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Full text of "The Daily Colonist (1919-10-31)"

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IW),  272Js»xiir^llST  VEAR 








OHkt ;    It 

? ♦• 

....« ...tut 


Jbobheviki  Have  Thrown  Heavy  Reinforcements 
Into  Fight  A|<ainst  Cossack  General— Endtevor 
to  Ptoch  Off  SaKent  Towards  Orel— Yudenitch 
Said  to  Have  Lost  Gatchina. 

tFFGkrs  AME  fiudiE  to  nmi^ 


1.  HHtSINOFOKS,  6ct.  30^  npon  from  RuMiw  muicm  r«. 

BohhcvOd  and  is  adiaadiic  toward  Mokow. 

LONOON,  Oct.  SOw— The  Boblwirati  hairt  put  an  iimneaat  aum. 
bw  of  ifeoops  tgalart  Qvmal  DeniUm  aai  «•  tnUtf .  W  Bttnur*  «a 
both  iidM  of  the  Orel  talient  to  pinch  this  off  end  therehy  relien 
^  thTMt  affoinM  Moscow,  occordhir  to  offidal  tefomfatiQii.  DtM>^ 
UM  advMoe  cotttimieo,  but  it  k  pointed  out  that  a  break  in  the 
■leoalher  most  be  eapected  at  an  early  date,  and  he  has  a  tens  way  to 
go  to  reach  Mdocow. 

__  ^^^Ti«*»»  diepatch  received  from  Moacow  reports  that  General 
YnlmiMh  bat  bMS  compallid  to  evocaa^  Qatchina.  owing  ^  the 
tact  that  the  Bobheviki  are  menadnf  his  tfne  of  commonicatfon. 

I^  ta^ht  them  was  no  confirmation  of  the  reported  evacua-    p^«e/v«  rsL-  ^^  w*  *    i         j 
tiaa^  Qat^ia.  and  accordfaif  lo  the  viow  of  the  wH  Ottss  the    "^^0"  ^iven  tO  Neutrals  and 

Germany  for  Participation 
in  Biockade  of  Soviet  ftussia 
—Action  of  Warships 



TOKIO.  Oet  tV~((i»t«r«fty>.— -Hi* 

MMIOMITfM    Ot    UM    •»(!••    J«SUMM 

navy,  te  whleli  (h*  Bmpwror  sei^> 

toOmr  OM  tlM  W€UmIiI»  By««e.  te  V»> 
Mo  B»]r.  rwtrMaa  ai«ii  ww*  kUtod 
»P««  th«ny  tnJuroS. 

TM  Bnswror  «m  »b«Ma  ttM  battl*- 
iriU|>  ttetUM.  TIM  mMiofiivroa.  wktek 
WM«  Ui«  «iM*  olkbonkte  te  Om  hlat«ry 
«t  tiM  aavy.  teehtJtoS  minde  tettiM 
•m  >lrptea4  >tteel»  on  e<Mtel  «IUm> 



Hold  Meeting  of  Their  *'Pariia> 
nnent"  in  face  of  Gk>vem^ 
nwit^s  Prodamation— in- 
terest in  Authorities^  Action 









wUl     roootvo 

Officials  to  Se  Appointed,  Civil 
Service  Scheme  Organized 
and  Estimates  Framed  for 
Exchequer  Use 

*  » 


kepA  b  unfounded. 

^^^^rioiis  Tipotta  indicate  that  thare  has  been  aaeem  fightiaf^  near 

^Tha  Russo-Qermsn  troops  Under  Coknel  BernArndt  were  re- 
PMtad  to  be  coocentntinc  for  an  attack  on  Riga,  while  German 
dat^chmanta  am  wocaeding  Imm  Memel  and  Sha^  toward  Ubau. 
IJ^f'^'^cea  say  tiiat  the  present  attack  against  Latvia  is  a  German 
onartpr  into  which  the  Germans  are  throwing  every  available  roaerva. 
ore  M,000  German  troopa  hi  Coapfmd,  and  the  nupuber  is  hi- 
daily.  .«.»«,-*   • 


LONDON.  Oct,  «•.— Auston  Ch«m< 
borlala.  Chanoollor  ot  th«  Bxchoquor. 
ansomiMd        ' 

Wtth  Ftataa4 
BBLOtNOroiUI.    Oct.    »S.->Kstrm. 
proMaro  to  bole*  brouslit  to 
te  toduoo  FtetenS  te  joUi  te  tho 
of  tao   aatl-BotohevlHl   forofi 
oa  ^trecnd. 

C  O.  Ummemami  lM«a  or  th*  flovom- 
SMat  of  NorthwMrt  Rob«Is.   hM.  ar- 
rhrod  In  H«tolncfors  from  Roval  on  a 
Brlttoh     torpedo    boot    destroyer 
•ate^  tato  4|reot  i^ttottatlona  f^r 
Btoh  IntenreatMpi.    M.  V^anota,  Prt 
.  Mtetotor  ef  ftS^uM,  adnlttetf  to 
oorreopondent  today  tliet  nt>sotletl 
wota  ta  profniM,  bat  aaid  be  bad  no« 
Btil  propbnto. 

•xoept  under  license. 

Tbe  BltuaUo^  the  Chaacellor  aided. 
to  betes  caretuUr'  witohidl  aad 

PARIS.  Oct.  Se,^The  text  of  tbe 
aoto  sent  by  Marabal  Foch  to  CtenermI 
Nudaat  for  tranemtaaton  to  the  Qer- 
men  OovemaieBt  tevltlns  Oermany  to 
panielpate .  te  tbe  blockede  of  Bol> 
abevtk  Raaate  to  atekUer  to  that  aeat 
te  tbe  aeatral  atetea.  wHb  the  excep- 
tion of  the  tost  paraaraph.  The  note 
aaya  ta  part:    v 

"The  avowed  hostility  of  the  Bol< 
Aevtate  toward  all  covemments  and 
their  iaternattenal  procramme  of  rer- 
olutton.  which  they  are  apreadlnc 
abroad,  eonatltute  srave  denser  for 
the  aatloiel  ascurtty  of  ell  power*. 
Bvery  Inorease  of  the  strenstb  of 
Botobevtote  would  increase  tbe  denier, 
and  would  be  ooatrary  to  tbe  desire 
of  all  peoples  who  are  seeklnc  to  re- 
estebltoh  peace  and  social  order.**       * 

The  note  sent  to  Oennaay  oontatas 
the  folloerins  ni|al  paraaraph: 

"Th*  Brtttsh  end  Vireaoh  warahlpa 

Hhk^T'tmHS.^'m^iZr'ZIX,'^     ■•    *■  "*•  °""  *'  Wn»M«  "hall  coattaae 
hObodOvtber  aoUoa   would   be   ua-  |  to  chanse  tbe  rodtee  of  ehipe 

^.^  l^flMte,  wtitoa,^  laost  ear< 
oat  a  promise  made  la  Itl4  to  sivs 
Mt«lMns«  to  instefd,  tbe  Boitente 
ta  caaraatee  the  ;fil>uaUon  dad  to 
bear  ta«  ^otft'ot  tpik'hvhtlnr 

"fhe  Finnish  diet  must  decide  the 
llvaiUen."  M.  Vennola  conUnued.  "but 
a  Sateate  suarantees  eve  obteteed  the 
Flaal«h  pettpto  wtU  be  oUltec  te  later- 

The  Flaalah  army  new  assresates 

SMM  teen.     e#  whom     I6.«ee     are 

.atetteaed    on  .  the    Roastea     fronUer. 

Vetaaieer  white  soarda  aiatetateed  by 

bMiam  iatereets  nfilnbet  ll.»O0. 

.  Vhe  American  'toirpeda  boai  de- 
atroyar  Maddbx  avHyedat  Viborv  to- 
day. She  wiU  raas|ln"  there  to  escort 
batWja  coatetninc  Araerlcen  food  to 

Nortlmu  Ansiy  Adiaauis 
aJrchANOBU  Oet.  U.—A  furrier 
advaaee  of  the  North  Ruaston  anayja 
reoerted  by  the  s«b«rM  staff  taaay. 
I#'atet«toent  otataM  that  the  eati-Itel- 
ilievlk  foresf  have  raaflhed  Bi^ain- 
fJlieA.  ISO  venMs  south  of  bttaga. 
Wkeie  they  have  formed  a  JuneUoa 
Ulth  the  forces  pperattec  on  the  rail- 
tySr  mat.  In  the  Oaaoa  aMter  the 
cpjptare  of  S.e«».««0  eartrldsaoi  l.»«0 
S^Os  and  other  bo««y  to  rsported. 

Tho  road  alone  tbe  Onegm  River, 
tba  stetomeirt  adds,  was  found  strewn 
vrtth  the  bodies  of  soldiers  aad  horsee 
aSd  with  booty  which  had  been  been 
abaadoaed.  the  Botoheviki  bavtac 
dfappad  everythtes  and  fled  tate  the 

^    SteMttty  om  Vnm 

liONDON,  Oct.  «e.-.-The  sltuatioa 
oa  the  Fetroarad  trohi  to  rsported  In 
oflletal  advldea  received  here  to  be 
treble.  It  to  aaaertad  that  the  Botohe- 
vtei  attack  With  heavy  doaoentratloaa 
wJbioli  foreed  Ctea.  tadealtah'b  arm/ 
beeic  appears  te  have  exhausted  the 
mis.  wheae  losses  were  very  hsa^y. 

iTuttentteb's  main  diflleulty  to  te  re- 
alera  taalBe  aleas  the  Oatohlaa  roll- 
^my.  vMOh  haa  baea  badly  dadkaed, 
«0d  aatll  thto  to  done  he  cannot  at- 
tempt any  large  offensive,  aoeordlng 
to  the  advleee. 

for  porte  of  Botohevtot  Ri 

w    «  **T^^rr*^  bb»ed  farther  «*loa  would   be  «^     te  c;;;„.;"th.  ;;;i;^"ofTS  pTSSJ 

M.  Vaaaoto  aeetecad  that  Fteland  |  mtnmmrr.  .  j,  'for  porte  of  Botohevtot  R«uiyr»  ^^ 

might  Iftervene,  provided  her  righto     '  ~" '      ■■<'■'■  ■     ■    ■   i  »  ^^ "^'^ 

atoi   Olfte  of  the  >lnntoh  tribaa   fit     T^         f  1      JfS^L.^.^ 

^vksissTssxi!::!s:  Federal  Gtoverrnnenf^^"? 

itoaB  bv  Ramte.  whIA  atao  miMt  eftr.  ^  ^^^      ^^  ■       '^^^  •••■  •*  V^**li  •  ,  A  V 

*-f  ^fDariBtto*  IW*Hltf  ^ftrtuWaf  "wws'ui  fift*JhJEt5J;  end  withdrew 

Makes  Provbion  Against  Profiteering  in  Coal,  and 
Restores  priorities  List— President  Wilson  Is 
Consulted— Union  Executive  Gives  Atten- 
'        tipn  to  Some  Minor  Details 

DUBUN.  Oet  M.--Tbe  meeUng  of 
the  aiaa  Fete  parhement  tost  night 
waa  te  direct  deOaace  of  the  Oovem- 
meat*8  prectonkatlon.  aad  the  people 
are  tetereeted  te  know  what  tbe  Gov- 
erament  will,  do  about  lu  Tlie  meet- 
ing being  iltogal.  the  Irteb  papera  are 
forbidden  to  meatioa  it. 

A  resort  oUeatoted  by  the  aian  Feia 
eaya  that  a  aatteaal  tespectar  jut 
ftohertoa  win  be  appelated:  that  a 
civil  esrvice  eeheme  to  being  arranged 
to  emtoraee  aU  looal  alttoea.  and  atoo 
that  nsOoaal  arbttrattea  eoerte  aad 
^^_  _<9i«Mlstl»a  .^kaaiM.  .wlU  ba 

"Ritimatea  for  the  coming  flnan- 
ctol  period."  saya  the  report.  **were 
laid  before  the  Houee  and  the  necee- 
aary  vetea  ef  credit  adopted.** 
,  The  ate  Btaa  Fate  membere  K>r 
DabUn  have  eent  te  the  United 
Stetea  conaul  a  copy  of  alleged  In- 
atracUona  for  searehiag  the  effects  of 
United  Stetee  seamen.  The  totter 

"As  tbsae  Instructions  oonstitete  a 
htedrance  to  towful  trade  of  America 
with  Ireland,  we.  the  elected  repre- 
aeateUvee  of  the  city  of  IHiblte.  ra- 
eaeat  that  you  transmit  copiaa  of  them 
to  yoar  Oovernmeat** 


Total   Climbed   Up—€nthusl- 
aefn  frtpcea»ing--Open  Air 

^"^l  V*»»  >»•»•  •»  a  vary  Umlted 
wmM  tar  ealdtere  ^pho  Wkk  their 
^to^arsa  here  aad  aow  aa«  them- 
aelvea  -     -  - 

,.  **?^>  •>»  ^  repreeeated  that,  al- 
»*»«ea  ta«m  mea  have  now  abeotete- 

Z^..*t«*!?*  **^"*  '**  J^P^krtajitea,  it 
SilL^  Hr*'  *•  ■"™^»  *#••  coaoaeatoa. 
Before  ^hto  to  done,  however,  it  to 
arged  that  aoaw  orgaatoaUon  te  Caa- 
ada  muat  be  prepated  te  took  after 
them  oa  their  arrival,  atherwtoe  their 
coadlttoa  te  Oaaede  will  be  aa  bad  aa 
It  to  here; 

■ .  •! 

Amendment  for  Levy  on  Capital  Offered  by  Mr^ 
Clynes  Is  Rejected  by  405  to  50.  and  Resolu- 
tion Is  Carried  Without  Division— Much 
r  ^    y^         Criticism  During  Debate 
''  a ... 





Grand  Trunk'  Measure  Now 
Stands  for  Third  Reading  by 
House  of  Commons--Oate 
Is  Not  Certain 

Minister^  Are  Understood  to  Depend  Chiefly  oil 
^   Growth  of  Commerce  and  Industry  to  Meet  ■ 
Heavy  Burdens— Premier  in  His  Speech 
'^"' r  •    Refers  to  '"EDileotic  Screaminr*'    - 


LONDON  Od.  aa— Tka 

■a  iWa  Ha«M  of  ^ComoMMM  tooigkt  or  Us 
BsaJorHy  of  38S. 
to  Iks  GoTonuBcnt 
Mr.  J:  It  OfRss*  Laberils,  aad 
W  4M  to  801.  and  liM  Got 

Evening  on  Yates  Street 

OTTAWA.  Oct.  S«.— After  several 
^toya"  dtoeusalon  ta  committee  the 
Grand  Trunk  bill  wee  reported  Juet 
before  ate  o'clock  thto  evenlna.  end 
the  Uoaae  roee  in  order  to  allow  mte- 
totere  and  membera  to  attend  the  dte- 
nor  being  givea  tonight  by  t^  Oovem- 
mmt  in  honor  of  Ckurdlaal  Merctor  of 

No  deOnlte  announcement  waa  awde 
aa  to  when  the  third  reading  would 
be  taken  up.  but  it  mey  not  be  before 
Monday,  because  amendmenta  ere 
likely  to  be  moved,  and  many  are 
deelroue  of  leaving  for  their  homea 
tomorrow  for  the  week-end. 

During  consideration  of  the  bill  to- 
day. Hen.  Arthur  Melghen  withdrew 
Clause  No.  t  of  the  bill,  to  which 
atroag  exeeptloa  waa  taken  yeeterday 
by  Hon.  W.  a  FleMlag.  The  etouse 
ptovlded  for  loana  to  the  board  of 
management,  and  Mr.  Fielding  took 
tbe  ground  that  the  Qovernment, could 
not  make  loana  without  asking  the 
authority  of  Parliament. 
Jtl'  ^.^iS!^*''  •^«n»*<l^  thai4here  waa     asrf 

•V-  -J       ^     -.'i  v-^-v  •    V  <  {•«-'»Vfl.V«1V'  .''j 


Ctoqater  VIeterta 


roflWN.  6c<,^  ao.iirhe 

W^ttKINOf^dlN.  bcf,*^  ao.'i-hire  Oov- 
emment  put  on  tta  Sshtlng  clothea  to- 
day to  i^e^t.  the  coal  strike  dae  to 
start  flaterday. 

Whito  oMtor  after  order  popped  out 
witb  startling  war-Ume  swiftness,  the 
long  arm  of  the  tew  reaehed  oat  to 
protect  the  pabUe  and  thoee  nAners 
"winihg'  to  remain  at  work  In  the  face 
of  union  ojmmands  to  quit. 

Most  drastic  of  all  moves  during 
the  day  waa  the  order  of  the  Jtailroad 
Adnistotratlon  for  selsare  of  coal  te 
transit  far  troads  requlHng  It.  wl»h 
rationing  of  stocks  on  hand  to  essen- 
ttol  tadustrlss. 

So  far  aa  the  Govemqnent  to  abla  ta 
prevent  it.  there  wlU  be  no  profltea.*.' 
lag  while  the  grim  apectre  of  Wtatar. 
with  coal  bins  dangerously  •  low  or 
bare,  looms  big  and  cloee  at  hand. 
Almoat  the  first  ste|r^odey  was  the 
drafting  of  an  order  flzlng  a  max- 
imum price  for  aU  gradee  of  eoal.  Re- 
cetebltohment  of  the  priorities  Ito^  will 
put  eoal  where  It  to  meet  needed,  and 
if  It  comse  to  that  the  Qovemment 
wilt  okMan  oaaawmptten. 

Breaking  ddwn  the  barriers  which 
had  kept  members  of  the  cabinet 
away  from  hto  liek  rooai.  Frealdent 
Wttoea  took  a  haad  te  itos  aghtto- 
da^,  and  personally  approved  every 
detell  in  the  general  plan  of  dealing 
with  coadittons  likely  to  arise  with 
the  walkout  of  the  soft  coal  mlnera 
For  twenty  minutee  the  Prcaldent, 
propped  In  bed,  went  over  with  At- 
torney-Oeneral  Palmer  the  various 
steps,  heard  what  orders  had  been 
tomed.  and  eraa  put  In  teUraate  touch 
with  an  arrangements.  The  President. 
It  waa  said,  Wee  eapeeteUy  gratlSed  te 
learn  of  pi'etective  measurse.  both  for 
the  homes  and  the  mlaee. 

The  stHke  took  precedence  over  thd 
peace  treaty  In  tbe  Senate,  which  for 
fear  houte  debated  and  then  adopted 
a  rbsolutton  pledgteg  tts  support  te 
the  Qeiveriiment  te  maintaining  order 
during  (be  preeent  Industrtol  emer- 
gency. aiTorts  to  have  the  House 
take  simltor  action  failed  because  at 
opposition  of  the  Republican  leaders. 

arhlch   I   leave     te         '"  "»'  o"t  ^f  Oongreos,   however. 

The    second   i   i>ni-     sentiment  seemed  to  turn  tlkronvK  am* 

liONDON.  Oct.  tS.—Nlkotoi  Lenlae, 
Iteaidaa  MMwilhl  Premier,  speak- 
tea  At  a  rteret  meeUng  of  the  Botohe- 
^Viltl  aaseattea.  to  aaoted  in  a  wire- 
'  message   litem   Moecow'  as     de- 

H;*nie  ehtef  tramp  in  our  haad  to 
faternal  revetatioa.  without  whldh 
thare  to  BO  hope  tor  Ituasta's  saeosss. 
•■Utore  are  two  ways  of  exit  fntn 
Ihto  pasttten,  the  first  of  whioh  N 
dBi/teg  te  mastei 
yalltloel  aovloaa. 

we  mast  weigh  the  moment;'  we 
have  flpM  Sad  armarad  cere.  We 
throw  ant  aU  aaatoaa  psisiins  aad 
aadargreuad.  The  power  will 
•aaaabtedlr  bd  eetoed  by  tbe  baur- 
SMlw  aad  ttoa  mlUlary.  bat  tht  t^me 
^m  «•»•  vhea  taa  BoMwvlkl  will 


Oct.    M.— A 


Rntlment  seemed  to  turn  throoghoaa 

end  there  were  expreaslong 
of  general  approval  of  the  Oovern- 
ment'g  dbtermlaation  •  te  keep-  the 
mlaae  te  operatton. 

Wblto  the  only  statement  given  oat 
after  tha  ipsetol  meetiag  sf  the  C^ab- 
Inet  SeaH,  Wkih  the  jmaebce  of  aa 
order  retoting  to  the  S^pteg  of  % 
priea.  ■ 
to  have 
meens  of 


ted the  past  tew  dbys;  oStototo  said, 
tedtoated  that  a  eonsMerebto  number 
weald  keav  oa  turelag  eat  ceol  m  ef- 

coneta^tery  forces  will  be*  pressed 
Into  service  llrst,  and  troops  will  be 
called  only  as  a  last  resort,  according 
to  those  temlllkr  with  the  pro- 

Secretary  Danleto  ai^noanced  today 
that  sailors  and  marines  will  be 
shifted  to  tand  duty  and  atteched  to 
mlUtery  organisaUons.  if  their  serv- 
iote  are  demanded  by  the  Presldeat. 
There  has  beea  no  atetement.  how- 
ever, as  to  the  policy  or  dete^lna- 
tlon  of  using  troops.  Much  win  de- 
pend on  what  happens  if  the  mlaee 
abut  down  tomorrow  night. 
Opmatera  to  Meet 

ST.  LOUIS.  Mo.,  Oct  SO.— It  was 
announced  at  the  office  of  Thomae 
Brewster,  offlctal  of  the  ceal  opera- 
tata.  today  that  a  mef^lag  of  |ha 
executive  committee  of  the  eoal  oper- 
atote  of  the  eentml  e<mtpetltlve  Oeld 
would  be  held  te  Cleveland  tomorrow. 

Mr.  Breerster  Mated  that  he  had  re- 
ceived no  notification  of  any  sort 
from  Secretary  of  Labor  Wilson,  re- 
totlve  to  another  meeting  tMtween  tbe 
operators  end  ralnerib  each  aa  the 
telegram  of  John  L.  Lewto  to  8ecre> 
tery  Wilson  Indicated  bed  been  eent 
to  the  tobor  leader. 

Mtee  Werfeer'a  Baaf« 

dtopatching  to  Washington  a  telegram 
to  Secretory  of  Labor  Wltoon  in 
which  the  Thresldent's  poeltion  6n  the 
coal  strike  wee  dharactortsed  as  that 
of  an  usurper,  the  executive  board  of 
the  United  Mtae  Workers  of  America 
today    turned    to      rouUae 

Although   tbe  actual  strike 

than  thirty-six  hours  away,  tbe  ^v^ 
eming  body  of  tbe  union  devoted  the 
afternoon  to  adiusting  disputee  be- 
tween locato  and  Indlvidtwl  members, 
and  at  the  ead  of  their  session  mM 
there  was  "noUitag  of  public  InteiaaT* 
In   the 

Unlaa  aeaaqnarters  were  fraakte 
taterestod  la  the  arrtvai  hate  tonwr- 
of  C.  B.  Amee.  assistant  to  the 
Attorney-General,  in  charge  of  suite 
brought  aader  tbe  enti-trust  aad  fuel 
end  food  control  laers.  Tbe  nnloa 
Isoders  learned,  with  apparent  equaa- 
Itolty.  that  there  had  t>e«n  unusual 
acUvltjr  among  local  agents  of  the 
deparfteent.  and  professed  faith  that 
their  every  act  bad  been  under 
ram   of   eeastltattoaal    rtghta.    wl 

Vatel  to  W< 

Vtflal  te 


Latsat  reports  from  the  front  line 
trenches  of  the  big  Victory  Loan 
Drive  Indicate  that  opposttton  to 
breaking  deem.  The  morale  of  the 
enemy  to  bad,  and  the  alUed  forcea 
appear  to  have  made  a  wedge  in  the 
enemy  ranks.  Many  are  being  taken 
captive,  almost  all  of  whom,  after 
being  taken  behind  the  llnse  and  put 
through  a  series  of  rigid  queotlons, 
state  that  a  ey  knew  they  were  Oght- 
Ing  a  losing  came  from  the  start,  aad 
express  great  satistactlon  over  their 
capture.  One  of  them,  who  to  a 
prominent  busteees  man  of  Vletorla, 

"On  renewing  our  subscrlptton  for 
IIA.OOO.  we  fully  realise  the  Import- 
ance of  the  investment  and-  eecurtty 
and  the  n^d  of  the  loan.  Our  em- 
ployeee  ere  also  renewing  their  last 
year's  aubecriptlons  and  ere  are  ad- 
vancing to  them  any  money  they 
need  for  their  purchases,  to  be  re- 
paid weekly  during  the  year,  and  we 
do  not  charge  them  interest,  whito 
they  collect  Interset  on  the  bond  for 
themselves."  Thto  to  the  spirit  wa  all 
Conttauad  on  Page  4 


Belgian  Royal  Pair  Pay  Brief 
Visit  to  Bedside  of  Patient 
at  His  Request — Leave  .for 
Their  Honne  Today 

the  elanas. 

Ctoaaa  No.  8,  providing  for  the  re- 
dempUon  of  Ormnd  Trank  stook  after 
thirty   years,   waa  atoo   amended    on 
moUon  of  Mr.  Metehen.  Ave  yearn  be- 
ing •  sobeUteted   for  thirty  yeara.     A 
change  te  thto  etouse  waa  -urged  yee- 
Jarday  by  Hon.  Mr.  King,  who  Wanted 
J!f^       oat  the  words  "thirty  yeara." 
C**'»"a  No.  IS,  the  only  other  etouse 
dtooussed  today,  ifrovidlng  for  the  ul- 
timate disebaige  of  the  Oiaad  Trunk 
PaoiOo  reeelverahip.  waa  discussed  at 
considerable     length,     but    was     not 
amended.     The  OppoelUon  urged  the 
sale  <Mr  the  Grand  Trunk  Padno,  but 
Hon.  Dn  Raid  thought  that  thto  would 
not   be  a  arise  course  to  pursue,  be- 
cauee  by  the  plan  propoaed.  Govern- 
ment securities  will  be  kept  alive,  and 
In  toter  years  may  matsrlally  iacreaaa 
to  value.         *  ".'JT'T^ 


Mr.  Clynea  ooheteded     by     aaytea 
la  the  dpbato  today  the  Houae  had  I  tlw^  tha  debt  of  tt,d«ft.#ai.«oe  oouM 
before  it'the  amendment  to  the  gov-  I  never  be  wiped  out,  or  even  dimintohed 
ernmeafd.  Itaanbtal  reeotetlon  offered   i  through    ordinary    taxaUon. 

8BATTLB.  Oct  S*.— Fearing  a  plan 
to  aeoure  releaae  from  the  federal 
penitenttory  at  McNeill  Istond  for 
Hutot  M.  Wslto  and  eight  other  so- 
oalled  "polltieel  prisonere."  convicted 
of  sediUon,  Attomey-General  Palmer 
ordered  the  men  transferred  «  to  Mie 
penltentlarj  at  Fort  LeeTenworth, 
Kansas.  The  men  left  Tacoma  tote 
today  under  heavy  guard. 

RIO^B  JANEIRO.  Oct  SO.— Con- 
tteuteg  Ito  campaign  agalnat  radical 
agltetors,  the  Ooverameat  deported  to 
Europe  tod^y  it   more  anarchlste 

by  John  1%.  >  Clynes.  Labor  member 
from  Maaehedter.  and  former  food 
controller,  calling  for  a  levy  upon 
eapitel.  and  the  reviaion  to  the  stete 
Of  tertenso  made'  from  the  wer. 

Mr.  Clynes  speaking  on' hto  amend- 
ment. congratuWIed  Mr.  Austin  Cham- 
berlaln.  the  Chancellor  of  the  Ex- 
chequer, on  "the  moat  skUlful  speech 
he  bed  ever  delivered  in .  th»  House 
-of  Commons."  but  declared  that  the 
Chanceltor's  address  yeeterday  bad 
not  oatllned  any  policy.  Tbe  Leber 
Party,  ssld  Mr.  Clynes.  contended 
that  the  finsnclal  situation  was  so 
extraordinary  that  it  called  for  extra- 
Ordtaary  meesures. 

Mr.  dynsa  coademned  the  system 
of  unemptoyteent'  detae  and  subeidles. 
but  ergued  that  It  would  l>e  folly 
to  cease  thsae  Immediately  unless  the 
government  bad  solved  tbe  problems 
in  a  proper  way  by  finding  employ- 
ment for  the  men  now  receiving  out- 
of-work   beaeftts. 

The  objections  of  the  Chanceltor  of 
the  Exchequer  to  a  levy  on  capital 
should  not  preclude  an  inquiry  into 
thto  sttbpject.  dnd  atoo  an  tevestlga- 
ttea  of  inereased  predaetlon  and  war 
*  profits,  the  fbcto  of  which  had  never 

In  t^e  debate  that  followed.  Lord 
Robert  Cecil  slid  he  did  not  regard 
a  levy  on  capital  as  unpftooiptod  or 
confiscatory.  He  thoaghL  aowever. 
that  th«  real  way  to  ds^wlth  tha 
aituatlon  waa  not  by  ihereasing  tecome 
but  by  diminishing  expendHores. 

Lord  Robert  said  that  if  the  nation 
waa  to  find  Itself  able  to  Increese 
the  output  and  really  return  to  a  sat- 
isfactory industrtol  condition  l^^  must 
recognise  the  demends  of  tne  work- 
men to  be  raised  to  the  status  ol 

Premier  Lloyd  George,  dealing  with 
the  world-wide  reapoaelMMty  of  tlie 
goveraoMnt  said: 

"We    left 




WASHINGTON.  Oet  IS.— SClag  Al- 
bert aad  President  WOsoa  cl 
handa  today.  Tbe  meeting  at 
Presldeat'e  bsdsldi.  hvtof  as  H 
proved  the  otenax  of 
vti«t  of  the  BelgkUk 
left  Washtegtotf  tote  tonight  a  happy 
to  sail  for  hoaM  tmm  Newport 
Neers  at  noon  toi 
port  George 

day  he  tondsd  the  pisaaare  o<  hto  la«r 
bg  aaxlaty  over  the 

Loan  Is  Going  Well 
Over  Whole  Country 

Headquarters  Reports  Total  of  $103;229,354  Up 
to  Last  Night— Last  Year's  Rate  Is  Exceeded 
—Province  of  Ontario  Making  Excep- 
tionally GoQd  Effort 

Armento  b^ioaase  we 
wanted  to  ecenomtoe.  We  eonnot 
really  police  the  world.  We  honestly 
thought  thet  there  were  other  pow- 
ers that  might  take  their  share." 

Mr.  Lloyd  George  conteaded  that 
the  speech  of  the  Chancellor  of  the 
Exchequer  and  the  general  eourse  of 
the  debate  bad  dtopoeed  of  the  charg- 
es against  the  government  of  evoM- 
able  extravagance.  The  Premtor  em- 
phasised the  lack  of  agreement  that 
had  beei)  developed  regarding  sog- 
geeted  remedtos. 

It  had  been  farther  showa  he  aald, 
that  tbe  aorl  of  "epileptic  eereemiag" 
arhteh  bed  deateaed  th^  luaallQ 
ears  could  find  no  echo  te  a  calm  as- 
sembly  like  tbe  Houee  of  (temmoas. 

After  the  -Prime  Mlatoter  had 
i^oken.  eeveral  membere  Jolaed  In  tbg 
debate.  John  Hodge,  LaboHte. 
Iteened  the  Piamtor'e  speech  te  "ea 
IWastontoTs  piiteimaana  MaeO 
crittetom  aama 


TORONTO.  Oct  Se. — It  wee  odfl- 
dally  announced  et  midnight  thet  tbe 
grand  total  sutaserlbed  to  tbe  Ytctery 
Loan  f>f  I>1»  ter  the 
rsachtd  lias.Stt.SM.  The  Domteton 
tatel  for  tha  i 

tatel  for  Omarte^  ii 
aw  Toronto^  srMA  repartad  $i7jnt^ 
TSa.  to  aew  tt7.T41.lMi. 

be   given   te 


LOtnariLui.  ost 

toaal  battelloa  tad 
of  veteraas  ed  tbe  nret  DIvtotaa.  t». 
alght  had  ardofa  to 
ately  to  the  eoal  SeMs  of  Weei  Tla- 

•Mtodteg  the  eirtee  aC  mi 
laSutry  aad 

the   rtet   iTlii.   t* 


R  r 



f>  ♦ 

^  .1   the  new  W<Mider  Soap  Dye.  washes  and  dyes  instanlly,  true 
^  ^^     and  fast  cplors.    Dyes  wool,  silk,  cotton  and  Hnen. 

yi.xwmi,t^l>  TUdia  Ceii>»>  Per  packaire.  etyh>  tie 



XAlfifi  . 


Sl*^  CilMPBELL'S 



*  ^  4» 

Nik  pw  IM. 


esss  up  In  a  put; 
t  and  most  delicate 
ines,  gramophones, 

vler  work  on  cars, 
ifines,  we  can  lerve 
ho's  tried 




la  That  Furnaco  9 
Giving  Satiaffactlon  «    -  ' 

Fuel  costs  money  and  lots  of  It.    If  the  furnace  Is  not  rad- 
latini:  properly,  fuel  is  bein^:  wasted. 

It  Is  our  business  to  put  furnace  and  plumbing  troubles 


Wamma  ftattty 
CAXXJAKT,  0«t.  tl— «.  B.  Bolton, 
»  C  P.  R.  alMplnir  oar  ooB4iMtbr. 
hm  hmn  fvund  guUty  on  two  ohargoa 
u««iM>  th*  Mcrtt  oommiMlon  act. 
n%.Wt9ltr.  aecoptlnv  monosr  for  raUway 
tmr$»  an4  not  tumlns  this  moaoy  ovt>r 
to  tao  eonapany.  A  thott.  ohfirto 
acalnat  him  waa  wittaarawn.  8m- 



Vr.  Drury  WiH  Shortly  Be  Asked 
>  Form  New  Ministiy  for 
Onlario— The   Fivepaotive 
Premier  States  Policy  ' 

TOROI«TO,  Oot.   !•.— Tho   line     of 

tbo  Uouton- 

Johft  Hondrto.  and 

Uiltoa   lhnnMr»lAbor   coaUthm 

•atabttahoe*  today,  and  IndtoaUono 

»otaU  tii.tho  OMTlv^MUlns  to  tho  Oov. 

oramoat  ^oC  Mr«^|L  C.  Drury  and  Ma 

to4|y.    «o    1J.P.O.  hoad- 

«CM  ir  miartva  from  tho 

tar^.-of  tho  UMifeaaaiit-Oovomor 

Drw^  Mi*   JBm    Unltod 

Jd^  4M«o^!tholr  poaltloa  with 

la  tho  f«r«MU«a  off  a  Oovora* 


SI'BNCB^  BRIDOB.  Oof.  tC— 
nro  broko  out  In  tho  LdO  Tlek  lavn- 
dry  buUdlOK  horo  Uut^  nl«ht  and  tho 
bolldinc  wad  oatlro^  dootrarod.  Tho 
ChlOMo  proprlotdr  loot  hia  iUm.  as  ho ' 
Jwaa  aalaop  in  tho  hVlMlnv.  Tho 
eharrod  ramalao  of  hia  body  woro 
found  In  tho 

Mr.  PWj  Ml  tho  provincial  capi- 
tal laday  tor  hto  farm  and  hto  CamHy. 
soar  Bartto.  Ont.  without  aAakUw  an 
ahnowAooMoat  off  )|ia  aoloetloa  for  tho 
^ow  Cahlaot.  altfefltach  It  haa  hooa  la- 
tlinatod  Uiat  tlwi.'mpa  aro  alroady 

la  latonrloVa  thia  morAkc.  Mr. 
Sr«ry  aftlrmod  tho  atatomont  that  tho 
otBaaliatloa  woald  havo  the  tlaal  aay 
to  oliaaolnj  tho  mombera  of  tho  Oa- 
tarto  Oahlaot.  It  waa  thla  ataad  takon 
lato  laat  alcht  In  tho  U.ic.o.-Labor 
ooaTontion  which  cauaed  tho  defec- 
tion of  Mayor  MoBrMo  off  Bra&tfford. 
Labor-eldot  tor  South  Brant.  In  an- 
other atdtoawat  laaaod  t%la  monUaa 
hy  Janoo  Maq^aon.  on  behalf  of  the 
other  Labor  c^dldatea.  aueceaaful  and 
othorwiM.  U  ki  dachM«d  {h«t  tlhi  Labor 
•ro«p  odnaldoni  that  Mr.  Drury  waa 
•a<««dlncly  fair  with  Ldkor. 

Now  that  the  coaUUon  haa  aeleeted 
a.  leader.  It  la  expected  th^t  announce- 
ment may  come  anjr  time  from  the 
Hoarat  Ooveromoht  off  Ita  intention  to 
roalcn  and  aak  the  Lleutenant-Qover- 
■•r  to  oan  on  tho  new  loader  to  fform 
a  Qovernmen  t 

Whatever  part  the  iflUtary  Servioo 
Aet  haa  played  in  helpln*  tho  U.F.O. 
Into  poUtlca — and  that  part  la  aaid  to 
be  a  conalderable  one — tho  United 
Fhrmera  have  choeen  aa  leader  a  con- 
ocrlptlonlat  UboraL  Mr.  Drury  ran 
for  the  Fedorat  Houao  In  North  8hn- 
eoo  In  It  17.  North  Slmcoo  to  hto  homo 
rldlnc  At  the  tlate  hb  nude  no  aocrot 
off  hia  oonacrlptloatat  ooavlctloaa.  nor 
baa  he  aince. 

-I  weiu  down  In  the  oniah."  ho 
lauchlnsl^  recouniod  today  In  refer-» 
rln«  to  the  wreck  of  what  waa  hia  firat 
political  venture.  "Juat  aa  othera  have 
••!••  tf«*»  '»  the  Croat  popular  wave 
that  fWept  Ontario  on  the  80th." 

Mr.  Drury  admitted  hto  complete 
aurprlao  over  the  march  of  clrcum- 
■tancoa  that  had  brou«ht  him  to  tho 
leaderaklp.  He  aald  today: 
•  "Thto  idea  of  temporary  leaderahip 
never  came,  from  the  U.P.O.  Any 
leader  choaen  would  have  had  to  take 
the  aame  oblisaUon  that  I  have  done. 
I  wUl  atlck  to  thf  vuna  aa  lon«  aa 
my  ^oatUon  to  atable  and  aa  tons  aa 
my  party  wants  me  to  lead  It." 

In  the  couHM  of  hto  address  of  ae- 
ooptanoo  of  the  toadership  of  the 
U.r.O..  Mr.  Drury  spoke  aa  foUowa: 

"If  caUod  to  power,  one  of  our 
first  admlntotraUve  duties  muat  be 
fearless  and  effectively  to  enforce  the 
Witt  of  tho  peopte  aa  expressed  In  the 
roooat  prohibition  referendum.  With 
thnt  mandate  I  am  personally  in  thor- 
ouah  aooord  and  sympathy.  We  must 
see  to  It  that  U  haa  efSsctlve  enfofos- 
mant.  It  may  bo  that  It  will  be  found 
therec  are  loopholee  or  defocto  In  tho 
lair  which  render  It  dlfflouit  to  on- 
f«>roo.  If  so.  n  win  bo  our  duty  to  oor- 
root  then*.  •       ~^ 

•The  people  look  to  us  to  make  an 

t'JTw**'*'"^  **  ■•'^  •  problem 
which  bears  heavily  on  all,  an4  which. 
•Moh  as  wacea  apd  prices  of  tmrm 
produeta  decline,  may  become  an  In- 
tatorable  burden— the  hlch  cost  of 
Uvln«.     The  solution  of  that  problem 


Prices  Prom  S4^'Rither  Uo- 
usQtl,  But  Tiea^  Unusual 
Things  Somelines  Heppeiu 


wjiiiinffi  ifiuui 


Supreme  Council  Considers  the 
Question  of  Compenution 
for  Scapa  Flow  Sinkings^ 
France  Will  Get  Guarantee 

The  Brlttoh     isles 
world  over  for  ibelr  hl«h 


hnowa  the 

Taslity  sutt- 
t  bo  sernjiK 
otsk.  aad  wo  latoaafo 
pooaM  eaually  as  weUkaown  looally. 
^are  Suy  esAaataiac  the  ffbot  that 
while  our  workataaabip  to  all  that  men 
and  womsa -oottld  dssm.  thto  to  aot 
hMrb-artood  £».  oSToalT 
a  auU  to4ikr  to  tiuttf  bur  ai 

M,— Tito    eaKoma 

H.  H.  BROWN 

'la  SMmm/ammm 
Aoaowny   ItOt 


J^^pf  aM 

la  tto  entirety  may  not  bo  within  the 
power  off  the  provtaotol  lectolaturo, 
but  It  will  bo  our  duty  to  thoreuchly 
Invoatlsate  the  eoadlHona  aurroundln* 
dtotrtbutlon.  and  It  we  find  that  prtooo 
aro  unduly  inflated  aa  tho  rooult  of 
obotaolea  or  oomblnaUona  In  reatralnt 
of  trade,  to  vigorously  oafbroo  such 
towa  as  wUl  make  theae  Impossible. 

**We  are  here  ^  the  Vesult  of  a 
widespread  convtotlon.  not  only  on 
the  part  of  tho  larmers.  but  atoo  ol 
the  urban  dwellers,  that  the  two  old 
partloB  have  failed  to  achieve  their 
ostensible '  pnrpoee,  that,  namely,  of 
government  off  thb  pepolo,  by  the  peo- 
ple and  ffor  tho  people."* 


Mayor  McBride,  of  Brantford, 
Is  Displeased  Over  Prospec- 
tive Arrangements  in  Ontario 
—Controversy  Ensues 

PAJtlS.      Oct. 
CouwOl  today 

for  putting  tiM  TTirmna  ponaa  tmaty 
lata  ofloot,  but  psatponod  a  eastoion 
Uk  tha  mattar  u«Ul  aaturdniK^ 

The  Ooaaoll  atoo  dlnuMid  tho 
arnUstloo  conditions  whloh  tiM  vo- 
ports  of  Marshal  Pooh  aa«  athera 
have  aliown  Oennany  haa  violated. 
The  vlototlona  are  covered  for  tho 
most  part  by  the  tenaa  off  tha  peaoo 
treaty,  and  It  si>n>»  rrl^^^^h*  tlMt 
any  atepa  to  pvnteh  Oormaoy  wlU  ha 
takan  oi|ial4f  |te|^.pHNMod  in  the 
treaty.    ^  ^•-▼f^rr-Tan.t  n 

The  pnymont  Qerinaay  mnot  make 
tor  the  waishtps  sunk  at  8oapa  Ftow 
was  again  htooussod  by  tl»o  CounoU. 
and  It  waa  propoood  that*  floating 
drydooka  and  slmUar  property  be  ex- 
acted from  her  la  payment  ffor  tho 
destroyed  warships. 

There  to  alkno  quostloa.  howovor,  as 
to  whether  \jfia  property  does  not  al- 
ready fall  under  tho  control  off  tho 
reporatlona  oommtoslon,  Conssqnont- 
ly  ao  doetoton  caa  bo  miCdo  uatU  the 
conference  exports  n»ake  a  report  on 
this  point.  J ;    ■  "« 

The  Britlsli  QOf^tdfM  «|^parbaUlr 
haa  accepted  on  prlaclplo  tha  umii- 
sibility  for  the  destruction  of  the  Beet 
nt  8oapa  Flow.  «nd  to  wUllng  ta 
guarantee  Franoo  against  any  loaa 
from  thto'  cause  -  off  warships  that 
might  liavo-  been  awarded  to  her. 
While  Great  Britain  and  the  United 
States  were  understood  .  some  time 
ago  to  have  virtually  agreed  to  sink 
whatever  warships  they  might  re- 
oolvo  from  Qermany.  there  aro  Indi- 
cations now  that  the  Brlttoh  view  has 

The  Supreme  OouneU  has  assnrsd 

» J(H^  ' 

Eveptaig  Fontwear 

I       We  hive  received  several  new  patterns  in  dainty 
Evgying  l^imps  featuring.thg  high  throat  effects,  whflj' 
seof  arejidahi^Li^  hi«|.t^hied  soles  with  Htghlbuis 


Men^  Dnss  Shooi 

'XT-'str  ^^ir..!:!:^-  $7.00 

To  Rdiere  Catarrh, 
CataiifaJ  Oeafnets 
Aii4  Head  Neiset 

JS?l?**^  "I  wbo-hrorfrowtng  hard  ef 
liffj***  •»*  b*vo  hoaT-HseJ,  wlU  be 
fja*  «•  >»n«>w  UtotJUfladtotreesInt  af- 

that   ia    many .  Instaaoes    bM    eifecteS 

have  failed.  8utterers  who  could 
scarcely  bear  have  had  their  bearinx  re- 
stored to  such  aa  extent  that  the  «'k Vr 
^JS^*''^  T^  P'^nly  auaibU  seven  or 
eight     InchM^away    from    either    ear. 

TV^'Sl^  liJP*l  "•»*  o'  someone  wno 
U  treubled  with -hoed  noises  or  eaurrhal 

?»•*.'"!!*' •'"'•I*  *•»*■  formula  and  hand 
it  to  them,  and  you  may  hillve  faMn  the 
meansof  saving  some  poor  auffercr  per- 
haps from  total  deafneiiB.  Th«  prewjrS- 

«^«;jj  fwioKf*""*  "  ^^*  •"*  »■ 

aeeore  from  yoor'  drogglst  1  os  Var- 
mint (Double  Strenxth).  Take'  thie 
toMtos  nod, odd  to  It  H-Plnt  of  hSt  watw 

tlJUSi  2%a?        *^  loblespoonful  four 

ParmlBt  is  used  in  this  w»y  not  onlv 

to  reduce  by  tonic  action  the  InfUunniB- 

aauads-ln  their 
JMMpe  a  tttol. 

ears,  should  ^ve 




TbRdNtO,  Oct.  30.— The  new  U. 
P.  O.-Labor  coalition  in  Ontarlb  al- 
ready has  a  bolter.  After  taking  part 
In  the  dellberaUons  of  the  party  on 
Saturday  and  again  yesterday  without 
evldonoa  off  aay  dlfferoacb  of  opinion, 
Mayor  McBride.  of  Braatfford.  sac 
eeosfni  oandidnta  Off  thb  Labor  Party 
In  South  Biant.  tost  night  belted  the 
flnal  conference  of  thf  U.F.O.-Lnbor 
Farty.  < 

Itko  ««nt«rfnd«  was  dlseUMiac  vo- 
dltlona  tota  iMt,  aight  tHU«  the 
Stayer  picked  y^  hia  hai  and  left  the 
room,  .,  , ':.<^*;;'.  v.- ^' *.,{->-, -^i.  -  ■ 
Tho  Lnkar  sMup  tka«i^  tW:  iiai« 
haps  the  conflrmatlon  off  Wpltsr 
BallOv  o>f  HualltQpi«  ki.bto  posltton  a* 
leader  |iad  some  bearing  upon  tho 
decision  off  Mayor  IkicBrtd^. 

Mayor  McBrlde  end  .Mr.  RoUq  ar^ 
members  dt' the;  Labor  JPrn^r  oaiMt<« 
mlttee  which  conflarret:  with  the  U. 
F.  O.  oomtnlitee' to  reaoh  a  pro- 
gramme sattofaotory  to  both  parUea 
In  a  stateiaient  toter  Mr.  McBrlde 
declared  that  the  farmers  had 
broken  faith  with  the  labor  men.  He 
tatlmatbd  th«t  hto  defection  was  the 
rbsttlt  off  Mr.  Drury  declining  to 
deflnitely  allocate  a  seebad  Cabinet 
position  to  the  LaborUss.  Mr.  Mc- 
Biide  said: 

"I  shall  Uke  my  seat  In  thoLegto- 
lature  as  an  Independent  Labor  mem- 
ber, and  wlil  eoatinue  to  do  my  dutV 
by  the  peoplit  who  elected  me.  with- 
out fear  or  favor." 

BRANTFOBD,  Ont..  Oot  S«.— 
Mayor  McBrlde.  recently  elected  to 
the  Legtototure  aa  Labor  candidate  for 
South  Brant,  iaaued  the  following 
statement  on  hto  return  to. hto  homo 
city  today: 

"When  Mr.  Drury  appoints  James 
Simpson  to  be  designated  as  hto 
mouthpiece  the  people  may  draw 
their  own  conclusions. 

"My  position  to  thto,  I  went  there 
to  repreeeat  Branttord  tabor,  and  not 
for  all  the  portfolios  In  the  Domin- 
ion of  Canada  would  I  betray  tabor 
Into  such  a  compact. 

"Mr.,UUtapsen  to  seeking  a  Labor 
seat.  Mr.  Drury  also  has  to  And.  a 
sobt,  aad,  according  to  The  Qlobe,  ha 
has  been  offered  North  Brant.  I  am 
prepared  to  stage  a  conteet  In  both 
Korth  and  South  Brant,  and  we  will 
And  out  who  represents  the  people. 
Let  Mr.  Drury  Uke  the  North  Brant 
constituency,  now  that  he  has  been 
'chosen  so  Farmer-Labor  leader,'  and 
if  Mr.  aimpson  wantt  to  test  oat  hto 
desire  of  boaaa  time  ago  to  mast  Mc- 
Brlde in  Qrantford.  bo  will  be  ac- 
camaiodalod."        «  T 

TO.BONTO,  Oct.  iO.— Mr.  James 
SUaiaon.  Vtplfifm  on  iffitM  of  the 
U.  F.  O.-Labor  coalition  .to  the 
charges  made  by  Mayor  McBrlde. 
which  allegedly  led  up  to  the  tatter's 
withdrawal  from  the  Joint  'conference 
yesterday,  added  a  new  light  to  the 
dtoputa  m  the  following  statonent 
given  at  noon  toda^: 

"Mayor  McBrlde  made  the  state- 
ment In  the  Labor  Temple,  before  we 
met  with  the  U.  F.  O.  to  hear  of  the 
.Cabinet  ropressatatlon  that  would  be 
granted  Labor,  that  he  was  sick  of 
'the  wboto  ththf  aad  was  going  over 
to  the  oppodblon.  Thla  should  glvo' 
aa  Idea  of  wtet  faith  may  be  plaood 
la  aay  of  MoBride's  statsmoats.  Mr.. 
Drury  said  ho  would  make  tho  ap- 
polntmont  aftor  a  ooodsroaod  with  thO' 
Labor  group,  nffts^  whteh  ha 'would' 
dssias  upon  what  porttoUo  slioaM 
bo  allattoa  ta  OB.  Ho  posHlvety  gava 
us  to  aadofstand  that  tho  appolnt- 
mont  would  only  be  made  after  La> 
bar  had  hooa  eonsuKod.  Through-^ 
oat  our  Joint  pontsroaoes^  Mr.  Dmnr 

France  that  her  share  of  tho  German 
warships  will  not  be  reduced  as  the 
result  o;  tbo  deatructlon  of  the  Scapa 
Flow  units,  fof  which  the  Oerman 
government,  and  not  German  oflBeera 
individually,  to  tiTbe  held  responsible. 


v^^-K-  welccm:  prince 

MONTREAL.  Oct  30.— Yesterday 
the  Prince  of  Wale^  passed  through 
the  Eastern  Townships  dtotrlct  of  the 
province  of  Quebec,  visiting  St.  Johns. 
Kamham.  Sherbrooke.  Magog,  Rich- 
mond, Lennoxville  and  St  Hyaclnthe. 

Everywhere  he  was  accorded  the 
most  enthusiastic  welcome  by  the 
French -Canadtabs,  with  whose  repre- 
sentatives he  spoke  in  their  own 

Addresses  of  welcome  In  French 
were  replied  to  by  the  Prince  in  the 
same  tanguage,  and  there  to  no  doubt 
that  Rto  Royal  ttlkhness  made  a  great 
and  enduring  impreaalon  on  the 

He  returned  to  Montreal  In  tho 
evening  and  attended  a  performance 
given  at  the  Princess  Theatre  In  hto 
honor  by  the  Army  asd  Navjr  'Vote»< 
ans'  Association.  - 


1I--     g-      --a 

new  tfwcniaS 

NsirSiveiiHr  GmIi 
Jit Iltori  Till  I 

%f  1    4.f  :^.i•eJlJr 
These  warip  ifaments  for  m^n  and.  young  mei^  are 
as  good  a  vtliQ  as  It  U  possible  1o  obtiiii— without  ex- 

SWWtWIk  0941S-»Of  pi«ro  wool,  ia    browiu^    maroons, 

frays,  grffm^  nvry  aBd  black;  V-shape 

necks.    Each  $9.50  jind. $B*Q<> 

Those  with  the-  shavl  collars  at  from 
118.50  down  to • $S*00 

SWEATERS^-lo  fity,  navy  Moe  and  white,  with  roll  collars. 
■  flees, '  py. So  to.  ••*•{•«».*••>•■>••  >9^»80 

KNITTED  VESTS— Ja«ger  quality,  wHhout 

variety  of  colors. 


sleeves.  Larre 
Prices,  $lt.50 


i    ),U 

W.  ca  J.  WILSON 

Men's,  Vount  Men's  aiul  BiKft*  Qutfittert 

'■;r"^!^  '  ■  ■-■:■..  ;>;.i  ,jr,  ;i.'  ■  jM.^'i-i    -  :.-  fx 

;T'6  i. 

Wliia  {^«k  3%fm  Thi|#'A||w  lUMa  to  MMch  Yw  G«w« 

h..M''.Mj''y,  Tkij; 

I)  I  DC 

'M    *' 


"iO    -^h  '■  '    >oiii?V     f^ 

'■•■''   i^r.tit      -J^f 

',V''S-'r 'V•^4rm»■ 
'  ^^  V  ■■  ■  «'M*  ■'* ' 

._.■-,-.   *4^y.-. 


^iii^^iH  \\*iii 



■  />«{ 

tmimmmmmmmmmmmmim  '^^^l 


HI  I     I  - 

vWtn.  CatKcart  Co^  Ltd. 

«ri'IWae«ei-  '  .     .niainiiw  atWig 


■^^^    roiRGOVERNME^fr 

LONDON,  Oct.  >0.— -The  House  Of 
Lords,  by  a  vote  of  62  to  13,  hns  re- 
jected a  motion  expressing  the  opin- 
ion that  the  Government  had  been 
guilty  of  extravagance. 

Lord  Baavorbrook  dooiared  that  m- 
flntion  was  the  real  enuse  for  the 
flnanclal  troubles.  He  deprecated  tho 
proposed  capital  levy  and  increase  In 
income  tax,  and  advocated  the  taxa- 
tion of  wtr  fortunes,  which  be  stated 
trould  serve  to  raise   C1.500,ed«,99«. 

Lord  Birkenhead  repudtated  tho 
charge  against  the  O^pvernmont  of  ex- 
travagance. He  stated  that  the  ad- 
ministration In  the  tost  year  had 
made  a  sincere  effort  to  pratuce 





BCaRed  MilklortheHonMi 

A  nooriahisig  food-drink  for 
All  Ages.  Axiywl^reataiiytitiie. 






Electric  piA  WMher 
RMukr  $1^.00,  Now 
OmrMi  at  Only^ . . .  .i 


lao  aoi  m 

•18  Vfaar  SiffiMt 






Lots   of  It   converted   Into 
finest  Ctndles. 

Spadal  for  llM  WadipEad 

■eanass,  ref.  Soc   aou 

Peenat  9md  Cocasaat  ToCsa,  ref. 

5oc.    Saturdsj  spedsl  . .  .dOe 
Ckoc^lo  AlsMn^   ref.    fi.oo 

lb.    "Now,  Jb 

CiMioo   Istlat   Wedlhr 

i  *••  'or .ffi 



Car.  ^Tilii  mJ 

A  THtl  Will  ConviaM 



^«  ST  CLASS  HEATER*  Wood  or  Coal,  fully  i:uaranteed,  > 
JL  and  sold  upon  easy  terms  if  desired,  and  we  five  a  good 
poker,  2  pipe  lengths  and  an  elbow  FREE.    V/e  make  no 
charge  for  setting  up  Heaters. 

MMMPMNMMINl  A^40i».  looi  €■■■«■■  mi st 


ate  9.  iMMa 


9i  tho 









veryt^  frequently    caused 
through  eye  strain. 

Have  your  eyes  examin^ 


$l-m  AMBADB  avtlMHO 



•Miw  ttoor  to  «»■«  rooiii.  Utckta.  WiJCoMii  awl  pwlry:  'tl»«c 
Ml  •MMrotM^wirti'ckkAM  doMt*  hi  «ftdi:  Ml  »UUWiwwiH. 

nUCB  ONLY  ••»t«iw  Tsun. 
RMllstata.  riMMW  Mi  taMnMOt  Aim 



Gordon  Head  Acreage 

Nine  Acres  Strawberry  Land,  all 
cleared  and  under  cultivation. 

HdMvrmaii,  Forman  &  <>». 


Acreage  Subdivision 

•We  have  for  sale  445  acres,  subdivided  in 
bl6ck$  from  20  to  60  acres.  The  soil  is  excep- 
tionally good.  The  property  is  situated  close 
to  Duncan  on  the  Island  Highway,. ^^     ^. 


«|K  BUY  TicTnMnr  bonus 

.:  IPemberton  &  Son 

OSFMtStPMl  AGENtS  Vldorii,  B.C 

OuMda't  iUeofld 




On  r«Mr  a«aw»— BdvtM    SMkMrM   StrttI   utf   Mckmooi  Kail    "* 
DMniac  7  foonu  u4  ttoa*  biMttcat.  city  water,  k«ra  amA  ■«■«- 
OM  povltry  ho«««st  «rclMrdi.4|i  unt  ciolc*  laaA 

on  ttrau. •••  ..••.*•••'•  J««t«». •••••••  •.»,#»,«,( 

R.  SL  DAY  A  B.  BOGGS 

>0  ■MPact 

SmaU  Ranjch  Near  Royal  Oak 

Tow  teres  with  five-iobiai  bouse,  large  bam.  ataMes,  cbkktn  boaset 
and  pifgery,  good  well,  partly  grass  laws,  partly  calthrated,  bifb  eleva-^ 
tion  with  good  Tiew.       The  house    has  Just  lately  been    renovated   all 
through,  has  three  large  fire-places  and  Is  very  comfortable.  Ideal  place 
for  pfrson  who  dosdiidl  iarmlpg.      Good  ttrpts^  #4,i«0.    v 

GiUey  ie»  Hart  A  Todd,  LM. 


4f  ^a!6*s  Duty  in  the 
Matter  at  Child  Welfare  Con- 
vention—Commission   and 
J      Home  for  Bo)[S 

y;»^     "^ 

'  TANCOtrvSR.  Oet  n.~4k  Um  •«•- 
alon  taat  aUtht  at  the  ChUd  W^lftur* 
eo«v*aUon.  Attoniey-Oeawail  Pkrrta 
■poll*  on  *'TlM  ■mte'v  B«ty 
CIdldhood.'*    ' 

Many  nomnal  chlldrota.  tb* 
■Kid.  did  not  have  a  propor  ebanee  to 
Ittm  b«enuM  of  tho  povorty  of  their 
pMwats  or  tbo  iemptetkNM  whMk  our- 
round  thorn.  Bvory  ehUd.  ho  eoatoado 
*d.  hod  nn  niMoluto  rltht  to>Mi  oppor- 
tunity for  honlth  and  hnpplnonn.  and 
whon  thMw  could  not  b«  roeolvod  frwm 
the  parvnta  It  wan  up  to  th*  atata. 
which  had  an  utMualUlM  d«ty  In- 
wards  thM»  children. 

Mr.  Wrrls  mvntloned  many  ni  tlM 
lawa  which  had  b«*n  amondod  durlnr 
the  laM  few  )-eara  with  direct  baneOt 
to  children. 

An  amount  of  l4.tM.ett  a  year  In 
betnc  expended  In  the  Provlaco  of 
Brttliih  Columbia  for  educational  p«r> 
poMw.  Mr.  t^RiTta  •totod.  and  ho 
thouRht  the  people  were  cottln*  the 
worih  of  .their  money.  Rducatlon. 
he  Considered  to  be  one  of  the  firat 
eeaentlalM  In  child  welfare  work,     c 

The  apwiiker  expreeet^U  himaelf  as^ 
Rtroncly  in  favor  of  mothera'  ptnalona 
and  alao  alated  that  within  the  next 
few  da)-*  a  commimton  will  be  ap> 
pointed  to  inveatlsate  thla  and  other 
queatlona  which  de%l  directly  with 
child  welfare. 

Mr.  Fkrrla'made  the  announcement 
that  plans  for  the  eatabliahment  of  a 
new  induBlrta^  home  for  t>o>Ti  on  Pro- 
vlmslal  Government  land  at  Baaon* 
dale  were  in  an  advanced  atave.  that 
D.  B.  Bran  kin.  president  of  the  Child 
Welfare  Aaitociation.  a  returned  sol- 
dier, would  Ite  superintendent.  The 
new.  schema  will  maan-4ha  oloslnc  of 
the  condemned  buUdlncs  at  Point 
Orey  and  the  Inausuratlon  of  the  cot- 
ta«e  home  system. 

The  statement  was  made  by  Mr. 
Farrls  that  the  mental  survey  by  Dr. 
Cterk  and  Dr.  Hloks.  Toronto  aaparts. 
reiulted  la  their  reportlns  that  llfty 
per  cent  of  the  boys  In  th*  preaant 
school  at  Point  Grey  ar*  foahle- 

A  further  announcement  by  the 
Attorner-aeneral  was  that  the  par- 
■onnel  of  a  commission  on  state 
health,  old  a«a  and  mothers'  pensions 
would  be  made  known  In  a  few  days. 


diy  will  ««»  fwt  Wliid 

It  fjTiysri* 

lb*  •■■%  Tift .  .. 

Get  m  (rOtt  VnMKWiB  stf  9I(> 

ftt  y«ar  aoMy  bftck 
>tTC0Mtipan4orba^f  a<dtW>4 
'  >»  Jwt  try  WlMTd  Ueer  Wtdfi 
llttk»iakiai.JleU  ' 


Ststtements  Made  in  Connec- 
tion With  Arrests  of  Alle^ 
Anarchists  at  Cleveland-* 
National  Terror  Scheme 






•JB>  to  6  POM.    W«dM»digr»  1  p^i^ 



.A  Bargain  in  Improved  Acreage . 

A  GOING|Qptf^N      ^l 

;  Bfliu  ACRiai  all  good  land,  ahiit  li)  airea  d«ir«d  abb  inS^t^ 
acres  in  fruit  and  small  fruits,  balance  easily  cleared,  some  stashed 
■rood  pasture.    Eigbt-room  house-    in    good    repair,    barn,    chicken 
hotiaea,  etc..  .Very. good  apriog  on  prooerty.    Stock  and  implemcnta 
can  be  purchaseH  if  desired  at  a  reaaonable  price. 

,„^"9**'^*y  '»  ^«'*  loca^fed  In  on!e  of  the  beat  frait  districta  near 
VKtpria  on  a  good  road: 

A  revenue  of  between  $4.<N)0  and  $5,000  can  be  dcrtrtd  bribe  ricbt 
patty  frotn  thia  property.  •     i  f  ^ 

Price  and  particulara  on  applicaUon.  ^'^ 


121^  Dong  1m  St. 


l^M  and  6524 

.  HBLSINQPOBS.  Oct.  SO.— What  !• 
deserlhed  aa  a  Bolshevik  "mystanr** 
ehlp.  carrying  a  earyo  consigned  ta 
"The  American  Legation,  Stockholm. 
In  transit  to  American  museums," 
has  been  captured  by  a  daatroyar  m 
Finnish  waters  and  taken  Into  BJork*. 

Under  a  «arKO  of  flax.  It  Is  said,  was 
found  a  mass  of  Bolshevik  llteratttra 
printed  In  Eliyllsh.  French  and  Gar> 
man.  There  was  also  a  valuahl*  col- 
Isotlon  of  art  objaeta^and  flima  Ideal- 
Islnr  soviet  eondlUone. 

Doctors  ReeoBUMBil 
Von-Opto  for  tfie  Ryen 

Physicians  and  eye  specUllsts  pre- 
scribe Bon-Opto  as  a  safe  hom*  rem- 
e£y  ill  the  treatment  of  eye  troubles 
and  to  strensthen  eyeslcht.  Sold  nn* 
dor  money  refund  guarantee  by  all 
druggists. ^ 

CL.9VELAND.  Ohio.  Oct.  St.— A 
plot  to  asasslnate  I'hl^f  of  Police 
Frank  W.  Smith  and  another  high 
city  olHctal  of  Cleveland,  was  revealed 
by  police  today,  following  the  round- 
up of  seven  men  and  oqo  woman,  al* 
l««ed  to  be  directly  Involved  In  a  con- 
spiracy to  spread  terror  throughout 
the  countr>>  by  another  series  of  l»omb 

Chief  Smith  declared  evidence  al- 
ready obtalhed  revealed  a  plot  for  a 
country-wide  anarchistic  uprising  dur- 
ing the  Winter  and  early  Spring. 

Proof  has  been  obtained,  he  said, 
that  arms  and  ammunition  were  M^ 
dared  from  various  makers  and  that 
home-ipade  weapons  were  helng  pre- 
pared here  In  large  quantities. 

Flva  of  the  six  paraoas  taken  In 
four  raids  last  night  were  glvon  pre- 
liminary hearings  toddy.  Three.  Theo- 
dore L«owar.  an  eleetrlclan:  Steve 
Matejka.  a  raaehlnfait.  and  the  latteKa 
wife,  were  held  In  ball  of  IlK.ttt.  The 
others,  oae  of  whom  Is  still  held  for 
Investigation,  were  plaoed  under 
tl.StO  ball.  Trtal  was  set  for  Oeto- 
her  11. 

NBW  YORK.  Oct.  SO.— Detectives 
of  the  bomb  squad  today  arreaUd  a 
man  at  I.  W.  W.  headquarters  on  the 
east  aide,  anaerarlng  the  description  of 
Frederftk  Wheeler,  an  alleged  "aaar- 
ohist  dynamiter."  who  Is  said  to  be 
wanted  by  the  Cleveland  police.  In  % 
round-up  qt  anarf  hlata. 

'OetafDtlvee  said  tba«' the  man  ar- 
redtad  admitted  being  known  aa 
Prank  Wheeler.  Mid  tbat,be  had  been 
in  Cleveland.  WlM|a  'they  searched 
his  room,  the  ■  detoofttvas  say.  thdy 
fohnd  meehaialcs'  tbals.  I.  W.  W. 
pamphleU  and  formulas,  which  H.  A. 
Oaaapboll.  laspeotor  of  the  United 
Btataa  bureau  of  aolnes.  said.  #era 
perfeet   for   makla*.  high    exploaivo 

bOBSbOi  — ■     • 

Isjew  Wool  Scarfs 

Featuring  the  New  Cape  and 


Belted  Styles 

*<►  ;t*' 



•  •■  ■     ,1'      J  . 

l*resent  stocks  afford  a 
prondcrful  assortment  of 
handlcV  and  variooa 
qaatities  of  top*,  at  juat 
the  priees  you  wish  to 
Pty....;.  9x50  to  i!>.75 

ti  Women  will  be  deBshted  with  this  s|rteiidkl  shoviof 
of  new  Wool  Scarfs,  fetturinc  the  new  ct^  and  betted 
styles— in  til  the  wanted  colors  and  various  wiAlhs.  ie> 
ddes  being  comfortable  aiyl  ooay.  they  are  mu^  U  vofiM  «:  i^ 

ajid  v«ry  s^litlL.  Vi^w  window  display,    :.     j  y.,>^v.  ^V 

Prices  Ranse— f  7.5b«  J9-75,  f10.75»  »I6.50  and  $18,75 



1     -   » 

Tea  Aprons 

I>ainty  Lace- trimmed  Tea 
Aprons  of  plain  and 
cross-bar  raaalin;  neat 
styles,  ribbon  trimmed. 
Exceptional  value.,  goc 

/' ^— \ 

Just  Arrived! 

Large  Shipment 

of  Sweater 

35c  Per  Ball 

Just  recetved,  a  large  abip- 
nent  of  Sweater  Wools  ia 
all  the  wanted  tolors.  Fine 
soft  yam  that  is  most  suit 
able  for  knittinc  aweatcra, 
hata,  aearfa  and  children's 
wear.'  At.  per  oa.  bill  ssc 




Women's  Washable  Capo 
Kid  Gloves,  with  faiicy 
embroidered  a»d  pltiai 
pevints.  In  ahadaa  of 
lanr  and  dark  browa; 
oikt  dopH.  At,  pair  %jim 

^bisle  Knickers 
$1.00  Pair 

WoMta*a  Cotton  UtH 
Kaickan,    with^  dMtk 

s  at  kaee  and  vrtbt,  i« 
pink,  aky  Md  wlltc.  %% 




■  ^ 

V  'j^ 



•     ON 

*•/      V 


^   ..^ 




Six  Acres,  «11  under  cultivation,  4  acres  of 
apples,  pears,  etc.,  in  full  bearing:;  2  acres 
finest  bottom. land,  all  cleared  and  cultivated; 
city  water;  house  of  5  rooms,  barn,  chicken^ 
houses,  etc.;  within  3-mile  circle,  close  to 
paved  roads. 

Price  for  Quick  Side,  $7,00a0a 

*'"  ■■*  Sleek  '.  ..  (    wmmmmva   «  «   . 

Just  Opened! 

IWe  have  opened  a  Garage 
for  the  instalUtion  of  the 


and  general  repair  work. 

Gordon  Garage 

m  GoHoaSl. 

S?  People's  firocerteria 

749-751  Yates  Street . 

Hut  Week^  Your  Dotttr  WiO  Got  You  Mora  Thu 
Ever  at  The  Grocerteria— Note  Our  Spedds. 

Red  Arrow  Sodas,  regular  15c  paclcet,  week-end      OCT 

special.  2  for ^.., ^ ^00 

Crown  Brand  Corn  Syrup,  S  lb.  tinT."Ri^lar"7i0c  ""' t  A 

Week-end  special,  per  tin 

Lux,  per  packet  .! ^ 

Old  Dutch,  per  tin . __ 

Blue  Ribbon  Tea,  1st  quality,  per  lb ,. 

B.C.  Fresh  Herring:*,  J4  lb.  tins,  4  tins  lor 

Ckiod  Local  Potatoet,  100  lb.  sacks  

New  Cranlierries,  pier  lb •. ...iiu. 

Pure  Leaf  Lard.  reguUr,  per  lb.,  40c.  Week-end 
special,  2  lbs.  for — „. 

TW  G(p- SHOT* 

Just  Recehred 

a  lovely  new  line  of 

Picfure  and  Photd 

in  anti(||ue  gold;  in  anti(|ue 

silver,  and  toned  gold 

All  sizes:  Ov^  or  s4kiare 

y.  summer  &  Sons 


IiON1>ON,  Oct.  30' — In  the  Rouee 
ot  Commons.  a«nerai  8«ely,  Una«r> 
ae^raUry  ef  State  for  Air.  deoUre^ 
resardlns  the  reeent  aUe«etl6iiB  that 
ther«  had  been  a  eerloaii  numlMr  or 
eaanalUea  on  th«  neW  air  route  to 
Bsypt,  that  In  the  Sttrtns  and  earty 
Summer  there  had  been  an  urselit 
demend  from  E^sypt  for.  alrplanea  of 

Srse  else  and  enduranee  to  f^ope  with 
e  crltlci^l  ettuaUon  there. 

Owing  to  thla  ursency.  maehlaee 
had  been  sent  l»y  air  Instead  of  by 
eea.  Fifty-one  Handley-Pase  an>- 
planea  aUrted.  of  which  S«  arrived 
■afely.  Ten  were  at  various  points  on 
the  rojite  disabled,  and  IS  had  beon 
Siven  up  as  wrecked.  One  machine 
had  crashed  down  and  four  lives  wore 
loot.  There  were  other  bad  aoddonts 
Involving  foyr  fatal  and  three  non- 
fatal Injuries.  At  the  request  ot  the 
chief  of  the  air  stall  a  special  outside 
commission  had  been  appointed  to 
inquire  Into  the  matter. 

The   Minister   emphasised   the   Caet 
that  the  chooslns  of     the  route  had 
nothlna  to  .do  with  civil  aviation,  ana 
es»in  ursed  that  at  the  time  the  situa-  I 
tion  In  Ksypt  had  been  criUcal. 



VANCOUVBR.  B.C..  Oct.  tS.  -^  A 
party  ot  IS  Baptist  missionaries  sailed 
today  on  the  Empress  of  Asia,  some 
retumlnff  to  theU:  jBeMs  after  a  fur- 
looah  and  others  solns  out  for  the 
first  time. 

Amona  the  party  are  some  of  the 
pioneers  of  the  Canadian  Baptist 
Medical  Missions  In  India.  Dr.  ana 
Mrs.  B.  a.  SMrfth  first  went  out  to 
India-  in  18S3.  and  open(>d  the  flrst 
medical  station  In  the  mission  Oeld 
in  lt*fi  at  Yellamanchlli.  After  ro- 
turnlna  .from  a  furlough  in  Canada 
In  ISS7.  0r.  Smith  opened  the  bla 
hospital  at  Plthapurai^  which  Is  now 
the  centre  of  tho  mnbion  and  the 
nmdlcal  work  In  that  district. 

*.\i  ,»»-•"•' 

On  Sale  Today 


^-»^'  - 

Winter  Weigh 
t' Suits 




/  vVery  SpedilVaMK. 

■■■-  -%!,•< •  •■ ;. 




,.    .  ■  J.-,-.  ;  It,  Suit. ..  Vv-^t^i^f*  •eJvr?,    ,   ...... .^ .^ 

Women's  Cotton  Jibbed  Un^oqf^ts — ^Ift  the  following 
styles:    High  neck,  long  sleevp^nd  ankle  length;  low 
neck,  short  sleeves  and  knee  length;  low  neck,  elbow   ^ 
sleeves  and^ankle  length;  sUes  4  and  5.    Very  special    ' 

""aiue  ai,  •••••••••••••••«••««««**,.,,,  (pt.SO 

Inspect  Tiiis  Showing  of 

Handsome  Fur^ 


"They  have  just  that  «Wintry'  look  I  want  fai  a  Suit."  h  the 
compliment  nuny  women  pay  them.  Their  muff-like  cuffs  and 
large,  becoming  collars — many  times  fastening  at  the  side  hi  ea^ 
tirely  new  ways— «eem  to  have  successfully  usuroed  the  nit^M 
separate  fur  sets  thb  season*  .  .    .      .    J  v    . 


,•  hJ^  s«  ^Vrffr 

to  $175.00 

Beat  Qovernmeni  CrcvMiy  Batter  (nothing  finer),  per  lb., 

or  3  lbs.  for 1..  \_   81  TT 

S^JPicUe  Ham|  (unsmoked).  ai;g>«i 'p»  ik  ^ 

New  Kippered  Herring  per  lb >..  .1 „  _ \Sf 



|»cr  lb.   ........ 



|5e  X:: _32e 

"^ —-.^ 23e 


On  Qnamlchaa  Lake,  s  ewy  ««■ 
beift  8-rooafMe  hpMC, 
spleadhi  view;  id  rnnA 
iciKes.  loctadiag  kol  aa«  coM 
la  S 

electric  Nfkt;  staatfag  la  7)i  4 
of  cahtvalee  laa^  with   «Mt 






VerU-FaaiMl  EMimeiJtl 








fewfc... ....„^ .TT.  Mljf 

Titj  tftifltjt    

■MM  wumUt  IB  ai»— i» 

with  Um  owitmotl—  «C  tiM 

*  irtto  w««U    AlM    trnntf  Um 

Iftyiac  ar  m.  «•»!•  t* 



Within  A  ahart  Um*  tiM  aMr 
t^arm«r«L«l>or  GavemmwBt  vlU  b« 
Inataltod  In  olBo*  in  Ontario.  1k-l0U 
hav*  At  l«Mt  6C  ■app*rt*r«  in  th« 
|4«lalntar*  out  of  111,  wbll*  it  la 
probabla  that  a  aumhar  or  tha  tm- 
aanratlva  mmA  Uhanl  nvamhara  will 
alaa  t«U  irMh  it  oa  in«B]r  oecai^aa. 

*In  aom*  wajr*  t\ff  n*w  roKlma  will 
b«  an  •zpaHmani  lit  ga^araiant,  aa 
ftfr  tha  lint  tlma  In  thla'  cowrtrr  a 
party,  daflnitely  rapraaentlni:  eartaln 
ciaMOii.  will  hol«  tha  raina  af  powar. 
No  oaa  win  deny  that  tha  YhiUad 
Fartnani  hava  baan  alaotaCHa  tha 
LeflaiiUara;ito.look  after  tha  agricul- 
tural Intaraata  aC  ftfaa  Frarhiq^.  (Mmi- 
larly,  tha  LaW  mMMb4ra  ««iii  their 
•wcceai  to  thair  iMIVoeacy  bf  reforms. 
alCeetlnc  tha  Mi4uatrial.worhara.  The 
■ueceoa  or  flUlifaL  «f  QUk  c«i|Ltitlon  in 
the  work  of  corerntnent  will  depend 
on  ita  ability,  to  legialate  for  the  whole 
peopla,  fair  aeotionaP  legislation  in- 
variably pfforaa  the  andolng  of  any 
gevernmeAl,'  an  nMtttar  lio#  mueh 
wiadom  may  ba  eonoantraMd  ih  ita 

Thiia  Ontario  Vt  about  to  wltneaa  *n 
axparinMql  f*t4«li  ««y  »raff  m  in- 

-«H«te«  ■muse,  aiMk  wMah,  •m  the 
ather  hand.  nAK  f<lMniH^  ^abject 
faUure.  Und^t^^a  cfretimataacas  H 
•hould  be  the  duty  of  both  Xjiberals 
jmd  Consarrativaa  to  gira  tha  iiew 
Oavemneiit  'ia  opportunity  to  sae- 
ceaA  At  preaaat  the  CaaHttonlsts 
hare  not  what  can  be  eooaidered  a 
working    majority,    but   therf    ia    no 

.reason  to  beliaye  the  Province  wishes 
tojfte  pltHJttetf  l9to'*ttfto  ttirmoll  of  an- 
other* election.     In  ifcovin^l.poUtlcf^ 
aa  a  rule,  tha  differences  between^  one 
party  and  another  are  trlMng,  and  it 
is  net  often  there  are  any  olear-eut 
tinea  af  damareatlon  ezeept  in  namea « 
t^aadership   ceunta   for  »,^^Mrmf^  deal, 
w^lch  me§ns  that  the  ahBRT,  Mvmaa 
and. '  •tataaaiaaship     o(     Mr.     E.  C. 
Drury.  who  is  to  be  OntarMSa  Fyemier, 
will  be  big  factors  In  the  fMkire  ^ 
the   Coalition   Oevemiiant     Varhapa 
it  would  be  niore  ^oFra^  to  ealtjt  a 


•0m.  w«m>  w^|M  hi 

IHmSU  ^  f*H«aHte.fl 
waufd.  for  laMaaea.  l^t«e  Mt«  %a#«t 
■atevaa  Patot.  be  aonta  BMrnilee  long 
'  If  lalft  ta  «IM  haa«  a(  OM  Alharnl  OaaaL 
l^e  operatlan  af  such  a  staUon  would 
lUao  aaJl  for  much  greater  espanaa 
llMia  It  the\lte  were  at  Victoria. 

Prom  tha  standpoint  of  what  such 
a  wiriliw;  laetltutian  woul^aa^  to 
^|h^  flty^  tipre  Srf  $um9  a«^tagee 
timt  can  be  urge4  Tha  plant  ^lone 
wa«.M  aaat  a  huge  aam  a(  asooay.  and 
a  ooaaMarmhle  amount  of  thla  would 
ha  p^K  oat  In  htbor  of  gU  hlkda  and 
in  aapptlea.  Dtera  «««ld  be  an  out- 
let for  a  ataady  powar  oonaumption 
of  savaml  Imndred  harsa-powai'  of 
elaatrtaA  ah*rgy  generated  by  the 
radio  e6mpany.  or  ^applied  .by  the 
esiating  system.  There  would  be 
rtffttlar  employment  for  a  large  ataS 
of  akUled  and  uaaklllad  aiatt  and 
women  Ja  tha  varlaiui.  opamttaaa  In- 
volved' iooh  a  ndUtotolagraph  sta- 
tion* wouldvbe  an  adda^  attraction  to 
the  city,  for  it  would  consist  of  im- 
mense towera  running  from  49*  to 
•••  feet  high,  tha  baaas  of  whicn 
would  cover  a  large  area  of  ground. 
The  advantage  of  having  Victoria  aa 
one  of  the  links  in  the  All-Red  cfhain 
of  wireless  would  prove  an  advertise- 
ment ff  high  Talue  lo  tha,09fimttnlty. 
aJ  weU  aa  did  f«ntor  it  Krddld  be  In 
building  up  clofer,  relations  betweea 
C^MilMh  tha  Aiittpi«d4<  aatd  ih9*B.  ell 
of  which  would  help  in  trade  de- 
velopment. From  all  Indications,  the 
proposal  is  waaili  alf  tha  local  sup- 
port that  can  be  secured,  and  ire  hope 
when  Dr.  TolaiUe  retttihs  to  Ottawa 
he  wUl  he  reinforced  with  argumeata 
in  favor  of  *  PedarAI  lloanee  being 
granted  for  the  Marconi  high  power 

station  on  this  Coast,  that  la  provided 
tlie  €HH>«ritHI«ift  Ksalf  Irlll  hot  tthdlr^ 
take*  the     antarprlaa     fbr     Imperial 

ttytWAY  BQHilD  flVES 

Federal  Body  Sanctions  Pres- 
ent Charges  of  B.C.  Electric 
Railwayr  for  Tramway  Busi- 
ness, Motlflcation  Says 

A  UBVY  Oir  CMmAL 

Oroup  Qovemment,  /or  it  ia  com; 
if  two  pdrttea  wiMas  tatai^dta  aaa- 
aot  be  identical  |ka  hwg  as  thp  fvfm-, 
4rs  believe  itt  htgfc'^Hsdg  tot  thair 
^ommodHiei  ahf  1)»hi.,|^<|«ra.  of  .ywrk, 
lor  their  ompwye<M.  'tt  is  aa  aHJMM- 
fient  which  wig  ha  wpichedjiu^gh- 
eut  the  country.  !far  upon  the  aoaaaM 
which  the  new  Oavemmaht  adUfeves 
irill  depend  the  siiyfort  whMi  the 
people  will  bo  /prepl^  tf,  ^ve  to 
tJalted  PalMier  candidates  in  the  n«act 
federal  election. 

<  A  Parmer-t«bor  coalition  for 
politleal  purpoaea  la'  a  combination 
bound  to  secttre  a  powerful  following 
in  the  Federal  arena.  Only  time  can 
determine  whether  or  not  certain 
.di^erenaes  between  the  groups  that 
now  appear  Irreoonclleable  cga  be 
assuaged.  If  the  Farmers  .dfdmlnate 
the  situation,  as  seems  probable,  and 
If  fi  conslderabia  number  of  thoee 
Farmers  are  drawn  from  the  Jhrah-ia 
Provinces,  and  ah^uld  ih«  cotablna- 
Uon  be  powerful  enough  to  hava  the 
right  to  form  a  Ckrrernment.  we  can 
aasume  the  high  cost  al  l^rlag  wlQ  ha 
perpetuated  through  tha  prolaMad 
price  of  wheat.  Such  a  Oovernmeat. 
too,  would  ba  pledged  to  take  dcwg 
the  tariff  tpra.  Irvaapaetive  of  the  ef- 
fect of  frWr  trade  with  the  United 
Stataa  oh  llid<  pralMna  of  tmamploy* 
ment  la  Canada.  .  The  advaat  of  tha 
new  coalition  opene  up  a  vista  of 
poaalbilltlaa,  the  affect  of  irhlch  upon 
the  country's  w.elfhre  no  one  can 

Mr.  J.  R.  Clyttas.  a. Labor  member 
of  the  Brttiah  House  of  Commons,  in 
proposing  a  levy  on  capital  doubtless 
had  some  scheme  in  view  whereby 
ahefh  .a  method  of  proving  funda  for 
t^e  pulrpoees  .of  ^the  State  could  have 
been  put-  Ui  practice.  He  propoeed. 
further,  that  fortunea  m^ffe  dwrli^  the 
war  should  revert  t*  thh  Mate,  la 
eonectlon  wUh  the  latter  Mr.  Clynea 
must  know  that  practically  all.  if  not 
hll  iMak  fortunai^  hshve  hatn  lnya«tad 
Md^'ara'  ilow  alBSply'  repraaepte^  hf 
at^k  and  plant  thl^ugh  the  opera- 
tion of  irhlch  divldands  ara  palVL  It 
would  be  dllHohlt  to  segregate  aoch 
dividends  from  those  aoerulnit  from 
other  capital  not  derived  from  the 
ezlgenqiea  of  the  wtpe.  A  t#vp  an  eapl- 
^1  la  a.,"hless<>d"  phrase  which  weUld 
be  easy  to  put  Into  execution,  but 
jrhicR  m&st  woilt  h^^Dffjflf^  «m  a 
country  as  a  Wh<ble;  Magi  ehpffal  is 
represeated  by  sto«kt  md  bonds, 
which  in  turn  denote  that  money  has 
been  invested  in  a  productive  way.  or 
in  other  vrerda,  tl^  U  tMk  Wd  to  the 
employment  of  labor.    It  la  quite  true 

The  BfM  af  Railway  Commission- 
ers of  Canada  has  notified  Attorney- 
General  J.  Wi  da  B.  Ferris  that  tne 
Board  haa  llKMd  an  order  tiJ>proving 
the  .aehe^Hlaa  m  rates  as  filed  by  tHe 
B*C.  .WMllrle  MgUway  Company  with 
the  Bagpi.  tha  fgtea  being  the  maa- 
imum  ^Is  as  hlraady  psevalllng. 

By  «Wa  aetta«^  tha  Attomey-Oen- 
ergi  Bimas.  tha  Mallwiy  Board  haa 
eathMMiad  tha  als*cent  rate  In  Van- 
cgttvar  and  tha^  Provlnoa  loees  any 
right  It  oosaaased  undda  Ita  Public 
yiOltlaa  Jbt  to  altar  thoda  rates,  for 
naaanthr  tha  Damlalea  removed  the 
B.CL  J|lgatrlo  Oampany  outside  tne 
^irtsAMIan  gd  •  tlia  provmce  ana 
term£|  M  g  «ortc  f or  the  general  ad- 
vantaga  g(  CaMulh. 

So  far  aa  Vletaria  is  concerned,  the 
order  o<  the  Board  of  Railway  Com- 
tdliUattars  establishes  the  straight 
flve-«aat  |ar«   without   transfers. 

Seeks  Redoctlo»'-'^':-'-r'y" 

VANCOUVER,  RC.  Oct.'tO.— Mr. 
Oeorge  McCroasan.  oity  counsel,  said 
this  afternoon  that  he.  would  take 
stepa  forttMTith  to  attack  the  six-cent 
fare  by  applying  to  the  Bailway  Board 
for  a  reduction  and  submitting  thie 
evidence  he  would  have  advanced  t>o- 
fore  the  Retallack  cotnihlsslon. 


f^ew  Amendment  to  Criminal 
Code  Gives  Magistrate  No 
Option  Birt  to  Comnoit  to 
Jail — Two  Sentenced 






Dr.  8.  F.  Tolmto.  we  understand,  is 
vary  mueh  intareated  in  the  proposal 
of  the  Marconi  Company  to  ereot  a 
Mgh-pawar   virehMt  glatlw,  l^ 

tItR  with  the  Antipodes  and  JTapan. 
•KI^  a  radlo-talag*af|h  devglgpmegi 
Mid  provide  fiaW;liBfcs  In  tfea  AIl^ 
■gi  wireleas  chali^  ga^  with— t  m 
4ttfH  would  be  imilillaented  In  evafp 
«a^  poaalble  by  thip||lkperlal  Ogvmr*- 
It.  Tha  deslrahMly  of  ggah  * 
station  being  located  near 
la  polnMi  ggd  fer 

It  haa  te  be  a  alatlaa  of 
aagaslty   ta  carry 


tract  gf   fhMp 

aome  of  thoaa  ptooks  and  ^dada  could 
be  coaacripted.  In  proportion  aa 
they  were  the  valueof  what  ware  left 
would  fall  whUh  would  lead  to  a 
deatre  on  the  part  of  every  holder  to 
sell,  at  a  time  when  there  would  be 
no  buyers  In  the  market. 

^  A  levy  on  capital  would  do  more 
diait  anything  elab  to  drive  capital  out 
of  a  country,  for  thoaa  who  had  It 
Would  seek  Invastmenta  where  they 
had  the  leaat  tribute  to  pay.  That 
wwild  gidan  uaemptorment  and  vit 
«ni»«ld  he  uaemployment  of  a  tind 
far  which  it  ia  doubtful  If  the  State 
aould  find  a  remedy.  It  wtmid  lead 
tg  the  atatgratlga  of  people  hs  well  as 
cgpttat  Wa  dro  perfectly  adlgre  there 
la  a  aehool  of  thought  whidh  ntaln- 
talna  capital  should  be  abollahed  aHo- 
gathar.  and  thht  waaUd  ba  Ita  anawer 
to  any  argument  against  a  levy  en 
capltaL  However,  capital  cannot  be 
abollahed  ovemtght  and  it  la  facta  not 
theorlea  with  tfhioh  the  world  fai  ean- 
fronted.  Except  so  far  as  the  gold 
supply  haa  baen  inereaaad,  in  coun- 
triea  where  there  la  a  gold  standard, 
thara  la  ••  mos«  'Capltgl  In  existence 
today  than  in  pre-war  times,  for  note 
issues  only  Indicate  the  credit  of  a 
country.  The  Rolahevista.  for  In- 
stance, who  hava  no  credit  save  in 
their  own  country,  are  printing  n'otee 
far  «a«  at  kiaia  mK  aladlhg  thaIr  iaii 
abroad  for  propaganda  work.  Their 
ndtea  MmNI  little  «r  no  vtalue  In  the 
intaraatlaagl  maHkat  They 
their  levy  ••  ca^pHsl 
ecaMMla  f«ih  in  Ma  waksw 

Vj^    g«ad     sM»a 
BrlMMto^  phnumaat  led  IgglM 
tion  propoeed  by  Mr.     Clynea.    being 

Motor  thtevea  who  are  caught  and 
convicted  will  hereafter  get  prhion 
terma  of  at  least  one  year.  By  an 
amendment  to  *the  Criminal  Code 
passed  at  the  last  session  of  Parlia- 
ment a  year  la  the  least  a  maglsti^te 
can  award. 

Thla  amendment  was  given  eff^t  to 
In  the  Police  Court  yeeterday  morn- 
ing, grhan  B.  C.  Sprlnimtt  and  P.  8. 
Allen  were  convicted  ik  purloining  a 
motor- from. 'in  .front  of  > the  Royal 
Vlctofla  Theatre.  They  had  had  tha 
car  huik  a  short  time  when  they  wens 
.driadUtt  by  Detect^es  SlclUano  and 
Phlpps  and  locked  up. 

The  prisoners  in  court  yesterday 
morning  pleaded  they  had  taken  the 
car  marfly  for  a  abort  joy  ride  and 
no  Idea  of  actually  stealing  it. 

Magistrate  Jfiy  pointed  to  the 
amendment-  in  the  code  as  making 
it  impossible  for  him  to  give  them 
any  less  sentence  than  a  year  in  Jail. 

For  many  months  past  the  poUoe 
have  been  given  plenty  of  work  chas- 
ing after  atolen  motor  care.  In  the 
majority  of  case  the  thlevea  have 
abandoned  the  oars  at  some,  lonely 
spot  and  It  was  impossible  to  appre- 
hend thenA.  Of  late  the  thieves'  Ifavh 
become  a  trifle  balder,  aod  on  two 
oceaatena  on  which  can  have  'been 
stolen,  the  thieves  left  them  near  the 
police  station. 

.With  the  new  provision  making  a 
jail  term  .  obligatory,  it  Is  expected 
the  series  of  thefta  of  mdtrs  will  be 
materially   curtailed. 


Mayor  Porter  Replies  to  Army 
ar\d  Navy  Veterans  Respect- 
ing Payment  of  Road  Tax  for 
Voting  Privilege  . 

who  Is  an  able  man.  knew  perfectly 
wall  his  proposal  conid  not  obtain  the 
■gldloo  9t  the  OovWBinsI,  bog  H 
jMgd  his  pamioal  pu: 

Mayor  Parter  iaCornied  the  Army 
and  liavy  Veterana'  Association  yes- 
terday that  until  Provincial  legisla- 
tion Is  brought  down  ai  the  next  ses- 
sion of  the  House  It  will  be  impoe- 
sible  to  modify  the  road  tax  reguta- 
tlons  which  now  apply  to  returned 
aoldtor-cltlaens  desirous  of  voting  at 
the  municipal  elections. 

Accordlng^to  tlie  regulations  now 
In  force,  rnumed  soldiers  are  pre- 
vented from  exercising  the  franchise 
unless  thay^own  propei;(y,  ara  more 
than  60  pears  of  age,  or  pay  the  13 
road  tax  for  the  privilege  of  voting. 

The  Army  and  Navy  Veterans'  As- 
sociation, as  announced  in  yeoterday'a 
»v^NMrad  a  pro|aai  against 
ttf  tha  road  tax  by  ti- 
turned  men  other  than  those  wh* 
ware  damobillaad  aiaoe  July  31,  oa 
Utm  g>P«Bd  that  aueh  men  should  hd 
fggitled  to  ell  the  privllegee  of  cltlsaft* 
ghlp  wlthmit  havfaig  to  p«y. 

Mayor  POrter  pkMed  the  matter  haw 

fdra  dip  Solicitor  R.   g.   Prlngle   aad 

Mr.   Fitagle   preaaMed   a   report  vig* 

•  terday.    polnUng   out    that   the   exiM* 

ing  regulations  could   not  be  alterad 

by  act  of  tli»  l/eglaUture. 


The  aflkslalg  af   tha  Y.   M.    c. 
althoogh  admitting  that  thara  la  ggl 



Ftnnerettes*  Overalls,  mtde  fp«« 

«troaf    kkaki    doth.    In    popular 

V  sljfcs.  dj^  Cfi 

*i*^¥jrrtaf. .  f ^OmuU 


nt-lace4  Corsets 

Smart  New.Quicffi. 

Udl«»'  Qvkk<n  Valla,  mada  expreuly 
for.  at  in  JInf land.  Estra  larfe  sites,  In 
brows,  navy,  purple,  black  aod  white. 

•  Priced    at aoe 

0«iejE-oa  Vails  ia  plain  mesh,,  madlugi 
files;  coMrs  navy,  brown,  black,  pur- 
p|{t  ted  wMte.    Priecr  2  for 2Sc 

Ouick-on  Veil*  of  extra  fine  quality,  ai«-^\ 
dlum  mesh,  with  fancy  chenille  d«slcnS|  '; 
black  and  brown.   Price , , . ^  '{<r  < 

*  "  .  *      •  ■ 

Warm  Wool  SweaterSj 

Smart  Pull-over  Sweaters,  witii  sleeves,' 
In  a  variety  of  cotors.  Price,  IS.7S 
to ...lit. 50 

Sleeveless  Pull-overji,  in  a  bif  ranfe 
of    styles    and 'Colors.     Price,     14.98 

A  Large  Assortment  of  Pretty  Wool  Cap 
and  Scarf  and  Tarn  and  Scarf  Sets  for 
women,  misses  and  children.  Price, 
#1.98.  to  14.49. 

A  Perfect  Foundation  for  Fitting  and  iVlarinl:  Suits  and. presses 
Goddess  Corsets  form   the  proper  fbon^ati^ii .  upon 


New  Styles  in 

Ladies'  Umbrellas,,  with  strong  silk  gloria 
covers  and  steel  frames.    A  large  as- 

sortment  of  bandies,  with -cord  loops^ 

Bakelite  rings  and  sterling  silver 
•  fhounted.    Price,  #4.50  and |5jP0 

Ladies'  Umbrellas,  with. strong  covers. 
Many  stylish  bandies  to  choose  from. 
Price. ,^, #3.V0 

Ladles'  Umbrellas,  with  steel  frames  and 
reliable  covers.  The  handles  have  sil- 
ver tops  and  silk  cord  loops,  etc.  Good 
value   at ^. |2.Soi 

Children's  UrabrelliM,  with  strong  covers 
and  straight  or  hooked  bandies.  Price,' 
#1.95    and. . , .  ,\  ,„...... ; .?.  .|2.2S 

which  to  build  the  clothes  and  ^ive  them  that  peculiar 
elcf  ance  and  attractiveness  which  are  lo  much  souf  ht  after. 
The  smooth,  perfect  fitting  titclc,  the  i^acehit  body  lines, 
and  the  pliable,  resilient  bonhin:  coBtrlbute  to  displaying  the 
'new  Suits  and  Dresses. 

A  i^ood  fitting  Corset,  made  iof  strong  wlMtc  eowtil,  suitable 

^  for  the  aveuge  figure;  low. bust,  free  hip,  long  skirt, 
elastic  across  bone  at  back;  lace  trimmed  top;  4  hose  sup- 
ports; under-tongue  lacing;  sizes  20.  to  ^i.  Specially 
priced  at.$2.75.  '-^Vf'^'^V. 

A  splendid  model  in  front-lace  Corset,  developed  from  fine' 
pink  sateen;  low  bust,  free  hip,  long  skirt,  elastic  at  bach, 
lace  trimmed  ^op,  4  hose  supports,  underntongiie  lacing^}  ( 
Special,  ^3.50.       ,     * ./  ^   ■  '  v -.-i  - ,  >,  *i.. 

A  perfect  fitting  model  for  the  average  tnd  medium  stouOT' 
figure,  developed  from  strong  white  couUl  and  well 
boned;  medium  bust,  free  hip,  long  skirt,  elastic  a'cross 
bones  in  back;  9-inch  fpnt  clasp,  finished  with  4  stroma 
hooks;  embroidery  trimmed  top;  6  good  hose  suppdNrts; 
^size  24  to  28.    Special  price,  JJ^SO. — ...-.,-.  .^*>.«.^,. 

,.  ..  •  '      r-     ^1  rri  r  r'-fllii  ir  ii  I  ni  Mi'Siniilimnnfiifi    ''i" 

Women  s  WarmtmdergiXiTnmts  for 

the  Cold  Days^W^ 




-♦<  — — 

^■•«J»;  ->»T 

White  FUnoelette  Dranrtn   of   hetvy   qntlity.  Black  ttiiim  Caoth  Uhd«rskirts  of  fiha  quHlty, 

with  elastic  at  knac.   Priced  M. . . »|.2S  ■-.  '^     '  made  with  heat  pleated  frilL    Price. .  .92.35 

White  Flannelette  Bloomeri,  in  O.  S.  sizes,  fin-  *    * '     O.  S.*  Sizes .#2.50 

Uhed  with  elutlc  at  waUt  and  knew.    FHc%f%<Jt_  ..^      '  _:     __^     .  *■:'       ^^ 
|i.97  4l»w  Mrtre  Ua4irski«ts,  In  many  pfdtty  gliMes. 

Black  Sateen  Bloomers  of  good  quality:  gener-  '  ""*  *"'";  "J  «";»»'*'*  ,•["»'  '»•'"*/  *»«.^^ 

ous  aize>,  wHh  elastic  at  waitt  ami  hnaas.  -•—*'*•«»  ****»«* 'rllta.  Priy.  #4.00,  #4.50.  #5.^0 

'*''"  • ••*''*^'*— rtetty  HoratTJirteriklftt  of  food  wearing  dm- 

terial;    perfect    fittlhg, /with    elastic    bands. 
'Price,   #1.79  and.., ,....#3.50 

VhUe  Jianntlgttc  Oowna,  hi  high  neck  and  long 


sleeve  style;  fCRCfOos  slaes.  Pdc$. .  ..#1.25 

36-tnch  Casement  MusUh  arid 

Printed  Madras,  Yard,  39c 

■  ■       .  ■ .  ■'  ',*- 

36-inch  Dainty  Casement  Muslin,  wiUi  pretty  floral  borders  and  rosebud  centre^    on 
cream  and  white  ground;  rich,  dark  printed  Madras,  in  a  splendid  selection  of  dark 
and  light  colors,  with  coml^inations  of  green,  brown,  red  and  blue oncreana  and |^een 
upe  backgrounds;  all  fun  36  Indies.    Tlrd,  39c*       "' 

-^4-i>$5;^-^,  '  '^^ff^^f 

t;J  .If; 




Pure  suit  Thread  Hosiery,  in  fashlosabld 
'  shades  of  taupe,  bronze,  n\fxtx  brown, 
sjiy,  navy.  Palm  B^ach,  buff,  peari  grey, 
sand,  black  and  white.  Made  with  deep 
clastic  tops  and  double  heels  and  Iocs 
of  lisle.  An  excellent  wearing  Hose* 
in  sizes  iVi  to  10.  Price '.  .#2.00 

Uupe  backgroui 

'^S^ciM  Vaiues  in  0 

^  and(2urtcd 

•»^*-"*»<  APi;^C^- 


am  Nets 

4-fi.\^:.i      Jt%. 

56-tech  Baagalow  Net— 4pcetal  valac,  yard,  }Sc 
and 39c 

36-iBch  Double-Bordered  Scotch  and  Floe  fflct 
Nets.   Yard,  49c  to \*  •  •  r  t>^^* 

4S-lBCb  Fllct  w'trri  tnd  Scotch  Net,  yard,  S^c, 
69c,   75c  to #l.a5 

Dtttclt  Scti  of  VoUc  Scrim,  with  separate  v^l-  Special  value.  Set,  #1.69,  ^i.89,  |%t9 

Dutch    Sets    of    Strong   Bangalow    N#ts>-Sct, 
#j.39 , *> . .  .»a.49 


Made-up  Curtains  of  Scotch  Net,  pair,  #9.89, 
#3.a9 '. #3.S9 

Made-o-Net ,  Curtains— 4,ace  trimmed  with  3- 
inch  hem.  Special,  pair,  #4.50,  #4.98,  #5.50 
to.. * ^. .  .#t0.f0 

30-inch  Englisb  Crct0|one  and  Fine  Satedn— 
Special,   yard . . . .'. . .  • S9c 

36-ll^lk  Engllab  Prloiei' Cdtemcnt  Cloth,  yard 
'36-{neli  Pine  Silk<^ine  and  Chlnti,  per  yard,  4Sc 




White  aheet,  plUowalip.  and  a  maak, 
while  the  centlemei^4re  aaked  to 
come  provided  wltfi  a  "oat'a  head" 
maak.  Mr.-Tonng,  who  appears  to 
be  In  oliarffe  of  one  eectlon  of  the 
eonspiratore.  eeems  confld^t  that  no 
one  win  be  really  seared  to  death,  and 
stated  that  all  are  aasared  a  thor- 
ouvhly  rood  time.  The  item  list  of 
refreehmenta,  while  inoludinc  all  the 
old-time  Hallpwe'en  specialties,  con- 
talaa  many  novel  featurea. 




Contlnved  from  Pave  1 

should  have,  remembering  those  who 
have  auffered. 

Gffca*  Tnaphmiion 
I^ollowina  the  iasplring  address  by 
Oypay  Smith,  delivered  at  yesterday's 
luncheon,  the  canraasere  trooped  out, 
flljed  with  a  determination  to  "con- 
quer or  die."  They  anceeeded  in 
cettintf  many^ddltlonal  lar^o  anb- 
scrlptions,  and  with  frean  heart  and 
courage  they  Intend  pntttnc  Victoria 
over  the  top  with  a  vengeance. 

Arrangementa  are  heliiv  campleted 
for  tha  liMVe  cpao-alr  etreai  Jbnee, 
which  win  be  held  on  Saturday  even- 
ing, wither  yamiittinc.  on  Tatea 
Street,  between  DouglM.  end  Blan- 
ehard  Streata.  The  Poondation  band 
haa  baan  aaoured  for  Oiia  occaalon, 
nndar  ih«  direction. af  Mr.  L>.  Turner, 
abali  man  of  the  bands  committee  of 
the  publicity  department,  who  can  l>e  | 
relied,  upon  to  render  very  tvaefol 
aad  plaaalag  aelectlona. 

There  wiU  be  one  or  two  alwrt 
tptta»»m  daUvered  from  the  t>and 
ptatfarm,  and  a  aaeat  enjoyable  aewn. 
lag     Is     aAured     all     who 


refer  to  sums  ot  money  which  the 
Qovemment  haa  had  to  borrow  from 
the  banks  from  time  to  time,  in  order 
ta  ma^e  paymenta  which  reared  im- 
mediate settlement.. 

It  Is  a  matter  of  extreme  impor- 
tanof  that  thaao  obligattona  to  the 
banka  of  the  country  be  settled  aa 
eoan  aa  poaelbl  so  aa  ta  ^laeee  that 
moofy  for  tha  oae  of  tha  baaka'  oaoa* 
maroM  ovrtoiaariL  TM  Saet  tkat  tha 
Qovemment  has  been  leaning  heavily 
upon  the  resources  of  the  iMUiks  haa 
had  a  very  detrUnMtal  effect  upon 
the  bualneaa  elemdnt  in'Canada,  for 
the  banks  have  only  a  limited  amount 

S'  money  available  to  lend,  and  when 
e  Qovemment  prgetlcally  Oom- 
mandeered  larca  atime.  thla  Slaant 
that  just  so  mueh  money  waa  aaaes- 
sarlly  withdrawn  dram  oiroulation 
among  the  manufactnrera  and  pro- 
ducers of  Canada; 

When  the  Qovemment  la  enabled 
to  repay  thla  borrowed  money  to  the 
banka.  by  meaaa  of  money  darWed 
from  the  sale  of  Victorr  Sonde,  thla 
money  will  t>e  im«aadl«iely  available 
for  the  use  of  the  lM>rrowing  public, 
and  corresponding  expansion  of  busi- 
neaa  is  stira  to  follow,  and  In  the  wake 
of  this  ejfpanaion  thera  wlU  be  eastor 
condition^  throughout  the  country. 


Inveatlgatlon  of  the  eireumstaneea 
surrounding  the  aodded  death  on 
Tiisada/  laat  af  Mm.  rsi— aen.  af  1X1 
Powdarly  Avenoa.  wtU  ba  BMda  by  a 
oorener'a  jury  thla  morning  at'  IS 
0*010011  #t  the  m  C.  ranefol 
It.     Br. 


Resolution  Passed  A(lowin£  the 
Delegates  From  'Germany 
and  Auitri^  tp  Take  Part  in 
Labor  Gathering 



WASHINQTOIV.  OoL  SO.  —  Wttll 
daily  the  Pteiieh  CapftaT  defagate  op* 
paalof  the  ttatu^i.n  ttif  ln(ero%ti(piial 
bibor  eonfedenoe  today  decided  to 
hfmit  repreaei^tata^  »et  Oemaaay 
a^d  Auatria  Immediately  upon  their 
•rrivill  fedre  to  fun  iaiembefahlp  In 
flbe  world  tabor  orgaaitatfea.  Aa- 
^nate  Querin.  who  cast  the  only  neg- 
ative vote,  holding  up  to  view  the 
dasolaaioa  wrought  by  the  German 
tuiutary  ftutChine  in  the  invaded  reg- 
lane  eC  thla  country,  deelarlng  that 
A'^diktiactlan  must  be  made  between 

"Wrbarlaoa,"  nation*  that  cP««rd  a 
braaty  aa  a  hmrap  of  paper"  and 
Allisd  peaplee  who  had  foaglit  for 
tfte  oaiMe  of  freedom. 

Ha  iMlstad  that  Oermany  and  Ana- 

tMa.  with  whom,  he  said,  the  Allied  . 

aotiona  are  still  at   war,  shoold  not  { 

«t  the 

expreseed  by  Leon  Jouhanx  Pranch 
labor  delegate,  who  aald  that  the 
'•ar  was  at  an  end.  and  that  Oer- 
many must  ba  admitted  te  the  "ntw 

The  Belgian  governmental  and 
labor  delegatea  ashad  to  be  reoerded 
aa  voUng  favorably  only  bapinae 
"economic  conditions  foreed'^'^Hhem 
la  do  so,  and  Jules  CarliaK  Belgian 
capital  repreaentatlve,  ,  abstained, 
from -voting.  '— 

"I  cannot  rota  acataat  tho  rea- 
ahitlon  beeauaa  of  'ImporattM  Oeonom- 
Ic  reaaona  which  arp  alear  to  all**> 
said  Mr.  earlier,  "and  1  will  not 
vote  for  It  because  Oermany  ha* 
e»nally  violated  aU  Ita  oblisatlooa  to 
Belgium,  and  because  the  Oennana 
haiRp  ayalamatloajly  wreeked  all  our 
iBddetrlal  lU*  durtng  the  pmtu  of 
their  ftoeapatlea." 

An  effort  wm  made  by  Dr.  W.  H. 
Molena.  Dotoh  Ooeomment  delegate, 
to  strike  out  of  the  resolution  of  ad- 
misalon  words  stating  that  this  aet- 
Hm  ^^  taked  "hi  aeeordanee  with 
the  dedslans  of  the  Alllee  and  Aa- 
aeelated  pewera,"  bat  the  motion  wad 
lost  by  a  vote  of  4t  to  i. 

Dr.  R.  H.  Kliaalda.  Oovemaent 
delegate  from  Beoador,  aafced  why 
Ifexico  had  not  baen  Invited  to  the 
conftrenoe,  and  movad  to  adntt  that 
repablic   while   Judge   Jahaa      CSast- 

sentatlve.  propoeed  that  Plntead  al- 
so be  admitted.  Both  motiona  were 
deferred  nnder  tha  ralea    mttt    to* 


Ml  adnaittad   antll   the 

Eh  waa  tho  view  of    tiM     Preach 
Mid     of     Loon     Bonrf eola^ 
Vltoweh  lapraaentativa  to  thd 

WINMIPBO.  Oat.  Sd.— Tha  inoemd 
tax  department  announced  thla  after* 
-  noM  tnu  eletan  dddltohal  write    to 
payment  «f  tha  19IT  Inooma 

eppoilUon  to  thla  slaw  wag 

ent  had 


men.    Thla  brtnga 

Um  tettl  jireaaipotiona  new  snder  way 
tha  net  •»  to  ST. 






to  iftlcctoiinelvcs  mm 
Ru.  Wetr  rubbers  when- 
ever it  h  4m^  mA  coH 
We  hrrt  nSEm  to  in  all 


1S9I        MiT«l»Sl. 

An  Intfrrestin^  Display  of 



A.R.Qralam  B.  M.  Brown 

Sok  Acenu  for  tike  FkaKMU 


ra4  ANDi  SLACK 


vwroBu  nnsL  oompan¥»  ltd. 



Aitiimn  and  Winfer  Readinf 

,^^L|Brc  CMC  |ar.Ui«  tftMordant  aUnoif  here  «f  oradera  cxbtcncc  h 

to  «  worM  of  «M*s  own  dMostaff 

Sta4y  tiM  st«f$  aad  tiM  iouMWitar  of  spact, 
fMMaptlM  «r  |Ma  busy  with  Ms  Htttt  fiMCralr 

aM  U«ck  at  tte 






Sepred  hot  in  bur  tea  room  or  rea^y- for  you  to  take 
home  and  serve  on  your  own  tabled  Remember  to  call 
^nd  get  some  today.  J.  • 


fpiim  ItSS  S41  Y« 

•t  Ma  Mild  anMr  IwwNI  ia  «Im  «&.  Ii»> 
iHt  «  alral«lM»ar<Nur«  Matotr  •( 

MtMuaOtac  ««%«|B  In  «M«||  tiM  SHMI 

tir*aa  tMa  wrawia  D>a»ial>»  pwrlk^ 
»ait*C  aatti*  Um  mm*  te«ai«aite«  faty 
Um  i»«rawwU  t«itw»r*«««lwa  of  cartala 
tektWM  «(  Um  «rMt  «MMidva  vMteii 
U*  ■a>a,lri>  iMWtiaa  •&  iMtela  la  kla 
aiaMManWk  TIm  la^twrta  alMMk  oC 
eo«fMi,  aanrc^  MUl-twtlMr  cr«plU> 
«RUr  !•  UlHBtrM*  «Mn*  «t  tiM  coa«« 
!  tiMw-'tiM  •MU'tora.  mtnsMMa*  «*r> 
nJa  ovar  whMi  tlia  a««al««  lHk4  to 
•rM  for  ft  srMt  purt  «r  tt*  ttaaa:  tli* 
utt«r  daaoaaUwR  wad  rain  of  TtUaca*. 
town.s  and  aiaoda  whteh  had  coaaa 
wllhte  mac*  af  tlM  lonr-dlalnnea 
(una:  th*  ateMiacad  roada  and  bau 
l«r«d  billets  to  which  tho  nwa  on  «rt> 
oaaion  had  to  rotani  after  lon< 
parloda  of  hardrtil|i  to  tha  tronohaa. 

tiM  parla  of  tha  addraaa 
whieh  wora  follaarod  with  tha 
latanse  tataraot  ware  thaaa  whieh  af> 
tardad  aaaaathtM  ^  way  «t  altaUcItt 
on  iha  aaathraa  of  tha  "^Iglwc  a»<r  in 
patalattat  In  what,  ta  tha  ann-ehalr 
critlCB  at  hama.  appeared  aa  la^(^o« 
tlve  and  waatatal  tchtlnir.  Far  tn> 
ataaae,  apaaklac  of  tha  Soaame, 
Colonel  Poalar  aald  thta  waa  not  an> 
dertaken  hy  the  Britlah  tor  the  ex< 
praaa  piurpaaa  «(  nhtatalaa  vletacy  at 
the  Somme. 

TW  tkt*  PMd 

^ ««  <M'  ta* 

Oik  HiM*  Ui»  tam»t>o  •«  «•« 
PeiL  hataa  th»  aMTiMai  wUi  < 
at  «ae>«aMW«a»  yetC     &*it*«t)r 

1.  a*  taa«« 

"  a    " 

kkiiMw  n»^a«^  jK-  I 
I  la  1^»aa  aaa  eaa 

k««a  la 

at  thair  afeta^  at  Tar« 

"The  parpoae  at  the  8oaaaia  waa  to 
rellaTe  the  altaatton  at  Verdun.'* 
atated  the  jipeaker.  "In  the  Sprlnc 
at  1»1«  the  Boehe  "had  tha  Idea  thnt 
I  t<i«  i>"i>surh  werv  on  thalr  tenaaa.  aad 
I  that  only  a  vary  atroac  drtve  on  the 
part  of  the  Oermana  waa  needed  to 
eonvtatee  them  that  tha  caiaa  waa  up 
and  that  thay  ware  beaten.  If  the 
Franeh  could  ha  eoavteead  at  thk.  the 
Oermana  heltevad  they  would  he  able 
to  necotlate  a  aapar^ta  peace.  .  .  . 
It  waa  at  thia  point  that  the  aarkn  a* 
aattlee  kaowto  aa  the  Sommo  wer^ 
atasad  with  a. view  to  torelnc  the 
Qannana-  to  atreacthen  their  reln- 
forcementa  at  another  part  of  their 
front  line,  thla.  In  turn,  reaulttnc  Ih 

''la  that  the  dtalraa  eflaet 
cured,  tha  whale  Saaaaaa  battle  waa  a 
traaaaadaaa  aaccaaa.'*  aaaarted  Colonel 
Fbadar.  And  tiroaa  thla  paint  of  view, 
alaa,  it  waa  eaay  ta  aaa  where  the 
aaaataur  crlUca  at  hooke  fell  down 
artM«  they  read  the  dtapatehea  and 
laakad  at  the  aaap  day  hV  day  recard> 
lac  the  battle  of  the  Soanme  aa  aa 
aetlaa  lad^iiendent  of  and  unrelated 
to  tha  wholaw 

'*Thaks  were  uaad  for  the  flrat  tiaaa 
at  tha  Baauae.  Thay  were  an  abao- 
lata  anrprlaa  ta  everyoa*.  At  thla 
tlaio  ttMy  ware  not  very  auceaaaful; 
thay  cot  badly  held  up  by  the  bad 
crauad.  the  deep  mud.  and  all  the 
eandtttooa  of  that  klad.  But  at  tho 
waa  deuonatrated  what  tt  waa 
far  a  machine  of  that  klna 
to  accompUah." 

VUiay  Wdca 

Whan  colonel  Fbeter  came  to  that 
pait  at  hta  atory  which   had   to  do 

If  we  have  reminded  you  of 
,         something   vour   wardrobe   lacks 

you  mti  mi  it  a  pleasure  to  make 

a  purchase  from  such  a  stock  as 
this.     Plaid  Skirts  are  shown  ki 
^  !most  evety  desirable  Sjhade  com- 

bination and  pleated  effed— the  Skirts  of  navy  a)id  black  serge  have 
trimminis  of  brakl»  or  rows  of  pin-tucks,  buttons,  fancy  pockets,  Ijelts, 
and  are  mvariaUy  gathered  at  the  back.  Skirts  of  good  quality  tweed  are 
also  presented. 

738-730-734  Yttes  SI 
Tdepbone  3983 

1^  ^v^ 


•  -W  ^  sv- 



.■'■^,:i»ny;'^  li 


ufA  ,JH  «.*„^,J    , 


Exdusive  Fumert  - 


'•"•-  ' /:.'>*''»'t.T 

»    i^ 

"■-  i 

Uprecedested  Far  ifitm  iHierdI 
ExcHiiyely  it  Ftttei's 

.»•»■    .V     ^^ 


artth  the  treat  attadi  on  Vlany  he 
apoke  enthuBlaaHcally  at  the  callant 
vaaaner  In  whieh  the  Canadian*  had 
carried  out  the  tadt  allotted  to  them. 
**V1aay  Rld«e  la  the  tote  war  aad 
la  o^r  treat  waia  of  the  past  has 
alwaya  been  retarded  aa  a  poaltlon  of 
traat  aatllUry  value.**  he  explained. 
**In  aaaltnlnt  the  taak  of  takinc  and 
hoMInt  thla  part  of  the  line  to  the 
Canadian  Oorpa  the  hither  command 
waa  paylnt  a  treat  tribute  to  what 
the  army  ftom  this  country  had  done 
at  Tprea  and  elsewhere.  There  were 
more  Uvea  loat  In  one  aquare  mile 
around  Vlmy  than  In  any  other  por- 
tion of  the  llthtlnt  line,  probably, 
hut  our'end  was  a^ceompitshcd.  The 
prapavatlonB  «»r  the  taktnt  of  Vlmy 
araca  camplMa  to  tha  ftneet  detalL  aa 
eampleta  that,  the  traapa  toint  over 
actually  oanift  with^  them  altns  to 
put  oa  Hwj^iwftaa  'tienches.  tivtnt 
tha  BrlUali:  baaMa  toitha^aid  German 
traachaa  whftHli-tMvA  tabo  Uken." 

•TUta  bit  bf^MHMftloti  -was  treated 
.with  applauaa;^ -OotoaaV  Poster  went 
«g[  ta  laU  that  tha  ^Qabnana  knew 
thKt  th»  attaai^  waa  4a  take  place. 
tliBy  «iM  ioatevlMf  the  Canadians 
llii>».»aaa>ii|Hiaf  to  the  task.  A 
panfphMk.  aU»ild  by  the  German  com. 
ataader.  tell  Into  the  handa  of  the 
C^tadlabs  after  the  attack  was  over. 
In  thta  paper  the  Ctettaan  troops  wera 
Informed  that  it'a'att^anadlans  whom 
they  "would  have  to  face  In  the  ac- 
tion anticipated,  and  amont  other 
t|Ui^  the  baclM  olAcer  noted:  "Tha 
Caaadiana  are'  Known  to  be  amont 
tha  baat  fltbtlnt  troopa  that  tha 
BrlUah  poaaeas."  evidently  a  warn- 
Int  to  the  Pruaalan  aoldlcra  to  put  up 
a  atur  atht. 

Still  further  descrlbint  the  minute 
preparatlona  made  by  the  Allies  for 
this  atUck  at  Vlmy.  Colonel  Foater 
atatad,  and  ahowed  by  phototraph. 
how  lltbt  railways  had  been  run  up 
ta  #lthtn  very  abort  distance  of  the 
llnaa  In  order  to  carry  forward  sup- 
pUea  and  remove  aa  rapidly  as  poo- 
albla  all  ambulance  oases  and  wound- 
ad.  The  Germans,  knowint  on  their 
aide  alao  what  waa  toInt  to  take 
place,  brotttbt  up  a  tremendoua 
amount  of  artillery,  tas-shells  and 
equipment  and  supplies. 

Ladiet'  Snart  Riiii- 
coab  ud  Capes 

Plain  and  tveed  cloths,  also 

of  Girb* 

10  to  16  years. 

Flaiihad  WUrt.  neat 

striped  patterns.  |S.8Qi» 

______        . « ,  . 

CMfil  Y«w  aatnm  •*  0» 

Seabrook  Young 

Note  These  Meat  Prices  for 
Today  and  Tomorrow 

xOjp^  per  lb... >.!..«  ^mC 




SHOULDER  OP     "I  Qw  ,<N 
MUTTON,  lb.       iOCl! 
XUMP  ROAST    r; 




Is  Ytir  PlmUif 


MS  Go««rMMi  SL        Not  P^mi  OAa# 

nrat  Dijhtt  YMNraalf  ^^"^o  Uvary  ia  Caaa4^ 



Give  us  a  ring:  and  wie 
will  coine  up  immedi- 
ately and  look  oyer 
your  plumbin^^. 

"A  stitch  in  time  saves 




Plumbinc  aM  Heatiiif 

741  Pandora  Street. 

Phcmea  828, 4S96L 

Drive  ihe  car  yourself.    We  Teiit  Overlands,  Fords,  DodMtr"" 
jirr  tChevrolcts  WITHOUT  DRIVERS 


TSt  VltfW  SiMM* 



TODAY  and  tomorrow  (Friday  and  Saturday^  we  \A{\  demonstrate,  al 
we  did  last  week,  the  fact  that  as  EXCLUSIVE  FURRIERS  we  arc 
able  tQ  offer  Fur  values  that  cannot  be  surpassed  anywhere.    All  our  skins 
were  boui^ht  at  last  year's  lowest  prices,  and  in  the  regular  way  you  save  at 
•least  from  25%  to  50%  by  buying  your  Furs  at  "Foster's,"  so  imagine  the 
^i||ypi)^MM  can  effect  through  the  special  prices  quoted  below. 

Tkree-Quarter  LengUi  Coats 

Near  Seal  Ceata,  with  dyed  sable 

coon  collars  ^O/flU 

and  cuffs 9oW3 

Near  Seal  Plain  Conta.   Magnificent 

Hudson  Sea!  Coats,  with  sable  col- 
lars and  •  ^ilOK 
cuffs 94irf9 

Very  Beauttful  Hudson  Seal  Coats^ 
Plain  style 

Best  qwsliVy  , 


Note,  Too,  Theae  Neck-Piece  Fur  Vahiea  1 


B^Uck      BlackWolf 


^PC       Crass  Pi 

Crass  R)iK.  Prices  frosi 



TanDs  F<^  prices  from       Rsd  Vbs,  prices  from 





Pricos  above  qnoard  rsMPesent  a  direct  saving  to  yon  of  from  1$^  to  50%. 
Call  today  and  lie  convincsd. 


OM^^mmamm  street 

Pboae  1532 

"If  Paaschendaele  fell  into  th« 
posMMlon  of  the  BrltlBh  the  Qer- 
nwna  realised  they  would  have  to 
evacuate  the  whole  of  their  coast 
line."  aald  Colonel  Pouter  when  he 
came  to  thla  period  in  his  history  of 
tHe  war.  With  thla  realisation  the 
enemy  put  up  a  strenuous  flcht  at 
thla  point.  Over  a  period  of  three  or 
four  monltha.  only  very  small  gatna 
had  been  made,  at  a  very  consider- 
able coat.  Then  a  change  of  com- 
mand In  the  north  ranie  about,  and 
one  Of  the  nmt  thlncs  asked  for  waa 
that '  the  Canadian  Corpa  nilsht  be 
Bent  up. 





Viclorls.  B.C 



mt    vkiada. 


Coavax  Ovtl  Framas,  f  4  x  ao. 
Afsata  offerad   to   buy  out  entira 
flao*  at  r«taH_  prices,  fr<mi  t2.S0  ta 

!ii*"«»i.S*^'*»^  »?••»».*«»  tham  all 
any  price.  ■' 

Oood  .aasortweat  ••  haaS.  ,  1 

nuiria  Irl  EkHriiif 

•H  «ahaaaa  Si.  Waat  aff  ftavaivaam  I 

'1    i  iij 


of   the 


attack  on  Ballavne  Spur  waa  that  It 
fell  IntOi  otir  hands,  and  Eventually 
the  whole  of  Paaachendaele  KIdse 
fell  Into  oiy  poaaeaaton.  That  In  itself 
waa  a  sreat  succcas.  Unfortunately 
the  operations  of  the  whole*  year 
proved  disappointing  because  we 
were  unable  to  follow  up  our  success. 
Coincident  with  Paaachendaele  came 
the  bic  fkllure  on  the  Kussian  front, 
and  the  Oennans  were  able  to  brlnx 
up  many  of  tha  troopa  that  were 
released  from  that  atda.     About   tha 


OF  CtlM 

same  ttmasthe  Italian  flaaco  came  and 
our  aecond  army,  under  Plumer.  had 
to  be  tranaferred  to  Italy.  These 
thtnss  had  their  effect  for  the  worse 
ao  far  aa  we  were  concerned.  The 
«nd  of  1S17  pixtved  a  sreat  dlaap- 
polntment  to  everyone  on  the  Allied 

One  little  ray  of  sunshine  did  Alter 
throush  durlns  the  weary  months 
that  followed:  thla  was  the  splendid 
stack  by  81r  Julian  Byns  at  Cambrai. 

"On  this  occaiiofk  it  was  demon- 
strated almost  for  the  flrst  time  In 
the  wsr  that  the  clement  of  surprise 
was  very  important  to  success.  By 
a  very  brilliant  attack  nutde  in  abao- 
lute  secret,  and  whera  tanka  were 
used  almoat  for  the  flrat  time  in  lieu 
of  artillery,  sreat  success  was 
achieved — althoagh  wa  were  unable 
to  follow  It  up  owlns  to  the  Impoaal- 
blllty  of  brlnrlng  ))p  reoarvaa.' 
tha  apeaker. 


*nia  early  part  of  If  IS  opaaed  up 
with  very  crest  apprehension  amonvat 
tha  hlsher  command  about  the  future. 
Rut  never  In  all  that  time  did  I  find  a 
sincle  Instance  in  the  front  line  of  a 
man  who  had  lost  heart.  *No  aoldtar 
was  ever  heard  to  expreas  any  doubt 
aa  to  the  outcome.  It  was  that  splaa- 
dM  spirit  that  made  the  results  what 
they  were.  When  we  stsrted  in  tStS 
our  machine  gana  war*  la  tha  ratio 
oi  one  for  every  flv* 
whan  wa  finlahed  up  la  Itlt  wa  had 
one  gun  to  every  twenty  maa.  It 
one  of  the  most  wtmdarful  things  that 
ever  happened  In  the  #arM — that  man 
aach  aa  we  had.  entirely  nntralaad  to 
war.  wera  able  to  staad  off  the  Oar- 
msns  for  four  yeaia  and  then  t 
boat  tham  at  tbalr 
Na  awmr  wlrnt 

somethlns  which  would  make  him  put 
his  back  ta  the  wall  and  tfty:  wa  Win 
never  be  defeated!" 

Blow  at  AmtaMi  ,«  ^V..»/ 
"AUhottch  the  number  of  men  we 
had  In  the  bevlnninir  of  19 it  was  atUI 
not  greater  than  that  of  tha  Qermans. 
he  had  shot  his  bolt,  and  we  had 
unlimited  reserves  now  on  which  to 
draw.  Foch  struck  hla  first  l^low  at 
Amiens.  Tha  resylts  exceeded  even 
expectations.  And  from  Anileiis  on 
the  Canadiana  never  caased  to  fight; 
they  took  part  in  seven  out  of  ten  of 
the  big  fights.  Whenever  the  Can- 
adiana were  found  in  action  you  al- 
waya found  some  of  the  best  German 
troops  opposite  tham.  The  Canadians 
captured  30.000  German  prisonera; 
they  met  and  actually  defeated  in  the 
field  forty-saven  Gamtan  divisions." 
In  conclusion.  Colonel  Foster  de- 
voted soma  minutes  to  pralae  of 
France  and  Belgium  for  the  steadfast  1 
spirit,  the  great  faith  a^nd  confidence  I  was  much 
whieh   thay   had   displayed   tftrottsh>  I  whldi 

out  the  ordaal  ot  more  than  four  years 
of  grinding  oppiaatioh  fellbwlna  the 
wrecking  of  their  towns,  thair  farma, 
thatr  homes.  All  this  time  th«y  had 
nat  loat  heart.  Broken  down  ahyslcal- 
ly*,  they  were  never  broken  ta  a^ltt. 
Always,  they  had  said  aftarwaras,  they 
knew  that  dellYaranoe  wouiS  coma. 

"When  yau  realiaa  th«  wonderful 
spirit  that  persisted  amongst  the  pao- 
pla  of  France  and  Btelgium  you  c^ 
understand  even  better  why  the  Ger- 
man from  tba  flrat  was  doomed  to 
falluta,".  said  the  speaker  at  the  last. 

Nets  SSeS 

NANAIMO,  Oct.  SO.->A  two  days' 
bazaar  by  tha  Ladlaa*  QuUd  of  Ht. 
Paul's  Churoh,  the  raoelpta  of  which 
will  total  nearly  lt««,  was  concluded 
last  night  by  an  entertainment  pn>- 
vftdad  by  tha  ohUdraa  of  the  parish. 
Tha  programme  of  muiMc  and  playlets 
enjoyed  by  an  audience 
St  PaaPa  lasthnMi^  ^ 


Utest  "New  Edison" 
'Plays  all  records  perfectly" 





■  11 1 10  1 


r  iMlMk    fMr   «A  fliid 


la  gpo4  Huh. 
Cir  it   ao«   ftilivad   oifU   »t,iaS  jr. 


poiii*  tlMjvnVr  Hoi 

Wie  S^  for  .Cash 

Kijr  Your  Goodb'iR  a  CUiPStore  and  G«t 

riiiiiii         I        II  I  itu     ^    w  .11 

.      SmM  To4»7  in  <!koe«rr 

t  ia  t  abM  iWk  RefvUr  2  tiu  for  2Sc: 



FiAwid  at  titt  faMuiitog  iMeM: 

nc  liUBlK  perlb. ..- ^.,...;...t.-: wi# 

per  lb.  .. 



Spyt,  Kte|li,'VrMlMijrB,  JotfUti«»,  Mictittoth  Hedt  and 

BBian't  Ifapfe  toaik 

liMi|ifa>'      U» 





' )'  "'V* 


XJitMiM,     the  grcskt  Antiseptic  I  School    BcritUors,    regular    5c 

for  colilf.  etc    ,-|Mhiiiy  «k  I        «ach.  specUl.  3  for 1.11^ 

bottle  for  lOc  wT^t  kMtle  I  ^QNittUio  %>ipi  roi.  2  f o«  25c, 

for ^,-» 3m  i  My  d^kyTt^uj  3  for  WH 


1  sOCuM, 

rcfwlar  Ue  Mck  fot^ 

pint  littj^  regular  $i  J5  for  —..^ 

10s  Mcti,  special  2  for 





y|BIMK'|>«>  VANCOUVER  ^  ^ 


Ml.  SMI 

and  District  in 



wtUi  9t,Mt.SM 
w»«k  of  Itlt. 

«TUi    Bat- 

A«M>cteUion.  ot 

VlB  ksU  thair  llrA  aocUl 

B«xC  November  3. 

the  pa^UBli«4 
UK  of  offlaaf  of  ward  LJber&l  Aaao* 
datlons  tlia  tmmm  o(  Mr.  A.  B.  da, 
— crotary  of  tiM  Ward  Flvo  Aaaeela* 
Uon.  waa  laadvarttntly  omlUaO. 


of  tha  measlwra  af  tha  B.C.  UUvar- 
■Itjr  Board  bald  on  Tttoaday.  tt  waa 
decided  %hMt  a  apeclal  meetins  would 
Imto  to  be  called  to  coaalder  the  af- 
Allatlon  of  the  Victoria  Collese  with 
the  Unlveralty. 

•  ^^tt^  ■ 


now  deing  imoufactured  ia  British 
Otaaia^  The  Mitt  tt  Ocetn  Ptns, 
B.C  Is  tumiag  oat  i  paper  of  excel- 
lent* vaifomi  qutttty.  wHh  great 
tensile  strencth.  In  ul  points  it  is 
the  ecnial  of  any  Kraft  Wrappfaig 


irTiiiiVii  il^ijuii 





^^l^iJ^JS^^***^  ^'^  *^  *>*>"»«•  ^^^y  *ny  one  article 
giipltlli  jhrmmm  strvice  tban  the  Dininc  Table,  and 
P  payi  to  buy  a  cood,  wibstanflil  mm.  We  iHtie  a  iplendid 
T^'l!iftSj£l^  "^  *^  "^  rg«optbte  prlbtK    Here 

•Hog  TaMa,  ia  goll*  tfrn; 
eadli  to  six 
IcfA    A  real 


df  _*oepoB>i  Fvilware 

^Ere    top;    cxteadli   to    six 

five  luiUed 
itagAin.  Cash 


__  j_     "  ■    ^ ■ ■ ^^ — u^^^.^— ic .ijr^w 

tor  C9mttk9Bce — InrlU- 
tiona  haVe  been  sent  out  to  the  dlf^ 
fMwnt  pre«vUiGlal  ereaalaatloos  for 
Bear^  of  Trade  conference  to  be 
held  to  VaneouTer  early  next  Febru- 
ary. Sonio  ••  boarda  of  trade  are  ex- 
pected  to  be  repreeeoted  at  the 

•  wvr  «>r>  Vait  Basonr— Member*  of 
the  "J"  Unit  ChapUr  I.O.t>.K.  who  are 
oontrtbuttog  artlolea  to  the  stalla  at 
the  Chapter's  baaaar  belnr  held  next 
Wednesday  at  the  KmpreM,  are  re- 
quested to  turn  them  In  to  the  I.O.D.EL 
headquarters.  Jones  Building,  on  Sat- 
urday, or  Monday,  at  the  latest. 

Btmwbarry  Tale  Bfaaqnenide-^in 
connection  with  the  Anglican  Church 
at  etvawlbarry  VUs.  a  Asllghtftil  liaa- 

qiterada  Ball  was  held  last  evening  in 
tke  ckttreh  halL  rrtor  to  the  da^ca 
aa  toteresting  musleal  programme 
[WUB  glv«B.  Sultablap  rtaea  waro  award- 
ed to  wlmiors  of  the  beat  dressed 
lady.  gent,  girl  and  boy. 

l(fo««rlsta  Hoed  —  Ten  motorist* 
ware  arraigned  to  the  Police  Court 
yesterday  morning,  aeven  being:  fined 
91  ea«h  for  failure  to  have  the  UU 
lighta  lit.  They  were  Messrs.  W  Web- 
star. O.  ■.  Otrley.  O.  Mlnty.  i^  Chintsr. 
Ik  B.  Richards,  Wah  I>e  and  Dr.  A. 
Lk  Glaresche.  Dr.  PoynU  was  fined 
tto  for  passing  a  standing  straat  oitr: 
R.  B.  Berka  and  Frod  Monro,  a  Ilka 
agiount  for  speeding.'  Tha  charga. 
against  Mr.  M.  Millard  for  speeding 
WMi  reaiaa4a«t- until  this  morning. 

i  iircfm  lalmod— wnile  cycUng  on 
the  Causeway  yesterday  morning  Foon 
Wonff.  of  Btl  Flagard  Street.  susUined 
a  fra<oture  of  the  loft  leg  when  his 
wheel  skidded  throwing  him  heavily 
to  the  pavement.  In  the  police  mo- 
tor ambulance  he  was  Uken  to  polio* 
headquarters  by  Constable  Heatley, 
whato  a^  aid  was  vondared.  and  Dr. 
X<snaax  tfsmmened.  The  injured  jrouth 
was^hen  Uk*a  to  the  |toyal  Jublle* 

Beosaads  Graated—Remands  were 
gtantae  h7  Maglstrata  lay  la  tha  Po> 

lioe  Court  yesterday  in  the  cases  of 
Ross  Laford,  charged  with  vagrancy, 
and  that  of  the  young  girl  accused  of 
tlMT  than  Of  a  far  coat,  tha  propSfty 
of  Mrs.  Uoanee.  In^  the  latter  case 
hall  ot  1600  was  fixed.  J.  MoLellaa 
wos  fined  $10  for  being  in  powisejoa 
of  liquor  m  other  than  a  legal  place. 
The  accused  claimed  the  IKiuor  had 
bean  brought  to  bis  room  by  friends. 
Ooatlaoea  Isiaad  THtar— in  spite  of 
a  southeast  gale  which  blew  yaater- 
dayr  the  Pathfinder  II.  made  the  trip 
from  the  ^Snilows  to  Courtenay  in  two 
hours  and '  flfteen  jmlnutee.  Twelve 
passengers  were  taken  up  yesterday 
aad  eight  have  booked  for  toda/.  To- 
day at  noon  the'  machine  will  leavo 
Courtenay  for  Albernl,  where  several 
long-distance  fllghU  will  be  \inder- 
tahen  for  the  benedt  of  latendlag 
paawnasia.  a  featara  of  the  flyiiw 
up  oeaatgy  is  the  Ottremely  heavy 
winds  encountered,  which  yesterday 
amounted  to  "^  almost  a  severe  gale. 
After  the  Albernl  trip  the  machine 
win  return  to  the  Willows.  The  Path- 
flader  IL  will  soon  be  laid  off  for 
ovarhaul  when  the  original  Path- 
Ibider  eomea  out  of  "dock." 

Wtfa— I  Ooatveottoti  at  Taroalo-i 
Vh9  bi-aaaoal  National  Convention  of 
the  T.M.C.A.  Is  slated  to  take  place 
at  Toronto  from  the  20th-23rd  of 
January.  lUt.  The  last  o<aivenUon 
#as  held  at  Ottawa  two  years  ago  anA 
waa  attended  by  delegatea  from  all 
over  the  Dominion.  Tha  eatoh-mi^ 
pal  movement  now  under  way  at  t!ie 
loeal  Aaaociatlon  Is  produdttg  prOm- 
iafng  results.  Fifteen  new  members 
were  secured  last  week,  and  numer- 
on*  **proopecta"  are  In  sight  The 
gymnasium  elaases  have  grown  out  of 
all  reeognltlen,  and  a  record  attond- 
anee  Is  being  looked  for  in  the  Win- 
ter season.  Basketball  is  proving  an 
attractive  feature,  aad  some  of  the 
recent  games  In  the  Bouse  League 
have  been  productive  of  osoeedlngly 
fast'  ptay.    ■ 

nard's  Auction   Roonw,   View   Streot, 

by  tk*  thiaf  or 
At  tba  other 

gelaed  over  the 
at  the  rear.  M.Tf  la 
ftaga  a  drawer  la  the  desk.  Aa  of- 
DM*  to  eater  tbo  aafa  waa  ssade.  bai 
ITbo  outer  door  el 
but  the  tauBor  oaa 
afetatenCod  to  oaea 
the  latter  witboat  suoeesa 

Poilee  Court  yeatorday  two  brothers 

evading  and  ■obatruetlng  a  g|une  war- 
den In  tbo  oMctttlon  of  his  dutlaa.  Svl- 
doaee  given  by  the  game  wardoa 
shewed  that  be  did  not  demand  that 
theqr  sboald  stop  In  the  name  of  the 
law,  aad  oae  of  the  youths  kept  on 
going.  The  charge  against  that  de- 
fendant was  dIamifMed;'  In  the  case 
of  the  other.'  diaiged  with  having 
given  false  Informatlod,  he  did  stop 
when  called  upon  to  do  so  and.  the 
game  warden  testified,  gave  evasive 
anawem  at  first,  though  later  told  the 
truth.     Tlie  lad  was  fined  |10. 

r.  F.  Napler 
Dealeon,  director  of  the  Oonsaleo 
UMteorologloal  observatory,  reported 
last  night  that  the  first  sdvere  south- 
east gals  of  the  Winter  season  was 
raging,  aad  that  It  extended  from  the 
northern  end  of  Vanoouver  laland  to 
Alaska  Ita  influence  niay  extend 
aouth  to  tha  8tralta..of  Juan  de  Fuca 
and  the  Qulf  of  Georgia,  ^torm 
wanUag*  wore  ordered  last  night  from 
hla  elBoe  for  Victoria,  Vancouver  and 
Nanalmo.  At  five  o'clock  yesterday 
afternoon  the  wind  had  a  velocity  of 
4S  miles  from  the  southeast  at  Tri- 
angle Island.  The  tendency  of  the 
effect  of  this  storm  will  be  to  bring 
mild  and  rainy  weather  to  Victoria, 
with  a  general  rise  in  temperature 
-throughout  the  prqvince. 

XroTiKtal  ABPototmeate— Appoint- 
ments announced  in  the  current  num- 
ber of  the  Provtbcial  Qaaette  areas 
follows:  To  bq^  Notaries  Public:  Mr. 
Swen  McArthur,  of  Vancouver:  Mr. 
Joseph  A.  Bargltt.  Mlsalon  City;  Mr. 
Simon  D.  Macdonald,  Prince  Rupert: 
Mr.  Arthur  D.  Brandon.  South  Van- 
couver: Mr.  Aleaander  A.  Cannon. 
Francois  Lake;  Mr.  Bmest  A.  K>yle, 
Mr.  Bdward  F.  Odium  and  Mr.  Kd- 
ward  8.  Davidson,  of  Vancouver:  Mr. 
■dmund'P.  Kay.  Vlotorte:  Mr.  Charles 
B.  Strutt.  Kamloops,  and  Mr,  Robert 
a.  Day.  Vlotorla.  Mr.  Francis  Webb, 
of  Aahcroft,  la  named  Coroner,  and 
Mr.  A.  H.  Allison,  Of  Prince  Rupert,  is 
appointed  official  member  of  the 
Board  of  Director*  of  the  Prlaoe  Ru- 
pert HospltaL 

Eatmrtataed  at  Government  Boase— 
Member*  of  the  Vancouver  Island 
Conference  of  the  Woman's  Institutes 
of  British  Columbia  found  a  vry  de- 
lightful Interlude  to  the  huslnesa  part 
of  their  three  days'  pregranune  here 
this  week  when  they  went  to  Oovem- 
ment  Bouse  on  Wednesday  afternoon 
at  .the  Invitation  of  La^  Barnard. 
Mr*.  dlaokvood-Wlleman.  chairman 
of  the  Advlaory  Board,  presented  to 
Mr.  W.  B.  Scott,  former  Deputy  Min- 
ister of  Agrleulture  and  a  very  ataunck 
friend  o^  tba  WQmen'alastttatea  dur- 
ing the  Ume  that  Jie  fAted  a*  their 
Superintendent,  a  h^dsome  silver 
rboe-bowl  on  an  ebony  stand  as  a 
mark  ot  their  esteem  and  apprecia- 
tion of  hla  great  assistance  and  un- 
failing courtesy  In  dkyS  gone  by.  Mr. 
Soott  in  accepting  the  gift  thanked  the 
ladles  and  gave  a  «hort  history  of  the 
work  pf  the  Institute*' In  British  Co- 
lumbia. Dr:  Warhock  on  behalf  of 
the  Advisory  Board  thanked  Lady 
Barnard  for  her  rreat  kindness  In  ex- 
tending her  hospitality  to  the  Con- 
ference during  Its  sessions  In  Vic- 

Chapter  Presents  Plctureli — An  in- 
teresting Uttle  ceremony  took  place 
at  2:4B  yesterday  afternoon  at  the 
Willows  Camp  School,  when  the  L  O. 
D.  E.  set  of  Canadian  historical  pic- 
tures, comprising  "The  Sailing  of  the 
Flr*t  Transport."  The  Death  of 
WoIfeT*  and  Joseph  Brock,  the  Mo- 
hawk Chief,  were  presented  by  the 
Willows  Camp  Chapter  to  the  school, 
which  has  been  adopted  by  the  Chap-* 
ter  under  the  new  I.O.D.S.  educa- 
tional scheme.  The  regent,  Mrs.  E. 
A.  Taylor,  addressed  the  assembled 
pupils  and  their  teachers  briefly  and 
Introduced  Miss  Louise  Hayward,  the 
Chapter's  educational  secretary,  who 
made  the  formal  presentation  Very 
gracefully.  Miss  Cooke,  educational 
secretary  of  the  Municipal  Chapter, 
was  also  present  and  spoke  a  few 
words  relative  to  the  Chapter's  pro'- 
posed  Mueatlonal  plan.  The  Willows 
Oamp  Chapter  is  also  working  ener- 
getically in  behalf  of  the  French  re- 
lief work  and  the  care  of  soldiers' 
graves.  In  order  to  augment  their 
funds  the  members  will  sell  holly  dur- 
ing the  month  of  December,  tbls  hav- 
ing been  decided  upon  at  a  meeting 
last  Monday. 

'  '   -.^— p-^...^.— .-^fc^^w- 



ltet«ar«I«ctcal  Offle*.  Vtatoris,  B.C..  at  t 
p.nk.  0«tob«r  S«.  lltt, 

„A  Mv«r«  Mcen  ■term  now  eentr«4  eg  the 
If«rtH«rn  Brittah  CelimbU  Cttmmt  la  llk«lr 
I*  eases  eestsrir  to  aentharlr  salaa.  fx- 
taseiac  to  th«  atraiu  «n4  aoinS.  The 
w«alll«r  la  ealdl  In  th«  Pr»lrl«  rrovisem, 
sad  mow  is  fsHMs  ta  lUslteka. 


11  u. 
Vfctorta,  B.^   ••*«•••«.««•.«.     S# 
Vaaceuvar    .•...»••«.•'.••••*••     SS 

iCamioopa  .•*.•,«•«.•••.««•••    SS 
ysrfca>ville    ...«»»«»<»«»««.»«    14 

rffisea  assart    ...••«»«••••.«     Sv 

*  Dewaon.   T«^   «.*•»*««^.^.     IS 

WlnBipaiK      lAa^      eeeaeaeaeseao         Aw 

PortlaM.   Ore.    ...••«*. 3t 

port    MiStU^  aao«Vjf|«4lEa««  aoosf      M 

PantlMoia   •#  *•«••«  »»•  • « •  •  »« • «    r9 

NalaOA      ••••••••••••  a^  m9^0  •  *••        mm 

•  •  •  •  a  •  •  4"'*  *  •  •  •        '  * 

p  •  •  •  ^%^  «wa  •  •«•'      M 

nlffliaaa     eoaoaesa  «••  •«•  ••■  ■  e ••»•••  a ai«*4i«  40 

I^Waat  egioo^eaooeeoee^*  e^O  «•*•••  to  a«#  M 

AVVfaya       ••«•&•  •■•««*oe*so«  #^a *  99 • •*  a • e  4  S 

■■■Ha      aK     JlfW^9   ^tfB«'i«  aosootlsoe  so***  9S 

rtaat  — rfbuL  4  bra  S4  mls^ 
laaral  atsleef  wsstfeer.  flair. 













la  a  eaHfofftaMa 

Cyrm  H. 



?  .. 



Boy  lUeiki  Fron  CopasJ^  Jkin 

A  STORE  FULL  OF  GOODS  AT  MOWY-SAVllia  FRKSS.    Raaa  Bele«r 

•adiia  CanvuMii. 


Per  lb: 


MBW  anEDLBaa  sAisiNa-  t 

Per  packet  .„ ,. ,.,».■ 



Per  lb. 

Per  lb. 

c*  a. 

Per  lb. ,„t.. 

■wpii  ■Maiirr'*r.*»      4 

Per  dosen  . 

JBLLO-^U  flavors. 
2  paekats  for  

_  ^___^  25c 

viOSTABLB  801IP— Dominion  bifiBd.    |A^ 


M  lb.  i^^^- 

Wa  Cm  Y4M  IIm  Bart  VidM  in  tfM 

Waa  DaKvwry  EvanrvJDar*    UHl^n^fi 


Formerly  Coins  A^Yom 

49  lb.  0tk  < — .T' ^Mft"  ; 



>  ife?Air  FWposes 

So  great  is^hc  popularity  of  the  Electric  CamFktli^t  M, 
has  well  nigh  dome  to  be  counted  amotig  the  "necessari^*  ^ 
in  furnishing  %  home.,    Coulcf  you  but  see  the  many  beauti-  ^ 

jFul  forms  these  Lampi  are  presented  in  you  would  find  it  hard  to   ' 

refrain  from  purchasi^  orie---at  least! 

\..  :         t. 

■  ■■,-»• 

■  ■  >  I    : 

N^ctal  and  Mahogaiyr 
Table  Lamps 

(The  metal  lamps  arc  here  in  siaes  saitsM* 

.'for  table,  piano,  desk  or  boudoir.  Finishes 

^  include     antique     brass,     Empire     gold, 

bronze,  old  ivory  and  verdc  green.  Colors 

of  glass  shades  are  beautiful  and  present 

■' a  firte  scope  for  selection.     Prices    vary 

•  from  fH0»80  to  ..........~...... ^4W»0v 

ifliJiogaay  Table  X'dmpa^  with  silk  shades 
are  p*fced  from  f  11.25  to  :.......988.76 

IL  Beaujifia  Tabid  l««np  with  sOl'fkaild  m| 

handsome  fluted  design ;  generously  larga 
silk  shade.    Price  ..43..  f'iu,,.   . — ...|*0»W 

Electric  Light  Shaded  of  fluted'TinenV...185f 

Candle  Shades  of  fluted  linen, '  with  siHc 

gimp    top     and    bottom;   many'  coloja. 

Prices  23^  to.-.:. — —i- ••S# 

Floor  Lamps     ^-^^ 

Our  presentation  of  these  popular  floot 
lamps  embraces  a  choice  variety  of  styles. 
Standain  makogaay  and  other  ^liahes. 
Shadaa  ia  handsooMjlesigns  cleverly  con- 
trived to  produce  dainty  lighting  effects. 
Prices  935.10  to  : f45.00 

Table  Lampa  with  silk  shades,  f  13.50 
and  S14  40 

VOaa^a       ■»»•»•■*— »eeaaea>eeeee«eeM»«»eeeewe«oeoooo—oO»ea^y«^^Ma^m^y 


Govanunmt  Stvaat 

Oppoaite  Poat  Office 

Spend  the  Week-End 
in  tibe  Coiintry 

We  give  special  rates  to 
those  wishing  to  spend  the 
week-end  in  the  country. 
Make  your  reservations  early. 

blaiid  Aato  Livery 

711  JohiMOo  St        Phone  «638 



-— Stop4vh#n  you* see  the  sign  of. "Clay V* 
ior  there  y0u  can  purchase  the  daintiest 
cakea  M  town.  It  is  THE  place  for  after- 
ndon  tea. 


9X9  9^  9L 

The  FauMwa  Dumaa  l^rvtt 

UaAB^hr  '•  A.  Talslss.  who  has  assn 
the  chief    csady     «»*«•    for    Lsn- 
bMTts.  LAd..  of  baklana.  OsUf. 
■  Olvs  Us  a  Call 

ran  SALE 

Battery.  Charging  Set 

11*  to  tM 

vslOL  with  4e«M« 
ebsrslss  MblM.  I 
Ko«d  workias  t^ir.  ei 
•la*  bsttorlw  ns  ts  S 
HM.    Css  ks 




I   1 


gAliOAIlT.  Oct.  a«.— W.  R.  Lowin. 
a<  tho  Al«aaii4ia 

JM  tho  Alaaamlia  BMhMiW  asrs.  Ma 
iaM«  tan  ^  ai<»s»  ta  aai  991m- 


II  '.ii  I  ]  I       =a=ssa 

Good  Taiiety  of  Teas 


I  Taa 





We  Have  Atoo  a  Nice  Variety  of  Coffee 




iHlook   tin  MOli  $t.i4^MS!7'M!!£( 

THE  DkttiY^GtflvOmSt.  VteTORIA,  B.C.  FRIDAY,  OC^TOBER  31.  1919 

f «  a 

"Gyppy"  Sfiilth  tftrills  Audl- 
anoe,  at  Rotary.  Luncheon-^ 
Among  Speakers  Who  Ap- 
pealed for  Victory  Loan 


The  mcist  d/tsirable  and -satisfactory 
fuel  fpr  all  4Qmfi§tic^P  u  r  p  n  r  i- « 

Our  Senriet  I|;Proiniit 

-iff   ' 



Come  to  the  Boys'  3tor(  ^Jt^'^  this,  importaf^^  pur- 
chase and  you  may  choose  frflwiVtarie^  of  smart  cloths 
and  8t}^es  that  are  deemed  the  sf|iartest  of  the  season's 
offerings.    Fonh-fittang  and  w«M£^eaj&  mod^a..    4  iV  . 

*  Bojs*  ClolkM 


I      RAII»[^K}  Ulii.  TRDKS. 

*  ■         t 

•:  8I1IIA.  Oct.  30 — owlnc  to  tbe 
haimir  9t  .tk»  WMlrl.MaiiMid&  tfur- 
ta«  and  alnee  the  Afyhaniirtan  troubl* 

iha*  bveetd*     nee«MMtry     to'  kdbpt 
M«iirM  to.  prevent  oontlnual  attacae  J 
m  Brttlab  posts    and     eooToya    ;an<f  i  ~^ 
<^id«  latp  Brttlah  territory,  '^'^  -  • ' 


,  l-t.'  f      T  M 


ReprvMntaUvee  of  theee  tribes  arc. 

then  be  subjected  to  aoMria^l  of  la- 
tease  aerial  hat^e,  whl^hl  ^li^in  be 
t^lewwl  ih^  etherj.!punltlt«^measQres 
acfttoirt  aeetloiw  KoCf  the'  trlbM  ''ImpU- 
cated  In  tlie  recent' ootraAW.'  * 

,flz   infantry   brjndes,   as   weQ   as 

cavairy  and  artIin»tyr'<s»mibiJitftd  by 

MaJer^Oeneral  •  Oltmo,-  ase  *  bali^ 

ployed.  '    .     .    .   « 

■■ ,.         ,  •«  '■'  ■'  1 

Play  the  nm*.  CJaaadlaws!  Tou 
ha«e  a  craat  reeord.  Tour  beye  have 
Ut  the  toroh  on  hich  peaka:  keep  U 
bumtnc.  Tour .  boya  .  have  ^arrloA 
their  staadard  to  eehau vmate  heichts. 
Keep  the  0a«  flytiia<  ffhpw  future 
generatioaa  that  the  aaortaee  your, 
boys  made  for  the  freedom  of  the 
world  was  not  ia  vain;  that  yoa  w^ro 
prepared  to  back,  up  the  laea  who 
fought  and  won  the  war.  Show  it  by 
buylha  bonds  la  their  honor  and  to 
their  aaetnory." 

This  wa«  the  flaal  plea  uttered  be- 
fore SM  members  and  guests  oit  the 
flotary  Club  yesterday  by  "Qypsy" 
Saiith,  the  evanseliat,  whose  messago 
In  behalf  of  the  Victory  Loan  brought 
tears  and  In  the  next  moment  laughter 
to  his  hearera.  His  appeal  was  one 
that  sought  the  heart,  and  ■  it  went 
home.  Mr.  Smith  epoke  briefly,  but 
^very  word  he  spoke  found  its  mark, 
and  when  he  liad  finished  a  wave  of 
applause  that  was  spontaneous  ^ad 
sincere  swept  the  hall. 

Mr.  Smith  Was  one  of  Bsveral  speak- 
ers at  the  kotary  luncheon,  which 
yras  held  in  the  EmproM  Hotel  ball- 
room. It  was  a  Victory  Lban 
iunehtson.  and  all  the  speeches  inte 
devoted  to  the  big  effort  now  engag- 
ing Canada  of  raising  fhtanees  to  meet 
the  Costs  of  reconstruction.  The  oth- 
ers who'  spoke  were  Hon.  8.  F.  Tol- 
mie,  Minleter  of  Agrteulturer  Mayor 
Bohert  J.  Porter,  Mr.  Frank  Oiolma, 
M.P.P.;  Mr.  George  McGregor,  chair- 
man of  the  sales  committee  of  the  lo- 
cal Victory  Loan  organisation. 


I  »»  U  the  faaoca  Hi  4  mUoTMi  go^ 
U  CO  ftend  at  m 

<  fTh^  lllr«ilah  hdy^  dire  off  the  noblest 
thp  Alndghty  ever  made."  he..oon5 
tlmied.  We  cannot  pay  the  debt  we 
owe  those  bosns.  whose  bodies  are  lylnf 
beneath  tho  aall  of  FVance  andvBel- 
gtom.  Gallipoli.  Palestine  and  the  oth- 
er :  f roaia.  4verythi4g  you  eat  la 
blood-marked.  Bvery  l>lt  of  furniture 
fo»    have    Is    blood-marked.     Bvery 

Jlebe  of  olotl^you  wear,  every  dollar 
ou   earn   or  spend   Is  blood-marked, 
t  f^n  the. debt?     Never.  ' 

I  *'t  l^kye  refused,  and  I  know  you 
will  refuse  too,  to  make  hioney'out  of 
the  blood  and  bonee  of  British  sol- 
vers, rou  are  told  that  buying  Vic- 
tory Bonds  is  a  good  Investment  Feel 
the  honor  to  be  allowed  to  be  la  It. 
Think  of  «he  one  mu'lioa  dead,  the 
two  miinon  casualties,  the  lame  boys 
and  the  hUnd  and  maimed,  the  wives 
and  sisters  of  the  boys  who  won't  re- 
turn. Think  of  the  dhildrea  crying 
for  daddies  arho  will  never  return. 
Thlak  of  IBngland.  whose  every  home 
'^aa  ■deprived. of  a  boy,  where  mourn* 
Ing  was  on  every  door  and  heartbreak 

"I  am  a  laynum  and  I  «an  speak  to 
)rou  as  a  layman,  thank  God.  (  want 
to  tell  you  thai  tfeere  is  need  for  cood 
laymen  as  well  as  good  parsona.  In 
Fraaee  I  found  the  boys  wanted  their 
mother's  God.  their  cradle  faith.  Skep- 
ticism was  knocked  but  of  them,  and 
I  can  say  that  they  regarded  with  ut- 
ter dlafuot  all  organtMd  professlon- 
aliam.  cant  and  humbug  regarding  re- 
ligion. But  every  time  they  welcomed 
^le  real  thing,  a-e-l-f  spelU  Germany. 
aad  if  there  is  anyone  in  Canada  who 
is  working  for  self  he  ought  to  be 
•ent  to  Germany." 


Requests  for  increased  Salaries 
and  Wages  Wiil  Shortly  Be 
Placed  Before  City  Council 
for  Endorsement 

i*>«i)  • 


•VkmtOatB  off 


being  summoneduo  hear  the  BritJtt'T^ow  arratts. to  a iavmhe^  of  statea^fw 

ie^l!iu.S^^fi!l«nK '1  •S^^'i  "^'iMWf^..  *>?  *>»,  ««»d  and  fuel  law 
^mpUaaee  t«»SfP^3^r«Kbo  gWen  Ume  «»f  KW'^^Jfted  sobn  by  the  Doaart. 
^move  wom«k«N|,«lUKtee«  and  wUTI  iitent  ip^iee.'  •  ^^     -JJf^r 

IJ.  N.  Hnwmf,  LtLf  SaO  SboiMra  Hhdmmar 



Siifart  Over- 

coab,  Warm 


Big  stocks,  of  every- 
thing in  men's  apparel 
that  you  wilt  Heed  for, 
Fall  and  Winter  wear^ 
Jbc  goods  are  from  the 
best  makers.  Values 
kre  excellent,  esbectally 
for  thos'e  who  buy 

f c  Have  Emy  find  Style  ■  Fa  mi  filer 
OvcKirii^  RciMMft^  jMcti  I22J9 1»  |5S 

in  dressy  clo<hs. 


-■••■• •«••«« • a 

Greyt,  hlacks,   bix>«ma. 

NEW  WAOT^AM  suits 

STYLISH  surrs  m  stanoaro  models 

'"^.•T*  ""''  <•,'''«"»♦  •«yl»«  »o  «ait  men  of  every  -*-- ' 

Price,  fiaee,  aaaea  fsaee,  «  to  55BB 





fH*  spirit  of  .the  Vfetory  Loah^pe'r- 
vadad  tho  toaeban.  Tha  majority  of 
the  men  most  active  in  the  eampsagn 
were  preeent.  and  the  singing  of -Vic 
kory  Loan  choruses  adapted  to  popu- 
Ihu*  airs  added  variety  to  the  pro- 
gramme, which  was  enlivened  also  by 
the  9a>pre«  Hotel  oreheatra  under 
the  direction  of  Jffr.'  Lou  Turner. 
President  Jl  FrSeott  presided. 
Dr.  Tolmle.  who  was  greeted  '  by 
obeers  and  "He's  a  Jolly  Good  Fel- 
low." declared  that  if  Canada  failed 
to  "put  over"  the  loan,  the  nation 
would  be  handloapped  tor  yeafs  to 
cpme.  He ,  said  U>at  if  the  public 
'wprks  of  Caiiada  were  to  be  carried 
out  without  delay  o^  dlfnoulty  there 
must  be  a  suflleienoy  of  funds,  and 
ho'  pointed  out  that  it  was  Victoria's 
dttiy  to  help  heraeK  by  subeierlblng 
heavily  to  the  loan.  He  stated  that 
wJiUa  Victoria  was  famous  as  a .  reoi- 
dentlal  centre,  har  claims  to  indoa- 
trial  graatneae  could  not  be  Ignored. 
'"Mayor  Airter 'Speaka 
Mayor  Poiter  illustrated  th#  need 
for  investment  in  home  seourttlog 
such  as  the  Victory ,  Loan  by  atatiag 
that  last  year  the  city  corporation  patil 
out  |V0,O9O  monthly  ift  Interest  for 
loans  advanced  by  Now  York.  Londoa 
and'  fteyntp  flnaaoial  houges.  Iff  It 
had  been  ,  possible  to  ikiat  the  loang 
16cally  the  maaey  would  have  been 
spent  here  over  and  over  acain  an4 
the  community  would  have  been  all 
the  wealthier. 

-  Mr.  Frank  Glolma.  M.P.P.;  dtalared 
that  the  over-suheerlptloa  or  under' 
subscription  of  the  loan  stood  for  Oio 
dJUarence  tiet«i»en  good  and  hard 
times.  The  drive  preaented  an  op- 
portunity for  everyone  to  show  that 
he  took  %n  interest  in  his  oouatry  and 
had  a  stake  in  the  country. 

"The  soldiers  dMn't  beaitaU;  why 
should  we?"  asked  .Mr.  George  Mc- 
Gregor. "The  reaaoB  I  tooh  the  Job 
of  supervising  t)ie  sales  campaign  waa 
that  I  felt  It  was  my  duty.  and.  In 
addition,  I  felt  as  I  do  now  that  the 
money  la  here.  We'qan't  afford  to  fall 
down  on  the  Job  now,  and  it  is  every- 
body's Job.  We  cannot  break  faith 
with  thoee  who  fen.  And  don't  let 
anyone  get  away  with  the  argument 
that  they  don't  like  the  Govbmn^ent 
and  therefore  don't-  intend  to  sub- 
scribe to  the  loan.  Remember  that 
it  is  your  gofemmoBt  and  nUne.  Wo 
ai%  the  govemment."  '   Ar.  V  v'J . 

BajglaBd  Ii.aate    " 

"Oypey;  Smtth.  first  of  all,  felt  Im- 
pelled to  tell  his  audience  that  the 
little  country  where  he  cane  from — 
Bngbind— was  safe  and  solid.  "Don't 
be  alarmed  about  little  Bnglaad."  he 
said.  "Bngland  may  be  In  debt,  but 
the  people  of  Bngland  are  the  bond- 
holders. The  people  of  Bovland  have 
Invested  In  the  country's  boada  be- 
cause they  believe  la  their  country." 

Mr.  Smith  told  of  a  war-Ume  visit 
to  Chicago,  where  he  was  asked  wl^t 
England  was  doing  In  the  war.  The 
In^iulrers  had  heard  about  w<iat  the 
Dominions  had  done,  but  th^  etOl 
wondered  how  the  Mothertead  9ent 
her  time.         * 

"First  of  all,  I  told  ihcm  that  Bag- 
land  got  Ui  the  war  in  August.  1914. 
and  that  she  was  in  it  ever  rtnoe,"  de- 
clared Mr.  Ip^lth.,  'Then  I  v>ld  them 
this:  The  Br|tlsb  fleet  hair  boon  keap. 
Ing  the  Hun  from  yoi  gataa  What- 
ever was  aocompUshvid  on  land,  the 
war  was  won  on  the  sea.  If  the  price 
of  blood  can  buy  the  mastery  of  the 
seas,  then  the  price  had  been  paid 
by  the  blood  of  those  eountleos  young 
Britishers  whcise  bodies  rest  la  the 
ocean's  grave." 

Mr.  amfth  said  that  he  had  gone 
to  Franoo  #tth  "the  cream  of  the  Bm- 
plre"— or,  rather,  ho  had  fdlowod 
theat.  becaase  ho  suttetod  from  an 
Incurable  eompUlat  and  oeald  aat  be 
aooepcod   for   tho   fifhtliw.     He   waa 


"I  imea  booa  a  h 
off  the  Croaa"  ho  saM.    "I  ha«a 
a  fhltarlag  ona,  pre 
llarttatloaa  aad  full  off  bl 
Oad  knows  Fvo  mads  aa  ha««M  at- 
ie«9C  to  iellav  mr  MiHsr.    I  hutm 
boon  proadiyaa  ferty-twa  jraaem.  I  «ao 

boy  aad  I  tevoa't  Pimm  to  aetmoi  yot. 
My  ebatak  M  Ood.  aad  tftpt  was  the 
ehareli    eC   tlM    bora  wfea   waat   to 

tbeta.     M 

RENO — The  death  occurred  Wed- 
needay,  at  the  Royal  Jubilee  Hospital, 
*>•  teaao  Reno,  aged  68  years,  born  In 
Chalori.  Belgium,  and  a  resident  of 
this  city  for  the  past  sixteen  years, 
late  reeidence  «17  Penwall  Street. 
Deceased  leaves  to  mourn  his  loss 
brothers  and  sisters  in  Belgium.  He 
was  a  member  of  Aerie  No.  12,  Ft»- 
tornal  Order  of  Baglee,  and  the  Long- 
shoremen's Union.  The  funeral  will 
Uke  place,  under  the  auspices  of  the 
above  Orders.  <m  Saturday  afternoon, 
November  <4,  at^:IO  o'clock,  from  the 
Bands  Funeral  Chapel.  Rev.  Father 
Laterme  will  ofhcUte.  Interment  will 
be  made  at  Roos  Bay  Cemetery. 

OURRJB— The  death  occurred  on 
Wednesday,  at  the  Royal  Jubilee  Hos- 
pital, of  John  Currle,  aied  52  yeare, 
jMMk  In  Matlen,  Nova  Scotia,  and  a 
resident  Of^  this  city  for  the  past 
thbrty  years.  The  funeral  will  take 
plaoe  Saturday  afternoon,  *November 
1,  at  2  o'clock,  from  the  Sands 
Funeral  Chapel.  Rev.  Joseph  McCoy 
will  officiate.  Interment  will  be  made 
at  iUiH  Bay  Cemetery. 

;»>!•--•  •  '  -  •  — — — 
'  OAIBNfr-The  funeral  of  Bltaabeth 
Taylor  Calms  took  place  yesterday  at , 
*!!•  p.m.  Services  were  conducted 
hy  the  Rev.  Wm.  Stevenson  at  the 
Ttiomaon  Funeral  Home.  There  was 
'^  lanre  attendance  of  sympathlxlifg 
friends  and  many  beautiful  floral 
:trlb«t«i|.  Tl^  hymns  sung  were  "Safe 
Jn  ,the  Arms  of  Je«v«9"  and  "Nearer, 
My  Ood,. to  thee."  Messrs.  R.  Kerr, 
W.,Chlrnslde,  J.  Richardson  and  R. 
Otbfon  acted  ae  pallbparerB..,    , 

WILSON— The  remalm  of  Mrs. 
Elisabeth  Glen  WiUoii;  wife  of  Mr. 
Alea.  WUson,  off  :i»lB  McNaIr  Street, 
wore  laid  to  rest  in  Ross  Bay  Cerfie- 
tery  yestorday  afternoon.  Funeral 
service  was  conducted  in  the  B.  C. 
Funeral  Chapel  at  2  o'clock,  the  Rev. 
A.  doB.  Owen  offlcUtlng.  There  were 
many  friends  preeent,  and  the  casket 
was  covered  with  floral  tributes.  The 
hymn  sung  waa  "Abide  With  Me." 
The  following  gantlemen  acted  as 
bearers:  F.  A.  Graham.  J.  Flynn.  B. 
OoH  and  W.  White.         ^,  ,, 

"'  '■  *  . 

FERGUSON— The  death  occurred 
yeeterday  morning-  at .  her  r^oidence. 
721  Powderley  Avenue.,  of  Mrs..  Ruth 
Ferguson*  Tho  deoeaaed  htdy  was  3» 
years  off  age  and-^had  resided  in  Vic- 
toria for  some  tln»e.  She  Is  survived 
by  one  email  eon  In  this  city,  also  \%mt 
mother  and  father,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Lee. 
of  Roasland:  also  two  sisters,  Mrs.  C. 
Wensley.  of  Victoria,  and  Mrs.  Doug- 
las, of  Trail.  One  brother,  Mr.  J. 
Lee,  of  Vancouver,  also  survives.  The 
remains  are  reposing  at  the  B.  C. 
Funeral  Chapel,  pending  funeral  ar- 
rangementa,  ,    "■      .  .      j  u  i\,^  .i;/.. 

Barly  in  November  thp  Ctvlq  Em- 
ployees' ProUetlve  AseociaUon  wUI 
present  to  the  City  Council  a  draft 
of  the  new  wage  and  salary  scale 
which  it  win  ask  to  hav«  nut  into 
effect  hext  year.  . 

The  scale  haa  now  been  practically 
completed  and  the  association  at  its 
next  meeting  will  probably  take  action 
with  a  view  to  having  the-  matter 
brought  to  the  attohtion  of  tho  Meyar 
and  aldermen  for  their  eodorsation. 
While  it  is  recognised  that  thia  year's 
Council  win  be  powerless  to  author- 
ise the  enforcement  of  tha  eeale 
next  year,  it  Is  held  that- if  it  placed 
ita  stamp  of  approval  on  the  propoeal 
It  would  be  favorably  considered  by 
the  incoming  board.  « 

.WhUe  details  of  :the  notr  wagee  , 
and  sahu-lea  to  be\jasked  have  not 
been  given  out.  it  is  understood  that 
the  Increases  stipulated  range  from 
approximately  IS  to  Xd  per  cent. 
Practically  every  ofllolai  and  every 
grade  of  outside  labor  Is  ineludod  la 
|he  list. 

MoM  of  the  departmerat  heads '  at 
the  City  Hall  ha^  furnished  City 
Comptroller  Janies  .L.  Haymur  «wlth 
estimates  of  expenditure  for  .1920. 
and  it  was  learned  yesterday  that  in 
several  cases  allowance  has  been 
made  by  them  for  increases  In  sal- 
aries to  the  offlclals  serving  under 

ynplS  t  lume  that  httf  a  century  o<  uosviu-ving  loyalty  to 
X  A  tugh  ideal  has  plac^  in  the  forefront  of  the  Oinadian 
music  industry,  for  your  onto  satisfaction  &hd  prote^ion  you 
should  see  that  this  name  is  on  any  instrument  yoU  purchase — 
whether  it  be  gv 

— A  Grand  Kano 



•John  C.  Smith,  While  Members 
of  Family  Absent,  Ends  Life 
In  Determined  Fashion— Nq 
Reason  Apparent  for  Act 


_v-^*    »'('♦'■»▼** 

SMITH- The  death  took  place  last 
evening  bf  Mr.  John  C.  Smith,  at  his 
home.  3409  Douglas  Street.  Deceaeed 
was  56  years  of  age,  born  In  Carlisle. 
Bngland,  and  had  been  a  resident  ot 
this  city  Tor  the  past  nine  years.  He 
leaveg  to  mourn  his  leas,  besides  a 
widow,  two  sons  and  one  daughter  of 
this  city.  Deceased  was  a  member  of 
the  Pride  of  the  Island.  8.O.B.  The 
remalas  are  reposing  at  the  Sands 
Funeral  Chapel.  Funeral  announce- 
ments' later. 

— —  ....  ^t  .  f. 

WHEELER  —  Mr:  William  B. 
Wheeler  passed  away  last  evening  at 
St  Jooeph's  Hospital.  Deoeased  was 
born  In  Indiana  IS  years  ago,  and 
had  resided  in  'this  city  for  about 
thirty  years,  and  for  the  past  three 
^•af*  was  employed  at  the  Mctrop- 
oHe  Hotel.  He  Is  survived  by  rela- 
tives in  Indiana,  snd  wss  a  member  of 
tho  Bike  Ledke  In  Port  Angeles;  a 
member  of  the  K.  of  P.  Lodge  in  Dar. 
ling.'  tadlina,  also  a  member  off  Aerlo 
No.  It,  Fraternal  Order  of  Eagle*,  of 
this  dty.  The, remains  are  rrpoelng 
at  the  flaade  Faaeral  Chapel.  Funeral 
pending  cable  fcom  hie  relatives. 

While  members  of  the  family  were 
abaent  from  the  house  yesterday  af- 
ternoon, Mr.  John  C.  Smith,  aged  %%, 
took  his  own  life  at  his  home,  2409 
Douglas  Street,  by  hanging  himaelf  In 
the  basement.  When  tnembers  of'  tho 
famUy  returned  home  late  In  the  af- 
ternoon and  found  him  absent,  they 
supposed  he  was  being  detained  at 
the  new  Drill  Hall,  where  he  had  been 
doing  some  carpentry  work.  Hie 
failure  to  return  alarmed  the  family, 
and  a  search  was  made,  with  the  re- 
sult thar  his  son-in-law.  Mr.  Alfred 
Wesley,  found  the  unfortunate  man 
dead  in  the  baeement.  The  place  waa 
badly  lighted,  and  Wesley.  Imagining 
Mr.  Smith  had  suffered  a  sudden  Ul- 
neas.  ran  upstairs  and  telephoned  for 
Dr.  Holden.  When  the  latter  arrived 
he  pronounced  life  extinct.  , 

There  was     no   reason,  so     far  ae 

members  of  the  family  knew,  whyldr. 

Smith  should  have  committed  the  aqt. 

He   had   attempted    to   hang   himaelf, 

and  had  apparently  set  about  the  act 

with  deliberation.     Runnihg  a  clothes 

line  through  a  small  pulley  which  he 

hung  on  a  nail  In  the  fuelling  of  the 

ba^ment,   he   had   attached   one   end 

to  tiio  handle  of    -a     tin     box.  into 

j  which      he     placed     stove  wood  and 

Mother  artlclbs  to  give  It  weight.     Tha 

'other  end  of  the  rope  he  had  formed 

Into  a  slip-knot  which  he  put  arouad 

;  his  neck.    He  then,  appareatiy.  throw 

himself  forward,  the  knot  tlght«tnlnf 

about  his  throat.     The   weighted   tin 

was  far  from   heavy  enough  to  hang 

Mm,  and  when  found  the  body  anui 

lying  almtgii^  on  the  floor. 

The  late  Mr.  Smith  leaves  a  widow 
and  famny^  |Ii«  home  was  a  com- 
forUble  oao,  and  there  waa  no  rea- 
aon,  financial  or  otherwise,  it  was 
stilted  to  the  police,  why  he  shonld 
have  taken  his  own  life. 

The  case  was  reported  to  the  Cor^ 
oner,  who  will  iavestlgate  it  today 
ahd  decide  whether  or  ndt  an  inqueet 
is  necessary.  .  -  , 

New  Protocol  for  CtomMUny 

PARIS.  Oet.  10. — ^Before  the  peace 
treaty  becomes  effective  tho  German 
reprggentatlvae  wlli  be  roaulrM^,  it  la 
expedted  hare,  to  sign  an  additional 
protoeol,  binding  Garmany  to  oarry 
out  armlatlce  clauses  which  were  not 
Incorporated  In  the  treatf[  df  Ver- 
salllee.  The  sflprema  oeiincll  today 
considered  tho  text  of  -the  propoeed 

—A  Player  Piano  -   - 
^T^n  Upright  Pi^no 
V*  •— A  Modern  Phohoii 

Hsf  ji» 

■^-B8S*"»*r'  .7i.r 

a  <: 


More  fhleijl  fifty' years  a^o  Mr.  Gerhard  Hetdtzman  pro- 
duced the4inti  ^iino  bearing  his  liai^te.  Today  the  product  of 
this  master- piano-builder's  genius  is  to  be  found  in  every  section 
of  the;  Dominion,  and  nowhere  are  tjie  Gerhard  Heintzman 
irisfruiitonto  more  appreciated  than  they:  are  «q  Vftneouver 
Island  ' •'.-!;  .^s  .•:i  ^itiiii*;!  •?;:,;.<..}  sfW-m  J..".- .f;.  -.{-rM  ,;•.■; 

We  have  had  the  pleasure  of  selling  these  instri^inents  fen*; 
many  years  and  know  the  unusual  merits  6f  their  tohstructibn,'' 
musical  capAbUfties  and  lasting  aus^lities.    You  arq  Jnvited  to 
inspect  them  at  thij  stoi«,  ,:  ^        :*  J  '%  *s*    .     I N    * 







> '  ■ 



In  beautifully  designed 
bowls,  -plates,  vases,  jar- 
dtnteres»  Dog-of-l?oe  and 
fi^fures.  This  antique 
work  of  art  is  wpttli  wiiile 
seeing.         -  :  ;;v    /. 

In  figures,  carvings,  charms, 
paper  knives,  photo  ffatnes, 
jewelry  cases  and*  ornaments. 

^      SiigarQiitger    '  "^  * 

^Ift^aavkts'  Jiesiiaattere 


tltVIs^Sl.    (IMnSlo«a) 
»<l  qaot  il.     (Ihiaili  ataro) 



Phone  4096 



you   waiit  a 
^  reierved  for      », 
Lunch,  Tea  or'  Supper 



am.  Mail     cp. 


Movijd,  Orated,  Stored  and 

Shipped.    :        . 
Let  us  dp  your  work  ani 
save  yoM.  worry. 

16  -     oUv-  Jnoi^^i^  J 

Specially  selected,  hard, 
/Stralghtggraincd  Cord- 
wood~Jpu  dm  get  it 

T»is.2fe:tofe      P/irilTER*$0«r 


CoTMr  Doaglas   aad   View  8t^ 
Pkons  40ft 


Car.  Do 

QUAlii.  wROCKRS     ' 

£1,  iind  Jot^Mon  Sta. 

^  iWllOUirCEIIEim       : 

studios  to  Rant.     B.   C.   Academy. 
Svenlngs.     Phoaa  a<47. 

Adra  b  &Hiiach 

MlilUry  600  at  the  K.  of  C. 
Port  Street.  -  tonight.  Prlaea. 
freshiaenta.    Admishlaa  Ma. 



Hwlth   Bfifeii, 

per   pkt 

KenonTi  CttrnfUdrei,  2 

pkts.  for ^^ 

Cranberries^  per  lb.  2i^ 
Suharai    Ridiihs,  2  lbs. 

for. . .  ^j;j( . .  Li,JBMN^ 


CamoBun  Cl^apter,  I.O.D.B..  evening 
card  party  at  Aloaaadta  Clah  Taeo- 
day,  November  ,4.  Phono  Mra  Lav*. 
4S*1,  to  reeerve  tableo. 

Vocal  leeoons  given  by  Mr.  J.  H. 
Hintin,  of  Vancouver.  Apply  Mr. 
Thomas  KetWav,  New  Bngland  Hotel, 
Mondaya  and  TWedaya 

0*m  la 

tff  a 

Crtate  Om.  loaragM  tad  Ptla 
Mow  f  TiaM. 

Medleai  aothenUss  stale  that 
••la«;»J»«hs  ofthe    aaoee    of    «t< 
iwo,   MdlgMfwa^    ssuriMas.   huraUig. 
etc  ere  Amp  to  an 
acM     la   tHe 
^    Mam^^^ir'  -I heJi»^^.   te  • 

44ltR  or  149lt 

1t>r  your  Winter  supply  of  Mill 
Wood,  KiniUng  Blocks  and 
Bark.     Prompt  Delivery. 

Lmihmmti  Yoar  Wdm^t 

Try  Om  Dry^Ctsre  Prbcase 


lOlS  Msaahand  Sc 


more  eord^ 

t2  and  Id  faei 
blocks.     Ord#r  three  or 
and  get  reduction. 



B.C.  mmi  CO 



f  TH  W 

Jiil.Ait«v«a  »  Nt 

•Qolf  Suit*,  mad« 

Meek,  «5M«  a  Sdt 




Ab4  X  «M 

•(  til* 

I  I  y 


dM  t*  W  vttii  taltti 

hV  Mm  WbUm  IB  ^U* 
,  .     tlMt  I  hM  talifwd  cvvnr 
pto  o<  tlM  tlm*/iHth     D*4dy 
MoUi«r  ItajTM. 

B*  BMt  SM  «t  ill*  sutlon  wKh  tb* 
Mr.  Otttr  R  «••  wut  o«r  oar.  I  vk- 
Mwvtf.  tait  *  flaar  p«*  •■*  tlMn  wm 
«  •fcaMttwif  #rtir»t»  tt. 

"Oik  (M  .  HMw    Mjrtklac      wtmmt 
vrttk  o«r  .«M  "  X  la«M9«4. 
,    "No.  I  'doa't  thliut  M."  aoUtod  X^HU 

^tth  tU^timr*  h»  ulkm€  tiM  oteafpv 

fi«r.  ft  f«MNr  M«r«  to  •  Ma*rt  ui^ 

»*4  teMir  p*tu<  ay 

-Gb,     Csitim€m,     rnmnrUOm    !■ 
•^IfM^M."  I  artod.     "A  dMaSMr.  * 

i»  kttttar.  A  bIW  ear."  I  to«k  initi' 
Porr  .flMd  and  ftnuAad  with  thlai  1^ 
tkMAi*  "Aad--*  B«w  )iMM  torn- 
Ib«1"  Tm  BMW  X  ;i»aa  taklnc  DbAAjt 
HB»W    BdvlOB    BbOBi    ]>MMIUk 


It  |8  sa^iii^njoted  that  the  esc^pjp  of 
noxious  and  linpieasant  fumes  is  an  absolute 
impoSSlWlity.    ^  ^ 

It   Radiates   Nothing    But 
HealBifuU  Agieeeble  Warmth 

.  nt  you  have  a  hettilig'  pHt>ttl#n  to  s^lvL  it 
is  well  vortb  yourvwiiile  to  ^y^K^tif^iifi  th^ 
new,  conveniipntafend  hygienic, method  of 


Radiators  &uitabU  #or  ev^y  reguiretnent 

J«te  BrtBBBd.  •hBwtey  ^  wUf  «■•. 
iw   •!  '«nr  ahtatav  wMt*  tMtk. 

"MBfB  Hk  kaa«*  aC  aali."  ke  f- 
ptf*.     I  MokBd^lB«BirlB«lir  Bt  Crft- 

Ub««b,   fWH^lvilBkksd  a*  JMhi.  «k«i< 

I    lOBfeBd    Bi.  «ki>  VMMfTBm    «B    tha 

dBBT.  wAad:    tkaa     I     kM«r> 
•*C  B.'Mb  fa«d  laMwi  toM  aia  • 
kaf*«ari-«  saw  on*, 
:    *ffnHr.  CMtjtaiMlaflij'      X    asolatSMd 

'TNk'*  k»J>i»i|»dt  "Da  y«H  Uka 
itT'Ht  •  .:. .  ;^,;.v^,. 
l<-Wikn#»at.>aBd  i^kad  dt  tka  aar- 
niiJi^ia.  larar  jkMraat.  i  walked 
WWWyd.  ^  »d*kl||R«.  tka  uphalatanr. 
M»a  .iafrt««me-aUBptjk  acoaaaeriaa  and 
'*""  '^>»<»*l:»»»^^  tonrard  tka 
—^  ImMbc  maaitwhUa  at  Crlt* 

Bay^  advtoa  abo«t  Faffiaua. 

A»d  Omni  wdta  auddanlr  I  tevad 

«W3Wi<  jplaykMi.  tka  danytcBBa  aana 

af  wiwilBtlfi^  '  ParkB»i^  X  tko«skt 

wiMla  prtttaadaa  waa  Im 

~  '*~'UBa  af  mlad.  kavtas 

_  tklasB  for  BUT  Btaaa- 

BIB  Bad  ^»ffki^  ka  would  aoeapt 
wttkaat  a  vatd  af  abjaetioo  tka  aawa 
ad  kla  tatkar'a  am  to  OM.  X  Blnaat 
tald  ktai  r«|lit  tkap*  Iv  tka  aar  drtv- 
lo«   kaaM. 

On  tha  otkar  kaad.  I  pnidantlr  1r^• 
llaetad.  it  aaltht  ha  titot.  havtec 
doaa  ao  moah  for  ma.  ka  would  faal 
tkat  I  had  baeama  sraady.  tadaad. 
to  want  aomatkinv  mora.  (And  ta 
tell  rou  tha  tnatk  akant  it.  x  fait  a  Itt- 
tla  UBoartala  and  alao  a  Uttla  vraady. 
-^  tooIX 

Aaotkar  auiprkM  traatad  bm  wkaa 
wa  «ot  kaaM.  «Uan  urn*  kvair  In  tka 
kHekaa.  Tka  aMNnant  X  aav  wkkt 
«ba  waa  dala»  X  auapaatad  tkat  CrlU 
tandan  bad  baan  uj^  to  aaaaatkliv, 
Xia  waa  alaadiac  Jaat  bkhted  bm; 
vary  allant.  mian  ^aaa  prapartac  a 
vary  flna  dlnqar.  -flba  apoKa  to  ma, 
a^  than  turaad  acaia  t*  bar  wwh. 
'X   l«|ka4.4«l«MloBl9irly  at  CrlUto- 




Miss  Nettle  Austlfh  of  Seattle, 
Is  Coming  to  Assist  on  Pro- 
gramme of 'T  Unit  Chapter 
CiBibaret  Next  Week 

on  display  at  our  Langley  Street  Sfaowrodi^s. 


itanr  tbat  tbafa  la  i|«ta«  to  b*  »  tan 
iinla  a»  aRjortwal^  ta  daaa  «•  ait  _^ 


— -  ^ |£aaadaaC« 

r.,  b*  »  taiJM  damaad  for 

With  (bla  manhlaa  yea 

at  aa  aapandltiira  mt^mm  tbaa  iO 
Ovar  eaa  baadtad  aad  «t 

r  oaTbaadNtf  Mid  aTtr  af  tbaii#  maeAaa  aiir  la 
rtt  laiand.  aad  au  ct^btf  afrfyjt  aajiifaatHB.    W4 


^■Mniwa  u 

aEo.  T.  MicvEU  i^fisss; 

Furnished  flat  of  5  rooms,  or  modem 
bungalow.   Must  be  in  j;ood  locality^ 
WHKiwtifor  six  nipjitter  J^ 


;a ,  ^ 


8R0A©3fWET,  yiCTOiOA. 





•    "MM 


Eia  '  Bf^  .    _  a  •  _  ft  .      .*<-.    k 


^d60  Per  GtM 

i^rdar   i   or   mora   cordi  and 

_       aordi 

*i»4  gat 

ytti«»ttj»g»  CO. 


lit  Maere-Wyitiagm 

faicr  too,  '^eaa.  lhpii-ilAa_  the  Boyda 
have  a  new  car  aad  I  thoufbt  wa 
mlcht'aa  well  have  aoilcer  one  than' 
the  machine  wave  been'  drlviog. 
toualneas  l«  booming  and — " 

"Why,  Crlt^e|idea.  you  needn't  try 
to  explain!"  I  axalabiaad  intamipW 
Inc.  "for  I'm  BB  tMclad  aa  aaa  ka." 
I  had  almost  said  aivologlaa  Instead 
of  M^lflp,  jund  that  \^nfT^  would 
hava  d«Oe,  jLBd  y*t.  itow^that  I  re- 
eall .  K,  Critteadaa  waa  vary  cloae  to 
an  apolory,  closer  than  I  had  ever 
known   him   to   ba. 

My  enthusiastic  inspection  of  the 
handaome  car  flalshed.  wa  vot  In, 
Crittenden  «at  with  me  In  tha  ton- 
naaw.  X  wanderad  a  little  how  he 
fouBd  It  poasfbla  to  relinquish  the 
wjiaal  to  another.  ;rben  John  dax- 
trously  whirled  ua  out  from  the  sta- 
tion and  drove  us  a#iftly  home. 

*^ou'll  nnd  thla  boy  a  splendid 
driver."  Crittenden  remarked,  aa  wa 
rolled  alonff.  "Ha  Is  not  a  Joyrider, 
knows  tha.  machine  thoroushly  and 
will  do  anytblBf  In.  the  world  you 
tall  him  to  do.  He  weara  thla  vray 
uBlfairm,  matehlaff  the  upholstery  of, 
tha  oar,  only  when,  driving.  In  tha 
dialnv-room  ka  waara  my  old  tuxedo^, 
aad  he'a  «dte  tha  idfokaat  butler  you 
avar  aaw  la  your  Ufa.  I  kava  beea 
dlMHir  In  atata.  Indaad;  evar  atoca  X 
••t  him,"  he  kurrfad  on,  kaowtac 
froiB  my  aaprsaslan  tkat  X  waa  dyfn* 
to  say  somethhMr.  * 

But  when  he  stopped  X  shnpty 
couldn't  sky  aaythinr.  Instead,  I  aat' 
back  In  tka  toxurlo^  atr  obmplatalr 

]Plaaaad!  Kotklnf,  it.  seemed,  ha^' 
ever  pleaaed  me  «ulta  so  much.  | 
must  have  ralleered  ^e  pleasure 
Crittenden's  newf  jpiva  me.  for     k^ 

•m.Ot  te  PriBHHrDou't  mkM  tha 
Faaey  Dresa  Ball  at  Alexandra  Club, 
FHdBir.  Novaatbar  Seventh.  Tlckata 
at  Byanaar'a,  Tefiwry  Shop,  ftratth'ai 
KBBay'a  •tattoaary  Shop. 

^rX-kBka.  BBbadvtka  Boydy  t*  dlaa 
wltk  ua  tonight.  Baah"  ha  adaauaced 
smlUnc  at  my  look  af  iBduiiy.  "i 
tkiouvht  it  would  ba  alca  for  ua  to 
have  a  dinner  party,  aaat  e<  celebra- 
tlan.  you  know,  and— try  a«t  tka  new 
butJIar  for  your  benefit." 

"Wky.  Crittenden,  you're  a  dear," 
I  aald.  "Oh.  I'm  ao  glad,  glad,  gUd 
to  ka  koB^a  agata!'*    . 

-U  I,- 


iitr-  Til  til 

In  cooBflktlaa  with  tka  aabarat 
wktek  la  ta  ka  glvaa 
evanlBg  at  tka 
der  the  aupplaaa  of  ^J"  H^tt 
X.OJ[fcm,  U  ki  aBBBuaaad  that 
Nattia  AuatlB,  a  walWkaosra 
•opraao  of  Saattle.  haa  baaa 
toalag.  HHL  Vootoy  la  taklBg 
•f  tka  pragramma.  f  t|Mtt  tkat«  win 
b*  BO  doubt  IB  aayaoa'a  aMad  aa  to 
tha  axoaUent  ekaMotar  af  tka  aatar* 
tatameat  tkat  la  ta  ba  provided,  wklia 
tka  dance  mualo  win  ba  furniakad  br 
ProfOaior  him  THifiar'a  arotaawp 
Parmiaaioa  ka«  kaaa  gtvaa  by  aoaarai 
it.  B.  G.  Loakla,  O.O.C  for  an  a»- 
s^nrtea  ihea  who  wlak  to  waar  ^k^ 
form,  and  baik  aaval  aad  mfUtary 
dreaa  wUl  oadoubtadly  ba  aotloaakla 
amoBg  the  daaoars. 

The  public  Im  remlndad  that  the 
cabaret  In  the  evei|lt|g  Is  to  be  pre- 
ceded  by  a  basaar.  which  wfU  ba 
opened  at  S  o'clook  In  tha  afternoon 
by  lAdy  Barnard.  a«d  ao.a  long  day* 
entertainment,  with  altBndaiice  or 
divartlng  liiteraat%  la  befit  provided 
tindar,  the  ch4^>^r*a  auwploaa. 

Tha  foUowlag  kava  klpdly  ooo* 
aeatad  to  aet,  aBjMMtroaa  of  tha  uadar* 
taking:  Hi«,  Honor  ^  Xleataaanv 
Oovarnor  and  Lady  Banoard.  Maior* 
Oeiiaral  R.  Q.  K.  LaekK  CM.Q.. 
O.O.C..  Brlsadlar^Oeneral  and  Xra. 
R.  P.  Ctark.  Captain  B.  U.  Martta. 
CJMXk,  Xi.N^^ila^ir  aad  Mra.  O'Ka- 
gaa,  aad  tha  iXaa,  X>r.  and  Mra.  0.  Jr» 

Have  You  Investigated 
.  pur  Profit-Sharing  Plan, 

A  TwentyafttarPdir  C>«  niiiniiifit 

•cebraofg  to  thr  v^e  you  'miy  sel^gt         ^^ 


5.   Why  not 
'*  before  JBi^kli^ 


n  V 




)■  li*. 


4or*^  ^- 

len.  and  are  cqua! 

tbap  fhoct  m^  irntm^-^  odiar  fB 
ace  thcph  and  judge  for  yourself. 



.'•  >''' 




Boy  a  Diary 
for  1920 

You  will  find  a  ffeat  assembly 
of  thdm  tt  this  store — varying 
from  the  sn&allest  pocket  size  to 
th^  largest  4esk  sizes.    * 

Rev.  Dr.  Campbell,  «t  his  own  resl- 
deaca  on  Wednesday  avenlag  oAel- 
ated  at  a  very  pretty  waddlfig  In  the 
praaaaca  oC  a  iiumber  of  frfaada  wban 
ha  oelebrated  the  marrlaca  of  Mr. 
Jamaa  Hanuiutn  Campbell,  soa  of 
Mr«  and  Mra.  WUliaja  Caau>bell.-^of 
Blk  Lake,  ibd  Mkai  VloraBbe  Qartrude 
Angell.  daoghtar  «f  Mr.  aad  Mrs.  Wil- 
liam Angell.  of  Victoria.  The  brMa^ 
groom  waa  aooompaBlad  by  Mr.  Jamsa 
Bmeat  Speed  as  ^eomsmaa.  aad  4ha 
bride  was  attended  by  Misf  Marlon 
Vlftoria  Campkgtt.  tha  bridegroom's 
jilater.  Tka  brida  waa  gowaad  in  pale 
bhiB  popUa  aad  oanrfad  a  boo^uet  of 
bridal  loasikkad  tbe  brtdeaouad  ilK>ra 
a  aBtaitdaook  of  da»k  graritopMn  aM' 
«*n4M  •  kaanuat  of  i^lak  eamgtfoas. 
Tha  tvidagraom  la  a  native  son  of  iMs 
city  and  the  bride  Is  a  native  of  WeL 
lington.  After  d  hbneyibaoh  trip  tQ 
soma  of  the  «ound  oltlaa,  Mr.  and  Mra. 
Campban  will  make  their  home  in  Vio- 
torjkr  vkera  bothh§ve  many  friandA. 

^a  maihrtBga  or  MHs  Ada  Ziaagw 

fori,  of  Laka  HIU.  and  Mr.  Ood  liar» 
gaat.  of    4Xi'    XtBaton  -«AvaB«a, 

Mr. .  rrank  T.  Htaokell  wHl  leava 
tomorrow  afternoon  for  Seattle  to  at- 
tend the  ^umual  meeting  o(  the  M.EL 
V.T.,  at  which  raptbMBtaUvas  of  tka 
order  la  New- York  %ad  San  Fiaa^ 
cisoo  wUl  be  praaent  as  dalapates.   i 

Mr.  JI;  H.  Back,  of  tl^  city.  M 
vlsltlBg  Id  Vanoauver,  the  g^eat  of 
hta  dadghter.  Mrai  Tt  MacDonald  Ly- 
den.  Point  oi-ey,  '  -  -iu 

Mr.  J.  B.  ttir^pi.  who  recaatly 
went  over  to  Vahcotiv«i^4i  atajrlng  at 
Ol^ncoa  |x>dge.  \^ 

Mlaa  Otadya  Pitta,  of  this  city/ la 
visiting  Mlaa  Oorothy  Wagham,  BawH 
AvoBue.   Vanooaver.  o;  a  ts  '>■■■  i.ji'it.^tt 

Ml*  de  jsasum.  of  "Srd^  lirk^ij^ 
mtfr.  la  vislttng  f Heads  hare. 

Holding  the  Paclflq  Coast  cham- 
^lonshlp  '<0r  hlih  Jdmplhg,  Mi«s 
Hilda  MeCormick  will  carry  the  ban. 
nar  of  British  Columbia  aeraaa  the 
una  ta  tha  Intemational  Livestock 
Show  which  opens  on  "November  1  In 
San  Francisco,  for  which  city  Van- 
couver's eleiver  IHUe  horaewomaa.  laft 
lut  night  .vrlfh  her  fanioua  ckamploa 
ppliy^  "Tkhk.'r  Sbe  ^pacts  to  raipBin 
away  for  k  tnontk  anfl  wlU  ptop  gt 
tka  Po^nd  show  an  touto  homa. 
MilM  MeCormick  has  accepted  a  very 


See  our  new,  handsolme  Wool  Coat-    .       i 
ii^s,  whicA  we  can  make  up  for  you  I 

ihtQ  a  smart  Fall  Cciat  at        0O|f  t^ 

prices  f  romT .  v .  i^  . ".  *  C^ ; .  /  ;*V\iPOU 

ly  daeof  th^AiflliSttlftife  ti]^  fe  easily  worth  |W6.  *^ 
Come  here  and  save  money. 


1  f-'»^<)', 


catobratad  ouletlr  vaatarday  after-  "  "«^o"ntoic  has  accepted  a  venr 
noon  at  St.  JihaVTChSSl^y  mUw  I  »«««e««*  <^*^  from  the  «aa  F^. 
Intimate  f«leads  witaaaalag  the  cere- 
mony, which  waa  parformad  by  Capt 
the  Rev.  J,  KlaoheUffe.  Attar  A 
honeymoon  trip  to  Seattle^  Mr.  aad 
Mrs.  Sarnnt  wiU  return  to  Victoria 
to  make  Uielr  home,  ^a  groom  has. 
only  raeaally'  returned  trdm  overpaas. 
having  left  here  with  the  I4Srd  Bat- 

fiimiat  WINNERS  "*^  *' 



•19   VftW  STREBT 



VaHowlag  are  the  AkdKlonal 
nkBMs  m^tjdlkit  night  of  wlnnera  of 
tha  honor  emblem,  for  wklch  kaaa 
OQj^tltloa  la  being  ahowB;^-  >    *«  , 

Ofeat  ifOrthom  Raliwtbr  stglt  Ma* 
rfna  and  Flshertee  X>apart)nant  oflica 
Manitoba  bar,  tha  atewardesaaa.  Prln- 
"^cesa  Adelkidet  Laamtng  Brothers, 
brokers;  Walter  Walker  A  sstoa,  SUte 
Barber  Shop.  Jamas  Adam,  grooar; 
Liamon.  Oonnaaon,  ofloa  staff;  WUUa 
Piano  Co..  South  Afrteaa  Piuma 
Shop^  Cumlag  *  Co..  Lee  John  Ming. 
J.  M.  Whitney  Co.,  E.  Q.  Prior  *  Co.. 
.aatlra  amff.    ,  .,,.,", 

;  ■  -.  H'  -Jaaktr    -  ■  «^.i«|u.i.i*fl. 

James  Forsyth  and  family. 
lUce  Racks  UgbthOBse;  Ifrs 
Wataon  and  family,  491  Hillaide 
jAvBBua:  Team  Na.  is.  bend  aalea^ 
taien.  Vlatary  X.«an.  headquartOri; 
Walter  Walker  and  fbjmily,  17B0  Oak 
Bay  Avattua:  Wo  Mhlg  '  Company 
Charlie  Kent,  tiller;  M^  tuoy 
X^aulson,   >SS   Broughton  Street. 

|ISMail*«MMM*M««*.«aMM»««.«MM«.M............ •••••.•..„.,m«m«». 

>fci^« .;Suro..; .-V..-..-,-.. /3i  I 


Healthy  teeth  need  healthy  cbom 
tohMtlMBl.    EfaiathevBriillgMBte 


Cisco  abowman  and  wUl  give  axhlbl'* 
tloaa  of  riding  aad  Jumping;  bealdeB 
campotlgg .  Ik  the  dperent  avmta. 
Mlaa  Janet  X>ryadala  wUl  aiake  aaa 
of  the  party  and  wlU  taka  along  kar^  - 
ovar  haraa,  a  Ane  Jumper.  CMhan  la 
the  party  are  Mr.  &  L.  Bowa,  who 
win  enter  hki  haraaas  horaaa  in  the 
drlvttg  oompetltfona.  and  Mr.  Fraak 
HolUad,  wke  ifiUt  Hde .  tha  sploBdid 
Jnmper,  Credential,  who  will  be  an> 
tared  for  the  world'a  klgh-jumplBg 
chamolonshlp.  Mr.  W.  S.  itollknd  la 
sendlftg  along  BfrtRo  horaaa  also. 
'  Mr.  and  Ur^.  Jamaa  N.  Taylor, 
whose  marriage  took  place  In  Van- 
couvy  on  Wadneaday.  are  sugndlng  a 
part  pf  their  honeymoog  Ip  ilia  olty' 
en  xbute  to  Seattle^  ifbara  tlUiy  wiU 
vlalt  before  ratumiug  to.  make  tkair 
home  in  the,  Malalaad  any.  Tka 
bride  was  formerly  Mlaa  Maoi  Mbv», 
cella  Tbomsoi;i...^UMl«htar  of  Mr.  and 
iM^.  Melville  P.  Thomson,  and  the 
groom   la   the   yodngeat   aon   of   Mr. 

X>r.  W.  B.  Bvnatt  vU  Mm.  Barw 
natt  af  Vaacoovar.  are  aiyadlhg .   a 
few  daya  la.  t|ia  alty  and  are 
at  tka  MatprtiMk  BatoL 
;    Itev.  X>r.-  Pridina  ha«  beatt  Bil^h»# 
a  visit  In  Winnipeg  on  his  wa)r  waat 
ia^eonnectlon  with,  the  Forward  Move- 

'  Miss  porta  Wilson,  of  this  dty.  ia 
tka  goeatofMIss  Oar^ldine  CaasMa^ 
iiar«(  atradW  Vaacouiter.  lor  a  turn 
days.  "»  T  T- 

Tka  aaacutlva  of  tha  Woman'a  Ckn- 
adian  Club  has  extanded  an  lavlta- 
tton  to  tha  )Cen'a  Oadadian  Olub  to 
participate  in  the  recaotton  to  ka 
held  thla  aftamoon  at  Uia.Bmpreaa 
Hotel  in  honor  of  Qeneraf  Sir  ArChUi' 
and  Lsidy  Carrie.  Tha  function  la  to 
be  held  in  the  ballroom  from  4  until 
t  o'clock  aad  the  members  of  tha 
executive  will  aaaist  t^e  offlcera  in 
reoeiving.  A  musical'  progra  ~ 
been  arranged  and  ^tea  wlU  | 
informally   ,  v-t*) 

MfB.  J.  H.  Xing,  wife  Of  tka  Mia- 
off  X>ukUB  Worki^,  la  vkdttag  la 
VaacoBvar.  tka  g«aaa  af 
law,  MrsL  Maleotaa 

vlalt   la  n^  mm,  duwag  wMeh   aha 
tglwaii—    Oat.     Ti  ^i 

la  Ifaw  BMBsirlelL^SK- 

^**""   "     *  '     ••■^     kjr 

A  \     •    tfaaft  yvM  dma  dVttfy'pirt  oT 
\-   I  /      mr  IM^t-^lwiidliini  A«id 
tram  liift  lang^ jitwl  d^  ^ 

you  do  giv«  ttMui  gv^ry  oay 


^^       ftCARBOL^ctf  ; 

loolli  PdWjile 

4arT  babtB«  tha 
!•■:  hava  sttBsrad 
saya  that  tka 

gained  BO  yaart  In  progress  owing 
the  great  Improvameata  agcrlad 
by  the  Oarmano. 



TIm  mm  iMOMi  dk— dw  imUm  it 

THE  PAiLY  COJ-ONiST.  VICTORIA.  B.C  FRiuaV,  OCTOBER  31,  1919 

*•-'*■'-      ^:— ■■■.  ..  _   _  _ 

Van(X)tHP8rtsilE^  News 




1f*o  <ii,th9 

Est^blbM  1 SM 


Tl^  BwC  bifiMlnMit  of  iIm  D»7— Victvcy  Boad^ 


Jl «  i|     I  ■    I        ■.  wwf  I 


has-tcrtt^%h  cost  of  living:,  the  labor  questfoi 
'  and  polrtics,  the  ifact  remains  that 

•     QUALITY 

mmt  be  tiie  lint  iwip^fctiUun  in  whftt  you  mL 

When  we  opened  for  business  sixty-one  years  ago  "Qual- 
ity" was  our  watchword  jnd  has  (remained  ^^so  ever  since. 

We  sell  meats,  hams,  bacon,  poukry^^  ^^,  butter,  sau- 
Mj[«s,  vegetables  and  barreled  com  beef.  Get  "Oualitv" 
— buy  Here.  •      , 



St  «M1  St/  OMtif'Pi.nv  7tf 

'  CHlLDr^^E^T£f)tAlN  ™*nt  at  thrWve  X^re.  lIttM<»,  l«* 

J  ureKlliK.  ,TO»'  pr<MW«<l«,«D  towards 
clearlht  off  ihe  •  II  lO  •  owla«  on  th» 
mliwlon  iK^idlBr  and  for  ^hla  purpose 
a  rummajBe  and- .  h<nne-cookln«  laia 
mnh»  bald  ^  |f#^MlM-.*l  2.     I»r!n^ 

Fack«d  House  Orrein  P«rforf<Mi>r«  at 
rN«  Ac>«a  MiMoa.  ITa^kkfio  ' 

NAMAlilb,^  b^V  30.— A      packed 
kiouaa  Kra«ftM  tfft&lMreka ai 

NANAJMO.  Oet^  »•.— Ifitp 
yafhUan  Cterk.  o<  Ottar  Point.  H.C. 
and  Mr.  Oaar**  Nteholaa  Davtaa.  aon 
at  Mr.  and  Ifra.  O.  M.  DaviM.  of 
BaBWkton  Straat.  who  ntvnm^  laft 
Mareli  froBi  ovaradaa. .  wara  wUtad  tii 
marriaca  at  Bt.  Andraw's  Maaaa  laat 
•T«ntns  by  Rav.  Dr.  Unawortlt>  Ttim 
bridal  coupla,  who  wara  att^ndad  by 
Mra.  Nettia  IfeOaw.  aiatar  of  •  tiM 
KMORf.  and  Mr.  Gao.-  Omgntt,  of  ihla 
«ttj.  will  taka-  up  their  rasldanoa  at 
Ottar'  Point  after  a  few  days  at  the 
home   of   Mra.   McQ^w. 

Harold  ^dward  Palmar.  In  hia  of- 
fiear*!  uniform,  apd  Marcarat  CIdUh 
I.SIaanor  Btanaard  were  united  in 
marriasa  by  Rev.  8.  Ryall  in  8t. 
Paul's  chuixli  at  noon  yeatarday.  The 
bride,  who  la  the  dauKhtar  of  Mr.  aiid 
Mrs.  J.  F.  Btaonard,  wa^  siven  away 
by  hor  father,  the  couple  l>einK  at* 
tended  by  Mrfe.  Praatoo  and  the  bro- 
ther of  t)ie  sroom.  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
I^lmer  will  spend  their  honeymoon 
at  .Island  points  and  later  will  vialt 
tha  Old  Country. 
'  Mr.  Frnd  Wilson,  sen  of  Mr.  and 
"^rs.  A.  C.  Wilson.  Comox  Road,  op- 
erator at  the  Di>minion  Theatre,  ti'aa 
married  at  Christ  Church,  Vancou- 
ver, on  Tuesday  eveninc^  last  to  M|ss 
Llla  Wilkinson.  Fry  Btk-aet,  of  this 
city,  the  couple  brins  attended  by 
Mrs.  H.  Wilson  and  Mr.  It.  Robert-' 
son'.  After  a  month's  tour  in  Call* 
fornla  Mr.  and  Mra.  Wllsbn  will  tak9 
nvi  their  residence  IniNanaimo. 

i     ;         VISITS  HANAIMO 

NANAIMO.   Oot.    80.    — 'Brig.-Oen. 

fiSahd.  C.'ll.  a.."  D.  S.  O.,  formerly 

!Gk    O.    C.    Ninth    Bricade,    arrived    in 

Nanalmo   Tueaday   on   a   visit   to   his 

brother.  Mr.  R.  H.  Oitnend,  Kennedy 

St^t.     Qen.   Ormond   la  a  barrister 

in   Portave  la  Prairie,  and  went     to 

I  France    with    the      Tenth.     Battalion 

If  (later  sucotedinc  ^rlf.-Oaik.  flill  lya 

I  aommandair    of   tha    Kinth    Brigade. 

}  Since  tha  armidtiee  Mp  <lta«  b^il  43. 

O.C  of  tho  Canadian  camp  at  Ripon.' 

Tor|bh'lre.      He '  i«    sOooQipanied    by 

Mr.  Cadham.   of  Portaca  la   Prairie. 


NAI^AIMO,  0«L  SO;-^yr;  O.  K. 
liord,  of  Wellington,  succeeds  Lieut. 
Salmon.  M.C..'  in  the  ofllce  of  the 
Soldlara'  Civil  Re-establishment,  Mr. 
SalmoVi  reaiynlnff  to  «•  on  4  farftt  at 
Wellington.  Mr.  X«ord  •erred  #ith 
the  2nd  C.M.R..  and  waa  wotindad  at 

Mrs.  T.  Mulholland,  %coompanled 
t>y  her  son.  Mr.'  Cecil  Mulholland, 
Mr.  Jack  Cruthers,.  and.  -Mr.  lUrl 
Olllinsbam.  arrived  from  Victoria 
Sunday,  and  are  the'  tuMts  of  Mrs. 
Jas.    Hardy,    Winfleld    Crescent. 

Pte.  Noah  Oanner.  Kennedy  8treat« 
whoaa  BnyMsh .  brido  acrired  soma 
two  raontha  aico  ha  s  coma  home 
'  after  three  yean'  service  ;  overaeas. 
Bnlistin«  from  Nytaimo  with  the 
No..  4  Tunnelln*  Co.,  ha  want  over- 
faas  with  the  62nd.  spent  ifro  years 
in  an  EUicllah  hospital  fi:liiln  wounds 
raoaived  in  .  action,  fij-pi^,  wtiioh  he 
Itaa  -not,  fully  . recovered.    !.  . 

Mr.    ias..  McAulay.  is   spending^  a 
day-  or  two  with  ^is  son-in-law,  Mr. 

^y(t  auBiMi*.  tha 
M  tka  BmJi  of 

Vr.  Jaaasa  Wllha.  Mpbrw  of  Mr. 
aad  JKr*.  J.  T.  Brnmloir.  tho  Or- 
chard. Naaalmo.  loft  Monday  to  tak* 
up  practical  aladrteMr-  ta  t^  Sol- 
dtoM*  ^oeaaoMl  Oa«roe  at  B.  C 
trntwrrtty.  -     —  ' 

Mr.  and  Mr$.  ^.  G.  rorsuaon. 
Hallburton  Btreot.  tandarad  Mr*.  Wm. 
Rlvaa.  ot  Jaataa  lalai^.  a  aarvriM 
party,  whara  she  mat  about  lltty  ad 
bar  Nanaimo  frianda. 

T&a  net  raoalpta  of  tha  "Odda  oad 
■ado**  vaudavlJla  last  araak  amouata4 
to  |ai9.s4.  tlte  major  ahare  falMas 
ta   Bt.    Amea   orphanage. 

Mrs.  David  Purse  returoad  teat 
evaning  from  Vaabonvar  where  she 
mat  har  aoa  on  hte'arttval  from  Bhg- 

Mra.  Harry  J.  WUt«v.  and  Mr. 
Fred  O.  Cox.  of  P»rt  Albarnl,  ara  to 

Mr.  John  Pattaraon  is  spending  a 
few  days  at  his  parents'  bona  on 
Balby  Street.  Mr,  Pattaraon  la  ehlef 
engineer  on  one  of  the  Bveratt  Flah- 
ing  Company'a  steamera  and  Isarea 
on  Friday  to.  Join .  hla  hMl  at  Pert 
Albemi.  •     '  ".- 

Mr*.  F.  B.  CttnlilTa  left  this  HMm- 
lag  for  a  visit  to  relatives  io  V^- 

Dr.  CL. .  .W,  Ferguaon.  af  Toceato. 
is  registered  at  the  Windaor. 



Bevlaw  6t  AeUvltl«H  Dvrtng  Past  Tear 
flUlratm  That    MaHi   csood 
"WMf  ^locmnptliihcd  .. .,    ,  ^ 

NANAlMo.   Oct.    XO.'^Mra.      if.      J. 
Reynolda.   of  the   ned^  Cross  Society, 
has  Issued   a   very   interestinir   review 
of  the  society's  activities  during -the 
past   yfcar.      The   MlUUry   HosplUl   at 
Qualicuiri  was  supplied  not  only  with 
programmes  but  alao  with  fruit,  veg- 
etables and  home  bakhfig  In  a  a-eekly 
donation.     On«  thousand  dollars  was 
given  to  the  new  hoiqiltut  fund  for  a 
returned  soldlera'  ward.     The  receipts 
of  the  annual  temival  in  September. 
i91S,    were    tl:4tO.OC.       The     outside 
auxiliaries     at     Northfield.     Kanooae, 
Cedar  and  Oabrtola  Island  have  done 
well,    the    latter   having    raised    $800. 
Two  members  of  the  Re'd  Cross  gave 
their   lives   during  the.  influenza   epi- 
damlc.  l[(iss  Flora  Paarson  and   Mise 
Qrace   Olbaon,   the   latter    a    charter 
member.     The.  total     rece^ts     from 
September   10,    ItlS,     to     October   1, 
l»lf,  wara  #4.702.36.     Qf  this,  I2.100 
was   paid   to   headqua'rtara  and   1260 
contributed   to     Francla     Day.     Tha 
present   oAoars  of  the     aOolaty  are: 
President,  Mrs.  J.  F.  Davidson;  vtce- 
preAdent.    Mra.   KAlsey;    second   vice- 
president,   Mrs.  P.  Mercer:  secretary. 
Mra.    A.    Rowe;    corresponding   secre- 
Ury.  Mlas  E.  Rogers;  treasurer,  Mtts 
V.   Beck  lay.     Tha  oohamittee  constata 
of  Mrs.  F.  l«  Reynolds;  >Mlrs.  Randle. 
Mra.   K.    Booth.     Mlas     Wlleox.   BAsa 
Ingham,  Mrs.  Deadoff.  Mrs.  Gibbons, 
Mrs,  Mcyanaaa  and  Mrs.  A.  VmiII. 

.  '^'  ^_'    •   ■   ■  •  ••>  ,((►.■»*-  'I  * 
Mottoc  .OhriP'  INanUsaa#^j  .4v>f'.-t  ■'■■ 


BUY  ^ 







MWbmen  's  Knit  Uikrwea 

Attractive  Values  m  Whutr 


fVmtmh  U»km  St$iis 

WiMtr  W«%kt  C  a  n 
Uttkiii  Sails;  low  Reck: 
no  «l«eve.«r^4>r  short, 
sleeves ;  Icnee  length.  Also 
same  style  Bnlde  length 
atKt  V-neck.  Average  sixe» 
fB.BO;  large,  fUb. 

FlcBh  Shade  Wiatar 
Wdght  Cotton  Union 
SnitB,  low  ne«k,  no 
sleeves ;  knee  ^  or  ankle 
length.  .\ veri^  sizes, 
93.00;  laige,  #8.50. 

Wool  Mixed  Union  Suits. 
low  neck,  sbortt  or  no 
sleeves ;  knee  length.  Also 

finished  with  bead  «4fe  or 
»   i\.rcA.<:Ji  b;^ild    top, . 

FIm  Wbbv*  Wool  Mixed 
Union  Suits:  V-neck;  el- 
bow slaves, ^^75. 

^Msrodt*  Uaioa  SoilBk  in 
silk  and  wool  mixtiire,  in 
all  "^  tl^  wanted  -  s  t  y  t  *  s. 
Avebge  si  I  AS.  SffnOO; 
large^  f0.7S. 

Pun  Uteol  Uaiian  Suits^  V 
in  the  "Harvey"  or  "Cee- 
tee"  brands,    in    various   . 

w  i  t  h  V  -  neck,  e  l^b o  w        .styles.  Prices  froth  9^80 
aleeres  and  ankle  lengtlv>^^  :lj4o  ftO.OO. 


.» /• 


20%  Oflf^^M^  and  Tonoirow 

SiKciili'Syeaf  " 



Made  io  Your  Own 
Order  If  t)esined 



Oiiir  Millinery  Modes  brilliantly 
reflect  their  aspiraitd^  of  this 
season  in  colorings  unusual, 
*  h  i  P  c,SDi|(iuant,  adornment 
diverse;  ^ ji;|  i.  ' 

Indeed  tHefr  descriptions  are  so 
numerous  thai  It  would  be  dif- 
ficult to  select  and  describe  any 
pa^^ljr.  model,  for  they  all 
possess  that  striking  "DIFFEk- 
EMCE,"  6f  originality  that 
malies  oQr;  HatrittVactive.  . 
Come  and  see^the  channiinr 
Hate.:  We  believe  that  thisTs 
a  leMiijfnatioil  <ff  attractive 
styles  and  remarkably  low 
pricies  that  you  will. find  quite 
trreslailble.    , 


736  Yates  St 








J  >      -.r 

20%  Off 

B^ery  Hat,  wKether  it  is  15.00  or  I20.O0.  Is  reduced  20% 

UirSmith  Alricanltuie 

---Fof  the  cold  snap. 

Dpn't  Be  Cnsht 

— vt'Hh  an  empty  coal  bin.    Order 

Ml  Weiliittoi 

Not  a. special  coal  for  a  special 
purpose,  but  a  GOOD  coal  for 
EVERY  purpose. 

Waiter  Wallcer' 
rJ^st  &Son' 

MATJAIMO,  Od.  S§.— At  the  Pro- 
vinolal  Court  in  the  suit  of  Mr.  Rap- 
son  against  Mr.  Heathef  for  damagfte 
to  car  and  lods  of  time  as  a  result  of 
an  auto  mixdp  oh!  the  Departure  Bay 
Road.  t|ie  Judge  dlBtqlsaed  the  case 
with  ousts.  Mr.  A.  •Leighton  ap- 
peared  for  the  phrinUff  snd  Mr.  C.  It 
feeavor  Potta  for  thie  defence.  ' 

'  -■  •'%  «       '      '  ' — ■-'       •^-  .<  i,«i(.-  . 

■         •  ■■ceessfai   Miislcale''     "-'    "•> 

NANAlAo,  Oct.  3ft.— T^e 'iqu^e4i9 
given  by  Mra.  J,  J,  Orant.  of  North- 
BOW.  lidtaer  the  auipices  of  the  at. 
Andrew's  Women's  Association,  w#s 
attended  by  a  large  nvtoibir " '  from 
NaiuUmo  and  Northfield..  X  rvty 
choice  programme  was  rendered  by 
Mra.  B.  H.  PaAerson.  tjie  fksotch  re- 
citer, and  Mesdames  Dmsdale.  TraiC- 
ford.  Or^mthialda.  .  ^  Clarke,  and 
Mlasaa  Dunsmora  and  Jaan  Patterson, 
wtth  Mtaa  tJTrauU  iMbason,  Mra. 
Kir^up  and  Mra.  Nowntea  at  tha 
piano.  .         •  '■'  >' 

— '•'■■* ■  ■    -r.iU,!,,  v; 

Vleforr  LoM  MCrttag  *^  ';  ^ 
.Ii^AKAIMO.  Oct.  SO^--^tha  Victory 
Loan  committee  wflf  bold  a  public 
meeting  tomorrow  eveiiing.  when 
Brtgadier-Oeneral  D.  M.  Ormond, 
C.M.O.,  D.8.O..  of  Portajr*  La  Prairie, 
who  ia  pending  a  few  days  in  tl^e 
city,  will  give  ah  sMdrass.  A  second 
speaker  is  expected  from  Vancouver. 

Road  Imtsuvtvantdti 

NANAIMO.  Oct.  SO..T^he  Auto- 
mobile Association  had  a  conferaaoa 
Tueaday  with  Mr.  W.  P.  Baavan.  dia- 
trict  road  engineer  for  tha  Albarnl 
diatriet.  who  said  that  improvements 
on  the  Wellington  District  road  would 
shortly  be  made. 

Continumg   the 
Sale  of  Blouses 


Smartly  tailored 
models  of  striped 
h  a  b  u  t  a  i  silk,  in 
Square  neck  styles, 
and  some  with  con- 
vertible collars*  A 
few  ail- white  Habu- 
tai  Silk  Waists  in 
smart  styles  arc  also 
include^  in  this  as- 
sortment. Reg.  $4.95 
for  f3.75.  '^  J  >-< 

.Attractive  styles  in 
Crepe  de  Chine  and 
Georgette  C  r  e  p  e. 
They  are  shown  in 
round  and  square 
neck  styles  and  with, 
convertible  collars. 
, In  white,  flesh, 
niaiJEc,  Nile  green, 
and  black.  Some  are 
tucl^ed;  others  have 
beaded  designs.  Reg. 
g:5P    t<>    ?§-50,  for 

Blouses    of  ^sfiec^l 
merit  are  featured  in 
Georgette 'Crepe  and 
Crepe  «de    Chine,  in. 
black;  navy.  1>rowrt, 
flesh  aVi^  sap<l.  aKd 
are  shqwn  in  .a  wide 
raiife  '*'Of .  dcatrable 
styles,'  with  braided' 
a^d   beaded  .designs^ 
and  fitie*  tucks.  Reg. 
$iaoo  to  $1^.50, ;  fon 
#6.75.  ■-"  •  %  '    • 


Of    yk^    Cotton;    k»w 
neck,    elbow    sleeVes,  pt 
sleeveless  style,  8B#.    i  \ 


Silk   and    Woof    Rtlibed, 
/  ilbow  Of;,  a  1  e  e  V  e  1  e  s  a, 

iiatWUjL^Mixed.  with. 
V-neck,    elbow    or    long 


Cotton;  better 
grade ;  low  neok,  dbpw  or c:^^'  slefves,  fp.T5i 
sleeveless,  fll«00. 


Fine  Weave  Fleece  Cot^.. 
ton ;.  elbow  sleeves    or 
sleeveless,  ft-BB.    *.' 

Wool  and  ^tton^  A{|xed ; 
elbow  or  si^velesa  stjrl*, 

Fine  Wool;  lo^  neck,;  no 
or    short    sleeves,  '  Gt  V*     *• 
'iieck  with  tXitem  sleeves,    , 
B4.Q0;    large,  sixes. 

Ribbed  Wooi  and  Cotto^  j^ 
ctbow.  or  s  1  c  e  v  e  1  cs  ij  # 


p"« ' 

^Special  Disptay  and  Salt  9j 

I  .ir^'fa*^ 

At  $1.75--Included  ar*^  tew,  mediitra  and  high  bust 
models,  with  plate" or  elastic'  tops.  Wen  ftjade  and  boned, 
in  coutil  or  batiiste.    Sixes  10  to  ICK 

A*.'^?^^^  *^^  medinn^  butt  models,  in  jjhite  or, 
pinlc  coutil.   l?oihe  have^air  ro»i« '^tJf^iopf  ^^ 
plain  top*  with  elastic  gores  in  1^  fi6t.^^«f'  »^"'  vjt^^r 
MfDMMM-)tade  of  eatAi  heavy  or  medium  »Wghtcol^> 
t»lara»faite or  flesh,    ffriirrf  nini  Hjitssisi^pliii in 

eluding  •orae  with  <iouW«itWrtfca*qs«8W«ditti»^nd.hifii 
^|»ust  styles;  19  to  df.  ^   .       ,.        ;  v  *    "^ 




A  particularly  fine  qollection  of  Remnantswill  be 
offered  ^tt  morning.  T.Inoh»d^;»re  useful  lengtlis 
in  Silks.  Dress  Goods.  Cbittingii,' Velvets,  Velvtt- 
eens.  Unings.  Suitings.  ^CoftOns.  Flannelette, 
bhirtings,  Towelings,  Cotton  Dress  Fabrics,  Laces, 
Ribboiis,  etc.,  etc.  .       ..  ' 

All  to  be  offered  today,  at  greatly  redueed  prices. 



tDemonstration  of  Harriet  Hubbard 

T:'^^^'^yers^  Toilet  Preparations 


•k'-  Stmniers  Ooaltny 

NANAIMO.  Oct.  SO.— The  steel 
steamar  War  Chariot,  telK  at  <!ottgh- 
lan's.  Vancouver,  and  the  Uttle  French 
steamer  Trois  RIviares.  sre  bunkar- 
ing  at  tka  C.  W.  P.  Go's  Wharf. 



i'  Tay  Ikur 
NAlTAtMO.  Oct  30.— lattM^y,  No- 
vemhar  S.  will  b^  tac  dky     for    tha 


ISraUP  OF  Fl^F 

ODAY  a  demonstrator, will  be  in  attenance  at  our  Toilet  Goods  Sectiohto  exolam 

x***" -a.-*      ^  1^ 

the  various  Ayers  preparations. 
She  wiU  gladly  show  you,  if  requested,  how  tp  massage  yoor  lac^,  redd^l  fcubloi^hin. 
:*  remove  unsightly  wrinkles  and  frown  hnea,  Improve  y6ur  compleirfoifrand' remove ^^ffi 


^  tired,  worncdL  look.        •  _  ,      ,     .      ..-]-. 

These  preparations  include  the  finest  or Fae«  Creams,  Powders, '  Complexion  Loti^^ ' ^ 
Talcums,  Shampoos;  Soaps,  Perfumes  and  other  Toilet  Requisites.  *-««»^ 

We  are  sole  agents  in  this  tity  for  Harriet  Hubbard  Ayers'  Ibilet  preparatidhg. 


Phones  1876,  First  Floor  1877,  Bloulei  linger^  and  Corsets  18^ 
Saymd  BgUdhif.  1211  IMwitoaSiiMt 


Looh  t  Toi^ist  Bswf  u  P< 
Rnom  StoMMl^  Uv«r  aad 

XINNSON  9l  bowser 

Ctrpenlsrs  sad  ■aUdcra, 

Qanaral  Jobblag 

Ij^Mlsl  IMi  Weakt 

poUeotloa  for  Ukrary 
NANAIMO.     Oct.     »0>Hn»«   public 
aehoels  dol)«ctod  fftS.Sl' tor  tha  pub- 
Uo  library. 

Aodapl"<Chllforhia"  ayrvp  of 
only— laolt  for  the  nana  Canforala 
on  the  Mck*g*.  than  yon  ara  slM 
your.  skUd  .te  >«av<»g  tha  bsM  aad 
m«M('harHi«M  MaMlv*  or  physic  tw 
tha^tla  alanuu^.  Il««r  and.WwMa. 
Chlfllron  la#b  tta  delicious  fraity  tasnr. 
Pull  4lKpf|4«a 

!  To«  mint  say  "Qanfcmia." 

iraw  Wace 
NANAIMO.  Oct.  »0.— A  two-year 
agreement,  cotofing  wagaa  and  work- 
ing conditions,  was  signad  yaaMrday 
br  tha  CanadUn  Collf«Haa  (Duns- 
Aiuir>,  Umltad.  and  Its  amployosa  in 
the  Cumbarlan4  Mine. 


Nl^  TORK,  Oct  aS.-^Mo«lon  pic- 
ture fllmd  taken  from  tM  arolilvdp  of 
Grand  Admhral  von  IWvMs  1"  ^^ 
former  Kaiser's  admlnHtr.  aad  ahow- 
isg  AlUod  vasaels  betn#^«srpadoad  oy 
Oaniwa  aHbnmrlaaa  dn|rn|r  «1m  ««oia 
war,  warns  brought  h*ra  tiMajr  %if  Mr. 
1.  H.  MacMam,  a  Knictea  aTtSofam- 
has  aswsiary. 

"th*  aims,  which  wara  deatinod  for 
axhlbltioa  by  Oarmany  •■  tha  dajr  ot 
Ita   triumph,   wara   nude  \if 

»  wlwsir 
mlsKfonatf  to 


A  boot  built  is  Vlthstsad  hard  wear 
and  bad  weather;  haavy  sole,  oU 
grain  upper,  triple  stitched,  firftbcl- 
lows  toost 
1-SJ4.  atl 


toogtie;  full  round  f6c^8tee« 


1  BBS  BisMlas  Jt     PteMlBM 




crgft  Tlila  boat  vpasd  more 
than  forty  tfeoaaand  raat  af  dMi. 

Tha  plettna  ahowa  the 
shalUng    foar     BrttMi 
theas  en 

ward  ita  vtethsi. 


FAiua.  odt  sa.'^-'^hM 

fNuis  of  Loon  Jaahaax, 
tha  Oanaral  Fadaratlon  of  Lai 
la  on  his  way  to  tho  UaiMd  Mataa  ta 
attMid  tha  kitaraatlaMl  teSw  OSa- 
fortaca   at    Waefctngtwi,    haa   eaimd 
mp  astrmnMa  Iht  t%>  tsileriilsa   'm 
Labor  ft»  MMkasil  atlom^  |«  dM 
a  ganai^l  aiftka  for  WveaiWr  7^ 
Ctraalars   it%   nai^   Wwt 

■to  tfis'Waah* 

tha  a4vMaifm|r  af 






A  Good  race 
to  Purc^se 



*    - 

You  cutt  place  absolute  reliance  upon  the  huntini^  supplies' 
purchased  at  this  Wf  &>ortinf  Goods  Store.    At  all  times  you 
will  find  our  prices  ««reai0y  >^easonatil».     > 

■MOa.  p«  l00.1iys;W  ,„ 9t<M 

»**  •••  •■•«  »«?#*■■»■>—■■  ■■«*<i»*i 

RUto  OiMiinf  l«4i.  Mc  u^  '^. . 

0«^  OS*  9tt  Md  ,,»„„-.-^.-.-_.-^ '■>. — 

Ova  Qt^Mt,  kMps  nttt  from  tl>e  barret,  etc. 

!••>  »•  ■»■•  —  f 


i'  . 

CWi*l«  Bmim  Qtimm^  Mk 


,  »l»»ll 

■'■-'  ^*^ 

iBlol»«IIOaMdi«l<pMUIprieM.    A4cM 



fijcyelei^  $)Mliif  GooOs  aii4  Toys 



WE  isstii^  tiuM  ucBioes  ap 

r^«i>r'^  •,«*■' 


3in  '"l»BmdSt 



TTir>5n!5c^«h^M!^Mn^Sy^oiiT^  «^r^  alonfe 

for  tt.    Htv«  a  OMMBitritloii.      V 

BLAN^A«»t»i  GM 

fbct  St,  N«l  Cor.  Cook  > 


Do  you\^oke^   T^en  we've  sot  it  I  1^9m  aqi  Ofieiilal 
Hookah  Pipe  to  an  I^  play  I  .  *» .    v  > 

bonitVatcht   CMielni    The  Home  of  CkiMMMliii;« 

ii.  A.  MOitlkis,  ua.* 

tH€  Gemiaeui  at. 


^^  Bowb  <iiMihA  hefe  iftvery  eyening. 


(^•rmf riy  Arcad*  BMrHai  ANey) 

Wit*  FoftSHMl 




tow  Rfiaws 


DUBININ.  0<i». 'tV.*^11^^  llfii^J^ 
9)M«  barMU  MVV  th*  IrUk  RvpaMI" 

FarUament  m*t^  In   prtvate 
at  Um  MaiMtavf  Hoya>  \M< 

•^  fall'  «tt«fidanc« 

>.or  membenu 

It  w««  aniu>anc«d  that  Irlah  tra«« 
i'i'?'*'*?***.*'*'  H^**  "  b««n    appointed 

tWltWrtajdiC^ilia  Argentfne,  and  that 
Mr.  J.  L^'  nhMpttt  had  opened  oflleea 
a«  IrMi  <}OB 

narai  «n  Broadwav. 

!   "'     ■  I  I 



AK-  -.4 ; 

livery  t)ay 

Motofjscf  w^ejftKottittff,  wHtlhc  and  cattiMT  to  leam  about  the  "VNITY 
AllX|UAyOart>^4Mt  to  'feakitlorf '  bqatrica  pouhttg  ih  b>y  ^  mall  from 
dictaat  point*,  and  wa  art  aaHKif  and  itiatafflaff  th%m  aa  li^  ai  we  can. 
Tha  "Ui^itr  AttxUktor^  naaa  JUl  Wum  Vapoia  itom  your  crank 
h    caae— aomething  which  ha«  never  b^cn  done  bcforew    Puts  infinitely 
;    small  particles  of  oily  steam  in  your  cylinders,  killing  cteKbn  as  fast 
|ts  aa  it  forms^pnts  new  ftct»  in  your  motor,  gives  it  Ipi^  life, 'and 
'asakaa  yo«  a  booattr.    It  anwt 


|^Phoaa67M.  7WB.C. 




C.  Smith  Guns 

Ejector  an^  One-Trigger' 

12, 16tndaoGiu|^ 

E.  G.  Prior  &  Co. 

LiniiM  Uabiltty 
Cor.  Q^y^nmt^t  and  Jahnson  Sts. 

Famow  Go)f er  HBfkMi^ 
frmm  for  Littd  Lfakr 

i  N  V 


Hunters  Are  of  Opinion  That 
Stock  of  Birds  Will  Be  De^ 

pleted  If  an  Open  Week  Is 


PlQ&terfelt  Cup  Ctidcet  AviSMftt 

la  ^  ftaie^cltr  eriakei  matdhsa  p\ 

PIWBMtMt,  0»p.     -'  -   

Ida  <ltir  «Mi  two 
•r  mm  for  af^rtakau^  tap  w»ei«ata  osatiat  aa  mfmUmf  U  K^lt 
eonvar  wen  ena  anA'Mwt  two  wwki^fa  mm  tiMir  totaFacon  Sav  II'  iJaka^  m 

"It  (her  allow  tikat  waefc'a  open  i 
son  on  hon  tttiaasaaUe  in  Saanloh  this 
year,   it  ^H  l^i  aothlnc  short  ot  ik 
crime."     Thla  la  the   way  one   well^ 
knowfl  Viotoria.  eportamaii  expreeeed 
^imaeyC  lalian  aaked  yeetarday  tor  an 
opinion  on  th0\9OUor  of  saiowlns  heiM 
to  l^e  fhei,  and  tll^t  thki  Is  not  mere1$ 
one  man's  oplakm  la  mada  abaadantljr 
manifest  when  ona  listens  to  the  oomr*, 
ments  of  men  who  |iave  been  ahootinir 
phaasanta  on   Vanooaver   lahuid   to» 
manar  yeara^    la  faot  it  is  difficult  to 
rioAva   sloiM   sportsman    conversant 
wl(|i  the  subjeat  Who  would     differ, 
fraas  tha  opinion  that  pheasants  aro^ 
esaroa  .tbts  ysar,  and  that  the  cbiaf 
causa  of  tli^t'eearstty  is  the  tact  that 
for  the  first  timajaa  ppOn  aeason  in 
hens  w«k  le«»lls««|last  yaar. 

To  attain  the  Ideal  propor^on  o< 
tha  srxas  In  a  atoefc  of  wild  blrda  la 
maolfsstly  lanposslbto;  ihsre  may  even 
M  a  difference  of  -  eplalon  apienc 
nbraadasa.oC  phssaaata  a»  to  the  best 
proportlDB.  but  it  wUI  to  a  csrUinty 
be  iMtween  three  and  four  |»ens  to  a 
cook.  It  is  praetlcally  uiyivoidabla 
that  the  young  ooeks  should  be  kUled 
Jtai  greater  numbers  than  the  old  birds, 
whloh  ara  isore  orafty  and  capabia 
of  protecting  tbamselveo  from  dan>^ 
g«r,  ir  Is  cOneelTibly  desidlble  thai 
tha  old  bans  ahouM  be  killed,  for  the 
reaaon.  that  aUho«gh  they  win  ISk 
moat  oases  lay  Just  as  mansr  eggs  aa 
the  young  onea,  (bey  wiU  not  alt.  but 
to  kill  off  tba  y^ung  he.ns.  ^hl<;^  art) 
the  eaaieat  of  the  pheasanta  to  shoot. 
U  worse  than  a  nUstake*— it  is  a 
calamity,  and  the  VaOoouwr  Island 
pheasants  are  at  present  suffering 
from  that  vary  calamity,  in  the  opln> 
ion  not  of  one  man,  but  of  many 
habitual  pheaaant  hantOra.  ; 
'  -  '  Uffda  Aie  9em«m\- 
At  any  rata,  it  la  pretty  well  agreed 
that  pheaaanta  thla  year  i^  acaroa, 
and  that  laat  year  th^  were>  compara- 
tively plentljCul;  also  that,  however 
good  the  Intentions  of  the  Oame  Boani 
may  ba  in  the  way  of  aupplemenUni^ 
the  stdck  by  liberatlag  bfc-da.  their 
present  abUfty.ln.tbat  reapeqt  is  total^ 
Inadequate  to  bring  the  niunber  of 
pheasants  back  to  «bnb&lk  Ukis  Iti^ 
old  standard.  i 

RaeenUy  tbare  was  ferm4d  in  Vlis 
toria  a  Flah  and  Oame  Aaaoalation.  If 
that  asaociatlon  is  to  bs  oi  any  reat 
value,  it  attould  certainly  do  mor«| 
than  juat  meet  to  decide  ,  on  whal 
reeommendat,lons  ahonld  bS  made  tsl 
the  oame  Bioard  regarding  the  ,open<^ 
Ing  of  the  aeaaona  each  year.  That^ 
no  doubt,  la  one  of  Ita  chiaf  obJectai 
but,  if  It  IS  to  be  a  real  power  fh  tbi 
world  of  Sport  with'  tha'  Vod  and  goaj 
it  must  -be  buay  rather  mbre  often, 
and  bare,  it  woofd  isaam,  id  a  mattsg 
which  It  might  mad  onffht  t»  uke  vm 
without  any  debnr.  '      w 

If  the  Opiniona  ootltaed  above  ar4^ 
not  the  opinions  of  the  majority,  a 
meeting  of  the  aasoelaUon  tfotild  verjf 
son  find  this  out.  bat  if,  alter  a  frea 
diseUsSion  of  ithe  sabjeot.  it  waa  da- 
terttlned  that  theae  opMlona  are  righl, 
then  it  ahoul]!  be  ita  Immediate  object 
to  call  the  attention  of  tha  Govern* 
ment.  through  the  Oame  Board,  to  tha 
danger  of  allowing  any  more  hena  to 
be  ahot  than'  will  laevUably  be  shot 
anyhow  by  irreapondble  partiea.  ad 
long  aa  the  ataff  of  wardens  la  aa  ln> 
adequata  aa  at  prassnt.  Kepresenta* 
tiona  from  the  Victoria  Fiah  and  Oamo 
Aaaoelation  would  undoubtedly  bO 
given  careful  attention  by  the  Ctovem- 
ma&t  where  indbrldval  opiniona  might 
not  carry  any  weight.  Aa  previoualy 
mentioned  In  these  columns;  thera 
were  a  number  of  spbrtamen,  who 
know  ^hereof  they  apeak,  who  pro- 
phealad  last  ysar,  when  theiy  Sfiw  thO 
large  nombcr  of  hen  pheasants  being 
killed,  that  thia  year  ^ould  see  a 
scarcity  of  pheaaanta.  an4  their  forei 
oast  baa  proven  oonrect  Thess  sam4 
men  are  now  propheaylng  that  unless 
hens  oontlnue  protseted  throughout 
this  ssason,  ihare  wlU  be  no  pheaaaiA 
shootlnc  at  aU  next  year,  and  they  ara 
probably  riibt. 

'  ^nw  Leaser  Kvfl  .. 

Authorities  on  the  pheasant  wiu  tell 
you  tbat'lt  Is  Itfcely  to  prova  deleteril' 
oua  to  next  year's  atock  to  have  tob; 

'  fiayar^  MaiKa  and  Qbib 

Sparka.  Vletarla 

Sidward%  VIotorli 

Paora.   VanocNiverv  . . 

CUnSQito. 'Victoria  ... 

Cl^ndler,  Vancouver  ...... 

,«AAsa,  Victoria  ...*••« ••^it 
-OoMniMar.  Vletorla  .,..«... 

j.KuStim,  Vlaioria  . . . . . 

I*'B.  V.  Tork.  Vletorla 

Bi^dfoot,  Vaneouver 

;doiarlor%tlbfl|i|lla4»  tfi^i  10  i^O:, 

dttOUon  ot>|ia«  «l»4^  was  otgt^mM 

I;  adapted    to  a-^^artalh  '■  fgt^jBt. .  0ia 

pbgasanta,iira^Bi^:bara  V^Ha^  f,yivdn 

a  IP  Mi*-iiAUfa 




ai^  auab 

.  Vaaeoover 

]Psai,  vaacoiivar 
Ticker.    Victoria    ..... 

Lalgb.  Vaodoiivsr «\.rj» 

tigod.  Vaneowar  ....... ..y  .MTl 

Armltage,  Vaaeouvar    .".....« 

ttart,  Vancouver « . .     t 

Mbjor,  ViOtorIa  . . . . .-; . .... . .     t 

Opre.  Vanoouver   ....... .<V .     i 

Ooward,  Victoria i.,..     f 

Fletcher,  Vtetaria  ......... ^     s^ 

Bbotton,  TatuMN^Hr ,  4 

Via9*rla i    S'-i''  ..i'^'i' 

VjSSSm^i ..'  ,».,>•  4 ;.i 

. SttatA*.' y*»oaavar •.',».,>•  \u;.l     ♦.     ■"■^■■'^j"'    ^. 

WtUt^u  Victoria  .% ■.  'f  .  ■:? .;/"•■ -.••,"►  '   -.  -'  m-ii'''»y  -  •  •  * 

•.,?vW.  D.  Torn.  Vlctorl*  ...jj^  J^^*^t#,  ^f  .--m.k-l     'I  r 

,    ;.  *.,t{^    ,,;    Hill  lag  b'fapS''''^"^^  """  ''\  ""^    '  ■ 

'■     Playar'a  l^am<r'aiii|f  I^l' '  .■  ^Sfg'; '" '  Wl«kMg< 

Copptnger.  Vlotoriav  •  >  > » •  • . .  '^. . .  •'• .  *  ffo  .  It  jt 

J.  W.  D.  Tork;  VleAK4a  . . . .  .*;.  a*^  •  -  K^ 
Fears,  Vanspiifav  >>  *.;.....  ,^;#*>»i«'w''»'f  §»; 
#botton,  Vaaoott^p  ,*,.J^,*^]n,.w^^  at, 

x.^  V.  Tork,  vfpcoi^-..:.;.«..;.vI 

-Reward,  Victoria  .... .  .>,..V. r. . : X'l 

mtonsbore.  vaaaodawr  .''?i  ivv  .".'>;•};; 

IlHngworth,  Vaiiaa«vag^v^'.\;M4k«ia>^ 

^Itejor,    Victoria 
'^sfl.  Vancouver 
Bfaui.  Vancouver 
BMwks,  Victoria  ...*•..'; 
Stocks,  VancotlvriB*;'?.Vv. . 

•».»?.:*••  ••.• 



_Note.— No  secoMi{b|iilltga1Ml^ras  ha»a  been  eoaatod 
tliaoB  aoarsa  bava  ttad'&^^^aMf  bMMiQ^aii, 

•i '-'.'■ 

— *i- 

gmiMl  a  propqrtloit  ct  <;o<^  btrds  b|^ 
,^frMkening  tha  p«6||BSny.,  but  that^iV 
Is  "iar  worse  tb  bwva  Cba^^  proiiortlod 
of  hena  too  small.  The  f^|uar  cofldl' 
tioas  la  by  fii^  tMltaaj^  in  this 
cot^itry,  bat'tte  i4tt»^<^^  Is  Id- 
aviuble.  i^l^  Uia  bsi|i^«ra  ino^»f^ 
fi.''  Thera;-ank|>a.tein' '  "   ' 


^at\prdiatt.  the 
jta^tty  miry  an* 
tba  hens,  oapeclall; 
wfll,  aa  every  pi 
e^ver  laland 
'ofjanarka,  and  eve; 
<V^1  mean  the  loss 
ifbleds  next  year,    d 
;  1*^  What  spoi 
aflsr  pheasants 
ya^r,  can  consclentl 


w  stitada 

all  ;ba 




«ea  eoaatod^iia  tha  anroraflss  viMaaa 

tbo  jrasali  Of  Oio  gaate..   ^     "    '"^ 


0^ick^  e^ns  Clioosas  Local 
Links  as  the  Setting  of  a 
Qoillipoilte  Course  Which 
W«i|W  Be  Perfection 


,  1    »».fi*Mr.«»,.t' 

iMANAIMO.  Get.  tO.— Oaorge  Bd- 
ward  Morrla,  pnbliaher  of  The  Kaaai*. 
mo  Free  Praaa.  dlsd  <hia  momlag  after 
a. month's  llHiass  which  was  praceded 
by  poor  bekH^'  for  sevaral  yaaia.  Vba 
^Catber  of  ^  the  daceaaed-Jov**'''^'  ^^^ 
HSoorga  S.  NocMi,  after  sorvbig  bla 
tbao  with  The  CaUy  ColoMst.  aUrtad 
Tlie  Free  Frsss  In  NaaalOM  in  XI74, 
tbo  aecond  newapaper  to  be  published 
In  British  Columbia.  When  the  father 
diad  in  Itpt,  bis  two  sooa>.Ooorge  and 
William,  conducted  the  business  antll 
fife  years  ago  when  Qeerge  bought 
his  brother'a  Intereata.  Tb«  mother, 
Ifrs.  Oeorge  E.  Norris,  waa  one  of  the 
pMnaer  paaaengsrs  of  the  Prinoass 
iOnral.  wbteb  came  aroiM>d  tba  Horn 

^(B  deceased,  w^o  wks  t>orn  Ih  Vle- 
torla, waa  41  years  of  aff«,  and  mar- 
riSd  Kiss  Clara  Brow^.  daughter  of 
Mr.  J.  W.  BrOtlv.*  ThfOe'  sons  survive, 
ftonald  B.,  Oeo.  W.  Oswald,  and  Har- 
old, the  two  former  eondueting  the 
ptinting  sfltoMlsbaiant.  Mr.  Nonte 
siMiwsd  bla'geiM»D«ia  aplrlt  in  adeplBbig 
aiid  oarind  for  several  orphaned 
nophewa  and  aloeea.  Tba  funeral  ser- 
vice on.faturday  at  2:11  p.m..  wtU  bo 
conduotSd  b^  Ron  &  iRyall.  of  At 
Paul's  Ghurob. 

,<  ^^lubi}  Xfibiokr  JSvaas.  aho.  faiaoaa 
Axi«|^a^  ^Ifsr.  hi  ona  of  Ma  fo- 
aa^  frtif^  pa  "Ooif  and  Halw  to 
t\Kr\U»**'.imn  a  alaa  Uttio  oompu- 
dnNat  tffjba  Victoria  OoK  «tub 
<iS^ii»m'%£mx  9a3r.  TM  d^ti^' 
deals  with  What  Bvana  w«a]d  ooa- 
sldsr  09  idai^  course.  Ra  wrftds  thai 
he  i|  fAaabOii^  aaksd  what  wi^  «be 

tiil«ib^-alb^>,|^.'o«miMerB  fbO  b«at  M 
•MTnexhatttf.  Tbbss  auoauoiw  b«  ii*a 
triad  to<>^tMfar.  bttt  nov»r  saeaoaddd 
to  Ma  owb  aatMbetfoa.  "Alfhoogb 
I  ednnot  ^Wf  tall  fMi;«*  mvk  SiMlos. 
"Of  the  keel  esiadtat  golf  oo«fbe,  I 
caa  give  yov  a  dsdalto  UMa  af  vlia^ 
I  think  tbe  bast  eoayraa  abotyld  bo." 
and  he  proceeds  to  describe  ab  Idea* 
aourse  of  a  snMiii  i>alU .  aatgre. 
^  Wa  Id^  loaa^n  Is  ambbg  sa«dr 
lUlb  upon  the  eoast  of  iMtala.  and 
It  Is  to  (be  OMvOoua^  b«  .coea^ 
(igaia  far  tba>itdas'^a«  Ma  adbrsoT 
which  aqwst  ba  aaab  ^  Ja  fsaibd  at 
Sandwleb.  For  viWw,  |ioWev«r-— boi 
imimportent  ooaaidaratlon  to  tha 
golfer  who  would  get  the  most  mit 
of  bla  gaoa  bo  »Mts  In  Mig  plaeot 
of  ftrst  #olee  Jbo  VMiclB^  ao|C 
flub.  -rSe  IfOldif .•f  hk  ««^''likos; 
to  see  tba  bold*  ^nb  tbd  abipar 
going  by.  WItb  tbo  wbola  arorU  to, 
abocisa^rom.  wbr  not  «aba  ifeoiWti 
lor  the  aesthatio  isstUag  of  awr  Idaal' 




soeoR  uNUin 

Tbo  fblla^Hbf;  teasM  am  adaaiBnae 

Comrades  —  Lo9>a*:  Cldlba».  and 
Davlas:  Daaaon.  I|«r#afb  aad  Ofaen; 
Harper,  Walton,  BlOoi^,  ■HalOl  and 
IfoOnoylo^lAaaerves    'Frals^ 

It  MeGlmpaey,  Wattors  abd  Me 
Mttbm:   Aakraird.   nsvaA    »artbalo« 
niew,    Kerr    and    Hovggb.      Heaervsa, 
Robblns  apd  FUatoa.    ^  . 

yowidatloii-Sll&sr  tr^st|r  -'M 
Sntact;  lleaber,  Ctagjg  »bd  ISot^t 
kVmm.  dHdb.  daviMia,  Attsn  aad 
Ooaar.  Aaaarra.  Ooaaga.  Owfag  to 
rrey  Ksrloy  bolbd  ddt  of  town  for 
fbo  woak-eag.  a  idlgbt  altoHMlab  fa 
the  team  has  boaa,  daaad  aaaalilMnr« 
Allan  will  Uke  tba  plaee  af  Kodey, 
w^l^Attweli   wUI    make     a     raa|»- 

Ifttlabaia  lH>a  fofMHag  wW  ta- 
post  aa  the  MatrapaUa-yooi  raaaps  at 
t  jrer  ttair  «tgBo  «dtk  tba  faaa- 
ich  Itovon — Llddan.  tjampbers,  Vay- 
Mt  HbOOl.  aagwrna  (aiipi.).  ofy^ 
bataagb.  Qtabia.  Barrta.  Wmm, 
Asbbr  and  awiabttnie.  Rsaarra, 
WMta.  •      1 

Masazliie  Cigarette  Ciww>d 

We  hdve  jtttt  retthred  a  ttke  mtaortment  in  LdatKer  and 
BtflBtiQ»lall.    Priced  at  $1.25,  |2X)0.  I2J0  and  HOC. 

'C  A.  STEELE  '  ^1 

Union  BftfikBuUdial: 

ClO  Vi«w  Street 











■*  .1-1 



Ml  Mr  *n«f«H«r  ittr  IWinAot'*  Club 
IMoB  Midi  Ci||i|r 

BvtryBot  Carries  Certificate  of  Pure  Havana  Leaf 


'f.  r 


IKKMM  Dooglaa  Sireil 



Why  get  wet  ducking  for  applet  Halloi^e'en  ntgiit? 

rrm^  fMUJAUD 

,  ••"apaoi  ■a^ss  ipprasd 


Hftvaaa,  SoMedi 




ThaiUMIsd  gtatse  has  beeome  byfar 

previously  oe- 

The  mlaeral,  «Sed 

steal.  Is  sained 


Let  Us  Proveniese 



^0ttA  TO  CHiS  BuriKr 

Gefttr  In  tomonov  tod  ve  will  pmwt  to.  your  , 
«^i^iitdf  stttsf  dctloD  that  this  burner  will  stre  ycm 
niiibey.  See  it  in  operation  tnd  you  wVt  tw  con^ 
vWm  that  its  labor-savfaif  pos^Uties  are  tre- 
mcd^lQiis.  It  ^  a  smap»  iiiexpiepsive  4evlce  that 
fits  faito  the  tvebox  of  any  onmiary  tmg^^ 
Hundreds  are  in  use  and  ciVhif  eVfery  satlsikcflofL 

Mcl^iMMi-Snith  Saks  Co. 

ay  aatlvsa. 

I  eatbr  vaad 
the  Aadsa    oO 

•TBOTT-aMAW  lUght 
ft  for 





feei  80  eoflipetitors — ttidrt  ii  aoUiing  Wie  it  on  Ihlf  aarkel 
't  «Mmi  I       K  ii  iMKle  fti  vidorie 

MdiifiiiMtf  I      Jl  dMK  oot  r«b  •# 

MlftOJllA  FEED  COimi^lilll 





THE  DAtLV  (GotCft^ST.VlCTibRIAv  B:C  FRtDAY,  OCn>»EIl  31,  lf!9 


»wii  Grnfidfut 
Of  l.imdtng  Fraojduie 




SmoRenamase  Sale 

So  sreat  has  been'^the  response  to  our  announc6menti^cT  ot^ aini  in  men's  merchan- 
dise dtmtf  ^  by  smoke,  that  the  coming  week-end  will  probably  see  the  finish  of  our  great 
sale.  This  announcement  is,  therefore,  a  warning  to  all  men  who  ne^  WMter  clothing  to 
come  to  this  store  before  Saturcjay  evenini^^in  o^^J|j^^^)f^^ay  ben4It  by  the  extra- 
ordinau^.  reductions  which, we  are  now  offering.  '**^\,\  '     v 

Herirare  a  few  of  the  money-saving  valuelj^i^^g  ri^iVi^ 
noiirayailablc.     _^   .^     ^^  'i^^mnima^^lZ 

Here  IS  the  opportunity  of  the  season  to  say^  ^     .. « r  a  hrr  c 
money  on  the  dldthhig  you  ne^  for  now  ^ttd  -^^^m^^^  i>^J^\ 
lafcc  on* 

■r^  TraniMidoiis  Ctearall^y  of  i  u 

Hlgh-Grade  Sult^  antf 
Overcoats  "^-^ 

Afli  Stiht  for  men  and  y«Mm  mot 

ftO^  smut  patterns.    SSeiTSCfo  4?. 

$35jOO  values.  Snnka  Damaga  Sale. 

C"!  Suits  in  yoi 

Tweeds  and 


men's  and  conservative  modeli. 
etiects  ineladad.    Regular  to 
piBoliia  Damaga  8a]a  ......^.......^.....m^........ 

$45j0a    amolM  Daoaaga  Sale  . — „,^ ...... $U|**9 

/to  Suits  for  men  and  yoong  men,  in  notei  3^  ib  44.  S)iper|lj 
fwO  tailored  in  smart  s^Ie*.  poths  indode  some  of  the  finlst 

"       $51.75 

all  wool  Uapoirtai  Wl»riteds  uid  tweeds.  Kegnlar 
^jOO.    Smoke  DanjageSttle  ^.......^....^ 

't.ik  Onlv.  jNrarm  * f leecar  31ip-on  .Qvcrcoata  <  that  were  priced  at 

English  Overcoat^*  the  majority  of  them  bjr  Studd  ind  M!^~^^^^*5^^ 
ig  vwr  lingfbn.   dlothtlnctttdegtWiineHarnatweeda  and  pure 
^*^"ibiterfals  in  dark  sh«4e8.    Regular  $d5X)0. 

lIMkie- J^Uace  Sale    .l. 

'        R<ili|»r$S5jOQL    8iMkaI]^ageS 

-seJLm  ^ndrtgx^r  |iK>d)e^ 

JMarwasr  aaA  faMii 

»  J  i  Ifc.^*  I 

's  Rtibber^Md^^ 


Antici^iegou^lotliing'tfMs  for  montte  ahead  \^  pun 
dis|>fay  in  fLir|Mndows  for  otbq'  barg^ns  not  meotiohed 


60  Only,  Men's  Sweater  Coata,  in  navy, 
dark  gfcy.  green  and  broWtt^    Pwe 
wd6lqtiali^.     Regular  $12JB|0 
Smbke  Dataufa  ^A  ( 

Sali . _ 9\M*i 

20  Dosen  W^taon'i^  Staafiald*« 
Pemnan'a   Uttdtrit/M,    Shirts 
IMp^rs. '  Refe:iilBr  $3.50  a  gamfent 
SoNpl  Ditesge 

'  ^^ 

aS^Dosen'Sngliah  Pure  Wool  Combin 
ation  Underwear.    Regul 
a  suit    Smoke  Damage 

A  ^F«w  QBJ^-Ladlea'  mAc  Mofnera.  , 

at  these  economy  prfcesi    Stt 

Ml  v^om-       ^ ^     IJfVv'  ^>.»   •i''*-*  *.j:n»  .■^^V,...J..■ 



One  Onlyj^LaQOi^  Slreiter  Cbatt 
!UgttUf«0.0O.  V:  (»ft%  yjf. 
Smoke  ia^(e  ||]e^$i(S.aKI 

Te^  Dosen  Men's  Hat«,  jn  the  season's 

be  the  final  oflering  of  our 
choice  ste^k  of  Ladies'  Furs  at  a  fe- 

Odd  Sijp^  jtfWolaey.Pure  Wool  Vn- 
d^rwsjipr.  ^^^agular  |7.S0  a  gannmt. 
Smoke  Damage  ^ 

Stit ^.,.^ 


duction.  0nr  stocic  comprises  beauti- 
fttlly  des^ti^  Hudson  Seil  Coats  and 
Scarfs,  ykt^i,i,  etc.,  in  the  popular  pdta 
and  newest  styles.  At  regular  prices 
our  values  are  unbeatable.  Now  yoo 
can  purchase  at  a  discount  of 

'iiao%  Off 


Vancouver  Baseball  Magnate 
StiR  Confident  of  LandJni; 
His  Town  In  Coast  Leiigue 
Berth  Next  Season 

rtfM  tUmmrn  «f  laaAtea  a.  tertk  h 

tm  mneli  bM«ilb  thafei  Um  r«»ed|i 
mm  «v*r  tM  vlFW  it^sas  tb*  •«• 
Frmaetoo*  aM«Ma«  wala  indtoaUi.  t 
h*v«  a  oMifte  ot  propMlUMw  tA  lay 
liMifDr*  tlM  toval  fi^MiMWI  X  tm  antla- 
fltea  uuit  w*  wtn  «•  tfrt*  t<»  gtv» 
Vaaioettv«r  eiM»  acwrtitoj^  imU  ncs^ 
TMT.**  fla  MM  Boa  Brawn.  V«ao«tt. 
ir*r  Mafoat^  aa  «i.g#fiia  tua  iMni- 
Isf  Ctmb  tiM  aaaaal  MU  aiiMMNr 
pi  tha  l>a«lte  Ooaat  Laaau*  4lr«etMs , 

tocMl    War 
>|roi%  per 



(and  the  voun£  fellow) 

A  .good   jrtngff    of.. 
pHcM  Ir 

l^ow  b  the 
I »  select  ymir 
hw       — HurMfe  ou 

«t  Hs  best. 

iayi   Cowe 

EngHsb    T 


berized  Tv< 






YAMCOUVBll.  dot.  SCXf 
haatcra  do  aei  aroAt  from  thte  sea- 
aoais  h^aciaf;  tlMa  tb*  o«v«maHiat 
wUl.     eiaa*   til*     abMtlat     asasea 

m«at  af  Um  arMteelal  ame*  has 
*>**°  >«p|.g|ir,l|l>>inrf  traak  af -<!* 

trylna  tbWr  la*'  with  -tM  «tia.  B*' 
*M»^  tiM  aafiur,  wifitfi  l»av«,th«  ncea*. 
mit  HoMm-fk  hanfi  tUre  ara  a 
«MftS  mpjib'^'Ma  Htva  «M  takaa  out 
tba '  doettmaatj. 

Thaaa  man  |Miy«  bean  ehackad  up 
br  tha  gama  wardan  and  a  banob  at 

^nalNlML  9«sMa  um  eaaaa  r«aariiia« 
tha  WhbOsa^  c|Nra  ar«  a  naaAar  irba 
bara  baaa  in  tba  l|ablt  af  aatac  aato- 
ma4ia  abataaaa  tar  kttaHnir  p«j<»0aet. 
It  la  aaalnat  tba  IfW  fbr.a  man  ta 
oae  (bUi  atyla  ot  ««%  and  aavaral 
ahaotara  have  baaa  dnad  and  tbair 
auna  eanflaeatcC  JRUs  ia  ona  point 
M  wbicb  tha  biw  Ja  exeaadtnaly 
airtat.  and  U  win  ga  ba»d  Wttb  aar- 
oaa  laufd  ia  iminiaa^,a<  aa  auta* 
matle  skaMlag  traa» 



NVW  TORK.  Odt.  S9>-it  ft  an- 
dar^»adj%t  tJit«raa<a  Idantiiiad  wHb 
a  aromtaant  naUonal  bank,  a  wall- 
known  bankina  nowftt  and  a  daTeiop.> 

trada  WNlifltia^  Oi^mT  •♦«  tbrJi^wT 
<iiil'Jli^r^  ^ek  at  tha  ph»po>ed 
Chfnaae-American  pank'.  Of  th« 
«to,«o,(^.0«*  capita}  attack.  liatfwUl  ba 
taken  up  by  tba  ^Ajntrtean  aroup  and 
tha  othel-  Pf^  i^^  |bhiaflW^ater«sta 
Half  of  tba  capltaUaaUen  haa  already 



baaa  paid  ta  bad  tfta  rMnaladar  baa 
baaa  fdUy  aseara^. 

Maaciaaaaau  tiaMw  Tha  Vtotarta 
paaclna  OMb  haa  iMvad  InVlta^ 
tl^rtu  to  tha  macquarada  daaea  t(»  ba 
HMd  on  Saturday  evenlnir.     Mambara 

dr*.  aabad  to  brine  th*ir  admlasi^a 
edMy  bail  praaant  th«m  at  tba  dlai', 
kM  Mr  dur  Uraaantatioa  of  tha  aama 
#m'-'av^lfea^la  ba  adafetttdd.  Aby 
fnaM|tta#s  Who  have  dal  yet  aannad 
thair  «^da  flbn  da  ao'  by^  apHrlat  ta 
tha  ie^retary  i 

AltbaatM  tba  opdb  siassu  far 
phaaaania  daaa  aat  atart  «nUi  tba 
17th  of  nazt  afaatb.  many  of  «baaa 
bifda  have  baen  abat^  and  savaral 
praaaetttlona  ara  pandWr.  If  Ihbi 
staavbtar  of  gana  birda  fcdspa  an 
tVif  win  b*  a  daeidad  aearetty  of 
tba  aaxt  aaaaan.  This  abenM^  ba 
takaa  into  otfadMbratian  hr  tba 
hubtara.  -  »•  • 

*ha  tadMr  dlitrliJt  ta  pMyfag  a 
papalar  ona  wMh  hantera  and  avary 
day  tbay  ara  brtnciaa  homa  limit 
bags  tt^m  thJk  eios«-«t-baail  aboot. 
UMf  fToond.  SaVaral.  bowaner,  wha 
aa^a.  cone  out  witbaut  tha  neoeaSaxy 
pa«)M>h*niaila  for  dnok  abootlng  hart 
rataraad  witbaat  nneb  aaceasa. 
,  Ja<dt  Jobaaaa  of  tba  Prorioea  atatt 
haa  baaa  oat  lAdaar  way  pavaral 
ttaaaa  dartaa  Um  pdat  fbw  waaka  and 
ba  aa»a  that  thara  ara  tbMMHmda  o? 
dswHa  ta  ba  had.  Ba  baa  c«t  pratty 
eloaa  t^-tha  llailt  every  time  oat. 



foe  britakfMt  toawrrow.  They  art 
deHckafi.  Vad<  of  tendsr-  yaaog 
pof  k  ahd  spiced  so  as  to  gfte  the 
vcfr  6nest  eaifqr.  Try  thdm  once, 
and  you  wiling  a' iteady  iostomcr 
here.  ■•    .  v^. 

CaMife  Sm^  lUbi  ill 


llq^^^^M  ketkl^^  to  Reiit||  n 

it  'Very  line  lanjc  residence  near  Gdvernment  fmSb 
will  be  to  rent  on  or  shol^ly  after  1st  Decefhb^r. 





Storafe  Batteries  M^  Wear 

Cat  (Battery>  WiM  the  Cheapest  way  by 
Sttttii^  your  next  Battery  at 





.r    #-♦ 

NAtf AIMO.  Oet  is_tba  ve^  heavy 
paaa]^  of  Uu  waa  inipoaad  an  Ar. 
thur  Oreen  at  tha  provtncUl  potlea 
eputt  In  Caurtanay  for  trapping 
arttbaat  a  Uie«tta«.    Be  waa  fined  %t% 


fbr'aaeb  for  ha  had  in  hia  poaseaal 
Bk  waa  alao  flnad  farther   |K0   for 
earrytof  flraarma  wltbaat  a  Ucanaa. 

LARttN  COMslisT 


Only  one  avant  waa  daatdad  at  tba 
T.lf«r.A.  Haudlaap  waakbr  awimartng 
eoai*t  bald  laal  night.  Tba  half nafla 
howavar,  nanaaniiallaa  «4  lapa  of  tba 
•ovaaad  by  aavan  ooataa- 
M^aiaaad  hatwaan  IS  ta  tS 
^inutaa.  Tha  fhataat  time  waa  made 
^  J.  lasiaball.  wba  waa  baatan  by 
teadJaapa.  tba  priasa  «o«ac  aa  Cauawa: 
riiat,  a.  hmtmtt;  and.  e.  MePadyaat 
«rd«  J.  MarAall.  Maat  waak  tbiaa 
avaats  a*a  ta  ba  adstaatad,  iwdudtaa 
tba  4S-JWN  Tola  BaU  oaaryi  4d-yatd 

SAN  niMIGtteO  BOXMn  ■ 

la  T«Nnr  Car  Bnniiliig  Right? 

^^        '.^If  not,  brii|(  it  in  today  and  we  will  fo  cardfuUy 
; ,  m-  «vct  it  aad  fitid  the  tro^Ie. 

.    0«r  Prieti  Ara  Rifhl 


BBS  DiMO'vafy  9vMm 

Nikt  nmm  IIU,  MUX.  „- 

84k  FJUKOiaca  Oat.   a».^pra. 
UaMaanr  baalis  laaiabaa  tai  tba  Far 

Wasliava'abaaiaiaBsBipa  wai 
alglkt  ai  tha  Obraipte  ci«b 

bald  ta- 

diraetlon  of  the  fwsUle  AtblaMa 
Oilw  ai 

af-Laa  Angalaa, 
waa  a  anBisa  9**t  .Wattar  aatbaab 
af  aaa  a»*aataaa  ta  tba  CMMat  maieb 
mi  tba  avanlag. 
|»f  9iMl  avant  jHH  Ukd  placa  to- 

at  onea. 

n^v  do  weldihf  and  cuh^< 


bantaal  bare  taatgbt.     in   tha 

IpuU  Ughtaaigbl  avwat  Jinuny  i>«||^ 

•v^^^K     ji^w  aanraanaia     wars     an 


la  Om  two  Jaaka*  bmiavd  laaaaa 
lafl  atfbt  SIbbaraoaa  taam  waa?^^ 
I'd  team  br  tl»s  ta  Ui. 




4iM  KlidRaf  Waod,  m  tr 
latkailU  «eo^  sl«K  Macks, 

m,  tif : 

siii  mm0. 


Jidj  _.    ... 

aaroblaan.  its-  wilfciiMaa. 
IBM.  Jits.  «"Wi«^ 

Iff.  ^',  vJU/- w 





THE  Dillty:  tX>UMyiCT>  \lCTORf A>  RC /RI^Il>AY.  OCTOBER  31.  19|9 



->  '.  J- 



^  ^^Ww^(W«WW^ . 

Saturday  Matinee 



y>.'  »  4 




Tkt  Story  af  tke 
MMt  K< 


■■J?- .     .  .  Wl 









Time  dUren,ts  bcfveea  cHies, 

•tM#  v^-aia««/  wMdronib 
.  hentlfal.  timiglit  steps  Inm  Ur 
'^Jta^or  into  tkc  cntcaacc  of  the 

;  Pi»ic4  iPy  pw  <6f  Ike  most  de- 
sirable men  that  society  can 

Acaia,  thU  aftemoon,  tMs 
woman  Is  hsrlof  tea  on 
«he  Teraada  at  SteppeMTs  In 
GaifUN  aad  mtnmtimg  wUk  her 
InscmtaUc  Moria  X&a  ejcs  the 
totmfky  and  the  people  to  be 
loaiMl  at  the  gateway  of  the 
6arden  of  Ailib. 




In  a  Series  of 

or»(|jr«*nvornc«.  1«^  HaJl^rM  o^  UHl  c^  Orpheum  v«nid«TUi«,  ii^bitoh 


t-^J"  <* 



D  G  H  IN  ID  N 




Fitly  MMkle 





ToBlKbt.  teo^ 
Cafe  de  Paris. 

she  is   at    the 






.  She  is  dandnf  at  the  Qiff 
House  In  San  Fr«acisco»  or  rac- 
toff  Jbp  thi  Often  bdolevard  in 

•Ue  Aegcles  lb  h«rp  •  dtaner 
edfaf enent  at  the  AlbiuMbla. 

.M    EVEI^r     CITY,      in 

SXSSX:  *^.^*T  SWP   IK  THE 
WORID.    aM   of    yoe   SEE    her; 

**??  ww«.  ,«»«xi1«tapWe  wqmai). 

'  At  'the  'piasseor's,  at  the "  per- 
fhihet/s.  at  the HMdlite's.  atlfhe 
hvtcber^s'  or     the    'Woker^i— 
THEKE,  .  SHE  .  IS,  .  AMD     YOU  ' 

.  SMEil^  SYJ^itYWHEKE.^'  > 

She.^  rich.     She  is  poor.  She.\ 
has  ei^ything  exc'ept  honor  or ' 
she  :has^  ncUhbif   minus  i  honor. 
She  if  •ie«eM|y'< .  nji.n  away 

■?I*'**2»  **•'  fo??.  "»*"'*  abused 
y»^.  She  U  a  ifltt)  OF  PARA. , 
DfSE,  leaving  sone  haven  of 
discontent  and  BOUIfD  J'OR 
WHERE.  She  begniles,  allures 
or  depresses  the  gattMer  and  the 
diplOMat  In  ALIk  lands  and  in 
ALL  tiaes  she  has  marched  aloat 
the  social  fringe  of  things,  be- 
dsclccd  or  bMraggled.        7 

torn  caanot  defy  her.  You 
cannot  escape  her.  She  .Is  'THE 


R  Q  YA  L 

Mabel  Nmand 


I  '-* 



The  de^raUona  Mt  the  .halt  to  be 
aiven  la  beaor  «C  i[»ri  JelUboe  will 
be  on  an  etaberaie  aeaie.  eepMlaily 
thoM  In  t6«  ballreoai.  where  •pactai 
aaval  decoratlva  CNkture*  will  be  car- 
rled  out.     Tha  «rlll  roam,  to  be  used 

*^^tt^^ '•'***"•»*  •"^  atUlna 
out,,  wm  >Jao  b«  edmf ortably  and 
t^ftUly  arranged.  Dancehl  will 
llild  tkia  a  irery^rttiifai  raaort"  Th« 
oflle«|>  «f  ttie  Kavy  Loacuo  are  at 
«•••»  M*.  .Pemberton  Building, 
wtaara  applleattens  for  tfoketa  «an  be 

T^*-  -■*'•  "  "■  J**^*^.  «rf  the 
Ualen  Bank,  will  aiao,  seoalva  applf. 
catlona.  ;         " 



LOHDOtt.  Oct.  I*^-4»wliw  ta  tba 
IMraMant  daaaaada  Irom  China  aad 
the  shertaca  of  anppUaa  tha  apot 
price  of  alhrer  reached  •«  i-j  penee 
par  oanea  her*  yaalardar,  a  aaw  raeZ 
^'.^  t^la  ia  above  the  prleeiu 
whfch  it  papa  to  naelt  down  atlver 
eolna  much  tii«ereat  la  taken  in  tha 
atepa  the  Ooverameat  may  Uke  to 
"Miet  the  attnatlaa.  T 

^8r!C$  as  H^jitie .  Attrac- 
tibfl  ofi  New  Ocpheum  Bill-^ 

'i     '   -'         \      .•v/?,-*;"-^      j'i--. 

Oe^tihude  ifpffman.  Vho  ,  eomea  to 
the  Itoyai  Vlctorta '  'Meatre  tonight 
and'  - .  tomorrow  wfffi  '  a  tetnrday 
matinee,  la  Indeed  vaudevltle'a  veraa- 
tlle  aeatua.  VandevMle  la  kaleido- 
aeoplcfaaaiiaeinent,  jitMl  the,  variety,  ot 
liJpB  i  H4)>fCmaA'a  aohiav.em«at  aeema 
aa  WMe.aad  Inpzhanatlbla  aa  the  vie|w 
liurOMch  ta.  .kaleldoacope;  Wbwn  atae 
taafc  ap  danflnc  »he  pu^aatde  her 
|q|PiyMi^Dr|ia  of  ,atafe  celebritei.  Then 
lb,  j>feaaittliMr  her  wordless  jilay. 
"Sumarun,*'  she  demonstrated .  her 
hl|^  aijt  as  a  pantomimist.  succeed- 
Ilia-' in  maiiina  a  play  'p«rf«ctty  cliear 
and  .underatandable-  entli^y  i>y  aea- 
ture^aad  facial  eicpreiiaton'.  ^  day 
Ifdffmaii     4>rQ^C!ed   a   review. 

njle  Wm  a  tHrfi^  drummei-  i^^end  to 
hdhf.'' She  even  uns.  .  Heir  gtea  test 
naer't^  pAibabiy  waa-her  dnMrefvinc 
deklin^  for  acArnipltshmen'ts.  ''Slijii'waa 
ifeVef  conVeitt.'  but  ftlWays  w«rit'lob1c- 
/nif;  'frfk- ""  better'  tHlnss  to  ' d^, '  and 
usually'  found  ttiem.  Her  -orclieBtni 
Is  under  ^he  dh-ecUeh  *or- Wkt  'Heff. 
man:  >  *  ■  •  •  ■  •  ■  '  ■■  ?  .-<;.-  .  - 
.  Erwin 'ahd '  Jahe  C6ni\e11y  offer  a 
coatedy-af  tadnd^  U^e  enMtled  «'The 
Tale,  of 'a  Shirt."  which  .,18  supposed 
to  tajce- place  an  tta^.  aye  of  a  holi- 
day when  the  day's  work  ia  over.  It 
la.  a  one-act  play,  and  4a  a  blaivl  of 
aeatiment,:.  ..romancie,  -hiuner'  .and 
pathos. .  They  have ,  arlven  vaudeville 
aeveral  exceptional  sketches, .  one  or 
two  of  which  were  almost  .cUlssIc,  and 
tilts  pieee  la  by .  all  odda  the'  beat' 
vehicle .  Erwln  and  Jane  Connelly 
ever  had  and  their  .  pf  rfortf^noe  la 
bej'ond  critlciam>    .  ;  _  /.  .      .*" 

Kra^fcla  l^ood  and  Bnne^  Wyde  In 
a  'Batiye  of  Oreenwleh  ViUaare,'^  ;»^in 
oCer  «  humoroi^s  line  of  conversa- 
tioti, .  Misa  Wyde  belngT  a  handaome 
blonde  and  Mr- Wood  a  comedian  of 
aenulae  merit.  ..     >  ^n  > 

An  !  artlat  In  imperaonatloa  ia 
Claudia  Coleman,  "The  Smile  Qlrl." 
Mias  Coleman  makes  types  .live  be- 
fore her  audience  with  the  asatetanoe 
of  a  few  liaaa  Md  aaarvelaitr  laoial 
aapwaaloa.  ■■ 

Aaya^ai  la  acad;  «f  'a  am|iat  would 
do  wall  ta. leak  np  Mr.  Oreen  and  Mlsa 
Myra.  "rrha  Merry  Moment"  la  a 
■•m.  Mr.  Oi^en  flrbc  eama  into 
theatrical  prominence  aa' the  "Craay 
flddler"   with   Bleeaom   Se^lay. 

Some  athletic  anthoritlea  have  de- 
clared the  'Caating'  Warda  to  •!>•  taa 
greatest  symnaata  Jin  thd"' world.  Tliia 
may  be  eatravagant;  bUt  tliei<el8'no 
dottbtlnar  the  fact  that  the^  are  ex- 
captional.  The 'Warda  are  said  to  be 
tm '  onlir'  caatihflT  aet  in  ektetertoa  to 
make  a'  triple  somersault  to  the  feetl 
THia  ia  oaly  one  af  tHf  many  dMiouitr 
aad  Mfttrtoata  feats  compeelAd  thatr 
roatinoi^   ^  .'.     '.w  ','.!'.."< 

aamarQfe.aa«  liahla;  wfio  are  «ftle« 


The  Staee 

Royal  Victoria — Orphetnn  Vaude- 
'    ,Tllle.  ' 

Prtnoes»— R.  N.  Hlncka  and  Com" 

pany  present  "Billy's  Little  LbVe 

Psmtagea     Vaudeville.  « 

Donlnlon — ^Manmerite     Clark     la 

"Girls."    .  ... 

Variety  —  John      Barrymora      in 

"Kaffled."     • 

^Odfcnnbia—l^edda  Nov»  and  J. 
it^Vank  QleaddQ  in  "By  the 
ivorld  9or«ot."  and  Cha^Ha 
Chaplhi  and  Fatty  .  Arbaekle 
in    •The    I»ttgillat." 

.  ]toman«^-r'Monta«u    Xjove    In    "To 
|iim   That  .Hath."    aad    aerial. 
"'The    T%ar*a   Trail,'*,  featurtna 
Ruth  nolaAd.  ^' 


With  Special    t^«^  ^t^h-s?^-' 
Stage  Settings 
and  Augmented 


fai  a 

af  Um^4rp  Ufe 

Tha  Smila  Girl 


Sam  aad       '      Halea 

&m  HYRA 

la  Their  Many  Mamyts 
PraaUa  aad 


SaHaa  al 





if  I'-f 

exceptlQoal  ^danoenk^  liavlni;  been  aA* 
aociated  /adth  the  b^^t  of  the  Ro^l 
Coiiet  at  SI.  jPeteribj^rs. 

_  The  orchestral  of  erlnc  .  and  ,  Uie 
picttfre  section  ma^  be^.  •depended 
|p^  to  round  out  a  coipplete.^ 
aapiwlal  merit  and.  onp  to  be  enjaypa 
by  Orpheum   Vaudevtpa  'ftma! 

i—i.  <  V^*  niaht'a  rfhearaai:^ 
kTHE.  ihat^  deilarhtful  ttlil^ 
comedy.:  ."iSlljr'a.  (Jjttle 
LoVa  Affair."  which  wili'tiaSre  Ita  la. 
Uial:  preaentation,  at  Uia.l^Plnoaai(  this 
dventtna.  went  off  aplendldly.  *  artd 
auc^rs  wm- for  the  sucoess  <tfrits  enr 
th-a^  run.  For  this'  productlbn  Mr. 
ffldeks  has  assembled  an  excellent  cMst 
«  Players.  Miss  ^va  Hart  is  admit'- 
afbly  Huited  to  the  title  role,  and  lier 
ohuacterizatlon  of  TBffly'VnwIlI  un- 
doubtedly «dd  ^aatlwr  Wg  sueeeairHo 
her  Jaurera.  Ciiptain  Handy,  who  Ha^ 

f»*»«"e  Mtta  tturt,  ausMUns  an  «2^. 
anrole  Wtth  much  ^suoeins..  The  re- 
allinv  roles  are  In  the  capable  hapds 
air  dlher  popular  member*  af  the'com- 
)}aay,  who  enact. their. roles  in'a'maa- 
tor  that  leavea  little  room  fbrcrlil- 
fOmm.  Altbvether  "Billy'S  X.ittte' Loye 
AtfeUr"  is  one  of  the  most  dehchtful 
epifiedy-dramas  of  the  company's  ex- 
fenetve  repertory.  ^    •'  i  -.  ..,!,.:> 



ita  aa  i    

ia  Thahr  Naliva'^1 
Laad       ^  i 

PklCJESi  l|Uteei,.}fo,  Stt.   Evniii;.  2St,  Sit,  7ii^  fIJl 


Seats  Now 

on  Sale 


fhais  ONsn 

Don't  F^U  to  See  This  DeU 

a  .'.  -  '       .  ■■■■'' 


aa  "The  JUiaalan  Paafatita>'V  preaaat 
what  thay  call .  "On  >  a  Sunny  After- 
noon  ih  Their  Native  Land/' -Both  are 

.      d«  AMea  AaasddMe 
WAa^OXOTON,  •  oc^.  t«.-^t .  tiia 

the  aaaata  Imml«rhtlaa  Cdmmittae 
today  ardered  a  favArabla  repivt  en 
the  Ravaa  bUl  pravtdiac  far  tha  da- 
poAaUon  aad  panaaaaat  esaluslea 
from  the  United  gtaiea  at  allaa 


Mi^and^oi^  it  Canada  flmiiiYialii  ttmuh 

— ifeAiJ^?*!?*2^*C!f!!^  •■'*N1  •  Wm^  part  of  tha 
war  bM^  fhia  ffMd^l^  Ittve  i« 

Buy  vKTomr  MNbdi 



St.        iiiiUMirfii 


By  a  Spedalif  t 

One   of   the   very  joyobs 
entertainment  '  items  '  on 
the  PaTitaces  programme 
Of  ihiudeviUe  this  week  Is  offered  by 
Dominique  Amoros  and  h4a  pretty  aa> 
jriataint.  Jeanette.    Amoroa  1^  a' dapper 
tiith)  French  comedian,   who   reminds 
Otidjof  Max  Llnder,  and  his  assiseant 
is  a:.  sUtuesque  blonde   with   personal 
attractlvenaaa    beyond    her    oapabilKy 
**  •*>»«'*•'•■■•     1^«y  otfer  a  rare  treat 
la  eomedy:    Amoros  Is  a  pantomlmtst 
trltlv  an  ehtlrely    new   line  of     fi^s, 
Oipat  eresttires  and  a  daah  of  li^tra- 
meatal   music  with     his     eonoerttim. 
JTeaaette  la  a  show  ii»  herself.     This 
ia  Ohe   of  the   four  acts   of  irenerous 
pt-oportiona  and  an  extra  hish  meas- 
ure of  quality  which  supplement  the 
Stwo   bi»  features   of   the    proaramme, 
Wrtwn  and  the  K.  T.  Ki^aa, troupe  or 
apanese   maarlolans.      both   of  these 
acta  ihjraUly  on  aaeount  of  the  eoa- 
summate  skill  Hhown.     Tarxan  is  re- 
puted  to   be   the   most   nearly   human 
monkey  baloa  exhibited  on  the  siaae. 
and.  the  KUma  cooijmny  have  a  aroup 
of    illusions   that   are    flawlessly    pre- 
sented agalnat  a  apeouciflar  Oriental 
drop   of   black   velvet   and  «old   em- 


;,''*•?  I' 

tyb;iii#  K.  N.  Hindis  P^iMpta  tha  D^^ofU 




n<{  Hi 

ftnd  ewerr  Nlghf 
HNeitt  Week 

Hart  as '"Billyh 

Airiolad  bsr  Capt  Hmdy 
ami  a  Splendid  Company 

Priees  aslil^:   25c  te  76c 
Box  Office  Niiw  Opea 

All  filjeatt  Itoterved 
MioBe  4025 




Tkat  the  dandruff  garai'lo 
*be  dtseasss  tt 

tor  aaarij^aH 


1^  teiportance  of  any  afeat   that  will 


dealiav  lu  power.     i>r  tMa  fiaaen  H 

|L*i2f«iS»  i*  «Vl*  ^••'••"H  tbe  pt«- 
aafipiiaa  waleh  a  fametts  acala  aaedal- 
lar  atatea-lM  has  found.  mhSrmSSSt 
U«a,  wfll  oom^atsly  aeairey  ta«- dan. 

draff  aenaa  ia  from  a '   "'^  ""^ 

wUl  alae    auaaat    Imb^i. 

frm9  ta  freai  oae  te  tbrea  aaali 
ftsiifaa  bair,  aad  it.aas  la 

D^ilWWN  Halene  ChadwJck,  a 
THmTRB  noted  soraea  beauty,  and 
one  of  Harrlsan  Flaheira 
favorite  modela,  aupporta  liaEvuerRe 
Clark  InVQlrle,"  the  feature  phpco- 
drama  at  4be  Dominion  tjiia  week. 

Mlsa  Chadwlck  entered  pictures  ,  a 
short  time  ago  and  played  leading 
parts  In  several  Pathe  productions. 
Her  record  Is  seikaatlonal.  8be  dttfnH 
start  in  at  the  bottom  and  work  up. 
but  her  flrst  part  was  a  leadtna  one. 
Her  lateat  work  .#as  aa-  fsadtng 
w(>maa./ar-Bciram<Waahi>um  m  hia 
new  »mtfmonnt  iilctdra.  "A  very 
Good  to^^Maa,";  AU  who  aaw  that 
picture -la  the  making  needed  no  aa^ 
sun  ami  lia  Mr.  unity  aa  W  9dadiB« 
woman.  And ,  as'  for  baaoty — ^fiit 
Harrlaan  Vtahar  -aad  othdr  noSd 
painters'  don't  patot  aaybody  that 
lan't  strictly  worth  while. 

today,  with  a  Chaplin  dbmedy  ana 
Marie  Walcarop'a  aerial.. , "The.  ,Ba4 
Qlove."  aa  added  attraetlona. 

Hedda  Nova  and  J.  fVaM^^KHaMliaa, 

stars  Jn  the  serial.  "The  lyopian  m 
the  Web,"  are  the  featured  playara. 
and  In  the  •aTik>portlnc  eaat  are  Otto 
Lederer.  Ed.  Alaxaadafy  /  Ra^rt^ 
Palmar.  R.  0.  Bradbury,,  and ,  George 
Runkel.  Cyrua  Townsebd  Brady  ta 
the  author.  <* 


*:■■  vcoamtG  to  variett 

Ate-OIA  I>ranw  of  TVeuMSidoaa  RaaMui 
Appeid  Win  Be  rreaeated 

Keta  Heat   Week 

Baaed  on  a  theme  thas  touches  al- 
most eVery  a»an,  woman  and  child  in 
the  world.  "The  Eternal  lllagdalene," 
the  Ooldwyn  picturlxatlon  of  RolMrt 
H.  MeLanghHn^  aucceaaful  pMar,  von- 

taina  the  dual  elementa  of  a  power- 
ful huaMn  drama  «ad  a^araat  apee. 
tdiilile.  It  is  a  modern  etory  of  the 
pfiisat  aiamisnt^  hiih  acencs  lafd  In  a 
typical  American  town  enacted  by 
people  who  are  familiar  participants 
la  the  life  af  wnry  oomnrnnlty. 
'^Oaldaryn'a  prodaetion  of  tMa  Mff 
atage  suceeas  has  been  shaped  to  ShoW 
the  univeraaUty  of  tha  IfUtadalane: 
bar  contact  with  the  Uvea  of  every- 
ohe;  tha'dantara  that  aria*  from 
hounding  her  from  pillar  to  poet  liha 
a  hunted  animal  and  the  aieaaa  t>r 
Which  she  can  be  brooght  back  to 

Thto  prodaatlaa  la  made  wttt^Ai  pow- 
erful cast  of  well  known'  playera. 
haadM  by  trnM     '  "^  ' 

the  oompaay  being  under  the  aiaa- 
ageaient  of.the  pUy'a  author.  Over 
night  repreaentatlvea  of  theatl<lcal 
matiaffata  lit'ttaw  TaHi  «Bd  CMlMNia 
raced  against  time  and  each  other  to 
Cleveland  to  win  th|s  production  aa 
one  of  the  saasan'a  priaea,  aad  it^aa 
captured  by  flelwyn  A  Company  and 
preaaoted  at  the  Forty- BlfHth  Street 
Theatre  before  begltfiniag  Ita  tour  af 
the /larger  of  tJea.    ■■r    . 

aad  (iTKartas 
iaher.     three 

Msyti^  jiariakf t  ifdrah 

L>aItaA  and  Donald  QkU 

B       pdniOttaliUaa       wtialy 

kaowa  aa-tba-asedeAi'^         ..'.<.  -^tK^M 

"TlM  BUmal  Maddalaaa'T  waa  flrat 

prodiwad  aa  a  play  by  a  alack  e«M« 

iaay Jbi,  Clevaladd  In  the  fall  of  ifil, 


--r^TTT-'  ;<3oe«  (o  Aeaffald 
AAN  rKAIfciscO,  Oet^  M.-—l^ild 
llagufa,  #lip  aa  -ftiny  S.  mi,  mnr« 
dani  J.  &  Riley,  of  Flat;,  AlMfca.  a 
gold  operatari  mast  gb  i§^  ft^  gat- 
lows,  the  Waited  ntniis  dhiiliH  Coatt. 
of  Appeala  decided  here  in  passing  on 
his  appeaL  ^gura  olainlad  he  kIRed 
Riley  after  futile  efforia  to  cell 
I3j)p*~awlnc  him  for  hauilqa  . 
aad  taft.hesnjMiaot  in  his  rigai 




haai»  ee.  aay"Swggiat 
Jw-  ya*-t«  ouaeeirBay 


of  Ntrtiai.^aaMaeas. 

a  .a^ade  up  at 

Raak  y^euasaa 

lata  the-  aeaj^  wntTthf 
yew    wtob  jt_£erf ameiat  s 

ly  f#r 


.    Idraehai 
WMe    thfc 

jTOUajlu    ataphanie  waa  ifetratfaeia 
"■*■"•* '  -M  ,  Derrick,   bat  aha  a»- 

really  loved  to  ahaagtoal  htm  and 
leavw^  him  wimadsd  oa  a  dMaas- 
teland.  Than,  fearing  ha  might  ae 
^'**'[lJ**2'**'***  •  eaarelrtng  party 

haaMttfttl  Maad  ,  giti.     aa  evaryboay 

-    ^ „„„  „„    y^  *fW^  "^  ^  «**  "»••»»•  »r 

Wapyttlea  ja    aet    a    dye.  it    is  S?        ^    **♦    ^•^^^    Forgot?^   the    VUa- 
shjilg  fj^lasCriBg  gfTr  balr  to  lu     •jPb    Btaa,^|Uhbaa   Itetare,   whl!^ 






^    « 









#•   >>rfr4».,-      4» 











T**^  r  •«. 

iV;,?^*-  ^lij-j-jj^. 


,>    '.■•\-j^.m 



(t*»  n^SVT 


*»,A     » -- 

hh.    ^- 

^'^Basaisas*- , 

>vVt««^iC^S^  . 

Mt  ..'VV 


Ki-5^  «•>?••:-*■:: 

'■=i  ••;*«§: 

■4^  -Br'* 

^^  Be  Stylishly  Dri 


i^Mt'^t  bf  ntisficd  widi  afuit  or  ait  ov^r9^: 
yiijbl  gii^  yoa»  many  yw*  o£  dmh;  to  tisrcr  jiur  body, 
niik  ofjlmr  pri^  too,  and  yos  wiO  demand  a  gM&ent  thai,  ;^-^ ;  ^ 

6dii^  a£  bcii^  wdl-^reMed. 



jam  Mm  wmonAi  ToqiwL'' 



isJ  A     C ' 


te  an^tfifag  dK,  that  makct  tie  m^^wifiy,  x|||, 

0*atf>ede^;niag|Jmpatfi»alringq>#d^      f^ 
ifcaaa  xMbaa  a  «yk  tliat  it 

-  ; '•'■■'1  .'»<v«>'^t-:/  •^t'  .1 

1  5fc    ,  <i  4  U  -^  ''^' 

~.  *.i . 




1^18-20  Douelas  Street 

• -Ar  a.  *  e 


^>  ^ 

5^  'i^mA  VtoijIV  ^ 




^^^XofapBf 5  tSBOV  *fh/r  t»vo  li :/ 


at  tfaek  beat  In  die  Fil^lefenifa^ 
selectioD  of  bappy  styles,  wanA^ 
iabiic9  and  mssterly   tailoring. 


»  ;i 







dM     prtvttes*     tlHt     la 

]:x>in>oii,    Oct. 


b  OMiMii.  «ia  ta 

It  t*   d«iM*  Ml   tlM 

Of  worn  tat««rfk««t 
»  day  or  moffo  mm  m 
cat  actlOB  of  UM  Oov- 

ai   trttahoiaiav 

mm  Utfkta  for  Ma 

COBAXA*,  oat..  Get.  Mv—VI^  r*. 
aottat  fa  tlio  tmrnUktimtt^i,  Out., 
Xoffalatlira  atoetlon  baa '  Man  ar- 
xuagmM  far  Balnrdar  aMMnitff  In  t|la 
eaartMaaa  bare  bafore  J^d^a  t^art- 
niaa.  Tha  Labor  men  ara  protaat- 
lat  tbo  alaetloa  of  Tbonaa  Ma«l*- 
«l*rr.  Conaervattva. 



P<4loa  Jyty  »»rraa>a4 

anaTtfiS  a<  <ak  iMk.7aniAnr  %^ 
tator  of  HvagEfy,  In 
tbli  taatt  of  tao  Haagarbw  lairat 
ia^a&JM«M«  at  mUUaw  oC  wnrtM^ 
aoa«Mfl»r,to  ^  Pi'afaa  tfhw**!'. 
tt  II  laaraoa  bara  tbat  tho 

snartflnc  aala  Kaa, 
and   trial   ara 

t$*—An  lavaatorr  (k 
tbi  awvn  iowMa  kaa  <Seiaoa«  taet  m 
fMiiaas  aiaaaaod  kno«ra  •  aa  Si 
OMii  Oaaa^  o<  TaaSMir  «a«  aMMi 
ot|ibri«lMbla  objaeta  )wva  baan  IV^ 
mfijMt,  Uraaoaukblr  br  taa  faraMtf 
ampaMrwbaaliia  flad  tho  aaaatty.  M 
la  aald'^o  bote  opo*  qaoaHba.  Wm 
9^,  waatMr  tbla  atona  waa  prbWS 
or  /wato'^toflo'tjr. 

aa  ft  ir 


m  mm  a 

'U'c^  wr,f\i 





Hor  Four  Years  Cor^actor 
CouW  Only  Work  Haff-Tlme 
— Never  Misses  an  Hour 

remartabto    rMvltc   hmknw    ot>- 
from    T^njiM   te  further   evi- 


d«iic»d  in  %h»  mmi  of  AI)>«rt  BMr««M, 
a  popular  conductor  on  the  IKnnnlpcC 
Sloctric  Railway  Uvtn*  at  4ftl  Strad- 
brook  avipino.  rort  nonce.  Mr.  Bur- 
Kcaa  caltMl  •tUfKOtt'a  drns  store/ for 
Ala  ftftif  bottM  of  Tanlac.  rMantly, 
and   mada  (Ma  ^ollowinv  aUtamcnt: 

"I  hava  lifatn.  ao  wonderfully  bene- 
fited by  t!att|a«  that  I  wU!  n«v«r  etop 
praJafnc  it.  For  the  paat  (ojur  yeaie 
I  have  hoc  baan  able  to  warti  but 
about  three  d«y«  a  weak  and  have 
had  to  apend  a  Kood  part  of  my 
wa«ea  ttirlnt  to  vet  my  health  back. 
For  eltib  mdatha  I  waa  unable  to 
hit  a  iiek  of  work  and  waa  juet  hara- 
ly  able  to  vat  about.  I  auffared 
with  awful  palna  throuvb  my  rforr- 
head  aU  the  tlnla  and  alao  had  apella 
of  dizslaeaa  whan  I  wnuld  have  to 
eateh  hold  of  aomctblnir  to'iieep  from 
ftUlinv.  My  atomaoli^  finally  arot  in 
auch  a  bad  ahnpo  that  X  could  scaroa- 
ly  «at  cnouch  to  k«ap  me  alive.  .What 
little  I  did  eat  soured  on  my  atproach 
and  I.  suffered  terribly  flro'm  sas  and 
bloatinv-  J  took  ^1  jUnds  of  medi- 
cines, but  still  I  s«lffare4 .  and  could* 
Dot  set  myself  hi  riinpe  to  work 
more  than-''lialf  time.  I  would  go  for 
weeks  at' ^  time  wltboiut  gettinv 
more  thaii  an  hour's  sliep  a  nisht. 
My  condition  waa  awful,  and  I  didn't 
l^naw  what  to  do  or  which  way  to 
turn  for  rall^. 

"At  last  a  friend  becced  me  to  try 
Tanlac  and.  now  I  wlah  I  had  known 
about  It  ^flg^aCD,  for  It  has  really 
made  me.fe«^;l^a  a  brand  new  man. 
I  used  togilfar  ^th  a  dreadful  hurt^ 
Ifiifi   In  TSi^rpK^ofmy  stomach,   but 

.^    (n   tW-p...  _.   ._,    „,. 

-after  takinf  Tanlac  a  abort  while  this 
trouble  dianppeared  and  now  my  sto- 
mach la  in  avoh  •  tood  shape  that  I 
can  eat  Jtiiit  anythlns  I  want  and  nev- 
er  Wiffe|f  «i  bit  with  »m  or  pain,  and 
my  appettte  la  so |>lv  that  lean  hard- 
ly  set  eftotwh  to  eat.  The  palna  have 
,not  only  left  my  head,  but  all  my 
misery  |p  flrene.  a.nd  I  have  not  nllsaed 
a»  I|oun'f«oin  my.  work  aipoe  ahortly 
.after  I  hegan  taleins  Tanlac.  I  have 
alao  sained  several  pounds  in  welsht, 
but  what  I  waa  after  was  relief,  and 
thanks  to  Tanlac  I  have  found  It  I 
can  now  handle' my  work  as  welt  aa 
when  I  first  sot  my  run  seven  years 
lUfo.  It  certainly  was  lucky  for  me 
thf^ri  sot  Tanlac."  ^' 

Tanlac  Im  sold  in  Victoria  hy  b.  B. 
C!ampbell.  druaslat.        .*''---\  m«M  \ 



■■  ,        ■_■"■■         ■    ■     '  '      I  ,.   I      . ,  •    t , , 

•■»-  — _ — r%  ■■ •-  --t-     —  —  •  ■".-  \'"-' ..."..:• — — — : — ■ — -—^ — ■ 

Burdick  Bros.  &  Brett  Receive 
Wire  Announcing  American's 
Handsome  Subscription  to 
Victory  Loan 

the  ^arioua  garaitry  

»v«rat  ieon  aeroplane  ala- 
flona.  The  ayatem  worka  as  fallowa: 
On  I'Ifea  deteetlon  of  a  fire  by  the 
pattM  maahl«a,  the  location  aMd 
«MM '  or '  tM  'ft«a  Ji  7.1ttre* 
down  to  the  aoout  statlona;  a 
machine  Is  detaehed  to  recon- 
noltre  t%e  Are  and  returns  to  make 
a  «Otall«d  report  to  -the  foreatry  con. 
trol  eentrec  Flre-Asbtlns  sa"0  oan 
th4n  be  dtepatohed  wHk  the  mnji|. 
moaa  of  prooaptltudM,  wV^  tes«<klir 
wtth  the  accurate  li^^yt^utlon  t9 
hand,  renders  preiMMlve^«Maaurea  of 
enormous  value  in'  the  savins  of  tim4 
httr,ffm  teoB  hv  flro< 


The  drat  direct  New  York  to  Van- 
couver private  wire  came  Into  opera- 
tion at  11  o'elook  on  Wedneaoay. 
when  Missis.  Burdtok  Bros.  *  Brett. 
Ud..  reoettod  the  initial  mesaas* 
from  Nenr  Tork  from  their  adonta  m 
that  eKy.  'MMsra.  Losan  «  Bryan,  *S 

Mr.  N.  T.  Burdiek,  upon  receipt  of 
a  consratylatOry  telesram.  firom  Mr. 
Benjamin  Bryan  In  this  oonneetton. 
immediately  wired  a  reply  aaklns  <!or 
a  subatantial  aabaeription  to  th*  Vle- 
tory  ftrdan;  In  two  mlatttae  lind 
forty*«v<»  aseooda  from  the  time  of 
dispatch  of  the  first  -wire  an  order 
waa  received  ftrom  Mr.  Bryan  aa  fol- 

"Promlsod  Montreal  that  '  would 
help  substantially,  bat  yon  may  pat 
me  down  personally  for  I  <§,••• 
worth  of  Victory." 

The  new  wire  aystem  Will  five  hoth 
the  Vancouver  and  Victoria  ofloea  of 
Burdiek.  Boa  *  Brett,  Ud..  a  tre- 
mendous prestise  In  the  matter  of 
aendins  and  reoelvinf  huyfhs  and 
•elllns  orders  in  New  Torfc.  Gotham 
beins  the  hub  of  stoeks  ai^l  all  ap- 
pertainins  thereto.  It  has  always 
been  the  aim  of  the  firm  In  queatlon 
to  speed  up- wire  fervlee.  The  estab- 
lishment of  the  private  wtra  eonnect- 
1ns  them  with  I<osan  A  Bryan  is  the 

Mr.  Benjamin  Brymn. '  lnati«ator  of 
the  new  service,  ia  a  pioneer  in  the 
matter -of  establla^ns  private  wtree. 
and  he  was  instrumental  fifteen 
yearif  aso  in  InsuniiMr  the  first  private 
brokers'  wire  from  0aa  Francisco  to 
New  York.  His  two  aoas.  Ben  and 
Jim,    both   Xamiliar   with    telesraphy. 

messasea  over  the  new  wire.  M^  r. 
Morsan,  of  Vnncouv^.  handled  t|ie 
key  and  received  the  mesaasea  from 
the  Pacific,  terminus. 


President  (rf^.S..EI^frlc  Rail- 
way Association  Say^  Many 
Citlefe  HaVe  Accepted  Ten 

VIKNIfA.'  0«L  s«.~jrh^  own- 
ment  has  eOsctad  a  meamre  tut  the 
expuhiion  of  all  members  of  the 
Hovse  of  HapabuiJi  who  have  not 
taken  adfaatase  of  the  W  of  last 
iM|rii  to-  nmounee  aU  tkMr  euims 
ma4  beooihe  loyal  oltlaans.  The 
measure  alao  prevMee  for  eonflsca- 
tion  of  all  proitefily  of  theee  persons 
not  lessor  provon  tp  ha  whOUy  pri- 
vate ^nd  not  diils><  frpia  the  sute. 

Famous  Bar\|(er  Who  Wished 
<  Grandson  to  Earn  Title  if  He 
Wanted  (t,  Collected  Eariy 
i   Bibles 


I  Oreat  Intoreat  ihm  arouaM  a 
few'daytB  aco  i«  fikfr '  aimoanoehient 
that  hard  Feokovar.  the  '  famous 
dvmlmr  banker  who  deellaod  a  pre- 
poaal  ttaat  his  tlUe  akould  pass 
thirousb  ft«m  daushter  to  srandaen. 
luur  died  at  an  advanOe^  ase. 

Alexander  -Peckovar.  Ooit  Baron 
Peekover.  waa  bom  at  Wisbech,  Au- 
gust II.  IHO.  He  wai  directly  de- 
•cended  from  Sdmund' Paokover,  who 
leeved      In     Cromwell's    Army,      and 

lkn<aJ  pmparty  ha 

wdajMacated^  at    Orove 

iksbool.  itttisnhaoi.  For  a  ions  per- 
i«d  be  was  a  partner  In  the  Baafc  of 
Vockover.  Qumey  4b  Oompahy  m- 
tlrlns  tMa^  years  at«C^iUr  «? 

Then  J|s  was  raleed^M^pi  ^. 
ia  1»«T.  He  took  a  ^eeka  interaat  la 
oollectlSM  of  aMm  «anw»lpi« 
mrly  9{hles  and  'M^  alafTeaHy 
printed  books.  espeetdUy  Bagttsh.  He 
^as  ak»  Jnteresteil  In  meteorolosy. 

He  fvas  a   Felktw  «     t*e     ppcl«^ 
<«  Ant^uarles.  a  Fellow  of  the  Un- 
neau  |«cilety.  a  Fellow  of  the  R49«f 
Oeosratflitcal  Society  and  an  honorary 
Doctor  of  lAws.    He  ium  a  Juatltis  ^ 
tt»e  Paaoo  and  also  Lard  I  .Untenant 
qf  Ca|pMldseahlre  f<Nr  aMtay     yean 
l^e  owoM  about  4,ae«  aorea  surrofand- 
i|M(   hli^iwat.    Bank  ^Ufe.    WkdMciiC 
He   wiur  married  In    IStS     to      wq^a 
dharp^  daushte/. «  iUr.  J^  ShOrpIea. 
Qf  HitdU^.     Theraiaiw.  three  daush- 
ters    a#«lvinK.    bttt  lio    heir    to    the  I 
peeraff.  • 

SPM>rr-8HAW  NIsht  SchooL  8t«. 
dents  jsfoepted  every  Tu^adajr.  Phoae 
It  fof<|ii^Uoaiara. 



t  _ 




i^   ir    t: .''  *  r^ 

*    3 



f    ( 





•st  ^r. 


Hill  II 





<~;.     l-l.r,    '1.-4   .   L, 

'-i      .      '"J         (i-l    >  /  Hi, 



till  II I 

.  »•>;>  ^„< 




i ' L      -.Hi 





*rf  »    ,.   I* 

V/t"S   r}i' 





Cent  Farea»  ■ 

Aocnaed  pf  BmbAsileBfenC  ' 
KBTOHIKAN.  Oc^  "  itf  -^  6n 
charses  of  havlns  embeisled  iifitl 
from  the  American  Hallway  'Ex^wmk 
Company's  ofllce  here  durlns  the 
Summer.  Fred  B.  Patchins.  former 
asent  of  the  company^  today  Was  In- 
dicted by  a  Federal  Orand  Airy. 
Patchins  was  ratumed  here  from 
Winnipes.  where  he  ^Ike  arrested. 



Ibcmmw  Wdfbt,   Stf^nffh  ani 
N«v«  FoK»  ia  Two  WMln* 
Tbna  in  Mnqr  IiMliiieid   ,^ 

The  averase  person  is  b«sinnlns  to 
realise  more  and  mors  that  the  lack  ef 
physical,  strenrib.  and  nerve  exhaustion 
(frequently  evidenced  by  exceitoive 
thinness)  are. the  diraet: cause  not  Only 
»f  the  failure  to  succeed  in  life's 
strussle  for  the    necewltles    of    eiist- 

",  out  also  for  the  handicap  in  ena'a 

VANCOUVER.  OCT.  S«.<r-^PoUtiea 
cannot  run  street  railway  matters. 
Politicians  eannot  raise  or  lower 
wa«aa,  alter  the  'price  of  mat^riata. 
or  ootttrol  the  spaanU  pahMe  as  to 
whether  or  not  they  will  ride  in  the 
street  eara.h  Himat  bualneaa,  then,  haa 
politics  to  interfera?" 

Bo  safiT  Mr.  John  H.  Pardee,  pras- 
ident  of  the  American  JBlOetrio  -  Ball- 
way  Association  to  a  Province  re- 
porter today.  Mr.  J.  o.  White  la 
also  i^realdent  of  the  J.  Q.  White 
Manatepneat  .CorRorat(oa.  of  .New 
Tork.  which  haa'  manasement  con- 
tracts in  raference  to  a  sraat  many 
public  utilities.  He  la  in  Vanoouver 
today  awaitlns  the  sallins  of  the 
SmprsM  of  Asia.  ..on  which  he  Is 
spins  to  the  Phillipines  in  referance 
to  the  Manila  Iraetion,  lisht  and 
and  power  problems.   - 

Mr.    Pardee   discussed    street   rail- 
way aaatters  senerally.     The  crux  of 



T      »> 


T'     *  d 



.'. '  :. 



t^  ^ 


fW  «ti"] 

•  l.-Cl-i 

i"  ni,f«    «>V*'>' 



A  -It^oO-/ 'jj- .- .-ifti-'aJ  v.»  •>;  )Nf"i  f:'!  9  ./-.;,  ' 



■'it  *fi>J><. 
■t*l     '  sttf 

■  rf 

.1  < 





•belal  asptratlens.  Compare  die  thli^ 
eiekly.  aasular  frame  with  the  well* 
fonnded  form  whlsh  is  usually  aecom- 

Kied  by  the  bloom  of  health  and'  at 
.  That  millions  of  people. are  conscious 
I  H  tbU  taandiciv   la  evident   f  cm   tbe 

propesi;  _ 
misht  or 
a  siv(Mi 
keallhy  n< 
sentiai    to; 



—     ef     many   -^^^ 

'arlous  remedies  in  food  ^ 

exerelsee.  either  ef  which 

ikht  not  be  appreciate  for 

however,  asree  that 
ve  tissue  Is  abeelutely  es- 
— -y  "» )  a  strons.  re^iast  body  and 
mInA  Weak  nerve*,  while  ladlteted  by 
a  mOltitnde  of  dlfferenV  sfiinptonui, 
mere  ImmMlately  and  senerally  reseit 
'■"  *""*"  "*  enersy.  sleep! ipiaiss.  trrit- 
ilon.  eta4  which  oon- 
— /  consume  the  healthy 
^uslr  hoUewa»  a  fktt  oheet, 
-31'  -::-i» — •  ecrawny  arms  and  less. 
Our  be^Mee  need  more  phesphaite  tnan 

RfVJSSJ'S?  If?  ■*'*-^**«"*tt  trem 
*"t  £2?*jJS?  ••*"••••■» ■,..aMl.  many 
epintoae  ^rm  that  there  la  neihias 
\wM«ii  KW  be  takeii  Into  ine  uum-.i 
systeM  9At  ao  etteattn^'suppllee  this 
dsftdenay   as    the    nova  otsaaut   pao«- 


tro-phoaphate  and 
_ rhers. 

food    ele- 

by  Mod  dnasfiMa  everywhere. 

,  TM  esdsBttal  phasphorle  food  _ 
hi«hti  la  bitro-pbosphate  aaalmtlated  by 
•he  pMree  cells  should  a0e«  predeee  a 
•IsaMBs  chanse  in,  nefi^  laihiji  aM 
IsnoO  Tnereased  ^vitalltr  aad  atrenstb. 
With      the     bufdeas     of      nerveusneesL 

maesnala  and  wa«ee  had  dou- 
bled in.  cost  and  the  five  cent  fare 
-ktt^th^en  out  in- half  by  Ith^  decreade 
In  <lie  ^valbe  of-  Ihe  dollar"  In- 
creased farea.  he  aald.  arf  necessary, 
end  all  over  the  United  States  thia 
had  b<en_  recosnixed^.. ...  Twenty-nine 
clti^.  indudins  Boston,  are  paylns  !•- 
cent. fares  and  very  few  are  still 
pajins  five  cents.  Presidents  Wil- 
son's special  commiasion  ha*  brovsht 
Ont  clearly  tl^it  tbe  companies,  and 
QOna^uentty,  the.  ef  rvloa  to.  jthe  pob- 
lic.  are  sufferins  where  franchlae  res- 
ulations  and  other  factors  are  pre- 
ventlnc  -the  adoption  of  Inoraased 
farea., .    ,  .t.  .  ,^   ,  » 

CievelaM  ia  an^datatandins  exam- 
ple of  #  aty  retelnlns  the  five-cent 
fare,  aaid  Mr.  Pardee.  It  ie  an  ex- 
oepUonally;flat  city  and  thia.helpa  to 
keep  down  operatins  coats,  said  Mr. 
Pardee.  .  The- important  thins  In  raf- 
erence t^  Cleveland,  which  he  em- 
phasiaed,  hpwever.  is  that  the  city 
sovernment  co-operate  ,  to  keep  up 
the  speed  of  the  service.  The  skip- 
system,  whereby  ears  dp  not  stop  at 
every  corner,  haa  been  adopted  and 
drivera  of  wa#ona  and  abtomobilea 
which  do  not  turn  ont  for  an^  ap- 
proaohins  car.  ar«i..  arreatMl.  {he  pefS- 
alUee  for  Inft-acUon  of  this  resula- 
tion  Heins  very  severe.  By  speedlns 
up  the  lervioe  the  company  ean 
make  a  smaller  'number  of  can  carry 
the  traffic.  • 

There  are  methods  like  this  by 
whieh  piunicipalities  can  aaalst  the 
oompanlea  to  stve  better  service  at 
a  minimum  coat,  aaid  Mr.  Pardee,  but 
Is  a  mtoteke  to  Imaslne  that  the  ptfb- 
He  always  opposes  the  Increaaed  fare. 
People  have  the  money  In  their 
pockets  and  demand  the  aervioe.  In 
New  York  when  one  of  the  euHhco 
lines  impoasd  a  ohar«e  for  tranafbr- 
ins  at  l«o«  dUtereat  transfer  pelhto 
only  one  protest  was  made  by  a  pa»- 
■enser.  *In  PhlUdelphla  whoa  tbe 
skip-stop  waa  recommended,  every 
•••y»ap*r  opposed  it.  hut  when  a 
votd  waa  taken  dn  ,the  can  the  vast 
ma|orit|r  fkvorad  the 

■  ■    , 

•  t  ■*^ 

I   ■  ,   ..         w*'?  ^lO  til  gfM  ^T 

.  .  VM»>  ji^.U'  <><  ■*  ii.'aiie.-»  9utT  t'»j«   ;vif 
»,—-♦«-* rtiv,r  4  »»j  m^i^  ^4  y,T»fl<ic» 

■^     '  '     .  .     .'•*«a^»  If.;-;*.''*-"*  '■ 

'"■'''^1^1'*  J 
'^1/ti^'i   Htn^  t"»iv»i;  ^*«<i''iMi'--<",tfS),*ii«(  *^^♦^l■^•: 

[  «Mt«* 



-a  *r. 

9»f^  ■ 


V  »!-**•. --.■- 

•  VI   i-  r 

rrij      (I 



*?  f'' 



■,•   <  \ 

,   «v.: 


1  ■' 

r   i\i 

^  .-.. 

!    1 

1^  Your  job  meaiis  your  living.  -  :  -^ 

7.'.  Your  wage  or  salary  pa^  for 
your  food,  clothing,  housing,  lifnuse- 
m«tf|t8  and  all  your  daily  neeils. 

.     66  long  as  Canada  &  prosfierous 
i-j  your  job  and  hundreds  of  thousandf 
of  ptlb^  felkiwsV  jobs  are  saf^^     ^ 

^.        Y  •>  ■> 

{■*' -fit  ^A.>  'flh^'i-    >  •C^»:5>'«,'«r!iiT 

,  :..  Jt'«     ;  ;.Xou  must  htlp   keep  diinada 

<Xfyi(u  •ihj/'-<;ife;_.A;'" 








•nersy.     ele. 


, i^Ibht  ^th  lia  atto^tlre 

rull4aaa  and  ruddy  ataw  ef  health  re- 
alaeea  t^  former  fMtera  of  stia  and 
hands.  ■Ise  OeerMa<  Hais>lfta>i»  who 
waa  eace  thin  and  fralU  repertins  her 
•wn^  eaperienoe,  Wfttsa:  ''Bltre-Piiis- 
abate  has  brounht  d  macie  traasfbraia- 
Uon  srtth 'm*.  1  saasM  !•  ponads.  and 
nevar  jMif^re  felt  so  Wtn."  *^ 

ClVfiON:  —  Althoush  Bltfo-Phos- 
pbate  «  uaexoelled  for  the  relief  of 
nereeueaaatf  and  attendant  disardsra 
SWlM  (b  Its  ten<Mwy  te  H 
eae  should  eratch   the 

te      -     ■  -    -         '^     "       '^ 

Ila  VtfHty  in  Vhi 
hi  the  Mala 

Bnstiiiraced  by  the  succsm  of  the 
prem/br  station*  to  aerUI  forast» 
patrol  work,  the  United  atatoa  darXa 

additional  stettNb^-  tt  la  amioaheod. 
Roeeburs  and  Malem  aradttMad  aa  he- 
ind  the  prahable  eentraa  of  flli'Mw 
••^jwrnaa.  The  seneral  aystem  si 
foreetry  flr«  patrol  fram  the  air  la 
»«*»ns  sradually  improved  aa  Ume 
* --?^_  ****  matertal  ,d*taj|i  tltet  ara 
gb«^raajy.  Patrol  maahlnca  of  a 
■dad  endnranoe  type  eo«ar  the  fsnat 
V*ni!&  ««Citl»,  wlraleaa  JfST  , 
«*•  >«iilVfas  statltM  ass  attaohad  •►  • 

fFvSpcrOUSe  »'-"  .i  '-*>  iU •! -i  jibti.L\  >-,"••■  f  . 

.pmty  are  inseparable.  Since  the 
prosperity  of  Canada  depends  6n 
the  success  erf  the  Victory  Loan 
you  must  not  shirk  your  duty  to 
I  the  Victory  Loan^,  u.^ ,,, 

I  |i|  All  the  money  subscribed  to  th6 
i?*|ctory  Loan  Is  spent  in  Canada 

i  hdpi  to  fill  tile  pay  eavdope. 
It    circulates  and  benefits  all 


The  greater,  the  more  over- 
whelming the  success  of  the  loan, 
iiie  better  for  Canada  and  for  you* 

V  Buy  all  the  Victory  Bonds  ydu 
can  pay  for  now  ai^td  during  the 
next  ten  months. 

Last  year  employers  co-opemt« 
ed  with  tibdr  employees  by  financ- 
ing their  pur^iases  on  an  easy 
payinent  plan,  thus  enabling  them 
to  buy  much  more  than  they  would 
otherwise  have  been  able  to  buyo 
They  will  do  it  again. 

*    Talk  it  over  with  your  emplpycTo 


.»,  - 

^  Vfic*  <v*f   »!erJ^'  .-» 


fXtr         'jffrli^.^ 

^v        %^ 


twkhtba  MWsterol 
•ntaniailiiTia  al( 

'"i'r  f.frw^.'^^*****- 


License  Replied 

pistrict  Wifeless  Sui>erint6iideht'Hat^ton  Claltr 
.  That  Government  Is  Al?le  to  Look  After  Cana- 
,       dian  Nee(fe— Ttirce  New  Stations  to  Be 
Bflflf  in  Brit^  Coluiiitta 

/  tm  M  ialMvUw  TMtordaar  wtth  B, 
Rngtaftra.  Dlrtrtot  Ity— <«t— d—tt  of 
OOTaniaiMit  WirvUai  Msttam  In  «ba- 
anpUoa  wtth  th*  nunor  of  a  hlyh* 
>d««r  wlralMB  alMlMi  umt  VIeiorte, 
M  Im4  til*  Coltoirta*  to  aiyc 

!  ^TtMrsrOlk*  elaa*  of  Uac  ywr  the 
ir>— ilM«  mrvoal  CovqHuqr  •(  Mont- 
^••1  ■pplfaiii  to  tlto  Qmi^fttn  Got- 
•nnMst  fnr  •  Mcmmu*  t9  opf»t<  » 
li||j|>«|p  Ntl|- iiMwcrM  wlrataM  sta- 
«■•  «i  Oiltf'  «aiiit  for  th*  pittvm  of 
eoBMmmtasttaf  with  shlpa.  thta 
llcMi—  wM  ivfitMd,  ■•  It  to  tho  pol- 
ler «<  an  covommoiita    to    opotsto 

for  "obvlooo 

VlotorU  sod  VoneooTer 
of  Trmdo  woro  Indoeetf  to  en- 
doHM  tho  Moroonl  CompoiQr's  oppU- 
/botion  mad  hHn«  all  InflooaOo  poaoL- 
bto  to  hoar  on  tha  mattor. 

"At  liM  piwnt  timo  tbo  f%»<oiff* 
OovoffBOMnt  opcTMU  a  ebaJn  of  ata- 
tlona  oevortaf  tho  wholo  of  tha  Brtt- 
toh  OoluinMa  doaot  ao  ter  oa  tho 
•Alaakan  boondarr  uid  clra  an  eseol- 
lont  opnrfe*  to  shlpo  at  ooa  and  to 
iMlatfd  petoto  on  tbo  Cooot  not 
r»aob<d  br  land  llao  talocvapba.  It 
VUI  tboroforo  bo  aooa  tbat  tho  nocM- 
•Ity  for  a-  duplleaUon  of  tbto  oerrleo 
dooo  not  oxtot. 

"Tha  propoool  thoa  waa  morpM 
into  a  traao-Paolflo  wirolooo  etreatt 
wtaff  Boloaao  ao  <  a  rolar  otatlon. 
thoaoo  to  BOd^iala  aad  to-  Japaa. 
tha  arvamont  la  flnwr  of  aueh  a  elr- 
evit  botaMr  tbt^  bo^rr  doiajr  to  eabloo 
aad  tbo  appawBt  dtoeriaalnatloa 
■wbleb  CaaadlaB'baoi9  of  tbo  Amor- 
Jean  routo  aaSarad. 
*«a«b     ai^   arnuMtiaoatt      woiiM 

_^«iyiMr  oUmlaato  tba.  dolay  aor  dla. 
oriariaatioik  if  aar  oxiotod.  Tha 
OovonuBont  woald  bot  ooaoMOr  tha 
VfoponL    At  tho  proooat  4I«m  thare 

.Jo  ao  daAaito  propooM  trorit^UDrona 
to  aatobllab  a  dlfoor-  oomaMMloatfan 
witb  HamM  bjr  wfralaaa  tolograpbi  aad 
•xpOTt#  aro  of  tbo  opbiloa  tbat  anob 




»■■  ifcif 



U\  ttUoug,  ConstipdiKi  or 
-     HttdKhx  tito 


Vaowrrow  tb«.  aon  will  ablna  for 
you.  ■votTtbiav  wiU  aaam  daar. 
rojr  mU  bright.  Tonr  ayatom  to  fllled 
w»^asj»r  and  bowal  potoon  wbloh 
■»•»■  irw  akin  aallow,  yonr  atom- 
•«b  loipit,  irour  haad  fonr  and  a«h- 
lair.  ^aar  waato  ara  turning  Into 
potoOiliJgMto  aad  aeldo.  Ton  can  not 
Htmft  atajr  blltona  or  oon- 
Fool  optoadld  always  by 
^  laBaioto  ooeaatonally.  Thay 
art  wpuint  grtpbig  or  teconronlanoa. 
Tboir  sovor  alofcon  yon  llko  GUonaoL 
■alt^  on  «^^tiaatar,  barab  pUto.    Thojf 

••■*    4*»    ln«H  too— Ciooaroto    work 
irbUo  jpon  alMl^ 

a  olrenlt  woOtd  oot  ymor%  aattoCaetor- 
lly  contlnuoualy,  tha  dtotonea  aa  tha 
crow  Slaa  baUig  appiemlniataly  4.0<>tf 
mhaa.  Tha  BoloiuM-Bonolaln  circuit 
to  oparotad  by  tbo  Amarlcan  Oovam- 
moat,  batng  tokan.  over  from  tha 
Marconi  .Company  two  yaara  ago.  I 
nadaratond  that  tho  Amorlcaa  Oov- 
ammant  ara  trying'  to  arraiwa  a 
dreult  with  tha  Japanaao  OoVam- 
mant  to  haadla  haalnaaa  VHi  '  tb^ 
Amarlaao-  Mbrf*--clretttt.  Wa  Dlagtf. 
Honolata,  Ooam  and  Manila.  I  do 
not  tbink  tbto  olrenlt  ^  r«t  In  op> 

,U.  E.  mmtlam 

"Tha  Unltod  fltatao  Navy  propooo 
building  anothar*  atotlon  aomawhara 
In  tha  Tldnity  of  Baattia  and  hava 
aokad  for  aa  approprtatloa  of  |S.- 
•00,000.  Tha  Idaa  to  to  aoaaaet  wttlv^ 
mbaria  aad  poaalbly  Japan.  Thay 
will,  bowaiier,  havo  an  Intormedlata 
atation  at  Dutch .  Harbor  to  *  ra- 
traaamlt  for  tbaaa.  Tbto  cuto  tha 
dtotanea  In  two  and  makaa  the  pro- 
poool of  tranf-Paclflc  communication 
autto  faaslbla.  Unfortunatoly  tbo 
Vrtttob  Bmplro  dooa  not  own  an  to- 
land  ln.bat«eon,wb4ob  eould  be  uaad 
af  a'  raloy. 

''It  to  aU  vary  wail  to  aay  that'wo 
want  tpma-Faelflo  wlrelesa  commnn- 
Icatlott  at  onca.  but  I  do  not  balloTa 
-that  the  Ctovanatont  would  com- 
Bi09^  tbo  conatnictloa  of  a  two 
aunioa  dollar  stoUoa  without  tha 
Btoat  oxbaaativo  preliminary  teating 
had  I  tta  abaolutoly  oartala  that  a 
pHofttOvCoaf^aay  wo«ld  •not  expand 
%  lidvo '  amoAit  wtth*  the  hope  of 
soma  day  or  other  getting  their 
mooey  back,  if  evarytblBg  wont  all 
nght.    it  would  not  ba  bualuaaa 

"The  Canadian  Qoremment  baa 
not  by  any  meana  neglected  tne  Pa- 
clflo  Coaat  aa  far  aa  wlrolaaa  tele- 
graph eonamttnleatloii  to  oonoamod. 
Thora  ora  ten  eommarelal  atetiona 
dporatlag.  The  Government  atatlona 
aro  ahfa  to  roach  ahlpi  from  one 
thouaand  to  fifteen  hundred  mllea 
from  Victoria,  an  azcellent  aarvlea 
to  given  to  coaating  veaaola,  alao  to 
yo<oblMw  ai)d  other  Ataok^in  polnto 
^'  Oooaa  9Wto>  SwanAm 
Bay  aad  tbo  Quoea  Obarletto  latonds. 
KOtblag  taao  been  ororliooked  to 
make  the  aarrloa  ao  near'  perfaOt  aa 
poairiblo.  A  omall  faotory  waa  oroet" 
ad  laat  yoar  near  Itaqalmalt  at  a 
eoat  Of.  aibont  |l«.«f«.  Tbto  takoa 
care  of  all  tepalra  and  tbo  maaufao- 
tna  of  apielal  eqalpment  uaad  In 
w^UsO   telegraphy: 

one  carload  a  month. 

A  Good  Ctf  lUqalfn  •  Qw4  OB 

E.B.  MARVIN  &  CO. 


The  Blue  Funnel  boat  did  not  leave  Yokohama  until  Oetotier  21,  and  la  bow  acheduled-to  reach  hare  about  NavMsb^  I 
according  to  word  received  bere  yeaterday  by  Dodwell  *  Co..  local  agenU  for  the  lino.    She  to  on  bar  war  to  Vl^aHa^ia 

the  Ortent  after  coming  o<it  from  the   Unftad  Kingdom.  ^        »wwna  irom 

Tha  aoTommont  baAra  jgranted 
many  eonoaaalona  to  the  naara  -of  Ite 
wlreleaa  telegraph,  aueh  ae  a  *^hlpa 
bQatBaas"  rata,  local  ferry  boat  rata, 
a  reduced  rate  to  ablpa  plying  on  tha 
Coaat.  Wo  alao  adpply  a  bulletin 
thfea  timaa  dally  coTcrlng  weather 
and  ahipa  apokaa.  Tbto  to  aant  In 
from  ten  polnte  on  tha  coaat,  and 
to  anpj^llad  to  tba  Brlttob  Oobimbto 
paporo  ft-ao  of  charge.  Other  aarv- 
leaa  ara  rendered  by  tho  Canadian 
Wlrolaaa  Telegraph  of  much  benefit 
to  ahlpping  men. 

"In   comparing  the   ratea   charged 
for  radio  maaaogaa  by  tha  Canadton 

Oovommant  on  thto  Coaat  and  by 
tha  Companlea. operating  on  the  Eaat 
Coaat.  It  wlU  eaally  be  aeen  that  we 
have  the  advantage.  Taking  the 
trans-Paciflc  rate  of  12  cente  .  pf r 
word  aa  an  example,  you  will  llod 
for  Bimllar  aervlce  on  the  Atlantic 
tha  cost  will  ba  IT  eonte  par  word 
vto,  Copa  Race  and  2S  cento  per 
word  via  Cape  Sable,  having  In  view 
that  although  the  Atlantic  ataUo'na 
are  operited  by  a  coolpony  the  Can- 
adian Ctovarument  pay  a  aubaidy  of 
fS.SO^  petr  annum  to'  each  atation 
(thto  to  abouttho  «oot  of  operation), 
tha  rate  to  fairly  high.  It  wllr  he 
aeen  that  a  wlreleaa  cocwtel  servlee 
to  Apt  exactly  a  paying  •  propoaltlon. 
but  It^to  certainly  Indtopenaible.  and 
to  bo  Operated  aucceaaf tally  and'aoo- 
nomlcalir  abovid  ba  In  operation  by 
tbo  Oorammant  for  the  people. 
Moat  all  wirele^  atatlona  are  laolated. 
spectol  ahipa  have  to  carry  auppliea, 
and-thoy  ar»  naoidly  avallaMe  to- the  - 
Oovemment.  A  private  company 
could   not  handle  auoh  atatlona  and 

make  any  xnoney. 

Immofo— eatt  Uadop  Way 

Wa  have  In  hand,  now  exteaaive 
Improvemento  to  the  Vrefettt  ayaHem. 
Et  to  proponed'  to  Inatell  a  atation  of 
Mliout  3S  BLW*  In  pOw^r,  uaing  the 
Paulsen  are  ayatom.  Thto  atation  wl)l 
bo  altuatad  In  the  vicinity  of  Van- 
couver, another  tation  midway  be- 
tween Vancouvar  and  Prince  Rupert 
to  .take  the  pUce  of  TrUngle  laland. 
which  to  to  bo  abandozied,  and  a 
Iblrd  atation  in  tho '  north,  probably 
Digby  laland.  Th«ae  atattona  will 
take  oarto'of  the  frafDc  from  the 
Quean  Charlotte  lalaada  and'  private 
atatloaa..  leaving  the  balance  of  tha 
atattona  for  ahlp  work. 

"In  almost  twelve  yeara  operating, 
tbo  Canadian  atatlona  have  not  had 
a  flngla  Interruption  'due  to  faulty 
aqutpmant,  atoitna  or  any  other  cause. 
Tha  atatlona  are  extenaivaly  uaed  by 
American  veaaato  plylM  to  the  north 
aad  flroauent  comment/  luio.  been 
made  oh  the  exceltonco  of  ^0^  davit- 
lee  provided.  '■    "  *^jti 

"Our  great  trouble  now  It  to  <ob- 
taln  efllelefit  operating  ataff.  Coaat 
atation  work  reqnlrea  an  experienced 
operator  and  eape^tol  training.  Aa  all 
of  tha  outalda  atatlona  generate  their 
own  power,  englnea  and  "machlnea 
bavo  to  be  operated.  It  haa  bean 
found  that  men  with  land  line  train- 
ing   make   good   wlreleaa   operatora. 

Tha  dineuHy  bowevor,  to  to  got  snob 
Aien  to  go  to  laotated  plaeea. 

"Reverting  to^your  announcement 
in  thia  momlng'a  paper  of  the  pro- 
posed big  wlreleaa.  atation.  A  atation 
of  aay  200  K.  W.  wbiild  occupy  a 
alte  covering  about  twenty  acres., 
would  take  about  18  montha  to  build 
and  equip,   prpbably  coat   $S.000;000. 

"To  be  operated  aaccaaafnlly  It 
would  have  td  be  aituated  at  a  con- 
alderable  diatanee  from  all  lighting 
ayatema  In  order  to  avoid  Induetton. 
The  coat  and  other  conalderatlona 
which  ara  concerned  In  tbo  building 
of  a  high  power  -  atatton  cannot  bo 
caaUally  deaK'with.  The.  Oovemment 
Itave  naturally  to  atep  very  carefully 
In  an  enterigrlsa  of  thto  kind,  and 
yoii  may  dopond  that  a  private  'com- 
pany will  think  a  good  many  tbnoa 
before  they  take  any  deflntto  otepa 
Involving  the  expenditure  of-  tbalr 
ahareholdera'    fonda."     ■         \ 


SBAtn^.B.  Oct.  SO.— Arrived:  City 
of  Soattle.  «outheaatem  Atoaka;  To- 
raei  Mam,  iTokohaoM;  Toaemlte.  Baa 
Franclaco.  galled:  8tr.  ^drldgo, 
Honjg  Kong.     ~  ».  -^   i 

BVBRBIT.  Got  l«>-«inodf  ^(Mi 
F.  8.  Lioop.  J9an  Franctoce. 

TACOMA.  Oot  SO.— Arrlvod:  Btr. 
Javary.  Shanghai;  .Fulton.  PowoM 
River;  Ranler,  San  Fr»nctooo.  «alladi 
Stra.  Qovamor.  San  Frtuiolaoo;  AIoo>  < 
ka.  Alaoka,  vto  porta;  Fulton,  Van- 
couver. B.C.;' Norwood.  SaatUe.  . 

PORTLAND,  Oct.  SO,— -Sailed:  ,8tr. 
W.  F.  Herriq.  Oavlota. 

SAN  FRANCISCO,  Oct.  SO..-Ar- 
rived:  Str.  Tenyo  JMUtu.  Shanghai; 
Weat  Vaca.  Hong  Kong;  tTnalaga. 
Queen,  Seattle;  "RtehmfUd.  WalUng- 
ford,  I^UiuluL.  Sailed;-  Stra.  Malroaa, 
Pitiet  SouiyK  Porattah,  AuckUnd. 

'      WftEUSS  RePORT 

.  OfMPlttNT 



Capt.  Tr^d  Ahdersdh  Writes 
He  is  to  l^ake  Voyage  to 
Morocco  —  Capt.  -Mowatt 
Failed  to  Sell  Vessel 

Oapt.  Fred  Anderaon,  a  weH-known 
Vlctorto  mariner,  to  atiU  In  command 
of  tha  auxiliary  achooner  Cap  "Vlnceat, 
which  left'Vletorto  laat  Summer  for 
the  United  Kingdom,  after  being  oom>  f 
ptotod  at  tbo  LyaU  Shipyard.  North 
Vancouver,  Tbo  toot  latter  rooalved 
bore  from  bim.  otatod  that  the  ahlp 
waa  at  Pert  Talbot,^  Waloa.  and  waa 
aallteg  rtiortly  for  a-port  in  Morocco. 
Ho  waa  then  to  rotom  to  the  United 

Whan  the  Cap  Vincent  flrat  arrived 
In  Bagland  an  atiompt  waa  made  to 
aair  hor  by  CaptilQ  Mowatt.  who  to 
now  aotlng  ao.  iifobt  In  Liondon  for 
tbo  ownora.  and  wlto  ,wm  formerly 
connected  with  the  outfitting  of  tbo 
I.rM.B.  atoamoro  at  Ogd»n  Point  Tha 
attempt^  to  aall'  tbo.  voaaol.  however, 
failed.'  aad-abo*  to  being' opdratod  by 
Ibo  Xiyail  Interaoto. 

The  Cap  Vlncdot  waa  hold  up  at 
Vlctorto  fdr  aavoral  daya,  .onabto  to 
gat  elearanee  owing  to  the  civw  being 
abort  twb  map.  •  Tboae  were  finally 
obtalnod,  al|d  the  vooaal  got  away. 
Sbo  (oitebad  at  odf  port  on  the  way 
to  ^o  Canal,  a,^tt  from  tbfro  woat 
riiftt  aeroaa  to  Xondon. 

HiramhTldicts  toEmJaiidi 


)roo>Mll«  Occaa  Vbysfe  tbroufh  the  "IntWe  l»MS«f«^**  Moals  tad  Btrtb 

included,  on  Ibo 

Gnuid  Trunk  Padfle  StoamshlM 

Coanactlarat  Prtnea  Rupert  with  Standard  aad  TeUriat  Slaophig  Cfia. 


Laovo  Viotofia  at  10  a.ak  Saad^a  aad  Wiiaufcui 

Calllag  at  Seattle,  Vancouver,  Ocean  Falto;  Swanaon  Bay.  Prince  Rupart 

and  Anyox.  *  -^    — «■    • 




Ottea.  too  Wbarf  St  ( 




Thd  WoridTs  GiBBlMl  Wginrai: 

Gt  Eut  Tkranh  Ae  Canfa  PadTic  RtcUet 

Three  Trans-Continental  Trains  Dallj* 
•■_         ^taoKlard  and  Tourist  Sleepers. 
Compartment  Observation  Cars« 

TkroEgl  BMldEM  or  AD  Adaitic 
SteamsUp  Lues 

Piitl  Information  Prom' 

''iliMGoTtnMMirtSlrMi    ; 


Special  Inducements 

For  Today's 

(By  OovonHMBt 

«jt9  p.a).. 

POINT  OBME:  Qmroaai^1i0lith- 
eaat;   SO.IS;  )1;  omooth.  ' 

CAPE  LAZO:  Bain;  ooalliMat.  gate; 
10.06;    S7;   rough. 

PACHBNA:  Rain:  oontbeaot, 
Otrong;  S9.9S;  40;  rough. 

BSTBVAN:  Bala;  aouthoaot,  gale; 
29.66 :  42;  rough. 

ALERT  BAT:  Bain;  oouthoBBt. 
atrong;  2K.68:  49;  mederat«^  6  p,m.. 
Camoaun,    out,   noHbbound. 

TRIANI^n^B  ISLANI>:  eioil<^; 
ooutbeaat  ,gala«  SMI;  42;  rough. 

DEAD  TRBB:  Cloudy;  northweat. 
light;  29.66;  40;  rough,  f  p.m.,  apoko 
Prince  Albert  at  Aliford.  aootbbound. 

IKBDA:*  Mtoty;  oonthwoot,  otrong; 
29.10;  46;  rongh. 

PRINCB  RUPERT:  Bala;  boutb- 
eaat;  29.00;  42;  rongb. 


Aak  Vaar  Booler   —    Bo 

Coqr.  omtvtMt  Houm  SKppm  for  liw  anlira  iiMnay.  fai  IJkIi  and  coIotmI  fcht, 

mn  91  JO  HI*.    Don't  ndhr  with  cold  fart. 

Bora*  Strung 
SdiNNiI  Boots 

With  a  Watson  guarantee. 
Our  price 


ltai*8  Dress 

In  black  or  Ibrown 

Black  felt  ^*|   e;^ 

thicit  »a\^»  ^9  XofjU 

Womoi's  Patnit 
Dress  Pnmiw 

Just  arrhred.     Pair 


Boots  for 
School  Girls 

An  solid  leather; 
.Up  front 

firow'MC  fiirit' 
Sehofl  Boots 

In  brown;  low  heel, 
winj^tips.   Today, 


In  an  shadet.  dp  a  pf/^ 

Spedal ...-- J^&JOlQ 

OTTAWA,  Octv:  »•,— A  thirty-mil- 
lion dollar  company,  the  Havana  Ma- 
rine Terminale,  Ltd.,  hoa  been  Incor- 
porated with  headauartero  In  Mon- 
treal. The  company  la  empowered  to 
censtnict  and  purchaao  mllla,  ahopa. 
graving  dooka,  warehoudoa  and  other 
neceaoary  otruoturea  and-  to  acquire 
all  kinda  of  stoam  and  oalllng  vea- 
sel«  and  generally  to  carry  on  the 
buaineea  of  a  navigation  and  traao- 
portatlon  company.  Gordon  Maodou- 
galU  K.C.,  lo  among  tho  ptovlalonal 

U1«0N    SeSe    COe 

ChtSf e  of  Scb^dalo 

For  Afl  Sd&g  Tulayhom 

GEO.  McGregor,  A«Mi 

Hnboyi  Si 

White  Star  Une 


is: — K^ — -    -i: 

Dar       riaa 




IkV  I   o*'**aea 




1    t«r  " 

Homo  SMppdffi^Cnly*  pair.; 


635  YaiM  Stoat 





tldi  f.1 



•• aoo  ap • 


1*^.  ifAf  Ooo.  fmk 


Mrlalio»»»,»..,0(t>  Wttjk,  Moo.  Mdi 
.••••••••Nov.  #1^  Oac  is|^ 


Victoria  and  Sidncsr 

7:41  a.m. 

•ito    --* 

2Uat.  tlL 



Cgwicbin  Ldiw  aM 
Booty  liooddy>TMdi  _. 

Loaoo  GovriduHi  LalnldO 
Anioo  DUnMFttatiaa  0:45 








Canadian  National  Rallwaya 


PaMetoBoyUno       ErFECtiVa  SUilbJiY,  NOV.  2,  iai9 

Na.  1, 


Affiv*  2M 








No.  a. 




1:48  panJLMTia  IIKN)  a.111. 



Aiihr«  12900 



««••    ▼■CwfW  ••«»• 

»mm  JimcliOB 

•  • .  QuMhn  9t*  ••• 

•  •  Mt  DouflM  •« 




*  •  • 

»m'    afiMaHOMl  •.ft 

•  •  HttMO  KOmI  •  . 

Dapot,  544  Alpha  SI.  tTaka  Ckmodak  Stoat  Car. 

FULL  PARTIdULARS-Phdnea  4479  and  111 

J4j»*i.'--  ,^•■- 

n  ■.  .... 


(1^  Skdls  tfxriUmM 




AItT    uwetAU 


Mf^W   a«.    to    Mr.    Mui    Mra.    M«M«aUr.    of 
Mi  014  BM^uliMlt 

^  St       tttMlvMiT     •( 

RKMO-O*  «M  SMk  Iniit.   at   Uin   IUv«l   Ju 
bUM  1lM«l|»l.    laafec    K»no.   *K«d   ftt    fmru 


iMtmctor     to    t«*«h 
wofiK  In  «  a  R. 

C  V.  aAWKW. 
Chlar   taduatrUl   Tmlnlnjt   laapcctor. 
Ko««  BtS  CantrmI  BvIMIbk. 


UtIUroOMAJWKR    WMto«   lor   MmI    Cim. 
RUolU*.    LUL.    All    VUw  au**!. 

i^viA,.^""-^ : — -^— -^ .     -""^  •          n4>wp,iaaT's  music  momoou 

rpmirOAU—UMtmt  l>«»r   i«Bto  aa4  «Mi-       .  ^_*3Wf  •»«»<*.    »»«•   BiW«ltf««( 

*    *ff»«    ewr*— aol    »«rtuii)«4    WAUr.  Up       I  *^^   SM» 

A44I    v**Vw. 







WANTUD  (or  nUddl*  of  Noy«mb«r,  younc  I  &<»< 
Kin  M  niur«»  lor  *  cblldr**:  •xiMriemw  |  77' 
!f.*f*'5**'"'''  .  ""    North   U»mMtalr«  lio«d.      J-f' 

Tcfophona  »»ITU 

o(  thia  ctty  (or  tkt  Mat  Aftova  MAnk  tolf 
raauttaco  «1T  PoMwall  Str««|.  DocooMd 
!•  •arviTod  ^y  br«th«rB  and  alaiiBni '  in 
Ualgium.  Ho  wAa  a  monbor  of  Aarla  No. 
It.    rnttariMU    UrUor    of    KACioa    Mkd    tha 

l^i^nht  wilt  attetoi«.     IiUim-mmbI    wOi    ka 
tt   Roaa  Bay  Cematary.  

roi/JMh-lB  lovlkir  mamonr  o(  Siokar  J. 
Toanv.  of  Nanalmo.  who  araa  Iqat  on  iha 
a.P.H.  OaliaaOk  aouth  of  tha  Quean  Char- 
lotte lalandA  Ortohar  f.  If  It.  ue  SI 
T—r*.  ■ 

Wa  miaa  hla  lovinit  hnnd  cl«ML|'        i 
Wa   mlaa   hla  ishecry   amlta.     1  ' 

Bat  Qod  to  ua  la  whiaaerlnic 
'Tia  only  for.  a  whila. 
A  aaod  and  aobla  aon.  nevar  Abaant  from 
Ma  mathar'a  thaaitita. 

— Mothar  and  piatara. 

Of    MBMOBiaH 

JBWKKB— !■''  aver  lovlas  manMNT  "t  Ar- 
thuc.liAwaoiL  iba  bclovad  and  aldaat  aon 
oC  JMr.  AAd  Mra.  Thomaa  Jawkaa.  U« 
MIoMhw  Mraat.  viciorkik  wha  laat  bta 
lUa  jMm  aarrtaw  on  tha  A.P.a.  OaIUmq 
whaft^ika  Aaandarad  and  |ra»  laat  with  all 
haada  M  aaa  •■  tha  Waat  Coaat.  Octobar 

Badtr  ari— ad  by  hla  mathert  fat  bar.   ala- 
lara  AAA  hrathara.    Far  arar  In  oitr  thoughta. 

■  i.^V  M« 

Of  lUmOMAX 

MBRCBB— lA  M>«tev  mamory  of  my  dear 
•0%  Har««  Maxer.  B.t.A.,  who  waa  loot 
At'  aaa  M  tka  wrack  of  H.k.C.a  Oailano. 
Oatobar  M.  X9^ 

O  llkrald.  WfUy  aleap. 

'Hty   iavM   otiaa   for    thce    W«ep. 

YX^ANTm)>^ll«a  to  train  thamaeivea  to  ba- 

V  *  coma  automobile  machanlca  and  as- 

fjfrta.      Wa   ars    now   aaulpDlaa   our 

VIctorU  School    wlih   all   up-to-data 

and  modern  raiUamant  to  taaeb  th< 

dtSaraat  tratea  wa  oBar.    Wky  ara 

•p  maiur  man  avaMw  thamaaUrea  of 

Ilia   opnortualty  to  train   und*r  tha 

HamDhlU     ayatam?       Decauaa     tha 

HamphlU  ^Trada    Scboola    are     tha 

laraeat  and  moat  p«aetlcAl  chain  of 

Kovernraant  ohartaiAd   trade  achoola 

■a  tna  world,  endoraed  and  approved 

by    both    th«    Dominion    and    United 

•ir"  Qovernmenta.   havlnit   trained 

■oldlera  for  both  Kovernmeata  durlna 

the      war.       The      Hamphlll      Trada 

Schoola    have    been    aatabllabod    for 

o»rar  flft<%n  yeara  and  ara  In  a  poal- 

.     ii2f  .12..*'**  "•■  ■  batter  and  mora 

.  ^  .    araottaal   trataiaa  la   auto   and   aaa 

.*^_:^«|5»^<"  mechanlca.  vuleanlalnc.  oxy. 

AMtylene  waldlnv.   battery   riTcharr- 

t^Hi.,*"*     pepalrlnK     and    electrical 

Uinltlon.  with  the  moat   modern  and 

lateat  aaaipmant. 

«..?"J2li.rf  TLf""*  ^*  ndvantaita  af 
our  tt»a«M1  rataa.     Call, or  wrtta  (ar 

HBMpS'ii '.'•Vi VJi J"i!SSl5.V?»   cAtaloirSS: 
^?.**C"fi'^«^"*^*'    SC^IOOLB.    LTD. 
%0l    B.   C.   Parroanent   l«an    Bulldln* 
IWctoila.  fl.C. 

Wlnwoa,  £S^^  •• 

Calvary  Vancouver 

Edmonton  Radna. 

>{'     i 

WAMTBO— A   girl   for  caaaral   houaawork. 
Apply  StS  Moaa  fit..  anornlBM. 

WANTBD— Youn*  cirl  to  help  eara  for 
.^  .  baby  and  aaalai  la  haiua.  adbIv  asa 
WoUaaton  Ava. 

Apply   »»• 

WANTBD— :Temp««rtly,  aomaona  to  look 
after  t  chlldran  far  S  boura  daily,  alth- 
wJf  '??I?^*  .5*  aO^raooA.  Mra.  t>rtmrofla 
WlUk.  UU  UtkUoxu  Avenua.  VlotorU.  Tale- 
pbona  IiatR. 

teal    Ouiur    and     UkulaK      H<al«y, 

lay  In   uix  to  twalva  waaka 
alian  taacbAr  la  SiC.  jTE. 

^    .  ^tauvbt  to 
br  tha  anly  Haw 
Atchartay.    Wiaaa  TT». 

aim  Clartna  D«v^:  »iaaa  Aad~a 
IIM  Worth  Partfc     Phana  SStX. 

U»  ■*»«»  aaashagaa.  A.a.CMs  taaehM 
of    alAaofeita    aad    thoanr.      ISt    Coa. 
Kaanlmaii!    lata 


Ail  .«ta»at     jnaal     ( 

OFPlCfe    OPEN 
UNTIL  10  P.  M. 

**^*^'^^'^^*  *  *  *^^^^^^^inr>  'jtxuxi  >  ix««^ 

Crawr   hSi 

^aovmAtir  aa«tA«a  t  i  rWHna,  laaiad. 
tas  bath  aad  vaatry:  two  rowaa  aa- 
atalra;  caraca  aad  lot  IMin:  all  la 
aaod  eoadltlon  aad  a  baisala  far 
•aly  •&.•««: 


'•     ».     BBOWN 

rtaanolai  aad  Inaui 

»Ul  Bnmt  attaat 
J^BCKLBT     AVBHVl^     J, 

•«.Mi.     Crowa  Baaatv. 


Uaiit«     T.      _ 
•    hMBttfal    Ma, 




a(   Uv 

t^LL   the  colored  girl   wha  rang  up  ISIS       Douala.  BtreeV 
▼▼    for    imiaral    help    about    1«    daya   aao      ■"     '  *     ""^**"- 

ring  up  pr  call  at  »H  Douglaa 

WANTED— Woman      for 
half   day    each    weak, 

V'lOLIM    Inatractlon    by    Oaorgo    J.    Dyk* 
(tat*    Director    Vasooaver   Conaanratory 
of  Muator.     Now  open   to  receive  nunUa  far 



«n   to  reealva  pupUa  far 
Belgian   School.     Phone  tTOtL.     I*t 

houaawork     oaa 
Box   Silt.    Ool- 

W^'ANTBD-.^rharautkly   «Kt»arl«acad   book- 
TV    keapa^     Apply  Bwt  Un,  Colontat. 

WTANTBD— A    good    laaaaal.    plain    work, 
vv    three  adulta.      Apply   1101   Johnaon   8t. 

^rtland.    Ore. 
Seattle.  Wn. 

•laap.O  narald.  aw 
WMIaiiur  ia*A  oi 
:*afiaar«h"  *way 

,  ^_   .. — _    —   — Avaafy   ainda   bltnt    aufily 
(yer  that  aweat  and  hallowed   ap«t, 
'U'hara  my  dear  aon   Ilea  alcaplag.'  i.  4r  ' 
Wba  will  aaver  b*  forgot.  ^'  "-' 

A,-«M«hafB   pfv**'-      "^y   ^'<li    Be   Done. 

Tap  deaHy  iavaa  by  hla  mothai  and.alater 

Anala  la  «i*«r  ha  fersatten.         Michel.  B.C. 



A  DVANTAOBB-Bo    many    advantagea    in 

iSSit-SS^.^i"*"  '"•"   •»«»  woman  ahould   not 
uttUalnrT^T:    mom*i;!T..''Th?uaSd?'ba;j 

is'TTa''  ».iss-'^^s..^u';i5'-ir3 

?i7Lp'.Si"'Sl'e"-„J^  '?h?-HiS 
b«»ok     that     haa    b€«n     naked     for    E^thr^ 

siii^ri^o-i-rur-  aatd'^H^"S 

cupatlon    and    addraaa   to   PaiSSL^JSJi.JJ" 

rv^t^" «— »'.^»«^  tTSs?:  ysidSJs 

WANYBI>— Bod  of  Novaabar,  a  matd  for 
ganaral  houaawork  lo  replace  maid 
with  family  8  yaara:  email  houae:  nuraa 
enrployad.     Apply  »»  Bellayille  Street. 

WANTBD— Peraon  to  help  ?rith  houaawork 
and   children.      111!   Pandora  Ave. 

WANTED— Otrl  or  mathar'a  help  for  two 
chUdran.     Mra   A.   F.    Mitchell.   Jamca 
Ray   Hotel. 

WANTED— Oood  gaaeral  aervant  to  cook 
for  three  adulta.  help  mind  and  do 
waahtna  far  two  children;  «ood  home  and 
waicea   ta   right  paraon.      Colonlat    Box    1161. 

WANTBD — General   help  for  email  family. 
_    .    Waaaa  IIP.      B4I  Michigan  8t 



'piIVB-room  buagaiow  oa  high  granad  wttk 
a-     a   good   marina   vlav.   eamant    baaamaat. 

bL"?-'.  2Sy,  *'•»»»•»«>*    *^    ooraarrtXXi 
DuSct  and  lanra  rooma  -— ••  w 

lanra  roo^ia 

•caa  — •.        PHK2B  M.»M 
••ft  aaah  aad  tha  balaaaa 

A.    A.    UEHARBT 
<•*-»  Bay  ward   Bldg. 

\rBB.      B.      8BMPLB    —   Plaalat   and   as- 
Jaa   itaHaaoad  taaeliar  of  piano:  rupUa  pra* 

ff^Jaa.«•r    axai^batlora    U    daafrad.      lltt 

■OUSB8  VOR  mAlM  • 


A  ••room  modern  bungalow,  Hampablra 
Road.  Oak  Bay:  lot  tOzllo.  The  bun- 
galow la  well  flniahed  throughout.  The  bed- 
rooms and  bathroom  are  In  white  enamel, 
all  built-in  features,  with  a  good  aarden  In- 
cluding appla  and  plum  traaa  chicken  taeoaa 
etc.     Price  It. 000. 

¥^S    "^l*~9*^     madara     a-raom 
„  _w    mile    circle.    II.SOO:    oo*   madam    t. 
laam  bouaa.    1   mile   circle.   ir>«#r«l«i  to 
"ardaa   City   Park    near   oar.     IIM "  '"^  *• 

aner.      Bo»    E.U^v^..   CoionUt 

I^OR  Sale — Five-room   cottagaL  Jaat  paint- 

'•».    «2l<>«»   in,   at  a   bargain, 
after  •  p.m^ 

Phoaa   •TtSB. 

F"«i  ?"'*J~^  modern  l«-room  houaa,  10S7 
-a  Richardson  Street.  For '  partlcuiara  an- 
riSm'.-nt-^s'ire'el"    «»«-•'-«>«•  ^   "•"<,:?. 

JBITPCAT10N8WANira>--.MAlJC      ft 

ACCOUNTANT  and  auditor  wants  posi- 
tion aa  accountant  or  bookkeeper:  six 
yeara  in  laat  position;  good  quallflcationa 
and  rafarencaa  K.  J.  Selte.  60«  laurel 
Street.      Phone    50161,. 

BUTCHER,    good    all-roond.    daalrea    poal- 
Uon.     Phone  «STt. 


Entrance  Sayward  Bioek 

Phone   Ills 

PIOR  Sale— Wall-built  S-roomad  cottage. 
watJ^'Ti  J^M*'"J^..  pnntry,  baaament.  bity 
^aVh  l&oo*  I'n"^  "/"'•  '•"'^•<»'  chicken  ran: 
..„-  . ,  .  •  5""*  ■■■«">•  mortaage  of  S70*. 
parable  in  three  yeara.  Apply  T^Kegtoa  AvS: 

TjMNE  large  bungalow  containing  •  wait- 
^„iJ'"*"*"i?'    ''rtght    rooma   and    baaamaat. 

H    AwixTT  SiKS*"*"''    iPPP^tad 

H.    AMPHI^TT^^^    ^^^^   BMi."^^"' 

QOrmNMBNT  Straat  S..U,,  lUea  aaraar 
lac  ••  faat  aa  Qavanuaaat  Straat. 
da»U  tu  faat.*  aad  ••r««m  eattana; 
•»a  mlaataa*  walk  frtna  poat  oMca. 
ThU  la  vary  axoallaat  buy.  PHoa. 
oa  tanaa.  it.—. 

Q.OVBBXMMKT  «raat.  wtthla  Sva  mla- 
"'•^  walk  of  Oavaramaat  Bulldlnga;  a 
•wtj^"'*"'  attiacuva  T-roam  bungalow, 
waaly  kept  and  on  a  good  atraat;  lot  Ma 
»*•:  prica  14,100.,  Owner  must  aaU  w  doa* 
aa  aatota,    Oaod  tarau. 

pAawMXj)  «,tola^a..^,«.m  h. 

ChapauB  Straat.  eioaa  to  C««k.  I«« 
ia    «»S1M.    aad    haaaa    la      modara. 

••   tarai%   «aly^|S.»««. 

ii«^~iir..j:l*'**"*   huagalow.   caatai»> 
J^SL.  ^i^P*  »»   praetksaily  \Uh. 
Price  only  |S.S«»:    tarntoT       "*"■••  , 
D*"^„«OAD.     aaar     tha     Park-«U-, 

M^'^JS!,    ^R«>ry     T-taoatoAW 

kltohan^»5^i.J'°'5*    '••■»•     *•«. 
•toad     oemii..**'!:^    bedrooma:     fuH. 

235     SSJ^'rSom     "TRBET-Bungalow    oB* 
&.TCtb'*'^n'S"^a"nVr'?;o'» : 

WM^ftad.      Prica  for  whWe.  IS,l4t:.l 
^*^    hl^tlS^^'pR^^WBEET.   I.  good*. 

modem    bunga^ 

CHINOra      tatarpratw     aad       traaalater. 
-  V.  It.   wtam  Oa.     Pkaiu  ifss. 

CARPENTER,      practical,      requires   work; 

reasonable  terms. 
Phone   S4I4B. 

18>7  Foul  Bay  Road. 

DA    K.     Ignition  '  AropUfter — More     pep. 
more  power.      Motor  Necvsaitiea  Co..   70J 
B.C.  Permanent  Loan  Bulldinx.     Phone  67«6. 

C*^^«nii^"fi-"-      Tomfoam-cu,; 
v>'   haidneaa     Aak  your  draaaiat.     soo  ..J 


^a.  toachar 

;    ••  yaara*  aKpartoaeat     Tha  tet* 

Craaa  Maw  Tark.  Bagtaa  aad  mmm 

Bamaabor.    tka    boat    U    warU 

nivato   iaaaaaa  aftamoooa   ha   aa- 

Claaana  avoalaga  at  I.      Pbeaa 

Vbell    Uld*»    g    to    1«:S*    aja_    or 

i  Mallcaaai  •»  7  p.ak 

AWJaa<  establiabed  Ufa  laauiaaoa  Ohm- 
gaay  oilara  to  a  Uva  UtMU  a  gaad  owa- 

tracts  aad  alU  tram  may  ypeaa  maa  wha 
alMwa  proadaacy  ta  aotlcltUur  ttnalnaaa  Mai 
lAA..  Coleaiat.  

BOr  Wanted  to  laara  tha  alga  aad  abow 
(:ard  bustoaaa.    Don't  apply  M  not  latar- 
eata|d»     Manaar  Wga  0».  

'ThOM'T  uae  table  vinagar  (or  plckluk 
A.^^moaun  pickling  viaagar  la  made  far 
that  purpoae.  ■  Aak  for  it.     

|AON'T  forget  the  QOeen  of  th»  Island 
V.  Maaoaarada  Bail  to  be  held  Ouy  FawXea 
.Ntoht.  Novaiabar  tha  Sth..  Alexandra  Hall. 
Dgnclag  y  to  1.  Prof.  Heaton'a  (-pleca  ot- 
chaatra.  Grand  maacb  H  a'elock.  Prlxea  on 
view  Bpent^r's,  Lid.  Ladlaa.  11.00;  gents. 
tl.60;  spectator^,  TSc  TMBbola.  Droptaead 
Hewing   .Macl^kta;. .  

ThON'T  forget  dance.  »  to  11,  every  Mon- 
-f  day  at  St.  John-a  Mall.  Ladlea.  SSc; 
gapto.  Mc     Perry  s  orrhestra. 

DA    K.     Ignition     Amplifier — More     pep. 
more  power.     Motor  Neceaaltlaa  Co..  701 
B.C.  Permaaeat  I^an  Building.     Phone  «7««. 

GOOD  wagfa  for  home  work..  Wa  need 
*!?  to.MJft*  «><*•  nn  tha  faat.  eaally 
laaraM  Ah  to  Knitter.  BxpaWaaea  uaaecea- 
■ary.  Dlatonce  Immaterfal.  Poaitlvoly  no 
saavaaaiag.  Yarn  auppliad.  Partfasalara  So 
Btamp.  Oapartiaaat  •«  C.  Aato  Kalttar  Ca. 

HALLOWE'EN  Maaqnerade.  Colwood  HAIL 
Frldat.  Octobar  list.       Dancing  »  to  1 
Ttwn   orehaatra.      Admission.   60c:     rofraah- 

INLAND    TAXI    AND   TOURINO    CO.     Pta. 
A.     O.     Stinaon     (Into     SOth     Oordoaa). 

/^A  WA  S8PR.  eSperleneed:  good  moaa; 
COtTHS.    'OR^HARJNiiSr^io-iScXM 

iii/'^^-uX'a'a!  ^— !?!r'?^y.^.^g^ 

D  !!!  *'"  '*"'"«>a  Ampliner— Mora  pep, 
^.  more  power.  Motor  Nerrraaltlen  Co  7«* 
B.C.  PermanemXoan  Building     Phone  6766? 

NOTICE  ^^       , 

C^XCKPTIONAL    opportunity    la    befng   of- 

'.  iinea  who  are  prepared  tA  m-.S-t 
*  ?".?SL''"^.  "'  •""•••"  '»  the  c~  Tht  1,1, 
"It  time  la  very  opportune  for  build  na  an.i 
wa  nrmly  bellevn  that  every  shmrakniSf.:  i!ir, 
''i/"y  •'».'^  retureVfor  M^  In^e««i2?' M"n 
rend    the   signa   of    the   times-    the   t?.™,*  !S 

at    the    aame    time    you    can    feel    thiT    i-I. 
have   part  owner-hin  i-   .h- — i-J.-l*f^j  >««• 

■E^LECTRIClAN — Good  wlreman.  knowl- 
•'-'  edge  of  motor  work,  etc.:  i  years'  Plant 
experience,    wants  job.      Phone   47l4u 

IJIMPLDYMENT    Agency— U    N.    Wing    On, 
-*  Chlneae      employment     agency.       Phona 

EXPERIENCE^  gardener  dealrea  work  by 
day    or    week.       Turnbuli.    2219    Shakea- 
pear*;  atre«  t.      Phone  6377R. 

FIR8T-clHss  carpenter  wants  work  by  day 
or   contract.      Box    tiSl.   l^olonlst. 

GAKDENER.    experienced,    requires    work 
by  day   or   week.      Phone   6777R. 

HA.Nny    man,    married,     wants    whole    or 
part    Ume    Job;    good  ^electrician:    un- 
dorxtaiids   machinery.      Phonfe   4714L.      * 

'  , 

TTOTEL    clerk    wanta    situation,      day    or 
-*-»•    night   ahitt.      Colonist   Box    1115. 

MAN   and    wife   jivant 
trust,     tanitor    work 
round   mai'hlnery. 

\  PICTURESQUE  bungalow  of  flvo  bright 
.^i-  rooms,  dinlngroom  and  living-room, 
panelled  and  with  beam  ceilings;  alt  kinds 
of  built-in  featuraa:  full  cement  basement 
and  a  kplendid  hot-water  heating  plant; 
open  fireplaces,  garage  and  chicken  houses; 
standing  In  a  large  garden  nicely  planted 
with  shrubs  and  trees;  plenty  of  fruit  and 
.5<»*?«r»i  lovatad  ia  one^ol^auc  iMat—raair 
dentlal  districts;  vet:*  low  taxes.  For  im- 
mediate  sale   13,700.. 

H.    AMPHLETT  Q.    c.    HOWELL 
101    Union    Bank    Building. 


EV>R     Bala— VlotorU      Waal,      ilra  raaMad. 

TAAIRFIBuO— Trroom    bwiaa.    (uU~^ 
baaament.     haauUful^wrdaaT  alia 
porch:    near   ear   aad    baat^^rSrtB   »6.i 
12.760:   tarma.     Crowa  Realty.  ^^^ 

XjU>R   claar   titi,   cheap   prapartlaa   taelad- 
^     Ihg  ACFMga.    4.i«oaa    baagatow.    nod* 

11^..*°?    "^   '•'•'    '°»"   J""*   oataiia   elty 
limlU;  low  tazaa.     Phona  Owaar.  IISIL 


.«S*T~^'"""     "»°°»*     ■•«»     locaUoa. 
100;    terms   to  ault.      Phone   SOtt. 

«tt   a 

WELL-BUILT,  modi-rn  home  of  six 
rooms.  In  a  good  lotalltv  being  offered 
great  sacrince.  the  owner  leaving  tha 
city  shortly.  Full  cement  basement,  rurnace 
Inatallcd  with  hot  water  colls  connected  to 
kitchen  boiler.  Large  kitchen  with  all  built- 
in  eflecta  and  fully  equipped  pantry,  dining 
lT)om  very  njoely  panel lud.  handsome  built- 
in  buRel.  open  flreplace.  conservatory  «xlo. 
large  living  room  with  beamed  cclllnga. 
bullt-m  bookcamn  and  Ht-ats.  open  tlreplace. 
'*'f,'^  pr«lly  1-way  atalrs.  3  large  bedrooma. 
all  w^thf  closeta.  clothes  chute  to  baaemont: 
linen  cloaut;  bathroom  and  toilet  separate; 
lot  50x131;  excellent  garden.  , 
X'K^CE    St.ZQO 

any      position     of 
etc. :    man    handy 
Rox   2260   (Tolonlat. 

POSITION  wanted  by  married  man;  knowl- 
edge  of  bookkeeping  and  gcnaral   atora 
work.      Box    2167.    c?olonist. 


606    Union   Bun^   Building-  Phone   Sl( 

ANOTHER  BUNGALOW.  6  roomg,  garaga 
nice     lot.     absolutoly     modem :    tumaea 
cemant    baaamact;    laaba    low:    •S.IOO:    ISM 


eatad  kindly  send  full  particular.  .»Ji   ISS^''' 
number    where    poaalble*!    to    Bo?  Mfs-'cT 

RBTURNBD    1914     aoldler     wants    Job 
once;  anything,   anvwharc.   15   veara"  ex- 
perience automobiles,   drive  or  repair;  amart 
appearance,    good    aalesman.      Pbonee      No, 
37S4,   and    will   call   on   you. 


riOOD   all    round 
v^   Sluggetfa  Stotlon. 

maa    waatgd.     Maber, 

Uln^'^Z  ■•»«■'»»'>  for  calendar  and  nov- 
■2~   «"y     line:     good     contraot     for    jcanmhi. 
■nieaman:   *sperienn«  preferred   but   not  flil 
ess-rv:    high-rlas,    Canadian    com^nyjK.d" 

n?v*R;!i'?-?°'i  "'i*'"  "'  '•ualHl'^^lona.   Ap^ 
Ply  Box  6o7.   London.  Ont. 

^^'*^™^"^^~-  -      .      .  

M*!^..rt^,-'""!  ""'  •■*  ■»"»'•  "tew.  Hah.  pie. 

"DKTUIUtBD  aoldler,  married,  wanta  Work 
-^a  of  any  kind  by  day  or  hour.  Phone 

SECOND-hand   cycle   bargalUH. 
Hitrhle.    Ltd..   #11    View  Street. 

Pllmley  ft 

WANTBD— Small  fruit  farm  to  look  after 
for    Winter    mnnthB!    tnavrlMj*    Mtan      -n.. 

1160.  Colonist. 

for  Winter  months:  inarriad  man.  Bos 

Coraar  Tgtaa  and  Bl^>ad  straau 

.TW?  ■•*  an  the  market,  our  latest  pro- 
tf  duct.  "Sireet  Military  Kaltoh."  and 
what  you  have  b««n  loohlng  for.  combine 
lag  awa«tn«aa  with  pap.  Tha  Waatarg 
Pickling   Worka.    Umilad.  • 

■ILfMl  aiB^MPa'g  ohildrca'a  elaag  will  ra- 
ax.  open  in  St.  John's  Hall.  Saturdar. 
Novamber  l.  S:SO.  Young  atudanta'  club 
Prtday.  Novelnbar  1,  S  o'clock.  For  parUc- 
ulara  apply   637  St.  John  Straet. 

-  "   "  '  '  .         ' 

JIL"-    ^fSa^   *^*    aayvrard   Building. 
Phona  UHU     Balta.  draaaea.  wtapa. 

opposite   Ubrary, 

CJEi:OND-hand  cycle  bargain*.  Pllmlev  A 
»?    Bltchle.    Ltd..   •11   Viaw  sSeat.  '^  * 

_  .«.^?"'»*'  ATTESTlO.N:  We  want  im. 
nadlataly  cgrPaBtera  and  handy  fmeacS 

ur*a»^^s:?a't,v?''i.»„';  ri7al:r%Si! 

Inveatment  required:  men  ahare  In  nJSSSi 
Matual  Construction  Co."  Kd..  tl»  "rSSS: 
mulr    Street.    Vancouver,    kc.  W«ag- 

npHB  atmoat  eare  la  exerclaed  la  the  Ima- 
A  diing  of  your  furniture  wban  HuSon 
BkoB.    move  you.     Phona  1153.  ""«g»n 

tV^AN-TED— One  basket  maker;  aiin  who 
il    -."[!?'""•"?•    dicker    chair.^lforir  hoTh 

klTL'AtlONS  WAJfraaw— BTRif^T-E  g 

DAILY    work    wanted. 
Douglaa   Street, 

Mra.    Taylor,    336S 

DRBaBMAKMM  for  ladl««-    banaaa.  altara> 
tlona.    laoaa    oovera    for    faraliara.    •«   a 
«»av       B<t«  4>6I.   Caianirt. " 

EXPERIENCED    stenographer    desires    po- 
sition.     Phone    6047-R-2. 

LIOHT  oocupaiion  on  elevator. 


in   making   and    renalra   prefi 
ttox   Q.    Colonlat. 


i.   AUTOS  AUTO*  AVT08 

"Vtaw  Car,  1918  Model,  Eaay  a^d  Comrort- 
-L^  able  Flve-l>aaaaBg«r 

*  '^boro   Bay.    via    Uplanda s  i  §«' 

V.'a^?y*/-?*y.'  .».•«»•'•  »J  Mndy  beach  1.00 
BfintirMd   Motal  and;  Oardana   s.0« 

MKohMTn.   Happy   Valley  .  „ JljJ 

Maiahat  Drive  to  acenio  outlook   6.00 

Shawnlgan   Lake,   via   Mill  Bay   lo.oo 

I'^rlcu  Bay.  traaa  aad  axMllaat  akada  4.M 
.  Jt^S!?  •''^  ■**  '••'  **•  aaatlnaotiB  rooad 
^iMur.'  *»*«J«»«  tha  charJiT,  n.ia 

,.,  '  ,     "  ,  TMOB.  J.  WKMLTOM 
I7U  Lea  Avanaa  p|,»na  StIS 

B&MSMBBR    Frklay.     Novambar     7.     big 
ijaaa^iMMda  ball.   Alakaadfa  jnab.   Sisi 

SL5l2^-,J^'¥rt  '?«»«>v«4  at.":"©.  t"K" 
frand  march.  Tlckele  at  Stralth'a.  Spen- 
«pf»  Toggery  Shop.  O'Connella,  Maoeya 
lyt^tlonery  Shop.  ' 

£COND-h*nd   cycle   bargalna.      Plimlay  A 
Ritchie,    Ltd..   611    View  Street. 

W  .^I    ^^^  flrat-claaa  aln«le  milkman  to 

▼  T    taka   char.,  of  a   largo  dairy;   BmpirS 

B.    Pambertaa.   Pombarton 

taka  cbari 
mllkar  oaad.  1 

t^ANTED— flecretarr-treaaarer;     muat     ha 

In    the    organr.aUo7.   '..f'^new  "lid'L.t^y  Ti'th 
tremendous     poaalbl.wlea.       Good     'alary     •- 
Muat   bskva  references. 

right  man. 

tails  on   applloatioi.   lo   Box 

Full   de- 
8098.   Colonlat. 

MIDOLB-agad     lady     wanu     work    daily, 
needle-work  or  cooking:   Oak  Bay  Dla- 
trict  preferred.     Box  1061.  Ctolonlat. 

"POSITION  aa  booaakaapar  or  oompanlwii 
A  help  oc>  lalaad.  out  of  olty,  where  work 
aat  too  heavy.  Write  Mra  M.  Bailor.  Oaa* 
era  I  P*Hverv.  Vancouvar. 

RELIABLE    girl.    17.    desires    position    In 
store,    or  aa   elevator   driver;   has   had 

experience    In 
1060.   Colonlat. 

bakary      ahop.      Apply    Bos 

W'*^-"?^'*"'''Ir    "•*•»«>•'.   .^tparlanced' 
i  "ton  for  small   property   knowiMia.  T^ 

mrdenteg  required   and   to  do  «eneTl^{J^,£' 

=;/rSl^r7;d\    Tp%y"te^^^^^ 
W^^y^^i-'o-  "^rK^atlnr  ■'  '■  °-   "^ 

Mbcosophical  socimtt.  sis 

I^-paaaanger  auto  tor  hlr«  day  ar 
^  night.  Muglclang^  oiaar  niaad  Tall. 
»^n.  5014;  raa.  phj|i;i  •••T W.  jf  iSku: 

aiaaa   aim*    w.ii^^-^r^    'iP^  oSitrliJ' 

rrplB    Salratlon    Army    Induatrlal    De^^TT- 

WANTED— Cert  ined 
-'-'91.   Colonist. 

drug      clerk. 


ryANTBI»-Boy    after    achdol    houra    with 
TV    bicycle.      TofcU,    Oya    Worka.    ••'    ron 

CJECOND-hand  cycle  bargains.  Pllmley  A 
>^    HUrhte.    Ltd..   611   View  Strteet; 

■MTANTBD— By  a  younc  girl,  children  to 
_  ;.  l?**"*  •»ter,  3  afternootu.  a  waste.  Falr- 
tleld   District     .Phone  66K7r,. 

VITA  NTBD— Day  work  cooking  and  houae- 
vv     work.      M.    Jones.    37$S.  Roseberrv    Ave 

Teleuhone    •JOTR. 

VX^ANTED— Poaltlon  i^  housekeeper  U7 
vT  rnrripanlon  h-ein  to  couple;  no  children 
Annl%-    Box    Oi.    Dutu-an.    B.C. 



DRKaSMAKINO  —  Blenaaai  kimonaa  aad 
,...f"i'"**'<*"  Pwaiptlr  dona.  Room  lA 
TOJH    Tates  Slreat.  * 

ItTRS.   WEST,   7S0   Fort   Straat.    Drcsamak- 
-ivA    ing.    alteratlona,    etc.      Phona    1S17. 

•t  I  A  7-KOOU,  eapeclaUy  baUt  bungalow.  «a 
,  I  AStmcoo  Street,  afaaoittteiy  modara;  Msh' 
•at  grade  plumbing,  laaprovamant  taxaa  aU 
ff*Ai;  r*""  »*.»0»:  owaar  wiu  aall  jot 
iS.OOS.  tanna  SSOO  caah.  balanea  aaay/OawZ 
Kealty    Co..    oyer    Imperial    BankT^ 

A     REASONABl,E    buy,    and    a    good   start 

7V^nI?ri  "»""!••  »""  '"  *  •"■"  borne.  Apply 
71    Battleford    Ave, 

rVBAUTsruL  bungatow,  on  JCmproaa  Ava. 
ff**oum  to  central  Park:  modem.  7  roonu: 
IS.«t«:  caah  SSOO.  aad  S19  monthly,  laelud- 
Ing  interaat.     Crown   Realty.  "wua 

M. .  B,    HBATH  [  ~~ 

ISIS  Douglaa  Street 

/"^lARK  Street— ThIa  modern*  7-room  aeml- 

V-*     .bungalow,    close    to    car    and    achool. 

'  nlca   lot.    cement    basement,    piped  for 

_.         '  furnace;   only   11,006;   terms. 

T^AST    Victoria,    close    to    two    car    llnea 

A-4       This  modern   6-room   houae   going   for 

two-thirds    tha    cost    of    building    the 

houaa    today;    only    fl.sOC^    terma, 

P^AIRFIELD— This  semi-bungalow  on  Un- 

A  den   Avenue,,  with   four   bedrooms    liv- 

Ibg    room,    dining-room    and    kitchen. 

b^ullt-ln   buffet.   Itreplace.    furnace,   full 

cement  basement  and  garage;  muat  be 

sold.      Immediate      poaseaaion;   .     only 

•4,'JOO;   terma. 

fpaiS  very  choice  home  in  a  select  dla- 
A  trict,  four  bedrooms,  bathroom  linen 
cloaat  and  large  clothes  presses  and 
sleeping-porch  up;  and  extra  large  llv- 
Ing  room,  dinlngroom,  kitchen  and 
reception  hall  down.  The  lower  floor 
haa  highly  polished  oak  floors  built- 
in  buRet  and  large  china  closet's  open 
flreplace  and  a  fully  built-in  dutch 
kitchen,  Jarge  cooler  and  wood  and 
coal  lift;  tha  baaement  haa  a  hol- 
water  furnace  with  ample  radiation, 
cipaet.  laundry- traya,  gaa  piat«  and 
fruit  rooms,   etc.;   large   lot  with  gar- 

buy   in   the  city,   only  IS.SOO, 
'POUR  acres,  near  Carey  Road,  with  amall 
A         4-room  bungalow,  city  water  piped  by 

thla  property;   aiao   electric   light  and 

talephona;    only   |3,l60w 
t^SQUIMALT- 9H    acres   with    nlca   4-room 
A-i       cottage,    ronalderable    clearing     partly 

fenced,    on    the    mala      Sooke'     Road 

iiglu   and   teiaptoooa;    the   aoU    la  gin- 
•"iSr*'^       '   """    *"*"^   •"»•    •'»^' 

Wa   have   many   other   good    buya      CaU   at 
office    for    partlcuiara.         ^^ 

•piAlRFlBLD  bnagalow  of  flva  waU-at. 
J:,..,""****  J'o^wM.  nlca  bullt-ia  flgtvaa 
utra   good    hasament      with     tnraaaat.    ea2 

Jja^law.      Dirt    ehaap    at    ••.•••.      Baay 

H.    AMPHLBTT  41.    O.    HOWKX 

101   Union  Bank  BaUdlBB. 

XpAIRFIBLD— Attractive    flva-raom     h*rm 

K?i,  .*"***:.   '='*»^    *•   Baac«i   Hui 
^rKi    rough    cast   axtortor.    latorlor 
flatoh     of    high    order:     hot    wM«r 
■•aMag   of   vary    best,    iaadad   alaaa 
wiadows  throughout:    two  opaa  dra*  - 
P]^*^'  y.'H  attractiva  living  room. 
\*.^h.*"^  SO  ft.:  dan    IS  ft.  by  l«ft:l 
."'»"=*♦•«»„»  't.  ty  IS  ft. :  pii,t%.  rloii.* 
"on,  hall.    7   ft.   by  14   ft.:   antraaea 
vestibule;     two     bedrooma     upitaSSJ 
11 H    ft.    by    14    ft.    each;    bathi«oni 
and  aeparatc   toilet:   box  roomrprp- 
vision  made  for  addlUonal  bcdraoal 
IS   ft.    by    16    fL;    full   staa  \^^Mi 
basement,  concrete  walka:  lotBl  4fc 
by  ISS  ft.  Prica  ••.•oor^kaTlM^ 
Owner.  Bos   1466.   Ck»lool8L       ••■••* 

J^KAB  Naw  Bls»  Sehoal.  aa  Camoma 
■*«*«t.  a  coay  iittla  4-room  bunga- 
law  for  $t,t**;  qaartar  casta  aad  tha 
halaaea  moathly. 


J^ICE  cauBtry  homa  with  aaa  ffronUta,  ta- 
gether  with  61  aoras.  altnatod  at 
Osborne  Bay.  4  miles  from  Waot- 
Itolma  and  within  easy  reach  of 
Duncan  on  good  road.  The  .dwell- 
iag  la  modera  aad  ooatalas  alavaa 
rooma;  plenty  of  wator  auppliad  by 
gravity  ayatem:  is  acrca  are  under 
oBltivaUoa.      Prica  JljLKt; 

t.r!^iS"?V'^£^»-'«'^-   "- "^  • 
onrgSin  at  tha  price.   14,100:    termaT 

W^'*^u'iaf7''*^"'^-'"-«»«'»«<»  »«-•'■( 
tta^^  d7„1i,""""  ''*'""•  ""-* 
PUce      hull.  .  '°1   L"""'    °P«"    «"- 

"■rge    dpthea    closet    in    aaS;     full 
cement      baaamaat,         Prica 


••.«7I;    tarma 

||J[BTCHOnN.  1*0  Mraa.  naiaiprovad.  but 
eonuins  qnaauty  of  good  land;  oa 
main  road.  IT  miles  from  VictarU. 
Price  for   tha  wbolo.   •S.IO*. 


gUBRBT      street    _    8tg-,oom      mod.rn 

room  •      :.!    .  "*"■    *'°**"      ••     dininc 
kT/i-         kitchen    and    pantry;     threa 

minL    wi.!i  ',""  ■•'•<*   "«•"»  h«»«- 
'Tice   18,671;     terms  arranged. 

g;ARBlNaKR   AVENU|,    on    bigk    groan^, 

— ■ ins--,^^**'*  ~  riva-roomad  aiadarit 

Sri'SJ^;!;;h''r**'"J"«  receptlilThriU 
parior  with  open  flreplace  and  ballt. 


•    s-ir  •P^ir?i.7Vot  't^-r^'  -  •«"• 

AT     STRBET,   on     the     Mgti  part— 1M« 
ing    parlor,    open    flreplace 


FO£R  ladiag'  amxmd-haad  cyciaa  tor  aaia, 
Plimlay  ft   Rltchia.  I^tdJ^SU    Vtor  i^ 

/4.0R0B— Thraa    4.    • 

J*  iowa     •s.s...     •s.s.o. 



fr°.??«°  DUtrtot— «-room  haaaa  oa  Ma  tot. 

^^^KSTHOLMK,  70  acres,  partly  Imprwred. 
with  two  cottages:  close  to  stora 
•ad  poat  afllca.  •  Prioa*;  farms. 

piADBORO  Point— lu  aeras.  praeUeally  all 
V/  andar  eulUvatloa,  •«#  f,at  of  watar- 
froataso.  S-room  naodem  houaa.  good  wall 
with  aaglna.  boat-houaa.  fruit  treaa  and 
small  frulti^  modera  poultry  bouses  and 
propwty,  all  fenced.  Prica  fS.OOO.  on  aasy 
or  caa  ha  leased  to  the  right  party. 

gAAKICH  Ana,  with  watarrr«ata«a.  l*t 
acraa  with  a  aica  little  hay:  houaa 
aad  barn:  price  |S,«««  far  tha 
whoia;  ••••  caah. 

GOROB— Furalabed' t-room    honsa   aa    U. 
acre.    11.650.     crown   Realty. 

TTUpsON  Bros,  spacuilsa  oa  lacw  ■«|-taaits 
JJ.    haulage.     Pboaa  SSIS  far  prtSsgL^ 

T  HAVE  a  modem  6-roomed'  up-to-data 
A  bungalow  on  a  largo  corner  lot.  (room 
for  another   house  or  8tore>.   for  sale  quick; 

S™."".. ''*'■,.""••  **■"  ^y  District.  11,960 
»mall  cash  payment,  balance  t:s  p«r  month. 
Owner.  Colonist  Box  ISIS.  monin. 

YaMES  BAY— 6-room  bungalow  In  stood 
"  eondlttpn:  garage.  Cement  drive,  full 

l??",'x1"''"-     '*^''     '<"    60x110.       Price 

G  13.700:    terms. 

ORGR— r.-room  modem  bungalow.  Ore- 
placo.  beamed  ceilings,  baaement. 
hot  water  heat    garage,  chicken  run, 

Betr.      Price   13.709:   terma 
URNHIDB-Outslde     city     ll^ts.     S-raom 
bungalow,    basement,    very   large   lot 
60x200,     all     fenced:     poStr^^use 

iV^n  'i;i"u    111*""  •«»"  »».«••:  tarma. 

CT,^„=.*JS5   i^'^-    halanca   arranged. 
LOVERDALE— S     rooms,     and  Toid  *  lot, 
several    cords    of    wood.     Only    tSOO- 
eany    terms. 
,,.,    „         DirNFORD-H.    LIMITED 
1134   government    Street Victoria.    B.C. 

T  EAVI0*O  town,  will  sail  my  equity  In  1- 
A-i  roomed  cottage  for  S175.  tncludhig  It 
chickens  anA  fuel:  balance  of  1770  at  Sll 
per  montlr:  tax-s  19;  or  would  trade  equity. 
What  ofTeis?     Phone  4035U 

QOUOX  Vallay.  ats  acra<  aaariy  dli  aa- 
epHaat  hud.  a  good  daai  of  which 
la  opaa  laad  (easily  cleared  >:  piaa- 
Uful  supply  of  wator.  Soma  good 
■r  aad  cadar:  alaaa  to  aai 
aa  tarmac   ••,•••, 


C.    LAND    ft    INVK8TMKNT    AOBNCT 
XAnttaA     Katahllahad  tnti 

Pfcaaa   tu 

wool*   Pt.ouA«.   i»u7    wiiaSM  ^k^^fft 
■^  "i!!  J'»'>**1«    CONvlMaMNC«l**JI2 


5^'^  s.T.7rt*imj;":jiy'°' '-"-^si 

J^lNTO  Street   _  Eight-roomed    lH-storF> 

place,  dlaiag  room,   buiit-m  buffcii 
"^"'•iitchen  and  nantry-    four  ro<wV 

it'h-^::r^-  ^'"'  "'o'he.  ciSscThK 

each,     bathroom      and      toilet     ytltnt 

h'.l'1,aV"d;j*~5f*r'*"'"-      TW-'  homj; 
U^Jl^    .  "**•  Boors,  with  full  sls«^ 

fnJSi^   ''*Y.°1S'-    "••«>    traya   ahS 
fumaca.       St.seo;     terms    arraBg««r, 

]J^eCLURE   STRpET-An   gttraetlvaly   daJ 

-"*  signed    slx-n>omed    1 H -story    hamau^ 

containing   entrance   hall    wuh    fl^ 

S  Place;       parlor      flnlshed     in      whItS, 

'   '   *     la  I      •  *■*  '•'■«•  b*ihr«Mn«:  fill 

wash  tuba.  ,  Prica  ,v.Mj    •^taS 
Qonon  nistrict  -  WlTti^  il^^ 

Jsrgo    pantry,    two    tonra    bed»»ma 
tl'JimTu  *°"T*h^.  ««"  ^•••d^e^.'S? 

.pM'-c.ndTt*'f^  '•a'sni;,  *?axi: 



302Q    0'»"'»'IA    STREET-rottage 

bodroom:    told   wat-r.  aUalric  lirtC? 

r.J!fnRW*.?-  -  '^  ^^^  'W: 

Prioe.     tlOO. 

includes    carpets 

MODERN  4 -roomed  bancaiaw  and  t- 
roomed  shark  for  sale,  eloaa  to  Wll- 
><>**..»•'■:  lot  sOxllO:  ahsck  la  plaster^  and 
paaellad.  with  water,  tollat  and  \ilMtria 
light:  would  easllv  raat  far  lift  n«CZ 
93.000.      Phone    fSHX.  *       "*^ 

MODERN  t-room  furnished  b 
SS.400:    scoo 

11S9  North  Park. 



'J>   r'u 


foiifii  GOOD  BuVa 

rpwo-storjr  dwalilBs.  6  rooms;  .dlaiag  room 
A.    panaUad.  built-in  h»w.>    .•■ '•"  ^"  """ 

panaUed.  built-to  buffet,  all  larae  room. 
two    bedrooma;    cemented    blaamem 
for    furaaoe:    let   toxlio.      ="?«■''"' 

e  \  • 

Price    I2.|I6.    on 

Street.      Phone   1066. 

vv    mat    Is    uniform    la    ararr    Aatait      a 
private    o,    eommerclai    ieeTTto?;    mtobi    hi 

mVm  ??^r?!<>".  P»»»'a  the  Vi7na?if.'"ThJ 
IE"*.,  ^"'^'••'^a^oaaa  Sehsol  al  TaM*.  aZ 
*«ada   Bulldlap.   Vieiorta.  ihSL  STS**   " 

ment.  •>»Aohnseti  Street,  witi  be  Pleased 
-     biv-    ■2"^?l*-f'*"'l'"'*«^'     anythiSi 

KTCiH  coBT  or  Lnrnva 

Y'?iS..S:?!!l' .'fl»'»  *«  «*  »»tertally 
•d  th.'^21i^fc.i?lK'»,'»  ■*"»»  *«'"  one 
A^tl-  v*^*^  British  Insoranoa  Compaalea 
^^■.-^"■JSS"  •"  Victoria.  FullpartlcS- 
lara  aad  free  eaarsa  of  laatmotiea  wui  ka 
given,  enabling  you  to  oae^nt^^Sa^iiJJ 
to  aplendid  ad'aataga     bU  mV  "* 

^STKRAN   Tailor.    Imperial    Bank  Baiid- 

'■ICTORIA  Amateur  Swimming  Club 


.wa-^^J**    mOjthly*  danca    for    mamh4ra     and 
Tartly  "no^L,"'*"'  a  ^^^    »^^t 

W'lL"'-.*^***".  '«••«*••'*•     Hall.    Brt»l»d 

K*!.F^?"^  ■atiwday  algfti.   Oran^   li-iT 
g^»   •^'^   ^»<*»     ir^**  tomb<.ja.   k   iK 

AT  The  Umiietf  AgAier.  »1«  Saywartf 
„.►.  »"»•««■«:  Parlormaid.  •••:  h^J^ 
S:r;™/'i,''  »»■  »«•:  houai  p'arioAS^ 
dally,  good  aalary;  housemaid.  »«•;  "^ 
SS?'    •flf'^"'<x">«.    cooking     and     housework. 

AN    experienced    saleslady    f    work   ta    • 

■pURWITUBK  Cratbd,  shipped  ahd  removed 
b,    w^rl^oedm.^^     Pbone     Hadm,n 


MAKB  money  at  home.  Ton  caa  eara 
from  11  to  fS  an  hour  in  your  snara 
time  writing  show  cards:  quMkly  gad  easily 
learned;  no  canvaaalng;  we  teaok  you  how 
and  sell  your  work.  Write  today  for  full 
particulars.  American  Show  Card  SchooL 
33S  Ryrle  Bldg.,  Tonga  and  Shuter  Streets! 
Toronto.  Canada.  ^ 

•R— PRIVATB     Christmas     greeting     caij 
WU     sample     book     free:       repreaentatlvag 

£'iMSi-.2^*"»  ■••  *•  '•■  doiiM  dSiiT 

Bri|dioy.aarrstgoa  Company.  Braatford.  oS: 

APPLICATIONS  ara  Invited  <or  the  «,.- 
...  ,Uon  of  (Jeaeral  .Secretary  of  the  Sk  O, 
icachers  Federation,  duilca  to  commaaaa 
January  Igt.  1910.  •■"•"oa 

Applicanto  matt  kava  experience  in  arw 
ganisatuia  work,  a  thorough  knowledge  at 
tbj   teaming   profeaalon.   and   must   be  oom- 

??V,darattoi*  ""'  """*•  •'  '•"*'••   "^ 

•lili  «»Si52  •••••*  ••'  ■"■•"•  •"*  "••^ 

Apply  giving  quallflcationa  experienoa. 
sto..  a*  or  before  Novambcr  llth  to  ««^ 
15^7'  Bi.C^Teacbert'  Fideration  r1^ 
401  Cp«npbal|   Bids..    Vfolorla.   Be 

hand.    Is   desirous   of      takiaa     a      tmm 


K.     E.     HBATH 
1311  Douglaa  Street 

Snap— i-room    heaasi    al- 
moat  eompletad:-  bargato  at  SLSSa-'  taaa 
cash.     Crown   Realty.  ^'"**'  "  »».»se.  ism 

/^^ASH  |l,!oo  buya  four-room  bungalow 
V-'  large  lot.  garage;  near  car  and  school' 
945    inverneaa    street,    end  .  of    DougliS    «r 


MODERN  (-room  booae,  |S,30«:  ••••  __ 
balance    monthly.      1526    Belmoat   Ava 
Apply    Btevena.    1119    North    Park 

NEAR  car  line.  In  good  neighborhood.  Baa 
six-roomed  modern  aemi-buacatow    *^iA 

.'tror";,5o'"^b.'"'"^=  •""  *^^ 

H.    AMPHLETT  O.    C.    ROWVU. 

101  Union   Bank   BnUdlag 

.    Phone    HOP 

OWNER  leaving  dty,  Instracto  oa'  to  aaU 
his  comfortable  bungalow  of  pix  wall- 
aranged  rooms,  vary  artlsUcally  decoratdd. 
Ilka  new:  good  basement,  flne  garden,  all 
kinds  of  fruit,  low  toxea.  for  ••.•00.  m  vanr 
eaay  terma:  Including  aome  faraitore.  Wa 
recommend   this  purehasa. 

Personally    loapocted — Bxelaalve    AAaata  . 
H.    AMPHLETT'  o"c.    HOWSi. 

, 101  UnlOB  Bank  BnHdiaa^^^^^ 

pUFTH  M'RBllT.  S  rooms;  baaament.  wash 
yTic/M'i«V'^^     "'  -P-tO-daie;   h,t  30x135. 

■i-^  wood  floora,  high  looatloa.  Prioa  (".aM. 


117  Pemberton  Building 

snd  panirv:  f„ur  good  ■a.V  kSS 
rooms,  with  clo,hes''?i'ose?"rn*eirfj 
balhrroom  and  toilet  senarata-  #Mi 
slsed  cement  basememl^hS twalS! 
heaUng.  wash  traya  iliii«lV22 
heat»r  and  Chlnamaa^;  »»««      nC!" 

'}3S7  offTrSr-aTThe    '.5S?a"r4^ 

^.     R.     BROWN 
Victory  Bonds  nought  and  Bold 








•H      ACRM    OP 

Bfea.   SSS 

mea.      .  .„ 

H7^  Yatoa  BiroaL 


.    .  '^'  JPiUkt-    Yk«BHa  Hh«  WUMtg, 

OOONII^B-H^UaMy  «m  never  heard 

J^Hatlag     Oa.     Uio     OavZ^aiTeBt 

Tkarae^  Pin's  Sboe  Store  MmSi 

--i^    "   «»r  "•■t  dlaoaant   ea  all   leaoi.; 

fgftt^krAr^.':?.'""  ^*^  »^ 

BCROOL  .or  ^(.UMMRr  ^ 

L*"***".  •■•  •«   the   beat   paid  prafhasioaa, 
J^   Bnroi   now    m    ll*«    Sckool   o(    MIUla-rT 

an*   yo»*  Sftraota 


K^BERT    gives    private    tultton    in 

rii.S,**'''^*      laatbemallcs.      tte.        Phoaa 
6SS0R.      Bog   Sl^O   ColcplstT  raooo 

pRIV ATM  Tuition,   by  experienced   teaohsT 
A-        ta    sohool    subjects    ror    backward    sta-' 

vs^:.7ftir'  ""'  ?^"''"*  ■-'"''^ 

heaalag    tkaraugfciy    taimht;    gradMiaa 
Sf..^*^*^**"*-     '^^   -ar^aataa 
,  Mpal.     Pksae   Sf4. 


{Vii^  '•  *"'•  wlthlB  100  yards  of  B.  O 

Ul-Jh«i:f'"f»iP**!r»'  Blatlon.  alectrlo  ttBhi 
i.i-5'"iS*  "•*?  ""J'  water.  Beautifully  fln- 
al?"!i,i5lL'X^"*>  "'*•»  »»ardw5>d  fl^a  la 
all  dowastatra  rooms  and  hall.  rtcent 
lVvll/?o„  "replacea  in  drawlSg-Voom  wd 
m  lag-room.  Heam  ceilings  aad  panalU^ 
9  ST  I.;""  hack  atalra  "  bed?oomir  wut 
finSS  L'SS'.'  '"''.*  toilets;  sleeping VTch. 
IIBen    cloaets    and    box    rooms.       All       tJLil 

r.*;ff!',n''*""°*'"«  "«»  «»^"^ng.r<i^m  ^1 
isht-jl    In    .lean,    enamel    and    the    rw    beat 

can  be  obtaiaed.  Laundry  tubs  of  white 
fr^ft*'-  f.?*. •***»*'  basin  in  bath?SJS 
i2  J'^^rw"!'*  i"".  «>wlroon»s.  Uot  alr^u? 
PAce.  Orchard  of  various  kinds  of  fruK 
2fA. '•'«•.  •*?*•  »'«^  '-*  oik  and  dr 
-«,?'l  *'^*"'«'  •"tb-iidlagsTTbl.  prop^ 
i-i  ..•?  *****.  »••'•■  ""•'  by  the  mortmiJ; 
tf^  I'JS*  •■'•  •»  ••••   tban   half  its  9ilSZ 

^  Sifit  "K^'s&ir  *^  •j»^»»"iw  to 

t«OS  Ooaglaa  Street 

t^VB  ft  BAL'NDBBS 
»••«  Ltuislry  Street 

/VAK  Bay.  Unkleaa  Avenue — This  fatly 
v.'  modem  S-room  house  containing  tbrae 
bedrooms,  dinlag.  living  room  with  opoa 
fire  place,  dutch  kitchen,  fivnaca.  tubailt 
has  built-in  (htturea  and  Is  graatfy  radauad 
In'  price  for  a  eonple  of  d«ya  only.  Naw 
IS,  BOO. 

OAK  Bay  way,  FaB  Straot— Wg-raam. 
fully  modera  bungalow,  all  kladg  of 
built-in  flxturea.  hardwood  floor,  baamed 
and   panelled  furalture,   tuba,   good   locality. 

fS.950cr-OAK  Bay,  Clara  Street,  if  yea 
want  a  S-rooni  buagalaw  tat  as  show 
this  one  bad  your  hohse-hunting  will  be 
ov»r.     Fully  modern  and  very  artistic. 

•-room      bungalow 

ra    deep    let,    close    to    Oafe 

Bay  tram,  located  on  North  Hampohira  Rd. 

FAIRFIELD,  close  to  Moss  Street  high 
location;  owner  of  this  S-room  fully 
modern  htwgalaw  tkraataaad  witk  fara* 
closura  procoadlnga.  requested  us  to  llac  for 
quick  sale.  Contalas  hardwood  floors,  onaa 
flreplace^  all  aorto  built-la  featuraa  aad 
eloctrlca)  appilaacee:  cemoat  baaamaat.  Mba, 
furnace.     A  preaeat  at  •f.Tt*.  ^^ 

MONTEREV     Avenue    Savea-raoai. 
modem  bouse,  bullt-la  faati 
basement,    tubs,    14,100. 

ST.  Patrick  Street — Seven-«oom  fally 
em    semi-bungalow.    •«.•••. 

niMlS  houae  U  nearly  new.  «  |g  jogt  ih* 
block  from  tke  park  aad  earHnO.  aad 
two  froag  tha  sea.  It  is  within  10  minutes' 
walk  from  tba  poat  ofloe.  exceptionally  waii. 
built  aad  laid  oat:  kaiit-m  buffet.  parieiL 
famaca.  garage,  eta:  fruit  treaa  la  fan 
boarlag  aa  the  tot  it  M  offered  at  Jaat  a»m» 
HALF  tha  prioo  the  awaer  paid  for  it.  On 
tarma  for  •4.*««.  f      •«.    ua 


••.*•.,'•'  the  threes 

...  K  '7:^«  _ 

Tenna    .-^-^ 


aaaa     -     j 

*••*  ■•*  "wther  taruculaia  of  thla.  aad 
aa  ahaw  tt  to  you.  "" 




we  ara  prapared  to  serv7  y6a  a^ickTJ     ^'•^ 
ISLAND    BLUIBPRIM9  A   fgj^f.  qq 

Htoa9  Uit 



Sayward  Block   (baaei 


BAROAors  nr  boobm 

CROSB  ft  ca 

T""  f^?*"  '"  "»•  «"»tricf;  has  runnin* 
A  water  the  whole  year  round  ».««»„» 
has  been  cultivated:  to  cloao  to 'aSKTI'^  "^i 
ehiiM>t>     DO      ^.T-J-.     ^'^'  to  aokooi   anA 


churclr.    P.tA     „ 
elty  wator.    ft  ia  on 
at   lib*   per  acre. 

,_ii__.,.    '-rs-  "^  aohooi  and 

main  road;  15  a*:rea 

BtoBthiy  payatoBiA  ^^   ^^    ^^f* 


^•ROOM    eottaga.    thra« 
*  •1*'L.«A£54M.   aloae  m  e«#.     pytoa'a 
ll.ttt   caan.    aaiaaaa   artkamd? 


A    MICB  little  pick  ap;  S  rooms,  bath  aaa 

No.   SOIS 

aiawlt.     Prioe  • 

baagalMT  ga 




LA»«»      reliii     Valoarsk 
hle^e«  to  look  Mke 
*afka.  Bradd  aad  tatt. 

f*  drsd     aad 

«5VBNO(}iiAPHBR»-Bmp«apm«at     dMartt 
J^aaaiiam   Oa.  UA.   tn  van  ti. 

STNaiNO    aad 
aad-  Tharadays 

coaehae     backward     puplkl: 
ate.      Bea  USl.  CoioBleT 
light   raadlag   eigasea.   Tke 






•troat^Uoae    oartiaa  (aad    dtp 
O-taomod      aaodera      buagalew 

Ltoa"^.::2!r*^  •»»*  •  •Si 

T^r^Sri?^*^.  g^  ^'^ 

■ttaa  ••.•a*.   uiSm. 

T''i?.,ir;rkT  s^r;^  -  ••-  *'—• - 

8IX-ro«Mi  fumiskad   hOTUsi    Mead  dtraat.  a 

blocks    ».m    ear    bST  BtoderanHLiw^ 
OB  terma.  ^^        "■"'■'    aASt^ 

_    OAK    BAT 

rh/Ltrm  —  aaf    •  laamsd   haaaa 

f  < .   ... » 

-      em    sem.-oungaiow.    ,«.,.•.  a     »,cB  tittle  homa,   4   ntoms.   fully  m«l 

tTKiUf-c^^on   to    Radtlaad   Am.   aad  I  £^.  •'"'  »«ilt-ln  featar««k  hSMtoa  aL  tata 

9tOW)     OovemoMat     Boaaa.     «  — --    -  |  "'hi  to  enamel  led:  elooa  w  artoS    wSRTHI 

hou«<:    hot    wateThirM,    iSidwaMa!!^  •*''   *■   ^^  "•"    *^  ••.♦mT      '      N»    MM 

BO  expense  spared  la  constraetlag  H;  koMa- 


BO  expense  spared  la  constraetlag  it: 
od,  panelled,  open  flreptaea.  doors  i 
rooms,  surtalna.  French  mirror^ 
fwons.  It  Is  a  woaderful  bttraala. 
arranged    pa   all.  , 

*  R.    B.    PUNMBTT   *  CO. 

»T-«    Pamhartoa    Blaelt  Pitm 


ACORMBR  lot  la  Iha?- 
.—  '*;2t'  *•••■•■■  alia  I 
JaM     tMak     ef      Yatsa     i 

7-ROOM  Btodof  dtraUBsL  aagrMaa  —     ^' 
eloM  ta.     pHlaa  tMMi  i«gMp  $%H^S'^ 
balaaoe    moathlr^paymoMgiAto   m  «& 
stdorably  kaiaw  Ms  valufc  "  •■^» 


of  tha  elty.   I 
M  amrkadiF'B  Mos^ 
■troei    eoraar    far 

W5(lUD^toeXSd.^e  *loV7« 

CfBA  and  mountain  views,  close  to  hea» 
K7  tifal  sandy  beach,  sraadlas  to  iJi^a_ 
trsod  grounds  of  ouarter-acraTa  apUadiSr 
eoastmcted      bungalow     of     aaren      JJCS 

raaged   rooms: 

.    reception    balL   atttiav  s^^ 

gri'f'St-;;:?^  '::t  .:;;'g*bt^r;'%HS 

with«.t  tke  ^rSSHSLT^SMT  tSSLK 


B«lna«at  Rosa* 

No   Pbong  lafonkMtlan 




Itl  OalMjN 

ROWBU.  I  terms:   loea 



caMtoc  Bi.   aB' 
•trooto:    •«.•••.    «k 


TOM   A 



mmlii^  '  iT' 


?1F '"-«  '_'  '«l 


H,  1919 



"AMTmo   t* 

Mwr    Botla*    CM«r. 


^KTAimCD— A     «Mr*     MwcK 





fttw^tf*.   Kmn'»  l$n  0*««nii 


W'mSssL^jrTZiS'  *'^^"*' 

YOUR    aUM*    aeal.    »tuu '  »tt«(UBW   M4 
fnMt    c»kea   wUI   be   l«ipr*v*4   iw   Mte« 

TIN    W< 



'piVRMSHBD   rour-roomad  •parUMMt.    tw« 

LAROB  romb|iMMl   (uratah««  MMtaM«t  t* 
ttu     Phod«  XTWR. 

fTIWO  l«rc*  «af«ral«h««  rtmu  t*  nkl. 
-■-  Boo«  locMloa:  alMtric  ll«kt.  phea*  aad 
kAtli.  with  »rtv«to  temlly.  A»»iy  I7t> 
Pay|«  liirxt. 

fpo  RMt— rvrnlahad.  MMHiM  Ap*run«Hta. 
-1.  alrsir  furnlahMl  l-rw»m  flat  for  Rovom- 
bar  oalr:  a*  chUdran.  Ap»ly  B.  O.  Uaad  * 
iBTOfoat  COl.   Ml  Qovniwwt  gttaoC 

/po  L«»— Modora   untiiraUkod  •utta.     cI«m 

AT   -CAMAUaV     SM      "T-lim     MHil 

aaUr    altaaud,     •!•■«     ia. 
^•^  »l«ta  eMktajb  mo^MM* 

»a.    Boafd  aoUaKal.    Maaa  UMK.  ^^ 

f>OOJf    aaa    board    tor    baalaoM    auui.    1* 

SL-NNT  room  In  a«w  ham*,  lady  profertod. 
or     married     coualo:     tamis    madarala: 
■evan    minutM    from    Jltnay:     taralva    (tam- 
rioverdala    car    Ube.       Aaaly    '•l^mikwSr '^ 
Calumat  Ava;.  «r  phana  Stfit. 

AT  Abadovay,  »1«  MlcWan.  hvuaakaapMg 
rooma:  furaaca  haaU  toot  water.  Mmso 

ElMi  ROOMS.  •U.Tataa  atroat    llawra- 

keeplnic  sultoa.  alau  atBKta  li«>ua«keeuiiiic 
rooma  from  %'i.  aiiiKia  raaiiia  from  «;;;  traa- 
■  an-nt.    ioc   and    >tc   • 

XXOLBlilCAMIMMO  raoMa  Md  badraaM«i 
XL  two  biaaka  fram  Paat  OMaa.  Tl*  ttaai. 
u>idt    Btraat.  . ^^ 

FURNIBHBO     houaakaaplns    room^    ■atiL 
cablna.     t:all    l>»«;HUIalda.  

fc21NaL.IB   aad   double   hoaaakaainng   roviaa: 
J    aaa.     1t»t  Pandora'. 

TW<J   houaakeeplna  raoma  lor  -Unt.   rtiaaa 

TJMriTKNiBUBD  roama  to  .rant.     11»«  Pan- 

dora Ave. 

3  ROOMS  ntifurnUbad.  aalUbla  tor  feeaaa* 
keoplbfi;  lUhi.  water  and  batb  Ibot  aad 
cold*  J   III.     Tt»   Vlaw  St. 



BROMaWICX  HOTBIs  M*  alakl  wad  wmt 
U.M  waakly  and  «»:   baat  laaaUaBi  •• 
liar.     Yataa  aad  l>aM«la«,    Vhm»  UJ. 

/1UUPORTABL.B  fuinlaiiad  room  for  bual- 
^V  nasa  man  ia  privata  family.  Falrdwit 
platrirt:    fnroaee   beat.      Phona    4M4B.        ■ 

("iO.\li^KTABUE     bcd-alttlns    roons     elaSv' 
V  In.   auliabta   tor  nantlaman.     Mt   Maata 

COMPORTABtJ:  ^arnlabad    room,    aaltabla 
for  ona  or  two  Kontlcman  la  a  deatrabia 
homa;    board   it   daalrad:   elaaa    la.     nit^ 


I       I  -I. 

1IK>R  Rent — iMtft  room  wittir  prhrata  batif 
a;  room,  aoitabia  for  bad^atttla*  raain.  Oak 
Bay.      Hhona  «>««U 

..p^RO.NT  t>^<l-aiitinK  room,  Iraplaca  or  bad- 
X  room  and  alttltiir  room,  privata  familr: 
nitln    houaakaapinn    If   daalrad.      >WU 

ST.    HBLBN'k    ■*•   Conrtaay    Straat,    bad- 
rooma  and  lM>it«aka«i>tli*  raooift     PkMM 
IT<«.     H.   M«ller.  now  oroprfctor.  . 

fjnWO  Bic*  badrooma,  aoitabia  for  alafla 
X    man:  board  If  raqulrad.     Pbona  4Tltt>. 

Rent>— I^arsa      hadroom.      raiktartabla, 
and    all    convanlcncaa;    braaktaat    If   da- 
alrpil.      Talanhona    >lHL«. '  

rpo   Rant— PonrialMd   badroama.   Oak   B«r« 

X    Phony   m«U 

fpwo  blorlta  fr^m  Parilam*nt  BtHMIagai 
X      fIrat-Haaa   roAma.      Phona    ««4tR. 

I' .  ■       "         '  II  '  ■  i  i 

rpo  Rant — Oankforiabia  faralahad  roavia 
X      with  or  wItkoMt  board.     10»»  Jahnaaa. 

4-ROOMBD  fumlabad  MIta,   modarn.  mod- 
f-rata:   aotry  In   Noranber.     ColanUt  Sax 

Itia  PORT  NTRBBT,  •  wall  famlakad  badk 
rooma.  with  naa  of  kHekon.     Phaaa  MM* 


rpO  Rant— Two  larsa  unfuraUkad  raama 
X  tor  lisht  bpuaakMpias:  lldkL  watar  aad 
batfc:  la  (ood  locally :  aaar  earllaa.     Pkaaa 

~— —  ii    ■      II 

fltHRBB-  nnfumlahad    room*,   two   npatdlfb, 
,  X    o        -  .         .         - 

ona  down:   eloaa  in.     Pbaoa  tllllt 


KAUTlPlfCLr    faniUhad  ar  aatHrnlalMtf 
ia-f»omad  boaac  witk  aaraM^MMtalljr 

loaaiad.    Box  17M.  OaUalac. 
Room   >•» 

lj«OB   Maai^  ■■im» 
f%t  Broad  Mtraot.     Pk«aa 

IIWR  CaraCM  marlas  9t  Jraar  wtmm  pMB^ 
J?     Hadaoa  Braai.  tt»fc    W«  Ba«a  IB*  •«§ 

o-ta-data    aoparaf^ 

■  >    mtt 

TJH>rf    Sale    or    Rant — (Tt    »Wdip^ 

jC    malt,   7-room   modam  baantaar. 

tSt.       Writa    Ownar. 

rlnff   laland. 

A.     JMV 

iJlOK  Baat — ■  roaow,  alt 
J    dadt    II*   aar   aiotitk. 

XjVnrR.roamad  kaaaa  for  raat:  tatk: 

r    oiciiaM  Point:  farnltatw  far  aak,  taMdad^ 

In*  QuaaUtJ'  fwal.     Calaalat  •«■  Mid. 

roam   iHtk    vaak 
bathroom.  aittJaa 
las  aad  mb  rod       _, 
ekae  ari(«d  t»r ^Mttlkmrnm. 
wator  baatad,  >■  Tfcaaa  Mt(L  \4. 
poaHa  Bfc  PaaTa  Oaiak.  faiii 

0mO  BaM.  Itel 
X   MBdaia  •• 
aiid    farwua 
vka   la   Ka»ias   liMjjjfataly 



d -nOOMBO  a* 
datta  Ava. 


•to   MB  «M 

Amtr  SMI 

M  ta 

^VAOlfBD  ka 
O  far  aafa.     It 

■aa  ia  tat 
Okad  Avaa 










THE  DAILY  yuMJ^iat,  VlciUKlA.  B.C  l-KlUAV,  OCTOBER  31,  1.919 


\||7ANTB1>~-T*  rt»i  janalt   hou«»  or  I   um- 


(or  !«•••  •( 
Boa   IMi.- 

elo  ••««»m«4  houa*.  JantM  Bay  prct«|T««. 
PtMM  lUtR.' 



•  A    rUIUnSllBD  koiM*  with  «v«ry  c>«mfort. 
^%.    wvll  haatad  and  beat  lacalliy.  to  lat  for 


iHoaiha.      (fl    Uadan    AvaDUa.      Pbona 

}B    BcMt— rilniUbaa   min«*lbw,    turnsoa. 
■araa^     anil     cMckan   'hoitaa.     Ill    ptr 
ynth.     Phong  tlt»T. 

XrtOR    Rvnt — Furnlabad,    amall    houaa.      IM* 
J     qulra    17tl    Baach    Hoad.    Foul    B*y. 

I|H>R  Rant  for  a  porlod  of  alx  montlia,  jmall 
'    fui 

25J3L    -  -v-^ 



tfmm  VMftac.  aM  •«  Mm  tal 

fM»««ctil»    •««'**<^**ili 

IJIOKO  Trwck.  tut.  »  aaM  aa^Ma*  •*  **! 
JP      llvatr.     Om  a(  tka  ka«  kwa  «•  Mv* 

•  •••••  • a««**aa«*aiaa  ••»••  •  •  •  •^••?* 

ROADBTBRI     MM     Uckl     aai     ll««l«U> 
Wal«l>(  TaMrlM  CsMi  wltk  amak  «Mt> 
ar.  Is  •••«  oatMitlM  Craa  MM  V  *»^f* 

rvmi-tON  Mivarrt  •  •••«  «b»^ MM 

,^k£4tAVOUtAm    m   BMttai.    Mtt    ...U.tM 

-ntDRmaaiBD  t»^m. 

jC    mraaia.  IIM  •  vioBtk. 

Im  «  k««raMa« 
Apply  Bos  !•«•. 

FUIINISHBD  hovM.  t  badrooma.  naar  Oak 
Bay  Ava.,  S  acrca  of  ground,  oix'bard. 
M*  Mr  month:  laaaa  for  not  l«aa  than  alx 
WMltbo.     B«Mha«a  *  Co.     Phono  lOtL 

T  AniBT.  4< 
14  roHroMiH. 

Wl     «nak    your      bafr.      Uaa 
th,  ^rr  ■bampoa.     A*  y*«ir 

YXfBLL.    furnlahtd    houaa   of    10   rooma 

rent,  vrrr  (^antral  location.  auKabla  (or 
doi'lor.      Apply    to   a«vnt,    Arthur    Uoehara, 
l««a  Deuclaa,     Phone  ««4 



TODBBAna.    •*! 


•  ••«a«a  •< 


I  a  a  •  •  •  a  9^*  W 


QM  CkiH«k  B«rfl4ta«^.  ^        ■ 

Cf  ■    Cardan  Ma4  Courtnay       •    t:—t  P    O- 

fXkDllitAC,  1  cyllndar,  tM:  Hup  roadaiar. 
V,'  lUt:  Uavera^  roadau*-.  ♦••»;  motor 
oyola.  Illi;  Ford.  A-paaaaasar.  ||0*;  Whtta 
•taaaiar.  tM«. 


(Mr.  Jaakia) 

■41  Vlaw  Bttad^ 

Phoaa  N>« 


CASBFtTU  rav*»*iMa  taaaat  wtahaa  Ur«^ 
arau  (vralabAd  bptMa;   al«M  la.     fk«M 
^HMt    '  ■         ■ . -  '  ■     •-■  ■ 

WANTISD— dmall    faroiahad    hooka.      twp 
bodrooaiA   no  children,     dardnar.  Jlld- 
aay._  . J ;  _^__ 

WANTBD— Furnlihcd  or  unfurnlahed  mod- 
ern  aevan    or   «tKht-rooin    houaa;    close 
t^  car.     Pheoe  •70K). 

rANTilt>— Caofifoi-taVly     (urtjlahad     houaa 
or  fcttasslow  of  4  or   fi  rooma;   rareful, 
tananta;  no  •hlldren.     Box  2i«C  ColonlaL 


WANTBD  to  rant,  amail  honaa.  cloaa  In. 
or  riaar  ta  a  carllna.  Would  be  wlll- 
IM  to  >«r«haM.Uia  {nrnltinra,  etc.  U  prtoa 
Id  raMi»^Mi^^)»>     hos   «tr.  grfonlaC 


*    K.     Ignition 


AmpllAer — Mora 
tlea  Cj 
l>liait«  tit: 

ino^4  W>*'^^      Motor  tl«Ofg«ltlea  Qp..  702 
Pormaiant  Loan  Bulldlnic.  " 

IriOHD     Runabout,     flna     order:     a     anap. 
'    MM.     Pandrldga.  718  Broughton  Street. 

Mala — »-pa»aan«ar    Cbovrotat.    laieat 

111    Huporlar   B*. 





1— H»«^    Font,    >-aaa>»r,    lata    model. 
TMn  oar  is  la   vary  Mood  coadltion. 
and   Is  a  aood  buy  at  luka.     'larma 
srraaavd   If   daplred. 

I— «4;t.   Overland,   l<saat<r.   in  eaoaU 

lent  nteckanleal  order,  has  .all  aood 

tiraa.  a  MVd   l**P  MM  a  (ttli   aai  wt 

alarm    cttrtatna.      Brloa    oalr    •4T»: 


's— ITM.  Haven  "r*  roadatar.  In  tha 
pink  o(  condition.  Thia  roadatar 
will  carry  I  paraoqa  and  luanMa 
vaally,  and  haa  haapa  or  power  and 
apaad.  Tha  prioa.  to  onMr  ITM: 

^  Umt   AMP   90«7]fD 



/^LAnUfCa    lM<a 
V>  Maaaa:     Ttnaats 

|I.M     ajh 


Tataa  and  t>oaalaa 
0  ua;  weakly, 

«— ll.St*.  MoLau«h|ln-Bulok  D.  4(. 
apaolal  model.  In  baautlfui  order, 
with  •  iroo4  tU-aa.  Thto  ear  la  a 
real    Kood   buy   at   ll,ifto:    terma.. 



't^— ^4tO.  Chalmers,  (•aaaier,  in  pcr- 
faet  ordvr.  ail  «o«d  tires  and  run- 
ninir  An*.     Prioa  only  1464. 


•— tS44,  Overland.  5-aaatar.  pll  cood 
tiraa.  ThIa  ,oar  woaid  make  a  sood 
traek  or  bullet:  terms. 

,NOTB>— i 

and    are    all 

quick  aale. 


II  abovv 

.   are  real  sood  buys 
balow    thefr    vauia    for 

MMiniadattoa  aaaC.  B«tta  riMsaabia 

•at  a«|itfaliy  sttasiaa  MM  U  TWaarla 

'  ^.    .A  W.  KCTMrr.  Praprtalar. 

NSBMIT  HOTVtk  .-   1U«    Braa4  Straat. 
aowly  ranavatad  %ad  aM»ad 
X    NasWti.    rtaa. 


rnmrn    DimaMviB.    rort    Btraac 

X    Brfcht  and  cnaaa.    /Traaataata 
•aacial  weakly  raiaa     Sot  aad  eald 

Mmnm  4«aTa 


Tl«   ■». 


IIWBMITVBV  CtaUas  aad  aklp»*n«  aa- 
M7^  traated  t«  «a  reoaTroa  tte  bant  aasalblt 
attention  aad  eara,  Hadaaa  Bf«a.  Pkaae 
ftll.      I1T4   Yaiaa 

FURMITUBB   mavtsc  auda  aa«ar   by  aM? 
playing  Hadaoa  Bfaa      Plaaaa  »m. 

JBBVXS  BBOdL.  aaotar  aad  hMaa  nuw  £W 
^■koviaa:    aiaraca.  ahlMtoc  aad^  paoktaa. 

meat  SImm. 

by  motor  ar  team; 
aad    reliable    aarvleat        Batraat 
Wllllama      Phaoo  IT*. 

l^rOVll   year  (nmltara 

rum  wa«THOM(B 

^lOTOM/.B  Mawaat  aad  ll«rt  UB'ta^OMi 



lOOS    View    Street 

Phone    >7J 

loui  view  Htre«t  Phone  *73 

dbiM  FORD  i-paaaencer:  new  tires,  rocana 
ly      overhauled.        441      Toronto      Straat. 
Phone    4:UI.,. 


AinOB  rOK  HUtK 


II^OR   Hale — 4-cyllnder   (.'.adillar,    good   con- 
dition.     What    uffersT      Pbonc.  6474. 


FOR    dare— Bsoelslor     It  It     taoOel, 
aquippadi     .pay(a«»      eondiUaa. 


ill  I*  III 

FOB  runiture  aMviac  aiatlaa  aad  shlp> 
BiBc. '  try  Jiudaaa  Brna     Wa  caaraata* 


Phone  tU»- 

ITiOR  '  dala— Vord    aas'taa    itfucfk.    J^kaaa 

r  'MMRv  r  ■  ■ 

■  II  I  I   I  I  I  » 

FOR  dale — Ford  1-paaacncar.  a  flna  ear  tor 
tl(4.      Cameron.    CXI    Hunerlor    St.    ba- 
ParUament  Bldn.  < 


lfKHtL!£H}C  AMI*  iAytitftiHikL     -JM 


FUlMldU  Qiaar  aad  Maw  Zealand  Hab- 
MU  (ram  recMMr<i4  Imported  broadlaj 
•ack.  "TlswUda."  Prpapact  Lakm,  Koad, 
baanleb.  Vlaltots  walooma.  Mall  addreaa, 
Ma««lllt.  Vlci'rla.  B.C.  Local  InformaUea 
fl«  Jo 


Jobnava  dtraat. 

AFBW  stroos  hives  of  boes  (or  sale, 
ply  W.'  J.  Kavory.  1107  BroAd  dt.' 


AUUANTITT  of  flna.  pullets.  ahM  yaar> 
llns    bans    for    sale.     «eavlaw    PotUtry 
yarwi.  4n  Uatlaa  Road.  Victoria. 

BBdT    prloaii  -paid    (or    poultry.      Baarlaw 
WaAty     Varai.      4i*      Dallas       Raad. 
lebana  4MSU 

fC^ORD  Tanrtac,  111  I.  &a#alar  diodit  wb- 
J7  aorbara.  weather  atrlpa  on  doom  prt* 
▼aUly  owaad,  Juat  ovarhaiUad.  parxaot 
coadltloa,  «4««.  Phone  SliaX  (ar  ~k»> 

a«ar  Faid.   l»l< 


oavara,    ala«trto    Uskts, 

"lomla.     Wa  taka 
Caaaroa    Aatoik 


FIR  Bala/. Ty a 
Kood  e^dttlo 
bpanlch   RoaA 

sows  and  « 
tlOB.     Mrs..    J. 

all  la 
Fraaah.   I4tl 

Fcm    Bale— S    thoroughbred    Rhode    Island 
Rod.p^l*^  7  months.  115.  Phoiie  144IR. 

FOR  Sale — Jersey  cow,  quiet,  easy  milker, 
mllkinK  JH   sallons.     Phone  46tSR. 

i«  I*  I  I         '        >        I  ,     I.      . 

FOR  dalar-iTwA  fine  young  Aooona  cockel-- 
ela,  ^ller   strain 

Swo  (or  fS.M. 


•Ix    months   old; 
110   Michigan   Street. 


Sale — G    line    .Jersey    heKars:    all    la 
ar.  J.«Qulyk.  Royal  Oaic' 

JT    vi< 

Salo— Bngllsh  setter  bitch.-  T 
old.     Ooionlat  Box  tlSl 

jfCMB  S)kI*— Paw  ,ge«ae. 


Deal  Street. 

R.Salc — Horse,' tmmeas  aad  rig, 
17461*  .-■        . 


R  Hale — <4utet.  satind  mare,   suitable  (or 
dSllvary   ^v  drlvin^t,     O^k   ^y  Urocary. 

FOR  dale — Whlio  I>ghorn  pulleta  (2I>  pure 
Tom    Ksrron    strain).    May    hatchnd.    W 

h:    ru.-kervls.    $6    eSch:    also   alinoat    new 

torn,    Bunalo.    144    egits,    tZS;     Prairie 

140    r«8S.    «3&i '140,  .116.   Sold,    having 

let)  Mammoth  maehina,.   Moon.  R.M.D., 

can.   B.C.  ^ 



£LOOD  slnf|t^d  cwaarlaa!  ^  MSi  ',MI*asba«ir 

■  '  '  -J      J  -  II  I 

PURB-brad  '7*ra«y  cow,  4  years:  to  (raahan 
ahartlyj  $144;  Jeraay  Holstain  eow,  I 
yttfm.  to  freshen  Aorll.  4116.  These  cows 
at*  rloh  *inllkera.  quiet,  and  are  sold  only 
toseauaa  owner  is  leaving.  Madroha  Farm, 
"  aad.  R.I*  ~ 

'CV>R  dala- 

r    has   s«it 

tiraa,     Owaar  gola*  ta  CalKomla. 

casa  -ta   trade.  .  A»»l»   d(    ~ 

411   daperlor   Btraat. 


auper-als  7-pasaenger,  lilt 
lialmer*.  4-cyllnder.  T-DMseiunjr.  * 
splendid  rent  car;  X-oassenxer  Model  14, 
Overland.  Marion  Bullet.  1911  CadilUc  6- 
paaseBger,  and  1411  Ford  (-passenger,  ilka 
new.     Price  t<&4. 

8>1  Superior  St.       Be.hind  Parllamattt  Bldga. 

IdXJlMO     dlMOmeiNO      BTAYIOM.      4tl-4 
Yatea  Street.      Phone  till.      AgaaU  fac 
Slmoaa*    Pastes.       Contracta    by,  tha    weak. 
month    or    yaat,       Batla(aotloa     guaraataed. 
Tba  orldaal  SlmonlslAg  ataUoa  d(  Vlatorta. 
W.  H.  HyOHBd..  Prsp. 
Res,    PhoBa  4ltn< 
Wa  sell  tars  pn  eommlasla^ 
.■ "  II  I  ^ 

Ir  .youf  liay«i  a  .cac   and   need    essir    (not 
talk >    see  Cam^bn.'  611    Suixirlor  Bt.' 

c(..AUOHIJN  Sir,  privately  owned  and 
well  fared  fpr.  recently  )is<t  n«w  piston 
rings 'knd  crown  gear  overhauled,  (our  good 
tires  with  one  Spare;  four  spare  tubes,  ul< 
most  new  top.  .Can  oe  demonstrated  any 
t(me  by  appolntftient;  t404.  Box  1114  Col- 
,Qnist.  ,  . 

OBBD   CARS   FOR   dAlJ  ' 

McLAOOHUN   Ught  Bis.  1414   modal}  tB 
splendid  condlUon.     Prioa.   tl.l(4. 

Mel^AUOHUN   B-4«,   Iffll   model.   Id  drst- 
eiass  •ordar,  'all      Bood      tlrea       Prlofc 
11,144.  ^    ,  ^ 

FORD,   lata  modal,  allp  eoynn^   shaek  ab« 
>  sorbara,    speedomatar,    aad    la   A«t 
ditloo.      Price.    «444. 

pioKO.  nil  BMdsl.  ebsa»  at  |4W. 

m.    A.    DA  VIM 
I4T   Tataa   Btraat 

Phaaa  ITfl     DAT  OR  NIGHT     Ptraaa  ITTI 



•PlfClAl.    RATBB 

MBTCHOBIN.    round    trip    It.44 

SAANUVl    PUNINSULA.    round   trtP   ...I4.M 

COLWObD   OOt*    LiNKd    '..,.14.14 

BUOPPINQ.  p4r  hour  |i.M 

iBoats  ar ^  * 

Phone    BT74 

Tratfa  met  by  appolBtmaat 
P.   It.    PIKB         Pbaaa  (T1« 

HI  UK— Big  saw  Wtataa  dta. 
•t   per  Boar.   Pboae   14114. 


U«    lltT.    T    J.   Cala 


Haira  Drag 

5-PAHi/bNOBII    Chevrolet     for    hire, 
time;    reaannable    rates.      W.     Mci* 

Jr.        Phone     2796X, 



MOAlIk   AND   X^UAi'CUlCl*        d« 

•|0-rODT    Dory-shapad   akllT. 
XO     lotdtg,   niddar,   ate;   anap. 


oara^     rowr 
$14;  phoBs 

UUaaXjBltrS  ClalA^Cla» 


ARE    you    interested    In    goldT      Can    wa 
Band    you   Information   on    what    wo   be- 

lieve  to   be   the   Klch 


AaoOD  Meyda  ridsr  appracUtea  a  cood 
bicycle  on  which  to  ride.  That  Is  tha 
reason  ao  many  dlacrlmlnatlng  cyoUsU 
select    a    Hasaay    Silver    Rlbboa.      Call 

see    them    at 

Ritchie.  Ltd.     


(11    View    Street.      Plimiay    4k 

VI^VBRBADT"    flaah    lampa   and   battarlaa, 
■LJ  1414    models   lust    received,    reaaoaably 
priced.      Now   to   the   time   to  gat  year   tires 
flxed   BEFORE   the  rainy  siston, 

OODFRBB.  The  Bicycle  Spaelaliat 
404-M4   Tataa  Nazt   Priaeeaa  Thsatr* 
DoB't   forget  Pride  of   the  lalaad   Oaaoa, 
Friday.   Novsmber   7th 

■ClOR  Sale — Cheap,  1-speed  twin  Indian.  In 
-1-  flrst-clasa  condition,  ready  (or  the  road: 
preato  rear  tandem,  new  tirea  and  chains. 
For  this  weak  only.  Apply  464  Johnson 

OLD   cara..  la 
spot    cask  ' 
Phone   MM. 

a«y    eoadlttaa,    bought    It 
Mr.    JuakK    »4t   View   Bt. 

PlBTbN  riaca  (ar  every  ear  ar  mariaaaa* 
ruaa;    wbolaaaia         *  " 


OsTdoa  Head.  lt.M.D.  4 


1411  Broad  dtrasfc 



8 •MA  adtra  ««al(ly  pallau:  Racka,  Wkltw 
•  Wyaadsttas  aad   Laghora^   ea  sal*  ta- 

A«4Bts  (iar  Da  Ld»al  dsBa^atas,  ^sa>  by  last 

SlX-ysar-old  Haukney-bAd  mare,  1204  Iba.. 
'Una  all-roand  mover,  price  winner;  quiet 

ta^gtda.  aad  drive,  sound;  cuod  at  all  work: 
lady  can  banule  her;  cheap.  Int.  or  ax- 
Obaage  lor  Pigs.  >  cattle  or  early  pullets. 
MaoB.    "The   Maples."    R..M.D..   Duncan. 


IM  mtik  supplied,   t 
Milk    I'raduusrs 

it.      - 


sacta  galloa.   V.  1. 
»■«   jiiertk   PaCrk 

-Daa.  la 
iPriaa  |}». 

(arraw  la   aaaat  a 
J.    Ml.     Maliaaasa. 



VY7HITB  Laghakn  pallaU  (rom  record  lax- 
▼▼>  eta,  alao  cockerela.  Waterhouse.  1176 
Mllbtrove  gtreet.     Phone  4141L.. 

WANTED — Oood    sound    horse    (ar   Winter 
(or   (eed:    reliable   driver.      Apply    1011 
Narth.  Park  Bt. 

--    •  •  -  I       fn^t  ■• 

WANTBD>-4Slth«r  hoyar  at  .brooder,  76 
chlcka  caaacHv;  Cvphera  preferred; 
must  be  chsap  and  in  good  working  order. 
Fhone   IdflT.-'  / 

■ '  '  'ff  ■        ■■     -    <      ."^^>'    «t      '  -      '      »■ 

yiORTHWBdmiBN   CRgAMimt.^'MA 



Oordaa     Head.     M    I. 

Flatoa    Rl£ 

ONE  Ford,  electric  aelf-s'arter,  generator 
and  two  ranges  of  electric  lights;  new 
Wlllard  battery,  demountable  rims,  spare 
rims  and  tire;  new  tires:  Timkin  t>cSrlngs 
on   front   wheels.      A  anap. 

ONE    1414    Ovarlaad,    electric    llgbta    and 
atartar,  guarantaad  in  Orai-claaa  condi- 


Courtney    Street 



RENNIBSERVICE  Ford  livery  "FORDS," 
drive  yourself;  41  per  hour:  special  rates 
for  any  long  trips;  cara  and  motorcyelea 
bought  and  sold;  repairs:  Ford  aarvice  eta- 
tlon.     You   better  see 

1717   Cook  Street 


Phoaa  4141 

^LjTOTOR-Cycle  for  Bale.  EnglUh  make; 
flttad  with  bulb  horn,  lamp  and  Praata 
tank,  alao  apeedometer:  tiraa  praotieariy 
new.  This  machine  Is  fitted  with  a  two-apaad 
iraar  and  is  a  apleadid  machine  for  a  sMa- 
Box  1144   Colonist. 



.if      l....k)4«' 



Alaska  Uold  Placer 
Id?  One  dredge  In 
Alaska  has  taken  out  more  than  two  hun- 
dred millions  of  dollars  In  gold.  Would  you 
like  to  share  In  such  profltsT  For  further 
psrilcuiars  address:  C.  P.  Porter  A  Cum- 
pany,  lirekors.  L.  C.  Smith  Kulldlnw, 
btattle.    Wash. . 

COAL  and  Wood — One,  of  the  moat  pro- 
greaalve  and  profltable  undertakings  on 
tha  Paclflc  Coast;  haa  valuable  coal  agency 
in  caaaaotlon  with  wittch  a  substantial  and 
fast  developing  cash  trkde  Is  being  tran- 
sacted. An  unrivalled  coauectlun  In  tha 
cord  T9oa  trade,  with  ample  resources  of 
timber,  both  staadlag  and  felled  and  cut. 
ready  for  ahipmaat;  cantrally  located,  city 
depot  directing  the  whole  operations  of  this 
big  business;  equipment  Includes  new,  up- 
to-date  motor  trucka,  horaea,  rise,  etc  Ill- 
health  '  causes  owner  to  saerlhce  thto  ua- 
dertaking,  which  to  producing  good  prontit 
and  is  teaming  with  posaibllitles  (or  de- 
velopment. Audited  accounts  can  be  pro- 
duced. Not  one  dollar  Is  asked  (or  good- 
will.    Price ill0,404:   half   cash. 

H.  AMPKLirra'     a  c.  mowsll 

Idl  <  UbIoo    Bank    buUdlns 
f  haao    a«44.  

COMPLETE   wood   business  /or  sale,   a   go- 
tng    concern,    including    delivery    truck. 
Phone  t4t6U .     ,  

ENOLlltM  Carblda  Lampa  (rom  14. 74.  Oil 
Lampa  (ram  11.44.  the  NEW  DalU  Bloc- 
triu  LaousL  oomplala.'  41.76:  Carblda  aad^OU 
e(  btaheet  quality.   0    • 

EXPBKIBNCBD    partner    wanted      to      go 
trapping  up  North;  advertlaer  haa  good 
gasoline    launch.      Apply    Box    2181   Colonist. 

Ii^OH  Sale — Photographic  studloj  old-eatab- 
llshed    firm,    Hrst-claaa   location.      Apply 


XpOBTKR.   P'HED— 1114  Oavaramaat  Btraat. 
J:    Phone  1447.      AUafatloaa  aad  rapalra. 



FUNERAL  COw  (Hayward'a.  Ltd.) 
— Fuaeral  directors  aad  omttalMera, 
Chapel  aad  private  i>arlJrs;  motor  or  haraa 
aqalpmeat.  Always  opaa.  Phoaa  UM, 
714  Broaghtoa  Btroet. ' 


GBNBRAL    gardening,    pruning,    sprayiag.' 
Fred    Bennett.    Strawberry    Val*    P.  Ol 
^hone  Colqults   I4U. 

*    HAIiF-TONU    KNORAVIMG     • 

ZINC    and    Co>par    lUuatratlona    o(    every 
deacription    at   The   Coloalat   Phota-Ba-> 
.sr^^.^  :ng  DeitartmeBt.     ■ 


"l/'ODAK     HOSPITAL"— Bring     your     Ito- 
XV    daka  and  Cameraa  to  the  Kodak  Hoa- 
pltal   and   iiave   them    put   In   worklns   order ' 
(or    the   Bummer    t\olldaya      Mayaard'a,    714 
Paadora   Avenue.       Phone   tJS6. 


^nCK    CHONO    LUNO— Daaleta 

waod.    Mooka    aad    snUt    1 
pacttad  la.    :»«  axua,      Oilca. 
BtiMtet.      Pkeaea  «tM  aad  llsa.      Wa 
ta  aU  aarta  ad  eltyi. 



ua  Taiaa 

**Tka  Plaaear  fetrm" 

wa  daa't  advartlaa  otw  wailu 
Oar  wayk  advertlaea  Itaelt. 


W.  H.  I^li^^-^ 

LAUNDRY.  Ltd.— The 
sanitary  way.  Ioib-17  North  Park.  L.' 
D.  McLaaa.  Export  launderers.  Telephoaa 

'jO'EW      METHOD 


LITHOGRAPHING  —  Lltbographlag.  ea- 
gravlng  and  emboaalng.  Nothing  too 
large  and  nothlnx  too  small;  your  atatloa- 
ery  Is  your  advance  axent:  our  work  ta 
unequalled  west  of  Toronto.  The  Colaatot 
Prlntlnx   and    Publlshinx   Co..    Ltd. 

Mox    2260   Colonist. 

VrOTORCTCLBS.  Bleyeias  aad  Buaply 
irA  Store.  Vlotorto  aganu  («r  Kaealalap 
motorcyclas;-  tall'  tiAa  of  suppilas  ^ndire- 
pair  parts  (or  sU  inakaa  o(  tnotorcyolaai 
I'rlces   reaaonable.       444    Tatca   Street. 

T>Bl<IABLB    repaint    <  Ask 

Jobason  Street. 


your    trieada 
Works.      444 

SECOND-hand   cycle   bargains.      Plimley 
Ritchie.   Ltd..   41}   View  Street. 

SBVBRAX.  aaaps  at  Rennie'a  Motor- 
cycles, Indians  from  444  up:  FordA 
etc.  Rapaira%have  Raania  do  tbam.  Ha 
will    make   you   happy.      1717   Cook.     Phoae 

QNAP— Ford,     1114,     eae-toa 
O    track,   with  oeavertlble  bod: 


tjHrAJCTBD— All  klads  a(  waUata  aad  ys^* 

JOL  J*^  ••<"•     A«*«»»  w»  "BstBl  »ar»ia 
£dif  Meaj.     ||Uaa  year  oalvaa  witboai  BMlk. 

aad  patlato  far  aala. 

A  JBRBBT  cows  for 
\M  Ions,    1    milking    t 


Bca   Aveaua,   IBsqalma 

lie;  1  milking  3  gal- 
gpllons.  460  Con- 

DUCKS  and   drake   14   montha  old;   good 
iralne.      Phone   41 SR. 


TI4  JohnaoB  Streef  TI4  Johnson  Btraat 


F  yon  are  Impadently  waiting  for  bow 
.cars  to  arrive,  of  foal  that  present  high 
priees  preveni  your  buying  a  new  c*r.  this 
sale  should  specUlly  appeal,  as  every  car 
oCcrad  has  been  thoroughly  Inspected  nnil 
to  sure  to  satisfy  the  most  orlflcal  aa  to 
price,  style  and  condition.  We  glv*  n  few 
drPCriBtloBS,    but    see   the   car   add   be   cou- 

NO.  '1— A  eomfy  little  "Country  Club" 
w-..ft^"*"*i  '"  •*»•  P'""  •'  condition. 
Wotild  paaa  far  new.     Marked  to  clear,   (or 


~    a."-— -..—.-  body.     Milllkaa- 

Dawaar   Motor  Co..   oor.    View  aad   Vaaoaa- 
var   Strasts,   ' 

SsdbND-hand  cycle    bargaina'      Plimley   4k 
Ritchie.    Ltd..   411   View   Street. 


IBCOND-Battd  tiraa,  tubea  and  rtma.  all 
alsea  (rom  11  up;  1  and  «-oyl|Bdar  ea- 
giaea  (rom  171  up;  I,  4  aad  t-oylladar 
Bosch  magna toa,  (rom  tl4  each;  Raaty  4b 
Spllldorf  magnetos  (rom  414  up;  trallar* 
from  111  och;  4-volt  batteriea  414  each: 
Butck,  Apperson.  Abbott,  Detrpit,  Carter 
Car.  Tttdhopa.  V.  M.  F..  Flanders.  WlBtoa. 
et&.  parts  (or  sale,  at  haK-prlea.  Wa 
have  in  aioak  parts  (or  aiost  all  naksa  «( 

Vlaw  Btraat  Phaaa  IM4 

far    Mr.    JuBkla 




fpHB  bast  truck  value  In  tha  world,  to- 
X  day.  Don't  take  aur  word  alone  (or  it 
— have  a  demonstration. 

yJST    AND    TOUWD  ai 

CONFIDENTIAL  —   Last   year— Flu— Hair 
loot.       This     yaar—TONlFOAM— Preato  I 
Hair  saved. 

FOUND — Rowboat  on  Baanieh  Armi  owaar 
can  have  aame  by  paying  sxpensea     AP- 
plr   W.    P.    Hankln,   Tod   Int^t  P-O^ 

LOST — Man's      green      overcoat      between 
Helmcken  Road  and  city.     Finder  klnd- 
ly  Phone   1412X.     Reward. 

T  OBT — Silver  soap  box  near  114  Donslas 
-IJ  Street,  on  or  about  October  14:  re- 
la.V^-     ^"  tX""****  Street.     K.   H.  J.  Vhona 

raaor  blades. 

On    Wednesday    (orenoon,    envelope 

Ining   4    boxes   resharpened   OlllctAe 

Reward.    Colonist  Ofllce. 

FRUIT  growing  near  VIctorA,   young  man 
with   11,400  or  over,  wanted;  established 
buslnesa      Box   8247    Colonist.  t 

OpportuiUty    to    purchaaa    furnwhed    apari- 

BMBt    block,    aa   a   golBg   coneara. 

IjWB   Sale—Large    ravaaue   pradnclBS    far- 

X'  lUshed  apartmsBt   block,   nicely   alt- 

aatsd:   taxea  low.    Price  about   half 

what  it  woald   coat  to   baild   today. 

Apniy  Owners.      Box  446.   Coloatot. 

INVEST  now  in  a  now  manufacturing 
company  with  unlimited  prosoects  In  the 
l>omlnlOB;  active  position  If  desired;  no  bet- 
ter proposition  on  the  market;  every  Inves- 
tigation ■  daaired;  returned  mert  pre(erred; 
appotntnaant  only.     P.  O.   Box  g8«.  City. 

MOTOR  remilr  shop,  well  located,  bus? 
and  making  good  money  all.  the  time; 
splendid  businesa  also  iNting  done  In  uaed 
cars.  This  Is  a  great  opportunity  for  little 

H.    AMPHtJBTT  O.    C.    HOWELL 

141   UnMn  Sank   Bnlldlng. 
Phono    6440.    S 

WANTBD — Small  lurnished  or  partly 
furnished  house,  fear  town,  for  fnm* 
lly  o(  thrse:  adults  only;  careful  teaattta. 
1417   VIbtor  Btraat.   Famwood. 

SffTtMi  CASH  buya  out'atock  of  small  atere. 
qp  4  VM  B^emlsea  With  suitable  Ilvinx  quar- 
teriL  adjolninx  can  be  retained  at  rental  o( 
416  per  month:  store  situated  In  good  dto-  ' 
trict  with  oarline  conveniently  naar:  wide 
aporpach  frpj*- street  a^itk  store  (root  ox- 
tenainrflts  #h»ts  «)dtft^  gives  .prominence 
and  added  value. 

COUNTRY  store,  aatabltobed  bualneaa.  In 
A- 1  locality,  poataSlee  in  oennecUon: 
good  living  qviarters  on  pfamlses,  41.044 

PKOFAj-aaAO.NAli  DIIU!X."£OUY     A 


AWOBN.    MIDo'a    CX>.— Ckanarad    ▲«- 

conataatsb    Aaalgaaaa.   etc.    411   aad   4X4 

Ceatral  BuUdinx.  Vtetorta.  B.C.   .Phaae  ««»4. 


chiropody,    elcctrolyala.     (actala.     halr- 
dreaatng.  manlci    '  —  — 

Ward    Bide. 

Approved      Beauty 
carlBg.     Phoaa  1477.    til 


Block.       Phone   1II84: 

JoBOii,    311    Ceatrat 
res.    ohoao   641IH. 

MAKINKLLO    Approved    Shop.    Coupe   end 
Hoxan     (    chiroi>odtsia    and    coa- 
reetlciana      Phone   2477.      617   Sayward   BIda. 

MRS.    LARKiilN — Maasag«   maalcurtas  aad 
chiropody :     expert    atteadaat. 


2««j«alaed  Fat«a«  BchML  wtt*  a*ac«tc«| 
Seld^exprrteacei.  a**!  adtalatatrativr  aMtltv. 
rausr  A^MBSrAXT  wi  ta*  Itwieat 
Braac%.  Laada  DeaM^aavat.  SalatT  tlb*.** 
per  month.  Dattoa  la  ciammsati  Oacwmttar 
1st.    1414.  '•mwmwm 

<*sa«««tl«»s:     Mwat   ba  a  giadaato 
raragalsed     PVareal     Scbaoi,     wttli 

of  a 


,..,»•»»»   Deaartmew    a(    Uai 
mtM  aer  m«a«k.      Uattoa  ta 
I>ae»wib»»   let,    i»is. 
Qaandcatiaaa:      Maat    be   aaallSsd    to 
v«ailMaM    aad    reaori    on    ladaakrial 
Uoua    o»    tho    Provlaee.    to    v^l«<v 
and  tabulate  tahaar  autlatlca.  (amttlar 
gaaeral   ofHca    wark  aad 


Retamed  aoMlera  miurt  TaraWi  «  <^«^|. 
•••d  copy  «(  ilM-tr  duktrarav  ««rtt«oatea.  «r 
Jathe  caae  ot  r«aiml4nt«>-.'il  A.l^t^i-K  a  ■r**-. 
tUtod  Mateaicat  ar  th««r  mllltarv  arrvtre, 
..  ^••••jaMon  rorma  ma>  b,  .>ktA(wr^  rrwm 
the  aadatalgaed  or  tram  amy  Qov*tamtm 
Avaaa.  ^^ 

W.  H.  Ma<-t|«N*ES. 
_  OtII   Ser.toe  ^'^oaamlo 

Partlaawot   BKlaS     V|r-t«in«.    BC 

MvxtcarAi.  \-oTSJtir  use  lass 


414  say  Ward  BMx. 


6464  R. 

*     KBLlBT — PhoBiw    414S 
Office.    141-1   Savward  BIk. 

liPMBlgi  CX)B1PAWIE8 

LUMBER,  windowa.  doora.  interior'  flntoh. 
etc.  (TIty  or  country  orders  recetva 
careful  attention.  E.  W.  Whittlngton  Lum- 
ber Co..    Ltd..   Brldxe   and   Illllaida,       Ptaaaa 


liAWN   MOWliaiS  ^ 

-  JIl  AWN    Mowara    collected,    aharpanad    aad.. 
J-d   delivered.       We    also    put    on    new   rab- 
bers    to    your    worn-out     washing    machine. 
417    Fort    Street.  


LIMB    (or    (arm   and   garden,    delivered    la 
any     quantity.        Rosebank     Lime     Co, 
Analyala    44.7.       Phone    Belmoat    tX       P.Ol 

Box   1144. ,. 




WILLIAMS'      Eagliah     Cough     Care; 
quick    rvllet    (rom    chronic    coaxha.    t4o. 
Fawcetfa   Drux  Store        Phone   414. 


DR.    LEWIS   Hall— Jea ell   Bloca. 
Tatea  and  Douglaa  Streets. 

CONSTRUCTION  aad  repair  work  oa  oaa- 
chlnery  of  all  deacriptlona;  aaatlags 
sBd  boiler  work  to  order;  engfneartns 
l\^rdware  and  auppllaa.  wood  pulleys,  pipe-' 
fittings,  etc  Eatlmatea  given  free  and  all 
work  promptly  executed.  Marlaa  Iroa 
Works.   116  Pembroke  Streat,  phono  4IL 


SHAW    BROS.,    commercial    phoiograpberik 
904    Oovemment   Street    (upatalral. 

fl'^HE   Artura   Studio — General   photograpMc 
X     artlsto:      next    Merchants'    Bank.    Tatea. 

TAYL,OR,  Mrs.  8.  B.,  haa  made,  special  r«- 
duction  on  all  Photoa  during  moiith  of 
Noveml>«r.  12S0  Government  Street.  Phone 
2102.     Car  stops  at  door. 


JOSEPH  E   MADAM,   loot  apeclallsL 
permanently   cured.       Oonsultatl* 

permanently   cured.       Oonsultatloaa   (Tee. 
Rooms    447-44S     "  " 





An  awaota  at  ararosty  wko  wvre  «m  «>. 

aia\lo«a  to   the   lat   Jal»,    14m.  «•« 

raaerty   wwwen^    whether    awi.   «r 

^l^  ^•^*,..»V?*^»»^  ••  »ow«a  aa 
UaaaatMldera"  ar  "l^ioeaaaca '  nt  ta*  moat- 
ctpal  alectlaa  at  be  hold  ta  Janaarr  I»5«l 
may  obtala  tha  aecaaaary  (onae  fa^  tkat 
parpaae  at  th«  alBce  u(  the  City  Bsmssii 
ar  caty  Cleric  City  Hall,  who  are  aattMr- 
laed  ta  taka  lh«  B*c«a»anr  d««Jai«iUaa  sa 
that  behalf.  -«—»  ^ 

Daolarattoas  .aaat  bo  delivered  to  ttM  aa- 
dcralgacd  within  tao  daja  aft^-  beiB«  wkoda 
bat  aa  swck  deuaratloa  aili  he  acceatod 
aaloaa  dellvarod  befara  4  oVIock  a!ial  IT 
the  laat  day  af  Octabar.  I^Ul 

NOTE — A  aroaarty  aaasi  wtnae  ^ia 
property,   tha  Utia  ta  wlilch  haa  b^an  rwt^ 

12?*  •*.'SL.'"'2.  **..2*  «>•  aeaaeat  y^i?!. 
•at  aaallsed  aadar  tka  araaeat  Act  ta  Imvw 
hta  aama  aa  tka  VatarS-  Uat  for  th!  ^^ 
1*94.    aaleaa    ha    tahaa    tim    dactaiadaa    t«~ 

ferrod   la   abaw        

aaaly  to  tbaaa 
are  pat  U 
lau  l»l». 

tko  Oty  aC  VlcteriA  aiaea  tka  las  Jaaaarx. 
Iblt.   aad   wka   has   paid  aT  tha  OoS 

ifiaa.     ar    •amiiwpwwta. _ 

tkancaaSIa  oa  laad  aad  wktch  lataa,  laxoa 
ar    assimsaiats   aaMaat    ta        ~    ~ 

SX.S-    far   tka  eat«*at   yaar.    mniasui 

water  latas  aad  llcaaca  feea  far  dawa 


City   Wan.   Victona.  M.C  Octabar  «.  I»|». 

ELBCTRO    m< 
ment  (ar  rbeamatlc        _  ^ 
etc      Mioa  Elltoon   (duly  ccrtincated  _-  ..     . 
periaaoed).   asatoted  by   her  brathar.   LadleiL   * 
icenttemeB      aad       children      tiaatad.        4M-4 
CamBball   Bid*.     Phoae  6337. 

radiant  .  haat  traat-  ) 
and  aerva  alMaaat^  I 
ccrtincated  aad  ax-  . 


J.   F. 

J.  F.  Campbell. 


710  B.  C,   ParmaBeat  BIdg. 

Douglaa   Street Telephone   1411 

H.  W.  HOOD 
•444   Harriet   Road 
Phoaa    444TX 
Teatlmoalals     produeod 

OB    demaad 


A  SHTON'S,  UM ITE D— OpposiU  V.MD. 
/a.  Plumbinw.  heating  and  sheet  iron  work. 
Victoria  phone  4741.      Oak  Bay  phono  4114. 



AND      OA8      FITTING^ 


PhOBS   1114 

•IT  Fart  Btraat 

Temi>leta.i.  RCUS. 
Kraest  J.  Down.  Sac-Traas.   . 
A  Y>  MoVUUa.   Dam.  and  B.t:.Ua 

O.    A  Vmlth.    B.t^U& 
BatabUahed  over   14  yaara. 
LBBd  Sanrayora.   EturtBocra.  TIsabar 

aad  Brokaia. 
Chaacary  Chambers,    1314   lABglay 
Phoae    1414. 


PASSPORTS  prepared,  forma  auppUad.      U. 
Lloyd-Totmx.   notary   public,   1411  Bread 
Street.      Phoaaa  4613  a^d  ItWL. 



1919    * 

DR.   J.    DUNLAP.   PhyaloUa  and   Sargooa. 
Womea'B    dtoeases.       StUta    IIT    Walkar 
BIdg..  SecoBd  aad  Unlvecalty.  Seattle.  WaaM 



apodallaa    la    scalp    diaasass.    (aiUas 
hair,    face    massaglag   and    hair 
Plump  A  PhUn.  641  Campbell  Bids. 

X41v*    a 


PRIVATE    Maternity    H«pltal.    Ull 
aet  AvoBue.  Soattle.  wWl. 


VETERINARIAN  —  Caalaa    Hoapltal. 
ner   Cook   add   Paadora.    '  Phoaa   MStK. 

JH.    SLEDGE — Plumbing,   heating. 
Oak   Bay  Avenue.     Phone  1144. 


RJ.  NOTT  CO..  LIMITED.  Plnmbiag  aad 
•  HeatlBg.      ITl   Tataa  St.      Pkoae  tS47. 

Phone    S29. 




AR8  (or  hire.      Phoaa  44tur. 


MITCHELL.      O,      T.. 
Farm      and      dairy 

414-11      Pandora— 

u  x^i-ji      auppllea.     gasollae 

Maasey-Harris   machinery.. 


SUERET.     ANDREW— 1114 
Plumblnjt   and  heating. 

Blanahard    St. 
Large  stock. 

rpHE  Colbert  Piumbtng  A  Heating  Qm. 
X  Ltd.,  sanitary  and  haatlax  engtnaera. 
766  Uroughton  StroeL  Eatabllahed  14ia. 
Phone   661.  .    Incorporated    1444. 


PATENld.  trade  marka,  daalgna, 
righta  Featherstonhaugh  A  Co..  the  old 
eatabltohed  Arm  of  i>atcn(  attornoya.  OIBeaa: 
10:0    Koxers    Bolldlnx.    Vancouver.    B.C. 

PATB.NTS-^Rowland  Brlttain.  regtotered 
attorney:  patenta  in  all  oountrlea.  Falr- 
neld  Building.  446  Granville  St..  Vanconrer. 


•(    Um    Dbtrkt 
Oak  ttir 


All  awBsra  af  praaerty  wIm  wars  aal  a»> 
saaaad  proTtoas  to  the  1st  Jaly.  1414.  aad  aB 
non-proporty  owners,  whether  male  9r  t»- 
male.  who  desire  to  qdallty  aa  voters  as 
"Hoosaholdera"  or  "Uoeasaca"  at  tha  Maal- 
eipal  Election  to  be  held  ia'Jaaaary.  14d4. 
may    abtala    the    accessary    fanas    (Sr    that 

Bodi  Geaeral  ssd 
^  Local  bsprovoseBt 


Otherwise  a  Peiu^y  of 



BRICKWORK— All  classes  o(  work  done; 
boiler  settinxs  and  all  classes  o(  (ur- 
itaca  work.  Dave  Burnett.  1144  Oacar 
Street.       Phono  4411X. .^^^ 


TOST— Sunday  aftarnoon,  girl's  muK  on 
JL*  Hanny.  Valley  Road.  Kinder  return  to 
717   Queens   Avenue;   reward.     •   n 

Fort  Street  (next  corner  Cook).     Phone  1117 

USED  Cara  (or  Sale^One  Dodge,  1417 
model,  like  new,  only  run  7,040  miles. 
good  tires,  one  spare;  a  snap.  One  Ford  in 
excellent  condition,  demivintable  rims,  new 
tires  and  spare,  general  electric  MK-starter 
and  lighta,  Timkin  bearings  in  (ro^ wheels, 
and  a  lot  of  other  extras.  A  anap. 
Apply  Jameson.  Rolfo  A  Wnils.  Courtney  * 
Gordon  Street.    Phone  1144, 

WANTED— To   pnrehas* 
near    Victoria,    from 
aaenia      P.    o.    Box   177 

acreage  or   (arna 
owners    only;    as 
Victoria.    B.C 

^\J^  have  an   overstock  of^  10  x   t\k    tires. 

ised     on     0\-erland. 
Gray   Don.  Maxwell,  sstc. 


A  Gray  Dort  C)iummy  Roadatar,  a 
(BToritt    email    car    that    operataa    very 

A^  (avori 
I  rssamlcallr 

NO.  1.-X 
lus  b« 

«d  buy  ai 

X^  baen  d 

vcaaamlcally.     A  snap  at  tiilt, 
I    ch« 
.*#?.J?^?'»_'''*b..'>"'>'  •  'sw  months'and  a 

1414    (.Thevrolet 

Touring,    (hat 

months  and  a 

prove  that  It  Is  a  Bplei» 

4    5h: 


istratlBB  will 
at  141b. 

A  t»14  Ford  Touring,  that  has 
boon  privately  owned  atid  Indicates  hav- 
had   the  best   o(  care.     Good   buyllig  at 

*— Dodgs  Roadttsr.  a  oar  that  needs 
ta_ba   sseit.    and    we   leave   the    rest    to 
tonal  valae^   |I,I44. 

studabaksrs,  Fsrds,  Ma< 

avrstota.    Cole.      PacSard. 

■  •••^^artoty.  and  spaolallp 

eABtrNB   BROS. 


Partridge   OuMs    

Partridge   Nnn-Rkid    .  . 
<»»H>dyear  All   Weather 

Dominion   Nobby   

Dunlop    Special    

Dunlop    Traction    

Dominion    OhalB    

A    .lepo*it'o(   14    per   cent 
lire    60    daya      These    caslm 

Ford,     Chevrolet, 




LOST— Between  Rrrlngton  and  French 
Creek,  on  Saturday.  October  24,  lady's 
brown  leather  suitcase  and  contents.  Finder 
please  return  to  Miss  D.  Price,  Errington; 

T  OBT — October  27;  yellow  horaehlde  glovo, 
AJ  between  Vancouver  Street  and  Beacon 
Hill  deer  t>ark;  suitable  reward.  307  Van* 
couver  Street. 

T  OHT— By  rsturned  aoldler,  Sunday,  Oc- 
A.^  lober  24  on  Gorge  Road,  gold  watch 
on  Bapco  fob  and  hunting  licence;  reward, 
'.'HO    lUirnklde    Road. 

LOST — Between  Moxs  street  and  Stobart 
Building.  Tales  Street,  one  gold  cross, 
pearl  s<-l tings;  reward  will  be  given  for  r««- 
»«J5 ,«»>   Box   3146   (.'olonlat;   or.  notify   Phone 


34.76  . 

HI  "hold 


Fhoiw    tll7 

A  ooDFwrr 

SPselalMa.      A«to 

loafsa  pdi  la:  all 

**mSB!>,  OoBaral 

tarJipHad ,  raaaira, 

I  Bssalaalt  Ceiad. 


Otsasi     m'  4glBS    away 

•pfcdlWS'Ti  BBSS  sad  fVBa  If^*  d  tswt  SBs 

Assly    MM    PriBorsa 


iUi. '"  J**''"-      Tnase    casings    are    not   m' 

onds  and   carry   maker's  serial,  number  aad 

£?».^*".'.**  J"   !.\*''*'   •""■*   •"*   •••e   this  ssa- 

uJl^  ^L""!^     ^^l   "***   •    '•■■■•    number    of 

tires    on    hand,    but    all    orders    will    be    ac* 

cepled    subject    to    being    In    stock.      Oat    of 

town  orders  shipped   prepaid. 


_THOd.    PLIMLBT     " 

Broughton  Street.   Victoria.  B.C. 

"If  ywi  strt  It  ar'yWdtiyjinfr'sufUht" 

nrS  carry  a  fall  stack  of  Rl>, 
»»     RInss:  a  sise  (or  erary  ear 


I  08T— Burner   off    Igmp.      ..Finder     please 
■s    leave   ot    Box    2234    Colonist. 

T  OST— At  Dominion  Theatre  laat  night, 
■X-*  small  alligator  leather  purse,  containing 
about  dr.  rents.  Kinder  please  keep  con- 
tents and  return  purse  to  427  Linden  Av- 
en4ie.    or    noHfy    Phone   1454. 

T.OWT— Strayed  from  llzt  Rockland  Av- 
"V-..^""*!  ■*l»*dalo  terrier,  tan.  with  black 
i»ddle.  iurning  grey.  Anyone  foaad  har- 
borlng   same   will    be   prosecuted. 

T  OS-T— On  Col  wood  or  Ournslde  Road.  Oo- 
zf  "*^..  '*•  IS-lxx-e  hammerless-  shotgna. 
Please_Phone_1444T;   reward.  ""otso"- 

LOST— 14-foot  lannck.~drmed  tram  JiTmM 
Island.       Reward,     p.      o.       Box       47 
James  Island.  "' 

LOST— A  city  cheque  payable  to  McMIIUb: 
reward.     Crown   Realty  Co. 

/^RPENTRY  --  AlUratlond  and  repairs; 
V^  roofs  repaired  aad  guaranteed.  T 
Thirkell.      Phone   1741.      Estlmatea  (Sa, 

rXARPENTRY  repairs,  alterations  and 
V'  gaaaral  Jobbias.  Bstlaiatea  glve^  m. 
Black.     Phoaa  tWIU '  *" 

^VANS   *    Q.RBBM 

(Ratnmed    Soldiers) 


Cor.   View  aad  <)dadra  BtreeU 


Phoae   1444:   Res.   604 IL,  Estlmstes  ll?ee 

P^M.  J**  ^^.f*"**^  *">*^  rspalrs.   J.  W. 

JL       MIWOB.     miL.  

FKBDKICKBOM.  Coatraetor,  haasa 
^  ..  1  bara  apeeiaitot;  plaas  aad  sped- 
Scatloas  free  to  cnstomera  Address:  IMI 
Queea's    Avenue.     Victoria. 



WHY  send  your  printing  orders  Boat  whea 
jrou  can  set  them  doBO  better,  aalokor 
and  at  the  same  price  at  Tha  Colonist  Prlat- 
Inx  Department? 


ALLEN,    Plasterer — Estimates   given   oa 
plalB    aad    ornamental    plaatarinx.    oa- 
roeat     work.     rei>alrtBg.     etc.       Phnaa    4144. 
2164    Beach    Drive. 



A       KNIOHT,   painter,   etc, 
I^m  Street.       Phone   ISSIL. 

1414  Maoltaia 

PAINTING. and  decoraUng, 
and  plain  glass  work. 

aonal    attention. 


all  kinds  of  art 

Prompt  ard  aer- 

Burns.    1414    I>avie    St. 

PAINTING,    Paperhanging    and    Kalgomla- 
Ing.       W.  S.  Simpaoa.       Phone   14S6R. 

eirpoae  at  the  office  of  tha  Maalelpal  ClarBu 
tralclpal    Hall,    who   to   authortaed    ta  taka 
the    aeceaaary    dcdaratloaa    la    that    bahalC 

DaelaratioBa  mast  be  dellTored  ta  the  aa- 
deralgned  within  two  daye  after  batng  madr. 
but  no  each  declaration  will  be  aae sated 
unless  delivered  before  dve  o'clock  a^ak  aa 
the   list   day  ot  Octabar.   1414. 

NOTE — A  protMrty  owacr  whose  oaly 
proi>eiay.  the  tlUe  to«wMch  ba^  beea  ratitp- 
tered  since  July  1  of  the  ttrrseat  year,  to 
not  ouallfled  under  the  preaieat  Aet  to  have 
his  name  on  the  Voters'  -Llat  (or  the 
1420.  unleaa  he  takes  the  deciarailoa 
(erred  to  above.  Thia.  however,  doea 
apply  to  thoae  asasaatd  owaara  a( 
t1^'  whooe  property  waa  a<«alrad  artar  tm 
July  I.  1414. 

DKnxmox  OP  "RocaBRouMor 

A  British  subjsct.  male  or  (csaalc.  of  tha 
(ull  axe  o(  twenty-one  raara,  realdaat  la  tha 
MuBlcipallty  from  the  1st  day  of  Jaaaanr. 
1414.  and  who  has  paid  to  the  MaaldaaUtr 
all  rates  or  asseasmeau  whteh  are  aat 
chargaaMa  ««  land  aad  whictr  ratea,  taxea 
?--.??•"?•■*•  ,smo«Bt  ta  Bot  laaa  thaa 
•1.44  for  the  cartoBt  year,  excloalve  oC  water 
ratea  and   licence  feae   (or  dogs 

O.  W.  ROSS. 
«_,.   -         -^     -.  MuBldaal  Cler«L 

Oak  Bay.   B.C..  Octabar  IL    1414. 

•f  tka 

».  ^ 




-TkBAVILLE,  JOHN  ♦.,  "Till 

Fart.     Carl«i« 

LET      . 
eallectldka.  Ho 

nail     MareantHe 

ceU^t   your   bad   saeoaata 
-    —   nay.  "  tile 



P.   MeCoB- 



rataa  St4«H 

TBB  Botam  or 
ltd  Tnv  muipv. 


^  ,_ltaMOfnur«  HAM 

Pbaaa  14f  I        .T*77      •  ■— 

4  V» 





LOST— Irish 
paid.     411 

terrier    dog;    reward    will    ba 
Tatea  Street. 

LOST- A  baneh  of  kAys  on  Osc  14 
Pleaae   Phone  641 3L. 


L°?J~?".  »«?'••'■»  "^  •»  ■Paotaole  JjJie, 
_.     '^•frhalred     terrier,     white    and     MZTk 

Phone   347ir. 

bite    and    black. 

T  08T— Airedale     pup.       7     moalha. 
MJ    *ed«1tr.     |i.r>    h^md    attd    lera.    nearly 
grown,    naar   ReMhsvvn.     Gardaer    All 
Sidney..     Reward.  ' 

LOST— At   C.    F.    R. 
sSMll    black    aad 
phoa*    S4«nr 

C"i?i'*"^    SWBEP-Lloyd.    Phono    1444R. 
FlfteoB  years'  expertonce  in  Victorls. 


Bp     SVBAM   DTB  WORKS— ths  largest 
^•V>«    dyeing  aad  elssalag  worka  la  tha 

Fravtnca.      Coantry  orders  safloltiid. 
J.  C  Renfrew.  Prop. 


U.   OOOLET  i 

Victoria  Shaet  Metal  Watka 

Onttsrs.  Chlmasy  Toiw  Warm  Air  Hsauas. 

AssBts  for  ths  'VuBshlaa  Faraaaa,'* 

Office  aad  Works— 414  KIN08T0N  STBBBT 
Pbana  S«l.  i 

FURNACES,  furnace  repairs,  chimney  tops. 
warm   air   heating  and  plumblnx.      J.   8. 
""    ~  Phoae  •»«•. 

a,Ukaaon.    416   Catherine   Street. 


KOBE    CLBANBRS— Clothea    elaaai 
o.     IS^"!?.    "     reaaoBable     rataa. 
Blanahard  Ctraat. 


GBiiiDREN's  oonrriTKR 

CHILDRBM'S    and 
bpoak    Taaac, 
r-n.       Phone   4744. 

Ladla^    OatSl 

t^    Oatsttar  ■  Ssa- 
Brsad  aa*  lah»- 





.  ^     DBT     OOODB  — ,  TmrA^. 

taa  A  Oa..  lAd„  whatostOa  d#p.saads 

aad    maaafaotansi^     iassFs    ter- 

IPBU,    -^Bht  Uora"    braad    shirts. 

Mailorders  aUteadsd  I*. 

DErrEcnvE  Mamwx 


CfBOOND-hsAd  cyelo  bargaina      PUmtoy  * 
^    ^tchto.   gtd .  411  V>»w  Straet. 

H**''*".   k^t**   STwaad.  at   WHaaaTa  Ba- 


l^ll^MB  ,»WP«CTITB      OFFMSa      fit 

RETURNED  Soldler'a  Shoe  Store — Ra^alrs 
prompUy  done  and  only   beat   laathsr  Js 
imed.       414   Fort   Street. 


RS.     WARDLB.     tote    of    Winnipeg,    win 
call    and    give    the    highest    prices    (or 
iadiae'    xent'a   and   children's   cast-off    cloth- 
ing.    Phone  1414.  or  call  at  Tli  Fort  BtroaC 


Tte  Voters'  Ust  for  tha  (at 
Blcloal   Klectioa  to  aew  betas  ares 

Householdon  sad  Lieeaaea  holders  who  w 
to   have   thair  namaa   niacad  aa  the  Vou 

SECOND-HAND   Clothing;     geafs 
suits  bought  for  cash.      If  yoB  sraat  tap 
prices,  always  csll  Shaw  A  Ca.      Phaaa  441. 


rpTFEWRITBRS  —  New  aad  seeoBd-lMad. 
X  repairs;  rentsto:  ribbaas  for  all  bm- 
eblaea.  United  Typawrtter  Ca..  LtA.  7U 
Fart   StreeC    Victoria.       Phoas   «7»t, 


BOWK.  H.  H.,  714  Fort— Naval.  mUliary. 
aivil  BBd   ladles'  taller,      Pbaaa  1417. 




▼     BaHdlnK. 

TAILOR.      iMporlal 

List  mast  before  6  p.Bt.  on  tha  last  day  mt 
otiuber  nia  with  the  Clark  or  AsasMar  a 
Stalatary  Dectorattoa  as  prsmrnwd  Br  th« 
AcL  No  dectorattoa  wUI  s«  sonsatsd  aa- 
leaa  delivered  wltbla  two  Says  afftar  It  la 

Corporatloaa— O>rporauoaa  wfeaaa  tMatss 
•re  on  the  Voters'  List  csa  aaly  yate  by  a 
••uit  ,.r<l    scent    whooe    SBtbortty    ir 

aat  already  nied  mast  be  Bled  with  tka 
CNerk  iwfore  the  ISth  Navembcr:  sneh 
sgent  ahall  be  a  restdeat  la  the  Prevtaue 
aad  a  BriUab  aubject  ot  the  (all  A«e  of 
11   veara 

«.^.''.-  -"."i?"  .'sraw  May  ba  ebtalaad  at  tka 
MBiUslpal  HalL 

O.   B.  PULURf.  Otofk. 

Or  lober   lie*.    1414. 

will  be  added  thereto  on  the  iOtti 
Noveinl>er,  I9l9.  >  _  . 

Bills  for  1919  General  Taxes 
are  now  being  seat  out  daily. 

Any  pcxson  requiring  infonna- 
fion  regarding  taxes  please  com- 
municate  with  the  undersigned. 


Collector  Of  the  Corporatkra  of 
the  aty  of  Victoria,  B.C 

Gty  HalU  Victoria,  B.C  29tli 
October,  l9l^ 

Gly  Market  Aodioo 


Jersey  Cow.  Horae,  BAm**B  snd 
W«4ioti.  Chftitnts.  Dseka.  KAMttn. 
qiMntlty  of  TaMe  Plstetf  Ware  aad 
other  Booda. 



Ili    4Ba 

"WS  ayfBS-^ 

Proof  harlBg  boaa  Sled  la  anr  aStoa  t4 
I**-i*"  ,?*  CartlScato  t  TlOa  Ka.  IdStd^ 
la  the  abwva  meailoaad  landa  la  the  aassa 
Slav's.  *'*S?.';».*^  t-adrtag  data  tke  14tk 
fV  ^iJ*^-  *!**•  *  iMtaby  gtTB  aattce  af  my 
iBtaattsa  at  tke  asplratlaa  of  oai  -  '^ 
MoBth  irmm  tba  dfM  aablleatlsa  . 
IfMs  t«  tha  aald  Walter  Laagloy 
OsrtMcau    «t    Title    la    Ilea    af    a 

matloM   wKb   rsCarsaca  ta  sact    '        ~ 
eate   of   TItlo.    to   rsaasatsd   to 
with  the  imdsndflaad. 

Dated    at    Um  Xaad    Raatotry 
torto    B,C.  thS  atb  dsraToVtabsi.   ItlA 

Reslatsar  Caaatal  •rTltlsa 



Win  be  found  bere.    We 
have  tables  for  all  uses. 






bsagkl.     ssld. 






— XI 

lMtrucU4,   w«  win   sell  kt  gidw- 

and  Fdrnisliings 


MANY  aimnoNS 

Day  Seais  SuccMskfi  of  ^^acr 
tfons  and  RecoN^ries,  WHh 
Strong  €i0tft«9fi«irB  fiiiM 
on  Co4i  Mine  Strikq 



Inclu41iis:  ICaMfv*  S-ptoc*  llaJi. 
^  Salt*.  Mfth.  Cr.  TAblM.  ywy  An* 
li»h,  Mudo  Caibln*t.  Mali.  •ec^Ulr*. 
l«laid  Itoh.  8«ttM  Atti.Arm  OlMlr. 
I»kM  Mah.  Cr,  T|il>|#.'  Uph.  Arm 
Ckalra,  Oraaa  and  XUtUa  Arm  Chalra. 
X<Mth*r  Uph,  Arm  Chain  and  Rock- 
et*. MlM.  Oak  8ett««.  U.  O,  8m.  Book 
Oh9*,  M.  O.  Library  TablM.  M.  O.  Cr, 
wUm,  0«ld«n  Oak  8m!.   Book  Caji«.  „.     .        . 

l|«nrte  Clialrs.  lot  of  Good  PieturM.     *"»   attitude    of 
Mali    Mirrors,    lot    of   Good  -nr^_t.-«. 

Tprjr  tin*  F.  o.  Roll-top  otam 
Fiat-tM  omoa  DMk,  TypowrttM 
OMk.  Oflloa  Chalr^  0mal|  Hall  mU, 
%teioat  a«w  «-foot  Bir«Qi  aalaaaiaa. 
Xa«op<b«ad  flinc^r  Seariiy  IClMrllSaa, 
Otop.baad  Stantoy  Bawta*  IfMliioa. 
M  •(  >•  Vob.  "BneyeldMMUa  Br(t- 
MBitofi."  Sot  of  •  Vols.  IfH  «*]lf*«0al 
Ocilaaea."  «•«  of  S4  voia  'rttm  Mok 
•f  Xa«mUd««."  Dr.  Ubraty  M  litdJ- 
Ml  Beoka,  lar««  aaK>rtm«i»  4K  «tkbr 
Moka,  Oak  China  CaM^'  U.  O. 
JMint.  F.  O.  Davenpo^  OvMhw. 
aMHah  Dlnlnv  Table.  SH  «<  It 
|^th«r-uph.  Dlatnv  Chftlni.  Ptt«M4 
<k|k  XMnint  Tabla  and  Chair*.  MTMal 
9t|i*r  DInlns  Tabl**  and  CImIm. 
'Wadigweod  and  oth*r  Dinn*r  Merrlom, 
CIrtiMK  and  Glaa*  War*.  Cut  CUmng.  Or- 
nainaat*,  .11  rmo,  ck>lf  <Miaha,  V*ft- 
ttJa  Raokata.  Bng.  Baby  Butsy.  Book 
fttilVM,  Twin   Bra**  Bad*  with   Box 

aO*tarreo»r  ggyMattr  >**■*.  f«Ii- 
All-liwt  i#d*.,»»j|  and  Oii|*r- 
MMT  Top  llattTMiNa,  Mah.  Chillen. 
iim,  l>»k.  Whli#  Bhai^it  aa4  aMior 
Mmmt*  and  Man£;  B*lroem  t^bf** 
aatt  ChaJra.  inicaUd     Tabl**.  .  ToHet 

Irar*.  mtmi  «»rtnr.  8ori»an«.  Blan-  ,^.  ..™^..>„.., 
•t*.  PlllmMb  Ooahlon*.  ChW»  Baad  i  t  MintT  and  1 
Chairs  llaj«*tt«  a«d  4  other  sond  Leoville  rf  1 
m«n««*.  OMtt  StbYM.  Par,  fltave*.  «««v«».'*«.  ^  * 
Haater*.  iMrf  Bo^  mam,  Kafri«ar. 
■*»»•      tM^^t    Mmi^^  _A«i .  -aC-    " —  *  — 

^^^^^^^v      -"^^^^^^^w      ~^^^^^^^^p        ^^^w        VB        i^^m^vi^ 

irh**lbaffiigw.i!K.''1IMl«ik  K.  CluUf*. 
Xiaolatun.  tart*  aaiertiiMHit  of  Cpdkr 
Ihf  UtanMI*.  Cree^ry  and  Qiaa*war*, 
O^rdaa  Tvahh  Oai^dea  H«m,  Oil 
it^va,  F^  Raakeu,  dtc 

Now  On  Vlair 
Mm,  M  li  o'ctook.  la  6«r  «tMkvMi« 
40  varjr  KOO0  bre*<|lnc  Whl^  !<•(• 
hem*.  Surpla*  Br««d«r*  from  Innay 

NBW  YORK.  poL  J*.— Tradin*  %n 
the  l^toek  -liicoltaacr  today  wrfa  char* 
aeterftMil  b|t  »  fu^gdeaaoln  'of  teafttion* 
and  reoorerfeff,  the  latter  predominat- 
ing at  the  feveriahly  active  close. 

There^  were   surface'  Indications   of 

•K   Mlenslon^of   the    lonv   pravalllnf; 

hMr  aecount,"  that*  element  probably 

hasUty  Its  operations  oa  the  unyield- 

the    United      Mine 


fj^  money  market,  with  It*  recent 

B«noh.  piker  Chtokan*.  Rabbtt*.  • 
n)#nth*-old  Jersey  Bull  Calf.  Chaff 
Ottttar.  oi«iar  Ctitlar.  8bih,  Wiii  n*. 
^.  ftp-  ^ 

•>  '    hMhrntaOf  a  %oir 

Phone  MT 

an9i|ff[|lnty,  also  furnished  some  am- 
mtwKtkn  to  the  bears.  althoa«h.aa  It 
sabat4(vantly  developed,  call  loans 
war*  at  the  lowest  quoUtiona  of  th4 
w**iu  Aa  much  as  9  per  cent  was 
Vatd  III  the  flnal  hour,  but  •  per  cent  < 
wa*  ftxsd  at  the  day'a  rulinc  quota* 

In  the  aevernl  laMtlons  of  the  fore- 
aaon  and  mid-— arton.  motors,  oils, 
steel*  and  the  equipments  auftered 
aatreme  declines  of  2  to  10  joints. 
Tobaccos  and  miscellaneous  speolal- 
tlpa  recorded  similar  lo*M*.  raU*  to*- 
imr  1  to  IH   points,      vt       ^   V 

Tixas  Company  at  the  new  maxl- 
mu«i  of  346,  and  further  «alns  of  20 
to  tC  points  for  South  Porto  RiCo 
8u#ar  and  Cuban-American  Suvar.  re- 
spectively, were  the  more  Jiola- 
w«>rthy  becauae  of  tha 
which  prevailed  elfewhari. 

TlM  baa9ra|it«rally  of  t]|«  IM^  he«|r 
becah  with  the  heavy  btiylnir«of  Re- 
pn^h:  SUal.  U.  a  Rabbar  and  Amer- 
lean  Intamatolnal,  af  t*lhs  of  ff  to 
aceompanlad  by 
t»  '5  point*  In  the 
general  list,  short  covering  odntrl- 
butlni^  to  the  rebound. 

Bale*  amevntad  to  !,»•«.•#•  rt»aM<l 

Bonds,  Inoludtnir  speculative     rails, 

were  heavy.     Ut>«rty     l**b«*     •*•*#, 

Total     aalea  vmt  valaa.    tli,'?T4.H«( 

Old  U.  0«  Bond*  unohanned  an  oa|l. 



St.  John 
VtetbrU    , 


Moosa  Jaw    

Uraitford  .J.\..; 
Vt.  William 

TOlUC«  Oct.  »«.~<^pp«nr, 
duUi  electrolytic,  spot  and  'fourth 
quarter.   21*  Sic;   sitaall  loU.   *eoon«> 

>1:  Iroi^ftrm  and  unchaafsd. 

Metal  ifleh^faJnotee-^Cead. 

}%,%%  aak#1%ii1tff/ eaaler ;  Bail 
•pat,   <H|*red,    t7.47. 

Liondon— ^f^plMtef^  copper,  spat. 
£109  16a.:  tutotm.  tf%\  10s.;  eleetro- 
Vti9.  spot*  U.14;  futures.  £119;  Un 
■pot.  ftrt  Ta  M.;  fntwres.  tt%t  U, 
•d,;  lead,  spot,  (tO  16s.-;  futures.  111; 
spelter. '  vput.   iU-Vs.:   futnrea.   £44. 



«ba  kaai  «tiarlasa  (kr^ta*  »rli>4i«i  slilas 
of    th«   Doialnloa    for    the    waek    andlatf   tft- 
liar    •■    cotnpar«a    wlIU    thx    corrM^oadlnv 
w««|i  laat  y«ar: 
„  '  i»l».  nil. 

J<>«fl*"    M.»5i.7«»       •MtSrSit 

wiaaiiMc*        - - 

\»Miaown    1S.»3I,3M 

Ottawa    -..,.    «*re«s.a4o 



j*r  J""!—  ....,.«       4,««v.Ta( 

NaW  Weatmiastar 






•  Miiias 




The    followlac 
been  reoeivad  at  the'>i0ba^  Martaa 

'Yha   Pfftfata     Strretpry     to  il^^be 

Is  desired  by  hla  m^Ma  ta  thank 
kOs  l*r  tha  aaifiair^lia  WMV  *i 

October  l*t.  which  the  Prinee  has 
been  pleased  to  aaeeyt  and  whie^  he 
^s   r«ad-wMr  Jnt^^t.  '<Wf,Wmm 

paper  and  hope*  to  l|||d'  li  Mil  lanr- 

Fishing  i«ei  Rdse  City  iMiS 
Twd  Crews  and  Finally  Goes 

Victory  Loan 




First  Fiji  Sli^entExiecW 
Saturday  at  Vancouver,  and 
Second  ort  Sunday— Total  ef 
3,000  Tons 


^Sck*"*  by  Buraick  Bras.  A  Brett.  «d.) 

_  ao.      i»ii    m"      17  u 

■^.  oovt.  i%  VIC.  ir-  ---       "' 

»1» -«%, -mi    

crtlaa  •«.  ifie   . 

IXtni.    Can.    S%.    112 1 
do.    ,  tf  >1 

*».     im 

Araiatlna   Qv«.    «%,    i>a«    .. 
poat  Can.   B%    (new),   tM7 

'  •  •  a  «  a  e  ■ 







I  o  US  M^  L 1^  JW^iimii 

747  PORT  ir.        PHOfIB  17tt 

11i«  Jl4«t  Week! 

•^-of  tile  exlttdhce  of  tMe  aliop 
Inwwn  a*  "UbasMwId  ]i«c*«*{* 
tics/'  which  "scU*  tnythiM  'rom 
a  teactip  td  a  piana 

This  shop  has  ranide  it  poaal- 
bte  for    me   to   cnirr   braader 
f l»l4t  4>|  ^tmintd*  iioeW  v^A , 
headquarter*  at  Hoom  stt,  P«tA«' 
bcrton  Baitfling.  Victoria.  B.C. 


Victprit  Public 

Beginning  April  ist 
market  davs  will  be  Tues- 
•  days  and  Salurdajs. 

Randy  s  Nvsery 


ON  sAtrroiioiuU) w 

New      Cajliflowers.      Cihht|cs, 
mai  Ltttucc. 


Uroccolli  Citrates, 
dts,  Cilery.i  etc. 
Idl,    anjf    quantity. 





La^  t^'i^' 


Sut  Spring  bluid 
Meit  and  Apples 

A  iMfi  quMrtitsr  t»  ckMM 

WINWIPEQ.  Oct..  SO.-^Th«r*  WM  % 
vry  poor  d«mah4  today  for  oa*h 
grain*  .  oa  the  lucaljk.  ^>**rket  and 
lutar«e  were  duU  and  narrow. 

O^tolMr  oat*  oleoaft  H  cent  higlier; 
I>ee»mber  ^,  cent  higher ;  May  un- 

October  barley  closed  1  cent  high- 
er; November  %  cent  tower;  Deeent- 
b*r  %  oBiit  i«w*r:  May  %  e*ni  Ifwtr. 

Oofober  Qax  eloeed   ^   cent  I6wer; 

Naivamber  doaad  Ml\cen|t  higher; 
t>ee*nib6r  closed  nnohanged  and  May 
doped  t  cent*  lower. 

Oat* —         Open.  Hifh.  Low.  ClOee.' 
Oct.  ...;»«.   MH     M%     M         SI4 
I>*0.    ..r..>.:7S%     tf-      TIM     1» 
May  .,:,...   •!%      tl^     M%     *1%. 

Bailey —   .  .;,>»!>.   i^'ii. 

VQJm       aeeeaaaaa  ««  ««  1  v4        '' 

Nor.    ....:,  140'%  i4ii 

Dao.    ..SM       lt«li  ltt%  1SX% 

May    1S»%  li»%   latH   1S»^ 


Nov.- m      4lfH 


wOCa  .      •eaee*       at  *,p,  t 

MVO*        •>afe*t,*e  /<V- 

Cash  pHiMni:   Oata^ 
s   C.W..  >•%:   axtra  1 
feed,  7SMi:  S  feed,  7«:  track,  U. 

Barley—I  C.W..  14|%:  4  C,-#„ 
137  H:   rejected.   IMMi;   track.   1S*%. 

Flax—l  N.W.C.  4SS;  J  .C.W..  4»t: 
S  C.W..  402;  condemaed.  3*7  >>  track. 

Ilye-»I  C.W..  134 Vt.         ^  . 


Bid.     A4_. 



MOlSrtilBAI^  Oct.  so. — Bggs  and 
butter,  unchanged,  prices  firm.  Quo- 

Cfaeeee — Finest      Easterns,    27028c. 

■uttei  'Choicest  creamery,-  fl%0 

9ggs— F^mit.  7«c1  **ld«ted.  »4o; 
No.    1.    6 So;    No.    2    stock.    6fic- 

Poutoes — Per  baf ,    ear] 

.    NitnatBar, 

^i  11' #^ 


•  «' 

will  open  tomoiTow,  Monday,  27th  Inst:  'Atei«fhe 
^  '  canvass  b^  prompt  buying. 

.  ,.<»«  tS^t  •  » 

VAKCOUVBR.  Oct  30.-H»««f  M4» 
ton*  of  raw  sugar  from  FIJI  *wftl  be 
at' the  mpar  rMlnery  tagr  Mngiigf  aaoEl. 
The  «t*am*IUp  Kurow.  of  the  pana- 
dlan-AQetralaalan  Lln«;  will  r^ch 
quarantine  at  daylight  on  Fk-iday  and 
will  then  leave  for  Vancouver,  The 
mn  win  take  bboot  ten  hours.  She 
wiU  dook  la  the  afternoo*.  TWa  skip 
brings  760  tontf  of  HUgaf.  and  the  re- 
flaary  will  have  it  in  marketable 
•bape  24  hour*  after  It  antor*  the 

Thf  staamahlp  Walmarlno,  af  tH* 
same  line,  Is  spoken  this  morning, 
and  WiU  be  up  aa  Sunday  aftam«Mi. 
She  bring*  3,300  ton*  of  raw  migar. 


»t  »jM»f 
orlh  Hai9a* 
from  Kitaat  with  a''  dl*gruntl*d 
orew  that  wanted  jta  go  ham*,  Un- 
"  "Wti  To  yeC  farther  men  the'  yeseel 
waa  taken  to  Belllngham,  the  ftead* 
q4Ut4p>*  |if  |ier  pwnon,  t^  Mmmt 
Bdy  fadp^t  Co^lHliy. 

White  the  Informatlan  obtalaad  on 
the  t^taterflfi^Kt  conoanun^  the  aAalr 
Is^MitJNM^  n  ^^i^  the 

Roaa^n^walit  flM4w  nir  >lltnat 
earlier  la  the  *eaw>A.  only  Jo  have  > 
tmr  o»*W  f»  aw.laUm  ft  *oine  raa- 
*bn  hbr«aMat*  tinknoi«m.  The  boat 
Affift  t9  \1otf«|i  aa«  obipfiaed  an. 
other  crew.  Thane  men  toah  her  up 
tin  aaa*(  «#Un,  in|a  aCtar  «aaun4  the 
net  tnll  9t  a*h  the  atrand*  pmved 
rqttfff/  Md  the  catch  yaa  lost.  The 
IMM  decided  to  quit  and  the  oa^in 
broqght  them  to  VIotorla.  Raraor 
hjw  H  that  Cho  aaMa  pMotioally  ran 
astray  w|Ui  tHa  arqft.  tin||*i  here 
loatead  of  rOttMmlnd  to  tka  aannery. 
After  lanng  m  Ula  h>t%*>  fOr  *ome 
days  the  Ao*e  City  ««<lt  to  BeBlng- 

Ct^bnlal.^rust  Company 


Head  Office: 


'n  '\m 


NBW  TOBK,  Get.   M ^Mbrcgaflte 

paper,  anehaogad.  Starling  —  De. 
maod.  4.11;  cable*,  4.14  %.  Franca— 
Demand,  t-SS;  eablaa,  •,3<.  Gander* 
— Unehaaged.  Uro-7-Demaad.  I0.74.'^ 
oables.  10.74.  Mark*— Demand  un- 
ch^ged.  Call  money  strong;  high. 
0;  low.  4;  ruling  rate.  4;  oloaing  bid. 
8;  aftered  at  t;  last,  loan  0.  .  ' 

^r  allTor.    1.23%.      BCavloA    doU 
l*r%  tSH 

Tha  Lvambi  Bar  plaablns  Ooinf*ny 
bar*  bc.«*  unforttwata  tM*  segeon. 
Earlier  to  tiM  y*^  tha  boot  .orew* 
«tru*k.  and  fraaArhaX  la  Hoard 
ntiound  tha  wat^Knut  here  all  ha* 
not  b«»a  galnc  amtt  %y  a«r  moan*. 


liONDOM.    tOct 
44  ^d,    p*r   oiiAei, 
'eouht  unchanged. 

30w— Bar     *llv*r, 
Monay  and  di«- 

nonangea,   '  v  5  ;  t    •   /  * 

NTnaij.^  pn.jr'^wmr  \»itu^^% 

MtVf  4» 

4Uft  4irH 

4*4       4«f 
407 H   44f 

..        tt«% 

<j.w..  ti%: 

f*ed.  30%;,! 


Drum  I'ttmnion 
n.  c.  Rvitnieg  , 
B.  c  Parni»mnt 
Bowen*  Ce*aer 


•trreeaoa.  lat  P«mb«>rtoB  nik.> 

Bia.   AAMd. 
on 21 


Cknaa»Ce»per   vji-j. •     1.4« 

CenMlMmteS^.  tMd  g,   ....  >».N 

Oork   Province    

Oreafcy  ___ 

Qrset  West  ^^avL  .»••••..  ^  .*• 

Hewe    Betinfl     , »■•• 

PeeiBe  CeMt 

te  **«•••••# 


—    4*****0**    ^ICww 

nti    Meed***    ..;......,!.  .i«%| 

RMNbler^Tsribee   .,.';.,.'.„,  .17 

SUvetamth    i.,..^,.,/.  ... 

^•rten   Qll    

9«e5^'4  Mted  , ,,.••  ,fi 

lltR^t  Inlet  , .ir^ 

8eeH>el|  Mine*  •■..»*...».,.  ... 

Trttlen  on  ....<>. ....^.'^....v  .IS 






Cutting  of  Main  Kept  Air  Com- 
pressors, Furnaces  and  the 
Other  Equipment  at  Hartor 
Marine  Yard  Idfc 

The  Harbor  Marine  tard'wa*  nn> 
able  to  «*t, water  fram  ttva  o'elo«k 
Wadoeadao^      evening- <  ««(h       illr*a|'f« 


*Vrow  a  adOih  »oint  of  view  the  VICTORY  LOAN  U  a  joo4 
T2K"^„Z!?S  '  national  point  of  view  it  is  essential.  From 
•  yivriotlK  uilMMilut  it  k  a  daty  w«  owe  to  our  country  and  to 
MT  retm^ed  •«l<n«ca.''-~Ueot.-Oan*rat  Sir  Arthur  Currie,  K.C.B., 

&  liKtt,  LM. 

(ditMl  wirtg  to  all  rHneipal.  cxcfhangci) 
•20  Brawglmalfc  Koms  S^  3728 

Imietna  WIS 

OI««n  so  Bevelop 
i|i  Nelshbor. 

of  '- 





Try  our  firaali 

SeaTMW  Pottklry 


Tha  B.C.   fiomahatft  

hartos  ro-oiiaiwd  tiMtt*  thviMi 
I>*partmant.  will  aooapt  aoeonnta  af 
ana  doOap  fini  upMaHm  or  wMMb  <to- 
t*r*ot  at  4%  par  aaaum  la  olW*«. 
OMal    '    *         '  '  " 


i408BrmiSi.  QO;   Phontr4r 


0^  aMM^    *>mr' 



19Z3  Vkhiy  Lmi 

tad  vll  pty  MibMl  fiim»* 
i«t  priCM  for  toy  amountt. 

T^e  discovery  'of  the  n*w  viln  of 
ore,  ehowing  good  value*,  and  *hnilar 
in  vita  and  appearance  tb  the  nve 
cxlaUng  veins.  |«  reported  from  the 
^uaget  properties  on  Sheep  Creek  by 
Mr. ,  R.  II.  (Biawarf  .mining  engtaaar  m 
change  of  development  work  there. 

In  the  course  of  operations  fle- 
*lgt^4  to  d*veIop  the  Mother  LK>da 
and  Ni^gget  prepertlbe,  a  tunnel  some 
twelve  hundred  feet  long  Is  being 
drivbn  tram  Ah*  Mather  X^da  aide  ot 
the  hill  through  to  the  Nugget  veins, 
which  are  on  the  reverse  slope,  it 
was  expected  to  strike  the  flfst.  or 
apex  vein,  at  about  telne  hundred  feet, 
but  at  339  •»ft<a  totally  now  vein,  of 
very  *ncOOr%inf;  :  ajMarftnce.  waa 
pierced  by  the  tunnellere.  Mr.  Stew- 
art** opinion  of  this  vein  is  that  It 
will  be  quite  as  valuable  a*  any  of  the 
live  existing  Kugget  veins.  Samples 
for  aflsay  have  been  secured  and  are 
now  awaiting  result*. 

The  live  exiftlng  Nugget  vein* 
which  hav^  combUfied  with  tbo 
Motherlode  and  ISegvcklUML  grovps  or 
claim*  In  producing  to  data  aVer  one 
million  doll|trs  in  sold  will  probably 
be  pqnot|«t«d  by  the  titmialiarB  with- 
In  a  couple  of  months.  It  will  than 
be  pOaOU>l4  to  handle  tha  are  outpm 
of  the**  claima  in  a  vary  eoonomleal 
manhar.  aam4ly.  by  brhtging  all  ore 
back  through  the  tunnel  and  ship- 
ping by  aerial  tramway  to  the  up-to- 
date  mill  which  is  already  e*Ubll*hed 
on  the  Mother  .Loda  praparty. 

So  encouraging  have  been  Mr. 
Stewart'*  raporfa.  and  ao  exoellent 
the  result*  already  obtained  from  de- 
velopment work  that  other  proper- 
ties in  tha  vioinity  af  the  Nnggac, 
Mother  Lode  and  Saarehllght  graup* 
are  baing  considered  for  po**ibl*  de- 
velopment. Notable  among  these  are 
the  Reno,  which  Is  only  a  few  miles 
from  the  Mother  Lodo  mill,  with 
fairly  good   trail   communication. 

Inqolry  at  tha  ofltoea  af  M«a*ra. 
Burdiek  Brob.  and  Bratt,  Md,.  ftnan- 
olal  backer*  of  the  Nuggat  Gold 
Mines,  Ltd..  elicited  tha  Information 
that  Nugget  common  stock,  which 
eoM  orlgtaainy  at  tSo.  I*  aotr  qoatod 
at  43e.  Very  Uttlo  Nuggat  atask  to  at 
pre**m  avalbtble,  and  it  I*  probable 
that  within  a  ehort  time,  ehauld  thta 
•neouraging  *tata  of  affair*  aontmua. 
It  wtn  b*  aelltng  at  a  very  much 
higher  flgura. 

a'eloek  yestatday  afternoo*.  and  In 
eoneequehce  work  was  leotaiMerfcbly 
delayed,  the  ftirnace*  being  *b«i 
».  'ti.'f  dawn,  donkey  -engine*  inqperatlOe 
and  air  compcessors  Idla.  Some  ot 
tbo  workman  In  conaOftoiMa  woot 
home  before  the  day  woo  avqt  p9 
there  was  nothing  for  thom  to  do. 
Tha  flhutoC  qf  the  water  ebpply  %no 
due  to  the  ehifting  af^gooM  gfMMn* 
on  tha  l*tauid  flif hway  botwean 
Cralfflower  Bridfe  alid  OoltlrOo^, 
Where  the  reid  la  being  paved. 
Tha  nnmbar  of  man  employed  at 

|nrT*w*|iig-.  T'.i'.:^'" ,,.    .'/  .■  '^^.<«i,L;  ■■  |^    ' 

^^  HAte  PkESBHTATKWii    ^ 

Men  en  the  boats  up  from  NItnat 
OtOta  that  the  bOi;  th«ta  t»  o«ry  dan- 
gerous ndw  aad  the  Japgneee  n*h- 
ermen  are  dwindling  In  numbai*  a* 
tb*y  toave  for  qpLfer  port*:  ATj^oft 
time  >go  •,  nvjtobar  of  Japqfuase 
miierdlen  todi  Ihehr  tt#«a  on  the  bar. 
and   a    fei^    day*   ago   another    boat 

J  Il00«o4  «p  Iho  ibort  .  NItnat  itlver 
to  tha  lAiaaU  Bhy  Cannery  upside 
down  and  With  a  number  ot  Japqneee 
mingina  to  th»  bottom  l«  their  un- 
derelothai.  They,  were  nil  grinding. 
»  M  aald.  A3MNiier  boot  tnui  orlth 
It  and  h*td  the  recnalndor  of:  the 
nhTortanato  ofaw.  No  live*  «rere 
lost.  The  two  OMft  h*4  hMf>  •«ine 
ilshinf  near  the  bar,  htn  d#Utad  in. 
•nd  tho  mlqhap  had  oeounod.  It  i* 
bald  that  the  Japanese  flsb  eeotln- 
oollir  laaidft  tho  hor  a*  tha  antmnee 
to  the  river,  which  is  less  than  a 
mlla  ^ng,  and  aanneets  tha  NItnat 
Id^e  wtQi  tho  n*o. .  Aeoordinc  to 
h|W  no  net  flehlng  is  allowed  Igald* 
th«  h«l*.  but  tbe  Oelacital*  g*t  iwav 

*  With  it.  ^lahlOg  Mch  haul*  a*  the 
flt)^  »n|rt^fit*tO  there  in  orde#  to 
anMr  tha  rlvef.  The  fleherie*  ho*t. 
CUycnchy.  waa  at  Nitoat  WednOsday 
OM  MNttTOily  the  Japatoebe  ^rd  ba- 
h<v4Dt  taMNn**l«8a.  ftlthpolrh  it  was 
twportvd  to  tho  naharle*  oflteorg  by 
tho  L»mmi  Bay  moa  that  illicit  j|*h- 
ing  was  going  on  ragularly. 

Th*  JUunmi  Qay  hooia  will  quit 
llUiing  on  NOoaok|i*r  Ith.  while  far- 
ther  up  Hm  w«*t  Coa*t  o»era|lon* 
eame  to  an  end  on  October  3S.  The 
eeaqon  ha*  bqM»,  a  poor  .0m»  but  Ash 
qnra  ««4d  fo  hovo  »Mtt  pleotiful 
«rh*tt  th*  «Se*fhg  digy  arrived.     1    . 

^«,^.M^  v-ff  j?;'^-  —  TIM 

CANADA  Mif  AL  €0^  Ltd. 




Ithm  Mob  of  OHr  fMkm  ft» 
Boy  Goodhyo  to  Mr.  tt.  CCvtm 

To  bid  faiwwell  to  Mr.  Harold  8. 
Cove  on  hi*  doparture  from  this  city 
to  tako  up  a  raaitlon  in  the  Vancou- 
veik  offlcee  of  Balfour,  Outhrle  A  Co„ 
shipping  and  railroad  men  gathered 
on  Wednesday  night  at  tha  Paolflc 
ctub.  On  behnrr  or  tfreo»  uioffreibv, 
Mr.  William  Allan,  of  R.  P.  Rithet  A 
Co.,  presented  Mr.  Cove  with  a  pipe 
and  pouch,  moking  a  f*w  apprepataika 
remark*  at  t%B  mmo-  timg,  Mr.  dbv* 
repifed  that  Ml  %io  aonry  to  I4a«a  4hi* 
citv«  whero  hi  hob  had  faio^ottidb  for 
seven  years. 

^  y  «*«^am 



;|Capt>  William  Turnfauli,  Veteran 
Navigator  of  Yukon  River, 
Passes  Jn  lees  T^an  Hour 

The  Empress  ot  Aaia  reached  iMre 
shortly  afte^  eight  o'clock  teat  liight 
front  Vanoopvai!-  on  hor  way  oni  4n 
the  Orient  in  choiga  t'  i%tUlm 
Hailey.  She  picked  up  a  torge  num- 
ber of  Chineae  Coolie*  at  Vaneoqvef 
In  addition  te  mung  hor  ealMh  Ae* 
oamodaUon^  AcraaNI  of  CttMoa 
•teerage  paasenter*  boarded  tha  tinar 
at  the  outer  dock*.  Th*  Aoln  floBod 
shortly  after  10  o'eloek. 

Chief  Engineer  Adamaan  is  111  on 
shore  and  his  plaee  Is'fllled  by  Chl*f 
Engineer  8hln*r,  Chi*f  ofloar  HaW 
land  haa  *h*re  leave  fOr  two  ¥oyw 
a«**.  Chief  opeer  Jamo*  roplaOHM 
him.  '^ 


Get.     t4,^ 
WltooK.     atuhar 


VANCOUVER,  Oct.  30,— In  lee* 
than  one  hour  after  be  arrived  from 
Skagway  on  the  Steamer  Prince** 
Mary,  having  eompleted  a  hard 
Mg^'a  Wor|(  aa' cdmmodore,  oap- 
ttii  of  the  Whita  I^ts*  and  Tokon 
Railway's  fleet  up  north.  Captain 
WIlMano  Tumbull  waa  dead.  He  left 
tho  maomor  wMA  orHeod  at  twa 
o'oloefc  thi*  morotac,  aftor  graeUng 
hts  wtl*.  ho  oDoqHainad  of  behtg  ill 
•^  m  phyelalon  waa  *atl*4.  9ofor* 
midloat  a**l*tao«a  ooMd  ba  obtain*d 
ho  ha4l  pdiibdl  dmar;  hoort  Miure 
being  the  cauae  of  death. 

Bamr  in  Seotlaod  SI  year*  ago.  ha 
lipid  for  a  ahott  ««iBe  th  WUhfagton 
•t»t4.  oad  la  Sttf  ht  joinod  the 
^nnta  ro*o  and  TuhOtt  Koliwo^/ and 
*inee  that  time  haa  maio  OMmy  rcg- 
lar  trlpa  to  the  north  In  the  eprlng. 
r*tumlas  to  thla  *lty  aftar  hi*  *ea- 
son'a  work  ha*  ha*a   oaMMotod. 

"■!'     '    '"  'J   '  V.'l"     '■■      »» 

VAKCOUVBR,  Oct.  30.— Th*  atrtk* 
ot  tha  ooal  mlnar*  in  th*  United 
State*  will  not  affect  the  British  Col- 
umbia mines  to  any  extant,  accord- 
Inc  to  conl  tnldo  on*<nla<  Thi*  l*  not 
due  to  any  lack  of  demand  from  tha 
UtUted  State*,  but  1*  dwlng  to  thb 
'  faot  l^Uit  fha  mine*  can  **nd  n^  mora 
;oool  h*  thai  mnrk*(  than  th*y  ova 
now  gMndlOg, 

"Whether  the  etrike  I*  pulled  off  or 
•ot,  tho  >f— ot  daaoand  firam  Saaitla 
on  the  coal  minea  of  Vanconrer  Is- 
land I*  »o  heavy  that  no  more  can 
poadlMy  b«  *oppll*d,"  dccfaMred  Mr.  W. 
A.  Webb,  of  tha  Canadktn  Weotom 
Vu^l  Campany.  thla  morning.  It>  la 
thought  that  in  the  interior  a  little 
coal  might  be  eparad  for  the  United 
*  State*.  e*peeiainy^d>'ew«  the  Crow'* 
Neet  Pa**  Company'*  mine*,  but 
otherwiee  little  or  no  additional  ae- 
*l*tanoe  can  %  expected  f torn  9rltl*h 
C«|oaibla  miMOt  Tha  *anfe  ittqatlan 
exist*  In  AlbAfta,  It  A  undemtbod,  the 
demands  of  that  Pravinoa,  rtottstahQ. 
wan  and  Mf.nltoba  takhig' ,  «ni  ^tW 
minea  tlver*  ean  produce,   - 

"No  Vancouver  Xeliand  6001  Is  going 
io  aoo  rtanetooa.  At  ana  time  thOro 
apoO:*  tramandao*  ahlpno^nt  to  that 
port^  but  tha  fuef  control  *toppod  the 
ooport  In  Juno,  lOiS,  aad  th*«<e  haa 
no  efCort  m$At  eince  to  resnma 
buslnees.  local  demand*  and 
nteta  praa«nttng  tbe^ ' 
1    ■       " 





Tbera  aro  now  flva  whalera  la  port 
Cho  OMMoMotad  VlMMag  Car- 
•    aloyow.    nto*    o*rtv*d 
thio  w*ok  from  ~ 

ftoo*  Itefwur,  In 

Blue  and  Graa^  fl«m  Hoda*  0ar. 
bar.  awall*d  tha  flaot  lying  at  tho  In- 
ner Harbor  wharf.  The  Gray  waa 
aim  In  part  yaatarday  fram  the  *ta- 
tloo*.     Vho  Kynqn^  booto  oca  still 



VANCOUVER,  >  Oct.  9:^Ht  Can- 
ada want*  to  tneraaae  Ita  trade  with 
China  aad  participate  In  the  benent* 
of  one  of  the  greateet.  if  not  tha 
graateet,  ptarketa  in  the  world,  it 
m'ufl  Oliooge  ItO  taatica  toward*  4ka 
ChthOM  pbOpi«.*'riaid  Df.  John  t^r- 
guaon,  political  adviaer  to  the  Paaa- 
ld*nt  of  China,  who  la  In  thoeity-on 
hta  way  to  China. 

-naa  ramarfc  i*  dirsetad  toward* 
th*  trantm«>t  aoaardod  th*  lOO.oot 
Chtheoe  eoolle*  who  arO  reluming  te 
China  from  Prance,  and  who.  while 
in  th*  war  area,  did  *p*ctal  work  beo 
hind  the  ftnea  aftd  rel*a**d  trained 
eoMiar*  for  flghUng  **rvlc*,"  *ald  I>r; 
ravpaoon.  *'0*aplU  what  the**  naaa 
ha¥*  done  for  the  Anie*.  and  deepft* 
the  faot  that  both  France  and  Eng- 
laod  gave  thorn  tha  fraedem  of  t|M 
eountiT,  Canada  hard*  them  off  a 
boat  at  Halifax,  puts  them  in  traina 
la  drovaa,  brings  tham  aoroao  tho 
eoontiHr  Ilk*  wild  animal*  In  eagea. 
het  is  them  out  at  tht*  end  Into  *had*, 
and  thanea,  In  aatfle-ltho  d<u>o**,  intn 
the  Rtaamar  for  home.  What  kind  of 
mfaMdonary  work  can  Canada  expect 
theae  men  to  do  for  Canadian  manu- 
faetores  and  Caimdl^  pooduou?  is 
It  not  ehomoftir* 

■OirTBJBAl*,  Cot.  to.  —  Pour 
womon  and  a  anan  war*  held  crlin> 
inally  raoponalbla  by  the  eorondfo 
^  <or  tho  doOth  lB*t  Thursday  af 
C.  A,  Pleha.  a  r*t«raod  saldtor,  «4 
th*  ln<itt**t  h*ld  Ay  Ckwonor  tBb- 
Mahen  y**t«rday.  Th«y  ar*  May  ia- 
daraon.  May  Wholaa.  MatblMhl 
iullen,  Nellie  Murphy  and  ti/am 
R«aau.  The  evidence  given  by  th* 
wHn*****  wa*  praetleally  the  same  In 
each  ca*e.  that  th*  Anderson  wonioil 
had  J^van  Plah*  two  lnia*tlon*  ^ 
m<  *      — 








OCTOBER  31,  1919 


9^t^l  !».». 

fwi    1  Ml  ri rir,    1 

Ml  tor  Fmandal  Aid 

ory  Bonds! 

Th€5  Investment  Will  Bring  You  Certain  Profit,  and  at  the 
Same  Time  Help  Your  Nation  in  Her  Time  of  Need 

Handbags  and  Purses,  for  Wor 
in  All  Qualities  and,  Styles 

— Ybu'will  hive  to  see  this  stoqk  of  Hand):iiifi[S  and 
Purses'  to  appreciate  the  splendid  assortment  on  dlSpli^. 
Haadbifs  in  leathers  of  Ml  l^lnds,  neatl  v  made,  and  ntted 
with  all  sKles  of  handles.  Handbifsui  silk  and  headed 
qualities,  Vanitv  Cases  and  the  new  Victory  Tanlc  Model 
nicely  fitted.  Prices  varv  according:  to  styie  and  quality, 
but  Mil  will  find  the  prkes  ytiy  moderate  in  all  cases. 

'     *    ;        '  h      i'  — M»ln  Floor,  Dou^ai 

-\     -s 

Three  Grades  in  Women's 
Kriit  Underwear 

,A  •' 

In  Branids  Well  Known  and  Popular 
All  at  Prices  That  Make  Them 
Good  Values         T^  | 

--Comfort  is  the  deslnble  quality' in  Underwear,  a 
quaUtv  that  every  woman  demands,  aquallty  that  makes 
a  parOcular  brand  pofMihr  the  world  over.  The  thr^ 
mdes  offered  here »  assess  this  quality  to  such  a  degree 
Sia|  we  can  recomm;;nd  them  to  you  with  an  assuripce 
of  satisfaction. 

Women's  ••Velva"  Vfrts,  in  slip-over  styles,  with  low  neck, 
elbow  sleeves,  bir h  neck,  Iratton  fronts,  and  elbow  or  long 
sleeves.  A  splMdId  welfht  fleece  and  cotton.  All  sites,  at, 
each,  90C         ^  '^'f;. 

Drawers  to  match,  In  open  or  closed  styles,  and  ankle  length, 

at,  a  garmettt,  9oc    Out  slies,  fi.oo. 

Women's  "Zenith"  Veals,  nMde  jn  many  styks,  including  low 

and  **V"  neck  and  elbow  sleeves,  high  neck  and  long,  and  short 

sleeves.    Good  mixture.    All  sites  at,  a  garment,  jt.75.       x*. 

Drawers  to  match,  made  in  knee  and  ankle  length;  open  oir 

cloied  stylet,  at,  a  gannent,  11.75. 

Women's  "Zenith"  (Red  Label)  brand;  an  extra  good  quality,' 

made  In  loW  neck  and  elbow  sleeves;  high  neck,  button  fronte, 

and  idng  or  short,  sleeves.    A  wool  mixture.    In  sites  36  to 

44,  at,  a  garment,  12.25. 

.    — 4bilt  Uad«rwtar,^tit  Floor,  Douflu 

You  Will  Be  Interested  in  These 
Specials  in  Cream  Flanneletjtes 


—Flannelettes  that  represent  the  best  makes  in  English  and  Cana- 
dian materials,  matiy  representing  values  below  the  present  mill  cost. 
Buy  right  now  and  save  money. 

^    •Cream  Flannelettes 

27  inches  wide,  special,  worth  30c,  sell- 
ing at,  a  yard,  25c. 

27  inches  wide,  good  value  at  30c,  sell- 
•  ing  today  at,  a  yard,  27c. 
30  inches  wide,  special,  worth  35c, 
selling  at,  ayard,  3oc. 
30  inches  wide,  good  value  at  40c  Fcgu- 
lar.    Selling  at,  a  yard,  35c. 

tircy  Flannels  at  special  rates,  for  your  Winter  shirts.  Excellent  shades  in  light  and 
dark  grey,  at,  a  yard,.40c,  5oc,  5'5c,  60c  and  75c. 

1      .    _      .1 

' 'V"',' r?f "' v^-**""^ '*^ 'TIS 

^  Cream  Flahriclettcs 

33  inches  wide,  good  value,  worth  45c. 
Selling  at,  a  yard,  40c. 

35  inches  wide,  Canada's  Best,  worth 
65c.    Selling  at,  a  yard,  55c. 

35  inches  wide,  made  in  England,  worth 
85c.    Selling  at,  a  yard,  75c. 

36  inches   wide,   made   in   England, 
double  warp.    Selling  today  at  85c.' ■    ' 

■?       ■*    ».:    -•      ' 






A,*  1     ! 

'»?*<  > 

Sweater  Coats  That  Men  Will  Weo* 
•    With  the  Greatest  Satisfaction 

Ceylon  Flannels  and  Flannelettes,  for 
•  Pajamas  and  Other  Night  Wear 

J.-;  It. 



Fine  Assortment  of  Umbrellas  for 
Men  and  Women 


"Kremla**  Ceylons,  30  inches  wide, 
made  in  England.  They  have  a  fine 
soft  finish,  possess  wearing  and  washing 
qualities  that  satisfy  ev^ry  user.  We 
can  supply  you  with  a  great  variety  cff 
designs  and  colors  at,  a  yard,  $1.50. 

High-Grade  English  Flan- 
nelettes, 35  in.  Wide   ' 

—These  are  shown  in  new  and  excellent 
colorings,  in  stripes  of  various  widths. 
There  are  over  twenty  designs  to  choose 
from.  The  quality  will  give  every  satis- 
faction in  pajamas^  lUghlgowns  and 
other  nightwear*  *<>•     ^  j     , 

Best  Canadian  Makes  < 

are  offered  in  a  large  range  of  colorings,  til 
"Pasf*  (^ualftles.  Those  requiring  Flannel- 
ette at  a  medium  price  willexperience  splen- 
did  values  in  these.  Canada's  Best,  35 
ladies  wide,  ^  a  yard,  50C  >   ^ 

Large  choice  at,  a  yard,  40c 
Special  value  at,  a  yard,  35c  -  " 

"Kremla"  Flannels  in  another  grade  are 
shown  in  the  same  styles,  and  possess 
the  finest  washing  and  wearing  quali- 
ties. These  are  especially  adapted  for 
either  women's,  men's  or  children's  use. 
30  inches  wide  and  fine  value  at,  a  yard, 

.. .. ,  '*> 

'^Vyella"  Flannels,  the 

World  Famed  Make,  the 

...  Old  Favorite ::  I:  J.. 

In  these  fine  Flannels  our  stock  supplies 
you  with  a  good  range  of  designs,  in 
medium  or  dark  grounds  and  stripes  of 
various  widths.  The  old  reliable  quality 
at  today's  regular  price  Is  |2.oaa  yard, 
but  we  are  still  offering  the  balance  of 
our  stock  in  the  real  "Viyella/*  31 
Inches  wide,  at,  a  yard,  i$i.25. 

—For  pajamas,  nightgowns,  etc.,  you 
cannot  employ  a  better  wearing,  more 
comfortable  material  than  "Viyella" 
Flannel.  .    -    .     ..; 

—staple  Section,  Main  Floor,  Douglas 

Men's  Knitted  Sweater  Cdats  (Penman's),  medium 
weight  wool  mixture.  A  fme  grade,  well  made  Sweater 
with  military  collar  and  two  4)bekets;  in  colors  of  Oxfbtd 
grey  and  navy  blue.  Special  ratr«ach,-^,75ir 
Men's  Sweater  Coats,  made  froni  tine  cott^  yam  niixed 
with  wool---Sweaters  with  miluary  cc&.jnd  two 
pockets,  and  shown  in  colors  of  browi^ml  olive, 
maroon  and  green.  This  is  a  Sweater  rtiatfe  to  stand 
h^rd  wear,  ai^d  is  good  va1ufc«at,  each,^3.75.  >  . 
Men*s  All  Wool,  Heavy  Knitted  Sweater  Ck)ats,  irtadel 
with  shawl  collar  and  fitted  with  two  pockets.  This 
quality  is  arJast  year's  value  and  shown  in  grey  only* 
Sizes  38,  40  and  42.    Special  it,  each,  $9:75. 

■yr'i  t^,  :^  „  — JVIen'*  FBrnlihln|«,  M«Ui  Floor,  iroa4 


■i  'i    .«i*^>;  »v 

♦  ^'"^■^tf-v-'x 

sive  Off ering  of  Gbco 
at  Special  Priceis 

—From  this  stock  of  Umbrellas 
you  may  make  a  pleasing  choice, 
no  matter  what  quality  you  may 
have  in  mind.  Umbrellas  with 
plain  and  embellished  handles, 
well  ribbed  Umbrellas  with  cov- 
ers of  all  grades.  When  you 
want  an  UmbrelU  at  the  price 
you  want  to  pay,  select  it  from 
this  fine  stbck  and  get  one  that 
will  satisfy  you. 

.J  ;;«— Main  Floor,  Do«|ias 

t  »»■'«, 

White  Flannelette 

•  —Having  purchased  at  a  discount  the  entire  stock  of  i 
Vancouver  importerofCoco  Door  Mats,  we  are  pre- 
pared to  sell  them  to  our  c^jj^^pers  at  very  lo#  ptfes 
today  and  tomorrow.       VI     ^  i  "^     .  v  ;.  r  V 

No.  2,  coco  Mats,  size  16  inches  by  27  inches,  regular 
$1.90,  selling  at,  each,  111.50. 

Na  3  Coco  Mats,  size  18  inches  by  30  inches,  regiilat 

$?,40,  selling  at,  each,  $1.85. 

No.  4  Goco  Mats,  size  20  inches,  by  33  inches,  regular 

$3.^5,  selling  at,  each,  $^.25.    i      ,^ 

Extra  fine  quality  Coco  Mats,  1 5^  hicfe  thfck,  made  of 

fine,  close  woven  fibre.    Size  39  inches  by  24  inches. 

Regular  $5.25.    Special  toSay  and  tomofiwr  it,  each, 

$4.35.  '  ' 

•  r/j*.  ,  iji-At  ;-fC^ri»«ti,  ind  Floor,  Donglae 

,  'V  V"' 

AVhite  Flannelette  Princ^  Slips 
for  Children 

—Princess  Slips,  made  from  a  heavy  quality  flannelette, 
finished  with  a  six-inch  flounce  and  trimmed  with  lace 
and  embroidery. 

Princess  Slips  with  scalloped  edge  on  flounce,  to  fit  the  afes 
of  a  to  16  years,  at,  each,  li.oo. 

Princess  Slips  with  embroidery  on  flounce,  in  sites  to  fit  8  to 
16.  «t,  each,  $1.25. 

Princess  Slips  with  lace  on  flounce.    Sixes  to  fit  8  to  16  >eanLv 
at,  each,  ai.So.  ^* 

Princess  Slips  in  smaller  sixes,  to  fit  the  ages  of  2  to  6  vears.^ 
at,  eachf  75c  ^  ^     •» 

^-CaiMru's  Scctiom  tst  Floor,  Dovgiu 

Gowns  for  Children 

In  Good  Quality  White  Flannelette 
at  11.50*  $1.75  and  $2.00 

Cow»s,  senricctble  garments,  In  several  , 

>|5jwk«aiid  trimmed  wHk  pink  and  Hm 
^""**  sMcMif ;  Gvwns  wttk  Irigk  Mck. 
^HM«^  piMncks.    TIttj  have  lour 
lo  II  the  ages  of  from  a  to  I6  ymn. 

garments^  :^,:'--^''-M^^ 

For  Women — Excellent  in  Quality 

—Your  mind  at  \his  time  of  the  year  naturally  tuVns  to  warm  clothing. 
Incidentally,  you  will  think  of  Flannelette,  and  will  be  interested  in  this 
.offering  from  a  large  shipment  we  have  received  and  are  selling  at 
reasonable  prices. . 


Women's  Nightgowns  of  white  flannel- 
ette, neatly  made,  and' splendid  value  at, 
each,  $1.75; 

Women's  Nigiitgowns,  made  from  soft 
white  flannelette  in  slipover  and  button- 
front  styles,  at,  each,  $2.oo. 

Women's  Nightgowns  in  liest  quality  flan- 
nelette, made  in  many  styles  and  tnmmed 
;  with  lace  and  embroidery,  at,  each,  $2.5o. 

^Women's  Underskirts,  neatly  and  well 
made  from  white  flannelette  ind  trimmed 
with  fancy  stitchhig.    Fine  value  4t,  each. 


Women's  Bloomers,  made  from  strong 
white  flannelette  and  neatly  finished  with 
a  linen  lace,  at,  a  garment,  $1.25. 

Women's  f^ajamas,  of  excellent  flannel- 
ette,*one-piece  style,  at,  a  suit,  $2.50  and 

Women's  Two-Piece  Pajamas,  well  made 
from  white  flannelette  and  neatly  trimmed 
with  silk  braid  and  buttons,  at,  a  suit. 
$3.75.  . 

Chemises  of  fine  quality  white  flannelette, 
trimmed  with  embroidery  and  lace,  at, 
each,  $1.25/ 

^9».WoaM*s  Wfcitcwctr  Section,  1st  Hoor.  Doagbs 


Alarm  Clocks 

An  Alarm  Clock  you  may  dq>eiid  upon-nt  Clock  with  back  bell,  all 
cut  cogs.  Priced  regulariy  at  $2M.  WiU  be  soM  today  and  to- 
morrow at,  each. 


For  Your  Bw  at 

'a  Moderate  (Jost 

■*, '  ... 

-Quality  and  weight  are  the 
chief  essentials  considered 
when  you  purchase  a  Winter 
Coat  for  your  boy.  Quality 
means  long  wear;  weight  is' 
necessary  to  the  little  fellow's 
comfort.  The  Coats  you  will 
be  shown  In  the  Boys'  Cloth- 
ing Department  o<^  our  store 
possess  these  two  qualities  and 
are  sokl  at  the  lowest  possible 

Boys'  Overcoats,  made  from  Heavy  Donegal  tweed  in 
doutjie-breasted,  belted  style  and  fitted  with  two  side 
pockets.  Sizes  to  fit  the  agesof  3  to .8r years  at  $9.75. 
Boys'  Overcoats  in  a  heavy  grey  'frieze  cloth—  a  double- 
breasted  Coat  with  belted  MCk,  two  square  pockets  and 
velvet  collar  buttoned  close.  These  are  Coats  that  pre- 
sent wonderful  value  at  the  price.  .  ^zes  to  fit  the  ages 
of  3  t»  8  years  at,  each,  $10.75  and  $H.SO. 
Boys'*  Topcoats-^A  good  qii^Kt^  in  Navy  Blue  Coat 
in  double-hreasted  style  with  brass  buttbns,  betted  back 
and  side  pockets,  they  are  fitted  with  velvet  coUar. 
Sizes  to  fit  3  to  8  years  at,  eadt,.$9.75: 
Boys'  Reefers,  offering  a  spleQ(^  vahie.  In  all  sizes  at 
^ach,  $9.75  and  $12.75. 

^S0yr  Clothiaf.  Mala  HdM;  9im§ 

New  Woolen;  C^  and 
Scarfs  for  Girls 

Caps  and  Scarfs,  made  from  heavy  wool,  hi  colon  of 
iose.  blue,  white,  green  and  apricot.  The  Scarfs  are 
._^_  .1  -.  ..^       .        .  ..    ^  >  p^tttlly  - 


#Wi  pom-foiu  it  eadi  side.    Sbd 

for  gftrfs  of 

ffom  4.10  f2  yeai^.  at,  a  set,  $^.  $3.15  aad  $3 Jo 





:  I ' 




.'A-.  .,.  ♦  ,.