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(from the BRITISH MUSEUM COPY, C. 34. k. 18.) 


(sheet K., from bhitish museum copy, C. 34. k. 17.) 





PuBLiSHT BY C. PRAETORIUS, 14, Clareville Grove, 

Hereford Square, S.W. 




Number and order of 1608 Q'?'^ uncertain 'till determined 

by Cambridge Editors .. ... ... ... iii- 

Speculations as to the Printers of the Q?^ ... ... iv. 

Medley of Revised and Unrevised Sheets in Qi... ... v. 

Collation of 6 Copies of Qr, taken from Cambridge 

Edition.. ... ... ... ... ... ... vi.-xi. 

Results of the Collation ... ... ... ... ... xi. 

Order of the two Q?= considered ... ... ... ... xii. 

Q2 a Reprint of Qi and of inferior authority ... xiii., xiv. 

The F? Arbiter in Variations of Q9 Text ... ... xiv., xv. 

A Digression : Mew, an Interjection ; Fut, an Oath ... xv. 

Origin of F? Text. — Its relation to Q?=. — Printed from 
one of the Q°' altered in accordance with the inde- 
pendent MS. of the Theatre ... ... ... xv.-xvii. 

Few, if any. Conjectural Emendations in F? „. ... xvii. 

Instances of Connection of F'? and Qi ... ... xviii.-xx. 

Claims of Q2 : Instances of its Connection with F" xx., xxi. 

Weight of Evidence on the side of Qi ... ... ... xxi. 

This Facsimile and i js Appendix : line nu mberings. &c.... xxii. 


md I ts Appennix : ime nu mbei 




\Shahpete-Syuarto Facsimiles, No. 33.] 


Until the appearance, in 1866, of the Eighth Volume of 
the Cambridge edition of Shakespeare's Works, it may fairly be 
saiq that our knowledge of the quarto editions of King Lear was 
merely chaotic : there was no agreement even as to the number 
of editions published by N. Butter in 1608, and of course none 
as to the order of their production. The notes in Boswell's 
Variorum of 1821 in their contradictory references to supposed 
and actual editions well illustrate the prevailing confusion. 

Mr. W. G. Clark and Mr. W. Aldis Wright changed all that. 
Their complete collation of the old copies definitely settled that 
there were but two quarto editions of 1608 ; that the first of these is 
the Q? commencing with Signature B and bearing on its title a 
reference to the place of sale, the Pide Bull in Pauls Church- 
yard ; the second, the Q° commencing with Signature A, and 
having no reference to the place of sale on its title. In this 
order as Qi and Q2 I shall hereafter refer to them ; but it must 
be borne in mind that in the Cambridge edition itself this nota- 
tion is reversed : accepting the decision of some preceding com- 
mentators as to the order of precedence of the two quartos, the 
Editors noted throughout the second quarto as Qr and the first 
as Q2. It was not until their work was completed that they 
became aware of the true order of these quartos. In their 
Preface they pointed this out, and Mr. Aldis Wright has since 
in his Clarendon Press edition of the Play (1875) assigned them 


their right positions ; Mr. H. H. Furness in his Variorum edition, 
iS8o, has followed suit ; and in the promised new edition of the 
Cambridge Shakespeare we shall of course find the erroneous nota- 
tion of the first set right. 

On neither Q? is any mention made of the printer; the books 
are merely said to be " printed for N. Butter." The printer's (?) 
device on the Title of Q? i is that of a firm of printers at Frank- 
fort, A. Wechelum and his successors. It is found on numerous 
books issued by them between 1575 and 1630, how much earlier 
or later I have not ascertained : I refer the curious in such matters 
to my own source of information, the collection of Title-pages 
made by J. Bagford, in the British Museum (463 h.). The device 
on the Qi Lear is evidently cast from one of the smaller Frank- 
fort dies. What printer or stationer first used it in England I do 
not know; from the numerous nonsense words in Qi oi King 
Lear one is tempted to believe that he was a foreigner, imperfectly 
acquainted with English. Mr. Furness suggests that Nicholas 
Okes, the printer of the first edition of Othello, 1622, who then 
used this same device, may also be the printer of Qi King Lear. 
His name as a printer first appears in the British Museum Cata- 
logue of Early English Books in 1606. Later the same device 
is found on the Title of the 2nd folio ed. of Beaumont & Fletcher, 
printed by J. Macock, for J. Martyn, etc., 1659. 

The device on the Title of Q2 is that of Richard Johnes, 
Jhones or Jones, whose initials it bears.* Jones appears to have 
been at work between 1571 and 1597. The Cambridge Editors 
say the device is that of J. Roberts ; it probably became his by 
succession; for we find it on the title of the 1600 ed. of The 
Merchant of Venice printed by him. Whether it was still in his 
possession in \ 608 may be doubted ; the Brit. Mus. Catalogue 
gives no later date than 1606 for any book printed by him. I 
suppose we must attribute to J. Roberts's^-press the ist 1600 ed. 
of Sir John Old-Castle which has Sliakespeare's name on the 

■* See Jolinson's Typo^t-nphia, Vo!. I. p. 585. 


title page and which was printed for T. P[avier], for it has this 
same device.* 

The same device appears later on on the title of the 1619 ed. 
of The Merry Wives of Windsor, ■\ printed for Arthur Johnson ; on 
the title of the ist ed. of the Two Noble Kinsmen, 1634, printed 
by Tho. Cotes for John Waterson, etc., and on the title of the 
1640 ed. of Shakespeare's Poems, also printed by T. Cotes for J. 

Under what circumstances Qi got to press, whether with or 
without any participation or authorization on the part of the 
poet or of the players is unknown ; it most probably was a 
surreptitious edition : that the MS. supplied to the printer was in 
a very rough state, and in places wholly or partially illegible 
seems certain when we consider his frequent failures to make 
sense of it. So bad indeed was the result that before all the 
edition was worked off an attempt at correction was made, tho' 
but with partial success ; and even this attempt was foiled and 
the edition hopelessly muddled by the indiscriminate binding up 
of the revised and unrevised sheets. To the great variations in 
the several copies of Qi caused by this medley was no doubt 
due the belief in the existence of more than one edition having 
the mention of the Pied Bull on its title. A very brief examina- 
tion would, however, have shown that this was not the case, and 
that the revised and unrevised sheets were all printed from the 
same forms ; that the " Pied Bull " edition in fact is but one, 
tho' so varied are its exemplars that only two of the six copies 
collated by the Cambridge editors are alike in all respects. This 

* This first and inferior edition of Sir John Oldcastle has had the usual 
luck of impostors : it was reprinted in the 3rd Folio ed. of Shakespcare^s 
Works ; re-edited by Malone in his edition of the "Doubtful Plays," 1780, 
and followed by all subsequent "Editors." When shall we see a reprint of 
the better ed. printed in the same year, without Shakespeare's name, by 
V[alentine] Spms] for T. P. ? 

t I take this opportunity of correcting a grievous error of my own in the 
Introduction to the Facsimile of the 1st Q° of the Merry Wives. I there 
stated that the 1619 ed. bore on its title the device of John Smelhwick ; by 
what "enforced obedience of planetary influence" I was led to make such an 
entirely unfounded statement I have never been able to discover. 


collation gives very curious and important results, and is essential 
to the complete understanding of the case. It is however in the 
Cambridge edition necessarily so much mixed up with other 
matter that its significance is not immediately apparent, and I 
have therefore transferred it bodily to these pages so arranged 
that the student may at a glance obtain a clear view of the nature 
of Qi. 

The six copies collated are, 

1. The copy in Capell's collection ; noted as Cap. 

2. The Duke of Devonshire's copy, noted as Dev. 

3. A perfect Copy in the British Museum (C. 34. k. 18.) 

noted as Mus. per. 

4. An imperfect copy (wanting title) in the British Museum 

(C. 34. k. 17.) noted as Mus. imp. 

5. A copy in the Bodleian (Malone 35) wanting last leaf; 

noted as Bodl. i. 

6. Another copy in the Bodleian (Malone 37) wanting title ; 

noted as Bodl. 2. 
In the following account of these six copies, taken sheet by 
sheet, the Scenes and lines are numbered as in the Globe 
edition. The first column gives the readings of the uncorrected 
sheet ; the second those of the corrected sheet. In the third 
column are noted those instances in which Ft differs from 
the corrected sheet, and those in which Q2 differs from the 
sheet, corrected or uncorrected, with which it is in general agree- 

The title is on a separate leaf. 
Sheet B., on which the Play commences, is the same in all six 

Sheet C. commences I. i., 297, "derly knowne himselfe." 

Only two variations are recorded ; they however reveal 
the fact that this sheet, unlike the rest in which varia- 
tions are found, is in three states. 

COLLATION OF Qi — continued. 

1. In Mus. imp. the prefix to Edmond's speech, I. ii,, 37, is 

omitted, and in I. iv., loi, there is a comma in lubbers, 

2. In Mus. per. and Bodl. i & 2 the prefix to Edmond's 

speech — Ba. — is given, and there is a comma in lubbers, 

3. In Cap. and Dev. the prefix to Edmond's speech — Ba. — 

is given, and the comma in lubbers length is omitted. 

Sheet D. commences I. iv., 163. " Foole. All your other 

Titles,'' etc. 

Uncorrected Sheet. Corrected Sheet. 

Cap. and Dev. Mus. per. & imp. 


iv, 168. and lodes too 

„ 196. learne li/e 

,5 211. tkou, ihoii' 

,, 322. vntender 

,, 323. feruse 

,, 363- after 

,, 364. mildie 

,, 366. alapt 

i, 102. these — and wast 

of this his 

,, 122. prise 

,, 125. defences 
! ) , , best 

,, 126. hand 

Bodl. I & 2. 

and Ladies too 

learne to lye 

now thou 






the wast and spoylc of 


Passage omitted in Fi. 
learne to lie Q2, Fi. 

at task for Fi. 

th^ expcnce and wast of 

his Fi. 
prize Q2, Fi. 

best Fl. 

With the exceptions noted in the third column, Q2 agrees 
vifith the uncorrected sheet. 
Sheet E. commences II. 


Uncorrected Sheet. 
Bodl. I. 

II, ii, I. deuen 
,, ,, 16. three snyted 
5, ,, 17. wasted stocJceii 
,, ,, TjT,. ausrcnt 
,, ,, 150. bclest and con- 

i., 130. " Glost. I seme you Madam," 

Corrected Sheet. 

Mus. per. & imp. Cap. 

Dev. & Bodl. 2. 


three shewted. 



' and temnest 

dawning Fi. 
three-suited Fl. 
woosted-stocJdng Fi. 
anci'-nt Fi. 
Passage not in Fi. 

Strictly speaking, there was a comma in hilhers len^lk in Mus. im-p. ; 
the traces of its erasure are evident, and its place has been supplied by a 
hyphen put in with the pen. In their foot-notes the Cam. Edd. record this 
as " Anon. conj. MS." 

COLLATION OF Qi — continued. 

Uncokrected Sheet. 
Bodl. 1. 

II, ii, 172. my ruckles 
,, ,, 174. not fortunately 
,, ,, 178. Late vantage 
II, iii, 15. numb'd morti- 
,, ,, 16. Pies 
,, ,, 17. frame low ser- 

,, ,, 20. Tudygod 
II, iv, 102, 103. fateWould 

ti>itk the 
,, ,, 103. come and tends 

,, ,, 105. The fierie Duke 

Corrected Sheet. 

Mus. per. & imp. Cap. 

Dev. & Bodl. 2. 

m,y wracke 
most fortunately 
Take vantage 
numb'd and mortified 


from low seruice 

father Would with his 

commands her seruice 

Fierie Duke 

miracles Fl, 

from low Farmes Fi. 

commands, tends, ser- 
uice Fi. 

Fiery t The fiery Duke 

,, ,, 106. Mo but not yet No but not yet 

,, ,, 123. Coknay Cokney Cockney Q2, Fl. 

,, ,, 124. past past paste Q2, Fl. 

,, ,, 133. deuose diuorse diuorce Q2, Fl. 

,, ,, ,, mothers fruit mothers tombe Mother Tombe Fl, 

,, ,, 139. deptoued deprived deprau'd Fi. 

The Q2, with some trifling differences of spelling, agrees 
throughout with the corrected sheet. 

Sheet F. commences II. iv., 140. "Reg. I pray sir take," etc. 
Uncorrected Sheet. Corrected Sheet. 

Dev. Cap. Mus. per. & imp. 

Bodl. I & 2. 

call it 

II, iv, 229. eallit 

III, ii, 35. hut 

Qz and Fi agree with the corrected sheet. 
Sheet G. commences III. iii., 2. " Unnaturall dealing," etc. 
Uncorrected Sheet. Corrected Sheet, 

Mus. imp. & Bodl. I. Mus. per. Cap. Dev. 

& Bodl. 2. 

Ill, iv. 




contentious Fl. 

)} )I 




roaring Fl. ' 

,, }} 





)) >) 





>) )) 


come on bee 

come on 

come, vnbutton here 

)» ») 




Sirberdegibit Q2. 
Flibbenigibit Fi. 

J) >) 


ghis the web 

giues the web 


the pin-queuss 

^ the pin, squemes the 

the pinqueuer the eye 

the eye 


Q2, and the Pin, 
squints the eye'Fi. 

COLLATION OF Qi — continued. 

Uncorrected Sheet. 
Mus. imp. & Bodl. I. 

Ill, iv, 123. harU lip 
,, „ 126. aiullthunight 

„ ,, 129. thee, with 
u ji I3S- f"'^^ pold, the 
III, vi, 102. Ta/ce vp to 

Corrected Sheet. 

Mus. per. Cap. Dev. 

& Bodl. 2. 

hare lip 

he met the night mare 

thee, witch 

tod pole, the wall-newt 

Take vp the King 

anelthn, night Moore 


Take vp, take vp Fi 

Q2, with slight variations, noted in third column, agrees with 
the uncorrected sheet. 

Sheet H. commences III. vii., 6. " Corn. Leaue him to my 
displeasure," etc 

Uncorrected Sheet. 

Cap. Dev. Mus. imp. 

Bodl. I. 

Ill, vii, 58. aurynted 
'I » 59' of his loll' d head 
„ „ 60. layd vp 

,, ,, 61. steeled fires 
„ 104. his rogish mad- 

Corrected Sheet. 
Mus. per. Bodl. 2. 


10. poorlie, leed, 


on his lowd head 

bod vp 

steUed fires 
his madnes 

parti, eyd. 

IV, ii, 12. cowish curre 
„ „ 21. .4 mistresses 

„ „ „ weare this spare 

27. womans seruices 

28. Myfootevsnrps 

my body 

29. worththe whistle 
32. it origin 

45. beneflicted 

47. the vild offences 

49. Humanly 

53. know' St fools, do 

56. noystles 

57. thy slayer begin 


58. Whil's 
60. seemes 

68. your manhood 

now — 
79. your Justices 

1 terrer 
A mistresses command 

weare this, spare speech 

a womans seruices 
A foole vsurps my bed 

worth the whistling 

ith origin 


this vild offences 


know'si, fools do 

thy state begins 

your manhood mew — 

you Justisers 

as his barehead Fi. 
laid vp Q2, buoy'd vp 

Passage omitted in Fl . 

poorely led, Q2 poorely 

led .? Fi. 
cowish terror Fl. 

My foote vsurps my 
head Q2, My foole 
vsurps my body Fi. 

worth the whistle Fi. 

Passages omitted in 

noiselesse Q2. 
thy slater begins 

threats Q2. 
Whiles Q2. 
seemes F. 
Passage omitted inFi. 

you Justices Fi. 

X. COLLATION OF Qi — continued. 

Except in the instances noted in the third column Q2 agrees 

with the uncorrected sheet. 

Sheet I. commences IV 

iii., 24. " As pearles from diamonds ; 

dropt,"' etc. 

This sheet is the same in all six copies. 

Sheet K. commences IV 

. vi., 228. " Glost. 

Hartie thankes," etc. 

Uncorrected Sheet. 

Corrected Sheet. 

Cap. Dev. Mus. per. Bodl. 

Mus. imp. 

1 and Bodl. 2. 


IV, vi, 229. the hornet and 

the bounty and the beni- 


ben 13 


„ „ ,, to seme thee. 

to boot^ to boot. 

To boot, and boot. Fi. 

„ ,, 231. was framed 

was first framed 

„ „ 245. fortnight 


^ „ „ 246. /ceejie out, 

keepe out cheuore ye 

keepe out che vor'ye 

chcuore ye 


„ „ 247. yotcr coster or 

your costerd or my bat 

your Costard, or my 

my hattero 

Ballow Fi. 

^ „ ,, 255. seeke him out 

seeke him out, vpon 

Fi omits comma. 

, „ „ 256. British 


English Fi r 

„ „ 260. rest you lets 

rest you, lets see 

rest you. Let's see 

„ „ 261. speaks of may 

s-peaks of, may 

Q2 & Fi omit comma. 

„ „ 267. lawfull. 

lawfull. A letter. 

lawfull. Reads the 
Letter. Fi. 

^ „ „ 270. my gayle 

my iayle 

V, i, 3. abdication 


, „ „ 19. ndmee 

and mee 

Passage omitted in Fi. 

, „ „ 20. Our 


^V, iii, 28. And (catch- 



„ ,, ,, And step 

One step 

^ ,, ,, 41, led you well 

led you well. 

Q2 & Fi, a colon 

^i „ „ 46. To sane 

To send 

„ „ 47. retention, 

retention, and appoint- 
ed guard 

retention, Fl. 

^ „ ,, 48. whose title 

whose title more, 


„ „ 49. corcn bossom 

common bossome 

common blossomcs Q2. 

„ „ 55. mee sweat 

wee sweat 

Passage omitted in 

„ „ 57. sharpes 

Fi. 1 


Except in the instances noted in the third column, Q2, with 

a few trifling differences of spelling, agrees with the corrected | 


The variations marked with a star (*) are not noted in the | 

Cambridge ed. 



Sheet L. commences V. iii., 64. " Bore the commission," etc. 
It is in the same state in all six copies. 

Putting aside sheets B. I. & L., which are alike in all six 
copies, and sheet C. which is in three states, it will be seen that 
Mus. per. and Bodl. 2 agree throughout, and are the best copies ; 
having only one uncorrected sheet, K., in their composition. 
Mus. imp. has the uncorrected sheets G. & H. ; but it is important 
as being the only one which has the corrected sheet K. 
Cap. has the uncorrected sheets D. H. & K. 
Dev. has the uncorrected sheets D. F. H. & K. 
Bodl. I is the lowest in the scale ; having the uncorrected 
sheets E. G. H. & K. 

No doubt there were other combinations of the corrected 
and uncorrected sheets : Q2 was evidently printed from a copy 
having the uncorrected sheets D. G. & H. It is much to be 
wished that other copies of Qi, if there are others in existence, 
could be examined : I think it highly probable that the sheets 
B. I. L., of which at present we only know one state, would be 
found to be, like the rest, in two, and might perhaps reveal the 
origin of the few readings contained in Q2, which at present 
n have the appearance of independent authority. 

The study of the uncorrected and corrected sheets of Qi 
leads to the conclusion that the corrections were made on a re- 
examination of the MS. from which the Q? was printed. In 
many cases the corrector succeeded in decyphering the words 
which had in the first instance baffled the printer ; in others he 
himself appears to have failed and to have had recourse to con- 
jecture; and again, some of the corrections he made were once 
more blundered by the printer. Instances of successful correc- 
tion are patent on every sheet and need no special mention. 
Instances of conjecture may also be readily picked out, as in II. 
ii., 33, miscreant, where the very form of the original corruption, 
ausrent, suggests that the true reading was, as in Fi, ancietit ; and 


in III. iv, 6, tempestious, where again the form of the corruption 
crulentious shows that the true word was contentious, as in Fi. 
Instances of corrections blundered by the printer may be found 
in II. ii., 150, basest and temnest ; the original corruption is belest 
and contand, the first word is successfully corrected, the last word 
was in all probability corrected " contemnest," but the printer 
struck out the whole of the corrupted word " contand " and only 
printed the correction of its second syllable. So in III. iv., 122, 
the printer gives us squemes the eye where no doubt the corrector 
wrote squinies the eye. 

Having ascertained the nature of the Pide Bull (Qi) edition, 
the question of precedence between the two editions published 
by N. Butter in 1608, is of easy and certain solution. To any 
one who has studied the collations of the Cambridge Editors, 
or compared the quartos themselves, it becomes at once apparent 
that independent manuscript origin for both is out of the ques- 
tion ; we have conclusive evidence against it in the numerous 
and identical printers' errors which both contain : errors such as 
it would have been simply impossible for two compositors to hit 
on independently of each other. In the presence therefore of 
these errors in both editions, we have proof positive that one 
was printed from the other. We have then only to consider 
which copied from the other. Now had Q2 agreed throughout 
with either the corrected or uncorrected sheets of Qi, this might 
have been difficult to determine ; it might have been said in the 
first case that Qi got the errors of its uncorrected sheets by mis- 
printing from Q2 and corrected them by a fresh reference to it, 
or, in the second case, that it got its errors in following Q2 and 
then obtained its corrections by reference to some independent 
authority. But neither of these cases need trouble us for neither 
exist : Q2 does not agree throughout with either the corrected 
or uncorrected sheets of Qi, it agrees sometimes with the one 
sometimes with the other. It agrees with the corrected sheets 
E. & K., and as these sheets in their uncorrected state must have 

THE " PIDE bull" ED. QI j Q2 PRINTED FROM IT. xiii. 

been founded directly on the MS., and as one Q? must have 
been printed from the other, it follows that in these two sheets at 
least the Pide Bull (Qi) edition is the earlier, and if in these two 
sheets then in all the rest : and where, in other sheets, Q2 agrees 
with Qi in errors founded directly on the MS., it must have 
copied from Qr, not Qi from it. This fact alone of its some- 
times agreeing with the corrected and sometimes with the un- 
corrected sheets of Qi is sufficient proof of its being a copy and 
not the original edition. 

' Its other peculiarities are in agreement with its position as 
second in the race : it omits many words and sometimes even 

j lines which are found in Qi ; it has what are evidently conjec- 

' tural emendations of Qi corruptions, as in I. iv., 284, "Detested 
Kite, thou lyest. My Traine are men," etc., Fi ; corrupted in 
Qi — evidently from the MS. — to, "detested kite, thou list ray 

i train and men," etc., and, as evidently, conjecturally emended in 
Q2 to, " detested kite, thou lessen my traine and men," etc. 

' We may even take into account the fact that the Pide Bull 
edition commences the play with Signature B., leaving Signature 
A. to the last for Title and supposed preliminary matter ; this 
would be a reasonable course as regards a work which was being 
printed for the first time : when a reprint was desired the printer 
having before him the entire work would naturally begin, as in 
Q2, with Signature A. 

If I have appeared to dwell at too great a length on this 
question of precedence between Butter's two . Q?= my excuse 
must be that it is not merely a matter of bibliographical curiosity, 
but is important in its bearing on the settlement of- the text; 
and that even yet the significance of the facts set forth by the 
Cambridge editors does not seem to be universally understood ; 
so at least we must conclude when we find so intelligent an 
editor as the late Grant White asserting in his preface to the play 
{1 he Riverside Shakespeare, 1883) that— "It is impossible to tell 
which of these [the two eds. of 1608] was the first." 


To make an end with Q2 it should be said that it corrects a 
few obvious blunders of Qi ; it is on the whole better printed 
and punctuated ; its arrangement of lines in metrical passages is 
more frequently correct, and it marks a few additional exits and 
entrances. It is, however, marred by many omissions and by 
following a copy of its predecessor which contained at least three 
uncorrected sheets. It has just four variations from Qi, which 
might perhaps be considered to rise to the dignity of independent 
readings : — II. iv., 124, " she put them vp 'ith paste aliue," Qi and 
Fi omit z-/. — III. 1., 47, "As douit not but you shall," Qi and 
Yihave/eare. — III. ii., .50, " Tiuieirmg," Qi has Powiher^ Fi 
pudder. — IV. vi., 100, "to say I and no to all\ saide," Qi and 
¥ I ha.vt euerything. It also preserves one speech, IV. vi.,. 20T, 
" Gent. Good sir.", which is omitted in Qi and Fi ; tho' it 
should be noted that this omission occurs in slieet I. which we 
h.ive in one state only in all the copies collated by the Cambridge 
editors. It may yet be found in some other copy of which at 
present we know nothing. 

Compared then with Qi, Q2 will be found to be of distinctly 
inferior authority : and this is a point which should be insisted 
on, because in two or three cases its readings have been preferred 
— I think erroneously — to those of Qi ; as in IV. iii., 36 : — 
" Else one selfe mate and mate could not beget 
Such different issues." 

So Q2, and so, I think, all modern editions ; but Qi for the 
second mate has make, a reading which if it conveys no essential 
difference of meaning has certainly higher authority and the 
advantage of variety of expression in its favour. 

The F? omits the passage. 

In the more numerous cases in which a choice has to be 
made between the readings of the uncorrected and the corrected 
sheets of Qr, Q2 being a mere copy, its concurrence with either 
can scarcely be worth consideration. In such cases the agree- 
ment of the F9 with one or the other must be the chief deter- 


mining power ; and the F? comes in as arbiter, or, at least, claims 
consideration, in every case tut one in' which such choice arises. 
As a solitary case and as consideration of it may lead hereafter 
to a rectification of the text in modem editions, I make occasion 
here to call attention to it. It is in Gonoril's speech IV. ii., 68 : 
the uncorrected sheet of Qr, followed by Q2, gives it "Marry 
your manhood now — " the corrected sheet has " Marry your 
manhood mew — '' 

The speech, as I have intimated, is wanting in the F? . 

Most editors prefer the uncoirected reading, pointing it accord- 
ing to individual fancy ; the Cambridge editors are, I believe, 
alone in adopting the corrected version ; but they point it — 
" Marry, yoi'r manhood mew." — and in the Clarendon Press 
edition it is explained as meaning keep in, restrain your man- 
hood : I believe this to be an entire misapprehension of the case, 
and that mew here, as in numbers of instances in our old dramatic 
literatufe, is merely an interjection of contempt. Point it thus. 

Marry, your manhood — Mew ! 
and what I believe to be the intention of the speech becomes at 
once apparent : Gonoril begins an answer to her husband's 
objurgations, and then breaks off as finding him not worthy of 
her notice. 

For instances see Field's Amends for Ladies, II. i. ; Marston's 
WhatTou ^///Induction p. 220, Epilogue p. 297, ed. Halliwell ; 
Middleton's Roaring Girl, Prologue; Dekker's Satiromastix, p. 
193, Pearson's Reprint ; Ford The Sun's Darling, I. i. ; ne Witch 
of Edmonton, I. ii. ; Jonson's Every man out of his humour. Induc- 
tion ; etc., etc.* 

I have said that the Y° must be the chief power in 

* While thus digressing into "emendation," I take the opportunity of 
suggesting in a foot-note the propriety of restoring to the text the oath Fut 
which occurs in the Qos in Edmond's speech I. ii., 143, but which, without 
the slightest authority, is invariably changed to Tut in modern editions. Put 
and Ud^s Fut are common forms of the oath Foot, God's Foot ; as every one 
must know who is acquainted with the Old Drama. See for instances 
Marston's What You Will. 


, deciding a choice of quarto readings, and this brings me to the 
consideration of the relation of the F? text to that of the Q?=. 
That the origin of the F°. text was a manuscript copy of the 
play preserved in the library of the theatre is obvious ; equally 
obvious is it that it was a shortened version ; whether shortened 
by the Poet himself or by the Players I shall not stop to consider, 
no certain decision seems possible on that point ; but its authen- 
ticity is undoubted, and its authority, founded on this authenticity, 
is upheld by the "great superiority of its text, as compared with 
the Q?5. But then comes the question, was the F9 printed direct 
from this MS., or has it in any way been affected by the Q?=? 

In 1866 the Cambridge editors were of opinion that it " was 
printed from an independent manuscript " ; b.ut probably this 
opinion was afterwards somewhat modified, for I find that in the 
Clarendon Press edition of the Play (1875) Mr. Aldis Wright 
observes of the F° reading of II. i., 102 — " To have th' expence 
and wast of his revenues," — that it is " apparently a conjectural 
emendation of the incorrect quartos," and this involves the 
admission that the ¥° text is, in part at least, dependent on the 
Q?=. Without stopping here to examine this particular instance, 
I may say at once that I believe that to be the case : that the 
F? text is indeed in many places affected by its passage to the 
press through the medium of one of the quartos: the "copy" 
supplied to its printers having been one of the quartos altered in 
accordance with the independent MS. in the possession of the 

In my Introduction to the Facsimile of the Richard III. Qo., 
I endeavoured to prove that that was the case with the F? version 
of that play ; further consideration has confirmed me in my belief 
that that course was adopted by Messrs. Heminge and Condell 
whenever practicable. I admit that King Lear does not offer 
such clear proof of this as Richard III. seemed to me to supply ; 
and one cannot but wonder at the ruthless and deliberate sacri- 
fice of Q"? passages which this process involved ; but it is clear 
that Messrs. H. & C. were strongly impressed with the notion 


that they only were in possession of the genuine Shakespeare, 
and in dealing with one of the detested " stolne and surreptitious 
copies " they were not likely to set its authority against that of 
their undoubtedly authentic MS. Their task in this case was 
easier than with Richard III. ; for tho' the smaller alterations it 
necessitated were as numerous as in that play, they had coni- 
paratively few additions to make to the Q° copy of Lear which 
they were now preparing for the ¥° edition. The proof of this 
must of course be found, if at all, in the presence in the F? text 
of errors which could only have got into it by transfer from the 
Q9 editions. 

Before however'proceeding to this necessary examination, I 
must return to the F° line II. i., 102, "To have th' expense and 
wast of his revenues " which Mr. Wright believes to be a conjec- 
tural emendation of the incorrect Q?^. If I agreed with him in 
this instance I should of course strengthen with it my list of errors 
which I suppose in the F? to be derived from the Q"?=; but I 
hardly feel justified in doing so with this. The corruption in the 
uncorrected sheet of Qi, followed by Q2, is " To haue these— 
and wast of this his revenues.'' In the corrected sheet we find 
" To haue the wast and spoyl of his revenues." Now we know 
that the corrector of the Q° has sometimes resorted to conjecture ; 
has he not done so in this case ? It is evident that the difficulty 
the printer met with in the first instance was in the first half of 
the line, and here we find the correction in the second half ; 
whereas the F° reading —which, until proof to the contrary is 
adduced, we must believe to be derived from the independent 
MS. — exactly fits the corrupted place. I may add that I have 
failed to find in the F° text such instances of conjectural emen- 
dation as seemed to me to exist in the F? text of Richard III. 
(See my Introduction, p. xii.-xiv.) I have noted but one case in 
the F? Lear which would seem to come under this head : III. 
vii., 44-46. " Corn. And what confederacie haue you with the 

traitors, late footed in the Kingdome ? 
Reg. To whose hands 

Tou haue sent the Lunaticke King : Speake." 


So the F° , and it makes Regan afirm that Gloucester had 
sent the King to the " Traitors, late footed in the Kingdom " ; 
a point on which she afterwards asks for information. Regan's 
speech is given in Qi thus : — " To whose hands yeu haue sent the 
lunatick King. Speake ? " If the corrector for the F? ed. had 
missed— as I suppose he did — thisj^a have of the Q° , it would 
seem probable that the punctuation of the F? was the result of a 
conjectural emendation in the proof sheets of the F? itself All 
editors are agreed that the speech is interrogative, as given in 
Q2 : — "To whose hands have you sent the lunaticke King, 
speak ? " 

The list of F? errors which now follows I suppose to be 

exclusively the result of oversight on the part of the scribe 

engaged in altering the Q_°. text by the aid of the Theatrical MS. 

It will I think be convenient to make the collation of the 

uncorrected and corrected sheets of Qi the basis of this list. 

In the uncorrected sheet E., II. iv., 103, Qt has come and 
tends seruise ; the corrected sheet, followed by Q2, com?nands her 
seruice : the F? has commands, tends, seruice, and it seems obvious 
that this must be the result of an incomplete correction of the 
nonsense in the uncorrected sheet.* 

In the uncorrected sheet H., IV. ii., 28, Qi has My foote 
vsurps my body ; the corrected sheet A foole vsurps my bed : the 
F? has My fools vsurps my body, and tho' many editors are content 
to accept this reading on the authority of the F?- I cannot but 
think that here again we have the result of an incomplete cor- 
rection of the uncorrected sheet, and that the true reading would 
be M^ foole vsurps my bed. Q2 which agrees generally with the 
uncorrected sheet H. has here what I suppose must be merely a 
conjectural emendation — My foote vsurps my head- If, as I suppose, 

* In such a case as this an editor can hardly be said to have any choice, 
and must accept " commands her service " as a matter of course ; but this 
reading is not altogether free from suspicion and possibly, as Schmidt — -if I 
understand him aright — seems to suggest, the words on which the original 
corruption was founded were commands attendance, sei-vke. See Furness's 
Variornm, p. 146, 147. 


the F? got' body from this uncorrected sheet it must also have 
derived from it, not from Q2, whistle IV. ii., 29; seenies IV. ii., 
60, and Justices IV. ii., 79, all errors which in the revised sheet 
are corrected to whistling, shewes, a.n&. J ustisers. 

Id the uncorrected sheet K., V. iii., 46, 47, Qi has, as one 
line. To saue the old and miserable King to some retsntion ; the 
corrected sheet, altering saue to send, adds on to the end of this 
already over-long line the words and appointed guard {^t?: k^^sadax. 
to Facsimile p. 74*). Q2, which here agrees generally with the 
corrected sheet, divides the lines properly, ending the first at 
King. The F? , except that it corrects saue to send, yy&s the 
same omission and the same misarrangement as the uncorrected 

Here then is a group of what I take to be errors which 
suggests that a copy of Qi containing the three uncorrected 
sheets E., H. and K was made use of in preparing the F? edition 
for the press. 

Here again is another group of errors adopted in the 
F? which are in both the uncorrected and corrected sheets of 
Qi, but which are only found in that Q? 

I. i., 56, Qi has the misprint weild; so has Fi. 

IV. vi., 57, "From the dread Somnet of this Chalkie Bourne," 

This corruption is probably the result of a blundered cor- 
rection of the sommons of Qi ; Q2 has summons, and had 
that Q? been under course of correction we should 
probably have had "s«mnet" in the F° instead of 
" somnet." 

IV. vi., 190, "And when I haue stolne vpon these Son in 
Lawes," Ft. 

From Qr, sonne in lawes: the Q2 has, correctly, sonnes in law. 

IV. vii., 49, " You are a spirit I know, where did you dye ? " 

The where probably from Qi ; in Q2 it is corrected to when. 


Now follows a group which the F? might have derived from 
either Qi or Q2, as both agree in them ; but which, if we admit 
the above, we must also suppose to have been immediately 
derived from Qi. 

I. i., 112, "The miseries of Heccat," Fi. The Q°f have 
mistress : 

I suppose the scribe preparing the Q°. for the F° edition 
struck out the end of this word and inserted eries in 
the margin ; perhaps the stroke of his pen included 
the t, or the printer thought it did, and so, instead of 
misteries, miseries got into the F? 

I. ii., 20, 21, " Edmond the base | Shall to'ih' Legitimate," 

In all probability the printer's correction of the tooth' of 
Q°f ; the scribe engaged in preparing " copy" for the 
F? having overlooked the necessary alteration. Capell's 
top the commends itself as the best and most probable 

II. ii., 114, "On flicking Phoebus front," Fi.- Probably the 

result of a blundered correction of the nonsense word 
flitkering found in the Q°? 

II. iv., 57, " Historica passio," so in both Q°f and F? 

III. vi., 72, " Hound or Spaniell, Brach, or Hym," Fi. The 

him of Q°? was probably the source of this error. The 

correction should of course have been lym, lime, lyam, 

some form of that word. 

So far, if these coincidences in F9 and Q? are to be accepted 

as proof of their connection, it is clear that Qi must have been 

the medium through which the theatrical MS. passed to press ; 

but there are many points of resemblance between the F? and 

Q2 which must not be overlooked in an enquiry of this nature, 

and which may perhaps cast a doubt on the claim of either 

Q? to the part parentage of the F? text ; for it can hardly be 

supposed that both were made use of in preparing it for the 


printers. I give some half-dozen instances and must then leave 
this question to the judgment of the leader. 

I. iv., 4, "For which I raiz'J ray likeness," Fi. Qz has 

raizd ; Qi more correctly rax'd. 

II. i., 122, " Occasions Noble Gloster of some /n»," Fi. 

So also Q2 ; the uncorrected sheet of Qi has prise, the 
corrected sheet foyse, and this is the reading chosen by 
most editors. I have not here to decide which is the 
better reading j but if the F? is wrong its concurrence 
with Q2 is significant. 

II. ii., 68, 72. The F? in both these places hyphens j-r/jj- 
beard ; so also does Q2. Both are wrong of course. 
Qi is only partially wrong; it gives the hyphen in the 
first place, but omits it in the second. 

II. ii., 88, " Smoile you my speeches," Fi. So also Q2. Qi, 
which has here a wrong arrangement of lines, gives the 
word as smoyle. Unless we take this as an instance of 
the defused speech which Kent talks of in the first 
lines of I. iv., but which he nowhere else adopts, we 
must accept it as a printer's corruption of smile, and 
then the probability would be that the F? got it from 
, Q2. It may be noted that in the next line F? agrees 

with Q2 in reading if {or the and of Qi. 

II. iii., 4. The F? misprints unusall ; so also does Q2. 

V. iii , 121, 122 — ■ 

" Know my name is lost 
By Treasons tooth : bare-gnawne, and canker-bit," Fi. 

The Q°? make one line of know .... tooth, Qi ending it 
with a period [.], Q2 with a colon [:]. The latter would 
seem. to be responsible for the mis-punctuation of the 

Of course both these lists might be lengthened ; but the 
weight of the evidence would remain, as now, on the side of Qi, 
and, if there is any truth at all in my theory, to that Q° must be 
attributed the part parentage oi the F? edition. 


Our Facsimile of Qi is made from the perfect copy in the 
British Museum (C. 34. k. 18.); perfect in all but the marginal 
stage-directions pp. 14, 24 & 39, which have been cropped by 
the binder and are now restored by hand from the imperfect 
copy (wanting title) (C. 34. k. 17.). From this imperfect copy 
is also added, as an Appendix, a facsimile of sheet K. which in 
this copy only is found in the corrected state. With this the 
student will have at his command a more perfect text of Qi than 
any single known copy of the original could afford him. It must 
however be stated that this copy (C. 34. k. 17.) has throughout 
been extensively " corrected " in MS. and by erasures — over a 
hundred cases, chiefly in punctuation, occur in this sheet K. alone 
— and it is not always easy to distinguish these. In restoring the 
print to its original state it is possible therefore that some few 
errors may have been made in the facsimile. The errors how- 
ever, if any, must be trivial and be confined entirely to the 
punctuation : I can vouch for every letter of the text. As 
instances of erasures I refer to IV. vii., 30, p. 69,* in the original 
the /in klnd\\a.s been scraped into an i, and in V. i., 63, p. 72* 
the d in coiintenadce has been scraped into the semblance of an n : 
in the facsimile the peccant letters have of course been restored 
by hand. 

In the Margins of the Facsimile the Acts, Scenes and lines 
are numbered as in the Globe edition. Lines differing from Q2 
are marked with a double dagger [|] ; lines which are omitted in 
Q2, with a section [§] ; and against some, chiefly to indicate 
omissions in stage-directions, a caret thus [<] has been placed. 

29th July, 1885. 

M» "^iJ^illiani Shak- Ipearc: 


True Chronicle Hiftoric of the life and 
death of King Lear and his three 

With the Unfortunate life o^Edgstr^/onne 
and heire to the Earle of Glofter, and his 
fullen and afTumed humor of 
Tom: of Bedlam ;- 

Ai it was flayed before the Kings Maiefiie at iVhitehall "Vfoa 
S. Stephans night in Chrifimas HolUdAyes. 

By his Maiefties feruants playing vfually at the Gloabe 
on cheBanckc-fidc. 

Printed for Nathaniel Buuer, and are to be fold at his fliop in PauU 
Church-yard at the (igne of the Pide B nil neere 
%^.tyfujlitis Gate, i <Jo 8 

M» "^S^illiam Shak -fpeare 


Hiftorie, of King Lear. 

Enter Kent, glofier, and 'Baftarl 


Thought the King had more afFcfted the Dtikc of Al~ 
boM) then Comveell. 

Glofl. Itdid allwaies fcemc foto vs,but now in the 
diuilionof thekingdomes, it appeares not which of 
the Dukes he values moft, for equalities arc fo weighed, that cu- 
riofitie in neither, can make choife of eithers moytic. 
Kent. Is not this your fonnc my Lord; 
Ghfl. His breeding fir hath beene at my charge, I hauc fo of. 
tenblufllttoackl^owlcdgehim, that now I ambraz'dtoit. 
Kent. I cannot concciue you. 

gUfi. Sir, this young fellowcs mother Could, wherupon flice 
grew round wombed, and had indeed Sir a fonne for her cradle, 
ere ihe had a hufband for her bed, doe you fmell a fault ^ 

Kent. I cannot wifh the fault vndone, the ifluc of it being fo 

gloji. Butlhauefirafonne by order of Law, fomeycafeel- 
derthenthis,whoyetisnodeercrin my account , though this 
knaue came femethingfawcely into the world before hec was 
^ont for, yet was his mother faire^ there was good fportat his 
makeing &thc whorefonmuft be acknowledged,do you know 
this noble gentleman Sclmtmd} 

B B^, 






I.i. The Hijlot ie ef King Lear. 

Saff. No my Lord. 

gloj}. My Lord of Kent, remember him hereafter as my ho- 
norable frifnd,. 
Baft. MyferuicestoyourLordiTiip. 
Keat. I muftioueyou,andfue to know you better. 
Tafl- Sirlfliallftudydeferujng. ' 

GUfi. Hee hath beene out nmeyeares, and away hee fhall ' 
againe,theKingis comming. 

SoandaSemet, Enter one l^enriuga ^gronet, the» Lear, then the 
Dn\ei efz^lbuny,and Cornwell^Kext Gonorill, Regan ,€ or ' 
dilta, withfelloyvtrs. 
35 Lear. Attend my Lords of FranceandBurgundy,^/tf/?tfr. 

GUlf. IfhallmyLeige. 

Lear. Meane rime we will exprefle our darker purpofcs, 
The map there 5 know wehaucdiuided 
In three,our kingdome -J and tis our firft intent. 
To fhakcall cares and bufines of oiu: ftate, 
« Confirming them on )'onger ycares, 

46 The two great Princes Trttnte and Burgundy, 

Great ryuals in our youngeft daughters loue, 
Long in our Court haue made their amorous foioume, 
^3 And nere are to 6e anfwerd,tell me my daughters, 

52 Which ofyoufhail we fay doth loue vsmoftj 

That we our largeftbountie may extend, 
Where merit doth moft challenge it, 
Gonorillom eldeft borrtejfpeakehrft/ 

(j«tt. Sir I do loue you more then words can.weild the 
Dearer then eye-fight,fpace or libertic, (matter. 

Beyond what can be valued rich or rare. 
No leflethenlifc; with grace,health,beautie,honour, 
As much a child ere Ioued,or father firiend, 
A loue that makes breath poore ,and fpeech vnablc. 
Beyond all manner of fo much I loue you, 
(,or. What fhall^or<i*/<i« doe, loue and be filcnt. 
Lear. Ofalthefebounds.euenfrom this line to this, 
With iliady forrells,and wide skirted meades. 
We make thee Lady, to thine and Alhaintt ifTue, 
Be this perperuall, whatfaiesour fecond daughter? 


; "the Hisime of Kmg Lear. ' li 

Our deereftif^_g4»j wife to ^«r»irf//,{peakc? 
, Reg. Sir I am made of tlie felfe fame mectall that my fiftcr iSj 
1 A nd prize mc at her worth in my true heart, 
. I find flic names my very deedofloue, oncly £hc came fliort, 
Thatlprofcflcmyfelfcancncmic to all other ioyes. 
Which the moft precious fquarc offence poflcrfes, 
And find I am alone fclicitatc,in your deerchighncslouc. 
' C^i. Then poore Cor A. & yet not fo,fincc I am fur e 
My loucs more richer th en my tongue. 

Lear, Totheeand thine hcreditaric cuer 
Remaine this ample third of our fiirc kingdomc» 
No iefle in fpace, validity, and pleafure, 
Then that confirm'd on ^»«eriiZ,butnow our ioy. 
Although the laft,not leaft in our deereloue. 
What can you fay to win a third, more opulent w 

Then your fillers. 
Cord. Nothing my Lord. (againe. 

Lear, How, nothing can come of nothing, ffaeakc 
Ceiri. VnhappiethatIam,Icannothcaucmyneart into my 
mouth jl louc y our Maieflie according to my bond,nor more nor 

Lear. Goe to.goe to,mend your fpecch a little, 
Leafl it may mat your fortunes, 

C^ri, Good my Lord, 
You haue begot me, bred me, loued mc, 
I retume thofc duties backe as are right fit. 
Obey you, loue you,and moft honour you, wo 

Why haue my fiftershufbandsifthcy fay they loue you all, 
Happely when I (hall wed, that Lord whofe hand 
Mufttake ray plight, fhall cary halfe my loue with him, 
Halft my care ancf duty, furel ihall neuer m 

Mary like my fitters, to loue my father all. 
Lear. But goes this with thy heart ? 
(^ord. I good my Lord. 
Lear. So yong and fo vntender. 
Cor A, So yong my Lord and true. 
Litr. Well let it be fo, thy truth thenbc thy dower, 
For by the facred radiencc of the Sunne, 

B ■; The 

Li. . The Hifiorie^Kivg Lear. ( 

Tli^ rniftielTc of i^<fM^an<i the might, f 

By all the operation of the ori>«> \ 

From vvhomc wc dofe exfift and ceafc to be \ 

Heerc I difclaitne ali my patcrnall care, \ 

Propinqiucit Mid property crfblood, | 

AncI as a ftranger td my heareand me ( 

m HciW thee fronfl this for ciicr, the barbarot:? S<jthjan, ] 

Orhc that makes his generation \ 

M^fTes to gorge liis appetite ^ 

shall bee as well neigTibour'd.pittyed and relietied ' 

As thou my fomedme daughter. 

Kent. Good my Liege. (his wrath, 

'^ Lear. Peace Ktnt, comcnot between the Dragon vc 

I loud herraoft^and thdught to fctmy reft 
On her kind nurcery,hencc and auoide my fight.' 
So be my grauc my peace as herelgiue. 
Her fathersbeartfrom her, call France, who ftif res ? 
Cill Burgtiniy, C^rnweilfiaA Athany, 
With my two daughters dower digeft this third. 
Let pride, which me cals pjairine^j marrie her •• 
I doe inucft you iointly in my powre, 
Pi*hemifience,and all the large cffefts 
That troope with Maieftie, our lilfe by monthly courfe 
With referuation of an hundred knights, 
By you to be fuftayn d, ffxall our abode 
Make with you by Jueturnes, onefy we ftill ictaine 
Thenariie and all the a<idiciopst»a King, 
The fway, reueuuc, execution of the reft, 
Beloucd fonnes be yours,which to confirmc. 
This Coronet pait betwixt you. 

Ktnt, RoyallZwr, 
Whom I haue cuerhonor'd as ipy King, 
Loued as my Fathcr,as niylnaiftcr followed, 

744 As my great patroh thought on ip my priy ers . 

Lear. The bow is bet &dtaWcn makfcfrom the lliafif> 
Kent, ietitfallratbpr, 
Though flie forke inuadc the region of my heart, 
Be Ktnt vnmannefly when Ltari% man, 



TheHiBerie^KtngZear. li 

What wilt thoadoc ould man, tiiink'ft thou that dune ns 

Shall haue dread to fpeakejwhen power to flatterie bowes. 

To piainnes honours bound when Maicfty ftoops to folly* 

Reuerfe thy doome, and in thy bctt confideration 

Checke this hideous ia(hnes,anfwcre my life 

My iudgementjthy yongeft daughter docs not iouethecleafV, m4 

Nor arc thofe empty harted whofc lowjCouud 

Reuerbs no hollownes. 

Ltar. Kent on thy lifbno more. 

Km. Mylifelncuerheldbutasapawne 
To wage a» ainft thy enemieSjnor ftareto lofeit rse 

Thy-fefty being the motiue. 

Lear. Outdfmy fight. 

Kent, Seebetter Zi?<»-andletine ftillrentaine, 
Thetrue blankeof thine eye, 

Lear. Now by yIppoSt, 

Kent. Now by yJppo^o King thou fwcarcftthy Gods 

Lear. VaflalJ, recreant, (in vaine. »e» 

Kent, Doe, kill thy Phyficion, 765 

And thefee beftow vpon the fbule difeafcj 
Reuoke thy doome^or whilfti can vent clamour 
From my throat, ile tell thee thou dofteuilL 

Lear. Hear c me,on thy allegcancie heare nse? 
Sincethou haft (ought to make vs breake ourvow. 
Which we durft neuer yet ; and with flraied pride. 
To come betweene our fentencc and our ppwre, 
Whichnor our nature nor our place can bears, /7-* 

Our potency madegood,takc thy reward, 
Fbure dayes we doe allot thee for prouifion, 
To fhield thee fiom difeafes of the world. 
And on the fift to tumc thy hated backe 778 

Vpon ourkingdomci if on the tenth day following, 
The momentis thy death, away , byJvpiter 
Thisfliallnot bcrcuokt, (appesre, fee 

Kern. Why fare thee well kin»,fince thus thou wilt * 

Friendfhip Hues hence,andbani{hmentis here, 
The Gods to their proteftion take the maid e, 

B 3 That 



li The HiJlorU of King Lear. 

VS6 That rightly tlunks,ancl haft moft iuftly faid. 

And yourlarge fpeeches may yourdeedes approue, 
Tliat wood e tfeftstnay fpring from woidcs of loue : 
Thus Kent O Princes, bids you all adew, 
Hcele fhapehis old courfein acouncnenew- 

Enter F ranee and Burgrndte with gio^er. 
giefi. Hetrs France and BHrgitndiemynohleLori. 
Lear. My L, o{B«rgMdie,vit firft addres towards you, 
m Who with a King hath riuald for our daughter. 

What in the leaft will you require in prefent 
Dower with her, or ceafeyour queftof loue ? 

Brng. Roy all maiefty, I craue no more then what 
Your highnes ofFered,nor will you tender lefle? (vs 
wa Lear. Right noble 3«rg«»ii>, when ilic was deere to 

We did hold her fo,but now her prife is fallen. 
Sir there {he flands, if ouglit within that little 
Seeming fubftace,or al ofit with our difpleafure pccc'ft. 
And nothing elfe may fitly like your grace, 
Shees there,and fhe is yours. 

"Bttrg. I know no anfwer, 

Lear, Sir will you with thofe infirmities fhe owes, 
Vnfriendedjiiew adopted to our hate, 
Couered with our curfe, and ftranger'd with our oth. 
Take herorleauehcr. 

Burg. Pardon me royall fir, eleftion makes not vp 
On fuch conditions . (me 

Lear. Then leaue her fir.fbr by the powre that made 
I tell you all her wealth, for you great King, 
I would not from your loue make fuch a ftray. 
To match you where I hate, therefore befeech you. 
To auert your liking a more worthier way, 
Then on a wretchwhoraenatureis afhamed 
AJmofI; to acknowledge hers. 

Fra, This is moft ftrange,that fhe,that euen but now 
Was your beft obieft, the argument ofyourpraife, 
Balme of your age,moft beft,moft deercft, 
Should in this trice of time commie a thing, 
So nionftrous to dirmantellfomanyfouldsoffauourj 



The Hifime of King Lear, ii. 

Sure her oflFencc muftbe offuch vnnaturall degree, 
Thatmonftcrsit, oryoufbrvouchtaficrtions 
Falne into taint,xvhich to beieeue ofher 
Mud be a faith that reafon wichouc miracle 
Could neuer plant in me. 

Cord, I yet befeech your Maieftie, 
If for I want that glib and oyly Art, 
To fpeakc and purpofe notjfinte whati well entend 
He do't before I fpcake^bat you may know 
It is no vicious bIot,niurder orfoulnes. 
No vncleane aifUoaor difhonord ftep 
That hath depriu'd me of your grace and fauour, 
But euen for want of that, for which I am rich, 

Aftillfolicitingeye,andfuchatongue , 234 

/U I am glad I haue not, though not to haue it, 
Kathloftmein your liking. 

Leir. Goc to, goe to, better thou hadft not bin borne. 
Then not to haue pleas'd me better. 

Fran. Is it no more but this, a tardincs in nature. 
That often Icaues thehiftorie -wifpokc that it intends ta 
My Lordof £fcrg;««<fctf,whatfay you to the Lady? (do, 
Loue is not loue when it is mingled with refpeftsthat 
Aloofe from the intirc point wil you haue her ? (ftads 
She is her felfe and dowrc, 

"Burg. Royall Lcir, giue but that |)ortion 
Which your felfe propofd,andhere I take (Jordtlu 
By thehandjDutches ofBurgmdie, 
Leir. Nothing, I haue fwomc. 
Burg. I am fory then you haue fo lofta father, 
Thatyou muft loofc a hufband. 

CMti. Peace be with BurgmSeSmct that refpefts 
Offortune arc liis loue, I fliall not be his wife. 

Fran. Faireft Cardelia tliat art moft rich being poorc, 
Mofi: choife forfaken.and moft loucd defpifd, ^ 

Thee and thy vertues here I ceazc vpon. 
Be it lawfiill I take vp whats caft away, 
Gods, Gods.' tis ftragc,thatfromtheircou1dft neglcft. 
My loue Ihould kindle to inflam*d refpeft, 



I.i. The HiBme (fKhg Lear, 

Thy dowreles daughter King thiownc to thy chancCj 
Is Qjjeene of vs,t»f^^ours,aiiclour faire France : 
Nocall theDukes in wjtnlh Bur^updte, 
262 Shall buy this vnprizd precious maide of me. 

Bid them farewell ConieJia, thou^ ynkind 
Thou loofefl here, a better where to find . 
Lear. Thou haft her Framg, let her be thine, 
S66 For we hauc no fuch daughter,nor lliall euer fee 

That fece ofhers againe,theiibre be gone, {BurgMiyt 
Without our a-race, our loue, our benizon? come noble 

Exit Lstvr ana BtArgttndie. 
Z70 Fran, Bid farewell to your fiftcrs? 

Ctrd. Theiewelsofourfather, (youarc, 

Withwalhteyes^er^^Atfleaucsyou, I Icnowyou-what 
And like a fitter am moll loath to call your faults 
274 As they are named, vfe well our Father, 

To your profefled bofoms I commit him, 
But yet alas flood I within his grace, 
I would prefcrrc him to a better p! ace : 
278 So farewell to 3'oubothJ 

Cjonorilt. Prefcribe not vs our duties ? 
Regan^ Let your fludy be to content your Lord, 
Who hatji leceaued you at Fortunes almes. 
You haue obedience fcanted, 
2«2 And well are worth the worth that you haue wanted. 

Cord. Timelhal vnfbuld what pleated ctining hides. 
Who couers faults,atlaft /bame them deriti es : \ 

Wei 1 may you profper. 

Fran. GomefaircC«y</(f/w? SxitFr'^nce (^ Qord.. 
GoHor. Sifler.f CIS not a Htde I hau c to fay. 
Of whatmoftneereiy appertaines to vs both, 
I thinke our Either will hencetu njg;ht. 
2^0 R(g. Thatsmoftcertaine.and with you, nexcinoneth witli vs. 

5""". You fee how full ofchanges his gge is the ohferuarion wc 
haucmadeof it hath not bin little-, hee dwaies ioueH oiufilVev 
294 moft, andvvithwhatpoore judgement hee hath now cjfl: her 

off, appcares too grofle. 

Rtg. Tis the in firnjitic of his age, yet hee hatV, fuer butilen- 



The HiSlorie of King Lear. Li 

derly knownft himfelfe. 

^otto. The beft and foiindeft of his time hath bin butrafh, 
then muft wc loolce to receiue from his age not ai one the impcr - 
ftftion of long ingrafted conditionjbutthtrwithalvnrulyway- 
wardncSj thatinfirnie and cholcricke yeares bring with them. 

J^ag. Such vnconftant ftarts are we like to hauc ftom him , as 
this otKenit banifhment. 

Gene. There is fiirthcr complement of iea'Jc taUng becwecnc 
jF"r.;M«ai!dhim.,pray lets hit together,! four Father cary autho- 
rity with fuch ditpoiitions as he bcares,this laft furrender ofTiis, 
"Will but offend vs. 
Ragof. V/elhall further thmkeon't. 

^ou. Wemuftdoefomcthing,andit'hhcate, Sxcftnt, 

Emer Biififird Solut, \.\x. 

Baji. ThouNarurc artmyGoddeffcjtothylawmyferuices 
arebound, wherefore fliould I (land in the plague of cuftome, 
and permit.the curiolitie of nations to depriuc me, for that I am 
ibmetwelue or I4,moonelhines lag of a orother.why baftard f 
wherfbrebafCjWhenmydementicnsarcaswcll compaft, my 
mind as generous,and my Ihape as true as honeftmadams iffue,. 
why bmnd they vs with bafe, bafe baftardie i who in the lufty 
ilealth of nature, take more compoGtiou and feirce quality ,then 
doth within a ftale duUlyed bed , goc to the creadng of a whole 
tribcoffbpsgottweiQeafleepe arid wake-, vyell the legitimate 
€ds4r, I mufthauc your land, our Fathers louc is to ttic baftard 
£<MW<»</,astothe legitimate, well my legitimate, if this letter 
fpeede,and my inuention'thriuc, Edmmdm^ bafe (ball tooth'le- 20 

gicimatc : I grow, rprofper,now Gods ftand vp for Baflards . 
Enitr glofltr. 
^lofit ir««bani{litthus,and/^r4i»«inchollef parted, and 
thekinggonetomghtjiiibfcribdhis power, confined to exhi- 
bition, all this donnevpon thegaddcj Bdmmd how now 
whatjiewes > 
Bust. So pleafe your Lordfliip, nonis.' 
CUfi. Why foearneftlyfcekeyoutoptjtyp thatlcttcr? 
Ba^, Iknownonewes ray Lord. 
t/Zoj?. What paper wereyourcadJng ? 
BaB. Wotfaine;myLofd, 


lii The HijlerieefKingLear. 

isz gioji. No, what ncedcs then that tcrribe difpatch of it into 

your pocket, the qualitie of nothing hath not fuch need to bide 
36 itfclfcjlets fee, comeif itbeenothingIlhallnotnecdcfpe€ta- 


Ba. I befeech you Sir pardon me,it is a letter from my brother, 
that I haue not all ore read,for fo much as I haue perufed, I find ic 
not fit for your liking. 

Glefi. Giuemc the letter fir, 

"Bajf, I fliall offend either to detaine or giuc it, the contents 
as in part I vnderftand them, are too blame. 

Gielf, Lets fee, lets fee ? 

Bafi. I hope for my brothers iuftification, he wrot this biit 
asancflayjortaftofmyvertue, A Letter. 

giofi. This policie of age makes the world bitter to the beft 
ofour times, keepes our fortunes from vs till our oldnes cannot 
relifh them, I begin to find an idle and fond bondage in the op- 
preffion of aged tyranny, who fwaies not as it hath power,but as 
it is fufFered,come to mCjtliat ofthis I may fpeakemore, if our 
father would fleepe till I wakt him, you fhould inioy halfehis 
se reuenew for euer , and Hue thebeloued of your brother E4^ 

Hum, confpiracie, flept till I wakt him,you fhould enioy halfe 
his reuenew, my fonne£^^|«r,hadheeahand towrite this, a 
hart,and fcraine to breed it in, when came this to you, who 
brought it 3 

Bafl. It was not brought me my Lord, ther's the cunning of 
itj I found it thro wne in at the cafemem of my clofet. 

Glofi. You know the Caraftar to be your brothers ? 

Bafi. If the matter weregoodjmy Lord I durft fweareit were 
his but in refpea,of that I would faine thinke it werenot, 
t GUn. It is his? 

iz Ba(t. It is his hand my Lord, but I hope his heart is not in 

the contents. 

Glofi. Hath he neuer heretofore fouded you in this bufines? 

"Safi. Neuer my Lord, but I haue often heard him maintaine 
it to be fit, that fons at perfit age,& fathers declining.his father 
fliould be as ward to the fonne^and the fonnc mannagc the re/ 


The HiBorieefKitig Le^, 

^lefl. Ovillainc,villaine,his very Opinion in the letter, ab- 
horred villainCjVnnaturalldctefted brutifli villiiine/vvorfc then 
brutifli,go fir fecke him^I apprehend him,abhominablc villainc 
where is he ^ 

Btifl. I doe not well know my Lord, ifit fhall pleafe you to 
fufpend your indignation againft my brother, til you can deriue 
firorn him better teftimony of this intent : you fhoald run a cer- bb^ 

eainecourfe,whercif you violently proceed againft him, mi^ 
flaking his purpofe, it would make a great gap in your owne 
honour,& fhake in peeces the heart ofhis obediecCjI dare pawn 
downemy life for him, he hath wrote this to feelemy aiFeftion 
to yourhonour,andto no farther pretence of danger. 
giofl. Thinkeyoufo.? 

Bajl. Ifyour honour iudge it meete, I will place you where 
you ihall heaje vs confcrre of thiSjand by an auriguJ ar aflurancc 
haueyourfatiffaftjon, and that without any fiirmer delay then 
this very euening. 

<?/»/?, Hccannotbefuchamonftcr. 
Bafit Norisnotfure. 

Clojl. To his father,that fo tenderly and mtlrely loues him, 
heauen and earth / FJmHndktkc him out, wind mec into him, I 
pray you frame your bufines after your own w ifedome, I would 
vnftate my felfe to be in a due refolution. 

Baji. IlLaUfeekehimfirpreftntly.conueythebufineffe as I 
fliall fee meanes, and actjuaint you witliall. 

Chfi, Thefelatecclipfesinthc Suimc and Moone portend 
no good to ys, though the wifedome of xuture canrcafon thus 
and thus, yet nature finds it felfe fcourg'dby thefequent eflFefts, 
loue codes, friendlhip fals off, brothers diuidc,in Citties mu- 
tinies, in Countries dScords, Pallaces treafon,' the bond crackt 
betweene fonne and iather •, find out this villaine Simand^ it fhal 
loofe thee nothing, doe itcarefiillyjand the noble and true har- 
tcd Kent baniflit,his offence ho ncft, ftran^e ftrange ! 

Bafi, THisisthcexcellentfopperyof theworld, that when 
v/e areficke in Fortune,o{ten the furfcitofour owne behauiour, 
we make guiltie of our difafters, the Sunne, the Moone,and the 
Starres,asifwewere ViUaincsbyneceflitie, Fooles byheauen- 
2ycompulfion,Knaues,Tbeeues, and Trecherers byfpirituall 

C 2 prcdomina- 




Enter B d^ar 

+ J4S 





the Hilhrie ef Kmg Lear. 

predominance, Drunkards, Lyars.and Adulterers by an enforft 
obedience of planicary influence, and all that wee are euill in, 
by a diiiine thrufting on, an admirable euafion of whoremaftcr 
nun, to lay his gotilh difpofition to the charge of Starres : my 
Father compounded with my Mother vnder the Dragons taiie, 
and ray natiuicie was vnder Tr/ji ffl!<i»or, {b thatitfbllowes,! am 
roiio^h and )echcrous,Fut,I ihould haue beenc that I am,had the 
maidenlefl: ftarrc of the Firmament twinckled on my baftardy 
Edgars, and out hee comes like the Cataftrophe of the old Co- 
medy, mine is villanpus melancholy, with a {ith like them of 
Bedlam 5 O thefe eclipfes doe portend thefc diuifion's. 

Edgar, How now brother Edm»nd,'^hax fexious contempla- 
tion arc you in ? 

"Bafi. I am thinking brother of a prcdi^ion I read this other 
day, what fliould follow thefe Eclipfes. 
Edg. Doe you buGe your felfe about that ? 
34^. I promife you the efFcvlsLe writ ofjfucceed vnhappllyj, 
asofynnaturalneffebctweenethe child and the parent, death, 
dearth, difTolutions ofancient amities, diuifions in (kzte, mena- 
ces and malediftions againft King and nobles, needles diffiden- 
ces,bani(hment offrieas,diffipation of Cohorts,nuptial breach* 
cs,and I know not what. 
Edg. How long haue you beene a feciary Aftronomicall? 
Si^. Come, come, when faw you my father laft ? 
Edg. Why, the night gon by. 
Baft, Spake you withhim? 
€dg. Two hourcs together. 

Safi, Parted you in good tearmes ? found you no difpleafure 
in him by word or countenance? 
Edg. None at all, 

Bafl, Bethinkc your felfe wherein you may haue offended 
him,anrfatmy intreatie,forbeare his prefence,till fome little 
timehath qualified the heat of his difpleafure, which atthis in- 
ftant fo ragcth in him.that with the niifchiefe,of your parfon it 
would fcarce allay. 

Bdg, Some villaine hath done me wrong. 
Baft. Thats my feare brother, I aduife you to the befl, goe 
arm'd, lamno boncftmanif there bccanygoodmcaning to. 


TheHifterk of King Lear. 

wards you, Lfaaue told you vvhatlhauefeenc & bc:ircl,but fafnf- 
\)'y nothing like the image and horror ofir, pray you away i 
84g- Shall I hcare from you anonS 

Baffl. I doc fcrueyou in this bnfines : £xU Fdear 

A credulous Father,and a brother noble, 
"Whofc nature is fo farrefrom doing harsncs. 
That he fufpefts none,on whofe foolifh honefty 
My praftifes ride cafie, I fee the bufincs. 
Let me if not by binh, haue lands by wit, 
AH with mc's mcctc, that 1 can falhion fit. Exit. 

Enter GenonUaud genthmati. 
Gm. Did my Father ftrike my gendemaivfbr chiding of liis 
ffjole? " 

Gent. Yes Madam. 
^«». By day and night he wrongs mc, 
£ucr)' houre he Hafines into one woile crime or othci 
That fers vs all at odsjik not indure ii, 
llh Knights grow ryotous,aad him fdfe obrayds vs, 
On ruety niieli when heterurncsfiorn (uTsring;, 
i will not fpeaxf with him, fay I am ficke, " 
If you come flackc of former fcmicss. 
You fhall doe well, the fault of it ile anfwere. 
^eet. Hee's coming Madam J heare him. 
Go», Put on what wearie negligence you pleafe,you and your 
fellow feruants, i'de haue it come in queftion, if he diflikc it,]et 
him to our fifter, whole inind and mine I know in that are oncj, 
nottobeouerruld; idle old man that flill would manage thofc 
authoritiesthathechathgiuenaway, now bymy lifeoldfooles 
are babes again, & muft dc vs'd with theckes as flatteries,when 
they are feene ahufdjemcmber what I ceil j ou. 
^ent. Very well Madam. 

pen. And let his Kirights haue colder looks amonwyou.what 
growes of it no matter, aduife your fellowcsfo, I would breed 
from hence occa (Ions, and I (hall, that I may fpeake,ikwrire 
ftraight to my fitter to houldmy very ccuile, goe prepare for 
dinner, ' Ex,t. 

Bitter K<^t. 
Kent fUhwAS wdllottier accents borroWythat can ray fpccch 
G 3 defufc, 





i-iv. the HiFlorie of King Lear, 

xleRife, my good intcntmay carry through it felfe to chat full if- 
fue for wnich I raz'd my iikcnes, now baniftit Kent, idhon canfl: 
fcrue where thou doft {land condcra'dj thy lHaifter whom thou 
loueftfliall find the fliil of laljour. 
Enter Lear. 

Lear. Let me not ftay a lot for dinner, goegetitreadie, how 
tiow, whatartthou ? 

Kent. A man Sir. 

Ledtr. Whatdoft thou profelTc ? what would' ft thou with vs? 

Ketit. Idoeprofeffetobenoleirethenlfeeme, toferuehim 
truly that will put me in trull, to loue him that is honeft , to con- 
uerft with him that is wife^andfayes little, to feare iudgcmcnt, 
to fight when I cannot chufe, and to eate no filhe. 

Lear. Whatartthou? 

Kent. A very honeft harted fellow, and as poore as the king. 

Lear. Ifthou be as poore for a fubicft,as he is for a Kiagjthat't 
poore enough, what would ft thou ? 

Kent. Snuicc, Lear. Who would'ft thou ferue ? 

Kent. You, Lear, Do'ft thou know me fellow? 

Kent. No fir,but you haue that in your countenance; which 
I would faine call Maifter. 

Lfiar. Whatsthat? Kent. Authoritic, 

LeaY. What feruicescanft doe.? 

J<:*»^ lean keepe honeft counfaile, ride, run, mar a curious 
tale in telling it, and dcliuer a plaine meftage bluntly, that 
whichordinariemenarefitfbr,Iamc^ualified in, and the beft 
ofmejs dihgence. 

LeAr, How old ait thou.' 

Kent. Not fo yongto loue aNvoman for finging,noi- fo old to 
dote on her for anything, I haue yearcs on my backe fortic 

Lear. Follow mee^ thou fhalt. ferue mec, if I like thee no 
worfe after dinner, I will not part from thee yet, dinner, ho din- 
ner, wher's my knaue, my foolc,goe you and call my&ole hc- 
ther,you firra, whcr s my daughter ? 

'EMttr Steward. ! 

.Steward. Sopleafeyou, 

Lear. What fay's the fellow there, call the dat-pole backe, 



The Hifimtcf King Lear. liv 

whcrsmyfbole, ho I thinke the world's afleepe^ how now, 
whcr's that mungrel? 

Kent. He lay's my Lord, your daughter is not well. 

Lear, Why came not the flauc backe tomec when I cal'd 

feruant. Sir, hee anfweredineein the roundeft maner,hee 
would not. Lear. A would not? eox 

feruant. MyLord,Iknow not what the matter is, but to my 
iudgcmet,your highncs is not etcrtained with that ceremonious 
affeftionas you were wont, ther's a great abatement, apeers as 
well in the gcncrall dependants, as intheDukehijnfelfe alfo, 
and your daughter. Lear. Ha,fay'ftthoufof 

feruMtt. I befccch youpardonmeemy Lord,if I bemiftaken, 
for my ducie cannot bee filcnt, when I thinkc your highneflc 

Lear. Thou but remembei'fl me ofmine ownc conception, I 
haue perceiued a moft faint negleci: of late, which I haue rather 
blamed as tsant o wne ielous curiontie,then as a very pretenceSc 
purport of vnkindnefle, I will looke fiirther into't, Ibut wher's 
this foolei I haue not fecne him this two dayes. 
[erutnt. Sinccmy ybng Ladies going into f r^wr* Cr,thcfoolc 
hath much pined aWay. 

Lear. Nomorcpfthaf, I haue noted it, goeyou and tell my 
daughter,! would fpeake with her,goe you cal hither my foole, 
O you fir, you fir, come you hither, who am I fir } 

Steward. My Ladies Father* 

Lear, My Ladics&ther, my Lords kiiaue, you horefon dog, 

Stew. lamnoneofthismyLord, Ibefecchyoupardonme. 

Lear. Doe you bandielookes-withmeyourafcall/ 

Stew, IlcnotbcfiruckmyLord, 

Kent, Nor tript neither, you bafc football player, 

Lear. 1 thanke thee fellow, thou feru'ft me,and ile loue thee. 

Kent, Come fir ilc teach you differences, away, away, if 
you will roeafurcyour lubbers^ length againe tarry, butaway, 
you haue wifcdome. 

Lear. Nowffientflyknauel thanke Ace, their searneft of 
tbyferuicc. Stiltr Foole. 


72 1 


18. . The Hiltorie of King Lear, 

Foole. Let me hire him too, heer's mycoxcombe. 

Lear. How now my prety knaue^ how cfo'ft thou f 

foote. Sirra,you were beft takemy coxcombe, 

Kent. Why Foole; 

FooU. Wliy for taking en's part, that's out of fauour,na.y and 
-thou canftnotfmilcas the wind fits, thou't catch cold fhortly, 
there take my coxcombe ;" why this fellow hath baniflit two 
ens daughters, and done the third a bleflingagainfl: his will, if 
thou follow him, thou mufl: needs weare mycoxcombe, how 
now nuncle.wouldl hadtwo coxcorabes, and two daughters. 

Ltar, Why my boy ; 
? 720 foole. If r gaue them any liuing, id'c kcepe my coxcombs 

my fclfc, thers mine, beg another of thy daughters. 

Ltar. Take hcedefirra, the whip. 

Foole, Truth is a dog that muftro kenell, hce muft bee whipt 
out, when Ladie oth' e brach may ftand by the fire and ftincke. 

Lear, A peftilentgull to mee. 

Foole, Sirrailc teach thee a fpcech. Lear. Doe, 

Foole. Markeitvncle,hauemorc then thou fheweft, fpeake 
leffethen thouknowcft, lend leffe then thou oweft.ride more 
736 then thou goeft, Icarne more then chou troweft, fet leffe then 

thou throweftjleauc thy drinke and thy whore, and kcepe in a 
doore, and thou fhalt haucmore, then two tens to a fcore. 

Lear. This is nothing fbole, 

Foole. Then like the breath of an vnfeed Lawyer, you gaue 
menothing fbr't, can you make no vfe ofnothing vncle ? 

Lear, Why no boy, nothing can be made out ofnothing. 

Toale. Precthc tell him fo much the rent of his land comes to, 
74« hewillnotbelecueafoole. 

Lear. A bitter fbole. 

F»ole. Doo'ft know the difFerence my boy,betweene a bitter 
foolc, and a fweete fbole. 

Ltar, No lad, teach mee. 

Foole. That Lord that counfail'd thee to giue away thy land, 
756 Come place him heereby mee, doe thou for him ftand. 

The fweet and bitter foole will prefcntly appearc, 
Thcone in motley here, thcotherfouno out there. 

Zr«r. Do'ftthou call race fbole boy? 

, Foole, 



'the H'iBor'te of Kmg Lear. L\v. 

Fotli, All thy other Titles thouhafl glueuaway ,tha thou 
waft borne with. 
Kent. This is not altogether fbole my Lord. 
Fotle. No faith. Lords and greatTnen will not Ictmc, ifl had 
a monopolie out,they would haue part an t,and Ladies too,they im i 
will not let mehaiic all thcfbolcto my fclfc, they'l be fnatchingj 
giue me an cgge Nunck, and ile giuc thee two crownc s. 
Lear. What two crc wnes fliall they be ? 
Teole. Why, after I haue cut the cgge inth e middle and eate 
vp themeatCjthe two crownesofthecggej when thou cloueft 
thy crowneit'h middlcjand gauefl: away both parts, thouboreft 
thy afle at'h backe or'e the durt, thou had'ft little wit in thy bald 
cro wne, when tnou gaueft thy golden one away, ifl fpeake like 
my felfe in this, let him be whipt that firft finds it fo. 
Fooles had nere lefle wit in a.yeare. 
For wife men arc growne fopp'ifli. 
They know not how their wits doe wcare, 
Their manners are fo apilh. 

Lear. When were you wont to be fo full of fbngs firra ? 
TotU. Ihaucvs''ditnuncle,cucrfincethoumad'ft thy daugh- 
ters thy mother, for when thou gaueft them the rod^ and put'fl 
downe thine own breeches, then they for fuddcn ioy did weep, 
andIforforrowfung,thatfucha JKing fhould play bo-peepe, 
and goe the fooles among: prethe Nuncklekecpe a.fchoolema* 
fter that can teach thy foole to lye, I would faine Icameto lye. 
Lear. And you lye, weele haue you whipt. 
Vocle. I maruell what kin thou and thy 'daughters are, they'l 
haue me whipt for fpcaking true, thou wilt hauemee whipt for 
lying»andfometimeI am whipt for holding my peace, I had 
rather be any kind ofthingthen a foolc.and yet I would not bee 
thceNunclc,thou haft pared thy wit a both fides, deleft nothing 
in the middlc,here comes one of the parings. 
£tittr Gonorill. 
Lear. How nowdaughter,whatmakcs that Frontlet on, 
Methinks.youarerop muchalateit'hfrowne. 20a 

Foole . Thouwaftaprcttie fellow when thou had'ft no need 
tocareforhcrfrowne, now thou art an O without a figure, I am I2/2 
better then thou art now, I am a foole,thou art nothing,-y cs for. 

D footh 


lis The HiJlmetfj^mgLeAr. 

footh I will hould ray tongue, fo your face bids mce , though 
you fay nothing- 
Mum, mum, he that kccpes neither cruft nor crutn, 
Wearie of all, (hall want fome. That's a /healdpelcod. 

Cjori. Not onely fir this.your all-licene d foole, but other of 
your infolent retinue do hourclycarpc and quarrel], breaking 
forth in ranke& (not to be indu red riots,) Sir I had thought by 
makingthis well knowne vnto you, to hauc found a fafe redres, 
but now grow fcarefuUby what your fclfc too late hauc fpokc 
and done, that you protcft this courfc, and put on by your al- 
lowance, which if you (hould,ihc fault would not fcapecenfurc, 
nor the rcdrcfre,llcepe, which in the tender of a wholfomc 
weale, might in their working doe you that offence, that clfc 
were fhamc, that then nccefliiiemuft call difcrect proceedings, 
Psate. For you trow nunclc, the hedge fparrow fed the Coou 
kowfolong, that it had it head bit off beit young, fo out went 
the candle, and wc were left darkling. 
Ltar. Areyou our daughter ? 

GoM. Come fir, I would you would makevfc of that good 
wifedome whereof I know you are fraught, and put away thefe 
difpofitions,. that of late tranfFormc you from what you rightly 

F»ole. May notan AlTe know when the cait drawes thchorfc, 
whoop Tug I louc thee. 

Lear. Doth any here know mec> why this is notZ^iir, doth 
iMfiwalkethus? fpeake thus? where arc his eyes, either his no- 
tion, wcaknes,or his difcernings are !cthcrgic,flecping»or wakc> 
i ng J ha ! furc tis not fo, who i s it that can tell me wno 1 am fLeart 
fliadow r I would learne thati for by the markes of foueraintie, 
knowledge, and reafon, Ifliould bee falfc pcrfwadcd I had 
daughters . 
Fdok. Which thcy,will make an obedient father. 
Lfor. Your n amc faire gentlewoman ? 
gt)». Come fir, this admirationis much ofthefauour of other 
yournewprankcs,Idoebcfccchyou vnd*rftaJjd mypUTpofcs 
+ aright,as you arc old and rcuerend,fhould be wife, here do you 

+ kcepc a loo.Knights and Squires, men fodifordred,fo dcboyft 

and bold,that tliis our court inftftcd with their manncrs,fbowcs 


The Hifier'utf King Lear. 

like a riotous Inne,cpicuri{nic,and lull make more like a taucme 
or brothell^thenaereacpallace, thclhame it felfe doth fpeake 
for inftantrcmcdicbcthoudcfircd by her, that clfe willcakcthc. 
thing flicebegSj alittletodifquantitic your trainc^ and the re- 
mainder that fhallfHU depend, to bee fuch men as may bcfort 
your age, that know thcmfelucs and you. 

L**r. Darkcncs,andDcuils..'faddlcmyhorfcs, callmytrainc 
together, degenerate baftard, ile not trouble thee, yet haue I Icfc 
a daughter. 

^•». YouftrikemypcoplCjandyour difordrcd rabble,makc 
fcruants of their betters, Smer Dnkf. 

Le*r, We that too late repent's,0 fir,are you corneals it your 
will that wee prepare any horfcSjins^atitudc/thou marble har- 
ted fiend, more hideous when thou Iheweft thee in a child,then 
the Sea-monfter, dcteftcd kite, thou lift my traine, and men of 
choife and rareft parts, that all particulars of dutie knowc, and 
in the moft exaft regard, fupport the worlhips of their name,0 
moftfmail vgly did'fl: thou in Cpr<ieii» fliewc, that 
like an engine wrcncht my frame ofnatiire from the iixt place, 
drew from my heart all loue and added to the gall, O Lear. Lear! 
beat at this gate that let thy folly in, and thy deerc iudgemcnt 
out, goe goe, my people.' 

DhI^c, My LordjI am giltlcs as I am ignorant, 
Leir. It may be fo my Lord, harkc iV<tf»rr,heare deerc God- 
deflTc, fufpcnd thy purpofc, if thoudid'ft intend to make this 
creature fruitful into her wombe, conuey fieri lity, dric vp in hir 
the organs ofmcreafe.andfromher derogate bodyncucrfpring 
ababeto honour her, iffhcemufttceme, create her childeof 
fpleenCjthatitmayliueandbec a thourt difuetur'd torment to 
herjetitftampe wrinckies in her brow of youth, with accent 
teares , frctchaimels in her chccks,turne all hermothcrs paines 
and benefits to laughter and contempt, that Ihee may fcele,that 
flic may feelc, how {harper then a ferpents tooth it is, to haue a 
thankleflc child, goe, goe, my people/ 

Dnkt. Now Gods that wc adore, whereof comes this ! 

qon. Ncucrafflift your fclfcto know thccaufe, butlet his 
difpofition haue that fcop c that d otage giues it . 

Lmt. Whar^fiftie of my followers at a clap,within a fortnight} 

D 2 T>«y. 





: ;;.32 i 

I.iv: Tk HijlirrieefKing Lear. 

'Duki- What is the matter fir ? 

Leer. He tell thee, life and death'.I am afliatn'd that thou haft 
power to {hake my jnaiihood thus, that thefe hot tearcs that 
breakc from me perfbrce.fliould make the worfl: blafts andfogs 
vpondicvntenced woundingsofafatherscurfTe, pierce euery 
fence about the old fond eyes, beweepethis caufe againe, ilc 
pluck you out,& you caft with the waters that you make to tem- 
per clay, yea, i'ft come to this ? yet haue I left a daughter.whom 
lamfurciskind and comfortable, when (hee (hall heare this of 
tlieeiwithhernaileslhce'l fleathywoluifh vifage, thou (halt 
find that ile refume thei!}iapc,which thou doft thinke I haue caft 
off for euer,thoufhalt I warrant thee. 
^on. Doe you marke that my Lord ? 
IJuke- I cannot bee fo partiall Gonarill to the great loue I 

goJi. Come fir no more, you, more knaue then fbole, afta: 

Foole. Nunckleiwr, Nunckle Z.f r«r, tary and take thefoole 
with a fox when one has caught her, and fuch a daughter fhould 
fare to the flaughter, if my cap would buy a halter, fo the foole 
followes after. 

gon. What<?/»'^/«/,ho. ofvcald. Here Madam, 
Cjon, What haue you writ this letter to my fifter i 
bfw. Yes Madam. 

Gon. Take you fome company, and awaytohorfe, infbrme 

•^6c her full of my particular feares, and thereto add fuch rcafons of 

t yourowne, as may compaft it more,get you gon,& haften your 

t36* rcturne now my Lord,this milkie gentlenes and courfcof yours 

i though I diflike not, yet vnder pardon yare much more attaskt 

for want of vvifedome, then praife for harmfull mildnes. 

;«i« ' Duke, How farrc your eyes may pcarce I cannot tell, flriuing 

to better ought, we marrc whats well, 
_j_ gon. Nay then. Tiuke. Well,well,thc euent, Sxtunt 

-L^ Enter Lear. 

Lear. Goc you before to C/o/f^r with thefe letters , acquaint 
my daughter no further with any thing you know, then comes 
■* I from her d emand out ofthe letter, if your diligence be not fpec-- 
' die, I fiiall be there before you. 


, '23 

The Htflorie of King Lear. I:v: 

Kent. Iwillnotflcepe my Lord, till I haiie deliuercJ your 
letter. Exit. 

Foolt. If a mans braines wherein his heeles,wert not in dan- st 

trer of kibes S Lear. I boy. 

* Foolt, Then Iprcthe be niery,thy witflial ncre gocflipfhod. 

l^ar. Ha ha ha, 

Foole. Shakfcc thy other daughter will vfe thee kindly, for 
though Ihces as like this,a; a crab is like an applc,yerl con,what 
I can tcl. 

Lear. Why what canft thou tell my boy ? 

Foole. Sheel taft as like this, as a crab doth to a crab, thou 
canfl not tell why ones nofe ftande in the middle of his face i 20* 

Lear. No. 

Feole. Whyjto keep his eyes oneithcr fides nofe,that what t 

a man cannot fmell out, a may Ipie into. z^t 

Lear. I did her wrong. 

Feole. Canft tell how an Oyfter makes his fliell. Lfar. No. 

Foole. Nor I neither, but I can tell why a fiiayle has a hcKifc. 

Lear. Why.' 

Foole. Why, to put his head in , not to giue it away to his 3z* 

daughter,and leaue his homes without a cafe. 

Lear. I will forget my nature, fo kind a father;, be my horfcs 
readie ^ 

Foole, Thy Affes are gone about them,- thercafonwhy the 
feucn ftarres are no more then feuen, is a prcttie rcafon. 

Lear. Becaufe they are not eight. 

Foolt, Yes thou wouldft make a good foolc. 

Leitr. To tak't againc perforce, "Monfterjingratitudc ! 

Ftol. Tf thou wert my foole'e haue thee beatc for 
being old before thy time, 

Lear. Hows that'. 

FooU. Thou fhouldft not haue becne old, before thouhadft 


Lear. O let me not be mad fwectheauenll would not be mad, 

keepe me in temper,! would nocbe mad, arc the horfes readie i 

Struam. Readie my Lord. Ltar. Come boy. ExU, 

FeoU. Shce that is maide now,and laughs at my departure, 

Shallnotbeamaide long, except things be cut Ihorcer. Exit 

D 3 Smer 



The HiBmicfj^tftgLe/tr. 

Enter Bafl. tmd Quran meetingt 

Safi. Sauethee Chtm. 

Cnran. And you Sir, I hauebeene with your fathcr,aiid giucn 
htm nodce,thatthcDukeof C;n»)a>4f and his Dutches wilTbee 
here with him to night. 

Tafi. How comes that '• 

Curan. Nay,I know not,you hauc heard ofthe newes abroa4» 
Imeancthewhifperdones, for there arcyetbut earc-buflingar- 


Baft. Not,Iprayyouwhatarethcy { 

Cm»». Haue you heard of no lilcely warrfij towards, twlxt 
the two Dukes ofCorawa/laad t/flbrnj f 

Bsfl, Nora word. 

Cunat. You may then in time, fare you well fir, 

' Baft. The Duke be here to night ! the better beft, this weaucs 

Ent*r Edgar it fclfe perforce into my bufines, my father hathfetgardcQ take 
mybrother, andl haueonethin^of aquefiequcftion, which 
m(iftaskebrecfiiesandfbrtunebelpe;brother, a wordjdifccnd 
iw other I fay, my father watches, O iiiethis place, intelligence 
is eiuen where you are hid, youhaue now the good aduancage 
ofche night, haue you not Ipokengainft the Duke oFC^ruws/l 
ought, hcc's commg hcther now in the night, it'h haft, and Re- 
jf4» with him, haue you nothing faid vponhis panie againft the 
Duke of a^/^<3*(jf,adaife your — 

SJg. lamflircon'tnotaword, 

Bafl. I heare my father coming,pardon me in crauing,! muft 
draw my fword vpon you, fcemcto defend your felfr, now quit 
you well jveeld, come before my father, light here, here, flic 
brother ffie, torches, torches, foferwcll? foroe blouddrawne 
on mcc would beget opinion of my more fierce indcuour^ 1 
haue fcene drunckards doe more then this in fport, father,&ther, 
flop, flop, nojhelpc '. EnttrgUJi. 

(^lofi. Now jEiiawwii where is the villained 

3rf^. Here flood he in the darke,his (harpe fword out, warb- 
ling of wicked charms, coniuring thcMooneto ftand's aufpici- 
ous Miftris. Gleji. Butwhereis he f 

B«fi. Lookefir,! bleed. 

GUfi, Where is the villaine 'Edmundf 




The Hilt me of King Lear, ili, 

3d^, Fled this way fir, when by no mcancs he could — 
Ghfi. Purfue him, go aftcr,by no mcancs, what ? 
Bafi. Pcrfwademetotheraurderofyour LordQu'p, butthac 
I cold him the reucngiue Gods, gainft Paracides did all their 
thunders bend, fpoke with how many fouldandftcongabond 
the child was bound to thefather, fir in a fine, fcemg how loadi* 
lyoppofitc Iftood,tohisynnaturall purpofc, with fell motion 
with his prepared fword^hcc charges home my vnprouided bo- 
dy, lancht mine arme, but when he iavv my beft alarumd fpirits, 
bouldin the quarrels,rights. roufd to the encounter,or whether 
gafted by the noyfel made, but fodainly he fled. 

gU^, Let him flic farrc, not in this land ftiall hec rcmainc vn- 
caughtand found, difpatch, the noble Duke my maiflcr, my 
worthy Arch and Patron, comes to night,by his authoricie f will 
proclaime it, that he which finds him fhjJl deferue our thankes, 
bringing the murderous caytife^to the ftake,hee that conceals 

"Baft. When I dilTwadcd him firom his intent, and £>und him 
pight to doc it, with curft fpcech I threamedto difcoucr him,hc 
replycd, thou vnpo(Icfljn» &aftard,doft thou thinkc.if I would 
ftandagainftthee, could the repofurcofany truft, vcrtue, or 
worth in thee make thy words iay th'd>no . what I {hould denie, 
as this I would,I,though thou didft produce my very charaftcr> 
id'ctumeitalltothyfuggeftion, plot, and damned pretence, 
andthoumuftmakeadiUlard of the world, if they not thought 
the profits of my death, were very pregnant and potentiall 
Q>urres tomake thcefeekcit. 

GUfl. Strongandfaftncdvillainc, would he denie his letter, 
Incuergothim, harkcthcDukes trumpets, I know not why he 
comes-, all Ports ilebarrc, thcvillaineiballnotfcapc, the Duke 
muft grant mee ihatjbcfides, hispifturel will lend iarreand 
necre,thatallthekingdomemayhauenotcof him,and of my 
land loyall and naturall boy, ile workc the meanes to make thee 

Enter tht Ditkf vf Cermrxll. 

Cortt, How now my noble firiend, fince I came hether, which 
I can call but now, Ihaue heard ftrangencwes. 

^tg, Ifitbetruc, all vengeance comes too Ihorc which can 



III The HiUorie of King Lear. 

purructhcoffender, how doftmy'Lord? 

Clofl. Madam my old hean is crackt, is crackt. 
Reg. What, didmyfachersgodfonfeekeyourlife/hewhom 
»niy father named yo ur Ed^ar > 

giofi. I Ladie, Ladic, fliame would haueithid. Washenotconipauionwith theryotous knights, thac 
tends vpon my father .«" 

Ghflt I know not Madam, tis too bad, too bad. 

Bafl. ycsMadam,hewas. 

Reg. No maruailc then though he were ill afFefted, 
Tis they hauc put him on the otd mans death, 
1 102 To iiaue the waft and fpoylc of his reueniics: 
I haue this prefent euening from my lifter, 
Beeuewel) infbrm'dofthemjand withfuch cautions, 
That if they come to foiourne at my houfe,ile not be there. 

jytike. Norl, aflurethee /Jc^aw', £«/»««</, I heard that you 
hane fiiewcn your father a child-like office. 

Bafii TwasmyduticSir. 

Glt^. HedJd betray his praft!fe,andreceiued 
This hurt you fee,ftriuing to apprehend him. 

'Duk^. Is he purfucd .? ^tofi. I my good Lord. 

'Du\e, If hebetaken, heiliallneuermorebefeard of doin*' 
harme,makcyour ovvnpurpofchovvinmyftrengthyou pleafe, 
foryouEi^muHii, whofevertue and obedience,doth this inilant 
fo much commend it felfe, you Qiall bee ours, natures of fuch ■ 
deepctruft, wee ftiallmuch need you,wc fifflfeazeon, 
778 Bafl. Ifhailferucyoutruly, howeuerclfe- 

G/o/?, For him I thanke your grace. 

^f«ke. You know not whyTve came to vifit you ? 

Etf^an, Thus out of feafon, thrcatning darke ey^d night, 
Ocafions noble Clofltr oilomc poyfc^ 
Whcrejn wemufthauevfeofyouraduife, 
Our Fa thcr hehath vvrit,fo hath our fiftcr, 
Ofdiferchccs, which I left thought it fo, 
To anfwer from ourhome^chefeueral med'engers 
From he nee attend difpatch,ourgood old friend. 
Lay comforts to your bofome.&beftow your nccdfullcouncell 
To our bufincs,v/hich craues the inftant vfe. [Exeunt. 



The Hiflerk of King Lear. Hi. 

Gtefl, I feruc you Maclam,your Graces arc right welcome. 

Enter Kent, an^ Steward, II . ii . 

Steward. Good euen to thee friend, art of the houfe / 

Kent. !• Stew. Wheremay wefctour horfcsj 

Kent. Ithmixa. Stew. Pretheeifthou loueme.tellrac. 

Kent* Ilouecheenot. Stew. Why then I care not for thee. \s 

Kent. If I had thee in Lipf biiric pinfo] d, I would make thee 
care for mee. 

Stew, Why doft thou vfe me thus ? I know thee not. 

Kent. Fellow I know thee. 

Stew, What doft thou know me for? 

Kent. Aknaue.a rafcalLan catcrof broken meates, abaCe, 
proud.fhalloWjbeggerly, three flievvted hundred pound, filthy 
worflcd-ftockenknaue,alillylyuer'd aftion taking knaiie, a 
whorfon glaffcgazing fuperfinicall rogue, one truncke inheri- 
ting flaue, one that would'ft bee a baud in way of goodferuicc, 
and art nothing but the compofition of a knaue. begger, cow- 
ard, pander, and the foimcand heireof a muiigrcU bitch, whom 
I will beat into clamorous whyning, if thou denie the leaft fill a- 
ble of the addition. 

Stex». What a monftrous fellow art thou, thus to raile on one, 
that's neitherknowneofthee, norknowes thee. 

Kent. What a brazen fac't varlet art thou, to deny thou 
knoweft mec, is it two daycs agoe fince I beatthee,and tript vp 
thy heeles before the King ? draw you rogue, for though it be 
night the MooncfhineSjilemakeafop of thcmoone-ftiinea'you, 
draw you whorfon cuUyonly barbsr-mungcr, draw ? 

Stew, Away, I haue nothing to doe with thee. 

Kent. Draw you rafeall, J^ou bring letters againft the King, 
and take Vaaitie the puppets pait, againft the royaltie of her w 

father, draw you rogue or ile fo carbonado yo ur fhankes, draw 
you rafcalljComeyourwayes. 

Stew, Helpe,ho,murtherjlielpe. 

;<:*«. Strike you haue, fiand rogue, flandyou neate flaue, 
ftnkc > Sttw. Helpe ho,murther,helpe. 

£nt(r Edmundwilbhii rapier drawfte, Gtojier the T)uke 

Bait. How now,whatsihematter? 


UM. rheHlBerie ef King LtAU 

Ktm. With you goodman boy, and yoii plcafecome, ile 
fleafhyoujcomeon yong maiftcr. 

Glofl. Weapons, armes, whats the matter here'. 

Dukf. Keepc peace vpon your Hues, hee dies that ftrikesa- 
gainc, what's the matter i 

Reg, The melTengers from our fifter, and the Kino-. 

Duke, Whats your difference, fpeake 5 

Stew, lam fcarfc in breath my Lord. 

Kent. No maruaile you haue fo beftir d your valour, you 
cowardly rafcall, nature difclairaes in thee, a Tayler made thee. 

1>uke. Thou art a ftrangc felJow, a Taylor make a man. 

Ktnt. I, a Tayler fir-, a Stone-cutter, or a Painter could not 
hauemadc him fo ill, though hee hadbeene but twohouresat 
the trade. 

^/«/?. Speake yet,how »rew your quarrell? 

Sttw, This ancient ruffen fir, whole life I haue fpar'datfutc 
ofhis gray-beard. 

Kent, Thou whoribn Zedd , thou vnneceffarie letter, my 
Lord if you'l giue mec Icaue, I wi 11 tread this vnboulted villaine 
intomortcr,and daube the walks of a iaqucs with him, fpare 
jny gray beard you wagtayle. 

Duke. Peace fir, you beaftlyKnaue youhaueno reuerencc* 

Kent. Yes fir, but anger has a priuiledgc. 

^ttkf' Why art thou angry '. 

Kent. That fuch a flaue as this fhould weare a fword. 
That wcarcs no honefty , {uch fmiling rogcs as thefe. 
Like Rats oft bite thofe cordes in twainc, 
Which arc to intrcnch,to inloofe fmoo A euery paffion 
That in the natures of their Lords rebell. 
Bring oyle to ftir, fnow to their colder-moods, 
Reneag.afErmc,and turne their halcionbeakes 
With eucry gale and varie of their maifters, (epeliptick 

Knowing nought like daycs but following, a plague vpon your 
Vifage, fmoyle you my fpecches, as I were a fook \ 
Goofe andl had you vpon Sarum plaine. 
Id c fend you cackling home to Camuiet., 
'Duktf What art thou mad old fellow f 
9^/"/?. How fell you outjfay that *. 



The HiHariecf King Lear. uj^ 

Kent. No contraries hold more, antipathy. 
Then I and fuch a knaue* 
Du^. Why doft thou call him kflauc, what's his offence. 
Kent, His countenance likes me not. ae 

Duke. No more perchance docs minc.orhisjor hers, t- 

Kent. Sir tis my occupation to be plaine, 
I hauefeenebetter&cesinmytime 
Thatflandsonany flibulder mat I fee 
Before me at this inftant. 

Z>«4'. This is a fellow who hauing beene prayfi 
For bluntncs doth afieft a fawcy ruffines. 
And conftraines the garb quite from his nattuc. 
He cannot flatter he, he muft be plainc, 
Hemuftfpeaketruth,and they will tak't fo, 
Ifnot he's plaine, thcfe kind of knaues I know 
Which in this plainnes harbour more craft, 
Andmolre corrupter ends, then twentie (illy ducking 
ObferuantSjthat flretch their duties nifely. 

Kent. Sir in good fboth, or infincere veritic, 
Vnder the allowance of your graund afpc(5J:. 
Whofe influence like the wreath of radient fire 
In flitkcring^W*/ front. 

©«%. What mean'il thou by this / ^ 
Kent. Togoeoutof my dialogue which you difcommcndfo 
mu'chjl know fir^ am no flatterer jhe that bcguild you in a plain 
accent, was a plaine knaue, which for my part I will not bee, 
though I fhould win your difplcafurc, to intreat mec too't. ,20^ 

Hukgi What's the offence you gaue him ? 
Stew. I ncuer gauc bim any, it pleas'd the King \as maiflcr 
Very late to flrike at me vpon hismifconfbruftion. 
When he coniunft andflattcring his difplcafurc 
Triptmebchind, being downe, infulteti, rayld. 
And put vpon Um fuch a deale of man, that. 
That wonhied him, gotprayfcs of theKii^, 
For him attempting who was felfe fubdued. 
And in the flechuent of this dread exploit. 
Drew on raehere again& 
JTwrt.Nonc of thrtc rogcs &cowatdsbi«:i!f/*»ristheirfoolc. 


l lii. The Hillerie of King Lear. 

1)uke. Bring forch thcftockcsho? 
You ftubbumemifcreanc knaue,you reuerent bragart, 
Wcelc teach you. 

Kf nt. I am coo olH to Jearne, call not your ftockes for me, 
I feme tlie King, on whofeimployments I was fent to you, 
You ftiould doc fmall rcfpcft, (hew too bold malice 
Againft the Grace and perfon of my mairter. 
Stopping his meffenger. 

Dnk^e. Fetch forth the ftockes ? as I haue life and honour. 
There fliallhefit tillnoone. 

Reg_. Till noone, till ni^ht my Lord^and allnightroo. 

Kent. Why Madanij ill were your fathers dogge, you couH 
not vfe me fo. 
w'j Rtg. Sir being his knaue, I will. 

t Duke. Thisisafcllowofthcfelfcfamenature, 

t i OurfifterfpeakeofjComebringawaytheftockes? 

giefl. Lee me befcech your Grace not to doe fo, 
His fault is much, and the good King his maifter 
VViil check him fort, your purport low corredlion 
Is fuch,as bafcft and temneft wretches for pilfrino^s 
And rooft common trefpafles are punifht with. 
The King muft take it ill, that hee's fo flightly valued 
In his me{rengcr,fhould haue hito thus reftrained, 

Dnh' Ileanfwerthat, 

Rig. Myfiftermayreceiueitrauchmoreworfe, 
1 7S6 To haue her Gentlemen abus'd, affalted 

For following herafFaires,put in his legges. 
Come my good Lord away >. 
(^lofitlam fory for thee friend, tis the Dukes pleafure, 
V Vhofc difpofition all the world well knowes 
Will not be rubd nor ftopt, ile intreat for thee. 
Kent. Pray you doe hot fir,I haue watcht and trauaild 
Soractime I £hal flecpe ont,the reft ile whiftle, (hard, 
A good mans fortune may grow out at heeUs, 
Giuc you good morrowr. 

G^ojf. The Dulces to blame in this,twill be ill tooke. 


Kent, Good King that muft approue the comonfaw. 
Thou out of heaucns benediaion comeft 




TheHiftarieifKivg Lear. Mm. 

To the warme Sunne. 

Approach thou beacon to this vndergloaLe, 

That by thy comfortable beanies I may 

Perufe this lettefj nothing ahnoft fees my wtacke 172 

Butmiferie, I knowtis itoxa. Cordelia, 

Who hath moil fbnunately bin informed 

Ofmy obfcured courfe, and ftiall find time 

From this cnormious ftate, feeking to giue rre 

Loffes their remedies, all wearie and ouerwatdh 

Take vantage heauic eyes not to behold 

This IhameniUlodging, Fortune goodnight, 

Smile, once more turne thy whccle, fU^f^f' w* 

Enter Edgar, ' ViXa. 

Sdg. Ihearemyfelfeproclaim'd, 

And by the happie hollow of a tree 

Efcapt the hunt, no Port is firee, no place 
That guard, and moft vnufuall vigilencc 
Doft not attend my taking while I may fcape, 
I will preferue my fclfe, and am bethought 
To take the bafeft and moft pooreft /hape, 
Thateuer penury in contempt of man. 
Brought ncaretobeaft,my face ilc grime with filth. 
Blanket my loynes, clfe all my haire with knots. 
And with prefentednakednes outface, 
The windjand perfecution of the skic. 
The Countrie giues me p roofe and prefidcnt 
OfBedlambeggers, who with roring voyces. 
Strike in their numb'd and mortified bare armes, 
Kns, woddenprickcs, nayles, Iprigs ol rofemary. 
And with this horrible obie^l &om low feruice, 
Poore pelting villages, fheep-coates,andmilles. 
Sometime with lunaticke bans, fometime with prayers 
Enforce their eharitie, poorc Turfygod, poore Tew, 

That's foniething yet, Edgar I nothing am. Sxit 

Enter Kifljj. 11. jy. 

Lear. Tisftrangefhat theyfliould fo depart from 
And not fend backe my mcflenger. (hence, 

'i^lght. As I Icam'd, the niglit before there was 
1 E; No 



iltc The Hijieritef King Lear. 

Nopurpofc ofhis remouc. 
Kent. Hayletothccnoblcmaiftcr. 
Lear. How, mak'ft thou this fhame thy paftimc ? 
Fee/e. Ha ha, lookp he wearcs crewcU garters, 
a Horfes are tide by the hecles, dogges and beares 

* Byt'hncckc, munkies bit'hIoyncs,andmcn 

* Byt'h Icgges, when a mans ouer lufty at legs, 
t Then he wearcs wooden ncathcrflockes . 

Lear-t Whatshe^ that hath fo much thy place tniftookc to fet 
thee here.' 

Kent.. It is both he and fhcc, your forme & daugtcr. 

Lear. No. KtKt. Yes. 

Lear, No I fay, Kent. I fay yea. 

L'ear. No no,they would not. Kent, Yes they hauc. 

Lear. By lupiter I fwcarc no,they durftnot do't, 
Thev would not, could not do't,tis worfc then murder. 
To doe vpon refpeft (uch violent outrage, , 
Refoluc me with all modeft haft, which way 
Thou may'ft deferuc,or they purpofe this viage, 
Coming from vs. 

Kent. MyLord, when at their home 
I did commend your highnes letters to them. 
Ere r was rifen from the place that fhewcd 
My dutie kneeling, came there a reeking Poft, 
Stcwd in his haft,nalfe brcathles,panting forth 
From G^o»«W//hismiftris, falutations, 
Dcliucrcd letters fpitc ofintermiffion, 
Which prcfcntly they read, on whofe contents 
They fummond vp their men, ftraight tookc horfe, 
Commanded me to follovv,and attend the Icafure 
Of their anfwere, gaueme coldlookes. 
And meeting here the other meflcnger. 
Whole welcome I perccau'd had poy fon'd mine. 
Being the very fellow that of late 
Difplay'd fo fawcily againft your Higlmes, 
Hauinemore man then wit.about me drewt 
Herai&d thehoufe with loud and coward cries. 
Your (bnac and daughter found this trcfpas worth 



7ke Hisime ofKmg Lear, ILk 

This (hame which here ic fufrcrs. 

Ltar^ O how tliis mother fwcls vp towardmyhart, 
HifierkapaJ^ downe thou chming forrow. 
Thy element's bclow>vvherc is this daughter ? 

Kent. With the Earlc fir within, 

Lear. Follow me not,ftay there? 

Knight. Made you no more oflFccc then whatyou fpeake of? 

Kent. Nojhovv chance the King comes with fo fmalla traine I 

Feole. And thou hadft beene fct in the ftockes for that qu cfti- 
on, thou ha'dft well defcrued ir. 

Kent. Whyfoole? 

TotU. Wcelefet thee to fchoole to an Ant^to teach thee thcr's eg 
no labouring in the winter, all that follow their nofes,are led by 
their eyes but blind men, and thcr'snotanofeamongaico.buc 
canfmcll him thats ftincking, let goe thy hold when a great 
wheele runs downe a hill. lea« it breake thy necke with follow- 
ing it, but the great one that goes vp the hill, let him draw thee 
after, when a wife man giues thee better councell, giuemeeminc 
againc, I would haue none but knaues follow it,fince a foole 
giues it. 

That Sir that ferues for gaine. 

And followes but for fonne : 

Will packe when it begin to raine, 

And leauc thee in the ftorme* 

But I will tarie, the foole vvill ftay, 

Andlet the wife man flie : 

The knauc turnes foole that runs away. 

The foole no knauc perdy 

Kent. Where leamtyou this foole ? 

Tttie. Not in the ftockes. ss 

Enter Lear andCjlofhr. 

Lear. Denie to fpeake with mee,th'are ficke, th'are 
They traueled hard to night; meare luftice, (weary, 
I the Images of reuolt and flying off. 
Fetch mec a better anfwerc . 

gio^. My dcere Lord, you know the fierie qualitie of the 92 
Duke, how vnrcmoucableandfixthcisinhisowne Courfe.. 
Zj-w. Vengeance, dcath,plasue,confufion>yfhac fierie quality. 



34 _ ■ ■ 

Il.iv: The diJJerkefKing Lear. 

why G/ofter,QUJler, id'c fpeakc with the Duke of Cur wW/,ancl 
S7 liisvvite. 

701 Glofi. I my good Lord. 

Lear. The King would fpeak. with (f<?r»!W(«/,thcdeare father 
703 Would with his daughter fpeake.coinniands her feruice, 
70S Fieric Duke, telithehotDuke that£<;dr. 

No but not yet may be he is not well, 
Infii-mitie doth ftill negleft all office,whcre to our health 
708 Is boudjwe arc not oiir fcluesjwhen nature being oprcft 

Comand the mind to fuffer with the bodic,ilc forbearc, 
And am fallen out with my more hedier wall, 
To take the in difpos'd and fickly fit,fbr the found man. 
Death on my ftate, wherfore fliould he fit here ? 
This aft this remotion of the Duke 
176 Is prail:i{e,only giue me my feruant forth, (& her 

Tell the Duke and's wife, lie fpeake with them 
Now prefently, bid them come forth and heare rae^ 
Or at their chamber doore ile beat the drum, 
izn Till it cry fleepe to death- 

Clofl. I would haue all well betwixt you* 
Lear. O my heart, my heart. 

Tode. CrytoitNunckle.astheCokneydid to the edes,when 
i i-M Ihe put vm It h paft aliue, llie rapt vm ath coxcombs with a ftick, 

ana cry ed dowJie wantons downe.twas her Lrother,that in pure 
k indues to his horfe buttered his hay, 

Enier Dnl^ifaisdRe^aa. 
Lscr. Good morrow to you both. 
Dtili^ft Hayle to ymir Gcace, 
Rtg. I am glsd to fee your highncs. 
Lear, Began I ihinke you arc^ I know what reafon. 
I haueto thinkelbjifthou fiiouldunotbcgiad, 
I would diuorfe nie from thy mothers tombe 
Sepulchring an adultrelle, yea are you free ? 
Someochertimefbrthat.Beloued RfgniHi 
Thy fifter is naught, oh Regan flic hath t)'€d, 
Sharpe tooth'd viikirtdnes, like a vulture heare, 
I can fcarcefpeake to thee, thout not beleeue. 
Of howdepriued a q^ualitie^ ORsgaa* 



iheHisicrte of King Lear. Il.iv. 

Rm. I pray fir take patience, I haue hope 
You-leflc know how to value her defert, 
Then fhe to flacke her durie. T^2 

Lear. My curfles on her. 74s 

Reg. O Sir you are old, (fine. 

Nature on you ftandcs on the very verge of her con- 
You fhould be rul'd andledby fome difcrction. 
That difcernes yourflatc better the you yourfelfe, 
Therforc I pray thar to otir do make rcturne. 
Say you haue wrong'd her Sir? 

Lear. Askcherforduencs, 
Doe you markehow this becomes the houfe, 
Dearc daughter, I confeffe that I am old. 
Age is vnneceflaricjon fny knees I beg, 
That you Ivouchfafe me rayment, bed and food. 

Rig. Good fir no more, thefe are vnfightly tricks , 
Returne you to my fitter. 

Lear. 'Ho Regan, 
She hath abated me ofhalfc my traine, 
Looktblacke vponme, ftrooke race withher tongue 
MoftSerpent^likevpon the very heart, (top. 

All the ftor'd vengeances of heaucn fell on her ingratfiil 
Strike her yongbones,you taking ay rs with lamenes-. 

Ihikf. Fie fie fir. 

You nimble lightnings dart your blindmg flames, 
Into her fcomfull eycs,infeft-herbeautie, res 

You Fen fuckt fogs, drawne by the powrefiiU Sunne, 
To fall and blaft her pride. 

Re^. O the bleft Gods,fo will you wifli on me, 
Whentheraflimood-. ^^^ 

Lear. No Regan, thou fhalt neuer haue my curie. 
The teder hefted nature ftiall not giue the or 'c (burne 
To har(hnes,her eies are fierce,but thine do cofort & not 77g 

Tis not in thee to grudge my plcafures, to cut off my 
To bandy hafty words,to fcant my fizes, (traine, 

And in conclufion,to oppofe the bolt 
Againftmy coming in, thou better knoweft. 
The offices ofnacurc, bond of child-hood, 

F Effefts 





Iliv: The Hifime of Kmg Lear . 

Effcfts ofcurtefie, dues of gratitude, 
Thy halfc of the kingdomc, haft thou not forgot 
Wherein I thecindow'd. 
*7s* Reg. Good fir too thpurpofc. 

Lear. Who put my man i'th ftockes t 
Dukf' Wliat trumpets that? Snter Steward. 

Re£. I know't my iiftcrs, this approucs her letters. 
That ihc would foone be here,is your Lady come ? 
788 L«ar. This is a Haue, whofe eafic borrowed'pric|c 

D wels in the fickle grace ofhcr , a foUowes, 
Outvarlct.frommy fight. 
Dukf. What meanes your Grace? Enter Gm. 

Cjon. Who ftrncEc my feruant,/?f|'«»I haue good hope 
Thou didft not know ant. 
W2 Le»r, Who comes here ? O hcauens ! 

If you doc louc old men, if you fwcetfway allow 
Obedience, if your fclues are old,makeit your caufc. 
Send downc and take my part, 
Art not afham'd to lookc vpon tliis beard? 

Rfgtm wilt thou take her by the hand ? 
go». Why not by the hand fir,howhaue I offended? 

Als not offence that indifcrction finds. 
And dotage tearmes fo. 

Ltar. O fides you ate too tough. 
Will you yet hold ? how came my man it'h ilockes ? 

Duke. I fet him there fir, but his ownc difordcrs 
Deferu'drouch leflcaduancemcnt, 

Lear. You, did you? 

Re^. I pray youfather being weake fccme fo, 
If tillthc expiration ofyourmoncth. 
You will rctume and foiorne with my fitter, 
Difroiflinghalfe your trainc, come then to me, 

1 am now fi:omhonic,andout of thatprouifion. 
Which (hall be needful for your entertainment. 

Ltar. R eturnc fo her,and fiftic men d ifitiift, 
No rariiev I abiure all roofes, and chufc 
To wage againft the enmitie of the Ayre, 
Tob«4 Comrade withtheWoolfe and owle, 



The H'tsierie of King Lear. Kiv: 

Ncceflities fhavpc pinch, rcturnc with he»-. 
Why the hot bloud in France, that dowcrlcs 
Toolccouryongcftbornc, I could as well be brought 
To knee his thione^ancl Squirc-Jilfcpcnfioft bag. 
To kecpebafe life afoot, returne with her, 
Pcrfwade me rather to be flaue and fumtcr 
To this detcfted wroomc. 
Cfon, Atyourchoifcfir. 

Ltar, Now I prithee daughter do not make mc ma<l, 
I will not trouble thee my child jfiirc well, 
Wce'leno morcraeetc, no more fee one another. 
But yet thou art my fle(h, my bloud,my daughter, 
Or rather a difcafc that Hes witliin my flelh. 
Which I muft needs call mine, thou art abile, 
A plague fore, an imbodcd carbuncle in my 
Comipted bloud, but lie not chide thee. 
Let fhame come when it will,l doc not call ic, 
I doe not bid the thunder bearer fliootc. 
Nor telltailesoftheeto high ludging /ow. 
Mend when thou canft, be better atthy Icafurc, 
I can be patient, I can ftay with Regan ^ 
I and my hundred Knights. 

Reg. Not altogether fo fir , I lookc not for you yet, 
Nor am prouided for your fit welcome, 

Giucearcfirtomyfifter,forthofc 236* 

That mingle reafon with your palfion, 
Muft be contait to thinke you arc old^and fo. 
But flic knowes what fhec does. 

Lesr. Is this well fpoken now ? 

Reg, Idareauouchitfir,whatfiftiefollowcii, zw 

Is itnotwell.whac/hould you need of ip. )re. 
Yea or fo many, fith that both charge and dan(!,er 
Spcakcs gainftfo great a number, how in a houls 
Should many people vnder two comrr.ind$ 2^ 

Hold aiTiytie, tis hard,almoft impoffibic. 

gw. Why might not yo^my Lordrcceiueattendacc 
From thofe that Ihe cals feruants.or frcinmine ? 

Rtg, Why not my Lord <• if then they chanc'ft to flacke you , 24s 

We could controwle thcmjif you will come to mc, 

F2 ^OJ" 


Iliv The Hisiork of King Lear. 

For now I fpie a danger, I intreat yoii^ 
To bring but fiucan^twentfc, to no more 
Will I giue place or notice, 

Leitr^ Igaueyouall. 

Reg. And in good ci me you gaue it, 

Lear. M ade )'ou jny guardianSj my dcpofitarics. 
But kepta referuationto be followed 
Wi th fuch a number, what, muft I come to you 
With fiue and twentic, Regan faid you fo f 

Rfg. And fpeak't againe my Lord,no more with me. 

Lea. Thofe wicked creatures yet do feem wel fauor'd 
When others arcmore wicked^not being the worft 
Stands in fome ranke of prayfe,I{e goe with thee. 
Thy fifty yct-doth double fiue and twentic, 
And thou art twice her loue, 

CJort. He arc me my Lord, 
What need you fiue and twentic, tenne, or fiue. 
To follow in a houfe, where twife fo many 
Kauea com'maund to tend you. 
Regan. What needcs one? 

Lear. O reafon not the deed, our bafeft beggcrs. 
Are in the pooreft thing fuperfluous. 
Allow not nature more then nature needes, 
Mans lifeas cheape as beafts, thouarta Lady, 
Ifonely to goe warme were gorgeous. 
Why nature needes not, what thou gorgeous weareft 
Which fcarcely keepes thee vvarme,but for trueneed. 
You heauens gi ue me that patience,patiencc I need, 
You fee me here ( you Gods) a poore old fellow, 
276 As fiill ofgreefe as age, wretched in both. 

If itbe you that ftirrcs thefc daughters hearts 
Againft their Father, foolemc not to much, 
To beare it lamely, touch mewith noble anger» 
280 O let not womens weapons,watcr drops 

Staynemymans cheekcs, no you vrmaturall hags, 
I will haue. fuch reuenges on you both, 
* That all the world fhall, I will doe fuch things, 

2S4 What they are yet I know not, but they rhalbe 



TkHiBorieofKiagLear. ii.jv. 

The terrors of the earth, you thinke ilc weepe. 
No ilc not weepe, I haue full caufe of weeping, 
Butthis heart fhall brcake,in a i o o.thoufand flowes 
Or ere ile weepe, O foolc I fhall goe mad, 

Exemt LearjLeiflerJCent, and Foole. 
Z)«%. Let vs withdraw, twill be a ftonne. 
Reg. .This houfe is little the old man and his people. 
Cannot be well beftowed, 

C7fl«. Tis his own blame hath put himfelfe from reft. 
And muft needs tafthis folly. 

Reg. For his, ile receiue him gladly, 
Butnot onefeiiower. |2g6 

:£)«%. So am I puspos'djwhere is my Lord o£(flo/ferf £nter Glo. 

K?g. Followed the old man forth^e is retum'd. 
(7/tf. The King is in high rage, & wil I know not whe- 
Rf. Tis good to giue hnn way,he leads himfelfe. (ther. 
Gov. My Lord,intreathim by no meancs to ftay. 
Gk. Alack the nightcomeson,and the bleak winds 
Do forely rufrel,for many miles about ther'snota bufli. 

Reg. O fir,to wilfull men 
The iniuries that they themfelues procure, 
Muft be their fchooleni3fters,{hut vp yo ur doores. 
He is attended with a dcfperatetraine. 
And what they may incenfe him to.beino- apt, 
To haue his care abufd, wifedome bids ftare. 

'Duke.Shvit vp your doores my Lord,tis a wild nio-ht, 
MyiZf^counfailsweIl,comeoutat'hftorme, Exent. „,^, 
Enter Kent, a-itd a Gentle-mnyi atfeMeralldoerei. UTT 
Kent. Whatshcrebefidefbulc weather .> 
gent. One minded like the weather moft vnquierly, 
X(?«/, I know you, whers the King ? 
Gem. Contending with the fretfiill element. 
Bids the wind blow the earth into the ki. 
Or fwell the curled waters boue themainc (haire, 
That things might change or. ceafe, teares his vvhire 
Which the impetuous blafts with eyles rage 
Catchin their furie.and makenothino- of, 
Stnues in his little world ofman to outfcorne, 
Fj The 




372 t 



IILi- TheHipork of King Lear. 

The too and fro conflifting wind anJraiiic, 

This night wherinthe cub-drawnc Beare would couch, 

Tlic Lyon,andthe belly pinched Wolfe 

Kecpc their furre dry, vnbomicted he runnes. 

And bids what will take all. 

Ktbt, Butwhois withhini^ 
?6 ^'"'' None but the foole.wlio labours to out-ieft 

His heart ftiookc iniurics. 

Kent, Sirl doclcnowyou. 
And daic vpon the warrant ofmy Arte, 
Commend a deare tiling to you, there is diuifion, 
I Although asyetthefaccofitbccouer'd, 
'■ii Withmutuall cunning, tvvixte^/^<?»y and C^^nwaS, 
3o\ But true it is, from France there comes a power 
t Into this fcatteredkihgdome, whoalreadiewifelnour 
Haue fecrct feet in fome of our beft Ports, (negligece, 
Andareat pointto fliew their open banner^ 
Now to you, if on my credit you dare build fofarre, 
36 To make your fpecd to Douer,you fliall find 
Some that will thankc you, making iufl report 
Of how vnnaturall and bemadding forrow 
The King hath caufe to plainc, 
I am a Gentleman of blood and breeding. 
And from fome knowledge and affurancc. 
Offer this office to you. 

Gent. I will talke farther with you. 

K«w, No doe not. 
For confirmation that I much more 
Thenmy out-wall, open this purleand take 
What it containes, if you fhall fee ^ordelU, 
As feare not but you fhall, fhew her this ring, 
4-8 And fhe will tell you who your fellow is, 

I will goe fcckc the Kine. 

(Jent. Giuc mey our hand,hauc you no more to faya 

Kent. Few words butto effeft more then aU yet: 
That when wc haue found the King. 
He tliis way , you that^ he that fivft lights 




The Hiftcrie pf Kttig tear, Hl.i. 

Onhim,lioUow the other. Exeunt, 

Enter Lear audFoale. IILii 

lAdr. Blow wind & cracke yo ur chccke j,ragCjfalow 
You caterickcs,&- Hircanios fpout til you hauc drcncht, 
Tiie ftccples drown d the cockcs, you fulphcrous and 
Thought executing fires, vautit-currers to 
Oke-cleauingthundcrboults, finge my whitehead. 
And thou all ftiaking thunder, fmiteflat 
The thickcRotunditie of the world, cracke natures 
Mo1d,all Geimains fpiU at once that make 
Ingratefijll man. 

Foole. ONuncklcj Court holy watcrinadriehoufc 
h better then this rainc water out a doorc. 

Good Nunclde iii^and aske thy daughters blefling, 72 

Heers a night pities nether wife man nor foole. 

Lear. Rumble thy belly fiill,fpit firc,fpouc rainc. 
Nor raine,wind,thunder,fire,are my daughters, 
I taskcnotyou you elements with vnkinones, m 

I neuergaueyoukingdome, cald you children, 
YoM owe me no fubfcription,why thenletfall your horrible 
H ere I ft ad your flaue,a poore infirme weak & (plefure 

Defpis'd ould man,butyet I caU you feniile 20 

Miniflers.tha: haue with 2.pernitious daughters ioin'd 
Your high engedred battel gainft a head fo old & white 
A$ this, Otis foule. 

Toole. Hee that has a houfe to put his head in, has a good 
headpecce,the Codpeecc that will houfe before the head, has 
anythc head and heefliall lowfe, fo beggers mary many, the 
man that makes his toe, what hee his heart Ihould make, fliall \ 3z 
haue a corne crywoe^and turne his flcepe to wake, for 
theie was neuer yetfeire woman butfhee made nioutlies in a 36 


Lear. No I willbe the pattetne of all patience EnJet Kent. 
I will fey nothing. 

Kent. Whofcthere? 

Foole. Marry heers Grace, Sc a codpisjtliat'sa wifcnian and 
a foole. 

Yiem, Alas fir, fit you here ? 





niAl Tk Hificrie of King Lw. 

Things that !ouc night, !oue notfuch nights as thefc, 
Tiie wrathfull Skies gallov/,the vtry wanderer of the 
Darke, antl makes them keepe their caiies. 
Since I was man, fiich flieets of fire, 
Such biufts of horred thunder, fuch grones of 
Roaring wind e,?.ndrayne, I ne're remember 
4s To haue heard, mans nature cannot cary 

The affliftion, nor the force. 

Lear. Let thegreat Gods that kcepethis dreadful 
Powther ore our headcs, find out their enemies now, 
Tremble thou wretch that baft within thee 
Vndivulged crimes, vnwhiiat of luftice. 
Hide thee thou bloudyhand,thouperiur'd,and 
Thou funular man of vertue that ait inceftious, 
Caytife in peeces fliakc, that vnder couert 
And conuenient feeraingjiaft praftifed on mans life, 
Clofe pent vp guilts, riue your concealed centers, 
And crythefedrcadfullfummoncrs grace, 
I am a man more find againft their finning. 

Ki»t, Alacke bare headed, gracious my Lord, hard by here is 
a houell, fome friendfiiip will k lend you gainft the tempeft, re- 
pofeyou there, whilfti to tliis hard houfe, more hard then is 
the ftone whereof tfsrais'd, which cuen but now demaunding 
after nie, denidc me to come in, rcmrne and force fhcirfcantcd 

Lear. My witbegins to tume, 
Come on my boy, how doft my boy,art cold j 
I am cold my fclfe,,where is this ftraw my fellow, 
Theart ofourneccllities is ftrange that can. 
Make vild tilings' precious, come you houell poore, 
Foole and knaue, I haue one part ofmy heart 

Fools. Heethathas a littlctinewitte, with hey lio the wind 
and the rame,muftmake content with his fortunes fit, for the 
raine.n raineth cuery day. 

„^... ^'"'' True my goocl boy, come bring vs to this houell ? 

llLni- BiUr qiojfer andtbf "Bayard with Itghu. 

Gl'Si. Alackcalacke.£Ww«WIlikenotthis, 



rhe Hiflorkcf King Lear. IILii 

Vnnaturatl dealing when Idefir'dtheirleaue 
That I might pitty him^they tooke me from me 
The vfc of mine owne houfc, chare c) rae on paine 
Of their difpleafure, neither to (peake of him, 
Intreat for him,nor any way fuftaine him. 

Ba.fl. MoftfeuageandvnnaturalL (the Dukes, 

<jlofi. Go toe&y you nothing,'s a df mlio betwixt 
And a worfe matter then that, f haue receiued 
A letter this night, tis dangerous to be fpoken., 
I haue lockt theletter in my clofet, 
The King now beares, will be reuenged home 
Ther's part ofa power already landed, 
We muft incline to the King, I will feeke him,aad 
Priuily releeue him, goe you and mainraine taike 
With the Duke, that my charity be not of him 
Pcrceiued, if heeaske for rae, I am ill,and gori 
To bed, though I die for t,as no lefle is threatned me. 
The King my old matter muft be releeued, there is 
Someftra»ethingtoward,£y;ww»^prayyoubecarefuI, ^ , 

Balk. Thiscurtefieforbidthee,{haltheDukeinftaIy * * 
And of that letter tOjthJs feeras a feire deferuing (know 
And muft draw me that which my fether lefle 

Then all, then yonger rifcs when the old doc faU. Sxtt. 

Emer Lear, Ktnt, and f dole. Ill.iv: 

Kevt. Here is the place my Lord, eood my Lord enter, the 
tyrannic ofthc open nights too rulFe va nature to ind lure . 
Leaf' Let me alone. Kent. Good, my Lord enter. 

Let^. Wiltbreakemyhearte 

Kertc I had rathcrbreakc mine owne, good my Lord enter, 
Lear. Thou think'ft tis much, that this tempeftious ftorme 
Inuades vs to the^kin, -fo tis to thee, 
Butwhei-ethe greater malady is fixt 
But if thy flight lay toward the rorine fea, 
Thoud'ft meet thebeareif'hmouthjWhethemiod's free 
Tlie bodies delicate, this cempefl in my rnind 
Doth from my fences take all feeling clfe 
Savie whacbeates their filiallincrratitude, 

G Is 



IILiv: The Hisitiie efKi/ig Zear, 

Is it not as tliis mouth (liould tearc this hand 
For hfiing food to't, but I will punifli furc, 
77 No I will weepc no more, in fuch a night as this / 

79 O Regait, gouoriU,yo\it old kind father (lies, 

Whofc ftanke heait gaueyou all, O that way inadncs 
Let me fliunthat, no more of that. 

K«tit. Good my Lord enter. 

iwr, Prcthcjgoe uithy felfe, feekethy one cafe 
Thistcmpeft will not giue mc leauc to ponder 
On things would hurt mc more, but ilc goein, 
Poore naked wretches where fo ere you arc 
That bide the pelting ofthis pittilcs night, 
Howfliallyourhoute4«flehcads,and vnfed fides. 
Your loopt and windowed raggednes defend you 
From feafons fuch as thcfe, O I liaue tane 
Too little care ofthis, take phyficke pompe, 
Expofe thy fclft to feeic what wretches fcele. 
That thou mayft fhake the fupcrflux to them. 
And flicw the hcauens more iuft. 

Feole. Come not in here Nunckle,hcr s a fp jrit,helpe mc,he1pe 

Kent, Giue me thy hand, whofe there. 

Toole. A foirit, hefayes, his nain's poore 7<"w. 

Kent. What art tlaou that doft grumble there in the ftraw, 
come forth ^ 

Edg. Away,the fowlc fiend followes mc,thorough the fharpe 
hathorne blowes the cold wind, goe to thy cold bed and warmc 

Ltar. Hart thou giuenalltothy two daughters, and art thou 
come to this? 

Sdr. Who giues anything to poore TVw.whorac the foulc 
Fiende hath led, through fire, and through foord, and 
whirli-poolc, ore bog and quagmire, that has laydkniucsvn- 
56 der his pillow,and halters in his pue,fet ratsbane by his pottage, 

made him proud of heart, to ride on a bay trotting horfe ouer 
foureincht bridges, tocourfeJiis ownelliadow loratraytor, 
blcffethy fiue wits, Ttfw/a cold, blcflc thee from wbrle-winds, 
ftarre.blu{ling,and taking, doe pooie Tom fome chaiitie/vhora 







the Biliorie ef King Lear, IILiv 

the ibulc fienrl vexcs,thcrc couldl haiie him now,and there, ani 
and there againe. 

Lear. What, his daughters brought him to this paflc, 
Couldft thqu fauc notning^ didft thou giue them all .' 

Fotk. Na}' he referu'd a blanket, elfe we had beene all fham'd. 

LeiW. Now all the plasues that in the pendulous ayre 
Hang &ted ore mens fauus, fall on thy daughters. 

Kent. He hath no daughters (ir. 

Lear. Death traytor, nothing could haue fubdued nature 
To fuch a lownes, but his vnlcind daughters. 
Is it the fafluon that difcarded fathers, 
Should haue thus little mercy on their Eeflt, 
ludiciouspunifhment twas this flcili 
Begot thofc Pelicane daughters. 

Ee^. Pilicock fate on pclicocks hill, a lo lo lo, 

Foo/e. This cold night will turne vs all to foolcs & madmen, 

Fdg. Takcheedeafhfonlefiend, obay thyparents,keepthy 
words iuftly, fwearenot, commit not with mans fworne fpoufc, 
fetnotthy fweethearton proud array, Toms a cold, 

Lear. What haft thou beene ^ 

£dg. A Seruingman, proud in heart and mind, thatcurld my 
haire,vvoreglouesinmy cap,{crucdthcluft ofmymiftris heart, 8& 
anddidtheaftof darkcncswithher.fworeas many oaths as I 
fpake words, and broke themin the fweet face of hcauen, one 
chatfleptinthccontriuingof luft, andwakt todoeit,wmclo- 
ucd I deeply, dice deerely , and in woman out paromord the 
Turke. falfe of heart,light of eare,bloudie ofhandjHog in floth, 
Foxinftealth,VVoolfcin greedincs,, Dog in madnes, Lyon 
inpray,Iet notthe crocking of fhooes, nor the ruflngs offilkes 
betray thy poorc heart to women, kecpc thy foote out ofbro- 
thell. thy hand out of placket, thy pen from lenders bookc, 
and dcfiethcfoulefiend,ftiU through thehathomc Howes the 
cold wind, hay no on ny. Dolphin my boy, my boy, caefc w*t 
let him trot by. 

Lear V/hythou wcrt better in thy graue, then to anfwcrc 
with thy vncouered bodie this extremitie of the skies, is man no 
more, but this cofider him wcU.thou oweftthewormcnofilke, 
the bcaft no hide, the flieepc no wooU, the cat no pcrfome, her s 
thrceonsare fo phifticated,thou art the thing itfelfe,vnaccom. 

Q 4 ooatea 


JRiv. The Hiiime of King Lear, 

772 odatedman, isnoraore buc fucha poore bareforked AniinalJ 
t • a5 thou art, offofFyoii lcnc[ings,cotne on 

Fook, Priche Nuncklc be content, this is a naughty night to 
fw'iin in^now a little fire in a wild field, were like an old Icachers 
heart, a fmallfparke^all the reftinbodiecoldjlooke here comes 
a walking fire. Ewer Ghfier, 

ti2o Edg. This is the foule fiend p^i>ercleg/^e^,he<:hcgm%ztcm- 

phew, and walks till the firft cocke, he giues the web,& the pin , 
fquemcs the eye, and makes the hare lip, mildewes the white 
724 vvheatc, and hurts the poore creature of earth, fwithald fooced- 

thricc the oldjie met die night mare andher nine fold bid her,0 
* 728 light and her troth plight and arint thee, wirch arint chee. 

Kf»t, How fares your Grace ? 
Lear. Whacs hee ? 

Kent. Whofe there, what i'ft you feeke ? 
^lojt. What are you tliere i your names ? 
734 £Jg;. Poore Tbw, thateats the fivimniing frog, the tode,the 

t tod pole, the wall-new?t , and the wacer, that in the fiirie of Iris 

heartjwhen the foule fiend rages,eats cow-dung for fallets,fwal- 
lowes the old ratt, and die ditch dogge,drinkes the greeneraan- 
tie of the fl^nding pool e, who is whipt from tithing fo titliing, 
and (lock- punilht and imprifoned,vs'ho hath had three futcs to 
hisbacke, fixe fliirtsto hisbodie, horfe to ride, and weaporv 
to weare. 
But mife and rat:s,and fuch fmall Deere, 
HathbceneTowsijfbodeforfeuen long yeare- 
Beware my follower, peace fnulbug, peace thou fiend. 
Glofl. What hath your Grace no better company ? 
Edg, The Prince of darkenes is a Gentleman, modo lie's caled 
and ma hu— ■ 

^kfi, OurflerhandbloudisgrownefovildmyLord, that it 
doth hate what gets iti 
Edg^ Poore JswJ a cold. 

gio^. Go in with me,my dutie c5not fiiflfer to obay in all your 
my doores^and let this tyranous night take hold vpon you , yet 
hauelvenccr'dtocomefoekeyou out, and bring you where 
both {bod and fire is teadie. 


The HisiorkofKiag Lear. 

Lear. Fir fi let me talkc with this Philofopher, 
What is the caufc of thunder ? 

Kew. My go od Lord take his offer, eoe into the houfe. 

Lear. lie t;ilice a word with this moft learned Thcban, vvhat \s 
your ftudic ? 

Edg, Howtopreuentthefiend,andtokill verminc. 

Lear. Let me aske you one word in priuatc. 

Kern. Imporame him to goeray Lord,his wits begirr 

Gloli. Caiiftthou blame him, (tovnfcttlc. 

His daughters feeke his death, O that good Kertty 
H e (aid it would be thus, poore baniflit man, 
Thou fay efl the King growes mad, ile tell thee friend 
I amalraoftmad my felfe,I had afonne 
No wout- lawed from my bloud >a fought my life 
But laf cly,very late, I lou'd liira friend 
No father his fonne deercr, true to tell thee. 
The greefe hath craz'd my wits, 
Wharanights this f I doe befeechjourGirace. 
Lear. O crie you tnercie noble Philofopher,yoiir com- 

8dg. 7'oOT/acoId. (pan/- 

^lofi. Infellow there^in thouellkeepetheewarme. 

Lear^ Come lets in all. 

Kent, This way my Lord. 

Leti?. With him I wilkeep M, withxny Philofopher. 
K«»,Good my Lordfooch him,iec him cakethe fellow, 

Qlffi. Take him you on. 

Kent, Sirah comeon,goealong wjthvs^ 

L(tar. Come good Athenian. 

Qioft. No words, no words, hufii* 

Bdg. Child Row/and, to the darke towaecbme, 
His word was flill fy to aiidflira, 
lirnell the bioud of a Britifli man. 

E»(er Ccrneweliani'Bi^.ird^ 

Com, Iwillhauemy reuengeereldepatcthehoufe. 

BdB, How m y Lord I rmy be cer fured , that nature thus giues 
way to loyalcie, fome ihing feares me co chinke of. 

Corn, rnowpcrceiueirwasnotaltxjgetheryourbrothery p- 
uilldirpoffiion imde him feeke his drath.bucaprouokfngmerit, 

G3 ' f« 



774 X 







niv the Htnorie of Kmg Lear. 

fct aworkebyarcproucablebadncsin Iiimrelfe. 

B^^, Howmalicious is my fortune, thaci mud repent to bee 
iuftf this is the letter he fpoke of,vvhich approues him an intelll« 
12 sent partic to the aduantages of JFrMce, O hcauens that his trca- 

lon \wcre, or not I the detccler. 

^w». Goc with'me to the Dutches. 
m Baft. Ifthc matter ofthis paper be ccrtaine, you haue mighty 


Con. True or fjdfc, it hath made thee Earle of yAi/?#y, fecke 
out whci'ethyfatheris, that heemaybee rcadie for our apprc- 

Baii. If I find him comforting the King , it will ftuffe his fuf- 
picionmore fiiHy, I willperfeuere in my courfc of loyattie, 
though the conffia be fore betwecne that and my bloud. 
CetHt I will laytruftvpon thee, and thou {halt find a dearer 
^ fithcrinmyloue, £xit. 

iii^ Enter Gioj{erkHdLeM;KeHt,F9ele,MdT<i»'. 

ghfl. Here is better then the openayre, take itthaiikfully, I 
will peece out thecom£7rt with what addition I can^I will not be 
long fi-om you. 

Keu. AH the power of his wits haue giucn way to impatience, 
the Gods defcrue your kindnes. 

Fdf. Fretereto calsuic, andtels meiVirr^ isananglerin the 
lake of darknes,pray innocent beware the fbulefiend. 
. ^Foole. Prithe Nuncklc tell mc> whether a mad man be a Gen- 
tleman or a Yeoman. 

Le^r. A King, a King , to haue a thouland vyith red burning 
fpits come hiizing in vpon them. 
Edg, Thefbulefiendbitesmybacke, 
FooU. He's mad, that trufts in the tamenes of a Wolfe, a hor- 
fes health, a boyes loue, or a whores oath. 

Ltar, It ihalbe done^I wil arraigne them ftraight» 
Come fit thou here mod learned luftice 
Thou lapicnt fir fit here, no you dice Foxes.— 

Edg. Looke where helbndsandglars, wand tfaoueycs^ at 
tral madam come ore the broome Be^y to mee. 

Fatle. Her boat hath aleake.andflicmuftnotfpeake,^ 
Why {he dares not coiiie>oucr to chee. 




The Hiflarie^ King Lear. HLvj 

EJ^. Thcfoule fiend hauts poorc Tom mthcvoycc ofa nigh- 
t^oppedance cries inTfanjbcHyfbrtwowhiteherring.ltinn-n/c, 32 

Crokcnot blacke Aiigell, I hauc no foode for dice. 

Ktnt, How, dec you fir ; ftand you not fo amazd, will you 
1 ic downe and reft vpon the cufliings ? 36 1 

Lt*r, Ilefee their triallfirft, bring in their cuidence, thou 
robbed rtan of luflice take thy place^ & thou his yokefellow of 
equity, bench by his fide, you arc ot'h commiflion, fit you too. 
Ed. Let vs dealeiuftly fleepeft or wakeft thou iolly {hepheard, 
Thyftecpc bee in the come, andforoneblaftofthy minikin 
mouth, tbyihecpc fliall take no harme. Pur the cat is gray. 

Ltitr. Arraigne her firft tis G*nfri/,I here take my oathbeforc 
this honorable afiemblykickt the poorc king her father. 
FadU. Come hithermiftrifleisyour name gonoriS, 
Ltiart Shecaimatdenyit. 

Eool. Cryyoumercy Itooke youfbraioyncftoolc. 
LtAT. And hcres another whole warpt lookes proclaime, 
What ftore her hartis made an, flop her there, 
Armcs,arnjes, fword, fire, corruptionin the place, 
Falfe lufticer why hafl thou let her fi::ape, 
Big' BlcfTethyfiucwits. 
Kent, p pity fir, where is the patience now, 
Thatyou fo ofthaucboafledtoretaine. 

Eig. My tcares begin to take his part fb much, 
Theile marre my counterfeiting. 64 

Lear. The little dogs and all 
Trey, Blanch, and Sweet hart,fee they barke at me. 

Eig. Tvm will throw his head at them,auant you curs, ea 

Be thy mouth, or blacke, or'whitc, tooth that poyfons if it bite, 
Maftyc,giaiyhoud,mungril,griro-houd or fpanid,brach or him, 
Bobtaile tike,or trudletailc,7cw will make them weep & waile. 
For with throwing thus my head, dogs Icape the hatch and all 
arefledjloudladoodla come march to wakes, and faires, and 
market towncs, poore Tern thy home is dry, (her 

Lear, Thcnlctthemanotomize2r«g4»,feewhatbreedsabout so 

Hart is there any caufe in nature that makes this hardnes. 
You fir, I entertaine you for one of my hundred, 
Onlyl do notlike the fafhion of your garments youkfey* s^t 




50^ ■ ^ ■ 

in:vi The HiSorii^KingLear, 

They arc Perfian attire, but let them be chang'd, 
sa Kent. Now good my Lord lie here a while. 

Lear . Make no noifc,makc n6 noifc.draw the cuitains,fo,fo,fij, 
1 91 Weelc go to fupper it'h moniing,fo,fo/o. Enter giofter, 

93 Glofi. Come hither friend, where is the King my maifter. 

Ktnt. Here fir^but trouble Him not his wits arc gon. 
giofi. Good friend I prithy take him in thy armes, 
I banc or e heard a plot of death vpon him , 
T her is a Litter ready lay him in't,& driue towards Douer j5rend. 
Where thou fliak meet both welcome & protc^on.take vpthy 
700 If thou fhould'ft dally halfc an houre,his life with thine (mafter 
And all that offer to defend him ftand m allured loffe. 
Take vp the King and fbllowe me, that will tofome prouiftoo 
Giuc thee quicke condu£b. 
J04- XT/rwr. Opprcflcd nature Ileepcs, 

This reft might yet haue balmed thy broken fintwcs. 
Which if conuenicncc will not alow ftand in hard cure, 
Comehclpeto bearethy maifler, thou muftnptftay behind. 
ma <7/oy?r Comc.comcaway. Exit. 

Edg. when we our betters fee bearing our woes : we ftarcely 
thinke, our mifcries, our foes. 
Who alone fufFcrs fuffers, moftit'H mind, 
Leauingfree things and happy fhowesbchind. 
But then the mind much fuffcrance dothor'c/cip. 
When gricfc hath mates,and bearing fellowfliip : 
How light and portable my paine feemes now. 
When that which makes me bend, makes the King bow. 
Hcchildedas Ifathercdj7o»away, 
Marke the high noyfcs and thy felfe bewray, 
Whenfalfe opinion whofe wrong thoughts defile Ace, 
120 In thy iuft proofc repeals and reconciles thee* 

What will hap more to night,fafe fcape the King, 
Lurke, lurke. 

in.via. EntirCorm»att,aniReganf<tndGemriB^andBanari. (letCOP 

Ctm, Port fpccdily to my Lord your husbandlhew him this 
The army ofFranccis landed,feekeoutthe vilaine^A>y?fr. 
Regan, Hang him inftantly. 
^ofi, Pluckeouthiscyes* 



the Hiftoriee^ King Lear. 

Cora. LeaueWmtomydifpleafure,£<^w»^ keepyouourfifter 

The rcuengewe are bound to take vponyourtiayterous father. 
Arc not fit for your beholding , aduife the Duke where you are 
To a mod feftuant prepa ratio we are bound to the like, (o-oincr 
Our poll ihallbe fwift and intelligence betwixt vs, ° ^ 
FarewcU d ecre fifterjfarewell my Lord ofgiofler. 
How now whers the King i Enter Steward* 

Stewr, My Lord of ^/^r hath conueyd him hence. 
Some fiuc or fixe and thirtie of his Knights hot quefirits after 
him,met hi in at gate, who with fome other o^ the Lords depen- 
dants are gone with him towards Doucr, where thcyboaftto 
haue well armed firiends. 

(^ertt, Gethorfcsforyourmiftris. 

Got7. Farewell fwcet Lord and fitter. Exit goit.andBa^. 

Corn, Edmuui&xtvidl. goefcckethetraytor^/<?/?frr. 
Pinion him like a theefc, bring h im before vs. 
Though we may not pafTe vpon his 1 ife 
Without the forme of Iuftice,yet our power 
Shall doe a curtefie to our wrath, which men may blame 
But not controulc, whofc there, the traytor J 

Enter Glower brought in hy two or three, 

Reg, IngratfoU Fox tis hcc. 

Corih Bindfaflhiscorkicarmes. 

Cleft. What meanes your GraceSjgood. my firiends confiderj 
You are my gefts, doe me no foule play fnends. 

Corn. Bind him I fay, 

jReg. Hard hard, O filthic traytor ! 

Glofl. Vnmercifull Lady as you are, I am true. 

Corn. To this chaire bind hiro, villaine thou flialt find— » 

G/ofi. By the kind Gods tis moft ignobly done, to pluck me 
by the beard. Reg. So white and fuch a Traytor. 

Glo/l Naughty Ladie.thefe liaires which thou doll rauifl^from 
Will quicken and accufe thee, I,am your hoft. (my chili 

With robbers hands, iny hofpitable fauours 
You fhould not ruffcll thus, what will you doe. 

Cory). Come fir, w hat letters had you late from France} 

Reg. Befimpleanfwerer, for wcknow the truth. 

H Corn. 




III.vii Tite Hi^orieoflCmgLetu^. 

Ctrti. And what confederacy haiic yon with tlic tratouis latC 
footed in the kinodonie ? 
Rir{r. To whofc hands you h:i' ic feut the lunatick King fpcakc? 
Gi<>0. IhaucalcttergciTingly fctdowne 
48 Which came from one,chat's of a ncutrall lieart, 

Aud not from one opposd. 

^arn. Cunnins^. Re^. Andfalfo 

Cam. Where haft thou ftnc the King.? Glo/f, To Doner. 
52 Ef^. Wherefore to Doner ? waft thou not charg d at perill--~ 

Car//. Wherefore to Doner ; let himfirft anfwerc that. 
giosl. I am tide cot'h (lake, and I muftftand th? courfe. 
Jlfg. Wherefore to Doner fir ? 
■S6 Glofl. Becaufe I wouldnot fee thy cruell naylcs 

Pluck out his poore old eyes, nor thy fierce fitter 
In his annoynted flcih rafh bori/lii phangs. 
The Sea with fuch a ftorme onhislowd head 
^60 In hell blackenightindur'd, would haue bodvp. 

And quencht the ftelled fires, yet poore old heart, 
HcchoJpt the hcauens to rage. 
If wolues had at thy gate heard that dearne time 
Thou ftiouldft haue faid,eood Porter turne the key, 
AH cruels elfe fubfcrib'd butl {hall fee 
The winged vengeance ouertake fuch children. 
C'orn. Sect flialt thou neuer, fellowes hold the chaire, 
68 Vponthofc eyes of thine. He fct my fbotc. 

Gleji. He that will thinketoliudtillhebcold 
Giue me fome helpe, O cruell, O ye Gods 1 
Reg. Ojie fide wil 1 mocke another jtother to. 
C^r.i. If yoU fee vengeancc—- 
Scrmnt. Hold your hand my Lord 
I haue feru'd cuerlincel was a child (you hold. 

But better feruicehauc I neucr done you,thc now to bid 
Reg, How now you doggc. 
76 Serut If you did wcare a beard vponyour chin id'c fliake it 

on this quarrell.whatdocyoumeane? 
Com. MyvilJainc.- dr4waniipght, 

S4m, Why then come on,and take the chance ofangcr. 
so Reg, Giu«raethyfword;apefantftandvpthus. 



The Hi/iorie of King Lear. 

Shee tak't afword dttd rum »it him bsh'i »d. 

Strmnt. OhI am flaincniy Lord.ycthauc you one eye left to 
fee fonie mifdiicPe on him, oh! 

Corn, Lead it fee more prcuent it, out vild Icily 
Where is thy lufter now ? s* 

giofl. All darke and comfortles, wlier s my fonnc Edmund h 
Bdmptud vnbridle all the fparks of ,nature,to quit this honed aft, 

lUg. Out villiinc, tliou calft on him that hates thee, it was he as 

thatmadethcoucrturcof thy treafons to vs, who is too o-ood to 
pittie thee. 

giofl. O my follies, then Ed^<tr was abus'd. 
Kind Gods fb/giuc me that,and profperhim. 92 

Reg. Gocthruft him out at gates, and let himfinellhjs way to 
Douer, how iftmy Lord i howilooke you .' 

^rw. Ihaucrcceiu'dahurt.foUowme Ladie, 
Turac out that cyles villaine, throw this flaue vpon se 

Theduneell Reg4n^ bleed apace, vntimely 
Comes this hurt, giue mcy our arme. Exitt 

Serudnt. Ileneuer care what wickcdnes I doc. 
If this man come to good. 

2 Sernaat. If flie liue long, & in the end meet qhc old courfc 
of death, women will all turnc monflers. 

I Ser. Lets follow the old Earle,and get the bedlom 
To lead him where he would, his Biadnes 7w* 

Allows it felfe to anything. 
2 Ser. Got thou, ile fetch fome Haxe and whites of cgge? to 

apply to his bleeding fecc,nowheauenhelpc him. Exit, 

Enter Bdgar,. V^.\. 

Edg, Yet better thus, and knowne to be contemnd, 
Thcnftill conteinn'd and flattered to be worft, 
Tbi lowed and mod deieftcd thing of Fortune 
Stands ftill in expericncc,liues notinfearc, 
Thelamentablechangeis fromthebeft, 
The worft returnes to laughter. 

Who's here,my father parti,cyd, world,worJd, O worldl gjo t 

But that thy ftrange mutations make vs hate thee, 

Life would not yedd to age. enter ghfi. led 1>jmoU mm ^ iz% 

OlitKAn O my good Lord Ihauebeencyourtenant,&your 

H 2 fathers 


IVi The HiBork of King Lear, 

ftcliers tenant this forefcore — 
76 Glofl. Away, get thee aw ay, good friend be <»on, 

Tliy comforts candoenienogoodacall. 
Thee chey may hurt. 

Oti matt. Alack fir, you cannot (ce your way, 
20 Glo[i. I liaue no wayjand therefore want no eyeSj 

I ftumbled when I faw, full ofttis feene 
Our nieanes fecure vs,and our tneare deftfts 
Proueour comodities, ahde'ere fonnc Edgar, 
The food pfthyabiiled fathers wrath. 
Might I but Hue to fee thee in my tuch, 
Id'e fay I had eyes againe, 

Oldmait, Hownowwhofethere^ 

T.cig. O Gods, who iftcanfaylaraattlicworft, 
I am worfe then ere I was. 

Oli. rnnHt Tis poore mad "fom. 

gd£. And worfel may be yct,the worft b not. 
As long as we canfay >this is the worft. 

Oldvuu. fellow where goeft? 

Gl«fi, Isita beggerman? 
32 OUvtAn, Mad man.and bcgeer to. 

Glo(l. A has fome reafon, elle he could not beg. 
In the laft nights ftorme I fuch a fellow faw, 
"Which made me thinke aman a wormc,my fonne 
36 Camethenintomymind,and yetmymind (ITnce, 

Was then fcarce friendcs with him, Ihaue heard more 
As flies atecoth' wanton boyes,are we toth' Gods, 
t They bitt vs fbrtheir fport. 

4o Edg. How fhould this be, bad is the trade that muft play the 

foole to forrow angring itfelfe and others, bicffe thee jnaifter. 

Giojl. Is that the naked fellow.* 

Old matt. I my Lord. 

giefi. Then prethee get thee gon^f for my fake 

Thou wilt orctake v&hcreamjleor twaine 

1th' way toward Doner, doe itfbr ancient loue 

And bring foniccouering for this-fiakcdfoule 

"Who He intrcatcto leade mc, 

Qldmau. Alackiirbtisinad. 



Tke'HiBorie of King Lear. IVi. 

ghB. Tis.thetinies plague, when madrnenleadtVie 
Doeas I bid thcc,or rathcrdoe thy pleafurc, (blind> 
Aboue the reft, be gon. 

Oldman. Ilebnng him thebeftparrcll chad haue 
Come one whac wi 11. 

Gloli' Sirrah naked fellow. 

Edg, Poore Toms a cold, I cannot dance it farther. 

giofi. Come hitlier fellow. 

Edg, BlelTe thy fweete eyes, they bleed, 

Gl^. Knowft thou the v/ay to Douer ? 

8dg. Both ftiJe and gate,horfe-way, and foot-path, 
Poore Tom hath beenefcard our of his good wits, 
Bleffe the good man fromthcfoule fiend. 
Fine fiends hauebeene in poore Tom at once. 
Of luft,as'0^r^M'Hf, Hohbididence Prince ofdumbnes^ 
yl/^fe^of ftealing,«J^/odtiofniurder, Stiiierdigeiit of 
Mobing,& yl^oi7r«^who fince poQelTcs chambermaids 
And waiting women, fo, bleile theeiriaiflcr, (plagues. 

gioji. Here take this purfe, thou whome theheauens 
Haue humbled to all Ilrokes.that I am wretchedjinakes es 

The happier, hcauens deale fo ftill, (thee 

Let the Hiperfluousandluft-diietedman 
That ftan ns your ordinance, that will not fee 
Becaufehe does not feel e.feele yourpower quickly, 
Sodiftributionfliould vnderexcelTe, 
And each man haue enough, dbft thou know Douer ? 

£dg, I mafter. 

giofl. There is acliffewhofc high & bending head 76 

Lookes firmely in the confined deepc. 
Bring me but to the very brimme or ic 
And ile repaire the mifeiy thou doft bcare 
With fbmething rich about me. 
From that place I {hal no leading need. 

EAg, Giueraethyamie,poorc7''"»(lialIleadthee. 

Enter goner ill and 'Bdjliir^ . W.^ 

Not met vs on the way,now vvher's y o ur maifter i 
Enter StewarL 

H 5 Ste\^ 


lV-ii-| i:he HlBorie of King Lear. 

Stew. Madame wichin,butneucrnian To chang'd, I told him 
of thearmy that was landedj he fmild ac it, I to Id htm you were 
coming, his anivverc was the worfe, of y/<>/Fffrjtreachcric,and. of 
thcloyallfeiuiceof hisfonnewhen lenform'd him, chen bee 
caJd inc fott, and told ine I had turnd the wrong fide out, what 
heeiliould mortdeJircfeemesplcafanttohim, what likcoCfcn. 
Qoiu Then Ihall you goe no further, 
* '2 It IS the cowilh terrer of his fpirit 

That dares no6;Vjndercakc,heIc notfcele wrongs 
Which tic anfwere, our wiihes on the way 
Mayproue efFefts, backe£/i_g/2rtomy hrocher, 
ie Haften his nuifters, and conduft his powers 

I inufl: change armes at home,and giiie the diftaffe 
Into my husbands hands, this trulty ftruanc 
Shall pafTe bctwecue vs, ere long you are like to heare 
If you dare venture in yourownebehalfe 
A miftrefles command, weare this,fpare fpeech. 
Decline your head: this kifleif it durftfpeake 
Would ftretch thy fpirits yp into the ayre, 
Conceaue and far you well. 
'Sajl. Yours in the ranks of death. (are dew 

Gan. My moil: deer Giofler, to thee av/omans feruiccs 
A foole vfui-ps my bed, 
+ 28 Stm. Madam Jiere comes my Lord. Exit Stew. 

Qan. I hauebeene worth the whittling, (rude wind 
yllk O gevorff,yo\i are not worth the duft which che 
Blowes in your face,I fearc your difpofition 
t32 That nature which contenines itii origin 
Cannot be bordered certainein it felfe, 
She that her felfc will fliuer and disbranch 
From her material 1 Tap, perforce muft wither. 
And conic CO deadly vfe. 
^o». Nomorc,therc>ftisfboli{h. 
j4/i>. Wifedorae and goodncs,to the vild fecme vild. 
Filths Cauoi bu t themfclucs, what haue you done i 
4-0 Tigers, not daughters^ what haue you perforind * 
A rather,3rid a s^racioiis aaied man 

^ "" Whofe 




60 1 

The HifioritefEingLear. lYji. 

"Whofc reucrencc eucn the headJugd bcarc would lick. 
Moft barbarous moft degenerate bauc you madded. 
Could my good brother fufFer you to doe it ? 
A man, a Prince, by himfo benifitcd. 
If thattheheauens doe not their viGblcfpints (tome 
Send quickly do wnc to tame thi^ vild offcnces,it will 47.49 % 

Humanity muft perforce pray on it felflikc monftcrs of • 

gan^ Milke liuerd man (thedeepe. 

Thatbeareft a cheeke for blocs, a head for wrongs. 
Who haftnotin thy browes an eye defcruing thine honour, 
From thy fu£fering,that not know'ft, foolsdo thofe vilains pitty 
Who arepunifliteretheyhaue done their mifchicfe, 
Whcr's thy drum?f r<«»« foreds his banners in our noyfcles land, se, 

With plumed heltnc, thy ftate begins thereat 
Whil'ltthou amorall fooIcGts full and cries 
Alack why docs he fo ? 

Alb. Sec thy fclfedcuill, proper deformity fhewes^nQtin tjic 
£end, fo horrid as in woman; 

Cm. Ovainefoolel 

ty^b. Thou changed, and felft-coucrd thing for {bainc 
Be-0]onfter not thy feature, wcr't my fitnes 
To la thefe hands obay my bloud. 
They are apt enough to diflecate and teare 
Thy fiefliand bones, how ere thou art afiend, 
A womans £bape doth fhield thee. 

Cm. Marry your manhood mcw~- es% 

t/iib. Whatnewes. Enter 4^entUmatt. 

Gent. O my good Lordthe Duke o£Comvals dead> flainc hy 
h's feruant^going to put outthe other eye of gUjirr. 

%/^b. giofien cy^i 72 

Gen. A fthiant that he bred,thrald wirhremorfe, 
Oppos'd againft the aft, bending his (word 
To his great maifler^who thereat inraged 

Flew on him, andamongft them,feld htm dead, 76 

But not without that harmefoU ftrokejwhlch fincfi 
Hath pluckt him after. 

j4^. This fhewes you are aboue you luftifers, 
That thcfc our nether crimes fo fpccocly cjn vcnge. so 




IVii The Hiriork of King Lear. 

But Opoore g/ofln lofthe his other eye. (anfwer, 

(jent. Borh.both my Lord,this letter Madam cranes a fpeedy 
T is from your fifler* Gon. One way I like tliis well, 

Bucteing widow and my giofler with her. 
May all the building on my fancie pluckc, 
Vpon my liatefutl life, another way the newcs is notfo tooke, 
lie read e and anfw cr. 'Exit. 

iAlb. Where was his fonne when they did take his eyes. 
Gent. Comev/ithmy Lady hither. . v^/^. He is iiothere, 
^fwf. No my good Lord I met him backeagaine. 
Alb, Knowes he the wickedncfle. 
CJent. I ray good Lord twas he informd againft him. 
And quit the houfe on purpofe thai there punifliment 
Might haue the freer couife. (^"^'"Si 

Alb. GloflfT 1 liue to thankc thee for the louc thou fliewedft the 
And to reuengc thy eyes, come hither friend. 
Tell me whatmore thou knowcft. "Exit. 

IViii Enter KentAnd. a geutUmnn, 

Kent. Why the Kingof Framce is fo fuddenlygone backe, 
know you no reafon. 

ge»t. Something he left imperfeft in the ftate, which fince his 
comming forth is thought of, which imports to the Kingdome, 
So much feare and danger that liis perfonall returne was moft re- 
quired and neceflarie. 
8 Kent. Who hath he left behind him. General. 

Qent. The Marfliall of France Monfier in Far. (of griefe. 
Kent. Did your letters pierce the qucene to any demonftratio 
g^nt. I fay flic tooke them, read them in my prefence, 
And now and then an ample tearetrild dovvnc 
Her delicate cheeke^ it feem'edfhe was a queene ouer hcrpaffion, 
Who moft rebell-like, fought to be King ore her. 
Kent. O then it moued her. 
(/etit. Not to a rage,patienceand forow ftreme, 
who fliould exprelte her goodlieflyou haue feenc, 
20 Sun Itine and raine at once, her (miles and teares, 

Were like a better way thofe happie fmUcts, 
That play d on her ripe lip fceme not to know. 
What guefts were in her eyes which parted tlience. 




The HtBorieofKing Lear, 

As pearles from diamonds dropt in biiefe, 
Sorowwould bearariticmoflbeloued, 
If all could To become it. 

Kent. Made flic no verballqueftion. 

gent. Faith once or twice fhe heau'd the nameof father 
Pantinglyforth as ifit preft herhcart, 
Cried nllcrs,fiftcrs, fliame of Ladies lifters : 
Kent, father, fiflcrs, what ithftormc ith night. 

Let pitie not be beleeft there flic fiiooke. 
The holy water from her heaucnly eyes. 
And clamour mpyftened her, then away Che ftarted, 
To deale with griefe alone. 

Kent. It is the ftars,the ftars aboue vs gouer ae our conditions, 
Elfc one felfe mate and make could not begetj 
Such different i ffues, you fpoke not with her lince. 

gent. No. Kent, Was tliis before the King retumd. 

Gent. Nojfince. 

Kent. Well fir, the poore diflrelTed Leafs ith towne, 
Who fome time in his fsetter tunc remembers. 
What wc are come about,andby no raeanes will yeeld to fee his 

C?««/. Why good fir.? ("daughter. 

Kent. A foueraigne fliame fo elbows him his own vnkindnes 
That ftripther from his bened iftion turnd her. 
To fbrraine cafualties gaue her dear c rights. 
To his dog harted daughters, thefe things fling his mind. 
So vcnomoully that bu rning iliame detames him from Cordelm. 

Gent. Alack pooie Gentleman. 

Km. Of Alba^es and Corneroals powers you heard not. 

Gent. Tisfothey.nrcafbote. 

Kent. Wellfir, ilc bring you to our maifiet Le^r, 
And leaue you to attend him fome d eere caufe, 
WiJlinconcealeraentwrap me vp awhile. 
When lamknownearightyoufliall riot greeue, 
Lendingme tliisacquaintance,Ipiayyougoalongvvich rae. 

Emer Cordelie^DoUor and others, CXit, 

Cor, Alack tis he, why he wasmetcuennowj 
As mad as the vent fea finging aloud, 
Cfowud with rankeferaiter and furrow weedes, 

I With 











IVIiyr The HiSoritoj^KingLeay. 

"With hor-docks,hcmlockfe,nctlcs, cookow flowers, 
Darnell and all the idle weedes that grow, 
Inourfuftapiing, corne.accnturie is fent forth. 
Search eiiery acre in the liie growne field. 
And brin^ him to our eye, v/hat can mans wifdome 
In the rcftbring his bercued fence,hc that can hclpc him 
Take all my outward worth* 

DoUi There is meanes Madame. 
Our fofter nurfe of nature is repofc. 
The whichhelackes that to prouokc inhim, 
Are many firaples operatiue whofepower* 
Will clofc the eye of anguifh. 
16 QrA' AllbleftfecretsallyouvnpubliflicvcTtUesofthtearth, 

Spring with my teares beayaancand remcdiat. 
In the good mans diftreffe, feeke,fceke,for him, 
L eft his vngouemd rage diffolue the life. 
That wants the meanes to lead it. Enter mepnget. 

Mef. News Madam,the Brittiftipowers arc marching hither* 
CorJ. Tiskaownc before, our preparation flands> (ward.. 
In expe(Si ation of them,6 deerc father 
It is thy bufines that I go about,therfbre great Trtmct 
My mourning and important teares hath pitied. 
No blownc ambition dbth our armes in fight 
28 Butloue, deere loue,and our ag'd fathers right, 

Soonemaylhearcandfeehim. Exit, 

IW Enter Regan and Steward. 

Reg. But are my brothers powers fet forth? 
.P/w. IMadartt. ^f^. Himfelfeinperfon? 

Stew. Madam with much ado,yourfifteris the better foldier. 
Reg. Lord Edr>tmd(!^A\i.c not with your Lady at home. 
Stew. No Madam. 
Reg. What might import my fitters letters to him ? 
Stew. I know not Lady. 
1 8 Reg. Ji'aith he is ported hence on ferious matter. 

It Was 8;reat ignorance. Glowers eyes being out 
To let him liue, where he ariucs he moUes 
All harts atrainftvs, andnowlthinkcisgonc 
-In pitie of his mjfery to difpatch Ixis mghted life. 





The Hiporie^KingLear. _^ 

Moreoiier to difcrie the ftrcngth at'h anny. 
Stew. I muftneedsafterhimwithtnyletters 

Rei. Our troopcfcts forth to morrow ftay with vs, le 

The wayes are dangerous. 

Stei». 1 may not Madame, my Lady charg'd my duti€ in this 

Beg. Why fhould flie write to Edmundhca^t not yo« 
Tranfpon; her puipofes by word, belike 
Some thmg, I Snow not what, ilc buc thee much, 
Letme vnfealcthe letter. 

Stew, Madam rderadier.— 

%!igt I know your Lady docs not louc her hufband 
I amfureof that, and at hcrlatc being here 
Shee gaue ftrange aliads^and Jtnoll fpeaking Ibokes 
To noble SdmmJl, I know you arcofhcr boibme; 

Stew. I Madam. 

Efg. Ifpeake invnderftanding,forIknow't, 23 

Therefore I doe aduife you take this note, 
My Lord is dead, Eimmd and I haue t^lkt, 
Andmoreconuenient is hefbrmy hand 
Then for your Ladies, you may gather more 
If you doe find him,pray you giue him this. 
And whenyour miflris heares thus much from y oii 
I pray delire her call her wifedbmc to ha/o ferewcU, as 

If you doe chance to hcarc of that blind tray tor. 
Preferment fals on him that cuts him off. 

Ste. Would Icould meet him Madam,! would fhcw 
What Lady I doe follow. ^ 

Reg, Fare thee well. Exit. 

Enter giefler and Edmtind. ly^yj. 

ghfl. When fhall we come toth' top of that fame hill* 

Ee^g. You do climbc it vpnow,looke how we labour; 

Glofl. Me .thinks the ground is eucn. 

Eig. Horrible Rcepe,harke doe you heare the fca / 

Gloli, No trnly. 

Edg. Why then your other fences grow imperfeft 
By y our eyes anguifh. 

Ghfl. So may it be indeed, 

la Mo 




IVvi The HijlarieofKing Lear. 

Me thinks thy voyceisaltcred.andthou fpeakeft 
With better phrafe and matter then thou didft. 

Edg, Y'ar much deccaued, in notliing am I chang'd 
But in my garments. 

gioll. Me thinks y'ar better fpoken. (feareful 

Sdg. Come on fir, hers the place, (land ftiJl, how 
And dizi cis to cafl; ones eyes fo low 
The Crowes and choghes that wing the midway ayre 
Shew fcarcefo grolTe as beetles,halfc way downe 
Hangs one that gathers farapire,drcadfull trade. 
Me thinkes he feemes no bigger then his head. 
The fiflieitnen that walke vpon the be^ch 
Appeare Uke raifc,and y on tall anchoring barke 
Ditninillit to her cock, her cock a boui 
Almoft too fmall for fight^the murmuriiigfurge 
That on the vrmumbred idle peeble chafles 
Cannot be heard, its fo hie ile looke no more, 
Leaft my braine turnc,and the deficient fight 
Topple downe headlong. 

GioB. Set me where you ftand f 
Edg. Giue me your hand, you are now within a foot 
Of th'extrcame vcrge,for all beneath cheMoonc 
Would I not leape vpright. 
Glofl. Letgoemyhand. 
28 Herefriend's anotherpurfle, in ita iewell. 

Well worth a poore mans taking,Fairics and Gods 
Profper it with thee, goe thou farther off. 
Bid me farewell, and let me hcare thee going. 
£dg. Now fare you well good fir. 
giojl. VVithall my heart. (to cure ic. 

Sig, Whyldotriftllthuswithhis difpaire is done 
Glofl. O you mightie Gods, Hek^eehs. 

This world I doe renounce.and in your fights 
Shake patiently my great afffiftion off. 
If I could beare it longer and not fall 
To quarel with your great oppoflcs wils 
My InurfF and loathed part of nature fliould 
Burite it felfe out, if Edgar Hue, O blelTe, 



52 $ 

the Hisiojiecf King Lear. lYvi. 

Now feKow fire thee well. Hefal:. 

Edg. Gon fir, farewell, and yet I know not how conccJt m/ 
robbethetreafurieof life, when lift itfelfe yealds to ihc theft, 
had he beene where he thought by this had thought beene paft, 
aliucor dead,hoyou fir, heareyou fir, fpcak,thus might he pafle 
indeed, yet he reuiues, what are you fir ; 

^ioft. Away and let me die. 48 

E</^. Hadft thou beene ought but gofinore feathers ayre, 
So many fadome downe precipitating 
Thou hadtt fhiuerd like an cggc, but thou doft breath 
. Haft hcauy fubftance,bleedft not,fpcakeft,art found. 
Ten mafts at each , make not the altitude. 
Which thou haft perpendicularly fell. 
Thy lifes a miracle/peake yetagainc. 

Giofi. Buthauelfallenornol set 

'Edg. From the dread fommons of /his chalkie bornCj 
L ooke vp a hight, the Ihrill gorg'd larkc Co ferre 
Cannotbee feene or heard, cfoe butlooke vp i 

Gloli. Alack I haue no eyes so 

Is wrctchedncs dcpriu'd, that benefit 
To end it felfe by death twas yet fome comfort 
When mifery could beguile the tyrants rage 
Andfioiftratc his proud will. 

Edg. Giuemcyourarmef 
Vp,fo, how feelc you your legges, you ftand. 

giofi. Too well, too well. 

Bd^. This is aboue all ftrangenes 
Vpon thccrowne ofthe cliffcwhat tiling was that 
"Which parted fi-omyou, 

Glofl. A poorevnfortunate bagger. eat 

"Edg . As I flood here below me thoughts his e)'es * 

VVcre two fiiU Moones, a had a thoufand nofes 
Hornes,wclk't qnd waucd likethe cnridged fea. 
It was fome fiend, therefoie thou Jiappy father 
Thinke that the cleereft Gods, who made their honours 
Of mensimpoffibilitics, hauepreferued thee. 

Glofi. I doe remeniberriow.hcriceforth ilebeare 
Affliftion til I it doe eric out it felfe 76 

I 3 Inough, 


jy^ The Hiporie^KingLear. 

Enough, enou^hand die that thing you fpeake of) 
I tooke it for a man, often would it fay 
Tlie fiend the fiend,hc led me to that place 
80 Edg. Bare free & patiaa: tIioughts,but who comes here 
Tiie fafcr fence will neare accomodate his maifter thus . 
fitter Lear mad. 
84 Lettr. No thc)' cannot touchmee for coyning.I am the king 

Edg. O thou fide pearcing fight. (hijnfclfe. 

Lear, Nature isabouc Art in that rcfpcft, ther's your preffc 
money,that fellow handles his bo w like a CK)W-keepcr,cbaw me 
a clothiers yard, looke,lookc a mowfe, peace,pcacej ifcis toftcd 
chccfe will doit.ther s my gauntlet^ilc proue it on a gyant,bring 
vp thc browne.billcs,0 well flowne birdia theayrc,ha<rh,giue 
the word? E</g. Sweet Margcrum. 

Lear. Pafle. G/eii. Iknowthatvoyce, 

Lear. Ha GoaoriS, ha Regan, they flattered mec like a doggc, 
-and tould me I had white haires in my beard, ere the black ones 
were there, to fay I and no,to euery thing I faide, land no toe, 
was no good diuimtie, when the raine camcto wet me once, and 
the windc to make mec chatter, when the thunder would not 
peace atmybidding, therelfound them.thcrcl fmclt fhepi out; 
goe toe. they ai'enot men oftheir words, they told mec I was 
cuery thin|,us a lye, I am not argue-proofe. 

gUfi. Thetrickeof thatvoyceldoe w^U remember, iftnot 

' Lear. I euerinch a King when I do ftare.fce how the fubiefl: 
quakes, I pardonthat mans fife, what was thy cauft,adultery» 
dicu fhalt not die fot adukcric, no the wren goes toot, and the 
fmaUuildcdfliedoelctcherinmyfight,lct copulation thriue, 
tor^/b/ywbaftardfon wasJcinderto his father then my dau<rh- 
lers got tvveene the lawfull fhcets, toot luxme^peS, meil, for I 
lacke iouldiers, behold yon fimprjng dame whofc face betwetn 
her torkcs prefagethfnow, that minces vertue, and do fliake the 
Head heare of pleafures name to fichewnorthe foyled horfe 
goes toot with a more riotous appcrite,down fro tlie wafttha re 
cenraures, though women all aboue , buc to the girdle doc the 
gods inhenr beneath is all the fiends, chers hell, thm darl^ielTe, 
tber s the fulphury pit, burning, fcalding^Ocacb, confuwation. 










Tpje Hijicrie of Eing Lear. IV.v: 

fie, fie, fie, pah, pah, Gnie mcc an ounce of Ciuet, eootf Apo- 
thocarie, to fwceccn niy imagiuation,ther's money for thee. 

GUfi. O let rae kiffe that hand. 

Lear. Here wipe it firft, it fmels ofmortalidc. 

giofi. Oniind peecc (rf"nacure, this great wroild ijhould fo 
wcare out to naught, do youlcnownie ; 

Lear. I remember thy eyes well inough, doftthou fquiny on 
me, no dothy worft blind Cuptd, ilenot louc, rcade dhou that 
challenge,marke the penning oft. 

giofi. Were all the letters funnes I could not fee one. 

E^. I wouldnot take this from report, it is, and my heart 
brcakesatit. i><ir. Read. gUfi. Wiat! with the cafe of eyes 

Lear. Oho,areyoutAercwithme,noeyesinyourhead, nor ris 

no mony in your purfe, your eyes are in a hcauie cafe,your purfe 
in a light, yet yotf fee how this world goes. 

Glofi. r fee it feelingly. isz 

Leer. What art vaza, a man may fee how the world goes with 
no eyes, lookc with thy cares, fee howyonlufticc raites vpon 
yon fimpletheefc,harkc in thy eare handy, dandy, which is the 
thcefe, which is the Iuftice,thou haft feene a farmers doggc barkc 
atabegger. 9 loft' I fir. 

Lettr. And the creaturcrunne firom the cur,there thou mightft 
behold the great aSagccrfauthoritie, a doggc, fo bade in office, 
thou rafcall beadle hold thy Woudy hand, why doft thou lafh. 76* 

that whore, ftrip thine owncbacke,thy bloud hotly lulls to vfe 
her in that kind for which thou whipft her, the vfurer hangs the 
cofioner,through tottered raggs,final vices do appcare,robes & 
fiird-gownes hides all, get thee glafie eyes, and like a fcuruy po- 
lititian fecmeto fee the things thou doeft not, no now pull off 
myhootes, harder,harder,fo. 

Big. O matter andimpertjnenciemixtreafon inmadoelle. 

Lear. Ifthou wilt wecpc my fortune tA:c my eyes, I knowc 
thee wcU inough thy name is glofier, thou muft be patient,;)*^ 
came crying hither, thou knoweft the firft time that we finell tlic t 

aire, we wayl and cry, I will preach to thee marke me, /s^ 

G»fi. Alack alack the day. 

Lear. VVhcn we are borne,we crie that wee ate come to this 
great ftageoffooles, this a good blockc. It were a delicate ftra- 



68 1 
169, 1T4- 


IV?vi rhe mUcrie of King Leer. 

tagcmto flioot a troupe offiorfc with fell,& when I haue ftotc 
vponthcfcfonnc in lawcs, th«ikill,kill,killjkill,kill,k:iIJ. 
E,nter thret Gentlemen, 
^192 Gent. Ohcn: heis, jayhauds vponhlmfirs,yourmoftcleerc 

794! Lear. No reskue,whaca piifoner,! amcenechcnatiirall foolc 

t ofForwne, vfc mc well you iliail haue ranfome, let mec haue a 
t '96 chur-ijonl am cutto the braincs. 
Gtnt, You j(hal| haue any thing, 

t««r. No feconds, allmyfclte, why this would make a man 
200 of fait to vfc his eyes for garden watcrpots, I and laying Autums 


Ltar. I will die brauely like a bridegroome, what ?I will be 
2m louiall, come, coine, I am a King my maiftcrs, know you that. 
gent. You are a royall one,' and we obey you. 
Lear* Then thercs life int, nay and you get it you £hall get it 
withrunning. Y.Xtt Kingrmning. 

208 gent. A fight moftpitifull in the meaneft wretch, paftfpca<» 

king ofin a king: thou haft one daughter who rcdeemes nature 
from the gcnerall curfe which twaine hath brought her to. 
Bdg, Haile gentle fir. 
272 Gent. Sir fpeed you, whats your will. 

Edg, Do youhearcoughtofabattcU toward. 
Gem, Moft fure and vulgar euery one here rthac 
That can diftihguifh fence. 
276 E^g, Rue by yourlauour how necrs the otlier army. 

X Grit. Neere and on fpeed fort the mainedefcryes, 

t Srandft on the howerly thoughts. 

SJg. Ithankeyoufirthatsall' 

Ge»t, Though that the Queene on fpeciall caufc is here, 
t22o Hirarmyismouedon. Edg. Ithankeyoiifir, Exit, 

Ghff, You euer o-entle gods take my breath from me. 
Let not my worfer fpirit tempt me againe, 
To dye before you pleafe. Edg. Well, pray )'oi) father. 
224 Glofi. Now good fir what are you. 

Sdg. A moi\ poore man made lame by Fortunes blowcs> 
Who by the Arc of knownc and feeling forroweS 
Am pregnant to good pitty, giuc rat your hand 
lie Icade you to fome biding.. 

TheHiftork of King Lear, 

Gtoli, Hartie thankes, the bomet and beniz of Iicaiieii to 
faue the e» Emer Steward. 

Sten, A proclamed prizc,TMofthappy,that eylcs head of thine 
was framed flefli to rayfemy fortunes, thou moft vnhappy tray- 
tor, briefly thy fclfe remember, the fword is out that muftdc- 

Ghft. Now letthy friendly hand putflrchgth enough to't. 

Ste^. Wherefore bould pcfant durft thou fupport a pubii flit 
traytor,heucc leaft the infcftion of hisfbrtune take like hold on 
thee , let goe his arme ? 

Sdg, Chill not let goe fir without cagion. 

Stew. Letgoeflaue, or thoudieft, 

Edg. Good Gentleman goe your gate, let poorc voke padc, 
and chud haue becncfwaggar'd outof my life, it would not hauc 
beenefo long by a fortnight, nay come not neare the ojdiran, 
keepe out, cheuore ye,or ile trie whether your coftcr or my bat- 
tcro be the harder, ile be plaine with you. 

Stev). Out dunghill, they fight. 

Edg. Chill pick your teeth fir,come,no matter for your foyns. 

Stew. Slaue thou hafl: flainc me, villainc take my purflc. 
If cuer thou wilt thriue, burie my bodic. 
And giue the letters which thou find'ft about me 
To EdmttrtdEaxleof GUfisr,{eekehim outvpon 
The Brtti/h pardc, 6 vntimely death i death. He ditt^ 

"Edg, I know thee well, a fcruiceablc villaine, 
Asdutioustorhe viccsofthyniiftres,a$badncs would 

(?/»/?. What is he dead? " Cdefire. 

"Edg. Sit you down father,reft you lets fee his pockets 
Thefe letters that he fpeakes of may be my friends, 
Hce's dead,! am only forrow he had no other dcathfina 
Let vs fee,lcaue gentle waxe^and manners blame vs not 
To know our enemies minds wee'd rip tlieir hearts. 
Their papers is more lawfoll. 

Let your reciprocall vowes bee rcmcmbrcd, you haue many 
opportunities to cut him olF.iif your will want not.time and place 
will be fruitfully oflFercd.there is nothingdonc. If hcreturaethc 
conqueioiUj then am I tlie prifoner, and l)is bed my piy le, from 
chc Icthed warmth whereof dclhier me,and f upply tne place for 

K your 









262 t 







+ 278 



tk BijlerieofKmg Lear. 

yourlabour.your vvifc(fo I would fa)')your affeftioiaate fetuant 
and for you hcrownefbr Venter^ Conor ill, 

Edg. O Indiftinguillii: fpace ofwomans wit, 
Aploc vpon her vcrtuous husbands Jifc, 
Ahd the exchange my brother heere in chefands^ 
Thee ile rake vp, the poll vnfandificd 
Of murtherous leachers, and in the mature'timc, 
With this vngratious paper ftrike the fight 
Of the death pra^ifd Duke, for himtis well, 
That of thy death and bufineffe I can tell. 

giofi. The King is madj how ftifFe is my vild fence, 
That I ftand vp and haue ingenious feeling 
Of my huge forowes, better I were diftraft, 
So ihould ray thoughts be fenced from my griefes, 
And woes by wrong imaginations loofc 
The faiowledge of themfelues . (tAdrum a fans of. 

Edg. Giue me your hand far oflfmc thinks I heait the beaten 

Come 6thcr ile beftowyouwich a friend. Exit, (drum. 

Enter Cerdelia^Kent andDoHar. (thy goodnes. 

Card, O thou good Kent how ilial 1 1 hue and worke to match 
My life will be too fhort and euery mcafure faile me, 

Ktnt. To be acknowlegd madame is ore payd, 
All my reports go with the modeft truth. 
Nor more, nor ch'pt, but fo. 

Cer, Be better fuited thefe weeds arc memories of thofc 
Worfcr howers, I prithe put them«oflr« 

Kent. Pardon me deere madame, 
Yet to bcknowne lliortens my made intent. 
My boone 1 make it that you know me not. 
Till time and I thinkc meete. 
drA. Then beet fo, my good Lord how does the king, 

55fliE7. Madame fleepesftill. (nature. 

Card. O you kind Gods cure this great breach in his abufcd 
The vntund and hurrying fenccs,0 wind vp 
Of this child changed father, 

DoCf. So plcafe your Maieftie that we may wake the king, 
He hath flept long. 
Cord, Be o-oucrnd by your knowledge and proceed, 



The BiBoriet^King Lettr. IVvii 

Ithfway ofyour owne will is he arayd, w 

Do Si. I madam, in the heauinelTe of his flecpe, 
We put frefh gannents on him, 

^eut. Good madam be by, when vvc do awake him 
I doubtnoc of his temperance. 34 

Cord. Very well. 

2)«3. Plcafe you draw necre, louder the mufieke there, 
Cer. O my deer father rcftoratio hang thy medicin on my lip5. 
And let this kisrcpaircthofe violent hanncs thatmy wofjflcrs 25 
Hauein thy rcuerencc made. 

Keat. Kind and dcerePrinceire, 
C'of'i' Had you not bene their father thefc white flakes, 
Hadchallengdpitic ofthem.was this a face 

To be cxpofda«inft the warring wirids, 3Z 

To ftand againft the deepc dread ooltcd thunder. 
In the moft terrible and nimble ftrokc 
Of quick croffe lightning to watch poore "PerdUf 
With this thin helmc mi ne iniurious doggc, 36 

Though he had bit me, £hould hauc Hood that night 
Againft my fire, and waft thou fainc poore father. 
To houill thee with fwinc and rogues fbrloi'ne, 

In Ihortandmuftieftraw, alack, alack, 40 

Tis wonder that thy life and wits at once 
Had not concluded all, he wakes fpeakc to him. 
DoU, Madam doyou, cis firtcft. 
^ord. How does my royall Lord, how fares your maiefKe. 
Lear. You do mc wrong to take me out ath grauc, 
Thouart a foule in blifTc, out I am bound 
Vpon a wheele of fire, that mine owne teares 
Do fcald like molten lead. 

CvrJ. Sir know me, 4-8 1 

LeAr. YarafpiritIknow,wheredidyt)udyc. 
(erd. Stilljflill, farrc wide. 
rDeS. Hees fcarcc awake, let him alone a while. 
Lear. Where hauc I bene, where am 1 faire day light, 52 

I am mightily abufd, I fhould enc<Iy e with pitie. 
To fee another thus, I know notw hat to fay, 
I will not fwearcthdfc are my hands, lets fee, 

K a I 


Kvii The HiftorkofKmglAxr. 

S6 I feck this pin prickc, would I were adm'd of my conuicion . 

(fori^ O lookcvpon me fir,and hold your hands i I! beneditEti- 
on ore me, no fir you m\ii\ not Icneelc* 

Leaf, Pray doc net mocki:, 
I am a very foolifli fond old man,. 
ei,6z Fourcfcorc and vpvvai'd,and to dcale plainly 
t Ifearelaninotinmy pcxfcftmind, 
64 Mcc thinks I {liould know you,and know this man j 
Yet I am doubtful!, for I am mainly ignorant 
What place this is, and all the skill I haue 
Kcmemhcrsnot thcfe garments, nor I know not 
1 6s Where I did lodge lafl; night,doc not laugh at me, 
For as lam a man, I thinke this Ladie 
To bemy child foratlk* CertL And fo I am. 

Lear. Be your teares wet, yes faith, I pray weep not, 
If you haue poyfon for mee [ will drinkc it, 
I know you doc not iouc me, fpr your lifters 
Haue as Idoc remember, done me wrong, 
You haucforoc caufc,thcy haue not. 
C«rd. Nocaufcjnocaufe. Ltar. Aml'mFrMcet 
Kent. Inyourownckingdomefo. 
Lear. Doe not abufc me ? 

DoB. Be comforted good Madame, the great rage you fee is 
80 cured in him, and yet it is danger to make him cucn ore the time 
hce has loft, dcfirc him to goc in, trouble him no more till fiif- 
thcr fcding.' (I^&rd. Wilt pleafe your highnes walke ? 

Lear. You mufl; beare with me, pray now forget and for^iuCj 
I am old and fooliHi. JExeuut, Manet Kent and Gent. 

^ent. Holds it true fir that the Duke ofCemwalivias fo ilainc i 
Kpnt. Moftcertainefir. 
Gent. Who is conduftor of his people ? 
Kent. As tis faid,thebaftardfonneof C/oiyf?", 
^ent. They fay Edgarhii baniHitfohne is with the Earic of 
Ke»t in CJermame, 

Kent. Rcportis chnno;cable,ti? time to jookc about, 
The |-)owcrs of the king^ome approach apace. 
Ger.t. Thearbiccrment is lilce to be bloudie.fare you well fir, 
Ktnt. My poym and period vvill be throughly wrought, 



The HiftorieofKingLear. lYvii 

Orwell, orill,asthisdayesbatteIsfoiighc. Exit. 9a 

E*iUr EdmMMd, RegM, and their powers. 'yrj. 

Bafi. Know of the Dukcif liis laftpurpofehold. 
Or whether fince he is aduis'd by ought 
To change the courfc, he's full of abaicatfon 
And felfe rcprouing, bring his conflant pleafure. 
Rtg. Our fillers man is certainly mifcaried, 
Bafi. Tis to be doubted Madam^ 
Reg. Now fweet Lord, 
You know the goodncs I intend vpon you, 

Tc 1 1 me biit truly, but then fpcak the truth, e t 

D oc you not loue my fitter ? B.ifi. I, honor'd loue. 

Reg. B nt haue you neuer found my brothers way. 
To the fbr&ndcd place? Bajt. That thought abufes you . 

Reg' I amdoubifull that you haue beene coniunfland bo- /z 

fomowith hir,asfaraswe callhirs. 
Baft. No by mine honour Madam; (with her. 

Reg. I neuer (ballindure hir, deeremy Lord bee not &niliar 
Baji. Feareme not, fliee and the Duke her husband. 

Stiter tAlbanjani (jonorillMithtroKftSt 
(fOKo. I had rather loofc the battaile, then that filler fhoulJ 
looftn him nd race. 

Alb. Ou'^vctylouingfiftcrwellbe-met 
For this I hcare the King is come to his daughter 
Wi th others, whomc the rigour of our ftate 
Forft to crieout, where I could not be honeft 
I neuer yet was valiant, for this bufincs 
It touches vs,as Fr4»«inuadc sour land 
Not holds the King, with others whome Ifearc, 
Moftiuft and heauy caufes make oppofe. 
5*/?. Siryoufpeakcnobly. /ffjf. Why isthis rcafon'd? 26 

gom. Combine togither gainfl; the enemy, 
Forthefe domeftique dore particulars 
Are notto qucftion here. 

Aib. Let vs then determine with the auntient of warreon our 
proceedings . Ba^. I fliall attend you prefently at your tent, 
Reg. Sifter you'I gee with VS-? (joh. No. 

Reg. Tismoftconuenicnt, pray you goc with vs. 36 

K 3 gtn. 


YL ^^^ HiBme of King le^. 

Can, O ho, I know the riddle^ I wilJ goc. ^nter Eig^ 

Edg If etcyour Grace had fpcech with man fo poore, 
Hcaremeotteword. Sxennt, 

Alb. llcoucrtakeyou,fpeake. 
4o EJ_f. Before you fight the batteJl ope this letter. 

If you hane viftory let dlietrumpet found 
For lum that brought it, wretched though Ifccme, 
I can produce a champion tl>at will prouc 
Wliat isauowched there, if youmifcary. 
Your bufines of the wond hath fo an end, 
Fortune loue you, Alh. Stay till I hauc read the letter. 
^8 EJf . I was forbid it, when time iLall feruc let but the Herald 

cry.andileappearcagaine. 'E.xit. 

Alb. Why fare thee well, I will orc4ookc die paper. 

Y^nter Kdmunti. 
Bafl, The enemies in vew, draw vp your powers 
* S2 Hard is thcqueffc of their great ftrength and forces 

By diligent difcouery, but your haft is now vrg'donyou. 
Alb, Wee will ^rect the time. E«>. 

"Bafl. Tobothtnefe fitter hauc I fworne my louei 
Each iealous of cbc other as the fting are of the Adder, 
Which of them flball I take, both one or neither, neither can bee 
If both remaine aliue, to take the widdow (inioy'cl 

eo Exafperatcs,makes mad her fitter goKorill, 

And hardly fliaH I cary out my fide 
Her husband being ahue, now tlicn wc'lc vfc 
His countenadce for the battailcj which being done 
Let lier that woujd be rid of him dcuife 
His fpeedic taking ofF, as for his mercy 
Which he ententls to Lesr and to (^ordelU: 
rhc battailc done,atid they within our po>Arer 
ShaJlreucr fee his pardon, for my ftate 

Stands on nic to defend, not to debate. Exit, 

Yii Alftntm. Enter the jfswtrt of France oner the flagt, Ccrdelia with 

ber father in her hand. 
Enter Edgur andGlofter. 
Edg. Here father, take thcftiaddow of this buili 
For yourgoodhoaft, praytliat the right may thriuc 


"the HiBorie of King Lear, V.ii. 

If euer I rctumc to you againe ilc bring you comfort. Exit' 
giofi. Grace goe with you fir. *" Akrum 'andretreut, ■*< 

E«f(j. Away old man,giue me thy handjaway, 
King ^Mr hath loftjhe and his daughter taine. 
Glue me thy hand.come on. 
Gioft, No farther fir, amanmayrotcucnhcre. 
"Edg. What in ill thoughts againe men inuft injure. 
Their going hence,cucn as their coming hither, 


KtfterKdmuftdywith Lear and Cordelia prifofun. Viii. 

S<»^j Some officers take them away,good guard 
TJiatarecoccnfurethem. (incurd 

Cer. We arc not the firflwho with beftmcaning haiic 
The worft, for thee opprefTed King am Icafl downe, 
My fclfc could elfe outfrowncfalfe Fortunes frownc. 
Shall we not fccthcfe daughters, and thcfe fiftcrs J 

Lear, No,no, come lets away to prifon 
Wc two alone will fing like birds it'n cagcj 
When thou dof^askeme blefiing,ile knccle downe 
And aske of thee forgiuencs,fo weclcliuc 
And pray , and fin^ and tell oldtales and laugh 
Atguilded buttej-niesjandhcare poorc rogues 
Talke of Court newes,and week calkc with them to, 
Who loofes,and who wins ,whofe in,whofc out. 
And take vpon s the raiftery of things re 

As if we were Gods fpies,and weelc wcare out 
In a wal'dprifon.packsandfefts of great ones 
Thatebbe and flow bith' Moonc. 
Bitfi. Take them away. 

Lear, Vpon fuch facrifices my Cordelia, 20 

The Gods thefelucs throw inccnfe, hauc I caughr rhee? 
fje that parts vs fliall bring a brand frorn heaucn, 
Andfirc vs hence like Foxes ,w ipe thine eyes. 
The goodfhalldeuoure cm,fleach and fell 
Ere they (liallmakc vs wecpc / wele fee vm ftaruefirft, 
Bafl. Come hither Captaine,harkc, (coiriC, 

Take thou diis notc,goc follow them to prifon. 


7 4 . , 

Viji T^e ff/flmec/ King Lear. 

t28 Ami ftcp, I li.itic aduajKt chce, if thou doft 

Asthisinftru^s thee, thou doft make thy way 
To Qoblc fortunes, know thou this th.itmcn 
.32 Arc as tKc time is^to be tendcnnindcd 

Docs not become a fvvord, tliy jf reat imployment 
Will not bearc qucftion, cither fay thout do't. 
Or tliriue by other mcancs. 
Cap. lie do't my Lord. 

£afl. About it, and write happy when thou haft don, 
36 Markc I fay inftajicly, and cari e it fo 

As I hauc fct it downc. 

C^ap. 1 cannot draw a cart, nor eatc dridc oats. 
If it bcc mans workeilc do't. 
t Enter DMke, the two Ladiet, and othert. 

1 40 Alb. Sir you hauc fiicwcd to day your valiant ftrain. 

And Fortune IcdyoO well you hauc the captiucs 
That were the oppofitcs of tiiis daycs ftri fc. 
We doc require then of you fo to vfe thern. 
As we ftiall hud their merits, and our fafty 
May equally determine. 

B^fi. Sir I thought it fit, 
Tofauctheoldand mifcrablcKingto foitic retention, 
ts Whofe age has chamics in it.whofc title more 

To pluck the corcn bolFom of his fide. 
And turnc our impreft launces in ou r ey es 
Which doe commaund thciti,with him I fent the queen 
S2 My rcafon.all the fame and they are rcadie to morrow, 

t Or at fiirther fpacc, to appcarc where you ftiall hold 

* Your fcffaon atthis time, mcc Iweat and bleed, 

56 The friend hath loft his friend, and the beft quarrels 

In the heat arc cnrft, by thofc tha r fecle their ibarpes, 
The qncftion oi Coydetia and her father 
Requires a fitter place. 
Ji/l>. Sir by your patience, 
60 Ihold you but a fubieftof thiswarre,not as abrother, 

Re^. That's as wc lift to grace him, 
Methinkes ourplcafurcdiould hauc bcene demanded 
Ere you had fpokefo farrc, he led ourpowcrs, 









The HiiierieoflCmgUar. Yiji 

Borechc cornniifTion ofmyplace andperibo, 
TUe which imediarc may well fiand vp, 
And call it fclfe your brother. 

GoM». Noc fo lior, m his owncgracehc« doth exaJr I>inil"clic 
more then in youcaduaucernent. 

Ren. Inmyrightbymeinucftedhccom-pccrschcbell. es 

(Jnn, Tliat were die motV, if hee ihould husband )-ou. 
Rf^. Icfters doc oft proue Prophets. 

G<w, Hola,hola, that cyerhat told you fo,lookt but 4 fquint, 
Reg. Lady I am not wcll,«{s I fliouJd anfwcrc 
From a full flowing ftomack, Generall 
Take thou-niy fouldicrs,f>rifoncrs, patrimonie, 
Wiciics tlie world that I create thcc here 
My l-ord andmaifter. 

Can, Mcjiieyou to inioy him then ? 
j^!lb. The letalonc lies not inyour goodwill. 
'B-*(t. Nor inthinc Lord. 

Alk. Halfc bloiided fellow .yes. 5o 

'Bafl. Let thednmi ftrikc, and ptouemy title good» 
ty^lb. Stay yetjhearE reafon, f<<iwHw«/Iarrcftthcc 
On capital! trca(bn,and in thineatraint. 

This gilded Serpent, for yourckime fjure fitter 84- 

I barcit in thcintereftofmy wife, 
Ti.i fhc is fubcontrafted to this Lord 
And I her husband cootradiiftthe banes, 
Ifyouwillmary, make your !ouc to m^ 

My Lady is bcfpokc.thou aitarm'd Ghflvr, 89,90 

Ifnonc appcare to proucvpon thy head. 

Thy hainous,iranifeft,nnd many treaTons, 32 

There is my pledge, ilc proueit on thy heart 
Ercl tail bread, thou arc in nothing leflc 
Then I hauc here proclaimdthce. 
Reg. Sicke, 6 ficke. 

f/ff*. If^iiot, ilcncretruftpovfott. p6 

iiiifi- Thcr's my exchange, what in theworld he is, 
Call by tiiy tiuiJ7pct,hc chat dares approach, 

On hinijon you,who nor, I will mainuxuc wo 

L My 





^^iii■ the HiBorit of King Lear.<r, 

My truth and honour fomcly. 

Alb. A Herald ho. B^. A Herald ho,a Herald, 

^i^. Truft to thy finglc vcrtuc,forthy fouldiers 
All Icuicdin my name, haue in my name tookc their 

Re^^ Thisfickncsgrowesvponmc. (difchargc. 

a7^. She is not wcll,conuey her to my t«it, 
Come hcthcr Herald,iet the trumpet found. 
And read out this. Cap, Sound crumpet? 

tier. If any manof qualitie or degree, in thchoaft of the 
army, will raainuinevpon £i«8iwW fuppofcd Earle oi Clever ^ 
tJiat he's a manifold traitour, let him appearc at the third found 
of the trumpet, he is bold in his defence. 
&«/?. Sound; Againe? 

Enter Edgar at the third ftund, a trsmtpft before him, 

t^lb. Askc him his purpolcs why he appeares 
Vpon this call oth' trumpet. 
120 Her. Whatareyou.'yournameand qualitie; 

And why you anfwcrc this prefent fummons. 

E4g. O know my name is loft by trcafons tooth. 
Bare-gnawnc and canker-bitte;yct arc I mou't 
Where is the aduerfarie I come to cope with all. 
tra* j4lb. Which is that aduerfarie.' {Gloflery 

Edg. What s he that fpcakes for Sdm/tndEsale of 

"Baii Him felfi:,what faicft thou co him ? 

Edg. Draw thy fword. 
That ifmy fpeech offend a noble hartj thy arme 
May do thee luflice, here is mine. 
Behold it is the priui!edj;e of my tongue, 
My oath and my profcmon, I protcft, 
Maugure thy flrength, youth,place and eminence, 
732 Dcfpightthy viflor, fword and fire new fortim'd. 

Thy valor and thy heart thou art a tray tor, 
Falfe to thy Gods thy brother and thy Father, 
Confpicuate gainft this liigh iiluftrious prince, 
136 And tcom tlje'xtrcame ft vpward of thy head, 

To the dcfcenrand duft beneath thy re6t, 
AmoQ toad-fpotted traytor fay thou no 
This fword, thii armcandmy beft fpitits, 




The HiJierieifK'wg Lear. V-iii. 

As bent to proue vponrhy heart wlierctol fpeakc thou Kcfl, 1*0% 

Bali. In vvifdome I fholud aske thy name, 
But fince thy outGcU lookcs Co faireand wariikc. 
And that thy being fonie fay of breeding breathes, 
By right ofknighthoodjldifdaine and fpume 
Hecre do I toflTc thofis ttcafbns to thy head. 
With che hell haredly, oreturnd thy heart, 
Which for they ycf glance by and fcarccly brqfc, 
TJiis fword ofmincihall glue them inftant way 
Where tliey ftiall reft for euer, trumpets fpcake, 

Alt^ Saaehitn,fauclum, 

^on. Thisismeerc praflifeff/iT^w by tire law of amies 
Thou art not bound to anfw ere an vnkno wnc oppofitc. 
Thou art not vanquiflit, but coufncd and begiiild, 

^l/. Stop your mouth-dame, or with this paper fliall I ftople 
it, thou worfe then any thing, reade thine ownc cuill, nay no 756 

tearing Lady .Iperceiue you knov/t, (mefot'c. 

gon. Say ifl do,the lawes are mine not thinc,who fhal arrainc 

Ali. Moftinonftfousknow'ft thou this paper; 

€oH. Aske mcnotwhatl know. Exit.GonorUl, 

Alb. Go after her,fliee'sdcfperatc,ffouerne her. 

Btifi. What you haue chargd me with.that hauc I don 
And more, much more, the time will bring it out. 
Tis paft, and fo am I, but whatart thou 7e4 

That haft this fortune on mc ; ifthou b ec'ft noble 

EBgi> X,et's exchange charit)'", 
I am no Icffe in bloud'thenthou art Eimani, 
If more, the more thou haft wrongd mc. 
My name is Edgar, and thy fathei-s fonne, 
ThcGodsareiuft, andofour pleafantvertues. 
Make inftruments to fcourge vs the darke and vitious 
Place where thee he gottCjCoft him his eies. 

Bafi. Thou haft fpoken truth, the wheclc is come 

fiiU circled I am heere. 

Mh. Me thought thy very gate did prophccie, 

A royallnoblcnefle I muft embrace thee, /7g 

Let lorow fpUt my heart ifl did euer hate thee or thy father. 

^ hi Bdgar. 



The HifiorkofKingLear. 



Eig, Worthy Prince I know't. 

M. Where hauc you hid your felfe? 
How hauc you knowncthc niifcries of your iather } 

Edg. BynurfingEhemmyLord, 
Liftabriefc talc, and wbcBOS told 
O that my heart would burftthcfaloudy proclamation 
To efcape that followed me foncerc, 

our hues fweetncs, that with the painc of dcadi, 
Would hourly die, rather then die at once. 
Taught me to {hift into a mad -mans rags 
To affiiimeafcmblance that very doggcsdifdain'd 
And in this habit met I my father with his bleeding rings , 
The precious ftones new loft became his guide. 
Led him, beg'd for him, Ciu'd him from difpaire, 

732 Neucr(OFathet)reueald my felfc vnto him, 

Vntill fomc halfc hourcpaft, when I was armed, 
Notlure, though, hoping ofthisgoodfucceffe, 

1 askt hi» blefling, and from firft to laft, 
796 Told him my pilgrimage, but his flawd heart, 

Alackctoo wcakcjthe conflift to fupport, 
Twixt two extreanics ofpaflion, ioy and griefe, 

Baft. This fpcech ofyours hathmouedme, 

200 And fliall perchance do good,but fpcakc you on. 

You looke as you iiad fomcthing more to fay, 

Albt If there be more, more wofull, hold it in. 
For I am almoft ready to diflbluc, hearing ofthis, 

204 Sdg, This would haue fcemd a periodc to fuch 

As loue not forow,but another to amplifictoo much, 
Would make much more, and top extieamitie 
Whil ft I was big in clamor, camcthere in atnan, 
Who hauing fccnc me in my worft eftate, 
Shundmyaohordfociety, but then finding 
Who XMV3.S that fo indur'd with his ftrong armes 

2/2 Hefaftencd on my iiccke and bellowed out. 

As hcc'd burft heauen,thrcw me on my father. 
Told the moft pitious tale of Lear and him, 
That cucr earc rccciucd, which m recounting 


The HiSleriefifKingl^ar. 

His gtieft grew paiflaatand the ftrings of iife. 
Began to crackc twice^ then che crumpets foundecL 
And there I left him traunft. 

v/ilb. But who was chis< 

Ed. ^<fMiir,the baaillitK£«f,whoindiguii«, 
Followed his enemie king and did him feruice 
Improper for ailaue. 

Enter one -mthalilm^eknift, 

Qea- Hclpe, hclpe, ^knife ? 

Alb. What kind oi hclpe, what meanes that bloudy 
Gent. Its hot it finokes, iccame euen from theheart ot- 

Alb. Who man, ipeakc/ 

qent. Your Lady fir, your Lady, and her lifter 
By her is poyfoncd, flic hath confcft it. 

"Bafi. I wascontrafted to them both, all three 
Now marie in an inftant. 

Alb. Producetheirbodics.bethcyaliueordcad, 
This luftice of the hcauens that makes vs tremble, 
Touches v$ not with pity. Eig. Here comes iTwr fir. 

Alb. Otis he, the time will not allow Enter Kim 

The complement that very mantwrs vrges. 

Kent. I am come to bid my King and maifter ay good night, 
Is he not here? 

Bukf, Grcatthing of vs torgot, 
Spcakc EJmiirid, whers the king, and whers Cerde&t 
Secft thou this obieft K>^t. The bodus of gonortiand 

Kent. Alackwhythus. RtganarebroHihttti, 

Bafi. Yet £</w«wd was beloued, 
The one the other poyfoncd for my fake. 
And after llue htr felfe. Di^e. Euen fo, coucrthcir faces. 

Bafi. I pant for life, fome good I raeane to do, 
Defpightofmyowne naturc,quickly fend. 
Be briefe, int toth' caftle for my writ. 
Is on the lift oiLear and on Ctrdelut, 
Nay fcndin time. 1>«%. Runnc,runnc,0 runnc. 

Edg: To who ray Lord, who hath the office, fend 
Thy token of rcpreeuc. . , ^ 

^ali. Well thoui'hc on, take my f Jvord the Captaxne, 
" ' ° Lj thuc 












Yiii. The fJiflarie ofKmg Iter, 

Giuc k the Captaiiic? Duk*, Haft thee for thy life, 

Ba^. Hehach Commifnonfromthy wifcandme. 
To \-vin'^C<>rdtUA in the prifon, and to lay 
254 The blame vpon her ownd defpaire. 
That flic fordid her felfe. 
^«.f#. The Gods defend her, bearc him hence a while. 

Stiiet Lear withf^erdiltain his arms t. 
Ltur, Howlc,hovvlc,howl€,howle, Oyou aremen of ftoncs, 
258 Had I your tongues and eyes, I would vfe them fo, 

That heaucns vault fliould cracke,fliccs gone for cucr, 
1 know when one is dead,and when one hues, 
Shees dead as earifh, lend itie a looking daffe, 
*262 If that her breath will mift of ftainc thcftonc, 

* Why thenflieliues. ^*i»r. Is this the promift end. 

* BAg. Or image ofthat horror. O*"^. Fall and cea(c» 
Lear. This feather ftirs (he liues, ifitbe fo» 

t26fi It is a chance which do's redeemcallforowes 

Thateuerlhauefelt. Ktnt. Araygoodmaiftcr. 

Lear. Pretheaway? Scig. Tis noble ATrw/ your friend. 

Ltar. A plague vpon your murderous tray tors all, 
27(7 I ijjighthaue faucd hctj now fhees goncfor eucr, 
CwdeltA,(^cird.<!lt», ftay a 1 (ttle» ha, 
t What ill thou fay eft, her voyce waseuerfoft, 
Gentle and low, an excellent thing in womeHj 
I kild the flaue that was a hanging thee. 
C^f, Ti s tru e my Lord s , h e d id . 
t LuAY. DJdInotfelIow?Ihauefecnetheday, 

With my good biting Fauchon I %vould 
Haue made them skippe, I am old now, 
27a And thcfefamecrofles fpoyle me, who arc you? 

* Mine eyes are norothe beft, ile tell you ftraight. 
Kent, If Fortune bragd of two flic louedor hated. 

One of them we beho Id. Lear. Are not you Kent* 

Kent. The fame your feruant ^Tffwf, where is your fcruant Cairn, 

Ltar. Hcc5 a good fellow, I cantellthat, 
Hecle ftrike and quickly too, hz^s, dead and rotten. 
Ktnt. No my good Lord, I am the very man. 

Lea.r. lie fee that ftraight. 



TtieaiSa-ieafKing Leer. 

Keta. That from your Jifc «^dificrence anddcc jy, 
Kauefollowedyourfadftcps- Lear. Your welcome hitfier- 

Ke*a. Nor no nun cl(c, ^s chearles^ tiarkc and deadly. 
Your cUcft dai^htcts hauc forcdoomc thcraWues. 
And dc^cnurly arc dead. Lear. Sothinkelto, 

Df^. He knowesnot what he fees, and vainc it is, 
Thatweprcfentvstohim, Sdg. Vcryboodcflc. Etaer 
Coft. fiirawwiisdeadmyLord!. CaptMiu. 

Dukf' fliatsbut a trifle iiccrc, you Lords and noLie friends, 
Knowouriatent, what comfort tothis decay may come, /halJ be 
applied : for vs we wil refine during the life of this old maiefty, 
tohimour abfolute power, you to your rights with bootc, and 
fuch addition as your honor haue more then merited, all ineiuU 
ihall taft the wages of their vcrtue,and al foes the cup of their de- 
feruings, Ofec,fce. 

Zear. Andmy poore foolc is hangd, no, no lifoj why fKould a 
docr.ahorfe, aratoflifeand ^ouno breath ataU, O rfioli wilt 
come no more, ncuer,neuer,neucr, pray you vndo this button, 
thankeyou ffr, O. o,o,o, ^^f • Hcfaints my Lord,my Lord. 

Lear, Breake hart,! prethe breake. Ed[at: Look vp my Lord. 

Kent. Vex not his ghoft, Olcthim paUe, 
He hates him that would vpon the wracke. 
Of this tough world ftretch him out longer. 

EJg. O he is gone indeed. 

Kent. Thcwondcris, hch^ithcndin'ed fo long, 
He but vAupt hi* life. 

^Mkf. Bcarc them from hence, onrprcfentbufines 
Is to genciall woe, friends ofmy foulei, you rwaine 
Rule m this kingdome,aod the goard (bte fitftaine. 

Ktist.l hauc a ioumcy fir, thortly to go, 
My maifter ca!s, and I mull not fay no. 

Duke. The waight ofihis fad timcwe muft obey, 
Speakcwhatwefeeic, not what we oughttofay. 
The oldeft hauc borne moft, we that are yongt 
SJiall neucr fee fo much,nor liucfo long. 






302 t 

306 t 
370 1 

374- 1 




Facsimile of Sheet K of the imperfect Copy of ^ 

in the British Museum (Press Mark C. j^, K. ly ), 

noted by Cambridge EJitms as 

Mus. IMP. 


The Hiflorie cf Ktftg ledr. 

Gtofi, Hartic thankcs, the bouncy and the benizon of Iiejuen zaa 

to boot, to boot. Emtr Sten'arti. 

Sterv. A prodamed pnz£,niofl happy, tliat cylcs head of thine 
was firft framed flefli to rayfe my fortunes, thou moft vnhappy 
traytor^ briefly thy felfe remember, the fword is out thatmuH 
ddtroy thee, 

Gltjl. Now letthy friendly hand put ftrcngth enough to't. 

Stew. Wherefore bould pefant durft ihou fupport a publiflit 
craytor^hence leaft the infcduon of his fortune take like hold on 
thee, let goe his arme? 

£d£. Chill not lee goe fir without cagion. 

S(en>. Letgocflaue, or thoudieft« 

£^^. Good Gentleman goe your gate, lecpoore vokcpalte, 
and chud haue beene fwaggar'd out of my life, it would not hauc 
beenefolongbya vortnight, nay come notncare the old man, 
keepe out cheuore yc,or ilc trie whether your coftcrd or my bat 
be the harder, ile be plaine with you. Z4a t 

Stew. OucduiighilJ. they fight. 

Bdg. Chill pick your teeth fir,come,no matter for your foyns. 

Stew. Slaue tIiouha(inainerae,villainetakemypurfte, 
If cuer thou wilt thriue, buriemy bodie. 
And giue the letters which thou find'ft about me 
To i;W<»«»iEarleof (7/oi?«r,feekehim out, vpott 
The Brtttifh partie, 6 vntimely death ! death. He ^t, 

'E4g. I know thee well, a feruiceable villaine. 
As dutious to the vices of thy mifbes, as badnes would 

G'/o/?. What ishedead f fdefirc. 

E^f • Sit you down father,reft you.lets fee his pockets 
Thefe letters that he fpeakes of^may be my friends, 
Hce's dcad,I am only forrow he had no other deathlmSi 
Let vs fcc,lcaue gentle waxe,and manners blame vs not 
To know ourcnemiesmind$,wc«i'd rip their hearts, 
Thcirpapcrsismorclawfiill. A letter. 

Let your reciprocal! vowes bee remembred, you hauc many 
opportunities to cut him oflF.if your will want notitinie and place 
will be truitfuHy ofFercd. there is nothing done. It he rctumc the 
conqueronr, then am I the prifbner, and his bed my iayle, from 
the lothcd warmth whereof dchucr me^nd fupply the place for 

K your 




rtf tJiforiei^KitigLeir. 

yourlabonr,yotjr wifc(ro I would fay)your aftVftJonatc fciuant 
and for you her ovviic for Vfnter^ GomriU. 

jEV/. O IntlilHngnillit fpacc ofwomans wit, 
Aplot vpoii her vcrtuoMi husbands Jifc, 
And the excliangc my brother hccrc in the fands, 
T1)ce ik rake vp, the port vnfaniflified 
Of rnurtherouslcaclicrSj and in the mature time, 
"With this vngratious paper ftrike the fight 
Ofthe death praftir<i Duke, for hitntis well^ 
That of thy death and bufineflc I can tcli. 

giofi. The King is mad, how ftiflfe is my viid fence, 
That I ftand vp and haue ingenious feeling 
Of my huge forowes, better I were diftiaft, 
So iliould my thoughts be fenced from my griefes. 
And woes by wrong imaginations loofe 
The knowledge of clicmfelucs. tAArwm afurreoff, 

Eig. Giueinc your hand far offme thinks I hcarc the beaten 

Come father ilebeftow you with a friend. Extt, (drum, 

Entir Cordtlia,Keitt andDoQor. (thy goodnes. 

Cord. O thou good Kent how (hall I Ihie and workc to match 

My life will be too fiiort and euery mcafurefaile mc 

Kent. To be acknowkgd madamc is ore payd, 
All my reports go with the modeft truth. 
Nor more, nor dipt, but fo. 

Cor, Be better fuited tlicfe weeds are memories of thofe 
Worfer howcrs, I prithc put them off. 

Kent.' Pardon mc deerc madame, 
Yet to be knowne ffiortcns my made intentj 
My boone 1 make it that you know mc not. 
Till time and I thinkc mcetc. 
Cord. Thenbeetfo,my good Lord how docs the king, 
1)oa, Madame fleepes Hill. (nature. 

Card, Oyou kind Gods cure this great breach inhis abufed 
The vntund and hattymz, fenccs,0 wind vp 
Of this child changed father, 

Z)ff(!7. So pieafc your Maieftie that wc may wake the king, 
He hath llspt long. 
Cord, Be gouernd by your knowledge and proceed, 


69 » 

The RiMor'u of Kitt/g LsAr. lYvii 

h[\ fway of your ownc will is he arayd, 

Doil. I madam, in the heaoineffcof his fleepe, 
Wc put frcfli garments on him, 
^etit. Good madam be by .when wc do awake him 
I doubt not of his temperance. 
Cvd. Very well. 

2)»fl. Pleafe you draw ncerc, louder the mufickc there. 
Cor. O my deer fathcrreftoratio hang thy medicin on my ijps, 
And let this kis repairc thofe violent namxcs that my two fillers 
Hauein thy reuerence made. 

Kent. Kind and dcercPrinccflc, 
C^d. Had you not bene their father thefc white ilakes, 
Hadchallengd pi tie of them, was this a lace 
To be expofl a^ainft the warn ng winds. 
To ftaud againli the decpe dread bolted thi mdcr , 
In the moft terrible andnimblc ftroke 
Of quick crofle L'ghtniiig,to watch poore 'Perdn, 
With this thin helmemine iniurious dogge, 
Though he had bit me, fhould haue flood that night 
Agdinft my fire, and waft tliou faine poore father. 
To houillthee with fwinc and rogues fbrlornc, 
In (liort and muftie ftraw, alack, alack, 
Tis wonder that thy life and wits at once 
Had not concluded all, he wakes fpeake to him. 
Dtil, Madamdoyou, cis fitteft. 

Qird. How does my royall Lord, how fercsyourmaicftic. 
Ltar, You do me wrong to take me out ath graue, 
T1»uatta{bu!cinbhflc,butl am bound 
Vpon a wheele of fire, that mine ownc tearcs 
Do fcald like molten lead. 

Card. Sirknowme, 4^4: 

Lear. Yar a fpirit I know, where did you dye. 
^Vrf. Stiiljftill, Eirrcwide. 
Den. Hcesfcarce awake, let him alone a while. 
Ltar. Where haue I bene, where am I faire day light, 
I am mightily abufd, I iLould ene dye with pitic. 
To fee aitother thus, I know not what to lay, 
J wiliuotfwcarethcfearcmy hands, lets fee, 

K a I 


W^m. The Hi^wk^ ting tear , 

s6 ^ iedc chis pin prickc, would I were alTur'd ofniy contlirion. 

Cerd. O lookcvpon me fir,and hoJdyour haiittsiji bcjicdi^Tti- 
en dxc mc, nu iir yon imift not IcnccJe* 
* JUa>'. Pray doe not irockc, 

eo I am a very fooliih Ibnd old man, 

Fourcfcoic and vpvvaid.and to deale plainly 
I firarc I ain not in my pei &a mind, 
64 Mcc thinl«sl fliould know you,and know thisman ; 

Ycc I am doubtfiiil, forlam mainly ignorant 
What place this is, and all the skill I hauc 
Rcmcitibcrs not thcfe varments, nor I know not 
eat Whcrcidid lodge laft night.^iocnotlaughatme. 

For as I am a man, I chinke this Ladic 
To be iny child (,'tirdelU, Cprd, And fo I am. 

Lear. Be your feares wet; yes faith, I pray weep not, 
72 If you haue poy fon for mec I will drinkc it, 

I know you doc not loiic nw, for your lifters 
Hauc as Idoc remember, done mc wrong, 
You hauc fonic caufc.they haue not. 
^erd. Nocaufe,nocaiife. Lear. AmlinFrance? 
76 Ktnr. Inyourownekingdomeiir. 

Le4tr. Doenotabuieroef 

D«lf, Be comforted good Madame, the great rage you fee is 
BO cared in hfm, and yet it is danger ro make him cucn ore the time 

hcc has loft, defire him to goc iny trouble him no more tilLfur- 
ther fetling.- p"''^ ^''^ plcafe your faighnes vvalkc ? 

Lfar. You muflbearc with me, pray now forget and forgiue, 
Tamold andfoolifh. Bxeuutt Manet Kent and Gent, 

(jtKt. Holds it true firtha: the Duke ofCormtiJlwa fo flainc ? 
Kent. Moftccrrainefir. 
88 Gent. Whoisconduftorot his people? 

Kent. As tis(aid,theba(lai'dfonneof <7/oi?'r. 
^ent., They lay Edgar )»ii banillufonne is with the Eark of 
Kent ill gnmame. 

Kent. Report is changcablc,tis rime to looke about. 
The powers of the kingdorac approach apace. 
96 * Gent. The arbirernicnt is like to be bloudic,fiirc you well fir, 

Kent, My poy m and period will be throughly wrought. 



Tii Htfiorkef King Liar. IVvii 

Or well, or ill, ns thisdaycs barrels fought. Exit. 

Enter EdiTiund, RttaH,aitathtirp»Wtri. Y.\. 

Bifi, Know of the Dukeil his lad purpofc hold. 
Or whether fiace he is aduis'd by ought 
To change theto'jife, hce s full of alteration 
And fclte reprouing, bring his conftantpieafurc, 
Reg. Our fiilcrsnun is certainly tnifcaried, 
Bitfl. Tis to be doirbted Madam, 
Rtg, Now I'wcet Lord, 
You know the "oodnes I intend vpon you. 

Tell mel}uc triily, tut then fpcak the truth, t s 

Docj'ounotlouemyfiftcr? Bafi. I, honor'd iouc. 

R*g. But haue you nciicr found my brothers way. 
To tnc forfendcd place? Bafi. Tliat thought abufcs you . 

Reg, I ain doubifiill that you hauc beenc coniunfland bo- 
fom'd with hir,as far as we call hirs. 
Bafl. No by minebonour Nfadanj. (with her. 

Reg. Ineucr fhall indure hir, dcerc my Lord becnot familiar 
Bafi, Fearemc not, ihee and the Duke her husband. 

€tK*r ty4ll^*njand. CjvnmUwithtraufts, 
(font, I had rather loofe the battaile, then that fiftcr fhould 
loofen him and mee. 

/f/^. Our very lotting fifter well be-mct 2^ 

For this I hearc the King is come to his daughter 
Wi th otherSjVvhome the rigour of our (late 
Forfl to crieout, whercl could not behonefl 

Ineucryctwa$valiant,fbithtsbufinc$ ^ 

Ittouches vs,a$ F^<winuade sour land 
Not holds the King, with others whomc I feare, 
Mofliufl and heauy caufcsimkeoppoft. 
Bafi. Sir you fpeakc nobly. Reg. Why is this reatbn'd.' 
Co»«. Combine to^ither gainft the enemy. 
For thefe domefH que dore particulars 
Are uotto qiieftion here. 

./M. Let v$ then determine with theaunticntof warrc on our 
proceedings. Baft. I fhaltatteod you prcfentty at your tent. 
Re^^. Siiieryou'lgocwiihvs? Qon. No. 

Reg. Tis jnoft conucnient, pray you goc with vs- 

K ? </«». 


3^ The Htiime of King Lear. 

C*». O IiOj f know the ricidle, I will goe. Kuter Eigar 

Edg. Ifcrc your Grace had fpeech with inan fo poorc, 
Hcare me one word. S-xinm. 

Alb. Ilcoueitakeyou, fpcakc. 

E Jj. B e/orc you fight the battel! ope this letter. 
If j'^ou hauc viftory let the trumpet foand 
For him that brought it, wretched though I rccme, 
lean produce a champion that will prouc 
What isaiiowched therc.if youmifcary. 
Your bufines of the world hath fo an end , 
Fortune lone you. Alb. Stay till I haue read the letter , 

E<V. I was forbid it, when time ftiall fcruc let burtlic H«ald 
cry and \ ! c appeare againe. E»f > 

Alb. Why fare thee well, I w i 1 1 ore-lookc the paper. 
E«f*r 'E.hriMnii. 

Baft, The enemies in vieWjdrawvp your powers 
Hardisthequcflcoftheir great ftrcngth and forces 
By diligent difcouery; but your haft is now vrg d on you. 

^/^. "Wee will grectthe time. Ew>. 

"Bafi. Toboth thefe fifterliauc I fwornc my louc. 
56 Each iealous of the other as the ftjng are of the Adder, 

Which ofthein il«ill I take, bothoneor neither, neither can bee 
If both rcmaine aliue, to take the vviddow (inioy'd 

Exafpcraccs.makcs mad her fiftcr gentrtU, 
And hardly fhall I cary out my fide 
Her husband'beingaliue^now then wc'le vfc 
His countenadce for the batrailc, which being done 
Let her that would be rid of him deuifc 
HisfpeedietakingofF, as for his mercy 
Which he cntends to Ltar md to Cerdelit: 
The bactaile donc,and they within our power 
ee Shall neuer fee his pardon, for my ftate 

Stands on me to defend, nor to debate, ^xit. 

YjJ" AUrnm. Enter the p«i/er/ of France outrthe (lagt, Cerdelia mtb 

~^~^ herfMher ttt hirhMtci. 

Enitr E^fi/ir Mtt Glofler, 

■Edz Here father, take thcihaddow ofthis bulh 
For yourgoodhoaft, pray tnat the rightraay thriuc 

52 1- 



. . 73* 

theS^Ume ef Kipg Lear, ^ 

If euer I returnc to you againe iJe bring you comfbrt. Exit' 
Qlojt. Grace goewithyou fir. Alarum avdretreat. t^ 

Edg. Away olcf ntan,gine me thy hand^way, 
King jC<?<»?- hath !oft,beand Jiis danghter cane, 
Giueme thy hand.come on. 
Giafi. No farther fir, a man may roc eucn here. 
Edg. What in iff thoughts againe men mtift indure. 
Their going henc^euor as their coming hither, 

Ripencs is all come on, 

Kater Edmund, mth Lear and Cordelia ffUman. "Viii. 

"Bajl, Some ofEcej-s take them away,good guard 
VntiU theirgreaterpleafures bell be ionowne 
Thataretocenfurcthem, (incurd 

Cur. We are not the firfl who wi th beft meaning haiie 
The worftj for thee opprelTcd King am Icaft downe. 
My fclfe could cJfe outfrowne fellcFortuncs frowne. 
Smil we not fee thefe daughters, and thc& lifters ; 

Lear, No,no,come lets away to prifcKi 
"Wc two aione will fing like birds it'h cxgc^ . 
When thou doftaske me blefling,ile kaeete downc 
And weelelme 
Andpray.aadfinw and tell old rales and laugh 
Arguilded buttcrnies,andheare poore rogues 
Ta Ike of Court newes,and wcele talke with them to, 

Aiid take vpon's the miftw)' ofihings /g 

As if we were Gods {pies.and weelc weare out 
In a wai'dprifon,packsandfefl:s of great ones 
Thatebbe andfiow birh' Moone. 
Baji. Take them away. 

Leaf. Vpon fuchlacrificesxay CtrdeSa, zo 

The Gods thefeines throw inccnfc, haws I cang^ rhee? 
He that parts vs fiiaii brkig a brand froEs heauen^ 
Andfire vs hence like:Foxes,wipe thine eyes. 

The goodflialldeuoureenijfteachandfcU 24 

Ercthcy {hallmake vs weepc? welc fecvmlLvucjSril, 
Safi. Come hither Captaj'nCjharke. (come, 

Take thou this note,goe raHow them to prifon. 



Yiii The HiJtme ef l^tttg Lear, 

1 28 Ooe ftep, I haue aduancC dire, i fchoii dof I 

As this inftrufts thee, rhou doil make thy way 
To noble tbitunes,know thou this thatmen 
Arc as tlic time is, to be teadcr mindcti 
3z Docs not become 4 fword, thy great iraploym«it 

WiU not bcarc queftion, either fay thout do't. 
Or thriue by other meanes. 
Cap. Ik do't my Lord. 

J9«/7. Aboutic^and write happy when thou haft don> 
36 Marke I fay inHuntiy, and cane it fo 

As I haue fetit downe. 

Cm, I cannot draw a cart, nor eate dridc oats. 
If it bee mans workc i!e do't. 

E»tcrD>tkf, the tiv» Ladiet, andvthers. 
Alb. Sir you haue (hewed to day your valiant ftrain^ 
And FoiTune led you wcU,you haue the captiues 
That were tlic oppolitcs ot thi s dayes ftiife. 
We doe require then of you^ fo to vfc them, 
■f4 As we (hall find their merits, and our fafty 

May equally determine. 

B^ifi. Sir I thought it fit. 
To fciid die old and mifcrablc King to fonic retention, and ap* 
48 Whofeagehas cliannes in it.whofetiticinore» (pointed guard. 

To pluck the common boilbmcof his fid^ 
And turncour imprclllauncesinoureyes 
Which doc coraniaund tkem,with him I (ent the queen 
My rcafon,al) the fame and they arcrcadicco morrowj 
Or atfurthcf fpace, to appeare whcK you ftiall hold 
Your fcfiion at this time, wee ^eat and bleed, 
56 The fricjid hath loft his rncnd,and the beft qMarrcls 

Inthchcatarecutil by tfaoretharfeele their iharpnes 
The queftion oSCtritlh and her father 
Requires a fitter pface. 
M. Sirby your patience, 
60 Ihold youbut afuiiiefloi diiswarrr,not as' a brother. 

Ret^. That's as we lift to grace him, 
Methinkes ourpleafureftiould haue beene demanded 
Ereyouhadfpokefo fairc,heledourpowen, 
