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Full text of "The Daily union history of Atlantic City and County, New Jersey : containing sketches of the past and present of Atlantic City and County"

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M.  L 


974 .  901 





3  1833  02250  7377 

J  7^ui€^ 

The  Daily  Union 
history  of 

Atlantic  City  and  County, 


















Ackuowlf dgment   7 

Atlantic    County 11 

Atlantic  City  Before  Railroads 169 

Advance   in    Real   Estate 310 

Atlantic  City   H(.tel.s 233 

Allen  Block 321 

Atlantic    City     l'.:\v 55 

Assemblynun    63 

Atlantic   County    I'.ar 39 

Batsto   81 

Bacharacli  &   Kuns 322 

Bakersville    110 

Brigantine    351 

Board  of  Healtli 330 

Boardwalk   and    Tiers 253 

Building  the  Narrow  Gauge 193 

Bounds   of   Old    Galloway.... 101 

Beautiful  Longport 347 

Census 136 

I'cntral    M.    E.    CLurcll 301 

City    ntticials    from    lK."i4 157 

j(  Ar 


Supply 213 

City    Hospital 327 

City  Appropriations  for  1900 343 

I  ity    i:i's..urccs   for  1900 343 

Chief  Calorie's  Address 10 

Cottage  Homes 227 

Climate  at  the   Shore 201 

County  Medical  Society 330 

Cost  of  City  Governmeut 342 

County    Bar    Association 53 

County   Clerks 59 

Dolf    Parker's    Adventure 145 

Drives  and  Good  Roads 339 

Easter   at   the   Shore 245 

Earliest  Settlers 137 

Egg   Harbor   City Ill 

Early   Church   History 287 

Episcopal  Church  of  Ascension 281 

Election  Returns 135 

Easter   Iliiilroml    !:.■ -ils 251 

First    l;:ipii-i    ci,,,,,  i, 277 

First   ciiMi-h   .11    \l:i>  s  Landing 309 

First    CMlni-,.,1     M.Mi 

First   Iron    I'ier 

First  M.   E.   Church 

First  Presbyterian  Church. 

First   Public   Building 

First  Quail  and  Rabbit.... 

First  Visit  and  Train 

First   Railroad 

i.ravity  system  sewerage 22.j 

Golf  at  the  Country  Club 338 

Hammonton    69 

Horse    Show 243 

Hotel   Luray 241 

Hotel   Rates   and   Capacity 237 

Hotel   Rudolph 230 

Hotel  Windsor 239 

Homoeopathic   Club 331 

Hotels  on  Easter  Sunday 2,51 

Important  Trials 47 

Indians    9 

Invalids    203 

Lay    Judges 65 

Land  Company  and  Surf  Hotel 187 

Leading   Churches 273 

Life  in  the  Sands,   by  Dr.   Baily 363 

Map  of  the   County 8 

Marine   Algae 357 

Members  of  Council   344 

Morris  Guards 333 

New  Steel   Pier 261 

Newspapers   323 

Ocean  Piers 257 

Old  Gloucester  County 17 

Old  Church  at  Weymouth 303 

Old   Fort   and  Its  Defenders 97 

Old  Church  at  Tuckahoe 309 

Old  Salt  Works 155 

Olivet  Presbyterian  Church 285 

Our   Lady,    Star  of  the   Sea 299 

Persistent    Publicity 325 

Port  Republic 89 

Pleasant  Mills 103 

Plenty  of  Wild  Game 139 

Plenty   of   Black    Snakes 341 

Prosecutors  of  the  Pleas 57 

Public   Schools 263 

Ryon  Adams  Moves  Up 167 

Real  Estate  Investment  Co 313 

School    Superintendents 63 

Sea  Air 353 

Sheriffs   61 

Six    Tb..usMn.l    I'.uil.liiiys 319 

Sketch  of  I II. 1  Weymouth 23 

South  .lers.-y  in  Congress 345 

St.  Andrews  Lutheran  Church 305 

St.    Nicholas'   R.    C.    Church 295 

St.    I'aul   M.    E.   Church 281 

State  Senators 63 

Storms  and  Wrecks 141 

Supreme   Court  Judges 59 

Surrogates   61 

Walker's   Forge 109 

West    Family 35 

West    Jersey    Railroad 199 



lutroduetiou  H'^ 

Adams.  Israel  Seiill. 
Adams,  Harrold  F.  . 
Adams,   James  B... 

Adams,  John  B 

Adams,  Lewis  R 

Aikman,  James  M... 
Albertson,   Levi  C. . 

Aiien,  George  

Baake,  Charles  A. .. 
Babcock,  Charles  (J 
Bacharaoh,  Harry   . 

Baily,  Alfred  W 

Ball,  Joseph  

Barstow,  Joseph  A. 

Balliet,    L.    Dow 

Bartlett,  William  (J 
Bell.   William  A.... 

Boysen,  Theo.  H 

Brown,    Benj.    H 

Bryant,  John  L.  . . . 
Bryant,  Lewis  T... 
Breder,  George  F... 
Boyer,  Charles  B... 
Berchtuldt.  F  

Champi..!).   Jcs.-pli  S ITii 

Collins,  Isaac  -<«'• 

Collins,  John i;ii 

Cook,  Franklin  P isi; 

Colwell,  Stephen 

Conorer,  Smith 174 

Cordery,  Enoch 42 

Corson,  Rodman 96 

Corson,   Walter  A 290 

Cordery,  Mary  Clark 459 

Crosby,    George   W 302 

Crosby,  O.  H .306 

Cresse,  Lewis  M 324 

Cromwell.  Lrrtin  H 224 

Curri.v  (JonrL'M  V  12 



■pi.  E.... 


■m.  K.... 



















-.1  i: 


























.•1  i: 


























Disstoii.  Hcurv yo  -li;7  -       .          i  .  i  P. 

Down,  L.  A 4i;s  -  .lames  D 

Endicott,   Allen    I! H'.iC  4i;s  ~  I     w.  E..  Chai-lrs  (J ::'.i4  -ir,s  > .,,.      n.   j 

Heckler,    Henry    .  . . . 
Hoopcs,  Martha  E.  . 

Hoopes.   Wm.   G 

Hoffman.    V.    P 

Hoffman,  Samuel  D. 


Clark  I\ 
Collins  I 

jwnsend    Family. 


Bank   Buildings 

Bargaintown  Mill.. 
Batsto  Lake 

Batsto  Stni-p  .niul  Lr 




..(    S.-li 

...1    II. '11 




I'W     1,1'C 


ol  Jam, 


ot  Jolil 







Will-  Money 


Iszard  Iron  Foundry 


■II    Mansion 




ac  llinnes  of 

Lougport  Breakers 

Allen,   George 


Mansion   H(   in   1876 

Adams,  C.  J 


Morris   (Jininls 

Champion,  John  B 


Mos.iiiil.i    n...-il 

Crosby,   George  W 


New  St,., -1   lM,.r   

Champion,  Jos.   S 


Net  Hiiiil  ,.11  '|-..iin--s  l'i,.r 

Currie,  George  F 


Old   Clmivli    111    Tu.kiil,,,,.    

Down,  L.  A 

Olil  Chill,  h,   .i.    w  .  >  ii,..,itli 

Evans,  Charles 


01,1  i:ii      1                    

Evans,   Lewis 


Old  r.iii' 1         

Fleming,    J.    R 


01,1      I'. .11 •      .     : 11 

First   Mayor 


Old.., -..,11   II..I1,,,. 

Godfrey.    li.    r 


Old    Stilt    II. .ns. 

Godfrey.  C.nlton 


Oid-tiiii,.    ItatlHis 

Hemsli'y.   Fred 


Old  S,Ii,>,,l   11, .Its,- 

Jae<ibs.    Jlrs.   .T.    c 


Old    S IS    M;Lllsi,.ll 

Jordan.    A.    M 


Paper   Mill   111    IM.-a^.iiit   Mills.. 

Kellev.    S.    H 


Paper  Mill  ,11    \\-..>  i,i,.iitli 

Mun.son.  L.  M 


Pon.I    .11    W.ilk.i  ..    l-..i--e 

North.  .I.iiiH's 


Pumi.iliL;    ,siali..ii        

Parsons.    H.    (i 



Parsons,  John  W 


Resi,I,-ii.  .-  ..1   .1.1.1^.    I'.vrnes.... 

Petrofl,  E.  J 


Resl,l,.ii.-.-  ..f    William  J.  Smith 

^^kl.'-::::  ■:■■■. 

Riehar.K-    M,iiiM..i,    


Riehar.l--    \,ii.K  iin.l    Ilarns.... 

Somers,    Samnel 


Sweigard,   A.   L 


Saahtiaii  ''\"in,.vai-','l'."'.  ..'.■.■.'.■.■.■.■.' 

Thompson.  Joseph 


Sailboat    ill    c-l,,u,is 

Young,  JohnL 


Salem  Cliitt-.-It 

Upham  Cottage 


Schantl,-rs  H,.t<l 

AValil.    Wni.    F 


Sea  Alga,- 

Cot  1 ; 


Sea  ami   Skv 


"   '  ■  III.::;-.,  xorthtiei.i;:; 

2  58 

Seaside  Hens,- 


i:                l^u   Ilarlx.r  City 


State  SiMiator's  II, one 


|..     -              i.iil 

St.   Ni,-li,.las'   Chiii-i-li 



Sea  Shells  


>     W  ill.'   '\, mil  ^,V.V.'. '.'.'. V.V.'.'. 

HI  m 

The  Roller  Cliair 



Tomb  ot  Jesse  Riehai-ils 


r  '..11    i'li..V."'iir.r\\Mlk.' .'.'.■ .'.'.'.' 


The  Citv  from  tli,.  Oee.-ui 


Iinli...    S,li.,..l    II..nse 


Under  Full  Sail 


,,11     II. .1,1,-1, .11.1 


United  States  Hotel 




Views  of  Long  Ago 


City  Hall 

Yaidit   Rare..:.... 


City   Depot 

17  1 

7-ioii  Chnreh 



^  L'XDREDS  of  bright  writers  have  found  pleasure  and  profit  in 
picturing  x\tlantic  City,  these  many  years,  and  it  is  more  of  a 
pastime  than  a  task  for  one  who,  during  tlie  last  twcnt)-  years 
has  been  writing  of  and  for  the  city,  to  tell  the  stury  ot  its 
phenomenal  growth  and  gratifying  prosperity.  I'runi  the 
''^  most  inaccessible  and  least  Iia1)ita1)lc  corner,  this  inland  has 

become  the  most  populous  and  attractive  business  centre  of 
Atlantic  County.  From  a  briar-covered  area  of  duck  ponds 
and  sand  hills,  these  acres  have  become  a  modern  city  of  fine  hotels  and  handsome 
cotta,i;es.  and  attractive  stores  and  business  blocks:  a  summer  health  resort,  and 
winter  sanitarium,  with  regidarly  laid  out  and  paved  streets:  ample  water  supply; 
complete  sewerage;  electric  lights:  first-class  fire  protection,  and  all  the  appoint- 
ments of  a  modern  citv. 

I'rom  being  the  home  and  i)lantation  of  a  stalwart  soldier  of  the  Revolution, 
the  scene  of  shipwrecks,  and  a  resort  for  an  occasional  s]3ortsman,  and  sunnner 
"beach  parties,"  this  strip  of  sand  on  the  edge  of  the  Continent  has  l)cc<>nie  famed 
throughout  the  world  as  the  most  popular  bathing  resort  in  ^unnner  and  the 
most  comfortable  and  satisfactory  health  resort  in  winter,  ior  pcrsuns  wlm  wnuld 
escape  the  vigorous  climate  of  Northern  cities,  and  find  rest  and  mildei^  tempera- 
ture not  too  far  from  great  business  centres. 

Natural  causes  and  well  warranted  enterprises  have  operated  to  effect  the 
remarkable  changes  of  forty-five  years.  The  decline  of  Atlantic  County  in  thrift, 
and  manufacturing  enterprises,  is  not  less  striking  than  the  rise  of  .\tlantic  City 
like  a  Phoenix  from  forbidding  sand  dunes  to  be  what  it  is  to-day. 

English  Quakers  and  their  associates,  two  hundred  years  ago.  took  jjcisscs- 
sion  of  West  Jersey  in  search  of  religious  liberty,  and  laid  the  foundation  for  the 
thrift  and  progress  which  has  followed  through  their  descendants.  They  dealt 
justly  with  the  Indians  and  lived  peaceably  with  each  other,  and  made  it  possible 
for  an  educated,  religious,  and  prosperous  people  to  subdue  the  wilderness,  erect 
glass  and  iron  works,  build  ships  out  of  the  cedar  swamps,  and  enjoy  the  great 
natural  privileges  of  the  bays  and  rivers  oi  the  coast. 

In  spite  of  the  devastation  of  the  War   for   Independence  the   progress  of 
^^'est  Jerse\-  continued.     Roads  were  opened,  churches  built,  and  goixl  old-fash- 


ioned  families  raised.  The  sailors  and  whalers  from  Long  Island  and  New  Eng- 
land moved  down  the  coast,  till  the  territory  now  included  in  Atlantic  County, 
at  the  beginning  of  the  century,  had  a  population  of  four  thousand,  which  fifty 
years  later,  when  the  first  railroad  was  built,  had  increased  to  ten  thousand  people. 
To  sketch  clearly  and  concisely  the  honorable  record  of  Atlantic  County, 
since  it  was  created,  and  forge  accurately  the  strong  links  in  the  interesting  chain 
of  events  that  have  made  Atlantic  City  as  the  stranger  finds  it  to-day,  its  favored 
location,  out  in  the  sea,  its  sanitary  conditions  and  surroundings,  its  commendable 
enterprises,  its  leading  citizens,  its  popular  features,  up-to-date  hotels,  and  unsur- 
passes  railroad  facilities  will  be  the  scope  and  purpose  of  this  book. 



"^  'HE  writer  would  make  due  acknowledgment  to  all  whose  assistance  and 
rS)  encouragement  has  made  it  possible  at  so  much  labor  and  expense  to  com- 
^r  pile  this  book.  An  earnest  endeavor  has  been  made  not  to  disappoint  our 
friends  and  to  produce  a  volume  that  will  be  accepted  as  authentic  history, 
giving  proper  credit  to  the  good  men  and  to  the  enterprises  that  have  contributed 
so  much  to  the  early  development  of  Atlantic  County,  and  to  the  more  recent  up- 
building of  Atlantic  City. 

To  Rear- .Admiral  ^lordecai  T.  Endicott.  Chief  of  the  Bureau  of  Yards  and 
Docks.  Department  of  the  Xavy,  \\'ashington.  D.  C.  are  we  indebted  for  the 
sketches  of  the  Pennington  and  Endicott  families. 

-\liss  Gertrude  Albertson,  especially,  are  we  mdebtcd  for  compiling  thee  ^^ ^Jl^'^^ /* 

of  the  Leeds,  Scull,  Lake  and  Collins  families  and  otherwise  assisting.  \  Ly/^^^    ,  k*"**  ^   <*' 

.\rthur  \\  .  Kelley,  Esq..  for  articles  du  the  county  bar.  important  trials,  \     *      ^^jK*^  " 


the  courts,  lay  judges,  etc. 

To  Mr.  Hubert  Somers  are  we  indebted  for  researches  in  the  line  of  the 
Somers  and  Frambes  genealogy. 

To  ;\Ir.  A'alentine  P.  Hofifman,  for  his  authentic  sketch  of  Egg  Harbor  City; 
to  Dr.  James  North,  for  original  designs  and  the  story  of  Hammonton;  to  Dr. 
W.  Blair  Stewart,  for  his  article  on  Sea  Air:  to  Mrs.  Vl.  S.  .McCullough,  for  her 
chapter  on  Sea  Algae:  to  Dr.  A.  W.  Baily,  for  his  story  of  .Shell  Fish. 

To  Edward  S.  Reed  and  to  S.  R.  Morse,  for  views  of  Atlantic  City,  and  to 
others  who  have  taken  a  kindly  interest  in  and  generously  co-operated  in  the 
production  of  this  volume  do  we  extend  our  thanks  and  acknowledge  our  lasting 

The  Autlwi: 



Q-   lD^2 


Ailaniic  County  a  ic 


pots  and  ston 


•d  this 

resjioii  for  ee 


A  i( 
here  tl 

L-w   (.f  the   sliel 
lieir  cani])tires 


ts  nl  t' 

he  l)a}  s.     Ther 

Zbc  Xast  of  the  lltiMans. 

THERE  are  still  to  he  seen  in  Atlantic  Countv  a  lew  m"  the  skull 
bones,   tlint   arrowheads, 
the   red   men   who  popul 
the  da\s  of  William  I'ei 
still  left  along  the  coast  wh 
they  feasted  on  the 

shell  mounds  on  this  island  when   the  white  man   first   came 
here   not   far  from   the   present   site   of  the    Islaml    llnuse   at 
Baltic  and  Georgia  avenues. 
In  the  sand   hills  nearby   Indian   bones  were  unearthed  by   .\ndrew   Eeeds 
about  1850,  and  were  carefully  preserved  till  qtiite  recently. 

The  Delaware  Indian  occupied  all  of  Xew  Jersey  south  of  the  Raritan  river, 
and  were  a  branch  of  the  large  and  powerful  Leni  Lenappi  tribe  of  Xew  \  ork 
State.  By  an  act  of  the  Colonial  legislature  of  August,  1758,  on  record  in  the 
State  Library,  it  is  recited  that  the  legislature  to  satisfy  the  just  demands  and 
wants  of  the  Indians,  appointed  live  commissioners  to  pay  them  from  any  money 
■"which  may  be  current  for  the  present  war."  for  any  and  all  just  rights  and  claims 
that  may  be  due  the  Indian  nations  of  the  Colony.  Such  sum  shall  not  e.\ce-d 
1600  pounds,  and  that  for  the  Delawares  MUith  of  the  Raritan  the  sum  so  ex- 
pended shall  not  exceed  800  pounds. 

The  Delawares  wanted  part  of  the  money  expended  for  laml  on  which  they 
could  settle,  and  the  legislature  wanted  the  Indians  to  have  in  their  view  "a  last- 
ing monument"  to  the  justice  of  the  Colony  toward  them.  Careful  provision  was 
made  for  the  protection  of  the  Indians  on  such  reservation.  On  August  29,  1758, 
Benjamin  Springer  and  Hannah,  his  wife,  sold  to  this  commission  in  the  name 
of  Governor  Francis  Bernard,  for  74  pounds.  3044  acres  of  land  at  Edge  Pillock, 
near  Atsion.  in  Burlington  County.  It  is  now  known  as  Indian  .Mills.  Here 
for  years  John  Brainard.  the  famous  missionary,  labored  among  them  before  the 
Revolution  when  the  settlement  was  called  Brotherton. 

The  legislature  provided  for  raising  money  by  lotter\-  to  pay  for  these  lands. 
From  1758  to  about  1800  this  remnant  of  the  Delaware  tribe,  about  sixty  persons, 
were  in  possession  of  these  lands  and  enjoyed  hunting  and  fishing  privileges 

On  Alarch  17,  1796,  the  legislature  ap])c)inted  another  conmii?sion  to  lease 
these  lands  and  apply  the  proceeds  to  the  needs  of  the  Indians,  which  was  done. 
Another  act  passed  December  3,  i8ot.  provided  for  the  sale  of  the  Brotherton 
tract,  the  proceeds  to  be  applied  to  the  removal  of  the  survivors  to  Stockbridge, 
near  Oneida  lake,  in  Columbia  County,  Xew  York.  The  two  tribes  had  agreed 
to  unite.  After  several  years  at  Stockbridge,  in  conjunction  with  several  other 
tribes,  they  purchased  of  the  Menomonie  Indians  a  tract  of  land  near  Green  Bay. 
in  Michigan,  on  the  Eox  river,  and  formed  a  settlement  there  called  Statesburg. 


They  subsisted  almost  entirely  from  agricultural  pursuits.  In  1832,  when  only 
about  forty  of  the  Delawares  were  left,  cherishing  a  tradition  of  their  hunting  and 
fishing  rights  in  Xew  Jersey,  which  they  had  abandoned,  they  delegated  B.  S. 
Calvin,  one  of  the  tribe,  to  obtain  from  the  Xew  Jersey  legislature  compensation 
for  their  relinquishment.  Bartholomew  S.  Calvin,  among  his  own  people,  was 
known  as  Shawuskukung  or  Wilted  Grass.  He  was  educated  at  Princeton  Col- 
lege at  the  expense  of  the  Scotch  :\Iissionary  Society,  and  taught  school  for  years 
both  for  whites  and  Indians  at  Brotherton.  He  was  a  soldier  in  the  Revolution 
and  was  highly  respected.  He  was  76  years  of  age  when  he  presented  to  the 
legislature  his  numerously  signed  petition,  written  in  his  own  hand.  The  petition 
was  referred  to  a  special  committee,  which  recommended  the  payment  of  $2,000. 
which  was  promptly  done  and  was  all  that  was  asked. 


Mv  Brethren: — I  am  old  and  weak  and  poor,  and  therefore  a  fit  representa- 
tive of  my  people.  You  are  young  and  strong  and  rich,  and  therefore  fit  repre- 
sentatives of  your  people.  But  let  me  beg  you  for  a  moment  to  lay  aside  the 
recollection  of  your  strength  and  our  weakness  that  your  minds  may  be  pre- 
pared to  examine  with  candor  the  subject  of  our  claims. 

Our  tradition  informs  us,  and  I  believe  it  corresponds  with  your  records,  that 
the  right  of  fishing  in  all  the  rivers  and  bays  south  of  the  Raritan,  and  of  hunting 
in  all  uninclosed  lands,  was  never  relinquished,  but  on  the  contrary  was  expressly 
reserved  in  our  last  treaty  held  at  Crosswicks,  in  1758.  Having  myself  been  one 
of  the  parties  to  the  sale,  I  believe  in  1801,  I  know  that  these  rights  were  not  sold 
■or  parted  with. 

We  now  offer  to  sell  these  privileges  to  the  State  of  Xew  Jersey.  They  were 
once  of  great  value  to  us  and  we  apprehend  that  neither  time  nor  distance  nor 
the  non-use  of  our  rights  has  at  all  afifected  them,  but  that  the  courts  here  would 
consider  our  claims  valid  were  we  to  exercise  them  ourselves  or  delegate  them 
to  others. 

It  is  not,  however,  our  wish  to  thus  excite  litigation.  We  consider  the  State 
legislature  the  proper  purchaser  and  throw  ourselves  upon  its  benevolence  and 
magnanimity,  trusting  that  feelings  of  justice  and  liberality  will  induce  you  to 
give  what  you  deem  a  compensation. 

And  as  we  have  ever  looked  up  to  the  leading  characters  of  the  United  States, 
and  to  the  leading  characters  of  this  State  in  particular,  as  our  fathers,  protectors 
and  friends,  we  now  look  up  to  you  as  such  and  humbly  beg  that  you  will  look 
upon  us  with  that  eye  of  pity,  as  we  have  reason  to  think  our  poor  untutored 
forefathers  looked  upon  yours,  when  they  first  arrived  upon  our  then  extensive 
but  uncultivated  dominions  and  sold  them  their  lands,  in  many  instances,  for 
trifles  in  comparison  as  "light  as  air.'" 

From  Your  Humble  Petitioners, 


In  Behalf  of  Himself  and  His  Red  Brethren. 
Trenton,  X.  J.,  ^larch,  1832. 



LOUCESTER  COUNTY  at  oik-  time  extended  from  the  Delaware  to  the 
sea,  including  what  is  now  Camden,  Atlantic  and  Gloucester  Counties. 
Camden  was  made  a  county  by  an  act  of  the  legislature  passed  ^larch  13, 
1844,   seven   vears  after  Atlantic  L'mmty  had  been  created. 


On  Eebruary  7,  1837.  an  act  was  ])assed  creating  Atlantic  County.  There 
were  then  only  four  large  townships  or  voting  places  in  this  count}':  Egg  Harbor, 
Weymouth,  Hamilton  and  Gallowa\-.  Mullica  was  created  later  out  of  Galloway, 
and  the  town  of  Hammonton  out  of  Mullica.  lluena  Msta,  in  1867.  was  created 
out  of  Hamilton  and  Atlantic  Citv  set  otT  from  bigg  Harbor  township  in  1854. 



Tlie  first  deed  was  reconlcd  by  J.  II.  Collins,  tlio  first  cimnty  clerk,  on  .Ma\ 
4.  1S37.  ami  was  fur  40  acres  of  land  in  ly--  1  larlu.r  township,  sold  In  1).  Kol.arl 
and  wife  to  Sanmel  Saunders. 

Samuel    Richards  and   wile   -ave   the    I'.oard   of   h'reeholders  the  lot    at    Mays 

court   house  was  soon   after  erected   thereon. 

.\t  the  annual  nieetini^  of  the  Hoard  of  iMceholders  of  (  lloucester  (  onnt\, 
held  in  .May,  1836,  28  nienil)er>  constituted  the  I'M.anl,  while  at  the  annual  meet- 
in,!;  on  the  loth  of  May,  1837,  JO  meml.ers  composed  that  hody,  the  townships 
of  Hamilton,  Weymonlh,  "  K--  Ilaii.or 
^^^^^  and     dalloway     having     been     set     otif     from 

~  fl|,  '  <  doucester  County,  forming  a  new  countv 
w  -fWi^^^^  -^^"^i^Sl  called  Atlantic,  by  an  act  of  the  legislature, 
'"'''^'jII^^SIs.^^BB  pa.-sed  the  7th  daV  of  February,  A.  D.  1837. 
.\t  this  meeting  commissioners  were  appoint- 
ed to  \alue  the  public  buildings  at  Woodbury, 
the  almshouse  property,  and  other  assets  of 
the    I'ountv    of   Gloucester,    and   to   a.i^certain 

OLD  ISZARD   FOUNDRY  '         .  r  ,  ,  • 

what  proportion  of  such  valuation  would  be 
due  to  the  count\  ot  \tlaiitK  according  to  the  ratio  of  population  determined  by 
the.    1  1st   census 

11k  commissioners  appointed  for  (  doucestcr  County  were:  John  Clements, 
Lhjah  Uowei  and  Saundeis,  for  Atlantic  County,  Daniel  Caker,  Joseph  Endicott 
and  Enoch  Doughtv.  These  gentlemen  met  at  the  court  house  in  Woodbury 
on  the  9th  day  of  May,  1837,  at  10  o'clock,  and  were  each  sworn  or  affirmed 
faithfully  and  impartially  to  valr^e  the  public  properties  of  Gloucester  County, 
which  appears  as  follows: 

Two  tracts  of  land  in  Deptford    township,  adjoining  lands  of  John 

Swope,  containing  248  47-100  acres $    850  00 

Movable  property  at  almshouse 3v-8  00 

The  entire  almshouse  lands,  with  the  buildings  and  improvements.  ..     16,150  00 
The  courthouse,  jail,  clerks  and  surrogates'  of^ces.  with  their  contents, 
with    all    other    property    at    Woodbury,    "including    the    man 
O'Hoy"    II ,400  00 

Total    ^3,2. 1 28  00 

l'"rom  which  deduct  the  debts  of  the  county 7.93-2  5.=i 

I'.alance  to  be  divided  between  the  two  counties $24,195  45 

\\\  the  census  taken  in  1830,  the  county  of  Gloucester  contained 
28.431  inhabitants,  of  that  number  8,164  were  contained  in  the 
townships  of  Galloway,  Egg  Harbor,  Weymouth  and  Hamilton, 
composing  the  new  count}-  of  .\tlaiitic,  its  proportional  share  or 

part  was  placed  at 6,947  -^ 

Gloucester  County's  proportional  share I7--47  ^9 

Total    24,195  45 



The  above  report  was  submitted  to  the  resjicctive  Boards  of  I'VeehoIdcrs  of 
the  counties  of  Gloucester  and  Atlantic,  with  the  sincere  wish,  now  that  their  in- 
terests are  about  to  be  separated,  that  in  all  the  future  transactions  and  intercourse 
of  the  officers  and  inhabitants  of  the  said  district  with  each  other,  they  may  ever 
be  actuated  by  the  same  charity,  forbearance  and  goodwill,  that  we  trust  and 
believe,  have  governed  us  in  our  labors  to  arrive  at  the  conclusion  as  above  stated. 

The  above  report  was  signed  by  all  of  the  commissioners  and  approved  by 
the  respective  Boards  of  Freeholders. 


Atlantic  County  has  been  still  further  divided  up  into  cities  and  boroughs, 
till  now  it  has  28  voting  precincts  instead  of  the  original  four  of  60  vears  ago. 
-Atlantic  City  was  incorporated  in  1854,  Egg  Harbor  City  in  1858,  Hammonton 
in  1865,  Buena  Msta  in  1867,  Absecon  in  1872,  and  Somers  Point,  Pleasantville, 
Linwood,  Brigantine  City,  and  South  .\tlantic  City  more  recently. 

HON.    JOHN   J.    GARDNER. 

Sketch  of  ©lb  (Gloucester  ©ount^. 

Ni^         Icntdii.   (if    Tivntnii.   in    iXj;4,   cunlain-   tl 

i-il  l>y  Daniel 
.llouiii}^-  inter- 
■li  :it  that  time 

■  sand 

Atlantic  C'nnnty  formed  a  part. 

.■ihscciiDi. — A  post  town  of  (ialloway  townsliii 
cum  creek,  about  two  miles  above  .\bsecum  ba 
,1  tavern,  a  store  and  8  or  lo  dwellini^s,  surround 
;.nd  pine  forests. 

.-ibscciiiii  Beach  (Atlantic  City),  on  the  Atlantic  Ocean, 
extends  eastwardly  from  Great  Egg  Harbor  Inlet,  about  9 
miles  to  Absecuni  Inlet;  broken,  however,  by  a  narrow  inlet 
near  niithvay  between  its  extremities. 

Bargaiiihn^'ii.    in    Egg   Harbor   township,   4   miles    from 
Egg  Harbor  bay,  contains  2  taverns,    i    store,  a  grist  mill, 
Methodist  Church  and  about  30  dwellings. 





Gnnrlly  Laiuiing  (Port  Republic),  of  Galloway  townshii).  40  miles  southeast 
of  Woodbury,  the  county  seat,  and  79  miles  from  Trenton,  on  Xacote  creek, 
contains  a  tavern,  a  store  and  10  or  12  dwellings. 

Leeds  Point,  post  town,  in  Galloway  township,  83  miles  from  Trentim,  con- 
tains a  store  and  tavern  and  4  or  5  houses. 

Martha  Furnace,  on  the  Oswego  branch  of  Wading  river,  about  4  miles 
above  navigation,  in  Washington  township,  Burlington  County,  has  a  grist  and 
saw  mill  and  iron  furnace;  makes  about  750  tons  of  castings  annually,  employ- 
ing 60  hands,  making  a  population  of  nearly  400.  requiring  30  or  40  dwellings. 
There  are  about  30,000  acres  in  the  estate. 

Mays  Landing,  of  Hamilton  townshii),  on  the  Great  Egg  Harbor  river,  at 
the  head  of  sloop  navigation,  16  miles  from  the  sea  and  35  miles  southeast  from 
Woodbury  and  y^  miles  from  Trenton,  built  on  both  sides  of  the  river,  contains 
3  taverns,  4  stores,  a  Methodist  Church  and  25  or  30  dwellings.  Considerable 
trade  in  lumber,  cordwood  and  shipbuilding  is  carried  on  at  this  place. 

Pleasant  Mills,  of  Galloway  township,  on  the  Atsion  river,  contains  a  tavern, 

2  stores,  a  glass  factory,  belonging  to  Coffin  &  Co.,  a  cotton  factory  with  3,000 
spindles,  and  from  20  to  30  dwellings. 

Soniers  Point,  port  of  entry  for  Great  Egg  Harbor  district,  on  Great  Egg 
Harbor  bay.  Tavern  and  boarding  houses  and  several  farm  houses  here.  Is 
much  resorted  to  for  sea  bathing  in  summer  and  gunning  in  the  fall  season. 

Sniitlivillc.  village  in  Galloway,  2  miles  from  Leeds  Point,  contains  a  tavern, 
a  store,  Methodist  meeting  house,  and  10  or  12  dwellings,  surrounded  b\-  pines 
and  near  salt  marsh. 

Tiiekahoe.  on  both  sides  of  the  Tuckahoe  river,  over  which  there  is  a  bridge. 
10  miles  from  the  sea.  contains  some  20  dwellings,  3  taverns  and  several  stores. 
It  is  a  place  of  considerable  trade  in  wood,  lumber  and  shipbuilding.  The  land 
inmiediately  on  the  river  is  good,  but  a  short  distance  from  it  is  swampy  and  low. 

The  post  towns  of  Gloucester  County  are  Absecum,  Bargaintown,  Camden, 
an  incorporated  city,  Carpenters  Landing,  Chews  Landing,  Clarksboro,  Glass- 
boro,  Gloucester  Furnace,  Gravelly  Landing,  Haddonfield,  Hammonton,  Jack- 
son Glassworks,  Leeds  Point,  Longacoming,  Malaga,  Mays  Landing,  ^lullica 
Hill,  Pleasant  ^lills.  Smiths  Landing,  Somers  Point,  Stephens  Creek,  Sweedes- 
boro,  Tuckahoe,  and  Woodbury,  the  seat  of  justice  of  the  county. 

There  are  several  academies  for  teaching  the  higher  branches  of  education 
and  primary  schools  in  most  of  the  agricultural  neighborhoods.  There  are  also 
established  Sunday-schools  in  most,  if  not  all,  the  populous  villages;  a  county 
bible  society,  various  tract  societies  and  many  temperance  associations,  which 
have  almost  rendered  the  immoderate  use  of  ardent  spirits  infamous. 

In  1832,  the  report  of  the  county  assessors  gave  3,075  householders,  whose 
ratables  did  not  exceed  $30  in  value;  978  single  men,  102  stores,  21  fisheries,  45 
grist  mills,  2  cotton  and  2  woollen  factories,  4  carding  machines,  4  blast  furnaces, 

3  forges,  63  saw  mills,  4  fulling  mills,  8  ferries,  9  tan  yards,  29  distilleries,  7  glass 
factories,  2  four-horse  stage  wagons,  967  covered  wagons  with  fixed  tops,  204 



riding  chairs,  gigs,  sulkies  and  pleasure  carriages.  4  two-horse  stage  wagons, 
31  dearborns  with  steel,  iron  or  wooden  springs:  and  it  paid  a  county  tax  of 
$10,000;  poor  tax,  $5,000;  and  road  tax,  $15,000. 

By  the  census  of  1830  Gloucester  County,  twelve  large  townships,  contained 
28,431  inhabitants,  of  whom  13,916  were  white  males:  12,962  white  females;  14 
female  slaves;  835  free  colored  males;  714  free  colored  females.  Of  these  there 
were  deaf  and  dumb,  under  14  years,  64;  above  14  and  under  30,  y^;  above  25 
years,  80;  blind,  205  white,  22  black;  aliens,  3.365. 

There  is  a  county  poor  house  on  a  farm  of  200  acres  near  Blackwoodstown, 
in  Deptford  township. 

The  following  extract  from  the  records  of  the  county  presents  singular 
features  of  the  polity  of  the  early  settlers.  It  would  seem  that  they  considered 
themselves  a  body  politic,  a  democratic  commonwealth,  with  full  power  of  legis- 
lation, in  which  the  courts  participated,  prescribing  the  punishment  for  each 
ofifence  as  it  was  proven  before  them. 

Gloucester,  the  28th  May.  1686. 

By  the  proprietors,  freeholders  and  inhabitants  of  the  third  and  fourth  tenths 
(alias  county  of  Gloucester),  then  agreed  as  follows: 

Imprimis. — That  a  court  be  held  for  the  jurisdiction  and  limits  of  the  afore- 
said tenths,  or  county,  one  time  at  Axwamus,  alias  Clloucester.  and  at  another 
time  at  Red  Bank. 

Item. — That  there  be  four  courts,  for  the  jurisdiction  aforesaid,  held  in  one 
year,  viz:  Upon  the  first  day  of  the  first  month,  upon  the  fir-t  day  of  the  fourth 
month,  upon  the  first  day  of  the  seventh  month,  and  upon  the  first  day  of  the 
tenth  month. 

//(';;;. — That  the  first  court  shall  be  held  at  Gloucester,  aforesaid,  upon  the 
first  day  of  September  next. 

Item. — That  all  warrants  and  summons  shall  be  drawn  by  the  clerk  of  the 
court  and  signed  by  the  Justice,  and  so  delivered  to  the  sherilY  or  his  deputy  to 

Item. — That  the  body  of  each  warrant  shall  contain  or  intimate  the  nature  of 
the  action. 

Item. — That  a  copy  of  the  declaration  be  given  along  with  the  warrant,  that 
so  the  defendant  may  have  the  longer  time  to  consider  the  same,  and  prepare 
his  answer. 

Item. — That  all  sunnnons  and  warrants  shall  be  served  and  declarations 
given  at  least  ten  days  before  the  court. 

Item. — That  the  sherifif  shall  give  the  jury  sunnnons  six  da_\s  before  the  court 
be  held  in  which  they  are  to  appear. 

Item. — That  all  persons  within  the  jurisdiction  aforesaid  l)ring  into  the  next 
court  the  marks  of  their  hogs  and  other  cattle  in  order  to  be  approved  and 


REX   vs.    WILKES 

Indicted  at  Gloucester  Court,  N.  J.,  loth  Sept.,  1686,  for  stealing  goods  of 
Dennis  Lins,  from  a  house  in  Philadelphia.  Defendant  pleads  guilty,  but  was 
tried  by  jury.  Verdict  guilty,  and  that  prisoner  ought  to  make  payment,  to 
the  prosecutor  of  the  sum  of  sixteen  pounds.  Sentence;  The  bench  appoints 
that  said  Wilkes  shall  pay  the  aforesaid  Lins  £16  by  way  of  servitude,  viz:  If  he 
will  be  bound  by  indentures  to  the  prosecutor  then  to  serve  him  the  term  of  four 
years,  but  if  he  condescend  not  thereto,  then  the  court  awarded  that  he  should 
be  a  servant  and  so  abide  for  the  term  of  five  years.  And  so  be  accommodated  in 
the  time  of  his  servitude  by  his  master  with  meat,  drink,  clothes,  washing  and 
lodging  according  to  the  customs  of  the  country  and  fit  for  such  a  servant. 

The  four  townships  then  comprising  what  is  now  Atlantic  County  had  area 
and  population  as  follows,  according  to  the  same  authority: 

Acres.  1810  1820  1830 

Egg  Harbor 85,000  1,830  1,635  2,510 

Galloway    147,000  1,648  I-895  2,960 

Hamilton    106,000  877  1.424 

Weymouth     50,000  781  1,270 

388,000  3,478  5,188  8,164 


Shctcb  of  ®[b  Mc\?niouth. 


1  f.,r-e 
h  was  ! 
lo    l.i-a 

mEYAIOUTH    ]R()X    WORKS,    on    th 
miles    aJjovf    Mays    Landing,    were    e 
Joseph   r>all,   Cliarles  Shoemaker,  am 
Duberson.     The  works  consisted  of  a  saw  mill 
for  rendering  and  manufacturing  bog  iron  me. 
a  wild  country.      The  native  Indian  still  lnmte( 
numerous  streams  and  was  paid  a  premium 
by   the   authorities   for   the   wolf  or   panther 
heads    which    he    captured.      The    original, 
heavy  growth  of  timber  covered  the  country 
and    the   streams    and    swamps    carried   very 
much  more  water  than  since  the  iron  horse 
came    snorting    through    the    land,    blowing- 
sparks  and  landing  the  careless  pioneer  from 
whose  clearing  many  a  destructive  forest  fire 
has  spread,  working  havoc  among  the  trees 
and  consuming  the  vegetable  accumulations 
of  centuries  on  the  surface  of  the  soil.    Bricks 
were  made  of  the  clay  found  at  Weymouth 
in  the  early  da_\s,  but  their  manufacture  seems 
to  have  been  limited. 

One   Jacob   ^^'intland,   a    German,    built 
the  first  iron  furnace  and  cast   the    first    iron 
pipes.      The    furnace    stood    where    the    new- 
paper  mill   now   is.     It   was   made   of   stone 
from  neighboring  quarries  and  was  twenty- 
five  or  thirty  feet  high.     It  was  twenty   or 
thirty  feet  square  at  the  bottom,  tapering  to 
top.     The  circular  opening  in  the  to]i 
inside  was  lined  with  long,  heavy  ston 
long  wooden  bridge  or  incline,  with 
to  charge  the  furnace.     It  req 
keep   up  the  blast 

baskets  of  charcoal  every  few  minutes  in  at  the  top  with  a  lot  of  ore 
called  a  charge,  and  soon  as  it  had  settled  sufficiently  was  charged  ag 
blast  of  air  from  below  forced  the  combustion  and  maintained  a  sm 
and  other  men  removed  the  molten  n-.etal  as  it  ran  out  below. 









t  of 



i    J 

^,^y     1 




eel   sfjuare   at   the 

in   diameter.      The 

1  the  heat.      Up  a 

jarrows.  men  carried  the  charcoal  and  iron 

red  eight  large  wagon  loads  of  charcoal  daily  to 

rwo   men   were   kept   constantly  bus_\-   dumping  si.x   large 

This  was 
in.  while  a 
Iting  heat. 


hutjc  hi'llows  (irivt-n 

li\   watiT 

power  and 

'  the  iiKiltcn  nu'tal  b\ 

■  means  . 

>f  iron  and 

arv  as  air  oIkiihIkts  1 

c)  niaiiitai 

m  a 


The  air  blast  was  inaintainec' 
connecting'  with  the  furnace  just 
leather  pipes.  Huge  tanks  were 

Stoves,  cannon,  cannon  balls,  pipes  of  all  sizes  and  other  articles  were  made 
at  Weymouth  from  bog  iron  ore  for  many  years.  Bog  iron,  formed  by  chemical 
action,  is  without  the  slag  or  rock  which  characterizes  the  ore  from  the  mines, 
and  is  of  a  superior  quality.  Hitching  posts  still  stand  along  Delaware  avenue, 
Philadelphia,  which  are  old  cannon  made  at  Weymouth  in  1812.  They  bear  the 
imprint  W  for  Weymouth. 

For  forty  years  iron  pipes  of  all  sizes  from  one  and  a  half  to  twenty  inches 
in  diameter,  but  mostly  of  the  smaller  sizes,  were  made  at  \\'e\inouth.  where 
sand  for  the  moulds,  hay  for  winding  the  cores  and  charcoal  for  smeltmg  the 
ore  were  cheap. 

At  the  forge  with  two  powerful  trip  hanmiers,  operated  by  water  ])ower.  two 
men  could  turn  out  a  ton  each  per  week  of  malleable  iron,  i'.y  a  later  i^rocess 
a  ton  a  day  was  possible.  This  was  before  rolling  mills  were  more  than  thought 
of.  On  clear  winter  mornings  the  sound  of  these  triphainmers  could  be  heard 
in  coalings  a  dozen  miles  away.  To  obtain  the  ore,  canals  w^ere  dug  and  scows 
were  run  into  the  swamps  where  it  abounded,  and  where  it  may  still  lie  found. 
There  are  two  kinds,  one  in  large  sheets  from  two  to  six  inches  thick,  ;inil  the 
other  in  fine  particles  which  is  known  as  shot  ore.  It  was  smelted  in  the  larger 
furnaces  just  as  pig  iron  was  smelted  in  the  smaller  cupulas. 

The  late  John  Clements,  of  Haddonfield,  in  his  sketch  of  .\tlantic  County, 
printed  in  a  volume  of  the  West  Jersey  Surveyors"  Association,  in  1880,  says: 

"The  manufacture  of  iron  in  New  Jersey  from  bog  or  meadow  ore  may  be 
traced  to  a  very  early  date,  and  gave  employment  to  many  laborers  and  artisans. 
Much  of  the  largest  deposit  of  this  peculiar  formation  was  on  the  western  tribu- 
taries of  Atsion  or  Little  Egg  Harbor  river,  in  Atlantic  County,  extending  from 
near  the  sources  of  these  streams  as  far  southwest  as  where  Egg  Harbor  City 
now  stands.  As  late  as  1830  fourteen  furnaces  and  cupulas,  and  as  many  forges, 
were  in  active  operation  in  Xew  Jersey,  using  only  the  bog  ore  found  in  the 
sw^amps  and  low  lands.  Many  conveyances  are  on  record  showing  the  purchase 
of  land  merely  for  the  purpose  of  removing  the  surface  ore,  and  after  such  ore 
had  been  removed,  reverted  to  the  grantor. 

The  supply  in  South  Jersey  seems  to  have  been  pretty  nearly  exhausted, 
but  the  old  bog  ore  swamps  are  again  filling  up  and  one  hundred  years  hence 
may  find  the  same  places  supplied  with  ore,  ready  for  the  furnaces,  but  never 
again  so  valuable  as  it  was  to  our  ancestors.  The  same  elements  are  still  there 
and  the  waters  that  permeate  the  soil  bringing  to  the  surface  the  oxide  of  iron 
which  they  precipitate  when  in  contact  with  the  atmosphere,  is  doing  the  same 
work  and  producing  the  same  crude  material  as  that  used  so  advantageously  by 
the  first  emigrant  settlers  in  this  region.  How  curious  and  how  interesting  would 
be  the  historv  of  the  discoverv  of  iron  in  West  Jersey! 



>cred  with  a  roil   slimy  suhstanco.  that  stained 

s  progress;  and  while  contemplating-  his  sad  plight, 

discovered  what  he  thought  were   particles    of 

iron  ore  adhering  to  his  dress.     From  inquiry 




ndians.    he 

found     th 

■V       kl 



of  i 



and    only 



xed  w 



ar  s  oi 

.  for   war   paint. 



ir  nal 

ced  1 

lies  ai 

d  thus 

making  themse 



to  1 


A  mo 

-e  careful 


n  i)n 



at   in 

the    . 

r\  er    |)art 



;\vamp,  tlie  suDstance  was  liaru  and  coiiui  i)e 
hig  with  facility,  confirming  his  suspicions  as 
to  what  it  was  and    deserving   an    experiiuent 


how  to  utilize  it.  In  due  time  a  rude  furnace  is 
built  and  a  few  pounds  of  metal  produced  to  his  surprise  at  the  great  discovery." 

At  Etna  and  old  Ingersoll  on  the  Tuckahoe  river,  at  Walkers  Forge  and 
-Mays  Landing,  Old  Tdoucester,  and  at  Batsto,  Atsion,  Washington,  and  Martha 
in  Burlington  County,  similar  works  were  successfully  operated  for  many  years. 
These  furnaces  opened  up  in  Alarch,  soon  as  cold  weather  broke,  and  were  in 
constant  operation '.till  the  end  of  the  year,  not  excepting  Sundays. 

When  Stephen-  Colwell  succeeded  his  father-in-law,  Samuel  Ivichards.  as 
part  owner  of  Weymouth,  he  resolved  to  try  the  experiment  of  closing  tlown 


HON.  S.   D.   HOFFMA^ 





that   Sunday 
cction  (if  the 

lie  tires  on  Sundays  and  found  tlial  it  worked 
,iirk  stopped  and  religious  peo])le  were  highly  gratitied 
In  1807,  the  religious  work  at  Weymouth  culniinatt 
ittle  ehureh  whieh  lias  served  its  ohjeels  so  well  up  U>  tliis  day. 
reely  granted  the  use  of  the  lan.l  Imv  a  cliinvh  and  cemetery  fnr  tl 
if  both  Presbyterians  and  .Melhodisl^  cm  alternate  Sundays,  and  hori'  the  prin- 
ipal  share  of  the  expenses  afterwards  for  maintaining  the  services.  In  this  snug 
ittle  edifice  which  stands  in  a  lieautiful  oak  grove,  the  ninety-second  anniversary 
i-as  celebrated  with  appropriate  ceremonies  on  Sunday,  September  24,  i8()(). 
•"fiends  gathered  from  various  ji.  lints  and  renewed  the  pleasant  associations 
if  other  years.  On  the  head.-tunes  in  the  adjacent  cemetery  names  (Mice  familiar 
hroughout  the  county  may  be  found.  Xo  deed  for  this  property  was  ever  given 
o  anv  religious  body.     It  still  belongs  to  the  Weymouth  estate. 


Lewis  M.  Walker  was  the  first  manager  for  the  founders  and  owners  of 
A^eymouth.  Later  he  started  a  forge  and  saw-mill  for  himself  at  South  River, 
hree  miles  southerly  from  ^lays  Landing,  in  Weymouth  township.  Walker  was 
lucceeded  by  John  Richards,  who  was  manager  for  sixteen  years,  when  with  a 
:ousin,  Thomas  S.  Richards,  he  engaged  in  a  similar  business  for  himself  at  (Md 
jloucester.    John  C.  Briggs  succeeded  him  at  Weymouth  for  an  equal  period. 

When  William  Moore  succeeded  Briggs,  in  1846,  he  built  the  mule  traiu- 
vay  for  the  better  transportation  of  freight  through  the  woods  to  and  from  Mays 
Landing.  Previous  to  that  time  most  of  the  iron  was  transported  to  tide  water 
3n  scows,  down  the  Great  Egg  Harbor  river.  These  fiatboats  were  carried  down 
Dy  the  current  and  poled  back  by  hand  with  whatever  supplies  in  the  way  of 


SKETCH    OF    OLD    WEYMOUTH.  :'.! 

groceries  it  niigiit  be  convenient  to  carry.  There  are  to  this  day  "Lock  Rights" 
in  tlie  cotton  mill  dam  at  Mays  Landing,  in  behalf  of  the  Weymouth  estate. 

W.  Dwight  Bell  and  Stephen  CoKvell,  whose  wives  were  daughters  of  Samuel 
Richards,  were  then  the  owners  of  the  estate,  which  comprised  80,000  acres,  in- 
cluding the  greater  portion  of  Hamilton  and  a  considerable  part  of  what  is  now 
MuUica  and  Galloway  townships. 

Not  less  than  one  hundred  vessels  were  built  at  Mays  Landing  frcMn  Wey- 
mouth forests  and  foundry  during  the  half  centur\-  beginning  with  1830.  There 
were  two  shipyards  and  as  many  as  four  vessels  were  built  in  one  year.  The 
hulk  of  one  of  these,  the  Weymouth,  named  in  honor  of  the  estate,  built  by 
Richard  S.  Colwell  about  1870,  lies  in  the  river  at  Catawba,  a  few  miles  below 
the  spot  where  it  was  built.  One  of  the  last  ships  to  be  built  at  Weymouth  was 
the  barkentine  Jennie  Sweeney,  still  owned  and  sailed  l)y  Capt.  S.  S.  Hudst)n.  the 

One  hundred  or  more  families  lived  and  prospered  on  the  \^'eymouth  estate, 
in  the  coalings,  saw-mills,  foundries  and  shipyards.  Three  six-mule  teams  oper- 
ated the  tramcars  to  and  from  Alays  Landing,  and  there  was  a  one-horse  passen- 
ger car  for  use  as  needed.  Two  or  three  yoke  of  oxen  were  used  on  the  estate 
and  half  a  dozen  four-mule  teams  in  hauling  wood,  charcoal  and  lumber,  l)esides 
two-horse  teams  and  several  driving  horses. 

During  the  Harrison  administration,  beginning  in  1840,  business  was  at  a 
standstill.  There  was  no  sale  for  iron  pipes,  but  Samuel  Richards,  the  wealthy 
Philadelphia  merchant,  kept  his  men  at  Weymouth  at  work,  thereby  accunuilating 
a  large  stock  of  iron  pipes,  before  he  found  a  market  for  it. 

Waterworks  was  started  at  }iIobile  about  that  time.  By  subscribing  for 
stock  and  paying  in  iron  pipes  Mr.  Richards  found  a  market  for  the  accumulated 
products  of  his  estate.  He  died  January  4,  1842,  and  his  successors  completed 
the  contract. 

William  Moore  continued  as  manager  for  more  than  twenty  years.  One 
of  his  sons,  M.  V.  B.  Moore,  who  was  employed  in  the  Weymouth  store,  declares 
that  it  was  no  unusual  thing  on  a  Friday  or  Saturday,  when  the  week's  supplies 
were  given  out  to  the  men,  to  weigh  out  four  or  five  barrels  of  pork,  and  a  ton 
or  more  of  flour,  and  to  measure  out  forty  or  fifty  bushels  of  potatoes  and  a  hogs- 
head of  molasses.  Mr.  Moore  remembers  to  have  seen,  more  than  once,  as 
many  as  twenty-five  double  teams  loaded  with  fresh  pork  from  Salem  and  Glou- 
cester Counties,  drive  into  Weymouth  in  one  string.  This  pork  was  salted  down 
in  large  tanks  in  cellars  and  retailed  as  needed.  The  woodmen  were  great  lovers 
of  fat  pork.     It  required  90,000  pounds  a  year  to  supply  the  estate. 

The  old  iron  forge  accidentally  burned  down  in  1862,  and  the  old  foundry 
three  years  later,  when  the  iron  industry  was  abandoned.  The  war  had  closed 
the  markets  in  southern  cities,  and  improved  methods  and  railroad  transportation 
and  the  use  of  anthracite  coal,  made  it  no  longer  profitable  to  ship  pig  iron  into 
the  charcoal  districts  of  South  Jersey  to  be  manufactured. 

In  1866  Stephen  Colwell  built  the  first  stone  paper  mill  near  the  site  of  the 




old  stone  forge  and  furnace,  and  leased  it  for  ten  years  to  McXeal,  Irvin;^-  &  Rich, 
who  were  operating  the  paper  mill  successfully  at  Pleasant  Mills.  In  1876  the 
control  of  this  mill  reverted  to  the  Colwell  estate  and  the  manufacture  of  manila 
paper  from  old  ropes,  the  abandoned  rigging  nf  vessels,  was  successfullv  con- 
tinued till  1887. 


A  second  frame  mill  was  built  in  iSOo,  which  liurned  down  in  1S76.  and  was 
replaced  by  a  substantial  stone  structure.  Natural  causes  or  the  relentless  laws 
of  trade  have  operated  very  largely  against  the  old  industries  of  South  Jersey 
during  the  last  half  century.  Cheap  labor  in  the  South  depreciated  the  charcoal 
market.  Forest  fires  and  cheap  transportation  from  the  South  and  West,  cut 
down  the  price  of  lumber.  Iron  bands  supplanted  wooden  hoop-poles,  which  was 
quite  an  industry.  Cedar  lumber  which  sold  for  $25  per  ^L.  now  brings  but  $16. 
Boatboards  have  dropped  from  S40,  $50,  $60  per  'SI.  to  $30.  Cedar  shingles 
which  once  brought  $15  per  M.,  now  bring  $8.  Measured  by  these  products 
money  has  become  higher  and  harder  to  get,  while  interest  and  mortgages  have 
suffered  no  such  decline. 

The  \\'eymouth  estate  is  still  rich  in  wood  and  timber,  bog  iron  and  valuable 
clay  beds.  Its  water  power  is  immensely  valuable  and  may  soon  be  more  fully 
developed  and  utilized. 

*r5  ^^s 

M.   A.   DEVINE. 

<L\K  meet  Jfaimlv. 

One  of  the  noted  chai  cters  of  Atlantic  Lounl\  furty  years  a,L;ii  was  knuwn 
by  the  name  of  Joe  West.  He  was  a  man  of  jxiwerfnl  ImiKl  and  Inie  i)ersonal 
appearance,  with  many  a  ;oniplishments.  a  hiwyer  hy  prnfessii  m,  ha\inL;  hut 
httle  practice.  His  fathei  George  \\'est,  lived  in  a  niansinn  at  t  atawha.  twn 
miles  or  more  below  Mays  Landing,  overlooking  the  (ireat  Egg  Jlarhor  river, 
where  in  those  days  many  vessels  were  constantly  passing.  The  old-fashioned 
mansion,  just  back  from  the  road  opposite  the  little  church  which  is  still  stand- 
ing, was  elegantly  furnished  and  the  family  lived  in  princely  style.  J(ie  West 
became  known  throughout  the  county  for  his  transactions,  anil  was  buth  feared 
and  despised  by  people  who  came  in  conflict  with  him.  His  father,  nit  ther  and 
two  brothers  died  at  about  the  same  time,  under  peculiar  circumstances,  and 
people  had  their  suspicions  as  to  the  causes  of  their  sudden  deaths.  In  the  rear 
of  the  little  church  may  still  be  seen  the  large  marble  slabs  which  Cdvered  the 
brick  vaults  holding  the  luortal  remains  of  the  suddenly-reduced  West  family, 
inscribed  as  follows: 



Son  of  George  and  .Amy  West,  born  .\pril  7,  181Q; 

Died  August  24,  1S29. 


Son  of  George  and  Amy  West,  born   May  7,   1S06; 

Died  September  3,   1829. 


Born  August  i.  1774: 
Died  September  10.  1829. 

AMY  W^EST,  widow  of  George  West; 

Born  January  26,  1777; 

Died  September  15.  1829. 




M.   A.    DEVINE. 

J^    lOXEp      FOn      HIS      MOXITV 

\i,ONG  wrrii  iwTiiKu,  M<yrHBH 

.^.Vl)    Bl^OTHKi;   NKAHl.Y   A  CEX- 

One  of  the  noted  char, 
by  the  name  of  Joe  West, 
appearance,  with  many  ac 
Httle  practice.  His  father, 
miles  or  more  behDw  Ma\s 
where  in  those  davs  man\ 

of  the  httle  church  may  stis 
brick  vaults  holding  the 
inscribed  as  follows: 

W-  iiilp  ramhiing-  through  the  coiintr.v 

|.yee.^terday  a  party  of  Atlantic  City  peo- 

nlf '-  discovered  that  some  heartless  van- 

J'  al  had  desecrated  the  grave  of  a  man 

'   *ho  had  been  hiiried  nearly  a  century 

ago  In  an  old  abandoned  cemetery  at 

(Catawba    by    tearing    off    the    marble 

slab  of  the  tombstone  in  order  to  .steal 

aJiuantSty  of  tirick.s  from  the  foiinda- 


There  is  no  means  of  knowing-  how 
mansion,  just  back  from  th^,ong  ago  the  vandalism  was  perpe- 
ing,  was  elegantly  furnishei;trated,  .but  the  matter  will  be  called  to 
became  known  throughout    'he    attention    of    decendants    of    the 

and  despised  bv  people  whc  ^^^^  n^^"  "■  ^"J'  '^''>"  ''<'  f"""*  "'>■'»■? 

,       ,,            i-     1      ^      1           in   Allantic  Countv. 
two  brothers  died  at  about  . „ ; 

,      ,       ,     ,     .  .    .  A   GRUESOME   THEFT, 

people  had  their  suspicions  ^he  grave  is  that  of  George  S.  West. 
on  of  George  and  Amy  West,  who 
m  was  born  May  7,  1806,  and  who  died 
September  5,  1829.  The  large  marble 
Blab  had  been  torn  from  the  gTa\e-  as 
j  it  with  a  crowbar  and  had  broken 
into  four  pieces  as  it  struck  the 
I  ground.     This  pro\-ided  easy  access  to 

ithe    brick    foundation,    the    mortar    of 
which    had    wonked    loose    with    as?. 
There  is  ample  evidence   that  some  of 
'he    bricks    had    then     been    knocked 
■^•>|3e  and  taken  away. 
,^.,,,,Jie   graveyard    had   been   abandoned 
/   years    and    is   all    grow;!    up    with 
"^ss   and   shrubbery,   not   been   visible 
»-om   the   River  road,    which  runs   be- 
.ween  English  Creek  and  IMay's  Land- 
ing.    Directl.v   in    front   of  the   graves, 
which  are  clustered  together  and  bear 
J-      faded  stqnes  that  show  that  the  occu- 
"  pants  of  the  graves  were  placed  there 
nearly  a  century  ago  or  about  the  time 
of  the  War  of  1812,  and  that  the  rums 
are   that   of  the   old   Catawba   Church, 
nothing  being  vi.sihle  now  but  the  rem- 
nats  of  a  sturdy  foundation. 


Along  side  of  the  desecrated  grave  of 

3eorge  S.  West  are  the  graves  of  his 

fathf-X.  mother  and  brother,  alll  hav- 

ng  the  same  kind  of  a  tombstone.     It 

s  a  singular  fact,  known  from  the  in- 

AAiTjcription  on  the  tombstones,  that  each 

'     liember  of  the  family  died  in  the  same 

ear,  1829,  and  within  a  few  weeks  of 

|ach   other,    as    if    the    hou.sehold    had 

leen  strickf  n  down  with  soiiie  malady 

r  plague.     There  is  a   story  ^pld  tlvii 

jie  entire  family  had  been  p!>^.<*ned  by 

[relative  for  their  mctriey  in  the  days 
hen  fortunes  were  made  in  charcoal 
t  May's  Landing.  It  is  said  U^  the 
[urdeopr  Vas  V  flesperado  \)ilff)  lived 
ke  aJpriKce  dn"  his-  ill-^^en  gains 
bt  aflervjEir^  had  ^ietfin  a  Penn- 
hvanil    th-i.son,    wheft?    he    had    been 

L»=.,^l/l    to.-    nottv    thpft 

tg  Ilarljor  river, 
he  old-fashioned 
|ch  is  still  stand- 
ktyle.  Joe  West 
was  both  feared 
ther,  mcther  and 
cumstances,  and 
iths.  In  the  rear 
hicli  covered  the 
:cd  West   family. 

Son  ot 



Thomas  Biddle  West,  died  May  17,  1826,  aged  14  years,  after  fifty  hours' 
illness.  Joe  was  the  only  survivor,  and  was  of  course  in  full  charge  of  the 
estate.  He  lived  in  extravagant  style,  kept  four  dun  mules  and  a  mulatto  driver, 
and  made  tours  of  the  State  in  a  manner  to  attract  at- 
tention. He  took  with  him  silk  bedclothing-  for  his 
personal  use  at  whatever  hotel  he  might  lodge  for  the 
night.  He  was  a  surveyor  of  lands  and  an  expert  in 
looking  up  titles.  He  would  set  up  claims  to  lands 
which  he  as  a  Iaw\er  could  contest  in  the  courts  or 
settle  for  cash  to  help  him  continue  his  extravagant 
habits  of  living. 

His  estate  was  finall\-  suld  hy  the  sheriff  on  fore- 
closure of  claims  against  him.  West  was  at  one  time 
convicted  of  forgery  of  the  records  in  the  office  of  the 
clerk  of  Burlington  County  and  was  sentenced  to  im- 
prisonment for  five  years.  He  was  released  before  the 
expiration  of  his  term.  He  had  a  beautiful  Christian 
woman  lor  a  wife,  Miss  Huldah.  daughter  of  one 
Charles  Stewart,  of  Philadelphia.  He  is  said  to  have 
led  a  domestic  career  no  more  creditable  than  his  other 
doings.  He  finally  left  Xew  Jersey  and  spent  his  last  days  in  his  native  State. 
None  of  his  relatives  are  now  living. 





Otlantic  Qom\t\2  Ear. 

HE  BAR  of  Atlantic  L'lnint)  is  in  reality  a  creation  of  quite  modern  times.   A 

record  of  its  early  history  would  necessarily  include  that  of  the  county  in 

general,  extending  back  to  a  time  when  Atlantic  City  was  not.  as  it  is  now, 

center  and  chief  source  of  liti,L;ati<in  in  our  courts:  and  beyond  that  to  a 

period  when  Atlantic   City,  as  a  settlement    boasting    a    name,    was    hardly    in 


To  go  back  to  the  birth  nf  our  cdunty  is  not  a  great  stride,  as  il  was  only 
in  1837  that  it  was  formed  by  cutting  ..ff  the  easterly  half  of  Gloucester  C.  unity. 
At  that  time  the  population  <if  the  cdiinty  was  about  eight  thousand,  and  the 
amount  of  litigation  correspondingly  small.  Then  a  railroad  was  a  novelty,  and 
only  one  line,  that  of  the  old  Camden  «&  .\mboy,  was  in  operation  in  the  State. 
The  only  regular  means  of  conveyance  to  the  county  capital  was  the  stage  coach 
line  running  from  Absecon  through  Bargaintown  and  Mays  Landing  to  Camden. 
On  the  first  day  of  court  the  judges,  lawyers,  suitors  and  witnesses  congregated 
at  the  court  house  from  all  sections  of  the  county,  traveling  by  stage-coach  or 
wagon,  or  even  on  foot  or  horseback. 

The  first  session  of  court  in  the  new  county  was  the  Court  of  (Juarter  .Ses- 
sions of  the  Peace,  held  by  six  justices  of  the  peace,  viz:  Joseph  Garwood,  Joseph 
Endicott,  Daniel  Baker,  Benjamin  Weatherby,  John  Godfrey  and  Jesse  H.  Bowen. 
At  that  time  this  court  was  composed  of  the  justices  of  the  peace  of  the  county, 
or  any  three  of  them.  The  court  was  held  at  Mays  Landing  on  July  25,  1837, 
at  the  hotel  of  Capt.  John  Pennington,  a  prominent  character  in  the  early  history 
of  the  county,  and  the  grandfather  of  present  Law  Judge  Endicott,  former  Judge 
Thompson,  Dr.  B.  C.  Pennington  and  County  Clerk  Scott.  This  hotel  con- 
tinued to  serve  as  a  court  house  for  several  terms,  and  the  old  church  building 
then  standing  on  the  main  street,  near  the  site  of  the  present  church,  was  also 
pressed  into  service  on  one  or  two  occasions.  The  first  session  held  in  the  new 
court  house,  which  is  the  one  still  used,  was  at  the  December  Term,  1838. 

At  the  second  term,  held  October  17,  1837,  Chief  Justice  Joseph  W.  Horn- 
blower  presided,  and,  together  with  the  same  six  justices  of  the  peace,  held  a 
session  of  Oyer  and  Terminer  and  General  Jail  Delivery.  Li  the  first  criminal 
■cases  John  Moore  White,  attorney-general,  and  Robert  K.  Matlock,  of  Wood- 
bury, appeared  for  the  State  as  prosecutors.  Mr.  White  afterwards  became  a 
Justice  of  the  Supreme  Court  and  held  the  circuit  in  this  county  for  two  years, 
in   1839  and   1840. 




In  the  early  years  of  the  county's  history  the  menilDers  of  the  bar  of  neigh- 
boring counties  were  prominent  in  the  courts.  In  fact,  for  a  short  time  after 
the  formation  of  the  county  all  the  liti,iration  was  conducted  by  them,  as  Atlantic 
County  had  no  resident  lawxer.  Among  the  prominent  visitors  of  that  period 
were  Thomas  P.  Carpenter,  of  Camden,  who  was  afterwards  appointed  a  Justice 
of  the  Supreme  Court  and  held  the  Atlantic  Circuit  from  1845  to  1852;  Abraham 
Browning,  of  Camden,  who  afterwards  became  attorney  general  and  who  officiated 
on  several  occasions  as  prosecutor  of  the  pleas;  John  T.  Xixon,  of  Bridgeton, 
who  was  afterwards  appointed  Justice  of  the  United  States  District  Court;  Lucius 
Q.  C.  Elmer,  of  Bridgeton,  who  later  became  a  Justice  of  the  Supreme  Court 
and  held  the  Atlantic  Circuit  from  1852  to  1859,  and  from  1862  to  1869;  Robert 
K.  Matlock  and  William  N.  Jeffers.  of  Woodbury;  Jeremiah  Sloan,  of  Mt.  Holly; 
and  John  B.  Harrison,  of  ^^'oodbury,  who  was  the  first  regular  prosecutor  of 
the  pleas. 

The  first  resident  member  of  the  bar  in  the  count}  was  Elias  B.  Caldwell, 
of  Newark.  He  first  appeared  in  the  courts  in  1837,  shortly  afterward  located 
at  the  county  seat  and  remained  there  until  he  died,  in  December,  1847.  He 
built  and  lived  in  a  house  immediately  opposite  the  court  house,  where  he  also 
had  his  oflice.  While  sick  in  bed  he  accidentally  set  fire  to  the  curtains  and 
inhaled  the  flames,  as  a  result  of  which  he  died  in  a  few  days. 

Joseph  E.  Potts,  of  Trenton,  appeared  in  the  courts  about  the  same  time, 
and  shortly  after  Caldwell  he  also  took  up  his  residence  in  Mays  Landing  and 
practiced  there  for  a  number  of  years.  About  1854  he  obtained  a  clerkship  in 
the  Treasury  Department  at  W^ashington,  D.  C,  and  resided  there  until  his  death, 
which  occurred  a  few  years  ago.  He  served  as  County  Clerk  fmni  1S45  to  1850. 
About  the  year  1840,  Robert  B.  Glover,  of  Woodbury,  took  up  his  residence 
at  the  county  capital  and  practiced  there  until  about  1854.  Pie  then  gave  up 
the  practice  of  law  and  removed  to  Camden,  where  he  died,  about  1856. 

Another  lawyer  of  the  same  period  was  Francis  J.  Brognard,  of  Mt.  Holly. 
He  removed  to  Mays  Landing  about  1842,  and  lived  and  had  his  oflicc  in  a 
building  nekt  to  that  of  ^Ir.  Caldwell.  He  remained  in  Mays  Landing  for  seven 
or  eight  years  and  then  removed  to  Jersey  City,  where  he  shortly  afterwards  died. 
He  served  as  prosecutor  from  1846  to  1850. 

After  the  death  of  Caldwell  and  the  removal  of  Brognard,  ( ieorge  S.  Wood- 
hull  moved  to  the  county  seat  from  Freehold  on  March  5,  1850.  In  a  few  months 
he  was  appointed  prosecutor  of  the  pleas,  which  office  he  held  until  1865,  and 
during  the  same  period  also  served  as  prosecutor  of  Cape  May  County  for  two 
terms.  He  was  appointed  Justice  of  the  Supreme  Court  in  1866.  His  actual 
residence  in  the  count}-,  however,  continued  only  until  1 861,  when  he  removed 
to  Camden  and  opened  an  office  there. 

The  first  native  of  the  county  to  represent  the  profession  in  its  courts  as  a 
resident  lawyer  was  William  W.  Thompson,  of  Mays  Landing,  the  father  of  ex- 
Judge  Joseph  Thompson.  He  read  law  with  Judge  Woodhull  in  Mays  Landing, 
and  was  admitted  to  the  bar  at  the  Februarv  Term,   1852,  and  practiced  there 



until  his  death,  whicli  occurred  in  Xovemher.  1865.  I'"r(nii  1861  to  1S65  he  was 
the  only  lawyer  residing  in  the  county. 

The  next  native  lawyer  after  Mr.  Thompson  was  Joseph  I-"..  1'.  .\bbott,  of 
Mays  Landing,  a  namesake  of  Joseph  E.  Potts,  who  stuilied  law  with  Judge 
WoodhuU.  He  was  admitted  to  the  bar  at  the  Xovembcr  Term.  i8()5.  and  the 
next  month  located  in  his  native  town,  where  he  has  continued  to  the  present 
day.  On  the  day  immediately  preceding  Mr.  Abbott's  settlement  at  Mays  Land- 
ing, Mr.  Thompson  suddenly  died,  and  Mr.  Abbott  bought  his  office  fixtures 
and  library,  and  took  up  his  practice  in  the  same  office;  so  that  up  to  that  time, 
not  even  for  a  single  day  could  the  county  boast  of  two  native  lawyers.  Mr. 
Abbott  is  now  the  oldest  practitioner  in  the  county,  and  bears  the  appellation  of 
"The  Father  of  the  Atlantic  County  Bar."  He  is  the  present  Prosecutor  of  the 
Pleas,  having  been  appointed  by  Governor  \'oorhees  in  1898.  succeeding  Samuel 
E.  Perry. 

Next  after  Mr.  Abbott  came  Lewis  Humphreys,  of  Mays  Landing,  who 
was  admitted  at  the  June  Term,  1870,  and  located  at  Absecon  immediately.  He 
studied  law  under  J.  E.  P.  Abbott.  After  remaining  in  Absecon  several  years  he 
removed  to  Mays  Landing,  where  he  continued  to  reside  and  practice  until  his 
death,  in  1878. 

Alexander  H.  Sharp,  of  Salem,  came  to  this  county  about  1861J,  and  opened 
an  office  at  Egg  Harbor  City,  and  was  shortly  afterwards  appointed  Prosecutor 
of  Pleas,  to  fill  the  unexpired  term  of  Alfred  Hugg.  who  had  resigned.  He  served 
until  1871,  removing  to  Mays  Landing  shortly  before  the  expiration  of  his  term. 
He  remained  at  the  county  seat  for  two  or  three  years,  and  then  removed  to 
Absecon.  While  there  he  had  a  branch  office  in  Atlantic  City  on  Atlantic  avenue, 
where  Myers'  LTnioit  Market  now  stands,  at  which  he  spent  some  days  in  each 
week.  During  this  period  Hon.  John  J.  Gardner,  our  present  Congressman, 
read  law  under  his  instruction  for  some  time.  For  a  portion  of  the  period  be- 
tween 1871  and  1878  he  gave  up  the  practice  of  law,  and  resided  at  Estellville, 
near  Mays  Landing,  where  he  conducted  a  glass  factory.  He  next  removed  to 
Mays  Landing,  and  was  again  appointed  Prosecutor  in  1878,  and  continued  in 
office  until  1883.  Shortly  after  this  appointment  he  returned  to  Absecon  to  live, 
and  resumed  his  Atlantic  City  office.  At  the  expiration  of  his  term  he  went  to 
Philadelphia,  and  thence  removed  to  the  West. 

The  next  was  William  Moore,  of  Alays  Landing,  a  student  irom  the  office 
of  Alden  C.  Scovel,  of  Camden,  who  was  admitted  at  the  November  Term.  1873. 
He  took  up  the  practice  of  law  at  once  at  the  county  seat  and  remained  there 
imtil  his  death,  on  November  17,  1889. 

In  1876,  Harry  L.  Slape  came  from  Woodstown  to  the  county  seat  and 
opened  an  office  and  remained  there  about  two  years.  He  then  removed  to 
Atlantic  City  and  began  practice  in  an  office  in  the  Champion  House,  on  \'irginia 
avenue,  on  the  site  of  the  present  Allen  Building,  the  same  office  afterwards 
occupied  by  Samuel  D.  Hoffman.     Mr.  Slape  was  the  City's  first  resident  lawyer, 



and  served  as  Mayor  in  iSSoiHSi,  and  also  as  City  Solicitor  for  a  nnmber  of 
years.     He  died  May  2~ .  1887. 

The  second  member  of  the  bar  to  take  up  a  residence  here  was  Major  George 
T.  Ingham,  of  Salem.  He  read  law  in  the  ofiftce  of  Clement  H.  Sinnickson,  now 
County  Judge  of  Salem,  was  admitted  to  the  bar  in  1880,  and  in  .\ugust  of  the 
same  year  came  to  this  city  and  opened  an  ofifice  in  the  Citv  Hall. 

Following  Major  Ingham  came  Jose]iIi  TlKinipsdn,  of  Mays  Landing.  He 
served  his  clerkship  in  the  offices  of  .Vlden  I'.  Scovel,  (jf  Camden,  and  William 
Moore,  of  JMays  Landing,  and  was  admitted  to  the  bar  at  the  June  Term,  1878, 
at  the  same  time  with  Charles  T.  Abbott,  a  graduate  from  the  office  of  his  brother, 
Joseph,  in  Mays  Landing.  Air.  Thompson  practiced  law  in  his  native  place  from 
that  time  until  the  fall  of  1880.  when  he  opened  an  office  in  this  city,  at  1208 
Atlantic  avenue.  He  served  as  prosecutor  from  1883  to  1893,  and  as  county  judge 
from  1893  to  1898.  He  was  elected  Mayor  of  Atlantic  City  in  the  spring  of  1898, 
and  a  short  time  afterwards  was  appointed  a  member  of  the  State  Board  of 

At  the  February  Term,  1881,  were  admitted  to  the  bar  two  students  from 
Atlantic  County — August  Stephany.  of  Egg  Harbor  City,  and  Samuel  D.  Hoff- 
man, of  Alays  Landing.  They  both  read  law  with  William  Aloore  at  the  county 
seat.  Immediately  on  his  admission  Mr.  Stephany  located  in  this  city  in  an 
office  adjoining  Keuhnle's  Hotel,  where  he  had  for  several  years  previously  car- 
ried on  a  real  estate  business,  coming  here  certain  days  in  the  week.  Dn  January 
I,  1884,  Air.  Stephany  entered  into  partnership  with  Mr.  Slape,  in  offices  on  the 
second  floor  of  the  building  next  to  the  Alansion  House,  at  mo  Atlantic  avenue. 
They  continued  together  until  Mr.  Slape's  death.  After  that  Air.  Stephany  con- 
tinued in  practice  until  his  death,  on  June  9.  1898.  being  joined  a  few  years 
previous  by  his  son  Robert  as  partner. 

Samuel  D.  Hoffman,  Air.  Stephany's  classmate,  remained  in  Alays  Landing 
a  few  months  after  admission,  and  in  the  same  year  came  to  this  city  and  formed 
a  partnership  with  Joseph  Thompson.  Their  office  at  that  time  was  in  the  City 
Hall.  The  partnership  continued  until  1883,  since  which  time  Air.  Hoffman  has 
had  an  office  by  himself,  in  the  Champion  House.  Air.  Hoffman  has  been  active 
in  political  life,  having  served  the  city  as  City  School  Superintendent  in  1885, 
Alderman  in  1884,  Alayor  for  several  terms,  1886  to  1892,  and  represented  the 
county  as  Assemblyman  in  1892,  and  State  Senator  1893  to  1898.  In  1896  he 
was  appointed  County  School  Superintendent. 

The  next  Lawyer  of  Atlantic  City  was  Allen  15.  Endicott,  of  Alays  Landing, 
the  present  law  judge,  who  was  admitted  at  the  June  Term,  1880.  He  read  law 
with  J.  E.  P.  Abbott  and  also  with  Peter  L.  \'oorhees.  of  Camden,  and  graduated 
from  the  law  department  of  the  University  of  Pennsylvania  in  1879.  After  ad- 
mission he  located  in  his  native  village  and  remained  there  about  three  years. 
On  the  28th  of  April,  1883,  he  came  to  Atlantic  City  and  succeeded  Air.  Hoff- 
man in  partnership  with  Mr.  Thompson,  continuing  with  him  until  1887.  Their 
office  at  that  time  was  in  the  Iniilding  on  Atlantic  avenue,  standing  on  the  site  of 
the  present  Alensing  Block. 



Samuel  E.  Perry,  of  Huiitcrdcin  C'ounty.  came  here  in  1883,  ami  ()])ened  an 
office  in  the  building  at  the  corner  of  Indiana  and  Atlantic  avenues,  a  jiortion  of 
which  is  now  occupied  by  Grisconi's  Market.  He  had  fomierly  practiced  in  Con- 
necticut and  also  in  his  native  county.  He  was  appointed  prosecutor  in  1893  and 
served  until  1898. 

From  that  time  on  the  City  had  a  firmly  established  le.s;al  fraternity,  and 
students  began  to  graduate  from  the  local  oiifices  and  other  memljers  to  immigrate 
from  other  sections  with  increasing  frequency,  until  at  the  present  time  the  bar 
of  the  City  is  represented  by  thirty-four  lawyers,  mostly  young,  active  and  enter- 
prising men. 

From  the  period  of  the  8o"s  the  city  with  its  almost  miraculous  growth  began 
to  be  an  inviting  field  for  the  new  disciples  of  Blackstone.  The  growth  and  ex- 
pansion of  the' town,  the  accretions  of  land  on  the  ocean  front,  tlie  formation  of 
land  and  improvement  companies,  the  extension  of  streets  and  railroad  lines,  all 
contributed  to  the  creation  of  the  inr\itablc  disputes  as  to  land  titles.  The  m- 
creasing  values  of  building  lots,  with  inches  as  valuable  as  were  the  acres  of  other 
decades,  made  every  owner  careful  of  his  property  rights.  The  errors  and  mis- 
conceptions in  municipal  legislation  incident  to  providing  for  the  needs  and  de- 
mands of  a  rapidly  growing  city  became  such  as  to  require  constant  legal  aid 
in  straightening  the  tangles.  The  commercial  transactions  involved  in  the  busi- 
ness of  entertaining  hundreds  of  thousands  of  visitors  entailed  the  preparation  of 
countless  legal  papers,  and  the  natural  outgrowth  was  controversies  of  endless 

While  the  absence  of  the  great  trusts  and  corporations  of  the  larger  cities, 
with  their  weighty  litigation,  precludes  our  practitioners  from  the  princely  in- 
comes of  their  legal  advisers,  and  while  the  field  of  practice  is  yet  too  limited  for 
the  development  of  specialists  in  the  legal  profession,  yet  there  is  an  interesting 
diversity  of  work  that  comes  to  the  hands  of  the  Atlantic  City  lawyer  that  many 
localities  do  not  afiford,  which  serves  to  keep  him  constantly  bright  in  every 
department  of  practice,  and  makes  monotony  impossible. 


Among  tlie  important  civil  cases  that  have  l)een  tried  in  the  courts  i>f  the 
county  was  that  of  .\ndrew  K.  Hay  vs.  John  L.  McKnight,  an  action  in\i living 
title  to  large  tracts  of  land  in  the  county.  The  plaintifif  was  represented  by  Joseph 
P.  Bradley,  who  was  afterwards  Justice  of  the  United  States  Supreme  Court,  and 
the  defendant  by  .\braham  Ilrowning.  The  case  wa-  tried  in  1865.  and  the  trial 
lasted  three  weeks. 

Another  important  case  involving  title  to  land  was  that  of  David  S.  I '.lack- 
man  and  others  against  Absalom  Doughty  and  others,  tried  in  1877.  I'or  the 
plaintiffs  appeared  David  J.  Pancoast,  while  I'etcr  L.  X'oorhees  and  .\braham 
Browning  represented  the  defendants. 

JOHN    E.    MEHRER. 

IMI'okT.WT    TRIALS  l;i 

In  December.  i88_',  was  tried  a  famous  case  j;eiierally  kiiDWii  a.>  tlie  "Sturiii 
Tide  Line  Case."  Nominally  the  suit  was  between  the  Camden  &  .\tlantic  Land 
Company  and  Edwin  Lippincott,  and  involved  directly  the  title  to  a  tract  of  i)each 
front  seven  hundred  by  one  hundred  and  fifty  feet,  a  part  of  the  Haddon  Hall 
property;  but  as  an  extensive  tract  of  proi)erty  in  that  neighborhood  was  held 
under  a  similar  title,  chiefly  by  the  defendant  and  Charles  M'.vans.  of  the  .Sea- 
side, the  determination  of  the  suit  settled  all  these  titles.  The  value  nf  the  land 
involved  was  at  that  time  in  the  hundreds  of  thousands  of  dollars,  and  tii-da\-,  of 
course,  is  still  greater,  it  being  now-  one  of  the  most  valuable  portions  of  the  city. 

In  1856  the  land  company  sold  Thomas  Mills  a  tract  of  land  east  of  Xorth 
(."arolina  avenue,  bounded  by  Pacific  avenue  on  the  north,  and  e.xtendini;-  smith  "a 
distance  of  three  hundred  and  twenty  feet,  be  the  same  more  or  less,  to  >tiiiin  title 
mark  of  the  Atlantic  Ocean:  thence  along  said  storm  tide  mark.  "U  a  course 
of  northeast,  for  a  distance  of  one  Inmdred  and  fifty  feet,  be  the  same  more  or 
less,  to  the  west  side  of  a  twenty  feet  wide  street,"  etc.  Title  descended  from 
Miles  to  Lippincott. 

Between  1856  and  1880.  when  suit  was  bmught.  the  beach  had  "built  up"  by 
accretions  of  sand,  for  a  distance  of  stime  twehe  hundred  feet.  The  land  com- 
pany brought  suit  in  ejectment,  claiming  title  to  all  the  accretions,  on  the  theory 
that  the  "storm  tide  mark,"  as  it  existed  when  the  grant  was  made,  was  a  definite 
and  fixed  boundary;  that  this  line  was  different  from  ordinary  high  water  line, 
to  which  their  original  title  extended,  thus  leaving  in  them  a  stri]i  of  beach  to 
which  title  to  any  accretions  would  attach. 

The  defendant  resisted  on  the  principle  that  the  line  was  variable,  and  that 
the  boundary  followed  the  changing  line,  thus  giving  the  accretions  to  the  grantee. 

After  a  number  of  postponements,  trial  was  begun  before  Judge  Alfred  Reed, 
and  a  struck  jury  at  Mays  Landing  on  December  12,  1882,  and  occupied  nine 
days.  The  plaintiff  was  represented  by  Cortlandt  Parker,  Barker  Gummere,  Wil- 
liam Moore,  and  Alexander  H.  Sharp.  I-"or  the  defendant  appeared  Peter  L.  \'oor- 
hees,  Frederick  \'oorhees,  Samuel  H.  Grey  and  Thompson  &  Endicott. 

A  special  verdict  was  taken,  the  jury  finding  answers  to  fourteen  sejiarate 
questions  of  fact,  and  the  record  submitted  to  the  Supreme  Court  for  judgment. 
Judge  Reed  stated  in  his  charge  that  there  was  not  found  in  the  books  ui  this  or 
any  other  country  a  case  which  had  the  same  features  or  was  exactly  analogous. 

The  case  was  argued  at  the  June  Term  of  the  Supreme  Court,  1883,  and  at 
Xovember  Term  an  able  and  exhaustive  opinion  was  rendered  by  Justice  Dejnie 
(reported  in  16  \'room,  405),  in  which  he  sustained  the  defendant's  title  to  the 
accretions.     A  portion  of  his  language  was  as  follows: 

"In  grants  of  lands  lying  along  the  seashore,  the  parties  act  with  knowledge 
of  the  variety  of  changes  to  which  all  parts  of  the  shore  are  subject.  The  grantee, 
by  such  a  boundary,  takes  a  freehold  that  shifts  with  the  changes  that  take  place, 
and  is  obliged  to  accept  the  situation  of  his  boundary  by  the  gradual  changes 
to  which  the  shore  is  subject.  He  is  subject  to  loss  by  the  same  means  that  may 
add  to  his  territorv;  and  as  he  is  without  remedv  for  his  loss,  so  is  he  entitled  to 


I.Mr(.)K  TAXI-    TKIALS.  r,l 

the  gain  which  may  arise  Imni  alhu  ial  formations,  and  ho  will,  in  sneh  case,  h<iKl 
by  the  same  bonndary,  including-  the  accumulated  soil. 

"A  grant  of  lands  with  a  bonndary  "along  storm-tide  mark  of  the  Atlantic 
ocean,'  will  leave  in  the  grantor  that  space  of  the  beach  which  lies  between  the 
ordinarx'  high  water  and  the  fast  land,  and  is  washed  over  by  inuisual  tides  so 
frecjnently  as  to  be  waste  and  unprofitable  for  n^e;  but  the  title  of  the  grantee 
will  advance  or  recede  as  the  line  of  storm-tide  changes  from  time  to  time. 

"The  object  the  company  had  in  view  in  adopting  in  its  conveyance  such  a 
boundary  for  lands  lying  along  the  sea  is  apparent.  It  was  a  company  formed  for 
the  purpose  of  building  a  city,  as  a  place  of  summer  resort.  The  use  of  the  strip 
of  waste  land  lying  between  the  fast  shore  and  ordinary  high  water  for  a  prom- 
enade, or  for  boating  and  bathing,  by  residents  in  the  city,  and  persons  who  might 
resort  there  for  pleasure  or  health,  would  add  greatly  to  the  success  of  the  en- 
terprise. The  company  seems  to  have  exercised  some  control  in  that  respect  over 
the  beach.  Mr.  Richards,  the  president  of  the  company,  says  that  it  was  a  uni- 
versal assurance  given  verbally  to  purchasers  of  lots,  that  they  should  have  the 
jirivilege  of  putting  bath-houses  on  the  beach  for  bathing  purposes. 

"We  think  that,  under  the  description  in  the  ]\Iiles  deed,  the  seaward 
boundary  was  on  the  line  of  the  storm-tide,  as  that  line  was  advanced  towards 
the  ocean  by  alluvial  deposits.  The  proof  is  that,  at  the  time  this  suit  was  brought, 
the  line  of  the  storm-tides  was  considerably  seaward  of  the  lands  in  controversy, 
and  consequently  the  defendant  has  the  legal  title  to  the  premises  in  dispute." 

In  consequence  of  an  error  of  the  jury  in  answering  one  of  the  questions, 
judgment  was  not  ordered,  but  a  new  trial  was  granted.  This,  however,  was  not 
followed  up,  but  a  non-suit  was  afterw-ards  granted  the  defendant.  An  amicable 
settlement  was  afterwards  made  concerning  the  strip  between  storm-tide  and 
high  water  line,  which  it  was  decided  the  land  company  still  owned,  and  this 
ended  one  of  the  most  novel  as  well  as  important  land  suits  ever  tried  in  Atlantic 
or  anv  other  countv. 

Among  the  important  criminal  cases  tried  in  our  courts  was  that  of  The 
State  against  Louis  Waldenberger,  tried  at  the  December  Term,  i860.  The 
defendant,  who  lived  near  Egg  Harbor  City,  was  indicted  for  poisoning  his  child 
by  means  of  pounded  glass  and  sulphur  matches,  and  was  convicted  and  sen- 
tenced to  be  hanged;  but  on  March  6,  1861,  his  sentence  was  commuted  by  Gov- 
ernor Olden  to  imprisonment  for  life.  He  served  eighteen  years  in  the  State 
prison,  when  finally  his  wife  on  her  death  bed  confessed  that  she  had  committed 
the  act  for  which  he  was  sentenced.  His  case  had  been  before  the  Board  of 
Pardons  for  ten  years  or  more,  but  he  was  finally  pardoned, — the  first  case  in  the 
State  of  pardon  of  a  life  prisoner.  This  was  the  first  conviction  of  first  degree 
murder  in  the  county.  The  prosecutor  was  George  C.  WoodhuU,  afterwards 
Supreme  Court  Justice,  assisted  by  William  W.  Thompson. 

The  next  first  degree  conviction  was  that  of  John  Hill  and  John  Fullen,  who. 




in   the 







together  with  Isaac  Dayton,  were  ciiargcd  with  nuirdcring  an  old  man  named 
George  Chislett,  at  Ehvood.  for  liis  money.  Mill  and  FuUcn  were  tried  together 
at  the  September  Term,  1876,  and  convicted.  Albert  II.  Slape.  prosecutor,  ap- 
peared for  the  State,  and  his  brother.  Marry  L.  Slape.  defended. — his  tirst  case 
in  the  connty.  Hill  and  Fnllen  were  hanged  on  (  )ciober  7.  1X76, — the  first  hang- 
ing in  the  county,  Dayton  was  tried  seiKuatcly.  cnnxicte 
second  degree  and  sentenced  to  t\\ent\-  years  in  State  I'ri 
which  the  victim  was  supposed  to  carry,  and  for  which  the  ci 
turned  out  to  be  an  old  pocketbook  containing  one  ceiU.  which  articles  are  still 
preserved  in  the  County  Clerk's  office. 

On  the  evening  of  July  10,  1881.  in  this  city.  William  Musson.  a  special 
officer  for  the  Disston  Mill,  was  brained  by  an  axe  in  the  hands  of  John  Somers, 
another  employee,  while  trying  to  act  as  peacemaker  between  Somers  and  his 
wife,  w-hom  the  latter  was  abusing.  Somers,  who  was  crazed  with  drink,  was  a 
war  veteran,  having  held  a  captain's  commission.  He  was  tried  and  convicted 
of  murder  in  the  first  degree,  and  sentenced  to  be  hanged,  but  the  sentence  was 
connnuted  to  imprisonment  for  life.  Harry  L.  Slape  defended  him.  For  a 
number  of  years  strong  efforts  were  made  to  secure  his  release  on  parole.  These 
efforts  were  finally  effective,  and  in  1897  he  returned  to  this  cit}'.  where  he  re- 
mained until  his  death,  about  a  year  later. 

The  next  hanging  was  on  January  3,  1889, — that  of  Robert  Elder,  who  was 
tried  and  convicted  on  October  23d,  1888,  of  killing  his  father  near  Hamnionton. 
The  case  was  prosecuted  by  Joseph  Thompson  and  defended  by  Samuel  E.  I'erry. 

Before  the  expiation  of  this  crime  another  of  similar  character  was  com- 
mitted by  James  Grimes,  a  colored  sailor,  who,  on  Christmas  night,  1888,  mur- 
dered the  mate  of  his  vessel  while  lying  in  Absecon  Inlet.  He  w-as  tried  at  April 
Term,  1889,  convicted,  and  hanged  on  June  20,  1889,  by  Sheriff  .Smith  E.  John- 
son. This  was  also  during  Judge  Thompson's  term  as  prosecutor.  The  prisoner 
was  defended  by  J.  E.  P.  Abbott  and  James  B.  Xixon. 

Another  celebrated  case  occurring  the  same  year  was  that  of  Evangeline 
liamilton,  who  was  tried  at  the  September  Term  for  stabbing  a  nurse  in  Atlantic 
City.  Death  did  not  ensue,  and  the  charge  was  only  atrocious  assault,  ."^he  was 
defended  by  Samuel  E.  Perry,  was  convicted  and  sentenced  to  two  years  in  State 
Prison.  Her  husband  was  a  grandson  of  Alexander  Hamilton,  and  owing  to  a 
number  of  sensational  features  in  the  case  it  attracted  w  idesiiread  attention. 


For  some  ycar^  the  nieniber>  of  the  bar  nf  the  county  had  felt  llie  need  and 
appreciated  the  benefits  that  would  accrue  from  organized  and  conil)ined  action 
looking  towards  the  mutual  protection  and  benefit  of  the  members  and  the  main- 
tenance of  the  standing  and  promotion  of  the  interests  of  the  profession  in  gen- 
eral.    For  some  time  the  matter  was  discussed  without  anv  definite  .action,  until 


THE    ATLANTIC    CITY    BAR.  55 

1895.  when  through  the  efforts  chietiy  of  W'iUiam  M.  Clevciiger  and  Louis  A. 
Repetto.  counseled  by  August  Stephany,  the  idea  took  form  and  the  organization 
became  a  fact.  The  signatures  of  twenty-five  members  of  the  bar  were  secured 
as  incorporators,  and  on  June  i.  1895,  articles  of  incorporation  were  executed  and 
acknowledged,  and  on  the  19th  of  the  same  month  were  fileii  in  the  .Secretary 
of  State's  Office. 

The  first  meeting  was  held  on  the  first  day  of  the  fall  term  of  court.  Septem- 
ber 10.  1895.  in  the  library  of  the  court  house  at  Mays  Landing.  Tlie  first  presi- 
dent elected  was  Mr.  August  Stephany.  William  AL  Clevengcr  was  elected  sec- 
retary and  Clarence  L.  Cole  treasurer.  Since  that  time  a  new  president  has  been 
elected  annually,  viz:  In  i8c)6.  Hon.  Joseph  Thompson:  in  1897.  Hon  .Mien  B. 
Endicott;  in  1898.  Mr.  Enoch  .\.  Higbee.  The  secretary  and  treasurer  have 
been  re-elected  each  year. 

While  the  association  is  yet  in  its  infancy,  its  power  for  good  has  been  ap- 
preciated, and  it  is  destined  to  be  a  potent  factor  in  the  future  growth  and  de- 
velopment of  the  city  and  county.  In  addition  to  the  general  benefits  to  be  derived 
from  a  closer  association  and  union  of  the  members  and  the  maintenance  of  the 
honor  and  dignity  of  the  profession,  one  of  the  chief  objects  of  its  existence  is  to 
collect  and  maintain  a  law  library  for  the  use  of  its  members  and  visiting  lawyers. 
.\  fund  is  rapidly  accumulating  for  this  purpose,  and  the  association  is  patiently 
awaiting  the  action  of  the  City  Hall  Commissioners  looking  towards  the  erection 
of  a  municipal  building,  in  which  it  has  been  premised  it  shall  find  a  horn?. 


"    *^'^  ATH.K.NH\  C<m  NSEI.K-iR 

James  L.  \'anscykel June.   iSGcj 

Samuel  E.  Perry   June.   1877 Feb..    1881 

Joseph  Thompson   June.   1878 Feb..    1883 

Geo.  T.  Ingham June.   1880 June,  1883 

Allen  B.  Endicott   . June.   1880 Feb.,    1884 

Samuel  D.  Hoffman   Feb.,    1881 Feb..    1884 

Ulysses  G.  Styron   Feb..    1885 Feb..    1888 

Charles  A.  Baake June.   1885 

John  Stille "Xov..  1885 Xov..  1888 

-John  S.  Westcott June.   1888 

Clifton  C.  Shinn .\'ov..  1888 I-eb..    1893 

-Geo.  A.  Bourgeois Xov..  1889 Xov..  1892 

Carlton  Godfrey  ....''. .Xov..  1889 

Clarence  L.  Cole June.   1890 June.   1893 

Robert  H.  Ingersoll    .' June.   1890 June,   1895 

S.  Cameron  Hinkle Feb..    1892 June.   1895 



^*""  Ai'...Rn'J'v  Ctn-NSELLOR 

Arthur  W.  Kelley   .  .  .  .' June,   i8y2 June,   1895 

Harry  Wootton   -. June,   iSf)2 Feb.,    i8()0 

Wm.  ^I.  Clevenger June,   i8(j4 June,    181)7 

Louis  A.  Repetto  ....'. June,   1894 

Burrows  C.  Godfre)-   . '. June,   1S94 '.  .  .  .  Tune,   1897 

Robert  E.  Stejjhany  .  .' Nov.,  1894 Nov.,  18(^7 

Charles  C.  Babcock Feb.,    1895 Vv\)..    iS()8 

Enoch  A.  Higljee    .  .'. Feb.,    18^5 

John  C.  Reed  Feb.,    i8.)5 

Henry  W.   Lewis    .  .  .' Xov.,  1895 

William  1.  Garrison Xov.,  1896 

James  B.  Adams   Feb.,    1897 

Clarence  Pettit   ....'. Feb.,    1897 •  ■  ■  ■ 

John  C.  Sims    .....' June,   1897 

Eli  H.  Chandler  .  .  .* Nov.,  1897 

Albert  Darnell    Nov.,  1897 

Lewis  T.  Bryant  .  .  ^ Feb.,    1898 

Rodman  Corson  .  .  y. Sept.,  1899 


1837,  July  Term.  John  .Moore  White,  Atty.  ( 'iciil. 

1837,  October  Term,  Robert  K.  Matlack. 

1838,  .Alarch  Term,  to  1844,  April  Term,  John   II.    Harrison    and    .\l)raliam 

Browning,  Atty.  Cenl. 

1844,  April  Term,  to  1846,  ^March  Term,  Richard  P.  Thompson,  .\tty.  Genl. 

1846,  March  Term  and  October  Term,  Abraham  Browning,  Atty.  Cienl. 

1846,  December  Term,  to  1850,  June  Term.  Elias  Brognard,  with  Abraham 
Browning  and  L.  Q.  C.  Elmer,  Attv.  Genls..  and  Robert  K.  Mat- 
lack,  occasionally. 

1850,  June  Term,  to  1865,  .\pril  Term,  George  S.  \\'oodhull. 

1865,  April  Term,  to  1869,  April  Term,  Alfred  Hugg. 

1869,  April  Term,  to  1871,  April  Term,  Alexander  Sharp. 

1871,  April  Term,  to  1873,  April  Term,  William  E.  Potter. 

1873,  April  Term,  to  1878,  April  Term,  Albert  H.  Slape. 

1878,  .^pril  Term,  to  1883,  April  Term,  Alexander  Sharp. 

1883,  April  Term,  to   1893,  A]iril  Term,  Joseph  Thompson. 

1893,  April  Term,  to  i8f;8,  A]iril  Term.  Samuel  F.   I'erry. 

1898,  April  Term,  to  date,  Joseph  E.  P.  Aljboit. 


THK    ATLAXTIC    CITY    BAR.  59 


1837,  October Joseph  C.  Hornhlower. 

1838,  Alarch  to  Octol)er "Wm.   L.   DaytDii. 

1839,  r^Iar.  to  Oct.;   1840,  April  to  Oct John  Moore  White. 

1841,  October,  to   1845,  December Daniel  Elmer. 

1845,  December,  to   1852,  May Thomas  P.  Carpenter. 

1852,  May,  to  1859,  April Lucius  Q.  C.  Elmer. 

1859,  April Xo  circuit  judge. 

1859.  September Peter  A'redenburg. 

i860,  April Edward  Whelpley. 

i860,  September,  to   1861,  September Wm.  S.  Clawson. 

1861,  September John  Vandyke. 

1861,  December Daniel  Haines. 

1862,  April Lucius  O.  C.  Elmer. 

1862,  September Edward  Whelpley. 

1862.  December Lucius   Q.   C.   Elmer. 

1863,  April Geo.  H.  Brown. 

1863,  September,  to   1869,  April Lucius  O.   C.  Elmer. 

1869,  April,  to   1875,  April Dennett  \'ansyckel. 

1875,  April,  to   1895,  September \lfred  Reed. 

1895,  September,  to  date <  '-co.  C.  Ludlow. 


Atlantic  County,  during  its  early  history,  was  solidly  Democratic.  Democ- 
racy in  those  days  meant  government  by  the  people  as  opposed  to  the  dictum  of 
the  King  or  his  emissaries.  The  first  six  county  clerks  were  all  Democrats  but 
one,  but  the  office  in  those  days  was  of  very  little  account.  Abram  L.  Iszard, 
who  was  appointed  to  this  position  by  the  State  Legislature,  was  a  Republican, 
or  Whig,  as  that  was  before  the  Republican  party  was  born.  It  was  not  till  1845 
that  county  clerks  were  elected  by  popular  vote.  The  first  Republican  county 
clerk  to  be  elected  was  Daniel  Estell,  son  of  Abram  L.  Iszard.  He  was  elected 
on  the  ticket  with  .\braham  Lincoln,  in  i860,  and  being  a  young  and  popular 
man  had  a  majority  of  137  votes  in  the  county.  The  business  of  the  office  was 
trifling  then,  and  he  was  the  first  to  keep  the  office  open  constantly.  The  founding 
of  Egg  Harbor  City  and  later  Hammonton  made  the  keeping  of  the  records  a 
nuich  more  extensive  occupation.  Mr.  Iszard  became  an  expert  as  a  search  clerk, 
and  till  a  recent  date  has  been  connected  with  the  office  ever  since. 

The  following  have  served  as  county  clerks  since  the  organization  of  .Vtlantic 
County : 

-James  H.  Collins   1837 

-Samuel  B.  Westcott 1838-39 

*Joseph  Humphries 1840 



"'Abrain  L.  Iszard i  S40-45 

Joseph  E.  Potts 1 845-50 

Joseph  B.  Walker 1850-55 

John  Ackley 1855-60 

Daniel  E.  Iszard   1860-65 

Somers  L.  Risley    1865-70 

Christopher  X.  Rape   i<^70-75 

Lorenzo  A.  Down 1875-85 

Lewis  Evans   1 885-95 

Lewis  P.  Scott   1895 


1850-1852 jnhn   I'.   Walker. 

1852-1855 I  lo.ea   V.    Madden. 

1855-1858 Ezra  Cordery. 

1858-1861 Simon  Hanthorn. 

1861-1864 Jesse  Adams. 

1864-1867 Timothy   Henderson. 

1867-1870 Samuel   H.   Cavileer. 

1870-1873 lulward  n.  Redman. 

1873-1878 Samuel  \'.  Adams. 

1878-1881 Martin   Moore. 

1881-1884 Isaac  Collins. 

1884-1887 Charles   R.   Lacy. 

1887-1890 Smith  E.  Johnson. 

1890-1893 Charles  R.  Lacy. 

1893-1896 Smith  E.  Johnson. 

1896-1899 Samuel  Kirby. 

1899  to/SiS^ Sjnith  E.  Johnson. 


Philemijn  Dickerson,  who  \\a^  the  Democratic  Ciovernor  of  New  Jersey, 
1836-1837,  on  April  7th  of  his  last  year,  commissioned  Julius  P.  Taylor  to  be 
the  first  Surrogate  of  Atlantic  County.  For  reasons  nut  known,  he  only  .served 
till  the  following  October,  when  John  C.   Uri.i^i^s  succeeded  him. 

The  first  official  act  of  Briggs,  according  to  the  reords  at  Mays  Landing, 
bore  date  of  February  7,  1838,  and  his  last  act  June  o,  i.^).  The  populatiiju  and 
official  business  was  small  at  that  time. 



loseph  Thompson,  of  Thonipsontowii.  graiult'atlKr  <>{  Maynr  juseph  TlKiiup- 
son,  of  this  city,  succeeded  Briggs.  His  first  official  act  bears  date  uf  April  4. 
1847,  and  his  last  offtcial  act  "September  9.   1857. 

Following  him  came  Solomon  R.  Devinney,  who  was  surrogate  twenty-tive 
years,  till  he  was  succeeded  by  John  S.  Risley.  who  was  electetl  in  Xovcinber. 
1882,  and  has  been  twice  re-elected  since. 


ganizcd   in   New  Jersew   in 
n  of  County  School  Super- 

Since   the   present    public    school    system    was 

1866,  the  following  gentlemen  have  filled  the  ])osi 


Calvin  Wright 1867  to   1875 

Rev.  Geo.  B.  Wight 1875  to  1877 

Silas  R.  Morse 1877  to   1892 

John  R.  Wilson 1892  to   1895 

S.  I).  Hoffman 1895  to  date. 

The  following  gentlemen  h 

1845-1847.  Joel  Adams. 
1848-1850.  Lewis  AT  Walker. 
1851-1853.  Joseph  E.  Potts. 
1854-1856.  David  B.  Somers. 
1857-1859.  Enoch  Cordery. 
1860-1862.  Thomas  E.   Morris. 
186^-186=;.  Samuel  Stille. 


rved  this  county  as  State  Senators  since 

1866-1868.  David   S.    Blackman. 

1 869- 187 1.  Jesse  Adams. 

1 872- 1 874.  William    Moore. 

1875-1877.  Hosea  F.  Madden. 

1878-1892.  John  J.   Gardner. 
1893-1898.  Samuel    D.    Hoffman. 

1899-1901.  Lewis  Evans. 


The   following  gentlemen  have  represented   Atlantic   County   in   the   !o\ser 

branch  of  the  State  Legislature  since  1845: 
1845-46.  Joseph   Ingersoll. 
1847-49.   Mark  Lake. 
1850-51.   Robert  B.   Risley. 

1852.  John  H.   Boyle.' 

1853.  Thomas  D.  Winner. 

1854.  Daniel  Townsend. 

1855.  Nicholas  F.  Smith. 
18^6-57.   David  Frambes. 

1874-75.  Lemuel   Conover. 
1876-77.   Leonard  H.  Ashley. 
1878.        Israel  Smith. 
1879-80.  James  Jefifries. 

1881.  George  Elvins. 

1882.  Joseph  H.  Shinn. 

1883.  John   L.   Bryant. 
1884-8^   Edward   North. 



1858.  John   B.   .Madden.  1886-87.  James  S.   Ueckwith. 

1859.  Thomas  E.  Morris.  1888.         James   B.   Nixon. 
1860-62.  Chas.  E.   P.   Mayhew.  1889-90.  Shepherd  S.  Hndson. 

1863.  John  Godfrey.  1891.        Smith   E.  Johnscjn. 

1864.  Simon  Hanthorn.  1  i8t)2.        Samuel  D.  Hoffman. 

1865.  Simon  Lake.                                  I  1893.        Charles   A.    Baake. 
1866-67.  P.  M.  Wolsieffer.  1894.        Fred.   Schuchardt. 
1868-69.  Jacob  Keim.  1895.        Wesley  C.  Smith. 
1870-71.   Benj.  H.  Overheiser.  1896-97.  JMarcellus  L.  Jacksoi 
\8"2-j2.  Samuel  H.  Cavileer.         _           I  1898-99.  Leonard  PI.  Ashley. 

I  1900.        Charles  T.  Abbott. 


In  its  early  history,  Atlantic  County,  like  the  other  counties,  had  three  courts 
which  arc  usually  considered  the  county's  own  exclusive  tribunals,  viz:  The 
Court  of  Common  Pleas,  the  Court  of  Quarter  Sessions  of  the  peace,  and  the 
Orphans"  Court.  These  were  modeled  orig'inally  after  the  courts  of  the  Province 
of  \\'est  Jersey,  which  in  their  turn  were  adopted,  with  some  modifications,  from 
the  courts  of  England. 

The  composition  of  the  three  courts  was,  the  same  as  to-day,  identical,  that  is, 
the  same  judges  held  all  three  courts.  This  fact  often  causes  considerable  con- 
fusion in  the  mind  of  the  layman,  with  little  or  no  knowledge  of  their  jurisdictions, 
when  he  sees  one  court  transform  itself  into  another  with  small  formality.  Orig- 
inally these  courts  were  held  by  all  the  justices  of  the  peace  of  the  county,  or  any 
three  or  more  of  them. 

These  courts  were  always  near  and  dear  to  the  hearts  of  the  people,  and  w^ere 
held  in  high  esteem.  The  judges,  originally  the  local  justices  of  the  peace,  and 
afterwards  appointees  from  the  county,  usually  men  of  importance  and  high 
standing  in  their  community,  made  their  intimate  acquaintance  and  close  knowl- 
edge of  the  people  and  affairs  of  the  county  of  great  advantage  in  the  adminis- 
tration of  local  affairs.  In  the  early  days,  practically  all  the  litigation  was  con- 
ducted in  these  courts.  The  office  of  judge  in  those  days  carried  with  it  con- 
siderable dignity. 

The  new  constitution  of  1844  made  a  change  by  providing  that  there  should 
be  no  more  than  five  judges,  who  were  to  be  appointed  by  the  governor.  This 
arrangement  continued  until  1855,  when  an  act  of  the  legislature  reduced  the 
number  of  judges  to  three.  After  this  period,  the  feeling  began  to  arise  in  the 
niiire  populous  communities  that  important  matters  of  litigation,  such  as  fre- 
quently arose  in  these  courts,  were  entitled  to  be  passed  upon  and  the  procedure 
conducted  by  judges  who  were  learned  in  the  law.  As  a  result,  in  some  of  the 
upper  counties,  president  judges,  who  wore  to  be  counsell(jrs  at  law.  were  pro- 


LA\-    JL-U(;i-:S.  67 

vided  for  by  the  legi.-latui-c.  It  was  scion  found  that  the-  ])rosidcnt  nr  law  jndire 
was  in  fact  the  court,  and  by  reason  of  his  superior  learnins;-  in  the  law,  took  the 
responsibility  and  decided  all  legal  questions. 

The  lay  element  was  still  represented  by  the  two  other  judjjes,  as  the  people 
still  held  to  the  idea  that  the  ends  of  justice  would  be  best  subserved  by  havin.^: 
'in  the  bench  some  representatives  of  and  from  the  laity,  as  distinguished  from 
the  bar,  on  the  principle  that  this  element  of  the  l>ench  might  temper  and  miti- 
gate the  rigors  of  the  strict  interpretation  of  tlic  law,  by  the  application  of  sound 
common  sense  and  equity,  from  the  standpoint  of  the  common  people.  The 
sentiment  continued  to  grow,  however,  that  the  proper  person  to  administer  the 
law  is  one  who  knows  the  law,  or  who  at  least  has  made  it  his  study  and  profes- 
sion. In  accordance  with  this  idea,  additional  acts  were  passed  constituting  law 
judges  in  the  various  counties. 

In  1889  it  was  enacted  by  the  legislature  that  Atlantic  County  should  have 
two  lay  judges  and  one  law  judge,  to  be  appointed  by  the  Governor,  the  number 
of  lay  judges  then  in  office  to  continue  until  reduced  to  two  by  expiration  of  office 
of  one  of  them.  Under  this  act,  no  appointment  was  made  until  1893,  when  the 
term  of  Lay  Judge  Joseph  Scull  expired.  Joseph  Thompson  was  then  appointed 
law  judge  for  five  years.  The  lay  judges  who  then  sat  with  him  were  Wilson 
Senseman,  of  Atlantic  City,  and  Richard  J.  Byrnes,  of  Hammonton. 

In  1895,  another  law  was  enacted,  which  was  the  final  blow  to  the  lay  element 
in  the  county  courts,  by  abolishing  it  entirely  and  constituting  the  law  judge 
the  whole  Court  of  Common  Pleas,  Quarter  Sessions  and  Orphans'  Court.  Tliis 
particular  act  was  the  next  year  declared  unconstitutional,  but  another  was  im- 
mediately passed  which  avoided  the  objectionable  features  of  the  first  one.  The 
lay  judges,  unwilling  to  relinquish  their  hold  upon  the  dignity  and  perquisites 
of  the  office  and  thus  be  cast  into  a  condition  of  innocuous  desuetude,  with  the 
empty  title  of  "ex-Judge,"  representing  nothing  but  reminiscences  of  by-gone 
glory,  stubbornly  fought  the  act  through  the  highest  courts  on  the  question  of 
constitutionality,  but  were  finally  beaten,  and  the  act  was  affirmed. 

The  following  is  a  list  of  those  w^ho  have  served  as  Lay  Judges  of  Atlantic 
County,  with  the  date  of  the  first  appearance  of  their  names  on  the  records  of 
the  Orphans'  Court: 

Joseph  Garwood   1838 

Benjamin  Wetherby 1838 

Edmund  Taylor    1838 

Jesse  H.  Bowen 1838 

John  Estell 1838 

Lewis  M.  Walker 1838 

John  C.  Abbott 1840 

Daniel  Baker 1841 

Isaac  Smith   1841 

Jacob  Adams 1843 

Wm.  Westcott 1844 


Mahlon  D.  Caiificld   1843 

Thomas  Parsons 1844 

Jacob  Godfrey 1844 

John  Endicott   1844 

Philip  Imlay    1845 

Enoch  Doiio^hty    1849 

William  j\Ioore   18:^0 

A.  L.  Iszard 1850 

Joel  Adams   18:; i 

Geo.  A.  Walker 1854 

Joseph  Endicott i8s4 

John  H.  Doughty 

George  Wheaton    

Edward  T.  JMcKean   1870 

David  B.  Somers 1857  to   1872 

Simon  Hanthorne 1870  to   1875 

John  Godfrey 1872 

David  S.  Blackman 1875  to   1880 

Richard  J.  Byrnes 1877  to   1896 

Enoch  Cordery   1877  to   1891 

Joseph  Scull 1880  to   1895 

Wilson  Sensenian    1891   to   1896 


5(")  THE  traveler,  speediiis^-  from  the  "Great  Metropolis,"  via  the  South  Jersey 
R.  R.  to  the  sea,  after  passing  throtigh  the  dreary,  dusty  ^vaste  of  saml. 
scrub-oaks  and  stunted  pines,  scorched  by  the  vertical  sun  and  seared  by 
the  demon  fire,  the  billciw}'  expanse  of  Inid  .-md  lilossom.  nr  receding  pyra- 
mids of  golden  blusliing  fruit  of  ilanmionton.  seems  like  a  favored  glimpse  of 
fabled  Hesperides. 

To  the  sturdy  sons  of  New  England,  fleeing  from  its  ice-lxmnd  winters,  this 
verdant  spot  of  earth,  with  its  genial  climate,  its  balmy  sea-born  winds,  liearing 
the  healthful  fragrance  of  sixty  miles  of  pine  and  cedar,  its  flowers,  fruits  and 
prolific  soil,  must  have  seemed  like  paradise.  So  in  the  early  fifties,  they  came, 
like  the  second  pilgrim  fathers,  to  make  the  wilderness  of  South  Jersey  blossom 
like  the  rose,  infusing  new  life,  new  blood  and  new  enterprise  into  a  district 
which  had  commenced  to  feel  the  loss  of  industries,  crowded  out  by  those  of 
greater  magnitude,  and  which  were  to  make  such  a  radical  change — an  industrial 
revolution — which,  like  the  magician's  wand,  was  to  turn  the  sandy  stageway 
into  a  road  of  steel,  the  forests  and  neglected  fields  into  flourishing  fruit  farms, 
the  hamlets  into  thriving  villages,  and  to  hang  upon  the  wave-kissed  shore  the 
gem  city  of  the  world. 

For  the  advent  of  the  railroad  had  destroyed  the  wheel-traftic  between  the 
shore  and  the  Delaware,  and  in  prophetic  dreams,  the  carter,  the  Jehu  of  the 
stage-coach  and  mine  host  of  the  "White  Horse,"  the  "Blue  Anchor,"  and  a 
hundred  other  inns  which  appealed  to  the  tired  traveler,  saw  their  "occupation 
gone,"  while  the  opening  up  of  the  iron  and  coal  fields  extinguished  the  fires  of 
the  bog-furnaces  and  charcoal  pits,  and  the  glass  factories  sought  more  favorable 
locations  near  the  great  centres  of  trade,  and  in  the  inevitable  readjustment  of 
their  existing  conditions  the  foreign  and  domestic  trade  of  the  Xew  Jersey  coast 
was  driven  to  the  greater  ports  of  commerce. 

Their  coming  was  like  a  new  lease  of  life  to  the  "Old  Town,"  whose  land 
titles  ran  back  to  the  days  of  Charles  H.,  and  whose  soil  had  been  pressed  by 
the  patriots  of  the  Revolution,  in  throwing  ofi  the  yoke  and  claims  of  that  same 
England  over  which  he  once  reigned.  From  Charles  H.  to  the  Duke  of  York, 
from  York  to  Berkeley  and  Carteret,  from  Carteret  to  Fenwick  and  Byllinge, 
from  Byllinge  to  the  West  Jersey  Proprietors,  from  these  to  Shoemaker.  Ash- 
bridge,  Robinson  and  Ball,  to  Richards,  to  Griffith,  to  Coates,  to  Coffin,  and 
from  the  last  to  his  two  sons.  John  Hammond,  from  whom  the  town  of  Ham- 
monton  was  named,  and  Edward  ^^'inslow  Coffin,  was  a  chain  of  real  estate 


I  STORY     OI 


transactions,  cxtcndino-  dvlt  nearly  two  Innidrcil  years,  from  1(1^4  to 
can  remember  seeing,  nearly  forty  years  a,e:o,  the  rotting  piling,  tlu'  hn 
sheds  and  the  unquestionable  remains  of  the  "white  man's  abode"  on  the 
Harbor  road,  where  it  crosses  the  head  of  the  lake,  and  where  tratliti 
the  oldest  inhabitant's  home;  but  be  it  true  or  false,  the  "Irishman" 
and  the  "whiskey"'  remains.  There  were  many  houses  in  and  arou 
nionton  previous  to  1850,  but  the  wheel  of  the  "old  mill"  at  the  lake 
William  Cofifin  in  1812,  had  ceased  to  turn:  the  furnace  fires  of  the  gla 
Iniilt  by  the  same  enterprising  descendant  of  the  Xantucket  Yankee, 
out:  the  rotten  posts  and  crumbling  stones  of  their  foundations  alone 
over  which  the  lizards  ran  or  warmed  themselves  in  the  noon-day  sun 



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.     A  I 


' cars 


of  sunshine  and  storm,  told  on  their  crumbling  head-stones  the  abbreviated  his- 
tory of  those  who  broke  the  primeval  wilderness  into  fields  of  plenty,  and  who 
reared  the  temple  to  the  God  in  whose  bosom  they  long  had  laid  at  rest.  On 
this  foundation,  and  with  the  blessing  which  nature  abundantly  showered  upon 
them,  the  pioneers  of  1850  built  up  the  thriving  village  of  to-day,  labored  and 
struggled  that  their  children  and  children's  children  might  enjoy  the  fruit  of 
their  industry,  nourished  by  their  brawn  and  watered  by  the  sweat  of  their  brows. 
Many  of  them,  too,  have  passed  away,  but  their  works  and  memories  remain. 

To  Judge  Richard  J-  Byrnes,  more  than  to  any  other  individual,  is  due  the 
success  and  growth  of  Hanmionton,  from   1856,  when  as  a  young  Philailelphia 



banker,  in  partnership  with  Charles  K.  Landis,  he  opened  up  this  section  to  set- 
tlers, and  by  liberal  terms  and  advertising  made  known  far  and  wide  tiie  many 
advantages  of  soil  and  climate  until  the  present  writing,  honored  and  res])ected 
by  his  townsmen,  he  still  is  identified  and  interested  in  its  welfare.  It  would  he 
tedious  to  enumerate  all  who  have  contributed  to  this  happy  consummation,  and 
an  injustice  to  the  memory  and  endeavors  of  those  on  whose  shoulders  was  Ijorne 
the  first  burden,  to  omit  their  naiues.  Capt.  A.  Somerby,  George  M^ers,  .Sr., 
Capt.  C.  J.  Fay,  Dr.  Joseph  H.  North,  Sr.,  Thomas  and  Henry  Wetherbee,  (ierry 
Valentine,  Henry  Pressey,  Judge  E.  F.  McKean,  H.  F.  Crowell,  Asher  Moore, 
Henry  S.  Ferris,  Capt.  Burgess,  Capt.  Davie,  George  Miller,  and  others,  of  which 
want  of  space  prevents  the  mention.  In  those  early  da}s  the  station  i>i  the 
newly  built  Camden  and  Atlantic  R.  R.  was  located  at  what  is  now  called 
Da  Costa,  named  from  John  C.  Da  Costa,  one  of  the  early  Directors  and  after- 
wards President  of  the  road,  and  the  land  ofifice  of  Byrnes  and  Landis  was  in 
the  Old  Coiifin  Mansion,  at  the  lake,  part  of  which  was  built  in  iSu.  and  which 
still  stands  on  the  right  hand  of  the  road  as  it  crosses  the  dam.  The  old  company 
store  stood  between  the  house  and  the  lake,  backed  by  a  beautiful  grove  of  stately 
oaks,  where  the  village  lads  and  maidens  picknicked  under  their  spreading  bough,-, 
and  celebrated  with  the  older  generations  the  Nation's  birthday. 



PMHpi^K^ '         '-i*  '   '"-''■'. S 


For  miles  around  the  natives  came  to  the  old  store  to  purchase  provender, 
to  swap  stories  and  to  fish  for  pickerel  and  catfish  along  the  shore  of  the  pond 

DR.   JOSEPH    H.   NORTH.  SR. 



and  l)(.'lu\\  tlu-  (lain,  llcri-  tarried  llic  towering;  loads  <if  lia>  cut  from  iho  salt 
iiiarslies  near  the  crest  and  scowcd  up  the  .MiiUica  to  I'leasant  Mills.  Here 
stopped  the  clam  and  fish  vender,  whose  melodious  voice  waked  the  echoes  of 
man\  a  silent  lane  from  Ahsecon  to  Caiuden,  and  once  alontj-  and  over  the  little 
stream  the  colonial  forces  passed  to  I'hestnut   Xeck.      I'.y  there  the  old  sta,L;e  ran. 

Saturday,  and  hack  aj^ain  Thursdays  antl  Mondays,  and  this  was  the  tirst  mail 
route  of  the  early  days,  and  from  the  old  store  the  mail  was  delivered  as  late  as 
1859.  Captain  Kiml)all  and  his  staj;e-coach  are  within  my  recollections,  old 
Judg-e  I'orter  and  his  famous  Macks  have  not  ]i;issed  from  m\  nienior\ .  ;ind  the 
old  family  carriage  of  the  Richards  of  hea\  \  and  .-.mihre.  is  noi  fori^otten. 

villan;e.  and  over  uho.-e  sh(jrt  counter  youn-  Lew  l-'.v;ins.  now  the  handxune 
Staid  State  Senator,  passed  tickets  in  exchange  for  coin  of  the  realm,  for  so  n 
years  has  passed  away,  only  the  memories  of  the  wonderful  ticker,  the  rush 
whirl  of  a  passing  express  or  excursion,  and  the  advent  of  a  new  arrival  in  ti 
impressed  upon  the  brain  of  a  freckled  bare-foot  boy  remain.  It  is  a  long  - 
from  the  Hogs-head  to  the  modern  brick  depot,  from  the  old  Delano  Hotel, 
its  long  porch  and  flat  roof,  to  the  commodious  and  comfortable  Hotel  R( 
from  Robinson's  little  cobbling  shop  on  Third  street  to  the  bustling  factor 
Osgood  &  Co.,  from  the  tallow  dips  to  the  electric  lights  which  hang  like  . 
along  the  highways  and  byways. 



;v   uF 


Previous  to  185^  the  preacher  made  his  weekly  visit,  and  the  doctor,  when 
needed,  was  called  from  Haddontield.  Dr.  Joseph  H.  North.  Sr.,  was  the  tirst 
local  physician,  coming  from  Maine  in  1858.  The  first  church,  in  which  also 
was  held  the  first  school,  was  built  probably  about  the  time  \\'illiam  Coffin  came 
from  (ireen  Bank  to  build  and  operate  the  saw  mill  for  John  Coates,  for  there 
his  children  were  educated.  It  was  located  off  the  old  Waterford  road,  near  the 
Minor  Rogers  farm,  later  a  school  house  was  built  nearer  the  lake,  which  was 
torn  down  to  make  room  for  the  present  brick  l^uilding,  Hammonton  now  has 
seven  cluirches  and  five  school  houses,  the  central  or  high  school  a  lieautiful  and 

til  11    -toUf-   ot   -Ueee-s 


Hammonton  has  had  its  "characters"  and  its  legends;  as  a  boy  I  once  got  a 
glimpse  into  the  lockers  and  chests  of  an  old  woman,  whose  husband  was  said 
to  have  been  a  smuggler.  Laces,  velvets  and  silks  fit  for  a  duchess,  and  these  in 
an  old  house  miles  from  neighbors,  and  where  at  that  time  bears  roamed  at  large. 

So,  too,  the  "haunted  house"  figured  in  its  annals,  just  across  the  dam, 
where  the  weeping  willows  shade  the  unruffled  surface  of  the  lake,  stood  a  weath- 
er-stained, unfinished  building,  long  the  aliode  of  an  eccentric  biped  whose  long 
hair  and  doubtful  title  of  "Dr."  frightened  the  children  and  made  sceptical  the 
would-be  credulous.  It  was  also  the  abode  of  strange  sounds  and  weird  sights, 
but  time  and  the  disappearance  of  the  canny  owner  has  exercised  the  uneasy 
spirits  that  roamed  througli  its  dust}',  empty  hall.-. 


HISTORY    Ol'     IIAM.MOXTDX.  7'.> 

A  famous  character  of  tho.-^e  days  was  Wesley  I'.iuUleii,  one  of  God's  un- 
fortunates, as  we  were  prone  to  think,  but  who  read  the  book  of  Nature  nearer 
right,  perhaps,  than  we  who  congratulated  ourselves  on  having  more  sense. 
Six  feet  in  his  bare  feet — for  he  seldom  wore  boots  or  shoes — straight  as  an 
Indian  and  with  the  Indian's  acuteness  in  forest  lore,  he  knew'  every  foot  of 
land  from  the  Delaware  to  the  forks  of  the  Mullica,  every  pickerel  haiuit  from 
Atsion  to  the  "Penny  Pot,''  ever}-  rabbit  run  and  quail  ground  in  Camden  or 
Atlantic  Counties.  Of  Quaker  dcscnit,  hut  Methodist  by  profession,  he  could 
lead  a  choir  or  ofifer  prayer,  and  no  canip-nieeting  was  complete  without  "John 
Wesley."  He  was  the  reincarnation  of  Cooper's  "Deerslayer,"  simple,  honest, 
(_;od-fearing,  and  many  a  lonely  housewife  felt  safer  by  his  presence  and  richer 
l)y  a  string  of  shining  pickerel  or  a  plump  rabbit,  and  many  a  child  happier  by  his 
friendly  face  and  quaint  stories.  He  knew  the  names  and  histories  of  every 
one  for  miles  around,  and  every  legend  from  the  finding  of  the  "pot  of  pennies," 
which  gave  the  name  to  his  favorite  fishing  stream.  In  the  ghostly  flame  that  led 
belated  travellers  into  the  morasses  of  its  endless  swamps. 

If  he  be  dead,  may  some  kind  hand  have  soothed  his  last  moments  and  cut 
upon  his  tombstone  the  word  "Faithful."  I  have  before  me  a  "pass,"  signed 
by  SherifT  Sam  Adams,  to  witness  the  execution  of  Hill  and  Fullen,  for  the 
nuirder  of  old  man  Chislett.  Well  do  I  remcnibcr  the  excitement  when  the  news 
i>f  this  dastardly  crime  reached  the  ipiiet  little  \-illage,  and  the  hours  -pent  by 
the  men  and  boys,  with  shot-gun  and  rifle,  searching  the  thickets  ot  Little  Egg 
Harbor  swamps  for  the  fugitives.  In  the  same  swamps  during  the  Civil  War  a 
number  of  deserters  and  bounty-junipe^rs  livetl,  making  nightly  raids  on  the 
chicken  coops  and  larders  of  the  surrounding  farmers,  and  bringing  terror  to  the 
women  folks  and  children.  At  that  time  "Tar  Kiln  Xeck"  was  as  safe  for  a 
stranger  after  dark  as  would  have  been  the  White  Chapel  in  London  or  Se\-en 
Points  in  New  York. 

The  mystery  surrounding  the  disappearance  of  William  Clark,  who  lived  on 
the  New  Columbia  road  in  a  small  cabin  a  mile  or  so  below  the  lake,  has  never 
been  explained,  though  it  is  believed  he  was  murdered  and  his  body  thrown  into 
the  well  near  the  cabin  and  removed  before  the  slow  hand  of  authority  had  time 
to  investigate.  Years  before  an  old  woman  of  eighty  had  disappeared  in  a  like 
manner.  It  was  said  she  had  wandered  to  the  swamp  not  far  from  home,  but 
though  they  were  searched  by  the  whole  male  jKjpulation  of  the  town  for  a  week, 
day  and  night,  no  clue  was  ever  found. 

Hammonton,  too,  has  entertained  its  quota  of  celebrities,  Charlotte  Cush- 
man,  the  great  American  actress,  owned  many  acres  lying  to  the  north  of  the 
town,  and  her  agent,  Col.  Obertypher.  a  Hungarian  exile  and  friend  of  Kossuth, 
there  for  a  time  made  his  home.  Samuel  Wylie  Crawford,  the  hero  of  Cedar 
Mountain  and  Crigadier-General.  was  ])rincipal  of  the  High  School  for  one  term. 
Patriot,  soldier  and  scholar,  he  is  well  remembered  by  those  whose  fortune  it 
was  to  listen  to  his  instruction.  Solon  Robinson,  Bishop  Odenheimer,  Moses 
Ballou,  Ada  Clare,  the  "Queen  of  Bohemia,"  whose  tragic  death  ended  a  pic- 


turesque  life:  Selma  Borg,  Edward  Howland  and  Marie,  his  wife,  whose  enter- 
taining articles  ran  for  so  many  years  through  Harper's  Magazine;  James  M. 
Peebles,  the  scholar,  traveler  and  author,  and  last  but  not  least  among  many 
others,  Doctor  Bartholet.  the  "old  man  statuesque,"  whose  classic  lore  made 
him  as  much  sought  after  in  the  study  and  drawing-room  as  did  his  herculean 
frame  and  patriarchal  brow  in  the  studio  of  the  artist.  His  portrait  in  the 
Academy  of  h'ine  Arts  of  Philadelphia,  shows  a  subject  who  would  have  brought 
delight  to  the  heart  of  the  old  Dutch  masters. 

Hammonton  has  been  the  theme  of  "Poem  and  Story."  There  lived  and 
sung  William  Hoppin,  a  bard  of  no  mean  calibre,  whose  fine  poetic  nature  de- 
served a  better  fate  than  Fortune  cast  around  his  untimely  death.  In  the  story 
"Bunker  Hill  to  Chicago,"  Eloise  Randall  Richberg  has  drawn  many  of  the 
scenes  and  characters  from  the  little  town  which  was  so  long  her  home.  There 
lived  Libbie  Canfield,  the  dark-eyed,  raven-haired  beauty,  who  became  the  wife 
of  Brigham  Young,  Jr.  There  died  Dr.  James  North,  the  skillful  dentist,  the 
friend  of  Baron  Stein  and  the  Arch  Duke  Charles,  of  Austria. 

The  past  has  been  kind  to  the  namesake  of  John  Hammond  Coffin,  what 
the  future  has  in  store  is  a  sealed  book  which  is  not  in  my  power,  nor  is  it  my 
province  to  open. 



"TW  PATHETIC  as  well  as  poetic  story  is  tliat  nf  the  rise  and  decadence  of 
§^  the  village  of  Batsto.  Let  others  exi)lain  the  philosoiihy  of  the  strange 
J  I  industrial  changes  of  the  past  century.  Liatsto,  in  the  language  of  the 
Indians  who  knew  the  place  well,  means  a  bathing  place.  It  is  situated 
in  Burlington  County,  at  the  head  of  navigation,  on  the  northerly  bank  of  the 
Mullica  or  Little  Egg  Harbor  river.  The  Indian  name  of  this  stream  was  Minne 
lo  la,  which  signifies  Little  \\'ater.  This  place  was  knowu  in  the  olden  times  as 
the  Forks  of  the  Little  Egg  Harbor.  Here  four  streams  or  forks  unite  to  form  the 
large  river  which  flows  thirty  miles  into  Great  Bay  and  the  ocean.  With  the  towns 
along  the  river  for  many  years  there  was  extensive  commerce  with  Xew  York 
and  other  seaports.  The  iron,  glass,  wood,  timber  and  charcoal  from  the  Jersey 
villages  were  transported  to  market  in  ships  built  by  the  workers  in  wood  and 
iron  from  adjacent  forests  and  exchangetl  fiir  groceries  and  supplies  rec|uire(l  1)\- 
the  sturdy  inhabitants. 

The  Batsto  river,  Atsion  river,  Xesco  or  Jackson  creek,  and  West  Mill  creek 
were  cjuite  considerable  streams  in  the  earlier  days,  before  forest  fires  had  de- 
voured the  herbage  and  vegetation  that  covered  the  swamps  and  woodlands  and 
held  back  in  Nature's  own  good  way,  the  floods  which  now  so  cjuickTy  find  the 
channels  and  disappear,  leaving  a  denuded,  almost  desert  region  on  all  sides. 
Forty  years  and  more  ago  there  was  ample  water  power  on  any  of  these  streams 
to  drive  a  mill  any  month  in  the  year,  while  now  by  means  of  dams  and  canals 
four  united  streams  are  hardly  suiificient  for  the  Pleasant  Z^Iills  paper  mill  during 
dry  seasons. 

Batsto  and  Pleasant  ]\Iills  are  practically  une  village  with  bridges  over  these 
rivers  uniting  them.  Forty  years  ago  fully  a  thousand  people  found  work  and 
hapiiy  homes  there,  where  one-fifth  of  that  number  now  struggle  for  a  livelihood. 

Ten  years  before  the  Declaration  of  Independence  the  first  iron  furnace  was 
started  at  Batsto.  It  was  the  second  one  to  be  started  in  the  State,  the  first  being 
up  in  Warren  County.  Batsto  was  then  the  property  of  one  Israel  Pemberton, 
and  was  known  as  Whitcomb  Manor.  It  was  sold  to  Charles  Reed,  a  relative  by 
marriage,  and  then  consisted  of  several  thousand  acres.  Col.  John  Knox  suc- 
ceeded Reed  as  owner  in  1767.  and  Thomas  Mayberry  succeeded  Knox  the  fol- 
lowing year.  Later  it  became  the  jiroperty  of  Joseph  Ball,  a  wealthy  Quaker  of 
Philadelphia,  who  owned  land  in  several  states.  He  paid  $275,000  for  Batsto 
and  developed  the  bog  iron  works  there  during  the  Revolution.     Iron  cannon, 


THE    RISK    AXD    DI-:CADK.\C' 


shot  and  shfll  were  cast  then.-  and  the  place  l)ccainc  imc  of  cc 
qlR-ncc  to  the  colonists.  A  detachment  of  the  Urili^h  lleet  w , 
the  ])lace  and  the  battle  of  Sweetwater  was  the  C(in>ei|uence. 

(  )ne   of   the   stalwart   men   who,   conmiissicined   as   (.dlniK-l 
ins'ton  distin-nished   service   in   the    lersevs.   was   William    Rid 





til  llatsto  as  nianag:er  for 
Joseph  Ball,  his  nephew. 
1  !e  was  one  of  the  six  uncles 
and  six  aunts  who  later  in- 
herited the  Hall  estate.  He 
was  a  man  of  wonderful 
energy  and  enterprise,  and 
soon  became  sole  owner  and 
lived  like  a  prince.  He 
l)r()U,L;lit  in  inuiiii^rants.  de- 
built  up  the  otate  and 
reared  a  lari^e  familv.      He- 



■!-',V  1^ 

tore    tlie    dea 
Richanls.  in 

oldest  son,  succeeded  the  father  as  master  of  the  manor,  and  he  ruled  llatsto  as 
his  father  had  done  with  great  energy  and  success  for  thirty  years,  enlarged  the 
estate  and  made  it  exceedingly  prosperous.  From  the  big  house,  which  still 
stands,  he  could  survey  a  thriving  village  whose  people  were  employed  in  the 
manufacture  of  iron,  glass,  pottery,  huuber.  farming  and  ship-building,  ."^hade 
trees  were  planted  along  the  four  streets  of  the  village  and  an  assembly  of  ha])py 
homes  and  miles  of  farm  and  woodland  were  the  wealth  of  Jesse  Richards.  From 
his  own  store  and  mills  he  supplied  his  people  and  was  loved  and  honored  as  a  kind 

and  worthy  master.      In  person  he  was  very  large  ami        

powerful,  weighing  close  to  three  hundred  pound.;, 
and  full  of  enterprise  and  good  nature.  The  large  farms 
made  larger  by  the  wood  choppers  and  the  charci  lal 
burners  yielded  bountifully  of  all  kinds  of  fruits  and 
grains,  and  the  several  mills  were  kept  busy  making 
Hour,  feed  and  lumber  of  the  products  of  the  woods 
and  fields.  Batsto,  in  the  heart  of  South  Jerse}',  was  a 
picture  of  peace,  plenty  and  happiness  for  many 
years.  But  the  development  of  railroads  and  steam 
power,  the  discovery  of  anthracite  coal  in  Pennsylvania  and  the  opening 



iron   nunes   there   and   the  advantages  to  manutacturers  ot  proxmu 
cities,  had  a  fatal  effect  upon  the  bog  iron  industr\-  in  and  about  Batst 

In  1848 


THE    RISK    AXl)    DKCADF.XCi-:    OF    BATSTO. 

the  tires  in  the  I'.atsto  furnaces  were  allowed  to  die  out  and  they  were  never  a,t,^ain 
relighted.  This  was  a  severe  Jilow  to  Jesse  Richards,  who  died  six  years  later,  in 
1854,  aged  seventy-two  vears.     Xear  the  old  church  in  the  village  a  costly  marble 

monument  marks  his  last 
rcsiing  place,  on  which 
Ihe  words  -I'.cl.ived,  ll..n- 
'ired.  Mourned."  are  a  tit- 
ling epitaph  for  this  re- 
markable man. 

Three  sons.  Tlmma-- 
1  I.,  Sanuiel  and  b'sse.  and 
iliree  daughters.  inlierite(' 
I  lie  large  estate.  The  sons 
were  the  e.xectitors.     Thev 


iotl.  New  inventions  and  cor 
perity  of  Batsto.  They 
Stewart,  and  resided  in 
Xew  York  agency  serious- 
ly affected  the  estate,  and 
they  were  induced  to  sell 
thirty  thousand  acres  of 
their  lands.  Workmen  at 
times  failetl  of  their  wages 
as  the  clouds  of  disaster 
gathered  over  this  once 
happy  village.  Later  the 
fires  in  the  glass  furnaces 
went  out  and  the  bus}'  vil- 
lage of  half  a  century  was 
idle.  Efforts  were  made 
by  the  residents  to  again 
start  up  the  fires,  but  the 
com])etition  and  advan- 
tages of  other  places  could 
not  be  met  successfully. 
Batsto  gradually  ceased  to 
who  sold  tons  of  pork  and 

le  w  ith  the  great  indus- 
d  changes  of  that  per- 
s  effect  upon  the  pros- 
1  manager,  Robert 
losses  through  the 

OLD  CORN-CRIB  AND  uR.tJ    V.^L. 

■  the  ni 


-place  for  the  farmers  alxnit  .Mt. 

lb. 11 



luring  the  prosperous  years.      1  h 

e  mil 



AND    Dl-.CADI 


E   ABOVE    THE    ROAD. 

were  idle,  and  the  houses  and  foundr\-  l)ec;an  to  cruniljle  and  tlie  canals  in  ciit)ke 
up  and  go  to  ruin.  A  few  of  the  old  families  still  lingered,  occu|)\ing  the  liahilalile 
houses,  finding  employment  in  the  coalings  or  chopping  wood.  The  "I'.ig  I  louse" 
was  enipt_\-  at  last.     Xo  member  (if  the  Richards  family  remained  there.     (  )ne  of 

the    (laughters    had    marrie.l 

Judge  liicknell  of  (  )hio:  an- 
other had  been  buried  on 
the  hillside  by  the.  .Id  church. 
while  the  third  had  married 
a  Confederate  officer  and 
ived  in  the  South. 

On  the  night  of  Febru- 
iry  2^,  1874,  a  spark  from 
:himney  of  Robert  Stew- 
u't's  house  set  fire  to  the 
Iwelling-  and  spread  to  other 
louses  and  buildings  and 
aid  Batsto  in  ashes.  It  is 
now  but  a  suggestion  of  its 
former  self,  a  deserted  coun- 
try village.  Mortgages  had 
accumulated  against  the  property  and  the  Court  at  Alt.  Holly  had  given  Robert 
Stewart  a  mortgag-e  against  it  for  $20,000,  and  smaller  amounts  to  other  parties. 
In  1876,  at  a  Master's  sale,  on  a  mortgage  for  $14,000,  which  had  been  running 
since  1845,  Joseph  ^^'harton  of  Philadelphia,  purchased  the  Batsto  estate  of  about 
100  square  miles.  Mr.  Wharton  expended  thousands  of  dollars  in  the  improve- 
ment of  propert)-,  repairing  the  buildings,  clearing  up  the  farms,  planting  hedges, 
building  miles  of  roads,  cultivating  cranberry  bogs,  and  restoring  the  attractive- 
ness of  the  estate.  The  "Big  House"  was  very  much  enlarged  and  improved  to 
the  extent  of  over  $40,000.  It  is  a  niddel  country  mansion,  standing  on  a  sightly 
knoll  overlooking  the  lake  and  village,  surr<;iunded  by  grand  old  shade  trees.  It 
contains  36  rooms  and  is  surmounted  by  a  tower  116  feet  from  the  ground.  The 
dining  room  is  finished  in  ash.  the  parlor  in  cherry  and  walnut  and  a  large  old- 
fashioned  stairway  in  oak.  heavily  carved,  leads  from  the  spacious  hallway  to  the 
floors  above.  Every  room  is  provided  with  hot  and  cold  water.  There  are  marble 
top  washstands  and  several  bath  rooms.  (  )n  the  fourth  floor  is  a  billiard  room. 
The  walls  are  beautifully  frescoed  and  the  mansion  is  fit  to  entertain  the  President 
and  his  cabinet.  From  the  ample  porch  one  may  see  the  carp  pond  just  below 
the  road  where  for  years  the  old  iron  furnace  stood,  the  beautiful  lake  to  the  right 
and  above  the  dam  and  road,  and  to  the  left  the  stone  grist  mill,  corn  crib,  the 
old  stone  store  and  stables  and  cattle  sheds.  What  a  lively  ])aniirania  of  past 
scenes  do  these  substantial  buildings  and  this  grand  estate  suggest!  .Mr.  Whar- 
ton has  since  jnu-chased  other  lands  and  is  probably  the  lar-c^t  frcehnhkr  in  the 
State  of  Xew  Jerse}-. 


With  the  decadence  of  general  agriculture  and  the  extinction  of  old-time 
industries  at  Batsto,  the  growing  of  cranl^erries  for  a  number  of  years  has  been 
receiving  considerable  attention.  Augustus  Richards,  twenty  odd  years  ago,  was 
one  of  the  first  to  engage  extensively  in  cranberry  culture  at  Batsto.     The  wild 

berry  abounds  in  the  swamps  and  foi 
}ears  has  been  gathered  by  the  hundreds 
of  bushels.  Swamps  have  been  drained 
and  cleared  up  and  hundreds  of  acres 
added  to  the  cultivated  area  and  the  cran- 
hcrr\-  made  a  very  important  product  oi 
this  section.  It  is  estimated  that  not  less 
than  fifty  thousand  bushels  of  wild  and 
cultivated  berries  were  harvested  from 
tlic  varinus  bogs  and  swamps  of  the 
W'hartun  tract  during  the  season  of  1S98. 
Xaturalh-  a  large  portion  of  the  resi- 

STORE   AND   LAWN  ,  -       ,    .     '  . 

dents  ot  this  territory  are  not  property 
owntis  ihtu  income  is  parth  obtained  as  day  laborers  and  more  largelv  derived 
from  the  harvest  of  the  wild  huckleberry,  which  is  even  more  abundant  through- 
out the  woods  and  swamps  than  the  wild :  cranberry.  The- huckleberry  season 
lasts  from  the  first  of  June  till  the  middle  nf  Sc])tcni1)cr.  and  hundreds  of  people 
gather  enough  of  these  wild  berries  to  pay  their  entire  huusclnild  expenses.  Men, 
women  and  children  scour  the  swamps  for  them,  expert  pickers  gathering  a  bushel 
a  day  each.  This  fruit  of  the  Jersey  swamps  finds  a  ready  market  and  is  sent  away 
by  the  carload.  Requiring  no  capital  to  become  a  huckleberry  picker  hundreds 
of  people  make  a  comfortable  living  from  this  great  natural 
privilege  of  the  wild  lands. 

The  old  iron  plate  bearing  the  date  of  the  original 
building  of  the  Batsto  furnace,  and  its  rebuilding  twici 
is  still  in  existence  and  is  treasured  as  a  relic  by  ]Mr.  B.  \\ 
Richards,  at  his  office  in  Philadelphia.  This  plate  f.  u 
years  was  a  conspicuous  mark  on  the  last  stmie  furnaor, 
and  was  saved  from  the  ruins  when  the  furnace  \\a-~  di'-- 

«  V,/-^  w 

port  Republic. 

•L  "  HE  first  settlement  in  what  is  n(i\v  known  as  Atlantic  t;onnty,  was  made 
\S)      at  Chestnut   Xeck.  on  the  west  bank  of  the  Mullica   river,  near  where 
-|-         the  village  of  Port  Republic  is  now  locateil. 

In  1637  John  Mullica  sailed  up  the  river  that  took  his  name,  landiui;- 
at  Chestnut  Neck,  Green  Bank  and  Sweetwater  (now  Pleasant  Mills):  from  thence 
he  journeyed  across  country  to  Mullica  Hill,  where  he  settled,  lived  and  died. 
The  river  and  the  town  still  bear  the  name  of  the  first  explorer  of  this  section 
of  New  Jersey.  He  reported  the  country  a  vast  wilderness,  inhabited  by  Indians; 
the  forest  luxuriant  in  wild  grapes  and  nuts;  the  waters  teeming  with  fish,  geese, 
ducks  and  sea  birds.  Here  on  the  beach  sands  the  sea  birds  laid  their  eggs  and 
reared  their  young.  The  presence  of  large  numbers  of  eggs  gave  the  place  the 
name  of  Egg  Harbor  in  after  years. 

The  Manahawkin,  Shamong  and  Xacut  tribes  of  the  Delaware  (Lcni  Lcnapcs) 
nation  of  Indians  lived  along  the  Mullica;  at  peace  with  the  white  settlers  for 
more  than  a  century  before  the  last  remnant  of  the  finest  type  and  most  powerful 
nation  of  the  Aborigines  of  the  Western  Continent  retreated  ominously  toward 
the  setting  sun.  There  is  no  record  or  tradition  of  any  massacres  or  treachery  by 
the  peace-loving  Lenapes  in  this  section  of  New  Jersey.  Tamanend.  their  be- 
loved prophet  and  chief,  loved  peace  and  justice  and  he  instilled  these  sentiments 
into  the  hearts  of  his  tribes. 

Many  of  the  first  settlers  were  the  peace-loving  Quakers,  who  dealt  fairly  and 
with  justice  w-ith  the  Indians.  Their  lands  were  bought,  and  when  the  last  of 
the  tribes  moved  west  they  received  pay  for  their  remaining  territory. 

In  1676  the  province  of  West  Jersey  (the  Mullica  river  was  the  dividing  line 
between  East  and  West  Jersey)  passed  under  the  control  of  William  Penn.  The 
liberal  code  of  laws  instituted  by  Penn  induced  four  hundred  families  of  Friends 
to  settle  in  the  Province  the  first  year.  .Many  families  in  Atlantic  County  trace 
their  lineage  to  these  first  Quaker  families.  The  Leeds  were  Quakers.  .\  Friends 
Society  was  organized  and  a  meeting  house  built  about  this  time  near  Leeds 
Point.    This  old  meeting  house  has  since  been  converted  into  a  store  and  dwelling. 

In  1776,  when  the  Independence  of  the  colonies  was  proclaimed.  Chestnut 
Neck  was  the  largest  village  on  the  New-  Jersey  coast — a  trade  centre — vessels 
making  regular  trips  to  Xew  York,  taking  out  a  cargo  of  lumber,  fish,  furs  and 
agricultural  products  and  returning  with  i^roxisions  and  the  mail.     In  that  year 


Families  b 

•  the 


r.  r.R 




.    r.ur 






V    \'n 

•t   Re- 

h    Knolaiid 


n,   the 

1  the 


•   sett 

ers  of 

r  cnni 


of  t 


)ank  1 

f  the 




Patrick  AlcCoUum  and  Micajah  Smith,  having-  olnair.ed  a  charter  from  the  Kiu};- 

of  England,  began  building  the  mill  dam  across  Xacut  creek  at  Port  Republic 

and  erected  mills  for  sawing  lumber  and  grinding  corn. 

of  Matliis.  Johnson.  l!ell.  Collins.  Soo\-.  Giberson.  Turnt 

Miller,    Bowen.   Adams.    Leech.    Trench.    Iligliee.    Smitl 

and  Martin  had  settled  at  or  in  the  \icinity  of  Che.-tmv 


\\'hen  indeiH-ndence  was  declared  and  hostilities  wi 
spirit  of  patriotism  and  lo^  e  of  liliert}-  fired  the  hearts  u 
this  section.  A  company  of  volunteers  was  formed,  undt 
John'son.  and  a  crude  sand  fort  constructed  on  the  south  1 
the  village  of  Chestnut  Xeck,  Another  company  of  Rangers  had  lieen  formed 
with  Captain  Baylin  in  commanil.  at  the  forks  of  the  river,  below  Pleasant  Mills. 
Dr.  Richard  Collins,  who  was  the  tirst  resident  physician  of  Atlantic  County. 
joined  the  Continental  Army  as  a  surgeon.  Jack  Fenton,  of  the  Continent,-'' 
Army,  was  dispatched  by  Gen.  Washington  to  this  neighborhood  as  a  scout,  firs' 
to  assist  Capt.  Baylin  in  exterminating  the  renegades  who  were  plundering 
throughout  the  settlements,  and  later  to  reconnoitre  for  British  expeditions  that 
might  be  sent  against  Chestnut  Neck,  which  now  had  become  an  important  post. 
The  British  were  in  possession  of  Philadelphia  and  Xew  York,  and  Washington, 
with  his  bare-footed,  half  famished  army  of  patriots  was  between  these  two  centres 
of  trade  with  no  means  of  obtaining  supplies  excepting  from  the  sparsely  settled 
countrj-  district.  It  was  at  this  time  that  supplies  were  brought  into  the  harbor 
at  Chestnut  Xeck,  in  vessels  from  the  .South,  and  conveyed  by  wagon  trains  across 
the  State  to  the  Continental  .\rni\ ,  then  at  \'alley  Forge.  Cannon  balls  were 
moulded  of  bog  iron  ore  at  (  )1(1  ( doucester  furnace  and  at  Batsto,  for  use  in  the 
American  Army.  The  harbor  being  landlocked  and  secluded  by  the  forest,  made 
it  an  excellent  and  safe  rendezvous  for  prize  vessels  captured  by  American  pri- 
vateers. There  were  thirty  of  these  prize  vessels  in  the  harbor,  beside  the  mer- 
chantmen, when  the  battle  of  Chestnut  Xeck  was  fought. 

In  the  spring  of  1778,  a  renegade  by  the  name  of  MuUiner,  acted  as  a  IJritish 
spy  and  gave  such  information  to  the  British  that  Gen.  Burgoyne  sent  an  expe- 
tition,  eight  hundred  strong,  against  Chestnut  Xeck.  Jack  Fenton,  the  scout, 
learned  of  the  expedition  and  sent  a  messenger  to  the  camp  of  Gen.  Washington, 
who  dispatched  Count  Pulaski  from  Red  Bank  to  the  X^eck  to  check  the  move- 
ment. During  a  terrific  rain  storm,  on  the  12th  of  April,  1778,  the  British  came 
into  Little  Egg  Harbor  Inlet  and  proceeded  up  Great  Bay  and  the  Mullica  river. 
When  the  storm  ceased  and  the  fog  lifted  the  I'.ritish  were  within  gun  shot  of  the 
village.  The  volunteers  opened  fire  from  their  sand  fort  and  continued  the  fight 
until  their  scant  supply  of  ammunition  was  exhausted,  when  they  retreated  Ijefore 
greatly  superior  numbers,  covering  the  women  and  children,  who  fled  to  the 
woods,  and  firing  from  tree  t(j  tree.  Tradition  tells  us  that  the  last  shot  was  fired 
by  Capt.  Johnson,  from  behind  a  tree,  and  killed  a  British  officer  who  was  lead- 
ing his  men  up  the  river  bank.     The  British  burned  all  the  vessels  in  the  harbor. 


SKETCH    OF    I'URT    RRPUBI.IC.  it:! 

plundered  and  burned  the  village  and  ravaged  all  the  surrounding  eountry,  taking 
cattle,  provisions  and  whatever  valuables  they  found  from  the  settlers. 

While  a  portion  of  the  British  were  plundering,  a  detachment  of  regulars 
were  sent  against  Sweetwater,  where  Captain  Baylin's  Rangers  were  located. 
The  "red  coats"  camped  for  the  night  in  a  pine  grove  along  the  river  road.  Jack 
Fenton.the  scout,  followed  their  trail,  located  their  camp  and  hastened  to  Sweet- 
water to  apprise  Capt.  Ba_\din,  who  immediately  broke  camp  and  marched  down 
the  river  road  to  meet  the  enemy.  In  a  ra\ine  he  halted,  and  taking  a  ])art  of  his 
command  to  the  top  of  a  hill,  anil  placing  the  scout  in  command  of  the  others 
in  the  thickets  by  the  roadside,  Capt.  Ba\lin  ;ind  lii^  lirave  patriots,  although 
greatly  inferior  in  numbers,  lay  inipatientl\-  awaiting  the  coming  of  the  enemy. 
The  sun  had  not  yet  pierced  the  heav\"  fog  that  hung  over  the  valley  when  the 
sound  of  martial  music  reached  their  ears,  and  soon  the  steady  tramp  of  the  King's 
regulars  appeared  in  sight.  Not  until  they  were  directly  opposite  did  the  order 
from  the  scout  ring  out  "fire!"  And  instant!}-  a  \-olley  was  poured  into  the 
enemy's  ranks,  followed  closely  by  another  \olley  from  Capt.  Baylin's  men.  So 
unexpected  was  the  attack  that  the  British  ranks  were  broken,  and  taking  ad- 
vantage of  their  consternation  the  patriots  with  a  yell  rushed  out  into  the  high- 
way and  pursued  the  retreating  enemy.  Once  the  British  Captain  attempted  to 
rally  his  men  in  the  narrow  highway,  but  after  a  skirmish  they  again  broke  ranks 
and  retreated,  hotly  pursued  by  the  .Americans.  Arriving  at  the  Neck  they  found 
their  comrades  making  a  hasty  embarkation,  for  Pulaski  was  coming  with  his 
command  of  Continentals.  So  enraged  was  the  fiery  Pole  at  the  wanton  destruc- 
tion by  the  British  that  he  collected  what  vessels  he  could  from  Bass  river  and 
gave  chase.  So  closely  did  he  pursue  them  that  one  of  the  British  vessels,  which 
had  run  aground  on  the  Range  in  Great  Bay,  was  set  on  fire  to  save  her  from 
falling  into  the  hands  of  the  Americans.  The  others  got  safely  out  of  the  inlet 
and  Pulaski's  boats  not  being  large  enough  for  the  open  sea,  he  gave  up  the  chase. 

Mulliner  was  captured  by  the  scout,  convicted  and  hung  as  a  spy.  Their 
leader  gone  the  renegades  left  this  section  of  the  country.  Jack  Fenton  was 
transferred  to  the  Southern  division  and  was  killed  in  the  battle  of  Camden,  S.  C. 

Thus  the  first  settlers  of  Atlantic  County  suffered  the  loss  of  their  homes, 
their  cattle  and  provisions.  Onlv  three  rebuilt  at  the  Xeck,  the  others  moved  back 
to  Gravelly  Landing,  on  Xacut  creek,  and  built  the  first  dwellings,  where  now  is 
the  village  of  Port  Republic. 

Ax  Er-\  of  Prosperity. 

After  the  close  of  the  War  of  the  Revolution,  when  the  English  army  had 
been  withdrawn;  when  peace  had  been  declared;  when  the  young  Republic  had 
been  established;  when  Washington  had  been  elected  and  inaugurated  President, 
an  era  of  great  prosperity  dawned  upon  the  hitherto  struggling  colonists.  They 
were  now  a  free  and  independent  people  and  stimulated  by  the  advantages  of  a 
liberal  government,  they  went  to  work  with  a  will  and  an  ambition  which  only 
a  people  living  under  a  free,  independent  Republic  possess.    The  forests  were  con- 

E.    H.    MADDEN,    M.D. 

u-  t 



,1     ;,„,,,^- 


\.  innmi- 







1  th 

at  are 

SKF.TCH   oi-   r(_)RT  ki-.rrni.ic. 

verted  into  fertile  farms,  streams  were  danmied.  saw  mill,>  erected  ai 

converted  into  lumber.     Xew  settlers  came  in  and  towns  were  bnil 

composed  of  frail  shanties,  bm  substantial  dwellings  of  the    sjiacion^ 

tive  colonial  style  of  architecture.     Many  of  these  buildings  stand  V 

ments  to  the  prosperity  and  comfort  of  the  people  a  century  ago. 

dwelling,  built  by  John  Endicott  at  the  drawbridge,  the  old  mans 

street,  built  bv  Nicholas  \'an  Sant,  and  the  lirick  store  at  tlie  dam.  1 

Miller  at  Port  Republic  are  among  the  colonial  buildings  a  centnrv 

still  tenanted  and  have  been  preserved  as  landmarks  of  a  more  substantial  age. 

The  vast  swamps  of  cedar  along  the  Mullica  river  and  its  tributaries  were 
valuable  for  house  building,  and  the  giant  oak  forests  were  valuable  for  ship 
building.  Lumbering  became  an  important  industry,  and  a  line  of  trading 
schooners  made  regular  trips  between  Gravelly  I^anding  and  Manhattan  mow 
New^  York  City).  Many  \essels  were  built  here  at  the  A'an  Sant  ship  vards.  of 
which  there  were  tliree.  and  some  of  the  finest  ami  fleetest  in  the  coasting  trade 
were  built  here. 

Farming  paid  well  in  these  da\s,  and  the  agriculturists  found  a  ready  sale 
for  their  produce,  potatoes,  wheat,  corn,  rye.  barley,  beef,  pork,  and  wool  among 
the  lumbemien,  carpenters,  fishermen  and  hotel  proprietors.  Clothing  was  luade 
from  home-spun  wool,  woven  by  the  fair  hands  of  the  village  daughters.  There 
was  then  no  tariff  and  no  shoddy  clothing.  Silver  was  coined  free  the  saiue  as 
gold,  both  were  freely  circulated.  Money  was  plenty,  times  were  prosperous.  So 
the  village  of  Gravelly  Landing  grew  into  a  tow  n.  and  an  important  trading  post. 
After  the  burning  of  Chestnut  Neck  by  the  British,  in  1777,  the  residents,  fearing 
a  recurrence  at  some  future  time,  moved  back  on  the  Nacut  creek  and  were  new- 
residents  of  Gravelly  Landing.  A  post  ofifice  w'as  established,  with  James  Hat- 
field as  the  first  postmaster.  He  was  succeeded  by  James  Endicott.  A  stage  line 
was  established  to  Philadelphia  and  the  mail  arrived  and  departed  once  a  week. 
The  arrival  and  departure  of  this  overland  mail  coach,  with  its  driver  in  braided 
hair,  cocked  hat,  knee  breeches  and  buckled  shoes,  loudly  blowing  a  trumpet 
to  herald  his  approach,  was  an  event  in  the  annals  of  the  town.  The  coach  was 
large  and  seated  twelve  passengers,  and  was  drawn  by  four  horses.  The  start  was 
made  at  4  o'clock  in  the  morning  from  the  hotel  of  Japhet  Leeds  (now  Leeds 
Point),  stopping  at  the  Gravelly  Landing  post  office,  Franklyn  Inn  at  the  dam, 
Clark's  Mills  hotel,  Indian  Cabin,  Blue  Anchor  and  Long  Coming  (now  Berlin). 
Usually  the  whole  populace  gathered  on  the  arrival  of  the  coach,  greetings  were 
exchanged  and  refreshments  partaken  of  at  each  stopping  place. 

Daniel  Mathis,  who  built  and  kept  the  hotel  at  Chestnut  Neck,  which  was 
looted  and  burned  by  the  British  in  1777,  built  the  old  Franklyn  Inn,  which  still 
stands  near  the  dam  at  Port  Republic.  Jonas  Miller,  a  young  brick  mason  and 
builder,  married  a  daughter  of  Daniel  ]^Iathis,  and  afterwards  became  proprietor 
of  Franklyn  Inn,  wdiich  he  conducted  successfully  for  several  years.  His  four 
daughters,  all  of  wdiom  married  hotel  men,  grew  to  womanhood  here  and  were 
noted  for  their  personal  beauty  and  force  oi  character.     They  were  leaders  of  th.' 


THK    OLD    FORT    AND    ITS    DF.F F.XDERS.  07 

society  of  the  village,  and  in  after  years  frequently  returned  to  visit  the  scenes  of 
their  girlhood  days.  Jonas  Miller  removed  to  Cape  May  and  built  Congress 
Hall,  when  that  resort  was  at  its  zenith  of  popularity,  before  the  Civil  War.  His 
son.  Burroughs  Miller,  served  Cape  ;\Iay  County  in  the  State  Legislature  as 
Senator  for  several  terms,  and  held  several  municipal  offices  in  Cape  May.  For 
\  ears  he  was  the  leader  of  his  party  in  Cape  May,  and  under  his  leadership  the 
cnunty  was  always  Democratic.  He  was  a  man  greatly  beloved  by  the  pen])lc 
I  if  Cape  May,  and  was  identified  with  its  best  antl  most  progressive  interests. 


^^  HORTLY  after  the  declaration  of  war  by  the  L'nited  States  against  Great 
/-^N  Britain,  in  1812,  John  R.  Scull,  of  Egg  Harbor  township,  living  near 
[i)  Somers  Point,  formed  a  company  of  infantr\-.  known  as  the  "First  Bat- 
talion, First  Regiment  of  the  Gloucester  Coimty  (Atlantic  County  at  this 
time  was  not  formed)  Brigade.  Xew  Jersey  Militia,  \'olunteers,"  for  the  protec- 
tion of  the  maritime  frontier.. 

The  following  persons  were  commissioned  or  enrolled  as  ofticers  of  this 
company  on  May  25,  1814. 

John  R.  Scull,  Captain;  Samuel  Scull,  ist  Lieut.;  Levi  Holbert,  2(1  Lieut.; 
Jiib  Frambes,  3d  Lieut.;  Zachariah  Dole,  ist  Sergeant;  Lsrael  Scull,  2(1  Sergeant; 
Samuel  Lake,  3d  Sergeant,  and  Richard  I.  Somers,  4th  Sergeant.  John  I'ine,  ist 
I  iDrporal;  Thomas  Reeves,  2d  Corporal,  and  Isaac  Robinson,  3d  Corporal.  Robert 
I'l.  Risley,  drummer,  and  James  M.  Gififord,  fifer. 

The  following  are  the  names  of  the  privates  found  in  the  company:  James 
.\dams,  Jeremiah  Adams.  Jonas  Adams.  Solomon  Adams,  Jacob  Albertson.  John 
r.arber.  David  E.  Bartlett.  John  Reaston,  Andrew  Blackman,  Andrew  B.  Black- 
man,  Thomas  Blackman,  Derestius  Booy,  Joseph  H.  Booy,  James  Burton,  Jesse 
(  hamberlain,  Jesse  Chambers.  Enoch  Champion.  John  Champion.  Joseph  Cham- 
I-ion,  Joel  Clayton,  John  Clayton.  Absalom  Cordery,  Samuel  Delancy,  Daniel 
Doughty,  Enoch  Doughty,  John  Doughty,  Daniel  Edwards,  Daniel  English. 
Hosea  English,  Aaron  Frambes,  Andrew  Frambes,  Stephen  Gauslin,  Andrew 
liodfrey,  Andrew  Hickman,  Ebenezer  Holbert,  Clement  Ireland,  David  Ireland, 
Elijah  Ireland.  Job  Ireland,  Thomas  Ireland.  Andrew  Jeffers.  Daniel  Jefifers, 
Lvin  Jeffers,  Nicholas  Jefifers,  John  Jeffers.  \Mlliam  Jeffers,  Enoch  Laird,  David 
Lee,  Jesse  Marshall,  Daniel  Mart,  John  Alart,  Richard  Morris,  David  Price,  John 
iVice,  Sr.,  John  Price,  Jr.,  John  Reggins,  Jeremiah  Risley,  Sr.,  Jeremiah  Ris- 
ley. Jr.,  Nathaniel  Risley,  Peter  Risley,  Richard  Risley,  John  Robarts.  John 
Robinson,  Andrew  Scull,  David  Scull,  John  S.  Scull,  Joseph  Scull,  Richard  Scull, 
Damon  Somers,  Edmund  Somers.  Isaac  Somers,  James  Somers,  John  J.  Somers, 
John  S.  Somers,  Joseph  Somers.  Mark  Somers,  Nicholas  Somers.  Samuel  Somers, 
Thomas  Somers,   Abel  Smith.   Enoch   Smith.   Isaac   Smith.  Jacob   Smith.  Jesse 




1,  !• 


THE    OLD    I-ORT    AXD    ITS    1) 

Smith,  Zophar  Smith.  Davi.i  Stcdman.  I'.lijah  Strc 

erick  Steehiian,  James  Stcohiian.  Jesse  Sierhuan.  I 

man,  Samuel  Steehiian,   Daniel  'rilton.  James  Tnw 

Vansant,   Joseph    Wilkins,    Martin    \Vil>e> .   JmIhi    Winner   aiul   Jn>.-ph    Wimur, 

making-  one  huiulred  and  two  privates. 

This  company  was  discharged  on  hehrnary  i  _',  1815,  an<l  iimIw  ith>tan(liny 
more  than  eiohty-five  years  have  ])assed  away,  yet  to-day,  thr(iUL;li  the  vein>  of 
some  of  our  most  energetic,  enterprising  and  patiiotic  citizens  nf  Allaniie  and 
Cape  yiay  Counties,  flows  the  blood  of  some  of  these  men. 

During  the  short  time  this  company  were  in  service,  the\  were  not  idle. 
Selecting  a  spot  near  the  (ireat  Egg  Harbor  river,  one  that  not  only  gave  them 
a  full  view  of  the  Great  Egg  Harbor  Inlet,  but  absolute  command  of  the  harbor, 
here  they  erected  a  fortification  in  the  form  of  a  semi-circle  fifty  feet  in  diameter, 
with  a  base  of  twenty  feet  and  fifteen  on  the  top,  with  a  height  ranging  from  six 
to  ten  feet.  This  they  mounted  with  cannon  capable  of  carrying  a  ball  from  four 
to  six  pounds:  and  woe  be  to  the  P>ritisli  Lion  should  he  attemjit  to  intrude  on 
these  waters. 

After  the  erection  of  this  fi.irtitication,  e'ai)tain  Scull  had  his  men  ever  stand- 
ing guard  both  night  and  day.  watching,  as  it  were,  with  an  eagle  e}e.  for  their 
dreaded  foe,  the  British  Lion,  should  he  be  seen  prowling  near,  and  horsemen 
ready  to  mount  swift  steeds  and  hasten  to  inform  the  sturdy  yeomen  of  a]i]iroacli- 
ing  danger.  Patriotism  caused  him  to  leave  his  |)low  in  the  field,  hasten  to  the 
house,  seize  his  trusty  flint-lock  gun.  powder  horn  and  shot  iioucli.  'Ihus  equiiiped 
he  impressed  one  kiss  on  the  lips  of  the  one  near  and  dear  to  him,  then  hastened 
to  this  little  fortification  to  wait  for  the  unwelcome  \isitors,  and  treat  them  to 
the  repast  prepared  for  them,  iron  lialls  and  lead  ])ills. 

So  much  respect  had  the  land  holders  for  this  little  historic  spot,  that  it 
remained  untouched  only  b_\-  the  hand  of  time,  for  a  ])eriod  of  more  than  seventy 
years,  when  the  progress  of  iin]>ro\cnunts  demanded  its  removal.  'Twas  then 
that  workmen  found  mounds  of  l)alls  remaining  in  the  same  position  as  they 
were  placed  by  our  forefathers  in  1S14.  .Vow  the  iron  horse  treads  where  the 
boys  of  1814  tramped  to  and  fro.  and  with  a  lynx  eye  pierced  the  darkness  over 
the  waters  of  the  Great  Egg  Harbor,  to  catch  the  first  glimpse  of  their  dreaded 
foe.  The  first  obscure  object  seen  thereon  causeil  them  to  more  hrnil\-  gras]) 
their  trusty  fire-arms.  silentl\'  pletlging  their  Hve>  anew,  to  the  ])rcjtection  of  the 
homes  of  their  loved  ones. 

Well  may  the  American  nation  feel  protul  o\er  the  bold  and  daring  acts 
of  "Rear  Admiral  Dewey"  at  Alanila.  and  Hobson  at  Santiago,  as  their  acts  of 
heroism  were  sent  with  lightning  speed  from  nation  to  nation,  and  their  names 
enrolled  high  on  the  honor  of  fame,  in  the  annals  of  the  navies  of  the  world,  ^'et 
let  us  forget  not.  that  Sonier's  Point,  in  all  of  its  ol)scurity,  is  the  birth  place  of 
one  of  the  l^ravest  of  the  lorave  officers  that  ever  trod  the  deck  of  an  American 
man-of-war;  future  naval  histories  may  record  his  equals,  the  past  cannot:  this 
is  no  other  jierson  than  that  of  "Alaster  Commander  Richard  Soniers."  who  sac- 



BOUNDS    OF    OLD    OAI.I.c  t\\■A^•    Ti -iWXSIM  P.  KM 

riticcil  his  life  on  the  4th  day  of  Septeniljcr,  1S04.  in  the  harlior  of  Tri]).  ih,  in 
an  attempt  to  rescue  his  fellow  countrymen  who  were  thmigiu  t(j  be  barbarously 
treated  by  their  captors. 

Less  than  a  half  mile  from  where  Captain  John  S.  Scull  erected  his  fortiti- 
cation.  in  1814,  this  brave  man,  Richard  Somers,  was  born,  on  the  15th  day  of 
September,  1778;  still  nearer  this  spot  he  received  the  first  rudiments  of  his  edu- 
cation: yet  still  nearer  he  received  his  first  lessons  in  seamanship.  iM-cmi  this 
port  he  first  shipped  as  a  sailor.  In  the  sunuuer  of  1803,  at  his  birth  ])lace.  we 
find  this  noble  conunander  bidding-  his  friends,  relatives  and  birth  place  the 
last  adieu. 

The  monument  erected  at  Somers  Point,  to  perpetuate  his  memory,  marks 
not  his  last  resting  place,  but  reminds  the  one  that  reads  the  inscri]ninn  thereon 
of  the  heroic  acts  of  this  brave  man. 


^^  EORGE  THE  THIRD,  by  the  t; 
l^      and  Ireland,  King  defender  of  1 
•«!►         shall  come,  greeting: 

Know  Ye,  That  we  of  our  specie- 
motion,  have  given  and  granted  and  by 
us  and  our  successors,  to  the  inhabitants  of  the  north-east  part,  of  the  township 
of  Great  Egg  Harbor,  in  the  county  of  Oloucester,  ui  our  I'rdvince  of  Xew 
Jersey,  wherein  the  following  boundarys,  to  wit:  lieginning  at  a  pine  tree  stand- 
ing on  the  head  of  the  North  branch  of  Absequan  creek,  marked  on  four  sides: 
on  the  south-west  side  lettered  E.  G.,  and  on  the  north-east  side  N.  W.,  and  from 
thence  running  north  forty-five  degrees  eighty  minutes  west  (the  eighty  minutes 
must  be  an  error  in  the  records),  sixteen  miles  a  ipiarter  and  a  half-(|uarter  to  a 
pine  tree  standing  south-west,  sixty  cliains  from  the  new  road,  and  near  a  small 
branch  of  Penny  Pot,  and  in  the  line  of  the  former  township  aforesaid,  and 
marked  as  aforesaid:  and  thence  running  by  the  aforesaid  line  north  forty-five 
degrees  east,  nine  miles  to  Atsion  branch,  thence  down  the  same  to  the  main 
river  of  Little  Egg  Harbor;  thence  down  the  aforesaid  river,  by  the  several 
courses  thereof  to  the  mouth:  thence  south  thirty-five  degrees  east,  six  miles  and 
a  quarter  through  the  Great  Bay  of  Little  Egg  Harbor,  to  the  south-west  end  of 
the  flat  beach  at  Brigantine  Inlet;  thence  southwesterly,  crossing  the  said  Brig- 
antine  Beach  and  the  sea  to  Absequan  Inlet:  thence  north  sixty  degrees  west, 
five  miles,  crossing  the  sounds  and  Absecpian  Bay  to  .\mos  Ireland's  Point,  near 
the  mouth  of  Absequan  creek;  thence  bounding  by  the  several  courses  thereof 
up  said  creek,  and  north  branch  of  Absequan  to  the  pine  first  named,  and  place 
of  beginning,  to  be  and  remain  a  perpetual  township  and  comnumity  in  word 
and  deed,  to  be  called  and  known  by  the  name  of  the  Township  of  (  ).  (n'lllowav. 

^•race  0 

f  (iod,   of 

(^reat    1 

ritain,   France 

the   fait 

li.   etc.,  to 


these  presents 

al   gran 

t.    certain 


l^re    and    mere 

N-  these 

presents  (. 

0  give 

md  grant,   fur 


iVnd  we  further  grant  to  the  said  inhabitants  of  the  township  aforesaid,  and  their 
successors,  to  choose  annually  a  Constable,  Overseer  of  the  Poor,  and  Overseer 
of  the  Highways  of  the  township  aforesaid,  and  to  enjoy  all  the  rights,  liberties 
and  immunities  thus  any  other  township  in  our  Province  may  of  right  enjoy. 
And  the  said  inhal^itants  are  hereby  constituted  and  appointed  a  township  by  the 
name  aforesaid,  to  have,  hold  and  enjoy  the  privileges  aforesaid,  to  them  and 
their  successors  forever.  In  testimony  whereof,  we  have  caused  these  letters  to 
be  made  patent,  and  the  Great  Seal  of  the  Province  of  New  Jersey  to  be  here- 
unto ai^xed.  Witness  our  trusty  and  well  beloved  William  Franklin,  Esq., 
Captain  Cieneral,  (iovernor  and  Commander-in-Chief  in  and  (jver  the  Province 
of  New  Jersey  and  territories  thereon  depending-  in  America.  Chancellor  and  Aice- 
Admiral  of  the  same,  etc.,  the  fourth  day  of  April,  in  the  fourteenth  year  of  our 
reign.  Anno  Domini  one  thousand  seven  hundred  and  seventy-four. 

N.  P). — The  first  line  was  run  from  the  head  of  Absequan  to  tlie  head  of 
Gloucester  township  line.  June  the  first.  1797. 

Wm.   L.\ke. 
January  27111.   1899. 



Pleasant  illillB. 

TH  Uk'  exception  of  Chirks  Laiulins-.  several  miles  further  dciwii  the 
river.  Pleasant  Mills  is  the  oldest  settlement  in  Atlantic  Countv.  As 
early  as  1718  the  site  (if  the  present  village  was  a  collection  of  log  huts 
where  hard}'  pioneers  found  a  free  and  exciting  life  with  but  few  enervating  lux- 
uries and  li\ed  hy  hunting,  fishing  and  farming.  Indians  were  numerous  in 
Jerse}-  at  that  time  and  had  their  villages  in  this  locality,  but  these  white  men 
early  distinguished  themselves  from  their  red  neighbors  b\'  erecting  a  cabin  of 
rude,  square  logs,  roofed  with  rough  boards  and  dedicated  to  the  dreat  i^pirit, 
who  made  the  white  man  and  the  red  man  friends,  for  in  truth  it  can  be  said  that 
in  this  State  they  were  alwa\s  at  peace;  there  never  was  any  strife  or  bloodshed 
between  them. 

The  site  of  the  first  rude  church,  which  was  known  for  many  vears  as  Clarks 
Meeting  House  at  the  Forks  of  the  Little  Egg  Harbor,  is  still  pointed  out  as 
being  near  the  present  edifice,  in  the  pine  grove,  on  the  margin  of  the  old  ceme- 
tery, where  sleep  several  generation?  of  the  villagers. 


I'ew  in  our  day  can  ajipreciate  the  imlettered  teachin; 
preachers,  and  the  plain  manner  of  living  of  those  whose  race 
paths  than  ours.     Rev.  Simon   Lucas,  a  Revolutionary  soldie 






primitive  Methodists  who  otiiciatecl  in  this  old 
fore  it  gave  place  to  a  larger  ami  more  sightly 
Peterson  and  Simon  Ashcroft  were  three  of  tl 
church,  which  was  dedicated  in  1809  by  the  Re 
Methodist  I'.ishop.  The  Bible  used  on  that  tic 
relic  and  is  used  by  tlie  present  worshipjicrs.  It 
having  been  printed  in  1808.  In  these  the  cJMsii 
but  few  gather  in  this  tem]ilc  of  wnrship.  CMni]ia 
congregations  that  gathered  here  tliirix.  fMi-t\,  I 

church  twenty  years  or  more  be- 
edifice,  in  1808.  He.  Lawrence 
le  trustees  who  built  the  present 
•.  Francis  Asbury,  America's  first 
casion  is  still  kept  as  a  precious 
is  cif  the  same  age  as  the  church. 
ig  day>  ,.f  the  nineteenth  century, 
-ed  with  the  lar-e  and  fashinnabl,- 

Sweetwater  was  the  first  name  < 
of  what  is  now  the  Jackson  stream, 
mill.     The   first   industrv  to  be  estab 

■  taken  from  the  Indian  nrme 
eSdUie  waters  drive  the  ]ja])er 
saw-mill,  which  for  tiftv  \-ears 

helped  to  advance  civilization  at  the  head  of  what  is  now  Xesco  pond.  A  cotton 
factory  followed  within  the  memory  of  persons  still  living,  and  was  operated  till 
it  was  destroyed  by  fire.  Since  1861  the  paper  mill  has  been  the  main  industry 
of  the  village. 

The  plant  of  the  Pleasant  Mills  Paper  Company  is  almost  a  solitary  survivor 
of  the  many  industries  which  thrived  in  the  interior  of  Atlantic  County  before 
the  advent  of  the  locomotive,  W'hUt  other  enterprises  have  struggled  and  finally 
yielded  to  the  changed  conditions.  Pleasant  Mills  has  steadily  flourished  and 
forged  ahead,  and  is  to-day  one  of  the  leading  paper  mills  of  its  kind   in  this 



•OLi:»     UV 

:\\( )( 1 

country.  From  Monda_\-  niornin^-  to  Saturday  evening-,  ni^ln  and  da 
from  the  busy  wheels  can  be  heard  echoint;'  through  the  ruins  of  what 
ago  were  busy  communities  in  this  vicinity.    Raw  materials  are  bou<jht 

ilippines.  and  some  a 

oljscure   spot   in   the   int 
are  transformed  into  pajx 


possessions,  tin. 
_,•  our  antipinU 
from  JMiyland 
shipped  to  thi; 
Atlantic  Count} 

market  is  the  world.     This  process  of  manufac- 
])loys    and    i.-.    the    sole    support    nf    some 

During  the  Revolution  a  battalion  of  soldier> 
under  the  command  of  Major  Gordon  nccn])ied 
barracks  at  Sweetwater,  just  below  the  old  button- 
wood  trees  on  the  bank  of  the  Mullica.  .\earl)\ 
stood  the  old  Washington  tavern,  where  mer- 
chants, brokers,  sailors  and  teamsters  made  thi> 
an  exciting  place.  \'essels  captured  by  American 
Egg-  Harbor  were  unloaded  here,  and  the  sup- 

quUe  a  prosperous  and  at  tunes  a 

privateers  and  brought  into  Littl 

plies  that  were  intended  for  the  iJritish  army  were  transported  from  the  midst 

of  Soittli  Jersey  forests  over  sandy  roads  by  the  invincible  colonists  to  the  suffering 

patriots  at  A'alley  Forge.     The  Delaware  was  crossed  at  I'lurlington  and   I'.ristol, 

and  the  distress  of  those  memorable  winters  of  1777  and  1778  was  made  more  t(jl- 

erable  by  the  supplies  thus  obtained. 

Refugees  and  Tory  sympathizers  who  defied  authorities  had  their  head- 
quarters in  neighboring  swamps,  near  what  are  now  Elwood  and  Egg  Harbor 
City,  and  made  murderous  raids  upon  defenceless  people.  Two  such  leaders  of 
Tory  gangs,  Giberson  and  Alulliner,  visited  the  house  of  a  widow  Hates  and 
insulted  and  tortured  her  by  burning 
down  her  home  before  her  eyes.  She  re- 
sisted and  fought  the  fire  so  successfully 
that  they  tied  her  to  the  fence  and  re- 
newed the  torch.  They  were  pursued  and 
overtaken,  but  Giberson  escaped  by  swim- 
ming the  river  at  Green  Bank,  and  was 
shot  and  killed  later  at  Cedar  Creek.  Tra- 
dition says  that  Mulliner  was  captured 
at  Columbia,  court-martialed  in  slmrt 
order  and  hanged  from  a  limb  of  one  of 
the  old  buttonwood  trees  on  the  bank  of 
the  river,  which  have  since  been  monu- 
ments of  this  exciting  event.  Another 
story  is  that  ]\Iulliner  was  captured,  tried  i 
burv  and  hanged  there,  and  that  two  othe 



a  sp\ 

and  disloyal  per 
were  strung  up 

at  W. 




ceremon\'  from 
this-  iiia\   be.  hi"- 

the  liml.s  of  tr 
nia\    still  be  :?e( 


was  the  American  home  of  Kate  .\\  lesfi  i 
ular  novel  celebrating  local  history  ;uk1  . 
events.  She  was  married  in  the  historical  Episcopal 
Church,  on  Second  street  above  Market,  Philadelphia, 
in  the  presence  of  Gen.  Washington,  to  Major  Gor- 
don, who  was  in  command  of  the  battalion  of  patriot 
troops  stationed  at  Sweetwater,  and  who  had  rendered 
her  invaluable  services  when  in  peril.  For  some  years 
it  has  served  as  the  residence  for  the  manager  of  the 
paper  mill,  which  together  with  the  Aylesford  Man- 
sion is  now  owned  by  Mrs.  L.  M.  Cresse,  of  Ocean 

:hree  old  buttonwood  trees.  However 
not  far  from  these  old  trees  on  a  knoll 
just  back  from  the  river.  For  many 
years  a  fence  inclosed  it,  and  the  inci- 
dent has  been  an  inspiration-  to  many 
a  school  boy  who  has  been  led  to  shun 
the  fate  of  this  heartless  refugee. 

\Miat  in  the  days  of  the  Revolution 
was  the  ulil  -Aylesford  Mansion,  or 
home  of  the  owner  of  this  estate,  still 
stands  on  its  original  site  on  the  shore 
of  Xesco  pond,  the  oldest,  most  histor- 
ical and  interesting  structure  in  the  vil- 
lage. Large  shade  trees  shade  the  lawn 
opposite  the  mill,  and  from  the  spacious 
porch  a  beautiful  view  is  presented  of 
the  pond  and  the  village.  This  mansion 
,  the  heroine  of  Charles  Peterson's  pop- 


(Ijalher  8  Forge. 


ITL'ATED  on  South  rivLT.    in    Wcvnionih    township,    tlirc-    miles    In  mi 
Mays  Landing,  was  founded  by  Lewis  .M.  Walker,  about   iSifi.     Walker 
was  bom  in  Oley  township,   Berks  County,  Pa.,  .\ugust    lo.    \-n\.     He 
came  to  Xew  Jersey  in  1811,  and  became  one  of  the  first  superintcndeius 
for   biseph    Hall  and  others  of  the  \\'eymnuth   iron 
works.      When   he  resigned   to  establish   a  plant   of 
his  own  at  ."^outh  River,  he  was  succeeded  by  John 
Richards.     He  built  a  saw  mill  and  iron  forge  and 
])rospered  for  many  years,   employing  in   his  coal- 
ings, mill  and  forges  as  many  as  one  hundred  hands. 
He    married    Charlotte    Pennington,    nf    .Ma\s 
Landing,   who   was   burn   XprW   25.    17SC,.   and   died 
May  25,   1S72.     They  had  live  chil.lren:    J..l,n    I'.,  b. 
February   8,    1820:    d.    .March    26,    1853,    who    was 
the  first   Sheriff  of  Atlantic   County,   George,   who 
s  the  father  of  Samuel  John  P.,  and  Emma:  Joseph  P>,, 
nnnon<l    ot   Fieehold    and  had  two  ehiMun.  both  dead; 



who  married  Mar\  I) 
.\melia,  who  mairied  To'-tph 
Humphrie-  and  was  the 
mother  ot  two  ehildien 
-Mary  and  Le\is,  and  Rl- 
l)ecca,  who  became  the  -e^ 
ond  wife  ot  Simon  Han 
thorn.  So  tar  as  known 
John  P.,  the  son  of  Geoige 
is  the  only  surviving  mem- 
ber of  the  family.  The  es- 
tate is  owned  l.iy  him.  and 
the  fine  stone  house,  built  in 
more  prosperous  days,  is  his 
summer  residence. 

It  is  a  tradition  that  the 
first   iron  pipes  used  in    Philadelphia 
AValker's  Forge. 


)g  a(|ue(lucis.   were 



Daniel,  son  of  John  JJaker,  a  well  educated  and  well-to-do  descendant  of 
Nantucket  whalers,  who  settled  and  prospered  in  Cape  May  County  in  the  last 
century,  settled  at  Bakersville  and  gave  the  place  its  name  in  1815.  He  was  a 
surveyor  and  civil  engineer,  magistrate  and  execute ir  of  estates.  He  married 
Mary  Babcock,  of  Cape  May  County,  and  lived  un  a  i)lace  purchased  of  George, 
father  of  the  noted  Joe  West.  He  persuaded  Pardon  Ryon,  a  Yanl«e  peddler 
from  Connecticut,  to  settle  at  Bakersville  and  start  a  store  there,  which  he  did 
and  prospered.  Ryon  married  Elizabeth,  a  sister  of  the  late  Israel  S.  Adams. 
Emeline  Ryon,  a  school  teacher  from  Connecticut,  married  John  Barnes,  the 
shoemaker,  and  that  made  another  family  in  the  village.  William  B.  Adams,  the 
blacksmith,  married  Rebecca  Cordery,  and  Joseph  Way,  the  tailor,  married  Cath- 
erine Steelman,  and  Bakersville  became  quite  a  village. 

In  those  days  the  wood  and  charcoal  business  with  Xew  York  kept  many 
men  and  teams  employed  along  the  shore.  Fish,  oysters  and  clams  were  wonder- 
fully plenty  in  the  bays,  where  vessels  from  New  York  were  nearly  always  ready 
to  buy,  spot  cash,  from  the  baymen.  An  empty  basket  run  to  the  topmost  peak 
was  the  signal  to  the  baymen  to  come  alongside  with  what  they  had  to  sell.  There 
was  plenty  of  money  and  prosperity  in  every  home  in  the  township. 

Daniel  Baker,  for  many  years  was  one  of  the  Lay  Judges  of  Atlantic  County. 
He  was  a  particular  friend  of  Dr.  Jonathan  Pitnew  and  was  with  him  one  of  the 
commissioners  to  divide  Atlantic  from  Gloucester  County,  in  1837.  It  was  Daniel 
Baker  who  suggested  and  insisted  that  the  name  of  the  new  county  be  called 
Atlantic,  after  the  ocean  on  which  it  borders.  Mr.  Baker  was  the  father  of  eleven 
children:  John,  Joseph,  Elizabeth,  Phoebe,  Huldah,  Jeremiah,  Daniel,  James, 
Mary,  Frazier,  and  Hannah  Ann  C.  Baker.  The  last,  who  is  the  widow  of  the  late 
Captain  Barton  Frink,  is  the  only  survivor  of  the  family. 

^Og  ^arbor  (^itv. 

the  Canulcn  &  Atlanti 

-   R; 


as  attracted  to  the  vast 


inse  of 


f^  y  OON  after  the  formal  ojienin!:;-  c 
^V  ►  in  1854,  the  attention  of  parties 
(^^     ^      unsettled  lands  adjacent  to  this 

w  The  said  lands  consisted  mainly  of  second-growth  pine  lands, 

w  here  the  timber  had  been  cut  ofif  years  before  for  use  at  Gloucester 
Furnace  and  for  charcoal  for  outside  markets.  In  some  sections  choice  forest 
lands  still  remained,  where  in  later  years  consideralile  timber  for  lumber  and  ship- 
building purposes  was  cut  and  marketed  previous  to  1875  oi"  1878.  Along  the 
Alullica  river  and  the  adjacent  creeks  beautiful  and  dense  cedar  forests  were 
standing.  From  40  to  50  hands  were  eni])l(i\e(l  during  the  years  i860  to  186S 
in  cutting  these  cedars  for  staves,  lumber  ami  shiiigie.>,  which  kept  three  saw  mills 
in  full  operation.  Annually  about  150  schooners  sailed  awav  from  Gloucester 
Landing,  and  two  or  three  schooners  were  always  at  the  dock  loading  with  lum- 
ber for  New  York  and  other  ports.  During  the  years  1865  to  1867  the  steamer 
Eureka  (Capt.  Crowley)  plied  regularl\-  between  this  port  and  Xew  York. 

Messrs.  J.  L.  Baier,  A.  Eble,  Clemens  and  Frederick  Kah.  E.  liernhard.  W'm. 
Mischlich,  D.  O.  Eckert,  and  H.  Kayser  were  engaged  in  this  industry. 

To  open  some  of  these  lands  for  settlement  an  association  was  formed  under 
the  title  of  "The  Gloucester  Farm  and  Town  Association,"  which  organized  itself 
on  Xovember  24,  1854,  in  the  City  of  Philadelphia,  and  elected  the  following- 
Board  of  Directors:  President,  William  k'ord:  Secretary,  Frederick  A.  Roese; 
Treasurer,  Henry  Schmoele:  Superintendent.  William  Schmoele:  Hon.  Andrew 
K.  Hay,  P.  M.  WolsiefTer,  Garrick  Alallery,  Jr..  J.  11.  Schomacker,  and  James  H. 

They  purchased  from  Stephen  Colwell  the  so-called  Gloucester  I'urnace 
Tract,  comprising  about  30.000  acres:  5,000  acres  of  the  Batsto  tract,  anil  alxjut 
1,000  acres  more  of  so-called  exceptions  to  round  out  the  tract.  It  was  the  in- 
tention then  of  laying  out  these  lands  into  twenty-acre  farms  and  two  towns,  one 
embracing  about  four  square  miles,  adjacent  to  the  railroad  station,  "Cedar 
Bridge,"  to  be  called  "Pomona,"  and  one  five  miles  distant,  adjacent  to  Gloucester 
Lake  and  Furnace,  where  a  considerable  number  >  if  1)uildings  were  still  standing, 
and  were  occupied  by  the  tirst  settlers,  arriving  during  the  years  1855  and  1856, 
to  be  called  "Gloucester." 

Every  purchaser  of  a  farm  of  20  acres  was  considered  as  a  shareholder.    There 
were  two  series  of  shares.     In  the  tirst  series  the  price  of  each  share  was  $300, 


i:i;(;  n.\Rr.ok  cvi\.  113 

and  in  llic  second  scries  S450.  luich  sharcJKilikT  was  rniiilcd  i.i  a  Im  100x150 
feet  in  size  within  the  city  Hniits;  to  a  house  of  the  value  of  S400  on  his  farm,  and 
to  a  fence  around  the  same,  all  at  the  c^st  nf  the  association. 

The  price  of  a  city  lot  40x150  feet  was  placed  at  SjS.  and  suhsequently  raised 
to  S103. 

There  was.  1)esitles  a  ijremiimi  to  he  paid  on  each  farm  rant;in,i;  from  ncithin.i;' 
to  $350,  according:  to  the  conti,L;uit\  to  cit\  hound.arx.  railroad,  condition  of  soil 
and  forest  growth. 

In  April,  1856,  a  commission  of  tive  memhers  was  appointed  1)\  the  associa- 
tion to  view  the  1439  laid-out  farms  and  appraise  the  premiums  on  each,  liider 
date  of  August  5,  1857,  the  commission  made  a  report  of  every  farm  mentioned 
on  the  plan.    A  few  examples  of  their  report  are  lierewith  appended: 

I'arni  Xo.  1. — H.  Id.  S.  L.*  Level  location  inclined  to  the  northeast.  |)ar- 
tiall}-  swamp  with  maples  and  ])artially  dry  overgrown  with  small  pines  and  scruh 
oaks.      Premium  $350. 

Farm  403. — H.  S.  Sd.  L.  Nearly  level  location  on  the  southeast  side,  rather 
moist,  plenty  oaks  and  pines;  ahout  three-quarters  of  the  farm  cultivated  land. 
planted  with  about  thirty  fruit  trees.     Premium  $125. 

Farm  958. — H.  S.  L.  G.  Beautiful  rolling  location,  hickory,  oaks  and  scrnh 
oaks,  with  wild  grape  vines.     Premium  $200. 

Farm  1219. — H.  S.  S.  Somewhat  hill_\-.  inclined  towards  X.  \\".  and  S.  P.. 
maple  and  cedar  brooks,  with  very  large  pines  and  oaks  standing  denselw  I'rc- 
mium  $1)0. 

Farm  1308.— H,  S.  L.  C.  ( ;.  In  the  middle  a  nice  hill,  burnt  pines  and  scrub 
(jaks.     Premium  $200. 

The  well  formulated  and  advertised  plans  of  the  association  met  with  unpre- 
cedented success  among  the  German  population  of  the  Union,  who  were  at  the 
time  sufifering  under  the  rampant  spirit  of  Xativism,  then  sweeping  over  many  of 
the  states,  and  thus  inciting  many  ("icrmans  to  join  this  association  and  ultimately 
settling  upon  these  lands. 

In  a  short  time  all  the  farm  shares  were  signed,  which  led  the  managers, 
under  date  of  March  13.  1856.  t<_i  change  some  of  their  proposed  plan.>.  so  that 
the  present  limits  of  the  city  were  decided  upon,  taking  up  all  the  intei\ening 
space  between  the  proposed  towns  of  Pomona  and  Gloucester,  the  whole  to  be 
called  "Egg  Harbor  City,"  fronting  one  and  one-quarter  miles  along  the  line  of 
the  railroad  and  extending  northeastwardly  seven  miles  to  the  Little  Egg  Ilarbor 
or  AluUica  river. 

D.  Hudson  Shedaker  was  appointed  surveyor,  to  lay  out  the  city  and  the 
farms,  and  he  commenced  operations   in    1856. 

The  20  acres  were  laid  out  so  that  twelve  farms  should  form  a  block,  six 
farms  fronting  on  one  avenue  and  six  on  another:  every  seventh  street  within  the 



city  limits  winiKl  cxtcinl  tlir(mi;li  the  farniiii-  district,  .uixiiii;-  tlic  fariiK-rs  easy 
ingress  to  the  proposed  city. 

The  respective  Board  of  Dirccturs  were  kcjjt  l)us\  in  ])r(i\iiling  means  for 
the  opening  and  grading  of  streets,  erectimi  of  hrick  yard.-,  building  houses,  fenc- 
ing farms,  providing  fund-  fur  the  niaintcnance  nf  schncils.  etc.:  and  also  during 
the  first  year  after  the  inccirpnratinn  n\  the  cil\  to  ])rovidc  means  f(ir  the  expenses 
of  the  municipality. 

In  course  of  time  considerable  dissatisfactimi  arose  over  the  maimer  in  which 
the  funds  of  the  association  were  used  anil  diverted.  'i"he  In'others,  liem-y  and 
William  Schmoele,  were  specially  accused  of  using  said  funds  in  furtherance  ni 
their  private  schemes,  and  the  officers  generally  in  not  carrying  out  the  proposed 
jiromises,  in  needless  expenditures,  and  in  not  suf-ficiently  aiding  the  first  settlers. 

On  May  2,  i860,  a  new  Board  of  Directors  were  elected,  consisting  of  prom- 
inent settlers,  but  they  were  tmable  to  cope  with  the  spirit  of  mistrust  and  the 
financial  panic  arising  and  continuing  during  their  years  of  rule. 

Finally,  on  November  17.  iSoj.  tlii.-  association  was  merged  into  "The  I'.gg 
Harbor  Homestead  and  \'ineyard  Company."  leaving  the  greater  jiart  of  all  the 
promised  improvements  unfulfilled,  gathering  in  all  the  liabilities  that  ccmhl  be 
forced  and  finally  ending  in  dis.-;ohition. 

The  association  commenced  tn  ])ublish,  in  1X5(1.  a  monthly  ne\vs]iaper,  called 
the  "Independent  Homestead."'  ])rinted  in  b'.nglisli  and  ( lerman.  It  contained  all 
the  ofificial  reports,  proceedings,  etc..  of  the  association,  and  also  the  news  of  the 
settlement,  it  being  the  only  medium  of  interc(jurse  ihiring  the  first  vears  of  the 
settlement,  until  1858,  the  first  venture  in  private  |>id>li>hing  was  attempted. 

"Egg  Harbor  City"  is  so  laid  out  that  sixteen  .avenues,  ranging  from  70  to 
JOG  feet  in  width,  and  named  after  principal  cities  of  the  Cnited  States  and  Europe,, 
run  from  the  line  of  the  Camden  and  Atlantic  Railroad,  in  a  northeasterly  direc- 
tion, to  the  .Mullica  or  Little  Mgg  Harbor  River.  Running  at  right  angles  with 
these  avenues  are  the  cross  streets  which  are  from  forty-eight  feet  four  inches  to. 
sixty  feet  wide,  named  in  alphabetical  order — two  to  each  letter — after  celebrated 
personages  in  science  and  letters.  The  squares  bounded  by  these  streets  and 
avenues  are  each  330  feet  wide  by  600  feet  long,  being  intersected  lengthwise  b\- 
an  alley  30  feet  wide,  which  alley  gives  every  lot  owner  a  double  front:  first  one  on 
a  broad  avenue,  and  second  one  on  a  so-called  alle\-  which,  however,  is  wider 
than  many  pretentious  streets  in  large  cities.  The  advantages  of  this  arrange- 
ment of  streets  and  alleys  are  numerous  and  self-evident.  Each  block  is  divided 
into  thirty  building  lots,  each  40x150  feet  in  size,  or  in  certain  cases  into  twelve 
farm  lots,  each  100x150  feet.  The  direction  of  the  avenues  l)eing  from  northeast 
t(,)  southwest,  while  the  streets  run  from  northwest  to  southeast,  makes  the  cor- 
ners of  all  houses  fronting  on  the  same  point  to  the  four  cardinal  points  of  the 
compass,  north,  east,  south  and  west;  thus  every  room  in  a  house  standing  alone 
is  accessible  to  the  sunlight,  which  is  a  very  valuable  sanitary  feature. 

Two  parks,  each  600  feet  s<|uare,  called  the  Singer  and  Turner  Parks,  are  pro- 
jected, one  at  the  southeastern  and  the  other  at  the  northwestern  corner  of  the 


RGG    HARBOR    L'IT\\  117 

city.  Another  park  is  situated  in  tbo  centre  of  the  eit\ .  as  laid  cmt.  it  Odniains 
nearly  500  acres  of  land  ami  is  traversed  hy  three  small  streams,  the  Landini; 
Creek,  Indian  Cabin  and  I'.lihn  hranches.  erne  nf  which  has  been  converted  into  a 
miniatnre  lake. 

Xear  the  park  is  situated  the  (lloucester  Lake,  cowrinj;  almut  uo  acres, 
which  is  fed  l)y  the  aforesaid  three  streams.  The  water  suiiiilx  is  :i  never  failing' 
one.  and  the  power  that  can  he  produced  is  ipiite  extensive.  The  .mtlei  of  this 
lake,  the  Landin--  I'reek.  is  naviyal.le  small  craft  to  within  a  short  distance  .if 
the  lake. 

In  185(1  =1  P''-'^t  ot^ce  was  estahlished  here,  and  Charles  Herman  ap|)ointed  as 
its  first  ])ostmaster. 

(  )n  March  1(1.  1S3S.  it  was  incorporated  as  a  city  hy  the  State  Le,<:jislature. 
The  city  Government  is  composed  of  the  Mayor.  City  Clerk.  City  Treasurer,  As- 


sessor,  nine  members  of  Common  Council  to  serv 
thereof  to  be  electeil  anmially.  City  Marshal,  and 
election  was  held  June  S.  1S3S.  when  35  votes  wi 
cers  were  clectetl:  Mayor.  1'.  .\1.  Wolsieffer:  Ck 
urer,  Daniel  Hax;  Assessor,  William  Kusche;  Ci. 
Darmstadt.  Frederick  Sautter,  Christian  Preiser, 
Jacob  Gruen,  Ch.  F.  Schurig  and  Fr.  J.  Keller. 
In  the  charter  election  of  1859,  150  votes  w 
Czeicke  contested  the  election  of  P.  M.  W'olsietTe 
by  the  Supreme  Court,  was  decided  in  the  fornn 

)hn  Scherft.  .M 

.rtell.  Willi 
itz  Stutzba 

>ear  Jo- 
fter  a  re\ 





un    1  )ariu- 



k'.   Merit/. 




1  Triscl 

1.  Chri 

stiaii   i'rei- 

n  Crun 

LT.  I'n 

UK-is  ,\(.r- 

.   ilnl.^ 

,  Iknr 

V  Sclunitz, 

Ul)LTt      I 


■ll,      K.llKTt 

KCC,    IlARI'.oR    CrrV.  119 

The  chief  offices  since  the  tirst  charter  electimi  have  been  filled  hy  the  fnl- 
lowiui;'.  many  of  them  serving-  repeated  terms: 

Mayor. — Moritz  Stutzbach,  Frank  P>ier\\irtli,  \.n 
stadt.  Daniel  Hax.  William  H.  I'.olte.  ( leor-e  Muelk 
Rohrberg.  Theeiphylus  II.  Boysen.  .M.  1).,  jwlni  S> 
Schitchardt,  William  Mischlich  and  Lnuis  (iarnich. 

City  Clerk. — Julius  Merker,  Loui.>  .^eliniitz,  llern 
ser,  Ernst  .\delung,  August  Stephany  (  13  \earsi.  Will 
man  and  \'alentine  P.  Hofmann. 

City  Treasurer. — Daniel  Ha.x.  h'rancis  Strauss,  Le 
Ernst   Adelung.  \'.    P.    Hofmann,   \\'illiam    11.    I'.olte,   .\1 
Ohnmeiss  and  William  Suykers. 

The  present  officials  of  the  city  are:  Mayor,  Louis  (larnich;  City  Clerk,  \' . 
P.  Hoftnann;  City  Treasurer,  William  Suckers;  Assessor.  Llenry  G.  Regensl)urg; 
Councilmen,  .\ugust  .\rnoldt,  Frederick  Morgenweck.  William  Mischlich,  Sr., 
Robert  ^^'eiler,  Henry  \\".  Breder,  John  Prasch.  Henry  (loeller,  John  Xatter  and 
Cieorge  Sorg;  Justices  of  the  Peace,  William  Mtieller  and  Frederick  P.erchtold; 
City  Marshal,  (leorge  W.  Senft;  Constables,  William  G.  Stroetmann  and  .\nthony 
Sauer;  Overseer  of  the  Poor,  .\nthony  Xeu:  Cnnnnissioners  of  .\ppeal,  \Villiam 
Behns,  J,  J.  Kraemer  and  John  Reichenbach ;  Harbor  Master.  James  I.  Loveland; 
Pound  Keeper,  Jacob  Kaenzig;  City  Attorney,  Robert  E.  Stephany;  Cit>-  Con- 
veyancer, Charles  Cast;  Fire  Marshal,  Henry  Wimberg. 

In  1858,  Common  Council  decided  that  the  seal  of  the  City  should  be  as  fol- 
lows: An  oak  in  the  foreground,  vessel  and  rising  sim  in  the  background,  en- 
circled by  the  letters  "Egg  Harbor  City,  New  jersey." 

In  1859,  a  census  was  taken  of  the  population  of  the  City,  then  consisting  of 
454  males  and  419  females,  total  873.  In  1S75.  the  ])opulation  was  1311;  iXXo, 
1232:  1885,  1232:  1890,  1438:  1895,  1557. 

Bo.\Ki)  OF  Educ.miox. 

As  per  provisions  of  the  City  Charter,  this  Board  consists  of  five  members, 
three  Trustees,  the  School  Superintendent  and  Mayor  ex-officio.  The  present 
members  are:  Louis  Garnich,  ;\Iayor;  Herman  Dietz.  .Superintendent;  Trustees, 
J.  V.  Elmer,  M.  D.,  George  iMueller,  Charles  Cast. 

The  Gloucester  Farm  and  Town  Association  provided  the  first  means  towards 
paying  the  salaries  of  teachers,  providing  rooms  and  necessary  utensils.  (  )ne  of 
the  first  teachers  engaged  was  Herman  Trisch;  subsequently  Messrs.  O.  Buelmer, 
John  Schuster  and  Miss  Wheaton  were  engaged.  For  a  great  number  of  }ears 
Excursion  Hall  (now  removed)  was  used  for  school  purposes,  until  the  growth  of 
the  city  necessitated  the  renting  of  additional  school  room  and  increase  of  teachers. 
The  school  rooms  being  widely  apart  it  was  quite  an  arduous  task  for  the  teachers 
to  hourly  meander  from  one  place  to  another.  I-'inallv,  in  1876,  the  present  com- 
modious school  house  was  built,  but  with  the  increasing  number  of  pupils  its 
rooms  were  inadequate  to  seat  the  same,  so  that  additional  rooms  were  rented. 


until  i8ij(),  wlKii  an  ; 
one  roof. 

Under  the  able 
Henrv  C.   Krel)s  and  1 


built,  but  as  the  ]jo])ulatior 
and  removed  in   1881.     Alt 

.Is    are    known    in    1 
;ed    wlien    they    -o    forth    t< 
stru,L;L;le  nl  life. 

.ars   1858  to    i87(,  a 

scboo]  with  ro.mis  for  a  resident  teaeher  was 
1\  decreased  there  the  school  Ijuildin"'  was  sold 
nan  .Mthoff  was  the  first  teacher,  and  was  fol- 

lowed by  Dr.  L.  von  Oslovsky.  \'.  1'.  llofniann  and  Aliss  I'.ertha  Cast. 
r.oAKn  oi--  Hi:.\LTii. 

Council  for  a  term  of 
fifth  being  the  City 
present  Board  is  or- 
President,  George  F. 
P.  Hofmann;  Inspec- 
M.  D..  J.  C.  Elmer, 

There  is  an  organ- 
consisting  of  the  La- 
and  Good  Will  Hook 
each   housed    in    com- 

For  the  better  pro- 
also  to  supply  the  citv 
an  ordinance  was  pass- 
granting  to  George 
chise  for  a  water  sup- 
entered  into  to  supply 
annual  rental  of $1,200. 
enabled  to  have  the 
May    Tst.    following. 

The  water  is  sui)ldie( 
Five  and  cjne-iiuarter  mi 

Clei-k,  ex 

officio.    The 


as     follows: 

Breder;   Secretary,  V. 

tors.  The. 

.11.  r.oysen. 

M.   U.,   1 

enry   G.    Re- 

ized   I'ire 

1  )epartnient. 

fayette  11 
and  I.aili 

i>e  Company 


tection  ;i,l; 

ainst  lire  and 

with  who] 

esome  water. 

ed    (  )ctol 

er    17.    iSyfi- 


Jr.,    a     fran- 

ply.  and  a 

contract  was 

rHEO.   H.   BOySEN,   M.C. 

1  driven  well.-.,  one  T,nJ  feet 
lains  were  laid;  the  >tand  ]> 

ants  at  an 

il  the  other  40T. 
feet  high  has  a 

ION.    J.    C.    JACOBS. 

capacity  of  68.000  gallons,  with  a  regular  pre: 
creased  when  necessary  to  100  pounds. 

Up  to  1886  the  city  was  sparsely  lighted. 
lighting  the  streets  by  oil  lamps  was  institiitet 
by  electrical  illuminatinn  cm   April    Mi.    iSijS. 

entered  nit 
candle  pow 

ith  Th 

.mas  T.  .Mat 
1)6  per  annul 

.n-e  ot  4.:;  piiunds.  and  can  be  in- 

In  this  year  a  regular  system  of 
until  this  system  was  superseded 
<  hi  this  date  an  agreement  was 
he  city  with  23  arc  lights  of  2.000 

of  tivc  vears. 


1  was 
of  the  "C 
edited  by  1 
-March  U). 



scr\ativer  Maenner  \'erein."  and  was 
Robert  Reiniann.lnitwas  discontinued 
<5.j.  (  )n  March  22.  i860,  it  reappeared 
under  a  different  management,  and  is  still  pub- 
lished by  I  lug.)  Maas. 

"Der  iJeobachter  am  Egg  Egg  Harbor  River" 
appeared  also  in  1858,  published  and  edited  b\- 
Louis  Bullinger.  but  was  soon  discontinued. 

In  1S63  the  ".\tlaiitic  Democrat"  made  its  ap- 
pearance and  was  ]niblislied  by  1).  ( iiff.inl.  It  soon 
ands  of  Regensberg  liros.,  Frank 
."^..  .\le.\ander  J-  and  Henry  G.  Regensberg.  the 
latter  finally.  September  4.  i88g,  selling  it  to  John 
I',  flail  i.f  the  Atlantic  Times. 

The  ".Vilantic  Beacon."  starting  in  (  )ctober, 
1870.  was  also  published  for  a  short  time  by  Milton 
R.  I'ierce,  to  be  succeeded  the  following  year  by 
lied  by  M.  Stutzbach  &  Co.  for  many  years.  In 
<  &  (.)liver,  at  Mays  Landing,  and  finally  came  t<i 
veral  changes  and  vicissitudes. 



the  "Atlantic  Journal. 

1884  it  was  purchased  b 

Atlantic  City,  where  it  expired  in  i8y8.  afte 

"Der  Zeitgeist"  appeared  April  6.  1867,  and  was  published  for  man} 
M.  Stutzbach  &  Co..  who  some  years  ago  sold  it  to  George  F.  Breder. 
the  name  of  the  paper  was  changed  to  "Deutscher  Herold."  and  is  s 

"Der    Beobachter"    apjjean 

"Der  Fortschritt"  is  the  lat 
is  published  by  Robert  ^^'eiler. 

The  "Egg  Harbor  (iazette"  was  establi.died  in  1891  by  George  F.  I'.reder. 
the  present  pubHsher  of  the  "German  fferuld."  Two  years  later  he  sold  to  Dr. 
G.  H.  Gehring.  who  published  the  "Mays  Landing  Star."  thus  forming  the  "Star- 
Gazette."  This  property,  in  1894.  was  purchased  Ijy  Henry  C;.  Regensburg.  who, 
two  years  later,  sold  to  Ernest  Beyer,  who  moved  the  office  to  .\tlantic  City.  In 
June,  1899,  the  "Star-Gazette"  was  consolidated  with  the  ".Atlantic  Times- Deino- 



EGG    HARROR    CITY.  12.-> 

crat."  ami  is  still  cuiuluctfd  liy   .Mr.    I'.rycr  ami  puhli.shed   i)y  the  Daily    L'nidii 
Printiiii:^-  Cunipany. 


There  are  five  cliurches,  one  Catholic  and  four  Protestant. 

The  St.  Nicholas  Roman  Catholic  Church  was  first  supplied  l)y  Redenipiorist 
Fathers  from  Philadelphia,  in  1858,  until  Rev.  Joseph  Thurnes  was  appointed  as 
the  first  resident  pastor,  who  was  succeeded  by  Rev.  ,\.  lleckin.L^er  and  Idscjih 
Esser,  and  is  now  under  the  i)asti>ral  charge  of  Rev.  .\nthnny  \'au  Kiel.  With 
this  congregation  for  the  last  four  years  a  parochial  school  is  coimected  under  the 
supervision  of  Franciscan  Sisters. 

The  ^loravian  Congregation,  nearly  40  years  in  existence,  w  as  first  pastorated 
by  Rev.  J-  C.  Israel;  its  present  pastor  is  Rev.  Wilsmi  .\.  Cn])e. 

The  Lutheran  Zion's  congregation  was  founded  fortx  years  ago,  and  is  now 
under  the  pastoral  charge  of  Rev.  Ottamar  Lincke. 

The  St.  John's  Reformed  Church,  under  the  first  jjastoral  charge  of  Rev.  .\. 
von  Puechelstein,  is  now  supplied  fortnightly  by  Rev.  Martin  Oual,  of  ( dass- 
boro,  X.  J. 

The  Baptist  Congregation  is  the  latest  congregation  instituted,  and  is  under 
the  pastoral  charge  of  Rev.  J.  AI.  HoeHlin. 


(  )n  June  28,  1857.  the  first  Singing  Society  was  (jrganized  by  Prof.  P.  M. 
^^'olsieft"er,  the  founder  of  the  first  Singing  Society  in  the  I'nited  States,  and  it 
was  named  "Aurora."  During  its  existence  it  has  participated  in  many  Singer 
Festivals  abroad  and  carried  of¥  beautiful  trophies;  it  held  also  several  Singing 
Festivals  in  our  midst,  where  many  societies  from  the  Eastern,  Middle  and  South- 
ern States  participated.  Its  present  president  is  Theo.  H.  Boysen,  AI.  D.;  Leader, 
George  Mueller.  It  is  the  onl}-  society  of  this  nature  still  existing,  where  for- 
merly a  "Caecilia"'  and  "Beethoven"  Alaennerchor  competed  with  them  in  pro- 
viding musical  entertainments  for  the  population. 

The  other  musical  societies  are  the  Germania  Cornet  Band,  Jacob  (  )berst, 
leader;  Egg  Harbor  Amateur  Orchestra,  George  Mueller,  leader,  and  (ioldcn 
Eagle  Band,  B.  Bollniann,  leader. 

.\mong  the  benevolent  associations  can  be  named  Pomona  Lodge,  Xo.  119, 
I.  O.  I  ).  1'.;  Ottawa  Tribe,  Xo.  72.  I.  O.  R.  M.;  Union  Lodge,  Xo.  18,  A.  O.  U. 
\V. ;  Ringgold  Council,  Xo.  969,  .\.  L.  H.;  Antioch  Castle.  Xo.  44,  K.  G.  E.;  Pride 
of  Egg  Harbor  Temple,  X"o.  16,  L.  G.  E.;  Egg  Harbor  Mutual  Life  Association. 

The  Agricultural  Society  was  organized  March  «;,  1859.  Its  object  in  dis- 
seminating useful  seeds  and  plants,  in  keeping  a  model  garden  for  testing  of  fruits, 
vines  and  plants,  proved  eminently  successful  during  the  first  years  of  the  settle- 
ment. After  the  County  Society  had  relinc|uished  the  holding  of  annual  agricultural 
fairs,  this  society  took  hold  of  it.  It  obtained  a  lease  from  the  city  of  the  present 
Fair  Grounds,  where  from  year  to  year  it  erected  the  necessary  buildings  and 
improved  the  same  and  also  the  grounds.     It  continued  to  hold  the  annual  fairs 



until  June  i.  1888.  wlu-n  the  nu-nihers  the 
interests  to  a  stock  association,  entitled  tl 
Horticultural  Association."  which  has  evei 
it  has  for  later  years  always  suffered  a  defii 

The  (k-rnian  St.  Xichnlas  1 

Eji-o-  Harbor  Buil.lin-  and 
shares  are  issued  in  annual  ser 
1899.      l-ive    series    liave    ahead 

)t  the 

.  I'.enehcial  .society  wa^  i.r-anized  in  i8f)(.. 
lan  Ass.ieiatidu  was  .iri^anized  in  1884.  The 
an<l  thf  sixteenth  series  was  cjpcned  in  June, 
ualui-ed;  a  series  generally  niaturiuL;-  in  \  t,!) 
lunnllis.  The  receipts  for  the  year  ending;- 
June  12.  iS(j().  were  $32,784.20:  assets.  $101.- 
.^3,v.^4:  liabilities,  $95,275.38,  nn  1638  shares 
and  matured  certificates,  showini;  a  net  ,^ain 
lor  the  fiscal  year  of  $6,058.1(1.  The  ].r(.scnt 
iifticers  are:  blenry  Kann,  President:  Idien. 
II.  I'.ny.^ui.  M.  I). .'Secretary:  ITe.l.  W.  I'.er-- 
niann,  Treiisurer:  Directors.  John  Roesch, 
Henry  l-T^cher.  William  Mall."  Henry  lleitz. 
Henry  \'o.-s.   |ose].h   En.oelhardt. 

The  Eo-g  Harbor  Conunercial  I'.ank  was 
organized  in  1889.  with  an  authorized  capital 
of  $50,000.  of  which  $25,000  is  paid  in.  Its 
first  president  was  Samuel  Rothholz.  The  de- 
posiis.  (Jctober.  1889,  amounted  to  $22,087.47: 
in  (.)ctober,  1899,  they  amounted  to  S113,- 
410-83.  Present  surplus  fund,  S4.f)3().oo.  Tinil 
three  years  ago  no  diviilends  were  declared, 
declared  a  regular  annual  di\i- 

nu  suice. 



(lend    ol    SIX   per 

ilious  bank  Imilding  was   erected   in    i8i)(i.  at 
a  cost  of  about  $5 .000. 

The  officers  and  directors  are:  Ktjbert  (  >hnmeiss.  Tresident:  I'rederick 
Schuchardt.  \'ice-President;  Charles  A,  I'.aake.  Secretary  and  Solicitor:  ( ieorge 
Freitag.  John  Roesch,  Charles  Cast.  John  C.  Stenlx'r.  Earnest  A.  Schmidt.  John 
Cavileer  and  Herman  Dietz.  Cashier. 



The  leading  manufactory  is  that  of  clothing,  in  about  twenty  establishments 
employing  nearly  300  hands;  the  leading  establishments  are  those  of  Frederick 
Schuchardt  and  George  Roesch.  employing  from  twenty  to  thirty  hands  each. 

Jacob  Eiselstein's  Parchment  Paper  Factory  is  one  of  the  leading  (.>nes  in 
this  State,  and  he  is  hardly  able  to  fill  his  numerous  orders. 

Winterbottom.  Carter  &  Co..  in  South  Egg  Harl)or.  employ  about  twenty- 
five  hands  in  the  manufacture  of  bone  handles  for  knives,  etc. 

The  manufacture  of  cigars,  which  twenty-five  ijr  thirty  years  ago  was  the 



AKB(.)K    CITY. 

leading  industry,  has  gradually  duindkd 
a  small  number  of  hands.  The  leading 
John  \  autrinot,  Philip  A.  llergmaiui.  juli 


As  early  as  1858,  A I 
vations  was  leil  tei  the 
adapted  to  the  growth  ( 
sueh  a  i)ri)noiniced  chara 


Wm.  Str 
lin   Charl 


(lied  ent.ininlngist,  frcint  his  .  .hser- 

ni    .if    the    country    uas    prenliarlx 

farmer   and   lot   owner,   and 

it  proving  so  successful  and 
remunerative,  it  gradually 
extended  to  such  a  se()])e  as 
to  be  the  leailing  place  in 
the  Eastern  States,  and  to 
be  the  inducement  of  draw- 
ing many  settlers  to  this 

Among  those  most  active 
in  this  industry  at  its  start 
may  l)e  mentione.l  .Messrs. 
.\ugust  lleil,  John  II.  lian- 
uihr.    lohn    lUitterliof.   Chn>. 

Saalman,   llernKui     Kayser, 

I'hili])  .^teigauf.  (,'hri.-.lian 
Kuebler,  William   I'.ehn^  .\ 

lohn  Steinlein  and  others. 

m.  Julius  111 

Iman.  in  1865,  after  serving  his  adopted  ct)untry  four 
\ears  during  the  civil  war.  joined  the  settlement  at  Egg  Harbor  City,  and  with 
youthful  vigor,  commenced  to  clear  and  cidtivate  his  acres,  ^^'ith  that  inborn 
love  of  the  German  for  the  vineyanl  and  its  ]>roducts,  the  wine,  he  planted  the 
grape,  first  for  his  own  use,  because  the  educated  German  hates  whiske\  and 
brandy  and  regards  them  as  abominations.  It  was  up-hill  work  at  first.  a>  onl\ 
the  Isabella  and  Catawba  varieties  were  then  grown.  They  were  meagre  yielder- 
of  an  inferior  quality.  Mr.  Hull,  of  Massachusetts,  had  not  then  originated  his 
Concord  grape,  an  enormous  yielder  of  a  fair  quality  for  wine.  I'.ut  it  was  not 
till  the  Norton  of  Virginia,  the  Ives  and  the  Clevner  grape  were  discovered  that 
the  wine  growers  could  cry  out  ''Eureka,"  and  Ijy  judiciously  mixing  these  varie- 
ties produce  a  red  wine  of  the  Burgundy  tyjje  ecpial  to  the  best  varieties  of  sunny 
France.  The  soil  on  gravelly  slopes,  full  of  iron,  with  a  favoralde  climate.  hel]icd 
to  bring  the  grapes  to  perfection,  so  that  in  1872  about  700  acres  were  jilanted  in 
Egg  Harbor  vineyards  where  large  stone  \aults  were  erected  from  local  quarries 
for  its  extensive  manufacture  and  storage. 

It  was  at  this  time  that  our  national  government,  appreciating  the  great  help 

CAPT.   S.   S.    HUDSON. 

EGG    H.\KBOR    CITY, 

which  Hght,  pure  wines  would  affdnl  to  combat  the  use  of  stroiiy  and  ( 
drinks,  authorized  the  1  department  of  Agriculture  to  make  a  cliemica 
of  some  of  the  American  wines,  and  the  follow  iiit;-  was  the  report  from  i' 
from  Egg  Harbor  Cit\-: 

ll'iishingtoii.  D.  C.  May  3, 

DlCI'ARTMICXT   OF    Aoi^K  ri/ITRi:. 

Examination  of  "lllack'   Rose'"  wine,  \intaj,;e  of   1S77,  fmr.!  ('lias. 
Egg  Harbor  City,  N.  J.     Received  April   nth,   iSSi. 

Specific  gravity    OjjgJi 

Weight  per  cent,  of  alc(  ihol g.86 

Volume  per  cent,  ui  alcohol 12.3  i 

Per  cent,  of  total  solids 1.94 

Per  cent,  of  total  ash 0.170 

Per  cent,  of  potassium O.095 

Per  cent,  of  bitartrate 

Per  cent,  of  volatile  acids  staled  as  acetic  acid 0.375 

Per  cent,  of  fixed  acids  -lated  as  acetic  acid 0.287 

Per  cent,  total  acids  as  tartaric  acid 0.736 

A  sound  agreeabk'  "L'laret,"  free  from  harmful  or  unwarrantable 
moderately  astringent,  and  well  suited  fnr  medicinal  use.      It  lias  evide 
carefully  made  and  jireserved. 

\'erv  respectfullv, 


ft'V.l  I'fn 


mlv  been 


Recent  results  are  much  more  favorable  than  the  first,  and  since  then  man_\ 
medals  and  honors  have  been  bestowed  upon  the  pro<lucts  cjf  these  vineyards,  liko 

fl  ^ 





the  ,i;ol(l  an.l  silver  medals  trom  the  I  Vnns\  Ivaiiia  hair  ni  I'hiladelphia  and  the 
I-'xpositidii  rniverselle  at  I'aris.  TIk-  i'<  isierin^;  eare  nf  ilu-  direeinr-  .if  the 
Camden  and  Atlantic  Railroail  Company  hnnii^ln  many  prominent  men  i<i  the 
vaults  and  vineyards.  The  industry  prospered  heycuid  expectatiMii  till  iS.Sd.  when 
a  threatening  cloud  came  upon  the  horizon.  Tlie  L;rape  rot  ai)peared  and 
spread  over  the  entire  district,  destroying-  \ear  after  year  this  important  cro]) 
which  had  become  the  main  dependence  of  many  a  German  settler  and  farmer, 
filling  with  dismay  the  owners  of  productive  acres.  ( irape  vines  were  extensivelv 
dug  up  and  the  land  devoted  to  other  croi)s. 

Through  the  persistent  efforts  of  the  Depanment  of  .Agriculture,  a  remedy 
for  this  terrible  scourge  was  found  at  last  in  the  spraxing  of  the  vines,  with  the 
so-called  Bordeaux  mixture.  Hope  returned  to  dur  \intners:  neglected  vinevards 
were  trimmed  anew  and  new  vines  planted.  There  is  now  a  strong  belief  that 
the  wine  whose  virtues  are  praised  by  the  pi)ets  of  all  nations  will  bring  pr<ps- 
perity  again  to  our  farmers  and  happiness  to  man. 

The  accompanying  illustrations  are  of  the  vine-embowered  home  of  Capt. 
Saalman  and  the  large,  crowded  vaults  of  H.  T.  Dewey  &  Sons  Com])any.  whose 
enterprise  makes  a  ready  and  unlimited  market  for  the  products  nt  every  vine- 

yard of  the  surrounding  territory.  1". 
skill  required  in  converting  the  several 
of  wines  to  give  the  proper  color  and  tl 
During  the  harvest  season,  day  an 
firm  whose  main  office  is  at  Xo.  138 
divided  attention  to  cverv  detail  of  the 











es  n 






my  v,i 

ir  \ 





s  t 




t  .M 

( ; 

■1  irL 

re  E. 



.  one 


n  St 



w  ^■ 


.  g 

ves   h 


{  ) 


m  ^ 





i:i4  DA1L^'    L'XIOX    IIlSTom'    OF    ATLANTIC    COUNTY. 

can  fully  appreciate  the  great  care  necessary  in  handling  the  juices  from  the 
several  varieties  of  grape  as  the_\-  pass  through  the  various  stages  of  fermentation 
and  purification  to  produce  the  proper  color  and  flavor.  The  hundreds  of  casks 
of  all  sizes  and  ages  in  the  large  vaults,  kept  under  the  strictest  regulations  are 
a  sight  worth  seeing. 

Unfermented  grape  juice  for  medicinal  antl  sacramental  purposes  is  sent  to 
market  by  the  carload  to  meet  an  unlimited  demand.  Should  grape  growing 
regain  its  old  time  proportions  the  Messrs.  Dewey  would  still  be  unable  to  meet 
the  demand  for  this  product  of  German  skill  and  industry  from  South  Jersey  soil. 

Others  at  present  engaged  in  this  industry  are  John  Schuster,  S.  Oberst  & 
Sons,  Joseph  Butterhof.  Herman  Kayser,  August  Heil,  Charles  Borm,  L.  F. 
Schirmcr,  P'rederick  I'iedler.  I'hilip  Bergniann,  Rev.  A.  \"an  Riel,  and  L.  N. 

The  best  varieties  of  grapes  grown  in  this  vicinity  are  Norton's  Virginia 
Seedling,  Claevenar,  Ives  Seedling,  Concord,  Diogenes,  Franklin,  Elvira. 

Among  the  oldest  settlers  of  Egg  Harbor  City  still  surviving  may  be  men- 
tioned: Louis  Roesch,  Ignatius  Roesch,  Christian  Oeser,  John  Neubauer,  Chris- 
tian Wey,  John  Butterhof,  August  Heil,  Herman  Kayser,  William  Beyer,  Charles 
Schwoerer,  Christian  Gaupp,  William  Karrer,  Philip  Bergmann,  Sr.,  John  Ul- 
brich,  Frederick  Storz,  Franciz  C.  Regensburg,  George  Freitag,  Henry  Winter- 
berg,  John  Reichenbach,  Louis  Lurch,  Charles  Kraus,  Frederick  Masche,  Moritz 
Rohrberg,  John  C.  Steuber,  John  Prasch,  Kasimer  Stattler,  Bernard  Grawe,  B. 
A.  Wennemer,  Sr.,  George  Eckelkamp,  Jacob  Kaenzig,  Joseph  Wehming,  J. 
Daniel  Roeder,  Frederick  NefT,  J.  J.  Seilheimer,  Conrad  Karrer,  Philip  Doell, 
Frederick  Bub,  Charles  Grunow,  William  Krieg,  Peter  Joseph  Schwickerath, 
Gustav  Guenther,  Edward  Richter,  Frank  Lothspeich,  V.  P.  Hofmann,  Ernst 
Roel,  Peter  Hartmeier,  Edward  Ivauscher,  L.  X.  Renault.  John  Hucnke,  A. 
Kienzle,  Jos.  Sahl,  E.  W.  Auerljach,  August  Ebert,  Airs.  Agatha  Schorp,  J.  L. 
Baier,  Sr.,  Mrs.  Henry  Brander,  Mrs.  E.  S.  Mueller,  John  Schuster,  Mrs.  J.  J. 
Fritschy,  Frederick  Hennis,  Mrs.  E.  Weisenborn,  Mrs.  Martin  Henschell,  Mrs. 
E.  Weldy,  Mrs.  Sophia  Kaelble,  Mrs.  Casper  Breder,  Henry  Bange,  Mrs.  Peter 
Goebbels,  Mrs.  A.  Beyer,  Dr.  Roljert  Reimann,  Hugo  Maas.  Carl  Winterberg, 
Peter  Braun,  Airs.  E.  Aleister,  Airs.  E.  Braunbeck,  Airs.  Sophia  Hiller.  Airs.  H. 
Trisch.  J.  F.  W.  Schulz,  Afrs.  Alary  Heitz,  Airs.  Rosine  Oberle,  Louis  Alessinger, 
Henry  W^interljerg,  John  Xanke. 


Htlantic  (rount\? 


As  Canvassed  by  the  County  Board  of  Klection  at  Mays'   Landing  on  Friday, 
November  lo,   iSgo. 

Wards,  Tow> 



Atlantic  City. 

First  Ward— 1st  Preci 

Setond  "  — 1st        " 

"        "  —2d 

Third     "  —1st        '■ 

"  —2d 

"  —3d 

Fourth  "  —1st 


Brigantine — 1st  Precinct.. 

Buena  Vista 

Egg  Harbor  City 

Egg  Harbor  Township 

Gallowav — 1st  Precinct... 
"      "  —2d 


Hammonton — 1st  Precinc 





Somers'  Point 

South  Atlantic  City 



Total  Rep.  Pluraliti( 



;!S(54    1S90    391 














































































1 43 













































State  Census,  1895. 

The  follow  iiit;-  is  a  copy  of  the  tabulation  of  the  State  Census  of  1895,  ^s 
pre])are(l  1]\  the  Secretary  of  State;  and  for  the  purpose  of  comparison,  the 
I'niteil  States  Census  of  1890  is  also  triven: 

Atlantic  County.  1895.  1890. 

Al)>econ    5^^  501 

Atlantic  I'ity   18, 321)  C^055 

Mrst    W  anl    3,622 

Secon.l    Wanl    3.114 

Thinl    W'ar.l    5.720 

P'ourth   ^^'ar^l    5'873 

Brigantine   Borough    138  

Buena  Vista  Townshi])   i  .424  i  .299 

Egg  Harbor  City   i  .557  1 ,439 

Egg   Harbor   Township    (n(5t    including    llonnigh    of 

South  Atlantic  Cit\  1    1  .^,-2 

Borough  of  South  Atlantic  City   85 

Galloway  Township -.375  2,208 

Hamilton  Township  (not  including  relays  Lan<lingi.  .        462 

Alays   Landing   'v^S') 

1,821  1. 512 

Hammonton  Township   3428  3.833 

Linwood  Borough   526  .... 

Mullica  Township    825  697 

Pleasantville  Borough   1.543  ■  ■  •  • 

Soniers  Point  Borough   230  .... 

\\'eyniouth    I'.orougli    573  538 

34.730  28,856 






R|-'.\  l(  )L'S  l,i  the  ailvc-nt  cf  K-reniiah  Leeds  upnn  -AhseediKr'  heacli 

resiilents  here.     \\  hatever  title  to  the  hinds  there  iiiii;iu  have-l)een 
at  that  early  da_\-  seems  to  have  vested  in  tlie  muiieroiiN  Steehiian 
family  or  in  the  West  Jersey  imiprietor^.  successor,  to  the   Kiii«-  l)etore  the  War 
for  Independence. 

The  abundance  .if  j;anie  and  U>h.  the  fre(|nency  of  shipwrecks  and  the  un- 
disturbed isolation  of  the  ishmd.  must  ha\e  made  it  an  attracti\e  spot  for  refugees 
from  war  or  justice. 

Several  cabins  had  luen  built  and  clearings  made  among-  the  sandhills  when 
Jeremiah  first  stei>ped  f(  m  it  ii|ion  the  >oil,  making  it  tirsi  his  temporary  and  in 
about  1783  his  i)ermanent  abode. 

These  different  clearmgs  or  -fields,"  as  they  called  them,   even  after   Leeds 
little  li\   little  aci|uired  title  to  and  control  nl 

-      -  '  ■  _•     entire     island,     bore     different 

)an's    l-ield."    -o   called    fn.m    it^ 
land,    coutaint 

first  house,  in  1844,  and  1 

IN    DAYS    OF    OLD. 

HISTORY    OF    ATLANTIC    CriA',  13'. 

"Samp's  I'ield,"  whicli  took  its  name  from  1  Iczoiliali  Sampson,  inchulnl  the 
present  site  of  Central  .M.  !•:.  Church  and  the  l'ir>t  I'.aptist  t'lmreh.  on  I'acifu 

"Inlet  Field"  was  a  leveled  clearing,  where  the  ol.l  -ah  uork.  were  huill  al 
the  Inlet,  at  present  mostly  loeated  in  the  Inlet  Chaimel  outside  the   lloardwalk 

"Beach  Field"  was  near  the  corner  of  .Massachusetts  and  Atlantic  avenues 
nearer  the  beach  than  the  "old  field"  where  pioneer  Leeds  s|icnl  the  last  hll\ 
j-ears  of  his  long  life. 

On  the  inside  beach  at  .South  .\tlantic  in  an  ol)scure  s|iot  \\a-  a  ca\e  oi 
hiding  place  occupied  for  a  time  during  the  war  of  iSij  1)\  one  I'.ill  l)a\.  ar 
alleged  deserter,  who  was  employed  by  Hezediah  .Samjison.  who  lived  near,  am 
who  would  give  Day  a  signal  when  <langer  was  nigh  so  he  coulil  escape  to  hi^ 
cave  and  elude  his  pursuers. 


Robert  1'.,  Leeds  still  own>  the  old-fa.-l 
used  in  preparing  ammunition  for  his  big  gui 
providing  fresh  meat  for  his  family,  d  hi^  g 
ordinary  man  could  easily  handle.  With  it 
black  ducks  at  one  shot,  and  firing  into  a  He 
of  them.  On  another  occasion  Leeds  fired 
larger  than  a  mudhen,  wdiich  then  abounded 
discharge  of  his  big  gun. 

The  eggs  of  wild  fowl  were  gathered  b\ 
rich  and  wholesome  food. 

There  were  acres  of  duck  iionds  where  now  are  graded  streets  and  hand- 
some homes.  The  section  from  Alaryland  to  South  Carolina  avenues  from  At- 
lantic avenue  to  the  meadows,  was  known  as  Squawktown, — low,  swampy  ground, 
with  trees,  vines  and  briars,  where  fiocks  of  squawks  could  always  be  found. 
Many  kinds  of  birds  which  are  now  rarely  seen  could  lie  gathered  on  the  meadows 
and  about  the  l)avs  bv  the  l)ushel. 


|<|r\  R.  JA.MES  NORTH  designed  the  nuuiicipal  coat-of-arms  for  .\tlautic 
J^  City,  The  escutcheon  consists  of  a  shell,  in  which  is  a  view  of  the  ocean, 
a  section  of  the  boardwalk  and  three  yachts,  suppcjrted  by  two  dol|ihin>. 
and  two  Lirecian  maids  personifxing  health,  holding  the  caduceiis,  meaning  |)o\ver, 
wisdom  and  activity  in  one  hand  and  fiowers  of  pleasure  in  the  otiier.  Sur- 
mounted by  dolphins  and  the  light-house.  The  motto  "Consilio  et  Prudentia"  (l)y 
counsel  and  prudence),  makes  complete  the  typical  characteristics  which  are  repre- 
sented.    The  citv  colors  are  blue  and  white. 

.ne.l   s 

lot  moul 

1  whicl 

his   f 



destroy  e( 

so  mu 

ch  game  in 

n   was 

larger  ai 

d  heav 

er  thr 

n  an 

the   o\ 

vner  onc(. 




k  of  s 

[uawks  h 

■  killed 



nto  a 

fiock    of 

lady    sn 

ipe.   a 


and  k 

lied  seve 


at  a  s 


the  ])(. 

ck  or  bu. 

hcl  auc 



— <! 

j    \ 



/         ^ 


^^           ' 




j^i^    -^ 





vSvwv     sK 


5tonni?  an^  lUicchi?. 

;.  uh..  wa,-  l.nni  Mil  iln>  i>lan, 

1  ill 

tin.'  worst  sioriii  that  lu-  o\ct 


r.  Jciviniali    l.ce. 

1>.    cliol. 

■htisctts  avciuios. 

with  a 

;  now  all  built  up 

.    Then- 

ic:  the  house  of 


V*:      he  was  a  boy.  i  i  years  old. 

He  remembers  distiiietl\-  ni  hearing;  the  roar  ol'  the  surf  almi!;  liie 
beaches  particularly  loud  ami  threatening;-  as  he  stnud  in  the  doorway  of  lii>  iionie 
while  the  northeast  storm  was  oalherinii'. 

It  was  in  Deeeml)er.  1831).  the  year  after  his  fa 
Their  house  stood  at  the  corner  of  lialtic  and  .\la: 
large  field  and  farm  eastwardly  from  the  house  where 
were  only  four  or  tive  houses  on  the  island  at  that  time 

Leed...  where  the  Islan.l  House  now  is.  the  old  >ah  work-  al  least  one  s.| 
out  in  th.e  Inlet  channel  from  the  r.uanlwalk  at  Mediterranean  avenue,  and 
Ryan  Adams  house  still  standing  near  Maryland  and  Arctic  avenues. 

The  storm  rageil  for  several  days  as  only  a  coast  storm  can.  dri\iiig 
waters  into  the  bays  and  flooding-  the  meadows  and  higher  land  as  the\-  had  11 
been  flooded  l.)efore  in  the  memory  of  man.  I'.oats  could  sail  in  tlu'  field>  al 
the  house.  Water  stood  one  and  a  half  or  two  feet  deep  around  the  barns 
haystacks  where  sheep  and  cattle  were.  Xo  storm  tide  since  that  time  has 
flooded  the  island  there  as  the  great  storm  of  1839  did. 

The  most  remarkable  storm   Mr.   Leeds  ever  knew    was  a  .St.    Patrick 
nor'easter.  in  ?\Iarch.  1852.     He  was  a  young  man  then  and  used  to  go  off  s 
to  see  hi-  girl,  a  certain  Miss  Caroline  English,  who.  the  following    \])ril.  bee 
his  wife,  and  has  been  his  devoted  helpmeet  ever  since. 

I  )n  March  16  two  distinct  sundogs  were  notice<l,  an  omen  of  foul  wea 
Init  that  did  not  prevent  the  sn-iitten  Barclay  from  going  in  his  sloo])  yacht  ac 
Lake's  Bay  to  attend  a  party.  The  next  morning  the  -torin  was  worse,  bu 
hardly  realized  how  severe  it  was  as  he  started  in  his  boat  to  return.  1  K- 
nearly  swamped  on  the  bay  liefore  he  reached  this  island,  cast  anchor  and  dro] 
his  sail.  A  tei-nporary  lull  in  w-ind  enabled  him  to  pnx'eed  and  safel\-  inakt 
landing,  after  an  exciting  and  desperate  experience. 

That  was  the  time  that  125  vessels  of  all  sorts  found  a  harbor  of  reuige  1 
It  so  happened  that  a  large  fleet,  none  of  them  larger  than  Joo  tons,  had  leit 
York  for  the  south  when  the  storm  can-ie  up.  Some  of  these  vessels  ])ut  in  at  1 
Egg  Harbor,  above:  some  made  (Jreat  Egg  Harbor,  below,  but  most  oi  t 
filled  the  bay  and  thoroughfare  here,  from  the  Inlet  around  to  where  the  d 
bridges  are  now.  I-'or  two  or  three  days  they  were  here  waiting  for  tlu-  -1 
to  clear  up.  The  scene  of  so  main-  sails  and  sailors  can  better  be  imagined 
descril>ed.  There  were  collisions  and  more  or  less  excitement  and  coiifti 
luit  i-io  serious  losses.     Xever  before  nor  since  has  sue!)  an  incident  occurreil. 

About    I8^7  or    48.  the    I'lorida  came  ashore  on    llrigantine  beach,   lo. 


Ii  \\a> 


,h  ni  (,;. 

.■liar  (.reck. 

w   sunk 

(lurinii;  il-.e 

apt.   IT, 

ice  told  the 

niucli  1. 

.11-er.     Tlie 

with    tea.    >\\k.    hie   eraekers   an.l    other    - U   -lireel    tr,.ni       I  his    wreck 

occurred  in  broad  daylioln  and  was  a  total  loss.     'I'lie  |.eo|ile  -allured  uji  cliots 

April  J3.  iStiO.  the  slii])  Zimho.  of  I '.  irtsiiioiith.  hound  from  Calcutta  to  .\ew 
York,  witii  a  cargo  of  juti-.  struck  on  r.riu;aniine  Sh>pal>  dnrini;-  a  lu'axy  fo.u;  and 
had  to  cut  away  the  sjjars.  Iler  rudder  was  -due  and  >he  was  leakin--  sli-hil\. 
.\  wreckiii!.;-  steamer  was  sent  to  her  as-istanci-  fnim   .\\\\    \'ork. 

a  ver\   se\ere  snow  storm  on   h'riday  ui^lii.  .Maridi  J3 
that  he  had  run  his  vessel,  leaded  with  manure,  into 
aud  was  floating  a  scow  of  the  manure  u\)  the  creek. 
nit,dit,  while  u])  the  creek,  and  after  walking;-  some  di 

the  storm  until  niornin-.  When  at  la-t  he  had  reached  the  mainlau.l  and  -iveu 
informati'iu.  search  was  at  once  nunle.  hut  when  found  Capt.  I 'rice  was  frozen 

.\  storm  which  l.e-au  on  I'riday.  .March  23,  iSdS.  was  by  far  the  ^evereM 
of  that  year.  The  winil  was  territic.  howling,  teariui;  and  driviut;  the  sn.iw  in 
all  directions,  piling  huge  drifts  behind  every  1)uilding,  fence  aud  tree,  comi.letely 
obstructing  travel  on  the  highways  as  well  as  on  the  railroad.  It  wa>  estim.ited 
from  careful  measurement  that  tb.e  snowfall  was  iS  inches.  The  trains  were  not 
able  to  resume  their  regular  trips  until  the  following  .Monday. 

(  )n  December  17,  1866,  the  llritish  brig  Huron,  (./apt.  Rayt.  from  Cardenas, 
loaded  with  sugar,  went  ashore  about  twci  miles  south  1  pf  (  ireat  liarbor  and 
became  a  total  wreck. 

l-"e1)ruary  5,  1867,  there  was  a  large  .steamer  asln 
bearing  the  name  of  Cassandra,  from  .\ew  (  )rleaus  foi 
oak-built  vessel  of  1284  tons  register,  aud  about  tin- 
consisted  of  836  bales  of  cotton,  82  l:)ales  of  moss,  301 
14  rolls  of  leather  and  16  packages  of  merchandise. 
Capt.  Daniel  McLaughlin  and  was  a  total  wreck. 

A  verv  severe  storm  of  rain  and  wind  occurred  (jv 
The  tides  were  very  full. 

The   schooner    Rapidan,    from    Yorktown,    \'a.,    v 

ashore  by  the  heavy  sea  near  the  lighthouse,  on  (  )ctol)er 

off  by  Capt.  J.  Townsend,  after  being  ashore  o\-er  foui 

Among  the  severe   storms   recorded   as   \i-iting   .\t 

storm  of  December  2^.  1870. 

The  schooner  C.  I'.  Hot=fman,  Capt.  J.  \  .  .Mbertsou,  from  Chincoteague  for 
New  York,  loaded  with  oysters,  went  ashore  tifteen  mile.-  south  of  h'euwick's 
Island,  on  .Saturday,  March  2,  1872.  The  crew  were  all  >aved,  but  sutTered 
severely  from  the  storm  and  cold.  In  this  storm  ('apt.  Henry  Kisley,  of  the 
schooner  \Vm.  J.  Rose,  and  a  brother-in-law  of  Cain,  .\lbertson,  wa-  lost  witii 
all  her  crew  off   H(ig   Islan<l. 





rs   .lid. 



'•  -'.X^i 


ted    am 

1    di 


She  wa 

■s   g' 


■   Cit> 

was   tl 

le    ■ 


-DOLl'H"  l'ARK|-.RS  A  DN' I-:.\TUK1C^  1  |.-, 

Capt.  Samuel  H.  Cavilccr.  (if  \\>r{  Kcpulilic,  was  lost  at  -ra  in  Scptcmln-r. 
1876.  Duriny-  the  civil  war  lie  served  with  ^reat  credit  and  came  licmie  a  lieu- 
tenant. He  was  Sheriff  of  Atlantic  C'cunUy  during  the  year>  n\  iSdS.  iS()i)  and 
1870,  and  was  elected  hy  the  Repnhlican  party  to  the  Legislature  in  1S71,  and 
re-elected  in  1872.  After  conclusion  of  his  leo'islative  labors,  Cajit.  Cavileer 
opened  a  store  at  Port  Repidilic.  which  he  attended  until  he  aj^'ain  became'  ile- 
sirous  to  follow  the  sea. 

The  tempest  in  September,  \^jl>.  was  the  most  severe  experienced  at  Atlantic 
City  for  the  previous  ten  years.  The  intense  force  of  the  wind  snow-cap])ed  the 
breakers,  and  drove  the  tides  in  which  washed  away  the  frail  boardwalk,  upset- 
ting bath  houses  and  sweeping-  away  pavilions.     Xo  dwellings  were  injured. 

The  heaviest  snow  storm  that  had  visited  .\tlantic  City  for  sexeral  \ears 
was  on  January  i,  1877. 


One  of  the  most  thrilling-  adventures  and  escapes  that  ever  occurred  in  this 
city  was  that  of  Adolphus  Parker,  who.  alone  on  the  schooner  Twilight,  was 
driven  to  sea  in  a  severe  storm  on  the  morning  of  Thursday,  January  27,.  1878. 
Young  Parker,  then  a  boy  of  fifteen,  was  alone  on  board  this  seventy-ton  schooner, 
which  was  anchored  in  the  Inlet  off  Ktim  Point.  A  furious  gale  from  the  north- 
cast  was  blowing  when,  at  11  a.  m.,  the  cable  parteil  and  the  craft  was  like  an  egg 
shell  at  the  mercy  of  the  storm.  In  passing  out  tlie  Inlet  channel  the  boat  struck 
bottom  below  the  pavilion  and  then  veered  to  the  north.  \'ouiig  Parker,  at  the 
wheel,  tried  to  beach  her  on  Brigantine,  biU  in  vain.  (Jft'  the  it-iside  buoy  he 
dropped  the  kedge  anchor,  but  lost  it.  The  life  saving  crew  discovered  him  and 
launched  their  boat,  but  were  unable  to  reach  him  through  the  boiling  surf. 
Citizens  saw  the  boat  pass  out  the  Inlet  and  soon  learned  of  the  peril  of  the  boy 
on  board.  That  was  an  anxious  night  for  his  people,  who  could  render  no  aid 
in  such  a  storm.  Parker  realized  his  danger,  but  with  great  courage  and  presence 
of  mind  kept  at  the  wheel  all  that  day  and  night  as  he  was  driven  away  from  the 
continent.  ^lorning  dawned  and  brought  slight  cessation  of  the  storm.  Ilunger 
forced  the  boy  to  lock  his  wheel  and  go  into  the  cabii-i  for  a  lunch,  which  his  con- 
stant exertions  'and  privations  the  previous  twenty-four  hours  made  imperative. 
While  eating-  he  was  startled  by  a  voice  outside,  "Hello!  Do  you  want  your  boat 
sunk?"  Rushing  on  deck  he  saw  a  vessel  that  had  passed  and  was  soon  out 
of  sight. 

The  story  of  the  Twilight  and  the  boy  at  the  helm  might  have  ended  there. 
The  weather  continued  thick,  but  Parker  bent  all  his  energies  to  pointing  his 
ship  towards  the  shore  and  before  nightfall  was  gladdened  by  the  sight  of  land. 
He  tried  hard  to  reach  the  Inlet  he  had  left,  but  alone  and  exhausted  he  was 
unable  to  do  so.  Finally,  worn  out  and  with  bleeding  hands  he  succeeded  in 
beaching  the  Twilight  at  Shell  Gut  Inlet,  near  Little  Egg  Harbor  station,  Xo.  24, 
where  he  was  rescued  by  the  life  savers  and  where  his  vessel  went  to  pieces.  It 
was  several  months  before  Parker  recovered  froni  the  exhaustion  of  his  severe 


XTbc  IDcluntcer  jfire  2)cpartincnt. 

■  The  early  history  of  the  Athintic  C'it\  Xnhiiitecr  l-irc  I  JepartnuTit  i>  practi- 
cally a  history  of,  and  begins  with,  the  L'nited  States  I-'ire  Cunipany,  Xo.  i.  Tnis 
company  is  the  pioneer  of  the  present  extensive  and  nnulern  deiiaitnirnt.  hut  it 
was  not  surrounded  with  any  luxuries  at  its  l)irth  or  in  posression,  durint;  the 
early  years  of  its  existence,  of  even  what  would  now  be  consideretl  the  barest 
necessities  in  the  way  of  fire  apparatus.  The  cit\'  had  no  organized  fire  protec- 
tion or  apparatus  excepting  two  small  hand  ]Hun])s.  one  belonging  to  Win.  (i. 
Bartlett  and  tlie  other  to  Alois  Schaufler.  until  1874.  Early  in  that  vear  C'itv 
Council,  by  resolution,  appointed  thirteen  citizens  as  a  fire  committee,  wiio  were 
to  turn  out  and  fight  fire  when  needed,  and  on  October  19.  T874.  a  coimnittee 
of  Council  was  appointed  with  power  to  purchase  such  fire  apparatus  as.  in  their 
estimation,  the  city  needed.  This  committee,  on  Xovember  2d.  re])orted  the  pur- 
chase of  a  hand  engine  and  truck  of  Thomas  H.  Peto.  a  well-known  dealer  in 
second-hand  fire  apparatus  in  Philadelphia.  The  total  ecjui]Mnent  was  oik-  hand 
engine.  $650;  one  ladder  truck  and  fittings.  $450;  700  feet  of  second-hand  ruliber 
hose.  $658;  total.  $1,758.     Also  a  two-wdieeled  hose  crab. 

It  will  be  observed  that  our  cit\-  fathers  did  not  Ixdiexe  in  jnu'chasing  an\' 
new  apparatus.  Probably  they  had  their  dnulits  al)out  the  city  existing  long 
enough  to  wear  out  new  goods. 

In  the  meantime  the  fire  coimnittee  of  citizens  (the  majority  of  them  having 
been  members  of  volunteer  fire  comiianies  in  Philadelphia.  lialtiniore  and  other 
cities  previous  to  taking  up  their  residence  here.)  had  decided  to  merge  themselves 
into  a  fire  company,  the  result  being  that  the  L'nited  States  I^ire  Conipanx'.  \o.  1. 
of  this  city,  was  organized  on  the  evening  of  December  3.  1874.  in  the  West  End 
Hotel,  occupied  by  Archie  Pleld. 

The  original  thirteen  citizens  appointed  by  Council,  constituting  the  charter 
members,  are  as  follows: 

George  W.  Martin.  Robert  A.  I-"ield.  (leorge  Eeates.  Andrew  Snee.  Sanniel 
Trilley,  Thomas  Trenwith.  William  S.  Cogill.  1).  K.  I3onnelly.  l'.>ron  P.  Wilkins. 
William  Somers,  Hosea  Blood.  William  Baker.  Henry  McKinsex . 

Of  these  original  thirteen  four  are  deceased,  four  have  long  since  moved 
away,  and  the  remaining  five  are  still  living  in  this  city. 

(Jn  December  7th  Council  appointed  Messrs.  Kep]).  Riley  and  I-Vench  a 
coimnittee  to  select  a  lot  upon  which  to  erect  an  engine  house,  and  on  December 
2 1st  the  committee  reported  in  favor  of  the  rear  portion  of  the  City  Hall  lot. 
fronting  on  Tennessee  avenue.  On  January  4.  1873.  the  committee's  report  was 
accepted  and  a  committee  consisting  of  Messrs.  Erench.  Riley,  bihnson  and 
Shinn  appointed  and  in.structed  to  secure  bids  for  the  building.  The  contract 
for  erecting  the  engine  house  was  awarded  to  Joel  K.  Leeds  nn  l-ebruary  15th 


Till-    \-()LL-XTRF.R    FIRI-    DI-.TARTM  F.XT.  UO 

and  on  July  17th  follow  in^;'.  Cmincilnian  Kcpii  rc))cirtccl  (irdrrin^-.  fnun  llu- 
McShane  Foundry  ,if  UaltinKnc.  a  lirr  IkII  t..  wi'i-h  1300  ]unuuU.  al  a  o,>i  ni 
$450.  This  bell  was  placed  in  the  Inwer  uf  the  City  liall.  and  its  iron  tnn-tie 
sounded  man)-  a  hre  call  in  ileep  and  well  reinemhered  tones.  tinall\  strilsin.i;  its 
own  death  knell  on  the  ni.n-nin.;  of  An-tist  17.  iS.,,:;,  wlun  the  Cit\  Hall  and 
Opera  House  were  Imrnicl. 

The  engine  house  was  aecepte.l  hy  Council  in  October.  1S73.  and  the  lirst 
apparatus,  which  had  been  kept  in  I'.artlett's  barn,  was  housed  therein. 

But,  among  our  citizens  and  C'oiincihneii  of  those  earl\  d;i>s  could  be  lound 
a  good  many  pessimists  who  were  ikcidedly  o])posrd  to  the  lorniation  ot  ,a  tire 
company.  Tliey  looked  with  suspicion  ii]ion  the  nio\e  and  expressed  -raxe 
doubts  as  to  the  otitconie.  .^onie  of  the  ol.lest  and.  supposed  to  be,  wisi'st  of  our 
citizens  were  the  strongest  o])poneiits.  and  ga\e  it  as  their  solemn  opinion  and 
conviction,  that  "You  ma}-  look  out  for  lots  of  tires  now  that  some  of  them  old 
Philadelphia  fire  sharps  and  toughs  have  started  a  fire  company."  In  f.ict  to 
them,  a  volunteer  fireman  seemed  to  be  only  another  name  for  a  tire  bug.  As 
a  natural  result  there  was  considerable  friction  and  diti'erence  of  ojiinion  between 
the  fire  company  and  the  city  fathers. 

Council  was  willing  to  allow  the  company  to  drag  the  apparatus  to  fires  and 
do  the  work,  but  would  not  trust  that  valuable  outfit  in  their  sole  charge.  The 
compariy,  very  justly,  claimed  that  they  should  be  the  custodians  and  have  entire 
charge  of  the  apparatus,  without  an\-  conncilmanic  strings  attached,  it  the\-  were 
expected  to  do  the  work  when  needed. 

Finally,  on  March  5,  1877,  Council  decided  to  be  very  liberal  in  the  matter, 
and  by  resolution  agreed  to  permit  the  company  to  use  the  building  and  apjja- 
ratus  "under  the  supervision  of  the  Committee  on  Protection  of  Property.  '  and 
certain  other  restrictions  and  conditions. 

The  company  refused  to  accept  the  offer  or  operate  the  engine  under  these 
conditions,  and  notified  Council  to  that  effect  at  their  next  meeting,  on  .March 
I2th,  but  decided  to  continue  their  organization  for  mutual  protection  and  benefit 
in  case  of  fire,  whereupon  Council  accepted  their  resignation  and.  on  iiiotir)n, 
declared  them  discharged  and  disbanded,  and  proceeded  to  authorize  a  prominent 
member  of  their  body  to  organize  a  new  committee  of  citizens  "to  take  ch.irge  of 
the  apparatus  and  operate  the  same  in  case  of  fire."  It  appears  there  was  ver\- 
little  loose  material  from  which  to  construct  this  new  committee,  and  the  tem- 
perature must  have  dropped  somewhat  below  fever  heat  during  the  next  se\en 
days,  as  the  records  show  that  on  March  igth,  on  motion,  the  word  "discharged 
and  disbanded,"  as  referring  to  the  fire  companx',  were  stricken  frtim  the  niintites 
of  Council,  and  on  April  6th,  the  entire  body  was  a])i5ointed  a  committee  to  confer 
with  the  fire  company. 

Three  days  later,  on  April  9,  1877,  the  Uarstow  fire  occurred.  This  fire  is 
well  remembered  by  our  older  citizens  as  one  of  the  "wicked"  ones.  Starting  at 
the  corner  of  Pennsylvania  and  Atlantic  avenues,  and  fanned  b\-  a  stiff  northeast 
wind,  it  was  soon  under  full  headwax".  and  it  aiiiieared  but  the  (luestioii  of  a  ivw 


THF;  \-ni.L-X-l-l-.I'R   riKK   i:il- IWKTMI'XT,  i.-,i 

minutes  before  the  entire  hlnek  to  XDrtii  Caroliiia  avemu-  wnuld  l)e  in  tlaine>  ami 
doomed  to  destruction.  Tlie  ajjparatus  was  hurried  tn  the  -ccne.  luit  those  wim 
were  in  charge,  not  having  the  requisite  "know  liow."  were  unable  to  |)nt  the 
engine  in  service,  and  tlie  niendiers  of  the  tire  coni|)an\-  had  r.illied  to  the  assist- 
ance of  their  foreman.  ( ieo.  W.  .Martin,  and  were  moving  iiis  goods  from  the 
Bartlett  Hall  Market,  but  the\  promptly  res])onded  to  the  urgent  requests  of 
their  fellow  citizens  to  take  charge  of  the  apparatus,  and  soon  had  the  pumps 
going  and  two  good  streams  playing  upon  the  fire,  and  after  a  stiff  battle  checked 
the  flames  when  half  way  to  the  alley,  and  within  a  space  of  less  than  twelve 
inches  between  buildings.  Two  of  the  pipe  men,  (ieo.  Keates  and  Theodore 
^lartin,  both  since  deceased,  were  nearly  o\erconie  by  the  heat  and  smoke,  but 
stuck  to  their  posts  to  the  finish,  when  the\-  had  to  be  assisted  from  the  roof  of 
the  adjoining  building.  Mr.  Keates  came  very  near  losing  his  eyesight  from  ex- 
posure to  the  intense  heat.  This  fire  burnt  U])  all  of  the  red  tape  and  controversv 
on  the  subject  and  most  of  the  pessimists  had  their  fear  and  susi)icion  of  vohnueer 
firemen  roasted  out  of  them  at  the  same  time. 

Shortly  after  this  fire  an  ordinance  passed  Council  givin.g  to  the  fire  com- 
pany entire  control  of  the  apjiaratus  and  management  of  the  fire  service,  includ- 
ing occupancy  of  the  engine  house. 

The  water  supply  at  that  time  was  obtained  entirely  from  cisterns  and  sur- 
face wells,  about  six  feet  deep.  As  it  took  but  a  few  minutes  to  empty  one  of  these 
supplies  it  reciuircd  frequent  changing  of  hose  and  moving  of  the  apparatus  to 
keep  up  the  service.  Idie  hand  engine  was  a  powerful  one  of  its  kind,  and  re- 
quired thirty-two  men  on  the  levers  when  under  full  swing.  It  was  constructe<i 
by  Pool  and  Hunt,  who  were  celebrated  engine  builders  of  r.altiniore,  where  it 
was  in  service  for  a  number  of  years  before  the  civil  war.  It  was  sold  to  a  fire 
compan}'  in  Hagerstown,  Marvland,  and  while  located  there,  during  the  war.  wa^ 
put  in  service  at  a  fire  by  Federal  soldiers,  who  were  volunteer  firemen  from 
towns  in  Pennsylvania. 

In  June,  1878,  the  I'nited  States  h'ire  Company  purchaseil  a  second-hand 
Amoskcag  engine.    This  was  the  first  steam  fire  engine  in  this  cit\ . 

The  next  large  fire,  known  as  the  Reed  fire,  was  on  Xo\end)er  13.  :.S7S. 
when  Edward  S.  Reed's  cottage  and  ,-tore,  Lewis  Reed's  store  and  dwelling;. 
Shinnen's  shoe  store  and  James  Reed's  cottage  were  burned. 

Another  well  remembered  fire  of  the  early  days,  which  destroyed  the  Wind- 
sor Hotel  on  Pacific  avenue  and  the  Dullmore  on  North  Carolina  avenue  oc- 
curred on  the  morning  of  December  30.  1880,  with  the  temperature  six  degreees 
below  zero  and  two  feet  of  snow  on  the  level.  At  this  fire  the  old  hand  engine 
performed  its  last  great  service.  The  steamer  was  disabled  at  the  start  on  accoimt 
of  frozen  and  bursted  water  flues,  but  the  hand  engine  was  kept  hard  at  it  for 
over  three  hours  under  great  difficulties  and  won  a  splendid  victor\-.  The  col<l 
was  so  intense  that  boiling  water  hatl  tn  be  jxiured  inln  the  pinnj)  cxlinders  con- 
tinuously to  prevent  freezing  while  in  o])eration.  just  after  ihi-  lire,  on  J.amiary 
II.  1881,  the  city  purchased  a  small  Clapp  and  Jones  engine  and  placed  it  in 
charge  of  the  United  States  l-'ire  Company. 


TFIF.  VOI.UXTF.F.R    FIKF.    DFl'AKTM  F.XT  lo3 

(  )n  June  K).  iSS_>.  water  was  first  turiR-d  inm  ilu-  mains  ni'  ilu  Atlantic  (.'ily 
Water  Works  Company  (knuwn  as  thr  W.i.  ul  t'nnii)anvi.  'I'lu-  liand  m-ino  linn 
passed  out  of  service  and  cisterns  were  nn  l.mi^er  depencU'il  njiiin  fnr  liie  cinl\ 
water  supply  in  case  of  tire.  A  I'ew  year-  later  the  Stales  nhtained  title  to  the 
hand  engine  and  it  is  still  in  their  possessimi. 

The  I'nited  States  l-'ire  Company,  as  the  pioneer  (ir^,  ]ierf.  irnied 
fire  service  in  this  city  for  eii^iit  years  hefure  the  intrdductii  )n  of  a  niudern  water 
supply,  and  during  the  first  years  of  its  existence  received  nci  t'mancial  aiit  fn  mi 
the  city,  depending  entirely  upon  themselves  and  their  friends  for  maintenance. 
Their  first  appropriation  was  $50  per  year,  later  this  was  raised  to  $100.  at  which 
figure  it  remained  until  1884.  when  it  was  made  S200.  At  present  api)ropriations 
are  $2,500  for  some  of  the  comjxanies. 

During  the  twenty-five  years  of  its  history  over  two  lumdred  citizens  h.ave 
been  members  of  the  I'nited  States  I'ire  Com]nm\-.  Thirty-fixe  are  deceased. 
some  haved  moved  away,  other-  joined  other  companies  and  some  dro]ipe<l  out 
of  line. 

In  addition  to  the  thirteen  charter  ineiiiliers,  the  following  are  some  of  oiu' 
well-known  citizens  who  joined  the  company  during  its  earlx    hislorv  : 

Charles  W.  Maxwell.  David  Johnston.  Wm.  H.  Smith.  Samuel  I'..  Rose.  Wm. 
Caemmerer,  Simon  L.  Westcott,  George  F.  Currie.  John  1'..  Cliam]>ion.  ritinan 
Carter,  Joseph  Thompson,  Charles  R.  Lacy.  Benjamin  V.  Sonder.  C  harles  S. 
Lackey,  Charles  W.  Barstow,  Jarvis  Irelan.  Josiah  Irelan,  Aanm  11  inkle.  V..  (i. 
Pettet,  Benny  Williamson, '■'  Harry  L.  Slape.*  Joseph  H.  Shinn."  John  S.  Taylor.* 

Seven  years  of  active  service  entitles  a  member  to  be  placed  on  the  honorary 
roll  of  his  company  and  be  relieved  of  fines  for  non-attendance  at  tires  ,ir  meet- 
ings. Many,  however,  continue  to  perform  active  duty  and  remain  on  the 
active  list. 

The  department  comprises  the  following  conijianies  chronologically  arranged: 

United  States  Fire  Company.  Xo.  1.  December  ,^.  i^^74. 

Neptune  Hose  Compaii}'.  Xo.   1.  (  )ctober  7.  i88j. 

Atlantic  Fire  Company.  Xo.  2,  December  15.   i88j. 

Good  \yU\  Hook  and  Ladder  Company.  Xo.   1.  I'ebruar}    if).   1886. 

Beach  Pirates  Chemical  Company.  Xo.   1.  I-\'bruary  21.  1895. 

Chelsea  Fire  Company,  X'o.  6,  Xovember  6,  1S95. 

Rescue  Hook  and  Ladder  Company.  Xo.  2,  March  16.  1896. 

^^'est  Side  Fire  Company,  Xo.  4,  July,  1899. 

\\'ith  up-to-date  ecjuipments  in  every  engine  house,  and  the  ( iamewell  fire 
alarm  system  with  boxes  in  all  parts  of  the  cit\'  and  atixiliar\  boxes  in  leading 
hotels,  a  lightning  response  is  made  whenever  a  fire  starts,  and  usuallx'  the  chem- 
ical engine  is  all  that  gets  in  service. 

There  are  thirty-six  salaried  men,  drivers  and  engineers:  thirty-nine  trained 
horses  at  all  times  in  readiness  at  the  various  houses  to  respond  to  an  electric 
alarm.    The  ease  and  rapidity  with  which  they  get  in  action  is  really  marvelous. 


Then.'  arc  tww  huiidrrcl  and  tliirt\  arlixo  and  dui- 
members  t)f  the  several  tii'e  ei  inijianies;  thii-l\ -sevi 
class  engines,  ^^S  Cdniliinalinn  cheniieals.  d  linse  w; 
hinatiein  chemical  truck  and  hose  \\ai;cin.  j  jiatrol 
hand  carriage,  ,:;  i>arade  wagnns.  i  crah,  i  chiel"> 


In  iSi_',  when  there  was  an  embargo  on  salt,  that  infant  industry  \\a>  >tarted 
on  this  island  in  charge  of  Zedock  I'.owen.  The  works  were  located  at  .M.aitie 
and  Baltic  avenues  and  consisted  of  six  large  tanks,  two  row-  of  three  each,  a 
large  windmill  piuiip  with  cedar  log  piping  to  keep  the  xats  hllrd  with  salt  water. 
Movable  roofs  were  made  so  as  to  cover  these  tanks  at  night  and  on  rainy  days. 
The  water  was  pumped  from  surface  wells  dug  in  the  beach  san<l,  as  this  water 
was  found  to  be  very  much  Salter  than  that  of  the  ocean.  This  was  due  to  the 
evaporation  of  so  much  sea  water  on  the  beach  that  the  sand  was  full  of  salt  that 
could  be  dissolved  in  such  wells.  That  was  Ijefore  iron  pipes  were  made  in  this 
part  of  the  country.  The  casting  of  iron  pipes  became  an  important  industry  in 
Atlantic  County  40  years  later. 

There  had  previously  been  for  many  years  boiling  salt  works  on  I'eter's 
Beach,  near  P.rigantine.  where  salt  was  extracted  from  sea  water  by  boiling  it  in 
large  iron  pots.     The  evaporation  process  was  thought  to  be  nuich  cheaper. 

With  canvas  or  muslin  sails  as  crude  wings  for  the  windmill,  ocean  breezes 
were  utilized  for  power  in  extracting  native  salt  from  local  waters  at  very  little 
expense.  The  works  could  onlv  be  operated  in  the  summer  time.  .V  good  yield 
was  500  to  800  bushels  a  year.  It  found  a  ready  market  in  Xew  \'ork  and  among 
the  resident  population. 

A  stormtide  destroyed  the  works  in  1825.  but  they  were  rebuilt  by  llosea 
Frambes  and  Ryon  Adams  put  in  charge  of  them  till  i8_^6.  wdien  he  was  suc- 
ceeded by  John  Bryant.  The  latter  operated  the  works  four  years  successfully, 
and  then  moved  to  what  is  now  South  .\tlantic  City,  where  he  oi)erate<l  another 
plant  and  was  in  charge  of  the  ( iovernment  Life  Saving  Stations  foi-  m.uiy  years. 
His  house  was  among  the  sandhills  on  the  high  ridge  of  land  where  onl\  the 
highest  storm  tides  could  get  near  it.  In  watching  for  wrecks,  and  signalling  ti' 
the  mainland  for  assistance  and  aiding  stranded  vessels,  his  position  was  an  im- 
portant one  after  the  salt  industrx   went  to  decaw 


Citv^  Officials  fioin  1854  to  1900. 

1854,— (Mayl  Maycn-.  IhalkKy  S.  l.rc-,ls;  (  ii y  Hcrk,  )n^.  li.  Walker;  Re- 
corder." Wni.  Xeligli:  Alderman,  Daniel  Rlindes;  Umncil.  Steelnian  Leeds.  Wil- 
liam Xeligh,  JamJs  Leeds.  Kichard  ilaekeit,  JMlm  Leeds.  Ryan  Adams;  Treas- 
urer, Robert  B.  Leeds. 

1854.— (.Nov.)  Mayor,  Chalkley  S.  Leeds;  City  Clerk.  I'lios.  L.  darretl;  Re- 
corder. Maurice  Sanders:  Alderman,  Daniel  1.  Rhodes ;  ('i)nncil.  Uieliard  Maekelt, 
Steelnian  Leeds.  Richard  C.  Souder,  John  Leeds.  Ryan  Ad.anis.  Roheri  I'..  Leeds; 
Treasurer.  Robert  15.  Leeds. 

1855.— -Mayor,  Chalkley  S.  Leeds;  City  Clerk.  John  T.  .Kndrews;  Reeonler. 
Robert  13.  Leeds;  Alderman,  Robert  T.  hAard;  Council.  Rielianl  liackelt.  .\lan- 
assah  McClees.  Smith  Crey,  Thomas  C.  ( iarrett.  .Saiuuel  Adams,  Ryan  Ad:ims; 
Treasurer.  Robert  B,  Leeds. 

1856,— :\Iayor,  J.  G.  W.  .\very;  City  Clerk.  Thomas  C.  C.arretl ;  Recorder, 
A\"m.  W.  Carter;  Alderman,  B,  C.  Danning;  Council,  C.  S.  Leeds,  M.  AleClees, 
S.  Adams,  A,  Turner,  T.  H.  Bedloe,  Ryan  Adams;  Treasurer,  Smith  (Irey. 

1857. — Mayor,  J.  G.  W.  Avery;  City  Clerk.  Thomas  C.  Garrett;  Recorder, 
William  M.  Carter;  Alderman,  Joshua  Note;  Council,  C.  S.  Leeds,  J.  A,  Barstow, 
S.  Adams.  Ryan  Adams.  Augustus  Turner;  Treasurer.  Wm.  AL  Carter, 

1858. — Mayor.  Dr.  Lewis  Reed;  City  Clerk,  Thomas  C.  Garrett;  Recorder, 
R,  C,  Souder;  Alderman,  Jacob  ]\Iiddleton;  Council,  Wm,  Conover,  C.  S.  Leeds, 
Lemuel  Eldridge,  R.  I!,  Leeds,  R.  T.  Evard;  Treasurer,  Lemuel  Eldridge. 

1859. — Mayor.  Dr.  Lewis  Reed;  City  Clerk.  Tlmmas  C,  Garrett;  Recorder, 
Smith  Grey;  Alderman,  Jacob  Middleton;  Council.  Wm.  Conover,  C.  S.  Leeds, 
Lemuel  Eldridge,  John  Smick,  R.  T.  Evard;  Treasurer,  Lemuel  Eldridge. 

i860. — Mayor,  Dr.  Lewis  Reed;  City  Clerk,  G.  S.  \'arney;  Recorder,  Michael 
Lawlor;  Alderman,  Wm.  Souder;  Council,  Thos.  H.  Bedloe,  Wm.  Adams,  Ryan 
Adams,  C.  S.  Leeds,  Amasa  Bowen;  Treasurer,  C.  S.  Leeds. 

1861.— Mayor,  Dr.  Lewis  Reed;  City  Clerk,  E.  S.  Reed;  Recorder.  .Vl.salom 
Westcdtt;  Aldc'rman.  Wm.  Zern;  Council.  C,  -S.  Leeds,  Amos  Bullock,  R,  T. 
I'Aard,  Joshua  X,ite,  Jos.  A,  Barstow;  Treasurer.  John  McClces. 

1 8()2.— .Mayor,  Chalkley  S.  Leeds;  City  Clerk,  E.  S.  Reed;  Recorder,  William 
S,  Carter;  .\lderman,  William  Zern;  Council,  Irving  Lee,  Thomas  Morris,  Lenuiel 
Eldridge,  R.  T.  Evard,  Jos.  .\.  Barstow;  Treasurer,  John  McClees. 

1863.— :\Iayor.  Jacob  Middleton;  City  Clerk.  K.  S.  Reed;  Recorder.  William 
S.  Carter;  Alderman.  .Michael 
Adams,   Lemuel   Eldridge,   jo 
Treasurer,  Jacob  Keim. 

1865,— Mayor,  Robert  T, 
S.  Carter;  Alderman.  R.  B.  Le 

Horner;   Council,  J 

ethro   W   Albertso 

1.  je 


■ph    .\.    Ilar.stou,   j 

,shna    Xote,    John 



Kvard;   City   llerk. 

!•:.   S.    Ree.l;    Rec 



Is;  Council,  Jose])h 

.\.  BarMow.  llenr 

V   W. 



Jeremiah  Adams,  Richanl  Hacl^ctt.  Amos  lUillock.  Irving  Lee;  Treasurer,  Joseph 

A.  Barstow. 

1866.— Mayor.  David  W.  I'.elisle;  City  Clerk,  I-..  S.  Reed;  Recorder,  Wm. 
S,  Carter;  Alderman,  R.  ]'..  Lewis;  Council.  Jacob  Keim,  Ur.  Lewis  Reed.  Henry 
Wootton.  R.  T.  Evard,  Eli  S.  Amole.  Silas  R.  Morse;  Treasurer.  Richard  Hackett. 

1867.— Mayor.  David  W.  Belisle;  City  Clerk.  E.  S.  Reed;  Recorder,  William 
S.  Carter;  Alderman,  Jacob  Middleton;  Council,  .Sihis  R.  Morse,  Chalkley  S. 
Leeds,  Joseph  H.  Rorton.  Jos.  A.  Rarstuw,  Jds.  Shinnen,  K.  T.  k".\-ard;  Treasiu'er, 
Jonas  Higbee. 

1868.— Mayor.  John  J.  Canlner;  City  Clerk,  Lewi>  I'.vans;  Recmler,  Wil- 
liam S.  Carter;  Alderman,  Edmund  S.  Westcott;  L'ouncil,  Joseph  II.  Rortmi, 
Joseph  T.  Note.  Lemuel  Eldridge,  Amos  RuUock,  John  L.  llryant,  Robert  T. 
Evard:  Treasurer,  Jonas  Higbee. 

1869. — Mayor.  John  J.  Gardner;  Cit\'  Clerk.  Lewis  Evans;  Recorder,  Robert 

B.  Leeds;  Alderman,  Amos  Bullock;  Council.  Lemuel  Eldridge.  Irving  Lee, 
Joseph  H.  Borton,  Joshua  Note,  Joseph  A.  Barstow,  John  Gouldey;  Treasurer. 
Jonas  Higbee. 

1870. — Mayor,  John  J.  Gardner:  City  Clerk.  Lewis  Evans;  Recorder,  Chalk- 
ley  S.  Leeds;  Alderman.  J.  Henry  Hayes,  elected  by  City  Council,  November  29, 
1870,  as  R.  B.  Leeds  and  Jas.  Shinn  each  received  97  votes;  Council,  Levi  C. 
Albertson,  Jos.  A.  Barstow,  Geo.  E.  Currie,  Irving  Lee,  Paul  Wootton.  Jacob 
Keim  was  elected  by  City  Council.  November  29,  1870;  Chalkley  \\'.  Tompkins 
and  Thomas  Bedloe  each  received  loi  votes;  Treasurer,  Chalkley  S.  Leeds. 

1871. — Mayor,  John  J.  Gardner:  City  Clerk,  Andrew  W.  Tompkins;  Re- 
corder, Chalkley  S.  Leeds;  Alderman,  James  S.  Shinn;  Council,  John  (iduldey, 
Edward  Wilson,  Jonathan  R.  Doughty,  Thomas  E.  I-Vench,  Alois  Schautler, 
Eliakim  Conover;  Treasurer.  Chalkley  S.  Leeds. 

1872.— Mayor.  John  J.  Gardner;  City  Clerk,  Jos.  T.  Note;  Recorder,  Jacob 
Middleton;  Alderman.  Hugh  H.  Y.  AMcks:  Council,  James  Ryder,  I'ranklin  11. 
Lippincott,  John  Harrold,  Thomas  E.  French,  ( ieo.  C.  llryant.  Thomas  C.  ( iar- 
rett;  Treasurer,  Chalkley  S.  Leeds. 

1873. — Mayor.  Dr.  Chas.  Bonder;  City  Clerk,  Lewis  Evans;  Recorder,  Jacob 
Middleton;  Alderman,  Hugh  H.  ^".  Wicks;  Council,  Geo.  E.  Currie.  George 
Anderson.  Joseph  A.  Barstow.  Richard  Hackett,  Richard  Turner.  J.  Henry 
Hayes;  Treasurer.  Chalkle\-  S.  Leeds. 

1874. — Mayor,  John  J.  Gardner;  City  Clerk,  Joseph  T.  Note;  Recorder, 
Jacob  Middleton:  Alderman.  Edward  B.  Reilly;  Council.  James  S.  Shinn.  Jonas 
Higbee.  Eli  M.  Johnson,  Edward  Wilson.  Thos.  E.  French.  Lewis  Repp;  Treas- 
urer, Chalkley  S.  Leeds. 

1875. — Mayor.  John  J.  Gardner;  City  Clerk,  A.  M.  Uailey;  Recorder,  Jacob 
Middleton;  Alderman.  Dr.  Lewis  Reed:  Council.  Joseph  T.  Note.  Henry  Wo. it- 
ten.  Paul  Wooten.  Jonas  Higbee,  Hugh  H.  Y.  Wicks.  Jos.  A.  Barstow,  John  L. 
Bryant.  Thos.  E.  French.  R.  T.  Evard;  Treasurer.  Chalkley  S.  Leeds. 

1876.— Mayor,  Dr.  Willard  Wright;  City  Clerk,  James  Godfrey;  Recorder. 



)  -Mi.l, 

Haninian.  1 






ikc;   r,.unci 
1  j.  C.anliU' 

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rrasurcr,  1 1 

crk.   lulwar. 

A.   (Jui-lry;    Re. 


Council,  f 

las.    \V.    Maxwrlk 

T.   A 

.   .Mason.  ( 

ro.    W.    Ilinklr.    1 

,s.   A 

ROSTER   OF   CITY    () 

Hcton;  Akk-rnian,  k'.dnnnul  L  L;i 
•:iias  WVi-in.  W.  A.  Mitclielk  Join 
;.  j.iscph  T.  X.iU',  Win.  .Mann;  T 
-AJayor,  Willanl  Wright;  City  Ck 
Jacob  Middleton;  Alderman.  Joseph  Shinn; 
Byrnes,  J.  R.  Doushty,  John"  llarrokl.  J.  11 
Barstow,  Eli  M.  Johnson.  James  S.  Shinn:  Treasurer.  Chalklev  .S.  Leeds. 

1878.— -Mayor.  John  I,.  I'.ryant;  City  Clerk.  I'.uoeh  .S.  C..n..ver;  Keeonler. 
Jacob  Middleton;  Alderman,  Mdward  Eldridoe;  Council,  Jos.  1'.  L'anby,  J.  K. 
Doughty,  R.  T.  Evard,  Wm.  Fulton.  Geo.  W.  Holmes,  Joel  R.  Leeds,  Cha.s.  \V. 
]\Lax\veli,  Lewis  Reed,  Jr.,  Hush  H.  Y.  Wicks:  Treasurer,  Chalkley  S.  Leeds. 

1879.— Mayor,  Willard  Wright:  City  Clerk.  Jas.  llarrokl;  .\l,k"-rman,  I'rancis 
P.  Quigley;  Recorder,  Nathaniel  Wehh;  Council.  T.  .\.  I'.yrnes.  R.  T.  I'.vard. 
Wesley  Robinson,  Geo.  Hayday,  Sr..  I'.li  .M.  Johnson,  Thomas  C.  k'rench.  J.  R. 
Champion,  J.  R.  Doughty,  Enoch  R.  ."^eull;   Treasurer,  Chalkley  .S.  Leeds. 

1880.— :Mayor,  Harry  L.  Slape:  City  Clerk,  Enoch  -S.  Conover;  Alderman. 
Jas.  Stokes:  Recorder,  Jas.  Hitchens;  Council.  John  C.  Alherts.m.  Jds.  A.  Rar- 
stow,  Jos.  H.  Borton.  John  L.  Bryant.  Geo.  1".  Currie.  Wm.  T'ldridge.  t/has. 
Evans,  Chas.  W.  ^Maxwell,  Simon  L.  Westcott:  Treasurer,  Chalkley  S.  Leeds. 

1881.— ALayor,  Willard  Wright:  City  Clerk,  Henry  R.  .Vlbertson;  Recorder. 
James  Hitchens;  Alderman,  Jas.  Stokes:  Council,  John  C.  Albertson.  Wm.  JL 
Aikin,  John  B.  Champion,  Eli  M.  J,)hnson,  Jos.  R.  Canby,  Chas.  W.  Maxwell. 
Henry  Wootton,  Franklin  P.  Cook.  Wesley  Robinson:  Treasurer.  Chalkley  S. 

i88_'.— Mayor,  Charles  W.  .Maxwell;  City  Clerk.  Henry  R.  .Mbertson;  Re- 
corder, John  Gouldey;  Alderman,  James  S.  Endicott:  Council,  John  llamman. 
Franklin  P;.  Cook,  John  L.  Baier,  Jr.,  Frank  Barber,  Henry  Wootton.  John  \l. 
Blake,  Wesley  Robinson,  Wm.  Aikin:  Treasurer,  Chalkley  S.  Leeds. 

1883.— Mayor,  Charies  W.  Maxwell:  City  Clerk,  Henry  R.  Albertson:  Re- 
corder, James  Hitchens;  Alderman,  Jacob  Leedom;  Council,  William  L.  Adams, 
Joseph  A.  Barstow,  Francis  Barnett,  Henry  X.  Bolte.  Franklin  P.  Cook.  (leorge 
F.  Currie,  Jolm  B.  Champion,  Wesley  Robinson.  ( leorge  R.  Zane;  Treasm-er, 
Chalkley  S."  Leeds. 

1884.— Mayor,  Charles  W.  Maxwell:  Clerk.  H.  R.  Albertson:  Alderman. 
Jacob  H.  Leedom.  City  Council. — Councilman-at-Large,  (leo.  B.  Zane;  I'irst 
Ward.  \\"illiam  L.  Adams,  Francis  Barnett,  Joseph  .A.  Barstow.  Henry  X.  I'olte; 
Second  Ward.  John  R.  Champion,  l-'ranklin  R.  Cook.  Geo.  1'.  Currie.  Henry 

1885.— .Mayor.  Charies  W.  Maxwell;  Clerk.  H.  R.  .Mbertson;  Alderman. 
Samuel  D.  Hofl'man;  Councilman-at-Large,  James  Jeffries:  hirst  Ward.  I'rank  R. 
Cook,  Louis  Groff,  E.  S.  Reed.  H.  X.  BoltJ:  Second  Ward.  S.  R.  Rose.  Wesley 
Robinson,  E.  \'.  Corson,  (ieoreg  B.  Zane. 

1886.— Mayor,  Thomas  C.  Garrett:  Clerk.  H.  R.  .Mbertson;  Alderman, 
Jacob  H.  Leedom:  Councilman-at-Large.  J.  B.  Champion;  l-'irsi  Ward.  l'raid<  V. 



ROSTER   Ol'    CITY    ( 

Cook.  Henry  Woottnn.  loscph  A.  I'.arslow 
Rose.  Eli  .M.'johnson.  K."\\  .  .Sayiv,  ( IcMi-r 
1887.— .\layin-,  .Saimicl  I  ).  ll.itTnian;  C 
James  Stokes;  Couiicil-at-Lart;'e.  W  esky  l\i 
Currie.  Louis  Groff,  Josepli  A.  Baistow .  11. 
Borton.  John  W.  Bowen.  Richard  \\".  Sayre, 
1888.— Mayor,  .Sanuiel  1).  Ilnffnian  :\le 
Goulde}  :  Council-at-Lari^e.  Alahlon  (,'.  I'rani 
Louis  Groff.  John  l'>.  Champion,  h'dw.  .'^.  l.ei 
Rostoll.  R.  W.  Sayre.  John  A.  .MeAnnex. 

1889.— Mayor  Samuel  I),  Hoffman:  Cle 
Gouldey;  Council-at-Large.  Mahlon  C.  hVani 
Lewis  Groff,  Fred.  P.  Currie.  Edw.  S.  Lee:  .^e 
B.  Rose.  H.  H.  Postoll,  R.  W.  Sayre. 

1890.— Mayor.  Samuel  D.    Hoffman :    C 
Robert  Stroud:  First  \\'ard,  h'ranklin  T.  C 
S.  Lee:  .Second  Ward.  W.  Clark,  liai 
W.  Sayre. 

1891. — Mayor,  Samuel  D.  Hoft'nian: 
Wilson  Sensenian;  Council-at-Laroe,  }n\ 
P.  Cook.  Austin  ALithis,  J.  W.  Parsons. 
Lewis  Groff,  \'an  Buren  Ciiftin,  E.  S.  l.e 
Cluin.  Sylvester  Leeds,  S.  P>.  Rose;  I'mn- 
H.  H.  Postoll,  R.  W.  Sayre. 

T892.— ALayor.  Willard  Wrioht;  City  Clerk,  J.  P.  Winters:  Recorder.  Jacob 
H.  Leedoni;  Alderman.  Joseph  R.  Bartlett;  City  Treasurer,  e'halkley  S.  T-eeds; 
Assessor,  William  Riddle:  Collector,  Machiel  .\.  Pevine:  Superintendent  of 
Public  Schools.  C.  J.  .Vdam.-;;  Mercantile  .Ajipraiser.  C.  l'.  Sliinn;  lity  Surveyor. 
,.lice,  llarrv  C.  I'.ldrid-e:  City  Solicitnr,  .\.  W.  Fu- 
ll enrv  (,-.  Xnrman:  Huildin-  Inspector,  I'.nierv  D. 
i-ert:  Cdimcil,  President,  Joseph  R.  r.artleit,  Risley 
iwler,  J.  r..  Champion,  F.  P.  Cook,  Jus.  C.  Clement, 
..  l)(in-lu.\,  \'.  B.  Giftin,  Eli  AC  Joluiscm,  Svlvester 
;ons,  H.  11.  I',  I'.  P.  Stoy,  R.  11.  Turner. 
1893,— Mayor,"willard  Wright,  .M.  D.;  Rec.rder,  Jacob  H.  Leedoni:  .\lder- 
man.  Joseph  R.  P.artlett;  Treasurer.  Chalkley  S.  Leeds;  City  Clerk.  ICniery  1). 
Irelan;  Assessor,  William  G.  Hoopes;  Collector.  Carlton  Godfrey:  Chief  of  IVilice, 
Harry  C.  Eldridsjc;  Solicitor.  Allen  P..  Fndicott;  ISuildin.c:  Inspector.  S.  L,  West- 
coat;  Electrician,  l)ahli,M-en  .Vlbertsc  .11 :  C'onncil,  I 'resident,  J.  R.  I'.artleit.  William 
Bowler,  Jos.  C.  Clement.  Ceor-e  lluin.  S.  L.  l)..u.t.;lu\,  \an  lluren  (  ,iflin,  Wm. 
A.  Ireland,  Eli  .M.  [Mhn.^nn.  Sylvester  Leeds,  I'.dward  S.  Lee,  .Mberi  I-..  Moerk. 
JohnW.  Parsons,  I'.dwin  .\.  Parker.  Harry  11.  I 'nstoll,  .^amue!  1'..  Rn^e,  I'ranklin 
"p.  Stoy.  Richard  II.  Turner. 

1894.— Mayor,    Franklin    P.    -Stoy;     Reorder,    John    Gouldey:    .\lderman. 

.  11. 



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Maurice  Hillman 

Chief  .if  P 

dicott:  (  )\erseer  . 

f  the   I', 

Irelan;  Marshal, 

saac  C.  C.. 

Barlow,  H.  N.  B. 

he,  Wm.  R. 

J.W.Clark,,  Ge.i 

Cluin.  S.  I 

Leeds,  Ed.  S.  Lee 

.  J.  W.  Par^ 





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ile  Appra 


[.   \V. 

KOSTF.K    OI"   CIIA'    I 

Joseph   R.    I'.ank'tt;  Trcasur^-r,  J..lm   A.    ]v 
Collector.  Carlton  Liodfrey;  Chief  of  I'olice 
B.  Endicott:  Overseer  of  Poor,  Henry   Xi 
Rich:  Supervisor  of  Streets,  Lewis  1^.  Wilk 
Electrician.    C.    Wesley    llnihaker;    Coimci 
Barton.  Albert   r.eyer.  Jos.  C.  Clement.  S.  1. 
Johnson.  Etlw.    V.   Kline.   Daniel    Kn 
George  H.  Long-.  Albert  E.  Mnerk.  l-Idwin  .\. 
B.  Rose.  Richard  H.  Turner. 

i8q5. — ^Layor,    Franklin    T.    Stoy:    Rt 
Robert  H.  Ingersoll;  Treasurer.  John  A. 
Collector.  Carlton  Godfrey;  Chief  of  Poli 

B.  Endicott;  Overseer  of  Poor,  Robert  Dunlevi 
Parsons;  Supervisor  of  Streets,  Lewis  E.  Wills;  Building  Inspector.  S.  L.  West- 
coat;  Electrician.  C.  Weslc}-  lirubaker;  Council.  President.  R.  II.  Ingersoll. 
Samuel  Barton.  Albert  Beyer,  Jos.  C.  Clement.  S.  L.  Doughty.  \\'m.  .\.  Ireland. 
Edw.  F.  Kline.  Daniel  Knauer.  Edward  S.  Lee.  Henry  \\'.  Leeds.  JdS.  I',.  Lingcr- 
man.  George  H.  Long.  Albert  E.  Moerk.  luhvin  .\.  Parker.  Harry  II.  I'nstoll. 
Samuel  B.  Rose.  Erank  L.  Southrn. 

1896.— Mayor.  Franklin  P.  Stoy;  Reconkr.  Robert  H.  lnger>.ill;  .Mder- 
man.  James  D.  Southwick;  Treasurer.  John  A.  Jeffries;  City  Clerk,  i-jnery  D. 
Irelan;  Collector,  Carlton  Godfrey;  Solicitor,  Allen  B.  Endicott;  City  Coni])- 
troller,  A.  M.  Heston;  Chief  of  Police.  Harry  C.  Eldridge;  Overseer  of  Poor. 
Robert  Dunlevy;  ]\Iercantile  Appraiser.  J.  \\'.  Parsons;  Superisor  of  Streets. 
Beriah  Mathis;  Building  Inspector.  S.  L.  Westcoat;  Electrician.  C.  Wesley  Bru- 
baker;  Council.  President.  Jas.  D.  Southwick.  Samuel  Barton.  Albert  P.eyer,  Jos. 

C.  Clement.  S.  L.  Doughty,  Enos  F.  Hann.  Wm.  .\..  Ireland.  Edw.  V.  Kliue: 
Daniel  Kanuer.  Edward  S.  Lee,  Henry  W.  Leeds.  J' is.  K.  Lingerman.  George  H. 
Long,  Edwin  A.  Parker.  Harry  H.  Postoll.  Samuel  P..  Rose.  Erank  L.  Southrn. 

1897. — INIayor.  Franklin  P.  Stoy;  Recorder.  Robert  H.  Ingersoll;  .\lderman, 
James  D.  Southwick;  Treasurer.  John  A.  JeiTries;  City  Clerk.  Emery  I).  Irelan; 
Collector.  Carlton  Godfrey;  Solicitor,  Allen  B.  Endicott;  City  Comptroller,  A. 
M.  Heston;  Chief  of  Police.  Harry  C.  Eldridge;  Overseer  of  Poor;  Daniel  L. 
Albertson;  ^Mercantile  Appraiser.  J.  W.  Parsons;  Supervisor  of  Streets,  Beriali 
Mathis;  Building  Inspector,  S.  L.  Westcoat;  Electrician,  C.  Wesley  Brubaker; 
City  Alarshal.  Cornelius  S.  Fort;  Council.  President,  Jas.  D.  Southwick,  Samuel 
Barton.  David  R.  Barrett.  Albert  Beyer,  Jos.  C.  Clement.  .S.  L.  Doughty.  Enos 
F.  Hann.  A\'m.  A.  Ireland.  Samuel  H.  Kelley,  Daniel  Knauer.  ICdward  S.  Lee. 
Henry  W.  Leeds.  Jos.  E.  Lingerman,  George  H.  Long,  lulwin  .\.  Parker.  Sanuiel 
B.  Rose,  Frank  L.  Southrn. 

1898. — Mayor.  Joseph  Thompson;  Recorder.  John  S.  W'eslcott;  .\lderman. 
James  D.  Southwick;  Treasurer.  John  A.  Jeffries;  City  Clerk.  Emery  1),  Irelan; 
Collector,  William  Lowry,  Jr.;  Solicitor,  Carlton  (iodfrey;  City  Comptroller.  .\. 
:\L  Heston;  Chief  of  Police.   Harry  C.   Eldridge;  Overseer  of   Poor.    Daniel    L. 


ROSTl'.K   ()|-  lTI'V   Ol-I-ICIALS,  lUT 

Allicrt^.ni:  AKTcamilc  .\p]irai>rr,  J.  W.  I'arsnns;  Sui.crviv.r  of  Stivci-.  I'.oriah 
.Mathis:  lUiildin-'  Inspector.  S.  1..  \\\-tcoal ;  I'.lcclrician.  l\  \\\->lr\  llrnl.akLT: 
Lily  Alarslial,  C  onu-lius  S.  I'.irt;  Couiu-il,  I 'ivsi.knt.  janics  1).  Somliuick.  Saimicl 
r.artoii,  Davi.l  R.  I'.anvtl.  Allien  I'.rNrr.  Jo.,  C.  Ck-nn-ni.  S.  1..  Don-lily,  llu-.. 
Gamicli,  Knos  1-.  llann,  Wni.  A.  Irelan'.l,  Sanniel  11.  Kellev.  I  )aniel  Knaner, 
Edward  S.  Lee.  Henry  W.  Leeds,  Jos.  !■..,  (  leor-e  II.  Lon-:  I'.d^in 
A.  Larker.  Samuel  11.   Rose. 

iSc),).— Mayor.  Joseph  'rii.inipson;  Reoonler,  John  S.  Wesieou;  .Mdernian. 
James  I).  .Southwick:  Treasurer,  John  .\.  JeHrie> ;  Lily  Clerk.  I'.mery  I).  Irelan; 
Collector,  William  Lowry.  Jr.;  City  Complroller.  .A.  M.  lleslon;  ."Solicit,  jr,  Carl- 
ton Godfrey;  Chief  of  Police,  Harry  C.  Lldridge;  Overseer  of  I'oor,  Daniel  L. 
Albertson;  Mercantile  Apjiraiser,  J.  ^^'.  Larsons;  City  luiii^jineer,  |ohn  W.  llack- 
ney;  Supervisor  of  Streets,  Samuel  1'..  Rose:  llmldinL;-  Inspector.  S.  L.  Wesicoat; 
Electrician,  C,  Wesley  I'.ruhaker;  City  Marshal,  Cornelius  S.  l-'ort;  t.'onncil. 
President,  James  D.  Southwick.  Samuel  liarton,  David  R.  I'.arreti,  .\lliert  l'.e\er, 
Jos.  C.  Clement,  S.  L.  Doughty,  John  R.  Fleming.  I  lugo  i  .arnieh.  k'.nos  1'.  I  lann. 
Wm.  A.  Ireland.  Samuel  H.  Kelley,  Daniel  Knauer,  lulward  S.  Lee,  llenry  W. 
Leeds,  Jos,  E.  Lingerman,  Cieorge  H.  Long,  f-ldwin  .\.  Parker. 

Hjoo.—^layor.  Franklin  P.  Stoy;  Recorder,  Robert  !•:.  Stephany;  .\l<lernian, 
Harry  Pacharach;  Trasurer,  John  A.  Jeffries;  Collector,  William  Lowry,  Jr.; 
City  Clerk,  Emery  D.  p-elan;  Controller.  A.  ^L  Heston;  Overseer  of  Poor.  Daniel 
L.  Albertson;  Council.  Harrv  liacharach,  David  R.  liarrett,  Alliert  Pe\er.  |os.  C. 
Clement.  E.  A.  Parker,  Edward  S.  Lee,  K.  V.  llann,  John  Donnelly,' I  lenr\  W. 
Leeds,  George  Long,  John  R.  l-'leniing,  Willis  \'ananian,  Sonier>  L.  Doughty. 
W.  A.  Ireland,  Thoma.s  II.  •rhonip..on,  W  illiam  P.iwker  and  Hugo  Garnich. 


Ryan  .Vdams,  one  of  the  early  settlers  on  this  island,  erecting  the  tilth  house, 
the  first  on  the  Chamberlain  tract  at  Arctic  and  Delaware  avenues,  first  lived  on 
Inside  Peach,  near  the  Cedar  Grove  house  at  South  Atlantic,  He  moved  up  and 
was  the  first  to  occupy  and  operate  the  old  salt  works  at  the  Inlet,  before  John 
Bryant  moved  over  from  Absecon  and  took  charge. 

In  those  days  the  important  article  of  salt  was  made  along  the  coast  before 
inland  salt  springs  had  been  discovered  or  developed.  There  had  previously  been 
a  boiling  salt  plant  on  this  island  and  on  Prigantine,  but  projectors  decided  that 
an  evaporating  plant  would  be  more  profitable.  Large  shallow  tanks,  with 
movable  roofs  and  windmill  inimp.-  were  constnicled  and  the  siu-roiinding  country 
was  supplied  with  pure  rocksalt 

At  that  time  vessels  could  sail,  at  high  tide,  through  what  is  now  known  as 
Dry  Inlet,  above  ^'entnor.    At  low  water  it  was  safe  for  a  team  lo  ford  the  channel. 

Joshua,  son  of  Ryan  Adams,  on  the  day  of  the  moving,  drove  the  old  mare 
up  the  beach  attached  to  a  light  wagon.  It  was  not  yet  low  tide  when  the  boy 
reached  Dry  Inlet  and  the  old  mare  with  the  wagon  to  jnill  had  to  swim  through 
the  ebbing  tide.  She  barely  escaped  being  carried  t)ut  to  sea.  The  team  was 
swept  down  the  channel  to  the  ocean  side  of  the  beach,  where  the  old  mare  luckily 
touched  bottom  and  got  ashore. 

Ryan  Adams  and  his  wife  Judith  had  four  son>:  Joshua,  (  )wen,  I'eter  and 
Daniel',  and  two  dau,ghters:  Lcnenia,  who  became  the  wile  of  Joseph  Showell, 
and  .\rmenia,  who  never  married. 


Btlantic  Cit\>  JSctorc  the  IRailroab. 





s  tc-day. 

the  las 

residence  o 

Jeremiah  Leei 

by   his 



was  a 

frame   st 


of  Halt 

c  an( 



.leath  , 

>{  leren 

iah  1 


n    iS^iS,  ; 


.  -Aunt   Millie."  a,  si 
age,  engaged  more  c 

C    ^^^  bunt  to  u  an 

then  forty-eiglit  years 
'^  the  business  of  taking  boarders.     Sportsmen  frmn  the  citv 

then  as  now  found  a  visit  to  the  seashore  enjoyable.  l''or 
ten  or  a  dozen  \ears  "Annt  Millie"  had  the  niily  licensed  house  on  the  island.  In 
1853,  just  before  the  building  nf  the  railmad.  she  rented  the  pro])erty  to  one 
Thomas  McNeelis  and  went  to  live  with  her  oldest  son,  Chalkey,  where  site 
spent  the  last  twenty  years  of  her  life. 

Close  to  it  stood  the  cedar  log  house  in  which  patriarch  Leeds  lived  many 
years.  This  was  built  of  good  cedar  logs,  shingled  on  the  outside  and  sealed  with 
plowed  and  grooved  boards  inside.  It  had  two  rooms  below  and  plenty  of  cham- 
ber room  above.  An  ordinary  man  could  walk  under  the  mantle  inlM  the  large 
open  fireplace  which  had  but  one  jamb,  so  that  large  logs  could  be  mlled  iti  and 
one  end  burned  off,  when  the  log  could  be  pulled  up  into  the  tire.  Tlii-  >aved 
chopping  wood.  This  house  was  used  as  a  shed  and  storerocmi  when  a  larger 
frame  house  was  built  near  it  later,  and  was  finally  torn  down  in  ■■'^^t.^  when  the 
railroad  was  building  and  the  cedar  logs  were  conxerted  intd  shingles. 

The  next  house  in  point  of  age  standing  at  that  time  was  the  re.-idence  ni 
Andrew  Leeds,  youngest  son  of  Jeremiah  by  his  first  wife.  It  stdnd  where  a 
section  of  it  still  stands  as  a  part  of  the  Island  Hciuse  property,  near  the  draw- 
bridge. It  was  built  about  181 5  and  was  a  con- 
spicuous landmark  from  the  bay  side  of  the  island. 

The  next  house  was  the  old  salt  works  near 
the  head  of  Baltic  avenue,  where  the  Inlet  channel 
now  flows.  It  was  built  and  occupied  by  one  John 
Bryant,  who  operated  the  salt  works  till  one  John 
Horner  came  here  from  Tuckertcii.  when  I'.ryant 
moved  to  .Absecon.  The  building  is  still  standing. 
being  a  portion  of  the  residence  of  Irving  Lee  on 
Pennsvlvania  a\  enue. 





AiKither  of  those  islaml  homo  was  the  resicU 
of  R\an  Adams,  at  Delaware  ami  Areiie  a\  en 
In  it  the  first  city  election  was  held.  The  huildir 
still  standing,  but  not  on  the  original  site. 

The  sixth  house  was  the  home  of  J:imes  l.e 
another  son  of  Andrew,  at  Arctic  and  Arka 
avenues.     It  now  forms  part  of  the  second  stor 

a  tenement  on  Arkansas  aven 

The  seventh  and  last  hoi 

island  liefore  the  railroad  was 

erected  in   1S44  ami  was  deni 



hat  of  Richard  Hackett  and  Judith  Leeds.     It  was 

lished  in   i8y8.     It  stood  in  an   open    square    near 

Lialtic  avenue  between  Xew  York  and  Tennessee. 

The  first  log  hut  that  was  occupied  by  Jere- 
miah Leeds  when  he  first  came  to  this  island,  in 
i/i)^.  to  li\e  permanently,  stood  near  the  corner 
of  Arctic  and  Arkansas  avenues  in  what  w  as  after- 
wards known  as  the  old  Leeds  Field.  In  this  rude 
cabin  the  children  by  his  first  wife  were  horn. 

Till  the  narrow  gauge  railroad  was  bnili.  in 

Jeremiah  built  a  better  one  nearer  the  Inlet.    That 
DAMS  HOUSE  Cedar  tree  is  still  preserved  as  a  post  and  is  the 

property  of  Mrs.  Abbie  Leeds,  of  this  city, 
tion  to  these  seven  houses,  which  stood  within  the  present  city  limits, 
two  or  three  houses  at  or  near  .South  Atlantic  Citv.  where  different 

In  adt 
there  were 
families  have  alwavs  lived 


^be  jfirst  liMsit  an^  jfivst  Crnin. 

^^      111",   first  visit  of  the   lu'w   railroad   directors   to  the   site   of  the  jjroposed 

iSj       bathing  village  was  made  in  Jime,   1852.     After  a  tedious  drive  by  car- 

J^       riage  across  the  country  they  reached  Absecon,  and  thence  proceeded  by 

boat  to  the  forbidding  sand  hills  which  little  suggested  the  siti'  of  a  city. 

But  the  discouraging  aspect  of  the  island  was  made  an  argument  in  fa\'or 
of  buying  up  the  land  at  a  nominal  ligure,  which  the  railroad  when  opiTated 
would  vastly  enhance  in  value. 

The  party  consisting  of  Sanmel  Richards.  W.  Dwiglit  I'.ell  an.l  Richard  I!. 
Osborne.  Dr.  Jonathan  Pitnev  and  ( ien.  l-'.n.ich  n.iught\,  landed  at  the  Inlet  and 
spent  a  few  hours  inspecting  the  plantation  or  e.-tate  of  the  Leeds  family.  They 
came  unannounced,  received  no  welcome,  and  were  unable  even  to  get  dinner 
before  they  left  for  the  mainland.  Some  of  them  ciuestioned  if  the  soft  meadows 
would  bear  up  a  railroad  train  or  an  engine,  but  were  assured  by  the  engineer, 
Richard  B.  Osborne,  that  their  fears  were  groudless.  The  extension  of  the  road 
from  \Mnslow  to  the  ocean  all  depended  upon  reaching  the  beach  and  successfully 
establishing  a  "bathing  village"  thereon. 

At  the  meeting  of  the  directors  August  25.  US52.  the  location  of  the  road  to 
Winslow  was  settled  and  John  C.  DaCosta  succeeded  Thomas  II.  Richards  as 
director  and  was  elected  President  of  the  small  board. 

September  28,  1852,  Samuel  Richards  was  chosen  Secretary,  pro  tern.,  and 
the  action  of  a  special  committee  was  confirmed  to  buy  one  thousand  tons  of  iron 
at  fifty-five  dollars  per  ton. 

December  10,  1852,  Andrew  Ix.  Hay  was  elected  President  to  succeed  John 
C.  DaCosta,  who  resigned. 

January  7,  1853,  DaCosta  and  Richards  were  given  full  power  to  close  the 
contract  for  ferry-boats  and  property  at  the  X'ine  street  wharf. 

January  31,  1853,  committee  reported  they  had  purchased  168  acres  of  Mark- 
Reed  at  ten  dollars  per  acre  on  Absecon  Beach. 

:\Iarch  10,  1853,  sale  of  land  to  Wm.  Xeligh,  at  one  Inmdre.l  dnllars  per  acre, 
confirmed,  provided  he  give  security  that  one  wing  of  the  I  nited  States  Hotel 
on  the  property  be  completed  by  July  ist,  foll(.)wing. 

May  30,  1853.  Executive  Committee  authorized  to  negotiate  five  hundred 
thousand  dollars  of  the  company's  bonds. 

January  2,  1854.  Train  time  adopted  to  and  from  .\tlantic.  Richards  and 
others  to  arrange  for  the  opening  of  the  road,  six  hundred  tickets  to  be  i>-ued. 

September  2,  1852,  the  construction  work  was  sublet  to  P.  (  )'l\eill\.  and  he 
two  days  later  received  bids  from  sub-contractors  for  sections  of  one  mile  e.ach. 

The  crossing  of  the  Camden  and  Amb.iy  railroads  at  Tenth  street  in  t 'ainden 
was  effected  one  night  in  July.   1833. 




c.  ci 

il  ni^iiK 


•C- I'll  I 

rtlis    lit 


In   Iladd 




lie  railr. 


1  will 

ch  hail  b 


THF.    FIRST    \-iSrr    WD    FIRST   TR.\ 

Dii  June  20th  of  that  year  the  wlinle  arraii^cnicm  <' 
construction  was  given  over  hy  1'.  (  >'l\eilly  to  jdhn  II.  (  ) 
who  completed  the  reniaiiiini;-  |)(irli<in,  which  was  ahcuii 
whole  contract.  Rails  were  laid  at  .Vhsecon,  ami  alsn  (nni 
field  in  August,  1853. 

Passenger  trains  ci  minienceil  ninning  frnni  ('anidei 
same  month,  and  to  W'inslnw.  jj  miles,  I'cgiilarly  in  J  anna 

The  winter  had  been  mild  and  upen  and  favorable  to 
but  in  February  a  storm  tide  made  a  clean  sweep  of  the  roadbed 
graded  on  the  meadows,  and  again  the  following  April  a  terrible  northeast  storm 
prevailed  for  a  week,  flooding  the  meadows,  sweeping  away  miles  of  the  gratled 
roadbed  which  was  ready  for  the  track  and  scattering  the  lies  and  wheelbarrows 
for  miles  along  the  coast.  This  was  the  storm  which  wrecked  the  emigrant 
steamer  Powhattan  on  Long  Beach,  April  16,  1854.  when  311  lives  were  lost  and 
some  eighty  bodies  were  picked  up  and  buried  in  this  country.  The  track  was 
then  laid  on  the  original  soil  where  it  remained  securely  for  twentx  -five  years. 

Damages  were  repaired  and  the  whole  work  completed  in  time  to  celebrate 
the  opening  of  the  entire  line  with  a  special  excursion  on  Jidy  1.  1834.  llie 
pioneer  excursion  train  of  nine  cars,  attached  to  the  new  engine  ".Xtsion,"  steamed 
out  of  the  Camden  station  at  9.30  o'clock  that  nmrning.  There  were  -ix  hundred 
invited  guests  aboard,  stockholders,  merchants  and  newspaper  men  fr.mi  Phila- 
delphia, Camden  and  New  York.  Several  stops  were  made  at  I  laddonfield, 
Waterford.  Winslow  and  Absecon,  where  salutes  with  guns  and  tloral  welcomes 
were  given  in  honor  of  the  event.  It  was  the  consummation  of  twenty-two 
months  of  hard  work,  which  involved  the  expenditure  of  Si. 274,030.  with  only 
$240,100  paid  in  for  capital  stock.  The  train  arrived  at  the  United  States  Hotel, 
which  then  faced  on  Atlantic  avenue,  at  12  M.,  making  the  run  of  58  6-10  miles  in 
23X  hours.  A  banquet  was  spread  in  the  big  saloon  of  the  new  hotel.  Judge 
Grier  presided  and  spirited  addresses  were  made  by  Henry  C.  Carey,  .\braham 
Browning,  J.  C.  TenEyck.  Gen.  Wyncoop.  John  C.  DaCosta.  Thomas  11.  Dudley, 
and  others.  That  event  was  celebrated  by  the  survivors  twenty-tive  years  later, 
after  a  beautiful  city  had  been  built  and  when  the  wisdom  and  enterprise  of  the 
pioneers  and  promoters  could  be  appreciated  and  their  fondest  anticipations  be 
so  fully  realized. 

Every  train  that  has  crossed  the  meadows  since  has  added  more  or  less  to 
the  business,  wealth  and  population  of  the  island. 

The  train  and  its  guests  made  the  return  trip  in  equally  good  time,  leaving 
the  hotel  at  five  or  six  o'clock.  Three  days  later  the  road  was  opened  to  travel 
and  trains  run  regularly.  The  earnings  of  the  road,  the  first  full  year,  ending 
with  June.  1855.  was  $122,415,  which  was  more  than  Mr.  Richard.-'  first  and  only 
estimate,  and  the  expenses  were  $71,751.  Robert  Frazer  was  the  faithful  and 
trusted  Secretary  and  Treasurer  of  the  Company  from  Xovember.  1852.  till 
November.  1863^  11  years,  and  was  then  chosen  President  of  the  Board,  serving 
till  1873.  He  was  both  a  lawyer  and  a  civil  engineer  an<l  filled  these  important 
positions  with  great  satisfaction. 


Zbc  fixQt  1Rallvoa^. 


^J"'  (  )  the  charm  and  fasciiialimi  of  the  ocean  chicll\ 

^\  remarkable  -mwth  and  prosperity  of  Athmtic  City.  In  1S3,).  when  a 
^T  railroad  in  this  direction  first  he.^an  to  be  talked  abont,  Atlantic  t  oniUy 
had  a  population  of  eS.i/H,  The  sea  captains  and  vessel  owners,  oy-ter- 
nien  and  fishermen  along  the  bay  shore,  and  the  wood  choppers,  charcoal  bin-ners, 
and  shipbuilders,  and  glassblowers,  along  the  rivers,  were  not  clamoring  for 
railroad  facilities.  Indeed  they  gave  the  enterprise  very  little  encouragement. 
They  were  busy  antl  pro-perous.  with  their  sliii^s,  and  their  industries,  carrying- 
glass,  iron,  wood,  charcoal,  oysters  and  clams  to  Xew  \'ork,  and  getting  supplier 
in  return.  The  associations  and  habits  of  many  of  them  were  more  of  the  sea 
than  of  the  land,  especially  in  matters  afifecting  their  livelihood.  Limited  lines 
of  travel  were  over  sandy  roads.  There  were  but  a  few  miles  of  railroad  in  the 

To  the  sagacity  and  enterprise  chietly  of  I'liiladelphia  merchants  and  manu- 
facturers who  owned  vast  tracts  of  land  with  glass  and  iron  works,  particularly 
in  Camden  County,  is  due  the  credit  under  such  circumstances  of  sending  the 
first  iron  horse  to  this  seashore  resort,  opening  up  a  favored  and  important  sec- 
tion, establishing  on  this  island  a  seashore  city,  and  fine  farming  towns  along 
the  line,  bringing  thousands  of  immigrants  and  vastly  increasing  the  wealth  and 
population  of  the  territory. 

Of  the  live  and  enterpri.-ing  merchants  who  fostered  and  i>romoicd  tlie 
building  of  the  first  railroad,  the  Richards  family  figured  conspicuously.  William 
Richards,  the  first  of  that  name  to  settle  in  South  Jersey,  was  a  grandson  of 
Owen  Richards,  who  came  to  this  country  from  North  Wales,  before  1718. 
William  Richards  was  a  man  of  great  physical  strength  and  untiring  energ\. 
He  acquired  a  vast  estate  at  Batsto,  at  the  headwaters  of  the  Mullica  river,  and 
prospered  as  a  manufacturer  of  glass  and  iron.  He  stood  si.\  feet  four  inclies  in 
height,  and  is  said  to  have  been  as  great  in  mind  and  integrity  as  lu-  was  jihysi- 
cally.  He  was  the  father  of  nineteen  children,  fourteen  sons  and  five  daughters, 
by  his  two  wives.  He  died  at  Mt.  Holly  in  1823,  aged  85  years.  (  )ne  of  his 
many  sons  was  Thomas  Richards,  the  father  of  Samuel,  the  principal 
of  Atlantic  City.  Thomas  became  a  glass  manufacturer  on  a  portion  of  his 
father's  estate,  at  Jackson,  a  small  village  in  Camden  Count)-,  near  what  is  now 
Atco,  and  his  son  Samuel  became  a  partner  with  him  previous  to  1850. 
12  (177) 




.1  tl 



had   -1 
,1.     An 

..rks   ; 
K.  II: 


Many  teams  wore  rcqnired  tc 
glass  and  the  manufactured  produ 
reduce  this  heavy  expense  a  railri 
to  be  talked  about  before  1850. 

Joseph   Porter,   at   this   time, 
owner  of  six  thousand  acres  of  lai 
making  olassware  at  Winslow  and 
thirty  thousand  acres  and  was 
en,i;agetl   in  the  same  business 
at  Atsion,  a  few  miles  above, 
and    one    Hammonton    Coilfin 
had  owned   land  and  operated 
a  similar  plant  at  the  foot  of  the 
lake  at  what  is  now  known  as 
"(Jld      Hammonton."         Tesse 
Richards,  a  brother  of  Thomas, 
succeeded  his  father  at  llatsto, 
and  was  actively  operating  an 
estate  of  fifty  thousand  acres, 
including  an  iron  furnace  ai 
glass  works.     Steplien  Colwc 
and  \V.  Dwight  Bell  operated 
a  similar  estate  at  Weymouth, 
ten   miles   soutli    from    Batsto, 
covering    one    hundred    thcius- 
and    acres,     belonging    to    the 
estate    of    their     father-in-law, 
Samuel  Richards,  another  son 
of  William. 

Gen.    Enoch   Doughty,   at 
Absecon.  owned  an  estate  of  twenty-live  thousand  acres,  and  was  supplying  >hip 
timber,  gathering  tar,  and  selling  wood  and  charcoal. 

Dr.  Jonathan  Pitney  had  been  practicing  medicine  in  .MisecdU  ami  surnumd- 
ing  territory  for  thirty  years  when  the  railroad  question  began  to  be  agitated,  in 
1850.  Since  he  rode  into  Absecon  on  horseback,  with  his  saddlebags,  from  .Mend- 
ham.  Morris  County,  X.  J.,  one  .May  morning  in  1820,  and  announced  that  he 
had  come  to  stay.  Dr.  Pitney  had  liecome  one  of  the  best  known  and  UMst 
highly  esteemed  citizens  of  .Atlantic  County.  He  had  taken  an  active  part  in 
the  creation  of  Atlantic  County  from  a  part  of  old  Gloucester,  in  1837.  and 
had  always  been  as  he  continued  to  be  till  his  death,  a  close  personal  friend  of 
Gen.  Enoch  Doughty,  who  was  High  Sheriff  of  old  Gloucester  County  before  the 
division.  In  1844  Dr.  Pitney  represented  Atlantic  County  in  the  State  Constitu- 
tional Convention.  In  1848  he  was  a  candidate  for  Congress.  Before  1840  he  had 
agitated  and  advocated  the  building  of  a  lighthouse  for  the  protection  of  shipr. 



Till'.     I'lKST    KAll.KdAl)  1^1 

along  this  dangcrou>  cuast.  Wlu'ii  the  raih-nail  i|iK->iinn  cau\c  iij).  in  1X30.  n' 1 
man  was  more  prominent  nr  inlUuinial  liian  he.  nr  hilinil  nimv  i.i  sliapc  inatUT> 
to  speedy  conclusions,  lie  sci-nis  to  have  luen  the  liist  ]ili\sieiaii  Id  appreciate 
the  heneficial  effects  of  ocean  air  npnn  invalids  ami  the  manifold  advantages  <<i 
a  "bathing  village"  upon  Absecon  beach. 

Dr.  Pitney  and  Gen.  Doughty  .111  their  fre(|nenl  irijis  tn  I 'luladeliihia.  met 
and  discussed  the  railroad  project  with  .\ndre\\  1\.  May,  ( len.  Jn.-eph  I'lirter. 
Thomas  and  Samuel  Richards  and  others,  sonie  nf  whom  cpieslioned  the  advisa- 
bility of  extending  the  railroad  farther  than  the  glassworks  at  W'inslow  or  tlie 
iron  works  at  Weymouth.  It  was  nndoulitedly  due  largely  to  the  work  and  in- 
rtuence  of  Dr.  Pitney  that  the  railroad  was  eonliiuted  to  the  beach,  as  he  seems 
to  have  understO'id  th.e  value  atid  im|)ortaiice  of  the  coast  regioti  better  than  hi> 

It  was  in  the  little  old  store  of  John  Doughty  on  the  hill  at  A1)secon  that 
Dr.  Pitney  and  ( ien.  Enoch  Doughty  dictated  the  first  draft  of  the  charter  for 
the  Camden  and  Atlantic  Railroad.  As  they  dictated.  John  Doughty,  tlie  .mju. 
wrote  it  out.  That  was  in  the  winter  of  185 1.  Whether  this  first  draft  was  later 
revised  and  amplified  by  Abraham  Browning,  counsel  for  the  incorporators,  can 
only  be  conjectured.  But  it  was  largely  due  to  the  personal  efforts  of  Dr.  I'itney, 
as  well  as  to  the  unflagging  and  persistent  support  of  Samuel  Richards,  who 
followed  the  bill  through  the  Legislature,  and  to  the  resolute  advocacy  of  .\s>ein- 
blyman  John  A.  Boyle,  of  Atlantic  County,  that  the  charter  became  a  law.  A I  arch 
19.  1852.  The  Camden  and  Amboy  politicians  waived  their  objections  at  last,  tm 
the  grounds  that  this  "air  line"  to  the  coast  was  an  impossible  scheme  that  could 
never  be  consummated.  Xo  railroad  witlniut  a  town  at  the  teriuintis  could  ever 
amount  to  anything. 

The  incorporators  mentioned  in  the  charter  were  John  W.  .Mickle,  .\brahani 
Browning,  Samuel  Richards,  Joseph  Porter,  .\ndrew  K.  Hay,  John  11.  Cottin. 
John  Stranger,  Jesse  Richards.  Thomas  II.  Richai-ds,  I'.dmiind  Taylor,  Joseph 
Thompson,  Robert  B.  Risley.  Enoch  Doughty  and  Jonathan   I'itney. 

Samuel  Richards  had  been  from  the  first  one  of  the  most  active  of  these 
men.  He  was  thirty  years  of  age,  of  pleasing  manners,  tireless  energy,  perse- 
verance and  great  ingenuity,  being  the  patentee  of  several  useful  inventions.  He 
accomplished  what  others  regarded  impossible,  and  entered  heart  and  sonl  into 
this  enterprise  of  railroad  building.  It  was  he  who,  on  May  J2.  \X^j.  wrote  the 
first  letter  to  engineer  Richard  ]!.  (  )sborne.  instructing  him  to  make  the  ])re- 
liminary  survey  as  ordered  by  the  incorporators.  Mr.  Osborne  completed  his 
work  on  the  i8th  of  June  following,  after  which  the  company  was  organized  and 
the  location  of  the  road  onlered  to  l)e  made  liv  the  director-.  Samnel  Ricli;n-(N 
made  the  first  estimate  of  the  probable  bnsine-s  of  the  proposed  road,  and  n-ed 
it  as  an  argument  in  favor  of  the  enterprise. 

Some  of  the  objects  of  the  line  which  he  had  in  \iew  were: 

First,  to  secure  better  transi)ortation  for  the  glass  works  at  Jackson,  Water- 
ford.  \\'inslow.  Batsto  and  Wevnioutli. 

W.    BLAIR    STEWART,    M.D. 


Second,  to  convert  larjjc  tracts  of  waste  lanils,  owiicil  hv  his  relatives  and 
associates  into  fruit  and  truck  farms. 

Third,  to  open  up  South  Jersey  ijy  estahlisiiin.L:  an  attractive  batliin;.;  resort 
at  the  nearest  possible  point  from  Philadelphia. 

At  a  meeting-  of  the  directors  held  in  Philadel|)liia.  \i\uc  i  i.  1S52.  Jesse  Rich- 
ards, Esq.,  was  chosen  President,  and  Andrew  K.  Hay.  Secretary.  The  lullowinir 
resolution  was  adopted: 

Resolved,  That  John  W.  Alickle.  Samuel  Richards,  Joseph  Porter,  .\ndrew 
K.  Hay,  Enoch  Doughty.  Jonathan  Pitney,  Jesse  Richards,  and  Aljrahani  llrown- 
ing,  be  severally  authorized  to  procure  subscriptions  to  the  capital  stock  of  the 
Camden  and  Atlantic  Railroad,  and  report  at  the  next  meeting  of  the  company. 

In  the  diary  of  the  late  W".  Dwight  P.ell,  occurs  this  memorandtun :  "June 
22,  1852.  Meeting  at  the  house  of  Sanuiel  Richard.--,  h'ifth  Street.  1 'hiL-ideljihia, 
of  people  interested  in  construction  of  Camden  and  Atlantic  Railroad.  PreseiU, 
Samuel  Richards,  W.  Dwight  r>e\\.  Enoch  Doughty,  Jonathan  Pitney,  Joseph 
Porter,  Stephen  Colwell,  Thomas  Richards  and  Jesse  Richards." 

Samuel  Richards  continued  in  the  Hoard  of  Directors  twenty-four  years,  and 
was  an  active  of^cer  as  Director  or  Assistant  President.  The  following  letter 
indicates  as  much. 

Richard  B.  Osr.oRX,  Esq. 

De.\r  Sir: — A  resolution  was  passed  at  the  last  meeting  of  the  Board,  re- 
questing you  to  prepare  for  filing  in  the  office  of  the  Secretary  of  State  that  por- 
tion of  the  Camden  and  .\tlantic  Railroad  commencing  where  it  crosses  the 
White  Horse  Road,  and  ending  at  Longacoming. 

Yours  respectfully, 

Philadelphia,  October  21.  1S52.  Sec'y,  pro  tem. 

At  another  meeting  of  the  P.oard  that  same  year  he  offered  a  resolution 
which  was  adopted,  deciding  on  the  natne  of  "Atlantic  City,"  a  city  on  the  .\tlantic 
for  this  resort,  as  Mr.  Osborne  had  suggested  on  the  map  which  he  had  prepared. 
He  thought  there  was  as  much  in  a  name  here  as  in  Philadelphia,  and  by  his 
wise  suggestion  and  prompt  action  the  names  of  the  streets  and  avenues  were 
named  for  the  several  States  of  this  land  of  liberty,  and  the  great  oceans  of  the 

The  old  minute  book  of  the  Company  gives  a  report  of  the  subscriptions  to 
stock,  fifty  dollars  a  share,  at  the  meeting  held  June  24,  1852,  in  the  .\rch  Street 
House,  Philadelphia. 


Colwell  &  Bell 400 

Thomas  Richards 200 

Joseph  Porter 200 

A.  K.  Hav 200 



John  H.  Doughtv 


Robert  P..  Leeds 




Enocli   l^ouohty loo  Kichanl  1  hicK 

W.  \V.   Fleming loo  Clialkky  S.   1 

William  C'dffin loo  John  Leeds   . 

Tonatlian    I'itney 20  James  Leeds 

Jesse  Kicluirds _'0  John  C.  DaC^ 

Thomas   II.   Richards JO 

At  this  meeting-  the  Inllowing  direettn^  were  elected;  , 
Chairman,  and  Samuel  Richards.  Secretary.  William  rnftii 
Thomas  H.  Richards,  luiocli  1  JMUghty,  Jonathan  I'itnex,  Ste| 
W.  W.   Fleming. 

The  foilowing  is  an  ot^cial  list  of  all  the  Presidents  of 
-Atlantic  Railroad: 

August  25,  1852.  John  C.  DaCosta.  elected  President. 

December  10.  1852.  .\ndre\v  K.  Hay,  elected  Fresiilent. 

April  I,  1853,  John  C.  DaCosta.  elected  I'resident. 

September  i,  1854,  Samuel  Richards,  elected  President,  pn 

April  6,  1855,  George  W.  Richards,  elected  President. 

July  13,  1857,  John  Brodhead.  elected  I'resident. 

October  22,  1863,  Joseph  W.  Cooper,  elected  President. 

December  18,  1863.  Robert  Frazer,  elected  President. 

October  2t,.  1873,  Andrew  K.  Hay.  elected  President. 

November  18,  1875.  William  JMassey,  elected  President.  pr( 

November  18,  1875,  Samuel  Richards,  elected  Assistant  P 

March  16.  1876.  John  Lucas,  elected  President. 

October  2^,  1877.  Charles  D.  Freeman,  elected  President. 

February  22.  18S3,  William  L.  I-Ilkins.  elected  Presiilent. 

Dr.  Pitney  and  Gen.  Enoch  Doughty  were  instrumental 
scriptions  to  shares  of  stock  throughout  the  Cmnux.  h'nini  o 
following  names  and  aniouiits  are  copied. 

ni   seem 
iginal  ]) 

Peter  Boice,  Absecon 

Joshua  Gorton,  Mays  Landing. 

John  Horner,  Absecon 

John  Albertson.  Blue  .\nchr)r. 
John  C.  Shreve.  Blue  Anchor. 
Charles  Collins.  Blue  .\nchor  . 

Daniel  Baker 

John  Doughty,  Leedsville  .  .  .  . 
David  Doughty.  LLedsville  .  .  . 

Joseph  Merritt 

James  English.  Smiths   Landir 

John  Walker.  Mays  Lan< 
Ebenezer  Applegate.  Al> 
I'elix  Leeds.  Leeds  Poini 
.Augustus  Turner,  Leed> 
Charles  C.  .Murphy,  Al.-. 
Hezediah  Sampson.  .\b> 

Jonas  Higbee   

Daniel  Bowen,  Momu  P 
Frederick  Chamberlain. 

l-:.lward  Wil.-on    

I-:noch  Corderv 



Sbe  TLan^  Company)  an^  Surf  Ibotel  association. 

"T  N  connectidii  with  thu  railrnail  coiiipan\  it  was  largely,  it  not  cliiclly  due  to 
I  Samuel  Richards  that  the  Camden  and  Atlantic  Land  Company  was  formed, 
y  also  the  Surf  House  Association — the  first  to  share  some  of  the  advantages 
in  the  advancing  values  of  real  estate,  and  the  latter  to  provide  a  fine  hotel 
to  attract  visiting  thousands  so  that  the  railroad  wouhl  liave  nmre  business,  and 
real  estate  values  would  more  rapidly  advance,  llcith  (if  these  proved  wise,  saga- 
cious and  successful  enterprises. 

The  Act  to  incorporate  the  latter  company  was  approved  March  lo,  1853. 
Its  incorporators  and  first  directors  were  William  Coflin,  John  C.  DaCosta, 
-Samuel  Richards,  William  W.  I'leming,  Daniel  Deal.  W.  Dwight  I'.ell,  Joseph 
Porter,  Jonathan  Titncy  and  .\ndrew  K.  Hay. 

The  following  portion  of  an  address  issued  to  the  stockholders,  and  no  doubt 
written  by  Mr.  Richards,  in  1853,  fully  and  accurately  describes  the  geography 
and  conditions  of  this  island  at  that  time. 

"The  principal  pcirtiim  cif  the  lan(U  Udw  in  possession  and  contracted  for  by 
the  coni])an_\-,  lie  in  intermediate  sectii ms  upon  the  beach,  and  comprise  about  one 
thousand  acres,  at  an  average  cost  of  ten  dollars  per  acre. 

"To  give  an  idea  of  the  greatly  enhanced  value  of  these  lands  since  projec- 
tion of  the  railroad,  bona  fide  sales  have  been  made  of  the  lanil  adjoining  those 
•of  the  company  (and  not  more  advantageously  located)  at  one  hundred  to  three 
Tiundred  dollars  per  acre,  and  we  consider  these  prices  now  no  approximation  to 
the  value  of  a  portion  of  the  land  purchased  by  the  company. 

"Our  lands  are  situated  upon  an  island  at  the  eastern  terminus  of  the  Camden 
and  Atlantic  Railroad,  in  the  County  of  Atlantic,  about  fifty-seven  miles  south 
of  east  from  this  city,  and  about  four  miles  from  the  main  land,  directly  upon  the 
ocean.  This  island  is  about  ten  miles  in  length,  and  the  northern  portion,  for 
about  two  miles,  is  half  a  mile  in  width — the  soutliern  jiortion  being  much  nar- 

"It  is  separated  from  the  land  by  the  Hay  of  Absecon,  a  vast  expanse  of 
-meadows,  and  an  inland  channel  extending  along  the  coast  for  a  distance  of  eighty 
miles,  commencing  at  Cape  May.  and  running  north.  The  railroad,  when  com- 
pleted, will  form  an  easy  communication  with  this  city  for  an  extensive  district  of 
country,  well  cultivated,  improved,  and  thickly  settled,  the  principal  means  of 
■communication  with  which  is  now  by  coasting  vessels  to  Xcw  York;  the  great 
■distance  to  this  city  by  bad  roads  rendering  it  almost  inaccessible. 

"Across  the  meadows  and  this  stream,  by  an  embankment  and  swivel  bridge, 
the  railroad  reaches  the  island  at  a  point  about  two  miles  south  of  the  Inlet,  ujion 



which  It  has  its  tuniiimis  on  1\vlmU\ -Inc  kct  <>i  walrr,  alter  rum 
center  of  the  island  in  a  jiarallel  line  with  the  ocean. 

"This  portion  of  the  island  is  co\ered  with  a  heantifiil  i; 
which  is  now  beint;'  trininied — the  inideri^rowth  reinoxed-  ihe  1 
drained— laid  out  in  streets  and  walks,  which,  when  conipK-led.  v 

'"These  groves  are  dense  and  extensive,  and  will  form  a 
from  the  scorching-  sun  and  sands,  from  which  nature  rarely  ]) 
upon  the  seaside. 

"Adjoining  one  (_)f  these  fine  groves,  and  near  the  heach 
being  erected,  which,  when  completed,  will  e(|ual  in  beaiil\,  cc 
fort  and  situation  those  to  be  fouml  upon  any  other  place  on 
wing  of  this  hotel  (of  which  there  are  to  be  two.  with  an  exteiisi 
readv  for  visitors  before  the  end  of  summer. 


ides  a 


"The  arrangement  is  such,  that  the  railroad 
other  hotels,  that  will  lie  erected,  and  the  visitors 
to  their  point  of  destination.  This  will  sa\e  much 
much  to  the  comfort  of  the  throngs  which  will  s( 
of  summer. 

"The  Inlet  (upon  which  the  railroad  terminate 
con  with  the  ocean,  is  about  three-fourths  of  a  mile 
nel  and  outlines  distinctly  marked,  forming  an 
spacious  bay,  with  good  anchorages,  and  afTordiiu 
winds,  for  large  fleets  of  coasting  vessels. 



a  straig 
en  trail  CI 

tills  and 
and  add 
the  heat 

of  .\bse- 
lit  chaii- 
;  to  the 
from  all 



"A  bar  at  the  iiioutli  oi  this  ink't,  which  is  covered  from  ten  to  twelve  feet 
at  low  water,  preckides  the  entrance  of  vessels  of  lar_e^est  draft  of  water;  this  harbor 
is  never  ice-bound  during  the  severest  winters,  and  by  the  way  of  railroad  will 
be  within  one  and  a  half  hours  of  Philadelphia.  W'e  have  sjood  assurance  that 
when  the  road  is  completed  an  appropriation  for  a  lisjhthouse,  and  for  improve- 
ments of  harbors,  making  it  practicable  for  the  larger  size  of  vessels,  can  be 
obtained  from  Congress,  and  it  will  thus  be  made  a  complete  winter  harbor  for 
the  city  of  Philadelphia  and  greatly  tend  to  promote  our  shipjiing  trade. 

"We  need  only  ask  the  question,  wliether  a  location  like  this  will  not  grow 
into  importance?  It  will  be  a  direct,  cheap,  and  quick  rmue  to  the  eastern  ports, 
and  will  be  always  accessible  when  our  river  may  be  entirely  ol)strucled  with  ice, 
as  it  is  too  frequently  the  case  during  winter.  The  bay  abounds  witli  shell  and 
other  fish  of  many  varieties,  which  are  caught  in  large  quantities;  and  to  those 
fond  of  angling  and  sailing,  who  may  seek  pleasure  here,  it  will  contribute  its  full 
share  of  enjoyments.  The  meadows  are  the  resort  of  all  the  different  species  of 
game  usually  found  upon  the  seacoast,  and  form  very  extensive  gunning  groimds. 
The  scenery  from  the  beach  is  diversified  and  quite  interesting. 

"The  ocean  rolling  in  upon  the  front,  and  breaking  U]mn  the  beach  for  a 
distance  of  ten  miles,  in  an  almost  straight  line — the  Inlet,  with  its  entrance 
marked  by  the  spray,  dashing  and  leaping  upon  the  bar  far  out  in  the  ocean — 
the  bay  and  meadows  forming  an  immense  expanse  of  green  and  blue — the  un- 
dulating outline  in  the  distance,  dotted  with  farms  and  improvements,  combine 
to  render  the  location  one  of  the  most  pleasant  to  be  found  upon  the  seacoast. 

"The  surface  and  beach  are  certainly  unsurpassed,  if  at  all  equalled,  upon  our 
coast.  The  breakers  are  similar  to  those  at  Cape  May;  but  extend  along  the 
entire  beach  for  a  distance  of  many  miles:  the  strand  is  entirely  level  and  smooth, 
at  low  water  forms  a  drive  of  two  hundred  feet  in  width  (so  gentle  is  the  slope) 
for  a  distance  of  ten  miles. 

"The  country  through  which  the  road  passes  is  proverbial  for  its  pure  air — 
its  fine  water — and  extreme  healthfulness.  The  land  in  many  places  along  the 
road  is  highly  susceptible  of  improvement,  and  can  be  purchased  af  moderate 
prices.  Situated  upon  this  great  thoroughfare,  it  must  be  largely  enhanced  in 
value  at  an  early  period.  The  land  company,  with  their  capital  of  $100,000.  will 
be  enabled  to  secure  a  large  amount  of  these  lands  (a  course  which  they  intend 
pursuing)  upon  which,  in  a  short  time,  they  will  be  enal.iled  to  realize  a  hand- 
some advance. 

"These  lands,  sold  to  actual  settlers,  cultivated  and  improved,  will  tend  to 
swell  the  revenue  of  the  road." 

The  "Surf  House  Association  of  Atlantic  City"  was  incorporated  by  Act 
of  the  Legislature,  March  4,  1857.  Its  incorporators  were  George  \V.  Richards, 
John  C.  DaCosta,  William  A.  Rhodes.  E.  E.  Bondissot,  William  C.  Milligan, 
Daniel  Deal  Isaac  Lloyd.  Andrew  K.  Hay.  John  L.  Xewbold.  Sanniel  Richards. 
P.  Maison,  William  H.  Miller.  George  T.  DaCosta.  J.  Freas.  Thomas  .Mlibone, 
J.  J.  Slocum,  Charles  Wurts,  Simon  Cameron  and  \\'illiam  H.  Yeaton. 



The  Surf  House,  which  was  built  by  this  association,  was  a  large,  fine  two- 
story  building,  occupying  a  full  square  of  ground  bounded  by  Atlantic,  Pacific, 
Kentucky  and  Illinois  avenues.  It  was  built  in  1854,  and  conducted  with  great 
advantage  to  the  city,  if  not  to  its  owner  for  many  years,  till  1880,  when  the 
property  was  sold  to  Alessrs.  Morris  and  Archer  for  $30,000.  They  sold  and 
scattered  the  buildings  to  a  dozen  widely  different  sections  of  the  city,  where  they 
are  still  used  as  stores,  hotels  or  tenements,  and  divided  the  land  into  building  lots, 
opening  Mt.  A'ernon  avenue,  where  the  main  entrance  and  principal  section  of  the 
large  hotel  stdnd. 

The  Camden  and  Atlantic  Land  Company,  whose  policy  of  encouraging  early 
settlers  by  selling  lots  on  easy  terms  promoted  improvement,  and  whose  history 
is  so  intimately  associated  with  this  city,  still  continues  its  work  of  development 
and  has  erected  a  hotel  and  cottages,  graded  and  graveled  streets  at  Ventnor,  the 
sdutlurn  sii1)url)  of  Atlantic  City.  The  Presidents  of  this  company  have  been: 
April  _'_>.  1S53,  William  Coffin:  June  22,  1854,  William  C.  Milligan;  March  20, 
1868,  \\'illiam  A.  Rhodes:  March  20.  1873,  Andrew  K.  Hay:  January  9,  1874. 
Samuel  Richards,  until  his  death,  February  21,  1895,  when  John  1'..  Hay  was 
elected  his  successor. 

I    the   np, 

'       I, 

BuilMno  of  tbc  *' IHaivow  ^aiujc  " 

/g^    ARI.V  in   1S76,  owiiiL;  t"  (li>^in-i(  ms  ami  (liffi,T>-iKT>  animi--  SMinr  m 
t?)/       directors  of  the  Camden  and  Athiiilic   i\aih-(iail  runipanx.  Samuel    I 
ards.  William  Massey,  Charles  R.  Cohvell  and  W".   1  Jui-ht   I'.ell  with 
from  the  Board  of  Directors.     Mr.   Massey  had  been   elected    President   n 
Board  of  Directors  and  he  had  appointed  Mr.   Ricliar(l>  A--istant    I'residei 
the  road,  when  difterences  with  other  directors  caused  these  four  ic 
his  twenty  years  of  experience  Mr.   Richards  saw  a  l)etter  niienim 
tion  of  a  second  line  than  he  did  the  first.     The\-  associated  with 
directors  of  the  new  narrow  gano^e  line  James  M.  Hall,  J.  Lapsle\ 
E.  Shaw.  John  J.  Sickler,  Levi  C.  Albertson,  Thos.  C.  Garrett.  Jo 
Mehin  R.  Morse  and  Jacob  (i.  Campbell. 

Sanmel  Richards  was  President;  H.  11.  Rinderman.  Secretar\  and  Treasurer; 
Samuel  11.  Grey,  Solicitor:  John  J.  Sickler.  Chief  Engineer,  and  Theodore  1". 
\\Tirts,  Consulting  Engineer. 

The  new  company  was  organized  under  the  general  railroad  law  that  was 
enacted  in  1873,  providing  "that  the  actual  amount  of  money  borrowed  b\  any 
railroad  organized  under  this  act  shall  not  exceed  the  actual  amount  paid  in  cash 
by  the  subscribers  to  the  capital  stock." 

The  company  was  organized  for  the  pm-])ose  of  building  and  operating  a 
narrow-gauge  railroad  from  Camden  to  Atlantic  City,  fifty-tour  miles,  connecting 
with  Philadelphia  by  steamboat.  The  original  intention  was  for  a  three-foot 
gauge,  but  this  was  finally  changed  to  three  and  one-half  feet  with  Bessemer 
steel  rails,  fifty-four  pounds  to  the  lineal  yard,  instead  of  the  standard  broad  gauge 
of  four  feet  eight  and  one-half  inches. 

A  few  capitalists  wdio  had  thoroughly  investigated  the  cost  and  prospects 
of  the  new  line  at  once  subscribed  to  a  sufficient  amount  of  stock  to  secure  its 
completion.  The  original  estimate  of  the  cost  of  building  and  equipment  was 
about  $700,000,  and  all  the  contracts  at  the  finish  amounted  to  less  than  that  sum. 

The  Camden  and  Atlantic  road  had  cost  up  to  that  time  S_'.4_'3.47S.  or  .S40.- 
000  per  mile.  The  capital  stock  was  81,248,150,  and  debt^S.  The  esti- 
mated cost  of  the  Narrow  ( iauge  was  less  than  $13,000  jier  mile,  with  .'^130,000 
for  rolling  stock. 

The  population  of  Atlantic  City  in  twenty-three  years,  since  the  first  road 
was  built,  had  increased  fr(.)m  half  a  dozen  families  to  3,000  people.  The  gross 
receipts  of  the  old  road  had  increased  from  Si  17,000,  in  1856,  to  $564,000,  in  1876, 
and  the  steady  growth  of  traffic  with  towns  along  the  line  as  well  as  at  the  ter- 
minus was  very  encouraging.  In  the  building  of  the  new  road  as  for  years  he 
had  been  in  the  management  of  the  old.  Mr.  Richards  was  the  active  spirit. 
1;^  li'.i:;) 


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•     'J" 


About  the  first  work  done 
late  John  L.  Bryant  built  a  wh; 
landing  of  ties  and  timber  sent 

Ground  was  first  broken  in 
began  at  both  ends  of  the  line.  1 
work  under  the  vigorous  pers 
before  exct^iit  in  war  or  specia 
such  speed. 

In  ninety  days  the  road  w; 
laid  on  timbers  which  made  a  so 
were  some  annoying  dela_\s  ami 
E.  A.  Doughty,  one  of  the  direct. 
one  night  one  hundred  men  proceeded  and  by  laying  a  temporary  track  on  the 
turnpike  an  engine  was  step  by  step  pulled  across  by  the  men  to  the  opposite  side 
so  that  the  work  beyond  could  proceed  till  commissioners  adjusted  the  damages 
for  the  disputed  property. 

On  Saturday.  July  7,  1S77.  the  first  trip  of  the  officers  and  directors,  with 
a  few  invited  friends,  was  made  from  Camden  over  the  new  line.  The  train 
started  at  1.43  P.  .M.,  in  charge  of  conductor  Stewart  Drake,  formerly  of  the 
Lehigh  Road. 

Owing  to  several  stops  and  delay  in  laying  the  last  rails  and  driving  the 
last  spike,  the  train  did  not  reach  Atlantic  City  till  (j  F.  .M.  .\  large  number  of 
people  welcomed  it  in  the  depot  with  demonstrations  of  delight,  believing  it  to 
be  an  important  event  in  the  history  of  the  city,  which  it  proved  to  be. 

The  party  was  entertained  at  Congress  Hall  that  night  by  the  late  Col.  CJeei. 
W.  Hinkle.  and  made  the  return  trip  next  day.  leaving  this  city  at  8.23  .\.  .M.,  and 
reaching  Camden  at  1.25  V.  AI. 

Considerable  feeling  was  engendered  among  the  people  in  this  city  and 
along  the  line  by  the  building  of  the  opposition  road.  Some  bitterly  opposed  the 
new  enterprise.  The  matter  was  discussed  in  public  print  and  in  public  meet- 
ings. Many  naturally  es])oiise(l  and  contended  for  the  interests  of  the 
pioneer  line. 

Editor  A.  L.  English,  of  the  Review,  which  till  that  time  had  been  the  only 
newspaper  in  Atlantic  City,  espoused  the  cause  cjf  the  "old  reliable"  with  con- 
siderable spirit,  but  most  peo]5le  felt  that  railroad  ri\alry  would  help  the  te)wn 
and  they  were  not  mistaken. 

The  location  of  the  depot  among  the  sand  hills  at  Arkansas  and  .\tlantic 
avenues  was  considered  by  some  as  tO(j  far  down  town.  Excepting  the  Island 
House  and  the  Seaview  Excursion  House,  there  were  very  few  buildings  in  that 
part  of  the  island  at  that  time,  but  subsequent  events  proved  the  wisdom  of  that 

The  landing  of  thousands  of  passengers  in  the  new  station  made  better  stri'i'ts 
in  the  vicinity  a  necessity,  increased  business,  made  a  market  for  real  estate,  started 



new  luin 

)er   \  arils,   eiu-nura.i;! 

season  of 

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.1(1  Cam. leu  an.l  Ami 

the  only 

■ailroail  in  the  State. 

the  Cam 

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sc.ftV,!  at 

the  idea  of  Intildint;- 

■  Chan 

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1  law. 

was  111)  t<iwn  or  business  at  the  ocean  terminus  the  absurd  charter  h 

\\'hen  the  Xarrow  Gauge  road  was  built  as  a  seiiarate  and  indeitemleni  line, 
the  idea  was  tii  construct  a  road  especially  adapted  to  the  jieculiar  character  '.)f 
seashore  travel  and  to  the  light  and  variable  business  of  towns  along  the  line. 

Lighter  and  much  less  expensive  rolling  stock  would  cost  less  and  greatly 
reduce  operating  expenses.  It  was  argued  effectively  that  engines  weighing  ten 
to  twentv  tons  instead  of  thirty  to  thirty-five,  and  freight  cars  weighing  6,000  lbs. 
instead  of  18,000  lbs.  would  be  much  better  adapted  to  the  business  of  the  country 
whicli  this  line  was  to  serve  and  for  the  safe  and  speedy  through  traffic. 

The  new  line  was  built  with  as  little  delay  an.l  expense  as  possible,  s.i  that 
when  completed  it  was  able  to  do  business  on  a  greatly  reduced  schedule  of  ]jrices. 

The  reduction  in  fares  and  freight  rates  was  quite  decided,  which  encouraged 
travel,  ]iopularized  the  line  and  brought  hundreds  of  new  ]ieo])le  to  the  seashore. 

Ronn.l  trip  tickets,  which  had  been  three  d.illars.  single  fare  two  dollars,, 
were  suld  fur  .me  d.)llar  and  a  .piarter  an.l  one  .lollar.  Sunnner  excursion 
tickets  sold  for  one  dollar,  and  at  times  for  fifty  cents  for  the  round  trip. 
Yearly  tickets  sold  for  $20,  instead  of  $40.  and  for  a  time  passes  were 
given  to  the  proprietors  of  hotels  and  boarding  houses  with  twenty  or  more 
sleeping  rooms.  Freight  was  carried  at  ten.  twelve,  fmn-teen  an.l  sixteen 
cents  per  one  hundred  pounds.  Horses  were  brought  il.iwn  at  tw.  >  .lollars  per 
head,  or  one  dollar  and  a  quarter  per  head  in  carload  lots.  The  result  was  that 
the  rolling  stock  was  barely  sufficient  for  the  demands  upon  it,  and  the  crowds 
in  the  city  were  so  large  at  times,  especially  over  Sundax',  as  to  nearl\-  exhaust  the 
supply  of  meat,  milk,  bread  and  provisions  in  stock.  All  ])revi.ius  rec inls  were 
exceeded,  new  capital  and  enterprise  were  invited  and  expansi.m  became  p.  )pnlar. 

The  Xarrow  Gauge  was  formally  opened  for  traffic  Saturday.  July  14,  1877. 
Two  trains  began  running  either  way  on  that  date:  an  excursion  train  leaving 
Camden  at  6.30  a.  m..  arriving  in  Atlantic  City  at  i).20  a.  m..  and  a  supply  train 
leaving  Camden  at  3  p.  m..  arriving  in  .Vtlantic  City  at  7.30  ]>.  m. 

Returning,  these  trains  left  Atlantic  City,  the  sujiply  train  at  6.30  a.  ni.. 
arriving  in  Camden  at  11.30  a.  m.;  excursi.m  at  d  p.  m..  arriving  in  Cam.len  at 
8.55  p.  m. 

Regular  passenger  trains  began  running  jul\-  Ji,  1877.  The  .ipening  m  the 
road  was  celebrated  with  a  special  excursion  to  Atlantic  City  .m  July  23.  when 
some  eight  hundred  invited  guests  went  to  the  sea. 

The  company  began  busines.s  with  eight  first-class  loc.  nn.  iti\-es,  f.jrty  pas- 
senger cars,  two  smoking  cars,  two  baggage  cars,  twent\  freii^ht  box  cars  an.l 
fortv  construction  cars. 


Pier  8,  at  the  foot  of  Walnut  street,  was  secured  for  the  Philadelphia  terminus 
or  landing  of  the  steamers  that  run  from  the  Bulson  street  wharf  in  Camden. 

An  excursion  house  was  built  at  the  ocean  end  of  Florida  avenue  in  this  city, 
on  a  half  square  of  land  extending  from  Pacific  avenue  to  the  ocean.  A  storm 
tide  undermined  and  wrecked  the  building  before  it  was  finished,  and  the  lot 
which  cost  $5,000,  in  1877,  was  sold  fifteen  years  later  for  $25,000.  It  has  since 
been  sold  for  $65,000.  and  is  probably  valued  at  twice  that  sum  now. 

The  company  met  with  reverses  and  passed  into  the  hands  of  Charles  R.  Col- 
well,  as  Receiver,  July  12,  1878.  One  year  later  it  went  into  the  hands  of  William 
H.  Gatzmer  and  G.  B.  Linderman,  trustees  for  the  mortgage  bondholders. 

In  September,  1883,  the  road  was  sold  in  foreclosure  proceedings  to  George 
R.  Kearcher  for  the  Philadelphia  and  Reading  Railroad  Company,  which  has 
since  operated  it.  It  was  made  a  standard  gauge,  double-track  line  and  given 
the  finest  roadbed  and  rolling  stock.  It  has  maintained  its  popularity  and  each 
year  increased  its  business. 

While  not  the  financial  success  at  first  that  its  projectors  anticipated,  the 
Narrow  Gauge  enterprise  popularized  travel  to  the  seashore  and  gave  Atlantic 
City  an  impetus  of  ])ri)S]ierity  that  has  continued  ever  since. 


^be  TKHest  3er9ev>  IRailroab. 

<tt^'OR  twenty-three  years.  1854  to  1877,  Atlantic  City  had  but  one  sinj^le  track 
J*  railroad  connecting  with  the  outside  world.  That  railroad  had  cost  nearly 
double  the  estimated  amount  and  had  ruined,  financially,  all  of  its  original 
incorporators  except  Gen.  Enoch  Doughty,  of  Abscccin.  and  he  was  a  li)scr  in 
the  sum  of  fifty  thousand  dollars.  Fortunately,  the  C'anulen  and  Atlantic  Land 
Company  pledged  its  valuable  holdings  to  secure  the  notes  and  obligations  of  the 
railroad,  so  as  to  continue  its  operation  and  sustain  the  enterprise. 

When  the  Narrow  Gauge  was  built,  in  1877, 
the  permanent  population  of  Atlantic  City  was 
about  3,000.  The  reduction  of  fifty  per  cent,  in  the 
tarifif  schedule,  increased  number  of  trains  and 
quicker  time,  resulted  in  a  general  rush  to  the  sea- 
shore. Hotels  and  boarding  houses  were  too  few 
and  too  small  for  the  demands  upon  them.  \'is- 
itors,  at  times,  walked  the  streets  all  night  or  slept 
in  chairs  on  porches  or  in  pavilions  along  the  beach. 
imable  to  secure  lodgings. 

Business  of  all  kinds  became  exceedingly  ac- 
tive. Real  estate  advanced  rapitU}"  in  value  and 
building  operations  were  prosecutetl  with  great 

In  four  \ears  from  the  ojiening  of  the  Narrow 
Gauge  the  population  of  the  city  had  floubled.  This 
was  the  situation  in  1880,  when  (len.  W.  J.  Sewell. 

the  ablest  and  most  active  railroad  man  in  the  State,  representing  the  rLnns\  Kania 
Railway  interests,  organized  the  \\'est  Jerse}-  and  Atlantic  Railroad  Com[)any.  to 
build  a  branch  from  the  Cape  May  line  at  Newheld.  34.4  miles,  through  .Ma\s 
Landing  and  Pleasantville  to  Atlantic  City. 

This  third  line  to  the  sea  was  formally  opened  with  an  excursion  on  Wed- 
nesday, June  16.  1880.  Dinner  was  served  in  the  new  West  Jersey  Excursion 
House  at  the  ocean  end  of  Georgia  avenue.  Addresses  of  welcome  and  praise 
were  made  by  George  Wood,  ex-Judge  James  Buchanan,  Hon.  Edward  Bettle, 
Mayor  Harry  L.  Slape.  William  Massey  of  the  Narrow  Gauge,  Edwin  E.  Reed  of 
the  C.  &  A..  Hon.  A.  Louden  Snowden,  State  Senator  Gardner  and  others. 

The  Directors  of  the  new  West  Jersey  line  were  George  Wood,  President; 
Israel  S.  Adams,  George  C.  Potts,  Samuel  Lewis,  Wm.  S.  Scull,  Mahlon  Hutchin- 
son, Charles  P.  Stratton.  Gen.  Mott,  Edward  A.  Warne  and  Benj.  F.  Lee. 

This  third  line  soon  made  the  name  of  Atlantic  City  familiar  in  every  ticket 




juglunit  the  land  and  gave  this  city  a 

Atlantic  City  with  Phila- 
"he  Camden  and  Atlantic, 
.  (ii)ene(l  in   1877:  and  the 

ottice  111  tlie  great   I'ennsylvania  syste 

There  were  now  three  rival  railr(jads  connecting 
delphia,  the  second  largest  city  in  the  United  States: 
59  miles,  opened  in  1854;  the  Narrow  Cange.  55  niik- 
West  Jersey,  63  miles,  opened  in  1880. 

I'lUt  the  enterprising  Directors  of  the  West  jersey  road  were  nnable  to 
secnre  the  terminal  facilities  in  this  city  which  they  needed  and  desired.  The 
C.  and  A.  had  a  valuable  and  exclusive  franchise  on  Atlantic  avenue.  City  Coun- 
cil had  granted  the  Narrow  Gauge  the  privilege  of  a  double  track  on  Baltic  to 
Massachusetts  avenues.  This  put  the  third  and  last  road  at  a  considerable  dis- 
advantage. Representatives  of  this  company  offered  to  give  the  city  $100,000 
for  the  same  privileges  on  Atlantic  avenue  as  the  old  road  then  had. 

The  result  was  that  when  William  L.  Elkins  was  elected  President  of  the 
Camden  and  Atlantic  Railroatl  Cijm])any,  February  22,  1883,  the  West  Jersey 
people  had  secured  a  controlling  interest  in  the  line  that  owned  .\tlantic  avenue, 
the  Longport  route  and  the  valuable  street  car  privileges. 

Both  roads  since  then  have  been  under  one  management,  with  combined  and 
improved  terminal  facilities. 

In  i8y7  these  and  all  other  branches  of  the  IVnnsylvania  system  in  South 
Jersey  were  reorganized  as  the  West  Tersev  and  Seashore. 



t»  ^  ,           S^aas^ill 


Hhc  (Iliinatc. 


V^y       tell   half  of   its   delightfulncss   and   healthfulness.      Tlic   hcacli    with    its 
(«)  many  attractions,  and  the  city  with  its  beantw  could  nut  Imld  the  many 

invalids  that  visit  this  shore,  did  they  not  all  realize  that  the  climate 
was  the  one  thing  that  they  re(|iiire(l.  The  air  is  dry,  and  the  liammetric  and 
therniometric  readings  are  remarkably  regular,  there  l)eing  ver\  little  variaticni 
in  atmospheric  pressure  or  temperature.  This  is  due  to  freedom  from  the  influ- 
ence of  large  bodies  of  fresh  water.  Xo  river  is  here  pouring  its  volumes  of  ice- 
cold  water  into  the  ocean,  lowering  the  temperature:  and  no  large  fields  of  ice, 
broken  or  unbroken,  over  which  the  winds  must  pass  and  become  chilled,  here 
abound.  The  prevailing  winds  dinnng  the  sunmier  are  from  the  southwest;  these 
are  seabreezes,  are  delightfully  cool  and  refreshing,  and  do  not  permit  the  tem- 
perature to  rise  very  high.  The  north  and  northwest  winds  are  likewise  dry,  and 
not  cold  even  in  winter.  They  pass  for  miles  over  dry  pine  barrens,  losing  much 
of  their  moisture;  true  they  are  cooler  than  the  winter  ocean  breezes,  but  they 
are  far  from  being  chilly. 

The  atmosphere,  as  already  stated,  is  dry,  the  rainfall  being  less  than  at 
either  New  York  or  Cape  May,  places  representing  the  extreme  points  of  the 
New  Jersey  coast,  and  both  influenced  by  large  rivers.  Foggy  days  are  rare; 
fogs  follow  water  lines  as  river  or  coast,  and  .\tlantic  City  being  out  in  the  ■  icean 
beyond  the  general  coast  line  of  New  Jersey  escapes  the  fogs  that  are  lre(|nentl\ 
seen  elsewhere. 


There  is  a  mildness  ami  baliiiiness  in  the  air  that  cannot  be  expressed  in 
words,  it  must  be  felt  to  be  understood.  So  pronounced  is  this,  that  invalids 
coming  here  in  the  winter  from  snow-bound  cities  call  Atlantic  City  the  "Florida 
of  the  North;"  they  unbutton  their  heavy  wraps,  walk  up  and  down  the  board- 
walk, or  along  the  beach,  and  thoroughly  enjoy  the  climate. 

The  question  is  frequently  asked,  what  are  the  causes  that  contribute  to  this 
delightful  climate?  In  general  they  are  three,  two  of  which  have  been  already 
mentioned,  llie  topography  of  the  place;  there  being  no  large  body  of  fresh 
water  near,  chilling  the  air  in  winter,  or  saturating  it  with  fresh  vapor  in  summer. 
The  air  being  dry  it  is  ever  ready  to  take  up  moisture,  thus  evaporation  takes 
place  readily  from  the  human  body,  keeping  it  cool.  The  advantages  of  this 
freedom  from  fresh  water  cannot  be  too  strongly  expressed.  The  southern  ex- 
posure that  the  city  enjoys  is  another  cause  for  the  mildness  of  the  climate.  The 
ocean  breezes  from  the  southeast,  south  and  southwest  blow  directly  from  the 
gulf  stream  onto  the  beach,  and  the  gulf  stream  is  of  itself  one  of  the  most  potent 
factors  in  the  climate.  Its  waters  are  a  deep  blue,  contrasting  strongly  with  the 
green  of  the  ocean,  and  opposite  Atlantic  City  this  stream  has  a  temperature 
all  the  year  round  of  about  •]'j° ,  and  is  nearly  five  hundred  miles  wide.  Winds 
passing  over  it  are  tempered  and  possess  that  peculiar  baliuiness  so  well  known 

Another  point  that  must  not  be  overlooked  in  the  freedom  of  Atlantic  City 
from  fresh  water  influence,  is  the  absence  of  malaria.  The  mixture  or  alterna- 
tion of  salt  and  fresh  water  is  one  of  the  most  potent  factors  in  the  production 
of  malarial  poison.  If  a  large  tract  of  meadows  is  for  one-half  of  the  twenty- 
four  hours  covered  with  salt  water  and  the  other  half  of  the  day  covered  with 
fresh  Waaler,  malarial  poison  is  sure  to  abound.  This  condition  of  things  cannot 
obtain  here.  Besides  this  there  is  a  preservative  quality  in  salt  water  and  salt  air 
which  prevents  the  growth  of  germs;  hence  contagious  diseases  do  not  get  a 
-foothold  here.  The  ])revention  of  decomposition  is  manifest  in  our  stable  yards 
where  manure  may  lay  for  months  without  becoming  rotten.  Lots  in  the  city 
which  were  below  grade  were  filled  years  ago  with  sand  to  a  depth  of  one  to 
three  feet;  upon  digging  down  now  to  the  old  ground  the  grass  that  covered 
these  lots  is  found  discolored  but  still  tough  and  not  rotten. 


^K  flnvalit). 

/^  \'ERV  newcomer  to  Atlantic  City,  whether  he  be  well  or  sick,  is  usually 
r^  surprised  by  two  sensations,  one  is  a  feeling  of  sleepiness  and  the  otiier 
is  an  increased  appetite.  Thousands  of  visitors  for  the  first  few  days  of 
their  stay  here  seem  to  do  nothings  l)ut  eat  antl  sleep.  They  will  be  found  in  the 
hotels,  in  the  sun-parlors,  along  the  boardwalk  or  on  the  dry  sandy  beach,  with 
neglected  book  or  paper,  either  sound  asleej)  or  drowsily  drinking  in  the  beauty 
around  them.  This  is  not  the  listlessness  of  a  warm,  depressing,  sultry,  soutliern 
climate,  but  simply  the  result  of  perfect  oxydation  of  tissue  securing  this  very 
important  factor  in  the  recovery  of  the  invalid.  The  increased  appetite  is  due 
to  the  same  cause,  and  with  it  conies  the  ability  to  digest  more  food,  esi)ecially 
animal  fats  and  oils:  still  the  invalid  needs  to  be  cautioned  against  excessive 
eating,  for  with  an  increased  appetite,  and  a  tempting  menu  before  him  he  may 
be  led  into  sinning,  and  as  a  result  sufTer  the  pangs  of  acute  indige-tinu. 

What  class  of  invalids  will  be  benefited  by  a  visit  to  Atlantic  (.'ii\   is  a  i|ues- 
tion  frequently  asked,  and  one  not  very  hard  to  answer,  in  a  general  w.iy.     (,'nn- 
sumptives,  as  a  class  do  well  here.    Xot  all  cases  of  consuniptinn  she  mid  visu  the 
seashore,  but  there  are  cases  that  are  vastly  benefited  by 
the  sea  air,  an^  if  not  radically  cured  the  disease  is  ren-  / 

dered  so  latent,  and  the  system  given  such  an  iniiietus, 
that  the  disease  will  trouble  the  invalid  no  further,  unle-s 
some  special  influence  is  exerted  to  reawaken  it.  In- 
cipient cases  are  those  that  receive  the  most  radical  and 
lasting  good.  A  patient  with  a  family  history  of  con- 
sumption may  have  an  attack  of  pneumonia  from  which 
he  does  not  convalesce  nicely,  there  is  but  little  cough, 
but  he  does  not  gain  strength  as  he  should.  He  tires 
easily,  has  no  energy,  appetite  is  poor  and  his  sleep  is 

disturbed.  Or  without  any  previous  sickness  he  complains  of  lassitude,  ilecreased 
digestive  powers,  has  some  cough,  a  constant  daily  elevation  of  temperature,  and 
perhaps,  beginning  tuberculosis.  To  such  a  case  a  residence  in  Atlantic  Lity, 
more  or  less  prolonged,  as  the  case  may  retiuire.  will  prove  very  beneficial  be- 
cause these  cases  demand  an  out-door  life  such  as  can  be  found  here,  for  hardly 
is  there  a  dav  even  during  the  winter,  that  the  consumptive  cannot  spend  at  least 
a  few  hours  in  the  open  air  without  danger  of  taking  cold.  In  cases  further  ad- 
vanced the  outlook  is,  of  course,  not  nearly  so  hopeful,  but  even  these  are  bene- 
fited. As  a  rule  they  sufifer  from  hectic  fever  and  profuse  night  sweats,  both  of 
which  are  much  modified  or  entirely  disappear  after  being  here  a  few  days.  Api;c- 
tite  and  digestion  are  always  improved,  and  that  brings  increased  strength.   There 



AS  A    III-  \1.TH    K 

is  still  anotlKT  CDiiditinn  in  which  tin.-  Iinii^s  hiv-onu'  ctmlrai-U'il  and  hanli'iUM 
the  air  cells  hccnnio  ni..rc  nr  less  ohliicralol.     In  snch  cnn.liiinn  thi>  cliniat. 


two-fold  benetil.  for  the  invalid  will  receive  more  oxygen  each  time  he  tilK  h 
Jiino's.  and  the  salts  in  the  air  ha\-e  a  direct  effect  npon  the  hardened  tissiio. 
The  season   ni  the   year   when    Cdnsumptive-   -Ik  mid    visit    Atlantic    (.'ity 



1!  rf;- 


particular!)  fn_nn  the  middk-  i.)t  St-jUcmhiT  to  tlu-  iiiiddU-  of  .Ma\.  tli(nij;:li  some 
cases  are  benefited  at  any  season  of  the  year.  Cases  that  should  not  conu'  to 
Atlantic  City  are  those  that  have  had  heiuorrha.fre  or  that  are  liahU-  to  have  hemor- 
rhage, for  this  very  serious  contlition  will  most  likely  he  increased  liy  a  visit  to  the 

Invalids  that  suffer  from  chronic  bronchial,  po>t  nasal,  or  laryns.;cal  catarrhs, 
with  the  attending  annoying  cough,  which  is  aggravated  every  winter,  d^i  well 
here:  in  some  cases  the  cough  becomes  entirel\-  relieved.  Asthmatics  are  ;in<ither 
class  of  sufferers  who  bless  the  balmv  breezes  of  .\tlantic  Cit\-.      The  "hav-fiver" 


if    h 

for  several 

victim  here  finds  iuununit\-  froi 
stays  long  enough,  and  repeats 
may  be  cured  of  his  trouble. 

Another  great  class  of  invalids  are  those  suffcrin 
poisoning.     These  are  abundantly  helped  here.     As  is 
may  lay  dormant  for  a  long  w 
it  has  an  influence,  and  tl 

rlv  euoiit;h  a 
ices  are  that 

le  in  the  system, 
victim  does  not  feel 

from  chronic   malarial 

ell  known  this  jjoison 

but  even  in  this  dormant  state 

ivell.     .'^nch  conditions  may  be 


AS  A   111". ALT 

radically  changed,  ami  after  a  rcsidciici.'  I'l 
erally  expressed  thus.  "1  feel  better  than  1 

The  poor  sufferer  from  rheuniati^in 
more — a  positive  cure.  Many  nf  the  per 
old  rheuinatics  that  are  living  here  simply 

Here,  also,  is  the  Mecca  of  the  ner\ 
business,  who.  for  years  has  devoted  all  his 
taking-  any  rest:  he  ma\    he  a  student  ui 
eighteen   hours   out   of  the   twenty-four; 
brilliant  exciting  whirl  month  after  month 

uentv  ^ 
id  he  ', 

V    he   t 


this  ideal  spot  for  rest  and  find  it.  Peaceful  sleep,  which  iua\  ha\e  been 
months  unknown,  takes  the  tired  feeling  from  the  brain,  and  awakens  within 
invalid  a  hope  that  he  may  recover,  and  he  im])roves.  He  sits  entranced  by 
hour  watching  the  rolling  deep  in  its  grandeur,  and  as  he  inhales  the  stinmlal 
air  his  mind  is  soothed,  worry  is  removed,  and  he  forgets  that  he  is  sick. 

Many  other  conditions  could  be  mentioned,  but  the  little  invaliil  nnist 
be  forgotten.     During  the  heated  term  the  beach  is  a  grand  baby  show.     1 

J.    ADDISON    JOY,    IV. D. 

c  lia.l  all  llu-  (lisoast-s  that 


■childhood  is  supposed  to  bn  heir  to;  or  have  grown  to(j  rapidly  at  a  fearful  cost  to 
their  animal  economy.  A  few  weeks  in  Atlantic  City  will  change  all  this,  and 
the  little  invalid  will  become  a  healthy,  rosy-cheeked  child.  This  is  not  a  miracle, 
it  is  simplv  a  natural  result. 



®ur  Citv  liUlatcr  Supply. 

ITH  all  tlK-  a, 

of  these  a? 




,  it  may  well 
Tlie  L;;reate>t 

aier  ])um]i 



,r,-.  tile 

is  found. 

iiaiid  fnr 
rvest  tin- 
soft  and 
an  skies. 

-Vtlantic  Cit\ 
insufficient  .supply  of  potable  wati 

For  many  years  before  the  i. 
to  five  million  gallons  of  jnire  spr 

first  inhabitants  depended  ui)on  .surface  wells.  The  .Miil  wa>  Udt  tl 
nated  with  the  deleterious  waste  of  a  dense  pojnilation  and  good  water  was  obtain 
able  along  the  ridge  of  wooded  sandhills  that  formed  the  backbone  or  ridge  of  tin 
island.  In  most  places  where  wells  were  dug,  salt  or  brackish  water 
which  was  worthless  for  dimiestic  purposes. 

Chalkley,   John,   Steelnian    Leeds   and   others   were   favored   in    h 
near  their  homes  that  furnished  excellent  water. 

But  as  hotels  and  cottages  were  built,  travel  increased,  and  the 
water  grew,  brick  cisterns  were  built  beneat 
proceeds  of  every  storm  and  shower.  Xn 
wholesome  water  as  a  clean,  well  ventilatec 
Occasionally  it  happened  in  times  of  drought  that  the  railroad  company  was  ap- 
pealed to  and  did  bring  large  tanks  of  spring  water  from  .-Vbsecon  to  he  peddled 
about  the  city  and  sold  to  tho,=e  whose  cisterns  were  dry.  So  late  as  if^So.  when 
there  were  i,ooo  buildings  and  as  many  \oters.  and  five  times  as  many  inhabi- 
tants, a  water  famine  was  tided  o\  er  by  the  water  peddler  in  this  way. 

City  Council  had  caused  to  be  built  a  number  of  brick  wells  at  accessible 
street  corners  about  the  city  for  recourse  in  case  of  fire,  and  pumping  stations  on 
the  meadows  at  South  Carolina  and  Massachusetts  avenues  provided  sea  water 
for  sprinkling  the  streets  for  several  years. 

So  early  as  1856,  ;\Ianassa  McClees.  owner  and 
builder  of  Cottage  Retreat,  or  the  Metropolitan,  at- 
tempted to  solve  the  water  problem  by  sinking  the 
first  artesian  well.  With  a  nine-inch  pipe  he  went 
down  ninety  to  one  hundred  feet,  at  a  cost  of  Si.oki. 
and  striking  salt  water  at  that  depth,  gave  it  up  in 
disgust.  Many  of  our  large  hotels  now  are  suji- 
plied  chiefly  in  this  way,  finding  a  strata  of  pure  and 
satisfactory  water  at  a  depth  of  eight  hundred  feet. 

John  W.  :\Iotfiy,  Walter  ^^'ood  and  other  caiii- 
talists  of  Philadelphia  took  the  first  ])ractical  ste]is 
towards  giving  this  wooden  cit\'  proper  fwv  |)r(  Sec- 
tion and  water  supply. 



Till-    CITY  WATFR  SLTri.V.  -.'IS 

On  C)ctober  21,  1880,  Council  passed  an  ordinance  giving  tlieni  and  their 
associates  the  right  to  lay  pipes  and  supply  water  for  all  domestic  and  public  uses. 

A  supplemental  ordinance  was  passed  November  19,  1880,  more  particularly 
reciting  the  conditions  of  this  contract  and  securing  to  the  itivestors  certain  ad- 
vantages which  created  prejudice  and  caused  controversy  which  lasted  for  years. 

The  Moffly-Wood  Company  prc^sccuted  vigorously  the  building  of  their 
plant,  erecting  a  steel  standpijic  in  this  cit\.  connecting  at  first  with  a  twelve- 
inch  main  across  the  meadow.-^  six  miles  tn  the  brick  station  where  powerful 
pumps  forced  the  purest  and  sweetest  water  .ibtainal.le,  to  a  people  that  neede<l 
it  badly  enough,  but  olijected  to  iIk-  contract   for  its  coming. 


Tlie  ordinance  of  the  Moftly-Wood  (  omjiany  was  repealed  by  Coinicil  on 
May  24,  1882.  after  several  hundred  thousand  dollars  had  been  invested,  but  such 
action  was  ignored  as  illegal.     It  certainly  was  not  effective. 

The  streets  had  been  thoroughly  piped  and  one  hundred  and  tifty  fire-plugs 
had  been  located  and  put  in  service  for  the  water  which  was  first  turned  on  June 
19,  1882.  The  excellence  and  abundance  of  the  water  proved  a  great  blessing  to 
the  town,  restored  confidence,  promoted  expansion,  and  greatly  encouraged  build- 
ing improvements. 


■nil-:  clT^■  \\\ti-:k  sl-itln-.  .mt 

i'.ut  the  taritt  cliar!;vil  !>>  the  \\\in,l  I'oiiipany  was  c.  Mi-.icKr(.il  l>\  xmu'  to  In' 
extortionate  and  the  feehnj;  a;;ainst  its  pic  mii  itrrs  lueanu'  intense,  ('nuncii  re- 
fnsed  to  pay  and  never  chd  ]iay  the  sii|mlate(l  S7.5(xi  a  \ear  i"v  the  150  tire-plni^s 
and  made  special  arranL;enients  I'nr  >|uinkhui;  ihe  >treei>.  m'  thai  ei  mtracli  irs  U>v 
the  work  shouUl  l)uy  nf  whiuu  they  pleased  tlie  water  which  ihey  n-rd. 

A  special  election  was  held  in  iSSi,  tn  vote  on  the  i|Uesti.iii  ,,|  the  city  hnihl- 
int,'  and  ownin-  a  water  |ilant  oi  its  own.  (  )nly  half  the  total  vote  was  polled, 
or  ahont  'uio  hallots  east,  Imt  the  resnlt  was  five  l(.  one  in  favov  of  the  lu-oi.ositi,  .n. 


!-s   Watei 

.  .^ivirg  the  Co 
pipes  and  su].)])ly  the  city  wit 
l-re.l  Hemslev.  Daniel  Me.rri: 
1.  .Mark  Malatesta  and  Win.  ( 
Iv  from  artesian  wells,  lint  as 

Conncil  passed  an  ordinance  .March  3. 
Company,  a  local  organization,  the  right  to 
water.  The  incorporators  were  Henry  J.  W 
George  Allen,  John  D.  Champion.  Dr.  T.  K. 
Bartlett.  This  company  proposed  to  get  its 
precantion.  secured  an  option  on  the  pond  at  l'(prt   Kt]iulilic. 

.Seven  wells  in  all  were  driven  b\-  the  I'oiisnmers  t"onipan\.  twi  at  .\rctic 
and  Michigan  avennes.  on  the  (las  House  projirrtx.  which  ha\e  since  Keen  dis- 
connected, and  five  at  the  jniniping  station.  Kentucky  and  .Mediterranean  ave- 
nues. These  wells  were  four,  six  and  eight  inches  in  diameter  and  at  a  dei^th  of 
nearly  eight  hundred  feet  reach  a  water-bearing  strata  that  has  yielded  satisfactory 



HI-:  CITY   \V  \l 


For  several  years  the  water  controversy  and  costly  litigation  CDiitiniuci.  Tlie 
two  rival  companies  fixed  a  low  tariff  schedule  and  furnished  in  abundance  an 
excellent  article,  creating-  careless  and  extravagant  habits  in  the  use  and  waste 
of  water  which  had  to  be  checked  years  afterwards  by  a  costly  system  of  meters. 

But  some  of  the  stockholders  were  practical  business  men  and  noticeil  that 
as  expenses  increased  dividends  did  not  materialize.  The  demands  of  a  growing 
city  maile  further  investment  and  improvements  constantly  necessary.  'The  re- 
sult was  that  the  two  companies  consolidated  with  a  view  of  the  city  taking  both 
plants,  which  was  finally  consummated  on  .August  i,   i8o5- 


A  Special  conmiission,  consisting  of  ex-Ciovernor  deorge  C.  Ludlciw,  \\'ash- 

ington  G.  Robeling  and Harrison,  with  Robert  Herschel.  an  expert  engineer, 

went  over  the  records  and  appraised  the  plants  at  $771,783.  This  large  sum  is 
supposed  to  cover  every  dollar  of  the  original  investment  with  interest  to  date, 
■with  all  the  unpaid  water  rent  due  the  Wood  Company. 

At  the  time  of  the  purchase  engineers  estimated  that  the  plant  could  be 
•duplicated  for  a  tritle  more  than  half  the  amount  for  which  city  bonds  were  issued. 
Extensions  and  improvements  since  have  increased  the  amount  of  water  bonds 
issued  to  about  $900,000. 

The  property  is  more  than  self-sustaining  on  a  low  schedule  of  charges  and 
is  economically  managed  by  a  board  of  three  commissioners,  consisting  at  present 
of  Messrs.  L.  Kuehnle.  Dr.  E.  A.  Reillv.  and  Rufus  Boove. 




Till".    CITY    WATl-K    SriMM.V, 

There  are  fifty-three  miles  nf  pipe  in  the  city,  t.  >iir  hmiih-ed  and  twei 
firc-phlgs,  close  to  four  thousand  services  in  use  and  over  three  ihonsand 

The  full  pumping  capacity  nf  the  jilant  is  nver 
i3,cx)0,ooo  gallons  daily.  A  20-inch  and  a  i_'-inch 
force  main  bring  over  the  meadows  the  sjjring  water 
from  the  mainland  in  quantities  ranging  from  1,500,- 
000  to  5,000,000  gallons  dailw    The  Consumers  sta-  ^  nm  m  ' 

tion  is  also  operated  for  those  who  prefer  that  water,  i|^^[i^J|?^ 
which  is  pumped  in  quantities  ranging  frnni  250,0150  ^Hfi^'Hf  ? 
to  700,000  gallons  daily. 

The  excellent  quality  of  these  waters  is  shown 
by  the  last  report  and  analysis  made  h\    I'rof.  W'ni. 

P.   Mason,   Professor  of  Chemistry  at   the    Rensse-       l 

laer  Polytechnic  Institute,  Troy.  \.  \'.:  first  city  ha 

1st.  Sample  from  30-foot  wells  at  the  mainland 
pumping  station  in  .\bsecon: 

Analytical  results  in  parts  per  million; 

l-'ree  Ammnnia 023 

Albuminuid  Aniniunia    05 

Chlorine    [j. 

Nitrogen  as  Nitrites Trace. 

Nitrogen  as  Nitrates 5 

"Required  ( )xygen" 4 

Total  Solids   3"- 

The  mineral  solids  of  the  above  are  composed  as  follows: 

Silica  (Si  0,  ) 7-75 

Oxides  of  Iron  and  Alnininum  ( l'e_.  ( i,  +AL  U  1 0.51 

Sodium  Chloride  (.Na.  Clj   f'-4 

I^Iagnesiuni  Chloride  (Mg  C1=J    40,^ 

Calcium  Chloride  (Ca  CI,) ,^3 

Calcium  Sulphate  (Ca  S  O,) .S.03 

■■This  is  of  excellent  (|uality.  ^'ou  are  fortunate  i 
The  water  is  not  of  local  origin,  being  (juite  di.-tinct 
your  immediate  neighborhood,  and,  although  the  well: 
feet  in  depth,  there  are  sundry  reasons  why  it  would  1 
'deep-seated  water."  " 

Second  sample  taken  from  the  artesian  wells  at  tr. 

:  E'-IDE',     L   I   F     I     --LPH   S     CHAMPION. 


Till-.  c\T\  w  \ri:R  sl•l'l■I.^^  -.'ea 

tion.  As  there  is  no  question  a>  to  the  pnrity  ami  putal)ilil\  cjf  tliis  water  eoniing 
up  800  feet  from  the  surface  of  the  earth,  no  sanitary  analysis  was  made,  but  simply 
a  determination  of  the  minerals  contained. 

Analytical  results  in  parts  per  million: 

Silica  (Si  O.,)  35.5 

Oxides  of  Iron  and  Aluminum  ( !-\'„  O^  -}-  Al.,  O., ) 1.8 

Magnesium  Sulphate  (Mg  S  C)^  ) 8.4 

Calcium  Phosphate  (Caj  [I'  O^] ,_,  ) 2.0 

Calcium  Carbonate  (Ca  CO3) 23.6 

Sodium  Sulphate  (Xa.^  S  O  ^  I 39.7 

Sodium  Chloride  (Xa  CI  ) to.7 

Sodium  r.icarbonate  (Xa  H  C  U.j ) 23.1 


"Regarding  this  water,  from  the  artesian  wells,  mithing  need  be  said  bevond 
the  statement  that  its  quality  is  good." 

The  following  is  a  statement  of  the  expenditures  antl  receipts  for  year  ending 
August  I,  1897.    \\'ater  Department  of  Atlantic  City. 

Items,  Expenditures.         Receipts. 

Management  and  Repairs $14,680  52 

Pumping  Expenses 1 5,392  55 

Interest   43.250  00  $539  66 

Construction,  Meters,  Etc 210  39 

Sinking  Fund 22,580  00 

Water  Rents  received  Aug.  i,  1896,  to  Aug.  i,  1897.  .  .  66,499   I4 

Penalties   160  02 

Bills  of  Series  of  Aug.  i,  1896,  and  Feb.  i,  1897,  unpaid 

Aug.  1 ,  1897 645  5 1 

Meter  Bills  due  Aug.   i,   1897,  for  water  used  in  pre- 
vious six  months 14,030  00 

Sundry  Account    91 1   82 

Bills  on  Sundry  Account  unpaid  Aug.  i,  1897 64  01 

Rebates 66  43 

Street  Service  Account 3402   17  3,306  60 

Street   Service  Account,   Material   on    Hand   Aug.    i, 

1897 35^  ^7 

Rent  of  Bargaintown  Mill  Property 150  00 

Amount  received  from  Tax  Duplicate  as  payment  to 

Sinking  Fund    12,100  00 

Expended    on    Permanent    Improvements    to    Plant, 

charged  to  Management  and  Repairs 840  85 

Totals    $99,371  67        $99,810  27 


Cravitv^  5\i3tcni  of  Scwcuaoc. 

After  more  than  a  year  of  agitation  and  discus-ion.  t/ity  C  onneil.  on  Heceni- 
ber  12,  1884,  passed  an  ordinance  yrantini;  the  Improved  Se\vera,s;e  and  Sewa.i^e 
Utilization  Company  of  Xew  York  the  ri^ht  to  lay  ]iipes  in  the  streets  ami  alleys 
of  Atlantic  City,  to  take  away  the  waste  water  from 
hotels,  cottages,  bath  houses,  etc. 

The  verv  great  importance  of  a  feature  of  this  m 

character  can  only  be  imagined  by  those  who  were  '^ 

personally  familiar  with  the  situation  and  conditions  * 

in  this  growing  city  at  that  time.     The  disposal  of  j|  ^4 

slops  and  waste  water  of  all  kinds  was  attended  Ijy  ^^IHHT  " 

great  inconvenience.  r^^iP^^^^'tmT     ""^  ^ 

A  supplemental  ordinance  was  passed  Decern-    ^^Hii  I'     B|     ini    A    1 

ber    15,    1884,   when   the   promoters   of   the   "West     WBg  '  ,_ ,         W^ 'm^ 

patent"    proceeded    with    the    constructiim    of    the      *°~ 
plant.  •  -  •- 

W'infield  Scott  West  was  a  civil  engineer  from 
\-irginia,  with  headquarters  in  Xew  York,  and  his  p^^p,^^  3^^^,^^ 

system  consisted  first  of  all  of  a  pumping  station 

with  a  receiving  well  sufficiently  large  and  deep  to  bring  the  sewage  by  gravity 
from  all  parts  of  the  town  through  pipes  laid  in  tlie  streets.  This  well  was  centrally 
located  at  Baltic  ancl  North  Carolina  aveniio.  and  was  excavated  24  feel  in 
diameter  and  20  feet  deep  by  the  use  of  sheet  piling.  This  held  the  sides  from 
caving  in  while  powerful  pumps  removed  the  water  till  the  timbers,  brick  and  con- 
crete of  the  bottom  and  sides  could  be  secured  in  ]5nsition. 

The  brick  and  stone  engine  house  and  jjumping  station  was  built  over  the 
well  as  over  a  cellar  and  the  work  of  pumping  water  out  i_if  this  cellar  has  been 
prosecuted  without  intermission  for  the  past  fifteen  years. 

There  is  never  any  oiifensive  odor  in  or  al)out  the  well  or  station.  The  sewage 
is  all  pumped  far  away  before  any  decomposition  can  take  place  or  anv  offensive 
gas  be  generated. 

The  sewage  enters  the  well  15  feet  below  the  surface  through  a  jo-inch  iron 
pipe  which  extends  across  the  city  and  to  which  lateral  mains  are  connected  lead- 
ing from  either  extremity  of  the  town. 

These  pipes  are  all  laid  at  a  grade  of  7'..  feet  to  the  mile,  which  covers  most 
of  the  city. 

Recent  compressed  air  devices  have  been  attached  tn  the  pipes  in  Chelsea,  tlie 
most  distant  point,  so  that  the  sewage  there  is  lifted  ini(i  the  i)ii)es  from  receiving 
wells  automatically  and  forced  along  the  same  as  from  nearer  jjoints.  .\  suitable 
iron  screen  at  the  mouth  of  the  pipe  in  the  well  jjrevents  rags  and  all  solid  matter 
from  going  into  the  pumps  and  pipes  beyond. 
15  (225) 


Two  100  liorse  power  boilers  and  two  centrifugal  pumps  with  a  daily  cajiacity 
of  16  million  gallons  are  at  present  ample  for  all  requirements  in  keeping  the  well 
free.     There  is  also  a  reserve  five  million  gallon  Holly  pump  in  the  station. 

The  daily  pumpage  varies  from  2  million  to  6  million  gallons. 

A  16-inch  iron  pipe  leads  from  this  well  and  station  two  miles  back  on  the 
meaddw.s  to  the  northerly  side  of  the  city,  where  the  sewage  is  disposed  of  in  a 
manner  so  highly  satisfactory  as  to  meet  the  approval  of  the  highest  health  au- 
thorities and  the  best  sanitary  engineers. 

There  are  now  about  forty  miles  of  sewer  pipe  laid  in  the  streets  of  Atlantic 
City,  and  4,475  properties  connected  therewith.  While  the  city  authorities  under 
the  ])re^ent  laws  cannot  compel  people  to  connect  with  the  pipes  of  a  private  cor- 
poration, the  rates  are  so  low  and  the  service  so  efiFicient  and  satisfactor\'  that 
more  than  two-thirds  of  all  the  buildings  b\-  actual  count  are  connected  with  the 

The  Atlantic  Cit\-  Sewerage  Compan\-,  its  name  since  the  reorganization,  in 
1885,  represents  an  investment  of  $400,000.  It  is  paying  interest  on  its  bonds  and 
dividends  on  its  stock  and  is  one  of  the  most  essential  and  important  features  of 
this  resort. 


®ur  (Tottaoe  UDonies. 

'TW    L(  )TTAGE  by  the  sea  ha.s  luinishcd  a  cuminandiug  Uieiiic  fur 

mm         story  tellers  in  the  years  agone,  but  we  doubt  if  any  song  or 

^  I         ever  been  inspired  by  such  delightful  surroundings  as  make  tlic 

cottages  of  Atlantic  City  the  ideal  homes  by  the  shore. 

Of  the  six  thousand  and  five  hundred  buildings  on  this  island  twc 

them  are  cottages  and  the  illustrations  on  this  and  other  ])ages  give  thi 

an  adequate  idea  of  this  striking  feature  of  the  town. 

)uels  and 
story  has 

-thinls  of 


These  cottages  that  breathe  forth  in  every  ilelicate  detail  and  elegant  orna- 
mentation the  artistic  spirit  of  the  owner,  hecunie  every  season  the  tempi )rarv 
homes  of  a  nniltitude  of  summer  sojourners,  who.  while  they  nia\  have  no  voice 
nor  vote  in  the  local  government  of  the  cit\-.  consider  this  \\a\e-kissed  island 
their  home. 

One  may  stroll  for  miles  along  the  avenues  and  become  bewildered  l)y  the 
many  well  kept  lawns,  the  luxuriant  shade  trees,  the  inviting  residences  tliat 
harmonize  delightfully  with  the  tranquil  feeling  engendered  by  the  dreamy 
cadence  of  the  ocean  swell  that  pulses  soothingly  through  the  bracing  sea  au". 

it'f»»»Mi.ii».m.»n.ui.m.iu.§ag.t<e  ^^iiiiiFTn 


A(,l-.   Ill  IM 

Men   nf  infliK-ncc  ami 
trade,  escape  the  clalterin- 

pri  ilessiniis.    Ill    liiiance 


our  peaceful  surroundings  coiunume  with  nature  and  enjoy  otiiiiii  ciiiii  digiiitiiti: 

Our  well  graded  streets,  fringed  with  handsome  homes,  make  an  indelible 

impression  upon  the  mind.    The  infinite  variety  in  the  styles  of  architecture  adds 





1 1  — 



IDENCE    OF    L.    A.    DOWN. 

ilDENCE  OF  JNO.    L.   YOUNG. 



to  the  general  effect  aiul  relieves  the  dfal)    miifnini- 
ity  that  soinetiiiies  prevails. 

The  material  prosperity  eif  .\tlaiitie  (."ii\  \er\ 
largely  depends  iijion  the  renting-  uf  eutiages.  as 
probably  half  of  them  in  stnimur  are  not  noeuiiied 
by  the  owners.  Some  of  them  priidnee  an  inenme 
of  $ioo  per  month,  or  S500  to  Si. 500  or  S  '.00  >  for 
a  summer  season. 

In  July  and  August,  when  the  sun-kissed 
waves  invite  a  plunge  in  (  )ld  Xeptune's  bosom,  city 
folk  take  possession  of  many  of  these  cottages,  and 

children  in  gay  attire  may  be  seen  disporting  themselves  at  play  on  the  green 
sward,  afterward  forming  merry  parties  that  wander  to  the  neighboring  beach, 
guarded  by  attentive  maids,  and  happ\-hearle<!  ])arents  glad  to  i>ring  an  added 
lustre  to  the  eyes  of  childhood  by  the  unrLstricted  jirivilege  of  digging  in  the  clean 
white  sand. 

Of  late  years  the  fame  of  Atlantic  City  as  a  cottage  home  tor  fashionables 
has  been  growing,  and  there  is  hardly  a  family  of  any  prominence  residing  within 
a  thousand  miles  of  this  favored  region  that  lias  not  at  one  time  or  anotlier  occu- 
pied, as  host  or  guest,  one  of  the  beautiful  JKimes  which  fnrm  tlie  crowning  glory 
of  the  town. 

Fair  as  she  is.  .\tlantic  City  would  Idse  the  richest  gem^  in  her  diadem  were 
she  divorced  from  the  pretty  little  hoiues  that  luake  her  the  magnet  for  beauty- 
loving  cottagers. 





OF  W 




^         ^ 

^   ^ 









|i  r 



H  — 

—  ■ 






Btlantic  Citv^  IfX^^tcU. 

■i"  X  tlK-  amount  of  cajiital  iiivc.-tcd  the  lu.lel  iiUrr 
"I"  second  only  to  those  of  the  raih-oa«l-.  hut  ii 
T  hotel  interests  are  by  >;reat  udds  in  ilie  leac 
on  the  \\'estern  Continent  do  the  hotel  inter 
the  amount  of  money  invested,  tlie  number  of  peo 
of  business  transacted,  this  is  preeniinentl\  a  hoti 
a  failure. 

The  busine.-s  of  eutertainin--  strangers  or  "ket 
dates  from  the  time  in  1839.  when  ■■.\uiu  Millie 
patriarch  husband  died,  enlarged  her  home,  ^ecur 
or  fifteen  years  conducted  the  only  tavern  on  the 
city  folk  sojourned  at  the  seashore  durini^  the  <; 
\ears  before  railroads  were  in  fashion  or  had  beei 
this    direction. 

When  the  railroad  did  come,  fifteen  years  lati 
than  the  old  Leeds  liomestead  came  into  existenci. 
States  Hotel,  the  still  larger  Surf  House,  the  Mans 
dispensed  lavish  hospitality  to  visitino-  thousands  du 
early  years  of  the  city's  history. 

I-'rom  that  time  to  this,  as  the  country  ha>  pro: 
great  cities  have  made  pilgrimage  to  ocean  roorts. 
City  have  led  the  van.  catering  with  un- 
paralleled success  to  popular  demands. 
till  not  less  than  ten  million  dollars  are 
now  represented  in  the  five  hundred 
hotels  and  boarding  houses  which  line 
the  well  ]javed  avenues  and  attractive 
beach  front,  which  once  were  sandhills 
and  the  least  desirable  sections  of  the 

The  pro.ximity  of  many  of  our 
hotels  to  the  ocean  where  wrecked  ves- 
sels of  other  <lays  with  valualile  cargoes 
were  driven  ashore  upon  the  sands,  has 
robbed  th.e  stormy  deep  of  some  of 
its   terrors   and   guaranteed   to   visiting 

(thing   sea 
■n  on  pajii 

d  Congr 


tude  f 
f  .\tl;i 


,1  all  the 
ossiii-  tl 

thousaiKls  at  all  scas.m>  all  tl 
without  goiiis;  to  sea.  and  <oci 
bathing  when  winter  wintls  ar 
of  the  gnests"  rooms. 

While  Atlantic  tity  may  nnt  liav 
comiiare  with  the  Waldorf- Astdria.  W" 
dc  Leon.  St.  Augustine;  the  I'alace  11  ( 
the  Cireat  Xorthern  or  the  Auditorium 
Palace,  Denver;  the  Del  Monte  of  Monterey. 
Coronado,  Santiago.  California,  the  same  may  he 

Nowhere  else  on  the  hahitahle  globe  is  si 
other  lines  of  trade.  re]iresented  in  hotels  and  1 
Atlantic  City. 

The  story  of  this  stupendous  extension  and 
fifty  _\ears  of  the  town.  The  illustrations  on 
elegance  and  completeness  our  hotels  are  eipupp 
iiients  for  moderate  or  the  most  fastidious  tastes. 

Our  enterprising  and  progressive  hotel  proprietors  e.xert 
fluence  in  the  affairs  of  the  city.    In  securing  a  suitable  water  s 

l.alatial    h..tels    to 

York;  the    I 'once 

;el,  San  Francisco; 

Chicago;  Brown's 

or  the   Del 

said  of  I'hi 


ding  h 

-In  h. 

ision  1 


■  all  se 


a  (lonnnatnig  m- 
pply  and  tire  pro- 
tection, paved  streets  and  perfect  sanitary  conditions,  street  lighting,  an  attractive 
beach  front  and  popular  local  administration  of  affairs,  our  hotel  men  have  always 
been  active  and  prominent.  A  considerable  i)ortion  of  the  population  are  in  their 
employ  as  mechanics,  artisans  or  servants,  or  dei)endent  ujion  tlu'in  largely  for 
trade  or  auxiliary  service. 

Our  hotel  men  spend  thousands  of  dollars  every  year  in  giving  .\llantic  City 
favorable  publicity  in  the  leading  ptiblications  of  all  the  larger  cities.  They  are 
first  and  foremost  in  welcoming  State  and  National  delegates  to  amiual  conven- 
tions and  promoting  the  best  interests  of  this  resort. 

Atlantic  City  during  the  open  seasons  is  a  vibrating  heart  of  the  world  of 
fashion,  culture,  amusement  and  health.  \\'hat  a  contrast  do  the  hotels  of  the 
closing  century  present  to  those  primitive  stopping  places  of  fifty  years  ago! 

Now  we  have  modern  palace  homes,  including  within  their  secure  and  hos- 
pitable walls,  priceless  paintings,  ex(|uisite  furnishings  and  luxurious  couches 
in  cozy  sun  parlors,  where  a  day  is  a  veritable  dream  of  delight.     The  ocean  in 


H(vri:i.  RATi:s  \xn  cai-aci  rv  •.-:!: 

iniiiiatuic.  with  all  its  valuable  i)ni|H-nii.s.  is  iilacid  at  llio  (lis])<)sal  of  llu-  ^'ucst. 
and  thus  in  curiously  wrousht.  seductive  tubs  of  limpid  sea  water  one  may  splasii 
to  his  or  her  heart's  content,  alisorbiui^'  energy  anil  that  peculiar  buovancv  that 
lends  such  zest  in  every  ])leasure.  Afterward,  well  wrai)ped  up.  a  ride  in  a  rolling 
chair  is  within  the  ran-e  of  p.  i>-ibility.  and  ai'ter  one  has  been  wlieeled  for  a 
stretch  alotiL;  the  lioardwalk.  dined  at  the  celebrated  tables  for  which  otir  hotels 
are  noted  and  aherward  listened  tn  a  hi-h-cla-s  cncerl.  he  nr  >he  is  to 
smile  ;i  welcome  to  the  sandman,  kn.iwin.i;  full  well  that  uothins.;  but  beautiful 
<lreams  can  follow  in  the  wake  of  such  a  delightful  day. 


Hotel.  k;iUs  |RT  IJ.i',  i;.lUs  IHT  V 

Hotel  Traymore ■'>.v5o  to  $3.00  Sjo.oo  to 

St.  Charles    3.50  to  5.00  20.00  to 

\\'indsor    3.50  to  3.00  iS.oo  to 

Rudolf 3.00  to  5.00  JO. 00  to 

Waldorf-Astoria    ,^.00  to  3.00  jo. 00  to 

Shelburne    3.00  to  3.00  jo.oo  to 

Chalfonte    3.00  to  3.00  tS.oo  to 

Dennis     3.00  to  3.00  iS.oo  to 

Haddon   Hall    3.00  to  3.o:>  iS.oo  to 

Luray    3.00  to  3.00  16.00  to 

Iroquois    3.00  to  3.00  1 3.00  to 

Seaside 3.00  to  3.(X)  18.00  to 

.Senate 3.00  to  3.00  1 3.00  to 

Islcsworth 3.00  to  3.00  JO. 00  to 

Sandhurst    J. 30  to  4.00  1 3.00  to     J3.00            lOo 

Wiltshire J. 30  to  4.00  1 3.00  to     JO.oo            300 

Cialen  Hall   3.00  to  3.30  u.oo  to     J3.00           ttx) 

Pennhurst J. 30  to  3.30  iS.oo  to     30.0  >           Joo 

Waverly    J.30  to  3.30  iS.oo  to     Jo.oo            J50 

Grand  Atlantic 2.30,  to  3.30  13.00  to     jo.oo           300 

•Morton    j.oo  to  3.30  to     J3.00           joo 

Irving-ton    J.30  to  3.00  1 3.00  to     jo.oo            JtX) 

Glaslyn    J. 30  to  3.00  1  J.oo  to     jo.o:)           1 J3 

Hohiihurst    J.30  to  3.00  13.00  to     iS.oo           130 

Berkeley    J.30  to  3.00  14.00  to      iS.(K)           3(» 

Kenilworth   J.30  to  3.00  1  J.oo  to      1 3.00            1 73 

De  \'ille    j.30  to  3.00  10.00  to      lO.oo           3ix) 

Little  Brighton    J.oo  to  3.00  u.oo  to     iS.oo           joo 

Leiande J.oo  to  3.00  u.oo  to     iS.txi           150 

Strand   J.oo  to  3.00  10.0:1  to           J50 

i-rk         C-, 




















J  3. 00 


J  3. 00 





J  30 





New  England  . 
Runnymede    .  . 


Cedarcroft     .  .  . 



Ponce  de  Leon 
Richmond  .... 
Chester  Inn  .  . 
La  Belle  Inn  .  . 
Norwood     .  .  .  . 

Rates  pt 

r  Day. 





2.O0   to 






2.00   to 






2.O0   to 








2.00  to 






2.00  to 






2.00  to 






2.00  to 






2.00  to 











1.50  to 






1.50  to 







In  ihc  year  <>l  1SS4.  William  I'rank  Waters  purcha-id  a  small  h.  .ardin.i,' 
house  called' The  .Miiienla.  Inr  Si().o(ii>.  the  lale  L'apt.  I'viuk.  At 
that  time  the  house  cimtaineil  iS  roum-  and  had  an  extended  view  ni  the  ocean, 
two  vears  later  Sophia  I'.ew  erected  the  linardini;  liouse  called  The  iierkelev. 
which  was  conducted  hy  the  late  li.  W.  Spence,  who  afterwards  had  the  present 
lldlniluu'st  on  rennsylvania  avenue. 

Mr.  Waters  died  in  1888,  and  his  son.  who  was  at  the  rniver>ii\.  Kit  coUeiiC 
and  came  down  to  as.-ist  his  mother  with  The  Mineola.  The  following;  stimmiT 
he  purchased  The  Berkeley  and  built  a  temporary  connection.  The  capacity  of 
the  house  at  that  time  was  150  t^niests.  Two  years  later  .Mr.  ( i.  Waters 
rebuilt  the  two  hotels  antl  built  the  first  modern  IkjIcI  in  .\tlantic  City  with  baths, 
electric  lights  and  salt  baths.  Tw.)  years  after  this  a  number  of  other  hotels 
started  to  improve  to  exceed  the  Windsor.  In  i8<jo  .Mr.  Waters  bouy;ht  out  his 
mother's  interests  and  has  conducted  the  hotel  ever  since.  In  1893  .Mr.  Waters 
made  another  large  improvement,  adding  enough  rooms  to  accommodate  400 
guests:  also  making  the  ground  floor  the  most  attractive  feature  with  Tm-ki-h 
room,  ball  room  and  reception  hall  of  large  dimensions.  .\lso  engaging  the  first 
hotel  orchestra  in  Atlantic  Citv  for  the  diversion  and  entertainment  of  his  guests. 

In  1895  Mr.  Waters  conceived  the  idea  of  utilizing  his  basement  for  cafe 
and  restaurant,  erecting  a  room  to  represent  a  ship's  cabin  with  port  holes,  mast 
tables,  etc.  This  idea  has  been  copied  l>y  other  beach  front  hotels.  In  iScjj  .Mr. 
Waters  built  the  first  French  courtyard  in  .\tlantic  City,  making  a  mo>t  attracti\r 
])lace  in  the  center  of  the  hotel. 

.^ince  the  original  hotel  was  started,  in  1884,  of  18  rooms  and  lot  40N  1  50, 
-Mr.  Waters  has  built  on  and  added  140  rooms  covering  a  s].)ace  of  300x150,  and 
purchasing  four  cottages  on  Illinois  avenue,  and  now  the  entire  gniund  owned 
and  controlled  by  The  Windsor  is  680x150. 

The  Hotel  \\'indsor  to-day  is  the  most  modern  hotel  on  the  .\tlantic  Coast. 
It  has  cost  $325,000,  and  is  the  only  hotel  conducted  on  .American  and  I'.iiropean 
])lans  on  the  Jersey  Coast. 


Famous  as  Atlantic  City  is,  as  a  resort  and  for  its  hotel  accommodations,  it 
may  be  said,  that  the  Hotel  Rudolf  is  uneciualled  in  its  location  and  unobstructed 
view  of  the  ocean.  Situated  directly  on  the  beach  front — in  the  most  aristocratic 
part  of  the  city — with  broad  piazzas — balconies,  bedrooms  and  diningroom  over- 
looking the  sea.  The  luxuriousness  of  furni.shings  and  appointments,  the  service, 
its  popularity,  and  liberal  management  have  advertised  it  throughout  the  United 
States  and  Canada.  Hotel  Rudolf  is  heated  with  steam  and  open  fires,  when 
weather  demands  it.    Lighted  by  its  own  electric  plant,  has  elevator  service,  rooms 


ATLANTIC    CilA'    llOTI'l.S.  -jll 

Inline  ami  i-nsuiu-  with  l.atli  and  miKi  atiaclu'd.  '\'hv  liath>  liavi-  a  doiildc  sv>icm 
ni-  service  nf  Iml  ami  cold  sea  water  and  Ire-li  water  as  desired. 

A  spacimis  ball-room,  parlnr  and  nmsie  rM,  nn  adjciiiis  the  i>t'tiee  and  excliani;e. 
which  is  lurnished  with  iln!lan<l  and  Irench  dcH-ns  and  ,>n  the  |M.lislied  llours 
(  irienial  rn^s  of -real  beauty  are  )inticed. 

To  insin-e  pure  water  an  artesian  well  has  lieen  ,-nnk  nn  the  premises. 

In  addition  to  the  orchestra,  and  ilance-  i  m  l''ri<la\  e\  eiiin-^.  and  nnisic  dui-ins; 
meal  hours,  none  merits  more  special  attenliipn  the  laimin>  ^rcU,.  and  its 
cafe,  where  su])erb  concerts  are  ijiven  by  :i  lar^e  Mrche.-tra.  At  nii^lit  when  the 
L;rotto  is  illuminated  by  its  many  varietiated  colored  incandescent  li-his.  ihnin,L;h- 
out  the  larjje  cavern-like  retreat,  a  scene  of  fairyland  greets  one  and  all. 

The  capacity  of  the  Rudolf  is  four  hundred  guests.  I'.ooklets  are  furnished 
on  application.  The  owner  and  proprietor  is  Chas.  R.  Myers,  who  is  possessed 
of  a  cordial  and  kindly  manner;  generous  in  all  his  dealings  and  indefatigable  in  his 
efforts  not  only  to  maintain  but  enhance  the  high  standard  of  excellence  and 
popularity  which  has  i)een  associated  with  the  Rudolf. 


Hotel  Luray.  one  (if  the  large>t  and  hnest  of  onr  beac 
been  under  the  ownership  and  management  of  Mr.  losiah  Wli 
By  gradual  evolution  and  changes  it  has  become  a  nio(lel  all  il 
first-class  accommodations  for  four  hundred  guests. 

An  expenditure  of  more  than  fifty  thousand  dollars  in 
Luray  to  the  front  in  appointments  and  prestige. 

The  i)n.i]ierty  covers  150  feet  front  by  356  feet  dt-e])  at  the 
tucky  a\enue. 

Since  January.  1M97.  the  firm  n;ime  has  been  jo.-iali  W 
admission  as  a  iiartner  of  .\llen   K.  White.  l-:st|.,  son  of  the  lire 

;S   brought    th 










^-  w 

ATI.WriC   C\r\    linKSF.   SHOW,  2-l:{ 

atlamic  (Iit\?  Ibovsc  Sbow. 

Mr.  (i.  Jasnii  W  at  I.' IS.  ..f  1  l,,til  \\incU,if.  was  llu-  active  spirit  in  the  MrM-ani/a- 
tioii  oi  tlK'  Ailantii-  Chy  llnrsi.-  Show  .\s>nciatinii.  wliifli  licUl  its  I'lr-t  nu'i^t  in  t'lc 
Inlet  I 'ark.  July  13.  14  ami  13.  iSi;<j- 

His  enterprise  and  enersjy  enlisted  the  liearty  eu-operatii  m  m'  leading;  iMtel 
and  business  men.  and  the  dis|)ta\-  of  line  Imrses  was  hiL;hl\  satisl'aet(  iry.  as  well 
as  the  financial  results.  .\  still  iwnx-  aniliitiuus  elTnrt  will  he  inaile  the  present 
season  for  a  tour-day  event,  which  has  been  marked  .lown  m  .jjun  Wednesday. 
July    II.    moo. 

The  .\tlantic  t'it\  llnrse  .^Imw  may  imw  lie  con.-idered  a  permanent  institu- 
tion, and  that  it  is  not  to  he  one  of  the  least  attractive  I'eatm-es  .it'  the  suntmcr 
season  is  attested  hv  its  brilliant  inani^iiration  last  year  and  the  character  of  the 
men  who  are  at  it.-  head.      The  I'ullowin^-  are  the  ufticers: 

G.  jason  Waters.  President:  Charles  Evans.  X'ice-i'residcnt :  I  h  11.  .Mien  W. 
Endicott.  Treasurer:  Walter  J.  lUizby.  Secretary:  William  S.  I'.litz.  .\ssistant  ."Sec- 
retary. The  Directors  are  the  above,  and  V.  W .  Ilemsley.  J.  II.  l.i|ipiiiCMtt.  H. 
W.  Leed.-.  1).  .^.  White,  jr..  .\.  (  ).  Dayt.m.  .\.  T.  .McClellan".  Dr.  1.  R.  |-"lemin-. 
jac.l)  .Myers.  W.  11.  Catlin.  .\.  j.  .\utlin-.  Wnvum  W".  .^milh.  J.l).  .s,.nthwick. 
I'hilipJ.  Leigh.  Josiah  White,  j.  11.  I'.nrtnn.  Xewlin  llaiiu-.  W.  "l-:.  Ivl-e.  Charles 
R.  Mvers.  .E  B.'  Reillv.  M.  1).  \'..un-man.  .\l.  I)..  Charle-  .<.  Eackv.  |ohn  (E 
.shreve.  an.l    ],^hu   M.  .Siaw . 







-  ]^^^^Mh9I||w!.1| 

S^^ii^^^L  » 






Eastev  at  tbc  Shove. 



TLAXTic  c^^^■  ;i 

the  late  V.  W.  llcin^ley  opened  I'.ri-- 

house.  The  Brighton  then  hail  tilty-three  runnis,  insiea.l  <A  two 
hundred  as  now,  and  speedily  built  up  a  profitable  sijrin,-  and  w  niter 
trade.  The  late  George  V.  Lee.  the  owner,  encouraged  the  lessee 
bv  enlarging  the  house  and  providing  up-to-date  appointments. 
which  were  appreciated,  and  other  hotels  were  not  slow  in  catering 
to  the  same  class  of  patrons.  Physicians  and  railroad  ofticiaL- 
heartily  co-operated  with  satisfactory  results. 
The  advantages  of  this  city  as  a  place  of  retirement  for  society's  devotees 
(luring  the  Lenten  season  are  now  widely  appreciated,  fashionables  from  \\\v 
York.  Philadelphia  and  more  distant  centers  coming  here  to  find  the  restful 
changes  and  relief  that  come  from  the  peculiar  advantages  and  characteristics 
of  this  resort. 

Here  it  is  that  the  fair  women  and  brave  men  who  grace  the  social  circle  at 
home,  drink  deep  of  the  ocean  air  and  diverting  surroundings  for  which  this  sea- 
lashed  island  is  noted.  Thus  in  a  few  weeks  is  a  reserve  fund  of  energy  gained 
that  enables  them  to  resume  with  fre^h  delight  the  routine  of  life  and  care  in  the 
great  metropolises. 

During  the  forty  days  which  usually  include  parts  of  March  and  .\pril.  the 
shore  is  a  veritable  paradise,  everything  being  conducive  to  a  sense  of  peace  and 
tranquil  enjoyment.  The  tedium  of  travel  to  distant  southern  resorts  is  avoirled 
by  a  trip  to  Atlantic  City  and  the  benefits  of  an  ocean  voyage  secured  without 
the  risk  and  objections  of  being  at  sea. 

As  the  great  religions  festival  of  Easter  approaches,  the  arrivals  become 
more  numerous  and  the  scenes,  like  those  in  the 
illustration,  more  frequent  and  striking,  ^^^^en  the 
sun  shines  forth  on  that  glad  Sabbath  morning, 
sackcloth  and  ashes  are  cast  aside  and  Queen 
Fashion,  arrayed  in  all  the  bewitching  beauty  of  her 
gracious  loveliness,  is  revealed  to  the  crowd  that 
promenades  the  Boardwalk. 

Easter  is  the  culmination  of  the  spring  sea.-on 
and  the  churches  are  usually  largely  attended,  after 
which  the  procession  along  the  Boardwalk  is  at  its 
height.     Such  an  array  of    fascinating    women    in 



AT  -l- 



tu>icm  cm  I'.aster  ni(;nii 
iiitluisiasni  nf  \iuUli  alu 
(.iiv'.N  faiiKuis  r.oanlwa! 

md  niilliiKTv  aivniily  >c. 
ir  \v<,'ck>  aftcr\var,l>  tlic 

■!.  l-rwiKkTiii-pi-M 
(,rl,l  talks  with  th 
,-sc(l  alon-  Atlaini 

.1«.-L.«.a5jl  mill     iii;^;,^ 


The  i^reatest  Easter  Sunday  in  the  b.istory  of  Atlantic  City  was  on  Ai)ri!  _'. 
1899.  It  was  not  an  ideal  one  so  far  as  the  weather  was  concerned.  The  air  was 
chilly  and  raw.  The  wind  l)lew  a  .L:;ale  at  times  and  shortlx'  after  noon  a  snnw 
sqnall  passed  over  the  city.  lUit  the  weatlur  conditions  did  imi  |irevein  the 
greater  part  of  the  estimated  furty  thousand  visitor,-  taking  a  stmll  .m  tiu-  I'.oard- 

r.etwcen  the  h(.nirs  of  eleven  .\.  .M.  and  one  1'.  M..  the  numlicr  of  promen- 
aders  on  the  lloardwalk  was  the  lari^est  of  the  day.  There  were  two  >leady 
streams  of  people,  one  yoing  up  the  walk  and  the  other  down,  that  reached  from 
rail  to  rail. 

There  was  a  marvelous  display  of  Easter  garments  and  headgear  Ijy  botii 
old  and  young.  There  was  an  abundance  of  smart  frocks  and  perfect  dreams 
of  hats  and  bonnets.  The  women  that  came  forth  in  their  light  .spring  tailor-made 
suits  also  had  use  for  light  furs  and  capes.  Many  bright  and  chipper  Easter  girls 
and  many  fashionably  attired  young  men  scorned  to  wear  over  their  natty  suits 


EASTER  AT  THE  SllURl',  -.'40 

a  wrap  or  an  overcoat,  'riiey  preft-rred  to  carr\  tliL-ni  mii  their  arin>.  aiul  make 
themselves  believe  it  was  a  halniy  day. 

Between  the  hours  of  four  and  live  o'clock  in  tlie  afternoiin  the  I'.oardwalk 
was  for  the  second  time  tilled  with  a  double  stream  of  .-trollcrs.  Although  nearly 
every  roller  chair  was  in  use.  there  was  very  little  interference  to  pedestrians. 
Since  the  order  of  the  police,  making-  tlie  attendants  wheel  the  chairs  in  sing'le 
file,  there  is  more  comfort  to  pronunaders  than  when  the  chairs  were  allowed  to 
be  wheeled  two  or  three  aljreast. 

The  trains  that  arrived  in  this  city  on  Saturda}-  came  in  section^,  the  same 
as  they  did  the  two  days  previous.  The  Camden  train  on  the  I'ennsx  Kania  that 
arrived  Sundav  morning;  about  io._^o  came  in  three  sections,  two  of  ten  cars  and 


one  of  five,  a  total  of  twenty-five  cars,  of  wliich  five  were  pari 
coaches  and  two  baggage.  The  l.iridge  train  that  f.  illoweil  the  A 
into  the  depot  brought  thirteen  cars  in  twt)  secticm.s.  six  ]iarlor 
and  one  baggage. 

The  5.30  train  from  this  cit\    Sumlav    evening  to  Market 
composed  of  twenty-four  cars,  in  twd  seciinns  nf  twel-ic  cars  eac 
was  taken  and  railroad  men  estimate  sixt\   persnns  to  a  car,  more  th 
hundred  persons  left  on  that  train. 

Both  railroads  report  traffic  ahead  of  all  records  for  the  week. 
ing  figures  of  the  last  two  years  are  of  interest,  showing  a  gratifying 
of  advance. 

.     As 

rhe  fcill. 

.C^rf ,   ■'■'i^- 


^      / 














88  c 




41      '■ 

,128  c 


189S.  iSgg.  1900. 

Tlu^l■^dav   54  cars.  83  cars.  g6  cars. 

Fridav  63      "  87      "  HO      " 

Saturday   71      "  103      ■"  125      " 

Sunday   35      "  60     "  66     "■ 

Total    223  car<.  333  cars.  307  cars. 

r.y  this  it  ap]jcars  that  a  tutal  d"  642  cars  nr  3S.520  ])ass(.-n,t;i:'rs  were  hnm^lit 
down  in  funr  days  of  lyoo:  661  cars  1:4-  3^.663  iur  the  same  period  of  i8yy:  and 
4CJ5  cars  or  2g.joo  passengers  for  iSgS. 


An  idea  of  tiie  Easter  business  may  Ije  gained  by  the  i 
at  leading-  hotels  compared  with  that  of  tlic  past  two  yea 


Grand  Atlantic 604 

Hotel  Dennis   

Islesworth    355 

Garden    300 

Rudolf   3S5 

St.  Charles 450 

Hotel  Brishion    

Hotel  Travmorc  250 

Hotel   Berkeley    

Hotel  Windsor 

Hotel   Senate    22-, 

Hotel   DeVille    

Seaside  House  240 

Shelburne   226 

Pennhurst  ifi? 





Bleak  House  


Galen  Hall 




Ocean  Queen   


















\'erily  is  Easter  at  tlie  seashore  a  time  when  wealth,  fashion  and  culture 
form  the  three  graces  that  sway  the  hearts  of  the  multitude.  The  surroundings 
here  seem  especially  designed  for  a  proper  celebration  of  the  day.  The  sublime 
majesty  of  the  deep  teaches  a  silent  lesson  of  the  omnipotence  of  the  Creator  and 
the  dependence  of  frail  humanity. 

Atlantic  City  as  an  appropriate  place  in  which  to  observe  and  magnify  the 
day  has  been  recognized  for  years,  and  the  hotels  make  it  a  point  to  cater  par- 
ticularly to  the  rush  that  comes  just  prior  to  the  great  festival.  Easter  week,  as  a 
rule,  is  devoted  to  private  card  parties  and  dances  which  are  toned  down  to  meet 
the  recpiirements  of  the  season. 

In  the  hotel  world  especially  at  this  season  our  city  is  invested  with  a  halo 
of  romance  that  appeals  to  the  sentimental  natures  of  young  people  who  admire 
the  moon  and  see  loved  faces  in  the  foam  as  they  gaze  at  the  surf  and  dream  of 
the  day  when  their  happiness  will  be  consummated.  "You'll  remember  me"  is 
the  favorite  melody  at  this  time  as  the  jingling  cadence  of  the  music  chimes  har- 
moniously with  the  throbbing  hearts  of  the  cit}-  lovers.  For  it  must  be  borne  in 
mind  that  the  Goddess  of  Love  is  the  divinity  that  presides  at  the  seashore  and 
the  matches  that  are  made  within  sight  of  the  sea,  while  not  as  numerous  as  the 
sands  on  the  beach,  are  of  frequent  occurrence. 

The  post  Lenten  season  marks  a  disappearance  of  those  who  have  added  a 
touch  of  color  to  the  resort  during  the  preceding  forty  days,  but  many  weeks  do 
not  elapse  before  the  Boardwalk  is  once  more  crowded  with  strangers  in  search  of 
health  and  pleasure. 

XThc  Boarbwalh  nnb  ©ccan  Ipicie. 

^-^  HE  ceaseless  chai 
f^^  ciinie  to  this  isl 
^r  the  main  feature 
pedestrians  only 
glittering-  sun 

nd   and   capitali>ts   U,  l.niM    railmads   here.      Sn   i,,-day 

of  the  city  i>  the   four  miles  nl   elevated  l.nardwalk   for 

along  the  beach  where  all  the  glories  of  the  sea — the 

ht  on  the  waters,  the  rolling  breakers,  the  spray  and  tunnilt  of 

the  storm,  and  the  tireless  ebb  and  flow  of  the  water  along  the  shore — may  be 
enjoyed  l)y  inland  strangers,  who  find  a  peculiar  fascination  and  inspir.atii  m  in 
the  power  and  beauty  and  life  of  the  sea  and  hear  nuisic  in  its 

Xo  other  promenade  in  the  country  is  so  unique  and  enjoyable  as  .\tlantic 
City's  Boardwalk.  It  was  first  built  in  1870,  when  the  population  of  the  place  was 
only  about  2,000.  The  beach  then  was  a  wild  public  common,  with  scattering 
bath  houses  and  tiresome  areas  of  mos(|uito  marsh  and  soft  sand.  Tlie  first 
boardwalk  cost  ?5,ooo.  which  was  a  considerable  sum  in  those  days,  when  no 
legal  opinion  was  asked  for  and  when  public  sentiment  was  strong  enough  to 
push  the  scheme  successfully  along.  It  was  at  first  only  eight  feet  wide,  set  on 
piling  three  feet  above  the  sand.  It  extended  from  the  lighthouse  to  the  .'^ea- 
view  Excursion  House  at  Alissciuri  avenue,  and  was  in  use  onlv  a  few  months 
in  summer.  Eashion  in  those  tlays  did  not  disport  herself  along  the  beach  in 
winter  or  at  Eastertide  as  she  does  now. 

Before  winter  came  the  walk  was  piled  up  in  sections  and  secured  to  prevent 
storm  tides  from  wrecking  it  and  bearing  the  pieces  and  piling  too  far  away. 

Larger  and  longer  walks  succeeded  the  first  one  as  the  town  exten 
need  was  felt,  till  in  i<Si)i.  at  an  expense  of  $55,000.  a  24-foot  wide  wa 
from  the  Inlet  to  Chelsea  to  replace  the  old  one  which  was  worn  out. 

The  rapid  growth  of  the  city  made  necessary    a    larger,    more 
structure.     It  was  built  high  and  strong  on  wooden  piling.     It  was 
ones,  all  of  wood.     This  investment  proved  a  good  one.     All  agre 
attractiveness  and  popularit}'    of    the    wider    and 
stronger  walk,  with  an  unobstructed  view  ocean 
ward,  made  it  pay  for  itself  in  two  years.     At  thi 
end  of  five  years  parts  of  the    structure,    for    thi 
safety  of  the  crowds  upon    it.    neciled    rebuilding 
It  was  then  tlecided  by  the  cit\   fathers  to  build  ; 
steel  or  iron  structure,  costing  more  and  to  las 
for  many  years. 

The  piling  and  entire  framework  of  this  nev 


d  and  th 

.'  the  old 
that  the 

,.  ^^ 

^mr       'J   ';.  ««" 



proniL-iKuIc.  from  Kluulc  Islaiul  in  Texas  aviniio. 
heart  pine  from  Cieoryia,  laiil  mi  c-xtra  heavy  ji 
extend  along  either  side  wlure  'utikil  a>  a  >ai'r.m 
feet  or  more  in  the  sand  by  liy(h-auhc  iimccss  and  a; 
the  way  this  new  walk  is  forty  feet  w  ide  and  this  y.V' 
which  throng  it  at  Easter  and  in  July  anil  August. 

Excepting  the  two  piers.  (inl\  upen  pa\il- 
ions  are  budt  along  the  ocean  side,  where  seats 
are  provided  for  their  patrons  and  the  pulilic  li\ 
the  owners  of  the  stores  and  liath  luiuses  on  the 
opposite  side.  Erom  any  iioint  along  its  entire 
four  miles  one  has  an  unobstructed  view  oi  the 
ocean — of  the  ships  and  steamers  passing  a  safe 
distance  from  the  shoals,  out  where  the  water 
meets  the  sky.  and  of  sailbnnts  which,  like  ducks, 
float  leisurely  with  pleasiu'e  parties  in  the  dis- 
tance or  troll  for  the  bluetish  in  season. 

The  Boardwalk  is  brilliantly  lighted  at  night 
the  entire  year  by  electric  arc  lamps,  and  during 
the  summer  months  is  incomjiaralily  the  nmst 
fascinating  boulevard  in  the  world.  Man\-  bril- 
liant journalistic  pens  have  made  it  fauKjus  in 
history,  and  many  tongues  have  told  the  story  nf 
its  attractions. 

Between  the  Boardwalk  and  the  ocean  is  the 
magnificent  stretch  of  surf  bathing  grounds, 
where  from  to  20.000  men,  women  and 
children  may  be  seen  any  day  during  the  bathing 
season,  disporting  in  the  foaming  breakers, 
creating  a  living  picture  which  the  meist  gifted 
artists  have  not  equalled  on  canvas,  which 
talented  pens  have  failed  to  fully  describe  and 
which  no  other  watering  place  on  the  planet  can 
approach.  It  is  unrivalled,  unec|ualled.  and.  like 
Pleiades,  "the  loveliest  of  her  train."  Atlantic 
City  is  the  gem  of  all  ocean  resorts  in  this 

(Jn  the  other  side  of  the  Boardwalk  is  a 
wonderful  kaleidoscope  of  merry-go-rounds,  an 
opera  house,  haunted  forests,  shell  bazaars,  bath 
houses,  swimming  pools,  shooting  galleries,  liric- 
a-brac  stores,  mineral-water  fountains,  phoiTi- 
graph  parlors,  and  a  hundred  charming  exhila- 
rating, harmless  entertainments  into  which   th. 

( ialxaui/.ed   ir(  > 

1   rail 

The  piling  an. 


firm  a.-  the  hilts. 


too  narrciw  fnr  1 

le  cr.. 

M.  D.  YOUNGMAN,  M.D. 

with  so  liuii-li 

!'.()  \:;'.)V.A1.K    AX!)    1MI-R> 

visiter  (.-lUors  with  zest  ami  upon  which  ho  speiuls  liis  sinirc-  i 
])lcasiire  and  l)cnefit. 

It  is  a  typical  American  crowd,  lull  of  life,  luu  never  ,li>onlerl\.  full  of  t! 
charminor  vivacity  that  seems  to  lie  an  inheritance  from  the  sea.  llere  ma\  I 
seen  a  Senator  or  Cardinal,  a  millionaiie.  priot.  merchant  or  proiessional  ma 
of  eminence.  happ\'  aniony  the  more  nimierov,>  mem- 
bers of  the  middle  classes,  hlvery  eivili/.ed  nation  on 
earth  is  represented  in  the  cosmopolitan  jii-ocession. 

®cean  ipicrs. 

The  first  ocean  pier  to  be  projected  in  thi.s  city  was 
the  enterprise  of  the  late  Col.  George  Howard,  of 
Washington,  D.  C,  in  1881.  This  structure,  which 
stood  only  for  one  season,  celel^rated  its  opening-  Jtily 
I  J.  1882.  It  extended  650  feet  into  the  ocean,  at  the 
foot  of  Kentucky  avenue,  on  what  is  now  the  Hotel 
Luray  property.  The  science  of  sinkino-  piling  in  heavy 
beach  sand  was  then  in  its  infancy.  The  expeditious 
hydraulic  process  had  not  then  lieen  used  here  and  the 
methods  effective  in  softer  soils  were  not  satisfactory- 
along-  the  beach.  A  September  storm  destroyed  this 
pier,  but  did  not  discourage  the  builder. 

Col.  Howard  proceeded  at  once  with  a  stronger 
one,  S50  feet  long.  At  considerable  expense  screw- 
threads  were  cut  by  hand  on  the  sharpened  ends  of 
heavy  log  piling,  with  the  expectation  of  screwing  them 
deep  enough  into  the  solid  sand  of  the  beach.  This 
method  proved  ineffective,  as  power  sufficient  to  twist 
the  logs  to  splinters  would  not  penetrate  the  sand.  This 
crude  thread  failed  of  its  purpose. 

Steam  power  and  the  water  process  was  then  in- 
troduced and  the  firiancial  possibilities  of  ocean  pier> 
tested  for  several  seasons. 

The  outer  pavilion  of  the  Ibjw-ard  pier  was 
ilamaged  by  the  Robert  Morgan,  a  large  new  vessel  in 
ballast  w-hich  was  driven  ashore  high  on  the  beach  just 
above  Kentucky  avenue,  on  the  night  of  Januar\  1;. 
1884.  This  pier  was  never  a  great  success  financiall\ 
and  was  ren-ioved  by  the  commissioners  who  con- 
tleiuned  property  for  the  building  of  the  new-  board- 
walk in  i8yi.     It  was  assessed  at  S8.000. 

J.  R.  Applegate.  in   1883.  was  next  to  embark  in 



jdui^'  -"■*».» 

f                 %! 

jp   O    |4 

ri      \^ 

■  1^5*"-^            !>' 







P.n AKinVAI.K    AXn    riF.RS.  i"j 

tin-  pier  l)usiiK-ss.  Ik-  hnii-lu  oik-  Inuulivil  iVit  of  lii-ach  fmiu  at  tlic  ii»<\  .it 
Tennessee  avenue  for  Sio.ocx).  ])ayint;  .S,v5^x'  i'"'  "»<■'  tin>-t''"it  l^i  and  S().3(kj  for 
another  next  adjoining-  where  his  picture  ijalk-riis  were,  h  was  a  douljle  decker, 
artistically  finished,  with  an  annisenieni  pavilion  at  the  outer  end  ')J3  feet  from 
the  I'.oaniwalk. 

This  ])ier  from  the  n]i]Kr  ikck  affonled  a  line  ocean  view  and  was  Imilt  to 
acconmiodate  several  thoii>an.l  ]h-.i]iK-. 

This  pier  and  real  date  wa>  sold  in  iSi,i  to  Messr..  \'oun-  and  McShea. 
for  $56,000.  and  has  heen  extensively  enlari;ed  and  imjiroved  since,  till  it  now 
extends  2.000  feet  itito  the  ocean,  and  for  years  l.a.-  been  the  c;re:it  centre  of 
attraction  aleiny;  the  lieach  from. 


A  larije  net,  hauled  twice  dail\-  in  summer  at  the  outer  end.  lirini^s  up  a  lar^-e 
and  varied  assortment  of  the  animal  life  of  the  sea,  which  is  of  infinite  interest  t'.) 
visitors.  From  this  net  specimens  of  fiih  of  all  sizes  are  secured  for  the  lari^e 
tanks  on  the  pier,  where  living-  specimens  may  at  all  limes  be  seen. 

In  one  large  pavilion,  80  bv  200  feet,  hops,  cakewalks.  baliy  shows  and  en- 
tertainments are  given,  and  in  another  still  larger  auditorium  meetings  ami  con- 
ventions are  provided  for. 



As  a  resting  place,  where  the  ocean  and  batliing  grounds  may  be  viewed, 
the  pier  has  become  indispensable.  Otherwise  the  congestion  of  travel  on  the 
Boardwalk  might  become  decidedly  unpleasant,  where  now  the  surroundings  are 
of  the  most  novel  and  enjoyable  character. 

^bc  Qli)  llron  pier. 

In  1 88/  a  company  was  organized  in  this  city  to  build  an  iron  pier  as  a  popu- 
lar beach-front  attraction  at  the  ocean  end  of  Massachusetts  avenue.  Iron  bridge- 
work  was  used  and  a  fine  structure  built,  feet  into  the  surf,  at  a  cost  of 
$60,000.  It  was  kept  open  several  years,  but  was  not  a  success  financially  and 
was  sold  at  a  forced  sale,  becoming  finally  the  property  of  Messrs.  Young  & 
McShea.  who  purchased  a  square  of  land  at  the  entrance. 

A  storm-tossed  vessel  wrecked  a  portion  of  the  outer  pavilion  and  a  severe 
storm  a  few  }ears  later  carried  away  several  sections  of  the  pier  nearer  the  en- 
trance. Damages  were  repaired  and  the  old  iron  pier  is  still  rented  and  used 
for  business  iniri)oses. 


C;hc  H-lcw  steel  picv. 

In  l8i)8  tlK-  Atlantic  City  Stcrl  I'irr  (nniiiany  \\a-  nr,i;aiii/A.l  and  incor- 
pnratctl  an.l  the  hamlstnnc  strnctnri.'  hiiill  K130  Kct  into  tho  ocean,  at  the  I'not  -if 
\irginia  avenue.     The  capital  slock  of  the  company  is  $4O0,cx)o. 

At  the  entrance  from  the  Boardwalk  a  two-story  casino  and  mnsic  hall,  -la-s 
inclosed  and  steam  heated,  scats  1200  in-oplc  and  is  a  favorite  snnparlor  and  wait- 
ing place  for  social  gatherings  or  visiting  org.anization-. 

.\  large  dancing  pavilion  or  atulitnriiun  fnrther  along  acconnnod,-ites  3.500 
people  at  one  time,  and  a  still  larger  one  at  the  extreme  .niter  end  aecoinniodalo 

As  many  as  18.000  people  have  been  admitted  to  the  >teel  ])ier  on  a  single 
occasion  during  its  first  season.  It  is  a  substantial,  safe  and  select  resort  for 
visitors,  conducted  to  please  the  best  class  of  ])eople. 

A  dividend  of  seven  per  cent,  was  declared  on  the  stock  at  the  end  of  the  lirst 

George  W.  Jackson  was  one  of  the  leading  jiromoiors  and  Largest  -hare- 
holder.     The  structure  was  built  on  lands  that  were  his. 

The  officers  and  directors  of  the  cnnpany  are:  I'l-eMdent.  Wm.  Jay  Turner, 
929  Chestnut  street,  rhiladelphia;  Nice- 1 'resident,  bfank  |.  1 'alter-on:  Treas- 
urer. George  W.  Jackson:  Directors,  the  above  and  A.  (  ).  1  )avion.  Win.  T.  Tiers, 
L.  W.  Passmore,"D.  F.  Keenan.  Fred  llurk,  Charles  F.  (in.shol/,  Robi.  T.  Hast- 
ings, L.  E.  Filbert.  A.  S.  Elliott.  Morris  I'laclzer  and  f.  T-  Sullivan. 

®ur  public  Schools. 


1-1 F.  orowth 
many  j^ral 

and  d 


uent  cif 




ty    odd 



methods    ' 


now    c 



If  conditions 


years  a 


io  early  as  li! 

<36  on 

e  Rich: 

u-<l  Rid 

to  ins 

-truct  less  ih; 

an  a  i! 

liizcn  e 


listiiry  ui  Allanlie  C'it\.  Tlu-  >!>:  fiiu- 
fnur  thnnsand  pupils  and  np-ln-d;i!e 
nr    public    scIkihIs,    Marled    Irnni    very 

meager  were  tlie  means  and  nietlidds  (if  in-triicti(iii  in  the  rudiments  in  ihn^e  da\s 
l)y  private  tuition. 

Risley  was  succeeded  by  .me  M.irtimer  (  inndrich.  wii..  had  his  i)rivate  ^cli.iol 
in  the  Ryan  Adams  house,  which  sto.ul  exactly  at  the  intersectinu  ><i  Arctic  and 
Delaware  avenues.  Tradition  says  that  John  Weaver  ftillnwed  (ici.xlrich,  and 
there  were  probably  others  during-  the  long  winters  that  intervened  liefure  the 
incorporation  of  the  city  and  the  advent  of  the  railroad  in  1854. 

Anna  ^laria  Gaskill  taught  a  private  school  in  the  dining  room  of  the  thalk- 
ley  Leeds  residence,  in  1856,  and  later  in  the  same  year  F.ilward  S.  Reed,  assisted 
by  his  wife,  opened  a  school  near  I'.altic  and  Rhode  Island  avenues,  in  a  house 
which  still  stands  next  to  the  I-'irst  .M.  E.  Church  on  Atlantic  avenue. 

.V  Miss  Thomas  succeedcil  Air.  Reed,  having  her  school  in  a  basement  rooui 
of  the  -M.  E.  Church,  which  had  just  been  erected.  There  were  then  some  thirty 
or  forty  school  children  on  the  i-land. 

The  late  Arthur  We.-tcott.  who  f,  ,r  many  years  was  City  .\s>essor.  tanglit  a 
private  school  in  a  small  building  erected  for  that  purpose  by  Richard  1  lackelt 
on  South  Carolina  avenue  above  Arctic. 

A  ^liss  Slade  had  a  school  in  Mt.  \ernon  Cottage,  ne.vt  to  .st.  Xicholas 
R.  C.  Church,  on  Atlantic  avenue,  and  a  .Miss  I'rice  ha.l  a  scho,,l  for  a  time  in 
the  Chester  County  House  at  Xew  ^'ork  ami  I'acihc  avenue-. 

The  lirst  public  school  was  opened  about  1858,  in  the  old  (  Iceaii  House,  at 
Maryland  and  Arctic  avenues,  where  l'eyer"s  Hotel  now  stands.  It  was  first 
taught  by  Mr.  Chas.  G.  \'arney.  The  I'ollowing  year  the  .School  Trustees  were 
able  to  provide  the  first  public  school  house,  a  small  iVame  building,  on  an  ample 
lot  at  Arctic  and  T'ennsxlvania  avenues.  Mr.  Aarney  was  succeeded  by  .Alex- 
ander L.  Bellis.  a  graduate  of  the  State  Normal  School,  whose  system  of  disci- 
I)!ine  proved  an  innovation.  During  liis  two  years"  stay  I'.eilis  was  assisted  by 
his  sister.  Miss  Sarah,  [Nliss  Fannie  Smith,  Miss  Deborah  Cordery  and  Miss  Lena 




.Schoolboys   tO!;cthe.-  in  tlir  ■  il. 
Bartlett,  John  Wilson,  juhvanl  an.l  Joseph   W 
Harry  S.  Scnll.  William  and    1',.    I-."  Snu.U-r. 
Evanl,  Charles  LcaL-.  Will  Smith,  ami  other. 

.\bout  1S63.  the  link-  three-room  >ehool 
trustees  awarded  a  contract  to  Kichanl  Soud 
room  structure,  as  a  more  imposing  front  to 
difliculty  in  providing  funds,  and  the  contra 
Robert  T.  Evard,  at  pecuniary  sacrifice  tn  him. 
n-.uch-needed  school  facilities.  I'or  many  \  e: 
school  trustee.  His  sturdy  sense,  ru-^ed  Imi 
select  good  teachers  and  tell  \v 

liouse.  in  |S5<;  and  ho.  were  ICzr.'i 
dlow,  Henry  and  .Andrew  lligbce. 
Tom   .\dams.   h'.noch  Turner,  .^am 

louse  became  .so  crowded  that  the 
.-rs  for  builtling  a  tW(j-slory,  four- 
the  original  building.  There  was 
■tor  was  unalile  to  proceed.  .Mr. 
ell.  CMmplete.l  the  i.  .1,  and  pn  ,vided 
r>  afterwanl    Mr.    KvanI   >erved   a^ 

came  with  him  and  for  seven  years  wa: 

dreds  of  our  best  known  citizens  have  pleasant 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  [Morse. 

Other  assistant  teachers  under  .Mr.  Morse 
Hayes,  Caroline  Bigelow,  of  Livermore.  .Main 
boken;   Miss  Ina   Ross,  of   Burlington:   .Miss 

In  the  fall  of  1872  Mr.  }*Iorse  resigned  ar 
elected,  who  two  years  later  was  succeeded  b\- 
Dickerson,  who  remained  one  }ear  onl\-. 

In  September,  1877.  the  schools  opened  w 
man.  as  principal.  He  had  taught  several  year: 
at  Weymouth,  in  .\tlantic  County.  The  trust' 
Barstow,  Robert  T.  Evard  and  .\ndrew  W. 
years,  resigning  in  1879.  having  embarked  in  ji 
during  the  two  years  of  his  administration  were 

were  .\li-.>es  I'-Uintt.  .Mary  .\ellie 
,:  .\li<s  I'  .Mien,  of  llo- 
Anna    Weatheiby.    .Mis>    Samaria 

d  .Mr.  Charles  i\.  Kingman  wa- 
|  li.   r.atten.  and  he  bv  .\.   R 

ith  John  E.  Hall,  another  .Maine 
.  in  his  native  State  and  one  year 
.'es  at  that  time  were  Joseph  A. 
romiikins.  Hall  continued  two 
urnalisni.  The  assistant  teachers 
.Mis-es  .\dah  M.  Seelv,  Eliza  U. 


rri'.Lic  SCHOOLS.  aov 

Xorth,  .Mar\  Lara,  llck-n  L'.\ .  Sarah  lla-aii,  Ma.l.Kn.  W-llic  •nmnip 
son.  Carrie  I'..  Adain.^.  Annie  .\l.  A.lanis,  an,l  Mrs.  jnln.snn. 

Osmond  C.  Evans,  from  Maine,  .-ncceeded  Hall,  and  taught  Iwu  years,  lie 
was  succeeded  in  the  fall  of  iS8i  as  iirincijial  by  Clarence  ]•".  Morse,  also  from 
Elaine,  who  had  been  in  charge  of  the  school  at  Mays  Landing  several  \ears,  and 
was  assistant  jirincipal  in  the  Indiana  A\enue  ScIimu]  in  the  ])reviims  ye;u-. 

About  ilii>  time  a  separate  .-chonl  fcir  colored  children  wa.-  opened  in  rooms 
now  occupied  l)y  the  L".  S.  l-'ire  C'ompany.  It  continued  successfully  se\eral 
years,  till  political  influences  prevaileil  against  separate  colored  schools. 

Prof.  AX'illiam  .\.  1  )eremer  took  charge  of  the  schools  of  this  city  in  the  fall  ..f 
1801.  and  ciintinued  in  ( .tiice  as  ."Supervising  Principal  muil  (  Iclnber.    iSo.^  when 

from  Cumberland,  Md.,  and  had  taught  very  successfully  at  \  ineland,  .\.  J., 
several  years.  He  was  an  indefatigable  worker,  with  tact  and  originality  that 
made  him  popular  with  his  associates.  He  introduced  manual  training  and  a 
system  of  moral  training  which  comes  from  having  teachers  and  pu|iil-  investi- 
gate and  relieve  cases  of  want  and  sufifering  among  the  worthy  poor  ni  the  city. 

During  his  term  of  office  four  schoolrooms  were  added  to  each  of  the  follow- 
ing buildings,  viz.:  Xew  Jersey  avenue,  Indiana  avenue  and  Texas  avenue.  The 
teaching  force  was  increased  from  thirty-five  to  forty-seven  teachers.  .Manual 
training  was  added  to  the  course  and  L.  1".  Ackerman,  a  graihiate  of  tlu'  I'ratt 
Institute,  Brooklyn,  was  elected  to  be  in  charge  of  this  department  in  the  spring 
of  1893. 

In  October.  tSqt,.  Chas.  L'..  I'.oyer.  then  principal  of  the  High  ."Schniil.  was 
elected  to  fill  the  vacancy  by  the  death  of  Prof.  Deremer.  Henry  P.  .Miller,  a 
native  of  Sharpsbnrg.  Maryland,  was  at  the  same  time  elected  to  the  princiiialshi]) 
of  the  High  School. 

Since  1893  the  teaching  force  has  been  increased  from  forty-seven  to  sixty- 
seven  regular  grade  teachers  and  live  special  teachers.  The  total  enrollment 
June  30,  1894,  was  2,311,  while  that  of  June  30,  1898.  was  3,391,  an  increase  of 
1,080  schoolable  children  in  four  years'  time. 

The  following  table  concisely  gives  the  dates  of  the  construction,  the  capacity 
and  present  value  of  the  several  school  pmperties  in  Atlantic  C'ity: 

Schools  Koom: 

High  School 10 

Pennsylvania  Avenue ifi 

Indiana  Avenue 12 

Xew  Jersey  Avenue   12 

Texas  Avenue   '  - 

Chelsea    '' 

Total    68 















I'  SCHOOLS.  -y.'^ 

In  the-  fall  I  if  1 8^8.  the  niamial  training;  cnursc  was  exti-mlcd,  in  urdcr  tliai  all 
pupils  of  the  grammar  grades  should  receive  the  benefits  from  such  a  course  of 
training.  At  the  present  time  there  are  five  manual  training  rooms  located  as 
follows:  One  at  Xew  Jersey  avenue,  one  at  Pennsylvania  avenue,  one  at  Chelsea, 
and  two  at  the  High  School  Building. 

A  regular  commercial  course  was  introduced  in  the  fall  of  iHcjS,  and  F.  J. 
Klock.  a  graduate  of  the  Rochester  business  University,  Rochester,  X.  V.,  was 
elected  to  take  charge  of  this  department. 

\'ocal  music,  as  a  regular  class  study,  was  introduced  into  tiie  schools  in 
January,  1891.  The  department  was  placed  in  charge  of  Miss  Josephine  Fletcher, 
who  continued  as  supervisor  of  the  same  initil  the  sjiring  of  1803  She  was  suc- 
ceeded as  supervisor  by  Miss  Rispah  I'Mtler.  wlm  tiMik  chargi'  nf  the  de|i;irlnu-ni 
in  the  fall  of  1893,  and  she  was  siiccecled  by  Mrs.  Helen  C.  flnier  in  the  fall  nf 
1899.    The  results  obtained  thus  far  have  been  ver\-  gratifying. 

All  expenditures  are  wisely  made,  and  of  the  $80,560.^8  ai>i)rui)riated  by 
City  Council  for  educational  purposes  during  the  past  year,  $67,267.12  was  spent 
in  behalf  of  the  schools  of  this  city.  The  best  interests  of  the  schools  have  at  all 
times  been  considered  and  the  Board  has  acted  wisely  and  judiciously  with  all 
questions  pertaining  to  the  welfare  of  the  boys  and  girls.  The  work  in  all  depart- 
ments is  in  the  hands  of  faithful  teachers. 

While  .\tlantic  City  may  boast  of  her  magnificent  Boardwalk,  her  modern 
hotels,  salubrious  climate  and  world  renowned  popularity,  she  may  also  feel  [)roud 
of  her  public  school  system  and  the  influences  emanating  from  the  same. 

High  School  graduates  who  have  entered  higher  institutions  of  learning  have 
been  successful  in  their  various  lines  of  work.  The  future  of  the  schools  of  this 
city  is  bright. 

The  demands  fur  the  support  of  the  schools  have  always  been  met  with  a 
willing  response  from  the  generous  public. 

At  a  public  scliool  meeting  held  early  in  I'ebruary  of  the  pre-ent  year,  the 
Board  of  Education  was  authorized  to  purchase  the  site  of  Hotel  \\  averly.  ai  the 
corner  of  Pacific  and  Ohio  avenues,  lot  150x150.  for  $50,000,  and  build  ujion  it  a 
fine  high  school  building  costing  SScooo  more:  also  to  purchase  a  lot  at  Lincoln 
and  Ohio  avenues  and  provide  for  the  lower  grades  at  a  cost  of  $35,000  additional. 
The  present  organization  of  the  public  schools  consists  of  the  foll.iwmg  I'.oard 
of  Education: 

Aaron  Hinkle,  First  Ward:  S.  R.  M.)rse,  Paul  Wootton.  .Second  War.l: 
Carlton  Godfrey.  William  A.  P.ell.  Third  Ward:  C.  J.  Adani^.  .S.nnuel  11.  Kelley. 
Fourth  Ward.  President.  C.  J.  Adams:  \'ice-l'resident.  Carhon  ( ,o,lirey:  District 
Clerk.  Aaron  Hinkle:  City  Superintendent.  Dr.  W.  M.  Pullar.l:  Supervising  Prin- 
cipal. Chas.  P..  P.oyer. 

Special  Teachers.— L.   E.   Ackerman.   Manual  Training:   Wilhelmine   Ochs. 



T  of  Ih-d 



.■mail  T 


.  SniK 

G.  L"lnK-r 

.  Superv  ,, 

1  Mils 

w:  Ann 

a  S.  \U 



1    Sell..,,] 

.  mil 

Mis    a 

n,l    Arc 

tic    Av 



tics    aiul 




ine    Sli 



nicini  .\u.  ^y.  n 

■ni   Xm 

.  56.  o-eograph; 


arithmetic  and 

■.    Miller,    i 


Inrencc    A. 


-v:  l-nnKli: 

I   \rn..l,l. 


.  .-pcliinij; 


c  I'arkcr. 

li    I 

'arric    I-".. 

j.   I'ndcrw. 

mmI.    tifih 

fourth  -rad< 


iric  Jnhn-.., 

1.  sccnnd 


liracc  1). 

).  Rccina.  t"n- 

si  i^railc: 

Latin  and  Algebra:  Alice  1'. 
Arithmetic  and  Algebra:  1' 

Eighth  Grade.— Ella  K 
and  music;  ]May  K.  Biggin 
Ethel  .M.  Davie,  room  Xo.  ■ 

New  Jersey  Avenue  School.— Mary  .\1.  .\lnrra\ 
Adams,  tilth  grade:  Lida  E.  Tyler,  seventh  grade:  1- 
grade;  Emma  J.  Chamberlain,  fourth  grade:  ^ledora  R 
M.  Davis,  third  grade:  Anne  M.  .\danis,  third  grade: 
grade;  Bertha  M.  Davis,  second  grade:  Ernestine  Str: 
Morton,  first  grade;  Elizabeth  C.  Mster,  third  grade:  1- 
E.  Xaomi  Murdock,  second  grade.    Constant  Conover,  Janitor. 

Pennsylvania  Avenue  School. — Carrie  W'isner,  seventh  grade:  .\nnie  C'on- 
over,  si.xth  grade;  Lottie  Hutchinson,  fifth  grade;  Ezanna  Comiver.  imnth  gr.ade; 
Stella  -AL  Cromwell,  fifth  grade:  .Maud  .M.  P.reneman.  sixth  grade:  (  icMrgi.-i  .Mor- 
ris, seventh  grade;  J-  ^lay  I'.renenian.  first  grade:  l-'lora  C.  .\sldiack.  lirsl  -rade; 
Elizabeth  C.  Allen,  second  grade:  M  Pauline  Reed,  second  grade:  Eli/.abeth 
Albertson,  third  and  fourth  grades:  C.  Alberta  L'nderwood,  third  grade:  Mary 
Walker,  third  and  fourth  grades:  Lillian  \'.  Thompson,  first  and  second  grades. 
Jacob  Staton.  Janitor. 

Indiana  Avenue  School.— .\ddie  Wescott.  seventh  grade:  Sallie  K..thernu-1. 
sixth  grade;  Florence  Hayday.  third  grade;  Hannah  D.  Pierce,  fourth  and  fifth 
grades;  Agnes  Schwalm.  fifth  grade:  Lizzie  English,  third  and  fourth  grades; 
Louise  Pinchon,  second  grade:  INIinnie  E.  Morse,  first  grade:  Emily  .\.  .Mitchell, 
first  grade;  Edith  ^L  Boothliy.  fourth  grade:  M.  Kate  Jay.  first  grade:  .\l;irie 
Ostrander.  second  grade.     ( ieorge  Thomas.  Janitur. 

Lndiana  Avenue  Branch. — Hattie  E.  Merritte,  first  grade:  Lulu  Pierce.  >eciinil 
and  third  grades:  Frances  G.  .\nderson,  second  grade. 

Texas  Avenue  School. — Clara  B.  Lockwood.  sixth  grade:  Harriet  .\1.  I'.resee. 
third  grade:  AL  Bunlella  Lindsay,  third  grade:  P.essie  W  V.iuiig.  fnurili  gnide; 
Lidie  Gilch.  fifth  grade:  .Sylvia  Adams,  thinl  grade:  l-.lii-alK-ih  Kaiidlc  >ec..nd 
grade;  Elizabeth  Prowell.  first  grade:  Laura  Wick,  first  grade:  Xan  1..  Mildreu, 
first  grade;  \'ioIa  E.  Batten,  second  gr.-nle:  I-Jiuiia  Allen.  >ecnnd  grade.  IPiw.ard 
Collins,  Janitor. 

Chelsea  Building.— Robena  Gk.ver.  >eventh  gr.ade:  Clara  llinkle.  fnurlh 
grade;  Ella  J.  Hamilt.m.  fifth  grade:  .Mice  Plarford.  .-ixtli  grade:  l-'rances  J. 
Stauffer.  secon-l  and  thir.l  grades:  .Mabel  1  Iin>hehvo,.d.  first  grade,  .\nios  Tih...n, 



Sonic  of  the  Xcabino  Churches. 

jfirst  fID.  le.  (Tburcb. 

^bL  HE    First    .Methodist    Episcopal    riiurch    in    this    city,    (ui    A 

Jfl  Connecticut  avenue,  was  built  in  1S57.     'flic  ci  inuisinnr  \\a 

V^      of  that  year.     The  lot,  60  x  150,  was  oivrii  tn  the  church  !>■ 

Leeds,  who  then  owned  many  acres  in  that  |iart  ni  the  i>hii 

The  first  reHgious  services  were  held  in  a  hmise  then  standin; 
field."  Local  cxhorters  conducted  services  at  first,  till  ;ui  ur^a 
effected.  Rev.  Edward  H.  Durreil  is  said  to  have  preached  the 

A  Sunday-school  was  organized  in  Cottage  Retreat  liefore  roon 
church  building  were  ready  for  use.  During  its  construction  Will 
was  killed  by  the  falling  of  the  tower  from  the  roof,  one  of  the  L;iril 

Since  first  occupied  the  church  has  twice  been  enlarged  and  ini] 
free  from  debt  and  valued  at  $12,500.  There  is  a  comfortable  pars' 
30  North  Delaware  avenue,  valued  at  $4,500. 

The  membership  of  the  church  now  numbers  nearly  three  huni 
and  the  Sunday-school  nearly  four  Innidred.  The  annual  receipts  ; 
exceed  $3,000. 

The  twenty  ministers  who  have  ofticiated  at  this  church  since 
preached  his  first  sermon  are  the  following: 

liil  in  July 
h.alkley  S. 

11   the   -old 

■St    re-ular 

in  the  new 
1  I'onover 
ive.l.  It  is 
ige  at   Xo. 

d  jiersons. 
1  expenses 

1.  \V.  B.  CULLIS. 

2.  J.  T.  TUCKER, 

3.  R.   J.   .ANDREWS, 


5.  W.  S.  B.\RN.\RT. 

6.  R.  M.  STR.\TTON, 

7.  A.  M.  XORTH, 

8.  .A.  J.  GREGORY. 

9.  J.  F.  HEILENI\L\N. 
10.  J.  T.  HUTCHINSOX, 

The  present  official  board 
JOHN  J.  ^L\SOX, 
F.  H.  BOWEN. 

11.  lAMES  .\hDU(;ALL, 

12.  W.  S.  ZANE. 

n.  W.  T.  ABBOTT. 

14    J.  L.  ROE. 


16.  I.   H.   BOSWELL. 

17.  j.  B.  DILKS, 
iS.   J.  H.  PAYRAN. 



the  following  persons: 
MRS.   E.  .S.   REED. 

i:lli()T  repp. 

WAI.  G.  LORE. 
MRS.  W.  G.  LORE. 
S.  P.  DUBOIS. 

A.  W.   BAILY,  M.D. 

site  of  tl 

lie  First   V 

resliyterian  L'lui 

small  pa 

rt  of  a  tra 

ct  that  ciist  the 


■  to  grade 

the  ]iropert\-,  hr 

tiee  was  laid 

August  2  1 

•   i''^:  Chanil 

lers,  D.D.. 


•ev.   William 

11.   Creen 

,  LI 

Jfiutit  iprc£?bvtci*ian  (Il?iu-cl?. 

The  first  Presbyterian  services  ever  held  in  ilii>  eii\  were  d inducted  in  the 
house  of  the  first  -Mayor,  Chalkley  S.  Leeds,  un  January  _'i,  1S53.  Missiunarie- 
of  the  Presbytery  conducted  services  for  some  xears  in  private  houses  durinj; 
the  winter  months  and  in  hotel  parlors  during  the  summer.  So  early  as  1855  the 
Camden  and  Atlantic  Land  Compan\-  very  oenerousl\-  save  to  trustees  the  i)resent 
rch.      It   was   swampy   gnumd   al    that   lime,  a 

t  >aiul  hills  were  not  far  away.  .\l  that  lime 
there  was  no  building-  of  anv  kind  nn  1 'enns\  hania  avenue,  except  the  Man^inu 

The  corner  stone  (if  the  h 
sion  addresses  were  made  by 

and  Samuel  Beach  Jones,  D.D.     Kev.  William   11.  Creen,  LL.I).,  mI    I 'r 
Seminary,  also  was  present. 

The  first  public  services  were  hehl  in  the  Imilding  July  Jd.  1S57,  with  nnly 
temporary  seats  and  unplastered  walls.  In  the  same  nmnth  nf  July.  1S57,  the 
corner  stone  of  the  First  Al.  F.  Church  was  laid. 

In  1838  the  Presbyterian  property  was  seized  by  the  sheriff  for  outstanding- 
debt  and  was  extricated  with  considerable  difficulty.  Stock  was  issued  in  S50 
shares,  bearing  six  per  cent,  interest,  to  run  five  years.  All  were  finally  redeemed. 
For  years  the  church  was  only  occupied  in  sunniier,  anil  |)reachers  were  >ecnred 
by  giving  them  free  entertainment  at  the  United  States  Ibitel  fnr  their  ser\ices. 
The  building  was  too  large  and  coUl  for  winter  use. 

The  church  was  dedicated  June  _',v  1851;,  when  Dr.  C'harles  Wad-worth 
preached  from  Luke  7:3. 

On  December  29,  1870,  a  regular  church  organizatinn  was  effected  liy  the 
following  seven  charter  members:  Air.  and  Airs.  Lemuel  Flilridge,  Ileiu'y.  son 
of  Rev.  W.  ^^'.  -McXair,  Airs.  Henry  AlcXair.  Aliss  Alary  .Scull,  Airs.  Rachel'  Scull 
Turner  and  Airs.  Rebecca  R.  Townsend.  Airs.  Turner  is  the  only  luu-  ni  them 
living  to-da}-. 

Rev.  Ailen  H.  Brown,  Rev.  Dr.  A'.  D.  Reed  and  Rev.  S.  W.  I'ratt  were  the 
committee  of  the  I'resbytery  on  organization.  Zealous  missinnaries  in  the  earlv 
days  of  the  church  were  Rev.  Allen  H.  Ib-ciw-n  and  Rev.  F.  R.  Brace,  wlm  are 
still  among  the  living. 

For  years  the  church  was  dormant,  till  with  increasing  i)o|)ulati' ni  it  l)ecame 

Rev.  AA'.  AA'.  Ak-Xair  was  the  first  stated  supply.  He  continued  about  tw'.> 
years  after  the  organization,  when  various  ministers  filled  the  puljiit  irregularly. 

Rev.  A.  G.  Baker  officiated  about  two  years,  till  1878,  when  Rev.  II.  Alartin 
Kellogg  became  the  stated  supply  till  February.  1880. 

The  building  was  enlarged  to  its  present  size,  in  1876,  at  a  cost  of  $.^,300. 
The  chapel  was  erected  in  1878  at  a  cost  of  $2,400,  and  was  dedicated  January  14, 

yjc'j^    : 



FIRST    I'.APTIST    CHUKCIl.  277 

187.;.  It  has  since  bwn  twice  cnlar-cl  aiul  is  an  auxiliarv  ni  tlu- 

In  March,  1880.  Rev.  Edward  liryan.  a  classmate  of  .Mr.  Kellogg,  came  and 
officiated  acceptably  till  October,  1882.  \arious  supplie.';  and  candidates  lilled  the 
pulpit  till  the  fall  of  1883.  when  Rev.  Dr.  William  .\ikman  was  installed  as  the 
first  regular  pastor.  He  officiated  ten  years,  till  .\pril  17.  18(14.  (  )n  \'n\eniber 
21,  1894.  Rev.  F.  J.  Mundy,  D.D..  was  elected  pastor  .-ind  -erved  till  March 
31,  1896.  He  was  never  installed  as  pastnr,  but  withdrew  with  seveiity-fnnr  mem- 
bers April  2"/.  1896.  and  organized  the  (  tjiwt  I're.-liyterian  t'lnirch  nf  .\tlamic 

January  20.  181)7,  Rev.  1-Vederick  Junte  .Stanley,  D.D..  was  elected  jiastor. 
He  began  his  labors  I'ebruary  i,  181)7.  and  was  installed  jiastor  by  the  Presbytery 
April  26,  1897,  becoming  the  second  regular  pastor  in  the  tweiUy-niiu'  ye.ars" 
history  of  the  church. 

The  church  property  is  clear  of  debt  and  is  valued  at  S.V'.cxio.  It  ha-  an 
active  membership  of  253  persons.  The  schdlars.  teachers  and  officers  of  the 
Sunday-school  number  314. 

The  annual  receipts  and  disbursements  by  the  last  rejjnrt  amnunted  to 
$7,685.93,  an  increase  of  $1,606.66  over  the  ])revious  year. 

In  November,  i8g8,  this  church  started  two  mission  chapels  uiuK'r  tin-  per- 
sonal direction  of  Rev.  H.  R.  Rundall.  one  in  Chelsea  and  one  in  the  nnrthern 
section  of  the  citv. 

Jflrst  Baptist  (Iburcb. 

The  history  of  the  First  Baptist  Church  is  a  story  of  consecrated  effort  and 
abundant  success.  In  February,  1880,  a  few  earnest  Baptists  met  one  evening  in 
the  home  of  ]\Irs.  Jane  B.  Shane,  225  Atlantic  avenue,  and  after  a  good  deal  of 
discussion  concluded  that  they  would  at  least  make  an  efifort  to  organize  a  Sunday- 
school,  and  hold  regular  services  on  Sundays  and  a  prayer  meeting  during  the 
week.  The  thought  of  organizing  as  a  church  had  not  at  that  time  been  ex- 

The  Sunday-school  was  organized  in  the  Pennsylvania  .\venue  School  House, 
where  it  met  for  a  few  months.  The  school  building  not  answering  for  ])reaching 
purposes,  the  hall  at  the  corner  of  Atlantic  and  Chalfonte  avenues,  known  then 
as  Mehler's  Hall,  was  rented.  Here,  for  a  few  weeks,  gathered  the  faithfid  found- 
ers of  the  church.  They  were  not  alone  in  their  meetings,  for  ni.iny  \isitors  to  our 
city  found  them  out  and  met  with  them. 

Thus  encouraged,  the  subject  of  organizing  a  church  was  talked  of.  Some 
of  the  Philadelphia  visitors  advised  it,  and  a  meeting  was  called  for  the  29th  day 
of  June,  1880.  At  this  meeting  were  jiresent  the  following  clergymen:  I\e\-. 
R.  F.  Young,  of  Haddonfield,  who  was  really  the  of  the  church:   1..   i '. 

£/i/CL/SH   LUTHERA/^  CHUPC/^  CfRMflN  PReiiByTefiM/v  cHu/^c^ 


1-1 KST    I-.AI'TIST    CHL-RCll.  279 

Hornbcriicr.  (  .coi-.^l-  (.ohikt,  C_\  C.  l-n..u-,  W.  I'..  Tnlan.  aii.l  1.  (  ,.  W  alkrr.  ..I 
rhiladelphia:  T.  L.  llaiky.  ..1  I'misiowu.  I'a..  an<l  A.  11.  l.un-.  .",f  Cain.K-ii.  Rev. 
Mr.  Young  presided,  and   Rev.   .\lr.  Walker  acted  as  elerk. 

At  this  meeting  the  eluneh  was  organized  with  the  t'lillnwing  members:  J. 
II.  Leedom,  Mrs.  Harriet  Leed..m.  F.dward  Ross.  .Mr-,  lunma  Ross.  Mr.s.  Maggie 
A.  Peterson.  Miss  Mary  A.  McClees.  Mrs.  .\deline  .^.  .Mrs.  Maggie  Shinnen. 
Dr.  A.  W.  r.aily,  Mrs.  Jane  Black  ( Shane i,  .Mrs.  .Max  .\.  I'.nrhek.  Mrs.  Laura  A. 
Bewley,  Jacob  L.  Peterson.  Rev.  T.  L.  I'.aily.  .Mrs.  Carnline  .\.  liaily.  Miss  Susan 
L.  Baily,  Mary  A.-Simes.  Mrs.  Esther  .\.  Moore  ami  .Mrs.  .Margaretha  Camerer. 

At  this  meeting  Jacob  H.  Leetlom  was  eleeti.d  l)eao(in  .-md  Treasurer.  ;ind 
Dr.  A.  W.  Baily.  Clerk.  During  the  summer  of  iSXo  the  church  worshipped  in 
the  Presbyterian  Chapel,  returning  to  the  hall  in  tlu-  fall.  Tliey  were  without  a 
])astor.  depending  upon  supplies  from  Sabbath  to  .Sabbath,  and  also  without  a 
church  home,  but  an  active  building  committee  at  work. 

In  the  summer  of  i88i  the  Presbyterian  Chajiel  was  again  secured.  During 
the  summer  of  i88i  Mrs.  Isaac  Ford  presented  to  the  church  the  lot  on  which 
the  building  now  stands,  and  on  the  8th  of  September  groiuid  was  broken  lor  the 
foundation.  On  the  2gth  of  the  same  month  the  cornerstone  was  laid,  and  during 
the  fall  the  work  of  erection  was  pushed  along  slowl\ ,  for  the  church  weiu  upon 
the  plan  of  "paying  as  they  went."  One  of  the  noted  events  in  this  historv 
occurred  October  31st  of  this  same  year.  That  day  Rev.  Sidney  Dyer,  of  Wood- 
bury, was  elected  the  first  pastor,  and  from  that  date  to  January  i.  1S85.  he  served 
most  faithfully.  Under  him  the  building  was  completed  and  paid  for.  In  the 
June  following  his  election  the  building  had  been  ])ushed  forward  to  the  jjoiut 
when  it  could  be  occupied.  It  was  little  more  than  a  liarn.  though,  for  there  was 
no  plaster  on  the  walls  and  nothing  Ijut  muslin  in  the  windows.  But  if  ever  there 
was  a  happy  congregation  it  was  the  one  that  worshi])ped  for  the  first  time  in  tliat 
incompleted  building. 

Dr.  Dyer  was  compelled  to  resign  on  account  of  ill  health.  Cnder  his  jkis- 
torate  the  membership  increased  to  fifty-five. 

After  three  months  the  church  called  Rev.  William  E.  I'.oyle  to  the  iiastorate. 
March  4.  1885.  He  remained  pastor  until  the  close  of  iSijo.  I'nder  his  care  the 
membership  was  increased,  but  no  s])ecial  work  was  accomi)li.-hed.  exce])t  or- 
ganizing the  Young  People's  Society  of  Christian  Ivndeavor.  the  first  society 
formed  in  the  city. 

Rev.  T.  J.  Cross  began  supplying  the  church  in  iScji.  lie  was  then  a  student. 
In  June  of  that  year  he  became  regular  su])i>ly  for  four  months,  at  the  exi)iration 
of  which  time  he  was  elected  pastor.  L'nder  his  care  the  church  has  had  its 
most  successful  period.  The  congregations  grew  till  the  building  became  too 
small  and  it  was  enlarged.  There  is  no  debt  upon  the  church,  and  at  the  present 
time  it  is  united  and  harmonious,  and  has  alwavs  been  so. 

Bethany  Baptist  Chapel,  a  flourishing  mission,  at  present  li>caled  on  .\tlantic 
near  Florida  avenue,  is  the  health v  child  of  this  church. 

M.  L.  MUNSON,  M.D. 

lepiscopal  (Iburcb  of  tbc  ascension. 

A  movi.'nK'nt  to  establish  all  llic  year  nmiul  rclis;i(>ii.-  miiii.-tvatioiis  j^aiiud 
headway  among;  tlie  Mpiscopalians  of  Atlantic  City  during  the  later  Seventies  an<l 
resulted  in  the  purchase  of  a  lot  at  2015  Pacific  avenue.  The  late  Mrs.  [■".  <"i. 
Taylor  was  chiefly  instrumental  in  the  erection  of  a  frame  chaiHJ.  whicli  was 
formally  opened  by  Bishop  Scarboroui;h.  Aumist  10.  1S711.  Rev.  1.  Rice  Taylor. 
the  first  rector,  began  regular  services  in  June.  iXSo.  whieli  have  been  maintained 
without  intermission  ever  since.  L'ncler  liis  direction,  the  parish  was  diil\  incor- 
porated January  3.  1881,  entering-  legally  and  canoiiicall\-  into  poss^■ssion  of  the 
church  property. 

Rev.  Wm.  H.  .\very  succeeded  to  the  Rectorship  in  I'chrnary.  iSSj.  and 
continued  in  charge  for  some  years. 

In  1886,  the  vestry,  seeking  a  more  central  and  convenient  location,  bought 
ground  at  Pacific  and  Kentucky  avenues,  and  with  the  advice  and  consent  of  the 
canonical  authorities  removed  the  frame  chapel  thither,  adding  an  annex  for 
Sunday-school  purposes. 

Rev.  J.  H.  Townsend  became  rector  Decendx-r  i,  i8i)i,  and  laid  the  corner 
stone  of  the  present  edifice  April  zj,  1893,  which  was  completed  by  the  liluT.d 
offerings  of  resident  and  transient  worshippers  and  opened  for  use  May  13,  i8<)4. 

This  structure  was  designed  by  Mr.  Lindley  Johnson,  is  in  the  Spanish 
Renaissance  style,  and  is  a  good  example  of  a  commodious,  yet  inexpensive 
hard  material  building,  well  adapted  to  the  varying  needs  of  this  population  and 

St.  ipanl's  flD.  E.  (Xburcb. 

The  St.  Paul  M.  E.  Church  was  organized  from  the  small  lieginning  known 
as  the  Union  Sunday  School,  in  ( )ctober,  1879,  by  Rev.  E.  C.  Mill,  jjresiding  elder 
of  the  Bridgeton  district,  who  appointed  John  M.  Hartley  as  pastor. 

The  following  were  members  of  the  (|uarterly  conference:  I.  11.  Hartley, 
pastor;  Thomas  Sovereign,  superintendent;  I-'lwood  M.  Hadley.  local  pre.iclier; 
Solomon  Mason,  exhorter;  Obadiah  Reed.  James  Ireland.  John  I'.r. 'wn.  William 
Eldredge  and  John  A.  Jeffries. 

The  services  were  held  in  Union  Chapel,  corner  of  Baltic  and  .Micliigan 
avenues.  Mr.  Hartley  served  as  pastor  until  March.  1881,  when  Rev.  Z.  T.  I  )ngan 
was  appointed  by  the  Bishop  presiding  over  the  Xew  Jersey  Conference  of  that 
year.  The  L'nion  Chapel  soon  becan-.e  too  small  for  the  growing  congregation 
under  Mr.  Dugan's  pastorate,  and  it  was  decided  to  build  a  new  church.  .Accord- 
ingly, a  lot  was  purchased  at  and  .Arctic  a\ennes.  and  the  church  erected. 
The  basement  story  only  was  completed  under  the  jiastorate  of  Mr.  Dugan.  who 
served  the  church  faithfully  for  three  years. 

In  the  spring  of  1884.  Rev.  C.eorge  S.  Meseroll  was  ai)i)ointeil  pastor.     I  )nring 


ST.    I'AL'l.S    M,   l'„    ClirKiU,  2S3 

the  three  years  of  Mr.  MeserollV  past. Male  llie  au.lienee  n.,„n  was  eomplete.l  and 
the  iiienihership  increased  lars;ely. 

In  the  spring  of  1887  C  K.  l-"leniint;  was  ajipninleil  as  pa>lnr.  1  ie  >erved  the 
church  faithfully  ami  with  s;reat  success  for  tiu'ee  years,  when  Kev.  S.  S.  Weath- 

the  old  church  was  built.  To  .Mr.  Weatherhy  is  due  the  credit  ..f  sui^-otins.;  and 
frequently  urging'  a  new  cluu'ch  on   I'acitic  avenue. 

Rev.' J.  Ward  Gamble  followed  Mr.  Weatherhv  and  reuKiined  two  years  in 
the  pastorate.  He  did  much  to  create  a  sentiment  ami  zeal  in  favor  of  a  new 
church.  At  the  close  of  his  second  year  the  t.'uural  (■Jnu-cli  nf  this  eity  was 
organizeil.  when  aliont  twenty  of  the  .'■^l.   Taul  nieniher-  left  and  joined  that. 

In  the  spring  of  1895  i'^*^^'-  George  L.  l)t)l)bins  was  api)ointed.  .\fter  nearly 
four  years  of  united  and  hard  toil  of  pastor  and  congregation  they  were  able  to 
occupy  their  new  stone  edifice,  which  represents  an  investment  of  $45,ix)o. 

It  is  Gothic  architecture.  The  frontage  on  Pacific  avenue  is  sixty-tive  feet 
and  the  (  )hio  avenue  portion  one  hundred  and  twenty  feet.  'The  building  is  of 
Holmesburg  granite  with  trimmings  of  Indiana  stone.  The  main  entrances  are 
on  Pacific  avenue,  two  in  number,  and  both  are  reached  by  a  high  flight  of  stone 
steps,  over  which  a  hood  is  placed,  which  adds  to  the  appearance  of  the  structure. 
It  was  designed  In-  Architect  J.  Gather  Xewsome.  and  was  dedicated  Simday, 
November  20.  1898. 

The  Xew  Tersev  Gonference  held  its  annual  session  in  thi>  handsome  edifice 
in  March,  1899.  Rev.  J.  Morgan  Reed  succeede.l  .Mr.  l),.bl,ins  as  pastor  at  this 

6ennan  PresbvUerian  CburcD. 

The  German  Presbyterian  Ghurch,  at  Pacific  and  Ocean  avenues,  was  built 
in  1884.  The  congregation  then  numbering  forty  or  fifty,  had  been  organized 
two  years  before.  Rev.  Arnold  W.  l-"ismer,  now  pastor  of  the  lloi)kius  .Street 
Church,  in  Brooklyn,  X.  Y.,  was  the  first  pastor.  The  lot.  9o  by  ijo  feet,  was 
purchased  for  $4,000  and  the  church  built  for  $3,000  before  he  left,  in  November, 
1885.  The  corner  stone  was  laid  February  28,  1884.  After  him  came  Rev.  P.  H. 
Schnatz,  who  labored  acceptably  four  years,  till  i8<iO.  the  menibersliip  steadily 
increasing.  Rev.  H.  Hortsch  was  jjastor  for  a  short  time  after  Mr.  .^chnatz  was 
called  to  the  Martha  Memorial  Ghurch  of  Xew  ^'ork  (.'ity. 

On  the  fourth  Sunday  of  advent,  i8<;i.  Kev.  .\.  K.  Staiger  came  to  be  in 
charge  of  the  little  church,  where  he  was  installed  as  pastor  June,  1892.  and  has 
served  faithfully  up  to  the  present  writing.  During  the  pastorate  of  Mr.  Schnatz, 
a  portion  of  the  lot  was  sold  for  $500  and  the  mortgage  reduced  to  $1,500.  1  his 
has  been  paid  ofif  since  Mr.  Staiger  came,  the  church  enlarged,  a  i)arsonage  added 
at  a  cost  for  all  of  $6,000.  There  is  at  present  a  debt  of  $3,500  against  the  proi)erty 
which  is  worth  $15,000.  The  membership  of  the  church  has  grown  to  100  and 
the  Sunday  School  to  no  pupils  and  12  teachers.    There  is  a  very  active  Ladies' 


OLl\ET    PRI-:SBVTi:kl.\.\    CIIL'KCII  285 

Aid  Society,  uiulcr  the  leadership  of  Mrs.  Matihla  Stadler,  and  an  excellent  clmir 
•of  voung  voices,  under  the  direction  of  Robert  Kirscht. 

The  present  officers  are:  President  of  the  lioard  of  l-^lders,  l-'erd  StadUr; 
Secretary,  Emil  Werner:  August  Steuber,  Jacob  Soberer,  Charles  Speidel  an(J 
Henrv  Obergfell. 

Olivet  Prcsb\>tci*ian  Cbuvcb. 

On  April  27,  1896,  seventy-four  members  of  the  First  Presbyterian  Church 
-of  Atlantic  City  withdrew  from  that  church,  and  at  their  request  the  Presbytery 
of  West  Jersey  organized  the  Olivet  Presb\terian  Church,  of  Atlantic  City,  and 
installed  Rev.  F.  J.  Alundy,  D.D.,  pastor.  At  the  same  time  three  persons  united 
with  the  church  by  letter  from  other  churches.  .\t  that  time  they  had  neither  a 
Bible  or  a  Hymn-book,  nor  an  abiding  place.  Soon  thereafter  Odd  Fellows'  Hall 
was  engaged  in  which  to  hold  services,  and  the  lecture  room  of  the  German  Pres- 
byterian Church,  in  which  to  hold  prayer  meetings.  In  the  summer  of  1897 
services  were  held  in  the  Academy  of  Music  on  the  Boardwalk. 

On  November  6,  1896,  the  lot  at  the  southeast  corner  of  Pacific  and  Tennessee 
avenues  was  purchased  and  the  following  September  members  and  friends  assem- 
bled and  broke  ground  for  the  foundation  of  a  new  church  home.  Contributions 
and  assistance  were  liberally  made  for  the  handsome  stone  structure  which,  on 
Sunday  ]\Iarch  27,  and  April  3,  1898,  was  duly  dedicated. 

Following  are  the  names  of  the  charter  members  of  Olivet  Presbyterian 

JOS.  L.    SHAXEk. 

helen  c.  fairbairx. 
joseph  r.  woodruff, 
julia  c.  keffer. 
:mrs.  c.  b.  whitxev, 

C.  B.  whitxev. 

C.  R.  RAITH.  D.  D.  S.. 
MRS.   F.  J.   MUNDY. 
E.  A.  REILEY.  M.  D  . 


early  Cburcb  Ristory. 

In  1676  Will,  rcnn  and  lii>  a->Mciau-  I  l.r..u-lil  411(1  faniilirs  tn  >rtt1o 
in  West  Jersey.  Some  uf  l.icaied  .m  lan,l>  n,i\v  incliule.l  in  .\tlantic  County. 
As  early  as  1728  there  were  three  seleeted  places  for  hol.lin-  I'riemls'  nieelinL;'>; 
at  Leed's  Point,  at  Abseeon  and  at  Soniers'  Point. 

The  old  Richard  Somers"  mansion  at  the  latter  place  is  still  stan.liii- 
where  Friends'  meetings  were  held.  Persons  still  livini^-  can  rememher  the  old 
Friends'  Meeting  House  at  llakersville,  opposite  Central  .M.  I".,  church.  The 
house  recently  occupied  by  Absalom  Higbee  at  Leeds'  Point,  since  the  services 
were  discontinued  in  1843,  was  the  second  and  better  Friends'  Meeting  House 
that  succeeded  the  first  crude,  small  building  which  stood  for  many  years  adjacent 
to  the  present  Smithville  M.  E.  church. 

For  one  hundred  years  or  more  the  Quakers  predominated  in  this  sparsely 
settled  region.  Rev.  Allen  H.  Prowii.  who  for  more  than  forty  years  has  been  a 
missionary  of  Presbyterianism  in  ."^outh  Jersey  and  Atlantic  county  in  particular, 
has  collected  much  data  on  the  early  church  history.  Tn  the  Woodbury  Constitu- 
tion of  September  3,  1850,  he  publisheil  seveial  columns  of  earl\  church  history 
which  gives  an  excellent  idea  of  the  civil  and  religious  life  in  this  section  just 
previous  to  the  Revolution.  The  following  are  some  of  the  extracts  given  from  the 
journal  of  Mr.  Philip  \'.  I^'ithian,  who  was  licensed  to  preach  by  the  Presbytery  of 
Philadelphia,  Xovember  6,  1774,  and  who  visited  "Egg  Harbour"  (Atlantic 
county)  in  1775. 

"Friday,  February  3,  1775. — luirly  in  the  morning,  in  company  with  1  )r. 
Elmer  I  left  Cohansie  for  Egg  Harbour.  We  arrived  at  Mr.  Thomas  Stites'  at 
Great  Egg  Harbour,  about  4  P.  M.  Sermon  was  appointed  for  Siniday  at  .Mr. 
Champion's  (near  Tuckahoe),  a  half  brother  in  the  cause. — Sunday  5.  Many 
straggling,  impertinent,  vociferous  swamp  men  accompanied  me  this  morning: 
they  however,  used  me  with  great  civility.  At  12  began  service.  There  were 
present  between  forty  and  fifty  persons,  who  were  attentive  without  any  impro- 
priety of  behaviour  and  seemed  to  have  some  solemnity.  I  spoke  with  great  free- 
dom of  spirit,  yet  I  hope  with  a  real  reverence  of  the  universal  presence  and  awful 
majesty  of  the  great  God. 

Monday  6.  I  rode  to  the  I'orks  at  Little  Egg  Harbor  (Pleasant  Mills)  and 
put  up  according  to  direction  at  Elijah  Clark's,  Esq.  ^Ir.  Clark  is  a  man  of  fortune 
and  taste.  He  appears  also  to  be  a  man  of  integrity  and  piety,  an  Israelite  indeeil. 
And  O  Religion,  thou  hast  one  warm  and  unfeigned  advocate  in  good  and  useful 
Mrs.  Clark.  I  had  rather  have  her  spirit  with  the  condition  of  a  starving  beggar, 
than  destitute  of  it  to  have  the  wealth  of  worlds.  She  has  more  than  the  form, — she 
has  the  spirit  of  religion.  This  peaceful,  friendly,  heavenlike  spirit  is  breathing 
from  her  in  every  sentence. — Wednesda}-,  I'ebrnary  8.  According  to  appoiniineni 


RARLV    CHL'KCII    HISTORY.  '.'8!) 

I  preached  in  Mr.  Clark's  little  Ihl;-  nieetiii!^  house.  I'resent  alxmt  fnrt\.  1  imder- 
stand  the  people  in  this  wild  and  thinly  settled  eonntry,  are  e.\treinel\-  niee  and 
difficult  to  be  suited  in  preaching.  (  )ne  would  think  that  scareelv  anv  hnt  a 
clamorous  person  who  has  assurance  enough  to  make  a  runii)us  and  bluster  in  the 
pulpit  would  have  admirers  here.  It  is  however,  otherwise.  They  must  have  be- 
fore they  can  be  entertained  g'ooil  speaking,  good  sense,  sound  divinity  and  neat- 
ness and  cleanliness  in  the  person  and  dress  of  the  preacher.  This  I  found  from 
the  remarks  which  several  of  them  freely  made  upon  gentlemen  who  had  fornierlv 
preached  here. — Sunday,  u.  \\e  had  at  the  small  log  house  a  large  assembly. 
The  day  snow  y.  1  ])reached  but  once. — ^^londay,  13.  I  rode  by  appointment  up  to 
Brotherton  (near  .\tsion)  and  preached  to  Mr.  P>rainard's  Indians.  Present  about 
thirty  and  as  many  white  people."  .Mr.  JMtliian  then  i)roceeded  to  Greenwich  and 
returning  on  the  21st  to  Egg  Harbour  writes  thus: 

"Saturday,  25th.  I-"rom  the  Forks  of  Little  Egg  Harbour  1  rode  to  the  sea 
shore  to  'Sir.  Price's  (later  the  estate  of  Gen.  Enoch  Doughty),  an  English  young 
gentleman  of  fortune  and  breeding,  with  a  design  to  preach  still  lower  down. — 
Sunday,  26.  I  preached  to  a  thin  asscnd)ly  at  Cedar  Bridge  meeting  house  ( Pdack- 
man's  meeting  house,  now  Zion  M.  V..  church,  near  liargaintown ).  At  2  P.  M. 
I  preached  at  Abseeon,  at  one  Mr.  Steelman's;  a  full  house. — Monday,  2~.     At 


II  I  preached  at  Clark's  Mill  meeting  house  (near  Port  Republic).  The  assemblv 
very  attentive.  Here  they  gave  me  a  dollar.  Afternoon:  1  returned  to  the  Eorks. 
found  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Prainard  there. — Sunday,  March  12.  Our  little  meeting 
house  almost  filled,  ^bjst  of  the  people  from  the  furnace,  almost  every  one  from 
Mr.  Clark's  little  settlement  and  Mr.  Wescott's,  and,  blessed  be  God  all  seemed 
attentive.  1  preached  twice. — Alonday,  13.  .\fter  dinner  I  rode  over  to  the 
furnace"  at  Batsto,  "and  visited  friendly  and  agreeable   Mrs.    Richards.     Toward 

evening  with  Mr.  and  Mrs.  R and  Mrs.  B called  to  see  Mrs.  P wdiere 

we  had  some  useful  conversation.  In  the  evening  rode  from  the  furnace  to  the 
singing  school.     We  had  not  however  the  greatest  harmon\-.     (  )n  our  return,  at 

W.  A.  CORSON    M.D. 




1  listci 
1  1h-,1.- 
r.     At 

eleven,  wlun  I  went  reluctantly  m  i>eci. —  uiesiiay,  14 
rainy.  We  have  \  et  a  gt)od  1 
Irtini  LainentatiDiis  iii.  40,  cinnpdsi'd  lUr  the  (lecasimi.  .\lr.  I 
an  excellent  discourse  on  the  haiii>ine>s  i.f  a  sliinii.;  ,ind  >iii 
merits  of  the  Redeemer. 

I  have  said  that  the  people  here  are  nice  in  their  taste  i 
It  is  not  without  reason.  They  ha\-e  had  sulijects  fur  coiii]), 
and  Mr.  Clark  enumerated  the  following  geiilleineii  wlm  li 
some  of  them  \-ery  uften.  preacheil  here  as  sn| 
Smith,  Benj.  Chestnut,  Hunter,  Spencer,  Dr.  J 
Ramsey,  Xeheniiah  Grecnman.  Green,  J.  Clark,  S.  Clark 
:\litchell,  Watt,  i'.oyd,  eiravis,  L'.rockway,,  \'an  Artsdalei 
Frisbv.  Keith,  and  .\ndrew  Mnnter.  Ir."' 

rcises  appninted 
lul  iliscourse  till 
1111  fast,  the  day 
I  preached  first 
rwards  preached 
reliance    mu    the 

lines  Spruat.  L'harles  lieatty,  Wm. 
.\ I c Knight,  .McCracken, 
Hollinshead,  .McClure. 


Here  are  the  names  of  twenty-six  Presbyterian  ministers,  besides  .Mr.  Fithian. 
who  left  their  flocks  in  Cape  May,  Philadelphia  and  other  places,  and  travelled  long 
distances  on  horseback  that  they  might  seek  and  feed  the  few  scattered  sheep  in 
the  wilderness.  Mr.  Greenman  at  one  time  left  his  congregation  at  Pilesgrove, 
now  Pittsgrove,  ami  spent  six  months  on  the  shore  and  almost  made  an  engage- 
ment to  settle  there. 

What  conclusion  shall  we  draw?  Did  tlmse  servants  of  (iod.  esteem  this 
re.i;ion  more  important,  or  had  they  any  more  of  the  spirit  of  self-sacrifice  than 
their  successors,  that  until  recently  and  with  a  vastly  increased  population,  the 
existence  and  situation  of  these  churches  were  actually  unkntnvn  to  the  two 
Presbyteries,  within,  or  rather  between  whose  Ixninds  tlii<  Harbcmr  cciuntry 
is  situated.  ^lay  a  double  portion  of  their  spirit  fall  upon  11-.  and  max  their  God 
raise  up  and  qualify  many  to  walk  in  their  footsteps. 


lUacknian's  Mcctiiiy;  lldusv  was  near  the  villa.^c  uf;aiiu.)\vn  and  ; 
ten  miles  southeast  of  May's  Landing.     It  was  Imilt  of  uprij^ht  planks. 

The  following-  extracts  from  a  deed  ncnrdtd  in  Trenton,  Liber  X,  fdic 
408,  a  copy  being  certified  by  James  I).  \\  estcutt,  .Secretary  of  State,  will  ] 
the  existence  of  a  Presbyterian  church  and  id  w  lumi  the  property  of  right  beli 

"This  Indenture,  made  the  nineteenth  day  of  .March  in  the  vear  of  our 
one  thousand  seven  hundred  and  sixty-four,  between  .\ndre\v  P)lackiiian.  ( 
wainer  of  Egg  Harbor,  in  the  county  of  Gloucester  and  Province  of  Xew  |^ 
of  the  one  party,  and  Joseph  Ingersoll.  John  Scull.  Joseph  Scull  and  Reiuni 
cock,  of  the  aforesaid  township,  C(iuni\-  and  ])ni\ince.  i>f  the  Mtjur  iiait\.  W 
seth  that  the  said  Andrew  Blackmail  for  and  in  consideration  of  the  sum  o 
])ounds  proclamation  luoiiey,  to  him  in  hand  paid  before  the  ensealing  herei 
Joseph  Ingersoll,  &c.  -  *  hath  granted,  sold,  &c.  *  *  and  confinued 
Joseph  Ingersoll.  John  Scull.  Joseph  Scull  and  Return  P.abcock  and  their  su 
sors,  a  certain  ])iece  of  land  situate,  l\ing  and  beini;  in  the  townshi])  of  I'.gg 



)f.  by 



bor.  in  the  county  and  province  aforesaid,  near  the  head  of  Dole's  Uranch,  Begin- 
ning at  a  stake  standing  in  the  line  of  Joseph  Dole's  and  Atwood's.  near  the 
Branch,  thence  south  twenty-one  degrees  east  tifteen  perches  to  a  stake;  thence 
south  sixty-nine  degrees  west  thirteen  perches:  thence  north  twenty-one  degrees 
west  to  Atwood's  line,  Bounded  by  Atwood's  line  north  eighty  degrees  east  to  the 
place  of  beginning  at  Dole's  line;  containing  one  acre  more  or  less,  together  with 
the  mines,  &c.  *  *  for  the  erecting,  building  and  standing  of  a  Presbyterian 
Meeting  House,  for  the  carrying  on  of  Publick  Religious  worship  for  all  that  shall 
incline  to  meet  and  assemble  in  it;  together  with  a  publick  Burying  yard  for  the 
interment  of  the  deceased  of  all  denominations,  to  have  and  to  hold  *  *  unto 
the  said  *  *  and  to  their  successors  for  ever,  that  shall  be  chosen  and  ap- 
pointed by  the  proprietors  of  the  aforesaid  meeting  house  or  their  heirs,  to  the  sole 
and  only  proper  use  and  benefit  of  maintaining  a  meeting  house  and  burying  yard 
as  above  mentioned."     Andrew  Blackman  then  on  behalf  (jf  himself  and  heirs, 


warrants  and  guarantees  to  the  above  mentioned  persons  and  their  successors,  to 
defend  them  and  their  successors  in  the  "lawful,  quiet  and  jjeaceable  possession  of 
the  said  premises,  for  the  use  before  mentioned  of  maintaining  a  meeting  house 
and  ])iu-\ing  yard  as  of  fee  without  any  let.  suit,  troulile  or  molestation  whatso- 
e\er."  lie  then  signs  his  name  and  the  receipt  for  the  sum  of  two  pounds  pro- 
clamation money. 

Charles  Jeffrey  Smith.  Andrew  lilackman,  Jr..  an,l  Jesse  Lewis  subscribed 
their  names  as  witnesses,  and  the  affidaxit  of  one  of  them  was  taken  before  John 
Ladd,  Esqr.,  one  of  his  ^Majesty's  Counsel  for  the  rr<ivince  of  New  Jersey. 

Three  x'ears  afterward,  June  2,  1767,  a  memorandum  was  written  on  the  back 
of  the  deed,  explaining  the  views  of  the  persons  named  and  proving  that  the  house 
had  then  been  erected. — It  reads  thus: 

We,  the  within  Grantee,  '•'  *  having  been  chosen  Trustees  to  carry  on  and 
manage  the  building  of  a  Presbyterian  meeting  house  upon  the  lands  within 
granted  and  sold  for  that  purpose,  do  hereby  acknowledge  that  the  said  land  and 
meeting  house  is  not  our  own  personal  property,  but  is  bought  and  built  by  a 
subscription  of  many  persons ;  neither  do  we  claim  any  other  interest  in  it  but  what 
we  have  in  common  with  all  who  have  subscribed  hereto  and  though  the  legal  title 
is  vested  in  us,  yet  we  hold  it  only  in  behalf  of  our  constituents  and  do  promise 
that  it  shall  be  kept  as  a  house  of  publick  worship  and  the  land  for  a  free  Burying 
yard  in  which  all  may  have  equal  privileges  with  ourselves,  without  monopolizing 
it  or  engrossing  and  applying  it  to  any  private  use  of  our  own.  A  memorandum 
whereof  we  leave  on  the  back  of  this  instrument,  that  posterity  may  not  be  de- 
frauded of  their  right  or  mistaken  about  the  intent  hereof  which  is  to  secure  a 
House  of  Public  Worship,  as  before  mentioned.  In  testimony  whereof  we  have 
hereunto  subscribed  our  names,  hands  and  seals. 

loseph  Ingersoll,  John  Scull,  Joseph  Scull,  Return  X  Babcock,  John  Inger- 
soll,  Ebenezer  Ingersoll;  and  Ebenezer  Ingersoll  as  a  witness  gives  his  affirmation 
before  John  Ladd.  Esqr..  one  of  his  Majesty's  Counsel  for  the  Province  of  New 


>1.AS'    k.    C,    CIIL'KCH. 

$t.  nicbolae'  Cburcb. 

)nlci-  111  St.  Auou^tiiu'.  'I'i 
islaiul.  In  lad.  ycui  iiiii^lu 
summer  season  to  wash  and  l)e  cler 
rapid  growth,  since  then,  or  those 
eked  out  a  miserable  existence  h) 
aright,  or  they  WDuld  to-ilay  l)c  n 
poor  and  honest,  than  ricli  w  ithout 

,.f  ih 


.    Athuitic  City  did  not  tlien  show  sij,Mis  of  its 

■ho  l)uilt  wooden  ^hantio  i  in  sand  dunes  and 

sunning-  and  tishing  (Hil  not  read  the  signs 

\    l)e  nuilti-niilhonairo.      Ilnwever.  it  is  better  to  be 

The  Augustinian  Fatliers  came  to  look  after  lost  or  strayed  sheep,  and  found 
a  few  such  scattered  among  tlie  sand  hills  of  which  there  were  plenty  in  those  days. 
The  eloquent  Dr.  Moriarty.  O.  S.  A.,  was  the  first  of  the  Augustinian  fathers  to 
preach  the  gospel  of  good  tidings  to  those  children  of  the  church.  It  is  said  that 
many,  not  of  his  flock,  were  drawn  by  his  matchless  eloquence,  to  listen  attentively 
to  the  saving  truths  he  propounded  in  the  name  of  the  Master.  Even  on  the  barren 
sands,  the  seed  thus  sown,  soon  produced  fruit,  and  the  little  flock  began  to  speak 
of  a  regular  service,  a  church  and  a  pastor.  The  Lawlors.  the  Ouiglevs,  the  Dalvs, 
the  Doxies,  and  the  Ale  Adams,  with  cithers  came  together  in  the  name  of  the  Lord, 


and  pledged  their  all  for  a  suital)le  ]il 
Rev.  Michael  (iallagher  heard  their 
their  service,  and  thus  the  little  gut! 



him.-ell  at  t 

dure  I 
leir  he 


XiclK.ilas    o 


ntme    was 

REV.  J.    J.   FEDIGAN     O.S.A. 

ST.    XICHOLAS'    K.    C.    CIIL-RCH.  297 

begun  and  hni'^IuHl  in  the  year  1856.  It  was  nnniest.  but  pretty,  and  dedieated  tu 
God  as  the  ottering  of  his  poor  people.  It  weathered  the  storms  of  twenty-tivc 
vears  and  told  of  many  who  sought  and  found  consolation  there  under  the  direc- 
tion of  dear  old  Father  (iallagher,  the  true  friend,  the  l'"ather  of  the  i)oor,  and  the 
Priest  of  God.  Rest  to  his  soul!  He  was  worthy  of  heaven,  and  on  earth  lie  is  not 
vet  forgotten  by  the  few  older  people  who  still  remain  to  Ijless  his  memory. 

With  the  growth  of  the  city,  new  demands  were  made,  and  more  room  re- 
quired by  the  Catholics  of  Atlantic  City.  They  asked  for  a  resident  i)astor.  stating 
that  they  could  support  one  all  the  year  around.  The  Rev.  John  Josejjh  l-'edigan. 
O.  S.  A.,  then  President  of  N'illanova  College.  Penna..  being  out  of  health  was 
sent  them  to  buikl  himself  up  in  health,  and  to  build  them  u]5  also.  Poth  were 
happily  accomplished,  and  that.  too.  in  short  order,  and  without  the  slightest 
difficulty,  or  difference  of  opinion  among  his  little  congregation.  True,  there  was 
a  great  veneration  for  the  old  chapel  and  its  founder,  but  it  was  too  small,  and 
ground  could  not  be  purchased  on  either  side  to  enlarge  it.  So  I'ather  I'edigan. 
vielding  to  the  wishes  of  the  people  bought  a  new  site  on  Pacific  avenue,  moved 
the  chapel  there  and  then  enlarged  it  to  its  present  seating  capacity  of  (jver  one 
thousand  people.  Later  on  as  the  summer  season  poured  its  hundreds  and  thou- 
sands of  strangers  into  our  city  by  the  sea,  it  became  necessary  to  fit  u])  the  base- 
ment so  that  another  thousand  are  accommodated  there  in  July  and  .Vuuust.  and 
it  is  a  reminder  to  those  who  think  the  faith  is  dying  out  to  stand  on  the  corner  of 
Tennessee  and  Pacific  avenues  and  watch  the  crowds  leaving  St.  .\icholas  L'hurch 
at  the  nine  o'clock  mass  in  the  summer  season. 

The  fine  residence  adjoining  the  church  is  also  the  work  of  l'"ather  b'ecligan. 
and  this  together  with  the  church  represents  an  outlay  of  about  fifty  thousand 
dollars,  and  paid  without  anybody  feeling  that  it  cost  them  even  an  effort,  for  this 
was  one  of  the  many  happy  faculties  Father  Fedigan  possessed,  that  in  dealing 
with  his  people  in  money  matters,  he  never  forced,  nor  even  demanded  their 
money,  but  made  his  appeal  to  them  so  convincing  that  they  really  felt  it  was 
"better  to  give  than  to  receive."  He  received  material  assistance  from  his  Pro- 
testant friends,  also,  and  it  seemed  as  if  these  vied  with  their  Catholic  fellow- 
citizens  in  doing  honor  to  the  pastor  of  St.  Nicholas'  Church.  We  but  give  ex- 
[iression  to  the  pulilic  sentiment,  when  we  state  that  no  man  in  public  or  private 
walks  of  life  won  the  heart  of  all  classes  as  did  the  Rev.  Father  l-"edigan  during 
the  eighteen  years  spent  in  Atlantic  City.  The  thousands  of  summer  visitors  have 
the  same  story  to  tell  at  the  mention  of  his  name. 

.\s  the  city  extended  southward,  the  only  way  it  could  extend,  his  watchful  eye 
soon  saw  the  necessity  of  sutnmer  accommodation  in  that  section  and  hence  he 
purchased  a  large  lot  on  the  corner  of  California  and  Atlantic  avenues,  and  erected 
thereon  the  beautiful  and  spacious  church  of  St.  Monica  in  1887.  For  this  work 
the  Right  Rev.  Bishop  0'F""arrell.  of  Trenton.  X.  J.,  gave  his  consent  publicly,  and 
privately  expressed,  and  the  work  went  on  to  a  finish  so  marvelous  that  when  the 
church  was  dedicated  many  were  surprised  to  see  such  a  fine  church  among  the 
sand  hills,  and  asked  the  I'ather  how  he  could  have  put  so  fine   a   building   there. 


OUR    LADV.    STAR    OF    THE    SEA.  2&9 

-The  hills  will  sonn  oivc  way  u>  Imuscs,"  lir  said,  •'and  Si.  Mmiica  will  l,lr>s  thnsr 
who  dwell  therein."    What  was  a  theciry  tlim  is  a  fact  to-daw 

For  more  than  seven  years  this  (.-lunch  was  attended  from  .Si.  .Xidiolas.  afur 
much  e.xpense  and  many  sacrifices  made  on  the  part  of  the  .Vus^ustinian  hathers; 
until  in  1893  the  Bishop  saw  fit  to  take  the  church  and  lot  adjoining  and  send  a 
priest  of  the  diocese  to  be  pastor  of  St.  .Monica's  Church.  This  did  not  please 
I'"atlier  I'edigan.  who  on  account  of  this  Icndcrcd  his  resij^nalion  and  asked  for  a 
new  field  of  future  labors.  It  is  still  rcnicmbercd  li.)\\  I'roiestauts  and  (,'alholics 
alike,  upon  that  occasion,  gathered  around  him.  and  begged  that  he  would  not 
leave  the  city,  the  scene  of  his  many  labors.  In  just  three  years  from  that  time  the 
Church  of  St.  Monica  was  burned  to  the  ground,  and  two  firemen  lost  their  lives 
in  the  devouring  flames.    Such  is  the  brief  history  of  St.  Monica's  Cluiri'h. 

There  are  a  few  other  facts  worthy  <if  note  in  regard  to  Si.  .Vicholas'  C'lmrch. 
namely,  that  the  iron  colunms  supporting  the  floor  of  that  church  were  silent  wit- 
nesses of  the  riots  of  '44,  in  Philadelphia,  where  they  were  used  in  the  Second 
Street  Market  House.  All,  or  nearly  all  of  the  prelates  of  this  country  have  at 
one  time  or  another  said  mass  and  preached  in  .St.  Xiclmlas  Church,  ,ind  con- 
sequently have  been  the  guests  of  the  Augustine  bathers.  (  )nc  of  these,  ihc  late 
Archbishop  of  Kingston.  Canada,  preached  a  tine  discourse  on  the  words  of  St. 
Paul — "To  live  soberly,  piously  and  justly."  but  sat  down  to  it  for  just  two  hours, 
when  Father  Fedigan.  who  was  in  the  vestry  thought  it  well  to  call  the  attention 
of  the  eloquent  prelate  to  the  length  of  time  already  s]ient  in  developing  his  triple 
subject,  and  for  this  purpose  jnished  the  sliding  door  of  the  vestry  just  enough  to 
catch  the  eye  of  the  Archbishop  who  quickly  said:  "Will  you  be  kind  enough  to 
close  that  door,  I  perceive  a  draft."  The  door  was  closed,  and  the  sermon  went 
on.  Mr.  M.  T.,  a  merchant  who  gave  six  days  iii  the  week  to  business,  and  only 
an  hour  on  Sundays  to  the  Lord,  thought  this  was  too  much  of  a  good  ihing.  and 
meeting  Father  Fedigan  during  the  following  week,  asked  him  if  that  man  was 
going  to  preach  again  next  Sunday,  for  if  he  is  I  want  to  go  to  an  earl_\-  mass. 

Many  other  humorous  and  interesting  stories  I  have  heard  from  I'ather 
Fedigan  regarding  the  church  in  Atlantic  City,  but  it  takes  Father  Fedigan  to  tell 
them.  For  about  fifty  years  the  Augustinian  Fathers  have  been  attending  to  the 
Catholics  of  Atlantic  City  and  to  their  efforts,  zeal,  and  labors  must  be  attributed 
the  high  standing  that  church  has  attained  in  our  midst.  Father  Fedigan  was  the 
first  resident  pastor,  coming  here  in  August  of  1880  and  remaining  till  July,  1898, 
when  he  was  elected  by  his  brethren  to  preside  over  the  province  of  St.  Thomas,  of 
\'illanova,  with  residence  at  llryn  Alawr.  Penna. 

®ur  Xat)v>,  Star  of  tbe  Sea. 

In  1885  Rev.  Father  Fedigan  purchased  the  lot  at  California  anil  .Vtlantic 
avenues  for  St.  Monica's  Roman  Catholic  Church  which  was  erected  ilie  following 
year  and  dedicated  by  Rt.  Rev.  Bishop  O'Farrell  of  Trenton.  It  was  in  charge  of  the 
.\ue:ustinian  I-athers  of  St.  .Xicholas'  Church  till   i8(M.  and  was  open  for  service 




onl\  (lurin,i:  July  and  Aus^ust.  I'.isli(i|i  (  )'l'arri'll  a])])!  linlcil  Kiw  I',  j.  rctri  as 
resident  paslLir,  who  has  since  l)een  in  ehaii^e  of  iliis  ehnrcli.  In  1S03  tlie  new- 
Rectory  was  hnih.  Deceniher  j.  iS.  f,,  the  chnrch  edifice  was  de>tro\cd  l.v  tire. 
On  Easter  Monday,  April  ly.  ti^yj.  llishop  .\lcl''anl  hiid  tlie  curntr  stone  u\  the 
present  edifice  when  the  name  was  changed  to  "Onr  Lady,  .'^  nf  thi'  Se.i."'  Rev. 
Fatlier  Lealiy  of  Swedesboro  preached  the  dedicator)-  sermon.  (  )n  July  iS.  iSi^j. 
the  new  chnrch  was  dedicated  by  the  Bishop,  solenm  pontifical  nia>s  lieint;  cele- 
brated by  r.ishop  Prenderg-ast  of  Philadelphia,  and  the  sermon  preached  by  r.isiio]) 
Haid  of  North  Carolina.  The  new-  chnrch,  furnished,  cost  .'^  The  cost  of 
the  rectory  was  87,51:0.    The  lot  175x300  feet  is  valued  at  $25,000. 


Central  m.  6.  Cburcb. 

Central  M.  K.  Church  of  this  cit\  was  the  cuturowt 
of  a  Methodist  house  of  worship  in  the  central  ])art  of  t 
hotels  and  the  sea. 

The  nucleus  of  the  church  was  forme(l  ])rinci])allv  b 
of  earnest  people  who  came  from  the  I-'irst  M.  \\.  Churcl 
formed  by  a  few  nien  who  met  first  at  the  residence  o 
afterward  organized  in  Pennsylvania  avenue  school  hi 
July,  1894.  The  original  members  of  the  ofScial  boarc 
Down,  L.  C.  Albertson,  C.  P..  Young,  C.  F.  W'ahl,  Hen 
R.  H,  Ingersoll,  Irving  Lee,  Smith  Cunnver,  James  1). 
Dr.  Munson,  Mrs.  Thos.  Scull. 

The  old  hotel  jiroperty  known  as  The  (_'ol(innade 

urgent  nc 
nearer  thi 


)\-  a  considerable  number 
h.  The  organization  was 
.Mr.  I-".  -V.  Souder  and 
se  abnnt  the  15th  day  of 
Acre  !■'.  .\.  Souder,  L.  A. 
■  Wouiton,  Peter  Corson, 
vn.   lames  Cc mover.  .Mrs. 

1894.  and  the  interior  fittc 

pel.     II 

lased  in  .\ugusl, 
he  first  Sundav- 

.  CROSBY,   M.O. 

OLD    ClIl'KCIl    AT    \\I:N  MOUTH.  :?0S 

school  service  was  lu-Ul.  Scptcinlirr  iS.  1X1)4,  and  the  I'lrst  >eniiiin  iireaclied  liv 
Rev.  C.  K.  Fleming-,  Xoveniher  24,  1894.  l-r.  mi  that  time  till  liie  fullnwinQ-  Marcli 
the  pulpit  was  supplied  by  various  clergxnun.  thi>  arran<jenicnt  beiu';  kit  with 
a  committee  appointed  for  the  purpose,  Urn.  L.  A.  Down  in  charge. 

In  March,  1895,  Rev.  \\  111.  M.  Wliite  was  appointed  by  the  Conference  as  the 
first  pastor  and  under  Jiis  wise  administration  the  society  prospered  and  .<;rew  in 
every  department.  The  new  house  of  worship,  neat,  handsome  and  capacious  was 
erected  on  the  site  of  the  old  hotel  and  was  dedicated  by  Bishop  Foss  in  June,  1896. 

Rev.  Wm.  M.  White  died  during-  the  conference  session  at  Camden  in  April, 
1898,  and  Rev.  R.  H.  Eberhardt,  under  whose  admittistration  the  church  has  had 
continued  prosperity,  both  tem]ioral  and  spiritual,  succeeded  to  the  pastmate. 

The  Society  originally  numbered  67  at  the  time  the  first  sermon  was  iireached. 
It  now  numbers  over  200  and  has  240  on  its  Sunday-school  roll,  and  li.-i>  had  a 
prosperous  history  under  the  superintendencx-  of  Mr.  F.  A.  Souder. 

The  church  property  is  valued  at  $25,000.  At  the  4th  anniversarx .  held  1  )e- 
cember,  1898,  it  was  shown  that  the  church  ha<l  raised  for  all  ]>urpii>e-  about 
$24,000.  The  Ladies'  Aid  Societv,  a  notable  and  successful  ort^anization  in  the 
church,  showed  at  its  am-iual  meeting  in  December,  i8()S,  that  in  that  \ear  it  liad 
raised  $1,262. 

Old  (Zburcb  at  (Ueymoutb. 

In  a  beautiful  oak  grove  on  the  high  1)ank  of  the  Great  Egg  Harbor  river 
stands  the  neat  little  church  at  Weymouth,  l-'or  near!}'  a  century  it  has  served  the 
purposes  for  which  it  was  erected  and  in  the  adjacent  cemetery  are  the  graves  of 
persons  some  of  thei-n  long  since  widely  known  for  i-nore  than  ordinary  talent  and 
usefulness.  Joseph  Ball,  the  Quaker  merchant  and  relative  of  Washington,  was 
one  of  the  owners  and  founders  of  Weymouth,  when  this  edifice  was  erected. 
From  a  recent  sketch  compiled  by  Mrs.  Charles  K.  C(jlwell  and  read  at  the  91st 
anniversar}-  the  following  sketch  is  taken ; 

"The  Iniilding  of  the  Weymouth  Meeting  House  was  begun  in  1807  and  corn- 
pleted  in  1808  at  the  expense  of  the  Proprietors  of  Weymouth.  The  time  books 
show  the  carpenter  work  to  have  been  done  by  "Eziel  Prickett  and  his  son,"  the 
former  working-  three  hundred  and  si.xty-five  days  at  $1.25  and  the  sou  three  hun- 
dred and  sixty-six  days  at  $[  per  day.  The  plastering  and  mason  work  was  done 
by  C.  McCormick,  the  material  and  work  on  the  building  coming  to  $3,690,00. 
The  Weymouth  Meeting  House  was  intended  as  a  non-Sectarian  jilace  for 
religious  meeting  rnore  especially  for  the  benefit  of  employees  of  \\e\iiiouth. 
Both  tradition  and  record  show  that  it  has  been  chiefly  used  l)y  Presby- 
terians and  Methodists,  although  services  have  been  conducted  and  ser- 
mons preached  by  Episcopalians,  Baptists,  Dutch  Reformed  and  in  February, 
1825,  a  sermon  was  preached  by  "Miss  Miller,"  presumably  a  Quakeress.  Xo 
records  are  accessible  of  the  occupants  of  the  inilpit  of  We\-ni<iuth  Meeting  House 
from  its  completion  until  181,5.  From  1813  to  1S43  the  Time  Hooks  of  \\  eyn-iouth 
furnish  the  names  of  many  ])reacliers  and  dates  of  service. 


ST,    AXnRKWS    CHL'KCH,  305 

St.  Andrew' $  Church. 

St.  Andrew's  luiglish  l-".van,L;rlii."al  Lutlui'an  C'lmrch  had  its  inception  in  a 
service  held  in  Wolsieft'er's  Hall,  Jnne  30,  1881).  The  service  was  conducted  by 
the  Rev.  Win.  Ashniead  Schaeffer.  D.  D.  Twenty-nine  persons  were  in  attendance 
and  after  consultation  it  was  agreed  to  undertake  the  estal^lishnient  of  a  con- 

A  room  was  rented  and  services  l)egun  at  the  corner  of  Atlantic  and  Indiana 
avenues.  In  1S90  Philopatrian  Hall  on  Xew  York  avenue  was  purchased,  anil  the 
name  changed  to  St.  Andrew's  Hall.  St.  Andrew's  Hall  was  sold  in  ]8(>2  to  joe 
Hood  Post,  and  the  present  location  at  I''acific  and  Michigan  avenues  secured. 

The  corner  stone  for  the  church  was  laid  June  8,  1892.  and  the  edifice  was  con- 
secrated July  2,  1893. 

Preaching  was  regularly  maintained  l)y  Dr.  Schaeffer,  assisted  by  pastors  in 
Philadelphia  and  students  in  the  theological  seminary.  In  the  fall  of  the  same  year 
a  call  to  the  pastorate  was  extended  to  Rev.  D.  L.  Passmant,  but  was  declined. 

In  the  spring  of  1894  Rev.  J.  A.  Kunkelman.  D.  D.,  was  elected  pastor.  He 
accepted  the  call,  and  entered  upon  his  duties  April  i,  1894.  He  was  the  first 
settled  pastor,  and  is  still  in  charge  of  the  congregation.  The  growth  of  the  con- 
gregation has  been  slow  but  steady.  The  Sunday-school  is  in  a  flourishing  con- 
dition, and  the  St.  Andrew's  ?kIission  League  is  doing  good  work.  The  congrega- 
tion has  sustained  serious  losses  in  the  deaths  of  Mrs.  Emily  (i.  Taylor  and  Mr. 
Henr\'  L.  Elder,  wdio  were  among  its  earliest  and  most  lilieral  members.  It  has 
also  received  manv  evidences  of  kindly  interest.  A  beautiful  marble  baptismal 
font,  of  chaste  and  exquisite  desig-n  was  presented  by  ^Irs.  Dr.  Wm.  Ashmead 
Schaeffer.  Mrs.  Lewis  Steuber  had  specially  cast  and  put  m  the  belfry  a  sweet- 
toned  AlcShane  bell;  and  Mrs.  A.  D.  Ereas  gave  an  elegant  Mellor  Pipe  Organ, 
which  sweetly  leads  and  greatly  aids  in  the  beautiful  service  of  the  Church  Book. 
An  elegant  silk  robe  was  presented  to  the  pastor  by  the  Ladies'  Guild  of  St.  Mark's 
Lutheran  Church  of  Philadelphia,  of  which  he  was  pastor  many  years. 

The  congregation  and  pastor  are  in  connection  with  the  Ministerium  of 
Pennsylvania.  Conservative  in  its  methods  it  moves  along  cjuietly.  fultilling  an 
important  mission  in  this  wonderful  city  by  the  sea. 

Its  doors  are  open,  and  all  residents  and  visitors  are  most  cordially  invited  to 
attend  its  services. 

friendship  m.  €.  Church. 

Friendship  M.  E.  Church,  near  Landisville,  X.  J.,  was  built  in  1808.  The 
exact  records  of  its  uneventful  early  history  have  been  scattered  and  lost.  That 
was  a  wild  and  sparsely  settled  region  at  that  time  before  Mneland  on  the  south 
or  Hammonton  on  the  north  were  dreamed  of  and  before  any  railroad  had  been 

O     H.   CRObbY     M  D      DECEASED. 


built  in  America.  Like  the  zealous  pioneers  at  Tuckalioe.  Weynioutli.  JJatsto  and 
Clark's  Landing,  the  settlers  in  what  was  then  Hamilton  township,  constructed 
from  the  primeval  forest  the  very  substantial  frame  edifice,  which  with  the  repairs 
and  improvements  made  in  1853.  is  acceptably  serving  the  needs  oi  the  present 

A  beautiful  oak  grove  whose  welcome  shade  has  refreshed  the  several  genera- 
tions of  worshipers  of  old  Friendship  church,  covers  the  grounds  on  the  westerly 
side  of  the  building,  while  an  iron  fence  incloses  the  cemetery  and  three  sides  of 
the  building.  The  history  of  that  neighborhood  for  a  hundred  years  is  suggested 
by  the  names  on  the  tombstones,  some  of  which  are  the  following: 

Andrew  Pancoast,  died  March  6,  1855:  Rebecca  D.  I'ancoast,  died  l"el)ruary 
6'  1873;  John  Pancoast,  died  February  15,  1854;  W'ni.  15.  \'ananian.  born  .\u- 
gust9.  1808,  died  November  10,  1868:  Mary  .M.  Down,  died  .March  u.  i87_>;  Juhn 


Down,  died  May  11.  1872,  aged  /j  years;  Charles  Down,  died  March  20.  1866, 
aged  7/  years:  Rev.  James  Down,  died  June  27,  1850,  aged  53  years;  Buelah 
Down,  died  November  29,  1848.  aged  44  years;  Samuel  Down,  born  May  4,  1769, 
died  September  1 1,  1826;  Jane,  wife  of  John  Claypool,  born  January  12,  1799,  died 
March  16.  1866;  John  Claypool,  died  November  28.  1877;  J.  Ouincy  Adams,  died 
October  7,  1S63,  aged  31  years;  Susanna.  John  \\'..  and  Archibald  Campbell, 
burned  to  death  October  26.  1858. 

Friendship  church  is  at  present  organized  as  follows:     Pastor.  Rev.  Charles 



H.  liarncs;  Trustee,  Charles  Wray:  rresideiit,  C'.  A.  Cross;  Secretary.  A.  1',  \' 
man;  Treasurer,  Wni.  lluwell;  J.  Henry  Vnuii-  Richard  C.  Cake.  Win.  1'..  C.. 
Stewards,  Charles  Wray.  A.  1'.  \  ananian.  .Miss  Lizzie  R.  (imss.  .*^uperinien 
of  Snndav-school,  A.  T.  \  ananian.     Class  Leader.  .Mahlon  Cross. 

first  Cburch  at  may's  Dnding. 

The  present  Methodist  Church  at  ^hiy"s  Landinj;-  was  built  in  if<SS.  to  re- 
place the  old-fashioned  edifice  destroyed  by  fire  which  was  erected  in  1S4S. 
Nearly  forty  years  previous  to  that  a  church  was  Ijuilt  on  or  near  the  same  site 
and  served  the  early  inhabitants  of  a  wild  and  rugged  coimtry. 

The  original  deed  is  still  in  existence  and  bears  date  of  May  20.  1812.  It  was 
given  by  "Richard  \\'estcott.  Sr..  of  (ireat  Kgg  Harbour  Townshi])."  who  had 
purchased  a  tract  of  one  hundred  and  thirt\-hve  acres  of  the  West  Jerse\  pro- 
prietors, where  the  village  of  May's  Landing  now  is.  He  gave  a  lot  deseribe(l  as 
consisting  of  2  roods  and  17  perches,  including  the  church  building  ujion  it.  to 
seven  trustees,  part  of  theni  Baptists  and  the  rest  Methodists,  who.  with  their 
successors  and  assigns,  sliould  forever  allow  the  church  to  be  used  free  by  Metho- 
dists, Baptists,  Presbyterians  and  Quakers.  The  first  trustees  were  I-'lias  ."-iniith, 
John  \\'icks,  John  Wheaton.  .Abner  (  laskill.  Thomas  Doughty  and  John  Steelinan. 
described  as  "citizens  of  Wevniouth  townshiii." 

Old  Cburcb  at  CucKaboe. 

So  far  as  known,  the  oldest  church  in  Atlantic  County  is  the  old  .M.  K. 
Church  at  the  "Head  of  the  River."  in  \\'eynioinli  Township,  about  four  miles 
westerly  from  the  village  of  Tuckahoe.  It  was  Imilt  about  1770,  by  the  people 
who  formed  a  considerable  population  in  a  section  now  but  sparsely  settled. 

Old  Aetna  Furnace  near  it  was  a  village  of  some  forty  families  at  a  time  when 
the  mining  and  smelting  of  bog  iron  ore  was  a  profitable  industry. 

Old  Ingersoll,  about  three  miles  distant,  near  what  is  now  Risk\.  was 
another  settlement  which  contributed  to  the  support  of  this  pioneer  elun-ch. 

Rev.  Benjamin  Abbott,  a  preacher  of  considerable  note  in  his  day.  dedicated 
this  church,  so  rudely  and  sul)stantially  built  of  the  best  timber  which  then 
abounded  in  South  Jersey. 

The  oldest  living  inhabitants  still  remember  when  pine  slab  seats  served  wor- 
shipers, who  assetnbled  about  the  high  pulpit,  now  modernized,  which  then  as  now 
commanded  a  full  view  of  the  spacious  galleries  around  three  sirles  of  this  old- 
fashioned  temple  of  ^lethodism. 

Services  are  still  held  every  other  Sunday  at  the  Head  of  the  River,  by  the 
pastor  at  Tuckahoe.  with  a  prosperous  school  every  Sunday.     The  membership 


includes  some  twenty-five  families.  The  building  has  recently  been  painted  and 
renovated  by  friends  and  descendants  of  the  "rude  forefathers"  of  these  hamlets 
who  have  been  laid  to  rest  in  the  adjacent  cemetery  during  the  past  century. 

Peo])le  from  far  and  near  still  bury  their  dead  in  the  adjoining  cemetery  and 
every  fall  hold  anniversary  services  there,  decorate  the  graves,  recall  the  sacred 
past  and  help  perpetuate  and  keep  in  repair  this  old  church  property. 

Directly  across  the  road  is  the  site  of  one  of  the  first  Baptist  churches  in 
South  Jersey,  long  since  gone  to  decay.  From  the  headstones  in  the  adjacent 
cemetery  the  following  inscriptions  are  taken : 

Jacob  Godfrey,  died  1864,  aged  73  years;  h'nnnelinc  Godfrey,  died  March, 
1889,  aged  78  years;  Solomon  Warner,  Died  1866,  aged  82  years;  Mahala  Warner, 
died  1876,  aged  86;  Ebenezer  Seeley,  died  1848,  aged  50  years;  Mary  Seeley,  died 
1876,  aged  71  years;  John  C.  Estell,  died  1793.  aged  46;  Peter  Corson,  died  1793, 
aged  23  years.  He  preached  the  gospel  of  the  Lord,  and  is  gone  to  his  reward. 
John  Hogan,  died  June  4,  1868,  aged  Tj;  Catharine  Hogan,  died  August  19,  1879, 
aged  86  years;  John  Burley,  died  December,  1875,  aged  ^2  years;  Roxanna  Hurley, 
died  1879,  aged  69  years;  George  Champion,  died  August,  1894,  aged  88  years; 
Abigal  Champion,  72  years,  died  1888;  Nathaniel  Steelman,  died  1864,  aged  64; 
Elizabeth  Steelman,  born  1808,  died  1897;  Theophilus  W.  Weeks,  born  1817,  died 
1895;  Hannah  Weeks,  born  1819,  died  1882. 


fm  BanKltid  Tn$titution$. 

HIS  city  is  well  provided  with  tinancial  institutions.  It  lias  three  Xational 
banks,  two  safe  deposit  and  trust  ccmipanies  and  half  a  dozen  huildint;  and 
loan  associations. 

The  P"irst  Xational  Bank  was  organized  March  18,  188 1,  after  several 
months  of  persistent  canvassin.u'  on  the  part  of  l\(jl)ert  1).  Kent,  who  became  the 
first  cashier. 

The  first  Hoard  of  Directors  were:  Joseph  A.  I'.arstow,  John  1'..  Chani])ion, 
George  F.  Currie,  Charles  Evans,  Richard  H.  Turner  and  I^lisha  Roberts.  The 
officers  were:  Charles  Evans,  President,  and  Robert  1).  Kent,  Cashier.  The  Ijank 
was  first  opened  for  business  on  Alay  23,  1881,  occupying  temporarily  a  room  in 
the  Currie  Building,  near  the  corner  of  South  Carolina  avenue. 

Later  the  bank  moved  into  the  Bartlett  Bank  Building,  which  was  erected 
especially  for  the  purpose. 

No  dividends  were  declared  the  first  year  but  semi-annual  three  per  cent, 
dividends  were  paid  thereafter,  till  now  the  surplus  is  three  times  the  invested 
capital  of  $50,000,  and  semi-annual  dividends  of  nine  per  cent,  are  paid. 

The  following  are  the  present  officers  and  directors:  Charles  Evans,  Presi- 
dent; Joseph  H.  Borton.  A'ice-President;  George  Allen,  George  W.  Crosby.  Dr. 
T.  K.  Reed,  J.  Haines  Lippincott,  John  B.  Champion,  Elisha  Roberts,  Fred 
Hemsley,  Francis  P.  Ouigley,  Cashier.  It  will  soon  occui)y  its  own  handsome 
building  on  the  site  of  the  old  Mansion  House. 

The  Second  Xational  Bank  was  organized  December  18,  1886,  with  a  capital 
of  $100,000,  and  began  business  January  24,  1887.  in  its  own  brick  and  stone 
building  at  the  corner  of  X'ew  York  avenue.  It  has  steadily  prospered  and  has 
paid  dividends  regularly  since  the  second  year  amounting  to  $66,000,  and  accu- 
mulated a  surplus  of  $50,000.  The  officers  and  directors  are:  Geo.  F.  Currie, 
President;  Levi  C.  Albertson,  A'ice-President;  Robt.  B.  AlacAIuUin,  Cashier;  Jos. 
Thompson,  Louis  Kuehnle,  Enoch  B.  Scull,  Israel  G.  .Adams,  Jas.  H,  Mason, 
Samuel  K.  Marshall,  Jos.  Scull,  Absalom  Cordery,  E.  A'.  Corson,  Lewis  Evans, 
Warren  Somers. 

The  Atlantic  -Safe  Deposit  and  Trust  Company  is  located  in  the  same  build- 
ing, with  a  capital  of  $100,000.  It  pays  interest  on  deposits,  rents  boxes  in  its 
burglar  and  fire-proof  vaults  and  exercises  all  the  powers  and  privileges  of  such 
institutions.     The  officers  and   directors  are:    Geo.    F.   Currie,   President;  Jos. 


Thonipsiin,  X'ice-Presitk'iit :  Knbert  1'..  MacMiillin.  Secretary  and  1  rca>uri' 
Thompson  &  Cole,  Solicitors.  Levi  L'.  Alliertsoii.  Israel  C.  Adaius,  I'.m 
Scull,  Jas.  H.  Mason,  Samue!  K.  .Marshall.  Jnhn  C.  iMtieKl.  .\l.  I).  NCun 
C.  L.  Cole,  Warren  Somers  and  Alfred  C.  .\lcClellan. 

The  Union  Xatimial  I'.ank  was  (irt;anize(l  in  .\ni;ust,  iSijo.  and  upened  fur 
business  October  iith  of  the  same  year  with  a  capital  stock  nf  .Sion.oni).  It  alsu 
occupies  its  own  handsome  brick  buildini;  at  the  corner  of  Kentuck)  a\enue. 

The  Union  Bank  has  proi^ressed  steatlily.  having  ac(|uircd  a  surplus  of 

The  officers  and  directors  are:  Mnn.  .Allen  1'..  Knilicutt.  I'resident:  Smith 
Conover,  Vice-President:  C.  J.  Adams,  James  I).  Southwick,  Alfred  W.  Bails-, 
James  Flaherty,  Thomas  J.  Dickerson,  Lewis  P.  Scott,  Lucien  C).  Corson.  George 
W.  Jackson,  Thompson  Irvin,  G.  Jason  Waters  and  James  J\L  Aikman,  Cashier. 

The  Real  Estate  and  Investment  Company  of  Atlaiitic  City  i-  an  nrganiza- 
tion  formed  by  representative  business  and  professional  men  and  pruininent  real 
estate  holders  in  Atlantic  City,  in  November,  1897,  under  a  liberal  charter  for 
the  purpose  of  making  a  profit  from  the  judicious  purchase  and  sale  <>{  lands. 
Individual  effort  along  this  line  even  with  limited  capital  has  brought  fortune  to 
many  of  the  citizens  of  Atlantic  City.  This  company  was  formed  by  a  number 
of  the  most  successful  of  these  gentlemen,  who  feel  certain  that  by  using  the  com- 
bined brain  and  capital  at  the  service  .)f  the  company  large  returns  must  be 
realized.  The  company  was  not  formed  to  develop  any  particular  tract  or  to 
confine  its  work  to  any  particular  section  of  the  city,  but  to  avail  itself  nf  every 
desirable  opportunity. 

Its  capital  is  $200,000,  in  shares  of  $100  each.  -\t  the  close  of  its  first  fiscal 
year  a  dividend  of  twenty  per  cent,  was  declared  and  paid  in  cash. 

The  officers  of  the  company  are:  Carlton  Godfrey,  President:  William  .\. 
Faunce,  Treasurer,  and  Rodman  Corson,  Secretary.  The  Directorate  is  com- 
posed almost  entirely  of  practical  and  successful  business  men  who  have  been 
residents  of  Atlantic  City  for  years,  and  who  are  thoroughly  conversant  with  and 
alive  to  its  needs,  and  familiar  with  the  opportunities  which  arise  out  of  its  rapid 
and  substantial  development.  The  entire  Directorate,  which  was  unanimously  re- 
elected at  the  annual  meeting,  is  as  follows: 

Clement  J.  Adams.  William  .\.  Bell,  George  W.  Crosby.  R.ulman  Corson. 
Thomas  J.  Dickerson,  George  P.  Eldredge,  William  A.  Faunce,  John  J.  Gardner. 
Carlton  Godfrey,  Samuel  D.  Hoffman,  Xelson  Ingram,  Louis  Kuehnle.  .\rvine  H. 
Phillips,  Francis  P.  Ouigley,  J.  Byron  Rogers.  Maurice  D.  Youngman. 


The  Guarantee  Trust  Company  is  the  youngest  banking  institution  in  this 
c-ity  It  was  organized  November  8.  and  was  incorporated  November  14,  1899. 
It  opened  for  business  January  2,  1900,  and  at  the  end  of  its  first  month  had  de- 
posits amounting  nearly  to  its  capital  stock.  The  following  are  the  incorporators, 
directors  and  officers:  Carlton  Godfrey.  President:  Louis  Kuehnle,  Vice-Presi- 
dent; John  J.  Gardner,  A.  H.  Phillips,  Wm.  A.  Faunce,  Clifton  C.  Shinn,  O.  J. 
Hammell,  Hubert  Somers.  William  F.  Wahl,  James  Parker,  Dr.  Nelson  Ingram, 
M.  S.  McCullough,  Dr.  Wm.  M.  Pollard.  S.  R.  Morse,  George  P.  Eldredge, 
Henry  W.  Leeds,  Walter  E.  Edge,  James  li.  Rcilley,  L.  G.  Salmon,  Heulings 


Great  Munct  in  Real  Estate. 

•L  HE  increase  in  the  values  nf  real  estate  in  this  city  lia^  heen  niarvel<jus. 
\^  Fifty  feet  lots  fronting  un  Atlantic  avenue,  which  sold  thirty  years  atjo 
•^  for  $500  each,  are  now  .sold  and  held  for  $500,  $800  and  more  ])cr  front 
foot.  This  is  on  land  which  in  the  early  fifties  was  purchased  by  tlie 
Camden  and  Atlantic  Land  Coni]iany  for  $17.50  per  acre.  Land  alonj:;  the  lieach 
which  was  considered  almost  valueless  in  1878  is  now  valued  at  .'^  per  fcjot 
fronting  on  the  Boardwalk. 

When  John  L.  Young,  in  1885.  purchased  the  old  \'ictoria  rink,  at  the  foot  of 
South  Carolina  avenue,  he  paid  $6,000  for  the  rink  property;  $4,500  for  three  lots 
adjoining,  and  $10,000  for  several  lots  in  front  to  low  water.  He  sold  one  fifty- 
foot  lot  on  South  Carolina  avenue  for  $12,000,  which  left  $8,500  as  the  net  cost 
of  all  the  rest.  Seven  years  later  this  property,  containing  the  rink  and  merry- 
go-round  was  sold  to  the  Signers  Casino  Company  for  $150,000,  and  in  1898  was 
bought  back  by  Air.  Young  and  his  associates  for  $200,000.  The  lot  is  150  feet 
front  by  400  feet  deep. 

The  old  Chester  Coimty  House  property  on  Xew  York  avenue  was  bought 
by  Mr.  Young  for  $65,000  in  i8gi  or  1892.  He  sold  off  the  hotel  section  to 
Westminster  avenue  for  $33,000.  and  disposed  of  other  lots  at  $100  per  front  foot 
till  he  got  all  his  money  back,  leaving  him  90  feet  of  beach  front  clear,  worth 
$1,000  per  front  foot. 

Another  lucky  purchase  was  in  front  of  the  Hotel  Luray  at  the  ocean  end  of 
Kentucky  avenue.  This  lot  fronting  150  feet  on  the  lloardwalk  and  extending 
back  200  feet,  cost  Mr.  Young,  in  1893.  $75,000.  John  Hagan,  three  years  before, 
had  ofifered  to  sell  it  for  $6,000.  After  hoUling  it  three  years  Mr.  Young  sold  it 
to  Mr.  White  of  the  Luray  for  $115,000,  and  it  is  worth  $200,000  any  day. 

Another  fortunate  speculation  was  at  the  foot  of  Maryland  avenue.  This 
block,  175  feet  front  by  300  feet  deep,  was  purchased  in  1892  l^y  Mr.  Young  for 
$25,000.  He  soon  sold  a  part  of  it  to  James  Bew  for  $10,000:  another  lot  was  sold 
to  the  Rutter  Bros,  for  $16,000;  a  third  lot  to  Hotel  Islesworth  for  $12,000,  and  a 
fourth  lot  for  $4,000;  total,  $42,000,  leaving  the  corner  lot,  /•,  feet  front  by  300 
deep,  worth  $75,000.  which  Mr.  Young  sold  to  Nicholas  Jeffries,  in  1898,  for 

About  1894,  Mr.  Young,  with  four  others,  purchased  at  public  sale  a  full 
square  of  land  near  the  ocean  end  of  Atlantic  avenue  for  $650.  Two  years  later 
the  land  was  sold  for  $21,000,  and  in  t  )ctober,  1898.  it  was  sold  again  for  $63,000, 
which  is  much  less  than  its  selling  price  to-day. 

George  W.  Jackson  purchased  property  fronting  on  the  Boardwalk  for 
$4,500.  He  paid  John  I'.  Starr  $20,000  for  lands  in  front  to  the  water's  edge. 
About  fifteen  years  later  Mr.  Jackson  sold  the  whole  to  the  Steel  Pier  Company 
for  $150,000. 



GREAT    ADXAXCI-:    l.\    KF.AL    ESTATE.  .{17 

The  old  (  )pera  House  lol  on  Atlanlii.-  avenue  near  lennessee.  50  hv  175  feet 
deep,  was  purchased  in  1880  by  liarclay  Lippincott  for  $4,000.  It  was  i)urchased 
to  enlarge  the  City  Hall  site  adjoininii,  in  1897,  for  §23,000.  The  Mensinij  lot,  in 
the  same  square,  40  by  1 10  feet,  was  suld  in  1867  for  Si. 100.  Tn  March,  1874.  tlie 
Kuehnle  Hotel  property  was  purchased  nf  Wiliiani  C'onover,  1  10  feet  on  .\tlantic 
avenue,  for  $6,200. 

The  lot  on  which  Hotel  Shelhurnc  nnw  stamis  on  the  wc.-^terly  side  of  .Mich- 
igan avenue,  150  feet  deep  and  includin;;"  e\-crythint;  frmn  a  point  450  fet't  frnni 
Pacific  avenue  to  highwater  mark,  was  purchased  b\-  Elisha  Roberts,  in  1874. 
of  the  Camden  and  Atlantic  Land  Company  for  $1,500.  The  hotel  has  been 
moved  nearer  the  ocean  and  many  thousand  dollars  worth  of  cottage  lots  sold 
froiu  the  original  tract.    The  Shelburne  property  is  probably  worth  $250,000. 

The  Chalfonte  property,  which  was  sold  in  1898  for  $225,000,  was  purchased 
by  George  T.  DaCosta,  in  1868,  for  $6,500.  It  then  bounded  279;/;  feet  on 
Pacific  avenue  and  extended  310  feet,  more  or  less,  to  high  tide  line.  It  now 
begins  some  1.500  or  2,000  feet  from  Pacific  avenue,  thousands  of  dollars  worth 
of  cottage  lots  having  been  sold  off  during  the  past  twenty  years  and  the  hotel 
moved  nearly  2,000  feet  nearer  the  ocean.  DaCosta  paid  only  $3,000  for  this 
property  in  1856,  buying  it  of  the  land  company.  The  purchase  included  the  St. 
James  Church  property  and  the  lot  where  Dr.  Pennington's  cottage  now  stands, 
all  together  now  worth  a  million  dollars. 

A  few  years  ago  Air.  Joseph  H.  Borton,  of  Hotel  Dennis,  refused  $300,000 
for  that  property.  It  is  probably  valued  at  $500,000  to-day.  It  has  Ijcen  known 
to  clear  over  $50,000  in  one  year.  When  Air.  Bortou  purchased  the  property, 
April  II,  1867,  he  paid  William  and  Susan  B.  Dennis  $12,500  for  it.  The  Dennis 
cottage  then  stood  near  Pacific  avenue,  and  the  ocean  was  not  very  far  away. 

The  lot  consisted  of  three  50-foot  lots,  making  150  feet  on  Pacific  avenue, 
and  extending  to  "low-water  mark."  The  first  lot  on  the  corner  Dennis  bought 
June  4,  1863,  of  Joseph  C.  I'.ye,  for  $800.  The  next  lot  of  H.  D.  (Jummer  cost 
$150,  in  1862,  and  the  third  of  Charles  W.  I!acon,  December  i,  1S62,  cost 
Dennis  $364. 

After  holding  this  property  four  or  live  years  Dennis  sold  for  $12,500.  the 
three  lots  which  cost  him  $1,314.  not  including  a  40-room  boarding  house  which 
he  had  built  and  which  is  shown  in  an  illustration. 

The  next  50-foot  lot  on  Pacific  avenue  or  the  ocean  end  of  it.  lieginning  300 
feet  from  Pacific  avenue.  Mr.  P.orton  purchased  of  the  Charles  X.  Picrsoll  heirs 
December  11,  1886.  for  $3,500.  Tliis  lot  from  Pacific  avenue  cost  Picrsoll  $850 
in  1872. 

Mr.  Borton  has  sold  cottage  lots  on  Pacific  avenue  for  more  than  the  amount 
of  his  original  purchase.  He  has  enlarged  his  hotel  several  times  and  moved  it 
perhaps  1,000  feet  nearer  the  ocean,  on  land  which  old  ocean  has  so  lavishly 
throwii  up  at  his  door  during  the  past  30  years.  Fortunate,  indeed,  were  they 
who  purchased  land  to  low-water  mark  30  years  ago. 

In  1886  Lewis  A.  Haines,  of  this  citv.  bought  sixty  feet  of  beach  front  on 


GREAT   ADXANXE    I.\    REAL    ESTATE.  31& 

the  easterly  side  of  Ocean  avenue  for  §6,000.  It  extcmlcil  back  from  tlic  lioard- 
walk  over  100  feet  and  the  beach  was  constantly  making  out  and  new  boardwalks 
were  moved  out  accordingly.  In  October,  1897,  after  eleven  years,  Mr.  Haines 
reserved  a  sixty-foot  lot  in  the  rear  and  sold  to  \'ictor  Freisinger  the  remainder 
of  the  330  feet  on  Ocean  avenue,  which  he  then  had,  for  $72,000.  The  property- 
has  since  been  sold  for  $90,000,  or  $1,500  per  front  foot  for  hotel  purposes. 

Every  square  foot  of  sjiace  in  the  city  has  shared  in  this  great  advance  in 
value,  that  along  the  beach  front  being  especially  remarkable. 

Of  the  nunilier  of  buildings  in  .\tlantic  City,  the  following  list  compiled  from 
late  records  of  the  underwriters'  association,  gives  a  very  accurate  idea: 

D\\  ellings    4-^34 

Stores  and  Dwellings 541 

Stores    155 

Hotels  and  Boarding  Houses 422 

Stables 584 

Shops 67 

Storage  Houses 3b 

Boat  Houses 35 

Fire  Engine  Houses 8 

Schools  (Public )    7 

Churches     32 

Along  the  Boardwalk 250 

Railroad  Depots   3 

Ocean  Piers 3 

Total    6.377 

In  1872,  twenty-seven  years  ago,  John  Trenwith  purchased  three  scjuares  of 
sandhills,  Xos.  21,  22  and  23,  just  below  the  Excursion  House,  between  Raleigh 
and  Columbia  avenues,  for  $900.  Twenty-three  years  later,  in  1895,  Trenwith 
sold  his  three  squares  to  four  gentlemen  in  this  city,  A.  B.  Endicott,  I.  G.  Adams, 
C.  J.  Adams  and  Samuel  Bell,  for  S35.000.  After  holding  the  lanil  four  years,  this 
syndicate,  in  April  1899,  sold  two  of  the  blocks  at  $20,000  each,  and  in  August 
sold  the  third  block,  the  one  fronting  on  the  ocean,  for  $25,000.  The  purchaser 
refused  $62,000  for  this  square  in  November,  asking  $75,000  for  the  block  which 
cost  him  $25,000  four  months  before.  He  could  pay  President  McKinley  one 
year's  salar}-  on  the  ])rofits  of  his  beach  front  sandhills  in  so  short  a  time.  This 
land  was  purchased  for  five  dollars  per  acre  soon  after  the  first  railroad  came  to 
this  island. 

MRS.  M.  E.  HOOPES. 


tri3c  Hllen  ffiloch. 

Xuiiierous  luuulsoiiic  and  sul)>tamial  l)usinc's>  l)lni.-ks  liavi.'  l)rcii  iTrcU-i 
along  Atlantic  avenue  the  past  few  years,  like  the  hanks,  the  \-.\\<>  hnilding.  tlr 
Currie  hlock  and  Xassano  huilding.  I'raine  structures  are  nci  linger  \\arranle( 
nor  permitted.  (_)ne  of  the  newest  and  most  attractive  of  these  brick  and  inn 
buildings,  significant  of  the  growth  and  prosperity  of  the  tnwn.  is  the  new  mil 
linery  store  anil  apartment  house  of  Mr.  George  Allen,  at  the  comer  of  \  irgini; 
and  Atlantic  a^•enues. 


This  fine  building  with  all  latest  facilities  for  heating,  lighting,  living,  and 
business  purposes,  is  shown  herewith.  \'isitors  pronounce  it  the  completest  and 
best  stocked  millinery,  notion  and  gents'  furnishing  store  in  the  State.  Mr. 
Allen  first  opened  a  store  in  this  city  in  1879.  and  has  been  constantl\-  enlarging 
and  improving  to  meet  the  demands  of  trade  ever  since.  At  12 14  Chestnut  street 
he  has  the  largest  store  in  Philadelphia,  devoted  almost  exclusively  to  millinery 
goods.  It  is  five  stories  high,  25  feet  front  by  235  feet  deep,  and  employs  about 
225  hands  in  manufacturing  and  selling  goods.  The  business  is  of  such  a  grade 
and  character  that  a  greater  portion  of  the  stock  has  to  be  imported  from  Europe. 
The  Atlantic  City  store  is  a  revelation  to  strangers  who  come  here  too  little  ap- 
preciating the  enterprise  of  our  leading  business  men. 


Bacbaracb  Si  Sons. 

Two  leading  clothing  and  gents'  furnishing  stores  in  this  city  are  conducted 
by  Messrs.  Bacharach  &  Sons.  They  were  founded  in  1871,  by  the  senior  member 
of  the  firm,  for  summer  business  only.  In  1881  the  store  at  931  Atlantic  avenue 
was  enlarged  and  kept  open  permanently,  and  in  1891,  Isaac  Bacharach,  one  of 
the  sons,  taken  into  the  firm.  The  business  prospered  beyond  expectations,  wide- 
awake enterprise  meeting  with  popular  appreciation.  In  March,  1892,  a  larger 
store  was  occupied  at  1028  Atlantic  avenue,  next  to  Tower  Hall  shoe  store.  In 
September,  1895,  another  still  larger  store  was  opened  at  1420  Atlantic  avenue, 
and  both  stores  were  conducted  with  characteristic  enterprise.  The  last  advance 
of  this  enterprising  firm  was  in  opening  their  present  fine  store  at  the  corner  of 
New  York  avenue,  on  March  14,  1898.  The  firm  now  includes  the  three  brothers, 
Benjamin,  Isaac  and  Harry,  who,  with  a  large  force  of  salesmen  in  their  two 
stores,  do  a  surprisingly  large  business  every  month  in  the  year.  These  gentle- 
men are  also  largely  interested  in  real  estate  and  other  local  enterprises  which 
share  the  success  of  the  town. 



XEbe  Daili?  Tllnion. 

The  Daily  Union  is  the  only  evoiiinjj  nc\vs]}a])cr  in  Atlantic  City.  It  was 
first  printed  September  3,  1888,  and  has  been  iniblished  continuously  since.  It  is 
second  to  none  in  advocating  measures  for  the  best  interests  of  the  city,  and  aims 
to  be  fair,  generous  and  just  towards  all.  It  is  published  in  connection  with  a 
first-class  job  printing  office,  where  booklets,  cards,  legal  blanks,  and  all  kinds  of 
mercantile  printing  is  done  in  popular  styles  at  popular  prices  l)y  the  l)ail\  I'liidn 
Printing  Company,  John  F.  Hall,  editor  and  manager. 

Zbc  Htlantic  IReview. 

The  Atlantic  Rciici\.\  daily  and  weekly,  was  first  established  in  1872.  by  .\.  L. 
English,  and  was  Atlantic  City's  first  newspaper.  It  became  the  property  of 
John  G.  Shreve  and  A.  M.  Heston,  March  8,  1884,  and  after  several  years  of 
joint  proprietorship,  during  which  it  prospered,  became  the  property  of  Mr. 
Shreve,  by  whom  it  is  still  published.  The  Rcviezv  was  an  early  school  for  jour- 
nalism of  many  men  now  prominent  in  this  connection  in  other  cities,  and  while 
never  aspiring  to  any  great  heights — owing  to  the  proximity  of  Philadelphia  and 
the  facilities  of  bringing  the  journals  of  that  city  here  in  the  early  morning — and 
its  management  has  only  desired  that  it  meet  the  demand  for  a  reliable  and  pop- 
ular home  newspaper.  To  this  end  the  Rcz'iczv  has  been  improved  greatly  of 
late  years,  and  now  possesses  a  brick  publication  office  at  906  Atlantic  avenue, 
and  an  excellent  mechanical  department,  including  typesetting  machines  and  all 
other  up-to-date  essentials. 

The  Rci'iczv  has  always  championed  any  improvements  for  the  betterment  of 
the  resort,  and  has  always  endeavored  to  do  what  it  could  to  increase  the  popu- 
larity of  the  City  by  the  Sea,  the  growth  of  which — from  a  small,  little-known 
watering  place  on  the  coast  of  New  Jersey,  in  1872,  to  a  grand  seashore  metropolis, 
the  greatest  pleasure  resort  in  the  country,  in  1900 — it  has  witnessed  with  great 
pride  and  satisfaction. 

XLbc  xrimes=H>emocrat  an5  Star=(3a5ette. 

The  Times-Democrat  and  Star-Gazette  is  a  combination  of  four  newspajiers. 
The  Democrat  was  first  printed  at  Absecon,  in  1861.  The  Times  was  first  pub- 
lished by  Gen.  Joseph  Barbiere,  at  Hanimonton,  in  1877,  till  it  was  brought  to 
Atlantic  City  in  the  interest  of  the  XSrrow  Gauge  railroad  the  following  year,  and 
purchased  by  the  present  owner  in  August,  1879.  The  Star  originated  in  Mays 
Landing,  and  the  Gazette  in  Egg  Harbor  City,  finally  reaching  their  present 
hyphenated  group  in  Atlantic  City,  forming  the  leading  weekly  newspaper  of 
Atlantic  County.  The  paper  is  conducted  chiefly  by  Mr.  Ernest  Beyer,  and  owned 
by  the  Daily  Union  Printing  Company,  of  which  John  F.  Hall  is  manager  and 
principal  owner. 

ATLANTIC    CITY     rRI-:S?.  32.5 

Htlaiitic  (litv  2>ail\:  iPiess. 

the  Atlantic  City  Daily  I'rcss  was  .-tartcd  hy  its  prcsnit  <i\vikt  and  ])n  i|)rii'tor. 
Walter  E.  Edge. 

I\Ir.  Edge  had  previotisl\-  for  a  shcirt  season  ]nil)lisluil  a  distinctly  Imtrl  ijapcr 
known  as  the  Atlantic  City  Daily  (iiu-st.  wliicli  inun  a  tinancial  stanil]»iini  was 
one  of  the  most  successful  iniMicatidns  ever  issued  in  Atlantic  Cil\.  Tlii^  iiu'iiur- 
aged  Mr.  Edge  to  the  work  of  conductin.i;  an  all  the  year  daily  new  spaper.  and  the 
Daily  Press  has  occupied  a  position  in  the  cit\-  which  has  heen  the  natin'al  jiriilc 
to  its  publisher  and  his  friends. 

The  Daily  Press  has  been  conservative  }'et  at  all  times  advanced  the  he-i 
interests  of  Atlantic  City  as  a  popular  all  the  year  restart.  It  is  Kepnhlii-an  in 
politics  but  its  policy  has  never  been  offensive  in  a  political  direction. 

Its  publisher  has  been  interested  in  all  matters  relating  to  the  welfare  «if 
Atlantic  City,  contributing  to  a  considerable  e.xtent  from  a  newspaiier  standpoint, 
to  the  advancement  of  the  resort,  besides  ijccujiying  various  ]). isiiidus  ni  trust 
and  confidence  in  the  cit\"s  social,  nuuiiciiial  and  financial  wnrld. 

Ubc  atlantlc  Cxtv  jfreic  prcssc. 

The  Atlantic  City  Freie  I'resse  (flerniani  was  first  ])ul)lished  in  ."September. 
1889,  by  P.  J.  Dalborn.  In  1891.  Mr.  I'arl  \nelker  purchased  the  property  and 
has  since  conducted  it  in  the  interest  of  the  1  'iernian--\merican  citizens.  He  has 
been  greatly  assisted  in  his  literary  work  by  Airs.  X'ejelker.  a  highly  educated 
woman.  The  Freie  Presse  is  Deiuocratic  in  politics,  and  wields  a  large  influence 
among  the  German  element  of  this  city  and  county.  Its  circulation  extends  be- 
yond the  State  among  friends  of  Atlantic  City,  in  Pittsburg,  New  York,  lUifTalo, 
Philadelphia,  Cleveland  an.l  Washington,  D.  C. 

TLbc  5unC>a^  Gazette. 

The  Sunday  Gazette,  the  onl\'  ."Sunday  newsjiaper  in  Atlau' 
been  edited  and  published  by  William  J.  McLaughlin  since  iXiji 
lican  in  politics  and  gives  special  attention  to  social  events  and  sen 

persistent  iPublieitv. 

In  the  history  of  this  county,  upon  the  remarkable  and  rapid  growth 
of  Atlantic  City,  a  few  words  as  to  the  notable  results  obtained  through  the 
judicious  use  of  newspapers  by  leading  business  men  of  the  city  would  ])erhaps 
be  well  in  place.     There  have  been  many  instances  of  success  in  advertising  but 


it  remained  for  Atlantic  City  to  demonstrate  to  the  world  at  large  that  it  was 
possible,  through  a  combination  of  natural  attractions  and  an  expenditure  of  a 
few  thousands  of  dollars,  to  distinguish  Atlantic  City  from  a  popular  summer 
resort  to  unquestionably  the  best  and  most  favorably  known  all-the-year  resort 
in  the  world. 

Ten  years  ago  to  have  suggested  to  the  tourists  of  large  Eastern  cities  that 
m  a  few  vears  Atlantic  City  would  offer  them  attractions  for  a  Winter  sojourn 
superior  to  Florida  or  California,  would  have  seemed  ridiculous  in  the  extreme. 
Situated  on  an  island,  on  what  would  be  supposed  to  be  the  bleak  North  Atlantic 
Coast,  with  no  particular  beauties  of  nature  or  tropical  surroundings,  it  was  a 
proposition  that  even  the  most  enthusiastic  citizen  would  have  questioned  before 

The  leading  hotel  men  of  the  city,  however,  supported  by  the  business  element 
and  municipal  government,  undertook  this  proposition  but  first  at  an  acknowl- 
edged loss,  keeping  their  hotels  open  throughout  the  winter,  following  this  by 
continual  and  effective  newspaper  advertising  in  all  sections  of  the  country, 
sending  out  personal  representatives  of  the  city  to  interest  the  railroad  companies 
and  prospective  tourists  in  the  resort,  providing  winter  diversions  and  attractions 
for  them.  The  progress  was  exceedingly  slow  and  for  several  years  in  the  early 
nineties  it  seemed  that  a  paying  winter  business  was  almost  impossible.  This  fact, 
however,  made  the  Atlantic  City  business  man  all  the  more  determined  to  succeed 
and  more  strenuous  efforts  were  put  forth  during  the  past  five  years  in  the  way 
of  increased  advertising  appropriations,  increased  railroad  facilities,  increased 
popular  attractions  in  the  city,  and  increased  hotel  facilities.  The  results  have 
been  that  to-day  Atlantic  City  is  enjoying  two  distinct  and  profitable  seasons, 
while  Asbury  Park,  Cape  May  and  other  neighbors,  look  on  with  envy  and  are 
compelled  to  work  long  and  arduously  to  enjoy  one. 

At  this  time,  the  success  of  Atlantic  City  as  an  all-the-year  resort  is  assured. 
It  is  the  only  resort  in  America  that  can  attract  tourists  four  seasons  in  the  year; 
it  is  the  only  resort  in  America  that  has  a  combination  of  business  men  who  will 
stop  at  no  expense  that  Atlantic  City  may  continue  in  this  enviable  position.  Con- 
tinuing in  the  future  as  the  city  has  m  the  past,  it  is  a  question  of  but  a  very  short 
time  when  we  reach  the  position  as  the  popular  all-the-year  health  and  pleasure 
resort  so  far  removed  from  any  possible  successful  competition  that  to  be  a 
citizen  of  this  progressive  city  will  be  a  matter  of  pride  to  all. 

This  is  merely  another  demonstration  of  what  newspaper  publicity  will  do. 
combined  with  perseverance,  enterprise  and  skill. 


OUR    CITY    IU)S1'1TA1.  327 

®ur  Cttp  Ibospital. 

fHE  first  attempt  to  provide  a  hospital  in  this  city  was  made  a  dozen  years 
or  so  ago  when  one  of  the  rooms  in  the  old  City  Hall  was  set  ajjart  for 
emergency  cases.  In  1891  or  1892  the  ladies  and  others  interested  effected  an 
organization  and  held  receptions  at  the  Mansion  and  United  States  hotels  and 
raised  the  first  hospital  fund,  about  $1,100.  Later  when  this  money  with  the 
interest  amounted  to  $1,253,  't  ^^'^s  turned  over  as  a  free  bed  fund  to  Superintend- 
ent Rochford.  of  the  Sanitoriuni  Association,  who  under  a  contract  with  City 
Council  was  doing  the  hospital  work  of  the  city.  By  means  of  progressive  euchre 
parties,  an  Academy  concert  and  other  schemes  promoted  by  Mr.  Rochford,  this 
fund  finally  amounted  to  $3,000. 

For  five  years  the  hospital  work  was  done  at  the  Sanitoriuni  uiuler  cmiiract 
with  council  or  the  board  of  governors  at  an  expense  as  follows : 

1894.  Paid  for  rent,  $500;  42  weeks  at  $5,  $210.25.    Total,  $710.25. 

1895.  Paid  for  rent,  $900;  44  weeks  at  $5,  $224.25.    Total,  $1,124.25. 

1896.  Paid  for  rent,  $1,200;  1 16  weeks  at  $5,  $583.65.    Total,  $1,783.65. 

1897.  Paid  for  rent,  $1,200;  248  weeks,  i  day,  at  $5,  $1,241.    Total,  $2,441. 

1898.  Paid  for  rent,  $1,100;  157  weeks  at  $7,  $1,101.    Total,  $2,201. 
Total  for  iive  years,  $8,260.15. 

The  first  year  the  work  was  done  at  the  Carrolton  on  New  York  avenue,  and 
the  four  years  following  at  the  Sanitoriuni  at  Pacific  and  Mt.  \'ernon  avenues.  It 
was  at  the  latter  place  that  those  injured  in  the  Baltic  avenue  Casino  crash  during 
the  Elks  convention,  July  5,  1895,  were  cared  for.  Also  the  sixty  odd  persons 
injured  in  the  meadow  railroad  accident  July  30,  1896. 

During  these  five  years  the  city  was  favored  in  having  ample  hospital  facilities 
but  the  rates  were  so  low  that  they  were  provided  at  a  loss  and  disadvantage  to  the 
Sanitoriuni  Association. 

On  February  12.  1897,  a  meeting  of  representative  citizens  was  called  b\-  Mr. 
Rochford  at  the  Sanitoriuni  to  organize  a  hospital  association.  The  result  was  a 
regular  incorporated  body  and  the  selection  of  the  following  board  of  governors, 
except  that  Mr.  C.  J.  .\danis  has  succeeded  William  G.  Hoopes,  deceased.  Presi- 
dent. Franklin  P.  Stoy;  secretary,  A.  M.  Heston;  treasurer,  Lewis  Evans:  Chas. 
Evans,  Stewart  R.  McSliea.  Louis  Kuehnle,  James  D.  Southwick.  Pfarry  S.  Scull, 
J.  Leonard  Baier,  M.  A.  Devine,  H.  H.  Deakvne,  AI.  ^'.  B.  Scull.  Isaac  Bacharach, 
J.  F.  Hall. 

The  certificate  of  incorporation  bears  the  date  of  April  9,  1897,  when  the  C(jn- 
stitution  and  by-laws  were  adopted  and  a  permanent  organization  effected  which 
has  since  continued.  In  September  of  that  year  council  appropriated  $2,500  for 
hospital  expenses  and  placed  that  sum  at  the  discretion  of  the  board  of  governors. 
The  next  year  the  appropriation  was  $4,000,  the  Henry  J.  White  property  on  south 
Ohio  avenue  having  been  purchased  and  the  building  enlarged  and  renovated 
at  an  expense  of  $3,000  for  hospital  purposes.  The  building  contained  twelve  good 
rooms,  the  lot  100  x  175  feet  and  the  price  paid  $16,000. 





Mr.  Charles  Evans,  of  ihc  Seaside,  was  tlie  lirsl  pel 
wliich  was  apiilicil  to  tlie  purchase  iHoiie\ . 

The  Woman's  AnxiHary  oryanizeil  Xovenilier  j; 
several  hundred  dollars  worth  of  furniture  and  furnislii 
furnished  rooms  and  contributed  supplies.  This  orj.;aii 
F.  Hall,  president:  Mesdames  J.  D.  Southwick,  II.  S.  .^ 
vice-presidents:  Mrs.  John  (Hover  .'<hreve.  secriiar\  ;  .\ 
secretary:  .Mrs.  M.  .\."l)evine,  lre:i>uver.  an,l  nearly  ou^ 

In  April,  1899,  Miss  Elizabeth  C.  lioice,  of  Alise 
erect  a  brick  annex  to  the  Hospital  as  a  memorial  to 
P.oice.     The  board  of  governors    sreatly    ajipreciaied 

nf    Ml 

W.  E. 

r  father, 
er    ,<;-enei 


Secretary  Heston  and  others  discussed  plans  and  suggestions  with  Miss  I'.oice  and 
reported  from  time  to  time  to  the  board.  Architect  Harold  1".  Aiknns  prei)ared 
plans  and  estimates  which  were  finally  approved. 

On  Thanksgiving  Day.  1899,  at  a  public  reception  in  this  handsome  brick 
building,  which  cost  slightly  more  than  Sio,ooo,  :\Irs.  Elizabeth  Xourse,  nee  lloice. 
in  a  very  appropriate  and  pleasing  address  formally  presented  the  keys  and  deed 


to  President  Stoy,  that  the  institution  might  ever  be  as  intended,  a  memorial  to 
her  father.  One  of  the  rooms  was  designated  as  a  memorial  to  her  mother,  Mrs. 
Kate  M.  Boice. 

Several  other  generous  friends  furnished  rooms  ami  Mrs.  Peter  V.  Brown 
.gave  $5,000  cash  to  endow  a  room  as  a  memorial  to  her  late  husband  who  died  in 
this  city. 

The  development  and  progress  of  this  institution  has  been  very  gratifying.  It 
is  in  constant  need  of  funds  and  supplies  to  meet  expenses  which  are  nearly  $100 
per  week  and  to  liquidate  the  mortgage  of  $16,000  against  the  property.  Plans 
have  been  discussed  for  a  large  central  building  where  visiting  invalids,  pay 
patients,  could  be  properly  cared  for  and  the  institution  made  more  nearly  self- 

BoarC*  of  Ibealtb. 

yOr  TLANTIC  CITY  for  twenty  years  has  been  fortunate  in  having  an  efficient 
Ij  Board  of  Health,  pioneers  in  establishing  new  rules  and  regulations  for  a 
health  resort,  vigorously  seeking  to  keep  down  and  out  all  contagious 
■diseases  and  strictly  maintaining  proper  sanitary  conditions.  The  grading  of  low 
lots,  disposal  of  garbage  and  other  filth  were  at  first  serious  problems.  It  required 
years  of  study  and  experiment  to  secure  not  only  efficient  sewerage,  but  a  garbage 
crematory,  where  tons  of  waste  may  be  daily  disposed  of  at  minimum  cost. 

Among  the  early  members  of  the  health  board  were;  Dr.  Boardman  Reed, 
Dr.  F.  B.  Lippincott,  Dr.  J.  J.  Comfort,  Thomas  McGuire,  George  Hayday,  St., 
Mahlon  C.  Frambes,  Joseph  H.  Borton,  John  L.  Bryant.  Among  the  later  mem- 
bers were  Edward  S.  Lee,  Wm.  G.  Hoopes,  Harry  S.  Scull,  Wm.  B.  Louden- 
slager,  Dr.  A.  W.  Baily,  Elwood  Johnson,  Thos.  McDevitt,  Dr.  M.  D.  Youngman. 
and  others  who  have  done  much  to  preserve  prime  sanitary  conditions  and  make 
it  easier  these  days  to  dispose  of  all  waste  at  great  advantage.  Low  lots  have  dis- 
. appeared,  garbage  is  gathered  daily  and  destroyed  by  fire  in  a  costly  crematory, 
and  a  house  to  house  canvass  of  the  city  at  frequent  intervals  is  a  safeguard  of 
the  prompt  abatement  of  all  nuisances. 

The  remarkable  growth  and  popularity  of  the  city  have  largely  resulted  from 
the  good  work  done  bv  the  Board  of  Health. 

Counts  /IDe^ical  Society. 

The  Atlantic  County  Medical  Society  was  organized  in  1880  by  Dr.  Job 
.Somers  of  Linwood;  Drs.  Madden  and  Waters  of  Absecon;  Dr.  Boy  son  of  Egg 
Harbor:  Drs.  Abbott  and  Ingersoll  of  May's  Landing,  and  Drs.  Willard  Wright 
and  Boardman  Reed  of  Atlantic  City.  Dr.  Somers  was  elected  President,  Dr. 
Theo.  Boysen,  Secretary  and  Dr.  Madden,  Treasurer.  Dr.  T.  K.  Reed  was 
selected  as  the  first  essayist  of  the  Society.  At  the  close  of  Dr.  Job  Somers'  term 
of  office  he  read  a  very  interesting  paper  on  the  medical  history  of  the  county 
from  the  earliest  colonial  days. 


The  Society  continued  to  jirosper.  It  met  in  tlie  old  Cits  llall  in  lliis  c 
Many  able  men  front  Philadelphia  and  other  cities  addressed  the  Society  from  ti 
to  time.  During  the  year  of  iSij/  a  local  medical  society,  the  ".\cademy  of  .Mi 
■  cine,"  was  organized,  taking  the  place  in  jjart  of  the  county  society. 

Ube  Htlantic  Cit?  •fcomaopatblc  Glub. 

0X  the  e\-ening  of  Ma\-  17.  181)7,  in  response  to  an  invitation  sent  to  all  the 
homoeopathic  physicians  of  .\tlantic  County,  there  met  at  the  ofiice  of 
Dr.  AI.  D.  Youngman,  the  following  physicians:  Drs.  Bull,  I'.ieling, 
Balliet,  Baily,  Crosby,  Corson,  Fleming.  Redman  and  Sooy,  of  Atlantic 
City;  and  Gardiner,  of  .\bsecon;  and  after  discussion,  unanimously  determined 
to  band  themselves  into  a  club  for  the  advancement  of  Homoeopathy  and  the 
mutual  advantage  of  each  member.  A  constitution  was  adopted,  name  selected, 
and  the  following  officers  elected  to  serve  until  the  annual  meeting  in  January; 
President,  John  R.  Fleming:  Secretary,  John  L.  Redman;  Treasurer,  L.  D.  Balliet. 

The  club  liolds  its  meetings  monthly,  except  during  the  months  of  July  and 
August,  at  the  houses  of  the  various  members,  at  which  meetings  papers  are  read 
and  discussed,  cases  are  reported,  and  prevaihng  diseases  and  their  treatment 
brought  to  the  notice  of  the  members. 

Since  the  organization  of  the  club  Drs.  Mary  Miller,  Lydia  H.  Cromwell  and 
Alfred  W.  Westney  have  been  elected  to  membership,  and  Drs.  Redman,  Bull  and 
Beiling  have  lost  their  mend:)ership,  having  removed  from  the  city.  Dr.  (lardiner 
has  changed  his  location  from  .\bsecon  to  Atlantic  City. 

At  the  annual  meeting  of  January,  1898,  Dr.  Fleming  was  re-elected  Presi- 
dent, and  Dr.  Balliet  was  re-elected  Treasurer,  Dr.  Corson  being  elected  Secretary. 
In  1899,  at  the  annual  meeting,  all  the  old  officers  were  re-elected,  and  Dr.  Crom- 
well elected  .Assistant  Secretary. 

In  April,  1897,  just  one  month  after  the  organization  of  the  club,  Drs.  Baily, 
Bull,  Fleming,  Crosby,  Munson  and  Youngman  were  appointed  a  committee  to 
attend  the  meeting  of  the  American  Institute  of  Homoeopathy  at  Bufifalo  in  June, 
and  invite  that  body  to  meet  in  .Atlantic  City  in  1898.  The  committee  did  their 
work,  secured  a  club  room  at  the  Genesee  Hotel,  which  they  decorated,  and  had 
the  pleasure  of  seeing  many  of  the  Institute  members  in  their  room.  But  the 
Institute  pleaded  a  previous  engagement  and  went  to  Omaha.  To  the  Omaha 
meeting  the  club  sent  another  invitation,  which  was  unanimously  accepted,  and 
in  June.  1899.  the  club  had  the  pleasure  of  entertaining  the  Institute  in  .Atlantic 

The  club  now  numbers  twelve  members,  and  has  at  its  monthly  meeting 
an  average  attendance  of  ten.  Of  the  members,  Drs.  Fleming,  Baily.  Balliet, 
Munson.  Sooy.  Corson,  Gardiner  and  Westney  are  graduates  of  Hahnemann 
Medical  College  of  Philadelphia:  Drs.  Crosby  and  Youngman  of  the  Xew  York 
Homoeopathic  Medical  College:  Dr.  Cromwell  of  Hahnemann  Medical  Col- 
lege of  Chicago:  and  Dr.  Miller  of  Xew  York  Medical  College  and  Hospital  for 


Zbc  /IDorris  ©uarCis. 

Seventv-two  NOuns;  nicii  rrs|niii(kMl  in  a  circular  call  Inr  a  iiicctin^.  licld  in 
the  parlor  of  Malatesta's  Imtcl  mi  Satunla\.  March  u,  1SS7.  in  cnii^idrr  the 
organization  of  a  social-niilitar\-  ccmipany  which  has  since  liccii  knnwii  as  the 
Morris  Guards.  The  call  for  the  nK-ctius;  was  sriit  i.ut  and  si,';iu'd  hx  h'.dwin 
Smith,  Jr..  and  Russell  G.  Bing-.  At  a  sul)sc(|ucm  meeting  held  1.11  .March  iS.  iSSj, 
these  civil  officers  were  elected:  President.  J  as.  S.  I'eckwiih  :  \  ice- I'resi  dent,  (  ien. 
\\'.  Connely;  Secretary,  R.  G.  Bing;  Assistant  Secretary,  \V.  .\.  lianunaii;  Treas- 
urer, Fred.  P.  Currie;  and  the  following  officere  in  the  military  department: 
Gaptain,  Ed.  Smith,  Jr.;  First  Lieutenant,  Russell  G.  liing,  and  Second  Lieutenant, 
Fred.  I"".  Currie,  beside  five  Sergeants  and  eight  Gor])orals  in  the  non-commis- 
sioned class. 

The  names  of  the  boys  who  stood  shoulder  to  shoulder  in  this  manly  endeavor 
to  maintain  an  organization  for  the  purpose  of  securing  military  training  and  pro- 
moting social  intercourse:  Josejjh  L.  Shaner,  Dahlgren  Albertson,  Frank  Keates, 
H.  R.\\lbertson,  John  P.  Tompkins.  Alfred  11.  Turner,  C.  W.  I'.olte,  L.  S.  Gon- 
over,  Clifton  C.  siiinn,  S.  G.  Hinkle,  W".  J.  :\li(ldletc,n.  Harold  [■.  .Xdams.  James 
S.  Beckwith,  William  G.  Bullock,  G.  W".  Borden,  Thomas  Brady,  Jr.,  Robert 
r.rady.  \\'.  S.  Glarkson,  Edward  Evans,  A.  S.  Faunce,  U.  G.  France,  Frank  Glenn, 
Evan  J.  Hackney,  Wm.  A.  Hutchinson,  John  J.  Harkins,  H.  J.  Irvin,  Joel  Leeds, 
Jos.  McBvaine,  Chas.  T.  .Murphy.  Ghas.  W".  (  )at,  Joseph  C)bert,  Lewis  L.  Rose, 
G.  Sumner  Reed.  E.  E.  Richer,  John  S.  Westcoit,  E.  C.  Shaner.  H.  1).  Turner, 
S.  S.  \'ansant,  Silas  Wootton,  William  H.  B.urkard,  Harry  I'owell.  A.  1'.  Jdhnson. 
Clarence  Myers,  besides  the  officers  named  above. 

The  company,  which  was  greatly  augmented  from  time  to  time,  under  the 
skillful  guidance  of  Captain  Edwin  Smith,  an  old  State  l-'encible  man,  rapidly 
acquired  the  foot  movements  utilizing  small  halls  and.  in  fair  weather,  the  streets, 
as  their  training  grounds.  In  May,  1887,  the  first  fair  was  held  and  with  it  came 
the  first  uniforms,  the  fatigue.  On  May  11,  1887,  the  company  was  legally  incor- 
jjorated.  Li  October  following  the  Company  purchased  their  rifles,  the  Governor 
having  vetoed  the  bill  passed  by  the  Leg-islature  authorizing  a  loan  of  arms. 

About  this  time  Colonel  Daniel  Morris,  who  had  from  the  very  start  of  the 
organization  materially  aided  it,  starteil  to  erect  the  Armory  building  on  Xew 
York  avenue  where  the  company  has  beeu  quartered  to  this  day.  It  was  first 
occupied  for  military  purposes  on  the  evening  of  January  26,  1888.  and  has  been 
the  scene  of  many  distinguished  gatherings,  elaborate  functinirs  and  merry  socials 

In  an  incredibly  short  time  the  Guardsmen  became  very  pmficient  in  martia, 
movements  and  the  use  of  the  rifle  and  on  many  occa.sions  in  succeeding  years  and 
to  this  time,  have  jjroved  their  superiority  as  a  well  drilled  body  of  men.  Their 
"exhibition  drill  squad"  has  always  been  a  synonym  for  discipline  and  skill  in 
soldierly  maneuver  and,  although  frequentl\-  under  the  critical  gaze  of  some  high 
nnlitary  personage,  promptness  and  precision  have  never  l)een  missing. 

.\fter  the  companv  had  l)een  instituted  some  four  or  five  years  there  was  an 


THE    MORRIS    GUARDS.  335> 

infusion  of  newer  blooil  in  the  ranks  and  energetic,  willins;  hands  took  up  tlie  work 
of  the  pioneers.  The  latter  never  faiHng^  in  their  loyalty,  and  the  former  ever 
anxious  to  accept  the  promising  future  ahead.  Upon  Capt.  Smith's  resignation, 
Harold  F.  .Adams,  then  a  Lieutenant,  became  Captain,  .\fter  a  brief  period  of 
practical  usefulness  he.  too.  resignetl  and  Lieutenant  Lewis  T.  Bryant  was  pro- 
moted to  the  command  of  the  Guards,  the  duties  of  which  oiifice  he  has  so  faithfully 
and  successfully  performed. 

Captain  Bryant  is  a  graduate  of  the  Tennsylvania  .Military  .\cademy  and  com- 
bines a  kindly,  courteous  disposition  with  a  thorough  knowledge  of  military 
science  and  the  details  of  discipline.  Other  changes  took  place  in  the  course  of 
time.  L'pon  Capt.  Bryant's  promotion,  Robert  E.  Stephany  was  elevated  to  the 
First  Lieutenancy.  In  the  earlier  days  Dr.  Eugene  L.  Reed  was  made  .\ssistant 
Surgeon  with  rank  of  First  Lieutenant. 

In  the  line  of  Second  Lieutenants.  \\'illiam  H.  Bartlett  succeeded  Fred.  P. 
Currie  resigned,  and  upon  his  resignation,  Robert  H.  Ingersoll,  Esq.,  was  elected. 
.\fterward  Lieutenant  Ingersoll  resigned  and  C.  Stanley  Grove,  was  elected  and 
served  in  a  most  acceptable  manner  as  the  "leader  of  the  Second  platoon." 

Of  late  years  many  substantial  and  decorative  improvements  have  been  made 
in  the  Armory  and  to-day  it  stands  as  a  model  home  of  a  meritorious  organization. 
Military  details,  while  strictly  adhered  to,  are  not  permitted  to  crowd  out  the  sunny 
side  of  life  and  in  this  splendidly  equipped  building  the  Morris  Guards  have,  by  a 
long  series  of  brilliant  social  affairs,  earned  for  themselves,  and  justly  too,  the 
reputation  of  being  premier  entertainers.  The  active  members  are  assisted  by  the 
life  and  contributing  meinbers  on  these  occasions  and,  from  Early  Fall  until  Sum- 
mer Comes  again,  the  armory  resounds  with  social  merriment  and  pleasure  reigns 
supreme.  In  their  business  afTairs  the  Guards  are  well  governed  and  their  person- 
nel is  that  of  the  best  young  element  in  the  city. 

Providence  has  smiled  graciously  on  the  members  and  their  undertakings. 
The  doleful  notes  of  "taps"  have  sounded  but  three  times  in  the  active  ranks  out- 
side of  their  annual  encampment.  Those  three  who  have  gone  beyond  came  from 
the  charter  members — they  were,  Hutchinson,  Beckwith  and  Glenn. 

-Vthletics  have  a  warm  ])lace  in  the  (hiardsman's  heart  and  their  splendid  array 
of  apparatus,  combined  w  ith  the  health  giving  effects  of  the  yearly  encampment, 
sers-es  to  keep  them  in  good  physical  shape. 

There  is  little  lacking  in  any  way  in  this  body  of  men  and  for  what  they  have 
achieved  an  appreciative  public  will  surely  wish  them  renewed  successes. 

In  looking  backward  a  decade  and  more  one  cannot  fail  to  see  what  grand 
liberality,  aided  b\-  energetic,  ambitious  work,  will  achieve. 

In  other  years  the  company  had  minstrel  "shows,"  as  they  were  termed,  which 
netted  some  coin  of  the  realm  as  well  as  vast  amusement  for  both  the  public  and 
])articipants  and  notable  among  these  events  was  the  perfomiance  of  the  Guards 
.Minstrels,  soon  after  the  horrible  Johnstown  disaster,  for  the  benefit  of  the  suffer- 
ers. The  old  Opera  House  on  .\tlantic  avenue  was  the  place  where  they  appeared, 
and  a  crowded  house  greeted  the  players.  (  )vr  six  hundred  dollars  were  netted 
for  the  cause  of  humanitv. 


THK    MORRIS    GUARDS.  337 

After  that  nicnuirahk'  cvciiiiijL;  tluTc  was  a  cossatidii  nf  niinstrrl>\  aintniL;  tlir 
Ciuarils  for  several  years  when  a  \er_\-  elal)i)rate  perforniaiu-e  was  ^iveii  in  tin- 
Armory.  Extensive  preparations  had  been  made  for  another  w hieli  was  prevented 
by  the  destrnction  of  the  place  by  fire  February  7,  1898.  'i'liey  hi)we\er  decided  td 
enlarge  the  stage  in  the  Arnmry  which  they  diil  and  gave  the  eiitertainineni 

When  President  AIcKinley  issued  his  first  call  for  troops  in  tlie  war  willi 
Spain  a  number  of  members  of  the  .Morris  (iuards  were  anxious  to  enter  the 
service,  but  Governor  \'oorhees  decided  that  preference  shouUl  he  given  tn  the 
Xational  Guards  in  making  up  the  quota  of  troops  for  service.  Assurances  were 
given  that  in  case  of  a  second  call  the  Guards  should  receive  recognition. 

Acting  on  this  suggestion,  a  meeting  was  held  at  the  Armory  on  the  evening 
of  June  20,  1898,  and  officers  elected.  Ten  days  later,  on  June  .v-  an  official  call 
for  another  regiment  of  volunteers  was  issued  by  Governor  \ ddrhees.  The  same 
night  a  meeting  of  the  ]\lorris  Guards  \"olunteers  was  held  at  the  Armory  and  a 
number  of  members  signed  the  enlistment  roll.  The  next  day  the  company  was 
officiallv  accepted.  Drills  were  l)egun  July  5  and  held  every  night  thereafter  until 
the  Company  left  for  the  front.  The  recruits,  113  in  number,  were  exanuned  Jidy 
8.  and  91  accepted — the  best  record  in  the  State. 

The  volunteers  were  tendered  a  public  reception  on  the  new  steel  pier,  pre- 
ceded bv  a  banquet  at  the  Hotel  Dennis,  on  the  evening  of  July  11.  The  pier  was 
crowded,  hundreds  of  representative  citizens  being  present.  The  next  day,  Tues- 
day, July  12,  1898,  the  Company  departed  for  Camp  Voorhees,  Sea  Girt,  N.  J., 
When  the  men  assembled  at  the  Armory,  120  strong,  every  one  was  taken  by  the 
hand  by  Col.  Daniel  Morris,  the  patron  of  the  Guards,  and  wished  (lod-speed  and 
a  safe  return.  The  boys  were  escorted  to  the  train  by  the  G.  A.  K.  veterans  and 
other  oTganizations.  There  were  stirring  and  dramatic  scenes  at  the  railroad 
station,  and  many  eyes  were  dinuned  with  tears  as  the  train  rolled  awa_\-,  aiuid  the 
cheers  of  the  assembled  multitude,  bearing  the  volunteers  to  the  defense  of  their 
country's  honor. 

The  Company  was  sworn  into  the  United  States  service  July  14,  1898.  They 
remained  in  camp  at  Sea  Girt  till  ( )ctober  8th,  when  they  were  transferred  to  Camp 
Meade,  near  Gettysburg,  Pa.,  where  they  remained  till  November  12th.  They 
arrived  in  Camp  \\'etherill,  at  Greenville,  S.  C.  Xovember  13th,  and  remained 
there  till  they  were  mustered  out.  April  (>,  1899. 

The  present  officers  of  the  Cnipany  are  Captain  Lewis  T.  L!ryant;  First 
Lieutenant,  C.  Stanley  Grove;  Second  Lieutenant,  Harry  E.  Smith;  Sergeants, 
Walter  Clark,  D.  W.  Kerr,  W.  A.  Stephany,  Phillip  N.  Besser,  William  Voss; 
Quartermaster,  William  F.  Pfaff;  Corporals,  William  Dill,  Samuel  lob,  and 
George  Bailey.  _  _ 


(Bolf  at  tbe  Counttg  Club. 

^~*  1 1  \l  Country  Club,  composed  of  prominent  citizens  has  provided  handsomely 
I^J       for  the  lovers  of  golf,  who  visit  this  resort. 
^  On  a  beautiful  rise  of  ground  on  the  mainland  six  miles  away  a  model 

club  house  has  been  built  and  eighteen-link  grounds  laid  out  that  are  much 
enjoyed  by  golfers. 

All  conveniences  are  provided  and  the  soil  is  of  such  a  character  that  wet  sea- 
sons hardly  interfere  with  this  health-giving  game.  The  grounds  are  easily  acces- 
sible by  rail,  bicycle  or  carriage  over  good  roads  and  are  greatly  appreciated. 

From  the  perfectly  appointed  club  house,  a  line  example  of  colonial  archi- 
tecture, one  may  look  over  miles  of  cultivated  fields  that  slope  to  vast  and  pictur- 
esque areas  of  bay  and  meadow  land,  and  beyond  all  oceanward,  Atlantic  City, 
Ventnor,  South  Atlantic  and  Longport,  with  the  prominent  buildings  rising  and 
vibrating  as  in  a  mirage  along  the  horizon  line. 

Golf  (in  its  older  forms  golf,  gouiif,  gowff,  the  latter  of  which  gives  the  genuine 
old  pronunciation),  is  an  amusement  formerly  so  peculiar  to  Scotland,  that  it  was 
well  and  truly  termed  the  national  game  of  that  country. 

Not  many  vears  ago,  however,  the  game  was  taken  up  in  England,  where  it 
at  once  became  immensely  popular;  finally  it  was  brought  over  to  America,  and 
to-day  throughout  this  country,  and  in  England  as  well,  it  is  the  most  popular,  as 
well  as  one  of  the  most  healthful  of  all  open  air  games,  and  the  fact  that  it  brings 
all  the  muscles  of  the  human  body  into  healthy  action  conmiends  it  to  all  and 
makes  it  a  really  desirable  game,  though  there  are  those  who  look  upon  it  unjustly 
as  a  senseless  pastime. 


DRl\i:S    AXD    GOOD    ROADS.  339 

H>rivc5  an&  <5oo^  TRoaDs. 

In  ciMitrast  with  the  i^ood  county  roads  tliat  luive  lurii  huilt  the  pasi.  few 
years  at  public  ex])eiise:  t\\  eiit\-t\vo  miles  from  Ahsecon  to  llammniitou:  sex'eii 
miles  from  Egg  Harbor  City  to  .Mays  Landing ;  seven  miles  on  this  islan<l  to 
Longport,  and  five  miles  of  private  turnpike  across  tlie  meadows  to  the  mainland, 
the  following  description  of  the  first  ]iublic  road  laid  out  in  this  county  is  inter- 
esting. It  was  first  laid  out  in  171(1  leading  fnim  Xacote  Creek  (Port  Re]nil)lic), 
along  the  shore  to  Somcrs  I'^erry  at  Soniers  I'nint.  This  road  was  altered  and  laid 
out  l\v  six  surveyors  fr<jm  i'.urlington  county,  and  six  from  Cdoiiccster  coimtw 
Their  returns  bears  date  the  15th  day  of  March.  1731. 

Previous  to  giving  the  location  of  the  road,  they  recite,  tliat  the  former  road 
that  was  laid  out  for  the  inhabitants  of  the  township  of  Egg  Plarbor  in  the  county 
of  Gloucester,  to  travel  from  the  east  end  of  the  shore  to  Somers"  Ferrv  b\'  reason 
of  the  swamps  and  marsh  through  which  the  road  passed,  had  fomid  it  to  be 
inconvenient  for  the  inhabitants  to  travel,  and  had  made  aiiplicati<  m  to  Tlmmas 
W'etherill  and  five  other  surveyors  from  Burlington  County  and  tn  jnhn  I-'slick  of 
<;ioucester  County.  These  twelve  surveyors  having  found  the  former  road 
inconvenient  made  the  following  alterations,  viz: 

riegimiing  at  .\aked  Creek,  and  from  thence  as  the  same  was  formerly  laid 
out  and  now  beat,  to  Jeremiah  .\dams'  bridge.  Thence  over  the  same,  and  S(3 
on,  as  the  road  is  now  Ijeat,  till  it  comes  near  William  Mead's  house.  Then  b\-  a 
line  of  marked  trees,  on  the  northwest  side  of  said  road,  till  it  comes  past  the  said 
Mead's  house.  Then  along  the  beaten  road,  till  it  comes  to  John  Steelman's  land. 
So  then  by  a  line  of  marked  trees,  on  the  northwest  side  of  the  beaten  road,  till 
it  comes  near  across  said  Steelman's  land.  Then  along  said  beaten  n^ad  to 
Absequon  bridge.  Then  over  the  same,  and  so  along  the  beaten  road  till  it  comes 
near  Jeremiah  Risley's  house.  Then  by  a  line  of  marked  trees,  on  the  northwest 
side  of  the  beaten  road,  part  over  Daniel  Lake's  land  and  part  over  the  said 
Risley's  land,  and  so  into  the  beaten  road  to  Abel  Scull's  land.  Thence  crossing 
said  Scull's  land  by  a  line  of  marked  trees  till  it  conies  near  David  Conover's 
house,  and  from  thence  along  the  road  as  it  now  lyeth.  to  the  landing  near  Richard 
Sumer's  house. 

Jfirst  Quail  an5  IRabbit. 

Richanl.  a  brother  ni  Ryan  Adams,  first  lirought  live  ralibits  and  (|uail  tcj  this 
island,  sometime  after  1800  and  previous  to  1820.  They  soon  became  very  plenti- 
ful for  a  number  of  years,  till  one  very  severe  winter  when  a  deep  snow  and  un- 
commonly high  tide  very  nearly  exterminated  the  cpiail  and  destroyed  many  oi 
the  rabbits.  The  latter  living  the  shrubbery  on  the  high  land  were  able  to 
stand  the  storm  better  than  the  birds,  which  buried  under  the  snow  on  the 
meadows  were  overcome  by  the  high  tides  and  were  nearly  or  i|uite  exterminateil. 


/'m%  i'  'lo  point  along  the  New  Jersex'  coast  can  so  many  yachts  and  saihng  craft 

\^  J       he  found  as  here.    While  the  shifting  sands  and  bars  at  the  Inlet  channel 

make  this  harbor  inaccessible  to  large  vessels,  many  private  pleasure 

}achts  come  here  during  the  sunmier  and  the  Inlet  wharves    present    a 

scene  of  unusual  animatimi  at  all  times. 

Since  1883  a  Yaclitsmciis'  Association  has  maintained  an  organization  and  a 
large  active  membership.  Stringent  rules  are  enforced  to  maintain  suitable 
wharves  and  permit  only  experienced,  capable  seamen  to  engage  in  the  business. 

A  fleet  of  one  hundred  or  more  pleasure  yachts,  some  of  them  large  and  hand- 
somely furnished,  handle  thousands  of  people  daih'  in  sununer  time  at  very  reas- 
onable rates. 

As  man\-  more  smaller  craft  are  owned  by  cottagers  and  citizens. 

Fishing  in  the  bays  or  on  the  ocean  is  one  of  the  exhilarating  pastimes  of 

Cabin  yachts  are  available  during  the  winter  months  in  which  those  who  wish 
may  spend  a  week  or  more  at  a  time,  gunning  about  the  bays. 



ifirst  public  BuilJMutis. 

Tho  top  story  of  Ryan  Adams'  old  (  )cvau  I  l.msc  was  usr.l  as  a  jail  .  .r  Incknp 
for  a  mmilier  of  vears.  Souk-  of  tlu'  prisoners  suhinittcil  to  cIom.'  (|uanirs  s^raci-- 
fully.  l)ut  Olio  man  in  attempting  to  escape  from  a  third-story  window  fell  and 
broke  a  leg. 

The  first  city  jail  which  is  still  standing:  near  its  original  site  in  the  rear  of  the 
\"ermont  House,  was  built  of  joists  3x6  inches  laid  together  like  brick  and  si)iked 
firmly.  It  contained  two  cells,  10x10  roouis  with  one  window  in  each.  The  first 
man  locked  up  is  .saitl  to  have  escaped  in  the  niyht.  I'rexious  to  its  erection  in 
1869.  offenders  were  handcutil'etl  aroimd  a  tree  in  the  mayor's  front  yard.  .\t  any 
rate  that  was  the  practice  that  prevailetl  when  Robert  T.  l-lvard  was  maxur  in  \Xft^ 
and  livei.1  on  Pennsylvania  avenue,  near  wli.'it  is  now  1  leckler's  1  lotel. 

Ubc  JFlrst  (IoIote&  /IDan. 

The  first  colored  man  to  take  up  his  permanent  residence  in  this  city  was 
■'Billy"  Bright.  He  lived  in  a  shanty  on  Rhode  Island  avenue  in  iS3(j.  The  first 
colored  boy  to  attend  school  in  this  cit_\-  was  Joe  Ross,  who  had  his  se])arate  desk 
in  one  corner  of  the  n.ioni  in  the  first  public  school  house  on  I'ennsylvania  a\enue. 

IPlcntg  of  J6[achsnahes. 

Few  people  these  times  Iiave  any  concejnion  how  Ijlack  snakes  infested  this 
island  in  its  early  days.  They  seem  not  to  have  disturbed  Jeremiah  Leeds  to  any 
extent:  indeed,  he  is  said  to  have  protected  the  snakes,  as  they  destroyed  rats  and 
mice  and  did  more  good  than  harm.  They  were  plowed  out  of  the  ground  in  the 
spring  and  scratched  out  with  the  harrow  when  they  burrowed  to  deposit  their 
eggs  and  were  found  in  the  woods  everyw  here.  They  were  often  six  to  eight  feet 
long  and  as  large  around  as  a  man's  w  rist.  Their  bite  was  not  dangerous,  but  they 
were  killed  with  clubs  and  guns. 

Richard  Ilackett  tells  of  killing  twelve  black  snakes  one  day  on  his  way  from 
Jeremiah  to  Andrew  Leeds'  residence. 

James  Blackman,  of  Absecon,  \\hile  \isiting  the  island  one  da\-  came  n])on 
one  so  large  and  long  that  with  a  loaded  gim  he  dare  not  attempt  to  kill  it.  lie 
left  it  undisturbed. 

When  Chalkley  S.  Leeds  was  a  boy,  he  came  upon  a  black  snake  while  cross- 
ing a  field  one  day.  The  snake  chased  him  and  bit  his  clothing  several  times  before 
the  boy  could  get  to  the  nearest  fence,  where  he  found  a  club  to  use  effectively. 
He  could  not  outrun  the  snake.  It  is  only  occasionally  these  later  years  that  these 
ancient  emblems  of  wisdom  have  been  found  in  the  groves  and  sandhills. 



Cost  of  Cits  Government. 

N  ordinance  to  provide  for  the  anionnt  of  tax  to  Ije  levied  in  Atlantic  City 
in  the  year  1898,  to  make  appropriations  and  limit  the  expenditures  of 
Atlantic  City  for  the  fiscal  year  beginning  the  first  Monday  in  September, 
i8ij8,  and  ending  the  first  Monday  in  September,  1899. 

Section  i.  Be  it  ordained  by  the  City 
Council  of  Atlantic  City,  That  for  the  fiscal 
year  beginning  the  first  Monday  in  Sep- 
tember, 1898,  and  ending  the  first  Monday 
in  September,  1899,  the  following  amounts 
are  hereby  appropriated  and  ordered 
raised  for  the  respective  purposes  herein 
stated,  and  from  any  funds  in  the  Treasury, 
to  be  used  for  the  respective  purposes: 

County  Tax    $46,398  75 

State  School  Tax 36,161  28 

City  School  Tax 35.300  00 

Special  District  School  Tax....       9,105  00 

Sinking   Fund    25,000 

Water  Department  105,940  00 

Foating  Debt  2,500  00 

City   Notes    25,000  00 

Interest  on  Bonds 10,576  97 

Interest  on  Notes 5,000  00 

Lighting    28,000  00 

Streets   1 7,900  00 

Poice   Department   29,500  00 

Fire   Department    20,000  00 

Detective  Service   1,000  00 

Protection     and     Improvement 

of  Property 11,200  00 

Printing  and  Stationery  2,500  00 

Salaries   18,650  00 

Legal  Expense 3,000  00 

Poor  Fund 4,000  00 

Sanitary    14,000  00 

Board  of  Health   3,000  00 

Atlantic   City   Hospital 4,00000 

Election  Expenses   

IMemorial  Expenses  

Armory  Rent  

United  States  Fire  Co 

Atlantic  Fire  Co 

Neptune  Hose  Co 

Good   Will    Hook   and    Ladder 


Beach  Pirates  Chemical  Engine 

Co 800  00 

Chelsea  Fire  Co 1,750  00 

Rescue  Hook  and  Ladder  Co..  300  oc 

Deferred  Bills   20,303  00 

1,000  00 
$100  00 
100  00 
2,250  00 
2,500  00 
2,250  00 

2.250  00 

Building  Streets  and  Sidewalks 
Revising,  Compiling  and  Print- 
ing Charter  and  Ordinances.. 
Flower  Beds  

Total   $494,435  00 

Sec.  2.  And  be  it  further  ordained, 
That  the  moneys  appropriated  by  the  first 
section  of  this  ordinance  shall  be  derived 
from  the  following  sources: 

Tax   Duplicates,    1898 $314,435  00 

Licenses    93.0OO  00 

Fines  and  Costs i  ,400  00 

Building  Permits   800  00 

Sale  of  Street  dirt 1,200  00 

Registration  of  Dogs 500  00 

Sundry  Services    1,543  59 

Cash  on  hand  to  credit  of  Water 
Department,    September    5th, 

41.843  71 

9,3-'o  00 
$7,000  00 

Unpaid  Water  Bills,  series  of 
August  1st,  1898 

Receipts  of  Water  Department, 
series  of  February  ist,  1899. . . 

Sundry  account,  Water  Depart- 
ment          1 ,000  00 

Street    Service    account,    Water 

Department 3, 500  00 

Cash  on  hand  to  credit  of  Gen- 
eral Fund,  September  sth, 
1898   18,892  70 

$494,435  00 
Sec.    3.     And   be   it   ordained,   That   this 
ordinance   shall  take  effect  immediately. 

Passed    at    a    regular    meeting    of    City 
Council,  September  12th,  1898. 



E.   D.  IRELAN, 

City  Clerk 
Approved  September  16,  1898. 


Mayor  of  Atlantic  City, 



State  School   Tax $.?7.T  17  ^o 

Cf.untv  Tax  5J.065  88 

Cit-  S'chool  Tax 40.000  00 

S|,ccial  District  School  Tax 14J05  00 

Sii  king  Fund   .Sf).400  00 

\\'ater  Departmeiit    107.000  00 

Cifv  Notes  .30.000  CO 

Interest  on   Bonds trx/.'d  58 

Interest  on  Xotcs .S.ooc  00 

Lighting   J9.500  00 

Streets   25.000  00 

Police  Department   .?2..i00  00 

Fire  Department   40.900  00 

United  States  Fire  Company 2.-250  00 

Atlantic  Fire  Company 2.250  00 

Neptune   Hose  Company 2.250  00 

Good  Will  Hook  and  Ladder  Company 2.250  00 

Beach  Pirates  Chemical  Engine  Company 1.500  00 

Chelsea  Fire  Company 2.250  00 

Rescue  Hook  and   Ladder  Company 250  00 

Deferred  Bills  47.f>79  24 

Detective  Ser\  ice   1.000  00 

Protection  and  Improvement  of  Property 7.500  00 

Printing  and  Stationery 2.500  00 

Salaries" 16.000  00 

Legal  Expenses   4.000  00 

Poor  Fund 6.500  00 

Sanitary   i  00 

Board  of  Health 570O  00 

Atlantic   City   Hospital 4.800  00 

Elf  ction    Expenses    i  .000  00 

Memorial    Services 100  00 

Ai  morv    Rent 100  00 

Public '  Fountains 5°  00 

Building  Sidewalks  00 

Revising.  Compiling  and  Printing  Charter  and  Ordinances 2.000  00 

Total S598.4+4  00 


Tax    Duplicate,   1899 $419,644  00 

Licenses  95.000  00 

Fines  and  Costs  00 

Building  Permits  1,000  00 

Sale  of  Street  Dirt 100  00 

Registration   of   Dogs 500  00 

Sundry   Sources    1.700  00 

Cash  on  hand  to  credit  of  General  Fund.  September  4.  1899 1,370  34 

Cash  on  hand  to  credit  of  Water  Department,  September  4,  iSgy.  .  50.99.?  20 

Unpaid  Water  Bills  sr's  .\ugust  i.   1899 17.106  80 

Receipts  Water  Department  sr's  February  i.  iqoo 2.000  00 

Sundry  Account.  Water  Department 2.500  00 

Street  Service  Account.  Water  Department 4.200  00 

Back   Bills  and   Fines 8.50  00 

Interest  on  Deposit  of  Water  Department 479  66 

Total $598,444  00 

atlantlc  Cits  ©fficials. 

Mayor,  Franklin  P.  Stoy;  Recortler,  Roljert  K.  Stephany:  Alderman,  Harry 
Bacharach;  Treasurer,  John  A.  Jeffries;  City  Clerk,  Emery  D.  Irelan;  Tax  Col- 
lector, William  Lowry,  Jr.;  Solicitor,  Carlton  Godfrey;  City  Comptroller,  A.  M. 
Heston;  Chief  of  Police,  Harry  C.  Eldridge;  Overseer  of  the  Poor,  Daniel  L. 
Albertson;  Mercantile  Appraiser,  J.  W.  Parsons;  Supervisor  of  Streets,  S.  B.  Rose; 
Building  Inspector,  S.  L.  Westcoat;  Electrician.  Albert  C.  Farrand;  City  Mar- 
shal, Cornelius  S.  I'^ort ;  Assessors,  Stewart  H.  Shinn,  .Seraph  F.  Lillig,  Andrew  J. 

/IDembers  of  Council. 



DOUGHTY,  S.  L., 



The  as 

SOUTH    .1FKSI-:V    1\    COXi 
it\-  i;c)VLTiiiiK'nt,   l8i;v.  anuuin 

Water  I'laiit 

City  Hall  Property 

Steel  Boardwalk 

Sinking  I'^mul 

Tax  Duplicate  of  iS.)8 

Personal  and  ( )tlier  Pronert\ 



The  total  liabilities. 
Consistini;-  of: 

:itv  atrijretiati 

City  Bonds 

Improvement  I'.onds 

Paving  Bonds 

City  Hall  Bonds  .  .  . . 
Water  Bonds 

1 87,000 



The  story  of  Atlantic  City's  wonderful  growth  and  prosperit) 
following  figures: 

Voters.  Populatii.n 

1834  { h'irst  F.lection ) 18  100 

i8s7 77  400 

i860 IK)  687 

1865 126  746 

1870 173  1.043 

1875 45<^  -2.009 

1880 962  5.477 

1885 1,676  7,94^ 

1890 2.840  13.037 

1895 3,600  18.329 

1899  (Estimated) 5.680  25.000 

1 .707,760 
I  5.000.000 


While  Atlantic  County  at  present  i>  a  part  of 
was  formerly  included  m  the   First,  and  has  been 
The  following  gentlemen  have  represented  South  J 
was  formed  in  1837: 

18.C.  Charles  C.  Stratton,  Gloucester. 

i8,3<j-'4l.  William    B.    Cooper.   Gloucester. 

i84i-'43.  Charles   C.   Stratton.   Gloucester. 

1843- '45.  L.   Q.   C.   Elmer.   Cumberland. 

i845-'4g.  JamesG.  Hampton.  Cumberland. 

iS4g-'5i  Andrew   K.   Hay,   Camden. 

l85l-'55.  Nathan  T.  Stratton,  Cumberland. 

i8s5-'5g.  Isaiah   D.  Clawson.  Cumberland. 

i85Q-'63.  John   T.    Ni.xon.   Cumberland. 

iSt.V'fi'-.  .lohn   F.   Star,  Camden. 


















— . 

the  Second  Congressional  District  it 
lu)nored  by  representation  in  Congress, 
crsey  in  Congress  since  .Mlantic  County 

William  Moore.  Atlantic. 
John  W.   Hazelton.  Gloucester. 
Samuel  C.   Porker  (Second 

District).  Burlington. 
Samuel  -A.  Dobbins.  Burlington. 
J.    Howard    Pugh,    Burlington. 
Hezekiah    B.    Smith,    Burlington. 
85.     John  Hart  Brewer.  Mercer. 
James    Buchanan.   Mercer. 
John   J.    Gardner.    Atlantic. 

HON.  J.  E.  P.  ABBOTT. 

Beautiful  Xouopovt. 

CI  IF.  borouyh  uf  Lonop.irt  at  the  soutlK-rly  end  (if  tlii>  island  i>  a  (K-li-hiful 
family  resort,  with  two  lar^e  lidtels,  twenty  or  mure  tine  cottai;"es,  a  lari;e 
club  house,  a  (ui\-ernment  life  sa\ing  statiim,  a  steamboat  landing  and 
trolley  terminus  and  scmie  iither  buildinj^s.  This  municipality  was  incor- 
jjorated  in  1898  when  a  niayor.  Ixiroui;]!  council  and  other  officials  were  elected. 
Seventeen  years  ago  'Sir.  M.  S.  Alcl'iillough,  the  founder  and  its  first  mayor, 
purchased  the  greater  portion  of  the  land  now  comprised  within  the  borough  limits 
and  decided  to  convert  the  sand  dunes  into  a  first-class  pleasure  community. 
Time  has  vindicated  his  judgment  and  the  attractions,  improvements  and  valua- 
tions have  increased  amazingly.  Intervening  wastes  are  being  rapidly  developed, 
a  magnificent  speedway  built  1)\  the  cunntx  an<l  this  resort  made  a  very  promising 
suburb  of  the  older,  larger  and  better  known  .\tlantic  City  at  the  northerly  end 
of  the  island. 

Automobiles  will  soon  be  rivaling  trolley  cars  between  the  ]iiiint  and  a 
parade  of  pleasure  and  fashion  revealed,  unique  along  the  coast,  especially  at  night 
when  it  will  be  brilliantly  lighted  by  artificial  suns. 

The  bathing  beach  and  surf  at  Longpori  is  unsur]iassed.  Sloping  gradually 
the  shallow  sands  extend  all  the  way  around  the  Inlet  point  below  where  ves- 
sels enter  and  leave  the  bay,  and  far  up  the  lia\  shore  where  boats  are  always  at 

In  his  first  annual  message  to  the  borough  council  in  April,  1898,  ;\Iayor  AI.  S. 
^IcCullough.  concisel}"  recited  the  historic  facts  of  this  budding  resort.  In  1882 
Mr.  McCullough  purchased  from  James  Long  of  Philadelphia,  the  entire  area 
below  Twenty-fourth  avenue  to  Great  Egg  Harljor  inlet,  then  a  primitive  waste. 
The  first  building  erected  was  for  a  restaurant  at  Beach  avenue  and  Sixteenth 
street,  which  has  since  been  removed. 

The  first  great  task  was  to  level  the  sand  hills  and  establish  properly  graded 
streets  and  building  sites.  These  sand  dunes  were  so  high  then  that  the  thorough- 
fare could  not  be  seen  from  the  present  site  of  the  Aberdeen  hotel. 

Mr.  McLullough  made  a  careful  study  of  the  situation,  noting  the  hard 
smo(_ith  beach  along  the  ocean,  the  long  port  or  harbor  on  the  l)a_\-  or  thoroughfare, 
the  freedom  from  meadow  land,  the  close  proximity  of  Atlantic  City,  the  grand 
outlook  over  the  sea  and  quiet  waters  of  the  bay  and  the  landscape  beyond,  and 
was  deeply  impressed  by  the  ideal  surroundings  for  a  family  resort.  Building 
lots  were  ofifered  for  sale  and  a  special  excursion  train  run  from  Philadelphia  in 
1883,  reaching  Longport  from  South  Atlantic  in  carriages,  a  pleasant  party  that 
became  real  estate  owners  and  because  permanently  identified  with  the  place. 
The  rosy  forecasts  made  on  that  occasion  have  been  more  than  realized  long  since. 

The  first  to  build  cottages  were  Amos  Dotterer  and  ^Irs.  S.  L.  ( )berholtzer, 
the  first  at  Xinctcenth  and  the  second  at  Seventeenth  and  Beach  avenues.     In  1884 



lintel  Al.rrck'cn.c. 

,ilcl  \va^  l.uilt  and 

\i,,L;ii>t    31.    1SS4. 

■  present  c 

I'rof.  J.  1'.  Roniington  and  liis  si 
homes.  The  restaurant, now  a  iiari 
date  all  who  wished  to  cmhr-.  1 
The  first  train  entered  Lnni^iMi 
frequent  motor  trains  were  succeeded 
with  steamboat  cnnnectiuns  across  the  l)a\  lo  (  icean 
City  and  Soniers'  i'oint. 

Among-  the  events  of  1SS4  was  the  nri^anization 
of  the  Agassiz  Associaticni  for  the  pleasure  and 
benefits  derived  from  the  study  of  the  aniiual  and 
vegetable  life  of  the  sea  and  the  wild  llnwers  nf  the 
shore.  The  Oberholtzer  family  were  the  prime 
movers  in  this  event  which  culminated  in  the  erection 
of  Natural  Science  Hall,  which  also  served  the  \iuv- 
poses  of  divine  service  and  other  meetings.  In  1886 
Mr.  James  Long  built  a  beautiful  cottage  and  made 
it  his  siunmer  home  for  several  years.  The  Bay 
\"iew  Club  erected  their  fine  liuilding  and  have  done 
much  to  promote  the  best  interests  of  Longport. 

In  1895  Air.  Fred  lioice  and  sisters  built  and 
have  since  successfully  conducted  Hotel  Devon- 
shire. Mr.  A.  H.  Phillips  became  interested  in 
Longport  in  1896,  making  large  purchases  and  fine 
improvements  for  himself  and  friends.  He  erected 
a  beautiful  summer  home  which  he  has  since  occu- 
jned  and  is  building  other  cottages  with  the  same 
elegant  and  attractive  features.  While  ]\Ir.  Phillips 
has  disposed  of  the  greater  portion  of  his  holdings 
he  is  still  largely  interested  in  Longport. 

Captain  James  B.  Townsend,  who  conducts  the 
restaurant  in  the  pavilion  at  the  trolley  terminus  aiul 
steamboat  landing,  has  built  a  cottage  for  himself 
and  opened  a  store  which  is  a  great  convenience.  In 
1895  the  Longport  Water  and  Light  Company  was 
formed  to  obtain  a  water  supply  for  all  the  in- 
haljitants  from  an  artesian  well.  The  flow  is  so 
abundant  that  for  nine  months  in  the  year  the  sur- 
plus is  utilized  as  power  for  pumping. 

Sanitary  questions  have  been  given  proper 
attention  and  street  grades  and  surface  drainage  are 
very  satisfactory. 

Longport  borough  was  created  by  an  act  of  the 
legislature,  March  7.  1898.  and  the  t,,ll,,wing  first 
officials  were  elected  April   3th,  following:    Mayor, 


till    the 


;\I.  Simpson  McCullougli;  councilmen,  Arvine  H.  Phillips,  Joseph  P.  Remington, 
Samuel  Stetzer,  Wni.  H.  Bartlett  and  John  R.  JMinnick;  assessor,  Robert  M. 
Elliott;  collector,  James  ]'>.  Townsend;  Justice  of  the  Peace,  J.  P.  Remington,  jr.; 
commissioners,  W.  W.  Lamborn,  Bolton  E.  Steelman,  J.  P.  Remington,  Jr. 
Wiimer  W.  Lamborn  was  chosen  borough  clerk;  Carlton  Godfrey,  solicitor;  John 
P.  Ashmead,  serveyor;  M.  McCoy,  street  supervisor  and  Daniel  Yates,  marshal. 

]\Iore  hotels  and  homes  are  on  the  list  for  the  near  future.  Broad  areas  still 
unoccupied  will  soon  be  covered  with  fine  streets  and  cottages.  New  neighbors 
bring  greater  ambitions  for  beautifying  this  ideal  resort.  Xothing  can  halt  the 
impetus  of  its  steady  progress. 


Brigantine  Beach. 

tg^RIGANTIXE  BEACH  lias  been  known  since  the  earliest  times    chietiv    in 
1^     giving  a  name  to  the  famous  Brigantine  shoals  or  shallows  on  the  coast 
where  many  a  vessel  has  struck  bottom  and  become  a  total  wreck. 

In  these  later  days  this  shoal  beach  has  become  famed  for  its  excellent 
surf  bathing,  its  fishing  grounds  and  as  a  rendezvous  for  sportsmen  and  others 
who  here  find  the  retirement,  solitiKle.  relaxation  and  that  peace  which  ])asseth  all 

The  resident  population  of  lirigantine  enables  this  coast  village  to  be  incor- 
porated as  one  of  Xew  Jersey's  smallest  cities,  containing  two  wards,  a  }ilavor  and 
City  Council.  Three  hotels  and  fifteen  or  twenty  cottage  homes  for  citv  sojourners, 
several  miles  of  graded  streets,  fre(|uent  trolley  cars,  connecting  with  steamboats 
across  the  bay,  have  during  the  past  few  years  converted  bleak  and  lonelv  sandhills 
into  a  very  promising  young  sister  of  the  Queen  of  ocean  resorts,  Atlantic  City. 
Brigantine  possesses  advantages  which  are  regarded  as  blessings  to  those  in  quest 
of  a  quiet,  luxuriant  retreat,  far  from  the  madding  crowd.  It  has  all  the  ad- 
vantages of  a  great  cit\-  and  inland  town  togetlier  with  the  features  that  make 
Atlantic  City  famous  without  any  of  the  disadvantages  of  these  places. 

There  is  a  restful,  slumbrous  air  brooding  over  Brigantine  that  creates  in- 
sensibly a  feeling  of  subdued  pleasure  that  makes  life  one  long  holiday  w  hile  the 
view  of  the  ocean  and  the  consciousness  that  each  respiration  of  health-invigor- 
ating ozone,  contributes  to  the  general  feeling  of  elasticity. 

Brigantine  is  exclusive  unto  itself.  Its  limits  have  been  carefully  maintained 
and  those  who  look  upon  it  as  a  paradise  in  which  to  escape  the  annovances  of  the 
htated,  bustling  cities  are  numbered  among  the  prominent  of  the  nation. 

Hon.  M.  S.  Quay,  who  is  credited  with  being  a  judge  of  what  is  pleasing,  visits 
Brigantine  frequently  and  there  finds  solace  for  the  harassing  cares  of  state  by 
catching  drumfish,  and  the  late  Congressman  Harmer.  of  Philadeljihia,  also  had 
a  lovely  cottage  there. 

Artesian  wells  furnish  water  as  pure  as  the  air  in  which  (  )ld  ( ilor\-  rioats  above 
the  highest  building,  while  electric  lights  of  many  horse  power  make  night  as 
brilliant  as  the  brightest  day. 

Graveled  streets  that  invite  driving  and  cycling  have  been  built  through  and 
across  the  island. 

Brigantine  has  recently  awakeneil  from  l(.)ng  time  conservatism  and  ins])ired 
by  well-directed  enterprise  is  taking  on  new  life  and  is  making  commehdable 

Its  nearness  to  Atlantic  Citv,  its  moderate  cost  of  livin;:.  its  elegant  hotel 
accommodations  make  its  natural  features  especially  delightful  to  thousands  of 


Sea  Hii\ 

^L  kind  l(ir  centuries.    Ancient  writers  tell  us  of  the  periodic  niit;ralicin  (it  aris- 

tiicracx  to  the  seashore  at  certain  seasons,  there  to  be  restored  and  .-treniith- 
ened  fur  more  tryin,!:;  times  in  the  interior.  Modern  civilization  is  still  leaniint^  the 
same  lessim.  Physicians  and  families  leave  pleasant  homes  for  renewed  vi-or  and 
recuperation  by  the  rolling  waves.  The  purest  air  in  nature  is  that  found  on  the 
high  seas  after  traversing  hundreds  and  thousands  of  miles  of  ])ure  salt  water,  un- 
contaminated  by  smoke,  dust  and  the  exhalations  of  cities  Here  it  is  that  salt 
mists  and  fogs  clarify,  purify,  and  ozonize  vitalized  air  as  only  Mother  Nature  can 
do.  to  present  it  later  for  man's  sustenance.  Sea  air  is  so  tempered  1)\  its  sur- 
roundings that  in  summer  it  is  cooled  by  radiation  from  the  cooler  water  tem- 
perature and  in  winter  warmed  by  the  higher  water  temperature.  Moisture  is 
also  taken  up  by  it  and  an  infinitesimal  percentage  of  salt.  Some  claim  a  trace  of 
iodine,  but  this  is  doubtful  and  can  not  be  satisfactorily  demonstrated.  .Sea  air  is 
alterative,  but  whether  this  is  due  to  its  sup|iosed  iodine  is  doubthil. 

Outside  of  an  island  in  mid-ocean,  .\tlantic  City  is  probably  located  in  the 
best  situation  for  pure  sea  air  of  any  point  on  the  Atlantic  coast.  To  the  late  Dr. 
Jonathan  F'itney,  of  Absecon,  is  due  the  credit  of  first  recognizing  and  presenting 
the  benefits  of  Atlantic  City's  ocean  air  and  surroundings  upon  invalids.  The 
geographical  location  on  an  island  of  ]nire  sand,  five  miles  from  the  mainland  and 
twenty  miles  seaward  of  the  head  of  tide  water:  at  the  point  of  a  remarkable  bend 
in  tlie  coast  line,  thirty  miles  northeasterly  from  Cape  May  where  the  fresh  waters 
of  the  Delaware  mingle  with  the  sea  and  seventy  miles  from  Xew  ^'ork  I)av  where 
the  fresh  water  of  the  Hudson  joins  the  ocean.  Atlantic  Citv  is  surrounded  b\'  a 
body  of  salt  water,  uncontaminated  by  fresh  water  streams,  and  entirely  free  from 
malarial  or  any  other  paludal  poisons.  In  fact  the  sea  and  land  breezes  are  both 
uncontaminated  and  pure.  The  Gulf  Stream  tlows  one  hundred  miles  from  our 
shores  and  has  a  temperature  of  80  I",  in  summer  and  70  1\  in  winter  at  this 
point.  This  certainly  tempers  the  sea  air  and  surrounding  waters  so  that  in  winter 
Atlantic  City  is  from  ten  to  twenty  degrees  warmer  than  the  interior,  and  ten  to 
twenty  degrees  cooler  in  summer.  High  winds  are  less  frequent  than  at  other 
points  on  the  coast,  although  sea  air  is  always  in  motion.  Sea  air  fixed  w  ith  sea 
fog  is  not  injurious  to  most  cases  as  it  contains  no  noxious  elements:  is  non- 
irritant:  and  is  quite  equable  in  temperature. 

The  effects  of  sea  air  vary  with  the  individual  and  conditions  of  health.  The 
two  greatest  effects  are  upon  the  nervous  system  and  digestion.  Coming  from  the 
dense  air  of  cities  and  the  rarified  air  of  high  altitudes,  respiration  and  heart  action 
are  both  lowered,  at  once  reducing  the  consuming  energy  of  the  body  and  lessen- 
ing waste.     .Sea  air  being  dense  and  ozone  ladened  increases  the  oxidizing  iiciwer 

■S-:  (3.53) 

of  tlic  blooil  ami  is  nature's  best  rcnicily  tor  anoniia  and  inipoxrrislK-il  hlooil.  It 
also  assists  nature  in  fighling  the  malarial  parasite  and  will  in  time  eliminate  the 
]ioison  from  the  system  in  many  cases.  Malarious  subjects  frequently  overload 
their  stomachs  and  overheat  themselves  when  they  first  come  here  and  sit  and  ride 
in  the  cool  air  and  bring  on  acute  paroxysms,  but  if  care  is  exercised  the  usual  chill 
can  be  escaped.  One  can  also  go  out  at  night  without  danger  of  developing  the 
malarial  poisons  in  the  svstem  if  care  is  taken  to  avoid  chilling  and  cold.  Heart 
diseases  usually  do  better  in  sea  air  than  at  high  altitudes  as  the  work  thrown  nn 
that  organ  is  lessened  and  oxidation  of  the  blood  is  so  much  better  that  imprdve-' 
ment  is  the  rule.    Cardiac  dropsy  often  improves  from  this  cause. 

Probably  no  cases  are  more  benefited  than  convalescents  from  disease,  and 
those  who  have  been  debilitated,  overworked,  and  confined  to  their  nxinis  and 
offices  and  who  need  a  change.  Thousands  come  here  and  live  under  hygienic  and 
dietetic  rules  and  improve  rapidly.  The  effects  of  sea  air  are  usuall}'  stimulant  at 
first,  and  impart  a  sense  of  renewed  vigor  and  tone.  Appetite  is  increased  and  a 
drowsy  feeling  is  almost  certain  to  come,  which  gives  way  to  refreshing  nights 
sleep.  Many  business  men  in  neighboring  cities  come  to  Atlantic  City  periodically 
to  get  a  full  night's  sleep  and  rest — a  much  wiser  course  than  sleeping  powders  and 
potions.  Strumous  and  tubercidar  children  and  adults  will  improve  rapidly  if  they 
live  in  the  sea  air  and  follow  pro])er  dietetic  lines.  Many  such  cases  have  been 
apparently  cured  here.  Tuberculosis  in  its  early  stao'es  is  amenable  to  treatment 
in  sea  air  and  sunlight  but  when  cases  come  to  the  shore  they  should  invariably  act 
luider  physicians'  advice  to  gain  most  advantage.  Consumption  and  other  diseases 
in  their  last  stages  are  best  at  home  and  should  not  come  to  the  shore,  as  they 
rarelv  get  relief.  Alany  cases  of  bronchitis  improve  rapidly  and  are  permanently 
cured  by  sea  air.  There  is  less  danger  of  pulmonary  hemorrhage  at  sea  level  than 
in  high  altitudes,  owing  to  the  fifteen  pound  to  the  square  inch  pressure  and 
density  of  the  air  at  sea  level,  while  at  high  altitudes  the  internal  blood  pressure  is 
so  much  greater  at  first  than  that  of  the  air.  For  this  reason  some  cases  of  emphy- 
sema and  asthma  do  best  in  Atlantic  City.  Hay  fever  will  invariably  disappear  in 
sea  air,  but  when  the  land  breezes  come  it  may  not  do  so  well,  even  though  the  air 
is  filtered  by  the  pines  and  affected  some  by  the  salt  marshes  and  inland  tidewater 
salt  lakes  and  bays.  It  is  a  mistaken  idea  to  think  that  one  can  not  catch  cold  at 
the  seashore.  A  person  coming  into  the  sea  air  with  a  cold  will  throw  it  off  more 
rapidly  than  in  the  interior.  Some  people  cure  their  colds  by  sailing  every  day  or 
by  living  on  the  Boardwalk.  Fresh  air  is  the  life  of  every  one  and  when  you  come 
to  the  shore  do  not  come  to  live  in  close  rooms  and  to  be  overloaded  with  clothing, 
but  come  to  live  in  the  air  and  benefit  by  it.  Hot  close  rooms  are  to  be  avoided  at 
the  seashore  as  they  are  productive  of  colds  and  depression.  Laryngitis  and 
catarrhal  troubles  do  well  in  sea  air  if  properly  managed,  but  do  poorly  if  smoking, 
late  hours,  and  carousing  are  encouraged.  Acute  lobar  pneumonia  is  rarely  seen 
in  Atlantic  City  but  when  it  is  its  course  is  usually  mild.  Bright's  disease  and  dia- 
betes seem  to  do  well  if  properly  managed  and  taken  in  their  first  stages.  Contrary 
to  the  writings  and  opinions  of  some  writers,  many  cases    of    eczema    and    skin 


troubles  improve  perceptibly  and  are  cured  in  sea  air.  This  is  particularly  so  in 
young  strumous  children.  Digestive  disorders  are  very  amenable  to  treatment  in 
sea  air  if  patients  will  follow  instructions;  but  if  they  follow  the  dictates  of  an  over- 
stimulated  appetite  they  return  home  in  worse  condition. 

The  effects  of  sea  air  on  neurasthenia  and  nervous  dirorders  vary  considerably. 
Most  neurasthenics  will  do  well  in  .Atlantic  C"it\-  in  the  fall,  winter  and  spring 
months,  Ijut  not  so  well  in  July  and  .\ugust.  In  the  latter  months  the  crowds  are 
so  large  and  the  nervous  strain  is  too  great  unless  in  the  quiet  parts  of  the  island. 
Thousands  of  neurasthenics  come  to  Atlantic  City  every  year,  live  under  strict 
rules  from  their  physician  and  improve.  ]\Iany  come  on  their  own  responsibility, 
eat  all  Icinds  of  food,  bathe  indiscriminately,  attend  Ijalls  and  suppers,  keep  late 
hours,  and  tjien  wonder  why  the\-  do  Udt  improve!  Every  physician  here  can 
report  numerous  cures  and  phenomenal  improvement  in  many  cases.  Sleepless 
nights  are  forgotten  and  nerve  tone  improves.  Many  melancholic  cases  are  aggra- 
vated by  sea  air  as  it  is  too  stimulant.  The  same  is  true  of  mania  and  insanity. 
Hysteria  may  or  may  not  be  improved  according  to  cause.  Xervous  cases  may  find 
their  first  night  or  two  restless  and  sleepless,  but  this  period  is  rapidly  followed  by 
soporific  effects.  This  class  of  cases  must  be  watched  closely  and  forced  to  follow 
certain  strict  rules  if  improvement  is  expected. 

\\'ith  Atlantic  City  at  the  very  doors  of  Eastern  and  Western  cities,  a  typical 
sanatorium  summer  and  winter,  furnishing  pure  sea  air  and  home  comforts,  and 
possessing  a  Boardwalk  second  to  none  in  the  world,  why  go  to  the  enervating 
climates  of  the  south?  When  the  tonic,  stimulant  (sedative  to  some)  and  alterative 
■  sea  air  is  free  to  all,  disease  should  no  longer  be  neglected,  when  finance  is  not  a 
leading  factor. 

marine  Jllgee, 

nt  l,dn„o-  to  t 

he  -r 

\-  nf  tlioiii  an 

;    SI)    ( 

riatc,  xve  tlu-, 

|-c'f(  )n. 

ss  plants,  liai 

.-c  1)C 

■tly  niariiK-  p 


'LM  -Ml  >X*',  the  many  attraeti.ins  of  the  seashore  may  lie  ineln.le,]  the  sea  llur; 
9  I       variously  known  as  "sea  moss,"  "sea  weeils."  and  "marine  al^ie."     Ac 

cording-  to  Professor  W.  ( i.  l-'arlow  the 
Lichens,  and  sliould  not  be  called  "sea  moss;' 

beautiful  that  the  name  "sea  weed"  seems  inap])roi:)riate,  we  therefore  prefer  ir 
speak  of  them  as  algas. 

The  lowest  order  of  the  cryptosanis,  or  tie 
into  three  classes,  algs,  fungi  and  lichens.     All  strictly  marine  plants  belong  to 
the  first  of  these  three  divisions. 

.\lmost  everywhere  alonfr  the  -Atlantic  and  Pacific  coasts  some  species  of 
algae  may  be  found,  excepting  sandy  beaches,  devoid  of  rocks,  idling  or  other  foot- 
hold, where  there  seems  to  be  a  dearth  of  them. 

In  the  warmer  waters  of  the  Pacific  ocean,  along  the  coast  of  California,  the 
algae  are  less  delicate  in  form,  but  are  generally  more  brilliant  in  color  than  those 
found  on  the  -Atlantic  coast,  where  they  vary  according  to  localitv  as  well  as 
according  to  season;  some  of  the  most  beautiful  and  delicate  in  structure  are  found 
in  winter,  and  are  not  confined  to  the  warmer  climate,  while  the  more  Ijrilliant  in 
color  appear  in  greater  varietx-  and  abumlance  along  the  middle  and  southern 

Marine  algae  seems  to  have  but  little  commercial  value.  Chondrus  crispus. 
called  Irish  moss  in  .America,  is  used  as  an  article  of  food,  and  makes  a  delicate  and 
excellent  blanc  mange.  It  is  gathered  in  large  quantities  at  Hingham.  Massa- 
chusetts, and  other  places  on  the  .\'ew  Pngland  coast,  and  is  l)leached  before 
sending  to  market. 

Porphyra  lacineata  (Laver)  is  used  1)\  the  Chinese  employed  in  the  shoe 
factories  of  Massachusetts,  who  import  it  from  China,  but  could  obtain  the  same 
species  in  great  quantities  in  Massachusetts.  Dulse  is  also  used  for  culinary  pur- 
poses, much  of  it  is  imported,  although  it  grows,  in  abundance,  in  our  northern 
waters.  It  is  frequently  seen  in  barrels  in  fruit  and  grocery  stores,  and  is  eaten, 
principally  by  sailors  and  foreigners  from  seaport  towns.  In  some  sections,  near 
the  coast,  the  coarser  sea  weeds  are  gathered  and  used  as  fertilizers,  but  nian_\- 
farmers  consider  them  almost  worthless  and  do  not  use  them. 

Only  three  or  four  flowerless  plants  grow  submerged  in  salt  water,  therefore, 
w  ith  these  few  exceptions,  the  propagation  of  marine  plants  is  by  means  of  spores, 
under  the  different  kinds  known  as  zoospores  tetraspores,  and  o-o-spores. 

By  most  botanists  the  classification  of  algae  is  on  the  basis  of  reproduction, 
but  Professor  W.  H.  Harvey  of  Dublin  has  divided  them  into  three  classes  dis- 
tinguished by  their  color.    Grass  green  algae,  olive  brown  or  green  algae,  and  red 
or  purple  algae  running  into  brown  or  black.     Of  these  three  groups,  grass  green 

MARIXI".   ALC.AE.  359 

is  the  lowest  in  oroanizatic  m.     'I'Ik'  ulva.  or  sea  k'ttuce.  fcmnd  -row  in-  .m  slidls, 

stone  or  tufts  of  grass,  hetwecn  higii  and  Idw -water  mark,  is  a  g I  and  c-cmnnem 

exani])le  of  tliis  class  of  alg;e.  'I'hese  are  likely  to  fa<le  and  do  ndt  adlieie  well  in 
paper  when  pressed  and  dried.  Init  are  \ery  interesting  and  xaluahle  Un-  the  lierh- 
ariiini.  Although  the  bright  green  algse  are  generally  found  grnwing  in  the 
shallow  water,  where  they  are  left  uncovered  at  the  reeessicm  of  ilu-  tide,  sonu-  (if 
the  most  beautiful  species  belonging  to  this  group  are  found  l)elo\\  low-water 
mark,  as  for  instance,  bryopsis  plumosa  (see  figure  i ),  a  |)lunK'-like  pl.-mt  of  rich 
dark  color,  growing  from  two  to  five  or  six  inches  high,  and  is  \ery  lieautifnl  when 
mounted  and  pressed. 

The  Cladophora.  with  thread-like  branches,  tufted  with  delicate  green  (figure 
3)  is  another  beautiful  species  belonging  to  this  tlivision.  and  is  found  bekiw  low- 
water  mark,  attached  to  piling  or  brush. 

The  second  in  this  division  are  the  olive  or  brown  green  algse.  Manx-  more 
species  are  contained  in  this  class  than  in  the  first  named,  and  they  are  of  a  higher 
organization.  The  genus  ectocarpus,  alone,  contains  fifteen  or  eighteen  species, 
which  are  of  hair-like  fineness.  They  grow  on  fucus,  eel-grass  or  piling  between 
high-water  and  below  low-water  water  mark,  and  can  be  gathered  from  early 
spring  until  June.  The  color  is  bright  olive  green  and  they  are  beautiful  when 
mounted  on  paper. 

The  third  division  consists  of  the  red  or  purple  algse.  These  are  the  highest 
in  regard  to  reproductive  process,  to  structure  and  to  color.  The  plants  in  this 
division  seek  deeper  water  and  are  seldom  found  above  low-water  mark.  The 
collector  will  at  once  become  interested  in  the  rosy  ribbon-like  Grinnellia,  named 
in  honor  of  Henry  Grinnell.  the  philanthro])ist  of  Xew  York.  \\'e  have  but  one 
species,  the  Grinnellia  Americana  (see  figure  11).  It  is  a  graceful  plant  as  seen 
floating  on  the  undulating  water  or  waving  from  its  foothold  on  jutting  rock  or 
piling.  This  species  is  biennial,  attains  a  length  of  twelve  or  fifteen  inches,  and  some 
species  measuring  two  feet  have  been  found.  It  is  abundant,  and  can  be  gathered 
from  early  June  to  October. 

Another  very  beautiful  genus  is  the  Dasya.  only  one  species  of  which  is  com- 
mon along  this  coast,  the  Dasya  elegans  (see  figure  2).  This  is  an  irregularly 
branched  plant,  growing  from  three  or  four  inches  to  more  than  two  feet  long,  ac- 
cording to  the  depth  of  the  holdfast,  which  may  be  above  low-water  mark  or  four 
or  five  fathoms  below.  The  color  is  rich  dark  purple,  the  branches  are  covered 
with  cilia,  which  gives  the  appearance  of  chenille,  and  is  popularly  called  chenille 
plant,  being  one  of  the  few  species  of  algs  bearing  a  common  or  local  name, 

Polysiphonia  is  the  genus  most  abundant  in  species  of  the  red  algae.  In  a 
work  prepared  by  J.  G.  Agardh,  one  hundred  and  twenty-nine  species  are  reported. 
About  one-fourth  of  this  number  are  found  in  American  waters.  The  color  of 
these  plants  ranges  between  light  purple,  brown  and  black, — the  red  being  con- 
cealed in  the  darker  shades.  They  grow  on  piling,  rocks  or  fucus,  in  shallow 
pools  or  in  deep  water.  Some  species  are  common  in  summer,  and  others,  the 
more  robust,  appearing  in  their  prime  late  in  the  fall  or  in  winter.    The  plants  are 


MAKIXI-;    Al.CAK.  361 

variable  and  sonietinu-v  attain  tlir  Icnuth  ni  ci-littcn  nr  t\\int\  inclK-s,  Snnic 
species  have  a  very  lacy  appearance  when  nionnted  on  jiaper  and  make  heatnifnl 
pictures  for  framing.    An  illustration  of  this  genus  is  shown  in  i'i-iire  X. 

The  genus  Callithaninion,  although  the  simplest  in  stnictme  of  the  red  alg;e, 
is  perhaps  the  most  beautiful  to  the  collector.  We  have  about  tweiUy-livc  species 
in  our  waters.  They  are  widely  distributed,  are  very  abundant,  many  of  them  are 
of  cobweb  fineness,  brilliant  in  color  and  are  common  along  the  whole  coast,  de- 
veloping a  more  rosy  color  in  the  warmer  waters.  \Mien  seen  lldalin-  mh  the 
water  some  species  look,  and  seem,  like  a  mass  of  jelly,  showing  to  the  naked  eye 
no  stem  or  branches,  but  with  careful  handling  they  can  be  transferred  successfullv 
CO  paper  and  are  very  brilliant  and  attractive  (see  figure  6). 

\'ery  interesting  plants  belonging  to  the  genus  sargassuni,  sargassum  bacci- 
ferum,  and  sargassum  vulgare  (see  i  and  2,  figure  5)  were  found  on  the  beach  at 
Longport  in  the  fall  of  1889,  but  have  not  since  appeared  on  this  coast.  Professor 
W.  G.  Farlow,  in  "Marine  Algae  of  Xew  England."  says  "Sargassum  grows. 
attached,  in  the  West  Indies  where  it  fruits,  and  is  found  tloatitig  in  the  (  hilf 
Stream  and  in  the  so-called  Surgasso  Sea." 

The  list  of  beautiful  species  of  algs  is  so  great  that  only  a  few  of  the  most 
common  can  be  noted  here.  The  visitor,  or  dweller  by  the  sea  will  find  manv 
more,  quite  as  worthy  of  notice  as  these  that  have  been  named.  The  numher  of 
species  found  on  the  .\tlantic  coast  is  not  definitely  known,  hut  over  fift\-  have 
been  collected  at  Longport,  for  their  l)eauty  alone,  and  many  mure  lia\e  been 
found  by  scientific  collectors. 

A  pleasant  and  healthful  recreation  will  l)e  found  in  a  walk  along  the  beach, 
when  the  tide  is  coruing  in,  bearing  upon  the  surface  of  the  water  these  grcicei'nl 
and  beautiful  plants.  To  collect  theiu  is  a  \ery  easy  matter  when  water  flows 
gently  as  it  does  on  the  bay  or  Thoroughfare  at  Longport.  The  collector  should 
be  provided  with  rubber  boots  or  shoes,  a  long  slender  pole,  smooth  at  the  end, 
so  that  the  specimens  may  not  be  torn  in  reiuoving  them,  and  a  pitcher  or  pail 
partly  filled  with  salt  water.  It  is  not  necessary  to  go  into  the  water  to  secure  the 
algae,  for  the  rolling  waves  will  firing  them  to  you  on  the  shore,  but  if  }ou  are  bent 
upon  making  a  scientific  collection  you  will  need  a  boat,  and  nuist  luake  a  tour  of 
the  Thoroughfare,  seeking  them  along  the  wharves,  the  pilmg  and  the  grassy 
banks.  Having  made  your  collection  for  the  day  you  will  repair  to  your  cottage 
or  room  at  your  hotel,  and  there,  in  a  basin  of  salt  water,  place  your  specimens,  a 
few  at  a  time,  let  them  float  out,  that  you  may  choose  the  best,  lift  it  carefully  into 
another  basin  of  salt  water,  and  ha\ing  provided  yourself  with  thick  paper  or  card- 
board, neatly  cut  (5x6,  6x8  and  7x9  inches  are  good  size);  you  will  take  up  one  of 
the  cards,  place  it  in  the  water  beneath  the  specimen  to  be  mounted,  and  w  itli  the 
aid  of  a  pointed  instrument  la  lijng  brass  pin  is  very  gooil)  move  the  s])ecimen 
into  graceful  form,  when  this  is  done  to  your  satisfaction,  gently  raise  your  card 
letting  the  water  flow  from  it  without  disturbinu-  your  speciiuen, — this  recjuires 
practice  as  well  as  great  care.  When  the  water  has  drained  ofif  sufficiently  lay  your 
card  on  a  piece  of  absorbent  paper  (blotting  paper  is  the  best)    which    has    been 


previously  placed  upon  a  smooth  board  and  covered  with  a  piece  of  old  muslin, 
cover  your  specimen  with  a  piece  of  old  muslin,  lay  on  another  blotter,  cover  it 
with  muslin,  as  before  and  it  is  ready  for  your  next  mounted  specimen  when  you 
have  mounted  all  that  you  desire  to  preserve,  place  a  smooth  board  over  your  last 
blotter  and  put  a  weight  upon  it.  The  weight  must  not  be  too  heavy  at  first, — ten 
or  fifteen  pounds  of  pressure  would  be  sufficient  for  the  first  eight  or  ten  hours,  at 
the  end  of  that  time  take  ofif  the  weights,  carefully  remove  the  wet  blotters  and  wet 
muslin,  place  your  specimens  between  dry  muslin  and  dry  blotters,  put  a  somewhat 
heavier  weight  upon  them  and  let  them  remain  several  hours  or  until  the  next 
day,  when  they  will  be  dry  and  firmly  adhered  to  the  card,  and  will  fully  repay  you 
for  the  time  spent  in  taking  care  of  them.  Some  of  the  coarser  varieties  of  algae 
require  very  heavy  pressure  to  flatten  them  out  and  hold  them  to  the  paper,  while 
the  finer  specimens  would  be  ruined  by  too  great  weight  upon  them.  This  can  be 
learned  iinl\-  by  |)ractice. 

A  collection  i  )f  algsc.  made  during  a  soj(jurn  by  the  sea  will    be    a   beautiful 
souvenir  to  carry  to  }'our  home  and  a  lasting  pleasure  to  you. 

MRS.    M.    S.   McCULLOUGH. 

marine  Cife  in  the  Sands, 

seventy  varieties  uf  shell  tish.  Some  ui  these  are  rare  and  hard  to 
find,  and  the  collector,  nnless  he  knows  where  to  seek  for  them,  w  ill  p.iss 
them  by;  but  many  of  these  shells  are  easy  to  discover,  and  some  df  tlu-ni 
are  so  mmierous  that  they  are  crushed  under  foot  at  every  step  upon  the  beach. 

In  abundance  are  found  two  little  snails,  the  nassa  obsoleta  and  nassa  trivittata 
(Fig.  i).  These  little  animals  are  very  active,  and  not  at  all  shy  when  kept  in 
confinement.  They  feed  on  other  molusks.  securing  their  game  by  perforating  the 
shells  of  their  victims  and  sucking  the  mollusk  through  the  hole.  The  "trivittata" 
is  seen  on  the  sandy  beach  at  low  water,  but  far  the  greater  nuniljer  of  specimens 
found  are  empt}-  shells  that  have  been  appropriated  by  a  tiny  hermit  crab,  and 
whether  he  has  secured  his  home  by  lawful  conquest,  or  by  borrowing  or  by  theft, 
may  be  an  open  question.  The  "obsoleta"  prefers  the  quiet  of  the  inlet  waters  and 
is  there  found  by  the  millions  when  the  tide  is  out.  It  is  a  little  scavenger,  feeding 
on  dead  crabs  and  molusks.  In  appearance  it  is  not  at  all  attractive,  for  specimens 
over  a  year  old  are  badly  eroded,  and  are  co\ered  with  a  brownish  green  fungus. 
The  "trivittata"  is  quite  a  pretty  little  shell. 

Two  large  snails  are  found  on  the  beach  quite  frequently;  the_\-  are  the  "natica 
heros"  (Fig.  12)  and  "natica  duplicata"  (Fig.  13),  In  habit  these  animals  are  active 
for  snails,  as  they  move  with  a  good  deal  of  rapidity.  They  are  carniverous  and 
delight  to  feed  upon  the  young  tender  sand  clams,  the  shells  of  which  they  per- 
forate. They  hide  in  the  sand,  and  often  burrow  deeply  in  searching  for  their 
favorite  food.  They  are  easily  distinguished  from  each  other,  for  in  the  "heros" 
the  umbilicus  is  uncovered,  while  a  large,  thick  lip  partly  covers  it  in  the  "du- 

The  nidas,  or  egg,  ribbon  of  this  snail  is  made  of  sand,  and  does  not  look 
unlike  a  collar.  When  held  up  to  the  light  the  eggs  can  be  seen  as  transparent 

Another  little  snail,  the  "L'rosalpinx  cinerea"  (Fig.  2),  is  found  clinging  to 
the  stones  and  piling  in  the  inlet  and  bays.  It  is  a  sluggish  little  fellow  and  moves 
at  the  proverbial  snail's  pace,  when  it  moves  at  all.  It  is  very  careful  in  the  manner 
in  which  it  deposits  its  eggs.  I'or  their  safety  it  constructs  little  vases  which  it 
firmly  fastens  to  the  under  side  of  some  overhanging  ledge,  and  in  this  the  eggs  are 
deposited.  As  the  tide  is  falling  a  large  number  of  these  little  snails  can  be 
gathered  in  an  hour's  hunt. 

Two  large  conchs,  the  "I-'ulgar  carica,"  and  ".^ycotxpus  canaliculatus."  were 
at  one  time  found  in  large  quantities  upon  the  beach,  but  these  shells  have  been 
sought  after  to  such  an  extent  in  their  deep  water  home,  for  use  as  garden  orna- 
ments and  llower  pots,  that  they  are  now  comparatively  rare.  By  the  Indians  they 


were  used  as  driiikiiif;  cups,  and  the  ceutral  white  spiral  was  made  iuto  wampum. 
The  egg  cases  of  these  conchs  are  formed  of  strings  of  cajisules.  there  being  twenty 
or  more  capsules  in  a  string.  They  are  found  upon  the  beach  during  the  latter 
part  of  winter. 

Adhering  to  stones  or  shells,  especially  the  inside  surface  of  small  shells  that 
have  lost  their  inhabitants,  will  be  found  the  curii.nis  "crepidula."  Thi.s  shell  is 
simply  a  liood.  more  or  less  flattened,  in  the  end  of  which  is  placed  a  tiny  "shelf." 


The  shell  confuniis  to  the  surface  on  which  it  rests,  and  the  little  animal  attaches 
itself  to  this  surface  by  a  strong  muscle  that  has  the  power  of  suction.  The  "crepi- 
dula ungiformis"  (Fig.  6)  is  flattened  and  usually  white,  and  it  more  frecjuently 
found  on  the  inside  surface  of  other  shells.  The  "crepidula  fornicata  (Fig.  5)  is 
larger,  and  deeper,  and  is  usually  found  on  the  outside  surface  of  shells  or  piled  in 
groups  one  upon  another.    The  "crepidula"  feeds  upon  sea  weeds. 

Another  snail  found  upon  the  stones  along  the  inlet  is  the  "Littorina  littorea" 

MAK1X1-:    LIFF.    IX    THI-:    SAXUS.  3ii.-, 

(Fig-.  31.  It  is  a  native  of  iiortluTn  iuiniiic,  ai-.d  -tcius  tn  have  lieeMiiu-  nalurali/.eil 
Upon  the  Xew  England  coast,  and  is  rapidlv  extending  smitinvanl.  Large  num- 
bers of  them  can  be  gathered  at  Idw -water  an\  dav  nn  tlie  stones  that  form  the 
break-water  at  the  trolley  station  at  Lnngimrt.  They  are  voracious  feeders,  living 
on  sea  weed,  and  are  often  gathered  and  distrilnited  over  oyster  beds  to  free  them 
from  troublesome  weeds.  These  little  "periwinkles,"  as  they  are  called,  are  almost 
amphibious,  in  fact  some  varieties  will  live  for  months  out  of  water.  In  luirope 
the  periwinkle  is  eaten,  2.000  tons  being  sold  annually  in  the  cit\-  of  London. 

The  oyster  ("Ostrea  Virginica")  is  both  native  and  cultivated  in  the  waters 
surrounding  Atlantic  City,  and  the  shell  is  too  well  known  to  require  illustration. 
Frequently  the  shells,  both  living  and  dead  are  found  almost  honeycombed.  This 
is  the  work  of  a  sponge,  which  is  the  greatest  enemy  of  the  oyster,  frec|uent!y 
entirely  destroying  the  shell.    Another  enemy  of  the  oyster  is  the  star  tish. 

Of  the  clam,  three  varieties  are  found  here  in  large  numbers.  (  )n  the  sandy 
bottoms  of  the  inlet  lives  the  "venus  niercinaria,"  the  clam  of  commerce.  The 
shell  is  thick,  heavy  and  hard,  and  was  used  by  the  Indians,  they  cutting  it  into 
buttons  and  stringing  them  u]3on  leather  thongs  for  dress  ornament  and  wampum. 
The  "mactra  solidessima"  is  the  large  sand  clam  found  so  frequently  upon 
the  beach.  It  is  quite  active  for  a  clam,  and  hides  itself  inst  beneath  the 
surface  of  the  sand  when  the  tide  goes  out.  Frequently  the  shells  of  the  younger 
clams  are  found  with  a  smocjthly  cut  hole,  a  quarter  of  an  inch  in  diameter,  near 
the  hinge.  This  is  the  work  of  one  of  the  snails  already  mentioned.  These  clams 
are  also  eaten  by  the  star  fish. 

The  third  clam,  the  "mya  arcnaria,"  is  found  in  large  numbers  on  the  nmd 
banks  on  the  meadows.  It  is  known  as  the  soft  shell  or  sweet  clam,  and  is 
much  prized  as  an  article  of  food.  It  is  very  active,  and  can  burrow^  into  the  sand 
or  mud  quickly.  Unlike  the  other  clams  it  has  its  home,  which  is  simply  a  hole  a 
foot  or  more  deep  in  the  sand  or  mud.  At  high  tide  it  comes  to  the  mouth  of  its 
hole  to  feed,  but  as  the  tide  goes  out.  it  retires  to  the  bottom.  The  "mactra"  buries 
itself  when  the  waves  leave  it.  the  "venus"  wanders  about  cin  the  bottom  of  the 
inlet  and  bays,  but  the  "mya"  seldom  leaves  its  home. 

The  "solen  ensis,"  or  "razor  fish,"  is  sometimes  called  the  "razor  clam"  (big. 
7).  Its  home  is  on  sandy  bottoms,  and  the  dead  shell  is  frequently  found  upon  the 
beach.  He  who  would  secure  a  live  specimen  must  be  a  careful  collector,  for  the 
"ensis"  is  very  strong  and  very  quick  in  its  motions.  When  fi  umd  half  sticking  out 
of  the  beach,  it  will  require  a  grasp  almost  strong  enough  to  crush  the  shell  to  pull 
it  out  of  its  hole,  if  indeed  one  can  approach  near  enough  to  grasp  it,  for  the 
jarring  of  the  sand  by  an  approaching  step  will  give  it  warning  of  pending  danger, 
and  quick  as  a  flash  it  is  gone.  It  will  then  be  almost  useless  to  dig  for  it,  as  it  can 
burrow  faster  than  one  can  dig.  The  razor  is  also  a  swift  swinuuer,  or  rather  has 
the  power  of  leaping  through  the  water. 

The  "pholas  costata"  (Fig.  14)  is  a  burrowing  shell  fish  sometimes  found  upon 
the  beach.  It  will  perforate  clay,  wood,  and  even  soft  rock,  the  burrows  being 
vertical,  and  though  thev  may  be  very  close  together,    seldom    does    one   burrow 


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4).     Its 

perforate  the  wall  of  another.    Thi-^ 
in  the  dark.    The  shell  is  hard  hut  ' 

Another  little  borrower  is  the  ' 
clay,  nuid,  wood,  antl  even  soft  sti 
of  Atlantic  City.  Small  masses  of  r 
the  beach  are  frequently  alive  with 
After  a  strong  southwest  wii 
delicate  and  beautiful  ])urple  shell. 
the  animal  that  at  one  time  lived  ii 
home  is  far  below  low-water  mark,  and  live  specimens  are  difficult  to  secure. 

Another  deep-water  specimen  that  is  hard  to  secure  alive  is  the  "siliquaria 
gibba"  (Fig.  8).    It  is  a  second  cousin  to  the  "razor"  and  about  as  active. 

The  "mytilus  edulis"  (Fig.  9)  and  "modioal  plicatula"  (  big.  1 1  1  are  two  nuis- 
sels  constantly  met  on  the  beach.  The  home  of  the  "mytilus"  during  the  first 
months  of  its  life  is  deep  water,  but  at  the  end  of  the  first  year  it  is  found  between 
the  tides,  or  just  below  low-water  fastened  together  or  to  large  stones  or  piling  by 
a  strong  thread  that  the  animal  spins.  The  "modiola"  is  found  upon  the  mud 
banks  of  the  meadow  or  on  the  beach,  it  too  spins  a  thread  or  byssus.  .\  deep 
water  modiola  is  often  found  attached  to  the  "devil's  apron,"  a  sea  weed  that  is 
thrown  upon  the  beach  by  heav\'  storms. 


6enealooical  llntro^uction. 

X'C.        ,  ,.   "'     'T^   '  '"'^    HISTORY   of  ;my   comnniiiity   is   largx-ly  the   story   of   its   leading   fami- 

"*""    ■'  '         '"-■^-     For  nearly  two  centuries  the  white  man  has  been  enjoying  the  great 

natural  privileges  of  the  ocean,  bays,  rivers,  forests,  and  climate  which 
made    South   Jersey   previously  a  paradise  for  the  red  man. 

In  our  day  it  seems  strange  enough  that  catching  whales  in  small  boats  along  the 
coast  was  the  nourishing  occupation  that  brought  hither  from  Long  Island  and  New 
England  some  of  the  first  Sculls,  Sonierses.  Adamses,  Conovers,  and  Doughtys.  The  first 
Clarks  came  from  Connecticut,  the  first  Sculls,  Leeds,  Penningtons  and  Endicotts  from 
England,  the  first  Frambes  and  Boices  from  Holland,  the  first  Bryant  from  Scotland,  the 
first  Richards  from  Wales.     Great  have  been  the  industrial  changes  during  these  generations. 

Catching  the  leviathan  of  the  deep  for  his  "oyl  and  bone"  is  now  only  a  memory;  the 
wild  birds  of  the  bays  are  no  longer  an  important  element  as  a  food  supply  of  the  residents; 
fish  and  oysters  in  the  bays  have  been  vastly  decimated,  the  iron  industry  of  the  swamps  has 
disappeared  and  the  timber  and  ship  building  interests  have  nearly  vanished  and  changed 
the  occupations  of  a  people  whose  ancestors  served  their  day  and  generation  well  and  made 
interesting  history.  The  writer  has  endeavored  to  gather  from  all  available  sources  the 
records  of  as  many  of  the  old  time  families  as  possible,  having  been  generously  assisted  by 
the  willing  hands  of  some,  the  printed  works  of  a  few,  the  accessible  purse  of  many  appre- 
ciative citizens,  who  have  made  this  work  possible,  and  to  the  retentive  memories  and  the 
family  bibles  of  others. 

Whatever  slight  imperfections  may  be  found,  we  are  confident  that  the  result  of  these 
researches  will  be  appreciated  by  many  who  are  rightly  proud  of  their  family  lineage  and 
whose  encouragement  has  been  of  great  assistance  in  compiling  this  work. 



As  early  as  1647,  the  name  Albertson  is  mentioned  in  O'Callahan's  Register  of  New- 
Netherlands.  Jan  Albertson,  wife  and  six  children,  came  from  Stemeyck,  Holland,  before 
1650.  In  1663  Jan  Albertson,  his  wife  and  one  child,  were  killed  by  the  Indians.  The  regis- 
ter above  mentioned  records  that  William  Albertson.  son  of  Jan,  received  a  commission  as 
a  soldier  in   1653. 

1.  William  Albertson,  the  founder  of  the  New  Jersey  family  of  Albertsons,  resigned  his 
commission  as  soldier,  having  become  converted  to  the  religion  of  Friends,  and,  JMay  2, 
1682,  located  a  large  tract  of  land  in  Newton  township,  Gloucester  County.  N.  J.,  lying 
between  the  south  and  middle  branches  of  Newton  creek.  The  house  that  he  built  stood 
by  the  middle  branch  of  said  creek  and  nearly  fronting  the  little  settlement  called  Newton 
by  those  first  settlers.  William,  as  before  stated,  was  a  Friend,  being  one  of  the  first  trustees 
of  Newton  Meeting,  established  1681.  This  trust  was  continued  until  1708,  when  younger 
men  were  needed  to  continue  the  same,  to  wit:  March  7,  1708,  Benjamin  Thackara  and 
William  Cooper,  of  Gloucester  County,  N.  J.,  and  William  Albertson,  the  elder,  late  of 
Newton,  in  Gloucester  County,  N.  J.,  but  now  of  Byberry,  Bucks  County,  Pa.,  as  Trustees 
of  Friends  Meeting  at  Newton,  conveyed  said  property  to  Thomas  Sharp,  John  Kaighn, 
and  Joseph  Cooper,  as  trustees,  etc.  (Sharp's  Book,  p.  30.  Surveyor  General's  Office.  Bur- 
lington, N.  J.)  A  man  of  estate  and  ability  in  the  community,  William  (i)  was  returned  in 
1685  as  a  member  of  the  Colonial  Legislature,  and  also  held  other  minor  county  and  town- 
ship offices.  December  16,  1688.  he  located  a  tract  of  land  in  Gloucester  township,  on  a 
branch  of  Timber  creek,  called  Otter  branch.  This  property  he  bequeathed  by  will,  1709, 
to  his  son  Josiah,  June  i,  i6g8.  William  (i)  conveyed  his  land  in  Newton  township  to  his 
son  William,  and  soon  after  this  removed  to  Byberry.  on  the  Poquessink  creek,  Bucks 
County,  Pa.  Here  he  purchased  large  properties,  consisting  of  mills  and  lands,  some  of 
which  formerly  belonged  to  Walter  Forrest.  In  1692  he  purchased  of  Andrew  Robeson  a 
tract  in  Gloucester  County.  He  died  at  Poquessink  in  1709,  leaving  a  will,  proved  January 
17,  1709,  in  which  he  mentions  his  wife  Hannah,  seven  children,  and  his  son-in-law.  Jervis 
Stoddale.  William  married  Hannah  Druit.  daughter  of  Morgan  Druit.  Hannali  Druit  Al- 
bertson transferred  her  certificate  from  .Abington 
children  were: 

2.  Benjamin,  m.   Sarah  Walton.     3.  Cassandr 
24  (369) 

Philadelphia  meeting,  in   172 
Joshua  Walton.  4.  Josiah, 






AL15F.KTS()X    l-AMII.W  371 

Austin.  5.  Ami.  d.  1O96:  111.,  first,  Walter  Forrest;  vce.ind.  JmIu,  Kai^ilin.  1094.  6.  William, 
d.  1720;  m.  Esther  WUlis.  7.  Abraham,  m.  Mannali  Medctt.  S.  Kebeoca.  111.  Joseph  .Sat- 
terthwaite.     9.  Daughter,  m.  Jervis  Stoddalc. 

2.  Benjamin  Albertson  m.  Sarah  Walton.  They  had:  10.  William.  11.  Jacr.b  ij. 
Josiah,  b.  1741;  d.  1827;  m.  Ann  Chew.  13.  Benjamin,  m.  Susannah  Shoemaker.  14.  Mar- 
niaduke.     15.  Chalkley.     16.  Hannah,  m.  Hamilton.     17.  Sarah,  m.   Constantine   l-"ord. 

4.  Josiah  Albertson  inherited  from  his  father,  William  (1),  the  place  on  Timber  creek. 
Gloucester  township,  where  his  house  was  built  in  1743.  This  house  is  still  standing,  being 
occupied  by  a  brother  of  John  J.  Albertson,  the  present  Camden  County  engineer  and  road 
builder.  Josiah  m.  Ann  Austin.  They  had:  18.  Hannah,  b.  1728;  ni.  Jacob  Clement.  1747. 
19.  Mary,  b.  1730.  20.  Cassandra,  b.  1732;  m.,  first,  Jacob  Ellis;  second,  Jacob  Burrough. 
21.  Elizabeth,  b.  1734.  22.  Patience,  b.  1736;  ni.  Isaac  Ballcnger.  23.  Josiah,  b.  1738;  m., 
first,  Eleanor  Tomlinson;  second,  Judith  Boggs.  24.  Sarah,  b.  1740;  m.  Samuel  Webster. 
25.  Heturah,  b.  1743:  ni.  Isaac  Townsend.  26.  Ann,  b.  1743;  m.,  first,  Ebenezer  Hopkins; 
second,  Jacob  Jennings. 

6.  William  Albertson,  d.  1720;  m.  Esther  Willis.  They  lived  on  the  place  at  Ne\vt...n. 
Children  were:  27.  John.  28.  Abr.aham;  m.  Sarah  Dennis,  1742.  29.  William.  30.  Jane. 
31.  Mary.     2--  Esther. 

12.  Josiah  Albertson.  b.  1741;  d.  1827;  m.  Ann  Chew.  Tliey  had:  a.  Sarah,  b.  March 
7,  1767.  34.  Mary,  b.  October  12.  1768;  m.  John  Ware.  35.  Josiah.  b.  October  12,  1770;  d. 
October  4.    1859;   m.    Elizabeth   Mattox.     36.  Nehemiah,   b.  July  4,    1773;   m.,   first.   Sarah 

McCarty;  second,  Rhoda  Downs.    37.  Rebecca,  b.  June  4,  1775;  m.  Strang.     38.  Aaron, 

b.  September  16,  1777;  m.  Margaret  Overleift.  39.  Thomas,  b.  April  7,  1779;  m.  Ann 
\\'elden.     40.  Hannah,  b.   }klarch,   1782;  ni.  Thomas  Strang. 

23.  Josiah  Albertson,  b.  1730;  m.,  first,  Eleanor  Tomlinson.  They  had:  41.  Hannah, 
b.  1760:  m.,  first,  Samuel  Glover:  second,  Paul  Troth.  42.  Isaac,  b.  1768:  d.  1774.  43.  Jnhn, 
b.  1771;  m.  Ann  Pine.     44.  Josiah,  b.  1774;  d.  1777.     45.   Mary,  b.  1776:  d.  1777. 

i2s)  Josiah,  b.  1730;  ni..  second,  Judith  Boggs.  They  had:  46.  Marv,  m.  Thomas 

28.  Abraham  Albertson  lived  in  Gloucester,  Newton  township;  m.  Sarah  Dennis,  1742. 
They  had:  47.  Isaac,  m.  Deborah  Thorn,  1761,  48.  Jacob,  m.  Patience  Chew,  1731.  49. 
Abraham,  m.  Sarah  Albertson,  1764.  50.  Ephraim,  m.  Kesiah  Chew,  daughter  of  Thomas 
Chew.  1741.  51.  Joseph,  m.  Rose  Hainpton,  1743.  52.  Aaron,  m.,  first,  Elizabeth  Albert- 
son.  1756;  m..  second,  Margaret  Wells,  1765.  53.  Levi,  m.  Keziah  Roberts.  1756.  54.  Jona- 
than, lived  at  Penn's  Xeck,  Salem  County.     55.  Rebecca,  m. Beverly.     56.  Daughter. 

m.  Richard  Chew. 

35.  Josiah  Albertson,  b.  October  12,  1770.  Lived  at  Blue  Anchor,  Camden  County. 
\.  J.  He  married  Elizabeth  ^Mattox.  They  had:  57.  Sarah,  b.  November  15.  1797;  m. 
Joseph  E.  Lippincott.  58.  Ann,  b.  October  10,  1799:  m.  James  Kellum.  59.  David,  b. 
January  18,  1801:  m.  Rebecca  Evans.  60.  Eliza,  b.  August  10,  1802;  m.  Isaac  W.  Jcssup. 
61.  Mariah,  b.  November  2.  1804;  m.  Cornelius  Till.  62.  John,  b.  December  12,  1806;  un- 
married. 63.  Rebecca,  b.  October  24.  1808:  m.  John  C.  Shreve.  64.  \Mlliam.  b.  February 
II,   1811;   d.   1811. 

54.  Jonathan  Albertson.  son  of  Abraham  Albertson  and  Sarah  Dennis,  lived  at  Penn's 
Neck,  now  near  Pennsgrove,  near  the  Delaware,  in  Salem  County.  His  children  were:  65. 
Abraham.     66.  Levi,  b.  1776;  d.  1822;  m.  Pheba  Simpkins,  September  3.  1810. 

66.  Levi  Albertson.  b.  1776,  at  Pennsgrove,  Salem  County,  N.  J.  He  was  a  shoemaker 
by  trade.  He  removed  to  Gloucester  County  and  married  Pheba  Simpkins,  September  3, 
1810.  They  had:  67.  Jonathan,  b.  November  3,  181 1;  d.  May  28,  1888:  m.,  first,  Elizabeth 
Mathis,  February  7,  1835;  m.,  second,  Asenath  Collins,  July  17,  1841.  68.  Millie,  b.  Sep- 
tember 28,  1813.  69.  David,  b.  January  i,  1817;  d.  November  2,  1817.  70.  Levi.  b.  Septem- 
ber 15,  i8i8;  d.  August  20,  1856.     71.  Pheba  B.,  b.  March  4.  1821. 


67.  Jonathan  Albertson,  b.  November  3,  181 1,  was  a  shipcarpentcr.  He  came  to  Smith's 
Landing  when  about  16  years  of  age.  Married,  first,  Elizabeth  Mathis.  They  had:  72. 
Pearson  Smith,  b.  December  4,  1835;  d.  June  20,  1837.  73.  Jethro  Vansant,  b.  June  17,  1837; 
m.  Mary  EHzabeth  Rislcy. 

(67)  Jonathan  married,  July  17,  1841,  second,  Ascnath  Collins,  daughter  of  Levi  Collins 
and  Asenath  Lake.  They  had:  74.  Levi  Collins,  b.  December  6,  1844;  m.  Elizabeth  Leeds, 
October   i,    1868. 

75.  Elizabeth  IMathis,  b.  July  2,  1846;  m.  May  Humphreys,  November  14,  1878. 

76.  John  Collins,  b.  September  15,  1848;  m.  Julia  Townsend  Young,  November  27,  1871. 
■jj.  Daniel  Lake,  b.  July  i,  1851;  m.  Eliza  V.  Endicott,  November  22,  1871. 

73.  Jethro  Vansant  Albertson,  b.  June  17,  1837,  served  in  the  war  of  the  rebellion, 
First  Lieutenant  Company  "B,"  25th  New  Jersey  Volunteers;  mustered  out  December  22, 
1862,  on  account  of  injuries  received.  Married  Mary  Elizabeth  Risley.  She  was  the 
daughter  of  John  Risley  and  Sophia  Smith.  They  had:  78.  Henry  Risley,  b.  September  21, 
1854:  ni.  Amanda  S.  Furey.  79.  Richard  Risley,  b.  October  22,  1857;  m.  Adelina  Steelman. 
80.  Jonathan,  b.  November  23,  1859;  d.  December  28,  1859.  81.  Elfrida,  b.  October  13,  i860; 
d.  September  20,  1862.  82.  Ulric  Dahlgren,  b.  March  17,  1864;  m.  Elizabeth  Guttridge, 
December  24,  1885.  83.  Cora  Murphy,  b.  August  20,  1870.  84.  William  Henry  Christie,  b. 
January  27,  1872;  ni.  Anna  M.  Thornley,  April  30,  1894.  85.  Casper,  b.  August  25,  1873;  d. 
November  25,  1873.     86.  Sidney,  b.  September  19,  1878. 

74.  Levi  Collins  Albertson,  b.  December  6,  1844,  at  Smith's  Landing,  N.  J.,  served  in 
Civil  War,  September  6,  1864,  to  June,  1865;  Postmaster  of  Atlantic  City  from  February, 
1872,  to  May,  1886;  also  1890  to  1894.  He  married  Elizabeth  Leeds,  daughter  of  John  Leeds 
and  Hannah  Webb,  October  l,  1868.  They  had:  87.  Gertrude,  b.  April  2,  1871.  88.  Casper, 
b.  July  10,  1872;  d.  September  30,  1873.    89.  Myra,  b.  February  26,  1878. 

76.  John  Collins  Albertson,  b.  September  15,  1848;  m.  Julia  Townsend  Young,  Novem- 
ber 27,  1871.  daughter  of  Somers  Corson  Young  and  Elizabeth  Corson.  They  had:  90. 
Nicholas  Burton,  b.  December  14,  1875;  m.  Mary  Jane  Walton,  June  20,  1899.  91.  Eliza- 
beth  May,  b.   November  8,   1877. 

■jj.  Daniel  Lake  Albertson  m.  July  i,  1851;  m.  Eliza  Vaughan  Endicott,  November  22. 
1871,  daughter  of  William  Endicott  and  Elizabeth  Vaughn.  They  had:  92.  William  Endi- 
cott, b.  October  22,  1872;  m.  Mary  Virginia  Pierson.  93.  Lylburn  Curtis,  b.  February  3,  1883. 
94.  Charles  Cleare,  b.  May  9,  1894. 

78.  Henry  Risley  Albertson,  b.  September  21,  1854;  m.  Amanda  Furey.  She  was  the 
daughter  of  Robert  L.  Furey  and  Elizabeth  Ann  Smick.  They  had:  95.  Ella  Furey,  b. 
September  18,  1873.     96.  Elizabeth  Rankin,  June  23,   1884. 

79.  Richard  Risley  Albertson.  b.  October  22.  1857;  m.  Adelina  Steelman,  September 
30,  1878,  daughter  of  Benjamin  Steelman  and  Margaret  Frambes.  They  had:  97.  Richard 
Warren,  b.  May  14.  1879.  98.  Clarence,  b.  Noveinber  3,  1881.  99.  Alice,  b.  January  17,  1885. 
100.  Earnest,  b.  August  19,  1887.     loi.  Jessica,  b.  July  2,  1891. 

83.  Cora  Murphy  Albertson,  b.  August  20,  1870;  m.  Harry  Clayton,  April  8,  1896,  son 
of  Enoch  Clayton  and  Catherine  Risley.  They  had:  Arthur  J.,  b.  June  7,  1897.  Dahlgren 
S.,  b.  March  18,  1899. 

84.  William  Henry  Christie  Albertson,  b.  January  27,  1872;  m.  Anna  Thornley,  April 
30,  1894,  daughter  of  William  Thornley  and  Sarah  Shibe.  They  had:  102.  Mary  Elizabeth. 
b.  July  19,  1895. 

92.  William  Endicott  Albertson.  b.  October  22,  1872;  m.  Mary  Virginia  Pierson.  daugh- 
ter of  Robert  Allen  Pierson  and  Mary  Margaret  Fisher.  They  had:  103.  Franklyn  Adams, 
b.  November  25,  1896.     104.  Walter  Earl,  b.  November  22,  1899. 



For  many  years  the  Babcock  family  has  been  one  of  the  best  known  in  Atlantic  County. 
The  house  is  still  standing  close  to  the  bank  of  Great  Egg  Harbor  River  where  Joseph 
Babcock  and  Esther  Giberson  reared  a  family  of  twelve  children.  She  was  born  in  the 
year  1800  and  he  was  a  few  years  her  senior.  Their  home  was  near  Catawba,  then  quite 
a  promising  town  of  a  dozen  houses,  a  blacksmith  shop,  store,  church,  and  other  build- 
ings where  now  only  a  weather-worn  chapel  stands  in  a  second  growth  of  woodland. 

Just  above  Catawba  was  Thompsontown,  where  was  a  school  house,  several  fine  farms 
and  large  peach  orchards  and  a  distillery  where  peach  brandy  was  made.  Joseph  Bab- 
cock was  a  farmer  and  dealer  in  wood  and  timber,  kept  a  store,  employed  men  and  teams 
lumbering  before  forest  fires  had  denuded  valuable  areas.  In  his  own  vessels  he  carried 
to  New  York  wood,  charcoal  and  lumber  to  exchange  for  supplies  and  for  years  was  pros- 
perous. After  his  death,  about  185a,  the  widow  became  the  second  wife  of  Absalom  Cor- 
dery,  Sr..  of  Absecon,  where  she  passed  the  last  years  of  her  life,  dying  about   1864. 

The  several  sons  early  became  familiar  with  the  business  of  their  father  and  most  of 
them  accumulated  fortunes  as  seafaring  men. 

The  Babcock  children  were: 

1.  Jonathan,  who  married  .^ner  Boice.  They  liail  tliree  children.  Peter  and  Laura 
and  Emily,  late  wife  of  Peter  Reed,  of  .\bsecon. 

2.  Job   married  Anna  E.   Cordery.   of  Absecon.   both   deceased. 

,^.  Hannah,  who  married  Irving  Lee,  who  for  twenty  years  was  the  miller  of  the 
famous  old  grist  mil!  at  Bargaintown.  They  moved  to  Atlantic  City  in  1864  to  reside 
permaKently.  He  died  March  2.  1900.  They  had  eight  children,  four  of  whom  are  living: 
Joseph,  who  lives  in  Washington,  D.  C;  William,  at  Absecon;  Mrs.  Joseph  G.  Reed,  at 
Ocean  Grove,  N.  J.,  and  JNIrs.  William  Ridgeway.  of  Atlantic  City.  John  was  lost  at 
sea  about  1S76.  Reuben  died  in  Baltimore  in  1895.  Job  died  in  Philadelphia  in  1893.  and 
Ella  died  when  quite  young,  from  the  results  of  an  accident. 

4.  Amy  married  Aaron  Frambes.  Both  are  deceased.  They  had  four  children:  Esther. 
wife  of  Steelman  Tilton;  Maggie,  wife  of  Jonathan  Joslyn:  John  B.  and  Corena.  wife  of 
Tilton  Eoice. 

5.  John  married  Harriet  Steelman.  Both  are  deceased.  They  had  one  child.  Mrs. 
Deborah   Tuen,   of   Sonier's   Point. 

6.  Joseph  W.  married  Mrs.  Hannah  Smith,  nee  Hickmon  and  lives  at  English  Creek. 
Their  only  child,   Frank   Babcock,   was   lost  at   sea   in    i8g8. 

7.  Reuben  married  EliEabeth.  daughter  of  the  late  Enoch  Cordery.  of  .•\bscc(>n,  wliere 
they   reside. 

8.  Esther  married  Baker  Doughty.  They  live  at  .Absecon  and  have  three  children: 
Baker,  who  married  Ella  Ireland:  Joanna  and  Fraley,  who  is  a  member  of  the  Board  of 
Chosen   Freeholders. 

9.  Sarah  married  Capt.  Samuel  Price,  who  died  in  1878.  They  had  five  children: 
Loiiella,  Emma,  who  married  .Albert  Newman;  Hettie.  who  married  Horace  Xewnian; 
William  and  Fred.     The  two  last  are  deceased. 

ID.  Abel  married  Lida.  daughter  of  the  late  Felix  Leeds.  They  live  at  .Absecon  and 
have  two  children :   Charlotte  and   Reuben,  Jr. 

II.  Aimira  married  first  Richard  Garwood  and  lived  at  Bargaintown.  They  had  five 
children:  William,  who  married  Lenora  Steelman;  Aura,  who  married  Somers  Leeds; 
Charles,  who  married  Mabel  Potter;  Margaret,  who  married  Robert  Race,  and  Richard, 
who  married  Maggie  Boice.  Aimira  married  second.  Isaac  Collins,  and  lives  at  Smith's 

IJ.  Lewis  married  .Annie,  daughter  of  the  late  .Absalom  Doughty,  of  .\bsecon.  and 
lived  at  Haddonfield  at  the  time  of  his  death.  They  had  three  children;  Walter.  Mary 
and  Lewis.  Jr. 




During  or  soon  after  the  Ke\  ..lution.  uiic  OMvaUl  Good  LSartlctt.  a  Gcrnum  soldier. 
engaged  in  farming  on  the  seaward  side  of  the  shore  road  at  Pleasantville.  He  died  about 
1836.  and  is  remembered  a>  ><i  the  first  German  citizens  of  this  county.  He  married 
and  raised  a  family  of  five  children;  (_>)  David  Good.  (3)  John  Good.  (4)  .Mcxandcr  Gnnd. 
(5)    Nancy,   (6)    Eliza. 

The  oldest  son.  David  Good  Bartlett.  lived  at  Cooper's  Point.  Camden,  lor  several 
years,  and  later  settled  down  as  a  farmer  near  the  Mount  Pleasant  Church,  at  Pleasantville. 
The  old  house  is  still  standing  where  he  raised  a  family  of  seven  sons.  His  wife  was  Mar- 
garet Jones,  a  native  of  the  county.  The  seven  sons  were:  (7)  William  Good.  b.  November 
3,  1820.  d.  June  15,  1896;  (8)  Henry  Good,  (9)  Alexander  Good,  (10)  John  Good,  fii) 
Joseph  Good,  (12)  Lewis  Good,  and  Enoch  Good.     The  last  three  are  still  living, 

(7)  William  Good  Bartlett  was  born  at  Cooper's  Point,  in  Camden,  and  lived  there 
till  his  father  moved  to  Pleasantville.  As  a  young  man  he  was  noted  for  his  energy  and 
business  enterprise.  When  twenty  years  of  age  he  engaged  in  the  oyster  business,  in  which 
later  he  reaped  a  fortune.  He  went  into  the  woods  and  cut  the  timber  to  build  a  boat,  a 
sloop  yacht,  the  Essex,  in  which  he  carried  oysters  and  clams  to  New  York.  In  those  days, 
before  railroads,  the  products  of  the  bays  were  also  hauled  in  wagons  extensively  over  sandy 
roads  to  Philadelphia.  Young  Bartlett  often  came  to  this  island  with  beach  parties  on  a 
day's  picnic  for  surf  bathing,  when  the  only  bath  houses  were  the  groves  and  IkiHous  aniung 
the  sand  hills. 

In  1848,  William  G.  married  .\rnienia.  daughter  of  Daniel  Lake  and  Sarah  .Ann  Tilton. 
About  that  time  he  engaged  in  the  oyster  commission  trade  in  Philadelphia,  which  he  con- 
tinued till  near  the  close  of  his  life.  For  yea?s  he  received  and  sold  all  the  products  of 
Atlantic  County  bays  and  elsewhere  that  were  sent  to  him.  As  soon  as  the  building  of 
the  first  railroad  was  proposed,  in  1853,  he  secured  space  near  the  Vine  street  wharf,  and 
there  prospered  greatly  for  many  years.  He  was  one  of  the  first  to  come  to  this  island  with 
the  first  railroad,  buy  land,  build  houses  and  stores  and  share  in  the  various  enterprises 
and  successes  that  followed.  He  paid  $800  for  the  lot  wdiere  the  Atlantic  City  National  Bank 
has  been,  and  other  lots  later  in  that  locality.  In  T857  he  started  the  ice  business,  wdiich 
is  still  continued  by  his  estate.  About  the  same  time  he  started  the  first  market  house 
on  this  island.  In  1869  he  built  Bartlett's  market  building,  in  which  Charles  Hotz  con- 
ducted business  many  years. 

In  1870  Mr.  Bartlett  succeeded  John  Cordery.  of  Absecon.  as  lessee  of  the  street  car 
system  on  Atlantic  avenue.  He  paid  the  railroad  company  $500  a  year  each  for  the  privi- 
lege of  operating  four  cars  drawn  by  mules  over  the  steam  car  tracks,  between  the  Inlet 
and  the  old  Seaview  Excursion  House  at  the  ocean  end  of  Missouri  avenue.  Fares  were 
ten  cents.  There  were  no  tickets  nor  gongs  nor  any  regular  schedule  for  the  cars,  which 
had  to  stop  when  trains  were  on  the  track  and  which  waited  for  loads  at  either  end.  Fare 
was  not  exacted  of  local  people,  but  visitors  made  that  mule  tramway  profitable. 

In  1875,  when  the  railroad  company  demanded  $1,000  rental  for  each  car,  Mr.  Bartlett 
gave  it  up  and  became  one  of  the  incorporators  of  the  Passenger  Railway  Company.  Asso- 
ciated with  him  were  Alexander  Boardman,  Joseph  A.  Barstow,  Henry  L.  Elder,  Joseph 
H.  Borton,  D.  C.  Spooner  and  Horace  Whiteman.  This  company  was  organized  at 
Schaufler's  Hotel,  April  13,  1874.  City  Council  had  given  the  new  company  a  right,  by 
ordinance,  to  lay  tracks  on  Pacific,  New  Hampshire,  Michigan  and  Ohio  avenues.  Tracks 
were  laid  by  strategy  in  the  night  over  the  disputed  territory  between  North  Carolina  and 
Massachusetts  avenues,  and  the  ties  still  lie  buried  in  the  street.  An  injunction,  secured 
by  Andrew  K.  Hay,  stopped  the  work  and  the  railroad  company  operated  its  own  mule 
cars  and  later  its  trolley  cars  without  ever  having  any  franchise  except  for  steam  railroad 

In   1865.  Mr.   Bartlett  engaged   in  the   shipbuilding  business  in   Canulcn   and  was   very 


successful.  During  the  war,  when  vessel  property  was  very  profitable,  Mr.  Bartlett  was  part 
owner  of  twenty  vessels.     He  disposed  of  his  interests  in  the  shipyard  in  1885. 

In  1881  he  erected  the  first  large  brick  building  in  this  city  for  a  bank.  Until  1887  he 
made  Atlantic  City  his  summer  home  only,  continuing  to  live  in  Philadelphia. 

He  was  the  father  of  twelve  children,  all  but  one  of  whom  are  living. 


1.  William  Boice  came  from  Holland  to  Poughkeepsie,  New  York,  with  two  brothers, 
about  1755.  He  left  his  brothers.  Daniel  and  Mathew,  and  came  to  Absecon,  about  1760, 
married  Priscilla,  daughter  of  Levi  Price,  of  Bakersville,  and  followed  the  occupation  of 
farming,  buying  a  large  tract  of  land  near  the  creek  in  Absecon. 

There  were  seven  children:  2.  Peter;  3.  William;  4.  John;  5.  Hannah;  6.  Meriche; 
7.   Kate;  8.  Sarah. 

2.  Peter,  b.  1764,  m.,  first,  Rachel,  daughter  of  Peter  Frambes,  and  d.  1849.  He  was 
a  farmer  and  lived  where  his  great  grandson,  Fred  Boice,  Jr.,  now  lives.  He  later  built 
the  house  now  occupied  by  the  employes  of  the  Atlantic  City  Water  Works. 

They  had  four  children:     9.  Mary;   lo.   Richard;   11.   Peter;   12.  William. 
He  m.,  secondly,  Sarah,  widow  of  Mark   Risley,  nee  Scull.     They  had   four  children: 
13.   Richard;   14.  Ebenezer;   15.  Angeline:   16.   David. 

3.  William  Boice  m.  Leah  Steelman  and  had  two  children:  17.  Leah,  who  m.  Absalom 
Barrett,  and   18.   Peggy,  who  m.  Townsend   Risley. 

4.  John,  b.  December  26,  1774.  d.  December  30,  1865,  lived  in  Absecon;  m.  Sarah 
Champion  and  had  five  children:  19.  Rebecca,  who  m.  Jerry  Conover;  20.  Priscilla,  who  m. 
John  Hackett;  21.  Sophia,  who  m.  Peter  Hackett;  22.  Hannah,  who  m.  Allen  Jefifers;  23. 
Anna  Maria,  who  ni.  James  Risley. 

5.  Hannah,  m.  Reeves. 

6.  Meriche  m.  David  Smith  and  had  four  children:  24.  Absalom,  who  m.  Leah  Har- 
man;  25.  Feli.x,  who  m.  Sylvia  Conover;  26.  Sophia,  who  m.  Noah  Adams;  27.  Polly,  who 
m.  John  Risley. 

7.  Kate  m.  Diah  Samson  and  had  eleven  children:  28.  Joseph;  29.  Daniel;  30.  Thomas; 
31.  Sarah;  32.  Diah;  33.  Delilah;  34.  Hannah;  35.  Elizabeth;  36.  Priscilla;  37.  Rebecca; 
38.  Mary. 

8.  Sarah  m.  Joshua  Adams  and  had  seven  children:  39.  Ryon;  40.  Peter;  41.  W.  Boice; 
42.   Richard;   43.   Katie;   44.  Mary:   45.  Sarah   Ann. 

9.  Mary.  b.  1801,  d.  1880,  m.,  first,  James  Risley,  and  had  three  children:  46.  Mary; 
47.  Judith;  48.  Rachael.  Married,  secondly.  Risley  Adams  and  had  two  children:  49. 
Phoebe;    50.  James. 

10.  Richard,  b.  1803,  drowned  at  sea. 

11.  Peter,  b.  December  23.  1805;  d.  August  30,  1892;  m.  Sarah  Ann,  daughter  of  Wil- 
liam and  Sarah  Chamberlain.  She  was  b.  December  17,  1807;  d.  September  6,  1880.  They 
were  m.  in  1823  and  lived  on  the  farm  north  of  Absecon  all  their  lives.  They  had  twelve 
children:  51.  Aner  S.;  52.  Rachael;  53.  Henry;  54.  Frederick  C. ;  55.  John;  56.  Rebecca; 
57.  Enoch  C. ;  58.  Ezra  C. ;  59.  Hannah  Ann:  60.  Enoch  C. ;  61.  Sarah  Ann,  62.  Anna 
Mary,  twins. 

51.  Aner  S..  b.  August  20,  1825;  m.  Jonathan  Babcock  and  liad  three  children:  63. 
Emma  C,  who  died  March  31,  1898;  64.  Peter,  b. ;  65.  Laura  A. 

52.  Rachael,  b.  August  17,  1827;  d.  September  30,  1866;  m.  James  Dunham  in  Phila- 
delphia; d.  September  8,  1880.    They  had  four  children:    William.  James.  John  W.,  Howard. 

53.  Heny,   b.    December  8,    1829;   d.    March    19.    1899;   m.    Kate,   daughter  of  Jonathan 

BOICE    FAMILY.  377 

and   Eunice  Smith,   December  21,   i&bg.     She  d.   Xovember  j8.   1S88.     They  had  one  clnld. 
66.   Elizabeth  Clement,  who  married  Clarence  Doughty  Nourse. 

54.  Frederick  C,  b.  February  8,  1832;  d.  November  5,  1889:  m.  Sarah  Scull,  daughter 
of  Thomas  and  Sarah  Ann  Irelan,  August  11,  i860.  They  had  eleven  children:  67.  Es- 
tella;  68.  Willanna;  6g.  Lena;  70.  Frederick  C:  71.  Lorine;  72.  John,  b.  April  3,  1871,  d. 
August  29,  1871;  73.  Frank,  b.  May  9,  1874,  d.  March  30,  1874:  74.  Tliomas,  b.  March  7, 
1875,  d.  July  20,  1876;  75.  Rachael  D.;  ;6.  Henry;  77.  Howard,  b.  December  25,  1882;  d. 
July  20,   1883. 

67.  Estella  m.  James  B.,  son  of  J.  Towers  and  Eleanor  ]\L  Townsend,  June  4,  1885, 
and  live  at  Longport.     They  had  two  children,  James  Stanley  and  Eleanor  Melissa. 

75.  Rachael  D.  m.  Valdemar  Emil,  son  of  Stein  and  Mary  Edwards,  and  lives  in 

55.  John,  b.  May  14,  1834,  m.  Hannah  Ann,  daughter  of  Daniel  and  Maria  Tilton, 
April  12,  1861,  and  had  five  children:  78.  Daniel  Tilton;  79.  Cora;  80.  Leira,  b.  November 
8,  1866,  d.  January  10,  1871;  81.  John,  Jr.,  deceased;  82.   Peter  Harlan. 

78.  Daniel  Tilton  Boice  m.  Amy  Corena,  daughter  of  .^niy  and  Aaron  Frambes,  June 
6,  1899.  and  lives  in  Absecon. 

79.  Cora  m.  Harry  L.,  son  of  David  and  Abigail  Conover.  September  12,  1888.  ami 
live  in  Absecon.     They  have  one  child:  Leira  Boice  Conover. 

56.  Rebecca,  b.  August  31,   1836;  d.   April  3,   1837. 

57.  Enoch  C,  b.   February  25,  1838;  d.  October  25,   1843. 

58.  Ezra  C,  b.  April   16,   1840,  lives  in  Absecon. 

59.  Hannah  Ann,  b.  November  3,  1842;  m.  Charles  E.,  son  of  Benj.  and  Mary  Jack- 
son, deceased,  December  18,  1867,  lived  in  Camden.  They  had  two  children:  Harry  B.  and 
Ella   B.  Jackson. 

60.  Enoch  C,  b.  November  i,  1844;  d.  March  22,  1899;  m.  Maggie,  daughter  (jf  William 
Good  and  Armenia  Lake  Bartlett.  They  had  four  children:  82.  Armenia;  83.  Edna;  84. 
Helen;  85.  Enoch  Lee,  born  November  21,  1887;  d.  March  29,  1888. 

61.  Sarah  Ann,  b.  June  16,  1849;  m.  Isaac  A.,  son  of  Joseph  and  Priscilla  Lee,  Novem- 
ber 18,  1886,  and  lives  in  Camden. 

62.  Anna  Mary,  twin  sister  of  Sarah  Ann,  m.  Israel  G.  Adams,  June  23.   1887. 

12.  William,  b.  June  26,  1898;  d.  August  13,  1869;  m.  Leah  Robinson,  June  8,  1839. 
She  d.  August  15,  i86g,  and  was  buried  the  same  day,  a  double  funeral.  They  had  13 
children:  86.  James  S. ;  87.  Wesley  S.;  88.  Arabella;  89.  Rachael;  90.  Silas;  91.  Harriett; 
92.  Reasin  R.;  93.  Peter;  94.  William;  95.  Macajah  C;  96.  Lemuel  C. ;  97.  Argereene;  98. 

86.  James  S.,  b.  April  6,  1840;  d.  May  18,  1898;  m.  Sarah  Price.  They  had  three  chil- 
dren: 99.  Mark  P.;  100.   Narcia;  loi.  Sarah,  who  m.  Geo.  McKeague. 

99.  Mark  P.  m.  Sarah  Blakley.  They  had  two  children:  102.  Leroy  M.;  103.  James 

87.  Wesley  S.,  b.  June  29,  1841;  m.  Josephine  S.  Adams,  December  20,  1871.  They  had 
one  child,  James   Ellis,  b.   April   10,   1882. 

88.  Arabella,  b.  January  21,  1843;  m.  John  Showell,  September  12,  1864.  They  had 
two  children,  Sarah  A.,  and  Mary  B. 

89.  Rachael,  b.  July  2,  1844;  m.  Ephraim  Connelley,  December  25,  1864.  They  had 
six  children:  104.  David  S.,  b.  September  16,  1866,  d.  October  23.  1867;  105.  Leah  W.; 
106.  Narcia;   107.  Abigail;   108.   Lorine;   lOg.  Japhet  T.,  b.  .August  8,   1888;  d.  June  6,   1898. 

90.  Silas,  b.  September  13,  1846;  m.  Mary  L.  Reeves,  November  2,  1869.  They  had 
seven  children:  no.  William;  in.  Leabetta,  b.  .August  22,  1872.  d.  November  16.  1879; 
112.  Thompson;   113.  Katie,  b.   February  21,   1877;   114.   Rachael;   115.  Oscar;    n6.  Sinclair. 

no.  William  m.  Caroline  Lake,  .^pril  22.  i8gi.  They  had  three  children:  Irwin, 
Leahetta  and    Rebecca. 


92.  Reasin  R.,  b.  April  10,  1849;  111.  Mary  Ann  Conover,  They  liad  three  cliildren: 
117.   Ehiiira;  118.  James  S. ;   iig.  Mayme. 

117.  Elmira  m.  John  W.  Mathews.     They  had  three  children:     Viola,  Hattie  and  Olive. 

118.  James  S.  m.  Hattie  Holmes.     They  had  one  child,  Marvie. 

119.  Mayme  m.   Burroughs  Crowley,  no  children. 

93.  Peter,  b.  March  8,  1851;  drowned  at  Ocean  City,  November  14,  1885;  m.  Ira  Lasliley, 
March  i,  1882.    They  had  two  children:    Somers  and  Carrie. 

94.  William,  b.  December  6,  1852;  m.  Jemima  G.  Conover,  August  21,  1878.  Tliey  had 
one  child:    Oscar,  b.  December  25,  1880;  d.  February  26,  1881. 

95.  Macajah  C,  b.  October  2.  1854;  m.  Louisa  J.  Doebelle.  October  9,  1881.  They  had 
two  children,  Ephraim  C.  and  Rena. 

96.  Lemuel  C.  b.  December  21.  1857;  m.  Alnieda  Blackman,  December  21,  1881.  They 
had  one  child,  Alice. 

97.  Argereene,  b.  May  12,  1859:  m.  Thomas  Stewart.  September  12,  1880.  They  had 
one   child.   Thomas. 

98.  Frederick,  b.  August  23.  1861 ;  m.  Dora  Ross,  January  12,  1889.  The  have  one 
child,  Etta  K. 

13.  Richard,  b.  April  20,  1825;  m.  Margaret  Risley.  They  had  one  child:  120.  David 
R.  Boice,  who  m.  Alice,  daughter  of  Joseph  Irelan.  They  had  two  children:  Maggie,  who 
m.  Richard  Garwood,  and  Minnie,  who  m.  John  Scull. 

14.  Ebenezer,  b.  June  20,  1828,  supposed  to  have  been  drowned. 
13.  Angeline,  b.  July  i,  1830;  d.  November  20.  1852.  not  married. 

16.  David,  b.  December  14.  1836;  m.  Sarah  Penyard  in  1861.  They  had  four  children: 
121.  George;    122.   Edward;    123.  Theodore;    124.   Harrison. 

121.  George,  b.   1862,  m.   Sarah  .     No  children. 

122.  Edward,  b.  1864;  m.  Annabelle  Rice  in  1884;  one  child,  Dora,  born  1885. 

123.  Theodore,  b.  1869;  d.  1894;  m.  Eva  Riley.     No  children. 

124.  Harrison,  b.  1871:  m.  Christine  Keohermick  in  1891.  They  had  one  child, 


Isaac  Bryant  and  his  fainily  emigrated  from  Scotland  to  Canada  about  the  year  1780. 
His  son  (2)  William  was  then  a  baby.  When  the  boy  was  older,  so  family  tradition  runs, 
he  ran  away  from  his  Canadian  home,  and  came  to  Philadelphia,  where  he  learned  the  trade 
of  1  blacksmith.  He  found  employment  at  old  Martha  iron  furnace,  in  Burlington  County, 
and  thert  married  Mariby  Clifford,  of  Tuckerton,  and  had  a  family  of  five  children:  (3) 
Hcttie,  (4)  Isaac,  (5)  John,  (6)  Hannah,  (7)  George. 

In  the  war  of  1812.  William,  the  father,  enlisted  and  saw  service  with  Commander 
Oliver  H.  Perry,  who  vanquished  Commodore  Barclay  on  lake  Erie  in  that  memorable 
engagement  of  September  13,  1813.  William  died  at  the  home  of  his  son  John,  when  he 
was  in  charge  of  the  salt  works  on  Absecon  Beach,  about  1838. 

(S)  John  Bryant  was  born  in  Philadelphia  in  1803.  He  probably  learned  the  trade  of 
his  father.  When  a  young  man  he  went  to  Martha  Furnace,  where  he  was  employed  smelt- 
ing iron  for  Daniel  Lake,  whose  sister.  Sarah,  he  married.  About  1836  he  moved  to  this 
island  from  Lehman's  Beach,  in  Cape  May  County,  to  operate  the  salt  works  at  the  "Point 
of  Beach,"  or  near  Baltic  and  Maine  avenues.  In  1840  he  moved  to  what  is  now  South 
Atlantic  City,  where  he  operated  another  salt  plant  and  where  he  continued  to  live  for 
thirty-five  years.  There  he  was  in  charge  of  the  Government  Life  Saving  Station,  and  was 
a  wrecking  master  when  vessels  came  ashore,  which  they  often  did  in  those  days. 

In  a  story  and  a  half  house.  24x24.  with  a  little  bedroom  in  one  corner  and  two  rooms 

up  stair-.  Ik-  live,!,  -cllin-  ^ah.  oyster-  aiul  .-lam-,  aiul  rcariii-  a  larj-c  lainily  ,n  cliil.lrcn. 
It  was  here  that  cx-Maynr  John  Lake  liryain  \va>  b..rii  aiul  passed  his  hoyhoo.l  .lays  with 
plenty  of  rough  experience.  It  was  here  John  Lake  Youiii;  pas-eil  his  early  years  at 
the  home  of  his  grandfather,  alter  the  death  ol  his  father.  James  ^■ollll.^.  and  his  mother. 
Mary  Ann  Bryant. 

A  few  years  before  his  death,  whicli  occurred  April  3.  1878.  when  sick  and  infirm  he 
was  moved  by  his  family  to  this  city  to  a  cottage  owned  by  his  wife  on  Georgia  avenue, 
where  a  room  was  especially  prepared  to  suit  him.  The  old  house  w\is  torn  down  so  that 
his  return  to  it  should  be  an  impossibi1it\ .  His  widow.  Sarah  Lake  Bryant,  survived  him 
several  years,  dying  February  16,  1895.  ai;ed  S;  year-.     The  cliildren  were: 

(8)  Alice,  who  died  young. 

(9^   ^Largarct.  b.  August  30.  1828.  m.  Lake  .Mbertson.  d.  August.   1S76. 

(10)  Mary  Ann.  b.  June  20.  1830.  m.  James  Young,  d.  1856. 

(11)  Abagail,  b.  :May  20,  1832;  d.  1846. 

(12)  Sarah  Jane,  b.  May  10,  1834;  m.  Thomas  Sampson;  d.   1858. 

(13)  Hannah,  b.  March  23.  1836:  m.  Thomas  Westcott;  d.  July.  1872.  Their  only  child, 
William  Carter  Westcott,  b.  October  25,  1868.  is  the  well-known  druggist  of  this  city. 

(14)  Clara,  b.  March  21,  1836:  m.  Alfred  Adams,  in  1859,  and  had  seven  children:  Lewis 
Reed.  b.  January  10,  i860,  m.  Sarali  Inman;  Alfred  Barclay,  b.  November  30.  1861,  m.  May 
Lindley:  George  C.  b.  May  6.  1864.  d.  September,  1865:  May  Olive,  b.  .-Vugust  14.  1866; 
Carrie,  b.  October  26.  1869;  Bently  Bryant,  b.  December  21.  1871:  and  Pauline,  b.  .\ugust 
3.  1875,  m.  Fred  S.  Holmes,  and  lives  in  Pittsburg. 

(15)  Asenath.  b.  March  21.  1840:  m.  John  Sloan,  has  one  cliild,  Charles,  and  lives  at 
Spring  Lake,  X.  J. 

(16)  Elnora.  b.  May  29,  1842.  m.  Benjamin  Willits.  d.  October  1.  1879.  had  five  children: 
Elmer,  b.  November.  1861.  d.  1895:  Sallie.  b.  February.  1865.  m.  Thomas  Lotton:  William, 
b.  April,  1863.  m.  Ella  Royal;  George,  b.  August.  1870.  m.  Lizzie  Wicks;  John.  b.  Mny.  1873. 
m.  Emma  Lee. 

(17)  John  Lake.  b.  April  25,  1844,  at  the  home  of  his  uncle.  Lucas  Lake,  at  Pleasant- 
ville:  m.  on  Tuesday.  January  8,  1870.  Sarah  Thompson;  d.  October  8,  1883.  He  was  a 
contractor  and  builder  and  was  prominent  in  public  afTairs.  He  was  a  member  of  Council 
in  1875  and  1880;  was  Mayor  in  1878.  and  was  elected  to  the  State  Assembly  the  year  before 
he  died,  serving  during  the  session  of  1883.  His  only  surviving  issue  is  Lieut. -Col.  Lewis  T. 
Bryant,  of  the   Morris   Guards. 

(18)  George  C,  b.  May  14,  1846;  m.  Amanda  Leeds:  d.  September.  1872.  He  was  a 
member  of  Council  in  1872. 

(19)  Abbie  T..  b.  December  16.  1846:  m.  Christopher  Wolliert.  and  h;i<l  four  children: 
Ethel  and  Lottie,  twins;  Ethel  m.  William  Rice  and  Lottie  m.  Roland  Lake;  Charles  and 

U'O)    Harriet  S..  1).  January   11.    1853:   m.   Soloman  Johnson. 


In  the  early  history  of  Atlantic  County  the  Clark  family  was  prominent,  as  witness 
the  name  Clarktown.  near  Mays  Landing,  and  Clarks  Landing,  on  the  Mullica  I^iver.  near 
Egg   Harbor   City. 

Now,  Clifford  Stanley  Sims,  in  1870.  while  a  United  States  Consul  at  Prestcott.  Canada, 
compiled  and  published  the  following  account  of  the  Clark  family,  which  is  regarded  as 
authoritative.     Copies  of  this  pamphlet  are  quite  rare: 

I.  Thomas  Clark,  of  Milford,   Connecticut,  probably  brother  of  George  Clark.  Jr..  of 

Milford.  and  of  John  Clark,  of  Saybrook.  who  came  from  .  Hertfordshire.  England: 

took  the  oath  of  Fidelity  at  New   Haven,   1654;   married  Ann,  widow  of  John  Jordan,  of 


Guilford,  1654.  She  was  a  relative  of  Governor  Fenwich.  After  his  marriage  he  lived  at 
Guilford,  where,  December  2,  1658,  John  Hill,  of  Guilford,  sued  Thomas  Clark  for  slander. 
The  plaintiff  declared  that  the  defendant  both  slanderously  reported  that  he,  the  said  John 
Hill,  laid  violent  hands  upon  him  and  took  him  by  the  collar  or  throat  and  shook  him  and 
offered  to  strike  him  with  his  fork  and  another  while  with  his  fist,  which  the  said  Hill 
denied,  and  so  looks  upon  himself  as  wronged  and  desired  satisfaction  of  the  slander. 

Mr.  Clark  gave  the  truth  in  evidence,  which  he  fully  sustained,  so  that  the  court 
awarded  that  the  defendant  was  not  guilty  of  slandering  Hill  and  awarded  the  defendant 
his  cost. 

Thomas  Clark  died  October  10.  1668:  Inventory,  £220;  Mrs.  Ann  Clark  died  at  Say- 
brook,  January  3,  1672;  Inventory  at  Guilford,  £26;  at  Saybrook,  iyy.  Abraham  Post,  of 
Saybrook,  who  had  married  her  daughter.  Mary  Jordan,  was  her  administrator. 

Children. — i.   Daniel,  b.  January,   1657-8.     2.  Sarah.     3.   Elizabeth. 

II. — I.   Daniel  Clark,  of  Killingworth,  Conn.,  married  Mary . 

Children. — 4.  Daniel,  b.  February  3,  1683-4.  5.  Thomas,  b.  February  11,  1686-7.  6. 
Mercy,  b.  October  9,  1702;  married  John  Willett.  Mrs.  Mary  Clark,  the  mother,  married, 
secondly,  Philip  Bill,  of  New  London  and  Groten,  and  died  July  10,  1739,  age  80  years. 

III. — 5.  Thomas   Clark  married   Hannah  .     Married,   second,   in   1735,   Ruth,   by 

whom  he  had  no  issue.  He  settled  at  Clarks  Landing,  on  the  banks  of  the  MuUica  river, 
within  the  present  limits  of  Egg  Harbor  City.  By  the  first  wife,  Hannah,  there  were  four 
sons:  7.  Thomas,  m.  Sarah  Parker,  of  Saybrook,  in  1740.  8.  David,  m.  and  had  five  sons 
and  one  daughter,  g.  Samvtel,  a  Presbyterian  clergyman.  10.  Elijah,  b.  1732.  After  the 
death  of  Hannah,  the  first  wife,  Thomas,  the  eldest  son,  then  a  young  man  of  nineteen,  was 
sent  on  horseback  by  his  father  to  Connecticut  to  bring  back  a  certain  old  acquaintance  of 
his  father's  for  a  step-mother.  While  in  New  Haven  on  this  delicate  errand,  he  met  and 
fell  in  love  with  the  beautiful  and  accomplished  Sallie  Parker.  He  secured  the  step- 
mother and  brought  her  home  on  the  led  horse  which  he  took  with  him,  and  two  years 
later,  in  1840,  returned  for  his  bride.  For  a  wedding  gift  he  gave  her  a  string  of  Guinea 
gold  beads,  which  are  still  held,  with  the  gold  eardrops,  by  the  Misses  Porter,  of  Atlantic 
City,  descendants  of  the  family,  as  an  interesting  heirloom. 

IV. — 10.  Elijah  Clark,  of  Pleasant  Mills,  and  afterwards  of  Hincliman  Farm.  N.  J., 
married  Jane  Lardner,  was  a  Colonel  in  the  New  Jersey  Militia  during  the  Revolution,  and 
a  member  of  the  Provincial  Congress,  in  1775;  d.  December  9,  1795. 

Children. — 11.  Lardner,  left  issue.  12.  EHsha,  m.  Louisa  Clark,  a  cousin.  left  issue. 
13.  Rebecca,  m.  James  Vanuxem,  and  left  issue.  14.  Debora,  d.  s.  p.  (d.  without  issue).  15. 
John  Lardner,  b.  March  20,  1770.  16.  Josiah,  d.  s.  p.  17.  Mary,  m.  Francis  Bernoudi  and 
left  issue. 

V. — 15.  John  Lardner  Clark,  of  Philadelphia,  married  first  in  August.  1797,  Sophia 
Marion  Ross.  She  died  January  25,  1812;  married,  second.  Ann  Cox,  September,  1815. 
She  died  in  December,  1817,  without  issue.    John  Lardner  died  May  7,  1837. 

Children. — 18.  Charles  Ross,  b.  January  i.  1798.  d.  s.  p.  19.  Charles  Ross.  b.  September 
17,  1799,  d.  s.  p.  20.  Louisa  Vanuxem,  b.  August  i,  1801.  21.  Brainerd,  b.  July  25,  1803. 
22.  Emeline,  b.  July  22,  1805,  d.  s.  p.     23.   Emeline  Marion,  b.  October  8,  1807. 

VI. — 20.  Louisa  V.  Clark  married  June  3,  1823.  Thomas  Neal  Sims,  of  Mount  Holly, 
N.  J.;  married,  second,  December  26,  1839.  James  Peacock,  of  Harrisburg,  Pa.,  by  whom 
she  had  no  issue;  died   May  2,   1869. 

Children. — 24.  Sophia  Marion,  b.  March  25,  1824,  d.  s.  p.  25.  .-Mtred  William,  b.  Sep- 
tember 21,  1826.     26.  Louisa  Clark,  b.  June  10,  1830,  d.  s.  p. 

VII. — 25.  Alfred  William  Sims,  of  Woodstock,  Vermont,  married  June  2,  1856,  Adelaide, 
daughter  of  William  Sowden,  of  Port  Hope,  Canada. 

Children.— 27.  Harry  Neal,  b.  July  30,  1857.  28.  William  Sowden.  b.  October  15.  1858. 
29.  Louisa  Peacock,  b.  June  22,  i860.  30.  James  Peacock,  b.  Jilarch  i,  1862,  d.  s.  p.  31. 
Alfred  Varley,  b.  September  21,  1864.     32.   Mary  Stewart,  b.  April   16,   1868 


Ileal  sketches  of  the  late 
Irk  furnished  by  himself  for 
yl  Congressional  Directory 
i:  back  of  his  birthplace  In  ^ 

Ijf  Kentucky. 
he  late  Congressman  John 
I,  of  Now  Jersey,  who  un- 
«  fact  that  iho  former " 
tu  a  grandson  of  Adrlel 
e  a  prominent  citizen  of  ; 
ir.     Congressman   Gardner 

•aiiiard   Clark,   of   Mount    Holly,   marricil   Saral 

,?    Adelaide   Louisa,  b.   August   30.    iS.^i.     .54 
edcrick  William,  b.  May.  1836. 
mis  James  Clark,  of  Philadelpliia,  married  Sus; 
edcrick  William  Clark,  of  Norfolk.  Va  .  marr 

Louis   James.   1).    Ni 




\^o.  J, 

Clark  Si 


b.    F. 

athorlty   or    South   Jersey   December,   1S62. 

He  knew  the  Clark  fam-  ,„    i.'rederick  William,  b.  Septendjer.   18 
,ien    he    first   met   Champ  ^^   ,._^^  ^,,^^j_^_^  ^.|_^^^.    „,^,^^,^.^  December 
Washington  was  struck  by 
>]Ajice   to   members   of   the 
lom   he   knew    In   Atlantic  37 —Henry  Augustus,  b.   Decend)er  _'-',   183-'.     j8.   Clifford  Stanley 

s.  i>.  39.  Celanaire  Bernoudi.  b.  July  21.  1837.  40.  ClilTord  Stanley,  b.  Feb- 
Investlgation  satisfied  Mr.  ^,  John  Clark,  b.  September  12,  1845;  admitted  to  membership  in  the 
hat  Champ  Clark  waa  »  _^^^,j  ^f  y^^^.  jersey,  July  4.  1867.  as  representative  of  his  great,  great  grand- 
'■i!.d''i"nt%rKe"'n°t"ln  Alexander  Ross.  42.  James  Peacock,  b.  November  .5.  .84.,. 
Uf  of  the  last  century.  He  Iciiry  Augustus  Sims,  of  Philadelphia,  married  June  30.  1864.  .Mary 
Vllssourl   representative   of  es.  of  Prescott,  Canada. 

and  the  latter  neither  ad-^,  jol,,,  d^rk,  b.  April  19.  1865.  d.  s.  p.  44-  John  Clark,  1.  M: 
,r  denied  the  fact.  He.  ^  Bernoudi  Sims  married.  November  3.  1859.  William  Sniit 
itlsfied    to    rest    upon    Ut. 

1  Maryland  ancestry.— del  phia. 

-    45.   Emeline  Sims.  b.  July  29.  i860.     46.   Murray,  b.  June  23.   1863. 
Sims.  b.  May  7.  1866.     48.  William  Sims.  b.   November  2!.   1868. 
Vn.— 40.  Clifford  Stanlev  Sims,  of  P 




irie  Ridge  Plantation,  .'\rkansas,  married.  .Xugust 
rles  Steadman  .\mbercrombie,  M.  D..  of  Rose- 
1  the  Society  of  Cincinnati  of  New  Jersey.  July  4, 
ther,  Major  John  Ross;  entered  the  U.  S.  Navy 
tant  paymaster.  1863;  appointed  Judge  Advocate 
gate  to  the  State  Constitutional  Convention,  in 
ture.  in  1868:  appointed  Commissioner  to  digest 
to  Prescott.  Canada,  1869. 

b.  June  5.  1866.     50.  Clifford  Stanley,  b.  January 
5.  1870,  ^ 
previous   to    1740.    and    liail    three    sons    and    live 

of  Haddonfield:  second.  Elizabeth  |^illmnu-  by 
Dr.  Reuben  Baker  and  had  one  child;  Harriet 
.d  two  children.  Gideon  and  Elizabeth;  Alice  m. 
let.  Alice.  Judith.  Adriel.  Henry  and  Isaac;  John 
>  have  been  drowned;  George,  who  likewise  dis- 

:n  children:     Ann.  b.  December  6,  1791:  m.  

■id  Frambes:  d.  1882.     Charlotte,  b.  December  2, 

nine  children.  (See  sketch  of  Doughty  family.) 
h.  b.  March  11,  1800;  ni.  Nathaniel  Doughty;  d. 

James,  b.  September  17.  1804;  m.  Maria  Sooy;  d. 
Jacob   Somers;   second.   Absalom   Cordery.  d. 

1810;  m.   Isaac   Smith.     .Martha,  h.    Xoveniher  4. 

aac  Smith.  Martha,  b.  November  4.  I«i-';  <1-  188/. 
ond.  Olivia  Clark.  By  his  first  wife  he  had  two 
oung).  Hannah,  b.  1793,  m.  Judge  Joseph  Porter; 
v  store  at  Haddonfield.     Later  with  Thomas  and 

■<jtun  (lark,   falher  of   Champ  Clarlt. 
i»|ood  carriage-builder,  a  good  sing- 
It  a  good  dentist,  a  good  Democrat. 
Ihrislian.    and    a     fine     cilizer  ' 



Guilford,  1654.  She  was  a  relative  of  Governor  Fenwich.  After  his  mam; 
Guilford,  where,  December  2,  1658,  John  Hill,  of  Guilford,  sued  Thomas  Claj^ 
The  plaintiff  declared  that  the  defendant  both  slanderously  reported  that  lic^r 
Hill,  laid  violent  hands  upon  him  and  took  him  by  the  collar  or  throat  and  ly 
ofifered  to  strike  him  with  his  fork  and  another  while  with  his  fist.  whicHe 
denied,  and  so  looks  upon  himself  as  wronged  and  desired  satisfaction  of  th 

Mr.  Clark  gave  the  truth  in  evidence,  which  he  fully  sustained,  so  -^ 
awarded  that  the  defendant  was  not  guilty  of  slandering  Hill  and  awardedft 
his  cost.  [^ 

Thomas   Clark  died  October   10,   1668;   Inventory,  £jm;   Mrs.  Ann   CIar,t 
brook,  January  3,  1672;  Inventory  at  Guilford,  £26:  at  Saybrook,  £/~.     Abi 
Saybrook,  who  had  married  her  daughter,  Mary  Jordan,  was  her  administratn 

Children. — i.   Daniel,  b.  January,   1657-8.     2.  Sarah.     3.  Elizabeth.  '^' 

II. — I.   Daniel  Clark,  of  Killingworth,  Conn.,  married  Mary .         h 

Children.— 4.  Daniel,  b.  February  3,  1683-4.  5-  Thomas,  b.  February  g®. 
Mercy,  b.  October  9,  1702:  married  John  Willett.  Mrs.  Mary  Clark,  the  my 
secondly,  Philip  Bill,  of  New  London  and  Groten,  and  died  July  10,  1739,  a;," 

III. — 5.  Thomas   Clark   married   Hannah  .     Married,   second,   in   s 

whom  he  had  no  issue.     He  settled  at  Clarks  Landing,  on  the  banks  of  th^ 
within  the  present  limits  of  Egg  Harbor  City.     By  the  first  wife,  Hannal 
sons:     7.  Thomas,  m.  Sarah  Parker,  of  Saybrook,  in  1740.     8.  David,  m. 
and  one  daughter.     9.  Samuel,  a  Presbyterian  clergyman.     10.   Elijah,  b. 
death  of  Hannah,  the  first  wife,  Thomas,  the  eldest  son,i  replace 
sent  on  horseback  by  his  father  to  Connecticut  to  brinfhe  men 
his  father's  for  a  step-mother.     While  in   New  Haven  iring  the 
fell   in    love   with    the    beautiful   and   accomplished    Saj  chapel 
mother  and  brought  her  home  on  the  led  horse  whicDossible. 
later,  in  1840,  returned  for  his  bride.     For  a  wedding  t  would 
gold  beads,  which  are  still  held,  with  the  gold  eardroihat  \va.s 
City,  descendants  of  the  family,  as  an  interesting  heii 

IV.— 10.  Elijah  Clark,  of  Pleasant  Mills,  and  aft)od  over 
married  Jane  Lardner,  was  a  Colonel  in  the  New  JersJOut  the 
a  member  of  the  Provincial  Congress,  in  1775;  d.  Declk  in  the 

Children. — 11.  Lardner,  left  issue.  12.  Elisha,  nld  Stroll 
13.  Rebecca,  m.  James  Vanuxem,  and  left  issue.  14.  if  like  a 
John  Lardner,  b.  March  20,  1770.  16.  Josiah,  d.  s.  pjow  and 
left  issue.  ^rne-run 

V. — 15.  John  Lardner  Clark,  of  Philadelphia,  rPuld  see 
Marion  Ross.  She  died  January  25,  1812;  married'ng  and 
She  died  in  December,  1817,  without  issue.    John  La    orang- 

Children.— 18.  Charles  Ross,  b.  January  i,  1798.  (?  slobber 
17.  1799.  d-  s.  p.  20.  Louisa  Vanu.xem.  b.  August  i  Worked 
22.  Emeline,  b.  July  22,  1805,  d.  s.  p.    23.  Emeline  Nss.    He 

VI. — 20.  Louisa  V.  Clark  married  June  3,  1823, 
N.  J.;  married,  second,  December  26,   1839,  James  Jand  not 
she  had  no  issue;  died  May  2,  1869.  'S  Story, 

Children.— 24.  Sophia  Marion,  b.  March  25,  i8.on  were 
tember  21,  1826.    26.  Louisa  Clark,  b.  June  10,  1830, 

VII.— 25.  Alfred  William  Sims,  of  Woodstock,  ^He  di.s- 
daughter  of  William  Sowden,  of  Port  Hope,  Canad'ewards. 

Children.— 27.  Harry  Neal,  b.  July  30,  1857.  2i  of  him 
29.  Louisa  Peacock,  b.  June  22,  i860.  30.  James  Before, 
Alfred  Varley,  b.  September  21,  1864.     3-'-   Mary  Stk   had 

Girls  could  not 
Phone  service,  bi 
mati-imonial  cliaiK 
never  to  use  tile 
it  is  absolutely 
think  they  rnake  a 



732.     .After  the 

tU i  ?'  "'"Pteen.  was 

thought  that  he  could  hear" 
™lt^^^  the  "sweet  chario 
watchword  was  "Glory  halle, 
He  grew  so  well  that  his 
former  self,  and  longed  to 
business.  When  the  Warded 
would  do  when  he  was  free  a 
a  charcoal  seraphin  and  said- 
Fust  thing  I  do  is  go  git 'i 

Aielfodis  parson  I" 

here.    Do  you  hke  this  place's 

I  hke  this  place  mighty  , 

Wawden,  speakin'  compfradv 

™^ty  better.     I  gotta  "ft  "h 

-li  you  get  that  ladv  vou'll 


Mebbe  so    mebbe  so.^u 

S"  J^'  ^°°^  L^"d  don-t  . 

that  black  smutch  on  His  ni 

aside  h;'''''f  '^^^^""certing  and 
thX  F^''"'  ^°'  «™ding  We. 
the  Board  of  Parole.  li%  in,: 
and  h,s  childlike  amifbOitv^ 
ehgible,  but  the  Warden  ould 
him  for  such  a  quest 
m.t,f  J"  and  again  the  Warden 
Idfa^'T^-    «^PJeadedwiY 

''It  ain't  right  to  let  no  such  f, 

the  ground,  as  the  Good  Book  sa 
-uldn't  ask  me  to  be  good  ti  1 

CLARK     1AMI1.\ 

\'I1.— -'I.  Hrainanl  Clark,  ul  Mount  Holly,  married  Sarali  Jam-  Coppiuh.  July.  1830 
died  April    17.    1837. 

Children.— 33.  Adelaide  Louisa,  b.  Au^nist  .50.  1S31.  34.  Louis  James,  h.  November 
9.  1833.     35.     Frederick  William,  b.  May,  1836. 

VIL— 34.   Louis  James  Clark,  of  Philadelphia,  married  Susan  Stones.  February  11.  i86g. 

VIL— 35.  Frederick  William  Clark,  of  Norfolk.  Va..  married  Susan  Gamane.  N'oveni 
ber,  1861;  died  December,  i86j. 

Children.— 36.   Frederick  William,  b.  September.   1S62. 

VL— 23.  Emeline  Marion  Clark,  niarr.ed  December  8.  1830.  John  Clark  Sims,  of  Pliila 

Children.— 37-—Henry  Augustus,  b.  December  22.  1832.  3«-  Clifford  Stanley,  b.  Feb- 
ruary 2.  1S55.  d.  s,  p.  39-  Celanaire  Bernondi.  b.  July  21,  1837.  40.  Clifford  Stanley,  b.  Feb- 
ruary 17,  1839.  41.  John  Clark,  b.  September  12,  1845;  admitted  to  membership  in  the 
Society  of  Cincinnati  of  New  Jersey.  July  4,  1867,  as  representative  of  his  great,  great  grand- 
father. Surgeon  Alexander  Ross.     42.  James  Peacock,  b.  November  15.  i84<). 

V'lL— 37.  Henry  Augustus  Sims,  of  Philadelphia,  married  June  30.  1864.  Mary,  daughter 
of  Alpheus  Jones,  of  Prcscott,  Canada. 

Children.— 43.  John  Clark,  b.  April   ig.   1865.  d.  s.  p.     44-  John  Clark,  b.   May  4.  i86<). 

VIL— 39.  Celanire  Bernoudi  Sims  married.  November  3,  1859,  William  Smith  Forbes, 
M.  D.,  of  Philadelphia. 

Children.— 45.  Emeline  Sims.  b.  July  29.  i860.  46.  Murray,  b.  June  23.  1863.  47.  John 
Sims.  b.  May  7,  1866.     48.  William  Sims.  b.  November  21.  1868. 

\'IL — 40.  Clifford  Stanley  Sims,  of  Prairie  Ridge  Plantation.  Arkansas,  married,  .\ugust 
2.  1865.  Mary  Josephine,  daughter  of  Charles  Steadman  Anibercrombie,  ^L  D.,  of  Rose- 
land,  Tennessee,  admitted  to  membership  in  the  Society  of  Cincinnati  of  New  Jersey,  July  4, 
1861.  as  representative  of  his  great  grandfather,  Major  John  Ross;  entered  the  U.  S.  Navy 
as  Captain's  clerk,  in  1862:  appointed  assistant  paymaster,  1863;  appointed  Judge  .Advocate 
General  of.  Arkansas,  in  1864:  elected  Delegate  to  the  State  Constitutional  Convention,  in 
1867;  elected  Representative  to  the  Legislature,  in  1868;  appointed  Commissioner  to  digest 
the  statutes,  1868:  appointed  U.  S.  Consul  to  Prescott.  Canada.  1869. 

Children. — 49.  Charles  Aubercrombie.  b.'  June  5,  1866,  50.  Clifford  Stanley,  b.  January 
12,  1868.     51.   Lancelot  Falcon,  b.  January  5.  1870. 

7.  Thomas  Clark,  m.  Sarah  Parker,  previous  to  174".  and  had  three  sons  and  five 

52.  Adriel  m,.  first.  Tndith  Hnm[iton  of  Haddonfield;  second.  Kli/abelli  |Tillni.iu-  by 
whom  he  had  seven  children:  Frances  m.  Dr.  Reuben  Baker  and  had  one  child;  Harriet 
m.  Wm.  Irving,  of  Old  Gloucester,  and  had  two  children.  Gideon  and  Elizabeth;  .Mice  m. 
Sherman  Clark  and  had  six  children.  Harriet,  .Mice.  Judith.  Adriel.  Henry  and  Isaac;  John 
who  mysteriously  disappeared,  supposed  to  liave  been  drowned;  George,  who  likewise  dis- 
appeared;  Elizabeth;   Tohn.   secT)nd 

53.  Parker  m.  Martha  Leek  and  had  ten  children:     Ann.  b.   December  6,  1791;  m.  

Murphy;  d.  1885.  Louisa,  b.  1793:  ni.  David  Franibes;  d.  1882.  Charlotte,  b.  December  2, 
1795;  m.  Gen.  Enoch  Doughty  and  had  nine  children.  (See  sketch  of  Doughty  family.) 
Thomas,  b.  1798;  d.  of  yellow  fever.     Sarah,  b.  March  11,  1800;  ni.  Nathaniel  Doughty;  d. 

1889.     Reuben  m.  Phoebe  ;  d.  1865.     James,  b.  September  17,  1804;  m.  Maria  Sooy;  d. 

1894.  Mary.  b.  December  14.  1806;  m.  first,  Jacob  Soniers;  second,  .Absalom  Cordery.  d. 
March  19.  1900.  Susanna,  b.  :Marcli  2,.  1810;  m.  Isa.ic  Smith.  Martha,  b.  November  4. 
1812;  (1.  1887. 

living.     Susanna,  b.  March  2-:..  1810;  m.  Isaac  Smitli.     Martha,  b.  November  4.  if^i-';  '1-  1887- 

54.  Reuben  m..  first,  Mary  Rape;  second.  Olivia  Clark.  By  his  first  wife  he  had  two 
children.  Hannah  and  Christopher  (died  young).  Hannah,  b.  1793.  m.  Judge  Joseph  Porter; 
d.   1875.     Judge  Porter  first  had  a  country  store  at  Haddonfield.     Later  with  Thomas  and 



John  Evans  and  Samuel  Shrevc  as  partners,  he  estabhshed  glassworks  at  Watertord,  where 
they  made  fortunes.  He  was  one  of  the  promoters  and  directors  of  the  first  railroad  to  the 
seashore  and  lost  his  fortune  in  this  enterprise.  He  died  in  1861,  aged  72  years.  They  had 
nine  children:  Joseph  C.  Thomas,  Mary  H.,  Reuben  Griffin  Porter,  who  still  lives  at 
Waterford,  and  has  one  son,  Richard,  living  at  Rehoboth,  Md..  ^largaret  Griffin,  William 
C,  Richard,  Hannah  Chew,  Elizabeth.  Mary  H..  Hannah  C.  and  ElizabeUi,  are  the 
owners  of  Porter  Cottage  in  this  city. 

By  his  second  wife  Reuben  Clark  had  four  children:  ]\Iary  m.  Wencil  Kinsley;  Rox- 
anna  m.  Mark  Clark  and  went  west:  Christopher  m.  Mary  Ann  Bates;  and  Walter  m..  first, 
Elizabeth  Doughty;  second,  a  widow,  and  lives  in  Baltimore. 

55.  Hannah  m.  four  times  in  twelve  years:  First  to  George  Gardner,  by  whom  she  had 
a  son,  Rufus;  second,  to  Arron  Chew,  a  captain  in  the  Revolutionary  war,  by  whom  she 
had  a  daughter,  Hannah,  who  m,,  first,  Capt.  Hand  of  Cape  May;  second.  Judge  Clements 
of  Haddonfield.  She  was  his  second  wife  and  he  was  her  second  husband;  (3)  to  Joseph 
Griffin,  by  whom  she  had  a  son,  John;  (4)  to  a  Mr.  Zane  of  Chew  Landing. 

56.  Abigail,  who  m.  a  Chew  of  Gloucester. 

57.  Louisa  m.  Elijah,  son  of  Elisha  Clark,  a  cnusin,  and  had  three  children,  Caroline, 
Edward  and  Lardner.     The  two  first  were  dwarfs. 

58.  Submitta  d.   of  yellow  fever  in   Philadelphia,   in    1893. 

59.  Sarah  never  married;  d.  at  an  advanced  age,  in  1857. 

60.  Elizabeth  m.  Williams  and  had  one  child,  Clark  Williams. 

8.  David  Clark,  son  of  Thomas  and  Hannah  Clark,  married  and  had  five  sons  and  one 
daughter,  viz.  61.  Thomas.  62.  Benjamin.  63.  Joseph.  64.  Abner.  65.  Nehemiah.  66. 

Benjamin,  Joseph  and  Abner  lived  many  years  at  the  place  of  their  birth,  viz;  Clarks 
Landing,  but  finally  joined  the  immigration  westward  and  settled  at  a  place  called  Jersey 
Settlement,  in  the  State  of  Ohio. 

Nehemiah  and  Thomas  both  lived  at  Clarks  Landing. 

65,  Nehemiah  had  but  one  son  (67),  Parker,  who  fought  through  the  Revolutionary 
war,  was  killed  by  his  pugilistic  brethren  of  Burlington  County.  .  He,  in  company  with 
others  from  Atlantic  County,  used  to  visit  their  neighbors  across  the  river,  and  on  various 
occasions  engaged  in  a  fraternal  wrestle  or  exchanged  blows  to  test  the  merits  of  their 
respective  communities,  for  in  those  days  a  place  was  judged  by  the  physical  strength  of 
its  members,  and  when  a  conflict  ensued  both  parties  did  their  utmost  to  maintain  the 
standing  of  their  village.  In  one  of  these  exciting  contests  Parker  proved  too  much  for 
the  champion  of  Burlington,  and  when  the  Atlantic  County  men  left  for  home  and  gave  the 
triumphant  shout,  the  Burlington  men  swore  vengeance  on  Parker  if  ever  they  caught  him 
alone.  The  next  time  he  went  among  them  unaccompanied  he  never  returned.  His  body 
was  found  a  long  time  afterwards  hidden  in  the  reeds  far  down  the  river. 

61.  Thomas  was  born,  lived  and  died  at  Clarks  Landing.  He  owned  and  tilled,  until 
the  time  of  his  death,  one  of  the  most  prosperous  farms  ever  worked  in  Atlantic  County. 
New  Jersey  was  then  a  slave  holding  State,  and  he  was  the  ovvmer  of  many  slaves.  In  his 
pasture  lands  could  be  seen  from  fifty  to  a  hundred  head  of  cattle,  beside  large  flocks  of 
sheep  and  swine.    The  place  spoken  of  is  now  owned  by  Thomas  Weber. 

Thomas  was  born  October  7,  1758;  died  :\Iarch  28,  1827.  He  was  married  August  17, 
1797,  to  ]\Iary  Giberson,  who  died  December  24.  1849.  They  had  the  following  children: 
68.  Submittee,  b.  July  19,  1798;  d.  1882.  69.  Rebecca,  b.  February  19,  1800;  d.  1888.  70. 
James,  b.  February  24,  1802;  d.  71.   David,  b.  June  29,   1804;  d.   1888.     72.  Mark,  b. 

August  6,  1806;  d.  February  23,  1895.  7^.  Elizabeth,  b.  October  18,  1809;  d.  November  8, 
1855.  74.  Thomas,  b.  May  29,  1812;  d.  December  23,  1893.  75.  Lardner,  b.  December  17, 
1814;  d.  February  6,  1886.     76.  Mary  Ann,  b.  December  19,  1816;  d.  77.   Caroline,  b. 

March  i.   1819;  d.  78.   Emeline,  b.  June  5.  1812;  d. 

CLARK    lAMlLV.  383 

(i8.  Sul.iiiuiL-  iiKirricl.  hr>t.  Walur  Clavk.  jS.  i8iS;  sccmi,!,  Ab:-aloni  lli.ubce. 
No  issue  by  either. 

69.  Rebecca  married  George  Clark.  I'eliruary  iS.  iSj;:  .lied  and  buried  in  Xew  York 
State.  Children:  79.  Subniitte,  b.  January  11.  iSjS.  «ln.  married  William  W.  Williams 
of  New  York:  had  children.  80.  M.,rt..n.  Si.  Jennie.  Sj.  .Mary.  S.?.  1-1, ,ra.  S4.  \Vd- 
liam  W. 

70.  James  Clark  m.  Sarah  .\u,uust  l,^  i8.'ti:  he  d.  and  was  buried  in  Xew 
York   State. 

71.  David  Clark  m.  Phoebe  Turner.  October  25.  1828:  had  children:  85.  Bethiah.  b. 
September  17.  1829.    86.  Thomas,  b.  August  22.  1831:  drowned  off  Brigantine. 

85.  Bethiah  Clark  m.  Enoch  Higbee.  May  16.  1852:  had  children:  87.  Absalom  H..  b. 
May  3,  1853.  88.  Joab.  b.  May  11,  1855.  89.  Thomas,  b.  September  22.  1858:  d.  October 
22,  1892.  90.  Mittee.  b.  January  14.  1861.  91.  Enoch  A.,  b.  April  22.  1863.  92.  Sallic,  b. 
July  27.  1866:  d.  September  7.  1867.     93.  Evalena.  b.  April  7.  1871. 

72.  Mark  Clark  ni.  Roxanna  Clark,  June  25.  1831.  daughter  of  Reuben  and  Olive  Clark, 
of  Clarks  Landing:  had  children:  94.  Addison.  95.  Nelson.  96.  George.  97.  Joseph.  98. 
Mark.  99.  Edward.  100.  Angeline.  loi.  Hannah.  102.  Mary.  103.  Olive.  104.  Rebecca. 
105.  Roxanna.     106.     Clara. 

Of  the  above  -Addison.  Nelson.  George.  .Angeline  and  Roxanna  are  dead. 
102.  Mary  Clark  m.   Herman  Kayser:   Iiave  children:     107.  Clara.     loS.   Herman.     109. 

73.  Elizabeth  Clark  m.  John  Collins.  August  7.  1831:  had  chddren.  I  Sec  history  of 
the  Collins  family.) 

74.  Thomas  Clark  m.  Sarah  C.  Cordery.  Xnveniber  6.  1840.  Children:  no.  .Absalom 
E.,  b.  October  7.  1842. 

110.  Absalom  E.  Clark  m.  Annie  Rose,  of  Trenton.  X.  J..  January  29.  1873;  she  d. 
December  23.  1894:  had  children:  in.  Warren  T..  b.  January  1.  1874.  U2.  H(nv;ird  B.. 
b.  May  31,  1878.     U3.  Edna,  b.  September  2^.  1892. 

75.  Lardner  Clark  m..  first,  Ann  Chamberlain.  January  7,  1843,  'i>'  whom  he  had  three 
children:    n4.   Sarah.     115.  Thomas.     n6.  Joab.  all  dead. 

Married,  second.  Elizabeth  Endicott,  June  5,  1852,  by  whom  he  had  the  following 
children:  n7.  .Ann  S..  b.  February  26.  1853.  nS.  Whitfield,  b.  December  2.  1854:  d.  July 
28,  1883.  n9.  Mary  Etta.  b.  November  28.  1859.  120.  Elizabeth,  b.  Jidy  (1.  18(14.  121. 
Irene  C.  b.  .August   16.  1866. 

76.  Mary  Ann  Clark  ni.  John  Higbee:  had  children:  122.  Walter.  123.  Burroughs. 
124.  Sarah.     125.  Mary  Ann.     126.  Absalom.     127.  Thomas.     128.  Emeline.     129.   Mark. 

77.  Caroline  Clark  m  Henry  Simons:  had  children:  130.  Thomas.  131.  Caroline.  132. 
Frances.     133.  Harry.     134.  Jennie.     135.  Charles.      136.  Laura. 

78.  Emeline  Clark  m.  Jacob  Philips,  had  one  son.  who  lived  to  urrow  uji.  Married  an<l 
died  at  the  age  of  forty,  leaving  several  children  in  Philadelphia. 

A  number  of  the  Clark  family  fought  on  the  side  of  the  colonies  in  their  struggle  for 
independence.  Among  the  names  of  Revolutionary  soldiers  of  1776.  as  compiled  by  Wil- 
liam Stryker.  .Adjutant-General  of  Xew  Jersey,  one  may  find  on  the  roll  from  the  County 
of  Gloucester.  Benjamin  Clark.  Joseph  Clark.  Reuben  Clark.  Adriel  Clark.  David  Clark. 
Parker  Clark.  Thomas  Clark,  and  John  Clark,  and  on  page  358  of  said  record  you  will  find 
this  note: 

Elijah  Clark.  Lieutenant  Colonel  Second  Battalion  Gloucester.  re~igne<l  .Xnvember  (i. 
1777,  to  become  a  member  of  Assembly. 

Thus  nine  descendants  of  the  early  settler.  Thomas  Clark,  fought  to  establish  the  inde- 
pendence of  this  country.  The  graves  of  four  are  to  the  writer  unknown.  Five  lie  buried 
beneath  the  sod  of  the  Clark's  Mill  burying  ground.  Port  Republic. 

Not   only   were  the    Clarks   prominent   as   soldiers   of  the    Revolution,    but   thev   were 


leading  members  of  the  community  in  whicli  they  resided.  Many  of  them  were  identified 
with  the  early  Christian  work  in  this  county.  The  old  Clark's  Mill  Meeting  House,  which 
stood  on  the  outskirts  of  what  is  now  Port  Republic,  was  established  with  their  aid,  and 
the  Clark's  Mill  burying  ground  was  one  of  the  first  church  burying  grounds  of  this  county. 


The  founder  of  the  Collins  family  in  this  country  was  one  Richard  Collins,  M.  D.,  the 
first  resident  physician  in  Gloucester  County,  as  it  was  called  at  that  time.  He  came  as 
early  as  1765  to  the  new  world,  from  Ireland,  where  he  was  born,  May  i,  1725.  A  large 
tract  of  land  in  Galloway  township  was  purchased  by  him  and  improved,  and  has  since  been 
known  as  Collins  Mills.  It  is  located  about  one  mile  west  of  Smithville,  in  this  county. 
Dr.  Collins  was  married  previous  to  his  coming  to  America,  his  one  child  by  the  first 
marriage  being  Elizabeth,  who  married,  first,  John  Holmes,  and,  second,  Christopher 
Ludlam,  both  of  Cape  May  County.  Dr.  Richard  afterward  married  Sarah  Griffith,  of 
Pennsylvania,  who  bore  him  five  children.  Here  in  the  wilderness  Dr.  Collins  toiled, 
reared  and  educated  his  family  while  ministering  to  the  physical  needs  of  the  people  over 
a  large  tract  of  country,  embracing  what  is  now  Atlantic  County,  and  parts  of  surrounding 
counties.  Physically  Dr.  Collins  was  a  giant,  and  even  though  great  age  came  upon  him. 
his  form  was  ever  erect  and  active.  He  was  a  man  of  great  intellectual  as  well  as  moral 
force  and  of  positive  character;  so  much  so  indeed  as  to  incline  to  eccentricity,  in  the  opin- 
ions of  his  neighbors.  Living,  as  he  did,  in  the  midst  of  Quakers,  he  adopted  their  mode 
of  dress  and  speech,  though  he  was  a  Roman  Catholic  when  he  arrived  in  America.  Letters 
in  the  possession  of  some  of  his  descendants  prove,  however,  that  the  Doctor  died  in  the 
Methodist  faith.  In  a  letter  he  wrote.  "I  have  reared  one  son  a  Methodist,  one  a  Quaker, 
and  one  a  Universalist,  but  one  of  these  days  I'll  take  a  short  cut  and  beat  them  all  to 

Not  long  before  the  Doctor's  death  he  invited  home  all  his  accessible  children  and 
their  families.  Andrew  Scull.  Sr.,  a  grand-child,  then  aged  10  years,  said  of  him:  "That 
he  had  provided  immense  quantities  of  bread  and  honey  for  the  children,  and  he  remem- 
bers him  alternately  laughing  to  see  them  make  way  with  it  and  weeping  because  he  prob- 
ably should  see  their  faces  no  more.  Dr.  Collins  died  in  1808,  and  was  buried  on  his  farm 
at  Collins'  Mills,  where  his  tomb  and  those  of  his  wife  and  some  of  his  children  may  yet  be 

The  children  of  Richard  Collins  and  Sarah  Griffiths  were:  2.  Matthew,  b.  May  7, 
1764;  d.  September  29,  1851;  m.  (i)  Judith  Smith;  (2)   Sylvia  Endicott  Smith. 

.5.  John,  b.  November  i,  1769:  d.  August  22.  1845;  ni.  Sarah  Blackman,  November,  179,3. 

4.  Levi,  b.  September  20,  1772:  d.  ]\Iarch  24,  1813;  m.  Asenath  Lake,  August   16,   1801 

5.  Alice,  b.  August  27,  1776;  d.  November  12,  1833:  m.  Abel  Scull. 
A  daughter,  who  died  in  infancy. 

2.  Matthew  Collins,  b.  May  7.  1764:  d.  September  29,  1851,  was  a  celebrated  surveyor 
in  New  Jersey.  He  was  collector  of  customs  for  the  District  of  Great  Egg  Harbor  from 
1807  to  1809.  He  married,  first,  Judith  Smith  and  had  the  following  children:  6.  Elizabeth, 
m.  Richard  Ireland.  7.  Sophia,  m.  Joseph  Endicott.  8.  Alice  (or  Elsie),  m.  Benjamin 
Smith.  9.  Mary,  m.  Jesse  Clark.  10.  Nancy,  m.,  first,  Reed  Steelman;  second.  Leeds  Steel- 
man.  II.  James  H.,  m.,  first,  Amy  Wolberton;  second,  Abigail  Strang.  12.  Mark,  un- 
married. 13.  Levi,  unmarried.  14.  Phoebe,  m.  Anthony  Ireland.  15.  Sarah,  m.  Absalom 
Higbee  16.  Richard,  b.  October  11.  1798;  d.  May  22.  1833:  m.  Elizabeth  Sooy  or  Wilson. 
17.  Elisha,  m.,  went  west. 

2.  Matthew  Collins  afterward  married  Sylvia  (Endicott)  Smith,  widow  of  Robert 


6.  Elizabeth  Collins  m.  Ricliard  Ireland,  and  lui.l  Letice.  m..  first.  Jaeol,  Henry  Win- 
sorn;   second,  Absalom   Higbee. 

Letice  and  Jacob  Henry  X'ansorn  bad  Henry,  ulio  m.  Sarah  B.  Cordcry.  daughter  of 
Enoch   Cordery. 

7.  Sophia  Collins  m.  Joseph  Endicott.  and  had  Rebecca,  who  ni.  Peter  Wright;  Harriet, 
unmarried;  Sarali,  m.  Jerry  Adams;  John,  m.  Smith;  Joseph  Henry,  unmarried. 

8.  Alice  Collins,  m.  Benjamin  Smith,  and  had  Lardner,  Benjamin,  John,  Judith,  Phoebe, 
Elisha,  Sylvia.  Mark. 

9.  Mary  Collins  m.  Jesse  Clark.  They  had  Ralph,  d.  in  early  life:  Oliver,  d.  in  early 
life;  Alden.  d.  in  early  life;  Lizzie,  d.  in  early  life:  Mary.  m.  Jerry  Adams;  Jesse,  d.  in 
.\ndersonville  prison,  war  of  the   Rebellion. 

ID.  Nancy  Collins,  m.,  first.  Reed  Steelman.  They  had  Judith,  unmarried;  Rainy,  m. 
Finly:   Elisha,  Absalom,  Wesley. 

II.  James  H.  Collins  m.,  first.  Amy  Wolberton.  They  had:  iS.  Ann.  m.  Samuel  Slim. 
19.  Urbana,  ni.,  first,  James  G.   Carter;   second,  William  Grifftths. 

Ann  and  Samuel  Slim  had  Walton,  m.  Lizzie  Jackson:  Frank,  m.  Jennie  Robinson; 
Emma.  m.   Frank  Haley;   Lewis.  Charlotte. 

II.  James  H.  Collins  m..  second,  Abigail  Strang,  and  had:  20.  Emma.  in.  .Albert 
Willis.      21.  jMatthew,    m.   Jane    Simpson.      22.  Isabelle.    m.    James    Allen.      23.  Joseph,    m. 

Arivilda  Steelman.     24.  Thomas,  m.  Miss  Wince,  of  Sweedsboro.     25.   Lillie.  m. Spitzer 

26.  Walter,  m.  Nettie  App.    27.  Abigail,  m.  Jacob  Lollard. 

3.  John  Collins,  b.  November  i.  1769.  was  the  second  son  of  the  pioneer.  Dr.  Richard 
Collins,  and  may  be  rightly  claimed  as  one  of  the  founders  of  Metbodisin  in  America. 
Converted  at  Smithville.  this  county,  in  1794.  he  was  soon  licensed  as  a  local  preacher  and 
travelled  extensively  through  a  large  part  of  West  Jersey.  His  wife  was  Sarah  Blackman, 
daughter  of  David  Blackman.  of  English  Creek.  She  was  a  most  loyal  and  efficient  help- 
meet in  his  Christian  labors.  In  1803  he  removed  to  Ohio  with  his  family,  and  took  up  an 
extensive  tract  of  land  in  Clermont  County. 

Mr.  Collins  preached  the  first  Methodist  sermon  in  Cincinnati  in  1S04  and  joined  the 
travelling  connection  in  1807.  He  established  the  first  society  in  Dayton.  1808.  and  was 
made  Presiding  Elder  in  1819.  It  is  said  by  various  historians  of  the  church  that  the  Meth- 
odists had  not  in  its  early  days  a  more  successful  preacher  than  Mr.  Collins.  The  follow- 
ing is  a  description  of  him,  given  by  an  eye-witness: 

"The  occasion  was  a  quarterly  meeting  in  Ohio.  The  meeting  was  opened  by  a  young 
man  who,  I  was  informed,  had  been  recently  initiated  into  the  ministry.  He  was  followed 
by  an  old  man  dressed  in  linsey  woolsey.  He  was  tall  and  thin;  his  head  was  whitened  by 
the  frost  of  years:  his  countenance  was  one  that  men  love  to  look  upon;  there  w-as  nothing 
remarkable  or  peculiar  in  his  features;  his  forehead  was  high  and  a  little  projecting;  his 
eyes  small  and  sunken:  his  nose  thin  and  a  little  aquiline,  and  chin  rather  long.  But  he 
had  an  expression  of  countenance  that  is  not  easily  forgotten.  As  he  arose  every  eye  was 
riveted  on  him.  and  such  was  the  silence  of  the  large  assembly  that  the  softest  whisper  might 
have  been  heard.  I  felt  that  I  was  in  the  presence  of  no  ordinary  man.  He  read  the 
parable  of  the  "Prodigal  Son,"  and  so  preached  and  illustrated  the  text  that  the  whole 
assembly  burst  into  an  involuntary  gush  of  tears,  such  were  his  oratorical  powers." 

After  being  in  the  west  for  a  short  time.  Rev.  Mr.  Collins  became  worried  over  the 
spiritual  welfare  of  his  father,  the  old  Doctor,  who  had  tried  the  Quaker  religion  after 
renouncing  Catholicism,  so  he  returned  to  the  old  homestead  at  Collins'  Mills  on  a  religious 
mission.  Some  days  after  his  return  his  father  said  to  him:  "John,  we  arc  all  glad  to  see 
thee,  but  I  don't  like  thy  religion."  This  was  unexpected  and  greatly  depressed  John. 
-After  some  reflection  he  resolved  to  spend  the  whole  of  the  ensuing  night  in  iirayer  for  his 

.Accordingly,  at  nightfall,  after  supper,  he  retired  to  the  barn,  tliat  he  might  not  be 


interrupted.  Here  he  engaged  in  fervent  prayer  until  near  lo  o'clock.  Some  one  knocked 
at  the  barn  door,  but  he  made  no  answer.  In  a  short  time  another  messenger  came  and 
opening  the  door  discovered  him.  This  messenger  was  his  sister,  who  had  experienced 
religion  and  who  informed  him  that  he  had  been  sought  for  in  his  room,  at  his  brother's, 
near  by,  and  at  other  places,  and  that  he  was  supposed  to  be  in  the  barn.  She  told  him 
their  father  was  suffering  the  greatest  mental  agony  and  wished  to  see  him.  With  joyful 
heart  Mr.  Collins  hurried  to  the  room  of  his  father  and,  embracing  him,  wept  and  prayed 
with  him.  The  struggle  continued  until  near  daylight,  when  deliverance  came.  His  father 
was  filed  with  peace  and  joy  and  triumph."  Life  of  John  Collins.  This  briefly  is  a  part  of 
the  life  of  this  great  man  who,  his  contemporaries  claim,  was  the  greatest  apostle  of  Meth- 
odism through  the  Northwestern  Territory.  A  sketch  of  his  life  was  published  by  the 
Western  Book  Concern  in  1849;  to  this  the  writer  is  indebted,  and  also  to  Mrs.  Anna 
Collins  Fleming,  who  is  the  possessor  of  many  of  the  letters  and  private  papers  of  John 

He  died  in  1845,  at  the  age  of  76.  A  marble  shaft  marks  his  resting  place  in  the  little 
churchyard  at  Bethel,  near  the  road  to  Ripley,  Ohio.  The  children  of  John  Collins  and 
Sarah  Blackman  were  four  daughters  and  three  sons,  David,  Wesley  and  Richard. 

4.  Levi  Collins,  b.  September  20,  1772;  d.  March  24,  1813;  m.  Asenath  Lake,  August  16, 
iSoi.  She  was  the  daughter  of  the  original  pioneer.  Daniel  Lake  and  Sarah  Lucas,  his  wife. 
Levi  was  a  prosperous  land  owner  and  farmer,  and  lived  near  Port  Republic.  The  children 
of  Levi  and  Asenath  Lake  Collins  were:  28.  Samuel  Griffiths,  b.  April  17,  1803;  d.  April  19, 
1834.  29.  Esther,  b.  December  3,  1804;  m.  Peter  English.  30.  John,  b.  October  13,  1806; 
m.  Elizabeth  Clark,  August  7,  1831.  31.  Daniel  Lake,  b.  July  17,  1808;  d.  November  5, 
1887:  m.  Mary  Ann  Ingersoll,  November  30,  1831.  32.  Asenath,  b.  December  25,  1810;  d. 
April  23,  1890;  m.  Jonathan  Albertson,  July  17,  1841.  33.  Levi.  b.  February  24.  1813;  d. 
March  20.   1813. 

5.  Alice  Collins,  b.  August  27,  1776,  m.  Abel  Scull,  son  of  Joseph  and  Sarah  Scull. 
They  had:  Joseph  Scull,  m.  Susannah  Blackman;  Richard  Scull,  m.  Elizabeth  Hickman; 
Andrew  Scull,  m.,  first,  Eunice  Scull;  second,  Mary  Gifford;  Enoch  Scull,  m.  Ann  Hick- 
man; Mary  Scull,  m.,  first,  Andrew  Blackman;  second.  Daniel  English:  third,  Clayton 
Leeds;  Sarah  Scull,  m.,  first,  Capt.  Robinson:  second,  David  Smith:  Elizabeth  Scull,  m. 
John  Broderick;  Nancy  Scull,  m.,  first  George  Hickman;  second,  Elvy  Scull;  third.  \\'il- 
liam  Scull. 

29,  Esther  Collins,  b.  December  3,  1804;  m.  Peter  English.  They  had:  Albert,  m..  first, 
Louisa  Albertson,  of  English  Creek;  second,   Emma  Souder. 

Asenath  m.   Nathaniel   Risley. 

Caroline,  b.  September  18.   1834,  m.   Robert  Barclay  Leeds.  April  29.   1852. 

Mariette  m.  James  R.  Adams,  of  I\Iount  Pleasant. 

Matilda  m.  Solomon  Conover. 

James  T.  m.  Dorcas  Hackney. 

30.  John  Collins,  b.  October  13,  1806;  m.  Elizabeth  Clark,  August  7,  1831.  She  was 
the  daughter  of  Thomas  and  Alary  Clark.  They  had:  34.  Judith,  b.  September  8,  1832;  d. 
September  8.  1832.  35.  Levi.  b.  October  13,  1833:  m.  Sarah  Leonard,  October  8,  1861. 
36.  Thomas  JeiTerson,  b.  February  4,  1836;  lost  at  sea.  37.  Daniel,  b.  October  17,  1837;  d. 
January  30,  1865;  m.  Elizabeth  Lippincott,  October  17,  1861.  38.  Mary  Caroline,  b.  August 
25,  1839;  m-  William  Nelson  French,  December  10.  1864.  39.  Richard  Siner,  b.  July  17, 
1841;  m.  Adaline  S.  Green,  May  i,  1867.  40.  Georgianna,  b.  September  17,  1843;  m.  Jesse 
S.  Clark,  August  23,  1867.  41.  Emeline.  b.  August  20,  1845.  42.  Sarah  Elizabeth,  b.  March 
17,  1847;  m.  Dr.  D.  M.  Stout,  July  25,  i88g.  43-  Ann  C,  b.  August  23,  1851;  m.  Rev.  C.  K. 
Fleming,  April  28,  1892.  44.  Alice,  b.  June  21,  1853;  m.  Roland  Ashley  Cake,  September 
3.   1874- 

35-   Levi  Collins,  b.  October  13,  1833;  m.  Sarah  Leonard.  October  S.  1861.     Thev  had: 


45.  Gilbert   Henry,  h.   Dcociubcr  .';.   iSOj;  m.  Florence  Shivers   Fortiner.   Xcveinber  q.   188;. 

46.  Carrie  Francis,  b.   May,   1865:   ni.   William   Brooks. 

37.  Daniel  Collins,  b.  October  17,  18.57;  "i-  Elizabeth  October  i;.  i8t>i 
They  had:  47-  Thomas  Jefferson,  b.  December  .'8.  i86j:  ni.  May  Mitchell.  December  4. 
1890.     48.  Daniel  Newman,  b.  May  23,  1865. 

38.  Mary  Caroline  Collins,  b.  August  25.  18,50:  m.  William  .Nelson  I'rench.  December 
10.  1864.  They  had:  Courtland  Y..  b.  September  27.  iSCiO;  d.  October  ,5.  18(17.  lon:i.  b. 
June  10,  1869:  d.  August  16,  1870.  William  Collins,  b.  July  .50.  1870.  Alice  Matild:..  b. 
August  22.  1S72.  Emma  Belle,  b.  March  25,  1874.  Bessie  \'irginia,  li  September  j.  1S75. 
Samuel  Tilden,  b.  January  23,   1877. 

39-  Richard  Siner  Collins,  b.  July  17.  1841;  m.  A.laline  S.  Green.  May  1.  1867.  They 
had:  49.  Elizabeth,  b,  March  5,  1868.  50.  Clarence  Warren,  b.  June  5.  1870;  m.  Anna 
Ridgway  Gallagher.  June  29,  1898.  51.  Georgianna.  b.  March  7,  1872;  m.  Charles  N.  Blake, 
May  20,  1891.    52.  Maria  Taylor,  b.  March  I,  1876;  m.  John  Godbou  Thomas.  June  21.  1899. 

31.  Daniel  Lake  Collins,  b.  July  17,  1808.  at  Collins  Mill,  near  Smithville,  Atlantic 
County,  N.  J.,  was  bound  out  to  his  mother's  brother,  Daniel  Lake,  when  four  years  of  age. 
He  received  his  early  instruction  under  said  Daniel  Lake,  who  was  a  Quaker  and  surveyor, 
living  in  Smith's  Landing,  on  the  shore  road,  on  land  now  owned  by  John  B.  Smith. 
Daniel  Lake  Collins  learned  surveying,  and  when  he  became  of  age  received  $1,600  as  his 
share  of  his  father's  estate  (4.  Levi  Collins).  Soon  after  he  took  a  nine  months'  trip 
through  the  west  with  Mark  Lake.  Upon  his  return  he  was  married  and  lived  on  the 
Ingersoll  place.  His  marriage  took  place  November  30.  1831,  to  Mary  Ann  Ingersoll. 
daughter  of  Isaac  Ingersoll.  and  Millicent  Steelman,  who  after  Isaac's  death  married  Jere- 
miah Leeds.  He  bought  the  Collin's  homestead,  which  extended  originally  along  shore 
road  from  Wood  lane  (Tilton  road)  to  the  county  farm,  and  contained  about  108  acres. 
Daiiiel  was  a  very  well  read  and  thoughtful  man,  contemporaries  saying  of  him  that  his 
was  one  of  the  greatest  brains  this  county  had  ever  produced.  In  form  he  was  large  and 
powerful  and  had  great  endurance,  part  of  which  he  attributed  to  absteinious  habits  and 
the  cold  water  treatment  to  which  he  was  an  adherent.  Also  learned  the  trade  of  plasterer 
(mason)  in  Philadelphia,  and  cobbler,  having  done  the  family  mending.  His  property  was 
afterward  increased  by  the  purchase  of  one-third  of  the  Daniel  Lake  farm,  and  from  this 
purchase  he  followed  farming  and  oyster  planting,  making  considerable  money  in  the  latter 
business.  About  1850  he  began  investing  his  earnings  in  beach  property,  owning  at  different 
times  with  Col.  Daniel  Morris,  Joseph  Ireland,  etc.,  large  tracts  on  the  now  famous  Absecon 
Beach.  About  ten  years  before  his  death  he  lived  a  retired  life.  Died  November  5.  1887, 
and  was  buried  by  his  own  request  in  the  family  burying  ground  on  the  old  Dr.  Richard 
Collins  farm,  near  Smithville.     His  children  were: 

53.  Isaac,  b.  August  7.  1832:  m.,  first,  Catlierine  Golden.  November  23.  1854:  m.. 
second,  Alniira  Garwood,  June  13,  1885.  54.  John.  b.  September  24.  1834;  m.  Rebecca 
Price,  September  24,  1855.  55.  Milicent,  b.  December  13,  1836;  d.  July  21,  1874:  m.  Henry 
Risley.  October  12,  1854:  56.  Asenath,  b.  April  26,  1839:  d.  February  10.  1870;  m.  William 
A.  Bowen,  September  10,  1859.  57.  Sarah,  b.  July  26,  1841:  m.,  first,  William  S,  Cazier, 
January  i,  1858;  second,  Noah  Adams,  April  26,  1865:  m.,  third,  Daniel  Peterson,  January 
2g.  18,-5.  58.  Joseph  B.,  b.  February  8.  1844:  m.  Eunice  S.  Bevis,  June  16.  1864;  59.  Steel- 
man  T.,  b.  July  15,  1846:  m.,  first,  Isabella  O'Donnell,  November  10,  1866:  second,  Georg- 
ianna Reeves,  Noveinber  7,  1886.  60.  Esther  Ann.  b.  .\pril  4.  1849;  d.  December  24.  1872. 
61.  Nur  L.,  b.  June  i,  1851:  d.  May  9,  1876.  (ij.  Mary  Ann.  b.  November  29.  1854:  m. 
James  Lewis  Risley,  January   i,  1873. 

53.  Isaac  Collins  was  born  August  7.  1832,  on  the  In.gersoll  place,  south  side  shore 
road,  near  the  residence  of  John  Collins,  Pleasantville.  He  received  an  ordinary  school 
education  at  Salem  school  (Smith's  Landing),  and  worked  on  the  farm  until  21  years  of 
age.  when  he  received  from  his  father  one  acre,  where  his  present  residence  now  is.     Mar- 


ried  November  23,  1854,  Catherine  Golden,  of  Philadelphia,  and  built  his  present  home 
1855.  His  occupation  was  farming  and  oyster  planting,  delivering  the  products  to  Atlantic 
City,  when  the  business  was  first  started  by  boats  and  still  continuing.  He  is  a  successful 
large  asparagus  and  strawberry  grower,  having  a  system  of  irrigation  in  operation  during 
strawberry  season  to  overcome  the  usual  drought.  In  1881  was  influenced  by  the  united 
parties  of  Independents,  Democrats  and  Prohibitionists,  to  accept  the  nomination  for 
Sheriff.  The  fight  was  warm  and  well  contested,  he  being  successful  by  a  majority  of  about 
300  over  his  opponent,  Simon  L.  Westcott.  His  Deputy  as  Sheriff  was  Jos.  A.  Peck.  In 
1882  Isaac  was  nominated  for  State  Senator,  but  defeated  by  300  votes  by  John  J.  Gardner. 
His  life  has  been  influential  and  exemplary,  and  retired  from  active  political  life,  he  repre- 
sents a  sterling  type  of  Atlantic  County's  country-gentleman.  He  married  Mrs.  Almira 
Garwood,  June  13,  1885,  some  years  after  the  death  of  Catherine  Golden. 

Children  of  Isaac  Collins  and  Catherine  Golden  were:  63.  Annie  E.,  b.  February  14, 
1856;  d.  April  28,  1883;  m.  John  Parcels,  April  14,  1879.  64.  Mary  Caroline,  b.  May  31, 
1858;  m.  John  P.  Ashmead,  January  20,  i877-  65.  Thomas  Near,  b.  i860;  d.  i860.  66. 
Katie  Near,  b.  1862;  d.  1863.  67.  Nur  J.,  b.  March  5,  1864;  m.  Evalena  Ireland,  March  22, 
1887.  68.  Hugh  M.,  b.  May  18,  1865;  m.  Kate  Blanche  Newell,  December  10,  1884.  69. 
Daniel  Lake,  b.  April  22,  1867:  m.  Elizabeth  Ryon,  October  10,  1894.  70.  Kate  Golden, 
b.  January  21,  1871;  d.  September  7,  1889.  71.  Agnes  May,  b.  April  i,  1876;  m.  John 
Andrews,  February  20,  1896.     72.  Ida.  b.  February  12,  1878:  d.  February  13,  1878. 

54.  John  Collins,  b.  September  24,  1834;  m.  Rebecca  Price,  September  24,  1855.  They 
had:  yz.  Burris,  b.  March  22,  1856;  m.  Sarah  Elizabeth  Jester,  May  31,  1881.  74.  John 
Henry,  b.  February  20,  1858;  m.  Arabella  Kings,  April  7,  1878.  75.  Thomas  Jefferson,  b. 
April  2,  i860;  d,  February  6.  1861.  76.  Mary  Eliza,  b.  January  13,  1862;  m.  Frank  Blackman, 
December  9,  1886.  77.  Milicent  Leeds,  b.  April  16,  1864;  m.  Josiah  E.  Risley,  August  12, 
1891.  78.  Mark  Price,  b.  April  23,  1867;  d.  September  27,  1868.  79.  Alice  Moore,  b.  Jan- 
uary 8,  1870.  80.  Haddie  Nelson,  b.  January  15,  1872;  m.  Wilbur  Reed,  May  20,  1896.  81. 
Royer  Moore,  b.  July  6,  1874;  m.  Sarah  Clark,  April  29.  1893.  82.  Rebecca,  b.  February 
16,  1877. 

55.  Millicent  Collins,  b.  December  13,  1836;  m.  Henry  Risley,  October  12,  1854.  They 
had:  Mary  R.,  b.  October  10,  1855;  d.  August  25.  1856.  John  C,  b.  September  30,  1857;  m. 
Mary  Emma  Smith,  October  31,  1877.  Daniel  Collins,  b.  October  29,  1859;  d.  November 
12,  1859.  Sophia,  b.  June  19,  1862;  m.  Otto  Lewis  Lehman,  May,  1887.  Laura,  b.  Sep- 
tember 14,  1865;  d.  March  30,  1868.  Garrett  P.,  b.  April  26,  1870;  m  Mary  Fuhrer.  October 
I,  1893. 

56.  Asenath  Collins,  b.  April  26,  1839;  m.  William  X.  Bowen,  September  10,  1859.  They 
had:  Margaret,  b.  September  3,  i860;  m.  Samuel  Ireland,  November  i,  1876.  Catherine, 
b.  September  2,  1862;  m.  Elwood  Adams,  May  24,  1881.  William  Sharply,  b.  August  29, 
1864;  d.  August  9,  1865.     Anna  Mary,  b.  April  8,   1868. 

57.  Sarah  Collins,  b,  July  26,  1841,  m.,  first,  William  S.  Cazier,  January  i,  1858.  They 
had:  Mary  A.,  b.  November  6,  1858;  m.  Washington  Somers  Conover,  March  21,  1875. 
Sarah  Collins,  m.,  second,  Noah  Adams,  April  26,  1865.  They  had:  Felix,  b.  February  22, 
1866;  d.  March  28,  1870.     Lucinda,  b.  April  i,  1868;  d.  April  3,  1870. 

58.  Joseph  B.  Collins,  b.  February  8,  1844;  m.  Eunice  S.  Bevis,  June  16,  1864.  They 
had:  83.  Harry,  b.  February  5,  1865;  d.  September  2,  1865.  84.  Annabel,  b.  September  26, 
1866.  85.  Lena,  b.  June  14,  1869;  m.  Milton  Sooy,  May  22,  1892.  86.  William  S.,  b.  Sep- 
tember 6,  1871.  87.  Mary  Ann,  b.  February  4,  1874.  88.  Isaac  Lemuel,  b.  April  18,  1876. 
89.  Emma  Madalene,  b.  February  i.  1878.  90.  Eliza  A.,  b.  May  21,  1881.  91.  Nettie,  b. 
December  27,  1886. 

59.  Steelman  T.  Collins,  b.  July  15.  1846;  m.,  first.  Isabella  O'Donnell,  November  10, 
1866.  They  had:  92.  Thomas,  b.  June  9,  1867;  m.  Ida  M.  Taylor,  June  9,  1893.  93.  William 
C,  b.  February  28,  1869;  d.  November  27,  1869.    94.  Charles  T..  b.  August  8,  1870;  m.  Flora 

DorCHTV    1-A.MlI.V.  389 

Stebbins,  February  4.  1892.  95.  Harry  R.,  b.  July  15.  iSOg.  96.  Frank  M.,  b.  October  2. 
1874;  d.  May  14,  1878.  97.  Fredie  G.,  b.  November  4.  1876;  d.  September  13.  1877.  98. 
Martha  M..  b.  January  21,  1878:  ni.  Joseph  Wilson  Collins,  April  27.  1899.  99.  Lilly  A.,  b. 
January  9.  1880:  d.  October  7,  1885.  Steelman  afterward  m.  Georgianna  Reeves,  Kovember 
.7.  1886.    They  had:     100.  Florence,  b.  May  9,  1892.     loi.  Edwin,  b.  August  29,  1893. 

63.  Annie  E.  Collins,  b.  February  14,  1856:  m.  John  Parcels,  April  14.  1878.  They  had: 
Harry  E.,  b.  January  i,  1879-     Howard  S.,  b.  February  12,  1883;  d.  February  12.  1883. 

64.  Mary  Caroline  Collins,  b.  May  31,  1858;  m.  John  P.  Ashmead,  January  20,  187;. 
They  had:   James  Edward,  b.  May  20,  1878. 

67.  Nur  J.  Collins,  b.  March  5,  1864;  m.  Evalena  Ireland,  March  22.  1887.  They  had: 
102.  Earle.  b.  February  18,  1888.  103.  Gilbert  C.  b.  December  8.  1890.  103.  Kathcrine,  b. 
June  18,  1892.     105.  John,  b.  November  i,   1894. 

71.  Agnes  M.  Collins,  b.  .^pril  i.  1876:  m.  John  .Andrews.  They  had:  James  Lewis. 
b.  December  15,  1897. 

73.  Burris  Collins,  b.  ALarch  22,  1856;  m.  Sarah  Elizabeth  Jester.  May  31.  1881.  They 
had:  106.  William  Jester,  b.  March  18,  1882;  d.  August  13.  1882.  107.  Leon  Leroy.  b. 
March  27,  1883.  108.  Emily  Blanche,  b.  January  17,  1885.  109.  Harry  Burdell.  b.  .August 
7,  1887.     no.  Josie  Risley,  b.  Deceinber  18.  1895. 

74.  John  Henry  Collins,  b.  February  20,  1858;  m.  Arabella  Kings,  .April  7,  1877.  They 
had:  III.  Charles  Lester,  b.  September  7,  1878:  d.  June  9.  1879;  112.  Annie  Bell.  b.  Sep- 
tember 7,  1878  (twins):  m.  Harry  Campbell,  September  26,  1898.  113.  Charles  Lester,  b. 
October  I,  1880.  114.  Archie  ^lark.  b.  January  i,  1882.  1 15-  Ethel  May,  b.  December  29. 
1884.  116.  Bella,  b.  April  27.  1887.  117.  Emily  Jester,  b.  April  9,  1890.  118.  Mark  Roger, 
b.  September  10.  1892:  d.  June  18,  1893.  119.  Irene,  b.  May  14,  1894.  120.  Millie  Leeds, 
b.   September  26,   1896. 

76.  Mary  Eliza  Collins,  b.  Jan.  13.  18&2;  m.  Frank  Blackman.  December  9.  1886.  They 
had:    Florence,  b.  February  4,  1889.     Myrtle  Somers.  b.  May  31.  1891. 

32.  Asenath  Collins,  b.  December  25,  1810;  m.  Jonathan  Albertson.  July  17,  1841.  They 
had,  Levi  Collins,  b,  December  6.  1844:  m.  Elizabeth  Leeds,  October  i,  18(18.  Elizabeth 
Mathis,  b.  July  2,  1846;  m.  May  Humphreys,  November  14,  1878.  John  Collins,  b.  Sep- 
tember 15,  1848;  m.  Julia  T.  Young,  November  27,  1871.  Daniel  Lake,  b.  July  I,  1851;  m. 
Eliza  V.  Endicott.  November  22.  1871.  Nicholas  Sooy.  b.  .August  5,  1856;  in.  Sophie  E. 
Godfrey.  June  20.   1880. 


The  Doughty  family  has  lived  at  Absecon  for  two  hundred  years.  (i)  Edward 
Doughty.  Sr.,  is  the  oldest  of  whom  there  is  any  tradition.  His  son  (2),  Edward,  Jr..  was 
the  father  of  (3)  Jonathan,  and  the  grandfather  of  (4)  Abner  Doughty,  who  was  the  father 
of  Gen.  Enoch  Doughty.  Abner  Doughty  was  born  in  1755,  and  died  in  182a.  He  married 
Leah  Holmes,  nee  Risley,  widow  of  Capt.  James  Holmes  of  the  Regular  Army  of  the 
Revolution,  who  was  mortally  wounded  at  the  battle  of  Princeton.  It  is  a  tradition  that 
Gen.  Washington  dismounted  that  the  wounded  man  might  be  carried  from  the  field  on  his 
horse,  led  by  Sam  Day,  his  servant. 

Leah  Holmes  brought  her  wounded  husband  home  to  Absecon  and  cared  for  him  till 
he  died,  a  short  time  afterwards.  Later  she  married  Abner  Doughty  and  had  five  children. 
The  two  first  (5),  James  Holmes  and  (6)  Joseph  Rainard,  died  young. 

(7)  Daniel  Doughty,  who  lost  his  life  in  the  e.xplosion  of  the  steamboat  Mosell.  the 
tirst  boat  built  to  ply  between  Cincinnati  and  New  Orleans.  He  married  Emma  Hilman 
and  had  seven  children,  who  have  always  lived  west.  These  are  Samuel,  Elizabeth,  Harriet. 
Mary,   Emma,  .Abner  and  Edward. 

(8)  Nathaniel,  son  of  Abner.  b.  November  25,  1794.  lived  with  his  brother.  Gen.  Enoch 
Doughty,  and  died  childless  on  his  birthday,  in   1852. 


((J)  Gcii.  Enoch  Doughty,  b.  March  4,  ijgj;  <1.  April  17,  1871;  m.  Charlotte  Clark.  He 
was  a  iiKiu  of  powerful  build  and  of  great  physical  strength.  He  could  lift  one  thousand 
pounds  with  case  and  had  great  powers  of  endurance  in  supervising  the  interests  of  his 
large  estate  and  in  traveling  usually  twice  each  week  over  primitive  roads  to  Philadelphia 
on  business.  He  sent  many  cargoes  of  lumber,  charcoal  and  tar  to  New  Y'ork  on  vessels 
built  from  his  own  estate. 

Tar  in  those  days  was  made  from  pine  knots  split  and  piled  up  on  dish-like  founda- 
tions, made  of  smooth  clay,  so  that  from  the  centre  a  pipe  underground  would  carry  the 
melting  pitch  to  a  nearby  barrel.  Even  as  charcoal  is  burned  was  the  pitch  driven  out  by 
tire  from  the  pile  of  pine  knots  and  a  superior  quality  of  charcoal  left  behind.  When  the. 
war  of  the  rebellion  broke  out  and  the  southern  supply  of  tar  was  cut  off,  fancy  prices  were 
paid  for  the  tar  from  the  Doughty  estate. 

Probably  seventy-five  or  one  hundred  men  at  times  found  employment  on  the  forests, 
farm,  coalings,  mills  and  tar  kilns  of  the  estate  for  many  years,  and  the  business  is  con- 
tinued by  his  daughter,  the  only  survivor  of  the  family,  at  the  present  time. 

When  Gen.  Lafayette  visited  this  country  in  1825  Gen.  Doughty  was  in  command  of 
the  militia  that  escorted  him  from  New  Y'ork  to  Philadelphia. 

Gen.  Doughty  was  a  life  long  disciple  of  Democracy,  and  died  in  his  86th  year,  loved 
and  esteemed  by  all  who  knew  him.  He  was  long  a  leading  man  in  this  locality  and  held 
many  positions  of  honor  and  trust.  During  the  war  of  1812  he  was  a  member  of  the  Coast 
Guards  and  ranked  as  Captain.  He  was  High  Sheriff  of  Old  Gloucester  before  Atlantic  was 
cut  off,  in  1837.  He  was  fearless  in  the  discharge  of  his  duty,  and  at  one  time  refused  a 
challenge  to  fight  a  duel  by  a  printer  of  Woodbury,  who  had  some  grievance  against  him. 
He  v.'as  made  Major  of  the  First  Division  of  the  New  Jersey  Militia,  and  later  promoted 
to  Brigadier  General,  a  position  which  he  held  for  many  years.  He  was  one  of  the  original 
promoters  of  the  C.  &  A.  Railroad,  and  a  large  stockholder  in  the  enterprise,  and  a  director 
so  long  as  he  lived.  He  lost  fifty  thousand  dollars  in  the  enterprise,  besides  the  heavy  losses 
from  forest  fires  which  devastated  his  estate.  He  was  a  member  of  the  M.  E.  Church  from 
early  youth,  and  largely  interested  in  the  welfare  of  the  church  and  county.  He  passed  to 
his  grave  full  of  years  and  honors. 

They  had  nine  children:  (10)  John  Holmes,  who  d.  August  18,  1898,  aged  80  years; 
(11)  Rebecca  Wilson,  d.  October  2,  1889;  (12)  Abigail  Hugg,  d.  March  18,  1851;  (13) 
Martha,  d.  young,  March  11,  1829;  (14)  Leah,  d.  young,  November  2,  1856;  (15)  Enoch 
Alpheus,  d.  July  22,  1896,  aged  60  years;  (16)  Sarah  Natalie,  only  survivor;  (17)  Jane  C, 
d.  young,  June  14,  1852. 

(10)  John  H.  Doughty,  for  many  years  was  one  of  the  Lay  Judges  of  Atlantic  County, 
and  was  highly  respected  by  all  who  knew  him.  For  fifty  years  he  lived  in  a  fine  house 
on  the  shore  road  in  Absecon  village,  opposite  the  store  which  he  kept,  spending  the  last 
seven  years  of  his  life  at  the  old  homestead,  four  miles  westerly  of  the  station  and  half  a 
mile  from  the  railroad  which  his  father  helped  to  build.  His  only  surviving  child  is  Mrs. 
Charles  T.  McMullin,  of  Philadelphia.     He  married  Arabella  Somers. 

(15)  Enoch  Alpheus  never  married.  For  many  years  he  was  the  manager  of  the 
estate,  succeeding  his  father  as  one  of  the  directors  of  the  Camden  &  Atlantic  Railroad. 
He  had  a  wonderful  memory  and  exceptional  talents  as  a  wit  and  a  mimic,  and  was  a  social 
favorite  among  his  associates. 

(12)  Abigail  Hugg  m.  David  S.  Blackman,  of  Port  Republic,  who  d.  October  13,  1884, 
aged  69  years.     They  had  five  children: 

Charlotte  Amanda,  who  m.  Dr.  Jonathan  Kay  Pitney. 

Sarah  Francis,  who  m.  Rev.  James  AI.  Nourse,  D.  D..  President  of  New  Windsor  Col- 
lege at  New  Windsor,  Md.,  May  18,  1865. 

Edwin  H.,  d.  April  30,  1873,  aged  27  years. 

Evaline  Constantia  m.  William  Glenn,  a  mining  engineer  of  Richmond,  Va.,  but  who 
now  lives  in   Baltimore. 


Winfield  Scott,  who  d.  young. 

The  children  of  Sarah  Francis  are  Ilattie,  Alplieus,  Homer,  Clarence  Doughty,  James 
Francis  and  Mary  Nourse. 

The  children  of  Evaline  Constantia  are  Eva  Constantia,  \\'illiam  Edwards,  Charlotte 
Sewel!  and  Robert  Sterling  Glenn. 



The  Endicott  family  became  settled  in  what  is  now  Atlantic  County  probably  iii  the 
early  or  middle  part  of  the  seventeenth  century;  the  exact  date  is  not  now  known.  Ben- 
jamin Endicott  is  the  first  of  the  name  wdio  is  known  to  have  resided  within  its  limits.  He 
was  a  resident  of  Port  Republic  prior  to  the  Revolutionary  war.  He  served  in  that  war 
and  was  a  prisoner  in  the  hands  of  the  British  for  a  considerable  time,  confined  in  the 
prison  ships  in  New  York  harbor.  He  sufifered  with  his  companions  in  this  confinement, 
all  the  inconveniences  and  bodily  discomforts  which  gave  to  these  prison-ships  their  hor- 
rible reputation,  the  tradition  of  the  family  tells  us.  He  suffered  in  other  ways,  for,  whilst 
he  was  in  arms  in  the  defence  of  his  country,  his  property  at  home  was  greatly  injured 
when  it  was  on  the  hne  of  the  enemy's  march.  Hardships  like  this  called  forth  the  fnllowmg 
action  of  the  Continental  Congress,  December  19.  1777: 

"Resolved,  That  General  Washington  be  informed  that,  ni  the  opinion  of  Congress, 
the  State  of  New  Jersey  demands,  in  a  peculiar  degree,  the  protection  of  the  armies  of  the 
United  States  so  far  as  the  same  can  possibly  be  extended  consistent  with  the  safety  of  the 
army  and  the  general  welfare,  as  that  State  lies  open  to  attacks  from  so  many  quarters,  and 
the  struggles  which  have  been  made  by  the  brave  and  virtuous  inhabitants  of  that  State,  in 
defence  of  the  common  cause  cannot  fail  to  expose  them  to  the  particular  resentment  of  a 
merciless  enemy." 

Jacob  Endicott  was  a  brother  of  Benjamin.  He  was  an  officer  in  the  Kevolutiuiiary 
army,  being  second  lieutenant  of  Captain  Snell's  Company,  3d  Battalion.  Gloucester  County 
troops,   commissioned   September   18,    1777. 

The  tradition  in  the  family  is  that  there  were  three  brothers  who  first  came  to  this 
county,  and  that  their  settlement  in  Port  Republic  was  directly  the  result  of  their  being 
shipwrecked  upon  the  coast.  It  is  probable  that  their  ship  was  lost  upon  the  Absecon  or 
Brigantine  beach,  and,  if  unmarried  men,  they  may  have  found  it  agreeable  to  make  their 
future  home  in  a  place  where,  in  unfortunate  and  distressful  plight,  they  were  welcomed 
and  relieved  by  a  kindly  people.  Certainly  they  could  not  have  found  here  a  people  such 
as  some  writers  have  denominated  "'Jersey  Pirates,"  who  are  said  to  have  lured  unfortunate 
mariners  to  their  destruction  by  false  lights  on  the  shore  in  order  that  they  might  be 
plundered  in  their  helpless  condition.  The  third  brother  was  probably  Samuel,  and  as  he 
is  said  to  have  been  lost  at  sea  and  his  body  washed  ashore  at  Cape  May,  may  it  not  have 
been  in  the  original  shipwreck  named,  and  Cape  May  have  referred  to  the  South  Jersey 
coast  generally?  All  these  were  sons  of  John  Endicott.  of  Xorthamptnn.  Burlington 
Countj-,  New  Jersey. 



Benjamin  appears  to  be  the  only  one  wlio  left  issnc.  He  died  in  ijcjj.  All  the  ICiuli- 
cotts  in  Atlantic  County  are  descended  from  him.  His  children  were  John,  William,  Jacnh. 
Nicholas,  Joseph,  Sylvia,  and  Mary.  All  these  children  married  and  liad  families,  and  up  to 
the  year  1847  all  the  sons  named  were  living. 

Of  the  daughters.  Sylvia  married  Matthew  Collins,  and  Mary  married  KVi  HiKhec. 
Both  of  these  left  children,  who  reside  in  the  vicinity  of  Port  Republic. 

The  descendants  of  Benjamin  were  quite  numerous.  They  inherited  a  love  for  the 
sea.  and  many  of  the  males  gained  a  livelihood  upon  its  waters,  braving  its  dangers.  Not 
a  few  have  found  their  final  resting  place  in  its  deeps.  This  love  of  the  sea  goes  back 
further  than  those  of  the  family  who  were  the  first  to  settle  in  this  county.  The  same 
spirit  existed  in  the  Massachusetts  family,  from  which  our  branch  is  descended,  and  many 
of  those  were  daring  and  successful  sailors  in  foreign  seas,  engaging  in  the  trade  with  the 
West  Indies  and  China.  All  seem  to  have  shared  in  those  qualities  and  habits  of  life  which 
are  so  much  influenced  by  the  dangers,  grandeurs  and  mysteries  of  the  sea.  They  have 
lived  quiet,  peaceful,  useful  lives,  with  little  taste  for  public  place  or  those  activities  which 
are  associated  with  public  alTairs. 

John,  the  eldest  son  of  Benjamin,  was  born  in  1772.  He  resided  in  Port  Republic.  He 
was  a  man  of  considerable  property  and  influence  in  the  community,  and  was  for  a  time 
one  of  the  County  Judges.     He  lived  to  an  advanced  age,  dying  in  1857. 

William,  the  second  son.  born  in  1789,  married  Hannah  Smith,  and  was  the  father  01  a 
large  family.  He  died  in  1856.  Of  his  eleven  children,  all  four  of  the  sons,  Thomas, 
Wesley,  Samuel  and  William,  followed  in  the  footsteps  of  their  father  and  became  wedded 
to  the  sea.  Wesley  and  William  went  down  with  their  vessel  in  a  terrific  southwest  snow 
storm,  in  1857,  a"d  no  vestige  of  any  kind  was  left  to  tell  the  story. 

Jacob,  the  third  son,  left  children,  whose  descendants  are  living.  Nicholas,  the  fourth 
son,  was  born  in  1791.  and  died  in  1867.  He  married  Rebecca  Higbce,  who  sur\ive(l  him 
until  1883.  when  she  died  at  the  advanced  age  of  88  years.  Their  son,  Captain  Richard 
Endicott.  died  in  1883,  at  the  age  of  62  years,  without  issue. 

Other  grandsons  of  Benjamin  who  have  passed  away  in  recent  years  are  Jeremiah 
Endicott  and  James  L.  Endicott,  well  known  in  the  present  generation.  Their  children  are 
living  in  Port  Republic  and  Atlantic  City,  and  a  daughter,  Mrs.  Walters,  in  Absecon. 

Of  the  grandsons  of  Benjamin.  Thomas  Doughty  Endicott,  son  of  William,  was  born 
in  Port  Republic,  January  14,  1815.  Adopting  the  calling  of  his  ancestors,  he  became  the 
master  of  a  vessel  at  a  very  early  age.  and  marrying  Ann  Pennington,  a  daughter  of  John 
Pennington,  of  Mays  Landing,  in  1837,  he  took  up  his  residence  in  that  village.  He  im- 
mediately built  the  Endicott  homestead,  which  stands  to-day  the  home  of  one  of  his  daugh- 
ters, maintained  by  his  estate.  All  of  the  Mays  Landing  Endicotts  are  his  children,  and  all 
except  the  eldest  were  born  in  this  home.  Thomas  was  a  man  of  rare  qualities  of  mind 
and  heart.  His  life  was  exemplary  in  every  respect.  Upright,  honest,  just,  kind  hearted, 
of  superior  judgment,  he  was  successful  in  business  and  was  held  in  the  highest  personal 
esteem  by  the  community.  His  wife  was  a  woman  no  less  noted  for  her  o'wn '  superior 
judgment  and  loving  heart,  and  her  unselfish  devotion  to  her  family  and  community,  their 
position  was  one  of  great  usefulness.  Thomas  was  a  staunch  friend  of  the  church  and 
school,  in  which  his  ten  children  was  brought  up,  and  his  thought,  counsel  and  means 
were  given  without  stint  to  both.  He  never  sought  any  public  place  of  any  kind,  and  in 
his  whole  life  never  held  but  one  office,  that  of  a  Pilot  Commissioner  of  the  State  of  New- 
Jersey,  and  this  was  tendered  to  him  because  of  his  eminent  fitness  for  the  post,  and  without 
any  application  or  request  of  his  own.  Having  acquired  a  competence  and  being  in  rather 
delicate  health  he  retired  from  the  sea  comparatively  early  in  life  to  enjoy  his  home  and 
the  companionship  of  his  family  and  friends.  He  died  May  28.  1884,  surrounded  by  his 
wife  and  the  nine  children  who  survived  him. 

Thomas  had  ten  children,  Charles  G.,   Lucv.  Catliarine   B..   Mordecai  T..   Isabella   R., 



Mary  D,.  Elizabeth  P..  George  W..  Hannah,  ami  Alhn  H.  Lncy  ilioil  in  i,S(,5.  All  the 
other  children  are  living.  Charles  is  a  very  succc-sliil  ^hip-i.wner  and  niercliaiit  in  Xew 
York  City,  but  residing  in  Westfield.  N.  J.  He  is  widely  known  in  this  State,  and  in  ship- 
ping circles,  as  a  man  of  high  character  and  of  exceptional  business  probity  and  ability. 

Mordecai  is  a  civil  engineer,  graduating  from  the  Polytechnic,  Troy,  N.  Y.,  in  the  class 
of  1868.  After  practicing  his  profession  upon  several  works  in  private  life,  he  was  com- 
missioned an  officer  of  the  corps  of  civil  engineers  in  the  U.  S.  Navy,  in  1874.  After  a  long 
service  upon  many  public  works  of  the  Navy,  he  was  selected  by  President  Cleveland,  in  1895, 
as  one  of  the  commission  of  three  expert  engineers  to  visit  Nicaragua  and  make  an  exam- 
ination, survey  and  report  upon  the  possibility,  permanence  and  cost  of  the  construction 
and  completion  of  the  Nicaragua  Ship  Canal.  This  commission  was  constituted  by  special 
authority  of  Congress.  In  1897  Congress  directed  the  organization  of  the  Armor  Factory 
Board  to  prepare  plans,  specifications  and  estimates  of  the  cost  of  a  plant  for  the  manu- 
facture of  armor  for  war  ships  by  the  Government,  m  consideration  of  the  high  prices  for 
the  same  demanded  by  private  establishments,  and  Mordecai  was  selected  as  a  member  of 
the  Board.  In  1898  President  McKinley  appointed  him  Chief  of  the  Bureau  of  Yards  and 
Docks  of  the  Navy  Department,  with  the  rank  of  Commodore.  In  1899,  by  autliority  of  an 
Act  of  Congress,  he  was  raised  to  the  rank  of  Rear-.Admiral,  U.  S.  Navy.  He  resides  in 
Washington.    D.   C. 

,  George  graduated  at  the  Jefferson  ^ledical  College  in  Philadelphia,  and  is  a  very  suc- 
cessful physician  in  Plainfield.  N.  J.  He  enjoys  an  exceptional  reputation  as  a  skillful 

Allen  graduated  at  the  University  of  Pennsylvania,  in  tlie  law  department,  and  was 
also  a  pupil  in  the  office  of  the  late  Peter  L.  Voorhees.  He  is  one  of  the  first  citizens  of  our 
county.  He  is  prominent  in  the  practice  of  his  profession  and  a  most  public  spirited  man. 
He  has  served  as  County  Collector,  Solicitor  of  Atlantic  City,  and  now  fills  the  post  of 
Law  Judge  of  the  County.     He  resides  in  Atlantic  City. 

Of  the  daughters  who  survive,  Catharine  is  the  only  one  unmarried.  She  occupies  the 
old  homestead  in  Mays  Landing,  which,  by  a  provision  of  the  father's  will,  is  maintained 
by  his  estate  as  a  home  for  the  unmarried  daughters  as  long  as  any  remain  single.  Of  the 
others,  Isabella  married  Mr.  Lucien  B.  Corson;  ]\Iary  D.  married  Mr.  Daniel  E.  Iszard; 
Elizabeth  married  the  Rev.  H.  Rundell.  and  Hannah  married  Mr.  Lewis  Howell.  Elizabeth 
resides  in  Atlantic  City,  where  her  husband  is  a  Presbyterian  minister,  and  all  the  rest 
live  in  Mays  Landing.  All  these  daughters  are  gentle,  earnest,  devoted  women,  who  are 
living  useful  lives,  particularly  earnest  in  their  religious  duties,  and  making  the  world 
better  for  their  presence. 

The  Endicotts  of  Atlantic  County  come  of  a  distinguished  ancestry,  the  very  bluest 
blood  of  New  England.  They  are  direct  descendants  of  John  Endicott,  the  first  Governor 
of  Massachusetts. 

John  Endicott  was  born  in  Dorsetshire.  England,  in  the  year  1588.  Very  little  is  known 
of  his  early  life  prior  to  the  time  he  became  known  as  a  Puritan  and  a  member  of  a  little 
colony  organized  in  England,  which  came  to  the  shores  of  New  England  in  1628.  The 
family  to  which  he  belonged  was  of  respectable  standing  and  moderate  fortunes.  He  be- 
longed to  that  class  in  England  called  "esquires,"  or  "gentlemen,"  composed  mainly  at 
that  time  of  the  independent  landholders  of  the  realm. 

The  Puritans  sought  refuge  from  persecution  for  religious  opinions.  A  small  settle- 
ment was  effected  at  Plymouth,  in  1624,  and  this  was  so  far  successful  that  some  men  of 
substance  and  means  resolved  to  purchase  a  grant  from  the  crown,  which  they  effected  "by 
a  considerable  sum  of  money,"  and  the  project  of  establishing  a  colony  in  New  England 
was  launched.  One  of  this  company,  and  the  principal  one  to  carry  out  its  objects,  was 
John  Endicott.  He  arrived  at  Cape  Ann  with  his  followers  in  the  "Abagail."  in  1628,  when 
40  years  of  age.     The  life  of  Mr.  Endicott  from  this  time  to  his  death,  in  1665.  is  a  part  of 

HON.  A.   B.    ENDICOTT. 




the  history  of  New  Ensland.  ntul  the  estabhshnicnt  of  free  institiilnms  in  thi^  eouiitry.* 
He  was  Governor  of  tlie  Massachusetts  Colony  it>  years,  and  served  longer  continuously 
than  any  other.  Dr.  Bentley,  the  historian,  says:  "Above  all  others,  he  deserved  the  name 
of  the  father  of  New  England."  Mr.  Felt  calls  him  "The  father  of  New  England."  Mr. 
Upham  says  of  him.  "Mr.  Endicott  was  the  most  representative  man  of  all  the  New  England 

He  passed  through  all  the  military  grades  to  that  of  Sergeant  Major-General  of  Massa- 
chusetts. He  was  an  intrepid  and  successful  leader,  a  man  of  superior  intellectual  endow- 
ments and  mental  culture,  vigorous  mind  and  a  fearless  and  independent  spirit.  With  great 
energy  and  firmness  of  character,  aided  by  religious  enthusiasm,  his  faith  and  confidence 
never  forsook  him,  and  the  whole  colony  looked  up  tn  him  in  all  their  hardships,  privations 
and  struggles  for  livelihood  and  religious  ami  freedom.  He  was  a  man  of  very 
tender  conscience.  Longfellow  says,  "He  i-  a  man  Imtli  loving  and  austere;  and  tender 
heart;  a  will  infle.xible." 

Such  was  the  first  Endicott  to  come  to  this  country,  ami  from  whom  tlmse  of  the  family 
in  this  county  trace  their  descent. 

Governor  Endicott  had  two  sons.  John  and  Zeru])baliel.  John  died  without  issue. 
Zerubbabel   had   seven   children,   five   sons   an,l   iw..   .laughters.      One   of  the   sons.   Joseph, 


was  born  at  Salem,  Mass..  in  16O9.  He  was  christened  at  the  Fir-t  Churc 
17.  1672.  He  moved  from  Massachusetts  to  Northampton,  in  the  count 
New  Jersey,  in  1698.        As  he  was  the  first  to  enter  this  State,  this  year  is 

)f   Burlington, 
J02d  anniver- 

;ov.  Endicott  t 

revalent  in  the  colonies,  and  the  Ear 

of  Clarendon 

in  framinf 

marked  that  ■■/liey  wen-  all  luirdened 



sriry  of  tlie  settlfim-iit  of  tliis  family  in  Xcw  .K-rscy.  Joseph  was  the  only  graiulson  fii  the 
Governor  to  come  to  this  State,  and  all  the  Xew  Jersey  Endicotts  are  descended  from  him. 
He  died  in  May.  1747,  at  Northampton,  aged  75  years.  He  left  at  his  death,  according  to 
his  will  recorded  in  the  ofifice  of  the  Secretary  of  State,  at  Trenton,  two  sons,  John  and 
Joseph,  and  two  daughters,  Anna  Gillam  and  Elizabeth  Deloraine.  A  grandson,  Joseph 
Bishop,  is  also  mentioned.  In  a  deed  executed  by  him  and  recorded  in  what  is  now  Rox- 
ford,  Massachusetts,  he  styles  himself  "Joseph  Endicott,  of  Northampton.  County  of  finr- 
lington,  in  West  Jersey,  in  the  Government  of  New  York,  yeoman." 

Joseph  had  two  sons,  as  stated  above.  Of  the  second.  Joseph,  there  i^  n<i  memorial. 
and  he  probably  never  married.  The  first  son,  John,  is  the  only  one  who  left  issue.  ;ind 
all  who  came  to  Atlantic  County  are  descended  from  him. 

John  Endicott  had  six  children:  Samuel,  Zerubbabel.  Benjamin.  Jacob.  Mary,  who 
married  a  Mr.  IMatlock.  and  Sarah,  who  married  a  J\Ir.  Hancock.  He  is  said  to  have  died 
at  a  very  advanced  age,  but  the  year  is  not  now  known.  Three  of  his  sons  came  to  Atlantic 
County,  and  the  only  one  of  these  who  left  issue  is  Benjamin  Endicott.  the  soldier  of  the 
Revolution,  with   whom  our  story   began. 

Portraits  of  Governor  John  Endicott  show  that  his  descendants  in  the  seventh  gen- 
eration, in  New  Jersey,  bear  much  resemblance  to  him,  as  do  the  children  in  the  eighth. 
Many  of  these  possess  the  traits,  of  character  which  history  records  as  belonging  to  their 
distinguished  ancestor.  Few  of  this  family  in  this  country  have  held  public  office.  Governor 
Endicott  was  a  central  figure  in  the  early  colonial  history  of  New  England  for  nearly  40 
years,  but  all  the  great  duties  and  honors  came  to  him;  it  is  said  that  they  "fell  upon  him." 
Not  one  is  known  to  have  been  a  politician  in  the  ordinary  acceptation  of  that  term.  Mr. 
William  Endicott,  of  Salem,  Massachusetts,  who  was  the  Secretary  of  War  in  President 
Cleveland's  Cabinet,  is  a  fifth  cousin  of  the  present  generation  in  this  county.  His  daugh- 
ter, Miss  Endicott,  married  the  present  Right-Honorable  Joseph  Chamberhiin,  of  the 
British  Cabinet,  being  Colonial  Secretary.  He  is  the  central  figure  in  the  present  war  con- 
test between  Great  Britain  and  the  Boers  in  Africa.  It  is  believed  that  the  very  cordial 
relations  which  have  existed  in  so  marked  a  degree  between  Great  Britain  and  this  country 
since  Mr.  Chamberlain's  advent  to  power  as  a  leader,  arc  largely  the  result  of  his  marriage 
with  this  beautiful  American  girl. 



1.  Peter  Franibes,  b.  September  15,  1723,  in  Holland,  early  emigrated  to  this  country, 
being  a  small  child.  He  settled  in  Pennsylvania,  but  was  driven  out  by  the  Indians. 
On  the  same  ship  came  Mary  Margaretta  Hoffman,  also  a  small  child.  Peter  Frambes 
married  Mary  M.  Hoffman  and  they  moved  to  Gloucester  CouiUy,  N.  J.,  settling  on  a 
tract  of  land  back  of  Zion  Churcli,  this  county.  Peter  was  a  weaver  by  trade.  He  had  the 
following  children: 

2.  Nicholas,  b.  June  i.  1758;  d.  June  25,  1835;  m..  first,  Sarah  Rape;  second,  Naomi 
Scull;  third,  Elsie  Collins  Scull.  3.  Andrew,  b.  October  7,  1759;  m.  Sarah  English.  4. 
Peter,  b.  December  22,  1761;  m.  Alice  Somers.  5.  John,  b.  December  28,  1763;  d.  Sep- 
tember 2,  1861;  m.,  first.  Polly  Chamberlain;  second.  Margaret  Garwood;  third,  Elizabeth 
Garwood  Risley.  6.  Mary  Ann,  b.  December  30,  1765;  d.  October  15,  1851;  m.  David 
Dennis.     7.  Michael;  m.,  first,  Mary  Dole;  second,  Sallie  Brandriff.     8.  Sarah;  d.   February 

23,  1825;  m.  Thomas  Garwood.  9.  Margaretta,  b.  October  20.  1772;  d.  March  22.  1824;  m. 
Christopher  Vansant.     10.  Rachel;  m.   Peter  Boice. 

2.  Nicholas  Frambes,  b.  June  i,  1758,  was  a  tar-maker  by  trade,  and  lived  at  Catawba, 
then  a  flourishing  village  near  Mays  Landing.  He  served  in  the  revolutionary  war.  June, 
1785,  he  married  Sarah  Rape,  daughter  of  Christopher  Rape.     Their  children  were: 

II.  Mary,  b.  April  6.  1786;  d.  February  i,  1862;  m.  Daniel  Edwards.  12.  Job.  b.  June 
9.  1788;  d.  April  II,  1884;  m..  first.  Hannah  Irelan;  second,  Alice  Vansant.  13.  David,  b. 
Sentcmber  15,  1790;  d.  April  28,  1867;  m.  Mary  Ann  Frambes;  second,  Louisa  Clark.  14. 
Sarah,  b.  November  12,  1792;  m.  James  Smith.  15.  Andrew,  b.  February  12.  1796;  d.  June 
•25.  1875;  m.,  first.  Sarah  Somers;  second.  Margaret  Adams  Baker. 

2.  Nicholas  Frambes  m..  second,  Naomi  Scull,  daughter  of  Joseph  Scull,  and  went  to 
Bargaintown,  living  on  what  is  now  known  as  the  Richard  Scull  farm.  Nicholas'  third  wife 
was  Elsie  Collins  Scull,  daughter  of  Richard  Collins  and  widow  of  Abel  Scull. 

3.  Andrew  Frambes.  b.  October  7.  1759,  served  in  the  war  of  the  revolution.  He  m. 
Sarah   English.     They  had:     16.  Joseph.     17.  Peter. 

4.  Peter  Frambes.  b.  December  22,  1761,  was  a  farmer  and  lived  in  this  county  on  what 
was  known  as  the  Doughty  Place,  above  Zion  Church.  He  was  drowned  in  Great  Egg 
Harbor  inlet,  his  widow  supported  the  children  by  running  the  old  mill,  which  is  still 
standing  at  Bargaintown.     Peter  m.  Alice  Somers.     They  had:     18.  Rebecca,  d.  November 

24,  1848;  m.  Daniel  Tilton.  19.  Hosea.  b.  December  20,  1785;  d.  January  17,  1857;  m. 
Amelia  Risley.  20.  Aaron,  b.  1790;  d.  February  22.  1822;  m.  Charlotte  Cordery.  21.  Mary 
Ann.  b.  1791;  d.  December  7.  1823;  m.  David  Frambes.  22.  Margaretta,  m.  Enoch  Inger- 
sol.     23.  James. 

5.  John  Frambes.  b.  December  28,  1763:  d.  September  2,  1861.  He  lived  in  the  old  brick 
house  still  standing  in  Pleasantville.  He  m..  first,  Polly  Chamberlain.  They  had:  24. 
John,  b.  January  16.  1803;  d.  November  5.  1891;  m.  Eliza    Dennis. 

(5)  John  Frambes  m.,  second,  Margaret  Garwood.  Thev  had:  25.  Peter,  m.  Alice 

(5)  John's  third  wife  was  Mrs.  Elizabeth  Garwood  Risley,  sister  of  his  second  wife. 

6.  Mary  Ann  Frambes,  b.  December  30,  1765;  d.  October  15,  1851;  lived  at  Catawba, 
English  Creek;  m.  David  Dennis.  They  had:  26.  Joel;  m.,  first,  Margaret  Risley;  second, 
Sarah  Ann  Risley.  27.  David,  m.  Hannah  Hickman.  28.  Eliza,  ni.  John  Frambes.  29. 
Sarah,  m.  John  Barber.  30.  Eunice,  ni.  John  Leap.  31.  Abigail,  m.  Merrick  Lambson.  ^2. 
Hannah,  m.  Samuel  Barber.     33.  Constant,  m.  Polly  Scull. 

7.  Michael  Frambes;  m.,  first,  Mary  Dole;  second,  Sallie  Brandriff.  He  lived  at  Pleas- 
antville. His  children  were:  34.  Nicholas,  m.  Lydia  Kendall.  35.  Joseph  Dole.  in.  Rachel 
Lee.  36.  Joel.  ^y.  James  Coates.  38.  Mary  Ann.  m.  Aaron  Ingersoll.  39.  Rachel,  m. 
George  Robinson.     40.   Eunice,  m.  Felix  Leeds.     41.   Richard. 

8.  Sarah    Frambes,   m.   Thomas    Garwood.    Bargaintown.      They   had:     42.  Joshua,    m. 

FK.\.MBi:S    FAMILY.  401 

Lydia  Shaw.  43-  Thomas,  b.  May  17.  1805;  d.  September  ;.  1874:  m..  first.  Mary  Smith; 
second,  Jemima  Somers  Bennett.  44.  Davis,  m.  Lettice  Ann  Somers.  45.  I'olly.  m,  Sanuui 
Price.    46.  Meriam.  m.  William  Price.    47.  Margaret.    48.   Hannah,  ni.  Japhet  Irelan. 

g.  Margaret  Frambes,  b.  October  20,  1772;  d.  March  22.  1824;  m.  Chri.stopher  \an- 
sant,  ship  carpenter.  They  had:  49.  Jethro,  b.  October  29.  1797;  d.  May  30,  1832.  50. 
John.  b.  Xovember  15.  1802:  d.  November  16.  1884:  m.  Talitha  Suthard.  51.  Job.  m.  Sarah 
Risley.  52.  Alice,  b.  February  _■(..  1807;  .1.  January  15,  1884;  m.  Job  I'rambes.  3,i.  .Margaret, 
m.  Francis  Somers.  54.  Mary  .\nn.  m.  Cornelius  Robinson.  55.  D.miel.  111.  I'.meline  Ben- 
nett.    56.  Susan,  m.  Thomas  Morris. 

10.  Rachel  Frambes  m.  Peter  Boice.  They  had:  57.  Peter,  b.  Decem1>er  23.  1805:  d. 
August  30,  1892;  m.  Sarah  Ann  Chamberlain.  58.  Mary,  b.  1801;  ni.,  first.  James  Risley; 
second.  Risley  Adams.  59.  Richard,  b.  1803.  (10.  \\illiam,  b.  June  28.  t8o8;  d.  Septend>cr 
13,  1869:  m.  Leah  Robinson. 

11.  Mary  Frambes,  b.  April  6.  1786;  d.  February  i.  1862;  m.  Daniel  Kdward-.  They 
had:  61.  Susanna,  b.  1805;  d.  1808.  62.  Sarah,  b.  November  15.  180O:  d.  Fcbru:iry  5.  1877; 
ni.  Constant  Somers.  63.  Mary,  b.  1816;  m.  Henry  S.  Stcelman.  (14.  Susanna,  b. 
1819;  m.,  first.  John  R.   Somers;  second,  John  Somers. 

12.  Job  Frambes.  b.  June  g.  1788;  d.  April  11,  1884;  m.,  first,  Hannah,  daughter  of 
Japhet  Irelan.  They  had:  65.  Frances  Anna,  b.  October  3,  1817;  d.  November  21,  1893;  m. 
Mark  Lake.  66.  Mary,  b.  October  3,  1819:  d.  May  9,  1821.  67.  Lewis  S..  b.  January  10, 
1822:  d.  March  7.  1878;  m.  Charlotte  Irelan.  68.  Richard  I.,  b.  April  28.  1824;  m.  Mary 
Tilton.  69.  Mary  P.,  b.  November  28,  1826;  m.  Sedgwick  Rusling  Leap.  70.  .Mahlon  C. 
b.  January  10.  1829:  m.  Mary  E.  Steelman.  71.  Japhet  I.,  b.  September  14,  1831;  ni.  Eliza 
Price.     72.  Hannah,  b.  November  20,  1836;  m.  Rev.  John  I.  Corson. 

(12)  Job  Frambes  was  a  sea  captain  and  ship  builder.  During  the  war  of  1812  his 
vessel  was  captured,  burned,  and  the  crew  put  ashore.  Later  he  served  as  a  Lieutenant  in  a 
Gloucester  County  company,  called  Home  Guards.     He  m.,  second,  .\lice  Vansant. 

13.  David  Frambes,  b.  September  15.  1790;  d.  April  28,  1867;  m.,  first,  Mary  .Ann 
Frambes,  daughter  of  Peter  Frambes.  David  was  a  farmer  and  vessel  builder  and  lived  at 
Steelmanville.  They  had:  73.  Nicholas.  74.  Matilda,  m.  Enoch  Risley.  75.  Hannah,  m. 
Enoch  Risley.     76.  Daniel,  m.,  first,  Mary  Margarum:  second,  Mary  Predmore. 

(13)  David  m..  second.  Louisa  Clark,  April  17,  1825.  They  had:  77.  Mary  .\nn.  b. 
January  3,  1826;  d.  August  21,  1826.  78.  Charlotte  Rebecca,  b.  December  13,  1827;  m.  Wm. 
Moore.  79.  Martha,  b.  October  21,  1829;  m.  John  Brown.  80.  Mary  Ann,  b.  September 
l6,  1831:  m.  Jonathan  Waters.  81.  James  Somers.  b.  December  4,  1833;  d.  March  16,  1858; 
drowned  in  Illinois  River.  82.  Susan  C.  b.  August  28.  1835;  m.  Ezra  Price.  83.  David 
Clark,  b.  June  9.  1838. 

14.  Sarah  Frambes,  b.  November  12,  1792,  daughter  of  Nicholas  and  Sarah  Rape 
Frambes,  m.  James  Smith.  They  had:  84.  Nicholas,  d.  July  24,  1890;  m.  Sarah  Lake.  85. 
Richard,  m.  Emeline  Somers.  86.  James  S.,  b.  October  22,  1825;  d.  January  22,  1898;  m., 
first.  Juliet  Somers  Blackman;  second.  Margaret  Ingersoll:  third.  Polly  English.  87.  Job, 
m.  Elizabeth  Ingersoll.     88.  Hannah,  m..  first,  Lewis  Somers;  second.  Lucas  Lake. 

15.  Andrew  Frambes,  b.  February  12.  1796;  d.  June  25,  1875;  was  a  farmer  and  lived  on 
the  Richard  Scull  farm  at  Bargaintown.  He  m.,  first,  Sarah  Somers.  They  had:  89.  Rox- 
anna.  b.  October  19,  1822;  d.  November  17,  1896;  m.  Jonas  Higbee.  90.  Phoebe,  b.  .August 
24.  1833;  m.,  first,  James  Johnson;  second,  John  Preston.  91.  Sarah,  b.  January  24,  1825; 
d,  January  8,  1858;  m,  Daniel  Leach.  92.  Mary  E..  b.  January  14,  1828;  d.  July  18,  i860; 
m,  Wesley  Leeds.  93.  Nicholas,  b.  November  12,  1830;  m.  Amanda  Ingersoll.  94-  Caroline 
S.,  b.  March  18,  1836;  m.  Samuel  L.  Wayne.  95.  Samuel  Somers,  b,  .August  11,  1838;  d. 
January  28,  1889;  m.,  first,  Hester  Blackman;  second,  Josephine  Race  Yates.  96.  Eliza 
Ann  S..  b.  May  2.  1841;  m.  John  Henry  Tilton.  97.  Howel  Cooper,  b.  January  18.  1844:  m. 
.Abby  Higbee. 


(15 1  Amlrcw  m.,  second.  Margaret  Adams  Baker.  Tliey  had:  98.  .Andrew,  b.  .May  ,s. 
1850;  d.  July  J9.  1850. 

18.  Rebecca  Franibes  ni.  Daniel  Tilton.  Slie  died  November  24,  1848.  Tliey  had: 
99.  Peter,  d.  July  29,  1828.  100.  Elva,  d.  September  2.  1828.  lOi.  .-Mice,  m.  Peter  Frambes. 
102.  Daniel  Edward,  d.  September  16.  1835.  'O,?-  John  Walker,  m.  Caroline  Somers.  104. 

19.  Hosea  Frambes.  b.  December  20.  1785;  d.  J:inuary  17,  1857;  m.  Amelia  Risley. 
They  had:  105.  Joseph  R..  b.  August  17,  1820;  d.  July  8,  1853:  m.  Jemima  Leeds.  106. 
Alice,  b.  June  27,  1822;  m.  Enoch  Lee.  107.  Mary,  b.  October  31,  1824;  d.  November  5, 
1882;  m.  Absalom  Doughty.  108.  Elizabeth,  b.  November  6,  1826;  d.  September  7,  1875; 
m.  John  Somers.  109.  Sarah  Keen,  b.  August  19,  1828;  d.  September  16,  1844.  no.  Judith, 
b.  June  IS,  1830:  m.  Dr.  Samuel  Edmonds,  in.  Rebecca,  b.  October  24,  1832;  d.  July  5, 
1886;  m.  John  Somers.  112.  Fannie,  b.  May  17,  1835;  m.  Benjamin  Burrough.  113.  .\melia, 
b.  May  6,  1837;  d.  July  13,   1851. 

20.  Aaron  Franibes,  b.  1790;  d.  December  22,  1822:  m.  Charlotte  Cordery,  November  ig, 
1815.  They  had:  114.  Peter,  b.  February  14,  1816.  115.  Rebecca,  b.  January  14,  1817;  m. 
Fred.  Chamberlain.  116.  Mary  Ann,  b.  January  17,  1819;  m.  Daniel  Steelman.  117.  .Aaron, 
b.  March  14,  1822;  d.  January  4,  1895;  m.  Amy  Babcock. 

22.  Margaret  Frambes  m.  Enoch  Ingersoll.  They  had:  118.  James.  119.  Fransanna. 
m.  Samuel  Gaskill.     120.  Samuel. 

24.  John  Frambes,  b.  January  16,  1803;  d.  November  5,  1891 ;  m.  Eliza  Dennis. 
They  had:  121.  Margaret,  b.  August  4,  1826.  122.  Walter  Burroughs,  b.  December  4.  1827; 
m.  Jane  Champion.  123.  Ruth  E.,  b.  September  9.  1829;  m.  John  Leeds.  124.  .Anna  Mary, 
b.  October  9.  1833:  m.  Dr:  Willard  Wright.  125.  Emeline,  b.  March  3,  1841 ;  m.  Pardon 
Ryon,  Jr. 

25.  Peter  Frambes  m.  Alice  Tilton.  They  had:  126.  Elva.  m.  Belle  Stephen.  127. 
Lewis  S.,  m.,  first  Susan  Taunton;  second,  Elizabeth  Brown.  128.  Edward,  m.  Caroline 
Seal.     129.  Rev.  John,  m.  Adelaide  Hoopes.     130.  Margaret. 

34.  Nicholas  Frambes  m.  Lydia  Kendall.  They  had:  131.  Ann,  m.  Joseph  Race.  132. 
Susan,  m.  Robert  Moore.  133,  Hannah,  m.  Israel  Shaw.  134.  Sarah,  m.  Joseph  Bowen. 
135.  Emeline,  m.  Evan  Risley.  136.  Charles,  m.  Sophia  Adams.  137.  Harriet,  m.  Jesse 
Reed.     138.  Elmer,  m.    Elizabeth  Barhoff. 

35.  Joseph  Dole  Frambes  m.  Rachel  Lee.  They  had:  139.  Richard  Lee.  140.  Peter 
Tilton,  b.  December  8,  1830;  d.  April  19,  1878;  m.  Ellen  Wright.  141.  .Abraham  ^^'oolston, 
m.  Rebecca  Jane  Ingersoll.  142.  Margaret  Vansant,  m.  Benjamin  Steelman.  143.  .Alice 
Rebecca,  m.  Evan  Adams.  144.  Caroline,  m.  John  Harrold.  145.  Elizabeth  Somers,  m. 
Bailey  Tomlinson.     146.  Elijah  Lee.     147.  Joseph  Alonzo. 

38.  Mary  Ann  Frambes  m.  Aaron  Ingersoll.  They  had:  148.  Annie,  m.  Richard 
Harris.     149.  Joseph  Frambes,  m.  Susan  Somers. 

Rachel  Frambes  m.  Geo.  Robinson.  They  had:  150.  Alary  Rebecca,  m.  Searad. 
151.  Lifelett.      152.  Samuel. 

40.  Eunice  Frambes  m.  Felix  Leeds.  They  had.  153.  Elizabeth,  m.  Joseph  Sapp.  154. 
Eliza,  m.  Abel  Babcock.     155.  Mary,  m.   Henry   Martense. 

65.  Polly  I.  Frambes,  m.  Hugh  Wicks;  William,  m.  Ann  Lee;  Job,  m.  first,  .Annie 
Jeffries,  second  Elizabeth  Clark;  Edward;  Hannah,  m.  John  W.  Smith;  Annie,  m.  Edward 
Pryor;  Lewis,  m.  Abby  Burroughs;   Daniel,   m.  Carrie  Adams;  Henry,  m.  Jennie  Carney. 

67.  Lewis  S.  Frambes,  b.  January  10.  1822;  d.  Alarch  7,  1878;  m.  Charlotte  Irelan, 
October  8,  1854.  They  had:  156.  Julia,  b.  July  27.  1855;  d.  April  i,  1856.  157.  Alfred  I., 
b.  May  21,  1858;  m.  Almedia  Smith.  158.  Alice.  159.  Sarah  .A.,  m.  Geo.  J.  Sickler.  160. 
Harriet  I.     161.  Lottie  L.,  m.  Wm.  Hutchinson. 

68.  Richard  I.  Frambes,  b.  April  28,  1824;  m.  Mary  Tilton.  They  had:  162.  Margaret, 
m.  Daniel  Collins.  163.  Hannah.  164.  Ezra.  m.  Elizabeth  .Adams.  165.  Harriet,  m.  James 
E.  Steelman.     166.  Job. 

FRAMBi:S    FA.\1!L\.  403 

69.  Wary  1'.  Frninbcs.  b.  Nnvcmhcr  j8,  182(1;  in.  Scdgwiclc  Rvi>liiiji  Ltap.  Tluy  liad: 
167.  John   P..  m.  Julia  Ware.     i68.   Laura. 

70.  Mahlon  C.  Franibes.  b.  January  10.  1829:  ni.  Mary  E.  Stccbiian.  They  had:  169. 
Henry,  b.  February  7,  1856;  ni.  Mary  Louisa  Price.  170.  Smith,  b.  June  22,  1859;  m.  Kate 
Waters.  171.  Lizzie,  b.  September  2,  1862;  d.  February  i.^.  1863.  172.  Lizzie,  b.  May  18, 
1866:  m.  Jas.  H.  Mason.     173.  SalHc  E..  b.  April  22.  1868;  m.  Harry  H.  Smith.  Jr. 

71.  Japhet  I.  Frambes.  b.  September  14.  1831:  m.  Eliza  Price.  They  had:  174.  Han- 
nette,  m.  Bolton  Stcelman.  175.  Polly  P.,  m.  Albert  Wilson.  176.  Julia,  m.  Geo.  English. 
I//-  Japhet.     178.  Ina.  m.  Ira  Smith.     179.  Ulysses.     180.  Asbury.     181.  Elijah. 

74.  Matilda  Frambes  m.  Enoch  Risley.  They  had:  182.  ;Mary,  m.  Henry  Bates.  183. 
Mark.  184.  Hannah,  m.  Walter  Steelman.  185.  Jane.  186.  Elizabeth.  187.  Edward,  ni. 
Eunice  Turner.     :88.   David. 

76.  Daniel  E.  Frambes  m..  first.  Mary  Margaruni.  They  had:  kSc).  Eva.  irjo. 
Ella,  m.   Daniel  Williams.     191.   Lizzie,  m.  Then.  Mackeral.  192.  Enini.-i.  m.  Hor:ice  Wood. 

76.   Daniel  E.  m..  second,  Mary  Predmore.    They  had:    193.   Frank. 

78.  Charlotte  Rebecca  Frambes,  b.  December  13,  1827,  m.  \\'m.  .Moore.  Tluy  had: 
194.  Will,  m.  Laura  Price.     195.  Howard.     196.   Ida.     197.  Edward. 

80.  Mary  .Ann  Frambes,  b.  September  16,  1831,  m.  Jonathan  \\'aters.  Thev  had:  198. 
Kate,  m.  Smith  S.  Frambes.     199.  Claude,  m.  Augustus  Pitenger. 

82.  Susan  C.  Frambes,  b.  August  28,  1835,  m.  Ezra  Price.  They  had:  200.  Edwin  F., 
m.  Rachel  Steelman.  201.  ilary  Louisa,  m.  Henry  Frambes.  202.  Laura.  203.  James 
204.  Laura,  m.  Will  Moore.  205.  Martha,  m.  Harry  Hawkins.  206.  Sarah.  207.  Clark. 
208.   Eunice.     209.  Jehu  m.  Sallie  Brown. 

89.  Ro.xanna  Frambes.  b.  October  ig,  1822:  d.  November  17.  1896;  m.  Jonas  Higbee. 
They  had.  210.  Henry,  m.  .Annie  Shrouds.  211.  Lewis.  212,  John.  213.  .Andrew  Franibes. 
214.  Chas.  Ezra.    215.  Wilmer  M.,  m.  Sarah  Hagan.    216.  Sarah  Cornelia,  m.  Eli  S.  .Amole. 

90.  Phoebe  Frames,  b.  August  24,   1833;   m.,  first,  James  Johnson.     Tluy  liad:  Charks. 

90.  Phoebe  m.,  second,  John  Preston.     They  had:    ^Mortimer. 

91.  Sarah   Frambes.  b.  January  24,   1825:   d.  January  8.   1858:  m.   Daniel   Leech.     They 

had:    217.  Sarah,  m.  Ricliard  Da\  is.     218.  Charles,   m.    Lillian .       219.    Lewi-.       220. 

Annie,  m.  Harrv  Keates. 

92.   Mary  E.   Frambes.  b.  January   14.   1828:  d.  July   18,   i860:  m.  Wesley 

Leeds.     Thev 

had:    221.  Eliza  Ann.  m.  Parker  Tilton.     222.   Lewis,  m.  Lettice  Robinson.     2 

23.   Annie,  m. 

Philip  Lindle. 

93.   Nicholas  Frambes,  b.  November  12,   18.30;  m.  Amanda  Ingersoll.     Th 

ey  had:     224. 

Walter,  m.  Ida  Loveland.     225.  Laura,  m.  Morris  Cheyeny.     226.   Emeline.     . 

-'27,    William. 

m.   Clara  Sampson.     228.  Rena. 

94.  Caroline  S.   Frambes.  b.   March   18,   1836:  m.   Samuel   L.  Wayne.     Th 

ey   had:     229. 

William.      2.30.   Helen;   231.  Sarah,    twins.      232.   Harry.      233.   Samuel.      234.   I 

■rederick.    m. 

Jennie  .     235.  Harriet,   m.   Lewis  Somcrs. 

95.  Samuel  Somers  Frambes.  b.  August   11.   1838:  d.  January  28,   1889;  m,. 

,  first.  Hester 

Blackman.     They  had:     236,  Winfield,   m.   Selina   Collins.     237.   Risley.   m.   .> 

umie   Gaskill. 

238.  Annie,  m.   Edward   Higbee. 

Samuel  Somers  Frambes  m..  second,  Josephine  Race  Vates.      They  had: 

239.     Jr.seph. 

240..  Somers. 

96.  Eliza  Ann  S.   Frambes.  b.   May  2,   1841;  m.  John   Henry  Tilton.     Th. 

ey   had;     241. 

Ephrina,   m.  John   Norwood.     242.  Howel.     243.  Wallace. 

97.  Howel  Cooper  Frambes.  b.  January   18.   1844:   m.  Abby   Hi,i;     Th 

ey   ha.l:      244. 

Lucilla,  m.  George  Harris.     245.  Curtis. 

105.  Joseph  R.  Frambes,  b.  .August  17.  1820;  m.  Jemima  Leeds.     Tluy  ha< 

1:     240.   Mary 

Louise,  m.,  first,  Aaron  Chamberlain:  lost  at   -ea.   Sei.teniber.    1876.   age  32    y<. 

■ars;     -econd, 



loG.  Alice  Fninihcs.  b.  June-  27.  ii<^^:  "i-  Enoch  Lee.  They  had:  247.  Richard  Ed- 
mund.    248.  Richard  H.,  m.  Ellen  Mathis.     249.  Elizabeth,  m.  Josiah  Lee.     250.  Flora. 

107.  ]\Iary  Frambes,  b.  October  31,  1824;  d.  November  5,  1882;  m.  Absalom  Doughty. 
They  had:  251.  Annie,  m.  Lewis  Babcock.  252.  John,  m.  Emma  Smith.  253.  Joseph. 
254.  Henry,  m.  Emma  Boyd.  255.  Hosea,  m.    Helen  Peverly.  256.  William,  m.  Alice  Cooper. 

108.  Elizabeth  Frambes,  b.  November  6.  1826;  d.  September  17,  1875;  m.  John  Somers. 
They  had:  257.  William  H.,  b.  March  25,  1841;  d.  September  18,  1848.  258.  Winfield,  b. 
February  18,  1849:  d.  August  18,  1850.  259.  Sarah  Amelia,  b.  July  27,  1851;  d.  June  22, 
1881;  m.  Edwin  Haddock.  260.  Winfield,  ni.  Annie  Welch.  261.  Louise,  b.  December  26, 
i860:  d.  July  5.   1886. 

Judith  Frambes,  b.  June  15,  1830;  m.  Dr.  Samuel  Edmonds.  They  had:  262.  J\Iary, 
d.  September  16,  1879.  263.  Joseph,  m.  May  Tomlin.  264.  Laura.  265.  Arfe,  b.  December, 
4,  1899.    266.  Minnie,  d.  August  19,  1880. 

115.  Rebecca  Frambes.  b.  January  14,  1817;  m.  Fred  Chamberlain.  They  had:  267. 
Joel,  m.  Rachel  Ann  Higbee.  268.  Richard,  m.  Rebecca  Steelnian.  269.  Mary  Ann,  m. 
Holmes  Henderson.  270.  Aaron,  m.  !Mary  Louise  Frambes.  271.  Jesse.  272.  Elizabeth. 
273.  Evalina.      274.  Sarah    Ann. 

116.  Mary  Ann  Frambes,  b.  January  17,  1S19;  m.  Daniel  Steelnian.  They  had:  275. 
Joel,  m.  Higbee.  276.  Charlotte,  m.  Abel  Babcock.  277.  Rebecca,  m.  Charles  Tilton.  278. 
Frederick.     279.  Kate.     280.  Walter.     281.  Florence.    282.  Augusta. 

117.  Aaron  Frambes,  b.  March  14,  1822;  d.  January  4,  1895;  m.  Amy  Babcock;  b.  }\Iay 
8,  1825;  d.  February  10,  1899.  They  had:  283.  Hester,  m.,  first,  Joseph  Joslin;  second. 
Steelman  Tilton.  284.  Margaret,  m.  Jonathan  Joslin.  285.  John  B.  286.  Amy  Corena,  m. 
Daniel  Tilton  Boice. 

122.  Walter  Burroughs  Frambes,  b.  December  4,  1827;  m.  Jane  Champion.    They  had: 

123.  Ruth  E.  Frambes,  b.  September  9,  1829;  m.  John  Leeds.  They  had:  289.  Annie. 
287.  George,  m.   Nell  Hammell.     288.   Eliza,  m.  John  Howell. 

290.  Frank.     291.  Eliza.     292.  Lewis.     293.   Revilla.     294.   Emma,  m.   Dr.   Clarkson. 

125.  Emeline  Frambes,  b.  March  3,  1841;  m.  Pardon  Ryon.  Jr.  They  had:  295.  John, 
m.  Mary  Ireland.     296.  Frank,  m.  Clara  Treen.     297.  Arthur. 

127.  Lewis  S.  Frambes,  m.,  first,  Susan  Taunton.  They  had:  298.  Margaret,  m.  Frank 
Fisher.     299.  Alice.     300.  Lorine.     301.  Charles.     302.  Lewis. 

127.  Lewis  S.  Frambes  m.,  second,  Elizabeth  Brown.  They  had:  303.  Emma.  m. 
Richard  Landis.     (304-  Stella.    Third  wife's  child.) 

128.  Edward  Frambes,  m.  Caroline  Seal.  They  had.  305.  Ella,  m.  James  Wilson.  306. 
Florence.     307.  Alice.     308.  Theodore. 

129.  Rev.  John  Frambes  m.  Adelaide  Hoopes.  They  had:  309.  Adelaide.  310.  Lewis. 
311.  Horace.     312.  Walter. 

131.  Ann  Frambes  m.  Joseph  Race.  They  had:  313.  Arnold,  m.,  first,  Etta  Sooy; 
second,  Nettie  .\shton.  314.  Josephine,  m.,  first,  Wm.  Yates;  second.  Samuel  Somers 
Frambes.  315.  Emma,  m.  William  Hammell.  316.  Martha,  m.  William  Champion.  317. 

132.  Susan  Frambes  ni.  Robert  ^loore,  of  Philadelphia.  They  had:  318.  Reuben,  m. 
Lydia  Steelman.     319.  Mary,  m.  Sheppard  Sooy.     320.  Joseph,  m.  Jennie  Ireland.    321.  Ida. 

133.  Hannah  Frambes  m.  Israel  Shaw.  They  had:  322.  Alonzo.  323.  Frank.  324.  Ida. 
325.  Mary  Emma.     326.  George. 

134.  Sarah  Frambes  m.  Joseph  Bowen.  They  had:  327 .  Clark,  m.  Experience  Barrett. 
328.  Nicholas.     329.  Lydia   Ann,    m.    Faulkner   Willis.      330.  Samuel    G.      331.  Somers,   m. 

Mattie  .     .332.   Charles,  m.  Lizzie  Booye.     333.  Alice,  m.   Richard  Willis.     334.  Rox- 

anna.  ni.  Harry  Helfrich.    335.  Joseph. 

135.  Emeline  Frambes  m.  Evan  Risley.  They  had:  336.  Nettie,  m.  Preston  B.  .\dams. 
337.   Harry,   m.    Sallie   Bamstead.     338.   Kate.   m.   George   Adams.     339.   Charles,   m.    Lilian 


.   111. 



1    1'.' 







).  .\nn 


;-'.   W 



353.  Joli 



5.   Br 







ike.  3, 








1-  3 

1.   I 


(1.   M 


Blake.     340.  Edna.  m.  Clarence   Nicholson,     .^i.   Ma.   111.    Howard   H.irriv     .?4^.  Gertrude. 
343.  Warner.     344.  Raymond. 

136.  Charles  Franibes  m.  Sopliia  Ailanis.  They  had:  ,;45.  liami.di  l.ydia.  m.  David 

137.  Harriet  Frambes  m.  Jesse  Reed.  They  ha,l:  340. 
347.  Josephine,  m.  W'intield  Scott  Price.  34S.  I'.lnor.i.  m.  ['1 
ni.  Martin  Lear.  350.  Lizzie.  111.  Gideon  .\danis.  331.  luiini 
354.  Walter. 

140.  Peter  Tilton  Frambes  ni.  Ellen  Wright.  They  hac 
July  28,  1856.  356.  Eva  W..  b.  September  i,  1858:  m.\'incent 
b.  August  26,  i860:  m.  Jerryetta  Mason.  358.  Mabella  .\zile. 
5.  1882.     339.  Nell  Marette,  b.  April  16,  1875. 

141.  Abraham  Woolston  Frambes  m.  Rebecca  Jane  Ingersoll.  TIu>  had:  3(10.  Joseph 
Dole.  m.  Clara  Buzby. 

142.  ^Margaret  Vansant  Frambes  m.  Benjamin  Steclman.  They  had:  361.  Eliza,  m. 
William  Steelman.  362.  Susanna,  m.  Al.  Paynter.  363.  Etlena.  ni.  Richard  R.  Albertson. 
364.  Calvin,  m.  Lizzie  Tyler.  365.  Ella,  m.  Edward  Horner.  366.  John.  367.  Josephine. 
368.  John,  m.  Eliza  Lippincott.     369.  iMargaret.     370.   Bradford,  ni.  .^nnie  Mumford. 

143.  Alice  Rebecca  Frambes  m.  Evan  Adams.  They  had:  371.  Susanna.  372.  Susanna, 
m.  Henry  Haines.  373.  Oliver.  374.  Willis.  375.  Abby,  m.  Frank  Smith.  376.  Willis. 
377.  Olive.     378.  Adelia,   m.    Frank   Abbott. 

144.  Caroline  Frambes  m.  John  Harrold.  They  had:  379.  Joseph  Frambes.  m.  Bessie 
Dunlap.  380.  Charles  Dennis,  ni.  Mary  Donnelly.  381.  William.  382.  James  \\'ood.  m. 
]\Iary  Kennedy.  383.  John.  m.  Anna  Birmingham.  384.  Thomas.  385.  Caroline,  m.  Peter 

145.  Elizabeth  Somers  Franibes  m.  Bailey  Toinlinson.  They  had:  386.  Joseph  Dole, 
m.  Helen  Watson.  387.  Charles  Woolston.  388.  Isabel.  389.  Agnes.  390.  Grace,  m. 
Evermond  Reeves.     391.   Frederick  Lee.     392.  Jesse  Radnor.     393.  Walter  Somers. 

156.  Alfred  Frambes,  b.  May  21.  1858:  m.  Almedia  Smith:  b.  September  10,  1859.  They 
had:  394.  Lewis,  b.  January  6.  1884.  395.  Edward,  b.  February  27.  1888.  396.  Horace,  b. 
December  5.  1889.     397.  Lottie,  b.  April  9.  1893. 

158.  Sarah  A.  Frambes  m.  George  J.  Sickler.  Thev  had:  3(18.  Harrv  Tieticn.  b.  July 
21,  1883. 

159.  Lottie  L.  Franibes  m.  William  Hutchinson.     They  had:     399.   Flelen. 

161.  Margaret  Frambes  m.  Daniel  Collins.  Tliey  had  400.  Mary.  401.  Liiia.  m.  Jolin 
Race.    402.  Martha.    403.  Richard  F..  m.  Kate  Scull.     404.   Daniel,  m.  Lizzie  Babcock. 

163.  Ezra  Frambes  m.  Elizabeth  Adams.     They  had:     405.   Ezra. 

164.  Harriet  Frambes  m.  James  E.  Steelman.  They  had:  406.  Mary-  407.  Harriet. 
408.  Rose.    409.  Edward. 

168.  Henry  Frambes.  b.  February  7.  nSjO:  in.  Mary  Louise  Price.  They  had:  410. 
Ella.     411.  Page  Winberg.     412.  Susan.     413.  Mabel.     414.   ^lahlon. 

169.  Smith  Frambes,  b.  June  22,  1859:  m.  Kate  \\'aters.  They  had:  415.  Mary.  41'). 
Raymond;  417.  Stanley,  twins. 

171.  Lizzie  Frambes.  b.   May.   1886:   m.  Jas.   H.  Mason.  Jr.     They  h:,rl:     41X.   Mary.  b. 


December   10.    1892.     419.  James   F..   b.    November   14.    1893. 

420.   Lewis    F..    b. 

7,   1894- 

172.  Sallie   E.    Frambes.  b.   April  22.   1868:   m.   Harry   H. 

Smith.   Jr.      They   h 

Alice,  b.  August.  1894.     422.   Marion,  b.  January,  1896. 

173.   Hannette  Frambes  m.  Boltcjii  Steelman.     Thev  had: 

423.   Mary.     424.   M; 


174-   Polly  P.  Frambes  ni.  .\Iben  Wi!-.,n.     They  had:     4^ 

!(,.    Ethel.     4-'7-   Mert 

I\Lirjorie.     429.  Albert. 


175    Julia   Franibcs  111.   George   English.     They   ha.l:     4,30.   George    llilyard. 

177.   Ilia  Franilies  111.  Ira  D.  Smith.     They  had:     431.   Herbert. 

■235-  Winfield  Franibes  m.  Seliiia  Collins.     They  had:     432.  Ida.     433.   Roy. 

236.  Risley  Franibes  m.  Annie  Gaskill.    They  had:    434.  May.    435.  Charles. 

237.  Annie  Franibcs  111.  Edward  Higher.     They  had:     436.  Essie.     437.   Fred. 

245.  Mary  Louise  Franibcs  111.  Aaron  Chamberlain,  who  was  lost  at  sea  in  September. 

1876.      They  had  one  child.       The  second  husband  is Small,  and  they  had  one  child: 

438.  Ethel. 

286.  George  Franibes  111.  Mell  Hammell.     They  had:    439. 440.     Clarence.     441. 

Walter.    442.  Rena. 

297.  Margaret  Franibes  m.   Frank  Fisher.  They  had:     443.   Frank.     444.  Adelaide. 

304.  Ella  Franibes  m.  James  Wilson.     They  had:     445.  Marion. 

355.  Eva  W.  Franibes,  b.  September  i,  1858,  m.  Vincent  F.  Lake  of  Pleasantville,  July 
S.  1876.  They  had:  446.  Eugene  Tilton,  b.  May  3.  1877.  447-  Miranda  D.,  b.  June  8,  1880. 
448.  Mabelle  F..  b.  July  27.  1882.    449.  Victor  Edwin,  b.  March  g.  1885. 

356.  Edwin  Bartlett  Franibes.  b.  August  26.  i860;  111.  Jerryetta  Mason.  January  15.  1881. 
They  had:  450.  Mary  A.  H..  b.  October  3.  1884. 

r.S'J.  Joseph  Dole  Franibes  m.  Clara  Buzby.     They  had:     451-   Frank.     452.   Roy. 

LAKE    FA/niLY. 

I.  Daniel  Lake.  Ijorn  in  1740.  was  one  of  the  early  settlers  in  Gloucester,  now  .\tlantic 
County.  He  married  Sarah  Lucas,  of  Burlington  County.  Their  children  were:  2.  Chris- 
topher, b.  October  i,  1765:  m.  a  Dutch  woman.  3.  Daniel,  b.  August  7,  1767:  m.  Ann 
Leeds.  4.  Jemima,  b.  October  18.  1768.  5.  Tabitha,  b.  May  27,  1770.  6.  Sarah,  b.  Decem- 
ber 2,  1771.    7.  John,  b.  December  21.  1773;  111.  Abigail  Adams.    8.  Lida.  b.  March  17,  1776. 

9.  Aniariah,  b.  April  5,  1778;  d.  June  26,   1847;  m.  Margaret  Adams,  September  20.  1801. 

10.  Maiy,  b.  September  15.  1780.  11.  Asenath,  b.  January  23.  1783;  d.  July  18.  i860;  m., 
first,  Levi  Collins,  August  16,  1801 ;  second,  Paul  Sooy,  February  13,  1815.  12.  Lucas;  13. 
Lois  (twins),  b.  October  25,  1785. 

3.  Daniel  Lake.  b.  August  7.  1767;  ni.  Ann  Leeds,  of  Leeds  Point,  a  daughter  of  Samuel 
Leeds  and  Lovica  Barber.    They  had:  14.    Dinah  Ann;  m.  John  Moore.     15.  Lucinda. 

7.  John  Lake.  b.  December  21.  1773;  m.  Abigail  Adams.  They  had:  16.  Armenia,  b. 
April  26,  1797;  111.  Andrew  Leeds;  d.  September  18.  1853.  17.  John,  b.  January  12.  1799;  m. 
Deborah  Gaskill.  18.  Asenath.  b.  December  24.  1801.  19.  Daniel,  b.  May  i,  1803;  d.  Feb- 
ruary 13.  1851;  111.  Sarah  Ann  Tilton.  20.  JNIargaret.  b.  November  30.  1804;  m.  James  Tilton. 
21.  Sarah,  b.  j\Iarch  23.  1808:  m.  John  Bryant.  22.  Jesse,  b.  December  16,  1810;  inventor 
of  self-holding  steering  wheel  for  yachts.  23.  Simon,  b.  September  3,  1813;  ni.  Sarah  Blake. 
24.  Lucas,  b.  April  25,  1816;  m..  first.  Rachael  Scull;  second.  Hannah  Smith-Somers.  25. 
David,  b.  October  17.  1818;  m.  Amanda  Robinson. 

9.  Amariah  Lake.  b.  April  5,  1778;  d.  June  26,  1847;  111.  Margaret  Adams.  September  20, 
1801.  They  had:  26.  Mary,  b.  1802;  d.  May.  1879;  m.  Elijah  Adams.  27.  Joshua,  b.  1803; 
d.  March  10.  1869;  m.  Hannah  Leeds.  28.  Lydia,  b.  April  i.  1804;  d.  November  3.  1839;  m. 
James  English.  29.  Mark,  b.  February  26,  1808;  d.  February  17,  1868;  m.  France  Anna 
Frambes,  February  11,  1835.  30.  Enoch,  m.  Eliza  Ann  Adams.  31.  Jemima,  d.  1833;  m. 
Jeremiah  Baker.  32.  ^Margaret,  b.  1814;  d.  November  10,  1896;  111.  James  English.  33. 
Rebecca,  111.  Rev.  Joseph  Parkyn.  34.  Christopher,  111.  Harriet  Kendel.  35.  Phoebe,  m. 
Capt.  Joseph  Price. 

19.  Daniel  Lake.  b.  >Iay  i.  1803;  d.  February  13.  1851;  m.  Sarah  Ann  Tilton,  daughter 
of  Esperus  Tilton  and  Hannah  Steelman.  They  had:  36.  Jesse  Steelman,  b.  1825;  m. 
Phoebe  Scull.  37.  Hannah  Ann,  b.  July  6,  1826:  m.  William  Blake.  38.  John  Tilton,  b. 
August  6,  1827;  111.  Amanda  Adams.  39.  Armenia,  b.  December  27,  1829;  m.  William  G. 
Bartlett.     40.   'Sl'Ary  Jane.  h.  March  14.  1831:  m.  Josiah  Risley.     41.   Lewis  S..  b.  December 

LAKE    FAMILY.  407 

J7,   18.^5:   in.   Anna   Liza   Rose.     4-'.   Ezra  A.,  b.   April,    1840;   ni.    llarriLi   .\.l  nn-,     4,5.   Anna- 
belle,  b.   184O. 

23.  Simon  Lake.  b.  September  3.  1S13;  m.  Sarah  Rhike.  I'licy  luul:  44.  Ezra  B.,  b. 
December  28,  1833;  m.  Alice  Elizabeth  Core.  45.  Mary  Kletlia.  b  June  8.  1835;  d.  July  10, 
1857;  m.  John  Race.  46.  Abigail  Ann.  b.  Au.unst  23,  183(1:  d.  .Vutjust  g,  1850.  47.  Annie 
Margaret,  b.  April  14.  1838;  m.  Somers  Champion.  48.  l■"r.■llK■^.■^  .\nielia,  b.  March  27,  1840; 
in.  Vincent  Robinson,  March.  1856.  49.  Simon  \\\s],  y,  b.  .\ui;ust  7.  1842;  m.  Mary  Jane 
Scull.  February  6.  1864.  50.  James  Edward,  b.  jaiuuuy  n;.  1845,;  m.  Emily  Venable.  51. 
John  Christopher,  b.  September  2.  1847:  m..  tirst.  Mary  Adams;  second.  Margaret  Corson. 
52.  Sarah  Ellen,  b.  March  15,  1851;  m.  Timothy  Adams. 

Note. — 44,  Ezra  B.;  49,  Simon  Wesley,  and  50,  James  Edward  Lake,  of  the  previous 
family,  were  all  ministers  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church,  and  were  the  projectors  of 
Ocean  City,  in  the  spring  of  1879.  To  them  is  due  much  of  the  prosperity  of  that  city. 
44.  Rev.  Ezra  B.  Lake.  b.  December  28,  1833,  was  the  inventor  of  the  window  shade  roller, 
also  of  ball  bearing  bicycles  reciuiring  no  oil.  He  married  .Mice  E.  Core,  and  they  had 
one  child,  Mary  Eletha,  b.  July  23,  1842. 

24.  Lucas  Lake,  b.  April  25.  1816;  m..  first  Rachael  Scull,  dausliter  of  R.  Scull. 
They  had:  53.  Sarah  Cornelia,  m.  Peter  B.  Risley.  54-  Albert,  m.  Harriet  Eldredge.  55. 
Somers  S.,  m.  Mercy  Adams.     56.  Armenia,  m.  John  B.  Smith. 

25.  David  Lake.  b.  October  17.  1818;  m.  Amanda  Robinson.  They  had:  Elizabeth, 
John  Henry,  Vincent,  Ira.  David.  Ella.  Leon  and  Indiana. 

28.  Joshua  Lake,  b.  1803:  d.  March  10.  1869:  m.  Hannah  Leeds.  They  had:  57.  Lettie 
J.,  b.  September  28,  1847;  d.  September,  1847.  58.  Lettie  J.,  b.  April  7.  1848;  <1.  fjctober  7, 
1864.  59.  Margaret  Ann,  m.  William  Price.  60.  Caroline,  m.  Lewis  Tilton.  Oi.  Ani.iriah. 
62.   Lydia,   m.  John   T.    Price. 

29.  Mark  Lake,  b.  February  26.  1808;  m.  France  .Anna  Frambes,  February  11.  1835. 
They  had:  63.  Henry,  b.  May  31.  1836.  64.  William,  b.  April  27,  1838.  65.  Polly  L.  b.  May 
3.  1S40.  66.  Edmund  I.,  b.  May  16.  1842:  d.  January  4.  1844.  67.  Edmund  I.,  b.  August  18, 
1S44.  68.  Hannah  F..  b.  December  24.  1846.  69.  Job  F..  b.  July  8.  1850.  70.  Lewis  C,  b. 
April  14.  1852.     71.   Daniel  E..  b.  June  8.  1S55.     72.  Annie,  b.  June  Uj,  1859. 

30.  Enoch  Lake.  m.  Eliza  Ann  Adams.  They  had:  73.  JeniiiiKi.  74.  Mary.  75. 
Martha.     76.  Abel  E.     tj.  Wilbert. 

51.  John  Christopher  Lake.  b.  September  2.  1847;  in.,  first,  Mary  .\dams.  They  had: 
78.  Simon.     79.  Arleta. 

78.  Simon  Lake  is  the  inventor  of  the  submarine  torpedo  boat,  recently  given  a  favor- 
able test  bv  the  L^nited  States  Government. 


1.  Thomas  Leeds,  the  founder  of  the  Xew  Jersey  family  of  Leeds,  came  from  Leeds, 
England,  to  Shrewsbury,  Monmouth  County,  N.  J.,  in  1676.  He  and  wife  obtained  war- 
rants for  240  acres  of  land  from  the  East  Jersey  proprietors.  Before  two  years  passed  away 
this  wife,  by  whom  he  had  three  sons.  died.  His  second  wife  was  Margaret  Collier,  "of 
Marcus  Hook  upon  ye  river  Delaware."  The  meeting  record  tells  us  that  this  was  the  first 
marriage  recorded  in  the  books  of  "God's  people  at  Burlington."  and  took  place  at  Bur- 
lington, "ye  6th  day  of  ye  8th  mo..  1678."  Thomas  Leeds  died  a  Friend,  in  1687.  and  was 
buried  beside  his  first  w-ife  in  the  yard  adjoining  the  old  shingle-sided  meeting  at  Shrews- 
bury.   His  widow  removed  to  Philadelphia.     Her  will  is  there  recorded,  dated  9  mo.  18.  1703. 

The  sons  of  (i)  Thomas  Leeds  and  first  wife  were:  2.  William.  3.  Daniel.  4.  Thomas, 
Jr.,    no    issue. 

2.  William  Leeds  lived  at  Middletown.  Monmouth  County.  X.  J.,  until  :iiter  the  death 
of  his  wife.   Dorothea:   his  occupation  being  that  of  a  cooper.     In   1705   he  purchased  200 


m,    ^'^'-^ 




LEEDS    1-AMILV.  409 

acri-s  of  land  of  his  brother  Daniel,  "on  the  sea  coast  near  Absecon   Creek."     In    i;oS  he 
bought  more  land  from  John  Bndd.  of  Philadelphia. 

3.  Daniel  Leeds  was  born  in  Leeds.  Knsland.  about  1(^152,  and  fullciwed  lii^  father  to 
the  New  World  in  1678.  The  archives  of  the  Surveyor  (lener.d's  ,,|"fice  cc.ntaiu  the  follow- 
ing concerning  (3)  Daniel  Leeds: 

''Thomas  Revell,  his  wife,  children  and  servants,  and  Daniel  Leeds,  came  to  West 
Jersey  in  the  ship  "Shield,"  in  December,  1678.  landing  at  Burlington,  lieing  the  tirst 
vessel  ascending  the  Delaware  to  that  point." 

Daniel  married,  first.  Ann  Stacy.  2  mo.  21.  1681.  daughter  of  Robert  Stacy,  a  tanner  of 
Burlington,  and  niece  of  Mahlon  Stacy,  who  settled  the  "Falls  of  Delaware,"  where  Trenton 
now  stands.  Ann  gave  birth  to  a  daughter  "ye  3d  day  of  ye  12th  mo.  in  ye  year  1681."  and 
died  soon  after.  In  January.  1683.  Daniel  married  Dorothy  Young,  daughter  of  Robert 
Young,  of  Burlington.  He  lived  at  this  time  about  one-half  mile  west  of  the  present  village 
of  Jackson,  in  Springfield  Township.  Burlington  County,  his  house  being  on  the  north  side 
of  the  turnpike  leading  to  Burlington.  His  official  position  was  that  of  a  member  of  the 
Assembly,  1682.  Letters  from  Lord  Cornbury  to  the  "Lords  of  Trade,"  7th  mo.  9.  1703, 
speak  of  Daniel  Leeds  as  one  of  his  council.  In  July.  1704.  Daniel  Leeds  was  appointed  one 
of  the  councillors  of  New  Jersey.  Other  letters  in  existence  mention  his  reappointment  Sep- 
tember  7.    1706. 

As  early  as  1694  he  "located  land"  in  Great  Egg  Harbor,  and  in  1698  made  the  following 
surveys,  having  them  confirmed  by  grants  from  the  proprietary  council  of  West  Jersey. 
This  grant  covered  "all  the  land  from  James  B.  Smith's  place,  near  Smithville.  running 
north  to  Holly  Swamp  Creek,  along  this  creek,  to  Wigwam  Creek,  to  iMott's  Creek,  along 
Mott  Creek  to  Duck  Creek  and  thence  to  Lower  Island."  then  known  as  Further  Island. 
Daniel  sold  this  island  to  his  son  Felix,  July  20.  1707.  wlm  in  turn  cinveyed  it  to  Japhet  1st, 
by  indenture  dated  November  3.  1710. 

Daniel  brought  hither  his  family,  settled  upon  this  land  and  called  it  Leeds'  Point,  in 
ground  on  the  Point,  and  the  highest  point  of  land  on  the  coast  from  the  Highlands  to  the 
Capes  of  Virginia.  Amidst  the  hardships  incident  to  pioneer  life  in  this  sparsely  settled 
locality,  Daniel  found  time  and  inclination  to  serve  his  State,  having  held  several  important 
offices.  He  was  the  first  Surveyor  General  of  West  Jersey,  having  for  a  time  the  assistance 
of  his  son  Bethanah,  He  began  the  compilation  of  the  first  almanacs  in  this  country,  in 
1687,  continuing  until  1716.  when  his  sons  Felix  and  Titan  succeeded  him.  W'm.  Bradford 
printed  these  almanacs.     Watson's  Annals  of  Philadelphia  contains  following: 

"The  first  work  printed  by  Wm.  Bradford  which  has  reached  us  with  a  date  is  an  almanac 
for  the  year  of  the  Christian  account  1687.  particularly  respecting  the  meridian  and  latitude 
of  Burlington,  but  may  indifferently  serve  all  places  adjacent.     By  Daniel  Leeds,  student  of 

11   Pennsylvania,  pro 

:ii  Pennsylvania  and 
single   copy  of  this 

ntions  Daniel   Leeds 

as  an  astrolger.     Allibone  calls  liim  the  "first  author  south  of  New  York."  being  author  of 
the  "Book  of  Wisdom,"  only  one  copy  of  which  is  known  to  exist. 
The  children  of  (3)  Daniel  Leeds  and  Dorothy  Young  were: 

(5)  Japheth   ist,  b.   October  24,   1683;   m.   Deborah   Smith. 

(6)  Mary,  b.  April  19,  1685:  m.  John  Stocton. 

(7)  Felix,  b.  July  2y.  1687,  d.  1744,  m.  Hannah  Hewlings. 

(8)  Philo.  m.  Abigail  Dennis,  daughter  of  Samuel  Dennis  and  Increase  Lippincott. 

(9)  Bethanah.  b.  March  24.  1692:  m.  ist.  Mary;  2d.  Sarah  Mathis. 

(10)  .^nn.  b.  February  17.  1694:  buried  July  4.  1769:  m.  Revell  Elton,  son  of  .Anthony 
Elton  and  Elizabeth   Revell. 

agriculture.     Printed  and 

sold  by  Wm.   Bradford,  near  Philadelphia, 

anno,    1687." 

These  almanacs  are  i 

1  the  possession  of  the  Historical   Societies 

New   York.   The   Society 

in   New   York  at   one   time   paid  $500   for  a 


Benjamin  Franklin,  ii 

his  "Poor  Richard's  Almanac  '  for  173.=;.  m 


(II)  Daniel  _>,1,  1i.  June  5.  i6g-;  m.  Mary  Ncwliol.l,  ,lauslitei-  of  Josln-a  and  Hannah 

(ij)  Titan,  h.  August  25.  1699.     Sheriff  of  Burlington  County.  1725-1730. 

3.  Japheth  Leeds,  ist.  b.  October  24.  1682.  Springfield  Township.  Burlington  County. 
N.  J.  Married  Deborah  Smith,  and  is  supposed  to  have  located  near  Leeds  Point  before  1710. 
From  his  father'  (3).  Daniel,  he  received  Leeds  Point,  then  containing  about  acres. 
His  house  stood  well  out  on  "the  Point."  the  site  was  the  present  Townsend  House. 

The  minutes  of  Haddonfield  Quarterly  Meeting  states  that  "in  1726  there  were  three 
places  for  holding  Friend's  meeting  in  this  county,  viz:  Japheth  Leeds',  Peter  White's  and 
John  Scull's,"  which  were  Leeds  Point,  Absecon  and  Somers  Point,  respectively. 

Japheth  Leeds'  will,  dated  February  5,  1736,  bequeathed  to  his  son  John  the  land  before 
mentioned  as  Further  Island.    Children  of  Japheth  Leeds  and  Deborah  were; 

(13)  Mary.  b.  1704:  m.  Samuel  Somers,  son  of  John  Somers  ist. 

(14)  Robert,  b.  1706:  m.  Abigail  Higbee.  daughter  of  John  Higbcc  ist  and  Alice 

(13)  John.  b.  1708;  m..  first.  Rebecca  Cordery.  June  17.  1737:  second.  Sarah  Mathis- 
Coate.  in  1751,  daughter  of  John  and  Alice  !Mathis  and  widow  of  Marmaduke  Coate. 

(16)  Japheth  2d.  b.  March  18.  1710;  d.  April  12.  1781 :  m.  Rebecca  Woodward. 

(17)  Nehemiah.  b.   1712:  m.   Elizabeth  Woodward. 

( 18)  James,  b.  1714. 

(19)  Daniel,  3d,  b.  1716:  m..  first.  Susannah  Steelman.  daughter  of  Andrew  Steelman; 
second.  Rebecca  Steelman. 

(20)  Sarah,  b.  1718.     (Probably  m.  Tiiomas  Wilkins.) 

(21)  Deborah,  b.  1720:  m.  Hugh  Neale,  February  i,  1748. 
{22)  Dorothy,  b.   1722:  m.  Jonathan  Husted,  1748. 

(23)  Ann,  b.  1724:  m.  Nathaniel  Thomas.  October  23.  1738. 

(24)  Hannah,  b.  February  18.  1726;  d.  November  24,  1762:  m.  Peter  Steelman.  1st.  son 
of  James  Steelman   ist. 

15.  John  Leeds,  the  second  son  of  (5)  Japheth  Leeds  ist;  b.  about  1708;  m.  Rebecca 
Cordery,  June  17,  1737.  He  was  one  of  the  pioneer  farmers  of  this  county,  receiving  bj- 
his  father's  will  the  homestead  at  Leeds  Point,  where  he  conducted  a  thrifty  and  prosperous 
farm.  He  was  a  minister  of  the  Society  of  Friends  and  travelled  extensively  on  ministerial 
journeys  through  what  are  now  Cape  May.  Atlantic  and  Burlington  Counties.  His  wife, 
Rebecca,  bore  him  four  children: 

(25)  William,  b.  May  24.  1738:  d.  February.  1828;  m.  Mary  Osborn,  1768. 

(26)  John,  b.  November.  1740;  m.  Elizabeth  Gift'en. 

(27)  James,  b.  May,  1742. 

(28)  .Mary,  b.   February,  1746. 

While  travelling  in  Burlington  after  his  first  wife's  death.  John  met  and  married  Sarah 
Mathis  Coate,  1751.  daughter  of  Jolm  and  Alice  ^Mathis  and  widow  of  Marmaduke  Coate. 
a  noted  Friend  of  Mansfield.  N.  J.     The  children  of  this  marriage  were: 

(29)  Daniel,  4th,  b.  July  25.  1752;  ni.  >Iary  Steelman,  January  3.  1775.  daughter  of 
Frederick  Steelman   ist. 

(30)  Jeremiah,  b.  IMarch  4.  1754:  d.  October.  183S;  m..  first.  Judith  Steelman.  December 
8,  1776:  second,  m.  Millicent  Steelman-Ingersoll. 

(31)  Vincent,  b.  July  30.  1756:  d.  December  28.  1841;  m.  Catherine  Smith-Carr.  daughter 
of  Noah  and  Judith  Smith  and  widow  of  Job  Carr. 

(32)  Dorothy,  b.  July  30.  1756.  twin  sister  of  Vincent:  d.  about  1S23;  m.  Robert  Smith, 
son  of  Noah  and  Judith  Smith. 

19.  Daniel  Leeds,  3d,  b.  about  1716.  son  of  (5)  Japheth  the  first,  was  another  famous 
surve^-or  of  the  family.  His  commission  from  King  George  the  Second  of  England,  dated 
March  3.  1757,  to  be  Surveyor  General  of  the  Western  Division  of  New  Jersey,  is  now  in 
the  possession  of  Mr.  H.  S.  Scull,  of  this  city,  and  it  is  a  very  unique  and  interesting  docu- 

LEEDS    FAMILY.  411 

mciit.  Daniel  married,  first,  Susannah  Steelman.  cl,iui;lncr  nf  AiuIilw  Sueliiiiin  i  st ;  sccoiiil. 
he  married  Rebecca  Steehnan.  The  names  of  liis  chiKlren  were  Su-ann;ili,  who  married 
James  Scull,  in  May,  1774;  Dorcas  and  Rachel. 

30.  Jeremiah  Leeds,  b.  March  4,  1754.  the  first  permanent  settler  on  this  island,  so  far 
as  known,  like  many  of  his  fellow-countrymen  one  hundred  years  ago,  was  a  man  of  stalwart 
mould.  He  stood  six  feet  in  height  and  weighed  fully  two  hundred  and  fifty  pounds  and  was 
a  Quaker.  There  is  no  evidence  that  he  left  the  Quaker  neighborhood  at  Leeds  Point  and 
came  to  this  island  to  live  permanently  previous  to  1783.  when  he  was  twenty-nine  years  old. 
He  built  his  first  log  cabin  and  cleared  away  the  field  where  it  stood,  where  the  Reading 
station  and  tracks  now  are  from  Atlantic  to  Baltic  avenues.  He  raised  several  crops  of  corn 
and  rye  and  became  thoroughly  familiar  with  the  very  great  abundance  of  wild  ducks  and 
geese  and  many  kinds  of  sea  fowl  which  then  were  tame  and  plenty,  but  are  now  rarely  seen. 
He  no  doubt  experienced  the  great  pest  of  mosquitoes  where  there  were  so  many  ponds  and 
swamps  among  the  sandhills,  and  assisted  as  a  WTCcker  in  those  days  when  many 
vessels  with  valuable  cargoes  were  lost  on  the  Brigantine  shoals.  It  is  difficult  in  these 
days  to  fully  appreciate  the  advantages  and  the  disadvantages  which  this  stretch  of  beach 
afforded  a  young  man  who  seems  to  have  had  no  aspirations  for  political  honors,  but  had 
his  way  to  make  in  the  world.  The  records  at  Trenton  show,  that  he  had  risen  t(5  be  First 
Lieutenant  in  Captain  Joseph  Covenover's  Sixth  Company.  Third  Battalion.  Gloucester 
County  Militia,  his  commission  bearing  the  date  of  September  18,  1777. 

He  seems  to  have  acted  wisely  in  locating  where  land  was  cheap — 40  cents  an  acre — • 
where  the  natural  privileges  for  fishing  and  gunning  supplied  food,  and  where  visions  of 
wealth  from  the  spoils  of' the  sea  and  the  manufacture  of  salt  were  alluring. 

Jeremiah  Leeds  married,  first.  December  8.  1776.  Judith  Steelman.  daughter  of  Fred- 
erick Steelman.  the  first.  As  early  as  1695  Judith's  great-grandfather.  James  Steelman,  1st, 
owned  the  western  end  of  this  island.  Jeremiah  owned  land  and  maintained  a  home  on  the 
mainland  for  some  years,  and  so  far  as  is  known  all  his  children,  except  his  youngest  boy 
by  his  second  wife,  were  born  on  the  mainland,  where  medical  attention  was  available. 

The  children  of  Jeremiah  Leeds  and  Judith  Steelman  were; 

{33)  James,  b.  February  26.  1777:  d.  1798. 

(341  Rhuhama.  b.  January  21.  1779;  d.  August  30,  i8(ij:  m.  Joseph  Conover.  February 
20,   1801. 

(33)  Rachel,  b.  October  24,  17S2:  d.  April  jj.  1845:  in.,  first,  Je-se  Steelman:  second, 
Mark  Reed. 

(36)   Adah,  b.  April  23.  17S8;  d.  October  25.  1792. 

(i~)   Sarah,  b.  March  26.  1790;  d.  October  18,  1792. 

(38)  Andrew,  b.  .-Kpril  31,  1792:  d.  Septemljer.  1864;  m..  first.  Armenia  Lake:  second, 
Ellen  De  Kurts-Bennett.  1852. 

About  the  year  1816  Jeremiah  married  a  second  time.  Millicent  Steelman  Ingersoll, 
daughter  of  Isaac  and  Hannah  Steelman  and  widow  of  Isaac  Ingersoll.  Millicent  had  a 
daughter,  Mary  Ann,  by  her  first  husband,  Isaac  Ingersoll,  who  became  the  wife  of  Daniel 
L.  Collins,  a  w'ell-known  farmer  of  Smith's  Landing. 

At  the  time  of  his  second  marriage  Jeremiah  was  62  and  his  wife  24  years  of  age.  Four 
children  resulted  from  this  marriage: 

(39)  Aaron,  died  young. 

(40)  Judith,  m.   Richard  Hackett. 

(41)  Chalkley  Steelman.  m..  first,  Margaret  Holland  Gaskill;  second.  Rose  Voun^. 

(42)  Robert  Barclay,  b.  May  2,  1828;  m.  Caroline  Englisli, 

.  For  fifty-five  years  this  stalwart  son  of  the  Revolution  lived  on  this  lonely  islaml  and 
prospered,  occupying  log  cabins  till  a  more  pretentious  frame  structure  could  lie  liuilt  in 
his  old  age.  He  raised  cattle  and  grain  and  sold  to  passing  vessels  his  surplus  products 
and  was  under  but  little  expense  for  taxes  or  tlie  luxuries  of  life. 


As  he  increased  liis  li,,;inl  he  liought  lands  and  ad. led  t..  his  i>,,sscssi,,ns,  n..l  wishing 
near  neighbors  till  he  (iwned  and  was  master  of  nearly  all  the  island  to  South  Atlanlie  City. 

When  the  first  salt  works  were  built,  in  1812,  Leeds  only  leased  the  land  to  (Jiie  John 
Black,  of  whom  he  bought  it,  so  that  he  might  yet  coiitrol  the  property. 

He  was  careful  to  build  brush  fences  along  the  beach  to  catch  the  sand  and  build  up 
the  sandhills  to  keep  high  tides  out  of  the  fresh  water  ponds  so  necessary  for  the  wild  fowl 
which  comprised  an  important  part  of  his  food  supply.  He  disliked  to  have  sportsmen 
trespass  upon  his  estate,  though  he  always  granted  permission  to  shoot  .ijanie  under  certain 
restrictions  when  he  was  asked. 

He  was  particular  to  keep  away  from  his  sandhills  the  cattle  and  horses  which  owners 
on  the  mainland  brought  over  here  in  the  summer  to  pasture.  If  the  grass  were  eaten  off 
the  sandhills  would  blow  away,  which  was  detrimental  to  his  policy  of  building  up  the 
island.  The  big  sandhills,  which  many  now  living  can  remember,  were  the  result  of  the  care 
and  vigilance  of  patriarch  Leeds,  the  original  proprietor. 

Jeremiah  Leeds  died  in  1838,  in  his  84th  year,  of  a  cancer  on  his  lower  lip.  which  had 
worried  him  the  last  forty  years  of  his  life.  His  body  was  laid  at  rest  beside  that  of  his 
first  wife  in  the  old  Steelman  cemetery  on  the  bay  side  of  the  shore  road  near  Bakersville. 

After  the  death  of  Jeremiah  Leeds,  in  October.  1838,  his  lands  were  apportioned  among 
his  children  by  commissioners  appointed  by  the  Orphans'  Court  at  Mays  Landing. 

These  commissioners  were  Joseph  Garwood,  Japhet  Leeds,  and  John  A.  Clement. 
From  their  report  it  appears  that  Leeds  died  seized  of  i,o68M!  acres  on  this  island,  which 
comprised  everything  to  South  Atlantic  excepting  the  Chamberlain  tract  of  131  acres, 
located  mostly  in  what  is  now  the  First  Ward  of  this  city.  Leeds  also  owned  251  acres  on 
the  mainland. 

The  apportionment  of  these  lands  was  as  follows:  To  Ruliama  (Conover)  so'/o  acres, 
also  185  acres  on  the  mainland;  to  Rachael  (Steelman)  34  acres,  also  66  on  the  mainland: 
to  Andrew-  Leeds  347  acres:  to  Judith  (Hackett)  234  acres;  to  Robert  B.  Leeds  176  acres. 
To  Chalkley  Steelman  Leeds,  217  acres  more  or  less. 

Most  of  these  lands,  in  1853  and  1854,  were  sold  to  the  Camden  and  .Atlantic  Com- 
pany, for  $5  to  $17.50  per  acre. 

Jeremiah  Leeds,  in  his  old  age.  used  to  tell  the  story  of  a  visit  which  his  father,  John 
Leeds,  received  one  day  from  foraging  Redcoats,  just  before  the   Revolution. 

A  British  vessel  entered  Great  Bay  in  full  view  from  Leeds  Point.  Two  barges  with 
soldiers  and  sailors  came  ashore  for  fresh  meat.  The  captain  ordered  the  Quaker  farmer 
to  drive  up  his  cattle  which  were  grazing  in  the  meadows  nearby.  This  was  done,  where- 
upon two  fat  steers  were  selected  from  the  herd  and  quickly  knocked  in  the  head,  their 
bodies  quartered,  loaded  on  wagons  and  taken  to  the  barges  and  to  the  ship. 

"All  right.  That's  all,"  was  the  farewell  greeting  of  the  captain  to  the  farmer,  who 
considered  himself  lucky  in  losing  so  little  by  the  uninvited  visitors.  The  steers  happened 
to  be  the  personal  property  of  Jeremiah  and  his  brother,  and  were  worth  perhaps  at  that 
time  six  or  eight  dollars  per  head.  This  event  had  its  effect  in  making  a  soldier  of  the 
Quaker  boy  in  the  war  of  the  Revolution  which  soon  followed. 

The  records  of  Gloucester  County,  of  wdiich  Atlantic  originally  was  a  part,  show  that 
one  J.  C.  Smallwood  collected  the  balance  of  the  pension  due  the  widow  after  the  death 
of  Jeremiah  Leeds  and  secured  her  claims  to  a  quarter  section  of  land  which  she  sold 
afterwards  to  Daniel  L.  Collins  for  one  hundred  dollars. 

Leeds  never  having  been  wounded  while  a  soldier,  only  received  a  pension  a  few 
years  before  his  death,  when  a  generous  country  recognized  the  service  of  all  survivors  of 
the  seven  years'  war. 

LEHDS    FAMILY.  413 

(,58i  Andrew  Leeds,  born  on  Absecon  beach,  at  tlu-  .Krenn.ih  Lee.l-  i,lant,-,tiun.  mar- 
ried, lirst,  Armenia  Lake,  daughter  of  John  Lake  and  Abi;.iail  Adam>,  AnihewV  huuse 
stood  on  Land  that  is  now  the  intersection  of  Baltic  and  Ceorj^ia  avennes.  Tlie  chil- 
dren  were: 

(43)  James,  b.  August  6.  1818:  d.  January  10,  i8g.^ 

(44)  John.  b.  October  g,  1819;  d.  December  29,  1867. 

(45)  Steehuan,  b.  May  2,  1821;  d.  June  24,  1896. 

(46)  Abigail,  b.  October  19,  1831;  d.  September,  1859. 

43.  James  Leeds,  b.  August  6,  1818,  was  a  shipbuilder  and  farmer.  His  house  stood  in 
the  center  of  a  field  bounded  by  what  are  now  Missouri,  Arkansas,  Arctic  and  Atlantic 
avenues,  the  site  of  the  Reading  Railroad  station.  This  house  was  afterwards  moved  to 
the  corner  of  Arkansas  and  Arctic  avenues,  and  still  exists  as  the  two  upper  stories  of  a 
tenement  house  at  the  corner  of  Arkansas  avenue  and  Division  street. 

He  served  as  Councilman  one  term.  1854.  James  married  Abigail  Webb.  September  4, 
1847.  dauslner  of  William  Webb  and  Elizabeth  Morse.  He  died  of  old  age  at  Ocala! 
Fluiida.  January  10,  1893.     His  children  were: 

47.  .\rmenia  Lake  Leeds,  b.  September  15.  1848;  ni.  Israel  Nichols,  son  of  .\brahani 
Nichols.  1875.    They  had:    Mollie  Nicholas,  b.  May  25.  1876:  d.  August  30.  1877. 

48.  Sylvester  Leeds,  b.  December  5.  1849:  m.  Ella  Lee.  daughter  of  Elisha  and  Maria 
Bavis  Lee,  June  8.  1879.  They  had:  57.  James  Elisha,  b.  February  23.  1882.  58.  Maria,  b. 
October  4,  1893;  d.  February  28.  1899.     59.  Marvin,  b.  October  4.  1893. 

49-  Lydia  Corson  Leeds,  b.  May  5.  1851:  m.  Elmer  P.  Reeves,  son  of  ; 
erine  Parsels  Reeves.  They  had:  James  E..  b.  January  6.  1871 ;  m.  Jennie 
ruary  i.  1892.  A\^illiam  W..  b.  May  28.  1874;  d.  June  i.  1874.  Abigail,  b. 
February  17,  1877.  Aldora,  b.  March  3.  1878.  Harry,  b.  July  j8.  1883;  d.  . 
Raymond  L..  b.  August  22.  1891. 

50.  Mary  Elizabeth  Leeds,  b.  April  26.  1853;  m.  Tlmnias  (  ),ikley.  si.n 
Naomi  ^Lason  Oakley.  They  had:  Oscar,  b.  July  25.  1878;  d.  .\u,t;u>t  8.  i!^ 
b.  June  3,  1880.     Lizzie  Jeffries,  b.  August  17,   1883. 

51.  Benjamin  Franklin  Leeds,  b.  April  i.  1855;  m-  Rejoice  Treen.  Ma; 
had:  60.  Agnes  Freas.  b.  January  27,  1880.  61.  Anna  Mary.  b.  May  17.  i8!- 
Lake.  b.  April  15,  1884.    63.   Benjamin  Harrison,  b.  Au.gust  12.  1888. 

(52)   Sarah  Abigail,  b.  April  21,  1857. 

53.  Ellen  Bennett  Leeds,  b.  January  31.  1859:  m.  John  I'.  ISaker.  July  i.  1878.  son  of 
Jesse  A.  and  Caroline  Steelman  Baker.    They  had:     ^Myrtle  Emily,  b.  May  18.  1879. 

54.  Hannah  Rachael  Leeds,  b.  November  9.  i860;  m.  Edward  Shoultes,  son  of  Edvv. 
and  Sarah  Strong  Shoultes.  They  had:  Daniel  Morris  Shoultes.  b.  .\ugust  5.  1890.  ^far- 
vin  Allred,  b.  June  8,  1892. 

55.  Augu.stus  Eveline  Leeds,  b.  3.  i8()j:  m.  Charles  Hommer,  sun  .,1  John 
Henry  and  Sarah  ^Largaret  Wilson  Hommer.  Tliey  had:  Flora  Myrtle,  b.  September  4, 
1889.     Sarah  Abigail,  b.  October  4.  1891.     Charles  Leeds,  b.  January  16.  1893. 

56.  Somers  Edwin  Leeds,  b.  July  15.  1864;  m.  Ira  Garwood,  daughter  of  Richard  and 
Eltnira  Babcock  Garwood.  They  had:  64.  Abigail  Morse,  b.  November  6.  1888.  deceased. 
65.  Somers  Edwin.  Jr..  b.  January  20.  1889.  6(1.  Almira.  deceased.  67.  .M)it!,iil  Mor<e.  I). 
May  3.  1893.     68.  Almira.  deceased. 

44.  John  Leeds,  b.  October  9.  1819.  Had  a  plantati(ni  covering  land  now  included  with- 
in the  boundaries  of  Ohio  and  Kentucky  avenues,  from  the  Thoroughfare  to  the  sea.  His 
hoiise  was  originally  located  on  what  is  now  known  as  the  corner  of  Arctic  avenue  and 
Leeds  Place,  between  Ohio  and  Indiana  avenues.  His  widow  and  two  daughters.  Margaret 
and  Rachael.  now  live  in  a  cottage  located  on  this  spot.  The  old  house  having;  been  moved 
to  the  rear  and  now  used  as  two  dwellings.     He  married.  January   14.   1844.  Haiin.ih   Wel)b. 


k  .1 

id  Kath- 



dy.  Feb- 
1876;  d. 


12,  1883. 


Thomas  and 



imers  L., 

y  6 


9.     They 





dauglUcr  of  Willi;nii  \\\lil)  and  Pllizabeth  Morse.  He  was  a  member  of  tlie  first  Council  of 
Atlantic  City,  serving  two  terms.  He  was  a  prosperous  farmer  and  land  owner,  his  house 
being  a  refuge  for  some  of  the  young  men  who  came  from  "down  East"  to  carve  their 
fortunes  on  this  fair  island.  Among  these  might  be  mentioned  Joseph  A.  Barstow  and  John 
W.  Avery,  who  married  John  Leeds'  sister  Abigail  and  had  three  children,  who  all  died 
young.    John  Leeds  died  December  29.  1867.    His  children  were: 

(69)  Andrew,  b.   November  19.   1844;  m.   Mary  Bramble,  June  jg.   iSgj. 

70.  Charles  Edward  Leeds,  b.  July  11,  1846;  m.  Arabelle  Smith.  1871,  daughter  of  John 
H.  and  Harriet  Sooy  Smith.  They  had:  76.  John  Smith,  b.  April  11,  1872:  ni.  Lizzie  S. 
Collins,  October  26.  1893.     T/.   Hamilton,  b.  December  12,  1874;  d.  IMarch  4.  1875. 

71.  Elizabeth  Leeds,  b.  May  24,  1848;  m.  Levi  Collins  Albertson,  October  i.  1868.  They 
had:  Gertrude,  b.  April  2,  1871.  Casper,  b.  July  10,  1872;  d.  September  30,  1873.  Myra, 
b.   February  26,   1878. 

(72)   Margaret  A.,  b.   Feluuary  24.   1850. 

73.  Daniel  Lake  Leeds,  b.  June  27.  i8,:;2:  ni.  Amy  White,  They  had:  78.  Curwin.  79. 
Ada.    80.  Oliver.    81.  Mina. 

(74)  Rachael,  b.  October  21,  1856. 

(75)  John,  Jr.,  b.  January  8.  i860:  d.  December  iS,  i860. 

76.  John  Smith  Leeds,  b.  April  11,  1872;  m.  Lizzie  Smith  Collins,  daughter  of  Edwin 
Steelman  and  Roxanna  Smith  Collins.     They  had:     82.  Margaret  Ray,  December  22,  1895. 

45.  Steelman  Leeds,  b.  May  2,  1821,  lived  in  a  house  that  is  still  standing  back  of  the 
Island  House,  near  the  turnpike  road.  He  was  elected  to  the  first  City  Council.  Married 
Rachel  Miller,  October  31,  1854.  In  1867  they  moved  to  Maryland  and  afterward  to  Texas, 
where  his  children,  Rebecca  and  William,  died.  He  lived  the  last  eight  years  of  his  life  at 
Boseman,  Montana.  The  beautiful  willow  trees  now  standing  near  the  Island  House  were 
set  out  by  Steelman  Leeds,  in  1862.  He  died  at  Boseman,  June  22,.  1896.  A  branch  of  these 
willows  was  sent  to  his  w'idow  by  Mrs.  Abigail  Leeds,  in  1896,  and  it  still  flourishes  over  his 
grave  in  faraway  Montana.     His  children  w^ere: 

(83)  Frank,  b.  August  30,  1855;  m.   Sarah  .Mien. 

(84)  Rebecca  Cecilia,  b.  October  30.  1856;  d.  February  9.  1882:  m.  Augustus  .\llen. 
Had  Robert  Vincent.  September  26,  1879. 

(S.O  Abram  Titlow.  b.  October  27,  1858. 

(86)  William,  b.  May  31.  i860:  d.  September.   1866. 

(87)  Anna  Mary.  b.  July  28,  1863;  m.  John  Charles  Borgcrs.  Had  Bessie  Mary.  Feb- 
ruary 3,  1892. 

(88)  Ruhama.  b.  November  24.  1864:  d.  August  15.   1865. 

40.  Judith  Leeds,  m.  January  16,  1840,  Richard  Hackett,  son  of  Richard  Hackett  and 
Hannah  Mason.  Their  children  were  Matilda,  b.  June  2J,  1842;  m.  John  Hammond. 
Joseph,  b.  December  7.  1848;  d.  August  4,  1888:  m.  Tamar  Oakley.  Josephine,  b.  January 
13,   1850;  m.   Samuel   Reeve. 

41.  Chalkley  Steelman  Leeds  was  the  first  Mayor  of  Atlantic  City,  being  elected  to 
that  office  in  1854.  1855.  and  again  in  1862.  His  name  appears  as  a  member  of  the  early 
councils  of  the  city,  and  from  1870  to  1894  he  was  City  Treasurer. 

He  married,  first,  Margaret  Holland  Gaskill.  daughter  of  Edward  Gaskill,  of  Tucker- 
ton,  N.  J.     Their  children  were: 

(89)  Amanda  Elizabeth,  b.  December  14,  1847:  m.,  first,  George  Clifton  Bryant.  Jan- 
uary 26,   1870;  m.,  second,  Thomas  Jefferson  Horner,  November  12,   1882. 

(90)  Maria,  b.  August  2i.  1849;  m.  Lewis  Evans,  October  i,  1868. 

(91)  Millicent,  b.  March  8,  1852;  m.  William  C.  Heath.     Had  Charles  and  Herbert. 

(92)  Jeremiah,  b.  July  26,  1854;  m.  Annie  Cramer,  February  11,  1881. 

(93)  Mary  Rebecca,  b.  October  29,  1856:  m.  Charles  Daugherty,  November  30,  1881. 

(94)  Charles  Gaskill,  b.  September  19,  1859:  deceased. 

:    Ralph,  1).  A 
5.    iSSS.      W-tt 


e.   b. 

an,l  Su-an  IK 
-y,  li.   -May  .^io. 


SdS.  si.n  ijl   S; 
Tohn   F.stell.  b.  21,   K^- 

5:  a. 

Isaac  an.l  H: 
December   Q. 


LEEDS    FAMILY.  415 

195)    Isaac  Steelman.  b.   X..veniber   11.   iS(._';  111.   Mary  Parker. 

(gb)   Laura,  b.  October  27,   iS(i5;  111.   Fred  W.   Hogan.  December  .^,1.   iSqo. 

Chalkley  Steelman  Leeds  m..  second.  Miriam   Kosclla  Young.     Their  chiUhen  were: 

(97)  Mable   Chalkley,  b,   March  30,    1S83. 

(98)  Minnie   Warren,   b.    March   2.    1885. 

(99)  Margaret  Evans,  b.   March  20.  1888. 

89.  Amanda  Elizabeth   Leeds,  b.   December   14.    1S47.  m..  first,  tieortie   Clifton    Bryant, 
son  of  John  and  Sarah  Lake  Bryant.  January  26.  1870.     They  had  twins 
28.   1871;   d.    November  20.   1891 :    Maud,   b,   August   28,    1871:   d.  June 
April   25,   1873. 

(89)  Amanda  m.,  second.  Tlionias  Jefferson  Horner,  son  of  Thomas 
They  had:  Helen  Haskins,  b.  June  25.  1885;  d.  November  25.  1891.  Ma 
d.  August  5.  1887. 

90.  Maria  Leeds,  b.  August  2^.  1849:  m.  Lewis  Evans.  October  i. 
E.  and  Emeline  Estel!  Evans.     They  had:     Lue  Ina.  b.  June  2.   1870. 
15,  1872.     Emeline  Estell,  b.  November  i,  1873.     Margaret  Leeds,  b.  Dect 
July  g,  1876.     Margaret  Leeds,  b.  June  i,  1878. 

92.  Jeremiah  Leeds,  b.  July  26,  1854;  m,  Annie  Cramer,  daughtei 
Rudder  Cramer,  February  11,  1881.  They  had:  100.  Lewis  Reed, 
loi.  Charles,  b.  September  30.   1885. 

95.  Isaac  Steelman  Leeds,  b.  November  11,  1862:  m.  Mary  Parker,  daughter  of  Steven 
and  Elizabeth  Lippincott  Parker.     They  had:     102.  Elizabeth,  b.  February  27,  1898. 

96.  Laura  Leeds,  b.  October  27.  1865;  m.  Fred  \V.  Hogan,  son  of  Edward  Hogan,  De- 
cember 31,  1890,  They  had:  Flarold  U..  March  4-  1803:  d.  May  21,  1893;  Fre.lerick,  h.  March 
17,  1897;  d.  January  21,  1898. 

42.  Robert  Barclay  Leeds,  b.  May  2.  182S:  m.  Caroline  English.  April  29,  1852,  daughter 
of  Peter  English  and  Esther  Collins.     Their  children  were: 

(103)  Lurilda,  b.  June  15,  1854;  m,  Oliver  T.  Nice,  February  28.  187S. 

(104)  Honora.  b.  August  24,  1856:  d.  October  25,  1857. 

(105)  Neida,  b.  June  6,  1858:  m.  Albert  B.  Richards. 

(106)  Harry  Bellerjeau,  b.  August  g.  i860;  m.  Harriet  Somcrs  Scull.  Xoveniber  24.  1895. 

(107)  Albert  English,  b.  May  8,  1862;  d.  July  23.   1863. 

(108)  Alberta,  b.  January  I.  1864;  m.  Fred.  P.  Currie. 

(109)  Horace  Maynard.  b.  November  i,  1865. 

103.  Lurilda  Leeds,  b.  June  15,  1854,  m.  Oliver  T.  Nice.  February  28,  1878.  They  had: 
Ralph  Emerson,  b.  February  i,  1884. 

105.  Neida  Leeds,  b.  June  6.  1858;  ni.  Albert  B.  Richards.     They  had  Walter. 

106.  Harry  Bellerjeau  Leeds,  b,  August  9,  i860:  m.  Harriet  Somcrs  Scull,  daughter  of 
Judge  Joseph  Scull  and  Hannah  Gifford  Scull,  November  24,  1S95.  They  had:  (no)  Alice 
Leeds,  b.  May  19.  1897. 

108.  Alberta  .Leeds,  b,  January  i,  1864:  m.  Fred.  P.  Currie.  son  of  George  F.  Currie. 
They  had:     Fred.,   December  29,   1885. 




The  tirst  of  the  family  of  Penningtoiis  to  come  to  Atlantic  County  wa^  Xathan  I'en- 
nington.  who  was  born  at  Dutch  Farms,  near  Xewark.  X.  J.  He  was  a  soldier  in  tlie 
Revolutionary  Army,  volunteering  at  the  age  of  19.  He  also  served  against  the  whiskey 
insurrection.  During  the  Revolution  he  was  taken  prisoner  and  sent  to  Quebec,  Canada, 
where  he  suffered  very  much,  nearly  dying  of  starvation.  He  escaped  with  soiue  of  his 
comrades,  one  of  the  number  mounting  to  the  top  of  the  wall  by  standing  on  the  shoulders 
of  the  others,  the  others  being  pulled  up  by  means  of  their  bed  clothing,  which  was  tied 
together,  and  then  lowered  to  the  opposite  side. 

X'athan  Pennington  was  a  ship  builder.  He  lived  at  Chestnut  Xeck.  X.  J.,  then  a  part 
of  Gloucester  County,  but  now  in  Atlantic  County.  He  was  stationed  there  in  charge  of 
property  captured  from  the  enemy.  His  wife  was  ^Margaret  Wescot,  a  daughter  of  Colonel 
Richard  Wescot.  of  Mays  Landing.  They  resided  in  :^L^ys  Landing,  in  a  part  called  Pen- 
nington's Point,  where  was  located  the  ship  yard  in  which  he  carried  on  his  business,  and 
which  continued  to  be  an  active  ship  yard  until  recent  years.  All  the  Penningtons  in 
.\tlantic  County  are  descended  from  him.  He  died  in  1810.  He  had  a  large  famih',  nine 
children.  John,  born  in  1791.  lived  at  Mays  Landing  and  was  a  sea  captain,  vessel  owner, 
and  for  a  time  Sheriff  of  the  County. 

John  Pennington  had  ten  children,  several  of  whom  are  now  living,  one  daughter.  Mrs. 
Mary  Scott,  at  a  very  advanced  age,  in  Mays  Landing.  She  is  the  mother  of  County  Clerk 
Lewis  P.  Scott.  Another  daughter  was  Mrs.  Ann  Endicott.  of  Mays  Landing,  who  died  a 
few  }-ears  ago.  One  of  her  sons.  Judge  Allen  B.  Endicott,  is  a  resident  of  the  county  and 
of  Atlantic  City,  Others  of  her  children  in  this  county  are  INIiss  Catherine  B.  Endicott, 
Mrs.  Isabella  Corson,  Mrs.  Hannah  Howell  and  INlrs.  Mary  Iszard.  all  of  ^Lays  Landing, 
and  i\Irs.  Elizabeth  Rundall,  of  Atlantic  City.  Two  of  the  sons  reside  in  other  parts  of 
this  State:  Dr.  George  W.  Endicott.  of  Plainiield.  and  Mr.  Charles  G.  Endicott,  of  West- 
field.     A  fourth  son  is  Rear-Admiral  Mordecai  T.  Endicott,  U.  S,  Navy. 

Another  daughter  of  John  Pennington  is  Mrs.  Hester  Thompson,  now  in  .Atlantic 
City,  at  the  home  of  her  daughter,  Mrs.  Hannah  Moore.  Mr.  Joseph  Thompson,  formerly 
Law  Judge  of  this  count}",  and  now  Mayor  of  Atlantic  City,  is  her  son. 

One  of  the  sons.  Lewis  W..  is  now  living,  a  captain  in  the  merchant  service  in  the 
Clyde  line  of  steamers,  sailing  out  of  New  York.  He  was  a  volunteer  naval  officer  during 
the  Civil  War.  rising  from  the  grade  of  acting  master  to  a  lieutenant  commander  at  the 
close  of  the  war.  He  did  gallant  service  during  the  war  and  served  under  Farragut.  was 
present  in  the  attacks  on  Forts  Jackson  and  Philip  on  tlie  Mississippi  river,  and  captured 
one  of  the  flags  at  the  latter  fort. 

Captain  John  Pennington  was  the  second  son.  who  had  a  long  and  honorable  service 
in  the  merchant  steam  marine.  He  was  in  command  of  a  transport  in  the  government 
service  during  the  Civil  War,  and  was  seriously  wounded  by  a  shot  through  the  lung  in 
passing  a  Confederate  force  on  the  banks  of  the  Potomac  river.  He  resided  outside  the 
limits  of  this  State  in  his  later  life,  but  his  widow.  Mrs.  Elizabeth  Pennington,  now  resides 
in  Atlantic  City  with  her  son.  Dr.  Byron  B.  Pennington,  a  very  successful  physician. 

Nathan  Pennington's  daughter.  Charlotte,  married  Mr.  Lewis  Walker,  of  Mays  Land- 
ing.    They  resided  at  Walker's  Forge,  near  the  town.     Mr.  Walker  was  the  proprietor  of 


large  tracts  oi  land  and  ui  the  iron  lor.m-.  and  liad  lart; 
several  clnldren.  one.  the  late  Jnhn  Walker,  of  Trent. .n.  \. 
P.  Walker,  whu  i>  a  resident  .,1  tli.^  eounly  in  the  ..Id  ma 
the  summer  months,  lie  is  a  very  i.r..nnnent  e.lneaf.r.  h; 
for  many  years  upon  the  statt  of  the  scho.d  for  deaf  nnue> 
ceived  an  appointment  from  the  Governor  of  this  State  at 
for  Deaf  Mutes. 

Another  child  of  Charlotte  was  Reheeea.  who  marrie. 
Mays  Landing,  being  his  second  wife.  One  child  liy  this 
Miss  Amelia  Hantliorne. 

The  fifth  daughter  of  Nathan  Pennington  was  Rebecc 
of  Mays  Landing.  They  had  nine  children,  two  of  whom 
ing,  William  Mattix  and  Alwilda,  wife  of  Mr.  Martin  V.  B. 




-e.  di 


e  pos 



V  re 



The  first  member  of  the  family  who  came  into  the  State  of  New  Jersey  was  Epliraim, 
who  appears  in  New  Haven  in  1643.  and  it  is  supposed  that  that  was  the  time  of  his  arrival 
in  this  country.  In  1667  they  removed  to  Newark,  N.  J.,  and  settled  there.  The  Nathan 
Pennington  mentioned  above,  who  lived  in  Mays  Landing,  was  a  great  i,'randson  of  the 
Ephraim  who  came  to  New  Jersey  in  1607.  and  who  was  the  son  of  the  l-"phraim  who 
emigrated  to  this  country  in  1643. 

Of  this  family  two  were  Governors  of  the  State  of  New  Jersey,  the  first.  William  S., 
brother  of  Nathan,  from  1813  to  1815.  He  was  Associate  Justice  of  the  Supreme  Court  of 
New  Jersey  in  1804.  and  Judge  of  the  United  States  District  Court  of  New  Jersey  from 
1815  to  his  death,  in   1.S26.     He  was  an  officer  of  the  Second  Re.giment  ..i  the  New  Jersey 


MSION    HOUSE.   1876. 


Artillery,  in  the  Revulutionary  War.  -ervni-  under  General  Kn.ix.  and  tlie  rank  of  Major 
was  conferred  npon  him  by  special  act  ot  Congress.  His  son.  William,  ua-  also  a  man  of 
great  prominence  in  the  State,  and  was  a  member  of  the  United  St.ite^  llonse  of  Repre- 
sentatives from  i860  to  1862,  and  Speaker  of  the  same  House.  He  ua^.  aUo  (Jovernor  of 
New  Jersey  for  seven  years,  from  iS.^;  to  1S4,?.  inclusive:  likewise  Ch.ancillor  of  tlie  .State 
during  the  same  period. 

Alexander  C.  M.  Pennington,  a  cousin  of  the  last  named  Governor,  was  a  practicin.g 
lawyer  in  Newark.  N.  J.,  until  1857.  He  was  a  member  of  the  X^'ew  Jersey  Assembly  from 
18,17  ■iiitl  1838,  and  of  the  United  States  House  of  Representatives  for  two  terms,  being 
elected  in  1852.  and  again  in  1854.  He  was  a  man  of  some  military  education,  having  been 
a  cadet  at  the  United  States  Military  Academy  for  two  years,  after  which  he  resigned  to 
study  law.  He  was  Brigadier  General  commanding  the  Essex  Brigade  for  a  number 
of  years. 

Alexander  C.  M.  Pennington,  a  son  of  the  General  Pennington  just  named,  was  a 
graduate  of  West  Point  in  i860,  in  the  artillery,  and  commanded  a  battery  of  horse  artillery 
during  the  Civil  War.  He  distinguished  himself  at  the  battle  of  Gettysburg,  for  which  ser- 
vice he  received  a  brevet  of  Brigadier  General.  The  battery  is  comiuonly  known  as  Pen- 
nington's. His  lineal  rank  at  the  outbreak  of  the  Spanish  War  was  that  of  Colonel,  and 
he  was  commissioned  a  Brigadier  General,  and  retired  from  active  service  in  October.  1899. 

The  New  Jersey  Penningtons  are  descended  from  the  Penningtons  of  England,  who 
trace  their  ancestry  back  to  the  time  of  Henry  H.  The  ancestry  in  Great  Britain  is  a  long 
and  distinguished  one.  and  numbers  in  the  17th  century  a  long  list  of  knights,  including 
Sir  John  Pennington,  in  the  time  of  Henry  VI.  to  whom  he  was  much  attached  and  gave  a 
secret  reception  at  Mulcaster.  now  Muncaster.  for  some  time  when  in  his  flight  from  his 
enemies.  In  return,  the  King  gave  him  a  glass  cup,  to  belong  to  the  family  so  long  as 
they  should  preserve  it  unbroken.  It  was  called  the  luck  of  Muncaster.  and  the  family 
still  have  the  glass  in  their  possession. 

Sir  John  Pennington  is  also  said  to  have  been  a  skillful  warrior  and  fought  in  Scotland 
under  James  II,  commanding  the  left  wing  of  the  English  army.  His  son.  Sir  John  the 
third,  was  attached  to  James  \',  and  had  an  important  comiuand  at  the  battle  of  Flodden 
Field,  where  James  was  killed. 

The  second  knight  following  Sir  John  the  third  was  a  Sir  John,  admiral  to  King 
Charles  I.  and  was  one  of  his  privy  council.  He  was  betrayed  by  Charles  II  and  confined 
in  the  Tower,  but  died  before  the  time  set  for  his  execution.  This  Sir  John  distinguished 
himself  in  the  wars  with  France  and  captured  a  considerable  tleet  of  French  war  ve'^els, 
bringing  them  as  prizes  upon  his  return  to  his  country. 


Dr.  Lewis  Reed.  Atlantic  City's  first  iiliy>ician,  move!  here  Ir.un  Milvillc  in  1857.  He 
was  the  oldest  son  of  a  family  of  twelve  children.  His  father.  David  Reed,  was  one  of  ,a 
well-known  South  Jersey  family.  He  was  a  tailor  by  trade  and  a  hotel  keeper  by  occupa- 
tion. He  died  before  he  was  fifty  and  his  widow,  Lodemia  Reed,  married  a  man  of  the 
name  of  Barnes.  The  children,  three  of  whom  are  still  living,  were  Lew-is.  David.  Samuel. 
George,  Charles,  William.  Joseph.  James.  Thomas  S.  Henry.  Eliza  Miller,  and  two  whr. 
died  young. 

Lewis,  born  November  10.  1806.  married  Susanna  Stanger.  a  woman  of  German  parent- 
age, born  in  1810.  For  some  years  he  followed  the  trade  of  his  father,  that  of  a  tailor.  later 
studying  medicine  and  giving  his  profession  his  exclusive  attention.  They  had  a  family  of 
nine  children,  all  born  in  Millville.  where  one  of  them.  Francis  Lee.  still  lives.  They  were: 
2.  Caroline  Dufi^y.  b.   1828;  ?,.   Francis  L..  b.    i8,io;  4-   Edward  Stone,  b.   iS,?.?:  5.  Lewi-,  b. 



1836;  6.  Thomas  Keniblc.  b.  18.39;  Goorge.  b.  1842;  8,  Joseph  Ga>kill,  1).  iS.((i:  9,  Mary  II  .  1.. 
1848:  and  10,  Ella,  b.  1853;  d.  1S64. 

By  the  mere  incident,  while  gunning  in  the  woods  about  Wcynimuh.  of  connecting  with 
a  train  to  Atlantic  City,  he  made  his  first  visit  to  this  resort  \vIkii  iIk-  population  was  too 
small  to  support  a  phy'sician  with  a  large  family.  But  arrangcmciits  were  made  by  people 
whom  he  met  whereby  $500  a  year  was  guaranteed  so  that  he  mu\ed  here  ti>  live  iierma- 
nently  in  1857. 

He  was  elected  Mayor  the  four  years  following.  His  son  Edward,  who  had  just  mar- 
ried, came  with  him  and  soon  opened  the  first  drug  store,  and  his  son  Thomas  came  a  few 
years  later  to  be  the  second  physician  on  theisland.  For  eleven  years  Dr.  Reed  was  Post- 
master, and  always  a  genial,  public  spirited  citizen  who  lived  under  the  administration  of 
every  President  of  the  United  States  save  the  first  two,  dying  Tuesday,  March  22,  1898,  at 
Ocean  Grove.  JNIrs.  Reed  died  in  1893,  aged  82  years.  Before  her  death  the  sixty-fifth  anni- 
versary of  their  wedding  was  observed  by  a  family  reunion.  Mrs.  Reed  was  one  of  the 
well-known  Stanger  family.  Her  grandfather  established  the  first  glassworks  in  New  Jersey. 
She  was  a  sister  of  Mrs.  Hosea  Madden.  At  the  time  of  his  death  he  was  the  oldest  living 
graduate  of  JefTerson  ^Medical  College. 

2.  Caroline  Dufify,  b.  1S2S:  m.  Dr.  Charles  Souder,  of  ^lillville.  and  had  three  children, 
Charles,  Lewis  and  George.  Charles,  b.  1858;  m.  Fanny  Tompkins  and  had  si.\  children: 
Caroline,  Charles,  Mary  and  Elizabeth,  Ethel  and  Lewis.  Lewis  m.  Louise  Hutchinson  and 
is  a  physician  in  Atlantic  Citv,  and  George  m.  Marv  Norris  and  has  a  drug  store  in  Atlantic 

3.  Francis  L.,  pattern  maker  111  Millville  ,^!as^  factury,  b.  1S30:  m.,  second.  Rebecca 
Carmelia.     They  had  two  children,  h'rank  and   l.lereased). 

4.  Edward  Stone,  b.  1833;  ni.  C.  (nlkey  ..1  Philadelphia,  in  185S.  They  had 
nine  children:  Dr.  Eugene,  b.  March,  1859;  m.  I^ilias  Sweigard;  Charles  Sumner;  Delfes, 
deceased;  Hortense.  Alga.  Oras,  Dr.  Talbert,  Edward  S.,  and  Thoesda. 

Edward  S.  Reed  was  City  Clerk  si.x  years,  from  1861  to  1867.  He  was  school  superin- 
tendent nine  years  and  school  trustee  several  years,  always  alive  to  the  best  interests  of  the 
city.  He  was  successful  in  business,  found  great  pleasure  in  his  home  life  and  served  public 
interests  efficiently.     He  died  December  12,  1895,  after  a  lingering  illness,  aged  62  years. 

5.  Lewis  Reed,  b.  1836,  m.  Phoebe  Hamilton  and  had  two  children,  Susie,  who  m.,  first, 
Frank  Barber;  second,  William  Bell;  and  Rena,  who  m.  Thomas  Murphy. 

6.  Thomas  Kenible,  b.  1S31):  m.  .\nnie  Hutton.  They  had  two  children.  Ralph,  wdio 
died  an  infant,  and  Ella,  who  ni.  W  .[her  Xorri<  ni  Phiiailelphia,  Thomas  studied  medicine 
with  his  uncle.  Dr.  Thomas  S.  Keid,  ..1  riiiladelphia.  and  l.icated  in  this  city  with  his  father 
as  the  second  resident  physician.  lie  ha~  e\er  since  lieen  one  of  the  active  men  of  the  town, 
identified  with  various  interest^,  >t,inding  at  the  head  of  his  profession  and  possessing  a 
fund  of  wit,  eloquence  and  schoiarshi]i  tlKit  have  made  him  many  friends. 

7.  George  Reed,  b.  1842;  ni.  .\lice  Parker.  They  had  five  children  living,  having  buried 
two:  Hattie  Applegate,  Carrie  Lake.  .Mice,  George  and  Lura.  He  is  a  Methodist  nn'nister 
and  lives  at  present  at  Absecon. 

8.  Joseph,  b.  1846;  m.  Sarah  Lee.  They  have  three  children.  Irving.  Susie  A.  and 

9.  Mary.  b.   1848:  ni.  Charles  K.  McPhcrson,  an  internal  revenue  ot'ticcr  of  Camden, 



Louis  Richards,  of  Reading.  Pa.,  in  1882.  prepared  lor  the  Pennsylvania  Magazine  a 
sketch  of  the  Richards  family,  from  which  most  of  the  following  information  was  obtained 
of  men,  who  for  several  generations  contributed  so  much  to  the  development  and  progress 
of  South  Jersey. 

1.  Owen  Richards,  according  to  tradition,  his  wife,  three  sons,  James,  William  and 
John,  and  daughter  Elizabeth,  sailed  from  the  port  of  Chester,  England,  and  landed  at 
Philadelphia  before  1718.  The  first  positive  trace  of  him  is  by  his  purchase,  December  22, 
1718,  of  300  acres  of  land  in  Amity  township,  now-  a  part  of  Philadelphia,  from  one  Mouns 
Justice,  a  Swede.  Owen  Richards  is  supposed  to  have  resided  on  this  land  till  his  death, 
which  occurred  after  1734.  He  sold  one-half  of  the  tract  to  his  son  James  for  £7  (seven 
pounds),  and  "natural  love  and  affection.'  Owen's  second  wife  was  Elizabeth  Baker, 
whom  he  married  in  1727.     She  died  in  1753,  aged  about  eighty  years. 

The  children  of  Owen  Richards  were: 

2.  James,  of  whom  little  is  known  and  who  probably  left  no  descendants. 

3.  William. 

4.  John,  whose  wife's  name  was  Sarah,  and  their  children  Edward  and  Susanna.  He 
probably  moved  to  Virginia  and  perpetuated  the  family  name  there. 

3.  William  was  born  in  Wales,  had  grown  to  manhood  when  he  came  with  his  father 
to  this  country,  was  at  one  time  possessed  of  considerable  property,  but  died  in  poverty. 
He  was  a  peace  officer  of  the  king  in  the  province  for  a  time.  He  died  in  1752.  His  will 
mentions  all  his  children  and  disposes  of  property  in  the  sum  of  £207,  7s.  lod.,  and  is  on 
file  in  Philadelphia.  His  daughters,  Ruth  and  Sarah,  received  is  each;  his  son  Owen,  and 
daughters  Mary  Ball  and  Margaret,  five  shillings  each,  and  his  son  James,  iio  and  a  mare, 
the  rest  going  to  William  after  his  mother's  decease  upon  his  becoming  of  age. 

5.  Mary  married  John  Ball,  of  Berks  County.  Their  son.  Joseph  Ball,  became  a 
wealthy  merchant.  In  his  early  manhood  he  became  manager  for  the  owner.  Col.  John 
Cox,  of  the  Batsto  iron  works,  where  shot  and  shell  were  cast  for  the  Continental  service. 
He  was  an  ardent  patriot  and  was  a  loser  financially  in  aiding  Robert  Morris  to  restore 
the  public  credit.     He  died  in  1720,  aged  Ji  years,  leaving  a  widow,  Sarah,  but  no  children. 

6.  Owen  left  little  trace.     His  name  appears  as  a  soldier  of  the  Revolution. 

7.  James. 

8.  Ruth,  m.  Daniel  Kunsman. 
0.  William. 

10.  ^Margaret,  m.   Cornelius   Dewees. 

11.  Sarah,  m.  James  Hastings  and  lived  in  \'irginia. 

7.  James,  b.  about  1722,  was  all  his  life  a  farmer.  He  served  as  Sergeant  in  Capt. 
Tudor's  company,  4th  Pennsylvania  Continental  line,  enlisting  May  10,  1777.  He  was  a 
man  of  inmiense  frame  and  great  physical  strength  and  had  many  lively  episodes  of  conflict 
and  adventure.  He  died  in  1804,  aged  eighty  odd  years.  His  wife's  name  was  Mary  and 
his  children  were  William  Frederick,  Elizabeth,  James  Owen,  Mary,  Sarah,  Hannah  and 
John.  \A"illia  ./,  the  eldest,  was  born  January  27,  1754.  John  Richards,  the  youngest,  m., 
first,  iSif,  Rebecca  Ludwig,  who  d.  in  1840;  second.  Louisa  Silvers.  1841,  who  d.  January 
26.  1880.  There  were  seven  children.  He  moved  to  Batsto,  Burlington  County,  in  1808, 
and  spent  forty  years  of  his  life  in  iron  manufacturing  at  Weymouth  and  Gloucester  fur- 
naces. In  1836-7  he  was  a  member  of  the  Legislature  from  Burlington  County.  He  con- 
tinued in  tUe  iron  business  at  Mauch  Chunk,  Pa.,  1848  to  1854,  when  he  returned,  dying 
Noveniber  29,  1871,  aged  88  years. 

9.  William  was  b.  September  12,  1738.  He  learned  the  occupation  of  a  founder.  He 
married  Mary  Patrick  in  1764.  About  1768  he  came  to  Batsto.  where  he  worked  for  a 
time.  August  13,  1776,  he  joined  the  Revolutionary  forces,  his  family  living  at  Valley 
Forge,  where  he  was  in  camp  with  the  army  that  memorable  winter  of  1777-8. 


In  1781  I'.r  became  resident  niana.ner  lor  Col.  Cox.  of  the  Batsto  iron  works,  suceeeJ- 
ing  his  nephew,  Joseph  Ball.  In  1784  he  became  sole  owner  of  the  w^orks,  purchased 
thousands  of  acres  and  acquired  a  princely  fortune.  He  was  of  gigantic  mould  and  great 
physical  strength.  By  his  first  wife,  Mary  Patrick,  he  had  eleven  children,  seven  sons  and 
four  danghttrs.  By  his  second  wife,  Margaret  Wood,  whom  he  m.  in  1796,  he  had  eight 
children,  seven  sons  and  one  daughter.  In  i8og  he  relinquished  his  Batsto  estate  to  his  son, 
Jesse,  and  moved  to  Mt.  Holly,  wdiere  he  passed  the  last  years  of  his  life.  He  died  August 
23,  182J. 

The  children   of  William   an.l   Mary    Patrick  were: 

12.  Abigail,  b.  June  I.  17(15;  d.  May  14,  1794. 

13.  John,  b.  June  i,  1767;  d.  November  ,30,  1793. 

14.  Samuel,  b.  at  Valley  Forge,  May  8.  1769.  Extensive  iron  manufacturer  in  New- 
Jersey  and  merchant  in  Philadelphia.  He  m.,  first,  Mary  'M.  Smith,  in  1797.  She  died  in 
1820,  and  he  m.  Anna  M.  Witherspoon,  of  New  York.  He  was  the  father  of  eleven  children. 
Two  of  these  were  Sarah  Ball,  widow  of  the  late  Steven  Colwell.  and  Thomas  S.,  also  an 
extensive  iron  manufacturer.  He  was  the  owner  of  the  Atsion  and  Weymouth  Iron  Works, 
comprising  about  75.000  acres  each.  He  took  great  pride  in  the  Atsion  property,  building 
there  a  large  dwelling,  where  he  spent  the  summer  for  many  years.  He  had  a  large  tract 
of  land  under  cultivation  and  was  a  prominent  business  man  in  Philadelphia  for  a  long  time, 
residing  on  Arch  above  Ninth  street.     Samuel  Richards  d.  January  4,  1842. 

15.  Elizabeth,  b.  August  26,  1771.     She  m.  Rev.  Thos.  Haskins,  of  Maryland. 

16.  Rebecca,  b.  August  7,  1773;  m.  John  Sevier,  of  Tennessee. 

17.  William,  b.  July  I,  1775;  d.  December  21,  1796. 

18.  Joseph,  b.  October  6,  1777;  d.  March  26,  1797. 

19.  Thomas,  b.  February  10,  1780.  He  was  a  merchant  in  Philadeliihia  and  iron  manu- 
facturer at  Jackson,  in  Camden  County.  In  1810  he  m.  Ann  Bartram.  Iiy  whom  he  had  nine 
children.  He  died  October  17.  i860,  the  day  fixed  for  his  golden  wedding  and  the  marriage 
of  his  daughter. 

20.  Jessie. 

21.  Charles,  b.  August  9.  1785;  d.   May  11,  1788. 

22.  Anna  M.,  b.  February  8,  1789;  m.  John  White,  of  Delaware,  1810:  d.  May  2.  1816. 
The  children  of  William  and  Margaret  Wood  were: 

23.  Benjamin  Wood.  b.  November  12,  1797;  d.  July  12,  1851. 

24.  Charles  Henry,  b.  April  9.  1799;  d.  April,  1802. 

25.  George  Washington,  b.  May  6,  1801;  d.  June,  1802. 

26.  Augustus  Henry,  b.  May  5,  1803;  m.  Rebecca,  daughter  of  Hon.  John  .McLean,  of 
Ohio:  d.  1839. 

27.  William,  b.  January  16.  1805:  m.  1S31.  Constantia  Marie  Lanian  and  had  five 
children;  d.  April  19,   1864. 

28.  George  Washington,  b.  .May  3,  1807.  Merchant  and  manufacturer  of  Philadelphia; 
prominent  in  railroads  and  insurance.  He  m.  Mary  Lee  Guen  ami  had  ei.Ljht  children:  d. 
April  22,   1874. 

29.  Joseph  Ball,  b.  November  9,  181 1;  d.  January  30,  1812. 

30.  Mary  Wood,  b.  March  6,  1815;  d.  September  19,  i860. 

20.  Jesse  was  b.  at  Valley  Forge,  December  2,  1782.  He  succeeded  his  father  at  Batsto. 
In  1829  he  rebuilt  the  works,  and  in  1846  the  iron  furnace  having  been  abandoned  he  es- 
tablished extensive  glass  w^orks.  These  he  conducted  successfully  until  his  death,  June  17, 
1854.  His  estate  then  comprised  sixty-five  thousand  acres.  This  estate  is  now  owned  by 
Joseph  Wharton,  of  Philadelphia. 

Jesse  Richards  was  a  member  of  the  New  Jersey  Assembly  in  1837-8-9.  He  m.  .'^iirah 
Ennals.  daughter  of  Rev.  Thomas  Haskins  by  his  first  wife.  Mr.  Haskins  having  previously 
married  Elizabeth,  a  sister  of  Jesse  Richards. 



JJ.  Bcniamiii  Wood  Ricliards  ^v;^^  b.  at  P.aot.i.  Xov.-nil.Li-  ij.  .79;.  IK-  :<ra<U,atcd  at 
Princeton  in  1S15,  and  studied  fur  the  ministry.  Init  his  delicate  heahh  conipelleil  hint  to 
travel  extensively.  He  later  engaged  in  mercantile  pursuits  in  Philadelphia,  was  elected  to 
Cotmcil  and  to  the  Legislature,  and  was  a  great  promoter  of  public  schools.  He  succeeded 
George  M.  Dallas  as  Mayor  of  Philadelphia.  (For  further  information,  see  Magazine.) 
A  son,  Benjamin  Wood  Richards,  lives  in  Hammonton. 

19.  Thomas  Richards,  b.  February  10.  1780;  d  Dctubcr  17.  iSdo;  ni.  .\nna  Bartram. 
by  whom  he  had  nine  children. 

24.  William  B.,  who  died  about   1874. 

25.  Elizabeth   B..  who  died  about   1865. 

26.  Samuel,  b.  August  15.  1818:  m.  Elizabeth  U.  Ellison:  d.  February  Ji.  1895.  They 
had  two  children,  Thos.  J.,  b.  April  25,  1853:  m.  Lydia  E.  S.  Winn  and  have  four  cliildrcn. 
and  Samuel  Bartram,  who  m.  Mary  Dorrance  Evans  and  have  two  children. 

27.  Anna  B.,  m.  Benjamin  J.  Crew,  deceased. 

28.  Rebecca  B.,  m.  Rev.  Thos.  E.  Souper,  deceased. 

29.  Thomas,  Jr..  m.  Deborah  M.   Kimber. 

30.  Rebecca  R.  S.,  m.  Walter  Newbold  and  had  two  children.  .\nna  Bartram.  who  m. 
J.  Remson  Bishop,  and  Elizabeth  R.,  who  m.  Samuel  M.  Fox. 

20.  Jesse  Richards  m.  Sarah  Ennals.  daughter  of  Rev.  Thos.  Haskins  and  si.K 
children,  three  sons  and  three  daughters.     The  sons  were: 

32.  Thos.  H..  oldest  son  of  Jesse  Richards,  after  graduating  at  Princeton,  ;issisted  his 
father  in  the  e.xten-ivo  bu-iness  of  Batsto.  He  was  one  of  tlie  most  upright  and  honorable 
men  that  ever  Incd  am!  wa-  universally  loved  and  respected.  Previous  to  his  father's  death 
he  had  shown  a  hnichu-^  for  public  life,  and  served  as  a  member  of  the  Assembly  from 
Burlington  Cotini.\  in  1S41-43,  and  was  State  Senator  in  1847-49.  He  took  an  active  in- 
terest in  township  and  county  affairs  an'l  scenucl  liy  nature  well  suited  for  public  life.  But 
in  the  last  few  years  of  his  father's  lite,  ami  aitrr  his  death,  as  one  of  the  executors,  he  was 
obliged  to  devote  his  whole  time  and  attention  to  the  affairs  of  the  estate.  He  was  not  what 
might  be  called  a  business  ni:in,  never  having  received  a  strictly  business  training,  which 
was  needed  at  that  time,  in  adjusting  the  varied  and  extensive  affairs  of  the  estate.  Though 
advised  by  his  counsel.  .Mr.  John  L.  Stratton,  to  take  the  time,  eighteen  months,  which  the 
law  allows  before  making  payments,  he  decided  to  pay  all  debts,  promptly  as  they  matured, 
and  this  eventually  caused  trouble  and  embarrassment.  His  agent  in  New  York  robbed 
him  to  the  e.xtent  of  many  thousand  dollars  and  caused  hint  great  disappointment.  He 
died  about   1870. 

33.  Jesse.  Jr..  never  married.     Deceased. 

34.  Elizabeth,  who  m.  Judge  Bicknell.  of  Indiana. 

35.  Anna  Maria,  m.  Lachlan  Mcintosh,  a  Confederate  oflicer.  who  after  the  war  lived 
for  a  time  at  Batsto.     Deceased. 

36.  Sarah  Ann,  never  married.     Deceased. 

14.  Samuel  Richards,  b.  May  8,  1769;  d.  January  4.  1842.  For  his  second  wife  m.  Anna 
M.  Witherspoon  and  was  the  father  of  three  children.  Sarah  Ball,  who  m.  Steven  Colwell; 
Elizabeth  R..  who  in.  W.  Dwight  Bell,  and  Thomas  S..  who  m.  Hannah,  daughter  of  Gen. 
James  Nichols. 

Stephen  Colwell  and  Sarah  Ball  had  three  children. 

Richard  Cohvell  m.  his  cousin  Annie,  daughter  of 
d.  about  1873.  He  was  a  young  man  of  extraordinary  : 
\\"eymouth  estate  at  the  time  of  his  death. 

Edward  Cohvell  was  an  oflicer  in  the  army  and  w;i 
in  the  grand  review  of  the  troops  at  Washington  at  tin 
never  married. 

Charles  R.  Colwell.  the  only  surviving  grandchild  ..f  Samuel  Richards,  and  younges 
of  the  three  sons  of  Stephen  Colwell.  m.  Laura  Retz  and  lives  at  the  old  homestead  on  th 
Weymouth  estate. 


d.  Edward  and  Charles  R. 

■  Willi; 

;im    Richards,   of   .Vision,   am 


and   was  the  manager  of  th. 

<  thro- 

AU  from  his  horse  and  killet 

e  clo-^ 

■  of  the  war.   .May.    1SC.5-      H< 



As  early  as  September  lO,  1685,  the  Scull  family  was  represented  in  this  country,  when 
John  and  Nicholas  Scull,  descendants  of  Sir  John  Scull,  Knight  of  Brecknock,  England, 
emigrated  to  America.  They  sailed  from  Bristol,  England,  on  the  ship  "Bristol  Merchant," 
John  Stephens,  commander. 

In  1706,  Edward  Scull,  their  relative,  came  to  America,  settling  west  of  the  Allegheny 
Mountains,  where  are  still  residing  many  of  his  descendants  in  western  Pennsylvania  and 

1.  Joliu  Scull,  baptized  October  15,  1066.  came  to  New  Jersey  in  1694,  with  his  wife. 
Mary.  He  was  known  as  a  whaleman,  whales  being  so  plenty  at  that  time  as  to  make  the 
business  very  profitable.  He  acquired  a  large  tract  of  land  on  the  Great  Egg  Harbor 
river,  and  bought  of  Thos.  Budd,  in  1695,  "250  acres  of  land  lying  on  Great  Egg  Harbor 
river  and  Patconk  creek,  with  the  privilege  of  cutting  cedar  and  commonidge  for  cattle  on 
yc  reaches  and  swamps  as  laid  out  by  Thos.  Budd  for  commons."  The  first  religious  meet- 
ing (Friend's  Society)  in  this  section  was  held  at  John  Scull's  house.  He  died  in  1745. 
His  children  were: 

2.  John,  stolen  when  a  child  by  the  Indians  and  never  recovcreil.  ,^.  .\bel.  4.  Peter. 
5.  Daniel,  Collector  of  Egg  Harbor  township,  Gloucester  County,  1753.  6.  Benjamin.  7. 
Margaret,  m.  Robert  Smith.  8.  Caroline,  m.  Amos  Ireland,  g.  Mary.  10.  Rachel,  m. 
James  Edwards.  11.  John  Recompense,  m.  Phoebe  Dennis.  12.  Isaiah,  m.,  had  one  daugh- 
ter, Abigail.  13.  Gideon,  b.  1722;  d.  1776;  m.  Judith  Belange.  14.  David,  d.  January  10, 
1741-2.     Infant,  died  unnamed. 

II.  John  Recompense  Scull  m.  Phoebe  Dennis.  He  lived  to  be  of  great  age  and  was 
a  noted  hunter.  A  scrip  states  he  was  paid  ni  1749  one  pound  for  a  wolf's  head.  Chil- 
dren were: 

15.  Israel,  lost  at  sea.     16.   Sarah,  m.   David  Scull;  second.   Gywnnc.      17.  John   R.,  m. 

.Sarah   Soniers.      18.   Phoebe,    m.    Nicholas    Somers.      19.  Sophia,    m.,    first.   Johnson; 

second, Gregory.     20.   Mary,  m.  Joseph   Cooper.     21.  Abigail,   m.  John  Somers.     22. 

Roxanna,  m.  Samuel  Somers.  23.  Rachel,  ni.  John  Chattin.  24.  Elizabeth,  m.  Robert 

13.  Gideon  Scull,  b.  1722;  m.  Judith  Belange,  in  1750.  She  was  the  granddaughter  of 
Ires  Belange  and  Christiana  De  la  Plaine,  French  Huguenots  of  Poiton,  France,  and 
daughter  of  James_Belange,  Sr.  A  record  states  that  in  1753  Gideon  was  paid  £1  los.  for 
two  panther  heads.  Both  Gideon  and  his  wife  died  in  1776.  of  smallpo-x,  contracted  at 
Salem  Quarterly  Conference.     Their  children  were: 

25.  Paul.  26.  Mary,  m.  David  Bassett.  2y.  James,  b.  October  2,  1751;  d.  August  25, 
1812;  m.  Susannah  Leeds,  1774.  28.  Daniel.  29.  Gideon,  b.  1756;  d.  1825;  m.  Sarah  J. 
James.  30.  Hannah,  m.  David  Davis.  31.  Judith,  m.  Daniel  Offley.  32.  Ruth,  m.  Samuel 
Reeve.  33.  Rachel,  m.  Samuel  Bolton.  34.  ^Nlark,  m.  Mary  Browning.  35.  Margorie,  m. 
Daniel  Leeds,  4th. 

17.  John  R.  Scull  m.  Sarah  Somers.  daughter  of  James  Somers.  the  miller  of  Bar- 
gaintown.     They  had: 

36.  Sarah  Ann,  m.  Thomas  Ireland.     37.  Wesley,  ni.  .     38.  Somers,  m..  first. 

Williamson;  second,  Mary  D.  Tomlin.  39.  Julia  .\nn,  ni.  Peter  Steclnian.  40.  Rachel,  m. 
Lucas  Lake.     41.  IMartha.     42.  Phoebe,  m.  Jesse  Lake. 

22.  James  Scull,  b.  October  2,  1751;  m.  Susannah  Leeds,  daughter  of  Daniel  Leeds  and 
Susannah  Steelman.  The  ceremony  performed  according  to  the  Friends'  custom,  May. 
1774.     They  had: 

43.  Daniel,  b.  June  3,  1775;  m.  Jemima  Steelman.  44.  Gideon,  b.  October  30.  1777;  m. 
Alice  Higbee.  45.  Dorcas,  b.  October  7.  1780;  m..  first.  Samuel  Ireland;  second,  Jonas 
Leeds.     46.   Paul.  b.  .\pril  2.   1783;  m.   Sarah  Steelman.     47.  James,  b.   March  25.   1786:  m.. 

SCULL  FAMILY,  -|-j;» 

fir~t,    Loriniu   Stcclman:   sccoml, Sniitli.     4S.   Siwaniiali,   Ij.   jaiiiKiiy   J5,    i;S(;:   in.   J.ilni 

Stcolman.     49.  Hannah,  b.  June  .'O.   170J:  ni.   l-Mwanl    Led-.     50.  J. .a!..  1.,   ^L^^vll   j.   ',:<,(,: 
m.  Ann  Stackhonse. 

29.  Gideon  Scull,  b.  1750;  ni.  Sarah  J.  Janus,  whu  was  a  iccDnimnuka  niinisur  ..1  the 
Society  of  Friends.  Gideon  sold  his  share  oi  the  patrimonial  estate  to  his  brother  Mark  and 
removed  to  Salem  County,  Lockheartstown.  This  was  the  Swedish  name  for  a  place  on 
Old  Man's  creek,  where  Gideon  was  a  merchant.  This  place  was  called  ScuUtown  for  more 
than  60  }-ears,  the  name  being  changed  to  Auburn.  Gideon  and  wife  were  members  of 
Pilcsgrove  Monthly  ^Meeting.  He  died  in  1825,  aged  69  years.  His  children  were  Abigail, 
dietl  young:  Abigail  second,  died  1867,  in  Philadelphia,  of  old  age.  James,  died  at  sea,  1820. 
Jonathan.  Ofi'lcy.  Hannah,  m.  William  Carpenter.  Salem  County.  Sarah.  D;ivid.  1>.  i7(yj; 
m..  first.  Lydia  Lippincott;  second,  Hannah  D.  Wood.     Paul.     Gideon. 

43.  Daniel  Scull,  b.  June  3.  1775;  m.  Jemima  Steclman.  daugliler  of  Daniel  and  Cath- 
erine Steelman.     They  had:     51.  Judith.     52.  Rebecca. 

44.  Gideon  Scull,  b.  October  30.  1777:  m.  Alice  Higbee.  prob:ilj!y  <laii:4liler  c.i  Jnhn 
Higbee  and  Alice  Andrews.  They  had:  53-  ^lary.  m.  Samuel  Irelan.l.  54.  Josiah.  55. 
James.  56.  ^L^rk.  57.  Daniel,  m.  Leah  Somers.  58.  Samuel.  59.  Fdward.  60.  Aliee.  m. 
Samuel  Doughty. 

46.  Paul  Scull,  b.  April  2.  1783;  m.  Sarah  Steelman.  daughter  of  Zcphaniah  Slee1m:ni 
and  Rebecca  Ireland.  They  had:  61.  Anna  ^laria.  b.  ^March  12.  1809:  d.  February  16.  1894:  ui- 
Benjamin  Turner,  son  of  Peter  Turner  and  Mary  Leeds.  62.  Zephaniah.  b.  December  10, 
iSio:  d.  August  25,  1887:  m.  Mary  Leeds.  63.  James,  b.  October  3.  1813;  d.  January  4.  1872; 
m.  Amelia  Smith.  64.  John,  b.  November  3.  1815:  d.  January  17,  1894:  ni.  Mary  Leeds, 
daughter  of  Cornelia  and  Ann  Dutch  Leeds.  65.  Lewis  W..  b.  May  2.  1819;  m..  first,  Esther 
Smith.  August  22.  1846:  m..  second,  IMary  H.  Sooy  Higbee.  daughter  of  Jonathan  and  .Abi- 
gail Bowen  Sooy.  August  16.  1862.  66.  Lardner.  b.  May  15.  1822:  d.  F\-bruary  i.  1897:  m. 
Josephine  Leeds.  67.  Dorcas,  b.  December  10.  1824:  d.  June  17.  1S67:  m.  Thomas  Bowen. 
son  of  Josiah  and  Esther  Leeds  Bowen. 

47.  James  Scull,  b.  March  25,  1786:  m.,  first,  Lorinia  Steelman.  daughter  of  Daniel  and 
Catherine  Steelman.     They  had:     68.  Abigail.     6g.  William.     70.  Gideon. 

48.  Susannah  Scull,  b.  January  25,  1789;  m..  first,  John  Steelman.  son  of  -\lis;ilnni  Steel- 
man.    They  had:     Sarah,  James,  John,  Hannah  and  Angelina. 

50.  Joab  Scull,  b.  March  2,  1796:  m.  .Ann  Stackhonse.  of  Camden,  X.  J.  They  had:  71. 
Anne.     72.  Eiuma.     73.  William  S.     74.  Mary  Jane.     75.  Caroline. 

62.  Zephaniah  Scull,  b.  December  10,  i8ia:  m.  Mary  Leeds,  daughter  of  Stacy  Leeds 
and  Mary  Jackson.  They  had:  76.  Rebecca,  b.  June  24,  1836:  d.  June  24.  1859.  77.  Susan- 
nah.    78.  Ebenezer. 

63.  James  Scull,  b.  October  3.  1813;  m.  Amelia  Smith,  daughter  of  SteeluKin  Smith  and 
Ann  Bowen.  They  had:  79.  Helena,  b.  Xovember  20.  1844:  ni.  Harry  \'ansant.  80.  Kliz 
abeth.  b.  October  22,  1846;  m.  Charles  G.  Steelman.  81.  Henrietta,  b.  March  1(1.  1841);  m. 
John  Townsend.    82.  Albert  C,  b.  September  22,  1855:  m.  Ella  E.  Co.x. 

64.  John  Scull,  b.  November  3,  1815:  m.  Mary  Leeds,  daughter  of  Cornelius  and  .\nn 
Dutch  Leeds.  They  had:  83.  Morris  T.,  b.  February  21.  1848:  m.  S:irah  C:impbell.  84, 
Anna  iNL,  b.  March  11,  1854:  d-  April  11,  1885;  m,  Silas  Higbee. 

65.  Lewis  W.  Scull,  b.  June  2,  1819:  m.,  first,  Esther  Smith,  daughter  of  Steclm:m  and 
Ann  Bowen  Smith.  They  had:  85.  Henry  S..  b.  June  4.  1847;  m.  Mary  A.  Bruner.  October 
2,  1868.  They  had  Florence  E..  Lewis  Bruner,  Mae  E..  Harry  DcMar.  Nan  B.,  Frank  Rae, 
Emily  C,  Charles  Landell.  and  Helene  AL    86.  Ella  M..  b.  January  7.  1851:  d.  March  i.  1879. 

66.  Lardner  Scull,  b.  ALay  15.  1822:  m.  Josephine  Leeds,  daughter  of  Jesse  Leeds  and 
Ann  Bowen  Steelman,  October  12.  1852.  They  had:  87.  .Anna  AL.  b.  March  9.  1853.  88. 
Thomas  B..  b.  July  22,  1853.  89.  Bertha,  b.  September  13.  1857:  m.  Gilbert  Smith.  90. 
Essie,  b.  Xovember  26.  1861.    91.  Sallie.  b.  February  i.  1864;  m.  Jonas  Higbee. 

3.   Abel   Scull  was  the  father  of  Joseph  Scull,  b.    1731.   who  :,t   one  time  was  one  of  the 



wealtliicst  men  in  Sonth  Jersey.  In  taking;  up  amis  against  Great  Britain  in  the  Revolu- 
tionary war,  Joseph  converted  his  personal  property  into  Continental  money,  whicli  was 
never  redeemed,  and  the  war  left  him  little  but  his  lands.  Washington  recommended  Joseph 
Scull  for  promotion  in  the  following  words:     He  is  a  young  man,  but  a  brave  soldier,  and 

deserves  promotion.     He  married  Sarah .     His  will  contains  the  following  item:     "'I 

give  and  devise  unto  my  wife,  Sarah,  my  negro  boy,  and  after  the  death  of  my  wife  Sarah, 
I  do  order  that  the  said  negro  boy  be  set  free."     He  died  September  30,  1810.     He  had:    92. 

Abel,  b.  June  3,  1760,  who  m.  .Mice  Collins.     93.   Enoch.     94.   ^tary,  ni. English.     95. 

Naomi,  b.  April  20,  1763;  m.  Nicholas  Franibes:  d.  February  i,  1816.     g6.   Rachel,  m.  

Higbee.     97.  Martha,  m.  Price. 

92.  Abel  Scull,  b.  June  3,  1760;  m.  Alice  Collins,  daughter  of  Dr.  Richard  Collins,  the 
first  resident  physician  in  Gloucester  County.  They  had:  98.  Joseph,  b.  January  2,  1790: 
d.  May  16,  1853;  m.  Susannah  Blackman.  99.  Richard,  m.  Elizabeth  Hickman,  too.  An- 
drew, member  of  Home  Guard,  1812;  d.  aged  94;  m.,  first,  Eunice  Scull;  second,  Mary 
GifTord.  loi.  Enoch,  m.  Ann  Hickman.  102.  Mary,  m.,  first,  Andrew  Blackman;  second, 
Daniel  English:  third,  Clayton  Leeds.  103.  Sarah,  m..  first,  Capt.  Robinson;  second, 
David  Smith.  104.  Elizabeth,  m.  John  Broderick.  105.  Nancy,  ni..  first.  George  Hickman; 
second,  Elvy  Scull;  third,  William  Smith. 

98.  Joseph  Scull,  b.  January  2.  1790;  il.  ^May  16.  1S53:  was  a  member  of  the  Home 
Guards  in  the  war  of  1812.  He  was  for  many  years  :i  Justice  <t\  the  Peace  and  a  prominent 
and  well  respected  man  in  local  affairs.  He  ni.  Susannah  I'.lacknian.  and  their  children  were: 
106.  Alice,  m.  Stacy  Powell.  107.  Andrew,  m.  Rhuhama  Chaniiiinn.  108.  .Abel.  m.  Sylvia 
Ann  Champion.  109.  Joseph,  b.  August  22.  1826;  m.  Hannah  (iififord.  no.  Susannah,  m. 
Enoch   Champion,      in.  Sarah,  d.   in  infancy. 

99.  Richard  Scull  m.  Elizabeth  Hickniai 
113.  Ann,  ni.  Beetle  Edwards.  114.  Mary,  n 
Vandewater.  116.  George,  m.  Cinderella  Sh 
garet,  m.  Thomas  ^^'inner.  119.  .\licc,  m 
English.  121.  Caroline,  m.  Alphens  Barrel 
Abel  J.  m.  Hannah  Ann  Steel  man. 

100.  Andrew  Scull  m..  first.  Eunice  Scnll.  daughter  of  Enoch  Scull.  They  had:  Samuel. 
d.  in  Key  West.     Sarah,  m.  Jonathan  Doughty.     Richard,  d.  a  babe. 

100.  Andrew  Scull  m..  second.  Mary  Gifford.  They  had:  124.  Richard,  b.  .August  25, 
1826.  125.  Robert,  b.  August.  1820:  killed  in  battle  of  Cold  Harbor,  Civil  War,  June  i, 
1864;  m.  Ann  Stevens.  126.  Eunice.  1).  1S32;  m.  Benjamin  Hickman.  127.  Elizabeth,  b. 
1834;  m.  John  Willits.  128.  >Iargaret.  b.  1836;  m.  John  Dickson.  129.  Ann,  b.  September 
13,  1838;  m.  Nicholas  Hickman.  130.  Andrew,  b.  April  25,  1840;  m.  Maria  Barrett.  131. 
Mary,  b.  August  11,  1842;  m.  Jesse  Barrett.  132.  Mittie,  b.  August  g,  1844;  m.  John  J.  Gard- 
ner, January  i,  1873.  133.  Rejoice,  b.  June,  1846;  m.  Chester  Barrett.  134.  Alice,  b.  June 
25,  1850;  m.  Enoch  Thompson  Gifford. 

101.  Enoch  Scull  m.  Ann  Hickman.  They  had:  135.  Thomas,  m.  Sarah  Trout.  136. 
John,  m.  Beulah  Risley.  137.  Morris,  d.  young.  138.  Lydia.  m.  Jesse  English.  139.  James, 
m.  Charlotte  Remine.  140.  Walter,  m.  Susan  Joslyn.  141.  Enoch,  ni.  Elizabeth  Smith. 
142.  Eliza.     143.  Philip.     144.  Mary. 

107.  Andrew  Scull  m.  Rhuhama  Champion.  They  had:  145.  Elizabeth,  m.  Henry 
Dennis.  146.  Susan,  m.  William  Jeftries.  147.  Elmer.  148.  Sylvia,  m.  Richard  Risley. 
149.  ^lartha,  m.  Benj.  Lee.     150.  Joseph,  m.  Mary  Somers,  daughter  of  Jesse  Somers. 

108.  Abel  Scull  m.  Sylvia  Champion.     They  had;     151.  Abel.     152.  ]Martin  Van  Buren. 

109.  Joseph  Scull,  b.  August  22,  1826;  m.  Hannah  Gifford.  They  had:  153.  Sarah 
Elizabeth,  m.  George  W.  Smith.  154.  Juliette,  d.  1879.  155.  :Martin  Van  Buren.  m.  Flor- 
ence Soiners.  156.  Emily  Gift'ord,  m.  Stewart  H.  Shinn.  157.  Josiah  H.  158.  Susanne. 
159.  James  Gifford.     160.  Harriet  Somers.  m.  Harry  B.  Leeds. 


v  had: 


;.   Philip,  m.  Lydia  Hickman. 


lam  Jol 


115.   Elizabeth,  m.  Cornelius 

,     II 

7.   Han 


in.  Henry  Sinith.     118.  'Slar- 


er   \\'e 


t.      120.   Richard,    m.    Eunice 


!.  Tlu.r 


Edward;    123.   .\bel    J.,   twins. 


ISO    of      Sir     George 

SOMI-.RS   FAMILY.  4:!3 

IJ5.  Robert  Scull,  1).  Au.uust,  i8jy;  ni.  Ann  Slcvciis.  They  had:  i6i.  Samuel,  ni. 
Annie  Lloyd. 

130.  Andrew  Scull,  b.  April  ->5.  1840;  ni.  Maria  Barrett.  They  had:  16.'.  Mary  L.,  m. 
Job  Giflford.  163.  Elizabeth,  ni.  Kugene  .Mden.  1(14.  Hannah,  ni.  Smith  Collins.  165. 
Ann.  m.  Wesley  Somers.     lOO.  Sarah,  m.  Henry  Sooy.     167.  James.     168.  Cornelia. 

120.  Richard  Scull  m.  Eunice  English.  They  had:  169.  Thomas,  m.  Annie  ^L  Risley. 
170.  Christopher  English,  m.  Annie  Cordcry.  171.  Joanna,  m.  William  L.  Lore.  17J. 
I  Richard. 


[■■  Somers  Would  like  orlrin  "f  "^'"'^  family  for  more  than  two  hundred  and  fifty  years  has  been 
f  John  Somers  of  Somers  Point,,  history  of  Atlantic  County  on  land  and  sea.  As  patriotic  citizens, 
fe  came  f'"°'"  J^j'°''"^^g®'^'gft",^'^\t '^  ^"J  masters  of  ships  they  have  won  honorable  names. 
lubn'n.''now  Somerton.  Penn.,  and  In-iniers  was  born  in  Worcester.  England,  in  1640,  and  died  in  1723. 
Chased  .Sixvi  .<icres  at  Somers  Point  ^  ^-iijie  crossing  the  ocean  to  this  country,  and  was  buried  in  the 
?.'"'^"j'""He  "°etonged  V°  theannah  Hodgkins,  b.  1667,  d.  1738,  came  from  Worcester,  England. 
ind.  but  later  he  and  his  ^^ttjed  at  Upper  Dublin,  Pa,  moving  soon  after  to  the  Egg  Harbor 
.laughter.  MllUcent,  joined  ^  ^,^,^^  ^^^  November  30,  1695,  he  purchased  of  Thomas  Budd  3.000 
etv   and   all    three    oecanie  ^  ^  ,      r  ,     ,  •        ^ 

built  a  Friends  meetinge  was  appointed  supervisor  ot  roads  at  the  first  court  held  at  Ports- 
cousin  o£  Joh"t\.  March  20.  1693.  His  grave  may  still  be  seen  in  the  old  Somers 
r  the  Point  where  many  of  his  descendants  have  been  buried. 
Bermudas.  Among  hie  nine  children: 
ants  were  Colonel  Richard  Som.,  j^^^.  ^j  NQ^.gj^jjpr  27.  1760;  m.  Judith  Letart,  b.  1712;  d.  1763. 
i''s;m:r?"ma'ster:ommand?nt  J>  ■"•  Abigail  — ,  b.  July  21,  1695.  4-  Samuel.  5.  Job.  6.  Isaac. 
'States  Navy.  M.  B.  H.       1704.  to  Mary  Steelman.     8.  Bridget.     9.  Hannah.     10.   Millicent, 

l>    <  !•  teller  7.  iii^'5:  111,  jiiiH'  iri,  1704.  Richard  Townsend,  of  Cape  May. 

J  kK-liar.i  111.  Juihtli.  ihiughter  of  Sir  James  Letart,  of  Arcadia,  N.  S.  He  burned  tlie 
biiclv  and  built  at  Suiikij  Point  the  old  Somers  Mansion,  which  is  still  standing.  They 
ha  J  ten  children: 

11.  Francis.  T2.yan]Fi,  b  July  2.  1739.  13.  John.  b.  October  14,  1727;  d.  August  27.  1799. 
14.  Col.  Richard,  b.  November  24,  1737.  15.  Edmund,  b.  May  20,  1745.  16.  Joscpli.  (The 
last  two  were  lost  at  sea.)     17.  Judith  S.,  b.  April  5,  1743;  m.  —  Risley.     18.  Sarah  S..  b. 

July  21,   1729;  m.   Fred  gteelman.     L9,  Elizabeth   S.,   b.   April   5.   1733;   m.  Paul.     20. 

Hannah,  b.  December  22,  1735;  m.  Peter  Andrews. 

12.  James,  b.  July  2.  1739;  m.  Rebecca  and  had  eight  children; 

21.  James,  who  owned  slaves  and  built  the  old  mill  at  Bargaintown;  m.,  first. ; 

second.  Maiy  Scull,  nee  Brannen.     22.  Abigail,  m.  John  Steelman.     23.  Samuel.     24.  .Alice.    JAJ-JO  V  ^~ 

ni.   Peter  Frambes.     25.  Rebecca,  m.  Coiiover.     26.   Hannah,  m..  first.  John   Holmes; 

second,  John  Shillingsforth.     27.  Aaron.     28.  Sarah. 

13.  John.  b.  October  14,  1727;  d.  August  27,  1799;  m.  for  his  second  wife.  Hannah 
Spicer  I.udlam.  b.  September  3,  1735;  d.  November  II,  1800.  John  occupied  the  old  brick 
mansion  M  Somers  Point  and  owned,  with  Col.  Richard,  the  Point  property  and  Pecks 
Beach,  where  Ocean  City  now  stands.     He  was  the  father  of  ten  children: 

29.  John.  30.  James,  m.,  first,  Lettice  Finlcy;  second,  Aner  Blackmail ;  third,  ^^artha 
Wiley.     31.  Richard,  lost  at  sea.     32.  Jesse,  b.   October  4.   1763;   d.  January  29.   1858.     T,i. 

Frank,  lost  at  sea.     34.  Judith,  m.  David  Scull.     35.  Rachel,  m.  Reed.      36.    Elizabeth 

m-  Wescott.    ^,7.  Joseph,  who  died  of  yellow  fever.    38.  Abigail,  m.  ■ •  Freeland. 

14.  Col,  Richard,  b.  1737;  d.  October  22,  1794;  m.  Sophia  Stillwell,  of  Cape  May, 
Decembe'  3,  1761,  by  whom  he  had  three  children.  He  was  a  Colonel  in  the  militia,  a 
Judge  of  the  county  court,  and  his  name  appears  among  those  of  the  members  from  his 
native  county  in  the  Piovincial  Congress,  for  the  year  1775;  though  it  would  seem  that  he 
■did  not  take  his  scat.     Col.  Somers  was  an  active  Whig  in  the  Revolution,  and  was  much 


ress  Ilhtsfraied-~ 
ately  braided  in  a 
3:made  yoke  and 
amg:,  finished  with 


new  styles  in  hand- 
y  inserts  of  fine  laces 
the  latest  style  eff:.cts 


model    with    scalloned™. 


somi-:rs  family. 

12-,.  Robert  Scull.  I).  .\ui;ii>t,  i8-'9:  in.  Ann  Steven?.  They  luul:  i6i.  Sami 
Annie  Lloyd. 

130.  Andrew  Scull,  b.  April  -'5.  i!^4o;  >»■  Maria  Barrett.  They  had:  ii>2.  Mary 
Job  Gifford.  163.  Elizabeth,  ni.  Kugene  Aldcn.  i()4.  Hannah,  ni.  Smith  Collin; 
Ann,  ni.  Wesley  Soniers.     Ib6.  Sarah,  ni.  Henry  Sooy.     167.  James.     168.  Cornelia. 

ijo.  Richard  Scull  m.  Eunice  English.  They  had:  169.  Thomas,  m.  Annie  M. 
170.  Christopher  English,  m.  Annie  Cordcry.  171.  Joanna,  m.  William  L.  Lure 


The  well-known  Somers  family  for  more  than  two  hundred  and  fifty  years  has  been 
closely  identified  with  the  history  of  Atlantic  County  on  land  and  sea.  As  patriotic  citizens, 
soldiers  in  the  Revolution  and  masters  of  ships  they  have  won  honorable  names. 

The  original  John  Somers  was  born  in  Worcester,  England,  in  1640,  and  died  in  1723. 
His  first  wife  died  in  1681,  while  crossing  the  ocean  to  this  country,  and  was  buried  in  the 
sea.     His  second  wife,  Hannah  Hodgkins,  b.  1667,  d.  1738,  came  from  Worcester,  England. 

He  was  a  Quaker  and  settled  at  Upper  Dublin,  Pa,  moving  soon  after  to  the  Egg  Harbor 
region.  The  records  show  that  on  November  30,  1695,  he  purchased  of  Thomas  Budd  3.000 
acres  of  land  for  £240.  He  was  appointed  supervisor  of  roads  at  the  first  court  held  at  Port>- 
mouth  in  Cape  May  county,  March  20,  1693.  His  grave  may  still  be  seen  in  the  old  Soniers 
burying  ground  in  the  pines  near  the  Point  where  many  of  his  descendant>  h.ivi'  been  buried. 
By  his  second  wife  he  had  nine  children : 

2.   K'iihfiriL  b.  March,  1693;  d.  November  27,   1760;  m.  Judith  Letart.  b.   1712;  d.    1763. 

3.  James,  b.  July  15,  1695;  m.  Abigail  ,  b.  July  21,  1695.     4.  Samuel.     5.  Job.     6.   Isaac. 

7.  Edmund,  m.  January  2,  1704,  to  Mary  Steelman,  8.  Bridget.  9.  Hannah.  10.  Millioent, 
b.  October  7,  1685;  m.  June  16,  1704,  Richard  Townsend,  of  Cape  May. 

2.  Richard  m.  Judith,  daughter  of  Sir  James  Letart,  of  Arcadia,  N.  S.  He  burned  the 
brick  and  built  at  Somers  Point  the  old  Somers  Mansion,  which  is  still  standing.  They 
had  ten  children: 

li.  Francis.  T2.yan]es^  b.  July  2,  1739.  13.  John,  b.  October  14.  1727;  d.  .August  27.  1799. 
14.  Col.  Richard,  b.  November  24,  1737.  15.  Edmund,  b.  May  20,  1745-  16.  Joseph.  (The 
last  two  were  lost  at  sea.)     17.  Judith  S.,  b.  April  5,  1743;  m.' —  Risley.     18.  Sarah  S.,  b. 

July  21,   1720;  m.   Fred  gteelman.     ig.  Elizabeth  S.,  b.  April  5,   1733;  ni.  Paul.     20. 

Hannah,  b.  December  22,  1735;  m.  Peter  .\ndrews. 

12.  James,  b.  July  2.  1739;  m.  Rebecca  and  had  eight  children: 

21.  James,  who  owned  slaves  and  built  the  old  mill  at  Bargaintown;  m.,  first, ; 

second.  Maiy  Scull,  nee  Brannen.     22.  .Abigail,  m.  John  Steelman.     2;^.  Samuel.     24.  .Mice. 

ni.   Peter  Fr?.mbes.     25.   Rebecca,  m.  Conover.     26.   Hannah,  m..  first,  John   Holmes; 

second,  John  Shillingsforth.     27.  .Aaron.     28.  Sarah. 

13.  John.  b.  October  14,  1727;  d.  .\ugust  27,  1799;  m.  for  his  second  wife,  Hannah 
Spicer  I.udlam.  b.  September  3,  1735;  d.  November  11,  1800.  John  occupied  the  old  brick 
mansion  ;.t  Somers  Point  and  owned,  with  Col.  Richard,  the  Point  property  and  Pecks 
Beach,  where  Ocean  City  now  stands.     He  was  the  father  of  ten  children: 

29.  John.  30.  James,  m.,  first,  Lettice  Finley;  second,  Aner  Blackman;  third,  .Martha 
Wiley.     31.  Richard,  lost  at  sea.     32.  Jesse,  b.   October  4,  1763;  d.  January  29,   185S.     3,1 

Frank.  lost  at  sea.     34.  Judith,  m.  David  Scull.     35.  Rachel,  m.  Reed.      36.    Elizabctli, 

in.  Wescott.    37.  Joseph,  who  died  of  yellow  fever.    38.  Abigail,  m.  Freeland. 

14.  Col,  Richard,  b.  1737;  d.  October  22,  1794;  m.  Sophia  Stillwell,  of  Cape  May, 
Decembe-  3,  1761.  by  whom  he  had  three  children.  He  was  a  Colonel  in  the  militia,  a 
Judge  of  the  county  court,  and  his  name  appears  among  those  of  the  members  from  his 
native  county  in  the  Piovincial  Congress,  for  the  year  1775:  though  it  would  seem  that  he 
A\\  not  tak.'  his  seat.     Col.  Somers  was  an  active  Whig  in  the  Revolution,  and  was  much 


^'2  y  1. 


SO.\n-:KS  FAMILY.  435 

employed,   in  the  field  and   otherwise,   more  especially  during   the   lirst  years  of  the   great 
struggle  for  national  independence. 

39.  Constant,  b.  1760;  d.  1797;  m.  Sarah  Hand,  of  Cape  May.  He  was  the  first  collector 
of  the  port  of  Great  Egg  Harbor.  He  had  a  son  Constant,  who  was  killed  at  Kronstadt, 
Russia,  at  the  age  of  17,  by  falling  into  the  hold  of  his  vessel,  August  29,  1811.  Constant's 
daughter,  Sarah,  m.,  first,  William  Learning;  second,  Nicholas  Corson,  of  Cape  May. 

40.  Sarah,  b.  December  31,  1772;  d.  1850;  m.  Capt.  William  Jones  Keen,  of  Philadelphia. 

41.  Capt.    Richard,    b.    September    15,    1778;    d.    September   4,    1804.    in   the    harbor   of    '\J  /}  )f^^7^'^  *^^^ 
Tripoli.     (See  biographical  sketch.)  ^/-  [       .^  c /y    ^ 

30.  James,  m.,  first.  Lettice   Finley.  b.   February  27,   1760;   second,  Aner  Blackman,  b.  ^^f^ 

Match  3,  1779;  d.  April  13,  1822;  third,  to  Martha  Wiley,  b.  1790;  d.  February  22.  1874.     By 
the  first  wife  he  had  six  children;  second,  four  children,  and  the  third,  one  child: 

42.  Judith,  b.  October  12,  1793;  d.  December  i,  1876  m.  James  Garwood 

43.  ^Lary,  b.  July  10,  1802:  d.  July  19,  1882;  m.  Richard  Spain. 

44.  Susan,  b.  October  25,  1791;  m.  James  Somers,  Jr. 

45.  Hannah,  b.  October  i,  1795;  m.  Elijah  Davis,  September  26,  1S34;  d.  August  22,  1899. 
They  were  luarried  by  Rev.  Thomas  N.  Carroll,  a  Methodist  minister,  in  Philadelphia. 
Dying  when  nearly  104  years  old,  she  left  a  fortune  to  church  and  religious  societies,  and 
was  buried  in  Woodland  Cemetery.     (See  biographical  sketch. ) 

46.  Mark,  b.  Au.gust  4,  1799;  d.  February  23,  1872. 

47.  Joseph,  b.  March  20,  1798;  d.  July  6,  1859. 

48.  Constantine,  b.  April  19,  1812;  d.  January  8,  1891:  m.  Marriet  Ireland. 

49.  David  B.,  b.  1807;  d.  1874;  m.  Eliza  Ann,  daughter  of  Samuel  Somers.  He  began 
life  as  a  school  teacher.  Later  on  he  opened  a  country  store  and  took  up  conveyancing 
and  surveying,  in  which  occupation  he  continued  throughout  his  life.  He  always  had  a 
deep  interest  in  tow^nship  affairs  and  the  respect  in  which  he  was  held  in  the  community 
is  shown  by  the  various  offices  to  which  he  was  elected.  Besides  acting  as  Justice  of  the 
Peace  for  a  number  of  years,  he  was  Lay  Judge  of  the  Court  of  Common  Pleas  for  fifteen 
years,  and  served  one  term  in  the  State  Senate.  He  was  a  staunch  Democrat,  and  for 
several  years  presided  at  the  Democratic  County  Convention.  He  was  a  member  of  the 
Zion  M.  E.  Church,  and  throughout  his  life  was  noted  for  his  integrity  and  kindly  spirit. 

50.  Deborah,  b.  September  6,  1814;  d.  April  24,   1888:  m.  Washington  Somers. 

51.  Arabella,  b.  August  10,  1817;  d.  October  17,  1S91 ;  m.  Judge  John  Doughty,  of  Ab- 
secon.     (See  Doughty  family.) 

52.  Harriet,  b.  September  15,  1825;  m.,  first.  Edward  Cordery,  and  her  second  husband 
was  Simon  Lake.    Lives  in  Ocean  City. 

32.  Jesse,  b.  October  4,  1763;  d.  January  29,  1858;  m..  first  Deborah  Ludham,  b.  .\pril 
4.  1775;  d-  September  18,  1835,  and  had  eight  children:  m.,  second,  Elizabeth  Baker,  d. 
September  16,  1848,  age  45  years,  7months,  19  days: 

53.  Priscilla,  m.  Elton  Braddock. 

54.  John.  m.  and  had  two  children. 

55.  Reuben,  m.  Mary  Bank  and  had  two  children,  Reuben,  m.  Roxanna  Somers; 
Jesse,  ni.  Deborah  Bowen. 

56.  Hannah,  m.,  first,  Jatues  Scull;  second,  Humphrey  Scull. 

57.  \\'illiam. 

58.  Priscilla  Ann. 

59-  Jesse,  m.  Mary  Baker,  b.   1817;  d.   1876. 

60.  Richard  L.,  b.  December  17,  1809:  d.  April  6,  1871;  m.,  first.  Hannah  Somers.  b. 
January  9,  1807:  d.  December  16,  1835,  m.,  second.  Annie  Braddock,  «jf  Medford.  \".  J.,  b. 
May  I,  1813;  d.  May  27,  1897.     By  his  first  wife  he  had  two  children; 

61.  Deborah  Jane,  m.  George  Anderson. 

62.  Christopher,  who  was  lost  nt  sea,  September  15,  1858.  from  the  schooner  "Spray," 
off  Cape  Cod,  aged  22,  years. 

436  UA1L^     L"XI(:)X    HISTORY    ()F   ATLANTIC   COUNTY. 

By  his  second  wile  he  had  seven  children: 

63.  William  B..  b.  January.  1839;  d.  August  24.  1839. 

64.  Dr.  Job  Braddock.  b.  June  17,  1840;  d.  April  8,  1895;  m.  Louisa  Corson,  b.  1837:  d. 

65.  Richard  B.,  ni.  Harriet  Tilton,  and  has  three  children.  Lena.  Maggie  and  Abbie. 

66.  John  \V.,  died  young. 

67.  Annie,  b.  March  16.  1846:  d.  November  15.  1874:  m.  Adolph  Apella,  of  Philadel- 
phia, and  had  one  child,  A.  Somers  Kapella. 

68.  Braddock,   d.   young,   September    13,    1858. 

69.  Hannah  S.,  m.  George  Hayday,  Jr.,  and  had  two  children,  Florence  and  Louisa. 
59.  Jesse,  m.  Mary  Baker,  and  had  ten  children: 

70.  Daniel  Baker,  lost  at  sea. 

71.  Ann  Eliza,  m.  Richard  Adams,  and  had  one  child,  Somers. 

72.  William  H. 

73.  Priscilla  Ann,  m.  Morgan  Christopher,  of  IMedford,   N.  J. 

74.  Mary  B.,  m.  William  Braddock. 

75.  Cornelia,  m.  Somers  Garwood. 

76.  Jesse,  killed  at  Scranton,  Pennsylvania. 

77.  Melvina,  m.  Joseph  Scull. 

78.  Eldorada.  m.  Steelman  Turner. 

79.  Theresa,  m.  Joseph  L.  Veal,  of  Mays  Landing,  N.  J. 

21.  James  Somers,  the  "miller,"  m.,  first,  Sarah  ,  and  had  nine  children;  second 

wife.  Mary  Scull,  nee  Brennen. 

80.  Samuel,  b.  November  25.  1779;  d.  January  4,  1855:  m.  Roxanna  Scull. 

81.  Nicholas,  m.  for  his  second  wife.  Ruth  Corson,  nee  Willits.  and  had  one  child, 
Ruth  Eliza;  m.,  second.  Phoebe  Scull  and  had  four  children:  John,  Charles.  Abigail  and 

82.  James,  m.  Susan  Somers  and  had  six  children: 

83.  Joseph. 

84.  David. 

85.  Jacob,  m.  Mary  Clark. 

86.  Sarah,  m.  John  R.  Scull  and  had  seven  children. 

87.  Richard,  m.  Leah  Holmes. 

88.  Francis,  m.  Margaretta  Vansant.  and  had  seven  children:  James,  Job.  Alfred, 
Elmer.  Margaret  and  Amanda.  Amanda  m.  Capt.  Wesley  Robinson  and  had  two  children: 
Laura,  m.  William  Middleton  and  Lena,  m.  Clifton  G.  Shinn. 

80.  Samuel,  b.  November  25.  1779;  d.  January  4.  1855;  m..  December  13,  1801.  Roxanna, 
daughter  of  John  Scull,  and  had  eight  children: 

89.  Sarah,  b.  1804;  m.  Andrew  Frambes. 

90.  Constant,  b.  1806;  m.  Sarah  Edwards. 

91.  Washington,  b.  1809;  m.  Deborah  Somers. 

92.  Mary,  b.  1812;  d.  young. 

93.  Eliza  Ann,  b.  1814;  d.  1872;  m.  David  B.  Somers,  b.  June,  1807;  d.  April  12.  1874. 

94.  Mary,  b.  1817;  d.  1836;  m.  John  Brock. 

95.  Caroline,  b.  1820;  m.  John  W.  Tilton. 

96.  Phoebe,  b.  1824;  m.  Josiah  Dilks  and  had  two  children:  Annie,  m.  Albert  Fleming, 
of  Philadelphia,  and  Priscilla,  m.  William  Braddock,  of  Berlin. 

91.  Washington,  b.  1809;  d.  1871;  m.  Deborah  Somers  and  had  ten  children: 

97.  Roxanna,  m.  Reuben  Somers.  98.  Henrietta.  99.  John,  lost  at  sea.  100.  Mary,  d. 
1896.  lOl.  Harriet,  m.  Wesley  Ireland.  102.  Annie,  m.  John  Towle,  of  Absecon.  103. 
Leonard.     104.  Arabella,  m.  Leonard  Melton.     105.  Martha,  m.  Geo  W.  Fox. 

89.  Sarah,  b.   1804.  m.  Andrew  Frambes,  b.  February  12,  1796,  and  had  nine  children: 
106.  Roxanna.  m.  Jonas  Higbee  and  had  four  children:    Henry,  Andrew.  Sarah  C.  and 


W'ilmer.  107.  Nicholas,  in.  Amanda  Ingersoll.  108.  Caroline,  ni.  Samuel  W'ayi 
Phoebe,  m.  David  Preston,  no.  Somers,  m.,  first,  Hester  Blackman;  second,  J 
Yates,  nee  Race.  in.  Howell,  m.  Abbie  Higbee.  112.  Mary,  m.  Wesley  Leeds.  T 
Ann,  m.  John  Henry  Tilton.     114.  Sarah,  ni.  Daniel  Leech. 

95.   Caroline,  b.  1820;  m.  John  \V.  Tilton  and  had  five  children: 

115.  Daniel  E.,  m.  Ella  Duff. 

116.  Phoebe  Alice,  ni.  Clement  J.  Adams  and  had  two  children.  CnrU-tnn  ,nid  M 

117.  Luther,   m.,   first,    Elnora   Somers;   second,    Emily    Duff,   and   had   three 
Grace.   Ralph  and  .•\rthur. 

118.  Irene,  m.   Lewis  Imlay.  and  luul  tliree  children,  Caroline,    llcirace  and  Jol 

119.  John  Walker,  m.   Eva  Webb,  and  has  one  child,  Mervella. 
64.   Dr.  Job  Braddock  Somers,  b.  June  17,  1840:  d.  April  8,  1895:  1 

Cape   May   County,   b.    September  2,    18,^7;   d.    December    14,    18S8,   an 

e.  109. 
.1.   Eliza 

isa  L< 



Florence,  b.  July  J2,  1864;  m.  :\Iartin  V.  B.  Scull;  and  Lucien  Bonaparte  Corson,  b. 
8,  1871;  m.  Elizabeth  M.  Stewart,  of  Philadelphia,  and  has  one  child,  Richard. 

Dr.  Job  Somers  was  a  very  successful  physician  and  a  deeply  religious  man  and  1 
exemplary  citizen.  He  was  one  of  the  founders  of  Trinity  Masonic  Lodge,  and  lal 
Keystone  Lodge,  at  Linwood.  He  was  greatly  beloved  and  respected  by  all  who  knew 
He  was  the  author  of  several  historical  pamphlets  and  found  pleasure  in  serving  his  i 
men  and  in  keeping  all  his  obligations. 

90.  Constant,  b.  1806;  d.  1891;  m.,  1829,  to  Sarah,  daughter  of  Daniel  Edwards 
had  ten  children:     120.  Samuel,  died  young. 

121.  Maryett,  b.  1832;  d.  1857:  m.  Samuel  W.  Tilton  and  had  one  son.  Curtis. 

122.  Daniel  E.,  b.  1834;  m.  Mary  E.  Price  and  had  two  children:  Marietta,  ni.  1 
Price;  and  Fred. 

123.  Samuel,  b.  1836:  m.  Rachel  Githens  and  had  two  children:  W:irren  and  Hi 
Warren,  b.  1868;  m.  Isora  Blackman,  and  have  five  children;  Helen.  Samuel,  Jr..  liar' 
iSq.t:  d.  1899:  Rachel,  and  Warren,  Jr.;  Hubert,  b.  1872. 



124.  Lewis  Henry,  b.  1839;  d.  1890;  m.  Lenora  C.  Adams  and  had  two  children,  Mark- 
anna  and  Geneva. 

125.  Susan  E.,  ni.   Harrison   Dubois,  of  Woodbury. 

126.  Israel  S.,  b.   1844;  went  to  California  in  1866;  ni.  and  has  nine  children: 

127.  Sarah,  m.  James  Tilton  and  had  six  children:  Mary,  m.  Frank  Somers;  John  R., 
Sarah,  Somers,  Clarence  and  Ethel. 

128.  Annie  J.,  b.  1849:  d.  1881;  m.  Jesse  Steclman  and  moved  to  Kansas,  where  both 
died  young,  about   1881   or   1882. 

129.  Aner  B.,  m.  James  Farrish  and  had  four  children:  Annie  J.,  Jeanette,  Curtis  and 

93.  Eliza  Ann,  b.  1814:  d.  1872;  m.  David  B.  Somers  and  had  five  children — (For  David 
B.,   see   Lay  Judges.): 

130.  Aner  B.,  b.  1835;  d.   1850. 

131.  Mary  B.,  b.  1839:  deceased;  m.  John  Cordery,  and  had  two  children,  Emma  and 
Mae  F. 

132.  Joseph  Henry,  b.  1847;  d.  September  8,  1892;  m.  Judith  S.  Somers  and  had  seven 
children:    Eliza  A.,  Lillian.  Herbert  L.,  David  B.,  Harry  G.,  Joseph  Howard  and  Mary  C. 

John  Somers,  a  brother  of  James,  settled  about  three  miles  from  Somers  Point.  He 
died  in  1823,  aged  68  years.  Four  of  his  sons.  Richard  I.,  Edmund,  Lewis  and  Henry,  mar- 
ried and  left  numerous  descendants  that  settled  in  this  and  Cape  May  County.  Edmund, 
the  last  remaining  son,  died  March,  1881,  in  his  68th  year.  Many  by  the  name  of  Somers 
have  gone  down  to  the  sea  in  ships,  never  to  return,  but  are  resting  beneath  the  waves  wait- 
ing the  dawn  of  the  resurrection  morn. 


1.  James  Steelman.  ist,  was  a  Swede,  who,  before  1690,  had  identified  himself  with  the 
colony  of  Swedes,  in  New  Castle,  Delaware.  He  located  land  in  this  county  in  1694  or  1695, 
and  owned  large  tracts,  also  many  head  of  cattle.  He  was  a  member  of  the  Gloria  Dei,  OKI 
Swedes  Church,  of  Philadelphia,  and  his  children,  Andrew  and  Susannah,  are  also  mentioned 
in  the  records  of  that  church.  He  was  married,  previous  to  his  coming  to  this  section,  to 
Susannah  Toy,  daughter  of  Christian  Toy.     The  children  of  this  union  being:     2.  Andrew, 

ist,  b.  1689-90;  d.  1736;  m.  Judith  .     3.  Susannah,  b.   1691;  m.  John  Kean,  November, 

1713,  son  of  ]Mathias  Kean  and  Henricka  Classen.  4.  Hance,  ist,  will  proved  1760.  5.  John, 
1st,  b.  January  7,  1692;  will  proved  August  II,  1775;  m-  Sarah  Adams.  6.  James,  2d.  m. 
Katherine  Kean,  daughter  of  Nicholas  Kean  and  Elizabeth  Lock.     7.   Elias,  ist.     8.  Mary, 

m.  Blackman.    9.  Peter,  ist,  d.  1762;  m.  Gertrude  ,  record  in  Old  Swedes  Church, 

Philadelphia,  Vol.  2.,  p.  225. 

James  ist  afterward  m.  Katherine  Ouster,  June  3,  1730.  He  owned  a  considerable  por- 
tion of  the  southwest  end  of  Absequam  beach,  which  he  bought  of  Thomas  Budd.  James 
died  in   1734. 

2.  Andrew  Steelman,   ist,  b.   1690;  m.  Judith  .     Their  children  were:     10.  Andrew. 

2d,  made  deeds  in  1746;  no  children.  11.  Peter,  2d.  b.  May  i,  1723;  d.  November  9,  1762; 
m.  Hannah  Leeds,  daughter  of  Japhet  Leeds,  ist,  September,  1750.      12.  James.    3d;    deeds 

in  1743.     13.  Frederick.  1st,  m.  Sarah  ;  will  proved  April  29.  1778.     14.   ^Nlary.  d.  May 

21.  1797;  m.,  first.  Edmund  Somers,  January  2.  1734;  second,  Joseph  Mapes,  May  6.  1746.  15. 
Judith,  m.  Collins.     16.  Susannah. 

4.  Hance  Steelman,  ist.  Had:  17.  James.  18.  Hance,  2d.  19.  Charles,  will  February, 
1779;  m.  Mary  and  had  Barbara,  John.  Mary.  David.  Margaret.  Gortery  and  Phoebe. 
2C.  John.     21.   Daniel. 

5.  John  Steelman.  ist.  b.  January  7,  1692;  m.  Sarah  Adams.     They  had;     22.  John,  will 


1796:  m.  Abigail  Soniers.  dauRlUer  of  James  Somcrs.  23.  Jeremiah.  24.  Zoplianiah.  d.  1790; 
ni.  Rebecca  Ireland,  daughter  of  Edmund  Ireland.  25.  Jemima.  26.  Knthcrinc.  27. 
Susannah;  ni.  Daniel  Leeds  3d,  son  of  Japhet  ist.  28.  Rebecca,  m.,  first  Daniel  Leeds  3d, 
son  of  Japhet  ist;  m.,  second,  Robert  Smith,  son  of  Robert  Smith  and  Eliz.  Belange.  29. 
Rachel,  m.  Hi.gbee.     30.  Esther,  m.   Richard  Higbce. 

13.  Frederick   Steelman,   ist,  d.   1778;   m.   Sarah .     They   had:     31.  James,  4th,   m. 

Susannah,  daughter  of  Noah  Smith.  32.  Frederick,  2d,  d.  1782;  m.  Sophia  Rislcy.  33.  An- 
drew, 3d,  was  shot  on  Long  Island  by  John  Bacon,  a  Tory,  in  the  war  of  the  Revolution. 
34.  Sarah,  m.  Henry  Smith.  35.  Abigail,  m.  and  had  a  son,  Elias.  36.  Judith,  ni.  Jeremiah 
Leeds,  December  8,  1776,  son  of  John  Leeds.  37.  Mary,  m.  Daniel  Leeds,  January  3,  1775, 
son  of  John  Leeds.  38.  Hannah.  39.  Rachel,  m.  Peter  Steelman,  son  of  Isaac  Steelman  and 
Mary  Andrews. 

Frederick  Steelman.  his  father  and  several  brothers  served  in  Xew  Jersey  State  Militia, 
war  of  Revolution. 

II.  Peter  Steelman.  2d.  b.  May  I.  1723;  d.  November  19,  1762;  m.  Hannah  Leeds, 
September,  1850.  They  had:  40.  Japheth.  b.  January  10.  1752.  41.  Judith,  b.  September  20, 
1754.  42.  Isaac,  b.  January  5,  1756;  m.  Mary  Andrews.  43.  Deborah,  b.  October  9,  1757; 
d.  young.    44.  Susannah,  b.  April  12,  1762;  d.  March  8,  181a;  m.  Christian  Holdzkom. 

42.  Isaac  Steelman,  b.  January  5,  1756;  m.  Mary  Andrews.  They  had:  45.  Peter,  b. 
December  28,  1779;  m.  Rachel  Steelman.  46.  Jesse,  b.  September  27,  1781;  d.  November  3, 
1842;  m.  Rachel  Leeds,  daughter  of  Jeremiah  Leeds.  47.  Hannah,  b.  August  25,  1783;  m. 
Esperus  Tilton.  48.  Judith,  b.  Jilarch  13,  1785;  m.  Enoch  Conover.  49.  Sarah,  b.  July  12. 
1788;  m.,  first,  VVm.  Adams:  second,  Geo.  or  Thos.  Smith.  50.  Isaac,  b.  1790:  m.  Margaret 
Leeds,  daughter  of  Richard  and  Sarah  Leeds.  51.  Millicent,  b.  August  30,  1792;  d.  1873;  m., 
first,  Isaac  Ingersoll;  m.,  second,  Jeremiah  Leeds,  son  of  John  Leeds. 

22.  John  -Stpe-lnj^i]^  will  1796;  m.  Abigail  Somers.  They  had:  52.  John,  Major  in  war 
of  Revolution,  State  Troops;  m.  Margaret  Leeds,  daughter  of  Neheniiah  Leeds.  53.  Daniel, 
m.  Katherine  Reed,  daughter  of  Obadiah  Reed.  54.  Jonathan,  b.  December  31,  1762;  m. 
Sarah  Cordery.  They  had  Elizabeth,  Isaac  and  Jonathan.  !;c  .Misalnm,  m  Snrah  ?yp;-onp^ 
of  Long  Island.  56.  Hannah.  57.  Roxanna,  m.  Felix  Smith,  of  Absecon.  58.  Abigail. 
59.  Mary.  m.  Nicholas  Sooy,  of  Leeds  Point.  60.  Jemima.  61.  Zephaniah,  m.  Rebecca 
Ireland  and  had  Esther,  m.  Nehemiah  Clark.  1800:  Rebecca,  m. Davis;  Sarah,  b.  Feb- 
ruary 24,  1787;  m.  Paul  Scull. 

46.  Jesse  Steelman,  b.  September  27,  1781;  m.  Rachel  Leeds.  They  liad:  63.  Mary,  b. 
September  7,  1807:  m.  Mark  Reed,  November  6,  1831.  62.  Parmelia,  b.  .\pril  13.  1802;  m. 
Nathan  Ramson,  of  Long  Island. 

S2.  Major  John  Steelman  m.  Margaret  Leeds.  They  had:  64.  Nehemiah,  September  3, 
17S0.     65.  Zephaniah,  September  30,  1785.     66.  Julia  Ann,  September  9,  1788;  m.,  first,  Ab- 

saloin  Higbee;   second,  —  Carter.     67.  Abigail,  April   i,   1791;  m.,  first,  Higbee.     68. 

Jonas.  September  i,  1793;  m.  Ann  McCnllough.  69.  Leeds.  August  21,  1796;  m.,  first, 
Abigail  Risley;  second,  Ann  Steelman.  widow  of  Reed  Steelman.  70.  Phannel.  b.  Sep- 
tember 25,  1799;  m.  Elizabeth  Myers. 

55.  Absalom  Steelman  m  Sarah  Sprong.  They  had:  71.  John,  m.  Susannah  Scull, 
daughter  of  James  and  Susannah  Scull.  72.  Absalom,  m.  Deborah  Corvode.  November 
27,  1820.  73.  Elizabeth,  m.  Arthur  Westcoat.  son  of  Thomas  and  Chloe  Westcoat.  74. 
Charlotte,  m.  John  Westcoat.  brother  of  Arthur. 

Absalom  Steelman  and  Deborah  Corvode  had  Elizabeth.  John.  Charlotte.  Sarah.  Isaac, 
Caroline,  Absalom  and  Katherine. 

65.  Zephaniah  Steelman.  b.  September  30,  1785.  Had:  75.  John.  b.  September  8.  1825; 
m.  Ruth  Wilson,  April  4,  1846.  daughter  of  John  Wilson  and  Elizabeth  Leeds.  76.  Reuben, 
m.  Lavinia  Houston.     77.  Ann,  m.  Hardesty.     78.   Margaret,  m.  Daniel  Brown. 

68.  Jonas  Steehnan.  b.  September  i.  1793;  m.  .\nn  McCuIlougli,     They  lia<I:     79.  Mary, 

5      {"  y''    "^     440  DAILY   UXIOX   HISTORY   OF  ATLANTIC   COUNTY. 

Vj      \v  y    I    ,r     m-   I'lfiiry  Disston.     80.  Julia  Ann,  m.  Thomas  Morse,  son  of  Joab  Morse  and  Mary  Ann 

"  y  \         Lallian'.     Si.  BeuLah,  m.  Small.     82.  Margaret. 

50.  Isaac  Steelman,  b.  1790;  m.  Margaret  Leeds,  daughter  of  Richard  and  Sarah  Leeds. 
They  had:  83.  Richard  L.,  b.  1816;  m.  Hannah  Robinson.  84.  David  L.,  b.  1820;  m. 
Rosetta  English.  85.  Jesse,  d.  86.  Mary,  b.  1823;  m.  Andrew  Robinson.  They  had  three 
children,  Judith,  Abel  and  Margaret.     87.  Sarah,  b.  1826. 

83.  Richard  L.  Steelman,  b.  1816,  m.  Hannah  Robinson.  They  had:  88.  Margaret,  b. 
1843;  m.  Abner  Price,  1864.  They  had  three  children,  Webster,  Richard  S.  and  Alice.  89. 
Sarah  Etta,  b.  1846;  m.  George  S.  Winner,  go.  Isaac,  b.  1852;  ni.  .-Mice  M.,  daughter  of 
Constant  Smith 

84.  David  L.  Steelman,  b.  1820;  m.  Rosetta  English.  They  had:  91.  Dr.  Jesse  A. 
Steelman,  deceased.  92.  Mary  E.,  deceased.  93.  Anna  L.,  deceased.  94.  Ida,  deceased.  95. 
Ella,  m.  H.  S.  Collins.  96.  Rosalind.  97.  James  E.,  deceased.  98.  James  E.,  m.  Hattie 
Franibes.    99.  Mary  Ida.     100.  Dr.  Philip,  m.  Abbie  Scull.     loi.  Sarah,  m.  Thomas  Smith. 

CO.  Isaac  Steelman,  b.  1852;  m.  Alice  M.  Smith  in  1877.  They  had  seven  children:  102. 
E\\:x'.  h.  1879.  103.  Cora,  b.  1882.  104.  Constant,  b.  1887.  105.  Wilbur,  b.  1888.  106.  Fred- 
erick, b.   1893.     107.   ?Iannah,  b.   1895.     108.   Clarence,  b.   1899. 


Gen.  Joseph  Townsend,  in  his  early  life  lived  at  Green  Bank,  in  JNIonmouth  County, 
and  was  in  command  of  local  militia  in  the  war  of  1812.  He  settled  at  Bridgeport,  in  Bur- 
lington County,  soon  after  the  war,  and  conducted  a  hotel  there  for  many  years.  The  build- 
ing is  still  standing.  He  raised  a  family  of  three  sons:  (2)  Daniel;  (3)  Joseph,  and  (4) 
Paul,  and  four  daughters:    (5)  Rebecca;  (6)   Maria;  (7)   Louisa,  and  (8)   Elizabeth. 

(2)  Daniel,  b.  December  17,  1804;  m.  Jemima,  daughter  of  Samuel  Loveland  and 
Jerusha  Burnett,  of  Bridgeport,  N.  J.,  by  whom  there  were  thirteen  children,  eight  sons 
and  two  daughters  living  till  past  middle  age. 

Daniel  Townsend  settled  at  Leeds  Point,  adjoining  the  well-known  Japhet  Leeds"  farm. 
on  the  most  sightly  and  beautiful  point  along  the  New  Jersey  coast.  He  prospered  as  a  sea 
captain  and  owner  of  vessels,  trading  from  New  York  along  the  coast.  All  his  eight  sons 
became  captains  of  vessels. 

There  being  scarcely  any  public  schools  in  those  days,  Daniel  Townsend,  mostly  at 
his  own  expense,  built  a  private  school  house  and  employed  teachers  to  educate  his  children 
and  those  of  his  neighbors.  Manj'  still  living  can  remember  and  bless  his  generosity. 
He  was  the  prime  factor  in  building  the  Presbyterian  Church  at  Leeds  Point,  close  beside 
which  is  his  grave.  In  his  later  years  he  founded  and  named  the  town  of  Wheatland,  N.  J., 
and  established  tile  \vorks  there  which  promised  to  become  immensely  profitable  owing  to 
the  very  rich  and  extensive  clay  beds,  but  owing  to  financial  difficulties  the  enterprise  cost 
a  fortune  and  never  became  profitable.  Capt.  Townsend  was  one  of  the  promotors  and 
builders  of  the  New  Jersey  Southern  Railroad,  and  but  for  opposition  from  his  own  friends 
and  neighbors  where  he  might  least  expect  it  this  line,  in  all  probability,  would  have  passed 
through  Port  Republic  and  Mays  Landing  and  vastly  changed  the  subsequent  history  of 
Atlantic  County. 

In  1854  he  represented  this  county  in  the  Assembly,  and  was  one  of  the  most  progres- 
sive and  useful  citizens  of  his  day. 

The  children  of  Daniel  and  Jemima  Townsend  were:  (9)  Joseph  Towers,  b.  February 
14,  1826;  d.  September  16,  1887.  (10)  E.  Norris,  b.  November  3,  1828;  d.  July  31,  1894.  (11) 
Samuel,  lives  in  Texas.  (12)  Daniel,  lives  at  Leeds  Point.  (13)  William  H.,  died  in  Bos- 
ton, in  i8go.  (14)  James  D.,  b.  August  8,  1839;  d.  October  14,  1870.  (15)  Van  Doren.  m, 
Patience  Stafford,  is  a  captain  of  a  steamer  running  between  Philadelphia  and  New  York. 


His  home  is  at  Ashland,  N,  J.  (i6)  Jesse  L.,  b.  November  i,;.  1S45;  m.  Malviiiia  Brugler^ 
of  Warren  County,  is  a  carpenter  and  builder  in  Atlantic  City.  (i~)  Joanna,  a  twin  sister 
of  Jesse,  widow  of  the  late  James  S.  Robinson,  lives  in  .-Xtlantic  City.  (18)  Adaline,  widow 
of  Thomas  Scull  and  R.  S.  Barrows,  is  deceased. 

(3)  Joseph  Towers,  the  oldest  son,  was  the  captain  of  a  coasting  vessel  at  the  age  of 
nineteen.  He  and  his  father  and  brother,  next  older,  each  had  a  vessel  and  had  a  large  con- 
tract to  bring  fifty  or  more  thousand  cords  of  wood  from  southern  points  to  New  England 
ports  for  Boston  and  other  railroads.  This  was  before  the  general  use  of  anthracite  coal. 
Several  other  vessels  were  built  at  Poughkeepsie  till  their  fleet  numbered  eight  or  nine  and 
were  very  profitable.  During  the  war  three  of  the  Townsend  vessels  were  lost  in  the  South. 
Two  were  burned  and  one  captured  and  stripped.  At  the  close  of  the  war  Capt.  Townsend 
took  a  cargo  of  cotton  to  Russia.  During  his  lifetime  he  made  fourteen  trips  across  the 

On  February  16.  1848,  he  married  Eleanor,  daughter  of  James  Jones,  of  Forked  River. 
Seven  children  were  born  to  them:  Eliza  J.,  b.  January  29,  1852;  m.  Capt.  John  Lewis, 
deceased.  Jilordacai  T.  R..  b.  October  g,  1854;  m.  Frances  Johnson,  and  lives  in  Atlantic 
City.  James  Beach,  b.  June  30,  1857;  m.  Estella  Boice.  Luthera  Eleanor,  b.  September  9,. 
1858;  m.  Arthur  H.  Butler,  deceased.  Joseph  Towers,  b.  November  15,  1861;  m.  Eugenia 
Hammell.  John  E.  Jones,  b.  September  18,  1865;  m.  i\Iay  Madden;  d.  January  7,  1900. 
Georgie  Emma,  b.  July  26,  1872;  m.  Byron  S.  Eastburn,  and  lives  in  Philadelphia. 

During  the  last  years  of  his  life  the  health  of  Capt.  Towers  Townsend  failed,  and  for 
some  years  he  did  not  follow  the  sea.  On  his  last  voyage  home  he  was  stricken  with  fever 
and  died  soon  after  his  arrival  in  Brooklyn,  September  16,  1887,  aged  61  years. 

His  mother,  Jemima  Townsend,  was  a  woman  of  many  sterling  qualities,  who  had  the 
full  possession  of  all  her  faculties  till  her  life  went  out,  February  18,  1894,  at  the  ripe  age 
of  ninety-one  years. 

All  the  descendants  of  Daniel  Townsend  number  seventy-eight:  Thirteen  children; 
thirty-six  grandchildren,  and  twenty-nine  great-grandchildren. 

Bloorapbical  llntrobuction. 

IX  these  hundred  and  more  sketches  of  individuals  and  famihes  will  be  found 
interesting-  and  important  facts  for  those  who  may  care  what  the  past  has 
been,  thereby  the  better  to  judge  what  the  future  may  have  in  store  for  this 
city  and  county.    The  life  work  of  sincere  and  generous  souls  of  our  earlier 
history  are  here  referred  to  and  a  fair  and  concise  presentation  made  of  leading 
spirits  of  the  present  day,  who  have  useful  years  and  honorable  careers  before 
them  for  their  fellow  citizens. 


Hon.  Charles  T.  Abbott  of  Mays  Landing,  was  born  at  Tuckahoe.  Dcccmlicr  27,  1849. 
Tit  is  a  son  of  the  late  John  C.  Abbott  and  a  younger  brother  of  Joseph  E.  P.  Abbott,  the 
-present  Prosecutor  of  the  Pleas. 

He  was  educated  in  the  public  schools  and  studied  law  with  his  brother  at  Mays  Landing, 
"being  admitted  to  practice  June  6,  1879.  His  practice  has  been  of  the  general  nature  in  the 
county  courts.  He  was  search  clerk  under  County  Clerk  Lorenzo  A.  Down  for  several  years. 
For  eleven  years  he  was  elected  Assessor  of  Hamilton  township  and  elected  a  member  of  the 
•county  board  of  freeholders  in  March,  1899.  In  November  of  the  same  year  he  was  elected 
to  the  Assembly,  receiving  3.864  votes  to  1,890  cast  for  C.  Bodine  Somers,  Democrat,  and 
.391  for  Powell,  the  Prohibitionist.     He  married  Miss  Caroline  A.  Glover  of  Camden. 

Joseph  E.  Potts  Abbott,  Esq..  Prosecutor  of  the  Pleas  of  Atlantic  City,  is  a  descendant 
•of  one  of  the  old  New  Jersey  families.  His  grandfather,  James  Abbott,  was  a  resident 
of  Salem  County,  where  John  C.  Abbott,  the  father,  was  born  in  1803.  He  moved  to 
May's  Landing  about  1830,  having  first  been  employed  for  a  time  as  clerk  at  Weymouth 
works,  after  which  he  became  general  manager  for  Dr.  Schomburger.  of  Pittsburg,  of 
his  furnaces  on  the  Allegheny  jNIountains  near  HoUidaysburg.  He  married  Ann  G.  Treen. 
of  May's  Landing,  and  had  eight  children:  Rev.  William  T.  Abbott,  of  Ocean  Grove;  John 
G.,  ■\\ho  was  killed  at  Fort  Wagner  in  1863;  Joseph  E.  P.,  Clark  W..  of  May's  Landing; 
Dr.  Benjamir.  T.,  of  Ocean  City;  Rebecca  A.  (deceased),  Charles  T.,  and  Margaret  T. 
The  father  was  a  civil  engineer  and  merchant.  He  served  fifteen  years  as  one  of  the  lay 
.judges  of  Atlantic  County,  was  for  several  terms  a  member  of  the  Boar<i  of  Freeholders, 
and  lived  to  the  ripe  age  of  eighty-nine  years. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  at  May's  Landing  in  August,  1840.  He  was 
educated  in  the  pay  schools  of  the  county  and  taught  school  for  three  years  before  enter- 
ing the  law  office  of  Hon.  George  S.  Woodhull.  of  Camden,  one  of  the  Justices  of  the 
Supreme  Court  in  1861.  He  was  admitted  to  practice  at  the  November  term.  1865, 
-and  succeeded  the  late  William  Thompson  in  practice  at  May's  Landing  at  his  death,  in 
December,  1865.  He  was  admitted  as  a  counsellor  at  the  June  term,  1870.  and  admitted 
-to  practice  in  the  U.  S.  Courts  in  i86g.  His  law  practice  has  covered  a  wide  range  in  real 
estate  and  corporation  cases.  He  was  appointed  Prosecutor  of  the  Pleas  for  Atlantic 
'County  by  Governor  Griggs  in  1898  as  a  testimonial  to  his  ability  and  to  his  unswerving 
Republicanism.  He  occupies  a  beautiful  home  on  the  main  street  of  the  town  where  he 



was  born  and  is  known   anionic   hi-  proicssional   liruthu-n   as  tliu     fatluT  ..i     ihu     Atlantic 
County  Bar,  beuig  the  oldest  livmi;  practitioner. 

He  married  in  1862  Miss  Adeline  H.  Gibson,  of  Doylestown.  Pa.  They  have  had  two 
children,  both  deceased.  He  has  a  great  liking  for  numismatics  and  minerals,  and  has 
been  over  twenty  years  gathering  a  collection:  having  made  a  specialty  of  American  silver 
coins,  he  has  one  of  the  finest  to  he  found,  and  his  mineral  collection  of  over  si.\  hundred 
species  had  among  it  some  of  the    rarest  on  exhibition  at  the  great  Centennial  Fair  of  187(1. 


Alfred  Adams.  Sr..  of  this  city,  was  born  at  Martha  Furnace,  in  Burlington  County,  in 
1833.  He  was  the  son  of  Uriah  and  Rebecca  Adams.  His  father  was  employed  in  the  old 
Martha  iron  furnace,  and  the  boy  and  his  two  brothers,  Joseph  and  Jere,  attended  the  little 
old  school  house  in  the  woods  till  old  enough  to  work  in  the  paper  mill  at  Harrisville,  a  few 
miles  froin  Martha.  A  few  years  later  the  boy  found  w'ork  as  a  spinner  in  the  old  cotton 
factory  at  Pleasant  Mills,  wdiere,  by  accident,  he  broke  an  arm.  He  learned  the  trade  of  a 
brick  mason  and  plasterer,  for  there  w-as  prosperity  in  those  days  in  that  section  when 
Charles  K.  Landis  and  Richard  J.  Byrnes  were  developing  farms  and  getting  New  England 
people  to  settle  in  and  about  Hammonton. 

In  1853-54,  when  the  first  railroad  was  building  to  the  seashore,  Mr.  Adams  lived  at 
Elwood,  and  later  for  a  time  at  Mays  Landing,  getting  work  where  he  could.  He  was  em- 
ployed on  the  railroad  and  came  to  this  city  in  1857  to  live  permanently,  working  at  his 
trade.  In  1859  he  married  Clara  Bryant,  and  has  been  one  of  our  best  known  and  most  in- 
dustrious citizens  ever  since,  ^lany  a  hotel  and  cottage  is  in  part,  at  least,  the  product  of 
his  handicraft. 


Alfred  Adams,  Jr.,  the  well-known  bathing  master  near  the  foot  of  Virginia  avenue, 
was  born  and  has  always  lived  on  this  island.  He  is  one  of  the  several  grandsons  of  John 
Bryant,  who  was  identified  with  the  early  history  of  this  beach  as  a  salt  manufacturer  and 
wrecker.  Mr.  Adams  was  educated  in  the  public  schools  of  this  city,  and  by  the  time  he  was 
of  age  had  mastered  the  trade  of  a  bricklayer  and  plasterer.  He  was  enterprising  and  suc- 
cessful, and  in  summer  assisted  his  father  in  the  bathing  business. 

At  the  age  of  twenty  he  engaged  in  the  bathing  business  on  his  own  account,  invested 
in  beach  front  real  estate,  and  has  owned  valuable  propertj-  in  various  parts  of  the  city. 
While  a  Republican  in  politics,  he  has  no  ambition  for  official  honors,  but  makes  business 
his  pastime  and  enjoys  the  friendship  of  all  who  know  him.  On  December  26,  1883,  he  mar- 
ried Miss  May  Lindley,  and  has  a  beautiful  home  on  \"irginia  avenue. 


Clement  J.  Adams,  the  well  known  real  estate  dealer  and  insurance  agent  is  a  son 
of  the  late  Enoch  Adams  and  was  born  at  Bakersville,  N.  J.,  in  1845.  He  finished  his 
acedemic  education  at  Pennington  Seminary  and  thereafter  graduated  from  a  business 
college  at  Poughkeepsie,  New  York.  He  saw  service  in  the  war  of  the  Rebellion,  rank- 
ing as  a  corporal.  He  enlisted  in  Co.  B.  25th  New  Jersey  Volunteers.  September  i,  1862, 
and  was  mustered  in  Septendjer  26th,  of  the  same  year.  He  was  mustered  out  June  20. 
1863.  For  thirteen  years  he  taught  school  at  English  Creek.  May's  Landing,  and  else- 
where in  the  county,  with  great  acceptability. 

In  i88o  he  came  to  this  city  and  formed  a  partnership  in  the  real  estate  and  insurance 
business  with  his  cousin,  Israel  G.  Adams,  having  their  first  office  for  some  years  on 
Atlantic  Avenue,  near  Arkansas.  Since  the  completion  of  the  Real  Estate  and  Law  Build- 
ing in   i83S  their  office  has  occupied  the  best  half  of  the  first  floor. 

In  1882  he  was  married  to  Phoebe  A.  Tilton.  of  Bakersville.  and  has  two  very  proniis- 


ing  children.  Miss  .Mau  N.  and  :\L-istcr  Carlcton.  Mr.  Adams  served  this  city  several  years 
as  Superintendent  of  Public  Schools,  and  for  a  number  of  years  as  President  of  the  Board 
of  Education.  He  is  one  of  the  Trustees  of  St.  Paul  M.  E.  Church,  has  been  very  suc- 
cessful in  business  and  has  been  largely  identified  with  improvements. 


Many  beautiful  and  artistic  buildings,  including  churches  and  cottages  throughout  At- 
lantic County,  stand  as  monuments  to  the  skill  of  Harold  F.  Adams  as  an  architect.  Mr. 
Adams  who  has  an  office  in  the  Real  Estate  and  Law  Building,  is  a  son  of  Charles  E. 
Adams,  and  was  born  in  Camden  County,  August  3,  1868.  He  was  a  student  at  the  Wil- 
liamstown  public  schools  till  he  moved  with  his  parents  to  this  city,  in  1876.  He  continued 
his  studies  here,  and  after  graduating  from  a  business  college  he  became  an  electrician,  which 
occupation  he  followed  for  several  years.  In  1892  he  entered  the  office  of  the  late  William 
G.  Hoopes  as  a  draughtsman  and  architect,  becoming,  after  a  few  years,  a  silent  partner. 
In  1897  he  graduated  as  an  architect  from  the  University  of  Pennsylvania,  and  immediately 
afterward  opened  an  office  for  himself  in  this  city.  Besides  numerous  cottages,  Mr.  Adams 
prepared  the  plans  for  the  Arnold  apartment  house  on  Pacific  avenue,  the  Young  amuse- 
ment building  on  the  beach.  St.  Peter's  R.  C.  Church  at  Pleasantville,  and  Harry  Wootton's 
fine  cottage  at  Longport,  and  the  remodeling  of  the  Seaside. 


Israel  Guthrie  .^dams.  tlic  head  of  tlie  real  estate  and  insurance  firm  of  I.  G.  Adams 
&  Company,  comes  from  good  old  Quaker  stock,  for  several  generations  resident  of  Atlantic 
County.  His  father,  the  late  Israel  Scull  Adams,  was  the  youngest  of  four  brothers  in  a 
family  of  seven  children.  Their  father  was  the  late  Jesse  Adams,  of  Bakersville.  The  seven 
children  were: 

I.  Clement,  who  married  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Daniel  Baker.  2.  Enoch,  who  married 
Naomi  Townsend.  3.  Constant,  who  married  Sophia  Morris.  4.  Israel  Scull,  who  married 
Louisa  C,  daughter  of  the  late  Dr.  Guthrie,  Connecticut  born,  who  lived  and  died  in  the 
South,  being  buried  at  St.  Augustine,  Fla.  5.  Abigail,  who  married  Charles  Lake.  6.  Eliz- 
abeth, who  married  Pardon  Ryon,  Sr.  7.  Margaret,  wdio  married,  first,  John  Baker,  and 
second,  Andrew  Frambes. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  in  1843,  at  Bakersville.  He  finished  his  education 
at  Pennington  Seminary,  and  before  he  was  twenty-one  years  of  age  was  master  of  a  vessel. 
He  followed  the  sea  for  a  number  of  years,  engaged  in  trade  chiefly  at  West  Indian  and 
Mexican  ports.  In  February,  1865,  he  was  shipwrecked  off  Cape  Lookout  in  a  severe  storm 
and  nearly  lost  his  life.  His  vessel,  the  schooner  "Spray,"  struck  the  shoals  eleven  miles 
from  shore,  where  no  help  could  reach  them  in  the  high  sea.  From  Monday  till  Thursday 
afternoon,  Capt.  Adams  and  his  five  men  were  lashed  to  the  rigging  in  great  peril,  nearly 
frozen  and  starved,  the  waves  breaking  over  them.  A  boat's  crew  from  the  warship  of 
Admiral  Porter  finallj'  took  them  off  as  the  Admiral  was  proceeding  to  Washington  to 
witness  President  Lincoln's  second  inauguration. 

Capt.  Adams  was  in  command  of  the  I.  S.  &  L.  C.  Adams,  crossing  the  ocean  in  1867, 
when  a  hurricane  was  encountered,  nearly  sinking  the  ship. 

He  quit  the  sea  in  1883  and  opened  a  real  estate  and  insurance  office  in  this  city,  at 
Arkansas  and  Atlantic  avenues.  His  usual  enterprise  built  up  a  profitable  business,  which 
has  been  steadily  advancing  ever  since.  His  cousin,  Clement  J.  Adams,  is  associated  with 
him  in  the  firm.  The  foresight  of  his  father  in  purchasing  large  tracts  of  sandhills  and 
meadow  lands  down  the  beach  has  been  of  vast  benefit  to  the  two  sons. 


John  Baker  Adams,  of  Canulen.  is  the  <inly  brother  of  I>rael  C.  Israel  C.  marrie.l.  first, 
Phoebe  A.  Sanders,  and  had  five  ehildren,  Florence.  Amelia  S..  who  married  Dr.  Walter  .\. 
Corson;  Charles  R.,  who  graduated  from  Chester  Military  Academy,  a  civil  engineer,  and 
is  engaged  in  the  real  estate  business  in  this  city;  Mabel  E..  and  Israel  Morton,  who  is  a 
law  student  in  the  University  of  Pennsylvania. 

For  his  second  wife  Mr.  Adams  married  Anna  M.,  the  youngest  daughter  of  Peter 
Boice.  He  has  a  fine  home  at  Linwood,  while  his  business  office  is  in  Atlantic  City.  Be- 
sides his  extensive  real  estate  interests,  I\Ir.  Adams  is  a  stockholder  and  director  in  several 
financial  institutions.  He  is  a  director  in  the  Second  National  Bank  and  the  Safe  Deposit 
and  Trust  Company,  President  of  the  Atlantic  City  Cooling  Company,  Director  in  the  State 
Mutual  Building  Association,  also  in  the  West  Jersey  Guarantee  and  Title  Company,  also  in 
the  Chelsea  Investment  and  Development  Company,  and  the  Chelsea  Hotel  and  Improve- 
ment Company;  Director  of  the  Security  Trust  and  Safe  Deposit  Company,  of  Camden. 
One  of  I.  G.  Adams'  late  deals  was  the  selling  of  the  West  Jersey  Excursion  House,  at 
Chelsea,  to  a  syndicate  of  Philadelphia  millionaires  for  $360,000,  from  whicli  now  springs 
the  grandest  hotel  on  the  Atlantic  coast. 


Israel  Scull  Adams  was  the  son  of  the  late  Jesse  Adams,  one  of  the  early  settlers  of 
Bakersville,  and  a  member  of  the  Society  of  Friends.  He  was  born  in  1819,  and  died  in 
1870,  in  the  locality  where  he  had  always  lived.  In  his  early  life  he  followed  the  sea  and  was 
always  more  or  less  interested  in  vessel  property.  He  married  Louise  C.  Guthrie,  of  Wil- 
mington, N.  C,  and  had  two  children,  Israel  G.  and  John  B.  For  many  years  Israel  S. 
Adams  was  the  Republican  leader  of  Atlantic  County.  He  was  appointed  Collector  of 
Customs  at  Somers  Point  by  Abraham  Lincoln,  in  1861;  reappointed  by  him  in  1865:  again 
reappointed  by  Presidents  Johnson,  Grant,  Hayes,  Garfield  and  Arthur,  dying  December  4, 
1884,  before  his  term  expired,  and  his  successor  was  appointed  by  President  Cleveland. 

At  the  time  of  his  death  he  was  a  member  of  the  Republican  State  Executive  Com- 
mittee and  was  a  candidate  for  the  nomination  for  Governor.  He  was  also  named  by  the 
Republicans  as  a  Presidential  elector  from  New  Jersey,  but  resigned  shortly  before  the 
election  on  account  of  failing  health.  Mr.  Adams  was  one  of  the  wealthiest  men  in  South 
Jersey.  At  one  time  he  was  a  large  vessel  owner,  but  disposed  of  his  interests  in  that  line 
at  the  time  of  his  appointment  as  collector.  He  was  a  stockholder  and  director  in  the  West 
Jersey  and  Atlantic  railroad,  the  Trade  Insurance  Company,  of  Camden,  the  Atlantic  City 
Water  Works  Company,  the  Chelsea  Beach  Land  Company,  the  South  Atlantic  City  Land 
and  Improvement  Company,  the  Atlantic  Lumber  Company,  and  President  of  the  Morris 
Fish,  Oil  and  Guano  Company,  of  Great  Egg  Harbor. 

James  B.  Adams,  Esq.,  is  one  of  the  younger  members  of  the  Atlantic  County  Bar  who 
has  established  himself  in  one  of  the  learned  professions.  He  was  born  in  this  city,  October 
28,  1869,  and  is  the  only  son  of  James  C.  Adams.  He  was  educated  in  the  public  schools 
and  studied  law  with  Samuel  E.  Perry,  Esq.,  being  admitted  to  the  bar  in  June,  1897.  He 
had  been  actively  identified  with  the  Sons  of  Veterans,  and  has  the  esteem  and  confidence  of 
all  who  know  him. 

John  Baker  Adams  was  born  at  Bakersville.  August  7,  1846.     He  is  the  younger  son  of 
the  late  Israel  S.  Adams.     He  finished  his  education  at  Pennington  Seminary,  in  18O5  and 
1866.  after  attending  the  West  Jersey  Academy  at  Bridgeton.  two  years.     He  then  went  with 


his  brother  one  year  on  Iioard  a  vessel  prior  to  taking  command  of  a  vessel  himself.  His 
first  voyage  was  to  Trinidad.  W.  I.,  and  was  successful.  He  followed  the  sea  for  a  number 
of  years  and  has  always  been  interested  in  vessel  property.  He  married  Phoebe  D.  Baker, 
of  Camden,  and  has  two  children:  Clarence  F.  and  Carrie  J.,  all  living  in  Camden.  It  was 
John  B.  Adams  who  negotiated  the  sale  of  Chelsea  Heights  to  a  syndicate  comprising  Ken- 
nedy Crossan,  ex-Senator  Charles  A.  Porter,  Dr.  Jos.  J.  Filbert,  A.  Louden  Snowden,  Gen. 
Wm.  J.  Latta,  and  others.  The  tract  comprises  460  acres  of  meadow  land  adjacent  to 
Chelsea,  which  the  late  Israel  S.  Adams  purchased  during  his  lifetime  for  $3,000.  The  price 
paid  by  this  syndicate  was  $315,000.  By  dredging  the  surrounding  bays  and  raising  the 
^rade  of  this  land  above  the  highest  storm  tide  a  large  and  beautiful  town  site  will  soon  be 
established  and  millions  of  dollars  of  property  created. 


Lewis  R.  Adams  is  a  son  of  Alfred  Adams,  Sr.,  one  of  the  old-time  residents  of  this 
■city.  He  is  a  grandson  of  John  Bryant,  who  was  one  of  the  first  settlers  of  Atlantic  City. 
It  was  his  grandfather  who  operated  the  famous  salt  works  that  flourished  here  early  in  the 
■century,  and  although  the  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  as  late  as  January  10,  i860,  he 
has  seen  many  changes  in  his  native  city,  and  no  one  is  more  competent  to  detail  the 
amazing  progress  that  has  been  made  here  during  his  life  than  he.  He  received  a  common 
school  education,  and  at  the  age  of  fourteen  apprenticed  himself  to  the  bricklaying  trade 
under  his  father.  He  served  the  allotted  time,  and  at  the  age  of  nineteen,  he  became  a  con- 
tractor, entering  boldly  into  competition  with  men  who  were  twice  his  years.  But  pluck 
and  ability,  traits  which  run  in  his  family  (he  being  a  cousin  of  John  L.  Young),  aided  him 
splendidly,  and  among  his  first  undertakings  was  that  of  building  the  old  Ocean  House  at 
Connecticut  and  Pacific  avenues.  He  constructed  the  brick  work  for  the  Pennsylvania 
avenue  school  house,  the  hotel  Luray,  Osborne  and  Leland.  He  did  the  mason  work  on 
the  Real  Estate  and  Law  Building,  and  on  Myers'  Union  Market. 

He  was  the  first  Building  Inspector  of  Atlantic  City,  being  appointed  in  1887.  Two 
jears  later  he  opened  bath  houses  on  the  Boardwalk  at  the  foot  of  New  York  avenue,  and 
has  been  engaged  in  this  business  ever  since,  and  is  the  owner  of  a  valuable  beach  front 


James  M.  Aikman,  cashier  of  the  Union  National  Bank,  the  youngest  son  of  the  Rev 
William  Aikman.  D.  D.,  was  born  in  Wilmington,  Delaware,  March  13,  1866.  He  was  edu- 
cated in  the  public  schools  of  Detroit,  Mich.,  and  in  the  private  academy  of  Prof.  West,  of 
Morristown,  N.  J. 

In  1884  he  began  his  banking  experience  as  runner  for  the  Atlantic  City  National  Bank, 
under  Robert  D.  Kent,  cashier.  He  continued  there  until  the  Union  National  Bank  was 
■organized,  October  11,  1890.  He  began  in  the  new  bank  as  teller,  and  on  the  retirement  of 
Mr.  Hammer  as  cashier  he  was  promoted  and  has  filled  the  position  with  great  credit  to 
himself  ever  since. 


Prominent  among  our  citizens  who  have  been  identified  with  the  growth  and  develop- 
ment of  Atlantic  City,  is  Levi  Collins  Albertson,  for  many  years  postmaster. 

He  was  born  at  Smith's  Landing,  this  county,  December  6,  1844,  the  eldest  of  five 
children  of  Jonathan  Albertson  and  Asenath  Collins,  who  was  the  granddaughter  of  Dr. 
Richard  Collins,  the  first  resident  physician  of  Atlantic  County. 

His  youth  was  passed  on  the  Albertson  farm  on  the  shore  road,  at  Smith's  Landing, 


where  he  attended  the  public  schools.  He  was  a  sliulent  at  Penningtcm  Scniinary.  i,S(\?-<)4. 
After  leaving  the  Seminary  he  volunteered  in  the  United  States  Navy  and  served  until  the 
end  of  the  Civil  War.  He  saw  service  on  the  U.  S.  Gunboat  "Kansas."  which  was  attached 
to  the  North  Atlantic  blockading  squadron  under  Admiral  David  D.  Porter,  participating 
in  the  blockade  of  the  port  of  Wilmington,  N.  C.,  and  the  attacks  ui)cin  and  final  capture  of 
Fort  Fisher. 

After  leaving  the  service  he  engaged  in  mercantile  business,  principally  in  the  oyster 
trade  between  Virginia  and  New  York,  until  1872.  He  married  (.)ctr)ber  i.  iS'iS.  l'".lizalK-lh 
Leeds,  great-granddaughter  of  Jeremiah  Leeds,  the  original  proprietor  of  .\bsecon  beach. 
They  had  three  children,  viz.:     Gertrude,  Casper  and  Myra. 

^Ir.  Albertson  served  as  Deputy  Revenue  Collector  of  Atlantic  County  for  two  years, 
School  Trustee  six  years,  and  as  City  School  Superintendent  five  years. 

In  February.  1872.  he  was  appointed  Postmaster  and  served  continuously  until  May. 
1886.  when  he  resigned  the  office  and  entered  the  real  estate  firm  of  Gardner,  Shinn  &  Co. 
He  was  again  appointed  Postmaster  in  1890,  and  served  four  years  and  two  months.  He  is 
now  County  Collector  of  Atlantic  County,  and  has  always  been  identified  with  the  Repub- 
lican party. 

Mr.  Albertson  is  a  prominent  member  of  the  Central  Methodist  Episcopal  Cliurch. 
havinsj  been  a  trustee  since  its  inception. 


George  Allen,  the  well-known  merchant,  was  born  near  Belfast,  in  County  .-Xntrim.  in 
the  north  of  Ireland.  December  11.  1846.  He  came  to  this  country  in  1864  and  started  in 
business  with  his  uncle,  the  late  George  Allen.  Sr.,  at  930  Chestnut  street,  Philadelphia.  In 
1878  he  succeeded  his  uncle,  who  retired  from  business,  and  in  1891  moved  to  a  larger  store 
fitted  up  especially  for  the  millinery  trade  at  1214  Chestnut  street.  He  has  a  purchasing 
of^ce  at  No.  3  Rue  Bleue.  Paris,  where  the  greater  portion  of  the  goods  are  procured  which 
he  makes  up  for  the  American  trade.  At  the  corner  of  Pacific  and  Maryland  avenues  Mr. 
Allen  has  a  handsome  summer  residence,  and  besides  has  other  large  property  interests  in 
this  city.  He  is  the  largest  individual  stockholder  in  the  Atlantic  City  National  Bank,  and 
a  director  of  that  institution.  Since  he  first  came  to  Philadelphia  Mr.  Allen  has  been  a 
member  of  the  Chambers  Presbyterian  Church,  and  for  twenty  years  one  of  the  trustees, 
being  president  of  the  Board.  He  negotiated  the  recent  sale  of  the  old  church  property  at 
Broad  and  Sansom  streets,  lot  74x104.  for  $412,500.  He  is  a  member  of  the  Board  of  Trade 
and  also  of  the  Trades'  League,  of  Philadelphia,  and  a  member  of  the  Presbyterian  Social 
L'nion.  Mr.  Allen  occupies  a  fine  residence  at  1725  Spring  Garden  street.  He  has  a  wife  and 
four  children:    Isabella,  Esther.  Kathleen,  and  George.  Jr. 


Lawyer  Charles  A.  Baake,  who  is  prominent  legally,  fraternally  and  finaiuially  in  .\tlan- 
tic  City,  was  born  in  New  York  City,  October  31.  1863.  his  parents  being  John  C.  and  .Anna 
E.  Baake,  of  Cassel,  Germany,  who  removed  to  Egg  Harbor  City  when  the  subject  of  this 
sketch  was  an  infant,  and  wdiere  they  have  since  resided.  He  attended  the  public  schools 
of  Egg  Harbor  City  until  fourteen  years  of  age.  when  he  entered  the  law  office  of  August 
Stephany.  since  deceased.  He  remained  with  his  preceptor  until  May  i.  1883.  when  lie 
entered  the  law  olKce  of  the  late  William  Moore,  at  Mays  Landing. 

He  was  admitted  to  the  New  Jersey  Bar  during  the  June  term.  1885.  and  immediately 
began  the  practice  of  law  at  Egg  Harbor  City.  He  has  always  been  an  earnest  Republican. 


and  during  '86  and  '87  he  was  Assessor  of  Egg  Harbor  City.  He  lias  also  been  Solicitor  of 
Egg  Harbor  City,  and  of  the  Board  of  Health  of  that  town,  and  is  Solicitor  of  the  Egg 
Harbor  Commercial  Bank,  in  which  institution  he  has  quite  an  interest.  In  1888  he  moved 
to  Atlantic  City,  and  while  he  followed  his  profession,  he  also  devoted  considerable  of  his 
time  to  financial  matters,  being  at  different  times  an  extensive  owner  in  Chelsea,  the  excur- 
sion house  tract  and  other  lands. 

On  the  17th  of  October,  1889,  he  was  married  to  Eniilie,  daughter  of  Peter  and 
Rosinea  F.  Sehemm.  A  son  and  two  daughters  constitute  his  family,  which  is  a  very  in- 
teresting one.     His  home  is  a  domestic  paradise,  at  1419  Pacific  avenue. 

He  was  elected  a  member  of  the  Assembly  froin  this  county  for  the  session  of  1893,  and 
looked  after  the  interests  of  his  constituents  with  ability  and  candor. 

He  is  a  well-known  Odd  Fellow,  having  been  District  Deputy  Grand  Master  of  At- 
lantic County  at  one  time.  He  is  a  prominent  member  of  the  Masonic  fraternity,  belonging 
to  the  Chapter  and  Knights  Templar.  He  is  also  a  Red  Man.  and  may  always  be  found  in 
the  midst  of  those  interested  in  the  development  of  the  city  and  county. 


Charles  C.  Babcock,  Esq.,  is  the  son  of  Capt.  Theodore  Babcock  and  Miss  Caroline 
Barrett,  representatives  of  two  of  the  best  families  of  Atlantic  County.  He  was  born  at 
Mays  Landing,  July  26,  1873,  and  was  educated  in  the  public  schools  there  and  by  private  tui- 
tion. At  the  age  of  fifteen  he  came  to  this  city  and  found  employment  in  the  office  of  the 
Wilson  Ice  &  Coal  Company  for  a  time,  and  held  other  clerical  positions  till  September, 
1889,  when  he  registered  as  a  student  of  law  in  the  office  of  Hon.  S.  D.  Hoffman. 

He  was  admitted  to  the  Bar  as  an  attorney-at-law  in  February,  1895,  and  as  a  counsellor 
in  1898.  He  rapidly  built  up  a  general  practice  in  the  criminal  and  equity  courts.  He  was 
appointed  clerk  of  the  new  District  Court  when  Judge  Robert  H.  Ingersoll  took  the  Bench 
under  the  new  law,  but  the  volume  of  his  practice  soon  became  so  large  that  he  had  to  resign 
this  position.  Mr.  Babcock  possesses  decided  talent  as  a  public  speaker.  He  is  a  ready 
writer  as  well  as  an  after  dinner  orator  and  an  able  pleader  before  a  jury.  He  is  a  member 
of  the  Bar  Association  and  has  a  bright  and  useful  career  before  him.  In  politics  he  is  a 


Harry  Bacharach,  the  present  Alderman  of  Atlantic  City,  was  born  in  Philadelphia  in 
1873.  He  is  the  youngest  of  a  family  of  five  children  of  Jacob  Bacharach,  who  for  several 
seasons  had  a  clothing  store  in  this  city  previous  to  locating  here  permanently  in  1880,  at 
931  Atlantic  avenue.  The  son  was  educated  in  our  public  schools,  making  rapid  advance- 
ment in  his  studies  and  embarking  early  in  business  enterprises.  On  ^larch  i,  1892,  he  was 
admitted  as  a  member  of  the  firm  of  Bacharach  &  Sons.  In  March  of  the  following  year  a 
larger  store  was  opened  in  Tower  Hall  at  Pennsylvania  avenue.  The  firm  prospered,  and 
in  November,  1895,  a  still  larger  store  was  secured  adjoining  the  post  office,  at  1416  Atlantic 
avenue,  and  on  March  14,  1899,  a  still  larger  store  was  secured  at  the  corner  of  New  York 
avenue.  This  and  the  Tower  Hall  store  are  conducted  by  the  firm  with  up-to-date  enter- 
prise and  success.  Alderman  Bacharach  has  been  quite  successful  in  various  real  estate 
transactions  aside  from  his  mercantile  interests.  He  is  Vice-President  of  the  Seashore 
Hotel  Company,  controlling  the  Hotel  Islesworth,  of  wdiich  his  brother,  Isaac  Bacharach. 
is  Treasurer,  and  Wm.  B.  Loudenslager,  President.  For  years  he  has  been  an  active  and 
popular  member  of  the  ^Morris  Guards,  and  has  an  enviable  reputation  for  being  a  liberal, 
public  spirited  citizen. 


Joseph  Ball,  the  wealthy  Quaker  nicrchaut  ul  Philadelphia,  who  owned  the  Batsto 
estate  in  1784,  when  William  Richards,  his  uncle,  went  there  as  manager,  was  a  nephew  of 
or  a  cousin  of  the  mother  of  Washington. 

Ball  owned  large  tracts  of  lands  in  Pennsylvania,  Delaware,  Maryland,  and  Washing- 
ton, D,  C,  Dying  intestate,  in  1820,  at  the  age  of  73,  his  large  interests  were  inherited  by  six 
uncles  and  six  aunts,  one  of  whom  was  William  Richards,  the  manager  of  Batsto,  who 
bought  out  the  other  heirs  and  became  the  sole  owner  of  that  large  property. 

In  1842,  when  Samuel  Richards,  who  succeeded  his  father  as  administrator  of  the  estate, 
made  his  last  accounting  of  the  trust  imposed  upon  him,  there  were  seven  hundred  heirs. 
Owing  to  the  absence  of  any  law  by  Congress  to  enable  an  administrator  to  sell  lands  in 
the  District  of  Columbia,  nothing  was  ever  realized  from  the  property  which  Ball  owned 
there.  The  estate  has  long  since  been  settled,  though  occasional  attempts  have  been  made 
to  revive  an  interest  in  it  by  some  very  distant  relatives. 

L.  Dow  Balliet,  ^L  D.,  was  born  at  Milton,  Xorthumbcrland  County,  Pennsylvania, 
He  received  his  early  education  in  the  public  schools  and  in  a  private  academy  at  that  place. 
On  March  10,  1880,  he  graduated  from  the  Hahnemann  Medical  College  of  Philadelphia. 
His  initial  year  of  practice  was  spent  at  Gloucester,  N.  J.,  and  from  there  he  located  at 
DuBois,  Pa.,  where  thirteen  years  were  given  to  an  active  and  successful  practice.  In  June, 
1894,  he  located  and  is  now  following  his  chosen  profession  in  Atlantic  City,  He  is  a 
member  of  the  .\tlantic  City  Homoeopathic  Medical  Club,  also  a  member  of  the  .\nicrican 
Institute  of  Homoeopathy. 


Joseph  A.  Barstow  was  born  on  the  9th  day  of  April,  1827,  in  the  village  of  Damaris- 
cotta,  on  the  Damariscotta  river,  Lincoln  County,  Maine. 

He  was  a  direct  lineal  descendant  of  Benjamin  Barstow,  one  of  four  brothers  who  came 
from  England,  all  of  whom  were  shipbuilders.  He  was  brought  into  immediate  and  close 
contact  with  the  business  of  his  forefathers,  and  hence  followed   in  their  foot-steps. 

He  lived  with  his  father,  Joseph  Barstow,  at  the  homestead  which  now  stands  and  is 
known  as  Belvedere  Place,  until  he  was  nineteen  years  of  age,  when  he  started  out  in  the 
world  for  himself  in  company  with  his  school  friend,  John  Avery.  They  reached  Boston 
and  remained  there  some  time  and  helped  to  rebuild  one  of  Boston's  old  churches. 

In  1852  they  arrived  in  Philadelphia  and  there  learned  of  the  seaside  resort  Cape  May, 
to  which  place  they  went,  and  were  engaged  in  building  and  contract  work  there. 

The  following  year,  while  the  railroad  to  Atlantic  City  was  being  built,  Mr.  Barstow 
made  his  first  visit  to  Atlantic  City.  He  traveled  by  stage,  via  May's  Landing  and  Abse- 
con,  and  thence  by  boat  and  landed  where  the  Clam  Creek  boat  houses  now  stand.  He 
remained  a  week,  long  enough  to  realize  that  the  completion  of  the  railroad  would  make 
plenty  of  building  for  himself  and  others.  He  found  plenty  of  work  as  a  contractor  and 
builder,  erecting  many  houses  and  hotels,  viz.,  the  Seaside  House,  Chalfonte,  Shelburne 
and  the  Mansion  House. 

He  was  elected  to  Council  in  the  years  1857,  '61,  '62,  '63,  and  for  ten  or  a  dozen  terms 
thereafter.  In  the  year  1865  he  was  elected  Treasurer  of  Atlantic  City.  He  helped  to 
organize  the  first  Building  Association,  and  served  as  president  of  the  same  for  many  years. 
He  was  also  at  one  time  director  and  president  of  the  .\tlantic  Lumber  Company;  In-  served 


several  terms  as  a  school  trustee.  He  was  an  incorporator  and  a  director  of  the  Consumers 
Water  Company,  and  when  that  company  and  the  Atlantic  City  Water  Company  (more 
familiarly  known  as  the  Wood  Company)  were  consolidated,  he  ivas  the  president  of  the 
new  company  under  the  title  of  the  "Atlantic  Water  Company." 

He  was  vice-president  of  the  Atlantic  City  National  Bank,  and  was  identified  with  that 
institution  until  his  death. 

He  was  also  at  the  time  of  his  death,  and  had  been  for  many  years  prior  thereto, 
president  and  general  superintendent  of  the  Atlantic  City  Gas  and  Water  Company,  a  cor- 
poration to  which  he  gave  much  of  his  individual  and  personal  attention,  and  because  of 
the  excellent  standing  attaitied  by  that  company  was  to  Mr.  Barstow  a  theme  of  particular 

On  February  29,  :86i  at  Absecon,  he  married  Elizabetli  Ann  Turner,  daughter  of  John 
Turner,  of  Smithville,  .Atlantic  County,  N.  J.  His  widow  and  six  children,  Georgianna,  wife 
of  William  Wright:  Charles  W.,  Estelle  H.,  Nettie  M.,  Joseph  R.,  and  Henry  M.  Barstow 
survive  him. 

Mr.  Barstow  died  after  a  short  illness  on  Monday,  August  15,  1898. 


William  A.  Bell  is  a  son  of  E.  S.  Bell,  and  was  born  in  Philadelphia,  December  3,  1859. 
His  mind  was  well-drilled  when  he  entered  the  employ  of  a  prominent  carpet  firm  in  the 
Quaker  City.  For  seven  3'ears  he  labored  diligently  to  acquire  a  thorough  knowledge  of 
the  business  and  succeeded.  In  1885  he  came  to  Atlantic  City,  and  being  fully  equipped  to 
follow  the  career  marked  out  by  him,  his  father  gave  him  an  interest  in  his  carpet  business 
and  henceforward  the  firm  was  known  as  E.'  S.  Bell  &  Son.  The  house  prospered  beyond 
the  most  sanguine  expectations  of  its  founders,  and  in  1890  the  senior  Bell,  satisfied  with 
what  he  had  accomplished,  retired,  Mr.  Wm.  A.  Bell  purchasing  his  interest,  and  the  busi- 
ness was  continued  under  the  name  of  Bell  &  Scott.  In  1896  the  firm  was  dissolved  by 
mutual  consent,  and  was  revived  under  the  present  name  of  Bell  &  Gorman.  Being  a  public- 
spirited  citizen,  Mr.  Bell,  in  1896,  was  appointed  by  Council  a  member  of  the  Board  of 
Education.  He  is  married  and  is  an  original  member  of  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the 
Real  Estate  and  Investment  Company.  As  a  large  real  estate  owner  he  is  identified  with 
the  most  progressive  interests  of  the  town,  and  the  promotors  of  enterprises  having  for  their 
object  the  expansion  of  the  city  are  always  eager  to  enlist  the  good  offices  of  the  man 
whose  business  is  the  best  testimonial  of  his  thrift  and  integrity. 


At  the  head  of  one  of  the  score  or  more  of  tailoring  industries  is  Mr.  Frederick  Berch- 
told.  He  was  born  in  Germany  in  1863.  Ambitious  to  win  a.  fortune  in  the  new  world  he 
came  to  America  at  the  age  of  eighteen,  and  settled  in  Egg  Harbor  City.  He  applied  him- 
self closely  to  the  tailoring  business  and  now  has  a  profitable  shop  of  his  own.  He  has 
been  active  in  local  affairs,  is  now  a  Justice  of  the  Peace,  secretary  of  the  Agricultural  and 
Horticultural  Association,  secretary  of  the  Sterbe  Kasse,  a  local  death  benefit  society,  and  a 
member  of  Lafayette  Fire  Company.  He  has  served  on  the  finance  committee  of  the 
Building  and  Loan  .Association  for  the  past  six  years.  He  has  a  comfortable  home  on 
Philadelphia  avenue,  and  a  happy  family. 



Henry  Boice  was  born  in  Abseeon,  N.  J.,  December  8.  1829.  He  was  the  third  cliild, 
and  the  oldest  son  of  Peter  Boice  and  Sarah  Ann  Chamberlain.  After  receiving  such  an 
education  as  the  large  land  owners  were  able  to  give  their  children  in  the  pay-school  of  that 
period,  he  remained  with  his  father  until  twenty-one.  His  ever  clear,  shrewd  mind  sought 
greater  opportunities  than  could  be  found  in  country  life,  and  ambition  led  him  to  Phila- 
delphia, Pa.  After  reaching  there  the  natural  resources  of  the  waters  near  his  home  im- 
pelled his  interest  in  the  oyster  business,  in  which  business  he  continued  until  1877  or  '78, 
when  he  retired  from  active  business  life. 

December  21st,  1869,  he  married  Kate  M.,  daughter  of  Jonatlian  and  Eunice  Smith. 
They  had  one  child,  Elizabeth  Clement,  who  survives  them.  In  the  spring  of  1880  he  re- 
turned to  Abseeon,  N.  J.,  settled  near  the  scenes  of  his  youth,  continuing  his  interest  in 
Atlantic  City  property,  and  sincerely  enjoying  the  pleasures  of  which  he  had  been  ever 
fondest,  hunting  and  fishing. 

He  was  a  man  of  tireless  energy  and  stern  integrity,  honorable  to  all,  and  unassuming. 
March  19,  1899,  ten  years  after  the  death  of  his  wife,  he  died  peacefully  at  his  home  in  .-Xbse- 
con,  N.  J.,  and  rests  beside  his  father  near  the  church  of  which  both  were  generous 

To  his  memory  his  daughter  caused  to  be  built  and  donated  to  this  city  the  "Henry 
Boice  Annex'"  to  the  Atlantic  City  Hospital. 

Lawyer  George  A.  Bourgeois,  of  Atlantic  City,  New  Jersey,  was  born  in  Maurice- 
town,  Cumberland  County,  on  May  15,  1864.  After  attending  the  public  schools  of  his 
native  town,  he  finished  his  education  with  a  two  years"  course  in  the  Woodstown  Acadeiny. 
He  graduated  from  the  Law  Department  of  the  University  of  Pennsylvania  with  the 
degree  of  L.  L.  B.,  in  1888;  he  was  admitted  to  practice  in  the  Courts  of  Philadelphia 
in  June  of  the  same  year,  he  read  law  with  E.  B.  Learning.  Esq.,  of  Camden,  N.  J.,  and 
was  admitted  to  practice  as  an  attorney  in  the  New  Jersey  Courts  in  1889,  and  as  a  coun- 
sellor in  1892.  Previous  to  his  admission  to  the  bar  he  taught  school  four  years  in  New 
Jersey,  and  for  three  years  was  Professor  of  Mathematics  in  Pierce 

(n  1892  he  came  to  Atlantic  City  and  soon  built  up  an  excelle 
careful  student  and  expert  accountant  and  mathematician,  and  has 
member  of  the  Atlantic  County  Bar. 


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Charles  B.  Boyer,  Supervising  Principal  of  the  public  schools  of  Atlantic  City,  was 
born  in  Hamberg,  Berks  County,  Pa.,  in  i860.  He  was  educated  in  the  public  schools  and 
taught  school  two  years  before  he  attended  the  Kutztown  Normal  School,  where  he  grad- 
uated in  1882.  He  also  took  a  post  graduate  course  the  following  year,  before  he  resumed 
teaching  at  Perkasie,  Bucks  County,  where  he  continued  as  Principal  for  three  years.  The 
four  succeeding  years  he  was  principel  of  the  schools  at  Newtown,  Bucks  County,  coming  to 
Atlantic  City  in  the  fall  of  1890,  to  fill  the  position  of  principal  of  the  High  School,  under 
Supervising  Principal  W.  A.  Deremer.  On  the  death  of  Mr.  Deremer,  in  October,  1893, 
Prof.  Boyer  was  chosen  as  his  successor.  How  ably  he  has  discharged  his  responsibilities, 
commanding  at  all  times  the  confidence  of  the  Board  of  Education  and  the  respect  and  co- 
operation of  the  teachers  and  pupils  needs  no  extensive  recital  here.  Under  his  administra- 
tion the  prestige  of  our  public  schools  has  steadily  advanced. 


Mr.  Boyer  lias  been  (|iiite  successful  in  the  building  and  sale  of  fine  cottages.  He  now 
occupies  a  beautiful  home  in  Chelsea.  In  1887  he  married  Miss  Amanda  L.  Benner,  daugh- 
ter of  a  prominent  buikler  and  contractor  of  Perkasie.  They  have  one  child,  Miss  Bessie 
L.   Bover. 


Theophilus  Henry  Boj'sen.  M.  D.,  was  born  January  14,  1854,  at  Ragersville,  Tuscara- 
was County,  Ohio,  where  his  father,  Dr.  Otto  Boysen,  practiced  his  profession  nearly  seven- 
teen years.  In  1867  the  family  moved  to  Bufifalo.  N.  Y.,  where  the  son  graduated  from  the 
medical  department  of  the  University  of  Buffalo  in  1874. 

After  two  years'  practice  in  Buffalo,  the  subject  of  this  sketch  moved  to  Egg  Harbor 
City,  where  he  has  built  up  a  splendid  practice.  In  1878  he  was  elected  school  trustee,  and 
in  1884  Mayor,  serving  three  terms  in  succession,  and  again  in  i8gi,  serving  three  years 
more.  He  was  elected  Coroner  of  the  county  in  1879,  serving  three  years,  and  served  two 
terms  as  school  superintendent.  In  1880  he  became  secretary  and  one  of  the  charter  mem- 
bers of  the  County  Medical  Society,  with  Drs.  Job  B.  Somers,  D.  B.  Ingersoll,  Boardman 
Reed  and  others.  He  has  been  president  of  this  organization  and  is  now  a  permanent  dele- 
gate to  the  State  Medical  Society.  He  is  a  member  of  the  American  Medical  Association, 
and  keeps  up  with  the  best  thought  in  his  profession. 

For  years  Dr.  Boysen  has  been  President  of  the  Aurora  Singing  Society,  the  first  of 
its  kind  organized  in  South  Jersey.  He  has  been  secretary  of  the  Egg  Harbor  B.  &  L. 
Association  since  its  organization,  and  is  one  of  the  town's  most  progressive  citizens.  He 
is  a  Jeffersonian  Democrat.  On  October  27,  1878,  he  married  Miss  Catherine,  daughter  of 
Abraham  Kinzinger,  who  was  one  of  the  freedom-loving  Germans  who  took  an  active  part 
in  the  Revolution  of  1848.  Their  union  has  been  blessed  with  eight  children,  seven  of  whom 
are  living. 


George  F.  Breder.  editor  and  publisher  of  the  German  Herald  and  Postmaster  of  Egg 
Harbor  City,  was  born  at  Egg  Harbor  City,  January  29,  1862.  He  is  a  son  of  Casper  Breder, 
who  came,  with  his  parents,  to  Egg  Harbor  City  in  1857,  being  among  the  very  first  settlers 
in  that  Colony.  In  i860  his  father  was  married  to  Eliza  Keller,  the  daughter  of  another 
pioneer  settler,  and  George  is  the  oldest  of  ten  children.  Educated  at  the  public  schools, 
George,  at  the  age  of  thirteen,  entered  the  Pilot  printing  office.  After  several  years  of  ap- 
prenticeship, Mr.  Breder  worked  at  his  trade  as  compositor,  and  being  proficient  in  both 
the  English  and  German  languages,  had  no  difficulty  in  obtaining  work  on  metropolitan 
daily  papers.  In  1885  he  returned  to  this  county  and  was  employed  on  the  Daily  Review 
in  Atlantic  City,  and  later  became  City  Editor  of  this  paper.  In  1889  he  purchased  the 
Zeitgeist  printing  office  at  Egg  Harbor  City,  and  continues  publishing  this  German  weekly, 
changing  the  name  to  Dcutscher  Herold — German  Herald.  The  printing  establishment  of 
]\Ir.  Breder  is  a  large  one.  Besides  his  own  weekly  about  twenty  monthly  church  papers  for 
different  congregations  in  New  Jersey,  New  York,  Connecticut,  Pennsylvania  and  Ohio, 
are  printed  there.  The  job  department  has  been  greatly  enlarged  by  purchasing  the  entire 
Hammonton  Mirror- Journal  plant  a  year  after,  and  moving  it  to  Egg  Harbor  City. 

Mr.  Breder  has  held  various  public  offices  in  his  native  town.  He  was  Justice  of  the 
Peace  for  eight  years,  and  Assessor  for  three  years.  In  1893  he  was  elected  Coroner  of 
Atlantic  County  on  the  Republican  ticket.  In  1898  he  was  appointed  Postmaster,  and  the 
grade  of  the  office  advancing  from  the  fourth  to  the  third  class,  becoming  a  Presidential 
office,  he  was  re-appointed  by  President  McKinley  and  confirmed  by  the  Senate  in  Decem- 
ber, 1899,  for  a  term  of  four  years.  Mr.  Breder  has  an  interesting  family  of  five  children — 
two  boys  being  twins. 



Mr.  Benjamin  H.  Brown,  one  of  the  few  surviving  founders  of  Atlantie  City,  was  the 
son  of  John  M.  Brown  and  Rosanna  Hartley,  of  Philadelphia,  and  was  born  in  Philadelphia, 
December  31.  1S21.  Soon  after  graduating  from  the  University  School,  he  engaged  in  the 
lumber  business,  and  continued  therein  till  he  accumulated  a  handsome  fortune.  In  1854 
he  furnished  the  material  for  the  United  States  Hotel,  on  this  then  rather  desolate  shore, 
in  which  w-as  celebrated  with  elaborate  banquet  the  arrival  of  the  first  train  on  this  island, 
July  I,  1854.  The  creditors  of  William  Neligh,  the  builder  of  the  hotel,  demanded  their 
money.  The  matter  was  taken  into  court  and  Hon.  Thos.  H.  Dudley  was  appointed  trustee 
■of  the  property.  In  iSjg  Mr.  Brown  bought  in  the  property  to  protect  his  own  interests,  for 
$30,000.  It  then  comprised  the  entire  square  betw'een  Maryland  and  Delaware  avenues, 
from  ^Atlantic  avenue  to  the  ocean.  The  following  winter  he  built  the  large  w-ing  facing  on 
Atlantic  avenue,  and  furnished  it  elaborately  and  made  it  equal  to  any  hotel  along  the  coast 
at  the  present  time. 

Two  years  following.  Jere  McKibben  leased  tlie  hotel,  but  w^as  not  successful,  so  that 
the  following  ten  years,  till  1870.  the  liouse  was  conducted  by  Messrs.  Brown  and  Woelpper, 
ivho  were  partners  in  the  lumber  business.  Excepting  two  years,  when  the  property  was 
leased  to  Messrs.  Davis  and  Selfredge.  Mr.  Brown  conducted  it  himself  till  1889,  wdicn  he 
sold  the  property  to  John  S.  Davis.  In  1899  the  site  was  sold  in  building  lots  and  this 
notable  landmark,  for  the  last  ten  years  standing  at  Pacific  and  Maryland  avenues,  was  sold 
in  sections  and  removed. 

During  his  prime,  Mr.  Brown,  as  a  Wliig  and  as  a  Republican,  took  an  active  part  in 
public  aft'airs.  He  was  a  member  of  the  last  Whig  convention,  which  convened  in  Baltimore 
in  1852,  and  nominated  Gen.  Winfield  Scott  for  President.  In  1858  he  was  a  member  of 
Council  from  the  Eighteenth  Ward,  and  in  1859  City  Treasurer.  In  i860  he  was  a  delegate 
to  the  Chicago  convention  which  nominated  Abraham  Lincoln  for  President,  and  in  1865, 
just  before  President  Lincoln  was  shot,  Mr.  Brown  was  appointed  Collector  of  Internal 
Revenue,  Fourth  District  of  Pennsylvania.  In  1868  he  was  again  a  delegate  to  the  Chicago 
convention  which  nominated  Gen.  Grant  for  President,  and  all  his  life  has  taken  a  lively 
interest  in  public  affairs. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch,  who  has  been  so  closely  identified  with  the  progress  of 
Atlantic  City  during  its  entire  history,  recalls  many  pleasing  incidents  of  his  life  at  the 
shore,  and  of  a  host  of  old  friends  and  neighbors  who  have  been  associated  with  him  in 
hotel  and  cottage  experience  as  the  various  enterprises  have  been  developed  which  made 
Atlantic  City  as  the  stranger  finds  it  to-day. 

He  still  maintains  a  summer  house  on  States  avenue,  where  he  has  passed  the  pleasantest 
days  of  his  long  and  useful  life,  having  his  winter  residence  at  944  Franklin  street,  Phila- 


Hon.  John  Lake  Bryant,  who  died  at  his  home  in  this  city,  October  8,  1883,  was  a 
descendant  of  two  of  the  pioneer  families  of  the  county,  the  Lakes  and  the  Bryants,  wli^jse 
.genealogies  appear  elsewhere.  He  left  a  widow  and  one  son,  Lieut.-Col.  Lewis  Thompson 
Bryant,  wdio  is  the  only  surviving  male  descendant  of  either  the  Bryant  or  Thompson 
families.  The  father  was  born  at  Pleasantville,  but  came  to  this  island  when  an  infant  and 
passed  his  life  here.  He  had  very  meagre  opportunities  for  an  education  when  a  boy. 
living  at  South  Atlantic  City,  where  his  father  operated  a  salt  works  and  was  in  charge  of  a 
life-saving  station.  By  reading  and  study  evenings,  when  a  young  man,  learning  the  trade 
of  a  carpenter,  he  improved  his  education,  and  by  unusual  energy  and  enterprise  became 
•one  of  the  foremost  and  most  influential  citizens  of  this  city. 


He  kept  pace  with  every  iinproveinent  and  was  always  conspicuous  in  the  front  rank. 
He  became  one  of  tlie  leading  contractors  and  builders  of  hotels  and  cottages.  He  built 
and  owned  at  various  times  the  Brighton,  Traymore.  Shelburne  and  Waverly.  He  became 
proprietor  of  the  Ashland  House,  now  Hotel  Heckler,  in  1872,  and  built  the  Waverly  five 
years  later. 

He  was  elected  to  Council  in  1868,  1875  and  1880,  serving  one  year  each,  and  in  1880 
was  appointed  a  member  of  the  Board  of  Health.  In  1878  he  was  elected  Mayor  and  made 
an  excellent  executive  officer.  He  was  elected  to  the  Assembly  in  1882  by  a  decided  majority, 
and  proved  himself  one  of  the  most  useful  and  most  distinguished  members.  He  was  active 
and  aggressive,  and  at  times  eloquent,  advocating  measures  and  defending  the  interests  of 
his  native  city  and  county. 

His  ardent  desire  to  benefit  mankind  was  one  of  the  qualities  of  his  heart.  He  was  vice- 
president  of  the  Atlantic  City  Fire  Company  at  the  time  of  his  death,  October  8,  1883.  Had 
he  lived  he  would  have  been  renominated  and  re-elected  to  the  Assembly  and  to  higher 
honors.  There  never  was  in  the  history  of  this  city  a  more  touching  testimonial  of  pathetic 
grief  than  that  paid  to  the  memory  of  John  L.  Bryant,  when  his  body  was  taken  to  its  last 
resting  place.  Atlantic  City  lost  an  aggressive  leader  and  devoted  friend  when  he  departed 
this  life  in  the  prime  of  his  manhood. 


Lewis  T.  Bryant  was  born  in  Atlantic  City,  July  26th,  1874,  and  belongs  to  one  of  its 
honored  pioneer  families.  His  father,  the  late  Hon.  John  L.  Bryant,  was  one  of  the  early 
promotors  of  Atlantic  City,  and  always  interested  in  the  advancement  of  the  resort.  He 
was  at  one  time  Mayor  of  the  city,  and  at  various  times  held  many  public  offices  of  trust, 
and  at  the  time  of  his  decease  represented  Atlantic  County  in  the  House  of  Assembly. 

The  son  entered  the  Pennsylvania  Military  College  at  Chester,  and  after  a  full  course 
graduated  with  the  degree  of  Civil  Engineer  in  the  year  1891,  being  the  youngest  graduate 
from  that  institution  from  the  date  of  its  organization.  After  leaving  college  and  making  a 
tour  of  Europe,  he  returned  to  Atlantic  City  and  commenced  the  active  control  of  his  hotel, 
the  Waverly,  and  under  his  progressive  management  it  has  been  very  successful  and  enjoys 
the  patronage  of  a  large  and  select  list  of  patrons.  The  Waverly  for  years  has  been  one  of 
the  oldest  and  best  established  hotels  of  this  resort,  it  having  been  previously  conducted  by 
Lieut.-Col.  Bryant's  father. 

During  the  intervals  between  seasons  Lieut. -Colonel  Bryant  studied  law  in  the  office  of 
Judge  Allen  B.  Endicott,  and  was  admitted  to  active  practice  at  the  New  Jersey  bar  in 
February,  1898. 

Lieut. -Colonel  Bryant  has  been  Captain  of  the  Morris  Guards,  Atlantic  City's  leading 
military  and  social  organization,  for  si.x  years,  and  has  also  been  prominently  identified  with 
other  organizations. 

At  the  outbreak  of  the  Spanish-American  war  the  Morris  Guards  volunteered  their 
services  on  the  first  call,  but  were  not  accepted.  When  the  second  call  for  troops  was  made 
they  again  volunteered  and  were  among  the  first  companies  mustered  into  the  United  States 
service  from  the  State  of  New  Jersey,  Lieut.- Colonel  Bryant  then  receiving  his  commission 
as  Captain  of  Company  F,  Fourth  New  Jersey  Volunteer  Infantry,  and  received  his  commis- 
sion as  Major  on  JNIarch  6,  1899,  while  in  the  field.  After  being  mustered  out  of  the  United 
States  service  he  was  commissioned  Aide-de-Camp,  with  rank  of  Major,  on  the  staff  of 
Major-General  W.  J.  Sewell,  commanding  the  Division  National  Guards  of  New  Jersey, 
and  was  later  promoted  to  Paymaster  on  General  Sewall's  staff,  with  rank  of  Lieut. -Colonel, 
which  position  he  now  holds. 

In  the  fall  of  1899,  the  subject  of  this  sketch  purchased  the  Convent  property,  lot  143 
feet,  fronting  on  the  ocean,  by  500  feet  deep,  between  Ohio  avenue  and  Park  Place,  and 
there  expects  soon  to  erect  a  fine  beach  front  hotel,  the  Waverly  property  having  been  pur- 
chased by  the  city  for  a  high  school  site. 


Hon.  Richard  J.  Byrnes,  of  Hammonton.  was  born  in  Pliiladelphia  in  1830.  His  step- 
father, whose  name  he  bears,  was  an  Irish  gentleman  in  the  employ  of  Stephen  Girard  for 
many  years.  At  the  age  of  ten  years  the  boy  went  to  work  in  John  Grecnleat  Whittier's 
abolition  paper,  the  Pouisyhaiiid  freeman,  and  later  was  sent  to  a  private  seliool  to  fit  him 
for  orders  in  the  church.  Young  Byrnes  graduated  from  the  Central  High  School,  and  later 
began  the  study  of  law.  He  was  employed  two  years  in  a  silk  importing  house,  when  he 
secured  a  position  in  the  Mechanic's  Bank.  He  was  active  and  enterprising  and  successful 
in  speculations.  In  1857  he  first  met  Charles  K.  Landis,  and  later  left  the  bank  to  engage 
with  Landis  in  the  real  estate  and  brokerage  business.  In  1858  he  came  to  Hammonton 
and  engaged  actively  in  selling  farms  and  inviting  settlers  to  locate  there,  and  has  been  there 
ever  since. 

For  four  terms  of  five  years  each,  he  was  one  of  the  Lay  Judges  of  Atlantic  County. 
He  was  active  in  organizing  the  first  building  association,  twenty-seven  years  ago,  and  has 
been  its  president  ever  since.  Ten  years  ago  he  took  a  leading  part  in  organizing  the  People's 
Bank,  and  has  served  as  the  president  of  the  Board  of  Directors  ever  since.  .A.t  the  out- 
break of  the  civil  war  he  helped  to  form  a  company  of  cavalry,  which  his  real  estate  interests 
at  that  time  prevented  him  from  joining.  No  man  has  done  more  to  advance  the  liest  niter- 
ests  of  Hammonton  during  the  past  forty  years  than  Hon.  Richard  J.  Byrnes. 


Ex-Councilman  John  B.  Champion,  of  this  city,  was  the  youngest  of  ten  children,  and 
was  born  at  English  Creek,  Alay  13.  1834.  His  father,  Enoch  Champion,  was  for  many 
years  a  blacksmith  and  fariner  there  on  the  banks  of  the  river  and  worked  hard  to  support 
a  large  family  of  children  in  very  humble  circumstances.  The  mother  died  when  the  sub- 
ject of  this  sketch  was  but  three  years  old,  and  the  father  died  seven  years  later.  John 
began  work  on  a  farm  at  $2.50  a  month,  having  very  meagre  opportunities  for  schooling. 
After  he  was  15  years  old  he  worked  for  Richard  Doughty  on  a  farm  four  years.  He  then 
followed  the  sea  four  years  till  he  was  qualified  to  be  in  command  of  a  vessel.  Three  of  his 
brothers  were  lost  at  sea,  were  never  heard  from  after  leaving  port.  He  then  quit  the  sea 
and  became  a  partner  of  his  old  employer,  Richard  Doughty,  in  the  fish  and  oyster  trade. 
Transportation  then  to  Camden  and  Philadelphia  was  by  wagon  through  the  woods  and 
swamps,  over  sandy  roads.  The  junior  partner  made  the  purchases  of  the  baymen  and  got 
the  loads  ready,  while  Mr.  Doughty  made  two  trips  a  week  to  the  city  to  market.  They 
prospered  and  the  young  man  soon  married  Lydia,  his  partner's  only  daughter.  In  1864 
Mr.  Champion  built  the  American  Hotel  at  English  Creek,  and  conducted  it  successfully 
for  five  years.  He  then  sold  it  to  Capt.  David  Lee  and  purchased  of  the  late  William  I^Ioore 
the  stone  hotel  at  Mays  Landing,  which  he  conducted  successfully  for  seven  years. 

He  moved  to  Atlantic  City  in  1876,  purchasing  the  Champion  House  and  livery  stable 
property  of  Charles  H.  Rogers,  for  $10,000,  at  the  corner  of  Virginia  and  Atlantic  avenues. 
This  business  he  conducted  successfully  for  twenty  years,  till  1897,  when  he  sold  it  to  Mr. 
George  Allen  for  $40,000.  It  has  since  been  converted  into  a  handsome  brick  block  con- 
taining a  fine  millinery  store  and  flats,  also  a  large  boarding  house. 

Mr.  Champion  is  a  member  of  the  Red  Men  and  Masons.  He  was  a  member  of  City 
Council  eleven  years,  and  has  been  a  director  of  the  first  building  association,  the  first  bank, 
the  first  gas  company  and  the  Consumers  Water  Company  since  their  organization.  He 
lacked  but  50  votes  of  being  elected  State  Senator  in  1886.  He  was  on  the  Citizens'  Com- 
mittee that  purchased  the  first  steam  fire  engine  for  this  city,  and  advanced  the  cash,  $3,000, 
from  his  own  pocket  for  the  purchase,  till  Council  later  could  reimburse  him.  He  has 
always  been  deservedly  popular  with  his  fellow  citizens,  and  has  achieved  success  by  well 
directed  effort,  prudence  and  industry.  Two  brothers.  Enoch  and  Jacob,  and  one  sister, 
Airs.  Jane  Homan.  live  near  the  old  homestead  in  Egg  Harbor  township. 


JOSI^ril   S.   CHAMTION. 

Joseph  S.  Champion,  the  pioneer  undertaker  in  this  city,  was  born  at  Mays  Landing. 
He  was  the  son  of  Samuel  and  AngeHne  Champion.  His  father,  who  is  still  living,  at  the 
ripe  age  of  ninety  years,  was  the  first  manufacturer  of  sash  and  doors  in  South  Jersey,  and 
the  only  one  till  Disston  mill  was  established  in  this  city,  in  1873.  The  father  was  also  a 
ship-joiner,  and  found  plenty  of  work  on  many  of  the  several  hundred  vessels  that  were 
launched  at  Mays  Landing  during  his  prime.  There  were  six  children  in  the  Champion 

The  son  followed  the  occupation  of  the  fatlier.  finishing  his  schooling  at  an  early  age  in 
the  pay  district  school. 

Li  1870  he  began  business  as  an  undertaker,  and  by  his  courtesy  and  enterprise  soon 
had  calls  from  all  parts  of  the  county.  He  soon  saw  the  advantage  of  locating  permanently 
in  the  center  of  population  and  business,  and  opened  an  office  in  the  Barstow  Block  in  this 
city,  where  he  remained  till  he  moved  into  his  present  large  and  complete  establishment, 
No.  27  North  Pennsylvania  avenue. 

Here  at  his  office  and  residence  he  has  well  stocked  ware  rooms,  and  the  most  complete 
of  modern  facilities  for  meeting  emergencies,  pleasing  tlie  most  fastidious  and  conducting  his 
business  in  the  most  approved  manner. 

At  Pleasantville  he  has  recently  erected  a  large  and  elaborate  brick  and  slate  receiving 
vault,  and  is  conceded  to  be  at  the  head  of  his  profession  in  this  part  of  the  State. 

He  is  a  member  of  the  A.  O.  U.  W..  of  the  I.  O.  O.  F.,  and  the  Royal  Arcanum.  He 
has  been  successful  in  real  estate  transactions  and  stands  high  in  social  and  financial  circles. 


Stephen  Colwell,  best  known  in  this  section  for  his  connection  with  the  Weymouth 
Iron  Works,  and  as  one  of  the  original  directors  of  the  Camden  &  Atlantic  Railroad,  was 
born  in  Brooke  County,  W.  Va.,  March  25.  1800.  He  died  at  his  home  in  Philadelphia, 
January  15,  1871.  He  graduated  at  Jefferson  College,  in  Pennsylvania,  at  the  age  of  nine- 
teen, studied  law  in  Steubenville,  Ohio,  and  was  admitted  to  the  bar  at  the  age  of  twenty-one. 
and  practiced  his  profession  seven  years  in  St.  Clairsville,  Ohio,  till  he  moved  to  Pittsburg, 
in   1828. 

Eight  years  later  he  came  to  Philadelphia,  married  Sarah  Ball,  daughter  of  the  late 
Satnuel  Richards,  and  succeeded  his  father-in-law  in  the  management  of  the  iron  works  at 
Weymouth.  N.  J.,  and  at  Conshohockin.  Pa.  He  was  a  charter  member  of  the  Union 
League,  a  working  member  of  the  American  Iron  and  Steel  Association,  a  director  in  sev- 
eral railroads,  a  trustee  of  the  University  of  Pennsylvania,  and  of  Princeton  Theological 
Seminary,  and  actively  identified  with  several  charitable  and  religious  organizations  all  his 
life.  He  was  a  man  whose  ability  and  usefulness  was  widely  recognized.  He  was  the  author 
of  many  pamphlets  on  social  science,  political  economy,  finance,  pauperism,  organized 
charities  and  productive  industries.  One  son,  Charles  R.  Colwell,  of  Weymouth,  is  the 
only  surviving  member  of  the  family. 


Franklin  P.  Cook,  of  the  Hotel  Senate,  was  born  in  Philadelphia.  December  3.  1851, 
and  was  educated  in  the  public  schools  of  that  city.  His  father,  the  late  H.  B.  Cook,  was  ex- 
tensively engaged  in  the  building  business.  In  the  spring  of  1872  contractor  H.  B.  Cook 
built  the  Senate  House,  an  unpretentious  boarding  house  of  about  fifty  rooms  on  the  north- 
west corner  of  Pacific  and  Rhode  Island  avenues.     In  the  fall  of  1879  an  addition  was  built 



to  the  house,  and  in  1891  it  was  raised  and  extensively  enhirged  and  inii>roved,  so  successful 
was  the  son  in  conducting  the  business  wliich  <ievolved  upon  liini  through  the  death  of  his 

During  the  winter  of  1S97  tlie  liotel  was  moved  to  the  ocean  front  on  Ivhode  Island 
avenue,  and  again  extensively  improved,  making  it  thoroughly  up-to-date,  one  of  the  bright- 
est and  most  desirable  beach  front  hotels  in  Atlantic  City. 

In  politics  Mr.  Cook  is  a  Republican.  He  was  elected  a  member  of  the  City  Council  in 
1882,  and  three  times  re-elected.  He  was  a  progressive  and  efficient  oflicial,  having  nuich  to 
do  with  the  building  of  an  elevated  boardwalk  along  the  beach,  and  in  tnaking  the  city  more 
satisfactory  to  visitors.  He  was  appointed  a  member  of  the  Board  of  Water  Commissioners 
in  1895,  for  which  his  business  experience  and  tact  as  a  hotel  keeper  amply  qualified  him. 
He  is  one  of  the  charter  members  of  the  Neptune  Fire  Company,  and  was  one  of  the  first 
to  advocate  the  use  of  horses  in  the  fire  department  of  this  growing  resort. 


Enoch  Cordery,  of  Absecon,  was  the  oldest  son  of  the  seven  children  of  the  late  .Absa- 
lom Cordery,  and  was  born  November  11,  1816.  where  he  always  lived  and  where  he  died  on 
April  10,  1891.  For  several  generations,  the  Cordery  family  have  held  an  honorable  place 
in  the  history  of  Atlantic  County.  Absalom  Cordery  had  three  brothers  living  along  the 
shore,  Parker,  Edmund  and  Daniel,  and  their  descendants  are  numerous. 

Absalom  Cordery  was  a  blacksmith  and  wheelwright,  and  a  man  of  acknowledged 
worth.  He  represented  his  county  in  the  State  Senate  two  terms  in  the  early  forties,  and 
when  he  left  home,  his  son  Enoch  was  left  in  charge  of  the  business  and  conducted  it 
creditably.    The  children  of  Absalom  Cordery  and  Elizabeth  Chamberlain  were: 

Enoch,  William  C,  Daniel  Edwards,  Sarah,  who  married  Thomas  Clark;  Annie  E.,  who 
married  Job  G.  Babcock;  Caddie,  wife  of  James  Ryon,  and  Maria,  wife  of  John  R.  Steelman. 

Enoch,  b.  November  11,  1816,  m.,  first,  Sarah,  only  daughter  of  Capt.  Edmund  Somers, 
l)y  whom  he  had  one  child,  Sarah  B.;  m.  second,  Lucy  Ann  Evans,  daughter  of  Hon.  John 
Willits.  of  West  Creek,  Ocean  County.  They  were  married  November  5.  1846,  and  had  five 
children:    E.  Alonzo  Cordery.  of  Fort  Meade,  Florida:  ^Mrs.  Reuben  Babcock,  of  Absecon; 



Mrs.  John  R.  Fleming,  of  Atlantic  City;  Mrs.  William  Dickey,  of  Pittsburg,  and  John  Wil- 
lits  Cordery,  of  Absecon. 

Judge  Cordery  was  a  man  of  strict  integrity  and  more  than  ordinary  intellectual  attain- 
ments. He  was  all  his  life  a  very  industrious  and  exemplary  citizen.  He  conducted  at  the 
old  homestead  the  business  which  his  father  left  him.  He  was  an  active  and  consistent 
member  of  the  ]\I.  E.  Church.  He  was  a  charter  member  and  one  of  the  active  workers  of 
the  Aurora  Lodge  of  Odd  Fellows,  the  first  to  be  instituted  in  this  county.  His  influence 
and  worth  was  recognized  by  all  who  l<new  him.  Like  his  father,  he  represented  his  county 
in  the  State  Senate,  serving  from  1857  to  1859.  It  was  a  period  of  legislative  corruption,  but 
the  member  from  Atlantic  preserved  his  reputation  unsullied. 

In  1877  Governor  Bedle  appointed  him  one  of  the  Lay  Judges  of  this  county.  He  was 
twice  reappointed,  serving  five  year  terms  and  having  one  year  to  serve  of  his  unexpired 
term  at  the  time  of  his  death. 

He  was  one  of  the  first  stockholders  and  directors  of  tlie  Second  National  Bank,  and 
was  the  possessor  of  a  considerable  fortune. 


Rodman  Corson,  who  comes  from  one  of  the  old-time  families  of  Cape  May  County, 
was  born  near  Beesley's  Point,  in  what  is  now  ^larmora,  on  June  15,  1866.  For  some  years 
he  has  made  Atlantic  City  his  home.  His  educational  advantages  were  only  those  of  the 
ordinary  country  district  school,  after  leaving  which  he  spent  eleven  years  teaching  school 
in  the  various  counties  of  Southern  New  Jersey.  By  close  application  he  won  the  degree 
of  A.  j\I.  in  the  American  University.  He  studied  law  with  Messrs.  Godfrey  &  Godfrey  of 
this  cit)',  was  admitted  to  practice  in  the  June  term  of  1899. 

He  has  for  several  years  helped  to  collect  the  taxes  of  this  city,  and  is  well  known  to 
many  of  our  business  people  through  his  connection  with  one  of  the  busiest  law  offices  in 
Atlantic  County.  He  is  a  Director  and  Secretary  of  the  Real  Estate  and  Investment  Com- 
pany of  Atlantic  City,  and  enjoys  the  entire  confidence  of  those  with  whom  he  comes  in 

In  1893  he  married  ^Miss  Genevra  Corson,  of  Philadelphia,  and  now  resides  on  Georgia 
avenue.  He  is  a  member  of  a  number  of  fraternal  societies  and  has  passed  all  the  chairs 
in  our  local  Castle  of  Knights  of  Golden  Eagles. 


Dr.  Walter  A.  Corson  was  born  at  Vine  Valley,  N.  Y.,  December  9,  1872;  moved,  with 
his  parents,  to  Cape  May  County  in  1876.  and  from  there  to  Atlantic  City  in  1881.  Was 
graduated  at  the  public  schools  of  Atlantic  City  in  1890.  The  following  year  he  spent  at 
school  at  Pennington  Seminary.  Began  the  study  of  medicine  with  Dr.  G.  W.  Crosby  the 
following  year,  and  was  graduated  from  the  Hahnemann  JNIedical  College  of  Philadelphia 
in  1894.  He  then  joined  the  medical  stafT  of  the  Metropolitan  Hospital  on  Blackwell's 
Island,  New  York,  where  he  was  soon  promoted  to  assistant  superintendent  of  the  hospital. 
He  returned  to  Atlantic  City  after  spending  18  months  at  the  hospital,  and  began  the  prac- 
tice of  Medicine  with  Dr.  G.  W.  Crosby,  under  the  firm  name  of  Drs.  Crosby  &  Corson. 

He  was  married  on  November  16,  1898,  to  Miss  Amelia  Sanders  Adams,  of  Linwood, 
N.  J.  His  health  becoming  impaired,  he  decided  to  spend  the  winter  of  1898  and  1899  in 
Texas,  expecting  to  return  to  Atlantic  City  again  the  following  June.  He  is  a  member  of 
the  Atlantic  City  Medical  Club  and  now  lives  in  Denver,  Colorado. 



When  the  shores  of  New  Jersey  were  almost  untrodden  save  by  the  foot  of  the  Red 
man,  and  tlie  ascending  smoke  from  the  camp  fires  of  the  tribes  of  Lcnni-Lcnapes  was 
the  only  sign  of  its  inhabitants  to  the  passing  mariners;  when  the  sea  was  most  bountiful 
in  spoils  for  the  whaler,  the  name  of  Cresse  appears  prominently  in  a  company  of  men 
who.  attracted  by  the  wealth  of  these  waters,  came  from  Long  Island  and  settled  in  its 
southern  section  in   1692. 

Wl:eii  Cape  May  County  came  into  existence  the  same  year,  by  proprietary  law.  with 
limits  but  vaguely  defined,  this  name  appears  on  the  county  records  as  a  public  ofllcial, 
and  down  to  the  present  time  it  has  retained  its  honorable  position. 

In  1692,  Arthur,  patriarch  of  the  Cresse  family  in  this  State,  purchased  350  acres  of 
land  from  the  West  Jersey  Society,  and  the  same  year  he  and  John  Townscnd  became 
jointly  the  first  Collectors  of  the  County,  which  position  they  held  until  1700.  when  tlu-y 
were  succeeded  by  John  Cresse  and  Jacob  Spicer. 

The  early  settlers  raised  cattle  extensively.  The  herds  roamed  togetlier  and  each  man's 
property  was  distinguished  by  a  brand  on  the  ears.  This  law-  was  made  by  an  Act  of 
Assembly  at  Burlington.  February  7.  1692.  The  legal  form  of  recording  the  "ear  marks" 
was  the  sketch  of  a  cow's  head  with  the  peculiar  mark  of  the  owner  on  the  ears  accompa- 
nied by  a  written  description.  The  first  "ear  mark"  in  the  archives  of  the  Cape  May  CouiUy 
courts  WIS  recorded  by  a  Cresse  on  July  13.  1692. 

-V  deep  religious  sentiment  has  dominated  the  family  and  in  church  as  well  as  State 
they  have  been  leaders.  When  the  first  Baptist  services,  in  1675,  resulted  in  a  permanent 
organization  with  a  church  structure  in  1712,  at  Cape  May,  the  name  of  Arthur  Cresse  was 
first  on  the  list  of  its  members,  as  was  that  of  Xathan  Cresse  first  on  the  list  of  members 
of  the  first  IMethodist  Church  in  the  County  founded  at  Dennisville. 

The  early  records  of  the  first  Presbyterian  Church  established  in  the  county  are  lost 
but  tradition  claims  that  the  Cresse  family  was  also  largely  interested  in  its  organization. 

The  name  of  Lewis  Cresse  continues  in  almost  unbroken  succession  down  the  ancestral 
line,  appearing  officially  as  early  as  \-\j.  ^\'hen  the  fiery  spirit  of  patriotism  burst  forth 
in  a  document  of  ?vlay  27,  1778,  in  which  87  Cape  May  countians  renounced  their  allegi- 
ance fo  Kin.g  George  and  swore  to  "bear  true  faith"  to  the  government  of  New  Jersey, 
the  names  of  Arthur,  Lewis,  Daniel,  David  and  Zcbulon  Cresse  appeared  on  the  list  of 

Lewis  was  a  notorious  wag  and  a  verse  maker.  Daniel,  a  brother  of  Lewis  and  the 
great-giandfather  of  our  subject,  was  a  large  land  owner,  the  proprietor  of  the  Dias  Creek 
tavern,  and  a  sea  captain.  His  son  Daniel  tuarried  Hannah  Hand,  and  settled  at  Gravelly 
Run,  where  he  operated  one  of  the  largest  farms  in  that  region.  Six  children  were  born 
to  this  couple:  Philip,  Rhoda.  Ellen,  Huldah,  Daniel  and  Lewis.  The  only  survivor  of 
the  six  children  is  the  youngest,  Lewis  Cresse,  Sr,,  father  of  Lewis  Mitchell  Cresse,  The 
father  was  born  at  Gravelly  Run  in  1824.  and  was  educated  in  the  pay  schools  of  the 
county.  When  a  young  man  he  spent  three  years  in  California,  attracted  by  the  discovery 
of  gold.  Upon  his  return  he  married  Mary  ,^nn  HofTman.  a  teacher  in  the  village  school 
of  Gravelly  Run.  jMr.  Cresse  first  engaged  in  the  milling  business  at  that  place,  but 
later  purchased  a  farm  of  100  acres  at  Townsend  Inlet  ("now  Swainton")  where  he  has  since 
resided.  Four  children  have  been  born  to  him:  Huldah.  wife  of  Coleman  F.  Learning. 
Jr.:  Mary  HofTman.  wife  of  W.  Scott  Hand:  Lewis  Mitchell  and  Gecrge  HolTman.  prin- 
cipal of  the  public  schools  of  Dennisville. 

Lewis  ^Mitchell  Cresse  was  born  at  Townsend  Inlet.  September  12,  1867.  He  acquired 
his  education  in  the  public  schools  of  his  native  villa,ge,  graduating  at  the  High  School 
of  Cape  May  Court  House,  in  1886:  the  Quaker  School  of  Woodstown,  and  the  National 
College  of  Comiuerce,  Philadelphia,  graduating  from  the  latter  institution   in   18S7.     Sub- 


sequciitly  he  engaged  in  teaching  bookkeeping  and  accounting  in  that  College.  He  after- 
wards became  principal  of  the  public  schools  of  Almonesson,  Gloucester  County,  but 
abandoned  the  work  of  an  educator  to  become  identified  with  the  financial  interest  of 
Cape  May  County;  first  as  Cashier  of  the  People's  Bank  of  Sea  Isle  City,  where  he  re- 
mained nearly  three  years,  when  he  accepted 'a  position  with  the  Union  National  Bank 
of  Atk'.ntic  City.  Three  years  later,  in  1896,  Mr.  Cresse  became  the  executive  head  of 
the  Ocean  City  office  of  the  Central  Trust  Company  of  Camden.  This  Bank  was  opened 
for  business  May  13,  1896.  A  general  banking  business  is  conducted  and  success 
has  attended  the  enterprise  from  the  beginning,  a  fact  which  is  largely  attributable  to  the 
eflorts  and  management  of  Mr.  Cresse.  In  his  work  he  is  assisted  by  W.  Scott  Hand, 
who  occupies  the  position  of  teller,  and  B.  C.  Marshall,  who  is  bookkeeper. 

Mr.  Cresse  is  also  extensively  interested  in  the  business  of  paper  manufacturing  at 
Pleasant  Hills,  N.  J.  The  office  of  The  Pleasant  Mills  Paper  Co.,  of  which  he  is  Presi- 
dent, is  at  No.  608  Chestnut  Street,  Philadelphia,  and  to  the  management  of  this  important 
enterprise  he  has  devoted  much  attention. 

He  is  now  serving  as  a  member  of  the  Board  of  Education  for  the  second  term  and 
is  President  of  the  Board  of  Trade  of  Ocean  City. 

On  the  I2th  of  September,  1896,  was  celebrated  the  marriage  of  Mr.  Cresse  and 
Cecilia,  daughter  of  Alexander  and  Marion  Hislop,  of  Troy,  N.  Y.  They  occupy  an 
enviable  position  in  social  circles  and  enjoy  the  highest  esteem  of  many  friends.  Mr. 
Cresse  is  a  member  of  the  Ancient  Order  of  United  Workmen,  and  is  popular  in  fraternal 
as  well  as  social  and  business  circles.  His  success  in  all  he  has  undertaken  has  been 


Dr.  Lydia  Herts  Cromwell  was  born  in  Bedford,  Pennsylvania,  July  28,  1874.  She 
graduated  from  the  Bedford  High  School  with  high  honors.  May  5,  1893,  and  immediately 
determined  upon  the  study  and  practice  of  medicine,  notwithstanding  the  objections  and 
earnest  opposition  of  her  family.  Her  determined  purpose  prevailed  and  she  began  the 
study  of  medicine  with  Dr.  Amos  A.  Taylor  as  her  preceptor.  In  October,  1893,  she  en- 
tered the  Hahnemann  Medical  College  and  Hospital,  Chicago,  Illinois,  and  was  graduated 
as   Medical   Doctor  in  the  regular  course,   Jilarch  26,   1896. 

Immediately  upon  graduating  Dr.  Cromwell  was  engaged  as  assistant  physician  with 
Dr.  Nelson  A.  Pennoyer  at  the  Pennoyer  Sanatorium,  Kenosha,  Wisconsin.  At  this  insti- 
tution, in  addition  to  the  Sanatorium  practice,  Drs.  Pennoyer  and  Cromwell  had  the  care 
of  an  active  practice  in  the  town  of  Kenosha. 

At  the  beginning  of  the  spring  season  of  1897,  Dr.  Cromwell  accepted  the  position  as 
Resident  Physician  at  Galen  Hall  Sanatorium.  Atlantic  City,  where  she  has  since  remained 
in  the  practice  of  her  chosen  profession. 


Dr.  George  W.  Crosby  w'as  born  at  Middletown,  N.  Y.,  September  i,  1851.  Was  edu- 
cated at  the  Delaware  Literary  Institute  at  Franklin,  N.  Y.,  and  at  Poughkeepsie,  N.  Y. 
Began  the  study  of  medicine  with  his  brother.  Dr.  O.  H.  Crosby,  in  the  spring  of  187S,  and. 
graduated  from  the  New  York  Homoeopathic  College  February  28,  1878.  Located  at 
Walton,  N.  Y.,  the  following  April.     Was  the  first  to  introduce  homoeopathy  in  that  city. 


and  soon  built  up  a  large  practice.  By  the  urgent  request  oi  liis  brother,  he  niovetl  to 
Atlantic  City  in  the  spring  of  1S83.  and  began  work  in  his  new  field  of  labor  with  Dr.  (.).  11. 
Crosby,  under  the  firm  name  of  Drs.  O.  H.  &  G.  \V.  Crosby,  which  was  continued  up  to 
the  time  of  his  brother's  death. 

Was  married  February  16,  1892,  to  Jiliss  AI.  A.  Rathburn,  of  Franklin.  N.  Y.  Joined 
the  American  Institute  of  Homoeopathy  in  1885,  and  shortly  thereafter  became  a  member 
of  the  New  Jersey  State  Homoeopathic  Medical  Society,  also  the  West  Jersey  Homoeopathic 
Medical  Society,  and  last,  but  not  least,  the  Atlantic  City  Homoeopathic  Medical  Club. 


Doctor  O.  H.  Crosby  was  born  at  Middletown,  New  York.  September  _'5,  1849-  He 
was  educated  at  Del.  Lit.  Inst.,  Franklin,  N.  Y.,  and  in  1869  began  the  study  of  medicine  at 
Rochester,  N.  Y.,  afterward  coming  to  Camden,  N.  J.,  with  Dr.  H.  H.  Cater.  He  graduated 
at  the  New  York  Homeo.  Med.  College  in  March,  1874,  and  immediately  thereafter  located 
at  Atlantic  City,  where  he  began  the  practice  of  his  profession,  being  the  first  and  for  some 
time  the  only  homoeopathic  physician  in  the  city.  Here  he  soon  built  up  a  large  practice 
and  gained  many  friends.  He  was  married  in  the  autumn  of  1874,  to  Miss  Hattie  Shepard. 
of  Franklin,  N.  Y.,  who  died  September,  1882. 

Dr.  Crosby  was  for  some  years  Superintendent  of  Public  Schools  in  Atlantic  City,  in 
whose  welfare  and  development  he  was  much  interested.  He  took  an  active  interest  in 
several  organizations  in  which  he  was  identified,  and  was  for  many  years  a  member  of  the 
American  Institute  of  Homoeopathy.  He  died  of  Bright's  disease,  at  Franklin,  N.  Y.. 
January  6.  18S5. 


George  F.  Currie  was  born  March  11,  1835,  in  Dubs.  France,  and  received  a  common 
school  education  at  that  place.  In  1851  he  came  to  the  United  States,  locating  temporarily 
at  New  York,  and  later  at  Philadelphia:  he  then  resided  in  Delaware  for  a  time,  and  during 
the  panic  of  1857,  located  at  Millville,  N.  J.,  where  he  opened  a  stove  and  hardware  store. 
At  the  end  of  five  years  he  sold  this  businessand  came  to  Absecon  and  engaged  in  the  same 
business.  At  the  outbreak  of  the  War  of  the  Rebellion  he  answered  to  his  country's  call 
and  enlisted  in  the  Federal  Army,  serving  until  honorably  discharged,  in  1865.  Realizing  the 
business  possibilities  of  Atlantic  City,  Mr.  Currie  built,  in  1868,  at  1216-18  Atlantic  avenue, 
and  there  engaged  in  the  stove  and  hardware  business.  In  1881  a  meeting  was  held  in  Mr. 
Currie's  store  to  organize  a  bank,  resulting  in  the  organization  of  the  Atlantic  City  National 
Bank.  The  business  progress  of  the  city  after  a  few  years  warranted  another  bank,  and  in 
December,  1886,  the  Second  National  Bank  was  organized.  This  institution  was  largely 
the  result  of  Mr.  Currie's  efforts,  in  recognition  of  which  he  was  elected  its  first  president, 
and  has  been  re-elected  to  that  office  at  each  succeeding  election,  and  at  present  holds  that 
position.  Later  the  Trust  Company  connected  with  the  bank  was  started,  and  in  1894  he 
was  made  president  of  that  institution. 

In  politics  Mr.  Currie  is  a  Republican.  He  has  been  a  member  of  Council  several 
times,  and  was  a  member  of  the  Board  of  Chosen  Freeholders  for  seventeen  years. 

Mr.  Currie  w^as  married  to  Miss  Mathilda  D.  Haley,  of  Haleyville.  Cumberland  County, 
in  1859.     Mr.  Currie  has  four  children,  two  boys  and  two  girls. 

He  is  also  prominent  in  Masonic  circles,  and  helped  to  organize  the  first  lodge  at 
Absecon,  and  was  its  first  Junior  Warden.  He  is  also  a  member  of  American  Star  Lodge. 
No.   148.  I.  O.  O.  F..  and  was  its  first  Noble  Grand. 



Born  in  Pcarisburg,  Virginia,  William  Edgar  Darnall,  A.  B.,  M.  D.,  obtained  an 
academic  education  in  the  city  of  Durham,  North  Carolina,  where  he  remained  until  1888, 
during  which  year  he  entered  the  Washington  and  Lee  University,  Lexington,  Virginia.  In 
1892  he  graduated  from  this  institution,  having  filled  the  position  of  private  secretary  to 
General  Lee,  president  of  the  University,  for  two  years  prior  to  this  auspicious  event.  The 
degree  of  M.  D.  was  conferred  upon  him  by  the  University  of  Virginia,  in  1895,  and  after  a 
year's  practice  in  his  native  State,  he  came  to  Atlantic  City. 

Since  locating  here.  Dr.  Darnall  has  been  honored  by  appointments  as  physician  to 
the  Atlantic  Cit>  Hospital,  physician  to  St.  Michael's  Baby  Hospital,  and  is  also  Fellow 
of  the  American  Academy  of  Medicine,  member  of  the  Medical  Society  of  New  Jersey, 
secretary  and  treasurer  to  the  Atlantic  County  Medical  Society,  vice-president  of  the  At- 
lantic City  Academy  of  Medicine,  e.x-section  chief  of  the  Phi  Gamma  Delta  Greek  Letter 
F'raternity  and  president  of  Fortnightly  Club  of  Atlantic  City. 

Dr.  Darnall,  who  is  the  son  of  Henry  Thomas  and  Margaret  Pogue  Johnston  Darnall. 
is  a  descendent  of  an  influential  family  of  Virginia. 


Mrs.  Hannah  Somers  Davis,  as  she  preferred  to  be  known,  was  born  at  Somers  Point, 
New  Jersey,  October  i,  1795. 

Her  great-grandfather,  John  Somers,  came  to  America  from  Worcester,  England  (his 
place  of  birth),  in  1681  or  1682,  when  about  twenty  years  of  age,  and  settled  in  Pennsyl- 
vania, at  what  is  now  called  Somerton,  Pa.,  but  which  was  then  called  Upper  Dublin.  After 
living  there  a  few  years  he  came  to  South  Jersey,  and  in  1695  bought  of  Thomas  Budd  a  tract 
of  3,000  acres  for  the  sum  of  240  pounds  sterling. 

Because  of  this  the  place  received  the  name  of  Somers  Point,  and  here  some  of  his  de- 
scendants live  to  this  day. 

James  Somers,  son  of  John  Somers.  grandson  of  Richard  Somers,  and  great-grandson 
of  the  original  John  Somers,  when  a  young  man,  very  likely  about  the  time  of  his  marriage, 
built  a  house  about  one  mile  west  of  Somers  Point,  on  what  is  at  present  called  Hickory 
Point,  being  a  part  of  the  original  tract  purchased  by  John  Somers.  The  timbers  and 
boards  for  this  house,  which  was  destroyed  by  fire  February  7,  1900.  and  which 
had  been  for  many  years  an  object  of  interest,  were  sawed  from  the  trees  of  the  forest  by 
the  young  builder  himself. 

The  house,  when  completed,  was  occupied  by  him  and  his  wife,  and  here  the  subject  of 
this  sketch  was  born. 

Hannah  was  the  third  of  a  family  of  si-x  children  born  to  John  Somers  and  Lettice 
Finley.  After  the  death  of  his  first  wife,  her  father  married  Aner  Blackman,  by  whom  he 
had  four  children,  and  after  her  death  he  was  married  a  third  time,  this  time  to  Martha 
Wiley,  by  whom  he  had  one  child,  Harriet,  widow  of  Simon  Lake,  who  is  now  living  at 
Ocean  City,  at  the  age  of  seventy-five  years. 

Living,  as  she  did,  more  than  thirty  years  past  the  allotted  three-score  years  and  ten, 
and  doubtless  reaching  a  greater  age  than  any  other  member  of  the  Somers  family,  it  seems 
as  if  this  long  life  is  at  least  partly  due  to  the  natural  longevity  of  the  family  to  which  Mrs. 
Davis  belonged. 

Her  great-great-grandfather  died  at  the  age  of  eighty-three.  Her  great-grandfather 
lived  sixty-eight  years.  Her  grandfather  died  in  his  seventy-third  year,  and  her  father  in 
liis  ninetieth,  while  the  ages  of  her  nine  brothers  and  sisters  who  have  died  average  nearly 
eighty  years.  When  Miss  Somers  was  only  eight  years  of  age  she  was  taken  by  an  aunt 
<ind  uncle  to  Salem,  Ohio,  which  was  then  in  the  far  west.     She  remained  there  until  1813, 



wlu-n  she  miirned  cast  and  took  up  her  residence  in  Philadelpliia.  where,  in  iSibi,  slie  joined 
the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church,  ahhough  lier  earlier  triiiniuK  had  been  that  of  a  Friend, 
both  of  her  grandmothers  having  been  Quaker  preachers,  connected  with  the  Meeting 
Houses,  which  stood  opposite  the  present  Dolphin  House,  at  Soniers  Point,  and  near  where 
the  Central  Church  now^  stands  at  Linwood, 

On  September  26,  1834,  she  was  married  to  Elijah  Davis,  a  merchant  of  Philadelpliia, 
by  the  Rev.  Thos.  M.  Carroll,  a  minister  of  the  M.  E.  Church. 

j\lr.  Davis  was  very  successful  in  business  and  accumulated  a  fortune  of  moderate  size 
before  he  retired  to  private  life.  He  died  in  iSj.^,  a  few  years  after  his  retirement,  leaving 
the  most  of  this  estate  to  his  widow. 

Having  joined  the  Alethodist  Episcopal  Church.  Mrs.  Davis  took  an  active  interest  in 
its  affairs  and  gave  liberally  toward  its  support.  In  1878  she  furnished  the  means  for  a 
chinch  to  be  erected  at  Clarks.  Nebraska,  to  be  known  as  the  Somers  Chapel,  and  became 
so  much  interested  in  the  undertaking  that  in  1884.  when  eighty-nine  years  of  age.  she  went 
to  Nebraska  for  the  purpose  of  visiting  it. 

While  there  she  gave  evidence  of  her  vigorous  constitution  and  indomitaljle  will.  l>y 
taking  a  ride  on  horseback. 

The  last  quarter  century  or  more  of  Mrs.  Davis'  life  was  passed  very  quietly  in  her 
home  at  No.  448  North  Fourth  street.  Philadelphia,  where  for  twenty  years  she  had  the 
companionship  of  her  faithful  and  loving  niece.  Miss  Hannah  Spain,  who  cared  for  her 
every  want. 

Although  confined  to  her  house  of  recent  years,  because  of  rheumatism,  her  mind  was 
clear  and  active  to  the  last. 

The  last  time  the  writer  had  the  pleasure  of  seeing  her  was  just  before  tlie  Spanisli- 
.■\nierican  War.  at  which  time  she  w  as  found  sitting  by  the  window'  reading  the  daily  paper. 

She  took  an  active  interest  in  the  topics  of  the  day,  and  was  well  informed  on  the  events 
preceding  the  war.  Having  seen  and  distinctly  remembering  the  war  with  England  in  i8i_>. 
the  war  with  j\Ie.\ico  in  1848,  and  then  the  awful  conflict  between  the  North  and  South  in 
1861-65,  she  expressed  an  earnest  wish  that  we  might  not  again  be  compelled  to  take  up 
arms,  but  said  if  it  became  necessary,  our  President,  Wm.  JsIcKinley,  would  guide  this 
country  safely  through  it.  as  Abraham  Lincoln  had  done  through  the  Civil  War. 

On  the  occasion  of  the  visit  referred  to.  she  showed  me  with  a  great  deal  of  pride  her 
certificate  of  membership  in  General  Lafayette  Chapter.  Daughters  of  the  Revolution  of 
Atlantic  City,  together  with  the  gold  spoon  which  had  been  given  to  her  as  an  original 
Daughter  of  the  Revolution,  her  father  having  served  during  that  war. 

On  October  I,  1895,  Airs.  Davis  celebrated  her  one  hundredth  birthday  at  her  Iirmie  in 
a  very  quiet  manner,  surrounded  by  a  few  of  her  nearest  relatives  and  dearest  friend-. 

After  this  three  more  birthdays  were  passed,  and  the  fourth  almost  reached  beinre  deatli 
overtook  her,  on  August  22,  1899. 

On  August  25th,  she  was  buried  at  Woodland  Cemetery.  Pliiladelphia.  the  funeral  ser- 
vices being  conducted  by  the  Rev.  John  Wood,  pastor  of  St.  George's  M.  K.  Clnircli. 

Truly  do  the  Proverbs  of  Solomon  say:  -Forget  not  my  law  for  length  of  days  and 
long  life  and   peace  shall   they  add   to   tliee." 


Harry  H.  Deakyne.  tlie  well-known  druggist,  was  born  in  New  Castle  County.  Dela- 
ware. August  20.  1858.  After  graduating  from  the  public  schools  he  took  a  course  in  the 
Philadelphia  College  of  Pharmacy.  He  ne.xt  spent  five  years  in  the  drug  store  of  J.  W. 
Denney,  of  Smyrna.  Delaware.  In  1883  he  graduated  from  the  store  of  Henry  C.  Blair's 
Sons,  in  Philadelphia,  and  came  to  this  city  in  March  of  that  year.  He  continued  in  the 


employ  of  the  late  T.  M.  Galbreath  for  six  years,  till  his  death,  in  1889,  when  as  manager, 
he  continued  the  business  for  the  estate  six  years  longer. 

On  January  i,  1895,  he  opened  the  handsome  brick  store  where  he  now  successfully 

He  is  a  Past  Master  of  Trinity  Lodge,  a  Chapter  member,  and  one  of  the  Board  of 
Governors  of  the  new  City  Hospital. 

Michael  A.  Divine,  our  well-known  and  popular  Postmaster,  was  born  in  Philadelphia. 
His  parents  moved  to  this  city  when  he  was  a  child.  He  received  his  education  in  the 
public  schools  and  filled  various  clerical  positions  with  credit  and  success.  For  eight  years, 
up  to  1891,  he  was  in  the  employ  of  the  West  Jersey  Railroad  Company,  first  in  the  express 
oftice  and  at  the  consolidation  of  the  West  Jersey  with  the  Camden  &  Atlantic  Companies 
he  remained  with  them  as  chief  clerk  in  the  passenger,  freight  and  express  departments. 
In  1S91  he  was  elected  Tax  Collector  and  re-elected  the  following  year.  In  1894  he  organ- 
ized the  real  estate  insurance  and  law  firm  of  Divine  &  Wootton,  in  which  he  takes  an 
active  interest.  In  July,  1896,  he  was  appointed  Postmaster  by  President  Cleveland,  and 
the  appointment  was  confirmed  by  the  United  States  Senate  in  February,  1897.  He  is  largely 
interested  in  the  development  of  real  estate.  As  Postmaster  he  has  persistently  and  suc- 
cessfully directed  his  efforts  to  the  improvement  of  the  service.  Few  people  appreciate  the 
vast  amount  of  transient  mail  that  is  received  and  handled  at  a  resort  like  this,  and  the 
fluctuating  quantity  and  the  difficulties  in  its  dispatch  and  distribution.  The  new  post  office 
building,  stamping  machines  and  enlarged  carrier  service  and  improved  facilities  have  re- 
sulted from  his  intelligent  direction.  He  occupies  a  handsome  home  in  Chelsea,  and  is  one 
of  our  most  enterprising  and  public  spirited  citizens. 

Thomas  Jefferson  Dickerson,  the  well-known  merchant,  was  born  in  Philadelphia,  De- 
cember 6,  1849.  After  receiving  a  public  school  education  he  apprenticed  himself  to  the 
trade  of  a  hatter,  serving  four  years.  He  was  only  twenty-two  years  of  age  when  he  en- 
gaged in  business  for  himself  as  a  manufacturer.  Later  he  resumed  work  as  a  journeyman, 
and  continued  as  such  several  years.  In  1883  he  came  to  Atlantic  City,  making  this  his 
residence.  Four  years  later  he  leased  of  Mr.  George  Allen,  the  store  at  1334  Atlantic 
avenue,  then  about  one-third  its  present  size,  and  stocked  it  with  a  high  grade  of  gents'  fur- 
nishing goods,  hats,  caps,  etc.,  and  catered  to  the  best  class  of  trade  from  residents  and 
visitors.  So  great  was  his  success  that  he  leased  two  adjoining  stores  and  expended  several 
thousand  dollars  in  up-to-date  improvements  and  met  the  demand  at  all  seasons  for  the 
most   stylish  and  expensive  line  of  goods. 

In  1894  he  decided  to  take  into  the  firm  as  a  partner,  Mr.  Leonard  Algar,  who  had  been 
with  him  as  a  faithful  and  trusted  clerk  since  his  store  first  opened  in  this  city.  The  firm 
has  since  been  known  as  Thomas  J.  Dickerson  &  Co. 

Mr.  Dickerson  was  one  of  the  prime  movers  in  the  organization  of  the  Union  National 
Bank,  and  was  one  of  its  first  Board  of  Directors,  having  been  re-elected  each  year  since. 

He  was  also  one  of  the  Directors  of  the  Real  Estate  and  Investment  Company.  He  is 
prominent  socially  and  fraternally.  He  is  a  Past  Master  of  Trinity  Lodge,  F.  and  A.  M., 
and  a  member  of  other  societies.  His  business  methods  are  such  as  to  attract  patronage  and 
retain  it.  His  fellow  citizens  appreciate  his  public  spirited  enterprise  and  progressive  ideas. 
On  April  24,  18/ 2.  he  married  Hannah  E.  Rodearmel,  of  Philadelphia,  and  has  two  children 
living,  Mary  Elizabeth  and  Emma  Rowe.     He  has  a  fine  home  on  Virginia  avenue. 


The  name  of  Henry  Disston,  the  well-known  saw  nianufaclurcr  of  I'hiladclphia,  will 
long  be  remembered  in  Atlantic  City.  He  had  achieved  great  success  as  an  inventor  and 
manufacturer  before  he  became  interested  in  this  resort,  in  1871,  when  with  his  usual  energy 
and  enterprise  he  established  here  the  first  lumber  mill,  built  cottages  and  demonstrated  his 
faith  in  the  bright  future  of  the  place.  Henry  Disston  was  of  English  birth.  He  came  to 
this  country  in  1S33,  at  the  age  of  fourteen  years,  and  found  employment  at  Second  and 
Arch  streets,  making  saws  by  crude,  hand  methods  before  steel  was  manufactured  in  the 
United  States.  The  story  of  the  fifty  busy  years  of  his  life  in  developing  a  large  and  suc- 
cessful industry  which  for  years  has  given  employment  to  a  whole  town  is  the  history  of 
saw  making  in  America. 

In  1846  he  moved  from  Sccntid  and  .\rcli  l<j  a  hu\mr  place,  wliii-l]  was  destroyed  by 
fire  in  1849.  Larger  and  better  shops  were  built  to  niccl  the  deniands  for  the  best  goods 
on  the  market.  Again  in  1864  the  plant  burned  down,  when  a  large  tract  of  land  was  secured 
at  Tacony.  eight  miles  from  the  City  Hall,  on  the  banks  of  the  Delaware,  and  a  town  laid 
out  on  an  extensive  scale  and  an  industry  established,  which  has  since  become  an  important 
section  of  Philadelphia,  and  a  credit  throughout  the  world  to  the  United  States.  Many 
thoughtful  provisions  were  made  for  the  w'elfare  and  prosperity  of  the  cm])l(iyee>  of  tlu- 
firm,  peculiar  to  the  generous  spirit  of  the  founder. 

The  annual  sales  of  the  output  of  the  works  at  this  time  reached  half  a  million  dollars. 

It  was  in  1871  that  Mrs.  Disston  authorized  a  friend  and  relative.  Miss  S.  E.  Turner 
of  this  city,  to  buy  a  lot  and  build  a  nice  cottage  for  her  here,  not  letting  Mr.  Disston  into 
the  secret  till  the  cottage  was  finished  and  furnished  and  ready  to  occupy. 

Mrs.  Disston  came  down  on  a  morning  train  one  Saturday  so  as  to  have  dinner  read\ 
for  Mr.  Disston,  who  followed  in  the  afternoon.  There  was  a  pleasant  surprise  i)arty  that 
evening  in  their  new  home  at  the  seashore,  which  neither  had  seen  till  that  day.  This  waN 
early  in  1872,  and  the  cottage  stood  on  Atlantic,  just  above  Indiana  avenue. 

So  delighted  was  Mr.  Disston  with  Atlantic  City  that  he  bought  other  lands  adjoining, 
and  considerably  more  at  Arctic  and  Illinois  avenues,  and  at  Pacific  and  Indiana  avenues. 
He  built  the  Keystone  bakery  for  his  old  friend  Conway,  and  started  a  coal  and  brick  yard 
to  accommodate  the  people.  The  following  year  he  built  the  first  steam  lumber  mill  on 
the  island,  giving  employment  to  quite  a  number  of  mechanics.  The  mill  was  burned  down 
in  1875,  and  in  its  place  the  present  brick  structure  of  the  .\tlantie  Lumber  Cimipany  was 
erected,  one  of  the  first  brick  buildings  in  this  city. 

Air.  Disston  died  in  March,  1878,  but  the  interests  of  the  estate  were  continued  in  this 
city  for  years  by  Mrs.  Disston,  who  erected  a  handsome  villa  on  Indiana  avenue  near  the 
beach,  and  the  sons  till  within  a  few  years  have  owned  interests  in  the  lumber  company. 

Mrs.  Disston  was  a  native  of  Atlantic  County.  She  was  born  at  Port  Republic.  .April  3. 
1821.  Her  parents  were  Jonas  and  Ann  Steelman.  He  was  a  wheelwright  by  trade.  Her 
mother  was  a  Mecully,  whose  grandfather  performed  the  then  remarkable  feat  of  recasting 
the  old  Liberty  Bell,  when  it  "lost  its  voice"  by  having  a  crack  in  its  side.  Mrs.  Disston's 
grandfather  was  Major  John  Steelman,  in  the  Army  of  the  Revolution. 

There  were  five  children  in  the  Steelman  family:  Julia  Ann.  Beulah.  John,  Mary  and 
Jacob.  Mary  became  the  second  wife  of  Henry  Disston  in  Philadelphia.  November  g.  184J, 
and  becan'e  the  mother  of  nine  children:  Hamilton.  Amanda,  .\lbert.  Frank,  Mary.  Horace. 
William,  Jacob  and  a  little  girl  who  died  in  infancy. 

Mrs.  Disston  was  a  devoted  wife  and  mother.  generc>u>  in  aidini:  the  needy  and  noted 
for  her  many  charities.  The  site  for  every  church  in  Tacony,  Catholic,  l'resbyteri:in.  Meth- 
odist and  all,  was  donated  by  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Disston. 

Th.e  Disston  Memorial  Presbyterian  Church  was  built  and  furnished  complete  as  a 
memorial  to  Miss  Mary  Disston,  who  died  in  the  prime  of  young  womanhood. 

Disston  Hall  of  Beacon  Presbyterian  Church,  at  Kensington,  was  built  as  a  memorial  to 


lier  son  Alljcrt.  Tlie  Mission  Chapel  at  Eiglith  street  and  Montgomery  avenue,  a  house 
for  a  liospital  fur  the  Northern  Home  for  Friendless  cliildren;  $5,000  for  the  hospital  for 
incurables  of  the  University  of  Pennsylvania;  $5,000  for  the  Hygienic  Fund;  beds  in  various 
hospitals  and  homes  outright  to  worthy  and  needy  families  were  some  of  her  gifts  and 

Mrs.   Disston  died  June   15,   1895.  aged  74  years.     Her  memory  will  long  be  cherished 
by  thousands  who  shared  her  bounty  or  appreciated  her  generous,  useful  life. 

Lorenzo  A.  Downs  was  born  at  Downsville,  Gloucester  County,  October  9,  1839,  his 
father  being  Jesse  Downs,  who  was  a  native  of  the  same  place.  Like  thousands  of  other 
good  American  boys,  he  attended  the  public  schools  and  secured  an  education  that  equipped 
him  to  enter  into  the  competition  of  life.  At  the  age  of  twenty-five,  he  engaged  in  the 
lumber  business  in  his  native  town,  and  for  ten  years  attended  strictly  to  his  duties.  While 
thus  employed  he  was  elected  Clerk  of  Buena  Vista  township  for  two  years,  and  at  the  ex- 
piration of  that  time  he  was  elected  as  Collector  of  Taxes.  In  November,  1875,  he  was 
elected  Clerk  of  Atlantic  County  by  a  majority  of  seven  hundred  and  forty  votes,  and  re- 
ceived all  the  votes  in  the  township  where  he  resided  but  three,  for  a  term  of  five  years. 
He  was  re-elected  for  the  same  period,  being  the  first  gentleman  to  be  so  honored  at  the 
hands  of  the  voters  in  this  county.  Afterward  he  was  made  Deputy  County  Clerk  by  his 
successor,  Lewis  Evans,  serving  one  year,  and  we  next  find  him  in  the  Second  National 
Bank  of  Atlantic  City,  where  he  first  acted  in  the  capacity  of  bookkeeper.  When  the 
Atlantic  City  Safe  Deposit  and  Trust  Company  organized  he  was  at  once  chosen  secretary 
and  treasurer.  May  i,  1890,  he  was  appointed  cashier  of  the  banking  institution  with 
which  he  had  become  identified.  He  still  holds  these  two  positions,  enjoying  the  confidence 
of  his  associates,  as  well  as  the  public  at  large.  During  1890  he  was  elected  cashier,  secre- 
tary and  treasurer  of  the  Electric  Light  Company,  but  later  resigned  owing  to  his  increas- 
ing business  cares.  He  belongs  to  the  Masonic  Fraternity,  being  a  member  of  Vineland 
Lodge,  No.  6g.     He  is  a  Republican  in  politics,  and  a  trustee  of  the  Central  M.  E.  Church. 


Hon.  Allen  Brown  Endicott,  President  Judge  of  the  Court  of  Common  Pleas  of  Atlantic 
County,  was  born  at  Mays  Landing.  March  7.  1857.  He  finished  his  academic  education, 
graduating  at  Peddie  Institute.  Hightstown,  N.  J.,  in  June,  1876.  He  read  law  with  Hon. 
Peter  L.  Voorhees,  of  Camden,  and  graduated  in  the  law  department  of  the  University  of 
Pennsylvania  in  1879,  with  the  degree  of  LL.B.  He  was  admitted  to  the  New  Jersey  bar 
in  1880,  and  as  a  counsellor  in  1884.  He  served  as  Collector  of  Atlantic  County  for  sixteen 
years,  from  May,  1883,  till  he  was  appointed  Judge.  As  a  public  speaker  and  an  advocate 
before  the  bar  he  has  few  equals.  He  was  appointed  by  the  court  to  defend  Robert  Elder, 
who  was  indicted  for  the  shooting  of  his  father,  and  as  counsel  for  John  Rech,  who  was 
convicted  of  strangling  Bessie  Weaver.     In  both  cases  he  acquitted  himself  with  distinction. 

Judge  Endicott  for  eleven  years  was  City  Solicitor  for  this  city,  succeeding  the  late 
Harry  L.  Slape.  who  died  June  4,  1887.  He  carried  through  successfully  the  condemnation 
proceedings  to  purchase  the  two  water  plants,  also  the  suit  of  the  city  to  tax  the  trolley  car 
plant  which  for  years  had  been  exempt  from  any  but  State  tax.  Eminent  counsel  were 
arrayed  against  him. 

Charles  Gill  Endicott  was  born  in  Mays  Landing,  New  Jersey,  October  12,  18,38.     His 
early  education  was  obtained  in  the  Parochial  School  at  tliat  place,  under  the  care  of  the 


Presbyterian  Churcli.  and  aher\varcl>  at  the  West  Jersey  Acaiieniy  of  Hri.lK'et.m.  He  tu,.k 
every  first  prize  that  was  offered  at  these  institutions  during  liis  connection  with  them. 
After  his  graduation  from  the  West  Jersey  Academy,  he  taught  school  until  1857,  when  he 
became  a  tutor  in  the  English  branches  at  the  WoodhuU  Academy,  Freehold,  New  Jersey. 
In  1859  he  accepted  the  position  of  bookkeeper  for  John  Wheaton,  of  New  York,  and  in 
1S65  he  became  a  partner  with  him  in  the  wholesale  grocery  and  butter  business. 

In  1871  he  formed  a  partnership  with  Henry  A.  Crawford,  at  Jersey  City,  and  engaged 
in  the  grocery,  and  ship  chandlery  business.  In  1874  he  bought  the  interest  of  Mr.  Crawford 
and  continued  that  business  in  his  individual  capacity  until  five  or  six  years  ago,  when  he 
and  his  bookkeeper,  George  E.  Hammond,  formed  a  partnership,  and  thereafter  the  busi- 
ness was  conducted  in  the  name  of  Endicott  &  Co.  A  few  years  ago  they  change<l  their 
place  of  business  to  the  corner  of  West  and  Cedar  streets,  in  New  York  City,  where  they 
have  done  a  constantly  increasing  business. 

Mr.  Endicott  was  married  to  Mary  Mclntyre.  of  New  York  City,  on  .April  15,  1S74. 
For  several  years  past  he  has  resided  at  Westfield.  Union  County.  New  Jersey. 

Mr.  Endicott  has  also  been  prominent  in  church  work,  having  acted  as  Trustee  and 
Elder  of  the  First  Reform  Church  of  Jersey  City,  and  also  has  held  the  same  position  in 
the   First  Presbyterian  Church  at  Westfield. 

During  the  six  years  he  was  a  member  of  the  Township  Committee  lie  secured  lor 
town  the  best  macadam  roads  that  can  be  found  in  the  State.  He  was  instrumental  in 
having  sewerage  introduced  in  the  town  of  W'estfield.  as  well  as  electric  lights  and  tele- 
phone. He  has  been  Vice-President  and  a  Director  of  the  First  National  Bank  of  West- 
field  since  its  organization.  He  is  also  President  of  the  Building  and  Loan  Association,  a 
member  of  the  Board  of  Trade.  Executor  of  many  large  estates,  and  owns  and  controls  a 
larger  number  of  vessels  than  any  one  man  in  the  States  of  New  York  or  New  Jersey. 


George  Woodhull  Endicott.  M.  D..  son  of  Capt.  Thomas  Dou-lity  and  Ann  (IVnniiiL;- 
ton)  Endicott.  was  born  at  Mays  Landing,  Atlantic  County.  New  Jersey,  .\pril  10.  185,1.  and 
is  a  direct  descendant  of  Governor  John  Endicott.  who  came  to  this  country  from  England 
in  1628.  as  the  first  Colonial  Governor  of  the  Massachusetts  Colony. 

On  his  mother's  .side  he  belongs  to  the  famous  Pennington  family  of  New  Jersey,  two 
of  their  number  having  served  as  Governors  of  the  State:  William  Pennington  served  as 
Governor  from  1837  to  184,3.  and  William  S.  Pennington  from  i8i,s  to  1815. 

Dr.  Endicott's  early  education  was  obtained  in  the  Presbyterian  School  at  Mays  Land- 
ing. In  1871  he  entered  the  Brainerd  Institute  at  Cranbury.  N.  J.,  but  only  remained  there 
six  months,  and  then  eirtered  Peddie  Institute  at  Hightstown.  N.  J.,  where  his  opportunities 
to  prepare  himself  for  the  study  of  medicine  were  much  greater.  He  graduated  from  Peddie 
Institute  in  1873.  The  following  September  he  entered  the  Jefferson  Medical  College,  and 
was  the  youngest  member  of  his  class  that  numbered  one  hundred  and  seventy-one.  In 
1875,  upon  his  graduation,  he  was  appointed  House  Physician  to  the  St.  Mary's  Hospital. 
Philadelphia,  where  he  enjoyed  the  rare  privilege  of  assisting  such  surgeons  as  Gross. 
Pancoast  and  Keen.  After  serving  his  term  in  the  hospital  he  entered  the  drug  store  of 
Dr.  Jos.  Hornblower.  of  Hudson  City.  N.  J.,  to  acquire  practical  knowledge  of  drugs. 
While  there  he  studied  pharmacy,  and  in  1878  he  passed  the  examination  of  the  New  Jersey 
State  Board  of  Pharmacy.  Dr.  Endicott  first  began  the  practice  of  medicine  in  Duncllen. 
New  Jersey.  He  moved  to  Plainfield  in  1880.  There  his  ability  was  promptly  recognized 
and  he  soon  established  a  lucrative  practice  and  became  the  leading  physician  and  surgeon 
of  the  city. 

Dr.  Endicott  was  appointed  Surgeon  to  Muhlainberg  Hospital  at  its  opening,  in  1880. 
and  he  has  held  that  position  ever  since.     He  is  Senior  Surgeon,  also  .Medical   Director  of 


tlic  same  institution.  The  Doctor  has  been  especially  successful  in  surgery,  having  per- 
formed all  the  so-called  difficult  operations  with  an  extraordinary  low  death  rate.  He  was 
the  first  surgeon  to  perform  successfully  ovariotomy  in  Plainfield,  and  he  is  acknowledged 
by  his  associates  to  be  one  of  the  ablest  in  the  State. 

Dr.  Endicott  was  a  member  of  the  Plainfield  Board  of  Health  for  ten  successive  years, 
and  inaugurated  many  improvements  in  the  sanitary  condition  of  the  city.  It  was  during 
his  time  of  service  that  water  and  sewerage  were  introduced,  and  largely  through  his  efforts. 

Dr.  Endicott  owns  and  resides  in  one  of  the  many  handsome  houses  in  Plainfield.  He 
is  a  member  of  the  American  Medical  Association,  the  New  Jersey  State  Medical  Asso- 
ciation, the  Union  County  IMedical  Association,  and  the  Plainfield  Medical  Association. 

The  Doctor  was  married  in  1879,  and  has  one  son,  George  Woodhull  Endicott,  Jr. 


Xo  history  of  Atlantic  City  would  be  complete  without  a  sketch  of  its  best-known 
citizen,  Mr.  Charles  Evans,  proprietor  of  the  well-known  Sea  Side  House.  For  more  than 
thirty  years  he  has  been  welcoming  strangers  to  this  island,  entertaining  them  hospitably 
and  taking  an  active  interest  in  promoting  local  institutions  and  the  welfare  of  the  whole 

Mr.  Evans  was  born  in  Delaware  County,  Pa.,  August  21,  1838.  His  father  was  a 
well-known  farmer  and  member  of  the  society  of  Friends.  His  early  education  was  at  the 
public  schools  and  at  the  Westtown  Friends  Academy  of  Pennsylvania.  He  continued  upon 
his  father's  farm  until  his  twenty-seventh  year.  Evincing  at  an  early  age,  much  ability  as 
a  manager,  and  being  naturally  of  an  ambitious  nature,  the  year  of  1867  found  him  located 
at  Atlantic  City,  the  proprietor  of  a  hotel  kept  for  many  years  by  a  Quaker  family  named 
Scattergood,  as  a  summer  house.  It  was  at  this  time  that  Mr.  Evans  demonstrated  very 
clearly  his  business  foresight  and  showed  he  had  the  courage  and  stamina  to  invest  his 
money  where  many  believed  it  would  never  bring  any  return.  At  this  time  Pennsylvania 
avenue,  where  his  magnificent  hostlery  is  now  located,  was  considered  too  far  up  town. 
Mr.  Evans  believed  that  in  the  course  of  a  very  few  years  this  would  be  the  most  desirable 
part  of  the  city.  In  this  belief  he  was  entirely  correct.  Accordingly  he  moved  his  hotel 
eight  hundred  feet  nearer  the  beach  and  proceeded  to  lay  out  in  lots  the  ocean  end  of  this 
avenue,  which  he  sold  at  highly  satisfactory  prices,  and  with  such  restrictions  that  only  the 
better  style  of  dwellings  could  be  erected.  This  has  resulted  in  making  Pennsylvania  avenue 
the  most  select  and  desirable  avenue  in  Atlantic  City. 

In  1875  Mr.  Evans  took  charge  of  a  hotel  in  Florida  for  four  winters,  which  he  aban- 
doned in  1880,  and  thereafter  kept  the  Sea  Side  House  open  all  winter,  making  it  an  all- 
the-year  house. 

Largely  through  Mr.  Evans'  efforts,  in  1881,  the  Atlantic  City  National  Bank  was 
started  and  he  was  made  its  first  President,  and  at  each  succeeding  election  has  been  re- 
elected to  that  position.  That  the  selection  of  Mr.  Evans  by  the  directors  was  a  wise  one,  is 
attested  by  the  present  prosperous  condition  of  the  bank.  It  now  ranks  first  in  New 
Jersey  and  twenty-fourth  in  the  United  States. 

In  politics  he  is  a  staunch  Republican,  and  stands  high  in  the  councils  of  his  party.  Mr. 
Evans  has  an  aversion  to  holding  public  office.  Though  the  highest  office  in  the  gift  of  his 
party,  in  this  locality,  could  have  been  secured  by  him,  he  has  only  consented  to  accept  the 
office  of  Councilman  for  several  years,  believing  he  could  serve  the  interests  of  the  city  of 
his  adoption  in  that  way. 

Mr.  Evans  has  contributed  thousands  of  dollars  in  various  ways  to  advance  the  city's 
interests,  entertaining  visiting  delegations  and  aiding  local  institutions.  He  was  one  of  the 
most  liberal  contributors  to  a  city  hospital  fund  and  the  most  active  member  of  the  Board 
of   Governors. 

His  home  is  in  one  of  the  most  beautiful  cottages  in  the  city,  on  Pennsylvania  avenue, 
adjoining   his  hotel. 


State  Senator  Lewis  Evans  was  born  at  Estellvillc.  in  Weymouth  township,  in  1S42. 
His  father,  Samuel  Evans,  was  a  Quaker,  and  liis  mother.  Emetine  Estcl!.  was  one  of  a 
well-known  family  of  that  name.  Both  are  now  deceased.  He  left  home  at  the  age  of  tifteen 
years  and  soon  found  employment  in  Camden  as  a  messenger  boy,  before  the  cable  had 
been  laid  across  the  Delaware.  He  learned  telegraphy  and  became  an  operator  for  several 
seasons,  which  secured  his  appointment  as  station  agent  at  Atco  for  the  Camden  &  .Xllantic 
Railway.  Later  he  was  given  charge  of  a  larger  otiicc  at  Hanimonton,  till  in  186.1.  when 
he  was  placed  in  charge  of  the  station  in  this  city.  He  continued  in  that  position  twenly- 
two  years,  till  1885,  when  he  was  elected  County  Clerk,  holding  the  latter  office  two  terms, 
or  ten  years.  He  served  four  years  as  City  Clerk.  1868,  i86g,  1870  and  1873,  and  was  for  nine 
years  a  member  of  the  Board  of  Education.  He  helped  to  organize  the  first  building  and 
loan  association,  and  has  since  continued  to  serve  as  one  uf  the  directors.  He  is  also  a 
director  of  the  Second  National  Bank. 

Mr.  Evans  is  one  of  the  charter  members  of  the  Xejitune  Fire  Company,  and  has  been 
president  of  the  company  since  its  or.ganization,  fifteen  years  ago.  Mr.  Evans  is  a  past 
master  of  Trinity  Lodge,  F.  and  A.  ^L,  and  was  for  many  years  its  secretary.  He  is  a  past 
grand  of  American  Star  Lodge  of  Odd  Fellows,  and  one  of  the  governors  of  the  City 
Hospital  and  treasurer  of  the  Board.  He  is  a  Republican  in  politics,  and  wii-  elected  State 
Senator   in    November.    180S.   by    1. 113   majority. 


William  E.  Farrell  was  born  in  St.  Louis.  Mo..  ^Ltrch  9.  1838.  He  was  the  son  of  John 
W.  and  Mary  McKenny  Farrell.  The  father  was  engaged  in  the  wholesale  dry  goods 
business  at  that  time.  The  first  employment  of  the  boy  was  in  a  country-  store  at  Smyrna. 
Delaware.  From  there  he  went  to  New  York  City  and  worked  at  first  in  some  humble 
capacity  for  the  wholesale  dry  goods  house  of  Joseph  Fisher  &  Company.  He  had  risen 
to  be  a  salesman  for  this  firm  when  he  left  them,  in  1866,  and  went  to  Philadelphia,  where 
he  became  interested  in  the  manufacture  of  paper  at  Pleasant  Mills,  N.  J.,  then  known 
from  the  name  of  the  stream  on  which  it  w'as  located  as  the  Nescochague  Paper  Mills. 
This  mill  was  first  built  in  1861.  and  operated  successfully  till  it  burned  down,  in  1878. 

The  Pleasant  ^lills  Paper  Company  was  incorporated  the  following  year,  with  Mr.  Farrell 
as  President,  and  Herman  Hoopes  as  Secretary.  The  new  and  larger  mill  started  in  Feb- 
ruary, 1881,  and  has  been  in  successful  operation  ever  since.  Mr.  Hoopes,  a  little  later,  sold 
his  interests  to  Mr.  Farrell.  who  had  at  that  time  become  a  member  of  the  firm  of  Bargh. 
Farrell  &  Warren,  paper  dealers  in  Philadelphia.  This  firm  later  became  the  Nescochague 
Manufacturing  Co.  In  1887  Mr.  Farrell  retired  from  this  firm,  becoming  the  sole  owner  of 
the  Pleasant  Mills,  wdiich  he  enlarged  and  made  more  remunerative.  In  1892  he  married 
a  most  estimable  lady,  Miss  Cecilia  G.  Hislop,  of  Troy,  N.  Y. 

The  business  owned  and  controlled  by  him  up  to  the  time  of  his  death,  March  9,  1893, 
passed  by  will  to  his  wife,  the  present  owner,  Mrs.  L.  M.  Cresse,  of  Ocean  City.  N.  J. 

The  remains  of  Mr.  Farrell  lie  in  a  beautiful  grove  near  the  famous  old  church,  at 
Pleasant  Mills,  amid  the  scenes  that  he  loved  and  where  he  passed  the  best  years  of  his 
life.  A  handsome  monument  marks  the  spot  and  his  memory  will  long  be  cherished  by 
those  who  knew  his  worth.  He  was  a  man  of  extensive  reading  and  independent  thought, 
generous  to  a  fault,  careful  and  exact  in  business.  The  paper  mills  which  he  estab/ished  is 
one  of  the  few  successful  industries  in  Atlantic  County  at  the  present  tinie. 



Rev.  Caleb  K.  Fleming,  late  of  this  city  and  county,  father  of  John  R.  Fleming,  M.  D., 
was  born  near  Bridgeport,  N.  J.,  August  30,  1824.  He  was  the  son  of  John  and  Abigail 
Fleming  and  of  Quaker  descent.  He  was  a  farmer's  son,  and  his  school  days  were  limited, 
having  only  one  winter  at  the  Seminary.  He  was  converted  at  a  Methodist  altar,  baptized 
by  Rev.  J.  K.  Shaw  and  united  with  the  church  at  Paulsboro,  where  his  parents  then  lived, 
January  31,  1840.  While  a  student  at  Pennington  he  was  licensed  as  an  exhorter  by  Rev. 
Joseph  Atwood,  and  as  a  local  preacher  by  the  Swedesboro  Circuit.  He  was  received  on 
trial  in  the  New  Jersey  Conference  at  Salem,  April  21,  1847,  and  was  ordained  by  Bishop 
Janes  in  1849.  He  married  Emma  H.  Stanger,  of  Glassboro.  April  30,  of  the  same  year. 
During  the  fifty  years  of  his  ministry  he  served  the  following  charges:  Glassboro;  Kings- 
wood;  Moorestown;  Medford;  Broadway,  Camden;  Pemberton,  Burlington.  Sharpstown; 
Broadway,  Salem;  Millville,  Bordentown;  Tabernacle,  Camden;  Bridgeton,  New  Bruns- 
wick; Port  Republic;  Ocean  City;  Mays  Landing;  St.  Paul's,  Atlantic  City;  and  Pleasant- 
ville.  He  was  a  much  loved  and  successful  minister.  Many  souls  were  saved  and  churches 
built  up  by  his  efforts.  He  never  spoke  from  notes,  and  his  sermons  were  of  the  plain, 
sympathetic.  Gospel  order.  He  filled  some  of  the  best  appointments  in  the  State,  and  was  a 
devoted  husband,  father  and  friend. 

For  his  second  wife  he  married  Ann  C.  Collins,  of  Port  Republic.  April  28,  1892.  and 
became  a  supernumerary  in  1895.  He  died  suddenly  of  heart  failure  while  attending  the 
Pitman  Grove  Camp  Meeting,  August  3,  1896. 

Two  children.  Mrs.  E.  A.  Smith,  of  Collingswond.  N.  J.,  and  Dr.  John  R.  Fleming  of 
this  citv  survive  him. 

John  R.  Fleming,  M.  D.,  son  of  the  late  Rev.  C.  K.  Fleming,  well  and  favorably  known 
in  this  county,  was  born  in  Camden,  December  29,  1859.  His  early  education  came  through 
the  public  schools.  Later  he  attended  South  Jersey  Institute,  at  Bridgeton,  and  at  Pen- 
nington Seminary.  He  then  studied  medicine  with  Kno.x  Stewart,  M.  D.,  of  Philadelphia, 
graduating  from  Hahnemann  Medical  College  in  1882.  His  first  field  of  labor  was  on  the 
main  land  at  Absecon,  where  he  introduced  the  practice  of  homoeopathy,  having  three  well- 
known  opponents,  then  in  active  practice.  The  doctor,  after  five  years  of  general  practice, 
left  behind  no  mean  following  of  homoeopaths  for  his  successor.  He  then  moved  to 
Atlantic  City  and  established  himself  in  his  present  location.  His  close  associations  with 
Atlantic  City  made  him  no  stranger.  He  is  the  only  President  that  the  Homoeopathic 
Club  has  had  in  its  three  years  existence.  He  is  a  member  of  most  homoeopatliic  societies 
and  enjoys  professional  work.     In  1899  he  was  elected  a  member  of  City  Council. 


Joseph  Fralinger,  the  well-known  manager  and  proprietor  of  the  Academy  of  Music, 
was  born  at  Batsto,  N.  J..  October  22,  1848.  His  father  was  a  glassblower.  and  the  son 
knew  no  other  kind  of  work  till  he  was  sixteen  years  of  age.  When  he  was  eight  years  of 
age  his  father  died  and  his  care  devolved  upon  an  uncle.  There  would  have  been  a  hand- 
some fortune  for  the  boy  from  the  father's  estate,  but  owing  to  the  failure  and  death  of 
Judge  Joseph  Porter,  of  Waterford,  one  of  the  promoters  and  builders  of  the  C.  &  A.  Ry., 
there  was  nothing  left  for  Joseph  Fralinger.  He  worked  at  his  trade  as  a  glassblower  at 
Winslow,  Waterford  and  Philadelphia  for  sixteen  years,  when  he  became  disgusted  and 
quit  the  business  owing  to  continued  disputes  and  strikes  about  wages.  He  next  found 
employment  as  a  huckster  in  Philadelphia.  He  became  known  as  a  baseball  player  in  his 
yoimger  days,  and  became  manager  of  the  Quaker  City  club.     \\'ith  such  noted  players  as 

I'.iocRAiMiv.  ^r^ 

Tom  Pratt,  Al  Reach  and  Fcrgy  M alone,  lie  organized  tlie  August  Flower  ehih, 
played  in  Atlantic  City  in  1884.  While  here  he  was  offered  the  management  ol  the  Wil 
mington  club,  and  as  manager  he  contracted  bills  that  required  him  to  sell  all  his  property  lo 
pay.  Then,  almost  penniless,  he  came  to  this  city  and  accepted  the  first  jol)  oi  work  he 
could  find,  which  was  to  carry  the  hod  for  contractor  and  Councilman  Edw.  S.  Lee.  Mr. 
Fralinger  was  the  only  white  hod  carrier  in  the  gang.  He  soon  started  a  soft  drink  stand  on 
the  Boardwalk,  selling  cider  which  he  made  from  apples  brought  from  the  Thoroughfare 
landing  in  a  basket.  He  prospered  and  made  friends,  who  helped  him  to  build  a  cottage. 
He  became  interested  in  real  estate  with  Messrs.  Yount;  and  McShea.  .nul  liad  confidence 
in  the  success  of  Atlantic  City. 

He  noticed  the  ready  sale  of  salt  water  taffy,  and  that  the  business  was  not  properly 
conducted.  He  went  into  the  business  and  managed  it  properly  and  made  it  popular  and 
prospered  beyond  his  expectations,  and  has  continued  the  business  ever  since.  He  became 
interested  in  toboggan  slides  and  other  amusement  enterprises  along  the  Boardwalk.  With 
John  L.  Young  and  Stewart  R.  McShea,  he  first  built  the  Academy  of  Music,  about  1889. 
for  the  use  of  Bartholomew's  Equine  Paradox,  and  soon  after,  to  meet  a  public  demand, 
converted  it  into  a  theatre  and  playhouse,  the  city  not  being  provided  with  a  resort  of  that 
kind  at  that  time.  \Mien  completed  and  ready  for  rehearsal  a  fire  starting  near  it 
spread  to  the  building  and  burned  it  to  the  ground.  In  just  four  weeks  it  was  rebuilt.  Mr. 
Corson,  the  contractor,  being  sick,  Mr.  Fralinger  himself  superintended  the  work.  By  the 
use  of  stoves  the  theatre  was  kept  open  during  the  winter.  In  1897  Mr.  Fralinger  purchased 
the  interests  of  his  partners,  Messrs.  Young  and  McShea.  Before  the  papers  were  made 
out  the  Academy  was  again  burned  to  the  ground.  A  third  time  it  was  rebuilt,  this  time 
of  brick  and  iron  on  the  most  approved  plan,  making  it  a  model  playhouse,  the  theatre  and 
stores  costing  over  $80,000.  It  seats  comfortably  1.600  people.  He  has  been  interested  in 
several  extensive  real  estate  deals,  helping  to  open  up  and  build  Chalfont  and  Westminster 
avenues.  .Mr.  Fralinger  devotes  his  time  closely  to  the  various  enterprises  in  which  he  is 
interested,  and  has  been  greatly  assisted  and  encouraged  by  his  family  in  his  success. 

John  T.  French,  the  well-known  paint  manufacturer  of  Hanimonton.  was  born  in  Dela- 
ware County.  Pennsylvania,  March  2,  1851.  His  education  was  limited  to  the  public  schools. 
After  living  in  Philadelphia  a  short  time  he  moved  to  Burlington  County,  N.  J.,  and  worked 
on  a  farm  till  he  was  sixteen  years  of  age,  when  he  returned  to  Philadelphia  to  learn  the 
trade  of  a  painter.  In  1877  he  engaged  in  the  paint  business  on  his  own  account,  in  the 
town  of  Hanimonton.  In  1883  he  began  the  manufacture  of  paint  and  established  the 
Hammonton  paint  works  and  has  prospered  steadily  ever  since.  In  politics  Mr.  French  is 
a  Democrat,  and  while  living  in  a  strong  Republican  town,  has  frequently  held  oftice.  He 
served  three  years  as  town  assessor  and  four  years  in  Council,  and  four  years,  till  1899.  as 
Postmaster.  He  has  for  a  number  of  years  been  a  member  of  the  County  Board  of  Regis- 
tration. In  1888  he  was  a  candidate  for  State  Senator,  and  in  1894  for  Assembly.  He  is  a 
liberal  minded,  enterprising  and  public  spirited  citizen,  and  has  done  much  to  advance  the 
interests  of  his  home  town. 

John  J.  Gardner,  our  present  Congressman,  was  born  in  .Atlantic  County.  October  17, 
1845.  He  established  a  residence  in  Atlantic  City  in  1856.  His  early  opportunities  for  ob- 
taining an  education  were  limited.  He  enlisted  in  Company  G.  Sixth  Regiment.  N.  J.  Vol.. 
on  .August  9,  1861,  and  was  mustered  in  August  26.  He  served  in  the  ranks  as  a  private 
until  January  i,  1862,  when  he  was  enrolled  as  a  corporal  in  Company  F.  10.  N.  J.  Vol.. 
being  mustered  in  February  7.  1862.  His  commanders  report  that  he  conducted  hiinself 
modestly  and  bravely  until  the  day  of  his  muster  out.  February  11.  1865.  Soon  after  his 
return   to  this  city,   he  was  elected   Mayor,   filling  the   office  during  tlie  years   1868  to   1872. 


inclusive,  and  also  1874  and  1875.  The  following  year  he  filled  a  chair  in  council  chamber, 
and  about  the  same  time  was  elected  one  of  the  Coroners  of  the  county.  In  1877  he  was 
elected  State  Senator  from  Atlantic  County,  and  continuously  re-elected  till  he  had  served 
five  terms,  this  being  the  only  instance  of  the  kind  in  the  history  of  the  State.  His  plurality 
over  Absalom  Doughty,  Democrat,  in  1877,  was  98.  over  Thomas  E.  French,  in  1880,  867; 
over  Isaac  Collins,  in  1883,  356;  over  John  B.  Champion,  in  1886,  51.  with  374  votes  cast  for 
Potter,  Prohibitionist,  and  over  John  T.  French,  in  1889,  224,  with  230  cast  for  Wilbur, 

He  was  cho.sen  President  of  the  Senate  in  1883,  and  was  long  regarded  as  the  leader 
of  his  party  in  that  body.  He  was  chairman  of  the  committee  that  investigated  the  election 
frauds  in  Hudson  County,  the  result  of  which  landed  a  delegation  of  ballot  box  stuflfers  in 
State's   prison. 

In  1884  Mr.  Gardner  was  a  delegate  at  large  from  New  Jersey  to  the  National  Conven- 
tion at  Chicago.  He  has  been  a  member  of  the  State  Committee  of  his  party  for 
several  years.  He  is  now  serving  his  fourth  term  as  a  Congressman.  In  1892  he  was  elected 
to  Congress  by  a  plurality  of  2124  votes  over  George  D.  Wetherill  of  Burlington;  in  1894, 
by  9.741.  over  Jonathan  Haines  of  Mt.  Holly;  in  1896,  by  17,449  votes  over  Dr.  Abram  E. 
Conrow  of  Moorestown,  and  in  1898,  by  6,668  over  John  F.  Hall  of  Atlantic  City. 

Congressman  Gardner  has  many  pleasing  personal  characteristics.  He  is  an  astute 
politician  and  an  agreeable  neighbor.  By  friends  he  is  regarded  as  somewhat  of  a  political 
genius,  having  held  office  during  the  greater  part  of  his  mature  lite.  He  claims  this  city 
as  his  legal  residence,  but  his  home  is  in  Galloway  township,  near  Egg  Harbor  City,  where 
his  family  reside  most  of  the  time.  He  is  a  member  of  Pequod  Tribe  of  Red  Men  and  of 
Joe  Hooker  Post,  G.  A.  R. 

He  married  Mittie,  daughter  of  Andrew  Scull,  January  i,  1873.  They  had  five  children: 
Earner,  Mary,  Josephine,  Thomas  and  Albert.  The  youngest  was  killed  at  a  grade  crossing 
at  Egg  Harbor  City,  December  8,  1899.     The  two  oldest  had  previously  died. 

Wm.  G.  Gardiner,  M.  D.,  is  a  son  of  Dr.  David  G.  Gardiner,  of  Philadelphia,  and  was 
born  in  the  historic  old  town  of  Bordentown,  N.  J.,  in  1869.  He  was  educated  in  the  public 
schools  of  Philadelphia  and  graduated  at  Hahnemann  Medical  College,  in  1888.  He  be- 
came resident  physician  in  the  Children's  Hospital  for  a  time,  and  then  served  as  assistant 
physician  in  the  generak  medical  and  ear  department  of  Hahnemann.  Later  he  served  as 
District  Physician  of  Philadelphia.  He  located  in  Atlantic  County  in  1895,  giving  a  por- 
tion of  his  time  to  country  practice.  Since  that  time  he  has  relinquished  his  country  prac- 
tice and  devotes  his  whole  time  to  practice  in  this  city.  He  is  a  member  of  the  Homoeo- 
pathic Club  and  the  State  Society,  and  is  an  Odd  Fellow  and  a  Mason. 

Born  at  Monroeville,  Salem  County,  N.  J.,  September  16,  1869.  His  education  was 
obtained  during  the  winter  seasons  in  the  public  schools,  working  on  the  farm  being  his 
occupation  during  the  summer  time  until  he  arrived  at  the  age  of  seventeen,  when  he  be- 
came bookkeeper  for  R.  L.  Stern,  Jr.,  at  Monroeville.  He  then  launched  out  as  a  drummer 
on  the  road,  and  later  improved  himself  in  the  schools  of  Philadelphia.  He  has  the  honor 
of  having  graduated  first  from  Lauterbach  Academy.  He  afterward  taught  school  at  Pem- 
berton  four  months,  and  during  all  this  time  he  continued  studies  with  John  C.  Henderson 
of  Mt.  Holly.  He  was  admitted  to  practice  in  1896,  and  practiced  in  Burlington  County 
until  1897,  and  came  to  this  city  in  September,  1897.  He  became  interested  in  real  estate 
with  S.  E.  Reilly  &  Co.  He  was  married  in  June,  1897,  to  Miss  Lizzie  Hagaman,  of  Cran- 
bury,  N.  J.     One  child  has  blessed  their  union. 


Burrows  C.  Godfrey,  Esq.,  was  born  in  Cape  May  County,  N.  J.,  July  22,  1858.  His 
father  was  a  seafaring  man.  The  son  graduated  from  the  public  schools  at  the  age  of 
seventeen,  and  taught  school  for  several  years  in  his  native  county.  He  read  law  and  finally 
graduated  from  the  law  department  of  the  University  of  Tennessee,  and  was  admitted  to 
the  bar  in  New  Jersey  in  1894.  He  located  in  this  city  in  1891,  and  has  won  the  esteem 
and  confidence  of  a  large  clientele,  and  is  one  of  the  principals  in  the  law  firm  of  Godfrey  & 
Godfrey.  He  is  a  member  of  several  secret  orders  and  is  happily  married,  occupying  a  tine 
cottage  on  St.  Charles  Place. 


Our  present  City  Solicitor  was  born  at  Beasley's  Point,  Cape  May  County.  N.  J.,  Jan- 
uary 13,  1865.  He  was  brought  up  on  a  farm  and  educated  at  the  public  schools,  and  taught 
school  for  two  years  previous  to  coming  to  this  city  to  begin  the  study  of  law  with  James 
B.  Nixon,  Esq.  He  was  admitted  to  the  bar  at  the  November  term,  1889,  and  at  once  began 
for  himself.  When  Mr.  Nixon  decided  to  enter  the  ministry,  Mr.  Godfrey  bought  out  his 
effects  and  good  will,  and  has  been  on  the  upgrade  ever  since. 

In  1893  he  was  elected  Tax  Collector,  and  was  re-elected  five  successive  years.  In  1898 
he  succeeded  to  the  office  of  City  Solicitor  upon  the  appointment  of  Mr.  Endicott  as  Law 
Judge  of  the  county. 

Mr.  Godfrey  is  happily  married  and  occupies  a  handsome  cottage  on  Ohio  avenue. 
He  is  a  member  of  several  of  the  leading  secret  order  of  the  city,  and  president  and  solicitor 
of  the  Real  Estate  and  Investment  Company.  Four  years  ago  he  associated  with  himself 
Mr.  B.  C.  Godfrey,  under  the  firm  name  of  Godfrey  &  Godfrey.  He  is  also  president  of  the 
board  of  directors  of  the  Guarantee  Safe  Deposit  and  Surety  Company. 


John  L.  Gorman,  of  the  well-known  firm  of  Bell  &  Gorman,  furniture  dealers,  wa-  born 
in  Philadelphia,  February  20.  1864,  his  parents  being  James  T.  and  Lydia  B.  Goriuan.  He 
graduated  from  the  Philadelphia  public  schools  in  1880  and  afterward  took  a  business 
course  at  Hasting's  West  Philadelphia  Academy,  graduating  in  1882.  When  he  had  com- 
pleted his  studies  he  equipped  himself  with  a  number  of  drawings  he  had  made  and  upon 
their  excellence  secured  a  position  with  the  firm  of  Wilson  Bros.  &  Co.,  Philadelphia, 
architects,  with  a  view  of  learning  the  business,  but  at  the  expiration  of  two  years  he  realized 
that  his  health  would  not  permit  him  to  follow  that  occupation. 

In  1884  he  obtained  a  position  with  the  West  Philadelphia  Passenger  Railway  Comp.iny 
on  the  Market  Street  line  as  roadway  inspector.  During  the  same  year  the  Philadelphia 
Traction  Company  was  formed  and  one  of  its  first  acts  was  to  lease  the  line  with  which 
Mr.  Gorman  was  connected.  The  following  year  he  was  made  purchasing  agent  for  the 
company,  which  position  he  held  until  January,  1888,  when  he  was  a.gain  promoted,  this 
time  being  appointed  .Assistant  Superintendent,  the  duties  of  which  position  included  the 
purchasing  of  supplies  and  supervision  of  car  construction  shops.  As  the  company  built 
all  their  own  rolling  stock  and  furniture,  such  as  office  desks,  etc.,  he  had  an  opportunity  of 
procuring  a  practical  knowledge  of  construction,  which,  with  the  purchasing  and  handling 
of  all  kinds  of  supplies  he  found  quite  a  help  when  he  resolved  to  engage  in  his  present 
business,  buying  Mr.  Scott's  interest  and  becoming  a  member  of  the  firm  of  Bell  &  Gorman. 
It  was  on  January  I,  1896,  that  Mr.  Gorman  moved  to  .Atlantic  City,  and  since  that  time 
he  has  grown  in  the  esteem  of  the  public,  who  were  quick  to  recognize  ambition  and  enter- 
prise rightly  directed. 


alfri-:d  m.  hestox. 

Alfred  M.  Heston  was  born  at  Htstonville.  Pliiladelphia.  April  .50.  1854.  IK-  i,  a  son 
of  I.  Morris  and  Anna  Patton  Heston  and  descended  from  one  of  the  early  Quaker  ianiilic^ 
that  settled  in  Bucks  County  during  the  life  of  William  Penn. 

Mr.  Heston  finished  his  education  in  the  Philadelphia  High  School  and  was  for  a  time 
employed  on  the  West  Jersey  Press  in  Camden  and  later  for  several  years  was  editor  of  the 
Chronicle  at  Bridgeton,  N.  J.  He  came  to  Atlantic  City  in  1884,  having  purchased  with 
John  G.  Shreve  the  Atlantic  Review,  the  first  newspaper  established  in  this  city.  Later  he 
liecanu-  the  proprietor  and  editor  of  the  Atlantic  Journal  which  he  sold  too  a  stock  company. 
He  was  elected  the  first  Comptroller  of  Atlantic  City  in  1895,  when  that  otTice  was  first 
established  and  has  continued  in  that  position  ever  since.  He  was  also  appointed  Com- 
missioner of  the  Sinking  Fund  in  1896.  and  is  a  very  painstaking  and  efficient  official. 

He  has  been  active  in  many  matters  for  advancing  the  best  interests  and  popularity  of 
this  resort  and  is  fond  of  antiquarian  and  historical  studies.  He  is  the  author  and  publisher 
of  Heston"s  Handbook,  which  for  years  has  disseminated  useful  information  ami  inlire-ting 
sketches  of  this  island  city. 

He  has  been  an  active  and  earnest  Republican;  was  clerk  of  the  House  of  Representa- 
tives during  the  51st  Congress.  For  several  years  he  has  been  a  trustee  of  the  First  Presby- 
terian church.  He  has  been  secretary  of  the  Board  of  Governors  of  the  Atlantic  City  hospital 
and  has  been  very  active  from  the  start  in  promoting  this  institution. 

He  occupies  a  fine  cottage  on  States  avenue,  has  a  wife  and  three  daughters,  one  of 
whom  is  a  successful  teacher  since  her  graduation  from  the  State  Normal  School. 


Enoch  A.  Higbee.  Es(i..  was  born  at  Leeds  Point,  N.  J..  April  22.  iSd.?.  is  the  son  ni 
Enoch  and  Bethiah  (Clark)  Higbee.  He  was  educated  in  the  public  schools  at  that  place, 
and  at  the  age  of  twenty-one  elected  Assessor  of  Galloway  township,  re-elected  in  1886,  l88g 
and  1890.  In  1885  he  was  appointed  Postiuaster  of  his  native  village  and  filled  the  position 
acceptably  four  years.  In  February,  1892,  he  registered  as  a  student  at  law  in  the  office  of 
Hon.  .\llen  B.  Endicott,  and  was  admitted  to  the  bar  three  years  later. 

In  February.  1894,  President  Cleveland  appointed  him  Collector  of  Customs  at  Somers 
Point  for  the  District  of  Great  Egg  Harbor,  which  position  he  held  for  five  years  and  where 
he  has  since  resided.  In  1895  he  was  elected  Borough  Clerk,  which  position  he  resigned 
the  following  year  to  accept  the  office  of  Mayor,  to  which  he  had  been  elected  and  still  con- 
tinues to  hold,  having  been  re-elected  in  1898.  He  is  and  has  for  several  years  been  presi- 
dent of  the  school  board  and  president  of  the  fire  company  and  actively  identified  witli  every 
movement  for  better  government. 

As  a  lawyer  he  is  painstaking  and  diligent,  and  has  a  reputation  among  business  men 
as  being  careful,  conservative  and  reliable.  He  has  made  a  specialty  of  municipal  law.  and 
though  young  in  practice,  has  been  very  successful  and  is  attorney  for  several  municipalities 
in  the  county.  At  present  he  is  president  of  the  Bar  .\ssociation  of  Atlantic  County.  He 
is  an  able  pleader  and  a  popular  and  pleasing  public  sjieaker,  and  the  author  of  articles  on 
local  history  of  considerable  interest  and  value. 



Valentine  P.  Hofmann.  of  Eg.g  Harbor  City 

.  was  born  £ 

Bavaria.     In  the  year  1850  he  emigrated  with  hi 

s  parents  to 

at  Baltimore.  Md..  in  August  of  that  year.     Ili^  e 

arly  life  was 

was  born  September  11.  1840,  at  Iphofcn, 
United  States,  and  landed 


lie  attended  sectarian  and  pul)lic  schools.  On  March  iq.  1858,  he  moved  with  his  parents 
to  Egg  Harbor  City,  which  at  the  time  numbered  about  thirty  houses.  He  resided  there 
only  a  short  time,  moving  out  to  Germania  Station,  on  his  father's  farm,  where  he  stayed 
until  1866,  when  he  returned  to  Egg  Harbor  City.  In  1872  he  was  elected  City  Assessor, 
and  was  re-elected  every  year  until  1877,  when  Common  Council,  in  November  of  that  year, 
appointed  him  as  City  Treasurer  in  place  of  Ernest  Adclung,  deceased.  This  office  he  con- 
tinued to  hold  until  March,  1886.  In  the  years  1876  and  1877  he  taught  school  at  Gloucester 
Landing.  In  March,  1890.  he  was  elected  City  Clerk,  which  office  he  has  since  held,  and 
also  the  office  of  Secretary  of  the  Board  of  Health.  He  was  twice  a  candidate  for  Coroner 
on  the  Democratic  ticket.  From  1871,  to  January,  1899,  he  was  Secretary  of  the  Egg  Harbor 
Agricultural  Society.  He  is  also  Secretary  of  Atlantic  County  Board  of  Agriculture,  which 
he  has  held  for  many  years.  He  is  one  of  the  charter  members  of  Union  Lodge,  No.  18, 
A.  O.  U.  W.,  organized  in  1882.  and  has  acted  as  its  Receiver  since,  excepting  the  year  1887. 
He  is  also  Treasurer  of  the  Egg  Harbor  Improvement  Co.,  and  also  acted  for  a  number  of 
years  as  Director  and  Secretary  of  Egg  Harbor  Commercial  Bank. 

In  1879  he  was  married  to  Miss  Fredericke  Hohenleitner,  and  the  result  of  their  union 
were  five  sons,  the  three  eldest  living.  In  1885  he  acquired  the  tinware  and  stove  business 
of  his  deceased  father-in-law,  which  he  has  gradually  extended,  till  it  is  now  one  of  the 
largest  stores  in  Egg  Harbor  City. 


;\larth.T  Emily  Hoopes.  nee  Watt,  was  born  in  Baltimore  in  1835.  She  was  the  young- 
est of  a  family  of  six  children,  three  boys  and  three  girls.  Her  parents  died  when  she 
was  <iuite  young,  and  the  children  were  cared  for  by  wealthy  relatives. 

At  the  age  of  eighteen  she  married  William  Graham  Hoopes,  an  iron  broker  of  Phila- 
delphia. She  possessed  unusual  talent  for  business  and  in  the  course  of  a  few  years  to 
help  her  husband's  fortunes  opened  a  boarding  house  and  conducted  it  successfully.  For 
a  nmnber  of  years  she  continued  the  business  on  Walnut  and  Chestnut  Streets.  In  1874 
she  came  to  Atlantic  City  and  leased  what  was  afterwards  known  as  the  Waverly,  at  Ohio 
anil  Pacific  Avenues.  She  called  it  the  Little  Traymore.  It  had  just  been  built  by  the 
late  John  L.  Bryant  and  had  only  twenty  bedrooms.  So  successful  was  she  in  this  ven- 
ture that  in  the  fall  she  purchased  of  Mr.  Bryant  what  has  since  been  the  Hotel  Traymore 
property  at  the  ocean  end  of  Illinois  Avenue.  The  building  was  not  then  finished  and 
contai)itd  only  thirty-two  bedrooms.  The  price  paid  was  $10,000;  $2,000  cash,  the  balance 

In  1880  Mrs.  Hoopes  enlarged  the  hotel  to  6g  bedrooms  and  four  years  later  to  128 
rooms.  Hei  enterprise  and  executive  ability  were  remarkable.  The  Traymore  was  the  first 
hotel  in  this  city  to  have  its  own  gas  plant,  before  the  city  plant  was  built,  also  the  first 
elevator,  and  the  first  large  exchange  instead  of  a  small  box  office.  Her  enterprise  stimu- 
lated others  to  make  extensive  improvements,  and  greatly  increase  the  popularity  of  this 
resort  and  cater  to  all  the  year  trade.  In  1886  Mrs.  Hoopes  sold  the  Traymore  to  W.  W. 
Green  &  Co.  for  $125,000.  It  has  since  been  repeatedly  enlarged  and  improved  till  it  now 
contains  240  bedrooms,  50  bathrooms  and  is  probably  worth  $500,000. 

After  her  retirement  from  active  business  Mrs.  Hoopes  lived  in  Philadelphia  and  added 
to  her  fortune  by  wise  investments  in  variotis  places,  still  retaining  real  estate  holdings 
in  Atlantic  City.  She  was  all  her  life  a  very  courageous,  independent  and  enterprising 
woman,  possessing  unusual  tact  and  judgment  in  dealing  with  her  guests  and  in  business 

Pier  youngest  son,  Louis  Harvey  Hoopes.  is  the  only  surviving  member  of  the  family. 
To  hir.i  and  his  children  she  by  will  left  her  fortune. 


Tlie  late  William  Graham  Hoopes.  Jr.,  was  born  in  Philadelphia  in  1856.  He  was  the 
eldest  of  two  sons  of  the  late  William  G.  and  Martha  E.  Hoopes.  He  w:i>  educated  in 
the  imblic  schools,  graduating  from  the  Philadelphia  High  School. 

For  eight  \'ears  he  was  employed  as  clerk  in  the  office  of  the  Lehigh  Valley  Railroad 
Company  till  1875,  when  he  came  to  Atlantic  City  to  his  mother  in  the  management 
of  the  Traymore.  .As  her  assistant  he  continued  till  the  property  was  sold  in  1886.  when 
he  turned  his  attention  to  achitecture.  This  business  he  conducted  successfully  till  his 
death,  which  occurred  suddenly  and  unexpectedly  on  February  20,  1898.  As  an  architect 
his  work  possessed  decided  merit  and  helped  greatly  in  the  erection  of  more  attractive 
cottages  and  hotels.  Some  of  the  finest  and  most  expensive  buildings  were  remodeled 
or  built  from  designs  prepared  by  him. 

He  was  a  member  of  the  local  Board  of  Health  from  April.  iSgi.  till  hi>  death,  and 
President  of  the  Board  after  1894.  To  his  intelligent  and  conscientious  work  wa>  largely 
due  the  efficiency  of  this  important  body.  His  experience  as  a  hotel  man  enabled  him 
to  appreciate  the  sanitary  requirements  of  the  city. 

He  was  a  Past  Master  of  Trinity  Lodge  F.  &  A.  jNL,  and  a  member  of  Trinity  Chapter 
and  Olivec  Commandery  at  Millville,  N.  J.  He  was  also  an  Elk  and  was  an  unusually 
bri.ght  and  conscientious  citizen.  His  sudden  death  at  the  early  age  of  forty-two  years 
was  a  pi'infu!  shock  to  a  large  circle  of  friends  wlio  appreciated  his  frien<lshi|i  and  worth. 


Captain  Shepherd  S.  Hudson,  one  of  the  oldest  and  best-known  sea  captains  of  Atlantic 
County,  was  born  in  Delaware,  June  30,  1826.  He  came  to  Mays  Landing  with  his  father, 
the  late  Elisha  E.  Hudson,  in  1832.  and  his  home  has  been  there  ever  since.  The  father  was 
a  mariner,  and  at  the  age  of  eleven  years,  in  1837,  the  year  that  Atlantic  County  was  organ- 
ized, the  son  was  made  cook  for  the  crew-  on  his  father's  vessel.  Tliere  were  no  public 
schools  in  this  county  in  those  days.  When  eighteen  years  old  he  was  put  in  command  of 
the  sloop  Hornet  and  engaged  in  trade  with  his  father.  He  was  soon  in  command  of  larger 
vessels  and  has  followed  the  business  eve--  since,  over  sixty  years.  The  scliooners  Helen 
Justice,  the  Dove,  the  R.  G.  Porter,  the  Mary  P.  Hudson,  and  the  S.  S.  Hudson  are  other 
larger  vessels  that  he  has  sailed. 

On  September  21,  1846,  Capt.  Hudson  married  Mary  P.  Ingersoll;  b.  April  21,  1828:  d. 
August  28,  1891.  The}'  had  si.x  children:  i.  Amanda,  who  m.  Capt.  D.  F.  Vaughn, 
November  22,  1866,  and  had  two  children:  Mary  C,  deceased,  and  Shepherd  H.,  the  archi- 
tect, who  m.  Lida  Eldridge,  and  lives  in  Atlantic  City.  2.  Kate,  who  m.  jMelvin  R.  Morse, 
October  9,  1871,  and  had  four  children:  Melvin  H.,  who  m.  Cora  M.  Sharp,  and  has  one 
child;  Bessie  W.,  deceased;  Amanda  V..  and  an  infant,  deceased.  3.  Eva  B..  d.  March  3. 
1855.  4.  Mina,  m.  Clarence  E.  ^^lorse.  December  28,  1881.  and  has  two  children;  Mary  L. 
and  Fayette  W.  S-  Harie,  m.,  June  17,  1880,  Capt.  Frank  R.  Davis,  deceased,  July  4.  I'^J-' 
6.  Mary  S.,  who  lives  at  home. 

During  the  Rebellion  he  was  in  command  of  a  United  States  transjiort  about  York- 
town  and  Fort  Fisher,  carrying  troops  and  ordnance  for  Uncle  Sam. 

He  at  present  is  commander  and  principal  owner  of  the  barkentine  Jennie  Sweeney, 
which  he  built  at  Mays  Landing  in  1876. 

Since  his  boyhood  Captain  Hudson  has  taken  an  active  interest  in  politics  as  a  Whig 
or  a  Republican,  but  he  has  never  held  office  except  that  of  Assemblyman,  in  i88y. 

Captain  Hudson  has  not  only  made  the  remarkable  record  of  never  having  lost  a 
vessel  during  his  long  service  on  the  high  seas,  but  there  stands  to  his  credit  the  proud 
record  of  having  saved  51  lives  from  a  wrecked  steamer,  for  which  he  has  never  received 


any  medal  or  public  recognition  whatever.  A  more  gallant  and  heroic  service  perhaps 
never  was  performed  by  man  than  when  this  young  captain  of  the  schooner  R.  G.  Porter, 
in  a  gale  seven  miles  ofif  Atlantic  City,  soon  after  midnight  on  Thursday,  June  21,  i860,  saved 
51  out  of  71  lives.  The  last  five  of  the  51  wrecked  sailors  were  saved  from  a  furious  sea, 
when  the  captain  of  those  he  had  rescued  protested  against  Captain  Hudson's  return  to  the 
wreck  in  the  high  wind  perchance  to  find  still  others  afloat.  The  skillful  manner  in  which 
he  handled  his  vessel  is  worthy  of  all  praise.  His  crew  consisted  of  E.  Smith,  mate:  John 
Englison  and  William  Taylor. 

The  United  States  steamer  Walker,  under  the  command  of  Lieutenant  John  Guthrie, 
with  a  crew  of  70  men  engaged  in  the  coast  survey,  was  run  into  at  2.15  o'clock  a.  m.  by  the 
schooner  Fannie,  Captain  Mayhew,  bound  from  Philadelphia  for  Boston  with  240  tons  of 
coal.  Lieutenant  J.  A.  Sewell  of  the  Walker  was  on  the  watch.  The  atmosphere  was 
cloudy  and  the  wind  was  blowing  fresh  from  the  northeast.  It  was  a  cold  June  storm.  Both 
vessels  had  their  lights  burning,  but  neither  one  discovered  the  other  till  too  late. 

The  schooner,  long  and  narrow  and  loaded,  was  unable  to  port  her  helm  to  avoid  col- 
lision. She  struck  the  Walker  on  the  port  side  forward  of  the  paddle  box.  badly  injuring 
the  steamer  but  doing  the  schooner  no  harm.  She  hung  to  the  steamer  a  few  minutes  and 
then  slid  off.  No  man  on  board  was  seen  or  heard.  She  dropped  astern  and  in  ten  minutes 
was  out  of  sight. 

The  Walker  was  found  to  be  leaking  badly  and  about  to  sink.  The  boats  were  ordered 
out  and  the  vessel  turned  toward  the  shore.  To  prevent  explosion  the  fires  in  the  boilers 
were  put  out  and  steam  blown  ofif.  Before  the  mainmast  could  be  cut  away  the  steamer 
went  down.  Besides  the  crew  of  70  men  there  was  one  woman  aboard,  the  wife  of  Lieu- 
tenant Sewell.  In  her  night-clothes  only  she  reached  one  of  the  boats  with  21  of  the  men, 
one  of  them  old  and  sick. 

This  boat  was  fastened  to  a  projecting  mast  by  a  light  line  when  the  R.  G.  Porter, 
Captain  Hudson,  hove  in  sight.  The  Porter  was  in  ballast  from  Boston  to  Philadelphia, 
and  came  close  to  the  steamer  ten  minutes  after  it  had  sunk.  It  was  then  nearly  3  o'clock 
in  the  morning.  Men  not  in  the  boats,  two  of  which  had  been  smashed  in  the  crash,  were 
clinging  to  the  driftwood  and  the  wreck.  The  wind  was  blowing  a  gale  and  the  sea  was 
rough.  All  except  enough  to  man  the  boats  were  quickly  gotten  aboard  the  Porter  and 
made  as  comfortable  as  possible. 

By  8  o'clock  in  the  morning  46  souls  had  been  saved.  The  Porter  had  then  drifted 
about  five  miles  to  leeward,  when  Captain  Hudson  determined  to  beat  back  to  the  wreck  if 
possible  to  find  other  members  of  the  crew  adrift.  The  spars  could  be  seen  projecting  20 
or  30  feet  above  the  surface  of  the  sea.  Captain  Guthrie  and  his  officers  thought  it  would 
be  of  no  use  to  try  to  get  back  to  the  wreck  and  strongly  urged  Captain  Hudson  not  to  take 
the  risk  in  such  a  wind  and  such  a  sea.  But  he  persisted,  determined  to  save  every  living 
soul  possible.  Nearing  the  wreck  a  black  spot  was  noticed  on  the  angry  sea,  which  proved 
to  be  the  hurricane  deck  of  the  Walker  with  five  men  clinging  to  it.  One  of  them  was 
Lieutenant  Sewell,  who  was  so  exhausted  that  he  had  to  be  lashed  to  the  deck  with  ropes 
by  his  companions.  These  were  gotten  aboard  about  10.30  o'clock.  These  live  men  were 
the  last  of  the  living  to  escape  from  the  Walker.     The  remaining  twenty  were  lost. 

Unable  to  enter  Absecon  inlet  in  such  a  sea.  Captain  Hudson  made  direct  for  Cape  May, 
reaching  that  place  at  4  o'clock  on  that  Thursday  afternoon,  passing  around  the  Point  in 
full  view  of  the  big  hotels,  with  colors  at  half  mast.  Crowds  of  people  on  the  beach  were 
startled  at  the  sight  and  hastened  out  to  welcome  the  rescued  and  destitute  crew.  They 
provided  food  and  clothing  and  kindly  cared  for  Mrs.  Sewell.  Before  Cape  May  was 
reached  Captain  Hudson  was  sent  for  by  Lieutenant  and  Mrs.  Sewell,  who  after  seven 
hours  separation  and  a  very  perilous  experience  were  happily  united  again  and  saved  by 
the  skill  and  bravery  of  Captain  Hudson.  They  thanked  him  most  heartily  for  saving  their 
lives  and  the  gratitude  and  thanks  of  the  saved  is  all  the  thanks  or  recognition  that  C.iptain 
Hudson  has  ever  received. 


From  Cape  May  some  of  tlu-  saved  got  passage  to  New  York  and  others  to  Pliiladcl- 
phia.  While  a  full  report  of  this  thrilling  event  was  recorded  in  the  United  States  Register 
of  that  date,  up  to  the  present  time  no  medal  has  ever  been  struck  and  no  recognition  by 
the  United  States  Government  or  any  department  thereof,  was  ever  made  of  Captain  Hud- 
son's brave  and  successful  rescue  of  51  out  of  a  crew  of  71  precious  lives. 


Robert  H.  Ingersoll.  Judge  of  tlie  District  Court  of  Atlantic  City,  was  born  at  Mays 
Landing.  November  17.  1868.  In  the  public  schools  and  about  the  court  house  of  his  native 
village  he  formed  the  tastes  and  laid  the  foundation  for  his  professional  career.  He  entered 
Rutgers  College  in  1884,  at  New  Brunswick,  and  while  there  as  a  student  for  several  winters, 
through  the  favor  of  Senator  John  J.  Gardner,  he  served  as  a  in  the  State  Senate  and 
formed  acquaintances  and  became  familiar  with  legislative  proceedings  which  make  him  an 
e.xpert  in  those  matters.  He  studied  law  with  Hon.  J.  E.  P.  Abbott,  the  present  prosecutor 
of  the  Pleas  of  Atlantic  County,  and  when  admitted  to  practice,  in  1890,  associated  himself 
with  Judge  Allen  B.  Endicott.  of  this  city. 

In  1892  he  was  elected  Coroner,  and  in  1895  was  elected  .-Mderman  and  President  of 
Council.  When  the  office  of  Recorder  in  this  city  was  made  a  salaried  position  as  a  city 
magistrate  Mr.  Ingersoll  was  elected  to  fill  the  place  for  two  years.  1896  and  1897.  and  he 
made  an  efficient  and  popular  ofiicer. 

Through  his  efforts,  largely,  the  necessary  legislation  was  secured  to  establish  a  Dis- 
trict Court  in  this  city,  whereupon  Governor  Voorhees  appointed  him  the  presiding  judge. 

Judge  Ingersoll  is  happily  married  to  Miss  Emma,  daughter  of  Hon.  William  H. 
Skirm,  of  Trenton,  N.  J.,  and  has  a  beautiful  home  on  St.  Charles  Place. 

Judge  Ingersoll  is  active  in  fraternal  societies,  being  Past  Regent  of  the  Royal  Arca- 
num: Past  Grand  in  American  Star  Lodge,  I.  O.  O.  P.:  Past  Ma.ster  of  Trinity  Lodge. 
F.  and  A.  M.,  and  a  member  of  Trinity  Chapter.  R.  A.  M.  He  has  recently  been  appointed 
District  Deputy  Grand  Master  of  the  twelfth  Masonic  district  of  New  Jersey.  He  is  also 
an  ex-lieutenant  of  the  Morris   Guards. 


City  Clerk  Emery  D.  Irelan,  who  is  one  of  our  most  popular  city  officials,  was  born 
March  2,  1864.  in  Atlantic  County.  He  attended  the  public  schools  of  Philadelphia  until  he 
graduated  under  Henry  M.  Hallowell.  He  then  became  clerk  for  the  Reading  R.  R.  Co.. 
but  resolving  to  improve  his  mind  still  further,  he  resigned  and  returned  to  school  for 
another  winter.  He  then  accepted  a  position  with  Schubert  &  Cuttingham,  manufacturers 
of  tackle  blocks  for  vessels.  In  time  he  became  an  operator  on  a  wood  carving  machine  and 
joined  the  firm  of  William  B.  Allen,  cabinet  makers  at  Frankford.  Later  we  find  him.  in 
1885.  associated  with  Frambes.  Somers  &  Co.,  in  Atlantic  City.  He  served  with  that  firm 
until  the  dissolution  of  partnership,  whereupon  he  drifted  to  Birmingham,  .Mabama.  Then 
he  drifted  into  legal  channels  and  took  up  the  study  of  law  under  Carlton  Godfrey.  Es(|.. 
of  this  city,  which  profession  he  foresook  when  he  was  elected  City  Clerk,  in  1892.  M  that 
time  City  Council  was  equally  divided,  nine  Republicans  and  nine  Democrats,  and  desiring 
to  break  the  deadlock,  influential  friends  prevailed  upon  him  to  be  a  candidate  for  building 
inspector,  which  resulted  in  his  election  and  the  accomplishment  of  the  object  for  which  it 
was  intended.  The  following  year  lie  was  elected  City  Clerk,  and  has  been  re-elected  con- 
tinuously since.    Upon  the  last  occasion  he  received  the  unanimous  vote  of  both  parties. 

It  was  not  long  before  he  was  made  treasurer  of  the  Atlantic  City  Firemen's  Relief  .\s»o- 
ciation,  the  funds  of  which  are  derived  from  the  insurance  companies  doing  business  in  this 


city,  and  are  used  for  the  purpose  of  assisting  indigent  firemen  and  their  widows.  He  is 
trustee  oi  the  United  States  Fire  Company,  past  exalted  ruler  of  Atlantic  City  Lodge,  No. 
2/6.  P.  B.  O.  E.,  and  a  member  of  the  American  Star  Lodge,  I.  O.  O.  F..  Brotherhood  of  the 
Union,  Knights  of  the  Golden  Eagle;  organizer  of  Minerva  Circle,  B.  W.  H.  F.,  Pequod 
Tribe.  I.  O.  R.  M.  He  is  a  Republican  in  politics,  and  attends  St.  Paul's  M.  E.  Church  and 
Clirist  M.  P.  Church.     He  married  Miss  Emily  Fabian,  of  Wilmington,  Delaware. 


George  W.  Jackson  was  born  in  Philadelphia  in  1842.  When  two  years  old  his  parents 
moved  to  Camden,  and  there  the  boy  was  educated  in  the  public  schools.  At  the  outbreak 
of  the  war  Mr.  Jackson  enlisted  in  Companies  4,  s,  6  and  7,  New  Jersey  Volunteers.  He 
was  promoted  to  a  lieutenancy.  At  the  close  of  the  war  he  engaged  in  business  in  Phila- 
delphia as  a  contractor  and  builder,  till  1879,  when  he  came  to  Atlantic  City  and  engaged 
in  the  bathing  business  with  his  accustomed  energy.  His  first  season  was  at  the  Ashland 
baths,  below  Pennsylvania  avenue.  In  1880  an  important  law  suit  pending  affecting  the 
title  of  the  property,  he  purchased  of  John  F.  Star  land  at  the  foot  of  Virginia  avenue, 
which  has  since  become  valuable.  It  was  sold  to  the  Steel  Pier  Company  in  1897,  for 
$150,000.  Mr.  Jackson  had  arranged  to  build  the  pier  himself,  but  finally  joined  interests 
with  Kennedy  Crossan.  Dr.  Filbert  and  others,  taking  a  large  interest  in  the  pier  and 
serving  as  treasurer  of  the  company.  He  owns  extensive  real  estate  and  is  the  treasurer 
and  active  member  of  P.  B.  O.  E..  No.  276.  He  is  also  a  director  of  the  Union  National 


Marcellus  L.  Jackson  was  born  in  Hartland.  Maine,  September  25,  1846.  He  first 
came  to  Hammonton  in  1868,  and  spent  one  year  farming  and  teaching  school.  He  went 
west  for  one  year  and  back  to  Maine  in  1870,  and  finally  decided  to  locate  in  Hammonton. 
In  the  spring  of  1871  he  opened  a  muat  and  provision  store  with  Benjamin  H.  Bowles  as  a 
partner.  At  the  end  of  three  years  Mr.  Bowles  retired  from  the  firm  and  Mr.  Jackson  has 
successfully  prosecuted  the  business  ever  since,  having  as  finely  equipped  a  country  market 
as  there  is  in  South  Jersey.  Mr.  Jackson  has  been  a  member  of  the  Board  of  Freeholders 
since  1887.  and  for  two  years  Director  of  the  Board.  For  eleven  years  he  was  president  of 
his  building  association,  and  for  twelve  years  has  been  vice-president  of  the  People's  Bank. 
He  was  elected  to  the  Assembly  in  1895  by  a  plurality  of  1.506.  and  in  1896  re-elected  by  a 
plurality  of  2.405.  Mr.  Jackson  is  a  member  of  various  societies  and  is  the  present  Post- 
master of  the  town  of  Hammonton. 


John  C.  Jacobs,  late  State  Senator  of  Brooklyn,  New  York,  was  born  of  Revolutionary 
stock  in  Lancaster,  Pa.,  December  10,  1838.  He  died  in  this  city,  the  home  of  his  adoption, 
at  the  close  of  a  busy,  useful  life,  on  September  21,  1894.  In  his  early  youth  he  moved  with 
his  parents  to  Brooklyn,  where  he  attended  the  public  schools,  served  as  errand  boy  in  a 
law  office,  worked  as  a  newspaper  reporter  and  gained  the  power  and  influence  which 
enabled  him  to  achieve  the  success  and  triumphs  at  the  hands  of  his  fellow  citizens.  At  the 
age  of  twenty,  he  was  the  political  editor  of  the  New  York  Express.  In  1859  he  became  the 
legislative  correspondent  of  that  and  several  other  newspapers  at  Albany.  At  the  outbreak 
of  the  Civil  War  he  became  a  war  correspondent,  and  witnessed  some  of  the  fiercest  battles 
in  that  great  contest.     In  1867  Mr.  Jacobs  served  witli  distinction  in  the  New  York  Assem- 

RIOGRAl'llV.  483 

bly.  serving  seven  years,  till  1873.  He  was  several  times  a  candidate  lor  speaker  and  served 
on  many  important  committees.  In  1874  he  was  elected  State  Senator,  a  position  which  he 
held  for  eleven  years,  till  1885.  That  he  could  have  been  nominated  and  elected  Governor  of 
New  York  is  a  matter  of  history.  In  1879  he  was  chairman  of  the  Democratic  State  Com- 
mittee which  renominated  Lucius  Robinson  for  a  second  term.  John  Kelly,  the  chief  of 
Tammany  Hall,  desired  Senator  Jacobs  to  stand  for  the  nomination,  which  would  have 
surely  turned  the  tide  in  his  favor.  The  Senator  in  his  capacity  as  chairman  would  enter- 
tain no  such  motion  and  declared  Gov.  Robinson  the  nominee.  The  outcome  was  that  .\.  B. 
Cornell.  Republican,  was  elected  Governor.  On  removing  to  Atlantic  City  for  the  benefit 
of  his  shattered  health.  Senator  Jacobs  no  longer  took  active  interest  in  politics,  but  de- 
voted himself  to  his  family.  He  became  very  much  interested  in  the  city  of  his  adoption 
and  promoted  many  local  improvements. 

.\LBERT   M.  JORD.^X. 

.•Mbert  M.  Jordan.  President  of  the  Atlantic  City  Sewerage  Company,  its  chief  pro- 
inotor  and  manager  from  the  beginning,  was  born  in  Auburn,  X.  Y.,  July  20,  1847.  His 
father  was  a  printer.  When  the  boy  was  eight  years  old  the  family  moved  to  the  frontier 
town  of  Quasqueton,  Iowa,  where  lived  at  that  time  more  Indians  than  white  people. 
There,  with  a  partner,  the  senior  Jordan  started  the  weekly  Guardian,  a  country  newspaper. 
In  the  war  of  the  rebellion  the  father  enlisted  and  died  in  the  army.  After  two  years  at 
Cornell  College,  Iowa,  where  he  took  an  engineering  course,  Mr.  Jordan  came  east  to 
Philadelphia  to  learn  the  printing  trade.  He  worked  for  four  years  for  the  firm  which  later 
became  that  of  Allen,  Lane  &  Scott.  After  holding  for  six  months  a  position  in  the  Gov- 
ernment Printing  Office  at  Washington,  Mr.  Jordan  went  back  to  Iowa  and  became  part 
owner  of  the  Dubuque  Daily  Times.  He  was  active  in  politics  and  became  a  personal 
friend  of  Hon.  William  B.  Allison.  In  Dubuque,  Mr.  Jordan  devoted  some  of  the  best 
years  of  his  life  to  active  journalism.  He  finally  disposed  of  his  interests  in  the  Daily  Times 
at  a  good  figure,  and  in  1881  came  to  New  York,  expecting  to  open  an  advertising  bureau. 
He  made  the  acquaintance  of  one  Winfield  Scott  West,  a  civil  engineer  from  Virginia,  w-ho 
had  a  patent  system  of  drainage  for  level  towns,  and  through  the  suggestion  of  his  father- 
in-law,  the  late  Josiah  S.  Hackett,  of  the  W.  J.  &  S.  R.  R.,  Camden,  Mr.  Jordan  proceeded 
to  introduce  the  "West  system"  of  sewerage  into  Atlantic  City.  He  interested  Dr.  Board- 
man  Reed,  the  late  John  L.  Bryant  and  leading  hotel  men  in  the  enterprise  and  accom- 
plished what  was  considered  by  some  an  impossible  engineering  feat,  that  of  laying  large 
pipes  eight  and  ten  and  fifteen  feet  below  the  surface  in  the  water  and  quicksand  of  this 
island.  He  thus  secured  to  this  health  resort  sanitary  conditions  of  inestimable  value  and 
importance.  Mr.  Jordan  was  made  receiver  of  the  company  as  first  organized,  and  after 
the  purchase  at  public  sale  by  .A.  J.  Robinson,  a  wealthy  contractor  of  New  York,  he  be- 
came superintendent  of  the  reorganized  company  of  which  he  is  now  president.  He  is  the 
personal  representative  of  Mr.  Robinson,  who  is  largely  interested  in  real  estate  in  this  city. 


J.  Addison  Joy.  M.  D.,  was  bom  October  27.  1854.  in  Peru.  Mass..  of  Puritanic  stock. 
His  early  education  was  acquired  in  the  district  schools  of  that  town. 

When  fourteen  years  of  age  his  parents  removed  to  Greenville.  111.,  where  he  attended 
high  school  for  two  years.     In  1870  they  returned  east  and  located  at  Toms  River.  N.  J. 

Here  his  studies  were  continued  mostly  under  private  instruction,  and  in  1874  he  en- 
tered Amherst  College,  graduating  four  years  later.  After  teaching  a  few  years  he  entered 
the  medical  department  of  the  LTniversity  of  Pennsylvania,  and  graduated  in  1884. 


Iinnicdiatcly  ;iftor  graduation  the  doctor  located  in  Luzerne  County,  Pa.,  and  remained 
there  until  1890.  In  June  of  that  year  he  came  to  Atlantic  City,  and  has  since  practiced 
here,  gaining  the  confidence  of  the  people  and  building  up  a  large  and  lucrative  practice. 

In  1886  Dr.  Joy  married  Miss  Nettie  B.  Clark,  of  East  Hampton,  Mass.,  and  has  two 

The  Doctor  is  a  member  of  the  Atlantic  City  Academy  of  Medicine,  the  Atlantic 
County  Medical  Association,  the  Legion  of  the  Red  Cross,  and  the  Patriotic  Order  of  the 
Sons  of  .-Kmerica.     In  politics  he  is  a  Republican. 


Arthur  VV.  Kelly  was  born  at  West  Creek,  Ocean  County,  N.  J.,  June  23.  1869.  He 
finished  the  public  schools  and  at  the  age  of  sixteen  began  teaching.  After  two  years  at  this 
and  a  year  at  Pennington  Seminary,  he  was  for  two  years  principal  of  the  school  in  his 
native  town.  During  this  period  he  also  did  considerable  work  as  a  land  surveyor.  While 
teaching  he  began  the  study  of  law  and  later  served  a  clerkship  in  the  offices  of  George 
Reynolds,  in  Burlington,  and  Hon.  Charles  E.  Hendrickson,  in  Mt.  Holly.  He  was  ad- 
mitted to  the  bar  as  an  attorney  in  June,  1892,  and  as  a  counsellor  in  June,  1895.  In  July, 
1892,  he  opened  an  office  in  this  city,  where  he  has  since  remained. 

While  studying  law  he  also  instructed  himself  in  stenography,  and  in  189S  was  ap- 
pointed by  Judge  Ludlow  official  stenographer  of  the  courts  of  his  circuit,  consisting  of 
Atlantic,  Cape  May.   Cumberland  and  Salem   Counties. 

In  1898  he  published  "Kelly's  Questions  and  Answers,"  a  legal  work  which  has  met 
with  favor  among  law  students  and  the  bar.  It  is  a  compilation  of  answers  to  all  the  bar 
examinations  for  a  period  of  fifteen  years. 

Mr.  Kelly  is  a  member  of  Trinity  Lodge,  F.  and  A.  M.,  and  .\merican  Star  Lodge  of 
Odd  Fellows.  He  married  Miss  Annie  Haywood,  of  West  Creek,  and  has  three  children. 
In  politics  he  is  a   Democrat. 


Samuel  Hastings  Kelley  has  done  more  probably  than  any  other  one  man  to  develop 
the  district  of  Chelsea,  which  has  rapidly  become  a  refined  and  well  regulated  section  of 
Atlantic  City. 

Born  in  Philadelphia,  September  4,  1857,  he  attended  the  public  schools  of  his  native 
town  until  he  had  been  grounded  in  the  English  branches.  During  the  years  1879  to  1882 
we  find  him  in  Chicago  as  travelling  agent  for  the  Pullman  Car  Company.  He  afterwards 
branched  out  as  a  stock  broker  and  continued  in  this  business  until  1889,  when  he  moved 
to  Atlantic  City. 

At  this  time,  the  territory  now  embraced  within  the  precincts  of  Chelsea,  was  almost  a 
barren  waste,  and  Mr.  Kelley  consecrated  his  energies  to  the  development  of  the  region. 
How  well  he  has  succeeded  is  shown  by  the  forty-eight  houses  which  he  has  built  and 
which  grace  the  section  where  his  own  pretty  home  is  located.  Mr.  Kelley  deals  in  real 
estate,  improved  and  unimproved.  He  handles  his  own  property  and  confines  his  attention 
to  the  transaction   of  his  individual   business. 

In  the  spring  of  1897  he  was  elected  to  City  Council,  and  in  the  following  year  was 
appointed  chairman  of  the  sanitary  committee.  He  at  once  resolved  to  secure  the  removal 
and  enlargement  of  the  garbage  crematory,  which  he  did,  the  improved  plant  at  the  meadow 
end  of  Tennessee  avenue  being  a  monument  to  his  endeavors.  He  was  also  energetic  in  his 
endeavors  to  secure  a  cheaper  light  for  the  city  and  was  instrumental  in  having  the  price 
per  arc  light  reduced  from  $127.75  to  $105  per  year.     ;\Ir.  Kelley,  who  is  the  father  of  tliree 

HIOGK  APHV.  .18.-) 

children,  two  boys  and  a  girl,  the  eldest  of  whom  is  nine  years  of  age,  was  a  candidate  for 
Mayor  and  a't  another  time  for  State  Senator.  He  is  a  member  of  the  Jr.  O.  U.  A.  M.,  the 
local  lodge  of  Elks,  attends  the  M.  E.  Church,  and  is  a  stalwart  Republican.  He  is  deeply 
interested  in  politics  and  his  friends  believe  that  the  future  holds  rewards  commensurate 
with  his  ability,  standing  and  services  to  the  party  with  which  he  lia^  been  at'fdiated  >ince 


Louis  Kuehnle,  Sr.,  who  died  at  his  home  in  Egg  Harbor  City,  August  7.  1885,  was 
born  at  Hasnnisheini.  Germany,  in  1827.  He  was  trained  for  the  occupation  of  a  hotel  chef, 
and  after  emigrating  to  America,  in  1849.  he  found  employment  in  some  of  the  leading 
hotels  of  this  country.  He  was  employed  in  Washington,  D.  C,  where  President  Buchanan 
boarded  previous  to  coming  to  Egg  Harbor  City,  in  1858.  Here  he  opened  the  New  York 
hotel  and  kept  it  continuously  up  to  the  time  of  his  death.  In  1852  he  married  Miss  Kate 
Werdasin.     They  had  three  sons,  George,  Louis  and  Henry,  who  survive  him. 

He  was  highly  esteemed  by  his  fellow  citizens,  was  Mayor  of  Egg  Harbor  City  several 
terms,  was  a  member  of  Council  and  the  school  board  for  years,  and  represented  his  city  in 
the  Board  of  Freeholders  for  a  number  of  years.  He  purchased  and  opened  Kuehnle"s 
hotel  in  this  city,  January  9.  1875,  and  placed  it  under  the  management  of  his  son,  Louis 
Kuehnle,  Jr.,  who  subsequently  became  the  sole  owner. 

EDWARD    S.    LEE. 

Edward  S.  Lee,  who  at  the  municipal  election  in  March,  1900,  was  re-elected  to  Council 
from  the  Second  Ward,  a  position  that  he  has  held  continuously  since  1888,  is  a  son  of  John 
Lee.  of  Philadelphia,  and  was  born  in  that  city,  October  22,  1857.  He  learned  the  trade  of 
a  bricklayer  and  mason  and  first  came  to  .\tlantic  City  in  the  employ  of  his  uncle,  the  late 
George  F.  Lee,  when  he  purchased  the  Hotel  Brighton  property  in  1876. 

Mr.  George  F.  Lee  at  that  time  was  considered  one  of  the  wealthiest  men  in  Philadelphia. 
He  had  amassed  a  fortune  as  a  builder  of  gas  works  in  many  large  cities,  including  Chicago, 
and  was  a  pioneer  in  this  city  in  providing  accommodations  for  spring  and  winter  guests. 
He  was  the  first  to  build  sun  parlors  along  the  boardwalk  and  a  hotel  for  the  winter  trade. 

The  nephew.  Councilman  Lee.  had  been  employed  on  the  Centennial  E.xposition  build- 
ings previous  to  coming  here.  In  1877  he  located  here  permanently  and  became  one  of  the 
most  extensive  and  successful  contractors  and  builders.  He  was  a  member  and  treasurer 
of  the  board  of  health  three  years  previous  to  his  election  to  council.  He  has  for  years  been 
an  active  member  of  the  Neptune  Fire  Company  and  a  public  spirited  citizen  actively  identi- 
fied with  the  progress  of  the  town.  He  has  been  chairman  of  the  most  important  committees 
of  council  and  displayed  unusual  executive  ability. 

Jacob  H.  Leedom  was  born  in  Delaware  County,  Pennsylvania,  in  the  year  1825,  and 
died  October  13,  1895.  He  enjoyed  the  distinction  of  having  been  a  passenger  on  the  first 
train  that  ever  made  a  through  trip  from  Philadelphia  to  Atlantic  City.  That  was  in  1854, 
and  the  men  who  composed  the  crew  of  the  train  which  carried  brick  and  lumber,  worked 
tliat  eventful  night  by  the  light  of  their  lanterns  in  order  to  lay  the  rails  across  the  draw  of 
the  bridge,  that  is  so  familiar  to  the  people  of  this  city.  True,  trains  had  made  trips  from 
the  neighboring  metropolis  to  points  near  Absecon  and  the  meadows  prior  to  the  night 
upon  whicli  Mr.  Leedom  made  his  memorable  journey,  but  this  fact  did  not  detract  from 


the  interest  attached  to  the  incident  in  which  the  subject  of  this  sketch  figured.  In  his 
seventh  year  his  father  died,  and  his  mother  sometime  afterward  married  a  second  time  and 
removed  to  Baltimore,  where  the  boy  followed.  He  was  then  in  his  tenth  year,  and  until  he 
attained  his  majority  he  remained  at  home,  devoting  himself  to  school  and  the  trade  of 
tailoring,  which  he  was  soon  master  of.  He  was  in  his  twenty-first  year  when  his  step- 
father died,  and  he  then  lost  no  time  in  removing  his  mother  and  the  children  to  Philadel- 
phia, where  he  carried  on  the  tailoring  business  for  himself.  Early  in  the  summer  of  1854, 
his  attention  was  attracted  to  Atlantic  City,  and  seeing  exceptional  inducements  here,  he 
established  bath  houses  on  the  beach  and  returned  each  summer  until  1878,  when  he  moved 
to  this  city  in  company  with  Mrs.  Leedom,  whom  he  had  happily  married  some  years 
before.  In  1885  he  arid  Mrs.  Leedom  moved  to  the  present  handsome  hotel,  widely  known 
as  the  Leedom,  163-165  Ocean  avenue,  near  the  Beach. 

He  was  an  ardent  Republican  during  the  active  years  of  his  life,  and  during  his  residence 
here  was  Recorder  of  the  city,  and  also  acted  as  Mayor  during  part  of  one  summer.  He  was 
a  member  of  the  Board  of  Health,  almost  since  the  day  it  was  organized,  and  was  acting  as 
treasurer  of  that  body  at  the  time  of  his  death.  He  was  a  profoundly  religious  man  and 
was  largely  instrumental  in  the  establishment  of  the  First  Baptist  Church  here.  When  he 
and  Mrs.  Leedom  came  to  this  city,  they  felt  very  much  the  absence  of  a  place  of  worship 
of  their  denomination,  and  never  rested  until  they  saw  the  realization  of  their  desires,  the 
first  meeting  of  the  purpose  being  held  in  February,  1880,  and  a  permanent  organization  in 
July  following  with  a  membership  of  seventeen.  He  was  elected  Deacon,  Treasurer  and 
President  of  the  Board  of  Trustees,  and  labored  zealously  for  the  best  interests  of  the  sect. 
Four  years  before  his  death,  which  occurred  rather  unexpectedly,  he  resigned  the  treasurer- 
ship,  feeling  that  he  was  unable  to  perform  its  duties  with  that  faithfulness  to  detail  for 
which  he  was  ever  noted,  in  all  his  relations  to  civil  and  religious  life.  However,  he  lived 
to  see  the  church  grow  from  a  membership  of  seventeen  to  almost  three  hundred.  It  was 
one  of  the  pleasant  features  of  his  life  to  revert  to  the  time  when  the  congregation  of  the 
First  Baptist  Church  worshipped  in  a  room  on  the  second  floor  of  the  building  then  known 
as  Mehler's  Hall  on  Atlantic  avenue.  During  the  last  ten  years  of  his  life  he  was  a  Prohi- 
bitionist and  labored  conscientiously  for  the  success  of  the  cold  water  party.  He  will  also 
be  recalled  as  a  very  religious,  charitable  and  generally  esteemed  citizen  of  Atlantic  City. 
His  remains  rest  in  Mount  Moriah  Cemetery  and  his  widow  conducts  the  hotel  which  has 
so  long  borne  the  honored  name  of  Leedom. 


Joseph  E.  Lingerman  was  born  in  Philadelphia,  Pa..  March  i,  1844.  At  the  age  of 
fourteen  years,  he  entered  the  employ  of  Hon.  John  P.  Verree  in  the  iron  business,  in 
whose  employ  he  continued  for  23  years.  In  i88l,  after  having  accumulated  a  small  amount 
of  money,  he  came  to  Atlantic  City  and  started  in  the  hotel  business.  He  built  the  hotel 
Runnymede  on  Kentucky  avenue,  which  hotel  he  disposed  of  quite  recently.  He  success- 
fully conducted  the  old  Memorial  House  for  several  years. 

Mr.  Lingerman  has  been  particularly  successful  in  business  engagements,  having  built 
several  cottages  in  this  city. 

In  1890  he  was  elected  a  Justice  of  the  Peace  of  the  Second  Ward,  but  declined  to  serve. 

He  has  been  a  member  of  City  Council  for  the  past  six  years  and  his  popularity  is 
attested  by  the  fact  that  in  his  election  to  City  Council,  he  secured  the  largest  majority 
of  votes  ever  obtained  in  the  Second  Ward.  He  is  a  member  of  Odd  Fellows  and  several 
other  societies. 

Mr.  Lingerman  was  married  in  1872  and  he  and  his  wife  are  now  living  a  retired  life  in 
one  of  their  pleasant  cottages  on  South  Carolina  avenue,  near  the  Beach. 


Barclay  Lippincott,  the  well-known  Philadelphia  merchant  and  cottager  in  this  city, 
was  the  son  of  Judge  Benjamin  P.  Lippincott,  a  wealthy  and  influential  member  of  the 
society  of  Hicksite  Friends,  in  Salem  County,  N.  J.  He  was  born  December  9,  1816.  m  the 
old  family  mansion  which  is  still  standing  near  Ilarrisville,  where  several  generations  of 
Lippincotts  have  lived. 

.As  a  young  man,  the  subject  ul  this  sketch  engaged  in  the  dry  goods  business  in  Phila- 
delphia, having  a  store  on  Market  street  and  becoming  an  extensive  importer  of  cloths.  He 
prospered  and  had  been  a  cottager  at  Cape  May  for  some  years  previous  to  his  purchase  of 
a  cottage  in  this  city,  in  1863,  a  building  which  is  still  standing,  being  a  portion  of  Craig 
Hall,  on  Ocean  avenue. 

Since  i860  Mr.  Lippincott  and  sons  have  been  wholesale  auctioneers,  a  business  which 
since  his  retirement  has  been  conducted  by  three  of  his  sons. 

Through  his  long  and  busy  life  Mr.  Lippincott  has  scrupulously  preserved  untarnished 
the  good  name  of  this  widely  known  family,  and  in  the  full  possession  of  all  his  faculties  is 
peacefully  rounding  out  his  more  than  four  score  years. 

He  married  Mary  Jones,  who  died  in  1894.  They  had  eight  children,  five  sons  and 
three  daughters.  Four  of  the  sons.  Henry  C,  Albert  G..  Frank  B.  and  George  T.  are.  with 
the  father,  the  surviving  members  of  the  family. 


William  B.  Loudenslager,  of  the  firm  of  Loudenslager  Bros.,  at  1013  Atlantic  avenue. 
was  born  in  Philadelphia,  of  German  parentage,  September  18,  1851,  and  was  one  of  a 
family  of  seven  children.  His  father  for  more  than  thirty  years  was  a  butcher  in  the  olil 
Spring  Garden  Market.  The  son  received  his  education  in  the  public  schools  and  learned 
tlie  trade  of  a  bookbinder.  At  the  age  of  twenty-one  he  opened  an  office  on  his  own  account 
at  Fifth  and  Walnut  streets,  and  later  at  Tenth  and  Arch,  where  he  conducted  the  business 
successfully  for  thirteen  years.  In  June,  1885,  he  sold  his  bindery  and  came  to  Atlantic 
City  to  assist  his  brother,  Henry  C.  Loudenslager,  in  the  Ashland  market,  and  has  been 
here  ever  since.  For  one  term  of  three  years,  1892  to  1895,  he  served  very  acceptably  as 
City  Superintendent  of  Public  Schools,  and  for  eight  years,  1892  to  1900,  he  has  been  a 
member  of  the  Board  of  Health.  He  has  been  associated  with  John  L.  Young,  since  1894, 
in  beach  front  enterprises,  and  has  been  very  successful  in  real  estate  transactions.  He  suc- 
ceeded Stewart  McShea  as  President  of  the  Beach  Pirates  Fire  Company,  a  position  which 
he  still  holds,  and  is  a  very  popular  officer. 


Dr.  Edmund  H.  Madden  was  born  in  Millville,  July  27.  1843.  When  two  and  one-lialf 
years  old  his  parents  moved  to  Tuckahoe,  where  the  son  was  educated  in  the  pay  schools 
of  that  period,  becoming  a  surveyor.  He  attended  Pennington  Seminary  two  years  and 
decided  upon  the  study  of  medicine.  He  studied  one  year  with  Dr.  E.  L.  B.  Wales,  the 
well-known  practitioner  at  Tuckahoe,  and  graduated  at  Jefferson  Medical  College  in  1866. 
In  November  of  that  year  he  began  practice  at  Absecon  and  has  continued  there  ever  since. 

Dr.  Madden,  like  his  father  before  him,  is  a  life-long  Democrat  and  conservative  citi- 
zen. He  stands  high  in  the  profession  to  which  he  has  devoted  his  best  years.  He  is  a 
member  of  the  county  and  State  medical  societies  and  has  frequently  been  mentioned  for  the 
highest  elective  offices  in  the  county. 

He  married  Miss  Temperance  C,  only  daughter  of  the  late  Captain  Theophilus  Weeks, 
of  Tuckahoe.  They  have  eight  children:  May,  widow  of  the  late  John  J.  Townsend;  Eva, 
Edmund  H..  Jr..  Theophilus.  who  is  associated  with  his  father  as  a  physician:  Ho-;ea  F., 
Hannali.   Lcland  S.  and  Herman   Lester. 



Hosea  F.  Madden,  who  was  elected  High  Sheriff  of  Atlantic  County  in  1852,  and  was 
State  Senator  at  the  time  of  his  death,  in  1877,  was  a  glassblower  by  trade.  His  father, 
Hosea  Madden,  Sr.,  was  born  in  England  in  1785.  He  came  to  this  country  previous  to  the 
war  of  1812,  and  was  a  member  of  a  company  known  as  the  Light  Horsemen.  He  was 
thrown  from  his  horse  and  had  a  leg  broken.  He  became  one  of  the  first  manufacturers 
of  glass  at  Glassboro,  N.  J.,  and  later  engaged  in  the  same  business  at  Port  Elizabeth, 
where  the  son  Hosea  was  born.  He  married  Sarah  Stanger,  a  woman  of  German  birth,  and 
died  in  his  38th  year. 

The  son  followed  the  occupation  of  his  father  and  married  Catherine  Burch.  a  native 
of  Cumberland  County. 

In  1847,  on  account  of  his  health,  he  moved  to  Tuckahoe  and  engaged  in  farming,  kept 
a  general  store,  dealt  extensively  in  wood  and  lumber  and  took  an  active  interest  in 
public  affairs.  In  1852  he  was  elected  Sheriff,  and  in  1874  State  Senator.  He  is  remem- 
bered as  a  very  courteous  and  popular  citizen  and  official.  He  was  the  father  of  nine  chil- 
dren: Edmund  H.,  the  well-known  physician  of  Absecon;  Braddock  B.,  Thomas  B.,  Sarah, 
Josephine,  Eva,  Catherine.  Hope  W.  and  Otis  S.  All  are  living  except  the  last,  who  died 
January  23.  1896. 


Col.  John  E.  Mehrer.  who  for  years  was  the  most  popular  man  in  Atlantic  City,  was 
born  in  New  York  City  in  1845.  His  parents  hailed  from  Wurtenberg,  Germany,  and 
finally  removed  to  Philadelphia.  About  i860  the  young  man  first  came  to  this  city  to  serve 
as  barkeeper  for  the  late  Col.  Adolf  Mehler.  till  his  death  in  1872.  During  these  twelve  years 
he  had  proven  his  ability  as  a  hotel  man  and  entered  the  employ  of  the  late  Alois  Schaufler 
as  manager  of  his  summer  garden.  In  1880  he  formed  a  partnership  with  Adolph  Schlecht, 
a  son-in-law  of  Mr.  Schaufler,  and  leased  the  property  and  business  imtil  its  purchase  was 
effected,  in  1890.  Messrs.  Schlecht  and  Mehrer,  the  same  year,  became  the  lessees  of  the 
Inlet  Pavilion,  to  which  Col.  Mehrer  has  given  his  personal  attention  every  summer  since. 
This  successful  and  harmonious  partnership  continued  until  1899,  when  the  Schaufler  prop- 
erty was  sold.  Mr.  Schlecht  retiring  and  Col.  Mehrer  retaining  the  Inlet  business.  During 
his  forty  years  at  the  shore  till  his  death  on  February  28.  1900.  Col.  Mehrer  had  always  been 
an  important  factor  socially  and  helped  to  entertain  thousands,  but  would  never  accept  any 
public  position.  He  was  affiliated  with  over  seventy  social,  benevolent  or  business  organiza- 
tions. A  thirty-second  degree  Mason,  an  Odd  Fellow,  an  Elk,  and  a  member  of  many 
German  societies.  He  was  chief  marshal  at  the  dedication  of  the  first  boardwalk  in  1870, 
also  at  the  celebration  of  the  new  steel  walk  in  1896.  He  was  chief  marshal  at  the  recep- 
tions in  this  city  of  the  Washington  Light  Infantry  and  Fifth  Maryland  Regiment  in  years 
gone  by,  w'hen  they  summered  at  the  shore. 

The  Mehrer  Rifles,  a  local  military  company  which  has  since  become  Company  F,  Sixth 
Regiment,  N.  G.  of  N.  J.,  was  named  in  his  honor.  Col.  Mehrer  was  a  director  in  the 
Consumers  Water  Company,  in  the  Atlantic  Lumber  Company,  and  the  Gas  and  Water 
Company.  He  also  has  important  business  interests  in  Philadelphia,  and  during  the  winter 
months  occupied  a  fine  residence  at  No.  518  North  Fifth  Street. 

Col.  Mehrer  married  Mary  Crocket.  They  have  one  son,  Everett,  who  married  Katie 
Schwamb.     Little  Olga  Mehrer  is  the  only  child  and  grandchild  in  the  family. 


Col.  Daniel  Morris,  who  died  in  this  city  on  the  afternoon  of  December  21,  1898.  was 
born  near  Kingston,  in  the  west  of  Ireland,  in  1819.  He  was  one  of  a  family  of  five  children, 
he   having  one   sister  and   four  brotliers.      He  was   more  than   ordinarily   proficient  in  his 

ISKKiKArin.  489 

studios,  making  rapid  advancement  and  graduating  as  a  civil  engineer.  He  came  tu  America 
a  young  man  and  first  found  employment  surveying  for  the  first  railroads  built  near  Phila- 
delphia. He  became  associated  with  Patrick  O'Rcilley,  of  Reading,  a  successful  contractor, 
and  when  the  C.  &  A.  Ry.  was  built  to  this  city,  in  1854,  he  came  to  this  island  resort  to 
help  survey  the  railroad  and  the  tow'n.  He  soon  became  interested  in  real  estate  and  was 
quite  successful,  living  in  a  modest  way  and  having  no  family.  He  owned  at  different  times 
nearly  all  the  beach  front  from  Michigan  to  North  Carolina  avenues,  which  is  now  worth 
millions,  also  other  acres  at  Chelsea,  which  are  now  immensely  valuable.  Perhaps  the  most 
important  real  estate  transaction  with  which  he  was  identified  was  the  purchase  of  the  old 
Surf  House  property  in  1879,  for  $30,000.  and  the  subsequent  sale  of  the  property  in  building 
lots  for  more  than  $100,000.  It  embraced  the  entire  square  between  Illinois.  Kentucky, 
Pacific  and  Atlantic  avenues,  and  the  westerly  side  of  Kentucky  avenue  from  Pacific  to  the 
beach,  now  worth  a  million  dollars. 

Col.  Morris  became  a  stockholder  in  each  of  the  banks  and  other  local  corporations. 
He  never  held  any  public  position,  but  was  always  much  interested  in  the  success  of  the 
Democratic  party.  He  lived  a  blameless,  honorable  life,  giving  of  his  wealth  freely  to  poor 
relatives,  to  churches  and  to  need}-  and  worthy  persons.  Few  knew  of  the  quiet  benefactions 
of  this  generous  man.  In  1888  he  was  one  of  the  Presidential  electors  of  New  Jersey  on  the 
Democratic  ticket. 

Col.  Morris  for  years  was  the  patron  and  helper  of  the  Morris  Guards,  a  social-military 
organization  of  young  men  of  Atlantic  City.  He  caused  to  be  erected  the  large  Armory 
building  where  drills  and  social  functions  are  frequently  held.  This  organization  has  been 
a  decided  advantage  to  hundreds  of  young  men,  and  as  long  as  he  lived  Col.  Morris  took  a 
keen  interest  in  the  success  of  the  organization.  In  his  will  he  provided  that  the  Armory 
property  should  continue  as  such  so  long  as  the  organization  is  maintained  and  its  objects 
are  promoted. 

His  memory  will  long  be  cherished  by  the  disposition  which  he  made  by  will  of  his 
great  fortune,  which  is  estimated  at  over  $500,000.  Before  he  died  he  built  and  paid  for  the 
St.  Michael  Orphan  Asylum  at  Hopewell,  N.  J.  It  is  a  large  and  beautiful  stone  structure 
dedicated  to  the  orphan  boys  of  this  diocese  and  is  conducted  under  the  auspices  of  the 
Catholic  Bishop  of  West  Jersey.  This  industrial  school  and  home  cost  $75,000,  and  has 
from  the  residuary  estate  an  endowment  fund  of  $40,000  more. 

Forty  thousand  dollars  were  set  apart  for  an  old  man's  home  and  other  institutions  for 
the  helpless  and  worthy  were  generously  remembered.  The  remains  of  Col.  Morris  lie  in 
a  granite  vault  near  the  school  which  for  all  time  will  be  a  blessing  to  hundreds  of  orphan 
boys.  A  handsome  marble  cross  rises  to  mark  tlic  pure  and  blessed  life  work  of  tliis  gen- 
erous man  whose  ashes  repose  there. 


Silas  R.  Morse,  the  well-known  educator  of  this  city,  was  born  of  good  family  in  Liver- 
more,  Maine,  in  1840.  As  a  lad  he  showed  an  aptitude  for  books,  and  at  an  early  age 
passed  through  all  the  grades  of  the  public  schools.  He  was  a  sophomore  at  Waterville 
College  when  he  enlisted  during  the  war  of  the  rebellion,  while  he  was  working  his  way 
through  college.  On  reaching  Washington  he  failed  to  pass  the  physical  examination, 
when  he  came  to  Hammonton,  X.  J,,  where  his  sister,  Mrs.  Ezra  Packard,  lived.  He  taught 
school  successfully  at  Hammonton  and  Winslow  three  years,  when  he  was  offered  the  prin- 
cipalship  of  the  schools  of  Atlantic  City  in  the  fall  of  1865. 

He  then  married  one  of  his  advanced  pupils.  Miss  Mary  J.,  daughter  of  the  late  Dr. 
Joseph  H.  North,  and  made  this  city  his  home.  He  continued  as  principal  of  the  schools 
of  this  city  for  eight  years,  and  for  seven  years  Mrs.  Morse  was  one  of  his  assistants. 

In  1866  and  '67  Mr.  Morse  was  a  member  of  City  Council,  and  was  Tax  Collector  in 


l868-'69.  He  served  eight  years  as  City  School  Superintendent.  In  1877  he  succeeded  Rev. 
George  B.  Wight  as  County  Superintendent  of  Schools.  To  the  duties  of  this  position  he 
gave  his  best  energies  for  fifteen  years.  He  reorganized  and  greatly  improved  the  condi- 
tion of  the  schools  throughout  the  county.  He  introduced  a  regular  course  of  study  in 
ungraded  country  schools  and  became  favorably  known  far  and  wide  as  a  school  man.  He 
ha.s  been  a  member  of  the  Atlantic  City  Board  of  Education  ever  since  the  charter  amend- 
ments took  effect  in  1887.  He  helped  to  prepare  the  New  Jersey  school  exhibit  for  the 
World's  Fair  at  Chicago  in  1893,  and  was  appointed  curator  in  charge  of  the  exhibit  there. 
So  ably  and  acceptably  did  he  fill  the  position  that  he  has  been  continued  as  such  ever  since, 
and  the  exhibit  made  a  permanent  one  in  the  State  House  at  Trenton.  In  1895  Mr.  Morse 
was  appointed  a  member  of  the  State  Board  of  Education.  He  is  thoroughly  familiar  with 
the  school  laws  and  the  public  school  system  of  the  State,  and  is  a  very  important  adjunct 
of  the  State  Superintendent's  office. 

Mr.  Morse  has  been  fortunate  in  real  estate  investments  during  his  long  residence  in 
this  city,  and  has  a  comfortable  fortune  so  that  he  can  devote  most  of  his  time  and  efforts 
to   educational  work. 

He  spends  his  summer  in  :\Iaine,  having  a  camp  on  the  shore  of  Rangeley  lake,  anothei 
near  Wayne  pond,  with  headquarters  at  the  old  homestead  at  Livermore.  He  is  an  expert 
angler,  having  had  the  good  fortune  in  1896  to  catch  the  largest  salmon  trout  ever  hooked 
at   Rangeley,   one   weighing    13%   pounds. 

Milton  L.  Munson,  M.  D.,  was  born  at  Franklin,  Delaware  County,  N.  Y.  His  early 
education  was  received  at  the  Delaware  Literary  Institute.  He  was  a  druggist  in  his  native 
town  for  several  years,  till  he  decided  upon  the  practice  of  medicine  as  a  profession.  He 
enterd  Hahnemann  Medical  College,  Philadelphia,  in  1887,  graduating  in  1890.  and  in  May 
of  the  same  year  located  in  Atlantic  City.  He  enjoys  the  confidence  of  his  fellow  practi- 
tioners and  the  esteem  of  all  who  know  him  as  a  progressive,  public  spirited  citizen.  He  is 
a  member  of  the  Atlantic  City  Homoeopathic  Club,  the  American  Institute  of  Homoeopathy, 
and  the  New  Jersey  State  Homoeopathic  Medical  Society. 

Tobias  McConnell,  the  well-known  keeper  of  the  Atlantic  County  Almshouse  and 
Asylum  at  Smith's  Landing,  was  born  in  Philadelphia,  November  24,  1849.  He  is  of  Irish 
parentage,  his  father  being  the  late  John  Logan  McConnell,  who  came  to  this  country  before 
1830.  and  for  many  years  was  a  prominent  grocer  at  Eleventh  and  Race  streets,  Philadelphia. 
He  died  in  1855.  His  mother  was  Eliza  Mulholland,  who  for  her  second  husband  married 
Richard  Benson  and  settled  at  Newtonville,  Buena  Vista  township,  in  i860,  when  the  subject 
of  this  sketch  was  about  ten  years  old.  They  engaged  in  farming  and.  excepting  a  few  years, 
when  Mr.  McConnell  was  employed  as  a  lithographer  in  Philadelphia,  he  continued  to  live 
at  Newtonville  till  he  was  chosen  by  the  Atlantic  County  board  of  freeholders  for  his  present 
position.  He  has  been  a  painstaking  and  popular  official.  In  May,  1874,  he  married  Emma 
Louisa  Wisham  of  Burlington  County,  a  descendant  of  French  Huguenots,  who  found  refuge 
in  America  during  the  close  of  the  last  century.  They  have  two  sons,  Howard  Wisham  and 
Walter  Logan. 

Edward   North,   M.   D.,  was  born  in  West  Waterville,  Maine,  July  29,   1841.     He  was 
the  oldest  son  of  the  late  Dr.  Joseph  H.  North,  of  Hammonton.     He  was  educated  in  the 
public  -schools  of  his  native  town,  and  Kents  Hill  Seminary.     He  graduated  from  Jefiferson 


Medical  College,  Philadolphia,  in  the  spring;  of  iSuS,  prtvious  to  wliicli  lie  had  been  in 
mercantile  business  in  Philadclpliia.  During  the  Civil  War  he  was  in  the  iiiilitar>'  hospital 
at  Washington,  D.  C.  He  commenced  the  practice  of  his  profession  at  Hammonton  in  i8t).S. 
but  removed  to  Jefferson,  Wis.,  in  1870.  Owing  to  sickness  he  returned  to  Hammonton  the 
following  year,  where  he  remained  until  1880,  when  he  accepted  a  position  with  the  Ferroil 
Iron  Company,  of  Augusta  County,  West  Virginia.  There  he  remained  two  years,  returning 
to  Hammonton  where  he  remained  until  his  death. 

As  a  successful  physician  Dr.  North  stood  high  among  Iiis  brethren;  as  a  skilled  surgeon, 
and  fearless  operator,  he  had  few  equals.  He  was  a  member  and  president  of  the  Atlantic 
County  Medical  Society,  and  contributed  papers  of  special  interest  to  that  body,  to  the 
medical  journals  and  to  Gross'  System  of  Surgery.  He  was  an  industrious  student,  careful 
and  painstaking,  keeping  abreast  with  the  advancement  of  medical  art.  Dr.  North 
staunch  Republican.  He  represented  his  party  in  Atlantic  County  for  years,  as  cha 
of  the  County  Committee,  Coroner  and  member  of  the  Assembly  in  1884  and  1885.  He  was 
a  thirty-second  degree  Mason,  Past  Master  of  M.  B.  Taylor  Lodge,  F.  and  A.  M..  and  a 
member  of  other  fraternal  societies.  He  was  instantly  killed  at  a  railroad  crossing  by  an 
express  train  February  11,  1899.  He  was  twice  married.  By  his  first  wife  he  had  three 


Janie>  X..nli,  M.  D..  D.  D.  S..  was  born  in  West  Waterville.  Kennebec  County.  Maine. 
September  2.  1S55.  Came  to  Hammonton  in  1S59.  in  wliose  schools,  together  with  the  State 
Normal  School  at  West  Chester,  Pa.,  and  Bryant  &  Stratton's  Business  College  in  Philadel- 
phia, he  was  educated.  He  graduated  from  Jefi'erson  Medical  College  in  1880,  and  practiced 
the  profession  of  medicine  in  Hammonton  for  two  years  with  signal  success,  giving  up  the 
same  for  the  profession  of  dentistry,  taking  the  degree  of  Doctor  of  Dental  Surgery  from 
the  Philadelphia  Dental  College  in  i88.^ 

He  located  in  Atlantic  City  in  the  spring  of  that  year,  and  has  by  skill  and  attention 
built  up  the  largest  and  most  lucrative  practice  in  South  Jersey.  The  Doctor  is  a  Past 
Grand  Chancellor  of  the  Scottish  Rite  and  a  thirty-second  degree  Mason,  Past  Master  of 
Trinity  Lodge,  Past  High  Priest  of  Trinity  Chapter,  Past  Sachem  of  Pequod  Tribe.  Past 
Grand  of  American  Star  Lodge,  Past  Chief  of  Ocean  Castle,  Past  Regent  of  the  R.  A.,  and 
a  popular  member  of  some  twenty  other  secret,  fraternal  and  social  societies.  As  a  speaker 
he  has  few  equals,  his  speeches  being  models  of  beauty  and  eloquence. 

He  enjoys  the  title  of  "Poet  Laureate  of  Atlantic  County,"  though  his  reputation  as  a 
master  of  verse  is  not  limited  by  its  boundaries.  The  Doctor  is  a  Republican  in  principle 
and  profession,  but  not  an  office  seeker.  He  was  married  in  1883  to  Miss  Cora  E.  Faunce, 
and  has  two  daughters.  Marv   Eliza  and  Cora    Marguerite. 


Dr.  Joseph  Henry  North.  Sr..  was  born  at  Clinton,  Maine.  August  jq,  iSii.  He  grad- 
uated from  the  Bowdoin  Medical  College  at  Brunswick,  Maine,  in  the  class  of  '35.  with 
honors,  and  commenced  the  practice  of  his  profession  at  Belgrade,  moving  to  West  Water- 
ville, now  Oakland,  in  1840,  where  he  practiced  successfully  eighteen  years.  In  1858  he 
moved  to  Hammonton,  N.  J.  Here  he  continued  the  practice  of  medicine,  and  at  the  same 
time  gave  much  attention  to  fruit  culture,  having  one  of  the  finest  farms  in  this  section.  In 
1870  he  retired  from  active  practice,  and  devoted  himself  to  the  oversight  of  his  extensive 
farm  lands. 

Dr.  North  was  extensively  engaged  in  the  sale  and  exchange  of  real  estate,  and  to  his 
energy  Hammonton  owes  much  of  its  success.  He  was  a  skilled  physician,  as  his  professional 
brethren   and   the   hundreds   of  his  patients  throughout   Atlantic   County   can   attest.      His 


reputation  was  not  wholly  local,  as  the  charge  of  the  great  fever  hospitals  around  Washing- 
ton during  the  Civil  War  was  offered  to  him.  so  highly  was  his  skill  in  the  treatment  of 
fevers  held.  He  was  a  learned  man  aside  from  his  professional  knowledge,  a  great  student 
and  brilliant  conversationalist.  He  was  married  in  1840  to  Eliza  H.,  daughter  of  Hon. 
Joseph  H.  Underwood,  of  Fayette,  who  bore  him  seven  children,  all  of  whom  are  residents 
of  Atlantic  County.     He  died  at  the  advanced  age  of  8j,  at  Hamnionton.  September  19.  1893. 


Richard  Boyce  Osborne,  the  "Father  of  Atlantic  City,"  who  was  the  civil  engineer  in 
charge  of  the  first  survey  of  the  first  railroad  to  this  city  and  the  city  itself,  was  born  in 
London,  England,  November  3,  1815.  He  married  Eliza  Graves,  of  Philadelphia,  November, 
1842,  and  had  seven  children,  five  of  whom  survive  him.  Mr.  Osborne  died  November  28, 
1899,  at  Glenside,  Pa.,  in  his  8sth  year.  He  was  eminent  in  his  calling,  both  in  this  country 
and  in  England.  He  was  largely  influential  with  the  promotors  of  the  first  railroad  to  this 
city,  in  overcoming  obstacles  which  seemed  insurmountable.  But  for  him  the  founding  of 
this  resort  might  have  been  postponed  many  years.  Later  in  life  he  was  engaged  in  many 
important  engineering  works  which  added  to  his  well-established  plans. 


Cyrus  F.  Osgood,  senior  member  of  the  shoe  manufacturing  firm  of  C.  F.  Osgood  & 
Co.,  of  Hammonton,  N.  J.,  was  born  in  Auburn,  Maine,  September  10,  1841.  Like  many 
other  Maine  boys  he  taught  school  a  few  years,  when  his  own  education  was  considered 
finished.  At  the  age  of  twenty,  he  went  to  Lynn,  Mass.,  which,  like  his  native  Auburn,  was 
a  shoe-manufacturing  town.  He  speedily  found  employment,  but  the  war  breaking  out  he 
enlisted  in  the  Fourth  Massachusetts  Heavy  Artillery,  under  Col.  King  of  Boston.  He  was 
with  his  regiment  during  its  entire  term  of  service,  and  at  the  close  of  the  war  returned  to 
Lynn  and  the  shoe  business.  In  1870  he  came  to  Philadelphia  and  the  following  year  became 
superintendent  of  a  shoe  factory  at  Elwood,  N.  J.  In  1872  he  began  the  manufacture  of 
shoes  in  company  with  Calvin  Johnson  in  Hammonton,  where  he  has  lived  and  prospered 
ever  since.  The  present  firm  owns  and  occupies  a  large  factory,  equipped  with  up-to-date 
machinery  and  employs  over  ninety  people  the  year  around.  This  firm  also  owns  and 
operates  the  Hammonton  Shoe  Co..  a  separate  business  enterprise  of  the  town,  which  for 
years  was  conducted  by  another  firm. 

William  J.  Smith,  the  junior  partner,  before  be  was  of  age.  was  employed  by  Mr. 
Osgood  and  later  taken  in  as  a  partner.  He  has  been  connected  with  the  business  twenty- 
one  years  and  has  given  his  best  energies  to  the  enterprise. 

Mr.  Osgood  for  years  has  held  various  local  offices.  He  was  Postmaster  four  years, 
chosen  freeholder  two  years,  president  of  the  Board  of  Education,  president  of  the  Work- 
ingnien's  B.  &  L.  Association,  director  of  the  bank,  and  other  positions  of  honor  and  trust. 
He  is  a  Past  Commander  of  Gen.  D.  A.  Russell  Post,  and  a  Past  Master  of  the  Masonic 
Lodge.  He  has  been  the  candidate  of  the  Democratic  party  for  Assemblyman  and  State 
Senator,  and  one  of  the  most  popular  and  useful  citizens  of  his  town  and  county.  He  has 
a  wife  and  two  children. 


L.   H.   Parkhurst,  the  town  of  Hammonton's   representative   in   the   County   Board   of 

Freeholders,  was  born  in  Ohio  in  1845.     He  gained  his  early  schooling  in  Milford.  Mass.. 

coming  to  Hammonton  with  his  parents  at  the  age  of  twelve  and  attending  school  there. 

He  entered  the  army  and  became  a  first  lieutenant  at  the  age  of  eighteen,  and  took  an  active 

IU(n",R.\lMlV.  493 

part  in  the  closing  events  ol  the  reliellion.  On  heiiig  mustered  (lUt  he  went  t<i  Texas  pros- 
pecting along  the  Rio  Grande,  but  returned  and  became  a  fruit  grower  of  Haminonton. 
where  he  has  prospered  ever  since.  He  has  been  active  in  town  affairs  and  influential  for 
the  public  good.  He  is  president  of  the  Fruit  Growers'  .Association,  in  whicli  for  years 
he  has  been  a  director. 

.lOHX   \\'.    P.-\RSOXS. 

John  W.  Parsons  was  born  at  West  Creek,  Ocean  County,  N.  J.,  August  29,  1853.  He 
attended  the  public  schools  at  home  and  at  Tuckerton  till  sixteen  years  of  age,  when  he  went 
to  sea.  He  followed  a  seafaring  life  for  twelve  years.  At  the  age  of  twenty-one,  he  was 
master  of  a  vessel.  In  1880  he  came  to  this  city  to  live,  finding  employment  as  a  carpenter 
and  builder.  For  a  time  he  was  a  member  ofthe  Absecon  Life  Saving  Crew  and  later  a 
police  officer,  becoming  a  sergeant  of  police.  In  t8qo  he  collected  mercantile  licenses  for 
City  Clerk  Irelan  and  was  elected  to  Council  from  the  First  Ward,  serving  three  years. 
He  was  appointed  by  Mayor  Stoy  as  Captain  of  the  City  Life  Guards  the  first  year  this  force 
was  paid  by  the  city. 

Since  1895  he  has  served  with  great  acceptability  as  Mercantile  .Appraiser,  a  position 
■which  he  continues  to  hold.  His  w-ife  was  Miss  Belle,  daughter  of  William  Paul,  of  Mana- 
hawkin,  N.  J.     They  have  a  comfortable  home  in  Grammercy  Place. 


Major  Samuel  E.  Perry  was  born  in  Huntingdon  County.  Xew  Jersey,  in  1S51,  and  is 
a  son  of  Edmund  Perry  who  represented  Huntingdon  County  in  the  State  Senate  and  was 
president  of  that  body  in  1861.  Major  Perry  studied  law  with  Randolph  of  the 
Supreme  Court  and  was  admitted  to  practice  as  an  attorney  in  1877.  and  as  a  counsellor 
in   1881. 

In  1878  he  was  Journal  Clerk  of  the  House  of  Assembly,  and  in  1889  w-as  a  member  of 
the  Board  of  Education  of  Atlantic  City.  In  the  same  year  the  Seacoast  Artillery  was  dis- 
banded and  then  a  new  organization  was  attempted  under  the  auspices  of  a  number  of  the 
old  members.  The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  elected  captain  of  the  new  command,  which 
was  known  as  Coinpany  F,  and  was  merged  into  the  Sixth  Regiment. 

During  his  career  he  has  been  identified  with  a  number  of  important  trials,  notably  the 
murder  case  of  Burke  vs.  Tighe.  the  assault  case  of  the  Black  Hussars  growing  out  of  a 
wicked  attack  on  Sheriff  Gaunt  of  Gloucester  County.  Also  the  case  of  Robert  Elder,  in- 
dicted for  the  murder  of  his  father  near  Hanimonton,  in  which  he  was  senior  counsel  and 
associated  wMth  Judge  Endicott.  He  won  a  name  in  his  defense  of  Eva  llamilton  in  .August. 
1889.  He  was  counsel  of  the  Board  of  Freeholders  of  Hunterdon  Count.\  at  utk-  time,  as 
well  as  City  Solicitor  of  Lambertville. 

He  was  delegate  to  the  National  Democratic  Convention  in  1896,  at  which  time  William 
Jennings  Bryan  was  nominated.  He  was  classed  as  a  gold  Democrat  and  voted  with  his 
delegation  as  a  unit  under  instructions  from  the  .State  convention  to  vote  for  a  sound 
money   man. 

In  1879  he  married  Miss  Bella  Loomis.  of  Columbia  County.  New  York,  who  has  a 
birthright  in  the  D.  .\.  R..  her  great-grandfather  having  been  Major  Cousins,  who  fought 
under  General  Putnam  at  Bunker  Hill.  Her  mother  a  schoolmate  of  Charlotte  Cush- 
man  and  a  niece  of  Daniel  Webster. 

His  mother,  Mrs.  Elizabeth  .\.  Perry,  is  still  living  at  an  advanced  age  at  her  old  home 
in  Hunterdon  County.  New  Jersey.  She  speaks  two  or  three  languages,  and  at  one  time 
wrote  an  article  against  whipping  in  the  Navy,  which  created  a  great  stir,  and  Commodore 
Stockton  is  reported  to  have  said  that  it  did  more  toward  abolishing  the  practice  than  any 


other  agency.  In  her  younger  days,  she  was  a  great  musician  and  a  writer  of  some  renown, 
under  her  maiden  name  of  Elizabeth  D.  White,  and  articles  under  her  name  from  her  pen 
may  still  be  found  in  the  old  Columbia  magazines  and  periodicals  of  her  day. 

His  father,  Edmund  Perry,  was  classed  with  such  men  as  ex-Chancellor  Williamson, 
ex-United  States  Senator  William  Wright,  the  late  Secretary  Frederick  Frelinghuysen, 
John  P.  Stockton  and  Frederick  C.  Potts. 

Major  Perry  was  the  first  exalted  ruler  of  the  Benevolent  and  Protective  Order  of 
Elks  of  America  in  Atlantic  City.  He  is  an  active  member  of  the  I.  O.  O.  F.,  and  delivered 
the  oration  at  the  laying  of  the  corner-stone  of  Odd  Fellows  Hall,  this  city,  June  13,  1892. 
He  is  a  Red  Man,  belongs  to  the  Independent  Order  of  Heptasophs,  Judge  Advocate  of  the 
Third  Regiment,  ex-Prosecutor  of  Atlantic  County,  appointed  by  Governor  Wurts  in  1893, 
and  filled  the  position  acceptably  for  five  years. 


The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  on  the  banks  of  the  Maurice  River,  near  Maurice- 
town,  Cumberland  County,  N.  J.  His  father  was  a  prominent  farmer  in  that  section,  and 
the  son,  like  many  well-known  Americans,  passed  his  first  years  on  the  farm,  attending 
school  in  winter  and  devoting  his  spare  time  to  reading  and  study.  Graduating  at  the  public 
schools  at  the  age  of  nineteen,  he  engaged  in  teaching  for  a  time  and  subsequently  was  em- 
ployed by  Daniel  Loder,  a  brother-in-law,  and  by  the  Cumberland  Glass  Company  o 

To  prepare  himself  for  the  law  he  entered  Pennington  Seminary,  and  while  there  wor 
a  competitive  prize  in  debate,  evincing  powers  of  mind  and  speech,  so  essential  in  his  pro- 
fession. He  was  one  of  the  founders  of  the  Dickinson  Law  Society  of  Dickinson  College, 
while  a  student  there,  and  became  a  member  of  the  Carlisle  Bar  while  connected  with  the 
office  of  Hon.  Theodore  Cornman. 

Mr.  Pettit  was  admitted  to  the  New  Jersey  Bar  in  February.  1897,  and  by  strict  atten 
tion  to  his  clients'  interests  is  building  up  a  lucrative  business.  He  takes  an  active  part  in 
literary  and  church  affairs,  and  is  a  member  of  the  governing  board  of  the  Central  M.  E. 

Politically  Mr.  Pettit  is  a  Democrat,  and  is  a  cousin  of  the  late  Hon.  Leon  Abbett, 
twice  Governor  of   New  Jersey. 


William  M.  Pollard.  M.  D..  Superintendent  of  the  Public  Schools  of  this  city,  was  born 
at  Turner,  ]Me.,  in  1855.  He  finished  his  academic  education  at  the  Nichols  Latin  School, 
in  Lewiston.  and  then  taught  school  for  a  period  of  five  years.  He  was  principal  of  the 
schools  at  Port  Republic,  and  at  Hammonton.  N.  J.,  before  he  entered  Jefferson  Medical 
College,  where  he  graduated  in  1882.  He  located  in  this  city  and  has  made  a  speciality  of 
the  diseases  of  the  ear  and  eye.  In  1895  he  was  chosen  Superintendent  of  the  Public  Schools, 
a  position  he  is  well  qualified  to  fill.  He  was  elected  president  of  the  Academy  of  Medicine 
in   1898  and   1899. 


Benjamin  Wood,  son  of  William  Richards,  was  born  at  Batsto,  November  12,  1797. 
He  graduated  from  Princeton  College  at  the  age  of  eighteen,  and  decided  to  enter  the 
ministry  of  the  Presbyterian  Church.  The  delicate  condition  of  his  health  compelled  him  to 
change  his  plans  and  seek  health  in  extended  travel  through  the  South  and  West.  At  the 
age  of  twenty-two  he  entered  mercantile  pursuits  in  Philadelphia,  and  becoming  interested 

mOGKAI'in-  495 

in  nninicipal  affairs,  was  ck-cted  fir>t  to  Council,  ami  in  iSj;  to  tlu-  Lt-i,'islatiiri-.  IK-  was 
instrumental  in  securing  the  tirst  appropriation  from  the  State  for  public  schools  in  Phila- 
delphia, and  did  much  for  the  cause  of  education.  He  was  one  of  the  original  members 
of  the  Board  of  City  Controllers,  and  was  one  of  the  State  Cana!  Commissioners  when  he 
was  chosen  Mayor  to  succeed  George  U.  Dallas,  who  resigned  in  1829.  Council  elected 
the  Mayor  at  that  time  for  a  term  of  one  year.  He  later  served  two  full  terms  as  Mayor, 
i830-'32.  A  life-size  portrait  of  him  in  oil.  by  Inman.  now^  hangs  in  the  Mayor's  private 
office  in  the  City  Hall.  It  was  presented  to  the  City  of  Philadelphia  by  one  of  his  sons, 
Benj.  Wood  Richards,  Jr..  at  the  suggestion  of  Mayor  Stokley.  some  years  ago. 

Mayor  Richards  was  one  of  the  founders  of  the  Blind  Asylum,  an  early  manager  of  the 
Deaf  and  Dumb  Asylum,  a  trustee  of  the  University,  a  metnber  of  the  Philosophical  Society. 
President  Jackson  had  appointed  him  a  director  in  the  United  States  Bank  and  a  director 
of  the  Mint,  but  he  resigned  these  positions  on  becoming  Mayor.  During  his  administra- 
tion Stephen  Girard  died  and  he  became  one  of  the  directors  of  Girard  College. 

With  other  prominent  citizens,  in  1835.  he  organized  the  Laurel  Hill  Cemetery  Asso- 
ciation and  the  following  year  founded  the  Girard  Life  Insurance.  Annuity  and  Trust  Com- 
pany, the  first  insurance  company  in  America,  and  was  its  president  until  his  death.  He 
was  a  courageous,  benevolent,  enterprising  man  and  made  a  decided  impress  upon  his 
associates  and  the  city  of  his  adoption.  He  was  of  tall  imposing  figure,  long  considered  one 
of  the  handsomest  men  in  Philadelphia,  as  his  portrait  indicates.  He  was  married  in  1821 
to  Sarah  Ann,  daughter  of  Joshua  Lippincott,  and  left  seven  children,  four  son?  and  three 
daughters.  He  died  July  12,  1851.  aged  53  years.  His  wife  died  March  19.  1862.  His  re- 
mains were  interred  at  Laurel  Hill. 

John  Richards,  for  many  years  the  owner  and  operator  of  the  Old  Gloucester  Iron 
Works,  now  a  portion  of  Egg  Harbor  City,  was  a  second  cousin  of  Samuel  Richards,  the 
owner  of  Weymouth  Iron  Works.  He  was  the  son  of  James  and  Mary  Richards,  and  was 
born  June  5,  1784.  In  1807  he  left  his  home  in  Pennsylvania  and  came  to  Batsto.  finding 
employment  with  his  great-uncle.  William  Richards.  He  later  became  assistant  manager 
and  for  sixteen  years  chief  manager  of  Weymouth  Works,  then  owned  by  Joseph  Ball  and 
his  associates,  the  founders.  In  1830,  ten  years  after  the  death  of  Ball,  he  formed  an  equal 
partnership  with  Thomas  S.  Richards  and  purchased  of  Samuel  Richards  the  Gloucester 
estate  comprising  some  17.000  acres  of  iron  bogs  and  timber  lands  for  $35,000.  The  per- 
sonal estate  purchased  cost  $15,000  more.  The  property  then  included  a  saw  and  grist  mill, 
an  iron  furnace  capable  of  producing  twenty-five  tons  of  iron  weekly.  Stoves,  lamp  posts 
and  other  articles  were  made  there  to  advantage  for  more  than  twenty  years.  In  1854  John 
Richards  sold  his  Gloucester  interests  to  Dr.  Henry  Schmoele  of  Philadelphia  and  removed 
to  his  country  seat.  "Stowe."  in  Montgomery  County,  Pa.,  where  he  died  November  29. 
1871.     He  was  the  father  of  seven  children. 


I'.v  Charles  R.  Coi.wki.l. 
A  history  of  the  development  and  improvement  of  South  Jersey  during  the  past  fifty 
years,  failing  to  do  justice  to  the  part  taken  by  Samuel  Richards,  formerly  of  Jackson,  in 
Camden  County,  would  be  indeed  incomplete.  Although  a  merchant  of  Philadelphia  for 
many  years  and  of  late  a  resident  there,  his  interests  were  thoroughly  identified  with  Xcw 
Jersey  and  his  efforts  toward  the  improvement  of  what  is  usually  called  South  Jersey  were 

Of  vigorous  and  handsome  physique,  marked  personality,  untiring  energy,  he  was  a 
t.orthy   descendant  of  a   line   of  ancestry   distinguished   for  the   same   qualities.      Of   most 


sanguine  temperament,  his  plans  weix  matured  with  rare  judgment,  and  although  always 
years  in  advance  of  public  opinion,  the  progress  of  events  has  never  failed  to  prove  that 
Samuel  Richards'  schemes  were  well  founded  and  in  the  right  direction. 

Of  great  ingenuity,  he  was  inventor  and  owner  of  a  number  of  valuable  patents,  more 
than  sufficient  to  prove  that,  if  his  talents  had  been  given  a  fit  opening  in  that  direction,  he 
would  have  taken  a  high  place  among  inventors. 

As  early  as  1850  he  began  to  plan  for  a  railroad  across  New  Jersey,  in  part  with  a  view 
to  benefiting  the  existing  glass  and  iron  industries  which  languished  under  the  difficulties  of 
transportation,  partly  for  the  development  of  the  vast  tracts  of  land  lying  idle  in  Camden 
and  Atlantic  Counties,  lands  then  generally  deemed  useless  for  agricultural  purposes,  and 
also  with  the  intent  to  establish  a  seaside  resort  upon  the  beach  front. 

Long  Branch  at  the  upper  end  of  the  New  Jersey  coast  and  Cape  May  at  the  southern 
extremity  had  been  favorite  resorts  for  many  years,  because  accessible  by  boat,  but  the 
whole  extent  of  the  beach  front  between  was  a  barren  waste. 

Along  the  fast  land,  bordering  on  the  salt  marsh,  which  separates  the  beach  from  the 
"shore,"  there  was,  for  almost  the  whole  length  of  the  coast,  a  strip  of  improved  land.  The 
inhabitants  were  usually  either  marines,  fishermen,  oystermen  or  in  some  way  connected 
with  the  sea.  There  was  much  wealth  among  them.  As  they  had  been  so  long  completely 
isolated,  it  was  to  be  expected  that  they  would  welcome  and  assist  in  building  a  railroad 
which  would  bring  them  into  direct  communication  with  Philadelphia.  Mr.  Richards 
worked  unceasingly  at  his  plan  for  a  railroad  across  the  State  and  finally,  in  the  face  of 
almost  insurmountable  difficulties,  brought  it  to  a  successful  issue. 

It  has  not  been  shown  that  the  inhabitants  of  the  Jersey  shore  failed  to  welcome  the 
railroad,  but  the  records  show  that  they  did  very  little  to  assist  in  the  construction  of  it. 
In  this,  the  solitary  item  of  the  financial  aid  expected  to  be  derived  from  this  source,  Mr. 
Richards'  expectations  and  calculations  were  proved  to  be  much  in  error.  It  was,  however, 
quite  in  character  with  the  man  to  be  unable  to  allow  for  so  great  caution  or  lack  of  appre- 
ciation of  prospective  benefits. 

It  cannot  be  successfully  denied  that  Samuel  Richards  was  the  orinigator  of  the  first 
railroad  to  the  Jersey  coast,  or  that  he  was  the  founder  of  Atlantic  City  and  of  the  Camden 
and  Atlantic  Land  Company,  which  has  done  so  much  for  the  city. 

It  has  never  been  questioned  that  he  was  the  originator  and  creator  of  the  second  rail- 
road to  Atlantic  City,  the  building  of  which  has  made  Atlantic  City  what  it  is  and  which 
enabled  it  to  establish  a  record  for  continuous  and  uninterrupted  prosperity  and  increase 
of  values  almost  unequalled  by  any  other  city. 

This  second  railroad  was  built  in  the  face  of  natural  difficulties  equalling  those  en- 
countered in  his  previous  efifort  and  proceeding  from  the  same  cause,  i.  e.,  the  difficulty  of 
imparting  his  own  forethought  to  others  less  gifted.  In  addition  it  was  necessary  to  en- 
counter and  overcome  a  most  bitter  and  determined  opposition  aroused  in  those  interested 
in  the  first  railroad,  who  believed  its  prosperity  to  be  threatened.  All  this  Mr.  Richards 
did,  almost  unaided  in  the  actual  work  and  at  times  impeded  by  dissensions  within  the  new 

In  the  building  of  this  road,  fifty-four  miles  in  length,  he  accomplished  the  then  un- 
heard of  feat  of  grading,  laying  the  track  and  opening  it  for  business  in  ninety  days  from 
the  time  work  was  begun  upon  it. 

This  road,  after  the  vicissitudes  common  to  such  enterprises,  passed  into  the  control  of 
the  Reading  Railroad  and  was  the  origin  and  foundation  of  that  magnificent  double  track 
line  now  known  as  the  Atlantic  City  Railroad. 

His  enterprise,  perseverance  and  ingenuity  caused  the  building  of  the  first  railroad 
across  the  State,  and  this  rendered  possible  the  establishment  of  Hammonton,  Egg  Harbor 
City,  Elwood,  Atco  and  many  other  flourishing  towns.  In  this  sense  he  was  the  founder  of 
each  and  all  of  these.  The  opening  of  Atlantic  County  by  the  first  railroad  to  the  coast  was 
the  first  cause  of  the  explosion  of  the  belief  that  Jersey  land  was  worthless  for  agricultural 

!'.l()(,K.\rin  497 

purposes.  Mr.  Richards'  enterprise  rendered  possible  the  planting  and  protiiable  enlture 
of  the  many  thousands  of  acres  in  grapes,  berries,  fruits,  and  truck  larnis  in  .\tlantic  and 
adjoining  counties. 

Mr.  Richards  for  several  years  occui)ied  tlie  position  of  Assistant  President  of  the 
Camden  and  Atlantic  Railroad.  Durini;  this  time  he  was,  in  fact,  the  executive  oflicer  of 
the  road. 

Among  many  other  marked  improvements  introduced  by  liim  into  the  m.-inagement. 
conducive  to  extension  of  the  business  and  greater  economy,  was  the  attention  he  gave  to 
the  prevention  of  forest  fires,  which  had  been  set  by  the  locomotives  of  this  road  in  great 
number  and  most  destructive  in  extent.  He  gave  the  closest  personal  attention  to  this 
matter,  aiming  to  procure  the  best  apparatus  for  arresting  sparks  from  locomotives,  to  see 
that,  after  being  procured,  they  were  used,  and  to  disciplining  locomotive  engineers  and 
firemen  guilty  of  negligence  in  this  regard  or,  as  was  then  not  infrequently  the  case,  of 
purposely  setting  fires. 

For  his  effort  in  this  direction.  Mr.  Richards  deserves  the  gratitude  of  every  one  in- 
terested in  the  preser\-ation  of  the  forests  of  New  Jersey.  Although  destructive  fires  from 
this  cause  have  continued  to  be  frequent  up  to  the  present  time,  he  was  the  first  person, 
perhaps  the  only  one,  connected  with  railroad  management  to  give  this  matter  attention. 
By  his  efforts  a  large  extent  of  forest  which,  at  the  rate  it  was  being  destroyed,  would  un- 
doubtedly have  been  burned  with  the  rest,  has  been  preserved  up  to  the  present  time.  If 
the  Camden  and  Atlantic  Railroad  had  then  been  made  to  pay  for  the  damage  done  by 
fires  set  by  its  locomotives,  as  it  would  be  at  this  time,  it  would  have  gone  far  to  b:inkrupt 
the  struggling  concern.  Immediately  upon  ^Ir.  Richards"  assumption  of  the  executive 
office  there  was  a  decided  decrease  in  the  number  of  fires  set,  and  this  state  of  things  con- 
tinued during  his  term  in  office. 

One  of  Mr.  Richards  marked  peculiarities  was  his  inability  to  look  on  at  the  doing  of 

any  difficult  piece  of  work  without  showing  a  disposition  to  assist  in.  as  well  as.  direct  it 

a  disposition  he  not  infrequently  indulged. 

This  with  his  unfailing  kindness  and  justice  to  those  under  his  control  made  him  a 
most  popular  officer.  Although  so  many  years  have  passed  since  he  ceased  to  have  official 
connection  with  either  railroad,  he  is  remembered  with  affection  by  the  old  emploj-ees. 
So  long  as  he  lived,  they  never  ceased  to  inquire  for  his  welfare. 

It  would  be  impossible  within  the  space  of  this  necessarily  brief  sketch  to  do  justice 
to  the  genius,  talents  and  many  excellent  qualities  of  this  remarkable  man.  Enough  has 
been  said  to  demonstrate  that  no  other  man  has  done  as  much  for  the  development  of  South 
Jersey  as  Samuel  Richards. 

He  was  best  appreciated  by  those  who  knew  him  best. 


John  Collins  Risley,  the  good-natured  real  estate  man.  who  holds  forth  in  the  office 
known  as  Risley  and  Cavileer,  131 1  Atlantic  avenue,  was  born  at  Smith's  Landing  in  1S57. 
Educated  in  the  county  schools,  he  came  to  Atlantic  City  in  the  summer  of  1877  and 
worked  in  the  Atlantic  market  for  two  years.  He  then  entered  the  employ  of  the  P.  R.  R. 
and  continued  with  that  corporation  for  six  years.  He  next  became  an  attache  of  the 
Daily  Union,  remaining  for  two  years.  For  four  years  he  was  in  the  employ  of  I.  G.  Adams 
&  Co.,  and  having  a  liking  for  the  real  estate  business,  he  became  associated  with  Clifton 
C.  Shinn,  Esq..  in  the  firm  of  Shinn  &  Risley,  the  partnership  continuing  for  two  years. 
The  firm  was  then  dissolved  and  the  subject  of  our  sketch  for  a  year  carried  on  the  business 
alone.  Then  he  and  \V.  K.  Cavileer  formed  a  partnership  which  is  infiuenlial  not  only  in 
real  estate,  but  insurance  and  conveyancing  as  well.  He  is  interested  in  promoting  up-town 
property  and  to  him  belongs  much  of  the  credit  of  its  improved  condition. 



John  J.  Rochford,  proprietor  of  the  Rochford  Hotel  Apartment  House  of  this  city^ 
was  born  in  New  York  City  in  1854.  When  a  young  man  he  went  west  with  his  father, 
the  late  Robert  B.  Rochford,  who  was  a  contractor  for  the  erection  of  State  and  county- 
buildings  in  Wisconsin,  Illinois,  Nebraska  and  Wyoming.  Selecting  medicine  as  his  pro- 
fession, the  subject  of  this  sketch  devoted  two  years  to  preparatory  study  in  the  city  of 
Omaha.  When, the  vast  mineral  wealth  of  the  Black  Hills  country  was  discovered,  in  1875, 
he  went  there  with  thousands  of  others  and  became  identified  with  the  organization  and 
developing  of  what  have  since  become  the  best  known  and  most  profitable  mining  proper- 
ties there.  He  suffered  financially  like  thousands  of  others  from  the  great  slump  in  mining 
interests  and  the  financial  depression  consequent  upon  the  demonetization  of  silver.  There 
was  an  exodus  from  the  Black  Hills  during  the  years  1888,  '89,  '90.  Mr.  Rochford  came  to- 
Chicago,  w^here  he  became  interested  in  an  institution  for  the  cure  of  inebriety  and  a  craving 
for  narcotics. 

At  the  solicitation  of  Eli  C.  Woodward,  in  1893,  he  came  to  Atlantic  City,  where  it 
was  proposed  to  build  a  sanitarium,  capitalized  at  $25,000  and  promoted  by  Drs.  Willard. 
Wright,  T.  P.  Waters  and  Job  Somers.  The  business  was  conducted  successfully  for  a 
year  and  remarkable  cures  effected,  but  the  full  development  of  the  enterprise  failed  when 
Mr.  Rochford  organized  a  sanitarium  association  with  a  broader  scope  and  incidentally  to 
meet  the  needs  of  this  city  for  an  emergency  hospital. 

The  first  year,  1894,  the  Carrolton,  on  New  York  avenue,  was  leased  and  a  contract 
made  with  the  city  for  $500  rent  and  $5  per  week  for  all  cases  treated  for  the  city. 

The  purchase  of  the  Margate  property  at  Pacific  and  Mt.  Vernon  avenues  enabled  Mr. 
Rochford  and  associates  the  four  years  following  to  conduct  a  successful  sanatorium  busi- 
ness and  to  give  the  city  excellent  hospital  and  dispensary  service.  The  latter  becoming 
the  unprofitable  and  objectionable  feature  of  this  institution  Mr.  Rochford,  at  considerable 
expense  to  himself,  called  a  meeting  of  representative  citizens  and  helped  to  organize  the 
present  hospital  association  with  a  board  of  fifteen  governors  with  the  view  of  a  separate, 
independent  institution.  He  encouraged  the  purchase  of  the  Henry  J.  White  property  on 
Ohio  avenue  and  co-operated  cheerfully  and  generously  with  the  board  of  governors  who 
were  selected  and  organized  in  his  house  at  his  suggestion.  The  sanatorium  was  finally  dis- 
solved, Mr.  Rochford  becoming  the  sole  owner,  and  the  property  converted  into  the  present 
fine  hotel  apartment  house,  the  first  and  only  one  of  its  kind  on  the  island. 

In  1882  Mr.  Rochford  married  Emma  J.  Riley,  of  Chicago.  They  have  one  child,  Miss 
Mabel,  a  young  lady. 


James  Ryon,  of  Smiths  Landing,  was  the  oldest  son  and  third  child  of  the  late  Pardon 
Ryon  and  Elizabeth  Adams,  who  settled  at  Smiths  Landing  early  in  the  century.  He  was 
born  in  1830.  The  father  was  a  farmer  and  store  keeper,  and  the  son  has  been  a  prosperous 
farmer  all  his  life.  He  married  Caroline,  daughter  of  the  late  Absalom  Cordery,  of  Abse- 
con,  and  raised  a  family  of  five  children,  three  sons  and  two  daughters.  The  sons  are  Wil- 
lard, Edward  and  Lewis,  and  the  daughters,  Anna  and  Elizabeth. 

Mr.  Ryon  has  been  one  of  the  best  known  and  most  highly  respected  citizens  of  his 
native  town  all  his  life.  While  holding  no  prominent  public  position  he  has  been  a  pros- 
perous, useful  citizen,  a  liberal  supporter  of  the  church  and  public  schools  and  every  worthy 

Pardon   Ryon.  of  Smiths   Landing,  was  born  where  he  has  always  lived,  on   May  22, 
1839.      He  was  the  youngest   son   of  the   late   Pardon   Ryon   and   Elizabeth   Adams.     The 
father  was  born  in  Connecticut,  and  came  to  Atlantic  County  early  in  the  century,  settling 

BI(1(,K. \rHV.  499 

■on  the  shore  and  engaging-  in  farming  and  keeping  a  CDnnlry  sture.  There  were  eight  ehil- 
dren:  ^Marietta,  who  ni.  Peter  Tilton;  Enieline.  who  ni.  John  Cordery:  James,  who  ni. 
Caroline  Cordery:  Alice,  who  m.  Elijah  Adams;  Caroline,  who  m.  Samuel  Cordery;  Matilda, 
who  d.  when  a  young  woman:  Eliza,  who  m.  Bowan  Tilton,  and  the  subject  of  this  sketch, 
who  m.  Emeline.  daughter  of  the  late  John   Frambes. 

After  completing  his  education  in  the  district  schools.  Panlnn  Kycm  eng.iged  in  fann- 
ing, and  for  thirty  years  kept  a  general  merchandise  store  at  the  old,  where  he 
prospered  and  was  widely  known,  honored  and  respected  as  a  goiid  citizen  and  a  business 
man  of  the  strictest  integrity. 

He  raised  a  family  of  three  sons:  John,  who  ni.  Manie  Ireland:  Frank,  who  m.  Clara 
Treen,  and  Arthur.  The  sons  follow  the  occupation  of  the  father  ;ind  live  at  Smiths 


The  pioneer  German  citizen  and  resident  on  this  island  was  Aloysius,  better  known  as 
Alois  Schanfler.  He  came  here  before  the  railroad,  as  early  as  1852,  many  times  walking 
the  entire  distance  between  the  Delaware  and  the  sea.  He  was  born  in  Baden  Baden,  Ger- 
many, in  1818,  in  humble  circumstances.  In  1848,  when  thirty  years  old.  he  became  in- 
volved with  many  others  of  liberal,  independent  views,  in  resisting  the  oppressions  of  the 
Prussian  King,  and  considered  himself  fortunate  to  escape  with  his  life  and  come  to 
America.  He  found  employment  in  Philadelphia,  three  or  four  years  before  coming  to  this 
city.  He  was  poor  and  never  had  educational  advantages  and  struggled  under  great  dis- 
advantages at  first  till  fortune  favored  him.  "Jordanville."  oceanward  from  JMaine  avenue, 
was  his  first  hotel  or  restaurant.  Later,  through  the  encouragement  of  Judge  Joseph  Porter, 
he  started  a  hotel  near  the  railroad  station  at  North  Carolina  avenue,  which  developed  in  a 
few  years  into  Schautler's  Hotel  and  summer  garden,  that  entertained  members  of  the  best 
families   of   Philadelphia  and  Washington. 

To  Mr.  Schaufler's  second  w'ife,  Barbetta  Schercher.  much  credit  is  due  for  his  pros- 
perity and  success.  Her  excellent  management  made  the  hotel  popular.  Adjacent  prop- 
erties were  purchased  till  nearly  an  entire  square  was  included,  and  the  hotel  several  times 
enlarged  and  improved.  The  real  estate  which  he  secured  for  a  few  thousand  dollars  has 
recently  been  sold  for  more  than  $100,000. 

In  1871  he  was  elected  a  member  of  Council.  He  was  a  man  of  progressive  ideas  and 
helped  to  build  the  turnpike  over  the  meadow's,  to  grade  and  extend  Arctic  avenue  and  make 
the  city  more  attractive  to  visitors.  By  his  second  wife,  Barbetta  Schercher,  there  were 
three  children:  Annie,  who  married  Adolph  Schlecht;  Dr.  Charles,  a  veterinary  surgeon  of 
Philadelphia,  and  Caroline,  who  is  married  and  lives  in  Philadelphia.  He  had  several 
brothers  who  followed  him  to  America.  He  died  at  his  liome  in  this  city  in  1881.  a  third 
wife  and  several  younger  children  also  surviving  him. 


Lewis  Pennington  Scott,  our  popular  County  Clerk,  is  a  descendant  of  two  well-known 
Jersey  families.  His  father,  the  late  John  Hancock  Scott,  of  Burlington  City,  was  a  de- 
scendant of  Henry  Scott,  one  of  the  London  Ten  Commissioners  who  secured  from  the 
Crown  10,000  acres  of  American  soil  in  what  is  now  Burlington  County.  John  Hancock, 
Scott  was  a  contractor  and  railroad  builder.  He  had  the  contract  to  build  the  glass  works 
at  Estellville,  this  county,  in  1834.  for  John  and  Daniel  Estell.  when  he  formed  the  acquain- 
tance of  Miss  Mary,  daughter  of  John  Pennington,  of  Mays  Landing,  who  became  his 
■wife.  He  died  in  southern  Virginia,  in  1874,  where  he  had  a  contract  to  build  a  section  o£ 
railroad.     The  mother  is  still  living. 


The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  the  youngest  of  nine  children,  and  was  born  in  the  city 
of  Burlington,  February  9,  1854.  He  was  educated  in  the  public  schools  of  Philadelphia, 
and  for  several  years  was  an  actor  of  considerable  promise,  and  for  a  number  of  years  a 
commercial  traveler  in  the  carpet  trade.  He  came  to  Atlantic  City  in  1888,  forming  a  part- 
nership with  William  A.  Bell,  under  the  firm  name  of  Bell  &  Scott.  In  1895  he  was  elected 
County  Clerk  for  a  term  of  five  years,  and  is  more  than  likely  to  be  his  own  successor.  His 
administration  of  the  office  has  been  marked  by  decided  reforms  in  having  the  records  of 
the  office  double-inde.xed  and  all  the  work  conducted  in  a  strictly  up-to-date  manner. 

Mr.  Scott  is  largely  interested  in  real  estate,  and  has  been  very  successful.  By  his  first 
wife  he  has  one  daughter,  Isabelle  G.  Scott.  For  his  second  wife,  he  married  Catherine, 
eldest  daughter  of  Captain  Daniel  Gififord,  of  Mays  Landing,  and  has  three  children,  Giflford. 
Lewis  and  Daniel. 


Harry  S.  Scull  is  a  native  of  .\tlantic  County,  having  been  born  at  Leeds  Point  in  1849. 
He  is  the  son  of  Lewis  W.  and  Esther  Smith  Scull.  In  the  common  schools  he  received 
his  early  education,  and  in  1865  he  entered  the  Quaker  City  Business  College,  graduating 
in  1867.  In  the  same  year  he  was  engaged  by  Curwin.  Stoddart  &  Brother  of  Philadelphia, 
where  he  remained  until  1881.  Hood.  Bonbright  &  Company  were  his  next  employers  until 
1884.  He  then  retailed  dry  goods  in  Camden  until  1886.  when  he  came  to  this  city  and 
opened  a  dry  goods  store.  In  1895.  he  embarked  in  the  real  estate  and  insurance  busi- 
ness. He  was  a  member  of  the  Board  of  Health  from  1890  to  1898,  and  secretary  of  the 
same  body  four  years.  Since  1890  he  has  been  a  member  of  the  County  Board  of  Elections, 
and  has  been  secretary  of  the  Board  since  the  first  passage  of  the  ballot  reform  law. 

He  is  secretary  of  the  Ventnor  Dredging  Company  and  has  been  engaged  in  reclaiming 
the  low  lands  of  Chelsea  and  Atlantic  City  for  several  years.  He  has  always  taken  a  deep 
interest  in  matters  affecting  the  health  and  well-being  of  the  community,  and  is  connected 
-with  the  State  Sanitary  Association.  American  Public  Health  Association,  and  was  State 
■delegate  to  the  National  Pure  Food  and  Drug  Congress  which  lasted  four  days  and  had 
for  its  object  the  passage  of  a  bill  by  Congress  providing  for  governmental  control  of  food, 
drugs,  etc.  He  is  one  of  the  governors  of  the  Atlantic  City  hospital,  and  is  a  popular 
citizen.  On  October  18.  1868.  he  married  Miss  Mary  A.  Bruna.  of  Philadelphia.  They 
have  nine  children;  Florence  E..  wife  of  Isaac  Bacharach;  Lewis  B..  Maie  E..  Harry 
DeMar.  Nan  B..  Frank  R..  Emil  C.  Charles  L.  and   Helene  M. 


Lewis  W..  son  of  Paul  and  Sarah  Steelman  Scull,  was  born  at  Leeds  Point.  N.  J., 
May  2.  1819.  He  was  educated  in  the  pay  schools  of  Galloway  township,  and  at  the  age 
of  twenty-one  entered  the  service  of  the  United  States,  sailing  in  the  brig  Washington, 
under  command  of  Commodore  Sands,  U.  S.  N.,  who  was  at  that  time  engaged  in  the 
work  of  the  Coast  and  Geodetic  survey.  He  continued  in  this  service  five  years.  In  1846 
he  married  Esther  S.,  daughter  of  Steelman  Smith,  a  soldier  of  the  war  of  1812. 

:Mr.  Scull  was  a  teacher  in  the  district  schools  of  Galloway  for  a  number  of  years,  and 
was  appointed  Postmaster  at  Leeds  Point  under  President  Buchanan,  holding  the  office 
for  four  years.  For  twenty  years  or  more  he  held  elective  local  offices.  Township  Clerk, 
Township  Committeeman,  Assessor  or  Collector. 

From  1858  to  1865  he  was  a  resident  of  Atlantic  City  for  a  greater  portion  of  the  year, 
where  he  was  engaged  in  the  house  painting  business,  and  was  one  of  the  original  grocers 
of  Atlantic  City,  opening  a  store  in  April.  1858.  under  the  firm  name  of  Scull  &  Barstow, 
at  the  corner  of  Atlantic  avenue  and  ^lansion  House  Alley,  in  the  basement  of  the  Barstow 

P.lOCiRAPHV.  &01 

House,  moving  from  tliere  to  tlu-ir  new  store  buildiiiK  at  the  nortliwest  corner  oi  Atlantic 
and  Pennsylvania  avenues  in  June  of  tlie  same  year. 

Mr.  Scull  came  from  good  old  Revolutionary  stock;  his  mother  being  a  daughter  of 
Capt.  Zephaniah  Steelman,  and  a  niece  of  Major  John  StecUnan,  both  holding  commis- 
sions in  the  Third  Battalion.  Gloucester  County  Militia.  Un  his  paternal  side  his  ancestry 
dates  back  to  the  fifteenth  century.  Sir  John  Scull  being  one  of  the  original  twelve  Norman 
Knights  created  by  Duke  Robert  of  Normandy,  for  gallant  services  rendered  him.  during 
the  insurrection  excited  in  his  favor,  and  which  resulted  in  securing  a  large  portion  of 
Old  England  to  the  Duke's  family.  A  couple  of  centuries  later,  or.  to  be  e.xact.  in  1685, 
John  and  Nicholas  Scull  came  to  America  in  the  good  ship  "Bristol  Merchant."  Nicholas 
located  in  Pennsylvania  and  later  became  Surveyor  General  for  that  State.  John  Scull 
located  first  on  Long  Island,  and  later  moved  to  Great  Egg  Harbor  and  became  one  of  tlic 
valued  citizens  of  that  day.  Mr.  Scull  lived  to  the  good  old  age  of  80  years.  His  death  oc- 
curring in  October.   i8g8. 

He  had  two  children:  Ellar  M..  nho  died  in  1S7S.  and  Harry  S.,  the  well-kn.iwn  resident 
and  official  of  this  city. 


Wilson  Senseman.  the  well-known  real  estate  agent  of  this  city,  was  born  in  German- 
town.  Pa..  May  10.  1848.  He  was  educated  in  the  public  schools,  in  the  Philadelphia  Sem- 
inary and  at  Nazareth  Hall,  conducted  by  the  Aloravians  in  Northampton  County,  Pa. 
After  graduating  he  took  a  course  in  Fairbank's  Business  Academy  before  entering  the 
service  of  the  dry  goods  firm  of  Ludwig,  Kneedler.  Jr..  &  Co..  where  he  continued  for 
twenty-one  years.  On  account  of  his  health  he  moved  to  Atlantic  City  to  reside  permanently 
in  1886,  having  been  a  summer  cottager  here  for  many  years  previously.  He  o;^ened  a  real 
estate  office  at  1030  Atlantic  avenue  and  has  conducted  a  successful  business  ever  since. 

In  1872  he  married  Miss  Ida  Conderman.  and  they  have  one  son.  Theodore  Senseman. 
who  is  a  successful  young  physician. 

At  the  March  election,  in  1891.  Mr.  Senseman  was  elected  .Alderman  by  a  good  majority 
on  the  Democratic  ticket,  and  was  at  once  chosen  President  of  Council.  He  discharged  the 
duties  of  his  position  with  ability  and  impartiality  that  met  with  very  cordial  appreciation. 
During  this  same  year  he  was  appointed  by  Gov.  Abbott  one  of  the  Lay  Judges  of  the 
county  to  succeed  Judge  Enoch  Cordery.  deceased,  and  the  following  year  was  reappointed 
for  a  full  term.  He  served  with  dignity  and  aceptability  till  the  law  providing  for  lay 
judges  was  repealed.  Mr.  Senseman  is  an  active  member  of  the  First  Presbyterian  Church 
and  a  citizen  of  positive  views  on  all  public  questions.  He  is  descended  from  influential 
Moravian   families   and   has   the   courage   of  his   convictions. 

William  Ernest  Shackelford,  who  is  largely  identified  with  the  business  life  of  this  city, 
w-as  born  February  19.  1871.  in  Columbus.  Ohio.  At  the  age  of  five  years,  his  father  died, 
leaving  the  sole  responsibility  for  his  care  to  his  mother,  who  moved  at  once  to  Lancaster. 
Pa.  Six  years  later  we  find  young  Shackelford,  who  even  at  this  age  was  evidencing  the 
traits  which  have  already  brought  him  prosperity,  employed  at  Sharpless  Brothers.  Phila- 
delphia, to  which  city  he  and  his  mother  had  removed.  From  this  house  he  went  to  the 
office  of  the  Land  Title  and  Trust  Company,  where  he  remained  two  years.  Opening  bil- 
liard and  pool  parlors,  he  conducted  the  same  until  1895.  during  which  years  he  became  very 
popular  among  the  younger  set.  and  at  the  time  of  his  departure  for  Harrisburg  to  engage 
in  the  same  business,  he  was  regarded  as  the  champion  billiard  player  of  Pennsylvania  and 
had  made  fine  records  in  gunnmg  and  swimming,  being  always  deeply  interested  in   sports 


of  all  kinds.  It  was  in  January.  1S96.  that  he  came  to  Atlantic  City,  and  on  the  12th  of 
October  of  the  same  year  he  married  Emma,  daughter  of  Captain  John  L.  Young,  the  pier 
magnate.  Mr.  Shackelford  had  in  the  meantime  been  installed  as  manager  of  the  Young 
Amusement  Company,  and  has  since  looked  after  the  interests  of  his  father-in-law  both  on 
Y'oung's  Pier  and  at  the  Carousel  at  South  Carolina  avenue  and  the  Boardwalk.  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  Shackelford  have  been  blessed  with  a  son,  a  chubby  youngster,  born  May  15,  1899,  and 
the  "living  image"  of  his  mother.  Their  married  life  has  been  one  glad,  sweet  song,  and 
their  home  one  of  the  coziest  and  happiest  in  the  city.  Mr.  Shackelford  traces  his  ancestry 
back  to  1634  in  the  city  of  London.  His  great-great-grandfather  was  at  one  time  Lord 
Mayor  of  the  metropolis  of  England.  While  his  genealogy  discloses  prominent  English 
connections,  yet  Mr.  Shackelford  feels  that  his  family  may  lay  claim  to  being  pure  Ameri- 
cans, as  three  or  four  generations  have  claimed  this  countrj-  as  the  land  of  their  nativity. 


Harvey  J.  Shumway,  the  well-known  architect,  was  born  in  Belchertown,  Mass.,  No- 
vember 27,  1865.  He  finished  his  education  at  Rutger's  College,  New  Brunswick,  N.  J.,  in 
the  class  of  1888.  He  opened  an  ot¥ice  in  this  city  in  1895  and  has  been  very  busily  employed 
ever  since.  Some  of  the  buildings  which  he  has  designed  and  supervised  are  the  Thompson 
Irvin  department  store,  the  Hotel  Chelsea,  the  Hotel  Grand  View,  and  some  thirty  or  more 
cottages,  stores  and  business  blocks.  He  is  a  painstaking,  conscientious  and  up-to-date 


Thomas -J.  Smith  is  the  son  of  James  and  Mary  (Jones)  Smith,  of  Steuben,  Maine.  Of 
his  own  family  none  survive:  but  two  half-brothers  still  live:  James  Smith,  of  Hammonton, 
and  Edward  Kent  Smith,  who  has  never  left  the  town  of  his  birth. 

Job  Smith,  their  grandfather,  and  the  first  of  the  line  of  whom  we  have  record,  was 
born  in  Middleboro,  Mass.,  and  there  married  Diadama  Booth.  He  moved  to  Taunton, 
Mass.,  and  from  there  to  Steuben,  Maine  (179^)-  for  the  purpose  of  dealing  in  lumber  and 
establishing  saw-mills  on  the  many  swift  running  rivers  in  that  section  of  the  country. 

The  sons,  William,  Eben  and  Stephen,  were  members  of  the  State  Legislature  at  differ- 
ent times  as  representatives  from  Washington  County, 

Thomas  Jones,  his  grandfather  on  his  mother's  side,  is  a  descendant  of  a  Governor  of 
Massachusetts,  was  born  in  Princeton,  Mass.,  and  married  Sarah  Whitcomb.  As  a  boy  at 
Lexington,  Mass.,  he  witnessed  the  first  conflict  between  the  British  and  American  forces, 
the  opening  gun  of  the  Revolution,  and  died  in  Steuben,  December,  1864. 

Col.  Asa  Whitcomb,  father  of  Mrs.  Sarah  Whitcomb  Jones,  and  great-grandfather  on 
the  maternal  side  of  Thomas  J.  Smith,  was  prominent  in  Colonial  times.  He  was  one  of  the 
much  extolled  fifty-four  representatives  of  Massachusetts  Bay  Colony,  wjiose  refusal  to 
obey  the  mandates  of  the  English  King  contributed  to  bring  on  the  Revolution.  He  was 
afterwards  Colonel  of  the  Fifty-third  Massachusetts  Regiment,  and  was  one  of  Washing- 
ton's trusted  advisers,  and  was  several  times  mentioned  eulogistically  in  his  general  orders. 
His  brother,  John  Whitcomb,  Major-General  of  the  New  England  Militia,  was  the  New 
England  candidate  for  Commander-in-Chief  against  Washington,  but  withdrew  on  account 
of  his  advanced  age,  in  favor  of  the  younger  Virginian. 

Lieutenant  William  Moore,  another  ancestor  on  the  maternal  side,  served  with  dis- 
tinction during  the  Revolution,  and  remained  in  the  regular  army  after  that  conflict,  joining 
the  Society  of  the  Cincinnati. 

Thos.  J.  Smith  was  born  in  Steuben,  Washington  County,  Maine,  February  25,  1820, 
and  has  had  a  somewhat  varied  career.     He  attended  the  village  school  until  a  boy  of  four- 

also  a  desc 






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tctn,  when  his  grandparciit-;.  wishing;  him  to  become  a  sea  captain,  sent  him  with  his  uncle. 
Capt.  Jefferson  Jones,  as  cal)in  boy  on  a  voyage  to  New  Orleans.  Returniiiv;  he  spent  sev- 
eral months  in  Boston,  but  decided  to  give  up  a  sea-faring  life,  and  came  home  tn  learn  the 
trade  of  a  mason  and  builder. 

During  the  northeast  boundary  disputes.  comiiKuily  rememberecl  in  that  section  as  the 
"Aroostook  War,"  he  enlisted  and  was  made  a  sergeant,  but  the  trouble  was  linally  ^ettIed 
without  bloodshed. 

Soon  returning  home,  and  when  only  eighteen  years  of  age.  he  engaged  in  mercantile 
trade,  cutting  and  shipping  timber  by  ve-sel  to  Boston,  and  bringing  back  dry  goods  and 
groceries  to  supply  his  store. 

January  20.  1842,  he  married  Thankful  Haskell  Clcav 
tionary  stock,  and  who  is  still  living.  For  eight  years  he 
offices  of  importance,  being  School  Agent  for  several 

In  1850  he  moved  to  the  adjoining  town  of  Millbridge.  and  for  ten  years  held  the  office 
of  Constable.  He  says.  "I  held  the  office  of  Constable  all  the  time  I  lived  in  Millbridge. 
about  the  same  as  Deputy  Sheriff  in  New  Jersey — I  had  the  same  fees  as  Sheriff,  but  could 
not  charge  above  two  hundred  ($200)  dollars  on  any  one  suit — I  held  the  office  under  the 
Neal  Dow  Law,  and  destroyed  more  or  less  liquor."  Being  attracted  by  glowing  accounts 
of  the  salubrious  climate,  and  also  the  great  natural  fertility  of  the  soil  of  south  New  Jersey, 
he  left  Maine  in  i860,  with  his  wife  and  seven  children,  and  settled  in  Hammonton,  New 
Jersey.  He  bought  what  was  then  called  "The  Penobscot  House,"  soon  afterwards  build- 
ing a  home  on  \"ine  street,  where  he  lived  with  his  family  for  twenty  years  or  more. 

He  was  engaged  in  the  lumber  and  contracting  business  for  many  years,  and  has  been 
closely  identified  with  the  growth  of  Hammonton  in  many  ways,  holding  positions  of  trust, 
being  a  Justice  of  the  Peace  for  five  years,  and  a  Director  of  the  Building  Association  for 
twenty-five  years:  also  a  Director  of  the  People's  Bank.  He  is  still  active,  though  nearly 
eighty  years  of  age,  in  looking  after  his  property  interests.  He  is  a  member  of  the  Pres- 
byterian Church,  and  was  for  a  number  of  years  its  chorister.  In  political  belief  he  has 
always  been  a  strong  and  consistent  Republican. 

His  family  consists  of  Gilbert  L.,  who  enlisted  in  the  war  of  the  Reliellion  at  the  age 
■of  twenty-one,  was  wounded  in  the  battle  of  the  Wilderness,  and  died  at  home  two  years 
later;  Augustus  J.,  who  was  for  seventeen  years  clerk  of  Hammonton,  and  for  the  past 
thirty  years  actively  connected  WMth  the  financial  institutions  of  that  place.  He  married 
Mary  B.  Quinn.  and  has  a  family  of  three  sons  and  two  daughters  and  three  grandsons; 
lately  moved  to  Ocean  City,  X.  J.,  where  he  is  the  leading  ice  and  coal  dealer.  Mary  J., 
the  wife  of  Henry  D.  Moore,  of  Haddonfield,  N.  J.,  has  raised  a  family  of  three  sons  and 
two  daughters,  and  has  nine  grandchildren.  Elnathan  H..  who  also  enlisted  in  the  war  of 
the  Rebellion  at  the  age  of  fifteen,  was  wounded  at  the  battle  of  the  Wilderness,  and  died  two 
months  later  in  Libby  Prison  Hospital.  -Antoinette,  who  was  married  to  Capt.  Frank  Tom- 
lin,  resides  in  Hammonton.  and  has  two  sons.  Harriet  J.,  who  became  the  wife  of  Curtis 
S.  Newcomb.  also  resides  in  Hammonton.  William  J.,  the  youngest,  who  married  Abbie 
S.  Hudson,  has  one  daughter,  and  is  a  member  of  the  firm  of  C.  F.  Osgood  &  Co..  of  Ham- 
monton. N.  J.,  the  most  successful  shoe  manufacturers  in  southern  New  Jersey,  and  one  of 
the  leading  financial  men  of  that  place;  and  has  large  interests  in  the  Building  Association 
and  People's  Bank,  of  which  he  is  a  Director. 

Thos.  J.,  the  subject  of  our  sketch,  has  had  seven  children,  thirteen  grandchildren,  and 
twelve  great-grandchildren,  making  a  total  of  thirty-two.  and  during  the  fifty-eight  years  of 
his  married  life  has  lost  only  two  sons,  Gilbert  and  Elnathan.  and  one  grandson,  Gilbert  H. 
Moore.  A  remarkable  record  when  coupled  with  the  fact  that  the  two  sons  died  from 
-wounds  and  exposure  in  the  array,  and  not  from  diseases  contracted  at  home. 



Captain  Richard  Somers,  who  gave  his  brave  young  life  for  his  country  in  the  harbor 
of  TripoH  on  the  night  of  September  4,  1804,  was  born  at  Somers  Point,  September  15,  1778. 
He  finished  his  education  in  the  city  of  Burlington,  and  entered  the  navy  as  a  midshipman, 
in  1803.  He  saw  his  first  actual  service  during  the  naval  war  with  France,  which  began  in 
1798.  He  was  a  midshipman  on  the  frigate  United  States,  Captain  John  Barry,  and  among 
the  other  officers  were  David  Ross,  James  Barron,  Charles  Stewart  (Parnell's  grandfather),. 
Stephen  Decatur,  Jr.:  Jacob  Jones,  James  R.  Caldwell  and  William  Montgomery  Crane,  all 
of  whom  attained  distinction.  The  frigate  took  two  Frenchmen,  the  Amour  de  la  Patrie 
and  the  Tartufe,  but  was  otherwise  inactive.     Then  the  war  with  Tripoli  came  on,  and  it 


was  there  that  Somers  proved  how  sweet  and  fitting  a  thing  it  is  to  die  for  one's  native  land. 

Returning  to  Philadelphia  he  took  command  of  one  of  the  Government  armed  schooners 
called  the  Nautilus,  of  about  160  or  170  tons  burden,  mounted  with  twelve  18-pound  car- 
ronades  and  two  sixes,  with  a  crew  of  90  to  100. 

In  the  engagement  of  August  3,  1804,  before  the  harbor  of  Tripoli,  Somers  was  in 
command  of  the  first  of  the  six  gunboats.  In  each  of  the  five  attacks  that  were  made  Somers 
distinguished  himself.  When  he  found  that  he  could  not  get  at  the  enemy  through  the 
eastern  passage  to  the  harbor  he  pitched  into  the  Tripolitan  gunboats  at  the  northern  en- 
trance, chased  them  away  and  up  to  within  a  hundred  yards  of  a  big  twelve-gun  battery 
which  the  enemy  had  not  dared  to  use  for  fear  of  hitting  his  own  flying  boats. 

When  the  American  turned  to  go  back  there  was  nothing  standing  between  him  and 
destruction,  but  just  at  the  critical  moment  an  American  shell  exploded  in  the  battery,  blew 

I'.IOCKAl'llV.  505 

up  the  platform  and  did  ?o  niucli  daina^je  that  Schikts  ami  his  mon  were  safe  before  a  re- 
covery could  be  had.  The  morning  of  August  7  the  attack  was  renewed  by  bombardment. 
Right  in  the  middle  of  it  the  John  Adains  hove  in  sight  bringing  the  news  of  Somcrs'  pro- 
motion.  24  and  September  3  other  attacks  were  made. 

Soniers  conceived  a  bold  and  daring  undertaking  for  the  liberation  of  his  fellow  coun- 
trymen then  held  as  prisoners.  His  thoughts  he  communicated  to  Com.  Preble,  his  superior 
officer;  who  in  turn  consulted  with  Decatur.  Stewart  and  other  commanders  in  the  squadron. 
The  plan  was  accepted,  a  ketch  prepared,  one  hundred  barrels  of  gunpowder  emptied  in  a 
bulk  in  her  hold:  on  her  deck  was  placed  large  quantities  of  balls  and  missies  of  different 
kinds  and  sizes  with  fuses  properly  prepared,  to  explode  in  the  inner  harbor  of  Tripoli. 

Several  starts  were  made  upon  an  enterprise,  the  desperation  of  which  was  perfectly- 
well  know^n  to  all  who  took  part  in  it.  Finally  a  night  sufficiently  dark  for  the  purpose 
came,  on  September  4.  Somers  was  in  command,  and  he  had  sworn  never  to  be  taken  alive; 
Henry  Wadsworth.  a  midshipman,  from  whom  his  nephew,  the  poet  Longfellow,  was 
named;  Joseph  Israel,  another  midshipman,  who  had  been  refused  permission  to  go.  but 
hid  himself  aboard  and  was  permitted  to  remain,  and  ten  sailors,  four  from  the  Nautilus 
and  six  from  the  Constitution,  made  up  the  equipment. 

The  Intrepid  passed  into  the  darkness.  The  minutes  seemed  hours  to  the  anxious 
officers  on  the  fleet  outside.  It  left  at  eight  o'clock,  and  a  few  minutes  later  every  battery 
in  the  harbor  was  ablaze  at  the  intruder.  At  ten  o'clock  Stewart  and  Carroll,  standing  on 
the  deck  of  the  Siren,  saw  a  dim  light  moving  in  a  waving  line  as  if  being  carried  along  a 
ship's  deck.  It  disappeared  in  a  moment  and  an  instant  later  there  was  a  terrific  explosion. 
One  of  the  enemy's  largest  boats  was  blown  up  filled  with  soldiers,  and  two  others  were 
badly  shattered. 

From  that  moment  to  the  present  time,  the  fate  of  Master  Commandant  Somers  and 
his  brave  crew  have  remained  in  darkness  to  the  American  nation.  Such  brave  and  patriotic 
acts  of  Somers  and  his  brave  crew  could  not  pass  unrecognized  by  the  officers  of  Com. 
Preble  or  the  American  nation.  In  the  year  of  1805.  the  officers  of  the  Mediterranean  squad- 
ron caused  to  be  erected  at  the  west  front  of  the  National  Capitol,  of  Italian  marble,  a 
beautiful  monutnent  forty  feet  high,  in  a  very  elaborate  style.  Upon  its  summit  stands  the 
American  eagle  guarding  the  escutcheon  of  American  liberty  and  preparing,  seemingly,  tc> 
wing  his  flight  heavenward. 

Thus  stood  this  monument,  until  the  burning  of  Washington  by  the  British  in  1814, 
when  it  was  very  much  defaced  and  injured.  In  after  years  by  an  act  of  Congress  it  w-as  in 
a  very  great  degree  restored  to  its  original  beauty,  then  transferred  to  the  grounds  of  the 
Naval  Academy  at  Annapolis,  where  it  now  stands  a  living  monument,  erected  to  the 
memory  of  one  of  the  sons  of  New  Jersey;  yes.  to  one  of  the  boys  of  Soniers  Point,  who 
in  about  six  and  one-half  years  caused  his  name  to  be  written  high  on  the  roll  of  fame  in 
our  country's  history. 

Walter  C.  Sooy.  M.  D..  was  born  at  .\bsecon.  N.  J..  September  21.  1869.  and  completed 
his  public  school  education  by  graduating  from  the  Atlantic  City  High  School.  He  grad- 
uated from  Hahnemann  Medical  College  in  the  class  of  1890,  and  opened  his  office  in  this 
city,  at  once  building  up  a  successful  business.  He  is  an  active  member  of  the  Homoeo- 
pathic Club  and  is  liighly  esteemed  by  his  associates  and  all  who  know  him.  He  is  happily 
married  to  Miss  .\lida  H.  Thomas,  of  Cape  May  County. 

James   Dobbins   Southwick   was   born   in   \'incentown.   Burlington    County.    December 
25,  1859.     His  parents.  Joseph  and  Buelah  L.  Southwick.  were  members  of  the  Society  of 
Friends.     He  graduated  from  the  public  schools  in  1878.  and  six  years  later  came  to  .\tlantic 


City,  as  niaiKiger  of  the  Hotel  Sliellnirnc,  a  position  which  he  has  filled  successfully  ever 
since.  The  popularity  and  success  of  The  Shelburne  is  largely  due  to  the  painstaking  and 
up-to-date  management  of  Mr.  Southwick,  He  is  a  member  of  several  fraternal  and  bene- 
ficial societies,  and  is  a  popular  host  and  entertainer.  He  is  a  staunch  Republican  in  poli- 
tics, as  such  he  was  elected  Alderman,  ex-ofTicio  member  of  City  Council  in  1896,  and  has 
been  re-elected  each  year  since,  serving  four  terms.  In  1892  he  married  Deborah  Kinnard 
and  has  one  child,  a  daughter,  Mary  K.  Southwick.  He  is  a  public  spirited  citizen,  actively 
interested  in  all  enterprises  projected  to  advance  the  interests  of  this  resort.  He  is  chair- 
man of  the  County  Board  of  Registration  and  one  of  the  governors  of  the  City  Hospital. 


August  Stephany  was  born  in  Nordhausen,  Germany,  December  16,  1841.  He  came 
to  America  in  1858,  and  for  seven  years  was  employed  in  the  ofRce  of  the  New  York  Staats 
Zeitung.  In  1865  he  removed  to  Egg  Harbor  City,  which  was  then  almost  in  its  infancy. 
He  was  largely  instrumental  in  building  up  this  German  settlement  and  was  a  hard  worker 
in  advancing  its  growth.  From  1870  up  till  the  time  he  was  admitted  to  the  bar,  in  Feb- 
ruary, 1881,  he  held  the  positions  of  City  Clerk  and  Justice  of  the  Peace.  He  then  opened 
a  law  office  in  Atlantic  City,  and  on  January  i.  1884,  formed  a  partnership  with  the  late 
Harry  L.  Slape,  and  the  law  firm  of  Slape  &  Stephany  continued  up  to  Mr.  Slape's  death, 
in  1887.  On  January  i,  1895,  he  established  the  law  firm  of  A.  Stephany  &  Son,  Robert  E. 
Stephany  being  the  junior  member,  which  existed  until  the  death  of  the  elder  Mr.  Stephany. 
The  deceased  was  the  first  president  of  the  Atlantic  County  Bar  Association  and  a  prominent 
member  of  many  societies.  He  was  City  Solicitor  of  Egg  Harbor  City  for  many  years,  and 
was  connected  with  the  Egg  Harbor  Commercial  Bank  and  other  business  institutions. 
About  189s  he  removed  from  his  home  in  Egg  Harbor  City  and  became  a  permanent  resi- 
dent in  Atlantic  City,  where  he  continued  the  active  practice  of  his  profession  until  his 
■death,  on  June  9,  1898. 

On  his  death,  the  Atlantic  County  Bar  Association  adopted  the  following  resolutions: 

"The  Atlantic  County  Bar  Association,  in  meeting  assembled  by  call,  beg  to  present 
their  most  respectful  and  personal  condolence  to  the  family  of  Mr.  Stephany  in  their  great 

"It  will  be  allowable  to  say  that  not  only  our  local  bar,  but  that  of  the  State  has  suffered 
a  severe  loss  in  his  removal. 

"Coming,  as  he  did,  a  mere  youth  from  the  gymnasium  in  Nordhausen,  he  promptly 
■secured  work  on  the  "New  York  Staats-Zeitung."  From  New  York  he  came  to  Egg 
Harbor  City,  Atlantic  County,  where  his  pronounced  ability  made  him  easily  the  leading 
man  of  w^hat  was  at  that  time  only  a  settlement.  Through  his  energy  and  applied  knowledge 
the  county  has  gained  vastly  in  productive  industry  and  at  large,  and  owes  him  a  debt  which 
it  will  take  a  long  time  to  pay. 

"While  he  entered  his  chosen  profession  late  in  life,  his  progress  was  rapid  and  he  soon 
•commanded  the  respect  of  his  brethren  for  his  keen  perception  of  the  law  and  the  systematic 
and  prompt  manner  in  which  the  details  of  his  office  were  conducted.  He  was  zealous  in 
"behalf  of  his  clients,  true  to  his  profession,  and  above  all,  an  honest  man. 

"He  took  great  interest  in  the  organization  of  this  Association  and  was  its  first 


Robert  E.  Stephany  was  born  at  Egg  Harbor  City,  N.  J.,  on  October  6,  1872,  and  grad- 
uated from  the  public  schools  of  that  city  in  1887.  He  removed  to  Atlantic  City,  where  he 
■entered  the  office  of  his  father,  August  Stephany,  as  law  student,  and  was  admitted  to  the 


bar  as  an  attorney  in  November,  i8()4.  and  as  a  eounscllor  in  Xovonibcr.  1S07.  Mo  became 
associated  witli  his  father  on  January  T.  1895.  under  the  tirni  name  of  A.  Stephany  &  Son, 
which  existed  until  the  elder  Mr.  Stephany's  death.  Mr.  Stephany  is  now  continuing  the 
business  of  the  late  firm.  At  the  March  election  of  igoo  lie  was  elected  city  reorder,  a 
position  which  he  most  acceptably  tills. 


Dr.  \V.  Blair  Stewart,  physician  and  author,  the  subject  of  this  sketch,  was  born  at 
Middle  Spring.  Cumberland  County.  Pennsylvania.  jMarch  6.  1867.  His  early  education  was 
received  at  the  public  schools  of  that  vicinity,  later  at  the  Chambersburg  Academy,  from 
which  he  entered  Dickinson  College  and  remained  there  four  years,  graduating  with  tile 
degrees  of  Ph.  B.  and  A.  M.  He  then  took  a  four  years'  course  at  the  Medico-Chirurgical 
College  of  Philadelphia,  and  graduated  in  1890.  Dr.  Stewart  then  commenced  practice  at 
Bryn  Mawr,  Pennsylvania,  remaining  there  four  years. 

Having  very  flattering  inducements  offered  him  to  locate  at  .Atlantic  City,  he  concluded 
to  come  here,  associating  himself  with  Dr.  Boardman  Reed. 

Dr.  Stewart,  since  his  residence  here,  has  always  taken  an  active  interest  in  matters 
tending  towards  the  advancement  of  the  city's  interest.  He  is  a  member  of  the  medical 
staff  of  the  Atlantic  City  Hospital,  and  has  done  much  towards  organizing  that  institution. 
For  eight  years  Dr.  Stewart  has  occupied  the  Chair  of  Pharmocologj'  and  Physiological 
Action  of  Drugs,  and  as  Assistant  Professor  at  his  Alma  Mater. 

In  politics  he  is  a  Republican,  a  member  of  the  American  Academy  of  Medicine, 
American  Medical  Association,  President  of  the  Atlantic  County  Medical  Society,  Vice- 
President  of  the  .Atlantic  City  .Academy  of  Medicine,  a  thirty-second  degree  Mason.  Knight 
Templar,  and  member  of  Lulu  Temple,  A.  A.  O.  N.  M.  S.  of  Philadelphia. 

As  an  author  Dr.  Stewart  has  attained  prominence  in  his  profession,  his  book,  ".\  Syn- 
opsis of  Practice  of  Medicine,"  having  reached  the  second  edition. 

Dr.  Stewart  is  happily  married  and  resides  on  Pacific  avenue,  in  the  residence  which 
he  purcliased  from  his  former  partner  and  associate.  Dr.  Boardman  Reed. 

Arthur  H.  Stiles,  the  well-known  contractor  and  builder,  was  born  in  the  town  of 
Lincoln,  Lincolnshire  County,  England,  October  4,  i860.  At  the  age  of  twelve  years  he 
came  to  this  country  with  his  parents,  who,  after  living  three  years  in  Philadelphia,  moved 
to  this  city.  Excepting  five  years,  when  he  lived  in  Tacoma.  ^^'ashington,  the  subject  of 
this  sketch  has  lived  in  this  city  ever  since,  working  at  the  trade  of  his  father,  that  of  a 
brickmason,  building  some  of  the  finest  structures  on  the  island.  The  Steubcr  block  at 
Indiana  avenue.  Dr.  Cuskaden  and  H.  H.  Deakyne's  drug  stores,  and  Bleak  House  on  the 
beach  are  some  of  the  buildings  which  he  has  erected.  Mr.  Stiles  is  active  and  prominent 
in  society  circles.  He  is  a  member  of  Trinity  Lodge,  F,  and  A.  M.,  and  Trinity  Chapter, 
a  member  of  Webster  Lodge,  K.  of  P..  of  the  Brotherhood  of  the  Union,  the  Degree  ot 
Pocahontas,  and  of  Pequod  Tribe,  Imp.  O.  R.  M.  At  present  Brother  Stiles  is  Great 
Sachem  of  the  Great  Council  of  the  State  of  New  Jersey  and  a  very  efficient  and  popular 
officer.  He  is  a  member  of  the  local  Board  of  Health  and  well  qualified  to  fill  any  oflicial 
position.  On  October  12,  1887.  he  was  happily  married  to  Mary  W.,  daughter  of  the  late 
Jesse  and  Deborah  Somers.  and  has  one  child.  John  Somers  Stiles,  who  was  born  October 

Franklin  P.  Stoy.  Mayor  of  this  city,  was  born  at   Haddonfiel.l.   N. 
He  was  educated  in  the  public  schools  of  Camden  County.  N.  J.,  and  at 
three  he  accepted  a  position  as  superintendent   of  tlie   Uninn  Transfer  Cr 


he  has  been  employed  ever  since.  On  account  of  his  liealtli,  in  1881.  lie  was  sent  to  this 
city  as  manager  for  the  company,  a  position  which  he  still  holds. 

Till  1882  he  was  in  this  city  only  during  the  summer  months,  but  since  then  the  vastly 
increasing  transfer  of  baggage  has  kept  him  here  all  the  year  around.  He  came  as  an  in- 
valid and  remains  as  a  stalwart  and  useful  citizen  of  extensive  influence  and  acquaintance 
with   the   traveling   public. 

He  served  as  a  member  of  Council  in  1891-2-3.  till  he  was  elected  Mayor,  serving  four 
years,  till  1898.  He  was  re-elected  in  March.  1900,  He  had  long  noticed  as  a  public  official 
the  necessity  for  a  city  hospital,  and  was  active  in  promoting  such  an  institution.  He  was 
chosen  the  first  President  of  the  Board  of  Hospital  Governors  when  they  organized,  .•\pril 
9.  1897,  and  has  been  re-elected  each  year  since.  He  is  a  Past  Master  of  Trinity  Lodge  and 
a  member  of  all  the  Masonic  orders.  He  is  a  member  of  several  other  orders,  the  Elks  and 
the  Golden  Eagles,  and  has  a  helping  hand  for  all  good  works.  In  politics  he  is  a  Republi- 
can, and  in  religion  a  Metliodist.     He  is  happily  married  and  has  a  model  home  on  Pacific 


Prominent  among  those  who  have  been  largely  interested  in  the  advancement  of  Atlantic 
City,  stands  Jesse  B.  Thompson,  M.  D..  the  subject  of  this  sketch. 

To  the  growth  of  the  section  of  the  city  known  as  Chelsea.  Dr.  Thompson's  efforts  have 
been  largely  directed,  and  to  no  other  one  agency  is  so  much  due  for  its  rapid  growth  and 
development.  Born  at  HurlTville,  Gloucester  County,  New  Jersey,  January  17,  1857,  his  early 
education  was  received  in  the  common  schools  of  that  district.  At  the  age  of  seventeen  he 
left  school  and  accepted  a  position  as  clerk  in  a  store,  and  acted  in  that  capacity  in  various 
towns  adjacent  to  the  home  of  his  birth.  After  some  deliberation  he  decided  to  enter  one 
of  the  professions,  and  finally  selected  that  of  medicine  as  being  tlie  one  by  which  he  could 
most  bfnefit  his  fellowmen. 

He  then  took  a  course  at  the  University  of  Pennsylvania,  and  was  admitted  to  practice 
in  May.  1888.  After  his  admission  he  selected  .\tlantic  City  as  a  place  which  afforded  ex- 
cellent opportunities. 

Dr.  Thompson  was  highly  successful  from  the  start,  and  built  up  a  large  and  lucrative 
practice.  After  some  years,  realizing  the  possibilities  in  advancing  real  estate,  he  gave  a 
great  deal  of  his  attention  to  that  field.  He  then  became  interested  in  Chelsea,  which  was 
practically  an  undeveloped  tract  of  land.  Believing  this  to  be  a  valuable  tract  for  the  future 
rise  in  values,  he  had  the  courage  of  his  convictions  and  invested  very  largely.  Later  days 
ha\e  demonstrated  Dr.  Thompson's  foresight  and  courage,  as  values  have  risen  very 
largely  and  Chelsea  is  now  one  of  the  most  desirable  parts  of  our  beautiful  city. 

In  politics  and  religion  he  is  independent. 

Dr.  Thompson's  latest  venture  was  in  Hotel  Chelsea,  which  was  so  successful  the  first 
season  it  opened,  1899.  that  an  extension  trebling  its  first  capacity  has  been  added. 

Hon.  Joseph  Thompson,  the  son  of  William  W.  and  Hester  T.  Pennington  Thompson, 
was  born  at  Mays  Landing.  September  21.  1853.  He  received  his  early  education  in  his 
native  town  and  studied  law  under  Alden  C.  Scovel  of  Camden,  and  William  Moore  of 
Mays  Landing.  In  1878  he  was  admitted  to  the  New  Jersey  Bar  as  an  attorney,  and  in 
1883  as  a  counsellor.  Since  1880.  when  he  came  to  Atlantic  City,  he  has  held  several  im- 
portant public  offices.  In  1881  he  was  made  tax  collector  of  the  county;  in  1882  solicitor 
for  the  Board  of  Chosen  Freeholders,  in  which  position  he  has  been  retained  ever  since. 
He  succeeded   Alex.   H.   Sharp  as  p'osecutor  of  the  pleas  for  Atlantic   County,  filling  the 

KlOGKArilV^  r,09 

office  from  1882  to  1892.  In  the  latter  year,  lie  was  appointed  law  jud.ue  ol  the  eciunty  by 
Governor  Wurts.  holding  the  position  until  April.  i8g8,  when  he  was  elected  Mayor. 

He  is  one  of  the  directors  of  the  Second  National  Bank,  also  the  Atlantic  Safe  Deposit 
and  Trust  Company.  He  is  solicitor  for  both  of  these  corporations,  with  whose  organization 
he  was  identified.  He  is  one  of  the  managers  of  the  State  Hospital  for  the  Insane,  at  Tren- 
ton, having  been  appointed  in  March.  1898.  by  Governor  Voorhces.  He  is  likewise  a  mem- 
ber of  the  State  Board  of  Taxation  by  grace  of  the  same  appointing  power. 

Mayor  Thompson  is  a  shrewd  politician,  alert  business  man  and  an  aggressive  attorney. 
He  has  made  a  specialty  of  corporation  law  and  has  been  solicitor  for  one  or  both  rnilrnacW 
leading  to  this  city  for  many  years. 


Wilber  R.  Tilton.  the  well-known  cashier  of  the  Hammonton  Bank,  is  the  son  of  the 
late  Peter  S.  Tilton.  and  was  born  at  Bakersville.  March  24.  1857.  He  finished  his  education 
at  Bryant  &  Stratton's  Business  College,  and  for  several  years  was  associated  with  his  father 
in  the  management  of  a  general  country  store.  Since  1887  he  has  been  cashier  of  the 
People's  Bank.  He  is  identified  with  other  business  interests  and  commands  the  respect 
and  confidence  of  his  fellow  citizens  throughout  the  country,  wherever  he  is  known. 


Charles  Edward  L'Imer.  ]\I.  D..  was  born  in  Ellsworth,  near  Bangor.  Maine,  on  Sep- 
tember 8.  1857,  and  died  in  .\tlantic  City  January  15.  1898,  His  father  was  Levi  L'lmer,  son 
of  George  Ulmer,  a  Revolutionary  officer.  His  mother  was  Harriet  J.  Lord,  a  direct  de- 
scendant of  Stephen  Hopkins,  who  came  to  this  country  in  the  Mayflower. 

The  Doctor's  parents  moved  to  Philadelphia  when  he  was  cjuite  young.  His  early 
scholastic  training  was  had  in  the  Boys'  Central  High  School,  of  which  he  was  a  graduate. 
He  next  entered  the  Philadelphia  Dental  College,  graduated,  and  became  Demonstrator  of 
Chemistry  in  that  institution.  Later  he  studied  at  the  LTniversity  of  Pennsylvania  for  the 
degree  of  Doctor  of  Philosophy,  but  abandoned  it  in  1880  to  come  to  Atlantic  City,  where 
for  ten  years  he  practiced  successfully  as  a  dentist.  In  1890  he  was  graduated  from  the 
Jefferson   ^^ledical  College  and  soon   gained  a  large  practice. 

The  Doctor  was  City  Physician  for  several  years,  until  impaired  health  compelled  him 
to  relinquish  practice.    At  the  time  of  his  death  he  was  a  member  of  the  Board  of  Education. 

On  August  13,  1896,  he  married  Helen,  daughter  of  Henry  D.  Smith,  formerly  of 
Brigantine  Beach. 

In  the  practice  of  medicine  he  was  most  successful,  and  at  all  times  a  close  student. 
With  a  passionate  love  for  his  profession,  combined  with  a  winning  personality  and  gentle- 
ness of  manner,  he  was  an  ideal  physician  and  one  of  the  most  popular  and  successful  prac- 
titioners in  this  city. 

S.  Hudson  Vaughn,  architect  of  this  city,  is  the  son  of  Capt.  Daniel  F.  Vaughn,  of 
INIays  Landing,  where  he  was  born,  August  25,  1871.  He  was  educated  in  the  public  schools 
and  at  Spring  Garden  Institute.  Philadelphia,  and  found  employment  with  varioiis  archi- 
tects before  he  accepted  the  position  of  superintendent  of  buildings  for  the  Industrial  Land 
Company  of  New  York,  which  erected  seventy  cottages  and  several  factories  at  Mays  Land- 
ing previous  to  1894.  when  he  became  associated  with  the  late  William  G.  Hoopes  in  this 
city      Upon  the  death  of  Mr.  Hoopes.  Mr.  Vaughn  succeeded  him  in  the  business  and  has 


been  very  successful.  He  was  the  architect  of  the  Allen  apartment  building,  the  Currie 
building,  the  Chelsea  school  house,  the  County  Asylum  at  Smiths  Landing,  Bleak  House, 
the  Conrow  and  Rochford  apartment  blocks,  and  various  other  important  buildings  and 
private  residences. 

On   September  22.   1892,   Mr.   Vaughn   married   Mrs.    Lida   P.    Eldredge,  of  Cape   May 
City,  and  occupies  a  fine  home  in   Chelsea. 


Charles  Frederick  Wahl,  the  enterprising  shoe  merchant,  is  the  youngest  of  the  three 
sons  of  the  late  John  Conrad  and  Mary  Struchen  Wahl,  and  was  born  at  Egg  Harbor  City, 
June  16,  1858.     The  two  older  brothers,  John  C.  Wahl,  Jr.,  and  William  Frederick  Wahl  \ 

of  this  city,  are  also  shoe  dealers.  The  father  was  one  of  the  early  pioneers  of  Egg  Harbor 
City,  coming  from  Wittenberg,  Germany,  and  spending  his  first  few  years  in  Boston  and 
New  York. 

The  son  was  educated  in  the  public  schools,  in  both  German  and  English  branches,  and 
came  to  Atlantic  City  with  his  father  in  1871,  to  be  the  third  shoe  dealer  to  locate  here,  his 
predecessors  being  the  late  Joseph  J.  Shinnen  and  the  veteran  John  Harrold.  Wahl's  shoe 
store  at  Virginia  and  Atlantic  avenues  was  a  landmark  for  more  than  twenty  years. 

In  1892,  the  son  succeeding  his  father  in  the  active  management  of  the  business,  moved  ,^ 

to  the  larger  Tower  Hall  shoe  store  at  the  corner  of  Pennsylvania  avenue,  where  the  busi-  il  ( 

ness  has  since  been  conducted  with  metropolitan  enterprise  and  success.  ^ — 

In  1889  Mr.  Wahl  married  Martha  F.  Lippincott,  and  has  three  children,  Wendell  Phil-  »<  ^^  ;>  j 
lips,  Hildegard  Mary  and  Helen  Gould.     He  is  considerably  interested  in  real  estate  and   n     / 
devotes  his  energies  closely  to  his  large  and  prosperous  trade.     He  is  a  member  of  American  Mi*t4,  ^~ 
Star  Lodge  of  Odd  Fellows,  a  trustee  of  Central  M.  E.  Church,  which  he  helped  to  organize^  I 

and  in  which  he  has  taken  an  active  interest.  U/fV    Q"!* 

JOHN  S.  WESTCOTT.  "'         1* 

John  S.  Westcott.  Esq.,  who  has  been  City  Recorder  since  March,  1898,  was  born  in  this.    27,1 
city  May  4,  1866.     He  is  the  youngest  son  of  the  late  Arthur  and  Mary  A,  Westcott.     His  ^    'J 

father  was  a  carpenter  and  builder,  and  for  tweiUy  wajs  or  more  was  the  assessor  oi^this   '        ^"^^i 
city.     His  ancestors  were  of  English  descent,  hisjl'grandfather  coming  from  >i         i'   ji    /i 
He  was  a  commissioned  officer  in  the  Mexican  war,  and  became  the  owner  of  considerable 
property  in  this  county. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  educated  in  the  public  schools  and  studied  law  with  Hon. 
Joseph  Thompson,  then  Prosecutor  of  the  Pleas  of  this  county.  He  was  admitted  to  the 
bar  in  June,  1888,  and  has  been  very  successful  in  the  practice  of  law.  He  was  solicitor  for 
the  City  Board  of  Health  nine  years.  In  1889  he  was  elected  Coroner  and  served  a  term  as 
chairman  of  the  Board  of  Assessors.  He  has  been  engaged  in  many  important  suits  and  is 
prominent  and  active  in  the  Republican  party.  He  is  a  member  of  Trinity  Lodge  and 
Trinity  Chapter,  R.  A.  !M.  He  is  an  Elk,  an  Odd  Fellow  and  a  Red  Man.  He  married  Mary 
E.  Corcoran,  of  Philadelphia,  and  occupies  a  fine  home  on  Ocean  avenue. 


One  of  the  younger  members  of  the  Atlantic  City  medical  fraternity  is  Dr.  Alfred  W. 
Westney,  who  was  born  June  9,  1874,  in  Philadelphia,  his  parents  being  John  and  Mary 
Westney,  who  now  reside  at  Palmyra,  New  Jersey. 

He  attended   the   public  schools   of  his   native   city  and   graduated   with  the  degree  ol 

p.ior.KAiMiv.  sir 

Bachelor  of  Arts  at  the  Central  Hitjh  Seh0.1l.  alter  which  he  entered  Ilahneniann  Medical- 
College  and  graduated  in  the  tirst  four  years'  course  of  that  institution.  In  1897  he  re- 
ceived an  appointment  as  senior  house  surgeon  and  physician  at  Hahnemann  Hospital, 
where  he  served  a  little  over  a  year.  For  several  years  prior  to  this  and.  in  fact,  while  a 
student,  he  served  in  a  number  of  dispensaries  at  the  hospital,  and  is  a  graduate  of  the 
Lying-in.  In  1898  he  came  to  Atlantic  City,  locating  at  i,?oj  Pacific  avenue,  where  lie  has 
a  cosy  office. 

Dr.  Westney  has  a  pleasing  personality,  is  an  entlnisi.-ist  ami  a  menihcr  nf  a  number  of 
medical  societies,  of  which  miglit  be  mentioned  the  Phi  .Mplia  (lamnia.  and  tlie  .American 
Institute  of  Homoeopathy. 

DAXIF.L  .S.  WHITI-:.  Jk, 
Daniel  S.  Wliite.  Jr..  owner  and  proprietor  of  Hotel  Trayuiore.  was  born  near  Mount 
Holly,  N.  J.,  in  1853.  He  was  educated  in  the  public  schools  and  in  Philadelphia.  His 
father  for  17  years  was  superintendent  of  Indian  aflfairs  in  Nebraska,  and  the  son  served 
him  as  clerk,  also  as  Indian  trader  and  dealer  in  general  merchandise  for  some  years  in 
Iowa  and  Nebraska.  In  1886  he  came  east  and  with  his  father-in-law.  W.  W.  Green,  and 
his  brother-in-law,  G.  E.  Knight,  purchased  the  Hotel  Traymore  of  Mrs.  M.  E.  Hoopes. 
To  the  management  of  the  hotel  INIr.  White  has  devoted  his  exclusive  attention  ever  since, 
till  at  present  he  is  the  sole  owner,  and  the  property  is  several  times  more  valuable  than 
when  he  first  knew  it.  Hotel  Traymore  is  an  all-the-year  house,  has  accommodations  for 
400  guests  and  is  often  unable  to  meet  the  demand  upon  it  for  rooms.  Its  success  is  chitlly 
due  to  the  careful  business  methods  ami  liberal  management  of  .Mr.  White. 


Harry  Wootton.  one  of  the  most  popular  young  men  in  Atlantic  City,  is  a  son  of  the 
late  Henry  and  Anne  J.  Eldredge  Wootton.  and  grandson  of  the  late  Jonah  Wootton  and 
the  late  Lemuel  Eldredge.  who  were  prominent  in  the  affairs  of  Atlantic  City  since  its 
early  days.  He  married  in  1895,  Mar\-  Marshall  Down,  daughter  of  L.  .A.  Down.  ex-County 
Clerk  of  Atlantic  County. 

He  is  a  graduate  of  the  .Atlantic  City  High  School,  being  a  member  of  the  class  of 
1886.  He  studied  law  in  the  oftices  of  Hon.  Joseph  Thompson,  after  which  he  attended 
Columbia  College,  New  York,  and  in  1892  received  the  degree  of  LL.B.  from  the  New 
Y'ork  law  school.  In  the  same  year  he  was  admitted  to  the  Bar  of  the  State  of  New-  Jersey, 
since  which  time  he  has  practiced  law.  acquiring  a  valuable  practice.  He  is  also  a  junior 
member  of  the  real  estate  firm  of  Devine  and  Wootton.  who  have  one  of  the  largest  real 
estate  clientages  in  South  Jersey.  He  is  actively  identified  with  the  Republican  party,  and 
is  a  member  of  many  secret  societies  and  social  organizations  of  .Atlantic  City. 


Jonah  Wootton.  Sr..  one  of  the  early  pioneers  nf  this  city,  was  born  in  Hloxwich.  Staf- 
fordshire. England.  February  24.  1814.  He  was  the  son  of  Samuel  and  Elizabeth  W<joiton. 
and  was  one  of  a  family  of  twenty-one  children.  He  married  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Wil- 
liam and  Mary  Whitehouse,  and  was  a  painter  and  builder  by  trade  and  occupation.  He 
-came  to  this  country  in  1844.  landing  in  Baltimore,  where  he  lived  four  years  before  moving 
to  Philadelphia.  He  moved  to  this  city  in  1858,  having  then  completed  Light  House  Cot- 
tage at  the  ocean  end  of  Massachusetts  avenue,  which,  when  moved  later  to  escape  the  en- 
croachments of  the  ocean,  became  known  as  the  St.  Charles,  standing  near  Delaware  and- 


Pacific  avenue.  Mr.  Wootton  purchased  the  entire  square  from  Pacific  avenue  to  the 
ocean  for  $7,500.  William  Whitehouse.  a  brotlier  of  Mrs.  Wootton.  built  what  for  years 
was  known  as  the  Wliite  House  on  Massachusetts  avenue.  Mrs.  Wootton  died  December 
29,  1877- 

The  children  of  Jonah  and  Elizabeth  Wootton  were:  Mary  Ann,  b.  February  12,  1836; 
d.  young.  Jonah,  Jr.,  b.  June  5.  1837:  d.  December  28.  1892.  Mary  A.,  b.  October  21,  1838; 
m.  J.  Henry  Hayes.  Paul,  b.  December  12,  1840.  Silas,  b.  July  20,  1842;  killed  on  skirmish 
line,  battle  of  Weldon  Railroad,  August  18,  1864;  he  was  Quartermaster  Sergeant,  156th 
Regiment,  Pennsylvania  Volunteers.  Phillip,  b.  September  12,  1844;  d.  December  21,  1844. 
William,  b.  May  15,  1846;  d.  June  16,  1846.  Elizabeth,  b.  February  2,  1850;  d.  September  13, 
1851.  Lucy,  b.  February  2,  1852;  d.  March  2,  1852.  Eliza,  b.  February  2,  1855;  d.  March  2, 

For  his  second  wife  Jonah  Wootton  married  Mary  Coulter,  who  survives  him.  He  died 
January  24,  1890.  He  never  held  any  public  position,  but  was  an  active  member  and  liberal 
supporter  of  the  church  and  a  progressive,  enterprising  citizen,  who  helped  the  town  to 
prosper  in  its  early  days. 


Jonah  Wootton,  Jr.,  was  born  at  Bloxwich,  England,  in  1837.  He  came  with  his 
parents  to  America  in  1843,  settling  in  Baltimore,  Md.,  later  removing  to  Philadelphia,  Pa., 
where  he  received  his  early  education  in  the  public  schools.  In  1861  he  succeeded  his 
father  in  the  painting  business,  which  he  successfully  carried  on.  until  he  removed  to  Atlantic 
City,  in  1870,  where  he  entered  into  the  hotel  business  with  his  father,  conducting  the 
"Light  House  Cottage,"  at  the  foot  of  Massachusetts  avenue,  which  was  later  removed  to 
the  foot  of  Delaware  avenue  and  called  the  "St.  Charles."  Leaving  the  hotel  business,  he 
again  engaged  in  the  decorative  painting  business.  He  was  a  devout  member  of  the  First 
M.  E.  Church,  conducting  the  choir  and  being  Sabbath-school  superintendent  for  many 
years.  He  married  Mary  A.  GrifBth,  daughter  of  Wm.  C.  and  Kathryn  Rose  Griffith,  of 
Philadelphia,  Pa.  Their  children  being  William,  Elizabeth,  Silas,  Mayme,  Nellie,  Jonah 
and  Kathryn.  He  was  a  Republican  in  politics,  later  joining  the  Prohibition  party.  He 
died   December  28,   1892. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  June  22.  1830,  in  Durham,  Greene  County,  New 
Y'ork,  and  is  the  son  of  Anson  P.  and  Abigail  Pierce  Wright.  His  early  education  was 
begun  at  a  country  district  school  and  was  largely  supplemented  by  hard  study  at  home, 
coupled  with  considerable  e.xercise  as  a  student  at  farming  on  his  father's  farm.  As  a  young 
man.  General  Wright  began  his  struggle  for  prominence  as  a  teacher  of  a  country  school, 
to  which  occupation  he  gave  three  years'  faithful  service.  He  located  at  Atlantic  City,  New 
Jersey,  in  March,  1852.  His  first  vocation  was  that  of  a  school  teacher  for  several  years, 
later  taking  up  the  science  of  civil  engineering  and  surveying.  At  the  outbreak  of  the  war 
in  1861,  he  was  instrumental  in  raising  and  equipping  a  company  called  the  "Home  Guards," 
of  which  he  was  commissioned  Captain.  Promptly  after  the  Bull  Run  fight  he  took  his 
company  to  Trenton,  where  they  were  mustered  into  the  4th  New  Jersey  Regiment  of 
Infantry,  and  General  Wright  accepted  a  position  as  Second  Lieutenant  (the  lowest  com- 
mission in  the  army).  After  much  reorganization,  drilling  and  other  military  preparation, 
much  of  the  duties  of  the  soldier  was  gathered  by  these  patriotic  spirited  men.  Among  the 
many  other  duties  the  General  filled  the  office  of  Judge  Advocate  of  several  special  Courts- 
Martial  during  these  stirring  times,  and  practically  working  his  way  up  from  the  lowest 
ranks  as  an  officer  to  a  position  of  prominence  and  importance  in  military  circles.  Probably 
no  man  among  the  veterans  remaining  in  the  State  of  New  Jersey  has  seen  a  more  varied  or 

BIOGRAPHY.  .-,13 

peculiar  career  as  an  iiUrepiil  soldier  and  a  warm  advocate  of  President  Lincoln's  p.diey. 
Many  incidents  are  related  which  vividly  portray  a  strong  decision  of  character  and  indi- 
viduality which  make  successful  men  no  matter  what  their  vocation  may  be.  F.lias  WriKlu's 
service  during  the  rebellion  is  a  record  of  which  he  may  be  justly  proud,  and  the  many 
attestations  from  his  superior  ofticcrs  prove  the  opinion  in  which  they  held  his  courage 
and  ability.  General  Wright  entered  the  service  as  Second  Lieutenant  of  Co'iipauy  G.  4th 
New  Jersey  Volunteer  Infantry,  August  17.  i86i.  Promoted  to  First  Lieutenant,  Company 
D,  January  3.  1862.  Captured  at  Gaines  Mill.  Virginia.  June  27.  1862,  and  imprisoned  in 
Richmond,  Virginia,  Exchanged  August  5,  1862.  Wounded  at  Crampton  Pass,  .Maryland, 
September  14,  1862.  Promoted  to  a  Captaincy,  December,  1862:  Major,  June,  186,^;  Lieu- 
tenant-Colonel, April,  1864;  Colonel,  .August,  1864;  Brevet  Brigadier-General  U.  S.  Volun- 
teers, January,  1865.  and  confirmed  by  the  Senate  at  that  time  for  gallant  and  meritorious 
services  during  the  war.  The  following  enumeration  of  army  service  will  doubtless  be 
of  interest: 

He  was  on  duty  near  Washinoton.  D.  C,  until  March  7.  1862;  moved  to  the  Penin.-ula, 
April  4th:  in  action  at  West  Point.  \"irginia.  May  7th;  Seven  Days'  l)attle.  June  25th-July 
1st:  battle  of  Gaines  Mill,  June  27th,  wdiere  he  was  captured  and  imprisoned  at  Libby 
Prison  for  seven  weeks.  He  was  in  action  again  on  the  Plains  of  Manassas  and  Bull  Run 
Bridge.  August  27,  1862:  battle  of  Chantilly,  September  ist:  Maryland  Campaign,  Septem- 
ber 7th-20th:  -battle  of  Crampton's  Pass,  Maryland,  September  14th,  wdiere  in  leading  the 
advance  in  the  charge  up  the  mountain  he  w-as  badly  wounded.  Battle  of  .\ntietam.  Sep- 
tember i6th-i7th:  battle  of  Fredericksburg,  Virginia,  December  I3th-I5th:  Chancellorsville 
Campaign,  April  28th-May  6th:  battle  of  Salem  Heights,  May  ,?d-4th:  expedition  to  South 
Mills,  December  5th-20th,  1863:  battle  with  Fitzhugh  Lee's  Cavalry,  May  21st:  battle  of 
Chaffin's  Farm,  September  29th-30th:  expedition  against  Fort  Fisher  in  December,  1864. 
and  January,  1865:  commanded  a  brigade  from  October,  1864.  to  the  end  of  his  service: 
commanding  a  brigade  of  five  regiments  in  March,  1865.  he  had  the  advance  of  Gen.  Terry's 
army  up  the  Peninsula  from  Fort  Fisher  to  Wilmington.  Near  the  latter  place  the  enemy 
under  Gen.  Bragg  made  a  stubborn  resistance,  wdiere  the  subject  of  this  sketch  was  shot 
through  the  right  arm,  which  ever  after  paralyzed  that  limb.  At  the  surrender  of  Johnson's 
army  near  Durham,  North  Carolina,  April,  1865:^Iarshal  of  New  Berne.  North 
Carolina.  May  and  June,  1865. 

The  brigade  having  been  ordered  to  Texas  he  resigned  and  went  home,  and  was  im- 
mediately taken  into  service  by  his  former  employer,  Stephen  Colwell.  General  Wright 
held  eight  commissions  in  the  volunteer  army,  two  of  them  as  Captain,  and  rising,  as  above 
stated,  to  the  rank  of  Brevet  Brigadier-General  of  the  U.  S.  \'olunteers.  ()f  these  he  asked 
only  for  the  rank  of  Captain. 

After  the  war  was  over  he  was  assigned  by  ^Ir.  Colwell  as  surveyor  and  engineer  and 
partially  as  manager  of  Mr.  Cohvell's  business,  with  headquarters  at  Weymouth,  Atlantic 
County,  New  Jersey.  He  continued  that  work  until  1873,  when  he  was  engaged  by  Joseph 
Wharton,  of  Philadelphia,  to  manage  his  estate  of  more  than  100,000  acres  of  land  in  New 
Jersey,  in  which  work  he  is  still  interested.  His  researches  of  the  titles  extend  back  to  1720. 
covering  many  owners  and  many  conditions,  with  the  result  that  great  credit  is  due  to  the 
ability  of  General  Wright.  No  other  land  owner  in  that  region  has  ever  undertaken  such  a 
tremendous  task,  in  the  successful  outcome  of  which  the  General  takes  a  just  pride.  It  is 
an  enduring  monument  to  his  industry  and  energy  and  also  to  the  tenacity  of  purjjose  of 
Joseph  Wharton,  wdio  has  saved  much  trouble  for  his  successors  by  clearing  up  the  titles 
and  boundary  lines  in  Southern  New  Jersey. 

In  politics  the  General  is  an  uncompromising  Republican,  though  he  is  opposed  to 
voting  in  the  field  and  still  does  not  believe  that  soldiers,  either  volunteer  or  regulars,  siiould 
be  allowed  so  to  vote.  He  does  not  believe  in  the  demonetization  of  silver  as  money  of 

General  \\'right  is  a  believer  in  thorough  education,  but  has  no  sujierstitious  reverence 


for  mere  literary  culture  as  contrasted  with  practical  training  in  affairs.  He  believes  in  the 
employment  of  men  and  women  equally  as  teachers,  and  yet  is  decided  in  his  belief  that 
our  public  school  system  suffers,  not  only  from  incompetent  officers,  but  from  an  undue 
proportion  of  women  teachers.  He  has  never  had  the  time  nor  the  disposition  to  contend 
for  political  preferment,  and  has,  therefore,  held  but  few  offices,  but  he  has  had  sundry  occa- 
sions to  look  into  the  accounts  and  doings  of  political  henchmen,  and  he  regrets  the  knowl- 
edge so  acquired.     He  has  no  denominational  affiliations. 


Willard  Wright,  M.  D.,  who  died  at  his  home  in  this  city,  September  8,  1895,  was  the 
son  of  Anson  P.  Wright,  a  farmer,  and  was  born  in  the  town  of  Durham,  Green  County, 
N.  Y..  July  18,  1832.  He  was  the  youngest  of  six  sons  in  a  family  of  nine  children.  His, 
brothers  were  Calvin,  Bradford,  Anson  B.,  George,  and  Elias,  and  his  sisters  were  Mary  A., 
Henrietta,  and  Ellen  B.  He  received  his  early  training  on  the  farm  and  in  the  district 
school.  He  taught  school  for  several  years,  like  many  other  young  men  from  the  Knick- 
erbocker country,  and  finally  studied  medicine  in  Chicago  and  Philadelphia,  and  settled 
for  practice  in  Illinois.  When  the  war  of  the  Rebellion  broke  out  he  raised  a  company  of 
cavalry  and  entered  the  service  as  Captain,  October  10,  1861,  and  saw  active  service  in  the 
State  of  Missouri.  Owing  to  sickness  contracted  by  exposure,  from  which  lie  never  fully 
recovered,  he  resigned  and  was  honorably  discharged  July  20.  1862.  Rettjming  east  he  set- 
tled at  Pleasantville  and  resumed  the  practice  of  his  profession,  having  a  drug  store  at 
Absecon  and  an  extensive  practice  along  the  shore.  He  soon  became  recognized  as  one  of 
the  best  physicians  and  one  of  the  influential  men  of  the  county. 

For  his  second  wife  he  married  Annie  M.  Frambes,  November  21,  1864.  In  1871  he 
associated  himself  with  Dr.  Rex  Smith  and  opened  a  drug  store  in  this  city,  at  910  Atlantic 
avenue.  Two  years  later  he  moved  to  this  city  to  reside  permanently  and  opened  a  drug 
store  at  931  Atlantic  avenue,  where  he  lived  for  a  number  of  years.  He  succeeded  John  J. 
Gardner  as  Mayor  of  Atlantic  City  in  i8/6-'77,  also  in  1879  and  1881,  and  again  in  1886.  He 
was  one  of  the  active  and  influential  friends  and  advocates  of  the  Narrow  Gauge  railroad, 
which  gave  him  considerable  prestige  and  popularity.  He  was  also  largely  instrumental  as 
Mayor  in  securing  an  ample  supply  of  water  for  this  city  at  a  time  when  the  injurious 
effects  of  a  water  famine  and  the  lack  of  tire  protection  were  halting  the  progress  of  the 
town.  As  a  physician  he  appreciated  the  value  of  a  good  water  supply,  and  fearlessly  faced 
strong  opposition  in  doing  what  he  felt  to  be  an  important  duty. 

He  was  twice  appointed  Postmaster  of  this  city  by  President  Cleveland,  and  filled  ac- 
ceptably this  very  trying  and  difficult  position.  Dr.  Wright's  kindness  and  generosity  were 
proverbial.  His  drug  store  when  he  was  personally  in  charge  was  almost  a  free  dispensary, 
and  his  failure  to  collect  or  to  urge  the  collection  of  thousands  of  dollars  due  him  for  drugs 
and  professional  services  kept  him  poor.  While  he  had  a  fortune  in  outstanding  bills  he 
was  often  hard  pressed  financially  till  his  salary  as  postmaster  made  him  more  comfortable. 

As  a  public  man,  intensely  interested  in  his  home  town,  his  integrity  was  at  times  as- 
sailed by  his  opponents.  But  he  died  poor,  a  friend  of  the  poor,  generous  and  kind,  a 
proof  that  his  best  years  and  his  great  ability  had  been  devoted  unselfishly  to  the  service 
of  his  fellow  man.  As  a  physician  he  had  few  equals.  He  saved  many  a  life  and  cured 
many  a  doubtful  case.     In  politics  and  religion  he  was  liberal. 

He  was  a  great  reader  and  enjoyed  the  discussion  of  metaphysical  subjects.  He  was  a 
Greeley  Republican,  who,  like  thousands  of  others,  were  Democrats  after  1872.  As  a  public 
man  and  a  family  physician  few  have  contributed  so  much  of  their  time,  talent  and  means, 
for  the  benefit  of  others  in  this  citv  as  Dr.  Willard  Wria;ht. 

RIOGRArilV.  515 

JOIIX    L.    \()L"XG. 

Captain  John  L.,  son  of  the  late  James  Young,  is  a  representative  Jerseynian  and  suc- 
cessful citizen,  who  occupies  a  niche  of  his  own  in  the  history  of  Atlantic  City.  He  was 
born  at  Absecon,  September  25,  1853,  and  has  spent  most  of  his  life  on  this  island,  achiev- 
ing fortune  and  popularity  by  dint  of  his  own  genius.  Till  he  was  fifteen  years  old  his  liunic 
was  among  the  wild  sand  hills  at  South  Atlantic,  where  his  grandfather,  under  Capt.  Charles 
Bates,  was  employed  in  the  coast  survey.  Here  during  the  impressionable  years  of  his 
boyhood,  wild  nature  was  his  public  school,  and  he  became  familiar  with  the  facts  of  the 
natural  history  of  the  region  which  have  been  of  so  great  use  to  him  ever  since. 

No  man  is  better  versed  in  the  habits  and  peculiarities  of  the  fish  and  wild  fowls.  01 
the  action  of  tides  and  currents  and  changes  of  the  weather  and  se;isi>n>.  than  he.  Xn  man 
is  more  skillful  with  gun  or  boat,  or  more  at  linnie  and  in  his  clement  where  the  Atlantic 
lashes  the  continent. 

Mr.  Young  was  a  nephew  of  the  late  Hon.  John  L.  Bryant,  and  learned  of  him  the 
trade  of  carpenter  and  builder.  He  worked  at  his  trade  in  this  city  for  some  years,  and  no 
longer  ago  than  1885  served  the  city  as  life  guard  and  police  officer  at  forty  dollars  per 
month.  In  the  faff  of  that  year  he  formed  a  partnership  with  Stewart  R.  McShea.  Their 
successful  and  extensive  deals  in  beach  front  property  are  referred  to  elsewhere.  Mr.  Young 
has  visited  California  and  viewed  the  natural  wonders  of  his  native  land.  He  is  happily 
married  and  occupies  a  beautiful  home  on  the  sliore.  or  in  his  cottage  over  the  ocean  where 
the  associations  of  a  lifetime  in  all  their  perfection  are  combined  in  liis  ocean  pier  ami  its 
special  attractions. 


Maurice  Decker  Youngman.  M.  D..  was  born  in  Kingston.  X.  Y.,  March  2.?.  1S5.S.  His 
early  education  was  obtained  in  the  public  schools  of  Xew  York  City  and  at  the  L'niversity 
of  New  York,  where  he  graduated.  He  studied  medicine  with  Dr.  Abraham  Crispell.  of 
Kingston,  and  graduated  at  the  Xew  York  Homoeopathic  Medical  College  in  1880.  Owing 
to  the  ill  health  of  his  wife  he  visited  the  pine  region  of  New  Jersey,  spending  a  few  months 
at  Lakewood.  Manchester  and  Toms  River  previous  to  coming  to  this  city.  May  18.  l88t. 
He  came  at  the  suggestion  of  Dr.  O.  H.  Crosby,  and  first  opened  an  office  on  .\tlantic 
avenue  below  Indiana.  At  the  end  of  his  first  year  he  moved  to  his  present  location  on 
Pacific  avenue.  He  has  for  many  years  been  a  member  of  and  secretary  of  the  city  board  of 
health,  and  for  a  number  of  years  was  the  local  representative  of  the  State  Board  of  Health. 
He  has  issued  many  pamphlets  on  Atlantic  City  as  a  resort  for  invalids,  one  of  which  has 
had  a  run  of  five  editions.  In  1889  he  served  on  a  special  committee  to  correct  and  coun- 
teract the  mendacious  reports  of  destruction  by  storm  sent  out  from  this  city  by  sensa- 
tional reporters.  He  is  a  member  of  several  medical  societies,  also  a  member  of  Trinity 
Lodge.  F.  and  A.  M. 

Alfred  Williams  Baily.  M.  D..  one  of  our  best  known  physicians  is  the  son  of  Rev. 
Thomas  Loyd  Baily.  and  was  born  near  West  Chester.  Penna..  October  18.  1857.  He  was 
educated  in  the  public  schools  and  at  Westtown,  Academy,  and  graduated  from  Hahnemann 
Medical  College,  March,  1886.  He  located  in  this  city  the  following  September,  and  has 
been  very  successful  in  his  practice  ever  since.  He  was  elected  president  of  the  New  Jersey 
Homoeopathic  Medical  Society  in  1893.  and  has  taken  an  active  interest  in  that  organiza- 
tion. He  is  one  of  the  most  active  workers  of  the  Homoeopathic  Club  of  this  City  and 
during  the  year  iggq  was  the  very  active  and  efficient  President  of  the  Board  of  Health. 

510  daily  union  history  of  atlantic  county. 

s:mith  conover. 

Smith  Conover,  the  well-known  grocer  of  Atlantic  City,  was  born  at  Oceanville,  N.  J., 
July  4.  1850.  He  was  one  of  the  eight  children  of  Eliakim  Conover  and  Sophia  Smith. 
The  sons  were  Charles,  James.  Eliner,  Smith.  Lemuel,  Josiah  and  Samuel.  The  sister  was 
Sarah  and  lives  in  Philadelphia.  Lemuel  only  is  dead.  The  early  education  of  the  subject 
of  this  sketch  was  gained  mostly  in  the  country  store  of  his  father  and  that  of  his  uncle. 
John  V.  Conover,  at  Oceanville.  H  e  came  to  Atlantic  City  in  1868  and  found  employment 
in  the  grocery  store  of  Lewis  Reed,  Jr..  on  Atlantic  avenue,  above  Maryland  avenue.  Here 
he  continued  five  years  till  1873,  when  he  accepted  the  position  of  bookkeeper  at  the  Dis- 
ston  lumber  mill.  In  1876  he  opened  a  grocery  store  on  his  own  account  in  a  property 
leased  of  Henry  Wootton,  which  he  purchased  later  and  still  occupies  at  Virginia  and  At- 
lantic avenues. 

For  eighteen  years  he  was  a  member  and  an  officer  in  the  First  M.  E.  Church  till  six 
years  ago  when  he  transferred  his  membership  to  Central  M.  E.  Church.  He  was  identified 
with  the  first  building  association  when  it  started  and  has  been  a  director,  vice-president  or 
president  most  of  the  time  since.  H  e  is  one  of  the  directors  and  the  vice-president  of  the 
Union  National  Bank  and  is  one  of  the  conservative,  representative  business  men  of  the 


Henry  Heckler,  owner  and  proprietor  of  Hotel  Heckler,  the  largest  and  leading  Ger- 
nian-.American  hotel  in  this  city,  is  one  of  our  progressive  citizens.  He  was  born  in 
Baden,  Germany,  September  10,  1842,  and  was  the  son  of  Dr.  Charles  Heckler.  He  came 
to  this  country  at  the  age  of  seventeen,  first  settling  at  Lancaster,  Pa.,  where  he  remained 
a  few  months.  He  then  moved  to  Philadelphia,  locating  at  Second  and  Race  streets,  where 
he  continued  his  business  as  a  barber  for  more  than  twenty  years.  He  moved  to  this 
city  in  1881  and  engaged  in  the  hotel  business,  renting  of  Mrs.  Annie  Mehler  what  for 
years  was  known  as  the  Forrest  House,  at  North  Carolina  and  Atlantic  avenues.  In  1892 
Mr.  Heckler  purchased  what  was  known  as  the  Ashland  House  property,  at  the  corner  of 
Pennsylvania  avenue.  This  large  and  valuable  property  has  been  made  profitable  and  more 
valuable  by  Mr.  Heckler,  who  has  catered  successfully  to  the  German-American  trade. 
For  years  he  has  been  a  member  of  various  German  and  social  organizations,  both  in  this 
city  and  in  Philadelphia.  He  is  an  Elk,  a  Redman,  a  Good  Fellow  and  a  member  of  the 
Maennerchor  and  Turn  Verein,  and  is  widely  known  as  a  hospitable,  public  spirited  man. 
He  has  never  held  any  public  position,  but,  yielding  to  the  solicitation  of  friends,  in  1895 
he  became  a  candidate  for  Council  and  made  a  highly  creditable  contest  in  a  strong  Repub- 
lican ward.  He  takes  a  lively  interest  in  public  affairs,  and  is  regarded  by  all  who  know 
him  as  a  true  friend  and  a  safe  advisor. 

On  October  16,  1863,  he  was  married  to  Elizabeth  Fritz,  an  American-born  German  wo- 
man, who  has  been  his  faithful  helpmate  ever  since  and  has  borne  him  three  sons,  Charles, 
William  and   Harry. 


Samuel  D.  HofTman  was  born  in  Auburn.  Salem  County,  February  2^.  1850.  He  fin- 
ished his  scholastic  education  as  a  graduate  of  the  State  Normal  school  at  Trenton  and  for 
several  years  thereafter  was  a  teacher.  While  principal  of  the  public  schools  at  May's 
Landing  he  was  one  of  the  county  examiners  under  county  superintendents  Wight  and 
!Morse,     There  also  he  studied  law  and  was  admitted  to  the  bar  in   18S1  as  an  attorney  and 




in  1S84  as  a  counsellor.  He  relinquished  school  duties  and  opened  a  law  olTice  in  Atlantic 
City  in  18S3  and  tlie  following  year  was  chosen  alilernian.  He  was  next  elected  city  school 
superintendent,  serving  till  he  was  elected  mayor  in  1887.  a  position  to  which  lie  was  twice 
re-elected  serving  five  years.  He  was  elected  assemblyman  in  November,  1891,  and  the 
following  year  was  elected  state  senator  over  William  Riddle,  who  received  3.12S  votes  to 
3.183  for  HofTman;  252  for  Turner,  Prohibitiv)nist.  Mr.  Hoffman's  plurality,  after  a 
sl'.arp  contest,  was  declared  to  be  55. 

In  1895  Mr.  Hoffman  was  re-elected  State  Senator  by  a  plurality  of  C\\C)  over  C.  F. 
Osgood.  In  1895  he  was  appointed  county  school  superintendent,  a  jiositiun  which  he  still 
holds.     He  is  one  of  the  leading  Republicans  of  the  county  and  h;is  been  very  successful. 

nue.  in  Alia 
near  Sonier: 
in  the  boats 


lanK■^  Jeffries,  the  well  known  liathing  master  at  the  foot  of  Maryland  avc- 
c  C  ity.  is  a  typical  Jerseyman.  a  native  of  .\tlantic  county.  He  was  born 
rniiit  on  April  I.  i860,  and  received  his  education  in  the  public  schools  and 
id  bays  of  his  locality.  He  followed  the  sea  for  a  number  of  years  till,  find- 
ing that  avocation  unpromising  and  unprofitable,  he  moved  tx>  Atlantic  City  about  1887 
and  engaged  in  business.  In  1893  he  leased  the  ground  at  the  foot  of  Maryland  avenue 
which  he  has  since  purchased  and  embarked  in  the  bathing  business.  He  has  been  very 
successful.  His  generous  spirit  and  liberal,  progressive  ideas,  have  made  him  a  host  of 
friends  and  he  is  up-to-date  in  his  business.  Old  ocean,  which  he  know'S  so  well,  is  con- 
stantly adding  to  the  value  of  his  beach  front  possessions.  On  November  i.  18S8.  lie  mar- 
ried Miss  Rebecca  Godfrey  of  Palermo,  Cape  May  County,  a  sister  of  lawyer  1!.  C.  God- 
frey of  Atlantic  Citv.    They  have  a  fine  home  at  No.  145  St.  Charles  Place. 


Adolph  Schlecht,  one  of  our  representative  German  citizens,  was  born  in  B.ideii.  (ler- 
many.  in  1852.  He  was  educated  in  the  German  and  Swiss  schools,  and  came  to  this 
country  in  1870.  He  at  once  became  associated  with  the  late  .Alois  ScIliuiUt,  in  the  niau- 
agenient  of  his  hotel  in  this  city.  He  married  Miss  SchauHer.  dau.iilitcr  of  his  enipli>yer.  and 
continued  there  ever  since  as  lessee   or  proprietor. 

In  the  management  of  Schaufler's  Hotel  and  the  Inlet  Pavilion  he  has  been  associated 
with  Col.  John  E.  Mehrer,  and  the  tw^  have  ahvays  been  liberal  public  spirited  citizens. 
Mr.  Schlecht  is  a  member  of  Trinity  Lodge  and  Chapter.  In  politics  he  is  an  independent 


f/L£  B£ACff  FROM 



^  500- 


A     T   L   A  N    T  /  C 



The  Aged  Lady  Lives  In  Philadelphia, 
But  Her  Family  Were  Among  the 
Earliest  Residents  of  This  County  and 
First  Settled  At'Somers'  Point. 

Active  in  mind,  but  helpless  in  limb, 
Mrs.  Hannah  Somers  Davis,  well  known 
in  ihis  city  and  comity,  who  perhaps  can 
claim  to  be  the  oldest  person  ot  authentic 
antecedents  in  Philadelphia,  is  seriously 
ill  at  her  home.  No.  44S  North  Fourtn 
street  there.  If  the  lite  of  Mrs.  Davis 
should  be  prolonged  to  October  1  next  she 
will  be  one  hundred  and  four  years  old. 
There  are  grave  doubts,  however,  ot  her 
recovering  from  her  present  illness,  as 
her  life  is  said  to  be  slowly  wasting  away 
from  general  debility. 

Hannah  Somers  Davis  can  trace  her 
genealogy  back  to  her  great-great-grand- 
-Ither,  John  Somers,  who  was  born  hi 
u'orcester  county,  England,  in  1G4U.  He 
wa.'!  a  cousin  of  John  Lord,  the  Earl  of 
Hardwick.  la  lOSS  John  Somes  came  to 
this  country  and  pui-chased  Lower  Dublin, 
now  called  Sonu-rton.  Pa.  Here  he  is  re- 
Friends,  and  married  Hannah  Hodgskins, 
a  woman  of  English  birth.  Seven  years 
afterward  he  puchased  the  property  now 
known  as  Somers  Point,  N.  J.,  built  a  log 
catin,  and  resided  there  until  his  death, 
in  172;i.  His  son  Richard  burned  the  brick 
and  formed  the  masonry  of  the  family 
mansion  still  standing  at  Somers  Point. 
He  was  born  in  169.3  and  died  in  1760. 

The  latter  left  a  son.  Colonel  Richard 
Somers,  of  Revolutionary  fame,  who  en,- 
tered  the  LInited  States  Navy  as  a  mid- 
shipman and  sailed  under  Commodore 
Preble  in  the  war  with  Turkey.  He  was 
promoted  to  a  captaincy  and  perished 
September  4,  1804,  in  the  bold  attempt  or 
Decatur  to  blow  up  the  Turkish  gunboats 
in  the  harbor  of  Tripoli.  Colonel  Somers 
had  a  brother,  James,  who  resided  on 
Hickory  Point,  one  mile  west  of  the  fa- 
.-nous  Somers  mansion.  The  house  occu- 
pied was  built  by  his  father  when  quite  a 
young  man  from  logs  cut  "into  shape  with 
a  crude  hand  saw  and  put  together  in  the 
style  of   those  days.     It   is  still  standing 





imes  Somers  was  the  father  of  eleven 
dren,  Hannah  and  a  half-sister  being 
only  survivors.  In  1803  Hannah  Som- 
went  to  Salem,  Ohio,  and  remained 
e  until  1S13.     She  can  now  vividly  re- 

call the  many  stn-ring  events, of  the  wai 
of  1S12  and  the  wilderness  of  the  wild 
West  in  those  days.  Although  born  o^ 
Quaker  parentage,  Hannah  Somers,  in 
ISIS,  joined  St.  Stephen's  Methodist  Epis- 
copal Church,  of  Philadelphia,  Tenth 
street,  above  Chestnut,  now  known  ao  j 
St.  Stephen's  Episcopal  Church,  In  1835 
she  was  married  to  Elijah  Davis  by  Rev. 
Thomas  M.  Carroll,  pastor  of  Salem  M.  E.  | 
Church.  Her  husband  was  also  a  devout) 
Meihodist,  being  a  member  and  trustee 
of  the  Fifth  Street  M.  E.  Church.  He  was 
engaged  jji  the  lead  and  paint,  busin 
but  retired  from  active  life  some  years 
before  his  death,  in  1S73. 

In  speaking  ot  this  remarkable  centen- 
arian a  well-known  friend  of  hers  said: 
"Mrs.  Davis  has  endeared  herself  to  us 
not  simply  on  account  of  her  longevity  or 
that  of  her  ancestry,  although  this  in  it- 
self is  wonderful,  but  because  she  takes 
an  active  interest  in  the  world  of  human- 
ity about  her,  having  always  preserved 
her  plain  Quaker  style  of  dress  and  living 
in  a  manner  that  has  enabled  her  to  help 
many  worthy  projects.  She  has  for  years 
been  associated  with  the  Union  M. 
Church,  formerly  of  Fourth  and  Arch 
streets,  but  now  located  on  Diamom 
street,  above  Twentieth.  Much  of  he 
benevolence  has  been  distributed  through 
this  channel. 


ng   the 


hrough  the  so- 
licitation of  the  late  Rev.  Dr.  Kynett,  she 
had  erected  a  frame  church  at  a  village 
called  Clarks,  in  Nebraska,  which  she 
named  Somers  Chapel.  She  afterward.) 
furnished  the  Sunday  school  with  a  li- 
brary  purchased  at  the  Methodist  book 
rooms  on  Arch  streett.  At  the  age  of 
eighty-nine  years  she  visited  the  pla 
and  was  so  gratified  with  the  success  of 
her  investment  that  she  enlarged,  the 
original  edifice  and  placed  a  bell  in  the 
steeple.  Mrs.  Davis  was  also  instrumen- 
tal in  the  purcha,se  of  property  at  Sidney, 
Neb.,  for  a  Methodist  Episcopal  church! 
Both  places  of  worship  have  accomplished 
much  good  on  the  frontier.  While  unable 
to  attend  any  cnurch  service  herself  for 
years,  she  still  maintains  her  interest  in 
the  Methodist  Episcopal  Hospital,  Metho- 
dist Episcopal  Home  and  Methodist  Epis- 
copal Orphanage,  which  institutions  she 
has  been  connected  with  since  their  in- 

On  October  1,  1895,  Mrs.  Davis  celebra- 
ted her  centennial  at  her  home  on  North 
Fourth  street,  which  she  has  occupied  for 
nearly  a  half  century.  Nearly  a  hundred 
friends  visited  her  at  the  time.  Although 
she  was  suffering  from  rheumatism  at  the 
time  and  unable  to  move  about  much,  her 
mind  was  active  and  clear  as  she  chatted 
with  her  friends  upon  the  topics  of  the 
day  and  thanked  them  for  their  many 
tokens  of  remembrance.  For  six  years 
past  Mrs.  Davis  has  not  crossed  the 
threshold  of  her  front  door,  and  for  over 
two  years  she  has  been  confined  to  her 
bed  room.  She  saw  nothing  of  the  recent 
blizzard,  not  even  from  the  windows  of 
her  chamber,  for  about  that  time  she  was 
obliged  to  seek  her  bed,  owing  to  her 
present  illness. 

About  twenty-five  years  ago  her  great* 
niece,  Miss  Hannah  C.  Spain,  who  came 
to  Philadelphia  to  visit  her,  nursed  her 
through  a  very  severe  illness.  As  a  ser- 
vice of  love  and  duty  Miss  Spain  has  re- 
mained with  her  since  as  companion, 
nurse  and  housekeeper. 

After  living  more  than  three  years  over 
the  century  mark,  Mrs.  Davis  has  Joined 
the  Generai,jAfayfittSL_Clia.Qter.     Daueh-  I 

lers  of  the  American  Revolution,  lo 
at  Atlantic  City.  Through  friends 
made  application  in  January  last,  wa 
:epted,  ajid  on  February  11  she  reo 
L  gold-plated  spoon  as  a  token,  beir 
original  Daughter  of  the  Revolution. 
Davis  prizes  this  gift  very  highly,  an 
it  secreted  in  a  chest  that  contains 
other  treasures. 



The  Story  of  a  Famous   Hom.-stea'' 
Soraers'    Point.  ', 

iiiry  tijint'ic  'aiiwl  tlie  oWieiit.  sec^tiair 
\\Iii:i  i'tB  Oiiiig'ie  ^'h-'mmfey,  wins  J'oi  ' 
I  JcHs  reai-ickl  'liy  Jbliin  Soaneiis  sofonC'I' 
I  ififir  Ihiiisi  puirtliviKe  of  this  plaiiitaitiior.'ll 
3,000  'a'<?!re®  fi'oim  Thoinias  RikIici  ' 
1795,  alntl  vfc  irals  t^Hero  tihat  Riioiiirihl 
Ms  soTn  "bTO'ivgih't  'his  beiaiutlfnil  y;vieii 
bnide,  Jn'cl'itih,  ttiie  da.ii,gih.te:r  of 
James  Lje'tlaii'tt,  tof  Atladia,  \\''h'o«e  at 
etl  fa'their,  Ptite'r  'Wlhii'te,  had  nu,  „ 
to  Alblseicom.  „^^ 

Thie  Sbtnier's  fom'iil'V  nlwia\-s  heluj^j^i^ 
ac'&ve  part  io  the  affaire  of  the  c,,,-^ 
trail  TSew  Jerteey  coaeit,  amd,  ^j. 
Freinlcth'  stirlaii'n  In  fh'eTr  -Wotod  impei^ij^. 



th«im  cotaisitlalnitaiy  to  -il-Jat 

fieM  o'f  advelnltuTie,       the      comiveinU' 

set).,  'vVhiof'e  'birefikerls  werrs?  ei\''eir  wip^p 

i'li   Niio-hlt.  of  thelir  'wliindbwis.       Oo'lo^,,, 

liik'iliia-rd'  ■So.mie're,  •tlhfe'  seicotnd,  was  p.^]^ 

file  'iipoTi   tlhie  side  of  luie  piaitirdoits 

tih©  peaiiod'  of  'the   Ren-ioil'ultuioui,  ainic 

wials  dmiriing-  flhSs  fa't^full  'ema,  Septi 

^'   -  15,   1778,    thlait    tine  thlin;      Kiieih'    J 

■^.lelrs,  tlh"»  tosit  hero  of  TuiipoiM,  4'^^ 

■  :     h'l:--  'aM     of     t(hie     aiinip(h.iibdi"N 

loniitlhi  of  flhe  cioalsits  t'hiis     in]elmlbeiri''e'| 

ih;e'  fb'UT'tih  Siolmie'rs  ffemeiraltiloia  tioiok^h 

he  -wlaltieT  allmios't  in   lili's     lolalbyihoiW 

Indl,  las  »  hiaindy  "boy,  Ihe  SQiiiliu^  u/p'^i' 

bhteiterte  >tk)  latid  fpom'  'the     ptortis    '''cj 

feivv  York     aod  rhli'l'adeaipMii.       Th    j 

t  tioolc  tb  fhe  Tim-y,  aind  ait  the  a    i 

'  'tiweinitly  hlald'  Avbin   h'is     MiTirainit      -^ 

iiidshiiipimia'Ti  iipoTi  +he  griaind  oM  frvg,^ 

•tei,   SItlatties,        of       fomfcy-fo^^T-j 

'iins,     tlhe'     flaig\?hlij>     of     Co'inimiodCj)^! 

Wn  Barrv.  ,.,,, 

mer  vacation,  haswi^tte 
Iplioti  or   Ibe  old  S(fcie 

Historic  Somers  Mansion. 

Itev.  S.  V.  Hoicbkin,  an  Episcopal  clersry. 
man  who  is  invesligatlnif  tbia  section  ol!  Ihe 
coast  during  a  Sum 
tlie  following  descrl 
luansion  at  Somera  Foint,  with  many  inlcr- 
esiinsr  facts  about  family  : 

"On  an  emincuoe  just  above  Great  Egg-  Har- 
bor Bay  stands  the  old  Somers  Mansion,  a 
dignlQed  briclc  building,  with  columns  of 
wood  and  briclt  supporting  an  ancient  piazza, 
TUe  black  and  red  checkered  brick  were 
burned  by  Kichard  Somers,  son  of  the  settler, 
John,  in  the  province  of  West  Jersey,  be- 
tween on&and  two  hundred  years  ago. 

The  Somers  family  are  of  English  descent 
and  bore  an  honored  name  in  the  mother 

They  owned  most  of  the  surrounding 
region  in  Indian  and  p  rovincial  daj'S, 

The  woodwork  of  the  old  house  is  quaint. 
Iron  strap-hing'JS  are  on  the  front  door, 
which  has  opened  to  generations  of  children 
and  friends;  it  has  welcomed  brides,  and  the 
low  doorway  has  seen  the  tears  of  mourners 
bearing  out  the  dead  to  their  long,  last  home. 

The  chimney-place  ia  wisely  preserved  and 
an  old  crane  supports  a  pot  which  has  given 
refreshments  to  hungry  soula  when  venison 
may  have  been  more  common  than  beef. 

George  Hayday,  Jr.,  now  owns  the  house. 
He  married  Hannah  Somers,  daughter  of 
Richard  Somers,  on  whose  property  the 
modern  town  grew  up,  containing  a  few 
hundred  people;  awelled  to  a  greater  number 
when  the  heat  ot  Summer  drives  city  folks 

Boarding-houses  and  club-housea  accom- 
modate the  strangers. 

Along  the  railraod,  adjoining  the  school 
house,  in  an  old  graveyard  stands  a  marble 
monument  incribed : 

"In  memory  of  Eichard  Somers,  son  of 
Richard  and  Sophia  Somers.  Master  Com- 
mandmant  in  the  Navy  of  the  United  States. 
Born  15ih  Sept.  1778.  He  perished,  in  the  25th 
year  of  his  age.  In  the  Ketch  Intrepid,  in  the 
memorable  attempt  to  destroy  the  Turkish 
flotilla  in  the  harbor  of  Tripoli  on  the  night 
of  the  4th  ot  Sept.  1604." 

"Distinguished  for  his  energy,  courage  aud 
manly  senseof  honor." 

"Fro  partia  71011  timidusjnori." 

The  sister  of  Lieutenant  Somers,  Sarah  j 
Keen,  oC  Philadelphia,  widow  of  Capt.  Jonas 
Keen,  born  in  1778,  and  dying  In  1850,  is 
noted  on  the  same  pyramidal  shaft  aa 
"estimable  for  many  virtues." 

A  pamphlet  prepared  by  Mrs.  Harriet  S. 
Lake  and  her  brother,  the  late  Constantine 
Somers,  gives  a  short  history  of  the  Somers 
family.  The  first  eramigrant  hither  was  John, 
cousin  of  the  Earl  of  Ilardwick,  born  in  Wor- 
cester, England,  1840,  He  bought  'land,  in 
1088,  at  or  near  Fomerlon,  Philadelphia,  The 
Bustletonand  Somerton  turnpike  passes  the 
Somers  barn.  He  married  Hannah  Hodgs- 
kins,  of  England;  aa  his  second  wife,  lie 
bought,  it  is  said,  3000  acres  at  Somers'  Point 
in  1695,  of  Thomas  Budd,  and  built  a  log 
house,  where  he  dwelt  until  he  died.  His  son 
Kichard  built  the  brick  house  at  Somers' 
Point,  His  wile  was  a  French  lady.  Judith 
Letart,  said  to  have  been  wealthy.  Their  son 
Richard,  a  RevJfVtionary  Colonel,  was  the 
father  of  Captain  Richard  Somers,  above 

Tales,  Talks  and  Personalities  of  the  Ol 

IN  most  of  the  narratives  dealing  witl 
the  achievements  of  that  illustrioui 
band  of  boyish  heroes  who  made  th. 
name  of  the  republic's  fleet  terrible 
to  evil-doers  from  1800  to  1815.  Rlchan 
Somers  is  interentially,  at  least,  made  i 
Philadelphlan.  I  alluded  to  him  as  sucl 
the  other  day  in  recalling  his  sublim 
death  in  the  waters  ot  Tripoli.  The  men 
tion  brings  the  subjoined  glimpse  of  ; 
corner  of  fame's  eternal  camping  grouni 
not  generally  known,  even  to  the  recon 
dite  In  the  bibliography  ot  great  deeds 

Dear  Dunols:  In  your  column  of  "View 
and  Reviews"  you  speak  ot  Commande 
Richard  Somers  as  a  Philadelphlan.  -Thl 
is  not  the  first  time  Philadelph 
false  claim  to  the  Hobson  of  post-revoli^ 
tionary  times,  nor  is  he  the  only  one  o 
our  naval  heroes  who  has  been  erroneousl; 
called  a  Philadelphlan.  Charles  Stewar 
purchased  his  homestead  at  Bordentowi 
in  1816,  and  died  there  in  18S9,  and  a  fev 
miles  further  down  the  Delaware,  at  Bur 
lington.  James  Lawrence  first  saw  th. 
light  of  the  dav.  Yet  both  of  these  heroei 
have  been  called  Philadelphians. 

Ot  sterner  stuff,  perhaps,  than  either  o 
these  was  Richard  Somers.  whose  exploi 
in  the  harbor  ot  Tripoli  demanded  equa 
courage  and  greater  sacriilce  than  that  o 
Decatur.  In  denial  of  your  statemen 
that  Somers  was  a  Philadelphlan,  I  ca 
as  a  witness  Somers  himself,  whose  wll 
begins,  "In  the  name  of  God  anien,  1 
Richard  Somers,  of  Great  Eg;gr  Harbor  li 
the  county  of  Gloucester  and  State  of  Nev 
Jersey,"  etc.  Beneath  the  escarpm. 
of  Tripoli,  lulled  in  their  everlasting  sleei 
by  the  song  of  the  sea,  are  the  bones  c 
this  hero.  "Within  the  grounds  of  th< 
Naval  Academy  at  Annapolis  is  a  monu 
ment  which  perpetaates  his  name,  and  ii 
the  old  family  burial  ground,  near  Somcr 
Point.  Atlantic  county,  N.  J.,  enclosed  b; 
a  brick  wall,  is  a  cenotaph,  whereon  1 

In  Memory  of 


Son  of  Richard  and  Sophia  Somers, 

Master  Commandant 

In  the  Navy  of  the  United  States, 

Born  September  lo.  li'S. 

He  perished  in  the  twenty-fifth 

year  of  his  age,  in  the  ketch  In- 

*,-or,i,i     in      the      memorable    at 


the   Turkish 

the  ni!;ht  of  the  4th  of  Sep- 
I  tember,  1804. 

Distinguished  for  His  Energy, 

His    Courage    and    His    Manly    Sense    o 


"Pro  Patria  non  timidus  mori 

The  house  in  which  Commander  Sornor 

born,  at  Somers  Poin'    •=•  =""  '^'""'^ 


ing.    The    only    pictur 

^rn?-Somlrs''was^mu-ch  admired  bj 
Washington,  and  his  hiographer  Dr^^  J 
B.  Somers,  says  that  as  a  special  token  o 

Slfj      descendants    ot    Constant    Somers 

^^?  rroc°L'^o1  TatJiSn' JS  ^no^-^b 
lxisten?e  one  of  which  Is  the  Property 
Sh^'"o7''th?'G?an^°L0dgt  o'f  ^as^aeSu 
tl,tl  anrl  a  third  is  the  ring  given  t. 
RtchirS  Somers  now  owned  by  the  Leam. 
<lng  family.  ^  j^j   HESTON.