo<j>p, 'J I. 
wnot^pe (?), 128. 
o"]fHeiif!) 68. 

oynH[ , father of Nagea, 71. 
Onnophrius, saint, 214. 

Ilaycvijs (Aira Ayevrj's), 90 n. 
n&jice, 127. 
najioyi, 159 n. 
nek\&ps&.itoc, saint, 213. 
nawXa^Y, father of lonober, 84. 

— , 115- 
haXoy, 128 n. 
ne^Xiu, 129. 
ne>\a)c, 109. 
Ua/jifim, son of Zoit, 68. 
najuiK, son of Somoon, no. 

— , no. 
naJULoyn, 68. 

nsknoyn (a^na^, 140. 
n«kng«L\u)Aiai, 108. 
na^TtnoyTe, saint, 18. 

— , father of Theodore, 234. 

— , 107, 127, 235. 

n4.nocT(o\oc), son of Bane, 178. 

n&noge, 112. 

na^nu), 170. 

na.p»enoc, the Virgin, 15, 53, 231. 

— , T-(?), 124. 
n«.TepjuLoyTe, 72. 
ira^Ti . . y, 87. 
iiaLTf\oc,n«>Y\e, apostle, 45, 51, i28(?). 

— , father of Elias, 63. 

— , father of George, 89. 

— , father (?) of Horsiesius, 10 r. 

— , father of Psacho, 69 {cf. p. 240). 

— , son of Agene, 90. 

— , son of CoIIuthus (.'), lor. 

— , 108, 109, 142, *i43, 182. 
n4.t^ope, III. 
Haxovi, 159. V. na^Koyi. 
Tlaxufji.Los, son of Anouphius, 68. 
iiewga.\ (ca.g«>X), 100 n. 
nskgWAi, 171. 
Tti^gioxiU), 67. 
Jieiie, son of John, 96. 
ne\\[ , 178. 
IleXuKas, 108. 
nepHT, son of Phib, 73. 

Ilepcrou, 119. 
nepctoAiA., 231. 

IIcT^ptOT^, 77. 

IleTO, 72. 
nCTocipic, 128. 
neTpa>, *io8, 150, 178. 
neTpoc, neTpe, son of Jacob, 71. 

— , 72, 74, 89 n., 100, 108, 120, 
i58,*i7i, 172, 175, 182,195, 196. 
negieiA, 108. 
negjuioT, 98. 
nes'ioig, 89, *iii, 166. 
Tlrikis, 108. 
Ilrjpn; 99. 
ni\[ , 89. 
ni\ei-e-eoc, in. 
ni\a.TOC, Pontius, 26. 

— , 120, 159. 
nmoyTe, father of Enoch, 103. 
nicTi.'ypoc, martyr, 212. 
nic^sjuLCon, 232. V. t^oi&jwAXJUia)H. 
nK-yXic = nS'wX, 105, no. 
no\xTP'»'i empress, 187. 
nopt^yps. (masc), 128. 
TiofpoTm, father of Justa, 234. 
noyc, 109. 
npiki'Cia>, 73. 
np«.eiejve (? IIpto-Kos), 90. 
npevigc, 93, 151, 169. 
nca.'TfaL, 108. 

iiciiiX&pHC, 108. 

HTeXejuLH, martyr, 46. 

IlToXefjuiio's, son of Phoebammon, 7 1 . 

— , 90 n. 
nujA, son of Colluthus, 104. 
nujnKoyAieTi., 166. 

nmo', 73, 170- 

negH-y, 87. 

noHy, in. 

ii's.HS'e, 63. 

na'ioX, father of Theodore, 72. 

— , son of John, 73. 

— , (IlKvXts), 105. 
ns'oX, 121. 
Pachom, saint, 195. 
Papnoute, saint, 18 n., 46. 
Pars6ma the Naked, 195. V. Barsauraa. 
Paul, apostle, 210. 

— the Hermit, 195, 200. 

— of Tamma, 211. 
Peter and Paul, apostles, 210. 
Peter of Alexandria, 219. 

— the Armenian, v. Peter of Sed- 

— the Iberian, 212. 

— of Malig, 213. 

— of Sedment, 236. 
Pijimi, saint, 221. 

Pishoi, saint, 195. V. Pshoi. 
Pistauros (Salib), martyr, 208, 212. 
Pshoi, saint, 211. 
Ptolemy, saint, 46. 
(j-ijUlkjl, Ptolemy, 213 n.'2k&n, jjLio,, 175- 

Pacrtos, Affa, 122. 

p&uje, 121. 

Pa^iS, 64, 70. ^ V. pd-igi-i.. 

p&igi'i., 63 n., 136. 

Rachel, biblical, 36. 

J^_U^, Rufayil, son of Mikhayil, 196. 

%a.6ov\ (? igs-^o-ifX), 122. 
cb.\oxxn, biblical, 216. 
ce^XwAi, in. 
caju.«.peYC, n-(.?), 141. 
cajucyHX, 102. 
ca>pe>, daughter of Victor, 87. 
c«.p«>njsjuuu.C0K, 109, 138. 
C4.p4.niWK, son of Apa Mone, 73. 

— , 120. 
C2kpe, in. 

C4.pKic, Sergius, 240. 
ca.T4.KC (name.?), in. 
C4.Tp(j)HiXe (SaropveiXos), 129. 
c^oyen, 126. 




ca^yoX, 138. 

ccei-^, father of YezJd, 64. V. cheit. 

ceno-y-aioc, 70, 109, 119, 122, 148, 

231, 232. V. ojenofTC. 
ceitoy-o-HC, 109. 
cetioTfTe, 122. 
cepHne, 104. 
ce-ynpoc of Antioch, 51, 75(?), 87(?). 

— , father of David, 69. 

— , father (?) of John, 77. 

— , son of Bane, 64. C/. p. 105. 

— , son of Mark, 64. 

— , *66, 102, 132, 168, 178. 
CHeiT, 230. V. ceefiL. 
ci\, 177. 

CIKI&C, 108. 

ci\«lC, 123. 
ciXion, 165. 
ciAX(>>n, 192, 200. 
cirmcoYS'e, in. 

Stpr, 70. 

cipi, e.noY, son of Mercurius, no. 
ciciniuoc, martyr, 52. 
ciwn, no, III, 134. 
cju.«>pdiKToc, martyr, 52. 
co\oi».<utt, king, 38, 41. 

— . 11, 155. 231. V. coy\iiJUL\n. 
iy>\exxi.a, 230. 
conigHxi, 142. 
coYN-a^JJU-i-n, 165. 
coycAnitik, biblical, 38. 
coi^i&, daughter of Mercurius, 80. 

— 67. 71- 
cTjwTfpwT (■'). 183. 
CTet^a^na^Ke, 173. 
CTet^jwitoc, 109. 
CTecfert, 138. 
c^JU-eajn, 165. 
cwAioon, father of Pamin, no. 


SabbSg, as-, 207. 

Sa'd, 201. 

Salib (Pistauros), martyr, 212. 

— , 201. 
Salome, biblical, 36, 216. 
Samannfldt, as-, 224-8. 
Sarapamon {or Sarapion), saint, 212. 
Sergius and Bacchus, saints, 208. 
Sergius of Athribis, saint, 221. 

— , author (?), 240. 
Severus of Antioch, 45, 47, i&.n., 51, 
200, 206, 211, 212. 

— (Severianus), 198. 
Severianus of Gabala, 198 n. 
Sirach, 38. 

Solomon, king, 38. 

Solomon and Thabor, legend of, 41. 

Stephen, protomartyr, 195. 

Sulaiman, 227. 

jjt-. Sa'd, 207. 

J^M, Sahal, 100 n. 

»_^Jlj Salib (Pistauros), 208, 212. 

ij-ijij^, Sawirus, 105, 176. 

TaiiHC, person or place 1, 10 1. 

Ta-PiLnH, 141. 

T«.HCe, 145. 

TikXoY, 124 n. 

ToXovs, 27 n. 

T4.\ajT {or «.\(ot), ? name, 122. 

Ta.4ijkiie, 87. 

T&.Ypine, son of Apostolus, 96. 

— , son of Pheu, 73. 

— . 73. 89, 92, 137, 168, 171, 173 
234-, i.TioY, no. 
Te.gwp, 181. 
Ti.s'ene, 90 n. 
TeXcAie, 90, III. 
Tc\oY, 27 n. 

TeY^reiua., daughter of Victor, 87. 
Te-si, saint (Ruwais, Theophanius), 208. 
Tfi^poAine, in. 
TTj^ixoyX, son of Isaac, 80. 

— 77- 
TtfiKup, 115. 
THp, e>it«., 122, i6g. 
TiAepi, 240. 

TtTOW€, 158. 

Toypo-^a^, 213 n. 

Tpajjknoc, 146. 

Tpaa-ia = Tp«wige, 102. 

Tpjioje, daughter of Martha, 102. 

TcepKkg, TujHpK&.g, n 2 n. 

TCHp5(^H, 112. 

TCiAXe, 121. 

T'sa.cp(?), 140. 

Takla Haimin6t, scribe, 225, 226. 

Talou, 27. 

Tikah (Tika), at-, 224. 

Timothy, patriarch, 212. 

Tir, Apa, saint, 191. 

TuKi's Rudi'menta, 226. 

(_^jjb, TSdrus, 199. 

ioU, TamSmah, 175 n. 

U^ji^j}'^}, Tibfirtifis, saint, 213. 

(_>-Uj, Tumas, 64. 

Virgin, v. Mary, juij^pij,, na^peenoc. 
Wajih, al-, 224, 225, 226, 228, 

Ij, Wasaf, 232 n. 

e^*.[ , 188. 

t^fiWK ju.itiA.tTfeXoc, 'Abd al-Malak, 

c^fiwK juhisl^'ioc, 'Abd al-Kuddfls, 231. 
t^Hy, father of Taurinus, 73. 
d^ii, father of Per6t, 73, 

— , 108, 160. 
(^i\[ , father of Athanasius, 63. 
t^iXinnoc, 144. 
«]^iXo-»eoc,c]^iXoee, father of George, 8 7. 

— , father of John, 82. 

— , 1°, 87, 93. "2. 154. 161. 
c^iXHuion, father of Cosma, 79. 

— , 109. 
(^i(^, III. 

4>A.(aovi6s) ^tpKovpe, 1 3 2. 
#X(aovtos) 'SievovO, 148. 
(^oifii^ju.Ax.(jjn, t^i&«ju.0Yn, saint, 67 n., 
94, 106, 107. 

— , father of Apollo, 69. 

— , father of Mena, 10 1. 

— , father of Ptolomaios, 71. 

— , son of Colluthus, 80. 

— , son of George, 93. 

— , 63, 66, *86, *92, 94, 105, *io6-9, 
133. 142, 166, 168, 170, 188, 235. 
t^i&~(*juuu.ajn), 177. 
t^i&iju.e, 172. 
t^iftajuLOf, 87. 
i^oifc~(ajujuuon;), 174. 
(^OJKik, 108, III. 

Fadl-Allah Abfl 'Abd al-Masfh, 201. 
Philotheus, martyr, 13. 

Xa-HX, in, 165, 174, 177. 
XepHJU-fJiin, 87. 
jQOY'i.ion, martyr, 52. 
XOTf7*^, V. •jswpi. 

x.?i ,154- 

Xpio-roSovAos, 144 n., 232. 
XpJcTo-i.wpe, father of Gregorius, 97. 
XP'CTOt^opoc, 31, 86. 
Chrysostom, 29, 198, 211. 

^faJua-piTHC, 141 n. 

vJ/j^THC, 109. 

■vV«.Xo. son of Paul, 69 {c/. p. 240). 

■v^enTe&nic, 129. 


*(», 77. 

WAiice, in. 

wp, son of Elias, iii. V. gwp. 

gwpion, 182. 



coponnoYTe, 128 n. 
wyXwgHY (?), no. 

ige.«-OY\, 122 n. 

tgeitoTfTc, the archimandrite, 15. 

— , 63. 74, 78, 79) *93. 100. 104) 
106, 109, 167, 168, 174, 178. 
V. cenoy^ioc. 

igino^fTe, 66, 108, 170. 

ujeTCop, io8. 

u|oei, ujoi, 127, 128, 142. 

ojone {or ujone), 122. 

Shamir, 41. 

Shams ar-Riasah,228. F. Abfl'l-Barakat. 

Shenoute, the archimandrite, 30-5, igg, 
198, 208, 210, 221 n. 

iiyiii, Shanfidah, archimandrite, 207 n. 

v_,l^, Shihab, 183 n. 

ijU, Fanah (Bane), 105. 

^, Furaig, saint (Ruwais), 208. 

gakju.01, 88, 100. 

2*.pe, saint, 75. 

ga>pooY, 108. 

2a.Tpc, father of Leontius, 96. 

— , 91, no, 179. 
gekycw, m. 
ge^S'es', III. 
gi.S'op, 109, 140. 
gepHC, father (?) of Mina, no. 
gepoTfo-s, 63, 77, 143, 168. 
g'Y\o(?), 120. 
gwp, son of Praiske, 90. 

— , son of Mena, 84. 

— ) 87, 109, 122. 
gwpciHcioc, son(?) of Paul, loi. 

Hanna Abfl Sulaiman, 227. 
Herai, 27, 28. 
Hilaria, v. above, 
jr^. Haggig, inn. 
jjjo., Hadid, 195. 
fXi-A, Hisham, 163. 

■soii^ip, 119. 

■xwpi, martyr, 213. V. X^'T^*'- 

(y*>Aie(?), no. 
iS'&ita.g, 108. 
S'enep, 166. 
s'enip, 166 n. 
(S'ifeoTfT, 178. 

i3'lHl\(?), 174. 

U(?), 183. 


. «.a>T (?), 98. 

A-i.c\c^H, TU1.&, 150. 

«,«Hnnajc, Athens, 45. 

ejT'YnTioc, 119. 

AiyuTTTOs, 10, II. 

AA.e(^avSptvos), 81. 

«jiinTe, 31, 223. 

AHTmooY, 76, 80, 91, 100, 134, 142, 

145. 157- 
&n&,Ke, TepwT n-, 67., 16. 
Apa/Smv, ■)(wpLOV, 159. 
&P5C.»''^(^e^oc), 96. 
4.Tpa>iix (Dronkah), 196 n. 

&C^piKH, T-, 66. 

Abii 's-Saifain, Dair, 225. 

Abfitig, 204, 231. 

Aegae (Atyat), 212. 

Azbakiyah, 225, 232 n. 

Athribis, 221. 

Alexandria, 25. 

Antonius, Monastery of St., 138, 231. 

ApoUinopolis, Lower, 107. 

Atrikis, Isle of, 211. 

Atrtb, 190, 213. 

iijlijl, Abshidah, 212 n. 

i.jjjl, Al-'Adawiyah, 201. 

^y^\, Asffln, 213. 

fuviyXwn, in Asia, 38. 

— (Fustat), 66, 151, 199, 228. 

iiA.fee\w« (&e.&*]f\(>)K), 123, 177. 

&&\nM, n- (?), 134. 

i!i«.ne, iiju«k nakn&, 150. 

Aepa'DoyT, 121 n. 

AiKTWp, TneTpe n&ne., 73. 

iocTpinoc (John of Bostra), 200. 

Bovcripis, 64. 

Balaiza, Dair, 107 n. 

Baramfls, Dair al-, 225. 

Basora, 200 n. 

hty:>j>,, Bardanfihah, 206 n. 

[Jy^y.t Lpyij^.y BargiQsh, Barguwash, 

173 n. 
i^Li-j, Btshai, Monastery of Saint, 192. 
ijjfs'-, Buhairy, 206. 

POJULoppe., 35, 126. 

"^nXKe, 168. 
■a^iocRopio, 71. 

AiocTKopiSov, /J.epi'S, 71 n. 
Damietta, 211. 

'Desert of Apa Shenoute,' 29 n. 
ie^i, Dahrflt, 154 n. 
j^.j^j,Tahfi, Daha, 173 n. 
^jai^y\ yi:> , Dair al-Abyad (in Scete), 

ii-j, Dalgah, 168 n. 
_ .J, Darag, in Fustat, 199. 
ijj.j, Darflt, 180. 
Aj^j, Dashlflt, 154 n. 

Ujij, Dimfl, 183. 
u-JJj (?), 183. 

ere&.c, v. Aegae. 
geWnn, *33, 35, 45. 
epxioynoXjc, 70, 89, 91, 104, 159. 
eypivuiei, luia. n-, 153. 

£Y5(^HTOC, 16. 

egnic, 164. V. gitHC. 
Egypt, Flight into, 10. 
Emesa, 50. 

•zeiiHXH, 7€&i\e, Zuwailah, 231, 232 n. 

•e-ek\\[ (©aXXou), 122. 

OHft&IC, 91. 

eiHxt, Jerusalem, 145. 

•eiXHJu, 26. 

®liovjxr]p^, 159* 

0OTIS (?), 99 n. 

®vvis, 65 n. 

■eyM (©wis), 122. 

»u>xx.hX., AioKdi.cTHpion n«.iTek, 67. 

- — , TneTpak n«Ln*k, 138, 140. 
<»wne, 65, 66, 73. 

®&)T^, 99. 

Theodore, Church of St., 112. 
Thessalonica, 27. 

iXhjul, II. F. •&i\hai. 
lop'a.jvnHC, II. 
gica^YpiKOC (?), 112. 

K k 2 



iWT, nj^Ya-n n-, 80. 

ij^l , Igf in, 207. 

K&ica.pi&, 25. 

K.MC&pin (Kaurapiov), 112.'yWi, 116. 

KV (?), 99- 
KHJuie, 49. 

, JULHTpULeKHJlie, 59. V. XH**-'- 

KOCKajuL, 232. 

Kwc (Kovo-os),Koskani, Kflssiyah, 131 n. 

Cairo, 212, 225. 

Cairo, Old, 209. 

Kais, A1-, 207. 

Kalyflb, 207. 

K6s{Ms), 13111. 

Koskam, 131 n. 

Kflssiyah, 131 n. 

Cyrus and John, Church of, 209. 

iykliJl , Al-Kahirah, Cairo, 2 1 1 n. 

ija, of Kiu, 206. 

Xe^oY, Lycopolis, 196 n. 
XeoHTin, 1TAI& II-, 103. 
AvKf, Lycopolis, 159. 
\"]fciii, HRoyi, 73. 

AI.& Axntyoei'}^, 71. 

— ju.<^e.T?ioc Ko\«e, 78. 

— na^HA. ujcAtoyTe, 72. 

— iieTp8.ujei, 153. 

— nXeonTin, 103. 

— ruuL«.TOi, 66. 

— nna.Wft.-a.i, 95. 

— nnii][ , n-, 122. 

— ncepire, 92. 

— nciKe, It-, 97 n. 

— ngoyop, 152. 
ju&pHC, no. 
ju&pic, 232. 
AinT-^(ji)\, 180. 
Moui/aet, 1 59. 
juoyngiwS'e, T-, 71 n. 
ju.o5(^owon, 232 n. 
Aj.'XHY, Titos' It-, 176. 
Malig, 213. 

'Marcian Church' in Cairo, 225. 
Mary, the Virgin, Church of, 29, 199, 

Michael, Church of, in Handak, 227. 
Misr, 207, 211. 
.yil, , Maksfir, 2 1 2 n. 
l^_jji\ jji^, Misr al-Kadimah, 209. 

ita.<*'e (?), 71. 
neoyoi (?), 173. 

neyoi, 77. 

Ni;o-os, 108. 

hiWhc (?), Aj.a. Alt!-, 161. 

niXoy (?), 184. 

ItOAlT, II-, 127. 

noYge, T-, 69. 
Nekint6re (Denderah), 46. 
Nicene fathers, 212. 
Nile, 184. 
Nubian inroad, 32. 

opfia.noc, city, 43 n. 
oyi„ieii.oyoy, 0^01*10^, 87. 
oge, n- (?), 122. 

n«LKe, 71 n. 

Il^k\\^k■a.I, lute^ it-, 95. 

naju.2i.T&, 80. 

na-nXooY, 120. 

ni.pd(enoc), ? Church of, 181. 

iii.poo"y, 143. 

11aLOYa.11 nitoT, 80. 

ii&oYon nito-yfi, 80 n. 

itoya^n, 80 n., 134. 

TlovavTrSiyiO's, 1 85. 

nia-»e»noy!ie, 161. 

na.s'e, 71 n. 

n&U)a.g? <E>/3v, PBoju, 149. 

neioxr, Fayyflm, 131. 

ne . r\o . ju. juLittgHpe, 96. 

nenpoT, loi. 

TiejjLS.e,, 219. 

liaTi], Twv (?), 108. 

nenwa'ju., 161. 

TJcToxyov^Li, 160 n. 

iieTpa., T-, 67. 

neTpe na.naL fiiKTtop, 73. 

iieTpjk nai.nak «(oju.&c, 138, 140. 

negitTa.\ (IIcEVTaX), 90. 

nijkgne . xxoxx, 136. 

ItKoyi Xyciil, 73. 

iiXa.Teek, Te-, 134. 

itXHTAi (nXiy^/iis), 154. 

nXo7, ? place, 70. 

nvo/i0e (.?), 159. 

noyc, itujen-, ? place, 93. 

ito-ycipe, 148, 178. 

nouj kthXrc, 168 n. 

•vj/evg iwgA.nnHC, .? place, 72. 

■>^finTAa.K.e, 79 n. 

*-^ (?). 159- 

■v^oi, Ptolemais, 149, 159. 
IfTfXH ngofiit, T-, 171 n. 
ncopfi {or wpfi), 60. 
iiwpq {or wpq), 65. 

Pboou, 46. 
Pemje, 218. 

pi.ROTe, 96, 107 (?). 
peigiTTe, Rosetta, 231. 
PouySecs, 159. 
p(i>ju.a.itiik, 212. 
U,, Raha (Edessa), 239. 
i^.. = pUAiikiiiak, 212. 

c&KKOc, city, 43 n. 

c&.gfcHc, n-, 72 n. 

c&HgT (ApoUinopolis), 107. 

ciwn, 213. 

ceneiio, 63. 

cenoAiiio, ^evofi^io, 63. 

cepfe, ■nxxi. n-, 92. 

'2,€(nv, 84 n. 

ciKe, ruia. it-, 97 n. 

ciKewc, 98. 

ciAJLo-jf, i43> 183 n. 

ciW'^, 231. 

CKH^^HC, 43 n. 

CAxepiteoc, 117, 118. 
co?k.OAia., 35, 126. 
cneXeoii, iii- {(nrrjXaiov), 228. 
cTp&TH, T&akKC nne-, 79. 
c-jfnTpwqi, 135. 
cwp, 213. 

Sebaste, Forty Martyrs of, 46, 52. 
Sedment, 236. 
Siflt, 191, 196, 208. 
Steps, in Babylon, 199. 
ij-usi^, of Sedment, 236. 
ijji^\ l^*-., Simft 's-sughra, 183. 
jr', Sflr, 213. 

wjy-(?), 183. 

T&Ra.Xjs. (Ta/caXes), 10 2. 
Taju.iie'^, 192. 
Ta.cxj.noTe, 121. 

TJ^2pO-lf2S (.?), 154. 

Tfca.Re, 79, 102. 

— nnecTpjkTH, 79. 
Tfia^ReiXe, 102. 
Tlieps'WT, 121. 
TeXfiOHT (©£\/3a)v^is), 96. 
TeXiXe (.?), 176. 
Tefna-ipi^, lion. 
Teprafuud, 99 n. 

Teprc/id), 99. 
TeproyK/, 99 n. 
Tcprov, 99 n. 
TcpcoT, 67. 
TepWT ga.Xe, 99 n. 
Teig[ , 167. 



TeujXwT, 1^2. 

Tiju.e goywp, 104. 

tXhtai {TX-qOfus), 68. 

TAioyAXHp, 159 n, 

Tiicyni^gi, 159 n. 

TAxoicjp (?), no. 

TAi-sHy, 176 n. 

Toou, 108 n. 

Touoi, 108. 

Toygw, 69, 173 n. 

Tponp(;^H, 196. V. a>Tpikn5^. 

Tceciw, 84, 183. 

fiiioy (xoo-y) nievejuHX, 52. 

TWge, 4611., 162. 

— ju.njkXoyXo'jf, 162 n. 
Tamma, 211. 
Tkow, 212. 
' Tohe of the Horses '=Tijh al-Hail, 46, 

ijs^, Tanbada, 192 n. 

Wasim, 210. 

tyjtill c5j1j, Wady l-Atrfin (Natrfin), 

(^«Lpe.niTHC (or? g«.paLn.iTHc), 140. 

t^w ATon, Fustat, 173. 
t]feWTg (?), 232. 

X»>^KH':^(>)n, Synod of, 51. 
X^egc, 222. 
Xt"ii (Fustat), 231. 
5C.(jjnon, 231. 

a^eXt" (?), 70. 

UJ^HK, 92. 

ujejuoyTC, iiu.*. it&n&, 72. 

igennoTfc, n- (?), 93. 

HAtoTj-n, 63, *64, 65, 66, *68, *69, 70, 
7i> *72, 74, *75, 11, 78, *8o, 81, 
82, *86, 87, *88. *89, 90, 92, *93, 

94, 95, *96, *97, *98, 100, *i02, 
*io3, *io4, *io5, 106, 113, 115, 
122, 126, 131, 136, 143, 154, 
168 n., 171 n., 176, 177. 

ujuon fi, Ashmunain, 232. 

UJHH, Te-, 89. 

tgoei's, IUUL& xui-, 71. 

ujOTe, ni- (?), 122. 

Shentelet, 222. 

ShihSt, 211. 

(^Li, of ShubrS, 192. 

qTOO"]f(ATOOY) K'xoywT, ne-, 81. 
Jalk-j, Fustat, 181, 232. 

£aju.ioop, no. 
gAjuuoopi, e.X-, 172. 
giSiitenioop, 106, 149. {or ? t^aLp^niTHc), 140. 
gdiS'e, 98. 

— , TAj,o*]fn-, 71 n. 
gHHC, 175. V. egiuc. 
goi HTJULHTe, n-, 68. 
goyop, -axxa. n-, 152. 
go-ywp, HTiJue, 104. 

gTO, plOAl- (?), 103, 166. 

gwAen, 171. 

gWTp (?), 94. 

Handak, the Lower, 227. 
Harah Zuwailah, Church of, 232 n. 
HermopoHs, 29n. 
jp*=-, Hamyflr, iion. 
^j^l iXa., Harat ar-Rflm, 209 n. 
ibj^ iXa., Harah Zuwailah, 196, 199. 
^jiSJi. (? jiX.), 105. 

•swiT, TiiTOOY me ni-, 198. 


eJliia., 178, 237. 

a/3(/8a ), 70. 

aMz. (magic), 53. 

e.&X&.n&o& (magic), 53. 

e>Ap&n. h[ , 115. 

jiLTTaLOOC, a.^a.e-on, 129, 146, 154. 

Af^ (ayaOo's), 1 42. 

ai^a>XXia>, transl. tcXhX, 18. 

AriLHH, A».a>i-, 61. 

aL^T-ioit, 47; envioii, 57; nKHn, 57. 

gekfia^^e, 20, 45. 

ga^iTia.CAi.oc, 45. 

oifi&cjuenon, 10. 

iLiTioc : o ev ayias {si'c), 20. 

AnWTa^TOC, 39. 

aLropa^, T-, 67 n., 164. 

aLfop2wci&., 148. 

a^rpioc, 217. 

ga>Kpoc (? aypos), 121. 

&':^aju.oc (aSa/nas)j 49- 

jv^un&i (magic), 54. 

i^eHioyu) (magic), 53. 

jL-ea^iTei (a^tTeiv), 48. 
e.eXoc^opoc, 12. 
a.ii!.Ta.npec (?), 55. 
mF (atyctos), 112. 

AIXTIOC, 117. 

ga>ipecia>p5(lHC, 51. 

«.ipecic, 14. 

gd^ipcTiKOC, 26, 35, 51. 

aiTTjfJia, 167 n. 

c^j^ (aiTta), 180. 

e'J-i2k (aiTia), 37. 

&ia)n, 42. 

e.Ka.-&*.p(5'i4., 31. 

A/ca^to-Tos Y/Avos, 1 2 n. 

aK", {aKav6oi), 1 59. 

OKivSwos, 72 n. 

a.Kpj!ju.a. (magic), 53. 

aiXsk (? aAAa), 185- 

(a.)Xak^iJiAakpiii (aXXa^i/iaptoi/), 120 n. 

a.\e%!!MLi>.fn, 119. 

«.Xa.cce(?), 51. 

jwXeKTwp, 126. 

e^XX" (?), 164. 
dLXXaLfH, 133, 162. 
aLXXnXoyia., 20. 

oAAos, 'another' (melody), 12. 

— (e.XXo), 14. 

— (?ni.XX/), 17. 
aXoyov, 30. 
a>XndLc[ (?), 124. 

g<!.X-]fClC, 115. 
gikXiiCIC, 118. 

a^Xncic, 113. 

2^kXcec, 116. 

eJUjiL (a/i/ia), 67, 97, 1 84. 

&u.epiixnoc, 105. 

aJULOnnHCio (? or ju.011-), 107. 

eju.'^/ (anATreXoupyos), 108. 

f>.uc^i&2LXe and vars., 69, 79, 149, 170, 

ii.n2iiiOEitt, 10. 
a^na.^Ka^'^e, 142, 145, ifio, 153, 161, 

a.nairT'eoc (avayxaios), 129. 


INDEX III, 93, 105, 146, 151, 152. 
^naLTTiwcTHC, 87, 147. 
a^rUkTTOJfH, 156. 
Jwn8>-Ski':^0"if, 95. 
i.n.i.»ejix»,, *28. 
a.nj>.oejUL«kTiCAioc, 28, 29. 
«>n«.Kpine, 145. 
e.iii>\oi7i4>, 75. 
avaXoymv, 197 n. 
ft-itekXYS {avaXruf/L's), 22. 
«Lit2».\li)JUi«>, 84, 93, 123. 
Aili.CTji.cic, 22, 39, 42, 143, 198. 
«.if«.c^ficpi (avafjiepeiv), 8. 
«.n«.5(^wpiTHc, 105 n., 240. 
*.ifi,piCiioc, Aif^, 65, 108, III.'i.ig^i.c (avaSetKKui/ai), 12. 
^.n^HKCic^^a.!, 81, 90. 
«.ni9(^e (avexeiJ'), 183. 
«.itKec^o\oc («yK£<^aXos), 59j 240. 
i.nna.nii,\e ? anabalus, 116. 
a.itOAioc (?), 174. 
«.nTi, 31. 

jkn-jviKCYX*"^ {ovTiyeovxo^, 71, 120 (?). 
avTiA-eyttv, 142 n. 
a.nTiCKin (ovtutkiov), 112. 
a.nTiCY'Cfpa.t^on, 91. 
a.«Tit^wn:H, vb., 69. 
«.nTit^wiiHcic, 13, 69. 
avn)(picrTO's, 212 n. 
*.^i«., 28. 

i.^ioT, vb., 87, 129, *I30, 142, 146, 147. 
«kn«.i'2ieYTOc, gi. 
jkiii.iTei, 152. 
aira.v6pu>iT0i, 212 n. 
i.n«.nTa., 142, 175. 
e.n«.p5(;.", I2i. 
«.n».TH, 93. 

i.nH\Y {aTTuhq), 8, 1 3. 
d.tti\i (airuXuv), 40. 
Airo=:?jv:- in titles, 146 n. 
e.not«oju./,month,i67. F. en»,uoAienH.'^ei^ic and vars., 65-7, 90, 93, 98, 
105 n., 106. 

JI.TlO«HRH, lOI, 142. 

A.noKpHCa.pHC {aTTOKpurapio's), 87. 
a.noRpicic and vars., 135, 144, 156, 

*i62, 170, 181, 182. 
a.noKpoTWC, 96 n., 98, 103, 104. 
aiToXoyLa, 37, 48. 
ikHo\ox«i7e, 143, 158. 
«.noTs.RTOc, 75. 
iknoT«.cce, 75, 80, 88. 
*.noyKa.\KJU.\|/ic (airoKa\v\j/ii), 126. 
a.nOY5(^oo'ife (aTroxr]), 167. 
e.iioi^«.ne, 48. 

6.TT0XH, 145- 

i.noWAic (? e7ru)/xts), 1 1 8, II9 n. 

a.p». . . . a-pa., 34. 

6.p'CYnT6.p(ioc), argeniarius, 120. 

«.pecKe, 88, 89. 

apfi, ap^, 64, 65, 91, 99, 106, III. 

i.pK».THC, V. epyarrj?. 

apKow, TO, 60 n. 

a.po''' (apovpa), 86. 

6.pceniKion;, 58 n. 

apra/Brj, 102 n., 108 n. {apra^ri), 1 63. 

aproKoiros, 108. 

i.p5(^B.rT«e\oc, 240. 

i.pX»>ioc, 29, 95, 96, 156, 217. 

a.pxei, 9. 47, 59- 

e.pXecee, 50. 

i-PXH. 34, *35, 184. 

a.p , in date, 76, 98, 105, 149. 

j>.p5(;.H^oc, 10, 47, 62. 

ApXufeuToti, 232. 

a.pxi6""^i^°noc, 13, 223. 

i.pXiepeT'^, 14- 

«.pX.I-"-*'n"^P''''H'^, 21, 67, 138. 

«.pXicTJ^*JLi(«.xoc), 133, 169. 
«.pX(»n, 47, *i29, 145, 231. 
«.CKei, 24, 35. 

6,CK*)fTHC, 237.«.CAioc, 7, 14, *i5, 18, 20, 200, 

211, 231. 
a.cTHpioit, 47 n. 
*.ct^s.\eia. and vars., 72, *73, *77, 78, 

80, 82, 87, 89, 93, 95, 97-*ioi, 

*i02-6, 166, 178. 
«.ct^*.\i'7e, 151. 
a(r)(yjfwveiv, 27. 
ekCXHAiocyiiH, 31. 
*.TpenToc, 12. 
6.Y^e(nTiK.on), 131. 
*.-]fReitori,.2i2 n. 
e.YRH, 212 n. 

avKvvov (*.YKereon, a.yrh), 212 n. 
Ac^ecic, 8. 
«.i^i\or».\htoc, 96. 
«.X*>i'nc, 36. 
*.Xe^ei, noun, 124. 
«.XP*'nToc, 12. 
i^Xwujx*. (magic), 53. 

A«.pfca.poc, 16. 

ii.c*.nicTHC, 47. 

fc*.cic, 113. 

Baros {Walos), name of a melodj', 208, 

fceAi.icocic, 94. 

&HA1.&, 128, 222. 

Ai«., w, 17. 

/3i^XioOt]K7], Sr]fji,o<Tca, 93 n. 

&IOC, biography, 218. 

— , monastic, 30. 
fcoHee(i), vb. and vars., 128, 135, 150, 

155-7. 161, 162, 178. 
fiOK^ta., as vb., 161. 
&OH-&ei8., noun, 88. 
AoHeoc, 17, 24, 143, 170, 235. 
SioyWive, 79, 149. 
Povvevpov, 212 n. 
Ape&ic, brevis, 145. 
Apet^oc, 10. 

Ka.TOt^YXe.Kioii (ya^o-), 227. 

yap,en], 7 1 II. 

fi^oc, 35. 

itt'».p = r«.p, 139, 140. 

reiTKia., 89, 96. 

yEva/icvos, ytvojaevos, 74 "■ 

yevtaXoyetv, 212 n. 

'cenHJu.ek, 19, 82, 103, 141, 166. 

t'cniROC, 94. 

I'eitna.ioc, 45. 

fenOITO, TO AlH, 81. 

t-i^a-c, 35. 

yivcTai, 121 n. 
yrae^evs, 108. 
fnHcioc, 136, 178. 

fltWAlH, 93. 

ritWCIC, 115, 120, 124, 148. 

CO , , 

TTn ^yvwtrts), 77, 109" 

f p».iJLJiI (? ypafjifia), l6'J. 
fp«jujui(e.TeYc), 148. 
t'pa.Juuu.e.'^ROC, 51. 
t'ps.t^eyc, loi. 

S/- (Sta), 12 2. 

•i.i.n4.nH, *65, 78, 82. 
n'^e=':^e, 2, 139. 
^^ (Setva), 54. 
•i.iRtteye (Sciktveiv), gi. 
■^eRevnoc, spirit, 42. 

— , 118 n. 
■ivecnoTHC, 40, 130, 133, 135, 143, 

"144, 157, 159, i6i. 
•^eyTep/ (Seurepapios), 109. 

■2vh'\0Y, 70. 

■ZkYAiio-j-pfei, 4g. 

•i.HAiocion;, TCAioce and vars., 64, *66, 
67, 68, 88, 91, 93, 95, in, 114 n., 
122, 149, *i53,, 159, 160, 167, 


, ilM-, 160. 



Srjiwa-ioi Xoyos, 63, 64, 86. 

SiajSoAAeiv, 212 n. 

-^i2J!io\h, 51. 

•a.i«.opa.c^on, 66, 136, 154, 155, 156. 

Tia>TH\H (? StaSijAow), 115. 

'^ekTOXOC (8ia8o;(os), 8. 

-^lekKonoc, -^liKKOin, -^i/ &c., 14, 27 n., 

66, 76, 78, 91, 95, 97, loi, 103, 

104. 105. 107. 109, 112, 122, 124, 

ia8, 134, 136, 137, 154, 168, 172, 

174, 192, *23I. 
'^liJionei, 32. 
■2ii«>K0i[i&, 138. 
■ajjkXycic, 93, 94. 
■:M&noiULH, 158. 
•^a^CTiXe, 80. 
•^i*>cto\(h), 176. 
■ija^t^epece-e, 80, 87, 90. 
SiSacTKoXos, 91 n, 
-:^K<iaon, n-, of a monastery or church, 

*67, 76, 87, 88, 91, 93, 98, loi, 

— , 81, 86, 89, 90, 152, 169. 
-^jKJuJoc, adj., 85 n., 96, 103. 
■^iKej(i):uLaL, 96. 
■^KeaTHC (StotKijTTjs), 167. 
StKaonjs, 48. 
StKijs, avev, 70 n. 
•^loiKei, 153, 162 n. V. TiHKC. 
•ajojKHcic, 140. 
•2JOIKHTHC and vars., 63, 64, 87 n., 141, 

167, 173. 
•:^in\o']('n, 45. 
■aacKa^pin, 82, 84. 
■ijCTe.7e, 47. 
-a,ia)fixoc, 47. 
Tk.oi7Ju.e^Ti7e, 51. 
SoKavT], 117 n. 
SoK€iv, 76 n. 
■^OKiAiaLTe, 44. 
^o^H, vb., 75, 91- 
T>.o^on, 73 n., 74. 
■i.ocic, 155, 

-i-oy^, 32, 33, 134, 177. 
'^pakKK {SpaKtov), 16. 
•a-ynajLUC, loi. 
■ji.ycwnHCon (SucruTrctv), 12. 
'xb)peeL, 140. 
'^(i>pon, 61. 

ePTT-yH, ev^Ha> and vars., *7i, *72, 73, 

i33> 173. 178, 234- 
et'X'ie^, as vb., 71. 
c^^")fHTHC, 70. 
er^yHTiKH, 72. 

ey/cXtto-Tos, 29 n. 
fyKw/j-ia^tiv, 48. 
ex'KWju.iOK, 47. 
eTiHk (atTta), 180. 

^i^f^, 37- 

giKlon (etKuv), 7, 31, 47, 211. 
eipHrtH, ipHHH, 136, 137, 151, 154, 
159, 164, 165, 180, 184, 231. 

CKiwTOIt, 150. 

EKkKhCIA., 20, 42, 61, 78, 81, 122, 195. 

EKCd^RTwp, exactor, 129. 

«^/ (0. 93 n. 

euToc, 150. 

e\«il/ (cAatovpyos), I20. 

c\enh>it (XotTroi/), 185. 

cXeyeepiiw, 74, 75. 

e\eTf-»epoc, 50, 75, 82, 86, 88, 94, 95, 

eXeycic, 11. 

eAiiioXH and vars., 68, 95, 109 n., 148. 
efXTrXovfJios, 113 n. 
CAino'ikion;, 157. 

ejunpoAt«>\m {eiJLirXovfji.apiov), 112. 
eju.(^aini7c, 9'3. 
ejuLt^-yTeyjULek, *9l. 

eju.c^']f'''6T''^'*^°'^) 91- 

ere oiioju.a.Ti, 63, 66, 70, 72. 

enriOK (ayyetov), 57. 

cn-2^o^oc, 12. 

en^ (evSo^oTttTos) and vars., 63, 69, *7o, 

7i> 78, 133. *i36, 148, 151. 
enefe, encKC (emyeiv), 93, 94, 105, 

enepvei, 45, 146. 
on^CKicee (tvcxeo-^at), 84. 
ee-ponicjuio {sic), 23. 
enTe>fin, 72, 99, 106, 143, 147. 
e^e.^i(on), 151. 
eg^aapcTwc, 173. 
eg^ikKiif^-yKOC, 72. 
efaAetTTTpoi/, 172 n, 
e'^d>\']f5(^noc, 113. 
eg^AnTepyfa., 19, 
eg^e.pTHCic, 81. 
e5*.CKe\oii, 112. 
e'ZHT^HCSC, 29. 
ej^HKOHTa,, 150. 
e^o/AoXoyrycrts, 3. 
eg^OTfCia., 82, 135. 
e^ovcrtacTTT/s, 212 n. 
enaL^oju.e«H, month, 70, 79. V. ewno- 


eirauAts, 74- 

enei, eni, 134, 140, 147, *i5i, 152, 

155, 156, 160, *i66, 167, 169, 173, 

175, 180, 183, 184. 
cnei-:^H and vars., 63, 68, 69, 72, *75, 

87, 88, 92, 94, 95, loi, 102, 126 n., 

127. 134, 138, 140, *i4i, 150,152, 

161, 162, 167,170, 171, 179,181, 

182, 184, 185. 
enei-^^H [eTrvn/mv), 49. 
eniTjk (ejrttra Jjo Ul), 126. 
eni Tio, 72, 75, 77, 78, 82, 89, 91, 97, 

loi, 103, 234, 
eTTt^v/ita, 30. 

eniKic^&pn {i trnKetjiaXiuov), 157. 
eiriXvcrL's, 28. 

eniCKonoc, 8, 23, 39, *45, 51, 75, 76, 
126, 134, 137, 146, 147, 231. 

eniCToKH, 31, 131, 135, 138, 139, 140, 
146, 150, *i52, 153, 154, 158, 
161, 167, 169,170, 171, 231. 

en\^o\H {stc), 128. 

eniCToXoi, 230. 

enicToXoo")fe, 142. 

eniCToXu.a> (cTrto-ToA/ta), 166, 167. 

eniTpene, vb., 67, 73, *ioi. 

iTTlT POTTO'S, 43- 

enixeipi, 39. 

eni5(;^epn (? e7r1xii.p1.ov), 118. 

enoiKion, 81, 132, 149, 168 n. 

enoYpa^itioc, 126. 

ep^ikCia., 42. 

epfewTHC, ewpRi^THC &c., 123, 132, 162, 

168, 174. 
a-p^ (tpyaTiys), 123. 
ep^ (cpyov), 123. 
epKuoc, 42. 
epiov, 74 n- 
gepAiHneYe, 26. 
epxuiniaL, *28. 
e.pfir)Tapiov, 222. 
ec5(^ (ecrxaTOs), 91. 
e^i^i^'^eXion, 123. 
eqa.nreXioii, 54. 
ey2kOiuju.a)T4.(Toc), 161. 
£D€py£Tr;s, transl. peqpneTitaLiioyq, 20. 
— , 12, 159- 

CYKIKWIl (?), 212 n. 

e"]fKXeecT&.Toc, eyRX/ &c., 63 n., 64, 
100, 136, 151, 154, 158, 160,176. 
eyXicii^ (evAvo-ia), 165. 
eYXofHJuenoc, 100, 142. 
ewo (.''), 90. 
e-j-nopoc, 148. 
eyceAjic, 25. 

eycT^ (Euora^fioi'), 84, 98. 
€*]f t^OAXin, e-jf c^WAiiSk (ev^ry/Aeti'), 2 1 1 n. 



cv<j)paiveiv, cyt^pakUe, 47i 4^' 
eT9C«'P«CTj!., vb., 95. 
eYX*'P'"C'> 158. 
eTX«'P'CTi&, 45, 134. 

*TXP*'^f^'''^*'^°'^> ^°°' 

reiKOTon, 62. 

74>\h, 62. 

Teifroc, 61, 84 n. 
THKoTfnoc, 61. 

7HAXI2L, 62. 

ToyAXHn ijpo, 62 n. 
■^Y^H, 119, 157 n. 
^vy*" a\e{$avSpivbii), 81. 

71fN^«>JULO, 61. 

^vAttTTiov, 61 n. 

raja^pRec, 62. 

7(ofpai.(^ej, 47. 

codKp&c^eiai, as vb. (^(uypac^cii/), 7. 

^o>ypa<j)os, 212 n. 

*^(D/xtov, 62 n. 

Twon, neqToo-y n-, 19. 

7wocAienoc, 62. 

TW^KOC, 62. 

gH^'CAlWIl, 128, 129, 145, 222. 

Hf-^ (eyyvT;), 71- 
gYKOT-fU-enoc {ryyovfievo^), 138. 
■qXiaoTtjpiov, 81 n. 
hXtc (magic), 53. 
Huep&, 82. 

HXIICY, gHAlICY, 81, *82, 106, 150. 

HX°C, H, *I2, 1711., 193, 211, 213, 

»a.p/ (? Oappo'i), 177. 
««.ppei, 146, 155. 
ea^pge, 134. 
^«LYJUL&7e, 161, 177. 
■aeoTHC, 38. 
eeoTOKOc, 195. 
«eo(^i\ei&, 153, 159 (?). 
eeot]^i\ecTi>Toc, 91, 159 {.''). 
e^eoc^opoc, 219. 
6co</>DXa(KTOs), 135, 136, 148. 
BcpaTrevTtj's, 212 n. 
e-ecHKCioc, 45. 
«Hn (eeiov), 35. 
'eHniv(jL>p& . . (magic), 54. 
eponoc, diocese, 232. 
eTfJUl*.THpei {dvfiiarripiov), 1 13. 
^yAiiWAia. [dv/jLiafia), 122. 
»yp (dvptopos), 109. 

»YCi«>, 28, 53, 61. 
^•ycuwCTHpiore, 47 n., 93, 112. 

gi'^iKoit, 64 n., 78, loi (?). 

gl'^IOTHC (t8t(i)T»)s), 39. 

giepeyc, 92 n., 132, 167, 168, 180. 
giepoc, 45. 

2iepo\J/a.\T(Hc), 122 n. 
iK/Te^c (iKETEvetv), 10. 

gIRH, T- (?), 56. 

tWouorpios, 69, 17811. 

i/itaTiov, 1 1 7 n. 

lAifieitTOK, invenium, 112. 

111-i.iKTionoc, iif^/, i^/ &c., 63-8, 70, 
72-8, 80, 82, 84, 86-94, 96-106, 
III, 112, 120, 121, 133, 136, 
149, 151, 163, 167, 185 (often 
several times on one page). 

tTTTTcus, 103 n. 

glCA-yPIK^OC {Orl glCTOpiKOc), 112. 

gicon, 178. 

ICTTOpUV, 2 I 2 n. 

gecTwpiik (lOTopia), 47. 
* larropi^eiv, 49. 
uTTopiKo<;, historiatus, 1 1 4 n. 
eicXH (icr;^£iv), 91. 

K/ ^=Ka.i., 15. 

K/ (xcpaTia), 89, 12 2, 155. 

K7 (KVpts), 177. 

KAL&\akK/ (? KOTaWayr;), 123. 

Kd,liKa.{tno {i KOMKoKiov), 113. 

Kjk-^oYC and vars., *i03, 104, 158. 

R«.«a>pi'^e, 57. 

R*.-»&pu)c, 96, *98, *io3, *i04. 

R&»IA1.& {Kadriixa), 1 1 8. 

R&eoXiRH, 35. 

RMpOC, RCpOC, 76, 102, 103. 

Ks.RO'x&iu.cun, 31. 

KawKO'^i.o^iai, 51. 

RjwRoyp^oc, 49. 

R&X&KiWa^ {KapaKaXXov), 120. 

KaXafxia, 81 n. 

RakXekHTipYn (?), 170. 

RSkXe (? KaXeiv), 170. 

R&\iKn, KaXiyiov &C., 74 n., 118, 165. 

Ka.\io^p&.(^oc (/coAXtypaf^os), 31, 192, 

195, 200. 
Rs.\oY, AieTA, 160. 
KaXu), £771, 169 n. 
KajuaiCon, 113. 

KftAiica., Ra>Aiicit (/cajtiio-iov), 105. 
R2kAJLn&noc, 104, 113. 
Ka.n, 56, 81, 94, 168, 172. 
RtkRICRe, 113. 

K&nb>n (ecclesiastical), 78. 

— , 29. 

— , in date, 64, 65. 
R&pdL&n (Kapa^LOv), 75 (Z"^^-)' '54- 
R«Lpi!iW!te, 59. 
Ri^pnoc, 68, 72, 80, 81, 86, 90, 94, 

loi, 104, 106, 121., 105, *io6, 120, 142. 
R&pT&xiwn, 59. 
K&TaL, against, 149. 
Ra>T&&a.\\i, vb., 156. 
Ra>T&£&\H (KaraySoXij), 64. 
Ra>Ti>io\H, ig4, 155. 
Rj».T«.rpa.t^H, 109, 131. 

RJkTaLR\HCA10C, 217. 
KaraXaXia, 30. 
Rd>T8>na>Tei, 42. 
RakTdkneTa.cjuiak, 112. 
K2kT&p&Re (.? /caTopyeiv), 147. 

R&TBkpO-, 8, 51. 

KAiT&cnopa., 80. 
Ra.Ta.TiAie, noun, 158. 
Ra.T&c^poiiei, 74. 75. 131- 
uaLTiki^ponHcic, 92. 
RBkTe (xara), 14. 
Ra.Texe, 184. 

RB^THCOpie., 217. 

R&THne, catena, 114. 

KaTop6u>/j.a, 2 1 2 n. 

K&Tw(?), 184. 

RaL-ynjikRec (KavvaKr]^), 119, 124. 

(S'o'Y'nekS'ec [KavvaKrj's), I2on. 

S'u)^^kS' (Kauvaioys), 1 19. 

Ra.'Y'5(^HJULjk, transl. tgoyujoY. '^. '9- 

ReXeye, 135, 136, 143, 144, 151, 162, 

166, 176, 178. 
RdkiXeyoye, 135. 
ReXeYcic, 96, 123, 141. 
KeXevcrov, 144 n., 169. 
RenTett&pion, io6, 219. 
RepajAeyc, 33, 42. 
Repa.Tn, nepT kT, &c., 65, 67, 68, *8i, 

82, 84, 89, 90, 92, 95, 96, 98, 106, 

134. 135. 154"., 159 n-. 166 n. 
Kec]^ak\aLion, 28. 
Ket^jwX&iwTHC, 27 n. 
Rei^jvXoc, 59 n. V. p. 240. 
RHn4.pH (? Kivapa), 99 n. 
Rynwpoc ((ojirovpos), 15. 
RHAixie (? Ko/i/ii), Aiooy H-, 57 n. 
KTpH^«Aia. {Kr]pvyp.a), 45, 161 n. 
KHpi&n . (? KijptaTTTrjs), 113. 
Rm-i.-yneife and vars., 86, 88, 104, 164. 
Rin'^YKOc, 47. 



uXaifi&KT/ (xpa^aKTiov), 1 2 1 . 
K\a>cju.&, 8, 109. 
KXacr/iara, 109 n. 

K\HpiROC, 76, 78. 
K\HpO/, Vb., 95. 

K\.Kponojuioc, k\hp°, 87, 93, 94, 95. 
kXt/pos, 152 n. 
KiiO {kvlSlov), 159. 

KOtXlttKOS, 24. 

KomoTHC, 63, 65, 68, 70, 79. 
KOinbjn (kolvov), 107, 235. 
KOinioni&, 81. 
Ko\i5i.7e, 47. 
KoXiLCic, 185. 
KoXawCTHpioii, 47. 
KoXei (kojXveiv), 131. 
KoWi.-&on, Ko\d.-»oii, 142, 166 n. 
iioAiec, K0JU.1C &c.,co7iies, 103, 133,134, 

*i35, M4, 166. 167, 184. 
KOULUia., 133. 
KOfx-fj-L, 57 n. 
KovSo\v)(yo?, 113 n. 

KOIIT (KOVTaKlOv), 13. 

KonraLpion, 16. 

KOpa.S'en (? KopaKLVO's), 105. 

Kop'a.iniN., 112. 

KOv^iKkapws, 48- 

Ko-yTO'Y'Xe, kotc^ot^" (•'' kotuXi;), 113, 

115, 122. 
KO-yc^i'^e, 150, 153. 
Koyt^on, Koyc^, 103, 104, 109, 122., 112. 
KpaJievKTH (/cpa/8y8aTtov), 178- F. k\».- 

A.a.KT/ . 

KpAfeaLTTH, 113. 

KpepHc(?), 152. 

KpiCIC, 135. 
KpiTHC, 141. 
KTHAXa., 81, 84, 92, 104. 

K-ypa^, title, 80, 81, 103. 
KYpia^KH, 1911., 20, III, 138, 144, 184. 
— nniuj'l-, 198. 

Ke fcOHO, 84. 

K-ypioc, title, 130. 

K-ypic, K-yP/ (Kvpts), 69, 70, 80, 87, 88, 
95, *i34, 140, 1^54, 156, 181, 185, 

195. 234- V- 'V- 

KYpoc, title, 91, 135. 

kvkXcvuv, 81 n., 82 n. 

Kenpicoc (? KUTrapicrcrtvos), 1 17- 

KWRConakT, 59. 

KwWoY^-, 166. V. KoWd-eou. 

KwXf {k(o\v€iv), 32, 45, 163, 16711. 

V. KoXei. 
*KU)iJir]Ka6r]yr]Trji, 15011. 

KWp.TjKaTOlKO'S, 150 n. 

"X (\iTpa), 165. 
XaLfenc (? Xa;8is), 144. 

X&IKOC, 25, 232. 

XaKav-q, V. XeKa.nH. 

XeK8.«iH, X&K&.11K &c., 9, 113, 198. 

XiS.ROH, 148. 

XikiiekO- (magic), 54. 
Xe^AinpoTa^Toc, 68, 185. 
Xi.5(^4L (?Xax€iv), 150. 
X&'sepiiH {or nXsk-), 116. 
XefiiTion, 105 n. 
XeiiTiB>pHC, liniiarius, 70. 
XHKTCe (? AevTiov), 73- 
Xyn-^tioii (XcvTtoi'), 9. 
Xe«?ic, KJkTjv, 48. 
XenTOii, 61. 
Xe-yKoc, 112, 117, 118. 
Xe-v|/OK/ (?), 109. 
Xi/3« (?Xi/3€/3vov), 159. 

XlJULItH, 48. 

XnionH^on, 45. 

XiTO'ifP'^oc, 20. 

XiTpa., Xif, 57,104, 12011., 139. V. ?i.. 

XoT', 98. 

Xoxi'oc, the Divine Word, *28, 37, 39, 

51. 79- 
— , sermon, 25, 39, 48. 

— , promise, 178, 179. 

— , list, account, 64, 82, 108, iii, 

*i2o, 123, 124, 135, 136, 137, 

i40> 155. 159, 17°. 235- 
— , -jkHxiocioc, 86. 
— , eic n-, formula, 172 n. 
— , e.T-, 71, 72, 73. F. p. 240. 

— \-, 78- 
Xomon, Xenon, XoT, Xmoit &c., 47, 

68, 126, 131, "isS. 138, 142, 147. 
153, 158^ 160, 163. 165-8, *I72, 
175,176, 180, iSi, 183, 184, 185. 
V. eXemoii. 
Xonx«. 52- 

Xo-yTHp, 115. 

X-yi". vb., 157. 
Xy" (XvxviKov), II, 22, 23. 
Xa>T^, Xot[, 118, 119. 
Xwx'^*'* (')' '24- 

p. I {p.ovov), 65. 
XX. {? povcr6ov), 103. 
paySuiXov, 81 n. 
payvrjo-ia, II3 H- 

Aij.t«uHCin,Aid.KItHceit [payvrjcriov), 112, 

Aii^coc, 45. 
xt4.eic (? payti), 116. 
Aj.d.e'TfTHC, 54. 
iiai.Ka.pioc, ' blessed,' 45. 
iia.K.Xai.&iii (payKXa/SLov), 152, 184. 
Aia.KXa.fiice (yu.ayKXaySt^eii'), 184 n. 
Aia>Xa.KOC, 32, 35. 
julBlXXiot, -t (/xaXXwros, ? prjXwTrj), 1 18, 

JU8.HTeXe, 116. F. Aia^TTHXe. 
xia.nS'a.XH (juaxeXXa), 113. 
juakniia., 112. 
Aii.piTi^piTHC, 220. 
Ai&pTypijk, 123. 
Aia.pTypion, 16. 
AxevpT-j-poc, 19, 47, 96, 108. 
XX, <p {papTvpoi), 103. 

JJL&pTYC, 12, 18, 19. 
AJ.&C'^fl^, 51. 

Ai&c^Xe, 54- 
Aia>c(TiXH ?), 60. 
xiakCT {paorTixri), 57- 
AjLa>Tnce (?), 106. 

Al.&,TTHXe, 116. 

Aid.x*>«e (•'' or Arabic), n6. 

AJtatXe {paxecrBaL), 133. 

xieua^XonpenecTekTOC, 70. 

jL«.ei70Tepoc, 92, 143. 

AieXeTa., vb., 45. 

jui.eXXonTio[ (? /AoXv/Jrovpyos), 78. 

AJieXXtOT, 120. F. Aia>XXu)T. 

AteXoc, 32. 

xieXioT, 11 9 n. 

iieXiufH, 218. 

juepoc, 7, 65, 81, 90, 92, 120 (.?), 134, 

138, i53> 240- 
ju.eTa.XaJu.fia>iiein, 8. 
AieTaLUOia>, 40, 138, 195. 
xxe-viK'Ze {p.eTaiiOv), 112. 
xxere^e, 26, 128. 
p-rjv tyi, 59 n. 

AtHCTHpi (pva-njpiov), 38. 
PV^pa, 36- 

MX<^v{v\ 77- 

xin«'^io'\, 81. 

piKpofvxeiv, 153 n. 

Aiic-e-oY, vb., 82. 

jULicewcjc, juLice, 75, 82, 84, *86, 88, 

89, '90, 92, 96, 123. 
piTaTiap, 212 n. 
AXiTpa., 171. 
xxo'^l (? /xoSios), 119. 
poXox^li 105 ^- 




/xoXu^Sroupyos, 78 n. 

Aioiia^cTHpion and vars., 64, 72, 86, 87, 

T2I, 137, 156. 
xion&.Ti (fiovai), en, 66. 

Xi.OSlb.'X^H, 156, 17511. 

AjLoitjwjQ^oc, Aiono5(;^oc, *7o, 106, 196, 

juoiinHCio (? or a,Aiori-), 107. 
xioitot'enHC, 53. 
Aionxopoc (/xoxA-os), 133. 
/Ao;!(A.os, V. xx.on')Qo^oc. 
/xupocjiopos, 216 n. 

vav (vauTTjs), 159. 

iieiieco^iM, 89. 

neot^u)Tic»e (i/eo^(OTi^€iv), 11. 

jtHC-re (? vr]a-T€vuv), 56. 

iiHCTii., 35, 88, 161 n., 162, 184. 

niKa., on amulet, 60. 

nK-Hii, V. a.ft'ion. 

noeiJU (? voij/x,a), 142. 

noein, 158, 162. 

IlOiHH, 80. 

iiojuiiKOc, 73, 77, *78, 100. 
nojuLOc, law, 88, 126. 

— , VC-, 7011., 82, 84, 97, 103, 104, 

vo/JLOV, SiT^a vravTOS, 7° '!• 
iiocoK.Oi«.(eioit), 109. 

KOT&piOC, 18, *70, 89, 100, 123, 153, 

163, *i78. 
iio-yc, 117, 144. 
vv/xcjiayoiyo's, 212 11. 
niit, Ry {km wv), 15, 18, 19. 

tjecTHC and vars., 84, 102, 113, 114, 

115, 159, 219. 
^,e[c]Tpe, 235. 
^-eo-rpi^, 235 n. 

oiTt'iai, 118, 1 19. 

oxTirmoc (oy/civos), 113. 

oiHKOn, n- (f or itoihrou), 19, "20. 

oiKovofXLa, 25. 

oiKOnoJuioc, 74, 108, 217. 

oiKOCKeYH, 234. 

ORne-ye, 74, 75. 

oMfcopi, 140. 

goXoROTTln, OOXOR/ &C., 64, 65, 67, 

70, 71, 72, 74, 75, 77, 81, 84, 88, 
89, 93. *96-ioi, 103, 105, *io6, 
119, 120, 124, 134, 144, 147,155, 
"156, 158, 165, 166, 169-74, 179, 
234. I'. o{v\a,KOOTe (Coptic). 

goxioXot'ei, 8, 28, 33, 68, 72, 75, 76, 
"78, 84, 88, 91, 96, 98-101, 105. 
goAioXofiev, 63, 68-71, 72, 74-*78, 

89. '91, 93. 94, 96. i°o. 105- 
juoXofiTHC {ofj.oXoyy]T7]i), 237. 
ojuLOOYCioc, 63, 94. 

OJULOIIOC, Oil/, 25, 124. 

oni5(^eoc, 117. 
onoAtfliTe, 48, 52, 70. 
oiiii {ovofj-aTo), 109. 
onTOC (ovT(os), 131. 
OTTTacrta, 212 11. 
opi^&non, opy, 47, 77, 81 n. 
op^cikO^oc, 231. 
op-» {opOpoi), *ii, "22, 23. 
gopi^e, 51. 

OpR&. (?), T-, lOI. 

opni*^, n-, 55. 
opc^a^noc, 130, 141. 
oerioTTjs, 137 n. 
gOCIlOTJyTOC, 137. 

noocon {ocroi'), 17. 

o-ynXon, oynXn, velum, 112, 115. 

OTfeia>, 28, 67. 

ODTws = , 1 2 1 n. 

na.TTjkpX">i ""ay, 131, 159. 

7rayapx(os), 1 3 2, 1 48. 

na^eoc, 51. 

n&RTon, na,RTU)n, 74, 92, 159. 

iT4,XXa.Tion, 220. 

n«.XXa.iiTion (?), 187. 

na.XXin, waWiov, 106, 115, 116, 117 n., 

120, 124. 
naLXjuis> (or C4,Xju.a.), 124 n. 
nikXAiertHit, 118. (? Travapiov), 115. 
n<MiTOKpa.Tiop, epithet of Jesus, 30. 
na>n&, loi, 138, 171, 172. 

— , PAX-, 145. r. Tui. 
n&.n«.c, 78, 99, 145 n. 

— , pope, 213. 
na>p {Trapa), 172. 
na,paL, 97, 98. V. n«.pe. 
na^p^K, 40, 68, 80, 84, 89, 90, 91, 

na.paLfis.cic, 93.'eiXe, 131, 148., 78 11., 141, 161, 177.'OjfH, 73., title of a book, 240., 69, 70, 71, 86., 102, 128, 178., 95. 

TrapakXa^, 207 n. . . , 78. 
■jrapa/xovapio^, 79 n. 
irapap-OVT], 209. 
n&pa.<^ycic, 31.«. ^SS- 

^^pe (Trapa), 68, 176. 

na.peXee, 137. 

ne.p«-eitoc, 19. V. also under Names. 

na.p2iCTa., 131. 

na.po pa. (.''), 130. 

na.p2HCia. (TrappTjcria), 143. 

nikpgOTfCiak {-n-app-qcria), 1 72. 

TrarepLov, 107. 

TraTrjTO^, 73 '^• 

na.TWXOc(?), 142. 

neiee, niee, 43, 68, 75, 131, 137, 165, 

nig-e-e (irei^etv), 73. 
neXAxa., 133 n. 
•n-cA/xari^eiv, 133- 
nenTenTHC, 106. 
7r€pi/3oAatov, 1 1 6 n. 
nepni'pa.t^H, 76, 93. 
7r€pio-Tep(a), 123. 
nepxj.a.Tice (7reXp.aTi^€tv), 133. 
nepca.TiRoit, 113 n. 
nepciBkTiROC, 112. 
•TTCTaAov, 113 n. 

Trerpa, 67 n. V. Index of Places. 
neTpe (Trtrpa), 73- 
nyrH, 45. 

TTTJO-O-flV, 48. 

niiia.^, 64 (?), 240. 
mnpe {ir^Trepi), 60. 
nice^ene (.?), 237. 
niCTeye, 47, 140, 146. 
nicTiRoc, 123, 158. 

TTlT, 159. 

niCToc, 172. 

TT {? TtXuOv), 120. 

n (TrAayios), *I5, 16, 17. 

nXa.iJ(.a. (?,a), 8., 45., vb., 33. 

nXa.CTeYe, 51. 

nXHRH {TrXriyrj), 1 2 6. 

nXHK, 1 60. 

nXHpo-if, vb., 65, 66, 67, 78 n., 80, 
85 n., 86, 87, 90, ^^93, 96, 98, 99, 
100, 102, 103, 106, 148, 152, 167, 

nXHpoc^opei, 175. 

^XHpo(]^opl^, 126, 212. 



n\iT(Dpn(?), 176. 
nXo-j-AXikKia^, 124. 

Il\o']fJUL&piK(oc), 112. 

nnoH, 48. 

no-^e Kypo (ttote Kaipw), 72. 

no'a.eek, 118. 

noiHKon, V. oiHKott. 

noXeJAOc, 41. 

noXi-re-ye, 35. 

7roA.iT€vo/xevos, 46. 

no\jHTi«>, 218. 

no\Yc^a,itoc, 113, 114 n. 

nopneiiv, 27. 

nopiiH, 27, 32. 

nopt^Ypis,, 50. 

noTHpion, 53, 112. 

noTHponXiTHc, 113. 

mi = n^niL, 138, 174. 

iips.T'i».i>, T[pa>KJULak, 129. 

npaLfAj.(akTe'TfrHc), 168. 

npenociTOC (TrpaiTTOcrtTos), 129. 

npiSkK, {-TrpaKTmp), 73- 

npa.=zic, The Acts, 18. 

npa^cic, 95, 96. 

npecAiSk, 231. 

npecfi-ifTepoc, np^ &c., 8, 14, 27 n., 46, 
63, 66, 67, 73, 74, 78, 80, 82, 84, 
*88, 93, 94, 99. 100, loi, 105, 109, 

no, 121, 122, 127, 129, 139, 170, 

196, 231. 

npiAiiKHpoc, 146. 

npoiLipecic, *25, 93. 

npoa.CTion, 106. 

■7rpo/3X.r]iJLa, 22 2. 

npoecTWC, loi. 

np° {irpoKei/ji.evov), *2I, 22, 23. 

npoXot'oti, 194. 

irpooLixiov, 48. 

npoe-ecAua^, 89, 100, 131. 

nponoHTHC, 27 n. 

TTpOVO/XlOV, 80 n. 

npoc, 47, 119, 150. 
npocd^pee {Trpoa-eXdiiv), 160. 
npoceX^e, I48(?), 171. 

npoceyx". 53> 136- 

npocgo-ikOC, 61. 

npocTa.THC, 134, 175. 

npocTixion, 75, 78, 82, 88. 

npocc^opsk, 60, 122, 141. 

npocwnon, 69, 70, 134, 137, 151. 

npoTpene, 25, 137. 

npoc^a^cic and vars., 70, 86, 98, 149, 

npot^HTHC, 52, 126. 
npwiioHTHC, 72. 

npu)TOii, 179. 

TTvX-q, 119 n. 

nH\e (ttuXi;), a melody, 14. 

ny\n (?7rtXos), 118. 

n-ypt'oc, 169. 

nioAia,pii, 106. 

Quadrapulus, ii6n. 

gpa-^-XOC, 113. 
opi^ioym, 53. 
gpeKe (?), 112. 
peno-y (? XeiTreti'), 133. 
pHTon, 7. 
gpHTiop, 162 n. 
opina.p(ioc), riparius, 159 n. 
pioTieccoyc {?), 55. 

Ca.fij>non, c&fieviieu &c., 116, 119, 

120 n., 134, 157. 
cjk&«, 54. 
Ci>fiiiiiTou, 216. 

ce.fi7HJUi./ , 119. V. ca^njHiiiio. 
ca.Kin, 112. 

Ca.RK/ , (?) T-, 64. 

ca,\xi&. [or nA,\«.d,), 124. 

craAtriKtov, 1 1 5 n. 

c«.jS(?), n-, 172. 

ca.117HAi.10, 119. V. caifcyHjUL/. 

o-avi5, 96 n. 

csLpciKill (? craAcrtKiov), I15, 135. 

CJ.TWP (magic), 55. 

(Ti/3tviov, 107 n. 

cefiece^e, ep-, 231. 

ce^Xcm {? (tov^Xlov), 124. 

CHAiioii, crijixiiiov) &c., 65, ''70, *72, 

76, 82, 84, 86,87,89,97,99-102, 

105, 106, 107. (o-taivtiv), 154. 
cireXXin, 149. 
cnSrjpovv, 1 5 1 n. 
ci-2k.ia., 115. 
ciKeXXin, 132, 154. 

ClKItOIt, 47- 

cina^nn (o-tvairi), 57, 58 n. 

ciif2k.(»)nin, 112, 119, 157 n. 

cinnoK, cinneu &c. (crtTTTrtoi', a-TLinrLov), 

126, 143, 164, 165, 166. 
ciTXa>, 113. 
aL{TOv) apr(a^ai), 89, 98, 99, 102, III, 

CK&JULniii, 113. 
CRa.nTa.Xo It, 133. 
CKikt^n (cTKo^tov), '^113. 
a-Katf>os, 212 n. 
CKeX& (cTKvAXeiv), 171- 

CKe-y-H, CKeye and vars., 114, 115, 124, 

164, 169, 170, 181, 230. 
CRena,cjut.&, 112. 
CKipTa., vb., 36. 
CKonoc, 147. 
CKOTeye, 124 n. 
CKTfXXei, 50. V. cueXa.. 
ckhXaioc, 147. 

cofAicwpecTn (? ^wfjiapvo-Tpoi), 114. 
coyju.a.piCTO {? ^wp.apva-rpo';), 113. 
coc^la., 114 n., 117, 162. 
coc^oc, 46, 48. 
cna^d^H, 117, 118. 
cn^Xic, 113, 114. 
cni^pTioii, 166. 
cnaLTiXa. {? cnraTaXrj), 35. 
o-rrupa, 212 n. 
cnepiioyioXia., 148. 
cnHXaJon, 121. 
(nrXay)(yov, 49. 
ciToyi.a.^e, 156, 185. 
cnoYTikH, 74, 129. 
CTa.fcXoii, 121, 161. 
CTa>Tj>,peak, stantarium, 112. 
C'fc (o-Tttv/jos), of Christ, 52. 

— , as signature, 70, 72, 93, 94. 

, TI, 82, *I00. 

— , e.T-, 70, 71. V. p. 240. 
CTyXiTe-ye, 51. 
crrt7r7roD(pyos), 99. 
C^ (o-rixos), *I5. 
CTpa.THXa.THC, 16, 46, 108, 220. 

CTpa^ToneTappd^HC, 45. 

CTpOJULIlH, 134. 
(TTpOcl>€tOV, 119 11. 
CTpOt^Htl, 118. 
CTpWJUla, 112, 12 2. 

cyt't'mjOAiH, 141. 

(rvKiX (? crtKvr^AaTox'), 1 06. 

cyXXa, sella, 119. 

X V 
cyjULAiaxoCjCTfAuu., 96,97, '123, 148, 


cTvpiro<Tiov, 24. 

cyjuLt^wnei, 104. 

cyu (o-w 6£(u), at beginning of text, *64, 
99, 126, 138, 142, 148, 153, 155, 
158, 164, 170, 172, 176, i8o,*i8i, 
— , elsewhere, 75, 84, *86, 87, 132, 
148, 174, 176. 

cyita.fe, niia-y 11-, 18, *20, 21. 

cyitat'tot'H, 32. 

cynag^ic, 30, 198. 

c-yiiapnafH, 76, 93. 

a-vvfiovX.€vei,v, 2 5- 




cynto-ifXoc, 151. 
cynoT-opiaL {sic), 51. 
cTUHfopoc, p-, 51. 
CYiiH-^HCic, CY«HTecic, 129. 
cyiiHdia., 72, 82, 84. 
cywXliJ'^HCic {*crvXXoyr](rL';), 216. 
c-ynoYCia^, 36. 
c-fufi'^-".*'! 240. 
C-^sna.7e, C-ynTa-CH (crwTacrcrco-- 

6ai), 182 n. 
cifitTeXei, 78- 

cYnxi^pej 79> 87. 
ct^p&^i^e, 53. 
ct^pa.pic, 53. 

cx€'2>.o". 132, 133- 

o-x'^/^a. (monastic), 29, '■70. 

(rxicTTOs, 85 n. 

ex." ((TxoXao-TiKO?), 92. 

cxoXa.'^e, 173. 

cwilaLpiCTO [} ^a/jiapvcrTpos), 1 1 3. 

cwTHp (not Christ), 47. 

Ta.6\i>, 152, 183. 
T«.\en()jpoc, 145. 
T<\na,iiH, V. •^a.n&itH. 
Ta.pei (?), gpeKeit-, 112. 
Ta.pixen, 123. 
T4.pcinei, 57. 
T8.cce, 132, 133, 148. 

Ti>YpH\a.CTHpitt (?), 81. 

T«.x«. 53. 180, 185. 

— , as verb, 166. 
TeKT(wn), 109. 
teXeios, 29. 
■TeAlSx (magic), 53. 
TepjuLHcm, 73, 93, *io6, 108. V. Tpi- 


TeT&pTon, 97. 

— AjLepoc, 81. 
TeTp*.K.ociocTOc, 91. 
TexnH, 51. 
Tyt' {rriyavov), 113. 
TiHKe (StoiKttv), 161. 
TiAXH, 85 n., 96, 100-4, 106, 122, 152, 
I75> 179- 

TIAlItDTa^TOC, 80, 93, 153. 
■I^IJULCOpiS., 48. 

■^t^tona-pi, aniiphonariuvi, 210 n. 
toNjula, 33, 134, 141, i43> 144. 168. 
Toitoc, 17, *29, *45, *46, 75, 76, 79n., 

88, 95 n., 103, 137, i68n. 
ToyK&nec (? So/cariy), 116. 
ToyT ecTin, 38.'^a-, 38. 

Tpi&c, 12, 14, 19, 63, 138, 139, *I4I. 

Tpitoyivoc, 184. 
TpiAiHciii (Tjoi/itcro-tov) and vars., 64, 

65, 66, 72, 78, 81, 86, 91, 96, 97. 

98, loi, 105, 108, 119, 134, 135. 

155. i67> 170. 178, 179- J^-Tep-, 


TpLcrayLOv, 18, 21. 
TpiCa.vioc, 18. 

TpiCCTec^dklXOC, 12. 

Tp" [rpoTTapiov), 12. 
Tpot^oOYe {Tpo<j>r]), 82, 86. 

TpOXOC, 47. 
TpY<^H, 217. 

y = vios, 172, 176. 

vSpev)j.ara, 81 n. 

•yioc, •f &c., *64, 89, no, 148, 153, 

155. 166, 174, 183. V. y. 
•yixnoc, *i8, 19, 20. 
gyn^pHC, 145. 
2-]fnena.nTiOY, 94- 
2Ynep»ecic, 98. 
vTrepvp-veiv, 240. 
ginofi6.\e, 47. 

oYnoupa.(^e, 70, 76, 80, 89, 96, 171. 
oYno'a.eK(THc), 64, 

gyno's^exc, 149' 
gyncikiek^onoc), 80. 

gyTTO'Ii.OX". 64. 

gHnOKeiCdd.1, gynoK^/, &c., 51, '70, 
73. 78, 80, 82, 91, 95, 97, 99, 
100, loi, 234. 
gejTOC-»H (vTroKeurdaL), 1 01. 
gynoKpHcic, 33. 
gynojuiiiHAia., 25. 
VTro/JLvrjfjiaTiav, airo, 1 46. 
g-ynojiAnHCKe, 70. 
o-j-noAtonH, 27, 28. 
2Tnono-i.ioit, 136, 156, 158, 175. 
g-ynocTi.cic, divine substance, 39, 51. 

— , propert)-, 94, 159. 
VTTO (? VTrovpyo's or UTroSeKTTys), 68. 
gyno-ifprei, 135, 155. 
gyno-]fp'C"s<!k, 74, 84, 
v<j>ap,fio<s, 81 n. 

c^a.£.ek, 212. 

t^«.tiep(oit ((^avtpos), 32. 

c^&S'a.piit and vars. (? (^aKtoXtov), 112, 

114, 116, 119, 120 n. 
<^aK£Xos, 1 14 n. 
t^«>(3'iit«k (? c^aKtvos), 118, 135. 
t^4LlIT».CI«., 26, 51. 

C^«.ItT4.Cla.CTHC, 26. 

t]^i\o (?), n-. 162. 
c^i\oK6.\eii. (?), 84 n. 
^iXoKaXetv, 96 n. 
4,iko-iraTrip (St. Mercurius), 195. 
t^iXoc, 136. 
c^Y^ocot^oc, 38. 
<!^in.«> (f), 112. 
c^oWic, 154 n. 
t^opei, 137, 156. . 
t^opoc, 8r, 82, 84, 86 n., 87, 93, 159. 
178, *234. 

t^pOIlTICTHC, *87. 

(f)iiyaSes, 13 !• 

t^yX&cce and vars., 69, 74, 77, "'78, 

86, 88, 93, 94, 98, *I04. 
{^•yXe (? (i)4>eXeiv), 57- 
c^ic-yKOK {<f>va-iKOv), 51- 
t^ycic, 28, 51. 

X^-ipe, x*''P^'''^ ^"*^ vars., 37, 126, 
128, 129, 130, 134, 136, 179, 

X*^^-"ioc, 119. 

XaXKiov, 2 2 2. 

Xe^i^ps (magic), 53. 

Xs.pi'^e, 49, 50. 

Xs-pic, 143. 165. 172- 

X^-piceTioit, 113. 

X^-picTioy (? xapto-TKDv), 114 n. 

Xa-pTHc, 75, 160, 181. 

X*'P'''o\4.pHC (^apTovXapios), 143, 162. 

Xeipo'^P*'<^eia., 95. 

Xeipovpyeiv, 1 1 4 n. 

XHpa., 130, 141. 145. 22 1- 

XHpe-TfC, 94. 

X^pitin (xepvLij/), 116, 117 n. 

Xripovoyia (j(eipay<jiyia), 2 1 2 n. 

X'*JLWit, 47. 

Xt-Ttov, 1 1 7 n. 

Xiwit, 48. 

XA«-^, monogram, 143, 144, 150, 155, 

156, 168. 
XoXh, P-, 141, 143, 218. 
Xopeye, 26. 
XopToc, 32. 
Xpei«^, XPi*-. 82, loi, 105, 153, 160, 

170, 177. 
Xpei»>c (xpewcTTav), 1 03. 
XpewcTei, 96, *98, loi, 102, "104, 

XPHCiiioy {xprjaifj.evciv), 133. 

XPKCIC, 84. 

XPHCToc, JU.HT-, 146, 147. 
XC, ju.4.ine-, 6t {v. 240), 126. 



Xpoiioc, 80, 82, 84, 86, 88, 131. 
XPT"Kon, 82, 95. 

XP (xP'"^<"')> ^7) 81, 96, 106. 

Xpvcroxoo's, 109. 

XP«<^f«'^^oc, 48, 

Xpw, 94- 

Xw«*>, 81 n., 135, 150 n., *i62. 

X^»>nHn, 115. 

Xuptov, 159, 185. 
Xwpic, 149. 

V\f4>\l, 210, 214. 
v\r4>\xioc, 115. 
■vVeyTonpot^HTHC, 4g. 
\^iAti«ioii and vars., 112, 117, 118. 

•vVtX". 71, 88, 149, 174, 181, 185, 
188, 196, 213. 
— , KOYi I1-, 153. 

wpioKecojc (?), 56. 
gwcTe, 155 n., 156. 
cod^eXie {(ti<j>iXuv), 57. 


(In consonantal sequence.) 

ek-, with numerals : e^-soY^T, 32,a>oYHp, 

*>e- = &a>- (eipe), 182. 
i>.iiyi, 46. 
iJiOKC, fem., 27. 
«iiU)K, 187. 
a>-»wp, a.o^Tfp, month, 11, 15, 18, 20, 22, 

45, 100, 158. V. ^i.-e-up. 
ACio, iK\o, 7, 53, 55 n. 
d.eiK, 170. 
*.iK, 231. 
eveiHC, 32. 
4.KHT, vb., 58 n. 
ikXe-, vb., 102 (?), 138, 170. 
e>\o, V. \o. 
«.Xii.i\ (?), n-, 122. 
«.\k€, 18. 
«.\tka.c, 48. 

e>\*>y, 56, 59, 164 n. V. \b.i.y. 
ijuLHOTf, AcKe, 82, 86. 
AAi.e.2C,65,68, 77, iS3n., 167, 173,175. 
euuikgTe, 82, 89. 
*.ni (eiite), 161. 

&ItCJLlJLie, 48. 

AnTooy, n-, 59. 

AtiOYHpige, 135. 

jvitewuj, 140.«Lg, 'i crux ansata, 118, 119 n,, 122. 

ivn'^sip, 84, 144., 15, 18, *66-9, *7i, 72, 73, *75, 
78, 80, 81, 82, 84, *87-96, 98, 
*ioi, 102, 107-11, 120-3, 127- 

30. 133) 134. I35> 138, *I40, 
141, 142, *i47, 148, 150, 155, 
159, 160, 164, *i66, 167, 168 n., 
*i69, 170, 180, 185, 213, 222, 
230, 231. 

^ne, n-, title, 89, 90, 135, 153, i6o, 

171 n. V. iLnH-ye. 
&.noY ? = Ane>, 79 n. 
j^nHye, 68, 132, 134, 142, 148, 162, 


«.1T*.C, 96. 

«>neT, 122. 
js^noo-jfTe, 108. 

— , ca.n-, 172. 
a^noT, 1 08 n. 
«.na.TO0T-, p-, 158, 174. 
«.nHOOc, month, 124. V. na.xwn. 
Apo (?), T-, 104. 
a>poy, 104 n. 
&piKe, 180. 

— , SlT-, 126. 
jvpH-y (? &.pH&), 180. 
a.pHY, 41. 

i^pom, 55- 

ii,pu{in, 9, 122, 167, 175 n. 

ivpeg, 2. 

hS., Hpn, 82, 84. 

«-CIK, 54, 55. 

*.coTf, 68(?), 145. 

e.Te- ? = a,T-, 113. 

a^Tiiec, 49 n. 

d.y=e.YW, 57, 116, 172, 173. 

a.yain, 1 16-19. 

a>yei«."yaLn;, 118. 

&yeic, 145. 

akcl^OJt^, 217. 

istge, 47. 

dLUJH, 41. 

e^q iiue&iw, 112. 
a-giL, 188. 
a^ge, vb., 132. 

— P&T-, 153, 166, 177, 180. 

^Z'fo-, 33- 

^22*- (0. 135- 
a.'jsn, 226 n. 
•xen, 15. 
«.(3'&ec, 49. 
a.S'pHii, 36. 
a.a'oTe, III. 

fii, V. qi. 
Jqco, 139. 
fico (qw), 184. 

— neXooXe, 84. 
fiH&(?), 115. 
&d.K, vb., 177. 
&WK eJioX, 75. 
iiHK, 137. 

ieKe, AiKe, 73, 74, 78, 84, 164, 165, 

- — 4JU.H0Y, 82, 86. 

•, -214.1-, 2. 

i&X, 52, 59. 
ko\, n-, 175, 176. 

— , It-, 161. 
WX, translation, 18, 19, 20. 
tioX efioX, 16, 28, 51, 57, 140, 170, 

ieXe, z). JtXXe. 
ieXiiXe, 47. 
fiXXe, 158, 175. 
iXXeey, pi., 145. 
AikXoT, 78, 79 n. Cf. fi&pcjjg. 

fi&XwT, 115. V. fia-ptoT. 

iX'se, 94. 
&&, 124. 
fiHKe (jfeime), 81. 
feyne (Anne), 167. 
jiertine, Z). nenine. 



iiOiiTe, c».p-, 106, III. 

flip, 149. 

fipew, 57. 

£iHpe (? fcppe), 103. 

ttope efioX, 36. 

tfcpiep (iiepfcp), 60. 

feppe (of wine), 87, 89, 103, 219. 

i&pWT, 1 1 3-1 6. V. &4.\tOT. 

£*.pu)2, 78, 79 n. C/. fe«.\oT. 

ikHT, 106. 

£iO)Te etoX, 152, 173. 

fewuj efioX, 173. 

ta.igoop, plur., 32. 

fi&igotg, 53 n. 

fiu)geju. = 0'yo)geju., 193. 

e-, prosthetic (Bohairic), 219 n. 
etito, 117, 118. 

— , &q nil-, 112. 
eqiw, 57, 168. 
efio\, cga^i, 170. 
eJipe ccouje, 166. 
efipieiii (^?), 105 n. 
eeiqT, east, 87. V. eiHkr. 

CKWT, 114, 121. 

eKo.e(?), 73. 
e\oo\e, Alo 11-, 84. 

— > He It-, 59. 
ejuLOii, indeed, v. auuloii. 
ejuLiiT, 81, 90. 
ejunwT, 113. 
eixpic, 82. 

— , n-. 73- 
ejui«.ii[o, 62. 

exx's.iM\, 57, 60. 

CAfxtig, 184. 

etine (? Aine), 160. 

enTHS', 59, 92. 

eiitycoT, T-, 122. 

enw, T-, 121 n. 

enHH, enicl)!, month, 11, 22, 37, 84, 89, 

98, 124, 230. 
enpu) (npw), 48 n. 
epiin, 105 n. 
cpAiiic (epftin), 139. 
epjuoT, epjULOitT, 54. 
epn (npn), 188. 
epcooYe, 81. 
epwTC, 56, 57. 
epTot, epToq, pToq, 98, 102, 126, 

*i44, 148, 164, 166, "167, 170, 

ecH\(?), vb., 175. 
ecooy, 124. 
eyio, eo-j-lo, 130, 158. 

eyuja.n (oYm*-")) 9^- 

etgoi (? eujo), 179. 

eujT- (eiuje), 35. 

eujWT, 100, 145, 165. 

C'xco- = e'xit-, 163, 167, 175, 178. 

HI, ? levyo's, 84. 

Hpn and vars., 82, "los, 104, 113, 120, 

157, 164, 167, *i69, 171, 219. 

V. epn. 
— , Ci.n-, 166. 

•o-toe, month, 11, 13, 22, 91, 99, 103, 

"5. 153- 
■&ooyT, month, 18, loi, 104, 124. 
■0())uj, n-, 227. 
•eiogc, 216. 

eie, 150, 153. 

ei (eie), 150, 167, 181. 

eei (eie), 131. 

He (eie), 14. 

ei eJ!io\, 68, 69, 81, 85 n,, 122, 140, 

146, 147. 152, *i79- 

— eitecHT, 55. 

— eooyn, 165. 

— egpii, 150, 162. 

— e-xn-, 19 n. 
eico, vb., 9, 56, 172. 
iw, n-, 100, 121, 166. 
ew (eito), T-, 133. 

1(0 (.?), 183. 

einfiT and vars., east, 47, 65, 89, 173. 

eiix, eiHq-r, ifiT, nail, 121, 134, 161. 

i*.\ (? e^aA-etTrrpov), 1 72. 

lOXlL, 84. 

eiJUTie (iine), 172. 
elite, knife, 114. 
elite, resemble, 13, 28. 
elite eAo\, 109, 131, 153. 

— eop4.i, 84, 161, 165. 

— eoo-j-it, 75, 170. 
eione, 114 n. 
eioop, 81. 

— > ■^•, 157- 
ciepwof, 45- 
eiiopjui, 44. 
eic, since, *I45. 
ei&T, Ti, 153. 

— , Tdin, 150. 
ei(ji)T, 18. 

— AiiiiTono[c], 17. V. p. 240. 
— , head of monaster}' (?), 140, 

— , TS-Ittp-, 39. 

eioTe e.Toya.&.!i, 31. 

eiioT, barley, 144, "163, 180. 

eiTtt, 12 1. 

eii-j^Y, 105 n. (.?), 117 n. 
eiooyit, 109, 133. 
igl. 57. 58 n. 
16.2", 81. 

ciwge, 78, *8i, 93, 122, 129, 153, 159, 
160, 177, 179. 

— , CIT-, 234. 

— , CTioge It-, 95. 

[.]i2e\(?), vb., 223. 

K=(^ ; KioujT, 182. 

K/=Ki.i, Ke, KOI : ■i.iK/ o[cYnH], 23, 

iK/Te-Y-e, 10, K/itoitei, 9. 
Ra.1- (ite-), 169. 
Koy- (ito-yi), 1 1 7 n. 
RO (ki-o), T-, 86. 
KIO, K.6.- &C., 143, 150, 157, 172, 174, 

175, 177, r8i, 183, 184. 

— e£o\, 78, 84, 135, 141, 145. 160, 
163, *i65, 173, 178, *i79, *i85. 

— TOOT eAo\, 36. 

— cgpj^i, 9, 47, 93. 

— egoytt, 47, 81, 142. 
rhEi, RHq, 56, 91. 

K&j., 32, 77 (.?). 

Kfi.O, 57, 60. 

RioK, vb., 85 n. 
KHK, eq-, 56. 

— i^gKY, 50. 
KOT"-. 55- 

KOKK-, vb., 86. 
RcXefiiit, 114. 
ReKcoX, 113, 115. 
kXoxi., 50. 

KoXg, 57 n. V. KwXa-g. 
RtoXa^g, n-, 55, 56. 
KwXg egOYit, 49. 

KJ>,X6.2H, 36. 
K4.JUL, 92, 179. 
KIAA, 0.T-, 93. 

KHAie (? KOfifu), 55. 
Ra.itXis'e {or Grcekl), 73. 
Kwwnc, 32. 

KYHgH (KHOe), 47. 
KttgHp, 139. 
KIHgp,, 98. 

KA-n, 168 n. 
Kwn?= s'cDn, 139. 
KCocupe, vb., 161. 

KCpjULI, 196, 209, 232 

»^^^Pm. 75> 77, 84, 94, 95, 99, loi, 133, 

168, 177. 
Rpoq, 93. 

— , iiwT-, 98. 



K^C (?), 57. 

KJs.i>c='seK6LC, 139. 

Keec, 126, 138. 

^o-yp, 79, 133, 149. 

HOT, wheel, 47, 117, 118, 171. 

KOT, '^ n-, 172. 

— , g! n-, 162. 
KWT, vb., 121, 182. 

KTO, 32, 171. 

KioTe, noun, 22, 32. 

KCOTe, 14, 23, 78, 82, 84, 161, 166, 

— , iia. K-, 81. 

KIOTI, 188. 

ue^m, 81 (fem.), 84, 161, 168. 

KWUJT = S'WUJT, 182. 

Ka^ujotg, tge n-, 52. 

Ka^g, 80, 80 n., 8t, 142, 148, 163. 

K«>B>g ("^Skg), 160. 

Kooo, 87, 168. 

KOi.2 (KOOg), 133. 

KWgAj.e, 116. 
JiwoT, 55, 114. 
Ka>'2£.iq, p-, 124 n. 
KO-yjiOTf, 117 n., 124. 

\ = p : n4i.\&R4.\i, 74. 

^o, 54. 56, i35> 140, 141. i44> 145, 

152, 179. 
a^Xo, 55. 56- 
\oie (\ifie), 45. 
Xw&uj, of a building, 45. 

— , of a hymn, 202, 203. 
Xa^em, 114, 115. 
Xoeis'e, 160, 168. 
Xhk (Xwk), 49, 54, 65. 
XoK, KOTvXrj, 55 n., *6o. 

X«.KJUI, 171. 
XOKC, 54. 

XiXooge, 55. 

X\o2e(?), 57 n. 

XcAxXcoJU, 56. 

XojjuLHC, of wine, 103. 

Xd-c, tongue, 126. 

Xa.c, flax, 85 n., 104. 

Xece, 177. 

Xa.e.T, 54, *56, 136, 172, 173. 

— , \i>.y, vessel, *ii6. 
Xa>aky = ^Xa^Tf, 120 n. 
Xooy, 118. 
XoyXei, 175. 
Xeg(?), 168, 169. 
Xi-gH, 82, 84, 103, 113, 120. 
XegXwge, 47. 

Xa.uj4>iie, 87, 92 n. 

Xwsg, 222 n. 

Xo(3' {read ? Xois'e), 162. 

A»a>, 92 n, 

, KOOg JU-, 168. 

— iiepmo-yujoY, altar, 14. 

UKCOTe, 81. 

— iipoeic ujixjr'2i(uX, 81. 
V. also among Place-names. 

Aie, genuine, 58 n. 

U6>xj.e, 131. 

AioeiT, ■s.i, 134, 164, 165. 

JULOIi!>g, 148. 

■"O'ge, P-, 33, 34. 

AlO-lfKg, AlORg, 25, 33, 38. 

AioyXg, 231. 

xuAOii, xs.on, verily, 34, 56, 129, 131, 
135. 150, 155. 161, 162, 165, 167, 


CAJ.OU (jUUULOtl), 150, 172, 181. 

Aixioii, nay, 41. 
— , •sen-, 150. 
AiHne, 161. 
ju-ne, absolute, 135, i6o(?). V. eijune, 

xxMO, lino, 108. 
Ainw, 138. 
Auiwp, 167. 

Axnujs., P-, 45, 137, 138, 139, 147, 175. 
ajuslP, a measure, 44, 85 n. 
Aioyp, Aia.p-, AtHp, 9, 38, 146 n., 177, 
179, 182. 

— egoyn, the Fast, i6i n. 
iiSkipe, 139. 

AxopeT, 184. 
AJLoyc, n-, 178. 
Alice, ujepn xx-, 28. 
AiHce, interest, ^97, 170. 
AxecopH and vars., month, 21, 67, 82, 

AieCT ItgHT, 53. 

AiHT, truth, 36. 

xioTe, 54, 181. 

Aj.a.Toi, 47, 154, 169. 

juLTon, JULOTH-, 95, 136, 147, 162, 165, 

175- 177- 179- 

jULOTfTH (ju.Ton), 162, 177. 
jui.a.TC (?), 124. 
Aj.a.&y, 177, 178. 

— , abbess (?), 141. 
X3La.y (Aj.e.«>Tf), 54. 
juLoy, 231, 232. 

— , iiia.2p*.i en-, 151. 
juooy, 129, 135, i6r, 175, 185. 

ULOoy, jutSk iLu.a.2-, '33- 

— , Ti, 93. 

— , ga.-, noun, 84, 161. 

— , -jsi-, 81, noun, 88. 
xsLOy ncnfie, 61. 

— . P-, 59- 
Aieeye efioX, 47. 
Aiee-if(e), 139, 179. 

AJLtljtOp, 217. 

Aiex'P. month, 22, 67, 98, 124, 158. 
At&.u|e, 114. 
Aiiuje, 13, 16. 
Aioouje, 9. 


Aioyg, Axeg, xi.1^2.-' 1' 8, 20, 31, *86, 
loi, 115, 133, 154, 161, 234. 

xisige, noun, 85 n. 

Aj-a-ge, vb., 141, 142, 153. 

AiSkge (? ajULa>ge), 68. 

AigiT, 66, 71, 80, 81, 87, 89, 136, 154, 
171 n., 173, 176. 

— , THY "-. 48. 

Aia.jk'se, a.T-, 113. 

Aie-xe (ne-xe), 165, 167, 240. 

AiO'xg, 45. 

AAoyss', 34. 

n-, prosthetic, v. i7a.p, •a.e, ujis.-. 

ua.a.-, vb., 26. 

na., noun, 35, 49, 154, 156. 

— , vb., 18, 40, 60, 145. 
na.e (na>), vb., 128. 
itOYi, noyq &c., money, 104, 123, 

131. 135. 136. i56> 161, 166, 174, 

i75> 178, 234. 
niie, 48, 172. 
noeiK, 32. 
noein, 48. 
na.ia.T-, 13, 31, 32. 

IlKOT, vb., 133. 

nj^Aie ? = AJLH-, prep., 172. 

neAxe-? = xtn-, prep., 126. 

ito-yiie, 51. 

iicsk- : ca-pioTit, 147. 

iiHce, 121 n. 

nco-if-, 3rd pi., 73, 103, 133, 136, T43, 

148, 149, 153, 157. V. coy-. 
no-ifTe, pAin-, 33. 
UTn-, prep., 145. 
na-Tf, pey-, 231. 
no-ifH, 32. 
no-yujn, 49. 
neg, KHg, 54, 56, 58 n., 59, 82, 84, 


I02, 113, iH, 117"-, 120, 121, 
122, 126, 159, 179, 219, 235. 
ii«.o-, vb., 171. 
ueo, vb., 178. 
neg m\q, 47. 
noyge, 81. 
«a.ot, vb., 161. 
*noYgt, 160 n. 
no-ygA*-, ns^gxi, 54, 164, 176. 
negce, 41. 
neet, neeq, 66 n., 75, I37(?)' *i42, 

158, 164, 166. 
itOYq, V. rtOTfiii. 
neqT- (niqe), 31. 

iioyse, 9, 31, 49. 84 (?), 89, 95, i47- 
— efcoX, 41, 42. 
-^ egpa>i, 56 n. 
US', vb., 170. 
nos' npuxte, 67, 159. 
noya' (nos'), 67. 

o&e (eiie), 37. 

ome, 86, 88, *89, 102, 114, 164, 166, 

167, 174, 180. 
oeiK eirpwct^opa^, 60. 
oce, 62, 174. 
ooTe, 56 n. 

itbl =: a.n«., 164. 

HI, kiss, 14. 

lie (m), ^, 32, 47. 

noKq, 112, 113 n. 

ncoXs-, 133-6, 161, 177. 

ii*,a)ne, iravvi, month, *2 2, 89, 96, 102, 

105, "106, 124. 
mouine, nooite, 29, 35, 39, 51, 59, 

— efio\, 90, 168. 
— , a.T-, 26. 
none, noun, 142. 
nwnR eto\, 121, 168. 
nenme (fceiune), 47, 52, 54, 113, 114, 

116, 124, 151, 171. 
irenigi^q- &c., 162, 174. 
n*.one, month, 18, 22, 70, 75, 104, 124. 

V. ^&(»C^I. 

hslItoi, 59, 126. 

npw, 57, 82, 84. V. enpto. 

nwpHR e&o\, 135. 

ns-pAioYTfi, month, 75, 78, 89, 1 12, 124. 

V. Jia.pxiooTn, t^4.pjuoY»i. 
newpjujoTn, month, 96, 97, 105. V. 

iT».pAigOT, 124. F. nevpAloOTTI. 
niopuj, 116 n. 


TTwp'x, 16, 39, 167. 

— efeo\, 26, 33, 35, 75- 
■v^fic, 106. 

•vJ/lT, 102. 

TTWT, HHT, 79, 126, 129, I3l(?)> 135, 

i37> 179. 183. 187. 
noTneT, 32. 

iravvi, month, v. itd.wn€. 
ns.x'^") "> month, 22, 66, 'j6, 98, 99, 

105, 149. V. ».ntgooc. 
neuj-, ?half, 179. 
nwuj, nouj, 8, 38, 141, 153. 
n&ujoig, 54. 

t^ (nwg), 50- 

niog, delete, 8. 

nwg, attain, 33, 126. 

ntoo, divide, 8, 32, 138, 147, i58(.?). 

n«>2Pe, 55. 56. 171- 

IT6.20T, gi-, 131. 154, 158, 161, 166. 

— , Teqgi-, 18. Cf. oioH. 
no'xs' (.?), 14 n., 114 n. 
TtO'XT, ec-, 113. 
ne'jieq (ite'xa.q), 169. 
noa'e, noun, 96 n., 105 n. V. t^wsi. 
na.iS'e (iros'e), 116. 
nws'e, vb., 33. 

p = K-: ppeq-, 5- 
P«>, 49. 55- 

pi, T-, 169. 

po, door, 87, 89, 90, 112, 121, 134, 
168, 181. 

JULTIgHT, 57. 

— , Axa> ixn-, 32. 
pnt, 81. 

poeic, 53, 72, 74, 75, 77, 82, 97, 99- 
102, 155, 168. 

— , Aii. n-, 81. 

— , peq-, 152. 
pWAie, n.o<S ix-, 67, 159. 
pt.i.u.d.0, 32. 
piKe efioX, 42. 

pi^Kg, 35. 146' enitofTe, eic n-, formula, 172. 

pne, 41. 

p&a.p, 82, 84, 180. 

pa.«.pe, 82 n. 

pip, 122. 

PHC, 96, 135, 137, 140, 142, 143, *i45, 
147. 151. 153. 154, '166, 167, 
172. 174. 175. 177, 180, 183, 230, 

pcu), 81. 

p*,cTe, III (?), 184. 

pa.C0Tf, 34- 

pHT, eq-, eT-, 59, 81, 82, 84, 163, 184 

pToq, V. epTofe. 

poo-yT, 33, 48 n. 

pcooyrq ngHT, 216. 

pooyuj, 33, 141, 166, 171. 

pi^uje, 72, 86, 93, 128, 137, 143. 156. 

172. 175. 
ptge (pa-me), 7. 
pwuje, 51, 60, 180. 
pa.ujT (.? pwuie), 84. 
p&gT, n-, 70. 
p*.oT, T-, 124 n. 
pwgT, vb., 135. 
pogTe, T-, 44, 116. 
pe.iS'peS', 49. 

ca., n-, 45, 129, 150. 

C«.It*.ltOT, 172. 

ca.itHpn, 119, 122, 166. 
ca.nKin2p, 98. 
ca.itAinTnoTfs., 32. 
ca.iineg, 120. 
Ci^KTHTq (.''), 108. 

V. c&p-. 
cw, vb., 56, 115, 122, 188. 
COY-, 3rd Pl-, 7°. 151. 156, 161, 173- 

V. ncoy-. 
ca.fie, 15. 

CHfie, juoY n-, 61. 
c£ii.i-»e (.?c&HHTe), 57. 

cfcoK, 32. 

cfiHHTe, 58 n. 
cfeo-j-i, 173- 

COI, 122 (.?), 184., 13, 34, 45, 55, 56, 57, 172. 

Ca,eiit, 139. 

ciocj-ii, 109 n. 

coeiuj, 61. 

co4.iig, 143. 

ctoK., coK, 52, 69 n., 75, 137 n,, 178. 

— egp*,!, 44. 

— ga>-, 69, 100. 
Ca.KT- (ciKe), 144. 
CK&ei, 179. 

CKpRlop, 47. 

ceRCOK, 52. 

co\iJt, 57. 

coXeq, 55. 

cw\n, 48, 135, 175 n. V. copn. 

coXceX, 138. 

cioX-s, 218. 

Cixme, CAiii-, CAxoiiT, 48, 61, 64, 65, 
67. 69-78, 80, 82, 84, *86, 88, 
89-95, 97, 98, 99. 102, 105, 106, 
109, 121, 131, 136, *i52, 153, 



154, 157. 158, 160, 165, *i7o, 

i7i> 175, *i78, 234. 
cixx, 56, 57, 5811., 60, 74, 180. 
COJUL-, vb., 86. 
cxxe, V. CAiAxe. 
cjuume, 129, 134, 162, 
CAxoTf, 14, 46, 126, 170, 195, 231. 
CAJL&Aie.e,T, 32, 138. 
cjuoyT (cjulot), 9. 
CAJ-j^Tf, 59. 
CJU.».o, 72. 
ca.a.T- (ciiie), 175. 

— e&o\, 131, 155, 168, l8o. 
cwKT, noun, 36, 129. 

cuTe, foundation, 45. 
C4.a.nm, 35. 
cna.q (cnoq), 188. 

cno-yq, i57- 
cwrtg, 35, 149. 
con, 120. 

— nwuj, 193 n. 
ceene, 68, 76, 79, 88, 150. 

— , vb., 145, 165. 
cone, 15, 145. 
ca^nc (cone), 128. 
concn, 136, 140. 
CTTOTOTf, 56. 
ca.p- (c«. p-), 106 n. 
ca.p£iOKTe, III. 
cwp, vb., 175. 

— ckoK, 45, 47, 113. 
ca.p(ja-, prep., v. nca^-. 
cpfee, 152. 

copn (co\n), 133. 

copT, 44, 59, 116, 124, 136, 171. 

ca.T- (ciTe), 55. 

— e2pa>>, 56 n., III. 
Ce.T- (ci^), 218. 

cexiwge, 81, 86, 90, 91, 95, 115, 159- 

234. V. eiiooe. 
ceTiikggoifwp, 81. 
ceT- (c(j)Te), 146. 
c&.te, 57. 
cwTe, 8. 
CTO, 175. 

CATW, 115. 

CTO I, 7, 1x6. 
c^KOY^e, 7. 
cTHAi, 116, 118, 139 n. 

CTHAlOy (?), 139. 

ciDTn, 139, 148. 
ca.Teepe, 48. 

CTpTp, 48. 
CTtOT, 47- 

cTwre nitoge, 95, 182 (?). 

CTWTe nuj*.q, 80. 

ccoTq, 37. 

co-ifo, 65, 86, 87, 89, 95, 98, loi, 102, 
113, *ii4, 122, 126, 137, 148, 
149, 163, *i66, *i67, 170, "178, 

co-^fa. (co-yo), 188. 

CH-lf, 37. 

coofiie (cooTfn), 128, 129, 145. 

ca-YKe (coofn), 182. 

co"ifpe, 116. 

coofTH, rt-, 131, 154, 161, 169, 185. 

— , gnoy-, 48. 
cwoyg, 148. 

— ego-yn, 16, 26, 164, 174. 

COOygC, 18, 19, *20. 

cooTfge, egg, 56, 59. 

— , crown of head, 35. 
ca.xo, c&x'"' 69 "., 91 n., 108, no, 

116, 156, 181. V. p. 240. 
cwuj, 185. 
CHig (ciouj), 94. 
CHuje, 167. 

ciuje, ca^uje; 9. 35> 48, 187. 
ciouje, 63. 

— , e&pe-, 1 66. 
cwujq, 2, 26. 
cs.q, 143, 168. 

ca^q (?), 59- 

ctowq, 31, 32. 

coqT (?), 55. 

ca.^, 231, 232 n. 

cs5a.i, peq-, 231, 232. 

eg, vb., 114. 

ca.g, 9, 44, 45. 69 n-, 72, 89, 91 n., 92, 

98, 105, *io6, 129 n., 133, 150, 

171, 185. 

— nTiju-e, 143, *i55- 
c(uge, 114 n., 124. 

cga.1, make over in writing, 145. 

ceiixe (cgiAie), 170. 

ca^gT (ccoge), 114 n. 

ca.gTe, "56, *57. 

Ca.goY, 126. 

cgoyep, 34 n. 

cgoyopT, 31, 32, *33. 

cw'se (Pigwse), 169, 170. 

Ta.-, daughter or wife of, 174. 

'^ with 2 dots, 78 n. 

Ti eio\, 95, 96. 

-^ ju.n-, 16. 

TO, 56, 84. 

Tw eTW, 34. 

TH^e, 113, II 5- 

Tojfie, month, 80, 90, 97, 103, 104, 106, 

124, 173. 235- 
TfAi, month, 21, *22, 78, 97, 100, 163. 
Tiote, brick, 121, 122. 
Tww&e, vb., 134, 135. 
tMo, 32, 102. 

T&uH, T&nooye, 82, 86, 135, 157, 188. 
^ic, 47. 

thAt (t&t), 56, 57, 144. 
TwAa^g, 8. 
Ta.Re(?), vb., 133. 
Ta>KO, 162, 166. 
'^Kd.c (TRakc), 52. 
'J-Ka.c {^ TKa.c), 59. 
TCZ (twkc), 1 1 4 n. 
Ta.\o, 37, 50, 55, 60, 75, 84, 86, 109, 

134, 145, 150, 151, 153, *I58, 
169 n., 164, *i66, 167, 170, 177, 

— , weave, 113, 114 n. 
— egpa>i, 6, 28. 
tcoNju., 8, 185. 

TWAi, 31. 
TC0\C, 48. 

TiAie, 63, 68, 71, 90, 131, 132, 134, 

135, 136, 143, 148, 152, *i53, 
'166, 176, 185, 236. 

— , pAin-, 126. 

— , K&Tjk-, noun, 158. 
TOOAie, 35. 
Ta,i«.o, 13, 16, 26. 
Tcon, whence?, 33, 150. 

— , e-, 48 n. 
THne, 78(?), 81. 
TiiHi (?Tno), 73. 
Tonoy, 141, *i47, ^16- 
Tone (Twne), adv., 128. 
Twne(?), 160. 
TM&Y (Tttnoo-y), 188. 

THTUJlt, 165. 

Ta>ngo, 28. 

Ta>ngoTfT, 178. 

Ton, n-, 31. 

T(j)n, 1 1 4 n. 

TinuB^c, n- (not TKa.c), 56- 

Ta^nen, 64, 60. 

Ta.niT(?), 136., elliptical, 151, 152. 

TB.pK0, 63, 170- 

Tppe, 32. 

Tco, 54, 161. 

Tco = TCTO efeo\, 142. 

Tca.fio, ii4n. 

TcnKO, 36. 

TWT ngHT, 8. 

M m 



TooTC, 124 n. 
TioTHc, 1 24 n. 
THTq, c&n-, 108. 

TOOIf, 6711., 9211., 127, 138. 

Tooy, buy, 157. 

•res.TfO, 18, 20, 28, 51, 129, 141. 

— , 4.T-, 7. 

TWOY«, *9, 15, 18, 137, 150, 173 n., 180. 
Tcon (TWoyn) eia.T, 150. 
ToynoYC (toyhoc), 47. 

TO-J-XHY, 62. 

TOUJ, 63, 69, 72, 80, 81, 98, *I02, 104, 

126, 149, 168 n., 171 n., 178. 
Tiouj, THig, 129, "131, 148, *i49, 152, 
153. 157. 162, 175, 184. 

— noun, 42, 72(?), 135, 161, 177, 

T&ttje oeiu|, n-, 78. 
Ta.ujep, vb., 172. 
Twg itca.-, 58 n. 

TAg (? TWg), 12 2. 
TtJOB.£ = TWg, 148. 

fa-go, 51, 59. 64, 65, 133, 146, 156, 
158, 162, 170, 181. 

— epa.T-, 8, 38, 42, 45, 81. 
ei, e-y, vb., 54, 57, 58 n., 59. 
Tige, Ti^ge, 51. 

-J-gi, vb., 188. 
«\o, vb,, 175. 

T»,gAl (TlOgXJ.), 134. 

di.iio, 54. 
«eno, 56. 

■&it(?), vb., 42. 
T«.oc, vb., 57. 
Ta.oT, lead, 104, 112. 
T4.oTg, lead, 48. 
TogTfig, n-, ^aXrj, 62. 
<>eqpe-(?), vb., 128. 

Ti.'xpo, 162, 175. 

TW<3', THS', 133, 139, 178. 

TiO(3'e, vb., 26. 

OYiv no-yWT, p., 35, 37. 

oy^!^-, 57- 

oyi^e (oyoeie), 170. 
oye, vb., 36, 38. 
o-]fei4> (oyei), 170. 
OTfU), vb., 109, 145, i8i. 

— , noun, 157, 167, 176. 
oywiuj, 7, 120. 
oycD^A eio\, 218. 
oyoei, woe I 31. 
oyoi, road, 14. 

OYooie, OYoie, oyoei, 65, 68, 77, 80, 
84, *86, 88, loi, 103, 149, *i6i. 

oyeine, 48 n. 
o-ifwiiii, peqep-, 195. 
oyt^K-, vb., 144. 
oywXc, 16. 

oywAi, 56, 57, 123, 135, 145, 153, 
156, 165. 
— , s'ln-, 60. 
OYit oyon, 34 n, 
o-ifon, part, 84. 

OYWHAig, 7. 

oywng eiio\, 126, 131. 
oyon, 8. 

oyon^ (oYos'n), 59. 
OT-eipe, T-, 47. 
oyope, vb., 173. 

OYpw, bean, 164. 

o-y-wpn, vb., 164. 

oyepT, OYHpT, 57, 58 n., 117 n. 

oypHTe, 116. 

o-ypHg, 87. 

oyopHg, vb., 174. 

oywcq, vb., 188. 

oyeT, 169 n. 

oywT, 170. 

oyTe, prep., 50, 140. 

oyene, 32. 

oyWTfi, 173, 223. 

oyioui, 80, 126, 133. 

— = OiXrjaov, I49, 154, 169. 
oyoutAi, 57. 

oywujc elioX, i. 
o-ywujq, 16. 

OTfwg, OTfHg, 84, 131, 138, 145, 152, 
158, 165, 172. 179- 

— eAo\, 60, 121, 177. 
oywge, 135. 

OY4.igiHT (oya^gi jht), 47. 
oycogii, 75, 145. 
— , repeat, 49. 
OYWgeAt = iiwgeju, 193 n. 


Y = oycogext, 193. 
oyogp-, vb., 162, 172. 
oy^gq (? oyj^g) eAo\, 56. 
o-yo'x, 48, 90. 

oywse, OYWwse, vb., ii4n., 134. 
oysM, in oath, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 75 
77. 80, 82, 84, 94, *95, loi, 113. 
oywzsn, 153. 
oyw^'n, 178. 
OT3'j.os(?), 231. 

^ = q. 230. 

c^Jk-, son of, 231, 232. 

c^a.ei« (.?), 62. 

t^&Aienw-e-, month, 22, 70, 74, 78, 97, 

ioi| 133. 136- 
t^jwpjuoyoi, month, 22, 75, 80, *98, 

151. V. na>pju.OYTe, luvpjugOTn. 
<^a>U)<^i and vars., month, 66, 67, 70, 82, 

90. V. ntkOne. 
<^<^, in Sa'idic texts, 7, 15, 23. 
t^wTg, pcAx- (?), 231. 
t^wxi, 240. 

5C = ^, 230. 

X.oii^K. and vars., month, 18, 22, 64, 

75, 89, 102, 124. 
X}^osx, 195. 

(JJU), 36. 

(joAoj, 40, 146. 

wX, oX-, hX, 86, 96 n. 

— egoyn, *i29, 145. 
oXk (ioXk), 47. 

WAIK, 35. 

OAIC (WAIC), 45. 

wne, 54. 

— Axjue, 58 n. 

wn, Hn, 28, 36, 48 n., 97, 105, 128, 
129, 131. 139, 142, 167. 

t"PK, 53, 55, 68, 69, 72, 75, 76, 78, 
80, 82, 84, 88, 90, 97-100, 102, 
104, 131, 169, 183, 185, 234. 

wpq egoyn, 92. 

]wpq, 68. 

uiTn, 158. 

a.Tn- (loTn), 167. 

u)-»g, vb., ii4n. 

ijiUj, read, 132. 

i^UJ- (wttj), 169. 

coq, noun, 139. 

to'xn, 56. 

Hja., festival, 15, 16, *i8, 19, 20, 26, 

39. *45. 169 n., 178, 180. 
iaa.ak, 170. 

uja.-, prep. : ntga.-, 147. 
uje, wood, 52, 59, 116, 133, 171. 

— of the Cross, 7, 35, 52. 
aefiHne {a-e/Seviov), io6. 
uje neXoXe, 59. 
ujitgepia. (? uje, wood), 73. 
Se, ?vb., 14. 
ae, fem. (f), 121. 
uje (O, 160. 
lye, in oath, 16, 143, 165, 166, 167, 


mi, OJIT-, vb., 142, 164, 170. V. UIHy. 

B«. 56, 57, 96, 168, 173, 177, 185. 

m, peq-, 231. 

ig&i, new (?), 114. 

HOI, 59 n. 

ujto, ujo, sand, 81, 177. 

ujiot, vb., 38. 

SJiAe, 35. 

igfieepe, 35. 

ujeeg, 67 n. 

UJHI, 81. 
ufoeiu], 185. 

U)IK£, I. 

U)k\ki\, 113. 

UIWKg, 32. 

ujo\, noun, 139. 
ujw\, vb., 172. 
ig\A.ein, 57, 180. 
ujW, ujXhX, 7, 9, 35, 54. 
ujN-wX (? uj\ujto\), 56. 
ujeXeeT, 73, 164. 
ujJ^NjtoTf, iya>\ioY, 175 n. 
uja>\ooTf, 115, 161. 

ujeXig'^^) 56, 57, 87, 102, 
ig\q, neg-, 47. 

IHwXg, 53- 139- 

HHAi, 133, 144, 153, 156, 177, 178. 

uioxx, father in law, no. 

ujwAi, 48 n., 57, 82, 84. 

ujw-ite, 166. 

ujAiito, 131, 137. 

ujAioY, 113, 114 n. 

ujAAOje, 7, 35. 

UJOiiT epH&, T-, 81. 

ujHn, 16, 82, 84. 

ujngHT, 15, 18, 129, 145, 146. 

tyilH, 122, 140. 

— , na.Te-, 15. 
ujme, 134, 159. 

— , q*'"-, 43- 

— , a'n n-, 166, 175. 
ujcoiie, 59, 129, 139, 162. 
igwnA., 61. 
igjic, 112. 

ujwnT, ujoJif, 116, 117, 118, 120, 220. 
ujonre, 55, 122, 135, 158. 
ui«>nTe (ujoiiTe), 57 n. 
ujwn, 61, 94, 96, 119, 121, 135, 136, 

142, 163, 179, 180, 216. 
igHn, 164, *i76. 
igwne, i5- 

— , nenTAq-, ytva/tei/os, 74, 88, 93. 
ujrae, 26, 27, 170. 
ujnHpe, *i79, 182 n. 
ii{«>&p, loi, 104, 126, 163, 164. 
ujep (ujeepe), 172. 


iHwpn, morning, 56, 57, 164. 
ujpwic, 195. 
S9>3P!HP- 156. 

UIHT, 158, 166, 167. 

UJWWT, ujeT, uja^A.T-, 86, 105, 136, 146, 

152-5, 166, 170. 
— , cut, 42. 
B»'T n-, 5, 32. 
ujtoT, ujOT, pillow, 114, 1 16. 
ujHTe ^?), 113. 
ujwTe, I, 90. 
ujTHH, 105 n., 114 n., 117, 118, 119, 

124, 146, 157. 
ujTope, 170. 

UJTOpTp, 49, 

uja-Tc, 162 n. 

IfflTeg (?), 67. 

u(B>Tf, advantage, 33, 170. 

ujHy (uji), 60, 90. 

HHye (f tgHy), 56. 

ujoy-, worthy, 16, 51, 138. 

igooye, 49, 55, *57. 

\Q\ye (ujooye), 170. 

jgoyo, 48. 

ujOTfciT, 167. 

tgoywoY (?), 224. 

ujOTfigoy, 138. 

ujoTfujoy, Aisk nep- (? uji^JOYmt), ^4- 

ujoygHnH, 7. 

ujigHne (ujoTgHne), 114. 

UJX^^T (?), n-, 178. 

ujHig, ffluj-, iH«m, 9, 155, 162. 

— ciioX, 175. 
igige, 127, 139. 

SOTfujf, 47- 

uj&q (5/^ m*'«ie), 80, 81, 142. 

ujwq, 113. 

atqe, 42, 43- 

igiqe, 59. 

uj'se, 49. 

uj'SHii, 56, 57, 60. 

ujo-siie, 17, 28, 35. 

ujs'op, 87, *89, 90, 161. 

q», 143, 144, 155, 168. 

qi, ill, 49, 114, 160 n. 

qw, V. Aw. 

qwi {?), T-, 104. 

qoK efioX, 234. 

qtoTe, 9. 

qwa-e, 32. 

^wn, be related to, 231. 

gd.1-, ? perf. prefix, 188 n. 

gc, gei, gH, interj., 148, 170, 188. 


ge, find, 2, 133, 134, 161, 163. 

— , fall, 32. 

— , noun, 70. 
gH, eT- {e</)e|7;s), 75, 78 n., 80, 86, 90, 
91, 97, 160. 

— : Teqgi^H, 18. C/. ns-goy. 
gi, vb., 49, 146. 

— TOOT-, 25, 47. 

gi = gn-, prep., 15, *i7. 
go, side, 96. 
gpa.- (go), 31. 

— , «i, 173- 
goi, 47, 68, 89, 159, 161, i68, 177 (?), 

179, 235. 
goi, 96. 

— , P-, 145 n- 

— i, 145- 

gw, vb., 33, 142, 143. 

gwA, gtoq, P-, 74, 75, 86, 135, 138, 

141, 175- 
— , pn-, 169. 

— , pnnos' n-, 106. 
gii&, 1 5 in. 
ge&i, 218. 
gMc, '115, 116. 
gwAec, 116, 117 n. 

- — eio\, 231. 

g&OC, 112, 113, 115, 116, 119, 120, 
134, 164. V. gAJlOC. 

gwfiT (gwqT), 156. 
g*>I, 81. 

gM&HC, 137. 

goeiJUL, 137. 

gSkCIT, 90. 

goiTe, 106, 135, 145, 178, 234. 

gHKe, 130. 

gHire = gHKe, 147. 

gu)Ke, 104. 

goKep, ey-, 173. 

goKgK, 165. 

ga.\, ep-, 26. 

gu)\ e&o\, 16. 

gooXe, vb., 86. 

g(i)io\e, vb., 85 n. 

g*.\Aeec(?), 165. 

g«.\HK, 116. 

gik\i>K0gTe, 73- V- goXoKOTTIIt. 

gWo, 129. 
gd.\u)ju., 82, 84, 180. 
gXonXen, 173. 
ges.Xd.a.Te, plur., 45. 
gXocS', 15, 17, 108, 139. 
g4.Ai, 75, 171. 
gHAi, eq-, 59. 
gOAi(?), n-, 171. 

M m 2 



g&Aie, 114 n. 

gajuoi, 51. 

2nxxe and vars., 68, 102, 122, 150, 

giAie, 133, 143, 167. 
gioAie, 152. 
lixoy, 77. 

— , xxoy «-, 59. 
giioxi, 54 n., 55, 56. 
giijuie, 48 n., 124. 

gOAXHT, gOAlCT, 94, 1 1 3, I 1 5, 158, 

*i62, 163, 164, 172. 
— ni«,p(ji)g, 78. 

gAlC, 139. 

gAlOC =; g&OC, 118. 

gAlOT, 164, "176. 

— , ujen-, 232. 
ga^Aiooy, T-, 84, 161. 
£aiju.[ge, lo6, 114, 121, 161. 
2Aig*.\, 9, *I44. 

gJUQS, gHAlK, 57, 59, 148. 

jwn, bid, 140. 

gn*.-, vb., 145, 158, 175. 

— , P-, T27, 173. 
gno, 33. V. 2,n».iKy. 
geneeTe, 122, 136, 150. 

gni.i.1f. Z'^'^y, 33. 94. "3. "S- 
2«.n, 181, 182, 183. 

— , &T-, 70 n., 82, 84, 89, 97, 103, 
104, 234. 

— , ep-, 221. 
gen (gjvn), •si, i88. 
gHn (gHnne), 184. 
gion, gon, 16, 57, 75, 78, 140. 
gip, 87, 121, 164. 
gp&-, w. go. 
gpe, 136, 163, 179. 
gpeeoY, plur., 168. 
gpio, 1 17 n. 
gepAi&n, 59. 
gpHp, ne-, 87. 
gpp&T (? gpooy), 170. 
gpooy, 14. 
goTpiT, 134. 
gwpiT, 133. 

gpoS. 35. 163- 
gpoq(?gpU)), 116. 
ga-peg, 13, 143, 144, 148, 158, 174. 
gice, goce, 28, 51, 135, 162, 166, 174, 
178, 181. 

g«LT, 112. 

gHT, belly: necngHTC, 33. 

gHT, p., 80, 93, 192. 

gHT, north, 87, 89, 135, 137, 141, 145, 

151. 157. 158. 165. 166, 171, 175, 

gi.TH- (ga.gTn-), 57. 
gd.rii-, 48. 
gTO, 103 n., 119. 

gWTH, 26. 
g(l)Tp, 28, 61, 94. 
gTOp (?), 172. 
gOTC, 164. 

grro-Tf(ji)-, 51. 

ge.e(op, month, 124, 235. V. e>«wp. 

g&YnoTffe, 64. 

gH-y, 165. 

goo-y, cooy ti-, 30 n. 

gwo-y, vb., 35. 

gekoye, 114. 

goyo, 138. 

— . P-. 35. 57- 
goTfn, n-, 45, 70, 78, 81, 146. 
go-jfiop, ia.g-, 81. 
go-yiT, 231. 
gooTfT, *35, 52. 
gooTfTH, 81 n., 153, 160, 177. 
gekYeS*, vb., 172. 

giotg, gHig, *i29, 131, 146, 164, 218. 
giuj (gHuj), 57, 174. 
ga.'s, n-, 54. 
gw'se (?), 63. 

g.'su>- =, 56, *57, 175, 176, 235. 
gevxm-, 75. 
go'sgos, 49, 218. 

•x=Tig: sopne, in; ju.uT'SJUHn, 86, 

104 ; c/l T'sa.TC, 162. 
•se- (•xio), 14, 33, 35. 
■SI, 116, 117, 118. 

•^'— ■"> 73- 

•SI juLooy, n-, 81. 

•sioop (•SI eioop), 157, 

•so, wall, 87, 121. 

•so, sow, 68, 81, 84, 90, 92, 93, 153, 

160-3, 177- 
•SO) (-so) eAo\, 122. 
■sw, head, 35. 
•soe, wall, 114 n. 
■2^°'. 113. 158, 167. 
e^sHY, plur., 158, 167. 
•sHfi {? ■s.Hoy), 196. 
•swfce, vb., 146. 
•sMc, 47. 
•siiie, 161. 

•soeic (of a saint), 98. 
— , fem., 103, 141. 

— ' P-. 94, 141- 
— , o It-, 87, 140. 

•seK, shell, 36. 
•swK, 54, 60, 169. 
•suKjjt., 9, 113. 
■seKa.«.c, 8, 9, 14, 147. 
•seu'sWK, 53. 
•swX, 117, 118, 124. 

— eAo\, 216. 
•stowXe, 82, 84, 103, 122, 141. 
'sXa.n (•spon), 187. 
■sioX&g, vb., 185. 
•swwxie, 9, 113, 115, 123. 
•silt-, v. g«.^sm-. 

•sene, •skhh, a herb, 56, 57, 58 n. 
•snoy, •smoy, 33, 38, 128, 134, 163, 

165, 166, 168, 176. 
■sHnenwp, 121. 
•sinenwp, 90. 
■s-iam, 5, 56 n., 137. 
•senq (-sionq), 31. 
•srtoyq, 48. 
•sno, 25, 121. 
•snio, 32. 
■swneg, 118. 

■2^"?, 35- 

•swcope, -scop, 16, 44, 50. 

■spo, 16, 49. 

'sps.eiT, 28. 

•sepo, 13. 

■swpjui, 41. 

■swpn, 181, 

■spon, 174. 

■sp-s (?), n-, 179. 

•sice, a measure, 153. 

■^^^-C" (0, 38. 
•sTe, vb., 47. 
'se.TAe, 54. 

•SiVTC (TUJikTc), 162. 

^a.y-, vb., 147. 

■sey, ^Hy, 145, 179. 

■sooy, 13, 16, 129, 135, 140, 141, 144, 

148, 150, 153, 155, 156. 
•sioye, 114. 

'^'^^> 57, 148, 164 n. 
■scog, 40. 

•sa.g\e {c/. ? ■ss.gni), 116. 
•swgxi, 27. 
•sa.'se, 137. 

— vb., 68, 150, i65(?). 
•sa^^su), 68 n. 
•sHi^e xiAie, 58 n. 

•^ = K : Ai^n<^a.\H, 113; juiis.ypi<^,c, 
146; t^a.S', 112; (ge-, 95, 
105; s-oynMS-ec, i2on.; ? s', 



(*■ = ■s (wpes"), 66 ; (s'no), 9, 
a-w, 141, 153, 180-3. 

(3'(o&, 129. 

(Hiike, 59. 

S'Aujiv, 37, 

(?oei\e, 32. 

oc, in Sa'idic texts, 7, 8, 9, 13, 15, 17, 22, 

*23, 54> "6, 126, 138, 143, 144, 

158, 172-5. 181. 

S'lKI'^, 231. 

<io\, 32, 143, 161. 
s'luX, s'\, gather, 47, 168. 
S'toX, ni-, 219. 
s'wwXe, s'ooXe, 26, 45. 
s'd.Xo efeoX, 115. 
(S'iWe(?), 164 n. 
^6.\i\, 4711. 
s'cijXg, 1 85 n. 
S'a.Xe.gT, 56, 113. 
S'wX's, 47. 
S'oX(S', eq-, 115. 
s'Xis', 47 n. 
(g\o(S nciJUL, 57. 

(S'eXs'iX, 47 n. 

a'Xis'i's, 171. 

s'iju (?Ki>M.), 179. 

^oju, miracle, 46 n. 

s-ioAi, 72, 84, i6i, 234, 235. 

— , ceTijkg-, 81. 
s'ooAi, plur., 72, 81, 161, 179. 
(S'ooAie, s'wju.e, 33, 129. 
igxxe, 72, *84, 179. 
(S'xj.HY and vars., 98, 103, 179. 
s'i.AjioTfX, 35, 133, 168, 188. 

S'OAJlS'jU., 36. 

(?onc, 'SI «-, 145. 

S'oyna.S'ec, S'lonikS', V. KavvaK-qs. 

a'&n (s'wn), 187, 188. 

S'on, oAtya, 1 49 n. 

S'wn, a'on, 35, 54-7, 60, 126, 135, 

138, 152, i53j i6°> 166, 167, 168, 

*i72, 173, 174. 
s'tone, 136. 
S'pooxine, 113, 123. 
iS'a.pTe, 48. 
(S'lupe'is, 90. 

(S'wpa', 31. 

i3'op(? eiloX, 82, 89. V. p. 240. 

a'pos', 179 n. 

(S'pajwS', plur., 81. 

(^pw(S'(?), 135. 

S'OpHS'C, 131. 

s'ocju., 21 n. 

(S'WTn, 16. 

S'eeT ((S'w), 27. 

s'a^Tfon and vars., 133, 134, "143, "144, 

151. 154, 155. 167, 168, 174, 

gooyne, 115. 

(S'WUJT, 178. 

S'eigs'wm, 60. 
S'l'S, Ti, 168. 

— Ain-, 163. 

— , a measure, 149 n. 
S'o'se, 47. 
3'hqki, ca^n-, 231. 
(S'a.jwS'e, S'aiS'e, 82, 133, 164, 173. 


hiyj^\, 202. 

aJUjil, 208, 209, 210. 

A^^^l, e.'sn, 226 n. 

jia.1 _ ijJc, Sundays, 205. 

Jj\, name of a melody, 209, 210. 

Jii,\, 214. 
tjjl, 144. 
c;*)' apxoi', 196- 
^J;l, 237. 
i>l, 189, 193- 
j^LjJl pi, 55 n- 
iJis?!, iJisr*, 197. 

(^Lajjjl, t^.UiJ, avTifjitovapiov, 210 n. 
UlyiiLil {Hebrew), 238. 
4*ijl, evxv. 236. 

a.a.n&nn6 (?, i>Ul), 173. 
a^noY, y\, no. 
jknoycip (?), 56. 
ii.2CHTa.n, a.2CH(?), no. 
&K«.pKaiP2&p, 57. 

(According to the Arabic alphabet.) 

e.X2wp (?), 57. 

eouL^kpa.,. 175. 

ewAiepa., 71, 175. 

ajtxep&c, 177. 

AAiipe., 63 n., *64, 71, 80, 100, 133, 

136, 148, 151, 154. 
a/<,T;p(a), 1 59. 
a/iip, 70, 136. 

jy^., 56 n. 
(j-W^., 207. 
^jj*j, Trapa/tovi/, 209.] 
(i/.. vb., 105. 

;^., 5611. 
isH^., 198. 
^1 __ 8^.0*1, 224. 

^Ji) , TraAAiov, 1 1 6 n. 

uWj. 189. 

na.p& (?), 176. 

npiK ?(jj;)l, 116. 
ndLpnie iujo, 560. 

J53, Z;. JU.«.TKd>X. 

THpKO-yjuLs.n, ijUayS, 105 n. 
•»d.js.XXeXe (f), 172. 

o^, 236. 
ix,a. (8;<iJj.), 59 n. 

t£/>- -J^^. 196. 

— *y=-> 144- 
J=f. 164 n. 

LjLla., 196. 

jJb. — jJa?, 201. 

!l)l=. _ J^, Revelation, 195. 
ffv>- — 9y^^ 208, 210. 
juo. _j^', 198. 
(S'oTfne, i-a., 177' 

(S'lOpWn ? l-J;a-, 166. 

s'oxiXe, iUa., Ill- 
s' ? i;i»ja-, I74> 175' 


^ -fjj, 189. 

oiLpHpe, ij>,». ,116. 

j.i^ _ Jil^, 206. 

^, 174- 
lla., ig6. 

J^- 174- 
J^, 58 n. 
^1 JI^>64n- 

.U. jU::a.\ , 2 1 2 n. 

o4>i or ? £8>eiii{, 138. 
2'e. (?), 175. 
ge0'oc(?), 138. 
04>5(.«^ (?), 175. 
£&c&.<se {?), 116. 
20tgig».p, Pjlia., 177. 



-. 57- 

J-3., ei)l^, 236. 
|.J.i. _ |,J.i, 202. 

— , epgtofi, 210 n. 

|.jli., 191, 192, 201, 208, 225. 

S^A, of church, 192. 

2:>. 236. 

wli. — i_*Jli°, 238. 

Jj», 238. 

!ili. _ s5U», 236. 
f^'iy", Euchologion, 201. 
Ji=.—jlsf, 203. 

Xi-^ec, x«>^J^c, ^li., 56, 58 n., 165. 
XhXhtX" (f)' 57- 

^j, 197 n. 
^L.j, 5911. 

>i->. 105- 
^j, (_^Aal\, 190. 
Tcp2».ii, ^^j, 56, 57 n., 60, 142, 174. 

TiwpgSJU ? ^.i, 124. 

'Jna.s', «-Ljj, 116. 

flji. 238. 
(jf,j, 238. 

xjj, strophe, 210. 

w*; — Uyi, 237. 

^j — v*sV. 197, 201, 236. 

i) — -L^. 236. 

--,, 190. 

(•^ — iiyU*.!., 201. 


aj, 23211. 

^Ju,J, 6pu&.n, p&u.&n 56(?), 58 n. 
pi^nw, ^j,, 56 n., 126. 
piTe, t\i., 116. 
a.ppa.S'eX (?), 13. 
peqKi PiJLs,, 138. 

^y=j, 237- 

^.1^ OJj, 58 n., 236. 
cmm, u^, 57. 5811. 
cihs'hhX, J~^, 57, 5811. 

(JJj.oLj, ceAio-yVi 205. 
—^1 i^>^-<, 197' 


_ Asrt— ', 202, 205, 206, 

116 n. 

l,^, 238. 

^L, Scala, 224, 225, 228. 
ijy-,, 209, 236. 
j4-., 189. 

djcl^, Horologion, 197 n. 
jjL, 195. 
Jl-,, flow, 237. 
c;wda.p (?), 57. 
coTfXX'^P.,;^. 6o- 
cwx*-?.^. 55- 
CHxtnoYX, J-i-, 57, 5811. 

ca>inig ? 

^ * ' ■■! or Jm0 

, 116. 

t5,li. _ cdIjU, ? x^P^i xa-ipf; 204 n. 
^«»(i<^i i;yj«4.ti, ujengAioT, 201, 236. 
(j-kij^ , 1 1 5 n. 
Ui^, 212 n. 
t_<4^ — ,_»*4Lij, 238. 
A4i., 105. 
^li. _ ejl^Uil, 201. 
HRHKHXHem ? JsUi, 57, 58 n. 
igepia', j^^^^i, 60 n. 

tiDjjULa, 238. 

^, 195- 
w-»L., 105. 

^UJI i_*a.U, proper saint, 204. 
i.9Xo (or name ?), 1 1 1 n. 
-LJI silo, 200 n. 
^y,, Lent, i6i n., 199. 





-Ja _ eyU^, TW&g, 203. 

JJ>, 183 n. 
JjJj, 155 n. 

_Ja, 203 n., 211, 212. 

iiijo, 205, 208. 

IJ?>, 236, 237. 

,_).JL1i ^ (j.j,«»nT, 208. > 

^^ _ cyUU», 236. 

T«.CCJk . (?), *lT-, i-,lL, 116. 

U^lc, a^RikpRawpgikp, 57, 58 n. 

d^, 236. 

^^e _ j^^cl, 237. 

Lc, 237. 

iic= ,_,ic, 236. 

c^c .^ i_«iiz.o, 205, 207. 

iiiic, 190. 

I^_ jjilc, 227. 

— IjL^e., 174 n. 

— Jw, 210, 232 n. 

Jlȣ dJJuJU, 190. 

(j?jc, 237. 
a*k]1, Easter, 202. 
^, Evil Eye, 238. 
iL^HTe, iXiMi, 116. 

CTTC, 8JC, 116. 

)y^, 207 n. 
Ai-. iU, 191. 

J-ii _ Jilli, 201. 
^r-' — ^r— «j, 205, 208, 212. 
j^, 236. 

fioyXAoyX, J.Als, 57, 58 n. 

l^yjlS, Kdvuiv, 206. 
|,JS _ i«jju, 224-28. 
(.y^ = tyj«^, 238. 
A«_J, 201. 

^-^j 63- 
IxkS, 205. 

^ — (_^, 228. 
,ja«3, TjyovynEvos, 208. 

JjJJLS, 201. 
^laiS, 238. 
iijs (ewcDv), 211. 
Rj^pwpe, iij^^ls, 57, 58 n. 
R«-pj.n&OY\, Ji.;^, 57, 58 n. 



Ka,\\*.ce, 4-^, iyj!ka, I16. 
K*>\e ? AjtLs, 142. 
Ka.\\d^ f SAj, 175. 
K&Ha>, cLs or iLi, 116. 

jS—j^\i_, 1971). 

isf-J' sjL:^. 213- 
j/-jii^, 227. 

ilai, 224. 

^Cil , ^JlT, 236. 

u^ 139 n. 

X<«ipe, JftiS", 55, 57 n, 

X«>^wwp, . jslS^ 187. 

ajLI, 17311. 

;_jiJ, Xw&ig, 204. 

j^, 193 n., 197, 198, 207, 211, 236. 

J ? = jJjUJ, 192 n. 

ijLaJ, Xa/cavi;, 198. 

^, 240. 

JiS» _ X^i^, 213. 

g». 59". 

j>^, isiwU, 202 n., 210, 211 n. 
iSfO, 62 n. 

JLilkt, /;t£Tai'oia, 210. 
>*, 57 n- 
[j<^) 210. 

Jx, 236. 
Jsr», 11411. 
iJsr°, iJs?', 197. 



Al&TKSkX, J5^, 57. 

ju&\k&\ ?JJCL, 57. 
Aio-]fgi!.ek\, e\-(?), 172. 
Axjv.gA*e\, J»s», 138. 
Aiwp«>ne, ijt>KO, 116. 
ju.ia'ft.p , ^^, 116. 
AiewKpSkHi, ^.\- {/jiayKXa^Lov), 1 7 1. 
ixewXgaifie, iils.*, 116. 
Ai.<\\&q, Ju.a>\qAe ?i_b1., h6. 
Aii^TTHXe, JjvU», 116, i2on. 
Aie.n&pi, 5.lju, 116. 

e*^, 238. 

^i _^^, 196. 
Xij _ Juwii'jl, 213. 
jlsJ, 238. 

^li, of church, 209, 23311, 
iJHu, 238. 
j^j 14211. 
ij-ij, i/rwxiy, 213. 
t/-^^ — u-ssl^i, 197 n. 
u^. 237- 
jj^j 208. 

ij-tlj, fiaro's, a melody, 210, 214. 
^J — jljjl, 205. 
j^j , 58 n. 
Ajjj, 238. 
fjj - ^J/' 208. 
u'jj (0' 233 n. 

Lij _ LljI, 225. 
ilcj, 237. 
Uj, 201. 

oya-pc, ^^j, 57, 58 n. 


Abbess, 141. 

Acacia-wood, 158. 

Acrostica] hymns, 205^ 206, 208, 210, 

Acts of an apostle (?), 44. 
Adam, a melody, 208, 209, 211. 
Ahmimic forms, 128, 139, 166, 182. 
Altar f = church, 92. 
Altar-cloths &c., 113, 117. 
Alternate chanting, 208. 
Amulets, 60. V. Charms. 
Antiphonarium (Difndr), 204n.,2io,226. 
Antiphons, 193. 
Aphorisms, 38. 
Apocalypse, an, 42. 
Apocryphal narrative, 42, 
Apocryphon of Adam and Eve, 40. 
'Arabic', name of a metre, 207. 
Aiabic texts, 63, 105, 144, 174, 176, 

177, 180, 181, 183, 190, i9r, 

192, 195, 196, 197, 199, 210, 213, 

235. V. Cufic. 
Archaic forms, 2, 5, 139, 147. 

Archbishop, 223. 
Archimandrite, 29, 67. 
'Archon', 207. 
Ascension, 208. 

Baptism, Christ's, 15, 208. 
Basin, liturgy of, 198. 
Beasts, the Four, 197, 208. 
Bile in medicine, 187 n. 
Bilingual texts, 2. 
Bishop's enthronement, 22. 

— official letter, 126. 

— private letter, 231. 
Bishoprics, list of, 226, 227. 

' Bohairic ', name of a metre, 206, 207 n. 

Bohairic papyrus, 230. 

' Book of Hymns ', 212. 

' Book of Testimonies ' of Peter the 

Iberian, 212. 
Books, list of, 123. 
Boundaries of property, 89, 90. 
Builder's (?) charges, 121. 

Cancelled texts, 92, 98, 99, 100. 

Chanting, alternate, 208. 
Charms, 52-55, 237, 238. 
Children, the 144 (the Innocents), 195. 
Christ's baptism, hour of, 15. 
Christ's ignorance, 33 (no. 68). 
Christological questions, 38. 
Christmas, 10, 36, *37, 208. 

— , Vigil of, 209. 
Church officials, 122 n. 
Churches, list of, 226, 227. 

— named, 74. 
Clergy as civil (?) officials, 132. 
Clerical functions, 78. 
Cloth, text written upon, no. 
Clothes, 134. 

— , various, 116-20. 

— , words for, 1 1 7 n. 
Colophon, 61. 

Colours, names of, 113, 114. 
Concordance (?), 23. 
Creed, 206. 

Cross as signature, 69. V. o-rjixeLov, 

Plate i 

No. 86 


cr* *i C^ } 


No. 7 

Pj.atf 2 

.•r. \>. 


*it^:^^^^^J^ ^^^t^^T^i 



No. 36 



No. 49 


^^y ,--1 



No. 55 


, — ,.-1: '■■ r •■^'""Si. — -gn 

f-?'^^ -^*|^s^ 


No. 268 

No. 274 

I \Tr 3 

i ^r^i^- ^ 

"5r^ ^ 

I fl crB^ M>r-i N*-^^-=^ 





'i~ Ps 't f'* '»•« f < —*' " - 

4 a,.^Ei,iJ^. 


i . . 1 J 
No. 276 

No. 311 

^^^ -f«^;4 




i\HN*'**' ' ^^ 



? > ^ 

!»- 1 1 a 



ntr'' e-^jmUifT^ 


v^-*r4 e -/ 


No. 413 



No. 269 

Pj,ati: 4 

_.,,,,-. .-.rr-,ftj; ^..-- ■ .^^^f-- -.-r- -__^ ■ l-ifc--- -"—•;-. "-n^i 

No. 270 

No. 271 




■^ ~^ -^^^ "^-a4J^ A S la r» "t -V-**-wd ^ST v^t^— 1^=^ t,"^?.-, 

No. 27: 

No. 396 

No. 40;, 

Plate 5 




No. 292 

No. 293 

Pi.ATf: 6 


No. 407 


*«iKi9iii5&!fi^l felilfiiyKlfilMi'^? 


' ' M I ',11 ' ■ u I •" 1 ■■ I ■ ; ',' ' ' '1 'r 





'■'"^ '■''•''' f li'r''' ijiv'i '■■]''>• '^^'ui A 

/ill' ' ,1 ■ 1*^ ■ -* . ' 3r iAi«ir*Jlwoyt#iL(**" 




i*^ All 




■" I y, 1.1 ■ ■ .1 


l^r i^TTJr^V'f'''' 

,'1 T' ■ ii 'J 


No. 287 





/ / 

No. 390 

' '': ^ ■„ ''^■'- / ;h' '"' '^^ ''"'■ ■' ■ ■/ 

No. 398 

Plate 7 

], J 

i. lisii- 


'■I?:- li- ■* -s--!- 

No. 236 



No. 362 


,\i .1..;. ,.;l'i^J.4rt>t' 

No. 372 (after a.d. 931) 

Plaie 8 


"j ' .y-^ ' ^Mjnul^/^' /*^ ^^f- n/H '^li^ -ji^t K , > V -ifl i£^ ^^"^ 

^^fiy ~w/^^ >," _w*-' y. i(<, 

iF/ ^' .^ /^ A -^3 -if 

No. 348 



T^^r^*r^'r^\ -5«.'rv*-4/i'!JLi^'l£.kL iirfiSSSffii^^^^ ^^ *4]?^tM*^ 

No. 349 

Pi.ATi: 9 





No. 273 

No. 320 




""> Pl; 






'ijj'^ i| 










' H V J W'*.! 








7 t 

'I ' 

No. 277 






r'fr !!Jff>, 



No 171 

IM]1 12 

ym^mfdjripmff ' y^^^ 

'' III I ' , r 

' M 

M^'\\s\^ " , I,' I / 



I f 

I i I - 

N(i. 142 /-(■(■/(' 


ka ■ 


No. 142 ;'(7-,s-f) 



' H^^'' '^^'^ 

-.4 -' 

N.,. 180 ;v7-s 

' ':;'^U"''y ;C/ 

viillfiilMl'illiT ' ' i'i'hw 

No. 180 ;7'r/o 

v"^*,/' lli*,l:fT Ji I :'^^.' 

135 t ,.-% 



^ 1 1 lI I I •h''^ 



v,/ /^ 

No. 137 
