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Weather  Forecasts 


•^kl.liir  la    iiinl    VUliiity.      MgtH    l.i 
vxliuld.     iji.i)eiHlly     fall        unci     coUl     at     iilKlii. 
Wi-iliieyJiy    an.l    Tliuriiil«y. 

lAiwoi    Mtttiilaiid;    J^kIu  to  niodertttc  wln.l- 
Bi-iltrally     fair    ami    mid     ill    nlglil.     Wetlli.  » 
ilii.v    and    TlitJi  .-'duy. 


Colonist     Telephones 

Bustiiess    Office     ^^ 

Circulation      . ^'^ 

Job    Printing     *'^ 

Edltorlul     UooniM     " 

(ESlACi-lSHED     IH5S.) 

VOL.  CVii.,  NO.  66 




AnROuncemeiit  Follows  Swiftly 
on  Prorogation  —  Nomina- 
tions on  March  12,  with 
Election  on  March  28 

Wln«   Out   of  Ten  Defendant!  Shown  To 

Hav«  Been   la  Hftblt  of   Coniultlngr 

Behind  Clo«ed  Doora 

CHICAGO,  Feb.  27.— Kviaence  HuU 
nine  of  the  ten  defendants  met  every 
Tuesday  afternoon  between  1007  and 
1910  behind  closed  doors  In  the  direc- 
^»-  room  of  the  National  Paoklns  com- 
puny,  was  given  by  two  witaeBaea  in' 
the  packerH'  trial  today.  The  defendants 
are:  J.  Ogden  Armour,  Arthur  Meteketr, 
Thomas    J,    Conners,      l'";.l w.utl      Morris, 

Louis     1' 

^wilt,     I'M- 


iro  9itlS'f!a$&  During 




s  Ol 

Lewis    P.    Hynmn, 
wariT  F.    Swiri,   Clm.-^.    '>'■ 
w:li  .1     T:  dan.    The    wli 
able    to    laemity   Fram—    . 
Hitendingr   the   sessions. 

The  government  contend 
•a    tJiQse  meetJnjafs   that   t 
thfttr..«»W(U»tetive  eXflJ»!l|»W.X«OTTB«r 

nA  dlvtrton  ot  i4tt«?ry  In  irtc^tum  «f 

•riw  wltiWBBes  "waif;'j^i4  at  tue  meet- 
Ua»  «are  AlonB«i3fi-'B«nn.  MWi^t^xt  to 
IDdw4^4i  TlMen.  a^4  ^  B.  Hayes,  who 
mu  ^nwloyjad  «•  a  etork  la  tha  «fflc« 
untU  4  year  ftciv 

SAN   BARNAXUl^brO.     Feb.    27.— Avt- 

Further  Conferences  to  be  Held 
by  Ministers  with  Represen- 
tatives of  Coal  Operators 
and  Coal  Miners 



IIAblKAX.      Feb.      27.~Tw(.      ni 
iiie   Halifax  sealing  fleet  have   v 
ported    with    2000    seals   valued   at 
$21,000.     The  other  vessel  has  not 
reported    y<^t 


Seaat«  Indicates  Intention  to  Act  by  B.o- 

fasing'  to  Table  BOBOlution  of 

Senatoi'   Foindexter 

after  fW^fSl 
evening  ari," 

p§ff  |»roi3#il«er'.«bortly 

announced  ti 

parliament  ■  Of  .the-?'|iPIP!iPJ^ii''vPr**^^*^ 
Columbia.  Nomlria!^SWiiit>1i»*-*lace 
on  March  12th  and  the  elections  on 
March   28th. 

Premier  McBrlde  stated  to  a  Colonist 
representative  last  evening  tha.t  Ih  view 
of  the  extensive  railway  guarantees  his 
government  was  undertaking  and  the  im- 
portance of  the.  policies  generally  to 
the  country  It  was  considered  only  right 
that   the   people  should  be  consulted. 

The  campaign  will  be  a  short  one. 
Premier  McBrlde  and  his  ministtrs  will 
in  the  course  of  the  next  four  months 
tour  the  province,  speaking  at  different 
points.  The  Premier  will  be  accompan- 
ied by  the  Hon.  W.  J.  Bowser  and  it  is 
anticipr.ietltnat  leaving  n^-T^i  winek  lis 
will  be  absent  from  the  capital  for  up^ 
wards  of  two  weeks.  The  other  mlnis-,    while    speaking    in      t  veral 

roristituencies,  will  also  len  i  i  stance- 
Im  the  various  governmient  candidates. 
As  far  as  can  be  learned  all  the  mem-  in  the  last  house,  with  the  excep- 
tion of  Mr.  .T.  Hawlhornttiwaite,  who  sat 
for  Nanaimo,  will  offer  themselves  for 
rf-nmnUialion.  It  is  also  Stated  that  op- 
position will  be  offered  in  every  con- 
Btitupncy.  The  Liberal  party  is  hold- 
ing a  plovlncUl  convention  in  Vancou- 
ver tom6rrow  evening  at  which  the  part 
to  be  played  in  the  coming  election  will 
be  decided  upon.  Mr.  John  Oliver,  the 
leader  of  the  party,  will  be  placed  In 
nomination  for  the  Delta  riding  as  will 
Mr.    Brewster   in    the    Albernl    constltu- 

cy.     Who  are  the  likely  Liberal  candi- 

tes   In  Vancouver  or  Victoria  are  not 

T    known. 

Ml       Hawthornthwalte's     decision     to 

ve  i.iwiiiu:ttii>ii.rty  politics  is  ^«c  ^'^■ 

la  private  Interests  which  reau it"  top 
much  time  to  allow  him  to  undertake 
[i.uiiamentary  work. 

Passage   of  Slsty-two  BUls 

After  passing  62  bills,  some  of  which 
must  have  an  Important  bearing  on  the 
history  -ot  British  Columbia  withli  the 
next  few  years,  the  third  sesalb.i  6£  the 
12th  parliament  of  the  province  was 
formally  prorogued  yesterday  afternoon. 
In  the  corridors  while  waiting  for  the 
lieutenant-governor  to  come  down,  the 
members  chatted  sociably,  the  principal 
theme  being  the  coming  election  und  Its 
probable  outcome.  Nearly  all  express- 
ed their  intention  of  being  back  next 
-ession  if  possible,  with  the  e>c=it>tlon 
1. 1  Mr.  J.  H.  Hawthornihwaite,  of  Na- 
na I  mo.  The  Socialist  leader  had 
doubts  whether  he  would  run  again, 
I'.iouKh  he  said  that  he  had  many  re- 
■  luesls  to  do  so.  He  stated  that  i-c  had 
no  personHl  .leslre  to  remain  in  politics 
,is  ills  private  buslne.Hs  rcciuircd  all  his 
lime   and   attention. 

Prorogation  took  place  m  4  p.  ni.  be- 
fore galleries  crowded  wltli  spectators. 
Taxation  teglslaUon 

At   tho   opening  ot    the  houSe   Premier 
McBrlde   arose   and    said:    "Mr.    Speaker. 
Before    proceeding    with    the    orders      of 
the  day.  I  would  like  to  announce,  with 
regard    to    t^ie    report   submitted    to    tho 
legislature   a  short   time     ago     by     the 
roval    coinmlHslon  on   taxation,  It  Is  the 
intention  of  the  executive  during  the  re- 
.  .    ..„-..  ....^pV.iilv-  consider  the  flnd- 

ing  covered  by  that  most  Important 
useful  document,  with  ft  view  of 
..mendment  and  consolidation  of  all  Lie 
statutes  dealing  wlUi  taxation.  Perhaps 
,t  would  be  well  to  mention  that  the 
new  laws  will  provide  for  the  repeal 
of  the  provincial  revenue  tax.  They 
win  ;il.«"  make  due  provision  for 
r«ntlnu«>«l   <»n    FsKf  3.   V»\.  ». 

mur  HMVBji  Ciamiftwd  "'  hw  Angulek 

fell  800  feet  toda^i^  when  bla  a<iropIai^ 
bec^ame  vmmanageable.  and  marvelouBly 
Mi^ed  death.  W«|«ijlT,  1.200  feet  tn  thv 
"#r,..tbe  ■en«in»;,  ljtii''^$Smi§^'f  inaohii|« 

.'  -'meai  dcAd,  {«idv;liyii9PiMfaf  .1ii|i«n  «  r«F 



II     llUjtl"l<, 

Between  30|00a  and  40j00a 
''Miners  Have  Already  Lett 
WorH^-Failirtg    Agreement 
Others  Will  Soon  Follow 

mj*!J*I|  V 

plane  to.  earth.  A|r'^*it5"wi»n  untO 
aboui  .200  feet  trroni  the  grOtUldi  when 
air  holes  ivere  encountered  and  the  ma- 
chine fell.  Crawford  escaped  wi  th  bu  t 
a  few  scratches.       . 

LO^VDON.  Feb.  27.— :^0  ''**^'^"'"f°^  °f 
the  coal  dlf^irute  waa  ristched  at  The 
various  ogMwanceB  in  whl«h  Premier 
^aw«"th  -And  members  of  his  cabinet 
«^d  repwapntatlves  ^f  the  mine  own- 
atw-  Mti   '>'**"'»■'  pn-rttelnated  today. 

senate  Is  contemplatln 
the  ILftWrenoe  situation  \.vj.» 
day  wln^fli  it  ■!.  t,.  .t^d 

fort  "'OK-^''^  

"in«vld^^^r^«^p&>nf«*ipapW   **?    «*»»J 
«>Tnml«sloiiiM'-afe^lfttnfe.     .■.-'*  I 

The  resolutlofl;  Itowever,  «•»  not  act- . 
ed    upon.   tAH   it   will  W  aiiiended   and 
some  of  tta     inora    ttr«ife!c.~  provisions 
elHjBtinated.^  .    ,     ',        -         ^       ^^ 

{eam>>deratt«n  of  tN   re«o^tloMi   pr«- 

rlpttated  a   brisk     oollc "-''     *''**- 

tracked  other  tiuMlinesfi'. 

Mobs  Break  Out  in  Kingston, 
Janiaica,  on  Account  of 
Action  of  Canadians  Who 
Own  Street  Railway 


Big  White   Star  Liner  Strikes   Submerg- 
ed Wreck  and  liOeee  Blade  of 




Two  Rioters  Are  M^  ^(mI 

colloauy   .and    JtM»r 

The  criuc^sm" 

^  ^/fecii$?^lans    .a«e; 
Against  Company  • 

^  ji Ill     1    '    'M"-    I   j       fc.i-        W{  V-j 

■ton    ^f/n    ||ven    ovar    if>  .AtdA    ruJ|B 
tlifuuglniut  iial  umu  ai^tf'w'a  tumUl  jit* 

niSLPAST.  Feb.  27.— The  White  Star 
liner  Olympic,  wliieh  left  New  York  on 
Wednesday,  and  was  due  in  Southamp- 
ton today,  struck  a  submerged  wreck  in 
the  Atlantic  early  this  morning  and  is 
now  on  h^r  way  here  for  repairs.  The 
damage  was  confined  to  the  propeller. 
Tile  Olympic  will  laud  her  passengers 
at  the  usual  points  before  proceeding 
hero  for  repairs.     Tho  Olympic  c:iri-led  a 

I   many  notables 
,,.  !  ;.6r     flrst-cabin 

ngors,  amoi  being  Amhasa- 

?PT^t'T7^i«,'ttn|  Du.^w    .;   A owcast Je7 Cuu'rt 
and  W-  S.  Corey. 

Eng..      Feb.      27, — -The 

„, ^JBi  mei-  OiynipAvv  which  had 

her  prORfil^er  damaged  0^vt^UtBlon  at 

Resolution  in  Regard  to  Bound- 
aries Provides  for  Substan- 
tial Increase  in  Subsidy, 
with  Arrearage 


of  the  resolution  wa«.  aimed  at  the  pro- 
pn>t»\   to  hall   state  otftciais     before,    a. 

jjJSteEfeLi  . 

States  Give  Their  Promise 
to  President — Three  Others 
are  Counted  On 

"the  ofj^laf  Btateroent  of  the  pro- 
oeedlWP  wued  tonight  merely  records 
the  fact  that  ae?W»L inferences  were 
held.  It  conclud^^^Wp  <-he  announce- 
ment that  the  conferences  will  be  re- 
sumed  tomorrow. 

Between  30,000  and  40,000  miners  in 
Perhyshire  and  Nottlnghamshli'e  ceased 
work  today,  in  aTCordanoe  *ith  notices 
previously  given,  and  It  is  evident  that 
as  the  limit  times  provided  for  Jn  the 
notices  expire  the  men  will  lay  down 
their  tools  and  await  the  action  of  ihe 
Mlners'  Federation. 

Tlie    negotiations    have    advan.  >-d     to 

tliat    stage    where    It    is    advisable    that 

members  of  the  cabinet  and   n.e   lepre- 

-.^■^^^^.■MrtiilAXivBB-oi  tha   rslstsra   .-  ..>«t. 

Nine  Republican  Governors"  m'  The  position  of  the  miners-  ..........uta- 

tlves  Is  much  simpler  than  that  of  the 
owners'  representatives.  The  former  are 
authorized  by  the  National  Miners"'  Fed- 
eration  to  prehent   their   ultimatum. 

ntn     th..     ,.\Mi.i^s     avv     persuadi.Nl     to 

„.,: ...... iliall- 

ed  by  bringing  the  nts  together. 

From    r  that    mis    has    mft    been 

done,  ii  red  that  the  ■cabinet  has 

not  sueceeded  in  inducln;  i'i<.  ..wners  to 

make  that  conceesloh. 

If   government    Intervention   fails,   by 

Friday    "v."-^-    .-^ilUpry    In    the    land    will 

be    shu'  anwhiie    in.niy    thou-. 

sands    oi     lumti.-    are    making    ri.;uly    to 

strike,  and  the  time,  for  negotiations  ia 


The  nesptiations  continued  until  near 

midnlirht.    Premier  Asquith  had  another 

conference  with    the  owners'  com m! 1 1 e;--. 

and  because  of  the  iroul  situation  neither 

!V'!    t!v  ,f  the  boajd  of  trade. 

Sydney  Buxton,  was  able  to  be  present 
m  the 'house  tonight. 

-     Continued  on  Page  2.   Col.  5. 


position.  The  house  commMJ^  ^"-^^ 
wru  have  a  hearing  on  SatllP^jHMl  «** 
rfm^mion  of  inquiry  Intmluteett'^  by 
9lji|i^s  Berger  and  Reprpsentative 
Wilson  of  Pennsylvania, 

oolUiBlonR  ,  betw.een  the  poMjt^O  »n«l     l^ 
pojimce  two^jnwn  weJrp  kt]|te4  «^<j|  ikiore 

•companies  are  now  faced  with  '  >tbe  prob 
'  lem  of  securing  between  S0.«0<^  ^tlAiifVt^^ 
«Q0  men  to  carry  o4t  the  vast  d«valap=> 
ment  'wm^tmmjiWlt»P^  ««  »if^ 




Opposition    Taken    Aback    by 
^^  ai  Terms  A ! In  wed 

_  .     S^WS^lelax^tion  in  Hindu  !m- 

WINMIPEM3.     »th.    87.— Thf'  wiawayi 

migration  Regulations 


o  summer  of  19 IS. 

OTTAWA,  ^mkM^V'l 
$»  tb«  legtMatlon  t&  enli^r 
*  rtarlas  nf  IT^tiltnhni     hftft 


^nsa)  to  iiaii  state  officials     before,   a^  iT*^    „„  .  "  iLl^       . '_    jy    ti^^T--^!  -J!  JMier  ^fff1»ft■■^^mft  j^ •'M\'lM^lltfMll.T.-*^*b«>;:-  -  '■^ga[-*MAtM»Mv.^.^  ..^  to  tJ»  terms  to  i>» 

Sal   bureau  to   be   lnt<^«gi^~  on .  th^-?o_  injured.    «om«    ^<^   J^    "1  I^SpWSPS^ri^mS^^  ^»2«CT!n^^ 

state  affairs.  aenAtor.lrfijttaJta  »>yiP*         ^fe?''jrfi«rtiA!>'   air  BldttiSy'CiMydt.  ^ttk^  -i^K^-^rand  TninT  Pf^A-  n--*  t*--  ^■"'-  I  ^,„u,  B||ii"'iiiHTf  ntlnr  to  postponing  tM 


After:  Easy  Capture  ofJuafezf 
They  Expect  to  Take  Pos- 
tiessiun  ur  oapiiat  ui  oiaic 
—Have  Force  of  1500 



Spry.       Utah; 

Pothler.  Rhode 

WASHINGTON,  Feb.  27.— -Tele- 
graphic pledges  of  support  from  some 
nine  Republican  governors  were  given 
out  tonight  from  the  campaign  head- 
,,  ident  Tult.     Tlvey  are: 

!,...  .„.-u,    .1  nuesota;    Carroll,    Iowa; 
Hay,         Washington ; 
Maryland:  Tcner, 

Hooper,       Tennessee: 
PcinnewelU,   Delaware; 

In  addition  to  the  above  statements 
made  public,  the^Taft -managers  claimr 
ed  the  support  of  Deneen,  lUinols; 
Gddiei:HevRtl»^W^»**^^  Vermont.    :..     .., 

The  announcement  from  the  Taft 
bureau  is  taken  as  an  answer  to  the 
Chicago  conference  of  seven  gover- 
nors upon  wnose  solicitation  Col. 
Roosevelt    based    his  formal    entry    to 

the  presidential  contest. ^ 

to.  B.  Station  Damaged 

HALiFa:X,  Feb.  27.— The 'intercoiuuim 
station  was  partially  destroyed  by^flre 
due  to  a  short  Circuited  wire  tonight. 

Boftd  Tax  on  Motor  Oars 

TORONTO.  Feb.  27.— The  Ontario 
Good    Road.  today    decided 

to    wait    on  hitney   and   ask 

legislation  imiKJsinf,'  a  tax  on  motor 
cars.  The  funds  thus  raised  are  to  be 
used   for   the  Toad«. 

•  iiat      there 

.luarez.    and 

group    will 

BOBS  Bifle  at  T^i»i»S 
LONDON.      Feb.      27.— Lord 



the   -National    Rifle 

.nadlan   Awsoohi- 

lie    had    nothing 

mere,  chairman 
Aseocl«ti«n,  tol '■ 
ated  Press  tod  . 
t>  say  regarding  tho  Koss  rifle  difficulty 
excepting  merely  that  the  Sutherland 
Bight  was  outside  the  scope  of  the  reg- 
ulations. >le  denied  that  Canadians 
were  unduly  interfered  with  or  treated 
different  from  other  competitors  at  Bis- 

Chauffeur    Stubbs   Had   Lost 
•  One  Lamp  and  Met   Urox- 
pected    Curva   in    Road — 
Speed  Excessive 




._n.-«o,uMo..  ot  ^»';;;'— ,',,/%rey:; 

;r.V/HJoti"    libera.  Term,  tor  Man.- 

—  Mls^'k.npr    ..f    I.abrad.)r    T>iic. 

3— Uliwolullon    of    rarllnmcnt. 

4  — Editorial.  , 

5 — V'lcli-.rla'fi     Kiiliii.'      I  bi-ni.      '• 

p — News    of    the    Cny. 

7„Ne\ss  of  the  City. 

s— t)f    In'.prfst   to  Wofrien. 

g^.Snortlni:    News. 
10_I'r.?tnlci     Ml  tttldo    to    Attend    H«llv 
lj_\Vhnt    the    Wurld    I'rpsa 
\2 — Heel     lilslii'.e    Artvt». 
IS — Kfal    K.'tsle    Advfs 
la— -««rii»t.    :•"*•.*«•. 
•T — (Jrncral    New*. 
IS— Davlil    Spfinrrr    Ar1\t 
13      (.:oqul'.!am    T<tniWni'    '  " 
JO— AddlN'Uia;    WBrlihrv. 
jl — <.>cnerai     Adv^rtininn 

ta — (:ia««iri»'d   Advts. 
3j — (ntamilflrrt   Advt». 
■:i — ("1B»«IS=<I     Advl*. 
I* — Fln«n«-I«l    firwr. 
It — PaclflD  Prf>i>«rtici  AdvL 

Is    Snylni;. 

V  .U  t. 

Chinese  Oam-blers  Kaided 
VANCOUVElt.  Feb.  ^7.— Smashing 
through  doors  and  wooden  barricades,  a 
squad  of  policemen  tonight  raided  a 
gambling  den  in  Chinatown  and  ar- 
rested 2S  Chinamen  who  were  engaged 
in  violating  the  law  in  a  gambling  game, 
the  celestials  fled  for  the  passageways 
in  the  building,  but  tne  majority  were 
secured  by  the  detectives  and  police. 
They   were  late^r  admitted   to   bail. 

Ontario  Power  teglelatlon 
TORONTO,  Fel).  27.— The  Ontario 
government  has  no  Intention  of  rushing 
ihrongh  the  now  power  legislation  ex- 
tending the  authority  of  -  tho  hydro- 
electric commission.  W.  K.  MeNaught 
stated  yesterday  that  the  commission 
was  sending  out  Invitations  to  all  the 
municipalities  Interested  In  the  hydro- 
electric scheme  to  the  conference  at  the 
parliumont  buildings  at  the  end  of  tho 
week.  The  new  clauses  will  be  gone 
over  then  and  any  objections  the  munl- 
elpallties    may    have    will    be    notid. 

Appeal  la  Supreme  Court 
OTTAWA.    Feb.    27. — In    lh.3    .supreni.) 
court    today    a    hearing    was    commeneed 
or.  an  appeal   from  the  Court  of  Appeals 
In    Uiitlsh    Columbia   In   the 
Alberta  Pacllle  Klevator  Co. 
(ouver  Mllllnp  .'fe  tJram  t;o. 
Co.     won    In     the    lower 



case  of   the 
vs  the  Van- 
'ihe  aiiiiinK 
courts.      On    the 

present  app'^al  tbe  elevator  company 
».>ts  up  twenty  objections  on  the 
grounds  of  an  error  In  the  cOurt  beSpWj 
Indudlng  an  objection  to  tho  jurlsdli-^' 
lif.n  of  the  British  Colu.mbla  court  to 
try   the  case  in  vacation. 

NANAIMO,  B.-  C.  Feb.  27.— Further 
details  of  tlic  motor  car  accident  which 
occurred  near  the  Quarter  Way  House 
last  night,  and  which  cost  Chauffeur 
Frank  Stubb.s  his  life  and  injury  to 
others,  make  it  appear  that  at  the 
time  of  the  accident  the  car  was 
travelling  at  a  rate  estimated  .at  60 
ini!«is  >«.ti  iiour.  •\pproachlriK  the  scene 
df  the  accident  the  road  slopes  down- 
wards, then  takes  a  curving  direction, 
and  according  to  the  account  of  Mr. 
Andrews,  Mr.  Stubbs  was  unaware  of 
this  and  thought  the  road  ran  straight. 
The  car  carried  only  one  lamp,  and 
that  on  the  left,  thus  casting  an  ob- 
lique gleam  on  the  roadside,  the  other 
light  having  becii  lost  on  the  out- 
ward Journey.  In  consequonee,  the 
side  of  the  road  where  the  c'at.Tstrnphc 
happened  was  In  darkness. 

When  tile  motor  car  ran  into  tho 
ditch,  Mr.  vStubbs  kept  full  .speed  on  in 
the  belief  thrtt  the  car  could  be  turned 
again  into  the  road.  There  was  no 
time  to  apply  the  brake,  and  in  a 
moment  the  car  cut  throuifb  n  troe 
stump   and    dashed      against  le 

which  was  thrown  down,  the  imi.Mct 
hurling  the  car  with  its  occupants  2.i 
feet  and  brlnglny  it  up  in  a  transverse 
position,  Some  moments  before  the 
accident  Mr.  Stubbs  reinaff-ke.l  lu  Ml.^a 
MfKcnzle  that  he  fell  ilk.-  ".Irivlnp  tho 
pace"  that  night. 

the  time  of  tho  iTnr>a<t.  His  head  was 
caught  between  the  stfcrlng  wheel  anil 
the  tolephone  post,  and  he  only  brenth- 
e<]  for  a  moment  or  tw-o. 

Andrews    stuck    to    the    car.    all    the 
other  occupants  being  thrown  out.     He 
I  Contlnard   on   rmge    '!,   fol   :». 

EL  P.ASO.  Feb.  27— The  V<i.s.iuista 
rebel  eleirunt  wiHch  took  possession  ot 
.luari.;^  tiii.s  luomlng  about  ,H):30' after 
nrlng  a  atngle  volley,  plans  next  to  cap- 
ture the  city  of  Chihuahua.  Tomorrow 
morning  the   ■  •'■'  General  Campa's 

forces  on  the  ,  >  of  the  state  will 
be  begun,  according  to  announcement 
by  the  commander  i<.ni'?ht.  Col.  An- 
tonio Rojaa.  with  —Ls,  arrived  at 
Banche  shortly  am.  .■■--a  and  stopped 
his  march  tliere.  uAnware  of  the  develop- 
ment at  Juarez. 

General  -  Caiiipa 
are    900    rebels    already    in 
that    the  Arrival    of.  Rpj« 3 
\i.  ■    the    total    of    1 

cl.„-..-i..i  recently  he  vvi.'! 
.Tuarez.  He  says  that  Major  Tomas 
Loza-  win  remaih  at  Juaiiea  with  300 
men  and  that  the  remainder  will  proceed 
.southward  over  the  line  of  the  Natlotxal 
railway  early  tomorrow  for  an  assault 
on  Chihuahua,  which  is  being  held  by 

CommBnicatlon  between  El  Paso  and 
Juarez  was  suspended  almost  entirely 
during  the  day,  the  crossing  of  the  in- 
ternational line  by  individuals  being  Um- 
iled  to  the  bearers  of  passes.  It  was 
announced  today  that  communication 
would  bo  restored  between  the  two  cUles 
tomorrow  night. 

The  rebels  easH  v  .ailnr.Hi  .luare/,. 
Firing  but  orie  or  «"d  iimet- 

Ing  no  resistance  ...\..  i-.  <i  i"W  soattei - 
ed  shots  in  reply  to  their  tlrst  volley, 
the  rebels  then  marched  into  the  town, 
cfipfurrrl    the    s-'in^    tb^^t    had    been    pur- 

house,  the  barracks,  the  jail  and  other 
public   buildings. 

The  rebel  a.s8auU  began  at  10  o'clock 
sharp.  They  entered  the  outskirts  of 
the  city  fro'm  the  nortliwest.  firing  as 
they  «ntcre<l.  The  few  hundred  men  in 
Junrea  as  defenj^ers  ftred  a  few  shots 
from  various  .points  of  vantage  and 
were  then  ordered  by  their  officers  to 

Mexican  Consul  Liorenlo  of  El  Piuso 
afterward  declared  that  the  officers 
decided  not  to  make  resistance  to  avoid 
complications  with  the  United  Slates. 
Tioops  were  guarding  the  bord-er  at  the 
time  the  town  was  taken,  apparently 
ready  to  enter  Juarez,  ^f  I'll  Paso  should 
lie   endangered. 

As     the    rebels     hm  '  h.y. 

Ihey  found  all  liouses  clo.sed,  but  no 
resistance.  Only  one  man,  Capla'n 
Romero,  of  the  defenders,  was  wound- 
ed accidentally. 

the  'toVerii^K  01r  SI  ^..^  ™-, 
struck  on  the  neck  ^tb^3f|i|0*^t4^ 
he  attempted  to  go  to  tmrlNMw  9t# 
policeman  besieged  by  a  mOb  In  a  spirit 
stor£.  HiB  secretary.  Major  M.  Wynd- 
Ixam,   received   a   blow  In    the   face. 

The  excitement  of  the  populace 
against  the  Canadian  company  whicn 
runs  the  street  cars  was  very  great 
throughout  the  evening.  Armed  police- 
men were  attacked  by  the  mob  and 
forced  to  tak<  refuge  In  stores.  Tlie 
governor  ordered  the  riot  act  to  be  read. 
Some  shooting  followed  by  the  police 
.sent  out  to  clear  the  streets,  and  there 
were  several  serious  encounters,  during 
which  two  rioters  were  shot  dead  and 
injured     before     the     mob     dis- 

The  riots  resulted  from  the  increased 
fares  on  the  street  railways,  imposed  by 
thn  railway,  which  is  a  Canadian  cor- 
poration. The  rioting  began  on  Friday 
last,  and  the  disorder  has  been  contln- 
-vf«»;.4(iiiice.  -  The  governor  has  is- 
lers  to  the  police  to  use  armed 
force  if  necessary  to  nuell  disturbances. 
He  directs  tlMit  ample'  protection  be 
given    tlie   company. 

ConsldWable    damage    has    been    done 
in  many  parts  of   the  city,   and  twelve 
tram      cars     have      been      wrecked      or 
burned.      Armed  ,  detachments    of    police 
are  now  patrolling  the  commercial  sec- 
tion   of    Kingston   and    the    West    India 
troops  are  held  in  readmeSB  at  the  park 
camp  to  relnfoi?ce  them. 
.  Conditions  during  the  day  improved 
considerably,  about  half  the  cars  hav- 
ing   resumed    service.      Resistance    on 
the  part  of  the  passengifTB  to  the  Jiay- 
-■ment    of  Increased    fares  Is   still    pro- 
riiug.    Tlie  governor- in  an  Intervl-eu' 
!.iy  said   the  car  company  was  try- 
ing to  get  out  of  an  honor.ible  under- 
Continued   on   I'agp  2.   Cul  8. 


^--Crranii  TrunIc.F«clAa 
'j|MlU«n  Kfortbern  are  willing  to  t«lc«  fO^ 

The  work  to  be     mahout  th«  pwrttttli  ,.,__, , 

pr-nles  aV«^de8IrIou8  of  rushing  ttifotigfh 
their  main  lines  to  completion 

!i!lTBll  AIIM! 

^ consideratiOli'  of   controversial    subjects 

'^i^.Pbmmm.  they  can  get,  as  bo{]||(i||||a>f|  ^t;    gi^   Wilfrid    Laurier's    request    the 

Viscount  Haldane  An nounces 
Programme  Involving  Ex- 
penditure of  $800,000  for 
Acquisitioa  of  Aeroplanes 

LONDON,  Feb.  27. — The  estimates  of 
expenditure  for  the  British  army  for  the 
nscal  year  of  1912-13.     in'  both 

effective   and   non-effectlyo      ■  ag- 

gregate. J139.300.000.   or'an   iu 
fSSO.OOO  over  those  of  the  year 

The  entire  Increase  in  the  estimates  Is 
due  to  the  expenditure  by  the  govern- 
ment in  development  of  aviation  In  the 
British  army,  as  It  Is  planned  to  spend 
1800.000  on  the  acquisition  of  aeroplanes 

In  a  memorandum  accompanyintr   the 
estimates.   Viscount    Haldane. 
of  Btatefor  war,  says  tliat  a        ■:•..- 
military  aviation  school,     with     a  lull 

I   ,^.-   -         .  ...  -      . 

w.  ain  officers  of 

Non-Confidence  Motion  in 
House  is  Defeated  by  Cast- 
ing Vote  of  Speaker— Lab^r 
Members  Change  Over 

bciu  tne  army  :in<i  the  navy,  will  be  es- 
tablished soon  on  Salisbury  plain,  the 
great  manoeuverlng  ground  of  the  army. 


Theory    Thai    Quebec   jaxluBS   IuS.jr 
Been  Seetroyed  by  Explosion  Is 




LONDON,    Feb. 
Wellington,    New 

27. — A  di8l)aLeh  from 
Zealand,  says:  The 
n(  n-eonfldenec  motion  in  the  house  re- 
sulted In  a  tic.  and  the  speaker  gave  the 
casting  vote  for  the  government.  Three 
labor  members  voted  for  the  govcrn- 
mtnt.  two  of  thcro  contrary  t"  th.dr  elec- 
tion pledges. 

Mr,  Mosaey's  Charge  that  the  labor 
members  were,  "squared"  wa.s  with- 
drawn. It  is  said  that  Sir  J.  Ward  will 
b.:  induced  to  withdraw  his  Intended 

MONTREAL,  Feb.  2?.— That  the  Que- 
bec bridge  disaster,  August  17,  1907. 
which  killed  74  men  and  caused  a  Joss 
c.f  millions  of.  dollars,  was  due  to  an  ex- 
plosion of  dynamite  placed  there  by 
agents  of  di.ssbnting  bridgfc  workers,  Is 
i  the  tiieory  on  \viiicii  deleelive»  »i.l"«  DOW 
making  exhaustive  investigation  h^  •  *. 

The  bridge,  which  was  to  havo  been 
the  longest  lantilever  span  In  the  ivorl.l, 
was  being  erected  by  the  Phoenix 
Bridge  company  of  Philadelphia,  rn 
whose  works,  in  different  parts  .jf 
United  States,  some  of  tho  worst  Mc- 
namare  atrocities  wert  committed. 

About  Aueust  1,  1907,  niere  was  a 
strike  of  bridge  workers  and  wor.k  was 
practically  at  a  standstill  for  a  time. 
Only  a  i»art  or'  the  regular  force  wa-?  at 
work  on  .\ttgust  17.  when  the  bridgs!' 
fell,  killing  forty  Italians,  ninetetn  Cai'- 
adlaniii  mid    fifteen   Americans. 

Clarence   Barrow's   Case 

lA).S  A.NGi:Ly.S,  Feb.  27. — Claii:nce 
Darrow,  tho  Clilcago  attorney,  indicted 
for  bribery,  suffered  both  a  loss  and  a 
gain  in  court  proceeding's  involving 
charses  against  him  today.  The  loss 
w^s  the  expected  plea  of  gulUy  which 
Ben  Franklin,  the  detective,  entertd  to 
a  charge  of  attempted^  infliu.ti.iiig  of  a 
jui-or  in  the  tp^al  f  i  i  i  Namara, 
now  serving  ft  life  s.tiUin.-  in  San 
Quentln.  FrHnklln's  pica  w«h  taken  as 
proof  that  he  would  be  the  .stHte's 
chief  witness  .Tgalnst  Darrow,  Who  di- 
rected the  MeNamarrf;d<fem-e.  The  g.-Jln 
•»..»  a  piiiln.r  hv  'iirpKlilInc'  .Tiidro  Georce 
M.  Hullon  Of  the  superior  court  that 
the  district  attorney  must  furnish  Dar- 
row with  a  full  transcript  of  the  ovt- 
deiu  u  upop  wh!;h  tho  grand  jury  in- 
dletmenis  sKalnst  him  were  based  be- 
fore the  court  would  set  the  trial  of  the 
n.'i'-ii.'j'od  attorney. 

Kailway  FataUtlee 
WASHINGTON,  Feb.  27.— Twi.  hun- 
dred and  one  persons  were  killed  and 
4  2S3  Injured  In  train  accidents  during 
the  montiis  of  July.  August  and  Septem- 
ber. 1911.  according  to  accident  bulletin 
91,  issued  today.  This  was  a  decriwse 
of  I3!0  killed  and  an  Increase  of  391 
injured,  as  compared  with  th«  corres- 
ponding quarter  of  191" 

jramaioa  SeoUues 
OTTAWA,  Feb.  27. — Tho  island  of  Ja- 
maica is  likely  tb  prove  a  thorn  in  the 
glrle  of  the  advocates  of  a  wide  recl- 
prcclty  pact  betW'een  Canada,  and  the 
British  West  Indies.  According  to  cable 
advices,  Jamaica  has  decided  not  to 
send  a  delegate  to  the  reciprocity  con- 
ference here.  This  decision  is  based,  it 
Is  declared,  on  tho  belief  of  the  Ja- 
maican authorities  that  the  United 
States  is  the  colony's  natural  market, 
and  that  any  attempt  in  the  direction  of 
reciprocal  trade  with  Canada  would  In- 
cur the  displeasure  of  America. 

resolution  was  expanded  by  incorporat- 
ing in  It  a  full  description  of  the  new 
boundaries,  which  the  premier  did  not 
regard  aa  ntcessary,  but  saw  no  objec- 
tion in  It.  The  discussion  turned  upon 
financial  terms,  the  Liberals  showing 
much  Ill-will  to  Manitoba. 

Premier  Borden  moved  the  resolution 
at  3..10  o'clock.  The  speaker  left  the 
chair  and  'the  Premier  made  his  state- 
ment In  committee.  It  was  purely  an 
-exposition  of  the  I'inanclal  terms,  giv- 
en in  much  detail.  Manitoba,  he  said, 
will  receive  Jl, 349, 315  yearly,  an  in- 
crease of  $515,907  over  thfc'  present  sum. 
'11,,  ..  I  1.  .na-.s  amount  to  $2,178,618. 
and  liiu  swamp  lands  are  estlmatsd  at 
8,200,000  acres. 

Sir  Wilfrid's  Objections 
Sir  Wilfrid  I.auriir  said  iliat  he  did 
not  Intend  On  this  r>cca.M!on,  to  advert 
to  anything  of  a  controversial  nature,  as 
by  pi;eferred  to.  elucida>ta  the  financial 
terms.  He  went  on  to  contend  that  there 
was  no  reason  for  conceding  arrears.  He 
could  not  agree  that  there  was  a  claim 
on  Manitoba's  part.  He  would  ask  Mr. 
r.>  to.  gly«  his  reason  for  the  terms 
le  resolution.  This  did  not  propose 
to  give  Manitoba  enougli  money  to  carry 
on,  the  government  'in  the  added  terri- 
tory, but  was  a  new  financial  term  alto- 
gethep.  Manitoba,  afttr  being  for  40 
years  a  member  of  the  confederation, 
was  to  bo  treated  as  a  now  province. 
There  was  no  justification  for  this. 

Mr.  White  replied,  arguing  that  th© 
purpose  was  to  give  Manitoba  equal 
treatment  with  Saskatchewan  and  Al- 
berta, and  to  give  that  province  ample 
Justice.  In  Sir  Wilfrid's  speech,  the 
statesman  had  been  lost  in  the  lawyer. 
Mr,  White  went  on  to  explain  and  '  de- 
fend  the   financial  'terms. 

Mr.  Pugsley  attacked  the  arrangement 
on  the  ground  that  the  debt  allowance 
was  unfair  to  the  other  provinces.  Ho 
declared  that  .these  lands  did  not  be- 
long to  the  hewer  provinces,  the  older 
provinces  having  bought  them.  As  to 
Quebec,  he  contended  that  the 
addition  of  Ungava  made  it  necessary 
to  limit  the  arta  of  Quebec  which  was 
to  govern  the  unit  of  representation,  to 
the  portion  recognized  at  confederation. 
Mr.  White  replied,  and  Mr.  Oliver  then 

At  the   conclusion      of     Mr.      Oliver's 

rsjieect!    Mi'.    Bordei.   »«.i<1    that    .".w    .'.«,v«    not 

forgotten  his  promise  as  to  the  restora- 
tion of  the  public  domain  to  the  prov- 
inces. Tliey  would  first  put  Manitoba 
on  a  footing  of  equality  and  would  then 
proceed  to  restore  tho  public  domain  to 
all  three.  Ho  also  agrted  that  the  case 
of  the  Maritime  provinces  required  ad- 

The   resolution  was   then   passed. 

Ontario's    Share 

Premier  Bord*n  then  introduced  the 
bill.  In  this  connection  he  p'.aced  be- 
fore the  house  an  order-ln-councU  pro- 
viding access  for  a  government  railway 
of  Ontario  to  a  poit  on  Hudson  Bay 
by    the   following  arrangement: 

(1)  A  live-mile  utrlp,  to  be  within  50 
miles  of  the  coast,  from  the  provincial 
boundary  to  Port  Nelson,  to  be  trans- 
ferred to  Ontario.  Manitoba,  will  exer- 
cise leglHlatlve  jurisdiction  and  Ontario 
will   own    the   land. 

(2)  At  Port  Nelson  Ontario  Is  to  get 
on  the  east  side  of  the  river  and  along 
the  shore  of  the  bay.  tho  waterfront 
10  miles  long  and  a  ha'lf-mlle  wide. 
That  is   to  be  for  terminal  factl1tl«8. 

If    the    Hudson    Bay    Railway    makes 
Fort    Churchill    Us    terminus,  and   If  the 
<'nntlnue<l  on   Tage  t,  CoL  4. 

Salt    WeU    On    Skeena 

l'ltl.\'(n=:  IIUPKUT.  11.  '".,  Feb,  27.— 
Consl.Ierable  Interest  has  been  aroused 
here  by  the  announcement  that  Dan 
C.  WhitBiord  iia«  dl6«)V€red  a  Kjvit  well 
on  his  pre-emption  claim  at  46-Mlte  on 
the  Grand  Trunk  PacHlc,  close  to  the 
railway  and  near  the  river.  One  gallon 
of  wal'-r  gives  a  half  pound  of  cle<ir 
while  salt  of  ftne  quality.  The  point  of 
discovery  Is  about  20  miles  up  the  river 
from  Port  Kssington  on  the  opposite 
ImUk  of  the  river.  Tliere  ap!'ear«  t"  i-e 
J.  ■vjjBt  amount  of  this  salt-bearing 
w|»t*r  and  the  samples  of  salt  brought 
to  rrln.'O  Rupert  are  snld  by  experts 
to   be   of   prime   quality. 

Fiftv  Years  Ago  Todag 

JV.ini    tin-    Ciilonlsi    ot    February    29,    1912 

liv    ih"    iinlval   of   the   B^-Qtlusr   Jonath'jn    we    receive    Inteailfff^nce  of  «n«t)lMr  CJ«lkt 
fe.l.  rai    vieioiy    In    TennomFee.      Fort„D<.i.«ld»on   wa«  taken  on  Siutdar  iiH>rBlMr>  •MM;' ' 
eralK   .Idhnaoii'  anit    Uuckncr.    with    5,000   m*n     •re     prbwtwrs.        FlOrd     escaped 
h.uyy   moil.      F.'Ui    fg4*ra,!   colonals  'S'crc  killed.  .™  ... 

Thp    Debtors— Tho    charmed    circle    at    the  dfO^tora'   p«4Mia  has  at  last  ^>*Mk'^ 
Anoih.r  of  iho  debtoi-g  having  detlaflod  hie    creditors 
Kilvents  In 

liowe.veT.    to   «a.v    that   he  did 
(tone   In   Brareh   of  an    InnoUint   on   Monday. 
the   B^ntl.-mBn   hart   left  •?verai  hattl-a  befor*  the  h^bM'M 

at  V'o'r7ork"vH»lerday'  af lernoon"  with   1*11  "|wf» 
lianaennera  were  left   at  Portland.        JHe  JOHfcf 
cncoanter<Ht   ru-jgh    'rfatfcer  th*'  eMlre   lr»t». 
uoon    for    san    Frwi«sieoa»^  4^e«i« 

For  the  Wreefc-41J»  *«w*t  *<*5f,**SUP 

UtVUS   are   tsw 

lair,  in  place  of  thie«.  M  roi  eome  .pmtt  inuk,      le  Is   ««♦,: 
hia  tKfSl)  to  kmt!  't««  mr<^  ii«nilMir;.^ 
but  was  JSMt  la  til 

Lrf>p«i  Itlattd,  tt«s?  ^MeVtlR 
wilt  >•  deepaUBhed  from  rtlObd 

A'KTOTITA    r)\n,Y    rOT.ONIST 

-  R-E-L-l-A-B-I-L  I-T-Y  - 


TMAT  YOIUE       <f  ^ 
i  ARE  ElfflT 


Have  you  ever  heard  what  the' small  boy  .lid? 

When' he. heard  the  cat  mew  (caused  by  a  pinch  on  the 
tain'h'tried  to  put  a  plaster  over  the  cat  s  ^^o  ^  h 
noi.e.     This  resulted  uv  a  k->oc1  cical  n,o.e  trouble     ^^J^      , 

noise.  -I.;'  ",1   ii,;i«ii^ 

"  'Tis  Strange,  but  true"  that  many  people  follow  ^l^^*^** 

policy  V.  usini  dru^s  for    headaches    when  itV    >^^^ 

Hkelv  the  real  trouble  is  defective  eyesigiU  which  can  only  be 

'  ..    ,  'i       •    . .  „^.: — ;^.,  n  Ar»iT»T'»*»tf»nt  ontician. 
renieciiea  nv  iiuci\icwi.ig  »  uv-.-it "-  -i 

We  have  ux  our  employ  two  qualified  f^»i°^^  ^°'^ 
we  guarantee  to  be  just  aS  satisfactory  aSiOtlrftpl^  ^  ,;  ^  ,,. . 

■.  Grcnfell,  Heroic  Helper  of 
Fisher  Folk  of  Bleak  Coast, 
to  Address  Local  Canadian 

tlio  Htrlp  liaU  liocn  fixed  tit  five  miles. 

■Tim  Buvirniiient  conMl<lerea  the  niiil- 
t.r  ami  concluOea  that  five  tiilWu  wuiiUI 
be  very  convenient,-'  auUI  Mi-.  Boiden. 
.md  Uic  ConHeivatlvis.  wlio  had  hfen 
cluu-kHiiB  steadily.  ImoUo  Into  lu-arly 

It  nmy  Dc  added  that  the  bill  an 
hrought  down  contttins  nothing  v.'lmt- 
fver  about  uehoolH.  Thtiro  •  are  nino 
Llnu«ei?.  Oi,ut««  3  deflues  the  bouydarlee. 
,  laiises  -I  and  5  describe  tUo  tinanriai 
urrHliMonuMits,  tluiist'H  «  and  7  deal  with 
real  and  other  prop.-,  ly  rights,  rcsc-rvlngr 
the  public  domain  for  the  Dominion  and 
Kimrdlng  the  Hudson  ri.iv  i-omi»iny'B 
rlshta.  Cluuso'8  provM       i        ^n  Increut^r 



Dl«»ppe«r»no»  of  Former  Wot.d  Matodor 

01ve«  Aiithorltle*  0»u«e  for 



>  \'' 


Successdrs  to  >. 


Wllfre-l  ThotnaHon  Orenfell.  C.M.t^. 
M.D..  and  a  Hngby  blue  of  Oxford.  M. 
UCS.  and  UR.C.F.  of  London,  master 
mariner.  J.K  of  Newfoundland.  Uoya  a 
agent  on  tlie  coast  of  Uabrodor  and 
superintendent  of  the  Labrador  Medical 
Mlr^.^oii    of    the   Hoyal- National    Mission 

niM      i.pi'         til'- 

I.,       , 


|.  ,ul    win    u.Mk.s    its    members 

aflerwHiviK  ontlie.vyork  to,wlil<^ Jve.^tt8 

.riven     iiis     lif.- 

.U  teUs  inuch   that 

i>,"    ,.   .     M.     er   leil  about   him- 

eeli.  oi   all  the  many  and  varied  QW«li- 

HmtivmWimm^m*  vtilii=ed  and  »ubor- 

fare,  botfliy  and  Hplrltuftl.  ot  the  fiBttfr- 
man.  Bttcdfta*  wOuW  toe  spelt  to  W* 
ordliwiry  man  l»y  the  attainment  ot  l^% 
one  of  biW  inniaiy  dlBtia«tl««a. 

A  hint  tram  air  Proderkik  Tcevea  sent 
h»ro  on  hU  first  m»HBion  to  n.o  ttBher. 
men  of  the  North  Sea  on  the  flrst  hoe- 
nltal  ship  which  cruised  from  the  Bay 
of  Blecay  to  Iceland.  In  1892  he  came 
nreetward  to  puraue  the  same  ministry 
to  the  flehermen  of  the  Labrador  co««t. 
Dtnei   that    Hme   tfrfi   ^^k   has   grown 


This  Money  Producing  Proposition 

Large  legitimate  returns  are  made  from  market- 
ing subdivisions.  The  first  requisite  is  proper 
selection.    Natural    advantages    are    the     greatest^ 

asset.  ,  ,^, 

Look  at  the  map  of  Victoria. 

Note  the  effect  car  lines  have  on  the  direction 

of  greatest  development.  Trace  the  l^e  «f  the  new 

<'.-.n;,-h  Electric.   Follow  Douglas  street  and  Carey 

..^.....W^iaat^JtttRrsection  with  Wilkerson  road  and 

mr^vNife^Se^^pS^lH^r.  ,    ,  -     . 

Rieht  here  we  have  one  hundred  acres  oi  sub- 
division oroperty.  The  slope  is  southerly  to  he 
bottom  lands  of  the  Colquitz.  The  son  is  spleudu, 

the  draiiia,,o  i>  perfect.  It,i^.,J|^^e  ^^^^^^^^^ 
ilioroughfare..  out  of  Victoria  ■^fmS^'Eccin..un 
vMll  be  five  minutes  away.  Let  us  show  yon  this 
land,  vou  will  appreciate  it  better. 

$1000  Per  Acre 

One-quarter  cash,  balance  oyer  five  y^ara. 

Wallace  &Ciarke 

lllnlster  ot  the  Interior 


PHONE  471 




^    beautiful   polish  can  be  put  on   your  antomobUe  or  C(uri..c.  etc.. 
in  a  few  seconds  by  the  use  of  an 

"Axrso-ssnAr'^    -:'. 

-.>.,.._.  with  ^.-Auta-Lu.t, •,..••  1,:  polish  ty^at^nvnoi^sc^rj^^ryc^^^ru. 
X;:u;^edKcd  superior  to  uH  others,  ^vn^^  ^.  ^^oc  .^0.  «o.^ :-^-..--- 
93.50   per   ;^'allon:  ' 

Campbell's  Prescription  Store 

comer  Tort  Strest  and  DoujUs  Street 
W.  are  prompT  we  are  careful  and  Use  the  best  In  o"«'  work. 

from  the  one  hospital  ship  to  the  foun- 
dation of  four   pernoanent  hospitals  on 
the  shores  of  Newfoundland,  a  series  of 
co-operatiVe   stores,  an  orphanage  W»<» 
•|mm»raw»  smalb  todugtrlal-a*'!""'**  iliaifa- 
tns  for  their  object  the  hettorment  tof 
the  conditions  of  l«e  amaon*  titose  hafd- 
woTklne,  hard-llvlng,  cwmmunUies.  This 
was  not  done   without  arousing  antaj?- 
onlsm,  hitter  and  sustained,  amongf  the 
traders    who   considered    it    their    vest- 
ed right  to  overcharse  and  sweat  those 
helpless  nshermen  to  all  eternity. 

0r,  Grenfeli  will  «J«">»*?W^li!gJ 
much  of  hia  work  with  Intaill/ OMtrWr 
making  It  known  it  shall  receive. still 
greater  support  In  the  future  than  H 
has  in  the  past.  His  work  already 
speaks  mUch  for  him.  "SI  monumentum 
requtrl**  rlrcumspice"  on  those  bleak 
Mewfn>»ndldnd  beaches,  and  hefc^l^  j|>» 
ead   of  disease,   comparative  i*i^ifP*' 

wunt-  te«tffy  to  tiiii  'MwlfflP*:  «MT»0''W» 
for  a  fcorf  of  .years  and  to  the  euc- 
cCHU   whifh    is   already    the   outcome   of 

it.  ^ 



continued   from    i'wre    »• 

is  little  tilt'  wnrsr  for  tht;  accident, 

B.  R.  Thomas  <  Vmrt-Emancha  is 
i.idiv  shaken  up  and  bruised  on  the 
lu-ad.  facr  and  !eSH.  and  wimplama  of 
great  Internal  pains.  He  is  agent  lor 
the  Cill  .V(]\ertiHin«:  Co,  Seattle. 
j  r  W  lu-ht.  Injur,  d  111  lh<  f.x'e  -^n*! 
int'inillv      not   scrmnbiy.    r<imes    from 

iMMri    -„riou3    InJvblWdi^' 

ot  senatolf*  «*ip  Manitoba  *rom  four  t* 
Six.  Clause  lldMJ*  wltfe  t»>«  pontine  into 
force  of  the  act. 
'  Thg  heuae  went  Into  aupBly 
MM  to  Unftu 
Immigration  mfittors  wor«  taken  up, 
aj^d  iftpn.   IBir.  -Rogers  imnoimced   th^t 
ronflftionA  triii  tWt  bg  JglSl£y4  w'»»  .FT 

MAX>rtlU.    Keb.     27.— lb.-    aioapi-i-a! - 
ance  of  •Uomblta"  is  stiU  Itxo  one  ub- 
sorblng  topic  of  conversation  through- 
out   the    country.      Y'-slerday    a   com- 
niSsaton  from  the  MhUSh-  ^'u^^ft  arrived   i 
here  to  re<iuesl  the  :iuthur!tl"«  t"  pur-   I 
sue   and    capture    Don    KmiUo    Torre*<.   j 
known  ur.  •rUomblta,"  and  the  Hcnoritu 
with    whom    he    was    aUeged    to    have] 
tied      It  then  Ijo'.anie  evident  that  the 
hero  or  tills  romance  la  not  the  present 
popular  matador,  but  his  elder  bn.ther. 
As    a   matter    of    fact    there,   are    three 
men  who  are  alff^.tlonately  known   to 
frequenters  of  the  bull- ring  as     Bom- 
blta."      They    are  '  the   three    brothers. 
Kmillo.    Rlcarde    and    Manuel     Torres, 
known     respectively     as     Bomblla     i 
Bomblta  '11.,   nnd  Homblta  HI.  ^ 

Kmllle  Terres.  the  fugiUVe^and  .r|. 
e«t  of  the  dynasty,  retired  from  the 
bull-ring  a  few  years  ago  as  a  con- 
se.iuence  of  -■severe  wounds  h.kI  nad 
settled  down  m  Malaga  with  his  sk\U. 
u.a    SIX  e-niidren.     The   lady  Who  ha. 

oloped  with   him   18  «ald  to  hju;e^taecn 
a  great  frlcncT  or  lus  w»e.  -  ,......_-..-&..- 

they    are    in    t'ai 
passed  through  ll 

^^^^  SSSTtee  may  v*»o  ha* 

awrfTTjn  the  PttM»c  «y«  ^^  *****    ■*■ 
VTo^ptt  Mertlft»y  geyiMOW. 


aMMtaO  Vas  IMOlftO*  j; 

M)NI>OK.  Fob.  «7.-^The  court  of  rfp- 

»«S^today  ruled  that  the  •"""•v  «'- 
pMW  wwy  j„„rance     companies 

••oLk   1U)VS-  SUITS  AKi:   I'i    ll.T   l^**'^    l^^"^'^'" 


Our  Boy's  Spring  Suits  Have  Arrived 

-  of  >uii^  ihcy  ai'C  t-....  Thcre'^  jn^t 
,,  niiich  style-  in  llinn  us  in  llio  ^D^d'^'  .mts  and  as 
„,,  wear,  well,  "Wilson's"  reputation  for  <|ualiiy  is 
Ix.ui  ihc  l)cst  f^iiaranlee  a  mother  can  possibly  get. 

conainnB»,Mwm  nv^  "v  ^^"'•^'•:r...r-T^:.....::z^- 
«ard  to  l^ndua.  He  said  they  were  not 
desirable  ImirrUrrants.  and  In  view  of 
ihe  class  0<  Btn«I«»  now  in  Canada 
tlujre  was  no  chance  of  tliatr  wojnen 
coming  here  to  make  their  hmnes. 

FARE   INCREASE     d  .. 

^fl^lnrmrnldn  goverhmenta  so  as 
to  enable  them  to  iraiil*W  uualn^""  '^ 
So  Dominion  w«s  liable  to  Income  tax 

mg  compani«»- 


n'aimmf  mm  ?■«- — - 

team      VcllfellW*   *" 

Boys'  Suits  in  the  new 
tweeds  and  worsteds,  in- 
cluding the  popular 
brown  mixtures.  Then 
come  the  genuine  Eng- 
lish Tweed  Norfolk 
Suits.  For  his  "Sunday 
best7"'"aSKrto  see  our  little 

double-breasted  Suits. 

them      have      th^^ 
loops  'Jor     belt«Ij^^j 

waist,     '■    '  ■  ■  r  't'  ' '  ^y 

T^^T/^^t^  '  .^..'' 

cv  1  lit     "1 


•mandei    oi    n.t.  i'"ii'    '""■  • 





Is  the  one  thing  that  numbers  of 

^  ]ieople  cannot  resist.'    It  is  never  so 

seductive  as  when  it  takes  the  shape 

Ml  a  bottle  of  Lemp's.  Beer— people 

Nvh...  drink   lA-nr,)'-.  :;nr!     therefore, 
know  its  high     (lualities,     will    not 
drink  any  other.    It  is  bright,  spark- 
ling and  invigorating,     Made  from 
pure     malt    and  hops,     and  is    not 
charged   with   artificial     ga.s — cai'- 
bonic  acid— as     some     bec^     arc. 
Make    i.nni)"        ■  -ur    d.ail}       dnnk. 
(:)rder  ^-<«asc'      irnin    your      .UalcT. 
Drink  it   at   \<^\.\v  tdnb  or  ii.iicl. 


,.n-  a  ^^ffffa''?fN^f»i?rwT)r-t-TF«-TOiww- 

''^' An  inquest  was  held  this  .vitonioon. 

and  the  vArdlct  of  ..the  jury^: 

"We   the  jurv   empanelled  t-  imiuire 

into,  the    death   ^^ Jfa"*^    Smbbs,    ut 

Victoriii.    find    tli|iftr«^*.  ^^'"^    ^^ 

ilK  death  througi^l^i^^cklng  of  an; 

automobile    whk-h    he    appaxem,y^^o«t 

•  ontrol  of.     The  scene  of  the  accident 

i,  in  no  measure  a  dangerous  piece  of 

,.a.    and   judging    from    the    distance 

,„e    ear    travelled    5"    ^he    dHch,    until 

vrerked.  it  must  have  been  travelling 

ceedlngly  high  rate  of  speed. 

Moi  see  that  any  blame  can  be 

,  to  anvone  excepting  deceased 

.  driving  the  car  at  the  time  of 
the  accident." 

standing  in  the  absence  of  legal  docu- 
ments. He  .mI  'a  that  he  had  referred 
the  question  to  the  Board  of  Trade  at 
London,  us  to  whether  a  public  com- 
j)!iny  ( luild  abolish  a  system  whi<;h 
h.ui  1h  in  In  vogues  for  thirteen  years 
ai'ix}  iircr-  fiasBTtHK 

,A   mol.  iM^me 

tinu'iii'^h  tn.     «,>'<  lights  in   Hic  city    lor 
til.-  )■  ■  ■     'oting,^  attenipt 

pres.^i^e  III"  u-^uii'tti  taken.  |jy"*n0' fMMWje. 
Americans  were  not  spared  in  the 
rioting  which  has  been  going  on  here 
with  the  street  railway.  A  parly  ol" 
Americans  in  a  motor  car  were  at- 
t.fUod  l.v  the  ninh' today,  and  one  of 
!v      Injured.      The 

i,>,.^    -^in  and  Mrs.  I-Titz 

Dmiucsne  nf  N'w  York  and  .Mr.  ^:ind 
Mr^  Wonhiev  oi"  Brooklyn.  .\  prroup 
or  nien  attuck»!d  their  car  with  bricks 
and  Stones.  :Mrs.  Dt«|SPf»=^«  ^^"'^^ 
bv  one  of  the  mlssttl8»#isl:  1»  «^i'''  '" 
»,;;  In  11,  serin, ,.  .■..ndltion.  The  Am- 
ericans were  iu  peril  of  their  Uve«.  tnU 
their  assailants  were  flnalty  beaten  off 
by  Captain  Duauesne,  armed  with  a 
hammer.    And    Mr.     Wurthley    with    a 

jackha.  '.^'''^'^°*''■',''''' 

"knockeii     •"--   - '-  -  -'  -■■"----'■' 

Single    Tivx    in    Winnipeg 
WINNll'I.O.    l-eb.   aT.-Thc   city   coun- 
cil   decided    tonight,   without   a   dlssent- 
U  vote,  to  submit  '       -1"-  ^ 

the   people   the   sin^  '«   basis 

of  civic  taxation  in   the   futuic    to  con 
trol    to    some    extent    the      high-handed 
speculation  in   vacant  property.     U  .-...- 
^l.-,o   decided   not    t"    —    ->les    toc.:- 

^oratlons      or    Joinr  ?,TT 

.     _,,.<.i.,i    fiouiiMiMiiMi    ofCiceis. 
tnrouKii    np«=c^.<-    « > 

In  navy  blue,  black  and  white     checks,  new     brown 
shades  and  reds. 

W.  &  J.  Wilson 


and    Trounce    Avenn* 

Woonds  His  Sister 
WINNIPEG.  Feb.  ::7.— Because  hi.s 
sister*  Mrs.  Wm.  Pcttlgrew.  upbraitled 
'him  tonight  for  not  working  more  stead- 
ily. Oscar  Slgurdisen,  drew  a  revolver 
from    the   bed   on    which    h-  'v'"--' 

and  shot  her  twice  In  the  o   v^ 

m   a  precarious   condition      ai.  i.ii^    ho.-- 

Threaten  to  Strike 

\VINNU'J:0,  Feb.  U".— The  brother- 
hood of  carpenters,  decided  to  demand 
sixty  cents  pfer  hour  from  the  AVinnlpeK 
contractors,    or   a  strike  will   be   call-d. 


Mexican  Bandits  Attaolt  Banch 
,,  .„,..*     ■  1,.  27.— Twenty  arm-. 

J  ;^: :,.'.     .  ,  the  pomt  of  mvad- 

|"ne  to  rescue  the  "boys"  on  the 

\elaon   M-n  is  ranch,  -when  a  messenger 
m*t  the."   M    l^larls.   on   the^  American 

■  v-^ir .  rtf  -  th  e    r  i  \ 

friends  wer.-    - 

them  the  b 

ranch.  MAn^i 

and  barricaded  the 

It  is  not  known   w 

hurt    In    the  fighting 

told  them  their 
messenger  told 
i  to  loot  the 
.  hal  resisted  building, 
my  o,he  was 
which      followed. 

NO   SETTLEMENT   ^^  ^^^^^ 

(i.ntiniu-d   from   ^»-*' J; 

'  ^Otitlook  Discouraging 

Ln>a.o.N-.  F.b.  -.rS.-l-he  morning  pap- 
ers present  a  «rave  outlook  in  the  coa 
Htrlke.  mainly  owin^'  to  the  obduracy  of 

,e  WH«h   mine  owners,   who  <'«^»"^.  '" 
irant  a  minimum  on     any  terms 

"•r,:::::aber. ..nnrence^   wii.    not 

ho  resumed  in  a  hopeful  spirit  todaj. 
1^  xwciired  that  the  premier  bad  ar- 
i^nl'ed  to  soe  the  KiuK  laKt  night,  hop- 
ing to  be  in  a  poMlllon  to  announce  thi.t 
,'      ;.!ll.m<-nt    ^^•a^    i"    «l«"l.    ''"^    nt    Hie 

The  baiidits  nnally   withdrew,  threaten- 
ing  to    return   to   the  attack   later. 

"Icajured  in  Collision 
mCS  MOINKS.  la..  Feb.  27.-^'ine  por- 
„on^  were  injured  seriously  and  several 
othern  suffered  minor  injuries  when 
nock  Island  p.is8fcnger  train  No.  16  ran 
into  the- rear  end  of  Wabash  train  No. 
3  on  the  otit»lrrrt»  of  the  city  latb  last 


Acquitted  of  Mwrdor 
UKOWOOn  CITY,  fal.,  I'eb.  =7- 
Sa.nuel  U  Timothy,  flayer  ot  .T  .r 
Moore,  the  wealthy  coal  dealer  and  «f  San  Francisco.  «a«  acquit- 
ted late  tonight  of  murder.  The  Ju  y 
.sustained  the  prison^fs  plea  of  .self- 



CmtUitied   fr<im    l"i>«'-    '•    ^ 




Wholesale   Agents. 
Victoria       \'ancouvcr       Nelson,  BTC 

(5;^T^r;i7  government  desires  to  make 
thot  port  tl>e  terminus  of  Its  line  it 
«hall  be  given  a  right  of  wa.v.  200  feet 
wide  from  Nelson  to  tjie  Hudson  Bay 
UttUway  and  running  ri.iihts  over  , the 
Ikidson  Hay  Kail  way. 

Confitcrnaiion  sat  on  the  vlsuBes  o, 
11,0    Mberab-..    HIr    Wilfrid    baurie.r    met 

Ihe  situation    with  o    s'v  •'    ■•: ''     '""- 

sialing   of   angry   ehafi 

Mr  Horden  noted  thai  ibe  K  "ier  ol 
the  opposition  could  not  e.on.  e«l  his  dlB- 
appolntmeu»   nt    Ui.     r,, v..rnia.-   .,rmn^-e- 

ment   madr 

..(^..^n    o-  "T"^    huild      ;i    rallw.iy 

_„     ,     .,       ,1  .■••M"-p"''      ^Ir. 

ni  rORS    an  'I  '•  i      i  i        ' 

.■V.-.,_/'     s:,ir|     Mr.     ll.M   !■  n.        M     •    '11     a.vl 

It     nill." 

■■Tlaf  the  Ontario  ffovernmeat  as^rnt- 
P,r"    osknd    .Mr.    uutnrre.  •> 

"it  has.-  said  .Mr.  Borden.  ■%'  '">" 
the  Manitoba  government.  So  has  |very- 
one    else    except    the    Liberal    memibe^s." 

Sir    Wilfrid    asked    nbout   the      corje.s- 

Mv.  Maclean  asked  why  the  Width  ^f 
nondcnce.  and  v^•.^.  lob!  that  the  airree- 
ment    wa>^    verbril. 

4(  -, 

Carl    Legion,    secretary    of    the    Hiler- 
national  yecretariat.  the  organization  of 
tbe   woi1d-8  labor  unions,  and   also  sec- 
retary  of    the    labor    federation    in    Oer- 
many,   the  strongest  union   body   in  the 
world,    win    arrive    lu    this    country    in 
April  to  make  a  speaking  lour  of  some 
Hixly    cities.    Uegien    is    coming    to    the 
united  States  at  the  double  Invitation  of 
the    Socalist    party    and    the    American 
federation    of      Labor.      Vice-President 
nnneiui  having  conveyed  the  A.  1'.  ol  i-. 
invitation    to    Legb-n    wnue    in    Europe 
lust  aumttner.    Leg'en   wiio   is  a  .-^iicluliMt 
member   of    parlament.    veprcsenting   the 
naval  city   of  Kiel.   \^  nald    to  be  an   elo- 
„uent  speaker  .nid   d.-,.ly   l.iuiu.l   man. 

Judge   Toliita    on    BoucU 

..Feb.   -n.—y 
1,,,,,..,...      -;•■     fatntmg  .•.     >    •      ■■•-•- 
while   prcsidlhg  in  the  court   of  review 
this  afternoon.     He  was  sufficiently  re- 
covered to  be  r-emoved  to  his  home., but 
Is  seriously  iH.  '■■  ','  - . 

""'      Alaska  coal  for  Kavy 
WASHlNGTO.V.     Feb.      27.— Secretary 
Meyer  was  biSforB  the  hduse  co.r.i.vlttcc 
on   naval   affairs   today   and   urged   that 
the  <;oal    deids   of    Alaska   be   used.,  by 
the  jfpvernment.  He  advocated  the  build- 
ing of   a   government   railroad,   or   some 
arrangement  with  a  private  railroad  now 
at    Resurrection    Bay.    Tlve   «overnment 
now  pays  ,»1.000.000   a   year  to   get  coal 
around    Cape   Horh  for  the   Pacific  fleet, 
the  a*ci-etary  said-  Secretary  Meyer  rec- 
ommended   the    tarlldins    of    1,'.    colliers 
for  ii.'ie  on   the  Panama  canal. 

Koada  OonvenMon— .Many  tributes 
Have  already  been  paid  to  Mr.  W^  W'. 
i-,..i,.r  for  the  ebl'e  niMnn*--  in  which 
„..  conducted  the  flr^  •  rlnten- 

.Irnt.s-    convention    held    ui    me    i.rdvince. 
'ind  thev  81111  continue  to  be  Jlreard.   His 
knowledge   of   the  aubjoct   and    his   tact- 
ful   treatment    of    the      delegates      have 
earned    for    him    Hie      appreciation      of 
everyone  who  had  the  pleasure  of  work- 
ing  with  him.   It   is   generally   conceded 
that  one  of  the  most  valuable  works  of 
the  convention  was.  tthe   mechanical   I.  si 
of  the  rever.slblc  Hide  heel  plough  which 
was    Introduced    to    the      delegates      on 
Saturday,   and    [t  Js   expe.ted    that   fron, 
the    efforts   of   the   committee   appoint^^d 
to    investigate    thi«    matter    and    repo.rt 
Lack  to  the  department  of  public  works 
that   much   good   win   be   achieved.   That 
tiie  convention   met   a   long-felt   want   Is 
now  conceded  by  eveh-body,  and  th«  I   n 
will   in   future   develope   into  an   Intturnl 
part    of    the    department's    labors    is    a 
foregone  conclusion. 

Women's  Suede 


They  come  in  a  variety  of  'aKi=   an' 
Hhanes  to  suit  every  foot. 

Tomen's  Black  Suede  Burton  1 1->, , 
on  mcdluni  long  vamp  last  witn  Uow\ 
welled  sole  und  Cuban. heel.  ^ 

Womens  Brown  Suede  BuUon  Boo.— 
.^iime    as    above   style.  ^  ^ 

women's  Blaok  Suode  Boot  with  crav- 
aiulte    doth    top,    lias    Wing      tip-   and 

hiiri'l    welted' solev.      ■  ■-' „  "    .' 

^.j,     p,];,rK    Snede    Button    Boot.s. 
'.',h    luu.    .suaisat    tip    and    Good- 
year   welt    sole. 

Kail  Orders  Promptly  TiUed 


BM«..A«ents  Broadwalk  Sr.utfws^for  ChUdren  

-      ■""'_  ~  WlcHerl  &  Gardiner,  X.X. 

Hanaa  &  Son.  N.  ^^^^^^^^^  ^^^^    ^,,  ^ort  Street 

Mie  more  discussion,  the  better.    Truili  di.esn't  mind 
being  talked  about. 


J  .  a;,.,.,,,    ,wi  iwraiw*-  it's  woi'th  discu.ssion. 

Order  a  ton  today 

Victoria  Fuel  Co. 

Agents  for  the  famoii( 

on    December    21.    1911    the      .MnnlKa- 
inated    Asaociation    of    Street    and    libc- 
trlc     nnilway     EmpluyocB     of     America 
closed  an  agreement  with  the  New  Vork 
Sl:ile  rtailways  .providing  for  the  organ- 
ization of  the  men  on  tli«  entire  system: 
therefore     furnlahin*;     protection     to    all 
the  eniplovcea  under   the  term  of  a  gen- 
eral   aRrecninnt.      Foch    local   dvLsion    of 
the  Amalgamated  upon  the  several  lines 
-w-lll    make   its   own   agreement   with   the 
company.       If     'umhle     to     come     to    an 
;;-rccrr."T^'  ♦.*"■  K"»a«'ft  matter  under  dls- 
pnte    will    then    be    referred    to    the      In- 
lerniUional     president    of     t)ie,     A.malgii- 
maied  AsBociBtior,  and   th.t!  prcH- 

.  ■       ,      -.«     .,..      xi....^.     VrtrU     Kt'ile     ItailwiiV 
Co..    and    if    they    cannot    agree    a    third  i 
prtriy   will   be   cuUud   In   lo  arbllraU  tbe 

The  Royal 

Tlicrc  are  other  machines, 

I     but   none   ai  gnod   vakic  as 
the  .Royal 

SEE    IT,    TRY    IT.    AND 


Fhonc  1377 

622  Trounce  Avenue 

Agents  for  Victoria 

CompaAy,  Ltd. 

Phone  63     1003  Government 
Uk  Waitts  Wusic  Stow 


Lot  on  Michigan  street,  near  Montreal,  6oxl2Zittt^ 



1000  Govcttimcnt  Sttc^t 




Wednesday,    February    28,    1912 

YICl^KiA   DAILY    'uOLuxN  ir^  i 



I   ,iim>,Han   Wlieal    I'IuUch.   per    l>kK •••••• 

'ainuilon   Wlie^t   h"lak.«iH.   per  pkg.   40c'-aml. 

H,  &   K.    V'ht,tii    KlakPs,   'I   pUge.   for 

K.llog'8   Taasioil    Corn    Klakea,    •-'    pli«s. 

YvaWj,    Viiu.    :;    pke».    for 

Sliieatltd    Wheat    CaKes.    per   pi.- 
OiJHktji-    I'uffed    Rice.   piM'    pkji, . 
QiiHkfT   I'ltffed    WbeiU.   'l    i>ki{>^. 

Quaker   Oats,    2    jtkya.    for. 

Quaker   Oal«,   liirso  isixe.. 

Quakei-  Corn  I'Uikos.  L'  pkgs.   !'• 

Post    Toiiatlc-s.    :;    pk«s.    for.. 

i!    >^    l».    I'rottio  of  UatK.  small  pliK 

III  i  Hi'. I.    i>er    iikff •••• 

WlUHllOtS,    P<^i"    PlsK 

Harluy   VMukes.  pel-  pk^ 

( Tcatii   itf  \VI:cttt.  por  pkg 

1'«u-ls   tff   Wheat,    per   *»k!{ 

Olympic   Whcut   Htarl  ' 

(irape  ;«iuts,  |Jor  pUK. . 

Hicene,    per   pkg..  ■  

TrlMCult,   per   pkK-  

i'lin,   r-,  '■    i'      •■'  

i'Unl.V       !l'"l,      I"   1       |'!^..( 

Olymr-ic    l.'.;m;il;c    J'lour,  per   pkg,. 

*Koiu-.i   ouiH,   .xUo   iinality,   :!0-ii>    ..w-u-^    

UoDc'i    Out-s,    f'xlra   iiiuillly,    1-                           ■■■■ 
1 1     '■•    •     "  -"-a  OalH,  8's. • 

-                       MCTiT.^lTO-rSj.  -sacks,- -coarse,  stand* 
w  M ,....i,    10-ib.   saek» 

iiiickvvimat    Flour,    10-U>;    Btii-ks 
'"lacked    Wheat,    lO-Jli.    sacks., 
liroimd    UU-e,    per    s:i.;.-      .  — ... 
H'lllficl  Wheut,   10- 
iionilny,   10-lb.  sai .... 
Rye  .Flour,  lO-lb.  sacks.  . 

1  .-.«• 

«  <  »  «  ' 



..  .:{.5<- 

.  .-450 



<  1,111  lni>e<l    frtmi    I'HKe    I 

irtliTTrl'fonns    wlilcli    have    ha,ii    «pc'cUic 
niciillon    in    tlit^    report,    and    which    we 
hope   will    hriDK     up     our     syslem      of 
rt'vcnue    to    tho    uiO«t    nimlern    .staMilrtnl, 
;  and  ,wUl   put   BrUlsh   Coluniljlu,   In    liila 
I   rftx?urd.    on    the    higbest    po»«lLi)e    pUmi-. 
i   We    ftflt,    with    regard    tq    tlio   far-reacn- 
ln>f    cunne'4uent;cs    tWt    must    follow    uu 
this  report,  that  it  would  Ije  well  to  per-' 
nilt  lis  ciroulatlon  nirouslioul  the  coun- 
try,  and   espi'clally    whiM-e   it    may   affect 
vastod    Interests,    so    that    if  there    were 
any   points   that    uilghl   be   fiiibmUled    lo 
tlif  Kovernnieni   In   the   meantime,   every 
p.Tson  concerning  Himself  with -tS'.'i.fiub- 
jfci    would    have    time    to    come   before 
the  cabinet  and  pri',scnt  his  grievances. 
For  this  reason   1   would  Ukc   to  have  It 
deflnltely    understood    that    at    the    next 
session    o\   the   leglalfituro    U    is   the    In- 
t<  ntion  ot   tho  soyrnment  to  undertake 
1.  i:isl:illon   along   tlie   lines   of   the   tuxa- 
1  .:nml8Bloncr's  report. 

Settlement  Congres* 
'■I     have    tuiothn-     slulenn-nl     Liiui        I 
u.uiUi    llkft    to    submit.       Some        wc-Us 
u,-o  the  lieutenant  governor  was  the  r- 

CtpleUt^Xii H       pnnltniinloation    from    Hie 

chamber  of  commerce  ai^^  asBociainl 
public  bodies  of  Tacoma.  invUlng  hitn 
to  attend  a  convention  to  be  held  In 
that  citT,"^  on  February  il  and  22,  as 
executive  Dlpliit-xflAf^MEMt  province.  The 
object    of    iduiL^YiMiimHttlon    was    to    dls- 

'J  f. 

*B9lBp»»dent  Orooem,  1317  Oovemmeat^treet 


vTO  WORK     / 

In  factory  or  Ttbre,  where  electric  power  or  light  are  re- 
quired.    We  have  both  in  practically  unlimited  quantities^ — 
and  we  will  prove  to  you  that  it  is  the  kind  that  pays.    Consult 
'  our  experts  in  both  services.   They're  at  your  command.   Just 
ring  lip  phone  i6oo — 


1 "  tiii;, 


nonor   fKe  ^ — .,,_, ,„  ^ 

able    to  &tm$>  W*  t 

Icadei    of   the 

\i  tat  ion   to   be   prewj 

till    session,  (rfi 

It  was  be,"^     ' 

iDirtt    of 

fill  vmm 

v«ttena.      W« 


,— .    niy    cu_  „.^,.. 

-•*ere   fortuMifife/'ll>liw|(Bt  JP  ^?'''}J^J^ 

the  deputy  speaker,  a,  t^UWRfiV^^^^ 

knowU'Otje   of   the  counWi^  ir 

(■(.in(lilioii.s.     iiiade    him    well 

tain    taxes    InipoKfd   by      th<'     "Dewdney 
•Vlunielpality    Kellef   Act,   1906, 

No.  8.  an  ti;t  to  amend  the  inhtrllunce 


No.  0  an  act  to  amend  tlie  Special 
Surveys  Act.  ' 

No.    10    an    aet    tu    uiiu'in.!    tlie    I-unuey 


No.  11,  u"  ."1  relating  to  tlie  vesur- 
vey  of  tllHtrU't  1<>1  306a.  groui>  1,  New 
Westminster  dlst'riet  and  within  tho 
Itmlts  of   the   city   of   Yaneouver.  „    ! 

No.  ^'I,   an    act   lo    auinul    ihi-    Lliiuor   I 
Licence  Act. 

No.  13,  an  act  to  anu-iid  the  Vileilri- 
aiy   Act. 

No.  14,  an   m-l    re«\,r.,i  in;,'    i;iiipIoyi"eiil 


No,,  15,  an  aol  tu  «ni, ml  eliapl''''  HI 
of  the  Revised   Htatutew. 

N".  16,  an  act  to  amen, I  llu  Meenc? 
of  Canneries  Act. 

Is'o.  17.  an  act  to  amend  the  Provin- 
cial  Klections   Act. 

No.  18,  an  act  to  amend  'the  Coal  and 
Petroleum  Act. 

JJo.  ;1&,  flin  *tc*  to  amend  the  Land  Act. 

No.   20,  an   act    to      aiiwinl      tii,.^Wati  r 


No,  21,  an  act  m  ..i;. ....:•  r.Ttain 
Municipal    Bylaws. 

No.  22,  an  act  to  amend  tht.  City  of 
I'rince  Ilupert  Incorporation  Act,  IdlO. 

No.  p,  an  act  to  ratify  an  ajfrecment 
bearing  <iat"rthe"tt5nt>i  "day  of  T" 
1912.  between  His  Ma.1esty  the  King  and 
Timothy  Foley.  Patrick  Welch  and 
John  W  Stewart  and  an  aK'eement 
bearing  date  the  twenty-third  da\  nf 
January.  1»12,  between  the  Grand 
Tiunk  Pacific  Railway  Company  and 
T-,,,.  rti.ii'»d   Trank   l\iciflc    Branch    Unf" 

In  corporate     xnA 
Railway    Com 

25.  An  act  rMPQCtiiiK   the  repur 

tm,  jd.  m  Wit  M" 

I      Angu8  Campbell  &  Co.,  Ltd,  1008-1010  Government  Street      [ 

Ladles'  Correct  Hosiery  For 


R    r    FlprtHr  P;illwav  fo     ltd. 

Light    and    Power   Department  Plio%   1     • 

Imported  Pure  Castile  Soap 

25^  PER  1>AR 
Made  of  \nrre  olive  oil  and  especially  recprriiriefidecl 
for  medicinal  and  toilet  purposes.  Remember,  this 
soap  is  PURE  and  only  on  account  of  our  large  pur- 
ili;ise  we  are  able  to^ell  it  at  this  low  figure. 

CYRUS  h:  BOWESrCKemist 

Telephones  425  and  450 

1228  Government  Street 


^.  .,„,.  4 *.„.!,  *»,«  w^iivnr.wn   Banff  AJitliraclte  Bri<iuetto«  and 

we    now    ceil  t  >     i»«    oi.v>>..t    ^. ,,--,,..  ...  ,-,, 

sl'.verles   In   any  quantities.     Try  them  in  your  hrcplace.  Clean 

can    ma'ia    del 
and    economical 

Island  Lumber  Company,  Ltd. 

Duncan.  B.  C. 

Manufacturers  of  Flooring,  Rough  and  Dressed  Timbers. 
Ceiling,  Dimension,  Siding,  Boards,  Mouldings,  Shiplap,  Etc. 
We  have  a  very  large  stock  and  are  prepared  to  name  low 
prices  for  carload  lots  deliver^ed  by  the  E.  &  N.  Ry.  Co.  at 
Victoria.     We  solicit  your  inquiries. 


Player  Piano 

TlIK   MOST    ART1.STIC    I'l.AVKK    .\1A1>K    1  .V    iaNVHA. 

'I'he     i-,ie-enirtieiii"       ■■!  •-■ 

in^<truments  is  due  piinii|)all.\ 
to  their  Quality-Tone.  .N'o  other 
maker  has  siie»eeded  in  rpi>ri.i- 
dimlnK  It.  'rlie  name  Nord- 
helmer  guarantees  the  TliRhest 
Qiialil>'  of  workmanxhip  and 
liniwh.  ._ 

--  .       \  i:,»iie> 

Geo.  H.  Suckling 

The  OBly  Hmno  Xous*  la  Victoria  on  Tort  Stro«t 

i-epresent  thv  Kovernmeut  of  BrltlR 
lumbla,   and   I  have  in  niy  hands  today 
tt    report    he  has    Just    "i    .  .^-  I    me   as    a 
result  of  his  visit.     It  n  a  source 

of  much  gratification  indeed  to  know 
with  what  heartiness  the  member^  for 
Cowlchan  was  greeted  as  the 
representative  of  tli«  province  of 
British  Columbia.  It  seems  to 
me  that  a,:  recognition  w,i«  given 
that  must  at  once  place  ua  under 
deep  obligation  to  our  friends  and  neigh- 
bors of  the  city  of  Tacoma,  one  that  will 
leave  a  lasting  Impression,  and  will  re- 
mind us  from  time  to  time,  whenever 
the  opportunity  may  occur,  that  here  Is 
a  del. I  we  must  not  spare  ourselves  In 
t  .  incnt    of.      I    think,    ft  Oiii    tho 

nc^^.^pop^r   reports    Of     the   spontaneous, 
outburst  of  enthusiasm  that  greeted  my 
frtsn^  In  rlslnir'to   -lO-i—  -   the  conven- 
tion, and  at  the  h  there  can 
bo  no  dqubt  of  the   ii.- iruuc.^.s  of  his  re- 
ception.     There    wa.'i    present    the    -'"v- 
ornor    of      Washington      and      governors 
from    some    of    the    other    states,    and    It 
must  augur  well  for  the  social  as   well 
aa  for  the  commercial  condicons  exist- 
ing between  our  neighbors  and  us,  tha-t 
we   as   Canadians    invited   to    take   part 
in    a   gathering  of    thia   kind,    have   re- 
ceived through  -the  ti^eney  of  Mr,  Jlay- 
ward    such   attentions   as    these.      After 
all    it  goes  to  show   that   while  there  Is 
a  boundary  betwe^  us,  .and  while  from 
the  nature  of  things,  the  British  empire 
and  the  United  States  of  America,  must 
alwavs    stand   out   as    two   distinct   and 
separate  countries,  there  1«  at  the  same 
time    striking   eviacnee- that. t!»?   Tinlon 
i               1   the  Stars     and     Stripes     still 
..^ther-fls  the  beat  KuarAiens  of 
pwice   and      freedom      the     world      over. 

Mr.  Brewster  reminded  the  premier 
that  he  had  on  the  order  paper  some 
questions  in  reference  to  the  settlement 
of  the  Songhees  reserve  question. 

The  premier  replld.that  he  had  wired 
to  Ottawa  about  the  matter,  and  he 
might  receive  i^epllfes  "within  haK  i»n 
hour.  If  he  did  so  be  would  be  In  a  po- 
sition to  answer  the  questions  of  his 
honoraiile  friend. 

Closing  ■Work  of  Session 
'iiir  bill.-j  to  receive  tJie  assent  oC 
the  Ic.iji.sUiture  were  those  to  amend  the 
Municipal  Act,  the  Land  Registry  Act. 
the  Public  Schools  Act.  and  the  Con- 
tagious Diseasta  (Animals)  Act.  The 
final  measure  to  be  made  law  were 
Mr  Havward's  bill  for  the  licensing  of 
employment  agencies,  Mr.  Hawthoru- 
lliwaite's  bill  to  regulate  wages  in  cer- 
tain industries,  Mr.  Williams  fortnight- 
ly wages  bill,  Mr.  Hawthornthwalte's 
bill  to  incorporate  the  city  of  Nanaimo 
RfUlwav  company,  Mr.  Thomson's  bill 
to  grant  an  extension  of  time  to  the 
Victoria  Harbor  Railway  company,  and 
Uie  altomey-generars  biU  to  amend  tlic 
HospitalB  for  Insane  Act,  were  not 
pressed  by  their  movrr-  and  were  .Imn- 
ped  from   the  lift 

Tho  business  of  the  houye  wa.s  eon- 
cludcd  by  3  p.  m.  Thtn  an  Intermission 
of  al)OUt  an  hour  was  taken,  and  Llcut.- 
Governor  Paterson  in  ordinary  citizen's 
Bttire,  came  In  and  assented  to  FjS  of  the 
G2  bills  pas.sod  during  the  session.  With 
the  usvial  cereinwi'dcB  cor,G!ad,ns  with 
all  mtmbers  joining  in  singing  the  Na- 
tional Anthem  the  third  session  of  the 
twelfth  parlianviii  "f  Kritlsh  r,3lanilil« 
was  prorogued. 

Tlie  four  billa^ireviously  a.s."sentpd  to 
,lui-iiie    111-'    PetRlrtn    were: 

,  ,  .,,...  I       •  M.    iivi.-^.  .1    .«tat- 

n  t  rs, 

A     liill     t'>    vall'late    Un'    N'ailrouvrf  eivie 


An    act     respe.inn 
(01 ia. 

.An     nrl     ;■•    .iiie-lnl     111. 
1  neiiriipi  alion    Act. 

Of  tiio  seventy-three  iliai  lin\e 
been  before  the  housp,  eleven  were  witii- 
drawn    or   defealeil. 

Bills   Receive   Assant 

Ffillowlng  are'  tlie  l)illK  ilial  were  as- 
sented   lo   yesterday; 

No.  4.  Hn  net  respeetiuK  l'"ore«ts  and 
Crown  Timber  X.and».  and  the  Conser- 
vation and  Preservation  of  .^landing 
Timber  and   Products   of   iht  Forest. 

No.  5,  an  aet  lo  riitify  an  agreement 
iirarlng   dale   the   eighth    day     of     June. 

the  right  of  the  province  of  P>rltl»h 
Columbia,  the  City  of  Prlnc«,  Rup,  rt,  the 
Grand  TrunV  Pacinc  Railway  Company, 
and  the  Oranti  Trunk  Pm-in.-  neveiop- 
nicnt  Comi,>anv,  Llmiteii 

No.  C  dn  act  for  the  icuus.'sujii  uf  trr- 

the     Shops 

b«twe«n  :i^ 

BcKiuimUt  '^<iW|t^.|. .^^M 

panv,  toearlnjr  6«t*  in* 
of  February,  1912. 

No.  27.  an  act  to  ratify  an  ai^reement 

fiearing    date    the    twelfth    day    of   Jan- 

uray.    1912,  between    His      Majesty     tho 

King  and  The     Kettle   Valley   Railway 


No.  28,  an  act  to  make  provision  for 
the  extension  of  the  lines  of  railway  of 
the  Canadian  Northern  Pacifle  Railway 

No.  31,  an  act  to  amend  itie  Brilisli 
Columbia  Railway  Act. 

No.  32,  an  act  to  amend  the  Contagi- 
ous Diseases   (Animals)   Act 

No.  33,  an  ai.t  ta  amend  the  Settled 
Estates  Act.  ft|^ 

No.   34.  an   act   to  amend    tl 

No.  36,  an  act  to  amend 
Resrulatlon    Act. 

No.  37.  an  act  to  amend  the  Companies 


No.  39,  an  act  to  amend  tlie  British 
Coivimbia  UniverBity   Atit.        -  ■•    - 

No.  40,  an  act  respecting  Rural  Tele- 
phone Systems. 

No.  41.  an  act  furllutr  tu  ameml  the 
Dyking  Assessments  Adjusinieiit  Act, 

No.  43,  an  a<.-i  •••  .ur,.  imI  m.  .\ 
FJr6  Insurance  Companies  A.ct. 

No.  44,  an  act  to  amend  the  Municipal 

No.  45.  an  act  t.i  1, move  the  Disability 
of  Women  so  far  as  relates  tO  the  Study 
and  Practice  of  the   Law. 

No.  47,  an  act  10  amend  the  Creditors' 
Relief  Act 

No.  48,  an  act  respecting  Pound  Dis- 

No.  49,  an  act  for  establishing  an  In- 
dustrial Home  for  Girls. 

No.  60,  an  act  to  incot-porafre  Ryerson 

>'  N^o.  SI,  ah  ai-'i  io  ani,-ii"  liie  V<iiit,iu,<i 
Inoorporation  Act,  1900. 

No.  52,  an  act  to  Incorporate.  "W'est 
Vancouver  Municipality. 

No.  53,  an  act  to  validate  b.vlaw.s  num- 
bered SG  and  91  of  tho  corporation  of  the 
city  of  Fernle. 

No.  54,  an  act  for  the  relief  of  the 
tnimlciiial  corporation  of  ;  th«  _.  p.lj(y-^xif 

No.  57,  an  act  to  validate  bylaw  No. 
69  of  the  city  of  Prince  Rupert. 

No.  69,  an  act  to  ratify. bylaw  No.  54 
of  the  district  municipality  of  Pentlc- 
lon,  being  the  Kettle  River  Valley  Rail- 
way Aid  Bylaw,  1911. 

No.  60,  an  act  to  extend  the  time  for 
the  Commencement  of  Construction  of 
the  Line  of  the  .Southeast  Kootenay 
Railway  Company. 

No.  G2,  an  act  to  Incorporate  the  City 
of  Salmon  Arm. 

.    No.   63,  an  act  lo  incorpoi-»ti.   ilif -Van- 
couver Grain  Exchange. 

No.  ^,  an  act  resppctlnp  I'hri-t 
Church  Trust. 

No.  65,  an  sol  to  amend  Westminster 
Hall   Act,    1900. 

Nn.  66,  an  act  to  amend  the  Land 
Registry  Act. 

No.  S7,  ;:■,  .,,  ;  ,,>  amend  tlic  Bills  of 
Sale  Act 

No.  68,  an  act  for  the  Regulation  of 
I'DOl-rooms  in  Districts  not  Ini'luded  in 
any  Municipal  Area. 

No,  69,  an  act  to  amend  tlic  Munici))al 
Flections  Act. 

There  is  iiiuch  niurt-  U)  ho.siery  than  more  laliric.  There  are 
Mich  things  :.,.  STYLE.  yUAI/lTY.  SERVICE  and  proper  fit,  and 
\mi  will  find  these  fentnres  c.  in  :ill  "Cainiilit-irs"  hosiery 
!iiio.<.  ^ft"- 

"Holeproof"  Silk  Hosiery— ,^uarahtce(l—i  11  U\:irk  and  fan,  1  in  loj-H, 

linen  heei^  uiul   l.  ■         i''.-i    pair    ^-r-;S-  .,- ^1.00 

Penman's  Mercerized  Cotton. Hose,  in   l)!ack  aiul   lan.   3  paiis  f'>r 

Siikette  Hose;  nfbfeck  aird  t^vy  rpa^rs-fe?.^^i^OQ-or,  p^^^       35*^ 
Spun  Silk  and  Silk  Hose— very  big  range  of  these  in  all  colojs. 

From,  ^jer  pair,  $1.75  to   ...    • '^'^^ 

fancy  Silk  Lisle  Hose,  m  bKuk  and  colors.    \'ery  good  values,  at 
per  pair  '  ... 

^  Extra  good  val- 


s'iswgcr  Cashmep^l^,  -summer  weight.  ^Pcr^J 

Evening  ^^^^'^Mfi^^^^^'^^J^  '^^^^'^ 
in  pure  silk  and  '^pu^i^     Any  ct^lor  you 

in  pure  siiK  and  '^pu^jj™.     ^^"y  '-'■"'"   >""       ,^s>&  , 
.wAttt  w  hi^    From,  ^^r^tffitf . « 50^  i     JaNt^olor^- 

iinoBBMNiiii    r-i    ril).  black 

^p's  Silk  14^^ 




.r    \-, 

-Miinii  ii-allllea 

No.  72,  an  net  lo  amemi  the  I'rnde 
L.'cences  Act. 

,  N".      7?.      ■•"       ■  .n,,.n/l      til..      I'lihlif 

Sehools   A'  - 


Mrs.  W.  11.  Low<^,  of  KeremcdS,  U.  c. 
Ls  visiting  in   the  city. 

•Mr.  J.  T.  Wilkinson,  c.r  Climiwaek. 
is    over    from    the    mainland. 

.Mrs.  \j.  Arion,  Niagara  st..  will  not 
receive    Wedne.sda\  . 

Mrs.  Jackson  of  the  Empress  hotel, 
1h  leaving  town  nn  riiiirada>  f<ir  a  six 
months    visit    to    Kngland. 

Mr.  R,  C  Lowe  returned  oji  today's 
lasat  from  Vancouver  where  he  met  his 
mother,  .Mrs.   W,   H.   Lowe. 

Mr.  and  -Mrs.  Adatns  of  Vancomer 
are  visiting  Victoria  on  their  .hone.v- 
mnon  and  are  regl.<<tcred  at  the  Kin- 
press   hotel. 

Mrs.  F.  O.  Richards  arjd  -Mis.?  Rich- 
ards, of  124G  Fort  Street,  will  rc- 
Cf^h'e  on  Thiir.idas  next  and  thereafter 
on  the  last  Thursday  of  the  month. 

Dr.  W.  J.  (-"•.  Tomalin.  M.  R.  C.  S.,  of 
Doloralnc,  Man  ,  who  has  been  visiting 

£rie!!d5     \X\     Vterm-la      frvr     fha     Inot     t»n 

days,  left  for  his  home  on  Tuesday  to 
nvike  arrangements  to  traiisfer  hia 
business  interests  to  Victoria,  where 
he  Int,  n,iB  to  pr3-~ticc  In  his  profession 
and  speciallr-e  In  UlstfasM  oi  wohtn 
and  chlUlren. 

LadieMomfortable  Lightweight 

Underwear    ^_ 

Swiss     UndeWea^^^Wer       weigh 

irimiried     Wr-  plain,    short    .^leevcs    s 

Dainty  Swiss  Vests,  in  fancy  silk  and  lisle, 
short  sleeves  and  no  sleeves,  with  fancy  lace 
yokes.    ! 'rices,  from  $1.90  to.  ...  ......  .50^ 

Watson's  Fancy  Cotton  Vests,  with  lace 
yokes,  no  sleeve.-  .m-l  .short  sleeves.  Prices 
from  .......:„... 25^ 

it,     lace 
.........vv,     w.     plain,    snurr    .•.^iccv^-s    ''i"<'    ""| 

sleeves.    Prices  $1.00  and    «5^ 

Jaeger  Underwear— for  which  wc  arc  agents- 
high  neck  and  short  sleeves,  high  neck  and 
loiig   sleeves,   low   neck   and   short   sleeves^ 

Vests   i-r.Mu    |1-1^ 

Ccmbiuaiii'ii-    from    ■ ;pi>..6io 


IT....-      *..*..      «.nnT,      /V,,^     arl- 

vance  shnwinir  of  Spring 

Improved  harm  ror  Mie 

lOoiicres,  55  acres  cleared,  45  acres  uncier  cultivation.  New 
house  and  learns  valued  at  $3,5()0.  Runnin«^  water  to  house  and 
barns.'^^l^ur  miles  1n)m  Port  Alberni  i)Ost  olTice.  One  mile  Irom 
school.   Apply  to 


P.  O.  Box  ()(),  Port  Alberni 
Real  P:state  and  Insurance 



Enoineers  and  Contractors 



Ideal  Country  Home 

Close  l(.)  Ihc  City 

with  exceptional  fine  view  of  the  Straits-thc  finest  i-iece  of  waterfront  pro- 
e    vnea?thecitv.    Good  house,  with  all    modern    improvements-outbuildmgs 
l.f  the  bt^st      Several  hundred  fruit  trees ;  small  fruits  in  abundance.  Large  front-. 
aoc  on  the  walcr  rind  on  main  road.     School  and  post  oftice  close. 

This  is  the  choicest  piece  of  outside  property  within  easy  reach  of  the  city. 
i>ricc  and  terms  may  be  had  on  application  to  the  Exclusive  Agents  of  ^"^ 


10 1 2  Broad  St. 

Offices:     Nev^ 


,-  iz.- ji!reia:aai8affla^To!ajsM& jaal 


yuxiikHlX    1  JA11.Y    COIXm^rJt 

W«dn«»day,    February    iJa,    1S12 

Th.       Colonl.t      Prlntln,       .nd     ;-PublUhtn« 

Companr.    Limited   Liability. 

1211-121»   Broad  Btrael,  Victoria.   B.  C 

3.     S.     H.     MATSON. 


nellvcrrd  by  carrier  at  00  <>•""  »"  «°"^^ 
H    paid    !n    advance:    «0c    P"    %"''^    "  ^^t- 
after    the    ZOtU    of   each    month.     Mailed    po« 
*lld     to  any   part  of  Canada,  exnept  the  city 
,  iiu.   ii>  0.1.J-    '  Which   are   covered   by 

..r    «\il>urban    district*,    wniuu    »■» 

cur  carrier,   or   th.   United   KlnKdora,   at  th. 
lollowlng    rale.: 


One    Year    

8lx    Month.    .  . 
Three    Mouth. 


London    Office:     S0-9S    Fleet    StreeL 

M«nu.rrlpt  olfered  for  .ale  to  The  Co  o- 
i/ai  must  be  addrc.ed  to  the  business  office 
othfTwlse    tho    company    will    not    a.8ume    the 

,„. 11-111. y    (.f    th.<    return    of    .amo    to    the 

u"uUror"     "m.     8.    S.     accepted    by     other    than 
lU©   bu.lne..  manager  will  not  bo  paid  for. 

Wednesday,    February    28,    1912 


'he  beglsUitiire  has  Tjeen  dissolved 
and  the  new  election  will  be  held  on 
ths  28th  of  March,  nominations  being 
made  on  the  12th.  As  this  announce- 
jTient  has  been  expected  ever  since  the 
f^gfhhinff'or  tile -year,   ix   v^Ht^£K!Ca«jOTV- 

The  House  which  has  Just  gone  cut  of 

Existence   has   sat   three   times.     It   had 

the    right 'to    a    fourth    session,   but    In 

view  of  the  extensive -programme  which 

has    been    proposed    by   the   government 

and  received  regislatWi~»a.ficn6Tir-aTit5^ 
also  m  view  of  the  changing  character 
of  thcclectorate  by  th*.  addiUpn  of  new^ 
immcs  to  the  voters'  list,  it  has  been 
deemed  advisable  not  to~permlt  It  to 
last  its  full  term.  The  practice  of  hav- 
ing more  frequent  dissolutions  than  the 
law  calls  for  is  rapidly  gaining  favor 
in  the  i:nlted  Kingdom  as  well  as  In 
Canada.  ^ 

Tlip    previous    election    was    Iield    after 
Mic    annbuuccmont    of  an  extensive  policy 
of    railway    construction,    and    the    plan 
thus    outlined    by    the    government      re- 
ceived  a   very    rcmarl^ablc    endorsement. 
Tiiat       policy       was       t-anu-a     forward 
through    its   first   stage    at    the     .session 
following  the  election.     It  was  advanced 
1:0  the.  second   stage  during  the^  session. 
Nvh^U^  has  just:  iibs^d,   and   it  is  "very 
proper    that    the    electorate   shall     have 
(lie  opportunity  of  *>xrresslnK  their  ap- 
proval  or  disapproval,   as  they  may   see 
nt,   at    the   earliest  possible   day.     Their 
.ilLcussion   cannot   fall   to   have   a     very 
uportant   Influence   upon  the   course   of 
::,e    government    in     this    regard    here- 
al'ter.  --..—  .-.--. 

Tiic  exDenditures  provided  for  by  the 
nipropriations  Just  made  by  the  House 
,e  unprecedented  In  magnitude  in  thi-s 
rovince.  The  gov#rnm.-nt  has  ihougl.t 
::.  well  to  give  the  electorate  en  oppor- 
tunity of  expressing  itself  as  to  this 
poLicy  of  large  outlay  in  works  of  im- 
provement'before  the  expenditure  has 
nt--tt.«Hy  been  wade."  Opponents  of  tho 
govonimeiit     certainly    cannot    complain 

t,>    a  ^^ulllclcnt    number    of    the   elector- 

that    the    present   administration    is   not 

to  be  entrusts.)   with    this  great^respon- 

sibility   a  new   administration     will      be 

,Xormed  of  which  they  whl  have  control. 

J  That  the  forthcorting  election  will  re- 

"sult  in  the  return  or  the  government  to 

power   sterns    to    be    a    foregone    conclu- 

diity  resting  upon  him  as  the  chief  law 
offleer  of  the  Crown.  Even  hU  political 
opponent*  muet  concede  that  he  filled  hU 
arduouB  poBltlon  with  an  Intelligent  ap- 
preciation of  ihlB  varied  BublMla.  unflas- 
glng  Industry,  great  profesalOnal  ability 
and  excellent  good  humor.  We  think  that 
to  say  this  la  only  fair  to  a  minister, 
whose  work  is  of  a  class  which  the 
public  at  \9TKf  have  not  many  oppor- 
tunities of  properly  estimating. 

Mr.  McBrlde  comes  out  of  the  session 
more  strongly  entrenched  in  the  conftd- 
ewce  of  his  supporters  in  the  House  aiid 
the  public  generally  than  ever  before. 
Hf  has  shown  his  recognition  of  the 
nefds  of  British  Columbia  for  a  stronK 
and  progresnive  policy,  and  he  has  had 
thi-  courage  lo  give  a  lead  which  will  be 
productive  of  resuHh  of  tlie  greatest 
vahif.  It  lias  been  given  to  no  premier 
in  Canada  to  entT  nfllof  with  a  deph.^ied 
public  treasury,  uiul  a  well-nigh  ex- 
hausted i.ulillc  credit,  and  within  less 
than  nliu.  years  find  him.self  in  a  posLtlon 
to  undertake  and  pay  .fo»';  without  bor- 
rowing,   the   greatest  aystein   of  i^iibrio 

,     -^1 A  -  >,<.  •,-.  TtrnvlnclaX 

■works    ev^r — j>win;»..v»«,«,v.--»y— -ss — «-i-^ — - 

legislature,   and   to   provide  for  railway 

development  upon  a  scale  he* etofore  only 

contemplated  by  the  Dominion.     It  is  a 

record  of  which  any  public  man  might 

well  be  proud.    He  has  grown  with  his 

r<*?"P0"^'"'>t twf;  -  -      1  _  ' 

5,(,p,vr'li     with    the    ,^  '  ullich 

h  amc:"  Itis  not  to  de- 

tract from  the  ability  of  his  colleagues 
to  say  that  hlB  is  the  master  mind  of 
the   most  able  and  progressive   govern- 
ment British  Columbia  has  ever  had. 
-One  of  thO'inoiitiVaTtiablft  featBreg.„of 

the  past  session  was  the  Budget  Speech, 

new  Union  Sank  bulldlns  and  that  un- 
der construction  for       Messra.     Elliott. 
MdLean  &  Shandley  and  Messrs.  Miic- 
Pberson   and    Kullerton    Brothers    wlU 
completely    alter    the    appearance     of 
the  business  centre,  and  will  make  the 
one-storey  buildings     adloinliig     them 
look     very     mean     an<l     insignificant. 
There  waa  a  very  general  hope  among 
the   cltiEens    that    when    the    Canadian 
rrclflc  Telegraphs    moved    out   of   the 
liltle  structure  on   the  corner  ol   Gov- 
ernment street  and  Trounce  -VUey.  Mr. 
William   Wilson,    the     owner     of     the 
premises,  would  follow  the  example  of 
his  fellow     pioneers    and    .place     upon 
what   is    undoubtedly    one    of   the   best 
business   sites   In   the   city   a  structure 
equal   at   least   to   any     other     in     the 
vicinity.     -Many  citizens  have  expressed 
regret    at     what    is     understood    to    be 
Mr.   Wilson's  intt'ntion     to     leave     tho 
structure  as    It   is.      Pot-sibly    the   Col- 
onist has  no  right  to  offer  siigge.^tons 
to  any  one  as  to  what  he  shall  do  with 
his  pronerty.  but  there  arc  times  when 
it  seems  a  fluty  to  &<y    so.       We     are 
Jf6lBiK~With  'aii   respect  io   Mr. 

Continuous  Display  of  1000 
Ru^s  and  Carpet  Squares 

as  one  of  the  oldest,  most  wcaltliy 
and  most  esteemed  of  our  citizens, 
and  as  the  head  of  one  of  our  most 
enterprising  and  progressive  families, 
to  say  to  him  In  plain  words  that  the 
-publKr-:-Will-he--greatly  .rfisappQintwi:  ir 
lie  Joes  not  take  steps  forthwith  f.  ••  - 
place  his  premises  with  a  bull: 
keeping  with  the  value  of  such  a  busi- 
ness site.': 

The    Improvemeiit    talcing    place    on 
Fort  -Street  is  very  marked  and  more 










:-.... -.../DO-FILL.. 

slon.  We  know  the  proverbial  uncer- 
tainty of  elections,  nn.l  shall  not  In- 
dulge in  any  prophecy;  but  it  may  be 
said  without  any  doubt  that  at  present 
there  does  not  appear  to  be  more  than 
one  constituency  in  the'  province  in 
which  the  opposition  Uns  even  a  Sght- 
ing  chance. 


The    Legislature    was    prorogued    yes- 
terday after  an  -an-ventful  session,  and 
yet    one    that    was   marked    by   the   pas- 
sage of  much  very  important  legislation 
and    the  appropriation    of     the      largest 
Fum  of  money  over  voted  out  of  revenue 
l.y  any  province  in  Canada.     The  session 
was  uneventful  only  because  of  the  lack 
of  any  very  acute  discussion,  a  condition 
of   things    inevitable   in   a   House   where 
th<-   Opposition   was   represented   by   one 
Liberal    and    two    Socialists,   and    one  of 
•he  latter  rffrrdnctl  from  any  very  active 
participation   in   its   wori<. 

Referring  e.-jpeclally  to  ihe  seHBlon. 
which  has  Just  closed,  it  was  one  timt 
will  havf.  an  important  bearing  upon  the 
future  of  the  province.  The  railway 
legislation  is  a  part  of  a  broad  plan  of 
development,  which  we  venture  to  think 
will  be  carried  on  boldly  in  the  future. 
The  Forest  Act  Is  of  Itself  sufflcienlly 
Important  to  characterize  the  session  as 
one  of  great  future  Influence.  The 
aulhorly,atlon  of   the  beginning  of  work 

a  compilation  of  facts  and  figures  bear- 
ing  upon    the     present     cbndltlon     ana 
future   prospects   of   the   proviuco     tliat 
has  never  been  surpassed.     Mr.  Ellison, 
Minister  of  Finance  and  Agriculture,  la 
a    gentleman  who  Is  able  to  bring    to  bear 
upon  the  diverse  duties  devolving  upon 
him  a  discriminating  mind,  a   thorough 
knowledge  of  the  province,  strong,  prac- 
tical common   sense   and   a   progressive 
spirit.      His  work  has   not     boon     spec- 
tacular, but  In  the  years  to  come  British 
Columbia  will  feel  its  beneficial  effects. 
As  wo  sald'V^,former  occasion  Dr. 
young,    as    MinistS^-of    liducalion,    has 
had  placed  within  his  reach  an  enviable 
opportunity,  and  It  is   only   fair  to  say 
thait   he   has   be^n   largely   mstruoi«utaa 
in  crcaUng  It.     To  be  entrusted  with  the 
duty  of  laying  the  foundation  of  a  great 
provincial   University   is   an'    honorable; 
task  such  as  few.  men  have  been  called 
upon   to  perform.     Whenever     occasion 
requires    Dr.    Young    to    deal    with    this 
grt^at  work  in  a  public  speech  he  docs 
so  in  auch  a  broad,  illuminating  manner 
as   to   inspire   public    tjonfidence    in   the 
.highest    degree.      No   one    Questions    his 
fitness  for  his  monumental  task. 

Mr.  Ross  made  a  high  place  for  him- 
self by  his  speech  introducing  the  For'  •(- 
Act.  and  ho  added  to  the  reputation  lUus 
won  by  his  treatment  of  the  details  of 
this  very  important  measure.  Equally 
couiteous.  to  critics  and  friends,  ready 
t)  accept  sUgseAUOns  that  commended 
thcmsel"""  +"  bim.  and  able  to  give  good 
reasons  for  all  his  proposals.  Mr.  Ross 
hafr  greafly  added  to  his  reputation  as  a 
public  man  during, the  last  session. 

Mr.  Taylor  is  a  minister  who  must  be 
Judged  by  his  works  rather  than  by  hi-" 
words.    The  former  are  many;  the  latter 
are   tew.     Tne    prtspcti ■»>•■"■»   "•■    — --    t-- 
ga.mme  for  the     Public  Works     depart- 
ment, involving  the  great  sum  of  eight 
millions   of  dollars,   was  a   task  calling 
for  a  thorough  knowledge  of  the  condi- 
tions  of   the   province,  a  compreliensive 
grasp  of  a  great  subject  and  a  Just  sense 
of  proportion.      He   Is   making     a     high 
r^^iiinLinn  fur  himself.        ,^^B^nB^ 
Of  the  two  gentlemen,  ujiiStr^WTOlm'nTe- 
volved  the   task  of  criticism,  it  is  right 
that  a  few  words  should  be  said,  and  it 
la  a  pleasure  to  be  able  to  say  that  they 
discharged  their  task   very  well  jlndc-ed. 
Both   of   them    added    to    tlie   number   of 
their    personal    friends    during    the    ses- 
sion,  and   both  gained   in   reputation  as 
fair-minded   critics. 

is  to  follow  speedUyi    TTVe  <m  of  tho  - 
one-storey  shack  has  passed  for  Vlc- 
torlav  e^d  neyflr-willretumi     Jn 
observations    we    have     made   ^  above 
reference    has   been    made    only    to    a 
verj'  few  of  those  who  have  contribut- 
ed towards  bringing  about  the  general 
air  of  progress  ami  pif^JSperity  in  evi- 
dence   on    every    hand.     The    changes 
along  Yates  Street  are  many.    Douglas 
Street   is   goin^   ahead.     And  the   im- 
portant  thing   for   property    owners   to 
consider   is   that   the  period   of  expan- 
sion  has   only  just     begun.       in     the 
course  of  a  very   short  time,  nuite  cts 
soon,  indeed,  as   we  can  get  ready  foiT 
it.   Victoria    wlli    fee',    a    ncv,-    and   un- 
precedented impetus  from  r..  .way  con- 
struction, includins".  M.Jt:^s«:«J»??5:- 
bered.  the  long  iooked-for  all-faU  con-  i 
nection  with  the  Mainland.    It  may  be 
recalled   that  -only   a,  very-few  ye«rs 
ago     doubts    were     ex'pressed     as     to 
whether   one   apartment   house    in  the 
city  would  pay.  Now  few  people  Ivnow 
how  many   there  are,   and   others   :iro 
being  planned.     A  few  years  previous- 
ly we   were   told  that   we   had    ample 
hotel     accommodation.     Now.     thougli 
wo  have  many. times     what    we    had 
then,  we  have  not  enough.     When  the 
Law   Chambers   was   built   on.  Bastion 
street,  the  wise  folk  doubted  the  neces- 
sity of  providing  so  mtich  office  room 
yet  you  could  place  the  whole  structure 
on    a    single    floor    of    the    Pembertoi. 
or  Sayward  blbfcks.     And  the  pruBrtaa 
wo  seen  is  nothing  to  what_  we 
shall   see   in   the   very    near   future,    of 
which    we    hope    the   owners    of    one- 
storey    business  houses   will   take   due 
notice  and  govern   tV    nselves  accord- 
ingly.   ___ 

Itiaiy  has  annexed  Tripoli,  but  appar- 
ently Tripoli  does  not  know  it. 

Better  make  it  unanJmous  next  tlni. , 
and  let's  see  how  it  will  work. 

Hereafter   the  mayoral  veto  will   ii 
like   the   House   of  Lords,   dilatory   taut 
not  prohibitory. 


A  pleasing  feature  in  the  progress 
of  Victoria  is  that  the  enterprise  and 
energy,  of  which  signs  are  visible  on 
every    hand,    arc     not    attributable    to 

lieVV       COillt-IO,       tlilU       CilC       111  LI  vtl  t«\^t.iOll       "J. 

outside  capital  so  much  as  to  the  faith 

of    tho    older    residents    in    the   future 

of   the    city,    a    faith    that    is    meeting 

'with  ample   reward.       The     old-e»lab- 

liahed   firm   of  Pemberton   &  Sons  led 

in  the  new  movement,  and  Mr.  Joseph 

Sayward.  followed  suit,  and  they  found 

others  ready  to  Imitate  their  exarmplc, 

including  more     recent     residents,     so 

that  today  wo  find  all  over  the  central 

A  correspondent  informs  us  that  ih- 
native   lair    of    the    Pcssimistlcus    VU 
toriensis  is  at  the  northeast  corner  ui 
Fort  and  Broad  Streets.    That  may  in- 
so.  J 

The  Canadian  Pacific  has  let  contrai  l^ 
for  the  building  of  3S0  miles  of  railwa.- 
on  the  Prairie  provinces.  This  acUvii; 
on  the  part  of  the  pioneer  company  i' 
significant  of  its  expectation  of  futur. 
business.  This  Is  Canada's  growing 

The  suggestion  is  now  made  tlia. 
the  collapse  of  the  Quebci:  brldft'. 
which  occurred  in  1907,  accompani.l 
by  great  loss  of  life,  was  due  to  \\v 
action  of  the  dynartiltlng  squad,  :. 
■whose  doors  so  many  atrocities  h;i 
been    laid. 

part  of  the   city  new   buildings   being 

RUinony«.iion  ui    mic  ■,..i!,i.,.....o   -*    

upon  the  Provincial  University  will  rank      erected,   which   In    character   would/he 
..     ,..^_ „„..  ir,  .v.-  K-i-tnrv      an  ornament  to  any  place  in  Canada. 

among  the  hlsftorlc  events  In  the  history 
of  Brtlsh  Columbia.  There  has  been  a 
great  mass  of  minor  legislation,  some  of 
It  bearing  upon  matters  vital  to  the  wel- 
fare of  the  public. 

A  very  heavy  reoponKlblllty  has  rest- 
♦-,1  upon  the  Attorney-General.  With  all 
rofpect  to  Mr.  Brewster.  It  cannot  be 
oialmed  that  he  is  »  competent  .  legal 
critic,  and  an  Attorney-Qeneral.  #hoha* 
no  one  to  subject  his  work  to  the  severe 
te«t  of  hostile  legal  critJcJsm.  Is  In  tto 
enviable  po«lUon.     Mr.  Bowser  has  t>x 

an  ornament  to  any  place  in  Canada.: 
From  the  fine  hotel  on  Pandora,  erect- 
ed  by  Mr.   Hm  Bang,     to     the     great 
structure  to  be  erected  on  the  corner 
of  HumboWt  and  GovirnTnent,  there  are 
many  proofs  of  the  faith  of  the  older 
residents  In  their  «lty  and  of  the  con- 
fidence of  newer  comers  as  well.    The 
vacant  area  formerly  occtipied  by  D. 
8p«no«r,  ibta,,  mna  ui«  thiv  »isteni 
Blook    yet    awaits    occtipants,   but    on 
tlte   other    itde   of  Qo»«ri»m«»t   strdet 
M«Mra.  Hlb»»n  it  Co,  have  begun  the 

©nviatjx*  i»M»«v»*'»"-     - — •  —  d 

bblted  BWat  industry  and  much  sklU  ln.l  erection   of  what   will   be   one   of  the 
'^  -  '-     ..TMntinnAliv  heavy  I  fin«»i  ba9lno.<is  Mocks  In  the  city.    The 

A  rather  amu^in<„  story  is  told  ot       • 
Minister     of     Education     in     the     u.  - 
French  cabinet.     When  he  went  to  h. 
oflfice    the   morning    after   his    appoii.; 
ment  t-he  chief  cXexV  refused  to  penr 
him    to   enter.      "Monsieur    Steeg    w 
not  see  you,"  he  said,  naming  the  f'  ^ 
mer    Minister.      "You    need    not   insi 
for  he   is  not  recelvl-c  t'-' 
It  is  also  said  that  when  Mr.  Hammer- 
stein  opened   his   new   opera  house  in 
IX)ndon.  the  doorkeeper  refused  to  let 
him    in    because    bo    haci    iui,>,<ji^  . 
Issue    an    invitation    to    himself,      b 
odder  still  was  the  plight  In  which  t; 
President  of  Switsserland  found  hlmse 
at  a  recent  aviation  meet     The  gatt 
keeper  roiuseu  "»"»  «>mjii.— >-— ,  — j— 
newslMy  exclaimed  in  the  patois  of  tl 
canton:     "Go  on,  you  fooL     Don't  yo 
know  h**«  the  pr«iS«cnt."     The  left' 
nart  of  the  remark   was  awldreaacd*! 
the  gateke'-per. 


..Free Catalogue 

ROOM    IS   ON 
Ai^iY  TIME 

sMEET  ,,Y^OU|L 




Hundreds  of  New  Arrivals  to  Interest  You 

Never  such  a  showing  of- Rugs  and  Carpet  Squares. 

New  arrivals  being  add.d  daily.  The  most  beautiful  sensations  ever  exhibited  to  the^  homelov.r.  Our 
Rug  Racks  make  it  possible  u .  keep  on  show  an.  enormous  number.  You  are  welcome  at  all  times  to  examme 
!7stock,  whether  with  tbeiiu.n,ionon>urchasing  or  not.  This  fashionable,  hygienic  and  inexpensive 
method  oi  floor  covci-.i,  ha.  ..  much  to  recommend  i..  We  are  constantly  m  receipt  of  the  very  newest  and 
most  artistic  designs,- which  keep  our  stock  alway.  fresh  and  gives  ample  choice^ ^ ^ 

Floor  Coverings  For  The  Cottage  Or  The  Mansion 


Wool  Rugs  from  S55.00  to 

Tapestry  Squares  from  $26.00  to  .  . 
Genuine  Oriental  Rugs  at  all  prices.^ 
Brussels  Squares  from  ^42.00  to   .^ 

.  ^0.00 

.;  .5^14.00     I 

Axminster  Squares  from  $75-00  to ?18.75 

Wilton  .Squares  from  $95-00  to ^25100 

Velvet  Squares  from  $42.00  to , , •  •  •  .$24.00 



c  r>« 



See  oni-  Government 

C«-rA*»*-    win  flow    for    the 

-'" ^  .        ,  . 

latest  creations  in  inis 
ideal  curtain  and  dra- 
pery material,  also  the 

showinff  on  our  second  ,  .  , 

floor,  in  dainty  coloring  and  pleasing  do.n  uuu  ^j  d 
NOT  fade  in  the  strongest  sunhght.  We  of:c:  >oU  that 
material  in  these  -Sundour"  fahrics,  or  -^ich  wc  are 
.ole  Victoria  Agents.  We  have  a  splend.!^  'Y^"'^'"^.":"' 
of  dainty  materials  which  give  '"-'-^^^  j^";;,;';;;;;^^^: 
never  snggcsted  before  m  such  ?■  ■     1        ^1'  to 

''Sundour"    Embroidered    Casement    Fabrics    f^""^-    P^^-; 


"Sundour"  Plain  Casement  Fabrics  from,  per  yard.  .80^ 
"Sundour"  Madras  Muslins  from,  per  yard  ....  •  -  "^^^ 
"Sundour"  Brocades  for  Curtains  from,  per  yard  ?2.7^ 

Handsome  Buffet  $37.50 

We    arc    offering    a    very 
handsome    Buffet  similar   to 

tins         IIIIISU  aLIUll,  lii  :>w..-. 

quarter  cut  oak,  golden  fiu- 
i.-h,  slightly  polished.  Body 
contains  i  large- linen  draw- 
er and  3  small  drawers  and 
2  cupboards.  Has 
bevel  mirror,  ornament 
shelves  at  either  side. 
Exceptional  value.  .^37.50 

Shipment  of  the 


Baby  Carriages  and 

THE  VERY  latest'  STYLES  AT 






.1 it,iiini'>;iii>iiM 


wianttdnV,    Febrc«ry    2f.    ''^1? 

>tCm>BU  BAtt^^^^<^^ 



— 1 1  inrrnani  ikt  uiimiini:! 



40  cases  ol'  finu 


—  and — 


Geo.  A.  Slater,  Invic- 
Lus,  The  Crawfords, 
all  new  styles.  C.  P. 
]'\)rtrs  tine  Boots  and 
Shoes  for  ladles. 

Conservatives  of  Ward  4  En- 
Ihusiastic  Over  Projected 
Harbor    and    Railroad    De- 

Jijimes  Maynard 

1313  D 



in  the  city. 
Try     Our     Balmoral 


Cor.    Cook   and   Fort 

on  s 



Get  a  House  of  Your  Own 

Ii«t  me  quote  you  prices  on  tho 
construction  of  a  houae  to  adorn 
your   vacant   lot. 

■ST*    C&s    Arzasffc  lesSBJi.- -  : 

•V;.  - 

n.  H.  Bale 

Contractor    and    Builder 
Phone    lUO. 

Con     Fort    «nd     Stadacona     Streets. 

Uari^e  variety  of  Flower, 
Vcf^ctable  and  Farm  Seed 
just  arrived,  in  original 
sealed  packets,  direct  from 
SuttiMi  &  Sons,  the  King's 
Seedmen,  Reading,  Eng. 

What  li.t;  iM-oposeU  grrul  liarliur 
work.s  ul  Vlfturlu  iiud  the  railway  ile- 
velojuuenl  on  the  Islalli!  will  mean  to 
the  prosperity  and  welfuro  of  this  city 
waa  the  subject  upon  which  Aiaernmn 
Cuihbcrt  addreasbd  tlie  Conservatives 
of  wurd  four  last  eventns:  at  the  niontli- 
ly  iin-k-tintf  of  that  organlxutiou.  lie 
spoke  111  tlouuont  terms  of  the  griat 
fimiro  before  this  city  once  theac  very 
neccMsary  works  liuve  b^en  can  led  to  a 
sufopuKfm  fomplollon  and  the  walcr- 
borne  freight  of  the  nations  of  Hie 
world  brought  to  the  Uogr»  of  tUe  people 
of  this  Island  while  In  rfettirh  the  U- 
lliiiltaMe  if.suiirc.-s  ijf  the  Islam!,  U- 
\-ciiii..  ,1  i._,  iiir  ( .liiiprehensi  ( .■  i,n!-.i.i> 
policy  to  be  inauKUiuted,  Will  bo  anippci 

to   tUc  four  corners. df  the  b'lobe. 

The  address  was  heartily  retjelved 
and  his  earnest  appeal  to  his  hearers  to 
do  away  with  .pesslml-sm  and  don  the 
habtUmonts  of  tiie  optimist  was  roundly 
applauded.  The  speaker  gave  an  ex- 
haustive survey  of  the;  immense  re- 
sources which  will  be  open  to  develop- 
■•^  the  bent!''"-  v^llllll  wUfi  ftMiyMejUk 
\  '  toritt  pat  tlpu' II  In  u  ih  af^wl^J'Wf^] 
->rniEod.  e^'^ry  syo;\ 
I  b^  Mfjieking  dQckuic; 
laeilltles  here  Hlf/i^^^  JM^WtOlMiE^a^t  Iti 
li  '-s  time  TO»  "^ 
1  t  Uj      «  ll  I     il.l\  I 

a,   ntetiopo.*t.Be«.V«4>» 

ciflc  cdast.  '^^/^  ^'  *'  W-^ 

Finch  &  Finch,  Ladies'  Outntters— "The  Shrine  of  Fashion" 

Advantage  Should  Be  Taken 


Alteration  To  Premises 

Is  in  full  swing,  but  to  intending  purchasers  wc  wish  to  draw  especial  attention  to  some  lines  which  are  of  unusu'.l  merit.  We 
are  sacrificing  a  large  portion  of  our  stock  to  make  room  for  the  new  goods  which  are  reaching  us  daily.^  The  prices  which  we 
quote  below  are  suggestive  only  of  the  many  BARGAINS  WHICH  CAN  BE  SECURED  throughout  this  special  week's  sale. 

We  have  arranged  that  no  inconvenience  to  ladies  purchasing  during  this  alteration  to  premises  can  occur  by  placing  a  larger 
staff  of  assistants  to  cope  with  the  demand. 






\\  (■  liavi-  on  asM-niiiient  of 
vi  tiii'S  aiil  Frames  to  suit  all 
tastes  and  purses.  Come  m  and 
see  for  yourself. 


6i6  Fort  St.     Victoria.  B.  C. 
Sole  Agent  for  B.  C. 


I      The    Art    Oanery,    1013    Oovt.    St. 

Sore  Throat  and 
Nasal  Catarrh 

B0»02^  (PaiK*  Davis  &  CO.)  !a  a 
mild  antiseptic  alkalln?  sollitlon. 
valuable  for  gargle,  mouth  wash 
find   spray   in   nasal  catarrh.  OrlK- 

ilKll      1)01  111-      iJ'>C 

OIa««   AMptic    Sprays  i^l.OO 

Olaas    A«eptlc    Wal)ullzer«    $1.:!5 

Ivel's  Pharmacy 

1415       OOVBKWMBKT      STREET. 

Phone    -i^^'i.      "^Vp    Dp  liver. 

"The  Home  of  the  Soda  Foiintain 

That  !•  Different." 

Dairy  Lunch 

Try  our  Home-Mad* 

PIES     ana 



-orders    taken    over    'Phone. 

Ciansrley  ana  Yates. 

FUoae  1343. 

F.  A.  OAK 

ai7   Jeaale    Street,    Victoria   West. 


Abb      KIXDS    ^3.00 

Tromiil    r>»'liv(^r.v. 

I'KU     DuUUbK 

rhone   231 S. 



We're  a  little  dvcrslockcd 
(Ml  sheet  tmisic.  which  we've 
marked  down  a-^  follow  -. : 

Popular  Sheet  Music 
Reg.  50c  and  25c.    Your 
choice  for 

Just   15c. 

Special  discomil  al  all 
titties  to  teachers. 






ALL  I'l.MSlIJ'.S 

Montelius   Piano 
House  Ltd. 

1104    OoT«rnment    Street,    Comer 

Fort  Street 
•rhOB*  44       J.  V.  OAXtliERT,  Mffr. 




-_•()   iM)ri   Street, 

(  )])i)Msiie    Kifkhaui'.s 



Eddie    Oraney    Is    Trying      to      Arrang-e 

Bout — Palaer    WilUnff — Welli 

Watted  Upon 

MXiVanr  aAXBBWjjy  . 


Th«  beat  Oak  or  Ma-ogany.  »12  per  toot 

7.  B.  AoM  psmmT  co^ 

Ml    OBSmrta    Bx ,     traaooiHTtr.    *.u 

iS,\.V  rilAXcMRCO.  Feb.  i;?.— Al, 
i'.nlzcr  nnil  BombjirJler  Wolls,  the 
Hrltisli  h«;avy.vciKht.  will  be  seen  In 
anion  here  In  a  :!0-rouncl  flffht  July  4. 
according:  to  an  ^innouncejnPnt  made 
today    by    Kddio    Oranej',    phomotpr. 

The  signsiturc  of  Palzer,  who  rccent- 
l.\  flatlenorl  .\1.  Knufmaii,  already  lias 
boon  secured,  and  all  tliat  roniain.s  to 
ellnih  the  tiiatcli.  now  is  Wells'  signa- 
ture. tJraney  sa.v.'t  therp  will  be  no 
dirrictllty  about  tills.  Palzer  f.«<  eonslfl- 
^rcd  by  «[ooch judges  of  rimrhters  as  the 
only    white    man    who    would    have    a 

.lack  Welsh.  ("Jruncy  announced,  will 
rcfei-ee  tho  bouU 

•jfe,H.  M    l''ulleWaB.  Pfl 

,|nHlSi'"foar    orguni»ition.    oc 
(  !■  tir    in  I    1 1|,  11    w  1      I    liii  i 
ii    (  misi  1  \  u  n  I  ■-    "1     III 
i<   .1   uunihci    liom    the    other    \\tid'< 

\i  1,  I  in  111     fiil'i'  1     1.     1 1'^'    Ml  (I     L  1        t  1 
ji  ling      which 

mill...  .,,,..>.  i.iii.,  ..v..i  .  ...juiienced  dur- 
ing the  past  20  years,  but  today  the  fu- 
ture' was  bright  wltli  promise.  He  de- 
clared that  the  visit  of  Mr.  Coste,  the 
government  eiiKlneer  who  will  soon  re- 
port to  llie  federal  autlioriUes  upon  the 
lUiilioi  project,  and  the  promise  of  the 
Conservative  goveriinient  at  Ottawa  lo 
carry  out  the,  wks  no  empty 
thing,  no  political  promise.  Mr.  Ooste'.s 
scheme  cttlleti  for  docldiig  fuclilties  for 
.  ;iO  of  tlie  largest  oceun-golng  ships  and 
in  addition  there  would  be  tiie  Inner 
luirhor  available  for  coastwise  shipping, 
i^ould  any  Victorian  who  hod  resided 
here  even  a  few  years  imagine  wliat 
i'ntff  %voiii4  jmtAa  («  tSife  future  of-ar.  city 
wliose  shlppiitg  even  now  showed  a 
larger  annual  Increase  tlian  tliat  of 
any  -Other  port  r.t  n;e  country?  The 
harbor  us"  a  g^i  >.«; \i  a  j  for  the "i-^n'road 
lines  which  would  surely  seek  entrance 
here  was  Imperative,  If  the  harbor 
was  Urst  prepared  the  raHroaiis  must 

Heferene.-    u"^    m..!,      io    the    ItlUllons 
upon    milllon.s  southern      Paclllo 

io;i.-^i  ports  Wf  '^rlng  to  spend  to. 

iiitl.;irf  tlu-mselveH  for  tlie  vast  Ihcreaso 
in  trade  conseiiuenl  uopn  tlie  opening  of 
liie  Panama  canai  c*S(rpArcd  with,  the 
$;;,000,000  which  the  harbor  Improve- 
ments hete  Win  cost.  Victoria,  In  e 
geographical  sense,  ha«  everything  any 
otlier  port  in  Hritlsh  Columbia^  has.  As 
a  national,' port  tlie  hencHt  would  not 
only  accrue  to  VIctoriii  and  Prltlsii  Co- 
lumbia alone  but  to  every  farmer  on 
the  pmirJes  the  future  development  of 
Which  would  b6  beyond  computation  and 
n  L-tcat  part  of  the.Uaffl^M^^lil''" 
inu  .1  soeK  ,  its  occarf  butt|BJP(Bptorla 
despite  tb6' Atlantic  ouUetgP'W1fW!rex)sl- 
f:1    or    were   eontenipluted. 

•  .Commenting  upon  tlie  great  combina- 
tion of  harbor  facimle.<i.  ciim»ite,  and 
beauty  of  the  City  and  surrounding  dis- 
trict Alderman  Cuthbert  declared  that 
in  no  single  respect  ">'  other 
coast  port  hope  to  cotripare  with  VIC- 
torla  but  \;ietorians  rnust  unite  and  as 
one  man  press  forward  until  the  dc- 
.slred  o1)jeet  be  obtained.  Tho  develop- 
ment along  the  linos  desired  would 
make  Victoria  from  Its  eastern  bounds 
to  KsqulnuUt  a  great  ma  lui  fact  u  ring 
i-entre,  a  city  of  poKsibilitirs  beyond 
the  conception  of  its  pn'.sint  inhabi- 

In    closing.    Hm'    spi  alo^r    ouUi^l.-.tct    tlif 
Con.'^ervfttlve  party  as  the  most  construc- 
tive parly   which   ever   had    the  dcstinifS 
of   Canada   in   Us   keeiiiiig    wlille    in    this 
province  the  administration  of  the.  Hon. 
AicBrlde     htis     brought     order     out     of 
chaos,    restored    tlnaneiiil    eontldence   and 
undertalum    a    policy      of      dovclopm''nl 
which   WHS  rflpidly   mal<iiiK   the  proving, 
ibp   foriSmest   in    flip   confcdernllon, 
TTrgree   Preparation 
.Ml,    l-"ullertnn    on    Uehall"   of    (liu   iiieiu- 
hvvs    i.f    the    ward    organizii tion    thanked 
tlie    speaker    for    liis    address    and      e.v- 
pressed    his   coiilidenee    that    tVie   govcrn- 
HiPiifs   promise   in   respect   to   harbor  dc- 
vplopnieut    would    be    fully    carried    out. 
!Ir   rfferred   to   Uie   tt-Ki  that   the  provin- 
ilril    elections    will    ho    lield    on    the    iWa 
iW    nrxt    irtfiptn      and      ho      urged      every 
member  of   llic  party   tn  span-   no  erforl 
In    completing   organization.      Ward    four 
bad   hitherto  headed  the  other  wards  on 
polilnK   day   and    lie   desired   a    repetition 
of  such  ,H.,  shQWii'S-        ,..,„.„,„ 

Mr.  Guy  Walker,  president  nf  "<ird 
ttyo:  Mr.  A.,G.  Sarglson,  president  of 
wurd  five  and  Aldermon  OUpII.  president 
of.  warti  one.  orgftitl7Ations  spoke  briefly 
but  eontldentiy  of  tlie  future  of  Vic- 
toria snd  the  errect  of  the  proposed  de- 
velopment works.  They  look  occasion 
to  assert  tiiat  al  the  forthcoming  elec- 
tions their  rcsppctive  wards  would  give 
word  four  a  bard  race  in  polling  the 
largest  vote  in  fiivor  of  IUp  government 

Mr.  L,eonarfX  TjiU,  president  of  the 
Central  Association,  also  spoke  shortly 
urging  every  effort  to  have  the  city 
Ihoronglily  organized 

for     the       eoming 

JTeaaatt*   and    Morrla 

NKW  IIAVION,  Conn.,  Feb.  iJT. — A 
scheduled  15-round  fight  between  .Too 
.leanettc  and  Andy  Morris  of  Boston. 
was  stooped  In  the  tjth  round  by  the 
lefeiiir  because  of  the  battered  eondl- 
lion    of    Moiirl.--. 

A'KW    COXSir.XMttNT   mF    'i'llOMSOX'S    GLOVE-FIT- , 
■   :'rr\C,  re  >I\SI'','I'S  !i;i\c  m-i  .m-ived,  which  wc  will  offer  at 
"  ~" 'tlie  special  price  oi  $1.50."    iXiade  (iffin(J"baTisre  with  lueditiui 
;it!d- low  !>'-!st,  lon"^..0-ver"luo5,..:wit h  four  hose  suijptjrters.    .'V.  , 
very  fine  -i\lc  and  one  of  the  newe-i  ii'hWI-,     \  cr;    Special 

Price    .....'........:..... $1.50 

LADIES'  SAMPLE  WHITEVV EAR— Underskirts,  in  white 
lawn,  trimmed  torchon  lace  and  tucks,  with  or  without  dust 
flounce     Regular  .^1  75      '^aL  riitc       $1.10 

striped  collars  in  contrasting-  colorsj 
t^dayV  FnceTAVr.TT;  . . . ;;  •  •  •  •    -I 

\  Nil 




'    1^         »!nt,»*  *fi  —It 




XADIES'   SA.\in,l',    SILK    gowns"  with   high   waist   line 
effect,  nrw  set-in  .sleeve,  prettily  trimined  in  lovely  shades 

•        ^  ^^^        ■\lue,  $27.50. 

DALNTY  WHITE  MUSLIN  GOWNsl^ocur^on  most  ad- 
vantageous terms.   The  mi:slin  is  Of  a  very  fine  quality  and 
the  gown  is  prettily  trimmed  with  torchon  and  val.  lace  in- 
-trtion,  while  the  fronts    arc     beautifully     embroidered     in 
-— _41eiai  designs,  the  "cck  i-.  ^t,uate.-aad..&dged  lace.    Tgda 
t,'-»wn.a_rka,bl^  j>rice 7^^^W> •  •  -f  .5 

l-%ecial  purchase  and  of  a  very  fine  quality,  braided  col- 
ffii&l  reverb,  a<W|(*fr  %toie  effects,  quite  the  "^^^'^^M^j'jl"^- 



$22  50  to 


•J^^ST^  ^1p^J>*»w«?r^ 


.,..,... .WSrWfiS^eOWfS  uuh  bnglU  green  military 

collar^  and  green  metal    buttons.   Si/es    S,  10,  12    ami     14 

vears.     Regtilar  vahtfe  $9.50.     Special  Price .  . ...  $6.95 

WMITE  L.A\\'X  SKIRTS  with  deep  flounce  of  embroiderv. 

Regular    $2.75.      Special    Price.  ..................  .$1-65 

Cn  E.M  1 S ES  in  -Avhite  lawn,  sUp-over  style,  with  embroiidery 

yokes  and  trimmings.    Regular  pi  -'5-    Special.  .  .60«^ 

\nother  line  in  fine  cambric  with  yuKc  ui  fine  tucks,  'ace  i  11^ 

sertion  and  ribbon.  Regular  $1.75-  i^ale  Price,  ....  .$1.W" 
XKillTGOWNS  in  fine  white  cambric,  slip-over  style,^with 

yoke    of    lace,  others    embroidery.    Regular    value    -f^-SO. 

Special  Sale  Price   .  .  •  •  •  • .  .  .75fJ 

DRAWERS  in  white  cambric,  open  and  closed  styles,  fMii- 

i55-,,;i!gry  flounce  msertioiL  :Regular  \  aliie  %\.2'^.  Sale  00^ 
CORSET  COVERS  in  all-over  embroidery,  trimmed  riUbiMi. 

Size  36.     Regular  $1.75.     Special  Price. '. . .  •  .$l.O0 

CORSET  COVERS  in  white  cambitc   nitli  embroidery ^iitt 

lace  trimming.    Regular  $1.25.     Special  Price ^  S^- 

N©w  ^(oxodo  Aririwmg  P%fllY 



Newest  productions  from  the  fashion  markets  are 
arriving  daily.  Suits,  Millinery  and  smalkr  requirements 
are  our  special  study. 

'S,,il  puichase'  01 
,^i.  guaranteed  garments,  roll  collars, 
f  styles  in  fawns,  grays,  browns  and 

«»«.    *-,«.«^  .,„— i  \'V  to  $35.00.  -  Special  Price  $13.50 

'  tf;i!r),ii»ii ..» rinTlfiiSSijie-.-..  ,^|M  ..  ■ 

^^KtiitS  1*Wf^1fe»  CCJATS.  in  «iifi?lffsh  cut.s,  in  plain  colors, 
also  some  plainly  tailored  beaver  cloth  coats,  in  red.  green 
and  black.   To  be  had  in  misses'  sizes  as  well.   Special  Sak 

Price..... ••••• $9.<o 

LADIES'  SKIRTS  in  black  voile,  also  black  and  colored  pan- 
amas,  some  with  inverted  pleats,  panel  back  and  troiit.  also 
plain  tailored  effects,. .  Very.  .Special    1  'ncc $b.9t» 

dark  .shades,  in  floral  stripes  and  designs,  high  and  low- 
neck,  kimona.  also  long  sleeves,  with  novelty  yokes  and 
trimmings.  These  are  a  remarkably  cheap  line.'  Values  up 
to  $7-50!     Special  Price $3.25 

LADIES'  WlllTl'.  LIXGIU<iL  WAISTS,  tlirect  from  ^the 
'manufacturer,  a  ituique  purchase  claiwrateiy  trimmed  laoe 

.    insertion,  square  neck  and  kimona  .sleeves  m  various  ^^^y'cs 

""^^^^  LAD U'.S'  S A M  PL E  W^  1 1  IT  1<:  A X  D  CC_)  1 S  ^ RF 1 ) 

'    IJXGERIE  DRESSES,  most  beautifully  trimmed  and  cm- 

hVoidered  in  a  wide  range  of  styles. ,  Ordinary  values,  $12.50, 

$15.00,  $19.50,  $25.00.     Today's  wonderful     offer,     Exactly 

laif   Price. ^ 

4uring  this  week  will  be  teeming  with  Bargains. 
Stock  must  be  cleared 


lUi    iUiiyi  M 

716-719  Yates  Street 



Just  Above  Douglas  Street 


Are  Making  Active  Preparations  to  Make 

aood  Showing  at  Stockholm 

Tbla   Tear 

t:EKi>iN,  :•■'■■  -"•■  I'.cnnaay,  w-Js^rp 
interest  in  track  and  field  sports, 
though  of  recent  origin,  ix'gins  to  vie 
with  that  in  the  V'nited  Wtates  and 
Great  Britain,  is  preparing  to  nuike  a 
formldnble  bid  for  suprenwicy  at  the 
Olympic  games  in  KtoidOiolm  this  year. 

At  :i  meeting  of  tlic  GeriTum  IiTipcrial 
CoiTiniitlee  for  the  games,  uiidcr  the 
■  presidency  of  Victor  von  J.'i)dbrelaky, 
lormer  minister  of  agriciiltiire,  it  was 
decided  to  seiul  a  team  of  about  1<>0 
men  to  the  giune!«,.  paying  their  tran.s- 
tiortatlon,  board  and  other  oxi>en.«ps. 

As  a  lat^k  of  lo'i.  1  ,n  rMiiuiinii:iiii>uo 
at  isitpckhnlm  is  already  becoming  evi- 
dent. It  is  proposed  t"  charter  a  specl.Jl 
steamer    CUr   quarters    for   tlic   atlilotes, 

K.ipenses  for  the  Oerman  team  art> 
estimated  at  about  fllO.noO.  Of  this  It 
is  hoped  tiiat  the  government, 
which  has  already  created  a  precedent 
by  providing  funds  for  the  Oerinnn 
horsemen  competing  in  the  military 
and  civilian  riding  rompetitinns,  will 
).ay  $12,000,  the  balance  being  met  by 
private  subscriptions.  Tlie  sum. 
though  small  compared  with  the  JfiO,- 
nno  raised  in  the  Utiltcd  States,  will  be 
sufficient,  as  the  fare  to  Stockholm 
from  Berlin  is  low.  A  special  (rain  will 
carry  the  e.spected  crowd  of  tietman 

Trials  to  pick  the  Ccrmnn  competi- 
tors will  be  held  In  l.clp/.ig  during  the 
AVhitsunthie  holidays.  :\5ay  "Jn  and  27. 
To  spare  the  Marathon  runners  the 
strain  of  a  f""  .Marathon  course  ho 
closei  to  the  big  race  trials  for  thi.'^ 
event  will  be  held  about  Miiy  1  over 
(1  (llatanee  of  only  twenty- five  kilo- 
metres, about  sixteen  and  a  half  mi!«-s. 
(Jerntany  ha.-<  at  least  three  men — Rati, 
a  sprinter:  Hraun.  a  lialf-miler,  and 
Poehlman.  a  pole  vaulter — who  have 
sliown  close  to  world's  champion.shlii 
form,  and  a  well -balanced  lot  of  men 
for  -pVucticnnv  ah  the  events  In  the 
OI.\nii)ic  programme. 

Members  of  the  United  Brotherhood 
of  Carpenters  and  Joiners  Will  have  a 
leferHndum  vote  on  tliil  question  of  em- 
ploying members  of  the  general' txecu- 
tivc  board  all  the  tiaue  in  union  work 
itistead  of  duriiig  il'e  tiuarterly  meeting 
as  at  prcsenl.  A  similar  propo.^al  was 
iindo  by  the  Dss  Moines  convenl.ou 
in  IHlO,  but  was  defeated  at  referendum. 
The  convention  prip"»al  was  th  i .  when 
not  attending  board  neetings  the  mem- 
bers ,01  tla(e  boarii  a'nould  -tot  a^.jjern.Tai 

organizers  and  receive  the  pay  or  organ- 
isers. The  j)resent  propo.sal  is  that  in 
tlic  Interim  between  board  ineetings 
members  of  tlie  board  shall  be  "on  the 
road  settling  disputes,  and  when  not 
engaged  In  this  work  shall  be  under 
direct  orders  of  the  general  president." 
W.  I).  Huber,  prpsiden'.'  of  the  union, 
in  a  statement  to  the  niembersliip.  has 
estimated  that  the  additional  e.Tpense 
of  iiaving  board  members  act  as  gen- 
eral  organizers   won  1. 1   be   $22,500. 

The  first  case  on  record,  so  far  as 
we  know,  of  women  workers  Teoelvlng 
more  wages  than  men  for  the  same 
work,  has  occurred  In  West  Australia. 
.V  slate  award  has  been  given  there  for 
barmen  and  barmaids,  flxing  the  monc.v 
wages  of  both  at  an  equal  figure,  but 
the  actual  wages  of  barmaids  are  high- 
er, inasmuch  a»  the  barmen's  hours 
arc  56  a  week,  and  the  hours  of  the  bar 
ladies  only  48.  The  chairman  of  the 
ployed    it    would    be   a    good    thing. 


*•     f. 




Mii*iUU*.M»*iniri>ibi  ifMitHiKii 

,-  •*< 

r^         fc.** 

;  i>ni? 

iii'fiii  i.iiiii*>iwiiiilW»>»  -^.-Jw 

»illM>iii»iTii'«'ii''i"'  «"!''  ^''  r— -*■'""' 






wiiiry  Itili    Ifll 


Wc  Wcint  listings  of  lots  in  Oak  Bay  dis- 
trict, hill  chiefly  in  Ihc  following  locations: 
Wc  have  huyers  for  such  i)roi)erties. 

SOI  1  11      11AM1>- 

SlllKK  KOAl) 
M()N11^:HEY    AVE. 




(Members  Victoria  ReiJEstate  Exchange) 

'1^^'INiJil  «lcfiii 

t       l^v        .    .    ,    «' 

Piion«  14^ 

mm\<L  on.  Il»»»t  Oh»rf«— JhoU  I'aloy 
»«rlment  Will  »»r»a» — 1 1>»-  •••'<••• 
It.glment,  O.  O.  A.,  uaJcr  toi..m«n«l  of 
biful.-Ooi.  A.  W.  Currlr.  will  pura.l.  at 
tlio  Oilll  Imll  toiilKtU  ut  8  p.  tn..  ami  wtll 
)iavi-  a  inurch  oi.l  lieadcd  by  the  reKl- 
n.d.lul  liun.l.  On  Monday.  Tuesday  and 
\V.<lii.Hday  of  n.  XI  Wffk  the  com- 
niM.dlng  will  hold  an  ln«pi-cllcm  of  the 
U,>«c  coinyanlt'B.  taking  No.  3  Company 
o:.  Monday.  No.  1  comr«iny  on  Tueaday. 
uiul    .N'o.   1'  company   on  Wednesday. 

Tlio  PoUoe  court— In  the  poUoe  court 
y,.M.Tdiiy  nioriilii«  unolher  remand  until 
llil.s  ni'.rnink'  wufs  Kruntcd  in  thf  caBe  of 
Mrf  Mary  Muoro,  cisarscd  by  Mr«.  Mary 
Gordon,  with  Uic  tlieft  of  a  diamond 
ring.  A  CUlncBC.  charg.-d  Willi  opliun 
snioUlni?.  was  convicted  and  Jlned  »20. 
riu-  man.  aimone.  flmrged  wltli  shoot- 
Ins  ut  a  fellow  country  man  with  Intent 
tj  do  Krlevous  bodily  liarin,  wuh  coim- 
mltti'd    for   iriiil. 

nre  Threatened  Dwelling — A  'oal  oil 
can  suBpenfled  In  dunserous  proximity 
to.  blazlnir  paper  being  used  to  thaw  out 
&  frozen  water  pipe  started  a  Bmall 
blaze  In  the  residence  of  Mr.  O.  N.  Pear- 
son, 2013  I'ifth  street,  yesterday  inorn- 
Inu'at  7  o'clock.  The  tiro  was  cxlin- 
Eiiished  before  the  arrival  of  the  in.  '!■ 
partment,  ami  pracllORlly  no  .lam.if^i 
W!  done. 

■Will  Prepare  Beport— Tomorrow 
morning  another  meeting  of  the  cemc- 
frv  committee  of  Hie  city  council  wiH 
I  V  i     I     r    '  i:        iiiveHtlgatlon  into 

,ie  ■  removal      Of 

I  h-iiii.s    from    ilmt    portion  of    the  cenie- 

I   t..v    uhorn   danmite    WiS    tUieatened    by 

tne'aea,  will  be  held,  and ,(i»'*il|H>rt  upon 

tb«'JMCBJJ|t,tPiveHtlKatlott  IWMK'iacli  com- 

¥iIIAttS«mmPNP«rfed  for  «toml»«»oa 

ImMMtble  condttlui''  of  8t  t!b*rl«B 
*  -^^^'  wiii  be  v^iQ*«ft><l  br  ttia  «ttt-  en- 
^  Ww^^tr^  b%p,"»>«€»  Woelwd  by 
^r-wvUkmnA  i»l  only  w«  «»•  «»  »- 
pu-tment  »erlou8ly  jHUi4ieftPPea  on  t>i« 
tteoMtw  of  th«  rec*nt  «w  at  *>to  raw 
TfMfd'ence  of  Col."B.  O,  Prior,  tht  no^ 
tWt  »undlp«  «m>ra*taiui  «r«  to'  bg  re- 
..rnLu  .1  .L"' -Hiu-i.'iJi:.^'«i.BMa  in  gyi 

and  Kdward  Collins  were  arrested  ycB- 
Icrday  ai  noon  on  .JoUn.Hon  street  by 
J'.ilice  CoiiHlKble  Bro>r»n  on  a  cliarK':-  of 
having  Htnlen  two  pjilr  of  bootH  trom  tlit; 
store  ot  H.  v:.  Mtmuny.  i  "«  mi'*-"^"  -• 
Icffed  to  huve  been  stolen  were  found  1" 
the  pbs^fcs.-ilon  of  tht  two.  They  will  be 
analgned  In  the  pnllce  court  thin  morn- 

Bank  Caee  to  be  Tried— In  the  supreme 
court  ye«terduy  uiornlnK  tlit^  chief  Juh- 
tlce  Issued  an  order  a»  a  result  of  which 
the  case  Involvlns  t'le  Victoria  branch 
of  the  Bank  of  \'«ncouver  and  Mr.  D.  A, 
Macdonald  of  Vancouver  will  go  on 
trial.  A  few  days  ago,  It  may  be  re- 
called, the  slierlff  entercl  the  bank  and 
took  po.HHeHKlon  of  ».''..0()0  on  behalf  of 
Mr.  Macdonni<i  on  liie  gioiinil  that  i" 
the  action  entered  Into  betwee  ll'«  par- 
ties for  the  sum  named,  which  wus  lield 
In  dispute,  and  for  a  claim  of  JlO.OOO 
damageH.  ih»>  defence  of  the  bank  was 
nut    In    by    the   .slTFi-IHed    time.' 

•Want,  arew  Ho«pltal-r-The  regular 
niui.ii.iy  meeting  of  the  wiomen's  AuxU- 
Uiry.  P.  n.  J.  H.,  was  held  In  the  botir.l 
or  trade  rooms  yesterday,  when  Mrs. 
Dcull  and  Mrs.  Brett  wore  appointed  a 
vlt<ltlng  committee  for  the  ensuing 
month.  Nominations  were  made  as  rr- 
guested  for  the  president  and  ollloers  of 
til.,  l^  Council  of  WoJn»>n  for  lh<' 
next  working  year,  and  the  following 
dt  legates  were  appointed  to  represent 
th.i  society  at  the  annual  meeting  of  the 
Council  of  Women  to  be  held  In  May; 
Mrs.  H.  B.  llQbertson,  Mrs.  Ballantlne, 
Mrs.  1'.  Watson  an<l  Mrs.  Hathom.  The 
;     ,  '.<■,■     from 

Mr.  F.  ^    '• 

I't-lng  t'le  tiiird  shure  in  t'r.e  buuetUs  ac- 
CjJViUS  from  th<»  I'nlted  Charities  ball, 
lel^^other  from  Miss  Constance  Brom- 
ley;' »irerln«r  her  sorvlcen  at,  any  future 
time  towftfd  promoting  ^^'S'^S™^?'''^*? 
tn  aid  of,tfi«  Bume  «<^ffe j^^^****' *['* 

new  ho«pltta-w#jc«  4ia0iMi,^w6  the 
Cbltowls*  cotntmHee  ^WW  appointed: 
Mrs.  UouU  Ut*,  RatboiD  *»«'  tt»e  pre**' 
d*ni  and  aicHtary'.  It  »»i  *»«»  doMdod 
to  approach  th*  et«r«y  with  a  v»w  to 
having  Monday,  l*th  May.  i^  apart 
eptBCially  tt>r  auppllcatlon  in  this  rocard. 


Wc  have  been  m  ' y  Im-y 
lately  (j])enin^  up  ni;tn>  of  spring  gouds,  in- 

New  Dress  Goods 
New  Vestings 
New  J'itiues 
New  Clieck  .Mu.^rui> 
New   Lace   Curtains 
New  liunyalow  Nets 


,i\\  CurscU 
New  Hosiery 
New  Veilings 

Marked    at    unl- 
eash price. 


Kb'.nywHf    ■-    ri-  V.     ...    silverware, 
Ihe   moat    iinpuiur    ii'i    ili.'  tiill.-i   tiil>l>-«. 
In     Iiii-l     many      |><?ii|>l«'     prefer     mlVfV 
niountiJ    i^boKy     l<)     the     plain     sllvoi. 
We   append    a    row   »UK8e»lloiiH. 

l.acHfs   Tl^lr   Uru»h*ii   from $1.15 

Hand  .Mlirom  In  varlou*  nhapos  M-'ft 
I  loth  and  Hal  Hruslien,  up  truiii.Jl.M 
l!ul).v  Hair  Ilrui'lies.  up  from...  .Mt 
.s.ia  in  lliiiKldome  (*ajie».  i-aeh.  .$8.()0 
-I'll,.     ,,i,c,v.'    III.-    Jill    Ki'ic-Onit    Frttich 



G.  A.  Richardson  &  Co. 

victoria   Houeo.   636   Yateg   Street. 

.'\genti     lluticrick     i'atleiiis 


"The    Diamond    Specialists" 
1211-13    Douglas    Street  Caf-L    '863 

Sayword    Block 

«onMI  It-I*  WOmil«Rk  M»po»»io«e  w  »cv 
tnnAHtWULhO^  t}i«  pf<op«rty. 

.  mumu^Waalliint^''  "^futgehtty  a '  ntiin- 

We  believe  in  keepi"}?  pace  with  the  times  and  week  by 


of  select  GROCERIES  to  tempt  the- appetite  and  satisfy  it  as 
well-are  here; to  greet  ^ou.    ]-..l!owingi|^^:;Of  something. 

FRENCH  RELtSlf^A  delicious  appetize^^M^istmg  .of 
Tunny  Fish,  Stuffed  Olives,  Sardines.  C^ill|:;jAnchovies 
and  Pure  Olive  Oil.  per  tin ........ . ... . .  • .  •  •  •  •  •  •  ■  •  -35^ 



If  you  wish  to  prepare  for 
in  Julv  or  il  }..u  wish  to  join  a  SINGING  CLASS  or  learn 
SHOW    CARD   WRITING,   see  the   Educational    Director 
at  once. 



Per  glass  jar. ..........-..■■  .  .^1.50 

Per -tin   .  .:i2£Ss;H^i^: . .'  ...,:.• ...v. 85< 

15ASMARCK  HERRINGS,  per  tin......... 

TUNNO  FISH  in  oil,  per  tin   ............. 

SCHW'ITZER'S  COCOATINA.  per  tin  ...  • 

. .. ...500 

.   .   .  . <>iitii 


SPINACH,  FINEST  CALIFORNIA,  in  gallon  cans, 
each   ......:....:...............    ..••••^75^ 

n.  0.  KIRKHAM  &  CO.,  LTD 

Grocery     Dept.  Butcher's     Dcpt. 

Tels.  178.  179  Tel.  2678 

Tel.    2677 

Dept,      ] 
677        J 


741.  743.  745  I^o^t  Street 




Such    a.s    Asbestos    Cement,    Millboard,   Paper,    Rope,    Wick, 

Etc.    Klingerit  Packing,  Palmetto  Packing,  Asbestos 

Sheet  Packing,  Swarts  Packing,  Etc. 

V/e   have   just    received   from    England   .i   large   chipment   o« 

Lion  Packing  and  Walkcrltc  Sheet 

and  we  now  inform    our    many    customers    who    have    been 

waiting  for  it 

m^  »ort«  of 
Is  I'eported  to 
licve  met  iippiiipfllediate  and  conspicu* 
OU8  success!"  X  TklAce  for  the  handling 
of  the  produce  has  now  been  opened  on 
.(.Jnhnson  street.  The  movement  Is  not 
the  ordinary  co-operattve  one,  for  the 
rx.-hangc  purchasers  the  produce  from 
the  farmer  outright,  then  .«onirR  It 
direct  to  the  consumer.  The 
wni  deaV  largely  in  fresh  vegetal 
hopes  to  offer  effective  competition  to 
the  Chinese  vendors. 

Buildlnr  Permlta— Building  permits 
were  Issued  yesterday  by  the  building 
Inspector  to  W.  Maycock,  dwelling  on 
Walnut  Street  to  cost  $1,800;  to  Hon.  "W. 
Templemari,  (Parage  on  Simco<*  street, 
$?60:  to  Mr..H.  M.  Cowper,  dv  n 

Cornwall  .street.  Jl.SOO;  to  Mr.  Gc^i  a; 
Waite,  dwelling  on  Powderley  avenue, 
$400;  to  Mr.  tv.G.'  Bail»->  Bm  iiriltle  road. 
$5,000;  Mr.  Thomas  Pu:  ;uii.  Iwelllng  on 
Scott  street.  $1,350;  Mr.  I  >.  10.  Campbell, 
additions  to  dwelling  on  lilnden  avenue, 
$750;  to  Drummond  &  Wills,  dwelling  on 
LindeJi  avenue,  $1,950;  to  Mr.  M.  Smltn, 
dwelling  on  Sunnyside  avenije.  $1,800. 

Karbor   Oonunittee — The    special    har- 
bor committee  of  the  board  of  trade  met 
>esterday   nvornlng   for    the    v 
dealing  with  some  correspcn' I • 
tlvc  to  the  project  for  the  Improvement 
6'  the  outer  harbor,  and  the  subdivision 
"I    MVe  Spnghecs  reserve.     It  had  before 
It   letters  bearing  on   the  matter     from 
Mr.  G.  H.  Barnard,  M.  P.,  and  the  pre- 
mier,   Hion.    nichard    McBrlde.      It    was 
arranged  tbat      the     chairman     of     the 
ajVclal  committee  should  arrange  a  con- 
ference with  the  minister  of  railways  ut 
an  early  date  in  respect  to  points  in  con- 
nection   with  hbth    project.s,    which    are 
nt'ceaaarlly      related      in     any     general 
BChc-ine  of  port  improvement. 

Oak     Bay      Bulldlajf— The      following 

I  building  permits  have  been     Issued     by 

I   tht    Oak    Bay    Municipality      since     the 

:   m, idle   of     the     month:      Mr.     Charles 

i   .Mnoie.  2-roomcd  house  on  Jill  ton  street, 

$300;  Mr.  R.  P.  ciarKO,'  S-toorhed   house 

on  Usplanadc,  $4,500;  Mr.  William  Ard, 

7-roomed    house    on    Wilmot   place,    $'4,- 

200;  Mr.  ,T.  H.  McGregor,  1 -roomed  hottse 

oi:    Newport    avenue,    $665;    Mr.    Robei  t 

Scott,    8-roomed    hou.«e   on   Beach    drive, 

$.1,500;    Jlr.    J.      C?.      Nellson,      7-roomed 

house    on    Montorny  ^ venue,    $3,700;    Mr. 

J.   Hopps,   two  8-roomed  houses  on  Wll- 

inot   place,   $;!,000  each;  Mrs.  C.  M.  .lohn- 

.Hfin,    2-roomed    house    on    Laurel    street, 


"Will  Study  Franchlaei — The  franchise 
(.-(imiiiit  ico  of  ilic  ciiy  council,  the  com- 
mittee to  wliicli  has  been  referred  mat- 
tf-rs  dealing  with  corporations  holding 
city  franchises,  will  hold  Its  first  meet- 
ing at  the  city   hall  this     afternc^on     at 

r  *,  -[   ^         *^ 


Hl8  Grace  the  Primate  ot  All  Can- 
ada, Right  Rev.  Bishop  Roper  and 
Very  Rev.  the  Di  •.lumbiii  went 

to  call  upon  Blsh'  ,  -■■  tJ»  Monday, 

and  found  him  enjoying  very  fair 
•;  -Uh,  In  »plte  of  his  adyanced  age. 
,  Christmas  the  venerable  head 
gi  tne.  Reformed  Episcopal  church  has 
not  been  so  well  as  before,  but  he  has 
qqw.qo  far  recovered  as  to  be  able  to 
get  up  almost  every  day  for  a  little 
While.  Bishop  fridge,  who  has  now 
attained  the  ripe  old  age  of  94.  arriv- 
ed in  Victoria  from  London  on  April 
1,  1855,  «nd  with  tlie  exception  of  one 
visit  home  to  England,  has  remained 
here  ever  alnce.  The  visit  was  the  lirst 
official  act  of  Bishop  Roper  ainee  his 

Yoti  hivt,  no  doiibC,  lia4 
tnmhlt  with  y^ur  s^lt  a»d 
pepper  shakere. 

— If  Bu  j>ou  ftwt  not 
ed  5m  the  line  wc  are  now 
.  offeno?.    ThjBse  have  ^tr* 

E.  B.  Marvin  &  Co. 

The  Shipchandlers. 

1202  Wharf  Street 


Double  Corner,  with  sploinlld  \le\v  of  ."-ilraits  «nd  Mountains.  An  Ideal 
home  site.     A  snip  on   very  easy   terms    f 2.*tOO 

iMvmnln.  Avenue,  corner  of  Sfatrull.  r.rivir.ii  ra.ih  A  good  buy 
at      ....•• 1P1500 

Willows  Beach  one  acre.  .\  sniip  for  immediate  sale  on  exccptirmally 
eesy    terms..' f6500 

P.    E.    NY  LAND 

034  TUW  Street. 

Phone   3917 

11   MoOreror  Block. 

2.30  o'clock.  The  irouble.s  whfch  have 
(ivlscn  In  the  past  relative  to  delay.t  in 
paving  because  of  the  Inability  of  the 
companieH  holding  franchisi-.s  affcctng 
btreets  to  proceed  wllli  Ihoir  portion  of 
thf  work,  and  the  hundred  and  on<^  other 
troubles  whli'h  huve  occurred  because  of 
the  unllmlicd  power  which  such 
concerns  holding  public  franchises  pos- 
stsB  are  supposed  to  be  the  8pc(;lal  study 
o'-  this  council  comrnlttee.  The  com- 
mittee l.x  compo.Mcd  f>f  .\ldcrman  1)11- 
■H'.rrtb,  chairman,  and  .Mdernien  Ctith- 
li(rt.  Oleason.  Anderson  and  okell. 

Development  Work      Besides        the 

HliHdy    Ktrcnm    of    corres^pondenccK    that 
Hows    Into    the    omce    of    the    Vancouver 
Island   Development      UeaWuc      from   all 
prrts   of   the   globe   many    nn   eneiulry   Is 
made  In   person   by   visitors  who  having 
s<rii    for   themselves   the  attractions   the 
island   liii.s   to   offer   desire    to   take  away 
WUli   iliem   fuller  i)nrtlci)lHrs.  which  they 
niii\     both    study    at      their      leisure   and 
lumd   en    to    their   friends,      only   yester- 
dii>    H    gentleman   from   '  Kouthern     Cull- 
fnvnla   after   a   stay   of   a  few   day..*   has 
ttlmost   mude  up  his  mind  that.  If  he  car. 
Sell    hlH    property    down    there,    he    will 
return    and    pro.ipect   for   a    property    on 
either  the  Island  or  on   one  of  the  many 
sdjm-ent    Islnnds.       A    resident    of    Throe 
Valley,     B.    ('.,    wlfhe.s    to    pre-empt    two 
quarter  sections,  and  lease  adjacent  land 
for   sheep    iftlsing   near    the    coast.      An- 
other    gentleman      returnlnK      to      India 
wants  facts  that  will  enable  him  to  «n- 
iwer    the    many    enquiries    that    Wilt    bo 
made  there  by  officers  or  members  of  the 
civil  service  contemplating  retirement. 


(Before   Hunter,  C.J.,   U.C.) 
Ite   Malahat    Indian   Roserve:    Appeal 
from  the  decision  of  the  Commla.sioner 
of    Lands    refusing    the    application    of 
il  and' associates  for  a  pre- 
,,rd  to     a     portion     of     the 
above-mentioned   property.      Mr. :  Gosnell 
and  his  associates  pre-empted  the  prop- 
erty in  question  under  the  Land  .\.ct,  as 
unoccupied,     uiircserved      lands    of     the 
Crown.     It  has  beon  unoccupied  and  un- 
used by    the   Indians  for  a  great  many 
years,   end    therefore    was    supposed    to 
have,  reverted  to  the  Crown,  and  no  re- 
serve   had    been    placed    upon   it   by   the 
Kovernment.     The  Commissioner 
the   application,   and   tne  applicants  ap- 
pealed on  the  ground.*  (1)  that  no  order 
in  council  had  been  passed  setting  apart 
these    Indian    reserves   aa    required     by 
section  80  of  the  Land  Act.  and  conse- 
quently   that    this   laud   had   never   been 
removed    from    the     operation     Of     the 
Land    Act.    which    gives    the   public    tbe 

.   .  . r.-!.' ..n.vr.r.nnied  unreserYCtt 

rigni.  to  i»>c-«="5P' —  „        ^ 

or  wa.Htc  lands  of  the  crown;  (2)  tl  c 
ttrm  Indian  lands  as  referred  to  In  the 
Land  act,  was  not  synonymous  with  In- 
dian reserves  which  referred  only  to 
lands  oh  which  there  was  an  Indian  set- 

Hunter  C.  .J.  B.  C.  was  of  oplttion 
that  the  apptal  should  be  dismissed  a.s 
there  was  no  necessity  for  any  specinc 
or  formal  sotting  apast  of  such  land.%  for 
Indians  heyo.wl  the  arrangement  which 
had  been  followed  by  thecommi.ssloners 
under  the  terms  of  union,  section  13. 
That  these  various  settlements,  reserves 
or  tracts  of  land  had  been  earmarked 
1,y  the  commissioners,  asstnted  lo  by  the 
local  government.  1n  whose  affairs  ^he 
lauds  had,  in  successive  adminlstratlon.s. 
been  looked  upon,  and  treated  as  In^ 
ilands.  and  that  the  Dominion  authorities 
,l,ad  continued  to  administer  the  lands 
without  question  from  the  local  govern- 
ment Therefore  the  lands  could  not 
„e  „aid  to  be  open  to  pre-empt^pn  as  un- 
occupied unreserved  ar,<l  was'.e  lands  of 
the  Crown  in  right  of  the  province. 
■  Mayers  for  the  petitioners;  Harold 
iRobertson   for   the    Cnn-T,lv.-.(oner. 


i.rln.    !'• 

nl    ^ 


MrimroloKlcal    c.rrice.    ^  I 
,,    ,11..    Kf-bruary    -^1.    1'1=- 

The     nroBSur.-     tn    hlfihest     over 
nrTlBh  rolumbU  and   Alber.a  nnrt  only  cnm- 
iivou-     lOW     over     l-'wei-     rnllforalu.    «nrl 

hu,    f»lr    w^M-bor    h««    h.ea    very    poa-ral    on 

,0  h        '•    I'H-iri-    -.lope   ahil    the    fr»lrl«   vrov- 

,ceV     Temiu-ranii-e,    In    thl«    provinw    hav.. 

;.n    ,onu.wha,     below     n.M-,n..l     """I/':"'     "^ 

i,"    ne.klrs  the  wrnlher  ronllrtue«  .lecilpdly 

,■,.!,!     tn    SiiHkBichPv.-o.n    «n<l    Manlloh... 




Prime     Huperl 


1 1 

I  ( 


IT    III-.-        .VI.  i". -„    ,      . 

J)aw5»>n,    Y.    T 1.T  beow 

4  below-  H 

10  IS 

J  below    tfi 




fallfiir.v.     Attn 

VVIiinlneR.      .M»n. 

I'drllnnd.     Ore.      .  . 

Pnn    Frnnclsro.    Cnl 

;  T1M=;SUAV. 

niitb^si  '1; 

J..0 went    ;  •  - " 

Average   *' 

Ilright    lUiLtbiii.',    :    i;oiirn.    IS    mlniltrs. 

centres,  are  the.vWy-fl^ew*«t 

thing  in  style  and  refined 
taste,  will  add  distinct 
charm  to  your  table,  will  last 
a  lifetime,  ca'n  never  corrode. 

$1.50  and  $1.25  A  T-MR 

The  latest  interior 
finish  lIBIillllH^ 

W.  H.  WilKerson 

71aS   .Jo"w— -C- 


815    Oovemmeni    St.  Victoria 




r,,j    „, — J 


Quality  and  Quantity  Is  our 

Hall  &  Walker 

1232    Ooveraman:   St.        "Flione  '3 

Exact  reproductioa 

.■ii.i.  I  ■iii.iii.  II     ■■■111^11^111  ji Ill  I   II I 

Of  Hiarc%obd  P^n- 


Ladies'   Spring 

Uur  gigantic  .stock  of 
spring  suiting.s  offer.s  you  a 
better  selection  than  any- 
where el?e  in  the  city.  Wc 
sav  thi.^  knowing  it  to  be 



Witii  mi)~i  women  •  the 
(picstion  uf  ■■price"  is  very 
important'  and  it  is'at  AH 
WING'Svvhere  the  question 
of  price  can  be  best  .settled. 

We  guarantee  all  our  work 

Direct  Importers  of  all  klnfla  ot 
Chinese  and  Japanese  Bilke  and 
rurnlebln*  goode  of  every  descrip- 

Call  una  examine  our  etock  be- 
fore purchasing  eleewhere. 


143 J  Goveninicnl  St. 


1.300  acres  in  separ.'Ue 
blocks  fronting  on  and  adja- 
cent to  the  lake. 

$22  PER  ACRE 

( )\]    verv   ca"-;v    lerms. 

A.  S.  Barton 

Mcmb'.'r    Victoria    iteai    i.skiIc 

V^.x  change 

Room    12.  Mc<ireKnr   Hlk.  T.I.   ■^•^(\^. 

634  View  St..  Victoria,  B.C. 



llinv  you  dislike  to  wander  away 
from  the  faiiiny  hearth  and  to  sit 
Hi   a    straiicc   table. 

HomeUke  and  Ooey 

our  f'afe  is  homelike  and  i-osy 
and  you  brejilhe  Instantly  the 
friendly  ntmosphert.  You  meet 
none  but  the  beot  and  arc  served 
none  but  the 

Hotel    Prince  George 

Douflaa   and  Fawdotm  Streew 



Dallas  Road 

Lot  is  Go  X  240  feet;  lo 
roomed,  3  baths.  ,^ 
minutes  from  car,  splendid 
sea  view.  Price,  on  easy 
terms  $14,000 


Large  Lot  on  Linden  Ave., 
next  to  Fairfield  T\oad. 
Price    $2,7.50 

Three  Large  Lots  off  St. 
Charles  Street,  on  Bel- 
mont Ave.     Price  .  .$8,000 

1 14  Acres  Near  Royal   Oak, 

.  0-rooni  liousc.  goml  out- 
buildings, small  orchard. 
Price    $2,500 


Member      of      Victoria 
Stock     Exchange 

Tel.  2095 
103    Pemberton     Block. 

Catering      for      Weddings      and 

Private     Linlngroom     for     Bnn- 


The  "Underwood" 

it  acts  as  if  it  studied 
tlic  convenience  of  the 
operator  at  ever}'  turn, 
and  thereby  ligjhtens  his 
labor  and  renders  him 
capable  of  doing  more. 
It  has  a  knack  of  keep- 
ing well,  and  is  always 
ready  at  critical  and 
other  times. 

Baxter  &  Johnson  Co. 


Agents  Underwood 


Phone  730      721   YaU»  St. 


1105    Wharf   street 


ni  1/     r«/\Anc 



Kwong  Tai  Yune 

Lee  Block, 
1622  Government  St. 

^^^r^  Ik   T 

More   Heat  !>•■•   Soo* 

Xieea   Aah.   to 

PAIKTEB'S      QEBftJIlTH      OXJ» 

w2:i.x.ziroTON    ooaxi 

Try  a  ton  today  and  be  convinced 

J.  E.  PAINTER  4  SON 


Vbone    638 

fi04  Cormoraat  Street 



I'ongec  Silk  with  hair- 
line stripe,  would  make 
a  beautiful  costume,  also 
China  silks  in  stripes, 
checks  and  plain. 
Prices  un  from.... 65^, 

Lee  Dye  &  Co. 

Next  to  Fire  Hall 
Cormorant    Street,   Victoria 


Just  Arrived 

A  new  lot  of  beautiful 
spring  suitines  in  all 
colors.  We  liave  the 
plain,  check  and  striped 
goods.  Let  us  make  yoit 
a  new  suit  for 


Vietoria,  B.  C 


^    ';j|gj|g 


W*cin««d«y,    Februnry    28,    1912 




Yon  will  linrl  our  stock  uf  Sheets  and  Pillow  Cases 
both  pleasing  in  quality  and  price. 


Made  up  of  plain  or  twill  fine  texture  cottons,  of  nice 
soft  finish,  no  dressing.  Plain  or  hemstitched  hems, 
iizts  2x2/2,  and  z^^y^  yards.    Prices  up  from.  .  .90^ 



Mr.   Xermode.   Curator  of  the   Provincial 
Mu»«um,  Dacrle«  Wholeaale  Kill- 
ing— TaUc»  About  Blrd» 

In  a  range  of  sizes  in  fine,  even  lc>^ 
or    hemstitched,    no dressing. 



•      ■      •      4      » 

"  1 "  from, 


E.  E. 

McCaU  Patterns         649  Yates  Strfccl  • ' 

mimf  "■» 



r,    "<•!■■■ 




Made  To  Order 

,To  thoae-wha-place-Jthfilr-igdgrs-a^^ 
pfdttipt  delivery. 

Our  taaoring  department  isJn  the  hands  of  a  qualified 

expert 'and  assistant    .....<,:.,■.,, ■^■"•*  •  "     ''■<'-:.' 

We  can   also  promptly  exeicute  orders -for  '  tailormade 
waists  and  silk  coats. 

Open  daily  until  10  p.,m., 

Are  birds  Iho  friends  or  fo*?"*  "f  il>«- 
farmers  and  fruit  growers?  T'mt  b 
ilie  que.stlon  that  haH  been  agltatlnt?  tho 
mind  of  aKrlcuUurlsia  during  the  pant 
few  wefki«,  and  as  a  result  of  tUo  dis- 
cussions thnt  have  taken  place  In  re- 
gard to  It  by  several  of  the  conventions 
that  recently  met  under  the  Department 
of  Agriculture,  resolutions  wore  passed 
condemning  any  proposal  to  Import 
foreign  song  birds  on  the  ground  that 
they  were  destroyers  of  the  fruit  trees 
;ind  harmful  Influences  against  which 
the  farmers  would  have  to  contend. 
Another  light  was  shed  on  the  uucstion 
the  other  evening  by  Mr.  F.  Kermode, 
curator  of  the  provincial  museum,  In 
the  course  of  an  address  on  "the  birds 
and  mammals  of  the  province."  given 
before  the  Natural  History  society  in 
the   Friends    Hall. 

Mr.  Kermode  atetcd  that  on«  of  the 
salient,  peculiarities  of  the  birds 'of  the 
I  waa  that  thf-  "'' '  ^''t  harm  the 

as; -aad  that  ■  .nt-na  rule. 

they  were  more  an  advantage  than  « 
hJnurance  uif^  ft  niulBanos.  He  -was  aware 
of  the  agitation  that  had  been  aroused 
.^salniit  the  importation  or  the  birds, 
Imt  he  gave  It  as  his  expert  opintOB* 
twaed  upon  a  cloae  and  Jengthy  axpeiv 
lenc«  and  study  of  the  life  and  habitfl 
of  -the  \araB,  that  the  damage  they  did 
tros  iBflnttfdy  sm«H  in  eomparlaon  with 
th6  good  work  they  performed,  not  only 
for  the  farmer  but  also  for  the  frwlt- 
grower.  Ektoause  the  birds  evinced  an 
occasion*!  partiality  for  resting  on  the 
branches  of  trees.  It  was  not  right  to 
assume  that  they  were  there  for  the 
purpose  of  stealing  the  fruit.  As  a 
matter  of  fact,  he  had  learned  from  ex- 
perlenee    that    the    M»d»   tnvartablK    "* 

that  the  membership  roll  should  he 
open  at  lli«^  orflrt-  of  thr  trf.i-'.ir.r.  in 
the  Mahon  block. 

Afte'r  a  fev^'  r<'iiuirl\H  "ii  in-nui  .•»  "i 
g«neral  Interest  to  riflemen  the  meet- 
ing: adjourned^ 


OommlBoioners  Will  Werd  Eleven  Thou- 
sand Five  aundred  For 
Year's  Heeds 


culms  City  WIU  Xioae  by  Mot  Aeo«ptln« 

Zta   BldB   Tor   Band   and 


^grower  a  Mrvice  instead  of  a  dUser-    ^  rapetltion  of  last  yutr's  ov»r-e«pendl-     deHverefa|  end  the  con^|j>toy  "iiaAii^itm 

Librttiy  riiiiiu.  lal  requirements  for 
the  present  year  will  amount  to  »11,500 
according  to  a  report  submitted  by  Lib- 
rary Commissioners,  Mr.  W.  Marchant 
and  Alderman  Baiter.  In  the  report  sub- 
mitted to  the  city  council  Monday  night 
the  detailed  estimate  of  expenditure  was 
put  as  follows:  Salaries  »4.600;  fuel 
and  light  ?800;  repairs  to  building,  Jl,- 
000;  books  and  magazines.  $3,000;  fur- 
niture, J800;  bookbinding,  printing  and 
sundries  $900;  contingencies.  $100.  In 
addition  to  the  above  there  are,  It  is 
pointed  out.  unpaid  bills,  which.  If  paid 
out  of  this  year's  rev-nue,  wouhl  re- 
quire  that  some  of  the  above  IttniB  be 

revised.  ,..;.,,...,__.--...,..,...;_.      ■■,■'-.. 

Atten tlon  is  called  to  the  fact  that 
a  considerable  ntimber  of  birrowers  of 
books  and  uweio  «f  the  prtvileses  of  th*.' 
library  are  residents  of  Dale  Bay  and 
SaanlchV  and  the  sugge«itlon  is  made  by 
the  commiBBloners  that  the  councili«  of 
those  munlclpattJiM^^  ^o 

pay  •  mri^m':«fmmmm^*^*>.  -^^• 

ebftSil  or  bttolw  IW  #*:»»»W«*y  «»•  'act- 
ing this  that  the  council  should  st^ts 
whether  the  librarian  shall  or  shatt  pot 
cbtittnufi  the  practice  of  loaning  boolw 
to  persons  resident  aiilytde  tb«  eiir 
limita.  ^^ 

Mayor  Beckwlth  was  .nnable  to  under- 
stand how  last  year's  council  permitted 
the  aibrary  appropriation  of  16.000  tff 
be  exceeded.  It  wap  only  afttr  the 
most  earnest  efforts  of  the  present  com- 
missioners  the   city   solicitor   and   hlm- 

liad  been  In- 

on  the  trees  for  the  purpose  of  eating 
the  insects  which  Infested  them,  and 
doing  HijO.    Qi^y   performed  the   fruit- 

i.'lalmiiiK  I'lat  the  city,  had  it  hc 
cepted  its  tender  Cor  sauu  and  gravel 
nri  the  term«  proposed  in  the  bid  could 
effect  a  saving  of  from  $6,0iiO  to  J10,000 
this  year  and  that  its  bid  had  not  te 
telved  the  proper  conalderatlon  it  wa.s 
entitled  to.  the  Mount  Tolmle  Sayd 
and  Gravel  company,  with  pits  at 
Mount  Tolmle,  has  entered  a  protest 
to  the  city,  a  protest  which,  however, 
the  city  will  not  consider,  on  the 
grounds  that  the  contract  for  tUe  sup- 
ply ot  sand  and  gravel  for  the  yeai 
has  been  awarded  to  the  Producers' 
Sand  and  Gravel  company,  and  noth- 
ing, further  ih  the  matter  can  be  done. 

In  the  protest  of  the  Mount  Tolmle 
Sand  and  Gravel  company  It  is  point- 
ed out  that  its  bid  on  sand  was  (^v« 
cents  per  cubic  yard  less  than  that  oi: 
the  other  concern,  the  only  other  ten- 
derer, while-  on  gravel  tiic  price  was 
live  cents  higher;  bue  these  prices 
were  based  upon  delivery  by  the  13.  C. 
Blectrlc  company  to  any  part  of  thv 
cU  -  '  rnc'd  by  the  tramway  lines, 
ti.  s   of-.thft  Producers    concern 

were  based  upon  delivery  at  Its  Storle 
street  bunkers  and  the  iprke  of  haul- 
ing to  any  part  of  the  city  would  have 
to  be  added  to  the  Producers  flgureb. 

Tho  -city  turned,  down  the  Mount 
Tolmi*  vtmut  upmmim  crouna  titet  u 
wjM  not  wp»m»fk^Vm  It  idioiild  b* 
wadiod.  fui4.iktlr  m:i-mm  m  4iifertor 
Aftlel^.  T}t#  ^tfttipHriy  >*««|jw^«r  to  ih!8 
on  tlie  ground  iE|iK»,Hlil<»''«P«6lficatlons 
«d  not  catt  for  «««Mf«  mnA  and 
gfftvel:  that  the  «fty  has  been,  usink 

ftad  iiMinot,  dHJeetvd  ti^  n^md  tojCiiit 
the,n«Mor  portion  «f  cttx^  iWQr|i  jowflpd 
out  in  iUxe  p«st  ftw  '.-.jfmt**  &••  *>!«> 
completed  with  sand  from  tbose  pitm; 

self  that  the  goygruuism 
duced  to  this  yei»r  provide  enough 
for  this  year's  expinditures  and  assur- 
edly this  years  council  wlU  not  permit 

i5oi-3   Government:  Street,  Cor.  Cormorant  Phone  aSfea 

A  New  Cake 


And  Butter  Sqs. 

▼rcirnBpeoIia~8fuay"or  IBe  TiliW 
birds  of  the  province  had  revealed  to 
him  the  fact  that  much  of  the  health 
thai  was  enjoyed  by.  many  of  the  or- 
chards In  the  province  was  due  to  the 
fact  that  they  were  open  to  the  birds, 
who  rid  the  branches  of  the  Insects 
that  congregated  there,  and  if  left 
alone,  injured   the  tree. 

In  regard  to  the  wholesale  slaughter 
of  birds  and  mammals,  ior.  Kermode 
stated  that  while  much  of-  it  was  justi- 
fied, more  of  it  was  unwarranted.  He 
went  on  to  show  that  the  unrestricted 
killing  of  certain  blras  and  mammals 
was  resulting  in  the  extermln<||^p^j||^_.|.t,^>|jjijgg 
all    the    large    and    especially 

___'     ,.^__..!MlL:iMtMiiiiiii 


Alderman  OXeason  pOlntsd  out  that 
last  year's  council  had  not  permitted 
over-expenditures.  Iii  fact  that  council 
was  as  iurprtsed  as  any  Individual  when 
It  wks  aacertalnid  that  the  statutory 
appropriation  had  bten  exceeded. 

The  library  commissioners'  esttmatea 
will  be  considered  when  the  civic  esti- 
mates for  the  year  are  taken  up. 

"""  '."^l^iv  -  I 

COMING  E^tfiTS         I 

tnat  ttte  cuiimiiuy  ftM  ffwKwi  limUlties 

In   hauling  by  the  trainway  syft««i: 

that  an     approximate     ^uanWy     0$ 

40,000  ctfWo  yards  Is  eX|»«tlft:W»  .!» 



,.  ii 

I',  very  rr.ll  is  wdrtli  tc-n  times  ftsCost  as  a  music  lesson, 
and  is  an  assistance  to  the  teacher  as  well  as  the  pupil.  Vocal- 
style  Rolls  show  at  a  glance  just  how,  to  sing  a  song.  Show- 
ing when  to  start  a  vvord  or  syllable,  and  how  long  to  carry  it. 
Tlie  undulating,  characters  of  the  Vocalstyle  system  shou- 
just  when  and  how  to  swell  or  diminish  the  tone  when  sing- 
ing. JEyery.  piece  is  interpreted  jjy  professional  singers  of  the 
highest  standing,  the  melody  is  brought  out  in  such  a 
manner  as  to  enable  a  novice  to- sing  correctly.  These  rolb 
douW^  tb^Yftlue  of  a  player  pi^^:,  making  it  a  player  of  song 
as  ^'l»"»strumental  music.;";^^?       ^ 

\,  A  ^auOl  8el«ctioi| 

IkcTIONERY     DEPARTMENT— Large     chocolates 

with  a  special  heavy  coating  of  Carracas  chocolate.    Colonial 
Fruits  and  fresh  Caramels. 



Yates  Street,  opposite  Gordon's. 

6ii "Fort  Street 






And  shall    be    established    in    the    DUCK- 
BUILDING  as  soon  as  possible. 

Arthur    Holmes 

62R  Yates  Street 

Corner  Broacl" 

the  most  valuable  and  interesting  mam- 
mals where  moderatto)0MM|diJ|)nttar  pro- 
ieclinn   would  ^itav^iii^jl^gmt^^ngflv^^'''" 
for  an  indefinite  tlnt£'''''^$i|t|j^lff^^ 
of   mammals   from     a  WU0iti^.:)i0»mmi»-. 
point    of    view,    constitutes    their   main 
importance  to  the  world  at  large,  their 
soientifto    character    and    the    study    of 
their  life  and   habits  are   most  absorb- 
ing, and  with  the  apreading  interest  Ht'^Xi^f^, 
nature  study,  we  can  well  afford  to  give 
them  a  share  of  our  attention.     From 
their  high  position  in.  the  animal  king- 
dom, it  seems  strange  at  first  thought 
that  we  do  not  see.  more  of  the  mam- 
mafs  in  our  woods     €utd  fields,     it  Is 
only  the  most  common  species  that  we 
are  most  familiar  with,  and  though  the 
country  may  be  teeming  with  bird  and 
Insect  life,  we  are  not  likely,  on  an  or- 
dinary ramble  to  see  more  of  the  mam- 
mals than  a 'few     squirrels,  or  a  few 
small   rodstits.*'     Mr.   KRrmode  went  on 
to  explain   that   this   fact   was   largely 
due  to  the  lack  of  proper  study.     The 
more  people   know   of  their   habits   the 
more  are  they  likely  to  see'. 

In  conclusion  he  fired  a  shot  at  the 
sportsman.  "The  pleasure  of  seeing 
and  studying  a  wild  animal  in  life,  far 
outraiiks  the  gratification  of  making  a 
good  shot  and  bagging  my  game,  and  I 
think  that  If  the  pleasure  man  feels 
In  hunting  was  carefully  analysed,  it 
will  be  found,  that  besides  being  very 
close  to  nature.  It  rest."*  largely  In  the 
contest  Of  sklU  and  craft  between  hun- 
ter and  game  and  that  the  mere  killing 
is  anything  but  gratification."  The  ad- 
dress was  suitably  illustrated  with 
lantern  slldea  depleting  not  only  RnU 
mals  la  the  museum,  but  animals  and 
birds  in  their  homes  and  retreats. 

ifachangr — A  niectlng  of  the  mem- 

iF'the    Itcti!    Kitivt"    Kxcliantfe    will    be 

.-  todw   -•-   -'   <"   "•'"'■'- 

Victoria   Cat   Club— Tliv    nii>iulU>     uiuc-iliiB 

and   cK-cilon  of  officer,   will   be  h«ld  6n  *  rl-- 

day,    Marc^-     '  ■' "      "     ■'•    !'•    "i-    '«    Friends 

SMS'  and  1/UUK....1"  "t  l-agiand— Th. 
•afflrand  Daughter*'  ol  England  will  liolil 
aseinal  and  dance  in  the  Kore»ter«'  hall. 
Broad  Htreet,  on  Thuraday  evenlns,  Febru-. 
ary  a»tb,  A  varied  and  enjoyable  pro- 
gramme has  been  prepared  after  which  re- 
frasbmenta  will  be  served.  A  cordial  invl- 
la.if»ctendod  to  oU  sons  and  daughters 

Knox   church   this 
men  ot  the  consro- 

S:tl&d^~'*    complimentary    ban- 

KlISlHFWItes  of  the  congregation.    Cov- 

^i^'^Ml'imstB  will  be  laid.     The  church 

bk«'  been  charmingly  decorated  for  the  oc- 
csMon,  a  beautiful  electrical  display  being 
a  feature.  A  musical  programme  and  toast 
list  «wiU  follow   the  banquet. 

•An  organ  and  sacred    rc- 

^KlilffH   this  evening  ..In  St.    Aii- 

church.      A    good    pro- 

Will    be    rendered   Includ- 

rnF 'SKiid^iii»itW%.  13th  Psalm,  which  will 
be  sung  by  the  choir  of  forty  voices.  The 
unlnutfi  win  tut  Mrs.  O.  O.  Held.  Mrs.  J.  A. 
Iiongrflt'ld.  Mills  Dilworth  and  Messrs.  A. 
CoM.  R  .X>.  .Marshall,  W.  Melville,  U  A. 
Young   and   J.   Liongnetd. 

Y.  W.  C.  A.  Anaoal  Heetbig — A  meeting' 
of  the  executors  of  the  T.  W.  C.  A,  was 
held  yesterday  afternoon  at  the  Courtney 
street  quarters  to  arrange  for  the  annual 
meeting.  The  preslQent,  Mrs.  Frank  Adams, 
took  the  chair.  It  was  decided  to  hold  the 
meeting  on  March  7  at  8  p.  m.,  in  St.  An- 
drew's Presbyterian  church  schoolroom  and 
all  members  and  those  Interested  In  the 
work  of  the  association  are  Invited  to  at- 
tend. The  business  will  Include  the  reading 
of  the  annual  reports  and  at  Che  close  of  the 
evening  a  social  half  hour  will  be  held  when 
light    refreshments   will    be   served. 

at  loaat  iwenityofiya  to  A|ty  <p«ilti  Mff 
yard,  or  from  IftOOO  to'  IJ^O.OOO,  woujtt 
be  sav«d  t^  1^  bjf;  awaking  it  tna 

contr«i«%,;-*^ii«kJimf#en<ied  that 
by  haMr«$r;>tS«"h!«jjii<iNiy  company 
the  downtown  streets  will  be  savea 
from  wear  and  tear  as  the  material 
will,  be  distributed  from  various 
points  along  the  railway,  which  wilt 
not  be  the  case  i(  material  Is  carried 
ttfU^'rlj^B  distributing  point  such  ati 
tiifc'1»i«W[rfront  bunkers;  that  the  com- 
pany Is  prepared  to  give  any  grade  or 
«!?!«  of  material  for  any  class  of  worn.. 
The  company  further  protests'  against 
the  action  of  the  city  In  not  even  open- 
ing the  samples  which  accnrnpanled 
its  tender,  and  alleges  the  council  has 
act^d  merely  on  hearsay  evidence  in 
awarding  the  contract  to  the  Produc- 
ers  Sand  and   Gravel  company. 

When  the  protcal  wao  ^-^.rn55^1c^xlu  .it 
Monday  night's  meeting  of  the  council 
Alderman  Stewart  declared  Mr.  R,  H. 
Thomson,  the  Seattle  engineer,  Imd 
condemned  the  gravel  used  at  tli»- 
Smiths  Hill  reservoir,  material  sup- 
plied by  the  complainants.  Further, 
t'lK-  (imiiiiinK  of  material  on  the  streets 
would  prove  a  great  nuisance,,  and  the 
Mount  Tolmle  material  requires  mort 
cement  than  is  needed  with  washed 
sand.  It  was  true  the  specifications 
did  not  call  for  washed  material,  but 
tbe  latter  was  infinitely   better. 

Alderman  Gleason  admitted  that  no- 
thing could  be  done  now  that  the  con- 
tract with  the  Producers'  Sand  and 
Gravel  company  has  been  signed;  but 
if  the  other  concern's  -saiiiplea  had  not 
been  examined  and  reported  upon  it 
was  a,  bad  .policy  to  pursue  and  the 
company  had  not  been  given  much 

Alderman  Stewart  declared  the 
samples  had  been  examined  and  were 
of  fair  quality;  but  he  had  visited  the 
pits  and  he  doubted  if  any-  Quantity 
equal  to  the  sample  could  bo  de- 


of  the  Earth,"  "The  Bird  and  the  Roa*"  "How  Can  ^««J^„  3££ 
"SUlle  Na«Jit;  H«ttl*e  Nacht."  "Meet  M^^indgbX  '^f^..^^^^^ 
Of  My  Heart  I'm  frlnln«  »^  Ton,"   "The  Bl«»i  ®^"  7*%*    »»"«*2 

ffayindny."'-  7.^-      '  — -  .S  - -' -.^-■''     ■    ^  -  ■      ;.       .      v -■^.-    ^.U:'-- 

•    & 


Western   Canada's  Largest  Music  Dealers 

1231  Government  Street  Telephone  885 



Jubilee  Incubators  and  Brooders 

We  have  the  '"'st  on  the  market,  hot  water  principal  and  guaranteed  to  hai.h 
between  Sr.  and  90  per  cent  of  fertile  eggs.  Incubators,  108  eggs,  at  »80.00; 
2in    eggs,    at    »42.50.       Brooders,    100-chlck,     S20.00. 

Telephone  413.   SYLVESTER  FEED  CO.  '08  ■«^»*«"  s*"" 

Corner  Lot,  Hollywood  Park  $1000 

Minto  Street,  between  Moss  and  Richardson,  60x120  $1500 

Double  Corner,  King's  Road  and  Cecil  Street $1600 

5  Acre  Poultry  Ranch,  close  to  car $5500 

Magnificent  Waterfront  Ix>t,  Ross  Bay $1800 

Asquith   Street,   50x130    $650 

Dean  Heights,  a  few  choice  high  lots,  Robert  St.  and  Townley 

St.  and  Foul  Bay  Road ;  one-third  cash,  each $1000 

Beautiful    Nine-room    Residence,    2    lots,    Hollywood    Park. 

Terms $7000 

Eight-room  House,  Prior  St.  ("new)   \ $4650 

nnaiber   of  Members  Join  At   First   Or- 
ganization Meeting  In  City  Hall 
Iiast   Svening 



Tlanlngo    and    Oelestlnl    Empire   Betorn 

to  Vancouver  -with  100,000  Founds 

of  n«h  rrom  Worth 


City  Officials  Supply  Tlgnres   Showing 

Amounts  Spent  By  Victoria 

McPherson  &  Fuilerton  Bros. 

6l8  Trounce  Ave.,  Victoria.  B.  C. 

Phone  1888 

A  well-attended  meeting  of  i-ivllians 
interested  in  rifle-shooting  was  held 
last  evening  iu  the  Council  Chambers 
of  the  City  Ha*],  when  a  large  number 
of  names  were  enrolled  and  the  oath 
of  anegian<J'.e  duly  administered.  From 
a.ssuraiK-cs  given  by  a  number  of  those 
present,  tht-  next  few  days  will  see 
udditionui  names  cnroilerl  to  more  than 
malte  up  the  total  membership  of 
thirty,  which  is  required  by  the  Do- 
minion Government  military  author- 

The  meeting  was  called  to  order  by 
Capt.  E.  J.  Gallop  in  the  chair,  and, 
after  the  enrolment  of^  the  names  nnd 
the  administration  of  the  oath  to  those 
who  desired  to  join,  the  election  of 
officers  was  proceeded  with,  resulting 
as  follows:  Captain  E.  ,T.  Gallop,  cap- 
tain; Captain  S.  Will,lams,  vlce-cap- 
taln;  Mr.  R.  V.  Harvey,  secrefej/ry; 
C^aptaln  Mcintosh,  treasureijjy' execu- 
tive oomuilttoe,  Mr.  A.  R.^  ffarrlson, 
Captain  Mltcht-ll.  G.  Sheldon-Wllliama". 
The  Rev.  VV.  J.  Kifld,  of  .Mt.  Tolmle, 
was  elected  chaplain.  at  the  conclusion  of  this  stage 
of  the  proceeding.^,  His  Worship 
Mayor  Beckwith  entered  the  council 
chamhor  and  pxprr-.sspd  lil.^  doBlre  to 
he  r-nrolled  a.s  a  member.  On  a  un- 
animous vofe,  His  Worship,  upon  taU- 
ing  the  oath,  wa.s  elector!  ITotir>rary 
president  of  the  association. 

It  was  arranged  that  x'nn  iir^x  <-nm- 
pftltlon  .Mhoot  .<ihould  take  place  on 
Good    Prklay. 

J'-or  thp  benefit  of  all  civilians  wish- 
ing to  .loin.   iu-raDgernent<t  were  made 

■^' ■■     '■        I  Ob.  27. — Weath- 

er-lj !        i_,i,    and    wtary   for 

laclt  of  sleep,  the  crews  of  the  fishing 
steamerf*  Flamingo  and  Celestial  Em- 
pire brought  those  craft  to  port  yeoter- 
day  morning:  and  berthed  at  the  dockof 
the  Canadian  Fishing  company  at  the 
/oot  of  Main  street,  each  bringing  a 
cargo  of  100,000  pounds  of  halibut, 
caught  off  the  northern  coast  of  British 
Columbia.  .\s  they  steamed  into  the 
harbor  the  vessels  were  so  brine-soaked 
that  they  both  had  the  appearance  of 
having  b*^  submerged  in  the  ocean 
^  depths   during  'the   past   few   days. 

The  two  buals  lUtd  an  unusually  iong 
trip,  having  been  away  from  port  over 
three  weeks,  durlnfr  which  gales  blow- 
ing ninety  mlK-s  an  hour  interfered 
considerably  with  their  fishing  cptra- 
tions.  Returning  down  the  coast  they 
ran  into  a  series  of  southwest  squalls, 
each  of  which  lasted  for  eight  or  ten 
hoiirs.  Slow  headwa.v  was  made  buck- 
ing the  heavy  swells  which  occasional- 
ly turnetl  up  a  brtaker,  sweeping  the 
craft  with   solid   water. 

Keeping  carefully  in  .light  of  t-u'li 
other  the  two  boats,  heavily  loadt-d  with 
fish, 'passed  Into  sholler  below  Triangle- 
Island  ,Sunda'$'  night  and  steamed  down 
to  thi!  harbor,  arriving  this  morning  to 
Unload.  I'sually  a  fishing  trlji  is  madt 
in  from  two  to  two  and  a  half  weeks, 
but  the  heavy  weather  made  •flic  voyage 
uncomfortable  for  'th'>  fistirrmnn  on  this 
last   trip. 

HnM.but  fishing  is  beginning  to  Im- 
prove, however,  and  more  boats  will 
Have  the  harbor  for  the  north  coa-«<t 
within  a  few  days.  Tho  fishing  Si-eam- 
ers  Manhattan,  New  Zealand  and  Klng- 
fisiier  of  lite  i-»mw  riiiKin.iiu  Kisii  com- 
pany arc  being  placed  in  commission  af- 
ter an  Idleness  of  several  months,  and 
will  leavb  for  lho«>north  within  the  next  •*  will  be 
few  days.  |  career. 

The  inlTormation  which  was  recently 
asked  for  by  Alderman  Cuthbert  anent 
the  cost  of  operating  the  fire  depart- 
ment and  the  losses  by  Are  for  a  period 
of  six  years  past  has  been  furnished  by 
the  city  comptroller  and  city  clerk.  Ac- 
cording to  the  figures  supplied  the  ag- 
gregate cost  of  the  department  for  sal- 
aries, malntpnrmre  and  equipment  for 
the  six  years  was  $360,063.  of  which 
sal-aries  aggregated  ?187,543,  mainte- 
nance $100,034,  and  equipment  $72,455. 
In  1906  salaries  totalled  $20,658,  main- 
tenance $4,782.  equlprntnt  $1,078,  or  a 
total  of  $26,543.  In  the  succeeding  years 
the  figures  Increased  until  for  1911  sal- 
aries called  for  an  expenditure  of  $55.- 
320,  maintenance  $31,615  and  equipment 
$10,224,  a  total  of  $97,160,  or  an  Increase 
over  1906  of  $70,617.  In  addition  to  the 
above  expenditures  the  Installation  of 
the  salt  water,  high  presHure  .system 
involved  an  expenditure  of  $104,007. 

The  losses  by  fire  In  each  of  the  six 
years  is  given  as  follows:  1906,  $6,3fn: 
1907,  $91,400;  1908,  $171,365;  1909,  $74.- 
435;  1910,  $597,241;  1911,  $142,730,  or  a 
total   of   $1,083,422. 

Mr.  W.  H.  Wllkerson  leaves  today 
for  California  for  a  month,  when  he 
will  return  with  his  family,  who  have 
been  spending  the  w^lnler  in  the  south. 


li,i,,K— Mr,  13.  C.  Dack,  1086  View 
street,  last  evening  received  the  sad- 
word  of  the  death  of  his  brother,  Mr. 
Walter  Pack,  of  Walkrrton,  Ontario, 
where  the  deceased  was  well  known,  and 
where  he  was  acting  in  the  capacity  ot 
registrar  of  Bruce  county.  Ills  (leath 
occurred  on  Monday  morning,  and  inter- 
nant  will  bo  at  Kincardine  today,  Wed- 
nesday. The  late  Mr.  Uaclt  was  the  f^r.-t 
member  of  provln(-lal  parliament  for 
Bruce  county  after  the  redistribution, 
and  for  eight  years  heid  ofltce  In  the 
same  constituency,  later  retiring  to   the 

t^f^.H.i***     ..      ,". —  .  —  .*.,      .       .- -        .-      — 

most  able  manner  until  his  death.  Many 

Victorians,   who  hall   from   that  district, 

familiar      with      h>a    brilliant 

Join  The  Crowds 

And  be  happy  by  buying  your  Liquors  at 

Copas  &  Young 

John  Jamieson's  Irish,  XXX.,  per  bottle. .. . ... .  -, $1.25 

Mitchell's   Irish,   Imp,   Quart $1.25 

Mitchell's  Irish,  Imp.  Pint  . •  - . .    . .  •  ■ -  ^^^ 

Kcegan's   Irish,   Half   Pint, ........:..    40^ 

Fine  Old  Jamaica  Rum,  Imp.  Quart  .  - . . , $1.25 

Fine  Old  Jamaica  Rum.  Per   Bottle  ....  .i. . . ^...$1.00 

Fine    Old   Jamaica   Rum,  Half   Pint, ;. ... . ,-  -••  -  •  -50^ 

Fine  Old  Sherry,  Per  Bottle  50c,  -75c,' $1.00  and.., $1.25 

■«T        .•  ■!-•    -  r,         .    -O'^  4.4.1   ..,♦        ■■        ' 35^ 

IN  atlVC      rut  I,      1    Ci       JUWLtlt      .......•.•••,       .   .-.  .   ......  •>-..•.   .- ry 

California  Port,  Per  Bottle ^  • . . .   • h 50^ 

Special   Vintage,   Per   Bottle    .....:...    75< 

Graham's  Oporto,  Per  Bottle  ..,•-. ...:., •  •  •  -^J'SJ^ 

Cockburn's    Red    Lable,    Per    Bottle... .? $1.2.j 

Robertson's  Royal,  Per  Bottle   ............    ........  .$1.25 

Ware's   Convido,    Per   Bottle.  ...  .fV....  .^||||jj|-»..  • -$1'^ 

Croft's  imperial,  Per  Bottle  ■•■:■•''*"•• -''^S^^  •''••' -^^'^^ 

Hcnnessy's  XXX  Brandy,  Per  Bottle  ■ ''WKm,' $1.75 

Martells  XXX  Brandy.  Per  .Bottle.  .... .. •'•"••• -JJ-XS 

Hcnnessy's  XXX  Brandy,  Per   Pint   ,. ••?1'?2 

Hennessy's  XXX  Brandy,  Per  Bottle  .. -. *J'An 

French  Brandy,  Per  Bottle • • '"^Ir'S^ 

French  Brandj^,   Half  Pint.......    .::.. •».??$ 

John  De  Kuyper  Gin,  Per  Bottle  35c,  75c  and IJ'AJ! 

Nolet's   Key  Brand  Gin.   Per   Bottle. .;-.. "gk-I 

Gordon  Dry  and  Old  Tom  Gin,  Per  i^Ottlc ,  .85^ 

Plymouth  Gin,  Per  Bottle ; ^"f 

Copas  &  Young 

'Wine  and  spirit  merchants 

Corner  Fort  and  Broad-Streets    ■-  Liquor  Phone  1632 

Oriental  Rugs 

Call  and  inspect  onc"of  the 

Visitors    alfvavs    welcome    at   ouir    Show    Rooms. 

Cartcr's\Qrlental~Rug  Store 

Opposite  Alexandra  Club.  719  Courtney  Street.^ 


*Royal  Hawaiian  Quartette' 


Every  evening  from  6:30  toWiiJiaWf^'^ 
While  the  ftciyice  B  e*tCeptbJllt;*ife* 

.  .1  J  J       Ji/;iiJ|*W 



Wednesday,    February    28,    1912 



mSli     HI 


Caps  Free 

Tliis  week  \vc  arc  having  a 
.special  allraclion  al  <>ur  store 
l)v  giving  away  ir^ic  U>  pui- 
chasers  of  a  boy's  suit,  a  cap 
We  have  just  received  a  lot 
of  braml    aew    and-  stylish 
:^pnng  suits  for  boys,  in  all 
,tlje  latesf  shades,  and  a  free 
cap  is  our  method  of  intro- 
ducing them  this  week. 


Vicii.    llu-    fcfllng    of    altigulHiity    Jii 

A   FlottBlng-    Incident 
s                        r„n  the  mothers  of  Miss 
AnUcrsuiia  i)Lipil»  at  Kock  Bay  showed 
tholr   regret   at    purtlng    with    hpr  and 
ihclr  regsu-d   for  her  in  a  friendly  and 
ulousunt  way.    it  would  be  well  if  .luch 
lUL-ldents    were    more   common.      Thpro 
la  not  us  muvh  cordiality  a;nd  lo-oper- 
utlon  between  teachers  and  i)arent«  as 
there    should    V>e.      The    mothers    who 
to.ilt-the  trouble  to  show  Miss  Ander- 
son 'th\t   they  appreciated  her  services 
will  notjihave  their  time   or   their 
trouble.     The  tea<-her  will   be  the  bet- 
ter lor  ihcir  kindness  but  so  will  their 
chlldn  i:  

Increase   of   Insaulty 



t  , 





InsanltN  ■-   I'l    I'n,     I'luled 

Stalr«  an  "^    l'^'» 

among  n  u  .v  \Mittr  in  the  Nevv 
York  llerala  attiibuieh  this  to  an  ab- 
sopption  In  narrow,  superficial  Inter- 
esta.  It  Js  a  matter  of  observation 
»h.^  me*>   vuhi%  wnrlc   luird  and   vvhose 

)lfe  was  devoted  to  «ctence,  lived  to 
be  eighty-five;  Str  Jamto  Le  Molne, 
who  spent  days  and  nlghta  in  thought, 
researoh.and  observation  and  writing, 
has  just  paAsfId  away  at  the  age  of 
eighty-seven.  Dr.  Weir  Mitchell, 
physician  and  author,  still  Uvea  and 
enjoys  life  at  the  age  of  eighty -thix-e. 
though  in  his  youth  he  was  not  strong. 
There  are  only  a  few  examples  of 
workers  whose  brains  c  ml  nerves  bu\  e 
laated  when  thousands  ol  'ewer  ;nen 
and  w6men  have  taeeu  f"'Cl  t'>  Blve 
up  their  tasks.  Women,  especlaiy, 
need  to  learn  to  avjid  the  le.criah 
hftst«t  <ho'miBla8»  worry  that  W^ar  out 

llu  "11   tlif    border 

>-i  I  itmulaled  her- 

Uon  of  vri- 

,  I  uiii..>    an   opera - 

iluP(T^.s   likely    to   cKUHcvri'ul   Uefects   of 
charaittr  aa  In   thai  of  ,Jthe   Klrl.     Thcio 
art-    of    course    minor.    bl«niishe3    whleli 
whouid  not  be  taken  too  seriously.     KtlU 
If  oni'  of  tlrcHC  ran  bo  removed   without 
injury  and   undue   expense,   thcrt   should 
be  no  heHltallon  In  liavinp  the  operation 
pcrforiTved.      It   has   beentbo  fashion   ta 
sneer    at    men    or    woniCn    who    takt   up 
sueh  work  a«  "Beauty  Doctors."  but  the 
London    batieet   eonslderw    thai    surReons 
should      themcelveK      undertake    the    re- 
Hponstbfmiea  of  openillons  of  .lhl«  minor 
though  still  important  kind. 

"Optratlons   may   be   uHefully    divided 
Into   two  classes — into  those   which     are 
reiiulreil   for  the   life,   for  the  healtlv  or 
for  at  least  the  comfort  of  the  sufforor, 
and    tliose    which  are   performed    merely 
to    improve    the   perMonal   appearance    of 
the    patient   .      ...  "Tht      distinction    be- 
tween the  two  classes  of  operations  can 
not   always   i)o,  drawn    very    cleat ly,    for 
there  are  caseft.whlcl 
line.     An  ov* '  "'"■'  '" 
nla  is  undoi 
cessity,  and  c.iu.iiis    t 

tlon   for   the  cuie  of '  a  saddle  back  nof-e 
iv   v    operalion  undertak.'n  merely  in  or- 
d.  •    ti>  improve  the  personal  appea»-a  ve 
of    Its   owner        m,    t^j^fO^es   tbe 
Q|9Uqqtlon  IS   i<>,\  ii.aifctTiJSiil.,  HiP'^ine    'Sirv 
laPMliB?*"^  to  be  considered  an  opera- 
■fl&n""#f  fitcesslty  or  an   operatlun  ppr- 
rormed  merely  for  the     purpose  of  im- 
proving a  patient's  loo1»7    .  ,  There  ean 
be  no  doubt  that  physical  maWortnations 
which  interfere  in  no  way  with  the  well 
being  of  their  posiseBsor  may  yet  eausa 
an  immense  amount  of  mental  torture  to 
those  who  have     them— (»n     amount  of 
mental  pain  Which  ca«i  hardly  be  imag- 
ined by  ihone  who  are  formed  normally. 
A  slight  harelip,  a  npst  with  a  sunken 
bridge,  a  nose  with  a  bulbous  end     the 
presence   of  a   large   mole  on   the   face, 
even  an  overgrowth  of  hair  on  the  face 
of  a  woman  may.  harmless  though  tht^y 
may   be   in   themselves,  be   sufficient   to 
mfihy  t''°  ny»w  ,.<>  thoir  owners  Intensely 

aren   of   our   School*   arc   excelled    In    Hi. 
crary    taste    by    pupils    from    the    tinned 
States  and  from  Ureal  IJrItaIn,     in  what 
are  sometimes  vailed   Hit!   more   pracUcal 
subjects,  our  oWO  l^JiinK  people  take  the 
lead.      Kumlllarity  .wltli    »o.h1    literature 
leaves  its  mark  en  child  as  wellv  as  on 
man- oV    woman.      Uoun    t..   a    «    or 
schoolboys    or   Birls   and   note    how    few 
of    them    speak- well.-    Yet    these.  youuK 
people  know  the  ru.les  of  grammar  and 
can     make    excellent -marks    at     :•"     <^- - 
aiulnation.      Why    i^    It    that    th- 
supplement    wltn    Its;    vulBarlty    or    -J. 
presHlon  and  distorted  vl«ws  of  life  ap- 
peals to  so  many^Of.our  boys  and  sirls. 
is    it    not    becaiiae     .their    imagination!, 
have   been   starved,    and   their   sense   of 
l.eauty    left    unsatisfied  7      It    is    impos- 
.^Ible   to   believe    that   even   children   who 
were    familiar    witn     fairy       lore,     with 
musical  verse  and  above  all,  "with  those 
stories  of  the  past  which   fill   th"  mind 
>^lth      reverence    for    age      and    lo%c    ..f 
good,    would    enjoy    the    commoncsi    .i..  i 
most  worihle.Sh   of  literature. 

The  ciiiidiMU-a  library,   with   its   iri  - - 
ilom   of  Its      wide   range   of   --n'.^- 

j„ul2,  1,  ,    Illustration.';,  and  ab'n- 

all,  perhaps.  Its  sympi 

^pf]ciii<i       11  T  tfMiriM  111  .       r, 


„ ,n,  .ilonal   aystem.*iiH»;l8   worth 

far  more  than  U^  co*e'"tSi''  learners 
would  all  be  voluhtary  and  It  would  at- 
tract  many  a  one  whose  childhood  is,  in 
need  of  uplifting,  as  well  as  the  boys 
arid  glrJB  whose  lounger  for  knowledge 
Is  not  saUsfied  in  the  schoolf.  W***"" 
ever.  in  any  cHy.  a  \  department  for 
chUAren  has  been  opcsed  In .  a  JSbXftry, 
It  has.  beeu  found  as  popular  as  It  is 
usefuL  .  ' 

Viotbrla  needs  to  encourage  among 
her  young  people,  a  love  of  all  elevating 
plea8ttr«s.  With  unrivalled  oppor^uri- 
Ity  for  out  of  door  sport  and  with  books 
for  all,  children  should  grow  up  healthy 

Special  Lace  Curtain 


1  Curtain   time,  and 
^^- c " re  justly  ]>y<nu\  .■!   ■>nr     extra   line  showing     llii> 

Si'iiii-    rlcaiiin--    inii'.' 


Prices  From  $2.50  to  75c 

Our  womenfolk  will  be  glad  to  know  that  our  Lace 
Curt ain.s  are  specially  imported  by  us  and  made  to 
our  (M-fler   and  that  \\f-  <-hii  guarantee  them  to  be  the 

.u.ti*kUUJiXAi>:  \  AIM,  i-:s  i:\  I'-.k  Vi'^-'i^^^'"  ^'"■' 








miserable.     ....  If  Is  easy  to  smile  at  • 
this  morbid  Stnsitlveness,  but  It  Is  im- 
portant to  recognlfie  bow  vital  a  matter 

;«w      >       v,„,„    ,  e   ,h»    nitv    of    New      it  is  to  those  who  are  afflicted.     Blyen 
The.  tcM^ers    of  Jh|^ty^^^^^^^ 

3L'k/    .    ^rn?v!n?uu  irtLtecnS^.     deformities  are  not  without  importance, 
rigibles  is  growing  up  in  tne  »^-»^  -eTeral  occupatlona  a  young  woman 

S:;ter%'?Z^onT  the 'r. ..::;:     d.iinite  bar  to  en^pioyment.  a„a  she  ma. 

in  miwd  and  b»dyr 


feature  m\^'^  "s— 

Great  care  in  buying  ie  a  very  imiYnrtant 



strength,  both  of    nind  and  body 
School  Tronblsa 

When  you  buy  a  boat,  buy  it  in  "home  waters/' 

^Yhy  shtmltl  your  money  be  spent  in  the  east  o?  "across 

"'»;''  when  you  can  obtjiin  exactly  what  you  want— at  no 
more  expense — by  coming  to  us. 

All  we  ask  is?  that  you  at  least  interview  us  first,  tell  us 
what  you  are  going  to  expend,  and  if  we  can't  give  yott  the 
satisfaction  that  you  are  seeking  we  vrill  say  so.  Could  any- 
thing be  more  fair?  .  '    .     '  <    . 




_  Jnton  l^^t^^  CdiBtiattty    " 

Government  Street  Phone  2845 

A  Burnside  Bunch 

Lurline  and  Wascana,  6oxijo.  on   terms $850 

Lurline  Road,  50x170.  only  $5150  ca,sh.    Price..... goo 

Hampton  Road,  nearly  Yi  acre.  $200  cash.   Price.  .\.. .  ..$685 

Burnside,  50x130,  $500  cash.    Price,. •  •  •  .|i,600 

Irma  two  lots,  100x162.  This  is  a  bargain,  $500  cash. .  .$aiOOO 

Kerr'  A^Mnttg'  52^126.  $150  cash.    Price gg 

Crease  A^e,  50x110,  $150  cash.    Price W 

Orillia  Avenue,  50x133^  $150  cash.    Price. ^I'^h 

Th«  evil  of  unruly  behavior  has   in- 
eroaaea  t»  ao  great  an  extent  that  it 
Is    proposed     to     open     disciplinary 
sdbools   and    to   segregate  the   unruly 
pupils  in  them.    Some  of  the  teachers 
who   were    interviewed  stated   that  if 
they  were  allowed  to  use  force*  disci- 
pline could  be  maintained.    There  are 
defectives  and  degenerates    in     every 
city   and   when   these  are  boys   none 
but  the  very  exceptional  woman  should 
be  asked  to  control  them.     But  it,  la 
.gat  "tf^i^l— s  to  ba&ialL.v  tiut>..!MHyi(hX>. 
noraiir  ttoy  from  his  «1w»  fi*6M»«  &« 
Is  unruly.    There  are  9i«n«  tw-t  ,*ven 
the  people  of  the  United  Stales  ««ag« 
nl«e  that  school  dlselpHno  must  som^e- 
tlmes  be  stem  to  be  «ffecave.    While 
it  Ife  as  cfuel  as  It  is  foolish  to  punish 
a  defective  child  for  not  doing  what 
to  him    is   an    Impossible   task,    there 
are  times  wli«*  o»iy  physical  pain  will 
bring  an  offend«r  to   a  sense  of  the 
wrong  he  is  doing. 

b«  compelled  to  accept  a  }«>WC'.-  rate  of 
wuK'es  in  consesutnce.  .  '  .  Thj  ab- 
sence of  a  nose  may  not  In  the  least  th- 
i.».  fore  with  ibi  wovlUrs;-rov/.'rrt  of  a 
m\n,  but  he  will  unaouhVodly  find  ll'at 
It  wi'.l  militate  asfilnst  hH  p<iwci'  of  ptt- 
tlnjr  work.  Tills  .limlnudon  l»i  ihs  fara- 
in<r  capacity  of  tho.*"..  «^M.»  aive  facial 
^leiwmltles  is  ver/  .tnl  the  Hno'*!- 
cdt;«  of  it,  and   the  con  jmltait  recog-  ^,,^.  ^„.  „ 

nitlor.  of  the  fact  that  many  poopla  have  j^^^^^  ^^^  shiF^''pBr  mind  upon  get- 
an  involwntwjf  jiaipl^iltjlnd:  from  tho«e  '  ^j^^  ^^  money  i'V  any  means  within 
who  ar#  <|ffOigB(lll^",.»^  prejudicial-     h^^  newer.    4^a  fitt'emiH  to  steal  aomt. 

IV   OP  *>>>!■  Mti^ll 'Afi  »h'»^■•'*ll»Ul<^fc»^^l■V>■■  ■  -—  I    IMJii'iM!! '  'ili!^BMM''"''l|o »-     rnlptrRSA     nnt^Uf' 

Ther«1««:««niim-'fOP';«M«««%o  are     ^i|j^i;i^.;^p^,  In   desperatioK" 

VIENNA,  Feb.  2T.— An  extraordtu- 
ary  pbtsotiing  trial  has  Just  be«in 
brought  <o  a  close-  at  -Olmuta  with  the 
passing  of  the  death  sentence'  on  a 
domestic  servant  .named  Franziska 
Bttttlriiilklk:  The  girl  «alk  .«l>g&gca 
Ui'l'lUlilliiiigjil'l  to  a  yuuii|f|||N^n.  but 

there '-iSliif;.**'  -#«(«W!»,-W^ia  weddlm,' 
unless  some  money  could  be  obtatnci, 
and    that   tailing    it.    they    had    better 
The  girl  W4lt#,'9)|||^iy  In  love  with  the 

select  only  the  best— and  our  fruits,  both  fresh  and  dried^ 
alwavs  be  depended  upon.    AT  VERY  REASONABLE 


can  alwavs 



Nice  Fresh  Prunes,  per  tb. 


•   fs*sa«*«*i««  M»^^ 

l,arge  Prunes,  2i  lbs.  for 


Extra  Large  Prunes,  per  lb ^^^. 

Dried  Apples,  per  lb -^^"^ 

Dried  Peaches,  per  lb. 


Igadioal  Woman 
Is    a    very    wide 

field    for 
The  Mont- 

Elliott  -Sly  Co. 

women  doctors  in  India 
real  Witness  saya:  ,  / 

"Naturally,  India  of   I&tc  has  been 
much  in  the  mind*- of  ^^.^^'^.''l^J®      read/ they  venture" to  undertake  much 
Empire,    and    a    good    deal    nas .  oeen      ^^^^    ^^   ^^^^     ,„,.,.r.,.v    and    the   evil    Is 
written   on   different  -phases  of   varl 

in  the  habit  of  consulting  people  who 
have  no  professional  training  in  the 
f oilowinK  pai-aBfttpb  «*»  Wml  as  advice  to 
tljo  profession: 

"But  the  responsibility  of  assisting 
tltc  public-  by  '^iMMltoie  operations  is  up- 
on the  medicatlFWMlHtBion.  If  surReons 
will  not  undr-rtalti.'  the  mtlltfolSi'sj'Opera- 
tloaa,- belonging  to  th^Jp^f|^^;jtlle  un- 
qiii«l^--practitionPr-i(^iifc>  and 
'-■^•■""^  out  inef flcr«miT  •  W»«  worlc 
.,^..  ,.  by  the  sureeon.  Without 
tittMi^^And  witli«|^,|tap,|jgWW*Jdpo  of 
tWfe^Bj^ltions^^^aggl^^^iii^  tb=^t 

cautions  that^«iiiMt-'"itBt",lSw»n.  unquali- 
fied  operators   do    grievous   harm.      Al- 

that   Is   pure    MUKcry,    and   the   evil    is 

growlmr.     It  w  tviii"  that  the  surgeon  is 

wilKns:   to   opi-i.iir.    ii.Li.liDS   and   a   fow 

striking    deformities,      but 

malformations  he  will  not 

KiOn  Douglas  Street 

Phone  2974 






Through  Us  For 

All   kinds     of     advertising 
w  ritten  and  placed  for  aiiy  line 
insiness.   - 

results  may  be  very  good.  The  Work 
must  be  undertaken  as  a  real  and  im- 
portant: P'li't  <'i'  Hiir.ijcry  ami  When  carf; 
ritd  out  with  care  niucli  miaery  Will  be 
sayed  and  inany  rtven  and  tworhen  will 
be  rendered  more  capable  of  earning  a 

ous  subjects.      A   doctor-a   woman- 
pleads   very   earnestly    in   »«  ®"fj»?"  1  at  :«Mi; . 
paper  for  the  establishment  «<*  V^^, f ifi^.^.. 

'|B«tti»W' niedtcal  service  n^  womtrir  i  x^xjch.  Tn  skilled  hanas  the  rJsK  and 
■^!^r>om*n  of  India,  and  ^Ahich  i  _.^^^^^_  _  ^^^^  ^^^^^^^  ^^^  ^,^,^  practice,  the 
Shall  be  under  state  suporvLsion.  Hei 
aim  Is  to  have  .something  similar  to 
the  Indian  Medical  service  with  simi- 
lar conditions  and  terms.^  She  says 
that  though  the  National  Association, 
founded  by  Lady  BuHerln  for  the 
benefit  of  native  women,'  does  an  ex- 
coilcnt   v'vork,  it  is  not  in  a   position 

to   ..ttor   the     same     Inducements     as 

would   a    government  medical   service, 

which    is.    she  believes,    greatly   need^ 

ed      Those    who    know    the    feminine 

population    of   India    can   support   her 

asscrtioii.  and  Anglo-Indian  women  as 

well  as  V    ■■■  "n  of  every  dogreo 

would  u  '•vice  composed  -.t 

Muallfif^d   wo:«cn  aoctor«.  ,  The  .m)mc» 

to    nil  the  positions      would     not     he 

found  wanting.     As.  a  head,  the  name 

ig.iTi,.^'i..".d    of    Dr.    Mary    Scharheb, 

t^e  ■    F:ngUsh    woman    surgeon, 

whu   111   siMi.e  of     hor     advancing     age 

ruuUiuioy  to  perform  with  succeaa  the 

inu«t  difficult  operations,  and  who  for 
some  vear.-;  occupied  a  prominent  po- 
sition "in  India  as  lecturer  in' the  Ma- 
dras Medical  College,  where  she  re- 
ceived part  of  her  medical  education.' 

Ae\{yim^m0imi^iim-  the  death  of  her 
slstef,*-  ia1s&'  '*i  derthestic  servant,  wtUi 
had  ?500  m  the  savings  bank.  oi>'- 
had  In  her  possession  a  bottle  of  ars- 
enic powder,  and  tjhisshe  mixed  with 
sugar,  bought  some  pastry,  and" spread 
the  poisoned  mixture  over  the  top. 
Then  she  despatched  the  food  to  he» 
s)?itf>r,  hopint?  thereby,  to  cause  her 
ii.  ,irii 

The  parcel  of  pastry  was  opened  by 
the  intended  victim  In  the  presence  of 
her  mistress  and  two  little 'boys,  hci 
mistress's  sons,  and  each  partook  of 
the  contents.  The  little  boys',  who  had 
eaten  most  of  the  sugar  coating,  were 
Boon  in  agoi>y,  and  though  they  were 
taken  with  all  •j«i)eed  to  the  hospital, 
they     died     shortly,   afterwards.       The 

Mistress  and  H'^gl^MH'''*''  ^°''S,'''''''  ^'■ 

covered.  .->fi"*^cr' 

In    the  dock   the  Rirl   showed   no  sign 

ol    reKrKl    *tt    «.»te  u^am   w.    ••>.'•     .-n...^.  .-••- 

victims,  bi^  she'  broke  down  and 
sobbed  bitterly '^hen  her, lover  said 
he  would  have  worked  hard--^fer  the 
money  with  which  to  mttrry  her  /had 
he  not  thought  she*  had  a^  cold,  mer- 
cenary nature,  which  would/.not  have 
foUiul  lontentrherit  in  the  home  of  a 
ppor  man.  ,  ^ 

Dried  Apricots,  per  lb. 


Dried  Pears,  i)cr  lb. 


Strictly  Fresh  Eggs,  three  doz.  for, 



White  Clover  Butter,  three  Ib.-^,  for  ....... ... 


I  THE: 


Phones  28-88-1761 

Government  Street 

Collegiate  School  for  Boys 

Rockland  Avenue 

Victoria,  B.  C 


All  exact  reproduction  of  type 
— written  work  at  one-tenth 
liic  cost.  Circular  letters, 
notices,  forms,  etc.  Let  us 
how  you  samples  of  our  work. 

■'.,  ,i 


Operations  for  DeforniitleB. 
No  oni,  who   has  not   felt  it   ean  <iuito 
undti-rtland   ,11^1    mental    torture    of    tlie 
person  who  suffers  from  a  Blaring  physi- 
.til  defect.     There  is  "o   eruelly  Rreater 
than  that  of  the  tlioughthps  srown  per- 
son   who  tolls   a    little    girl    that   slie    In 
usly-      It    1»i  »o   easy    to     convince    the 
sensitive  child  that  she  is  diffe^ul  from 
her  playmates,   tluit  her  whole  life  may 
be   spoiled    by   what   may   be  a  mlNtaken 
notion.     If,   on   tht.  other   hand,  there   is. 
a  real   def'>rmHy,   it  1«  easy    to   Imagine 
that  despite  the  greateat  belpfulness  and 
tenderness  on   the  part,  of  relatives  and 
friends,  grfcat   suffering  can   scarcely   ho 
averted.    At  school,  on  the  street,  every,- 
where   almost  -the    sense   of   the   differ- 
ence   between    her    and    other    people    iS 
boiiu'  ill   m iM'-  sufCorer.     In  the  case 

A  Children's  Boom 

Ought  yictoria  to  provide  a  room  in 
tlie  public  library  for  the  exclusive  us^ 
of  the  chUdren?  There  are  many  people 
In  our  city  who  do  not  think  that  such 
n,  department  is  necessary  Or  it  would 

have    been     '''■    '     '•  '  ■"'"  '  "^''^^'^^■ 

rea.siins    sui  •"'" 

vanuettgAluBl  it.  tUey  have  nt;l  .".la-le 
public.  But  abtiona  speak  louder  than 
words.  There  is  not  even  any  such 
poor  pretence  at  satisfying  the  needs 
of  the  children  as  Is  afforded  by  the 
i;  I. ling  room  in  the  Car- 
Yet  there  are  four 
thou!»and  children  between  the  ages  of 
six  and  sixteen  in  Victoria.  A  very 
small  proportion  of  these  are-  the  ehll- 
dren  of  wealthy  or  cultured  parents, 
who  can  and  do  provide  thein  with  the 
best  of  the  literature  f or  '  children, 
which  is  ao  marked  a  feature  of  our 
time«. . 

Hut  by  far   the  greater  num.ber  come 
fiuin    the    homes    of    very    busy    people 
who   have    neither    the    time,    the    means 
nor.    in   mat^y   casea,    the   inclination    t<i 
supply    the   little   folks  with    the   beauti- 
fully lilnetratca   books   that  do  ao  nnuh 
to   rill  children's  nilnda  with  high  Weals 
and    n.dile    ambitions.      The    papers    and 
niagaTilnes       published       especially       for 
children,-  are  not  found   in   these  homes, 
except  perhaps,   those    taken  home  from 
.Sunday    School.         It    may    be      said,    in 
passing,  that  It  would  be  well  If  parents 
and    other    eldera    showed    more    interesi 
in   these  periodicals  and   eneouraged   the 
children   to   read    them.      Tt    is   a   matter 
of    common    observation    that    the    chil- 


COKRIfJ    <.OI.I.,KGB. 

B«sron    UHl    I'ark.       Victoria,    B.   C. 

Select  Illsh-Grado  Day  and 
BoaidlDK  College  for  Boy»  of  7  to 
16  years.  nerinementa  ot  well-ap- 
polnleii--Kcntlemen'»  homo  tn  'lovely 
Beacon  KiTl  Farlt.  Number;  limited. 
Outdoor  uports.  Prepared  tor  Buel- 
r.eis  LUe  or  Profosaional:  exunilna- 
tions.  ~  Fec«  inclUBlvo  an>t  »trlcily 
(^nodorate.  SprlnB  Term  befcln*  Tues- 
»j2«    jiuiiiary   2. 

rrlnelpa..    i.   W.  .CHUBCH,   M-    A. 

Centr?!  Sittiatton  Spacious  and  Well-ventilated  Shool 

Buildings  Recreation  Grounds  Gymnasium 

Cadet  Corps. 
Under  the  present  i.lanagc~°t^^•.  a  soecial  feature  of  the  sch   •)l 

i«  its  individual  attention  10  pupil* 

PRINCIPAL      -    -      -      -      -      ■      A.  D.  MUSKETT,  ESQ 

Assisted  by  a  Resident  Staff  of  Masters 

Easter  Term  Begins  Tuesday,  January  gth,  at  9  a.m. 

A  Preparatory  Class  has  been  formed  for  Boys  of  7  to  10  years 

of  age. 

tor  Prospectus,  apply 

The  Principal 

St.  George's  School 

.^  BOABDIM.i    AK»    DAY    BCHOOI. 

spring  term  begins,  Tuesaay.  January 
16th.'    .^ 
Principal    .       -         -       '  -     «"•    S^*"" 


Fr<sh    Fggs.   per    tloz.   35<' 
3  DOZ.  FOR  ...>.?1.00 


Cor.  Johnson  &  Quadra  Sts. 
Phone   106. 


Mide  in  Canada  by  Canadian  Workmen.         Kodaks  $5.00  to  $  1 1 1 .50 

Your  rUalcT  will  give,  or  t«c  will  aead  frtt  copy  of  Kodak  catatoa. 



M*^         582-592  King  St..  W.,  TORONToTcAN. 


ROOMS  21  §-22  BROWN  BLD6.    VICTORIA, B.C. 


rjrt  .Mbernt  values  l.^.v-  increased  100  per  cent.  In  the  past  18 
months.  Tlie  Albernl  l.^nd  ro.npr.ny  have  btill  a  numb,  r  of  1  .ts  .or 
BBl«  at   I  he  irlginal  prlecs. 

H     fo3t    lo'.s     fton *35" 

««    foot,    'ota   : rorr.     I>3t0 

Terms     1-4     cash    and    balance  over  2  1-2   years  at  «  per  cent. 


Agents    I'ort    Alherni    I^and   (.:<>., 


-01   ROo    Saywerd    HnildlnK.    vir-torln.  J"" 

"'  ''"  Memlicrs    Vletoria    Heal    l;-,8t,ac    Kxch.ansc 

port    Albernl,    B.    C. 


This  Is  the  Time  to  Plant 

And  wc  have  :i  fine  stock  of  the 
leading  varieties  in  nice,  strong  plants,  full  of  flower  bttds, 
inchidine-  the  famous 

EngUsh  New    Rhododlendron,  JPinkJPearl 

8    21   14    4 

4    15  12    12    1     18 

7     9    22    5   14 

1    23    1    25 

5     4 


^   GIVEN    AWAY   ^ 

And  many  oth«r  Prixe*  aeoerding  to  th«  alinpto  Condlll«n«  •! 
the  Contest  (whicti  will  be  aent).  . 

Each  one  of  the  above  lour  line,  o(  fuluret  .pella  «  ^^■cA     ThU  rao»t  'n««'«»™,*JJ^,"rS 
be  ,ol«d  with  a  linle  .tudy.  o.  follows:  ^  twenty., UleUert  In  the  »l(Ajb^^ 
we  have  fiiuren  in  .pellin*  the  four  word.  In.tead  ol  Ulten.    Letter  A  U  awBlMr  1   B 
oumlver  1,  C  number  3,  etc..  f hrou-hout  ?h<>  plr»»«'">«-  n*#f MftCV 

USE  -fe-OUR  BRAirJS.    Try  and  make  out  th«  Jtmr  »«w^^iSI.SH^5^^ 
Thi.  it  a  chance  lor  clever  per.on«  to  j^l=  Caah  and  other  FrtxeS  ^»*  f  W*g*J^ 
Write  the  four  wordf.  with  your  o«me  and  addrc...  iieatly  on  f,PJ«^f?  P«l!J*J'''K^  • 
tad  mail  to  ut.  and  wewill  write  joo  •«  «»c«.  'cllw*  yoo  all  abort  H.    y«l»«f  •»  • 
valuable  prl«e.    Act  Fromptly.  ..«,...,« 

DOmiNION  PREMIUM  CO.  '»<>  ^^-.^'f^^jjlj^g*;"*^ 

fiirr.v    Rimd.   Vlctorlw. 

BmnrI)    ■(    KHonna. 




^^^^■r  /Tk'vrTot* 

Wednesday,    Febpunry    2S,    19ir 

V  lO  I  <J  MIA       lf/\  liLi  \       ^^V^Xj\y.i.^  xo  A 

The  Sporting  World 

Uie    Imiidii      of    Jcni 
c!iBiiil''0"        Bowkfi- 
cdiilon  of  tt   verltttlj! 
KlgK,    a    BrouglUiiii 

Bowker.      TCnglUli 

wuM    a       condtiise'i 

e   Brllish   'jiulHer,   a 

a   i;rlbb    and    Mace. 

mm  LOSE 

TermiiiaJ  Team  Defeats  Vic- 
toria in  Hard  Fouglit  Play  at 
Arena  by  Heavy  Lead  of 
Four  Goals     > 


ViUona   hookey    teum   'Vfi 
>i<n  <u>vvnwai'd  in  the  Pad 

ibbcquen  tl 

^taisi.  tbi,  '->^ 

J(*IW^»»lty  itx  emerging  at  ihe 

tl^  mune  was  n«verUieI«M. 

udtt  ai<  Qti^sidfdi    a«    t»« 

tlteptt.    a*fi»  «iROW<|  e»tl- 

visllor^i,    in    fc.'JS,    L.alunil«    Bcuring    aft'V 
muKtn};    a    clever    IniUvliiual    rusli    from 
cont,re  ice.     Walter,  Smalll  was   the  first 
to  decorate  the  hoards,     lie  went  off  lor 
an    alleged   trip.      Vancoi^ver  atUl  press- 
ing  hard,   kenpins    the   rubber   to  the   lo- 
oals"    end.        Skinner      Poulin      followed 
.Sinaill    to    the   board»    for   body-checking 
Urirriihs.     Tommy   DundenUvle   got   po.s- 
scsston  ot  the  puck  near  th"  i-nw  net, 
and  went  down  with  Lester  Patrick  and 
IJon  Smith  In  a  combination  rush,  \VltU 
lh«   result   that   Smith   scored  Vlctbrla'B 
first,    on    a   puss    from    Patrick,    who    In 
turn    K«t    the    pass    from      Dun.derdale. 
Time,    f..2U.      At    this  staKo   ih«   fans   be- 
came highly   Jubilant   for   they   realized 
that    the   homesters   had   cot   back   Into 
their   combination   playing  again   which 
has   d ■      "  '•    tl«e"»    In    re- 

cent !i      they    tried 

many  tini'  vard-s  lo  repeat  in  this 

fashion,  I  _  .  rej  unanie  to  na  ttrijr 
n^at  stunt  a  second  time.  Lalonde,  the 
first  of  the  Termmala  to  get  a  rest, 
went  off  for  mlxlns  It.  Smith  made  it 
.Vlctgria.  after  drH^j^W|  j,lhe 
■     ceatre  ice  in  vlcvtkWumsn. 

vantage  <'(  every  opi.oi  tunlly  to  score. 
in  a  collision  in  erntfo  ice,  Bobby  Row? 
was  injun-d,  neee.s.sliatinK  ''!»  lellrlng 
from  the  game,  and  Nichols  went  off  to 
even  up.  The  scoring  enu.-d  wlieu  Ls- 
londo  bulged  the  net.  from  a  pass  from 
the   wing.      Time.    37   seconds. 

Final    score.    Vancouver   7,    Victoria   ;i. 

Between  the  first  «nd  seoont^  periods 
the  si'cond  amateur  skating  rao^;  for 
the  Wilkerson  cup  was  held,  and  was 
won  easily  by  George  Gowler,  who  was 
winner  of  the  f-irst  race  heUl  a  week 
ago.  McAllister  finished  second,  and 
Bloomfichi  third.  During  tlT«  greater 
part  of  the  race  McA!llst?r  was  Iwad- 
Ing  with  Bloomfield  In  second  posi- 
tion, as  the  result  of  Gowler  falling 
twlc£.  When  more  than  ont  laji  he- 
Wnd  thi^  ir-Mi'T  r;,iui.T  iiyhtfjiiicd  his 
pace   a;:  ^i^^^.  with 

two  laps   to  £.4.   J      1  ,:    ,    '    MoAlUster. 

-   1   -1 _-j  4.1.-    .!.,.,,.   ift-vardj*  in. 

advance.  •  MinarU.  who  was  a  starter, 
dropped  out  In  the  eighth  lap. 
*>  The  Summary 

all  at  the  feathtrwelglu  UinH.  and  could 
1   luit   bt")   biatcn. 

'  Then  Abo  Attell  look  wlmt  was  left 
!  of  tlie  f.'atberwelglit  crown  from  Nt.ll 
after  his  defeat.  Abe  Is  a  elianuiion 
Bvcond  to  none — lie  lias  fought  feather- 
■mtlgl'ts.  lightweights  and  almost  weltiT- 
w»lKht«,  Abe  Attell's  name  Is  engraved  I 
as  one  of  the  H'l!-  "M  riuisfiH  in  Fist- 
Ian  la's  temple. 

They  say  tht  r<-  l.s  nountii  in  a  nunie, 
K'ilUiiie — Johnny  Kllbane,  uUhougli  It 
might  be  better  Jolin  Kilbant' — sounds 
good.  It  fits  well  with  tlie  names  of 
those  who  havi;  been  great  champion-?, 
.lolm  Kllbane,  Cleveland  O..  is  champion 
ftalherweight  of  the  world  today. 



Wagner    !■    tha    Man — Big    Piaye- 
Kever  Hit  Below   .300 





loi  jl'- 

mX  the  outooine  o* 
must  agree,  that  tlie 
worked  as  hard  as  in  ajly  prevloaS 

i  1 I(h1 

Tlu   lirst  two  r  ,___^ 

minuteh   of   f.i  "Ckey,    I 

which  time  bon  «cll    The 

Capitals'  downfall  came  in  the  final 
period.  They  started  into  the  game  ap- |' ii^i^n 
parently  full,  o^f  vim  and  energy,  hut 
travelled  at  a  pace  which  they  were  not 
able  to  continue,  with  the  result  that  in 
the  last  twenty  minutes  of  play,  the 
visitors  had  thorn  at  their  mercy,  and 
kept  them  ^'  every  minute  of  the 

time.     Tht:   '  did  not  play  in  their 

usual  form,  this  being  particularly  no- 
ticeable during  the  latter  part  of  the 
Kame,  while  on  the  other  hand  the  Ter- 
minals played  th^lr  best  game  In  this 
city,   to   date.     Every  member   of  their 

[^^^^mmmi.W-. '  he  in  the  pink  of  con- 

'anii  A  orked  tospther  in  eX- 

■  illent  form..  Time  and  time  again  they 
swept  down  in  combintition  rushes,  and 
but  for  the  good  work  of  the  local  ,de 

mS^t>i'mi^ia  into  top 

SmltJi's  neat  bit  <*'w»wlt  was  justly  ap«>. 
plaatjed.  Time,  tn.  Wtom  a  mlx-up 
m  front  ^Q«  the  V«W«uver  ffOAl  t*1»o» 
QAbBy  Rowe  made  a  bi»ve  attempt  x» 
acore,  th«i  |kuck  jvaa/aen*  >  tjia  local 
end,  and  aa  gBBfclll  y»  HMtttBil  •sftU^ 
Ihe  lee  l»  ma^  H-  -Wi  ^i  Hi  *ei»aiW 
tti«  pttcin  hanDK.  ito  artfmiMk^  «  r©- 
spondtt«  »roi«ipUyt  mitki3a$  uti  jadtviavai 
rush  ««!,  ^iMWrfng  X»apmiv«^¥     «e«ond 

».«.   -»    <A._     _       .  ..  ^■^_  ^jr^^^^^    W      f«IKkH«aa«i*«     4»      f» 


^'^ML?'y"t~"^I^l.  (Via-  i ^«y'  •^"««^'^  mmmmi^ 

v^rytmmini  smith  (V*etort«»  m*    ffiSS-iJtowiMB*"^^ 
min.    ScottHnViMiconvw  4,  Victoria  «.  iwui^<iA<rft;^«Sli't  long  bflif*: 

i,  ■wMiW   (yanimitVwi — *. 

parWi*  Hw 

jpuuniuyy    ..  — -    r. 

tain:  3.  PonUtt  <Vt«itoito)  «  min 
lonue  {V«M*otf«er>  8'tntil.. 

Second  f»ft|(:^l|i^' 

ii  ,11-     Wagner    leaped     into    a  major 
l,  ;  s    score   one    year   later      tliftn 

111  ,r  walloper.   Napoleon  "Ijajoi'- 

H*  came  from  tlio  Pateraon. team  in  the 
Atlintlo^eagU\J7  and  ttti  late  .WT^^^C^ 
Ham,  president  of   the  National   league, 
is   credited   with   being    the    Christopher 
Co>umbus   to  discover  him. 

This   wa-i    ^I'MS^&Sl^  PulUam    was 
then   an   omq4Pi*ii^B0"'«vine   club, 

ed   tbA-Jb<Sm4m 



FROM        WHICH        ALL 

GERMS      HAVE      BEEN 


Wc   bavt.'   just    rortu'cil    ;i 
ol  I  he  above  in  various  sixe^ 

and     gauges. 

E.  G.  Prior  Co.,  Ltd.  Ly. 

Corner  Governmenl  and  Johnson  Sireols 


Smoke  Silver  Tip  Cigars 

Factory  Phone  960 

At  AH  Dealers 

o.   or>cc 

Bowling  Trophy 

3.  UHr 


twenty  mii. 
a  clever  h  t 
through  th 
shot.  Smit 
pa,ss  from  L 

fence  in  the  first 'two  periods,  the  score 
would  undoubtedly  have  .  been  much 
larger  than  it  was.  Their  back-check- 
inB  was  a  feature  of  the  gam^,  and  the 
manner  in  which  the  Terminal  defen'ce 
liroke  up  the  timely  rushes  of  the  Cap- 
it:.^ls  was  phenomenal. 

The  "speed  boys"  put  up  a  hard  fight, 
but  they  wore  not  able  to  get  away  as 
;i,ey  have  m  the  past.  They  appeared 
!)  be  fagged  in  the  final  period,  and  fell 
, iiul  ovorskated  repeatedly.  But  when 
all  Is  said  and  done,  the  homesters  made 
a  game  light,  and  considering  the  fact 
iliat  they  were  playing  against  odds, 
they  played  a  good  game.  Towards  the 
hitter  part  of  the  match,  when  Victoria 
was  making  every  effort  to  ao.orc,  and 
Vancouver  was  ir.   >  anxiously  en- 

_  n vorinK.   to   inc :  i elr      lead,    the 

playing  became  a  trifle  roush,  imt  oh 
iho  whole  it  was  exceptionally  clean  and 
free  from  penalties. 

Don  «mlth  played  a  fine  game,  con- 
-iderably  better  than  he  has  during  the 
)iast  few  weeks.  lie  scored  the  three 
f^oais  lor  his  team,  and  figured  in  the 
n'a,iority  of  the  .' ion  plays. 
Tommy  Dunderdale  ^  >  .ard,  but  he      -^^^  ^^« 

Old  not  appear  to  be  in  the  best  of  con- 
.Htion.     Tommy    has    not   yet   recovered 
from  an^jury  to  his  leg     received     a 
short  time  ago,  and  this  apparently  had 
much  to  do  with  his  lack  of  form.  Skin- 
ner Poulin'a  jdaying  did  not  deteriorate 
In    the   least   from   his   work    in   the  last 
I'ew   games.      Skinner   l.'i   a    hard    worker, 
and  he  did  not  slacken  In  the  least  last 
fight.     Bobby  Kowe  was  always  in  the 
«a,me,  but  was  not  able  to  work  to  ad- 
vantage.    Lester   Patrick     and     Walter 
Smalll  put  up  their  usual  good  defence 
in    the    first    two   periods,   and   broke   up 
many  hard  rvmh^s.     Bert  Lindsay  while 
not  in  his  best  form,  was  called  upon  to 
stop   numerous    shots,    which    he    did    In 
excellent  style.     F^or   the   vislorg.  J'^rank 
Patrick  was  the  star.     He   swept  down 
tlyj  Ice  tlmo  after  time,  after  getting  in 
some  clever  checking,  and  always  made 
the  local  dfjfence   work   to  their  utmost. 
Harr  stopped  some  hard  shots,  and  Grlf- 
lln  was  in  his  usunl   good  form.     Of  the 
forwards,    Lalonde    and    Nh-hols    played 
the  best   game,   and   wen-  always  on  the 

On  ITidav  nislit,  the  locals  travel  to 
Vancouver  to  play  thfl  Terminals,  and 
although  their  chances  for  any  league 
laurel.i  are  exceedingly  flimsy,  thgy  are 
not  yet  down  and  out.  A  victory  on  Fri- 
day will  help  a  whole  lot,  and  It  Is 
lioppd  that  by  that  lime  the  homesters 
will  be  in  better  condition, 
Tha   Ghi,me 

1.2$.   «rht«  ifaatOi  mk 

bcoro  standing  2  all. 

'- '  Sh0rtj^.  :^|t#|?t'-'  i^W'iSCCoud    1" 
'  ','||^i|||i^;-imwisel> 
defence  too  bijen,  "at  'varlons  1 1  .• 
forvyardS  hot  being  quick  in  f.u!.!. 
when   on.  nlaycr.s    wouia 

go     MOW  11      ill..-      IV  ».. 

Batrtck   Get*  Pnoli: 

F.    Patrick  'l^    olieciung   a 

defence  man :.,....  imv  ,h-  the  lo- 
cals could  fall  back,  he  jwn  on 
Lindsay,  and  scored  th.  for  his , 
team,  and  the  first  in  riod,  In 
6.D3.  In  less  than  two  minutess  Lalonde 
scored  another  for  Vanrbuver  on  a  pas'? 
frcitii :  Fraiik 

Patrick  who ^...    .    •-  - 

slipped  and.'  fell  in  front  of  t: 
blocking  Lindsay's-  view  of  the  luuuei 
completely,  and  thus  glying  hitn  verj' 
little  chance  to  make  the  stop.  Nichols 
off  for  tripping  Smaill.  Don  Smith 
scored  the   third,  go:  \-ictorla  and, 

as  it  turned  out  the  ...:.,   ..  hen  he  made 
a   corner   shot    at    tlte    opponent's    goal. 
.     k   strikihg    7-..'  -    '-■      ■'■*•     and 
,  ,,     ,,-t      m.  .     Ti;;    .  ■iner 

Poulin  was  sent  to  ihe  boards  a  second 
time  for  tripping.  Snuullwent  down  In 
a  mix-up  near  the  home  goal, 
bis  head  heavily  on  the  Ice,  iu..:  .- = 
laid  out  for  a  few  seconds,  during  whicii 
time    ti'  '     was    dr'         '       ,.,.■..,,, 

off   for  ^.      Thus 

ond   period,    the   score   standing    4    to    U 
in  favor  of  Vancouvet, 

It  wa?  Tifi  Vancouver  during  the.  f  inra 
1  though      the      ' 

.,,....^..    ......    .■■■.■.cy':r;-CTC.   UEabl"      ■'         '    '  ■■ 

up  the  onslaught  of  rnshes  in  which  the 


Offlclals—Ilefcrec,      .Tlpamy      ^S^|^a*r« 

'J^dec    of    play.    Harry    Hvland.     .^llWie- 

Tftfepers,    J.    A.    Taylor,    Victoria;   C.    V. 

Vancouvir,     Penalty    timekeeper, 

Wliker>-on.      Coal    umpires,    WU 

and  Itili  Is,  Victorlu.     iiiM 

■..:  i.,.;,an.    Van.  

The  Teams 

in  the  major  l«!ague«j  has  »»o 




ijgt^am-f'^'pf'*  fit,'   '  f«intayiMf 


Wjrt  Wti 



^\■e  ai-e   headnuat  le. .-,   Un    all   the   leadin„'    makes   oC   Goif 
-u.  Forgan  &  Son.  Wright  &  Dlston.  P.  Andcson  &  -^on. 

Clubs,    such 
As  we  -are 



F.  :^atrlck. 
Grlffls... . 
Lalonde.  . . 
Nichollf^-  ■ . 
Harris .  .  .  .  . 
I'hilllps. . ., 

.  .  .    ;.;oal    .  .  . 

...  point  .  .  . 
.cover  point. 
.  .  .    ri''-  I  r    .  •  • 

. .  .  centre  .  . 
.  .left    wing. . 

.  .  I.. 



1 'a  trick 



.  .Smith' 




History    of      Teatlierwelght    Belt      from 
Start   Down   to   Johnny  Kllbane 

-  (1      during    the      last 
•  play.     Lindsay  made 
r  '.'  :     -^■•,-  U   got 
I   a   four  til    time  on  a 
j'atrlck,  after  tlie  two 
a;  neat  rush,   but.  v 
was   called   twenty    feet   from    i,.<=    ..... 
couver    nets,    and    the    goal    was    disal- 
lowed.    At   this   .stage  of  the  game   the 
boys  in  stripes  woke  up  to  the  fact  that 
they    would    have    to    go    faster    if    tliey 
expected  to  make  another  cout^t,  and  fot 
several    miniites    they   set  a    fast   pace, 
and    jjrossed    hard.      l-'rom    the    face-off 
after  the  offside  In  front  of  the  visitor's 
net,    Harris    got    the    rubber    and    went 
down    in    one   of    the   neatest   Individual 
rushes    of    the    game,    scorftag    the    first 
In   this  period,   in    12.17. 

Slackened     Pace 


The  game  .started  with  a  mi.-m.  \.an- 
'  Oliver)  on  the  aggressive,  and  pressing 
iia.rd.  During  the  first  few  minutes  of 
liliiy  the  Terminals  set  tli''  i'ih-h.  tia\- 
t'lllng   liack   and*  forwHr<l   at   great   speed, 

and    s'liooting    on    the   Victoria 
^liienlly.       Tin-    flr^^t     '-■■■'\        ■  ■ 

nt't    fre- 

1     I '  ■    I '  1  e 

pa.a-    a.uam,    ami     inr'n     ii 
Terminals    .  outplayed     ti.  ly 

stage,  rushing  continually  and  Kiiuoimg 
frcQuenlly.  Lester  got  the  rubber  and, 
after  passing  the  visiting  defence,  shot 
at  P.aiT  for  what  appeared  1..  la-  a.  goal 
but    the   goal-ump.    failed  ''is 

hand  and  while  Lester  reuuuirv.!  ...»  i>o 
net  to  thresh  It  out  with  the  goal  um- 
pire, the  rubber  had  been  taken  back  to 
the  locals'  end.  The  referee's  Whistle 
had  not  blown,  althougli  the  htcal  play- 
ers apparently  had  fancied  It  had,  and 
they  at  once  ceased- to  play,  NtchoiK, 
however,  continued  down  the  Ice  with 
the  puck,  and  shot  at  Llnd.say,  who  did 
not  even,  mivke  an  attempt  to  block,  he 
too  apparently  haying  thought  the  game 
was  not  in  progress.  The  rubber  went 
Into  th(»  net,  and  although  the  locals 
Diotested  .  l.ercely,  the  goal  was  allowed. 
Time,    .'i.i 

Froie.  t;.  ,4  t'fmc  until  tH(>  conclusion  '^v 
tlic  garni,  i  !■  playing "  became  more 
furious,  and  all.liough  the  vl«itor«  werp 
now  three  goals  In  the  lead,  iiifv  con- 
tinnerl    to   push    the   locals,   and    look   ad- 

The  featherweight  champioii.s— who 
•were  they?  This  tltlo  ranks  nock  and 
neck  with  the  '  the  rins 

— the  heavyw^-o -I"  i-  "->xer  -who 
can  wear  the  featherweight  honors,  the 
miniature  diadem  ot  the  fighting  arenai 
can  carry  his  bead  as  high  as  any 

Tlie   title  icads   back  into' the  sixties. 

.\  host  of  those  plgnny  hercules  they 
were  that  bared  their  cheats  In  the 
open  air  and  fought  fiercely  for  the 
king  pin  position  of  their  class. 

Tommy  Warren,  of  Los  Angeles,  was 
the    !  these    lltUe  nuckle 

^iaAi V      vpRt-niK^ki    .  iiin         of  - 

John  L.  Mulllvan,  Warreu  blew  over 
the  Rockies  In  '85  and  by  a  series  of 
.brilliant  battles  proved  he  was  cham- 
pion of  all  the  l'-2-pound  fighters. 

To  be  sure  there  was  Cal  McCarthy 
of  St.  Louis,  who  claimed  the  honor 
from  Warren  after  the  latter  had 
11  aspirants.  biJt  the  flght- 
ii;«  ...... u  ...iS  blending  into  glove  con- 
tests, George  Dixon  soon  swept  Mc- 
Carthy into  oblivion  and  the  real  glove 
featherweight  champion  had  arrived. 
Dixon  put  the  title  on  a  solid  pedestal. 
An  ideal  tighter  of  the  weight,  wide 
shoulders,  a  kno'!k.iu«  punch  in  either 
hand  and  fearless,  he  defeated  count- 
less opponents  and  made  the  feather- 
wpight  champlonBhlD  a  world's  affair. 

Dixon  was  the  first  featherweight 
to  be  presented  with  a  world's  cham- 
pionship diamond  belt.  We  defeated 
two  English  champions  of  his  class, 
Xunc  Wallace  and  Fred  .lohnson,  In 
intfrtitttioiikl  fights  In  London.  Dixon, 
supreme  among  the  122-pound  boxers, 
fell  a  vlcthTi  of  fighting  out  of  his  daso. 
Sent  against  lightweights  and  boxers 
pounds  heavier  than  himself,  he  battered 
himself  into  a  wreck,  and  was  forced  to 
surrender  to  Terry  McGovt-rn  after  a 
championship  of  teh  years. 

The  greatest  battle  of  the  pii/.-  rlni:, 
barring  the  old  masterpieces,  was  the 
two-round  fight  of  the  Terrible  Terry 
McGovern  and  Young  Corbett,  when  the 
featherweight   tltlt.,i»a#sed   to  Corbett. 

McGovern  IukI  beaten  them  all — Ped- 
lar Palmer.  Raich  ford.  Harry  Forbes, 
Dixon— slopped  tliV  caretr  of  Oscar 
Gardner,  lind  gone  out  of  his  class  and 
whipped  Frank  Erne  and  .loe  Ganw  al- 
most with  a  punch. 

But  Young  Corbett  handed  it  'o  I'-irry, 
a  complete  ktiockout,  win  n  tlie  betting 
was  all   on  McGovern. 

'>  Young  Corbett,  an  feathcrweiBht 
champion  was  a  puzzle.  Corbett  could 
never,  nevt  r  make  the  weight.  12'J 
pound.i.  and  floundered  about  .-imong  the 
llghtwelgljts   until   he   was   beaten. 

I'Yanklfi   Nell,    of    San    Francisco,    next 
clalmtd  the  title,   but   he   met   defeat   at 

ight   limes      carried    off  j 
-uo  championship.    His  | 
hr.^t  comiuest  w.  .00,  and  hc  was  j 

,hi    nuumrchof  I ^^e  no  later  than 

on,  which  is  an  epic  in  sustaln- 

e„    ,„uu.g   ability.     Moreover.     Wner 

was  prlnclpaUy  reBponslble     for     Pltts- 

1,  .ennant   triumphs  in    1091.    ^^^-^ 

I    1809.     -Kvery  season  his      big 

•     -,  In  the  race 


Forbes'    lieid    possible.  _ 

Hans     is  still     a     flrst-cla>s     fiel'ling 
.>«.>,.>,. ..I,  rvnt  ni lire  SO  fast 

as  he  was  some  year43  ago.  ^'^tjf  ^°"  J 
hold  down  first  base  or  a  position  in 
th,.  outfield  to  perfection. 

AVtigner  was  born  in  1874  and  will  be 
38  years  old  on  the  34th  of  this  month 
He  Is  the  highest  salaried  player  In  the 
National  league  an-l  Is  Independently 
wealthy.     \ 

J.  R  *€bLLISTER 

■>,  I  'f •*?!!?f %  ^^ 

1331  OxnratammA  9%. 


M^mf^ — 


Marconi  Bros. 

Succefi.surs     to    1".     N.    Costla. 

Bicycle    SpcclaUsta 


u.t:.    and  Gcnft,    ENGLISH    BICYCLES,    detachable 
in-c^    choice  of  ^addles  toe  clips,  bell,  everything  complete, 

PRICE  ?40.O0 
Every  Bicycle  guaranteed  against  defect  for  one  year. 


Phone  8.7  ,  gao  Govcrmnc.t  .'^t. 


AIjIiEir    it    C'_". 


The   sport 

on    the 

Tuinia  On  Ice 
Ohe  ordinarily  associates  tennis  with 
warm  spring  and  summer  days,  green- 
^wlri  or  baked  clay,  flannel-clad  and 
:^b«rned  players.  But  now  tennis  bid., 
fair  to  become  as  much  of  a  wlntei 
IZZ  as  it  IB  a  summer  sport.  Sev- 
eral of  the  tennis  dubs  In  New  \ork 
nave  floo,i«l  the  courts  wlmre  In  sum- 
mer  the   pla--        v.."..  •,     i>n  =  :. 

„ui.,:a«i.:-ir--' 1   "■"■■   ^■■'   ^• 

imcs-on   the   frozen   surface 

ice      has      gained      considerable 

The   nets     are      stretched 

ntre    of    the      Ice-covered 

players    use    skates    to 

.    .i.«    ire     At    first    It    took    the 
itet   over    liie    ice.    •"»■>.    M'f"  ^    "^   * , 

Players  of  the  new  game  some  time  to 
;'*'^a£'-u«tomed  to  getting  around  on 
the  gilders.  They  nxade  many  awkward 
movJs  and  many  tn^^ re  awkward  shots, 
in  time,  however,  they  became  more 
adept  ;n  getting  around  the  ice-clad 
courts,  and  once  they  became  proficient 
they   .grew    enthusiastic   ovei-    the    sport.    | 

Where  Is  Vancoaver? 
The  sport  dcpester  on  the  Vancouver 
_.-;..^  cTr««»  tb«  CoUoWlng:  'Calgar.s 
Ta^'L^ntTream  of  bowlers  to  the  West- 
ern Uov^Ung  <-ongress  at  lx>s  Angeles, 
and    in    that   connection   a    P.aper   of    the 

p^alrle  town    says:   'It  will   be  tne  on  y 
'Canadian  team  at  the   M.ev.nt^  and     o 

may   be   sai.;  •c-eeht   tne 

Will  give  a  suit  of  clothes  to  Iho 
best  ten  200  ten-pln  scores  rolled 
from  February     20     to  March     31, 


Entries   for   the   .  House  League 
tournament  nov?  being  taken. 
saxnira'VP'TCK  aiii-EVs 

711  Yat«B  Street 

1912  All  Steel  Raleigh  and  Cleveland 

_ (^yjjgj 

"-•-•'         TT     ,.  T^„4.-,  vx7i,„«i„  of  th<*  Dav    Can  T^e  Seen   at 

'ihe    IViOSt     '-'p^Lu-iJilLC     V*  ilCv«o-  »Ji  •  <.«1C::.»'C-,^  >     ^=-"     — '-     •     • 


S220  Broad  Street,  Opposite  Colonist 

Phone  L  183 

Fishing  Tackle  a  Specialty 



Full    size 

tables.      Latest 

^ment- at -■■-.-,: 




Cor.  Johnson  and  Douglas   Street* 



10  to 
ChUdren    . . 

Adults     .  .  .  . 

fi.lo    to    iO.,111 
15c          Children  'Zr>r  nmcral 

3K.<-      •,  vV..jMHy  , S-'H-  .ulml.^siOM    ....    50^ 



the   team 

,r    Canad.T 



"Now  wouldn't  that  .lust  simply  jar 
vour  slats.  Here  we  have  gone  and  sen 
down  two  teams  froni  Vancouver  and 
one  from  Westminster,  while  laboring 
under  the  delusion  that  British  Ooluni- 
l,la  was  In  Canada.  And  when 
llodge  and  Ale,x.  Grant  ami 
LU  to  the  Sunny  South  they  will  find 
memselves  men  witlwut  a  country- 
Help!    Help!'." 

their    men 


singers,    numbers,    Enfields.      Massey-IIarris; 
Standards,     Coventry-Cross    and    Klrmess. 

$35.00  to  $95.00 

Wr  can  supply  Tire  Coasters,  '  3  Speeds.  2 
Speeds,  Free  Wheel  Coasters.  Oil  Bath  Gear 
Cases  end  other   modern   eciulpment. 

Agents    Hurley    Davidson    -Motor    Cycle. 

At   the   Arca<te    AUej*. 

I„     the     mHlOh     IHM     idKl.t        b^t^c^n 

THOMAS  PLIMLEY,  730  Yates  Street 

I),-lard"i>«rber»  ami  ih-  Stand. tUh  ihe  Inner 
"an  w  '  Oirov  clo.e  and  InloroHtlnK  Ramea 
"*^"^"'  wcro    decided     In     tho    last 

(lonhirul    to   Ihe  end.      The 

••IT    TOU    OXT    XT   AT   PUOCLET'B    IT'S    AJtXt   KIOKT 

PXOmB    ^8. 


AU  three  tfanien 
frnnu'8  ami  wei"- 

DrlHTd    nnrbf-r." 







Siandni'lB  - 



FoHlf  r     ■ 


1 ,1.-. 




1  ■;.! 

Oordon     '" 


1  U 

1    '  .! 



bcBTf   in   .loin    WhH»   .Hox. 

S.\N  I"H.\N<~'1S('<').  Foh.  •:'■ — PInij  Bodle. 
chUnijo  AmeiliMn  outllelrter.  formerly  with 
the  San  rr»nflsco  poast  l-agu"  <•••'".  mid 
Uenvire  Wertvev.  dr'ifled  by  fiiniliikfy  from 
Ihe  latlcr-  leani  Inst  neason.  left  for  l\jf 
White  Sox  IralnliiB  qiinrler»  at  Waco.  Texa«. 

liAit  evening  as  a  fitting  social  con- 
eiuajon  io  ihe  twpiriii  i)sr!><.rr>«.r.t  .  r.. 
British  Columbia  the  ex-membor,s  en- 
tertained Premier  McBplde  and  ihe 
other  cabinet  ministers  to  dinner  In  tlio 
legislative    Krlll. 


The  profits  of  the  union  co-operative 
bakery  at  San  .lose,  Ciillforni*,  are 
about  fii.vvO  a  muiilh. 

Overland  Automobiles 

This  luotlcl  5g  is  the  mcst  moderately  priced  de  luxe  touring  car  on  the  market.  RcserV€ 
power  and  .speed  to  meet  all  rational  requirement.s.  A  big.  roomy  bo•d>^  carrying  fuxpassM^ 
gcrs  with  all  comfort.  Complete  with  all  lamps,  horn  and  tools,  also  bhLt'  t> i AK llvK  AW U 
rKEbTuLiTE  TANK,  $1,500.  -     -.  ,  - 



Garajj-e  727  John.-jOn  Street. 

'If  you  get' it  at  Plimliy's  it's  «if  rlg^t** 

i  '       .,.,.,'.■■■'■,•■  'y.l^jjg 

-' ' — "^ — '-'— — ^^...^^^laaiMi 


Wednesdwy,  February  28,  1912 

VICTOIUA    pAJXif    <jOLOi>ix5i. 


For  Your  Home 

\re  here  in  a  wonderful  variety,  thai  is  only  equalled  by 
ihc  moderation  of  iIk'  prices.  P.e  it  a  cottage  or  a  castle, 
we  can  make  it  brighter,  more  beautiful  and  more  tasteful 
In,  an  outlay  r.n  your  part  which  would  indeed  be  insig- 
nificant when  compared  with  results. 


Will  Discuss  Railway  Policy 
and  Other  Provincial  issueb 
Before  Annual  Meeting  of 
Conservative  Association 

Jn  ihi.  .action  voii  will  find  a  collection  of  beautiful  floor  coverings  which 
it  would  be  hard  to  equal.  The   finest  productions  of   front  rank  m---»    -" 

■^»^^-^*^^  choiceit^iM^iiil^'S^fiSiir^^^  <''^  oriental '^^ 

'^A>fiSh.'^iiA^tA^^. . 

■  "r^att-rt?!*       rr^\  : 

"  ^-J  '^  tC 

..-  giZm  MM^Mb    ..^t.. 

1,     "-."" 

Asters •• ........••••••• 

Wiltons n • * *^  ^^^  ^ 

Brussels. r to  $i.6o  p^T 

Toptstn.<i . 

mi>.»ili«  ItlltlTlff 

. .  ♦ .  .to  >$i*i»  pei' 

All  J>riccs  include^ewingandtkying. 

At    Llif    iinniial    mectlnB    of    tlJ©    Vlc- 
torWi     CoiiMer\  alive    Association    to      be 
held    In    tlie    A.   O.    U.   W.   hall   tomorrow 
evenlHK    Hie    spcakprn    will    Include    Pre- 
mier Mi;Rrl<l.>  uiitl  other  mcmbiTS  of  his 
cabinet    together   wltli   a   number   of   the 
representatives    In    thw    last      provincial 
parliament     The  prpnH«i'  will   spuu-k  on 
the   legislation   of   the   past   session   and 
on   tiie,  iaauea   to   be     discussed      during 
the  comlnK  campaign.     It  Is  antlclimled 
that   his  address  will  be  of  an  unusual- 
ly interestlnK  character  as  It  will  be  In 
the  nature  of  lils  opening  speech  In  tlie 
election  c<>^»np»«^lgn-     He  wlU  deal  chledy 
wlths    the    railway    policy    which    is    the 
principal  issue  before  the  electors.   Tlie 
olh«r  mlnlBtors  will  speeli  upon  matters 
which    come    within    their    own    depart- 

The  annual    meotinp   promises   to     be 
very  largely  atten" 
HOOQ   aftor    thv 
■-'  "^"^^^      A  presideui,  V 

We  have  in  Stock,  eveiv  size  made,  in  qualities  frpnv  the  ordinary  tape- 
tothe  highest  Rrade  Oriental^.    The  beautiful  color  harmonics  and  the  mai 
new  weaves  will  astonish  and  delight  you.    You  can  have  a  wide  choice 
any  of  the  following  sizes: 

6^x9  —  9x9  —  9XI0>^  —  9x12  —  IO/^5ii2  —  iij4xi3J'i 

■Vxniinsters $27.00  to  $85.00  1  Brussels. $12.00  to  $37-00 

Wiltons $26.00  10  $52.00  [.Tapestries. $  7-5o  to  $19.00 

'itHHfTf  ilBeretary  for  th«t 
Conservative  asaoclattW^ 

J^Sj^^S^joTe  *mo8t    enthusia.^tl'c 
In  'the  tM»t6Yy  ot  Conaervatism  in     the 


l^vcry  period  and  fabric  is  represented  in  our  splendid  ne^v  stock  and  there 
is  certainly  no  style  of  home  decoration  to  which  we  cannot  add  distinction 
and  taste.'  Madras  Muslins,  Bungalow  Nets,  Wool  and  Cotton  Casement 
Cloths,  Cotton,  Silk  and  Wool  Repps.  Cretonnes.  Chintzes,  Art  Linens,  Taf- 
!taS,  Silk  and  Cotton  Tapestries,  Damasks,  Mohairs,  Angoras  and  Velours 
^e  only  some  of  the  beautiful  materials.  Come  in  today  and  have  a  look 
round  this  department. 

Y.AJFS  ST.    ^ 



Little  Things  Tell 

The  Hardware  on  your  home  tells  of  good  (luality 
and  thoroughness  or  of  poor  construction  and  lack  of 
judgment.  If  it  looks  badly  or  fails  to  work  properly, 
it  is  a  source  of  annoyance  so  long  as  the  house  stands, 
but  if  it  is  right,  it  is  a  cause  of  constant    satisfaction. 

Let  CORBIN  Hardware  be  used  freely  on  your  new 

For  further  information  of  the  various  kinds  of 
CORBIN  Hardware,  call  or  write  us. 



^     544^546  Yates  Street 

•"tore  Phone  59.     Office  Phone  2043 


Canwry    Bepreaentative   BntfaRes    Weat 

Coast  Indians  for  tHe  »lver« 

Inlet  Canneries 

.«,n,..op,.fl  by  the  actloo  t>f  natural  cau»e». 
("hlelly  the  weather;  how  cliff*  become 
boulder»,  how  boulder*  bet-omo  pebble*,  an* 
pebble*   In    turn    become   ••.ad. 

In  cour«o  of  time  U  occur*  that  Nature, 
ihtti  ver*«tlle  old  lady,  produce*  a  kind 
of  BunU  which  ha*  murlc  In  It*  »oul;  "*  •""'^ 
composed  of  Quart*,  rounded  and  til«tily 
pollHlifd.  ot  a  uniform  *Ue  and  very  clean. 
And  when  the*e  are  uKltated  *u  a*  to  pro 
ducc  vibration*,  by  mean*  of  the  wind,  b.v 
being  trodden  upon,  ov  by  brlns  struck,  tliey 
nr.uJuce  mu*lcttl  nolfs.  Much  p'.'rfecl  de- 
P"S!1H  art-  found  in  the  iBle  -if  H^KK.  anrt^  ll 
WHH  by  moiiiiK  i>f  suniples  of  the  real  Ekk 
variety  mat  ine  lecturer  i»ioducoi3 
non-B  boloru  hi*  deliishled  audience.  who 
forKot  that  they  knew  a  lot  about  Keology 
and  other  »clentlflc  BUbJeclH  and  cheerfully 
behaved     as    boy«. 

Mr.  Carnn-WllBon  prefaced  his  expcrl- 
nieniB  by  a  little  pxplnnatlon  of  the  differ- 
ence between  mere  nolsu  and  mu*lc.  al- 
though, as  he  said,  llure  are  Bonie  unhapivv 
people  who  confound  the  two.  Briefly,  If  a 
Bi'rles  ot  IrrcRular  vlbriulon*  1«  produced, 
the  result  I*  merely  a  noise,  hut  If  the  vl- 
brutlong  are  regular  the  result  la  a  muaUal 
note.  And  that  Is  why  the  Bands  of  the 
Isle  ot  F.KE.  which  are  hard  ami  i.OllBhed. 
spherical  hi  ahai-e.  and  itguloj-  in  size,  ar<; 
ihe    best    of    the    kind. 

Kllllnif  a  wooden  cbB  cup  v.lth  oand  fi  0111 
the  Isle  of  Eks— the  coincidence  I*  striking 
— he  BlBbbcd  the  Band  with  a  wooden  nine- 
plu  abHtracted,  he  said,  from  the  nur«eiy 
at  home,  and  pmducod  a  hlli  musical  note. 
The  sand  behaved  better  In  the  ckb  cup 
than  In  unythlnB  else.  In  a  carboard  box 
Us  musical  note  remained  dumb,  as  It  did 
(n  n,  firtwor  pot  Hiid  In  Ihn  half  of  u  rubber 
ball.  In  hair  a  wooden  liaatet  crk — aBaln 
the  coincidence — the  sand  from  the  Isle  of 
KKg.  as  the  lecturer  remarked.  ■•poaUiTeiy 
revelled"  In  Us  surroundings,  and  emitted 
a  sharp  Joyous   squeiiklnK. 

Musical  Kandic  hav«  been  known  for  a 
thousand  year*,  and  It  is  believed  that  there 
la  a  reference  to  them  In  one  of  the  Inltjs 
ot  the  Arabian  Nights.  But  Nature,  who 
conducts  experlmeniB  on  quite  a  dlfferipi 
scale  froo  those  of  laai  night,  produces  much 
fln»r  res'jltB.Thsrels  the  Mountain  of  <'"' 
Beil  on  tlie  »hores  of  the  Red  Seii,  which 
makes  extraordinary  sounds  anA  boomlntca 
.%vhca  the  •■winoa  act  th'o-^cdtintics»' inlllitjiis. 
;of  particle*  rubbing-  against  each  other  and 
;Vlbratlng.  Darwin  discovered  the  "Roarer" 
In  Chile,  which  alBo  make*  tremendous 
noises,  and  there  are  many  other  examples 
In  various  parts  of  the  world.  Htut  it  has 
been  left  to  Mr.  Carns-Wtlson  to  make  a 
/upectAl  Btudy  of  the  subjoct.  and  to  make, 
-™  ^— ■^ItHwaty*  table,  the  «an<t, »»;""" 

0-'%o'oden  egg-cup. 



The  steamer  Tees.  C'apt.  Gillani,  re- 
lumed yesterday  afternoon  from  llol- 
berg  and  w^y  ports  of  the  woet  coast 
with  71  f  ■  -•  -"-^  n  fair  cargo  In- 
cluding*! 1  ■'•y  <i^a-y  *'■«"» 

I  .nd,  for  the  B. 

a  shipment  of 

wliale  oil  fro! 

Araonif    the     :  -*    on   the    Teee 

was  Mr,  Robert  Woods,  of  the  Rivera 
Inlet  canneries,  who  made  the  round 
trip  to  engage  Indians  for  the  coming 
t!«  season.  He  secured  a  large  ruc:- 
ij.  r  of  Indians  at  the  west  coast  ranch- 

cMrS.  ■"""   " 

Hoppe  "Wins  Agaia 

rniL.\in:i,PHi.\,     K«b.     27.— WiiHo 

niB    third    »i« »!»">: 

iniuvi.    ^i    ...K.   . a   of   five   games   of 

40o'"polnt8  each,  18.1  balk  line  billiards, 
with  Harry  Cllne.  by  400  to  209.  Hoppc's 
lilghest  run  was  56  and  CUne's  54. 

Too  Late  to 

Quick  Besults — Kor»diate  re- 
BUllB  list  your  property  for  sale 
wUh  llrltlsh  Canadlun  Home  Uulld- 
ers,  Ltd.,  31B-31b  bayward  iUdif. 
I'bone  lOHO. . 

"Mlclilcan     St. — Near       M.mtieal,       »0x 
I'O      fi.'i'VO;     eu»y     terms.       This     H 
below     muikol     price.       Hrltlsh     Ca- 
nautan     tii<r.^«       i«u..o-.-.        c.k    ' 
bai- w a r d_li] d«.  _jrltone    lO-iO- 

"S^k  '5aj"Avc.-«o  ft.  with  ""u;;^;;;' 

elKht-roomed  house,  oniy  »10.l>""- 
terms  roasonable.  British  Car.u- 
dlan    Hoin.'     UuilUers,    Md..    Srj-31u 

i< ay  ward     Bldg.       Phone     1030. 

~\\7u^t\u.  Wefct— .New  n\o-r>«>med  bun- 
galow on  lurKc  corner  lot.  ""'V 
$4,7':5;  iciniB  very  easy.  UrltlHli 
^•anad!all  ilom«  TluUdera.  Utd., 
3 1 3 - 3 1  i  Kay  ward   H Id g.      PhoneJ^ 3 0 

liiugartt — I'lnse  to  .McnxIcB.  two  lot*. 
Gcixl-.'.,  ?2.760  each;  easy  terms. 
Hrltlsh  Canadian  Home  Hutldore, 
l,td.     3i:-;;iii  Sayward  Bldg.    Phom- 


Wauled — l.lBtlngs  of  houses,  uboui 
»;.5U0  to  fS.tlOO;  »600  cash,  bal 
aiice  easy  tcrmi...^^i;  h^ve  clhnt.v 
viatllhK.  Uritlsh  Canadian  Horn. 
Builder*.  312-315  Bayjvur.l 
Hid  ]i.     Phono    103U. '•■ 

Luniptuili''  St. — I..ot  11SX1S4,  Close  to 
old    Esquimau    road,    only      »2,900; 

— c    ^  ^ritisii-  C— — sill"  " 

Home    Builders.    Ltd.,    312-315    Say- 
ward    Bldg.      Phone    1030^ 

Buhtnefis  rropcrty— 80x120  on  John- 
son street;  revenue  producing;  ?"* 
per  month;  $25,000;  one-quarter 
cash,  balance  arrange.  Corner  In 
adjoining  block  sold  for  »60,000. 
British  Canadian  Homo  Builders, 
i^imiied.     ai;i-315       Buyweiru    Sldg. 

Phone  1080.  ^ 

-■.  Htnnlcy  A\-e.r— -gine  a-rooln<A^  hflUg?  . 
on  largo  lot.  close  to  car  line,  lull 
basement,  stone  foundation,^  bath 
room,  toilet,  fully  modern;  prlci» 
9.'!, 000;  tl.000  cash,  balance  ar- 
iRn>;e,  Act  quickly  If  you  want 
this.  British  Canadian  Homo 
Builders,  312-81S  Sayward- Building 





women's  Dutlecs  »t  Home. 

Til-  i.ecesslty  for  labor  Of  the  bauds 
iiMV  !.a,«i9  away.  But  this  only  makes  It 
^oi,  :  .at   women  cultivate 

thei;  1    their      affecUona. 

There  Is  a  taak  before  Canadian  women 
*tnd  for  all  his  harsh  crlllcisni  and  tod 
sweeping  generalizations,  Jacob  yalvhla 
points  the  way  to  It  when  he  writes; 
"If  Ruskin  is  correct  in  declaring 
that  the  end  of  all  right  education  for 
a  woman  is  to'  make  her  love  homo  bet- 
ter than  any  other  place,  then  Indeed. 
thosf>  r.stlo^^s  ladies  of  both  England  and 
ea,  ti-    and    evident    failures 

in  i,.,.  -..  ..  scerii"  to  regard  their 
homes,  not  as  places  in  which  they  are 
to  stay  and  be  happy  In  the  quiet  or- 
dering of  their  affairs,  but  as  places 
..  ,,  ,.t  out  of  at  an  costs. 

^    ,,  ,  u>   enter   their   heads 

•hat  they  have  duties  to  fulfil,  though  a 
^n<>,i  nV;,nv  of  them  manage  to  persuade 
liuit    they    have    lights  •to- 
1  .„.n;anu   ;i.s   If    the   two    things    Were   or 
I  cuuld    be   distinct.      In   any    case   I    feel 
sure    that    our    present    day    ladles    are 
much  in  need  of     learning     this-  truth 
afresh,     if  once  the  importance  of  keep- 
ing their  houses  capably  and  accurately, 
ihexdcllght  of  bringing  up  their  children 
sanely    and    joyously,    and    the    duty    of 
using    their    social    power    for    tlie    help 
of    other    less    fortunate    human    beings 
were   to    dawn   upon    them,    they    might 
abandon    those   fields   of   strenuous   Idle- 
nest  In  which  they  now  seek,  unsuccess- 
fully  enough,  to  conduct  their  revels  and 
niisht    -....i..,    a    genuine,      cont.-nt      In 
set-v'iii;  leadfast   hours." 

Delhi  Cafe,  Yates  Street,  now  open.  • 

Meet  me  at  the  James  Bay  Grill.  We'U 
(51no   together  at  6:16. 

Delhi  Cafe,  Yates  Street,  now  open.  • 

Old  Roofs  Renewed  by  coating  with 
'••Nag"  x;uaipo3itio.n.  -  Waterproof  and 
fire  proof.  See  or  "phone  Nowioa  & 
Qrecr    Co.,    1326    Wharf    street 

tiassoolng  wild  animals.  Where? 
At    the    Bijou    Theatre    Today.  • 

Delhi  Cafe.  Yates  Street,  now  open.   • 

"Nag"  Roof  composition  will  stop 
leaks  and  add  years  to  the  i'.f.n  of  ^.r. 
old  roof.     See  Nev.toa  ^  Greer  Co.,  1329 

Merciiants'  Lunch  will  be  served  as 
usual  from  12  to  8  at  the  Sandrlngham, 

■joo    Vt\r.t    <!«<■«.>>      <m     anrt     nfmr    JaJluarV    I 

Delhi  Cafe.  Yates  Street,  now  open.  • 
Branding    cattle.      Where?     At    the 

Bijou  Theatre  Today.  * 

Leaky    Roofs   Repaired   by   Newton   & 

Greer  Co..  1326  Wharf  street,  makers  of 

"Nag"  Composition. 

^ww.-.rr — .  St.— Ne5»^  well  built  OualJ,,^ . 
low  close  to  Fort  st.  car.  basemen't; ' 
bath,     electric     light.     $3,600;  tSBO 
cash,   J20  monthly.     British   Cana- 
dian  Home   Builders,    Ltd.,    312-315 

Sayward  Bldg.     Phone   1030. 

Real  Estate  AgeatH — To  whom  It 
may  concern.  British  Canadian 
Home  Builders,  Ltd.,  havejaxcluslvo 
listing  of  lots  6  and  7  Niagara  St., 

.lames    Bay.  

Wanted — Listings  In  James  Bay  and 
Victoria  West,  for  quick  results 
list  your  property  with  British 
Canadian  Home  Builders,  Ltd.,  312- 
315  Sayward  Bldg.  Phone  1030. 
"siiares  In  British  Canadian  Home 
Biiildera.  Ltd.,  wlil  bo  advanced  to 
fl.lO  per  ohans  Muieli  Blh,  the 
second  Issue  st  $1.00  has  nearly 
all  been  subscribed;  $10  cash  and 
%V>  monthly  purchases  100  shareia 
at  $1.00  per  share.  Send  foe  pros- 
pectus;  It  will   interest  you. 

Don't  forget  to  call   for  free  Indexed 
Map    of   Cltv. 

British  Canadian  Home 
EuilderSj  Limited 

Ileal     KstatB     Department. 
Members     Victoria    Real    Kslate    E.t- 
/  change. 

.^gent.s:     Royal     Intturanre     Company. 

Third  Floor.        Sayward   Building. 

Phone   1030. 

ErnsEt    Kennedy,    Managing   Director. 

Singing   Sand. 

\  most  rB,8Clnatlng  lecture  was  given  at 
M,e  Aoyal  SotHotloB  club.  St.  James's  street, 
■ecetitly  by  Mr.  Cecil  Caru.-Wll.on,  on  the 
^uhVrcl  of  -secrets  in  Hands,"  a  part 
of  the  lecture  was  devoted  to  a  conslderat^or. 
ot  the  exliaordlnnry  .■snnds  known  as  mu- 
alcal"   or  "singing"   sands. 

The   ben  slhKlng  suiidN   In   the   world  some 

l,cnn   the  Isle   of   li:gk'.   off   the  -•oast   of  Scol- 

ind      and     It    1«    coinfortInK    to    know     that 

vhaU'Vfr    flBur"    Britalii    may   cu    t    In    gi-and 

era  she  Ib  at  least  pre-eminent  when  It 
,ome8    to    a   qucitlon    of   ringing    sand 

Uy  means  of  n  splendid  series  of  Itttitern 
•  Udes  th*  lecturer  ||Bhowed  how  the  rocks, 
of    which    the    earti    Is    composed,    are    de- 

The  Tea  Kettle  Tea  Room,  1119  Doug- 
las Street,  Breakfasts,  hot  lunciiKon. 
afternoon  teas,  new  laid  eggs  from 
iladrona   always   on   hand. 

S.  P.  C.  A.  cases  of  cruelty.  Phone, 
Inspector   Russell,    1921. 

Riding  wild  horses.  -Whore?  At  the 
Bijou    Theatre   Today.  * 

Make  your  money  earn  10  per  cent, 
per  annum.  I  have  f40.000  in  gilt  edge 
real  estate  mortgages  ano  »a>e  ito'«^- 
ments.  which  1  will  sell  at  a  discount, 
making  the  Investment  earn  the  pur- 
chaser 10  per  cent,  per  annum.  The 
securities  are  in  various  amounts  from 
11,500  to  $10,000.  ■  I^or  particulars  write 
"Advertiser,"  J?.  O.  Box  88tJ,  Victoria, 
B.  C,  or  telephone  864. 

You  can  deposit  your  mon-jy  ai  ■»  per 
cent.  Interest  with  the  B.  C.  Permanent 
Loan  Company  and  be  able  to  withdraw 
the  total  am o.unt  or  any  portion  thereof 
without  notice.  Cheques  are  supplied 
to  each  depositor.  Paid  up  capital  over 
Jl. 000,000,  assets  over  $3,000,000.  Branch 
office,  1210  Government  street,  Victoria, 
B.   C.  • 

Betnoval  XTotlce 
On  and  aflt-r  March  the  firm  of 
Messrs.  J.  Valo  &  Sons,  wholesale  pro- 
duce and  provl.sion  merchants,  will  carry 
on  business  from  their  new  warehouse, 
corner  of  Bay  and  Government  Stretts. 
Thanking  our  patrons  sino»r«ly  for  their 
past  support  and  trusting  the  future 
may  realize  a  continual  and  steady  in- 
crease of  their  tstetmed  patronage,  we, 
as  ever,  yours  truly, 

J.  VAIO  &  SONS. 


Joseph  Street — 
50x120.    Price  ...?1,000 

Oliver  Street — 

50x120.    Price  ...$1,050 

Fifth  St.,  SE.  Cor.  Topaz— 
45x110.  Price $925 

We  have  a  select  list        f 
houses  in  every  district. 

Price.>  low.   tcrni.^  ca.';}-. 


Hotel    Barron. 

Ifotol  Barron,  corner  IJraiiviUo  and 
Nelson  .'(tieels,  Vancouver,  B.  0. 

A  modern  hotel  of  the  hlKhest  stand- 
ard. See  our  novel  Grape  Arbor  Grill. 
Kate.""    $1.50    i>t^r   day    up. 

Oscar   U.    Burrnn.  T.    S.    Bropby. 


M  ,11—  ■nw,g^*awy 


Arc  cordially  invited  to  attend  the 

Annual  Meeting 

■■■—'■*—'■■■  '.f  _  ^j  ri    ■■"'^■'"■;r-~ —"-•='*  '    "    '  ■  ■  r  I  "  '   ill  I    III  ■■  ■'   ■■'■ 

held  in  A.  O.  U.  W.  HALL,  Yates  street,  _ 

Thursday,  February  29th 

At  8"  p.  m.     Business,  election  of  officers. 

Knott  Bros, 


Brown,  Ltd. 

Yates  and  lilanchartl  Streets 
Phone  2873 



On     Dallas    road,    close   to 

Dallas  hotel,  «3x  165' feet 
With   large  house  and  cot- 
tage.    Price    $ai,ooo;    011?- 
(luarter  cash,  balancj;;-/!  aud 
.  2  years. '' 



Surrounding  Country,  in 
which  over  200,000  acres  of 
Farm  Land  have  been  re- 
served and  surveyed  for  Pre- 
emptors  ONLY. 

For  the  past  two  years  we 
have  ptiblished  a  pamphlet  in 
which  is  given  all  informa-  1 
tion  aval  la  bl  (5  about  Fort 
George  and  Central  British 

.\^^Jg|||ve  continuously 
made  public  the  outstanding 

That  there  is  no  prairie 
land  in  the  Fort  George  Dis- 

That  with  the  exception  of 

small  areas  of  open  mead- 

fows,  the  land  is  covered  with 

a    growth    of    timber,    some 

light  and  somxC  heavy; 

That  50  per  cent  of  the 
land  is  light  soil,  with  sand 
and  gravel  ridges; 

That  the  main  rivers,  such 
as  the  Fraser,  Nechaco, 
Stuart  and  Salmon,  are 
mostly  from  50  to  250  feet 
below  the  "  .  bench  land 
through  which  they  run; 

That  there  is  an  abundance 
of  pure  water  in  creeks, 
lakes  and  rivers; 

That  the  climate  is  suf>- 
perb;  and 

That  one  acre  of  the  good 
!  land  is  worth  as  much  as  five 
acres  in   any   other  part  of 
Western  Canada. 

The  truth  is  good  enough 
abotit  Fort  George,  and  We 
are  publishing  this  advertise- 
ment  so  that  the  intending 
settler  and  investor  shall 
know  the  truth  and  not  be 
misled-  by  exaggerated  re- 
ports of  the  Fort  George 
District,  whether  good  or 

Fort  George  is  the  "Hub 
of  B.  C,"  and  the  centre  of 
an  empire  rich  in' natural  re- 
sources— fruit  and  farm  land, 
timber  and  mineral  I4iid. 
You  should  know  all  about 
this  vast  new  country. 

Write  to  us  for  the  "B.  C 
Bulletin  ot  Information*'  and 
"Facts,"  both  frfec. 

Grogan  &  Crook 

128  Pembcrton   Buildilbg 
I  Phone  i805 


Securitv  Co.^ 

J^Mt  Owners  «nd  $0|ii 
Fort  G«*li  "* 

604  mu 




V.'odne«dr'y.    rri--'--^'    '^     1912 


4    • 
)     I 

Only  24  Lots  Left 

In  Our  Hillside  Subdivision 

This  subdivision  has  only  been  on  the  market  a  little  more  than  two  weeks, 
yet  86  lots  have  been  sold.  Property  that  will  sell  as  quickly  as  that  must  have 
more  than  ordinary  attractions.  This  property  has.  Every  lot  is  close  to  the 
NEW  HILLSIDE  AVENUE  CAR  LINE  and  also  to  the  NORMAL 
SCHOOL  SITE.  These  two  factors  will  have  a  big  influence  in  developing 
this  district  rapidly,  which  means  that  values  will  enhance  quickly.  They  al- 
ways do  so  close  to  a  car  line. 

The  proper  thing  to  do  is  to  buy  one  of  these  Hbts  now  so    that  you    may 
profit  by  the  rise  in  values  which  is  bound  to  come. 

It  is  not  likely  that  these  lots  will  last  long,  so  that  you  should  get  particu- 




A  liOTjBr  of  Mankind 

i':vi-r.v  uiiiiiuMKii  iiiiiui  will  always  rank  i 

lars  now.    You  will  make  good  on  these  lots. 

*  " ' — ^^ — -^^ ^  -M''WP'fflR^Sife''^*tP*"'^'  Ssjfefflw!*'  *T"  •«**>  "''^JS'/JP^  ■T.-^-'^iv^  fl*^^*l  «l  -V^lP'^T*?* 



JJicUeiiss  amiJUK  i^''*-'  KreinieHt  eplo  poets 
Of  the  ninet^'-'inh  <."?i>iury.  lie  •-••irri—' 
the  line  of  Jiuropean-Amerlcan  realism, 
which  bejfi'^ii.  wllli  KlchttrUMon's  work>, 
to  e.  culminating  poliii  from  which  u 
new  world  waw  caught  Might  of,  stimul- 
ating thlH.  world  of  men  with  the  breiitli 
of  hiM  powerful  Iniaulnuiton.  He  loved 
iiiuiikliul  movf  limn  hlH  urilatic  profes- 
sion.— ijukunft. 

iedplan  nowt, 





^^mW^i^^m!^,  Ltd: 



Branch  Office'-43i  Homer  Street,  Vancbiiver,  D.  C 

Agents  Pacific  Coast  Fire  Insurance  Company 

Members  Victoria  Real  Estate  Exchange 

PHONE  1434 

"Kelffhborly"  Crltlolam 

Tlu'  shanielcBS  comments  of  thi»  Brlt- 
Ibh  presa  on  the  highest  German  court, 
whose.  uuMlnchinK  sense  of  justice  has 
never  before  been  called  In  (luestlon 
either  in  Germany  or  abroad,  outweigh 
all  the  peace  and  friendship  protesta- 
tions   Just    now    being    heaped    upon    us 

UJ        ■<,■,'  *p  .-^.^^^^^  W  .•  »•*••**        ^...g^U-     ^•^•Avid         Ak.1  •..— 

testimony    of    a    certain    Leonard    JLock- 

WUOli       XJV        LUC       UpilllVJi*       VX       «*       X^llfc*c»«»       VA- 

noncommlssl«tied  officer  compared  with 
the  verdlct-of  the  German  supreme  court? 
There  Is  apparently  a  very  peculiar 
notion  of  -  Justice  In  England.  If  a 
foreign  spy  la  caught  and  Jailed  in 
Kngland,  that  Is.  of  course,  Just.  If. 
jjQ^ever.  an  KngM«li  »i»y  is  trapped 
abroad,  eupecially  in  Germany,  tliat  Ta 
n.  and.  unoardonable  injury 
^Britlfih  IntcrestB.  For  has 
^  i^.^iio  greatest  interest  in 
^  J  ftf-^fltfitTOfrny  as  long  as  Germany 
itM<'1»'"'"t<iiifi^  'tir*'*"'  lulled  into  peace 
^^Skf  ■  l»l#"ottePWl8e  will  England 
bo  able  IfttW  to  $»>W  upon   the    German 

■>ii>t"»|    Ttl»  ffttthft  itngfr  Ifi  fiirilBafr^g 

CHIC    V 

DAI  l_  V 

rvi  Ev  rsA  OR  A. N Du rvi 


Let  Us  Loan 

You  iht;  money  at 


To  Buy 



Pay   off    mortgages   or 
improve  rca!  estate. 

occ  our  plan. 

Write     phone     or    call 

Upper  Fort  St.  Corners 






Corner  Fort  Street  and  Stanley  AvenUe~95  8-io  feet  on  Fort 
Street,  135  feet  on  Stanley  Avenue 





All  Choice  Streets 

For  Price  and  Terms,  apply  to 


503  Sayward  Block  Phone  3084 

The  Canadian 

Home  Investment 

Co..  Ltd. 

to  T>e  exposed. 

ilesane.48  requires 

1l?<«ll     CaaMMl^U/^^l      r^olif/\Mrftii     Ratn/iol/VtA/ 

ntn    iUiiii5ii£u    l^OiiiUi  iiSU    tiU'il^USw-V7 

On  one  of  the  best  streets  of  Foul  Bay,  4  rooms,  kitchen,  bathroom,  new 

Oegllinitlif      Oi      JanUtll  jr,       »c«tUjr      -J-Or     «»ro,»t^.»».0..      •••      «Jr     _^..— — o  —  -.  

house,  1   minute     from     car.'     ?i300:    cash,     balance     510     per     month. 
Price SP4500 


.Menibrr    \  i,ror;a   Real   Estate   E.-tciiiinsc- 

McCanum  Block,  Bouglas  Street. 

F,  O.  Box  1333. 


L';u:  _\i)Li  write  up  Acci- 
dent and  Health  Insurance 
(in  commission.    Best  policy 

on'  earth, 

BIl'   money    for 


-*Vbe  (ireatest  CaMUAtf* 
\\''iat  have  the  two  miglitlest  nations 
In  Kuropv  to  gain  by  standing  ready  to 
leap  at  each  other's  throat  and  tear 
each  other  to  pieces?  Must  not  any 
cool-headed,  deliberate  Englishman  see 
that  without  «  reliable  and  mighty  ally 
on  the  continent  England's  world 
power  is  not  maintainable?  If  he  re- 
views all  tne  factors  must  not  be  stni 
ay  to  himself,  'Despite  many  failings 
the  German  empire  Is  by  far  the  most 
solvent  and  most  solid  continental  firm?' 
So  ought  the  most  Anglophobe  Pan-Ger- 
man to  bring  himself  to  understand 
that  'Rule  Britannia"  will  resound  for  a 
long  time  (o  come,  and  thut  without  an 
undei  ^    wUh      Albion      even      Uie 

nilKlu  -  ■  id  power  cannot  carri-  on 
navigation  and  over-sea  commerce  per- 
manently ■wiiirnuoceBSi"'- --"  ■  :  -  .-  - 
An  Anglo-German  war  would  be  the 
greatest  calamity  that  could  befall  Eur- 
ope and  clvlllziitlon.  But  together  the 
two  powers  could  dictate  the  peace  of 
the  world  and  ro  forward  hand-in-hand 
with  the  opening  up  in  Asia  and  Africa 
of  many  count rlfS  .still  sunltca.n  t..s 
dark  night  of  ba.rbertsm.— Berliner  Tag.:- 



Hiilside  A^^n""  '«  th«  main  ajlerv  lo  Uie  Kiial  anU  West,  starting  frc.m 
the  Inner  Harbor  on  tbe  West  It  run.s  .straight  through  to  the  "Uplands' 
at  rSftdbcM-o .  Ba.v.^.  All  that  district  compoMing  the  North.Mn  part  of_the 
City  la  tributary  to  It,  as  well  a-s  the  farming  lands  further  out.  'i-nis 
thoroughfare  is  to  be  widened  to  75  feet,  paved  and  a  diouble  car  tracli 
laid   to   the  City   Limits. 

Buy  now,  before  these  improvements,  wihlcb  will  shortly  be  coin- 
menced.  are'under  way.  ,  ,  .      ^ 

W©  have  several  fine  lots  on  this  promising  street,  size  50xU6,  close 

in.  high  and  dry.  fine  view,  splendid  residential  sites.     Price  91600  oaih, 

,    gflOia  1     •"  ■        Also   some   very   excellent   lots   on   Ryan    Street,    one   f^treet 

'  ,5d^.-    PiJct;  ?1000,  fi-Go4  t^rms,     •j'hftr<v4«.a.iiiandB»me-iii-«flt 

ivMttit.-JUHlLiitl»ai^noT\-   before   the   Improvementa. 




Rooms  224-225  Pemberton  BIdg. 

"^^^  :''llfrH^'f  .y^^^*^'"'^^^^^^  ■^^^^^'^  Kxchang-e) 



The  function  of-  Mathieu's 
Syrup  of  Tar  and  Cod  Liver  Oil 
is  to  do  this  double  duty. 

The  Tar  cures  the  cough. 

The  CodXiver  Oil  strengthens 
the  system.  ^ 

No  other  agents  equal  these, 
no  other  combination  «s  .so  success- 
ful as  Mathieu's  Syrup  of  Tar 
and  Cod  Liver  Oil. 

So  wonderful  is  this  remedy 
that  it  is  3 h i pped  each  sea;Spn  in 
car-loads.     Large  bottle  35  cents. 

Sold  everywhere. 

Wh^  hendache  and  fever  are  pre.sent  with 
a  colJ  take  Mathiru*  Nervine  I'owdera  to 
reduce  the  fever  and  allay  tl:o  pain.  J.  L. 
Matbieu   Co.,   Props..   Sherbroolcc,  Que.     (B) 

D!slr!bi!t!«»n   for    "W^t^m   r«n»d* 
FOI.KY     BROS,     T.ARSON     ft    CO..    INC. 

Winnipeg,     Edmonton,    Vancouver. 



Lots  for  sale  in  the  very  choicest  location.  This 
is  an  opportunity  to  get  into  the -commg- Metropolis 
of  Western  Alberta  at  the  ^^"IMilif^'^'""  and  very  easy 

Lots  in  a  sub-division  within  JNine  Blocks  of  the 
G.  T.  P.  Depot  at  from  $ioo  to  $150. 

f\0    J.i>i  X  12/XKiVO  X  . 

T<ir\  T'A  VTTC 



Robert  Baldwin,   Local   ^Manager 
1214  Government  Street,.  Victoria       Head  Office,  Vancouver 


$1.35  SACK 


$1.80  PER  SACK. 

drnbine  Jam 

BERRY,' 5-lb.  TIN,  75c 


Anti-Combine  Grocery  Prices 



Anti-Combine  Tea 

3  POUNDS  FOR  $i.oaj 

Independent  Butfer 

3  POUNDS  FOR  $1.00 

Morrell's  Picnic  Ham 

15c  PER  POUND 

per  1 






per   cio.':en < 

PEAS,  MEANS  OR  CORN— Tartan  brand— 

J     U\\>    Hi"     

f  ANAULW  TOMATOES— Tartan  brand— 

larqe  can    


2  cans  for   

FL\EST  J.M'.A.X  Kie'l'    • 

0  pounds   for    

CALIFORNIA  '  CANNED  'apricots."  'peAcHES  OR         25c 

PEARS— the  best  fruit  packed— large  1  an 


per   packet 


large  i6-oz.  jar   

MILD  CURED  liREAKlAST  ,;.\C()N—  23c 

per  pound _  ^ 


per  pound    


large   bottle    *^^^ 

STEPHEN'S  ENGLISH   PICKLES— all  kind.s—  25c 

large  jar    


2  liu'^  for 

CROSSE  &BLACK\\  l-J.LS  j.\.\l— all  kmd.s— 

l-lb.  glavss,   each 


three  half-pint  bottles   


per  boitle   


small   bottle    


per  bottle   


large  20-ounce   can    

tf:tley's  loose  tea— 

lour  pounds  for    

\)\<.  PRICE'S  OR  royal  BAKING  I'oWDER— 

2l''2  lb.  can.  $1.10 — 12-0Z.  can 


5-lb.   can.  90c — 12-ouncc   can 


pe,r   packet    

jELLO — all  flavors — 

three  packets  for   


4  packets  for   


three   packets   for    .  . ».! 


per  pound    - 


per    pound    

two  pounds  f"r 

















CROSSE  ^^  i;i.\CKwHLL 

7-lb.  tin  


■4-lb.   tin    • 

HONEY-"finest  California.     Bring  Y<iur  own  jar.  and  get 

'"three  pounds  for 


per  comb   


seven  full  weight  bars 

■i   B1-:  WlllTF'CA^'IMi.i'  SOAP- 


1 1   barJB  fr>r   


^  per  tin   


per    bar    ' 


per  ])acket    < 


per  packet   ' 

CREMO— Just  like  cream  of  wheat  at  less  than  half  the 

price.     lo-lb.  sack   , 



pkt • 


3  pkts.  for  ' ■ V. .. ., 

These  arc  something  vei'y  nice. 












Ciroccry  Department  Phones  04  and  95 

Country  Orders  Shipped  Same  Day  as  Received 

■A.,    .i,  V>ii-^ 

'  "f      '£, 

mm.i'^m^s^s:  -f^vf^m^!^' 

s',*.  ■"     ■,  ,w-a; 


W«eln««d«y,    February    28.    1912 

B.  C.  Land  and  Investment  Agency  Limited 


Victoria    West,  60x120.  op- 

Oiie-tliu-il  casii,  fjiiiiiiKf  1 
and  2  years.  Price 




Close  la.  CDvner  lot,  60x120,. 
with  5  houses  producing 
roveaue  of  $I0O  per  month. 
One-fourth  cash,  balance 
arranged  to  suit.  I'ruc 
:^    .  835,000 

St.  Charles 



6o-fo(>'  '  .!"->■  t»  Craig- 
{lowcr  road.  One-half 
cash,  balance  at  7  per  cent. 
Price ^700 

Cacli  30xi4'5,     cli'-c  \'<     -vu. 

,S340  cash  on  eacli  !■',  l>il- 

ance '6,  12  and   i.S  niuntiis. 

!■  rh  S975 

Victoria  West 

R  G  Land  and  Invekment  Agency~T^imited 


PHONE  125 

McAskill  St— I.nt  nu  ,x    H'AX  and  modern  two-storey  dwelling-  of  7  rooms,  bath 
.,,,,1    ,,nntr> .      iT-cc  $2100.     Terms  $500  cash,  balance  $20  per  month. 

Skinner  St.-Corner  of  Mary.    Ua  ho  ,k  120  and  new  5-roomed  bim-aiuw,  all  mod- 
ern conveniences,  piped  for  ttirnace.  two  fire  phices.     Price  $6500.  Easy  terms. 

Skinner  St.-Two   l..i>  adjoinmg  ihc   Reserve,  and  swell   1 /.-storey     bungalow, 
of  r.  rooms,  full)    nu.dern;  maunificcMit  view.     Price  and  terms  on  application. 

Craigflower  Road-Small  lots  on   the  car  Ime,  50  x   .00,  at  $1500  each,  on  easy 

p     p     pT?0\l/TV 

Fire  Insurance  Written 
Phono  1076 

"^"n^  Broad  Stf*«  "^ 




.  P.  Q.  Box  423 




Avenue      Home 


Blanchard   and 


New    livc-roomed  home,  close 
to  cars     and  sea,     thoroug-hly 
modern,  with    fireplace,    pan- 
elled  walls,  2  bedrooms,    ^"ll^Corne 
basenfieiit,  electric  fixtures,  etc.,  j-^-pj.,,j^;.       ^ 
on  large  lot.  \ 

Price  Only  $2,950  I  Pricey 

S450  cash  and  $30    per  month.  1  l:^OOt  :!> VUU 

Ju^co  i;cacon  Mill  ])ark,  is  mod- 
ern in  every  way,  furnace,  1  ire- 
places.  1.  reception  hall, 
dininof  room.  ^  i> 

lire:,     bed 


■arj^jj  5    wj-Ttfj-^"' 

^,-. -(..-Mg]! 

lilcNen  Avdj 

iilliW(UiiiiiJB''W*<*" '  ' 

»   •  •  *  • 

$i,OQO  cash,  1  and  2  years 

Oliver  Street— Two  tieatttiful  lots,  ^oxr^-    ^"^^^ 

Oakland  Road-Two  lots,  %  cash,  balance  arranged.    Each. 

Pleasant  Avenue— 50x120  to  a  lane.    Easy  terms.    Price  , . . 

*  •   •   •   • 


|.   .$1,000 

Linkkas  Avenue— Excellent  high  lot.    Price,  on  terms,  $900  and l^f^er  at  $850 
Fairfield  Estate— Two  lots,  commanding     view.    Price  each,  on  terms.  .$1,500 


J\wo  von  j^iut^u^i^o^ii^  j^iu. 

p.  O.  Box  618 

Members  Victoria  Real  Eslate  Exchange 

630  \icw' Street 


Phone  2445 

Oak  Bay  Lots 

Bank  c-      T-'  '"^jyj||r^^^^^Q^^^^y^'"^"^'^°°'   ' '■'  '''''' 
olk^Bay  Ave.-i^R.  ^loublc  corner.  $6000.    Good  tcnu. 

Hulton  St.-2  lots.  50  X  120  each.    Price  $.500  for  both. 
Denman  St.-Near  Richmond,  lot  50  x  103.  $900.  V,  cash.  ^ 

I      Victoria      I 
West         1 


North  West  Real  Estate 

Members  of  Victoria  Real  Estate  Exchange 
■       "     Phone  640  706  Yates  Street 


.=       M 


H  Intr    ijii    >,. lui^"  >'>"  '  '     i  -■    ■  ■■     ^ 

g         :r.'>  feel  fronting  on  J;r.s-     o 

S  sril         Strorl.         0,1         t.-■Ml^.       g 

**       vii, ,-   i^sooo    g 

3  •* 

g  VICTUUI.V   wioyT  ^ 

^  '  •   '•••     " " "  OJ 

H ■  ^^ 

B.  C.  Sales  Co. 

14ia       OOVEKinttENT       STB.rET. 
Phone    2G62 


Welunr    somo    of  ihc    cliuic 

u :,.  «k;.  ,ji..ii-i<i   )Mol-ii  on  car  lirii 

aiKl  iK'ur  llic  reserve.    For  parlicu 


I'lilil  further  noiivc,  ovr  advcr- 

oT^T7i-TAT    \rATTTE  TM  LOTS     III 

Irma   Street,   close   to   BumaKie.    f^.'^'-'O    •   f  '  '  i^.,  .    !  !  ; tf  ,S.-,<) 

..,^    .^-.««.    nnp   hloik   from   HinsiUe.   ooxi-i  ^,.,^-, 

Myrtle   Avenue 
Oxford   Street, 
Stannard   Avenue, 

nice   lot   elo«e   to  _(.X.ok     4S:cXM .■/..•.•.•.■.•^ JoOO 

ue,   <'los-H   to   '-ar,   nOxi-O ' 

The   atoove   on  ea«y   termo.    Victoria    Real    Estate    Exchange.         ^^^^^  ^^^^ 
Bayward  Block.  Ground  rioor.  ^ 

Crisp  Snaps 

Kingston    Btreei;    Juitt    u    '««     •1''; 

SI  10(1 

oak    Bay.    IftrgP   -luuDlo    c'"'"^'-    i^'" , 
iiiiil    l,'lKi!tMn     $.1300 


V  fllcrfrnntttKi' 

nlral     ovo- 
....   ««r.ii 



FBlrnHd    «na     l.l..dcn    uvcnn...    .Ij-ub- 
corn*'!*    • '* 

Douglas  ami    I>8lliis 
■• SI2.000 

Below  Value 

Saratogra  and  St.  Patrick — .'  I'l^'. 
120x120.   'in    terms    Jfii  <00 

Sapatog-a  and  St.  David— Corner 
kit,  60xl"J«t.  on  tc-rms    ..^1250 

Kobertaon  St. —  Uunnin;;  thruut'li 
to  itoll.vwood  Crescent,  on 
terms    JfH  :'00 

Kamley  Street — 2  lots.  fjOxi:!?,  on 
irrms.     ciich     ^1  JifiO 

I  lie     I  IIIVJl    V/Oi  uvi     v;.. 

Fairfield  Road 

MV     THR    OAR    1^1X12 

.Size  Is  85x1  IR 

FKICZ:   IS   f2100   ONLY 

I  »n    term.s. 
'i'lii:  :>e»t   buy  In  Foul  Ua.v 

larvS,  sec 

Child,  Garratt  &  Go. 

.50(1  Savwanl  BIk,  Victoria 

Beckett,  Major  &  Co.,  Ltd. 

Me'.t!bers  of  the  Victoria  Real  Estatfc-Exchanf::e. 
643  Fort  Street.  Telephone  2967. 

Phone  05:^ 

...... I  .. 

i;.iKV     tprlTi."    ••'■ 



•,UI    «l    "fflto    fnr    li»iis«'.".    :v 
inslilf    bunlnoiis    properties. 

D.  Lewis  Co. 

117    Pcmbcrton    Block 

Phono  1299 

A.  von  Girsewald 

Cor.    Fort      and      Quadra      Streets. 
Member  of   tlic   Vli'loriM    U'.il 

Best  Buy  In  James  Bay 

,         „„,,  i       i,   ,    look    at    vhlK. 

Vol.  Imve.hunlecl  all  over   the  City   u<   i  ....l  a  feood    

on    so„0,    Turner.    0    room..   .v.rythln«   in    first   olasH    '  "»;'"";"^^;.;;; 

Patrick  Realty  Go. 

645    FORT    STREET. 

PHONE    2556. 

A.  W.  Bridgman 

1007   OovcrnmiTil    .S'.. 

Kr;,i     ICsiat*. 

I  MHurutii' 

Khalsa  Realty  Co. 

„,„<-,     or     .liirni.l.1r    loa.l    aiul    Alpha    «i 

1,  .   n7jti::«    It-io";  «.  rj  un.i  is  m-.m.,.. 

"orner    Hauua.n    nnd    K.rnwood     lo,     .«»> 

,100    »2  BOO.  t-orner    l.tuiniiiae  roud  and   K*^- 

6      IV     ,1X     month*;    i-orue 

r     Uuin»l<1e    ro..d    1 

..J'jfiXua.treot-  i  lot*  JCOxSlO.  U.SOO. 

t)n  the  l.<<t  Of  May  Hit;  C,  1'.  K.  will 
liiaupurate  a  throujjh  dnyllght  service 
lietwcn  nanlT  and  Vancouver  wltli  a 
train  rompos.Ml  entlrdy  of  piillmn  and 
obseryixt Ion   o.ira. 

Summerlanil'.s  Board  of  'I'rHde  hns  pro- 
ut-.teil    to    ilie      Dominion        govhrnment 

nKrtltlc>L     fcilr-     ^/i  v|#...«t>\*    *\«>.>*..|»     "*     ...^    —  — 

( rnl  telephone  line,  the  board  ns  well 
u.'»  the  Summerlnnd  town  coui>3il  strong- 
ly approving;  the  principle  of  ROvern- 
nieiu  ownership  and  operalinii.  KAthrr 
than  pay  the  Increased  rates  demanded, 
resldentfl  of  S^ummerlniid,  Pentlcton,  ;uid 
olhor  Oknnagfin  towns  arc  organizing  a 
co-bi>era(lve  enmjmnyand  will  eStabH»li 
a    ii'w    »OUH>ttttlvic    system. 


iiiiyi-siuto  .vvi-;.ni:k        !;.in....i, 

frlor        ii"<1         BlaiUwood — Lot 
CT 'vxl  I'l'r*:    and   a  7-room   house. 
modern.         I'lirc      dm 

-ui  I'll'. 

TIIIOR        STUIOET— 'L-ot      50x1.15, 
and    a.    new    two    storey    S-room 
lioii.-^e,   Htrle.tly      Hiodern.     terms 
»h,     lialence      urrnnKed. 

$1  niiii 

(;lt.\lIA.M  ."^TRKRT— Lot  noxim. 
and  two  new  S-room  liousen, 
l>ath  and  pantry,  Kood  plumb- 
ing furnace,  etc.  Strictly  mori- 
,.rn  Terms  only  ISOO  cash,  bal- 
ance :i  vnrH    rri.e  .•lu-h  IjtSOOO 

E.  &  N.  Trackage 

Inside  the   CI 
on  two  road 
cash;   balance  ea-'^y-     Price 

H.  S.  LOTT    &    CO.  118.119  pE«rBE»TON  Btoca: 

Member.  Victori.   Real    Estate   Exch.nge. 



.Nine  ami  one-third  acre  block.-,  of  clas.s  land,  vcrv 
easily  clearerl.  only  live  minutes  from  V.  &  S.  station,  seven 
minijtcs  fnnii  new  car  line;  near  the  sea.  Per  block,  $5,000; 
^2,000  cash:  terms  i.  -•  and  ;>  years  at  7  per  cent. 

The  STEWART  tAND  Co.  Ltd 

101      H! 

!'.  ( ).  r.o.x  575 
'enibcrton    I'.lock 

i'hone   1381 

Victoria,   B.   C. 

Heinekey  &  Shaw 

"TlT^    Home    Fln<1ors" 
319-sao  ■ikywwra  B14».,     ▼Ictori*. 

Linden  Avenue 


1   have  a  choice  selection  of  properties  on  this  beautiful 
street  for  sale  at  special  prices. 

R.  H.  DUGE 

f Member  Victoria  Real  Estate  Exchanjre) 
Phone  304  704  Fort  Street.  Cor^Douglas 

Rockland  Ave.— Ntar  Cook  St., 
li^ht  roomed  modern  house,  1'ull 
«lzc  ba.sement.  Price   $7,500 

Cook  St. — Next  to  cortier  of  Ox- 
lord,  two  stores  with  11  rooms 
above  revenue  $2,500  ptr  annum. 
A  pood  Investment,  1-3  cash, 
lialunce  over  three  years  $15,000 

Sprincfleld  Ave. — 7 -roomed  house, 
on  lot  <iOxl50,  modern  convbrt- 
iences.  »1,500  cash  balance  over 
(  years $5,600 

Quebec  Bt. — T-room,  two  storey 
hojse,  near  Montreal  street, 
easy  terms   ffl,300 

Clara  ■!.— Pint  grassy  lot,  S.1x 
120.  3rd  lot  off  O&k  Bay  Aven- 
ue. Easy  terms $1,480 

On»dr»  •*,— T^«  62x204.  With 
thlrty-flve  young  fruit  trees, 
high   and    dry.    with    fine      vl«W 

(Members    ol    Real  Estate 


McCallutn  Bidg;  Phon*  a^ 

12:^3  Douglas  Street, 


Property  of 
Three  Acres 

Three    miles    out  on    LaJie     HVU 
Kstkte      now      7-rQom     cottMrc 
open    fire   places,   hot  ai>d    coW, 
wRtw,     bath,    ew.     AJ*o    «ood 
poultry     plant,     owjutnt     l»v«. 
been  very  succenfal     crowttiK 
Ootv'erM    for   the   mArkM.    seeds 
of     many     ▼arleU««     have    41-  ^| 
ready  been  aowta.     Place     muat  '" 
be    sold     J*oTO*dlateIy.      PllcUr, 
terras  a,rranged    ..    ^.    .  .tTiflP* 

Grobb  &  L( 


Otetoe  ati«^  fron»  7:S«  t«  ♦  «*« 








,,„,        (-►  .-'i^rrt  t  V      it'*   ■  tf-Wl-iiH     *w*t**i  W 

'^•,H^>idi^)ti^^     I  j  * 

>'.«.' w,M.«Lt^''-^»t— 



Wednesaay,    tenroary    ifM,    ^^^^7 



Victoria  Arm  Waterfront 

,   Acrc^  AN>ll,  Smal!  C^^n.r'.  having  over  -'W  feet  wnterfrontaf^e,  7>car  Craigflower  Bri^^^Smt^ 

ahic    lor   subuivisiv-Hi.      i  ini  ;f>Jo,wvy  WiH!JWW!|S8!BF' 

17  Acres,  part  of  Section  74-  ^Ictchosin.  witli  waterfrontagc  on     Lagoon,    and  on    good    road. 

Trice  ^500  per  .acre. 

-  Acres  on  Don^^las  Street,  within  2  mile  circle,  with  improvements.    Price  ?15,000         ^ 
8  Acres,  North  Dairy  Farm,  lilocks  34  and  37-  -Pronts  on  Kenneth,  McKenzie,  Borden  and  Cedar 
Hill  Cross  Roads.     Mostly  clear.     Price  $1,000  per  acre. 

R.  S.  DAY  <x  13.  Dvjoo 

620  i^ort  Street,  Victoria,  B.C. 

o    Tir^fzm^ 


one  30 

Members  Victoria 



Established  1896 






Three  acres  of  ground  with  200  feet  of  waterfront  on  Portage  Inlet,  and  200 
feet  on  Burnside  road,  two-thirds  cleared  aiid  planted,  ii-room,  modern  house, 
good  barn  and  outbuildings.  Horse,  buggy  and  harness,  two  cows.  Private 
water  supply  to  the  house.  This  should  appeal  to  the  suburban  homes^ekcr  and 

A  New  Eight-Roomed 


This  is  indeed  a  beautiful  home  for  someone,  and  at 
the  price,  it  is  unquestionably  a  good  buy 

Hotise  has  5  bedrocHii.s  and  halhroom,  dininj^'  room 
and  silting-  room,, both  panelled.  Hot  and  cold 
water  upstairs,  as  well  as  downstairs.  C)])en  firc- 
])laces,  8-foot  basemc!!!  in-!  furna(:*'.g&f|  /\/\r| 
.i!  o  ash  chutes.     Price  $7,000,  ^^'I'^'i  J^  /  Ifljli 

can  be  ha|||p|i|^p^p;;;ca,sh  payment  of 

Small  Subdivision 

■  ': 

PRICE,  ^13,500— TERMS 


Corner  Langley  and  BmttgiitonSti«efc  ^  /;.  ;     ^*«»»  «5l» 

jwwm  iwnauKJ-ttJ  *ccwca»gJg3C3ga«g3aBaaCi 

t^  acres  on  the  Saanicli  Electric  railway. 
PRICE,  $6,500 

:.'..:':"'■'    M^mbm  Victoi^ 'Stock  ■^charige\. ;■-;■■ '-^ 
■  ''     .Members  VJctnri*  J^eal; -Sst^e'  Exdii^..:' .-;  ,.- 
It  McCallum  Block  Phone  766 


lioicc   lot,   close    tu    Dallas  .^^A 

PRICE,  §1,70Q 


s.S(:.2-i»si:ki&iil . 

Grant  &  i^iiiciium 

■xji'X'f^fiS .: 



Fine  Ihiiiiiiii^iR^^ 

Phone  664 





central  Avenue— lL«ot.   48xt20.     Price   SfiTn 

taiirel    Street— Lot    50x143.     Price «?JiAft 

St.    Patrick    Street— Lot    50x13a.     Prjce    iJ«Kn 

Newport  Avenue— Li1    ftOxllO.     PrUre    ••••-• ftiKhA 

Cornsr  Olympla  and  Heron— Lot  00x110.     Pr  ce   xJSkX 

Corner  Laurel   and   Central— Lot  94x120.     Price    XiAXX 

Oliver    »>^rtftii. — uvx-    « M  vx *i^iwWWiT  '^t^~^'  *     ---.i 

2Tet«rport    Avenue — Lot ,  Q^|(tlO.     Price    

comer    OUver    and   Wimm     ^'^^    ***5li^  aJT'"*  ^-iAl 

comer  St.  Patrick  iM»i^iSSl«08r»— Lot  IWxlSO.     Price saoftA 

St.    Jfatncjc    ssraai — tjvi    ,» •«•"'»"•«'■     *  * — >-    ' 

SxoaptlonaUy  Basy  Tenu*. 


Phone  2fi 1 2  Corner  Fort  and  Dou^l^s,  Sts. 

Agents  for  the  Manufacturers  Life  Insurance  ^Owpiny 

(Members  of  Victoria  Real  Estate  Exchange.) 


F^p#^?#treet  Corner 


10^4  fret  frontage  o»  Fon.  with  70  tcct  ^^««  *f «''  *7°''"^'^^S 

;i;iil  3  year-. 



I  -    • 





balance  arranged. 

ISdmonton  Road;— Pine  lot  J»f*ir  J^e .^ 
Hospital,  at  .  "  ^ " 




Manager  Branch  Office  of  Great  West  Life 
P,  O.  Box  167 


Real  Estate,  Insurance  and  Financial  Agent 

1205  Broad  Street,  Next  to  Colonist  Office 

Linden  Avenue — Several  nice  lots 
at   12600   and    f2000 

UlMAlMraililMI  ■OMa*l"i'..ftl>ty     a  short 

.  .  ,J^^^i^^w  car  lin* 
Atta  pisEg>j(^y*^'^,j^«  School 
atte.  6  ToUf.  '^t'^b   . . .  .f  8S0 

Terms  can   be  arraneed  on  all 
the  above. 

403-404  B 



Fliona  3778 

Brancli  Office,  Stmoan,  "V.  X. 


MAN  &  CO. 




FOR  SALE— About  20  acres  of  land  with  long  wateffronTig%"' 


with  lo 
"on  a  Vandy  beach— the  best  in  the  locality 

A.  W:  JONES,  LT^. 

Phone  55.    ' '  Victoria,  B.  C. 

All     classes     of     Insurance 


Members  of  the  Real  SetAto  Izcnange 
lOOa  Broad   Street  '  "f^-p^'^ 

V«CXO«««wi     *—t.. 

WK    IHINK  «B 

that  a  lot  on  Herald  Street.  60x120.  between  Government  and 
Store  Streets,  income  bearing,  purchase  price  payable  $7,500 
cash,  balance  in  i.  2  and  3  years,  is  cheiip  at $25,500 


Offers  8ome  of   m.    i..«t   buying   in  the  World  at  the   present  time    ^  I 
have  a   wide  selects         -     rcelloTit   qulck-actlon  lnvcatment.s.        COML  IN 


"BUitNSIOE''    HAS    BEEN    SOI.I>    OtTT. 


512    Sayward    Block 

rhone    1717. 

Snaps  in  Lots 

\U     .st.-i.lreii,      cuiii.:.    r.tixsnxllo. 

Price    SP900 

Ml.    Stephen,    10X160    ...  ...^85<> 

|.>     Hli-pct.       2     lots.       r>0xl2r). 

Vv     ,  SfSOOO 

Walnnt    sul-cI    .  .  .  • . .    ...  ..i^78«> 

l-<:nwoo<l    Kottd,    Rockland    P&rk. 

iTice • i?1200 

KiiiK»    Road    and    S.uii     sti,..-t-  - 

dotiblc  comer    .f  1  lOO 

iCmplre    Stiff  t    if  1  l.">0 

Queen  City  Realty 

1413   I>outfla«   St." 
AsUUuxl.      rhone    JTTl. 



one    bloiU    from    I'jirK 
li-rooin    housp,    lot   .'"•iixUi" 




J.  F.  Belbin 

■  f'i- 

017    Cornjorant    St.       Victoria. 

Cowichan  River 

3  Acres   (more  or  less) 

Cleared  and  planted  in  Hay 
and  Orchard ;  with  stable 
an<l    shed;    over '"50    yards 

river  front;i-c ;  about  3K' 
miles  from  Duncan.  CouA 
sf>il ;  splendid  view. 

John  Tv  Reid 

Member     Real     Estate 

S19   Sayward   Blk.  yhone   9690. 

A  Good 

Moss  street,  close  to  sea.  one 
lot,  price .$1,600 

Linden  Avenue,  close  to 
Faithful,  one  lot. . .  ,$2,100 

Durban  street,  one  lot,  $1,500 

McKenzie  street,  one  lot, 
price .$1,650 

The   Hlte    seltcted  by   the  Government  for  th- 

New  Normal  School 

Ai  U.c  corner  of  l^ansdowne  and  Mt.  Tolmle  Koads,  which  is  to  ne  nno  -r 
the  nnc«t  In  CanaJa.  together  with  the  new  HlUsUle  AVtnuc  cur  Unc,  c,,- 
tract  for  which  has  already  been  let.  makes  Buena  Vls*ta  the  mo«t  at- 
tiiicUvo  buying  in   th.-  city. 

Lota  of  fir.-foot  frontage,  one  block  f,-om  Lun^^lownc  lloaO  an<l  three 
blocks  from  the  school  site  at  $700  each. 

W<.  havf  a  limited  number  of  lots  at  thi!=  price,  but  your  uwa  judgment 
tells    you    they    wirn't    last   lone. 



Fire,  Life  and  Accident 
Rooms  5-7-9-1 1  Mahon  Bldg.  Victoria,  B.  C. 

Phone  1462 
f  Members  Victoria  Real  Estate  Exchange) 



634  View  Street,  Phone  2307 

(Members  Victoria  Real  Estate  Exchange) 

1210  Broad  Street  ^^^^"^  ' 

All  kinds  of  Insurance  writtrn. 




^  in^   Districts 

Bargains  In  Homes 

Ou    Oood    Tortua 

I  on  Albiiny  Slrpot, 
hetwe.en  Gorge  and  BiirnHldc,  In 
„r.|„,.l  .iistriot.  FlnlsliPd  rom- 
i.i.i..  .ind  iiii-tn.(iate.  $10()0  (Hish, 
lialanoe    arPMiiKed     ^4000 

.\  eplenclid  homo  of  0  rooms  on 
larjre  lot  on  Cook  Street,  fln- 
l.Hhed  m  flrat  class  workman- 
ship and  witli  every  cnnvfni- 
ence.   TcririB,   Price    .  .ijtlO.oOO 

A  swell  up-to-date  rcsldencp,  with 
lartfe  srounds  In  V>e8t  part  of 
("iflk  I-tay.  Can  a/rrangre  .Kood 
trrnis.    f'riip  .       .$18,800 


64.1   Pandora  Btraat. 
I'liriOf.    (JfcnKO    Hotel    Block. 

Extra  Big 

Oak   Bay  Lots 

Qnarter  Acre— Bowkrr  Ave.  $1,BOO 

Quarter      Acre — With     oaks,       St. 
l-ouls  street    $1,600 

Third    of      Acre — Corner      <<(      St. 
r.ilri(k  and   McNeil   ..  52,500 

Half    Acre — Falrfleld    U  m.I 

(if  (.ir  Unr-  with  lliii.  trees  $2,500 

Half  Acre--Montor»       ^  -         Sa.SOO 

Quarter  Acre — Granite  .St.       $1,600 

12  I.ot« — MuH«:rav<»  St.  $12,000 

Half  Acre — l-"v<>ntlrirr 
ttYenut-   . 

<k     H.iy 

Qnarter   Acre — Si.     Patrick   Slrpd 

Money  Makers 

100  ffict  from  DiilluH  Head.  .Sd 
x200,  douhle  fronlasc  fino  up- 
to-date  modern  3-rooin  hou.sp. 
Price,    only    jpi:t,000 

North  Park  Street,  f.O.Kl  10.  rev- 
enue producing.  ?2000  oish  will 
handle    this    barRaln JHr»800 


Gordon  Burdick 

Peniberton  Blk.,  630  Brouirhton  St. 
Phone  2fi0.s 

.\  I !     Kfiid.<-     iiC     In.«wrnn'-o     wrlttr-n. 



Thirty  feet  adjoining 
Queen's  Hotel,  between 
Store  street  and  waterfront, 
at  $r,ooo  per  front  foot,  ou 
good  terms. 


Itoom   10,   iMahon   Block 
P.    O.    Box    "85  Phono    1119 


Oak  Bay  Realty  Office 

2056  Oak  Bay  Avenue 

Phone  F1G05 


v^,^.,j, — hvo  lots  tor  .%Sr)()  cijch — 
onc-ihird  cusIl 

Parkdiilc — two    lots    $.")(){)  each 


Phone  1658,  725  Fort  Street. 

Member  Victoria  Heal   Estate  Exchange. 

On  such  corners  grocery  stores  may  be  built  to  great 
adviintage.     Now  is  the  time  to  buy  while  prices  arc 
still  low. 
Joseph  and  Bushby — 105x94x141   $1,000 

Well  ])laccd  in  the  South  "Fairfield  and  Ross  Bay 


Haultain  and  Shakespeare — 50x1  jo $750     j 

ilaultain  street  wiii  '•'■,■  :\   -plcndicl  thoroughfare  from 

Cook  street  to  Mount  Tolinie  Road. 

Full  particulars  may  be  had  from 

R.  V.  WINCH  &  Go. 



rhree-Quarter  of  an  Acr? — Mo-ant 


...1       rui'l        l.-iiciil.       irill 
trees,    electric    liKhl    '"N"     'l""r 

pricp spia.'o 

A.  TOLLER  4  CO. 

604   Tatea    Stroet 



gu<>'nii    .Wrnuo,    hPHv.en    Cook    anil    VanrouvM-     .Sirr-t«,      ,<„,-     i-.t.     xUc     ''"iiii^ 

Knipr'^-M' Averiu«<.   b«^iwcrti   rook   and   Viincouvpr^Slrci'if,  .r.      ,tze      60»J»2i 

I*rlce  , .1... '  ■  ▼^yyy 

niirnnldo  Road.   liear  Dou^flan  Strp«>t;   om    )cn,  aixo  SOxUOi      i     ■   •    ^2 

Kh<^lbollrn«l    Hlrnet,    one    lot,    ulsfi    <0xl«7;    Frfrr .  .  .  .W*^ 

>0I9  rttiiiKlait  HJ.        Coniw  It  and   lint  your    i«op»»rl.v   fnr  miUk  haXp.      f.O,  Bm  IBM 


$350  cash  with  balance  ma 

rent      win      Inry    '  a-  -aprtrcww- 

btiiiijalow    with    ba*em«nti^ 
near  car  Ihi€. 

Oweti  Devi 

Shawnigan  Lake 

850  Jfeet  Waterfrontare  on  East 
Hi<l»-  of  luke,  about  6  acroR  ir  all 
at  97,800.00,  on  gooa  tei-ms:  or 
smaller  portions  at  flO.OO  per 
front  foot. 

L  R.  STEPHEN  «, 

Roal   Bittatc  And  Ihi 
Ba«m  4, 

I  Di 



Wadntsday.    F»bru«ry    28,    1912 



victoria  Th«atr« 

1-tbruary   2Stl.-.-'H..l.  Hoy." 
iVbruary    ^9th--Gel    Kiel.    Quick    W-l 

Murch   ^Ui— All.'c   I.U.y>l   in 

V.  , , .  ..    .J  I, — UoVjcri,    Ivlanti  H 






Millinery    and     Dry    Goods 
Importer,    17U4  Douglas   bt. 

•f.:irxs_C«iur5>NHvy,  r.nnvn.  Green,  Cream 

Brown,    Green,    Grey, 



ami  Black. 
SILK    FRINGE— Colors 

^ll^^HGE-l"  White  oiilY.  .Cords  in  all  above  colors, 
also  Pale  Blue,  Yellow,  Red  and  Tuscan. 

See  W  ^Sfflaajrfclfr  »n4  Up-tjH 

■  ,  Arttcres- 

Liii©  di  ttwsc 

yaB  Yates  Street 

Electric  Supplies 

Hawkins  &  Ha 

Mui<h   13th — "Mutt  una  Jpit." 
March  Hth— Henry  Woodruff. 
March    18th— "The    Balkan   l>riiioe»«. 
Murch   2l8t— -The  airl    Krom   H.-"-' 
Mar.'h    28th— -Alnm       Whev.        1 

Mar.h     ail.    8th,    oth— Hariunn. 

'•Oet  Ulch  Quick  WaUlnfffora"— Thq  coniLdy  ill  "uiiiy  yoara  is  t^'^O^^^*^' 
scrli.tiun  nUHiK  Geo.  M,  Cohan's  Get 
Rich  Quick  WalllngforU."  which  will  be 
the  attraction  at  th«  Victoria  theatre  on 
TliurHiluy,    Ft"t>r«ar>-  ••'    ^••^,  ,'"'    ". 

fell  short  of  this  K..  *i  would  not 

luive  achlevea  a  rui' 
New  York,  and  a  soli     . 
reoordf,  unheard  of  for  »  «tralghi  coui- 

,.     „  votrna  im  accouni''d 

\'!''i,.-"  1.0  every 

'     ...  — „•»  in  the 

man  ana  lii:  v-.j    "i^riv  1  ' 

a.Kllence.       1  "    the    popular   Wal- 

UuKi-o'-d      Hiu.i.s      I  •       Randolph 

trlIIini^^B  o*  the  "bobba"  ofjl*^'*^:' 

nfitonmiwip  mm  lit  nnig  infl  ff!«ptww*yy 

plcco  of  Uobert  brov/nliiKH  poem 
iK    possibly    ao    literary      claHwii- 
known   than    thlH  work  of    Urowning,    in 
which    he    pr..».M.t«    in      hl«      iulniitul.le 
luunntT    the   resuU   of    vanity.      Thorold 
lOarl,    Tresham.    proud    of    !"«    ancealrul 
cMfijtchfon.    which    he    .-iHlmH    aliowa    no 
tarnish,  wekoms  the  proponal  of  lU-nry, 
Karl    Mertann.    for    hi«    Hister    Mildred's 
hand,  ae  It  will  mean  th-  onltlnK  of  two 
ncbic  heus^f*.  hp  not  knuwluK  that  Mild 
r<id*and  Henry,  who  t^re  both  very  young, 
ignorant  aiid  unguarded,     have     already 
met.   Binned   and   now   attempt  a   repar- 
ation.     He    learn.H    frOni   one   of   hlB   Her- 
vant«  that  an  unknown  visitor,  who  was 
nunc  dthcr  than  Ht-nry  him»«ir,  was  seen 
l.^avlns    lii«    Kister'u' chamber,    and    in    a 
fury  of  rase  sets  -out  to  rlsht  the  wront; 
as  he  believes  to  be  the  only  way.     "Tlu 
Soldlor's  Keturn."  is  a  war  picture,  .and 
■•He    Who    laughs    Laat."    a    roUickinK 
wcatcrn   comedy.     The  w!»ole  bill      pro- 
si,l,  N  a  fund  of  aolld  entertainment.        * 






VoB«el  MovoiiientB 

j  uecn, 
.ill  1-  rancisco; 
.      ..:iia."  ■■'■ 
UANCltiCO,   Feb.    27.--Arrxved: 

^;i. i„   NsorwooJ.      a.      0._    Llndauer, 

•iichel'  rborrRedondd. 

Nann  Smith,  c«<u.--  i.a.,  .   Asuncion,  Port 
Atis^cles;    WeBteirner,     Wilapa..   Artenols, 
■  vaU>B4»l»o. . ;  .j|^i«iis^?a«*i»iiM» 
aSAagK,  BeU«ai  .^„  ,.^.,„.,_. , ^ 


Corner  Blanchard  and  Burdette  .streets.  677xi33»  magnificent    ^^^_^ 
Three  minutes  from  ai,.         ice  in  town,  is  an  ideal  site  foran 




r.-  r 





There  is  an  eight-roomed  house  on  the  prop' 






■   Vl«fWH.U^«W,l-f>.a^'CHrv«1«,<IMaMr:lV>-< 








.■i'ti.'l'.li'^'v  %**■.''■■    '■■■"■■/Li    .  ■■ 


■■■■*  ■■;.!■,' 

quality  of 

,^>3^»ijW(i<ii  iwfaiOi 

is  their  popularity. 

The  smokers  of  Can- 
ada bought  30  million 
Tuckett  cigarettes  In 
1909,  came  back  in 
1910  for  42  million, 
and  made  a  new  re- 



^^    rrftillirkn 

kJkJ       I ■ ■■■r-- -- - 

la  '^j' 

in  1911.  These  are 

"^  IT 

Various  arguments 
will  persuade  men  to 
try  cigarettes. 

Uniform  quality  is 
the  only  argument 
that  makes  men  keep 
on  smoking  them. 

And  sales  like  these 
are  possible  only 
when  every  trial 
makes  a  constant 


Tacketf  8  Club  VlrginUs  15  c«nt«  for  10 
Tuckett's  Special  Turkl»M  iS  CCuts  t 
Tuckett'8  T.  &  B.  10  cent*  lor  10 
At  nearly  aTcry  »tor« 



*.  «^.  «n 

y»«y  attempt  t«  ft** 

take  to  marry  them  off  by  wholesale. 
There  are  three  couples  in  "T.!tt1«  Miss 
Fix-It,"    two    almost  '  ^^'° 

almioat   divorced.     In    ■■.:  -■  <-  'l^^^Z 

her  friends  the  happiness  she  baa  founa 
in  married  llfo.Della  Wrndall  mnkcs  up 
her  mlud  to  "fix-it":  r-'i  lii.  iv,.  I'-v;;,- 
thlnK  Is  flnatly  brout^ht  to  a  happy  un- 
IsU  just  as  n  should  he  in  a  well-reg- 
ulated m.i  ^Va'«f' 
Grace  Fl.  »««'-'^" 
Santley.  Annie  Buckley,  1  mnon. 
■J^f^^  Malcolm  and  other;                t     the 

jgtanilarrt   rnrrwar 




i  ij 


,  Okanagan  river. 

Tii<>m1h>    iiikI   >^  ••iliM 

First  Ai: 
presents  a"    '-; 
Walter  Scott's 

N I  ■  w 

Tha  Bmpr«ia  Theatra— Two  former 
musical  e'>">- '1^  -.t.'imers.  Miss  Nettie 
Hyde  ami  Wllllam8,_both  of 

w  horn  were  wun  i"«  uoiiar  i*rin^-<-»<»  Brown!  1 
Company  during  that  «how>  long  run  In  ^^^^  j^. 
tiew  onir|l)ute     a     fine     sketch 

whlci.  tih   that  of  the  headllners 

of  this   N^  11  for  honors     at     the 

Empress  The   sketch    Includes 

some  bright  comedy,  good  sin  no 

playing,  violin  ^mos  and  con'  s-  itli 

a  whirlwind  ^'  Miss  Hyde.     She 

gives  a  new  .v,.».v,.ilon  of  th»  ngmilar 
Kussiandahce.     Miss   Mae    '  ■"' 

<i  mpany,  who  head  the  bill  j,i'!^,  i-t  a 
l.layiet' entitled  "The  Olrl  From  Yonk- 
ers."     This    tabloid    com-  na     de- 

picts the   entry  Into  the  a  New 

York  bachelor  of  a  supposed  demure 
country  girl,  who  Is  a  female  Raffles, 
and  while  he  begins  a  rapid-fire  love- 
makiri"'  scene  she  tfilC6sth«  opportunity 
to  relieve  him  of  his  valuables.  The 
nWiyiet  u  well  staKcd.  Misa  Coy  Pe 
Trickey,  "The  Belle  of  Coontown,"  has 
made    a  of    darktown   ti 

and  com-  I    brings  a  chariin 

pertolre  of  popular  coon  songs  aud 
dances.  She  merits  thp  encores  which 
she  has  to  respo  .     every  perform- 

ance. Val  and  Kiiii,f  .Sianton,  two  merry 
young  comedians,  present  a  skit  entitled 
"The  Stolen  Shoes."  Both  are  good 
singers  and  dancers,  and  they  keep  the 
audience  thoroughly  amused.  A  good 
imitation  of  Frank  Tlnney,  the  minstrel 
man.  is  a  feature  pt  the  act.  The  AUus 
brothers,  a  trouple  of  jugglers  of  Indian  Goo. 

clubs,  give  a  whirlwind  act.     They  throw      Success 
Indian  clubs  across  the  stage  with  great 
forfe    in    their   work.      The   jugglers    In- 
tro '  nie   thrilling    ■'      ' 
pre          i  •      yhuWB    soirif 

ciudiuK   a   series   showing,    Uiu    pioiiroHS 
of  a  hunt  for  poUir  bear  tn  the  Arctic. 

Kathleen  Parlow — Miss  Kathleen 
low,  the  well-known  Canadian  violinist, 
will  he  heard  In  this  cl^  on  March  21, 
lit  the  Alexandra  Club,  under  the  aus- 
pices of  Messrs.  Suckling  &  Dodd,  Har- 
mony hall.  As  a  Calgary  girl,  who  has 
won  fame  with  her  bow  acrows  the  seas 
a^  In  her  own  country,  ML-^s  Parlow  may  a  larirn  and  al.'l>reclativo  attdi- 
{■II'  '  , 

Crystal    Theatre — AnuileurK       tonight 
with    a    Konii    .supporting    programme   pt 
pictureH.      .lames,    the    Man    of   Mystery, 
will   do  ft  fifteen   mintite  vaudeville   turn 
of   a   professional    nature   In   connection 
with    the    following   amateurs:      Mr.    K. 
Fischer.  Miss  T))elma  Cavin,  Baby  .»dal- 
alf,  and   Mr.  .;.   wrightson.     This  we  con- 
Hider    one    of      the      big     amateur      pro- 
grammes, and   would  advise  all   to  eome 
tiH   early   as   possible.      Doors   open  at   H  amateurs  a)t  7,  second  at  8.30,  and 
third    at    10.      Following    is    the   picture 
programme:      "Suspicion."      a  Vltagraph 
drama    with    Maurice    Costello      in      the 
leading  role.     One  of  those  subjeelB  that 
rouse  all   the  sympathy  In  j'ou;   "A   Bear 
Hunt  Romance,"  by   the  Palhe  Company. 
This  Is  a  western  a  iiltle  out  of  the  or- 
dinary  In    that   the   cowhoys  are   not   the 
leiidlng   actors;    "The    Oy.ster    Industry," 
is   intprestlng   educational    film   llltistl'at- 
InK   the  ovHter   industry   from   the   plant- 
lUK  i)f  the  beds  to  the  cannliiK  nnd  ship- 
ping of  the  oysters;  "ObJ»»et  Matrimony." 
two    elderly     people       Insert       advertise- 
ments In  B   marrli^ge  bureau  piihllontlon. 
Thpy  are  answered  by  two  yoiuiKer  peo- 
plr    who   flee   When   tb«y   see   whom    they 
are    likely    to    Secure    for   life      partners. 
Therp    are    many    laughs   In    the   picture. 
Tilts    is    also   a    I,iihlti;    "A      Family      of 
Vegetarians,"  'iy  the   lOili.son  Company   Is 
a   iiOV'l    eotnedy,    and    Is    based    upon    the 
fad  or  a  lamiiy  i"  mv»-   »»,i;i,",,,;   mrit.  ^ 
young   man   pretends   to   be   n   vcfetartan 
to   win    the    daughter,   and    she   pretends 
r^  be  a  vegeterlan   to      please     him.     In 
places   the  fun  Is  fast  and   furious.  You 
will  all   like  It.  • 


Suspicion — ^Vltagraph  drama.  Bear' 
Hunt,  Homanco,  Pathe  vveslerri.  The 
Oyster  Industry,  Lubin  I'liinstrial.  Ob- 
ject Matrimony— Lub In  A  Fam- 
ily of  Vetreteriaas,  Edl.iun  < unnrdy. 

Majestic   Theatre 

SCCCl**^    2'eat^ire    Pro'Ttimn?'?    Wa/infiiciay 
and  Thursday 
A   blograph  of 

40  feet  between  Qtiadra  a«|i  Vancouver. 


This  price  leaves  room  for  a  quick  profit. 




,-  programme. 

itt  or 

Victoria  Theatre 

s<)a^  .     I'l-I 

-■Till  lllld   U'HO,. 

■  ntst     Glover 
;  notion  of  Sir 


400  feet  frontage  on  railway  and  road,,  approximately  seven-eights     of  an 
aero,  with  two  six-ro6med  houses  renting  for  $75  per  montli.    For  quick  sale, 

jftiki:^jB      rw /v /\ 

Terms  over  four  years.  Big  opportunity. 

*  ■ 
I  «-| 

Now  is  the  time  to  get  in  and  reap  the  benefit  of  thx^  extensive  development 
\  ancouver  Island. 

Theatre  Royal, 
Glaagow.  60  people,  11  scenes  and  aug- 
mented orchestra 

Prices:    $1:50.   $1:00.   76c..    50c.      Seats 
oh  sale,  Saluraay.FebraiBTy  24th. 


151JOU   ineatre 


'.v..   are   always   In    the   lead    for   the 


6,000  feet  of  the  most  thrilling  western 
production  Cowboy  Tournament.  Fall  round- 
up on  Y-6  Ranch.  On  today;  700  seating 

Victoria  Theatre 

ThUR.DAY,  FEB.  29, 

M.     Colian's     Comedy 



.  J  •  1  i  T-»  nr-f /•\*•/^ 

(.  presented  fOr  two  seasons  in 
i  ork,  and   on,;   year   In   Clileago. 
Prices:  $2.00.  $1.50.  $1,  75c.,  50c.  Seat;< 
on   sale.  Tuesday,   February   27th. 

Menibcr  Victoria  ivcal  Estate  iirxc.i; 

704  Fort  St.,  Balmoral  Block 


I'ri'viii     "Thi-    (iirl     fi'oui     Vonki'! 

liiili;\ii    I'hrh    .1  nu;.;l.>i>. 


"The   Belle   of   Coontown" 

HTDE    <c   WXX.I.XAMS 

111   a    bright    sketeli. 

7al — THE    STAWTONS — Ern 

■    111     Who    Slolr     the     Slin.-S." 


The  arrival  f)f 

Kew  Spring  Goods 

liiicfl     fr.irii     Cr.-al     l!ilta;ii. 



.\rc  cordially,  invited  to 
attend    t.lie 



Three  Large  Stores 

FimPrpolJind  Up-to-Daie  in  I'.vow  Particular,  in  the 


Fort  Street 

National  Realty  Co. 

Jovernment  Street 



i(»    he 


p.   B.   Brown  Blk..   1114  Broad   St. 

Vajeetio  Theatre— Special  features 
programme  today  and  tomorrow  'at  the 
Majestic  theatre.  "A  Blot  in  the  Scul«h- 
ton,"  this  Is  a  blograph  dramatic  masler- 

Victoria  Theatre 
Monday ,_March  4th 

Kiiglands  Foremost  Singing  Comedienne 

Alice  Lloyd 

in   the   ,)oyi>uB    Musltal    Comedy 

"MTTliH    Bliss    j-ix-rr." 

Hear  Mins  Lloyd's  Famous  .Song  llils, 
See  the  real  "Turkey  Trot,"  the  Dance 

JTltJCS  $2,  $1.50,  $!.  7S.V,  ^«o,  Seats 
on  sale  Friday,  March  ist. 

he    CONSEKV'A- 

held  in  A.Q.r.AV. 

MALL,    ^'ales    Street— 

February  29 



At  S     \).  ni 



lc(-tii)n  '  ii  "ffjcers. 
I.    'WWW  i'rcs. 

W.ll.  lM<lCi':,  Iloii.  Sec 


Close  to  Waterfront— Good  Warehouse  or 

Factory  Site 




On  Easy  Terms 


boan    of   $4,500   on    improved 
good    IncMtton.    .Iiitne.s   Pay. 

V.  O.  BOX,  SB8 


*iPiioBe  i*§ 






^»^^»^|^j^lk^l)^y^|^^il||  nimiliii  i  W"  lnwyy'*' 

„^^,^^„,,,«*,^Mf*»,«w. ';n. IK  "K. iiii«;iii ! M"i»" '•*.';''^#ftJSij|il 





On  the  Waterfront 

\'li  PllMi 

Compania    Transatlantica    of 
Barcelona  Announces  That 

Cprv-lpo  \A/i||   Rp  Qiortorl  frnm 

Spain  to  North  Pac'lfic 



Canadian  AuitraUan  Xdn«r   Ii«aves  Kou- 

olnla  and  Is  Expectea  to  Arrive 

Wext  Monday 

The  atfaiiier  MuKura,  Capt.  Giblj,  of 
tlie  Canadian  Australian  line,  left 
Honolulu  yesterday  on  her  way  to  this 
port  from  Sydney  via  Auckland  and 
Suva.  The  Mukura  loft  'Sydney  on 
February  liilh,  Auekland  four  days 
la  tor,  and  Suva  on  February  '^Olh.  Tho 
liner  Is  bringing  a  large  complement 
of  passengers  and  a  eurso  of  about 
1400  tons  of  Australian  and  New  Zea- 
land products,  including  the  usual 
shipments  of  frozen  meats,  butter, 
wool,  hide^,  etc.  She  Is  expected  i 
Uie  outer  Tv-harf.p;est-Mond«yi| 



•  ft-m. 





Had  to 

Charlotte  and 
Go  Fuil  Speed 


Off  Entrance  to  Harbor  to 
Avoid  Meeting 

uiM    rAi^inu    tuM2>i 

Barcelona    Company   Expects 

to  Have  .Big  Tra'de  in  Emi- 

g  ra  nts 'f  ro  ffi  'Pd  tts^  uf  Sotith: 

-  ern- Europe  ^-" 

'IIh       Compania^     Trajuitlantlca      of 
L:udiii   and    Barcelorvi    '>'-'nclpiitd|fe 




steamer   Newiuffton    Took    out      Derrick 

Scow  With  Maciiinory  for  New 

roff   Alarm   Yeaterday 

zl-^'zr—^^JLz:^'^^-'  s^^ 

latest  company  to  announce  its  Inten- 
tion of  establishing  a  service  via  the 
\Panama  canal  to  the  Nbrin  Pacific 
coast  ports.  Mr.  Salvador  M' 
special  agent  of  this  line,  ^ 
been  visiting  the  Panama  Canal  /.uno 
to  make  investigations  for  "e  Spanish 
shipping  company,  arrived  in  San 
Francisco  on  Monday  on  the  steamer 
Peru,  and  announced  that  his  company 
will  send  vessels  to  this  coast.  The 
Spanish  line  operates  a  big  fleet  of  j 
modern  passenger  and  freight  steam- 
ers from  Cadiz  and  Barcelona  to  New 
York,  South  American  ports  and  in 
the  Mediterranean. 

The  Spanish  line  expects  to  carry  a 
irge    emigrant    travel    from    southern 

irape   to  the   Pacific   coast  ports  by 

ay  of  the  Panama  canal,  and  the  rep- 
1  .'sentatives    of   many    "th.-r    FHr,,n, 
..liria3-.-whlcli^:Jiasc  :;:;''■■■::;■  ■ 

ration    of   sending    tiieir    sreani.T:^    in 
North    Pacific    also  'anticipate    a 
travel   in  addition   to 

It.  W.  S.  p.  Service 

Mr.,  special  representative  of 
the  Royal  Mail  Steam  Packet  Line, 
Who  went  to  Panama  after  couipletins 
iVi^!  in.r    t'fifations  at  Victoria  and  other 

I.  ;h  the    North    Pacific    coast,    Is 

_g___J;  witii   inacliind;^ 
«^-»=w*m  -  helnfr-restablf) 
the    .  to    the    harbo; 

Laughliu  I'oint.  yesterday,  auu  the 
machinery  i;j  now  being  installed.  The 
Ne Winston    then    pro  to   Eaqul- 

(,t  with  a  cargo  nlde.     The 

iment    steamer  in   a 

'fgW' "  days   to "  6Vernau ;   i:-.c    iiu-.^rs-n- 
beacons   in  the  Gulf   of  Georgia. 

Princess    Charlotte    and      V«a«i»    was 

M.,.«.*.^,«.i«.    <,Yytv*f^r1     \*£2j*gT»<1n^v_  nftp>rnoon- 

at  the  entrance  to  Victoria  harbor, 
both  vessels  having  to  go  full  speed 
astern  to  avert  comihs  together.  Much 
excitement  prevailed  among  the  pas- 
scn.^'era  on  the  C.  P.  R.  liner,  who 
were  seen  scurrying  aft ,  along  the 
4«rka    nx   thf»    distance    naayawfcd,  -be- 

F»!{  m  mM 

Nippon  Yusen  Kaisha  Liner 
Left  the  Outer  Wharf  Yes- 
terday With  Big  Cargo  for 
Far  East 

e.vpected  back 
when  he  will 
Steamship  . 
mends    thai  ,  i 
Hue   from   ^" 
North  Pn  > 
Vancoiivc),   .Lix;    . 
city    l^^•    st;it<  .'    t''; 

eonne'  i 

'■"uid    '■■■■ 

re   at  thi^    f-ianic 

next  month, 
:t  l-yeforo   t!ie 

rttvi'.s    4>l     the 

uanii   oi!    the 

I   V!ctin-iit  or 

.  :i     ,;,  this 

jT   >>>  Iroad 

■     v3 

ll-rrianus   of  the  lino. 

"iinerai  for   Service 

;\,r..,iiiicUun  has  been  commenced  In 
lermany  of  the  first     passenger     and 
cargo    steamer   specially    designed    for 
the    trade    to   the   North    Pacific    ports 
\-ia  Panama    canal.      Thi-  ><'r,   a 

\esael    or   about  S.OGv   ton-  :-:r,-  is 

Ix-lng  built  at  the  Weser  s-hipyarda 
for  the  Hamburg-Amerika  line.  The 
Holland-. Vmerlka  line  has  announced 
that  it  win  shortly  order  two  steamers 
fur"  this  business,  and  the  Swedish- 
.)ohn.ston  line  of  Christiana  is  pre)..^r- 
ing  to  construct  vessels. 

The  steamer  Sanuki  Maru,  CapL  Ishl- 
kawa.  of  the  Nippon  yusen  kaislja,  left 
*!.•    #.«t<—    w'!  .-itt-rdav  .    af  temooU 

for  Vokohania.  ii.oij.-,  Mojl,  Nagasaki, 
Shanghai  and  Hongkong  homeward 
b|)und  on  her  firjst  voyagfc.  The  Sanuki 
Maru  was  loaded  to  the  hatches.  She 
carried  7,000  tons,  including  big  ship- 
ments of  flour,  raw  cotton,  :  ''ry. 
tal  ow,   tobacco,  salt   herring  or- 

al merchandise.     The  Sanuki  Maru  was 
placed    in    thh.    service    to    augment   the  , 
line  to  six  V  .  inglng  the  fleet  to 

the  same  toi;..  ..-  ^vas  used  in  the  3er- 
vlce  px"lor  to  the  ^Husflo- Japanese  war, 
following  which  three  of  the  steamera 
only  plied  through  to  Hong  Kong,  while 
two  other.s  al?o  ran  as  far  as  Kobe. 
Thb  Sanuki  Marn  v;ir  added  and  the 
Sado   Maru  and  ra  Maru   which 

iiT-,nvi:v.i.--,iv    mjini'  '  leir   voyagcs ■  at 

m    through    to   Hong   Kong. 

to  the  OrietHBHRp^  Sanuki  Maru  were 
I>r.  K.  B.  OT^^^^  the  University  of 
Illinois,  bound  for  Tokohama;  Alexan- 
der M.  Mulr,  wife  and  daughter,  of 
Bellingham,  who  will  make  a  tour  of 
the  Orient;  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ralph  L. 
Harding-  of  London,  Eng.,  who  are  on 
a  tour  I.-  the  woi-Jd; - IAmxLX:.  iSitrim-i 
shire,  of  the  British  navy,  who  has 
been  visiting  in  Canada  and  is  return- 
ing to  his  station  at  Shanghai,  and 
Dr.  Stanton  Youngberg  and  Edwin  if. 
Ledgard,  who  ^re  in  the  insular  service 
in  the  Philippine.'",  and  are  rpturning- 
to   Manila. 


'-xfiississChi:  \  ^Li..-:   ..-1^.  steainli    

full  speed  returning  from  JTaiitfi;! 
way  ports,  ■-"■'  ^'o  l*rincess  Charts 
was  leaving  <  ncouver.     The  gov- 

ernment tug  i'oint  Hope  was  preced- 
ing the  Boscowitz  Company's  steamer 
into   the    harbor,   and    when    the  little 

lotte  the  C   P.    R.   steamer  blew    the 
signal   for   her  to  cross   on  the   star- 
boiird  sidtr.     >  ii^L'ttni  Of  <>o«no  «*'S:  xlSc 
tug      ■        '  I    she   was    crossing 

to    !  liroc  funnelled  liner 

was  forced  lo  swing  to  pass  the  tug 
on  the  port  side.  Tho  Princess  Char- 
lotte was  then  swinging  after  round- 
ing Brackman  &  Ker's  i)Oint,  iind  the 
steamer  Vadso  was  abreast  of  the 
Beren's  Island  lighthou.5e,  passing  into 
tho  harbor,  and  was  pre-paring  v> 
cross  on  tho  starboard  f<ide  when  the 
Princess  Charlotte  whistlcKl  for  a  port 
rro.ssing.  Tho  Vad.«o.  swinging  In  the 
effort  to  pass  on  the  port  side,  con- 
tinued across  th^  path  of  the  Prin- 
cess Charlotte  and  before  she  could 
sheer  to  pass  to  port  the  two 
J  were  very  close  together. 
.  i<::in  Grifrin,  On  the  bridge  of 
tJMtiiiMI^^  riotto,    at    once   ra        _ 

foi^p||^S5c>.-i  .u-iern,  white  Caiil.  No^^^^^S 
of    the    Vadso    did    lil«ewise,    and    tho 
three    funnelled    steamer    churned    up 
tner~fba.m  "as'  liwr-^nglnea-isr-ers  rcvcrsc.-- 

Point  Urey — Cloudy,  wind  iN, 
30.23,  31,  »'!«.  smooth.' 

Cape  L.a«o — Clear.  caJm,  30.25,  3^, 
sea    smootli. 

Tatooah— Part  cloudy,  wind  N.  E., 
10  miles,  30.28,  39,  sea  moderate. 

Paohena — Cloudy,  wind  north,  light. 
30.03,  30,  iCi  smooth.  Spoke  Tees, 
leaving  iianficld  at  4.25  a.m.,  south- 

Estevan— Clear,  calm,  29.92.  32 

Trianglt? — Gloomy,  wind  N.  W 
miles,  211.53.  32,  dense  seaward, 

Prince  Rui)ert — <Mcar,  calm,  30.32,  30, 
sPH    smooth.      Spoke    Princess    May,    at 
S  p.m.,  due  Ketchikan  at  7.30  a.m. 

Point  tircy — I'lear,  i.aliii,  riu.j.'i.  l.j, 
acii  .'iiiiuutu. 

Cai)o  bazo— Clear,  wind  .v.  \\  . 
3t';2»,  45,  sea  smooth. 

Tatoosh — Clear,  wind  .\'.  i:.,  15 
miles,   30.30,   44,   hch   moderate. 

Pachcna  Clear,  calm.  '3f».0ft,  -la, 
sea  Brnooth. 

'    ''EStt(VSiP^^Cre^V''^llul      a.      ■•..,     H;;;ii, 
29. S8,  44,  sea  smooth. 

Triangle — Overcast,    wind 
miles,  29.70,  34,  sea  smooth. 

Ikeda— Cloudy,  wind  north,  strong, 
80.23,  38,  sea  smooth 

Prince  Rupert- 

D.J5  «,ni,.  lin. 

N.    VV.,    10 

30.38.  48, 
rioUa.  at^ 

ri-'LuiU— •CISEff-'^d  N.  w.,- 

6   p.m. 

36,  Bmpotb. , 
TatooaJr  ^''" 

lear,  N.   \V.,  bar.  30.25, 

Dollar,  l;Sf 

■■■Point  Gf" ^ 

tfcmp.  4^  ^ 

',— Overcast,  N.   W..   10  miles, 

1,,,  II,   temp.    32,    smooth.     3    p.m., 

Goltah.    off    Cape    Scott,    southbound; 

4   p.m.,   Prince   Rupert,     Pine     Island, 


Prince  Rupert — Clear,  calm,  bar. 
30.34,  temp.  37,  smooth.  Spoke  Chi- 
cago, off  Rose  Spit,  southbound.  5.15 

Dead  Tree  Point— Clear.  calm, 

Ikeda-"Cloudy,    N      i:.     .-tmnif. 
30.2G,    temp.    3{',   moderate. 

Estevan --Clear,      S.  E.,      light. 
29.89,  temp.   41,  smooth. 

Pachena— Clear,    smooth,    liar. 
temp.  46.  smooth. 


■•CHhInirn"  Hubiiivlslon  on  Hichuicl- 
.S..11  Sti'eet.  -i  lots,  60x120,  at 
93300  lacli.  Terms:  one-third 
cash,  balance  tj,  i  -  mid  1* 
months  at   7   per  iiiit.  These  ai>- 

|!|..      rliiilcHSt       Idi.ltiMl  hil.s  111 

ihi^    ili.'^triot. 

£;5.i;x280,  Victoria  Gardens  subdi- 
vision. This  lias  u  frontage  on 
the  water  atul  on  llie  Gorj^-- 
road.    Oh  II    sell       for    55,000      on 

.ti    Ml-.     1'    win  be  worth  double 

I  hi,-,  unn>imrMtS"''a  T*5W 'itiomnB;'"'" 

,  VICTOKIA     WlCKf. 

340    feet    with    over    200    feet    dtiptli, 

at,    tho   jtmctlon    of    Huiiaell.    Oralg- 

flf»\ver    and    Skinnor    «trt^et«.      This 

■  ■  liad  for  SI". nun ;   i.rms  one- 

S.  S.  "Prince  George" 



Via  Vancouver 

Conncctin^r  for  certain  Q.  C.  ISLAND  Points  Moinkty   lO  a.  m. 

TO  STEWART,  MONDAY,  lo  A.  M.,  MARCH  4 


Usevhe  DOUBLE  TRACK  LL\E  from  Chicago  East. 

We  issue  through   tickets  with  choice  of  routes  to  Chicago. 

CencraLAgf.ncy  Trans-Atlantic  Steamships 

W.   E.   Ol'I'EKOW,  JAS.    M.ARTHCR. 

City    Van.    and    TitiUet    Act.,    Tel.    1242.       l>o<li:    "nU    Ifreirht    A»t.,    Xe».    «4»l. 

Canadian  Pacific  Railway  Co 

I  n    one. 

cash    11  i 


fescTve  '  is    inatiu.      Ku 
make    a    quick    proTlt. 

I.«rge  lot  on  Alpha  Stroci,  near  Doug- 
las Street,  t^H^lrj^M/^^  '«=rm».  A  har- 

L.  H.   Ellis 

Kooni    6,    jMoody    Block, 
Corner   Tatos   and    Rroad    St«. 
Phone   940.  V.    O.    Box   HO. 

(Member   Real    Bstalo    Kxchange.) 

Trans-Facliic  Js^crvicc 

For   Yokoiiama,   Kol)e,      NaBaiiakl, 
Moji,    Shangliai   and    IIonKkong: 

Le/Lve»    Victoria  • 

Emprcas   of    J^V-n 


Empresa  of  Z&aia   . . 
Smpresa   of  Japan 
Kontaagrle  -  •  • 

..tprU   3 
.  ■  May  r' 
.Xay  23 
.Jxine   la 
..July  3 

J'or       Honolulu   ,     Suva,        AnrKIiind 

nnd  ^ydney: 

•.«.   Makara    . 
•.a.  ZeulttUdia 
■.s.    Mnraina    . 
a.m.  Makura    .  . 
s.«.   Zealandla 

March  30 

..AprU  17 
. .  .May  16 
. . . Juse  12 
.  .  .July    10 

■  iTor  itegerva.tinna^and  fiirthcr  .l>fl''TliM?Ug^Ppi?^ 





For  Ssn  7">'A^1*^'' 


Sloop;  fast;  with  aux.  en- 
gine; ^4ft.  o.  a.;  prize  win- 
ner; .\i   condition. 

^,r  steamer  City  of  Puebla  wiU  leave 
the  outer  wharf  this  moming  for  San 

I  I 

i  I 


After  a  thorough  invc.-^tigation  of  vai-ious  1:)ranrls 
of  ])ainLs — 


I^rovtd  to  bt.'  the  paiiil  wo  c<«u](l  ri,-.!-:  our  rcpvitatiou 
on.  W'c  j^iiaranicr  i;  to  !;c  pure  and  sold  sul^ject  to 
chemical  aiialvsis. 

This  stopped  the  way  of  both  vessels 
considerably  and  they  were  brought  up 
within  two  or  three  feet  of  each  other, 
with  the  bow  of  the  Princess  Char- 
lotte near  the  starbor!  w  ot  the 
Vadso.  " 

When  the  two  steamers  v?ere  near- 
ing  each  other,  although  ihc'  navtga- 
tors  on  the  tapidge  were  coolly  working 
to  avoid  an  accident,  much  excite- 
ment prevailed  on  the  deciti».  On  the 
Vadso  the  watch  below  scurried  up 
from  the  ffvrecastle,  and  On  the  Prin- 
cess'Charlotte  the  pasBengers  who  had 
been  lining  the  rail  for:ward  ran  aft, 
evidently  fearing  that  a  collision  must 
cnaue  from  the  position  nf  tlie  stcam- 


Couple   Who      Looked   Aftor     PhOBphate 

Deposits  l.i>ed  Tor  Three  Montha 

on  riah  aad  Wild  rowl» 

T^TtANClSCO.,  JPeb.  27.— Gustav 
and  Daxla  Plnzen,  caretakers  for 
a  London  phosphate  company  on  the 
CHpperton  Islands,  a  small  group  600 
miles  southwest  Of  Acapulco,  who  ar- 
rived here  on  the  .«tcamer  Newport  to- 
day, told  o'f  having  lived  three  months 
on  flsh  and  sea  fowl,  when  the  steamer 
usually  sent  by  the  Mexican  Rovernuiciit 
failed  to  arrive   with  supplies. 

Schuls  and  hia  housekeeper,  who  call 
each  other  'king"  and  "Queen,"  have 
lived  on  tlie  islartd  six  years  and  in  that 
time  have  seen  no  one,  until  their  de- 
parture a  month  ago,  eStoept  the  Mexi- 
can garrison  of  10  Koldlers  and  the  crow 
of  tho  supply  steamer.  Four  m<>nthB 
ago  the  steamer  did  not  arrive  on  ac- 
count of  the  confusion  In  Mexican  af- 
fairs, and  the  Island  dwellers  were  Uft 
without  food. 

SchiiU  and  "Scnor;!"  Plnxen  aro  await- 
ing tho  sclllem'-nt  of  the  ownership  of 
the  islands  in  April,  when  K'lis:  Victor 
Kinmaniiel  uf  Italy  will  arbiltate  a  dis- 
pute Ifetween  Franco  utui  M'^xUn  oom- 
cerning  them. 

Prom   Qtieen   Oharlottea 

Thf  KlHHiutrr  Princess  Beatrice,  Capt. 
Locke,  of  the  C.  P.  R..  Is  expected  to 
rfach  port  tolay  from  Queen  Charlotte 
Ifilands  and  way  ports. 


Ship  and  Yacht  Sale  Broker 
;  I  o  Savw.-i rd      Plionft  2690 

Vlotorla,  B.    C 

r'aSSengoF^  A;tt'3«3 1* 


N  F  W    yoRK— rr-VMOI'Tir— CHEKBOLBti— .souTiiA.nrrox. 

FA.ST    MAO,    UOUTIC    TO    ENGI.-V.N'U    A.M.)    TllK    CONTIMiNT 
The   l.ursrctt -and    lincnl  Sleamem   in   tlio   World 

S  r,w 





MAR.  16 

All  so    APBZZ.    6th 

APRIL  20 


FRENCH     \     I.  \    <-.\KTK    RKSTAIRANT.      TL  RKIHH      ft     fil.ECTRIf      BATHS. 

SWIM.MlMi    rOOI,,     FOl'K    KI.KA  .VT<)RS,      (iY-MN-VSIUM.     VKRANDAU 

CAIK,     P.VI.M     COLRT,    ETt'. 

WHITE    STAB   I-INE.    Boom    B,   Ballr.r   Building.    St^-ond    and   Cherry,    Seattle,   or 

iMcal  and  Steamship  Ajfentg. 





V  on 

1  I  uiui^ctr 




I'ull  particulars  and  reservations 
Claude  A.  Solly.  Pas.senger  Agt., 
1210  Douglas  Street,  or  R.  P. 
Rlthet    &    Co.,    1117    Wharf    street. 




.tereage  for  raIo  cIobo  In  to  Fort 
Gonrjre  township,  suitable  for  sub- 
division Into  6-acro  blocks,  close 
til  nfw  railway  and  li.  C.  ami 
Alankan  rnllxvuy.  Godrt  Held  notes, 
i.'rown  ijrunted,  f40  per  a.?re,  easy 
t<Tin».  Thl."  !.•(  .TO  !■'  50  j.f  r  cent, 
bcluw  prices  iisK.  >1  ■  ■  i''' 

L.  B.  KENT  &  Co, 

17    (Jrce-n    IJlook. 

IIIC  UlIlUll  Jicaiii^iiip  v/u«,  i^iu.  VI  u.  \j, 

S.3.   CAMOSUN — l'"or  Prince   Uupert   and   Stewart   every  Tuesday. 

8.».    CHELOHSIM— -For    Sl<eena    River,    Prince    Rupert,    Naas    Klver,    Fort 

Simpson  and  Gooj«e  Bay  every  Saturday. 

ss.    VENTURK — For    i.^^mphnll    nivcr.    Hardy    Bay.    Rivera    inlet,    Xamu, 

Ocean  Fall,  Bella  Coola.  Bella  Bella,  every  Wednesday. 
S.8.   VADSO — For  Skeena   River.    Prince   R-upert,   Naas,  every   two   weeks, 

next  mtilinif  February   29th. 

JtmX   BARNSLKY,   Agent. 
'Phone    1925  -''^^»   .Street. 


Drake  Hardware  Co. 

1418    DOUGLAS    STREET 

Quadra  St.  Corner 

1 20.x  1 30  Feet 


This  is  an   excellent  site  for  stores  and   apartments 
PRICE  925,000.    ON    EASY   TERMS 

GUIespie,  Hart  &  Todd,  Ltd. 

Phone  2040 

II 15  Langley  Street 

Victoria,  B.  C. 

Boscowitz   Company'*   Steamer  Ketur&ed 

Teateniay  from   Haas  and  Way 


The  stiampr  \'adso,  of  llje  Boscowit/. 
Steam.sliip  t.'omiiaiiy,  Capt.  Noel,  reatli- 
rd  ICvan."*.  Colt-man  &  Evans"  wharl  ye.s- 
tt'iday  from  Naa.'^  and  way  porta  of 
northern  British  Columbia  after  a  fnst 
trip.  Tho  Vadao  brought  1.500  fasca  of 
cnnnod  salmon  from  the  north.  Hhpwill 
Ifavc  agaTn  for  Naas  and  way  ports  l"- 
morrow  night. 



Robert  F.  Hickey 

Parksville,  V.  I. 

LONDON— l*AKI(v—U.\MBrK«; 

■\.\1RR1K.V  ....  Marcli  7.  10  u.ain. 
I'P.H.S.  MNC'OUN  Mari'h  li.  2  i).ni. 
•drnf  Waldersee.  .March  21.  U  o.n.. 
Kalserln  .\MS.  Vic.  .Maroh  30,  9  a.m. 
•IlainbuiK    illr<-ct.         '-'nd    r&bln    only 


Steauuer       ITortbweaterD         Ettconntered 

Oale  Blowing:  70  KUes  slu  Hoar 

When    on    Way   ITortb 

The  steamer  Northwestern,  which  re- 
turned yesterday  to  Seattle  from  south- 
ca.-stcrn  Alaska,  reported  that  on  tier 
northward  voyase  to  Princr-  WMIlam 
Sound  portB  Ihn  vefesfl  was  caught  in  a 
seventy-mile  ga.\e  and  bo  .serious  was 
her  pliBht  that  oil  was  uaed  to  calm  the 

cauaing  connlderable  darnaRe.  The 
wafSH.  which  broke  over  the  uteanrtuhlp, 
floodlnjr  her  decka,  wer«?  of  auch  weight 
a!>  to  cru»h  iik  her  forward  haicli  and 
port  holes  and  stateroom  windows  were 
broken.  As  ihe  utorm  Increanod,  and  the 
velocity  of  the  Kale  became  Kreater.  the 
, PfiRScnRcrji  were  transf'TfeU  below  and 
'oH  poured  on  the  bolHnjf  ficas. 


tlv    ih.'     t-.vm-M-rrw     .^iranur 
.\-lttoRIA     LII.SK     (IB.5«0    tann) 

riBillnir    March    7.     11a.    in. 

;i;   OayK-   $1  "5    aiul    up. 

\liril    U    cl''.    ila.vB)    »ir.O    iind    up 

MOLTKE,  Mar.  26,  9  A.  M. 

It;    lUiN'!!.  SS'>    aiii!    iiVj 



IKI.AM)    KXCI  RSIONH    .\N!> 
Sll>K    TRII'X 

OPTION. V  I,  T'  >1   ll.<' 
1!    !».\VS    IN    JAI'*N 

n    DAVm    in    INDl.V 

No-,.    11'.    H'U'     I  rrc.m    Ntu-    Vt-rK 
]  ■';      linn    <  froiri    San     Prnn'li(i"rM 


in.r.oo   iiMif) 


Duration    each    Criili'p    110    dnyw. 

•  'OBI    up   *«50 

JncluainK     a.'l      n'M'i«»ar.v      pxpensei, 

nb'inrd    and    agbovo 


To    the    Uuid    of    the    .MIdniKlit    Sun 

I'lJffht  fl-iiyhtful  t^ruiopa  during  June 
July    nnd    AnKoxt.    fronl     nanibiirir. 

duration    \A    to    2*1    days. 

IXJST    9A3..VI     ASr>    I'P 
Pplpprlld  »prvl<-p.   larit^-  »te«miihit>s 
••VlCTOrtI.\    UTUBE."     •KnONPRIN- 
ZR.'WIN   rB<~'ll>lE'   and    "MKrauK" 



For     Vl'-torla     S    a.     m.     cvpry      WodtiP»<iay, 

„»    rM.ATiLtvA,  ov  crry  of  iuhi 

11  p  m  evrv  Thursday  from  Seattle,  bs. 

I'-or  Southraetrrn  Alaska  Fehruttry  2!1. 
.Mliicn  10.  -'-■.  •  TltACAO  leavfs  SphiIIp  !> 
!>.     111. 

0<ean  an<l  rail  tlcketn  to  New  1i  ork  aivl 
iitl    other    cltlc*    via    Han    Fran'lsco. 

Frelglit     .iiul     Ticket    Orticeii,     1117     Wharf 

It.    P.    RITIIKT   »   CO..   (ieneral    Ajtenf*. 

CLAflJK    A.    l?OI,Ly.    ra»»enger   Agtiit.    l.'IO 
Douglas    Strett. 

Two    Railways    Heading 

li— Ij     —   ——4-  ■  *-^  <-v  «^  .r-C  y-v 

'i.<;  tiic  lime  to  gel  in  and  1)U\-  sornciliing.'   Ask 
lis  ahoiU  the  price  and  terms  df  acreage  almost  ad- 


The  Nechaco  Valley  Land  Co.,  Ltd. 

Reference:  The  Union  Bank  of  Canada,  Victoria,  B,  C 
620  Brougliton  Street.  Victoria,  B.  C 

TILE    LMTIAL    COST    OF    A 



I.I    irlflInK     compared     with     th«    life- 
long  uBllufacllon    It    affords. 

Olio  can't  u»e  a   ",Swan"   ar.C  •tftor- 
wttidn    diniJenM    with    '.t  I 

Price.-,     from     »2.50.       Hold     by     Sta- 
tioner!,     c  BtalOKu«B   po»t    free. 

MABIE,  TODD  &  CO  , 

12*    York    Street,    Torontc. 
I<or.duii.    New    York.    Chlc«»o. 


(Successor   to   R.   D-vcrne) 


$3.CK)  per  double' load. 


I'ive  minutes  from  \".  &  vS.  Saanichton  station,  seven 
minutes  from  B.  C.  Electric  railway,  close  to  the  sea, 
all  good  i^oil.  no  rock,  slashed  and  biirndd  several 
year?,  very  easily  cleared. 

Subdivided. in  blocks  of  9  1-3  acres,  most  suitable 
for  orchaiTls,  .'imall  fruit  or  poultry  farms. 

Price,   $5,000.00 

Per  Block 

Cash  v$2,ooo.    Terms     i,  2  and  3  years   ft  7  per 


Phone  1^81 


i6v3  Douglas  St.    Vhont  97. 




Wftdnesday,    FebrM«ry    28,    1»1Z 



,      .      a.«rk         Mail   or   Ftoott*    Ord«r«   Olv»n 
CompUt.   Cataloju*  of   »ecora.  in   Stock.       »»"  o 

I^ompt  AttenUon. 


,n|    r.oVKKNMKNT    STKIOKT 








Other  Wc«leU,.  1^0  Jl^ 




'TT  T«. 

~  TPADt  Mft«K- 

oi  ,.cx.'.  IT  ►■I    or 

Zy  '■*■ 

GRAiM-O-PHONES  bring 
into  the  home  the  voices  of  the 
world's  greatest  artists  i^nd  the 
music    of    the  besc    enterta.ners. 

Prices    $20    to    $250. 

Easy  payments  if  desired. 
Dealers  everywhere    :     :     :     i     J     • 

Berliner  Gram-o-phone  Co. 



\V  AS  HI  XGTON.     ^^vl). 

27. — Rates    of 

«"d  Berliner 


the-  American   Exi>re«9     comr«uiy     are 
sabsuntlally  thrfo  t'-'^  th-  flr«..  class 
rates   or    rallrouds.      Thl«    vsa»   ^>'"';1'^" 
today     at     Uu-     Infrsli.te    cui.u.>l«>^.on 


D?  i^    A.    Mooting 

,ncetln«  of  the  Domluion  Rifle  Assoc  a- 
t.on   i.a«y.  WCUt.  CuL   B-.TUn.   of   M-nt- 

,-.-al,  wa»  tti.I>oH>t';'l  Prcsiaem    i ' 

llo».  Sun,  .ll..tflu-H.  l.lful.  '•'^'-  ■-;^""'  • 
Vancouver,  i.s  ,,.ent  for  llrUlsh  Col- 
umbia,    ^.nl     in      T',..M,,.soM.     M.     I    .     1    > 

till-    "I'llkiin.  

Thirty -Two    Drowned 
r.UUSSKL.^.     )  ."  Mi-ty-two    of 

,„e     ,as.c.n...,rs   au,.    ,.  • -'   "-"'"J^^ 

Uy  il.e  founaering  of  tlu,  "l^"*;^^^^.  .^^^'^J 
uvruiue.  a  B«vt«rnt«ent  vessel  I'lylnK 
'on  the  Kxvanso  livor.  on  the  b«r<  er«  of 
Uolglan  OoivKO  yesterday,  uccorainf  to 
a  uf.pat.-h  re.olved  "V  J^'^J^^''^  Bleu. 
Sufldon  "l>eatir*t  Brandon 
BR4lNJ>ON,  I'eb.  a7.— ayaney  Blatl.  a 
won  Known  travt-lUM-,  atjea  45.  of  tha 
Koch  supply  CO.,  Kansas  cuty.  ^1^^^* 
hr.  Holol  Cecil  hero.  Shortly  after  his 
Ir  ival  hore  he  complained  of  sufrcrlng 
:: _...njc"m     -lir.  .Matbe^pn,     who 

;;;::'c:S^n:s^;forMrs:"BiatR;  ™ 

;?i.  and  «on.  hut   the  patient  died  be- 
tore  tnt-y  aTi'lve^         ■•'  '•■'    ■  •  ■_  ■--'■■"""■.•■■■■ 
Bovelitoko'*  »aUw»y  SoUeme 
UKVBLSTOKK.  1  f --^t  -as 

,     ..„,, ftin  citizens  last 




To  »»trol  rofot   Bound 

VAI^UIO.IO,  cm.,  I'-fh.  27.— The  lorpcdu 
boat  destroyers  Fox*  and  l>avl8  were  or- 
deryd  today  to  ho  put  In  .ondlllon  for 
H  trip  to  Bremurton  navy  yird,  wher. 
tiicy  will  he  u.sed  for  patrolling  Ih" 
watf-rs  of  l^>i«(t  Sound,  as  thfv  are  now 
reKHrd.*<l  tvs  ti>o  small  for  foaa'  defence 
work.  They  will  pn>b<iM.v  !..  n-  n.ntli 
In    April    unJpr    convoy. 

Eaaror    for    Oandy 

,IIM'  \.  ;i  I    I  .  .-Scores  of  i)ersoii« 

riHked  HUM  llvr.,  u.  i;.i8t  South  Wuler 
Btreet  la-^ft  nlghl  to  procure  boxes  of 
confections  whm  hundreds  of  pound -^ 
of  candy  were  thrown  Into  the  Hlreel 
by  rirenicn  when  a  cundy  factory  was 
oil  fire.  Policemen  and  tirenieii  were 
kept  huay  trying  ui  keep  the  crowds 
away  while  one  huse  box  after  another 
was  thrown  from  second  end  third 
storey  wlvidows.  It  was  e»tlmat.a 
$15,000  wirth  .if  the  sweets  wen-  dc- 
tt{  ruy  eil. 

Soorotary  Xnox  in  Panama 


-The   Cpntrai 

PANAMA,    'A-h. 
Southern    Ani- 

tary    of   state    i-...-.    ,.i.^,iii     .i^  . 
with    bIK    welcomlns    crowds    at    Colon 
tuid  Panama,     Mr,  Knox  went  ashore  at 
Colon  from  the  armoured  cruiser  Wash- 

-.  .,     .  .    ,..-   .  .,,»t  .  hv 

IWgton^^nw"  moriiiiiB.    «"•'  ' 

g,.,„,-t...i,.ni   .ifflt'ials  and    ^  ■■    crowd 

,,,  tizens  of  colon. 

The    I'a.Ku.u.  .-   rnlfiniaK   its 

promlao    to  ''' 

notat  iv.nox    s 

surp  nt  o'J' 

tor    ni»    .^utertu,in...i  ..t    'taft',?iri411Wff;i  JS. 

ifOur  I\;c1  N(^.  2  rc-ids 

,,.^^,.,,...    ,M,.  v;ur. -i   'Al  Ihc  very  l^^i^^t  half 

of  lU'sriAt'  will  DC  rctiiurcti.       -'^  v/i»t       " 'SBm' '"""■"" 

1912.    'Fhc  Prime  Mlnisler  ol"  Brilisli  (A)luinl)ia:lTO"Hon. 
t:Bri(ie,a^au^U  in  the  Victoria  Daily     "Colonist," 

W!X%,  . .       ,^„,..^,, V.W.I     ih/. 




justifies  all  our  contentions, 
an  expenditure  and  develop- 

Moving  Fiotnrc  Tro«t 

WASH!  Feb     27 -The    Be- 

partment  o.  .i...uce  is  investigating 
the  moving  pic-lure  business  to  ascer- 
talnlf  there  is  a  -trust."  The  imiuu-y; 
Sll  m«^  many  recent  Shernann  la^v 
,,.,.;..    ,nv,.Uc    primarily   the    usjd    0. 


H«avy~Snow  In  Maine 
PORTLAiND.  Maine,  Feb.  27--The 
heaviest  snowstorm  of  the  wiitter  In 
western  Maine  prevaiiod  last  night  and 
part  of  today.  temiK>rarily  tj-ing  up 
ih-'ping  and  blocking  the   s^am  and 

,ri«  railways.    The  «»»*';^"^  "  JfJJ 
-^nfihas.  -  A   thirty-ii>.e  , 

mile  wind 
large  drifts, 



Boat    content 
„_,,     97 .X    challenKc 

,.,  .    motor  boat  club  tonight.     U   is 

Oo^;^~Knoc*.    out    KoUand 
^V.-WAMICNTO.     Cal.,     Feb.     2T.-~Ki.l 
,    V.e    Of    Stoclcion.   knocked  out- l.-Vrt» 
,;     '^l,  „f  Spokane,   in  the  sixth  round 

"    '"""'V  V  fight  here  to- 

of  &  ^'  „     Qf    one   more 

aaimant  to  the  middleweight  champion- 
sh%  Holland  .went  down  for  the  eount 
of  nine  in   the  fifth,  but  got  n. 

at.d  the  sonjf. «»»'«"»  »^«»*^^?"-^ 


Hicks  &  Lovick  Piano  Co.,  Ltd. 

RT<-liiMlve    Victor    Il«»rofie»t»t I vri» 

r.mi  0«»«nini«"*  St. 

BTCliiitlve    Victor    Il«profie»t»tlvr» 


>  iri«r«w 

froiTdoo;..  iKei^med  .l«-b.  ^.rain  ar.  «u»  H«m*r4-.  flo.b. 


■^    ii»MM  «T 


.nxi««ioa  lor  t."»  A..B--:=  - 
,:5g  AN6ELES.  Feb.  a..- r..e  fllst 
,„,p  towards  placing  Lo«  Angelc-S  un- 
der' the  commission  form  of  .ove  n- 
nient  was  taken  tonight  at  the  city 
"uncil.  When  it  appointed  a  f-rter  re- 
vision committee  of  15.  with  instruc- 
ts   to    make      .rr«n.^ement«      for    all 


!,  ot    commis- 

sien  governTO.ent.  _^ 

^riantalB  Not  Wanted 
TORONTO,  Feb.  27.— The  puienthiU- 
,1,8  of  Canada  are  enormous  and  Immi- 
«  ants  must  not  be  Orientals,  whose 
hle^s.  political,  social.  moral.  cU 
n,„5e  them  incapable  of  asslmllat  on 
"v?tl,  the  APKlo-Saxon.  This  was  the 
..„.n  and  substance  of  the  addres.s  clc- 
nverod   to  the  Canadian  Club   V-;^-  ,';;; 

,,urno<.n   by  H.    ''•  ^''^^■^■"''- Z^'"     ,„ 
Vancouver.      He   honied    that    .h-    M-ndu- 

uere  ill  any  ricnsc  -pi"n^e,^. ^ 

s       O.  K.  B.  OfflciolB 
u,.SNIPEG.  K,-  .-..orge  Stephen 

,..„.ral  freight  an- -^  -i  the  Canadian 
Northern  railway,  announces  t'lat  .1. 
M  MacRae  Las  been  appointed  d Is- 
uiet  frelKM  agent  at  SasUatoof..  >  >  • 
Crunae  will  succeed  C.  R.  mil,  who 
'Z  resigned  to  ko  Into  private  huslness 
\u-  leaves  t^r  HaskBtoon  on  Mareh  i  u> 
,,..f  ume   his  duties. 

l-rom  "recent    consular    report, 
learned  that  the  s^rale  of  ''f'^"'^"';.  :;;."°„^,'; 
in    Sweden,    which    went    Into    eftt-a    oi 
January  1st,  this  year,  shows  a  general 
increase    of    T.f.O     crowns     (J2.01)       pcr 
month,     or  this  amount..  5   orown*   m- 
•,4)   is  a  direct  advance,  and  2.&0  crown.s 
■(67    cent.)     in    a     r.romlun>    paid    seamen 
shipping     for     ..     whole    year     «■  Ih      he 
«ame  owners.   i«.yable  at   the  end  of  the 
vear   on    condition    that    there   ha,^    been 
no  complaint   ihr..u».'h  failure  to  perlorm 
autles     sa.lHfajAorlly.     Able-bodied     sea- 
,n,.„     formerly  V=^>  Id    fi5    crowns    <51-l'*^ 
,„•,•  month,  now  receive  GO  crowns   ($lb.- 
os,     ..n.i    it.    addition,    1.he    premium    re- 
ferred   to.      The    hrem.-n   are    pald   at    U.e 

same   rate. 

A  moven;>e.U  a.m. mi.-  .1.,-  locaUs  of  the 
cooks  Waiter.',  and  WnllrcsBe.M  union. 
,.,  prohibU  the  employment  of  Oriental.., 
,„,ectly  or  indirectly,  on  licensed  pren.- 
ises  has  found  the  support  of  .severul 
members  of  the  local  legislature  at  Vic- 
toria, and  as  the  House  has  Just  as- 
sembled. «  bill  will  be  introduced  to 
Ihvt  effect.  it  may  not  be  generally 
known  that  I'rlnee  Hupert  Is  eompelle.l 
by  bylaw  to  do  without  Oriental  cham- 

•     ,.....-»ji-      u»%m'^^»rt       nnrti^rH,        ete..        ur.U 

this  is  a  «tep  is  the  right  direction  In 
an  effort  to  secure  a  white  B.  C.  and  a 
White  Canada.  It  remains  to  \ms  seen 
Wheth-jr  V«»iiC«uver  has  the  power  t.. 
pass  a  slinllar  bylaw  without  the  sanc- 
tion of  the  Provincial  House.  At  bU 
events  there  is  no  Rainsaylng  tlie  fact 
.hat  KomethinK  aJonft  this  line  !«h^l«  be 
done,   the   Boolior    tl»e'  belter. 

In    capUal 

operatives   will 

servants,    and    thcie    w 

the    present     postal     t< 

about  1.263.890  more  ini 

nearly   600,000  more   sub     '•  j 

ephoncs.  , 

It  la  po.sBibJe  that  Ben  Tillet  or    i   • 
M.ui.i     the    foremost    leadrr«!    of    tb>'       i 

1  organization  nu  '    j 

liiiiuMi  will  come  to  A::.. -.1         ■       ''   i 

to  make  an  extended  speaking  tour.  Both  | 
men  are  famous  as  in  Europe 
and  AuPtrallia.  Tillett  apoke  in  a  num- 
ber of  cities  In  this  countrv  win- 
ter of  1901-2  and  imnde  a  im- 
pression.     Mann    i 

to    visit    this    country    and 
^Should    either    finally    decide 
3  the  sea  the  main  purpose  would 
probably  be  to  str.  the  combina- 

tion of  transiMjrt  v.  .lung:  interna- 

tional/ lines.— -Cleveland    Citizen. 

The    Congressional    Employe-^' 
bilily     and     Workmen's     Com  n 

Commission    h  ilcaliy    deci.u-.i    lo 

recommend  th'  'cnt  of  a  law  pro- 

viding for  the  insurance  of  employeea 
of  inteyMtt^  railroads  againBt  ln.iury 
by  aMHHHPy  requiring  the  roads  to 
make^PyVPfFts  ^°^  *^">'  mjury  inrllct- 
ed.  No  vote  has  been  taken,  howeverv 
but  it  was  admitted  by  the  commission- 
ers themselves  that  they  were  untnt- 
mously  In  favor  of  the  direct  payment 
plan,  and  also  to  conflnlni?  the  opera- 
i  tlon  of  the  proposed    law   to   employers 

on  1  y  ^^j^l^^H^^^^^^^^^H^^HMr 

jirec^>^mw^^^^oad.<  xo  injured 
employees,  the  Instrumentality  of  the 
national  government  is  invested  ln.;«a.r- 
rying    the    law    into    effect.  ■- 

We  still  h 

tfie^nRe^lpB^^'Will    increase 
e  rate  of  lUO  per  cent  i)er  an- 

I few  excellent  investments,  N\bich^\ve^can  de- 

liver at  prices  ranging  from 


.>.<-«>«  <~\ 

On  terms  spread  over  a  period  of  five  years. 


McnjlHM'  Victoria  Heal  I^:stale  l^Lxchange 

Telephone  714 

'iy)l-ZK)Z  aay  waivi  ju»A*^fe.,  ^---e —  -  - 

To  OurVatron^ 

We  Are  Now  In  a  Position 
to  Serve  Our  Customers 

As  heretofore,  taking  care  of  personal  calls 
and     telephone     orders.     We  have  a    large 

■  -/-'■■'• 

poodr  arriving  daily.  We  will 
be  pleased  to  have  you  call  and  inspect  our 
new  store,  which  is  large,  fitted  with  new 
fixtures,  and  when  fully  completed,  will  be 
the  finest  store  of  its  kind  on  the  coast. 

LlOnt    V^CllSuic;    Liii:^ 

Man  Who  Drinks 

Help  Him— Advise  Him  How  He  Can    BeJ^escued 

from  the  Liquor  Curse  Through  the  Nc.AL 


jo_'5  ^■;lles  Street,  \ictoria,  B.  C, 

Phone  R3188 

B.  C.  Hardware  Co.,  Ltd. 


825  Fort  Street 

Phones  82  and  t6i  i 

P.  O  Box  683 

The  Treatment  That  Makes  Happy  Homes 

^   •    ,  •«„    .*.,,,    i«   hplDle«s       He    Is    the    Victim   of   a    hiirnliVK    thlrKt 
,    T'%fno?  he   sftis  led     -'^Hrrsysten,    is    poisoned    with    alcohol,    which 

cure  doc's— and  in   only  three   day*. 

.,-,       ,„.,rvelous    cures   effected    by    the    Neat    Ih.oe-day  . trc.itrnent    have 
Hid.:.:)   -C  endorsement  of  many   prominent  citizens   of   Victoria. 

,...„  ,n  p.rsnn  at    th.^  office  of  the  Nenl   Institute  n.Td  have  a  <-"nfWe«- 

.    ,   '     ,v       M«ke   n    thorouKl.    Investljiallon    of    the   personnel   of    the    local 

tlal    talk.   n     l^"'""*;'    '    ,    ^.^^    institutes  Company.      Find   out    all 

about   the   pay»l"»»*i*    rodc-y   i-- 

le^s,   safe  and   p<i.'iU)\e 

!;r,;;"K.nve"r.Vpau"m'>';;r«.7;'"mpro,..d  „,™...  a»a  phy.,..> .».. 

If   you  have  o    mend   who   i.  a  victim   lo  alcoholic  or  drug  addiction. 
send  hini  to  us  and  wo  will  cure  him. 

If  in   neetl  of  hcdp  yourself,  oome  and  we     will  do  Uk«w!*e.   , 

The  Neal  Institiife; 

loas  »•«■  ««»«t.  Ttelwrte,  ».  « 

Headaches  -  nauaea  -  indigestlon-rruddy  complexioo-pimF 
bad  breath— thes«  are  some  of  the  effects  of  cod- 

stipation.     The  mild,  sensible,  

reliable  remedyis   ^_^^itfii4^^^V7W  'M fc 


ThsT  ©onttan  the  *••■■• 
^^^iPP^— --  dtaoovertwl  And  l>«t  ewcomot  knof«»«  •*J??' 

•^   WteTuw  bowel,  without  the  .ilKhUet  dtecomJort  *b4  ^'^'^^^^ 
,^:;:Cottho^m.   Conauu^ln^^^ 


.'.i'.:^  /'. 





.'jM.ii.S,^'^l  it-si- 


VJnrir,fnH»y,     February    ?«,     191? 

^i(  r<unv   Dvnv  (OLOMsr 








'^ -^^li  ^ 






RE:AD  BONA-FIDt:  om:.K 



'■&ob     K07"     Produced     in     the     Victoria 

Theatre — Succaaiilal    Creseutatlon 

of  Oreat  Bcuit  Drama 

,  <■''.  i 


In  conjunction  svith    BEL.I-.'S  P.S.  of  A. 


This  la  to  certify  that  the  fjeli  Remedy  Company  havt  deposited  $50» 
cash  In  the  Bank  of  Hamilton,  Winnipeg  to  be  forfeited  absolutely  without  re- 
Btrlotion,  to  any  person  jiurrerlnK  from  Eczema  or  other  tjerm  bIcId  dlseaae. 
properly  dlagnoacd,  under  personal  supervision,  that  cannot  be  cur  1  by  ih« 
use  of  the  Uell   Balm  In   conjunction   with  Hell's  P.  S.  of  A. 

Yours    voiv    truly, 

Bell  Balm.  Jn  conjunction  with  Bell's  f.  S.  of  A.,  la  not  a  medicinal  experi- 
ment—it  1b  a  bona  ndo  and  absolute  remedy  for  Eczema  and  all  Rerm  sktn 
eruptions— tested  for  years  and  found  to  be  tlio  only  cure  for  both  acute  and 
chronic  cases.  Aitef  eVeiy  vn»«r  rciinjuj  fu,-^  i-...c-,  -•  — •  -.>»...•,  .a  ^^,ij~,^,^^-K,a 
wlthBell'dP.  S.  Of  A.,  Win  affect  complete  cure.  Try  this  remedy — use  it  accord- 
ing to  dJr«otloo»  ana  your  Ecsema  or  any  other  germ  sHm  dfaease  you  mleht 

— -W.?'S — 

...  :  •? 




!&..*ffl!  BELL  RRilEPY  CO>  Stete 

Head  Office)  Vancouver,  8.  C. 


it  was  a.n  eitJinently — one  aiisht.  v.1- 
m<iat  say  oxi.-Uislvcly,  but  for  the  aud- 
ibly wlilsptToil  <|ui.'rle«  that  punctuated 
the  stage  dialogue  t'  the  uuUitorKiin 
— Scfittlsh  audli.'nce  that  grathered  in 
the  Victoria  thcHtre  last  nigrht  to  wit- 
ness a  performance  of  'Rob  Roy."  The 
suid  whiHDfcrc'd  queries  were  called  Into 
lioing  by  the  cOnsLslent  broadening  of 
the  dial«el  by  the  players  plus  the  In- 
nate peculiar  aubtleties  of  the  lan- 
guage, and  evidenced  the  fact  that 
while  the  fcScotch  inay  have  done  much 
for  Canada  generally  and  Victoria 
particularly,  they  hava  not- done  for 
them  completely. 

To  produce  "Rob  Roy"  In  costume, 
color  and  language.  l8  a  feat  not  no 
easy  of  accomplishment  within  the 
four  corners  of  Caledonia,  but  when 
tlie  task  Ib  iittompterl  hv  ;i  combination 

8cei.  ,\ith 

the  conditions  and     circumstances     (M 
titv  time,  and  cerlaiiiiy  iackinv  in  iw 
.  JillitidKailc  atmosphere  or  Its  tetOmtrnfl, 
^  it  will  be  readily  qoderatood  tlMt  Wk 
'accumulation   of   diMcuftie*   must   be 
(aeed.      Tb^t    tM»r  *«!(«*    h«fn    Hf>Ht 
heroically  ana  succNstiiliy  taced.  waa 
attested  by  the  jiroduction  at  the  piece 
last  nlyht,  and  It  will  be  readily  con- 
poded  by  those  present  that  the  "Beth 
Roy^  that  stalked  the  boards  of  the 
Victoria  theatre  did  credit  tQ  the  great 
novel   by   the     greater     novelist.     Sir 
Walter  Scott,  and     to    the    Individual 


The  I'i't 
Vancovivp'.  1 
I     \V    Home. 

A      \        UiminK,    l?»'() 

The  president, 

\    1 

vnnual  Genetf*.  J|it»lng  of  the 
'.  on  the  23rariiN^[AmQng  tb 

Mr.' T/%  ,t4lNi^^  «ee«^^^      the  chair,  and  W.  P. 

Company.  Xifa^ttMU  WM 
notice<l  the  MAHMriMMU 

S.  B.  SftSder,  St  3.  Knott.  *. 


V  street  wsst>. 
beo.  J.  Tsn^ 
C.  McPheriron, 


_^..,^._. .     .._      .  .        «' 

....  ,,.. .,   ._  ^ Itsid'iaeicd  as  seoretMT :!«>ff^,j@S^i!WipMr, 

The  notice  calling  tfte  vbeeinv  was  read  by  the  secretary,  also  t)|«,.aMh|iqitsS' «f  tJi«  )«st'«w«jMa  MMtfaW.  which  were 

^^^^^^^^S^isf  H^msneiMi  r«>nnrtK  werp  then  nresented  by  the  trcasur       .Mr.  H    <:.-  Oordott. 

^W^'  s>xKBcroKs<  naroMT 


I'he  Directors  have  pleasure  In  sabmSttlnn  herewith  the  I'ifth     Annual   Report     showing   tlie  results     of  the  year'« 

''P^y'4>uring  the  year  the  assets  have  Increased  from  |l,779.«82.68  to  $2,484,081.51  and  the  paid-up  capitel  from  »501,647.o<t 
.i.    J-.41.35r..flO. 

The  earnlnss,  after  providing  tor  expenses,  interest  and  expenditure  on  new  vffictf  Mremises,  amounted  to  |i22,a74.»l. 
Hit  of  which  a  dividend  of  10  per  cent  per  annum  and  a  bonus  of  10  per  cent  per  annum  were  declared,  leaving  a  balance 
of  117,006.56  to  be  carried  forward. 

The  trust  assets  have  increased  from  *908,«64.23  to  $1.380,?97.8ft.  ^ 

The  Directors  arc  grateful  for  the  many  expressions  of  confidence  in  the  care  and  Judgment  exercised  by  them  as 
repre^f«l|t^£fiires,  and  for  the  Increased  volume  of  j^ljwp  tram  satisfied  clients. 

lite  ^Niwferte'ncp  and  «Epecia\  quatificatlons  of 'wSS  Iwictefrs'ln  the  matter  of  investment  of  monfy  on  mortgage  loans 
and  tlie  worth  of  the  guarantee,  have  made  the  Company's  guaranteed  mortgage  loans  an  attractive  investment  to  local, 
|'.4lK|tJQH4£liyfc,  caplUUsts  and  financial  instltntlotts. 

j^^M#Mwlli|l49Km  of  the  Company  has  heen  Improved  during  the  y«ar;  other  betterments  are  being  considered. 
Jiairectorn  hope  that  every  .shareholder  will  give  all^possible  business   to  the  CSsB^iMny.  and  see   that  his  friends' 


Vancouver,  B.  C,  January  27,  1912. 

The  election  Of  tfNS^^|8P*««l«lted  in  the  re-election  of  the  retiring  directors  as  follows: 

Tlios.  T.  LanfrlolS.'keSJ^'lS'o^vft.  Hon!  G.  H.  V.  Bulyea.  R.   .T.  lf«|,«MHFblln,  K-  C.  J.  Vt.  HOme..  CIMWMI  «»5|(fii^,ar«  Goo. 
Telfer,  D.  R.  Dingwall,  Horace  3.  Knott,  Geo.  Martin.  E.  H.  C^yMM^'  Capt.  Win.  Grant.  <J60.  T^^h^l ■ill#/1B.1iiailllth. 


T.  Stein  &  Co.  and  Messrs.  Marwlck,  Mltchein,  Feat  &  Co.  were  elected  auditors  of  fh« 




\ '    .     ■  -eting  of  the  newly  e^ttt^tCi-  t>lrectors,  the  foHowlng 
J.  Telfcr,  1st  vlce«tMf|«Hiiyt-  and   manai^lng  director,    f    M' 
1  don,    treasurer. 


Mm  no 

u  crt' 

elected:    Thos. 
vice-president;   W. 

T.    Langlois, 
P.   Reld,   secretary; 

membei's  of  the  ^ast.  ■  Au  adaytatiOB 
is  more  often  a  tUeft  than  a  compli* 
ment  to  the  original  idea  but  in  the 
«ase  of  "Rob  Roy"  the  text  has  been 
uXjoqA  by  with  a  faith  that  mnst  sure- 
ly~!lutv»  bsen  other  ttian  a  proftii^ 
Idowil  4nuiwtt»s^f:  mM>  wblto  <|ie 
efaajnuiters,  tnWvMdKlbr  iiM  «ol)ectIve. 
ly«  .ftjtt.Itt  tfN»>ciM^  ivtCh  ¥oeal  num- 
'^NPHll^l^l^P^^iWiWft^^  y,  to  live  up 

these  pniiiiHl^^|S  tbey  are  all  Boot- 

"j^lptf  situation,  ^^"^gj^^.'-mmf^^ 
mt^m  it  Is  iniposiilki'ti>^ISeli«se' 
in  terms  of  the  highest  \n  \.  •  While 
here  and  there  an  accent  lobi  it-  wa.v 
and  obtruded  itself  at  an  unfortunate 
juncture  In  the  expressions  of  one  or 
two  of  the  players,  the  average  was 
exceptionally  high.  In  this  regard  Mr. 
Alan  B.  Stevenson,  In  the  estimable 
role  of  Bailie  Nlcol  Jar\  le.  achieved  a 
noUble  ^SEfK^eMr  INH.  ^"''^  >"  Point  of 
languag»a;^'^ji|||f|Hn!o  ability,  his 
interpretaiio!|r^ipBBB"whimHtcaiuies  of 
the  great  WI^Ait-  delineation  being 
charmlnRh  hnmnroii^  .iml  tntireU  suc- 
c«>ssful.  e\  on  t"  tlie  Miin.!  <'^  ^'■le  latest 
immigrant   tnun    AiiUt  ■>  these 

western  shores. 

J.    n.    Thompson,    who    assunii  rt    t'-f 
onerous  role  of  ?!P|l||fe,J|ltoy*"  carried 
the    honors    of   tNf^lWwntng    wUh 
magnificent    figuK-    tnd    i  a.s\ ,    ^r.u  eful 
delivery     uul    di  ji'Ttnu  m       luii,.     mif- 
able    prrf'irnnni'f  '.     ^^  r 
Hay,    as    tht    Dougal    Cj 
Warebam    as   Rashlcigh 
John  Mi'Gruer  a»/.'Kr.   <5w' 
senach  lawyer;   jlljiss  Minn 
as   Diana  Vernon,  and      M 
Strn<'hnn   a«!    Mattif     thi-    r 
Ine   iu.ikI       III   .iiicM'iMn 

lent"  !  •   »  eral      I'l       Um        nuimi"! 

SCM  lasiTiiy  arranjTPO   m  im- 

mitation    of    the    heath.  of    the 

McGrcNfor  country.    Tb.  l  Loch- 

ard.  iii|B^*^^k«  of  Aberloyle.  and  the 
cave -olMSnli  Hnv  were  depicted  with  a 
wealtli  til  It    ua-   both  attrac- 

tive ann  M.iu-tic-  The  play  will  be 
piotluced  again  this  evening. 



k  1  l^C 

^i  ''^*'!%£^4s. 




..Bttiod  issue  (so,00o  »h«fe!^V*t.ll'»«i'  rfwire 
htg  to  announce  that  oii^'lliiarSfiS,  "or  prior  to 

dkt  d£ite,^ should  die  fatflUHBe  of  the  issue  have;.( 
'^    "beetC  subscHbed,  the^j^^  of  shares  will  be' 
adviinced  tp  $i  ib  '^i:^*rp,    Victoria  ^txfplt 
W^  aCfordcid'  an^^d^f^nity  of  purch««iti^, 
siiargg  In  a,  giuwl|ug'  cuiitcm,  engagwl  m 



1  V- 

Balance  Sheet  as  at  December  30th,  1911 


;ir,,u,    :,.,,!     Mnriiu-lpal    UoudH     .... 

..8  Jsn-.r3r..9» 

>n    Improved   Fropcrty    . .. . 

Iialance    on  PropertltiS   Sold 

Sundry    Securities 

I'urnltMr.e   and    FiXtttrPS    

.^Rcncy    Aecount.s         

CaHh   on   Hand    • 

Trust   and    0-ttaranteo   Department. 

I'irs'  Mriili^ii^Ts  on  Hcm!  T'l'operty  (Juaran- 
teed .-■  ••  •.. .... .$    r,:!7,yoi, 

First  Morteasres  on  Real  Property  as  Se- 
curity on  i;>eb(>ntur(>s  Guaranteed    ;. ...490,840. 

Securities    held      other      Investments 

Guarant#ed I'^l.Mn. 

I'Mral    MortRaBes   on    Real    Property    Tim 

TruKl.     Securities     held «!>,Uo4. 






Mortgages  ami   Pe.'icni  ui  >       !■■    •li,-      %    .';i;-i,7s;).r.i; 

Balancf  to  -^   1 ::!»,'_' 16.71 

'■•■■''•""■■■    '"  'I    -'^^m^     .:-.irr.7-,7 

Call   l,oans  on  Municipal   Bonds   ............. .  200. .504.14 

Bank    (Special    .\ci:onnl) 110,678.94 

suhKcribed    t;apltal     (l.oOn.oon.QO 

laid     np    Capital 541,305.00 

RpHcrve LT.O.OOO.OO 

r)ividend  No.   4 .  in.'",,aos.2r. 

At  Credit  Profit  Account    ',  .  17,006.56 

Trust  and  Ouarnntee  Onpartment 

lK'l(t>ntiirf>.'<     Crt!ii  ran  teed     $    490,840.3.1 

Funds    Invested   and   Guaranteed,  .....  ..^aHBiSK^.  750,603. 4:i 

Trust   Funds   Invested    ....      ..^^^HHIkio. 354.00 

miD  LIKE  TO 



Signed  on  behalf  of 

lional  Finance  Company,  Jjlmi led. 

Vancouver,  B.   C,  January   27th.    ini: 

TnO.'=!.  T.   l,.\NCrI,OlS,  nireetor. 
CEO.   .1.   TIOUI.'EU.   Dlre.!t..r. 
H.  C.  qORDON.  Treasurer. 


Vancouver.    B.   C,   .Tartuary    27th.    lltlL'. 
W.    h.  I    t.y  o'rti!%    that  We  ha Ve  audited  the  books  of  the  National    I''lnance    Company,    Limited,    for    the    year    ending 
SOIli    December,    mil,  and   found   them  correctly  kept  and   properly    vouched.      We      have    examined      as    at    the    said      .lOth 
December,  Iflll,  the  Securities  of  the  Company  «.nd  the  C««b    and    Bank    BnlancftS,   and    found    them    to    be  ««   shown    in    the 
mIh.vo  statement. 

We   have   veHfi- •  mre   and    rnvritnicM  .\..inMi.'.i    .unl       iii,,i    hi    .ir.l>!- 

Vienturew.    Rondw,    Serb*   and    oilier   Hecurttles   of    the   Trust,    Kwlales  iinil  ..\KencieM  of  the  I'ompaiij 
We   ftirther  eortlfy   that   nil   <iiir   r»»vilvpm»ntK  as   Auditors  have  been  complied  with,  and  thru 
full  and   true   1.  .,  affairs  In  accorflanoe      with      the   bo.ik-       mT      t...       <  ■ompan>       <  uii 

Deeemher.    1911.  , 

\V.   T.    .'•ITF.rN  &   <  Ti., 
Chartered    Accountants,    .\iidlioi.;. 

Mii-    .Mortgaj?!'.    1 1 



Dec.   31,   1908 

Dec.  31,  1909 
Dec.  31,  1 9 10 

Dec.  30,  1911 












Xiooal    Kesidcnt    "Wljo      Says      He    Zs    .a 

Pitcher  Signs  Contract  'With  Wat- 

elet's  "A-wk-ward"  Sqaaa 

John  J.  Grady,  at  present  residing  In 

:«\'ietoria.    was    a    caller      at     President 

VVattelet'.s  office  yesterday,  and  before 

John  J.    had    departed   he    had    affixed 

liU   i.fl'ii-i;il   (•.iirn..ineii    [><   11    fiirmal   eon- 

Lhe  Vk- 
liiriii  'I  .;i,ii'i)iiii  I  iiiii^.  ju.-^iiii.  .Vithough 
CJrady  did  not  figure  In  any  official 
averages  last  sea.son,  being  away  at 
Stewart,  B.  C,  pursuing  other  o(?cupa- 
tions,  he  has  pitched  league  ball.  The 
last  position  he  held  down  was  In  1910 
with  Edmonton  in  the  Twilight  league, 
whore  he  figured  In  17  games  as  a 
t wirier,  winning  10  and  losing  7.  John 
stands  no  le.Ms  than  six  feet  and  looU.'< 
as  though  he  could  deliver  the  gootla. 
In  the  same  year  he,  walked  3S  men 
and   fl.'ided  .013. 

PrcsldciU  Dugdale.  of  the  .Seattle 
club,  yesterday  received  a  letter  from 
Jimmy  Wlgpra,  Seattle  pitcher,  in  which 
the  elongated  twlrler  stated  that  as  far 
as  baseball  was  concerned  this  year,  he 
had  retired.  Wlggs  tried  to  catch  on 
with  some  Southern  club,  believing 
that  It  was  too  cold  for  his  wing  In 
the  Northwest.  He  failed  to  land  a 
lierth,  hut  writes  thsit  he  is  making  a 
good  thing  nut  of  the  Insurance  bual- 
ness.  However,  Dug  thinks  James  will 
be  with  us  when  the  robins  nest  again. 
Wiggs  had  a  very  good  season  Inst 
year  and  Was  Seattle's  best  •pitcher, 
riniHhing  among  the  first  five  of  the 

Norman  Crtilok.shiink,  outfli'lder  of 
the  Seattle  Oiant.s,  has  been  engaged 
to  coach  the  Bellingham  High  school 
nlno  tills  season,  und  will  take  up  his 
work   very   .shorlh. 

Johiiii..  i:.ii  .  Ill  til.  'hlcago  Cubs, 
says  he  will  do  his  best  to  get  Hank 
O'Day,  formerly  umpire,  now  leader  of 
flnelnnatl  Beds,  rired  rrom  tne  fieio 
this  coming  season.  Th<»  mlniit"  Hank 
.steps  an  Inch  over  the  roaehlng  line, 
Johnny  is  going  to  appeal  tu  the  um- 
pire  in    charge. 

Prince  Albert  Calls 

Thf!  Kteamer  Prinoi  Albert  arrived 
frfitii  liif.  (loi'to  uiniiit  iiddiilMht.  She 
left  again  early  thifi  mor.d.ij,  for  Seat- 
tle to  load  machinery   loi    I'rlncu  Itupcrt. 

l«|o.  Armstrons 

a  peoittal^le  btt|fiii^.»/.iNaiifM|ed  by  wdl  known 
Vi<^ta    ai4;;  ^^14^'*^     hmim^     ineo.  , 
All  Direcitoi^WK^M^  connected  with  the 


a  omiaim 
"  tKffiiwii 

W.     B.     I'^lnlay, 


J.  Zj.  Q.  Abbott, 


Ernest  ICennedy 



_  purchased 

''^ahare     cash, 

cash,    bal- 

.Wonths,  or 

cash  and  $5  mon 

New  Westminster 
London,  Eng. 

d^y&ny  M^'tv^\<l  \^^J»m*( 
m^9  as  the  public  is  ihvitodjO.^ 
.  share.   There  are  no  pn  '^^'^*'' 

Where  Profits 

Are  Derived 

In   addition   to   our   Building   Department,   we 
carry  on  a  general  Real  Estate  and  Insurance 
business,  the   profits   from  which   go   to   swell 
\       the   dividends.     Shareholders     may     conserva- 
\      tively  look  for  a  lo  per  cent,  dividend  the  first 
\       year,  increasing   thereafter    and   a   steady   ad- 
\     vance  in  the  price  of  shares. 


Send   for    Prospectus.     It    will    Interest    You. 


Third   Floor,   Sayward   Building 
Agents  Royal  Insurance  Co.,  Liverpool.  Eng.        Ernest  Kennedy,  Managing  Director.  Phone  1030 




|>i'|©S*PERPLATE  PT? 




fe 'v^'iS^S 




W«dn««d«y.    February    28,    1912 

(U^ll    TCI  F«^  the  Diamond  Steel 
tpOl./  O  Range  Sold  Reg.  at  $40 

THIS  is  ihc  best  offer  that  we  have  made  for  a  lo.i-  tnnv 
:ta\  cannot  be  duplicated.  Unfortunately  we  have  only  a 
limited  number  to  offer  at  this  price,  and  you  will  have  to 
>hop  early  to  secure  one.  The  Diamuud  is  a  reliable  steel  range 
that  we  are  confident  will  plcase  the  most  exacting  housewife. 

The  Body  is  made  of  heavy  blue  steel,  closely  riveted,  and  is 
,:^,^A  j^.  ..n.„...^-.ced  plare^  with  a  hcavv  asbcstos  miU  board  witn 
'"  '.h"eet-ir<urc '  X  cr,  and  the  body  Is  stiffened  with  an  angle  iron 

V   ,'i-"  111  '  ion. 

A  Note  of  Warning 


The   Flues— These  are  well  proportioned,  easy  to  oi>«^*J? 

a     A  large  clean-out  door  is  provided  in  the  frottt,  oy 

^which  the  flues  can  bc1»^#*gr'^eat»^<l-    ^^'^\t 

oers  »»il»*^0««h  control  oi  thfe  diraughta,  and  cime^^^X 

of  fuel  '"  »  .       ..  '     /..-.   .   "  '  ^.  '• 

The  Fire  Bo»  is^  w^J  constructed  4nd  is  saitfiUe  for  bumwr 
wood  or  co»l  Thegrat*  is  easily  ta|c«fa  out,  the  hiiings  are  ^vy 
Md  w«n  v«iiti^t|s4  ift  made  in  three  pieces,  and  is  constructed  to 
atlov  for  ©twtHiietion  and  expansion. 


HHit  Ovcft 

■Thia  10  made  of  hiravy  ah<>ft-stfifil.  JS  W^U  riveted 

In  Which  You  Can  Save  Money  by  Purchasing 
Your  House  Furnishings  at  Sale  Prices    .    .    . 

TC   For  Buffets  Sold  Reg. 
.  /  ^      From  $30  to  $37.50 

SOLID  OAK  BUFFETS— In  I'.arly  English  finish,  fumed 
oak  and  :i  highly  polished  golden  finish.  They  have 
shaped  frunt.s.  three  cupboards  with  fancy  door.-,,  cue  cut- 
lery drawer  lined  with  felt,  and  one  large  linen  drawer.  The 
back  has  a  low,  shaped  .shelf,  two  brackets,  and  a  l^eveled  plaie 
mirror  40  x  10  in.     All  are  made  of  well  seasoned  lumber  and 

afe  a  remarkal)le  value  at   •  -^SLTS 

Solid  Oak  Buffet— In  golden  color,  highly  polished  or  in  a  neat 
fumed  finish.  The  top  measures  48  x  2iin.,  and  the  body  <;on- 
tai".s  two  cutlery  drawers,  one  of  which  is  lined,  one  large 
Hiien  drawer  and  a  large  cupboard  with  two  drawers.  The 
back  has  one  large  shelf  supported  by  shaped  l>rackets  and  a 
beveled  mirrofv.^e  40  x  I2in.    Special  value ^.^,v  . .  .S>-i-X.7o 

rwo  wmjSMMiM,.MAMm  im'-wmmsm  oak 

1>ilffi.    The  #  m^^il^^l^^v^  and  the  body  hdj^o 
'long  linen  drawer,  two.  cuiftery  #*»#*«,  and  a  large  cupboard 
With  two  fancy  leaded  glass  doors.    The  back  is  plain,  has  large 
•   *'  supported  by  sqtrtw^  lilltot ^nd  «  bivrij**  «ttrror  3&Kr, 
This  is  a  very  attrad^y*  piece  of, furmttwe  attOi 

U)I)AY  and  Thnrsddij  (tie  the  lasl  livo  Ja//.s  ()rihc  Fehru- 
(iiij  Ihnisc-l'urnishiiuj  S(ile^m}AoKJuMmL.ili^l!:iL^ 
rcfjuJar  prices  wij' 
'      These  are  ijour  hist  1)pportimifJcs  Jo  sccuf^fWrrfffffrF 

nittite  than  usual  fqpg 

to  whom  the  need^sr    . 

^stiUputim^  off  i^i^morrmf  what  thrift  advises  th^m.tQ 

jibtodiwrond  nodouti  tmnu  of  timm  wiU  lose  their  chaim. 

,  Willi^pu  be  one  of  the.  di^appcinted  crowdf  fif  you  are, 
we  will  both  be  the  losers;  we  have  goods  to  sell  and  are  wilting 

to  share  our  profits  with  you,  but  we  emuiol  eddend  our  sale 
limls  beuwdthundm  ff gfel>  ;    (  .         ^_  "•  ''-  -•  ^^    -■•^--7 
Shop  todaV'-ti^^roip  your  oj^or^tU  may  slip. 

valne  at, 

Surface  Oak  Buffet— ^Vith  a  top  measuriftg  3ft.  0n,  x  aoin..  The 
body  haa  t«o  mm  4rawet»,  pne  of  wbwHj^  %^  l*^*"*^'^ ' 

onOargelf^eii  W«\^^»^*^#:^i1>0#^^ 

-msrsr-The  back  haa  a^,i|pMita»eil  gtttooi|t^|y,tw^.shapea 

tiik*jet8  and  a  beveled^jSii.?|#»   ^^^-^  ^^^^j^^^'l' 

and  strongly  braced  to  prevent  warping  or  buckling.  U  is  pro- 
vided with  a  strong  wire  rack,  and  the  door  is  spring-balane»4. 
Cooking  and  baking  are  cptnp^ratively  easy  m  this  oven,  lae 
•liw*  ;,  w»  M,t.n  AiTwtmit  a£A  eaaHv  Tesrulated-HHrt-penect-* 

heat  is^  j)tfen  dirfetwl  M  ^ily  Tegulated-that-perfect  conflfe 



tions  are  a  certainty.  ^       ^, ,,.„„..    .    .,   .._. 

Ask  to  see  this  range. .  Regitlar  vahte  $<p).oo,  noW  mUfl^t^  at 
$31.75.  '' 


jestry  Ca^lii'^SiiiiWW*  at  $2.90.    Hearth  R 
at  95c;  and  $6.50  to  $8.75,    Lace  Gurtains 

for  $3,50  Today        ' 


^ _jF  S?a|«,  an^  facre  are  a  few  of  our  do^- 

h^l,y|Tpfypr     See  the  window  display  on  View  Street,  and  you  will  realize  that 
the  barg^S=iigger  than  even  the  most  exacting  would  expect, 


Squares — These  are  in 
nentional  designs  in  ground 
fevn,  two-toned  green,  and 
Vith  various  colors.  They 
have  TnterwoV^n  borders,  a  hard  finished 
surface  and  are  woven  in  one  piece.  Size 
6  feet  9  inches  by  9  leet.     Spccial^k. 

price    . .  MS^9' 

Tapestry  Hearth  Rugs,  in  very  effective  de- 
signs and  colorings.    These  aiw  Ai^^*^^5i*. 
•    strong  weave     and  a  rare     iSffli^^ 
27x.=i8  inches.     Price 

Odd  Piece^sol  Tapestry  CaifpSBSii^Pm  var 
iety     of  colors  and     patterns.     They  are 
iy2  yards  long  and  will  make  good  rugs. 
Price,    each    .  ■  •  • '  ■   **^*r 

Brass  Extension  Rods— For  sash  or  case- 
ment curtains,  all  complete  with  brackets. 
Special  for  today's  .selling,  3  for. . .  .10^ 

Battenbcrg  and  Irish  Lace— Also  a  few  Not- 
tingham Lace  Curtains  and  shades  in 
white  and  ivory.  This  lot  includes  some 
of  the-best  designs  we  have  in  -t*  ok  and 
are  ^iiiiie  for  any  room  in  the  house. 
Only  23  pairs  to  be  sold  at  thi>  price. 
Regular  ^.50,  ^7-7S  an<i  $8.75.  all  to  clear 
at ■'  *  ^•*Ji!P»1i! 

Drapery  Materials  and  Furniture  Coverings 

—There  are  many  materials  in  thi--  in- 
cluding printed  .scrims,  art  sateen-,  c.-l- 
oted  i^'  "'•  ^*-*—     ♦♦  *-  *^**'  »-.«-—• 

ing  thebc  oul  m  wuier  to  make  room  for 
the  new  spring  goods,  we  are  pressed  for 
room—otherwise  these  low  prices  would 
not  be  possible.  200  yards  are  to  be 
sold.  See  them  in  the  win'dows.  Regular 
25c,  35c  and  45c  values  an  to  clear  at.  per 
vard    .............................10^ 

Bargains  in  the  Hardware 

Department  Today  and 

WE  anticit),'>* I-  .-x  very  busy  time  in  this  depart- 
Piei  and  tomorrow,  and  we  cannot 

say  how  soon  the  goods  in  the  following 
ijaMtwiU  be  sold  oul.  ^"—'"lop  early,  under  ^ny  cii- 
*^&tiiifee>  ii  v\ill  ,  ^i  to  replenish  your  stock 

nf  kitchen  utensils,  crockery  and  glassware  while 
the  «5ale  prices  prevail.    Visit  the  department,  look 
;.r.,nnd  and  yon  will  realize  that  the  money-saving 
■pniiK-^  are  better  than  usual. 


Rose  Bowls— In  bQth  plain. glass  and  colors.    They 

are  a  \  erv  attractive  shape  and  have  a  trellis  top 

',  of  biM>.  in  keep  the  blooms  in  place.  With  sprini; 

appr-cichin-.  ijiese  bowls  should;   be  attractive. 

\  alues  to  ij;i.25  will  be  cleaned  out  at. . 50f^ 

lo-piece  Toilet  Sets,  made  of  good  Knglish   >cnii- 
TO^rcelain.    They  are  white  with  a  raised  pattern 
and  are  trimmed  with  gold  lines.     Our  regular 

et  Department— Bargams  for  Thursday  . 


rrS  1 1 IRSDAY,  the  last  day  of  the  sale,  will  be  a  big  bargain  day.    Many  lines  that  we 

I     are  not  repeating  for  the  Spring  season,   remnants^of  carpet,    and    many    of    our 

-■-    regular  lines  will  be  sold  at  prices  that  will  be  a  pleasant  surprise  to  you.    See  the 

window   displays   for  further  details.     Here  are  a  few  of  the  items: 

SI. :ip;  values  WTiiiJc  ><na  tuua>^  amt    ■  iix .ij.,  »• 

ilicv  last,  atper  set. ..... .........  •  •  -  •  •  .?2.50 

iere  are  a  lot  of  odd  pieces  that  we  wish  to  clean 
out  quickly,  and  if  a  low  price  is  an  inducement, 
they  will  not  remain  on  our  tables  very  long. 
There  are  trinket  and  powdeir  boxes  in  fancy 
A'ith  nickle  or  brn  and  decorated  with 
cameo  miniatures.  Kegi..«.  alue  up  tn  $1.00  mil 
be  sold  at,  each. •  •  ■  -50^ 

Portiere  and  Window  Curtains— In  art 
set^^dii6d  ta'^estr^'.  'iin'-^i'  -'ire  in  such  a 
diversity  of  styles  that  detailed  descrip- 
tion is  impossible.  Some  are  beautifully 
embroidered  olT,  cloth  and  others  have 
artistic  woven  borders.  Many  are  finish.^ 
cd  wiih  heavv  iriuLic  .unl  all  arc  rare 
bargains.  Regular  $8.75,  $10.50  and 
^12.75  values  on  sale  Thursday  at  ^4.50 

Window  Shades— Made  of  a  strong  quality 
of  opaque  cloth  and  mounted  on  Harts- 
liorn  spring  rollers.  .Ml  complete  with 
brackets,  tassels  and  pulls.  Colors  green 
or  cream.    Size  37in.  x  72in..  at  each  25^ 

Brass  Extension  Curtain  Rods  '  with 

spear  ends  and  brackets.  These  are 
>tr^^^■  ann  ^ci  vicc«tutc  ioti.->,  a<ta  v...»  t.u 
for  iuug  ur  short  curtains.  Regular  25c 
value  on  sale  Thursday  at,  each   .  .  .10c 

Linoleum  Bargain— Block,  tile  and  floral 
designs  are  here  to  choose  from  and  all 
are  a  reliable;q"->''*^v.  They  are  2  yards 
wide  and  a  bit,  .;  -lin  to  close  out  the 
Februarv  sale.  Price,  per  square  yard  25^ 

n  pen  or 

Brussels  Carpet  Squares- 
quality.  They  have  interwoven  borders 
and  may  be  had  in  ground  shades  of 
green,  fawn  and  blue.  For  hard  wear  you 
will  find  these  carpets  hard  to  beat.  Size 
9   X    12ft.     Special   price  for  Thursday's 

selling  ■-  .  .  . -  -    ^10.75 

Brussels  Carpet  Remnants— You  can  choose 
from  a  variety  of  patterns  and  colors  in 
either  body  or  border  carpel.  They  are 
all  high-grade  carpet  and  are  22)^m.  and 
27ih.  wide.  The  pieces  are  about  1I2 
yards  long.  Per  piece  on  Thursday.  .50f^ 
Carpet  Remnants— -These  are  .A.xminster 
and  Wilton  carpet  of  the  best  quality. 
There  are  many  patterns  and  colors  to 
:  choose  fr£>m  and  are  about  I, '/2  yards  lona. 
Per  piece  on  Thursday. $1.00 

Japanese   Mats— These   are   an   ideal    fl.>or 

covering  for  bedrooms;  especially  for  the 

^  summer  season.     They  are  handsome  in 

"  design  and  coloring,  sanitary,  easy  to  keep 

clean,     durable    and      inexpensive.      Size 

feet.     Each 


$1  for  Strong  Print  Waists 


NEW  shipments  are  pouring  in  every  day,  and  it  looks  as 
if  we  are  going  to  be  in  a  better  position  than  ever  in 
this  department  this  Spring.    Spencers  values  in  waists 
have  long  been  recognized  as  a  standard  of  value  in  Victoria, 
Init  we  consider  that  these  lines  have  the  average  beaten  by  a 
long  shot.    Ask  to  see  them  in  the  department. 
Heavy  Print  Waists—In  the  plain  tailored  style.    They  come  in 
light  and  dark  blue  stripes  on  a  white  ground.     The  stripes 
are  in  a  variety  of  widths  and  all  sizes  are  included  in  the  line. 
Some  of  them  have  shoulder  pleats  and  all  have  a  laundered, 
detachable  linen  collar,  box  pleat  front  and  a  patch  pocket. 
The  cuffs  are  in  the  striped  material  and  are  laundered.  Special 

%\  00 

value,  per  garment    't'-" 

Hair  Line  Stripe  Print  Waists— In  black  and  white,  blue  and 
white,  and  mauve  and  white.  They  have  laundered,  detach- 
able linen  collars,  soft  link  cuffs,  patch  pockets  and  a  box 
pleat  front  with  pearl  buttons  showing  through.  We  strongly 
recommend  this  line.     Per  garment   $1.00 

Serviceable  Print  Waists— With  very  fine  black  line-.  I'liesc 
waists  will  launder  well  and  may  be  had  in  all  sizes.  They 
come  with  laundered,  detachable  linen  collars,  laundered  link 
cuffs  of  self  and  box  pleat  down  the  centre.  The  fronts  arc* 
with  two  pleats,  rin.  wide  and  full  Im-th,  ;.ls..  a  •'^'i^'^^fler  plcrit 
on  either  side.     Per  garment $1.00 


A  Showing  of  Evening  SHppers 

Tlie   C5olonlal    Pump    Ih    Hip    newoHt    anil    HiiiRrtPHt    DrwUK'tlon    In    wonien'K 

footwear   f-at  \:T.r.   i":«'n.>   o\it   for   many   BPiisonn.   and   It   artlmlo  RhepeR   c<»m- 

■      blned    wlth^liifffi-K'""'!''    nuiteiiuls    «in<l    perfeft    romfort    win    niRk«      a      style 

-...,„_    .m-  «r.»  wUl   roach  ila   vnry   hisrhest  Doaitlon  In   public   favor. 

It  Is  impossible  to  «lve  you  «   fair  Idea  of   their  bc-euty   In  an  H«1verllBP- 

mcnt    not   ♦^ven   a  «ood   lUustratloti   would   do   lliom   jupHoo,    imt    we    win    b<> 

pIoas'fHj  to  nhow  thetrt  \.<^  you  at  y«»r  request. 

Therp  «re  satin,  pfltrnt  leathpr.  coronation  a!lk-fa"c'1  -^loth  In  black 
and  blaok  aundc  leathers  to  ohoosp  from.  They  arij  Irlmniprt  with  large 
huckles  and  oomo  have  beaded  VBtnpri.  All  sIzpk  arp  licrp.  and  there  are  «<> 
many  «tyles  that  you  are  foirc  nf  flndhiK  n  allpper  tlmt  will  pl«ase  yo". 
•     Prices  sUrt  as  low  as  $3.00  and  rgnjfe  up  to  §6.00. 

Staple  Goods  at  a  Big  Saving  Today  and  Thursday 

Ginghams,  in  a  variety  of  colors,,  large  ^"^  small 
checks.      Per    yard .x^yz^ 

Zephyrs  and  Ginghams — These  are  all  Englisii 
manufacture  and  are  the  newest  stripe  and 
check  designs.  They  are  31  inches  wide  and 
are  sellinpr  at.  per  yard. l^v 

Silk  Finished  Mulls,  in  plain  and  striped  effects, 
with  a  good  srik  finish.  These  ate  splendid 
value  at.  per  yard,  25c  and......... 20^ 

English  Prints,  in  all  colors.  These  will  launder 
v.cll.  the  colors  are  fast.  Regular  value.  t.Sc  a 
yard.     Special   sale   price 10^ 

White  Victoria  Lawns,  3'''  inches  wide.  at.  per 
yard.    25c.    20c    and 1^^ 

White  Cambric,  36  inches  wide,  at,  per  yard.  20c 
and     ■■^^; ;  ^^^ 

White  Mulls — These  aif  .i  vti-    mm.-  quabty.  Per 

vard.    ^oc    and '• .^o^ 

Nigger  Head  Suiting— These  are  full  36  inches 
wide  and  are  >uitable  for  making  women's  and 
children's    dresses    or    nurses'    uniforms.      Per 

vard ^ 25^ 

Turkish  Towels — Large  size  anfl  our  regular  25c 
value.     Special  sale  jiricc 15^ 

Huckaback  Towels— There  are  both  plain  and 
hc;r.stitched  towels  to. choose  from,  and  they 
are  a  quality     that  aviH     stand  endless     vvear. 

P  ach    •  •  .*••••••*•""''  ^•-**' 

Wool  Filled  Comforters— Here  is  a  large  as.sort- 
ment  of  patterns  and  qualities  to  choose  from. 
They  arc  covered  with  silkalinc  and  satin  cov- 
ers in  a  great  variety  of  colors.  Price,  each 
$4.00,  $3.50.  $3.00.  S2.50.  $2.00  and $1.75 

White  Grecian  Quilts— Single  bed  size,  at  $1.00 
each,  and  double  bed  size  at,  each  $1.75.  %^-^^^ 
and     ?1.50 

Ready-to-use  Sheets—There  are  100  pairs  01 
these  sheets  left  and  once  we  are  sold  out,  we 
cannot  repeat  them  at  this  price.  They  are  lull 
.size,  are  free  from  dressing  and  are  our  regu- 
lar .S2..S0  value.  You  will  have  to  shop  early 
u.  secure  them.    vSpecial.  per  pair $1.75 

White  Wool  Blankets— These  are  <i  full  size  anil 
a  snecially  good  vain.-.  Special  values,  per 
pair,  $4-25   and .^^.7i> 

White  Wool  Blankets — I' nil  size  and  7  lbs. 
weight.      Per   pair    ..$5.75 

Superior  White  Wool  Blankets— These  arc^f^ 
Ib.s.  blankets,  at  per  pair ,$6.75 

Economy  in  Princess  Slips  and  Corset  Covers 

Prlnceas  BUp«— M...1'-  di    >i.iion.     Th^.'^c 
1111(1    HfTvlcMible    Karinemt.    made    with 
r^rtKpd    with   lace.     Thi»  nefk   ard   «i'<"f. 
i«hPd    with    a    lacfi    cdjflnK.      The- 
than   rtt.    per  Karnient 

Princess  SUps— Madf  of  a  no^nd   camlM-lc. 
rioun<-p    nf    pmbroldpry    and    the    .hi^joI 
trimmed    with    lat-e.      A    value    I'l  ' 
ppr    Knrm«nt 

Prlnooss    BUps — Mailo    of    fine    canibrlr. 
havf    a    handsome   yokp    of    pmbroldory 
fInlHhed    with    an    pmbroWsred    flounce 

irc  a   \-    .  .       :    "Hi^ 

u    tuttkcrd    flounce 

"J  are  neatly   fln- 

I.)    better    values 


The  «klrt  has  a 
;i<)vi>r  is  neatly 
,;ii.l     1.1     licMt     nl. 


Thesp    garment  H 

and    the    pklrl    Is 

Price,    per    »«ir- 


PrlncSBS  SUpsMi'l"  i,r  fine  nnin.snok  In  a  variety  of 
<l.iluty  ttylpM.  So.up  are  Irlniine.l  wUh  fine  Valenrlennesi 
la,.e  and  otherH  with  emhroWery.  Frlces.  per  K-Y"'-'"'- 
ranwe   from   $.1.00   up  to    l|ll.i.50 

PriaoaSB  SUps—M^de  of  a  fine  nainsook.  The  Rklrt  has 
.,  flounre  of  fine  SwlHa  embroidery,  and  the  corset  cover 
'i„i«  •.  yoke  of  embroulp-ry.  flnl.shmi  with  la.-o  ''''^''t^yf 
and    ribbons.      Per   jBrarm«nt    .    jpz.-.» 

Dorset  Covers— Made  of  fine  nalnFOck  and  <ammi<-.  There 
„rp  v.niouK  -styles  to  <-hoo.«ie  from,  trimmed  with  Valen- 
rlPnnes  lace,  Imitation  Irish  lacc  and  embroidery.  Spe- 
ilal  value,  per  garment   5"<^ 

David  Spencer,  Limited- 

Boys'  Suits— 100  at  Saving  Prices 


T MERE  is  not  a  single  snit  in  this  lot  that  is  not  worth  far 
more  than  we  are  asking  for  them  today,  and  every  one 
of  them  are  new  goods  for  spring  and  summer  vvear.  Our 

buyer  made  a-vcry  fortunate  hit  when  he  secured  this  lr)t  and  we 

are  offering  you  the  benefit  of  this  lucky  purchase. 

Tweeds  in  light  weights  are  the  nialcricd>  and  the  most  popular 
colors  are  the  greys,  greens  and  browns,  but  we  have  others 
to  choose  from.  Sizes  range  from  23  to  3^^  a"tl  will  fit  boys 
up  to  the  age  of  16.  The  styles  are  double-breasted  and  Nor- 
tolk  and  von  can  have  bloomer  or  idain  trousers  with  any  suit, 
but  the  bloomer  trousers  will  cost  you  25c  more  than  the 
prices  quoted.  An  extra  pair  of  trousers  to  match  the  suit 
may  be  had  al  a  co.?t  of  about  $1.00  e.Ktra  Price,  per^^^!^ 
S,^50.   $3.25,   $3.00   and $2.75 

$1.00  VALUE  ;FOR  75<  ON  WEDNESDAY 

All  now  models  and  two  shades  of  green  and  bl^ck  to  choose 
irrun,  'I'his  will  give  you  an  opportunity  to  get  the  boy  a  full 
ouliil  at  a  very  moderate  cust.  There  are  only  a  few  dozen  O^f 
these  hats  and  if  a  low  price  combined  with  an  excellent  quality 
is  an  inducement,  there  should  be  many  ready  purcliasers  for 
them,  so  shoj^  early.     All  one  price ....75^ 

Men's  Underwear  and  Shirts 

Men's  BWrt*  »ad  I»r»w«wi~Th«8e  are  In  natural  merino  and  are  a  Ught 
wplKht  for  Sprln.K  ah'i  Summer  wear.  There  are  all  «Ijwm»  froni  »4  to  n 
ln'8to<-k  anrl  the  quality  Is  harii  to  beat  even  at  a  much  hl(th*T  >rtce.  Thoy 
have  a  soft  ^Udah  aM  will  not  IrH^t*  your  sWn.  Per  «r»rm«nt  to- 
day  • . .    .V  ......  .."• '■ ..»<►♦  ► 

Oambrio  o»«»a*  ■»irt»-*-Th«iie  are  In  a  plain  blua  and  have  a  Jo"*'  ***{*V^.a 
A  separate  lounre  ooJIftr  is  supplied  with  each  shirt,  and  ttre  c«Ma  JJJf  *2j^' 

i        double  style     AU  •ti«ii  are  ^lere  at,  jwr  garment ..^LPfr^- 
XaxMrlaMI    CMliMt*    OttUa*    »»rt».-.a«|wrat«    lounge   coHara^  *-'^..,W^^ 
with  thews  •h»rte.  and   the  siaevea^r*   flnlsho.1   wfth  *  ••^J^WJMfflt 
I         All  atwsB  ssrv ■»»«»r«-»it  »  *««-«-«r»(r  ««»  «.j«»i»  .-»»*».•  ->~"--yi ' —  ..-,-»■,— r- 
-pj/kxA  a9«  OBUtala  litkw-  ^Vlth  aof t  fronta,  cojjiar.  Ww»4.  atarohwd 
^oH.tT    The*'  afe  t«Lt  cOft*  "h-n-jafM  coin*  In  a  varl«ty  ot  Hfht 

fancy   atrtpaa,     AW  „*»»(«. ,  .P»C-  W»^aiu»x. ,.-, »^  .,»...**..».•  ."»^ 

Oaiahrlo  Outlat  •»ri»t»— In  plain  blue.     th«»6  hava   soft  revenrtM^ 
y    aod  »on  ouffii.     AiH  i»l«»  «««*  h*^  »«•  f^*"  gatmaat 





..^rS.- '..''•■■  t;f;.I«.-aV.'-.  . 

Wedno*d«y>    February    ZB,    IVTW 

vicrroiuA  uaii^i   ^ui.tjr«  lai 


-^•-^  i^^  .■'a^m. 






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iVlilT  »*»Al] 












_  Ihe  Canadian  Northern  Railway 

The  PAGIFIC'PROPERTIES  LIMITED  has  purchased  large  holdings  in  the  Town- 
ship of  Port  Mann  from  the  Canadian  Northern  Railway.     These  properties  will 


H  fn  fhp  niihlir  for  the  first  time. 



T^r\T^  -r  \/f  \  TS.TTS.T  has  been  before  the  public  for  the  past  two  years  and  during  that  time  the  ^reat  interests  back  of  it  have 
FOR  1  MAIN  IM  been  perfecting  their  plans  for  its  future.  Not  only  has  a  large  portion  of  the  railway  been  constructed 
between  Port  Mann  and  Edmonton,  but  also  the  townsite  itself  has  been  cleaa^ed  and  laid  out  as  a  model  city.  Wharves  have  been  built;  a 
large  hotel  is  under  construction  and  other  buildings  have  been  started. 

.r^  4  11.T  4  T^x  4  TVT  TV  Ti^T^  O^T  TT7"0  IVT  CX_jrM3C  A  definite  statement  has  been  made  by  the  Vice-President 
CANADIAN  JN  UK  1  JrirLKiN  OrlUr  O  of  the  C.  N.  R.  that  the  coast  terminal  and  repair  shops  will 
be  located  at  Port  Mann,  and  with  the  development  of  the  mountain  sections,  will  quickly  enlarge  until  they  rival  the  present  ^hops  at  Winni- 
peg which  employ  nearly  3,000  hands  and  support  a  population  of  15,000  people. 

^j^^.-..  ^^y  jl"  A  rr<jr\^\J  OC  AAA  Win^in  ^^  «hort  time  I^ort  Mann  will  have  a  population  of  25,000  people,  supported  not  only 
1  Ox  U  L>A  1  lUiN  dOy\)\J\)  by  the  pay  roll  of  the  C.  N.  U.,  but  by  other  hirge  industries,  some  of  which  have  already  se- 
cured desirable  siles.  Tbe  future  of  this  Western  city  can'only  be  limited  by  the  development  of  Western  Canada.  Back  of  it  lies  the  re- 
sources of  the  entire  country,  and  in  front  is  the  ocean  highway  of  commerce  to  the  Orient,  also  to  Eastern  America  and  the  Continent  ot 
P^urope  via  the  Panama  Canal. 
THE  HOLDINGS  of  the  Pacific  Properties,  Ltd.,  offer  you  every  facility  for  selecting  the  best  that  the  townsite  contains. 




Wm.  McBain,  President;     H.  L.  Johnson,  Managing  Director j  t  E.  A.  MacKenzi& 


'.■.',uwfiiTtS>.4.  III!  .iiyiiiMiW' 

TV  *  -TT-xr 

V^  V-»  X^  *_»  A  »  A«s^  A 

W«dn«»day,    February    28,    1912 



Mig    HIU    X.ln«r    MaUhr    Oood    Fass»ff« 

AcroRS  Pacific — Win  Have  Sec- 

ord  Cargo  for  Far  Bait 



Jai^auM*  BtMuner  WIU     DUobarffa     937 

Tona   of    Oanaral   Oarfo    at   tb« 

Outer  Wharf  Tomorrow 

The  steunier  Minnesota  ul  ilui  Great 
Northern  Conipany  reiibrts  from  sea 
by  wireless  that  she  will  rf'^jfh  Smttle 
tomorrow  from  the  OrK'iit.  The  hiff 
Ktcamer  lett  Yokohama  on  Keljruury 
16th,  and  is  making  a  fast  run.  The 
liner  is  bringing:  as  i)art  of  her  cargo 
SSO  bales  of  raw  silk,  a  big  shipment 
of  silk  goods,  and  other  jn-odiicta  ot 
the  Orient  in  lesser  (tuantlty.  Bhe  has 
fifty  first-cabin  i)aHsen^ers  from  ports 
in   the   Far   Kast   bound   for  this 

Thi'  steamer  is  expected  to  make  tlie 
liassage  from  Yokohama  in  a  little 
over  thirteen  da>s,  which  will  doubt- 
less, as  usual,  be  heralded  from  Seattle 
as  the  fastest  time* made  across  the 
f'acific,  although  the  schedule  of  the 
Empresses  allows  them  a  twelve  day 
tri  p.  and  the  Empress  of  Tjppan  eleven 
years  ago  made  the  irii)  in  10  days  10 

The  Mlnaesotn  will  ISreak  all  record  J 
■ujith  hor  outward  cargo.  On  _her  Isi'i^C 
trip  the  steamer  took  17,122  tons, 
mostly  flour.  The  South  China  Morn- 
ing Post  of  Hongkong,  speaking  of  the 
big  imports  of  flour,  says: 

The  steamship   Minnesota  has   just 

Wtiit     ;i:ti     tons    of    gen»ral    uuiko     lo 

diHcliurge    at    ilie    outer    wharf    and    -- 

puSGongers    to  debark   hcri-   the   Japanese 

steamer  Awa  Maru  of  the  Nippon  Yustii 

kalaha,     Cant.     Iriaawa,     will    reach     ihf 

j  outer    wharf    ton)orrow    from    Honskonp 

1   nnil    the    u.suul    port    ^^f    call    in    the    l'"ar 

i    Kast.     Jhti  Japanese  steamer   left   Yoko- 

on     l-'ebruary     i4tli.         She    has    a 

CHrgo    of    gentral    freight,    hiclud- 

blg  shipment  of  raw  sUk. 


lU).;    ii 




I  steamer  Maude  Take*  Supply  of  liquid 
i  Fuel    for    Boecowltz    Conipany 

I  Veeael 

1  The  Steamer  Maadc.  of  the  B.  C 
i  Marine  Railway  Company,  came  from 
'  iiJsqulmalt  yeptwrday  to  take  on  a  ship- 
ment of  fuel  oils  for  the  steamer  ^|en- 
turc  of  the  BoseowUz  Steamship  Com- 
j>ony,  which  Is  belnjf  eciulpped  Willi  oil- 
burning  apparatus  at  Ksuuimult.  It  Is 
sxpscted  the  work  i_wnL,_^be  comnlated 
about  the  end  of  the  wtsek,  and  the  Ven- 
ture is  scheduled  to  aall  ffir  jthe  north 
on  Wednesday  next.' 



brought  to   Hongkong   510,000   hags  of  nnnrroT 

sSii&Br.    ni'>re    thHr  millloaii*tL;.*.  rUn    ilUbtni 

;"ftBl$tn,  each  one  epui  lUiv  p-raipi 

of  the  PHPtnl  i4MllMP4Hit^^  ^^  '  •  i^n 
that  fiftv  pouiiiir^W'^'Ifeui'  l"  """■'' 
si\t\-t\No  and  qJipjHMff  one-potmd 
loaves  of   bread 


calculation  shows  iKp-  ?»!WI^3!fL- 
signmei|,^^^^^glA  reprewnW 



chatted  »nd  cUstrlbuted  ti>^tM'4w<|r'M4 

one-half  million  unfortunate 
who  arc  daid  to  be  starving  in  C 
I'hina,  there  would  be  nearly  s^^tiKli 
tf'on  loaves  for  each"  ^)f  them.  Then, 
If  the  sacks,  which;  are  tuo  feet  in 
length,  were  stretched  in  a  long  im- 
ipossible  line  there  would  be  193  miles 
of  the  canvas-inclosed  cereal. 

'•The  question  naturally  arises,  where 
is  all  of  this  flour  going?  A  well- 
known  Hongkong  mercJiant  says  that 
much  of  the  flour  recently  imported  is 
intended  for  those  ports  in  the  Philip- 
pines wliich  are  not  regularly  visited 
by  the  large  transpacific  liners,  as 
well  as  for  Indo- China,  Slam  and  the 
Straits  Settlements. 

"In  the  course  of  a  few  weeks  a 
million  and  a  quarter  bag.?  of  flour 
have  come  to  Hongkong.  The  Xu- 
ceric  alone   brought   200,0111  I 

one  of  the  Blue  Funnel   n    ■  ,"' 

bags.    Then  the  Kumerlc  is  due  to  ar- 

rieet  of  SmoU  rreiffhtara  Xiandlng  Car* 
.    goea   at  the    Outer   Wharf    for 
SlUpmeut  to    Orient. 


A  fleet  of  small  frelKhter.*;  ha--  l.<  rn 
busy  during  the  past  few  <i  is  -  a'-sfmbl- 
tns;.<v  tftrgc  ahlpnifi»$^  ,^im    l»errinjsr 

ililinrr  Rot 

vivt?  Very 

....i-t—    ^-li-U     OAn  AAA     V*o# 

is  gratifying  to  learn  that  the  demand 
is  still  very  active  and  that  importers 
are  not  likely  to  have  stocks  on  their 
hands  very  long." 

w  IulIi  is  to  come 
f    about      "'  01 

complete  h*  n 

the  Onri  \i  11   iL 

Co      The  '''\'"'^' 

the    highest    charter  id    to    any 

vessel  fixed  for  the  .  .;  .  ,  iclflc  trade. 
The  steamer  Clansman  discharged  a 
ciirgo  of  herring  from  Nanalmo  yester- 
day, and  the  steamer  British  Columbia, 
which  brought  a  cargo  from  Ketchikan 
has  returned  nortti  afttr  coaling  at  Lady- 
sinlth  lo  bring  another  load.  The  Celtic, 
whicli  discharged  n  cargo  on  Sunday  is 
expected  back  from  Nanalmo  today  Willx 
more  herring,  and  the  cian.sman  Is  to 
come  as^in  with  a  cargo. 



McMillan's      f'orner,     Ont. 
"Your    remedy    I-Yuit-a-ilves    le    »    Pb""- 
fect     punacpa     for     Rlifuinatlsm.  Kor 

ynars  I  sufrere<»  dlslredslnK  pains  from 
Sciatic  Rhtuuiatlsm,  being  laid  up  sev- 
eral limes  a  year,  and  not  being  able 
to  \\-ork  at  anything.  I  went  to  dif- 
ferent doctors  who  told  me  there  was 
no    use    doing    anything:    it    would      pa*' 

RWUJ  . 

Kortunately.  about  two  years  ago,  I 
got   "Frult-a-tiveB."   and    they    cured   iii«-. 

Since  then  I  take  them  occasionally 
and  keen  free  ot.  pain.  I  an\  s«ti»»ed 
that  ■"Krult-a-tiveB"  cured  me  of  Rheu- 
matism and  they  will  cure  anyone  who 
takes    them."    JOHN     B.    McDONALD. 

Rheumatism,  Sciatica  and  Lumbago 
are  caused  by  Uric  Acid— a  poisonous 
substance  formed  as  a  result  ot  acid 
tndlg«HHon  and  imnurlties   In   the  blood. 

••Frudt-a-iives"  or  Intensined  fruit 
juices,  Is  the  greatest  blood  purifying 
medicine   In    the    world. 

"Frult-a-tlvea"  keeps  the  whol©  sys- 
tem free  of  uric  acid  and  will  always 
cwre  Rheumatism   In   every   form. 

60c.  a  box.  6  for  12.50.  or  trial  size, 
2oc.  At  all  dealers  or  sent  T>n""P«-l'* 
on  receipt  of  price  by  Frult-a-tlves 
Limited.    Ottawa, 


T\KF  NOTICE  that  the  Corporation  of  the  City  of  Victoria  intends  to  pass  a  local  improvement  assessment  bylaw  for  each  of  the 
undennentioned  streets,  assessing  upon  the  properties  in  the  schedules  hereinafter  mentioned  the  sums  of  money  for  the  length  of  time 
set  opposite  each  lot,  as  follows 

Constructing  a  Permanent  Cement  Sidewalk  on  the  North  Side  of  Herald  Street,  from  Government  Street  to  Store  Street 

Name    of    Owner. 

I'arshalle,  MiHS  G.  M.   M.    

Parahalle,  Miss  G.  M.   M.    .  .  • 

I'alnter,   Jhmk-h   K    ...-. 

McMrum    J^slate    

Mellor,   Oeoige 

Xagano,    Manzo     

Lim   IJat 







J  i. 



Italo  Per 

Ten  Years 

Tl.  10  Vra. 

11,    I'ront 


An.   Pay't. 

An.  Payt 



t87   20 

%    23    10 

1   231   00 


187   20 

23    10 

231   00 



187   20 

23    10 

231  on 



1S7   20 

I    83    10 

231   00 



IS7   20 

23    10 

231   00 



187   20 

23   10 

231   00 


187   20 

r    23   10 

•    831   00 

City's  Share 

;i310   40 
6r-5   45 

$1965    85 

1181    70 

11617   00 




80  Says  Doctor  B.  X*.  BoUer  the  Phys- 
ician   Wrestler   .and    Trainer    of 





Kornelen  Damaged  on  "Woyngo  to   Auck- 
land— French  Bark  Max  Is  Asbors 
on    Chilian    Coast 

Advices  from  Auckland  report  con- 
siderable damage  to  the  Norwegian 
steamer  Hornelen,  which  arrived  there 
recently  from  the  North  Pacific.  _  The 
Hornelen  lost  part  of  her  deckload 
(luring  the  vo>  —  were 

broken.      Thei.  t,'c    tO' 

her  decks.  '  "    . 

Several  other  ve.ssels,  well  known 
here,  are  in  the  casualty  lists.  The 
I'rench  bark  Max,  with  which  the 
County  of  Linlithsrow.  which  arrived 
here  recently,  had  a  race  to  Chili,  is 
reported  ashore. 

Advices  to  lK)na6ii  rcpdrt  the  Max 
ashore  at  Point  Monte,  near  Christo, 
Talcahuano.  i  Under  da  te  of  February 
17  the  vessel  was  reported  in  a  diffi- 
cult position  and  assistance  was  sent  to 
her  from  Talcahuano.  The  Max  is  well 
known  at  this  port  and  is  best  remem- 
liorcd  for  a  recent  race  with  the  €hH- 
<an  ship  County  of  Linlithgow  from 
the  Sound  to  the  West  Coast. 

P.oth  vessels  left  Tacoma  in  August 
lor  Valparaiso.  The  County  of  I.4in- 
lithgow  left  August  IS  and  arrived  at 
A'alparaiso  October  2G,  after  a  passage 
of  69  days.  The  Linlithgow  has  since 
returned  to  the  Sound  and  is  loading 
lumber  in  British  Columbia. 

The  Kosmos  liner  .Salati.-?.  whose  t^^l" 
lision  with  the  British  .steamer  Ramsey 
niis  previously  reported,  was  con- 
siderably damaged.  Her  plates  were 
(himagod  15  feet  below  the  water-line 
;ind  .she  reached  Hamburg  with  20 
feet  of   water   in   N'o.   4  hold. 

From  San  Juan,  under  date  of  Feb- 
rtiary  7.  was  reported  the  steamer 
Portland,  now  en  route  from  Norfolk 
to  San  Francisco  v,'ith  coal.  The  Port- 
land put  In  at  San  Juan  with  disabled 
machinery.  She  repaired  and  proceed- 
ed   three  days  later. 



'•Zbyszko  can  throw  any  man  in  the 
worldN  I  believe  he  will  obtain  two 
straight  falls  from  Frank  Gotch,  the 
champion,  if  th?y  ever  meet.  But  I 
don't  think  they  will  ever  meet,  for 
I  think  Gotch  IS  afniid  10  meet  Zbyezko 
on  the  mat." 

In  those  words  of  high  praise.  Dr. 
BL  F.  Roller,  the  physician  of  Seattle, 
Washington,  who  has  been  the  victim  of 
Zbyszko's  strength  and  .skill  at  least 
twice,  and  one  of  Gotch's  tifilners.  durr 
Ing  the  champion's  training  for  Hacken- 
schmidt.  recently  told  in  an  Interview 
his  opinion  of  the  relative  merits  of  the 
great    wrestler. 

Is  Just  as  ponderous  and  bulky  nn.l 
•■.>«»5{>2;»»  -  •»*(^--.f>gllUy  -fif  -  «-  na.nthftr." 
said  Roller.  "He  wears  his  adversary's 
strength  out  during  the  first  30 
minutes  or  so  of  work  in  a  finish  bout 
and  then  proceeds  to  stretch  him  out 
on  the  mat.  He  knows  all  the  wrinUl<>s 
of  the  game  and  this,  conflhsd  witli  lis  | 
great  sKill,  makes  jjim  Invincible." 

I .,  '        th.Tu     one  worn 

.    story  of.  the  dif- 
I  I  ruction  between  a 

lUgh-grade,  nijrh-prlced  and  high 
powered  car,  and  those  built 
sell  lit  a  low  first  cost.  The 
strain  of  gear  shifting,  the  jar  of 
road  shocks  and  the  stress  of 
Uraki-  wtvk  besins  to  tell  on  cheap 
,  i.u  .nu-e,       the    deduction 

js,    I  iiiiui      '.\'ho      waniM      a 

:i'. .:■•.■■,-■.  ■    ■< 

liimll'I'ii  I  •  ■' 

buy"   Is   a  '■' 

that  has   b>  •  ;  - 

tory  Wh^e  it  W€is  originally  made. 

cars  of  different  makes  and 
models,  including  the  Wlnton  Six, 
Packard.  Peerless.  National,  Chal- 
mcr»-  Cartllac  and  Bulck,  both 
toiJring  cars  and  roadsters,  some 
only  slightly  used  and  all 
Ished,  overheuled  and  guar 
at  prices  eqiiallns  only  oni 
or  one-half  their  original 
i,,  ice.  Write  us  for  Sprln; 
_.,in  Sheet. 

1  of In- 



Wlnton  Motor 
Car  Co. 

1000     PIKE     ST.,     SEATTLE,     VTu. 

Constructing  Boulevards.  Curbs  and  Gutters  on  Both  Sides  of  Queen  Si Avenue,  from  Douglas  Street  to  Blanchard  Avenue 

Rate  Per                               Ten  Years       Total  Ten  Yrs' 

"ijj[flJi'^JlM«aBj™aB^B™B'    lil,,L  ,,^™mei^,           »e.Rtlon         |^'eeL  Front         Front  Foc^iiH^^Total     An'l.  Payment  An'l.  Payment 

De    Carteret,    Eleanor    ., ^!w^lr^       .\            '^'^.'C»W>iniav«nn                    5A                         S8>4                           fil   70                  7  60  76   00 

McCandless    George    -^-^^l^^^r^^^i^m^f^^SSf^^^^^^^^l^.Z.S^^^^^^        ss'i          HS^-J^flOS  26               13  00  130  00 

Sayward.  Joseph  A :^iT;7:n^^/-;'^"'*^»r^'^.^i^^^'l'"-'?:'ra5^                                WnlajBo»«  ..,,,55;^^r--w^        8S|,        ,^,^-^92^0              1.  jv  *-^  ^^ 

Oelgfer.  Mrs.  KHz.  M 8                      B                           i-iniayson                   30                        kS'-l                          26  45                 3  26  82  50 

Quinn., Miss  Mary    J^P*- '               ^^                         Flnlayson                  80                        SS'^MM^"          36  45                 3  25  32  50 

Lee&^ra«er  wnt  9              '^»                        Flnlayson                  %&                       SS^A^^^^.          13  20                 160  16  00 

Lee&Fraser  WPt.j                     ^                         Kjmayson                '^y^f/.^                8«^n                          39  65                 4  90  49  00 

Lee  AFfaser.., .............  V i^-V^-* J gJalMTOW          ...^^■/^>.             W^ •  .M  M  -...^^-.^g  60  «5  00 

McCandless.  <^^^Si^S«'V,.-i^...,                                  ".                   »                  ^ "^^SS    -""^^^T^^^      " 'St'               ^^^^^^^^^^'60  66  00 

■^^obertson.  Miss  Christina «            ^"SM;                       Finlayson                  CO                       SB^                        53  86                6  50  65  00 

Cavln.  George  W    ,<g_^  j^f^m^                  Finlayson                   60                        88 %                          62  85                 6  50  ^5  00 

emberton,FB >\,#r'  .              '^iJfe^-tV^P^^                   Finlayson                    60                         881*                           62  85                  6  50  65  00 

K.Uh,  Anne  Jane   ^s^          ^       B                           Finlayson                    60                         8S1,                           B2  85                  6  50  65  00 

K.ith.  Anne  Jane SJf/                   3                           Finlayson              ■      6°           -  ^,..-„..!g;^-  — ..-;           "  85  ^                6  60  65  00 

1  $1634.18 

Constructing  a  Permanent  Sidewalk  on  the  North  Side  of  Simcoc  Street,  between  St.  Lawrence  Street  and  Dallas  Road 

Name  of  Owner 

Dominion   Government 

Dominion  Government    .' 

Dominion  Government    . • 

.lames,    Fred • "  •  *- 

McLeod,    "         A.    .............  • ••• 

lllncks,   1.  ,1     W. ..-. 

Tliompson.    Martin 

Aden.    J.   and   W.    JX  -    - •  • 

Maynard  &  Stockham' 

Maynpd   &  Stockham    , 

Cl^'s  Share 








;       1434 


^  '.".K. 

1  i:!S 

1 437 






Beckley  Farm 

Bccklcy  Farm 

Beckley  Farm 

Beckley  Farm 

Bfckley  Farm 

Beckley  Farm 

Beckley  Farm 

BeokTey  Farm 

jseckiey  Farm 

Beckley  Farm 

Rate   Per 

Feet  Front  Foot  Front 


Ten    Yrs      Total    10    Yr.-i. 
An'l.  Paym't  An'l.  Paym't. 











<  'If 




60    1 













♦  ' 

1  1 




$106  20 

106  20 

106  :iO 

lOG  20 

106  20 

06  20 

OG  20 

106  20 

106  20 

106  20 

$1062  00 

263  42 

$13  10 
13  10 
13  10 
13  10 
13  10 
13  10 
13  10 
13  10 
13  10 
13  10 

$131  00 

$131  00 

131  00 

131  00 

131  00 

131  00 

131  00 

131  UO 

131  00 

131  no 

131  00 

$1310  00 

$1325  42 


Permanent  Sidewalk  on  the  West  Side  of  Third  Street,  from  Hillside  Avenue  to  Market  Street,  and  on  the  South  Side  of 

Market  Street,  from  Third  Street  Westerly  to  the  West  line  of  Lot  188 

Constructing  a 

How  I  Can  Say  I  Am  Cured 

After  Taking  Gin  Pills 

Brldgcvillc.    .\.S. 

"For  iwiiUy  years  1  have  been  troub- 
led with  Kidney  and  Bladder  Trouble, 
and  have  been  treated  by  many  doctors 
but  found  little  relief,  t  had  given  up 
all  hope  of  getting  cured  when  1  tried 
Gin  Pills.  Now,  I  can  .say  with  a  happy 
heart,  that  T  iim  cured  after  u,«lnK  four 
!io;:.-.".  (if  GIN  PILbS." 


.lust  think  of  it!  Four  boxes  of  Gin 
Pills  cured  Mr.  I^rascr — and  he  had 
suffered  for  twenty  y^ars  and  he  hriil 
bt-en  treated  by  doctors  too.  It  is  ju»<t 
such  as  his.  wliich  prove  the 
power  of  Gin  Pills  to  ctire  Kidney  :ind 
Bladder  Tiroubie;  Burning  Urine,  Sup- 
pression or  Incontinence  of  the  Urine. 
Buckaclie,  itbeumatlsm.  Sciatica  and 
Lumbago.  Try  Gin  Pills  on  our  positive 
guarantee  of  a  cure  or  your  money  baclt. 
50c.  a  bo.x,  6  for  $2.50.  Sample  frci?  if 
you  write  National  Drug  &  Clu-micHl  Co. 
of  Canada,  L,lmlied,  Dept.  \  1  ,  To- 

C.  S.  Whiting 


Xl-13.    PBOMIS 
Phone  1100 


\Vo  to  list  TOUn  prop- 
erty. We  have  ennuirles  for  good 
central  business  property,  city 
AMterfront  lots,  vacant  city  lots- 
all  ixirts — houses  from  $2500  to 
$10.0011,    trackage    property,   ranch 

1  1.    i  .:  i    111       IfllUlH. 

Name  of  owner. 

Wark,  John  H.    

lUscott,  John  W.  and  Wm.  D. 
Hoscott,  John  ^y.  and  W'^^l>. 
Williams,  J; > 
TTelmcken  &  l"''i'__ 
liolmcken  «  FormI 

City's  share 


Ttl.   10  Yrs. 

An.  Pay't 

$  174.50 








Give    us 
tciins    «Vt 

prices   and 


Member     K»»l     Estate     Exchange 

Constructing  a  Permanent  Sidewalk  on  Both  bides  Ot  untann  otrccx, 

UCtWCCll    lYlUimccil    w»v«-»-»-v    n>*u 

Motorist    Was    Atnclonn    to    Attend    TWar- 
I    in*   Xiecture   Until   He   Fonncl   Sules 
AppUed  Only   at   Sea 

t''apt.  J.  T.  Walliran  of  tlie  marine 
department  delivered  another  lecture 
to  navigators  and  others  at  the  post 
office  building  last  night.  The  svibject 
taken  by  the  lecturer  wan  "The  Rule 
of  the  Road  at  Sen."  With  the  of 
a  .  blackboard  and  many  diagrams, 
("apt.  Walbran  continued  his  Interest- 
ing talk  on  the  rales  for  guidance  of 

When  thf  subject  of  thn  h-cture  was 
nnnounoert  yesterday  Cnijt.  Walbran 
was  approached  by  a  well  known 
motoriJBt,  who  wanted  to  know  if  there 
was  any  objection  to  his  attendance 
!.t  thf  lecttrre. 

"Oh.  no,'^  saltl  Captain  Walbran, 
•the  lectur??!  are  public,  you  know." 

'/I'm  glad,"-  said  the'  motoric,  "for  I 
want  M  be  ireJl  posted  "n  t*»  rules  ..r 
the  ToatL^  --    • 

"The««  «re  the  rules  of  the  rond  — 
ai    .•*%,'•   said    Citftt.   Walbran.  , 

roh."  said  the  mwtor  driver,  and  hp 
crflnWNJ  lip  hi"  m*eh!rte. 


Road  and 



Pli'.itogrnphlc    supplies.    The    same 
reliable      goods,      same    prices,    at 

Maynard's    Photo 
Stock   House 

716   Pandora    8tra«t. 
Agent    for   Jack.ton    Motor  Car. 

X«nii'     fif    onniT  Sub-Div. 

"MoLean,  Donald 

McLean.  Donald     ^ 

Elf ord,   Theo    

Elford.  Mary  H 

Kermode.    F ^ 

I<:iworthy.  F „ 

*li:iworthy,  F.  -. "^ 

Dey,  W.  Oscar    ^ 

Dey,  W.  Oscar    

FOOtC.    Capl.     J.     C TT     r^orf 

Noble,  Wilson   ';■  P*" 

Baker,  George    ^--  P^'^^ 

Nicholson.  Bridget  W •  ■       '^^'^  ^'^^^ 

Barbour,    William    

Gosse,    Joslah 

Moffatt,  R 

Hall.    Frank    

Sparks.  Thomas   

City's   Share 

^  1337 
1326-S   1,134-6^ 
1326-8   1334-6' 
1326-8    1334-6 
1326-8   1334-6 




219. 2fi 




Watch  the  value*  rls'e  here  m-xt 
month  as  soon  aS  the  paving  oper- 
ations start.  We  have  some  ol 
the  finest  lots  in  this  choice  local- 
ity quoted  lower  than  the  pretteHl 
market  price.  Let  us  show  them 
to  you. 


Hutier    and    Kenrny    Streets 

San  Francisco 


An  up-to-date  modern  fire  proof 
hotel  of  2S0  rooms.  taking  the 
place  of   the  old   Occidental   Hotel 

anrl    blrk    Mouse  ^ 

Baropaan     Flan — $1.90     per     Pay 

and    T7p. 

Take  Any  Taxlcab  from  the  Ferry 

nt    the    Fxpense   of    the   Hotel. 

Gradin     and  Rock  Surfacing  Fell  Street,  from  Oak  Bay  Avenue  to  LeightonRoad.  and  Constructing  Permanent  Sidewalks  of  Concrete  on 

Both  Sides  of  said  street,  with  Curbs,  Gutters  and  Boulevards 

Wekh  Bros.  &  Co. 

1006  OorammcBt  Straat 


Keating's  Powder  KiRs  Bt^s 

To  tight  every  lonn 
of  ineeot  life  use 
]^AMt4ncr'«t  pfiwdwr. 
None  otibier  hi  00  uni- 
formly reliable —yet 
it  ia  odorleae  end 
fftctinliMHi  and  harm- 
ful only  to  inaeot  life.  Made  by 
Thomea  Keating,  in  JliOndon,  Bnar- 
land.    Sold  by  aai  druffffists.         *.., 

In  tins  only  :  lOa.^  SOc^  86e.    - 

Name  of  Owner 

narllr.K.   John  C  and  Lena.. 

Dandridgc,  W.  J 

Slater.    Thomas   H 

Slater.    Thomas   H 

Deakin,   O.   K 

Slater.    Thomas    H 

Slater,    Thomas    H 

Slater.    Thomas   H 

Sanburn,    Robert   N 

City   of   Victoria ■ 

City    of   Victoria 

Slater,   Thomas    H 

Blatcr,   Thomas    H 

Harrison.    Churles    H 

Slater,    Thomas    H 

impey.   Louis    

SlHter,    Thomas    H 

Slater,     Thomns    H 

Slater.    Thomas    H 

T^.-v.--     WilUBm     

Stoddart.    Harah    A 

Stoddart.    Sarah    A 

City's  snare. 







Feet  Front 

per  Fool 







$7   0S% 

$   743  192 



Fern  wood 


7   0SV4 

354   25 





7   08 '/4 

354   25 

$  47   78 





7   08% 

364   23 

47   78 





7   08% 

354   25 





7   08V4 

354   25 





7   08% 

354   25 

47  78 





7   08% 

354  35 

47  It 





7   08% 

354   2S 





7   08% 

S54   3S 

47  78 





7   08% 

743  92 

47  78 





7   08% 

743  n 

47  78 





7   08% 

334   25 

47  78 





7   08% 

354   25  ■■ 

47  78 





7  «S% 

3St  25 





7   08% 

384  2S 





7   08% 

164  35 

47  78 




7   08% 

354   i% 

47   78 





7  08% 

354  2S 

47  ft 





7  08% 

354  » 


„  rt 

*    i*o»# 

«K}   .««.. 






■♦,  <'»»»- 






7   08% 

74»  ta 


I   743   92 
S54   25 

402  03 

403  03 
ZBi  25 
«64  25 
402  08 
«02  n 
t&4  26 
«02  03 
*Si  7m 


•02  4i 

S5*  2fi 
«03  03 
4(19  03 
4()3  03 
IM  £ft 

Ten  Years' 



I     91  7fi 

43  70 

49  <0 

49  CO 

43  70 

43  70 
49  «0 
49  •• 

4?  n 

4»  40 
17  U 
9?  4» 

4»  40 

4ft  00 

44  70 

43  7(1 
4»  40 

{»  «e 

4t  44 


Tv»  Tfcars* 



«      917  BO 

497  00. 

494  «0 
494  00 
437  «0 
414  00 

>««  f » 

•f4  to 

♦     4I«,#» 


»  4  •  »  «'•«  *  *'«  h*  i-'*  '«  *>  4  '•  |i*>  <k  ^wt 

Rate  per 


Ten  Yrs. 

Ttl.  10  Trs.              i 

Ft.  Front. 

Ft.  Front. 




An.  Pay't.                ' 


.01  1-3 



67.50                    1 


.91  1-3 

$  54.80 





.91  1-3 










.91  1-3 





.91  1-3 





.91  1-3 





.91  1-3 





.91  1-3 





.91   1-3 










.91  1-3 






.91  1-3 





.91    1-3 





.91    1-3 





.91   1-3 





.91    1-3 











■<»■  i;rtl<  jiyil  wyi»»«>iiW»«<ii«»Hl  r  «W**'«  1**''"*^"°*'"'**^''"-*'' 


',i.  \h  tJSali 


•VtdnMday,    February    88,    1912 

VHJlUJttlA      liAlLjl      Vvi^JUV^iX  1»  J. 


Gra."ung,  Draining  and  Rock  Surfacing  Mason  Street,  between  Quad  ra  Street  and  Cook  Street,  and  Constructing  Permanent  Sidewalks  on 

Name  of  Ownof  Sub-Clv.    Lot 

Trustees   St.    John's   Church V^ 

Trustees    St.    John's   Church 13 

KUlott.   Thomas    14 

Exton,    Betsy    la 

Hlbben,  Janet  P '" 

Davey,   Miss   Georgia   L. '  ^ 

Davey.   Miss'Georgle   L  18 

,Wa«g,  J.  W  18 

Ryan,   Helen    E  19 

Glrton.    Raiikln  19 

Wilson,  Mrs.   Penelope  J ''^^ 

Fox.    George    T -^ 

Bishop    of   Vancouver   Island »... 

Powell,   H.   E '8 

FowJK  H.   E .•^jAij-^g-,1,111  nil         ^ '' 

McKeowii,     I'^anriy     -'.  13 

McLacliHii.    Clara    .<..>. 12 


i^apKo,   mizaoetn" 

Arnall.    Th'omas   J| ___, 

Merryman,    Peter    nBHHBMMBn^...-,'  ''atfMjMjB^^    -^ 

Haf  er,   Lu.Uvlg  -, .  !^^^I!S?M: ....  ^^^^r  ^    8 

Wilson,     Ella''  J... , .  .,f,.. Pt    7 

Maynard,  James  ' •  ^^MSS^fS^'MB)^''* ''•. '. '  ■'   -ii^ilsjiMiai^^^ 

Schlumberger,  Emmanuet, .SiW^**ai*Vj|;2*:.  ;.  ,       ;;:.££.' 

Schlumberger.  Emmanuel 

.    SclUuTtili«'^i^^^gj^(!t^)^tllg^  ■■^■■■i ■£.";■■■'  l/'V  ":■', 

SchU?mbe*^8p||p|||ilii|i|l:^^  ■:"'^?'\  '  T"''.tf," 

.\M9ell)nKNiyPfl||ttli'''.  «;..>•..>.••  •;»^^^  ^It'' 

Vl^ellus,  AhtOii  .....•.>••  .^^  >••  .r*j">!*      5'^'  *? 

Bu rkhotAtf.; . MlU^^  -"'ir*  r, .  #  «.*•., iJ,*^..  .,.«,,■»  .'.-.,>  *  ■'' .  '. v '-  f-  -•  St 
"'^""°-  'lj^'li?!8iy''^f!l^  ' '  '  'J '  't'ii'.r- :  -  -'- 1' — '' '       i"'".-'    W,i>t  2i . 
''tof'iini'.i...-.i.M,if.iiii^..inii  MM ,1111  r' — IBiPt.M 

■  Ql!(|Si|8||S|te':3|i'-».<i'*V  »  *■ »  •;»  •  •  *■'■«•  ».<.•  ^»  « .» «  •  «. »  •  «P  , 

,  ;Grlmijji|pp^'ii  *>,..,. . . .  ,*  vm^^  ^*.  .■ ,  ^  ,.v. » .  *  , '  * '  *  '^  10;.  „ 

vSetKtpis^l|mte|fe^:3^  ,-4::::.:-''''  W^l^t  •*■■ 

■  Bishop  of :jTO||||«#!fs|irtia»di^^  '  "M- 
Knott,  He8ior'».v'.'.ii*:*-.  .«•■••'•••  .i. '••  ♦••  jv  N, '?'•■. 
Knott,  .Herbert  j,.  .■,■...,."...'..;..  ...*...'■,  ■..'■•«■'.'  _.'•;   -JW' 

O'Brien,  LIzBle  G.. ..... ........  '                  9 

May,  J6hn  E. . . . ." 8 

Birt.   Ewert '_                   7 

Hjbben,  James  p. j^»,wr»»"  6 

Hibben,    Janet    p. ^^&^i'  ^ 

Mellor,   Rosina -""^w'tefeft'  ^•^'•P*    * 

Hanna,   W.  J .S^hm'    4 

Mellor,   Rosina ....  ^ 

Mellor,   Rosina   ■»  - 

Moss,  Alice   pt ;  1 

:ty's  share 


Both  Sides  of  said  street 

Section  Feet  Front  per  Foot 


WarebuUDD    rrLntloc    Urpitrtiueut,    Victoria 

aEALliiJ  TK.NUt':ltH,  bupi.  i  Bi.rluea  "Ten- 
dor  lor  VVarehou*';  I'rlutliiB  Ut-Dartmunl,  Uov- 
ernment  Buildings,  Viciuriu,"  wiU  bo  reueiv- 
by  '.lie  lloii.  ilio  illnutar  or  Jl'ubllc 
Work*  ui>  lo  12  o'clock  noon,  of  Thumaiiy, 
the  iatli  day  ot  February,  1KI-,  (or  t!:o 
eitiillon  and  conipletlou  of  a  waiehoune  tor 
the  i'rlDtlnti  iJtsparlmuut,  Uoverumeai  iiulld- 
In^i,    Victoria,    B.  C. 

Plana,  Kveclficallona,  contract,  and  formii 
ot  tender  may  Uo  »eon  on  and  utter  Ihi?  L'l»t 
day  ot  February,  1!>U',  at  llie  guneral  office 
iif  the  Uepartmenl  ot  i'ubllo  WuiRa,  Parlia- 
ment  ItullJln«a.   Victoria. 

Each  proyonal  niuat  be  accompanied  by 
an  accepted  bank  cheque  or  certificate  ot 
deposit  on  a  chartered  bank  ot  Canada, 
made  payablu  to  the  lion,  the  Minls.ter  ot 
I'ubllc  Works,  tor  the  suni  of  n'O",  which 
shall  be  forfeited  If  the  party  tendering  do- 
cUno  to  enter  Into  contract  when  called  up- 
on to  do  so,  or  !J  he  fall  l9  complete  th« 
work  contracted  for.  The  cheques  or  cer- 
tificates ot  deposit  of  unsuccessful  tenderers 
will  be  returned  to  them  upon  the  executlor 
of  the  contract. 

Tenders  will  not  be  considered  unless  madn 
out  on  the  forms  supplied,  signed  with  the 
actual  signature  "f  th<«  t«n<1«rnr,  and 
closed  In   the  envelope   furnished. 

The  lowest  or  >ny.  tender  not  necessarily 
accepted.  ^ 

J.    B.    GRIFFITHS, 
PublUi  Works  Engineer. 

Department  of  Public  Work»,  Victoria.  B. 
C,  i'ebniary  20th,  1813. 

A,  E.  Christie 

Union  Bank  of  Canada 

Eatabllahed    1865 

Paid    up    Capital 

Ileet    anil    Undivided    Profits 
Total    Assets    (<>v( 

.    $4,7«:,000 

.  ta.S9i.ooa 



i^rinco  Rupert,  Hazelton.  End»rby, 

Victoria.  Vancouver   tftve  ofnr.<j, 

non  ^and    Nanalmo. 


Interest   Allowed   on    Depotita. 
A  branch  of  the  Bank  has  been   established   at   81    Tlxreadn***!* 
Ziondon,     Ear.  Where   Letters  of   Credlty''and   Drafts   payable  at 
portant  points  In  (.'anada,  and  the   United    States,    can    be 
Money   Transfers   by   cable  or   by    letter  niay  >fe  arranged. 

Clients    of    the     Hank,    when    In    LondonT  are  Invited  to  visit  the  branch. 
Information    will    be   furnished   on  all   Canadian   business  matters. 


all     Im- 
purchased,    and 

Manager  Victoria  Branch. 


Constructing  Curbs,  Gutters  and  Boulevards  on  Both  Sides  of  Vancouver  Street,  from  Humboldt  Street  to  Pandora  Street 

Name    of    Owner. 
•Munsie  William    (Est.)    ....    ■ 

Wynne,   George    •  •  - ' 

Tldbury.  Jlldb  -C.   .... 

Clay,  Janet  I...   ..... .    -  • 

Loenholm,  Dr.  L.  H. 

QuagUotti.  L.  J.  and  Mrs.   ... 

Clarke,  Robert  rP.    ... .    ...-    • 

Bolger,  James   .  - . .    .  •  •  •    •  •  ■  • 

iSimtner,   B.   J.    ,. 

Hay  Ward,  Chet-lBS  .'. 

1  lay  ward,  (pharles-  . . . .    •  • .  • 

.McQuade,   Mary  B. • 

McQuade,   Mary   E . 

McQuade.  lu.^Qt.   (E«t  )    -  ■  ■  - 

McQuade.   L.  G.    (Kst.)    

Stppln..  AsiL -B.  ..  ..  .    - 

ICakcns,  Annie  1>.    . .    ....    •• 

.loneSi-Miss  E.  H.  .......... 

iCuvercomb.  C.   H. 

\'ey.  Joan    

Vey.  Joan 

Vey,   Joan 

Berrj^inan,  Mns.  S.  A.    ..    ... 

Berry  man.   Mrs.   S.   A. 

Berryman,   Mrs.  S.  -A.    ..    ... 

Berryman,   Mrs.  S.  A.    ..    ... 

Berr^'man. -Mrs.   S.   A.    . .    — 

Kirkham,  H.  O,    . .    ...»    .... 


l)avie,   H.  A.    .i    ■  •    •  •,   •-    ••• 

John.s,   C.   C 

.Shires,  lielen  G 

llaynes,  Ernest  M 

<;fni;<-,    Oertruue 
'  i'  !'.-•■.   >  ■■■.Ttrude 
Hithet,    K.   P.    .. 
liithet.    R.   P.    .. 
Butler,  D.  J.   ... 
Beaven,   Hon. 
I'tillum,   Mrs. 
CuUum,   Mr.s. 
Moss,   Henry    .  .  . 
WhUeley.   Mrs.   J 
1'  arry, Arthur  N.    . . 
Hurt.   George   G.    .  . 
Hurl,   Amelia  E.    .  . 
J'lelHhnian,  Jacob   .  . 
I'.ige,   Walter  Finch 
laKe,   Walter  Klnch 
IVige,   Walter  Kinch 
rage,   Walter  Finch 
rage,  Walter  Finch 
I'Mge,   \y alter  Finch 
I'owcH.    Jennie   B. 
I'owell,   Jennie   B, 
Powell,   Jennie   B, 
I'owell,   Jennie   B 
Powell,   Jennie  B,  P.  M.  and  Mrs. 
Iteade,  V.  M.  and  Mrs. 
Ueade,  F.  M.  and  .Mrs. 
Keade,  F.  M.  and  Mrs. 
Keade,  F.  M.  an-\  Mrs. 
McKlnnon,  Agnes    ..., 

(•lift.   Ford 

Pen  well,   C.   T 

Levy,   Phoebe    (Eat)    , 
Bownass,   William    ... 

Luxton,  A.  P 

Cooper,    Rev.    C.    K.    .  . 

Wentworth,   EIJa 

Henna.  W.  J 

Lee   Mong  Kow 

Bossl,   Lulgi,  ct  al.    . . 



'  862 

i' K{;^^32RS^^'f ."^i^JMhrivl 












.  J^'&':.uAk.^ 




7*t?Wi^*f^'^"^ll48  &  114* 


iin  &  nrj 








I>ai  t 



Clty'a  share 

Ten  Years 

Ti;  10  Yra. 

An.  Pay t. 

An.  Pey't 

J4L76       ■ 










41. 7S 






















-     21.2b   

■      2*2-5<yiB 










■          tJO.OW 























^  t.'ukt 







50?..  50 








,  156.50 














14  9.50 


14  9.60 



14.95      , 












































i   per   secontt   dl' water  froni   the 

river,    a    tributary    ot  Courtenay 

has  BUbmlttod  to  the  Lleutenant-GoT- 
v  In  Council  a  map  or  plan  or  the  urorlC4 
by  which  It  IntendB  to  divert  the  aald  watM 
and  conduiit  It  to  the  place  whore  It  aball 
be  used  for  generatln«  electric  power 
deacrlbed    In    the    said    llcen»e». 

That  the  undertaking  of  tha  >a!&  "Wei- 
Ungton  CulUory  Company,  Limited,  as  Mt 
out  In  the  «ald  plana  is  hereby  approved, 
and  the  »ald  company  U  here'jy  ajthorizod 
to  construct  and  execute  tho  foUowlng 
works  In  accordance  with  the  plan»  and 
»pecl£lcatlon»  submitted  and  fllod  In  t.h« 
ol'tico  ot  tho  Chittt  Water  ComnUuiilunar  et 
Victoria,     vix.: — 

A— An  Impounding  dam  near  the  outlet 
of    Comux    Lalie, 

B — Lowering  the  bed  ot  Puntlcdge  r!*er 
and  tho  hereinafter  deiicrlbed  diwraion  dam 
10   an   liwroaiied    depth    of    five   tost   or   leM. 

C — A  dlveroiott  dam  ou  I'untledue  rtvei 
about  2,8U0  feet  below  tha  Impouudiug  dam 
ttUovo    described. 

D — Tho  works  neoessai?  for  tho  trans- 
mission ot  tho  uowev  generated  under  th« 
above    Ucet^es    on    and     in     tho    vlcluli>    of 

itind>     IfoiCrtiHlujf     to     .uu     wi^.u     CCTHpIisy. 

That  the  company  may  exerciise  iit  pow- 
ers wilhln  the  Cuniox  and  Nelson  l,aad  i->U- 

That  no  rfp)^**'  ►»*  r*oiilrfn1  beyond  that 
already    subscribed   and    paid   up. 

That  tho  work  shall  bo  begun  on.  or  be- 
fore tho  1st  day  of  May  next  aod  ahall  be 
completed  and  in  actual  operation  oa  or  b«- 
lore    tho    31at    December.    1818. 

With  the  proviso  thai  during  the  con- 
struction ot  tho  said  works  any  engineer 
ajipolnted  by  the  Minister  of  Land*  tor  that 
'purpose  shnil  hHva  fre^  access  to  a]l  parts 
of  The  works  tor  tlic  purjioso  of  Inspecting 
the  same  and  of  aacertainlng  that  the  con- 
struction thereof  Is  In  accordance  with  the 
plans  and  specifications  herein  referrred  to, 
and  that  the  cost  of  such  Inspection  shall 
be    paid    by    the    company. 

Dated   this  :t7th   day   of   November,   1911. 
Deputy  Clerk  of   the  Executive  CouacU. 


Vv  /^  1  ^ 

A  1. 

We  will  buy  good  farming  land  where  the  rainfall  is  suf- 
ficient, along  railroads     already  constructed     or  now  under 
^.^l^g^^ction,  that  is  >uit|W^|)r  colonizatiqn^^^^^oses. 

fcji.*- ■■■'■■■■ 

rth  Coast  lanirompany,  Limited 

■  Jjfi'ftm^ 



n  Building 

Vancouver,  B.  C. 


GanJUl  (authorized)  $6,000,000       Capital  (paid  up)  $2,200,000 


President  -  -  -  Sir  D.  H.  McMillan,  K.C.M.G. 
Vice-President  -  -  -  -  Capt.-Wm.  Robinson 
Ta.s.  II.  Ashdown  11.  T.  Champion  Frederick  Nation 

Hon.  D.  C.  Cameron  W.  C.  Leistikow  Hon.  R.  P  Roblin 
Special  Care  Given  to  Savings  Accounts 

Savings  Bank  Department  at  All  Branches 

A  General  Banking  Business  Transacted 
GODFREY  BOOTH,  Manager  -  Victoria  Branch 


■liron  f..r  Wew  miTJsrxUy  Baildlrgs 
(o  Be  Krerled  at  Point  tJrey,  near  A'an- 
couver,  llrltihh  Columbia. 
The  government  of  British  Columbia  In- 
vite competitive  plans  for  tho  general 
scheme  and  design  for  the  proposed  new 
unlverslty,  together  with  more  detailed 
plana  tor  tho  buildings  to  be  erected  first 
at    an    estimated    co«t    of    $1,600,000. 

Prizes  of  $10,000  will  be  given  for  tho 
most    Buccessful    designs    submitted. 

Particulars  of  the  competition  and  plan 
of  site  may  be  obtained  on  request  from  the 

Tho  designs  to  be  sent  In  by  July  31st, 
191i!,    addressed    to 

Parliament    Buildings, 
Victoria.     British     Columbia. 

TRUST  CO.,  Ltd. 



TARE  NOTICE  that  at  the  first  sitting 
In  1912  (March  ISth)  of  the  Board  of  Li- 
censing Commissioners  for  the  City  of  Vic- 
toria. I  Intend  to  apply  for  a  transtor  oJ 
the  license  for  the  ■»1o  of  spirituous  and 
fermented  liquors  by  retail  lield  by  me  for 
the  premises  known  as  tho  Bank  Exchange, 
corner  Yotcs  and  I.angley  streets.  Victoria, 
B.    C.    to    Sclgle    Boyd,    ot   Victoria.    B.    C 

Dated  at  Victoria,  B.  C,  this  4th  day  of 
December,   1911. 

a>}drew    RUSTA 

LIQUOR  ACT,  igio 

NOTICE  IP  HKREBT  OTVKN  th«t  I  in- 
tend to  apply  to  the  Board  ot  Licensing 
Commissioners  at  their  next  slltlnga  to  be 
hnhi  at  the  City  of  Victoria,  B.  C.  for  a 
renewal  of  the  license  hild  by  me  for  tho 
snlo  of  liquor  by  retail  on  the  promises 
known  as  the  Panama  Hotel,  situate  at  Ks 
Johnson    street,    Victoria,    B.    C 

Dated     2nd     January,     1912. 



Notice  is  hereby  given  that  a  cash 
dividend  at  the  rate  of  8  per  cent  peir 
annum,  and  a  stock  bonus  at  the  rate  of 
22  per  cent  per  annum  on  the  paid  up 
capital  stock  of  the  company  has  beefi 
declared  for  the  year  ending  15th  Feb- 
ruary, 1912.  The  same  will  be  payable 
at  the  head  office  of  the  company,  Vic- 
toria, B.  C,  on  and  after  the  15th  day 
of  March,  next. 

By  order  of  the  Board. 

F.W.  LAW, 

General  Manager 

Victoria,  February  27,  1912. 

In  the  Matter  of  the  "Winding  Up  Act." 
and  In  tho  Matter  of  the  British  Columbia 
Ilurtloulturiil    Estates,    Limited. 


3, 973.64 




Notice  .is  hcroby  given  that  the  Honor- 
nbln  thw  Chtnt  Justice,  has  llxrti  Monday, 
tho  4th  day  of  March,  1912,  at  10;30  o'clock 
In  tho  forenoon  at  Chambers  In  tho  Court 
Mouse.  Victoria,  as  the  time  and  place  for 
lh«  appolnlmcni  of  an  official  liquidator  of 
111-:    ahovt     named    company. 

Dated  this  21th  day  of  I'ebruary,  A.  D. 

(tlljfnert)  B.   H.   TVRRWHIT  DRAKE. 



HAMPSHIRE  ROAD,  on  lot  r)oxi20.  magnificently 
wooded.  Seven-roomed  modern  house,  panelled  den 
and  dining  room,  two  fireplaces,  cement  basement. 

Price  $4,900 

H.  A.  BELL, 

841  Fort  Street  Phone  1741 




AND  FURTHER  take  notice  that  the  Court  of  Revision  for  the  4rial  of  complaints  and  appeals  the  a.s.'^es.smeiit  so  proposed  to 
l;c  made,  will  be  held  Saturday,  March  13th,  1912,  at  the  hour  of  10  o'clock  in  the  forenoon    at    the  Council  Chamber    in    the  City  Hall, 
corner  of  Douglas  and  Pandora  Streets,  in  the  City  of  Victoria,  B.C.,    and  any  notice  of  appeal  from  each  intended  assessment  must  be 
served  upon  the  undersigned  at  least  eight  days  prior  to  such  sitting. 

February  22nd,  imt  *  WELLINGTON   J.  DQWLER,  C.M.C. 

TAKE  NOTICE  that  at  the  next  sitting 
of  the  Board  of  Lloonslac  Contmisalonera 
for  the  City  of  Vlcfrtrla.  1  Intend  to  «pply 
for  a  tiansfer  of  'the  liquor  license  held  bjr 
William  AiezBnder  Anderson  tor  the  ita* 
gent  Sal'^nn,.  sHuate  al  the  corner  of  John- 
son anil  DouffUs  streets  In  the  el*y  of 
VlcinrU,  B.  C,  to  J.  Hollwr  liii<|  Ott» 
NItse.    both   ot   tho   Mid   City   of    Victoria. 

Dated  at  Victuria,  B,  C,  this  SOtk  Amr  •! 
January,   1911. 

Bxectttrtx  of  the  Ustat*  ot  WlUiftat  JkitmM- 

der    Anderson,   deoeaeed 
Wllticss,    J.    IL    .AUSTIN, 

Whishv    ~' 

A  IjttlHllBMB  «i? 


-**"-.^MJ"f;A".--y  ^^/»^ 




WadnMdAV.   Fahrumry.  28.  JA12 

On*  cent  a  word  each  luiurUuu,  lU  par 
rent  diacounl  Cor  six  ur  iiiure  cunvecuiivn 
Inaeitiona — caah  wlih  ordur.  Nu  ndverllm- 
B^ant    acceiileU    lev   leu    lliau    'H   ueaia. 

Uudness  aud  ITufeaaloiial  Card* — of  tour 
llnea    or    under— li.uu    pur    week. 

No  »dverilt«iueiii  cUargeU  on  account  ror 
l«M   tbau   ii.»9. 

Phone  No.  11. 



A  KT  QLASa— A.  i\  Koy,  over  Itilily  y«»»« 
-i*.  exporUnce  in  •t.ri  Kiaaa  iemicu  iiaiil* 
lor  churthe*.  ethuyln  auJ  iirlvalo  dweUlnss. 
Worlta  aad  more  'Jli  I'andora  au,  uext  lo 
Molliodlat    cUurcU.       l^Uono    i»4. 


AUGAUB      Uellvery  —  VlclorU     .Tranarer 

Co..  L.ld.  Tel.   laS. 

BLUE  i^rlntlng — j<ilo(;irio  tJlue  Print  ana 
Map  Co..  IJIJ  Uai:s!c>-  bU  Blue  print- 
ing, niapM.  draughting;  dealer*  In  aurvey- 
oiV  lu»lrumcut»  and  drawing  otflca  aup- 

OOKBlNDEI«5 — The        Colonlat     haa     the 

Uem    bookbludery    In    the   province;     the 

result    iH    CUUU.1    iii    proportion. 

BOTTLES — All     klnda    of    botllca     wanted. 
Good     pri';a»       paid.         \lctorla       Junk 

Agency,    162t>    Store    si.;    phono    1336^ 

UILDING  Movers  —  Sandham     &  Lester, 

buildinu    luuvcra    and    i:oniraclor».    Fair- 

\  lew,     \aucouver,     U.     C.     Uciidonca    4l>8     Bth 

Ave..   W.  EotlmuieB  furnished  ou  application. 

OAFB — Money  properly  Invealed  lends  to 
fortune.  ThU  result  may  bo  attained 
oy  j)urciiariii(i  tiio  owol  «wC  aiCi.  .S  *— -  *-.... 
at    the    Slraiul    Cafe, 

C"tAKli;  ana  Hoacaurani  —  Occluoutat  CsJo 
J  Ueslaurunt,  corner  Wharf  and  Johnson 
tils.  Meals  16c  and  up.  Satlataclloii  s^ar- 

Ct.\.RKIAGK  and  Wagon  Dealera  —  Wm. 
J  Mable.  Importer  of  MacLaclilau  hugglea. 
traps;  cannot  bo  beaten  for  durability.  Ware- 
house   717    .lohnsou    street.    Phone    1329. 


hilXg    1-      "       . 

contractor,  .'^imlinui 
atructurea.  shop  Cl 
at.      uf flee   phono   L- J o-c. 

center  and  Job- 
■asa,.  Jsuililffr  anil 
on  all  classes  of 
.  100:;  Vancouver 

xietf."  U-lOOJ.        ^^^ 

[\    ', 

C.^KPENTBR — Ji  8.  Hlekford,  commlr- 
Blon  carpenter  arid  contractor.  Estlmatea 
Klven  on  all  kinds  of  Jobbing;  men  sent  out 
■jy   the  day.   Phorie  Vieas.  .  '     ^      ■    ,  ■  ■ 

G~^  HlMNBY  and  Furnace  cleaning,  atoveflt- 
tlDg,  etc.;  O'Brien  Bros,;  phoji*  .I|M^. 


HmyfEY  Sweep— uoyg;  cnmB8 

Phoiys  F218a. 

U.NDKRTAKl.NG— a.  C.  funeral  Kurnlali- 
Ing  Co.  tllayv/ard'a),  lOlU  Govern- 
ment bt.  Prompt  Attention.  Chargi-s  reas- 
onable. Phuues  i:jjtf,  'J'^'io,  J-37.  :;J38,  U-3U. 
Chas.  ilayward,  president ;  11.  Hay  ward,  sec- 
retary;    F.     Uasellon.    uiaiiager. 

\\^HOLBSALE  Pry  Gooda — Turner,  Beoton 
'V  &  Co..  LIU..  WholiiSale  dry  guod*  lui- 
poi  lers  and  manufacturers,  men's  furnish- 
ings, tents.  •■Big  Horn"  brand  shirts,  over- 
alls.   Mall    orders    attended    lo. 

\  V'HOLBSALK     Wines     and     Liquors— Tur- 
'  '      iier-uo«tou  Co.,   i.,tu.,    Whait  St.,    Vi\;ivi- 

U — whoUkaU  only.  All  lh«  loading  brands  of 
liquors;  direct  Importers.  Write  tor  lists 
and    prices. 

WOOD — Cheap  fuel.  Try  a  heaping  double 
load  of  short  cut  mill-wood,  delivered 
to  any  part  of  the  city  at  S3  C.  U.  U.  by 
Cameron    l..umber    t'o.,    Ltd.,    phone    864. 


AKCHlTliCT— John  Ifallewell,  1303  Broad 
St.,  room  i,  upstairs;  previous  experi- 
ence In  apiiriiaont  hou!i<!S  and  liuslntaa 
blockn;  over  twetny  years'  expcrlenco  In 
'"anndiv   »nU    Knglnnd. 

i  KVHITECT — Plans  prepared  for  apart- 
■i\.  menC  blocks  and  bungalows.  1'.  O. 
Box    1073. 

A  KCIHTECT— Jeaso  M.  Warren,  414  Say- 
•^■^    waid    Bulldlns.    Victoria.    B.    C. ;    phone 

30  <n 


V1LOTHEP    '^'■'-'Mg — Gents'    clothes   clean- 
V>    .Ml,     (3  iired    ana 

ircUas  an  I  s  jnade,   repaired   and  re- 

covered.    Guy    W.    Walker.    70S    Johnaou    SU, 
,Iust  east  of  Uouglas;   phono  L.1267. 

C1LOTHE3  Cleaning  —  Wah  Chong.  ladles" 
■>  and  gents  dry  cleaning,  pressflng  and 
repairing  on  short  notice.  1T26  Government 
Pt..    Victoria..    U.    C. 

/  XOAL  -\ND  WOOD — Hall  &  WaiKcr.  Wel- 
Kj  lington  Collieries  coal.  Comox  anthracite 
coal,  blncUsniith's  and  nut  coai  BROcSaliy 
prepared.   Phone   83.   1232  Government 

CRUSHED  Uock  and  Gravel — Producers' 
Rock  and  Gravel  Co.  Bunkera,  Store  St.. 
foot  of  Chntliani  at.;  phone  306.  Crushed 
rock,  washed  sand  and  gravel  delivered  by 
teams  at  bunkers  or  on  scows  at  quarry  and 
gravel   pit   at   Royal    Bay.     

D DAYMAN    —    Joseph    Heaney.    jfflce      tii* 
Whiirf  St.;  phone  171. 

RAYMEN^Vlctorla    Truck    &    Oray    Co. 
Phone  18. 

DV&  Works — 'B.  C  ateani  J3yo  vvorlta. 
the  largest  dyeing  and  cleaning  works 
In  the  province.  Country  orders  solicited. 
Phone  ;:00.     J.   C.   Renfrew,   proprietor.        < 

DYE  Works — Paul's  Steam  Dye  'Works. 
318  Fort  S(.  We  clean,  press  and  repair 
ladles  and  gentlemen's  garments  equal  to 
new.   Phone   624. 

."^  LECTRICIAKS  —  Carter 


X.^  practical  electricians  and  contractors. 
I'hono  7j0;  Res.  phones  L3270.  R2667.  Tele- 
phone and  motor  work  a,  specialty.  131!) 
Rrcad    St. 

TijlLECTRICIAXS— Foot  &  Tugon.  electrical 
S-^  contractors.  Motor  boats,  gasollns  en- 
gines.  Phone  A14  4G.   735  Fort  St. 


."EMPLOYMENT    Bureau— Wing    On, 
Goverumont   St.;   phone   23. 


GL.\SS  and  Glazing — Every  deacrtption  of 
glass,  plate,  Hhoet,  prismatic  ornamen- 
lul.  leaded,  etc  The  Melrose  Co.,  Ltd..  fil8 
Kort   St. 

G.VKUEXER — C.  Pederson,  landscape  and 
jobbing  gardener;  tree  pruning  and 
suraylng  a.  specialty.  »4S  Pandora;  phone 

I  5  AHGSrlfEKS-^^reen  ae  I'iicker.  gafdenmg 
vJ  in  all  its  branches;  landscape  work  ft 
specialty.    .Vddress   ISia   Cowan  Av«.,  city. 

^.\KDBNER — Landscape  Gardener,  James 
^  Sl.mpson.  >9\  Johnson  8L.  p!i'<ne  UllB'). 
Lxperl  on  all  garden  and  orchard  details, 
j'runlng  and  \:leaulng  from  Insects,  roSes  a 
specialty,  lawns  Kra.lvd  und  tlniolivd  in  llrst. 
second  ur  third  quality,  according  to,  cou- 
'ract.  c  -.^ 

^tAKUENEK— H.  Tldbury.  landscape  and 
VX  Jobbing  gardener;  by  the  day  or  con- 
tract;   phone    177b;    luOK    Johnson   si. 


RCHITECT  C.   Blwood  Watklns.   Rooms  1 
and   2.   Green   Blk.,   comer  Trounce   Ave. 

^  RCHI'FeCT— a.  S.  Grlfritlis,  lOOG  Gov- 
.*--^  fi  iiiiiciii    31..     pliuuo    14oS. 

AKCHxTBCT — ^Thomas  Hooper — In  j.rac- 
tlce  in  B.  C.  for  26  years.  Plans  and 
speclllcatlons  furnished  ou  application.  Office 
.Vew    Royal    Bank    Building,    Phone:  9??^ 

ARCHITECT,  Landscape — U  B.  Davlck.  C. 
E.,  designs  and  lays  out  beautiful 
country  homes,  landscape  gardens,  park* 
and    pleasure    resorts.      521    Sayward    block. 

C"" '^ANA^'     •-    ','■:.'-■■.'  ''V  r'    )':r-\ia<ifn.' 

J    Off!  Tel. 

-IS&ii.    i'.    w.     ......    .... ....,.„...    „...i    Ec 

ports.  Irrigation  and  Uralnago.  Hydro-Elec- 
tric Development.  Waterworks,  Sewerage 
and  Sewage  Disposal. 

CIVIL     Engineers — Gora     and    McGregor— 
J.   Herrlck   McGregor,   manager,      I'&nd 
Surveyors    and    Civil    Engineers,      Chancery 
Chambers.   P.   O.    Box    162:   phone   684.  Fort 
;Georyo   Offline,    p, .  Ik^    Landrv.   manager., . 

GIVll,    Bnglnuers — Topp    &    Co.,    Civil    En- 
gineers   and    land    surveyors.    Room    211 
Pemberton    block.    Phone    2998.    P.    O.    Box 

..1049.:.:--    ....    .■    ■;:,,--.:-..:-.:,■.  .  .-..■■■-_-:;■■;   ,.  .  -  -  :"■-.-; 

CIVIL,  Englnaor — George  A.   Smith.   British 
Columbia    land    surveyor,    Offlce    at    Al- 
bernl,    B.    C. 

ClIVIL    EiiRlneer — P.     C.    Coates    Dominion 
'    and     Provincial     land     sur\'eyor.     Room 
34    Board    of   Trade. 

CIVIL  F.riglneers — Greea  Bros..  Burden  Jt 
Co..  civil  engineers.  Dominion  and  B. 
C.  land  siirveyois,  114  Peipbertou  block. 
Branch  offices  In  Nelson,  Fort  Qeorsa  and 
Hasiellon,    B.   C, 

CEIVIL  Engineer— -Clarence  Hoard,  member 
''  Can.  Soc.  C.  E.,  member  Am.  Ry.  Engr. 
.Association,  Steam,  Electric,  lAigglni;,  Rail- 
ways. Engineering;  and  ^^'onstructlon.  Office, 
401  Pemberton  Building.  Phono  9S4;  Ilea. 
Empress  hotel.  Phono  16S0. 

CIONHClT^G  Engineer— W.  G.  Wlnter- 
''  burn,  M.  I.  .V.  A.;  cIjvsscs  preparatory 
for  next  examination,  Wednesday  avenlngs, 
GIG    Bastion    Square:    phone    1S31. 

-»-^  geon.  JewoU  Blfe..  corner  Yates  and 
Douglas  Sts.,  Victoria.  Phones:  Office  667; 
Res.    122.  ■ 

"P»E;sTI.ST — W.  p.  Fraser.  D.  M.  D.  Of- 
-L'  flee  732  Tates  St.  Garoshche  Blk.  Ot- 
fice  hours:  9:30  a.  m.  to  6  p.  m. . 

L.I  ["Ti'HINSON  &  Ford  announce  that  they 
-»-•-  have  dissolved  partnership  and  the 
business  will  be  carried  on  by  O.  S,  Ford, 
architect  and   cardon  architect, 

I>ohf;ut.<;ox  and  Meyersieln,  B.-itish  Co- 
V  lumbfa  land  surveyors.  Chancery  Cham- 
bers, Victoria,  B.  C.,  P.-  O.  Box  793.  Tele- 
phone  R2S32.  __ 

QWAN.N'EL  &  XOAKES,  Dominion  and 
*^  B.  C.  Land  Surveyors,  etc.,  removed  to 
Promls  Block,  1006  Government  street.  P. 
O.    Box   642.   Telephone   37T.  '' 


Oy    wanted. 

Apply    In    porsou.      W«Uer 

OY.S   wanted.   Apply    Pophum    Bros'.,    Mary 
mreet,    Victoria    Wcat.  _ 

1,"^l(UA.Nl>  boy  wuuled.  olio  willing  to  makt- 
^■i  himself  xeneially  useful.  .Vge  about  lo- 
Apply  to  dhutbolls  Drug  Store.  6S!»  John- 
son   street. 

I^'^Tr-^T    class     bushclmun     wanted.  ^     ■*''''*'i 
Uonuon     i'ttitoi*,     curnift     U«k    B^y    :i:^d 

,rE.\    waul'cd    to   learn    to   drWo   and   repair 


.Vutomoblles.    lOll    Goveraroeat    street, 
Hooni    7. 

/  APE.Nl.'^U  for  a  good  outelde  salpsmaii; 
w  liberal  commission  to  rlv-hi  man.  .Vp- 
ply  l:;   to  l.  &\.  31'.'  i'»mbertoi;   blucfc. 

.-V.Xl-t'.VB    drlvcm    wanted;    DSB    Michigan 
Ml  reel. 


rnwo  real  estate  salesmen  that  can  handle 
X  loans  and  Inveatments;  324  Pemberton 

\TS7ANTEU,  bright  boy  fur  oltUo  work, 
»  *  about  15  years  of  age.  AppJ,y  in  per- 
son to  Room  4  08,  Pemberton  Bldg.  city,  im- 
meclluttly,  , 

\"\''A.\TED,  two  middle-aged  people:  rooms 
>V  :in.i  use  of  kltihen  for  a  little  help. 
1271    Dennian   st.  ^^ 

\\7A.\TED,  two  boys  as  machinist  appren- 
VV  ticos.  to  loam  the  trade.  Appf>"  B.  <'. 
Maj-lne    Rallwuva    Co..    Lid.  ^^ 

t^t'.XNTlSU,     un    experienced    man    to    coach 
VV       ri>r   2>r«limiiuiry    law    e.vamluatioii.     .\<» 
dress    Box'  G40.    VlctorUi. 

\A7ANTED — An  energetic  m:^.p  to  represent 
•vVV  u  leading  Life  Insurance  Company, 
well  and  favorably  known  In  Victoria  Dis- 
trict; good  opportunity  for  right  person. 
Apply    •'*07    Colonist^ .  ., 

fANTED — Figure   oii   plaste'Vlng  2   houses. 
Apply    Box    "s«3,    C' 


1:7— —A"  "li^-y 

■    Apply. 
•!£  iilid  -!•■•■ 

\~\r.V\'TED,    boy    a»    u»h«r.      See    manager. 
T  »■      ri\sta.I    Theatre.  • 

Abroad     and     cake     maker     with     many 
years'   cxperlonou,  duslrca  a  i^oaillon.  Box 
K3M.    (Jolonlsl. 

Al''IR,ST-CLArtS  aecounlanc  will  keep 
books  at  ihe  rale  of  »30  per  mdnih 
for  two  hours'  work  daily.  Box  iio3  Col- 

■-  __„__„.^ . __-^_— . 

BOUKKIiEI'KK  and  general  urtlee  man. 
Urltlnli  and  I'anadlao  experience,  de- 
itires  position  as  clerk,  timekeeper  or  Reu- 
crnl    office    man.      Apply    Box   934,    Colonist. 

BOOKICICBl'Icn   desires  eml''lO.^  men t   during 
cvenlnRs;     terms  ,  reasonable.        Apply 
Box  S23   I'oiotiisi. 

Bl'ILDlNO  auperlntendent  for  architect  or 
owner;  HO  years'  experience;  thorough- 
ly eapabU  In  relniorced  concrete  and  all 
lines  of  hulldlng  cunstructlou.  Box  437,  Col- 

/CARPENTER  wants  work.  Box  7«1,  Col- 
*-■'    OUlil.  

/"tOCNTRY  store— Advertiser  desire*  situ. 
'_-'  alloii  as  manager;  4  yi-si-s'  experience 
In  Okanagan  valley;  highest  references; 
bond    It  necessary.      Box    86  7   Colonial. 

GAHDESKH,  rxprvlenri-d  In  prunlnic  frUil 
iree.'.  roses  ami  iilirubs,  open  for  en- 
gagements In  or  around  Victoria.  Apply 
Box     94  7,     Colonist.  . 

HOTEL,  country  proferred.  Position  as 
manager  required  or  would  bo  willing  lo 
rent  Bnm«.  First  class  references  glvun. 
Box    970,    Colonist. 

8AI.E    (CoBtlAwed) 

CHAM.K.VGI*; — <'an  you  flod  anything 
-*•  10  beat  this  ^or  value?  Two  grassy 
lots,  47x120,  high  and  dry  with  beautiful 
oak  liecs,  near  Belmont,  3  minutes  iroiii 
Kori  St.  car.  ?95<i  each,  third  cash.  8,  12 
and  18  months.  National  Really  Co,,  1232 
<.io\'crnmcnt    at. 

A  fKlOD  lnve»tm»nl — Slie  S&xllS;  double 
■^^  corner.  Fairfield  and  Klchmind,  car- 
llne  passes;  price  for  a  few  daya  12260.  half 
cash.  This  is  the  best  money  maker  In 
the  city.  I>airick  Really  Co.,  64*  Fort  si. 
I'hono    2ant>. 

A  GOOD  semi-i>uaineBa  property  at  resi- 
■^^  donilal  price;  a.  lots  uii  Johnaon  s!., 
near  huU-mlle  cir>.ie  for  quick  sale  at  |6uuu 
the  two,  11000  cash;  tttty  per  cent  profit 
can  be  made  huro  easily  lns!4e  ri  year.  Na- 
tional   Realty   Co.,    1232    Gnvernmoni    st. 

A  KXAP.  for  cash,  lot  on  Moss  at.  Ap- 
■'■■X      ply    owner.     No.     Ill     Moss    st. 

C'l  OOD  high  lot  on  Fulrvlew;  44x132  l'> 
f  lane;  no  roek.  only  <S30;  t:;00  cash, 
liul«n<e  Sli  (M<r  month.  .1.  U  J'jnderson  A 
i.'o.,    Ltd.,    li   and    fi    Brown   blor'a.    Itroad    Ht„' 

I't  URGE      Double  '■"«-"«r,   Orillla  Bi.,    108x120 
VT       J1200,   easy   terms.      Phone    2070. 


n,    meaBenger    boya    at    X^anadtan 
ilic  Telegraph  Office. 

\"\r.\NTF5T) — Sewing  machine  aaleaman  and 
^'  .    Apply.    "    "■    "    'ad   St. 



A  NCIENT  Order  of  Foresters,  Court-North" 
■*■>■  ern  Light,  No.  6935,  meets  art  Fo^cst- 
era'    halj.   Broad   St..    2nd    and   iyh   Wednea- 

tUtyfii"''^.^   jr*,    FUiicrlon,*   Sec. 

HARDWARE— B.     G.     Prior    &    CO.,     hard- 
ware   and   agricultural   Implenieata.   cor- 
ner  Johnson    and    Government   Sts. 

H.XHDWARii — The     Hickman     Tyo     Hard- 
ware    Co.,     Lta.     Iron,     steel,     hardware, 
cutlery.   30  and   34    Yalta  SU,   Vicloria,   B.   C. 

f  AMES  BAY  window  cleaners  and  rollable 
—  rfi::i»urs;  wC::^  t  :oi^«:t  iw  liiiune  us  wirun 
\.  InUows  are  diriy;  Luiuracis  taKca  also  for 
janitor    woili,    34  1     Coburg    st. ;    phone    iViai. 

lEWELERS— A.  Fetch.  1418  DougUs  Tt. 
'J      Specialty    <Sf    English  ■  watch     rBpairlng. 

J*-*'''!^ — Wanted,  scrap,  brass,  copper.  «inc, 
lead,  cast  iron,  sacks,  tinttlns.  robber, 
highest  prices  paid.  Victoria  Junk  Agency, 
.ti,:u    Store    »t.,     piiono    133t>. 

i  A.NDSCAl'E  Gardener — F.  Street,  F.R.H.8. 
■s-^  garden  desitfii  Jn  all  Us  branches,  au. 
uress    l^aku   lull,    Viclonu,   phone    1993. 

11VERY--CaidwelrB    Transfer,    general^cx^ 
J    press,  4ali<,    livery    ana    ijoardiug    stables, 
|.i)7     Cormorant    St.,     nlgni    anu    aay;     phono 

't  2  5. 


iiunsiur    Co.,    Ltd.    Tel. 

29.    Best  service  in   the   city. 

I  ITHOGUAI'HING  —  Lithographing,  en- 
XJ  graving  and  embossing.  Aothing  too 
ii'ge  and  Jiot:iinK  too  amuii;  yuur  scttlon- 
ery  is  your  aavaiicu  agent;  our  work  is  un- 
equalled west  ut  Torouio.  The  Colonist 
1  I'lnilng   and   Publishing   Co.,   Ltd. 

T  Py'"^^  Order  of  Moose  will  me.ct  at  Ibelr 
•'—  "uait  on  uovernmoht  St.  every  second 
and  fourth  Tuesday  every  .month  .  until 
further    notice.    W.    vVricht,    Srcrsisry. 

/"jRDER  Eastern  Stan  Qn^-on  city  Chapter 
y-f  No.  5  meets  2nd  and  4th  Wednes- 
days, K.  of  P.  H.-111,  Pandora  St.  Sojourning 
meinhfcrs    aro    cordially    Invited. 

C10NS  of  England.  B.  S.  Prido  of  the  iBland 
^  Lodge  No.  131  meets  2nd  and  fourth 
'Au&sdays  ill  Ai-  O.  r".  haii;  Brona  Street; 
President  F.  West,  567  Hlllaldo  avenue;  sec- 
rotary,    W.    Dawaon,    Head    Btioet,    Thorburn 

A  T  ,     rca.1    osu 

to    ;  : ........ 

e'JfpOT  Wiit'e  d 
Halary      and 
le    prepared 
..,ii.-,.     Apply  In  per- 
il easrs.    Beckel  I, '  M 4- 
I  nrt    at. 

maja    to  get    advertisements 

....  Jnttss  pubUcatron;      good, 

commission,    and  ^leady  employment^  Apply 

Room  •22.    browy  block-  ;■     '    ; 

ixTANtED— Y  flrat  class  barman.  Best  of 
'V  rcferenc^  required.  Apply  to  I'aclflc 
i-lub,    city. 



.'■ANTED — OlTflce    boy;    apply    W.   J.    Pen- 
dra.v   &,    Sons.    Ltd. 

TTtTANTED,  man  to  >-\ook  after  160  acre 
VV  farm;  must  itixm  eomethlng  about 
orchards;  none  but  a  good  moi>  need  apply. 
I'ail  «t  WobUiolmo  Lumber  Co.  ofllce.  cor- 
ne^r  Douglas  and  Src-.i-.tsn  or.  Monday 
or    phone    1806.  -,_ 

WANTED~-Men  and  women  to  learn  the 
barber  trade;  wages  paid  while  learn- 
ing; the  la'gcst  and  most  complete  school 
in  the  nnrlhwpBi  ;  wages  S18  and  S36  per 
week  when  qualincd;  call  ur  write  for  free 
j^atnlnviiA.  Th«  nriorinal  J.  X.  Moler  Barber 
college.   848    Main  street.   Vsincouvrr.   B.    C. 

lATA.N'TED,  man  to  work  in  dairy;  iriust  b« 
VV  a  good  milker  and  understand  lock. 
AntilyKlma  Bros.   May  wood   P.   Ot    ^   .   . 

WANTED,  good  opening  lor  youth  dealr- 
Ins  to  enter  railway  service;  one  who 
can  use  typewriter  and  haa  somo  knowledge 
of    shorthand.      Apply    Box    tllS    Colonist. 

W 'ANTED — First  class  real  estate  saiei» 
nuin  lo  take  charge  of  business,  good 
inducements  to  right  man,  must  take  work- 
ing  lDt«rvst  la   busJxjcsWr  Jtddreas  P,  C  be. 

14p. ■,•■■■-  ■■   ■    ''     •'■  ': 

\"\7'110LESALB  Liquor  house  requires  city 
V  V  tind  country  traveller.  Good  salary  to 
competuni  man,  experience  neceasury.  Ap- 
ply,   Box    751,    Colonial. 

HKLP     WtlXTED— FEMAl-lij 

A  WOMAN  to  do  housework  onftl  day  a 
j\.  week,  'I'hursdays,  or  AVed|lesaays. 
.\pply    322    Robertson    at..    Foul    Bay. 

'-,;jlTI.SS   J.    DEVEREUX*    Agency,    1314    Fort 
..IVL     SI.      Tol.    44  7;   hours   4    to    «.      Wonted, 
I  xprrlcnced  Infant's  nurso;  2  children;   three 
1  '(tircncca  essential.     Wanl- 

I  1    cooks;    aeconu    acrvant 

kjM,  ii.>.  .>iu;Hry;  reference.  Wantea,  i 
••"•Krt  general  maida,  "(h«r  servants  kept; 
reference;  also  two  hoi^emakla.  Wanted, 
tlircH  experienced  women  for  huusec loaning, 
full  days  nnd  half  days.  Wanted,  lady  tor 
oihce;  no  stenography,  but  general  .tttond- 
ttncc.  ,  * 

OAl.ESWOMEN  wanted,  apply  to  Mr.  W. 
K)    Spencer,    , David   Spencer,    Llmlied. 

t^O.NS   of   England,    a.    S.    Alexandra'  Ijidge 
*^J    116,    meets    l«t    and      3id      Wednesdaya, 
K.    of    P.    Hall.    H.    G.    King,    .Sholbourne    st 
Pi-csldenl;    Jas.    1'.    Temple,    18    Erie   st.    sec- 
'^'ary. ^ J ^^^     • 

rpiIE  Bojf'js-'^ngader -'Sure  and  Stedfast '• 
,,,.  "*r  J:"^"".- All  ex-mcmbcra  who  are 
willing  |o  help  on  the  "object"  are  re- 
nucsted  to  senil  ihrlr  nRm'.'.  idjrcs-  --■  • 
record  of  service  lo  Captain  F.  \'.'\onz- 
»taif.  hon.  Hci.  for  B.  C,  suite  20,  Mount  Ed- 
wards,   Viincouvei    si. 

rnHF.  Dauehtci-s  of  England  Benevolent 
-I  Society  meet  !n  K.  of  P.  Hall,  the  third 
Tuesday  of  each  month.  .Sucretury,  Mrs.  A. 
E.    Caticra.!!,    Linden    Ave, 


-ISLAND  Plumbing  ami  Heating  Co.;  Job- 
--  bing  promptly  utttndcd  lo;  esiimatcs 
Ktven.    \,\z    Discovery   •itreot;    I'hone   3180. 


and    I'o;  t    at. 

Talloi-ess.    alao Bill  .  to .:;.  learn 

London  Tailor,  corrierOak  Bay 

AITANTED — A  thoroughly  'reliable  girl 
'  '  from  the  old  country  as  general  ser- 
vunl  In  a  family  of  throe.  Telephone  202S 
or    apply    at    1580    Pandora    ave. 


7A.NTED.     good    arm     wallroas. 
caff,   905  Govei'nihettt  st. 


?,V.NTBD,   two   first-class   lady  canvassers; 
liberal  commiaslon  to  right  person.  Ap- 

W ANTED,    a  good   general  maid  or  youn*, 
girl,    to   help   In    housework   nnd   care   of 
baby;    iclephone    R'3060.      ri32    l.lnilen    nve. 

Y\"'.vNTEl).  girl  lo  do  liglii  housework: 
V  »  slec|>  at  tiomo.  Apply  mornings,  lOul 
FqvL    isl. 

\\;'ANTEL),  a  inily  lor  outside  work;  good 
VV  nioney  can  be  made.  Apply  'J  to  lo 
ii.    111.,    319    Pemberton   block. 


■VTICTORIA  Business  Institute.   724   Fori  st. 
V        Shorthand,    lypowrltlng.    etc.,    day    and 
evening    classes;    phono    225s. 

VICTORIA  Day  School  for  Girts,  and  class 
for  .iunlor  boys,  commences  Bth  January, 
1912.  Eusllsli  subjects,  French,  drawing 
and   drill,    1312    Harrison   St 


Alias       E.        OROURKE,        Public       Stuho- 
jJX.      graphtr.  oiUcc    .\o.     41s     Pemberton 

Hock.      Telepuone   -No.    2o0z. 

XJATENTS  —   Rowland    Brltialn.    registered 
attorney.    Patents   la   all   countries.   Fair- 
s.cld     builaing,     opposite     P.     u.,     Vancouver. 

OOTTKRY  WAKE — hewer,  jiipe,  field  lluT, 
-»-  ground  (Ire  clay,  tlowei  pom.  etc.  Ii.  c 
.  ulleiy    Co.,    Ltd.,    Cor.     liiuaa    and    I'andora 

.   ..1..     ■.  Iclul'i.l.     H.     (.j. 

I»LUMB1.\G — Colbert  Plumtilng  and  Heat- 
J-  Ing  Co.,  Ltd.  For  first  el.iaa  workmuii- 
tiilp  Ml  (|lie  above  line  give  us  a  call.  Tem- 
porary  office,    756    Broughion   St.,  phono   552. 

iiL!.;MBING — ^A.  .V.  Atkinson.  plumbing 
-L     atova    Uttlng,     2644     Blunchard;       phone' 

HI  81 7. 

OC.-VX  E.NGl.NG— Wing  On.  1709  Government 
►O     St.:    Phone    28. 

<JHORTHAND — In  thro«  ■  months  by  ilTe 
O'  xpitmaii's  aimpllflod  (l^oyau  System. 
Diy  fend  evening  clMsea.  Typewriting, 
b>  Ifkeeping  and  foreign  languages  taught. 
The  Royal  Slenographlo  Co.,  436  Sayward 
Bldg.     Phone  2601.  ^     

iJHORTHAND  -~-  RhorthamI  School,  1109 
^  Broad  St.,  Victoria.  Shorthand,  typa- 
«'(ltlnK,  booKkeaplnr.  thoroughly  taught. 
Graduate*  fill  good  potttlona.  B.  a.  UioMU- 
Ud',''  principal. 

>  '    ■  ,  L.  ______ 

^tVC^CVU  and  Seal  Kngravlng — General 
*^  Bngrmver  Mia  stanoti  cutter.  a«o. 
Crowther,   818  Wharf  St.,   bahind  P.   a 

fIl1rt»KWniTER  nSPAlRi NO— Phono  1320 
.t     W.  W«bttcr,   M.   B.   All   makes  of  typ«- 

v-rJUra  itJiilrcU,  I'tbttf!!  asfl  etiaraetetd. 
No,    8    Moody    BIK.,    YatM    St. 

ACUUM     Cleaners  —  Dontley      Vacuum 

6>eKner«  for  •»!«  or  rem;  G«rt>et«  cleaned 

on  the  floor  without  rcmovlrrj.   Buy  a  Duntw 

)o>-  and  keep  clean.  Phone  Ml.    W.  I.  Oager. 

f28  Tales  %U 

HOTEL— -Allmmbra,-  Mrs.  a.  Thompson  Ht. 
Sons,  proprietors;  It.  D.  Thompson,  man- 
ager. Corner  Can  oil  an-A  VV;tter  sis.,  \'an- 
tuuver,^  B.  l...  Vancouver's  Hist  hotel.  Sit- 
uated in  the  heart  ut  the  city.  .uoUeralely 
equipped  tliroughout.  Aiioiliiy  luncli  j,  spec- 
ialty. European  plan.  i<'amed  for  good 
whisl<y.  '         » 

HOTEL — Blackburn.  A.  E.  Blafckb'urn,  pro- 
prietor. Thla  well  knowft,  aii(i.  popular 
holel  eniir«ly  rebuilt  and  re^urntifhed,  la 
.'now  'opf^n  to  Its  patrons..  Steam*  heat,  fine 
cont<nbdi<ius..i  ooms,  llpst  'class  dininic.  room, 
best' a.tteiitivj)  to  comfort' of  guesiii^Xmerl- 
can  plkfl,  HW);  to  J.2.00  pur  day.  European 
plan,'/ 71  cence,'  lUpwoi'ds.  218  Westminster 
Av't'.'  "  ,■     .'-I   •:- 

W'HBN   ir.  Vancouver,   B.   C.   slop  at  Hotel 
Windsor,    748    to    712    Granville    street. 
■etrlctly   first  class;  all   roOjAlj  co»h«cted  with 
baths   and    shower    baths;    tlria   clasa   cafe    in 
connection;  located  In   Vancouvcr'a  best  bua- 
,    Iness     centre,     oppoafte      Vnncouver'a     Opera 
y~^roUBe.\    Ogle  Sc   BuHlpn,   Prof>rleit(ira. 


ADVERTISER  ofteri<"^3000  equity  In  fine 
aportment  house  aite  aa  part  payment 
on  either  good  houae  or  retidnntlal  lott  in 
any    part    of   city.      Box    576,    Colonlat. 

A     GOOD  crulaer,    aplendld   aea  boat;   aJao 
6  passenger  Cadillac  In  good  condition; 

-«**        -_n.i 

......         !„*•        „» 


Park   Boulevard. 

AN   auto   for   rfal   palate — Haa  any   reader 
a  lot  he  will   exchange  for  a  carT     if 
•lo.   mtll   i^,r   1410   Brnad   >(. 

WANTED — To   excnange   ■   roomed   house 
close  in  for  8  or  1*  room;  must  be  near 
cut;   phone  T11180. 

V  »   .  farm  4i 

two    /teams     In    exchange     for 

,  farm  4and.      Avpty   iv  u.   Box   S2&, 

YY'^ANTEU — first  class-  governess.  Payne. 
VV       Saturnu   Island. 

\\'ANTED — Immediately  young  girl,  age 
V»  about  15.  Apply  1l;i  i  "roft  atreot. 
James    Bay. 

\VAN1't:D,    a    lads'    oubI.,.-    -.^t^^\    good 
»  »       moiii-y    can    bo    ninlo.      Apply    «    to    10    310  I'embcrtou   blocK. 

ITTANTBO.  cxpeirlenoed  tallorfss;  also  jm- 
W      proven      Krei   CJulnker.    «jl    Yatc.i  st. 

y.l '.^..NTKD.  nt  once,  experienced  aalcs- 
VV  Indies;  none  but  experlinccdni»ed  ap- 
ply. .^nlruB  ilnmpbeli  it  Co.,  luio  Uovcrn- 
nit-nt   »i. 

\'»'A.NTED,  a  woniHii  or  glr.1  for  houae- 
VV  work,  for  a  .few  hours  dally.  1009 
Kort  St. 

.   I  ■ —    '  I  -_ 

''.\NTED— Japanese    or     Chlnoao     gcncr*.; 
servant:.       .Vpply  ,1739    Fort    St, 


T'T^.V.N'TKD,  at  once.  tnveo  experienced 
VV  niimes  lor  ehlirivpn.  Six  cooks  and 
Beneial      help.  Wallress,      Vancouver     la- 

land    Eiiljiloymenl    Muieau,     1323    Douglas    st. 

X'l '.\NTED-^Girl  for  office;  must  be  effl- 
VV  cicnt  in  lypinviltlnB  and  al  figures; 
apply   W.  J.   Pendi-ay  &  Sons.    Ltd. 

\V'-VNTBD— -A  rnllsble  and  experienced 
VV  general     servant     for    ,  i.-.all     family; 

phone    LSOf. 


^/ANTED— Woman   or   girl   for  light   house 
work.    515    .Superior    st. 

7ANT.PI>--A    young   girl    for    light    house- 
work;   good    home.     Phone    L3153. 



lA^A.VtED.    girl    nbbut    14   yea'i-e      or      leas, 

\V  ,.*^_^l«.     «.«     ...1...     ..UM^      .,..*.      »...,...•     *t      ...      .. 

Apply   148    Moss  at. 


^rri.'.vT'io.v  v.rut 

TAPANESB  wishtB  any  kind  of  Job  as 
*J  clean  work;  short  t)ni~  after  T-30  p.m. 
liuiiy;    Hary,    p.    O.    Box    siis. 

|.\PA.N'ESE  boy  (young)  wants  situation 
''  at  general  inside  work  in  city,  aox  ssi. 

LATHING    solicited.    C.    W.   ganders,    wood 
and    metal    lather,    Ptiobo '    L2e64.      817 
jUroughton    street. 

ORCHESTUAL    pianist,    dance    pianist    and 
accompanist   wants  engagement.    Phono 
FF20.87. _    ■  '  

P»'«X!Tj5?.R¥MANrr-8«?okJ»  ■!t<i''t'"":    lif«»    <>x-    j 
perience;    ren 
poutlrv-  .for  marU 

.■nd     piucker;     ui'Toimrify     iMn-t-m-iii        in 
iches;    would    start    a    business      ton 
,   Box  812  Colonist. 

I)RAi:'i'ieAti  Horticulturist. wajitB  perman- 
.■II     nmpioyment    on    frtflr^arm.    Good 
Write  J.    Laursen,   Gencrjil    De- 
■■rla.       '  ,  .,'■•■.  '"'•'';' 

lULjyMng  JCncllahiiian, 
good  knowledge  of  drawing  and  clerk- 
ing; Canadian  experience.  Bot  71*  Col- 

BrPUATION'   ^iuixfa    as   WV^r    by   TOldSJe- 
aged   man:  can  drive  wagon.      Box  894 
Colonist,  :  -. 

TraTANTED — By  competent  man  a  position 
V  V  °as  foreman  or  carpenter  work;  can 
make  plans,  and  have  8  years  experience 
handling  work;  only  a  first  class  position 
considered;   Box  S06  Colonist. 

Y\/'AN'f  ED— Position;  Englishman.  »T; 
'  '  eoinmerclnl  experience;  knows  French; 
and  Spanish,  college  education,  excellent  ret- 
rrences;  will  accept  any  position  where  ap- 
plication «nd  energy  count;  Box  728  Col- 

VVi'.VNTED.  position  on  gasoline  cruiser  as 
'»  mechanic;  wages  no  object.  Box  860. 

Y\7-^NTED.  job  as  baker  or  ';ook;  thor- 
'  '  onghly  experienced,  comp  or  othcr- 
w  Isp.       Box-  ST 4. 

yV'ANTED — Contracts    and      Jobbing    work; 
>  T     guarantpi-d    low    prices    and    high    grade 
work;    Godfrey    Htoa.    cuiurarior*   and    build- 
ers,   P.    O.    Box   1286,    Phone   L468. 

A  SPLENDID  buy;  large  double  corner. 
■^^  Cook  St.  and  Dublin,  45  fruit  tre«rB  and 
set  out  with  strawberry  vines,  each  lot  ȣiOO; 
onc-third  cash,  6,  12  and  18.  Beams,  522 
Sayv/ard     Blk.       Phono    2362. 

t  \'l''RV  choice  property,  4  ncrea  fronting 
-^^  on  Glen  Lake  n.u\\  adjoining  tlie  Lux- 
ton  C.  .N.  Ry.  siailon,  7-mlle  circle,  on  niuln 
X  roads;  school,  postoffice,  electric  light  ami 
telephone;  improved  lo  park-like  shape  and 
far.rod;  iidmlrabuj  aullW.I  foi  lluirl  bite, 
residence,  or  chicken  ranch:  Ushlng,  slioot- 
liig:  an  unaurpaii-sed  beauty  spot.  I'rUi- 
J3.150,      Ot^ner,    1817    Cook   St..    A'iclorln,    B.C. 

A  CREAGE^-a7en  Lake  frontage,  fine  .ho- 
.*."\.  (p|  site  4  acres.  13,500  on  terms.  G. 
.S.   Leighlou,  1112  Government  alruet. 

HALF  acre,  (.'"rner  Foul  Bay  road  and 
Falrlleld  road,  Jo,oOO:  one-quarler  cash, 
balance  siircad  over  three  years.  Wallace 
&    Clarke,    «-.'0    Yates    st. 

A  LSO  two  acres.  Ml.  Tolmlo  road,  near 
-*^X-  University  and  electric  i^ars.  »:iooft  twr 
acre,  1,  j  and  3  years.  Apply  Beams,  523 
Sayward    Block.      Phono    2362. 

ANOTHER,    60x118,  on   Vancouver,    second 

lot   from   Bay  st..  fronts  on   two   street:*, 

11550;  oderthlrd  cash.  Beams,  6?.'^  Snywurd 
Block.      Phono    2862. 

AVRni'HV    Tv-i    l--i.-!r'H  rd..   two   lof«     <>■■•'• 
;  oo    for    the    t 
L.      I''.,i  .1..  ►  ..  J,  ..,  <.  wiU-n.'    -blrMTK '■       "^:   '  .' 

-»-*  building  lots,  80x110;  prJco  8600  efcch. 
J.  L.  FJanagan,  503  Sayward  block;  phone 

OUNDARy  road.  Oak  Bay,  »0x240.  »2400. 

one-quarter   cash,    or   $2200,    half  cash, 

balance   f  100   quarterly.     Wallace  &   Clarke, 

HA.MP8H1RE     rd.,     near     Central:     55x114: 
8850;    quarter    cash,    balance    6,    12,    18. 
Buweii    C4S    ^<ti  i. 

I  HAVE  SO  acres  al  Port  Mann,  Just  half 
11  mile  from  the  townslle  sub.llvlsion 
where  U»t«  are  now  being  offered  for  »\  »'. 
1  am  willing  to  a'cppi  tfiso  iier  aiie  in 
terms  spread  over  three  years.  Ihls  is  III" 
best  buy  oflering  for  tiie  speculator  in  Port 
Mann  property.  Apply,  Ownci',  P.  O.  Box 
581,     New     Westrainsior. 

INSIDE  city  limits;  severol  good  !oU  from 
jnoo  each,  on  nasy  teii..s.  ,\.  S.  Bar- 
ton. Room  12.  McGregor  Blk,  View  street. 
Phono    2901. 

T.\.MEK  BAY — An  absolutely  sure  profit  In 
thlsi  J(!(  feet  fr(.)nt  t>y  113  feet  deep. 
Willi  good  house  on  .Menzlea  street,  between 
Michigan  and  Superior  Strftets.  west  side  for 
.lUst  J10,50n.  Th»-re  is  no-  element'  of  In  this.  It's  a  certain  monry  maker. 
For  sale  exiluslvely  through  Russel  & 
tiregg,    -'07    Pemberton    Bldg. 

JAMES    Bay — Largo    lot    60x120  on    Slmcoe. 

J2200;     'i    >a.«ih,    balance    6.  ■??.    IN.      ai 

7     per     cent.     &     Co.,     109  Pemberton 

K~BATING.H — 16  Acres  on  V.  &  S.  Ral  I  way , 
five  acres  cultlvuted.  balance  slashed 
nnd  ready  for  clearing;  small  house,  chicken 
house,  barn,  etc.,  good  well,  fruit  trees  and 
strawberries.  $300  per  acre,  third  caah. 
Stewart   &   Gollop,   301    Pemberton   block. 

LANG     Street— Within     tho~clty    limits     a 
nice  lot  for   8S00;   Howell,   Payne  &.  Co, 
Ltd.,   1219   Langley   St.:   puonc   178U. 

rnOPBKTY    rOK  male    <CanlliiiM«> 

TOLMIB    ave.,    close  1 1.    I'ook    •!..    two    large 

lots.    84  25    each;  very    easy    terms.      A. 

S.    Barton.    Room    12,  .McGregor    Blk.,    View 
si.       Phono    2901. 

rnRA<'KAOE,  115  f«»>t  on  B.  &  N.  railway. 
-I-  with    152    fl.    road    front.     100    ft.    neep. 

on  a  eonifr  of  a  main  road^  well  inside  the 
city  llnilis,  and  the  land  Is  level  niih  the 
track,  Ja.uoo;  one-ihlnl  lash,  balance  b, 
12  and  18  months  at  7  per  cent.  Wise  A 
Co.,    109    Pemberton    Bldg. 

TRACKAGE.    110    ft.      on    V.    &   S.      rallwaj , 
300    fi.    deep,    well    liisldn    2    mile    circle. 
'  nearly    an    acre    for    82.900;    one-third       caah 
balance  -oi-er  7   .vears.      Wise  &  Co.,    109   Pem- 
bcrlon     nidg. 

rpWO  lots  Id  E»<jiiimttlt;  »1400  for  both, 
-L  three  lota  In  Esquimau,  12000  for  three; 
on.  of  best  lois  In  Cloverdale;  qua^-ter  acre. 
HOOO;  one  fln«-  l«igi>  loi.  close  to  Oak  Bay 
ave..  fl250;  quarter  down,  balance  6,  13.  1( 
months.    Owner.    Box    889,    Colonist. 

\\7EI.L   experienced    hardware   man   deslrcn 
'  V        responsible    position,     retail    or    whole- 
sale;  b'st  of  reference's.      Box  825   Colonist. 

YOUNG  Japanese      wants   nosltton      In   bar. 
cleaning,    etc.,   expeiicnced.      Same,    636 
Chatham   st. 

"^T'OUNG   honest  Japanese  desires  a  position 
i-    as  store  porter;  sp<>akK  English,  and  has 
years'    experiences;    Taknkl,    P.    O.    Box   6«. 


A  CAPABLE  woman  wants  to  takA  cara 
-^^  of  children  a  few  hours  afternoon  or 
evenings.      Bo.v    969   Colonial   . 

\CAr.\BLE   woman   wants   to   mind   chil- 
dren  evenings   or   mind   children    In  own 
house;    Box   546  Colonist. 

AFIRST-CL.\SS     dance     pianist     and     or- 
chestral    pianist     •vants    engagements. 
Phone  FF20^7. 

A  LADY  would  like  the  care  of  a  young 
■*^^  child  in  her  own  home,  pleasant, 
healthy    location.      Box    916,    Colonist. 

\  Y'OUNG  lady  wishes  position  In  country 
■^^  hol.e)  or  looming  house;  experienced. 
Box    703    Colonist. 

LioLn.;Kt;u,  cducsted  lady  drslies  pjsl- 
.'  l-lon  as  travailing  companion;  hi^splla.: 
trained  nurse  and  masseus-i;  salary  not  es- 
sential.        Box    Z5,    Colonist. 


RESSMAKI.NG — .Spring        dresses        ond 
suits.      1903    Quadra;   phone    Ri20.    ' 

TllRESS.MAKER,  experienced.  3524  Fern- 
J^      wood  rd.  ■" 

7 -JRESSMAKBR  would  like  room  In  dry. 
-s-'  goods  store;  hlgh-claas  tailored  and 
fancy  dressmaking:  or  would  take  position. 
921     Green     St..     Victoria:     phone     L1654. 

/11ENIiiR.\:>  wants  good  place.  Old  Coun- 
VX       try    Registry,    1709    Douglas. 

GERMAN    woman    wants    work    halt    days; 
don't    speak    English.      Lehmann,    Carlln 
street,    1346. 

CJ.RADU.KTE    -Nurse;    obstetrical,      surgical 
T     nn.l    medicine   vrases;    open    for   engage- 
ment;  terms  moderntc.     Box  786,  i;:olonlst. 

11  Oi'fiiSWOHK  warned,  rour  days  a  week. 
-*-*-  by  young  Englishwoman.  Apply  Y'. 
'/...    Maywond    P.    O..    or    phone    Y-30S5. 

"V'''B»<?HY  Kov.rnoss  or  mother's  help  dls- 
-i-'l        engaged;    country    preferred.      Box    704 

REFINED  Lj\DT.  trained  nurse,  masseuse, 
desires  position  sanniorinm,  nursing- 
homo,  houBfUeepi-r  for  country  holel.  eu:. 
Box    SOS    ColnnlMt. 

RKFINKD  young  business  woman  desires 
room  and  board  with  private  family. 
within  walltlng  rllstnncr.  of  Parliament  build- 
ings.     Address   7  23   Colonist. 

QERVANT.  Scotch,  wishes  situation.  %z\>. 
lO     Box,   546,  Colonist. 

rilAlI-URKD  nnd  fancy  drossmoklng.  L- 
■i  1654. 

\"\/'ANTBD— Situation  as  experienced  house 
VV  parlor  maid  or  KPiieral;  Gordon  Head 
district  preferred;  onre  Cartel,  R.  M.  D.  No. 

AATANTEr.) — By  a  teacher,  position  as  dally 
V  V  governess,  8\ibje<.t;  English,  French 
drawing.  lOxf-eiient  reierenccs.  jinx  826, 

tA/ANTED — position  In  good  office  for  a 
'>  bright  lad;  salary  to  begin  small;  ap- 
ply   P.    I).    Box    49. 

AA^'ANTBD.  by  educated  English  lady  situ- 
'  '  Btlon  ns  daily  nurse-governess  in  good 
ftimlly;     phon*-    R18R6. 

'ANTED — Position    as    stenographer,    ex- 
pcrlencod.     H..;;,    6S1,    Colonist. 


■'ANTED,     situati"n    Ir.    small     family    by 
Norwegian  lady.    Appiy   Box   954.  Colo- 

AA'A.NTED   by   eapablr,    reflnod   young   lady 
'  '       (Scotch!     poslilon     to    take    chprgc    of 
children.       Box    SS8.    Colonist.    ' 

"Y^OCNQ   woman,  .sootch,   wants  situation  as 
i        Indy   help.      S9(i,   ColOfilst. 

TANTBD — An    Englishwoman    as    help    in 
small    family;    Miss   Exiey,   Sidney. 

UTANTED — An     experienced     nUrso;     musl 
have    references:      826.00.    per     month. 
96S    Heywood   avenue.. 

ANTED — Improvers  to  the  dressmaking. 
(Apply   Rayboiie,   7si   Fort  street. 

4  GENTLEMAN  dmirea  nrst-claas  fur- 
XX  nished  bedroom  In  private  family,  near 
city.      Apply    828    Fort    st. 

ITlOn  g<>ntlemfen;  two  large  furnace-heated 
rooms,  furnished,  with  private  fsiplly. 
meals  arranged.  Apply,  Tha  Manaiger.  Cana- 
uian     bvcurilica    Co.,    <iu\arninvoi    aU 

YOUNG   marrlfd    lady   would   take   care   of 
yovlng   child    throughout    the    day.    Box 
102,    Colonist. 

YOUNG    married        woman       wants      dally 
house    housework,    or   care    of   children; 
407    '^\'-|lllam    St.,    Victoria    West, 

■y'OUNO     married     woman       wants      house- 
X     work    two    or    three    mornings    a    week. 
'    Apply    460    Gorge    Road. 

OFNO    English    lady    desires    posltlofli    as 
useful    help    In    small    family.     Box    9i0, 

Y'Oliii**  rtorwrgmn   gm   wimes  position   ns 
plain    cook   in   family.      Box   «1S.   Col* 


|> "t,    Fairfield    Entnte:    near  sen,    j 

-»-'  »i(.)(i;  1-4  cash  for  quick  sale.  Also  riot 
Constance  axt,  Esquimau;  ?950,  Box  -527, 

BtrRNSIDE"road-^OiV  "~™" 

enuo     bearing,    cloa^    ; 
Sae  ns  at  oncfi  for  price  an' 
and.  Oolfop,    301    I'emberton 

'  ed.  rev- 



BURNSIDE     rd..     50x130.     high,  no     rock; 

going    for    8850;    8260    cash.  This    Is 

the  cheapest  In  the  district.     G.  S.  Leighlon, 
1112    Government    st. 

BUY  near  Normal  school.  Extra  choice 
double  corner  (80x169),  almost  adjoining 
"Normal  School'  Just  off  Hillside  for  im- 
mediate sale.  11.400.  one-third  cash,  balance 
6  and  12  months.  H.  Cuihberl  and  I'o  ,  G.TS 
Fort  St.;    phone   1610. 

t1.\LI.  on  me — 1  have  lots  for  sale,  clii 
''  v.aler,  and  w  IM  build  Jiouacs  and  tiike 
small  payment  down,  balance  as  rem.  .\p- 
ply  Jno.  Nesbltt,  cor.  Cloverdale  and  lii- 
vcrnoBs  st. 

(1HE.\PEST  buy  In  James  Bay  60x120  on 
J  Ontario  sL,  revonue  producing;  only 
86,000  on  very  easy  terms;  Heath  &  Chaney 
oojwara   block. 

/'■4HESTER  -St..  beautiful  bullrilns-  lot.  60x 
\J  \iis\  price  Jiii'iu:  third  cash.  J.  L. 
Fia-nagoii,     503    Sayward    block,     phone    30S4. 

COOK  St.  store — A  store  and  house  on  a 
corner  leased  for  $66  per  month,  only 
$7000;  this  proposition  belts  nli  per  cent.; 
Howell  Payne  &  Co,  Ld.;  1219  Langley  st.; 
p.ione  1780. 

COQUITLAM  Tonwslle.  the  new  C.  P.  R. 
Paoiflc  terminals.  Subdivision  of  lots 
adjololng  industrial  sites;  real  estate  firms 
and  live  salesmen  Invited  to  co-operate. 
Frank  R.  Adams,  525  Fender  si.  Weal.. 
Vancouver,    B.    C. 

C10RXER  (^'ook  and  Oxford  sts. — This  cor- 
."  ner  is  a  snap  at  $2T50;  size  .17x120.  J. 
L.  Flanagan,  503  Sayward  block:  phone 

C10RNER     Haultaln     and     Cecil;     two     lots 
J    $1500  the  two;   $400   caah.  balance  easy; 
Box   742   Colonist. 

ClOftNER     of    Gram     and     Belmont — 2     lots 
J       54x112    each;    price    $1500    each.       G.    8. 
Leighlon.    1112    Government    st. 

C~^RAIGHD.ViRROCH   .Subdivision:   choice   lot 
J      50x150,     $8500,    and    only    $1200    down. 
!?••  th*   Bur»ka   R»a!ly  Co..   ¥52   Y&t«a  st.: 

C'(RAIGKLOWER  rd..  half  acre  with  front- 
•'  age  on  road  for  $2,600.  on  terma.  A.  15, 
Barton,  Room  12  McGregor  Block,  View  st. 
Phone    2901. 

CRAN.MORK    rd.    lot— 60x150;    fine    level   lot. 
going    for    $1,150.     easy     terms.       G.    S. 
Leighton.    1112    Government   st. 


BAN    Heights   snap;    lot    50x120,    for    $750 
on    good    terms.      P.    O.    Box    1452. 

DBN'MAN  St. — K  grand  lot  for  $S50;   How- 
ell.   Payni  &  Co.   Ltd..   1219   langley   St.; 
phone    17S0. 

DO  you  want  a  snap — If  so,  look  here — 
lot  at  end  of  Willows  car.  almost  on  the 
track;  mut  8e.Il  and  will  take  $S0O  and  easy 
terms,  two  yeftrs.  .Vpply  Box  650,  Col- 

DOUBI..E  cornfr,  1-0x120,  corner  of  Pearl 
and  .Vmethvil  si..  1  block  from  Hill- 
side; jc:;00.  Double  corner  of  Pearl  and 
Ruby  sts.,  $1800.  4  lots,  120x135,  on  Ruby 
St..  $1000  each.  Apply  Owner,  1591  Lans- 
rittwno     rd. 

I^"'^XCELLENT  lot  on  Michigan  street;  67 
■i  xl22.  $4,700,  $1,700  cash,  bolanoe  to  suit. 
.1.  L.  Punderson  &  (.'o.,  Ltd.  6  and  6  Bro»vn 
block.    Broad    street. 

ipAIRFIELD— Two    beautiful    building    lots, 
George   street,    aoulh    of    Mnv,    60    x    120; 
$1360.      R.    W.   Clark.    1112   Government. 

I^'^.MRFIELD  Estate,  Hvo  splendid  home 
sites,  corner  Moss  nnd  I'oint;  beautiful 
sea  ^■iew.  $1600.  Mny  st.,  opposite  We-l- 
lington.  large  lot,  $1500;  terms.  Owner, 
phone    RSI  4 1. 

^i^RR.NWOOD    Td..     Rockland     Park: 


-8-  lots.     50x12'.!     each,     good     chatK'e     for    « 

Imlldlng;  price  for  the  Iwo  $2,500  on  essy 
terms.  .Mien  *  Son.  Phone  IC50.  Over 
Northern   Crown    Hank.      f>pen   evenlngrc 

IjlOR     sale,      206fl..      by      1  Ki      fi"      deep,      oil 
Davida  ave.,   Kerr  Addition;   only   $1950 
cash,   $2150  terms.      Apply  Owner,  510  Wilson 


Foil    lots    clOBO    to    sit  I    of      new       Normal 
school,     (lall  and  aii»  our  listings.     Wal- 

l.,..A  A.         «  AAA         V.^*^*        ** 

FOR    Rale — Good    lot    1    mlniit«    from    Dou- 
glas ^\.   car   line;    prk-e  $850;    $300  cash, 
bal.    $10   per   month;    Box    6S7,   Colonist. 

-160  fe. 

■t .      '^p  ■ 

\7'.\.N'COl'VER    St.     c.<ruer.     elost    to    Mount 
Edwards       J5,000;       Inside      lot      $4,000; 
terms.      Hunt.    S13    Fort    st. 

"VncTORlA     WEST— Fine    Jot    on    J..angford 
V      street,    size    50x120,    for    $1,250.       Russell 
&    Gregg,    207    Pembri'Uin    Bldg. 

\riCTf.)Rl.V  West,  close  in,  big  lot  at  a 
bargain:  price  $1,150;  terms  easy.  An- 
oiii«r  iiwar  corner  oi"  Hurtseli  rtiid  Eilwaril. 
for  the  small  sum  of  $1,600;  $500  cash,  bal- 
ance 6,  12  and  IS  inonllis.  Ituzsaell  &  Gregg 
2U7   Pemberton    Bldg. 

XJ  \>v. 

H.   Booti. 

■     I'oinei-^    o.'St 
today;    $3900. 
:  ument  st.  . 

LIST  your  property  with  J.   L.   Punderson 
and  Co.,  Ltd.,   6  and  6  Brown  Blk. 

TOT    on     Edmonton    r<i,,    corner,     close    to 
J       r^rnwood;  good  soil;  very  oholco;  $6180 
.  auL;..iJalftO.-_Harjn»n...lZ0i.  OiftaiJa^ 

IOT  50x120. -hear.  E-  ..i  ■Willows 

Ji      car,  in  Oak  Ba.\  i  desirable 

lot,  $50  below  value.  ,-.,^  ..ut,  terms  ar- 
rn.ii»feu.       Apply    SSSiKduWbirWt.        ~"-  ::"  .^  ,    ": 

LOTS  in  Richmona  ave.  south,  close  to  can 
terminus,  Koul  Bay;  price  $1050;  third 
cash,  balance  t>.  12.  IS  months:  for  a  tlay 
or    two    onl.v.       P.    O.    Box    994,    city. 

OSS  St. — Choice  lot,   60x110,  next  to  cor- 
ner   of    Oxford.    $l,40u.    Apply    Owner, 
P.    O.    Box   960,    city. 

MOSS   St.    snap,    two    lots,   clear   and    level, 
$2,300    the    pair.     Hodgson    &    Powell. 
230   Pemberton   block. 

\rOUNT  Tolmie,  adjoining  new  Normal 
i-Vl  .school  site;  half-acre  lots,  112x194: 
price  $1600.  Three  beautiful  lots,  facing 
.Mount  Tolmie  rd.  and  Oak  Bay  ave.;  price 
f6000.  Two  lots,  06x200;  price  JSOO  each. 
II.    Boolh,    Room    7.    Government    st. 

MOUNT  Baker  AVe. — Two  grand  lots  fac- 
ing the  sea,  having  a  splendid  view; 
size  120x120  $4750  the  pair;  or  will  sell  sep- 
arately; Howell  Payne  &  C;o.  Ld.,  1219  Lang- 
ley  St.;   phono   1780. 

"VTEW  Hillside  car — Double  corner.  120x 
i\  Jin  close  to.  !l*W  ei^r  nnd  seh.iol : 
owner  must  sen  in  a  row  days  for  $1,600; 
one-quarter  cash,  balance  in  !«uit.  Imperial 
Realty    Co.,    645    Bastion    st. 

"VTORTH  Hamoahixe  rd..  two  lots,  each 
-i-"N  50x120:  lilgh  and  dry;  fine  view  of 
the  sea;  price  $1275  each.  J.  L.  Fl.inagan, 
503    .Sayward    block.       Phone    3084. 

"V'ORTH  Hampshire  rd.,  a  block  of  S  lots, 
.iN  60x145,  back  to  ailanc;  $9,500  the  lot 
or  $1,200  each.  These  aro  grand  lots  and 
have  a  fine  view  of  ihei-sea..  Howell.  Payne 
&   Co..    Ltd..    1219   Langley  st.     Phone   1780. 

(\AK  Bay — Finest  wooded  lol  Ol'i  llamp- 
-/  shire  road  north,  60x120;  one  block  from 
car  line;  price  $1376;  cash  $475;  apply  own- 
er,   1118   Fairfield    road;    phorva    RH^l. 

OKVi    Bay    ave.,    corner,       160x120.       Price 
$6,500.  Howell.    Payne    &.    Co..     1219 

Langley    st.      Phone    1780. 

ATICTORIA    West — 60    feet    frontage    on    the 

*  E.  it  N.  Ry,  101  ft.  deep  to  St.;  prico 
$9000:    Monk  &.   Montelth.    k:(!i    Kort    si. 

'AT'K'TOHIA    West — 3   lots   on   Paradise  at;    1 
V     fni-  ii.nmv  •>  nth<^i-«  f'.'r  *1?>£'0;  third  dov.ii 
Monk   Sc    Mon'telthl    639    Fort   St. 

VV,' A LNDT  St.— For  two  days  we  offer  this 
*»  snap,  a  gi-and  level  lot  for  $760;  Howell 
Payne  &  Co.  Ltd.,  1219  Langley  St.;  phone 

\T7ATERFRONT,    Esqulinii.It,    close    to    car 
>'        JiD.'-.O,.  one-third    cash,    balance    6     " 
^.     Crompton   &    B<arton,    130    P( 

\\  ■  >  II.  It  FRONT  AGE    on    beautiful    Cordov* 

•  ^  '■'-  ■  — -We  .  ari-.  in«tructrd'*  by  th^  tjwffi- 
'  :'er\  tlie  unsold  portion  of  a  sub- 
o  vlth  waterfront  lots,  comprisln-,? 
ai.jM<..Miiiaiely  66  acres,  fo^r  inihiodlate  sale, 
at  $42,0410,  on  easy  terms:  this  is  about  $63.'> 
per  acre,  and  is  the  cheapest  buy  in  this 
district "  today;  Investigate  at  once.  British 
Realty    Ltd..    403-404    Sayward    Block. 



Box     "J  03. 

I'lM'    limits. 
;';r,0;     catr 

sacrifice    i^ 
Just     off  ■  <HW: 
terms.       Appi.^ 

ZBLA   St.— -v  high     lot   only    |90'0; 

.Howell,   Paym=  .Si  Co.J  Ltd.,  J219   1>an5ley 
St.;    phone   I'lSO.  ~' 

5  ACRES  Unproved,,  new  Saanlch  car  Ui^e; 
SVa  miles  city  hall;  excellent;  very 
cheap  price;  Investigate.  Elliott,  Sly' &  Co., 
1309  Douglas  St. 

fr    ACRES    I.Ang£ord;    about    120    feet    fronl- 
<J      age   on    lake;    $1200,    or 
ply   Box   796   Colonist. 

on   easy   terms;    s^- 

dg-J  A  Cash,  $10  per  month  buys  6'  fine 
'4P-LI/   lots  in  Port  -Angeles;   price  :$12e:  ai> 

ply   513    Sayward   building. 

7I  (\l\  FEET  waterfrontage  Victoria  West, 
4-wU  300  feet  deep;  near  whore  the  ter- 
minals are  going  to  be;  price  low,  terms;    Box    797    Colonist. 

■1  \yi  FEET  on  Dallas  road  hy  160  feet 
-L"xtJ  deep  $37,000;  good  terms;  inside  the 
breakwater;  choice  tor  warehouse  site;  will 
double  in  value  within  a  year:  Box  798  Col- 
onist. • 

1  flfi  Acres  near  Sooke  harbor,  $20  per 
-LvJli        acre,    one-third    cash,    lialaitce    1   ap'l 

2  years  at  7  per  cent.  Wise  &  Co..  109 
Pi-mb?rtori    Bldg. 


AK    Bay    and   Terrace;    corner   lot,    $4,000; 
cosy  terms.     Box  318  Colonist. 

O.VK  Bay  ave.,  cheapest  building  lot  In 
the  district,  near  Hampshire  rd.,  20ft. 
lane,  $2300:  third  cash,  balance.  6.  12,  IS 
months.;   owner,    P.    O.    Box   381. 

0.\K  B.\Y" — 120  feel  on  Beach  Drive,  a 
minute  from  car  and  Oak  Bay  Hotel. 
$6,000.  Kusacll  &.  Gregg,  207  Pemberton 

0.\K    B.'VY — Lot    60x120.    a   block    from    sea 
and    Oak    Bay       Hotel.         I'rice       $2,100. 
Russell    &    Gregg,    207    Pemberton    Bldg. 

OBBD  Avenue,  the  Gorge,  city  water  on 
fH>> utroc-U  pr'''*  $550;  $175  cash,  bal- 
iROe  2  J*fial*.-.:..Al»I>l>  *"'■  ''.  Hunt,  813  Fort 
istrect.  •      ■    ■ 

One;  .-/t.  50xl4i;,  V.'clllngton  ave.,  Fair- 
field; $400  cash,  balance  6,  12,  18 
months,  Iniercsr  7  per  cent.  Apply  P.  O. 
Box    454. 


4    1 

■hk;4(;J3  in  n«if  3<..--  <.-nT.t<./i   r,-^..,   .,«,™. 


er«.      Box    390,    Color  1st. 

ONTARIO      St.,       lot       50x129,       for       $3,000 
Howell.  Payne  &.  Co.,  Ltd.,  1219  Langley 
■at.;    phone   1780. 

J3ANDORA  St.,  between  Blanchard  and 
Quadra,  36  feet  double  frontage,  rev- 
enue producing,  $650  per  fool.  Overseas  In- 
vestment .Agency,  208  Pemberton  Bldg. 
I'hone    368. ^ ___: 

QUARTER    acre    lot    on      Monterey       nve., 
$13*S.      M'allace    &    Clarke,    620    Yatea 

I^OR   8,ilo.    five   acres,    partly    |«   fruit   trees. 
Apply    William    GiUespio,    noar   Pump- 
ing station. 

■T^.OR  ^aalc — 16!)  feel  on  ,\rtautus  by  130 
X.  feet  on  Carroll,  $3,000,  terms.  G,  H. 
Bayley,    711    Y'alcs    sircel. 

FOR  sale,   Duhlevy  st.,    7   lots.   50x115  each: 
prk-e  $7750.      Box   317  Colonist. 

FOR    sale,    $1000,    lot    on    Shakespeare    st.. 
Just    off    Edmonton    rd. ;    terms;    apply 
P,    O.     BOX     715.    City. 

1j»OR  Sole- — Good  farm  land  In  Bulkley  and 
X"  Columbia  Valleys;  on  R.  R. ;  J.  F.  Man- 
na,  Port  Albftrnl. 

ATT  ANTED — To  borrow  82.000  at  12  p^'r 
VV  cent.  Good  aecurity.  Only  those  mean- 
ing business  neud  apply.   Box  »t(,  Colonfat. 

Ikl  IM\S\   ^>OAN    wanted    on    nsw    libuae.' 
<  ^LVUy       Sva   <••,   Cvivnisi. 

FOUR  Onk  Bay  lots.  Deal  St.,  choice  lo- 
cation, 60x120.  $1200.  Victoria  »v«., 
corner.  50x100,  $1125.  Corneir  t^cntral  and 
.*t,  ratrick,  58x135,  $1250.  Large  lot,  Mad- 
dlson  and  Wllmer.  50x170,  $1660.  R.  W. 
Clark.    HI!    Government. 

CI  ABAOp  site  on  Courtney  street,  close  tw 
T  Douglas,  60x221,  fronting  on  two  stroaco..' 
See  us  ror  particulars.  Stewart  and  Golloj:, 
301   Pemberton  block.     Phone   2888. 

GOLF  Links  Park — A  splendid   lot  SO  feet 
frontage  '  an    Newport    ave,,    overlooking 
Links,    cement   walks   In   tront;    price   83600; 

•hoi  -iKix  ci\y.        *    " 


GONZAI.C1;  Avenua— A  fine  lot  70x31«  ah- 
■ohiteJy  free  frnm  rotk,  only  $I*ft<H 
Howell  Payne  tt.  Co.  L<d.;  1210  Lannlay  at,: 
phone  1780  . 

fXOOM  lot  Oak  Bay.  less  than  1««  yarda  U 
I  VT  hotel  and  beach,  all  yood  soil,  ««xllt, 
I  mairntlK^n't  viow,  83100:  $800  caah.  bsblanpa 
I  8.  13  and  tt  months.  O.  R.  ».  EdwardM^ 
I   fr3i   B44eb  l3t!v«.  Oih  6*y.     V&vHh  X-( 

1>ABE   opportunity    to    lease    or    buy    a   good 
V    business    location           A.    W.       Brldgman, 
1007    Government    Street.  

i^ARATOGA  Avenue — Tills  Is  a  snap;  a  fine 
K?)  level  lol  for  $1050;  Howell,  Payne  & 
1:0,    Ltd.,    1219   Langley  at.;    phone    17S0. 

CJARATOO.A.  ave..  close  to  Monterey,  48x 
io  114,  $1050;  $450  cash,  balance  $25.00 
monthly.      Wallace    &    Clarke,    620    Y'otes    St. 

A  D\EIiTISER  is  open  to  buy  ten  acres  or 
■^*-  more  of  land,  suitable  for  fruit  farm- 
ing; any  district;  give  rock  bottom  price  and 
Iirll    description    to    Box    709    Colonlst- 

BUl LDING    site    wanted;    Newport    avenue. 
Golf  Links  park  from  owners  apply  with 
particulars    P.O.    Box    1136. 

i'^OR  quick  and  satisfactory  resuli's,  list 
your  property  with  National  Realty 
Co.,  1232  Government  St.,  near  corner  Yates; 
open  evenings  7:30   lo   9;  plrune  1165. 

CI  OOD  buy  wanted  In  West  Victoria;  send 
3r  me  your  best  price  and  easiest  terms;.  1 
am  open  for  i«'imethlng  that  wiil  make  me 
money;    Box    76S    Colonist. 

HARDY'    Bay — Wantea!    wanted!    200   acres 
by    Hodgson   &   Powell,    230   Pemberton. 

I  WANT  to  buy  a  couple  of  lota  on  Sara- 
toga, .Monterey  or  Hampshire  road;  1 
will  not  oav  an  inflated  price:  bIvo  me  your 
best  icrms;  Box  767  Colonist. 

T   1ST   your   property   with   J.    L.    Punderson 
.A—       cftUu   ..o.,  'j^iii.,    .,  «tiiru   w   Bt^i*vu   jt>ik-.- 

OWNERS   for  quick   sale  try   the  Coast  In- 
vestment   Co.     122    Pemberton     building; 
phone   2957. 

REGIN.\     property     wanted — If    you     have 
any    of    ihls,    I      will       buy.         Barney 
Groves.    Reglna   Theatre,    P.oglna,    Sask. 

SNAP  Wanted — Lot   Moss  St.,  Howe  or  Mo 
kenzle's  apply  P.   O.    Box   lOS  city. 


't'l'^ANTED  to  purchase,  lot  In  Victoria 
VV  Weal,  from  owners  only;  stole  price 
and    location    to    Box    654    Colonial. 


'.VNTED.    moderate   price.    Iota   near   May 
st;   owners   only.      Box   932,   Colonist. 

AATANTED — Wc  have  a  buyer  for  a  60  ft. 
VV  lot  In  the  Fairfield  District  north  of 
May  street.  Cook  and  Moss;  ow^nere  list  at 
oiicM  with  _P«ekett.  Major  «■  Co.,  ^Irlci,,  64  3 
Fort     St.        xciophone     2sr67. 

AA7.\.NTED,  several  good  building  lou  in 
VV  Dean  Heights;  must  be  high  and  dry. 
for    building    purposes.      Box    909   Colonist. 


J.^NTED,   snap    in   city   lot,    must   be  .level 
and  Koo<i  sise.      .Vnswer  P.   O.   Box  1233. 

SARATOGA   ave.,  fine  level  lot,  oniy  $1,050. 
Howell,    Payne   &   Co.,    1219    Langley    s(. 
Phone    17S(\ 

SEE  lis  for  snaps  on  Caloilonla  ave,  North 
I'ark  and  Flsguard  streets.  Allon  & 
.Son.  Phone  1650.  0\  er  Northern  C^town 
Hank.       Open    evenings. 

EVBRAli  choice  Uns  for  sale,  one  block 
off  .Hillside  avenue  and  the  new  Os.k- 
lands  school,  high  and  dry,  fine  view  of  tho 
city.  Prices  »6S0  to  $Vb«,  away  beiow  value. 
Allen  *.  Son.  Phono  1650.  Over  Northern 
Crown    Bank.      Open   evenings. 

OlXTY-three  feet,  close  to  Dsllas  road  and 
►O  outer  wharf,  $8,000;  one-third  caah, 
balance  In  one  and  two  years.  Wallace  & 
Clark.    620    Yates    »t^ 

CJLATER  St.,  near  Cook  St.,  $500  each; 
^  for  a  tew  days,  twrmsr  A.  S.  Barton, 
Room  12,  McGregor  Block,  PIcw  at.  Phone 

S~MY'TiiE    St.,    near    McNeill,    60x130;    price 
$900    each;    third    cash.      Bowes,    643 

Fort;    tft!.    2724. 

S.NAP — North  Park  st.,  close  to  BJanch- 
ard,  fine  workshop  site.  87,80«;  quar- 
ter cash,  balance  1  aid  2  years.  Cromptott 
St.    Barton.    130   Pemberton   Block.  , 

SN\P— Lot  In  Beacii  drive  Park,  Oak  Bays 
50x110;  only  lot  in  this  sub-dlvlalon  t«r 
$|S0:  owner  must  aell  by  March  Is  tarms 
uuarter    cash,    8.    13.    18    montha.      B«X    t\\ 

Colonist. \  . 

SNAP   on   Joseph    at..    S^lrfleld;     «b»   flne 
building    xom.    II"**:    apirty    to««    y\w 
j^straet.     '        •        '        .  ' '  _'      '■  /       ..„,  ■. __^^.,...' 

SNAP   In   Oak   Bay,   conlar    Wt.    l?5ilMV 
18600,     t«rm«.       Apply    k^    Mscfotiaid. 

Phone  g»»-  u        / 

err!,  ratrick  8t,— A  fi«e  xkffii  itv  tot  *0a 
C5  itt  for  »i«M;  Howen  ^ayna  *  Ca.  Wd.. 
itl*  Xjaacla:^  abi  phWM  Xtm.. 

CMAi  at,  ftne  \t>\,  «l«se  tfr  Biiiniat4»  «t».. 
._  X>o«t«la*  car:  H«f}  J««o  wuih.  Nil- 
ahe«  1.  II.  la.  S4  mont)U!;^'>B«S  ««  ««l9»i»t. 


Ami*  only.  IH  acrea  on  ani*  at  ratt^aray 
tcaGk.   tight  rloae  tn.     |It.«M.     tksa't  mtaa 

m*, ,  lb  w«  Clark.  %nt  a«vtrMR«»t}  i*M»» 

VATaNTED.   bes:   iot^  I   can    get   within   half- 

V  V  mile  circle,  for  about  $2000.  664  Col- 

AArANTED — To    buy    a    lot      $80      cash    will 

V  V  handle;  and  balance  by  monthly  Instal- 
menls;   Box  468  Colonist. 

ATfTB  aro  open  to  buy  good  Cadboro  B4y 
VV  acreage  at  once  if  price  Is  right  And 
terms  reasonable.  F.  Sturgcss  &  Co.,  318 
I'embert'on    block. 


T.'VOL'ND,  Dallas  rd.,  plons  and  blue  prints 
-C  Canadian  Explosive  Co.,  Nanalmo;  may 
be  had  «l  Brayahaw's  Carriage  Works,  Vic- 
toria,   by   poj-tng   tor   thla   advertisement. 

IjlOUND— 2    weeks,  ago   pair   of   «old   spec- 
tacles;   owner   ttave  same   by   psyinr  jor 
this  aO.  at  Colonist  office. 

IT^OUXD.  a  sterling  silver  watch.  artU)  In- 
-  Rials  "K,  R.  !«:"  Owner  may  iMve 
same  ky  provinc  property  to  Box  tftl,  Colo* 
nist. _^___ 

LOST,  acottlrh  brooch,  eatraa'CiM'ma  atane 
and  array  pebbles  act  In  i4lvcr;  i|'*irlo^. 
FJnd^t  plefcse  return  to  Colonitt  1»4»  •«  tciHl 
receive  reward. ' 

bsT— Wl  r«-nalMd    tax.  terrtKr.    «Wj, 
old.    bia^k  atKK  OB  kaok^  ll«w«*^ 
uroufhton  atreat.  Pfaotta  J4ft7« 

••■i  jji  ■   ■       -  ■      '       ■■■• ....■»■- 

Guy   A  t!a„    W% 

■  ■^.^■  Hum.  ■•^■■11 1' a- 1  ■iisiailnasi*''' <a^j<aii»  '■  mWi 

LOST,  «ww  vtmm  ^%    . 
-'OH  an»it  ii«ar  ll4M»  •u'^ 
ratttra   ta  r.   Maorti   t$ll   KittiiKi 

iiE  oii.,*w«a9-  tiMnltm*-  «W  . . 
pup.    rtiidar  «i»  ma/m  b^ 
m.  lit  T'ktM  at.  y. 

IS  iiiisfsiliiiasll    ilislisl.iiMi S.1ISS1  ■sUfca'ai.^i 

LOfit.  Wtta  prtati.   an    . 
Vim*i    batii^aan    i»ka#l: 
ISatavn  i:!»n«Mian  t^fAnMii^ 

ward.  ^^ 

1''^*ci?v  ,»o»a,  »Ja«»«»;  HMwaj'     ^ 
J      iuxaM'tS  a#i^.     .WlDI**-^ 

I  .i|iiy.ii|  (4.iiii.ini'iiiMB 


IHMUMrMii'  fclyimmft 

PailiMttuti  iMjJidW.*       ^'-' 



,MP*f   #QPKt)tiimn^|ffifiAifR 


Tt  I'hia'fcat-ilbti 

*M ^'^'F^riml'/jj-iiiSi 



W«dne*d«y,    February    28,    1912 




VI  -iriu  Lush  luki'»  clllicr  a.  new  ft  loom- 
ed Umi»t-.  nun  11  ma.  uir  l.'::;>ii.  or  k.  4- 
looruod  buiiUKluw  \uth  ntuUlt:  uUjoluliiic  iirw 
dry  dork  bsyulniiilt ;  lor  iauuu  anu  »SUU 
1  >ikf>*  4  rooiind  louuise  nfur  I'ouglaa  uai- 
jui  I'J.'OO;  bttlBnco  ol  euch  »i:0  iiiuiUhly; 
.iwiiir    Uux    I,    Uuduinonl    Toni   Udlce,    £sQUi- 

AhtKA.l.l'rY — It  rooiuB.  niodnrn,  cIusb  lo 
0«ki  Bay  live.,  price  »4.(UI>,  on  ierni«; 
you  wiii  liiivo  to  look  (or  somo  time  to  lind 
;:»    mua!    ::»    vaiiit;.       3gl    Tiv.i"»    l.^li.liiis. 

i  i'Ht>H"t;  close-Ill  hoiiii'  al  a.  low  llBUie. 
.«.  contttliilnic  7  roomM  and  all  moilrrn 
<;.inv«nl«ncc«  on  lot  BUxllti,  b  mlautua  Troiii 
LMly  hall,  wliln.u'-  f1"'abl  llif  l)t»l  vuluo  In 
the  city  at  t&.:'6u.  $500  canh.  bulanct  ai - 
lUligr.  You  lunt  adord  to  inUa  IhU.  Nu- 
llunal    Iloaliy    Co.,    i;:a::    Govcriinu-iU    »t._ 

VHOU8K  on  lll>.httiii»oii  »l.  7  room*; 
bttMemenl.  evei-ylhlng  absolutely  tnod- 
iTn;  price  »7.&0U;  lash  ja,:uO.  I'atrlck  lU- 
aliy    Co..    6  1ii    Fort    at        riion«    jSfiti, 

A  SNAP;  ilirt-eroomea  cottage,  ten  mln- 
-iV.  uvuii  rroni  Wlllo-.vs  boach,  for  ?l,20u,  on 
i-rm!?.  A.  \<m  Olrttvwald.  Kcai  iUataic,  oor. 
I''i»ri    and    Quadra    sn. 

V.-Xi(''rii  Turner  »i.  house,  B-iroomH, 
iierfecl  liomo.  In  flrBt-olasii  condition. 
lot  4 11x112;  price  »1760..  JliGO  cash;  terms. 
I'Hirii-k   Keixlty  Co..  646  Kort  »l.     I'hone  i5&6. 

V.MuniliU   One — 3    rooiaod   shack   on   full- 
slzeil    lot.    fouccd.    for    t70O   cash;    A   von 

'ilrs^'wald,    rual    oitate, 
<4tiadra  sts. 

corner      Fori  '  and 

BKACON  St. — Janiea  Bay;  we  have  for 
sale  a  nice  &  rucimnd  bungalow  modern 
:tnd  ^iuite  ciosu  to  puiK  loi'  pvivv't  riuVVnil, 
.'ayno   &    Co.    titd.,    IL'IU    Lianscley   m.;    phono 


BEPORH  deciding  see  this  handsomely , de- 
signed &  roomed  bunealow  ou  full  sUed 
lot,  fully  modern  open  flro  place,  brick  man- 
lie,  panelled,  cool  cupboards,  balh  und  loUot' 
laree  verandah;  close  to  car,  view  of  sea; 
price     $3000;    cash    $400;   jAlvensIeben,    XitU., 

D.\  !,1,.'l.       ,\  ■.  rllUl! A     i-  .'      . 

on    (L    j;;_i'iK)t    iol_uiif>    ^ijjiii',.    Uuw.  ;  , 
rayhe" &  Co-,  1219  tanBl'ejr  «t. }  phdfte  /ITSn. 

DON'T    proeiaetlnatcl     Call    today    and    si;-, 
cure    tlnii    -l-rnom    bnnRalow. '  Oak^Bay,' 

:i<.ar    inc    sea,     '     ■  ' '■■        "-^     -:'.     -tkv 

ifr'.nH.      See    il 
Yalis   St. 

lIOrHKS   FOR    HALR — Conllnued. 


CV-J  •><Wk  Ul'Vti  a  li  room  hou»e  with  one 
^  l»)V'UquarHT  m  ri!  of  tfood  land,  iliicken 
hous.  ».  ••U-.,  ou  Carey  rd.  Uowes.  64a  Kori: 
li-l.    U'TLM.  

(Ilj-j  '>/iAI^''VH    a    ;  room  house    with      one 

•If  l»>lM/    iiuurtcr  Brro  ol  (food    land,   ciilck- 

en    liiMiiii'ii,    ell'.,    on    Cari  y  mail.    Howes.    64a 

Kort;    lei.    a7'.'4.  

IjBr.MONT  »i  ■  .  .;a<:  iiorili  or 
I'ciObriiki-  St.;  ixcopilonally  good 
liuv:  oivnnr  havlns  tlty  will  ^a'Tin''""  •'»■■ 
-i)on>ed~  new  liouite:  fxlra  lari^e  concrrii»a 
bateiniMi;  lawn;  lar«i-  lot  SOxlJii.  «aKr,ii, 
terms;  save  commission  by.  .luiihiiiic  at 
above    address.  ___ 

I.U..  ^         this 



AN    upright    pluQo    made    by      Hopkins    * 
.Sons;     price    )100;    easy    lerma.      Apply 
1J31    liovernincnt    St. 


old        English 

.NTlylES — .Several      Hue 

Urnudfatlier  clocks,  t.'hlpiHMidalu  and 
Miiralou  lurnlturc.  etc.,  tor  sule.  amllh. 
iSiio    f<e\ei;ili   a\  ?.    W,    \'aui.ouvcr   City. 


IXIIy'.MlY    yuihlK,    cruisers-,    boats   of   all 
clHssea    lor    sale.       liminess    Uoathouso. 

Ituggy    with   seal   lu   front;    ap- 

.>'— ~/|     cash.      f2Br,0     terms, 


lar  line,  n  llh  six  rooms,  modern  balh  room, 
with  sanitary  toilet;  pantry  with  hot  and 
cold  water,  draining  boards  and  drop  Hal; 
a  nicely  Ji  signed  illnliijf  room,  wllli  prui- 
rail;  colored  glass  wliulow;  oaU  mantel;  pip- 
ed for  furnot'e;  i-lectrio  light;  on  concrete 
foundation;  lirt.  full  sUed  l>»Mvinent;  ?3oo 
win  handle  this  snap,  .\pply,  owner,  on 
liroperty;  opposite  exhibition  grounds,-  Wil- 


LIST    your   properly    with   J.    U    I'undei-son 
and  Co..   Ltd.,   5  and  il  Browji   HIU. 

CJt-'NNrVALE— > 

VXTANTJSD.  4 -roomed  bungalow,  modi-rn.  In 
VV  good  locality:  can  offer  $250  cash;  *30 
per    month.       Box    !)0t'.    Colonist. 

\  -»  TA  .VTK.D  TD  1'iriiCllAS.K — li  Or  7  .roomed 
VV  house  In  t^ak  Bay  District  direct'  from 
owner.  }•.'»«  cash,  J50  month  tor  6  moa., 
125    a    month    Rf-ter.      Box    811    Colonist. 

\Ttr.-VNTEU,  4  or  5  roomed  modern  house, 
VV  close  In.  abdut  fJ.seor  will  pay  »100 
cash,  balance  S'Ju  a  month  Including  Interest, 

fj.,-.      ..1  -        l-'nloplSl. 

a    good    6-room    cottage,    not 
:-.    ii^an  15  mlnut;-'   — '-   "      -   ■'"■■- 
ner-  oT    Vates    and   I'ongiii 

ihorouirliU-   nioderil.  '    If    >  '  ■ 

.■-jiiiinu-      .this 
ill  .particulars 

,     ..:i,i     :  -'.wood,    0X3 



,\VH   Sal 

ply   ','e»   Huptri  it- 

-Well    kept   4    seated    Uulck    lour- 

J7\UH  Hale- 
.  Ing  car  In  splendid  condition;  IS-:;:  li. 
p.;  also  4  sealed  rubber  tyrod  liladstone 
carriage,  almost  neiv;  >5.  J.  I'ltts,  li,SU 
Kocklunrt    ave. 

J.^'^ult    Hale- 

350   l.,lnden  Bv«. 

1,'>OU    »ale.     new       Oliver       plough.       wheel. 
.  eomplrlo,      »7;      Bngilsh      gooseberries, 

la.rgM     trees,     direct     Importation,     I'ic     each. 
Abbotl.    68    Ollvo    St.,    city. 

r/MJIl  sale,  7-passeiigrr  touring  oar;  Hrsi- 
Jl"  class  coudllloh  or  will  exchange  tor  real 
csiair.      Apply    lioati    tjlaiiley   avc.   ^^^ 

I.-'lOlt  sale,  0-eyllnder  Vlercu  Arrow  car; 
cheaii.  good  as  npw;  will  arrange  eo.fy 
icrina.  .-iippiy  ii.  '■'■  oprlDoOr,  V/Citholm--- 
liotol,    city.  :  

I,'.<)H    itale,     ,\merK-an    pool    table    In    spleu- 
.        dUl    eonclltlon;    best    offer    takes    U. 


u.    Box    «C0,    city. 

FOR    aal'.-.    4-holc    Majestic    kitchen^  atoVe; 
as-' good    OS    now;    price    J2D.      434    Silii- 
coe    St. 


TtOH    sale,    cniia"a    oot    ann    maittress;    «i»« 
buggy   in  good  condition;   cheap.        ti:i8 
UUlsiae  ave. 

U'  \ ;    rEI),    hoiii:   m   i.'ak    nay    or   Foul   Hay, 
.ilioui  *30ii0,  with  small  cash  jjaymciit. 

.\:oiWtr   1',   O.    Ki.v    U':::!,  .  '■ 

ITiAinFIELD,  corner  Mo»s  and  George  St.^^ 

T^'^.MRKIKLD     Elate— -Bungalow,     7     rooms, 
-L  w|ih    furnace   and   up-to-date   In    every, 

detail;  *.'>::J0;  cash  $12ri0,  balance  arranged. 
:J0S    Pemboiton    building.  ...         ..... 

TTlOii  Sale,  flvc-roomod  bungalow  on  one- 
JP  linlf,  aore,  of  land,  situated  on  beat  pftrt- 
of  Moss  streot,  with  frontage  on  three 
."trcets;      Apply   P.    O.    tJox   IDS,    Victoria.  B.C. 

rjAOR  Kale,  7-room  house,  new.  bath,  -turn- 
-•-  ace,  electric  light  and  liasement,  {4300. 
$5uO  cash.  J20  month;^wllI  exchanga-  lot  us 
ilrst  payment.  Apply  owner,  lllii  i'ort  si. 
I'hone    KJ714.  i  ,      Z 

IT^OU  saje.  Shoal  Bay,  Monterey  avc..  an 
attractive  9-room  bungalow;  3  more 
rooms  can  be  addedi  situated  clo«f  lo 
boach  and .  pretty  grove;  ten  minutes  Cook 
St..  car;  Itleal  npot;  Inspection  would  con- 
vince; real  snap;  |irI<,-o  J4St30;  cash  $500. 
balance,    y^i    per     month.       Apply --Box     SoB 

^"olonlst.  '■       .  -  ■  I     •    ' 

— I — . , ii      II II    il    II. I        .1.  ;      I    I    .1      'i      ■  II  . 

1,"^CU;|j  Bay  Road — A  new  7  room  two  «ory 
house;  beautifully  finished  on  a  t>0  toot 
lot  and  between  -J  car  lines;  a  snap  at  SuSOO 
liou-ell.  I^ayne  &  Co.  Ltd.,  Jiia  L,angley  St.; 
phoiiu  1J80.  "^^ 

i  L'±:X    sold,     a    fine    new    house.     Moss    St.. 
')  JaOOU;    1    have    the    adjoining    one    tor 

sale,    aani  ■-.    i-    convenient    to    cai. 

park  l;;o;    modern   conveni- 

ences:    en«;  .   I  I     nave    another    now 

lorher    house,    .Mots  St.,    fi-i&O.    R.    W.    Clark,' 
111-^'  Uovernmeni  »t. 

LANUI'X)Rt)  St..  Victoria  Weal;  7  roomed 
h^w  house,  all  modern,  with  new  fur- 
iHiure:  a  snap;  tSIOO;  $750  cash,  balance 
easy.  '  R.  W.  Clark,  llli  Government  St., 
phone    1-093.  .  

r  1ST  yonr  property  with  J.  L.  Tundorson 
iJ      and  Co..   Ijid..  5  and  «  Bi-own  Blk, 

NEW  modern  9  roomed  house  1  1-B  acr»« 
in  the  1  U  mile  clrclo  on  new  double 
track  car  line;  all  planted  to  fruit,  no  rock; 
barn  and  poultry  houses;  direct  from  Ihe. 
owner  fqr  $9500,  reasonublo  lurms;  address 
urawer   615.    Victoria,    li.    C. 

II 'I  IK  Liook!  ,Lbok!  Good  6-room  house, 
■^;e  lot.  only  10  uiinutes"  walk  from 
renter  of  town,  must  bo  sold  this  we|C(c  for 
*5,000  J.  I..  I'underson  &  Co.,  l<ti^.  5  and 
0    llrowtn    Block,    Broad    street. 


irelgUi    _ 

nana  marine  gasoline 
111)  h.  p.  required  for 
'.   O.   pox   IISO. 

VJCRAI-*  Brass,  copper,  zMo,  lead,  cast  Iron, 
>0  sacks  wnd  all  kinds  ot  bottles  and  rub- 
ber; highest  cash  prices  paid.  Victoria 
Junk  Agency,    lt»20   Store   «l.;   Phone   ISS.    . 

second-hand    motor   cycle; 
state  the  make  and  lowest  cash  price. 
l!ox   007,  Colonist.   .     ,.  ,    ." 

\T\v5nrei>r  brooder    (Oha^thanv  preferred ) ; 
'  '        must  be  cheap  and  in°  s<^od  condition. 

Ui-K  n'-'n.  iviionist.        .  

secondhand,    two-wheeled   two- 

a'  dojreai-i         rnedlum    lils^i      also 

bvasB-maunted  good      cosrtSltlon; 

cheap.      Box    9iJt  ■!. 

-IV'ANTBD.      a 


T/tOK   sale,    good   stable;   call   at  1206    Fern- 
JD      -wood  rd„  corner  Fort,  betwe*n  S  and  9 

a.    m. 

■  I  I      . .  . 

}7tOR   sale,   mantel,   grate  and  tiles.   In  good 
:        condition;   cheap.     Call   at  410   Quebec 

J7>aR  sale,   14ft.  lent,  with   lly;  best  quullty. 
?        ]27fi  Gladstone  avc.   - 


111  -      ■■.    ';  ; 

G~  RANlTli  for  sale.  $1  per  cubic  yard,  on 
Esquimau  car  line,  opposite  8t.  George's 
Inn.  Exactly  at  city  limits,  a.  G.  Aelheis- 
ton.'  ■■■.■.■ 

Roller   (Iron)— -F.i 

1'.   U.   Box 

D. :    cor  !  locks. 

$7.60,    delivered    aoo    niackeft. 
»ett,     tOaverne's    succoMorn 
St.,     opposite     City     Hall.       J'ii 


$7.00;     »pii' 

'     '•     King- 

i  louglas 


TJOWUOAT  Wiinled  at 
-CV  plci^surc  type;  miist 
-•Vddress  will 

■^"1  "ANTED  —  Gasoline       engine, 
'  '      uiodlu 

once,    about     15ft. 
t>«.  good  condlllon. 
.-VddreBS  with  all   partlcdiars,  f.  O.  Box  01. 

m   power;   any  uondlttoo,  cheap, 

;'.    :.:...;;-=.  Ooldstrcam.- 

TXTANTED,  blouses,  suit',  fashionable:  good 
VV  medium  figure.  Phone  Ri*90  or  J1709 
Douglae.  : 

'     I  ill      I        ,  i  1  .1    1 1  II  li  I 

'r!CJAJJTKE>—.\  canoe  er^-yo-Wing  boat  in 
VV  good  condition;  state '  lowest  price 
for  cash.      Apply   Box   888   Colonist. 

Y"! 'ANTKD.    s.-iddle.     Kng'.iBh.       and      Irid'.e; 
iV       s<i:ondhan(l.       James,       "oliiultz      Pest 
Oflloe.  _ 

"room    AMU    BOARD 

AT  tJt.  lletens,  S3S  Courtney  str'eet,  single 
XX  and  doiible  bedrooms  to  let  with  board; 
iiighest  and  finest  position  In  imvii;  oppo- 
site Cathedral;  English  cooking  sleani  heat- 
ed:  terms  moderate;   phone  1,3363. 

Beacon  illll  par-k;  private 
coniJorls;  single  and  double 
rooms;  moderate  Inuluslvu  terius;  close  to 
town:   phone   1'J9S.    . ,     ,  • 

J         home 


LOOK   Here — Modern  7   roomed  house,  fur- 
nace^ cenicui  basetricnt.  siauwalka.  riRlti 
on    car,    Oak    Bay.      Price    $4,500;    cash    $700, 
_  balance  $3D  a  month.      Apply  U.   A.   Dell.  Sit 
".noutt     1747. 

rE'VV'  i>"»l*uwin  bungalow,  aii  ijioilci  n,  v  <  ;  > 
attractive;  fii-epliico;  piped  *tor  furnace; 
1  enient  ba8em,-ni:  '  e.^meiu  walks.  hte.ay 
terms.  J.  U.  Punderson  &  Go.,  Ltd.  S  and 
li    Brown    'oiOck,    Bioad    slrrcl.     |   ■   ,      

"VTEW  4 -room  bungalow,  $3^00:  $500  cash. 
jc>  Apply  Hev.!tr.s=  aisd  Co.^  Lee- buUdlas, 
1  orner   Broad   and   Johnson.  •  • 

0.\K  Bay^ — Beaullfu!  honMS.  fi-ro&nss-wlth 
large  reception  hall,  open  fire'placcs, 
s;sjiaiils.._J33  iwo  -full-sir.ed  lots  1130x130); 
houso  most  artlsticall.v  finished,  all  fenced 
in,  tine  garden.  well  laid  otU,  some  oak 
trefs;  chinaman's  house  and  tlog  kenlidls 
^vlth  cement  floors;  price  $8,500;  half  a. 
minute  from  carllnc.  Apply  C.  P.  Allan, 
31    Green    block. 

: f-L 

PRIOR  St..  6-roomed  house,  cement  base- 
ment, lot  35  by  130;  price  $3650;  $1000 
cash,  balance  ?30  per  ^nonth  at  7  per  cent. 
House  rents  at  $3S  per  month.  Apply  P.  O. 
Box    1030.    city. 

^ARATOGA  Avenue — Oak  Bay;  an  abso- 
1^  luiely  new  7  rooinrd  House  on  a  large  lot 
for  $ri(.00:  this  is  a  snap  and  could  not  be 
duplicated  m  the  iirlce,  liul  as  the  owner  Is 
leaving  town  he  must  .sell;  Howell,  Payne 
&  Co.,  Ltd..  1319  Langloy  streelK  phoiio 
17."!0.  '  ' 

y^NAP  In  James  Bay;  .SSxllB,  -with  5  room 
^  house,  rented  at  $35  per  month.  Pries 
$3,700;  $1500  cash,  balance  $30  per  month. 
Allen  &  S<in.  Phone  lfi50.  Over  Northern 
Crown    Bank. 

SNAP — Esqulmalt;  a  tive  roomed  house  on 
large  lot,  50x1  STi;  sanitary;  spring 
u-nter;  well  lined  wllli  sioii,'  i>liies:  all  well 
lliilRhed.       Owner,    Box    SSI    Colnni»t. 

^PEED  Avenue — A  4  roomed  cottage  right 
S!^  near  tho  car  only  $3100;  Howell,  I^ayno 
*  Co.,  1319   T.<anKley  St.;  phone  17f^n. 


-YtJALNUT  Streel — Now  4  ro-im  house  Just 
V»  completed  $3900  on  easy  terms;  How-pII 
Payne  &  Co.  Ltd.,  1219  Ijaiig'icy  St.;  piione 

VT/E  can  »fl!  you  a  S-roam  bunir4«.low."  near 
V»  ly  new.  near  Burnslrte  lln-  for 
only  $1.B50.  on  a  lot  60x305  feet.  Good 
terms.      Eurelja  Realty  Co..   862  "STates  it. 

■V11LMOT  Place — Itanrtsomely  designed  8 
'  '  roomed  semi-biingalow  nbROlntely  iriod- 
crn.  large  reception  hiill,  panelled  nml  bur- 
lapped,  built  In  seats,  pass  pantry,  dining 
loom,  open  flreplere;  bedrooms  flnishfil  In 
nhltr.  :ill  I-reneh  windows,  <oncrcle  foumla- 
llnn.  furnnoe.  cement  iv.Tlks;  lot  rxceptlon- 
all.v  large-  pi-|ce  on  terms  $4  7.'>0.  .MvensKhon 
Ltd.,   «3fi  View  St. 

VXTOL'LD  you  care? — 'Would  you  'Ike  to 
Vt  own  a  new  6-roomed  bungalow  on 
Wnden  avr.,  and  one  o'  the  mos:  modern 
and  up  to  dtte  buag«.;ew«  In  Ihe  whole 
Fairfield  Estate"  The  price  Is  only  tS.iOO. 
and  f./OflO  cash  will  handle  this.  See  tho 
Eureka   Realty   t'o..    853    Yates   st. 

YALE  St..  new.  at>«ou,tely  modern  tlve- 
roomed  house;  right  close  to  Oak  Bay 
av».,  for  J3.SO0.  Howell,  I'avnc  A  Co..  . 
1219   Langley   si.      Phone   1780. 

9-  iCCJU  ■•■  usi^  **«  Ot.»  err*  •»  >5  mfi  isyi-  \.o  -tjS  ^  f-  .t* 
all  respects  and  elegantly  furnished  In 
a  most  artistic  style.  Tlie  piano,  player, 
'which  Is  new!  cost  $900.  This  is  a  beauti- 
ful reoideni.-.'  Is  »ltu«teri  on  a  high  "le,-M- 
tlon  within  the  city  limits,  and  U  nnlv 
one  block  from  the  xfreei  rsr  line.  The 
grounds  are  most  lii-autifuliy  laid  out  In 
shrubbery,  terraced  lawns  and  oak  trees. 
»(on*  walls  surround  the  winding  walks  and 
ill-lvea.  The  view  fioni  ihln  m.ignincent 
sita  eoald  not  be  dr-srrlhed  an.-',  must  he 
iwen  to  t»e  appreciated.  Ground  arco,  one  and 
one-half  acres.  T'riee  »33.5on.  on  easy 
('  rtnr.  This  |»^op»^l^  Ik  easllj  «nrtli  iSO.ona 
Sold  without  furniture  if  desired.  Rusaoll 
*    (Jregg.    307    Pfmtierton    RUUv 

'"XOMFORTABLK  Tooitt  and  board  ▼Ith  use 
of    ■lltlng    room;    phone    U°,i!llti;    lO'JJ 
Oliphant   ave. 

or  single  rooms  with   board  616 


AR(  ■.  I 


loom  suitable  tor  S  friend*, 
.,  apply  13l«Rud!ln  jii, _ 

M.\RR1EU    couple     or     two    gentlcm 
ceived   as  paying   guests;   sunny 

cmon    re- 
liousc,     close     in;     moderate     terma:     phone 

RESPECTABLE   board   ajjij   Jcdslns*.    717 
(■,..,,1.,.,,L..      „, 

— 18  h.E.  McLaughlin  Buick 
ij.'  ••'•o  seated,  electric  light,  ele- 
gantly fitted;  has  been  run  about  1.000 
miles  only;  in  excellent  order;  Box  |J73  Col- 
onist. ^_ 

PLAYER   Piano,   nearly  new,   88  note,  ma- 
hogany  case,    cheap   for    cash    or   terms 
tf   required.      Apply    1231    Government    st. 

EMOVAL   sale — All    buggies    at    l^s    than 
cost;      agricultural      implements,      etc.; 

also   a    solid    oak    counter. 
Co.,    Ltd.,    733    Johnson    St. 

B.    C    Hardware 

RENT  a  Remington  No.  7,  three  months 
$5.  Visible  No.  10.  per  month.  $3. 
Remington  Typewriter  Co..  Ltd.,  316  Pem- 
berton    block.      Telephone    2914. 

TWO    new    ping-pong    tables,    also    racket* 
for  saJe,  cheap.     Box  908  Colonist. 

PRfoHT   piano   In    Mission   flnlsh,.  beauti- 
ful tone,  nearly  new;  a  snap.     Cash  on 
terms.      Apply    1231    Government   st. 

■tXTHT  carry  your  baby  -whrn  you  cat; 
VV  get  a  go-cart  from  $7.50  at  Butler's 
New  Furniture  Store.  731  and  736  Pandora 
street,    near    Douglas. 


A  '  riELF-Contalnea  suite  for  $35  and  up. 
-fi-  In  new,  modem  brkk  aparinicni  houso 
now  open;  apply  "Field  Apartments."  cor- 
n<ar  Field  and  Douglas  St..  ncxl  to  Queen's 
dve.      Phono    lS8t. 

/  iOMI 

lose  In,  -  1709  Pouglas. 


LiVjR    rent, 

f    ■      St. 

housekeeping    rooms.       832    Fort 

1.->OR   rent,    two   unfurnished   rooms  In   priv- 
.         at«  family;  no  children.      Bo.t  919  Col- 

IjSOR     rent,     two     un 
?  children.        1050 

furnished    rooma; 
Richmond    ave. 


.Mar\     bi. 

I      taema  .modarate;    211 

i  none    L-1S54. 

HOUSEKEEPING     and     furnished     rooms. 
SOS   Cookst- ,  _■     '     I        

HOUSEKEEPING     rooiUs.     side    door,     813 
Fort  St. 

HOUSElvEEPING  roonTB.  ■  itirniBiiBd  or  un- 
furnished on  the  Gorge  car  line;  all 
conveniences,  t.'raigflower  road.  2nd  house 
'pact    i~Hr*?y    B*(ivet.  ^uH   !«>! 'tittitd    ttldv* 

HOUSEKBBPINO   rooma     and      btdroonu, 
444    Kingston  «L      .  - 

IAKGE.    comfortable    honsekeeplng  .  room, 
*<     "Maplehurat.'MP37   Bla.nchard  3'-\     ■ 

or  3  rooms  and  oath  fur- 
unfurnished,  new  house,  car 
s    P;    (5..    510    Oswego    street; 

iTk-OOM  a,nd.  board-:  .taraia  moderate.    Wyatt. 
X-      Yale  St.,  near  Burns,  (mt  minute  from 
car.  ..         

ROOM    and    hoard;    English    cooking.          4  4 
San   Juati  avc;    phone   R3806. 

ROOJl    and    boara;    best    English    cooking 
and    home    comforts    1631    Quadra   st.; 
phdne    L920. 

ROOM   to   Let — With   board   tor   respectable 
man    private    family;    one    minute    from 
car;   apply   3016   Chaucer  St.,   Oak   Bay. 

BOOMS  and  board;  boautlfu'ly  situated; 
near  Gorge;  close  to  car  line;  terms 
niodcrate;  Miss  Chamberlain,  1337  Sunnysldo 
ave.;    off   Cralgflower   rd;   phone   R313&. 

rpo  lef,  lorge  fro:it  room,  with  board  In 
X  private  house;  married  couple  pre- 
ferred:    every    convenience;    phono    R109S. 

T.  line;     ,     luioiiie 
I    James    Bay. 


rent,    room    and    board    for    one    young 
man.      1136    Mason    st. 

TO    BE?n 


CABIN    to    rent.       1041    Colilnson    st. 

dk^/\r|  .cash.  130  monthly,  w-Hl  buy  new  5- 
5^l?vF  r==Tr.  cc:t*«r:  prirs  iSiit.  on  rotii 
**«  rd_  kcar  Fort.     Boc  123.   coioalst.  ■ 

AN    office   to    let.    board    of    trado    building, 
ground    Iloor;   vault.     Apply   Secretary. 

.,..,,       r Ill  II        . 

1."^OR  rent — Desk   room   In   centrally    located 
-         office  building,   .\ddross,  P.  -U.  box  1115. 

|,"^OR  rent,    garage   for  oho  automobile.    303 
-T        Montreal. 

InoR    RENT— Of  lire   space,    in    a   bright   find 
•     comiortablo   ofllco.   Apply   at  1210   Wharf 

1,"'.OR  rent,  j>art  modern  ofhce.  grouijd  floor. 
-         very   central.      P.   O.    Box   468. 

THREE    comfortable    furnished    rooms    and 
use  of  kitchen;   722   Market  st. 

rpo  let,  two  furnished  housekeeping  roomh. 
-L  .\pply  901  Burdette  ave..  corner  Quad- 
ra   St. 

V)     let.      two     large;     unturnlFiied     rooms; 
every     convenience,      100     yards       from 
Oak    Bay,    corner    14133    Hulton    st. 




A,\HO.S"SO.N'S  pawnshop  has  removed  from 
Broad    street    to    1410    Uoverniuent    St., 
opposiifa    ttio    Wostholmo    hotel.  «' 

AKEAbUNABLE  »ugge»tlou;  ttx  your  gar- 
den now.  llobu  irueb,  illy  of  valley, 
M-aliriowers,  all  hardy  perennials,  rhubarb, 
tally  cabbugii,  raupbeiry.  gooseberry  busliOB, 
Sliuivberry  piuiils.  )5  per  lOOU;  .^;c•.v  I'loral 
.Litore.     1154      lales    si.,     just       uuuvu       library. 

i-a'jr.c   3.'7s. 

tJE.NTvS    lake    nollcc- 
Jr\.      Uavlu   St..    Block   3 



TO   rent,    housekeeping  rooms   in   new   brick 
block.      Apply    24)8    Government    s!.    N. 

TO   I^rCt.   well   furnished  front  bedroom,   slt- 
tlngrooni,   use   of   kitchen,   phone,    bath, 
etc.,    to    refined    couple.      I'hone    R-1969. 

rent,     furnished    housekeeping    roonui: 
modern,    close    In.       Apply    2535    Gov- 
ernment  sr. 

TO   le-t.    fumls 
I  rnlllnson. 

hcd    housekeeping   room,    lu-il 

-Lola       IH      and       19 
Is   -.vlthii'j.-.Mi   irom 

rOVI^TBY    AND    LIVESTOCK    (Cuntlnued.) 

"ITK^U  aale,  black  Ulnuroa  pullets  and 
.1.  cockerels;  buff  Urpiiigtons,  Rhode  Is- 
land red  cockerels:  Uoud,i.u»,  male  and 
female*,  and  bulT  Cochiti  banlama.  1813 
Oak   Bay    ave..    Victoria.    B.    C.  

C-4  OOn   singing    canary    wanted; 
T       I'ombcrton    rd. 

roller.    853 

H.vr-CHINO  Kggs — Black  Orpingtons.  Ini- 
porled  birds,  raised  und  mated  by 
1,'ook.  $5  per  setting;  liuft  Ori)lngloij,  $2.00 
per  setting;  l-'ekin  Ducks,  $;.ou  per  setlliig. 
Uav.oi     H.ineli     RavmI    OaV 


M      I>     ^■ll. 


SNAP— Good   paying  restauranl   1118   Ulan 
chard  St.  »ell   cheap;  going  back  to  Old 

rpO  Real  Estate  .\gents — Vniing  man  with 
.1.  ten  years'  expt>rifni-e  In  the  East  and 
Middle  West,  Willi  gootl  connections, 
will    Invest.      Box    71ti.    Colonist. 


pcrcuulals,  lily  of 
ley  and  waunowers,  frull  trees, 
raspberries,  logan,  gooseberry,  rhubard.  cab- 
bage plants,  ki.cds,  all  kinds  at  Js54  Yatas 
St..    New    Floial    store,    near    Literary;    phono 


NTIQUE    Jowd;ry,    diamonds,     engravings 
and     pictures    bought    and    sold.       Mrs. 
A.    A.    Aaronson,    »6   Johnson   Ml. 

ALL      best    roBB    trees,    per 
valley     and     wallrtower 


To       Let — Furnished       suit*      houank^eplng 
rooms;   no  children:   11T8  Yates. 

TO   rent,   two  good    furnished   hnuaekecplmg 
rooms.      863    Pandora    «ve.,    tel.    L47B. 

furnished  housekeeping 
pleasant  position,  central  lo- 
co.Ilty;  -n-nuid  suit  married  couple 
ladles.       1203    Pandora, 

TO       let,       large 
rooms,     plea 

t  \V  r. 

Ij^OR   lease — Store   and   basement  In  modern 
■      fireproof  building;    host    location   in   city. 
Appl.v    '^22    I'emhertnn    Building. 

1;j>KONT    room    tor    rent;    could    be    used    as 
-         an    oJlIce;      between      Blanchard      and 
Quadra.    848    Fort   st. 



rrVJ  RENT — 111  .S«i«nlch,  near  Tramline.  1  .i 
JL  acres,  about  5  acres  cuitivBted,  some 
rriilt  trees  and  strawberries,  house  and 
chicken  houses.  o".e..  good  water,  no  rock. 
.■\pply  126  IVmberton  Building,  or  phone 

fTK)  let,  3  light,  airy  oJJlces.  steam  heale^l. 
JL  hot  and  cold  water.  Brown  Block. 
Broad  St..   P.   R.    Brown. 

'TV)  rent,  two  atores  and  Prince  Hotel,  cor- 
A  ner  Government  nnd  Pandora.  .Vpply 
Westholme     Lumber    Co. 

TO    l?t.    S    srres,    with    4    roomed    new    bun- 
Rttloiv.    partly    furnlrhed.      Apply    V.    .\. 
Henry,     Ifsv'PV    Valley    P.    O. 

rno     let,     large     room,     suitable     for     dress- 
X        maker   ?r   classes.      Apply    $23   Mensles 

WASrEU    TO    RKiXT 

■rjACTTKI.On      wants        unfurnished      small 

.*   "  i...Mtl  •.•t.|l»--^  J>,7J»      ^w«A        *!,.;- 

■yy'AKTBU — To  rent  on  sharei*  farm  sult- 
VV  able  tor  mixed  fiirming  or  would  take 
»nt(r«>   matmvrmeivt;   Jlf»  Kvriorianoo;   Boa   7*» 


»\'A.VTF.I>.  by  liii«ln*'B!i  Indr.  ijuiet,  unfur- 
VV  nished  room  use  klteh*<n.  reaaonabto, 
near   car.      Apply    J.    O.,    78$.    Coloniat. 

]  Adverlise  In  THE  COiOWrst 

TWO  furnished  housekeeping  rooms;  adolci 
only.      ISO    Montreal    St. 

TWO    unfi*rni»hed    rooms    to    let;    tnodtrn. 
^31    IllllBido.    enrnor   of   Work  St. 

TWO     unfurnished     hou»»keeplng     rooms    t"- 
rent,     near     Beoeon     Hill     park.        310 
I'hornlx    place. 

rpwu  large  furnished  houaektHjplng  rooma 
X_io  lei;  range,  hnih,  h.  and  e.  elijctrlc 
light,  phone,  one  inlnuto  from  car;  1144 
pandora;    phone    R304'J. 

UNKUnNIPHEI)     rooms     to     lei.        344     Nl- 
ngam    nt..    .fsme^    Hn\ 


ROOM    and    board    or    partial    board    want- 
hy    .voung   ninn ;    moderate   terms.      Ap- 
ply   Box    466    Colonist. 

SCOTCH    Boarding    House;    rooma    with    or 
without    board.       660    Johnson. 

1"17A7>TED.  b)  working  man,  board  and 
VV  roojn  In  private  Christian  home  (un- 
furiitsihed  it>sia  would  suit),  '.\ppay  Box  9S2 

"VTOCNO  man    dealrex  room    and    board    with 
1  prlvale     'amll>.     wUhIn      -.valk'nir     dis- 

tance   cif    post    office;    good    rer,>i-e!ic.-. 
872.    irolon-tst. 


M.^N    needs      hoard      and    room; 
tioarding       house 
proposition.      Box    817    Colonist. 

X     jirKnte      family:      no 

AGGAOE  promptly  handled  at  current 
by  tho  Vctoria  Transfer  Co.; 
OtUcu   open    nigul    and    day. 


phone    iL'H. 

|»l'Ji»Ul.\G    Plants    also 
.15      or   pliore    P.    T.    Joans-ton,    ooach   Drive 

■\rOUNa  gentleman  requires  room  and 
i  board  In  private  family;  phone  and 
open  nre  If  poastble.  I'eimanent  If  sukn- 
ble.  Fnlrrteld  or  Oak  Bay  dlBlrtf..  Board- 
ing houses  don't  apply.      Box   nil,   P.   O, 

AOTcwT*  WAwran 

Plants    also   a   Specially — Wrlio 
,    ooach   Del VI 
.sursi'rie»,   ouk  B»y,    victoria;   pliwne  Y1411). 

DIN.VHittJj,  buuquolB,  supper  parlius,  etc., 
ciicred  fur  ou  ahuri  notice;  rates  on 
applloailou  lo  Uujuy  JiU  Church,  caterer 
ju.iue8  Itay  Grill.      ..,  .'  

i"AEllUlS    and    Bay — FIguro    all    classeji 

oven    una    boiler    »cl- 


X^         building    and    rcpaa-    worK.      chimneys. 

iMunlels,     graiKS.     lUeSi 
ling;   phone   1S7S. 

HORiiBiJ    for 
extra  hea 

o — I  have  twelve  head  ol 
extra  heavy  horses  left,  also  two  fancy 
drivers;  can  be  seen  at  our  sulii  barn,  Bur- 
lelth  Park,  Cralgflower  rd.  htuphenson  & 
Deny,  P.  O.  Box  11J9.  Phones.  R-2675  and 

INCUBATOR    complete, 
Michigan    st. 

100       egga 


j-^  A4-i!>E>!1J'''.*    TxaniiMl    da" y,      or      contract 
KJ  pruning  a  apeclalty;  phoae  YY.368. 

1  HEREBY  give  notice  that  unless  the  dog 
which  strayed  to  Cianfleld,  Phoenix  st. 
is  claimed  )a  a  week  It  Will  bu  sold  to  pay 
uxpunstis.  "       ..  • 

IF  vou  own  ft  lot  w«  win  build  you  a 
$30uo'homa  for  $7$0  cash,  and  give  you 
8  years  timo  on  Uju  balance  at  5  per  cenu 
«(»l<l?i<j  Jntwrwki;  5"i4  i'ti.....  .  IV..1  btock. 

TAMES    Buy    -.ilii.lov, 


Mi;.\|j<    350,    froin    11    o.    m. 
King   George    Orlll,    corn. 

and    reliable 

Guburjt      .HI. 

ONE    Reliable   Man   In   every   tciwn   to   take 
ordara  for  best  custom-made  clothes  In 
Canada.  Highest  eommiaaion.    Hex  Tailoring 

TBACHCR  nAsrmo. 

TEACHER  wanted      for      Mnyne      Island 

achool;  aalaj-y    $50    p«u-    month:    dutlea 

<■_•  ^?5«rH'.en!.'e  March   li.   i«12.     -%.p5!y  J.   W. 




1.  .Major  )iVll«on     wiahea   to     Inform 
her    rorrcspondenta   that    her    presant 
and    pciniaiient    addrsies    la    "Rouge    Mont," 

ni7— rmt  ' 

Linden    ave..    Or   719   Cook  atret;  :~  '■   ■'/-'■''/  .■  ■  '.  ; 

Real     Estate    .Vgente— Houw 
•Old.        A.   L. 


N' OT IC K — TT~Pun    .1 ;    illy    Co.      have 
removed    from    1411    Store    St.     to    181S 
(io\-ernmont    street. 

XJOTH.^E     to 

JJV       3065   Washington  ave.   Is 

BHEUMATISM  and  all  nervous  com- 
plaints treated  with  great  auoceas  by 
Cown>  natural  methods;  no  drugs  used; 
patients  visited  at  their  own  homes:  fees 
moderate:    local    testimonials.      Phone   R1969. 

SCALP  Specialist — Slra.  Oeorgs   HeaUlerbcll 
1156  Chapman  St.,  Victoria.  B.  C.   ladles 
treated    ai    their    homes    60c.,    76c. ;    highest 


CJINGING  Lesson.")  given  by  Paul  Edmonds. 
>5  of  I>oiidon  ..n.l  Paris,  baritone  with 
Tetraszlni  in  lOO:-  uipointments  phono 


MADRONA  Poultry  Form.  Eggs  for  hatch- 
ing; Buff  Orphingtons,  imported 
strain,  t-  and  $3;  prize  pen,  iu;  Cornish 
Game,    priio    pen,    $3.    Address.   Gordon "^lead. 

PEKIN  Duck  eggs  fwr  hatching;  cholc.R 
stock;  $1  a  dozen;  ?7.bH  u  hundred. 
Thomas  Walker,  May  wood  P.  O. ;  plioiie 
K3  94  3. 

I>  t'.  ilhfide  l«iii.nitM,  Wiiiir  Wyalidol  tei», 
*>'  Pekin  Uuiks.  Indian  Ruiiiiern.  set  lings 
10  for  $1.75,  20  for  $3.  50  for  $«.  100  for 
$10;  free  range;  best  pur,-,  bred  stock.  Ap- 
ply  P.   O.    Box    1233,    Victoria. 

OINGLE  Comb  Brown  Leghorns  and  White 
k3  Plymouth  Rock  egas.  exhibition  and  lay- 
ing strain  $1.60  per  getting;  Pekin  Duck 
eggs  $1.25    per  setting;  .1.    l>.    West,   Third  st. 

~~**      t>i^Ur^  ^..fl  ■      *..  ..        f>       f\        KT...        1 
\,.  ,      ^.av...,,,.^*.!^ ,      MU    '.       .   .      s.'.      ...>.       .. 

WANTED,    Australian   Love    Bird,    female. 
Apply    B,-jx    281.    Victoria    postoffice. 

ANTED — Several  broody  hens.     Box  913. 

on  Cerms,  bO  to  100 
pullets     or     young 


■VXTANTE^D  to  purchase, 
VV  Black  Orpington 
henv.     Box  860,   Colonist. 

VT  AST    lorluiiea    iiuve    oeen    inaae    in    :nanu 
faeturing    eleeirlcal    aupplle»,    InvesllgAle 
an  iix<-4.'ptloiial  upuniue;   B.   it.   Charles,  King 
Edward    Hotel. 

— li    I     I  ,1  U  ij,i|       ,111  ,WMH,  II,'     I    I.I  ,. 

VEIiV'  rAtjrpHooai  lavt:«*E'tAehl  "ofTtifud'  by 
Coast  Indue:  ;i;^l  forpot  ailun.  who 
have  organized  a  valuable  business,  a  heavy 
boiuiH  can  be  ariuiiguii  [or  iii\c«loi  sub- 
erlbliig-  $10,00(1  (hall  cash  i ;  this  in  a  close 
corporation,  part  ol  the  assets  are  va.ued 
at  $200,006;  wiltt  thu  I'onuS  ut  present  ob- 
tainable this  investtneiit  »111  earn  u  very 
handsome  Income.  The  secretary  will  deal 
only  with  principals  or  llrst-ciass  brokers. 
Apply  lu  IlrSt  liistanee  to  Box  .\CB,  l.'oi- 

best  bona-Ilde 

ig     business       In  Western 

Canada,     estaollslieu     and     without  llabllll>. 
Box    li31,    tho    l^oloiilal. 

tn^^'.VNTEI)     $2«.(10U     lor     the 
VV        inaiiufiii-lurlng    businehe 


679  1'ates  SI.     Phono  L-2U1. 





W/A.N-iMoD,  a  Norwich  male 

\\7  ANTED,     broody     hen». 
V  V      Carrier,    8,    city.    . 

Unit  :   80*. 

tiox   656 

Ffyatt,    Letter 

WANTED,   fox  terrier  pirp. 

J.  C.  yrijall. 

A  t-'OMFORTABLY  furnished  large  double 
.Ao.  bedroom,  also  single  room,  batti  phone 
breakfast  If  desired  1485  Fort  at.  -.^  -i-  -.  --  ■■ 

AL.\RGE  sunny  front  room,  well  furn- 
ished In  new  furnace-heatod  house,  for 
one  or  two  men;  telephone,  balh,  etc;  reaa- 
onablti    if.   permanent;    3107    Blanchard. 

A  LARGE  bedsit  ting  room  for  two.  or  light 
housekeeping.       1121       Burdette      ave.; 
phono    L3061.  -      - 

\  Y/'-A-'^'J'^'^ — Partner;  country  store,  ueai 
VV      city.    $1,000,    Location,   Wilkinson   road. 

W'ANTEJ?.  ten  a  enr  sp-ouhtior  to  Join 
syndicate;  there  is  big  money  in  tliis 
cr  else  a  amall  loss.  Are  you  game  fur 
the  profits?  $100  to  $500  required;  returns 
j>ossU)le  3  tu  5  limes  larger.  Apply  P.  O. 
Box    332. 

tJl/A.NTED,  a  partner  with  $3000  In  Ilrai 
>V       class   manuiucturing    proposition. 

1213  city. 

W.VNTED,   one  to   Invest   from    $100   to  $500 
in  ...manufacturing     buslnijss;     bljr     re- 
lurhs.      ,\lr.   Oibba,    Empress   Hotel. 

\T7.^.NTED,  a  live  business  man  lo  Join  me 
VV  in  a  land  deal;  big  proflits.  no  risk. 
Apply    Box    214.    Colonist. 

YOUNG  man  of  good  character,  with  fair 
education,  would  like  to  iioar  of  a  ijood 
npnortunlty  where  a  few  hundr->;  do.lara 
and  servIdsB  a'ru  rciiulrjd;  addre  id  .''iU  par- 
tlculurs  Bos:  SB7-  Colonist. 

THE    Dorothy    Tea   Room    1008    Broad    St.; 
Pemberion      block;     breakfast 

luncheon,   afternoon   tea;   open   9  a. 
p.    m. 

m.   to  7 

rnilK  Woman's  Bakery  will  open  again  t9e 
1.  business  t Thursday!  February  39 Ih, 
Our  new-  "uikcry  !»  sanitary;  the  same  qual- 
ity in  our  cakes  and  bread  that  made  us 
a  success  will  "till  .'c  our  motto.  B.  Phipps, 
1826    Oak      H,  few    mlnutea      from 

rnBE  Island  Window  Cleaning  Co.;  phone 
X  L13S3;  731  Prlnceaa  ave.;  Janitor  work 


T.VNTED.    home   for    baby.    5    months   old; 
good  pay  monthly. 

Apply  Box  S33  Col- 

tXTANTED — Leesoua 
V  V       Fi  enchtpar,.       O 

in      Krtoith  .   frotn     a. 
V.    BavL'le,    Box    808 


orking  m-in;  $3;  71;:  Pembroke  at. 

FOR  rent,   uedro 
men,     tiioder 

oom,  suited   for  two  gentle- 

ate    ienns. 

901     Burdette 

Furnished    ro 
Jamc.E    XJ 

room    to    leu 

506    St.    John    St., 

IrtURNISHBD   room*,    434   Slmcoe 
minute  from    ti^m. 


rM.'RNISHED    roome.    breakfast    and    even- 

i-      •  in 

i'iione    2164. 

"I7\URNiaHED    Rooma — Board   H    desired    on 

If    desired. 

car   line;   phone    L2665,    647    Niagara 

URNISHED    room,     bi 
1014    Park   Bouleva 

phone    R914. 



1>>URNISHED     rooms,     modern;     near 
.         410   Oswego   at.      Phone   L33.17. 

f^OOV   furnished    room,    basement,   Mt.   Ed- 

wards.  Vancouver  st. 


tllTA.VTED — A  few  young  men  and  girls 
VV  for  private  dancing  class;  one  night  a 
week;    P.   O.    Box   381. 


\  NOTHER  carload  of  draught  lioursea 
-"^J^  jusi  received;  several  well  matched 
ijrays  Irom  30  lo  35  hundred.  Apply  Gieo- 
i^n   and   Johnson.    2636    Blanchard. 

B.-VRRED  Plymouth  Rocks,  prize  strain; 
White  Wyaudottcs,  Duetoi-ie  and  Per- 
cival  atratn;  heavy  winier  -layera.  gooU 
tabio  birds;  S.  O.  W.  Leghoins,  iia-nest  lian- 
.■■oii'a  i!tralii,  $1.^0  jjier  suttthg.  Spoclal  rates 
ior  (iiiaiuiuea.  "  I'liiVip  b.  i»>«r"ut>ur  5«** wi««i 
P.     (>.  ,  

/  1EDAR  Hill  poultry  yards  have  a  fine  lot 
\J  of  pure  bred  Barred  Plymouth  Rock 
ooi^kcreiK  for  sale  bred  from  good  laying 
FTOck  that  was  importea  from  Ontario;  good 
siic«  and  Bhai»e.   I  '  -inb!!,   bay  eyes  and 

yellow    legs;    cal;  iheiii;    price    »3    to 

*»;  T^ggs  tor  nat'  „  j  to  »a  per  iS;  B. 
B.  Jiioote,   JHiL.    Toimltt   P.    O.,    H.   C 

C"\Hj!i.\i*  "horiio  nsuiiaoiB    lor'  rartu    worki    5o 
J    Boyd    at..    James    Bay,    Phono    1829. 

nOLQUlTZ      Poultry     Ranch,       Royft.1      OaK 


ing  pens  are  selected  from  i>00  of  the  beat 
layers.  ;i.uu  per  veiling;  ^9.uo  per  hundred; 
day-old  chicks  30c.  each.     O.   V.  Bovllle. 

EGGS  for  Hatching — Hansons  S.C.  White 
l^eghorns  $-1.40  and  $5  per  100  cockerels 
and  pulleis  for  salt;  P..  .N.  Walker.  Burn- 
nlde  road;    phono   MM 340. 

JAMES    Bay   Hotel — Corner   of   Govcrnn 
and    Toronto    "tieels;    Victoria's    iieW 

vate liotei;  superb  location:  3'-3  bhJcks  from 
boat  landings,  facing  park  100  rooniK,  mod- 
ern throughout,  excellent  cuisine,  moderate 
rates  by  day.  week  or  month;   phone   2304. 

L.VRtMJ,     nicely     furnished     furoEce    iieated 
room   in   American    family.      1250   Pan- 

LARGE    sunny    rooms    heated;    every    con- 
venience  830   Victoria  Crescent, 

LARGE   front  furnished   room,    with   use   of 
Billing  room;  piano.     1916  Blanchard  si. 

"VTEWLY'  furnished  rooms,  hot  and  cold 
-t-Tl  ivater  and  bath,  with  all  conveniences. 
844    View    SI. 


1V.JVUX        lUiaiaifVU       100«1,»,       •uikrtOi,, 

gents  to  share.      439   Superior  st. 


AKL.VND  rooma — Beds, 
60c.;  by  w< 
6   I^angley   sL,   two  doors  off 

0.\KL.\ND     rooma — Beds,     one     man 
two   men    60c.;    by    week,    one    man    $ 

3    men    $3 
Yalcs  »f. 


OOM,   suitable    for   two    gentlemen;    every 

RoBcdale,"   corner   Hillside  and   Governmeni. 
2702    Government    st. 


large  furnished   roorr.s  for  gen- 
sultabla   two   or   more   In   room. 
649   Government    st..    near   Empress   hotel. 


,3UITABLE    for   two   gentlemen,    large    front 

house;   every  modern   convenisnce;   meals  ar- 
ranged.     635    Superior   St. 

TO    Let — Single 
Johnson    St. 

and    double    bedrooms.    926 

rpo    l-et — Comfortable   warm    roons    suitable 
■i-     for     \l«ltor»; 

.Michigan    st. 

Ij^GGS  for  l-.atchlng;  Kellerstiass  White 
-^  Orpingtons,  $5  aiid  $3;  S.  ';.  Buff  Leg- 
horns {5  and  $1.5o  per  aotling;  heavy  lay- 
ing standard  bred  slock;  recent  wins,  3 
firsts,  6  I'nds.  6  3rds;  li.  B.  Butler,  Lake 
am,    \lctorlu.  I   T   ARGE    room,    suitable    for    2 

.modern      new    house    321 


O     Rent — Nicely       furnished       rooms;     two 
blocks    from    post    office;    734    Humboldt 

room    $S. 

$4.      Single 
421    Parry   St..    James   Boy.    3 

ij>GGS    for   hatcblug.    S.   C.    W.    Leghorn.   S.   j   minutes    from     Parliament    buildings. 
^  G.    Hansuira   strain    $id    per   loo;    IJ.    H 

.viachae,    Duiicau. 

EGGS    fur    hatching,    r  line! 
Plymouth       Roi,ks.       $1.50 
phono   L3634;    17l'3    Duchess  St. 

itraiii.     White 
per      sitting; 

ir'GOS  for  hatching,  irom  our  prise  win- 
■J  ning  trap  nested  single  comb  white 
LeBhorii)<.  Jl'.uO  to  $5.0(1  per  llfteca;  $16.00 
to  $-J5.00  per  hundred-  I'inehurai  I'ouitry 
Plant,     2lJS     Belmont    Avenue. 

White    Orplng- 

EGOS — Kullerslra«s  strain  Whit 
Ion*  al  \  letoria  and  Vaiicouve 
four  seconds,  two  thirds;  niaiiiig  list  now 
ready.  Apply  lo  W.  11.  Vauanim.  sou.  Ma- 
tion    Olio,    'victoria. 

JrtOR    sale,    good    milk    cow,    also  ,50      hens. 
.        Auplv    last;    .Marlon    St..   Oak    Bay. 

J.'>OR  sale,  126  Egg  Pelaluma  Incubator. 
-  used  twite;  iviuluma  Brooder,  150- 
I  nick  sixe,  with  lamp,  JitO.OO  or  offer.  ISox 
!'21,    <'olOnlBl. 

I  .'toil  sale,  eggs  for  hnlcliing;  per  felting: 
BarrejJ  Rocks.  $1,50;  Riiode  Island 
Iteds.  $1.50;  White  Wyandortes,  »3.25;  will 
exchange  Ior  Ithode  Irlnnd  Red  t.'ockercl. 
Tel.    30i'«.   or   apply    1660    Pandora  avc. 

"IjAOR    KALE— Good    milk   cow;    duo    to  ealvo 
X"       Maich    Itlh.      A.    E.    Gale.    TCcatIng,    B.l 

•I'Igs.  one  Berkshire  boar,  regls- 
Herkshlre  So-<\-. 
seven  Yorksnlio  sows,  all  thoroughbred  and 
In  pig;  thirty  to  forty  dollars  each,  and 
eleven  joung  pigs.  Thomas  Walker,  May- 
wood    P;^0.      Phone    F-2916. 

-Good  delivery  team,   wagon  ond 
two   sets   of   harness   In   guud   shape;    ap- 
ply  2749   Quadra  si. 

IjlOR  Xaie- 
tgred     pedigiee;     one 


II'-OR    sale. 
J-       road. 


7UDR     Sal 

and    harness. 

12    youtig    rabbits. 
Cheap— Snclland 

;i24    Spring 

pony,     buggy 
-VddreSs    P.    O.     iio.x    Mit>. 


I    LET— At    1133    Fort   St.,    niec'.y    furnlah- 
•  d    room:    breakfast    It    desired.    I'hone. 


Ji  SOUND  paying  business  now  tfltabllan 
-tjL  ing  a  branch  office  could  entertain  a 
liar-.ncrsnlp  with  sultaole  lady  or  gentle- 
man; part  Interest  for  $1000;  previous  husl- 
iieas  experience  not  essential ;  nrsi-cl^iss 
proposition.       -Vpply    P.    O.    Box    1139 

BUSINESS  Opportunity — My  confidential 
relations  wlih  a  certain  corporation 
whose  stock  is  extensively  dealt  in  botli  on 
Iho  \  uncouvcr  and  Vlrioria  .Stock  exchanges 
iiiit  me  In  touch  with  the  inside  wordings 
of  things,  and  1  am  thus  enabled  to  adYlso 
the  purcliase  of  these  securities  for  an  iu>- 
mediaie  ten  to  twenty  point  rise;  parties 
ultli  $1000  01  more  only  n««d  reply;  Bux 
KOI    Colonist. 


MENTHA  I. LV  ioeaten  and  well  established 
real  estate  buiilne(>s  for  sale,  satisfac- 
lory  reasons  lor  selling;  price  only  $300  in- 
elndlng  excellent  furniture  and  the  running 
expenses    arc     light.       Box     1)57,     Colonist. 

IjH.iR    sale    or    rent,    a    small    country    store, 
apply     403     Esquimau    rd. 

I^:>H  sale— Half   Interem    In   dye    works;   (if- 
tin    cash    needed.       122    I'omberlon    Bldg. 

Ij^OR  sale— Leaae  and  lurnifure  of  l<j 
rooms,  crntrally  located  nnd  netting 
more  than  $150  pt;r  montli.  $2,000  cash  re- 
quired. We  have  others  from  $600  to  $25.- 
000.  I  oust  Investment  <.'o.,  123  Pembertoii 

17V>R  sale — Well-establlsned  plumbing  bus- 
iness in  Vancouver  laland  town.  .Small 
amount  of  c.isli  will  handle.  Coaat  Inveat- 
ment    Co..    122    Ptmberton    Building. 

hotel    In 

Ir^OR     »»> 
.  rooms.    centralLv    .located 

ped ;    long    leaae. 

Victoria,     B.     C. ;     7u 
well    equlp- 
\pply    670   Colonl«t. 

W.Wl'f:!)     i<>    111  VI-  iioi 




WANTED,   to  rent,   furidshwl  small  bung- 
alow   from    1st   of    April    on    car    line. 
Apply   Box  902,   Colonist.  ' 

with    garden. 

nt    Tin lurniDn vtt*  ^iw w^ 
Box    907.    Colonist. 


JANTED  to  rent,  for  six  montlia  or  a 
year,  modern  bungalow  or  good  Hat; 
James  Bay  or  Oak  Bay  districts;  no  chil- 
dren.     Send   full   particulars   P.   u.   Box  t»&2, 

or  phone  3S3K.  '  ' 

VXfANTED — For  season,  sumrncr  cottage 
VV  furnlshjd.  near  sea  and  car  line.  Ap- 
ply  463.    13th   St..    Edmontoiu  ■  .,-     .     . . 

'V'XT'ANTBD,  smail  furnished  house,  April 
*  >  1st.  by  local  business  man.  Box  929, 

\TTANTED — Furnished  house  of  six  rooms 
^  V  In  Oak  Bay  district,  about  April  1st. 
Box    941,    Colonist. 

— — ^ a      ii'i 

htiuse      for      Ptint; 
Box  128,   Colonist, 

'tX/ANTED,    0-roomed 
>  V      terms   moderate. 

'  *        furnish 

■By  two  ladles,  a  small  modern 
ihed  house,  for  tdx  months,  from 
April  l«t.  Noi  far  from  car.  Rent  not  to 
exceed   $4  5  a  month.    P.   O.   Box   SSL 

TXT.^NTED,  nicely  furnished  house;  four 
>V  nduUs;  no  children;  Onlc  Bay  dis- 
trict   preferred.      Box    873.    Colonist.      ' 

tiu      tiitittlreu.      5S1 

»  *     "  in,      Tnoorrjn.«     rcwu 
Michigan   Street. 


'ANTED   to  rent  by  small   family  five  or 
atx    room    modern     house    unfurnished. 

..  .-.       ,^        —     /-v.^ ,.       T»....        «..•.-      ....V      1,....        n^..,.. 
ciono     >ti      Ol      ,.>,»«.      A.WJ,      *««M>      \..^  ■  ..M^*  ■  *«..v- 

phone    L2792. 

VTTANTED — On  the  10th  March  for  four 
VV  months  a  -«"ell  furnlished  liouso  In  Oak 
or  Foul  Bay  districts;  apply  P.  O.  Box 

lave  a  client  who  desires  to  lease 
unfurnished  house,  preferably  in 
Oak  Bay;  ftrsi-class  ienr*nt»;  would  lease 
for  a  year  or  two.  Beckett.  .Miijor  a  Co,, 
Ltd..     64  3     Fort     st. 




modern  house  to  rent  on  Victor  St., 
between  King's  ond  Ryan:  full  base- 
ment, concrete  foundation,  panelled  living 
room,  kitchen,  bathroom,  pantry  and  2 
bedrooms;  lot  50x110.  $25  per  month.  Apply 
to    Morris    and    Edwards,    621    Sayward    Bldg. 


l-ROOM  healed  flat  for  $30  and  up, 
including  phone.  lns)>ection  invited. 
Field  Apariments,  adjacent  corner  Queen's 
avrnue  and  JDougias  slretrl.  Piiuiie  ISou. 
(Children?      Y'es.) 

JlX  inodern  seven  roomed  house  «lih 
furnace;  will  sell  part  or  all  of  furniture 
cheap;  -Orcadian  range  or  gas  stove,  both 
nearly  new.  Call  In  afternoon,  at  64 il  Dune- 
din    a-treet. 

HOUSE    to    let.     1123    Flsguard    st.;     four 
rooms,     modern     and     every     conveni- 

..noA-     t'>»  A->r,u,     'tg?    r»ne«Lr(o    m* 

SI.X-roomed   house   to   rent,   to  party   buying 
furnitu-r?.       .-^•^'^l**    p*««»    B'^iiil*'    '''^. 
323    Sayward    block. 


rrw>  rent,  3  room  cottage,  cabin  and  stable, 
J-  on  Cornwall  st. ;  815  per  month.  -Vp- 
ply   609    Moss    st- 

Tt.)  le-;,  modern  7-roomed  residence.  Just 
completed  on  \'lctor  Ct..  between  Kings 
and  Ryan;  beajtifully  finished.  i)anelled.  etc., 
httth.  toilet,  etc.,  we  will  rem  lliU  house 
to  a  i-eifponslble  tenant  for  $30  monthly; 
apply  Morris  *  Edwards,  521  Soyward  build- 
ing,   phone   8074. 

TO     Let — 8-roomed     cottage     on        Superior 
street.    Modern    conveijlcnces    and    targe 
lot.    Apply    925    Johnson  latreet. 

rrv)    LRT— Two    rnttageii    on    cariin?:    also 

X         offices      In       "Brown       B'rock."  P.     It. 

Brown.    Broad    Stdeel. 


l.j^t5l'R  room  (lal  to  rent,  to  party  buying 
-1-  complete    furnishings:    all    modern    con- 


wlililn    half   mile   circle; 
-Vpply    Box    1393    city. 

terms    If 

Tj^URN^-SHED   iiouae   to   let.   modern;    Klngs- 
-T         down,    Alblna   at..    The  Gorge,    Thoburn 




^.TIAGAKA    *i..    stifp. 

rvery  <  onvenlcnoe,  -a-ilh  3  toilets  and 
beautifully  furnished,  all  Included,  for  $«»eO. 
Half    cash.  

lT()HTH    Park   St.,   bousa.   «   rooms,   modern, 


S-stall    stable,    seven    thousand    dollars: 
hall     cash. 
/"'t  OOD    lot    on    Second    st..     for    $700. 

TTAPPV  Valley,  one  hundred  acres  at  $110, 

per    acre. 

toOKE.    one    hundred    and    sixty    acres 
$17    per    acre. 

-tORNKR  Gorge   and    Manchester  roads,   lot 
at     I  wo     thousand     dollars. 

HIGHLAND     District,     six       acres,       shack, 
barn     and     shed,     partly    cleared;     four 
thousand     live    hundred. 

TO     let 


$30    monthly.      Hnrman,    1207 
oppoxilc     the     Court     House. 


111   PcmbertoB   Blools 


OUTER    Wharf,    largo    lot    and    six-rooraed 
house,    close    lo    wharf.      Price    $16,000. 
on    good    terms. 

BUR.VSIDE    rd,.    one-third    acre    close      to 
mile    circle    and    on    new    carllne;    will   two   large  building  lots.      Price   $2,500. 

Dunford    bungalow.      new.      si.v 

t  j  SlS  t-'aaiviit.*       aM>ita*C>,|      &• 

plate    rail,    lot    fenc 
own    term*. 

-TjlEf.r,    !4t. 


ine-     i.!..i;, 

OAK  Bay^  Duni    -li   i.migalow.  close 
line   and  In   a    lugh   class   district; 
seven   rooms,  best  flnlsh;   an   Ideal   home  and 
the    price    Is    only    $6,800    on    easy    terms. 

FOR    rent.    Dun-ford    bungalow,    ne-w.    four 
rooms,  with  ono-thlrd  acre  lot;  one  year 
lease;   $2C  per  month. 

^J      pro  I.e.  - 
theise   w-111   iJi  _  .  ,. 

control      aom»     ch»ie« 

to     llio     reser\-e       aiui 
d  buys  at  prcaent   pricea. 


Phone    1865  128    PembcrtoD    buIKIng 

Mriubera  of   Victoria   Real  Estate  Exchaac*. 

CI  ORDON  H:ad.  6  acres  overlooking  sea, 
T  clase  to  Mount  Douglas  park,  $1,000 
an  acre;  one-third  cash,  balance  in  1,  3  and 
3    years. 

T     on  the 

Head.  40  acres  ot  seavlew  land 
le  slope  ot  Mount  Douglas;  a  beau-- 
liful  properly  for  future  tiUUdivUlon  at  $1000 
per  acre;  terms.  We  can  Offer  this  In  flv« 
oi    itrii  acre  pares!?. 

GORDON   Head.    5    acres   ot   land,      cleared 
and    fenced,    on    the   Feltham   road      at 
$1,000    per    acre. 

(^  ORDON  Head, 
T     overlooking 

a  beautiful  country  home. 

nine-  large  rooms,  with  basement,  furnace,, 
washluha  and  ever.v  modern  convenience. 
There  are  11  is  acres  of  lond;  orchard  con- 
taining 750  fruit  trees,  newly  built  barn, 
etc.;   $23,000,   on  terms. 


DON  Head,  two  lots  of  Ave  acres  each 
eriooking  sea,  partly  cleared;  one 
lot  containing  .-i  small  house,  well,  chicken 
house  and  runs.  Just  put  up,  and  an  acre 
ot  Htrawberrles,  $0,800;  the  other  five  for 
$5,250  on  easy  terms.  Tho  whole  ten  acres 
at  $10,500;  $3,500  cash,  balance  on  easy 


Roopi   3,    1011   Governmant   St. 
Phone  19$ 

,  ash   will  put  you  In   possession  <)t 

•m."*l  H  ft  f    -1  «...      .  .         -  -  ...      ,...-.      _-,.,.._      ...  - 

-^e*--^*-*^^    A  »ll,«      *-,      lutytli      iiwuSc:      Wiliiik      hi-o 

mile  circle;  price   $9000;   lot    113x118,    corner 

<jJpr/'k/\  cash  •Rill  put  you  la  possession  ot  a 
^-/v"  brand  new  4 -roomed  house  near 
the  end   ot   the   Doug.;as  st.    car;    price    $2500. 

(I»-1  ^f\    to    $300    win    put   you   in    poaaesalon 
^JL*J"       of    seme    of    the    flncjrt    lots    to    be 

found    close    to    the    end    of    the    Dougls 
cai  ;,  prices   from   $800   to   $1000. 


let  or  lease,  modern  6-room  collage 
fJovernmriil  !itrt»el  between  Toronto 
and  Slmcoe,  completely  furnlxhed.  Box  92-. 

rpo    let.    rurnlshod.    modern    bunjjalow.    Just 
-L        off    Hiliaode.     4     room*,    balh.    lavatory. 


I     -r     I       as  r-v/r-r» 
J,    I.  L,  IVlLTLn 

Phone  2448 

P-  O.  Box  Ui 

Room    10,    834    View   at. 

»)rkQrk  acres  In  Klisumkalum  Valley,  wlth- 
^\J(J\J  in  ft  mllH  of  G.  T.  P.  Railway  and 
Skeena  river;  good  fruit  land;  some  good 
limber.  The  Klisumkalum  Valley  Is  now 
known  to  be  bne  o-f  the  best  agrlculaural 
and  fruit  growing  dlstricu  along  the  O.  T. 
P.    in    B.    C. 

acres  in  Rupert  District,  'Vancou- 
ver Island;  crown  grant  Include* 
coal  and  tl-mber;  reported  to  have  about 
one  hundred  mllliwi.  feet  limber  which  Is 
exportable;  this  land  baa  about  four  "milea 
waterfront  and  Joins  that  on  which  !•  tha 
Suquash  coal  mine.  For  price  and  further 
particulars  apply   to   above. 


Book*   Harbor. 



7-10  acres,   on 
on     straits,     -with     560 
excellent    land:    $5340. 

e  mile  from  .wharf,  fftcln^;  < 
yard*    of    *bore; 

house   of  9   room*   on    lot   i\l 
ing   on    main    road. 

lease   at   $17.50   per   month;    $1700. 

acre,    facing   on    main    road,   cubjcct  to* 


ACRE;h.    %    mile   from   wharf;   excel- 
lent    ffo41    and    flne    timber;    |60   gtt 

TO   Rent- 
built    8 

FOR     ■ale,     nrw     el«s»     lOO-e^g     Incubator, 
slightly   used:    bargain    at   $12;    332    Rob- 
ertson St. 

X     cot- 

lie — S    B.    Orpington    pullet*    and    1 
cockerel:  also  B.  Orpington  egg*.  $1.80  a 
setting.      Heatheote,     Bow'ger    ave..     WlUowa 

-T     care  Elliot  ft  Sly.   Do=«la*'^*t.' 

FOR  aala,   friahly  calved  cow.  Apply  MapU 
Hli;,    Saantch   rd.. -And   ot   ttuugjaa   at. 
car    line. 

FOR  SALE — Three  brown  lechorn  bMia. 
yaarllnga,  two  thoronKhbrwl  Plymouth 
rock  cockerel*  ctaaap.  Apply  114  Viaw  St., 
phone   21  •7.- 

*■        food   airaiu. 

<*.   O.    Box   •»•. 

KTRGN   at.    lot.   iO«k'  Bllir^ 

IT^OR    sale,    cafe,    doing    good    *t*ady    trade 
.  and    in    good    part    of    city.      Box    $03 


IF    you    want    to    buy    or    sell    a    legltlmMe 
biislne**    of   any    kind    *«•    tha   Coast    In- 
vestment   Co.    12$    Pemberton    building;    tel. 


I^ATKiCK.  Hv«ity  «.x>.  ana  tstmnein  Mx- 
change.  buy*.  aeU*.  trade*.  lease*,  etc.; 
rooml-ng  h"U»e*.  hot«.l«,  grroewy  *torr*,  11*1 
your  properly  with  us;  tru  havw  thv  bvyw- 
645   Fort  at.      Phone   t55«, 

I>68ITION  with  aalary  of  $$■•  p«r  month 
open  for  local  manager  with  lATf*  •#- 
tabllabnd  ItnanclAl  corporation.  B«)rtrfaHMM 
not  abvclutely  n«c«aaary,  but  b*st  dt  («fM'> 
enc«  .^-vqaired  and  Investment  uf  ISJMfi  t# 
*g  «•«,  Rvpitaa  with  ran  addrMa  aft^  m^  OAAHICtl  Wttmu 
Im' considered.     Box  777,  Coiontat.  4  O  ■*■ 

■From  April  fsf,  furnlnlied  housn 
8  years  ago  on  wnterfronl.  with 
3  acres  of  garden;  4  large  rooms  downstairs 
hall,  iloak  room,  kitchen,  pantry,  etc.;  up- 
stairs 6  bedrooms,  3  bathrooms,  linen  cup- 
board; basement,  servant's  room,  laundry 
and  furnoce;  largo  attic  and  all  modern 
convenleneea;  references  required:  Box  611 

TWO    roomed    collage    for    rent     fnrnisheil. 
near    new    car    barns.    Box    897,    Colon- 


8*2    Pemb*rti>n    Block,    Victoria.    B.    C 
rtionw    !«•«  P     C     Uo«    TOS 

Member*  of  Victoria  Tteal   Batata  Bxohanre 

Ir^OUR    large    lots    close    to    Esquimau    rd. 
and    near   Fraaer  at.,   at    $1,000  each. 


BOO.   tcrma  eaay. 

TWO  lot*  on  Pleasant  •,««.,   Oak  B«jr,  IM 
xlSS.   tLOO«  logetftar. 

STAGES    leave    I>!sl    Ross's    store    oB    T«»B- 
dav«.    Thur»d«ys,    Friday*    and    Hat-- 
urdays.     Address  K.  Q.  Mellln,  Mllnea  Land- 
ing.  Sookc. 

LEE    &    FRASER 

Itotmf  to  I<ons> 

Uf*    XBSuranea.      rir*    inmirnaMb 

Uambwa  Vlotort*  tUmi   Kst&U  Xxeb«aa». 

1222    Broad   Rt..    Vietvrt*.    ■>   & 

TWO   fine  iMTce   lot*  on  tine  Oorct  »*V4»r 
lookint  tk«  wntikr  •*.  4t<iM  «Mbu. 


at.  1 

TERMS  on*  third  -««Mc"'^.rl'|  1«  :ll»iinit)MK 

mean  moim  <n 

*,  out  any  nv*,«; 
t'«'6  i«ir*t>  i«u  tuttk 
ink*  yon  ttt  M*  VMM 

TTiOR  Ufcie— Fina  bnlidlnn  slto  frnntlac  •• 
JC  Burdette  ava.,  Vnncotiv«r  tt.  MM  Me- 
•  lure    at;;    for   full   |>nrtl«Ulnra  «•   to   IMWa^ 

Bi»e.  etc..  rin»  up  rit:  or  cnil  nt  «<fln»  ttff 
Broad  St.:  princ*  ♦$».•»«.»•.  ' 

Ijv>R  Snin-«-tn  hnnrt  of  haainM*  Metlni.  » 
fe«t  on  tmiM  it.,  hntwnnn  1>imm 
Blnnchnrtit  prtcn  »»  l|«Bt  tttn  U>i 

TVf B  nlte  hnv*  th«  f(»tt*wln«  lou ; 

B'vRKlltlMk  |ll««i»:i  BMt 

CApmamo  uny 
'Jtrtnr  *t  .m 


W»dne»day,    February    26,    1»12 


D.  Mcintosh 

B    Bnlldlnc.     Oovernraoat    St..     Vlolon*. 
Tclcpbooa    IT«I 

WahoD    Balidlns. 



;^IVB     fholco     loU     on     Anqullh     »t.  .  one    i 
corner;   only   }300Q;   terin». 
WO  Kood   houses  oi>  Quebeo  »t. ;  only  M2, 

OOU    for   Uoth^ ^__ 

AORNEU    '.ot.    Victoria    Wesl;     J1200. 


Contractors    and    K«al    EstatB. 
1»    Green    Ulock.    Bro»d    St.       hhoiio  ■  L.-320I. 

QUADRA    St.,    9    room    house,    garago    and 
Binbli.*,     carrlago     and     wood     »hod». 
I."^AUtFiai>D    road,    close    to    Vancouver, 

-I-        romn 


and    garane.    »it,500;      easy 


ENMAN    St.,   Fernwood   road,   new   6-room 
,1-1  11.     full     basuraont,       »3,250;       »«00 


.\>U'TON    rd.,     iBurnslde) 
level,    grassy,'    1760;     i2\)0 

!4     acre 


OU0L.AS   St.,    iKsqulmall),   5    lots,    44.\111, 


..■4  KM   L.ANUa.    ACREAGE. 

<  ■ '' 
41  o   Sayw.nd  Block. 

PUoae  150. 

BANK    St.,    new    6    room, 
hoattM',    {4ItOO;   a  snap. 



13I10EN1X    St.,    (Esquimau)    6    lots,    46xlS2, 
?S00     each.     >100     cash. 

TTOUS-E.S    built    en    the    Installment    plan. 

VXTE    are   open 
VV       you? 


Real  ISatnte.  Timber,  Mlrea  and  Coal   L.anda 

Phona   a»S».  BoK   l»0. 

1Z8  Pfmbarton  BVd«.  Victoria.   B.  C. 

Vaucouvor    Oirice — WInoh    UulldluB. 
Membera     Victoria     Heal     KelH,«     Kichange 

THE   future   railway    terminus  at    tha  north 
-    •• Island    vvlU    bo    be- 


Ileal   Estats  and    Insurance 
nui    TatcB   Strict 


iiuiv   la   ihu   ilino   l" 


for      Uatlngs.     What      have 

.^ARM     LanUi.       Ctty     Proper'.^ 
Tlmbe*-  Ijunda. 


\-fB  hav©  some  very  line  acreage  for  suiv 
>\  division  on  the  three-mile  circle;  call 
1   «to   us  regarding   this. 



Rooms   1   and    2.    McGregor   Block. 

Cor.    View   and   llroad.    opposite   D.   Spencer's. 

Houkj  phono  XXilia.  Phone  rUt. 

Open  Saturdaya  8  to  IC  p.   Ru 

|:>RICK    4220 — Port  Albernt  :aI^9MiK  ^^<> : 
,>as\>^   terms. 

X  end  ul  Vancuuvur 
yond  doubt  Port  Hardy 

NION     Bay,     Baanlch,     11     acres,     wator- 
cat     no  rock,   cleared,   fenced,   drained, 
now    tt-roomed    huUBC,    barn.    etc..     bottthouso. 
on    main    road,    $1BJ00;  J.erms. 

SIDNTSY,  SaanTch,  10  acres.  cultivated, 
main  road,  ijood  water,  100  trull  treea. 
house,  barn,  etc.,  »(iiOU;  terms  V»  cash,  bal- 
ance 1,  2,  3.  y«ttr»,  7  i>or  cent,  or  would 
sell  li  acres  of  above  for  »2,tiUU  or  6  acres 
with    house    aud    Improvcinents    for    M.OOU. 

"''ERR     Estate,     splendid     lot    on       Portage 
av?.,    80x125,    for    only    »&50;    1250    cash 
will    handle    this.  

OLir'H.\.N'T     St.,     new     6     room     bungalow, 
Ktrlctly     modern,     on     lot       5:klK(;,     and 
only    »3,70O,    so'>d    terms. 

I ■ ■ . 

I,aw.  1910,"  and  the  -W^'"  '^ITMn'nMu'.tl 
Hv-Law  1912."  passed  by  tha  Miinlclpal 
CouiKlT'of    the    corporation    ot    the     District 

VNU  wllERBAH  the  estimated  amount  of 
w.Iter  rates  and  charges  chargeable  under 
the  provisions  ot  thr  •'Water  Ch:irge«  Uy- 
11)10,"  and  the  'Wttter  FrontaKO  Kate 
tor      the      year      l '.'1 


By-Law.       1912, 




^OWICHAN  Lake,  waterfront,  not  far  front 



By-I^w    No. 


dh-j  ,)t\  to  $150  cash,  ParkUale  ".oU.  npar 
«lpX.<-il/end  or  Douglas  car;  Uoiiiu  sites,  low 
taxes,  lots  from  »450  to  J500;  this  section 
rapidly  Incrtaslng,  last  of  cheap  lots  close 
to   city    limits. 

lots  Station  at..  Garden  cUy; 
;er  acre;   city  i 
iiurnalde   cara  will  «oon  run. 

choloe  lot.  oorce  Visw  Park: 
[oa  fS25,  balance  on  ecuiy  terms. 

f\f\  cash;   

\J\f     quarter  acre;   city  water;   M80   to 

"^EAR    Cameron 

MMh;    two    loU  OU   Stannaru 

G«ah,  an«  buUdljig  i; 

hotel,  Ul  acres,  ID  acres  cullhatod,  & 
a,i^  more  cloarod.  house,  all  good  land, 
MP    road,    ii'^i    twr    acre. 

ON  Cowlchan  Lake  road,  200  acres,  100 
acres  bottom  land  has  been  ruitlvateil, 
also  100  timbered,  laud  good  soil,  all  ifiuo 
per    acre. 

C10M0X    farm,    260    acres,    100    acres    culU- 
J      vated,    balance   easily    ulearod,    no   rock. 
Price    $100    per   acre,    barns,    house,    etc. 

Lake,  on  railway  and 
main  trunk  road,  80  acres,  ono-thlrd 
upeiv  ".and,  a.11  good  sa'A  near  «'h"Ol  and 
station;  price  only  for  quhl.  s.u.-  $36  per 

ISLANDS,    10,    11,    12,    100,    76    acres,     near 
Sidney,    from    $1500    per    Island    up. 

I7"I.N'E8T  country  sporting  estate  with 
.  magnificent  shooting  and  tlshing,  on  '/a 
anile  seulionl  nltliin  *  i 'Ui  oi  v»i.r.ii.i  by 
motor,  30  acres  cullHulid  and  40  more  bot- 
tom land,  house,  barns,  etc.,  on  good  road 
and   4   TnilBB  from   atatlona   on   2   railway*. 

"XTAHDT  Bay  "dlBtrtot,  70nn  aerea  at  **.50 
XX  per  acre,  also  18,000  acre*  at  (7.00  per 

TIMBER  Landa,   over  tour  billion 
000,000,000    of    tlr^'"'       "I    ciai 
tltlea,   crown   grdnt.^ei 

HAB0Y   Bay   lota      toco   Bp^.>.ial   ad\ortise- 
ment   in  this  laaue. 

To  Raise  the  Sum  of  $275,000  for 
Sewer  Purposes. 

WHEREAS    the  '^X^  ''"r'oak"  .laV 
Corporatlot.    ot    the      '\1^"^'.^ '„„j;  .„wers  and 


sel-urliy    of    the    rentals    """';-".%J'^, 

Sewer    Rental     »y-Law  and       ^^  *      ji„„i. 

structlon  Tax  Wy-l'**;.    '''^A?"tHct      of      Oak 
clpal    Corporation    of    the    District 

AND  WHEREAS  the  amount  of  '"""^  ^'T 
ready  churg^-^l  "P""  'h<-  »<»l!i  "»'"■-  '"■""'  ''"'^ 
and   charges   is   {2130.t.0;  created 

^a^s'lm^L^d  Uy/l.e^.a.a^Wate.^h.^3 
By-Law,     llu«        <«iiu     >"C        '▼" 
Rale    Dy-I,aw.    1312";  ,  ortiil- 

Ayi\    WUEUEAS.    It    I.   intended    as   add! 

llrmal  security  for  the  K">"'>"\"  ,  '''tuu  of 
eys  to  be  borrowed  to  pledge  the  credit  ot 
iho    municipality    at    large;  .     fl^flol- 

AND,  WHICHEA.S.  the  ''»""l',  *'*^,f^"^„, 
ency  In  the  said  water  rales  at  d  c  ai  ge» 
required  to  make  up  the  '^">''"'''  "  ^\Vc 
annua:  lrvUa-.„i  and  «l»kln8  turn!  upon  the 
proposed    debt    ot    $76,0U0    1«    $17,6  50 

A.ND.  W'HEKKAS.  Ihe  ""^"""'/'J. 
whole  rateable  land  or  Improvement  or 
property    cf    the    .Municipality    of  revised 


New   We»tmln-ter   Water   DMriet^^^^^^^ 
NOTICE   ls_  ''r::!'^„''':,':''„,u,U.lpaHty    b*'.- 

part ner.hlp     t-n;P»'^y,-^,,.    ,.j^„^,   >„ 

way"ueU    may    «!«    «'"»    '' 
f„mmU»loner    at     aW) 

^■'^-^"^-     ^nrjr'Sform.No. 

tlie    Uoll- 

nie!    V.'aicr 

Purllament    »""^!.'''f'; 

t    claim     <"    ^f^}'^! 

"ill),   which 




the    Dl«lrli'>. 


privileges  on  a  l"-""^'"  '  Water  Commission- 
ran  be  ''I'"'"'*-!'  ■''Zlt  Iter  Yale,  Ashcroft, 
■.ra     at     Now     Wesimlnsltr      ^,  ,.    from 

t-'"^tiops,    H^velstuke.    and    Golden, 

::blef  water  '■'»""''"  ""J^^'-  local  points 
Idence  will  .'^'r  '"•f;;v.-  1 -en  examined 
>un  as  the  ^^'f  "".,  ,'V  will  b"  published 
tubulated,    -^n^,.."     .    .    and     local 

Kami  oops,    ^^ ". ;,  ,„,iiii.iilune. . 

,„„    Chief    water   i::-^l^\,    local     point. 

Evidence    wm 
as    soon 

and    tubuiai.-.    ■;v.r,„-mbla    Guiello 
In    th 

..M     nr     me    . 



Urlu»h    <';'l"'"'''^  \i.^u'    wh.-n 
l"^!-^"    °\.:'ll   ?':':n    M      Ub>.ctlo,>«   may 

^•D  WHEREAS  the  e'"«fthu'V"2ar"'9l1 
said   re.ttals  'h^'B-'^ble  for^^hu^y^^^   ^^^^ 

under  the  said  acwer  i\'^"^-'  7,"-i 

structlon  Tax  Uy-Law  U  ""  'Y"*-  n,oney  boa 

AND  WHBUK.AS  no  amou.  t  ot  roon  y 
been  already   charged   upbn    the   aatd   -» 

on    In 



debt  la  created 
,vpr      rentals 
Rental    and 

or  other  rates  and  charges. 
AND  WHEREAS   the  sa  d 

bectiriiy    of,   the    said    se^^.^r 
the    said      Hewer 

'-  '^•"  YnSe\i  a.  addl- 
payment  of  the 
pledge  the  credit 


IJ  nn   one  dFthB'  aliWO  lot» 

Jr    ^oa    base    .im>     p'opmv 
%\iih  us,   ^^o  ha\c  the   bii\ 

P.  E.  TOVVNSHEND      , 

Se.lte   8,  1214   Government  at.  Phone   1410 

ga--fv  cash  han^lles  best  buy  on  MlchJgah 
COOvl     pt..    oloae   to  Montreal. 

m.  H\l\  cash,  wlt<i  easy  .termi.   takes  splen- 
.MOO       did    ilot"   S0.xlt'l..     on    Ti-analt    rd 
gak:«Py :»!<>"■  linger     .mK,.    value;    for   3 
rdaya  only. 



buys  a  Une  7-acre  ranch  be- 
tween the  Cedar  hill  and 
Tc>imtC  TdS.;  till  «i».«.«»a,  •&.—  _-.»-« r 
,  .  .  .10  fruit  trees,  chicken  runs,  etc.:  le^ 
;  ,,  .  ;  V  you  tW»  property;  easy  terms  oat» 
bi.    J.,  ranged.  \^ 

f>  1  OU  takes  the  best,  house  >"  *  «l'-"<^ld- 
owner  must  sell  this  lovely  residence  at  a 
aacrlflco.  as  he  leaves  town   fhla  week. 

fiu-aA  ca»h,  aiid  balance  as '«nt.  *-'1°^^^ 
«f  OUU  brand  now  Vungtilow,  5  minutes  oft 
vviHowB  cur;  open  rtrepU-ct-.  concreu  found- 
.  atlon  and'iully  modeVn  throughout;  price 

'  ■'    ^ew  lota,  Montroae  *v«^i 


''*''  "'V  '^UtTi  flne  .Ota,  Scotfilftkv'UMt  one 
lot  off  coiner  ot  King**  rd.;  price 
foi   a  few  daya,  $600.  

(jBXAA  cash— Nearly  half  aere  on  Market 
^f>t>UU  at.,  near  Quadra;  price  $3000,  with 
very  long  terms  for  balance. 

ONE  acre  on  Dublin  at.,  Tolmie  ave.,  only 
$2800;  third  cagh  and  terms. 

ESQUIMALT    Snaps — Double    corner,     ISOX 
130;  iil2800;  caah  $800  and  terms. 

ca  jfl/ica»b,  price  S24B0  «or  a  pretty  btin- 
^iUU  aMow,  minute  from  Esquimau  cnr, 
4(roome,    toilet,    etc..    up   to   date. 

SOnrv  cash  puta  you  In  possesalon  of  lovely 
OUU  home,  4  rooms,  toUet.  etc.,  6  min- 
utes from  car;  city  waleir  and  light;  price 
$2900. 1 

— 5-room    Dunford    bungalow.    Just 

<>!»    £w>ii<r!a«    <.iir;- »>v»rythlnc    of 

$1008   caahT  balance   $36   a  month. 

I — 4  rooms.  1  minute  from  Douglas 
street  "car;    fitted    bath,      .toilet, 

caah  $500  and  terma.  "    '    ' 

.vs   It   Is 
nil. 1^1.    =v.. ......     lor      the 

moneys  to  be  borrowed  to 
gt  li-a  Mun!"'ip»-'lty  at  large. 

AJih  VfiiisKViXB  ■•'■■       •'•-■" 

In    the    said    rentals 
8a wcr   Rental 


r'  ther 
up      tl««i 

'::t>ort  hardy  i.ot«. 

-pORT  TIARDT  Lota. 
■pORT  HARDT  Lota. 
•pORT   HARDY    Lots, 


the    best; 


PORT  Hardy  lota,   from  $128  per  lot,     on 
terma. ■     ■      •' 

To  ownera  of  Port  Hardy  Iota.  If  you 
wish  to  aell  aame  send  ua  price  and 
particular*.  ^  "We  have  buyers  and  wo  malce 
a  specialty  ot  Port  Hardy  Iota  and  acreage. 

l.-SAKMS — Wo  havti  100  farms  on  our  Hat. 

By-Law    required    to      «f ''"^^  "^mving 
giu«   of   the   annual   int"^«,  »°h,  wm  o1 
fund  upon  the  proposed  debt  »a  ine  »«» 

*':^?1^WHEBBAB  the  amount  ot_tt^who1a 
rateable   land  or   ''"P'-ovementa  or  real   pr 
perty  o£  the  Municipality. o£t?»e»?s.tri.i._ v. 
Oak  Bay  aooordincvilJt^^ClKd' 
«%atHwiv.  the  roll  toP'  

sum  of  $Z.48D,463.0t».    ,  .  ijv.     V  ii*  «*iiii  «<tt  w» 

AND  WHEREAS  thJa  Sy-^i**  **?"  orisenl 

ul ,  ered   or  repealed   except   ".»'»»,  "^^.,1 

tho   Lleutenant-aovernor-ln-Councll. 

TlllCUEFORE    the    Municipal    Council      oi 

the  Corporation  of  the  District  of  Oalc  Bay 

pnacta  aa  foUowa:  .».     tio-,,*  of  the 

1.  It  win  be  lawful   for  the  Reeve  j>r^tno 

oration  of  tha   District 
borrow      upon      the      credit 

the   Corporation   of    the 

"'"^'W  1li.';"°J"=,„^r„.  for  the  Reeve 
the' CorJoruUon  ot"  the  Dl-trlot  of  Oak  Bay 
o  borrow  on  the  security  of  the  '=^'f«  »"'' 
charges  enforceable  unde.r  the  P'-"^'- ?""  °^ 
the  "Wuter  Charges  By-Law,  1910,  and 
the  ••WKter  Fioniage  Rate  Hy-I^aw  1»U. 
and  on  the  credit  and  K"^^^"^,*'^=  °'  J,'!! 
o„rnor«ilon  at  large  by  way  ot  the  deben- 
tures   hereinafter    mejlltoned^  from    ""^    ^-l^- 

r^ojri  7u.r  n;t^*xcefd•lng -in  the  wh^^^^^ 
ih«  sum  of  $75,000  currency,  or  sterling 
monev"'at  the  rate  of  $4.86  2-3  to  the  one 
pound  sterling,  and  to  cause  »'!  >"^n  »"'?;» 
so  raised  or  received  to  be  paid  Into  the 
hands  ot  the  treasurer  «,*»«,  ^^P"'"'"" 
for    the    purpose   and    for   the   Object   toeretn- 

before  reclteii. 

2.   It   shall    be   lawful   tor   the 
f  j^  ca^B**  iiijy   numbor  -cs^  25«-t; 
made,    eteCiitsO,  and   tosued    for    «ucii    f^m- 
as    may    be~Tequlred,    not    exceeding,    Ijow- 
Bver    the  Bum  of  aoveniy-five  tho«s«i4^i^^ 
lara    ($76,000),    either  In   currency   Ofl'JMy 
log   money   aforesaid,   each   of   the   amm^Vf^ 
benturea  being  of   the   amount  of  flvft  non- 
dred  dollars   t  $500,001  or  Ua  aterltng^ulva- 
lent  at  the  rate  aforeaald,  and  "all         *" 
bonlureB  shall  be  sealed  with  thji  am 
■gjfli  QMjMMtiitlf'n    and   algn«4>.  *~ 

^^aSiS*»^»<BiHHa''rQtloit  to. 


ireaiu   will    be   ^";"''   ^watcr  CommUsioner. 

trlct: — 

AtchelUa   River. 
Alchutltch    Rlvor. 
Beaver  Creek. 
Bortvand   Creek. 
Bole    Creek, 
arljio    Creek. 
Brunette   Ulvei. 
puntzen    Lake, 
c:ampbell    BWer, 
Cascade    Creek. 

CUeuiii     Aj.*.-- 

Chehalls  Lake 
Chehalls   Rlvei 
Chllllwock    Rlv 
Como  I^ake 
Coqulllara     iMKt 
Coqultlam  River. 
Cullus   Lake. 
Cypress    Lake. 
Tjeer    Lake. 

Eagle    ' 
jfilk-  Cretn. 
Elm    Creek. 
Elsons   CreeK, 
Kraser   River. 
Fields  Sprlugi 
Gold  Cre«te»    ^ 
Gooae  ItalUkr 


rri._.. ... 

!    Unnaniod    creek    emptying    Into    North    Arm 
buiraid    Imct,    ^ai.   mllo   south    '.'f   <.Jr»nl«« 

Vniiami.d    stream    running    through    Lot    »7I> 

«'>i    Mlo    llurrnrd    Inlol. 
CnnameU    siieam    flowing    through    Sections 
JO   aud    17    and    Lot    zzv.    all    in   Township 
Spiing   near  centre   part   of   N.W.    W    Section 

8,  Township  K. 
L'nnanxeU    iireum    running    from    mountains 

on   west    Bide   ot    I'ltt    River. 
.Springi,  on   nuith  uiid  ot   Lot   109,   near  Sltld- 

way   Road,   Group   1. 
Ui'H!ir;;«d     slreaip     2y     chains     from     Austin 
itiJat!.  Port  :Mocidy  Itoad.  New   Wentmlnstor. 
l.'nnamed    stream   tunning   south   aurosa  Aua- 

lln    Road.    Township    3«. 
Cnnamed     Hireatu     running    through    Section 

30,    Township    12. 
I'linamed    creeK    passing   through   l$ectl0DB   Z9 

and    32,    Township    16. 
A    aniall    spiuiK    situated    In    legal    Subdivi- 
sion   13.   iiecllon    4,    Township   2. 
Spring   on   California  Street,    between    Welton 
.Vveaue    and    Tnorne    Avenue,    Mission    city. 
Spring    on    Lot    18,    JJ,lock    96,    Mission    city. 
Unnamed    stream    flowing    through    the    N.E. 

U    of    Section    24,    TownHhIp    1. 
I'nnanuil    mi  earn    running    through    N.W.     ', 

of   8e<  i.on   31,   Townnhlp    29. 
Two  small   lakes  on   Lots  360   and   362,  Group 

1,    known  as  East   and   Went   Ukos. 
>>tream    rising  on    Lot    306,   Group   1. 
Spring  on  .S.E.    Vi    Section  35,   Township  16. 
Spring  on   N.E.  M    Section   36,   Township   16. 
Stream    running   across   Section    18    In    Town- 
ship   22    and  Section    12,    Township    IS. 
Small    stream    running    through    District    X«ot 

268,    Group  1. 
Bpring  rlflng  on  S.E.    H   Section  1,  Township 

Unnamed    stream    flowing    through    N.E.     '^ 

Section  7,  Township   24, 
Stream  on  N.W.    ',;   Section  S,  Township  2. 
Btream    running    through    Section    29,    Town- 
ship    1,     BOUth-east    of    Nlcomekl     Hivcr. 
Unnamed  stream  in  N.E.  V*   SecUon  2,  Town- 
ship   19. 
Unnamt  d   stream   running   through    Lota   376 
and   203   and  emptying  Into   Burrard  Inlel. 
Unnamed     creek     flowing     through     Lot     Bl, 
Group  t.   Into  Boundary  Bay. 
Statements    of    claims    may    also    be    filed 
In    any    unnamed    spring,    stream, 
!id,   gulch,   lake,  or  other  source  ot 
,p!v_    la',  tha  ylelnlty    of   any    of   the 

LfJFebruary  Slat,  1912. 

:    V,;'.     .;.-;Wr-,15t._ROSa,-.,:. 

Minister  of  Lands 



keal  Eaiai,  '    _^ Cowchan   Statical, 

1-  ACRES  Cowlchan,  Bay,  near  wharf;  new 
t >  h,!:u-»  ten  rooms,  stable.  bo«  house, 
iiowe'r  "house  and  gajollne  •''Sf^''"E  P'«"'i 
^ood    fronlago    and    nne    v^:    Prloe    $8600. 

<At\  ACRES  fronting  on  Koksllah  Itlver; 
40  near  station;  10,  acres  sU^hed  good  run- 
ving   water.   $76   per  acre   terms; 


Jt   Investment  Co. 

Real    Estate    £    inhuranre. 

Phone    3133  -IIM    Say  ward    Block 


"  Jletf  Estal*.  Timber  and  Insuratica  " 

61 »  Say  ward   Building.  Taleshone   1*25, 

C1T.\^NNABD    avc,    50x120; 


4-1     ACRES    all    cleared    cl^wie    to    station; 
'         J.  %,„..«..    once,    gooa    leu 

mR.\N81T    rd..    60x120;    $1160. 
TTOWE   St..    50x122;    $1800. 
VTTILDWOOD  «ve.,    00x160;    $1000. 
iy,TcKENZIE   at..    60x120;    $1650. 

T'kALLAS   r?l..    60x100;    $2000. 

XJ'  - ;-■ - 

\  LIj  below   present   value#. 

I.-^lFTH    St..    choice    lot.    Just    outside    ha.f- 
mllo  circle;  $1250;  terma  third  cash. 

GORGE  VJew  Park— Cloic  to  Gorge  ciw; 
large  double  lot.  77x«48,  rlty  ^ater 
laid  on;  high,  level,  and  grassy;  prloe 
$1400';    terms   $400   caah. 


kUADRA    aU.    close    to    Hlllaldc    ave., 
big  lot,  $2500;  lermn  $1000  cash. 


■T7^A.NCOL'VER   St., 

50x117;    $1650. 




'.•■I  »>  ACRES  light  bush;   good  sftuallun.  naar 
iX*'   station.  tl2S  per  acra.  . 

DEPPE,  G00DE5iC0.'^^ 

•  ;::„:^r"^ri: W  ^.tate ^xcU^e 

( i'-i['"^oo^i'i2.  Smu,  r.^:o"merf  o^% 

1    une     every   convenience   and   unequalcd    lo- 
f,itlon;    $15,000,    6n    good    terms. 

irrANOOUVER  St..   60Ki20:   $1680. 

T/-INO*S   rd.,    51x110;    $760. 
VAN    8f.,    40x160;    »700. 


Heal    Eaialsi 
Insurance.    Timber    and    Mini  ._ 
1303  Broad,  corner  Yates.  Phono'' 

•\7-ICTORIA    West   and   Esquimau. 


AMPTON  rd..    50x195;   $676 


l-ADKA    St.-,    cornbf  Hillside, 

corner,    60X135.    with    line    brick    house; 



■  i-      ,_-.    n-    «r/*p    fnr    this    propertjf; 

■  IwnerTs  oul  ocVown'  and   WlTl   acc«pt  any- 

thing   reasonable.  ■       


'i5Cl93r    $850, 

•iriCTORlA  Wert.  44x180;   $823. 

X  EIGHTpN   rd.,    double   corner. 


reel,  110  along  track,   with 
4-roorn  ""hou«s;f6Z6*[_  terms, 
FEET   on    track,    110  to   good  street; 
230    feet    average    depth,    with    five 
$10,500,    on    tei-ms. 

on    track,    100    on    one    street,    120    on 
another    street,    for    $10,600;    terms; 

liUB  4-rooin  house^ 

■track;     $12,00ii. 




1 00"^'"*   "" 


street     and     track;     $1 
with  fi-troom  houae,   on   terms; 

FEET    on     track,     with 
$25,000;    quarttjr   cash. 

loU,     for 

•xrATES  gC   we  have  .30   feet  beuveen  A- an 
X         couver  and  Conk  streets  that  we  think 
$10,600   will   buy.    that 
have   .-iold   here   at    »'" 
nl  once  nnd   we  wil 
-.v..    kn'H.v    II     is    bolov 

»:ir,o   per   foot;   we 

root.      Phone   us 

At  this  Bgure 

1-'    In    the   block. 


SCAR   St.,    next   to  corner   oi    l.iniun   ave., 
a    new    modern    7     loomed       residence, 
ulilch   cost   $1000   to   build    'i"'^,  ''•'"""f>'=    1'°^ 
US;   the  owner  has  to  Hell   and  will   sacrltlce 



We    would    like    you    to    look    at 


i.m;     .111.1     Work    stroetfi. 
on    which    stands   a   spleiulia 


1  10 

I  cKldenco,  fully  modern  and  close  to  the  car. 
!K  snap  at  $7,000,  on  easy  ter-rip  M.iil 
it.ioming    house,       '^ 

J>ITHB'r  .11.,  James  Ba"',  close  to  the  \va- 
\  ter.  ni'iilern  5-room«d  house  on  <ux 
ITI,  $4, OOU.  .Nothing  as  cheap  on  thin  tiretty 



1201    Broad  St..   corner  View. 

iMtATOriv   nve.,   one   block    from   Newport 
,,    line;  size  60xtl0.      Price  $2,000. 

LKT  off   St.   Patrick  St.,  fine,   level,   grassy 
building    lot,    43x120.      Price    $1050. 


between      K.     i      .N. 
rd..      .lust       outside 
boun.lary,    for    $K00   to    $900. 

EiLEVE.N      lots, 



NE    acre    on    Munroe    at., 
fronlase;   $10,000. 

Uilll       lUD      f.' 


NK     and      one-ftfth      acre,      Lamii'^on      st, 
with   12-room   house;    $l2,00i). 

.J       qiilinali    rd.   n^d  Stanley  St..   at   $18,000, 

tHOaCE    ot    two    blocks 

.Tnd   one   block   of    four   lolfl   on 
and   Stanley   St.,    at    $12,000. 

of  six  lols  on  Ki"- 
,.  at  $18,000 
li^siiulnill    rd 

on     Btirnslde    car,     67x2.10. 

WO    lots   adjoining    Uplands   Farm,    Si 

front,    141    ft.    at    rear,    115    ft.    deep    to 

lane;     $ 


handles     the     two. 



OCKt.AND    ave., 
»i     3    years. 

corner,    60x166; 
Price    $3,600. 


ONE    third    acr 
for    $2500. 

ONE    lot    on    D 
for    $3000. 

/^lORNBR   Head    and  .Stanley.   60x100;    $4000. 

SI'TLE.T    St..    .Tnines   Bay.    Blx-rnoiiieil    house 
on    47>i.'Ci;l5.     entirely     modern    and    an 

attractive  house;   $4450,  on  very   easy   terms. 

^NTARIO    and    Montrpal    sts.,      cornor._  S- 
roomr-d     houpp,     new,       modern,     $4750; 
Hood     teriTiB. 
$200(1     below 


Tills    speaks     for    Itself; 
market    at    preeent. 


\,\7E  have  been  Inatntoled  to  offer  94  feet 
VV  (in  Yfttes  St.,  ,|UBt  above  I'ook  street, 
for  $165  per  foot  on  exceptionally  easy 
terms;  two  blocks  this  side  the  cheapest 
price  is  $350  per  foot,  end  one  piece  offer- 
ing at  thai.  At  this  prion  It  Is  an  excep- 
tional   bargain.      The   first    deposit   takes   It. 

IF  you  have  any  Vancouver  property  that 
you  wish  to  sell  or  obtain  a  valuation 
on,  see  us.  Our  Vancouver  office  ran  han- 
dle ftdvanlngeously.  All  Information  and 
maps  cheerfully  furnished. 


Phones     8074     and     F-209. 

Builders    and    t^ntractors. 

P.    O.    Box    417.  621    Sayward    Building. 

Homes   Built   on   tho   Installment  Plan   or  by 


HILLf^IDE  ave..  Just  off  Cook  St..  98x 
;;.'-,«.  This  is  good  for  a  big  Increase 
when  the  street  is  widened  and  car  tracks 
laid    this    spring.      Price    $4,000. 


EW  r>-room  hobs'*;  full  basenient.  fur- 
_  nace,  range  Inslallod,  hot  water  con- 
nections made,  bath,  electric  lights;  a  thor- 
oughly vvrll-bullt  house.  Orahara  St.,  within 
ihr«c-qnarter  mile  circle;  $500  cash  and 
balance   monthly.      Price    $3,000. 

i-i^    lotB    quarter    rash. 

7ANTED.     ;i.     iiMimlng    hoii»i'.     "ilh     ;ibmii 
30    rootriH,    that    »;:noO    caHh    will 
HaUewell    &    Co..    i3\ii    broad    St. 


617    .^nyward    bul.MlliB 

Omce    phone    2979.         Residence    phone    112195 

.Member   Real   Estat'e   Exchange 

CoVporaUoA  Of  the  »'"'•'«'  »*°'^^h^''US 
'orrow  upon  the  credit  of  the  said 
.  orporatlon  by  debentures  ^J^^l"}^'^^ 
ter  mentioned,  from  any  P^"""  ""^ J"*""*}."- 
or   body   or   bodies  corporate    who   """y  J*" 

willing  to  advance  thp  «»™«  ,"  ,*  'tXcxle 
sum    of    money    not    exceeding    In    the    who^t 

the  sum  Of  $275,000.00  '^^""P':,^  "' ,Si"u,f 
money  at  the  rate  ot  $4.86  2-3  to  tfea  (£1) 
sterling  and  to  cause  nil  such  sums  so 
raUed  or  recew^d  to  be  paid  into  the  hand. 
nf  I  ha  Treasurer  ot  the  said  Corporation  foi 
the  purpose  and  with  the  Object  hereinbefore 

'*3!'h' shall  be  lawful  for  the  said  Reeve  to 
cause  any  number  of  debentures  to  b«  made 
executed  and   Issued   for  such   sums  aa   may 
be    required,     not    exceeding       however,    tho 
sum    of    $276,000.00      either    in    currency    or 
sterling    money,    at   the   rate   aforesaid,    each 
of    ihe   said   debentures  being  of   the   amount 
.Mt   ^:.■^<■'  '"■    and   all   such   debentures   shall   be 
1  the  aeaj^  of  the  sald^  Corporation 
:  by  tne  Keeve  Umroofi 
it  fii't'!   be  lawful  for  tho  said   Reeve 
his 'disc  ret  Ion    to    alternately    cause    each 
the    said    debeniun  ..     to    be    made      <_1'-^"ted 
and    Issued    for  unt   of   £100    sterling, 

and  one,  Jf  ne.  •  r  a  less  aum  in  »Lm- 

llng    money      to    coinineto      the      authorized 
Issue.  ,   . 

3.  The  said  debentures  shall  bear  date  of 
the  31st  day  of  March,  1012.  and  shall  be  made 
payable  In  60  years  from  the  said  date  at 
any' of  the  following  places,  namely,  at  the 
Bank  of  British  North  America  in  the  City 
of  Victoria,  at  the  Bank  of  British  North 
America  in  the  City  ot  Toronto,  at  the  Ba.ik 
of  British  North  America  In  the  City  ot 
Montreal.  Canada,  or  in  the  City  of  New 
York  In  the  United  States  of  America,  or 
London.  England,  and  shall  have  attached 
to  them  coupons  for  the  payment  of  Inter- 
est; and  the  signature  to  the  Interest  cou- 
pons may  be  either  written,  stamped  printed 
or  lithographed. 

4.  Tho  said  debentures  shall  bear  Interest 
at  the  rate  of  6  per  centum  per  annum  from 
the  date  thereof,  which  Interest  shiili  be 
payable  halt'  yearly  at  such  of  the  places 
menlionod  In  Paragraph  3  hercot  as  may 
be  expressed  In  the  debentures  or  cou- 

5.  it  s'naii  be  lawful  for^.thw  AAld  RweVw  to 
cause  the  said  debentures  and  Interest  cou- 
pons,   either  or   both   to   be   made  payable   at 

^I'SUCIl     pi«Ot»,     wltiifi      ii'i     w*ii    DOii'.,nl0U    i»     Cili- 

'■«da.    Great    Britain   or   the    United   States   of 
America  as  may  be  desired. 

6.  It  shall  bo  lawfiul  for  the  said  Reeve 
of  the  said  Corporation  to  dispose  ot  the 
said  debentures  at  a  rate  b^low  par  and  to 
authorize  the  Treasurer  to  pay  out  or  the 
."!tims  so  raised  by  the  sale  of  tho  Bald  de- 
b'jntures  all  expenses  connected  with  the 
)>ropnral.lon  and  engrnvlng  or  lUhographKlK 
of  ihi!  debentures  and  coupons,  or  any  dls-» 
count  or  commission  or  other  charges  Inci- 
dental  to  the  sale  ot  the  said  dflbeiitiircs. 

7.  For  the  purpose  ot  the  payment  of  the 
Interest  on  the  said  debentures  during  their 
currency,  thoro  shall  be  set  asldt?  anntially 
tho  sum  of  $13,750.00  and  for  the  purpose 
ot  creating  a  sinking  fund  for  the  payment 
off  of  the  debt  at  maturity,  there  shall  be 
set   aside    Ihe   annual    sum    of   $2,4  38.05. 

8.  The  said  sum  of  $13,760  necessary  for 
tho  payment  of  the  Interest  annually  on  tho 
said  debentures,  and  tho  said  sum  of 
S2. 4 38.05  neccHsary  to  he  set  iisidi-  annually 
for  the  p'jrpose  of  creating  the  sinking  fund 
aforesaid,  shall  be  set  aside  annually  cut  of 
Ihe  rentals  enforceable  under  iho  pifvinlons 
of  the  Sower  Rental  By-Law.  1912,  and  In 
the  event  ot  there  being  any  deficnncy  In 
the  Jiniount  re.ilUerl  from  the  ftfiid  ii-nt;>l»  In 
order  to  make  up  the  amount  of  the  annual 
lnt(«re«t  and  slnklnic  fund  u;>on  ih<'  Huht  debt,  . 
BUCh  defici"  ni'y  shall  be  ascertained  and  paid 
out  of  the  nnnuui  rev».nue  of  the  Corporation 

9.  That  the  ( ■orporatlon  of  fhc  Dlstrir-t 
ot  Oak  Bay  do  guarantee  Ihe  payment  of 
the  yirlniilpa.l  mon»  ys  «nd  lnt<'reMt  ih.  roon 
to  he  raised  under  the  authority  of  this 
Hy-l.nw  Ko  iiR  in  no  way  to  Intirfero  with  or 
inelU'llce  the  otttlnK  aBlde  annually  of  tlii* 
Hiiins  hereinbefore  nientloiiptl  out  of  tho  ren- 
laln  Imponed  under  llm  said  Sewer  Rentals 
lly-Law,  191;!,  will.  In  ens"  a  BUni  sufflrlint 
to  provide  tor  the  said  Interesit  and  .tlnkhiK 
fund  Is  not  realized  In  each  year  out  of  tho 
said  sewer  rentalr  pay  such  ilolleli  lif  any  I 
out  of  the  current  year's  revenue  to  any  per- 
son or  corporation  foin  whom  they  may  bo.r- 
row  the  money  upon  the  sBCully  of  the  de- 
bentures hereby  authorized,  or  to  the  Severn! 
re ;;rrsentatlve -holders  of  the  tald  flaben 

10.  This  By-Law  Shall,  before  the  final 
passing  theraot,  rorptve  the  ass<>nt  of  the 
elef'toiB  of  the  s.nld  t'orpornflnn  In  the  man- 
ner prevldod  for  In  the  "Municipal  Clau.«ie» 
-Vet,"  and  shall  inke  efreil  on  th'-  day  nitir 
the    final    passing    thereof. 

11.  ThlK  Ity-Law  shiill  be  cited  as  tho 
"Sewer    Lonn    Ry-Law.    1912." 

PasBcd  the  Municipal  Council  the  22nd 
day   of   February.    1912. 

each    of   the    aald    Uebenturaa 
nxt^nt^id  and  issued  for  an  amounj. 
hundred   pounds  sterling  and   one, 
saiy,    for   a   tens   sum   In   sterling 
complete    the    authorized    issue.  ,,.,1-. 

3    The     aald    debentures    shall    bear    the 
date  of  tho  Slat  ot  March,   1912,   and  ahall 
be  made   payable  In  tMrty   f30)   years  from 
tho  said  date  at  any  of  the  following  places, 
namely:      At    the    Bank    of    British      North 
America    In    the    city    of      Victoria;    at    the 
Bank   of  British  North  America  In  the  city 
-        Dto;    at   the    Bank   ot   British   North 
In    the    city    of    Montreal;      or      at 
;         1      i;H.   ot   British    North    America   In   the 
city    of   New    York    In    the    United    States    of 
America,   or  at   the    Bank   ot    British   North 
America  in   London,  England,  and  shall  have 
attaihed    to    them    coupons   for   tho   payment 
of  Interest  and  tho  signature  to  the  interest 
coupons    may    be    cither    written,    stamped, 
printed    or   lithographed. 

4.  The   said    debentures  shall   bear   Interest 
at   tho   rate   of   five   per   centum    per   annum 
from   the   date  thereof,    which   interest   shall 
be  payable  half-yearly  at  such  ot  the  plactes 
mentioned    in    paragraph    3    hereof    as    may 
be  expressed  In  the  debentures  or  coupons. 

6.   It  shall    be   lawful   for  the  Reeve  ot  the 
said    corporation    to   dispose   of   the    said   de- 
V.M-......MW  «♦  2.  rate  bsict^  "ar    snd  to  ftuth*>r— 

Ize  the  treasurer  ot  the  corporation  to  pay 
out  of  the  sums  so  raised  by  tho  sale  of 
the  said  debentures,  all  expenses  connected 
with    the    preparation    and    lithographing   ot 

.1 .a..*~>..... -...a .. ..       -..    ......     jl.^~,.«.« 

or  commission  or  other  charges  incidental 
to    the   sale   ot   the   said   debentures. 

6.  For  the  purpose  of  the  payment  of  the 
interest  on  the  said  debentures  during  their 
currency,  there  shall  bo  set  aside  ^nnually 
the  sum  of  $3,7.^0.00  and  tor  the  purpose  of 
creating  a  sinking  fund  for  the  payment 
oft  of  the  debt  at  maturity  there  shall  bo 
set    aside    annually    the    sum    ot    $1,576.50. 

7.  The  said  sum  of  $3,750.00  necessary  for 
the  payment  of  the  interest  anr.ually  on  the 
said  debentures,  and  the  said  sum  of 
$1, 576.50  necessary  to  be  set  aside  annually 
tor  tho  purpose  of  creating  the  sinking  fund 
aforesaid,  shall  bo  set  aside  annually  <  ut  of 
the  rates  and  charges  enforceable  under  the 
provisions  of  the  said  "Water  Charges  By- 
Law.  1810,"  and  the  "Water  Front- 
age Rote  By-Law,  1912,"  and  in 
the  event  ot  there  being  ~ajiy  deficiency  In 
tho  amount  realized  from  the  said  rates  and 
chargea  -<auer  the  payment  of  the  amount 
of  money  Hlready  charged  upon  the  same)  in 
order  to  make  up  the  amount  of  the  annual 
interest  and  sinking  fund  upon  the  said  debt, 
such  deflclency  shall  bo  ascertained  and  paid 
out  of  the  annual  general  revenue  of  the 

8.  That  the  CorporsAIon  >>r  Up-  nisirict 
of  Oak  Bay  do  guarantee  the  payment  of 
the  prlnelpa!  moneys  and  InterLSi  thereon 
to  be  raised  under  tho  authority  ot  this  By- 

T.ncar        **««fl      ♦K/*     Orv***>f^tt      ••»     »■•     <**     «•  .^     ^w  —  -,-     »  .      «*., 
—'-•-*»     ■»■***      •■•*«-     -vw^I**)***  .  an^  .«fc«».    •!.«-' *li>      *T  «*<jr  —  t.O'    I'fi  — 

terfero  with  or  preJuUce  the  setting  aside 
annually  ot  the  sums  hereinbefore  mentioned 
cut  of  the-  rates  and   char=---  = 

Pursuant  to  an  Order  of  Sale  entered  In 
the  District  Court  of  the  IJnltad  Staus  fjf 
the  We«t»tB  DIatrlct  of  ^Vashington,  North- 
,am..TO,vlirtim..jn  thfl  matto:..^j,JWe»t^".g^fg!. 

L'aRchman    Creek, 
.gfehnston   Creek. 
Kanaka    Crtek. 
Kanaka   Creek, 
Laity  Creek 
I,ewl8    Creek 
X^lllniiei    Lak" 
,  1  1  ^or. 

I'l  --ei.  North.   ^ 

7^1Uno(i   juver.  North  fork. 
Llllooet    River,     South. 
l,lttlo    Llllooet    River. 
Luckachuck   Kiver. 
Matsqul  Prairie  Cree,<. 
Mesllloct  Rlvor. 

McGlUlvrays  Creek. 

McKeiiny  Creek. 

Mission  Creek. 

Mitchell  Creek, 

Morris     I^ike, 

Murray    Crccit,| 

Nlcomekl    Hiv^ 

Noons  Creek*„ 

Otter   Lak6. 

I'ltt    Lake. 

Pitt  Bivcr. 

Salmon    Creek. 

Semlhalt  Crp' 
Serpentine  Bll 
Silver    Creek.':^ 
Squawkum   Li 
f^tatioo-  *..a«c. 
Statloo    River. 
Slavfl    Lake. 
Stave    River. 
Steelhead    Creek. 
Stewart   Creek. 
Stony    Creek. 
Suicide   Creek. 
Sumas  Lake. 
Sumas  River. 
Sweltxer  River. 
Tamlhy  Crcok. 
Trout   Lake. 
Vedders    Creek. 
Vlarette  Creek, 
Walker  Crcok. 
Weaver   Creek. 
Weaver    Lake.  . 
Welcome  Lake. 

^rr:r;in?ng  through  Secipn^  Township 

iCwponatlbn.   Bankrupt,    in    ba 

-"   ,   4847,  aealed  bids  will   be  received 
foWowlnir   rii  scribed  proporC    up   to 
ten  o'clock  A  h  15th,   1912: 

Th^  plant  1.  :   site  ot  tUo  Bankrupt, 

altuated  at  ironame,  .letterson  County. 
'Washington;'  certain  lands  in  th*  vicinity 
thereof,  mines  and  mining  rights  in  -■.hn 
States  of  Washlnaton  and  Nevada;  personal 
property  In  and  about  the  plant  of  the  Bank- 
rupt, also  the  followlnif  described  property: 
27,880  shares  of  the  capital  stock  -jt  W^est- 
ern  Coal  &  Iron  Corporation,  Ltd..  a  corpor- 
ation organized  under  tha  laws  of  the  Prov- 
ince of  British  Columbia,  each  3hare  bwlng 
ot  the  par  value  ot  $100.00  and  the  total 
capita!  stock  of  the  said  corporation  con- 
'slstlng  of  30,000  shaires.  The  assels  ot  th-i 
corporation  Includes  an  option  rlghi  to  pur- 
chase 20.272V'  acres  of  coal  and  timber 
lands  on  Graham  Island,  Province  of  Brit- 
ish  Columbia. 

Twenty  certain  Crown  grantofl  mineral 
claims  in  the  Rupert  Mining  District  ot 
British  Columbia;  the  ilot  numbers  ot  the 
same  being:  233,  274,  234.  235,  237  26S, 
260,  270,  272.  273.  271,  275,  276,  277,  278,  279, 
280,    301,    302    and    236. 

A  mor/;   accurate   description  ot  the   above 
assets    and    full     information    regarding    tho 
^..^rx'  of  eonductine  the  sale  and   the  form 
111" ■which    bids   will   be   received    may    be    ob- 
tained  i>y   consulting   the   said   Order   of  Sale 
on  nie  with  the  Hon.  John  P.  Hoyt,   Referee 
In    Bankruptcy   at    Room    303    Federal    Build - 
ins,   .'■■eatt'».    "WuHhington.    or  by   applying   to 
the' undersigned  Trustees  at  their  offices,   409 
Arcade   Annex,   .Seattle,    Washington. 
Trustees    in    Bankruptcy    of    Western 
Steel    Corporation. 
Attorneys    tor    Trustees. 


Group    1.    and   emptying 
Unnamell^  streant    flowing    through    Lot 
Group   1.       ^^^^^  situated  on  lAt*  32  and 

fnlo^l^nX.  'ini-  'o^^sU^P^t^  Moo^y. 

ih  said  ''Water  Charges  By-Law,  1910,"  and 
the  "Water  Frontage  Kate  By-Law,  1912," 
will  In  case  a  sum  sufficient 
to  provide  for  the  said  interest  and  sinking 
fund  Is  not  realized  In  each  i'car  out  or  the 
sal/i  water  rates  and  charges  after  tho  pay- 
ment of  the  sum  ot  money  already  charged 
upon  the  same,  pay  such  deficit  (if  any)  out 
of  the  current  year's  revenue  to  any  person 
or  corporation  from  whom  they  may  borrow 
the  money  upon  the  security  of  the  deben- 
tures hereby  authorized,  or  to  the  several  re- 
BT>ectlve    holders  of    the   said   debentures. 

9.  This  By-Law  shall  before  the  final 
passing  thereof,  receive  the  assent  of  tho 
electors  of  the  said  Corporation  In  the  man- 
ner provided  for  In  the  ".Municipal  Clauses 
Act,"  and  sh.'ill  tak,.  effect  on  the  day  after 
the  final   passing  thereof. 

10.  Tfiils     By-law     may     be     cited 
Waterworks     l>oan     By-law,    1912." 

Passed    the    Municipal      Council 
day  of  February.   1912. 

Group    S, 

p.   R/..    n.lie 



....._..  spring 

31,   In  Mission  Townsite. 
Kir».nni     running     through     ijot     * 
^'i:;""\.J.  "     ".fouo  3.  Mission  Townsite.      __ 
SpHn'g^on    Subdivision     16    or    tne    is.i!-.     ■« 

.section   S.   Tr-wnship   8. 

Stream     which     <^rosses     the     ma  n     line     ot 

C    P-    Ry.    1.620   feet   east  of  Mission  St^"°°- 

ii'^Tu     .tream     east     ot    Whonnock     Station. 

^^    P     rTN^h^W  iltn>l«Sh    par^    of^^^^^ 

434.   Group   1.  J  ' 

Stream  at  Bon  Ac^^-"-d^      ^    wh«nnoote    Sta. 
Kmalt    sireani    J""v    ca=i    oi     y  .1    '  ^     ._ 

tlon.    I-ot   4  34.    Township    l-l. 
Stream   at  Cascade  Station,   c. 

6376130.      , 
small  unnamed  creek  runn'nR  north  through 

■«^-!St   Side  of  District  Lot  -01.   uroup 

(„    R/.rtlon    17,    Block    5    nor.h. 
^T:ngr^le^^PnW-,    Oroup  1. 

Vifkn^n  lVr;r  "^in^g   through    t.ot    226, 
Sp?ings%t- head  of  gulch  on  N.W.   H   section 

StJ^J" °j^n"'n;  through    port^  ,of^E      J4 
SeetloTi    3     Township    1!.    Range    .    west 
nh         to    North    Arm    of    BUrrard    Inle  . 
nn,    "'"'  ,  f    Biream    running    off    Md- 

Delta  Munltlpallty.,  «o„,„-eaRl- 

Tnnamed    stream  __llow^nK  ^n_^a_^^^^^^^      j^^_ 

Tenders  will  be  roclved  at  the  office  of 
the  Board  of  School  Trustees  on  or  before 
Tuesday.  March  12th.  at  4  o'clock  p.m..  for 
thu  erection  and  completion  of  a  High 
School  Building  on  grounds  situated  on 
Fernwood  Road  and  Grant  Street  in  the 
City   of  Victoria.  .      .      ^  ^.. 

A  separate  tender  wlU  be  required  of  the 
electrical   equipment. 

No  tender  will  be  required  tor  the  plumb- 
ing and  heating. 

Each  tender  must  be  accompanied  by  a 
marked  cheque,  payable  to  the  Board  ot 
fa^hooi  Trusteea  for  an  amount  equal  to  6 
per  cent,  of  the  amount  of  the  tender.  This 
cheque  Will  be  returned  to  the  Contractor 
and  also  to  the  unsuccessful  tenderers  when 
a  contract  has  been  entered  Into  and  a  sat- 
isfactory bond  provided.  In  the  event  ot 
tho  o'uccasitul  tenderer  refuiing  to  -enter  Into 
a  contract  when  called  upon  so  to  do.  the 
deposit  cheque  will  be  forfeited  to  tho  Board 

The  lowest  or  any  tender  will  not  neces- 
sarily be  accepted. 

Driiwlngs  and  specifications  may  be  seen 
at   the   office  ot   tho   undersigned. 







(  >  \  K 

^".r.'."*Mre'-  lijn    th.M»ugh   Government.    ,  n 
si'-rve   and    pa-t   bf    Uot    226.    ^^oup    1. 
^.,__     "„r    Kmilh-east    corner    Lot    02.    pl 

TAKE    NOTICE    that    Ihe   above    is   a    true 

copy    of    the    proposed    By-Law    upon    which 

the    vole    of    the.    Munlclpallly    will    be    taken 

Kt    the   School    House,    Oak    iJnv    Avenue       on 

_    Saturday,    Ihe    9lh    day    of  March,    1912.  "from 

I    !'    11.    in.    to    7    p.    ni. 

I  .1.   8.'  FLOYD,    CM.r. 

oak   Bay.    B.    ('..    2tiil,    February,    1912. 

Group    3,    Town- 





Bt.,     50x132; 

AK    Bay 

$700   caah.   balance  sirrnnged. 

price     $2100; 

price    $900    each. 


V   .         

fTIRANMIT  ave.,  lot  close  to  hotel.  50x162 
1  to  -iOft.  iitxe.  pj^lcfe  m50;-U;lrA  cash. 
Italancfi    a-rransHMi.  "  "  '  "r"  .  "•.  ■• 

VICTORIA  Wert— '"thW  l»  %  8i<a|*-^l>amp- 
•on  at..  Coubli  c.o^n^r.  trlth  fwo-room- 
ed  house;  alse  of  .iota.  51x168  and  tltisa; 
,„j«  quarter  caKh.  balaiice   easy;   price   $2700. 

T-rrg  ».ij!J.l  HotiwiS  nrr '  fhv  l{li«tBliiV>«n4.  plan 
VJr  or  byoon'iraat;  Call  ttrtd  see  our  plaaa 
bef*rc.j>«in;haalnf  jroiir  house. 


Membera   of   the  Victoria   Real   Ealata 


Offics;    81?   P»mh«»r«on    Block   and  Sidney. 

B.     C. 




quarter  cash. 

OWE     ave..     2 
quarter  cash 

OSS  St. 

1  lot,  50xllG:  S1750; 

Jots  60x116;  $1750  each. 

CORl'On.'iTMJN      OF  ■  TVHB 
OAli    BAY". 



1     lot,     50x120;     $17,-.0;     quarter 



1     lot     4iixlS&; 

;100;     third 

WAt-TON   St.. 

1   lat  60x124;   $1250;  quarter 


RNOLD    avenuB, 
each,   quarter   cash. 

3     lots,     60x120;     $1100 

TOD     Inlet     and 
$1,000;    tormi 

near     Keating,     6     acres; 

QAANICH    Ljjnd    in 

1^       inf)*iA\n^    waterfront 

small  and  large  blocks. 

SIDNEY,    very 
room    modern    house. 

nice    watarfront    with 

55        each;    quarter  cssh. 

ROT  I  20:     I12r>n 

TAKE  NOTICF3  that  thp  above  Is  a  true 
cop5»  ot  the  proposed  By-Law  upon  which 
the  vote  of  Ihe  Municipality  will  be  taken 
(It  the  School  lIouMe,  ()al<  Ray  Avenue,  Oil 
Saturday,  the  ftlh  day  Of  March,  1012,  frcr.i 
B   to  7  p.m. 

.T.   S.    FLOYD,    C.M.C. 
Oak   Bay.    B.   f'..    2fith    February.    .!.|.. 

The  property  of  John  Ilaggerty,  in- 
cluding liouae  and  four  lots,  frontage 
of  120  on  Fort  and  120  on  View  street. 
Tenders  to  be  received  up  to  Tuesday, 
February  20th.  Also  the  stock,  plant 
ai>d"i5oodvvlll  of  the  .Tno.  Hagjjerty  & 
Qb.  flr^o  win  bo  sold  as  a  going  con- 
cern to\the  highest  offer  up  to  Thurs- 
\day,   Fei!)ruary    29th. 

Terms  can  be  made  for  payment 
and  particulars  given  of  the  business 
bv   the  undertilencd. 


Spring    near    soulh-east 
of    subdivision    of    Lot    1. 

i:„"nan,ed^  et-eeU  on  r"n;*hU,' 1  "'"■"""  "' 
«  E     '4    Section    28,    Township    1. 

UnAanied  creek  near  soul h-we»  corner  of 
8    W.    U    section   5,    Township      6. 

Three  springs  on  west  pari    of   Lot   51,   Group 

Utmamed     spring     on     S.K,      '-      ^-^  tlon       10. 

SnTairstream^'entertng  on  western  boundary, 
of    .Section    22,    B'o<'k    5    north.    Range    1. 

'''"'"N'o!"3'!'rl.lng    on    east    side    of    Halls 



p",.!e    Road    and    flowing    hence    througt 
N      E.     \    of    Section    20,    Township    .->. 
freek     r;o      2,     rising    on    east    side    of    Hall 
Prairie    Road    and    fIo•^•lng    hence    th— • 
N.E.    '/»    of    Set  tlon    2",    Townslilp   ». 


OAK    BAY. 


TANNARD  ave., 

1  lot,    SOxlBO-,   $975;    third 

7"JLnWOOD    corner,  .5«xll4;    $1100;    third 

St.,      i      li< 




lota    and    aorvags    al    rva*u»»i>i« 

Acres  at   Hardy  Bay,   close  ttf  to-wa- 


A  LL   and 

ua    abtml    IM   wbOTS, 



Xl  quarter  cash. » 

ST.    Paitrlck.    8   lota,    fiOJttW;- fiooe.' aacn; 
quarter    caah. 
CENTRAL    ave.    and    lAurel,     2    lo*a    1*78 
each;   quarter  ^aah. 


nuxlXS,      raii ,      ini<iil»i 

.■■^-,:l.::>.    ' 
eO.xifV:     11230     each; 

ter   cash. 

ruvner    Mars,    %it^^r  au»r- 

By-Lnw  No.   115 

A  byiTaw 

To  Raise  the  Sum  of  $75,000  for 
Water  Works  Purposes 

WHRREAS.  the  Municipal  Council  of  the 
Corporation  of  Ihe  District  of  oa*  »»T 
determined  to  construct  certain  works  for 
l,h6  supplying  and  distributing  of  wat;>"  <« 
the  ct  the  Municipality  of  ths 
Dutrlct  ot  Oak  Bay.  namely,  by  laying  wa- 
ter pipes  within  the  Mnnmipairty  »oi  tu* 
diatrlbutlon  and  supplying  of  water? 

AND  WHEREAS  It  la  Intended  to  bor!*oW 
the  sum  of  $7»;ooo  for  tha  object  of  oo». 
Btructing  tho  works  herelnbr:are  mentioned 
upon  rhe  aeourlty  of  the  -water  ratee  and 
Chargea  imvowri  Ujr  lli*  •'%'*«?  CsJirsea  By- 


TAKE  NOTICE  that  application  will  be 
mxde  to  tho  Board  of  Licensing  Commis- 
sioners at  their  next  Bittlngs  to  be  held  after 
the  expiration  of  thirty  days  from  the  dato 
hereof,  for  the  transfer  to  Alexander  W. 
Eraser  and  .lohn  Llnd.  both  ot  the  CUy 
of  Victoria,  British  Co'urobla,  cf  tho  license 
now  held  by  mo  to  soli  aplrltuous  liquors 
on  the  premises  known  as  tho  Gordon  Saloon, 
•Ituato    at    No.    615    Johnson    Street,     Victoria. 

^'   ^'                                           H.    O.    STUCK  BT. 
Dated  this  Slst  day  of  January,   191^ 




TAKB  NOTICB  that  appHsatli«n  will  be 
made  to  the  Board  of  Licensing  Commls..on- 
n.  M  vietorla.  B.  C  at  their  next  sitting 
tobe  held  after  the  expiration, ot  tnirty  a.y. 
from  the  date  hereof,  tor  th«r  transfer  to 
Percy  Porter,  of  Victoria,  B.  C.  of  the  II- 
IZll  now  hild  by  ma  to  sen  'PTMoa.  llq- 
n«r.  bv  retail  upon  the  prwilaea  known  aa 
tha  California  Hotel,  ntvate  at  t-v.  *•• 
JohnMB  aliest.    in   the  City    of  Victoria,    B, 

°*  Dated  at  Victoria.   B.   C.   thia  «7th  Aay   ot 
Decern  bur,    J»>3 


I'reek    No.    1,    north    of   Clayton 

on  east  side  of  Malls  Pralrlo  Road. 

rt^tnime.  stream  flowing         northwest 

throuKh    sections    2    and    11,    Town.shlp    19. 

small    unnn.ned    creek    running    through    l.ots 

Unnamc"'\ueiim    flowing   t'-rough    Lots   349. 

347    and    S4K.  u     r  „.     «n 

Unnamed     stream    running    through     Lot     30, 

Tnu.'n«htp     1" 

Stt-eam" rising  in  Block  229.  '"'rouP  l 
running  Into  Medwell  Bay,  North 
Biir:-ard    Inlet. 

rnnamed     Rtream     running     through        Town 
Lot     7HI.     I'oit    Hammond    Townsite. 

Unnamed    Ptream    running    through    Lot    429, 

unnamed  stream  conilnR  from  hlll-sldo  about 
1  000    feet    west    of    SUvordalP,    C.    P.    Ry. 

rni'inmed     rising     north      of     Keary 
Street.    Papperton,     thence    along    ravine. 

SniHll     rrrck    running    through    N.E.     U     Sec- 
tion   21.     Township    26. 

Small    .itream     flowing    through    N.E,     U    Of 
t«erllon    20,    Township    17. 

Unnamed    stream     flowing    throug|i     Lot     32 
ot   subdlvlHlon    of    Lot    1,    Grojip    3. 

Unnamed   stream  rising   half   a  mllo   west , of 

'  Abbolaford    and   r'lnnlis    ibrmig-h    s.R.     U 

Seel  Ion    21.    Township    16,    and    Abbotsford 

Townsite.  ,  .  .      „     ,, 

Unnamed     stream     flowing     through     Section 

Ifi    Block  5  north,   Rango  2, west. 
Unnamed    creek    on    N.    E.  .  '4     Section      27, 

Section    10,    Township    16. 
Unnamed    stream    on    N.E.     W     Section     2i, 

nroui>  J.  Simt>.y   r.J'uSii.'^.BaUt.y. 
Unnamed    spring    on    S.E.     U       Section      34, 

Township    S.  1 

iTnn.inu'd    spring    on      N.B.       H    Section    8. 

Township    16.  _ 

tinn«M»t«t»  «••»%..*  ».••  -..»...    »%    *.*-..».«*.  -....    -  - ,.  i*  - 

Ship    16.  ,     ■  „ 

JLfnnamsd  stream  on  B.   M  Section  11.  Town- 
ship  1*.  .....,,. 

li'nnamed  atream  riianlnc  through  W.  Mi  t*t 

ItO,  Group  1. 

Notice    Is    hereby    giv«n      that      Jahn 
Samuel    Henry      Matson,      ot      Victoria, 
British    Columbia,    Is    applying      to    His 
(•:xceHcnoy      the     Oovernor-GenerRl       of 
•:anad.T    in   Council    fdr   apprcwal  of    the 
tioa    plans,      site      and      dosorJptlon     of 
works     proposed     to    be    conatruoted.    In 
\\'est    Bay,      Victoria    Hairbor,      Victoria, 
B.   C.   being  the  lands  situate  lying  and 
belnff  hi   the   City  of  Victoria  aforesaid, 
and    known,   numbered  and   described  •■ 
pait  of  Block  VIII.  of  paTt  of  lot  num- 
ber   29,    Section    XI.,      Vlewfleld    Farm, 
Vancouv«r  Island,  Brltlah  Columbia,  and 
"has    deposited    the   area   and   ette    plAOa 
of  the  proposed  works  and  a  deacrlption 
thereof    with    the    Minister      of      Public 
Works  at  Ottawa  and  a  duplicate  there- 
of  with   the  rieKl«tTM--Oen©ral  of  Tttlea 
In  the  Land  Registry  Offica  In  the  City 
of  Victoria,    British  CJolumbia,  and  that 
tha   matter  of  the  «ald  application  will 
be  proceeded    with  at   the  «X(itratloii  of 
one    month   from   the   tim«  of  tha   ftewt 
publication  of   thia  Notice  in  Oia  'X3ui< 
ado.  Gazette." 

Dated   this   22nd  day  of  FabniU-yv  •*• 
D.,   1912. 




TAKE    NOTICB    that   appUMbtlAR   -«ltl 

be  made  to  tha  Board  of  Ucaa^nc  OWW 
mlaaloners  for  tha  Matiloi]>*)lt|r  «ff 
Saanlch  at  their  next  ntaattBf  fM  '• 
iiansfcr  from  lEnoch  S»«B  tO  J>IWM' 
Callander  of  tha  Itcanaa  nxm  |MII4  %|r 
the  aald  Bnoch  Saca  to  sell  lttt<iHWU«iy 
Ikiuoru  by  retail  on  tha  prmnUjMUl  iRMnii^ 
as  tha  Prairie  HoUI,  Bam  «Moa|i)|  Ml^ 
Vancouver  IsUnd.  BrtCtah  QtMlMpdMbk 
y  BNOCtt  •MOfak 

Iteted  this  16th  «ftr  «t  HnatOfi  liit 


TAKB  MoncB  that  fit  jM  < 
<b«  Board  *f  Mca«)l»$li|  Om 
the  city  of  Victoria,  B.  JS^ - 
apply  for  a  trAMtar  «t  •«• 
sale  «t  Wlrllttoirt  Md  fwm^" 
retail  hM  hy  **•.,>«•  'L^i-f  i 

ra-^t;  «!• "  Yatar  wtPtm,:  ^ 
Herbert    H-   "Wjuhf  *»* 

D*ied-  -at  Vitfttaaa,  H.  tV^jj 

»t  Mauaey.  ItHt, 
'  ■1flii';B««(Bl'  tW — ^ —    ^      . 

ment  Afeafly^  UtaiUtA,  AlgW^ 

:aa  JaiuiMtt  !>■«««*• 



■-■'<i ;  .jn;,.!.?^^;-."^-^'.  .r.:^.-A..-:^.:."i^^.^--  .'y^i:ir±i^i:::ii::iij^i^ 





reanesaay,    i-ebrunry    'M,    i)i\'£ 



itdjck  Markets  amid 

Fmamidal  News 








Better  Prospects  in  English 
and  American  Coal  Fields 
Give  Encouragement  — 
Trading  Very  Light 

>.'KVV    YORK.      Feb.      Zl. — The      stook 

outlook,  liased  on  the  willingness  of  tlie 
lOngiisn  coai  itinera  to  cOtifr-i  Wltli  the 
I'l-erators,  and  on  the  favorable  outlook 
lor  an  ag^rcement  of  Americmi  aiithra- 
.  ito  cottlei-H  and   employes. 

SiiHpenslon  of  Keptibllc  Stt-el  and  Iron 
ilividenrts  was  without  effect  except  at 
the  outset,  wli'  n  ih.-  preferred  shares 
d£cli!i£d  rlBOt-  '.'''^'  two  tioints.  with  a. 
"^Tmfla.F'Iosirin  Bethiehem"ste'cir'p^^^ 
red.  .One.  of  the  <lw">f.  >'"'"P-Vi^'?^.  ^'^^  ^ho 
detlinc  in  the  regular  quarterly  dividend 
on  CfcP.fs;!  preferred.  Trading  was  ex- 
Li.edingly  light.  Business  averaged 
scarcely  more  than  15,000  shares  an 

■|  ae    nidr'Krt     \v  ■  ieadorship- 

lit  litv  liiiHi  ii'Mti  i-i..  .■..,...^. ..  innrcnncflii 
Union  PaclHc  and  U.  S.  Sieel"scll  ex- 
dividond  on  Friday,  and  the  improve- 
iiitiiL  UitheHS  stocks  ;  f rom  cov^ 

.^ring  by  the  short  .i.u....i.s.  Copper 
--i.ares  held  steady,  London's  trading 
I  t-re  was  on  the  moderate  scale,  which 
has  marked  that  contract  operations 
here  recently. 

Xhe  cash  movement  points  to  another 
less  by  local  bank.s  to  the  sub-treasury, 
Monetary  conditions  show  no 
I.  iiaiisfM. 

The  Ijond  market  moved  narrowly  at 
a  minimum  of  dealings.  T?otal  sales, 
pur  value, '?1,72£,U00.  U.  S.  S'.s  rcglster- 
eU  decline  3-8  on  call. 


(FurnisheU    by   F.    W.  ,Stovcnison~&   Co.) 

Stocks—  l^^^Bgh.      Ivnv.      Bid. 

AlUs-Chalmcrs         i.|Ly—i|.  una.       n-firMifMiTiTi-iM« 
Amal.     Copper. '•■■""■^■^"'"'■""■■"■""**' 
.\mcr.    .^Bi". 
Amor.     Beet    Rugftr 

.Mncr.    ran.    pfd     »l%  '-■ 

Amcr.    Car    Ktiy '  SOVi        •'"   »        •»''■■« 

.\merlcan    Ice ••  -•            ""^i 

-Viner.    Locomotive    ....      "■-'  ;>'•'"*        ^1 '■? 

Amer.     Smeltlnc     Tl  Vo?        '.v'i 

.\mor.     Sugar     ••  119  ^i 

Amer.    T.    and   T li:'. '<  163>»  142% 

.\mer.     Tobaroo     lU-i'-n  10-%  lO-'U 

.\tncr.     Woulen     .,  ..             ;.'6Vi 

.\naconda 3S  '33%        36 

Atchison     .\    104  103%  103% 

H.    and    O I0J»4  101  Vi  101  "Jl 

I'.    T-.    K.    .  .V:...^i...i.    i20%  ^^&%  229%. 

'■'.niral     Leather    -...•.      18  Ifi'^i        I'H' 

I'hcs.    and    Ohio    "'"  "'            "' 

f.    and   <i.    VV 

<•.    il.    and    S.    F ...  ;    .  \ 

I'olo.    F.    and    I -1  -o^i         :'': 

I'olci.    iind    Southern^   ...^_..  ■  ■            '  ^ 

Dlsiillere    Seel'   .  ?t".'^  „      ™^^ '  .  .  -:s\ 

lOric    30%  :io-',  :ii)n 

(ioldfleld    Cons.     iVj.  I^S          ^\ 

(Jt.    .N'ortliern    pfd'.,...   129%  129>i  l.'!"* 

lit.    .Northern    Ore    . . .  .  •      S'i'.i  S<  .Iotj 

Illinois      Central       ..  135% 

Inlor-Mei' I  '^  17% l.S 

Inter.     HarvcBtor     l«n*» 

K.     t'.     Southern     -15  ?» 

I.,    and    -V !.■'-  l''l'.  K,l'.j 

I.chlRh     Valley     IoT-t;  I;;7^i  l.-.7-% 

.Maekrty    Co"8 ^-% 

lUy    -Conii l'\  ' ■-  -ITVi 

M.    S.    P.,    S.    P.    M i-TS 

M.    K.    and    T -''''>i 

.Missouri    facilic    '  .-  '            '■■'% 

s^^y. "^c-nTra^    110 >-i    it^r'iio.% 

N.   y.    O.    a.nd    W ..  38% 

Norfolk    and    West 110%      HO  110 

.Vorlhern    Pacific    117  ni\%  IHi^i 

Pacific    -Mall     •  •  31  Vi 

l>nn»yl.    Uailfay    122»1      122'A  122"i! 

I 'fopU-'s    t;a.M    . .  . .  W'T-Vi 

rrcfiscd    Steel    Car    2»Vi         ">>%  -'■>% 

KallH-ay   Htoel    dps ••  27 

HoadlnK     163%      152«i  153% 

Hop.     Iron    and    Steel...      1C54  .      15'^  16% 

Uork     InlRn.l Jj^gag^jgn":. .  .2T)« 

si'>.-i<i    Khcrri<-i<i    .^HmHI^k".  SS  ' 

.South-r-n    Paou'ic    '•i*:'":  '•'-'.  .  1ft7% 

Souihern    Hallway    ....           i  -'••        -7% 

Tenn.     Copper     ■"•'Vi 

Vnxns     Pacific     .  .            2 1  Va 

Inlon    Pacific     1K4S  !«*          1«4'i 

do         pM     -  :    .  ■<-■'.        ■>"'; 

r.     S.     Rubber      I",  'i 

II.    S.    HICPl     I'"-.  »:''•;        i.i> 

do         pfd     lOS^i  lOSij,      lOSl^ 

Cfah     Copper     '■«".;  -.Ofi'L-        '.«&(, 

Vlislnla    t7heni '.il-^ 

Wabaoh     7  ■;  \,          i;\ 

We-slern    Vnliui                          •■  ■  '  i    ,         \\% 

W'estinK'iouPc  7  1 

Wisconsin     Oimril     r.j 

Monoy    oh    call.    '2%     prr    <ohl. 

Tiital    Kal''B.    17B.2(lO    shares. 



Stork—                                                       Hid.  Askcrl. 

American    Canadian    <''il 07  in 

Canaxllan    Northnc.>n    Ql] n.T^j  nr. 

Canadian     Pacific    Oil 1  >.  .■.;■ 

.M.irlriipa    Oil     ..., im's  .(in\i 

IiiternaMnnal    C.    and    C ,'.(;  ,-,<( 

Nl'"oIa    \^alley    C.    and     r* ,(;o 

U(f\-al    Colllerle»i     n:,':.  .'ifiii, 

Wcslorn    ('.    anil    «' '.no 

n,    ('.    Packers    mtn n."i.iio  7.",,ii<i 

t '.    X.    P.    KI.'iherlcK    ;i.oo  ?,  .'.0 

H.    i".    Prrni.     Loan    Hd.iiti 

r)oniinlon    Trust    (""o 1 20.00 

(it.    West     Perm,    (a) 124.00  127.00 

Pacific     Loan      2S.0O  -t.'i.or) 

Stewart    Lanrl     c.oo  11.00 

II.    C.    Copper     1.00  4.50 

can.   Con.   S.    and   R n.'i.OO  42.00 

(iranby      34.00  .T'.Ofl 

Coronation    fiold     .i.i  ,<?; 

Kootona.v     Oold     ."ft  ,no 

I.m  kv     Jim     1!)  .:'L' 

Nugget    Gold     4  2 

Itamhler     Cariboo ..".ft 

Ht«nd«.rd     Lend     1.25  1.50 

Olarler    Creek    02  .o:\ 

lied    Cliff    to  ,  .     ' 

Stowart     M.    and     D 25 

Klaakino    Gold     07 

Snowitorm- 30  .s."; 


5000    Maricopa   Oil    at    .00'.^;    5000   at    .flOVj. 

Money    R»te«. 

.VRW  Y«'iriK.  Feb.  27. — Money  on  crill 
steady.  2?4W2<^  jier  cent;  ruling  ratp.  ■J% 
per  rent;  eloalng  bid,  '^%  per  cent;  offerod 
at  2'-j  per  cent.  Time  loans  strong,  sixty 
days,  2%«f3  per  cent;  ninety  days.  3i&  3>4 
per  cent;  six  months,  3%<f*'i^/t  i>er  cent, 
i-rimc!  mrrcwniile  pnpfr.  a^itriv,  per  t*ent. 
«lerllng  exchange  sl..tjdv.  "11  h  artual  busi- 
ness In  hankers'  bills  at  I4.S4.40  for  sixty 
i'.:ir,ys  and  at  Jt..".7.;,".  for  d^iUWit.!.  C.m- 
merelal  bllla  $f.S3,75.  B«  r«llvor.  SfiH. 
inercia!     MPs.       I4.R3.75.       Bar    •liver,       611^,. 

Vancouver'*  IJcenBlnc  board  haw  asketl 
for  a  »p«i<i,lal  fund  of  fS.'OOO  for  the  an- 
pn-hrnHinn  and  puni.thmcnt  of  offenderft 
atalnut  the  liquor  law. 



The    only    rhatiBe    to    be    recorded    today    Is 
th«3    decline.    In    the    price    of    Island    egB»    to 
35c    and    the    disappearance    of    Eastern    esge 
from     iho     market     altogother. 

Straw,    per    ton    1».00 

Hraii,    per    100    lbs ^ l.HO 

bhorls,    per    100    lbs. '. 1.71 

Oats,     per     100     lbs.     1.059 1.7f 

Feed    Wheat,     per    100    lba,.1.7S   2.00W2.2S 
Crushed  Onti>,   per  100  lbs,    ...,  1.76 

Uarley.    per    100    lbs 2.00 

C'.ackeJ   Corn,    per    100   lbs.    ...  2.10 

Feed    Corntneal,    per    100    lbs...  2.10 

Hay,    par   ton 22.00 

Chop    Feed,    per    100    lbs.    !.(• 

V.nolo    corn,     per    100    lbs.....  2.00 

(.rushed  Barley,   per  100   Iba... 

Alfalfa     liay,     per     ten      .,  23.00 

Fresh     Island    Esga,    per    ilor. ,  . .  .26 


Caaadlun.   per  lb 2<c  3  Itk  .«! 

i:r«ank.    local.    «ach .li 

Alberta,    per    lb. ixiHHBK  ■'* 

«-•♦    x>a!ry,    per    1L-.  -S^MWHIBi!.:  ^sg 

Victoria    Creamery,    per    lb.    ..  .10 

Cowlchan    Creamery       per    lb...  .60 

Coinox  Creamery,   per   lb .40 

Salt  Spring   Isl.   Creamery,,    lb.  .45 

B.    C.    Butter    .4« 

New  Zealand  Butter   .40 


Roy..  '  1-5E 

r^k.' .  ..^....... ,_,,.,  V,^i..^: 

'I\uy»i   i»ita»^ct;t'r3.'    ns^*  "•■.  ■  •  »v. «  ~~"-".':  ""'~~i','sv  ~-^ 
Wild  llose,    per   sack 1.98 

JJatitn      Il;'"-i        •■-"      Sat:kv-..y..-".-;..;.,.v;v;.;1.9fi::,  :' 

Calgary.  1'96      ■ 

MoOat's  1  or    ba« .„  l.«» 

Drifted  Show,   ts<'  aaolc  ......  1-99 

Three  Star,   per   aack l-9f 

Snowllake,   per  bag 


I..emons.    per   doien    •  ••♦••»i*4t',J£4t  'J! 

Uananas,   per  dozen 'tiSUuSaSx".         •?• 

'Malaga:  -tJrspew,  -  lb. -...>  m  wiwi^-i       »>i 

Apples,  per  box   ..............  'S.OOO*-09 

Plnoapplea -SB 

Pomegranatea  S  fot; .^..  -2S 

Perairomoiis,   eatsa  ■  . . .  i . . .  iv.  i. .  .3S" 
.^                     nreata. 

Beef,   per   lb ••»           •»» 

Mutton,    per    lb •?!**■'' 

Mutton,    Australian,    per    Ib^v.  .(J»©.1S 

Veal,  dressed,   pur  lb .'  .12H<tt.2i 

Chickens     ^,20©.J4 

Fowl '^*,. 


Toniutocs,     per     lb.     ,  .\ .20 

Parsley,    bunch    ..............  .0( 

t^uoumbers.   each    ....;........  .40 

P4}tatocs,     per    sack 2.0Q@2.50 

Ashcroft    I'ulatoes,    per    sack.;  2.60 

Cabbajfe,   ne>s',   per  lb .06 

Garlic,     per    lb .26 

unions,     5     lbs .25 

Beets,     lier     lb ..,.«  .04 

Carrots,   per   lb .04 

New  Carrots,   3   bunches   ......  .16 

Cauliflower,     each      .20®. 25 

Celery,    per  stalk,    3    for .26 

Green    Peppers,    per    lb.    .26 

Sweel    Potatoes,    4    lbs.    for....  .26 

Greea  Onions,    3   bunches   ....^  -lo 

Citrons,    per   lt>. -it 

pumpkins,      por     lb.      .........  .04 

Curly    Kaie.    per   ib.    ... ..i.. ..  ■«* 

Ithuburb,    iijrrT/ bunches    for....  -35 

Brussels  wSrouta,   per   2   Iba.    . .  .2* 




Tenders  will  be  rtcelved  by  the  under- 
signed up  to  Monday,  3  p.m.,  the  4tli  of 
March  for  a  wagon  to  bo  used  for  put- 
ting dogs  in  t^  convey  them  to  the 
Pound.  The  was"n  win  re'iulrfc  to  have 
2  compartments  atid  to  have  cranked 
axle  at  rear,  so  that  It  will  be  as  low 
to  the  giound  as  possible;  front  wheels 
to  pass  underneath  front  of  wagon.  The 
parties  tendering  for  the  above  will  be 
required  to  furnish  plan^  and  specifica- 
tions and  time  requlrtd  to  build  the 
same,  with  all  necessary  lamps,  locks 
for  spring  doors,  and  complete  the  same 
in  good  working  order  to  the  satisfac- 
tion of  the  Pound  Commillee  and  I'ound 

The  lowest  or  any  tender  not  neces- 
sarily   accepted. 

WiVI.    V\-.    KORTHCOTT, 
City   Hall,  Purchasing   Agtnt. 

Victoria  B.C.,   Feb.   26,   1912. 


i5eparat«  tenders  will  be  received  up  to 
3  p.  in.  Marcli  4th,  .1912,  for  the  supply 
of  Electrical  equipment,  Globes,  Lamps, 
etc.  Specifications  of  which  can  be  seen 
at  the  olHce  of  the  under.signed,  to  wliom 
all  tenders  are  to  be  delivered.  The  low- 
est or  any  tende'r  not  necessarily  ac- 

JPurcl'  it. 

- 'CJity^Iiall,' February  lytn.iui-. 


The  Municipal  Council  of  the  Corpor- 
ation of  the  City  of  Victoria  having  de- 
termined tlmt  it  iB  desirable: 

Notice    Is  .  iiereby    given      that      Mary 
Jean   Croft  of  Victoria,   British   Colum- 
bia.   1«   applying   to   His    Excellency    the 
Ciovernor-General    of   Canada   in   Council 
u    approval  of  ■'     m.  plans,  site  and 

description  of  wv.ik.s  iiroposed  to  be 
uonstrucled  in  West  Bay,  Victoria  Har- 
bor, Victoria,  B.  C,  being  the  lands 
situate  lying  and  being  In  the  City  of 
Victoria  aforesaid,  and  known,  numbered 
and  described  -IS  part  of  Block  VIII.  of 
part  of  Lot  ;»umbcr  29,  Section  XI.. 
VicWiield  Farm,  Vancouver  isiar.d, 
Brilish  Columbia,  and  has  deposited  the 
area  and  «Uc.  plans  of  the  proposed 
worits  and  a  description  thereof  with 
the  Minister  of  ruhlic  Work.s  at  Ottawa, 
and  a  duplicate  thereof  witli  the  Kegls- 
trar-General  of  Titles  in  the  Land 
Keglstry  Office  in  the  City  of  Victoria. 
British  Columbia,  and  that  the  matter 
of  the  said  application  will  he  pro- 
ceeded with  et  the  expiration  of  one 
month  from  the  time  of  the  first  pub- 
'lica;timi  ox  '  iSti»-"i'»vl!ccr-  m- ttte'  "G^ 

Dated    IhiK    22nd    day    of    February,    A. 
D.    1912. 

M.VKV    JEAiv'   CROFT, 


INSA>K    ilOSriTAI.,    fOQUTI.AM 

^lOAI.Kl)  tf-nders  supeisirlbed  "Tenders  for 
lO  Furniture,  Insane  llnapjtal."  will  be  re- 
ceived by  the  Honoural>lo  the  Provincial 
Secrrtary  up  to  12  o'clock  noon  of  Satur- 
day, the  Ifith  March,  1(112,  for  furniture 
:iiiil  furnishings  for  the  new  .Mental  Hos- 
I>iin.l    ai    Co(|ultlam    as    follows: — 

1 1 )    Hedstenda   and    Bidding. 

<2i  Carpels,  Draperies  and  Window 

i3i    Furnlinre. 

.Speciflciitions  and  full  Information  will  be 
lurnlsihed  upon  appHiallon  to  Di-.  C.  K. 
Dohcrty,  Medical  .^Superintendent.  Hospital 
fni*    tiv     Insane-     Xen-    W.-aiinlnal  er_     R.f'. 

Karh  proposal  must  be  accompanied  by  an 
accepted  cheque  or  certlflcaite  of  deposit  en 
a  chartered  hank  of  (.'anada  made  payabln 
to  the  Honorable  the  Provincial  .'Secretary 
for  a  sum  equivalent  to  10  per  cent',  of  the 
amount  of  the  tender,  which  shall  be  for- 
filtrrt  If  The  parly  tenderlntr  decline  to  rn- 
te,r  into  contract  when  called  up'in  to  do  so, 
or  if  he  fall  to  cofnplete  the  work  contract- 
ed fT.  The  chrqiies  or  certificates  of  de- 
posit will  be  returned  to  tlio  unnicreastul 
tenderers  upon  the  execution  ot  the  eon- 
tpael.  The  lowest  or  any  tender  not  neces- 
sarily   accepted. 

H.    E.    TOtTNG. 
rrnvlnelftl    flecretarA". 
Prevlnelnl     .''eeretnrr'B    Offlcp, 

2:>rd     February,     1912. 


PK.M.EO  TBNDICllS  addressed  to  the  un- 
derslgneil  v/ill  be  received  up  till  noon  on 
the  15th  of  March  for  the  supply  for  twelve 
months  ft  om  April  1st.  1912.  of  the  follow- 
ing Fresh  Provisions  to  the  Bhips  of  the 
.\aval  .Servke  at  Halifax.  .V.  »..  St.  .lohn. 
N.  B..  Chariot lelown.  P.  E.  I..  Quebec,  Mon- 
treal,   Vancouver    and    Bjoulmalt.    H.    C. 

Fresh  Beef,  Fresh  Mutton,  Fresh  Pork, 
Bacon,     Fresh     rish.     Butler.     Fresh     Milk, 

Hrean,     r'otatm**.    \»nion»,    ur     irt-«ka,    ^uwumav. 
Turnips.    Cninits.     Parsnips,    Beels.  , 

Forms  of  tender  may  be  obtained  from 
!!■,.-.  andcrsisned  or  from  the  Naval  Rlore 
Officers.  H.  M.  C.  Doekyardi  HftUfitx,  N.  8., 
and    rcuctniTDRlt.     H.    f. 

i;nauthorli«d  publlrailon  of  this  notice 
wli;    not    be    paid    fo|-. 

(1.    J.    UlCRBARATfl, 
Depuly     Mliil.«iei     or    the    Naval    Service,    De- 
i>ai:~..-;;::    of    i'.:c    N=r.a!    Service.  , 

OtiBwa.    Kebniary    10th.    1»«3, 

'  "T.Tg'ggfletru'dt  d  TrermsgenrittaBwgiif' 

on  the  north  side  of  Bay  street  from 
Douglas  street  to  Tannery  street,  and 
remove  poles  and  trees  frbm  off  said 
street,  if  nece.>?sary; 

3.  To  expropriate  the  necessary  real 
property  on  hotli  .sides  of  Pembroke 
street,  between  Spring  road  and  Fei-h- 
wood  road,  for  tite  purpose  of  widenint; 
said  .-street  to  a  uniform  width  of  48 

3.  To  widen  tlio  fcidewalks  on  boili 
sides  of  Quadra  .street  from  Pandora 
avenue  to  Burdette  avenue,  between  the 
lot  line  and  the  present  walk  and  the 
curb,  and  .  to  remove  poles  and  trees 
wher«  necessary; 

4.  To  widen  the  present  sidewalks  on 
Blanchard  street,  between  Pandora 
a.\  cnue  and  Burdette  avenue  on  the  west 
side,  and  between  Pandora  avenue  and 
Courtney  street  on  the  east  .'»lde,  and 
retx^v^  poles  "and  trees  wh**re  ncc**«Haiy. 
and  to  vonstruot  a  permanent  sidewalk 
on  the  east  side  of  said  street,  between 
Courtney  street  a,nd  Burdette   av,enue. 

t.  To   widen   tne  sidewalks     on     bdth" 
sides   of   Yates   street,   from   Cook   street 
to  Fer.'iwood  road,  l>etwcen  the  property 
lint  and  the  present  walks; 

6.  To  construct  a  permanent  sidewalk 
of  'concrete  on  the  north  side  of  Krie 
street,  from  St.  Lawrence  street  to 
Dallas  road.  And  that  all  of  said  works 
shall  be  carried  out  in  accordance  witli 
he  provisions  of  the  Local  Impravement 
General  Bylaw,  and  amendments  there- 
to, and  the  City  Engineer  and  City  As- 
sessor having-  reported  to  the  Council, 
in  accordance  with  the  provisions  of 
Htclion  4  of  this  by-law,  upon  each  and 
every  of  said  works  of  local  linprove- 
rr.ttU,  giving  statements  showing  tlie 
amounts  estimated  to  be  chargeable  in 
each  case  against  ihc  vaiiOUo  portion:! 
of  real   property   to   be   benefited   by    the 

..,«4_-->.  ^^r>  Hs„  .••rvneto  rxf  tlio  CltV 
tyr^i\t       ..  w  .  *.,      *-*..—       — ...»      -  — ,-  -  .   ^.- 

Kugineer  and  City«sor  as  aforesaid 
liHving  been  adopted  by  the  Council. 

NOTICE  is  HEREBY  OIVE.N'  that 
the  said  report.^  are  open  for  inspection 
at  the  ofilce  of  the  City  .\ssessor,  City 
Hall,  DcRiglas  street,  and  that  unless  a 
petition  against  any  proposed  work  of 
local  improvement  above  mentioned, 
signed  by  a  majority  of  the  owners  of 
the  land  or  real  property  to  be  assessed 
fcr  such  improvement,  and\representing 
at  least  one-half  of  the  value  of  the  said 
land  or  real  profierty,  is  presented  to  the 
Council  within  fifteen  days  from  the 
date  of  the  first  publication  of  this  no- 
tice, tlie  Council  will  proceed  with  the 
proposed  improvement  upon  sucli  terms 
and  conditions  nx  to  the  .payment  of  the 
cost  of  such  (improvement  as  the  Coun- 
cil may  by  by-law  in  that  belialf  reg- 
ulate and  determine. 


t:;ty    Clerk's    Omce,  C.M.C. 

Febvtiary   22,   1912. 


Tliat  the  Municipal  Council  of  tne 
Corporation  of  the  City  of  Victoria  hav- 
ing determinetl    that    it   H   deslitible; 

1.  To  grade,  drain  and  iJ«ive  with  an 
asijliallic  pavement  Henry  .Stieet  from 
Mary  Street  to  Ksqulmalt  Hoaa,  and 
construct  ciirlm.  gutters  and  sldewalits 
on  both  skies  of  said  street,  also  latei-al 
connections  to  sewers,  surface  drains 
an<l  water  mains,  and  remove  poles.  If 

2.  To  grade,  drain  and  pave  with  an 
asi^lialtic  pavement  Beta  .Street  between 
Alpha  .Street  and  Delta  Street,  and  con- 
struct permanent  .sidewclks,  curbs  and 
gutters  on  both  sides  of  said  street,  also 
lateral  connections  to  sewers,  surface 
drains  and  water  mains,  and  remove 
l)olt!8,    if    necessary. 

3.  To  widen  Millsldt  -\veiiui-  i'ro:n 
O.dai'  Hill  Road  easterly  to  the  City 
Liinltti,  and  to  expropriate  sufficient 
property  to  widen  llie  said  avenue  to  a 
uniform  width  of  seventy-five  feet  fol- 
lowing  Ibe   i)resent   street   lines. 

4.  To  construct  pernianenl  Kidewalks 
of  concrete  on  both  sides  of  Harrison 
jitreet,   between   Furl  Slieet   and   Fulultcn 


w  ,«..  _,,^..|„  .3...„1_         „...!  ..I... 

*'.       A  O      «i  U*UC,     A.i»  rtw«      Uln*       I"..   .  ,         ..   I  V  .1      .... 

asplialtlc  pavement  Lee  Avenue,  from 
Leigiiston  Road  to  F%>it  Sli'ecL,  and  con- 
struct permanent  sidewalks,  curbs  and 
gutters  on  both  skies  of  said  avenue, 
also  lateral  connections  to  sewers,  sur- 
face   dr.iln.s    :ind    water    rnains,    and    re- 

1110  \ . 

nw  vovm-sooM  BinraAZiOw, 

wim    t>ath.    pantry,      etc.,      ont- 
half  block   from  car   line — 
PRICE    fa400 
Casli     $360,     balance       |2u.0U       per 
month.       Including    Interest. 


Separate  tenders  will  be  received  by 
the  undersigned  up  to  3  p.  m.  on  Mon- 
day, February  26th,  1912,  for  one  med- 
ium wciglit  liorse,  not  over  7  years  old, 
to  pass  inspection  by  tile  City  Veterin- 
ary Burgeon.  One  light  wagon  and  one 
set  light  liarness;  wagon  and  harness 
to  bo  to  the  satisfaction  of  Purchasing 
Agent.  Lowest  or  any  lender  not  neces- 
sarily   accepted. 


I'urchaslng    Agent. 

City    Hall.     February     I4th.     1912. 

TENDERS     FOR     AIR     COM- 

Tenders  will  be  received  by  the  un- 
dersigned up  to  3  p.m.  on  Monday,  Fei)- 
ruary  2fith,  1912.  for  4  Air  Compressors 
as  per  specifications,  which  can  be  seen 
at   !'>>rcha«lng    Agent's   office. 

The  (lowest  or  any  tender  not  neces- 
sarily   accepted. 

P.S. — Time  for  receiving  tenders  has 
been  extended   to   March   4th. 

City   Hall,  Purchasing:  Agent. 

February    14th,    1912. 



Notice  Is  hereby  given  that  all  persona 
having  claims  asalnst  the  estate  of 
Robert  McFadden,  late  of  Vletorla, 
British  Columbia.  who  dle<t  on  the 
7th  day  of  November,  ifill,  and  whose 
will  has  been  proved  In  the  Bupremo  Court 
ot  British  Columbia  by  Huaan  Maddaford 
McFadden  and  William  .Mcradden,  the  ex- 
ecutrix and  executor  therein  named.  are 
hffrt!Uy  r«^uii«u  i**  •..■•lu  p»«'tM.ui<ft.»  ui  itt«ii' 
claims  to  the  undersigned  on  or  bcfoia  the 
JOth  day  of  May.  1912,  after  which  date  the 
<>«nrul«fa  will  proceed  to  dislrtbute  th«  as- 
a«:a   of   the   deceased   amonff  the   partlea   en- 

fit  1. 



■a;-   OS 

clalma  of  which  they  ahall  then  hav«  had 
notire;  and  all  persons  IndnbtMi  to  the  da- 
ceased  are  requeateil  to  pay  fh<s  tmount  of 
their  indebtedneaa  to  the  underalKnad  forth- 

CnEA.'JB   A   C«EASE, 
VletO'la,   B.  C. 


Road   bi 

ru,v     K...  .■ 

(■•il.-;|-.-(l         ■  ■  ■'        ''it.^ 

l\:uKiiicei  '^;  olfioe  for  the  puriK>se  of 
wideniiii,'  ;iid  Toid  to  a  lUJlfornt  width 
of  6t>   i<i  (6t))    feet. 

7,  To  iraln   and    pave    wiTti   an 

1  vetnent   St.   Amlrcw's   Street 

; -..I  Straati-tn -Its  nnrthf.rly-te.rt. 

mination.  and  construct  curbs,  gutters 
and    pirlewalks    r>n    bntli  "MMes    of      said 

to    SBW- 

and   remove   piilea,    it   p.- 

8,  To  con.struct  bou  on  both 
sides  of  St.  Andrews  Street  from  Sim- 
coo   Street   to   its   northerly   termination. 

9,  To  construct  boulevards  on  liotii 
.sides  of  Michigan  Street  froni  Oswego 
•Street   to   Montreal   Street: 

And  that  all  of  said  works  shaTl  be 
oqrrief!  out  in  nccord.incewith  tlie  pro- 
visions of  the  Local  Improvement  Gen- 
eral Bylaw,  and  amendrhents  thereto, 
and  tlie  City  Engineer  and  City  Asses- 
sor liaving  reported  to  the  Council,  in 
accordance  with  the  profjsions  of  Sec- 
tion 4  of  this  bylaw,  upon  each  and 
every  of  said  works  of  locaD  iniprove- 
inent,  giving  statements  showing  the 
amounts  estimated  to  be  chargeable  in 
each  case  itgalnst  the  various  portions 
of  real  pi-operty  to  be  'oenefited  iiy  the 
t^id  work,  and  tbe  reports  of  the  City 
i:i^iisliieei'  ttUd  ■  City  --VsacBiTOi'  iks  €i fore- 
said liavlng  been  adopted  by  the  I'omi- 

the  said  reports  are  open  for  inspection 
at  the  office  of  the  City  Assessor,  CTlty 
Hall.  DouKlas  Street,  and  that  unless  a 
jietitlon  Hgainst  any  proposed  work  of 
local  Jini)!0veinent  above  mentioued. 
signed  by  a  majority  of  the  owners  of 
thi.»  land  or  real  property  to  be  assessed 
for  .such  iinprovenient  and  reijresentlnjr 
at  least  one-half  of  the  value  of  the 
said  land  or  real  property,  is  pie.sented 
to  the  Council  within  fifteen  day.s  from 
the  date  of  the  first  publication  of  this 
notice,  the  Council  will  proceed  witii  the 
Iiropo.sed  liniirovement  upon  such  terms 
and  conditions  as  to  the  payment  of  the 
cost  of  such  improvement  as  the  Coun- 
cil may  by  bylnw  in  that  behalf  rc.ij- 
ulate   and    determine. 


City    Clerk's    Office,  C.V.C. 

February,    2Sth,    1912. 

f^flCE   TO  XANNFlJyM^^ 

The  Victoria  Machinery  Depot  has  con- 
tracted with  the  Astoria  Iron  Works  to 
build  all  Its  (Mn  I'llilng  Machines  supplied 
In   British  Columbia.  ,,. 

Those    Interested    can    aeoi    Machines      al- 
ready   constructed    for    local    patrons    at    tlio 
Telephone   S'O. 

Auction  Sale 

BT  SHzairr 

Under  and  by  virtue  of  c<?rtain  war- 
rants ot  e.xecution  issued  out  of  tlie 
County  Court,  holdon  at  Victoria,  and 
to  me  dirp"ted,  I  have  seized  and 
talcen  possession  of  two  horses,  one 
hack  and  double  set  of  harness,  the 
prorieriy  of  Htimlln  Anilrews  tlie  Judg- 
ment JC>cl)tor,  nnd  will  offer  <the  same 
for  sale  at  the  City  Livery  Stables. 
725  Johnson  Street,  Victoria,  on  .\ton- 
da.v  next,  February  'J6th  at  10.30  a.  m. 
Terms  of  sale  cash. 

F,    G.   RICHARDS, 

Sheriffs   OlTlop.  Victoria,   B.   C,   Febru- 
ary  23rd.   15)12. 


Messrs.  Stewart  Williams  &  Co 

Duly  In.striictcd  will  sell  by  public  auc- 
tion at  1907  Duchess  street  (opposite  the 
Jnhlloc   hospital)    on 

Thursday,  Feb.   29th 

at  2  o'clock  sharp  n  quantity  of  nearly 

Household  Furniture 
Books,  Etc. 


Mission  Oak  Writing  Desk,  Mission 
Oak  Bookcase,  XV.  vols,  of  Huskin,  VI 1. 
vein.  Of  Arcliltecturat  "Works.  V|  vols,  of 
Edgnar  Allen  Poo,  XVIU.  vols,  of 
Cyclopedia  of  Architecture.  Carpentry 
and  Building,  III.  vols.  History  of  Can- 
ada and  sundry  Books.  Underwood  Type- 
writer and  Stand  (nearly  ne\v)  Lace 
Curtains  and  Blinds,  very  ftfie  reverslb'e 
Kug,  Mission  pak  Ex.  Table,  4  Mission 
Cliairs,  2  Mission  Kockers,  Clock,  Pic- 
tures, 1  very  Handsome  Electric  Chand- 
elier, Gramaphone,  .\Ibion  Range,  Lawn 
Mower,  Brass  Bedstead.  Spring  and  Top 
Mattress,  Brass  and  Iron  Folding  Couch, 
Coal  Oil  Stove,  Linoleum,  Rugs  and 
other  goods  too  numerous  to  mention. 

Davies  &  Sons 

AJnr'Mlltnc  out  larc*  quantltir  st 


tag  YAirES  STREET 

irSW    rOTm-KOOK    XOUSB,    un- 
finished,    but     at     present     occu- 
ided.    .lust   off   Gorge   car    line — 
PRICE   O.NLY    f  1500 
Cash    toOO. 

Hxw  rouB-mooai  BwaAx.ow 

-  batl'  p<jntry,  all  large  rooms, 
fiill-sl/.ed  basement,  fully  mod- 
ern, and  beautifully  finished, 
biirlapijed  and  panelled,  at  the 
Iirice  this  house  is  wllliout  an 
equal  in  ili«  ciiv  — 

PRICE    il2GOO 
Cash    »30o. 

A      BBAUTZrUX.      LOT    on    Lyall 
Street,    just     off     Lanipsun,       ,'.(( 

xl.'u — 

B-thtrd  cauli 

LOT   OW   KOBE   ST»EBT_  15x1  U'. 

—  Also — 

OWE    OH    AZ.aSK    STRrET 

."^iuue    size. 

EACH  ff70O' 



1316    OOUaZ.AB    ST&EET 

UqCOR    ACT,     IBIO. 

ijectlon    35.) 

NOTICE  Is  hereby  given  that,  on  tbi> 
Fifth  day  of  March  next,  application  will 
be  made  to  the  Suiierliiionrtent  of  Provinf-lai 
Police  tor  the  grant  of  a  license  for  the 
sale  of  liquor  by  retail  In  and  upon  the 
premises  known  as  The  Hotel  Ganges,  sit- 
uate at  Ganges,  Salt  Spring  Island,  U.  C. 
upon  the  lands  desct  Ibed  as  the  northeast 
corner  section  two  (2),  range  three  t3)  east. 
.Salt     .SpriOK     Island.     B.     C. 

Dated    this    1st    day    of    Februarv.    1912. 


Maynard  &  Sons 


Important  Sale 


Pigs  &  Poultry 

Instructed  by  Mr.  W.   II.  Pcnnock.  we 
will  sell  at  his  ranch, 


Tuesday,  March  5th 


Beyan,  Gore  &  Eliot,  Ltd. 


(Members   Victoria,    Vancouver,    Spokane    Stock    Exchange) 

Agents  Confederation  Life       Rochester  German  Fire 

Money  to  Loan  on  First 

Wanted,  Good  Agreements  for  Sale 

Rooms  222-223-224  Say  ward  15 lock 

Phone  2471 

Cotnmenrmff  at 


.Ml    frrs 

igs,  Poultry,  Cows 

Horses  and 
Farm  Implements 

InoluflinR:  175  rigs,  all  nlzes,  500  very 
fine  ChlckciiH  assorted.  Ducks.  Geese  and 
Turkeys.  1  Cow  just  calved  and  milk- 
ing 24  tjuarls  a  tlay,  I  Brood  Mare  in 
foal    duo  in   .vra\-,   1    t^olt   8   months   old, 

1  Horse,  about  .1  1-2  tonft  of  good   Hay. 

2  ton.s  of  Wheat  Sheaves,  Potatoes, 
Turnips  and  ("arr««s,  large  Oafden 
Roller,  Sleigh,  Cultivator,  Hand  Cultl- 
vHtor  and  Seeder,  3  T'low.t,  1  Spring 
and  Draw  Harrow,  .Mowing  Machine, 
Hay  Rjtke.  Bain  Farm  Wagon,  Express 
Wagon  with  top,  2-wheel  Dog  Cart, 
Vlarness   and   Saddle,   Platform    Scales, 

3  Boiling  Tanks.  Cutting  Bo.x,  Block 
and  Taokio,  i^rossetit  Saws,  /iarden. 
Stalde.  and  Carpenter.*)  Tools.  Stack 
Covr  36  feet.  Bone  prlndcr,  grlnd.stone, 
Cream  Heparator,  2  Churns  and  other 
furni  ncce.ssltles. 

We  win  aleo  .^ell  all  the 

Furniture  &  Effects 

Consisting  of:  Very  fline  Oak  Com- 
hinalion  Desk,  Book  Case,  Bureau  and 
Folding.  Bed.  Wardrobe,  Carpets,  2 
Iron  Beds.  Springs  and  Mattresses, 
Oak  Dro-sscr,  Blankets,  Sheets,  Spreads, 
Pillows,  etc.,  Dining-room  Table,  Cane 
Seat  Chair,  Arm  Chairs,  Heater.  Crock- 
ery. 6-hole  Steel  Range.  Couch,  Tables, 
Clialrs.  Cooking  Utensils,  Milk  Pails, 
40  Bottlea  of  Prtsderves,  Kitchen  Cab- 
inet, etc. 

Sale  starts  with  furniture  11  o'clock 
Tuesday,  March  5th.  Lunch  will  be  pro- 
vided. Any  further  information  can  be 
had  from 

MAYNARD  A  SONS  Auotion««rs 

788  Tltw  Bit—t 

Maynard  &  Sons 


Instrwcted  we  will  sell  at  our  sales 
room,  726  View  street. 


tw.m.  Airs  11  A.  M. 

Furniture  and 

Of  a  7-rooi«  house,  Ihcludltilr.  church 
organ.    12    stops    and    pedal    bass.      Also 

.  ..^  VMlVKBtn,  flTCKpt,  BTO. 

Two  mares  nnd  a  fine  assortment  c* 
chickens  already  entered.  Full  parti- 
culars later. 

KATirABB  *  •owm  MmMMum 

F.  W.  STEVENSON  &  CO. 


Chicago  Board  of  Trade  Victoria  Stock  Exchange 

104-106  Pcmberton  Bi^ilding  -  Corner  Fprt  and  Broc^d  Streets 



Dealers  in  Local  Stocks.  Municipal.  Government.  Railway. 

Private  Wires  to  Chicago,  New  York.  Boston  and  Montreal 


"Aavsrtislny    is    to    business    what 
■tvam   is   to   Machinery" 

Advertisement  Writers 
Multigraph  Work,  Circular 
Letters,  Notices,  etc. 

rourth  rioor,   Times  Buildg. 


Mining  StocKs 

AU   Active   ■bares   3>«ftit   »» 
OS  OommlssiPn 

Memoers       Vttnouvt.^»      - — 
Stock   Excltanges.      I>rivate  wire  connec- 
tion with  all   chief  market  centres.  Lat- 
est   quotations. 
Iffaw  Tork,   Canadian  anft  Xiondon  Mkta. 

Waghorn.  Gwynn  &  Co 

Bank    of    Hamilton    Bldf.. 



IN    THE    MATTER    of   an   application    for   a 
fresh    Certificate   ot    Title   to    Lota    41    and 
42,     Ea»t    Victoria,     B.     C,     Map    370,     Vic- 
toria   City,    Brltlih    Colu^nbla. 
NOTICE    IS    HEREBi"    GIVEN    of   my    in- 
tention   at    the    expiration    of    one    calendar 
month    frora    the    flrat    publication    hereof    to 
issue    &    xrv»ii    v^^j.  v.i.^**"    o*    -..w.w    .•.    ..c.^    o* 
the    Certificate    of    Tltl«    Issued    to    Florence 
E.    Shafer   on   the   6th    oi   October.    1»10,   and 
'  numoerod    iiiX*   C    iivuI.-U   liii    iicon    losi    cr 

Dated    at    Land    Registry    Office.    Victoria, 
B.   C    Ihle   J2Dd   day   ot  Pecember.    1»11. 
S.     T.     WOOTTON. 
Reslstrar   Oeneral    ot   Titles. 


Office   Annex,   Onvrmmeat   BuildlDco. 

t1E.\LBD  TENDEH.S,  superscribed  "Tender 
I  -  .  Q**j-Q  ^»^— —-.j^  Oovcri^menl  H^i'''*'".?": 
Vlrtnrla,"  will  be  received  by  the  Honour- 
able the  Minister  of  Tubllc  Works  up  to  12 
o'clock  noon  ot  TliurHday.  the  :".Hh  day  ot 
Kebruary.  J91;:,  for  the  erection  and  comple- 
tion of  a  concrete  and  limber-framed  office 
ann<»x,  site,  corner  of  Government  and 
Kuperlpr    Street,    Victoria.    B.C. 

Plans,  Bpeclflc«tlon»,  contract  and  forms 
of  tender  may  be  seen  on  and  after  the  20th 
day  of  February.  i'jl2.  at  the  general  offiee 
of  the  Department  of  I'ubllc  V>'Oik»,  Vic- 

("ontraetors  wIshInK  to  obtain  plans  and 
speelrieatloiis  can.  for  the  sum  of  $16.  ob- 
tain same  by  applying  to  the  Department; 
this  sum  win  bo  refunded  upon  the  return 
ot  the  plans  and  speelflcatlons,  or  a  bona- 
flde   tender. 

Kaili  proposal  must  be  accompanied  by  an 
accepted  bank  chetiue  or  certificate  of  de- 
posit ott  a  chartered  bank  of  Claiinda.  made 
payable  to  the  Honourable  the  Minister  of 
I'u'bllu  "Works,  foi  the  silin  of  $860,  which 
shall  be  forfeited  If  the  p«(rty  tondpring  de- 
clines to  enter  Into  contrnjt  when  called 
upon  to  do  so,  or  It  he  fall  to  complete,  the 
vv>.rk  c-onir«(tted  for.  The  Cheques  or  certl- 
flDtes  of  deposit  of  unsuccessful  tenderers 
will  be  returned  to  them  ujpon  the  execution 
of   the   contf-ncl. 

Tenders  will  not  be  considered  unless 
made  out  on'  the  forms  supplied,  signed  with 
the  actual  signature  ot  the  tenderer,  and 
enclosed    In    the    envelopes   furnished. 

The  lowest  or  any  tenUer  not  necessarily 

.1.    B.   GRIFFITH. 
Public    Works    Bnglneer. 
Dppartmont  of  Public  Works, 

Victoria,   B.   C.   Kebruary   17th,   1912.    tc2i 


■  .'.,.'■. -i- 


Tenders  will  be  reczAred  by  the  undersign- 
ed ui»  to  March  16th  next  for  the  following 
property:  .  "  \ 

Mining  lease  No.  1187  locs!M  on  Spanish 
Creek,  near  Qucsnel  Fork^  equipped  with 
Hydraulic^  Pipe  and  Giants  for  Hrdrsullc 
Mining,    with    water    record    f*r   asme:    siso 

:is  acre*  Crown  granted  land  st  drasta 
Blanca,  Oarlboo,  with  store  tiulldlivg.  sUllU 
and  dwelling;  al«o   ,  >/ 

General  Merchandise  at  Oreaw  Bianoa,  In- 
ventory of  which  can  be  smiI  oft  apii^leattoB 
to   . 

Messrs.  Blinoik  L,eiMr  A  Oj(.,  K<i<L,  o(  Vie 
toria,    B.   (i  \         ' 

Hesst*.  Lorwtrt,  Hansy  «  tlaaibto^  lAt^. 
of  Vancou«»r,   B.  0. 

■-*»*»•»•»  - *-— ^ ,    p-^    ■   I  ma 

U.   C.J  «t»»  V  .  . 

MX  (IfhorMs  »n^  Hsi»lM«|;  #« 

Bids  HHF  ««  w«ar 

.vAi-i., -;,:':;. :;"   •,'-. 
V  tM  ftl«h«it  ot 
•ac«pt4iJL.   . 

u.c.  ..--■,'    ■. 

Some  Advantages 
of  Having  This 
Company  Named 
as  Executor 
and  Trustee  in 
Your  Will. 

Because  acting    in     these 

capacities    is    our    business, 

therefore  we    are    naturally 

able  ^o  handle     such  "  v.-ork 

.more    quickly    and    satisfac- 

tririlv      3?T^       If>cc      *a-vr%<»r»ci^r«»l^y 

■ *  J  tii-^  AS.......  ^.vkL..  %.(*..>»     •     ^.k     , 

than  an  individual  wRo  has 
his  private  affairs  to  attend 

Because  it  requires  tech- 
nical knowledge  and  much 
experience  to  satisfactorily 
handle  trust  funds  and  it 
is  unreasonable  to  expect 
expert  knowledge  from 
limited  experience  in  this 

Because  the  faithful  per- 
formance of  the  duties  of 
this  company  as  executor 
and  trustee  is  guaranteed 
by  its  total  assets,  amount- 
ing to  over  $3,000,000,  as 
well  as  by  its  bond  with 
the  government  aiul  by 
government  iftspcctioft 

Call  and  alW  us  to    tcU 
y<i^    loptore   about    this    or 
writt  for  boiAI«t  on  the  aub- 


ft^.tUijii*  ■' 

i>yj.J!i..i  II.  i,i.iJ  It  mm\  ii!W}'jji.i'|..,JJ.'taiiJ  i| 



||-^,l,W,,|,,„J^    ,,    ,L 

I     W     I  I  .1     1       ¥.   ' 

k/.xsmrvoTJt-  r^Ai*  -V   r^rojnxxRT^ 

Wednesday.    February    ».    1»1? 


T  XV>  A  v^*.«'-"-»J 


/    r 







-  f  ^ 






-5:  -O* 




.S  TO  BE 

C,  P.  R,  Witi  Spend  Over  Half 
a  Million  on  Coquitlam  Im- 
provements  During 

October  ist 


Sold  Out 

General  Manager  Bury  Tells  of 
Big  Expenditures  on  Com- 
pany's Western  Lines. 

JTorld,"    Feb.    14.    191 

J^flisKdBNiiWf  ■■1! 

One  completely  equipped  unIt"^Jnile 
mammoth  new  Coquitlam  terminal 
scheme  is  to  be  constructed  Dy  the 
Canadian  Pacific  Railway  during  the 
coming  spring  and  summer,  according: 
to  an  announcement  made  today  by 
Mr.  George  J.  Bury,  vice-president  and 
general  manager  of  the  C.  P.  R..  who  is 
in  tlie  city  on  an  Inspection  trip  of  im- 
provements that  are  contemplated  In  the 
West  generally,  and  Vancouver  and  Co- 
quitlam   In    particular. 

The  expenditure  that  is  to  be  made 
this  year  alone  In  Coquitlam  In  the 
installation  and  erection  of  one  unit  of 
the  company's  terminal  plant  will 
amount  to  over  $600,000.  But  that  will 
1)0  only  a  start,  Hr.  Bury  deulurefi.-  Tnc 
entire  big  terminal  scheme  Is  laid  out  in 
units,  to  be  constructed  as  the  increase 
of  traffic  demands.  The  first  of  these 
units,  which  is  to  be  completed  next 
fall,  will  comprise  a  round  house,  about 
25  miles  or  tracKs,  car  repair  bmupb, 
paint  shop,  machine  shop,  temporary 
bunkhouse  for  the  men,  coal  bunkers 
and  such  other  minor  buildings  and 
cquipiucTit  S.5  ars  necos!>&ry  *Gr  the  es- 
tablishment of  terminal  facilities  on 
such  s.  lETgre  ?fcalfl- 

Bventually  there  will  be  four  or  five 
UEits.  and  shout  ninety-five  miles  of 
■  tracks  at  the  company's  Coquitlam  ter- 
minals. But  it  has  all  been  des!gi*»^d 
0.1  the  unit  principle,  and  the  units  will 
be  added  and  the  terminal  facilities  in- 
creased as  the  growth  of  commerce  and 
traffic  warrant  it.  Mr.  Bury  empha- 
sized the  fact  that  in  establishing  these 
terminal  facilities  at  Coquitlam  the 
.- company  '^was-  planning  not  only  for 
wonderftil  growth  and  demands  of  Van- 
couver's world-wide  commerce  during 
the  next  few  years,  but  even  what  the 
commerce  may  Increase  to  when  the 
large  proportion  of  the  trade  that  Is 
expected  to  follow  the  opening  of  the 
Panama   Canal   is    directed    this   way. 

January  51!^ 
St.  Mary's 



Sold  Out 

February   loth 

Terminal  Centre 

No.  2  Sold  Out 

February    i6th 

Tames  Park  Sold 

Except  20  Lots  Out 

of  600 

February  20th 
Park  View  Sale 
Opened    in.   Winni- 
peg, 150  Lots  Sold 

First  Two  Days 









Advance   Sharply,    March   the  5th 

It  is  true  that  prices  are  to  be  advanced  in  our  First  Division. 

I*.    ^<^    3*SiO    ♦T"tJt^-Ti       1        li£    ^riv*-*Ti*^S    ^S    ii-Lii.y      •  wa^»*-*.a.*^-v.i«  ,,r ■■■■■iwwa-  -■---■  —  ■-■■t-  ■»£■ 

There  have  been  so  many  ■.iligiiililfflmLfqffa^  the  p^ftiFWffTP"' 
names  suggesting  business  distrii^^^^^^^^^he  kind  or  another 
that  you  may  have  overlooked  THE  business  district  of  Coquitlam. 

Westminster  Junction  is  now  a  business  district.  The  vast  extent  of 
the  railway  terminal  zone — half  a  mile  wide  and  more- than  two  miles 
long— dividing  the  Coquitlam  Townsite  into  two  pai-ts,  makes  a  north 
side  business  centre  inevitable,  but  don't  let  those    ^acts^^^;,  you  from 

_^... ^\ 4.^  T^T-DOT'  rvT'v/TQTON'  .'isSKy 

giving  yuui  cii.tciJiiiv.'ii  cv  X  AxxKj  X   *-»x  ^  A.^.^^^j'Ti,  

Remember  That  First  Division 





;^-^^;  -;^ 




a>*jHt.TO-Mi-.  »w»jBj^-/. 

Pitt  Centre 
Sold  Out 




■hop»  on  the  other  Bide,  with  the  new  passenger 
and  freight  Btatlona  nearby — Deep  water  trans- 
portation on  the  Bouth,  railway  tran»portatlca 
the  north. 

Sooner  or  later  the  Canadian  worthern 

enter  Ooijultlam  through  the  southern  end  of 
rirst  Dlvialon  and  the  traneler  tracks  connecting 
the  Canadian  Pacific  and  Canadian  Northern  will 
have  to  traveree  the  IWDUST»IAI.  SITES  which 
conetitute  the  harbor  eiao  of  First  Division. 

THE  tanainees  centre  will  be  WHEKE  THE 

BtrSXNESS  Willi.  BE — and  the  business  wUl  be 
ed  that  la  in  the  water  terminals  and  the  rail- 
way Urminals.     TOTT  CAIT'T  OBT   AWAT  PXOaC 

Adjoins    the    only    portion    of    the    Canadian 

Pacific   terminals   that   •njoyii    water   frontage. 

Has    the    best    and    most    aoceaslble    harbor 

frontage  in   Coquitlam. 

Borders    on    the    railway    terminals    all    the 

way    from   north   to   south. 

Controls  the   main  approaches  to   the   great 

•hope   -which   axe  to    adjoin   it. 

Iiles    between    the    terminala    and    the    best 

reaidenoe    district    in      Coquitlam    —    St.      Mary'a 

Is   almost   all   level. 

Is    largely    clear,    open    ground, 

__  Ooouples    the    only    correct    and    inevitable 

location    for    the    toualneaa      centre,      beoauae      it 
reaoheB   from  ioe   uMSfxHix  oxi  tli»   jpse   sUls  to  th* 

I  grant  you  that  it  will  take  time  for  this  business  section  to  develop, 
but  if  it  were  already  developed  I  wouldn't  be  saying  this  and  you 
wouldn't  be  reading  it. 

Finally,  I  want  to  give  you  a  little  tip.  The  public  has  not  yet  heard 
a  half  of  the  great  things  that  are  in  store  for  Coquitlam.  If  the  public 
knew  it  all  NOW  we  would  not  be  raising  prices,  because  we  would  have 
nothing  left  to  raise. 

Later  on  remember  that  you  h  ^-I  this  tip  ten  days  before  the  first  price 
advance  in  First  Division,  but— here's  another  piece  of  advice — don't  buy 
to  speculate  on  the  impending  rise  of  25  to  50  per  cent,  in  prices— buy 
for  the  big  values  of  the  future. 

First  Division  prices  are  absurdly  low.  Compare  them  with  Prince 
Rupert  and  Port  Mann  prices,  and  remember  that  Coquitlam  bids  fair 
to  be  the  best  town  of  the  three. 

The  advance  we  are  soon  to  rhake  is  behind   the   market..  Lots  are 
actually  oeing  resoiu  luuay  ax.  /u  p*.r    *-wiit.  x.*v.,»w  »...^—    -.—  - —    ^^.■..:s 
This  is  in  line  with  the  policy  we  have  had  from  the  start — the    policy 
of  making  Coquitlam  real  estate  a  good  proposition  for  all. 

We  believe  that  our  astounding  success  is  largely  due  to  this  policy. 
Anyway,  PRICES  ADVANCE  MARCH  5th. 

T?#*criprtfnllv  vours. 

—  -■-'—'£ e^         V  ' 

January  30th 

Terminal  Centre 

Sold  Out 


February  15th 


Sold  Out 

February  i8th 
James  Park  No, 



Details  of  C.  P.  B.  Expenditures  Be- 
tween Vancouver  and  Pield  —  Bail- 
way  to  be  Double-tracked  Out  aa  Par 
as  Hammond — Arrangements  for  Buay 
Seaaon'a  "Work  in  VardM  at  Cociuit- 

("Province,"   Jan.   31.   1912). 

Approximately  ?5, 000. 000  will  he 
pnent  by  the  Canadian  Pacific  Rail- 
way Company  during  the  present  year 
for  improvement.s  and  new  construction 
work  on  Its  main  line  and  braiu:hes 
west  of"  Field,  the  easterly  boundary  of 
British  Columbia,  division.  This  is  an 
authoritative  statement  received  from 
Winnipeg  by  }he  operating  and  engin- 
cerlng  departments  of  the  railway  com- 

Doable    Track   to    3Eam.inond. 
_^^id,  tlriS  betTTcc"   Ksmmond  and  Van- 
couver is  to  be  double-tracked  at  an  ex- 
penditure   of    about   $750,000. 
At    Coquitlam    the    Xiorgest    Ezpandltur* 
WiU   Be   Made. 
Here   the   company   has   decided   to   put 
iritcT  operation  a  part  of   their  extensive 
plans    for    making    this       on.p      of      the 
largest   terminals   In   the.  Dominion.    The 
full    development    of    the    terminal    site 
will    not    be    accompli-shed    at    once,    but 
the   appropriation   this   year   Is   sufficient 
10    keep    large    crews    of    men    at    work 
for  the  year. 

A  twelve-.stall  round  Is  to  be 
■  constructed  in  addition  to  a  coaling 
plant  and  water  service.  Twenty-five 
nriles  of  track  for  yard  purposes  will 
be  laid  this  year  and '  everything  done 
to  provide  Coquitlam  with  ■  complete 
terminal  facilities.  .A,n  Industrial  trunk 
line  from  the  yards  Into  the  townsite  Is 
to  be  surveyed  in  the  course  of  a' short 
time,  and  will  be  constructed  in  connec- 
tion with  the  other  work  at  Coquitlam. 
Two  subways.  In  accordance  with  the 
agreement  with  the  municipality  of  Co- 
■lultlam  are  to  be  built.  They  are  to 
be  located  on  the  eastern  end  of  the 
company's  property  on  the  Dewdney 
Trunk    Koad. 

February  22nd 

Total   Sales   in    isH 

Division,  New 

Business  Centre, 

600  Lots 

>-  hi  m 

Coquitlam  Terminal  Co.,  Ltd. 
Coquitlam  Townsite  Co.,  Ltd. 

Owners  of  the  Recognized  Townsite. 
Main  Office :  Second  Floor,  Leigh-Spencer  Building. 

General  Agents  for  Victoria 

Canadian  American  Realty  Company 

1202  Douglas  Street,  Victoria,  B.C. 

Monk  &  Monteith 

639  Fort  Street,  Victoria,  B.C. 


laoa    Douglas    8t.,   Victoria,   B.    O. 
General  Agenta  for  Victoria  and  Vicinity 


Kindly  send  me  magnet  folder,  press 
reports  and  full  Information  about  the 
Canadian      Pacinc    Railway's      industrial. 

ann     •>nerullnc     teriQillUS. 



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